Toxic Brews?: A Close-Up Look at the Source of Nutritional Supplements
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Many readers of this site (myself included) have long avoided pharmaceuticals. However, many of us have spent a lot of money on supplements over the years as we attempt to understand the cause of body imbalances. Below you will find a series of posts (translated from German) by Next Level taking a close look at the science behind “vitamins” and the production of supplements. As we are constantly being reminded these days, we must question everything. ~ Kathleen
The Vitamin Fraud – When Toxic Brew Is Sold as Effective
by Next Level
translated from German via Telegram translate
February 11, 2024
The concept of vitamins is a purely human invention. There are no published, controlled experiments in the scientific literature that confirm their natural existence. In fact, no “vitamin” has ever been directly observed in food. The only places where they are “detectable” are the results of laboratory processes (the bottom of a test tube) after a witch’s brew of poisonous chemicals is mixed, leaving a dregs of the substance.
False idea of proof
Vitamins, whose size is estimated to be around 1 to 2 nanometers, are probably 50 to 100 times smaller than the claimed SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has not been isolated and detected to date. If one were to enlarge a vitamin molecule to the size of a tennis ball, at the same scale this would correspond to a tennis ball that would be more than three times the diameter of the Earth. However, the presumed separate structures of these molecules have never been clearly isolated and clearly separated from other components.
There is no real gold standard
There is no single study that documents the clean isolation and biochemical characterization of a vitamin molecule to establish it as a pure, isolated standard for comparison. Instead, it analyzes the dregs of a byproduct of food that has been broken down by numerous harsh and toxic chemicals.
The extraction process (“isolation”) of a vitamin molecule
To isolate vitamin C from lemon juice, you start with a simple glass of juice and take it through an alchemical odyssey: first it is charged with lead, only to laboriously remove the lead later. Then you juggle with ammonia, acetic acid and a parade of solvents – from butyl to ethyl alcohol, to acetone to petroleum ether. After it has been heated, dried, reheated and dried again, the whole thing is served to the animals. If they don’t get scurvy, you’ve got it: ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C, extracted through an impressive party of chemicals. Voila, science!
Synthetic production of vitamin supplements – a toxic chemical cocktail
The synthetic vitamins are made from petrochemicals (chemical products obtained from petroleum and natural gas), heavy metals and other toxic substances!
Professor Goran Nicolic and Dr. In 2015, Dragana Markovic explained some of the ingredients in commercially available vitamin pills.
- Vitamin A = methanol, benzene, petroleum sulfonates; Acetylene; refined oils
- Beta-carotene = methanol, benzene, petroleum sulfonates; Acetylene; refined oils
- Vitamin B-1 = coal tar derivatives, hydrochloric acid; Acetonitrile with ammonia
- Vitamin B-6 = Petroleum esters & hydrochloric acid mixed with formaldehyde
- Vitamin B-12 = Cobalamin reacts with cyanide (salt of hydrogen cyanide)
- Vitamin D = Irradiated animal fat/bovine brain or solvent extracted
- etc
Reasons for a positive experience?
Some experience positive effects when taking vitamin supplements, in part because of the placebo effect, which is reinforced by the expectation of a positive effect. But the variety and type of chemicals in the manufacturing process result in a complex mixture, not a pure vitamin molecule. This mixture contains harsh chemicals and byproducts that the body must neutralize. A state of high alert. This sympathicotonic state can interrupt other regenerative processes, where symptoms are present through the recovery phase (see UniversalBiology), often resembling a feeling of exhaustion. Taking vitamin supplements can lead to a short-term feeling of improvement, similar to taking antibiotics. However, in the long term, exposure to these substances can be harmful.
The vitamin fraud – a billion dollar business without evidence
by Next Level
translated from German via Telegram translate
February 11, 2024
Cochrane Collaboration: No positive effect from taking specific “vitamins”
Critics in particular like to cite the renowned Cochrane Collaboration in other cases to support their statements. You must have missed this extensive meta-study on antioxidants & vitamins.
The results of the Cochrane Collaboration study on antioxidant supplements is further evidence and deserves special attention, not only because of its size, but also because of the quality and methodology of the research included. With 78 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and a total of 296,707 participants, it is one of the most comprehensive analyzes on this topic. Its particular value lies in its exclusive consideration of RCTs , the gold standard of clinical research , all of which were conducted with control groups . This guarantees high reliability and accuracy of the results.
Another notable highlight of this study is the finding that antioxidant supplements, including beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E and selenium , had no positive effect on health. On the contrary, the results suggested that certain antioxidants such as beta-carotene and vitamin E may even significantly increase mortality . These findings are particularly important because they challenge the common assumption that antioxidants are beneficial to health.
Source: Cochrane Collaboration (study)
“Vitamin molecule” – A misleading term
The term “vitamin” is misleading. It suggests the idea of a specific, single molecule that is about 1 to 2 nanometers in size. However, the assumption that these molecules exist in an isolated form and occur precisely in nature is a misinterpretation forced by the concept of molecules.
In reality, natural foods like apples, cucumbers, fish, etc. work in their entirety – not through the idea of isolated molecules like “vitamins”. The idea that vitamins act as single, isolated molecules is a simplistic and therefore misleading concept.
What is sold as “vitamins” is actually a newly created product. It is created through a manufacturing process that uses numerous toxic and aggressive chemicals and is based on a raw material.
The artificial product “Vitamin”
A key problem in the current debate is that many people’s molecular understanding is not sufficiently developed. There is often a misconception that the end product – actually a completely new product that has never existed in natural food – is a single, pure molecule. This molecule, so the misconception goes, was isolated from a food source through extensive purification procedures, and its effects have been unequivocally proven in randomized controlled trials (RCTs). In reality, the final product is the result of a complex, multi-stage manufacturing process. The result is a new product or even a by-product that is created through many complex processes with toxic chemicals and through processes such as cooking, steaming and drying – in short, a kind of “substance residue.
The Vitamin Swindle – If it’s not a vitamin molecule, then what is it
by Next Level
translated from German via Telegram translate
February 14, 2024
Misconception of a vitamin product
Many users of vitamin supplements mistakenly assume that the extraction process is very simple: they imagine that specific “vitamin molecules” – similar to the seeds of a watermelon – are gently isolated from a fruit and then collected together to form a pure concentrate. In their imagination, these molecules then exist in an unmixed form in the end product and, detached from any other fruit tissue, have the same effect as in their natural state.
But this assumption is far from reality!
What is really the final product?
When people talk about “vitamins” and talk about individual molecules that are only 1 to 2 nanometers in size, it is more of a theoretical idea.
Let’s take the production of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) for dietary supplements as an example: In the laboratory, a process called the Reichstein process is often used, which involves several complex steps:
1. First, D-glucose , obtained from genetically modified corn (properly created through breeding), is converted into D-sorbitol using nickel as a catalyst.
2. This D-sorbitol is converted into L-sorbose by the bacterium Acetobacter .
3. L-sorbose is then converted into diacetone L-sorbose using acetone (known from nail polish remover) and an acid .
4. In the next step , potassium permanganate converts the diacetone-L-sorbose into diprogulic acid.
5. The diprogulic acid is converted into gulonic acid by heating and adding water .
6. This gulonic acid is ultimately converted into ascorbic acid via a reaction catalyzed by platinum .
7. The resulting ascorbic acid is then mixed with other excipients to produce vitamin C powder and tablets.
In short: The end product does not represent the pure isolation of individual molecules – comparable to the seeds of a watermelon – but is a completely new product or a by-product. It is a mixture (substance) that is created from a raw material through numerous processing steps with sometimes toxic and aggressive chemicals – basically the residue in a test tube.
Synthetically produced ascorbic acid cannot possibly resemble the postulated model of a “vitamin” of natural origin in an organism. Therefore, eating real food is the best choice.
To think about:
While formaldehyde in vaccines is rightly criticized, it is accepted completely uncritically in the production of “vitamins”.
The vitamin fraud – How safe are the supplements really?
by Next Level
translated from German via Telegram translate
February 16, 2024
Why “Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)” is also known as rat poison (source)
Did you know that “Vitamin D3” – an often praised “miracle cure” for health and well-being – can have an extremely toxic effect in quantities of just 1.5 ml (equivalent to around 300,000 IU)? In comparison, ibuprofen, an everyday painkiller that no one would claim is good for the body in small amounts daily, seems almost harmless.
Imagine: For a rat, a dose of just 8 drops of a “vitamin D3 supplement” containing 10,000 IU per drop can be fatal . In humans, 30 drops, i.e. just 1.5 ml, can lead to dangerous toxicity. But with ibuprofen we are talking about more than 2400 mg that is needed to be potentially dangerous – an amount that is the equivalent of 320 times higher!
How can it be that we talk so lightly about the health benefits of “vitamin D3” when the line to toxicity is so narrow?
Isn’t it paradoxical that we are cautious about the dosage of a drug like ibuprofen, but often consider uncritically high doses of “vitamin D3” to be harmless or even healthy?
To think about
The creation of a synthetic substance “Vitamin D3” is obtained by irradiating animal fat using toxic solvents such as hexane, acetone, ethanol and aggressive catalysts such as palladium, a process that does not mimic the reality in the biological organism, but that of the natural one The body’s balance with questionable chemicals is disrupted.
There is a saying: “The dose makes the poison.” But the fact is that poison always remains poison – even in smaller doses. The only thing that varies is the damage caused and the amount of effort the body has to clean. From a health perspective, it is definitely not advisable to take a toxic substance.
The vitamin fraud – A critical look at the irony of the health market
by Next Level
translated from German via Telegram translate
February 19, 2024
In today’s society, where distrust of the pharmaceutical industry is growing, many tend to turn to alternative health products in the hope of making a more natural choice. Ironically, however, many of these alternatives, including vitamin supplements, are in the hands of the same pharmaceutical companies that have come under increasing criticism.
The irony of consumer behavior
There is a remarkable discrepancy between the desire to understand the machinations of the big pharmaceutical companies and purchasing behavior. Many consumers invest in vitamin pills that are manufactured by the same corporations they believe they are against. The belief that just because a product is labeled ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ it is automatically better or healthier often overlooks the reality of the manufacturing processes. These products are not manufactured in an idyllic natural landscape, but in laboratories – the same ones that work for pharmaceutical companies.
What is really in vitamin supplements?
The production of vitamins uses a variety of chemicals, including those used in the production of military chemical weapons or known as industrial toxicants – formaldehyde, cyanide (hydrocyanic acid), sulfuric acid, ammonia, acetone, palladium, to name a few. This information is publicly available and can be found in scientific publications on the synthesis or extraction process of these substances.
The intertwining of pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements
It is a fallacy to believe that all companies operate exclusively under the name of the group to which they belong. Reality shows that large pharmaceutical companies play a significant role in the nutritional supplements market:
– Pfizer and Wyeth : With the acquisition of Wyeth, Pfizer has expanded its portfolio to include the Centrum brand, a leading multivitamin brand worldwide.
– BASF and Cognis : By purchasing Cognis, BASF specialized in specialty chemicals for health products, including nutritional supplements.
– Nestlé Health Science : Nestlé has invested in the medical nutrition and dietary supplements market through its Nestlé Health Science division, including through the acquisition of Atrium Innovations, whose brands include Garden of Life and Pure Encapsulations.
These examples illustrate how closely pharmaceutical companies and the nutritional supplement market are intertwined. It shows that the search for a more “natural” alternative often leads to the same actors from whom many want to distance themselves.
The decision for health products and nutritional supplements should be based on sound knowledge and a critical assessment of the origin and production of these products. The irony of opposing the pharmaceutical industry while remaining loyal to its products underscores the need for informed choice and a deeper exploration of health and wellness.
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