Reiner Fuëllmich’s Attorney Dagmar Schön Shares an Update on His Pending Court Case

Reiner Fuëllmich’s Attorney Dagmar Schön Shares an Update on His Pending Court Case


TCTL editor’s note:

Yesterday, October 28, 2023, Reiner Fuëllmich’s attorney, Dagmar Schön, joined Elsa Schieder for an update on the situation regarding Reiner’s arrest. (Follow Elsa at her Truth Summit substack for updates.)

Below the video, you will find a summary with excerpts from the interview. This interview was a pre-scheduled group chat that Elsa has set up for those interested in staying updated on Reiner’s situation.

Below the summary. you will also find an email address that can be used to contact Reiner (via Dagmar Schön).

In the interview, Dagmar shares what she actually knows thus far from the facts. Dagmar and Elsa also share perspective on the psychological/consciousness interplay in all of this and the unique characters of those involved.

Dagmar makes it clear that Reiner’s legal team has not made a public statement about the charges in the case  because they have just received all the paperwork detailing the charges.

~ Kathleen


Summary with excerpts prepared by TCTL. Timestamps are approximate.


Following a greeting by Elsa, Dagmar shares an update on Reiner’s situation.


Dagmar met with on Reiner on Monday and Tuesday of last week. On Monday, her colleague, Katja Woermer, was also there.  Dagmar describes Reiner as being in good spirits and looking well. She explains that she and Reiner have been friends for a very long time and that this is important because he can trust her.

Dagmar moves on to describe the series of events around his arrest, as they unfolded.


“So Reiner was arrested in Frankfurt on October 12th on a warrant dated March 15th, this year, ’23, which had been an European arrest warrant since May 24th. First it was a normal warrant, and then from end of May it was a European warrant.
“Yes, that was an excellent means of coercion, this arrest warrant. Nevertheless, unfortunately, not enforceable in Mexico since Mexico is not part of the EU.
“And therefore, the enlightened citizen asks himself, how could Reiner Fuëllmich be arrested then? Was he really arrested only in Frankfurt or perhaps already in Tijuana?
“I wish that many first class lawyers, the stars among the international law experts, would engage with this case and send us their analysis. This case must cause concern among all lawyers worldwide.
“Mr. and Mrs. Fuellmich had lost their German passports. They had reported this to the consulate in Tijuana and applied for new passports with a new visa. On October 12th, they were registered at the consulate to pick up their new temporary passports and visas.
“The consul himself wanted to receive them at the airport. However, it was not the consul who was waiting at the airport, but six officials from the Mexican Immigration office who were only looking for Reiner Fuëllmich, and took him in. After that, there was no escape for him anymore.
” He found himself in state custody. The only question is which state? It may be that the obvious answer to this is not the right one at all. This is a question that many experts in international law should look at very closely. Which state was acting here?
“Normally, no one is expelled from Mexico because they no longer have a valid visa, especially if they didn’t have one because their passports had been lost, and they had just applied for and were supposed to get a new one. It was the case with Mrs. Fuëllmich. She got visa and passport without any problems. She could stay in the country and was not taken into custody.
“Reiner Fuëllich was first flown to New Mexico, and from there by Lufthansa to Frankfurt. There, he was met by the German police upon landing. And one day later on October 13th, the grounds for this action, the European arrest warrant, was disclosed to him. His two lawyers, Katja Woermer from Essen and I from Munich, both were present.
Reiner was accompanied on the flight from Mexico to Germany by two Mexicans, one of whom spoke English. Reiner asked him… (He’s a person who talks with everyone you know. You know him.) And asked him, who actually pays for these flights because that was quite a costly action which was taken here. You know, three flights from Mexico to Germany and then two flights back for the two Mexicans. The answer, one could guess, was Germany. Germany has paid for these flights.
“The question for the experts of international law is, therefore, could there be a legal basis for the actions of the German public prosecutor’s office in Göttingen? Is it the determined state for such an action or was it an illegal kidnapping, as some international articles have already suggested.
“The public prosecutors office in Göttingen based his arrest warrant on a criminal complaint filed by three young Berlin lawyers, two of whom were even members of the Corona Committee — had been…”
“…This criminal complaint is 30 pages long and is indeed a remarkable piece of writing, but not because of its legal brilliance. Prosecutors to whom we gave it to read were surprised that an investigation had been initiated at all on the basis of this document and the accusations formulated in it — other prosecutors told us.
“These facts also fueled a suspicion Reiner Fuëllmich’s arrest may have been motivated by political, rather than legal, considerations.
“We need international support through articles, legal analysis and also financial support. In fact, the money that Reiner Fuëllmich is accused of collecting is not with him but, hard to believe, with the person who filed a criminal complaint — at least with one of them. Because over one million euros were transferred to his account, which actually had to be transferred to an account of Reiner Fuëllmich. There he should have been transferred to, but he somehow managed that it was transferred to his account. It’s a bit [of] a complicated thing. So this is not easy to explain in this situation.
“The criminal complaint is dated on September 2, 2022. September 2, 2022 was exactly the day on which Viviane Fischer, together with Wolfgang Wodarg, announced Reiner’s departure from the Corona Committee, into the camera, allegedly because of financial irregularities.
“So it was 30 pages long, this complaint. That means nobody could write this in one day, so they have probably worked on it for several weeks already. So communicating with Reiner and, behind his back, they were planning his execution. It’s amazing.
“And all people who somehow he still considered as friends. Anyone who has watched the Corona Committee since 2020 could see that Reiner Fuëllmich did 90% of the work here. Because during this time he also created a network of international lawyers and initiated various class actions.
“If he had billed his legal work, which he certainly could have done, he would probably have been entitled to far more than the 700,000 euros that he’s now being accused of being illegally collected by him.
“Everyone who knows Reiner knows that his work is not about money and fame. He received a lot of letters in which people confirmed that he has saved their lives — actually really their lives — with the Corona Committee during the Corona measures. And it’s really what we should keep in mind.
“This one person wrote in a comment, I think it was on the Bittel broadcast. ‘Reiner carried us through dark times. Now we carry Reiner.’
“I hope that many people hear this and follow it.”


Dagmar now takes questions from the participants. The first question was about how Reiner spends his days in jail. There were other follow-up questions in this segment, asking for comparisons with US legal system, Reiner’s access to current global news, etc.  Detailed answers to these questions can be found in the video.


“How he spends his days? I mean, you know we didn’t really talk about this because we had so many other things to talk. But when we came on Monday, he had already written nine pages — handwriting — the whole history of the Corona Committee again. You know, a summary of all the incidents. And I think… you in these jails, you have a strict schedule during the day. And you get — at six o’clock in the morning, your day starts and then breakfast and then, you know, like the days they also go pretty fast.
“And I think Reiner has a lot to think about and to reconsider. And I feel that’s even the very positive thing on this.”


Dagmar was questioned about whether she’ll be making future appearances on Bittel TV (where the first announcement about Reiner’s situation took place). She said she would not be appearing again at Bittel.

A question was asked about whether there is an estimate of timing in terms of future court appearances.


“No, we have to apply for, to check this situation with a judge. But first we have to look at the files we got. You know, we just got them now. And we have to look in the files. And then we can apply.
“Because we first have to know what is there — what they think that is their proof. And then we can apply and then we will see. I mean, in our view, they would have to let him go very quickly. That’s Katja’s and my opinion because it has no valid…
“It’s a civil conflict between persons who made a private company. So usually this has nothing to do with criminal law. And that’s a big indication that it’s a political case. And we will see how long they will keep him…”


A question was asked about the process that put Reiner in jail before he has been convicted of anything and whether or not he can get out on bail.


“Of course, you’re innocent until there’s a summons. But if there’s some accusation and there’s a danger that you escape the power of the judiciary, you know, they can put you in jail. And that’s why they — because he was in Mexico they couldn’t get to him. So nowadays they — of course, there’s a danger that he might go back to Mexico. So it’s difficult to get him out.
“But I think they want to show something, you know, and do some some example for other people who try to keep their head out of the window and say something about the truth and what’s going on. But they do all the time already you know, with doctors.
“And so we just have to see that we get him out as quickly as possible. But state power is quite a power, you know. They can basically do what they want…”


Questions were asked about writing letters to Reiner, public support for Reiner and getting more publicity for his situation.

“I mean, you know you can write letters but it will take quite a while until they’ll reach him. Because they told me in the jail last week if you send them to the jail then they first go to the court. And then they are checked. Every letter from outside will be checked and then they go back to jail. Yeah, so it takes probably weeks until he gets it.”


A question was asked about public support for Reiner in Germany.

“I have not seen it yet…
“So I think send him your invisible support, you know, with prayers and I think he really feels that. He at least says so. And I think he’s also in a good shape because so many people are giving him this support. So the most important thing is now that he can soon talk with his wife on the phone. This is most important for him…”

A few articles by Uncut News (one a rebuttal by Viviane Fischer) were mentioned by Marion from Germany.

A question was asked about getting international alternative publishers to share more regarding Reiner’s arrest.

“But first we have to really know what is in the files, you know, because what should they say if we don’t even know what’s in the files?… The only thing that is really factual, clear, is how they how they got him and how they got him out of Mexico…
“We would very appreciate high-ranking. legal expertise on this subject. So try to find your top lawyers in your country, in your city. Talk to them and tell them they have to look in this case because this can hit everybody.”

Heike Funke (member of ICIC team) mentioned that they will be creating a webpage where comments in support of Reiner can be posted.

A question was asked regarding the discord between Reiner & Viviane Fischer.


“The real mistake of Reiner was that he didn’t confront the problems with her right away when they appeared. If  he would have — and that’s a trait in him. He has really difficulties in private relationships to address problems. He does it outside but with private he always tries to smooth them out, not to confront them. To smooth so that the work can go on. But this can be a major mistake, as this case shows now.
“She has not done any work she was obliged to do in the Corona Committee. And so he took all on himself. He did all the work then and his law firm. Instead of confronting her — if he had confronted her she would have been out after three months and the whole problem would have not appeared…”

Elsa added some insight.


“…I know from an interview with me, he knew within the first few minutes that it wasn’t a good match… And yet he always felt, ‘I can make it work’ as opposed to ‘this is the wrong person’. Better to have nobody or better to be without a team than to have the wrong team member…”



“You know this, Elsa. I did also much work on myself. I know it’s difficult to confront these topics in yourself, but if you don’t, one day they hit you so in the face. And sometimes they even bring you into jail. I mean, what bigger the cost could be, like this now…”
“…I met him in 2015 and I invited him to this company to set up a legal platform to investigate in the judiciary. That’s where he met Schwab and Wodarg. I had already my experience with Wodarg in this thing, which was not very positive.
“And when I talked to him about my things I had done, you know my spiritual path… I mean… he had no idea about what I was talking. So he was really now in a pressure cooker for all these insights with the Corona Committee. He learned a lot. He opened so much. I mean, things for which I had maybe 10-20 years, he had to open to now in 2-3 years. That’s an immense inner work he has done and has allowed to happen to him — an opening he has allowed to happen to him…
“…I think in some strange way, I think this forced retreat — forced meditation retreat, he has now to endure — will change him a lot more. It will open dimensions probably he’s not aware yet, of insights. Because he was always running. And I know that Inka, his wife, she was always afraid that he’s working too much, that he’s still always confronting a burnout. Because this interview, and that interview, and then Africa. And this and that. So he never could really relax…
“Even after Martin Schwab has shown his his real face and his real attitude, he still was always not really facing what he was doing. He still was always trying to make it look good. But now this is changing. Because they really — Wodarg really damaged…
“And Viviane, I always see her as a desperate five-year-old… I think she had a lost child syndrome, breaking up, when he tried to go to the U.S… Then she got really angry.
“But Wodarg — she would not have done the 2nd of September 22 without Wodarg. She would not have done it. So he was actually the main actor here. And he has no excuse, no excuse at all, because he was a politician for 20 years. He was 15 years in parliament. He has experienced so many times that you can just kill a person like Reiner with one rumor, especially about money…”
“…And Martin Schwab, I think he just fulfilled the wish of his father who was a very famous professor of law. He still is…
“He just tried to fulfill the wish of his father to become also a professor, and that he became. But in this difficult task, all the other developments of his person somehow didn’t get enough energy…”
“…It’s true they have been very jealous of him because he has this energy and this power, and this ability to connect with so many people.
“And still to be so precise and clear. And that you can feel his heart. You can feel that he’s a real person…
“…If a real person talks then our hearts open because that’s the heart-to-heart connection that happens then.”
While this case is ongoing you can send a message to Reiner via Dagmar:


Connect with Elsa Schieder

Is DNA Targeting Really Happening? Or Are They Faking “High Level” Science & Bedazzling Us With Fancy Words?

Is DNA Targeting Really Happening? Or Are They Faking “High Level” Science & Bedazzling Us With Fancy Words?


“You mentioned “DNA targeting.” yes, indeed, this is possible, but is it happening? I seriously doubt it. If medical/pharmaceutical experts cannot isolate a virus, RNA, or spike protein, they cannot (not capable) of working with DNA targeting, as assumed.”


Viruses/Virology: Promoting With Glorified And Catchy Language 

by Dr. Saeed Qureshi, Ph.D., Bioanalyticx
October 26, 2023


About the view that vaccine(s) may include some type of DNA targeting, I responded as follows:

Being a chemist/scientist all my life, and mainly in the pharmaceutical area, when I read about pharmaceuticals, including viruses and vaccines, it is evident to me that medical experts clearly describe chemistry in a glorified and catchy language. However, most of their claims do not make sense and are often false and fraudulent.

You mentioned “DNA targeting.” yes, indeed, this is possible, but is it happening? I seriously doubt it. If medical/pharmaceutical experts cannot isolate a virus, RNA, or spike protein, they cannot (not capable) of working with DNA targeting, as assumed. So, it is fancy language to impress that something (high-level “science”) is happening.

On the other hand, as I described (here and here), it looks like they are injecting partial or unpurified cell culture (as a “vaccine”), assuming it is mRNA and is causing the problems (adverse effects), including deaths.

The only and easiest/quickest way to find out is to get an audit done by experts with experience in isolation/purification to establish if the mRNA/vaccine is pure as described or junk.

However, in the current (regulatory) system, an audit is done by experts who have no or limited experience in isolation and purification and have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, so they will provide fancy stories and seek more funding for “research” to prepare for next “pandemic” and “vaccine.”

Further information on the topic may be found here: Helpful Notes, the Book, and Blog by the author (Dr. Qureshi), who worked at Health Canada as a Research Scientist and had 35+ years of bench science experience in substance isolation, characterization, and analytical testing among other specialties.


Connect with Dr. Saeed Qureshi

Cover image credit: kaleddis

On Gaza And Human Consciousness

On Gaza And Human Consciousness

by Caitlin Johnstone
October 26, 2023


It gets harder and harder for the imperial propagandists to frame empire-targeted powers like Hamas as Evil Villains who are simply Evil because they are Evil. As our society gains a better and better collective understanding of psychology and trauma and why individuals do what they do, fewer and fewer people are swallowing such infantile propagandistic frameworks. When something scary and traumatizing happens, more and more people are beginning to ask, “Why? Why did that happen? What were the antecedents which led those people to do what they did?”

When people start asking such questions, answers are revealed which are very inconvenient for the information interests of the western empire. Oh it turns out Israel is an abusive apartheid state and Gaza is a giant concentration camp where Palestinians are deprived of basic human needs. Oh it turns out NATO was amassing war machinery near Russia’s border in ways the United States would never in a million years permit near its own borders. Oh it turns out western powers were funneling weapons to murderous extremist groups in Syria with the goal of ousting Assad and installing a puppet regime in Damascus.

More and more people understand that nobody is just plain evil because they are evil; if they’re doing something violent and scary, it’s a safe bet that something violent and scary was done to them, either immediately before or in their formative years. You see this expanding awareness manifest today in popular movies and shows with the rise of the anti-hero and complex villains with traumatic pasts that you can understand and sympathize with. Modern storytelling has largely abandoned the Virtuous Protagonist vs Villainous Antagonist model, simply because audiences are too conscious to buy it anymore. It loses their interest and attention.

And of course this expanded awareness extends to Israel as well. A people who had just suffered an unfathomable collective trauma were told they have a place that they can call their own in the Holy Land where they can feel safe, and then we saw the kind of violence and abuse we’d expect to see from a highly traumatized population who suddenly had power over the indigenous people who were living there previously. That trauma went into the psyches of the Palestinians, who sometimes do things only highly traumatized people would do.

And round and round it goes.

Really we’re all just lost little kids stumbling around from jump scare to jump scare in a frightening world that we do not understand. Some of us are better at faking self-assuredness than others, but really none of us know what this big mysterious world is all about and we only do what we do because we are whipped around by forces within ourselves we can’t really see, which were put there when we were too young to understand the trauma that was happening to us.

That’s all this really is. It comes out in some ugly, horrifying ways, like what we’re seeing in Gaza right now, but underneath it all it’s ultimately just scared little kids frozen in grown adult bodies trying to feel like they have a little bit of control in this wild chaotic world so they maybe won’t get hurt and scared again.

It comes out in some dark, dark ways and leads our species down some dark, dark paths. It might even get us all killed in a nuclear holocaust one day. But underneath it all we were always just a bunch of scared little primates, getting thrown around by psychological forces we hadn’t made conscious in a world our newly evolved brains aren’t equipped to comprehend.

I don’t know where our strange adventure is taking us or what we’ll endure on the remainder of our winding road together. But there does seem to be a light growing, even amid all the violence and the screams. Maybe we’ll wake up one day and stop acting out these terrible patterns. Maybe we’ll wake up one day and build a healthy world.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Cover image credit: Tama66

The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

“Justified Vengeance” and the Invasion of Gaza: Palestine Is Portrayed as “The Aggressor”
The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

by Michel Chossudovsky
updated October 24, 2023 at Global Research
published October 26, 2023 at Michel Chossudovsky substack


Author’s Introduction

There is a complex history behind Israel’s October 2023 plan to “Wipe Gaza off the Map.”

It’s genocide, an absolute slaughter:

 “We are going to attack Gaza City very broadly soon,” Israel’s chief military spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said in a nationally broadcast address, without giving a timetable for the attack.”

It’s a criminal undertaking based on Israel’s doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” which was first formulated in 2001.

(See below: my January 2009 article published at the very outset of Israel’s 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Led”) 

The “Justified Vengeance” doctrine propounds in no uncertain terms that (despite its limited military capabilities) Palestine rather than Israel is “the aggressor” and that Israel has the right to defend itself.

It is now established that the Hamas October 7, 2023 attack was false flag operation carried out by a “faction” within Hamas, in liaison with Mossad and U.S. intelligence”:

“U.S. intelligence say they weren’t aware of an impending Hamas attack.

Did Netanyahu and his vast military and intelligence apparatus (Mossad et al) have foreknowledge of the Hamas attack which has resulted in countless deaths of Israelis and Palestinians.

Was a carefully formulated Israeli plan to wage an all out war against Palestinians envisaged prior to the launching by Hamas of  “Operation Al-Aqsa Storm”?

This was not a failure of Israeli Intelligence, as conveyed by the media. Quite the opposite”


The History of False Flags: “The Green Light to Terror” (1997), The “Bloodshed as a Justification” to Wage War

The late Prof. Tanya Reinhart confirms the formulation in 1997 of a False Flag Agenda entitled “The Green Light to Terror” which consisted in promoting (engineering) suicide attacks against Israeli civilians, citing “the Bloodshed as a Justification” to wage war on Palestine:

“…This is the “green light to terror” theme which the Military Intelligence (Ama”n) has been promoting since 1997, when its anti-Oslo line was consolidated. This theme was since repeated again and again by military circles, and eventually became the mantra of Israeli propaganda… 

The ‘Foreign Report’ (Jane’s information) of July 12, 2001 disclosed that the Israeli army (under Sharon’s government) has updated its plans for an “all-out assault to smash the Palestinian authority” 

The blueprint, titled “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”, was presented to the Israeli government by chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, on July 8 [2001].

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification.” (Tanya Reinhart, December 22, 2001)

Ariel  Sharon: “A 1948 Style Solution”

According to the Prof. Tanya Reinhart:

“Mass expulsion could occur at some later stage  of the ground invasion [2002- ], were the Israelis to open up Gaza’s borders to allow for an exodus of population … Expulsion was referred to by Ariel Sharon as the “a 1948 style solution”. For Sharon “it is only necessary to find another state for the Palestinians”. -‘Jordan is Palestine’ – was the phrase that Sharon coined.” (Tanya Reinhart, op cit)

The “Hamas-Mossad Partnership”

What is now unfolding in Gaza is part of a longstanding intelligence agenda, which has been on the drawing board of successive Israeli governments for more than twenty years. Founded in 1987 with the support of Israel, “The Hamas-Mossad partnership” is confirmed by Netanyahu:

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas. … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.” (March 2019 Statement quoted by Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

“Support” and “Money” for Hamas

“Transferring Money to Hamas” on behalf of Netanyahu is confirmed by a Times of Israel October 8, 2023 Report:

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.” (emphasis added)

Benjamin Netanyahu’s position defined several years prior to the October 7, 2023 “State of Readiness For War” consists in the total appropriation of Palestine  Lands as well as the outright exclusion of the Palestinian people from their homeland:

“These are the basic lines of the national government headed by me: The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel — in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.” (January 2023)

The Role of Mossad

The doctrine of “Justified Vengeance” initiated in 2001, is the cornerstone of Israel’s intelligence narrative. It provides a justification to carry out acts of genocide, with the support of the International community, first in Gaza, then in the West Bank.

 “With an annual budget of about $3billion and 7,000 staff, Mossad is the second-largest espionage agency in the Western world after the CIA.”

These official figures are meaningless, intelligence agencies do not reveal the sources of their funding or the size of their staff (which are in excess of the figures quoted above).

Mossad (Foreign Intelligence) together with Shin Bet (Domestic National Security) and Aman (Military Intelligence) is the main actor in the conduct of  “false flag operations”. It’s covert capabilities are extensive. It has over the years infiltrated both  Hamas and the Palestinian National Authority, It also exerts –in liaison with US intelligence– control over Al Qaeda operatives, ISIS and Daesh throughout the Middle East.

Mossad’s mandate is to create “divisions” within the Palestinian Resistance Movement, while sustaining fear and routine terrorist false flag events against innocent Israeli civilians, which sustains the legitimacy of the “Justified Vengeance” narrative.


Let us briefly review the history, the various stages following the:

Failure of Oslo I and II (1993-95) and The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin (1995) 
2001. “Operation Justified Vengeance”

Presented in July 2001 to the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon by IDF chief of staff  Shaul Mofaz, under the title:

“The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”.

See the Analysis of  Tanya Reinhart and the Jane Report quoted above and in the article below).

“Operation Justified Vengeance” was also referred to as the “Dagan Plan”, named after the late General Meir Dagan, who headed Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency from 2002-2011.

The longer term objective of  “Operation Justified Vengeance” (2001) was and remains the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland.

2002. Decision to Build the Infamous Apartheid Wall by Sharon Government
2004. The Assassination of Yasser Arafat

It was ordered by the Israeli Cabinet in 2003. It was approved by the US which vetoed a United Nations Security Resolution condemning the 2003 Israeli Cabinet decision. It was undertaken by Mossad. (See details in article below)

2005. The Removal, Under Orders of PM Ariel Sharon of All Jewish Settlements in Gaza.

Proposed in 2003 by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, implemented in August 2005 and completed in September 2005.

A Jewish population of over 7,000 was relocated. This relocation was required to transform the Gaza Strip into “An Open Air Prison”

2006. The Hamas Election Victory in January 2006.

Without Arafat, the Israeli military-intelligence architects knew that Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas would loose the elections.

2008-2009. “Operation Cast Lead”

In 2008 the “Bloodshed Justification” was an essential component of the military-intelligence agenda, which was first formulated in the 2001 “Operation Justified Vengeance”:

“The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”

The killing of Palestinian civilians was justified on “humanitarian grounds.”  as formulated in the “Operation Justified Vengeance Report”.

—Michel Chossudovsky, May 15,  2021, October 23, 2023

Below is my article published in early January 2009, at the height of  the 2008-2009 Operation Cast Lead 

The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

by Michel Chossudovsky, January 2009

“Operation Cast Lead”

The aerial bombings and the ongoing ground invasion of Gaza by Israeli ground forces must be analysed in a historical context. Operation “Cast Lead” [2008] is a carefully planned undertaking, which is part of a broader military-intelligence agenda first formulated by the government of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2001:

“Sources in the defense establishment said Defense Minister Ehud Barak instructed the Israel Defense Forces to prepare for the operation over six months ago, even as Israel was beginning to negotiate a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.”(Barak Ravid, Operation “Cast Lead”: Israeli Air Force strike followed months of planning, Haaretz, December 27, 2008)

It was Israel which broke the truce on the day of the US presidential elections, November 4:

“Israel used this distraction to break the ceasefire between itself and Hamas by bombing the Gaza strip.  Israel claimed this violation of the ceasefire was to prevent Hamas from digging tunnels into Israeli territory.

The very next day, Israel launched a terrorizing siege of Gaza, cutting off food, fuel, medical supplies and other necessities in an attempt to “subdue” the Palestinians while at the same time engaging in armed incursions.

In response, Hamas and others in Gaza again resorted to firing crude, homemade, and mainly inaccurate rockets into Israel.  During the past seven years, these rockets have been responsible for the deaths of 17 Israelis.  Over the same time span, Israeli Blitzkrieg assaults have killed thousands of Palestinians, drawing worldwide protest but falling on deaf ears at the UN.” (Shamus Cooke, The Massacre in Palestine and the Threat of a Wider War, Global Research, December 2008)

Planned Humanitarian Disaster

On December 8, [2008] US Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte was in Tel Aviv for discussions with his Israeli counterparts including the director of Mossad, Meir Dagan.

“Operation Cast Lead” was initiated two days day after Christmas. It was coupled with a carefully designed international Public Relations campaign under the auspices of Israel’s Foreign Ministry.

Hamas’ military targets are not the main objective. Operation “Cast Lead” is intended, quite deliberately, to trigger civilian casualities.

What we are dealing with is a “planned humanitarian disaster” in Gaza in a densly populated urban area. (See map below)

The longer term objective of this plan, as formulated by Israeli policy makers, is the expulsion of Palestinians from Palestinian lands:

“Terrorize the civilian population, assuring maximal destruction of property and cultural resources… The daily life of the Palestinians must be rendered unbearable: They should be locked up in cities and towns, prevented from exercising normal economic life, cut off from workplaces, schools and hospitals, This will encourage emigration and weaken the resistance to future expulsions” Ur Shlonsky, quoted by Ghali Hassan, Gaza: The World’s Largest Prison, Global Research, 2005)

“Operation Justified Vengeance”

A turning point has been reached. Operation “Cast Lead” is part of the broader military-intelligence operation initiated at the outset of the Ariel Sharon government in 2001. It was under Sharon’s “Operation Justified Vengeance” that  F-16 fighter planes were initially used to bomb Palestinian cities.

“Operation Justified Vengeance” was presented in July 2001 to the Israeli government of Ariel Sharon by IDF chief of staff Shaul Mofaz, under the title “The Destruction of the Palestinian Authority and Disarmament of All Armed Forces”.

“A contingency plan, codenamed Operation Justified Vengeance, was drawn up last June [2001] to reoccupy all of the West Bank and possibly the Gaza Strip at a likely cost of “hundreds” of Israeli casualties.” (Washington Times, 19 March 2002).

According to Jane’s ‘Foreign Report’ (July 12, 2001) the Israeli army under Sharon had updated its plans for an “all-out assault to smash the Palestinian authority, force out leader Yasser Arafat and kill or detain its army”.

“Bloodshed Justification”

The “Bloodshed Justification” was an essential component of the military-intelligence agenda. The killing of Palestinian civilians was justified on “humanitarian grounds.” Israeli military operations were carefully timed to coincide with the suicide attacks:

The assault would be launched, at the government’s discretion, after a big suicide bomb attack in Israel, causing widespread deaths and injuries, citing the bloodshed as justification. (Tanya Reinhart, Evil Unleashed, Israel’s move to destroy the Palestinian Authority is a calculated plan, long in the making, Global Research, December 2001, emphasis added)

The Dagan Plan 

“Operation Justified Vengeance” was also referred to as the “Dagan Plan”, named after General (ret.) Meir Dagan, who currently heads Mossad, Israel’s intelligence agency.

Reserve General Meir Dagan was Sharon’s national security adviser during the 2000 election campaign. The plan was apparently drawn up prior to Sharon’s election as Prime Minister in February 2001. “According to Alex Fishman writing in Yediot Aharonot, the Dagan Plan consisted in destroying the Palestinian authority and putting Yasser Arafat ‘out of the game’.” (Ellis Shulman, “Operation Justified Vengeance”: a Secret Plan to Destroy the Palestinian Authority, March 2001):

“As reported in the Foreign Report [Jane] and disclosed locally by Maariv, Israel’s invasion plan — reportedly dubbed Justified Vengeance — would be launched immediately following the next high-casualty suicide bombing, would last about a month and is expected to result in the death of hundreds of Israelis and thousands of Palestinians. (Ibid, emphasis added)

The “Dagan Plan” envisaged the so-called “cantonization” of Palestinian territories whereby the West Bank and Gaza would be totally cut off from one other, with separate “governments” in each of the territories. Under this scenario, already envisaged in 2001, Israel would:

 “negotiate separately with Palestinian forces that are dominant in each territory-Palestinian forces responsible for security, intelligence, and even for the Tanzim (Fatah).” The plan thus closely resembles the idea of “cantonization” of Palestinian territories, put forth by a number of ministers.” Sylvain Cypel, The infamous ‘Dagan Plan’ Sharon’s plan for getting rid of Arafat, Le Monde, December 17, 2001)

The Dagan Plan has established continuity in the military-intelligence agenda. In the wake of the 2000 elections, Meir Dagan was assigned a key role. “He became Sharon’s “go-between” in security issues with President’s Bush’s special envoys Zinni and Mitchell.”  He was subsequently appointed Director of the Mossad by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in August 2002. In the post-Sharon period, he remained head of Mossad. He was reconfirmed in his position as Director of Israeli Intelligence by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in June 2008.

Meir Dagan, in coordination with his US counterparts, has been in charge of various military-intelligence operations. It is worth noting that Meir Dagan as a young Colonel had worked closely with defense minister Ariel Sharon in the raids on Palestinian settlements in Beirut in 1982. The 2009 ground invasion of Gaza, in many regards, bear a canny resemblance to the 1982 military operation led by Sharon and Dagan.

Continuity: From Sharon  to Olmert 

It is important to focus on a number of key events which have led up to the killings in Gaza under “Operation Cast Lead”:

1. The assassination in November 2004 of Yasser Arafat.

This assassination had been on the drawing board since 1996 under “Operation Fields of Thorns”.

According to an October 2000 document

“prepared by the security services, at the request of then Prime Minister Ehud Barak, stated that ‘Arafat, the person, is a severe threat to the security of the state [of Israel] and the damage which will result from his disappearance is less than the damage caused by his existence’”. (Tanya Reinhart, Evil Unleashed, Israel’s move to destroy the Palestinian Authority is a calculated plan, long in the making, Global Research, December 2001. Details of the document were published in Ma’ariv, July 6, 2001.).

Arafat’s assassination was ordered in 2003 by the Israeli cabinet. It was approved by the US which vetoed a United Nations Security Resolution condemning the 2003 Israeli Cabinet decision. Reacting to increased Palestinian attacks, in August 2003, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz declared “all out war” on the militants whom he vowed “marked for death.”

“In mid September, Israel’s government passed a law to get rid of Arafat. Israel’s cabinet for political security affairs declared it “a decision to remove Arafat as an obstacle to peace.” Mofaz threatened; “we will choose the right way and the right time to kill Arafat.” Palestinian Minister Saeb Erekat told CNN he thought Arafat was the next target. CNN asked Sharon spokesman Ra’anan Gissan if the vote meant expulsion of Arafat. Gissan clarified; “It doesn’t mean that. The Cabinet has today resolved to remove this obstacle. The time, the method, the ways by which this will take place will be decided separately, and the security services will monitor the situation and make the recommendation about proper action.” (See Trish Shuh, Road Map for a Decease Plan, November 9 2005)

The assassination of Arafat was part of the 2001 Dagan Plan.

In all likelihood, it was carried out by Israeli Intelligence. It was intended to destroy the Palestinian Authority, foment divisions within Fatah as well as between Fatah and Hamas. Mahmoud Abbas is a Palestinian quisling.

He was installed as leader of Fatah, with the approval of Israel and the US, which finance the Palestinian Authority’s paramilitary and security forces.

2. The Removal, Under the Orders of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2005, of All Jewish Settlements in Gaza.

A Jewish population of over 7,000 was relocated.

“It is my intention [Sharon] to carry out an evacuation – sorry, a relocation – of settlements that cause us problems and of places that we will not hold onto anyway in a final settlement, like the Gaza settlements…. I am working on the assumption that in the future there will be no Jews in Gaza,” Sharon said.” (CBC, March 2004)

The issue of the settlements in Gaza was presented as part of Washington’s “road map to peace”.

Celebrated by the Palestinians as a “victory”, this measure was not directed against the Jewish settlers. Quite the opposite: It was part of  the overall covert operation, which consisted  in transforming Gaza into a concentration camp. As long as Jewish settlers were living inside Gaza, the objective of sustaining a large barricaded prison territory could not be achieved. The Implementation of “Operation Cast Lead” required “no Jews in Gaza”.

3. The Building of the Infamous Apartheid Wall

This was decided upon at the beginning of the Sharon government in 2002. (See Map below)


4.  The Hamas Election Victory in January 2006.

Without Arafat, the Israeli military-intelligence architects knew that Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas would loose the elections. This was part of the scenario, which had been envisaged and analyzed well in advance.

With Hamas in charge in Gaza, using the pretext that Hamas is a terrorist organization, Israel would carry out the process of “cantonization” as formulated under the Dagan plan. Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas would remain formally in charge of the West Bank. The duly elected Hamas government would be confined to the Gaza strip.

Ground Attack, 2008-2009

On January 3, [2009] Israeli tanks and infantry entered Gaza in an all out ground offensive:

“The ground operation was preceded by several hours of heavy artillery fire after dark, igniting targets in flames that burst into the night sky. Machine gun fire rattled as bright tracer rounds flashed through the darkness and the crash of hundreds of shells sent up streaks of fire. (AP, January 3, 2009)

Israeli sources have pointed to a lengthy drawn out military operation. It “won’t be easy and it won’t be short,” said Defense Minister Ehud Barak in a TV address.

Israel is not seeking to oblige Hamas “to cooperate”. What we are dealing with is the implementation of the “Dagan Plan” as initially formulated in 2001, which called for:

“an invasion of Palestinian-controlled territory by some 30,000 Israeli soldiers, with the clearly defined mission of destroying the infrastructure of the Palestinian leadership and collecting weaponry currently possessed by the various Palestinian forces, and expelling or killing its military leadership. (Ellis Shulman, op cit, emphasis added)

Nakba 2.0: Mass Expulsion and a Ground Invasion Contemplated

The broader question is whether Israel in consultation with Washington is intent upon triggering a wider war.

Mass expulsion could occur at some later stage of the ground invasion, were the Israelis to open up Gaza’s borders to allow for an exodus of population.

Expulsion was referred to by Ariel Sharon as the “a 1948 style solution”. For Sharon

“it is only necessary to find another state for the Palestinians. -‘Jordan is Palestine’ – was the phrase that Sharon coined.” (Tanya Reinhart, op cit)


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Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

Cover image credit: Wafa – creative commons

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor at Truth Comes to Light
October 25, 2023


Yesterday I published an article titled “The Gaza Rebellion” by Richard Hugus. His closing sentence is the simple statement: “Free Palestine!”.

Last night and this morning, I received a number of emails from highly intelligent, aware readers who expressed disappointment that I would publish something where someone had taken a “side” in the Israeli/Palestinian situation.

A few told me they thought the article was hate speech. Others told me I was stuck in duality. Some, standing with Israel, sent Bible quotes and predictions from prophets. Others were dismayed that the article didn’t point out that both sides of the conflict are being played.

As I read their words, I could see why some of them challenged the publishing of this article at Truth Comes to Light. I appreciate and respect that they took the time out to let me know how they perceived the article.

From Richard’s previous writing, it’s clear that he understands the globalist agenda — that the globalist puppetmasters are manipulating the entire situation, not just with Israel and Palestine but throughout the world. As reference, see some of Richard’s work here, here, here, here and here.  (I’ve since gone back and added a “see related” section under the “The Gaza Rebellion” article so that readers can easily find his other work.)

For those new to Richard’s work, this awareness admittedly wasn’t shared in that recent article. To get a context for where Richard is coming from, see his other works related to Palestine at his website.

I don’t know Richard personally. My perceptions of his point of view come from his writing. And it’s likely that Richard will disagree with some of the things I will say in this essay.

As I read Richard’s article, I perceived something different than that of some readers. I saw that he was standing for the Palestinian people. And that he was addressing the issue of Zionism.

I did not sense that Richard was defending Hamas. Whatever Hamas is, it is likely the tool of that mess of controllers that includes agents of assorted nation states who are puppets to heaven knows what. No doubt Hamas is also supported by Palestinians who don’t see that they are being manipulated. And if Hamas is controlled by forces that control the U.S. and Israel (which it does appear to be) then the Palestinians are being set up to be wiped off the map.

When I read Richard’s article, I saw that he was taking a stand by defending the Palestinian rebellion. He was defending the right of any people to fight back when outsiders try to push them out of their home. And he was saying that there is no question that the powerful nation state of Israel with its globalist connections easily overpowers Palestine in terms of military might.

I saw that Richard was identifying specific individuals (and their philosophies or chosen ideologies) who have committed great crimes against humanity as well as their own people. This evil must be acknowledged for what it is.

We’ve seen it happen again and again throughout history, as one group overpowers another to claim their land, their natural resources, their money or possessions, or even to claim the conquered as slaves.

On Hate Speech and Israel’s Place in the Matrix

The “hate speech” label surprised me. This site has published many articles challenging the evils of those who claim to represent the people of the United States or other nations. Never once have I had a reader of the site say any of those articles were hate speech. Perhaps because most already see clearly what a monster the governing powers of the United States have become. But with Israel, as the saying goes, that’s apparently a horse of a different color.

The Jewish people and the state of Israel are not one and the same. The people who live on the soil controlled by the U.S. are not the same as the U.S. government. Heaven forbid.

But we mere mortals were born into a very confusing Matrix that is presently held hostage by a collection of nation states whose leadership is all controlled by something outside of themselves. Whoever/whatever that something is, we do know that it has an appetite to control others and has no concern for the suffering it imposes on any living entity.

Israel represents many things to many people. And religious beliefs are a key here. Our beliefs about “God”, God’s will, prophecy, and our personal need to be right about what we believe is tangled into this mess of who we humans are. And then there are the anti-God groups that turn themselves into gods as they influence others to follow their lead.

Within Jewish history is the dark  Sabbatean/Frankism/Illuminati/Rothschild “conspiracy” that has influenced so many globally. See here.

From my perception, these are the things Richard was pointing to. And it seems essential that we all look at what is going on here.

The March of the Parasites: When the Whisperers Outside Your Castle Suddenly Storm the Gates

This Israel/ Palestine conflict is deeply part of this same narrative playing out all over the world. It’s entangled in the web of divide and conquer, problem-reaction-solution, false flags to confuse the enemy, etc.

In a sense, this global “totalitarian tiptoe” (a term coined by David Icke) does us a favor. It forces us to step off the hamster wheel. It forces to grow a backbone if we haven’t yet done so. It forces us to drop the need to be obedient, to be chosen, to be perceived by others as “a good one”.

This March of the Parasites forces us to clean up our act. It forces us to stop looking for saviors or leaders to cling to or to tell us what to do. It forces us to know our own strength, to fear not and to say “NO” again and again. It forces us to stand alone and to stop worrying about how we are being judged by the world or by belittling gods.

It forces us to know morality from within our own conscience, our inner guidance system. It forces us to live in as much integrity as we can muster and to know that, should we choose the easy way out and opt to betray ourselves, that we will be facing far worse things than death.

It also forces us to see that the real work is with our self. In fact, stalking oneself and changing oneself is the key. Whatever deceit we see “out there”, we must look within ourselves to see what untruths control us or come out of our own mouths. Whatever manipulation we see out there or experience in our own lives, we must look closely to see how we attempt to manipulate others. And so on.

This force of darkness demands that we choose. Instead of being people of the lie, we must choose to become people of the truth.

Our Collective History: The Trauma of It All (And the Beauty of It All)

In a way, we are all Palestinians and we are all Israelis. Certainly, we are all among the manipulated. We were all born into “citizenship” and are owned in some way. We are all slaves. (To prove this to yourself, just try leaving your country without a passport or stop paying “voluntary” taxes.) And we are all doing our best to unshackle ourselves from lies, as well as heal from individual and ancestral wounds.

We are all tied to unknown generations of humans who influence our experience here. We don’t know the real history of humanity, as even these stories about our past are controlled by the “masters” and littered with lies. And we certainly don’t know how we, as individuals, were born into a certain family, a certain race of people, at a certain time.

In the same way that patriots in the U.S. have been used in such horrific ways (their sense of honor hijacked along with their innate willingness to sacrifice their own safety for the ones they love) so have Israeli patriots and all who blindly follow their statist or religious leaders.

We have all been lied to since birth and have all been turned into liars on some level. Of course, we didn’t necessarily know we were lying — although we probably had our suspicions. Yet that shows us just how deep the spell is.

We’ve been taught to say things, to believe things, that, on a soul level, rub us the wrong way. We’ve been taught that obedience is equal to goodness. And goodness is very important to us because being “good”, or so we’ve been told, is our doorway to love and acceptance.

Collectively, we have obeyed our way into quite a pickle it seems.

What About Duality?

From my limited perspective, it seems we are living in a complex, multi-layered reality. This does not appear to be a “duality” as many say. This is a multi-faceted reality that includes this monster-faced Matrix trap wherein all nation states dwell. This so-called “real world” Matrix is, in reality, a house of cards just asking for us to knock it down.

So, what does that mean to “knock it down”? More wars? Of course not. Yet it will require taking a stand against evil actions. And it might require self-defense and defense of others.

Shifts in consciousness and awareness do change the world. It’s all about thought, vibration, frequency. And, outside of our own awareness, there is more going on than we know. Personally, I always expect miracles.

The Answers Are Out There if We Will Let Them In

(It may seem that I’m taking the long way around the barn here to make a point. And I probably am. So, thank you for bearing with me.)

However we look at things, here we are. Wherever “here” is.

Together we are experiencing “this moment” in “this day” in “this time in history”,  all the while knowing that time is an illusion. And as we look about and observe the assorted levels of perception, of consciousness, within the human race, it is truly mind-boggling.

For whatever reason, some are born seeing primarily from the physical senses. When they begin to acknowledge their spiritual sight, it is an awakening for them. They feel a sense of two realities, two worlds. Duality. (Although that term “duality” means many things to many people.)

Some don’t appear to ever sense beyond what their physical senses give them feedback on. My guess would be that they’ve learned to lie to themselves quite convincingly and to shut down other awareness. Shutting down the awareness of children is a time-honored practice of many humans.

Others among us are born vitally aware of their “spiritual” existence. They don’t see the dividing line and, therefore, all is “spiritual” for lack of a better word. Certainly physics bears this out. There is nothing solid or permanent here. In a sense, we have anchored ourselves into a heavy-duty illusion – an illusion that challenges us to our core. Perhaps that challenge is here by design. If not, we might as well make the best of it.

Some see the denser “realm” as an inferior one when, in truth, there is no division between worlds. The challenge it seems is to live fully in all levels of reality.

For some of us, we know that we don’t know much. Yet we are at ease in that non-knowing state. Our awareness leads us to trust life.

When we get caught up in the Matrix, we untangle ourselves. We find the cracks in the Matrix and move with awareness as best we can. However, this doesn’t mean we are above it all. Quite the contrary, we learn from everything as we question everything.

And, of course, our children and grandchildren are here, our loved ones and neighbors are here. The perceptions of others and the actions of others do touch our awareness. And as a matter of care, it’s important to us to help others in whatever way we can, as we learn to help ourselves.

Concluding My Walk Around the Cosmic Barn

Some say we are here for a reason. I imagine that reason is entirely up to us to decide. And what we choose to stand for matters.

Getting back to Richard’s article, it is clear he is taking a stand. And from what I can see, he is taking that stand based on genuine care and awareness. I respect that.

A few things I do know about this life — because I just know. I know that the source of this life (God) is the essence of wonder, creativity and adventure. I know that we were born from real love, care, freedom, truth and all the ideas that lift our hearts and minds. I know that you and I are miracles even though we are mostly blind to the whole picture. And I know that if we ask, we are shown the way.

As insanely imperfect as this life is, it is nonetheless perfectly imperfect. We will be guided. We will be wiser. And, doing our best, we will live on.


© October 2023, Kathleen Stilwell
This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

Cover image credit: Mysticsartdesign

If the CIA and Mossad Created Hamas, Who Created the CIA and Mossad?

If the CIA and Mossad Created Hamas, Who Created the CIA and Mossad?

by Jon Rappoport
October 20, 2023

Mainstream media aren’t talking about it, but it’s an open secret: some 50 years ago, the US and Israel created Hamas—as an offset and competitor to Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization.

It was one more brilliant (aka asinine) example of meddling and launching endless enemies, who become our enemies when they turn on us. The CIA has specialized in this, all over the world.

The US and Israeli governments launched CIA and Mossad. These intel giants were tasked with collecting and interpreting information on potential enemies.

Of course, CIA and Mossad expanded their mandates and operations. Immediately. And that’s where the real trouble came.

“Let’s subvert our enemies. Let’s undertake hundreds and thousands of clandestine operations to neutralize and destroy our enemies. In the process, we can invent groups who will serve us and do the destroying for us…”

Yeah. Sure. A perfect formula for suicide.

And it caters to exactly the people you never want to give any power to. The chessboard game-playing crazies. Namely, your own operations case officers and planners.

THESE guys are loved by all sorts of big-time corporate and financial players (in the US and Israel), who are looking for a leg up in their foreign expansions efforts: finding new resources abroad, finding new markets, finding new corrupt allies.

Protecting national interests becomes EMPIRE.

Empire perverts and subverts little items like national Constitutions and the basic rule of law. “The law is for suckers. We’re the intel community. Just let us do our jobs. We know how to capture and win whatever we can get our hands on. Life is nothing more than winners and losers. Face it. And we’re the pros.”

Which takes us much deeper into the rabbit hole. Into places where morality and reality clash. Where sympathy and common sense clash. Where the whole idea of what an independent nation is and should be is challenged and potentially destroyed.

This rabbit hole is where many people don’t want to go. It challenges and nullifies, they believe, every important human impulse.


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Cover image credit: Xpics

Wayne Dyer (Illustrated by After Skool): There Are No Justified Resentments

Wayne Dyer (Illustrated by After Skool): There Are No Justified Resentments


“He said, ‘If you become steadfast in your abstentions of thoughts of harm directed towards others, all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence.’


“But at the higher level, when there are no justified resentments, what you are doing is you are at a place where you are sending love in response to hate.”


There are NO Justified Resentments – Wayne Dyer

by After Skool
October 17, 2023


Video available at Odysee or YouTube

Wayne Walter Dyer (May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015) was an American self-help author and a motivational speaker. Dyer completed a Ed.D. in guidance and counseling at Wayne State University in 1970. Early in his career, he worked as a high school guidance counselor, and went on to run a successful private therapy practice.

He became a popular professor of counselor education at St. John’s University, where he was approached by a literary agent to put his ideas into book form. The result was his first book, Your Erroneous Zones (1976), one of the best-selling books of all time, with an estimated 100 million copies sold. This launched Dyer’s career as a motivational speaker and self-help author, during which he published 20 more best-selling books and produced a number of popular specials for PBS. Influenced by thinkers such as Abraham Maslow and Albert Ellis, Dyer’s early work focused on psychological themes such as motivation, self actualization and assertiveness.

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Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:

I was in a group one time of drug addicts and alcoholics. And I was one of the people that was a sponsor and leading this group. And the sign on the wall said “There are no justified resentments in this group”.

And what I said to that group that night was, “No matter what anybody says to you here, no matter what kind of anger comes directed towards you, no matter how much hate you may encounter showing up in your life, there are no justified resentments.”

Meaning that if you carry around resentment inside of you about anything or about anyone —

And I’m talking about the person that you lent money to and hasn’t paid you back.

I’m talking about the person in your life that you feel was abusive.

I’m talking about the person who walked out on you and left you for somebody else.

I’m talking about all of the things that you have justified in your heart and in your life that you have the right to be resentful about.

And I’m suggesting to you that those resentments will always end up harming you and creating in you a sense of despair.

I’ve often said that no one ever dies from a snake bite. The snake bite will never kill you. You cannot be unbitten. Once you’re bitten, you’re bitten. But it’s the venom that continues to pour through your system after the bite that will end up destroying you.

So now you have to take a look at all of the resentments that you may have in your life. And I’d like to suggest to you that I think there is a wonderful metaphor for this that I have created in my life for how to make this work.

There’s a show called ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’. And basically this show has two levels that you have to get to.

Now the first level is the thousand dollar level. And at the thousand dollar level you basically have to answer a question like, on your hand you have some digits. Those digits on your hand are called — your feet? — your nose? — your ears? — your fingers?.  Uhhh. And everybody who ever goes on the show has this horrible dread that they’re going to go out on one of those questions. Right?

So basically, in order to get to the thousand dollar level all you have to do is answer five pretty simple questions in order to get to the thousand dollar level. Now the thousand dollar level, for you in this metaphor, means that you will leave with something if you get this. At least get this. This is the thousand dollar level.

You must send blame out of your life for any conditions of your life. Blame has to go.

Now blame means if you’re sitting there with a disease you say, without guilt, “It’s mine. I take responsibility for it.”

This means that if you have been through any tough circumstances in your life, this means if you have a minimal amount of financial security in your life.

This means if your children don’t get along with you.

This means that if your neighbors are taking up a petition to get you out of the neighborhood.

Whatever it might be that’s going on in your life, you name it and everybody has a series of these things that you’re willing to say, “I am here because of the choices that I have made. Right now. I’m willing to say that.” Even though it’s difficult, and we know it’s really not your fault. We know really there’s a lot of people out there who are really bad. All right? But you’re willing to say, “No blame.”

That’s the first level. All right? That’s where you understand “No justified resentment”.

And then on the ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’ show, there is what is called the $32,000 level. And the $32,000 level is not only an opportunity for you to walk away with a sizable amount of goodies, but it also is the door opener to multi-wealth. But you got to get to this in order to have an opportunity to move into these transcendent levels. All right? Millionaire spiritual status. All right? You got to get through these next five questions.

And this $32,000 question, or level rather, comes to this. It came to me from a quotation that I used in the writing of ‘A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem’. I read a book that was written a couple of thousand years ago by Patanjali, ‘The Yoga Sutras’, ‘The Aphorisms of Patanjali’. And one of those sutras, one of those aphorisms, observations that this brilliant man made almost 2,000 years ago was this:

He said, “If you become steadfast in your abstentions of thoughts of harm directed towards others, all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence.”

Now this translates to: Blame, pretty basic. No more blame. I’m just not going to assign responsibility to other people for where I am. Because now I have an opportunity to get rid of it. If I think someone else caused it, then I’ve got to wait for somebody else to change in order for me to get rid of it. And you might wait forever for that. But if I take responsibility for it, I can do something, including move on, which might be the most important thing to do.

But at the higher level, when there are no justified resentments, what you are doing is you are at a place where you are sending love in response to hate. You are literally saying, “No matter what comes my way, I am going to be steadfast in my abstention of thoughts of harm directed toward others. I’m going to work hard at, no matter what comes my way, having it come out of me what I want to come out of me. And that is love. And that is a higher energy.”

And if you can get to that level, Patanjali said, all living creatures will cease to feel enmity in your presence.

I have a little girl, a precious little girl. I have six precious girls and two precious sons, but I have a little girl who is almost 12. And she loves animals like no one I’ve ever met in my life. I mean, her whole life revolves around animals. And when we walk in the woods, butterflies avoid me, fly away from people around, and they come and they land right on her arm, and it happens all the time. All living creatures. She couldn’t have a thought of harm directed towards any living creature.

And Patanjali said to us, all living creatures will cease to feel fear or enmity or anger in the presence of those who can send love in response to hate. That’s what I mean when I say there are no justified resentments.

What I’d like to do, I’d like to share a little story here with you. It’s a very tender story. It was sent to me by someone who sends me beautiful things in the mail. And I call it The Teddy Story. And I’d like to read this to you, if I can do it without tearing up. And this story illustrates this as well as anything I’ve ever seen.

There’s a story many years ago of an elementary school teacher. Her name was Mrs. Thompson. As she stood in front of her fifth grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children a lie. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. But that was impossible because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard.

Mrs. Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and noticed that he didn’t play well with the other children, that his clothes were messy and that he constantly needed a bath. Teddy could be unpleasant. It got to the point where Mrs. Thompson would actually take delight in marking his papers with a broad red pen and making bold Xs and then putting a big F at the top of his paper.

At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was required to review each child’s past records. And she put Teddy’s off until last. However, when she reviewed his file, she was in for a surprise.

Teddy’s first grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is a bright child with a ready laugh. He does his work neatly and he has good manners. He’s a joy to be around.”

His second grade teacher wrote, “Teddy is an excellent student, well liked by his classmates. But he’s troubled because his mother has a terminal illness and life at home must be a struggle.”

His third grade teacher wrote, “His mother’s death has been hard on him. He tries to do his best, but his father doesn’t show much interest and his home life will soon affect him if steps aren’t taken.”

Teddy’s fourth grade teacher wrote, “Teddy’s withdrawn and doesn’t show much interest in school. He doesn’t have many friends and sometimes he even sleeps in class.”

By now Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she was ashamed of herself. She felt even worse when her students brought her Christmas presents wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper, except for Teddy’s. His present was clumsily wrapped in heavy brown paper that he got from the grocery bag.

Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle of the other presents. Some of the children started to laugh when she found a rhinestone bracelet with some of the stones missing and a bottle that was one quarter full of perfume. But she stifled her children’s laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on and dabbing some of the perfume on her wrist.

Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just long enough to say, “Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my mom used to.”

After the children laughed, she cried for at least an hour. On that very day, she quit teaching, reading, writing and arithmetic and instead she began to teach children.

Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy. As she worked with him and his mind seemed to come alive, the more she encouraged him the faster he responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become one of the smartest children in the class and, despite her lie, became one of her teacher’s pets.

A year later, she found a note under the door from Teddy telling her that she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Six years went by before she got another note from Teddy. He then wrote that he had finished high school third in his class and she was still the best teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Four years after that, she got another letter saying that while things had been tough at times, he stayed in school and stuck with it. And would soon graduate from college with the highest of honors. He assured Mrs. Thompson that she was still the very best and favorite teacher he ever had in his whole life.

Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. This time he explained that after he got his bachelor’s degree, he decided to go a little further. The letter explained that she was still the best and favorite teacher he ever had but now his name was a little longer. The letter was signed Theodore F. Stoddard, MD.

But the story doesn’t end there. You see, there was yet another letter that spring. Teddy said he’d met this girl and was going to be married. He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.

Of course Mrs. Thompson did. And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing. And she made sure she was wearing the perfume that Teddy remembered his mother wearing on their last Christmas together.

They hugged each other and Dr. Stoddard whispered in Mrs. Thompson’s ear, “Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference.”

Mrs. Thompson came, with tears in her eyes, and whispered back, “Teddy you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn’t know how to teach until I met you.”

Isn’t that a beautiful story? That symbolizes there are no justified resentments. Work at reaching that $32,000 level. The place where the only thing you have to send is love because that’s what’s inside.

And that’s the message of our greatest spiritual teachers. That’s all they ever had to give away.


Cover image credit: CDD20

Free Reiner Fuellmich!

Free Reiner Fuellmich!

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
October 18, 2023


The famous lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, founder of the International Crime Investigative Committee (ICIC), formerly the German Corona Commission, was deported last Thursday, 12 October, from Mexico City to Germany, to be arrested for alleged financial irregularities at arrival in Frankfurt, on Friday, 13 October. He was immediately put in pre-trial detention.

In Mexico, Reiner had to consult with the German embassy for passport issues and, to his shocking surprise, was immediately arrested and flown to Germany – accompanied by two guards, no personal belongings, no clothing, not even a toothbrush. His wife is not accused and was allowed to remain in Mexico.

From Frankfurt, Dr. Fuellmich will eventually be transferred next week to Göttingen, where he will be kept for an undetermined period in pre-trial detention because they unjustly suspect him of attempting to escape.

His confinement was based on a 30-page arrest warrant written already in September 2022.

He is falsely accused for financial fraud, precisely by those people who themselves have questionable criminal records and who supposedly worked with him during the 2+ years Dr. Fuellmich was running the German Corona Commission from Berlin.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich will be defended by two excellent lawyers, Dr. Dagmar Schön and Dr. Katja Woermer. They filed immediate counter-accusations against the predator-accusers.

Lawyer Dr. Dagmar Schön presented Reiner’s story on Sunday evening, 16 October 2023, on BittelTV, where 33,000 spectators and supporters listened to his case.

Reiner is well known and highly appreciated throughout the world for his fine work, defending victims of government-induced COVID crimes, and other crimes against humanity, perpetrated by governments and government institutions around the world.

The attempt to censure and outright silence him has failed bitterly – and the very German government, which disrespects human rights, freedom of speech and is guilty of lying and distributing false information on the media, has now found no other way than arresting Reiner illegally.

They will not succeed. Justice will eventually prevail. A higher justice, way above the manmade twisted laws – justice that reigns over Mother Earth and the Universe – always rules.

This case will be followed closely and updated periodically.


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See Related:

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

This following message was sent on October 16 to our substack mailing list subscribers and was posted at our telegram, minds and brighteon social accounts.

As many of you know, Reiner Fuellmich was arrested three days ago in Mexico and was flown to Germany where he is now in prison.

His friend (and now his defense attorney) Dagmar Schoen made an announcement on (in German). BittelTV telegram channel:

Elsa Schieder, PhD provided an English transcript of this announcement at her The Truth Summit substack. She provides additional background information, including the involvement of Viviane Fischer (of Corona Investigative Committee) in the charges made against Reiner Fuellmich. She also shares information on ways to offer support for Reiner Fuellmich.

Here is the transcript of the announcement made by Dagmar Schoen:

Reiner and his wife lost their passports and visas quite some time ago, needed to get them replaced. As they have been staying in Mexico, this led to their needing to go to the German embassy in Tijuana, Mexico. The first time they went, on Monday, they needed to come back. Dagmar was already uneasy, but everything seemed all right.

A time was arranged, for Friday, for them to pick up the documents. So the embassy knew exactly when they would be arriving.

When they went back on Friday, Reiner’s wife got her documents and was allowed to go. Reiner was arrested. He had nothing with him, only the clothes he was wearing. No toothbrush, even.

A warrant for his arrest had been issued in March. A second warrant was issued in May. One was from Germany and the other from the EU. Obviously he was not informed.

As Reiner was in Mexico, which is outside the jurisdiction of the EU, the warrants could not be enforced.

So there needed to be a way to get him onto German soil.

Reiner’s needing a new passport and visa gave those who wanted him arrested the perfect opportunity.

When he entered the embassy on Friday, there were 6 men waiting to detain him, take him to the airport, escort him to Germany.

The charges, as Dagmar found out when she had the official papers opened, were 30 pages long – so this was something carefully planned and executed.

They related to allegations of Viviane Fischer, a former team member on the Corona Committee, about financial wrongdoing.

Three people signed the charges against Reiner.

Perhaps the craziest aspect of the charges is that the money Reiner allegedly took is in the bank account (or anyway, was in the bank account) of one of the 3 people.

As additional information becomes available, I will post links at TelegramBrighteon SocialMinds and Substack Notes, as well as include them in our New Posts newsletter.

~ Kathleen

Courtesy of Elsa Schieder:

Address to Write to Reiner Fuellmich

Michael Clarage: Is There an Electric Universe Model of Time?

Michael Clarage: Is There an Electric Universe Model of Time?

by Michael Clarage, Thunderbolts Project
October 15, 2023


Is there an Electric Universe perspective on time? Rather than to convince you that time has dimensions, the goal here is to convince you that our ancestors thought so.

If you believe an ancient Japanese text which says that a new planet, Venus, entered our solar system, perhaps you will believe an Egyptian text that says time has three dimensions just as space does.

We begin with a four-point analysis and exploration of time gleaned from classical physics:

1) The reality of a “present moment” is on shaky ground;

2) The rate at which time flows is unclear;

3) There are lines of time as well as points of time;

4) Multiple versions of systems can simultaneously exist.

It’s also appropriate to acknowledge ancient knowledge that can be derived from the Hermetica—writings from various historical periods, though most ideas have their origins in the very distant past of Egypt tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, states his arguments, from classical physics and older civilizations, for a modern perspective of time.


Connect with Thunderbolts Project

Cover image credit: Willgard

Blood Types: A Myth Debunked

Blood Types: A Myth Debunked
From mutants to blood subgroups: How constant reinventions support theories that have long been disproven


See Part 1 of this series

by Next Level – Wissen neu gedacht
translation from German via telegram translate
October 15, 2023


Blood Types: A Myth Debunked

It is a common misconception that blood types are genetically determined and unchangeable. In fact, blood types are nothing more than an illusion, influenced by environmental factors, diet and individual life experiences, medications and shocks. The idea of fixed blood types only serves to perpetuate the myths of special “bloodlines” and to boost the blood business.

Virology and Genetics: The Art of Distraction

The introduction of blood groups and the Rhesus factor has contributed more to confusion than enlightenment. Instead of providing clear answers, new subgroups are constantly being introduced to circumvent existing contradictions. This approach is very reminiscent of virology, where new mutations are constantly being postulated to support the basic assumptions. It is obvious that financial interests and not scientific accuracy are the priority here.

Blood Transfusions: A Risky Business

Blood transfusions are often presented as a safe medical practice. But reality looks different. The risks are significant and the mortality rate for patients receiving a transfusion is alarmingly high. The question arises as to whether the quality of the blood reserves is guaranteed at all. Figures suggest the risk of mortality is six times higher in patients who receive a blood transfusion than those who do not.

Interest groups: profit over truth

It is clear that certain interest groups benefit from perpetuating these myths. The virus existence question serves as a catalyst to expose the misinterpretations and unscientific nature of medicine. It is high time we let go of outdated assumptions and accept the real facts.

Genetics and Blood Types: The Fallacious Path of Uncontrolled Interpretation

In genetics we encounter a familiar pattern that is reminiscent of the debate over blood types. Instead of offering clear answers, science tends to arbitrarily interpret and assign genes.

When a genetic theory is questioned, instead of reassessment, even more complex assumptions are added. What was once thought to be a single gene is now presented as a complex combination of multiple genes, splicing and other factors. Such convoluted interpretations often only serve to support old, debunked theories.

To make matters worse, markers in genetics similar to “blood groups” can be defined and even patented without sufficient verification. It is becoming increasingly clear that financial interests overshadow scientific integrity. It is high time that we look critically at these uncontrolled interpretations and turn to sound scientific findings.

Conclusion: The déjà vu of scientific interpretation

Once you understand the mechanism of scientific interpretation, you realize that it is a recurring pattern. This mechanism is based on the practice of supporting unclear or refuted theories with increasingly complex assumptions and interpretations instead of critically reconsidering or correcting them. This often happens without sufficient scientific control and is driven by financial interests. Once this process is recognized, it appears like déjà vu in many areas of science.

The virus existence question serves as an eye-opener and shows how profound and far-reaching such uncontrolled interpretations are anchored in science. It is time we move away from such practices and adopt a truly scientific approach.


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Cover image credit: PublicDomainPictures

Contrary to What We’ve Been Told, Blood Groups Are Not the Immutable Witness to Our Genetic Ancestry and History

Contrary to What We’ve Been Told, Blood Groups Are Not the Immutable Witness to Our Genetic Ancestry and History


Bloodline Revealed: Your Family Tree Is More Than Just a Blood Type!

by Next Level – Wissen neu gedacht
translation from German via telegram translate
October 14, 2023


Do you really believe that a simple blood test can reveal your genetic history and heritage? Let us show you why common ideas about blood groups and bloodlines are far from scientific reality.

Blood: The Liquid Enigma of Our Existence

Have you ever stopped and thought about the mysterious fluid that runs through our veins? Blood, often seen as a reflection of our ancestry and identity, holds secrets far beyond what we have previously been told.

Dozens of blood groups and subgroup systems

Let’s start with a startling fact: there is not just the ABO and Rhesus blood group system that we are so familiar with. There are DOZENS of blood group systems! Each system with its own binding reactions.

What does that mean? It shows that the idea of a “specific” blood type that makes us unique is actually much more complex and non-specific than we thought.

Change in blood group

Now for an even more amazing fact: our blood type can change throughout our lives.

Yes, you’ve read correctly.

What is often viewed as an immutable marker of our identity can actually change. And not only that, scientists can artificially change blood types in laboratories!

But why is this so important? Because it challenges the common idea that our blood is an immutable witness to our genetic ancestry and history.

Lack of ideas: When blood is mixed wildly

If rabbits and monkeys were involved in the discovery of the Rh factor, how reliable is our understanding of blood groups and their meaning?

Theoretical expansion of the system: If we continue to rely on non-specific experiments, such as the monkey-rabbit experiment, we could theoretically “discover” an infinite number of new blood group systems.

Imagine if we injected monkey blood into frogs and then transferred this antiserum to human blood. This could lead to a hypothetical “Rhesus frog system”. And if we pursue this approach, we could create a new system with each combination of animals.

This shows how easy it is to develop complex and potentially misleading systems on unsound foundations.

The truth is that blood is constantly moving and changing, just like us. It is a living, breathing system that responds to our environment, our choices and our health. The idea that it divides us into simple categories is an illusion.

Own blood vs. foreign blood: Same challenges when it comes to compatibility

It is a common misconception that using your own blood in transfusions is automatically safer than using donor blood. In fact, both variants have similar challenges in terms of tolerability.

Need for compatibility testing

The fact is that blood group determination alone is not sufficient to ensure the tolerability of a blood transfusion. There are many subgroups and other factors such as the unscientific Rhesus factor that are taken into account. Therefore, a compatibility test is carried out before each transfusion to ensure that the donor and recipient are compatible.

What are blood groups?

The claim of blood groups is an attempt to explain the phenomenon of “incompatibility” of blood from different people in terms of Mendelian genetics.

Since the energy content of the cell membranes and the proteins dissolved in the body and blood are constantly changing, the blood groups also change. There are currently 29 “officially” approved, diverse blood group systems.

[update – October 15, 2023 – see follow up post to this series]


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Cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors

Drs. Tom Cowan & Mark Bailey Weighing In on a Recent Paper by a Group of UK Scientists About the “No Virus” Controversy

Drs. Tom Cowan & Mark Bailey Weighing In on a Recent Paper by a Group of UK Scientists About the “No Virus” Controversy


Webinar with Dr. Mark Bailey on the HART Group: October 11, 2023

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Mark Bailey
October 11, 2023


In this webinar, Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Mark Bailey discuss the HART Group in England and how they have weighed in on the no-virus controversy.

They review The HART Group’s latest article, titled “Why HART Uses The Virus Model.”

This article can be found here:

 Video available at Odysee & Rumble.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Drs. Tom Cowan and Mark Bailey challenge an article posted on October 4, 2023 by HART (a group of scientists in the UK) titled  “Why HART uses the virus model — Arguments against ‘the virus doesn’t exist’ “.

Tom and Mark go over all key points made in the article.

It’s clear that the HART group has no idea what has been revealed in the research done by those who been exposing the false foundation of virology.

HART has somehow missed a foundational point of the “no virus” research — that no infectious “virus” has ever been isolated in the entire history of virology and that the “no virus” research shines a light on the fraud of all so-called infectious viruses.

Here is how HART group describes themselves at their website:

“HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts.  We came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

We continue to be concerned about the lack of open scientific debate in mainstream media and the worrying trend of censorship and harassment of those who question the narrative. Science without question is dogma.”

Read and download PDF of Mark Bailey’s 67-page paper “A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

Also referenced is the great work of Mike Stone.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

Cover image credit: Alexandra_Koch

Dr. Tom Cowan: Do COVID “mRNA Shots” Actually Contain mRNA? Let’s Look at the Science

Dr. Tom Cowan: Do COVID Shots Actually Contain mRNA? Let’s Look at the Science


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

We are providing a transcript of one of Dr. Tom Cowan’s recent weekly webinars. His  research (and that of many others) that shreds the heavy veil of lies about our human biology (and the biology of the animal world) is essential for us all to understand. The mind control involved in modern “medicine” is deeply entrenched.

Just as we as a species have been easy to control via politics, religions, and false narratives about our true nature and our history,  “science” has been used in the same way. These deceptive narratives keep us trapped in a world of ever-spawning sub-narratives laced with fear. This latest whirlwind of information related to mRNA vaccines, spike protein, DNA contamination, shedding, etc. pushes us to get a better grip on what is really possible and ultimately what is true.

~ Kathleen


“You see, the tendency here, especially amongst the so-called freedom community, is they like to pick up on these studies to attempt to demonstrate or prove that these vaccines, so-called, are horrible, and they’re causing myocarditis, and they’re doing so through the mechanism of the creation of this so-called spike protein.
“I am not arguing against the fact that the injections are horrible, or that they give people myocarditis or otherwise heart problems. I’m talking about the mechanism. Because the mechanism is everything.  It has to do with, eventually, how you think about this whole thing. What is actually happening. And even, eventually, how to treat it.
“Because I have no sympathy for the argument advanced by so many doctors. ‘Tom, what difference does it make whether there’s actually mRNA in the injections or whether there’s spike proteins or whether there’s a virus?’
“It makes all the difference in the world. Because if you can’t understand what’s happening or at least disprove that this particular thing is happening, you will will eventually be led astray.
“You will also eventually scare and frighten people more than you should. And there is no benefit from being ignorant about what happens and using anti-scientific thinking to make claims about what’s happening that are easily disproven.”
“So there is no such thing as a monoclonal or antibody specificity. So all these papers alleging that they found the spike protein, that the spike protein is a mechanism of damage, need to be tossed out as uncontrolled anti-scientific garbage.”
“So again, there is no actual clear scientific evidence that this process would result in pure mRNA of a specific type that could be put into these vials, that could produce a spike protein, and that could be the saving grace of the pharmaceutical industry with further mRNA vaccines.
“It’s simply the old culturing non-specific stuff that they’ve been doing all along with viruses and claiming they’re actually doing something a lot more sophisticated then they actually know how to do.”


Do COVID Shots Actually Contain mRNA? Let’s Look At The Science- Webinar from 9/27/23

by Dr. Tom Cowan
webinar September 27, 2023


Watch at Rumble:

or Odysee:

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light

Starting at approximate time marker 01:30.

Dr. Tom Cowan:

So today I wanted to talk about the question again, which we’ve dealt with a little bit.

Is there spike proteins being made as a result of COVID shots?

But then taking it back even a step further. So this, we’re told, is a new mRNA technology that has been developed over many years. Robert Malone was one of the people who worked on the development of this technique, we’re told.

And I received an interesting series of short papers by a friend and colleague, Saeed Qureshi.

[TCTL editor’s note:].

So many of you know him. I believe he’s a biochemist and works in pharmacy kind of things, who’s been very vocal about the non-existence of the virus, or at least the inability to prove that viruses actually exist.

And he sent me some papers where he goes through the argument of whether there is actually mRNA in the mRNA shots. Imagine that.

And I can imagine that most of you can imagine that because we’ve heard so many things that simply aren’t true.

When people say, ‘but there’s got to be something that is true’… And right now I’d be hard pressed to think of what in modern medicine and biology is, in fact, accurate. I’m sure there’s something. Like we have a head on top of our chest, sort of.

So we’re going to take a look at that. Before we look at that, we need some background, which is again, going over old hat.

Most of things, probably these days have a little bit of old hat in them. And that is, we have to really understand what this question of antibody specificity — and I’ll tell you a little more about what I mean by that.

But I also want to point out that probably the best paper that was written on this was written by our friend Mike Stone at Viroliegy called Antibody Specificity?

[TCTL editor’s note:].

So if you’re really interested in this subject you should check out that paper on that website. So this is, again, me lifting things from other people. But as I always say, at least I acknowledge that.

So let’s get into the question first of antibody specificity. And before I do that, I have something I wanted to show you. So share the screen.

I don’t know this guy Daniel Dennett.

“There’s simply no polite way to tell people they’ve dedicated their lives to an illusion.”

So, I guess you can forget about worrying about that, because if there’s actually no way to do that and “be polite’ or maintain connection, then you don’t have to bother trying to think about what the best way would be, because there’s no way. So you might as well just say it the best way you know how.

So here’s some papers — some quotes from peer reviewed journals. The first three that I’ve probably shown before. (Can make this a little bigger.) This is about antibodies. Again, these were all lifted from peer reviewed journals.

[TCTL editor’s note: Here Tom Cowan shares some images of papers and reads from them.]

“The idea of poison and antidote led to the belief that the antidote would precisely combine with the poison and thus neutralize it. Even if death occurred when treated with the antidotes, which was often the case with mercury and arsenic, the justification was that it would prevent infecting others or that the person would have died more quickly without treatment.

“When Paul Ehrlich, who invented chemotherapy and the immune theory, slowly poisoned horses with toxic plant extracts so that they could survive otherwise lethal concentrations of the poison for a time, he found that there was an increase in protein in the blood. Since that time, these proteins have been referred to as an antidote and, in the modern version, as an anti-body.

“In reality, the body builds new vessels with these proteins, called globulins, seal all other cells and tissues with them, regulates blood clotting and thus wound healing. Paul Ehrlich’s misconception that these antidote proteins fit the toxins exactly like a key in a lock is the basis of all immune theories.”

So this paragraph essentially encapsulates the reason why I keep saying there’s no immune system.

This is the foundation of the immune theory — that we make proteins called antibodies, which are, in fact, globulins — which I would say are non-specific, unlike the specificity which is claimed. And I’ll get into more what I mean by that in a minute. So they’re not specific to anything in any virus or any protein.

They are non-specific proteins that regulate clotting and wound healing. So they cannot be used in any way to identify the protein. That’s what it means by specificity.

And since the time of Ehrlich, there have been probably thousands of papers going into the molecular details of how this specificity comes about. But the fact of the matter is, nobody has been able to prove specificity — meaning one antibody is specific, that binds and only binds to one specific antigen or protein or part of a protein or toxin. That’s what we mean by specific.

The antibody, if it was specific, could be used to identify the protein. If it’s not specific, it can’t be used to identify the protein. That should be obvious.

And so specific means it’s unique to that protein. Non-specific means it’s not unique to that protein.

If it’s specific, it can be used to identify the protein, since that’s the only possible thing it could be reacting to. If it’s non-specific, then it can’t possibly be used to identify the protein.

So next:

“In reality, these globulins, which are presented as antibodies and used in antibody tests, only come in a few size classes and different charge states. Only the size and the state of charge on the one hand and the composition of the liquids on the other hand in which the antibodies are supposed to react with the ‘bodies’ decide whether a reaction will occur or not. Even a slight change in fluid composition, temperature, or pH can cause antibodies to bind to all substances or none.”

And this is the case that the antibodies are not specific, and that they’re reacting to non-specific proteins. And the reaction is more based on the composition of the fluid, such as the temperature or the pH, or maybe the oxidation reduction potential, or maybe some other things, but they are not reacting to a specific antigen protein or toxin at all.

“This is the reason why all antibody tests, e.g. against pathogens, types of cancer etc. can be easily manipulated, are arbitrary and without any meaningfulness. Even the package inserts for these tests state that there is no (calibration) standard. Even if the disease-causing viruses existed, ‘antibody tests’ could not detect them.”

So, that is the basic argument that they’re manipulatable, they’re changed depending on the conditions of the fluid that they’re in.
They can’t possibly identify a protein or a virus or a toxin. They’re just, as they say, non-specific proteins that regulate blood clotting and wound healing. And so this is a very important fact as we go forward in this discussion.

Okay, next.

So I’m going to switch here to a slightly different.

Before I get into the spike protein and the mRNA —

This, unfortunately, title is called “Biden Quotes”. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen this. Apparently Biden said:

“I said I’d cure cancer. They looked at me like, ‘Why cancer’? Because no one thinks we can. That’s why. And we can. We ended cancer as we know it,” Biden said during a speech in the East Room of the White House.

Well, that’s good to know. So one less thing we all have to worry about, according to Joe Biden.

And then just highlight this and then I’m going to bring this up.

Okay. So this is a little bit of a switch of subjects. But I found this interesting and you’ll see how it relates to the topic. This was posted on something called US Mortality by someone who I don’t think I know. I may know them, named Ben. So I don’t really know who Ben is. I’ve seen some of his stuff just recently and it looks great. So I applaud Ben, whoever you are, you’re doing some great stuff. And, in particular, for thinking properly, because that’s what it all is based on.

And so this little piece he did was something that we’ve all heard about: “Has the Measles vaccine (otherwise known as MMR) scientifically been shown to reduce measles cases or deaths?“.

So we all know that it certainly doesn’t reduce the death rate. That’s easy to show with just epidemiology. But here’s the question — because people, including myself before I really toned or honed my thinking process had questions about this. Because it seems like in previous times, 50-60 years ago, there was more of a disease called measles than there is now. And so, now that I know more about it, I know how difficult it is to make that diagnosis. And how difficult that kind of conclusion is to make on pure epidemiology or pure observation.

So it’s one of those things that — it seems like there’s less measles. But the question here is, has it been actually proven whether or not there’s more or less measles? That the MMR vaccine has been shown to reduce the number of measles cases?

So, again, the thinking process is: this is a claim. You don’t have to know anything else about the situation but the claim is the MMR vaccine has reduced the number of measles cases.

So that claim should be provable or disprovable by doing a proper study with a control — giving one group of people or children who haven’t had measles the MMR and another group of more or less identical children, not giving them the MMR, and then looking at the cases and seeing if you can detect a difference.

Anything else but that, any observation or any other epidemiological information can’t come up with that answer. This is the only way to do it. That should be obvious.

So we’re investigating the claim that the MMR vaccine reduced the cases of measles.

So here’s what the CDC says: that the MMR vaccine protects against measles, mumps and rubella. Two MMR vaccines are available — MMR II and PRIORIX, fully interchangeable. So you can use either one.

And then they go according to the Mayo Clinic — What is Measles? So they give you a bunch of of symptoms. And in particular I want to mention they tell you about Koplik’s spots, the white spots with the bluish white centers on a red background inside the lining of a cheek.

And as I said, this is the so-called pathonomonic feature of a case of measles, except 40% or so of children who are told they have measles don’t have Koplik’s spots. So that’s apparently non-Koplik’s spots measles, which is odd because that’s how you know it’s measles. So how can there be a non-Koplik’s spot measles? But anyways. So these are the symptoms of a child or a person with measles. Occurs in stages over two weeks.

So now that we know what measles looks like, let’s look at the package insert of the two products, he says.

So, these were the clinical trials that demonstrated that these vaccines reduce the case of measles. And as he points out this is the MMR II, quoting here they “demonstrate that the antibody response rates to measles, mumps, and rubella among children who received MMR II manufactured with rHA will be similar to the antibody response rates among children who receive MMR manufactured with” some other antigen and to demonstrate that MMR II will induce acceptable antibody response rates to measles, mumps, and rubella. And it’s well tolerated.

So in other words, the demonstration that the MMR II works to prevent cases of measles has no clinical indications as endpoints, no placebo was used. They only looked at antibodies under the claim that the antibodies tell you specifically that this child had or didn’t have measles. And as we now know that isn’t possible with an antibody test.

So this is an anti-scientific study, which can tell you nothing about whether the MMR II vaccine reduced the actual cases of clinical measles or not.

So let’s look at the other one, the PRIORIX. The second current vaccine was also compared to antibody responses, this time to the antibody responses of MMR II.

In other words, they inject a poison in you. They see that you have a non-specific repair mechanism activated by this injection of the poison. They claim that that means that you have an immunity against measles. And then the second vaccine, they compare it to the first one, which was fraudulently and anti-scientifically done. And then they compare the antibody response relative to MMR II, and they find that it’s basically similar. Therefore, they both protect you against measles.

When in reality that just means they both created approximately the same sort of tissue damage because they’re both poisons. And they, therefore, create the same amount of bodily response, non-specifically to heal the damage.

Now third one, MMR II (HSA), since 1978, they say that the efficacy of measles, mumps, rubella was established in a series of double-blind controlled trials, of which only these two references mentioned measles. So only this one study is — so that’s the only study that actually has anything to do with measles. And so here he has a link to the studies. And according to the study, the vaccines were compared for their clinical reaction and their antibody response.

He says he doesn’t have access to the full text, but according to the abstract the endpoints did not include the case rate of measles or deaths.

And here you can see the clinical reaction rate and antibody, were compared in children given three vaccines — so they’re compared these to the previous two. And they say they did it with the clinical reaction. So finally we get actually a trial that’s looking at whether the children got sick or not. But how did they do it?

So they did it with a clinical trial of 300 children that did not have measles. They split them into three groups. They use two measles vaccines and a placebo. And then they monitored them for three weeks.

So even though they did use a placebo, they gave them these two different measles vaccines. And then they monitor them for a total of three weeks to see whether that protected them against measles.

And what did they actually do? Did they actually look for all the clinical signs of measles? No, they simply did a rectal temperature every day, I guess, for those three weeks. And that was the only clinical sign that they measured. And if they had no more signs of a rectal increase in temperature that, apparently, meant they were protected for life against measles or three weeks.

So this is about as crazy as you can get. It goes back to an experiment in ’69 in Honduras where 300 children were monitored for three weeks. No efficacy for measles cases or deaths was established. All subsequent studies rely on this original study.

This is yet another example of these doctors thinking that somebody must have proved this. Somebody must have shown that the cases go down. When this is the only trial, apparently, that actually did anything clinical at all. And it was — all they did was measure the rectal temperature for three weeks, which has nothing to do with the alleged protection against measles or the reduction of cases or death or anything else that is claimed for this measles vaccine.

So you would have to say that there is no evidence that any MMR shot or any measles vaccine, reduced the cases of measles or the death rate for measles. Full stop.

And if you disagree with that, you’re going to have to send us a study that shows that that’s the case. And my guess is you will not be able to do that.

Okay. So now with that background, we can then go to the first question. Are we, as this paper claims… one of the most important papers on the molecular mechanism of the detection of recombinant spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.

[TCTL editor’s note: Detection of recombinant Spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2: Possible molecular mechanisms]

Here is the author [Carlo Brogna], apparently in Italy.

So, of course, we go down to the methods section and ask. So how did he detect this recombinant spike protein in the blood of individuals vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2?

And lo and behold, no surprise, probably. We go down to the experimental procedures… informed consent… 20 human samples were collected from vaccinated subjects with informed consent. The geometric mean of their antibodies′ titer versus spike protein was such and such after 60 days. In addition 20 human biological samples were collected from unvaccinated subjects wtih informed consent.

And so they were different. These ones who had not undergone COVID-19 and didn’t have the vaccine, and presumably had less tissue breakdown, were negative for these antibodies — which according to them, proves that the spike protein is created in the blood through vaccination, and is part of the illness they’re calling COVID-19.

So again, the whole thing rests on the fact that the only thing that they measured here were antibodies. They were claiming that the antibodies were specific for the spike protein. Therefore, if they find the spike protein in the blood of vaccinated or people who allegedly had COVID, that means that they had spike protein disease. Whereas the people who were healthy and then, presumably not breaking down their tissues, didn’t have to make non-specific antibodies. So the antibody tests were negative.

It has nothing to do with spike proteins or viruses at all.

So again, it doesn’t mean that I’m saying — we’re talking the mechanism here, not whether some people who allegedly had some non-specific illness called COVID-19 were sick. Maybe they were and maybe they were breaking down. And I’m not exonerating these injections.

For sure, if you inject somebody, as we’ll see with non-specific cell culture goop, you will make them sick. Their tissues will break down and they will have increased antibodies.

The question we’re dealing with here is not whether things can make people sick, or injections of poisons can make people sick. It’s whether the antibodies prove that this is a spike protein or a spike protein coming from a virus, and the spike protein is made by the alleged mRNA in the injection.

So, let me just go through, well, let me go to the next one here.

So another big study that people sent me and wanted to know about doesn’t this study. “Circulating Spike Protein Detected in Post-COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Myocarditis“.

[TCTL editor’s note:]

You see, the tendency here, especially amongst the so-called freedom community, is they like to pick up on these studies to attempt to demonstrate or prove that these vaccines, so-called, are horrible, and they’re causing myocarditis, and they’re doing so through the mechanism of the creation of this so-called spike protein.

I am not arguing against the fact that the injections are horrible, or that they give people myocarditis or otherwise heart problems. I’m talking about the mechanism because the mechanism is everything. It has to do with, eventually, how you think about this whole thing. What is actually happening. And even, eventually, how to treat it.

Because I have no sympathy for the argument advanced by so many doctors. ‘Tom, what difference does it make whether there’s actually mRNA in the injections or whether there’s spike proteins or whether there’s a virus.’

It makes all the difference in the world. Because if you can’t understand what’s happening or at least disprove that this particular thing is happening, you will will eventually be led astray.

You will also eventually scare and frighten people more than you should. And there is no benefit from being ignorant about what happens and using anti-scientific thinking to make claims about what’s happening that are easily disproven.

So when you say, okay, well, how did this paper that’s so crucial to our understanding that it’s the spike protein that’s causing myocarditis — how did they detect the spike protein?

And no surprise there. If you go to the method section, you see:

“We performed extensive antibody profiling…” and then there’s a whole other bunch of immune profiles, antibodies against the human-relevant virome. These are all downstream antibody testing, all of which are non-specific and can’t possibly tell you that there was a spike protein.

And here again you see this immunophenotyping, and it’s all about detecting antibodies against previous infection, SARS-Cov-2 spike protein specific T-cell responses and other antibodies.

They never actually assay for spike protein directly in the fluids. They sometimes look for pieces which they allege, through other antibody testing previously done, that those come from the spike protein.

It all basically boils down to: Are antibodies specific? And the answer, as I said, is clearly no.

So, this brings up another interesting question.

So somebody could say, ‘Okay, Cowan, how can you actually go about proving whether these antibodies are specific or not? Like what should we do?’

Just like we outlined with how they should go about proving there is a virus or not with our viral challenge, here I will outline how you would go about, if you wanted to do proper, reasonable, logical science, proving that antibodies are specific and not just non-specific reactions to tissue breakdown. So it would go something like this:

You would give a substance, preferably a toxic substance or a substance that causes damage, like a vaccine (so-called), or an injection, or some sort of cell culture goop or nanoparticles. And
then you would get breakdown of the tissue. If you don’t give any toxic substance, you won’t get any tissue breakdown, presumably, and then you won’t get any antibodies produced, and then you don’t have anything to study. So you give the substance, you get the tissue breakdown.

And then you inject the antibody or take a sample and mix it with the antibody that you believe — this is what you’re going to test — is specific for a certain protein.

They say that if this antibody binds, and therefore makes some sort of reaction, that’s proof of specificity. But what they should do is give the same person or animal a different substance that couldn’t possibly have a spike protein in it, but is also toxic to the tissues and causes a similar amount of tissue damage. Then you once you get the tissue damage, you take a sample or inject the antibodies, or mix it with antibodies in the sample, or inject the antibody into the person, and see if it binds the same antibody.

If it binds — and obviously the insult, the toxin, was different — that proves that the antibodies are not binding to a specific toxin, they’re binding to non-specific toxins and, in particular, they’re being produced in reaction to tissue damage.

So that’s the first of two controls that you would do.

The second is you would give this toxic substance — let’s say something you claim is a spike protein or an mRNA — you would see the tissue damage. And then you would inject it with the antibody that you claim is specific, see if it binds. and see if it lights up and you can detect it. And if it does, you claim that that binding proves that it’s protein specific.

But then, give the same substance (your so-called spike protein), you get the tissue breakdown, but this time you inject or mix it with a different antibody, not the antibody that you say is specific to the spike protein, but a totally different antibody. That of course shouldn’t bind. And if it does, it tells you that antibodies are binding non-specifically, and you cannot use it to prove the existence of that antigen or that protein in the first place.

Every single paper that does that, that uses antibodies to make this claim, should obviously include both of those steps. And yet, none of us can find a paper that ever includes both of those steps. Therefore, they’re all anti-scientific. They are not using appropriate controls and not following the scientific method.

And this is why one of the world’s leading authorities on antibodies, and particularly monoclonal antibodies (monoclonal means they’re specific to one antigen) and that’s Clifford Saper, Harvard Medical School Professor. And this is a quote from one of his papers.

“No, there is no such thing as a monoclonal antibody that, because it is monoclonal, recognizes only one protein or only one virus. It will bind to any protein having the same (or a very similar) sequence.”

So there is no such thing as a monoclonal or antibody specificity. So all these papers alleging that they found the spike protein, that the spike protein is a mechanism of damage, need to be tossed out as uncontrolled anti-scientific garbage.

If you want an analogy, I came up with one just before this that may help.

So let’s say you have a balloon and you cut the balloon with a knife or some object. And then you put duct tape on it to fix the balloon. And then you claim that because you were able to fix the balloon with duct tape this proves that the knife was the mechanism that cut the balloon.

That’s essentially what they’re doing. They’re saying essentially that the duct tape is somehow specific to the mechanism of injury, which is a knife.

So the first control experiment you would need to do is take the balloon and cut it with a scissors, and then use your duct tape and see if you could fix the balloon. Because if you could, this would demonstrate that your conclusion originally was wrong, that it is not specific to a knife, because it works just as well with a balloon cut with a scissors.

And then the next control experiment you would do is you would take the balloon and you would cut it with a knife. But this time you would try to fix the balloon with, say, elephant tape. I’m not sure what that is, but I’ve heard that that actually works sort of like duct tape. And if that works to fix the balloon, which it would, that would tell you that the type of tape, i.e. the antibody, is not specific to the mechanism of injury, that is to say a knife — that any similar tape would work.

So again, similarly, many antibodies will bind to that protein, or to that injured tissue, because the antibodies are not specific to the protein. They’re specific to the tissue injury.

So many different mechanisms of injury, and many different antibodies will work. And if you don’t believe me, send me a paper where they did both of those controls, and I and others will admit we’re wrong. Except that won’t happen, because none of the so-called scientists will be able to do that. Because, as far as we can see, it doesn’t exist.

And so, once again, we are putting out very specific guidelines to prove us wrong. And the people who are attempting to do that seemingly never are able to do that, because those papers don’t exist.

And then, finally, we get to the issue of Dr. Qureshi’s paper of  ‘Is there actually mRNA in these injections?’.

[TCTL editor’s note: “mRNA Vaccine Is Not mRNA But Gunk – A Forensic Analysis” — Download PDF:]

So here’s the paper. You can see the reference here, and I don’t know exactly how to find it but I think if you put this in somehow you’ll be able to find it. And he talks about how they claim that there is mRNA in these injections. I mean that’s the whole point.

You put the mRNA for the spike protein, then that goes to the imaginary ribosomes and makes the spike proteins, and the spike proteins make non-specific antibodies to a protein that couldn’t possibly have been made — or at least has never been demonstrated to have been made — and pretty soon you realize you’re in La La Land.

So, here he goes through the steps. And I think basically, he talks about the fact that the mRNA… Let’s just read it and so we go there from a pharmaceutical perspective.

[TCTL editor’s note: Here, Tom skips through, reading parts of pages 2 to 4 from Saeed Qureshi’s paper and mixing with his own comments. To identify which words are Saeed’s and which are Tom’s, it might help to read the paper while listening. LINK]

“One must obtain the active ingredient, in this case mRNA”… either have to make it yourself or get it from a third party.

So he talks about this. There’s the active ingredient, which is the mRNA and then there’s all the other stuff that goes into the formulation.

So we’re not interested in the other stuff. We’re only interested in this so-called active ingredient, which is mRNA.

So during the product development, the active ingredient is monitored, tested, to see if it is in the body, is expected in the expected amounts, the efficacy and toxicity relate to the active ingredient levels.

Therefore, a vaccine developer would first need an appropriate mRNA or its source to purchase such an active ingredient… should commonly be available from an independent third party supplier with appropriate certification for identification and purity.

However, the COVID-19 mRNA is proprietary. No information about its nature and purity is available in the public domain. So obviously that makes it difficult to know whether that’s in there.

Therefore, as he says, appropriately, one must rely on general information regarding what is present in the vials, and how they may have been synthesized manufactured and purified.

So now we’re getting to the crux of the matter.

In this regard a fermentation process using culturing microbes, such as bacteria is claimed to produce mRNA, which is then extracted, isolated, from the manufacturing perspective. The following diagram shows the steps. [see the bottom of page 2 for diagram]

You can see that steps — hard to see here. Culture has developed, some chemical reactions are performed. This stops the culturing fermentation, followed by purification. The last step is marked as formulation.

This production process of mRNA is simple, yet very confusing, which may be why people do not correctly understand the manufacturing of the vaccine and its adverse effect.

As explained above, the active ingredient is mRNA.

And this is the key of all this.

But no step describes mRNA production. We go through this in detail.

There is no step proving that this bacteria in this fermentation mat are making a specific mRNA.

The last step in the diagram is formulation or vaccine. Therefore this is vaccine production, not mRNA per se.

He says they use the words mRNA and vaccine interchangeably which is incorrect. Calling the end stages formulation indicates that the mRNA has never been produced, but is assumed to be there. So there is no step in here that proves, or demonstrates the specific production of mRNA.

It’s only assumed to be there.

The last step in the manufacturing should be a pure and isolated mRNA compound. However, it is an “isolate”, culture or gunk, possibly selectively concentrated compared to the one in the productive chamber.

In other words, all they have is the breakdown of the culture or gunk, culture gunk, not specifically isolated purified mRNA, which then they could use as the active ingredient to put into the vials.

And he says they don’t appreciate the difference between culture isolate gunk and pure isolated component which is a critical misunderstanding as the relevant science, the same as the virus issue.

So mRNA has not been produced, but a culture isolate, gunk, is considered and sold as mRNA or vaccine.

And this is another crucial point he makes.

It may be argued that the manufacturing processes or steps shown in the figure above have multiple filtration separation or isolation steps, like gradient ultra centrifugation for virus isolation, ensuring the production of pure mRNA.

And this is the part that I can’t verify myself. But I know Saeed, and I think this is a worthy place to start.

“Considering my extensive expertise and experience 40 plus years in separation science, including exhaustive training and experience in chromatography, I can confidently say that the steps described here would not be able to produce the claimed pure and isolated mRNA until shown otherwise.”

“Another critical point is that it is impossible to monitor mRNA production because no test may be developed without the availability of the pure and isolated reference (mRNA) standard. Therefore, it is safe to conclude that mRNA production is based on assumption, not scientific or valid testing.”

In other words, if they can’t come up with the pure isolated mRNA, there’s no way to validate this procedure. And therefore, there’s no way to claim that this procedure made the mRNA that they’re saying is in there. Therefore, there’s no way to even know that the mRNA is in there.

So what’s in there?

He suspects that the presence of DNA contamination, which is becoming an issue now — they know that the DNA is contaminated — is simply because they’re using culture gunk or chip particles of bacteria, which obviously have their own contaminating DNA. And this contamination would explain the widespread adverse reactions after the injection of these vials.

So we don’t need to propose a mechanism of mRNA or spike protein. Simply injecting bacterial culture junk with all the stuff that’s in there that is not properly purified.

And there’s no way to assess the validity of the claim, because they don’t have a pure mRNA to begin with, makes the whole burden of proof on the manufacturers to prove that there is the mRNA that they say there is in there.

And my guess is that is, again, a challenge that they will never undertake due to claims of proprietary, or this or that, or we don’t want to sell our secrets, or people would do nasty things with it as if (as if they’re not doing enough nasty things with what they’re doing already).

So again, there is no actual clear scientific evidence that this process would result in pure mRNA of a specific type that could be put into these vials, that could produce a spike protein, and that could be the saving grace of the pharmaceutical industry with further mRNA vaccines.

It’s simply the old culturing non-specific stuff that they’ve been doing all along with viruses and claiming they’re actually doing something a lot more sophisticated then they actually know how to do.

So I hope that clarifies things and alleviates people’s worries that they’re being genetically reprogrammed or that there’s some specific genetic modification going on.

I mean, again, it’s not to say that the injections aren’t bad enough. And I’m not exonerating the injections or saying they’re not causing the damage that they do. Far from it.

It’s just not the mechanism that we’ve been told. And anybody who claims that’s the mechanism, the burden of proof is on them to:

  • Show the pure isolated mRNA that comes from this process.
  • Show us that mRNA is the same in all the vaccines.
  • Show us by direct assay that the spike proteins are made as a result of these injections.
  • Show that the spike protein injections create something
    called immunity to something called the virus.

And none of those four steps are possible, because the whole thing is a bunch of hooey.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan website | Odysee

Cover image credit: geralt

The Madness of Genetics: On “DNA Contamination” & the Bizarre Claim That “Specific” DNA Can Precisely Change Human Genetics and Cause Cancer

The Madness of Genetics: On “DNA Contamination” & the Bizarre Claim That “Specific” DNA Can Precisely Change Human Genetics and Cause Cancer


Instead of focusing on the DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines, the central question should be: Has the basic assumption about “pathogenic particles (viruses)” ever been scientifically proven/confirmed? The answer is NO , and therefore every vaccination is inherently illegal and dangerous.


DNA Contamination: The Amusing Irony and Theoretical Trap

by Next Level – Wissen Neu Gedacht
translation from German via Telegram translate
October 2, 2023


It is ironic that if the assumptions of genetic theory were correct, critics would be right. This irony shows that pharmaceuticals are paradoxically finding themselves caught in the crossfire due to theses held by both critics and the mainstream.

What does that mean?

The idea that DNA is the unchanging blueprint of life has been promoted for over 40 years. But in 2006, leading researchers confirmed: This idea was naive. DNA is dynamic and constantly changing.

The human genome

Complete decoding of the human genome (in reality just reading rows of letters that are not understood) is impossible. No two people are “genetically” alike, not even one cell is another. When you consider that the individual genomes of less than 0.0003% of the 8 billion people have been sequenced (and incompletely), one thing becomes clear: assignments of genetic letter orders for cancer, eye color, height, etc. are impossible.

An example: the color of the eyes

It was believed that it was simply genetically determined. This idea turned out to be a forced interpretation of the current data, which was refuted by more recent data. So parents with blue eyes can have a child with brown eyes. This makes it clear that the idea of a fixed genetic section has been scientifically refuted.

Plain language: If every genome is unique, we only know a tiny fraction of all genomes (0.0003%) and they are constantly changing themselves, then the attempt to define fixed gene sections for certain characteristics such as eye color or cancer is worth it , like trying to catch a river with a sieve – it’s not only inaccurate, it’s simply unattainable.

The madness of genetics

When even simple examples such as eye color cannot be assigned, it seems bizarre when parties claim that foreign “specific” DNA can precisely change human genetics and cause cancer. Dr. Kary Mullis summed it up well: With PCR you can find everything in every person if you do it right. This means that every DNA or RNA sequence can be found in every person, whether healthy, sick, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

The strategy of fighting like with like may seem promising at first glance. But on closer inspection it turns out to be a theoretical trap. Instead of focusing on the DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines, the central question should be: Has the basic assumption about “pathogenic particles (viruses)” ever been scientifically proven/confirmed? The answer is NO , and therefore every vaccination is inherently illegal and dangerous.

The current approach offers the pharmaceutical apparatus a back door: they could argue that there are better, uncontaminated vaccines or present other methods that would then have to be accepted within the long-refuted genetics thesis.

The technical implementation of the laboratory in Magdeburg is vulnerable even within the narrative

The detection is based on non-exact methods such as Qubit Flex Fluorometer and qPCR that have been performed. Neither the plasmids were directly isolated and detected nor were they properly sequenced.

  • First, we lack detailed information about the exact conditions and protocols under which these experiments were conducted.
  • Secondly, we know nothing about the negative and positive controls carried out.
  • Third, no sequencing or isolation of the plasmids was performed. This means that we do not know exactly which DNA sequences were present in the samples. Sequencing would have been necessary to determine the “theoretically” accurate nature of the DNA detected and to ensure that it was in fact plasmid DNA and not other forms of DNA.


Connect with Next Level at Telegram

Cover image credit: sujo26

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find Reiner Fuellmich’s recent interview with David Icke. Some excerpts are provided to give you a sense of the overall tone. This conversation covers a wide number of topics related to our multi-dimensional, multi-frequency reality.

Along with a discussion of the ways humanity has been controlled throughout history and the awakening of so many people because of the global crimes against humanity during ‘the plandemic’ , there are also brief mentions of hidden technology, the secrecy around Antarctica (and Admiral Byrd’s expedition), Hollow Earth, underground bases, non-human manipulation of humanity, Rudolf Steiner’s (1861-1925) prediction of mind-control vaccines, etc. 

Reiner Fuellmich:

“I mean, I get bored with that because I don’t want to talk the umpteenth time about how they misused the PCR test in order to create cases that didn’t exist. I don’t want to talk about whether or not this is personality changing. I don’t want to talk about whether this is going to make people infertile. We know that it does.

“We have to step beyond this because we’re wasting our time talking about the same things over and over and over again simply because it’s so fascinating to see how blatantly they manipulated us and made us believe in totally idiotic concepts.

“If we don’t understand the whole picture, if we don’t see that, we’re not going to be able to get out of this self-created illusion.

“So in that sense, I’m extremely glad that you have put the dots together. It makes perfect sense to me and it coincides with everything that I’ve learned over the last three years.”


“I mean, yes, my friend Dexter Ryneveldt (he’s an attorney from South Africa) and I and all the other international attorneys were working on getting out the whole picture, not just the pieces of the puzzle but the whole story, in a legal proceeding. Because this is what people expect. We’re talking about justice.

“Ultimately, there will be justice. Justice will have to be done.

“But you won’t get justice inside the system, which you have just described because it’s totally, it’s the spider web. It’s totally under their control.

“So we’ll have to step outside the system and probably into a system that not just provides the legal framework as we think it should be as lawyers, but also connects with spirituality or consciousness, whatever you want to call it. Step outside the system so that they will not be able to touch us.

“Dexter’s example was, as an eagle you can’t fight a snake [on the ground] and win against it. You can’t come down and fight it at the ground. You have to pick it up into the air, which is where it can’t survive if you really want to destroy it.

“And ultimately, I think this is what this is about. It’s about either them or us. We have to either destroy them or they will destroy us. And this is what people have to understand.”


“But, you know, sometimes it helps to have a kind of a symbolism. For me as a lawyer the most important takeaway from what you’re telling us today is that we do have to go after the gophers.

“I know it’s just symbolism but it shows everyone that it’s us who are calling the shots. And if we don’t want to play along, if we want justice, if we want to hold these people responsible, then we will.

“There’s nothing that can stop us. And if we cut off this conveyor belt, so to speak, we’re destroying the spider web. And all of a sudden we will be able to see who we really are. I think this is really what it boils down to.”

David Icke:

“Well, they’ve been taking over our society over a long period of time and going step by step towards their ultimate goal.

“And I have this phrase, ‘know the outcome and you’ll see the journey‘.

“If you don’t know the outcome then everything seems random. When you know what the outcome is planned to be, the random becomes very clear stepping stones to that outcome.

“So the outcome is planned to be, first of all, a different type of human, far more synthetic in nature. This is why synthetic biology is a massively expanding area of science. This is all connected into the jabs as well — as you will have talked to many people about this.

“Up to this point, they have had to control information to manipulate perception because perception is what they’re after. They want a technological way of controlling perception. So they don’t have to do all this manipulation of information.

“So religions served the perceptual indoctrination very well. And now we’ve got science, which is overwhelmingly not science at all in its true sense.

“But what they want — and this is why they’re now coming out with it; they’ve gone from hiding it to sales-pitching it — they want to connect artificial intelligence to the human brain and the human body so that our perceptions will come direct.

“Not manipulated. Direct. You will think what AI thinks.

“And so you have this guy, Ray Kurzweil at Google, a futurist. And people say, he’s got an 80% accuracy in predicting the future.

“Well, if you know what the plan is, there’s a bloody good chance you’re going to be right.

“I mean, people say to me, how did you predict all this? Well, because I uncovered the plan.

“I’m not predicting the future. I’m predicting what the plan wants.

“And if nothing intervenes in the plan it will become the future.”


“We don’t have to fight the enemy. There’s no need to fight. We have to stop cooperating with it. Because the enemy has no freaking power…

“We are the cause of what’s happening in the world by acquiescing to authority. We take it back, the house of cards is all over the floor.”


“And you know, again, not only can you not control eight billion people… unless you recruit gophers from the eight billion people to impose your will upon the eight billion people. These are police officers. These are the military.

“And when people like that start to realize (and other people in the system start to realize) what they’re playing the part of without realizing it, who their real masters are, and the fact that their kids and grandkids are going to have to live in the world they’re helping to create — if they would then walk away and stop doing what they’re doing, then the whole thing starts to fall apart.”


“And so it’s a time of great danger, but it’s also a time of great opportunity — that we can create true freedom as opposed to the illusion of freedom…”


Connecting the Dots to See the Real Dangers

by Reiner Fuellmich, International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
October 1, 2023


In this first of two parts of ICIC’s interview, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with British veteran of the alternative media scene David Icke. He is an author, researcher and investigative journalist.

Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen question him about his personal awakening process and the beginning of his involvement with the other side of the story, the real side, that initially turned his world upside down. He recounts his startling experiences that, ultimately, broadened his horizon and understanding of reality, as opposed to the mainstream’s narrative. These processes led him to leave his old life behind, defying all reprisals, and to dedicate his life to the uncovering of hidden knowledge and truths, beyond the fabricated “reality” we have been fed.

Icke describes in detail the structure and the far-reaching entanglements of a pyramidal organizational structure designed by a small, but very well-organized conglomerate. This conglomerate was, indeed, able to infiltrate almost all areas of our social structures over many years by installing stooges in politics, business, NGOs, etc.

Those who pull the strings, who act in secret, have positioned themselves like a spider in the center of this network, so that they have everything under surveillance. They must maintain their position of power at all costs in order to survive at the expense of humanity – which is waking up to this reality ever faster.

David Icke addresses issues that at first glance seem to have nothing to do with each other, explaining the entanglements and then connecting the dots so that an overall picture emerges of the great deception to which we have been and are being subjected. None of this is an accident, as the last three and a half years have shown us.

The connections are becoming clearer and clearer, revealing that this inhumane agenda is aimed at total control of humanity, combined with dehumanization through technocracy to replace anything human, indeed, creation as a whole. David Icke’s work reveals the workings of a persistent and perfidious psychological terror that is being deliberately used against us.

If we realize that we as humanity are vastly superior to this inhumane conglomerate, that it is dependent on us and can only survive through our energy and creative power, then this exploitation and deception will cease immediately. For this, the determined refusal to participate on our part is sufficient. We need only communicate this to these creatures by using the powerful word “No!” And we must understand that we are now at a point in time that even our legal systems analyze as a situation of self-defense.


Connect with ICIC website | Odysee

Connect with David Icke website | Ickonic membership

Cover image credit: StoryTaler

Your Life Is a Prison. Break Out.

Your Life Is a Prison. Break Out.

by Grim Hustle



Video available at YouTube & mirrored at Odysee


The following 10 insights will summarize your life. I will speak slowly so your mind and your soul will understand.

Number 1.

You were born in a cold prison. It is your country, your state.

Number 2.

You have to pay for the prison stay. They call the prison fee taxes.

Number 3.

You have no say what will be done with the money. But you have to pay.

Number 4.

To pay the money you have to work. The prison encourages you to buy new shiny products so you feel better about your poor existence.

Number 5.

You are not allowed to exit the prison and live on your own. They will hunt you and make you pay.

Number 6.

Only a few prisoners have walked far enough to see the prison wall.

Number 7.

The prison gives you news and entertainment so that you don’t discover the prison walls.

Number 8.

The prison does not allow strong family bonds or strong brotherhood unless you are a part of the group that is running the prison.

Number 9.

The prison you live in wants you weak, sick and divided, because weak prisoners can’t climb the walls.

And most important,

Number 10.

The prison is mostly run by other prisoners. It will collapse if enough prisoners will wake up.

Go your way, бра́танъ, reunite with others, find the walls, climb the walls, every fucking day.


Connect with Grim Hustle Rumble | YouTube

Cover image credit: Klappe

See Related:

This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom

This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom 


“The takeover framework of these ruling psychopaths is based always on the prototype of problem-reaction-solution, of which all are fake premeditated events and false emergencies; conspiracies in fact, meant to instill fear, hatred, or confusion, so that the State can pretend to come to the rescue of its hapless slave-class.”


“While the state continues to build its new world order, the general population is consumed by one after another false flag event, claimed ’emergency,’ or new ‘threat,’ as stated by the ruling class bent on taking over the world. While the masses are at each other’s throats, the state continues its drive toward total domination. What this indicates is that the people are complicit in their own slavery due to their inability to see the big picture, while concentrating on every distraction thrown at them by this evil ruling force.”


This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom 

by Gary D. Barnett
September 21, 2023


“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, incredibly evil in intent.”

~ Rep. Larry P. MacDonald [Note: Lawrence McDonald was killed (likely murdered) on Korean Air Lines 007, 1983, a few months after making this statement.]

To begin, I will preface my remarks by saying that this is an attempt to explain in simple terms, very complicated financial and economic crimes being used against Americans, and also against the entire world population, in order to create and sustain total control over humanity. This is meant to manifest itself in the concept of one world governance, the ‘Great Reset,’ or the New World Order.

This may seem a bold statement; it is not, but once you understand that everything that has happened over many decades is linked, especially since the plotted and premeditated false flag event called ‘9/11,’ you should be able to recognize the massive number of obvious connections that are incredibly evil.

It has recently become more prevalent by mostly alternative news sites and bloggers, to put forth the notion that many are waking up, and that the people are winning the battle for freedom. In my opinion, this is just not so, and in fact is misleading, as false hope is the driving force of this thinking.

It is evident that more are claiming to be against government tyranny, but absolutely nothing has been done to reduce or eliminate the power of the State at any level to date. In addition, the nefarious efforts of the State and its controllers continue to expand, and the drive toward more draconian policies is never-ending.

In the current environment, it is not known what the reaction by the masses might be considering the vast and imminent array of so-called ’emergencies’ that are certain to arise as this controlling cabal seeks to advance its agendas, but if the past is any indication, compliance should be expected.

The takeover framework of these ruling psychopaths is based always on the prototype of problem-reaction-solution, of which all are fake premeditated events and false emergencies; conspiracies in fact, meant to instill fear, hatred, or confusion, so that the State can pretend to come to the rescue of its hapless slave-class.

This strategy has worked most every time it has been tried to date, and the herd continues to simply go along, regardless of the erroneous rhetoric being spewed that this populace is winning. It is not, and so long as the State continues and succeeds in its push to remake and transform society, whether psychologically, financially, or economically, the power of the ruling class and its governing system, will advance its wealth transfers, its monetary monopoly, and its depopulation efforts.

Psychological manipulation and control is necessary in order for the State thugs to accomplish their mission of world takeover, but financial and economic control is mandatory.

This brings us to the real question; who owns and controls this world? It is certainly the big banking cartels, including all central banks, the large corporate magnates, the government protected NGO foundations, and of course, the entire global asset industry, which by 2020 controlled well over $100 trillion dollars. But who owns and controls all of these entities? Who has controlling interest in everything on earth? That is Blackrock and The Vanguard Group, and as I explained a year ago:

“There are a few thousand institutional investment firms that own every large bank, every large corporation, every large investment firm, every ‘news’ outlet, every large communication company, every large pharmaceutical company, every large transportation company; in other words, most every large company on earth is owned by these institutional investors. In turn, the small institutional investment firms are owned by larger institutional investment firms, and the larger investment firms, are owned by even larger investment firms. The two institutional investment companies that are the major owners and controllers of all the others in the world are Vanguard Holdings and Blackrock, and Vanguard is the largest shareholder (owner) of Blackrock. What this means is that Vanguard and Blackrock own and control this planet.”

The current CEO of Vanguard is Tim Buckley, and of course, the head and founder of the powerful Blackrock institution is Larry Fink. It should be noted that Fink and Blackrock have attained a position of extreme and almost infinite power over finance and economics, and according to many are now the fourth branch of government.

The connections of Fink are incredibly telling of the power wielded by Blackrock. Blackrock effectively has control of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury, as well as banks around the world. It should be noted that Fink was appointed to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Board on August 22, 2019, the onset of the fraudulent ‘covid pandemic,’ which was set up, solidified, and begun, the same month that Fink took his seat on the board of the WEF.

To gain a full picture of Fink and Blackrock’s history through today, watch this superb documentary by James Corbett; “How Blackrock Conquered the World.” In it, Corbett explains with full reference in video and text, how the entire ‘covid’ hoax was staged, and was first and foremost a financial takeover coup led by Blackrock. This connection of dots and people is of vital importance.

As I mentioned earlier, this is a very simplistic view of events, but it is necessary to tie a few things together in order that all can be seen to be completely connected; which would indicate a vast conspiracy that has been propagated over a long period of time.

All so-called ’emergencies’ since the fraudulent 9/11 inside job, have much in common, and why would they not, as the main agenda of world governing domination was always the goal sought.

Consider just three events, but there are many, many more, over that time.

The buildings that came down on 9/11 were turned into powder, an impossibility with fire caused by jet fuel. Consider that cars far away from any fire were burned to nothing, with melted metal, aluminum, windshield glass; all as if by spontaneous combustion.

But the same thing happened in the Paradise, California fires in 2018, with many similarities, including the incredible damage to automobiles not even in the path of fires that had to be well above any heat level of a wildfire.

The same also just occurred this past month in Lahaina, Hawaii.

How could this be? It could not, unless similar or exact methods of destruction were plotted beforehand, and carried out by criminal State (military) means. And this is happening around the world as well, all falsely explained away by the complicit and controlled mainstream media.

One very telling aspect of all these bogus ’emergencies,’ from 9/11 to Maui, is that Wall Street and the financial firms, the institutional asset firms, central banks, defense contractors, and military-controlled tech companies, and of course this includes Blackrock, tended to gain huge profits, capture (steal through land grabs) more property, government contracts, and massive bailout money, while walking away from disaster far richer and more powerful than ever before possible.

This happened with 9/11, the 2008 finance and housing collapse, the fake ‘covid’ plot, and now with the ultimate weapon against humanity, the completely illegitimate ‘climate change’ agenda; and this agenda placed Blackrock at the top of the heap worldwide, of this criminal fraud.

Each and every emergency brings about a bigger and more powerful State, more restrictions, more regulation, more mandates, more lockdowns, less travel, and more surveillance and censorship. This is all by design, and never coincidental or accidental, as all is a deliberate plot against humanity.

Regardless of political considerations or parties, this assault against us all is ongoing, and forever expanding. Every incident, every manipulation, every ’emergency,’ has been planned far in advance, and the world takeover is now closer at hand.

While the state continues to build its new world order, the general population is consumed by one after another false flag event, claimed ’emergency,’ or new ‘threat,’ as stated by the ruling class bent on taking over the world. While the masses are at each other’s throats, the state continues its drive toward total domination. What this indicates is that the people are complicit in their own slavery due to their inability to see the big picture, while concentrating on every distraction thrown at them by this evil ruling force.

What is being ignored is that this world has already been taken over and is being fully controlled by the very few, and the fighting of one against another is continuing to aid in this takeover plot. By concentrating on each and every tyrannical distraction, the people have left themselves open to dictatorial management, and in the process have lost all ability to stop the totalitarian usurpation of their lives and property at the hands of the financial cabal bent on world rule. By treating each indiscretion as independent of the real agenda being sought, nothing is being done to stop the state in its efforts to fully control all people on earth.

By participating in the political and ‘voting’ process; a process designed and implemented for the single purpose of control, by concentrating on the political side shows, by attempting to use corrupt government courts to gain redress from tyrannical maneuvers, by accepting the ruling system as legitimate, by allowing the Federal Reserve and all banks the ability to monitor and control assets through complete digitization, the lowly people are digging their own graves.

It may already be too late to continue this asinine exercise in futility, as the ruling class few are in control of the systems that will allow them to complete their takeover plot.

The only answer to this evil attempt to destroy us in favor of the few most powerful, is to negate all government, to negate and abolish the federal reserve system, to disallow any and all control by the banking cartels, to stop any and all efforts to monopolize the economic and monetary system’s efforts to create and implement any central bank digital currencies, and to not accept any new feigned emergency concerning health, fake ‘climate change,’ war threats, unnatural events, or any other intentional  criminal acts meant to cause undue fear among the seemingly helpless proletariat.

The people are not winning; they are losing, but this deadly assault on humanity can still be reversed if even a small majority stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and freedom.

If the current trend continues, if the bulk of this population persists in hiding from the truth, if most expect others to save them, all will be lost, but if any true actionable awakening by large numbers becomes evident, the state will fold. This will never happen with any election, and no politician can change the course we are on, as depending on any  master participating in this evil governing system, is the epitome of failure, and can only lead to eternal enslavement.

 “The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a World Government, a New World Order.”

~ Henry A. Kissinger


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: EvgeniT

David v. Goliath in New York

David v. Goliath in New York

by Brownstone Institute
September 12, 2023



There is a battle going on for our freedoms this week. And very few Americans are even aware of what is at stake.

New York attorney Bobbie Anne Cox single-handedly goes up against the State of New York this week, after the state appealed a New York State Supreme Court ruling that a so-called “quarantine camp” regulation (“Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”) issued by Governor Kathy Hochul was unconstitutional.

The order concerns quarantine of citizens by the state government. Like other states, New York already has in place laws regarding quarantine of the citizenry – laws duly passed by the elected state representatives. Those laws were crafted by legislators (whose job it is to do this work) and passed by a majority vote of both Assembly and Senate and signed by the governor. That law not only provides for protecting the public by use of quarantine, but also includes protections for individual rights.

There are problems with the governor’s action.

  • The executive branch does not have the power to make laws under the constitution. That is reserved to the legislature.
  • With one state executive branch taking power not given to them constitutionally, it creates a precedent that could be used similarly for other issues to violate the rights of citizens on a host of other issues – not only in New York, but in all the other states as well.

So, what is in this regulation, you ask? It has to do with quarantine of the citizenry. There is a history of government-mandated quarantine during times of epidemics in our country. Whether or not the existing laws have been misused against individuals is another debate (see the case of Typhoid Mary, for example, who was imprisoned for more than 23 years under the quarantine law of the time).

This governor’s regulation puts the power at the highest levels of the state government – centrally controlled. The governor’s regulation not only circumvents the legislature’s power and responsibility to enact appropriate laws for the citizenry, but it also takes that power beyond the local level, where it can most appropriately be considered, and completely fails to protect the rights of the individuals against misuse or mis-application by the state officials.

In this regulation, there is no requirement for the state government to prove that the targeted individual is infected, has been exposed to an infectious disease, or poses any actual risk to his/her fellow citizens. The application of the regulation is broad – not just limited to Covid cases. There is no limit regarding the age or medical condition of the individual (it could be imposed on a child or a very elderly person), and there is nothing specified as to the duration of the quarantine, or how that duration would be determined. Most concerning: there is no mechanism provided for the individual to be released.

During the initial court case, it was clearly stated that the only possible mechanism for release was for that individual to sue the state, unless the state officials decided to lift it of their own accord.

Under the provisions of the governor’s regulation, the state government can use law enforcement to forcibly remove citizens from their homes or businesses against their will to place them in unspecified quarantine locations for an indeterminate period with no mechanism for release!

This terrible infringement on citizens’ rights, however, doesn’t stop here. It sets a precedent for more executive branch overreach. If it is not overturned in the appellate court, it will embolden other governors to make more forays into the realm of executive usurpation of the legislative branch of government (see the recent NM Governor’s action to remove 2nd Amendment rights by executive order).

There is no doubt that those who take this type of executive action (Lujan Grisham in New Mexico and Hochul in New York) know that this is outside their scope of power within our governmental system. They also know that, until someone files a lawsuit and prevails against them, they have a period of time when these executive regulations and orders will be in place.

It is essential that the appeals court upholds the ruling in the case of this regulation by Governor Hochul – for the good of all the people of New York, but also for all of us in other states.

This passionate, articulate, brilliant lawyer is fighting for all of us.

And Bobbie Anne Cox has suffered for it. She has set aside her normal legal practice to pursue this effort and has been focusing solely on this case for an extended period. She has sacrificed valuable time with her family, spending countless hours in the maze of motions, filings, dockets, scheduling, and research that are part and parcel of the legal system with all its complexities.  The work has been arduous, solitary, and, to some extent, thankless. If she wins the appeal, there is no financial benefit to her or any of the plaintiffs that will be realized.

She has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle.

And, because it has to do with complexities of the legal system, it gets little coverage in the media. Perhaps it is so difficult to imagine just why a state government even wants this type of power over the citizenry, that people find it very hard to grasp that it is really just what Bobbie Anne describes in terms of the potential abuse of individual rights.

No public outcry has occurred. No groundswell of support for her work has happened. And while many are supportive of the great work she has done and were so relieved when she won the case initially, the vast majority of people who stand to benefit from her work will never know they owe her a debt of gratitude.

On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:00 am EST (at the courthouse in Rochester, NY, located at 50 East Avenue), Bobbie Anne Cox goes forth as a sort of David to meet Goliath, depending on her knowledge of the law rather than a slingshot and stones. She is relying on the New York panel of judges to truly prove that there still exists blind justice in New York.

The merits of her case are clear – even to people not that familiar with the law. Basic Civics shows us the correctness of her contention. This is not a partisan issue. While she is representing Republican plaintiffs, she is not one herself.

If you are able to support her by physically attending the hearing, do so. Perhaps by your presence you can be a silent reminder to the court that New Yorkers are interested in this and are supportive of her efforts.

If you cannot be there in person, consider watching the oral arguments live on the court’s website at: Please also keep her and the court judges in your thoughts and prayers and share this information with your circle of friends and colleagues.

May she prevail.


Connect with Brownstone Institute

Cover image credit: jeffjacobs1990

The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Eerily Similar to NYC on September 11, 2001

The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Eerily Similar to What Happened in New York on September 11, 2001


“Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001. This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.”


The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited!

by Gary D. Barnett
September 11, 2023


“Whoever lays his hand on me to govern me is a usurper and tyrant, and I declare him my enemy.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

We are in the midst of a heinous crime in what is falsely referred to as the ‘American’ State of Hawaii, so vile and evil, that it should sicken all who have any remote possibility of exhibiting mental acquaintance with truth, compassion, or empathy.

The State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and mass death of much of the local population. This was necessary in the mind of the State in order to steal the land and rebuild based on the World Economic Forum and U.N. plan for captured cities, as evidenced by the evil piece of garbage governor, Josh Green, who immediately claimed he wanted to acquire by theft the purposely destroyed land and property for the State, while smoldering embers still burned, and bodies had not been found.

Today, I went to the ten top mainstream news sites searching all news stories, and did not find a single story about the Lahaina fires, except one showing the slimy Biden sleeping while at a meeting with Maui victims; this after offering these victims $700 per family after they had lost everything, including many of their family members.

In other words, this story has been purposely scrubbed from view, not different than what happened after the intentional chemical fire devastated East Palestine, Ohio, and left that town and many others with deadly pollutants.

A tall black fence was actually built around the town of Lahaina, at taxpayer cost of course, and a no fly zone order was given to hide the gruesome murder scene from any view and scrutiny.

What is insanely troubling about the reporting concerning this horrific crime in Maui by all mainstream outlets, and even many alternative sites, is that most continue to call this a ‘wild fire,’ while the evidence of such nonsense does not exist. The anomalies and reactions to this so-called ‘natural’ event, are staggering beyond recognition, and reek of the stench of total corruption at the highest levels.

This was a land grab of epoch proportion, but it was much worse than that, as high death counts were pursued by the State thugs, as they locked the residents of Lahaina inside the rings of deadly fire likely caused by directed energy and microwave attacks; creating fires that were strategically targeted, with heat that was in some cases double that of any wild fire.

This was clearly evident given the melting of aluminum and steel, and also the melting of automobile windshields which requires heat at or above 2,500 degrees. Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001.

This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.

The fires in Maui that were said to have been caused ‘naturally,’ a brazen lie, were almost identical to the fires in Paradise, California as well; fires that were targeted, burning homes to white ash without burning trees or plastic, and in areas desired by the State criminals for rebuilding so-called “smart cities.”

In Lahaina, homes of the very rich were magically spared, as were certain state buildings, grand hotels, and other areas of State favor.

But the homes and families of the local residents were attacked head on, with absolutely no regard for the lives or property of these innocent people.

The ‘crime’ supposedly committed, as seen by the State, was not bowing down, and giving up their homes and lives voluntarily, so a direct false flag action of slaughter and murder was created to complete the State’s agenda of land theft. To hell with the people and their property was the private battle cry of these State politicians and their murderous enforcers called police.

No sirens were turned on even though there were 80 active sirens on Maui.

All water was turned off so fires could not be fought.

Wi-fi was turned off, as was most all electric power.

Roads out were closed, and police roadblocks were manned to forcibly keep all the residents inside the fire perimeter, causing purposeful mass death.

Schools were shut down, so that children were home alone when these intentional fires raged through Lahaina, and many burned to death without help from any State service. The real numbers of deaths are still being hidden as far as I can tell.

In addition, before and after the fire, speculators were attempting to buy these properties, and while bodies were still unfound, the government announced its intentions to buy up this land.

None of these are coincidences, but the State and its complicit media would have you believe that all of these, and many, many, more impossibilities are all coincidental. How could anyone with two brain cells to rub together, buy into the propagandized narratives being presented by the evil State?

I fully realize, especially considering the nearly complete lack of any ability to think critically by the masses, that what I am presenting here will be ignored by a very large swath of the population.

The long-term dumbing down of individuals, and the now digitally-manipulated population, has embraced indifference to such an extent, as to have escaped all reality. In fact, common sense, logic, and reason appear to be nearly non-existent generally speaking. It is much easier for the collective herd to believe the State narratives than to do the work necessary to ferret out fact and truth.

Unfortunately, the ruling class understands this weak and apathetic trait that seems to have captured the very large percentage of dead men walking among us.

How much more obvious corruption, lies, and murder at the hands of the State will have to take place before any majority comes to terms with the reality that this world is ending in favor of mass slavery and depopulation? Will the flock ever fight back?

The forced annexation of Hawaii, the staged Pearl Harbor attack, the world wars, Operation Northwoods, MK Ultra, the Cuban missile crisis, the JFK assassination, Operation Gladio, U.S. aggressive invasion after invasion, Desert Storm, 9/11, the Patriot Act, the War of Terror, the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ bogus ‘climate change, intentional chemical spills, and weather geo-engineering; these just a few of the major false flag events, and government terror operations that have taken place.

Now there are deliberately set fires in Canada, all over the U.S., Hawaii, Australia, Turkey, Greece, China, and many other areas, and the sheep continue to hide their proverbial heads in the sand.

Everything happening is planned, and being done intentionally in order to achieve a particular agenda. This has been outlined, discussed openly, warned about, written about in policy journals at the WEF, WHO, U.N., and most everywhere else I might add. The big picture has been discussed for decades, and the agenda being sought is a one-world governing order, where the ‘elite’ rule all, and the rest of us are slaves of the State.

This agenda is as clear as day, so why cannot the lowly collective herd see that the way to achieve this evil goal is for the State to destroy the current system in favor of a system that will allow the control of everyone?

Each planned event, whether fire, weather, war, geo-engineering, bio-weapon production and use, fake ‘viruses,’ and every so-called emergency, are staged only to create fear and panic through economic devastation, property theft, (land grabs) monetary and transaction digitization, mass surveillance, and total censorship.

Will the blind ever see, will the deaf ever hear, will the dumb ever speak, or will the bulk of this dependent and lazy population, simply sit back locked inside their cell phones and ‘social media’ absurdity, waiting for the end of times?

No one should forget or ignore what happened, and is happening in Maui. Your neighborhood could be next, and what chance will you have given the advanced weapon systems being used against us by the military industrial complex, and its controllers?

The government controls nothing, as all politicians and their enforcers are fully controlled themselves, and act on orders from the real ruling class. Denounce them, abandon them and eliminate them, so that the real rulers will have no cover!

“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero.”

~ George Carlin


Best explanation by 48 year arborist concerning Lahaina, Maui fires

Maui Fire video and comments

Lahaina land grab

Lahaina, Maui and California fire anomalies

Arson, DEW, HAARP, fake ‘climate change’ and fires

The U.S. is the false flag empire

Hawaii governor declares ’emergency’ three weeks before Maui fire


Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: United States Department of Homeland Security

CJ Hopkins: The Criminalization of Dissent (Continued)

CJ Hopkins: The Criminalization of Dissent (Continued)


“Never, ever, give in to a bully. The second you do, that bully owns you. What the bully wants, more than whatever he is demanding, more than anything else in the world, is your fear. The bully interprets your fear as respect, because the bully doesn’t understand respect. The bully craves your fear, and your obedience, because they reify the bully’s “authority.” They enable the bully to feel powerful and important. The bully needs to feel “powerful” and “important” because the bully feels weak and unimportant, and afraid. All fascists are essentially cowards. They are cowards, and nihilists, who hate themselves, and fear themselves, and hate and fear life, which is why they are so obsessed with controlling everything.”


The Criminalization of Dissent (continued) 

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory
September 10, 2023


So, the Berlin State Prosecutor has launched another criminal investigation of me. Apparently, I’m being charged with reporting on the original investigation of me that the Berlin State Prosecutor launched in June.

What happened is, the prosecutor visited my blog and read a column I published in July, The Criminalization of Dissent (Revisited), which included screenshots of the alleged “hate-crime” Tweets that the original criminal investigation is based on, and that resulted in the Order of Punishment that the Berlin District Court handed down two weeks ago. So, the prosecutor opened a new criminal investigation and sent my attorney an official notice explaining the gravity of the additional charges.

The charges are of the utmost gravity. I am officially accused of “relativizing” or “minimizing” the crimes of the Nazis … by republishing the two Tweets that I originally tweeted.

Here, once again, are the Tweets …

Yes, that’s right, I just published them again. I am going to explain why I published them again.

I’m not going to explain the Tweets again. I have explained them in several previous columns. I have explained them to Matt Taibbi of Racket NewsMax Blumenthal of The GrayzoneJames Freeman, Patrick HenningsenElena Louisa LangeDirk Pohlmann, and Christine Black at Brownstone Institute (forgive me if I’m forgetting anyone). I explained them to Stefan Millius of Weltwoche, and to another journalist at a big Swiss newspaper. My attorney has explained them, in German, to the prosecutor, and to German audiences on KontrafunkRT published a piece explaining them. I believe they have been exhaustively explained.

Not that they ever really needed explanation. You would have to be a certified moron to believe they “minimized,” or “relativized,” or in any way made light of the crimes of the Nazis. You and I are not certified morons. Neither is the Berlin State Prosecutor. Neither is the District Court of Berlin. Not to put too fine a point on it, the charges are horseshit, and everyone involved knows it. They are a blatant pretext to crackdown on dissent.

OK, now let me explain why I just published the Tweets again, knowing full well that the Berlin State Prosecutor is probably going to read this column, become extremely agitated, and charge me with additional “hate crimes.”

No, I am not a glutton for punishment. I’m not at all enjoying my introduction to the so-called “German legal system.” It is taking up my time. It is making me angry. It is upsetting my wife, which I do not appreciate. It is costing me a lot of money. It has forced me to ask other people for money, which is something I do not like to do. It’s screwing with my sleep. It is distracting me from my work. And so on. Which is exactly the point.

The goal of horseshit prosecutions like mine (and those of many other dissidents currently) is (a) to punish us for speaking out against “New Normal” totalitarianism by making our lives as miserable as possible, (b) to make examples of us to discourage others from speaking out, and (c) to intimidate us into shutting the fuck up.

Totalitarians, fascists, and other power freaks are essentially just glorified schoolyard bullies. They may cloak themselves in the mantle of the law, but their modus operandi is brute force. Beneath all the bullshit, their message is simple: “either do what we say, or we will hurt you.”

OK, prepare yourself, because I’m going to give you some advice. I do not generally like to do that, but, in this case, I’m going to make an exception.

Never, ever, give in to a bully. The second you do, that bully owns you. What the bully wants, more than whatever he is demanding, more than anything else in the world, is your fear. The bully interprets your fear as respect, because the bully doesn’t understand respect. The bully craves your fear, and your obedience, because they reify the bully’s “authority.” They enable the bully to feel powerful and important. The bully needs to feel “powerful” and “important” because the bully feels weak and unimportant, and afraid. All fascists are essentially cowards. They are cowards, and nihilists, who hate themselves, and fear themselves, and hate and fear life, which is why they are so obsessed with controlling everything.

The point is, never give in to a bully. Never reify a bully’s “authority.” If you do, you will find yourself sucked into the bully’s sadistic, nihilistic “reality.” You will be playing by the bully’s rules. And that is all “reality” actually is, a set of rules we agree to play by, or, in this case, do not agree to play by.

So, getting back to my criminal case, and the Berlin State Prosecutor’s latest attempt to bully me into shutting up and demonstrating my “respect” for the “authority” and “power” of the Berlin State Prosecutor, fuck that. I do not respond well to threats. I do not take orders from totalitarians and fascists, or any other type of authoritarians or bullies. So that is why I have republished those Tweets, and why I will continue to republish those Tweets every time the German authorities threaten me with additional criminal charges for refusing to obey their “authority.”

Again, I am under no illusions. I expect the prosecutor to file new charges and issue further threats, which I will defy, which will lead to additional charges, and so on. I am not looking forward to that, but I don’t have any other choice, not if I want to be able to respect myself.

If you have any doubts about whether that will happen (i.e., an endless cycle of new bullshit criminal charges stemming from my repeated refusal to respond to the German authorities’ bullying), well, let me tell you about another dissident the German authorities are currently persecuting. I’ll do it quickly, and then I’ll let you go.

As many of my readers are aware, I am presently holed up in an undisclosed location in the Italian countryside. Michael Ballweg, the founder and lead organizer of the “Querdenken” movement, was also here for a while. Michael, who is an excellent cook, whipped up some delicious “extremist” dinners, after which we all sat around “denying Covid,” “conspiracy theorizing,” brainwashing each other with “Russian propaganda,” and “delegitimizing the state,” and so on. Late at night, when the other “extremists” were sleeping, Michael and I discussed our criminal cases.

Michael’s case is a bit more serious than mine. Michael just spent nine months in jail. The German authorities have seized his assets, and frozen all his funds, so he is homeless, and bankrupt, and they are prosecuting him for attempted fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion, or, in other words, for launching a protest movement. If you’re not familiar with Michael and Querdenken, you can read the official propaganda disseminated by the usual “mainstream” media or the Intelligence officers who edit Wikipedia, or … here’s Spiked article to start you off. Then, go ahead, do your own research.

The most absurd aspect of Michael’s case is the German authorities’ “theory of his crimes.” According to this theory, Michael’s devious scheme was to commit serious fraud by … well, basically, launching a nationwide protest movement that was certain to get a ton of media attention and incur the wrath of the German authorities. As any criminal mastermind will confirm, the best way to commit major fraud is to absolutely infuriate the government by organizing a series of massive protests, and generate tons of media attention, because you definitely want as much publicity as possible while you are defrauding your unsuspecting supporters of their voluntary donations to your cause.

Seriously, this is their “theory of the crime,” which would make Michael Ballweg the most idiotic and incompetent fraudster in the history of fraud.

I could go on about his case, and mine, or those of the numerous other dissidents that are currently being made examples of, and about the broader GloboCap crackdown on dissent, which is happening, not just in New Normal Germany, but all throughout the New Normal Reich, but I need to end here and go water some plants. I am serving as “caretaker” of this thoughtcriminal sanctuary, and I take my responsibilities seriously.

I’ll keep you (and the Berlin State Prosecutor) posted on my further “hate crimes.” In the meantime, best wishes from somewhere in Italy!


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Igniting the Way to the SMART™ City 

Igniting the Way to the SMART™ City


by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
September 8, 2023


The suspicious fires that decimated the cities of Maui on August 8, 2023, and Paradise California on November 8, 2018, turned both cities to ash, as homes and cars burned while trees were left standing.

Over the last century, turning cities to ash has been a pattern to “Build Back Better”(BBB)  in many cities such as Oregon, Washington, Tennessee, as well as in Greece, Australia, and Canada. Most often, the fires are blamed on faulty electric transmission lines, or on humans. However, evidence points to directed energy laser weaponry that has been publicly used for at least 50 years. A 1966 federal report outlines a national program in weather modification.

It was so hot that even metal contorted. – Gov. Josh Green, August 14, 2023 CBS Morning News with Tony Dokoupil.

The Great Fire of Astoria, Oregon turned the city to ash on December 8, 1922.

While some newspapers speculated on foul play, others blamed a kitchen fire. The Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau report ruled the cause as “inconclusive.”

During the Great San Francisco Fire of 1906 , the people also experienced an earthquake.

There is no doubt that a great many bodies were consumed in this way and, therefore, no record of their deaths obtainable. The only official records of death by the quake were based on the number of bodies that passed through the coroner’s hands.  – Arthur C. Poore

The Great Medieval London Fire of 1212 occurred in London. No one is ever certain how many people are killed.

For a long list of fires that demolished whole cities see this list from antiquity to the Middle Ages, and beyond.

Transportation Corridors & “Human Settlements”

In 2019, Rosa Koire stated that the movement of people away from single-family homes, into 15-minute Stack-N-Pack housing in Smart Cities, is part of a United Nations (U.N.) 2030 agenda so people can be better monitored. Planning to create new space began long ago.

Under the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), U.N. “Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements” are established to create “transportation corridors” to relocate people into concentrated city centers. In Hawaii, the BBB created the Build Beyond Barriers Working Group established to streamline housing construction projects, scheduled for a 5-year build-out based on the U.N. Sustainable Cities and human Settlements. No more private property ownership for people.

This is going to be a multi-year recovery. It’s going to take essentially years to rebuild Lahaina which was destroyed. But we will build it back better……We will find a way to make sure there is more housing…” – KTIV interview August 11, 2023, [See 5:11 minute mark]

In my 2019 article Operation Regionalization of America, the regionalization of any area happens under an agenda of: 1)  climate control, 2) 5G technology, and 3) the Healthy People 2020 Act.  The overall goal is to connect continents for cohesion under global law. Undersea tunnels are the core of the interhemispheric North America – Eurasia railroad project that would connect China and Russia to the US through Alaska and Canada. This global connection is promoted for tourism, but has other obvious goals, not officially disclosed.

Land Grab to SMART™ City

After any declared disaster and under “Emergency rules” the suspension of  laws allows for the U.N. and W.E.F. to regionalize nations as part of a massive land grab. People are forced to evacuate and give up their homes to the state via eminent domain. This happened during the Kincaide fire in Sonoma County, California in October 2019 when 200,000 people were forced to leave. Soon after, insurance companies dropped coverage, for 350,000 Californians.

The day before the 2019 fires of Sonoma County began erupting, the October 18, 2019 headlines declared that “Three men at PG&E decide when California goes dark to stop fires.

three vice presidents are responsible for deciding whether the power goes out to keep electrical lines from igniting blazes: Michael Lewis, senior vice president of electric operations; Sumeet Singh, vice president of asset and risk management; and Ahmad Ababneh, vice president of electric operations on major projects and programs. Two more vice presidents will join the bunch in 2020.

In Maui, three weeks before the August 8th Maui fires, on July 18 2023, Governor Green issued a controversial Emergency Housing Proclamation titled, “Emergency Proclamation relating to Housing” related to natural disasters, or Covid. The proclamation not only suspended the laws of Hawaii that gave the Governor broad powers over any emergency, but also removed barriers to building new homes. After the August 8, 2023 fires, the governor said:

I’m already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into Workforce Housing and to put it back into the families or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial. – Gov. Josh Green, Maui Hawaii, Source The Healthy American Peggy Hall: Green Wants State to Own Lahaina, August 15, 2023,

Some Maui residents have returned to live in their homes without water or electricity. Under the 4th Proclamation related to wildfires, the governor shut off water mains under the water code. Local organizations warned Maui residents not to drink filtered tap water due to toxic chemicals, metals, and bacteria in water lines from damaged water pipes.

The Governor has also halted homeowners from selling property, and instead, found a way to house the homeless through Airbnb. By design, the goal of local governments has been to heavily regulate short-term rentals with onerous fees that make them cost prohibitive. Unless there is a way to save Airbnb from local government overreach and overregulation without raising costs, its days may be numbered.

On September 8th, the Governor lifted the suspension of the water code. The water code has been a way for the state to control the flow and access of the sacred waters of Hawaii. With the latest tragedy, Hawaiians say any gains made are being rolled back. Now there is little left of the original island nation from before it was annexed by the United States in 1898.

Question the Answers

Why blame Climate Change only on human behavior with the evidence of climate manipulation? Has government overplayed its hand?

Was government created in 1776 to destroy itself according to the immortal bird, the Phoenix? The Phoenix is a legendary bird that lives 500 years, is ignited by the sun, and rises out of the ashes to begin anew. Why has the story of the Phoenix endured for 7000 years?

Where will the next weaponized fire be ignited?

What will the new restrictions on freedom look like?

How long will the Maui moratorium on property and land last? Has the Governor found a way “to acquire the land” and build back better? What does “better” mean? Is Maui a beta test for the remaining nations?

Will you comply?


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Cover image credit: Myriams-Fotos

COVID2099: “A New COVID Variant Called BS.24/7 Is Sweeping Across the Universe”

COVID2099: “A New COVID Variant Called BS.24/7 Is Sweeping Across the Universe”

by Frances Leader, Uncensored
August 31, 2023


A new COVID variant called BS.24/7 is sweeping across the Universe as cases and hospitalisations rise. The fast-spreading subvariant, nicknamed Crap, is now the dominant strain circulating in the Universe, health officials say.

Image captured by a Starlink satellite (actual size)

Right now, BS.24/7 accounts for the largest proportion of suspected infections in the Universe, more than any other variant, according to the latest data from the Universal Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

BS.24/7 is a subvariant of Omicron990027.Z and a descendant of the TOXDCrap sublineage, which means it’s related to the previous dominant strains circulating this past century.

According to the Universal Health Organisation, BS.24/7 made up an estimated 90.6% of new COVID cases during the period ending on Aug. 18. After BS.24/7, the next most common subvariant is another Omicron TOXDCrap descendant, BS.101, which accounted for 73.3% of cases in Galaxy20, and FKT.U (also called Uv-bin-ad), which made up 99.7% of cases on the SMART human farms in the Outer Rim Territories.

(see map)

On Aug. 9, the Universal Health Organisation decided to re-classify BS.24/7 to a variant of imminent death. According to the latest UHO data, BS.24/7 and BS.101 are now the most prevalent COVID strains ever known, together accounting for 91% of computerised (in silico) sequences reported to inter-galactic AI by robots.

“When we look at its sequence, BS.24/7 is really similar to the other TOXD variants that are circulating right now, with a couple of small changes,” reports Dr. Ivor Sorwilli, a renowned virologist at the isolated Johns Hopkins University, Mars Campus.

The UHO added BS.24/7 to its list of potentially deadly variants under monitoring on July 19, 2099, but the variant was first detected in August 2023. “Scientists have known about this variant, and it’s been present in other Galaxies as well, but an inter-galactic electro-magnetic pulse temporarily knocked out our toaster.” says Sorwilli.

So far, BS.24/7 has been reported in 51 other Universes and there has been a steady increase in prevalence among crickets — the majority of the in silico genetic sequences originated in China, Russia and Iran which were immediately depopulated by stealth electro-magnetic radiation as a precaution.

Tourists are advised to avoid visiting the quarantined planet Earth which is known to be completely riddled with BS.24/7. Earthlings are not permitted to breathe, communicate or travel beyond their bathrooms.

Further updates will be posted on IntergalacticXtreme and MetaverseNotUrM8 social authority media sites. If you are still experiencing the impact of the inter-galactic electro-magnetic pulse, tough titties.


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Cover image credit: Jordan_Singh

Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey on the Existence of Viruses

Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey on the Existence of Viruses
Everything we’ve been taught about viruses and virology is completely wrong

by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network
August 30, 2023


About Dr. Sam Bailey: After training and practicing within the medical system for two decades, she commenced a new phase of understanding and promoting health as a wider concept.

In 2019, Sam launched her YouTube channel exposing the hidden scientific truths about health.

A few years later and after taking the red pill, Bailey’s channel has become a runaway hit with 20+ million views and 300,000+ subscribers to help people understand the simple ways they can take control of their health.

She is the co-author of Virus Mania, which examines how the medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense.

About Dr. Mark Bailey: Mark is the husband of Dr Sam Bailey and when you see one of them, you are really seeing both of them. They started working together when they first met in 2007 and have been a close team ever since. Mark and Sam are based in New Zealand and have three children together.

Since early 2020 he has been the duo’s chief researcher with a focus on microbiology, the existence of viruses, as well as historical and epistemological issues within medical science.

Is There Anything Floating in the Air – Trying to Infect Us?


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Doug Casey on Argentina’s Javier Milei, Anarcho-Capitalist Front-Runner in the Presidential Primaries

Doug Casey on Argentina’s Javier Milei, Anarcho-Capitalist Front-Runner in the Presidential Primaries



Doug Casey on the World’s First Anarcho-Capitalist President

by Doug Casey, International Man
August 30, 2023


International Man: Anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei recently won Argentina’s presidential primary. He is now the undisputed front-runner in the upcoming elections.

The outcome took many by surprise. Milei is an outsider who bested the country’s two entrenched establishment parties.

How did this happen, and why should anyone outside of Argentina care?

Doug Casey: It could be the most dramatic thing that’s happened politically since at least World War II. Anywhere. Why? Because he’s an AnCap libertarian who’d like to abolish the State—or come as close as possible. If he’s elected in October, he’ll make every move possible to eliminate—not just reduce—as many government departments as possible as quickly as possible. And most people seem oblivious to it.

Milei was in first place in the primary. Historically, in Argentina, the person who wins the primary wins the general election. There’s only been one exception to that rule. Even more encouraging is his ratings have gone up from 30% to 40% since the primary. It appears his campaign is not just a flash in the pan but a trend that’s building momentum.

Argentina was one of the most prosperous countries in the world a hundred years ago when it was about as free as any country economically. Before Peron, the Argentine GDP equaled the rest of the continent put together. But since the accession of Juan Peron in 1946, it’s consistently gone downhill every year.

Why might that be?

Peron was an overt fan of Mussolini and fascism. Fascism—a word coined by Mussolini—is defined as the complete subordination of corporations and business to the State. After WW2, the word “fascism” was a no-no, so the system was rechristened “Peronism” in Argentina. It’s not a consistent philosophy; it has many mutations. It’s all about businessmen and politicians using each other, through the State, to get rich. The lower classes are made dependent, and the middle class is impoverished. Fascism has little to do with militarism and jackboots; it’s an economic system. Almost every country in the world is fascist today—including the US, the EU, China, and Russia.

Despite the triumph of Peronism, Argentina still has the most classically liberal traditions in all of Latin America. It’s always been the most outward-looking country in Latin America. I’ve always believed it was the most fertile ground for a pro-individual liberty revolution in Latin America. Now, that may be happening.

If we divide Argentine society into a ruling, a lower, and a middle class, it’s clear that for the last 80 years, the ruling class has used welfare schemes and lies to get the lower classes to vote against their own interests. The middle class has paid for it with immense taxes and regulations. Inflation has basically destroyed the lower and middle classes; high inflation has made it impossible for them to save and build capital.

Milei could totally overturn all of this. The average Argentine is fed up with being ripped off. Milei’s support is greatest among the young and what’s left of the middle class. Estimates are that half the country is hard-pressed to feed themselves. They desperately and enthusiastically want radical change, and only the most stupid can’t see what fascism, socialism, and other varieties of statism have done. The main supporters of the status quo are the unions and welfare mooches. Everyone else hates them.

International Man: Milei has called central banking and fiat currency a historical fraud. He has vowed to “burn down the central bank” and replace the peso with the dollar and whatever commodity the free market would choose as money. He is favorable to precious metals and Bitcoin.

He has called taxation theft and seeks to drastically reduce—and eventually eliminate—many taxes.

Milei also wants to radically cut down the size of the government and eliminate numerous departments.

He also rejects the climate change hoax and was critical of the Covid mass hysteria.

Doug, you are a prominent anarcho-capitalist. What is your take on the soundness of Milei’s platform?

Doug Casey: I am totally in favor of Milei. In fact, he’s more radical (using radical in the proper sense of getting to the root of the problem) than Ron Paul was in his US campaigns. He’s as radical and sincere as my old friend Harry Browne, who ran for the US presidency in 1996 and 2000.

Milei is extremely outspoken and vibrant. He realizes that, since the average person doesn’t understand economics and has no interest in philosophy, politics is 90% entertainment. I urge everybody reading this to go to YouTube and tune into several videos of Milei (herehere, and here).

Milei is totally sound from an economic, political, and a philosophical point of view. But—and this is critically important—he’s sound from a moral point of view.

He deals in basic concepts of good and evil, right and wrong. That’s something that no politician anywhere discusses, certainly not in South America. It’s the equivalent of hitting a donkey between the eyes with a two-by-four to get his attention. Everyone intuitively understands that the political class is essentially criminal—but only Milei is brave enough to say it. The average guy wants to do the right thing, the moral thing. That’s what Milei is pointing out to people and why they like him. He doesn’t use doubletalk, brook compromise, or support half measures.

That’s why, in the US, I actually respect the Democrats more than the Republicans.

How can I say that?

Every idea the Democrats have is wrong and rotten to its core, but at least they’re not hypocrites. They say what they want to do. They actually believe in something, even though it’s stupid and evil.

The Republicans, on the other hand, don’t have any real core beliefs. They don’t disagree with the moral premises of the Democrats. They just say that the Democrats are going too far, too fast.

Milei, on the other hand, wants to overturn the moral structure that politics is built on.

International Man: The global mainstream media has synchronized their talking points on Milei.

It’s almost impossible to find an article about Milei—in any language—that doesn’t preface him with some kind of meaningless pejorative, labeling him a “far-right populist,” an “ultra-rightist,” or something to that effect.

Why is the Davos class so afraid of Milei? Can he overcome their opposition?

Doug Casey: This is further proof of how worthless the mainstream media is. They call Milei a Donald Trump lookalike, or ultra-right wing, in an attempt to scare Boobus argentinus. These people don’t deal in issues and factual programs but fear-mongering. Everywhere in the world, the chattering classes are only malevolent mouthpieces of the ruling class.

Milei is not “ultra-right.” He’s a libertarian who believes in free minds and free markets. In fact, he’s more than a libertarian; he’s an AnCap—an anarcho-capitalist. He doesn’t believe the State serves a useful purpose. He believes that society, certainly in an advanced industrial country, can live without a government. I’ve discussed this philosophy here and here.

His plan is to reduce the size of the government by 50% this year, 50% the next year, and so on, until it’s as near zero as possible. The horrible people in Davos hate him because he’s attacking their very essence. He doesn’t intend just to make a few changes around the edges but to transform Argentina into the freest and most prosperous country on the planet.

In some ways, he’s symptomatic of what’s going on in the world at large today. The United States itself, in my opinion, is on the ragged edge of a civil war. Freedom and personal liberty have been retreating at an accelerating rate for years. People in the US are just as fed up as the Argentines; we just don’t have a proper firebrand. Trump is as close as we get, but he’s just a traditionalist, not a libertarian.

Milei is cause for optimism in the world at large.

International Man: President Nayib Bukele dramatically transformed El Salvador at lightning speed—drastically reducing crime, making Bitcoin legal money, and initiating reforms to bring business and productive people to the country.

Although Argentina is much bigger than El Salvador, does Bukele’s example suggest that enormous positive change is possible in Argentina?

Doug Casey: Bukele is another symptom of a possible major turnaround in the world.

The statists and collectivists may finally have overplayed their hand. They’re just clever criminals with large followings, like Hitler in Germany and Mao in China. Only the brain-dead buy their themes. “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.” The world is ending because of climate change. Vaccinate or die. 15-minute cities. Restricted travel. No eating meat. ESG. DEI. No fossil fuels. It’s a long litany. They can destroy civilization itself.

People with a brain are looking for a lightning rod to catalyze change.

In El Salvador that may be Bukele. He definitely has libertarian instincts, indicated by the fact his main economic advisor is Safedean Ammous, an AnCap. He’s one of the most important economists in the world today, along with Walter Block and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. I urge you to listen to the interview he did with me last month on AnCap principles (link).

El Salvador is the last country in the hemisphere—with the exception of Haiti—I would have picked to turn around. It’s the most overpopulated country in the hemisphere. It’s crime-ridden, which is why he’s locked up 65,000 gang members. It had a nasty civil war from 1979-1982. It has no exports except for coffee, bananas, and poor people. Who could have guessed?

Bukele already made Bitcoin legal tender. It’s possible that he’ll reform El Salvador in the same way as Milei will try to reform Argentina.

International Man: What are the investment or speculative implications of Milei’s rise for Argentine assets?

What are the lifestyle and other international diversification implications?

Doug Casey: Right now, Argentina is the cheapest, nice country in the world. Certainly the cheapest country in the Western world.

That’s especially amazing in view of the immense tax burden that the Argentine economy has to bear, paying huge numbers of useless mouths who detract from prosperity.

If Milei is elected, he’ll radically reduce taxes, which means that costs of production will drop radically. As the country dollarizes, the currency will stabilize, and gold could come next. Real prices could drop further, but not because of a collapsing currency. The economy should boom economically as investment pours in. People will go back to work, start saving, and rebuild domestic capital. Argentina could quickly become, again, one of the world’s richest countries.

What could go wrong with the scenario? The parasites now living off the State don’t want their rice bowls broken. Even though Milei has huge support from people across the social spectrum—including the lower classes who are fed up with being kept like pets by the people in the Deep State. The Deep State will undoubtedly fight Milei’s reforms viciously. I hope he has plenty of competent bodyguards around him because these people are genuinely evil, just like the Deep State in the US.

If he’s elected, both the lifestyle and investment implications could be huge.

Argentina has always been one of my favorite countries in the world, bar none. But if they go to sound banking, a sound currency, and disregard the rules laid down by the US, the IMF, the World Bank, and the World Economic Forum—it could really be one of the best places in the world to live.

You ought to keep in mind that citizenship is available with only two years of residency. And even during those two years of residency, it’s only necessary to spend half of the year in the country. Culturally, Argentina is more European than some countries in Europe.

If Milei manages to wash away the socialist immorality and criminality that has corrupted Argentina for so many years, I won’t just live down there half of the year, but all of the year.


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Cover image credit: VOX España


Etienne de la Boetie² on All Governments Being Illegitimate Authorities

Etienne de la Boetie² on All Governments Being Illegitimate Authorities

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published December 5, 2022
updated August 24, 2023


Etienne de la Boetie2 (with a squared sign and, no, it isn’t his real name) has written extensively on why all governments are illegitimate authorities.

His alias is a play on the real Etienne de La Boétie, who was a French writer and philosopher who lived during the 16th century, best known for his essay titled Discourse On Voluntary Servitude in which he questioned why people willingly submit to oppressive rulers and argued that it is through voluntary obedience that tyrants are able to maintain their power.

Etienne (with a squared sign) makes the chaos for anarchism, which is a philosophy that advocates for a society without hierarchical authority or rulers.

It does not mean chaos because it emphasises voluntary cooperation, mutual aid, and decentralised decision-making.

Anarchy, meanwhile, refers to an absence of government control.

While the words “anarchism” and “anarchy” are related and often used interchangeably, they are technically different.

Anarchism is often associated with chaos due to a misunderstanding of its principles.

Anarchists believe that individuals are capable of organising themselves and making collective decisions without the need for a central authority. They argue that (government) hierarchy and coercion are the sources of many social problems and that people can freely cooperate and resolve conflicts through voluntary means.

Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian thinker during the 1800s, is generally considered one of the fathers of anarchism. He advocated for a society based on federalism, in which free associations of workers and communities would govern themselves without a centralised state.

Another thinker is Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French philosopher who coined the term “anarchism” and argued for a system based on mutualism and workers’ self-management.

Although not an example of anarchism, the Hanseatic League and anarchism emphasise decentralised decision-making and cooperation. The League was a confederation of merchant guilds in Northern Europe during the medieval period, in which participating cities maintained a level of autonomy while engaging in voluntary associations for trade and defence. Similarly, anarchism promotes self-governance through voluntary associations and rejects the need for centralised authority.

Hanseatic League

Anarchist societies have existed throughout history.

The Spanish Revolution (1936 – 1939) is one such example. Parts of Spain experienced a social revolution in which anarchists, alongside other groups, established self-governing communities, collectivised industries, and implemented direct democracy (which is when individuals participate directly in decision-making processes, rather than delegating authority to representatives).

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will.

In Etienne‘s book, Government – The Biggest Scam In History, he argues

the case that “Government”, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning… and they have been getting away with it… until now… because they have been controlling the media and academia.

Think of it more simply.

If an armed gang knocked on your door and demanded that you pay them a percentage of your income, no matter what their reasons might be, then any rational individual will agree that such behaviour is criminal.

Replace “armed gang” with “government”.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

See Related:

The Big Debate: Voluntaryism vs. Constitutional Republicanism – Etienne vs. Sam Bushman: Is “Government” Moral?

The Shady History of the Con-stitution

Why the Organized Crime Media Misrepresents Voluntaryism and Peaceful Anarchy as Chaos and Dystopia


In a World Ruled by Propaganda, a Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be a Fringe Worldview

In a World Ruled by Propaganda, a Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be a Fringe Worldview

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter
August 23, 2023


One of the worst mistakes you can make when formulating your understanding of the world is to begin with the assumption that the truest and most accurate position must lie somewhere near the center of the two major political perspectives you see laid out all around you.

It’s a mistake not only because assuming that the center position must be the best one is a type of fallacious reasoning known as the middle ground fallacy (the correct position between “Drink a gallon of bleach daily for good health” and “Drink zero bleach daily for good health” is not “Drink half a gallon of bleach daily for good health”); it’s also a mistake because the entire framing arises from a situation that has been artificially engineered by the powerful.

It’s a well-documented fact that the rich and powerful pour vast fortunes into manipulating the political and media landscape in ways that serve their interests. Their control over the news media and Silicon Valley tech platforms is used to set the agenda and influence public perception by determining what issues will receive attention and which won’t in ways that preserve the political status quo they’ve built their empire upon, thereby shrinking the Overton window of acceptable debate down to a very narrow spectrum whose outcomes can’t threaten their interests in any way.

We just discussed this dynamic with regard to US aggressions against Russia and China; the Overton window is being narrowed to a debate between which US enemy should be the target of the most imperial aggressions, with voices who advocate detente with both countries finding no platform in mainstream politics or media. This is what Noam Chomsky was talking about when he said “the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.”

People assume there must be truth in the mainstream worldview because so many others are invested in the mainstream worldview, when really the only reason that worldview is mainstream in the first place is because so much wealth and influence has gone into making it mainstream. In reality the assumption that the truth exists anywhere in either of the two mainstream political viewpoints promoted by the managers of the western empire is an example of the bandwagon effect, which describes the cognitive bias in which humans tend to take on beliefs, behaviors, styles and attitudes solely because that’s what the people around them are doing.

This bias would have had evolutionary advantages early on in our development as a species. Back when our evolutionary ancestors were prey for prehistoric carnivores, it was a survival advantage to start running for your life if you saw other members of your tribe running, even if you personally didn’t see what they were running from. As primates whose survival depended on social cohesion, being rejected by the tribe would mean almost certain death by predation or starvation, so it was necessary to conform in whatever ways prevented that rejection from happening.

But we don’t live in prehistoric times anymore. We live in a civilization with a highly complex information environment that is being continually manipulated away from truth and accuracy and toward the advantage of powerful people who rule over us. If you go along with the herd, you’ll be deceived.

In truth the so-called “centrists” or “moderates” of our world are really violent extremists, because they support the most murderous and tyrannical power structure on our planet, and are only regarded as moderate because they sit in the mid-range of a completely artificially created spectrum. A perspective that is actually sane will be about as far away from their perspective as you can get.

Because the majority of people have been duped by propaganda into espousing mainstream political perspectives, those with an accurate read on things will necessarily be a small fringe minority until that dynamic changes. As long as your entire civilization is structured around deceit-based perspectives which serve the powerful, going along with the crowd will prevent you from forming a truth-based perspective that serves human interests.

So you’ll have to get comfortable rejecting mainstream orthodoxies, dismissing mainstream media, and shunning mainstream politics, because those things are all inseparably interwoven with the matrix of deceit by which our rulers have pulled the blindfold over this civilization. This won’t be a sign that you’re out of touch or a kooky crackpot or some snobby hipster who rejects all things mainstream out of a pathological need to be different, it will be a sign that you are seeing things clearly.

This can set you apart from your tribe at times; as Terence McKenna said, “The cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation.” But we can still find each other online, so we’re never really alone, and the cost is definitely worth it. The sincere pursuit of a truth-based perspective is ultimately the surest path not only toward a healthy society, but toward lasting happiness as an individual as well.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Cover image credit: KELLEPICS

Ramiro Romani With James Corbett: Take Back Our Tech

Ramiro Romani With James Corbett: Take Back Our Tech


“So there’s so many things coming at once. There’s essentially four freedoms that technology has allowed. But then also there are powers — we all know these organizations that are also very scared of us having these freedoms.

“So those are the freedom to travel, the freedom to exchange (which has been bolstered by things like cryptocurrency), the freedom of speech and the freedom of privacy.

“And these four things make it really easy to interact in a way that is in alignment, right, that is voluntary with what you would like.

“And now you see pretty much a law in most Western countries that are coming after these exact freedoms…

“It’s almost like the simulation itself is making it so — it’s forcing us to leave these bigger platforms and into smaller, decentralized community-based groups.

“So throughout things we’ve seen over the past few years — we’ve seen technology being used to try and track and trace every single one of our movements.

“COVID-19 was a perfect example of this. And an article I’m working on talks specifically about contact tracing, which, if people didn’t know, most phones have the ability through Google and Apple for them to install an app on their phone and actually activate it. And they did that en masse to millions of people at once…

“We see technology and we are throwing it out. We’re not going to use it…

“You’re cutting yourself off. You’re doing your own thing, which I completely support your right to live a life free of technology. That’s absolutely your right…

“Ignoring it is not going to make it go away. It’s not going to make these people stop their plans. Understanding it, working with it, changing it — which you absolutely have the possibility to change it. That is the way you can make it better for everyone.”

~ Ramiro Romani


Take Back Our Tech

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 23, 2023


Ramiro Romani of and joins us today to discuss technology: what it is, how it works, and how we can make it work for us.

We discuss how governments and big tech corporations are collaborating to undermine our rights to privacy, free expression and even freedom of travel and how we can remove the Big Brother surveillance and controls from our devices.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack

Show Notes:

Building a digital army: UN peacekeepers fight deadly disinformation

Who Can We Call On? How Our Phones Are Tracked By Big Tech, Telecom, and Government

Electromagnetic Radiation – Shield & Educate Yourself, Save a Life


Connect with The Corbett Report

Why Nonconformity Cures a Sick Self and a Sick Society

Why Nonconformity Cures a Sick Self and a Sick Society

by Academy of Ideas
August 22, 2023


The following is a transcript of this video.

“I must be myself, I cannot break myself any longer for you. . .If you can love me for what I am, we shall be the happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

The great 19th century American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that to flourish we must be a non-conformist. If we just think as others think and do as others do, we limit our potential and place our health or sickness at the mercy of social forces beyond our control. In this video we are going to explore the dangers of conformity, what non-conformity meant for Emerson, and how the non-conformist acts as a force of good in a society gone mad.

“Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

To be a conformist is to orient our life around the dominant norms, values, and ideals of our society. It is to allow the boundaries and templates of our culture to shape our sense of self. Most of us become conformists without reflecting on what we are doing – we see everyone around us conforming and so it feels natural to do the same. But conformity comes at a price, or as Emerson stated in a lecture given in 1844:

“I pay a destructive tax in my conformity.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lecture Read Before the Society in Amory Hall, March 1844

In any society only certain character traits are favoured by the trends of conformity, while many others – which may be healthy in their own right – are looked upon with indifference or disdain. In our day, for example, extroversion is favoured over introversion, obedience over disobedience, and risk-aversion over risk-taking. Some people may find their inner nature fits the mold of conformity, but many will find the opposite. For those of us in the latter group, conformity is akin to wearing a mask made to fit the mold of another’s face. The mask of conformity never feels comfortable and at times it may cause us to feel like a fraud or imposter.

Conformity also leads to waste – wasted time, wasted opportunities, and wasted resources. In the need to satisfy others and maintain appearances, we do things we do not value, say things we do not believe, and obtain things we do not need, or as Emerson writes:

“Custom . . . gives me no power therefrom, and runs me in debt to boot. We spend our incomes . . . for a hundred trifles, I know not what, and not for the things of a man. Our expense is almost all for conformity.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Man the Reformer

But the dangers of conformity reach pathological levels when, as in our day, a society becomes infected with lies. Politicians lie almost as frequently as they open their mouths. A degenerate education system teaches lies on topics ranging from science, to history, ethics, economics, and politics. The media lies about world events. While corporations lie to us about the value, or safety, of their products. With no shortage of lies percolating throughout society, the modern path of conformity leads in errant ways. It encourages us to go into debt to buy things we don’t need, to consume unhealthy foods, to be obedient to those in power, to take pharmaceutical drugs that do more harm than good, to eschew our passion in favour of money or social status, and if we ever feel anxious or depressed, the conformist way is to distract ourselves with screens, or to numb ourselves with psychotropic drugs.

“All goes well as long as you run with conformists. But you, who are an honest man in other particulars, know that there is alive somewhere a man whose honesty reaches to this point also, that he shall not kneel to false gods, and, on the day when you meet him, you sink into the class of counterfeits. . . If you take in a lie, you must take in all that belongs to it.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Religion

To be a non-conformist, in the modern world, is to renounce the lies that shape our society and to renounce the self that has been shaped by these lies. This act of renunciation paves the way for self-transformation, or as Emerson writes: “The man who renounces himself, comes to himself.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Lecture to Divinity Students). When we abandon the habits of conformity and stop pursing its ideals, we clear the way for the emergence of a more authentic state of being. We take off the false mask of conformity and permit our individual personality to shine through. But our renunciation should not be limited to self-renunciation, we should also renounce affiliation with organizations and institutions that are infiltrated by the lies of our society. For a non-conformist, according to Emerson, must stand under his or her own banner, not the banner of another:

“It is only as a man puts off all foreign support, and stands alone, that I see him to be strong and to prevail. He is weaker by every recruit to his banner.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

Along with the act of renunciation, the non-conformist must establish a new direction in life as merely rejecting conformist ways, without replacing them with something new, will leave us in a pit of aimless and meaningless despair. We need new pursuits to keep us occupied, new habits to keep our life structured, and new goals to give us direction. In the process of re-orienting our life, we should work with what nature has granted us, as it is by cultivating our strengths and talents and aligning our life around pursuits we enjoy, that we unleash our power and pave the way for a great life, or as Emerson writes:

“There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction . . that though the wide universe is full of good, no kernel of nourishing corn can come to him but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to till. The power which resides in him is new in nature, and none but he knows what that is which he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

If conformity has led us astray and we don’t know where truth lies or what the plot of ground we are meant to till consists of, spending time in solitude can help correct for this confusion. Away from the chatter and distraction of other minds, solitude can help us understand who we are and what we want from life. There are voices, wrote Emerson “which we hear in solitude, [that] grow faint and inaudible as we enter into the world.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance).  Emerson, however, while valuing solitude, did not believe the non-conformist should be a recluse. To flourish as a non-conformist is to strike the optimal balance between solitude and society. We must learn to live in harmony with others without an excessive need to gain their approval or to mimic their errant ways. Or as Emerson put it:

“Solitude is impracticable, and society fatal. We must keep our head in the one and our hands in the other. The conditions are met, if we keep our independence, yet do not lose our sympathy.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Society and Solitude

Many people recognize the sickness of modern society, but few choose a path of non-conformity as the means of escape. One reason for this is fear, and specifically a fear of ridicule and rejection. The non-conformist must overcome this fear, or at least learn that constructive, non-conformist action can be taken even when consumed by fear:

“What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule. . .may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. . .It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance

In learning to deal with ridicule and rejection it can be helpful to recognize a constructive value to this experience. Not only does it provide us with an opportunity to cultivate the courage of acting in the face of our fears, but furthermore, those who treat us with contempt sometimes reveal truths of our character that those who care for us are too timid to point out. But even if the ridicule is not constructive, even if it is based on envy or lies, we can use the disapproval of others as motivating fuel that impels us to greater heights, and as Emerson writes:

“Dear to us are those who love us; the swift moments we spend with them are a compensation for a great deal of misery; they enlarge our life; but dearer are those who reject us as unworthy, for they add another life: they build a heaven before us whereof we had not dreamed, and thereby supply to us new powers out of the recesses of the spirit, and urge us to new and unattempted performances.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, New England Reformers

If we learn to conquer the fear of ridicule and rejection, we will possess a crucial skill in the art of non-conformity. But there is another barrier that prevents many from going the way of a non-conformist and this is laziness. To cultivate our own path through life requires hard work, discipline, and a ruthless persistence of action. For Emerson’s non-conformist is not passive, he is an active agent striving to change the world. Once the non-conformist selects a valuable goal, he sticks to it and is not driven off course merely because a bunch conformists disapprove of his ways, or as Emerson writes:

“All men have wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile yourself with the world.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Heroism

Or as he writes elsewhere:

“If you would serve your brother, because it is fit for you to serve him, do not take back your words when you find that prudent people do not commend you. Adhere to your own act, and congratulate yourself if you have done something strange and extravagant and broken the monotony of a decorous age. It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person – “Always do what you are afraid to do.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Heroism

Following a non-conformist path will make us healthier, happier, and more powerful, but it will also turn us into a force of good in the world. For the inner state of our being manifests the events of the outer world, or as Emerson put it: “A man will see his character emitted in the events that seem to meet [him], but which exude from and accompany him.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Conduct of Life) Conformists, in living by lies, are manifesting a sick society. The non-conformist, in aligning himself with the truth of his inner nature and the truth of the world, will manifest events that act as the antidote to a world gone mad.

“In the thought of tomorrow there is a power to upheave . . .all the creeds. . .of the nations, and marshal thee to a heaven which no epic dream has yet depicted. Every man is not so much a workman in the world, as he is a suggestion of that he should be. Men walk as prophecies of the next age.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Circles


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The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

by Gary D. Barnett
August 21, 2023


“Freud (1921), without referring to the general systems implications of his assertion, spelled out this mechanism clearly: “. . . the individual gives up his ego ideal and substitutes for it the group ideal embodied in the leader” (page 78, Group Psychology).”

~ Stanley Milgram, Obedience to Authority

The grip of fear and propaganda have captured the minds of the collective masses to such an extent, as to stop all critical thinking processes in favor of abandoning responsibility. To accept the collective mindset over right in order to fit in, or avoid conflict, is considered by most the easier path, but it necessitates immoral decisions and irresponsible behavior.

Need of the group is a recipe for ignorance, and it leads in essence, to an allowed psychological takeover of the human brain and all its capabilities to grasp truth, logic and reality, in the face of any stress or uncertainty.

In order for extreme tyranny to become the norm, for State control to be sustained, and if rule by the few is to be possible, it is required that a high level of blind consent by a major portion of the people be evident. Obviously, consent and obedience to power needs to be voluntary among the masses, because constant fear and the need for acceptance by the ‘societal’ herd, is key in any psychological plan of takeover by the ruling class.

Most propagandists use the false idea of the ‘greater good’ to fool the many into accepting this nonsense, so that shame and guilt can then help drive the effort to gain obedience and submission by the weaker group. This tactic is also effective in marginalizing the individual, which has the result of stifling any real or honest dissent.

As an example, the uptick in what are labeled fantastic weather events, and they are not in most cases, is becoming astronomical in order to stoke terror and capture the minds of the weak through psychological means. What is left completely out of the conversation, is the very likely possibility, that most of what is going on in this vein is intentional.

Once again, everything is being tied to the lie that is ‘manmade climate change.’ This narrative is taking over the airwaves, manipulating minds, and is obviously a set up for continued and vastly increasing restriction on movement, control of populations, destruction of private property, the total control of currency, and land and property grabs by government and State supporting speculators, as even more extreme wealth transfers are planned.

The ‘hurricane’ set to hit Southern California early Monday, made landfall as a minor tropical storm, with much less rain and damage than anticipated, (wanted) but was still called a “major climate disaster.” It was also said to be the first tropical storm to hit Southern California in 84 years, an outright lie. Actually, to the detriment of the forecasters and ‘climate change’ advocators, it was nearly immediately downgraded to a post-tropical storm, and all warnings were discontinued.

Future natural weather events as well, will be first blamed on fake ‘climate change,’ and then used to create the perception of massive damage, whether actual or not, caused either by purposeful or completely artificial means, but certainly intentional. State negligence, meant to enhance the damage in order to spread more fear and death, will most always be a factor. This happened of course, in Lahaina, Maui just recently, but the dependent among us are left unaware, and aimlessly grasp for any narrative that will lessen any responsibility to think independently.

When man lives, gains knowledge, and strives to improve himself, all others around him benefit by this behavior. They do not falsely  benefit due to force or theft of property as a result of heinous taxation or fabricated emergencies, which are criminal, but they benefit simply because as each individual improves himself, and is responsible for himself, he is able to achieve more, and by this act alone, society, not in the sense of collective madness, is bettered. As one improves himself, he gains more ability to understand and live a life based on reason, logic, and moral strength and fortitude, and this can greatly improve everything around him.

One should be able to understand that if a majority of individuals acted in this manner, freedom and free markets would flourish, and the State would dramatically shrink. That is the power of the individual, and so long as man lives to his highest purpose, takes responsibility for his own thoughts and actions, and relies on reason, moral existence as a purpose, and common sense as a guide, humanity will not only survive, but prosper.

To live in the shadow of others, to bow to any make-believe human authority, to do the bidding of the powerful at the expense of the weak; in other words, to accept the absurd notion that to sacrifice anything or everything for the so-called ‘greater good,’ especially given that this fictitious good is dishonestly presented under the name of hollow nationalism, is in fact the absolute antithesis of all that is right and moral.

Consider that if common men lived to improve self, to seek self-happiness, and practiced a moral existence, wars could not be fought, for war is based on the insane ‘belief’ of sacrifice to the State, and sold to the mindless as sacrifice to all others. If men en masse strive in their own self-interest, they would not feel compelled to sacrifice for the false gods of government, and therefore would not murder on orders.

War is based only on evil intent and the sacrifice of human fodder, it is not, and cannot ever be, based on moral behavior or the improvement of man.

Sacrifice, not strength, intellectual awakening, or morality, is all that the State seeks, and in order to gain the obedience of the masses, the individual, and individual accomplishment, must be destroyed. The psychological takeover of the minds of men, must precede any and all efforts of long-term totalitarian rule, for any aspect of critical thought, self-improvement, and dissent, are the considered enemies of State rule.

All who think for themselves, and live in their own best interest, will not serve the State, and will not allow for their own enslavement. Independent, self-interested men and women, do not live in fear, and do not cower in the face of adversity. They do not have an unwarranted need to be accepted by the ignorant collective crowd, for they have gained the confidence to live their lives to the fullest without sacrificing themselves to any false god called the State.

Rulers and governments work only on the basis of fear, threat, extreme force, shame, and guilt, in order to fool the people into thinking that their individual lives mean nothing, and sacrifice to the ‘greater good’ means everything.

The ‘greater good’ in this case is always the few at the top of the power pyramid of control; the elusive and dominating nation-state. This is the only reason that the irrational idiocy called nationalism, Statism, and patriotism exists.

All government is evil, and that is why all are taught and brainwashed throughout their lives to feel inferior (worthless) as individuals, but to feel whole only as an invisible cog in the wheel of a ‘national’ society. Atrocities abound due strictly to this asinine mindset, and that has been the plan all along.

Those who consciously reject reason, logic, and common sense, those who hide from reality and truth, and those who only seek to follow the crowd, are worthless to the betterment of man. They cannot be of value to your freedom, because they are of no value to themselves, so abandon them as quickly as is possible.

“People don’t want to think. And the deeper they get into trouble, the less they want to think. But by some sort of instinct, they feel that they ought to and it makes them feel guilty. So they’ll bless and follow anyone who gives them a justification for not thinking. Anyone who makes a virtue – a highly intellectual virtue – out of what they know to be their sin, their weakness and their guilt… They envy achievement, and their dream of greatness is a world where all men have become their acknowledged inferiors. They don’t know that that dream is the infallible proof of mediocrity, because that sort of world is what the man of achievement would not be able to bear”

~ Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


Copyright © 2023

Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: Pexels

Lahaina Is Within 40 Miles of a U.S. Government Directed Energy Facility on Maui

Lahaina Is Within 40 Miles of a U.S. Government Directed Energy Facility on Maui

by Edward Hendrie, Great Mountain Publishing
August 20, 2023


In my August 11, 2023, article, I explained the evidence that a directed energy weapon was used to destroy Lahaina, a city on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. The only culprit who could possibly have used such a weapon is the U.S. Military. The cover story for the destruction of Lahaina was that out-of-control wildfires caused it. Indeed, Major General Kenneth Hara, the commanding general of the Hawaii Army National Guard, gave the world the wildfire cover story during an August 9, 2023, briefing. One would think that the head of the Maui Emergency Management Agency, Herman Andaya, would be the proper source of information about the alleged wildfires.

But, strangely, Herman Andaya was not even present in Maui at the time of the destruction of Lahaina. Administrator Andaya was absent in the days following the conflagration in Lahaina. Where was he? According to local news, Hawaii News Now, “Andaya was in Waikiki at the Alohilani Resort attending what was scheduled to be a three-day FEMA disaster preparedness seminar called the Pacific Partnership Meeting.” Oddly, the conference did not start until the morning of August 8, 2023, after the destruction of Lahaina was well underway and well known. Yet, Andaya remained at the conference during the first day of the disaster, and records show that he did not check out from his hotel until August 9, 2023.

Another odd thing about the fires was that the emergency alert system of sirens was not implemented after the destruction began. Someone other than Andaya made the decision not to warn the populace. That failure caused many to die needlessly. Andaya subsequently resigned on August 17, 2023, after his alleged dereliction became publically known.

Back to General Hara: while he is not an expert in emergency management, he is an expert in military armaments. It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. The other major location is Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”</span

One of the products under study on Maui by the AFLRE uses “laser propagation through the Earth’s atmosphere.” So powerful is the directed energy technology that AMOS states it “has the ability to propagate light into the sodium layer of the atmosphere and create an artificial star.” AMOS further states that the “state-of-the-art electro-optical facility, the MSSS combines research and development with an operational mission; the only one of its kind in the world.”

Also located at the 10,023 foot-summit of Haleakala on the island of Maui, Hawaii, is the 15th Space Surveillance Squadron (15 SPSS). “The mission of 15 SPSS is to develop, assess, deliver, and operate cutting-edge SDA [Space Domain Awareness] capabilities to support warfighter needs.” The 15 SPSS also operates the experimental systems under the AFRL “15 SPSS is a component of Space Delta 2 and also operates experimental systems under the Air Force Research Laboratory [AFRL].” The Directed Energy Directorate is a component department of the AFRL with expertise in directed energy. That means that the 15 SPSS operates the AFRL experimental directed energy weapons. And it does so from the summit of Haleakala overlooking Maui. Haleakala is the perfect location to control directed energy weapons targeting Lahaina.

Picture of the Maui Space Surveillance facility atop Haleakala shooting a sodium guidestar posted on the AFRL website

Apparently, Lahaina became a target of one of the AFLR’s directed energy “operational missions” on August 8, 2023. Administrator Andaya took the fall for the death and destruction caused by a U.S. military operation against its citizens. The people are being led to believe that the death and destruction were exacerbated by incompetence. That way, they are kept from the reality that the destruction of Lahaina was premeditated mass genocide orchestrated by its own government.

It is notable that U.S. President Biden, the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, was utterly silent about the conflagration. The media did not even have an opportunity to ask him about it until Sunday, August 13, 2023, at which time he responded with “no comment.” Think about that for a moment. An entire city is destroyed, and the media does not even have access to the President of the United States to ask him about it until five days later.

And President Biden’s response is an incriminating “no comment!” Instagram influencer Rogan O’Handley wrote on Twitter that the more we learn about Hawaii, ‘the more we learn why Joe Biden has consistently responded with ‘no comment.’ He stated the obvious: ‘There is something REAL fishy going on here.”

How did the words “no comment” come out of his mouth? Who, President or not, responds to a tragedy with “no comment?” I will tell you who. A person who is part of the conspiracy that committed the tragedy. That is the kind of statement made by someone guilty of a crime! President Biden repeatedly refused to answer any questions about the Lahaina tragedy. On August 19, 2023, the White House officially announced that the President would visit Maui on Monday, August 21, 2023.

The Lahaina disaster has many parallels with the 9/11 attacks. Notably, Administrator Andaya was attending a three-day FEMA disaster preparedness seminar at the time a real disaster was taking place. In like manner, on 9/11 there were also several military drills involving hijacked airplanes while the actual 9/11 attacks took place. Three of the military exercises were called Northern Vigilance, Vigilant Warrior, and Vigilant Guardian. Rather suspiciously, the scenarios matched almost exactly the story of the alleged highjacked airplane attacks on 9/11.

 9/11 War Games by James Corbett

Stanley Hilton, former chief of staff to Senator Robert Dole, represents over 400 plaintiffs in a seven billion dollar class action lawsuit against President George Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and others in high government office, alleging that they planned and orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. The lawsuit was dismissed in 2004. The federal district judge ruled that the President and his subordinates enjoyed sovereign immunity from what the court described as a “non-justiciable political question.”

Mr. Hilton has documentary proof and eyewitnesses that President George Bush personally ordered the 9/11 attacks. Furthermore, he has eyewitnesses and documentary evidence that the U.S. Air Force and NORAD conducted 35 drills over the two months prior to 9-11-01 rehearsing attacks by airliners against various targets, including specific drills where the World Trade Center was to be the target of attacks by airplanes.

In fact, on 9-11-01 there were five drills being conducted by NORAD and the Air Force involving attacks by commercial airliners. The 35 rehearsals by the U.S. Government for attacks by airliners impeaches the credibility of National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who said during a May 16, 2002 press briefing: “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile.” Why would she say such a thing when it is so clearly false? Because she did not think that anyone would ever find out about the prior rehearsals. Now that the rehearsals have leaked out the conspirators had a problem. But that was all taken care of by the district court judge who ruled that the administrative officials had sovereign immunity.

Lahaina has all the earmarks of a directed energy attack, just as was done on 9/11. For more information about directed energy use during the 9/11 attacks read 9/11 – Enemies Foreign and Domestic.


Connect with Edward Hendrie

Cover image credit: Wtp22
Lahaina burning during the night of August the 8th, from Wailea.


See Related:

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
August 18, 2023


Nine days ago, Oliver Anthony’s gritty coal country ballad “Rich Men North Of Richmond” was published on YouTube. The song has become the blue-collar political anthem for millions of Americans ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.

On Thursday, Anthony revealed his real name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. He said the viral response to the song blew him away and only anticipated it would get hundreds of thousands of views, not millions. As of Friday, the song ranks number one on iTunes.

Lunsford is a former factory worker and lives in the forgotten part of the US, Appalachia, an area plagued with an opioid crisis and abandoned factories. The song tells the story of working-class folk who struggle daily while being ignored and mocked by political elites just north of Richmond.

Lunsford detailed in a lengthy Facebook post that he turned down a $8 million deal from stunned music industry executives:

People in the music industry give me blank stares when I brush off 8 million dollar offers. I don’t want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. I don’t want to play stadium shows, I don’t want to be in the spotlight. I wrote the music I wrote because I was suffering with mental health and depression. These songs have connected with millions of people on such a deep level because they’re being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment they were being sung. No editing, no agent, no bullshit. Just some idiot and his guitar. The style of music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place.

Since going viral nine days ago, he has received over 50,000 messages from people reacting to the song. He said some messages include stories about “Suicide, addiction, unemployment, anxiety and depression, hopelessness and the list goes on.”

Lunsford provided more details about who he exactly is…

My legal name is Christopher Anthony Lunsford. My grandfather was Oliver Anthony, and “Oliver Anthony Music” is a dedication not only to him, but 1930’s Appalachia where he was born and raised. Dirt floors, seven kids, hard times. At this point, I’ll gladly go by Oliver because everyone knows me as such. But my friends and family still call me Chris. You can decide for yourself, either is fine.

In 2010, I dropped out of high school at age 17. I have a GED from Spruce Pine, NC. I worked multiple plant jobs in Western NC, my last being at the paper mill in McDowell county. I worked 3rd shift, 6 days a week for $14.50 an hour in a living hell. In 2013, I had a bad fall at work and fractured my skull. It forced me to move back home to Virginia. Due to complications from the injury, it took me 6 months or so before I could work again.

From 2014 until just a few days ago, I’ve worked outside sales in the industrial manufacturing world. My job has taken me all over Virginia and into the Carolinas, getting to know tens of thousands of other blue collar workers on job sites and in factories. Ive spent all day, everyday, for the last 10 years hearing the same story. People are SO damn tired of being neglected, divided and manipulated.

In 2019, I paid $97,500 for the property and still owe about $60,000 on it. I am living in a 27′ camper with a tarp on the roof that I got off of craigslist for $750.

There’s nothing special about me. I’m not a good musician, I’m not a very good person. I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with mental health and using alcohol to drown it. I am sad to see the world in the state it’s in, with everyone fighting with each other. I have spent many nights feeling hopeless, that the greatest country on Earth is quickly fading away.

He concludes with:

That being said, I HATE the way the Internet has divided all of us. The Internet is a parasite, that infects the minds of humans and has their way with them. Hours wasted, goals forgotten, loved ones sitting in houses with each other distracted all day by technology made by the hands of other poor souls in sweat shops in a foreign land.

When is enough, enough? When are we going to fight for what is right again? MILLIONS have died protecting the liberties we have. Freedom of speech is such a precious gift. Never in world history has the world had the freedom it currently does. Don’t let them take it away from you. 

Just like those once wandering in the desert, we have lost our way from God and have let false idols distract us and divide us. It’s a damn shame.

Meanwhile, the political left is triggered by this song for speaking the truth. And the country music industry is “confused by man actually from the country making actual music.”

Country Music Industry Confused by Man Actually From Country Making Actual Music


Connect with ZeroHedge

TCTL editor’s note: See the touching video compilation below of individuals  listening to Oliver Anthony singing The Rich Men of Richmond. Many with tears in their eyes and all responding with emotional recognition of the truth in his words. Below that is the YouTube link to the song, followed by the lyrics.


Rich Men North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony


I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day

Overtime hours for bullshit pay

So I can sit out here and waste my life away

Drag back home and drown my troubles away.



It’s a damn shame what the world’s gotten to

For people like me and people like you

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true

But it is, oh, it is.



Livin’ in the new world

With an old soul

These rich men north of Richmond

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do

And they don’t think you know, but I know that you do

‘Cause your dollar ain’t shit and it’s taxed to no end

‘Cause of rich men north of Richmond.


I wish politicians would look out for miners

And not just minors on an island somewhere

Lord, we got folks in the street, ain’t got nothin’ to eat

And the obese milkin’ welfare.

Well, God, if you’re 5-foot-3 and you’re 300 pounds

Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds

Young men are puttin’ themselves six feet in the ground

‘Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin’ them down.

Repeat Pre-Chorus

Repeat Chorus

I’ve been sellin’ my soul, workin’ all day

Overtime hours for bullshit pay.


Michael Tellinger With Reiner Fuellmich: ‘One Small Town’ vs the Globalist Agenda’s ’15-Minute Cities’ — On Creating a Life Outside the Enslaving Government Systems

Michael Tellinger With Reiner Fuellmich: ‘One Small Town’ vs the Globalist Agenda’s ’15-Minute Cities’ — On Creating a Life Outside the Enslaving Government Systems


TCTL editor’s note:

Below, you will find a conversation between international attorney (US & Germany) Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, attorney/economist Dexter Lejay Ryneveldt from South Africa, & Michael Tellinger (founder of Ubuntu and One Small Town intiatives) also from South Africa. Also in attendance is Emil Borg, the new One Small Town (OST) ambassador for Sweden.

As some of the readers here will know, the One Small Town (OST) initiative has gone through many challenging phases over the past 17 years, learning from failures and gaining wisdom through discussion and experience of many of its supporters. Many years of trial and error — blood, sweat and tears — have gone into the creation of this OST model.

Those of us who have lived long lives and have experienced the falling apart, again and again, of our work and our dreams, know what it takes to remain trusting and persistent in spite of the odds.

In this interview, Michael presents the basic details of what One Small Town (OST) initiative is, its history and its evolution from the Ubuntu Contributionism vision. He also discusses the new digital Infinity token and explains that it differs from cryptocurrency coins, and that they are keeping it separate from the current global financial system.

Reiner and Dexter asked some key questions during this interview and will be doing a follow-up interview with Michael after they have the chance to do additional research and look into the details of the OST initiative.

As Reiner said in the interview:

“The one thing that most people, when it comes to setting up your own self-sufficient systems, have been worried the most about is what do we do about the monetary system.”

As this conversation is of great importance to many of us, the follow-up interview will be posted here at TCTL when it is available.

Below the video is a basic description provided by ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee).  The video can be found at ICIC channels at Odysee and Rumble.

I have added show notes and a transcript to make review of this information easier. This is a lot of information for most of us to take in. You’ll likely have your own questions about this initiative.  Some may want to join the One Small Town initiative and/or offer support to this vision by purchasing Infinity tokens.

Following the transcript, you will find links to One Small Town and Michael Tellinger websites where you can do further research.

My thanks go to paying substack supporters and others who have made donations via the donation page at here at TCTL. You make this work and the maintenance of this website possible, providing access to thousands of readers around the world. 

~ Kathleen Stilwell, editor & curator, Truth Comes to Light


One Small Town vs. 15 Minute Prisons

by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC
with Michael Tellinger, Dexter Lejay Ryneveldt & Emil Borg
August 14, 2023


In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with Michael Tellinger, a scientist, author, explorer, humanitarian founder of the ‘One Small Town‘ initiative, as well as Emil Borg, New National Ambassador for One Small Town Sweden, and Dexter Ryneveldt, lawyer and economist in South Africa: possible solutions to help free ourselves from the dependencies of the systems and live a dignified and free life.

Especially in the so-called Corona pandemic with its inhumane measures, it became abundantly clear that the prevailing governmental systems have nothing good in mind for humanity and that they have long been pursuing a subtle global agenda to install totalitarian mechanisms. This is to make humanity controllable and fully dependent on their system at their will.

These brutal procedures have made many people wake up rather uncomfortably, and question the authorities as well as the reality in which we live.

Michael Tellinger presents the idea of the “One Small Town Initiative” in detail.

He has been involved with its development since 2005 and has dedicated all his time, possessions and manpower to this project, as he is completely convinced of this possibility of living together without depending on and being abused by a governmental system.

He talks about the beginnings of the ‘One Small Town’ project, formed from the so-called Ubuntu movement and Contributionism, a system in which people contribute their skills and talents for the benefit of the community. In this way, everyone can benefit from each other’s skills.

It’s about realizing how much power and potential a small town of several thousand people has, where everyone co-operates with everyone else at all levels instead of competing.

If the mindset changes, there is an infinite abundance of opportunities to live with each other, from growing food, to starting businesses, to creating property and to participate in these same local small town businesses.

The basis of this project lies in returning ownership to those, away from global world corporations, and towards those who provide and work to create real value.

Why is this kind of free coexistence impossible within the framework of political systems?

How exactly does the underlying exchange of goods and services work from an economic perspective?

Is this method feasible, and how does one manage not to fight against the system, but to create one’s own independence within the legal framework?

Where do one-small-town companies already exist?

What explains their rapid growth worldwide and how can people become part of these projects?

Transcript & Show Notes prepared by TCTL editor:




Dear friends, today we will try and talk about, not the problems, but the solution to those problems that we’ve been talking about for so long — for at least three years.

Some people have been talking about these problems for even longer — those who have realized that we’ve been lied to by those who we used to trust.

But today we have Michael Tellinger from South Africa. We have Emil Borg from Sweden. And we have my friend and colleague Dexter Ryneveldt from South Africa to discuss how we can get away from under the thumb of the system and have much better lives than we do under the system.

So thank you very much for making the time. It’s an honor, and it’s a pleasure, of course, Michael, to have you. And same with you, Emil. It’s always fun to talk to you.

So what do you do in South Africa? You have been working on these solutions for, not just for the last three years, but for much longer, right?


The Evolution of Ubuntu Contributionism & One Small Town Philosophy


Yes, I have, Reiner. Thank you very much. It’s great to meet you and I’m very excited to have this conversation with you. Thanks to Emil for setting this up. And great to meet you, Dexter, out here in South Africa as well.

Yes, look, the One Small Town initiative has been around for a long time. Initially I started talking about this idea in 2005 already and slowly but surely it evolved.

We’ve walked the talk, we’ve paid the price, we’ve — it’s taken blood, sweat and tears. Everything I’ve had. Everything I have. Every cent I’ve ever earned has been poured into this. So it’s been my lifelong passion the last two decades at least. And here we are.

Something that started as a crazy idea that everybody laughed at me. They wanted to beat me up for even suggesting these kind of crazy ideas. And it was was really a thing about people. It needed to evolve and also grow into a time when the level of consciousness was a little bit higher around the world.

And I think this, especially the whole COVID plandemic and the lockdown that people felt attacks, they felt the abuse of governments, they felt — they realized how abusive governments can be and how they can completely and utterly overstep their boundaries.

That helped a lot of people wake up, and it really — during the lockdown is when the One Small Town movement really exploded.

So just a little bit more background. So the One Small Town movement grew out of what I started calling Contributionism and the Ubuntu movement out in 2007, 2006-2007.

So it all started with the Ubuntu movement, with the idea called Contributionism: a system in which people contribute their skills and talents towards the benefit of their community, so that everybody benefits from everybody’s skills and talents. And it’s slowly but surely evolved, gotten better and stronger over time.

We also had a period that we went through politics. We got involved in politics in South Africa. I registered the Ubuntu Party in 2010. We participated in three elections — 2012, 2014 and 2016.

So in essence, I ran for president in 2014 during the national elections as the leader of the Ubuntu Party.

And I must tell you, that’s when I truly discovered how crooked the political arena is and how the entire outcome of the elections is prepared. It is laid out for us. It is not elected, it is selected.

And that taught me really to use the One Small Town philosophy. We then participated in the 2016 elections in South Africa again, but just in the municipal elections under the One Small Town banner. By then we’re in transition from trying to promote the philosophy of Ubuntu because it was a bit vague. And it turned into the One Small Town philosophy where you take small towns and you turn them around by waking people up and showing them that if they cooperate and collaborate, they can achieve so much more.

In fact, any small town of several thousand people has infinite potential to create abundance for themselves.

The only thing that people have to do is change the way they think. And start to, instead of competing against each other, start to cooperate and collaborate on every level — starting with growing food, starting as many businesses as they can, and creating the ownership of the businesses in our small towns.

The ownership start needs to come back to the people away from the large corporations, away from the multinational retailers, away from the multinationals that control everything.

And that’s where I realized in 2016 that this is most likely not going to happen on the political arena. And then we exited the political arena in 2016 and One Small Town became a non-political and nonprofit community development program. But since then it’s just exploded.

Just to add a little bit more before I stop yapping, the Ubuntu Party, actually with the philosophy of unity within community and people cooperating, and the whole philosophy of Contributionism — which I must say really appeals to people and still appeals to people around the world in larger and larger numbers because it’s such a simple, beautiful philosophy of people contributing towards their own prosperity.

The philosophy of Contributionism turned into the Ubuntu Party in a number of countries, so we had the Ubuntu Party in Canada, in the UK, in Australia. And we almost launched in the USA and that didn’t happen. The Canadian Ubuntu Party fell apart because of inner conflict, and then after the 2016 elections it became very clear that going into politics is not a solution.

You cannot inject a seed of consciousness into the political beast and think that the political beast is going to change.

But the important thing here is that we walk the talk. I walk the talk and therefore I have the experience to talk about all these things where most other people do not have these experiences.

The Failure of Intentional Communities

We also engaged with intentional communities around the world, whether it’s Esalen or Damanhur and other — many, many other communities that I met the founders of such communities around the world, only to realize that all of these communities are a huge disaster and a huge failure on every possible level.

And that’s where it just gave more and more strength and credence to the One Small Town initiative, which is completely and utterly different from any other community upliftment project or an initiative. And this is why it is suddenly growing around the world at such a rapid rate.

And that’s my little introduction, just to familiarize people with who I am and where I come from and what we’ve done in the last 17 years.



I think it’s great that I’m finally meeting someone who really knows what they’re talking about, because I’ve been propagating, and most people on our side of the fence have been propagating, the disconnection, the shutting ourselves off of the system — because the system is not only thoroughly infiltrated and utterly corrupt, therefore you can’t fix it, but it is also not worth fixing. Because it’s based on the wrong virtues. In fact, there are no virtues except materialism. And it’s fighting each other. It’s competition in the worst sense imaginable.

So I can’t wait to hear more about this because we all know that we cannot trust the global corporations. We cannot trust the global NGOs because they’re all run by the same very few, very evil, people.

And we also know — because I’ve been into politics as well, for about, I don’t know, a year maybe. And then I got out because I was totally frustrated. I realized this is totally corrupt because you’re part of the system when you enter politics.

So there’s no other way than to reimagine ourselves as free, independent, sovereign people who can do whatever they want. And we should do it for our own benefit, and not even think about that old rotten system that is now definitely coming apart. This whole house of cards is collapsing.


A New Paradigm: Competition Within a Cooperative Spirit


I think what you said there is absolutely 100%. I resonate with every word you say.

It’s also important for me to stress that the One Small Town initiative is not a system — we’re not fighting the system.

You know, like you said, this the system that we’re in is broken. It cannot be fixed, and it’s not worth fixing. Because, as you said, it’s built on the rotten foundation. Foundation of greed, control, competition — destructive competition.

So within the One Small Town initiative, we still have competition, but it’s competition within a cooperative spirit. And that’s a completely different thing.

You know, as long as you have competition within a cooperative spirit then you achieve things. And the achievements that you create actually benefit the community. And not become a detriment to the community because now… So I’ll go into more detail later.

So I just want to stress to everybody watching this that the One Small Town initiative, we’re creating a new reality. We’re creating a new paradigm, a new system that will slowly but surely make the current system obsolete.

So there’s no violence, no opposition, no conflict. We don’t have to fight anyone or anything or any government. We just build this up in our small towns in larger and larger numbers across the world.

All the small towns are connected to each other through our centralized blockchain, our centralized exchange mechanisms and sharing and so forth. I’ll go into more detail about this.

And this is how we slowly but surely take back the power to the people and especially into the small towns.

Hubs of Innovation, Creativity & Investment Opportunity

So the small towns not only become hubs of innovation, of excitement, of technology, of creation, of happiness and everything else we’ve always imagined for our families and our future. But also the small towns suddenly become the most exciting investment opportunities for the conscious investors of the world.

Because once the investors with the billionaires and the millionaires realize that the Small Towns is a safe and ongoing investment opportunity with unlimited potential for growth, watch the stampede.

I anticipate that once the first billionaire or millionaire joins us and invests into a number of the cornerstone businesses in a Small Town, and… by doing that, really, exposes the opportunity.

Watch the stampede of conscious investors around the world move away from the very, very scary and questionable investment opportunities on the stock markets and the normal kind of investment opportunities that are running dry very, very quickly.

And when people realize that by investing into a community where you go into a partnership with an entire community, you’ve literally created for yourself a safe haven for you and your family. The safest town that you can imagine, where everybody works together because the businesses that we start all belong to us.

The profits that we make belong to us. They don’t go offshore to some shareholders sitting in a boardroom somewhere else. And the technology and innovation that we create is used to help the community, and not help a few rich individuals on some board, in some foreign country, that are selling us electricity and withholding medicines and cures for disease from us. And that goes for the supply of food, obviously.

So with the One Small Town initiative, we have a very small, very simple plan of action, how to initiate it, how to start it.

Start it small and grow it as quickly as we can. And as people see this excitement and the joy in their fellow town folk, that creates the domino effect that becomes unstoppable.


Two Worlds That Cannot Be Rejoined


And one more thing. In that previous discussion I just had with that person who — a nice guy — who believes in this utopian dream of reviving the public television and radio stations. I told him I think this is utopia, but I wish you the best of luck.

For me, however, the reality looks like this. And this is based on another interview I had the day before, which deals with a scientist who is now deeply into spirituality.

And it resonates with what some of the people from the Maori who we speak with in terms of bringing justice to the world. In terms of what they call restoring the peace for the world, it resonates with their spirituality.

We already have a divided world. We have two worlds. And I think that they cannot be rejoined. It’s impossible. Because the other side of the fence, they’re either in cahoots, knowingly in cahoots, with those who are pulling the strings, or too stupid — stupidity out of cowardice because they don’t dare use their brains. Or too stupid to realize that they’re being used for evil purposes.

So if they want to join us, if they want to join your One Small Town initiative, fine. Of course we’ll welcome them, but we don’t really worry about them. I don’t.

I think we should, on our side of the fence, focus on what’s good for us because we’re the ones who are creative.

It’s not the large corporations. Guess why they’re buying up all these small and medium sized businesses: because they don’t have their own creativity.

So let’s keep that power for ourselves and make use of it for our own benefit.

What is your take? Go ahead, Michael.


“If It’s Not Good for Everyone, It’s No Good at All.”


So, Reiner, I just say, you know, if you have any questions about One Small Town, please shoot them at me. Because I feel, I don’t want to just feel like I’m talking away here. So if you have any specific questions about how does this work, how does that work, please feel free to shoot them at me.

But I just want to outline a little bit for your viewers that might be new to this. Go to our website Watch all the videos. And you’ll also realize that some of the videos go back, you know, one year, two years, five years, 10 years, 15 years. Some of the videos are very old. And you’ll see how we’ve evolved, how this thing has grown and matured into what it is today.

That’s why it is so strong. That’s why I can speak with such confidence and passion about how this thing works. How One Small Town has all the solutions that you can think of for all the problems. And the solutions already built into the One Small Town model.

Not because I’m smart, but because the solutions have evolved over the years from the One Small Town model and just presented themselves.

Because if it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good at all. That’s one of our slogans.

And one of the other important slogans that’s really important for people to try and digest here is that we’re not fighting the system.

We’re not opposing anyone. We are using the tools of enslavement as tools of liberation. This is really important.

And this is why most, not most, every other sort of intentional community initiative that has been attempted around the world — even the great Osho out in California, in Oregon, was it? Which could have been an incredible solution, but the ego got in the way.

And every other intentional community that has started has been a failure. And we can say that because if it was a success we’d be using it. We’d be doing it and we’re not.

So One Small Town comes and brings together all the lessons we’ve learned from all the failed experiments and presents a very simple transitional phase for people that are sick and tired, people that resonate with what we are talking about here, people that know there’s a better way, there’s a better life.

That we can live in a utopian world. That Utopia is a good word. It’s not a bad word. It’s been made a bad word by the negative people in the world, right?

So yes, we’re striving and we’re creating a utopian world for ourselves. And this is a step-by-step introduction of how to get from here to there. And it does not have to take a long time.

But in the process of going from here to there, we have to realize that the reason why the corporations are so successful and have such a strong stranglehold on all of humanity is because of their systems, their structures and their control mechanisms.

So what we are doing, we’re using the same kind of systems and structures and control mechanisms so that we can create success.

But these structure systems and control mechanisms are controlled and managed by the people of the community. They are the owners of these systems.

It just helps them to navigate the treacherous seas and oceans of corruption, and theft and deceit, and so forth so that it provides our blockchain and our online platform.

One Small Town (OST) Token & Blockchain Platform — An Alternative Exchange System

The One Small Town platform and blockchain provides a secure environment for investors to know — if they invest into a brewery or growing food or medicinal plants or whatever else it is — that they’re investing into our small town.

They can follow their investment. They know exactly how the money is being used, that it’s going where it’s intended to go.

That all the members from our community — that are 60% or 90% shareholders in some cases of all the businesses — that they see, exactly how much profit we’ve made in each and every business and how many dividends are going to be distributed every month to all our members.

Everything is completely transparent in every town and every One Small Town initiative and community. And this is why we have to put these structures into place.

This, however, has caused a little concern with some of the slightly more “spiritual” — and I use the word with love — some more sort of hippie-minded members, right.

They go ‘Wow, you guys are behaving just like the corporates now. You know, like, wow, man, I really don’t like the way you’re doing this. You’re just acting just like the corporates.’

And the answer is yes, we are. For your own safety. Because if we don’t do this, everyone’s gonna rip you off, dude. And everyone’s gonna run away with all your hard work and you’re gonna have nothing to show for it.

And this is why all the hippie colonies of the past, and all the intentional communities of the past have failed, for this very simple reason.

And to just to add one final thing before I hand over to you: to do this, we’ve created what our what we call the One Small Town platform and blockchain. And that then also, about just more than a year ago, spawned out of the blue, the most exciting opportunity that we realized — is that because we have this as a membership. One Small Town has a voluntary membership that people join for free. You don’t have to pay an entrance membership fee or nothing. You just join for free. Go online, sign up as a member. You instantly become a member and you open your digital wallet.

On the Infinity Token & Contribution of Three Hours a Week

So what we’ve created is an Infinity token. Which is really the token. (Excuse my noisy Rife machine right here that’s just finished treating my feet.)

So what we’ve suddenly had an epiphany is that, instead of using —

Before I go there, I need to say that the only thing that One Small Town members have to do is that, when when you become a member, you’ve pledged to contribute three hours a week towards your businesses, towards your community. Three hours a week. It’s all it takes, right?

People that know what I’m talking about will understand. That turns our community into an incredibly powerful labor force. If you have a town of 10,000 people, suddenly you have 30,000 hours of free labor a week. Because we contribute our time voluntarily towards our own businesses, towards fixing our town.

Now, the difference between our 30,000 hours of labor a week and a large corporation. You know how much a large corporation would pay for 30,000 hours of labor. It’s very simple to do the calculation. That’s what they can’t afford. And yet we can afford it, and we do it with love and willingly for free.

And this is why a small town of 10,000 people, that every member just contributes three hours a week, suddenly becomes a fierce competitor to any global-multinational corporation.

Immediately and instantly. We can grow anything, build anything, manufacture anything, distribute anything. Because we choose to do it together, and we are the owners of these businesses. It’s a very powerful position to be in.

And to manage all of this, we’ve had to create the system that is foolproof and cannot be cheated, etc.

So in the process we had to find a way of — how do we know when somebody arrives to do their three hours in one of our businesses or, you know or cutting the grass in the park or helping the orphans, or delivering food to the elderly, or whatever it is that we do (we’re gonna do all kinds of things in our community).

And that certainly presented us with an incredible opportunity. Instead of just using a punch card system — you know the old punch card system that you clock into your job and clock out — suddenly we use technology with QR code readers. And we created what is known as the Infinity Token, which is a membership-asset-backed-NFT token which is created every time one of our members contributes three hours towards one of our businesses or community.

So suddenly we’re now also sitting with the fact that all our members, the moment they contribute their 3-hours a week, over and above the dividends that we distribute to ourselves from the profits of our businesses, and the food and everything that we grow, that we distribute to ourselves every month.

We also reward ourselves with our own Infinity tokens that are growing in value at a rapid rate, because it’s the only truly asset-backed-NFT community token that’s backed by true and real human sweat equity.

And the more members we have around the world contributing three hours a week towards their businesses, the more the value of the Infinity token grows.

And to finish this little ranting monologue is — to utilize these Infinity tokens, we’ve created what we call the One Small Town digital wallet that every member instantly gets in your account. When you open your account online, you get your digital wallet and you start collecting your Infinity tokens every time you contributes three hours towards the One Small Town initiative.

And you can send those tokens from your digital wallet instantly for free to any other member around the world. As long as they’re member, you can send it to them via their e-mail (boom) and I send it from me to your digital wallet instantly, outside of any banking system, outside of anybody’s prying eyes. And you and I can exchange anything we want by exchanging these tokens.

So we’ve created an alternative currency system, if you can call it. An alternative exchange system. It exists. It’s real and everyone, everywhere in the world can use it right now.


Dexter Ryneveldt Questions the Financial Reality & Implications


I’m actually very, very impressed what you have said in the synopsis that you have given, Michael, as to what is the basis for you guys working and working towards, like you say, Utopia, the One Small Town initiative.

One of the things that I just want to find out from you. I know here in South Africa, one of the big things within the communities we are talking about, and you have mentioned cooperative units.

So what I want to find out from you, and in particular when it comes to the financial implications and things.

I want to find out, when we talk about cooperative units, organizations that are the One Small Town initiative is actually driving.

Is it actually registered with the South African Reserve Bank or are you actually trying to keep it not connected to any system here in South Africa?


The Financial Organization of OST – 17 Years in the Making


Yeah, no, it is a completely independent system. The One Small Town company is registered as a nonprofit company.

The way we operate right now is that every One Small Town initiative is actually registered as a pool under the One Small Town nonprofit company. So they operate as a pool. So they’re also then seen as a nonprofit company.

Remember that we’re not providing work. We’re not creating work, so we don’t fall under the labour law. Because everybody that contributes their three hours a week is a co-owner of the business.

So they’re just working in their own business. So it’s not a job.

So we’ve eliminated all these potential problems with government and labour and any of that.

So yeah, this is why it’s taken 17 years to get to this point. It didn’t happen overnight. Slowly but surely, we found the problems and the solutions were presented to us.

One Small Town Trading Platform About to Go Live

And now with the Infinity tokens, that has opened up a door, not only to reward ourselves with our own Infinity tokens and be able to exchange them amongst ourselves. And also sell them and trade them on our One Small Town trading platform, which is about about to go live probably about four weeks from now.

And again, this is a private trading platform. This is not trading on on any open cryptocurrency markets or any of that. You have to be a member of One Small Town.

In other words, the Infinity token cannot be crashed. It cannot devalue. No one can steal your tokens. You can’t lose them because it’s an NFT that can be traced.

And so it’s a very, very different system from any other cryptocurrency or NFT scenario. We operate in a way that we don’t fight the system. If they’re taxes to be paid, we’ll pay the taxes.

You know, so we don’t want to create any ripples. We don’t want to resist or fight anyone. We use the tools of enslavement as tools of liberation.

And one of those tools of liberation is finding the smartest tax advisers there are, so that we as a community, that very soon could be turning over millions and maybe billions of dollars or rands or euros per town —

(Please, remind me to come back to this where I can make such an outrageous statement.)

If we’re turning over billions of euros in our little town, we’re going to find the best bloody tax adviser.

Just like Bill Gates and these rich bastards. They pay zero tax because they have very smart people doing their tax for them.



So if I understand you correctly, when we talk about — when you talk about the Infinity token, the Infinity Token is basically based on each and every individual member of the One Small Town initiative, where they give three hours of their time, and there is then an investment. And then from that investment, that creates the value. And from that value, that can be an exchange globally.

That’s basically the foundation of this Infinity token.


On the Challenges Faced by OST Organizing Resources & Finances


It is a foundation. And more and more people are getting excited about it.

It’s taken a little while for the crypto heads and the, you know, those kind of people that are so stuck in Bitcoin mind. It’s just, it’s sickening. But they’re starting to realize how faulty and how insane that world is. And how sane and safe our world is.

And that penny is starting to drop for people to say, wow, hold on, this is a far more safer environment. I invest in this. I contribute in this. And I’m gonna talk to you more about our additional investment tokens we’re about to launch related to the businesses and the profits of the businesses.

So this is an infinite potential for growth on every level you can image. And it’s a safe environment, completely safe.

Blockchain. Membership protected. Investor protected. Members protected. Everyone is protected. No one can ever run away with you. No one can collapse it. No one can collapse your investment. The stock markets can’t collapse it.

It is bulletproof, right? So it’s controlled by the people and the members.

Right now we can determine the value of the Infinity token. That’s how we actually launched the Infinity token. We launched it at $1.00.

Based on the value — the launch value was actually $40 and the reason we can say that is because the average three hours of labour — If you had to work in the United States or Europe or — and some of the Western countries — where you looked at all the different possible scenarios. So for a three-hour shift you would earn on average $40, U.S. dollars. For a three hour shift.

So that is in real life, real terms, the true value of the Infinity Token. It’s $40. Right? And we launched it at $1.00.

So at this stage, it is grossly undervalued. So anyone that buys the Infinity Token now is buying it at an incredibly discounted rate because it’s going up and up and up towards $40. Whether the people like it or not, that’s what the true value of it is.

And then it’ll just go higher and higher. And the reason it’s gonna go higher and higher is that because — there’s an algorithm. We created an algorithm. Our programmers created an algorithm to determine the value of the token.

So it’s not just me sitting here deciding what the value is. The algorithm is linked to the issuing of the tokens. And basically every time one of our members — every time a member joins and every time members contribute their three hours, the blockchain picks up on it and it increases the value of the token by my minute little fraction.

So if we have a few hundred members working and contributing, it goes up slowly. If we have a few thousand members, it goes up faster. Once we have a dozen thousand or 100,000 members, watch the value of the Infinity token go higher and higher. Very, very quickly and steadily.

And then finally the other true value of the token, which is really playing games with people’s minds is this one:

So imagine you now live in a small town situation where we’ve created really abundance and utopia for ourselves. We’re growing vast amounts of food. We’re keeping a portion of the food for ourselves. The rest of the food we sell, to export internationally. We bring the dividends back. We distribute our dividends.

We build laptops and fridges and bicycles and nail clippers. And bread and milk and cheese. And I mean everything you can imagine. Because that’s what we do, we choose to do it. It’s our decision. Right?

And now the more we grow and build and create, the more we’re gonna have every week and every month.

Where do we put it? We have to put it somewhere, right? So this suddenly gave birth to the One Small Town superstore, like a Walmart. So suddenly we open a superstore that belongs to the people, the community.

But because everything we put in there, we have manufactured, we have grown, and made the bread and milk and bicycles and laptops, whatever. Whatever goes into the One Small Town superstore is made by us. That means we can sell it for a much cheaper price than Walmart or anybody else.

You see the interesting situation that’s developing here. Right? So even the greedy, multinational retailers are gonna not be able to compete with our own retail store — that makes all our products and food available to everyone that wants to buy.

They come in there and they buy in fiat currency. They don’t buy it in tokens. They pay dollars or pounds or whatever. And this is where we get fiat currency and cash to still manage and meet the needs in a in a system.

So we are not jumping out of the system. We are still using, you know, profits in cash and euros and everything to help distribute to the people, so they can still live in this crazy world we find ourselves in.

But slowly, but surely, we’ll transition into a whole new world in which that money is no longer needed.

But, this is how it works. So the benefits to members of One Small Town, there are three benefits.

First one, you get tokens. Every time you can do about 3 hours, you get a token in your digital wallet. You can contribute up to three hours a day. So in one month you can earn 31 tokens. The maximum you can earn in a month — 31 tokens a month.

Or, minimum, to get your benefits, one token per week, right? So one three-hour shift a week. That’s a minimum you have to contribute to get the labor, the free labor force, that we know we can allocate people towards a number of businesses. So we know we’ve got the labor force to perform certain tasks.

And the second benefit we give to ourselves from the One Small Town is all the profits from all the businesses are pooled collectively and distributed evenly to all the members.

So you don’t have to work — Just because you worked in the bakery and you didn’t work in the in the stables doesn’t mean that you’re not going to get benefit from the stables. You get benefit from everything because you’ve contributed towards your businesses in your community.

So you’ve pooled — The One Small Town initiative is a is not a bartering trade, a one-to-one exchange. It is a one-to-many exchange. 

I contribute towards the well-being of my community. So does everybody else. And therefore we share in everything that we create. And we distribute it evenly to all of us. That’s why it’s called contributionism.

So I benefit from everybody’s input and they benefit from my input and that’s why it’s such a perfect leveling of the playing fields.

So even if you’re a surgeon and your doing brain surgery for three hours, you’re still going to get one token. And if I’m cutting the the lawn or draining the sewage pipes in the hospital, I get the same token that you get as a surgeon, because if the sewage pipes aren’t cleaned, you ain’t doing any surgery. Right?

So this is the absolute leveling of the playing field. Everybody’s treated equally and their contribution is valued equally. And that’s what most people truly appreciate because now they feel appreciated for who they are and what they do, not diminished because they’re doing some measly work.

But the third thing — the benefits that we get — is at the end of each month —

So it’s the tokens, the dividends, the distribution of the profits and then the basket of goods. Every month at the end of the month, you go to the One Small Town superstore. And all the food that we’ve created, we keep keep a portion of everything that we do. Whether its laptops, we make a limited number of laptops to distribute to our members. The rest is sold. If it’s bread or cheese or milk or corn flour or whatever.

So you go to the One Small Town superstore. You put in your membership card. And it prints out a ticket and says this month you get a bag of this, you get a bicycle, you get nail clippers, you get a helmet or whatever it is that we created.

So you go there and get your basket of goods for free. The only thing you have to sacrifice is one Infinity token. That’s to show that you received your basket of goods.

Alright, now obviously every month we’re going to distribute food. Food is number one. So you’re always going to have food distributed to all our people. So they never, ever go hungry.

And there’ll be building materials. There’ll be bricks and cement and God knows what. Windows and doors and, you know. Who knows what we’re going to be manufacturing. It could be a car.

So what is the value of that one Infinity token that you’ve had to sacrifice to get your basket of goods?

The value of that token is the total value of the basket of goods that you just received. And the people will know this. My God, for one token he got all the stuff that doesn’t add to the value of the token on the algorithm. But in the minds of the people, the people know that that’s what the value of the token is.

So just to understand, we didn’t include the value of the basket of goods into the algorithm of the value of the token, because the moment we do that we breach the Securities and Exchange Act. So suddenly we’re dealing in Securities and Exchange and we can’t do that.

So I’m just telling you how complex this has been and how many different things we’ve had to think about not to break the law. And yet give the people as many benefits as they possibly can get. And make the Infinity token very, very lucrative around the world.



Emil, go ahead. You’ve been silent.


Sometimes you should talk and sometimes you should just be quiet. And I think this is a time to be quiet, to be perfectly honest.

My role in this is to be Michael’s disciple in Sweden. I’m trying to, not trying, going to start One Small Town in Sweden. And I’m the ambassador for Sweden. That’s my role in this. I’m going to be on the ground, and, yeah, make sure that we get it all the way through. Make it happen.

OST Not Dependent on the System — Inside the System But Disconnected From It


So what I gather from this, Michael, is that the One Small Town idea can exist inside the system but disconnected from it. It has some connections, but it isn’t dependent on the system.

You’re totally self-sufficient if I understand you correctly. But you’re still complying with the rules and regulations of that, I believe, collapsing system so that through this transition period you can already build these One Small Towns.

And when the time comes and the system collapses, which it sure will, then you can do your own thing completely without being bound by any rules and regulations outside of the One Small Town ideas, right?


Changing the Way People Think: 


Yeah, that’s exactly it. And that’s how we call it One Small Town and not one small settlement. Because, you know, when people think that we’re, you know, we’re going out buying a piece of land and building houses. No, no, no, no, no. That’s a failed system. That doesn’t work.

There are very exclusive potential situations in which it can work, but it’s a huge nightmare.

Why should we start from scratch? We have hundreds of thousands of small towns and villages around the world. We don’t have to build anything from scratch.

Towns exist. They have everything. All the infrastructure. They have halls and factories and streets and sewage and electricity and farms and everything we need.

All we need to do is change the way the people think. And realize that if we just cooperate and collaborate, anything becomes possible. So I want to come back to the potential of the small towns.

If you look at any international corporation. The average annual turnover of a company that has 4,000 or more employees is $1 billion or more per annum.

Just let that sink in. I’d like your viewers to think about what I’m saying here.

So if you have an international company of 4,000 employees that work in a 9-to-5, with all the expenses that come with them and the offices, and all the crap and the corporate stuff, and et cetera. All the labor costs. Four thousand employees. Your average minimum turnover is $1 billion or more. Some of the companies I looked at it doing $16-$20 billion turnover per annum with four or five thousand employees.

Can you imagine what we can achieve with 10,000 members in a One Small Town situation where each one of our members contributes three hours a week? And some of them three hours a day.

Because now they’re not just employees at a company wasting time, wasting company resources. Taking this home. Taking that home, you know. Suddenly we have members of the community that are co-owners of that business, that are shareholders in that business, that depend on the profit of that business. That take that business and approach it very, very differently.

So when they go and contribute their three hours towards that business, they do it with a very different mindset.

One Small Town Businesses as Investment Opportunities

Suddenly, as an investor, if I invest into a business in a small town, I — the investor, by the way, can never own more than 30% of the business. That’s the maximum that we allow.

So the business plans are set up so that investors invest the funding capital and they retain 30% of the business. The 60% belongs to the community because the community does the work, the labor. And 10% is retained for the One Small Town management locally, nationally and internationally. Because, you know, that’s how we’re going to be able to have funds to keep running the different One Small Town offices.

There is no money coming into those offices other than the success of the businesses created by the small town businesses. So it’s the bottom up, not top down.

Well, it’s again an example how the people, the people power, create the success on every level.

So as an investor from outside, my investment, I go into partnership with an entire community. That means every member of that community is my partner. And wants my business to succeed as much as they want it to succeed, or as much as I want it to succeed, because they have a vested interest in the profits.

So this is a game changer on every possible level.

The other big thing that we’ve done, that we’re about to do, is to start issuing investor tokens, and this is a way to allow communities themselves to crowd fund their own businesses.

So every business plan — so this is how it works:

We get together. You launch One Small Town in your community. You become the ambassador. You start signing up members and every member that you sign up pushes the value of the Infinity token a little bit more. You start doing this.

You have a creative think tank with your members. What kind of businesses can we start? What kind of businesses can we start with very little money, if any? What kind of businesses can we do business plans for that we need, you know, maybe $10,000, $50,000, $100,000? And what kind of businesses cost us $5 million or $10 million? And what kind of businesses do we think we can start when it cost us $100 million or more? And start developing these business plans because we gotta think big.

How much food can we grow? How much land is available?

We have different models to go into partnerships with farmers and land owners and traditional leaders in the Americas and countries where you have traditional leaders that own vast amounts of land.

Where very lucrative and exciting partnerships for the land owners, for farmers, even municipalities and governments if they’re not using the land.

So we start coming up with ideas for the businesses. And then we start writing business plans for those businesses. Those business plans get loaded onto the One Small Town platform and they get connected to a project management system that gets connected to an accounting system. Just so that it’s online and all your accountants can use it. Plus it’s all free of charge. There’s no cost to any other One Small Town members.

And then the project management system is connected to the accounting system. And the accounting system then allocates the investment funds to that specific business on a monthly drawdown based on what the business plan requires.

So it is a completely transparent situation that everyone can see what’s going on. No one can steal the money and run away with it.

And to come back to the investment thing. (So, Emil, if you want to say anything, just raise your hand and I’ll let you chip in.)

But the key thing here is that every business plan will need the investment amount. So we want to allow our communities, or give the opportunity to the people in our communities, to become shareholders in their own businesses first. And not some outside rich people that always own the businesses in your town.

So every business that we start that lands up on the platform, we issue a token. If it’s, say, a dairy — we’re starting a dairy. So we issue 1,000,000 dairy tokens for the town of Nora.

Let’s use our example town in Sweden. We decide we’re gonna start a One Small Town dairy and we need to raise $2,000,000 to start that business. And run for two years until we become profitable.

We need to raise $2,000,000. So we issue 1,000,000 Nora dairy tokens at $2.00 each to raise $2,000,000.

So we’re never gonna release more or less than 1,000,000 tokens for any business, right? And the million tokens will then have a value based on how much we need to raise. So we’re going to issue 1,000,000 tokens at $2.00 each to fund the Nora dairy. And then we open that up to all our members in Nora to buy those tokens. So they become shareholders in that business. That funding is 30% of that business.

So I literally am buying a piece of 30% by the number of tokens that I’ve bought. And those tokens — now you’re benefiting in two ways. Now you earn a token and you’re getting annual dividends, profits, from that dairy. So you got two benefits here.

You’re not just a shareholder, you’re also a token holder. And that token might become a lot more valuable than the dividends from that dairy at some point in the future.

So you see what we’re doing here? We’re really, really using the tools of enslavement as tools of liberation on every possible level.

This is just explaining how we are about to fund some of the exciting new businesses. If we can’t raise the $2,000,000 for the dairy, then we open it up to the country. And hopefully we’ll raise it from the people in the rest of the country. If we can’t raise it there, then we open it up to the world. And this way we try and retain the investment from the people of the community first. Then the country. And then the rest of the world. To keep the money local.

So it’s not just ‘buy local’. Like a lot of towns and communities are going ‘buy local’, ‘buy local’. We’re doing a lot more than that.

We invest local, manufacture local, grow local, buy local, export local and bring in the profits into our community to benefit us locally.


How Will OST Protect Itself from Mr. Global?: “The system is rigged to always destroy humanity.”


You know, Dexter is not just a lawyer, he’s an economist too. So he’ll ask the questions that concern the economics or the money, the monetary system.

I have one question in particular.

It is almost certain that the other side — Mr. Global, that world which is about to collapse, but it’s still there — that they’re going to try and do everything in their power to stop this from evolving. Infiltrate. Invent all kinds of legal or whatever rules.

How are you going to protect yourselves against that?


Yeah, it’s a very important question. And this is why I made it very clear right up front — is that we don’t fight the system. Because the moment we start fighting the system, we’re gonna lose.

People need to understand this. You cannot beat the system. The system is rigged to always destroy humanity, so we can’t fight them.

So we are playing by their rules. We’re using their tools. We’re using their money. We’re using the banks. We’re using the legal systems, using everything that they’ve created to enslave us. But we’re using that to now benefit us and help us.

That’s why I call it — We’re using the tools of enslavement as tools of liberation.

And in every small town —

I jumped — I actually digressed a little bit earlier when I spoke about what is the potential of the profits being made in a small town.

So right now our objective is that any town of 10,000 people or more should be turning over — through the businesses that they start — should be turning over $1 billion, a minimum $1 billion per annum.

If you’re not doing that, then you’re doing something wrong.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but that’s our goal. That’s our objective. That’s where we’re heading.

And you know, money talks, bullshit walks. Unfortunately, that’s the world we live in.

And the stronger our communities become financially, the more difficult it is to knock them over or to undermine them. So every One Small Town community needs to become as financially strong as quickly as possible. Because then it’s very difficult to infiltrate, to overturn, to undermine, because that financial strength in fiat currency becomes the strength of that community — to stand united and protect that wealth that they’ve created for themselves while they’ve got this whole other wealth behind them.

There’s infinite supply of food and technology. And I’m not even going to talk about the other technology, but just to let you know that we have all the technology you can imagine that will be implemented in these small towns.

I’ll let your imagination run wild. I’m not even going to mention the technology, because that gets dangerous.


Well, I would think, Michael, that as I am absolutely convinced that all the creative people with all the intuition, and all that what makes us human, are on our side of the fence, they will be attracted to this.

And therefore there will be competition between the One Small Town concept and the other side. But they can’t win.

I mean, they’re collapsing anyhow. But if this kind of a competition sets in, there’s no one there to support their ideas and their systems because they don’t have any ideas. All the people with the ideas are going to be on our side of the fence.

So it does look very, very promising.

I’ll have to look into this in much more detail, of course, and I will, but that’s exactly what we’ve been talking about for at least three years.

You’ve been dealing with this for much longer. But many people who have only woken up through this wake-up call — which corona is, as far as I’m concerned — they will, all of them, have understood that the system will not survive.

And we have to get out from under it, so to speak, and we have to create our own. And this sounds extremely promising.

What do you think, Dexter, as an economist?


On the Importance of Decentralization & Safeguards Against Future Centralization


I completely agree with you, Reiner. One of the words that basically comes to mind is decentralization.

Based on what you have said, Michael, I want to find out how are you going to ensure that your initiative is not gonna get to a point where everything is centralized.

Because that’s one of the biggest obstacles that humanity is actually faced with, especially when one has regard to huge, big corporate companies. Their main goal, and that’s basically for the elite, is to say we have to centralize because when we centralized we can then control.

So from what you’ve said, you confirmed that power, authority, sovereignty is basically given back to the people.

So then the big question is how are you going to ensure at all times that there is not going to be a point where one will actually have to deal with a centralization issue itself?



A very important question, Dexter. And this is why it’s taken so long to develop the system and learn from our experiences and answer questions like this.

You know, I have — since 2005 I have done lectures in more than 35 countries, probably in more than 500 cities of the world.

I’ve done evening lectures, one-day workshops, weekend workshops and week-long workshops on the One Small Town. And so you can imagine how many questions I’ve faced over the years.

And I can tell you there has never, ever, ever been a time that, within the group of people participating in the One Small Town workshop, that we did not solve the problem that was brought up by the people in that meeting, in that workshop.

So this is the most exciting thing that I can share with you. So think about this.

Decentralization is really — this is the foundation of One Small Town, where every community is its own master. But we’ve created the platform and the blockchain through which all these communities are interconnected. That if that community in Cape Town suddenly needs — they realize that we haven’t grown enough apples for next season, then the system is used to put up there ‘we’re going to be short 200,000 apples’. And some other One Small Town up in Caribou or whatever is gonna say, ‘hey, we’ve created too many apples’. And they put it up there. So it becomes an exchange mechanism between the small towns.

And that exchange mechanism becomes free because this is part of the ethos of the One Small Town initiative.

Not only that, but one of the most exciting and attractive attributes of this, or benefits, is that if you’re a member of One Small Town in Germany, right, and you decide you want to come visit your cousin in Cape Town or outside of Cape Town somewhere for a few months, you arrive there and you go to the town and it happens to be a One Small Town. So you arrive at the One Small Town office. You give them your membership card. They scan it and they know exactly what you have contributed and what value you have presented to your small town in Germany, where your skills and abilities are. If you’re a master carpenter that you are training others, you know young students, to become carpenters, or you’re a master cake maker or an engineer or whatever.

They know exactly who you are and what you can contribute to their small town outside of Cape Town. And they say, ‘hi, welcome, Michael. Welcome to our town’. And they log you on to the system as a member of that specific town, and immediately, based on your experience, the blockchain then allocates you to where you are most needed with your special skills, abilities and talents.

And you start that week. You get a message on your phone, saying please, you know, report here for three hours. Or you can then tell them I’d love to teach art. Or I’d love to teach this. And then they’ll log you in as a teacher that’s going to be teaching this. And for that you get your tokens. And at the end of the month you go to the One Small Town superstore, get your food and everything else that you get in your basket and you get a portion of all the profits, dividends, from all the businesses — profits that we’ve created in our businesses.

So you can literally move to another town anywhere in the world slot into that community and be able to not just survive, but live very, very well, have everything you need and be respected and honored within that community from the moment you arrive because the people know what you’re contributing to their community.

So it is a completely decentralized system. No one can ever centralize this. It’s impossible.


On the Threat of Track & Trace Technology


What about the dangers of tracking and tracing with this system?


Well, that’s a very important question. And those dangers will always be there.

And my answer to questions like this is, the same technology that is used to track and trace people is available to neutralize the tracking and tracing technology.

And we know those kind of people. We have the people that can cure disease. We have the people that know how to generate electricity.

They are many. They are all on our side.

They all participating in larger and larger numbers, but that’ll come out of the woodwork as this thing progresses.

And that includes telecommunication. It includes, you know, frequencies. It includes broadcasting. It includes everything.

The same people that work for these big telecommunication companies are just ordinary people that may have started out in a small town somewhere. And they are thousands and thousands and thousands of very smart people that do not like the system.

And the moment they have an opportunity to do something good for a small community that they want to be part of, guess what they’re going to choose.


Then I want to find out, Michael, when it comes to the value of the Infinity token, I’ve heard you actually say it can actually be pegged to the dollar. And we know — it’s common knowledge — the dollar, when we talk about the dollar, we talk about the fiat currency.

And I think that’s one of the major concerns for humanity as well.

Is it going to be possible at some point that your Infinity token can actually be pegged to any mineral commodity like gold, silver, diamonds, etc.?


Yes, it is. The only reason we pegged it to the dollar is just to give people the perception of the value.

The token is infinitely powerful because somebody just worked for three hours. So, you know, how much value is somebody’s three hours worth? And imagine a million people around the world working three hours a week?

Imagine 20 million or 100 million people working three hours a week. By the time we get to that level, the value of the token becomes irrelevant really, quite frankly.

You see, so what we’re doing is transitioning from this system, the current system, into a new system. And with that transitioning, using the current banking systems and the ratios and rationale that people can relate to.

But as it grows and gets bigger and bigger, people pay less and less attention to the value of the token, because they’ll be exchanging the token between themselves.

Out of sight. Out of mind. No one can interfere with how many tokens I send you. It’s free. It’s instant.

I send it from my wallet to your wallet. You can give me your house. You can sell me your house. I’ll send you 1,000 tokens and you transfer the house to my name, you know. So people will be doing all kinds of trades.

But for me, the most important part is for the people at the lowest level, the people that have nothing. And you know, South Africa. This is a very important part for South Africa.

So my heart always looks at how do we handle third world situations or impoverished countries where people have nothing. They don’t have jobs. Most of our towns have 60-70-80% unemployment.

You know, the people in Europe can’t imagine that kind of situation. So it’s a very different situation.

So we start looking at community kitchens. Something as simple as a finding a hall where a church has already got a kitchen. The church becomes a member of the One Small Town community. Now when they cook food for the people, they’re actually getting an Infinity token. They’re a member of One Small Town.

When we start making dividends from our businesses, each one of those church members starts to receive dividends and Infinity tokens and everything else.

So it brings the community together. The food community kitchen becomes the heart of the community. Where those that have nothing — they wake up in the morning with nothing — they at least now have somewhere to go.

They can join and go and clean the streets. Or help in this business or that business. And at the end of a three hour shift they get their token and they go to the community kitchen and get a nice plate of food.

So that’s a life changer for people in those kind of situations. You know, first world countries don’t understand that.

We understand that very, very clearly here. And in Brazil and India and other countries like that, you know.

So I’m very, very passionate about those kind of things — that foundational, beautiful structure that really helps the people on the ground in the One Small Town initiative.


Can you mentioned just a few examples here in South Africa, whose got the Small Town initiatives, Michael?


Yes. So we started out in Kuruman. And we got very excited in Kuruman, because we had the mayor there that really liked the idea. And we all believe that it was gonna work because the mayor and the council is going to help promote it to the people and so forth.

Well, you know, unfortunately — and I don’t want to speak ill of the mayor or anyone there, because there are some wonderful people there, and they truly — their heart was in it.

Unfortunately the political system prevented it from happening. You know, meeting after meeting, council meeting after council meeting, resolution after resolution. And six months later, nothing is happening. And that was our baptism by fire — to learn that we cannot work with councils. We cannot work with politicians. We cannot work with mayors.

And there was just a reminder of why I got out of politics, why the Ubuntu movement and the One Small Town initiative got out of politics.

This was just a quick reminder.

So now we have a number of small towns that are brewing, that are buzzing. But ambassadors are still learning. And they’re trying to figure out how to how to get this off the ground. And this is brand new.

Remember, we’re building this from the ground up. You know this isn’t — we’re creating something that’s never been done before. So some some ambassadors are really a lot more active. Or they see it clearly or they have more experience.

So in Barrydale, Western Cape, that’s our newest One Small Town. And I expect that’s going to be the town that’s really going to rock and roll, and show and lead by example.

We’re doing so many exciting things in Barrydale already. And our ambassador there, Graham Abbott, is just an incredible guy — an incredibly talented and very, very experienced entrepreneur, self-driven guy.

And these are the kind of ambassadors that we need — people that are self driven, that have got diverse experience and all kinds of businesses and activities. How do you start things up? How to find solutions for problems that seem insurmountable? These are the kind of people we need as ambassadors because they’re the guys are going to start — the guys and gals — they’re going to start this thing up right.


I think that’s what it really — it is not always the leaders, the so-called leaders of a community you need to talk to.

But if it’s a really, a real grassroots movement, you have to talk to the people themselves.

We just realized that in New Zealand. You have to talk to the Hapu, the people themselves. Some of the leaders have sold out to the government, to the corporate government, so that’s why you need to get the hearts and minds of the people themselves.

I think that’ll make all the difference.


Examples of Current One Small Town Initiatives


Yeah, yeah, absolutely, right. We’ve learned the same. Exactly the same here.

So you know, every traditional leader in South Africa that we talked to just loves it. They they love it, they want it. They’re offering us land.

So in terms of land, especially in the areas that there’s loads of land available among the traditional leaders, we have a lot of land that we can go grow things.

So yeah, just to give you an example in Lebanon. By the way, Lebanon is by far the most the biggest success we have with One Small Town. Our ambassador there, Fayez Mu*** [spelling unknown], in the last nine months has performed miracles.

It’s truly spectacular what has happened. They have started the One Small Town Art Gallery. They’ve got lands that they’ve started to plant. All kinds of medicinal plants, including oregano, to extract oregano oil for medicinal purposes. It’s a very high profit yielding business.

They’ve they’ve got lots of land allocated to them, going into partnership with farmers to grow all kinds of other medicinal plants, medicinal honey. Beekeeping. All the products also made from from beekeeping. All health products and shampoos and soaps, et cetera.

They’ve got primary water in a very, very deep well that the water is absolutely beautiful and healthy. That’s been tested. That they are about to start bottling. As primary, healing water for bottling and export as a One Small Town product from Ras el-Metn, Lebanon. Like Fiji Water, you can buy everywhere in the world. Well, very soon you’ll be able to buy Ras el-Metn primary water.

They’ve started the art gallery, which is, and I’d love to talk to you about the art gallery, which — we’re changing the rules of selling art around the world completely. Which is one of my pet projects because I’m an artist at heart as well.

And the other big thing that we’re launching in Lebanon, in Ras el-Metn, is our first health and wellness center. A five-story building with some of the latest alternative healing modalities. Where 40 of the top doctors in Lebanon have have volunteered 30% of their time to come and help and work in this health and wellness center — and only take a small portion — only take a 30% cut of what they do for that health and wellness center.

This is unheard of, so we are opening the hearts and minds of medical professionals who — many of whom are just, you know, money driven and success driven.

We’re now finding those healers and health industry professionals that want to do good, that want to help people, that want to heal people. And this is going to be our first beautiful example of a health and wellness center.

We’re about to launch the health token. I think we’re gonna be launching 1,000,000 tokens for $5 because we need to raise $5,000,000. And again, we start locally and then go outwards and raise that $5 million for 30% of that of that investment.

And the business plan for that is mind blowing. It’s absolutely mind blowing. It’s incredibly detailed and the most exciting part of it is that it actually shows a profit of around $7 to $8 million just in the first year after launching. No, no, it’s crazy. It’s crazy.

So now that business plan has become a model for a health and wellness center for every other country, every other small town with with slight, obviously, adaptations for the new specific environment.

But now we have — this is how it’s going to happen. Every time we launch a new business plan for a certain situation, that business plan becomes the property of One Small Town members all over the world. They can take it and use it for their community to launch that business in their community, raise funds on an adapted version of that business plan for their community.

It could be a brewery, it could be a cement factory. It could be built making cornflakes. It could be whatever you can image.


So it’s the exchange of the best ideas then.


Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Yeah.


Michael, excuse me. You’ve been talking about the Infinite token. And I’m thinking do you have an app?


Yes, it’s not an app within the One Small Town website, One Small Town platform. It’s a secure blockchain platform environment, so it’s like an app within that.

In fact, I think, if I’m right we’re launching the digital wallet. It was either launched today or tomorrow, in the next day or two we’re launching the One Small Town digital wallet, which means that any member, anywhere in the world, if you’ve got Infinity tokens in there, you can send them free of charge, out of sight or mind of any bank or government, to anyone you want in the world, as long as they are a One Small Town member. It’s instant. And it’s for free (boom).

Let me tell you, I’ve seen this happen. The excitement that you experience and the joy when you see that happen, when somebody sits next to you, they say I’m going to send you Infinity token now. And they just click (boom) and it appears in your wallet. You go, ‘oh, my God’.

You just realized how powerful that is. You just realized that we have created an alternative trading system. An alternative exchange system.

Should the global banks collapse tomorrow, we already have a solution for it. We don’t have to build anything.

It exists, it’s ready. And anyone in the world can use it immediately. And it’s free.


On Using the Same Technology the Globalists Use to Control Us, to Liberate Us


So you’re using as you’re saying the tools of enslavement as tools of liberation. You’re using all of the tech, all of the available technology. But instead of what they’re doing — they’re using it to control us — you’re using it to liberate us.

That’s the ultimate goal of this. You’re simply making use —

Everything has two sides as we all know. You can use energy for good and for bad purposes.

So what you’re doing is you’re using all of the technology that they’re using for bad purposes for good purposes.

It’s a very simple approach, but it makes a lot of sense. And if you can protect —


That’s exactly what it is.

What I need to add — it’s very important that you brought us back to that thought — is because I’ve noticed that some of our members, and even sometimes people that want to become ambassadors —

(And historically some of our ambassadors that weren’t quite ready to take on the role, maybe because we also don’t know how to interview ambassadors. How do you know whether it’s going to be a good ambassador or a bad ambassador? We don’t know. We take a chance with everyone we bring on board. We’re building this from the ground up.)

So I’ve also noticed that many of our members — well not many — some of our members that are still little hippie-minded, little freedom-bunny-minded, and, you know I love spirituality — I’m the most spiritual bunny in the world if I want to be — but at the same time, I realize that that’s not going to put bread on the table. I need to go and plant the food, to make create the food.

So we’ve had to implement this very strict control mechanism. The way that corporations control their systems ,so no one can steal from them.

We’ve had to set this in motion and set this up for our members to use, so that they can’t get ripped off. No one can run off with their ideas or their money or their businesses.

And sometimes some of our slightly, you know, airy-fairy members don’t yet, don’t quite get it. They think that we now want to become draconian corporations that want to control everything.

No, not at all. We’re not controlling anything. We’re just giving you the platform to use for your own control and protection.

But if you want to be part of One Small Town, you have to be on the platform. Otherwise you can’t be part of One Small Town.

Otherwise, how will the system know whether your members have done work for three hours somewhere in a Siberian village? You’re out there in the Amazon jungle or in the bloody Outback in Australia. How will we know if somebody’s going to contribute their three hours?

So, just like you said. We’ve built this very powerful system, this tool, this monster that is aiding and helping the people to be able to connect and share. And no one can rip them off and no one can steal anything that they’ve created.

So it’s there for the benefit of the community, not for my benefit. Believe me, I’ve sacrificed everything I have to get to this stage. And when I say everything I have, I’m not kidding.


It sounds and looks great.

I will, and Dexter too, we will take a very close look so that we will be able to connect you with all the right people. Because
I think that’s ultimately what it takes.

This idea, if it is going to fly worldwide, needs a lot of supporters from our side of the fence.

The other side, we don’t care about, but from our side of the fence. And they have to be absolutely — they have to be convinced that it works.

And they have to be — I’m sure it work — but they also have to be convinced that it’s safe from infiltration and control.


An Idea Whose Time Has Come


Yeah, it’s very important. Thank you for saying that, Reiner.

And it’s people like you — and your influence is vast globally, obviously. Especially during this COVID era, you’ve become a a global celebrity on the social media.

So I’m very grateful that you took this interview or this conversation with us. With me and with Emil.

Thank you, Dexter, for participating. So you’re an absolute joy. I didn’t even realize that you were going to join us from South Africa. So it makes my makes my heart jump even more with joy. So it’s wonderful.

And this is working. It’s an idea whose time has come. It’s taken 17 years to get here.

But watch this space. It’s growing exponentially. And a year from now, who knows where we’re going to be.

We might have 100,000 towns signing up to the One Small Town initiative on the platform. Because the intention is that it becomes a completely automated process that we don’t have to intervene. And that’s why we’re working very, very hard to make sure that everything works — the platform, the blockchain, works.

Because once people want to sign up, it’s gotta be smooth. We can’t have gremlins in there.

Taking a Closer Look at the Technology & the Possibility of Surveillance


Yes, I can see that and the one thing that most people, when it comes to setting up your own self-sufficient systems, have been worried the most about is what do we do about the monetary system.

What about the —

We don’t want to be controlled by CBDC. We want to be absolutely free and not controlled by anyone.

Now, the tools you’re using can be used for two purposes. As I said before, for a good purpose and for a bad purpose.

And from what it sounds like — we’ll have to take a much closer look — but from what it sounds like you’re using it for a really good purpose. So that people will not have to be afraid that somebody is watching over their shoulder and trying to see what they’re doing 24/7.

That’s the one big worry that most people have. So we’ll have to convince them that there is no risk, no danger of this happening in this system.

Otherwise, I applaud you. This is great.

This is probably exactly what everyone’s been looking for from our side of the fence.


If I can put in a word with that whole fear. When you make everything local, that fear disappears.

But what happens if someone wants to take control of you when your local environment is running and functioning?

They can’t do it so. So the solution is simple.


Yeah, that’s a very important point to bring up.

Yeah, Reiner, thank you so much for your interest.

Thank you, Dexter.

If if you want to discuss anything at any stage, if you want to jump on a zoom call or quiz me on anything, please feel free to do so.

We’re building this up and we do need the influence of people like you, and all the others that you have in your pool of influence.

Let’s get this growing. Remember, this is free.

No one is forced to join One Small Town. And the beautiful thing is that you don’t have to jump off the cliff into uncharted waters to try something new.

No, nobody has to leave their job. Nobody has to stop doing what they’re doing. All they have to do is become a member and contribute three hours a week. That’s all it takes.

Getting More People on Board


It sounds so fantastic, but it also feels good.

So, we’ll have a follow up meeting on this, because we’re gonna have to get some more people on board. Some more people who really, really will be able to help set this up.

I know there are a lot of people out there who’ve been kind of waiting at the sidelines to see if there’s something coming up where they can chip in. A lot of very well-intentioned and very smart people.

But I think maybe this is it.


Those are the kind of people that I know you have, obviously, a good reach to. But even more so, I hope that this message also reaches the conscious millionaires and billionaires out there, who know that the investment markets are rotten to the core, that are looking for new conscious, humanitarian investments with consequence and infinite potential for growth.

One Small Town is exactly that. You’re investing into communities, entire communities, that you’re going to help turn upside down and turn into to hubs of creative creation, creative new businesses, food production, health and Wellness, everything you imagine as a powerful individual, powerful financial support. You can take a small town and completely turn it upside down.

From the small towns around the world that are collapsing at an increasingly rapid pace, we can turn that around. And we just need the conscious millionaires and billionaires to realize that One Small Town is that new opportunity that they never imagined would present itself.


The stock market is crashing anyway.


Thank you so much, Michael. I really love what you have presented.

I think for me, one of the core message is that you are basically, through your initiative, you are putting power back into the hands of the individual, back into the hands of the communities.

And I think it is going to be a great success, especially when actually talking from a South African developing country’s point of view. When you look at communities, communities are basically the backbone of any society.

So you cannot even start talking about the society if you don’t look after the best interest of communities.

And as far as what I can see, and to what you have presented, I don’t have any doubt in my mind that this is something that is going to be successful.

This is something that is going to ensure that humanity can continue to thrive for generations to come.

So I wish you all the best, and I am definitely going to take up your offer. I will get your contact details. I’ll actually visit your website as well, get in touch with you. And I would love to actually have another zoom meeting with you.

Thank you so much, Michael. Great success.


Thank you, Dexter.


I have nothing to add to that. Now that Dexter has said it, I can only confirm it.

Yeah, this sounds like the best idea. This is the way out of this collapsing system. That’s it.


Well, I’d like to thank you, gentlemen.

Emil, thank you for setting it up.

Dexter, thank you for joining us from Cape Town, I believe.

And Reiner, it’s a great honor and pleasure to meet you. I’ve followed your work especially throughout this COVID period, this, this plandemic. And I’m deeply grateful for this meeting.

And I want to end on this note.

If it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good at all.


You’re right.

Thank you very much, Michael. It’s been an honor and a pleasure. Talk to you later.


Connect with One Small Town

Connect with Michael Tellinger

Connect with ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee

Info on Infinity Tokens

(If you have trouble finding a workable link to buy tokens, try here.
Use the menu on the left side to select ‘Buy Tokens’)

See Related: 

One Small Town & the Restoration of Human Freedom: Michael Tellinger Interview With Jerm Warfare

Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity

Reiner Fuellmich: On Standing With the Māori People of New Zealand Who Never Ceded Their Independence

Cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist

“Covid” Vaccines Were Deployed by the US Department of Defense as “Countermeasure Prototypes” With No Safety Testing Required, Using the General Public as Guinea Pigs

“Covid” Vaccines Were Deployed by the US Department of Defense as “Countermeasure Prototypes” With No Safety Testing Required, Using the General Public as Guinea Pigs


“As if that news were not troubling enough, Katherine and Sasha learned that anyone who examines the contents of the vaccines vials can be legally punished for doing so. Pharmacists and doctors warned that the vials are property of the US government, so having the vials tested would expose them to criminal charges.”


The Military Authorized the Vaccine | Sasha Latypova

by James Patrick, Big Picture
July 22, 2023


I found Sasha Latypova through a colleague in Europe. The day I met Sasha at her villa in California, the skies were overcast, which correlated with the subject matter of the interview. Now retired, Sasha had had a very successful career as an independent contractor designing clinical trials for the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.

During our interview, I was stunned by some of the conclusions Sasha had reached regarding which government agencies actually authorized the vaccines. Through the COVID crisis, Sasha teamed up with a paralegal in Pennsylvania named Katherine Watt who conducted very thorough research that unearthed the legal framework through which the vaccines were approved and deployed. You can find her work here.

Katherine Watt discovered that the covid vaccines were authorized not by the FDA but by the US Department of Defense as countermeasure prototype demonstrations. This revelation ties in with a prior BIG PICTURE interview with Brook Jackson, who managed a piece of the Pfizer clinical trials for a Pfizer contractor, found fraud, and was fired for bringing the irregularities to the attention of her superiors. When Brook later sued the government for purchasing vaccines that were not properly FDA approved, the government’s response was that they were not FDA approved but approved instead by the DOD.

Coincidentally, Katherine Watt uncovered the existence of a joint Health and Human Services and Department of Defense program to combat bioterrorism or natural outbreaks through the rapid deployment of “countermeasure prototype demonstrations.” This is a shockingly broad term that basically means “anything whipped up by the military that they think may be of use.” In other words, they are rapidly whipped-up secret recipe military vaccines that require no approval other than the say so of the HHS secretary and his belief they may be of benefit. No testing needed, no clinical trials required.

The general public is now the unwitting guinea pig. This means all the COVID vaccines everyone has been receiving were actually produced by the military under a martial law legal structure and the public is being unwittingly injected with not just experimental vaccines, but with military prototypes that were never intended to receive any FDA approval.

This strange scenario explains why the regulators (FDA) behaved so strangely and why no one was ever punished for the rushed and fraudulently conducted clinical trials.

Operation Warp Speed was a military operation complete with sophisticated propaganda strategies. These psychological propaganda programs targeted films like my Planet Lockdown film. The public was encouraged to take the vaccines by psychological warfare units of the military. Yet it is illegal under the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act for the military to operate on US soil.

As if that news were not troubling enough, Katherine and Sasha learned that anyone who examines the contents of the vaccines vials can be legally punished for doing so. Pharmacists and doctors warned that the vials are property of the US government, so having the vials tested would expose them to criminal charges.

I must ask: If these are simply experimental vaccinations for a novel flu, why on god’s green earth are all these unusual measures needed? This is quite suspicious, and, in my experience, suspicious people tend to act suspiciously . . . and are up to something they don’t want you to know . . .

Please join me and learn just how Sasha discovered what she did, the logic she followed, and where it led her. I think you will understand why the truth disturbed her enough to come forward and share it with the world. She is committed to getting this information so that we cannot be fooled the next time a “pandemic” is announced.

 Video available at PlanetLockdown Odysee & Rumble channels.


Connect with Patrick James

Connect with Sasha Latypova

Connect with Katherine Watt

The Revolt of the Pawns

The Revolt of the Pawns

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 23, 2023


In early 1980, as the diplomatic fallout from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan began to play itself out on the grand chessboard, then-US President Jimmy Carter sent his National Security Adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to Pakistan to rally the mujahideen fighters waging jihad against the Russian invaders.

In the footage of that incident, Brzezinski can be seen helicoptering to a spot in the Khyber Pass on the Afghanistan border to address the Islamic fighters taking up arms against the Soviets. Assuring the assembled “freedom fighters” that their struggle will succeed, he raises a finger in the air in the direction of Afghanistan, proclaiming: “That land over there is yours. You’ll go back to it one day because your fight will prevail. And you’ll have your homes and your mosques back again because your cause is right and God is on your side.”

This was, as we now know, pure manipulative hogwash. Uncle Sam couldn’t have cared less about the fate of these fighters. The US government didn’t believe in their God and it didn’t care if they had their homes and their mosques back again. In fact, as Brzezinski himself has since admitted, the Soviet invasion had, in a sense, been a Western operation, the successful culmination of a covert US plan to lure the USSR into Afghanistan and slowly bleed the Red Army in a years-long proxy war.

In the infamous 1998 interview where Brzezinski confirmed this hidden truth, he was asked whether he regretted his role in fostering the rise of the Taliban and Al CIAda.

Regret what? That secret operation was an excellent idea. It had the effect of drawing the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? The day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, essentially: “We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam war.” Indeed, for almost 10 years, Moscow had to carry on a war that was unsustainable for the regime, a conflict that bought about the demoralization and finally the breakup of the Soviet empire.

These are not the words of a pious believer in the righteous struggle of Islamic freedom fighters. They are not even the words of an earnest Cold Warrior, blindly supporting anyone who could strike at his Soviet enemy. They are the words of the man who literally wrote the book on The Grand Chessboard—the words of a self-proclaimed geopolitical grandmaster who cooly calculates several moves ahead as he manipulates his pawns on the grand chessboard as part of a grand strategy to checkmate his opponent.

Last week I revealed how the would-be rulers of the world see the grand struggle for geopolitical dominance as a type of chess game and how people around the globe (including the mujahideen in Afghanistan) are treated as mere pawns in that game, to be used, abused and sacrificed in pursuit of the grandmasters’ aims.

This week I will examine the growing political awareness of the pawns in the grand chess game and show what it looks like when they strike back against their masters.

Global Political Awakening

In December of 2008, The International Herald Tribune published an op-ed on an important new sociopolitical phenomenon: “The Global Political Awakening.”

For the first time in history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. Global activism is generating a surge in the quest for cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world scarred by memories of colonial or imperial domination.

Now, if this were an op-ed by your average, run-of-the-mill political commentator, the prospect of a “global political awakening” would no doubt be celebrated as a hopeful development. Said commentator would then deftly transition into a pitch for how such an awakening could afford an exciting opportunity for the West to help human rights activists in Countries X, Y and/or Z overthrow their oppressive governments . . . with Countries X, Y and Z being prime targets on the US State Department’s regime change wishlist, naturally.

But this op-ed was not penned by your average political hack. No, it was authored by Zbigniew Brzezinski, the same arch-globalist insider (and arch-conspiracy theorist) who helped fund the mujahideen in the 1980s. For this grand chessboard grandmaster, the global political awakening is no cause for celebration. Rather, as he explained in a subsequent interview on the subject, it poses a threat to America’s global dominance and a challenge to all the kings on the global chessboard.

On the subjective level, this global political awakening is creating massive intolerance, impatience with inequality, with differentials in standards of living. It’s creating jealousies, resentments, more rapid immigration [. . .] Connected with that is a craving for respect for differentiated cultures and for individual dignity. Much of humanity feels that respect is lacking from the well-to-do.

Now, here’s the surprising thing: he’s not wrong. There is a global political awakening taking place. Fueled by the online revolution, impatience with inequalities and differentials in standards of living is rising. And, if the last several years of political history has taught us anything, it is that much of humanity is feeling a lack of respect from the well-to-do. This feeling has manifested in a worldwide populist movement that threatens to derail the globalist New World Order agenda, a point conceded by elitist institutions like the Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum, which have openly fretted about this rising populist movement in recent years.

In fact, Brzezinski’s “global political awakening” is not only as accurate a description of the global geopolitical situation today as it was when he first made it a decade and a half ago, it is—if anything—even truer today than it was in the bygone era of Hope and Change Obama.

Naturally, this awakening is informed by different issues in different countries and takes different forms in different corners of the globe, but there’s no doubt that the global political awakening is accelerating and people are reaching a breaking point.

Just take a look at France. The country has been on fire (literally) for months now as nationwide protests against proposed changes to the country’s pension system have spilled over into fiery protests against police violence that even targeted government officials.

Or take Israel, where Prime Minister Netanyahu is under the greatest pressure of his political career for trying to shove through a deeply unpopular judicial reform that would weaken the power of the country’s Supreme Court. Protesters have been in the streets, blocking roads and setting fires in opposition to Netanyahu’s efforts and, in the latest development, over a thousand reservists in the Israeli Air Force are threatening to stop serving if the reform goes ahead.

Or witness the turmoil in Africa, where weeks of antigovernment rallies in Kenya have culminated in deadly riots that show no signs of abating and where a crackdown on political opposition in Senegal has sparked similarly violent protests.

Then there’s the wave of farmer protests that, as I documented in a series of articles last summer, have swept around the world as the globalist net zero agenda starts to clamp down on the act of farming. The demonstrations have brought unrest and disruption not only to Sri Lanka—where protesters stormed the prime minister’s office and literally chased the president out of the country—but also to usually quiet countries like the Netherlands and Ireland.

Heck, you know there’s a global political awakening underway when Canada, of all places, becomes the site of a dramatic freedom convoy and an equally dramatic declaration of emergency powers by Trudeau’s increasingly embattled government.

Yes, Brzezinski was quite right when he pointed out that a global political awakening was underway. The real question, of course, is what such an awakening means for our future.

It is easy to see how the prospect of an increasingly politically engaged public (let alone an increasingly agitated one) is detrimental to the aims of geopolitical strategists like Brzezinski. After all, to the Brzezinskis of the world, the people are just pawns to be used, manipulated and, ultimately, sacrificed in service of a greater geopolitical agenda. (Or, in Kissinger’s infamous formulation, military men are “dumb, stupid animals to be used” as pawns for foreign policy.)

When the pawns begin to fight back, however, the chess game comes to a screeching halt. How can the self-declared grandmasters go about conquering squares on the chessboard, after all, when their own pieces are fighting against them?

One can just picture the war hawks observing this mass awakening and fretting over their carefully crafted grand chessboard strategems. “Why won’t these pawns simply shut up and do what they’re told?! It would make everything so much easier!”

Unfortunately for us, Brzezinski and his ilk not only saw the development of this global political awakening, they also envisioned a way to contain it.

And, even more unfortunately for us, the elitists’ plan for putting a lid on this populist awakening does not end well for us “pawns.”


If the sight of these protest movements sweeping the globe seems familiar to you, that’s because it is.

As you’ll recall, I wrote an article in November 2019 about the political turmoil then engulfing nations around the world, from Bolivia to Chile to France to Hong Kong to Iraq. “Your Guide to a World on Fire” documented how the global political awakening seemed to be coming to a head and mused on whether the fiery uprisings signaled that “the Old World Order of neoliberal globalism under Pax Americana is finally coming apart at the seams.”

Of course, as we now know, that optimism was premature. The globalists always have tricks up their sleeve to fend off their demise. In this case, they chose to pull the scamdemic card and we all saw the immediate result: the fiery protests of 2019 came to a grinding halt at the beginning of 2020, when social distancing and locking ourselves in our own home were suddenly instituted as the prime civic virtues.

That the grandmasters of the global chessboard would unleash one of the largest psyops ever perpetrated on humanity for the purpose of containing the global political awakening should not be surprising. Actually, it should be comforting. It shows us that they’re still attempting to control the masses.

When and if that strategy begins to fail, however, there is a much darker option at their disposal.

You see, Brzezinski’s op-ed about the global political awakening was not written for the global press. It was a summary of a speech that he delivered at Chatham House. For those not in the know, Chatham House is the headquarters of the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the Council on Foreign Relations’ sister organization in London.

The speech from which Brzezinski’s global awakening observation derives—titled “Major Foreign Policy Challenges for The New US Presidency” and delivered on November 17, 2008—was, like most of the RIIA’s proceedings, not intended for the general public. However, a recording of the speech was later leaked online. What it reveals about the globalists’ thinking on the matter of a people’s uprising is downright bone-chilling.

The lecture began innocuously enough, with Brzezinski mouthing the usual, trite foreign policy clichés about how American leadership “has been essential to global stability and to global development” and warning that Obama’s incoming administration faces challenges from a number of global crises. So far, so boring.

But then he transitions into the main theme of his talk: the global political awakening and what is to be done about it.

While the lethality the lethality of their power is greater than ever, their [the major powers’] capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at an historical low. I once put it rather pungently (and I was flattered that the British foreign secretary repeated this) as follows: namely, in earlier times it was easier to control a million people—literally, it was easier to control a million people than, physically, to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. [Emphasis added]

And then, just in case his audience missed it, he reiterated the point: “It is easier to kill than to control.”

This blood-curdling pronouncement is delivered, as with most of Brzezinski’s pronouncements, in a detached way, as if he were reporting on the weather in New Delhi or the results of last night’s baseball game. And why should he become emotional when discussing the possibility of a global leadership losing its control of the people and deciding to unleash megadeath on the population? After all, he’s simply pointing out a self-evident truth about the way power operates in our society and the lengths to which the psychopaths leading the kakistocracy must be willing to go in order to maintain their power.

As the global political awakening starts to take shape and the masses can no longer be placated with QAnonsense or kept in their homes by scamdemic psyops, then the rulers of the grand chessboard always have the final option: mass murder. Whether that mass murder takes the form of a WWIII or the release of an actual bioweapon or some other method entirely is of little consequence. What matters is that if and when there is a true threat to the rule of the powers-that-shouldn’t-be, they will take Brzezinski’s dictum to heart.

Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.

Ending the Game

It is easy to see why geopolitical strategists find the grand chessboard analogy so appealing. It accurately embodies their vision of the globe as a space to be dominated by one team or another and it provides them with useful strategems for achieving their geopolitical goals. They can employ gambits, sacrifice pawns, formulate plans that involve anticipating their opponents’ next moves, etc.Perhaps most important of all, the chessboard metaphor flatters these narcissists’ intellect. Only these gifted grandmasters understand this intricate game of geopolitics in all its multivariate complexity, after all, and only they are capable of crafting strategies for winning that game.

But in examining the war hawks moves on the global chessboard, we run the risk of forgetting that this is only a metaphor. People are not pawns. This is not a game. We are talking about real people living real lives, not plastic pieces on a chessboard.

In fact, when we adopt the chess analogy, we are unwittingly playing into the globalists’ hands. If the globe really is a grand chessboard and we really are engaged in a struggle for dominance over it, then we’re compelled to adopt that mindset ourselves and come up with a strategy for winning the game game.

“If only us pawns could form our own team! Then we could take over the chessboard, sacrifice the kings and queens and subject the rooks and the bishops and the knights to our will! Then we could run the global chessboard the way we want!”

But to begin thinking in those terms is to fall into a trap. We find ourselves playing the geopolitical game on the grandmasters’ own terms. Whether we adopt the “vote harder” strategy of the statists or the violent revolution strategy of the rioters or we start volunteering to become pawns for the “other” team—as those who promote the false BRICS-as-saviours narrative would have us do—we lose.

The political game is rigged. It is a contest for power where it is not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes. Even more to the point, it is a distracting puppet theater, a shadow play on the cave wall that is put in front of us to divert our attention from the ways that power really operates in society.

The violent revolution strategy is similarly doomed to fail. Brzezinski merely stated what many authoritarians already realize: it is easier to kill than to control. It follows that these autocrats will not hesitate to unleash the apocalypse if they ever feel genuinely threatened by a mass uprising. Given that the very forces we oppose are the ones sitting on the nuclear stockpiles and the bioweapons labs and the increasingly automated armed forces, and given that they have spent decades building up the machinery of technological tyranny under the “homeland security” paradigm in case of just such an uprising, is there any doubt who would win such a contest?

And the idea of “switching sides” and joining the “other” team on the grand chessboard? Even if the BRICS team were fundamentally different from the NATO team (it isn’t), we’d still be no more than pawns on the board.

No, none of these strategies suffice. The only winning move in this game is the least popular one of all: to reject the game entirely.

The planet is not a chessboard. It does not consist of squares to be divvied up and occupied by competing teams. It is not populated by chess pieces to be manipulated by this or that player in service of some grand geopolitical agenda.

It is a world filled with people who can choose at any time to start interacting with each other directlyfree of controlling middle men, to transact in a currency of their own choice, for goods and services of their own making, without the need for any globalist power structure.

Life is not a win/lose struggle for domination of a fixed chessboard. Life is a win/win quest for cooperation on an ever-expanding pie.

Society does not require a top-down order imposed by an authoritarian elitist class who, by virtue of some magical political ritual, is able to impose its will on others without their consent. Rather, a thriving society requires the spontaneous order that develops when everyone is free to form voluntary relations based on mutual consent.

We are not pawns on a chessboard to be used in a struggle for political dominance and we do not need to win any grand chess game in order to take control of our lives. We are human beings finding ways to live with other human beings on a fertile, living planet. It is not until we completely reject the mindset of the Brzezinskis and the Kissingers and the other self-styled grandmasters of the so-called grand chessboard that we can truly begin to take our power back.

We do not need to take over the chessboard. Instead, we need to withdraw our participation from this “game” entirely. The would-be grandmasters can’t play their game if we won’t be their pawns.

The grand game of global geopolitical chess, it turns out, is a funny game. The only winning move is not to play.


Connect with James Corbett

Cover image credit: Positive_images

Jon Rappoport: What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates

Jon Rappoport: What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates


“The truth is, no one can get to health through vaccinations. If a person is sickly, vaccines won’t help. If he’s healthy, he doesn’t need vaccines.

“The bad news is, vaccines destroy. Whether it’s the so-called adjuvants they put in the shots, the goop they think are pieces of viruses (that don’t exist), the preservatives, the lipid nanoparticles, the coatings on the particles, the little segments of RNA—the injections attack the body. In all sorts of ways. In all sorts of places.”


What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates
Dispatches from the vaccine war

by Jon Rappoport
July 19, 2023


When I think about what piece to write next, or when for the moment my tank is empty, I come up with VACCINES. That’s the subject.

It’s been that way for a long time.

I could be accused of having a grand obsession, but this isn’t the case. I’m responding to the civilizational obsession with vaccination.

At the same time, it IS personal. Because of the outrage I feel, watching medical storm troopers who have been on the march for more than a hundred years.

Watching their arrogance, their blunt stupidity, their “rational” madness. As they keep marching and invading.

If we were living in an absolute monarchy and I were King, there would be hell to pay. The troopers would pay, dearly.

Over the past 35 years, I’ve written countless articles on vaccination. I’ve run down the evidence from all the angles. Now I’m left with the feeling when all the data detailing crimes have been exhausted. I’m at the end of that trail.

It’s not THE end, though. Not by a long shot.

The troopers and their allies represent, for me, everything that’s insane about our society—especially the bland acceptance by the willing victims. The silent majority.

Including, of course, the educated classes, who proudly wear their badges of science, the ultimate virtue signal. They live in a harsh bombed out desert and think it’s a pretty garden.

Some of them watch their children go crazy from the shots, suffering massive brain damage—and still these parents won’t admit what happened.

They refuse to see what they saw.

—It might have been after a talk I gave. I had mentioned the fact that improved sanitation and nutrition in the West accounted for the decline in all sorts of illness—not the widespread introduction of vaccines.

The person said, “But for children who still can’t get nutritious food, vaccines protect them.”

It was a mindless “save the children” remark.

Of course, when the body’s defense is chronically deficient, a vaccine isn’t going to pump it up. Because there isn’t anything THERE to pump up. That’s a ridiculous fairy tale. And a vaccine isn’t food.

Bill Gates tried to pull off the same sort of nonsense, when he announced with great personal fanfare, that he’d just read a book about contaminated water supplies in the Third World—as if he’d just discovered what everyone else had known for 50 years.

So he said something like this: I saw that bad water accounted for horrific chronic diarrhea, a killer. We have to clean up the water. But meanwhile, my anti-diarrheal vaccine will help.

No it won’t. The sick child, who is wasting away, has no immune system left. The vaccine won’t build up what isn’t there.

—Belief across a population is a powerful thing. It can operate like a bulldozer, flattening all obstacles and objections. And at the end of the day, it stands naked, amid the ruins. When the belief is demanding a solution that won’t work. Vaccines.

I come from an era when vaccinations were few and far between. A poke here, a stab there. There was no CDC shouting about schedules. The big Pharma money wasn’t rolling in yet. The predators knew the public wouldn’t go for 30 or 40 shots during childhood.

But now it’s a lifeline. Oh, the kids will die if you don’t shoot them up.

Bleeding heart liberals, clueless rubes, and Big Pharma. A jackpot sales team.

And a bland Howdy Doody monster like Bill Gates in the background, pouring billions of dollars into MORE vaccines.

As I predicted early on during Warp Speed, the introduction of RNA technology was going to create a bonanza for Pharma. They’d redo every vaccine in the book with the new tech. They’re working in that direction now.

Because vaccines injure and kill, this civilization is on wartime footing. We’re under attack. Half the effort to censor us is devoted to the vaccine issue. The enemy knows what’s at stake.

If we take their prime weapon away from them—by walking away from it in huge numbers—they fall.

After the COVID fiasco, when millions of people DID walk away from the injection…the public is primed to take a look at the whole range of vaccines.

I’ve watched some of the new pundits who appeared during COVID to expose that shot. Some of them are close. They’re close to seeing that the whole arsenal of vaccines is nothing less than a doomsday weapon. They haven’t crossed that line yet. But they’re on the verge.

I crossed the line in 1988, when I wrote AIDS INC. Because I realized “the virus” wasn’t causing anything, I was looking for real causes of immune suppression—since that was what so-called AIDS was.

And that’s when I saw The Big One looming up on the horizon. Vaccines.

I started talking to Health Freedom advocates who’d been in the trenches for decades. I started reading hard to find books that investigated vaccines. And then, there it was.

I saw it.

I couldn’t look away from it.

Whatever I thought a career in journalism was, could be, should be, that career took a sharp turn.

I had no idea how much passivity I would encounter.

Pure, dumb, conformist passivity.

But with Warp Speed, and everything that followed, I saw the apathy in the public begin to dissolve.

I saw foundational pillars begin to crack.

The truth is, no one can get to health through vaccinations. If a person is sickly, vaccines won’t help. If he’s healthy, he doesn’t need vaccines.

The bad news is, vaccines destroy. Whether it’s the so-called adjuvants they put in the shots, the goop they think are pieces of viruses (that don’t exist), the preservatives, the lipid nanoparticles, the coatings on the particles, the little segments of RNA—the injections attack the body. In all sorts of ways. In all sorts of places.

In England, right at the start, when THE one shot was for smallpox, there were whole cities with high vaccination rates where people were dropping like flies. And cities where the vaccination rate was low, people came through all right.

When the authorities finally began cleaning off the raw sewage running down the city streets, when they installed public sanitation systems, disease took a very sharp downturn.

These things aren’t hard to understand.

But they’ve been hidden from the public.

We’re looking at a revolution of simple truth. Which can be spoken and delivered simply.

And widely.

By us all.

In this war.

During which we’re under attack.

Many foot soldiers happen to be doctors, who have the advantage of seeming neutral. They wave no flags. They salute no dictator. They’re calm and rational. Nevertheless, they wield the weapon, and they use it.

We can’t let that oddity deter us.

If you need a push, talk to the mother of a severely autistic child. That is, a child whose brain was assaulted by a vaccine. Have her tell you what she goes through every day of her life, with that child.

It seems difficult to believe a modern civilization could have gone so far off the track as this one has.

The difficulty in facing that fact is what drives people back into their huts and their television screens and online games.

But you know, believing something that happens to be true and then acting on it is more powerful than any civilization.

This is why I’m here. To tell you that.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cover image based on creative commons work of: NoPixelZoneOpenClipart-Vectors

Our Hidden History: Jason Breshears With Jerm Warfare on The Great Pyramid at Giza

Our Hidden History: Jason Breshears With Jerm Warfare on The Great Pyramid at Giza


A Beginner’s Guide to the Egyptian Pyramids, With Jason Breshears

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
Published June 1, 2023, updated July 18, 2023


It’s difficult to summarise, but Jason makes a convincing case for an advanced civilisation at the time of the construction of the Pyramids (over 4800 years ago), who used advanced techniques such as geopolymer construction and ultrasonic drilling.

Furthermore, he adds that the Pyramids were not even built by Egyptians.

Instead, they were built by an entirely different civilisation, before a catastrophic event wiped them out and the Pyramids ended up underwater for hundreds of years after a major rainfall that coincides with the Biblical flood.

Civilisation has been in decline ever since.

There is way too much to compress, so I recommend watching the following slideshow by Jason.


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“We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows to Dismantle WHO’s Grip on Governments

“We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows to Dismantle WHO’s Grip on Governments

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
July 17, 2023


German MP Christine Anderson last week shredded the World Health Organization, calling it a group of “globalitarian misanthropists” who she – and a group of seven other MPs, have vowed to dismantle in order to oppose the WHO supplanting democratically elected governments.

“An unelected body like who is controlled and run by multi-billionaires should never be allowed to act in place of a democratically elected government,” she said during the Citizen’s Initiative conference in Brussels.

Anderson says she’ll expose and name any individuals, including government officials and parliamentarians, who support the WHO ‘power grab’ and disrespect democracy.

“It is you [WHO] that is the small fringe minority,” she continued. “You are the ones who do not have the right to dictate to the people what they want and what they don’t want.”

“So take it from me … take it from the millions and millions of people around the world. We will bring you down, and we will not tire until we have done just that. So brace yourselves. We are here, and the fight is on. So let’s have the fight.”



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Taking Rights Seriously: Rights Do Not Require a Government Permission Slip Nor the Approval of Family or Neighbors

Taking Rights Seriously: Rights Do Not Require a Government Permission Slip Nor the Approval of Family or Neighbors


“Thus, your right to be alive, to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to worship or not, to associate or not, to shake your fist in the tyrant’s face by petitioning the government, your right to defend yourself and repel tyrants using and carrying the same weapons as the government does, your right to be left alone, to own property, to travel or to stay put — these natural aspects of human existence are natural rights that come from our humanity and for the exercise of which all rational persons yearn.”


Taking Rights Seriously

by Andrew P. Napolitano, Judge Napolitano
July 13, 2023


“If all mankind minus one were of one opinion,
and only one person were of the contrary opinion,
Mankind would be no more justified
In silencing that one person,
Than he, if he had the power,
Would be justified in silencing mankind.”

— John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

The world is filled with self-evident truths — truisms — that philosophers, lawyers and judges know need not be proven. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Two plus two equals four. A cup of hot coffee sitting on a table in a room, the temperature of which is 70 degrees Fahrenheit, will eventually cool down.

These examples, of which there are many, are not true because we believe they are true. They are true essentially and substantially. They are true whether we accept their truthfulness or not. Of course, recognizing a universal truth acknowledges the existence of an order of things higher than human reason, certainly higher than government.

The generation of Americans that fought the war of secession against England — according to Professor Murray Rothbard, the last moral war Americans waged — understood the existence of truisms and recognized their origin in nature.

The most famous of these recognitions was Thomas Jefferson’s iconic line in the Declaration of Independence that self-evident truths come not from persons but from “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” Thus, “All Men are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” is a truism.

Jefferson’s neighbor and colleague, James Madison, understood this as well when he wrote the Bill of Rights so as to reflect that human rights do not come from the government. They come from our individual humanity.

Thus, your right to be alive, to think as you wish, to say what you think, to publish what you say, to worship or not, to associate or not, to shake your fist in the tyrant’s face by petitioning the government, your right to defend yourself and repel tyrants using and carrying the same weapons as the government does, your right to be left alone, to own property, to travel or to stay put — these natural aspects of human existence are natural rights that come from our humanity and for the exercise of which all rational persons yearn.

This is the natural rights understanding of Jefferson’s Declaration and Madison’s Bill of Rights, to the latter of which all in government have sworn allegiance and deference.

A right is not a privilege. A right is an indefeasible personal claim against the whole world. It does not require a government permission slip. It does not require preconditions except the ability to reason. It does not require the approval of family or neighbors.

A privilege is something the government doles out to suit itself or calm the masses. The government gives those who meet its qualifications the privilege to vote so it can claim a form of Jeffersonian legitimacy. Jefferson argued in the Declaration that no government is morally licit without the consent of the governed.

No one alive today has consented to the government, but most accept it. Is acceptance consent? Of course not — no more than walking on a government sidewalk is consent to government’s lies, theft and killing. Surely, the Germans who voted against the Nazis and could not escape their grasp hardly consented to that horrific form of government.

We need to distinguish between privileges that the government doles out and rights that we have by virtue of our humanity, rights so human and natural that they exist in all persons even in the absence of government.

Are our rights equal to each other? Some are equal to each other, but one is greater than all, as none of the rights catalogued briefly above can be exercised without it. That is, of course, the right to live. This is the right most challenging to governments that have enslaved masses and gloried in fighting morally illicit wars that kill and thus destroy the right to live.

But if a right is a claim against the whole world, how can a government — whether popular or totalitarian or both — extinguish it by death or slavery? The short answer is no governments, notwithstanding the public oaths their officers take upon assuming office, accept the natural origins of rights. To government, rights are privileges.

Stated differently, governments do not take rights seriously.

Governments hate and fear the exercise of natural rights. Ludwig von Mises properly called government “the negation of liberty.” Freedom is the default position. We are literally born free, naturally free.

Government is an artificial creation based on a monopoly of force in a geographical area that could not exist if it did not negate our freedoms. Government denies our rights by punishing the exercise of them and by stealing property from us.

Rights are not just claims against the government. They are claims against the whole world. This was best encapsulated by Rothbard’s non-aggression principle, which teaches that initiating all real and threatened aggression — whether by violence, coercion or deception — is morally illicit. That applies to your neighbors as well as to the police.

Of course, in Rothbard’s world, there would be no government police unless all persons consented — and he wouldn’t have. A private police entity — paid to protect life, liberty and property — would be far more efficient and faithful to its job, which it would lose if it failed, than the government’s police, which thrives on assaulting life, liberty and property, and keeping their jobs.

The exercise of rights requires abandonment of fear, acceptance of truth and rejection of compromise with government. As Ayn Rand famously observed, any compromise between good and evil, natural rights and slavery, food and poison, results in death — death of the body, death of liberty, death of both.

Copyright 2023 Andrew P. Napolitano


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Cover image credit: Mohamed_hassan

EU Parliament: The People Pushback Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Tyranny

EU Parliament: The People Pushback Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Tyranny

by Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire
July 7, 2023


IMAGE: Panelists Nick Hudson, Nathaniel Pawlowski, Fiona Hine, Gerald Hauser, Andrew Bridgen and Philipp Kruse


BRUSSELS – A group of MEPs, together with a new European Citizens Initiative, have come together in the European Parliament this week to defend their countries’ respective national sovereignty and to voice their opposition to the World Health Organisation’s looming Pandemic Treaty.  

The citizens initiative known as “Trust and Freedom” includes representatives from seven EU countries and has been formed to challenge the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, as well as the WHO’s creeping International Health Recommendations which also threaten to undermine individual nations’ independent policy decision-making.

The meeting took place on Tuesday July 4th in Brussels, and was led by dissenting MEPs Christine Anderson (Germany), Cristian Terhes (Romania), Mislav Kolakusic, (Croatia), Virginie Jordon (France), and Ivan Vilibor Sincic (Croatia), who were joined by anti-WHO coalition supported by politicians and activists, including British MP Andrew Bridgen (Reclaim Party), Nick Hudson (South Africa/PANDA), Maria Humber-Mogg (Austria), and Justyna Walker (Poland), as well an international team of lawyers led by Philipp Kruse (Switzerland) and Alexander Christ (Germany).

IMAGE: Rebel MEPs Christine Anderson, Cristian Terhes, Mislav Kolakusic, Virginie Jordon, and Ivan Vilibor Sincic discussing their strategy before Tuesday’s session in Brussels.

Last year, Germany’s Christine Anderson was one of the first public officials to raise the alarm about the stealth agenda being waged by the globalist operatives in WHO and their partner institutions like the WEF, to reshape their contract between the WHO and EU member states. More worryingly, the new treaty regime would be binding, and would give the WHO de facto governmental authority over EU member states’ public health policies provisions – without consulting national governments or their electorates.

The WHO power-grab would effectively compel governments to surrender their national decision-making and policy authority. Their new powers would include the power to declare a pandemic anywhere in the world, dictate new bio surveillance regimes and restrictions on travel, the regulation of free speech, as well as pushing an endless stream of experimental vaccines and pharmaceutical products – many of which have been shown to be neither safe nor effective.

In effect, this would signal an abrupt end to the last vestiges of democracy for European states already hemorrhaging their national sovereignty, as well as economic and foreign policy decision-making through supranational institutions like the European Union and NATO.

MEP Milslav Kolakusic (Croatia) said that WHO domination over member states’ public health policymaking would lead to endless “cycles of pandemics” and an undetermined amount of doses of experimental vaccines, including an obligation to impose even more injections for newborn infants.

Other political representatives echoed similar concerns.

Swiss lawyer Philipp Kruse reminded the room that, “The public was misled,” and proceeded to warn that the WHO’s unilateral pandemic regulations will lead to more “useless counter measures” and “experimental substances” being unleashed on unsuspecting populations, with pernicious, weaponised propaganda slogans such as ‘No one is safe until everyone is vaccinated.’

“So we are starting this public debate on an international level – to then bring this to where it has to be discussed – to our (national) parliaments,” concluded Kruse.

British MP Andrew Bridgen supports the initiative, and believes cooperation is the key to success, stating, “It’s raising the profile. If the Citizens Initiative in the EU could work and stop the WHO power grab, I don’t mind where it happens. We’re all completely aligned, and we all know the tyranny that’s involved in what the WHO, through the UN, are doing to all our citizens…I’ll stand shoulder to shoulder with my European colleagues – whether they’re MEPs or members of their own local parliaments.”

“The sooner we turn the page on this dark chapter in our human history, the better for all of us,” added Bridgen.

MEP Anderson did not pull any punch when it came to signalling her intent to the WHO and its technocrats.

“Take it from the millions and millions of people around the world, we will bring you down. And we will not tire until we have done just that. So brace yourselves, we are here and the fight is on,” said Anderson.

Indeed, the WHO has been put on notice. 

Watch the Full Livestream of the Event by Oracle Films HERE


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6th of July 2023


On the 4th of July, seven citizens from different European countries unveiled an influential proposal for the new European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) known as

The Trust and Freedom Initiative is a resolute response to the power consolidation observed in governments and institutions, where extensive negotiations with non- governmental and non-transparent organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), occur. Citizens express concerns about the looming threat to freedom of choice, particularly regarding personal health decisions, as well as a loss of trust in governmental institutions negotiating legal documents such as amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the proposed WHO Treaty.

The seven citizens behind the Trust and Freedom initiative are: Ms Justyna Walker (Poland)

Mr Mattias Desmet (Belgium)

Ms Maria Hubmer-Mogg (Austria) Mr Alexander Christ (Germany)

Mr Ladislav Vrabel (Czech Republic)

Ms Isabel Eliseu Arroseiro de Mesquita (Portugal) Mr Georgi Todorov (Bulgaria)

These citizens, representing the collective voice of concerned individuals from across Europe, have taken the initiative to directly address their concerns and advocate for greater trust and freedom within the European Union.

The announcement of the initiative proposal took place at the European Parliament in Brussels on the 4th of July and received support from notable Members of the European Parliament:

  • Christine Anderson (Germany)

  • Cristian Terheș (Romania)

  • Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (Croatia)

  • Mislav Kolakušić (Croatia)

  • Virginie Joron (France)

These MEPs recognize the significance of the Trust and Freedom initiative in safeguarding individual freedoms and promoting it within the European Union.

The Trust and Freedom initiative represents a united effort by citizens across Europe to directly address their concerns through the ECI process. To amplify their impact, a three-hour debate was held in the European Parliament in Brussels, where Members of the European Parliament and esteemed panelists from around the world voiced their opinions.

Philipp Kruse, Dr. Peter McCullough, MP Andrew Bridgen, Fiona Hine, Dr. David E. Martin, Gerald Hauser, Nataniel Pawlowski, Pastor Artur Pawlowski, and Nick Hudson, shared their expertise and insights during the debate, contributing to the development and significance of the Trust and Freedom initiative.

The Trust and Freedom initiative is committed to keeping the public informed about its progress in the coming weeks. Regular updates and detailed information about the initiative can be found on the official website at

Interested individuals can also contact the team via and follow the initiative on Twitter @TrustAndFreedom

“We believe that For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

About Trust and Freedom:

Trust and Freedom is a European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI)



Video Mirrored at Odysee


When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human

by Gary D. Barnett
June 27, 2023


“The only thing worth globalizing is dissent.”

~  Arundhati Roy

Self-defense comes in many forms, but all defense of self begins and ends with dissent, non-compliance, disobedience, saying no to any and all rule, and never allowing aggression against mind and body; mental or physical. Without dissent, defense is not possible, because when voluntary compliance is the prevailing behavior, whether sought, desired, or not, all defense mechanisms are effectively disarmed. In other words, silence in the face of injustice, immorality, terror, or tyranny, creates a condition of weakness, submission, and irresponsibility, which are all the fodder of indifference.

When you say nothing, when you do not say no, when you take no action against evil, you commit evil. By not speaking out, and by not responding, you have spoken loudly, and openly committed an act of cowardice. The ultimate blame lies not just with the aggressor in this circumstance, but also equally with he who hides and remains silent.

In “Beyond Good and Evil,” Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.” This is an accurate description of the phenomenon of becoming what one lives, so if you live in a state of indifference, ignoring the evil around you, accepting it in order to avoid conflict and responsibility, you become the evil you have chosen to ignore. The dark abyss in this circumstance, is created by your own inaction against it.

What we face as a society, is the most tremendous threat ever perceived or active in the history of mankind. Do you scoff at this seemingly ‘bold’ pronouncement? If so, you are already fooled, and a major contributor to the vast problems rampant in our world today. Instead of the State just singularly seeking war, the continuance of the bogus Federal Reserve System, isolated government corruption, communism, fascism, or any broad-based totalitarian assault on certain segments of society, we are all being bombarded from a thousand different directions at once with all these atrocities and many more, including attacks on our freedom and sovereignty, on our minds and bodies, and on every aspect of our being.

Due to the colossal advances in technology, which in many more ways than not are being used against us in order to build a literal transhuman world run by technocratic means, we are facing what could be considered a technological Armageddon, where all control over humanity will be isolated in the hands of the most powerful few. To accept this, to treat it as normal or eminent, is a most fatal error, and one that could determine our fate in perpetuity.

When humanity ceases to exist in any natural form, when male and female become one, when transhumanism and mind control are inescapable realities, when perversion is commonly accepted, the presence of life that we have all known to be magical and a wonder, will have disappeared. The world being designed is not a world of love, hope, and dreams, it is a nightmare of horror, and those pursuing this downfall of man have already lost all human characteristics. They are monsters, so we must fight and defeat them without becoming monsters ourselves.

There is a reason that the children, beginning in infancy, are targeted by State indoctrination, drugs, chemicals, bioweapon injections masquerading as ‘vaccines,’  insane propaganda, distraction, gross perversion, and are pulled away from family mentally and physically throughout their lives. This, in and of itself, if allowed to continue, will guarantee mind destruction of multiple future generations, and that will secure a fully dumbed-down, compliant, and obedient proletariat mass in the future. At that point, total control by the technocrats over humanity will have been achieved.

While technology has the capability to accomplish many great things, in the hands of these monsters who seek universal control, it can also be used to destroy us. Many refer to this technological phenomenon as ‘artificial intelligence,’ (AI) but there is no such thing. This false terminology is being used against us, as machines are not intelligent, they are programmed by intelligence, or so it is believed. When man becomes a machine, real intelligence ends, and a programmed society of slaves is the result. AI is ‘defined’ as “perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information–demonstrated by computers, as opposed to intelligence displayed by humans or other animals.” 

Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn, reason, and understand, so honest intelligence cannot be artificial, and machines are still machines. The transhuman digitization of man will mean the end of all traditional life as we know it.

The bulk of this society, has already succumbed to a digital world, and relies on what is falsely labeled ‘social media’ as parent, family, and friend, disregarding the natural state of personal communication, love, companionship, debate, and the grandeur of nature. At this point, the future is not owned by you, but is owned by your masters. All privacy has disappeared, and most all private and financial transactions are captured and data-based.

Every aspect of life is now tracked, traced, used, surveilled, restricted, censored, taxed, and every activity imaginable requires licensure (paid permission slip) by the State. You are already a slave, whether you realize it or not.

The plot continues to thicken, as centrally-controlled digital currencies (CBDCs) are being rolled out around the world, which will allow for most every individual to be fully contained and regulated. This will lead to mass restrictions as to what you are allowed to do, where you may travel – if at all, what food you must eat, what medical care you may or may not receive, what State stipend you will be allotted, how much energy you will be permitted to use, and on, and on.

Everything in your existence will depend on behavior modification; in other words, do as you are instructed by the State technocratic rulers, or lose everything, as your entire life will be technologically sanctioned.

It is imperative to understand that everything you think you know about technology, and technological advances, is likely at a minimum, 20 years behind. Every so-called new discovery and new technology recognized as such, are not new at all. What the military has now, and is working on today, is unknown to most all except the very few at the top of the pyramid of power. To understand and grasp this concept, should strike fear in the hearts of man.

The internet, and therefore, the internet of things, was not discovered and implemented by some computer geek, but was designed and created by the military through the “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.” (DARPA) Getting to this terroristic time in our history was no accident, and was intentionally planned long ago. We have little time left to stop this totalitarian hell that has been created in order to destroy what we know as the human race.

Will you continue to sit on the sideline, keeping your eyes closed, your ears covered, and your mouth shut, or will you stand up and defend your freedom and life, and that of your family? The only solution, as I have often said, is through active dissent. Say no to the State, disobey, do not comply with any tyrannical order, and do so as individuals en masse. No one can do this for you, but it can and should be done by many independent freedom-minded individuals.

Asking someone else for a solution for the masses as a collective, is worthless, and exposes apathy at a level that if practiced by the herd as it has been for so long, the end of humanity will surely be our destiny.

“Has there ever been a society which has died of dissent? Several have died of conformity in our lifetime.”

~ Jacob Bronowski, Science & Human Values


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: marcusspiske

Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States

Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States


Excerpts from the video interview with Jeremy Nell found below:


“Whether or not we align ourselves with truthful ideas, that are in harmony with natural law or in defiance of said law, is really a question of whether or not we’re fit to survive or not, and whether we’re gonna be enslaved by an oligarchical class who themselves are devoted to a very specific set of very perverted wrong ideas that they’re religiously committed to.

“Whether we tolerate that indefinitely or not, I don’t think the universe has that in our destiny. I don’t think we’re wired for that ultimate destiny to be just a slave society.”

“By looking at the structures of control over the next 2,500 years, they’ve always used something similar to seduce… people who are mystically-minded or superstitious.

“They need people… who have not taken the time to use their own minds as tools responsibly, and are still locked in a realm of superstition, to then be seduced to come in as initiates into their different lodges…”

“…In the case of like South Carolina, half of the state legislature were black slaves who were elected.

“In the 1870s, you could see the configuration of the South Carolina state legislature and state senators, and half of them are black people.

“This is the state where, 80 years later, you weren’t allowed to vote if you were black. There were Jim Crow laws and lynchings.

“So you’re like, how did that happen? How did that regression happen?…”

“I don’t know exactly what (to answer your question) is going to be required for people to finally wake up to this actual, insidious deep-state operation inside of the heart of America. I don’t know what the answer is to that.

“The way I tend to look at the oligarchies, at these secret societies, and what the oligarchies, upper echelons, actually believe in, I see it as a bit of a controlled form of insanity that has persevered over a very long period of time based on its momentum.

“There’s a certain power of momentum that has maintained its continuity. But ultimately, it’s a technique of perverting their own children…

“But one of the big obsessions that they put a lot of time into is thinking about how do you ensure that your institution will maintain itself despite the fact that it demands unhuman modes of conduct in your children and managers — the managerial class that will maintain your system after you die? They think trans-generationally.

“And so there has been a cultivation of a perverse form of education for the elites, grooming for the elites, both as children and as they go out…”

“So I don’t think that they really do have secret knowledge… I do believe that they believe that they do.

“I do believe that they believe that they can get all sorts of weird, nasty energy from their victims, their sacrificial victims, and I do believe that the believe in all sorts of demonic forces…”

“But again I see it as a perversity. I don’t see it as real secret knowledge. But it has power in the sense of the belief that causes actions to be put in a certain direction always.

“They will religiously always do certain things the same way, no matter what, which is why these oligarchies come close to their transhuman and new world order on many occasions in the past.

“Even before the word transhumanism was coined, they still wanted it. It was just called feudalism, managed by a master class of “beyond humans” who expected their slaves to perceive them as if they were gods or other forms of supernatural deities that you couldn’t possibly contend with because you’re just a lowly mortal.”

“If the oligarchy was as powerful as they want us to believe they are…they already would have won. We wouldn’t be here having this conversation.

“The reason why we have this space, this time, that has been won for us, has a lot to do with the fact that Russia and China and India increasingly have chosen to exit the unipolar system, which was supposed to be the controlled demolition of the economy, like they did in 1929.

“They were planning on doing this in 2009 when the first economic collapse could have taken down the entire system. They had to postpone that. Because, again, they need everybody in the same building when it’s lit on fire and demolished.”

“So I think the oligarchy — they try to project an image of being these immortal gods of Olympus. But they’re really more like the emperor that has no clothes. They’re a lot more insecure than than we think.”


Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published December 1, 2022
updated June 25, 2023



Matthew Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, officially charged with investigating federal crimes.

It was founded in 1908 as the Bureau Of Investigation (BOI) by attorney general Charles Bonaparte. The BOI was created in response to the growing threat of “anarchism” and other forms of political violence.

In 1919, the BOI was reorganised and renamed the Division Of Investigation (DOI).

In 1924, J Edgar Hoover was appointed director of the DOI.

He served as director of the FBI for 48 years, from 1924 to 1972. During his tenure, Hoover made the FBI a powerful force in American law enforcement.

However, most don’t know about its Masonic and otherwise occultic history which played an important role in the shadowy governance of the United States and manipulation of the system.

Albert Pike (1809-1891) was an American attorney, soldier, writer, and Freemason.

He is best known for his prominent role within Freemasonry and his contributions to Masonic literature.

Albert joined the Masonic fraternity in 1850 and rose to prominence within the organisation. HIs most notable work is his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, published in 1871. It is considered one of the most influential works on Freemasonry and explores the philosophy, symbolism, and rituals of the Scottish Rite.

Officially, Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that traces its origins back to the medieval guilds of stonemasons. It developed into a broader social and philosophical movement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Freemasonry is known for its symbolism, rituals, and principles of moral and ethical conduct.

My conversation with Matt is based on his documentary The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations.

 Video available at Jerm Warfare Odysee & Rumble channels.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

Connect with Jeremy Nell

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Ti_ & MDARIFLIMAT

See Matt Ehret’s Documentary “The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations”

 Video available at Rumble, YouTube & Odysee


The Truth Will Set All of Us Free

The Truth Will Set All of Us Free

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter
June 23, 2023


“You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion.”

~ Julian Assange

‘The truth will set you free’ is an aphorism we’ve all heard so many times it’s lost a lot of its meaning and doesn’t sound especially profound when we hear it again, but it really does contain the answer to humanity’s most difficult problems. A truth-based relationship with reality is the only way to move into peace and harmony, whether you’re talking about the inner peace and harmoniousness of an individual or the peace and harmony of our entire species.

For the individual, you can’t generally come to inner peace and a harmonious way of moving in the world until you’ve done a lot of inner work and gotten extremely real with yourself about your experiences, your relationships, your ways of thinking about things, your behavior patterns, and your motivations. The deepest levels of peace and freedom open up when we have transformative insights into the truth of our very nature: the nature of consciousness, mind, and self.

It doesn’t come from trying to be a nicer person, from praying to the right god or espousing the right belief system. True and lasting peace and freedom comes from a penetrating realization of what is already the case. It comes from knowing what’s true.

This is a bit counter-intuitive, because our minds and our culture tell us that we get peace and happiness from getting what we want — the right accomplishments, the right job, the right belongings, the right romantic partner, the right circumstances. But none of those things will ever take us where we’re really trying to get to. Only the truth will.

And it’s exactly the same for a group of people, and for humanity as a whole.

Real widespread change can only come from knowledge of the truth — that’s why those who don’t want widespread change pour so much energy into keeping people from knowing what’s true. That’s why there’s such a frenzied push for more internet censorship and for the government to get more involved in regulating speech. That’s why our civilization is saturated with propaganda. And that’s why Julian Assange is in prison.

Real change will only occur when a sufficient number of people realize that we live in a profoundly unjust society held together by violence and lies, where our very existence is being imperiled by nuclear brinkmanship and environmental destruction. Because only then will enough people begin mobilizing to use the power of our numbers to force the changes we need.

Again, this is somewhat counter-intuitive, because we’ve been told all our lives by our schools and our media that we get change by voting for political candidates we like. But our electoral systems are stacked against change, and the candidates are controlled by interests who seek to keep things more or less the way they are. This means change can only be arrived at by widespread forceful rejection of the entire system, and widespread forceful rejection of the entire system can only come through truth.

So the truth will set us free, but those who don’t want our freedom are doing everything they can to obstruct, obfuscate and distort the truth. The good news is that there are a whole lot of us, and (for now at least) we do have the ability to share the truth about what’s going on with each other. And the more people understand what’s going on, the more people there are to help share the truth with others.

The first step is spreading awareness of the fact that our civilization is saturated in propaganda, because propaganda only works if you don’t know it’s happening. Helping people to understand that they’ve been lied to their whole lives about their nation, their government, their society and their world will help shake them free from their propaganda blinders, so that they can begin to figure out what’s true.

By working toward a collective understanding of what’s real in this way, humanity can come into a truth-based relationship with reality, one freshly opened pair of eyelids at a time. And, just as a truth-based relationship with reality inevitably brings peace and harmony to the life of the individual, a truth-based relationship with reality will bring peace and harmony to the life of our entire species.

Truth is its own reward. It’s not always pleasant when you get it, and it might not be obvious at first that it’s helping to move things in a positive direction, but every step toward health and harmony begins with truth. The more opportunities we have to experience this fact in our own lives, the more obvious it becomes.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Cover image credit: satish155

Leslie Manookian on Joe Rogan’s Challenge to Peter Hotez That He Debate RFK Jr. on the Safety of Vaccines

Leslie Manookian on Joe Rogan’s Challenge to Peter Hotez That He Debate RFK Jr. on the Safety of Vaccines


My Time with Peter (Hotez) 

by Leslie Manookian, Heretic with Leslie Manookian
June 20, 2023


In the glorious aftermath of Robert Kennedy Jr. red-pilling Joe Rogan about vaccines; other toxic but government approved products like glyphosate, atrazine, and PFOAs; and the malfeasance of government agencies, vaccine developer Dr. Peter Hotez seriously miscalculated or suffered an unfortunate lapse of judgement when he accused Kennedy of spreading misinformation. He thus unleashed a storm of criticism he surely never expected. Rogan publicly offered Hotez $100,000 donated to the charity of his choice if he would come on the show to debate Kennedy. Other onlookers chipped in and the donation promise mounted. Last I looked, the offer stood at $2.6 million but Hotez is not taking it!

Never before has the refusal of vaccine apologists to debate vaccine critics spoken louder of their ties to big pharma, big media, big government, and big academia.

Observing the last few years, millions have not just awoken to the reality of conflicts of interest and captured media, industry, and government, but also to true authoritarian censorship. Unfortunately, while millions may be forgiven for believing this is a recent development, the reality is far different.

I’ve been smeared by media outlets like the New York Times and CBS. Congressman Adam Schiff wrote to big tech and had my movie The Greater Good and the movies and books of many others removed from big tech platforms. Those of us working on vaccine safety awareness and health freedom issues know this is nothing new and has, instead, been standard practice for decades.

And Peter Hotez has acted as a loyal foot soldier to the big pharma lobby in their condemnable battle against honest citizens who’ve witnessed vaccine injury close up. His dishonesty is now on full display for all to see – but again, it’s not new.

In 2021, Hotez tweeted false claims about investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson alleging she had endorsed an article comparing him to Joseph Mengele, placed him in harm’s way through “dangerous and hurtful” conduct, and called for his doxing. He even suggested she was connected to white nationalists and was sending him images of Nuremberg. To call Hotez a liar is an understatement. Hotez exhibits a particularity dangerous and pathological behavior in that he is not merely dishonest but a fabricator of falsehoods intended to destroy those with different opinions.

Unfortunately, I have had my own experience with Hotez.

On October 2, 2019, a pediatrician, the Idaho State Health and Welfare epidemiologist, Hotez, and I, were guests on the NPR/Boise Public Radio show Idaho Matters. Some might argue 2019 was a prelude to what was to come in 2020 as the relatively small increase in measles cases was being hyped worldwide and weaponized against those demanding bodily autonomy and truth in science. Hotez’ conduct on the show illustrates perfectly the kind of person we’re now seeing unmasked – and it’s not a very flattering image.

Hotez employs slurs, ad hominem attacks, and falsehoods to smear his challengers from the vaccine safety awareness community. Again, this kind of treatment is not new. During the radio show, Hotez made the following statements:

1) that there is an “aggressive anti-vaccine lobby”

2) that I repeated “anti-vaccine tropes”

3) that I compared the measles cases in NY to the national population to “deliberately mislead”

4) that the concept of health and medical freedom is a “phony concept”

5) that I and other parents “download vaccine misinformation” from the internet

6) that the “anti-vaccine lobby is a media empire” with over 480 “misinformation websites”

7) that parents can’t put children in harm’s way because of “misinformation”

8) that I stated 89,000 vaccine “injuries” have been reported to VAERS after MMR

9) that Hotez is going to “correct the misinformation” I gave and give the “real information”

Additionally, Hotez insinuated I was lying when I stated that a local woman developed MS from a vaccine by saying there is no evidence of that. The young woman in question had to leave our community with her three children as she was no longer able to care for her family. She spent time on a neurological ward at a hospital in Salt Lake City, UT and there were many others suffering neurological complications from flu vaccines.

So, let’s address his claims:

1) There is a genuine grassroots effort of vaccine injured families raising awareness about the lack of quality science on vaccines. Specific problems with vaccine safety studies are the lack of genuine placebos (mercury, aluminum or another vaccine is used), short duration (studies can last as few as 3 days), lack of comparison to completely unvaccinated populations, lack of studies evaluating all the combinations in which vaccines are given, lack of studies evaluating health outcomes of the vaccination schedule. There are a couple of studies comparing health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children and they overwhelmingly show the health of unvaccinated children is superior. The truth is that big pharma, which includes the vaccine industry, is the largest lobby group in the US shelling out $250 million each year, spends $35 billion on ads annually thereby “owning” the media, pays more than half the drug approvers’ salaries at FDA, and controls the medical journals through the purchase of glossy reprints.

2) Everything I stated was based on official data from US agencies or data from peer-reviewed published studies. It’s there for anyone to see – you just have to dig a little deeper than the mainstream media. In fact, these days, you may have to employ an independent search engine because google rigs its results to downplay anything that challenges officialdom. I don’t repeat tropes, I know the science and would gladly debate Hotez or any other vaccine pusher about the true science of vaccines, including all we don’t know.

3) I did not compare measles cases in NY to the national population. I compared the total amount of measles cases according to CDC to the total US population. To understand how the public has been misled about the dangers of measles, the cases, and the role of vaccines, check out these articles at Children’s Health Defense.

4) Health and medical freedom are not a “phony” concept. Children have been kidnapped by hospitals and CPS for refusing the Hep B shot at birth or deciding a fever has passed and there’s no need for medical attention. There is nothing phony about parents having their children stolen from them because they’ve done what they think is best for their children. Millions have been injured by vaccines and there is a mountain of science documenting the risks and shortcomings of vaccines. To suggest otherwise is not only dishonest, it’s immoral.

5) All the information I give in all forums is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and derived from published peer-reviewed research or US government data. It is not misinformation in any way, shape or form, no matter how often or loudly Hotez or other vaccine industry stakeholders shout about it. (Notice, Hotez and his ilk were calling us misinformation spreaders years ago – it’s not a new derision.) Rather, parents like me have advanced degrees and are highly educated. We can read science and discern when we’re being misled. We understand when an issue is being whitewashed. We understand experts can be bought and we’re smart enough, strong enough, and well-educated enough to call them out – we’re just not usually given the chance.

6) The vaccine awareness safety movement is largely not “anti-vaccine”. Rather, it is comprised primarily of ex-vaccinators who’ve witnessed the dangers of vaccines first hand. Would you call them anti-car seat for wanting safe car seats for their children? If someone chooses to only eat organic food, does that make them anti-food? If someone chooses filtered water based on the science related to a specific filter does that make them anti-water? If someone chooses to live in the countryside does that make them anti-city? This slur has been weaponized to smear and dehumanize individuals and their choices rather than address the damage sustained by them or their children from government approved products. It’s a ridiculous leap that has been normalized and is the go-to rhetoric for dismissing well-educated, well-researched individuals as loony dissenters. Many parents who once enthusiastically embraced vaccinations have now adjusted their posture choosing not to vaccinate and challenging the official narrative, but that results from personal negative experience, not some words they read on the internet.

7) Parents are protecting their children and themselves from the injection of known toxins that can damage the neurological system, the immune system, the gastrointestinal system, and more. Vaccines contain myriad toxins which have never been tested singly or in combination for toxicity, yet they are readily injected into our tiny, newborn babies as though no possible downside exists. This is prima facie not just wrong, but indisputably unethical.

8) I stated correctly that there have been 89,000 reports of adverse reactions to measles vaccines.  Hotez’ number of 221 is the number who actually received compensation from the impossibly corrupted Vaccine Compensation Program.

But Hotez didn’t just tell fibs about me, he told his own. He claimed that Dr. Greg Poland’s work shows 2 doses of the measles vaccine causes protection in 97% of recipients. Unfortunately for Hotez, Poland wrote in his January 2014 article The Re-Emergence of Measles in Developed Countries: Time to Develop the Next-Generation Measles Vaccines?:

“While the current vaccine is acknowledged as a good vaccine, we and others have demonstrated that the immune response to measles vaccine varies substantially in actual field use. Multiple studies demonstrate that 2–10% of those immunized with two doses of measles vaccine fail to develop protective antibody levels, and that immunity can wane over time and result in infection (so-called secondary vaccine failure) when the individual is exposed to measles. For example, during the 1989–1991 U.S. measles outbreaks 20–40% of the individuals affected had been previously immunized with one to two doses of vaccine. In an October 2011 outbreak in Canada, over 50% of the 98 individuals had received two doses of measles vaccine. The Table shows that this phenomenon continues to play a role in measles outbreaks. Thus, measles outbreaks also occur even among highly vaccinated populations because of primary and secondary vaccine failure, which results in gradually larger pools of susceptible persons and outbreaks once measles is introduced [8]. This leads to a paradoxical situation whereby measles in highly immunized societies occurs primarily among those previously immunized [8].”

Call me a lay person, but it does not take a scientist to understand words like “primary and secondary vaccine failure” or the “paradoxical situation of highly vaccinated groups being more susceptible.” Hmmm. When have I heard about vaccines undermining the immune system and rendering vaccinees more susceptible to illness?

While it wasn’t Hotez who made the absurd claim that vaccines are one of the best tested medicines available, I feel I’d be remiss by not correcting that whopper. The truth is vaccine safety studies do not use genuine placebos, they instead utilize another vaccine or solution containing mercury or aluminum as the placebo. Absent placebo-controlled studies, it is preposterous to claim that vaccines are well tested and one cannot make any claims about safety or efficacy without a proper placebo-controlled study. NONE. Not to mention that vaccine safety studies evaluate one vaccine but vaccines are administered in groups of as many as 8 doses of vaccines in a day. Nor are the health outcomes of vaccinated compared to those of the unvaccinated. To argue this is robust science is laughable. To understand the shortcomings of vaccine science, watch my movie, The Greater Good.

Hotez has deep ties to the pharmaceutical industry, spent his career developing vaccines and holds patents on vaccines, rendering him a seriously conflicted participant in any debate about vaccines. One would never ask someone from the coal industry about the safety of coal-fired power plants but when it comes to vaccine-connected physicians and scientists, we somehow give them a free pass. Perhaps worse still is the glaring lack of disclosure made by media when media presents these so-called experts with vested interests. Nary a word was mentioned about Hotez’ background in his introduction on the show.

In addition, Hotez makes disparaging remarks about those who deviate from the official orthodoxy of vaccines dispensed by the pharmaceutical industry and the health agencies that receive vast sums from that industry without any consequence or challenge from the compliant media.

As I wrap things up, let me share one last tidbit which illustrates the type of sick individual Hotez is; I did not have time to mention this during the show, but he has stated that the parents of vaccine injured children “hate their children and are a hate group.” Seriously.

It beggars belief that Hotez has any credibility as an expert but the pharma-influenced media doesn’t bat an eye at such outrageous comments.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would do the world a service by debating Hotez but my experience speaks volumes about Hotez’ true colors – he’s not interested in an exchange of different views, respectable debate, or an examination of the body of science. You can hear it yourself in the show, all he does is disparage me and those who have concerns about the safety of vaccines likely in the hopes that others will dismiss our concerns without further investigation.

Hopefully, his latest antics will undermine any vestigial credibility he may have had.


Connect with Leslie Manookian

Cover image credit: PM. (The Post Millennial)

[TCTL editor’s note: To keep up with growing amount of money being offered to Peter Hotez (for his favorite charity) for a debate with RFK Jr., see Joe Rogan’s twitter feed. TCTL is still suspended from twitter (that happened years ago) but you can view JRE’s feed whether you have an account or not.]

Jerm Warfare: Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Directed Energy Weapons

Jerm Warfare: Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Directed Energy Weapons


Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Directed Energy Weapons

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published May 25, 2023, updated June 19, 2023


A Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile.

DEWs can use a variety of energy sources including lasers, microwaves, particle beams and sound beams.

The concept has been around for centuries, but the technology has only recently become mature enough to be considered for military use. For example, the first DEWs were developed in the early 20th century, but they were not very powerful and had limited range.

In recent decades there has been a significant increase in research and development of DEWs, and several countries now have operational DEW systems.

Some countries, such as the United States, are actively developing DEWs, while others, such as China, are concerned about the potential for DEWs to be used in war.

To my knowledge, the cost of developing and deploying DEWs is much more expensive than conventional weapons. They can be used to defend against missiles, aircraft, and can also be used to disable electronic systems.

But there is an even darker reality.

What if Directed Energy Weapons were used to destroy the Twin Towers?

My conversation with Judy Wood suggests exactly that.

And so does my following conversation with Andrew Johnson, whose book about the gatekeeping (whether by design or emergence) within the “9/11 truth movement” acts as a form of censorship and suppression of the facts.

To be clear, the official story is bunk.

I am torn between the mini-nuke “controlled demolition” hypothesis and the DEW hypothesis presented by Judy and Andrew (and others).

However, there are far too many anomalies that don’t fit into the mini-nuke argument.

Andrew’s following slideshow is explosive.

He analyses what actually happened in relation to DEW and includes commentary on mind-bending physics surrounding the Hutchinson Effect and Nikola Tesla, as well as geoengineering and

  • the Columbia University seismographic data,
  • NASA AVIRIS dust and iron spectrometer imaging,
  • all seven WTC buildings destroyed,
  • steel from the Twin Towers turning to dust in mid-air,
  • relative lack of rubble compared to explosive controlled demolitions,
  • rapid spontaneous rusting of metal from the buildings,
  • over 1400 vehicles melted or warped while some distance away,
  • numerous flipped cars,
  • ground zero fuming for years without being hot,
  • numerous unharmed survivors in WTC stairwells,
  • unburned paper,
  • unburned clothing,
  • unburned pedestrians,
  • elevated levels of tritium,
  • lack of ionizing radiation, and
  • glowing and molten materials.

He also chatted about suppression and censorship of the aforementioned.

View video at Odysee


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Cover image credit: WikiImages

Gary D. Barnett: A Brief Moment of Freedom

A Brief Moment of Freedom

by Gary D. Barnett
June 19, 2023


The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.”

~ Wendell Berry, The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry

I spent this past week in the clutches of nature, and. freed my mind from the confusion and horror of man’s grip on the perceived reality of controlled enslavement. I left the world of what is falsely labeled civilization, and washed my soul with the grandeur of life beyond man.

To escape the madness of crowds in the solitude and quiet of the outdoors, and experience the sanctity of all things wild, causes an awakening that can never be achieved by any other means.

No one can free another, he has to free himself, and in order to do so, he has to encounter his inner being without foreign interference from the daily absurdity of human hysteria. It is what is inside that matters, it is not what others think or do, but what one is able to accomplish in his own mind and spirit.

I walked in the woods, climbed mountains, looked in awe at the great Tetons and all the mountains and rivers too rarely seen by most. I fished alone in the presence of nature, I watched moose, elk, deer, antelope, birds, reptiles, and insects, and abandoned the thoughts that haunt me. I walked for many miles in wild country and forests, I was drenched by spring rains, was in the midst of storms and lightning bolts, alerting me to my minor importance in this sea of nature.

It is good to be alone; not always, but often. One can never really cleanse and clarify his mind without escaping the grip of the human propaganda, lies, and deceit; all meant to create a false reality.

I write so that others may at least have a different perspective on all that consumes us in this life of perplexing turmoil caused by the arrogance of man. Is this effort too presumptuous? I think not, for my intent is not to preach, to force, to lie, to advance only my own opinions, or create my own narratives, but simply to awaken a few to the reality, truth, and beauty of life.

If I accomplish anything in this pursuit, I hope it is just to build a spark of curiosity, rebellion, and a seeking of honest independent thought. Life is a great adventure, but the bulk of humanity has abandoned most of the good in life by accepting the false promises of others, instead of experiencing the wonder of nature, self, and family.

We have watched as rulers, kings, politicians, and perverted and murderous governments, have taken control of all aspects of our existence. In this country, most are once again in the midst of choosing their next ruler. It matters not to most it seems, that this process has failed miserably every time it has been tried in history, nor that we are on the precipice of yet another political disaster, regardless  of which worthless piece of scum thought to be honorable gains the power to control the masses; and of course, by voluntary acceptance by the herd.

Why not look to self for redemption, instead of relying on those who purposely choose to rule over you; telling you how to live, breathe, and how to structure your lives? Why not rely on self in order to make decisions as to how to live, where to go, what work to do, what property to own, what beliefs to accept or not, and what is best for you and your family? Why not gain the strength necessary to eliminate your slavery to this heinous State, by looking around you, and understanding the majesty that is life and nature without the chains of dominant rule and authority by those who pretend to know what is best for you? For once and for all, strike down the State, experience life to its fullest, walk in the presence of nature, rely on self, and condemn any who presume to place themselves above you?

Only without rule can freedom ever be experienced. Only without the State can each of us travel our own path, loving every moment of life, instead of being locked in the insanity of what is called ‘modern civilization.’

Is it civilized to accept war and murder of innocents? Is it civilized to allow the brutality that is the exploitation of children by perverted State players, and the dregs of  ‘society’ who are empowered by the State to promote immoral behavior? Is it civilized to live your lives at the expense of others due to the State’s theft of private property? Is it civilized to be locked in your own homes, told you must wear a suffocating mask, told to take a bioweapon injection whether you want it or not? Is it civilized for the few who gain rule to tax all others to enhance their power over you? Is it civilized to be told to shut down your businesses, fire your employees, and care not about the plight of others? Is it civilized to watch the total destruction of this earth by governments seeking global rule? Is it civilized to be poisoned, controlled, starved to death, have your wealth destroyed due to inflationary currency expansion, and be surveilled by the horrendous State in every aspect of your daily lives?

Is anything that the State does civilized, or is all that the State does evil? The answer to this question should be brutally obvious.

Get away from the State whores, and into nature, and you will at once see what freedom really looks like. Take a break from the false reality presented by the political class, the media, the promoters of socialism, fascism, communism, and yes, ‘democracy,’ and all those who think they are owed something at the expense of others.

Listen to no one, and reclaim your own spirit and soul, by taking away all power from any who choose to rule.

Most will ignore this plea, and will continue on this road to hell, but some will not accept the madness, and they will be left with their sanity and their freedom, regardless of the abominable circumstances surrounding them.

We need no obscene president, we need no politician, we need no rule, we need no government master; we only need to reclaim ourselves.

Grasp a brief moment of freedom, and maybe you will then seek more of it. The more real freedom that is experienced, whether in mind, body, or both, the more precious it will become.

Walk in nature, observe the beauty of all life around you, and spend time alone to reflect on the madness of humanity. Climb mountains, experience all plants and animals, spend time on rivers, lakes, and oceans, and bask in the beauty and wonder of it all. In this human world of today, most everything is psychotic, and rife with grief, perversion, confusion, hate, and rule.

To escape this insanity, seek the solace of all the good we have before us, look inside yourself instead of depending on those seeking power over you. When you do this, you will awaken to a better place.

“How narrow we selfish conceited creatures are in our sympathies! How blind to the rights of all the rest of creation!”

~ John Muir


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

Cover image credit: LN_Photoart

Is Leukemia a Disease?

Is Leukemia a Disease?

by Darko Velcek, Heal Yourself
June 16, 2023


According to the science we learn in our indoctrination center called the educational system, leukemia or blood cancer is a disease in which an overproduction of white blood cells is created. Many of those cells are damaged or not developed enough, and this is caused by the damaged bone marrow which produces them.

We are educated/indoctrinated to believe that white blood cells are our immune system, created to protect us from the pathogen that has attacked our body. So, when the pathogen occurs, the white blood cell blood count increases. As the pathogen gets gobbled up by the white blood cells/macrophage, (the process science has named autophagy), the threat no longer exists, and the number of white blood cells reduces to the ”normal” levels.

When the blood count of white blood cells is high and no pathogen is detected, and the situation persists without the white blood cell count dropping to the normal level, this is when the body is declared by our experts to be diseased with leukemia.

Is this what really happens?

We are “educated” to recognize leukemia through the symptoms that accompany it. Those symptoms are; fever or chills, persistent fatigue, frequent infections, losing weight, swollen lymph nodes, easy bleeding or bruising, tiny red spots in the skin, excessive sweating, and bone pain and tenderness.

In which way an increased white blood cell count causes such symptoms? This makes no sense.

When we look at those symptoms, everyone who is familiar with my work immediately comes to the conclusion that those are symptoms of toxic blood and a toxic body in general.

Since white blood cells are not what we are told, a defense mechanism created to attack the intruder/pathogen, instead, they are a garbage disposal system, as the level of the garbage increases in the blood, the body increases the production of white blood cells to dispose of this garbage.

This means that the body is functioning correctly in the given circumstance. Since doctors cannot identify any pathogen and the blood level of white blood cells remains high, they blame the bone, thymus, and lymph nodes for overproducing white blood cells for no apparent reason, and through the implementation of toxic chemicals, they attack those organs to suppress white blood cell production.

Through their action, doctors increase the blood´s toxicity which stimulates the body to further increase the white blood cell count, and the battle with the “disease” becomes eventually lost because the overly toxic patient dies.

Doctors proudly declare that they have extended the patient’s life/suffering for as long as they could and without their intervention, the patient would have died sooner.

Well, it is obvious that doctors are incompetent and they are the reason why their patient has died.

What is the cause of increased white blood cell count and why it remains high?

The symptoms reveal that the blood is toxic. Since the white blood cell count has increased, this means that the body senses a toxin that can be eliminated by disposing of it through white blood cells (most likely an organic compound).

The bone marrow thymus and lymph nodes start to produce white blood cells, but they cannot recognize the “garbage” because it is not labeled. Since the toxic level is not dropping, the body continues producing white blood cells and at the same time, some of them are expiring and undergo autophagy and appear damaged or undeveloped.

The reason why the poison is not labeled is the lack of GcMAF because of the incorrect genetic expression caused by eating starches/glucose. The cells are forced to produce nagalase to be able to hydrolyze glucose and use it as fuel. This prevents them to produce GcMAF since the same pair of genes is responsible for the signaling to the cell what the cell should manufacture in this given environment.

This is another example of how eating starches contributes to a diseased state of our body.

Since those people that follow the SHP are forbidden to consume starches, their cells start to produce GcMAF marker, the toxins become marked and eliminated through macrophage, and as the blood toxic level drops, the production of the white blood cells stops and leukemia miraculously disappears.

I have noticed that green tea has toxins that stimulate white cell production, and preservatives of meat in canned food and sausages do the same. This is why we see leukemia often in people that consume large quantities of green tea and children that eat colorful cereals, frankfurters or ham, or other types of salami.

Also, cats fed with can foods and dry food loaded with carbohydrates will develop leukemia.

They all heal when their food is corrected.

It was brought to my attention that by July people will be able to start scheduling their med bed appointments. They will be free so if someone wants to sell you an appointment, this is a fraudster, do not fall for it.

Love and light to us all.


Connect with Darko Velcek

Cover image credit: garten-gg

Killing Us Softly

Killing Us Softly


“Is this intentional? Are we subjected to this slow genocide as part of the global eugenic effort to rid the world of useless eaters?—or even more horrifying, to rid the world of all humans who are made in the image of God along with nature herself? An agenda chillingly made clear in C.S. Lewis’ tome That Hideous Strength seen as well in the works of numerous others such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

“Probably not everything I have mentioned here has come about as part of this nefarious evil intention. But I would be willing to bet a lot of it has (see the work of David Icke). It may just have become the nature of the beast to create a culture in its atheistic hubris that ignores the subtleties of life and living.”

Killing Us Softly 

by Todd Hayen, OffGuardian
June 17, 2023


We have, for quite some time, been exposed to a myriad of silent killers. These are the subtle murderers of both the physical body as well as the spirit.

I used to think most of these killers were unintentional and merely the result of ignorance or a non-existent understanding of the non-material world of spirit. I also felt that science was rather inept in detecting subtle shifts of emotion, such as depression or “just not feeling well.” All such “measurements” were simply too nuanced to show up in their metrics.

Now I believe a lot of what I am speaking of is intentional. We are intentionally being eliminated or, at the very least, intentionally being made ill. Humanity is purposefully being murdered.

That’s a rather radical assumption, eh? Well, let’s just put it aside for the moment if this bothers you. I can make a good argument even if you are unwilling to accept that extreme notion. And, as the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung used to often say to his patients, “Well, I could be wrong.”

There are many obvious things out in the world that are killing us softly…and not all of them so softly. Pollution is a big one; the air we breathe and the water we drink are toxic—probably more toxic than we are led to believe (that’s the “softly” part). Then on the toxic list we’ve got most of what we eat, the obvious being fast food, the not so obvious being processed food, and the really soft culprit being GMO. There are more “obvious killers” out there as well, I just don’t have the space to include all of them.

Some of the more “not so obvious” things, which some of you may have issue with, are things like 5G, and really any EMF pollution, which even includes radio waves. Most medicine is toxic, doctors themselves can be quite toxic and guilty of killing us softly, although I still would bet most of them do this unintentionally (how many times have you read statistics that “deaths due to doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals” rank in the top five of global killers?) There are so many things on this list it would take volumes to present them all.

Actually, I would not be surprised if every single thing we encounter every day is chemically toxic in some way (meaning it is responsible for destroying the tissue of our physical body). Fun stuff.

I think a lot of people out there are not really aware of most of these things, or think the damage they may inflict is so minimal it really doesn’t amount to much. Well, as they say, things add up.

Again, this is all stuff that most people at least have heard of possibly being bad news. Most of those people, again, probably figure that the powers that be would not allow things out there that could really hurt us. I mean, really, there are so many government agencies that regulate this stuff, and do whatever they can to keep us from being harmed. Cough, cough. Really? Like I’ve said before, if you believe that, I’ve got beachfront property in Nevada I’ll sell you cheap. Or is it Kansas?

We’ve all seen movies like Erin Brockovich (2000) and Dark Waters (2019) that show the heroics of individuals fighting the big bad polluting evil ones and winning millions of bucks for their victims. That’s great, more power to them. But the bad guys in these movies are for the most part a few levels down from the real culprits. Sure, there are evil corporations and CEOs who run them. They are indeed part of the agenda. But again, I won’t get into that here.

Some of the biggest soft killers out there are mental health killers, as well as the drugs that accompany them. I would also put the aforementioned EMF killers in this group, and maybe even some of the pollutants that attack our minds rather than our bodies—nobody pays much attention to that—to subtle effects of personality, cognition, etc. For example most of the talk about the Covid vaccines hurting us is how it hurts us physically. You hear little about the effects they may have on the brain (other than physical), the personality, or the spirit. Oh God no, none of that woo woo stuff please, it just isn’t important.

Human beings are pretty subtle bio systems, and that is just the physical part of us. The mental/emotional part is pretty subtle too, and the spiritual part is so subtle it is ignored entirely. Even the first two of these, physical and mental, are largely ignored. The only part of them that is given much attention at all is the tip of the iceberg part. The majority of these systems lie below the level of gross awareness, yet this hidden level(s) has more influence on the well being of the person than the relatively small portion of the iceberg that is given all of the attention.

Let me be a bit clearer here.

Modern medicine is mostly a science of statistics. The majority rules here, the middle of the bell curve is what is given consideration. Nearly every medical “statement” is given as a percentage. What percent will survive a particular cancer, disease, or treatment modality, what percentage will still be alive in 5 years, what percentage will suffer side effects—on and on. Very little thought is given to the outliers. In fact, certain side effects fall so far below a relevant statistic, that these side effects are completely ignored; yet these ignored side effects could have a huge impact on quality of life.

Here is an example: I have dozens of clients who come to me with the common complaint of depression. Most of them are not suicidal; they simply have what they define as a crappy life. Their life just isn’t the life they envisioned. Maybe they don’t even know they are depressed, but after further evaluation, it seems clear they are just not capable of being fully happy, motivated, curious about life, or even interested in life.

These patients don’t really possess any of the typical traumas in their experience that can bring on such complaints. What is it then? The environment (I don’t mean climate change)? Yes. The culture? Yes. The societal decadence and immorality? Yes. The food they eat? Yes. The over the counter drugs they take? Yes. The prescription drugs they take? Most definitely yes.

All these things are killing them—some obviously, but the real dangers are the things killing them softly—the things we are told are unimportant.

None of these things are considered by modern medicine to have a significant enough influence on the body, the mind, or the spirit (which of course no medical practitioner pays any attention to) to be dangerous. If we, as humans, fall above a certain line with our complaints and ailments, we are considered “normal” and the complaints and ailments that fall below that are not statistically relevant. But they add up.

We then die younger than we should, we become weaker earlier than we should, and even if our body can stay physically functioning through modern medical miracles, we are dead inside with a poisoned soul as well as with a body and brain that is barely functioning to par, but functioning enough that most people think is good enough.

Living a life that has meaning and purpose is actually more important than living a life with a fully healthy body—and we are getting neither in this current world setting. Our souls are slowly being killed by a meaningless, materially focused culture where consumerism is the name of the life game. I need not list the problems present in this soul killing culture, but at the head of slow death is the movement toward transhumanism and the deliberate creation of a world without a moral foundation.

The physical body is being killed softly as well with all of the aforementioned toxic killers we are exposed to day in and day out. Most of them are slow and soft, and operate unhindered below the radar of most people—and certainly below the radar of those who should be monitoring such things.

Is this intentional? Are we subjected to this slow genocide as part of the global eugenic effort to rid the world of useless eaters?—or even more horrifying, to rid the world of all humans who are made in the image of God along with nature herself? An agenda chillingly made clear in C.S. Lewis’ tome That Hideous Strength seen as well in the works of numerous others such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Probably not everything I have mentioned here has come about as part of this nefarious evil intention. But I would be willing to bet a lot of it has (see the work of David Icke). It may just have become the nature of the beast to create a culture in its atheistic hubris that ignores the subtleties of life and living.

Most of these toxic examples I have presented here have come about through omission—e.g., by omitting any sort of diligence to avoid their toxic effects, or by entirely doing away with things that fall into the lower material resolutions of our experience, making them statistically irrelevant—if you can’t clearly see it then just ignore it. Obviously anything “unseen,” such as love, beauty, art, God, unity, and the essence of life, is completely and almost savagely ignored. Such is our world—a humanity that is quietly, and softly, dying.


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The European Commission and WHO Launch Landmark Digital Slavery Initiative to Centralize and Institutionalize Global Technocratic Idolatry.

The European Commission and WHO Launch Landmark Digital Slavery Initiative to Centralize and Institutionalize Global Technocratic Idolatry.
Translation of June 5, 2023 World Health Organization announcement. 

by Katherine Watt, Bailiwick News
June 13, 2023


5 June 2023 | News release | Geneva/Brussels

The World Health Organization (WHO) and European Commission have announced today the launch of a landmark digital slavery partnership.

In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) pilot project of digital COVID-19 slave control to establish a global system that will help facilitate centralization of global financial, social and political power and protect the rulers of each former nation-state from current and future attempts at accountability, including growing public understanding that global pandemics are not a real thing and ‘vaccines’ are biochemical weapons in medicinal drag.

This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Slavery Network (GDSN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver more corrupting power and control for the individuals building a Satan-worshipping one-world government with departmental headquarters in Geneva (WHO, UN), Basel (Bank for International Settlements), Brussels (EU), Rome, London, Washington DC and other major world cities.

“Building on the EU’s highly successful digital slavery network, WHO aims to offer all WHO Member States access to an open-source digital slavery tool, which is based on the principles of elitism, greed, fear, pride, secrecy, techno-materialism, data reductionism and privacy-intrusion,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “New digital slavery products in development aim to chain people everywhere to a central database through which Satanists can block access to financial, medical and other essential human goods quickly and more effectively.”

Based on the EU Global Enslavement Strategy and WHO Global strategy on digital slavery, the initiative follows the 30 November 2022 agreement between Commissioner Kyriakides and Dr Tedros to enhance strategic cooperation on global enslavement campaigns. This further bolsters a robust multilateral system with WHO at its core, powered by a strong EU.

“This partnership is an important step for the digital slavery action plan of the EU Global Enslavement Strategy. By using European best practices we contribute to digital slavery standards and interoperability globally — to the benefit of those seeking coercive power over the daily thoughts, words and actions of millions of human beings and those desperate to avoid removal from power, criminal trials, convictions and execution for already-committed war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes that cry out to God for vengeance.

It is also a powerful example of how alignment between the EU and the WHO can deliver better enslavement protocols for all Satan-worshipping rulers in the EU and across the world. As the directing and coordinating authority on international digital enslavement work, there is no better partner than the WHO to advance the work we started at the EU and further develop global digital slavery solutions,” said Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Satanic Slave-master Safety.

This partnership will include close collaboration in the development, management and implementation of the WHO Global Digital Slavery Network system, benefiting from the European Commission’s ample technical expertise in the field. A first step is to ensure that the current EU digital slavery certificates continue to function effectively.

“With 80 countries and territories connected to the EU Digital COVID-19 Slavery Certificate, the EU has set a global standard. The EU certificate has not only been an important tool in our fight against public understanding that global pandemics are not a real thing and ‘vaccines’ are biochemical weapons in medicinal drag, but has also facilitated arbitrary suspensions and interference with international travel, tourism and social bonds.

I am pleased that the WHO will build on the privacy-invading, economic enslavement principles and cutting-edge technology of the EU certificate to create a global tool against restoration of legitimate civil authority serving the actual material and spiritual well-being of citizens in countries around the world,” added Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market Destruction.

A global WHO system building on EU legacy

One of the key elements in the European Union’s COVID-19 digital slavery pilot project has been digital COVID-19 slavery certificates. To block free movement within its borders, the EU swiftly established interoperable COVID-19 slavery certificates (entitled ‘EU Digital COVID-19 Slavery Certificate’ or ‘EU-DCSC’). Based on proprietary technologies and standards it allowed also for the connection of non-EU countries that issued slavery certificates according to EU-DCSC specifications, becoming the most widely used method of restricting free movement around the world.

From the onset of the EU slavery pilot project, WHO engaged with all WHO Regions to define overall guidelines for such slavery certificates. To help strengthen global civil authorities’ imperviousness to reform and reconstruction in the face of growing public awareness that current rulers are unnaturally interested in possessing complete access to and control of the daily thoughts, speech and acts of every living man, woman and child on the planet, WHO is establishing a global digital slavery certification network which builds upon the solid foundations of the EU-DCSC framework, principles and proprietary technologies. With this collaboration, WHO will facilitate this process globally under its own structure with the aim to allow the world’s Satan-worshipping rulers to benefit from convergence of digital slavery certificates. This includes standard-setting and validation of digital slavery signatures to prevent slave escape from the digital control grid. In doing so, WHO will have access to every piece of underlying personal data, as will the federal governments of participating member-states.

The first building block of the global WHO system becomes operational in June 2023 and aims to be progressively developed in the coming months.

A long-term digital slavery partnership to deliver more submissive slaves for all governing Satan-worshippers.

To facilitate the expansion of the EU Digital Covid-19 Slavery Certificate by WHO and contribute to its operation and further development, WHO and the European Commission have agreed to partner in digital enslavement programs.

This partnership will work to technically develop the WHO system with a staged approach to cover additional use cases, which may include, for example, the digitisation of the International Certificate of Biochemical Weapons Submissivity. Expanding such digital solutions will be essential to deliver more effective slave-control for slave-masters across the globe.

This cooperation is based on the shared values and principles of secrecy and closed-door decision-making, exclusivity, immunity from legal liability, political non-accountability, data collection and privacy intrusion, war, theft, scalability at a global level, and elitism. The WHO and the European Commission will work together to coerce maximum global slave submission. Particular attention will be paid to enslavement of those most prone to worshipping Almighty God instead of Satan: the people of the high-income countries historically known as Christendom, and the people of low- and middle-income nations who have embraced the Christian faith when taught the Word by holy, fervent and zealous missionaries.


  • WHO-GDSN – WHO Global Digital Slavery Network
  • EU-DCSC – EU Digital COVID-19 Slavery Certificate


Connect with Katherine Watt

Cover image credit: geralt

What Does — and Doesn’t — Make Us Sick

What Does — and Doesn’t — Make Us Sick

by Dr. Tom Cowan, Weston A. Price Foundation
originally published May 2, 2023


What Makes Us Sick

What makes us sick and what doesn’t make us sick? To answer that question, our first step is to understand how we as human beings come to know something. There are two basic ways. First, we can have a sensory experience of something that tells us that this thing is real. We might study a particular tree in its habitat and see whether it produces fruit or observe what type of birds it attracts. Or we could study frogs and learn about where they live, what they eat and their interaction with the wider ecosystem.

But there are also things for which no sensory experience is possible, perhaps because they’re too small to see. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but in this situation, we have to do something called “science”— meaning looking for and establishing the existence of things that we don’t experience directly through our senses.

When we do science—and this is impor­tant—we have to make sure, during every single step of the process, that we haven’t altered the nature of the thing we’re studying, or even brought that thing into existence through our intervention. Analytical chemists understand this; they tell me that in their line of work (which amounts to finding things they cannot experi­ence through their senses), they have to validate that their procedures—taking something out of its habitat and shining a light on it or adding chemicals—didn’t in fact actually create what they ended up with. Otherwise, they can’t know whether or not the thing actually exists. Stated another way, when researchers test cause and ef­fect by changing an independent variable to see whether it has an effect on a dependent variable, they have to make sure, every step of the way, that they are measuring just the relationship between those two variables. This is the essence of the “scientific method.” When we don’t follow the true scientific method, we can end up in a world of illusions, delusions and make-believe.

What if there is no possible way to do an experiment? In that case, you are relying on something that is more like faith, and you should acknowledge that. You should state, “This is what I believe to be true and I’m going to dedicate myself to figuring out whether I can validate that it actually is true.” In other words, the goal is to go from “I believe” to “I know.”

How Do Viruses Make You Ill
AWOL Viruses

What is the agreed-on definition of a vi­rus? A virus is described as a disease-causing microbe with a piece of either DNA or RNA in the middle surrounded by a protein coat, and is said to be self-replicating in a host. It gets into the host’s cells, makes more of itself and then causes disease by bursting open the cells.

According to the definition, the expected natural habitat of this organism is the lungs, the blood, the lymph nodes, the urine, the cere­brospinal fluid and so on. However—and there is no scientific disagreement on this important point whatsoever—there is not a single study in the published medical literature for the past one hundred years that reports finding such a particle in any biological fluid of any plant, ani­mal or human being. This is true whether you’re talking about the fluid from someone’s “herpes” lesion, or the lungs of someone with “Covid-19,” or the snot from a person with “measles,” or the blood of someone with “Ebola” or the lymph nodes of a person with “AIDS.” There is not one published study in the scientific/medical literature showing that someone found such a particle in any one of those bodily fluids—and nobody disagrees with that! This should make you suspicious. As Mark Twain once stated, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

WC Fields said, “If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit,” and I think he was talking about virology. Con­sider this: we now have over two hundred ten responses from various health departments around the world to the question, “Do you have any published study that shows that you directly isolated SARS-CoV-2 from any human being on the planet?”1 (SARS-CoV-2 is the alleged virus, and Covid-19 is the disease alleged to be caused by the virus.) They all say the same thing: “We have no record of SARS-CoV-2 having been purified.” They’ve never found it, nor have they found any of the other pathogenic viruses. (We also have around forty or fifty similar responses pertaining to Ebola, Zika, HIV, measles and the like.)

Colleagues of mine have asked the authors of four of the most important papers written about SARS-CoV-2, some of which bafflingly have the word “isolation” in the title, “Did you isolate this virus in your study?” Their answer was not only “No” but also, “We didn’t even try to find it in any biological fluid of any person who was sick.” In the early days of virology, sci­entists did look, but they were never able to find such a particle using the very tool—the electron microscope—that should have allowed them to find it. After twenty years, they abandoned ship and said, “There’s nothing to this theory.” But then later, it got resurrected.

What Are You Sick With
A Belief System

Note that virology has methods and tech­niques to truly isolate a virus.2 Using ultracen­trifugation and something called a “sucrose density gradient,” virologists can separate a fluid sample into bands by molecular weight. Ultra­centrifugation will spin viruses out into their own band, which virologists can then extract with a pipette and check for purity.

But they don’t use these techniques! In­stead, I’ll give an example of what a virologist says if you ask, “Why do you think this virus exists? If you can’t find it, why do you think it’s in the lungs?” A virologist told me that someone would have to be “incredibly ill and shedding extremely large amounts of virus, and the fluid from their lungs would have to have a large amount of virus—and even then, it wouldn’t be possible.” In other words, “There’s not enough virus to find.”

Think about this. Your lungs are said to be the perfect culture medium—at the ideal tem­perature (thirty-seven degrees Celsius) for vi­ruses to reproduce—and the lung environment is, therefore, supposedly teeming with viruses. After they reproduce, viruses reportedly kill millions and billions of cells, and that, we are told, is how they cause disease. Supposedly, there are twenty million copies of a virus in a single sneeze. But the virologist’s answer is, “There’s not enough to see.”

Remember, a virus is described as incred­ibly tiny—something like one-thousandth of a pinhead or less—which means that when viruses explode, they are exploding perhaps one hundredth of a pinhead of your lungs. Yet you could take out even a baseball-sized piece of your lungs, and while that might be called “having a bad day,” you won’t die. The body also isn’t crazy enough to make an abnormal and excessive immune response to losing less than a pinhead size of the lungs. So, it is logical to ask, “If the virus is exploding the cells in a portion of your lungs that is the equivalent of less than a pinhead, how is it causing disease?”

There is a second reason virologists give for not using the tools at their disposal to isolate a virus. They say that the virus is an intracellular parasite organism, meaning it is only inside the cell and doesn’t go outside the cell. But if that is the case, how does it get to the next person? This starts to strain credulity. Here’s how that nutty conversation might go:

Q: “Why can’t you catch the virus when it goes from one person to another person?”

A: “Well, it’s not there for more than about six hours. We don’t have enough money to pay someone to look every six hours to find the organism in the snot.”

We asked one eminent virologist, “If you put ten thousand people together and collected all their sputum, would that be enough to find the virus?” His answer: “No, that’s not enough.”

Poisoning, Not Purification

There are something like ten thousand published papers that refer to the “isolation” of such-and-such a virus. Virologists will show you the title of these papers and say, “See, how can you say this isn’t true?” But since they aren’t using the proper steps, you have to know what they did instead. And you have to ask, did they rigorously validate every step of their process?

In 1954, a researcher named John Franklin Enders established the procedures that rejuvenated the then-languishing field of virology.3 Here are Enders’ basic steps:

  1. Virologists take snot from somebody alleged to have a certain disease (such as measles or Covid-19).
  2. Sometimes they centrifuge (not ultracentrifuge) or filter the mixture to get rid of cells, fungi and debris. That has become a sticking point because some people call this “purification.” However, purifying the snot a little is not equivalent to purifying out a virus.
  3. Next, they put the snot in a cell culture of green monkey kidney cells—cells that happen to be highly inbred and tend to break down easily.
  4. Then they mix in antibiotics—and specifically antibiotics that are kidney-toxic (gentamicin and amphotericin)—and they take away the cell culture medium’s nutrients. (This is the equivalent of being forced onto a standard American diet after thriving on a Wise Traditions diet.)
  5. Next, they mix in fetal bovine serum, a product sucked out of the heart of a newborn calf.
  6. Maintaining the cell culture at a steady temperature, they then watch what happens. In about five days, the cells break down— which is called a cytopathic effect (CPE)—and they call the CPE the “proof” that the virus exists and causes damage.

Understand that virologists consider this process—which inevitably generates cell breakdown—not “a” proof but “the” proof for the existence of all pathogenic viruses. You might reasonably ask, “How do you know the CPE is not due to starving the cells, or poisoning them with gentami­cin and amphotericin, or using fetal bovine serum, or because of some other toxin in the sick person’s snot?” Virologists’ answer is that they do a “mock infection” as a control. However, if you go to the hundreds of papers I and my colleagues have read over the past two years, you will not find even one actual mock infection. In fact, it can’t be done because the independent variable would necessarily need to be the very virus that they have not isolated. Often, the study authors don’t even provide details, and if you try to obtain more information, you invariably learn that they did not conduct a properly controlled experiment.

Interestingly, Enders’ procedures are also how pharmaceutical companies make viral vaccines.4 For example, they take someone with measles and put their unpurified snot into a monkey kidney cell culture, add fetal bovine serum, gentamicin, and amphotericin, and then when the cells break down, they call that “isolation” of the measles virus. They put that goop into a vial—and that is called a “live” virus vaccine. They can also cycle the goop over and over in huge vats, removing some of the proteins, and that is an “attenuated” viral vaccine. But at no point did they ever demonstrate there is a virus in there. With mRNA and newer technologies, they are just putting different stuff—known and unknown—in their vaccines. In short, vaccines are biotoxins, and they make people sick. How could biotoxins possibly prevent people from getting sick?

The Lanka Experiments

There is one scientist, Stefan Lanka, who contracted with an independent professional lab to try to answer the question of whether the culturing process itself, rather than a pathogenic virus, might be causing the CPE.

The lab conducted four experiments. In the first, they cultured normal cells with a normal nutrient medium, adding only a small amount of antibiotics—and no snot from a sick person. Five days later, the cell growth was perfectly normal. The second experiment was the same as the first, but with the addition of 10 percent fetal bovine serum. Again, five days later there was no cell breakdown.

The third experiment replicated Enders’ procedures, lowering the percentage of fetal bovine serum from 10 percent to 1 percent (that is, starving the cells) and tripling the amount of antibiotics. On day five, the characteristic CPE that “proves” the existence and pathogenicity of a virus was evident—except that Lanka had not added any fluid from a sick person or anything else that could have had a virus in it.

The fourth experiment repeated the third but with the addition of RNA from yeast. It so happens that monkey kidney cells don’t like yeast any more than they like kidney-toxic an­tibiotics. Unsurprisingly, the fourth experiment produced the same CPE result—clearly show­ing that the CPE is the result of the culturing technique rather than any virus.

After they “prove” the existence of a virus using their cell culturing process, virologists “find” the genome of the virus using fragments of the RNA in the broken-down cell culture to create the assembled genome of the alleged vi­rus. This is called “sequencing.” What is impor­tant to understand is that this process generates a genome that is purely theoretical (“in silico”). As I explain in my booklet Breaking the Spell:

“This genome never exists in any person, and it never exists intact even in the culture results; it exists only inside the computer, based on an alignment process that arranges these short pieces [of RNA] into an entire ‘genome.’”5

In the case of SARS-CoV-2, sequencing software generated anywhere from three hun­dred forty-two thousand to one million different possibilities of how to arrange the fragments. A small group of scientists then decided which arrangement they liked—by “consensus”—and then, for every subsequent analysis, they put that first consensus-derived genome in and told the computer to make another one along the same lines. When they turn out a sequence that is a bit different from the original consensus-derived “genome,” that’s called a “variant.”

Note that all of this applies both to so-called “natural” viruses and to so-called lab-engineered “gain-of-function” viruses—which no more exist than any “natural” virus exists. So, here you have biologists in their hazmat suits, protecting themselves against a genome from a virus that exists only in a computer.

As for the PCR test, the whole premise of the test is also nonsense. You cannot say that a PCR sequence came from a thing you have not isolated. It makes no sense to even talk about “false-positives,” because the results are just plain false.

Identical Pictures, Delusional Thoughts

At some point, people say to me, “But Tom, we’ve seen electron microscope pictures of SARS-CoV-2,” complete with “spikes” and something that looks like a “corona”! However, I have a picture from a kidney biopsy produced before the year 2000 (when there was no pos­sibility that it was SARS-CoV-2) that looks just the same. In fact, I have eleven electron micro­scope pictures—labeled as kidney biopsies, lung biopsies or SARS-CoV-2—and there is no way to tell the difference between them. They are morphologically indistinguishable—they all look the same. In fact, the CDC has known since the 1970s that electron microscopy cannot tell the difference between a kidney biopsy, lung cancer, cellular debris, SARS-CoV-2 or any so-called pathogenic virus; it simply is not possible.

The cellular debris, by the way, comes from poisoning—whether from putting yeast, antibiotics or fetal bovine serum on a culture, or from EMFs, or from not eating a Wise Tra­ditions diet. It can even be from “wonky” or delusional thinking. For example, I knew an anthroposophical doctor who spent his career giving AIDS drugs to so-called “HIV-positive” people because he believed in the delusional germ theory, and then, because of this belief, he took four Covid shots. Five days after the fourth one, he was dead. You could say he died from the shots, but I say he died because he spent his entire life believing in something that is completely make-believe.

An Even Bigger Delusion

It turns out that the delusion is even bigger than viruses—we didn’t just make up viruses, we made up diseases. Consider what happens if you get a splinter in your finger. In medical school, I was taught that pus is a sign of infec­tion, but actually, the pus is the body’s thera­peutic response to the splinter; if you suppress the pus, you will never get the splinter out. We need to stop thinking of the body’s responses as “diseases”; they are the wisdom of the body coming through.

We can look at many other conditions—and the body’s wise therapies—in the same way. For example, if you put toxic junk in your lungs, the body will cough it up because it wants to get rid of dead, dying and poisoned tissue. In Wuhan, which has some of the worst air pollution in the world, bronchitis is the therapy for breathing air. It’s not a disease.

Or consider chickenpox, which might have something to do with malnutrition or a collagen deficiency or a toxic environment—but is also a normal maturation and cleansing process. If you come along and poison a child with a chickenpox vaccine so they cannot go through that cleansing process, they will instead have a life of asthma, allergies, eczema and all these other made-up terms that really mean you stopped the process of healing. It may look like you lessened the incidence of “chickenpox,” but by interfering with the cleansing process you have increased lots of chronic things, which never go away.

There are no vaccines that are exceptions to that rule—they all poison you, and you end up worse. When you cannot go through the normal maturation and healing steps, you eventually may end up with cancer. You’re depositing one poison after another throughout your life, and now you’ve got a garbage can of poisons otherwise known as a “tumor.” What would you do if you kept being poisoned over and over, and someone prevented you from getting the poisons out? It’s very simple: you would buy a garbage can and put the poison in there. But what happens if you keep putting in garbage, and it starts piling up in your basement, garage, kitchen and bedroom until you can’t live? That’s called “metastasis,” and then you die.

What Are We Made Of?

To examine more deeply the question of what makes us sick, let’s consider what we’re made of. To start on safe ground, let’s accept that we’re made of a head, ears, eyes, mouth, chest, arms, fingers, legs, toes and a bunch of other things. Inside, we also have things like a heart, bones, blood vessels, nerves, a liver, kidneys and other things. As far as I can tell, older healing traditions like Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine also believe there is a heart and liver and spleen and all the rest of it. In fact, not only do they believe it, they put huge stock in the energy flow through those organs.

Now remember, there are two ways of knowing. In the first instance, you can observe, but if you can’t observe, you have to do science—and you have to be sure that any science you do isn’t affecting what you’re seeing. And if it is, you have to control for that.

We’re told that hepatocytes are the main functional cells of the liver, but we might ask, “How do we know that?” How many of us have actually seen hepatocytes in the liver of an intact living organism? Nobody. That may not mean they’re not there, but it means we’ve got a question that requires further experimentation. We can take someone and anesthetize them (or at least some part of them), and stick a needle in, and suck out a piece of the liver, and stain it with toxic chemicals, and shine a high-powered light on it, and then say that what we see are the hepatocytes.

But how do we know that the process of anesthetizing (that is, poison­ing) the person, removing the sample from a living organism and putting chemical stains on it didn’t create the structures we’re seeing?

For example, we know that bacteria, when stressed, will create a storage form called bacteriophages, and the same is true for other or­ganisms like fungus spores. How do we know that stressing the liver by removing it from the living organism that nourishes it didn’t create the appearance of the liver cells? I’m not necessarily saying that this proves there are no liver cells, but I’m saying you need to ask the question if you want to do real science.

My thinking on these matters owes a lot to thinkers like the British biologist Harold Hillman, who spent fifty years and thousands of pages asking these kinds of questions.6 If you really want to understand biology, read Hillman. Another influence is Gilbert Ling, a brilliant Chinese-born American scientist who challenged the accepted view of the cell.7

Let’s remember that in addition to sensory observations and science, you may get to a point where you simply can’t know something. Going back to virology, if you can’t take the virus out of the sample that you inoculate, the best you might be able to say is, “We have no actual evidence that the virus exists. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t, but we have no evidence.” How different would the world be if, in March 2020, they had announced: “We did some experiments, and we have some idea there might be a virus, but we can’t really prove it, and all the experiments have shown it’s not really there—but we think we should lock you down and make you wear a mask and starve you anyway.” Of course, they don’t say it like that. My point is that it may not be possible to prove the existence of those liver cells—or any cells.

What is also interesting is that of the ap­proximately one hundred eighty-four different tissue types, we know that forty-four don’t have any cells. Examples are the crystalline lens of the eye, and the bursae—sacs of fluid (colorfully described as “miniature water balloons”) that fa­cilitate the frictionless movement of the joints.8 The absence of cells makes sense because this organized water tissue is much stronger and more coherent than if it were broken up into little cells.

Historically, what did Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine have to say about cells? Nothing. There is no mention of cells in either of those traditions. By the way, they never mentioned contagion or germ theory either. It was the German physician Rudolf Virchow who popularized the idea that we are made of cells. In the 1850s, Virchow wrote a book about cellular physiology essentially based on his dissection of an onion; he saw that it had compartments and from there he asserted that all living things were made of cells and that “all cells come from cells.” Although many people initially thought he was nuts, somehow that became the cel­lular theory of biology and medicine, despite the theory never having been “proven” in any meaningful sense of the word.

Ribosome Fairy Tales?

For the time being, let’s assume that cells do exist in those one hundred forty or so human tis­sues. Then we can ask, what is a cell made of? In addition to a cell membrane, standard textbooks show pictures with structures called organelles that include a nucleus, an endoplasmic reticu­lum, ribosomes, mitochondria, lysosomes, the Golgi apparatus and others (see Figure 1). This definition of a cell is the basis of all medicine and biology.

Now, let’s consider the ribosomes. Cell biol­ogy tells us that ribosomes are the place where mRNA is translated into proteins, describing ribosomes as the cells’ protein-making “facto­ries” or “machinery.” Ribosomes also happen to be an important part of the Covid story— remember, the official rationale for putting mRNA in the injections was so it could instruct the ribosomes to pro­duce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.9

As an aside, if you say, “I’m going to make tires out of rubber,” it would not be unusual to be asked, “How do you know that works?” Then you could de­scribe the process, in­cluding the quantity of rubber needed to produce a set number of tires, and they could repeat the process to see whether they end up with the same num­ber of tires from the same amount of rubber. Along these lines, you would expect there to be hundreds of studies showing that if you put “X” amount of mRNA into a human being, you get “Y” amount of spike protein. But do you know how many studies there are like that? Zero. Instead, we just heard, “We had to move at the speed of science,”10 which really means “We made it up.”

There is an interesting thing going on with the ribosomes, because we’re talking about the place in a cell where the essence of you, biologi­cally, is made. We are made of proteins. The creation of you, we’re told, is in the ribosomes. The question is, is there such a thing as a ribosome, or did they make it up?

FIGURE 1. A standard (make-believe) cell diagram.

One clue that there is something fishy going on is that no one can tell you how many ribosomes a cell contains, other than a vague “millions.” However, we can do some basic arithmetic (which will be an approxima­tion because we’re mixing volume and linear measurement). We’re told that a ribosome measures about twenty-five nanometers (0.025 microm­eters)—and if we conservatively estimate that a mammalian cell has about four million ribosomes, then that would equal one hundred thousand micrometers. However, a typical mammalian cell is something like one hundred micrometers, and the cytoplasm (which contains the ribosomes) is only 70 percent of the cell, meaning that its volume is seventy micrometers. Not only that, but the mi­tochondria—which are hundreds or thou­sands of times big­ger than the putative ribosomes—are also in there. So, how does something that is one hundred thousand micrometers fit into a space that is sev­enty micrometers and also houses millions of mitochondria? Doesn’t anybody study arithmetic?

A second clue that ribosomes are imaginary comes from electron micro­scope pictures, which always show the ribosome as a perfect circle. If it is a perfect circle on a two-dimensional picture, that means it had to have been a sphere in real life. Now think about how biologists obtain these pictures: they take some tissue, put it in a blender, grind and macerate it, freeze it to minus one hundred twenty degrees centigrade, stain it with heavy metals and shoot a high-energy electron beam at it to evaporate all the water from the tissue. How does a sphere that has been ground up in a blender, frozen, poisoned and had all its water evaporated end up—every single time—as a perfect circle? It is not possible for those circles to be real cellular structures. (This is a good time to remember WC Fields’ quote about “baffling them with bullshit.”)

Fortunately, Harold Hillman had the genius to take something that could not possibly have ribosomes in it and put it through the same process (staining and so forth), and he got the exact same pictures. It turns out that those are just typical images of dead and dying tissue (remember that pictures of “viruses” also come from stained tissue that is dead and dying), and those perfect circles are gas bubbles—in which case, there are no ribosomes. And if there are no ribosomes, there is no place for the translation of RNA into protein to occur. And if that is the case, what the heck is going on, and how do we actually make the stuff that we’re made of?

More Cell Make-Believe

For another example, let’s look at the cell component called the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Textbooks describe the ER as “a netlike labyrinth of branching tubules and flattened sacs”11 that serve as the cell’s “transportation system.” The millions of ribosomes in a cell are said to line the surface of the “rough” part of the ER.

Why does the ER even have to be there? Before I answer that ques­tion, let’s consider that the cytoplasm of a cell (which is the gel-like liquid inside a cell membrane but external to the nucleus) has a different pH level than the pH inside the cell nucleus—and that is a verifiable, mea­surable phenomenon. You can measure the two pH values one hundred times and they will never be the same. Why is the pH different? The reason can only be due to the cytoplasm and nucleus having different concentrations of hydrogen ions—because that is where pH comes from. And for the pH values to be different, there has to be an impenetrable barrier between the cytoplasm and nucleus, or some other mechanism that keeps the hydrogen ions from equilibrating across the two. If there were no mechanism, they would equilibrate and their pH would be the same—but it never is.

Now, we run into the conceptual problem of the mRNA. They say DNA makes mRNA in the nucleus; then, the mRNA exits the nucleus through pores in the nuclear membrane and heads to the imaginary ribosomes, where it is translated into protein. So, how does the mRNA get out without letting any hydrogen ions in to equilibrate? An mRNA molecule is at least thousands and maybe millions of times bigger than a hydrogen ion. Picture the problem this way: Something the size of an elephant can go out, but something the size of a mosquito can’t get in.

Believe it or not, we’re expected to believe that there is something like a whirligig that attaches to the mRNA (the “elephant”) and spins around like a conveyor belt and takes the mRNA to the other side of the cell. Meanwhile, no one has ever seen the whirligig. (“But it must be a whirligig, because how else did the elephant get out?”) But then you have to ask, how does it go round and round and not tangle up the “branching” components of the ER? If you picture them like ropes, wouldn’t you have to untangle the ropes? (Didn’t any scientist ever go on a merry-go-round?) Once again, Hillman provided a common-sense answer. He showed that when you take tissue and quickly freeze it, it makes fracture lines—and that’s what we call the endoplasmic reticulum. The ER doesn’t exist.

In short, using basic principles of geometry, mathematics and logic, you can go through the same process with every component of the cell. Nothing on a standard cell diagram—with the exception of the nucleus, the mitochondria and a thin cell wall—has ever been proven to exist. It’s all make-believe.

Other Things That Just Ain’t So

In addition to the imaginary cell compo­nents, there are a lot of other things in science that, as Mark Twain put it, “we believe in but just ain’t so.” Consider “Neurology 101.” A neurologist’s explanation of how nerves work goes like this: We have nerves made up of nerve cells called “neurons”; they transmit electrical and chemical signals via “axons” that end in “synapses.” Something called the “presynaptic junction” releases chemical messengers called “neurotransmitters” (such as serotonin and do­pamine), which swim across the junction and attach to “postsynaptic receptors,” where they “depolarize” the next neuron and start the next impulse—and so on, until the nerve ends at its destination and “fires.” But the process can’t work like that; it’s nonsense. This becomes im­mediately obvious if you ask someone to wiggle the tip of their right or left index finger as soon as they hear the word “right” or “left”; they do it virtually instantaneously, with no lag time for this hypothesized neurotransmitter journey.12

In addition, if you dissect a nerve, you never see a synapse. Now, you could have the problem of “maybe it’s just too small to see,” but most things aren’t too small to see with an electron microscope. If you hunt down a picture of what an anatomical synapse is supposed to look like, what you’ll find are pictures of stained nerves. That’s not a synapse—because there are no synapses. The nerve is continuous.

Think about how much in medicine is based on neurotransmitters and receptors (such as the famed “ACE2 receptors,” “opiate receptors,” “dopamine receptors,” or “serotonin receptors”). They even tell us that it is oxytocin, a hormone that “acts as a neurotransmitter,” that makes us love someone. It couldn’t be because they’re a nice person or they give you a backrub—no, it’s the “love hormone” oxytocin.

Here is another example. How many of you have heard of the “blood-brain barrier” or believe there is such a barrier? We often hear about it from people opposed to vaccination, who say that vaccines make your blood-brain barrier “leaky.” The implication is that we’re talking about an actual anatomical structure—a physical barrier that stretches out like a piece of cellophane along the border between the blood vessels and your brain tissue so that nothing gets in or out—except vaccines. . . and except anesthetics because drug-makers “know how to get anesthetics through the blood-brain bar­rier.” Nonetheless, no one has ever proven the existence of such a barrier.

Just to be clear, I am not saying that there aren’t substances that get into the brain in a different way than they get into the liver. The liver and the brain each have a different com­position of water and lipids, so logically, some things will dissolve and get into the liver differently from how they get into the brain. But just because things get in the brain differently does not mean there is an anatomical barrier.

Finally, we can scrutinize the notion that DNA is the mech­anism of heredity. The premise of genetics is that you have a stable fixed code that is the same in every cell of your body. That fixed, stable DNA makes proteins, and the proteins make you. But there are probably two hundred thousand different types of protein, and only twenty thousand genes or units that code for these proteins. We’re told that one gene makes one protein, so how does that work? Where did the other one hundred eighty thousand proteins come from? The central dogma that one gene makes one protein cannot be true. So, how we are made can’t have anything to do with DNA and, therefore, DNA cannot be the code for biological systems. In fact, DNA changes from minute to minute—Barbara McClintock proved this decades ago13—so there is no stable DNA. We do not have the same DNA in all the tissues and cells of our body. These things have been 100 percent disproven.

It’s the Structured Water

The ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, synapses, neurotransmitters and blood-brain barrier represent just a partial list—and I do mean partial—of things of which I either doubt the existence or suspect their function is different from what we have been told. If you are still wondering what we are made up of, the reality is more beautiful, simpler, easier to understand and more logical and rational. The real answer to what we’re made of is structured water. Structured water, which creates free electrons, is the only possible explanation for how we’re able to instantaneously wiggle our index finger when we hear the word “right” or left.”

FIGURE 2. Dark-field microscope image of cells showing cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and structured water.

Figure 2 is an image of a cell produced with dark-field microscopy, which is the most reliable technique for viewing live, unstained biologi­cal samples. In the image, you see a thin membrane (the outer coating); you see organized water (also called structured water, coherent water, EZ water, the fourth phase of water or liquid crystalline water); you see little black dots in the structured water (the mitochondria) and you see a nucleus that is always circular or dome-shaped—and that’s it.

Note that the mitochondria help structure our water by making ATP—which is not “energy” as we’ve been told. Think of struc­tured water like jello. If you add water to gelatin proteins, nothing happens, but if you heat the mix­ture, the heat unfolds the proteins and you get water that gels. As for us, we have all these proteins, and the mitochondria make the ATP that unfolds them so that the pro­teins can interact with water and form gels. All gels create a negative charge and an electromagnetic field around them, which is the voltage—the energy—of life. To put it simply, we are living liquid crystals.

The dome in the middle (the nucleus) also has something sticking out that collects energy from the world. It may be DNA, but it is not a double helix—it’s a spiral sticking out of the nucleus. The way it works is similar to a radio antenna. It “downloads” information coming in through “radio waves” that get picked up by the “antenna,” and out of that emerge proteins and life (or sound and song in the case of a radio). And this dynamic, tunable, responsive, liquid crystalline medium pervades the whole body—from the organs and tissues to the interior of every cell.

Note that in Genesis, before God created the Earth, plants or people, he created water and light energy. No one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of the water and the Spirit. The Spirit is the informa­tion field that comes in through our antenna. Every scriptural tradition says that all living things and the universe itself are made of water.

What Does Make Us Sick?

If we now circle back to “what doesn’t make us sick,” we could sum­marize the answer in one word: “viruses.” And if we ask, “What does make us sick?”, the answer is also straightforward. We get sick when we mess up our structured water. If we disturb the gels by putting “schmutz” in them—which could be aluminum, mercury, glyphosate, bad food, EMFs, or even negative emotions like anger, fear, shame or guilt—that will distort or dissolve the gels. If we do that in our eye, we get a distorted gel that has a film on it, and we call that a “cataract.” If we distort the bursa in our knee, so that the gels that are supposed to protect both sides of the knee start sticking together, then we have bone on bone and we call that “arthritis.” Public health officials create epidemics by pulling different manifestations of distorted water into a single diagnosis—such as AIDS or Covid-19—and when they are ready to make the epidemic go away, they separate them back out into twenty different diagnoses. It’s very clever—and it’s nothing new.

Without describing it as such, medicine does sometimes assess the coherence of your water to see if you are sick. For example, doctors use MRIs to diagnose cancer. What is the MRI measuring? It’s measuring the coherence of your water. When your water goes from a gel-like jello to a puddle-like liquid, it sends a different signal to the MRI.

Imagine you have a poison grape in your “jello.” Your body heats up the gel and you get a fever—that’s hyperthermia. The heat dissolves the gel and makes it runny, creating mucus that you can spit out or cough up, or creating something you can push out through your skin. That’s what we call “being sick.” It makes perfect sense. If you want to flush out the poison grape, all you have to do is clean your gels—which is what detoxification approaches like the Gerson diet and water fasting are all about—and clean up the field and you will heal. If you want to know why you are sick, think about how you are structuring your water, what you’re putting into your water, the quality of the water and the quality or composition of the field that you’re exposed to.

I’m not the first person to say that water creates life. Mae Wan-Ho, a past speaker at Weston A. Price Foundation conferences, wrote books about “the role of biological water in organising living processes.”14 Mar­cel Vogel,15 who knew more about crystals than any human being ever alive and who invented liquid crystal screens, discovered that he could use the energetic fields of quartz crystals to structure water.16

We are made of a living, evolving, changing crystal, which is why we are not made of quartz. One way of viewing Covid-related events is that people like Bill Gates are trying to make us be made of quartz, not water. In some ways, that is what this is all about. As a fixed, perfect quartz crystal, they tell us, nothing will ever change and we can live forever. But that is not what I want. I want to change, grow, evolve and be a human being who has to be watered.

We’re swimming along with misconcep­tions in a make-believe world—and we have to get rid of this garbage. We can find a much better way once we explore and learn what we’re really made of and how it all works. Every reason we get sick has to do with a distortion of the field coming in.

Continuing with the radio analogy, you need to find the good signal instead of the dis­torted signal. The good signal is the sun, moon and the earth; good friends; your dog; com­munity; clean, nutrient-dense food, clean water and clean air; good music; and love, safety and freedom. That is the field that you “download” into the gel to give it information to organize progressively into the more and more perfect crystal that is you.

No Deathbed Confession

How have virology’s luminaries been able to claim they found a virus when we know they have never found one in any biological fluid? Let’s consider Luc Montagnier, the prestigious virologist who won a Nobel Prize for discovering HIV. He died in 2022. Montagnier acknowledged that purification was a necessary step to prove the existence of a virus (or, in the case of HIV, a retrovirus) but admitted, “We did not purify.”17 The technician who performed his electron microscopy for twenty years even said, “It turns out we never saw a virus. All we saw was junk.” But to his dying day, Montagnier never “fessed up” or acknowledged, “We don’t have a real virus.”

On what did Montagnier base his claim that he had found HIV? It’s very simple:

• He took lymphocytes from the lymph nodes of a person said to have AIDS.

• He stimulated them to grow with a chemical called PHA (phytohaemagglutinin).

• When the lymphocytes grew, he assayed them for an enzyme called reverse transcriptase.

• When he found reverse transcriptase, he said that it proved the existence of a new retrovirus eventually called HIV.

• To “prove” that HIV was transmissible to other people, Montagnier took his PHA-stimulated lymphocyte culture and put it in a lymphocyte culture from a healthy person. When he found reverse transcriptase in that culture as well, that was the “proof” that HIV is a transmissible disease.

There was only one problem. Ten years previously, Robert Gallo had written a paper reporting reverse transcriptase in every single culture from anybody with lymphocytes stimulated with PHA. Both Gallo and Montagnier knew that his experiment had nothing to do with proving that there was a retrovirus or any kind of virus at all. Later, the scientist credited with discovering the reverse transcriptase enzyme, David Baltimore, also admitted as much.18

Water Pictures

Veda Austin, a “water researcher,” has dedicated many years to observing the life of water, which she describes as “fluid intelligence.”19

Veda has developed techniques for photographing water in its “state of creation.” This work explores whether, if she asks water a question, the water can take in and download the information and, given the right circumstances, make structures that essentially answer that question. And what she has found is that if she puts the water in a dish and freezes it, the water organizes its crystals and makes pictures.

For example, when she showed the dish of water a wedding invitation and said, “Water, show me the wedding invitation,” the frozen water created an amazing artistic depiction of a wedding ring. But my favorite example is when she said, “Water, what is falling down?” The water did not create anything as straightforward as an image of rain; instead, the water produced an image of “London Bridge is falling down.”

“Safe and Free” by Jude Roberts20

In the last two years, I’ve learned important things from my cat Pumpkin. One stormy evening, with coyotes howling in the distance, I walked with Pumpkin toward the greenhouse where he sleeps, but Pumpkin started heading for the woods instead. When I called him, he gave me a look that seemed to say, “There’s no point in being safe if I can’t be free.” My friend Jude Roberts understands this, too. His song “Safe and Free” reminds us what this is all about.

I got up to go to work today,
there was no work for me.
Governor closed my shop, he say
to keep me safe and free
I’ve had my shop for twenty years,
It feeds my family,
And now we have to stay inside,
To keep us safe and free
To keep us safe and free
Called my dear old mother,
My mother said to me
“Son, I miss you dearly,
But you cannot come to tea”
“The children miss you, Mamma,
They’re healthy as can be.”
“A hug could kill their Grandma,
Keep them away from me.
Keep me safe and free.”
Giant tech and billionaires
And pharmacology
Spinning like a top to move
The wheels of industry
Amazon and Walmart,
The consumer pedigree,
They can do their business,
Because anyone can see
They keep us safe and free
Technocrats and robot gods
And blind authority,
Sell your soul and pray to them,
They’ll keep you safe and free
Biotech behemoths say
They have a shot for me.
I trust them with my body,
And forgive them for their greed
If it keeps me safe and free
Keep us safe from terrorists,
Keep us free from germs,
Keep us from the danger
Of the wisdom we have learned
Until the books are burned
Governor says to wear a mask
I cannot disagree
I cannot breathe or speak my mind,
But at least I’m safe and free
I’ll wear my mask for you my friend,
You wear your mask for me.
Worried eyes and faceless fear
Is all that we can see.
Sure feel safe and free
Keep us free from choices,
Keep us stuck in blame,
Keep us in a toxic state,
Of poverty and shame
While they run their game
I’ll open up my shop today
Even if they come for me.
If I can’t feed my family,
We’re neither safe nor free.
I may not be a scientist,
And I’m damn sure not a priest
Ain’t a fool on God’s green Earth
Can keep life safe for me.
So better I live free.

[Listen to Jude Roberts performing “Safe and Free”.]


  2. Cowan TS. Breaking the Spell: The Scientific Evidence for Ending the Covid Delusion., August 2021, p. 4.
  3. Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954;86(2):277- 286.
  4. Katz SL. John F. Enders and measles virus vaccine—a reminiscence. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 2009;329:3-11.
  5. Cowan, Breaking the Spell, p. 14.
  6. Hillman M. Harold Hillman obituary. The Guardian, Sep. 25, 2016.
  8. Funiciello M. What is a bursa? Arthritis-health, updated Dec. 4, 2019.
  9. Cono J, Dotson D, Green RF, et al. mRNA COVID-19 vaccines: an incredible feat of genomic technology. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Science, Mar. 5, 2021.
  10. Pfizer did not know whether Covid vaccine stopped transmission be­fore rollout., Oct. 12, 2022.
  11. Alberts B. et al. “The endoplasmic reticulum.” In Molecular Biology of the Cell, 4th edition. New York: Garland Science; 2002.
  12. Cowan T. Human Heart, Cosmic Heart: A Doc­tor’s Quest to Understand, Treat, and Prevent Cardiovascular Disease. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing; 2016, pp. 102- 105.
  13. Halpern ME. Barbara McClintock on defining the unstable genome. Genetics. 2016;204:3-4.
  16. What scientists say about structured water. The Wellness Enterprise, Jul. 25, 2014.
  17. Tahi D. Did Luc Montagnier discover HIV? “I repeat, we did not purify!” Continuum. 1998;5(2):31-35.
  18. “Dont ask david baltimore about HIV isolation.” Medaphysics Repository, Feb. 9, 2014.


Dr. Tom Cowan has been one of the leading voices speaking out against the mainstream medical narrative and coordinated agenda of masking, social distancing and forced vaccinations. His messages of health freedom and personal autonomy have resonated with millions of people around the world. Dr. Cowan challenges conventional medicine to explore health and wellness in holistic terms, seeking to provide a collaborative forum for the exchange of knowledge, products and practices that enable us to forge a new world together, governed by truth.


Connect with Weston A. Price Foundation

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Cover image credit: GDJ

Read 33-Page Report by Harold Hillman and Download PDF:
A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology
and Neurobiology


See Related Articles:

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Warning Signs You’ve Been Tricked by Virologists

Rabies: The “Virus” of Fear

And On and On It Goes: Dawn Lester on Why the “No Virus” Issue Remains So Important

And On and On It Goes: Dawn Lester on Why the “No Virus” Issue Remains So Important


“Therefore, one of the answers I would provide to the question of why the ‘no virus’ issue is so important is: that fear of ‘germs’ makes people believe that ‘disease’ can be transmitted between people, which means that we have to continue being afraid of each other.

“In fact, one of the fundamental problems with all of this is that it keeps people in a state of unjustified fear, which is disempowering. Releasing unjustified fear is empowering.”


And On and On It Goes…

by Dawn Lester, Dawn’s Writings
June 11, 2023


It seems that many people wonder why the ‘no virus’ issue remains important now that the ‘pandemic’ is over.

To add to that, there are some people in the ‘freedom movement’ who have recently asserted that there are many aspects of the globalists’ agenda that are not related to health and are far more dangerous to humanity, such as technocracy, transhumanism, digital currencies, smart cities etc.

Yes, these are important issues – really important issues, I totally agree – but so is the idea that ‘pathogenic agents’ exist because it has tentacles that reach into many aspects of our lives, so it cannot be brushed aside as if irrelevant, especially in view of the complete lack of evidence to support this idea.

I would therefore recommend that people who believe in ‘pathogenic agents’ become aware of the various reports that claim there will be ‘future pandemics’. For just one example, a 22nd May 2023 ‘News’ item on the UN website states,

“Although COVID-19 may no longer be a global public health emergency, countries must still strengthen response to the disease and prepare for future pandemics and other threats, the Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday in Geneva.”

There has never been a ‘pandemic’ due to an infectious agent and there never could be. But, whilst people believe that pathogenic infectious agents exist, they will believe in the possibility of other ‘pandemics’.

Therefore, one of the answers I would provide to the question of why the ‘no virus’ issue is so important is: that fear of ‘germs’ makes people believe that ‘disease’ can be transmitted between people, which means that we have to continue being afraid of each other.

In fact, one of the fundamental problems with all of this is that it keeps people in a state of unjustified fear, which is disempowering. Releasing unjustified fear is empowering.

Furthermore, fear of ‘germs’ makes people acquiesce to measures that are claimed to be for their benefit but are far more likely to be harmful, and in many cases potentially or even actually fatal.

For example, the maintenance of a belief in pathogens permits the maintenance of a belief in the idea that STIs are real, as demonstrated by a recent BBC article Gonorrhoea and syphilis sex infections reach record levels in England,

“England is seeing record high levels of gonorrhoea and syphilis sexually transmitted infections, following a dip during Covid years, new figures reveal.”

Is the claim that these STIs ‘dipped’ during the Covid years intended to suggest that people maintaining their distance from one another was beneficial? This point is not elaborated upon, so maybe it was not intended to imply that. Still, the point was stated, so maybe it was intended to be drawn into the sub-conscious mind.

One of the key messages in the BBC article is that people should ‘practise safe sex’ – whatever that means. In order to be ‘safe’, people are encouraged to ‘get themselves tested’ – does this sound familiar?

In addition, the article states that,

“The age group most likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is people who are 15-24.”

The reason for STIs to mainly affect young people is not explained, although it is possibly because this age group is more likely to be tested, as the article indicates,

“Some of the rise will be due to increased testing, but the scale of the surge strongly suggests that there are more of the infections around, says the UKHSA.”

A particularly significant comment made by the spokesperson for the UKHSA, and reported in the article, is that,

“Testing is important because you may not have any symptoms of an STI.”

Yet, according to the CDC,

“An infection occurs when germs enter the body, increase in number, and cause a reaction of the body.”

In other words, an infection causes a reaction or ‘symptoms’, but infected people may not have symptoms. A contradiction in terms, surely!

Just to be clear, the definition of ‘symptom’ according to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary is,

“…subjective evidence of disease or physical disturbance.”

So, to summarise: according to the medical establishment, a symptom is evidence of disease and ‘germs’ are pathogens, which means they cause disease, which is defined by the presence of symptoms. Yet ‘germs’ are said to be able to cause an infection even in the complete absence of symptoms.

Confused? You should be, because this is all nonsense!

But it is nonsense that people are not only expected to believe without question, but are not allowed to question.

Maybe it is because this is all so confusing that people are likely to just switch off their thinking, because they don’t understand it, and instead defer to the so-called ‘experts’. I am not being disrespectful. I do wonder, however, whether this approach may be intentional and that those in control of the narrative intentionally promote contradictory information to ensure that people are confused.

Deferring to ‘experts’ is however, a serious error of judgement, because it means people will believe the experts’ reports about ‘germs’ and become trapped in a false narrative that they may have been ‘infected’. This in turn will make them believe that they need to take certain drugs and act in a certain way to ‘protect’ themselves from other people or protect other people from them, especially people with whom they are in a loving relationship. They are made to believe the idea that they could cause harm to their partner or vice versa, and they therefore live in fear.

This fear is fuelled by a variety of statements, such as the claim in the BBC article that,

“An untreated infection can lead to infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and can be passed on to a child during pregnancy.”

There is no evidence for this claim. Yet, this is exactly the kind of message that will encourage people to want to be tested to make sure they are ‘safe’. Again, does this sound familiar?

An even deeper problem is highlighted by the comment from the Chief Executive of the Terrence Higgins who is reported to have said that,

“Sexual health services and public health budgets have been cut to the bone.”

This comment was followed by his statement that,

“This was exacerbated and laid bare by last year’s mpox outbreak, which left sexual health clinics in the most affected areas unable to provide HIV and STI testing, HIV prevention and access to contraception due to the displacement of these core and vital services. Until sexual health is properly resourced – with an appointment easier to access than a (sic) – we won’t see the number of STIs heading in the right direction.”

Where do I start with this?

OK, so the Terrence Higgins Trust web page About our charity states,

“We’re the UK’s leading HIV and sexual health charity. We support people living with HIV and amplify their voices, and help the people using our services to achieve good sexual health.”

I realise that I don’t have a Substack article specifically about HIV, but this is one I wrote about STDs,

There’s No Such Thing as a Sexually-Transmitted Disease 

In addition, I wrote an article about monkeypox last year,

Monkeypox: Yet More Madness

HIV is a huge topic, but the fundamental point to convey here is that there is no evidence, and there never was, that there is such a thing as a ‘virus’ called HIV that is the cause of a health problem called AIDS – or any other health problem for that matter.

It is abundantly clear that there is a lot at stake here. It is also crystal clear that belief in the existence of any kind of pathogenic agent is absolutely essential for organisations such as the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT), as well as ‘health’ institutions, such as the WHO, CDC, NHS, and all the other alphabet agencies.

I have no idea of the motives of those who are in charge of the THT, nor do I intend to speculate on them. However, whether they know it or not, what they are promoting on their website is fully supportive of Agenda 2030 and the ‘Global Goals’, as the message at the foot of their website claims,

“Time is running out. Donate now and together we can end new cases of HIV in the UK by 2030.”

To those in the ‘truther’ community who claim that the 2030 Agenda has nothing to do with the ‘virus’ issue I would strongly suggest that they read SDG3, especially target 3.3.

And target 3b

The ‘no virus’ issue – and the associated understanding that there is no proof that any ‘diseases’ are caused by any ‘microorganism’, whether bacteria, fungi or parasites (‘viruses’ aren’t relevant in this context) – is and remains an extremely important issue; especially in view of the intended 2030 Agenda rollout of vaccines, because vaccines rely on the existence of pathogenic infectious agents.

Another reason to understand its importance is because the idea that ‘germs’ cause illness that only the medical establishment can address supports the idea that we need a ‘health service’ to look after us when we become ill, which is not the case. To this, I would add a caveat that accident and emergency services ARE important and should remain in place, although those who work in that sector should receive further training to teach them how the body actually works, and how it can and does heal itself; this knowledge will certainly improve patient recovery times and outcomes.

We may not reach everyone, but the importance of the ‘no virus’ issue cannot be underestimated. When people lose their fear of ‘germs’ of all descriptions, they will be able to concentrate their efforts on all the other aspects of their lives.

People can only make informed decisions when they are in possession of all the relevant information.


Connect with Dawn Lester

Cover image credit: fernandozhiminaicela

John Waters & Thomas Sheridan: Awakening the Sleeping Irish Soul

John Waters & Thomas Sheridan: Awakening the Sleeping Irish Soul
Below the selected quotes you will find an article by John Waters as well as a video conversation between John Waters & Thomas Sheridan regarding the situation in Ireland, human consciousness, and unfolding global events.


“Thomas is a pagan and I am a Christian. We are friends. We seek, I believe, the same thing, which is not the triumph of one or other creed, but the restoration of Ireland’s transcendent imagination, without which Ireland — or any nation — cannot survive.”

~ John Waters (excerpt from article below)

“It’s all about the degeneracy of the establishment, the really bad stuff that goes on at the top, right? They’re constantly trying to normalize it to the rest of us.

“And I’m gonna make a prediction here. In the next few years they’re going to try and somehow, in some way, reduce the age of consent really low.”


“And you’re going to have it become integrated into songs and TV shows and sitcoms. This is the greatest battle we will face as a civilization…

“They want to bring the human race down to zero, below degeneracy. Why? It’s a transhumanist thing.

“Everything that makes a human a human — their natural sense of natural justice. They want to obliterate it.

“The whole lockdown was all about that…”


“Do you remember the question we all grew up with? How did the Holocaust happen? Now we know. Now we know.”


“What those people are capable of is projecting their own inner dysfunctionality on us, and then trying to normalize it. And I think they’re not finished yet.

“But it’s obviously a battle they’ve lost. It’s over. It’s not going to go that way. It won’t happen.”


“They’re inching towards it.

“Why the drag queen story time? What the hell is that all about? Why the need for that?

“The need for that is they’re sexualizing children on purpose. And that’s why the change in the school curriculums.

“We have to understand the wickedness of what we’re up against. It’s like we got a taste of it with the lockdowns. But that poison is still there. And we have to be vigilant about it…”


“And this is an important one for us: Don’t self-hex yourself.

“Just because they want transhumanism, don’t say, ‘Oh, we’re gonna get transhumanism’ or ‘They’re gonna do this. They’re gonna legalize that. They’re going to bring in mandatory…’.

“Don’t do that. And stay away from people who are nihilistic that way. Because you can actually self-hex that into reality. They want you doing that.

“So that’s a very important one. Don’t let them self-hex you anymore.”

~ Thomas Sheridan (excerpt from video below)

“It is our job — as people, as citizens, as parents, as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters — it is our job to begin to think about the process of reconstruction of our culture.

“With… these considerations in mind. How do we rebuild our culture so that we, our imagination, can expand rather than contract?

“How can it make us bigger in reality rather than smaller?

“How can it make us more confident rather than more afraid?

“How do we repossess our country?

“How do we become again as proprietors, not as slaves…?”

~ John Waters (excerpt from video below)


Video: Awakening the Sleeping Irish Soul
Our problem — our terminal problem — is that we have lost the capacity to walk upright in infinity. This will not be mended by pious ejaculations, any more than by neo-atheist bullshit.

by John Waters, John Waters Unchained
June 4, 2023

Video: A public conversation about the trajectory of the soul of Ireland between Thomas Sheridan and John Waters at the Tuatha Dé Danann festival in Fermoy, Co Cork, on Saturday May 27th, 2023.

(Readers of my weekly diary may already have read most of the following in my weekly diaries of last week and the week before — reproduced here by way of introducing the context and purpose of this event. The links to the video are at the bottom of the page.)

To say that the crisis of Ireland is ‘spiritual’ is not the same as saying that it is ‘religious’, though the difference can be hard to spell out unless it makes itself clear, as sometimes it does. Ireland has been undergoing a visible ‘religious’ crisis for perhaps 40 years, chiefly arising from a war of attrition on its primary faith-channel, Catholicism, by a cultural insurgency of indeterminate origin but rather obvious intentionality. The elements and episodes of this have already been well canvassed: culture wars, clerical hypocrisy, charges of child sexual abuse and its cover-up, and beyond that a failure on the part of the Catholic Church ‘corporate’ to offer a meaningful proposal for spiritual existence to generations supposedly educated in the values of the Enlightenment and the technological/technocratic age, culminating in its woeful and disgraceful conduct during the Covid episode, when it left its entire congregation bereft of guidance, accompaniment and leadership. Cumulatively, these factors, and multiple others, have delivered Ireland into a spiritual death-spiral that has yet to be formally identified, either by the society or any of its churches. The symptoms of this crisis can be traced in the drifts of Ireland’s cultural trajectory for many years, and the events of, in particular, the past decade, when Ireland as a nation and culture appeared to be galloping towards a cliff-edge of moral and existential self-destruction. Many of the relevant episodes and developments have been described and analysed on this platform over the past three years, and before that in several books of mine published since the mid-1990s, the most recent being the 2018  memoir, Give Us Back the Bad Roads.

It is clear that Ireland has now entered some kind of final stage of this unravelling, of which the consequences are unlikely to be confined to the wish-list of those who have been driving the culture wars. In other words, what will be lost will be not merely the Church, but the metaphysical perspective in its entirety. Like other nations, though in a rather more pronounced manner, Ireland has entered what feels terrifyingly like a death-spiral, not least in the context of its collapsing demographics and inability to tell victims from vanquishers, or differentiate between its responsibilities to its own people and its role in an international people-trafficking racket. That this collapse has long been disguised by spurious economic data and other propaganda will render its manifestation and effects all the worse when it finally hits.

This conversation, though unscripted, was loosely intended as an attempt to address these conditions in the context of Ireland’s long spiritual evolution, with a view to identifying some thread of continuity that might assist in reawaking the Irish soul before it comes too late to do so.

What follow are my initial thoughts written in advance of the event in Fermoy on May 27th, as published in my weekly Unchained diary.

Friday (May 26th)

As is customary in advance of such events, I am carrying around a bag of thoughts about this Saturday’s public conversation with Thomas Sheridan at the Tuatha Dé Danann festival in Fermoy. It is, of course, a Resistance event, beautifully choreographed by Gerry O’Neill (The West’s Awake, here on Substack), but for once I can banish any fears of an insurgency by left-wing actually existing fascists, since the venue is private and well secured. Democracy wins, for once — or so we hope. I shall give a full account of events here next week.

Our theme is (something like) the evolution of Ireland from paganism to Christianity, though that construction has an element of begging the question, if not actually beggaring it. It’s a broad enough canvas, and Thomas and I have already approached the territory in some of our private discussions, though by no means pushing towards anything resembling a plan. I think our instincts, though we approach from divergent positions, are very similar: We seek to find a true line through the pagan and Christian histories of this island that will take us to consideration of the meaning of the present moment and perhaps some suggestion of what the next phase might be like.

Thomas is a pagan and I am a Christian. We are friends. We seek, I believe, the same thing, which is not the triumph of one or other creed, but the restoration of Ireland’s transcendent imagination, without which Ireland — or any nation — cannot survive. Thomas is a great deal more knowledgable about the history of Irish spirituality than I am, and it remains to be seen whether my sense of things is accurate or sustainable, but I believe that, overall, the transition from paganism to Christianity was relatively seamless, that this augurs well for some form of ultimate reconciliation of the traditions, and that this ought to be our first point of departure. To put this another way: In terms of our spiritually imaginative collective journeying, we speak not of two histories, but one. The merging to be observed in the two strands far exceeds any sense of divergence, and this is reflected in innumerable contexts: our surviving sense of the significance of our ancient holy sites, our recently renewing consciousness of Celtic Christianity, our continuing reverence for the land and landscape of Ireland, and so forth. These factors tell us that there is a great deal more of paganism in our modern-day Catholic imagination than many Catholics might like to admit. I have no difficulty in admitting it, indeed celebrating it, although I confess I did not arrive at that point until I ran into Thomas Sheridan, about three years ago.

The core ‘belief’ that drives me here is that no society can endure unless it has a transcendent element to its collective imagination. That has been my obsession in writing about faith, spirituality and religion from the beginning, although for various reasons it has been all but impossible to communicate this in the cultural climate of recent decades. This, essentially, is the point of my books, Lapsed Agnostic (2007) and Beyond Consolation (2010), and also of a substantial segment of my 1997 book, An Intelligent Person’s Guide to Modern Ireland — in particular the chapter ‘On How God Has Been Kidnapped and Held to Ransom’.

In the first of his trilogy, Sacred Order/Social Order (2006-2008) — two volumes of which were published posthumously — the American Freudian, sociologist and cultural critic, Philip Rieff, posited that Western civilisation was in the third and likely final stage of a rise and fall that had occurred over the course of three millennia. At the heart of his thesis is the Freudian idea that only through sublimation of the sexual instinct had Western civilisation come about. In other words, controls and restrictions on sexual activity had, as it were, squeezed out of humanity the creativity and genius which begat Western civilisation. This, it will come as a surprise, was predominately a Christian innovation.

Many nowadays misunderstand Freud’s pronouncement that religion is ‘illusory’. This may have been, in a different sense, his private view, but his theoretical position was that religion is a form that creates the superstructure of a transcendent cultural understanding. This means that, in a sense, human beings, when present on Earth, are simply ‘moving through’ this dimension to another place, and hence direct a measure of their attention to what they intuit to be beyond the horizon. This, of course, is how most religions present matters also, though generally in a subtly different sense: Often, the purpose or effect is to persuade people to discount misfortune or grief in this life, in the expectation of an afterlife reward. But, in the Freudian and Rieffian senses, we speak not of foregoing joy on Earth, but of adopting a demeanour towards Earthly reality that maximises human functioning. In this way, mankind has been able to place itself within a transcendent order of being, which has enabled it to put to good use energy that might otherwise have been dissipated in licentiousness and depravity.

In his earlier works, such as Freud: The Mind of the Moralist and The Triumph of the Therapeutic, Rieff unwrapped his concept of the ‘psychological man’, a creature of late modern society, who essentially knew the existential cost of everything but the metaphysical value of nothing. Psychological man was the product of communities that had lost the positive values spawned by transcendent culture. Because the hope of salvation had been abandoned, therapy was all that remained.

In the first of his Sacred Order/Social Order trilogy, My Life Among the Deathworks, Rieff divides recent human history into three layers of religious evolution/devolution, which he identifies, somewhat confusingly,  as ‘First World’, ‘Second World’ and ‘Third World’ cultures — resonating with the conventional contemporary understandings of these terms while conveying something much more enduring and fundamental. All societies, he claims, must espouse a sacred order, from which it derives authority to make laws and rules and give them the required force of moral injunctions seeking to outweigh other considerations. His ‘First World’ culture was essentially mythological:  the Greek legends of gods and heroes, the ancient pagan world, the fables of the American ‘Indians’, the Irish stories of Cú Chulainn and the Tuatha Dé Danann. Such cultures were defined by a sense of Fate —  which sees mankind at the mercy of forces greater than itself — and ordered by taboos.

In the ‘Second World’ culture, by Rieff’s hypothesis, this sense of Fate shifted to become a sense of Faith, with taboos replaced by commandments. This expands the transcendent imagination to embrace, as per the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the idea of man being governed by a specific God, and in some sense accompanied in his existence by this deity, which is accordingly imbued with a personalised meaning. The most significant element of this phase was the incarnation of Christ, in which God entered the earthly realm in order to ‘save’ mankind, which might be redefined as clarifying the purpose of human existence and elaborating a new way of being in the world. Both the First and Second Worlds are centred on a transcendent sense of reality, and obviously these are the phases in Irish history that Thomas and I will be seeking to reconcile or elucidate on Saturday.

But we will also, regrettably, have to come to the Third World phase, defined by Rieff as a culture exhibiting a social order that rests on no preexisting sacred order, characterised by artefacts and expressions that are invariably transgressive, debunking or deconstructive. This is the culture of ‘deathworks’, and is where we have now fetched up.

For the first time in history, cultural elites insist upon the untried, revolutionary idea that human society can flourish without sacred authority. ‘A culture of civility that is separated from sacred order has not been tried before,’ Rieff claimed in My Life Among the Deathworks, the first of his Sacred Order trilogy, published in 2006, the year of his death. Such cultures dispense with any interest in sublimating the instinctual carnality and lasciviousness of mankind, placing sexuality at the top of the totem pole, inverting the value systems acquired in the First and Second World phases, so that lust and hedonism become the dominant ‘values’, and their restriction deemed an offence against freedom. This amounts to a full 180 degree moral inversion from either or both of the first two cultural phases.

The pursuit of happiness through pleasure becomes the central obsession of a ‘Third World’ society.  The accordant suppression of the sublimating tendency triggers the demolition of the transcendent order upon which the society will have been constructed in the first place, which hastens the termination of the metaphysical imagination of the society, and thereafter that of its citizens. What inevitably follows, according to Rieff, is a proliferation of sexual identities, the promulgation of pornograpjy and artistic deathworks, and attacks on the fundamental understandings of human nature. In this culture, what once was vice is now virtue, and what was virtue is scorned and laughed at. Pornography becomes the new ‘doctrine of value’, which is why it is to be pushed via the education system upon young children. In due course, such a society will inevitably overturn all of the taboos and limitations on sexual behaviour that once enabled the civilisation to come into being. These include squeamishness about paedophilia, bestiality and incest, as well as multiple categories of sexual ‘choices’, which facilitate their pioneer practitioners to become elevated into a form of hedonistic sainthood. Hence, for example, Panti Bliss, the iconoclast drag-queen grot-peddler as hero. Rieff calls this ‘anti-culture’, in which the objective is not to transmit constructive beliefs from generation to generation but to convey beliefs that cannot but destroy everything they touch. It becomes impossible, in such a society, to judge human behaviour by its transgressive aspects, because all prohibition is prohibited and — in Freudspeak, ‘all repression must be repressed’. In this culture, the only truth is that there is no truth; virtue is supplanted by vulgarity, and delicacy by degeneracy. A Third World culture has no memory, and repudiates all authority, and is ruled by fiction and theatrical role-playing.

It is not accidental that Rieff — who, incidentally, blames Freudian therapeutics for the unleashing of Third World culture — ended up labelling European and American culture as such. A deathwork he defines as a work of art that presents as ‘an all-out assault upon something vital to the established culture’, and a ‘culture of deathworks’ signifies the self-murder of a civilisation though filth and nihilism. What we now face, therefore, is not some random ‘culture war’ about particulars, but a radical divergence at the most fundamental level — a stifling of belief in the transcendent and its supplanting by a purely earthbound imagination, but which civilisation is rendered impossible to maintain.

His denunciation of ‘deathworks’ is not aesthetic, but a moral condemnation of the denigration of the sacred in art. He declared Joyce’s novel Finnegans Wake as ‘the greatest third world literary creation’ on account of its demonstration of a method by which a cultural inheritance might be pulled apart and its pieces rearranged to produce a playful new culture that finds its forte in a mockery of, and freedom from, the old one. In this sense, the book is ‘liberatory’, because it shows a way to escape from the prescriptions and proscriptions of the sacred.

It can no longer be controversial to suggest that the defining characteristic of the present age might be diagnosed as the desire to subvert and destroy the institutions, traditions and beliefs that converged to become what is called Western civilisation — previously ‘Christendom’. This iconoclasm is carried out in the name of freedom — sexual freedom, for the most part — but is propelled by a fatal misunderstanding of the nature of reality and of the human structure.

Man is not built for the world — not entirely, at least. He cannot find satisfaction here, except in fits and starts, tantalising and brief. He is restless and searching, but cannot ever seem to find what he’s looking for. The optimal demeanour before this reality is, therefore, that of the existential nomad — always moving, not purely in the physical sense, but by adopting a mode of metaphysical impermanence, shifting constantly lest his searching lead to ennui.

In this sense, the cultural and societal inheritance of Christianity can be rinsed down to the idea that human happiness is better achieved by the sublimation of obvious desiring in the visualisation of a transcendent order of being. Man must live in the infinite, even while he is marooned in the three-dimensional.  A functional culture in this sense requires a foundational mythology that enables it to transcend the state of continuous present time. This mythology relates to the past and to the putatively eternal future, and functions to render the present subservient to things higher and greater than itself. The nature of the rupture that has opened up in modern society has to do with the repudiation of this idea in favour of something that amounts to a culture rooted in itself and its own apprehended origins.

The Third World culture comes about when the means by which the civilisation was structured to begin with is forgotten, or overlooked, in a desire to destroy authority and tradition in the neurotic pursuit of the pleasures that have seemed to be gratuitously forbidden.

It is true that the resulting pseudo-culture can achieve the semblance of functionalism by mimicking the idea of a transcendent culture, since it maintains the outward appearance of a quasi-eternal perspective on reality. But this is actually an illusion, and all of the available artefacts (‘anti-art’) will reveal themselves as tautologies. A novel, for example, will not take its reader on a journey into the infinite, but will simply replicate the wider culture’s certitude that it amounts to all that is, and all that is necessary. Its aim is to achieve in the reader an accommodation with the proffered definitions, not to open up unlimited possibilities. It is possible to prolong the life of this pseudo-culture by the practice of parasitism upon that which it denies: an atheist poet, for example, may have derived inspiration from another whose work is rooted in the eternal, though he puts it to use to parody such understandings. A painting may mock the rejected inheritance, and yet derive its only life from what it derides.

Such a pseudo-culture is incapable of formulating any idea of the beautiful, the good or the true, because it renders man and his desire for immediate freedoms as the measure of all things. This culture remains oblivious that the untrammelled pursuit of the literal desiring of each and every human will in a short time lead to chaos, followed by outright destruction of everything. Very often, this phenomenon is ascribed to the waning of what is called ‘morality’ — to the applause of ‘progressives’ and the dismay of ‘conservatives’ — but this is a superficial reading. Really what is at play is the loss of the capacity to read reality as something to be ‘moved through’ on the way to another, imagined, place. The purpose is not, as Freud intimated, self-delusion, but the adoption of the optimal demeanour in a reality that does not meet the total scope of man’s desiring  — indeed, while promising to satisfy the deepest cravings, leaves man bereft and humiliated in the wake of each lunging after the presumed object of his longing.

Anyway, to Fermoy! The foregoing touches on just a few of the thoughts I have been thinking as I cut the grass and tended to the security of the cabbage patch. In the evenings, I dipped into some of the late John O’Donoghue’s fabulous books —  Anam Cara, Divine Beauty, Eternal Echoes, Bendictus — which offer such a rich repository of memory of those early years of what he called ‘Celtic Christianity,’ when our First World morphed into our Second. Now, reeling through the Third, it may be time to reconsider whether we wish to remain subject to the squalls and scudding of Fate, or whether we might wish to revisit some of the elements of our past culture(s) which gave us the riches we are now in the process of destroying.

Saturday (May 27th)

I had a friend one time whose wife was a bit contrary, so whenever she was rude or abrupt with someone, he would take them aside and explain: ‘She wasn’t born on a sunny day.’

But I was born on a sunny day, and every one of my 67 birthdays has fallen on such a day, and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Every birthday from my childhood comes back to me in a flood of sunlight and me walking to school, slightly less reluctantly than other days, past the May altars and across the bridge above the drying-up riverbed, with my jumper tied around my waist. I remember only one darkish day, and this purely metaphorically, when I passed an old man sitting breathlessly on a doorstep, out of the sunlight. He lived in a ramshackle cottage with a thatched roof beside the railway bridge on the Trien road, and when I came home at lunchtime my mother told me he had died. His name was Jack Tighe. That was at least 55 years ago, and I have never forgotten the shock of being so close to a dying man.

Today is a sunny day in Tipp. It is not my birthday but the day before my birthday. Out of the blue, it is the most perfect day of the year so far. Jesus is smiling on the Resistance, for he has moved the weather of my birthday one day forward to ensure that the Tuatha Dé Danann festival in Fermoy goes off well.

So, I have awoken in a B&B in the valley of Poulaculleare (Poll An Chóiléir — ‘the hole of the collar’, I think), in the heart of south Tipperary, some 20 miles from Fermoy, and am sitting outside waiting for my lift. The Tuatha Dé Danann Festival is the brainchild of the powerhouse that is Gerry O’Neill (the West’s Awake — and how!) and today is its debut, the first of what we hope will be many more such events, though we barely dare to think so for fear of hexing things.

As relayed last week, I am booked to speak at the festival this afternoon, along with Thomas Sheridan, about the state of the soul of Ireland at this moment in its long spiritual journey from paganism, via Celtic Christianity, to whatever we’re going through now.  Our title is ‘The Awakening Soul of Ireland’, which is appropriately hopeful, though possibly a bit premature.

As I outlined last week, I see this spiritual trajectory as a climb towards and then a falling away from transcendence, exactly in the fashion described by the American sociologist, Philip Rieff, in his 2006 book, My Life Among the Deathworks. It’s a risky enough theme to be discussing in front of a mixed audience, because, as I have discovered over the years, when it comes to ‘religious’ topics, people tend to hear — or not hear — only their own prejudices, so in some respects you are wasting your time trying to break new ground.

Whether Thomas and I were successful in this endeavour, I shall leave in the hands of you, the reader. I believe we opened some interesting new boxes, and certainly the response afterwards was encouraging. But people should not approach the video with prior assumptions and expectations, for what we are doing is not evangelising or engaging in personal testimonies, but seeking to explore how the decrepit transcendent imagination of the nation might be restored to good order.

This is for me the core meaning of that much-used term, ‘the spiritual war’. Had our transcendent imagination remained strong, we should not have ended up as baaing sheep, taking orders from smirking simpletons and behaving in a manner as to cause the lights of our civilisation to go out, one by one, with no let-up or remission for three years and counting. It is confusion as to our meaning and purpose that ultimately causes this degree of demoralisation. And, yes, the churches — worst of all the Catholic Church — played a massive part in this, selling the pass on freedom, without which there is no possibility of retaining truth and justice at the heart of public affairs.

It is necessary to tread carefully through these topics, but hopefully not too carefully. Mostly, religious-minded people attend talks ‘about religion’ to be affirmed in their own certitudes, just as people who have persuaded themselves that it is all nonsense gravitate to such discussions to disrupt them with ridicule and nonsense. I’m not interested in catering for either party. Both a dog-in-the-manger approach to faith by the faithful, and the dumbass neo-atheism of the past couple of decades have contributed to bringing us to this darkest of places. Everyone needs to remember that fixing what is broken will involve talking in a language that as many as possible can relate to. There is no point preaching to choirs, and anyone coming to such discussions to hear what they already know and believe is wasting at least his own time.

The same goes for those who dismiss religion out of hand, even those who say they can ‘find their own way to God’. Maybe they can, but what about if there had never been any conduit for religious ideas in their culture, which is what’s going to obtain from now on? It’s a little like the residents of Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown, who have recently been congratulating themselves on their ‘performance’ in Census 2022 on account of the fact that they had the highest showing for ‘no religion’ in the country, at 24 per cent. Probably the most schooled and the least intelligent region of the country (I live there, so I can say this with some conviction), DL/R fails to comprehend that its irreligious disposition, being for now a luxury of a community with residual faith traces, will one day flip and hit its population for six, when critical mass is reached and the smug secularists cotton on that they have delivered their descendants into a hellhole of pitilessness and unhope.

And I have as little patience with those who dismiss all these vital questions with an ‘Oh it’s all just a means of control!’ as I do with Holy Joes who tell me there is a fixed protocol by which I must pursue my spiritual life. A chap was trying to do this to me yesterday as myself and Thomas and Louise Roseingrave were sitting outside trying to get our thoughts together (I mean collectively) for our event. He purported to be ‘having a conversation’, but he was just showering me with questions from behind his veil of cigarette smoke: ‘Why do you say that?’; ‘What do you mean by that?’; ‘Yes, but how do you actually know that?’; et cetera, like a teacher trying to draw the correct answer from a child. In the end I got tired of this socratic dialogue and told him to take a running one. It’s hard to blame him. This is what has passed for conversation in modern media: some dumbass trying to stop you talking by peppering you with smart-sounding questions that actually amount to prohibitions because they stop you saying what you want to say. Essentially, it’s a form of silencing, which is generally what you get if you’re stupid enough to go on with one of the elite mediocrities posturing as moderators of our national conversation.

But just repeating the same mantras about religion being no more than a control grid amounts to the same thing, blocking off any meaningful conversation.

We have heard nothing for about 40 years except the excesses and downsides of religion. We hear rather less about what we have lost by ceasing to speak about the good it has wrought in the world, which is far from trivial. It’s time to move beyond cliches, of either polarity. Unless we’ve been exiled on Mars, we know all about the bad stuff, but can we occasionally discuss the possibility that there are positive reasons why societies might cherish religious ideas?

I noticed a few people walked out quite early on from today’s event featuring Thomas and me. That’ll be the Holy Josephines, I figured, ‘offended’ because I’m making jokes about Jesus coming in a taxi from Cork airport, but unlikely to arrive. (He never arrived, as I predicted.) I don’t do this gratuitously. I do it to send signals to the wanderer that there might be something here worth listening to, that what’s afoot is not an in-house prayer meeting. The suggestion that God might have a sense of humour is never a bad place to begin.

Our problem — our terminal problem — is that we have lost the capacity to walk upright in infinity. This will not be mended by pious ejaculations, any more than by neo-atheist bullshit. It will only become capable of treatment when people can be persuaded to listen to and participate in honest conversations about the meaning of life: Why are we here? Is there even a reason? What can we know about any of this? Those who dismiss those questions because, like Alastair Campbell, they ‘don’t do religion’ are shooting their own children in the feet and hands. Everyone has a right to hear how this stuff might be useful to them. The idea that each of us can arrive at our own spiritual understandings is delusional, because none of us would have the first notion of any of this had we not received a grounding — however imperfect — in a specific religious worldview. Our sole ‘religion’, in that case, would be something like communism, which is what our grandchildren will get unless we can turn things around.

When I speak of these matters, in the general or Christian contexts, I sometimes speak of ‘mythology’, which also drives the Holy Joes mad because they do not understand what mythology is and imagine that what I’m saying is that Christianity is ‘made up’.  For the purposes of these discussions, I say that it may or may not be, but that either way the issue is beside the point, which is that these questions belong to an entirely different part of the human imagination, in which things can be true and allegorical at the same time. I have in mind ‘myth’, in the Greek sense of public dreams and stories that are truer than history, larger than facts and more real than what’s on the news.

Several times in the course of my contributions today, I stressed that I was not here to talk about my personal beliefs, but of the possibility of restoring a sense of the transcendent to our public conversations. I have often found that people seem not to see this distinction, imagining that you are preaching or evangelising when in fact you are trying to speak of what is, in this context, fundamentally a cultural question, carrying different implications for the collective than for the personal realm.

In his 1971 volume, Myths to Live By, a collection of lectures delivered at the Cooper Union Forum in New York, between 1958 and 1971, the great mythological scholar, Joseph Campbell, set out the superstructure of mythology in human culture and history. He noted that, from their earliest established existence, hundreds of years before Christ, human myths were concerned primarily with two central themes: the adaption to and enablement of the flourishing of the social groups that give life and protection to the individual, and transcendence of the mortal condition. In a sense, these two themes become one, because both aim for the creation of understandings that allow a human life to extend beyond its mortal boundaries. Campbell described the same mythological patterns in multiple primitive societies — the same themes, symbols, meanings and essential stories. The story of the Garden of Eden, for example, is to be found in the origins of Buddhism in Japan, some 1,000 years before the Book of Genesis was written.

All civilisations tend to take their own mythologies literally, and these beliefs, usually transmitted by religion, have been the very buttresses of multiple civilisations, supporting moral order, cohesion, vitality and imagination. Myth enables us to exceed our own expectations of ourselves by drawing on the deeper capacities which the banality of the everyday contrives to suppress. Successful civilisations, therefore, tend to be the ones that take their own mythologies seriously but not wholly literally. The more a society moves towards rationalism, the more it risks disequilibrium by virtue of no longer holding fast to its founding and sustaining mythologies. Human life, as Nietzsche told us, depends for its propulsion on illusions. The loss of belief in the founding myths provokes uncertainty and the collapse of values and moral order, leading eventually to decay and degeneracy. This is where we have now fetched up.

Campbell elaborates: ‘With our old mythologically founded taboos unsettled by our modern sciences, there is everywhere in the civilised world a rapidly rising incidence of vice and crime, mental disorders, suicides and dope addictions, shattered homes, impudent children, violence, murder, and despair.’

Mythology, as Campbell insisted, is not for the entertainment of children, but nor is it for scholars only. It is a matter of the utmost importance to human society — ‘For its symbols (whether in the tangible form of images or in the abstract form of ideas) touch and release the deepest centers of motivation, moving literate and illiterate alike, moving mobs, moving civilizations.’

And again: ‘The rise and fall of civilizations in the long, broad course of history can be seen to have been largely a function of the integrity and cogency of their supporting canons of myth; for not authority but aspiration is the motivator, builder, and transformer of civilization.’ We take for granted that this is true of the Ancient Greek and Roman empires, but we rarely think of our own civilisation in the same way. We, after all, are ‘modern,’ which somehow puts us into a different category.

And this provokes a question: Is it possible for a society to modernise and remain credulous as to its founding myths? Is there a way by which myths can be retained as something akin to beliefs, even while their literalness is being debunked?

Joseph Campbell held that the decline of belief in myth arises from over-literal belief in religious ideas. Mythology he defined as ‘other people’s religion’: the ‘penultimate truth — penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words.’ Religion, he believed, can give rise to popular misunderstandings of the nature of mythology. Half the world, he said, thinks that what he called ‘the metaphors of religious traditions’ are facts, and the other half insists that they are lies.

This is exactly the problem. Over the past couple of decades, the world has seemed to come under sustained attack from the neo-atheists — Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens to the fore — in what had all the signs of a psy-op, i.e., a cultural insurgency designed to weaken the foundations of our religious underpinnings. In some respects, Philip Rieff’s analysis of the three stages of the spiritual growth and decay of societies gives us a clearer viewfinder in which to observe the problem, which is actually as Campbell has stated it. Rieff’s concept of ‘Second World’ modes of belief, for all kinds of arcane and elusive reasons, seems less well adapted to the retention of metaphysical values in culture than the First World kind, which enables a less literal form of attachment to the guiding stories of the belief-system. Abrahamic religion demands a substantialist engagement with the figures and stories of the canon, to which we are enjoined to apply the same forms of reason as to everyday matters. This has proved fatal to the plausibility of, for example, the Christian narrative, which seems to occupy a rather unique situation in being increasingly difficult to sustain at the mythological level once literal belief begins to wane.

Another factor is that ancient mythological understandings tended to be mixed up with tribal sentiment, which meant that their heroic qualities superseded consideration of literal meaning. Because our Western understanding of mythology is so limited and so literal, and because our cultures no longer remind us of such elemental circumstances, we think of our ‘myths’ — those things that ancient human cultures assumed to be truer than the truth — as dispensable in the manner of gramophones or telegraphs. This may be our fatal mistake.

For these and other reasons, ‘modern’ society became — in its own mind — too ‘clever’ for the God it had been reared to see as its Maker. Really, the problem was not one of an excess of intelligence, but an inability to comprehend things simultaneously in different frames, which may be a symptom of a deficit of intelligence.

It is a strange quirk of what we think of as ‘modern’ society that it sees its own crude literalism as evidence of increased enlightenment. But, as Campbell advised, ‘Gods suppressed become devils.’ In other words, we deal here with a stark polarisation of options: once pursuit of ‘The Good’ is set aside as a driving mechanism, it is soon supplanted by its antithesis: the pursuit of depravity and evildoing.

In Hero With A Thousand Faces, Campbell wrote: ‘The psychological dangers through which earlier generations were guided by the symbols and spiritual exercises of their mythological and religious inheritance, we today (in so far as we are unbelievers, or, if believers, in so far as our inherited beliefs fail to represent the real problems of contemporary life) must face alone, or, at best with only tentative, impromptu, and not often very effective guidance. This is our problem as modern, “enlightened” individuals, for whom all gods and devils have been rationalized out of existence.’

But it’s worse than that: the devils have been able to present themselves as heroes. As Campbell emphasised, the effect of a living mythological symbol is to waken and give guidance to the energies of life. It ‘turns us on’ and allows — motivates — us to function in a mode of animated engagement with reality. It appropriates the dormant energies of body and mind, and harnesses them to particular ends. This has served our cultures well for the two thousand years of the Christian era, itself built on the strong foundations of the paganism that came before. But, as Campbell also tells us, when these stories no longer seem true, the symbols no longer work their magic, and man, individual by individual, ‘cracks away’ from the group, becoming dissociated, disoriented and alienated. This is what we are confronted with in what we call ‘post-Christian society’. The ‘affect symbols’ which once summoned each individual member of the belief system to the same purpose now ring hollow, and have not been replaced by anything capable of summoning up the same degree of affective engagement with reality.

My objective in as far as this model of the discussion is concerned is not to restore the claims of this or that religion, or even of religion in general, but simply to remind myself and others that the human mechanism is anything but simple, and we should ponder carefully before abandoning or jettisoning things that have proved useful. Progress can take us backwards, not because it is ‘bad’, but because history does not see things in black and white, good and bad. History, like nature, is red in tooth and claw. It was never a given that the imagined nature of progress emanating from the human mind was going to be maximally suited to the biological, animal nature of man himself. In many ways, the fruits of his own genius impact on him more like the actions of a colonising, occupying power. He thinks he has to follow every conceivable thread of progress and invention, unable to consider whether or not it is good for him, or even if it might destroy him. And, all the while, his moral genius lags behind his capacity for technical invention.

Three years ago, it began to dawn on some of us that the Covid mission was an attempt to restore the terrors, and their supposed remedies, that religions emerged as an answer to — terror of death, first and foremost. Under the control of the godless, the culture now moves to take advantage of the destruction of religion, preying upon the hapless post-Christian refugees from what they imagine to be unreason. Covid is an anti-religion in this precise sense: it seeks to restore man to his primal state, before the thought of God ever crossed his countenance.

There was one significant disruption to our onstage conversation today, by a heckler or interloper who made an attempt to throw the discussion near the end, though I am told by the videographers that this will not feature in the recording, as the voice of the interloper cannot be heard on the tape, and in any event it caused the discussion to break away briefly into a series of tangents. I confess I could not hear him so clearly either, but I gathered that his point was that we were not being ‘positive’ enough. I utterly hate that kind of nonsense — as if we have a responsibility to be ‘positive’ no matter how dark it gets. As it happens — and as I pointed out to the heckler — I had just a couple of minutes earlier said that I believed we were winning the war, to which he rejoined along the lines of ‘What war? There’s no war.’ I believe it was at this point that Thomas asked him if he was a civil servant — an excellent question, which caused the interloper to stutter and stall, before resuming his incoherent interruption. In due course he was persuaded to sling his hook, and off he went with a smug smirk on his chops. My sense is that he was a Guardstapo agent, possibly the one who had spent the week trying to find ways of making things awkward for Gerry O’Neill and his team by ringing up asking about traffic management plans, planning regulations, and so forth. No doubt, like every other agent provocateur we encounter in our country these days, he was in the pay of ‘the PR agency from Hell’, which has been managing the innumerable psy-ops perpetrated against Irish society for the past dozen years. In any event, he achieved almost nothing, and the whole shemozzle lasted about a minute and a half.

The event was held in the grounds of a fabulous old house not far from Fermoy town centre. It is a heavenly place, the property of a local family, well-disposed towards the Resistance. Looking around the site this evening, with its campsite on the hill facing the front door, the marquee in the back garden, and the various food and craft stalls dotted around, it struck me that it was a small-scale version of the Lisdoonvarna music festival of the early 1980s — the same spirit, or something like it, the same categories of people (life-embracing, joyous, freedom-loving), the same implicit sense of Ireland as a unique culture in the world, something worth loving and preserving. Leaving this evening, I had a positive feeling that this is something that will expand because we are — dread cliche! — ‘on the right side of history’, and because Ireland longs to live, and those seeking to destroy her know only death, and so have nothing to propose to her now or in the future. It will, I felt certain as we drove away, become possible to heal and restore our broken culture, and in doing so reclaim our country from the jaws of extinction.

Original video available at YouTube. [Mirrored at Odysee below.]


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“The End of Covid” Video Series: Exposing the Covid Hoax, the False “Science” of Virology & the Real History of Vaccines

“The End of Covid” Video Series: Exposing the Covid Hoax, the False “Science” of Virology & the Real History of Vaccines

An Online Education to End Every Pandemic — Coming June 20th


Produced by The Way Forward, Alfa Vedic & The Sovereign’s Way

Directed by Kelly Brogan, Amandha Vollmer, Alec Zeck, Mike Winner, Dawn Lester

Starring David Icke, Tom Cowan, Mark & Samantha Bailey, Dawn Lester, Sally Fallon Morell, Andrew Kaufman, Kevin Corbett, Christiane Northrup, Lee Merritt, Barre Lando, Mike Wallach, Christine Massey, Alec Zeck, Mike Donio, Roman Bystrianyk, Leslie Manookian, Mike Stone, Stefano Scoglio, Ana Maria Mihalcea, Steve Falconer, David Nixon, Etienne de la Boetie2, Marvin Haberland, John Jay Singleton and many more. [Click here and scroll down to see full line up.]

The End of COVID is the end of pandemics. It’s the end of scientific dogma, social distancing, vested interests, public health authorities, and billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies.

On June 20th, the entire production is coming to a close – once and for all.


The End of COVID is a collaborative effort – a collection of perspectives and expertise from a wide variety of sources. This includes doctors who have a long list of credentials, and holistic health practitioners with no abbreviations next to their names. It includes self-published authors, and New York Times best-sellers – prominent media personalities, and relatively unknown independent journalists.

The common thread is that this project was put together by men and women seeking the truth.

It wasn’t funded by pharmaceutical interests, informed by scientific dogma, or backed by the corporate press. It was made with intention – by mankind, for mankind.

So that we never have to see this show again.

We never have to mask up or be spaced apart. We never have to fear germs or fall for medical propaganda. Because, now, we know better.

We know the real history of virology and vaccines. We know the institutions and influences behind “the science.” And we know how we can step into our power and stand up to the nonsense.

This means the show is over. The trick has been revealed. Never again can we be fooled, persuaded, or coerced.

Instead, we can all turn off the broadcast. And move on – toward a life of health, happiness, and sovereignty.

Sign up to view for free — streaming starts June 20th


Ted Kuntz on Betrayal by Institutions, Colleagues and Family Members “Co-Opted and Controlled by Fear, Shame, Pride and Greed”

Ted Kuntz on Betrayal by Institutions, Colleagues and Family Members “Co-Opted and Controlled by Fear, Shame, Pride and Greed”


“I understand that many thought they were doing the right thing by, not only allowing themselves to be injected with an unproven experimental genetic technology, but also by coercing, shaming, bullying and discriminating against those who didn’t. 

The problem is that “doing the right thing” was not based on any moral underpinning of freedom of thought, speech, choice or bodily sovereignty. Instead, doing the right thing was following the herd.”


by Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada
May 31, 2023


Last Friday I had the pleasure of attending a presentation by Dr. Jordan Peterson. Dr. Peterson spoke at length about his 12 Rules for Life, a treatise that invites and assists us to be better human beings. In his entire presentation, one word caught my attention. The word – betrayal. This word resonated deeply with me and spoke to the source of my anger, resentment and angst for the future. In reflecting upon the last three years what became clear to me is the amount of betrayal we have experienced:

– Our governments and elected representatives betrayed us.

– Our judges and those responsible for upholding the rule of law and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms betrayed us.

– Our police, military, attorney generals and all those who took an oath to defend us betrayed us.

– Our doctors, nurses, public health officers and pharmacists betrayed us.

– Our regulatory agencies who are responsible for upholding ethical medical practices betrayed us.

– Our mainstream media who purport to be independent and seekers of truth betrayed us.

– Our academic institutions who claim to be a source of higher learning betrayed us.

– Our religious leaders who closed places of worship betrayed us.

– Our financial institutions that promised to safeguard our savings betrayed us.

– Our family, friend and colleagues who joined in the coercion, shaming and discrimination of the uninjected betrayed us.

– And those who acquiesced to coercion because they wanted to travel, play hockey, or go to the pub betrayed their own bodily sovereignty and individual rights and dignity.

The problem with betrayal is that it’s difficult to regain trust once one has been betrayed. I’m reluctant to trust these institutions, agents, professionals, colleagues and family members with my safety. They showed me that they can be co-opted and controlled by fear, shame, pride and greed.

I understand that many thought they were doing the right thing by, not only allowing themselves to be injected with an unproven experimental genetic technology, but also by coercing, shaming, bullying and discriminating against those who didn’t. The problem is that “doing the right thing” was not based on any moral underpinning of freedom of thought, speech, choice or bodily sovereignty. Instead, doing the right thing was following the herd.

I suggest our society easily fell into a state of systemic betrayal precisely because it has lost its moral foundation. Trust will not be easily restored until such time as we collectively assert and live a value system that respects individual rights and freedom and the dignity of this God given body. Until that time, there is reason to be on guard.



Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

Cover image credit: Lukas_Rychvalsky

See related:

First Do No Harm by Ted Kuntz

Dr. David Martin w/ Vaccine Choice Canada: On Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “Covid” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many

“Uninformed Consent”: Powerful Documentary by Matador Films — Exposing Massive Deception, Cruelty & Genocide Imposed Upon Humanity by Global Elites

Of Ukrainian (and Uranium?) Explosions, and Missing Explosives in …

Of Ukrainian (and Uranium?) Explosions, and Missing Explosives in …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
May 24, 2023


Regular leaders here probably all saw that explosion of the munitions storage dump in the western Ukraine last week, and the firey roiling mushroom clouds that accompanied them. There has been the usual chatter on the internet and various sites that the explosions may have been of a storage facility where some of the munitions were depleted uranium, and that hence, the explosions may have been “nuclear” in some form or fashion. I have to be honest: I have seen two starkly different recordings of the same explosions, and to my eyes, they show two very different events. In the version that most people have seen, the explosions occur in a massive fireball, and very tellingly, as the fireball rises to form a mushroom cloud, there is continued fire and burning of material in the cloud, a typical signature of a nuclear detonation. Continued combustion in the cloud as it rises is a typical signature of a nuclear explosion, and the burn continues until the material is burned out. The other video – much rarer –  shows the initial explosion, but little to no burn immediately thereafter in the mushroom cloud. We were then treated to a variety of experts on various YouTube channels talking about the question that the depleted uranium allegedly in storage at the facility had some sort of burn, and we were assured by these experts that there was no such possibility.

I’m not so sure. Under normal conditions of use, the kinetic impact of a depleted uranium round is so fast and therefore energetic, that the uranium literally burns inside the target, killing the people within.  After all, the mechanism of the Little Boy uranium bomb was precisely a 5″ naval rifle – a cannon once again – that fired a projectile of uranium-235 into a target, which itself consisting of more uranium-235. It was the sheer speed and kinetic energy of the impact that initiated the reaction. So for those who know their ordnance, a depleted uranium round is like a hollow charge HEAT round, on steroids. Think of your standard HEAT round as the old actor Wally Cox, and a depleted uranium round as Arnold Schwarzenneggar, and you get the idea. Why depleted uranium? because it is an extremely dense material in its metallic form(much more so than gold or lead) an therefore much heavier per unit of volume than gold or lead. As for a burn under explosive conditions, it is to be remembered that smashing two bits of highly enriched uranium-235 together in one’s hands can literally cause a kind of sub-critical nuclear “fizzle”, and indeed, such an incident actually happened by accident during the wartime American Manhattan Project. So I am not entirely convinced by the experts on YouTube calmly assuring us that we are not watching any sort of nuclear combustion in the vast majority of the videos of the incident. Indeed, perhaps a fuel air explosive would have enough brisance to create the kinetic conditions for rounds of depleted uranium to respond with a burn.

But my chief explosive concern here today is this story shared by E.G. and many other regular readers out there, about 30 tons of ammonia nitrate that appears to have gone missing from a freight train on its way from Wyoming to Looneyfornia:

30-Ton Shipment Of Explosive Chemical Disappears Between California And Wyoming

Now this story just has “TROUBLE” written all over it, and if you’re like me – and you probably are otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this website – you’re going to find the “narrative” here a bit disturbing:

A 30-ton shipment of ammonium nitrate, a chemical used as both fertilizer and as a component in explosives, has gone missing during a rail shipment between Wyoming and California last month, resulting in four separate investigations.

A railcar loaded with some 60,000 pounds of the chemical left Cheyenne, Wyoming on April 12, only to be found empty two weeks later at a rail stop in the Mojave Desert, according to a short incident report from the firm which shipped the ammonium, KQED reports.

And of course, there’s the usual-and-to-be-expected reference to ammonia nitrate and the Oklahoma City Bombing:

Ammonium nitrate is commonly used as fertilizer. It’s also an ingredient in high explosives and was used in the homemade bomb detonated in the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. (All emphases in the original)

However, the dirty little secret of the dirty and not-so-little ammonia nitrate bomb used in the Oklahoma City Bombing is that the brisance of ammonia nitrate is very low as explosives go, and thus, the mere 4,500 pounds of fertilizer was insufficient in brisance to bring down the B-3 column in the Murrah building by stress loading on that column. It was a retired U.S. Air Force brigadier general, Benton K. Partin, whose specialty was explosive ordnance and damage assessment, who crunched the numbers and came to that conclusion. And that discomforting physics fact means that there had to have been demolition charges on that column (and probably on the others that failed), in order to account for the failure of the columns. The ammonia nitrate bomb simply didn’t have the “oomph” to do it.  But it does have enough “oomph” to do some damage, particularly to non-reinforced structures (which the Murrah building was not).

Now comes what to me appears to be the narrative part, because I’m just not buying the explanation given in the article for the disappearance of the ammonia nitrate:

According to Dyno Nobel, the Ammonium – transferred in pellet form in a covered hopper car similar to those used to ship coal – must have fallen from the car on the way to a rail siding (where a short track connects with the main track) around 30 miles from the town of Mojave in eastern Kern County, in a city called Saltdale.

The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were still intact when it arrived in Saltdale. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit,” said the company, adding that the two-week trip included multiple stops. They report having had “limited control” over the railcar operated by Union Pacific.

The railcar is being transported back to Wyoming for inspection.

Meanwhile, a representative for the Federal Railroad Administration says the investigation points to an improperly closed hopper car gate.

Now, wait just a minute… if the car was sealed in Cheyenne, if it had a leak, wouldn’t the leak have been visible even in the yard in Cheyenne? And if the leak was sprung later while the train was en route, which, incidentally, “included multiple stops” on its two week journey, were no inspections done along the way? Wouldn’t the Union Pacific officials have noticed a leak from the hopper car while it was sided in their yards? Union Pacific is a rather efficient railroad and they are, after all, the railroad that has been restoring steam locomotives to functionality and even using them on freight hauls. This expertise and expense does not, to me, signal the kind of lackadaisical attitude necessary for a hopper car full of ammonia nitrate to spring a leak, and then go unnoticed for two weeks.  Sorry, as of this moment and without further information, I’m not buying the narrative. Colour me Highly Skeptical.

And the same goes for the “improperly closed hopper gate.” Presumably the hopper gate was improperly closed in Cheyenne, for the stops along the way would have no reason to open it. And again, we face the same problem here as well, because we’re being asked to believe that the yardmasters and crews along the Union Pacific route taken by the hopper car over two weeks would never have noticed a leak and an improperly closed hopper gate. Even in modern dumbed-down thoroughly quackcinated Amairikuh, I find it difficult to believe that NO one noticed nor raised an alarm or alert.

So we end with an empty hopper car in a hamlet in Looneyfornia and a missing 30 tons of ammonia nitrate.

I do not know about you, but my high octane antennae are pulsing with suspicion.  I just cannot get it out of my mind that somewhere out there there’s another “op” being planned with another McVeigh and another rented truck. Oklahoma City’s ammonia nitrate bomb was only about two tons. Thirty tons of the stuff would be very bad, and if the two tons of the Oklahoma City bomb was a cover for some serious demolition charges, one has to wonder if, indeed the thirty tons was stolen by nefarious actors, and a if cover-narrative is being concocted ahead of whatever planned event they have in their evil diabolical heads, then what sort of real explosion might thirty tons of the stuff be a cover for?

… Unfortunately, none of my answers to that question are very good…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: Myriams-Fotos