The Transhumanist, Anti-Natural-Life Agenda: What Is CERN Really About? Whose Civilization Is This? What Is the Purpose of These Parasites Who Seem to Control This World?
“So the world we live in, we have to rewrite it according to how we gradually understand it now.
“It is our world, not their world. And we have to write it in a human code.
“But this is their civilization. It is only when we realize that, that we start our year zero of civilization, and we start to write our history.”
“We don’t really know anything about ourselves and what we’re doing here.
So when we start to see things this way, then we can open the windows… that the truth can come in, through.”
~ José Luis Sevillano
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
For those of you who, like me, have always found themselves observing from a place mostly “off the map” and seeking to understand more about the nature of our perceived reality, this video conversation hosted by La Quinta Columna will likely interest you.
I’m going to make a brief comment here about Dr. José Luis Sevillano’s speculations about the connection between Switzerland’s gold and CERN…
Last night I was listening to a man speak about the strange events in 1933 in the US wherein all “citizens” were directed to turn in their gold. It dawned on him, as he studied the financial history of what has now come to be known as the United States, that historically gold has been given to conquerors as tribute when a new power steps in (and a bowing down to or submission to this “authority”).
There is a lot of speculation about the events during that time and who intended what. It’s clear that our ancestors who were already living on these lands and those who came here seeking a freer life, were coerced, brutally forced, as well as bamboozled into consenting to be governed. And that somehow the clever pro-freedom word-spells led them to imagine that being governed could somehow equate to being free.
This mention of gold, for me, also brought to mind the stories of Annunaki and humans as enslaved gold miners. Michael Tellinger is one who has a lot to share about that topic. Listen to the video or read the transcript below to hear about José Luis’ speculation related to gold.
There is so much discussed in this latest by La Quinta Columna: control of humans and all life via frequency and induced thoughts, that strange project known as CERN, the creepy centuries-old connections between the various central global control locations and organizations, so-called aliens, underground bases and tunnels, the inversion of so much knowledge, the need to completely rewrite human history, and much more.
La Quinta Columna has always had the courage and intelligence to look deeper into what is unfolding around us. They don’t have all the answers but, since the start of the “covid” global-spell, they have consistently pointed out clues to what might be happening, have asked essential questions that few even thought to ask, and have continued to challenge prevailing narratives in the mainstream and in the “alternative” spheres of influence.
I’ve prepared some show notes, excerpts and partial transcript, which can be found below the video. Reference links and explanations are for the benefit of readers who aren’t familiar with some of the words used in the video. About half way through the video, instead of full transcript, key excerpts and bullet points are shared. I simply ran out of time to complete a full transcript. Any errors in the transcript are mine.
As always, this is provided in the spirit of conversation for those of us who have freed ourselves to question everything.
This is all about the questions and exploring ideas, not about creating or adopting rigid belief systems about how things are. It is also not about accepting whistleblower information as infallible. (None of us are infallible here. Not a one.) This is not about “believing” anything but is about questioning everything about our ourselves and about all that we perceive around us on all levels of perception. And it is about allowing the truth to come to light.
As always, no fear. We always have the power to find and stand in the eye of the storm, stay in peace and trust life on its deepest, often unseen, levels.
~ Kathleen
The E-Factor: Interview with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger and La Quinta Columna
by La Quinta Columna
September 22, 2024
Video available at Odysee & Rumble
Show Notes & Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:
Following an introduction to the Humania (Humanity) project which includes an overview of the key concepts to be discussed, Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano of La Quinta Columna, share conversation with Dr. Astrid Stückelberger.
Ricardo and José Luis speak in Spanish in this video. For the convenience of English-speaking listeners, their natural speech is covered by an English translation in a female voice. The video is available in Spanish at their various channels.
La Quinta Columna describes its work this way:
La Quinta columna is a movement of free thought, a website of reflection, of critical thinking of a creative nature, current news and dissemination of topics of interest apart from the current indiscriminate censura.
The fifth column has as its primary objective to show reality, however uncomfortable the truth may result from the nature of the events or news in which it participates, without being subject to damages and conflicts of economic, moral, ethical, political, religious interest, ideological or otherwise.
In the video shared below, Astrid speaks in English (not her first language).
Astrid is a scientist, researcher and teacher for 25 years at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and Lausanne (Switzerland) who previously worked with the WHO on International Health Regulation (IHR) and public health emergency management between 2009 and 2013. She is now a whistleblower, exposing the WHO’s attempts to tighten control over its member states and the entire planet.
The human being is in danger.
Everything that defines him as a species, such as his intelligence, his sensitivity, to his capacity for willful interaction with the environment, is at serious risk of being lost very soon and forever.
In fact, the process has already started, and only those who designed it, together with some of their implementers, know it.
La Quinta Columna, made up of free human beings from all over the planet, is on a mission to reveal to the world, the premeditated plan, that lies behind the events driving us in a near future to the integral loss of our very nature.
This project is the transhumanism, also called the fourth revolution.
Three characteristics define it. It’s universal, involuntary, and harmful.
It’s already being applied to us to all human beings, without our consent and with serious damage to our health, including death.
To this end, four parallel operations have been set in motion.
The health crisis, the deployment of artificial intelligence with its surface and satellite networks relying on supercomputers, the Ukrainian war with its political and economic consequences, and the climate change.
These four operations have a final objective to transhumanize a large part of our species within the shortest period of time.
From La Quinta Columna, we wish to bring together all human beings aware of this situation, in a movement of consciousness that we will call: Humania.
We don’t want any other thing than the awareness that we are in danger, and for that we offer you the evidence.
Everything starts from the optical microscope observation of the contents of the vaccines to be accepted very soon, if not enforced, upon the entire population.
What they contain is likely to form a brain-machine interface, and to be modulated from mobile phone antennas.
We have thus neuroscience developing an interface introduced by deception through trickery and coercion to all humanity, while implanting a whole planetary network of antennas with the collaboration of all governments in the world.
And on the other hand, a war and a climate change that will reset the economy, politics and our way of life to the point of ultimately subjecting them to the interests of transhumanism.
We don’t know who are the ones that are doing this to us. We don’t know what they’re trying to get by doing it, but they’re doing it.
A large part of humanity is collaborating in its own destruction, and does not know it.
Humania has arrived for the whole world to know. We want to stay being humans. We want to live in harmony with our ecosystems and with our fellow human beings. We want to take advantage of all our scientific technological knowledge, to put an end to diseases and misery in the world.
But they will never allow it.
Humania will help us defend what we are and what we want to be. It is the hour of humanity. Help us let the world know. Humania. [Humanity]
Ricardo Delgado:
Hello and good morning. Welcome to this meeting, this talk, conversation with La Quinta Columna.
And obviously we have Dr. José Luis Sevillano with us and also Dr. Astrid Stückelberger, who is our special guest because we want to talk about a series of subjects that we think are of great importance for the development and the future events with regards to human beings.
So we’re going to be partial in this meeting and we can talk freely because probably later we will edit some parts that they otherwise be censored by the official narrative and has to do with everything to do with the message.
So just to put this in context, Astrid, you know the empirical scientific result of the first part of La Quinta Columna’s research.
And at a certain moment in time we opened up to the energy paradigm in order to look into another series of entities that were purely energetic in nature.
And just to summarize, basically we have reached the conclusion that this type of entities direct or govern the world. They govern our civilization and they’ve been doing this forever. And quite possibly they also did this with older humanities that they’ve already resetted.
So in this respect, one of the subjects that we would like to touch upon is everything to do with the CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, based in Switzerland.
I’m not giving anything any new news because they might say that they’re going to discover the famous “God particle” or the boson. But quite obviously that is not its purpose, that famous physics laboratory that is located in Switzerland.
And so based on our research, we have come to the conclusion that this type of entity needs two types of energy, either to be able to survive or to feed themselves.
They prey on the human being.
And one of them is geo-energies, i.e. energies that are within or on the planet with a high magnetic content, or an electromagnetic content in an artificial fashion.
And bio-energies, which they extract from human beings in this case.
Even from animals. And this, therefore, leads to everything that we know about sacrifices or history.
It would appear that the CERN was founded in 1954 as a big physics laboratory, where the so-called logistical deployment and the economic deployment was to find the famous “God particle”.
And that is everything that they tell us. But quite clearly, that is not its purpose.
And we very much suspect that all of this has to do with food, energy, energetic food to these entities, i.e. these people, within this terraforming of the planet, they are generating the conditions that are suitable for a very probable appearance.
And so, therefore, what we would like to know is what it is you’ve been able to discover about the CERN, any information you might have, and probably amongst us all, we may be able to gain some more knowledge about all of this.
Perhaps José Luis would like to add something before you take the floor?
José Luis:
Well, I actually will wait until Astrid has spoken, because I have an idea that’s just come to me in the last few days that will surprise, I think, surprise people.
I mean, I think everything we’re living through is like a book almost, a novel, and I believe that the CERN, which is located in a mountainous area in Switzerland with underground tunnels, right next to the biggest gold deposits in the world, maybe there’s a manufacturing of a huge coil with a high level of conductivity, which is probably manufactured with gold.
And quite possibly these people are using the gold from the reserves of the Swiss banks, that they’ve accumulated since this existed, in order to generate a very high level field that allows them to exist. Not in an entry portal, but rather it allows for their existence in our medium in conditions that are kept very secret.
And this has to do maybe with the satanic ceremonies and the inauguration of the [?] facility, which is not far from the CERN, and all those tunnels that are being… exist in all directions underground in Switzerland towards Zürich and Bern.
And that… this country is plagued with tunnels. And it’s probably the only country out of all the countries around it that has maintained, even in the most awful wars throughout the last few centuries, they’ve maintained these tunnels to maintain the reserves of goodness-knows-what down there.
So, for many centuries now, it is a place that accumulates its gold as countries in Latin America did.
So gold is being accumulated underground, such as the [?] out there in Peru. It’s called the Golden Chamber.
And so those golds have existed everywhere. Energy entities, and like this, they can generate big electromagnetic fields.
So we’re not seeing a portal through where they can come in and out, but rather a condition — well, they need that energy and they generate that energy with those elements that they find.
And so they are quite clever. And they find these precious metals. And they make human beings accumulate these metals so that we work on devices that we think are for a certain purpose, but they’re actually for another purpose.
And so it’s another trap that they use so that we can work for them without actually knowing what for. And like this, we can condition the medium in which they can survive very nicely.
So to go to the CERN, to the 15-minute cities, is a question of power and electromagnetic…
And we see what they’re doing with our density in all these electromagnetic fields all over the world. And this will continue to be the case.
But the fact that they’re talking about the CERN — this is one of the main mysteries that exist — means that we are touching upon something — the existence of these beings amongst us — and we are discovering the reality.
And probably you, as you’re in Switzerland and are in touch with people who have worked on this, you may have been able to discover things that go along these same lines. And so it’s good for us to be able to exchange ideas.
Woah. Thank you very much, José Luis and Ricardo, for inviting me to this extraordinary approach to humanity, which is hidden to all of us. And I think that you’re the only one who goes so far.
And I’m very grateful, because I’ve always been very interested in going beyond and finding the power, scientific explanation, and metaphysical explanation to what we’re living. So we’re right here.
So about the CERN first, in Switzerland. I want to say that Switzerland — actually, you’re absolutely right. Switzerland is situated on a geo-biological apex of Europe.
It is the highest mountain is Monte Bianco that I see since 30 years from my window. And working with geo-biologists, the Monte Bianco and the mountains of Switzerland, from Zermatt — which is a pyramid, actually — and all the chain up to [?], are very powerful in the vortex of our electromagnetic earth field.
As we all know, free energy comes from the highest mountains down.
And so when I speak with people who understand energy, geo-energy, they say that Switzerland is a highly telleric1, powerful plant.
And many have gone to study this in the mountains, in the highest mountain. And there’s even a person who gave me a book that I can show you.
You see, I can give it to you. [Astrid holds up a book titled “Genève – Mont-Blanc”] but it’s written by [Jacques ?], and he says Geneva Mont-Blanc, a very high planetary energy field — because of his feng shui, [?], sacred geometry, geomancy, geobiology.
So this is important to know that very often — it’s not just very often, it’s always — the satanic and the dark energy comes and positions itself, specifically in places where the high energy are.
You have Tibet, you have Maui, who was attacked, and etc.
So the CERN is no wonder that, in fact, the CERN is situated like a broadband from the Mont-Blanc down to Geneva. That’s how they explained it, those experts.
And they can measure that with their instruments of high frequency, low frequency, and above its scale, which was known since a long time. Merme Abbé [Abbé Mermet] — and it comes actually from a lot of monks who were very advanced.
But anyway, so you’re right, I never heard about this gold, but it makes completely sense why Switzerland has become the root of where even the CIA is based.
I have documents here. Ten reasons why Switzerland is home to the CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, is because all the UN agencies, the most important, are in Geneva. And the Bank, the International Bank of Settlement, which decides for the gold, for everything, is in Basel, which is Baal, where Stückenberger is from origin of Baal… So I’ve been interested in the story.
So this makes sense, I want to say energetically. Now, I’ll just give one more information.
So I was very interested in the CERN, and I had relations with them because they are part of the United Nations. Nobody knows this, but they have exactly the same type of documents and agreements.
It’s always the same thing referring to the International Court of Justice, the UN, and it was the history — dates just after the World War. You know, all the Nazis were in Switzerland, and they started rebuilding this UN Euro lab, and the Euro lab with CERN2.
CERN is, it stands for European Council for Nuclear Research, but actually it was — the first resolution was in 1952 and 11 countries signed an agreement of provisional countries in 1953. And then more and more came. And then there was a convention. And then now, I mean, the United States is part of it, etc.
So they have a name CERN that refers to Cernunnos, which is the god of the deer, and you can go and look at the history of where it is situated.3
It is an altar of Appolyon [also spelled Apollyon] and this altar is actually a cult, a cult for evil.
And they are having cults… I had just last week, a French priest, exorcist, said that he was there when they have killed the baby on the altar of Shiva, this symbol that you see in CERN.
So I’m just taking case studies to exemplify things that are hidden to us. You can even see on YouTube a video of the CERN making their cult in the CERN.
So it is a very mysterious place, it’s a place where I have been for scientific collaboration for showing what they do at the UN Open Day. And I was always shocked to see very old officers. The museum is pitiful, like if they don’t do anything, like they’re all, you know, old presidents who don’t know how to decorate the buildings. And when you know what they’re doing, it’s absolutely crazy.
And I will say one more thing, and then we can discuss more in detail. I encountered — I’ve always been interested to meet those nuclear physicists. And I was in Portugal in 2016 for the kind of wedding dinner, and I was lucky enough to not be at a boring table, I was with two physicists, nuclear from the CERN.
So the whole dinner, I bombarded them with questions. And my key question was: how many dimensions do we have in this world. Because we know one, two, three, four, some say there are six. Michio Kaku says there are 11. But, in fact, they said 17. Very clearly.
And I said ‘is there an agreement with the whole CERN that there are 17 dimensions?’. He said ‘yes’. I said, ‘so where is it published?’. They couldn’t answer that. And I said ‘give me a proof’, (I’m making it short), but ‘give me a proof’. And they said that something extraordinary that happened.
And that’s when they said, (I might have said that before), but that’s when they said ‘well, we have a portal of the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider4, you know, where they put all our subatomic experiment, and they were sitting in front of that door. And they opened the LHC, and another being came out, and sat at the table.
And I said ‘what type of entity is that, what type of being?’. And they said ‘We can’t describe. We don’t know. We are just second-hand in the CERN, we know that.’
And then I said, ‘Well did it come back?’ And he said ‘Yes, they came back.’ And this being, it left a scarf. ‘What type of scarf?’. I was like very puzzled. And they had not more information, but they had that information in 2016.
And it’s confirmed now by the CERN agenda. Just to go and type the CERN research agenda and the director called Sergio Bertolucci. On 8th of April, when there was the eclipse, there was a whole, a big propaganda that the CERN was going to roll out their activity again with the Large Hadron Collider LHC.
And this director said in a report that he was expecting beings to come through the portal — entities, he said entities. He said the word entities. And he says that they’re exploring ways in which extra dimensional space and entities might interact with our own
That’s very important for what you’re doing.
The second thing is that the research agenda has different topics that we can go in details another time. It’s entities, extra dimensional dimension with entities coming in and out, portals. The other one is wormholes. The other one is black holes. Another one is space time change.
There are many others like that. All the things that nobody understands. It’s like you know micro lab at one point nobody understands, and space is exactly the same. So we are in front of something not normal, that nobody knows. And it’s great we can talk about it here.
Well there is something very interesting in what you said because you’ve spoken in terms of inter-dimensional portals whereby these type of entities would come in and out.
For us, all of this is a kind of confusion. It’s there to confuse us, because they don’t need a portal to come in and out. What they need is electromagnetic density to be able to manifest themselves.
And CERN is not a portal. It is that electromagnetic density that is manifest probably through very strong magnets and electromagnetic fields.
And, in fact, in the introduction that you have done, yes, Mont Blanc, the mountain, the first condition is that it is a geomagnetic field of the energies that they need. And then the second thing, the bioenergy you referred to, you said that sacrifices are done there. So therefore they have the necessary conditions to be able to coexist.
I’m going to allow José Luis to take the floor now
José Luis:
Yes, the most innovative thing here, because what it’s all about is that lately we have a mindset in that inter-gloom there whereby we create a barrier in terms of all the concepts that they’ve conveyed to us from parascience or official science, and we try to look at things in a different way.
We try to think out of the box as it said. Because otherwise we’re managing incorrect concepts as they want us to do. Because we realize that the information comes from them. So we constantly place a shield around us.
In terms of the wormhole, for example, and the energy portal, in our opinion, we think these hide a trap. They try to induce that in our minds. And it’s because they actually come from other dimensions or elsewhere. That’s what they say.
Whereas we know that they govern everything. And what they’re doing is hiding themselves behind that idea, and that there are portals, that they come from elsewhere, so that we don’t realize that they actually live amongst us.
The difference from us is that we know that they are here and that they need an energy, and an extra contribution of energy to be able to manifest themselves, before our ability to perceive them.
And so, therefore, what we’re seeing lately is a global manifestation of these entities in our reality. And it could be called the apocalypsies or other religious terms because I’m sure they’ve manipulated those texts too.
But basically that translates into the idea that they are attempting to be present amongst us as they already were in the past, in older civilizations. And there’s ample proof of that in our own physical world with drawings of them, stories about them, carvings in stone.
So we know that these people were here and they were visible for older humanities and for us. There are certain cultures that have co-existed with us up until very recently in terms of millenniums.
So this CERN business, we believe, is part of one of the mysteries that hides their presence amongst us.
And the fact, as you quite rightly said, the fact that there are governmental bodies of a very high level means precisely — that confirms our hypothesis or our thesis that those people govern the world, and they need to be present in certain places from where they can govern our world.
And in fact, I haven’t taken a look but from the time in history where Switzerland started collecting gold, we need to know when those people then started locating themselves in that place in the world. Since when are they there and governing the world?
There were centers of the world elsewhere, but when did it go to the center of Europe and when did they start looking at the possibility of being able to create the necessary machinery to manifest themselves to us?
José Luis, this business about gold, I think it’s because of the high conductivity it has. Is that right?
José Luis:
Yes, I’m not obviously a physics expert but gold is the third element with the highest conductivity I believe, whereas the micro circuits only use gold very occasionally in certain devices, giving it privilege over copper and other metals.
Now, why would they use only small amounts of gold in some circuits to give greater quality and rather than using it, maybe to make it not too expensive, these circuits — but maybe they’re hiding the fact that gold actually has a higher conductivity than other metals.
In fact, gold impregnates the walls of the tunnels of the Kongkancha,in Lima, in Peru and we know that it is full of energy entities of this nature — where they carried out sacrifices, and where they go have always come in and out, and they’ve been described in the Inca culture. So we know that they need gold and mercury, metals of high conductivity, to manifest themselves or to relate with us.
So the fact that gold is the third element in terms of conductivity and they gather it. It’s not a precious metal for us. It’s not us that say it’s a precious metal, vis-a-vis others. It’s them that say these are precious metals. And then we have to get it out of the mines and gather it, and consider it precious, and place it in certain places.
But if I had access to CERN and could find out what those coils were made out of, I’m sure there would be gold there. And it’s interesting to know that a huge coil might be impregnated or mixed,\, to be able to create an alloy or even pure gold that is next to the highest reserves of gold in the world.
It just seems like chance or random, but there’s no, it’s not by chance at all. And if we take into account the E-factor — which for us is that those that govern the world, that represent those who govern the world — that’s when we start to understand how the world works, why the CERN is in Switzerland, why everything is underground in tunnels.
So for us this is one of the many mysteries where we can look into this and discover what world we’re living in under this idea of the E-factor.
I don’t know if you’ve been able to read the book, Astrid, and whether you think these ideas might be true, but when you start looking at things in this light you see the economy, war, science, medicine in a totally different light.
Look, lately I’ve been drawing up a list of authors, famous writers, who have been parasitized, prayed upon by these beings to insert thoughts into human beings.
So even the culture that we’ve inherited from times back, they’ve actually taken possession of the authors and they have used them to convey messages.
So there’s no manifestation in our culture. It’s not their culture through ours. And we can’t know that what surrounds us is their world. It’s ours.
I just want to say that this is really a passionately interesting work of fiction. So really these reserves in the paving of Zurich is being used for the construction of the work in CERN. And this is the demon’s work for human beings.
Astrid, I wanted to ask you, when you talk to those physicists who worked at CERN, did you have the impression that they were developing any kind of technology? Collaborating more likely in our destruction, self-destruction? Perhaps actually realizing they were collaborating in this destruction?
Well, the physicists I talked to at the table, they were very kind and nice and looked naive.
But what I can witness is, when you go to CERN itself and you are with the high level people, they’re always very secretive about it and this is all about research, research, research.
But like you said, when now we can reread everything they’re saying, everything they have done, as I said, the movie they’re making is that it is very old buildings.
But this since “covid”, the pseudo-covid, they have made new incredible tubes above ground that look like some space ship. So what I think, like, I really think it’s absolutely right, what you’re saying. Where you’re going with the book is that they are actually now manifesting much more obviously their presence on earth.
I have been there. I’ve met people. I thought they were alien from the club of Rome when they wanted me to get in. I thought this guy doesn’t look like a normal person. Anyway, I’ve met on my way.
But now everything that’s happening, of deception, and everything they’re lying about is so crazy that we have to do what you’re doing — is question everything.
Even the linear way of evolution, the linear way of history, the dates of history are not correct.
I mean, we know that, but we are very high beings and, for me, they also want to use, like you said, Ricardo at the beginning, our very high level frequency. They want to bring it down and they want to take off the gold from us, because everybody has gold in his being. That is something in biology, I didn’t know.
And some people who did the vax have lost the gold, which means the light, which means the vagues5.
So there is something about gold, which is also used in all the religious or the geometric sacred geometry, because it is also a protector apparently. You cannot conduce, like with other material.
So we have to look at both sides. That we are getting elevated and they don’t want that. So they’re manifesting.
I want to get back to how Switzerland was constructed. And I see now the origin was founded by the Knight Templars and Saint John in the 1300s.
And then what is interesting in the story that the Nazi started to put — the dictator(s) all came here. And the Holy See6 has a very important “Holy C”. The “C” is for CIA, they say, and it is because CIA is in Switzerland, headquarters in Switzerland. I was confirmed by a military, from the US military retired and I would really trust him and I never mentioned his name.
But I said, ‘Is it right that the CIA is under the lake of Geneva, the headquarters?’ And he said, ‘Yes. And I can even tell you there are 400 people, entities, living there. And that they have tunnels all over it. That’s we know this, to Jerusalem, to the Vatican. And the tunnel goes to Genova.
And I have a hard time to believe this, of course, because we have been programmed that we cannot live under a lake.
But the Russian army came. There’s a monastery on the other side of the lake, San Benedicto, you know, those guys who combat the devil. And I had a talk at the beginning in 2021. They invited me and we discussed.
And I said, ‘You have any manifestations around?’.
And he said, ‘Yeah, the Russians came, and they did it with a big submarine to go and look what is under the Lake of Geneva.’
So you have it there also — this whole power plant of granite and mix of the geobiological. I think there are many things they’re doing. But there’s one thing they do, they try to get rid of our power of electromagnetic field.
And in the mountains, it’s much easier for us to be heightened. If you go up 1000 meters, I know this from geobiologists, and exorcists and priests, because I think we have to read this in many ways. If you go high up in the mountain, it’s much easier to not be polluted by all their their horrible things. So we are safer.
So this whole Switzerland. So the Holy See has a base in Switzerland. It makes so much sense.
And Switzerland is called confederate, “Confoederatio Helvetica” CH. [This is the Latin name for the Swiss Confederation. This term is often abbreviated as “CH.”]
Helvetica, I say many times, “helvetet”… you say in Swedish and Norwegian, which means go to hell. So Helvetia, I never understood why they use this word, is the door to hell.7
And many people with the Appolyon, everything I read, a site, is that it is a door to hell.
So they’re trying to make a hole for themselves to block our own free energy and freedom. Beautiful Switzerland doesn’t understand this.
I always wanted to leave, but I’m here probably for my mission. I signed to come here, to talk about it, and to collaborate with you, because it’s a very important, energetic place. But I never liked Geneva energy.
It’s cosmetically nice, but the energy here with the banks, the Freemasons, the secret societies, this materialism that’s so, so hard. It is very difficult to take.
Show Notes & Excerpts (starting at approximately 37 mins in).
- Calvinist agenda.
- Attempt to disrupt and confuse the equilibrium between men and women.
“Why are they wanted to do confusion in this. Is because we create energy…”
“There is something there that we have to go and look into because they really try to replace a man with woman, and woman and man, and confuse everything about our own creation, not only geobiologically. Those entities are crazy…”
“It’s not just about human animal biology, but it’s synthetic biology, technological and alien.”
- Reference to the work of Robert (Bob) Dean on government/alien connection.
José Luis:
“So, well, what is definitely true for — whatever reasons, we don’t know exactly — all this is accelerating, has been accelerating lately, something we didn’t expect. So that we seem to have entered an apocalyptic stage that we cannot, we did not expect. And this is true, but we don’t know exactly why this is being done.
“Why? Perhaps we’re at a technological level that has allowed us to speed up and speed up, because these are not material entities. They depend on us to work in the reality that they live in.
“So they depend on us, in our work, and we’re not going to talk about dimensions here, but in this reality, our reality, material-energy-based reality, which is dense as it works, this is thick energy or dense energy. And in this reality, we are the only people that can modulate and contribute to the reality, but they’re directing it…”
“And now we’re at the moment where they are very, they’re all powerful because they are directing their societies, with total secrecy, and nobody realizes and they’re being totally effective in this…”
“So perhaps possibly in the CERN, you were contacting scientists possessed by these beings, so that they themselves didn’t realize they were creating portals and mediums which would suit these beings…
“So it was a German scientist after the war who talked about people suddenly disappeared when they wouldn’t collaborate in the scientific projects.
“And they were one or two people who were kept alive even if they didn’t collaborate because they were particularly necessary. But their thought … put into human beings’ minds so that the science that these beings want is being developed by human beings.
“So this is perhaps too big for most people to understand. It’s almost impossible, for most people to believe that our world is being directed by others. But this is the only way that we can really understand what’s going on.
“So the world, these thinking physicists are not so free-thinking or independent-thinking as we might think…”
- Creation of coils, isolators Insulator
- Creation of underground tunnels and underground bases, including the work of engineer Rafael “Raph” Kamler8
“So all beings, human beings who are able to develop great things are interesting for these beings and they induce in us this ability to be able to create what they want…”
“So what’s going on here is a center of research which is a human research base but directed by these beings. And they are experimenting with densities which are needed by these beings, so that they can finally manifest themselves in front of us…”
“So the general idea that José Luis is talking about, and I agree with this, is that these people lead human beings, talented human beings that they channel, so that they will develop the technology that these beings want, and they can manifest themselves indirectly and then directly in our world later on…”
“So this is why they are officially creating with these coils what they need. And so, when they talk about portals and dimensions, as you mentioned Astrid, this is the argument that they want to keep away from human beings. But they need densities, electromagnetic densities, to be able to exist and be able to manifest themselves to show themselves.
“So this is why they’ve placed millions of antennas of all around the planet…”
“And part of this fumigation, this spraying from the air with these self-assembling polymers which amplify microwave signal, that’s all part of it.”
José Luis:
- Mysterious, very tall, castles of the Rhine that have never been inhabited by human 0beings and could not have been used for defending routes
“So we are being fooled totally. Whatever they want to fool us with — at the top of the pyramids, for example…
“So the world we live in, we have to rewrite it according to how we gradually understand it now.
“It is our world, not their world. And we have to write it in a human code.
“But this is their civilization. It is only when we realize that, that we start our year zero of civilization, and we start to write our history.”
“Our civilization is theirs. They’re directing us. They’re not just passing through…”
“We don’t really know anything about ourselves and what we’re doing here. So when we start to see things this way, then we can open the windows… that the truth can come in, through.”
- Shares some information about the work of engineer Diego Hernandez
- Video demonstration of a football event and human emotion being measured on an electro-magnetic meter
- Correlation of animal sacrifice in amphitheaters to generate emotional response that can be harvested
- Symbolism used in public events
- The tie-in with religions
José Luis:
“So they are everywhere, these beings. Absolutely everywhere. Their rights, their cultural rights are directed by these beings.”
- Catholic church and exorcisms
“So nothing in our civilization, when we looked at these events, can be considered as real. Because there is a filter. They’ve touched everything that we’ve done. And everything is useful to them, everything that helps them to fight against us is approved, and everything’s manipulated. And we are made to think that we created these things.”
- Governments are working for these beings, and operate to protect these beings and harm human beings.
- CIA, UFO narratives
- Comets in medieval times seen as bad omens
“I want to say there is a constant. When I listen to you also, it makes clear it clearer that they need fear. They need despair, fear. Even a football match.”
- Australian studies on changes in hormones when fans team is winning or losing.
“They don’t they don’t want us to have happiness. This is a constant.”
- Media promotion of how horrible everything is.
- Promotion of mass vaccination
- The UN propaganda about “the future”
“They need to say that the world is a horrible place when it’s not true.”
- Difference between Christus and Fibonacci energies. Christus energy repels lower “satanic” energies. 9
- The “covid” injection to lower human frequency and transhumanize us. They also do this with vaccinating our animals.
- QR codes lower frequencies by structural design
- The importance of gaining more understanding of how plasma is used
- How the history of the Vikings has been hidden.
- Gods, demi-gods, etc. as part of history and not just myth
“Yes, quite clearly the energy that they use, or that they need, is that of suffering. And this is why human sacrifices generate the conditions to create concern, fear in humans…”
- The attempt to genetic-modification and vilification of tobacco, which has been used in healing by indigenous people throughout history.
- Recently nicotine has been shown “to neutralize, or offset, or even destroy the inter-body technology that has been into introduced into us via those inoculations”.
“So they have the capacity to be able to organize, control and govern our world to that extent. And most human beings will work and collaborate hand-in-hand with them, thinking they’re actually doing some good.
“Everything works in the same manner. Just like technicians and engineers, high level engineers, that may be working in the CERN, they think that they are working on positive things for the good of humanity, doing or making certain discoveries. Nevertheless, they are actually developing or carrying out the agenda of these entities, because it is in their interest to do so. And it includes sacrifice and suffering of many human beings.
“José Luis, would you like to add anything to that?”
José Luis:
“…This fight between species and the meaning that this has for creation on a global level…”
“But this, in terms of Creation, is important. Nothing is by chance. It submits species into very difficult situations to perfect these species. And we haven’t actually touched upon this yet.
“That if we touch about on this we come to what the Mexican chap said. He said the human beings, when they were able to have a high vibrational level, they could not be attacked by these other species.
“And, so those human beings that have a behavior that allows them to live full lives as human beings, and not vibrating on low levels but a higher level, they are protected by the Creation system. …”
- First part of our work is to describe everything that is happening
- Second part is to understand what we are living through
- We have been living through a physical chapter the last few years
- We are now coming into the metaphysical world and the meaning of all this
“Yeah, I really do agree with you all. It’s this hive which David Icke was talking about. This hive group that they’re trying to collect during those Olympic games and those ceremonies…”
- Misleading us through diagnostics including in medical treatment
- Carbon-dating is another incorrect diagnostic for historical records
- “I think they they are trying to lead us in the wrong place for many things with diagnostics…
- Essential oils of lemon and grapefruit for dissolving nano-tech.
- Cinnamon and black cumin seed oil are also mentioned for healing.
“I think that this business about the CERN, I see this as a neurologic center of their operations… And probably they will manifest through them — not through a portal, but because they have the electromagnetic conditions to manifest their density, which is the nature that they are made of.”
1 The term “telleric” is often associated with “telluric” energy, which refers to natural electromagnetic phenomena that arise from the Earth. Telluric currents are low-frequency electrical currents that flow through the Earth, influenced by various factors like solar activity and the Earth’s magnetic field. In some contexts, it can also relate to earth energies in alternative healing or spiritual practices, where it’s believed that the Earth’s energy can affect human well-being.
2 The “C” in CERN stands for “Conseil,” which is French for “Council.” The full name is “Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire,” or “European Organization for Nuclear Research” in English. Despite the English name, CERN is often referred to by its French acronym.
3 Cernunnos is a deity from ancient Celtic mythology, often associated with nature, fertility, and animals, particularly deer. He is typically depicted as a horned figure, sometimes with antlers, which symbolize his connection to the wild and the animal kingdom. Cernunnos is often linked to themes of abundance and the cycles of life, embodying the spirit of the forest. He is commonly recognized as a god of the earth and wilderness, and he is sometimes associated with the underworld and the afterlife.
4 LHC stands for the Large Hadron Collider, which is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator located at CERN. The LHC is designed to collide protons and heavy ions at very high energies to explore fundamental questions about the universe, including the properties of particles, the forces that govern them, and the conditions that existed just after the Big Bang. One of its most famous achievements was the discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012.
5 The word “vagues” is French, and it translates to “waves” in English. In various contexts, it can refer to:
1. Physical Waves: Such as water waves or sound waves.
2. Electromagnetic Waves: Including light waves and radio waves.
3. Metaphorical Use: Describing general ideas or movements, like “waves of change.”
6 The Holy See (pronounced “see”) refers to the jurisdiction of the Pope and the central governing body of the Catholic Church. It encompasses the Vatican City and its administrative functions. The term “see” comes from the Latin “sedes,” meaning “seat,” indicating the bishop’s authority.
The Holy See is distinct from the Vatican City itself, which is the physical territory. It has its own sovereign status and conducts international relations, making it a unique entity in global affairs.
7 The Swiss word for Hell is “helvetet”. Helvetia is the Latin name for Switzerland, often used in formal contexts. Helvetisk is an adjective meaning “Swiss,” derived from “Helvetia.”
8 Rafael “Raph” Kamler was known for his involvement in the construction of underground tunnels during World War II, particularly in connection with the Nazi war effort. His work focused on creating extensive tunnel systems that were used for various purposes, including munitions storage and hiding military assets.
9 Christus Energy likely refers a higher spiritual consciousness attributed to Jesus Christ (or others with “Christ consciousness” regardless of religion) that would include the qualities of love, compassion, healing, and enlightenment.
Fibonacci Energy typically relates to the Fibonacci sequence, symbolizing natural patterns, growth, and harmony found in nature, such as in the arrangement of leaves or the spiral of shells. It can represent a balance and connection to the universe, as this sequence is often linked to the Golden Ratio, which is aesthetically pleasing and prevalent in art and nature.
Christus energy often implies a connection to the divine or a higher spiritual plane, whereas Fibonacci energy reflects universal laws and natural phenomena.
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Cover image credit: Lumapoche

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