Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Mr. Global Wants You! — We Are at War With a Powerful Group Attempting to Create an Inhuman Civilization

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Dark Journalist: Mr. Global Wants You! — We Are at War With a Powerful Group Attempting to Create an Inhuman Civilization


Dark Journalist:

“2025. What does American look like in 2025?”

Catherine Austin Fitts:

“You know something, the possibilities are so many it’s impossible to say. Because what we’re watching is a war. We’re watching a spiritual war, a consciousness war, a legal war, a physical war.  I mean, we are in a war.  And what’s interesting is, if you look at the group that’s trying to basically load an operating system into our bodies and our minds, they’re making it up as they go. They don’t have this locked down. And they’re doing something that is, not only experimental, but it’s very hard to do.

So if you look at the very unpredictable ways this could spin, it’s quite extraordinary. And I never underestimate the ability of the human race — with our intention, with our intelligence — to shift the direction of where this goes.”


Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr. Global Wants You!

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist w/ Catherine Austin Fitts, The Solari Report
March 19, 2021


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt Interviews Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Solari Report Publisher Catherine Austin Fitts on the deep divide between those embracing freedom and a human civilization and those fixated on domination and subjugation.

Picking up from Part 1, Fitts describes how her many years in Government and High Finance have shown her that those in control, which she calls “Mr. Global” believe in slavery and have contempt for humanity.

She now sees that citizens around the world are at war with Mr. Global and his Central Banking Warfare Machine! View Part 1:

World Dictatorship

Through AI, excessive surveillance, entrainment and mind control technology this powerful group believes they are on the threshold of ushering in a world dictatorship with automation and robotics to replace humans in the labor force.

Dark Journalist & Catherine Austin Fitts: Mr. Global Wants You! from Dark Journalist on Vimeo.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


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