Why We Must #ExposeBillGates
by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 8, 2020
Welcome. If you’re reading these words, then it’s likely that you’re here because of the #ExposeBillGates global day of action.
Perhaps you’re here out of curiosity. Perhaps you came here to argue with crazy conspiracy theorists. Perhaps you already know about the #ExposeBillGates movement but just want to learn more.
Whatever your motivations for clicking on this link, I promise you this article is not clickbait. This is not a put-on or satire or a trendy internet listicle. The #ExposeBillGates movement is deadly serious, and it aims to alert the public to the real dangers of the world that are coming into view: a world of lockdowns and quarantines, masks and vaccines, checkpoints and immunity passports, cashless payments and biometric IDs.
So the first question you might be asking is: why Bill Gates? Why are all these people on the internet trying to warn about Bill Gates in the midst of this global pandemic? Isn’t Gates a philanthropist who’s trying to help the world out by donating his fortune to good causes?
It was to answer that very question that I created my feature-length documentary on this subject, Who Is Bill Gates?
If you haven’t watched it already, please do so in the player above. You can also follow this link to access the full transcript and audio/video downloads completely for free.
But if you need a bit more information before you invest your time in watching a two-hour documentary, here are some important issues for you to explore, along with some suggestions for further reading and viewing that will help you get caught up on the reasons that we need to #ExposeBillGates.
Bill Gates is not a selfless philanthropist
When he set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife and his father around the turn of the 21st century, Bill Gates went from villain to superhero in the public imagination seemingly overnight. No longer a reviled monopolist who built his Microsoft empire on the back of glitchy software and out of a ruthless desire to squash his competition, Gates was suddenly seen as a selfless philanthropist, generously giving away his fortune for the benefit of the world.
What few realize is that Gates’ philanthropy is hardly selfless. He “generously” donates to causes that directly benefit his family (like his $80 million gift to the prestigious private school that his own children attend) and his business interests. His foundation has even provided hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to corporations like Merck, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Vodafone, Sanofi, Ericsson, LG, Medtronic, and Teva in which his foundation trust holds corporate stocks and bonds.
This self-serving “giving” might account for the striking fact that, over the past decade of his “philanthropy,” Gates’ net worth has actually doubled, from $50 billion to over $100 billion.
Suggested further reading: Bill Gates’s Charity Paradox
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has monopolized the global health industry
Gates’ unique brand of philanthropy doesn’t simply benefit his family financially. It also affords him unprecedented power in the field of global public health, where his foundation directs much of its funds. It is remarkable that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the second-largest donor to the World Health Organization (WHO), right behind the US government. In fact, if the US government does withdraw its funding from the WHO next year as it is currently threatening to do, the Gates Foundation will be the single largest funding source for the group.
But Gates’ influence extends far beyond the WHO. The Gates Foundation co-founded the Global Fund to Fight AIDS; the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents; the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations; Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; the Stop TB Partnership; and seemingly every other major global health initiative of the past two decades.
To many, the fact that Gates’ funding is behind all of these initiatives is just another sign that Gates is serious in his pledge to devote his wealth to charitable causes. But a growing number of people around the world see the outsized influence of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a cause for concern. By funding individual health initiatives and entire organizations into existence, Gates has garnered the ability to direct research priorities and even to determine what forms of medical intervention are used to treat various diseases.
As the WHO’s own malaria chief, Dr. Arata Kochi warned in an internal memo, Gates’ influence means that the world’s leading malaria scientists are now “locked up in a ‘cartel’ with their own research funding being linked to those of others within the group” and that the foundation is “stifling debate on the best ways to treat and combat malaria, prioritizing only those methods that relied on new technology or developing new drugs.”
Suggested further reading: Bill Gates’ Web Of Dark Money And Influence – Part 1: Philanthropic Narrative Shaping
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has been involved in illegal and unethical research in developing countries
The Gates Foundation has been involved in a number of scandals involving illegal and unethical medical research and clinical trials of vaccines and drugs throughout the developing world.
In 2006, for example, Gates funds were used to help PATH—a global health nonprofit based in Gates’ hometown of Seattle—embark on a five-year project “to generate and disseminate evidence for informed public sector introduction of HPV vaccines.” In India, this project involved a “demonstration project” for GlaxoSmithKline’s and Merck’s HPV vaccines. The aim was to get those vaccines included on India’s national immunization schedule. The Hindu noted that this “shockingly unethical trial” involved flagrant breaches of basic ethical guidelines, including 2,800 cases of children being enrolled in the program by wardens or headmasters acting as “guardian.” The Indian parliament itself wrote a blistering report excoriating the parties involved for their violation of the human rights of the study’s participants.
Other shocking examples of Gates participation or funding in questionable or outright unethical trials include:
- The Gates-founded and funded Meningitis Vaccine Project, which led to the creation and testing of MenAfriVac, a $0.50-per-dose immunization against meningococcal meningitis. The tests led to reports of between 40 and 500 children suffering seizures and convulsions and eventually becoming paralyzed.
- The 2017 confirmation that the Gates-supported oral polio vaccine was actually responsible for the majority of new polio cases and the 2018 follow-up study showing that 80% of polio cases are now vaccine-derived.
- The 2018 paper in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, which concluded that over 490,000 people in India developed paralysis as a result of being given the oral polio vaccine between 2000 and 2017.
Suggested further reading: Accountability of International NGOs: Human Rights Violations in Healthcare Provision in Developing Countries and the Effectiveness of Current Measures
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has practiced philanthropic racism throughout the developing world
Critics of the Gates Foundation have noted that its efforts to limit population growth (including Melinda Gates’ promotion of the highly controversial Depo Provera drug and other forms of injectable birth control) have centered primarily on nations in Africa and Latin America. The charge that focusing population control programs on these countries constitutes “philanthropic racism” is bolstered by the specter of eugenics. Indeed, the eugenics philosophy has hung like a dark cloud over the realm of corporate foundation philanthropy ever since these philantropic vehicles were pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation and similar organizations at the turn of the 20th century.
Eugenics is a pseudoscientific rationale for racism and classism that was massively popular in the United States during the Progressive Era of the early 1900s. It holds that the rich and powerful are fit, by virtue of their superior genes, to rule over the “infirm” and “feebleminded” and those with “defective germplasm”—terms that were used to refer to the handicapped, the poor, ethnic minorities and common criminals.
As a field of study, eugenics was largely funded by the philanthropic foundations that the late-19th-century robber barons had founded as a tax-free shelter for their enormous wealth. The Rockefeller Foundation and the Carnegie Foundation in particular helped with significant cash infusions into the Eugenics Records Office and other key research facilities in the eugenic movement. This research led to the passage of involuntary sterilization laws across the US and even the T4 eugenic sterilization program in Nazi Germany.
After the name of eugenics was tarnished in the wake of World War II, many of the eugenics researchers continued their work under different names. Thus, many members of the American Eugenics Society took up work in the offices of John D. Rockefeller III’s Population Council, and Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control League—which had boasted prominent members of the American Eugenics Society on its board—morphed into Planned Parenthood, which was led for many years by a director of the American Eugenics Society, Alan Guttmacher. Bill Gates, Sr. also served on the board of Planned Parenthood, a fact that Gates cited as being influential in his early years as a population control advocate.
The shadow of eugenics and racism still hangs over the field of “population control” research, a stigma that the Gates Foundation has openly wrestled with in recent years.
Suggested viewing: Exposing the Gates Agenda in Africa
Gates is helping to form a cashless payment and biometric identity grid
By now, the general public is used to seeing Gates as the public face of the coronavirus crisis. Mainstream media outlets have turned time and again to Gates for more information on the response to COVID-19 and the pressing need to vaccinate “basically the entire world” against SARS-Cov-2.
But, while Gates’ role in funding the global health field is by now well known, his role in funding other technologies that will shape the post-COVID world is not.
The Gates Foundation is tied to ID2020 through Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Also known as the “Digital Identity Alliance” ID2020 brings Gavi and Gates’ old company Microsoft and other corporate partners together to create a global digital ID system. This has led the Gates-tied Gavi alliance to focus increasingly on tying vaccine recipients with governmental digital health records and, ultimately, with biometric ID databases. Meanwhile, Gates himself has been a vocal advocate of India’s Aadhaar system, the ambitious project to enroll a billion Indian citizens in the largest biometric database ever constructed.
Gates is also interested in advancing the digitization of the economy. For example, he has addressed government fora in both India and the US about the benefits of digital payment systems. Also, the Gates Foundation helped co-found the Better Than Cash Alliance, a consortium of governmental and non-governmental organizations whose members are committed to creating a digital payment infrastructure for development programs and aid for the poor. This infrastructure, Gates and his cohorts argue, will help governments and aid groups to more effectively target and manage their aid.
But while the fields of global health, biometric identification and digital payments may seem distinct, they have begun to converge as governments and intergovernmental bodies start to imagine the “Great Reset” of the post-COVID “new normal.” Gates has argued that digital immunity certificates—combining the medical diagnostic field with the biometric identification field—will be necessary if life is to return to normal. That convergence is already reflected in the World Economic Forum-promoted “CovidPass” vision of a “health passport,” which would allow people to travel or prevent them from traveling based on their health status and proof of immunity or vaccination.
It does not take a great deal of imagination to see how such a health passport could be tied into the digital payment structure to prevent unvaccinated people from transacting in any number of situations that the authorities might frown upon. After all, Gates himself has touted the ability of governments to block transactions they disapprove of as a key part of the digital payments systems of the future.
Suggested further reading: Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine
This agenda does not begin and end with Bill Gates
Don’t let the hashtag in #ExposeBillGates fool you. True, you have seen in this article (and you will see when you watch the complete Who Is Bill Gates? documentary) that Bill Gates has played an integral role in almost every facet of the coronavirus pandemic and, more importantly, in the global response to it. But the point of #ExposeBillGates is not simply to stop one man, Bill Gates, from enacting this agenda and then to call it a day.
No, Bill Gates is merely the recognizable spider at the center of a web of organizations, institutions, corporations and government bodies that are acting in concert to transform the world as we know it. But these various bodies are all dedicated to the same vision of The Great Reset and the new normal that Bill Gates is, and they would continue to bring that vision about even if Bill Gates himself were somehow stopped.
There are many reasons to be concerned about this agenda and its implications. But even if we were to trust that Gates himself actually is a selfless philanthropist with the purest of intentions, no one should trust that the heads of the various groups, organizations, bodies, NGOs, foundations and governments who are spearheading this agenda are all similarly trustworthy. The amount of power that is being centralized in the hands of unaccountable institutions and nongovernmental bodies should be disturbing to anyone who understands the real danger of putting so much power in so few hands.
It is for this reason that people around the world are joining the #ExposeBillGates movement. They are seeking to draw attention to these issues, to work hand-in-hand with one another, and to begin a public discussion that will derail the agenda promoted by Gates and his fellow travelers.
If you share these concerns, please continue to research the information presented under the #ExposeBillGates hashtag and help spread this vital information far and wide. Together, we can make a difference.

Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
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