Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: Insane vs Sane, Demonic vs Divine

Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: Insane vs Sane, Demonic vs Divine

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog
April 27, 2024


Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), has long said, “The federal government is being run as a criminal enterprise. . . .not just a little criminal, but a lot criminal.”  Now, CAF contends what is going on in America is much more than greedy criminals.  CAF says, “This has turned into warfare against “We the People” on a spiritual level.”

CAF goes on to point out, “There is so much effort in persuading people to think there is nothing you can do, and it’s hopeless.  Let me tell you something . . . the central bankers are telling you what they are going to do, and this is not far away in the future.  You have all these merchant codes where you cannot use your credit card to buy a gun or the bank throws you out.  That’s the control grid getting built.”

What can you do to fight for freedom?  CAF says, “Bring transparency, and the second thing is to use cash.  If we can all use cash, build cash back up and keep checks going, if you have cash and checks, they cannot go to an all-digital financial system.  Find out who is leading the way in your state, and see what you can do to support them.  Above anything, you can pray because this is a spiritual war.  The devil wants you to believe it’s hopeless and there is nothing you can do. . . . It’s not true.  The sane cannot go along with the insane.  The divine cannot go along with the demonic.  You have to say NO!  I am seeing this all over the country.  I am seeing Treasurers and State Attorney Generals, and they are all pushing back because they realize this is insane.  You cannot go along with this.”

CAF says not only do the Deep State globalists want control of the financial system, but they also want control of your food.  CAF says, “You see at this level when you are trying to protect freedom, they cannot get financial control unless they can control the food supply.  People can always start their own currencies as long as they can grow food.  If you look at the push for financial control and central bank digital currency, it is the same push.  They are pushing to control the food supply.”

CAF thinks Washington is so broken, corrupt and criminal that whoever wins the Presidential Election it will not make much of a difference.  CAF points out, “Look at how quickly Speaker Mike Johnson caved.  Speaker Johnson caved for Ukraine and war all over the world, but he won’t protect our borders.  Mike Johnson, Christian, conservative and not a dime to protect our borders. . . Washington is a criminal enterprise, and there is no electing someone big enough to change this.  This is not Trump vs Biden.  This is the pro-centralization team in Washington.  We have to pull power back from Washington.”

There is much more in the 56-minute interview.


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Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Cover image credit: geralt

Catherine Austin Fitts on “The Great Taking” Financial Coup That Intends to Strip Us of All Assets

Catherine Austin Fitts on “The Great Taking” Financial Coup That Intends to Strip Us of All Assets


The Great Taking

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 7, 2024


Video available at BitChute. Download interview transcript.


  • David Webb, a former hedge fund investor, has written a book called “The Great Taking,” as well as filmed a documentary by the same name. His book and film detail how the Federal Reserve influences financial markets, and how its money creation has outpaced economic growth of the U.S., which is a huge red flag indicating that the velocity of money is collapsing
  • Central bankers and other globalists have carefully planned the coordinated takedown of the financial system using highly sophisticated strategies, including the manipulation of derivative markets. Whatever securities you believe you may own, you’re not the actual owner of, and when the derivative markets collapse, everything can be taken from you
  • While Webb’s work raises serious concerns, there are other more pressing issues that need our attention. Priority No. 1 is ensuring we have control over our financial transactions. We need to help state legislators to protect financial transaction freedom
  • North Dakota has a sovereign state bank, and the Florida State Legislature is getting ready to introduce legislation for state banking in the state of Florida. All states need to do this, as it’s one of the primary ways to protect the financial freedom of all citizens
  • Priority No. 2 is building and securing food freedom, and No. 3 is transparency and education. We need to educate people about the severity of what’s coming, so that we can, en masse, begin to make different choices

The video above features repeat guest Catherine Austin Fitts, a finance expert, and founder and president of the Solari Report. She’s one of the wisest persons out there when it comes to understanding finances and how to protect your wealth in the face of this global wealth transfer.

We also discuss the work of David Webb,1 a former hedge fund investor and a good friend of Austin Fitts. He has written a book called “The Great Taking,” available for free as a PDF from, as well as a documentary by the same name, available on CHD.TVRumble and YouTube.

Webb’s book and film detail how the Federal Reserve influences financial markets, and how its money creation has outpaced economic growth of the U.S., which is a huge red flag indicating that the velocity of money (the rate at which money is circulating through the economy) is collapsing. In short, a major financial depression is at hand, and when it all falls apart, we will lose everything.

A Financial Coup Is Underway

Webb reveals how central bankers and other globalists have, for at least five decades or more, carefully planned the coordinated takedown of the financial system using highly sophisticated strategies, including the manipulation of derivative markets.

Whatever securities you believe you may own, you’re not the actual owner of, and when the derivative markets collapse, everything can be taken from you. At the end of it all, you truly will “own nothing,” as predicted/promised by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

But there’s more. In her annual wrap-up, Austin Fitts reviews what she calls “many great takings,” because Webb only describes one of them. Wealth is also being stolen from us in dozens of other ways, and we need to understand them all if we are to protect ourselves with any amount of success.

“My focus is hugely on remedies, not problems,” Austin Fitts says, “and when it comes to remedies, you want to make sure you sequence your remedies against the enemy’s various tactics. So, sequencing is very, very important when it comes to remedies.
The important thing to understand about the great taking is that the World Economic Forum has told you what they’re planning: It’s 2030 and you have no assets. So the question is, exactly how are they going to strip you of your assets?
What David is talking about is stripping you of your securities, but you need to worry about far more than just your securities. You need to worry about your bank, which he touches on and does a very good job of describing some of the history around banking. You have to worry about your real estate. You have to really worry about your precious metals and other currency alternatives.
You have to worry about your business and your local investments and then yes, you have to worry about your securities. David is focused on just securities, which is why we did this section called ‘The Great Taking’ that goes through everything.”
Top Three Priorities

While Webb’s work may raise serious concerns, there are other more pressing issues that need our attention. Priority No. 1, according to Austin Fitts, is ensuring we have control over our financial transactions. Her focus for 2024 is therefore to help state legislators in the U.S. to work with banks and citizens within its jurisdiction to protect financial transaction freedom.

“That’s where pushback is critical,” she says. “If they can get financial transaction control then they can take everything, and I mean, everything, including your children …
If you dive in and look at the terms and conditions that some of these payment gateways are asking for now … you’re giving them permission to go into your bank account and take everything. It’s frightening.
So, the No. 1 thing to remedy against is financial transaction control. If you go to Solari, we have something called a financial transaction freedom memo. Print it out and start looking at all the things you can do to protect yourself from somebody controlling your financial transactions.
If they get that, The Great Taking is on. They take everything — real estate, securities, everything. So first and foremost, don’t worry about your securities. Worry about your banking and your transactions.
The second Great Taking is … food and health. The push to control the food system is on because to control financial transactions, they also need to control food because, if you can get your food and energy outside the banking system, you can survive without their banking system. This is why we cannot allow a 100% digital financial system.
The third Great Taking I’m concerned about is the real estate, because we see an extraordinary move being done to take control of the land, the real estate, including farmland, which is very much related to the food.
There are all sorts of games that can be played with the banking system to default people on their mortgages, and of course, interest rates and inflation are part and parcel of that.”

As noted by Austin Fitts, the process of reducing the homeownership rate has been going on for decades. It’s related to monetary policy, because inflation has doubled the average payment on the median-price home in America over the last four or five years alone. So, the younger generation is being completely wiped out and cannot afford to buy homes.

It’s also related to another Great Taking, which is the fraudulent inducement of student loans. Most of the big banks are paying close to zero percent for their capital, while students with loans are paying 5% to 9%, and those with credit card debt are paying 17%. “It’s an extraordinary differential in the cost of capital that’s literally engineered into the system in a very unfair way,” she says.

A System to Rob Us of Our Security Assets

Austin Fitts goes on to review Webb’s background, and how he came to the discoveries he made. In summary, financial regulators have created a way, through the custodian system, of robbing 100% of the security assets as a senior creditor, most likely through a default of derivatives.

Austin Fitts is not overly concerned about this, though, because while Webb believes a legal pathway has been created through the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), Austin Fitts and her experts don’t think it’ll stick. “We are still looking for a UCC expert who can figure this out,” she says.

What Webb has proven, however, is that there has been an extraordinary effort by the financial regulators to assert control of ALL collateral. Austin Fitts believes this was done to keep the financial bubble going.

“The reason I’m not worried about a grab of the securities in the near future is because I think the way you grab assets is by getting financial transaction control to the banking system,” she says. “Once you have that, you can do everything. You can take 100% of the assets, including securities. So, I think financial transaction control is coming faster.
I think in terms of sequencing, a grab of all the securities is not near. What David would say is, if they get themselves in a corner, they have to do it. My feeling is they have so many ways out of a corner, it’s not necessary. What they’re going to do is what I’ve seen them doing, which is pushing for financial transaction control.
But here’s what’s great about David’s research. No one goes through the bother of doing what they’ve done if there’s integrity in the system. I think David has proven, yet again, that the financial system is lacking integrity and is engineered to benefit a few at the expense of the many.
The other thing I thought was very good about his book was, he describes the game in terms of insiders and outsiders to the banking system through the Great Depression — how your bank could fold; you lose your deposits, but you’re still liable for your mortgage.
And of course, that’s how you get people’s real estate. You abrogate your income obligations to them, but then you hold them accountable for their debts.”
There’s No Safe Harbor for Anyone

It’s telling that Webb started this journey because he was trying to figure out how to protect his own family’s wealth only to, in the end, realize there is no safe harbor, not even for a financial insider like himself. The system is completely rigged from every angle. The sober realization is that there’s no getting away from this Great Taking.

We must face it head on, and do the work necessary to change the system so that it protects everyone. Part of that work is to make our political representatives understand what is happening, and that it is in their own self-interest to protect financial freedom.

Many of them are extraordinarily wealthy, and they too stand to lose everything if they don’t take action. They’re not insulated from this Great Taking. Like Webb discovered, there’s no safe harbor for them either. Webb’s contention is that the situation is salvageable, but we do need some kind of reset.

Just not The Great Reset the globalists have planned. One possibility would be to implement a small tax on digital transactions, like a fraction of 1%. The revenues generated from that transactional fee could fund the government, doing away with income taxes, provided we don’t have to engage in international wars.

Top Three Financial Drains

According to Austin Fitts, the top three things that are draining our wealth are:

  1. Tyranny
  2. The use of environmentally damaging processes like industrial farming instead of regenerative farming, the hardware required for the control grid and the electromagnetic field radiation that goes with it
  3. The control of innovation, which prevents cost savings

All three of these are alterable. We can eliminate these financial drains, but we can’t start there. First, we need to secure our financial transaction freedom, because everything basically hinges on that. If we lose that, we’ve already lost everything else.

Three Basic Action Items

Again, be sure to download Solari’s financial transaction freedom memo. It details the problems, and the solutions. “Do what you’re comfortable doing,” Austin Fitts says.

“One is using cash. And when you use cash, start talking with local businesses and find ways of interacting locally that will give you more local resilience. And of course, the big one is food, because I don’t know a way of getting food that is safe, other than knowing where it’s coming from and knowing the people who are producing it …
The third thing you can do is to bring transparency, and this is really important. If you go to Solari, we’ve put together a list of short videos on CBDCs and financial transaction freedom. The first one is the one-minute video of the head of the BIS basically saying we can make the rules centrally and enforce them centrally with CBDCs.
The second one is Neel Kashkari, head of the Minneapolis Fed, one of the 12 Fed banks, saying ‘I can see why the Chinese would want this because it gives you complete surveillance and control. But why would Americans ever let this happen?’ If it’s so bad that one of the Fed presidents is telling you you don’t want it, that’s very helpful.
Then we have Bo Li [deputy managing director of the] IMF talking about the programmability of money, so if they decide you can only eat bugs and no pizza, your money will only buy bugs. And then the last one is Richard Werner talking about a top central banker telling him that CBDCs, ultimately, will be a chip that they want to put in your hand.
We need to tell people what’s going on and help them understand how serious this is, because it’s hard for many to fathom that somebody would want that kind of complete control. With AI and software, you can deliver that kind of complete control.
With a very short video, one minute or less, people get it. And that’s the point at which you can turn to your state legislators and your state banking association and say, ‘OK, what are you guys going to do to make sure I don’t end up like the Tennessee truckers?’
What’s very interesting … the states have the power to assert complete sovereignty over the money and the cash flows within their area, and to protect them. Now, they haven’t done it. And one of the reasons they haven’t done it is the Treasury and the central banks have been very good at making it financially attractive to buy into the federal system.
[Eventually], it’s going to be more important to be sovereign and free than to get another $2 billion in education — an education that requires you to teach your kids how to be sex slaves.
So, one of the things you can do bring transparency, but start working with your bankers, with your State Bankers Association, your state legislators, and encourage them to take the steps. And if you look at the Financial Transaction Freedom memo, we list all the different things that a federal legislator can do.”
Why We Need Sovereign State Banks

North Dakota already has a sovereign state bank, and the Florida State Legislature is getting ready to introduce legislation for state banking in the state of Florida. Tennessee is looking at ways to create independent payment systems, and is in the process of starting a Bullion Depository and authorizing their treasurer to start buying gold and silver.

These are just some of the strategies that can, and need, to be implemented by all states. As noted by Austin Fitts, “The only way I can protect my individual sovereignty is if my state protects my financial sovereignty.” And states can do that by implementing sovereign state banks that are not tied to the central banking system.

“If you have a sovereign state bank, what that means is, your citizens are paying taxes into your accounts, and you have the ability, working with the state banks and credit unions and financial institutions, to keep the transactions going so that the Treasury or the central bank can’t lock you down or shut you down.
I mean, that is amazing. If you also have a bullion depository, then you’ve got gold and silver reserves and that makes it easier for other people in the state to have a depository they can trust, and that means they can start doing transactions with gold and silver, particularly if you take the sales tax off.
Tennessee has taken the sales tax off golden and silver. And there’s a big squabble now — several states have put in bills making gold and silver legal tender, but do it in a way where the Feds can’t charge capital gains, so that you can use gold and silver as currencies locally. It’s a great way to start a local currency.”
A Building Wealth Reset

In conclusion, what we need to do, first and foremost, is to regain and safeguard our control of our financial transactions. Next, we need what Austin Fitts refers to as a “building wealth reset,” a reset of the financial system that allows us to build both living equity (health) and financial equity.

And we can do that. While it may seem as though we’re on a speed train headed for a brick wall, and that we have no way to get off, that may simply be an illusion. We probably have far more choice than we think.

“During my litigation [against the government], I had many different attorneys, and they would surround me and say, ‘You have to do this, you have no choice,’” Austin Fitts says.
“And I would say ‘I refuse. I’m not going to do that.’ That’s a choice. And then, what would happen? Suddenly, an option would open up that wasn’t there before. In other words, my refusal to go down the pathway that I had no choice created a new choice.”

Remember that as you move forward. Refusing to be part of the system may seem impossible, but the very act of making the choice to refuse may be the very thing that opens up brand new possibilities and options. Certainly, there are paths to victory, beginning with getting state leadership to get onboard with sovereign state banking.

1 TFTC December 18m, 2023


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Cover image credit: MV-Fotos

Catherine Austin Fitts With Dark Journalist on the CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Biometric Control Grid

Catherine Austin Fitts & Dark Journalist: The CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Biometric Control Grid

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
November 30, 2022


Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts returns for a deep discussion with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and reveals how the Central Bankers have implemented a Worldwide surveillance and financial transaction infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, economically and spiritually.

Catherine has been warning on the development of the Central Bank Digital Currency and its implications for loss of freedom.

Today she’ll go deep on how the crash of FTX is an op designed at the top of the money pyramid to bring in the new system.

Dark Journalist Breakthrough Interview With Former Asst. HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts: CDBC Biometric Control Grid!

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Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts


cover image credit: fotoblend

CJ Hopkins & Catherine Austin Fitts: We Need to Talk About Mr. Global

CJ Hopkins & Catherine Austin Fitts: We Need to Talk About Mr. Global



[Below you will find CJ Hopkin’s introduction to the series. You can find him at his substack or website. His post was written prior to the release of the film (Part 1). Follow OvalMedia in English on Odysee or their website. Catherine Austin Fitts can be found at Solari.]

Referenced in the video:

Narco-Dollars for Beginners: “How the Money Works” in the Illicit Drug Trade by Catherine Austin Fitts


We Need to Talk About Mr. Global

by CJ Hopkins
August 28, 2022


So, almost exactly a year ago, I hopped into a van with a German film crew and drove to a little fishing village in The Netherlands to talk with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call “GloboCap” and she calls “Mr. Global,” and the rollout of the New Normal, and the Going Direct Reset, and propaganda, and totalitarianism, and the Federal Reserve System, and God, and other things like that.

Our talks turned into a four-part series, We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the first part of which is being released today … today being Sunday, August 28.

The series is produced by OVALmedia, the honcho of which is Robert Cibis, who has been producing and directing documentaries and interviews, organizing roundtables of experts and analysts, and trying to get the facts out to the public in an incredibly fact-unfriendly environment for the better part of two and a half years now. If you’ve been following my newsletters and Consent Factory columns, you have a sense of the oppressive atmosphere here in Germany, the censorship, financial threats, and so on. For example, in July, YouTube deplatformed OVALmedia’s popular German, English, French, and Italian channels.

So it goes these days in the New Normal Reich.

Anyway, Part One of the Mr. Global series will be available on OVALmedia’s website and on Odysee at 8:15PM CET (and thereafter, in case you can’t tune in tonight).

German versions will also be available on the OVALmedia and Odysee sites.

Parts Two, Three, and Four are still being polished and are scheduled to be released during September and October. I’ll let you know when the dates are announced.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Part One, which was shot on an old Dutch fishing vessel cruising around the IJsselmeer. Catherine and I didn’t do any fishing. Part One is mostly an introduction. We were exploring the question of how we got here … all of us, the world, and Catherine and I, personally.

You have to admit, it’s a little weird that a former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development in the George H.W. Bush administration and serious Wall Street player like Catherine and a scruffy itinerant Lefty author like me would end up on an old Dutch trawler together sharing our thoughts about “Mr. Global,” or “GloboCap,” or whatever you prefer to call the unaccountable, supranational, multiplicitous, non-governmental governing entity, or network of entities, or ideology, or whatever it is that is actually driving events in our increasingly dystopian era.

All right, enough said. Watch Part One. Here’s a teaser (click on the picture) …


Mafia of the Powerful: Robert Cibis Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts — “The Financial Transaction System Will Be One of the Primary Tools to Control People at a Very Intimate, Frightening Level”

Mafia of the Powerful: Robert Cibis Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts — “The Financial Transaction System Will Be One of the Primary Tools to Control People at a Very Intimate, Frightening Level”


Excerpts from video:

“Money is a tool. A financial system — think of it as a toolkit. And it’s part of the governance system. And the power is in the governance system. But there’s no doubt that the financial system is used for a variety of purposes, including incentivizing and controlling people. “


“So I would describe it as a change in the governance system. So it’s a change in control. And it’s a change in how the governance system is managed towards much tighter central control. But, as part of that, it is a consolidation of a financial coup that started decades ago. And you’re watching a profound engineering of the financial system as part of that change of control. Because, in fact, the financial transaction system will be one of the primary tools to control people at a very intimate, frightening level.


“In the spring of 1997, I was doing a presentation to the largest pension fund leaders in the country, in the United States, including the president of the largest pension fund… I showed him a simulation of how we could reengineer the federal budget in the Philadelphia area where I’d grown up and dramatically improve wealth and lower the government deficits. And, he looked at me and he froze. Wonderful man. And he said, ‘You don’t understand. It’s too late.’ I said, ‘What do you mean it’s too late.’ He said, ‘They’ve given up on the country. They’re moving all the money out starting in the fall.’ Now when he said that, I thought he meant they’re shifting allocations in the portfolio. I was wrong. What happened at the beginning of…fiscal 1998 (October 1997) is vast amounts of money started to disappear from the US government. And so, as the debt rose, money disappeared. And that’s what I call the financial coup. It started then, and as of 2015, over 21 million dollars of undocumental adjustments in the US government.”


“…Amazon never made a profit until they got huge contracts from the CIA and US intelligence agencies… So, in fact most people look at the US government and see 24 different agencies. What I see is a small number of banks and defense contractors who are controlling and running all the information systems, and all the payment and financial systems, and controlling the bank accounts. And literally, what you’re watching is a government that no longer has information sovereignty and financial sovereignty.”


“It was August 22, 2019. They [G7 central bankers] made a decision to take down the economy. “


“I don’t think Amazon is the owner of the Washington Post. I think the CIA is the owner of both Amazon and The Washington Post.”


The CIA are bankers because they control the largest pools of secret money in the world, working with the central bankers. So if I have 100% intelligence of what’s going to happen and why and when, and I have access to money that I can print out of thin air, and I can kill with impunity, then I don’t need money to make money… It’s the ultimate insider trader machine.”


“There is no government. That’s what you have to understand. There’s a group of banks and contractors who run this infrastructure, and if you look at the civil service and the president, they don’t control. “

~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Catherine Austin Fitts

Interviewed by filmmaker Robert Cibis, Oval Media
August 24, 2022


Filmmaker Robert Cibis interviews the former [US Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development] and investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts about the mechanisms of the interplay between politics and finances. She reveals how massive systemic corruption leads to the replacement of democracy with orders and control, subtly at first and obviously in the corona crisis. Finally, the two discuss the simple stance that can be taken to minimise further damage.

Connect with Oval Media

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Referenced during the conversation:


Catherine’s personal history: Missing Money: A Personal History — 1989 to 2019

Planet Lockdown videos:


Catherine’s article The Injection Fraud.

Missing Money web link at Solari

HUD Missing Money web link at Solari

Missing Money series by Kelly Patricia O’Meara in Insight magazine can be found here. Scroll down to “From Insight Magazine’s investigative journalist Kelly O’Meara”.

 9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

A copy of Catherine’s article on 9/11: Cui Bono?

Catherine’s article Deep State Tactics

Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board News Release: FASAB Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards 56, Classified Activities

The Going Direct Reset approved by G7 central bankers meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming USA on August 22, 2019 — see Summary – Going Direct Reset by John Titus

Cash Friday — Cash Everyday

Agustin Carstens, general manager of Bank of International Settlements tells the world in 56 seconds how central bankers will see everything, know everything, and be able to enforce whatever rules they want. They will have complete control:

See related:


Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Mark Skidmore: Update on the Trillions Missing from the US Government

Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts w/ ‘Dark Journalist’ Daniel Liszt on the Central Banking Reset Plan

RFK, Jr. w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: The Financial Coup D’Etat Hidden Behind the “Covid” Crisis | Who Benefits? | Linking Tech Giants, Big Pharma, Big Banking, Government & the Missing Trillions

Catherine Austin Fitts: Missing Trillions & the Secret Space Force Economy


Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: It’s Not a Turndown, It’s a Takedown

Catherine Austin Fitts With Greg Hunter: It’s Not a Turndown, It’s a Takedown

by Greg Hunter, USA Watchdog
June 18, 2022


Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), contends this is what the so-called “reset” looks like. High food and fuel prices along with crushing interest rates are no accident. CAF explains, “To me, this is part of the ‘going direct reset.’ There is an official narrative, and the official narrative is they’ve got to stop inflation. . . . Let’s look very simply at what happened. They voted on the direct reset. Then they injected $5 trillion into the economy that went to the insiders. Then they used Covid to shut down the economy run by the outsiders. Now, the outsiders want to open another business, and they are going to radically raise the cost of capital to the outsiders. What’s going to happen is that $5 trillion is going to buy more assets more cheaply. To me, this is part of centralizing the control of the economy. They are asserting very significant central control. This is not a turndown–this is a takedown.”

CAF’s view of the economy is simple and tangible. CAF says, “This is a world where people are trying to get into real assets that can generate a yield. Let me tell you what the problem is. Doing things that create value on assets requires the rule of law. We are watching a very significant financial coup d’état. We have talked about this for years. That financial coup d’état is turning into a coup, and you are seeing a fundamental breakdown of law and order in many places. It is related to people trying to pick up assets. We see cities where crime is off the charts, and speculators are out having a field day picking up assets with that $5 trillion.”

CAF says, “At some point, you have to realize we are in a war. We have an enemy. We have the power to win, but we are going to have to fight. If you look at our ancestors in the last 10,000 years, I dare say we have it in us. Let’s get out of fear and get into fighting mode. There are two roads. We can preserve, rebuild and protect the human civilization, or we can become slaves. If you look at what these guys are up to, death is not the worst thing that can happen to you. Do not fear death. Fear slavery in a transhuman society.”

CAF also talks about gold, silver, the CV19 injections and the fallout from them. She also talks about why it’s more important than ever to hold onto the 2nd Amendment and your guns.

There is much more in the 1 hour and 5 min. interview.


Connect with USA Watchdog

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Mark Skidmore: How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculation? An Estimate Based on a Survey of the United States Population

Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Mark Skidmore: How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculation? An Estimate Based on a Survey of the United States Population
The Covid-19 Survey With Dr. Mark Skidmore

by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report
February 24, 2022


[Video available at Solari Report BitChute channel.]


[S]he lost her baby.”
[O]ur daughter, her whole body shut down after 2nd shot. If her brother were not there she would not have survived.”
She had a stroke within days of #2 Moderna vaccine. She has to use a walker and has speech issues. She was in her 40s. She is a registered nurse.”
Cousin 47-stroke  Cousin 28-blood clots  Aunt 63-death  Friend 41-death”

~ Covid-19 Survey, Appendix 3 (Respondents’ comments regarding the health condition of “the person they know best” who experienced an adverse event from a Covid-19 injection)


This week, Professor Mark Skidmore and I discuss the results of his important survey estimating injuries and deaths following Covid-19 injections in the U.S.

There is a wide range of opinion about the scale of injuries related to the Covid-19 injections. An unprecedented number of adverse events are being reported to official surveillance systems, but because these systems are known for their significant underreporting, it is difficult to know the true extent of injuries and fatalities. A well-designed survey of people’s beliefs and experiences can provide a useful estimate of what is actually happening on the ground.

The online survey, conducted in December 2021, included about 3,000 respondents representative of the general U.S. population, who described their own adverse-event-related experiences—and, equally importantly, the experiences of people in their social circles. Almost half of the respondents had received Covid shots themselves—with more than one in six experiencing health issues afterwards—and about one-fourth reported knowing others who had experienced significant post-injection health issues.

Dr. Skidmore notes that if one were to abide by the CDC’s count of “rare” injection-related fatalities (CDC acknowledges only nine Covid-vaccine-related deaths), then statistically, “in a survey of 3,000 people we should see ZERO (or close to zero) fatalities.” The survey provided a different picture, however. One in twelve respondents reported knowing someone who had died post-injection—a total of 55 fatalities—and the people described as likely vaccine-related deaths were, on average, 48 years old. Respondents also described numerous non-fatal but severe adverse events like heart-related issues, blood clotting, strokes, and paralysis.

Dr. Skidmore presented his survey results at the February 2022 Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium III, and they are also available in his working paper titled “How Many People Died from the Covid-19 Inoculations? An Estimate Based on a Survey of the United States Population” posted at Dr. Skidmore’s Lighthouse Economics website. The working paper’s Appendix 3 includes respondents’ verbatim descriptions of the adverse events witnessed in their social circles.

The central question raised by Dr. Skidmore’s survey is this: What if the survey results, rather than CDC numbers, reflect the true ratio for fatalities and serious injuries following Covid injections? This would yield an estimated 260,000 to 300,00 fatalities and 1.1 million potentially life-threatening or life-shortening serious injuries—estimates that must be taken seriously by anyone still debating the injections’ safety.


Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari Report

Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny? — A Powerful Conversation With Catherine Austin Fitts, Aleks Svetski & Dr. Joseph Mercola

Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny? — A Powerful Conversation With Catherine Austin Fitts, Aleks Svetski & Dr. Joseph Mercola



Video available at Mercola BitChute channel.


Can Bitcoin Circumvent Economic Tyranny?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
February 6, 2022


Download Interview Transcript

Story At-a-Glance

  • Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts and Aleks Svetski, editor of Bitcoin Times magazine, discuss the breakdown of our economy and potential solutions
  • Svetski believes Bitcoin not only is the answer to economic tyranny, but to individual sovereignty, while Fitts believes central bank control mechanisms are still at play within it
  • Fitts argues for building a new economy based on health, cooperation, peace and transparency, and recommends investing in things that will keep you alive
  • Svetski argues that in order to build any of the above, we must start with an incorruptible foundation. The “language of value” (money) cannot be owned or issued by any man-made political authority; it must emerge organically as a transparent, voluntary ‘constitution in code’
  • A major hurdle is overcoming the globalists’ mind control and propaganda influence. Everyone agreed that this is why people must be educated across multiple dimensions, not just money, but health, individuality, philosophy, ethics, economics and more
  • Fitts believes a successful transition requires preventing the control grid from coming into place, and clawing back the money that has been stolen. Since 1998, at least $21 trillion, and perhaps as much as $100 trillion, has been stolen from the U.S. government

Today, I’m pleased to bring you two guests — finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, whom I’ve interviewed before, and Aleks Svetski, editor of The Bitcoin Times magazine and host of “The Wake Up Podcast.” During dinner at an event in Miami, Florida, Svetski helped me understand why Bitcoin not only stands out head and neck above all the other cryptocurrencies, but is in direct opposition to them all.

I’ve strongly believed Bitcoin will be an important tool to get out from under the financial tyranny we’re in, where central banks are essentially robbing everyone blind.

Fitts, president of the Solari Report, disagrees. She knows the financial system inside and out, having spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and she believes there are far better ways than investing our hard-earned money in cryptocurrencies, as the globalists have already inserted a number of control mechanisms within the cryptocurrency system.

Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, you’re bound to learn something from this conversation. If you’ve dismissed Bitcoin as a passing fad, Svetski’s expertise may assuage your concerns. On the other hand, if you’ve been banking on Bitcoin being the answer to the impending financial crash, Fitts may inspire you to rethink how you protect your wealth.

Our Only Choice: Being Controlled or Being Free

If you want to understand what’s happening to our financial system, I encourage you to listen to this three-hour interview. I cannot cover all the details covered in this article, so to get the whole story, please set aside the time to listen to the whole interview, or read through the 95-page transcript.

In summary, Austin Fitts explains how the globalists — “Mr. Global” is her nickname for this secret system of governance — and the central bankers of the world in particular, have since 1998 siphoned out and stolen $21 trillion or more from the U.S. government in a financial coup d’état.1,2

Thanks to this theft by the central bankers, the American retirement (including health care benefits) and social welfare system are not adequately funded, leaving millions of aging Americans with diminished or no Social Security or Medicaid/Medicare benefits.

The primary reason for the theft, however, is to reengineer the U.S. government and political system as a whole. In short, the globalists’ plan is to take over the government by centrally controlling our economy, and then declare everyone who was promised health care and retirement as expendable.

According to Fitts, if we allow this financial coup to continue and consolidate, Bitcoin and the Bitcoin community may help pull that coup off. As explained by Fitts, slavery is the most profitable business in investment history. Digital technology now allows Mr. Global to return to a legalized form of slavery on a global scale. The theft that is underway is ultimately intended to control people.

“Mr. Global wants a culled, reengineered population,” she says. “He is going for the people because that is what has the most value, along with the other living things on the planet — including the planet itself. All value begins and ends with living intelligence and life whether it is expressed in financial and transaction tools or not.

Mr. Global has created scores of mechanisms to persuade people to sell out [other] people using fiat currency — pump and dump, pump and dump. Dealing with it is sufficiently frustrating and has us all trying to create workarounds.”

A Different Kind of ‘Reset’ Is Required

Fitts is convinced that the best, and perhaps only way out, of this situation is to deal with the secret governance system that is impacting and frustrating all of us and take action to ensure that we do not allow an all-digital financial system to go into place. If we believe Bitcoin is the optimal form of digital system, the problem is not Bitcoin: The problem is if it is part of an only-digital system.

Fitts also underscores that currencies cannot work without the underlying economy being in balance. That means we need to invest in the real assets we need to stay alive and free, things like local food production, local businesses or a personal water well.

She stresses that keeping cash is important — that we mustn’t enter into a wholly digital financial system, especially one monopolized by central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and private crypto, which are in combination designed to strip us of both national and individual sovereignty.3



While Svetski agrees on some points, he still believes Bitcoin can be part of the answer,4 and that the focus should be on building a new financial system in such a way that it cannot be co-opted by anyone. The question, of course, is how.

As explained by Fitts, addressing taxation5 is perhaps the most important part of the puzzle. We also need to a) prevent vaccine passports and digital ID wallets and related blockchains from being implemented, as they are an integral part of the control system Mr. Global is trying to erect, and b) figure out how to get the money back that was stolen.

“There is $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government — we have no way of knowing what the real number is in terms of cash and credit. It could be smaller or bigger,” she says.

“I believe a successful transition requires both preventing the control grid from coming into place, and clawing back the money that has been illegally taken. A ‘reset’ in which the takers get to keep their winnings is a different world than one in which the equivalent value is returned.”

Can Bitcoin Safeguard Our Freedom?

Part of the globalists’ plan is to gain control of ALL resources, and they’ve made great strides toward that during the last two years. The question is, how do we get out of this situation and reclaim those resources?

As mentioned, while I’ve been convinced that Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, was a major part of that answer, Fitts has some very pertinent concerns that we need to digest and fully understand. We also need to understand what money actually is, and what an ideal currency would actually look like and how it would function. All of these issues are reviewed in this discussion.

“In 2017, I did a very long and serious due diligence into Bitcoin,” Fitts says, “and I had two baskets of concerns, one related to whether or not the Bitcoin exchanges in the industry were doing a responsible job of communicating with potential investors.

I’m an investment adviser and there’s a world of regulation about how you make sure that an investor has full and fair disclosure. It’s the equivalent of informed consent, in financial terms. You want to make sure the investor knows what it is, and what their risks are, and that they are prepared to manage both the risks and the investment, the custodian issues, before they buy.”

The cryptocurrency market is currently a nonregulated space, which can give rise to the absence of best practices in education and disclosure as well as fraud. Another concern is whether or not Bitcoin will increase our freedom or simply facilitate our enslavement by a secret system of governance by “Mr. Global.” Fitts continues:

“What I’ve said is that it is absolutely important that we have a financial system and a currency system that is not 100% digital. So, where I think the current leadership and central bankers are going with the ‘Going Direct Reset’ is they’re trying to get a 100% digital control grid and literally end currencies as we know it.

They want to move us to, on the smart grid, a transaction system where they have 100% control. I call it the covert social credit system. They’ve been building that control system for centuries. But since the advent of digital technology, they’ve been building it much more intensively, and much more invasively.

They have three primary lines of control. One is financial carrots and sticks. One is the telecommunications and media alignment, it’s surveillance, mind control, propaganda and education. And then the third line is covert operations, which can be regulatory enforcement, taxation or it can be, literally, covert physical intervention.

So, you have these three lines and they’re coordinated. But whether they say they’re controlling assets or they’re controlling currencies, they really control people. They control everything through people. And if you look at some of the regulatory proposals now for crypto, that’s how they’re going to do it. They’re going to do it by controlling the people in their businesses.

Anybody who wants freedom wants transparency in and around what’s really going on in our world, and they want to be not controlled. If we permit a 100% digital controlled transaction system of any kind, we will concede control. Literally, it’s the end of human liberty in the West.

For everyone who’s interested in building a better digital transaction system — and I would argue that the current digital transaction system could be made infinitely better than it is now — it’s inherent … to address how we are going to get this technology working for us, but not allow it to control us.

And again, I don’t think the control will be controlling the technology. I think the control will be of the people using the technology. It will come through the people, because that’s how the control grid has been built.

So, I don’t see how we permit an all-digital transaction system and continue to have freedom, as long as the primary hardware and energy in and around the system, as well as the people, are controlled by a secret central governance system.”

‘Holy Grails’ of Technological Invention to Ensure Freedom

Svetski replies:

“Yes, I agree with you, wholeheartedly. Did you ever read the ‘Cypherpunk‘s Manifesto’6 written by Tim May in the ‘90s? The basic summation of that is, as the world becomes more technologically adept, technology trends toward concentration.

In that trend, we could end up with a world in which we have total panopticon surveillance and control of people’s money. So … we need to use encryption to maintain private communication. If you don’t have private communication, you can’t speak freely. Right? First Amendment.

That was sort of holy grail No. 1. Holy grail No. 2 was an independent monetary system. We need a money that is independent of a state, and unable to be censored, controlled, et cetera. Because if we end up with that, then who cares if we have free speech? You don’t have free action.

I mean, you see it in Australia. The government makes up a fake law so they can fine you for not wearing a fake mask. And then if you don’t pay your fake fine, they just take the fake money out of your fake bank account, without your consent. So, whoever issues and controls the money basically has the ultimate power. If I’m the issuer of the money, I can do whatever I want, basically.”

The Central Banking Warfare Model

A caveat to that, Fitts says, is the central banking warfare model. On the one hand, they can print money. On the other, they can also force people to use that money through military intervention. “That’s part of where the liquidity comes from, so you have to have both,” she says. In other words, they must be able to print with impunity and kill with impunity in order to maintain complete control of the system.

Svetski agrees, pointing out that these two control powers feed on and strengthen each other. He believes the monopoly on money is the easier of the two to defeat, though, “because what ends up happening is that when the monopoly on money can’t fund the monopoly on violence, things start to fall apart relatively quickly. So, if we had to pull a thread somewhere so that the shit-show unravels, that’s where we may have the strategic opportunity.”

Svetski also agrees that the Bitcoin exchanges are a disaster. “We all say that you should take your money off exchanges as soon as possible and hold your Bitcoin in your own custody, as soon as possible,” he says, “because then that moves supply out of these casinos, basically.”

“We’re totally aligned with this idea that the last thing we want is issued money from any authority who has the capacity to build up enough economic power such that they can deploy political power, or violent power, in order to maintain economic power and create this situation we have today, which is, ‘I can print all the money I want and you can’t do anything about it, because if you do, then I’m throwing you in jail.’”

Systematic Corruption Is a Core Problem

Fitts points out that the root problem isn’t necessarily the ability to create fiat currency. At its core, it’s the corruption of governance and the rule of law. And while we could create a well-functioning regulatory system for any currency, creating a government and judicial system free of corruption is far more difficult.

Because it’s believed to be too difficult, people focus on workarounds, such as using distributive ledger technology to prevent counterfeiting and fraud, or a money system based on commodities like gold and silver.

“Those are both workarounds to avoid the issue of how do we create a great governance system, and then a culture and a covenant that we’ll enforce?” she says.

“Traditionally, it’s never been a good idea to make a commodity the backbone of your currency, because then your currency can swing around and get hiccupped for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with its role as a currency. So, there’s risk in that, but it’s a workaround.

One of the things I think is the most important unanswered question before us is that we live on a planet where the governance system is secret … How do we stay free in the face of a secret governance system, and can a digital currency make a difference?”

Svetski argued that Bitcoin is not merely another ‘technology’, but actually a model of voluntary consensus that anybody in the world can participate in, whose rules are entirely transparent.

He called it a form of “constitution in code” which, like math, cannot be changed or distorted like constitutions of the past that depend on the protection of man have been changed. Bitcoin’s integrity is rooted in the laws of math and thermodynamics, while all previous models of governance have their Achilles heel in the ‘word of man’.

Defining Money

Svetski defines money as the “language of value.” It’s a way to encode or assign and communicate value to the product of our labor. Fitts points out that one of the most critical ingredients that makes this communication of value work is having an integrity-based pricing mechanism.

“Civilization is basically a story of discovering better objects and better mechanisms for exchanging the product of our labor,” Svetski says. “Humanity is a story of finding better money, basically.

The thing that organically becomes money is the tool, the object that is fungible. As many of the units as possible should be the same. It is divisible. A cow, for example, is not a great form of money because if you only need a banana, what are you going to do, chop the cow’s head off? It’s not going to work.

It needs to be recognizable … it needs to be portable and it needs to have some element of scarcity. You can’t just create it out of thin air. It’s the property of scarcity and unforgeable costliness that gives us debasement protection.”

In many cultures, gold was a cherished currency for the simple fact that there’s a limited supply and it’s not easily forged. Gold is not very portable or divisible, however, so as societies became more complex, fiat currencies (that governments declare as legal tender) like printed coins and paper bills emerged. With good governance, the fiat currency was still scarce, and it was protected from debasement by being difficult to forge.

The problem arises when governance becomes corrupt and the issuers of the currency start printing more, thereby diluting the value of the currency (i.e. inflation). As noted by Svetski, “No matter how excellent whatever money we’re proposing to use, that is secondary to who controls it and who decides.”

You can have a perfect money system, but if the people who operate the system and those who use it are separate and independently controlled, it won’t solve anything because corruption by the controllers of the currency is a root problem. As noted by Fitts, a sound currency would serve an economy where the people and the real assets are in balance.

Two Sources of Currency Debasement

Debasement of the currency occurs when the real economy gets out of balance and you try and make up for it by debasing or diluting the currency. That’s what we’re seeing right now. Corruption isn’t the sole problem here. “Debasement can come from the governance system trying to cheat, but it can also come from a real problem in the real asset economy,” Fitts says. And those are two different problems.

One is based on trying to please constituents (or fraud), and the other is a structural issue that needs to be resolved. The manifestation and the deterioration of the integrity of the money ends up the same, though, so they’re frequently assumed to have the same root cause.

Fitts believes that our current problem is not so much a currency problem but a secret governance system that is harvesting the planet of extraordinary amounts of resources. By doing so, they’re creating a massive drain on the real economy.

Creating a crypto asset outside the system to protect ourselves from that drain can only work for so long, because it doesn’t solve the problem that there’s a drain on the whole economy. The question is, can we bring transparency to what is happening and prevent a secret governance system from draining the economy of resources?

Transparency Is Key

Svetski argues that currency issued by any form of entity, be it a monarch, a state or a hidden Mr. Global will simply bring any system back to where we are now. Fitts believes the solution lies in creating a decentralised market economy based on aligning living and financial capital and incentivising peace rather than war, and a requirement for that is transparency.

To get to transparency, we must first break down the system of mind control set in place by the secret controllers through the use of modern technology. She believes the entrainment technologies, subliminal programming and various mind control influences are an effort to protect themselves from transparency.

And just how do we break through the mind control that keeps us dumbed down and unaware of how the system works and how it’s being drained? Fitts believes it will require us to identify how the mind control works, and then set ourselves free, one by one. “Control happens one person at a time. Financial harvesting happens one person at a time. And freedom happens one person at a time,” she says. Svetski agrees, adding:

“I did a post the other day on Twitter. It said, ‘You’re very hard to control when you’re healthy. You’re very hard to manipulate when you’re clear. And you’re very hard to influence when you’re sovereign.’ So I think we definitely agree in that case.

I think it’s very difficult to control the minds of sovereign individuals because not only do they fundamentally have a disdain for what I call fiat authority, which is nonorganic authority, but they are interested in living as individuals, not as a component in some homogenous collective, which is basically how the world wants us to live at the moment, which is ridiculous.”

How to Foment Resilient Communities

But how do we inspire the others to follow suit and become sovereign individuals? First, we need a critical mass of sovereign individuals in a place. Fitts notes:

“The currency needs to be in balance with the real assets — food, energy and shelter. Let’s pretend for a second, to make this simple, we’re doing a community currency. How do we get the food, energy and shelter sufficiently independent and resilient in that place so that the currency can function?

You’d need a critical mass of people who are willing to do that so that they could outwit what satellites are going to do to stop them. So, I’ll just talk for myself because I can’t talk for everybody, but I think if you see where Mr. Global wants to take the system, you would do anything [to not go along].

We are better dead than going to where Mr. Global intends to go. So that means there’s nothing I will not do to stay out of Mr. Global’s trap. It’s clear you have to rebuild a healthy, responsible economy, and you can’t do it one person at a time.

Occasionally you’ll see a phenomenal person who can go do it themselves, but, generally, our civilization depends on cooperation and specialization — community.

Ten percent of people are what I call Net Energy Plus; 80% are going to follow whoever’s in charge, and then you’ve got 10% who are Net Energy Minus. The idea is that you keep the 10% Net Energy Minus in the corner, you get the 10% Net Energy Plus running things, and you get the 80% following them.

I think part of the key to a successful human society is that we have respect and love for all humans, but the Net Energy Minus has got to stay in the corner. When the 80% follow the 10% Net Energy Plus, the speed at which you can turn a company around [is tremendous]. It takes no time to turn it around, but you’ve got to get the 10% Minus in the corner. Put the 10% Plus in charge and it changes overnight.

The challenge that we have, and the problem I ran into when I was trying to do community development, is Mr. Global is great at finding the Net Energy Minus guys and having them do crazy things. So, the question is: How do we protect ourselves from that sabotage?

The Net Energy Minuses can be handled. The problem is handling them with Mr. Global’s minions, who are very capable and very professional at recruiting them, managing them, financing them.

I grew up in a very poor neighborhood, and it didn’t take long for Net Energy Plus people to find each other. Those leaders would just magically find each other, and they could control the neighborhood because if anybody misbehaved, they could cut off their money.

And then the government came in and made sure, whether by dealing the drugs or bringing in HUD subsidy, that they could subsidize the slugs. And then suddenly the Net Energy Plus people couldn’t do slug management because they couldn’t stop the drug dealing and HUD subsidies.

Predator evasion for not just ourselves but the whole community, whether it’s a network or a place, is where I’ve never seen us excel, and that’s where I’d like to see us excel … Good governance has to emerge from a covenant which is codified in formal law, but is embraced in a culture which does the primary enforcement.”

In Svetski’s model, the Net Energy Minus people are “the parasites, the jealous members of the masses or the failed remnants that instead of adding value to society try to extract whatever they can instead,” and the Net Energy Pluses are leaders and entrepreneurs. He weighs in:

“You mentioned, first of all, that transparency is important to counteract control. We need to build sovereign individuals in order to counteract mind control. We need to then take these sovereign individuals, enable them to build communities in order to become sovereign communities, such that they can better manage the delinquents and lead the 80% towards a better world.

You mentioned Mr. Global comes in like a wrecking ball and [destroys] it every single time, because that’s what he’s good at. He’s a parasite. He just wants something for nothing, basically. ‘You guys work and I’ll benefit.’

That’s the version of the world that Mr. Global lives in, which doesn’t align with the physical laws of the universe. That’s just not how reality works, although Mr. Global thinks we can somehow structure the world in that way so that we can suck from the productive people and get something for nothing. Unfortunately, that sends the world on a path to hell, which is where we are now.”

Why We Must Refuse Vaccine Passports

One solution that is very clear is that we must do everything in our power to resist vaccine passports and other forms of patent systems’ control, as they are a foundational piece of the digital control grid being erected around us. Fitts explains:

“I’m watching a control grid snap into place. The Russians and Americans have made announcements about regulating crypto. In the EU, they’re trying to morph the vaccine passport and now they’re calling it a ‘private digital identity wallet,’ and the tax authorities are adding biometrics.

So, you’re watching the financial system getting closer and closer to building a control grid, but that control grid is not so much control of the technology, money or cryptos as controlling the people. And it works right now. For the last 30 years, it works like a covert social credit system, but it’s invisible; it’s covert.

The covert operation lines are integrated and connected, but it hasn’t been made overt. And one of the reasons it hasn’t been made overt is they haven’t been able to bring the U.S. Constitutions down, although they’re trying. But at some point, they’re making enough progress with the vaccine passports and the QR codes, that they’re going to start snapping this thing into place, and that to me is what has to be stopped.”

Svetski, on the other hand, believes an incorruptible money like Bitcoin can play a central role in preventing or circumventing this control grid, because if the globalists can control your finances, they can dictate your actions:

“If your bank account is completely owned by me as an authority, and that same authority owns or controls what you say online … and if you say something I don’t like, and then I just turn off your money so then you can’t travel anywhere, you can’t eat, then I have the ultimate control over you …

The most important part in the control grid is: If I can just turn off your money based on what you said, or who you hung around with, or who you’re associated with, you have zero power as an individual. Zero. That’s the holy grail of what they want. They want to introduce the CBDC, tie it to your vaccine passport, to your movement passport, and then it’s game over.”

Reengineering Our Economy

Again, for all the details of this discussion, please listen to the interview in its entirety. In closing, Fitts argues that what we ultimately need is a complete reengineering of our economy into one that is built on health rather than disease, peace rather than war and transparency rather than secrecy, and the people must be in control of that economy. Economy built on disease, war and secrecy, controlled by a hidden cabal, is what leads us into a downward spiral in the first place.

“We have an economy that has a negative return on investment,” she says. “But if you reengineer the financial system, you align living capital and financial capital, and you run the economy to build health, the speed at which we could start to generate fantastic amounts of wealth that could begin to deal with some of our liabilities and obligations is fantastic.

They see that opportunity, too. And if you see what they’re moving to do, they’re just moving to do it with a very different framework that you and I might use to do it. But the wealth is there to be created …

My tactic has been to bring transparency and find out how to prototype decentralized economics that creates explosive new wealth. Where I keep falling down is I’m not able to get a critical mass of people to figure out how to protect themselves from the mind control and the sabotage …

The challenge I’ve had with many people who are enthusiastic about Bitcoin and crypto is they don’t see the control grid, and they don’t see the danger of the control grid. And that results in them trying to talk individual and retail investors into doing things, oblivious to the dangers of the control grid.”

Svetski agrees about the roots of the problem, but he is still convinced Bitcoin is a central part of the answer:

“The problem is waste. The problem is secrecy. The antidote is some sort of transparency, a covenant amongst people … I’m extraordinarily enthusiastic about Bitcoin and I’m extraordinarily pessimistic about crypto.

There is a universe of difference between the two for me. Crypto is exactly how we walk into the control group problem. Every single one of them is Mr. Global’s attempt to discredit Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the only way to walk out of it. And I’ll explain why.

Crypto is the most effective attack by Mr. Global on Bitcoin. All these monkeys running around screaming about crypto, all they’re doing is they’re walking right into the trap, which is the creation of a new currency that is controlled by a foundation, an institution, a group, a company, and creates a central point of leverage that Mr. Global can get access to.

And mark my words, I said this two years ago on a podcast and people thought I was crazy and it’s happening right now with the World Economic Forum partnering with Ethereum Foundation.

I said, ‘Ethereum is going to be the best way for globalists to enact the central bank digital currency because they’re going to do it under the guise of innovation.’ Every single coin other than Bitcoin is run or operated or issued or controlled by some single group. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a constitution enforced by the individual. I’ll explain it like this.

What makes Bitcoin special is that it’s not a program, and it’s not a technology. It is actually a set of rules, a constitution that we voluntarily opt into. When I’m a node operator of Bitcoin, for example, all I’m doing is I’m just running the software that is Bitcoin. And the software that is Bitcoin is just a series of rules: 21 million coins, divisible to eight decimal places, blocks every 10 minutes.

It’s this set of transparent rules … I can change the rules of Bitcoin if I want to. But what happens is that I’m immediately out of sync with everybody else, and I’m no longer on the Bitcoin network. I’m on something else. I’m on Bitcoin Aleks version, and then I have to convince everybody to move their economic mass, or their economic gravity off to me.

In doing that, I’m then going right back to the original problem that Bitcoin is solving, which is Bitcoin says, ‘Hey, money is the tool that we use to encode time and energy. Let’s place it outside of anybody’s potential control. Let’s put it with the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, the speed of light. None of us can control those. They apply equally to all of us. Let’s place money in that realm, then let’s go and do other stuff.’

Bitcoin is not digital. Bitcoin is information. This is another layer that I wanted to illuminate. I could take a Bitcoin transaction, and I could write it on a piece of paper. I could write it in emojis, and I could post it to the other side of the world. And you could then broadcast the transaction. The only thing that makes Bitcoin digital is that the internet is just a useful communication medium.

Bitcoin transcends that because Bitcoin is purely just math and information. That’s all it is. Bitcoin is the law of large numbers being used to associate private and public keys in a way that the public key cannot be reversed. And the holder of the private key is the private property owner of the Bitcoin associated with that key.”

Fitts counters, “Right, but you still come back to the same problem I said about if the control grid controls people, no matter how perfect you can make something like Bitcoin, it’s simply not enough.” Svetski replies:

“It’s not enough on its own, but it’s the one thing that makes 99% of the difference. Because what it does is it does a couple of things simultaneously. No. 1, it gives us some money. I call Bitcoin free banking in gold in information form that anyone can run on a $100 piece of hardware at home.

Picture a world in which every bank is just a $100 node operating at home, running the Bitcoin network. And every single one of those nodes around the world are in sync.”

Fitts notes, “Right, but you need those people who can maintain themselves outside of the control grid. And they need to have the real assets to be able to do that and do that together.” Svetski replies:

“Totally, and this is why we need something like Bitcoin, because what it does is in its appreciation, it gives us the economic means to acquire the real assets; energy and food. Primarily, they’re the two that we need in order to start to make ourselves sovereign across every other dimension.

Bitcoin’s kind of the linchpin. If you can’t do that, you’ll never catch up to the other ones. But in doing so, we have the economic capacity to do so, and simultaneously. And this is where Bitcoin is simultaneously a defense mechanism and an attack mechanism.

Every dollar you put into Bitcoin is a dollar that is not in the existing system. And what happens is it starts to create a drain on the existing globalist form of money, which is predicated on the capacity of an institution to control it.”

Fitts disagrees, saying that’s not what she’s seen happening. What she’s noticed is that someone, likely the central bankers themselves, “primed the pump on Bitcoin,” basically, someone invested heavily into it to drive up the price. Where did that money come from? According to Svetski, the money came from millions of regular people who decided to swap their fiat currency for Bitcoin.

Fitts, however, is convinced that someone is artificially pumping up Bitcoin. She believes the central bankers or their owners are pumping Bitcoin in order to prototype options for their control grid and to attract retail investors into digital assets out of precious metals and real assets, making it easier and cheaper to establish centralized monopolies of real assets.

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide how you feel about Bitcoin. It certainly has strengths, but Fitts makes a good argument for understanding the control mechanisms and the risks of an all-digital financial system. Again, for more, please listen to the whole interview, as I’ve only skimmed over some of the highlights in this article. You can follow more of Svetski’s work at:

To see more of Fitts’ work, go to her website at The Solari Report.


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Real Anthony Fauci – Catherine Austin Fitts talks with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The Real Anthony Fauci – Catherine Austin Fitts talks with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
January 11, 2022



0:00:00.0 Catherine Austin Fitts:
Ladies and gentleman, it’s my pleasure to welcome to The COVID-19 Symposium for the Doctors For COVID Ethics, a man who needs no introduction here, Robert F. Kennedy Junior, who is the chair of Children’s Health Defense, a seasoned attorney litigator. Well, you were a best-selling author before this, but now, this is the one I wanna hold up, this is The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, already a global best-seller. The last time I saw you, I had not read it. I have read it, and I have to tell you, I started it on a Saturday morning and I said I was just gonna read a few chapters. There went the day. I spent the whole… [chuckle] I could not put it down. And for a book with this many footnotes to be this well-written and fascinating, and spell-binding is a great achievement. I have no idea how you did it, but I just wanna congratulate you.

0:00:56.0 Robert F. Kennedy,Jr.:
Thank you so much. Catherine. [laughter] I think that’s the best praise I’ve had coming from you.

0:01:06.6 CAF:
Well, I keep telling people, this book has more footnotes than the Encyclopedia Britannica. [laughter]

0:01:13.3 RFK,Jr.:
We need to be careful.

0:01:15.4 CAF:
Yeah, no, it’s clearly, brilliantly documented. Okay, so I wanna dive in in this way. The session that you’ll be part of tonight on Doctors For COVID Ethics is called “Global Coup d’état”, and I think no one does a better job of explaining how Fauci and his role fits into the global coup. The book does a marvelous job of doing it, but I wanna kinda dive into the middle. Because the thing I like the most about this book, is that people all over the heartland are feeding back to me and saying, “Oh my God, it’s really this bad, and how did I not know that it was this bad?” So, it’s a remarkable achievement, and it’s sort of piercing through and breaking through the fog of war and making people realize: this really is a global coup. So, I want you to step back and tell us why you wrote this book, and how you managed to connect the dots to… really, the change of control that is being attempted across the planet.

0:02:20.8 RFK,Jr.:
Yeah, so I felt I was in a unique position because I’d been litigating… And I apologize, my voice is really bad today. I hope it will get better as we talk. But I felt like I was in a unique position, because I had been litigating for many years against powerful corporations on environmental issues, and I had seen firsthand and really understood the dynamics of agency capture. How regulatory agencies, through a variety and abundance of very well-documented forces, are, inevitably, captured and transformed into sock puppets of the industry that they’re supposed to regulate. And the public health,… so probably about 20% of my lawsuits… I’ve had over 500 lawsuits against polluters, and probably 20% of those were against the EPA, and the other state regulatory agencies that are supposed to function to protect Americans from pollution. But instead had become promoters and spokespeople for and defenders of the industry. And I also, because for 17 of those years, I’ve been working on public health issue, specifically, with vaccines, trying to get some vaccine safety, robust science, independent regulators who are free from these corrupt entanglements with pharmaceutical companies. I also recognized that what happened in the public health arena was really unique.

0:04:09.2 RFK,Jr.:
That there’s a level… Because of these financial relationships with pharma, it’s regulatory capture on steroids.

0:04:23.4 CAF:
I would say it’s regulatory ownership.

0:04:25.4 RFK,Jr.:
The relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the three big agencies, HHS-health agencies, FDA, CDC and NIH, is a seamless subsidiary relationship. In other words, even within those agencies, the individual regulators, the highest level people, regard their job as a partnership with pharma. Pharma is consulted on everything, pharma can overrule policies, you get advance. In those agencies, you get your bonuses, you get your salary increase by promoting the pharmaceutical agenda and by promoting the mercantile and commercial interests of pharmaceutical companies, and particularly vaccines. The vaccines have become the fulcrum of that whole relationship. One, because they’re enormously profitable, and the reason they’re profitable is because they’re exempt on liability. So, the biggest margin in every other medicine is downstream payments to people injured. Every medicine injures some subgroup. And pharma’s immune. No matter how egregious their behavior, no matter how terrible your injury, no matter how reckless or negligent their conduct, you cannot sue them. That alone, Pharma has made vaccines immensely profitable and that act was passed in 1986.

0:06:15.1 RFK,Jr.:
And you had this gold rush, which when they added up all these new vaccines etc…. We went from the three vaccines that I had as a kid to 17, essentially mandated – they’re technically recommended. But in many states, you cannot enjoy your freedom without complying. Your kids can’t go to school, etcetera. And up to 72 doses of 16 vaccines are mandated now for kids from birth to when they’re 18 years old. And accompanying that change, beginning around 1989, when a lot of these new vaccines were suddenly “recommended”, you had an explosion in chronic disease, which really enriched the pharmaceutical industry. So, you had autism go from one in 10,000 in my generation to one in 34 today. We had the food allergies suddenly becoming an epidemic, peanut allergies, and Pharma was selling the $600 EpiPens. And you had rheumatoid… All the auto-immune diseases, rheumatoid Arthritis, juvenile Diabetes, Lupus, Graves Disease, Crohn’s Disease, MS.

0:07:32.2 RFK,Jr.:
All these other diseases that are… By the way, they’re all listed as side effects on the manufacturer’s inserts of these 72 vaccines. They suddenly became epidemic, and vaccines went from being a $187 million a year industry, when Tony Fauci took control, to a $60 billion industry. But the big payments to the pharmaceutical companies are the… Selling the remedies of the chronic diseases that are associated with the vaccines that they’re selling children. So, treating the seizures, treating all these 170 auto-immune diseases that suddenly came out, which we hadn’t even heard about. Neurodevelopmental diseases, ADD/ADHD. speech delay, sleeping disorders, tics, Tourette’s Syndrome, Narcolepsy. All these things that my generation never heard of that suddenly appeared in 1989.

0:08:34.6 CAF:
So, one of the things I love about this book is you do… As you’re documenting Fauci’s agency basically controlling and running over three-quarters of the trillion dollars from the time he takes over, you are documenting the slide in the health of Americans, their life expectancy, the chronic diseases in children, which are epidemic, and the one that really takes your breath away is from 2000 on the IQ of American children have dropped by seven points. Is that correct?

0:09:06.1 RFK,Jr.:

0:09:06.8 CAF:
And so you’re showing how the disease is growing and the American people are sliding into failure.

0:09:15.4 RFK,Jr.:
We went from being the healthiest nation in the world, to being the sickest. We’re number 79 in terms of all indicia… of the cumulative indicia of health metrics. All the things that public health regulators use to judge whether a nation is healthy or not are in decline longevity, life expectancy, the rises in infant mortality and first-year-mortality, second-year-mortality and the medical claims. Ironically, again and Fauci had a lot to do with this, we are consuming more pharmaceutical drugs than any other nation. So, we consume three times the pharmaceutical drugs as the other Western nations. We pay higher prices for them. We have the most expensive healthcare system in the world and we’re 79th in terms of public health outcomes. I show how most of these problems are not… You can’t blame them all on Doctor Fauci but he alone could have prevented all of them. And what he’s done is, he’s turned NIH from a public health agency, which is a Gold Standard public health agency, where it was when he found it, to an incubator for pharmaceutical products.

0:10:54.1 CAF:
Right, but you also draw the circle out into the intelligence agencies and a broader coalition of syndicate, who’s engineering central control. If you look at the rise of inequality, it’s very much a part of this because poor health is part of what’s causing this rise in inequality.

0:11:14.6 RFK,Jr.:
Exactly, and if you look at the way he… They drilled it again and again, this pandemic response Tony Fauci was intimately and intricately involved in figuring out, well in advance of Covid-19, Here’s what we do when there’s a pandemic. And he worked, and I think one of the revelation of my book shows how closely he worked with the CIA in developing a response that had nothing to do with public health. It was a militarized and monetized response to a public health crisis. In each of these pandemic simulations that they took for 20 years, they were training frontline workers, public officials in Europe, Canada, the United States and Australia how to use pandemics as not to heal people, but as a pretense for imposing totalitarian controls, for the controlled demolition of constitutional rights in all the liberal democracies across the world. They called this pandemic… a secret pandemic simulation program that they had, “Operation Lockstep.” Because it was a way of training all these governments to pivot in lockstep and impose totalitarian… As we talk about to execute a coup d’etat against democracy globally.

0:12:51.5 CAF:
So, one of the things that I first heard from you, and it was a very powerful, really powerful insight, because I keep trying to warn people, we have to stop the vaccine passports. You pointed out, they’re being run by the financial ministries.

0:13:05.4 RFK,Jr.:
Yeah, that’s right. The real danger of vaccine passports that people have to understand, is we live in a country, and the Europeans have lived in countries where you could pretty much do what you wanted. Now, these governments are not perfect. Our constitutional rights are not perfect. There’s always cases of abuse. Government and industry had more power than we should give them, but it was pretty good anyway. You could go out, see a sports game. You could get on an airplane and fly anywhere you want without being tracked or traced, or any of these things. And you had a lot of freedom in your lives. But once you get that passport, those freedoms are no longer freedoms, they’re privileges. And they’re privileges that are contingent upon your obedience to a ultimately limitless inventory of diktats.

0:14:15.1 RFK,Jr.:
Many of them from unelected authorities. If you’re a bureaucrat like Tony Fauci, who without any public hearing can say, “Everybody put on masks. Everybody social distance.” And the significance is that these are not being administered by public health agencies. One, is there is no public health classification on these passports. We know that vaccines do not prevent transmission. They cannot end the pandemic, therefore… And so there’s really not a public health rationale. It’s a control device, and it’s a control device that is going to be linked to currency and to your checkbook, your savings account, your capacity to…

0:15:00.8 CAF:
Yeah, I believe they’re going to use it to take all of our assets. I really do.

0:15:06.8 RFK,JR.:
That’s possible. I try not to predict what’s gonna happen, that don’t I know about… But here’s what you can predict: we know they now have programmable currency. What that means is that, when we move to digitalized currency, which you’ve been warning about for years, they’re gonna be a government… It makes every transaction that you make visible to government and recordable and makes every transactions visible to these financial houses, so the government can tax them… The financial houses can figure out ways to make money on transaction so, you buy a porn magazine, a bottle of beer or whatever it is that you’re buying, they’re gonna know about it.

0:15:55.4 RFK,Jr.:
But it also allows them to stop you from spending money on things they don’t want you to spend money on. They can program your currency. For example, let’s say you violate the social distancing rule, and they know that because they know your location 24 hours a day from your cellphone, etcetera, and from facial recognition. You violate that rule or you refuse the vaccine or whatever, now they can say, until you comply or in punishment, you are under house arrest and you could only leave your house to buy at local grocery stores. They can make it so your money does not work any place, other than grocery stores within a mile of your house. They can make it so that you can’t travel from Brentwood to Burbank. You can’t get gasoline, you can’t… So they can control you with no due process, they can simply control you.

0:16:55.7 RFK,Jr.:
And all of these rights that we assume we have have now become privileges that are contingent upon your obedience with their diktats, and with your social credit scores, and all of things that they can now look at, that are gonna be slowly added. So, here is the thing that I would say, the ultimate punchline is that, we were told this was only going to be two weeks. We know it’s gonna last forever. There is no rule, there is no power in history that governments have taken away and given back freely. There has to be a demand. And they will keep those powers forever. They will never relinquish them ever too. Each one of the powers they have gotten, and this is the rule tah is as reliable law of gravity: They will abuse it to the ultimate extent possible, so you have to assume that any power that you give them, they are going to abuse.

0:18:01.2 CAF:
Okay, so how do we fix that?

0:18:02.5 RFK,Jr.:
And the last rule I would say is, nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarianism.

0:18:10.2 CAF:
Absolutely. Bravo.

0:18:11.7 RFK,Jr.:
The more you behave, the worse it’s gonna get.

0:18:16.3 CAF:
Yes. Absolutely.

0:18:17.3 RFK,Jr.:
And this today is really the hill you are going to die on. If you don’t defend hill this tomorrow.

0:18:29.8 Catherine:
So, two things before we close. I have to tell you, one of the most inspiring things about this book is I realized as you read it, what you have managed to do over many decades is pull together, I call it a Zulu Army of the 21th century, a group of doctors and scientists and attorneys and journalists, and it is a remarkable demonstration of what happens when that many smart people come together to serve freedom. And it’s remarkable, it’s really… Because you’ve managed to put together a network, which is very mighty and very inspiring and makes you feel when you read it, I’m not alone. There’s a lot of people who are fearless and fighting for freedom. So, one…

0:19:21.9 RFK,Jr.:
I had better run now Catherine, We are in an arms race. The question is, can we build the resistance quick enough to stop the escalating control that they’ve planned now with their turn-key-totalitarianism ? Or are we gonna get to the point where they just have so much power, that even if 100% of us are opposing them, is there gonna be an exit?

0:19:45.1 CAF:
So one thing I’m gonna suggest, one thing everybody can do is buy this book, read this book, give it to your friends for Christmas, pass it on. I’ve been passing it out like candy at Halloween. No, but it’s remarkable because I pass it out and people read it. And when they read it, it changes their mind, and they see the urgency of doing something and resisting now. So as you say, resist, resist, resist. And I can’t thank you enough for joining us, the Doctors For COVID Ethics, all of us are very appreciative of everything you do. If there’s anything we can ever do to help, let us know we’re there.

0:20:21.4 RFK,Jr.:
Thank you Catherine.

0:20:23.3 CAF:
Have a great day.

0:20:23.8 RFK,Jr.:
You too.


©January 2022, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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The Financial Control System — Part 2 of Planet Lockdown’s Interview With Catherine Austin Fitts

The Financial Control System — Part 2 of Planet Lockdown’s Interview With Catherine Austin Fitts


Planet Lockdown Part 2 — The Financial Control System 

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
December 10, 2021



  • In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government by the central banks. Our retirement funds have been looted and will within just a few years be nonexistent
  • Historically, U.S. intelligence agencies have primarily worked on behalf of the central bankers
  • Central bankers are now putting into place a system that will allow them to extract tax without representation
  • The central bankers, most of whom are technocrats, have created a breakaway society, a parallel society, in which they are above all law and control everything
  • To combat their control system, we must first be able to see it for what it is, and realize how it’s being used by us, to our own detriment

The “Planet Lockdown Part 2” interview above features finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, founder of the Solari Report. (To get a taste of what you’ll find in the Solaris Report, you can download this previous 2020 issue.) You many think you previously saw this but most likely it was Part 1.

Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic as well. She got her start on Wall Street, where she had a successful career for over a decade.

In 1989, she became the assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Bush administration. After 18 months, she resigned, but while there, she discovered how technology could make the financing of neighborhoods more productive.

“Government money was destroying neighborhoods, not helping them,” she says, but private entrepreneurs could take this new technology and finance privately. To that end, Fitts started an investment bank and broker dealer named Hamilton Securities Group.

A couple of years later, they were hired by the federal housing administration to be the lead financial adviser, which gave Fitts access to “incredibly rich databases about how the real estate, land and a lot of the mortgage financing and home building works in America’s 3,100 counties.” Fitts continues:

“Then I entered a period where I litigated with the federal government for 11 years. The Department of Justice seized all the databases and all the software tools, and I litigated with the federal government. That’s [what] forced me to really dive into how the control systems were working.

When I was in Wall Street, I saw how the financial control systems worked, but since so much is rigged through the central bank and through government, it gave me a chance to really see how government worked on the covert side, and how that related to Wall Street and Washington.”

Our Retirement Funds Have Been Looted

In 1998, trillions of dollars started to get sucked out of the U.S. government, Fitts says. In essence, it was “a coup d’etat by financial means.” She realized then the extent to which our government was siphoning — stealing — the money. “They were stealing everybody’s retirement,” Fitts says.

“Everybody’s going to retire in 20 or 30 years, but they were going to steal the money up front. So, by the time we got to where we are now, the money would be gone and they could turn to everybody and say, ‘Well, we can’t really afford your retirement.’”

On Wall Street, you have markets and monetary policy run by the central banks, and then you have the electorate, which influences fiscal policy and the government. So, it’s a dual pillar system. Markets are managed centrally. So, central banks, which control monetary policy, can simply print money, and the military then makes sure the money is taken up, which keeps everything liquid. Fitts explains:

“The economic equation is: Can you make more money from printing than you have to spend on the military and making the system go? I’ll give you an example. In the 1980s, we had a period of tremendous monetary expansion. In the last year of the decade, in ‘89, there was a huge fight in the Doolan partnership [Furey, Doolan & Abell LLP] about how much money should be paid to the traders for bonuses.

I had a wonderful partner who did a study, showing that … if instead of having traders in the seats, we’d had chimpanzees, we would’ve made more money. It was very interesting because you’d go out to the Hamptons on the weekends and you’d … hear everybody talking about making fantastic amounts of money because they were brilliant and geniuses and smart and clever.

But it wasn’t [because of their smarts]. It was just simply the monetary policy floating the boats … A lot of the money comes from economic warfare. So, [when] you pump up the dollar, you’re moving money out of the U.S. government. As we’re coming through this big change of globalization, you loan massive amounts of dollars.

And then all of a sudden you pull all the loans. You throw them into a dead-end trap. You pull the money and then they get a crash. Now your dollar is high. So, you go and buy up everything on the cheap.

The governance structure that existed before the financial coup was basically: You have the central banks running monetary policy, and then you have the sovereign government running fiscal policy. The citizens pay taxes to the sovereign government, and they elect representatives who have something say about how that fiscal money gets [divided] up.

Then you have private central bankers and private interests who control monetary policy and are relatively independent of the fiscal. What we’ve seen [is that] … the less the government has information sovereignty and financial sovereignty, the more dependent it is on the central bankers.

So, as the government have levered up with debt and lost their informational and financial sovereignty — part of this is what’s happened with digital technology — the central bankers have gotten more and more powerful.

Since fiscal [year] 1998, we’ve had what I call the financial coup d’etat. So, in the United States, up to $100 trillion have been moved out. Dr. Skidmore and I did a study, and as of 2015, the number was $21 trillion …

At that exact time, we had $20 trillion of debt. So, there was more money disappearing than there was debt. [So, they were taking that] money out. That’s the financial coup. Now that the money is out, you can collapse the government.”

Why Central Bankers Are Intentionally Collapsing Government

Importantly, Fitts stresses that government doesn’t have the power to make illegal transactions. The central banks — which are privately owned — must be involved in order for that to occur. The private banks “are doing it for them,” Fitts explains.

“So, we’ve now reached the point where the central banks are moving in and basically taking control of fiscal policy as well,” she says. “And this is why there’s such a big debate about election fraud.

Essentially the computer systems are controls for the elections, and essentially, the citizens or taxpayers have lost any say. If you look at polls over the last 10 years, the citizens want the country to go to the right, and Congress votes to go to the left. That’s because increasingly these people are controlled and dependent on what the central bankers want.

There’s a great interview that Chuck Schumer, the senator from New York did at the beginning of the Trump administration, where he basically said that if Trump thinks he’s going to contradict or defy the CIA, he’s dreaming; they have 50 ways from Sunday to get you. And traditionally, if you look at the U.S. intelligence agencies, they basically worked for the central bankers.

So, what’s happening is we’re watching a reengineering of this fiscal line. You’re basically looking at the central bankers moving to put into place a system that will allow them to extract tax without representation. That’s the trick, financially. How do you force the citizens to pay taxes with no representation?

Of course, they’re using the pandemic to roll in the system that will make it possible for them to achieve that. Naomi Wolf has done a very good job of describing this, and she said, ‘Vaccine passports are the end of human liberty in the west.’

She’s right, because ultimately, what it’s going to evolve into is a financial transaction system where, if you don’t behave, the central banks can take money right out of your account. They can stop you from transacting.”

An example Fitts gives is, say the central bankers (read totalitarian rulers of the whole world) don’t want you to be able to travel. They want you to stay put where you are. They can easily accomplish this, in this planned system, by programming your electric car such that it cannot operate past that five-mile boundary line.

They will also have full control over the function of money in this system, meaning they can decide what you are allowed to spend your money on. They could decide they don’t want you to have fresh food, so you can only use the central bank digital currency for processed food.

We’ve Been Lured to Create Our Own Prison

The central bankers are nothing if not clever when it comes to prototyping. They don’t do anything without first running many tests to see what will work best. But they don’t just hire top experts. No, instead, they persuade the top developers that they can make a ton of money by developing these prototypes. They make it fun and innovative, allowing skilled people to come up with the ideas.

Once a successful prototype has been identified, they then build their own version of that. In the case of cryptocurrencies, their version is a central bank digital currency under centralized control. Another part of the complete system is the smart grid, which was prototyped, developed and rolled out in recent years. The smart grid is, of course, a requirement for the surveillance apparatus that is at the heart of it all.

While all of these things, cryptocurrencies, the smart grid, artificial intelligence technologies and the like, are marketed as a way to make us all freer, the intended result is a global prison system where no one is free. The good news here is that they must get the general population to build their own prisons. The answer then, is that once you see how it’s done, you can just stop. Stop building the prison walls. Stop building and contributing to the surveillance grid.

This could mean quitting your job if you work for a company that is involved in developing and building technologies intended for this control grid. But even if you don’t actually perform work that helps build it, you are still participating in the control grid structure by using surveillance tools like Facebook and Google.

By allowing smart meters to be installed in your home, by buying and using AI-based technologies and “smart” technologies, by allowing GPS tracking on your phone and so on. If you don’t want to contribute to building this global prison, you have to actually take action and change how and who you do business with.

“If you look at a lot of the financial fraud over the last 20 years in the United States, the leader of that financial fraud in many cases was JP Morgan Chase. Yet statistics show that 50% of Americans bank or have credit cards or other relationships with JP Morgan Chase.

In 1998, when I first realized what was happening with the mortgage fraud and JP Morgan Chase was at the heart of it, I was writing a check on a JP Morgan Chase banking account. And I said, ‘Why am I banking [with JP Morgan]? Why am I allowing my funds to be used as deposits to engineer financial fraud? I’ve got to come clean.’

Forget about protesting. If tomorrow, everybody woke up and said, ‘You know, I’m not going to bank with the New York fed member banks,’ the change would be dramatic, because if you look at where we’re banking and who we’re working for and who we’re associating with, we’re helping them do this.

Remember this is an all-digital system. One aspect of this is currency, but the other is a one-way mirror where you have 24/7 surveillance and data. So not only can I watch you 24/7 and collect data from your body, from your mind, from your activities, but then I can stop you from moving around spatially, or I can turn off your ability to transact.”

The Control System and Transaction System Are One

As noted by Fitts, the system being built is both a control system and a transaction system. The transaction system, however, is not based on what we consider a real currency. It’s actually the end of currencies, because in this system, you can never take the currency out of the bank and put it in your pocket. You can only conduct transactions that are validated and approved through and by the central bank.

Remember, the 24/7 surveillance system “can literally get the human race to be connected to the cloud, to the AI, the software and the robots,” Fitts says. “We’re talking about connecting the human race to a cloud where they teach the AI, the software and the robots, how to do their jobs.” In short, we are actively engineering a future where we, humans, have been largely eliminated from the workplace.

Those who remain will be integrated with robotics. “In other words, whether I have a human do that job, or whether I have a robot do that job, I can manage them in the same system if I can have them all hooked up to the cloud and communicating with each other.”

Basically, what we’re looking at is transhumanism, and we’re quite literally dehumanizing ourselves. This system will also do away with markets, because what we think of as markets will be micromanaged and optimized through artificial intelligence and software.

What Do You Want?

Knowing this, the options become rather simple. As noted by Fitts, we can have a human civilization, or we can have an inhuman civilization. We can have a financial system where private monopoly controls the printing of money, or we can have a decentralized system.

I agree with Fitts, who states that the world she wants to live in is where the financial printing press has been decentralized, and where we are committed to human civilization — not a transhumanist one run by technocrats. As crazy as this transhuman technocratic future may sound to the everyday person, it’s clear the technocrats believe their system can work.

“I think they believe it can work because of the one-way mirror,” Fitts says. “[Let’s say] you have a one-way year where you have 100% access to the data, 24/7, of all the people on this side of the mirror.

Remember, once you engineer all this secret money in taxation without representation, they [the people] can’t see behind the mirror. The thing that punches a hole in the mirror is transparency about government money, and no taxation without representation.”

Creating a Breakaway Civilization

This is why the central bank takeover of the sovereign governments is so important, because this takeover allows them to create a system in which the two sides of the mirror are two entirely separate civilizations. Those behind the mirror — you and I — cannot see what the technocrats are doing on the other side, while they can see every last thing we do and say. “You’re literally talking about a parallel universe,” Fitts says.

Those behind the mirror, the technocratic rulers, do not obey any law that applies to those of us on the other side of the mirror. They are not subject to the law. They have complete immunity from prosecution.

“They can engage in systematic violation of what you and I think of as the law, with impunity,” Fitts says. “And if you look at how much money has been moved out in the financial coup, they can literally become a parallel civilization.”

They’re Trying to Sell You on Being a Serf

The vaccine passport is clearly the tool of choice for the authoritarian globalists’ plan to deprive you and your family of your freedom and personal liberties. This financial coup is 20 years in the making. They voted on the “direct reset” plan (aka The Great Reset), they wrote the plan, and have been implementing that plan, year by year, step by step.We’re now in the end game, Fitts says, where they need to consolidate everything. Now, with their vote for The Great Reset, the central bankers made the decision to put 500 million people out of work over the next year alone.

“That’s the equivalent of dropping several nuclear bombs around the world. That’s financial warfare, and they made it intentionally,” Fitts says. “They made it knowingly. It was a plan. And what is very important to understand, when you think about this pandemic, is people are not dying from magic viruses.

People are dying from tyranny, they’re dying from a great poisoning. That’s part of that tyranny, but our problem, and the thing we need to be afraid of, is tyranny. Because the tyranny needs, and is about to get much, much worse.

It’s the passports and that system of central bank digital control that will give them the ability to do that. The world economic forum calls it The Great Reset, which is kind of the marketing … The World Economic Forum guys make it interesting and fashionable [to say] ‘In 2030, you own nothing, and you’re happy.’

Now, what I hear is ‘It’s 2030, the direct reset has stolen all your money, taken all your assets, and they’ve got your mind-controlled.’ The Great Reset is to sell people on a vision of a world where the average person has a much smaller command on resources and assets, and is subject to complete central control.

Part of what you’re dealing with is that human beings crave coherence. And so, if you can put them in a state of incoherence, they will literally do anything they can to get back to coherence. It’s a torture mechanism. If you study torture, it’s a typical torture tactic …

That’s why you see all these people saying, ‘If you just accept the passports, you’ll be free. Or if you get the vaccination, you’ll be free. They have spent a fortune since World War II on figuring out how to use digital technology, telecommunications and media to implement mind control much more economically and much more broadly. And one of the things I think they’re very enthusiastic about how well it has worked.”

Watch the Financial Transactions

When will it stop working? When enough of us can see what they’re doing. For example, it’s important to realize that, during this pandemic, people have been bought out of the labor market with federal assistance that pays them more than they were making while working.

This strategy has severely impeded small businesses from getting the labor they need to keep going, and according to Fitts, this is all part of the plan to bankrupt all small businesses.

Of course, the next step will be to require the COVID jab for anyone who wants to collect unemployment or other financial assistance, as the vaccine passport is combined and integrated with the new all-digital central bank transaction system. Step by step, everyone is being herded into the new control system. But remember, we can stop it, because we’re doing it to ourselves.

The problem is, ending tyranny almost always requires some kind of sacrifice. End tyranny is rarely a comfortable or profitable venture. That said, there are countless ways to fight back.

Prayer War Room and Other Suggestions

Fitts tells the story of a woman fighting corruption in her hometown. She was scared because taking it to the next level would require her to go public, and she was a very private person. Fitts suggested she watch the film “War Room,” a Christian movie about prayer. “Start a war room and just fight them through prayer,” Fitts told her. Apparently, it worked wonders.

“So, there are many different ways to fight, and you could fight in a way that’s comfortable. Some people organize, some people are bringing lawsuits. Some people are lobbying. Some people are moving and going to another jurisdiction. Some people are pulling their money out of JP Morgan Chase.

There are many different ways to do it. If you’re working for a big bank or big corporation, start working on building the skills and the resources and the wherewithal you need to start something yourself. Start learning. It’s called DIY — do it yourself.

Start looking at your financial picture and figuring out … how you can collapse your income statement and your balance sheet to something which is much more resilient, locally, and doing it yourself.

We don’t need to get mortgaged up and get dependent on the system. The third thing is, for God’s sakes, go out and get yourself a great bank. Particularly if you’re in the United States, there are lots of great banks and great bankers … who also don’t want the central bankers controlling everything.

I know a lot of community bank presidents who don’t want to be controlled by the New York Fed … So, the first thing you need to do is swing your money out of — if you’re invested in the New York fed member banks, or in the big corporations that are running government this way — swing your money out of those stocks and start investing in building a local food system.

Who’s your farmer, who’s your rancher? Where are you going to get high-quality fresh food? There is tremendous opportunity to build out the local, fresh food systems. If you take the time and have patience, there are very good investments to be had there.

[Next, know] who’s your sheriff. The entire enforcement within a county area is controlled by the sheriff [in the U.S.], and in most counties, the sheriff is elected. Not all but most. The feds cannot come in and do an enforcement action unless the sheriff allows it to occur.

[Why should you] care about who your state legislators are? Because the state legislators have the power to say no to the federal government, particularly if you’re not willing to escrow your taxes and get into this taxation without representation.

So, go through your financial statement and your balance sheet and get the bad guys out of your money and start supporting the local guys who are willing to support the rule of law …

I had a former client who called me and said, ‘I just sold a house, and I want to know, should I put the money into real estate or precious metals?’ And I said, what’s the point of having assets? If you don’t have an army to protect them, meaning if you don’t have litigators, state legislators and sheriffs who are willing to go protect your assets, your assets are worthless; you’ll lose them.

So, she took the money and gave it to a group of litigators who were litigating some of what’s going on right now. Anytime you can make an investment that permanently reduces your expenses, you’re better off to do it yourself. So instead of paying your water bill, build a well. In other words, get your money out of financing the guys who are doing this to you, and get your money into financing yourself, your friends or people you know.

Trust me, if tyranny controls everything, and tyranny can operate above the law, then nothing’s going to work. This is a war. And if we don’t stand up and fight it, now, there will be no way to wiggle around this. There’s no way to outplay it. There’s no place to run. There’s no place to go. So, you’ve got to stand and fight back …

We have a choice. Everybody has a choice. So, stop building the prison, stop helping these guys and start creating friction. We don’t have to go along. And we’re the ones who are building the prison. So, you have to bring transparency to what’s going on, and then you have to take action.

We’re not all going to make it out of this process alive. It’s war. That’s what happens in a war, but human liberty is worth fighting for. We’re living in a world where there are two visions, and the top 1% have a vision of us as a natural resource, [while] we have a vision of us as individuals with sovereign rights that come to us by divine authority.”

As noted by Fitts, these are two extraordinarily different visions. One option is a society where all people have the ability to exercise our potential. In the other, only a few get to exercise their potential, while the rest have no opportunity at all. We’re in the end game. It’s all or nothing at this point. There’s no middle ground.

In the end, Fitts and I both believe the plan will fail, but ONLY if we all do our part to prevent it. What’s more, we also need to prepare for what comes after their plan fails. This too could be just as challenging. Fitts notes in conclusion:

“I tell people, while the Titanic is sinking, grab some planks and deck chairs and start building your ark, because these guys are going to make a huge mess. This is a mess. And if you look at what they’re trying to do, it’s very hard, it’s very complicated. I think it’s going to fail.”


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cover image credit: sergeitokmakov / pixabay

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Mercola: The Only Choice Left is Slavery or Freedom

The Only Choice Left: Slavery or Freedom

analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola w/ Catherine Austin Fitts
first published at October 2021


Video available at Mercola BitChute channel.



  • Catherine Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic
  • We’re seeing a shift of billions of dollars of liability to families for health care, disability, workman’s compensation, unemployment and death, as experimental COVID injections are mandated while drug makers, doctors and corporations have been released from all liability
  • At present, there is no legally valid vaccine mandate. The shots are still under emergency use authorization, and there’s no official document from government, be it in the form of legislation, law or regulation, that grants a legal basis for the mandate. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration also has not published any rule regarding the mandating of vaccines by private companies
  • The vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank-controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions
  • To prevent the final implementation of this planned control system, we must be ready and willing to sacrifice in the short term. We must be willing to say, ‘No, I will not comply, no matter what the consequence’ or we’ll lose even our most basic freedoms

Typically, my conversations with experts about the COVID pandemic revolve around the infection and its treatment. Today’s interview with Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts will tackle the COVID topic from a different angle.

Austin Fitts has spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and corruption and fraud are driving forces in the COVID pandemic as well.

“I had a very successful career on Wall Street, then went to Washington briefly and was appalled at the mortgage corruption and left,” she says. “I started my own firm, which was very successful, and I got caught up in litigation with the federal government.

Part of that was due to discovering what a criminal enterprise the major media was. I decided during that period that I would stop trying to discuss anything with people through the media. In fact, I would just answer people’s questions directly. That process of just constantly answering people’s questions… turned into two businesses, one of which was an investment advisory business, started in 2007.

I discovered that many of the financial problems and many of the financial challenges that my clients were facing really were generated by health, including many of them from vaccine injury and vaccine adverse events. I’m no longer an investment adviser… I don’t do individual investment advice.

But what I discovered was that it was absolutely imperative, if you wanted to help clients be successful at building family wealth, to integrate the investment in health and wellness with the investment in financial things. I would have people tell me that they put millions of dollars in their brokerage account, but couldn’t afford organic or biodynamic food.

I’m like, are you crazy? So, there was an integration that had to happen. Because of the extraordinary expense of vaccine injury and adverse events, it got me very interested in vaccines. I spent many years reading and studying what was going on and why the lies were so bad.”

According to Austin Fitts, your health and personal finances simply cannot be separated. The two are really like two sides of the same coin, and families who don’t learn to navigate through the lies of the medical and finance industries can end up in very bad shape, both health-wise and financially.

The Injection Fraud

One of the most egregious crimes of this pandemic is the mandating of these experimental COVID jabs while simultaneously giving the drug companies full immunity. They’re not liable for anything, no matter how many people are injured or die. A person can be forced into taking this injection and suffer permanent disability requiring millions of dollars of care, and the patient is responsible for all these costs, even though they were coerced into it.

“Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic I published an article called ‘The Injection Fraud'”, Austin Fitts says, “and I went through the different liability issues.

The goal of the COVID-19 forms that we’ve published on our website is to try and move the liability back to where it belongs, because you’re watching a shift of billions of dollars of liability to families for health care, disability, workman’s compensation, unemployment, death and on and on. The shift of financial liabilities to individuals is extraordinary.

What we try to do with the COVID-19 forms is give individuals forms that they could use in negotiation with their employers and schools to try and hold them responsible for informed consent… Then it walks through the health care issues, the disability issues, workman comp issues, life insurance issues…

That process started with something called the family financial disclosure form. We had many subscribers who had spouses who wanted to get the injection.

It was very important for me to give people a form they could walk through with their spouse and ensure that an adverse event impacting the spouse would not translate into bankruptcy for the family because there are steps that people can take to protect the family from financial destruction if they’re foolish enough to go take one of these [shots].

So, it started with the family financial form, then it translated into an employer and university form, and I have been told by subscribers that they were able to talk their employers out of requiring [the shot) once they went through the form with them.

It’s incredible, because employers and Universities are just flat out lying to people, whether it’s about the adverse events and the potential risks, or about what the law is.

I dare any employer who is trying to say that they’re mandating this when they’re still under emergency use authorization to produce a document from government, whether legislation, law or regulation, that says they have a basis in law to do this. As far as I know, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) has not published anything yet.”

Is There Conspiracy Blackmail Going On?

While I believe many employers and school administrators are simply ignorant and have fallen victim to the most successful propaganda campaign in modern history, Austin Fitts suspects they know exactly what they’re doing.

“I don’t think it’s the propaganda,”  she says. “I think they’re under terrible pressure from both the government and banks… I think there’s RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] conspiracy blackmail going on behind the scenes.

I think they do understand it. And, I think they’re being seriously threatened through the banking system. If you look at the strongest pressure we’re seeing, it’s coming from the central bankers and the financial side.

I’ve spent a lot of time with the Doctors for COVID Ethics over the last year, learning about what those doctors and scientists know, what’s in this [COVID shot] and what it does. there’s a whole portion of the ingredients that we still don’t know what they are.

And, I dare say, I believe it’s connected to why the central bankers are pushing so hard. I think these guys are really depending on the smart grid and creepy technology to help them go to the last steps of financial control, which is what I think they’re pushing for.”

Only One Choice Remains: Slavery or Freedom

To prevent the final implementation of this planned control system, we must be ready and willing to sacrifice in the short term. Everyone must be willing to say, “No, I will not comply, no matter what the consequence, whether if you take away my pension, if you fire me, if you discredit me and I can never work again in my profession.” That’s what it’s going to take to keep even our most basic freedoms.

If they get the passports, then I would argue, as a practical matter, we lose our ability
to stop the Central Bank Digital Currencies. So, whatever we do, we need to stop the
passports. The passports give them the kind of control they need of the digital and
financial transactions that then leads into the CBDCs. ~ Catherine Austin Fitts

As noted by Austin Fitts:

“It is slavery or freedom. If you look at what they’re planning, what they’re shooting for, it’s a complete financial and technological control grid. That is slavery. I mean, when the World Economic Forum says it’s 2030 and you have no assets, what is it about that that’s not clear? You have no assets means you’re a slave.”

According to federal statistics in the U.S., the wealth of the bottom half of the population has increased during the pandemic due to housing inflation. “I assure you, that is a ruse,’ Austin Fitts says. With respect to liquid assets, somewhere in the neighborhood of 70% to 80% of Americans have virtually no reserve stores of cash at all.

“That’s because what we’ve seen is a tremendous effort to… bankrupt the population and the governments so that it’s much easier for the central bankers to take control. That’s what I’ve been writing about since 1998, that this is a financial coup d’état.

Now the financial coup d’état is being consolidated, where the central bankers just serve jurisdiction over the treasury and the tax money. And if they can get the passports in with the CBDC [central bank digital currency], then it will be able to take taxes out of our accounts and take our assets.

So, this is a real coup d’état, and that’s why if you look broadly at the population, we are the guys who are building the prison. We have the power to stop.”

Why We Must Reject Vaccine Passports

I suspect CBDCs are the crux of this plot, and I’m a firm believer that decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are a powerful alternative and important to counter the central bank control of the financial system. Austin Fitts disagrees, pointing out that all cryptocurrencies operate on systems controlled by the existing system of governance.

“I believe that any blockchain technology under the current governance system is a danger,” she says. “Having mitigated with the Department of Justice for 11 years over financial issues and money issues, I think they have the ability to exercise remarkable control over any of them… I mean, they control the hardware, the satellites, the cables… And many people believe the current cryptos are much more private than I believe they are.”

While government does not control private keys and decentralized elements, they still have plenty of ways to get to the private data of targeted individuals. “I’ve watched lots of people get subpoenas and have the FBI arrive at their door, and it’s amazing what they will hand over and go along with,’ Austin Fitts says. In short, government’s ability to deliver on a threat when they want something from you is profound, which makes it near-impossible to resist.

“Now, I still believe we have the power to completely turn this around,” she says. “I want to mention one thing though, because the important thing, our danger point, is not CBDCs. CBDCs will take them quite a while to figure out. Our danger point is the vaccine passports.

If they get the passports, then I would argue, as a practical matter, we lose our ability to stop the CBDCs. So, whatever we do, we need to stop the passports. The passports give them the kind of control they need of the digital and financial transactions that then leads into the CBDCs.”

Vaccine Passport Is a Ticket to Financial Enslavement

As explained by Austin Fitts, the vaccine passports create a platform for a digital transaction system that documents and tracks all transactions. Once combined with a central bank controlled digital currency, they will have the ability to block transactions.

If government doesn’t want you to purchase anything more than five miles from your home, they have the ability to prevent you from doing so. If they don’t want you buying pizzas, they have the ability to prevent you from buying pizza.

“So, it’s Step 1 to building that control grid. If you go to and click on Cash Friday — which is a campaign we’re doing to get everybody to use cash on Fridays — you’ll see a 56-second video of the general manager of the Bank of International Settlements explaining how with CBDC, they’ll have the ability to enforce all the rules they want to create about CBDCs and your money.

It’s very chilling and it communicates the control they think they’re going to have when this is over. But to get that control, first you need the entire passport system to come into being. that’s basically the information grid that the CBDCs can then plug into…

If you get a passport system in place that can literally stop your financial transactions unless you get another booster, imagine, with CBDCs, it can stop all your transactions. It can change the amount of money. It can take money out of your bank account. In other words, it’s no longer a currency. It’s a credit that the company stores and the company controls everything…

The passports are now. We need to stop these now. I’ve seen passport apps that show people getting eight or more boosters. Who’s going to worry about CBDCs if you’ve had two of these injections and eight boosters? I mean, the question is, are you going to be alive at that point? I don’t know.”

What Can You Do Now?

So, how can the average person resist this diabolical plan? One strategy would be to move to a state or country that has made vaccine passport requirements illegal. Another strategy is to simply refuse the passport, no matter what the ramifications.

This goes for those who have gotten one or two COVID jabs as well. To maintain a valid passport, you’ll have to take boosters. How many are you willing to take? How many times are you willing to risk your health and life? At some point, you’ll have to make the same decision as everyone who is unvaccinated — freedom or slavery.

What this means is we’ll also need to create alternate and parallel systems for everything we’ll be denied access to if we don’t have a valid vaccine passport. This includes education, food production, services of various kinds, health care and economy.

These parallel systems will be crucial anyway, as the U.S. entitlement programs — Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — look like they’ll be out of money by 2028. And, as these programs vanish, they’ll take the drug industry down with them, as they are drug companies’ primary revenue source.

“I discovered there was a whole community of people who did RV living because they just didn’t trust any jurisdiction. They wanted the ability to get up and go, and that group has been growing steadily.

So, my feeling is we have to say no, and we have to do whatever we can do. I went through that decision process during the [government] litigation because I was absolutely convinced that if I kept saying no, chances were very high I could be killed. I was poisoned on many occasions, so I dealt with some pretty severe harassment.

All I can tell you is that saying no turned out to be the smartest thing I ever did. I’m not saying that isn’t difficult. It’s exceptionally inconvenient. I went from being a very wealthy person to having to live through periods of intense poverty. It was pretty gruesome.

But at the same time, you come out the other end and it’s a great life. It’s just a great life to be free… I don’t think there’s any way to get to a free and inspired life other than hurtling into it. You have to say no. And if we don’t say no, we’re going to be slaves. Frankly, I’d rather be dead than take these injections. God knows what’s in them.”

There Is No Legal Vaccine Mandate in the US

Recently, President Biden issued an unconstitutional presidential directive that companies with 100 employees or more are required to mandate the COVID injection for all staff members. The penalty can go as high as $700,000 per incident.

Such stiff fines could quickly bankrupt all but the wealthiest companies if they don’t comply. However, even here, there is choice, because as it stands, there is no LEGAL rule or law dictating vaccination rules for private companies.

“This is genocide,” Austin Fitts says. “There is no OSHA temporary emergency rule. There is no document. If I’m a company and you have no law, no regulation, no emergency regulation — you can’t legislate law by press conference, and you can’t apply civil money penalties out of thin air.

I don’t know on what basis in law you can apply a civil money penalty to a violation of a non-existent law and a non-existent rule. Now, I’m not saying you can’t find a judge and threaten him and scare him into going along with that. But I have to tell you, if there’s anything worth Mitigating, it’s that.

But let’s talk about whether a company can exist as a political matter. If every company in the world is basically a captive of blackmail of the SPECTRE organization — because this is getting very James Bond — [then] no one can represent the shareholder, because they can’t say no to organized crime.

Then we no longer have an economy. We no longer have a stock market. We no longer have a country. We no longer have a civilization. We just have a mob, right? It’s all gone.

So, to me, I can’t think of anything better to litigate than whether or not we’re going to have law. If everything is just the rule of the mafia, there will be no companies. There will be no stock market. There will be no financial system. And a lot of us are going to die.

So, I think we’re going to have to decide whether we want to have the rule of law or not… I don’t believe that organized crime with all its coercive force has the power to sabotage all whilst people stand up.”

Who’s Behind It All?

As for who’s behind this gigantic scheme, it’s hard to say. I believe the closest we can get the identity of these criminals is the private shareholders of Vanguard, because Vanguard owns most of the companies of the world. Austin Fitts believes it’s the private owners of the central banks of the world. She explains:

“Vanguard is essentially owned by itself. So, the question is, who controls it behind the scenes? I have an online book called ‘Dillon Read and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits.’ I’ve tried to publish it in hard copy three times and each time I’ve been threatened. The last time, they threatened somebody in my family.

So, I’ve left it online. [In that book], I tell the story of how I was a partner and member of the board of Dillon Read. At one point, I was surprised at their choice of the next president of the firm. [There was] a wonderful partner there whose father had run the firm once upon a time, so I said to him, ‘I’m surprised at the choice. He’s not a nice guy at all.’

Nick Brady, the chairman of the firm, had gone to the Senate for a while, which is why they were bringing another president. And my partner said, ‘Nick didn’t choose him. The Rothschilds choose him.’ I said, ‘Wait a minute. We own the firm. What does the Rothschilds have to do with us?’ And he just looked at me and he rolled his eyes… and walked off like I was the dumbest person in America.”

Austin Fitts’ nickname for the committee that runs the world is “Mr. Global”. She admits she doesn’t fully understand how it works at the top, but she does know that the decision-making is highly centralized, it’s most likely run by committee, and the members are the prisoners of 50 years of secrecy.

“There is a tremendous amount of money since World War II that constantly disappears through the financial system,” she says. “It’s almost as though the planet is a REIT [real estate investment trust]. I’ll never forget watching the movie ‘Jupiter Ascending’ and the princess from a faraway galaxy looks at this woman from earth and she says, ’Earth is just a very small part of a much bigger corporation.’

Actually, if you look at the financial system, that is how it works — as though everybody’s being forced to produce this dividend and it’s become very dysfunctional because of the secrecy.

Now, I have been told on several occasions — and I tend to believe it — that the people who literally run what most people call the Deep State have tried to figure out how they could [increase] the transparency and they run into so many liability issues, they just give up.

If there is one solution we all need, it’s to bring tremendous transparency and reduce the risk of the people at the top. Because I think one of the reasons they’re [pushing for] complete control is… that [they can then] manage things centrally with artificial intelligence…

Complete control is: You’re on a smart grid that’s under 24/7 surveillance and subjects you to all sorts of propaganda and mind control, and they have the power to literally turn off your money if you don’t behave. That can be managed with software, AI and a smart grid [through the vaccine passport and CBDC] …

I would describe it as a slavery system… They can literally collateralize a human being and connect it to the banking system, and they can stop all violent revolution once they have everybody basically digitized and on a financial transaction control system…

I think it’s a terrible mistake. But I think they… don’t know what else to do. If we’re going to get out of this, one, we need to just say no and refuse to go into the box. The other is we need to bring transparency where we can all change. Because we do need a reset. If we keep going the way we’re going, it’s not going to work.”

We Need a Reset, but Not ‘The Great Reset’

Many have pointed out that it’s a mathematical inevitability that the central bank financial system will collapse. You cannot rack up debt in perpetuity. It’s really just a matter of when. As noted by Austin Fitts, we currently have a negative return on investment.

But the financial system can certainly be re-engineered to a positive return on investment. However, to do that, we cannot allow corporations to function above the law. She explains:

“Right now, we have a legal doctrine that says as long as they can make money, they’re free more or less to act above the law. The economy has to be subservient to the society. You cannot let your economic life determine the rule of law. And so, we’ve given basically legal immunity to the big international banks, and through them, the corporations.

The current corporate model, as it currently exists, does not work. What we’re watching is the destruction of society to keep it going, and give them complete control to keep it going. Frankly, you cannot have a healthy economy or society when the financial sector is dominant as opposed to subservient. The financial system should serve society and civilization, not vice versa.”

Signs of Positive Change

There are signs of real change, however — positive change. Austin Fitts notes that, for the first time in her life, she’s seeing extraordinarily talented, well-educated people who have always been reluctant to rock the boat say they want out; they’d rather die than be enslaved by organized crime.

“I remember one really phenomenal scientist and doctor saying to me, ‘I’m ready to start a whole new civilization.’ There’s a wave of talent and gravitas I’ve never seen before saying, ‘I’d rather be part of the new. I’ve had it with this.’

So, I see a tremendous breakout — not just pushback — of people who want to be part of something that is civilized. They realize that corruption has reached a point where there’s no point trying to get along or be in the middle of the road or go along…

The challenge for all of us is, how can we swing our savings and our retirement savings to finance the creation of that new capacity? On one hand, you have students leaving school and needing to homeschool. 0n the other hand, you have teachers leaving schools because they don’t want to get the injection.

We’ve got to create businesses and networks and websites that help us find each other. If that process occurs in an entrepreneurial way, it could be very positive and very exciting.

That’s what I see in the new media. But it also needs to happen in health care and in education, and it’s going to require enough people realizing that the Titanic is sinking. There’s no way back. They might as well grab some planks and start building arks.

Without integrity, there’s no civilization. So, if you want to be part of something that has integrity, you can’t stay [in the old system]. I say it again, there’s no middle of the road… I say, say yes to science, say yes to integrity say yes to law.

Every person’s circumstance is different, but find a way to translate that yes into something productive. Be useful. That’s what I tried to do. I had a wonderful life as an investment banker, but I woke up and I couldn’t [continue]… I did billion-dollar deals. I didn’t know how to do a financial plan for somebody who had $25,000.

So, I started by just answering people’s questions and those questions evolved into two businesses, the Solari Report and Solari Investment Advisory Services. It took many years, but I just tried to be useful. So, we each have to start there.

We have to ask, what skills do I have? What skills can I learn? What skills can I evolve? And how can I serve the people around me? What can I do to be useful? And we go from there. But you have to choose integrity and civilization or choose being a slave of organized crime. You have to make that choice. And you know something? It’s a dangerous choice. I almost didn’t make it. But as I told my old partner, I’d rather die in the wilderness than be in the underground places with you guys.”

More Information

You can access exclusive Solari Report content by signing up as a paid subscriber on To get a taste of what you’ll find in the Solaris Report, you can download this previous 2020 issue.

“Our goal is really to be an intelligence network and a learning network… If you look at the guys on the other side, they spend a fortune on intelligence. So, I think it’s very important that we provide an alternative…

We publish a weekly roundup called Money & Markets, and then an interview every week. We’re constantly posting the test links to other sites, the headlines, and in the news trends and stories section, we publish book reviews and other materials.

Then, we do these quarterly wrap-ups. Our theory is you’re busy. You don’t have time to watch all the news. Our goal is, if you just read those quarterly wrap-ups, over time, you will understand not only what’s going on with current events, but the deeper themes.

I find if you understand things like The Great Reset or the injection fraud, if you understand 20 or 30 different primary trends deeply, you’ll have a very good basis to navigate all the propaganda and disinformation.

One of the things we try very hard to do is filter out the disinformation because I find bad information, bad intelligence is one of the great destroyers of family wealth. So, we try very hard to filter out disinformation and propaganda. And that’s why we’re always looking for new media websites that are trustworthy. And again, thank you for what you’re doing because you’re one of them.”

A service like that of the Solari Report has never been more useful, as trying to find the truth through mainstream media or Google (or other Google-driven search engines) has become virtually impossible. About 93% of all online searches are done through Google, which gives them near-total monopoly over the information people see, and legacy media have barely spoken a true word over the past two years. So, you need reliable sources that can keep you abreast of what’s really going on.

Austin Fitts says: “The other thing is what I’m hoping to be part of is creating the best and highest possible learning speeds, because this is a war… and nobody wins a war without great intelligence. So, we have to help each other really jump the curve on a high learning speed and high intelligence.”


Sources and References

• ¹ Solari Report, The Injection Fraud May 27, 2020


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts: Vaccine Passports Will Absolutely End Human Liberty in the West. “This Is Not About Democracy Versus Fascism. This Is About Freedom Versus Slavery.”

Catherine Austin Fitts: Vaccine Passports Will Absolutely End Human Liberty in the West. “This Is Not About Democracy Versus Fascism. This Is About Freedom Versus Slavery.”


Catherine Austin Fitts Speaks to Switzerland – Press Conference 12/11/2021

by Oracle Films
November 12, 2021


Video available at Oracle Films BrandNewTube channel.


Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light.


Well, first of all, I want to thank you very much for the opportunity to speak. And I finally get to meet Bobby Kennedy in person. That’s fantastic.

I represent and work with people all over the world who pray that the Swiss people vote ‘No’ on November 28th.

And I want to share with you why.

Wherever you travel throughout the world, Switzerland is viewed as the lighthouse of democracy. But also the lighthouse of the right to have family wealth and property rights, the lighthouse of human civilization, of freedom in many different respects including health freedom.

And so what you do here is very important for the Swiss people, but very important for people all around the world.

Again, think of yourself as the lighthouse.

Plague laws — this is not the first time in history that plague laws have been used to centralize control. Control of transportation, control of labor, control of banking and bank accounts, control of all the different kinds of capital that make up human civilization.

But the covid laws are particularly draconian in the history of plague laws because not only do they control labor, transportation, banking — but now, with advances in digital technology, we’re looking at complete control through the banking system of 100 percent of all assets ultimately.

So what happens here?

For many, many years most of us have grown up in a world in the western democracies where we have a balance of power between the bankers and the people. The central bankers control monetary policy and the people vote for an electorate that controls the fiscal policy.

Now what we’re watching with covid laws all around the world is the central bankers moving in and exercising essentially a coup d’état where they take control of fiscal policy as well.

And, again, with the advances in digital technology, vaccine passports will not be about health. Vaccine passports are part of a financial transaction control grid that will absolutely end human liberty in the west.

For many years I have fought and written against central control of the financial system. We’ve centralized more and more capital, more and more control. And we’ve done it with tactics called ‘divide and conquer’.

And we’ve all experienced many different divide and conquer tactics. Men against women. Black against white.

But now we have a new one called the vaccinated versus the non-vaccinated.

Because if you’re going to centralize control of every aspect of people’s lives, and literally strip them of their assets and their property rights, you need a new, more venal, divide and conquer. And we can’t let that happen.

Because, ultimately, we’re talking about all of our liberties, all of our human rights, all of our property rights.

So I would plead with you to look behind — so listen to what’s been said today and look behind what these laws are really about and where the vaccine passports lead.

The vaccine passports, along with additional control system, are the end of human liberty in the west.

And, as I said, this referendum on November 28th will be a very important signal to the world as to whether the most educated and intelligent populations in the world can see through the ruse of the plague laws — into what is really happening — and step up to protect our rights and the future of human civilization.

So this is not about democracy versus fascism. This is about freedom versus slavery.

Because when you institute a complete digital financial control you were talking about something much worse than any fascism we have seen yet in our history.

So please vote ‘No’ on November 28th for yourself, for your family, for your right to preserve and grow family wealth, your right to have health freedom, transportation freedom, labor freedom — but also to preserve your role as a lighthouse for democracy worldwide.

And, again, I just want to thank the tremendous leadership here who’s been leading this effort in Switzerland and and on behalf of all of worldwide.


Connect with Oracle Films

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Coreys Digs on Vaccine ID Passports and Global Control

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Coreys Digs on Vaccine ID Passports and Global Control

by Corey Lynn, Coreys Digs
October 20, 2021


In this one-hour video, Catherine Austin Fitts and Corey Lynn discuss Corey’s 4-part report on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports, and get into the specifics on where this is headed, who the key players are, how far along they are with each agenda, and solutions for combatting this tyranny.

This is about much more than just a “vaccine ID passport,” it is about getting you a QR code for a digital identity that will eventually go onto the blockchain where they will trace, track, and monitor your every move in order to control your health records, all personal records, housing, jobs, food, access to establishments, transportation, and the financial system.

They want total control over you.

Video available at Corey Dig’s BitChute, YouTube channels.

Four-part report:

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 1

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to the Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED


Connect with Corey Lynn at Coreys Digs

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at The Solari Report

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Catherine Austin Fitts & Rocco Galati on the Global Financial Coup, Forced Changes in All Governments & the Assault on Human Freedom

Catherine Austin Fitts & Rocco Galati on the Global Financial Coup, Forced Changes in All Governments & the Assault on Human Freedom

by Vaccine Choice Canada
September 28, 2021


Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels.


Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.

Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.

Rocco Galati is Executive Director (Founder) and Director of Tax and other Civil Litigation for Constitutional Rights Centre in Canada.

The Constitutional Rights Centre is established as a private corporation whose sole mission and aim(s) are the protection, defence, enforcement, and enhancement of constitutional rights, and the supremacy of the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, without government funding, interference, or influence whatsoever.

The CRC’s mission is, on one hand, to challenge unconstitutional excess of the state, and on the other, to challenge the state’s abdication or abandonment of constitutional duty.

Catherine Austin Fitts’ The Solari Report:

Rocco Galati:


Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

Catherine Austin Fitts: Warning Signs Pre-9/11; Missing Trillions & Financial Coup D’état

Catherine Austin Fitts: Warning Signs Pre-9/11; Missing Trillions & Financial Coup D’état


[TCTL editor’s note: Find all interviews in this OffGuardian series at their Odysee channel.]

Covid19/11 — Catherine Austin Fitts

by OffGuardian
September 14, 2021


Episode Seven of Narratives Intertwined features Catherine Austin Fitts, investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing in the first Bush administration.

Catherine has written extensively on the misappropriation of public funds, and potential massive corruption in funneling tax payer money into private hands. In 2017 she was a co-author of a report which found that, since the year 2000, the US Department of Defense had over 21 TRILLION dollars in unauthorised spending.

In her interview she discusses witnessing warning signs pre-9/11, how the attacks distracted from – and destroyed evidence of – the Pentagon “losing” almost 4 trillion dollars, and just what the powers that be could do with all that stolen money.

You can read more of Catherine’s work through her publication The Solari Report:

And you can read her 2017 report on the missing trillions here:


Connect with OffGuardian

James Corbett w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday

James Corbett w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday


Fight the Banksters with Cash Friday – #SolutionsWatch

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 26, 2021


While you were distracted by the scamdemic, the banksters have been working on the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world. It’s called the Going Direct Reset, and it’s going to fundamentally transform the monetary system as we know it. Today Catherine Austin Fitts of joins us to talk about this transformation and what we can do about it.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4


2020 Annual Wrap Up: The Going Direct Reset

Catherine Austin Fitts on The Corbett Report

John Titus on Central Bank Digital Currencies

Powell: A CBDC Would Make Cryptocurrencies Obsolete


The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1

Episode 275 – Solutions: Boycotts and Buycotts

Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World


Connect with James Corbett

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts w/ ‘Dark Journalist’ Daniel Liszt on the Central Banking Reset Plan

Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts w/ ‘Dark Journalist’ Daniel Liszt on the Central Banking Reset Plan

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
July 20, 2021


Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Bankers Plan

Bankers agreed during FED meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to take down the economy with earth shattering implications for millions.


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep with Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Investment firm Dillon Read and Co. partner Catherine Austin Fitts in these fascinating new interview clips dealing with Central Bank Digital Control (CDBC) and the Going Direct Reset.


Catherine reveals how the Central Banking Warfare model has been utilized to bring us to the brink of world dictatorship while putting a Transhumanist control grid in place for total domination of human life.

“A re-engineering of the financial transaction system as part of a larger re-engineering of the global governance system. And when I say ‘re-engineering’, part of that is a consolidation of the financial coup.”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: 

In this video Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, offers excerpts from his latest interview with Catherine Austin Fitts. Here I am sharing some excerpts from the video:

Dark Journalist:

Catherine’s revelations about the central banking warfare model and the transhumanist takeover of society have become more censored than at any time, as the establishment and tech oligarchs fear her message of the coming takeover of the United States and dismantling of our freedoms.

Catherine has identified trillions in missing money from the DOD and HUD, and has given us a behind-the-scenes look at the governing political structure in America and its implications for the world.

Catherine Austin Fitts:

In 1998, I said, ‘You know something, I don’t care. You know, throw me out of every club. Never speak to me again. I want nothing to do with your plan… This will never work. I don’t want to be a part of it.


Catherine Austin Fitts:

We have central bankers and we have citizens. Okay? So let’s say we have 100 citizens. But we have two citizens called private equity. Okay? … We can make up names called BlackRock and Carlisle. Okay?

And so the central bankers print money out of thin air, three trillion dollars, and they say to their friends here’s the three trillion dollars. Go buy up all the assets. And their friends say ‘Well, you know. that could be very inflating. What should we do? How can we knock the prices down and make sure, you know, that that doesn’t set off hyperinflation?’ And the central bankers say, ‘Well how about if we shut down all the whole mainstream economy? Because then you can pick everything up cheap. They can’t compete against you. So you can pick everything up for a much lower price… and that will be so deflating, it’ll offset the the hyperinflation created by printing this money.’ Okay? So he shuts down more economies, destroys more families, kills more people.

And that’s how the game plays. So now they’ve got three trillion dollars and what are they gonna buy? They’re gonna buy everything. Right?

So they buy houses, they buy real estate. Because you want to institute the smart grid. Right? And so you’ve got to reengineer all the systems. But, more importantly — once the smart grid’s in place and you bring in all sorts of new technology, including lowering the energy crisis. The way you make money on that new technology is by the real estate going up in value. Right?..

And so it’s really cheap, particularly if you can get the price low and buy with money that’s printed for free…


Catherine Austin Fitts:

You know, I call it the great poisoning. And, in my opinion, the American people are being poisoned. And it’s intentional.

But if you look at the difference between somebody who makes a concerted effort not to go along with the plan and somebody goes along with the plan, you know, you’re talking about two very different… The people who will take responsibility and not go with the flow can have very, very successful lives.

Dark Journalist:

It’s a split that’s occurring, would you say? You talked about people speaking about building a new civilization.

Catherine Austin Fitts:

I can’t tell you how many people in the last month — talented, educated, professional, successful people saying ‘you know something, we have to start a new civilization. I’m out. I want nothing to do with these people.’


Dark Journalist:

This society, the way it’s constructed — and what we’re looking at, particularly in America now, is that you literally have to have uni-thought across the board.

Catherine Austin Fitts:

Well, America — what is happened to America is the rate of entropy has reached an unbearable level.


Catherine Austin Fitts:

So the question is, what are the reasons? And how many people are they willing to kill to implement the system?

Because it looks to me like this is… you know, this is experimental. They don’t have this figured out yet. And they want to go really fast. And I think they’re going to kill millions of people — getting ‘whatever they’re planning on getting implemented’ implemented.

This is a fraudulent inducement on a global massive scale. This is debt entrapment. This is predatory lending. This is every name of every financial fraud. So you are using the ability to create digital assets to kill people.

…Think of this as clean genocide. Silent genocide…


Catherine Austin Fitts:

Entrainment causes you to feel pleasure and open, and then the subliminal message comes in. It gets you to resonate things….One of the ways we discern whether something’s true or not is ‘does it resonate’. And it gets you to falsely resonate. You know, it tricks you into resonating for something you would never resonated with…if you didn’t have that reservation sensation.


Dark Journalist:

You’ve spoken about this before which is, if I can remove your gender identification, for example — if I can remove any sense of that by not allowing you to say him or her or anything like that — I can actually then strip away your personhood at a certain point, which is, in fact, the point behind the whole thing.

Catherine Austin Fitts:

Well I think there are a couple things. One is, I believe, if you can strip away sex it makes it much in easier to integrate robots into the labor system and the labor taxation system…

And that’s not to mention the fact that…they think they can grow up babies in incubators. And if they want to control the genetics of the babies to come into the world, then it’s very convenient if you can destroy the family…


Catherine Austin Fitts:

You know, we need to focus on food, clothing, shelter, water. And, what I will tell you is, ultimately our political power depends on creating and circulating money locally…

And just start using all cash on Friday. Just make a commitment.

…And teaching the local, small businesses, and the local banks and credit unions, that they’re going to get squeezed out if we go to an all digital system.


See more on the work of Catherine Austin Fitts, including these related articles:

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: The Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History Are Happening Now — “We Are Talking About a Slavery System”

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Mr. Global Wants You! — We Are at War With a Powerful Group Attempting to Create an Inhuman Civilization

RFK, Jr. w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: The Financial Coup D’Etat Hidden Behind the “Covid” Crisis | Who Benefits? | Linking Tech Giants, Big Pharma, Big Banking, Government & the Missing Trillions

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money

Catherine Austin Fitts: A Look at the State of Our Currencies & Options for Unlocking the Incredible Abundance of the Planet

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin: Coming Clean — From the Destruction of America’s Children to the Financial & Political Manipulation of Us All

Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: Humanity in the Balance — Our Creative Shared Intelligence Faces a Globalist Financial Coup D’Etat & Incredibly Dark Agenda to Control Humanity


Connect with Dark Journalist

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: The Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History Are Happening Now — “We Are Talking About a Slavery System”

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: The Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History Are Happening Now — “We Are Talking About a Slavery System”


“We just saw the Chairman of the Federal Reserve talking about the economy was getting better because the vaccination rate was going up.  I think that’s code for the bank stocks are going up because we are downloading operating systems in more and more people, and our stock reflects that.  We get a pop on our stock for every person we can remotely control with our operating system. . . . If you look at the deaths and adverse events, and the failure to provide true informed consent, we are talking about the greatest violations of the Nuremberg Code in history—now.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History – Catherine Austin Fitts

by Greg Hunter,
April 17, 2021



Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts contends CV19 and the vaccines to cure it are more about control than depopulation.  Fitts explains, “I think the bankers are trying to chip us.  Moderna describes their injection, gene therapy as an ‘operating system.’  I agree with them.  I think they are trying to download an operating system into our bodies.  I don’t think it was an accident . . . the man President Trump appointed as head of ‘Operation Warp Speed’ was an expert at Brain-Machine interface. . . . Just like Bill Gates downloaded an operating system into your computer and made you update it regularly because of the threat of another virus, I think they are trying to play the same game with human bodies.  It’s hard for people to fathom if they have not been following the advancements in biotech and to fathom how much money the bankers can make if they can achieve this.  We just saw the Chairman of the Federal Reserve talking about the economy was getting better because the vaccination rate was going up.  I think that’s code for the bank stocks are going up because we are downloading operating systems in more and more people, and our stock reflects that.  We get a pop on our stock for every person we can remotely control with our operating system. . . . If you look at the deaths and adverse events, and the failure to provide true informed consent, we are talking about the greatest violations of the Nuremberg Code in history—now.”

Fitts says don’t believe the hype on the number of CV19 vaccines being given.  Fitts explains, “One of the things I have seen and gotten feedback on is that the resistance is much greater than anything they are indicating in any kind of official statistics.  There are also indications that the deaths and adverse events (from the vaccines) are much worse, and that has to be spreading virally.  If you look at the people most resistant, including healthcare workers and nursing staff, they are seeing the adverse events, and they are seeing the deaths.  So, I don’t trust the statistics. . . . The top doctors I trust essentially say this is an experiment, and it’s true.  These vaccines are not approved by the FDA.  These are authorized under experimental use.  So, this is a trial, a human trial.  The doctors I trust say we won’t know for 4, 6, 12 or 18 months what the real impact is.  These are not vaccines.  It is gene therapy and downloading an operating system.  I would argue that they are not vaccinations, but whatever they are, if it follows the history of vaccinations, what you are going to see is a tremendous diminution of people’s immune systems and a whole world of autoimmune diseases that can be explained away by other things.  I would guess that the leadership’s goal is not necessarily to depopulate, and I could be wrong, but their goal is to install an operating system.  To get that done, they don’t care how many people they kill.”

In closing, Fitts says, “Naomi Wolf was giving an interview about the vaccine passports, and she said this is the end of human liberty in the west, and that’s right.  If those things are allowed, along with the operating system, it is the end of liberty.  We are talking about a slavery system. . . . The greatest navigation tool ever created is prayer.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of The Solari Report.

Connect with USAWatchdog

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts


For anyone considering getting the Covid-19 injections, this worksheet will help you do “due diligence” in determining the financial cost to your family in the event of vaccine injury. The risk of injury is serious and the costs can be in the millions. Included are all vaccine inserts with lists of ingredients and links to databases of vaccine injuries and deaths.

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections — Download in English

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections — Download in French

Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections — Download in German

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: When we post a new interview with Catherine Austin Fitts many readers write to this site asking how they can get a copy of the featured Solari printed publication. These publications are available only to subscribers of The Solari Report. Subscribe at]

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Mr. Global Wants You! — We Are at War With a Powerful Group Attempting to Create an Inhuman Civilization

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Mr. Global Wants You! — We Are at War With a Powerful Group Attempting to Create an Inhuman Civilization


Dark Journalist:

“2025. What does American look like in 2025?”

Catherine Austin Fitts:

“You know something, the possibilities are so many it’s impossible to say. Because what we’re watching is a war. We’re watching a spiritual war, a consciousness war, a legal war, a physical war.  I mean, we are in a war.  And what’s interesting is, if you look at the group that’s trying to basically load an operating system into our bodies and our minds, they’re making it up as they go. They don’t have this locked down. And they’re doing something that is, not only experimental, but it’s very hard to do.

So if you look at the very unpredictable ways this could spin, it’s quite extraordinary. And I never underestimate the ability of the human race — with our intention, with our intelligence — to shift the direction of where this goes.”


Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr. Global Wants You!

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
March 19, 2021


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Interviews Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts on the deep divide between those embracing freedom and a human civilization and those fixated on domination and subjugation.

Picking up from Part 1, Fitts describes how her many years in Government and High Finance have shown her that those in control, which she calls “Mr. Global” believe in slavery and have contempt for humanity.

She now sees that citizens around the world are at war with Mr. Global and his Central Banking Warfare Machine! View Part 1:

World Dictatorship

Through AI, excessive surveillance, entrainment and mind control technology this powerful group believes they are on the threshold of ushering in a world dictatorship with automation and robotics to replace humans in the labor force.

Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr. Global Wants You! from Dark Journalist on Vimeo.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts
Connect with Dark Journalist

Professor Dolores Cahill & Catherine Austin Fitts: The Overwhelming Cost of Vaccine Injury

Professor Dolores Cahill & Catherine Austin Fitts: The Overwhelming Cost of Vaccine Injury

by Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Professor Dolores Cahill
March 14, 2021


Video is available at Prof. Dolores Cahill BrandNewTube channel.

PDF of Transcript of this interview is available at


Related Reading:

Solari Report

Freedom Airway

World Freedom Alliance

Dolores Cahill’s Official Website

Children’s Health Defense-Europe

McDowell Triplets

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.] 

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money

Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money


“…And I’m absolutely convinced the most profitable business from the beginning of time is slavery. I think slavery is fantastically profitable. But it’s very difficult to manage. You know, and it’s very dangerous and violent. There’s a lot of risks. I became convinced reading his work that the reason they gave up on the African slave trade was two-fold. One was they couldn’t find a way to perfect collateral and the banks in London kept losing money… Problem number two was they couldn’t put down the issue of rebellion. But if you look at what they’ve been able to develop with digital technologies, surveillance and space weaponry, they’ve solved those problems. And that means they can go back to slavery…”


“This system that is being built — “They” are not building it. We are building it… This is not “them”, this is us. And we are standing in the psychic storm of our own evil. And if we can face that, that’s where we get the power.”


“I think at the root this is a spiritual war. You know, I think this is a ten-thousand-year spiritual war. And I think they’re going to lose. And I think they’re going to lose because what they’re doing is contradictory to the fundamental nature of the universe. Their model is incompatible with life. I don’t think it will work. And I think, ultimately, if you look at the culture they have to manage the planet, I think they’re going to kill each other.”


“The first thing you have to do: Stop building the prison… Go find the other people who are not going to build the prison…You need to understand, to the bottom of your tippy toes, that death is not the worst thing that can happen here. And then you’ve got to figure out how to build as much resiliency outside the system as you possibly can, in a way that you’re very productive… As a human civilization, we need to do everything we can to preserve the culture.”

~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Money & Finance Under Covid: A conversation with Catherine Austin Fitts

by Rocco Galati, Constitutional Rights Centre (Canada)
March 12, 2021

Original video available at Constitutional Rights Centre YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Rocco Galati and Constitutional Rights Centre

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts and Solari Report


The Edge of the World:
A Cultural History of the North Sea and the Transformation of Europe

by Michael Pye



The Half Has Never Been Told:
Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

by Edward E. Baptist




Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Greg Hunter: Building a Bitcoin Prison

Building a Bitcoin Prison

by Greg Hunter,
February 20, 2021


Former Assistant Secretary of Housing and investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts says you have to be careful and fully understand Bitcoin.  Fitts explains, “We do know they want to go to an all-digital system with central bank cryptos.  The easiest way to build the prison is to get freedom lovers everywhere to build the prison for you.  To me, Bitcoin has always been the prototype on the way to building the all-digital crypto system that they would love to put into place.  You have $400 trillion in fiat (currency) and it needs a place to go.  If you are trying to buy up all the gold, silver and farmland, the last thing you need is competition from retail.  They want to shift them into crypto and get them to build the crypto train tracks.  In a funny kind of way, it’s brilliant.

There is talk by big banks that Bitcoin could go to $300,000 per unit by the end of the year.  Fitts thinks, “This is absolutely possible.  This is pure politics.  This has nothing to do with economics.  How much will the central bankers, who can print as much money as they want, spend to get you into this platform?  Your guess is as good as mine.  The sky’s the limit as to how much they can spend.  Remember, once they decide to bring out the central bank currencies, and they have steadily been regulating the crypto currencies, Bitcoin and everything else, so the day they decide to take this to zero, they can do it.  If you are going to invest into cryptos and build our prison for us, what you need to know is this thing could go to $300,000, and it can also go to zero.  This is a highly speculative market, and you need to approach it accordingly.”

Fitts warns of a dark future if the central bankers get everything they want.  Fitts says, “When they decide to shut down our bank accounts and say you all get on crypto, universal basic income and take that injection or you can’t transact on the financial system, this is instituting a totalitarian system through the financial system. . . . When they shut that trap door, what you need to think about is where are you going to buy food?”

In closing, Fitts says, “We are in Never, Never Land.  We have two groups in our society:  One group that can print money, and the other who can earn money.  What we saw last year is the people who could print money declared war on the people who earn money.  They basically said we are going to shut down your businesses, and we are going to suck up and take your market share or buy you out with money we print out of thin air. . . . We have no pandemic.  What this is is an economic war.”

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of The Solari Report.

Video available at USAWatchdog Rumble channel.


Connect with Greg Hunter at USAWatchdog

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin: Coming Clean — From the Destruction of America’s Children to the Financial & Political Manipulation of Us All

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin: Coming Clean — From the Destruction of America’s Children to the Financial & Political Manipulation of Us All


On a Whirling World Tour of World Relations

by Dr. Peter Breggin w/ Catherine Austin Fitts
February 11, 2021

Original video available at Peter Breggin MD YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Below, you will find links to articles and books referenced in this interview.


Excerpts from Unofficial Transcript, prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Catherine Austin Fitts:

The reality is, if you have a group of children who are that poisoned — I’ll just say poisoned — whether it’s the food …or the injections. If you have a group of people that is that poisoned and their IQs are falling that significantly, that’s the end of your future.


…If you look at all of the predatory behavior — whether it’s financial, whether it’s physical — you know we have several generations of young people who are literally being destroyed. And it’s, to me it’s the most immoral and unethical thing about our culture right now. And it’s absolutely the end of America as we know it if it continues.


…If you look at what we’re doing to our… living being, it’s far more destructive than the financial fraud. But there’s a deep connection because one of the ways that the establishment gets people to go along with destroying the next generation is they offer them opportunities to make money destroying the next generation.

…When I first got to Tennessee, I was talking with one of my neighbors who had just retired from teaching and I said ‘why did you retire?’.  And she said ‘I couldn’t stand being lobbied by the parents to put the kids on drugs’.  And I said ‘what do you mean?’.  And she said ‘well, you know there’re incentives in the school system — the more kids we get on drugs. But the parents would lobby me to certify that the child was ADHD so that they could get social security disability’.  And I said ‘and what was the goal of getting social security disability?’.  And they said they needed the money to feed the child. So the only way they could get the money they needed to feed and care for the child was to drug the child…

The school systems have been weaponized to get these kids on drugs. And the financial incentives for both the schools and the teachers and the parents is all engineered…

This is very thought out. This is a very sophisticated design. And it’s frightening because you’re watching kids being drugged who they don’t need drugs. Now, if you look at the amount of bad food and TV and, I would argue, ‘entrainment subliminal programming’ being engineered into these kids, it’s amazing they can stand up or think.


…The riots were designed, financed and engineered.

…I say it sends the same message as all the pharmaceutical executives: It’s okay to make money destroying other people’s lives, other people’s businesses and other people’s bodies. In other words, we are bringing up generations of children who are being taught that it is okay to make money doing things that kill other people and destroy other people.

You know, we have a society that has basically become financially dependent on destroying each other. It’s a liquidation model.

…I was assistant secretary [HUD] and there is a lot of use of mortgages and mortgage insurance to wander drug money. And so the intersection between mortgage fraud and narcotics trafficking is very intimate, and serious and long-lived. So I got into looking at narcotics — another way of making money destroying our children.


…It can’t be solved in Washington. All Washington can do is suck up to the people who control the 500 billion to a trillion and print money. And what we’ve come down to in this country is a huge war between the people who… are independent producers (and can earn money) and the people who print money.

I don’t know if you’ve seen what’s going on in the administration, but they are moving people into place who are all money printers. They’re taking over the treasury function. So you’re watching the central bankers, you know, not only engineer a reset and a takedown of the economy, but a takeover of the fiscal and treasury function. And once the central bankers control all of that, then there is no republic…

The system that runs this planet is highly centralized. And it’s highly designed and planned… I call the committee that runs the world Mr. Global — that’s my nickname for that group — and they are very much in control…

I think it’s one of the things many people struggle with is understanding how tightly it is managed. And yet they’re going to now see a whole new layer of management…

As the new technology is rolled out… you’ve had one group who’s behind a wall of secrecy and they’ve been advancing and applying very sophisticated technology. And the other group has literally not noticed. And so you have the two groups that have come… they’ve literally become as if different species to each other.


…There is no doubt we’ve now introduced a whole variety of new technologies. And the situation is completely out of control…

If you look at who’s implementing the liquidation of our society, it’s us. We’re doing this. Every one of us.


…Sometimes people say it’s so overwhelming, I don’t want to hear it, it’s too depressing. The reason you want to walk through the door of an honest map is that’s where you find your power…

There are solutions. But we have to implement the solutions instead of our own demise.


…At the oligarch level we’re [US and China] Siamese twins.


Mentioned by Catherine Austin Fitts — The Red Button Story:


Articles referenced by Catherine Austion Fitts:

Coming Clean: Building a Wonderful World

The Thirty Tyrants by Lee Smith


Books recommended by Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr. Peter Breggin:




Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters
by Abigail Shrier






Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China
by Stephen Roach

An original and insightful analysis of the most important economic relationship in the world




Reclaiming Our Children, A Healing Plan for a Nation in Crisis
by Dr. Peter Breggin




Connect with Dr. Peter Breggin

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts: A Look at the State of Our Currencies & Options for Unlocking the Incredible Abundance of the Planet

Catherine Austin Fitts: A Look at the State of Our Currencies & Options for Unlocking the Incredible Abundance of the Planet


Catherine Austin Fitts on the State of Our Currencies

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
January 22, 2021
recorded January 13, 2021


With the global technocrats taking the world through the “Going Direct” Reset into the abyss of the End of Currency and the ultimate transhuman slave state, things could not be more dire.

But, as Catherine Austin Fitts of tells us, there are options on the table for taking things in a completely different direction and unlocking the incredible abundance of the planet.

The choice is our, but for how long? Don’t miss this important, solutions-focused discussion on The State of Our Currencies.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


The State of our Currencies (login required)

IMF Conference: Cross-Border Payment—A Vision for the Future

Why Mark Carney Thinks The Dollar Can No Longer Be The World’s Reserve Currency

The “Going Direct” Reset: BlackRock Authored the Bailout Plan Before There Was a Crisis

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

Book Review: The Edge of the World by Michael Pye

Solari subscription

See related:


Catherine Austin Fitts: The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control

 Link to Corbett Report Documentaries

Link to James Corbett’s ‘The Future of Vaccines’


Catherine Austin Fitts: The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control

Catherine Austin Fitts: The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control

“If you look at what needs to be done, the problem — we don’t have the power to stop the central bankers from doing what they’re doing, but my prediction is they will fail.
It’s too hard. It’s too complicated. And it’s too outside the laws of nature or the laws of divine intelligence.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown

by Truth Matters
December 22, 2020


This sit down interview with Catherine covers the spectrum of the current situation we find ourselves in.

It was conducted as apart of the full length documentary. We are releasing the full interview for the betterment of public understanding of the situation.

Catherine’s analysis can be found at:

The full film, when released, will be available at

Original video is available at Truth Matters YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Powerful Clip From “A walk With Catherine Austin Fitts | Planet Lockdown”

Full video is available at Truth Matters YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


“I used to say — I used to have a pastor who would say “If we can face it, God can fix it”. And I believe that many things are possible if we can face it.

So again, transparency is very important.

If you look at what needs to be done, the problem — we don’t have the power to stop the central bankers from doing what they’re doing, but my prediction is they will fail.

It’s too hard. It’s too complicated. And it’s too outside the laws of nature or the laws of divine intelligence.
And the issue then becomes, how do we as a people, pick up and build a human civilization?
So, you know, they decided they couldn’t do a human civilization. They’re doing something I think will fail. And the question for all of us is, how can we make sure we can take things right if, and when, they fail.

So everybody knows my favorite bible story is the story of Gideon. And that’s my prediction for what’s going to happen…”


“The story of Gideon is a long story. I won’t tell the whole thing. But, essentially an angel of the Lord comes and asks Gideon to throw the Midianites out of Israel and Gideon insists he’s too unimportant, and too helpless to do it. And the angel of the Lord says, ‘Well, that’s okay we’re gonna do it. You’re perfect because everybody will know it was us, not you.’

So, in fact, Gideon calls for an army and the angel of the Lord… makes him go through very many tests to make him realize that he doesn’t need a big army, he just needs people who are faithful and competent. And, in fact, in this environment my advice to everybody after they come clean is strip your life down to the people who are, you know, faithful and competent. And then, so Gideon comes down the side of the mountains. The Midianites are sleeping in the valley below. And he comes down with Gideon’s army, banging pitchers and lanterns. And the Midianites are so hateful and suspicious of each other, they jump up at the dark and kill each other.

And, in fact, every time I’ve seen someone bring tremendous transparency to what’s happening, that’s what happens. The Midianites — fight breaks out and the Midianites start killing each other.
And if you look at what these guys are trying to do, it’s so hard and complicated, I think the Midianite thing is going to happen par excellence.

And the question for all of us is, okay, what’s our plan, if and when that happens…”


“My plan is to build a human civilization. And, again, first you bring transparency, then you rebuild the economy, bottom up…

We are now integrating very powerful technology and that means we have to be — we have to grow spiritually. You can’t have this kind of advanced technology managed by cavemen. And, to a certain extent, that’s what we’re watching. We’re giving very powerful weaponry and very powerful surveillance technology to people who are using it, behaving like cavemen.”


“…I think, first and foremost, what we’re dealing with is spiritual. You know, this is part of a ten thousand year old war and the outcome depends on our our ability to spiritually evolve and grow up.

So, you know, I tell everybody death is not the worst thing that can happen… What can happen is, you can lose your immortal soul. That’s your danger. So stop worrying about death and start worrying about, you know, whether you’re going to be free or not.”

See related: The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine by Catherine Austin Fitts

1/22/2021 Update: See also Catherine Austin Fitts: A Look at the State of Our Currencies & Options for Unlocking the Incredible Abundance of the Planet

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: The Reset Regime Sees Humanity as a Resource to Be Harvested, to Merge with AI Robotics

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: The Reset Regime Sees Humanity as a Resource to Be Harvested, to Merge with AI Robotics

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist, w/ Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report
December 6, 2020


Brief Excerpts:

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt:

“Catherine Austin Fitts… outlines the dangers of the Reset Regime — as they move forward with a transhumanist agenda that sees humanity as a resource to be harvested and is seeking to merge with AI robotics. Catherine tells us the technocrat takeover is here and is using every emergency to prevent the public from waking up to their plans. And those plans call for full spectrum dominance. Are we already at war with a globalist syndicate that’s consolidating power on earth and in space?…”



Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt:

“Catherine, it seems like you’re spelling out their end game here. There’s a kind of shock and awe that we’re seeing that’s being deployed by the globalist syndicate. How do you see this all playing out?”


Catherine Austin Fitts:

“Right now we have two different visions. And one vision is a vision of life and living things where we are connecting and resonating electromagnetically with all life — with the birds, with the trees, with each other. Okay?
What they’re trying to implement is a system where there’s no…life is not allowed to resonate. You’ve got to social distance, you’ve got to wear a mask, your body has to be filled with little things that allow you to be a receiver, you’ve got to walk around with your surveillance device, and be mind controlled. And they’re trying to to break all life down into something that can resonate with their machine — and can be hooked up on the AI and software and it can teach the robots how to do all the human jobs. you know.
And basically they’re trying to take all the connections in life and put a toll booth between them and re-circuit the thing into their machine.
Now, if you look at the design of what they’re trying to do, it’s hard for most people because it’s… if you understand life, it’s so psychopathic it’s unbelievable. And you got to give them credit because the hubris is off the charts.
But that’s what it’s about…
Part of the issue of sovereignty is our…not just our physical body sovereign, our mind sovereign, but is our electromagnetic space sovereign. Right? Because a lot of the manipulation is working through this. They are trying to assert electromagnetic control of our body and our intelligence…”


Stopping The Technocrat Takeover & Reset Regime!

***Catherine points out that the number one problem in America today is Mind Control!

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former Asst. HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts to the show for a breakthrough Interview of the Globalist Agenda being rolled out through the World Economic Forum.

Catherine sees a totalitarian regime in charge of the “great reset” with the central controllers trying to keep humanity from discovering our personal power to stop them and make our own future.


  • Destroying Small Business
  • Transhumanism/Slavery
  • Mind Control/Entrainment
  • Missing Government Money
  • Black Budget
  • AI Robotics
  • Full Spectrum Dominance
  • Nano Tech Dangers

Support Dark Journalist:

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


cover image credit kalhh / pixabay

RFK, Jr. w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: The Financial Coup D’Etat Hidden Behind the “Covid” Crisis | Who Benefits? | Linking Tech Giants, Big Pharma, Big Banking, Government & the Missing Trillions

RFK, Jr. w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: The Financial Coup D’Etat Hidden Behind the “Covid” Crisis | Who Benefits? | Linking Tech Giants, Big Pharma, Big Banking, Government & the Missing Trillions


‘TRUTH’ With RFK, Jr. and Catherine Austin Fitts: How Wall Street Cashes in on Lockdowns

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. interviews founder and president of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts, about the tremendous financial costs of the COVID crisis and who’s benefiting.

by Children’s Health Defense Team
November 27, 2020


In the latest episode of our second season of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy interviewed founder and president of the Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. Fitts also served as assistant secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush administration. Kennedy and Fitts delved into the tremendous financial costs of the COVID crisis and took a look at who benefits in the current scenario.

Highlights of their conversation include:

Original video is available at Children’s Health Defense YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

All “Truth” episodes can be found on Children’s Health Defense’s social media, and on Children’s Health Defense’s channel found on Peeps TV, a network on Roku. Roku is accessible from any Smart TV and can be purchased separately for older TVs.

Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: Humanity in the Balance — Our Creative Shared Intelligence Faces a Globalist Financial Coup D’Etat & Incredibly Dark Agenda to Control Humanity

Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: Humanity in the Balance — Our Creative Shared Intelligence Faces a Globalist Financial Coup D’Etat & Incredibly Dark Agenda to Control Humanity


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This 3.5+ hour interview touches on a wide range of topics including the unfolding financial coup d’etat, attempts to manufacture a civil war in the US, global government secrecy, secret space program, underground bases, population reduction, the hidden history of humanity, transhumanism (integrating humans with robotics), mind control and much more — with an emphasis on awakening humanity, insistence on transparency, and consciously using our innate creativity to choose genuine humanity and freedom over transhumanism and slavery.



DJ:   You talk a lot about the transhumanist movement and what it’s trying to do. Now it’s right in our face. You’ve been talking about it for years about what they’ve been up to. And you have a whole section dedicated to Bill Gates’ creepy technology.

When you look at what they are essentially trying to do with things like smart phones, with things like nano particles in injections…and with the covid stuff also — the cover your face and all this, don’t interact with each other — what are they fundamentally trying to do there to human interaction? What’s the purpose behind it?

Catherine:  Okay, so we live in the middle of a creative shared intelligence.

DJ:  Yes.

Catherine:  Okay? So we are physical beings but we are electromagnetic beings and we resonate with all life. We resonate with the sunlight and the sun, with the birds and the trees and the animals, with each other and all life. And literally what these guys, as far as I can tell, are trying to do, is put a toll booth between every connection and circumvent the resonation into  their machines.

DJ:  Wow.

Catherine:  So they literally want to grid the entire morphogenetic field and get us to resonate with a machine instead of with life and each other. You know, this is trying to make themselves God.


Catherine:  I really think they believe there is still a middle of the road and they can skate through on the middle of the road and I don’t think there is. I think it’s freedom or slavery, it’s transhumanism or a human civilization, and death is not the worst thing that can happen.

Now we haven’t brought up the weirdest scenario and the most weird scenario, as you know, is David Jacobs’s right.

DJ:  Yes. ..And that’s an alien takeover basically…

Catherine:  Or an interdimensional.

DJ:  Yes. And this is actually very fascinating because there is so much research around it. And certainly the UFO file is undeniable, beyond just its incredible technological…Then you go really outside of it and look at it and you say, is it aliens?…because it is acting so alien.


Catherine:  What’s important to understand is either aliens exist or we have become as aliens from each other. In other words, if the official reality and reality have separated much and the leadership class has separated so much from the average person that we have become as if separate species. So even if aliens don’t exist, you need to understand that they do, because we have a leadership class that sees us as an alien species.


Catherine:  The thing they are trying to destroy, in addition to love, is imagination. Because we have the power and the ability to create and invent our world. We can create babies and we can create all sorts of stuff. We can create our world. 


Catherine:  They are tremendously emboldened by the success of the mind control technology… It’s been wildly successful and it’s really worked for them. The problem is, the more you try to engineer life with mind control and machine, the more nuts and incoherent everybody gets…

But what I’m watching is, I really feel like, by corrupting the general mind by the mind control technology, it’s also making them crazy. And I always say, people who win a rigged game get stupid. And I really think as a society, western civilization right now, is collectively — we’re losing our minds.


Catherine:  I keep saying this again and again. I’m going to pound the table. Death is not the worst thing that can happen. Do not be afraid. Okay? You have no reason to fear death. I realize it’s inconvenient, particularly if somebody is depending on your cash flow. But death is not the worst thing that can happen. Slavery is the worst thing that can happen.

So get out of fear. It’s not hopeless. If it was hopeless, they wouldn’t be trying to persuade you that it was hopeless.


Dark Journalist – Catherine Austin Fitts Exclusive Interview: Humanity In The Balance! 

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
November 13, 2020

Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes Former Asst. HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts to the show for a breakthrough discussion of the Global Agenda being rolled out.

Catherine sees a totalitarian great reset with the central controllers trying to keep humanity from discovering our power to shape events and make our own future!


Deep Surveillance

Digital Currency

Black Budget



Mind Control

Fight for the Future

Human Livestock Management

Advanced Nano Technology

You can make sure this important work continues by subscribing to Dark Journalist here:

The Dark Journalist X SERIES:

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChuteBrighteon,Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report

Solari Report’s growing body of work on the Missing Money

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: See related videos — Greg Hunter’s interview with Dr. Mark Skidmore about the missing trillions and Richard Dolan’s interview with Dr. David Jacobs about an “alien” agenda of planetary acquisition.


Dr. Mark Skidmore – Deep State Cover-Up of Missing $21 Trillion Deeply Disturbing


“THIS PLANET WILL BE THEIRS.” David Jacobs on the Richard Dolan Show. Dec. 10, 2018.

Dr. Peter Breggin w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: On the COVID Op & the Depth of the Machinery Designed by the Predators That Attempt to Control This World

Dr. Peter Breggin w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: On the COVID Op & the Depth of the Machinery Designed by the Predators That Control This World


Dr. Peter Breggin and Catherine Austin Fitts share an insightful, highly intelligent & loving conversation.


Brief Excerpts


Catherine Austin Fitts:
“Covid-19 is a marketing op for what the central bankers are up to.”
“Love is the electricity that allows intelligence to connect. And so, there’s no such thing as shared intelligence without love.”
Dr. Peter Breggin:
“The people who rise to the top…they often have two qualities…
First thing, like you said, is they lack empathy. But they also lack critical intelligence.
And that’s one of the reasons you can’t trust the media folks.”

by Dr. Peter Breggin, MD with Catherine Austin Fitts
November 4, 2020

Catherine Austin Fitts on COVID-19 & World Affairs – The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – November 4, 2020 

Original video is available at Peter Breggin MD YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Catherine Austin Fitts: Our Current Destructive, Hidden Planetary Governance vs the Vision of a Prosperous & Healthy New World

Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends| Catherine Austin Fitts

by Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Catherine Austin Fitts
October 29, 2020


Original video is available at Dr. Tom Cowan YouTube channel.

Catherine Austin Fitts, who probably knows more about the economic side of the Covid plandemic than anyone else alive today.   She has worked in the highest levels of government and finance, having served as assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development and started and managed various private-equity firms on Wall Street.

What she shares on this podcast is both disturbing and inspiring.  The road to building a society based on health, truth and justice is in front of us, and she lays out some of the steps to get there. Please join us.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Excerpts from Catherine Austin Fitts’ commentary:

“…We are at the cusp of an effort, by whoever leads the planet, to cancel currency. So we are now facing the end of currency.
I would say the defining characteristic of life on planet earth is we live within a governance system which is a mystery.  I’ve lived my whole life, and I’ve tried to figure out who really runs things, and how they run things, and I have to tell you, I don’t know.

I have lots of high octane speculation, which is very informed high-octane speculation.

But I want you to think about how ridiculously absurd it is that we live on a planet where the leadership is a mystery and the majority of the financial transactions and financial management is a secret.
Let’s  just pretend we’re in a world where we have two groups of people. One are online retailers and one are Main Street retailers. So the online retailers and their pals pretend that there’s a plague and they announce that all the Main Street retailers are non-essential — at which point, the central bank prints a lot of money which they lend to the online retailers at zero percent. And those retailers can now take over the market share of the Main Street retailers, essentially for free. They can take all their income, and that drives their stocks up. Okay? So, their stocks go very high, and let’s say they sell their stocks when they’re very high. And they reinvest that money in building out smart grids in communities so that they can expand their market share further. And let’s say the government creates something called opportunity zones where they can shelter their capital gains tax on their sale of stocks. So, how do they get a whole lot of real estate fast and cheap? Well, they send in an army of protestors to burn the place down — in the opportunity zones — and that enables them to pick up the real estate for cheap.

Now if you follow all of this financial engineering…what you realize is, they are getting a whole lot of valuable assets for 10 cents on the dollar price with money that got printed out of thin air.
… So the powerful part of this network is the ability to not only know what’s going to happen before it’s happening, but to engineer what happens…”


Connect with Catherine Austn Fitts at

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan at


Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Attorney Katherine Henry on Covid-19 Michigan Supreme Court Decision

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Attorney Katherine Henry on Covid-19 Michigan Supreme Court Decision

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
October 26, 2020


Find this interview at the Solari Report –

The Solari Report BitChute channel.

The Solari Report YouTube channel.

Katherine Henry’s website:


[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Covid-19: Transparency and Legal Accountability — Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin, MD 

Covid-19: Transparency and Legal Accountability — Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin, MD

by Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dr. Peter Breggin, MD
October 20, 2020


Video available at Solari Report BitChute and YouTube channels.

Read: Expert report prepared for Ohio Stands Up lawsuit.

And: Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery with Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military


Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at

Connect with Dr. Peter Breggin, MD at

Truth Comes to Light Editor’s Note: See also —


Ending Interminable Declared Emergencies Under COVID-19 and Restoring our Freedoms and Lives

by Dr. Peter Breggin w/ Attorney Tom Renz
September 1, 2020

Ohio Stands Up! files lawsuit against the State of Ohio
to remove the unconstitutional emergency order
“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud
ever perpetrated on the American public,” attorney Thomas Renz

Toledo, OH – Determined to restore the Constitutional rights that have been stripped away by the State of Ohio’s unjustified actions regarding COVID-19, Ohio Stands Up! has filed suit in the Northern District of Ohio Federal Court to remove Gov. Mike DeWine’s emergency order. The group is represented by attorneys Thomas Renz and Robert Gargasz.

“We believe that the response to COVID-19 has been the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American public,” Renz said. “The objective of this legal action is to force the state to honor the Constitution and to stop the lies, manipulation and fear-mongering intentionally being promoted by public health officials and elected officials.”

Ohio Stands Up! is a grassroots organization composed of Ohio citizens who are focused on restoring the rights of Ohio’s 11.69 million residents and educating the public about the realities of COVID-19 data. Several national experts will testify on behalf of Ohio Stands Up! Renz and Gargasz will release the extensive evidence that chronicles the case to the public to offer transparency and insight.

“The State of Ohio has consistently lied to and manipulated its citizens from the earliest stages of this pandemic,” Gargasz explained. “We insist that this nonsense end, our rights be restored, and that the actual truth be shared.”

Recently, the CDC confirmed that 94 percent of the deaths attributed to the virus were from people who had as many as two to three other serious illnesses. The majority of those deaths are individuals 75 and older. Six percent of the deaths are directly from COVID-19, according to the CDC, while at the same time excess deaths have continued to increase due to deaths caused by the illegal response to what we now know is a minor disease.

“The entire U.S. economy was shut down based on fraudulent models that predicted 2.2 million American deaths,” Renz said. “The State of Ohio violated the U.S. Constitution with an emergency declaration that ignores the fundamental rights of all Ohioans. As a result, millions of Ohioans are suffering financially, physically, and mentally.”

Renz and Gargasz point out that:

  • Hundreds of thousands of businesses are struggling, and many will never re-open.
  • Drug overdoses and suicides have increased as have domestic violence and child abuse cases – directly as a result of the unconstitutional emergency order.
  • Many Ohioans were unable to get treatment for conditions not related to COVID-19 because hospitals were closed to accommodate the rush of COVID-19 patients who never arrived.
  • Children are struggling because many of them cannot attend school in person, and two-income households must reduce to one income since one parent has to remain home.
  • Masks are dangerous, prevent proper breathing, and provide no real protection against this virus, according to multiple studies.
  • Families have been barred from seeing their loved ones in hospitals and long-term care facilities, and residents in long-term care facilities have suffered because of the lack of in-person communication from their loved one.
  • People living alone, of all ages, have been forced into solitary confinement and are dying at tremendously increased rates due to loneliness and lack of self-care.

The State of Ohio has ignored fundamental Constitutional rights for a virus that is no more dangerous than the seasonal flu. A rapidly growing number of Ohioans recognize this and understand that, if they don’t stand up and speak out, it could be too late because a precedent has been set, according to Gargasz.

“There is zero basis for a state of emergency,” Renz said. “Based on what we know about the consequences the emergency order has caused to the physical, financial, and mental well-being of Ohioans, and the vitality of Ohio communities, this is truly a crime against humanity, and it must not be allowed to continue.”

The lawsuit is solely funded by donations from Ohio citizens. As of August 30, donations have reached $34,055. For more information, visit


Media Contact:

Name: Thomas Renz, Attorney

Phone Number: 419-351-4248


A Full Spectrum Analysis of the “Q” Phenomenon: Bernard Grover w/ Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Catherine Austin Fitts

A Full Spectrum Analysis of the “Q” Phenomenon: Bernard Grover w/ Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Catherine Austin Fitts

by Bernard Grover w/ Joseph P. Farrell & Catherine Austin Fitts
October 13, 2020


[Updated video 10.23.2020 — Replacing mirrored video with missing audio in second hour.]

Original video available at Radio Far Side YouTube & RadioFarSide BitChute channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry & Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

QAnon has been vilified and censored by the corporate media, and billed as the Second Coming by followers. Joseph P. Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts join Bernard Grover to discuss the whos, whats, whys, and hows of the Q Phenomenon.

These two remarkable guests bring diverse and well-informed views to a highly misunderstood and contentious topic.

Bernard has written over 35 articles spanning the three years of the Q Phenomenon.

The latest article is linked here, with additional links at the bottom of the page:

You may also find it interesting to read this:

Connect with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell:
Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts:

Bernard Grover’s Primary Website:
Bernard Grover’s Blog Site:

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Fight For the Future | “Leveraged Buyout of the Planet” During This Orchestrated Global Disaster, Transhumanist Depopulation, Humanity as Livestock, Space Surveillance

Catherine Austin Fitts: The Fight For the Future – Transhumanist Depopulation & Space Surveillance

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist w/Catherine Austin Fitts
October 6, 2020


Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry, Odysee & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]


In this explosive Part 2 of a 3 part interview series, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts.

Catherine has spent two decades tracking Missing Trillions from Government agencies including HUD and the Department of Defense.


Catherine goes deep on the Transhumanist Agenda promoted by the World Economic Forum and Big Tech, which she compares to “Livestock Management”.

She shows how their goal is to convert the world’s population into mind-controlled technology slaves and sheds light on a hidden system of economic and political control dominated by a parasitical group that is attempting to depopulate humanity.

Catherine reveals the covert agenda behind the massive surveillance infrastructure and the Secret Space Program that is being developed with public money.

Will humanity win the Fight for the Future?


Satellite Surveillance

Space Force

Mind Control

Missing Trillions

Digital Currencies

Central Banksters

UFO Secrecy


COG — Continuity of Government

To view Part 1,  subscribe to Dark Journalist newsletter & support their work:

Find Catherine Austin Fitts at


Part One was also shared here at Truth Comes to Light.

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Deep State Multi-Layered Chaos Op | Missing Trillions, Weather Warfare, Disaster Capitalism, Riots, Vaccines, “Mark of the Beast” Chips & More

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Deep State Multi-Layered Chaos Op | Missing Trillions, Weather Warfare, Disaster Capitalism, Riots, Vaccines, “Mark of the Beast” Chips & More

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report
September 27, 2020


Original video available at Dark Journalist YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, LBRY & Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video.]



In this explosive Part 1 episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Secretary of HUD Catherine Austin Fitts.

Catherine has spent two decades tracking Missing Money from Government agencies including HUD and the Department of Defense!

She goes deep on the current weaponization of narratives of division created by a Central Banking Syndicate for political control and how it relates to the dangerous game of Election 2020, Civil War and the Chaos Card the Deep State is playing.


Civil War

Deep State

Missing Trillions

Digital Currencies

Secret System of Finance


UFO Secrecy


Support Dark Journalist:

Catherine Austin Fitts: Solari Report

Special Investigative Reports by

The Missing Money

Enforce the Constitution


Excerpts from Transcript:


Catherine Austin Fitts

“It’s so hard for a lot of people to understand. They haven’t, you know, they haven’t spent the time looking at what’s really going on under the carpet. And so, if you haven’t done that, you can’t fathom, you know, that someone would envision downloading operating software into human body and hooking it up to the DOD cloud.”


Dark Journalist

“I’ve noticed that you haven’t cut Trump a lot of slack recently. You kind of see him as part of this, in a weird way.”

Catherine Austin Fitts

“You know, here’s the thing. Trump, if you look at what’s really going on with the riots, yes, you’re talking about many different broken laws. Yes, so you have people financed across state borders and do serious property damage. And some of them may or may not be, you know, somebody’s got guns… My guess is you’ve got mercenaries going in there too. And all sorts of other things…  somebody financing people, like an army going in and destroying property. You know this is all illegal and the Department of Justice can shut it down in 24 hours.
,,,So don’t tell me they can’t shut this down. They can shut this down like that, and if they’re not doing it, there’s a reason.”


Catherine Austin Fitts

“Those aren’t street revolts. That’s an operation. Right? So let’s call what it is. Tt’s a multi-layered op. And it’s an op and somebody’s financing the op.”

Dark Journalist
“What would be the aim of having that kind of chaos in the streets?”
Catherine Austin Fitts
“And I’m gonna grossly oversimplify, just to help you understand the concepts. So you start, let’s go back to 1995. You can’t get the budget deal through. You give up on the country. You decide to pull all the money out. So 21 trillion gets moved out. You move out another 24 trillion with the bailouts. You know, you have some other fraud… 50 trillion dollars pulled out of the mechanism. Right? But what’s not pulled out of the mechanism, you still have obligations. You have military pensions, you have social security, you have all these health care obligations. So you’ve pulled the assets out but you haven’t gotten rid of the liabilities. Well, how do you get rid of the liabilities? If you have a civil war and people demand that their states secede from the nation, you can say, well… the people didn’t want the vehicle anymore. So they they would rather walk away. … They chose to secede rather than get social security.”
Dark Journalist:
“So it has to be coordinated on both sides of the political aisle?”
Catherine Austin Fitts
“Right. You need a war to get the people to self-destruct their own covenant. In other words, you know they are owed trillions of dollars in health care, trillions of dollars in retirement obligations, trillions of dollars in many different sort of regulatory obligations. And now what you want to do is, you want to slither out of them without admitting that you stole all the money.”

Catherine Austin Fitts: The State of Our Currencies

The State of Our Currencies — Just a Taste

by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report
July 31, 2020


Also available on YouTube

[TCTL Editor’s Note: As a service to our readers, the following transcript was created using YouTube’s transcript function, with some additional editing. ~ Kathleen]


“It is essential to understand that we live and transact in a transition time.

We are in between two systems. We are amidst a global currency war.

The first system is the US dollar which has served as the global reserve currency since World War II.

Over the last year, numerous officials in the financial and political spheres have increasingly gone public regarding their belief that the effort by the Anglo-American Alliance to institute a global uni-polar model, subsequent to the collapse of the Soviet Union, has failed.

They have been open about their dissatisfaction with the US dollar as reserve currency and many efforts to de-dollarize.

The second system is in the invention room as we speak.

Numerous parties throughout the developed and developing worlds, including members of the dollar syndicate, are attempting to bring up new digital transaction payment and settlement systems.

The result is an extensive debate and prototyping of new financial products and complex systems. The competition to build out the hardware, the software, and the artificial intelligence to integrate the entire global population is fierce.

The important thing to understand in this transition period is that many members of the global leadership do not intend to bring up a new currency system for use by the general population. Instead, they intend to use the end of currency as we know it, as part of a radical re-engineering of our existing laws, finances and culture.

Their goal is the end of individual sovereignty, managed with technocracy and transaction systems that can operate without markets or currency in the classic sense, and be integrated with what has heretofore been separate control systems.

The use of a pandemic to engineer and market the transition has made any analysis more difficult.

Whoever thought that tracking the central bankers global reset would require advanced expertise experience and an extensive network in the health sciences?

Fortunately the Solari team has been blessed with many subscribers and allies who have such expertise and networks. On the other hand, it is made explaining what is happening a lot easier.

For months I struggled to explain transhumanism in the vision to end currencies.

Having Bill Gates jump on reddit in 2020, to propose some of the key points, certainly simplified matters.

I said in the 2019 annual wrap-up that the question before us in 2020 was — what are we going to do about the Beck brothers? This was a reference to the video series Yellowstone.

The Beck Brothers were those nasty fellows who played dirty, finally requiring an organized local posse to kill them. When asked why they kept engineering assassinations, cattle poisonings, child kidnapping, and generally playing dirty, one of the Beck brothers explained: ‘no one ever fights back’.

Now is the time when you and I are called to fight back.

If you are listening to this you are among those who wish to preserve human sovereignty and freedom. I’m deeply grateful for your intelligence and your contributions.

You and I are not alone. Far from it. The number of people appalled at where things are headed grows daily. Our opportunity is to make a difference together, now while the new system is still being prototyped and the factions competing.

We are actors in the writing of history. We have a say now as to how things go.

The state of our currency systems must be seen in this context, within a raging debate regarding the future of humanity.

The debate is between those who hope to profit, to an obscene degree, from an end of human health and freedom and those who wish to preserve a human society dedicated to spiritual and political freedom and prosperity for future generations.

Last night I drove with Thomas Meyer and his beautiful family into the mountains outside of Basil, Switzerland, which is home of the Bank of International Settlements, to observe the Neowise comet and multiple shooting stars.

Thomas described why Rudolf Steiner believed that such comets and the meteorites that are expected this August are a harbinger of a profound push by mankind for freedom.”

~ Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts w/Jason Liosatos: Creating Our Pathway Forward

Catherine Austin Fitts w/Jason Liosatos: Creating Our Pathway Forward

by Jason Liosatos Outside The Box
July 17, 2020


“Bill Gates, long ago, envisioned the idea of installing an operating system in a human. And he’s been working steadily at it for 20 years, 
And it’s so nuts — it’s such a hyper-materialist vision.
And it’s such a… a return to slavery that many people can’t envision that anybody could.. would fathom that and work their whole life to implement it.”
~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Jason Liosatos talks with Catherine Austin Fitts about Creating Our Pathway Forward with Actionable Intelligence to Live a Free and Inspired Life.

Support Jason at Patreon

Find Catherine at


In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform,
link here to a mirrored copy on TCTL BitChute & LBRYchannels.

Articles & videos mentioned in the above interview:

Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Mark Skidmore: Update on the Trillions Missing from the US Government

Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Mark Skidmore: Update on the Trillions Missing from the US Government

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
June 18, 2020


Dr. Skidmore’s New Update on the Missing Money
The Missing Money website


Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Exposé on ‘Vaccine’/Injection Fraud & the PERP Act: Catherine Austin Fitts With Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Special Solari Report: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the PERP Act & Injection Fraud

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
June 13, 2020


Connect with the work of Catherine Austin Fitts: The Solari Report –

Connect with the work of Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Courses for Mastery –



See also: The Injection Fraud — It’s Not a Vaccine by Catherine Austin Fitts


In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by the source social media platform, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Who’s Doing This? | Catherine Austin Fitts: “We Have No Idea What the Governance Structure on Our Planet Is”

Who’s Doing This? A Conversation with Richard Dolan

“But what that means, Richard, is that power on this planet is phenomenally centralized. Phenomenally centralized. And that is compatible with an open, not a closed economy. I say this because I think it is so extraordinary that you and I live on a planet with these other well-educated intelligent people and we have no idea what the governance structure on our planet is. It’s secret.”

~ Catherine Austin Fitts


Watch the full video at

by Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
June 5, 2020


Something serious just happened. The Pentagon confirmed a series of UFO videos. Let’s look at what this means.

First, the U.S. government does not have information sovereignty. The U.S. President cannot speak with a foreign leader without 17 intelligence agencies, their foreign counterparts, and perhaps a telecom company or two listening in and leaking highlights of the conversation.

Second, the U.S. government does not have financial sovereignty. The U.S. Treasury depends on a group of private banks who run their accounts to market trillions in debt, but whose real amount outstanding and ownership continue to be mysteries. With the adoption of FASAB 56 in late 2018, the Treasury shifted out of a sovereign model on a formal basis.

Now, the Department of Defense, where over $20 trillion has gone missing over the last 20 years—an amount almost as great as the official U.S. debt—has stated publicly that it does not control U.S. air space. Many people have known about this for a long time—but the Pentagon just said it publicly. In other words, despite an annual official expenditure of $738 billion and average annual undocumentable adjustments of $1 trillion, the U.S. Department of Defense does not control U.S. air space and is not saying who does.

This raises a vital question: Who does control U.S. air space, and what does that have to do with the rapid centralization of political and economic control underway? As a financial matter, there is another question: What is the value of a sovereign bond—such as a U.S. Treasury bond—if the country that issues it is not sovereign, despite receiving trillions of dollars a year in taxes and investment from pensions and retirement accounts?

This week, leading ufologist Richard Dolan returns to The Solari Report to describe the Pentagon’s statement, discussing why it is important and what it may mean given the unusual events of 2020.

Who’s really in charge here? Is it the guys with the high-tech spaceships? Or is it the guys who own a lot of our debt? Or are they one and the same guys? This is an important question. With incomes devastated by the politically engineered shutdown of the global economy, governments and citizens of the world are falling into a debt trap. This means that central bankers and invisible creditors will increasingly control. Contract tracing may be their vehicle to kidnap children and steal assets. Riots may be a way of getting rid of the police who protect you and me. It would be nice to know who these people behind the scenes are.


Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Connect with Richard Dolan


“There Are Fates Worse Than Death” — Catherine Austin Fitts & James Corbett on Injection Fraud as Part of Unfolding Global Tyranny

“There Are Fates Worse Than Death” – Catherine Austin Fitts Exposes the Injection Fraud

by Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Report and James Corbett, The Corbett Report
sourced from The Corbett Report
June 5, 2020


Catherine Austin Fitts: So you need to understand that this is absolutely as satanic, you know, as it gets. And what you’re talking about is will you allow them to do that to your children…

James Corbett: You’re right. I mean there are things worse death and we will experience them if we keep acquiescing to this agenda. And I thought you hit the nail on the head when you say that the machine model that’s been in place for the last few hundred years of industrial productivity is essentially anti-life. And the only way to foist that on the world — which is abundant in and of itself — the only way to foist that model on the world is through control, through manipulation, through deception, and ultimately through death. Destruction. And that is the model that has been in place.

Catherine Austin Fitts of interviews James Corbett about his new documentary, Who Is Bill Gates?

We go beyond the focus on Gates to discuss the syndicate that he is leading, the business model it relies on, and the new form of collateral that will underlie the digital economy: the human body.

Don’t miss this vital conversation that fills in the missing pieces of the puzzle and draws back the curtains on the real purpose of the injection fraud.



Who Is Bill Gates?

The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine

Biosecurity and Politics (Giorgio Agamben)

Deep State Tactics 101 with Catherine Austin Fitts (Part 1/6)


See also: Who’s Doing This? | Catherine Austin Fitts: “We Have No Idea What the Governance Structure on Our Planet Is”

In the event that the original video is censored and deleted by YouTube, link here to a mirrored copy on Truth Comes to Light Bitchute channel.

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell & Catherine Austin Fitts: Cui Bono Coronavirus?

The Solari Report

Catherine Austin Fitts and Dr. Joseph P. Farrell  discuss the “deliberately created pandemonium and and media driven hysteria” with speculation about financial reset, a long-term strike against China, the global health issues caused by the cocktail of “spraying… nanotechnology and crap… and vaccines…”, biowarfare, and coronavirus as a cover story.

Listen to the full interview at the Solari Report –

Jon Rappoport: Vimeo Censors My Interview, in Which Catherine Austin Fitts and I Discuss Coronavirus and Vaccines

Vimeo censors my interview, in which Catherine Austin Fitts and I discuss coronavirus and vaccines

Vimeo also removed another Fitts interview with a distinguished attorney, on the subject of mandated vaccines
They’re meddling with you, and deciding for you

by Jon Rappoport
March 9, 2020


To boil it down: a video was posted, then it was censored. Removed. Deleted. By Vimeo. On March 4. Bang.

Why? Because you’re not supposed to know what was discussed in the video.

It might give you a wrong idea.

You might infer something you shouldn’t. You can’t handle making up your own mind. You have to feed at the official and approved public trough for truth. Truth is defined for you by those in charge of Knowing. You’re a pawn who must be controlled, for your own good. That’s why Vimeo took down the video.

Vimeo might not understand all that. From what I’m told, programmed robots don’t work from understanding; they just follow orders.

A couple of weeks back, Catherine Austin Fitts and I did one of her wide-ranging Solari Reports. We discussed the coronavirus situation and vaccines. I was ever-polite, as usual. You know me. I avoid stepping on toes at all costs. Before an interview, I always take two Thorazine and meditate on the magnificence of Globalism and Oneness in the everlasting corporatization of planet Earth. Yet somehow, someone at Vimeo took umbrage.

Catherine Austin Fitts, describes her enterprise: “Solari Report is an independent intelligence network whose goal is to support its subscribers and readers in living a free and inspired life.”

Might this be problematic in the eyes of Vimeo? What did she say? Independent? Free and inspired? Hmm. What about conforming? What about saluting the great cheese glob of lowest common denominator?

I asked Catherine for her reaction when she received the notice, on March 4, that the video was taken down. I quote her directly:

“FLABBERGASTED adjective flab• ber• gast• ed | \ˈfla-bər-ˌga-stəd \Definition of flabbergasted: feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder: utterly astonished flabbergast [flab-er-gast] verb (used with object) to overcome with surprise and bewilderment; astound. First Known Use of flabbergasted 1773, in the meaning defined above.”

Actually, on March 4, Vimeo took down two Solari videos. The other one was Catherine’s interview about mandated vaccines, with Mary Holland. Who? “Who is THAT person coming forward and telling us about vaccines, when we haven’t seen her face, at least several times, on the CBS Evening News? Does she at least work for the government?”

“Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is pleased to announce that Mary S. Holland has become its full-time General Counsel. Holland will continue to serve as CHD Vice Chair of the Board of Directors.”

“Holland has fought long and hard in the vaccination choice and safety movement. In the last fifteen years, she has co-written and edited two books, Vaccine Epidemic and The HPV Vaccine on Trial, and co-founded two non-profits, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and the Center for Personal Rights. In addition, she has published seminal legal articles on critical dimensions of vaccine law and policy: constitutionality; herd immunity; liability for injury; and the connection between vaccines and autism.”

“On behalf of many organizations, she submitted amicus briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, a case about manufacturer liability, and to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Cedillo v. HHS about vaccine-induced autism…”

Obviously, Vimeo knows what they’re doing. They must protect you from learning what this Mary Holland (or anyone else) might put in your head. Right? Of course. Vimeo is looking out for your welfare day and night.

Here is a brief except from Mary Holland’s Solari Report: “All you have to do is look up a [vaccine] product on the internet. Look up an insert [package] for the polio vaccine or the diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis. There are 50 different [adverse effect] medical conditions, typically including death, that are listed on the product insert. So the propaganda rolls on, ‘Vaccines are safe and effective. Vaccines are safe and effective,’ but when you look for evidence of this, it’s just not true.”

“All you have to do is look at what the manufacturers say to insure that they continue to be liability-free. We should talk about that. They list the things that people report to them are adverse events after vaccination with this vaccine.”

“They [the manufacturers] go to great lengths to say, ‘This [adverse event] isn’t proven,’ and, ‘We never go back and test,’ and, ‘This is a sample size of unknown numbers,’ but these are reported adverse events from this vaccine. I don’t know how you can say that somebody shouldn’t have the right to say, ‘No, I’ll take my risks. I would really rather get the mumps than die’.”

Can you handle reading those words from Mary Holland? Can you make up your mind whether you agree or disagree? If you’re not sure, can you file the information away in a “maybe” compartment? Was there a need to have Vimeo decide to wall you off from what Mary Holland said?

“Yes, but you see, Jon, there are so many suggestible people out there who can’t make up their own minds. They must be protected.”

Really? Protected from exactly what? And by whom? A Central Committee issuing daily rulings? We are now a society in which free speech only exists in the shadow cast by persons who are unable to think?

I’ll tell you this. If I were the CEO of a huge vaccine manufacturer, or a top executive at the CDC (a front for vaccine companies); and if were very worried about what the public might discover re mind-boggling vaccine dangers, I’d award Vimeo a medal for censoring unofficial sources. I’d be pouring out praise for their efforts. And quietly, I’d think, wow, they’re basically operating like a PR agency for me.

As for what I said in my interview with Catherine in our Solari Report conversation, I don’t need to pick out an excerpt. You can access any of my articles on the “coronavirus crisis” (archive here) and find the essence and details of my position. Is there a reason for censorship there? Apparently, many readers don’t think so.

When Vimeo removed the interviews Catherine did with Mary Holland and me, they sent out their usual notice about taking down potentially harmful content, and so on. Then there was a follow-up, to Catherine, on March 5. Here it is:

Jason R. (Vimeo Trust & Safety)

Mar 5, 4:44 PM EST

Hi there,

My name is Jason and I manage Vimeo’s Trust and Safety team.

Your videos were removed for violating Vimeo’s Terms of Service ( and Community Guidelines (

Specifically, Vimeo does not allow videos that falsely claim that mass tragedies are hoaxes, or perpetuate false or misleading claims about vaccine safety.

After looking into your account, it actually looks like there are a number of other violations. You should be sure to review our terms thoroughly and remove any content that does not comply.

Please do not re-upload this content as it may result in full account removal.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Jason R.
Trust & Safety Manager

I guess they don’t have last names over at Vimeo.

As for “describing mass tragedies as hoaxes,” and “making misleading claims about vaccine safety,” Jason R ought to think about who defines “hoax” and “misleading.” God? Exceptional humans gifted, somehow, with supreme authority? Or little droids following orders from the office upstairs.

Here are links to Mary Holland’s and my Solari Report video excerpts:

“Special Solari Report: Vaccine Mandates with Mary Holland, J.D.”

“Coronavirus, Epidemics, and Vaccine Terrorism with Jon Rappoport”

And remember: censorship is a gift that must be cherished. We’re all in this together. The more we stifle free speech and help destroy the 1st Amendment, the closer we come to the perfect society. Someday, we will all agree on whatever there is to agree on. Which is everything. Let us praise the Vimeo States of America and its thought-police allies from nations all over the world.

And while we’re at it, let us recall Medical Big Brother’s stirring words engraved on the Statue of Liberty: “Give us your huddled masses, yearning to be vaccinated.”

Thank you, Vimeo. Here’s your new cutting edge slogan:


Where Did the Missing Trillions Go? – Catherine Austin Fitts on The Corbett Report

by James Corbett with Catherine Austin Fitts
November 26, 2019


Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed


So we all know about the missing trillions by now, but where is that money going? And what can Americans do to reclaim that money that is rightfully theirs? Join Catherine Austin Fitts of and James Corbett of The Corbett Report for this wide-ranging discussion on the most important topic of our time that no one is talking about.


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Interview 1479 – Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Financial Coup D’état

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

The Pentagon completed its second audit. What did it find?

The So-Called War on Terror Has Killed Over 801,000 People and Cost $6.4 Trillion: New Analysis

The Secret Space Shuttle

US Air Force’s X-37B Space Plane Lands After Record 780-Day Mystery Mission

Campaign #my212020

In Unprecedented, Shocking Proposal, BOE’s Mark Carney Urges Replacing Dollar With Libra-Like Reserve Currency

Catherine Austin Fitts on the Financial Coup D’état in the US

by James Corbett
September 18, 2019


Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed

Catherine Austin Fitts has been following the story of the black budget, the missing trillions, and the back door in the US Treasury for decades. Now, her tireless work on this subject has been published in a comprehensive report from, “The Real Game of Missing Money” Volumes 1 and 2. Today James Corbett talks to Fitts about FASAB 56, the missing trillions and the financial coup d’état which has liquidated the wealth of the United States and shipped it out the back door.


Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the mp4



Interview 1407 – Mark Skidmore on the Pentagon’s Missing Trillions

FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes

Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on U.S. Treasury and Related Securities

Catherine Austin Fitts: Globalizing Thievery

Source:  Richard Dolan
Published on Nov 8, 2018



Recorded November 7, 2018, Richard Dolan interviews Catherine Austin Fitts.

This is a fascinating and extremely clear discussion of the nature of the $21 trillion of “unaccounted discrepancies” in the Pentagon and HUD budgets from 1998 to 2015. Catherine argues that the fundamentals in how we look at the U.S. federal budget and spending is completely wrong, and our society is bleeding money on a daily basis to fund unaccountable programs that do not benefit the people.

Catherine Austin Fitts is one of the world’s leading experts in “black budget economics,” and has been investigating U.S. federal government financial discrepancies totaling in the trillions of dollars. She was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development from 1989 to 1993, and is an investment analyst and advisor. She has authored many articles on financial fraud, missing money, and the structure of power in our world.

See her websites at:

Catherine Austin Fitts: Missing Trillions & the Secret Space Force Economy

by Daniel LisztDark Journalist



In this part 2 exciting episode Dark Journalist welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts for an in-depth look at her exciting Solari Report on The Space Economy.


Catherine connects the dots on the Missing Trillions that have disappeared from Government Agencies and the Department of Defense. In her expert research she has traced the missing money to a massive infrastructure in Space run with Black Budget financing through a network of Pension Funds that utilize a powerful wall of secrecy to protect the shadowy programs.


* Black Budget

* Mind Control

* Financial Coup

* Control Files

* Covert Surveillance

* Media Manipulation

* Underground Bases

* UFO Technology

*Covert Space Infrastructure


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Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Catherine Austin Fitts: Global Control & the Black Budget

Source: DarkJournalist
Published on Jun 15, 2018



Exclusive Part 2 with Former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts on Control 101:
Stunning Black Budget Corruption!
Who or What is in Control of the World?
Catherine Austin Fitts from The Solari Report goes in depth on the various hidden systems of control being rolled out in 2018 by nefarious covert forces controlling financial, political, cultural and technological issues!

* Black Budget
* Mind Control
* Financial Coup
* Control Files
* Covert Surveillance
* Media Manipulation
* Entrainment Technologies
*UFO Technology

Catherine Austin Fitts on Global Control & Bitcoin

by  DarkJournalist
May 25, 2018



Daniel Liszt interviews former Assistant Housing Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts on the Black Budget.

If we can’t talk about reality, how are we going to deal with reality?

I’ve been doing due diligence on Bitcoin, digital currencies, and was really inspired by a series of events to do a serious – the kind of due diligence that an investment advisor or an investment banker is required by professional standards to do… and then I sat down and I said, you know this really is as bad as I thought…

So Mr. Global is getting all the freedom fighters to invent his digial currency mechanisms and transactions. You know it’s many things, it’s complex… But I ran into so many wonderful people who were adamant that somehow – that the cryptocurrency revolution was going to solve all of our problems. And they didn’t understand that when you have a government structure that is invisible, does not have integrity, and is controlling you through physical force, there is no such thing as a financial solution to that. Because if I control the physical world, I control the hardware, I control the train tracks, I control the cables that go underneath the ocean, I control the satellites in the sky, I’m in control...

The whole point for me in Control 101 was to try to reach into the minds of so many wonderful people and help them come back to coherence about how control works. You know, control in our world runs by force, physical force. That’s why we spend more than a trillion dollars a year on military hardware and budgets. It’s run by force…

…digital currencies and digital payment systems will be used to control us. What I think the bankers want is they want everybody chipped and entrained… They want “Daniel, here’s your chip and if you don’t behave, we’re turning off your money.”…

I think we are building the train tracks of our own control…

My one rule is my most precious asset is my time and attention. And I’m only going to invest in things which give life = both give life to the people I serve and give life to me. If I see something as ultimately developing the train tracks of control, I don’t want to contribute.

– Catherine Austin Fitts

Ethical & Moral Awakening: Jason Liosatos Interviews Catherine Austin Fitts

Source:  Jason Liosatos Outside The Box
Published on Jan 9, 2018


My talk with Catherine Austin Fitts former assistant secretary of housing under George Bush Senior. Catherine talks about her own breakaway from the corrupted Government money system, and her wonderful work now at where she is helping people to understand our system, and move towards a more symbiotic one, based on empathy, morals, truth and co operation.


 The Emergency Transformation of Human Beings: The Solution to the World’s Problems by Jason Liosatos

The Solution to the Worlds Problems. We stand at critical fork in the road, a turning point in our human history. We can carry on our current course and face disaster, or we can embrace a higher evolutionary path of transformation and sanity which is desperately and urgently calling us towards it.
This book is dedicated to that emergency evolution and development. The choice is simply ours, because we are artists of ourselves and ultimately the future, we paint the future into being because we create and manifest with thought.


Catherine Austin Fitts: Bitcoin Op & Digital Slavery

by  DarkJournalist
December 13, 2017



Human Society vs Digital Slavery & Transhumanism

In this fascinating episode Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Former Assistant Housing Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts for a deep and insightful look into the perils and possibilities of the digital age and what lies ahead. Catherine points out that the leadership in Global affairs believe in slavery and that their policies of controlling economic growth, harvesting the citizen’s wealth. developing entrainment through technology and building a massive surveillance grid of humanity represent a dangerous hazard to the entire Globe. The Bitcoin Op Catherine sees most of the upper level financial elites moving into buying Gold and Land while they entice the general population into an unstable cryptocurrency that, although it may hold short term capital gains, will ultimately be the a contrived pump and dump of historic levels. She points out that Bitcoin is not the currency for the people it pretends to be and that much of the hype around it is devised to help the Central Banking powers consolidate their gains and entice the population to use a digital currency. She outlines the danger of using digital money when the current system of finance has no integrity and that people who work with Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies know it’s unsafe and subject to hacking with FDIC insurance.

The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire

The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire

by Jon Rappoport
November 13, 2023


When I discovered this study several years ago and wrote the following extensive piece on it, the study was a bolt from the blue, a complete devastating shocker.

It still is.

It is more than enough to topple the whole vaccine empire.

Honoring the work of the study co-author, Dr. Antonietta Gatti, Catherine Austin Fitts wrote, “Not long after the publication of this revolutionary study, tax authorities raided and investigated Dr. Gatti’s and [her husband] Dr. Montanari’s laboratory and private home—an all too usual method of intimidation.”

THAT was the “scientific follow-up.”

In a nutshell, Dr. Gatti’s 2017 study showed an incredible amount of contamination, in a whole host of traditional vaccines. The contamination was in the form of tiny nanoparticles, mostly metallic, and obviously highly harmful and dangerous.

Before reading my summary and analysis of that study—here is an updated communication from Dr. Gatti I received a few days ago. It describes, in a stark and disturbing fashion, what has been happening to her, her work, and her laboratory. This is chilling:

“At the end of last year, our laboratory no longer had the financial capacity to continue its research. The proceeds from the few analyzes requested by private individuals yielded enormously less than what the research cost us. Then, there were two possibilities: close everything or set up a foundation by giving away everything that belonged to us, hoping to find some sponsors. After all, all initiatives, even the most bizarre, find someone willing to contribute financially. Why not a foundation that does fundamental research on health? So, we opted for the latter choice, and the Nanodiagnostics Foundation was born.”

“But, after almost a year, not a cent has arrived. In short, no company, no private citizen, no institution is willing to contribute.”

“Many people continue to demand results and ask questions to which they have no answers from the institutions or their doctors, but, if it is a question of parting from some money, the silence is absolute.”

“It is clear that our work is a threat to billion-dollar businesses that are not exactly clear, at least for most people. For this reason, the most absurd and incredible slanders are invented to our detriment.

Not being able to dispute our scientific results, there are those who publish, usually anonymously, that we earn enormous sums of money, even giving the impression that the Foundation belongs to us, when it should be known that foundations do not belong to anyone, and no one can profit from them. And this is when we have donated everything that belonged to us, and we work for free.”

“Another tactic is trying to isolate and discredit us with lies. What the University of Bologna did a few days ago, the university where I graduated, then specialized and taught, is a small example.”

“A few months ago, that university asked us if we were willing to accept [a] student… who would prepare her graduation thesis with us. We agreed and agreed with the student on how to proceed. A few months passed, then, a couple of weeks ago, when the University authorities realized that the student would work with us, they sent us a message of a few lines in which they informed us that what we do (and which I had taught at that university) was of no interest to them (which, in a way, is true, although very far from the mission of the University). Needless to say, my letter to the Rector asking for explanations remained unanswered.”

“And it is also useless to say how difficult it is to publish the results that we continue to obtain, and which are not liked by those who financially maintain the medical journals, on whose scientific nature I prefer not to comment. For twice the Editor after the publication of an article (on vaccines and on SIDS) asked to retreat [sic] them. Only the work of the Robert Kennedy Jr lawyers stopped the request.”

“[Paper:] Novel chemical-physical autopsy investigation in sudden infant death and sudden intrauterine unexplained death syndromes” (click here)

“Just for your information, in spite of all difficulties, we are now dealing with very critical topics: spontaneously aborted babies, analysis of the brains of infants who died in cots (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, aka SIDS), analysis of what falls from the sky (e.g., recently hail never seen before), food, etc. All this can only be fought with personal discredit.”

“We haven’t had any visits from the regime for a long time. For them it is enough to monitor our computers and phones. The rest is done by ‘volunteers’. As for other scientists, no one deals with our topics in full. It must be realized that doing so represents a risk that is obviously preferable not to take.”

“As long as we can manage, we will continue to work. If, however, no sponsor materializes (idle chatter and empty promises are not only useless: they are a waste of time,) we will have no other option than to declare defeat, a defeat that belongs to the whole world and, above all, to the children who do not deserve the fate they are suffering.”

“…I give some details of our Foundation Nanodiagnostics (click here)…”

IF YOU CAN, PLEASE DONATE TO Dr. Gatti’s vital work at the above website.

Here is my original article on Dr. Gatti’s vaccine-contamination study:

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study

“The Lung,” Second Edition: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.”

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study:

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari
(Paper archived here and here)

“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

Are the study authors leaving the door open to the possibility that the contamination is intentional?

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated. Take a deep breath and buckle up:

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (less than 100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

Several vital questions demanding answers spring from the findings of this 2017 study:

Are some of these nanoparticles intentionally placed in vaccines?

Does the standard manufacturing process for traditional vaccines INEVITABLY lead to dangerous and destructive nano-contamination?

New nano-technology is already being employed to create several vaccines—supposedly “improving effectiveness.” In fact, the RNA COVID-19 vaccine are a nano-type. Does this manufacturing process carry with it the unavoidable effect of unleashing a hurricane of nanoparticle contaminants?

How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?

And finally, where are these contaminated vaccines manufactured? The above study did not attempt to discover this. It was outside the scope of the research. It’s common knowledge that, for example, in the case of the US, vaccines or their components, are, in many instances, not produced domestically. Where does this put control of safety? In, say, China, where there have been numerous pharmaceutical scandals connected to contamination of products?

The vaccine establishment does not show the slightest interest in answering any of these questions. They are busy pretending the questions don’t exist.

Trusting the establishment would be suicidal.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image credit: nts01

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell: Strange Wildfire Incidents Move to Maui

Joseph P. Farrell: Strange Wildfire Incidents Move to Maui

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
August 14, 2023


By now we’ve all heard of the disastrous, and sad, fires on Maui that have wiped out hundreds of people’s homes, livelihoods, and tragically ended the lives of many.

If you’re wondering why I’ve not commented until now, it is because  like many of you, I’m  shocked and saddened that these fires caused so much damage, and seemingly struck without much of a warning. Unlike the propatainment media, I did not want to comment in my usual fashion about my suspicions about these fires, because it was just not “right” nor the time to do so.

Needless to say, such attempt to maintain some tact was utterly absent from the propatainment media which wasted no time invoking its nutty climate change narrative, beating even the Bai Den Dzhao misadministration to that punch. Indeed, in a rare display of sensitivity and tact, and to his rare credit, the “president” refraining from making any reference to that narrative.

But comment and speculation is necessary, particularly for anyone paying attention to the strange resemblance of what has happened in Maui, to what happened in California years earlier with equally strange fires, particularly those in Paradise, California.

We all recall the strange pictures from those fires: homes and businesses completely burned to the ground, while next to them, bushes, trees, and shrubs remained alive and unburned.

Perhaps these strange results are the bizarreries one comes to  expect from plasmas, i.e., perhaps they are “firestorm equivalents to Leidenfrost layers”.

Whether or not that wild and “out there” speculation makes any sense is really irrelevant, because my point is  that one can contrive almost any “naturalistic” explanation to account for the strangeness of what we saw. It becomes more difficult when one remembers the pictures of melted roadbeds on bridges, buckled and melted guard rails, right next to abundant – and unburned – underbrush.

Again, naturalistic explanations are possible: the metal in the roadbed or guard rails acted as heat conductors and actually channeled heat away from the underbrush. Maybe (but did they channel the fires away from the trees and underbrush? if so, how?).

Then from Paradise, CA, there were the pictures of homes with burned out electrical power boxes where, apparently, some of the fires had started.  Pictures from earlier fires showed clear evidence of vorticular behavior in the heat flows, reminiscent of the “fire vortices” reported by Germans and Japanese that survived the firebombings of Hamburg, Dresden, and Tokyo during the Second World War.

The bottom line is, naturalistic explanations are possible, though highly speculative, and a bit of a stretch.

Thus, the fires can also be explained in other, equally speculative but much more sinister ways. For example, initially I advanced the idea that one possible way to explain why trees and shrubs survived the ambient heat of fires right next to them that burned down homes and businesses was perhaps that the fires were triggered and initiated in conductive materials by very powerful microwave interferometry.

Others produced alleged pictures of the fires being initiated by lasers as “proof” that some sort of directed energy started the fires.

Pictures can, of course, be doctored and photoshopped, but their production indicates many others were at least thinking in similar terms.

My other “sinister speculation” was that the fires were initiated by the power grid itself. Every electrical circuit is also a small broadcast circuit, and the electricity in  the wires in one’s home could literally be modulated and pulsed by transients in such a fashion that they might possibly be used to initiate fires.  Of course I’m guessing, and my speculations are an attempt to rationalize what makes no sense.

With that in mind, however, there is already a bit of significant testimony by Dr. Kathy Forti, who was there when the fires began. I am grateful to our friend Catherine Austin Fitts for spotting this, and passing it along; it’s worth your consideration:

What Really Happened on Maui – I Was There

Note the following from Dr. Forti’s story:

A friend called me early on the morning of Tuesday, August 8th and told me he had a strong urge to visit Lahaina that day. Tempting me with lunch at Cool Cats, one of my favorite eateries in Old Lahaina, I said “Okay. Let’s go!”

The 30 minute drive was without incident, without winds, and without any warning advisories. As soon as we reached Lahaina, all power got zapped. Cell phone, internet, traffic lights, GPS, the 911 emergency system (which is never supposed to go down) and the power outage caused every store and shopping mall to immediately close. Nothing was open.

Then the winds came in, bringing with it a rare rainless hurricane with gusts from 60-80mph. Trees became uprooted and branches were coming down everywhere, along with power poles. I heard a crash behind me and where I was less than 30 seconds prior was a crashed and uprooted tree. It was time to get out of there.

Now first of all, I can empathize with what Dr. Forti is recording here, as it sounds suspiciously like the 100mph + winds I experienced just this last June where I live, which put Shiloh and I in our shelter for an hour and a half: the constant roar of the wind and the unbelievable lightning storm were like nothing I’ve ever seen or experienced before. My only advantage is that our warning system was not suspiciously “non-functional” prior to the event.

Hawaii’s system appears to have been “down”, and I’m reminded like many of you of that strange incident during the Trump administration when the warnings went off, and then were retracted. Now the system was completely down during a major weather emergency.

I’ll just come right out and say it: to me these incidents betoken some massive security problems, and possible deliberate interference with those systems.  And yes, I realize that means I’m stating that the whole sad Maui episode might have been a deliberately engineered event.

But just wait, because I’m not the one saying it: Dr. Forti is, and she was there:

No evacuation sirens ever went off that day when the fires began. They failed as well. My friend and I had to escape through the back road going all the way around the island as all traffic was blocked in the other direction. Many might not have known about this back route since GPS was down.

These fires were indeed strange. The night before both my friend and many others claimed to have had very restless sleep. I personally experienced a strange flooding wave of energy in my head, almost like seizure activity, which I have come to identity as dark energy coming in. This flooding energy continued on and off the next morning, more so when I was in Lahaina. This told me there was directed energy involved in what was occurring.

This was not just a random act of mother nature. It reminded me of the strange fires in Paradise, California a few years back which swept through and wiped it off the map. Their only crime was getting in the way of a high speed railway project slated to come through the town.

A little bit of history to draw your own conclusions: Historic Lahaina is the key harbor seaport on the island. The Lanai Ferry goes back and forth from there, all the commercial snorkeling and scuba diving firms set sail from there and tourists flock there in daily droves.

The problem with Historic Lahaina was that it had a large old Hawaiian community that was in the way of the developers. Now it’s like ground zero, declared a disaster area, and federal and states rules are probably going to be tossed aside. It’s a toxic mess. They will undoubtedly blame it all on climate change and welcome in the developers to totally bull doze and level it.

All over the island tracts of land are being bought up by corporations and no one knows who is behind them. Foreign interests? The people on this island are beginning to put the pieces of the puzzle together and suspect this was a major power land grab.

In January 2023 there was a Smart City Conference where they discussed turning Maui into a 15-minute “smart island”. Next month there is a Digital Summit to discuss turning the island digital and all AI. I kid you not. (Emphasis added)

What intrigues me most about this story are the remarks I’ve highlighted by italics: prior to the fires, Dr. Forti experienced a “strange flooding wave of energy” in her head, an energy that she describes as “almost like seizure activity.”

This, too, struck very close to home, for the very day of the big storm that hit here where I live, I was listening to the weather radio, and tracking the storms that began way out on the western edge of the state and followed an almost perfect straight line all across the state until it finally arrived here and struck right about midnight.  That whole day I had this very strange sensation of energy, vague and “in the background” and amorphous, but unsettling and causing a kind of anxiety and unfocussed mental state.

All I can say is that I knew that this storm was not normal, and I had the absolute distinct impression hours before it actually struck that when it struck here, it would cause massive damage and power outages, which it did. Similarly, my little dog Shiloh was also anxious and nervous all day, and constantly begging me for attention.

Dr. Forti notes that corporations are buying up all the land on Maui, and that “they” have plans to turn the island into an artificial intelligence/fifteen minute island prison. That may be one motivation  behind the firestorm. Others have pointed out the presence of certain populations there they want removed. Still others have written me and pointed out the concurrence of the Maui fires with the release of the film Oppenheimer.

The point is, many people are sensing something is “not right” about these fires, and you can number me among them. If so, and if someone has deliberately caused them as part of some sick agenda, or for personal or corporate or political gain, then amid our prayers for Mauians, we might also pray for the exposure of the perpetrators, and for them to face justice.

Some might complain that we don’t really know who “they” are. I would aver, on the contrary, that we do… the doctrine of mens rea is a very powerful thing, and some of them have already openly declared their “real mind”…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: US Coast Guard Station Maui

CBDCs, Silicon Valley Bank Collapse and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection: “Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming at Us Quickly and It Equals Financial Enslavement.”

CBDCs, Silicon Valley Bank Collapse and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection: “Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming at Us Quickly and It Equals Financial Enslavement.”


CBDC SVB and the Jeffrey Epstein Connection

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
March 15, 2023



Connect with Greg Reese

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:

Weeks before the Silicon Valley Bank collapse, several executives sold off large shares of stock, while mainstream media tells its audience to invest in them.

On March 9th, the day before the collapse, Israel’s two largest banks pulled up to $1 billion out of SVB while Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund withdrew millions and advised their clients to do the same.

The next day, there was a run on the bank and Silicon Valley Bank collapsed.

Is this evidence of a controlled demolition or a hasty one?

The day before the collapse, a US judge ordered JP Morgan Chase to turn over documents in a lawsuit accusing them of aiding in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation.

The team behind this lawsuit was the same team who successfully exposed the involvement of Deutsche Bank.  And they subpoenaed several other banks they believe were involved in sex trafficking, including Silicon Valley Bank and Bank Leumi, the Israeli bank that drained a billion dollars out of SVB the day before it collapsed.

Whatever the reason, the US government’s response threatens to collapse the world economy.

The FDIC insures up to $250,000 for each depositor, but now they are going to cover all depositor losses. And they don’t have enough to cover the $175 billion of SVB losses, let alone the trillions of dollars to be lost on the near horizon as banks across the world begin to break.

The systemic risk among GSIBs (Global Systemically Important Banks) is that they are so deeply connected that when one falls, they will all follow.

Much of the world’s economy is already collapsing due to the actions of the US government and the Federal Reserve banking system. And much of the world has been preparing for the end of the US dollar as a world reserve currency.

After all the smaller banks die, the people will be left with the central bank, and their solution is the CBDC.

CBDC stands for Central Bank Digital Currency. With CBDC there are no more options. Everyone’s account is run directly through the central bank system.

[Here Greg Reese shares a clip of Catherine Austin Fitts in an interview with Tucker Carlson, Fox News.]

“As the financial system gets more controlling and more invasive, it’s a little bit like bringing up a corral around us. And CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) and vaccine passports, or digital IDs, are sort of the last shutting of the gate.

“It’s hard for many people to imagine the risks here because we’re so used to living with financial transaction freedom.

“And we don’t understand that when this gate closes on us, we literally will be sitting in a system where the central banks believe that our assets belong to them.

“And they can dictate where we can spend money and what we can spend money on. If you don’t behave, you can have your money turned off. “

There are 12 Federal Reserve banks which are located in cities being considered for the 15-minute city model of the World Economic Forum. This is where it’s all headed, and there isn’t much pushback in the federal government.

Utah Senator Mike Lee introduced the No CBDC Act last September, which will likely go nowhere. But we the people have much more sway over our local governments.

An Oklahoma House committee unanimously passed a bill to protect Oklahomans from being forced to adopt a CBDC.

It’s time for we the people to unite with our neighbors and local communities and prepare to liberate ourselves from the central bank system, recall our corrupt county officials, and start looking into local barter and trade systems.

Because Central Bank Digital Currency is coming at us quickly and it equals financial enslavement.

Cover image credit: kalhh