The Stars, They Do Not Matter No Mo’

The Stars, They Do Not Matter No Mo’

by Michael Clarage, Michael’s Newsletter
January 22, 2024


The 8 sides of the Great Pyramid

The Great Pyramid of Giza has encoded the size and shape of the Earth, distance to the Sun, precession of the equinox, etc. Every decade someone discovers a new astronomical fact encoded in the Great Pyramid. I was there and left the tour group to look around, and found the entire structure is placed on top of a foundation of 500-800 ton precision cut stones. Seemed to me that the pyramid was a recent construction compared to that foundation. And still we have no idea how all this was built.

All the ancient monuments are found to be precisely aligned with the stars. As if it mattered. Why does it no longer matter to us?

All those civilizations that existed prior to 10,000 BC are gone. Evidence is flooding in ( pun intended ) that all were wiped out by a cataclysm. Each new geological discovery increases the scale of this cataclysm. All these wiped out people cared SO MUCH about Earth’s relation to the stars. Why does all that make ABSOLUTELY no difference to us now?

JWST can detect the atmosphere composition of invisible stars!

The average man-on-the-street can see on his phone the latest images from the James Webb Telescope of 13 billion year old galaxies, and explore the chemical composition of the newest Brown Dwarf stars; but the man has absolutely no sense or thought that any of it makes the slightest difference. This is not “a failure of educators to make science relevant”. This is a cultural blind spot. The rest of the cosmos is less important to us than some 19th century weird curio cabinet.

From what I can gather, one of the purposes of these ancient monuments was to tell the people when the next galactic current sheet was passing through our solar system, hence telling us when the next cataclysm was coming. If not exactly this, then something of that nature and time-scale. This is why Gobekli Tepe was intentionally buried: they knew SHTF was coming, they buried their stuff in hopes survivors would one day find it, and get a leg up on the next end of times. I wonder if they imagined it would be 12 thousand years later.

There is also a spiritual dimension to all this. A people like ours that has no need of the stars must feel separate from the stars. We have lost touch with the stars in ourselves. By design, some part of ourselves has come from the stars, used to live in the stars, still lives in the stars ( linear time verb tense fails here ). From that point of view, the most important fact about us is precisely this starry connection: what the heck are we doing all the way down here on this cold, dark, dense planet? If that question mattered more, then we would not need public relations writers to make the JWST relevant. If that question still mattered probably a lot of things would be different.


Connect with Michael Clarage

Cover images credit: CDD20 (1) & (2)

The Miraculous Nature of Water

The Miraculous Nature of Water
The structure of water is transformed by human thoughts

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
December 22, 2023



The stated mission of modern science is to dominate and control nature. It was born of the philosophies of Francis Bacon who suggested we could learn “to command nature in action”, and of René Descartes who wrote that mankind could become “the masters and possessors of nature.” This was science flipped on its head because the previous scientific philosophy saw nature as a perfect creation of god to be observed and understood. Take for instance, water. Without water, we would not exist. And so the true value is in understanding the nature of water so that we can flow with it, not control it.

For over 20 years, Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, studied the groundbreaking science of how the molecular structure in water transforms when exposed to human words, thoughts, and sounds. Dr. Emoto would simply label a sample of water with different written words such as “love and gratitude” or “I hate you.” He would then freeze the water samples and capture them as they crystallized with high-speed microscopic photography. The results were astonishing. The crystals formed from water exposed to the words, “love and gratitude” were clear, attractive, and symmetrical. And the crystals formed from “I hate you” were distorted, asymmetrical, and opaque.

Over and over again, water samples exposed to positive intention formed the hexagonal snowflake-like patterns indicative of structured water found in nature, and samples exposed to negative intention would lose its structure and mutate, which was also found to be true with samples of polluted water.

Decades of repeated experiments have clearly shown that water is transformed when exposed to human word, thought, and sound. Dr. Emoto theorized that this is because water has consciousness. Russian studies have shown that water is imprinted by the energy of its environment, and it retains memory from everything it comes in contact with, even when separated.

During the discovery of the genome, Dr Bruce Lipton was studying cellular behavior at Stanford University and discovered that our genes switch on or off based on their environment. Human beings are made of about 50 trillion cells and each cell is its own little creature that eats, digests, reproduces, and forms communities. Each individual cell is constantly reading the quality of its environment through it’s outer membrane skin. This includes stressful emotions sensed via chemicals in the bloodstream. And when we are stressed, negative, or fearful, then our cells will switch into their own version of fight or flight mode. They will stop the process of self-healing and begin the process of self-defense. And conversely, when we are feeling positive emotions, our cells will be switched into self-healing. And the body will thrive. Dr. Lipton’s discoveries were ignored by modern science, who opted for drugs and surgery over love and happiness.

This began the field of Epigenetics, and answered the question of Nature vs Nurture. Experiments have shown that a living creature will thrive on a genetic level when nurtured. Malignant tumor cells have been reversed and many people claim to have cured themselves of all sorts of disease, including cancer, by shifting and maintaining their mental attitude into a positive one. Official science will predictably call this “spontaneous remission” but it is well documented.

The cell protects itself by its membrane, which has a coating of negatively charged sugar crystals in a suspension of water. Most people think of water as being very special because of its ease of existence in three different states; liquid, ice, and vapor. But the water in our body is not in any of these states. The water that makes up our cells is in the gel state.

Science is now recognizing a fourth state of water. Known as the gel stateEZ water for Exclusion Zone, or Structured water. This fourth state is an electro-polar state wherein some of the water becomes a negatively charged gel and the rest, known as bulk water, maintains a positive charge and remains more like a liquid. This electro-propulsion creates movement and kinetic energy. This is how the blood is moved throughout our body. The latest evidence shows that the blood is pumping the heart, not the other way around. And it’s the gel state water that propels the blood.

To thrive, this natural propulsion system requires a connection to the Earth, sunlight, positive human connection, and peace of mind. Our body is made up of over fifty trillion cells and each one’s health is dependent upon our own. Our happiness, or lack thereof, not only affects our health, it affects the health of everyone who enters our environment. So if you’d like to make the world a better place, then learn how to be happy.



Connect with Greg Reese

Cover image credit: geralt

See Related:

What Does — and Doesn’t — Make Us Sick

Michael Clarage: Questioning Our Understanding of DNA — The Electrical Shaping of Biology

OK, What’s Really Going On With Bunny the Talking Dog?

OK, What’s Really Going On With Bunny the Talking Dog?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 27, 2023


Last weekend in the “honourable mentions” I included a fascinating article about Bunny, the talking dog.  Bunny is a dog that uses a special apparatus that consists of buttons on the floor that she can press with her paws. Pressing a particular button will produce a particular word. The disconcerting thing is that Bunny has a tendency to push buttons that make coherent sentences or questions that she’s never heard before, and that she has done so so many times in contexts that make eminent sense, that it is clear she is trying to communicate. It would appear even that she is asking some pretty “metaphysical” questions, not only about herself, but why she’s “here.”  We’ll get back to this whole subject, because it’s the center of today’s high octane speculation.

I suppose that talking about a dog pressing buttons might seem a bit “indulgent”, but in a world where the leadership class of the West appears to have lost all self-awareness and to have become incapable of coherent speech (q.v. Bai Den Dzhao, any recent public statement), a dog apparently forming sentences and asking “Platonic” questions I think is pretty newsworthy, and worth some high octane speculation time. And besides, most regular readers of this website are well aware of my fascination with animals and the apparent intelligence and emotional life in higher beasts: dogs, cats, horses, dolphins, birds (corvids, parrots, &c), and of course, one of my favorites, octopuses.  I’ve recounted, for example, the incident with my friend Dr. Scott D. DeHart’s African Gray parrot, Murray. During a period when we were sharing an apartment, I would drive his youngest son to school (Scott left early as he was teaching school).  Murray’s cage was right next to the front door, and on the way out, I used to always say, “Ok Murray, I’ll be right back; you be a good bird,” or something similar.

One day, as we were leaving, I turned to Murray as Scott’s son was looking on, but before either of us could say anything, Murray said (I kid you not), “I’ll be a good bird.”

Our jaws were on the floor, and for very good reason.  This was a sentence Murray had never heard before. He simply composed it on the spot for the occasion, and used it in the proper context.  I tried to put the whole unnerving incident out of my mind, until another incident with Murray brought me up short. Being a smoker, I would also step outside to smoke a cigarette. Shortly after this incident, something began to happen: I’d get outside, light my cigarette, and take that first wonderful drag, and… the phone would ring. Angrily, I’d snuff out the cigarette, run back into the apartment as fast as my overweight frame could waddle, and answer the phone, only to have the line go dead. This went on for a couple of days, and then something else: As soon as I’d enter the bathroom to relieve myself, again, as regular as clockwork, the phone would ring. And it would continue to ring until I came tearing out of the bathroom trying not to severely injure myself as I zipped myself up and waddled to the phone… only to find the line dead once again.

I would probably have gone on like this, until the telltale laughter from Murray after one such incident gave his whole sinister game away:

Parrot: 2  Supposedly Intelligent Human Being: 0

Since then I’ve really had my eyes peeled for similar stories of animal intelligence and, in this case, of an animal playing a game.  There are endless videos on YouTube of such things, of crows solving intricate puzzles (using tools no less); of gorillas speaking sign langauge, of octopuses learning by simply watching other octopuses solving problems, and, yes, of African Gray Parrots forming their own sentences and talking.

And now along comes Bunny the dog, who is asking the sorts of metaphysical questions one does not normally associate with canines (or even, as we’ve come to learn to our chagrin in the past couple of centuries, some humans… this article courtesy of MANY of you who read last week’s honourable mentions):

Bunny “The Talking Dog”: Self-Aware Canine Asks About the Meaning of Life

Here is the “problem”, and see if you can spot what caught my eye:

Bunny the Dog is famous on social media because of her ability to talk by using buttons, as reported by Insider. But recently, the talking dog blurted out a surprising question about her existence. Salon reports that Bunny looked into the mirror and asked who herself is.
People were astonished as the Sheepadoodle breed asked about the meaning of life through her augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) device.
Through the development of her communication, Bunny seemed to be interested in her sense of self. Since then, the AAC helped her and other dogs exchange words with humans, but this time, she asked a different one from her usual conversation.
Pressing the AAC button consecutively, Bunny constructed a sentence: “Dog what dog is?” Amazed, Bunny’s human parent Alexis Devine said that the question pushed her to add more buttons for the words “same”, “different”, and “animal.”
A combination of over 3,000 dogs and cats are enrolled in this project, including Bunny. Most of the results from the observation suggest that cats and dogs, in fragments, can talk.

OK, I suppose that in itself is not really big news to anyone who has owned a cat or a dog, and seen first hand their ability to understand words.  Why should we be surprised that – given appropriate tools – they would use them to communicate to us?   But there’s more:

According to Rossano, self-awareness is not the initial target of the study. But considering the development from various subjects, language and self-awareness have added curiosity to research. With that said, Rossano shared that the new concern of the study is whether dogs can recognize a sense of time, such as the past, present, and future.
For example, even though dogs have difficulty identifying themselves in the popular mirror test, a recent study published on Scientific Reports entitled “Dogs (Canis familiaris) recognize their own body as a physical obstacle” suggests that dogs have the capability to identify self-awareness through considering their own bodies as an obstacle.

As one might have guessed, it is this which caught my attention, plus the fact that Bunny at least appears to be asking “the Platonic questions”: what am I, why am I here, who am I?”  and perhaps the most important question, “What is an ‘I’?” In some past blogs and in some vidchats I’ve remarked often on the need to break out of this post-Cartesian binary world of the equations we’ve all absorbed from the wider (and mostly western) culture of “human=intelligent & self-aware, everything else=not intelligent nor self-aware”.  I’ve remarked that St. John of Damascus once used the term “hypostasis” not only to denote individual human persons, but also particular animals (this horse and that horse), and so on. The story of Noah’s ark is not simply the story about the survival of humanity, but of animals.

All this brings me to my two off-the-end-of-the-twig high octane speculations of the day: firstly, what if our tests of “self-awareness” in dogs, cats…whatever… are simply the wrong test? What if our obsession with mirrors and so on is more of a comment on the human predisposition toward narcissism rather than self-recognition and awareness? What if it is a pathology as much as it is an indicator of self-awareness? What if animals do not respond to the “mirror test” because they think it’s rather silly and uninteresting?

Don’t laugh, because in my Shiloh’s case, I noticed exactly this behaviour. The big mirror in my master bathroom is visible from my bed.  The first few nights I had her, she would bark at her reflection in the mirror. On one occasion, as she sat on the bed barking at her reflection, something amazing happened: she cocked her head in that wonderful way that dogs do, and then, cocked it in the opposite direction.  And immediately the barking at her reflection stopped, and has not resumed.  It’s as if, in that moment, she understood that the dog in the mirror was her.  At that moment, she lost interest, and has not barked at herself since.

This leads my to my second high octane speculation of the day, one with much more profound implications, one sparked by Bunny’s metaphysical questions, and by all those videos of octopuses watching each other solve problems, of crows solving intricate multple-step puzzles (and using tools to do it), of African Gray Parrots forming sentences and asking questions, of gorillas using sign language, and add to this all those stories of saints with their bears, or befriending lions, or surrounded by wild birds who seem to flock to them: or of those videos of pigeons attacking 5G towers and removing the wires: something is going on in the animal world, but what? And my speculative answer is, what if something is causing them to “wake up” for whatever reason, to take the next big “cosmic leap” in intelligence? What if, in response to humanity’s insanity in trying to develop artificial intelligence, this is nature’s way of balancing things out?  What if, indeed, armies are being raised right under our noses, and we’re too stupid to see it?

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Cover image credit: Ihtar

Michael Clarage: Is There an Electric Universe Model of Time?

Michael Clarage: Is There an Electric Universe Model of Time?

by Michael Clarage, Thunderbolts Project
October 15, 2023


Is there an Electric Universe perspective on time? Rather than to convince you that time has dimensions, the goal here is to convince you that our ancestors thought so.

If you believe an ancient Japanese text which says that a new planet, Venus, entered our solar system, perhaps you will believe an Egyptian text that says time has three dimensions just as space does.

We begin with a four-point analysis and exploration of time gleaned from classical physics:

1) The reality of a “present moment” is on shaky ground;

2) The rate at which time flows is unclear;

3) There are lines of time as well as points of time;

4) Multiple versions of systems can simultaneously exist.

It’s also appropriate to acknowledge ancient knowledge that can be derived from the Hermetica—writings from various historical periods, though most ideas have their origins in the very distant past of Egypt tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, states his arguments, from classical physics and older civilizations, for a modern perspective of time.


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Cover image credit: Willgard

Killing Us Softly

Killing Us Softly


“Is this intentional? Are we subjected to this slow genocide as part of the global eugenic effort to rid the world of useless eaters?—or even more horrifying, to rid the world of all humans who are made in the image of God along with nature herself? An agenda chillingly made clear in C.S. Lewis’ tome That Hideous Strength seen as well in the works of numerous others such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

“Probably not everything I have mentioned here has come about as part of this nefarious evil intention. But I would be willing to bet a lot of it has (see the work of David Icke). It may just have become the nature of the beast to create a culture in its atheistic hubris that ignores the subtleties of life and living.”

Killing Us Softly 

by Todd Hayen, OffGuardian
June 17, 2023


We have, for quite some time, been exposed to a myriad of silent killers. These are the subtle murderers of both the physical body as well as the spirit.

I used to think most of these killers were unintentional and merely the result of ignorance or a non-existent understanding of the non-material world of spirit. I also felt that science was rather inept in detecting subtle shifts of emotion, such as depression or “just not feeling well.” All such “measurements” were simply too nuanced to show up in their metrics.

Now I believe a lot of what I am speaking of is intentional. We are intentionally being eliminated or, at the very least, intentionally being made ill. Humanity is purposefully being murdered.

That’s a rather radical assumption, eh? Well, let’s just put it aside for the moment if this bothers you. I can make a good argument even if you are unwilling to accept that extreme notion. And, as the eminent Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung used to often say to his patients, “Well, I could be wrong.”

There are many obvious things out in the world that are killing us softly…and not all of them so softly. Pollution is a big one; the air we breathe and the water we drink are toxic—probably more toxic than we are led to believe (that’s the “softly” part). Then on the toxic list we’ve got most of what we eat, the obvious being fast food, the not so obvious being processed food, and the really soft culprit being GMO. There are more “obvious killers” out there as well, I just don’t have the space to include all of them.

Some of the more “not so obvious” things, which some of you may have issue with, are things like 5G, and really any EMF pollution, which even includes radio waves. Most medicine is toxic, doctors themselves can be quite toxic and guilty of killing us softly, although I still would bet most of them do this unintentionally (how many times have you read statistics that “deaths due to doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceuticals” rank in the top five of global killers?) There are so many things on this list it would take volumes to present them all.

Actually, I would not be surprised if every single thing we encounter every day is chemically toxic in some way (meaning it is responsible for destroying the tissue of our physical body). Fun stuff.

I think a lot of people out there are not really aware of most of these things, or think the damage they may inflict is so minimal it really doesn’t amount to much. Well, as they say, things add up.

Again, this is all stuff that most people at least have heard of possibly being bad news. Most of those people, again, probably figure that the powers that be would not allow things out there that could really hurt us. I mean, really, there are so many government agencies that regulate this stuff, and do whatever they can to keep us from being harmed. Cough, cough. Really? Like I’ve said before, if you believe that, I’ve got beachfront property in Nevada I’ll sell you cheap. Or is it Kansas?

We’ve all seen movies like Erin Brockovich (2000) and Dark Waters (2019) that show the heroics of individuals fighting the big bad polluting evil ones and winning millions of bucks for their victims. That’s great, more power to them. But the bad guys in these movies are for the most part a few levels down from the real culprits. Sure, there are evil corporations and CEOs who run them. They are indeed part of the agenda. But again, I won’t get into that here.

Some of the biggest soft killers out there are mental health killers, as well as the drugs that accompany them. I would also put the aforementioned EMF killers in this group, and maybe even some of the pollutants that attack our minds rather than our bodies—nobody pays much attention to that—to subtle effects of personality, cognition, etc. For example most of the talk about the Covid vaccines hurting us is how it hurts us physically. You hear little about the effects they may have on the brain (other than physical), the personality, or the spirit. Oh God no, none of that woo woo stuff please, it just isn’t important.

Human beings are pretty subtle bio systems, and that is just the physical part of us. The mental/emotional part is pretty subtle too, and the spiritual part is so subtle it is ignored entirely. Even the first two of these, physical and mental, are largely ignored. The only part of them that is given much attention at all is the tip of the iceberg part. The majority of these systems lie below the level of gross awareness, yet this hidden level(s) has more influence on the well being of the person than the relatively small portion of the iceberg that is given all of the attention.

Let me be a bit clearer here.

Modern medicine is mostly a science of statistics. The majority rules here, the middle of the bell curve is what is given consideration. Nearly every medical “statement” is given as a percentage. What percent will survive a particular cancer, disease, or treatment modality, what percentage will still be alive in 5 years, what percentage will suffer side effects—on and on. Very little thought is given to the outliers. In fact, certain side effects fall so far below a relevant statistic, that these side effects are completely ignored; yet these ignored side effects could have a huge impact on quality of life.

Here is an example: I have dozens of clients who come to me with the common complaint of depression. Most of them are not suicidal; they simply have what they define as a crappy life. Their life just isn’t the life they envisioned. Maybe they don’t even know they are depressed, but after further evaluation, it seems clear they are just not capable of being fully happy, motivated, curious about life, or even interested in life.

These patients don’t really possess any of the typical traumas in their experience that can bring on such complaints. What is it then? The environment (I don’t mean climate change)? Yes. The culture? Yes. The societal decadence and immorality? Yes. The food they eat? Yes. The over the counter drugs they take? Yes. The prescription drugs they take? Most definitely yes.

All these things are killing them—some obviously, but the real dangers are the things killing them softly—the things we are told are unimportant.

None of these things are considered by modern medicine to have a significant enough influence on the body, the mind, or the spirit (which of course no medical practitioner pays any attention to) to be dangerous. If we, as humans, fall above a certain line with our complaints and ailments, we are considered “normal” and the complaints and ailments that fall below that are not statistically relevant. But they add up.

We then die younger than we should, we become weaker earlier than we should, and even if our body can stay physically functioning through modern medical miracles, we are dead inside with a poisoned soul as well as with a body and brain that is barely functioning to par, but functioning enough that most people think is good enough.

Living a life that has meaning and purpose is actually more important than living a life with a fully healthy body—and we are getting neither in this current world setting. Our souls are slowly being killed by a meaningless, materially focused culture where consumerism is the name of the life game. I need not list the problems present in this soul killing culture, but at the head of slow death is the movement toward transhumanism and the deliberate creation of a world without a moral foundation.

The physical body is being killed softly as well with all of the aforementioned toxic killers we are exposed to day in and day out. Most of them are slow and soft, and operate unhindered below the radar of most people—and certainly below the radar of those who should be monitoring such things.

Is this intentional? Are we subjected to this slow genocide as part of the global eugenic effort to rid the world of useless eaters?—or even more horrifying, to rid the world of all humans who are made in the image of God along with nature herself? An agenda chillingly made clear in C.S. Lewis’ tome That Hideous Strength seen as well in the works of numerous others such as George Orwell and Aldous Huxley.

Probably not everything I have mentioned here has come about as part of this nefarious evil intention. But I would be willing to bet a lot of it has (see the work of David Icke). It may just have become the nature of the beast to create a culture in its atheistic hubris that ignores the subtleties of life and living.

Most of these toxic examples I have presented here have come about through omission—e.g., by omitting any sort of diligence to avoid their toxic effects, or by entirely doing away with things that fall into the lower material resolutions of our experience, making them statistically irrelevant—if you can’t clearly see it then just ignore it. Obviously anything “unseen,” such as love, beauty, art, God, unity, and the essence of life, is completely and almost savagely ignored. Such is our world—a humanity that is quietly, and softly, dying.


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Cover image credit: pixundfertig

Michael Clarage: Questioning Our Understanding of DNA — The Electrical Shaping of Biology

Michael Clarage: Questioning Our Understanding of DNA — The Electrical Shaping of Biology
“The story of DNA that we grew up with—and still teach our children—is not only wrong, it’s harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.”


TCTL editor’s note:

Below you will find a lecture (parts 1 and 2) given by Michael Clarage of The Thunderbolts Project, as found at Thunderbolts youtube channel.

With all the questions out there related to the toxic mRNA vaccines as well as work in gene-editing, etc., it feels important to take a step back and question what we really know.  

Most who read this website fully understand that we have been lied to since birth — held captive within belief systems that involve collaboration between established science, religion, governments, education, etc. We are learning that we know little about the real history of this planet, much less our own countries. 

Michael Clarage is not alone in questioning what we know about DNA. Biology itself is certainly not what we’ve been told it is. 

Below the videos, you will find transcripts. At this site, we create transcripts for selected videos because written word is powerful and easier to reference than a video. To set ourselves free from the straight-jacket paradigms, we have to look around us and ask “Is this really true?” about every “established fact”, belief and dogma out there. The more we question and explore, the freer become. ~ Kathleen


“On a more personal note, the Levin lab results are terrifying to me because, here we are again bumbling into areas we do not understand with tools too powerful for us to wield with wisdom.
“Has this new technology allowed us to add beauty to the world? Not so far.
“To date, we are only making grotesque monsters with legs growing out of their heads. The poor creatures live, somehow, and it turns my stomach to imagine that.
“I’m afraid we are right back where we were with the DNA story.
“We knew that mucking with the DNA will cause monsters. And now we know that mucking with the electric fields will cause monsters.”
~ Michael Clarage


Michael Clarage: Electrical Shaping of Biology

In this first episode of a two-part presentation, we begin with an open question in biology—how do the shapes of creatures come about?

How does a certain frog species obtain its particular shape and not some other?

How do its legs and toes and claws always get their particular shape and not some other?

We repeat the 70 year-old idea that DNA alone somehow determines everything, though there is surprisingly little evidence.

The story of DNA that we grew up with—and still teach our children—is not only wrong, it’s harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project Michael Clarage, PhD, highlights some of the evidence for the role of electricity in how plant and animal shapes come to be, and the role of electric fields in how inorganic objects obtain their shapes.


 Michael Clarage: Electrical Form and Function

We examine three fundamental questions in the second episode of this two-part presentation.

Is matter even capable of organizing itself?

Where do form and shape come from?

Can form exist without matter?

Researching the origin of forms in Nature for several decades, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of The SAFIRE Project, Michael Clarage, PhD, has found none of our current sciences very good at describing how forms arise.

Be it geology, physics, chemistry, biology, or astronomy, there is a substantial amount of hand-waving when it comes to describing how form occurs.

Dr. Clarage conveys a powerful and profound idea. When your purpose changes, your shape changes. Purpose is causal. It makes things happen and presents a more useful and meaningful cosmology for all.


Connect with The Thunderbolts Project

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:


Electrical Shaping of Biology

An open question in biology is how do the shapes of creatures come about?

How does, for example, a certain frog species obtain its particular shape and not some other? How do its legs and toes and claws always get their particular shape and not some other? The same question for all the internal bits, the spine, the liver, the brain.

How do each of these always come to the same shape and interconnect in the same way, particular for this species and no other?

Most textbooks still repeat the 70-year-old idea that the DNA alone somehow determines everything. Though there is surprisingly little evidence for this.

I would like to highlight some of the evidence for the role of electricity in how plant and animal shapes come to be and also ay a few words about the role of electric fields in how inorganic objects obtain their shapes.

I was motivated to give this talk after reading about the work of the Michael Levin lab at Tufts University in Boston.

For more than a decade, the lab of Doctor Levin has been overturning some long-held beliefs about how biological shapes arise.

Back in the late 1950s, when DNA was being discovered and its role was starting to be understood, Watson and Crick championed the idea that the DNA determines everything about the organism. They call this the central dogma of biology.

For the past 70 years, most textbooks and funding have unquestioningly followed this dogma. It is a form of predeterminism all over again, since it assumes that the information flows only one way from the DNA out and nothing an organism could do would ever change that.

Crick was very vocal that finally he, a mere man, had once and for all eliminated the need for a god or any intelligence in the universe, since everything about us flows from our DNA.

Bombastic cheekiness aside, we can still run experiments to test the idea.

Over the past 70 years, many thousands of experiments have been run to elucidate the role of DNA in developmental biology. But try as we might, we could never show that genes actually create any forms.

What exactly in the DNA determines that an arm be shaped just so and not otherwise?

How is the inside of the mouth formed just right to know with the nose above and the throat below?

Search the literature and you will find that the best we can do is to show that disabling certain sections of DNA will cause some body part to form incorrectly, but this does not mean that the DNA is causing the form of that body part.

I was always surprised at such sloppy thinking.

That would be like me showing that I can prevent you from driving to the store if I give you a flat tire. Correct. You cannot drive to the store if you have a flat tire, but the tire was never the cause of you going to the store.

Just because mucking with some DNA causes an arm to form incorrectly does not mean that the genes cause the shape of the arm.

Using a cooking metaphor, which is surprisingly accurate, ingredients do not by themselves cause anything. You need a recipe that tells you what to do with the ingredients. And what is the meal? How many people are you cooking for? What is the order of the evening? All that makes a real difference.

Our genes do not necessarily tell our bodies what to make or when to make it. These decisions are made mostly outside the genes.

Everyone should know that we do not really understand DNA.

Every decade, the advanced textbooks need to be rewritten because we find out that the system is way more complicated than we previously thought.

What we call genes are really a very small part of the total DNA. Genes are that small part of the code that contain the blueprint for building proteins.

We still do not know what most of the DNA does. The collection of all the genes in your DNA is much like a giant ingredient list.

If you had a cookbook of all the recipes you could ever make and you made an index of all the ingredients needed for all those recipes, that is what the genes are.

All the blueprints for how to make each of the ingredients you might ever need. But again, genes constitute only a very small part of the DNA.

The work in Doctor Levins lab is impressive by any measure. These are virtuoso level skills. They alter the DNA of individual cells to change the number of ion pumps the cell makes for itself. This makes these particular cells more or less electrically polarized relative to what they would have been in the wild type.

At certain times in the development of the embryo, if enough cells in one place can be tricked into creating just the right electrical alterations, then body parts will grow in that location. An eye will grow inside of a stomach. A toe might grow on an elbow.

The 70-year-old central dogma of biology states that DNA, isolated inside the nucleus causes all shapes and forms to appear.

What does Levin’s result show? That an electric field external to the nucleus cause the shapes and forms to appear when and where they did.

It does not mean that the fields create the form itself, but it does mean that the field can cause the shape to appear.

What does this mean for the central dogma? Things get really tricky because Dr. Levin is altering the genes in the cells which cause more ion channels to form on the cell wall, which causes a different electrical potential of the cell relative to its surroundings.

So you could argue that the DNA is controlling everything, but the argument has become muddied.

Why does the entire eye form in the electrified location and not just pieces of an eye? And how is it that we instinctually know that the eye should not be in the stomach?

In Levin’s cancer research, they show that changing wild type electrical fields can start and stop cancer cell growth.

Highly malleable cells such as stem cells and cancer cells, have less defined electrical potentials relative to their surroundings.

Whereas healthy, mature cells have higher electrical potentials.

One of the hallmarks of cancer cells is that they have lost their relationship to the larger body. They are an out-of-control growth of cells that are part of nothing. They have no function beyond their self interests.

Here Levin’s results come very close to actually disproving Crick’s central dogma with regard to the form and function since electric fields, external to the nucleus, can destroy all form and function.

On a more personal note, the Levin lab results are terrifying to me because, here we are again bumbling into areas we do not understand with tools too powerful for us to wield with wisdom.

Has this new technology allowed us to add beauty to the world? Not so far.

To date, we are only making grotesque monsters with legs growing out of their heads. The poor creatures live, somehow, and it turns my stomach to imagine that.

I’m afraid we are right back where we were with the DNA story.

We knew that mucking with the DNA will cause monsters. And now we know that mucking with the electric fields will cause monsters.

It does not prove the DNA is causing the proper shape, nor does it necessarily prove that the electrical field is causing the proper shape.

Dr. Levin’s lab is justifying all this with the promise of new medical treatments if we can just make it through a few more decades of producing monsters.

I am also surprised that Dr. Levin does not seem to reference Dr. Robert Becker, who already showed most of these principles 40 years ago. You can see a good summary of Becker’s work in his book “The Body Electric”.

Dr. Becker, a practicing physician, discovered that controlling electric fields could heal burn victims and could let salamander tails grow back properly. Why not give credit where credit is due?

I fear it is because it became known that Robert Becker had a spiritual side. He maintained that humans were more than just sacks of chemicals.

I fear that since Dr. Becker did not believe in pure materialist reductionism many journals will not allow reference to his work.

Let us look at two more sets of experiments from Dr. Levin’s lab. Then we can step back and ask why does it all matter?

These experiments involve planarian flatworms. In the wild, if the tail of the worm gets chopped off, then a new tail will grow. If the head of the worm gets chopped off, a new head will grow, brain and all. Pretty amazing.

The wild type worm has an electrical gradient along its body, more positive towards the head. The researchers cut off the tail, then artificially gave that end a positive charge. This caused a new head to grow off the back end. We now have a new shape. A two-headed worm.

This new two-headed worm then propagates. It reproduces asexually, as all planarians do.

Is this a new species? I think so. Yet the DNA has not changed. You can see that the connection between the DNA of the animal and the shape of the animal is becoming less clear.

How could the DNA remember that this new worm species has two heads, so all future progeny must also have two heads.

Returning to the cooking metaphor, it looks like the genes are available to get the raw ingredients produced, but the recipe and the plans for the full meal are being handled at quite another level, quite outside the world of the genes.

In a different experiment, they went to the wild type, cut off its head, then, while the new head was forming, they modified the electrical potential of some cells, and ended up producing the head and brain types of another species of planaria.

Let that sink in. The DNA is still that of the original species, but the form, the shape of the new worm head is that of a related species of worm. We have created a new species but we have not altered the DNA.

In my opinion, any notion of DNA determining the shapes of creatures is on pretty shaky ground.

Why does any of this matter?

It matters because the story of DNA that we grew up with and still teach to our children is not only wrong, it is actually harmful to our spirit because it gives us a false understanding of ourselves and of our relationship to the universe.

We were told that a simple molecule, with sequences of four molecular letters determines everything about us.

We were assured that not only our shape, but our entire being is supposedly a simple unfolding of some molecular computer program into which we have no input.

I find all aspects of this dogma incorrect and harmful.

As a scientist, I am trying to reconstruct a cosmology that is more accurate and more meaningful. In the second-half, we will look at the question of whether matter is even capable of organizing itself. And if not, then where could all these shapes be coming from?

Electrical Form and Function

Picking up right where we left off.

Is matter even capable of organizing itself?

If you believe in materialist reductionism, you say that the universe is only matter. Matter and forces. And the forces are not matter.

But I’m happy to overlook that inconsistency for now.

In the first half of the lecture we saw how a materialist reductionism applied to biology states that DNA is everything. All you need is the DNA and a bag of chemicals, and you can make any life form you want.

Yet, as shown, in the first part, this theory runs into some major problems, confusions and contradictions when applied to even a simple worm.

Many previous civilizations would say that we are stuck on these very basic questions because we are looking in the wrong place for the answer.

We keep wanting the matter to produce the form. But what if matter cannot, on its own, produce form?

Another idea is that forms and shapes are imposed upon matter or made available to matter.

To illustrate this, let us look at some examples that are often rolled out as proofs of self-organized matter. The Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction is given often as proof that matter alone can self organize.

Here, a simple chemical preparation cycles through beautiful alternating spirals. Some point to the growth of crystals as an example of self-organized matter, such as geodes or growing rock candy at home.

But, without exception, in all these laboratory cases, the researchers are spending many hours setting up specialized equipment that creates very special conditions. They then flip a switch and say, voila, the matter has self organized.

And I’m like, no, you just spent months carefully arranging thing, imposing a form from the outside. You have, in fact, proved that matter cannot self organize.

In the case of crystal growth, in graduate school we spent many months trying to grow protein crystals for our X-ray diffraction experiments. And I can tell you from experience that most of the time nothing forms. And it was only through very carefully-controlled conditions and obvious artistry that crystals form, once again showing that matter does not self organize.

So where do form and shape come from? An older body of ideas states that shape and form are imposed upon something from the larger world of which it is a part. For example, the cell in the liver has its form and function because it is part of the liver and has very clearly defined jobs to do in the larger body of the liver.

If that cell were part of a different world, say part of the stomach, then that cell would have a different shape.

The organs themselves each have their particular forms only because they are part of the body and have clearly defined jobs that they each do for the body.

The very idea of proper shape only has meaning for something that is part of a larger body. That is the only way you know if you have the right shape. That is the only way you know if you are doing the right job.

When something breaks its connection with a larger world then it can no longer have a proper shape.

The cancer cell has broken its connection with the larger body. The cancer cell has no shape, no function. The cancer cells are still connected to the matter of the body. The substance of the blood still flows to the cancer. There is not a material disconnection. There is, instead, a disconnection of purpose and function, which leads to a loss of shape and form.

I realize this is a different way to think. I have pondered it for many years and I still find it elusive.

We are so immersed in centuries of thinking that matter explains everything. It can be challenging to think that form and shape are quite distinct from matter.

Shape is something that can be imposed upon matter or made available to matter. But shape is not matter and shape does not come from matter.

In living systems there are proper shapes. It’s not arbitrary.

A frog toe must have a certain shape to be part of a frog foot, which must have a certain shape to be part of a frog leg, which must have a certain shape to be part of a whole frog. Once we have seen a frog, it is obvious when any part is mis-formed or not doing the right job.

Instead of asking questions about how DNA can cause shapes and functions, we should ask: What is it about the environment that will call forth different ingredients from the DNA?

Do we have any evidence that form exists without matter?

In corona discharge imaging, we place an object inside an electric field of several kilovolts per centimeter. The object distorts the flow of electrons, which produces a very beautiful image of the object.

When you place a leaf between the plates, you see the structure of the leaf.

The image on the left shows the corona discharge picture of one such leaf.

You then cut off the top part of the leaf. You choose a new cover plate and film, so that there is no contamination from the previous image, and you make a new coronal discharge image.

The image on the right shows what you get. Much of the part that you cut off is still visible.

In one study, 137 leaves were photographed from 14 different species. Ninety-six of the photographs showed at least some image of the section of the leaf that was removed.

How could that be since the matter in that section is missing? The form exists independent of the matter and is detectable through electric fields and the flow of electrons.

I personally think that the electric field is a mediator for the form. I do not believe that the electric field is the source of the form, but this hypothesis can be checked in further experiments.

These results might also remind you of a hologram where every small section of a hologram film contains the entire picture. Although holograms can be easily explained using physics, I personally am always amazed every time I see one. I am baffled that they actually exist. I cannot get my head around the fact that each part of the hologram picture can actually be used to recreate the entire picture.

In these leaf experiments, we see the same thing, where a remaining part of the leaf still somehow contains the information needed to construct the entire leaf.

It is the same with the planarian worms. The remaining part of the worm somehow still has the pattern of the whole worm, which the matter then fills in.

Let us leave the world of biology. Forget about DNA, clear our heads, and look at all this in an entirely different setting.

Consider the snowflake. Stunningly beautiful. Millions have been looked at and so far no two are exactly the same. Endless variations within a theme.

You may have heard, or assumed, that physics or maybe chemistry has explained how snowflakes get their shape. Not so. The origin of snowflake morphology is a mystery.

I have marked off two sections on this snowflake picture. Look at the two red circles, then look at the two yellow circles.

How did the two red regions know to make the same shape?

How did the two yellow sections get the message to make their shape?

There are trillions of molecules separating these regions. That is basically infinitely far away if you are a molecule. And it’s not just two regions that get the message from infinitely far away. It’s six regions for every feature that end up looking the same.

I propose that the overall form of the snowflake is imposed upon the freezing water all at once, like a New England contradance hall forming and unforming to the caller and the music. I think that the entire pattern exists in an electric field at the region where the snowflake forms.

I’m not saying that the electric field is all by itself the cause or the origin of the form. But I do think the electric field is a mediator or a translator of the form into matter.

Maybe somebody could help us by doing electric field snowflake experiments. We already have good evidence that crystal growth is disrupted by the presence of pulsed microwave electric fields, which shows that electric fields are involved with crystal formation.

To take the next step in snowflake research, we must see that the large scale shape of the snowflake is not coming from the individual water molecules. And why would you want it to anyway?

If you are a scientist, why would you want to explain this enormous, elaborate shape arising from isolated molecules that cannot know anything about each other?

In closing, I will ask aloud:

Dr. Clarage, you seem to be saying that matter alone is not sufficient to explain everything and that we must consider this other principle called shape or form. Yet you never clearly define what this is or where it comes from.

To which I reply:

But neither can you clearly define exactly what is matter or where does it come from. And I really do not see how form is any less obvious than matter.

So perhaps we should change the terms of the discussion and ask why would anyone want to describe everything with only one principle called matter?

Why is that preferable to having also a second principle of form?

If you say that it is obvious that having only one principle is simpler, I will say, “Oh man, really? I just spent all this time showing experimental evidence why matter alone leads to all kinds of complications, confusions and outright contradictions.”

I have been researching the origin of forms in nature for several decades. I have found that none of our current sciences are very good at describing how form arises, be it geology, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy.

There is a substantial amount of hand-waving when it comes to describing how the form of things arises.

For example, in astrophysics we do not know why solar systems form with a certain number of planets, why the spacings between the orbits closely follows an exponential spiral, why the planets have their particular sizes, why the star has its particular cycle of magnetic patterns, et cetera, et cetera. This question is so difficult for astrophysics that it is generally ignored.

I think all our sciences are weak in this area because we are looking in the wrong place for the origin of forms and shapes. We keep wanting the matter to organize itself. I think that is a dead end.

To get out of this dead end, two questions can be useful.

The first is: Why would you personally want a world view where matter organizes itself? I hope you can answer this for yourself and not from some physics video you saw, or a book that you read.

The second question is: In your personal experience, in your life, what useful functions or procedures have you personally seen come about spontaneously with no effort?

When your purpose changes, your shape changes.

Purpose is causal. It makes things happen.

A more useful and meaningful cosmology would include that.

It is my hope that I have helped convey some of that message.

Thank you.



Cover image credit: Public Domain
The Flammarion engraving is a wood engraving by an unknown artist that first appeared in Camille Flammarion‘s L’atmosphère: météorologie populaire (1888). The image depicts a man crawling under the edge of the sky, depicted as if it were a solid hemisphere, to look at the mysterious Empyrean beyond. The caption translates to “A medieval missionary tells that he has found the point where heaven and Earth meet…”

Dr. Tom Cowan & Howdie Mickowski: On Our Hidden History & the Mystery of the World’s Fairs

Dr. Tom Cowan & Howdie Mickowski: On Our Hidden History & the Mystery of the World’s Fairs


“So we’ve got two avenues that we can discuss. There’s the avenue that most everyone looks at, which to me is actually the smallest part of the story and that is the buildings themselves. How are these buildings constructed? How is it possible in the time frame what’s supposed to be there? And how could they be so ornate, so beautiful, so spectacular and then be destroyed?

So we have the one side of it which is the buildings, which like I say, that gets the most of the attention.

To me it’s the other side of it that it should get more attention and that is: What was actually going on at these fairs? What were the exhibits, what was being presented? Because to me now, I see these fairs as like indoctrination centers. That they were literally indoctrinating a complete concept, a complete idea, complete structure of thinking — before movies, before television, before — this was it. And you put these all over the world. And lo and behold you can get a story into people’s minds.

And I think that’s what they were doing because, as you dig into what was actually shown at these things, it’s beyond bizarre. On one level it’s sick and on another level it’s showing our whole world for the next 120, 140 years. Where we are now was built actually at these fairs. And scary enough, I use the word ‘reset’ in my book before any of this started. To me these fairs were literally like portals from the end of the last world, however that last world ended — looks like destruction — and this was resetting in a new idea.

And then all of a sudden here we are with all of these controllers of the world throwing out the word “great reset” again.

And now I see that, hey, these fairs are like an important marker to where we are now, to telling us what we’re maybe going through and what we’re headed for. So that’s why to me it’s so important to study them, not just asking the questions of how did these buildings get built. Was there a civilization prior to this? Was there a technology we didn’t have? That’s question one we can talk about. But the other one, the bigger one, is what was really going on there?”


“That means that all the history we have prior to this period of the world’s fairs is not only questionable, it’s highly likely completely wrong.”


“And now this has helped show me how much we are so in the dark about history, which is so important. Why is history important?

Well, history is important because it explains our present. We can explain here’s where we are, and the story of history is how we got here.”


“But if we find that history is absolutely wrong, that it’s just a story that’s been used to explain a particular method of control, now all of a sudden, we would have to say, well, why are we doing anything the way we’re doing it then?

Because if the history that brought us here, that supposedly brought us here is wrong, then we don’t have to stay here. We can change it.

So the historical narrative is important for the overall control mechanism, because it explains why we are where we are.”

~ Howdie Mickowski


“And essentially the thesis here is that they implanted this narrative in this time, in this way, in these buildings, in these exhibitions, in these simulations, and that became our reality. And we’re actually still dealing with the consequences of that, even more so in the last three years.

And I can tell you it’s the exact same thing and the exact same time in medicine and biology.”

~ Dr. Tom Cowan


Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends | Ep 59: Howdie Mickoski

by Dr. Tom Cowan
January 12, 2022


Howdie Mickoski is a researcher who has spent the past decade-plus investigating such subjects as the philosophy and teachings of ancient Egypt, the philosophy and teachings of the Cathars, Gnostics and other historical groups, as well as the works of Carlos Castenada, among others.

Howdie has also written books about the fascinating history of the world’s fairs and expositions of the late 1800s and early 1900s, and postulates what these events can tell us about our history. Please join me for this interview in which we discuss all aspects of these fairs and expos and wonder about what these investigations have to tell us about our current world situation.

Bring your most open mind and questioning habits to this interview, and enjoy the ride.



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan — websiteBitChuteRumble

Connect with Howdie Mickowski at his YouTube channel


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Howdie mentions a website where all World’s Fairs are listed and where links are provided to a vast amount of information. Find the page here:


Cover image credit: The World’s Columbian exposition, Chicago, 1893 — (public domain)

Dr. Tom Cowan: “You Don’t Have to Go Looking for What Is Real, It Will Reveal Itself. But You Have to Do the Painful Work of Discarding That Which Is Untrue. That’s Our Quest.”

Dr. Tom Cowan: “You Don’t Have to Go Looking for What Is Real, It Will Reveal Itself. But You Have to Do the Painful Work of Discarding That Which Is Untrue. That’s Our Quest.”


Looking Ahead to 2023- What Are the Questions?- Webinar From December 28th, 2022 

by Dr. Tom Cowan
December 28, 2022


In this webinar, Dr. Cowan addresses what will be coming up next year: what he is working on, the topics he plans to discuss, and what questions we should be asking.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan
website     bitchute     rumble

Excerpts (prepared by Truth Comes to Light):

Okay, so the first area that we’re going to look for the truth in and again, the strategy here is not to look for the truth per se, at least not directly, at least not in the beginning, but to discard that which isn’t true, no matter where it leads, no matter how unpleasant uncomfortable…

So as a lot of people know, I’m not necessarily a huge fan of Carrie Mullis, but he is or was a Nobel Prize winning biochemist, so you would think he knows something about looking for chemicals, i.e. molecules in living systems. Whether he was as radical or on “our side” as some people make him out to be, is maybe another issue. But look what he said. ‘People don’t realize that molecules themselves are somewhat hypothetical and that their interactions are more so and that the biological reactions are even more so.’

I think what he just told us…is that these chemicals, molecules that we all have learned to believe in, are the basis of biology and medicine. They’re actually hypothetical, meaning we’re not even sure that they exist.

So what chemicals are we talking about? Well, how about estrogen? And how about progesterone? And how about insulin? And how about testosterone? And how about cortisone? And how about serotonin? And how about dopamine? And how about oxytocin? These are all molecules, i.e. chemicals. We all think they exist. We all think that they are what medicine should be studying and we believe in them. We even give people so-called bioidentical estrogen or testosterone or cortisone under the theory that these chemicals must exist in biological systems like us…


One of the things I’m intending to do is look — this next year — what in biology/medicine, especially in the so-called physical realm, what is real? Because if, at the end of the day, none of these molecules are actually in living systems, then we have a huge problem. And we have a huge other kind of medicine, which is all based on water and energy and electromagnetic fields, just like we’re all suspecting.


And again, this search for the truth is not particularly looking for what is true, but as I said, trying to discard that which is clearly not true.

So let’s look at another one. And some of you, I’m sure, have heard this and there’s a lot of people who know a lot more about this than I do. But this has to do with our history. And I’ve alluded to this a little bit in some of my previous talks. But let me just show you something here.

Okay? So history. What do we know about history? Well, we have a story that we’ve been told.

The thing that we’re wondering about today, and hopefully we’re going to be looking at next year, is this story true? Because we need to be warriors for the truth, search for the truth, even if it means giving up misconceptions.

Because, we have a theory or an idea that discarding our misconceptions — the lies, the phony stories, the make believe stuff that we all have grown up with — discarding that, at the end of the day will leave you with this, I think, beautiful understanding of what is real.

You don’t have to go looking for what is real, it will reveal itself. But you have to do the painful work of discarding that which is untrue. That’s our quest.

So we’re told that history is a kind of linear exercise. In other words, the history — we used to be slime mold and then we became lizards or something and then we became monkeys. And all this took millions and millions of years, and then we became people, and we were pretty stupid and technologically uninformed…

So this is a linear history. And particularly when you look at a country like the United States before the Europeans arrived, there was just sort of nothing. And people who had no technology, no building, no advancement in any of the usual sort of things. And it’s slowly linear built up, built up more and more complex and never went backwards. That’s the story we’re told…


Okay, let’s take a look at something here. So I used to live in San Francisco. Here is what we’re told San Francisco looked like in 1848.

Now, I just want to point out this is obviously a drawing. I’m not sure who drew it, but this is not a photograph, this is a drawing. San Francisco, 1848. Basically wilderness. All the people who had lived there had been basically Native Americans or similar sort of people. And obviously they had no technology, no building, no what we call civilization, advanced building and sewage and water systems, et cetera. They basically lived in primitive buildings and huts and cetera, sort of like this. And then around 1848, when this was drawn, there was approximately 300 Mormons who arrived, I’m not sure why.

And then a bunch of immigrants, I think mostly Irish or other places in Europe looking for gold.

So — Story: nothing before this, there was nobody who could build anything or any technology before 1848. Basically primitive sort of wilderness with primitive sort of people uncivilized, who couldn’t possibly build anything. And again, this is a drawing, not a photograph.

And then, interestingly, we see another. This is also a drawing, not a photograph. 1850 — 2 years later…

A drawing of some buildings that were apparently made in those two years. And there’s all these people.

And not only how did they do it, but why would they do that?

These were people who, we’re told, barely survived, were probably at war with the native people. And so you’re telling me that in two years they built structures like this?


So then we move on. And I believe I could be incorrect about the date, but this is the first actual photograph that we see. And now this is from 30 years after that drawing…

And if you see this, look at this panorama of the city and you can see these amazing buildings with spires and cherubim carved on top, and domes and spires looking up to the sky…

And a city for approximately 500,000 people at least, mostly made out of some sort of stone or granite or something, with some wood, I’m sure. Amazing carving.

And somehow the official history is telling us that this all was made with people with no power tools, no transportation, no roads, no building experience, except for architects who supposedly came in from the east coast, which would have been a hell of a trip to get there. No factories, no ability to quarry, no ability to transport huge stones and spires and no copper smelting, no metalworks. And they did all this in 30 years? For what reason?


So one has to wonder whether this drawing is actually real. And if it’s not real, why did they draw this? What reason was there to convince people that this city hadn’t been there for a really long time in order to build something like this?


And then you go back and you look at the history of the so-called World’s Fairs and you see these were all in the period between 1870 and say 1910 or so.

And you see again, we’re talking about all these cities all over the world…

And pretty much every city in what’s now called the United States had structures like this before, supposedly, there were any roads, any factories, any transportation, any power tools, any of the things that we would normally think would be needed to build a monstrosity like this.

Or in New Zealand, where there was apparently just a handful of immigrants. And again, the story is these people who were there before, I think the Maori or something, they didn’t do any of this stuff. They didn’t know how to build anything. The story is a linear increase in the complexity of everything, the increase in the ability to do everything related to technology.

But this is a monster thing.

Here is a picture of Atlanta from around the turn of the century…

All of these things, by the way, are now gone. They were all destroyed. Most of them apparently, supposedly, through a fire. Because why? Because Atlanta couldn’t use a structure or an infrastructure like this?

Or this is Paris… All of this was supposedly built as temporary installations, temporary structures, for a temporary world’s fair. And so apparently, they didn’t need any of this stuff going forward.

And here’s another picture of the San Francisco World’s Fair.

These are the buildings which were supposedly made in two to three years.

You can see the entire city landscape behind. And all these concrete and stone buildings — these amazing architecture with with all this intricate design — all of it was torn down. Because who could possibly need something as functional and beautiful and amazing as this cluttering up your city?

And all this was supposedly made in two to three years with people who had no access to power tools, roads, transportation, cranes, or anything else.

Here are two pictures of St. Louis. Again, turn of the century. Who built this, and how would you build it, and why would you build it?


And there’s a lot of people who are looking into:

What is the real history of our people?

What is the history of this land?

How did we get here?

Does it matter?

Does it matter if our history was actually fabricated?

Does it matter going forward that we actually know where we came from?

And if all these things were torn down, why were they torn down?

What were they able to do? … You see — in I think it was Philadelphia — you see a 23-acre, essentially glass and steel, looks like a sort of greenhouse, that apparently they could grow all the food that was needed for the entire city of Philadelphia. This is in 1870s or 1880s.

Why would you tear something like that down and not use that to grow food for the people going forward?


So I would love to hear from people, what do they think about this? I’m not saying that anybody should believe it. I think everybody, including myself, we need to look into this. We need to try to get answers, and we need to be warriors for the truth.

The question, people will say, ‘well, why would they possibly cover this up?’. And that may actually have something to do with our health. Because if these were devices that were used in healing, and in promoting peace and harmony in the land and in the population, and if they were used to create energy like some people suspect, then that’s a whole different situation than we have now.

And so we have a lot of technology that could make a huge difference in our overall well-being and in our health. And this actually is tied with a whole different conception of life, which is: Are we really chemicals or are we really energetic electromagnetic beings?

And that there were people who lived before us who were well aware of the electromagnetic nature of living beings and reality and didn’t spend their time looking for chemicals which are basically hypothetical in living systems.

People will also say this is a kind of scam or thing that nobody could pull off. It’s too big… Somebody would blow the whistle.

Well, a) somebody is blowing the whistle and b) anybody who’s lived through three years of so-called covid, caused by an imaginary virus, shouldn’t be able to use the excuse of ‘how could they possibly have pulled this off’.

I would admit it’s a tremendous project to do that, but it’s been done before and it’s being done right now.

There may be a whole different way of looking at living systems, including us — in who we are and what we’re doing here than we have been led to believe.


How do we try to understand ourselves as living electromagnetic beings rather than biochemical hypothetical beings that we’ve been told and ascribing all of our troubles to?

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Jon Levi is one researcher & video content creator who is consistently sharing new findings. In reference to Dr. Cowan’s mention of the great buildings found in 1800 era Philadelphia, see Jon Levi’s “Philadelphia World’s Fair of 1876 (Building Castles and Cutting Limbs)” for photos along with his narrative and excellent questions.

Great Central Fair Buildings, Philadelphia. The Great Central Fair was held in 1863 in Logan Square.

If you are new to these ideas, you can research more about hidden history using search terms such as  ‘Tartaria’, ‘world’s fairs’ or ‘mud floods’, ‘melted history’,  ‘star forts’ or even ‘mud fossils’. Another very active researcher is Auto didactic (his second channel is here). See his work on star forts.

There are many video channels, reddit threads and blogs out there where people share their research, old photos, maps, etc. And, as is to be expected, there is lots of speculation and there are many theories about our past and about the nature of reality.

At this point, we don’t have the answers. However, we are  seeing quite clearly that what we’ve been told about the history of mankind can’t possibly be the truth. We owe it to ourselves, to our children and to all creatures who share this planet with us, to always question everything.


Cover image credit: geralt

The Holistic Vision

The Holistic Vision

by Elva Thompson
November 7, 2022


The dimming of the light of the spiritual worlds

According to Rudolph Steiner, the dimming of humanity’s spiritual nature happened in the mid Atlantean epoch.  I have no idea how long ago that was because time is relative, and also irrelevant in the investigation of spiritual worlds.

What we do know, is that at some time in our past, we lost our connection to the living spiritual realms that surround us, and lost the ability to see the elemental being within the form of living things.

We became asleep to spiritual reality…blind to the other half of our being. With the fading of our spiritual light, we turned our attention exclusively to the physical world of sensation until it became our only world.

As a result, the energetic world that creates physical form, the magical faerie worlds, the wonder-ful impressions of early childhood, the archetypes of flowers and trees and all creatures great and small became dead to us….

……because we became dead to them.

As the vision splendid faded, our higher fields of vibration withdrew. We became denser in form, imprisoned in the ivory tower of our arrogance and chained ever deeper into matter.

Barely conscious

Since the industrial revolution, we have been systematically de-sensitised and dumbed down. Organised religions have replaced meaningful spiritual experience calling it savage superstition, demonism and witchcraft.

The densification of our energy has accelerated in our modern digital age. We pride ourselves on our intellectual and technological prowess, and are so clever that we have disappeared up our own arseholes. We are stuck fast in the reductionist mindset, a perspective that believes that the whole is no more than the sum of its parts. This inverted view of reality has reduced ourselves and nature to nothing more than a mechanism. A market where human bodies have become repositories of spare parts, and many see man as nothing more than an accident of evolution.

Out of step

In the harmonious pattern of the cosmos there is one area that is out of balance and is deviating from Divine Law. This is the emotional state of mankind.

Cold intellect and rabid ego are so prevalent in today’s society, that most people are dead to any other world but their own physical bubble of existence. There is no room in their crammed life to have a spiritual experience.

They have no clue about the all pervading spiritual power that penetrates matter, and electromagnetically holds it together. All they can do is study the physical outer form and reduce it to its parts, but the inner energetic being that powers the form eludes them and remains forever inaccessible to their barren reductionist minds.


Whatever event caused the Separation of our spiritual and physical worlds, whether it be a catastrophe of immense proportions, or genetic interference by some alien species, it de-spiritualised our species by blocking out the other half of our being. Our spiritual eye has been blinded.

Sacred sympathy

When we overcome the natural identification with our lower, instinctual animal needs, and turn our attention to the unseen world of spirit, we will awaken to the fact that we are eternal beings. With the understanding comes a rush, an in-flooding of awareness, a sacred sympathy for all life that lifts us out of, and beyond, the materialistic, reductionist view of life… and we intuitively see that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts.

Holistic Vision

“There was a time when meadow, grove and stream. The earth and every common sight, to me did seem apparelled in celestial light. The glory and freshness of a dream.

It is not now as it hath been of yore; turn wheresoe’er I may. By night or day. The things that I have seen I now can see no more.”  Wordsworth

The few lines from Wordsworth show the longing of our spirits for the magic realms, spiritual worlds of beauty that have been lost by our ever increasing materialism.

If we are to experience the spiritual realm, we must employ our inner eyes, inner ears, and a subtler sense of thought without distraction. These practices will widen and intensify our imaginative thinking, and this will lead us to the understanding that there is divinity in all manifested life, and our affinity with nature is an echo of our connection to the whole.

Amazing things happen when we turn our attention inward. We discover that we do have a Higher Self; A quiet mind and its vibration is the gateway to wholeness.

The quiet mind is the magic portal through which we can pass into eternal spiritual realities. The gateway that shows us that we are far more than a physical body. We are divine in essence and that droplet of divinity cannot be extinguished when the worn out body, the house of our spirit crumbles and dies. We are eternal beings.

“You will never enjoy the world aright till the sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with heavens and crowned with stars.”  Traherne.

The coming storm

We live in momentous times of change. We only have to look around at our world, a realm clouded with fear where violence seems to have the loudest voice. These are the times in which we live and the spiritual signposts point to chaos ahead.

So, dear friends, let us not think of our lower, limited self defined by our ego and personality. Instead let us fix our attention on our higher self which transcends the sense world and unites us with the timeless, eternal power of the Divine.

“Come to the edge of the precipice,” He said.

“No, we afraid.”

“Come to the edge of the precipice,” He said again.

They came. He pushed them and they flew.

Much love to you all.


Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @


Connect with Elva Thompson

cover image credit: knollzw

Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal

Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal

by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network with Dr. Tom Cowan
October 31, 2022


Show Notes:


  • What responses has Dr. Cowan received regarding his stance on viruses?


  • What is needed to prove something exists?


  • They say there’s not enough virus in a person to measure, even in someone who is said to have died from it.


  • Supposed isolation of a virus by giving antibiotics and starving the cell sample.


  • Separating the snot from the person and putting it in a culture. Culture cells die, supposedly proving the virus exists.


  • List of structures or functions said to exist in human biology that haven’t been proven to exist or proven to not exist. They are actually artifacts of the way we find thing in cells.


  • Ribosome supposedly makes protein and means the rib of the body. They are mocking you.


  • DNA in nucleus makes RNA, which supposedly goes to ribosome and makes protein. How can RNA escape from the nucleus yet nothing can get into the nucleus?


  • Mitochondria supposedly located in endoplasmic reticulum. But the cristae lines look like cracks formed from freezing.


  • Can’t be receptors in membranes.


  • How does water make structure out of impulse?


  • Wedding ring image created in water in petri dish laid on top of a wedding invitation.


  • What is falling down? Water creates a London Bridge image.


  • Antenna on top of Taj Mahal dome structure, and other historical buildings, conveying information to water.


  • Thoughts or conceptions become actions which have consequences.


  • What was the cause of death of a HIV scientist dying after 4 COVID jabs? His belief that the jabs would help him.


  • Can’t treat anyone for an illness as long as their brain work is delusional.


  • Dr. Cowan doesn’t want to change the system. Instead, commit to finding reality. The world will give you clues and help you.


  • Trust senses, verify reality with others, then do science and validate every step. Keep looking to see if evidence is congruent with belief.


  • Guides or angels will help you in your quest for discovering reality.


  • How come all these smart people think something else? How smart are they really? Are they committed to not looking at the evidence?


  • No such thing as right or wrong. No objective reality – it’s only what I say that determines right or wrong. That is the path of nothing is real, of nihilism.


  • There is an ultimate reality. We don’t create reality, it is given in the world. We do create beliefs though.


  • Creating reality is where we went wrong.


  • Real food comes from nature. Eating fake or human engineered food is what makes people sick.


  • Is more meat and less carbs a species appropriate diet? There are no successful human cultures that only ate animal foods. They ate what was growing In abundance in their area.


  • You can’t live without killing things. Overly sentimental to think otherwise.


  • Parasites come in and eat the impurities in us. Stop poisoning yourself and the parasites go away. They recycle your dead and dying tissue. Parasites eat poisons.


  • What to do for someone that’s had the jab? Use it as a lesson in you’ve got to see the world differently. It’s a spiritual awakening.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Patrick Timpone

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: On a number of occasions, Dr. Tom Cowan references the work of Dr. Harold Hillman. See A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman. (PDF also available here.) Below, you will also find links to related articles.]

See related articles: 

Modern Medicine: A Castle Built on Sand?

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory

Bioweapons: The Myth of Man-Made Pathogens

Challenging the Foundations of Virology: Corona Investigative Committee With Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Modern Zen

Modern Zen

by Jon Rappoport, Outside the Reality Machine
May 25, 2022


One thing I’ve learned from giving lectures to audiences over the years: never meet expectations.

“Expectations” is a large container waiting to be filled up. People have these containers. They lug them around with them. They want them to be filled up.

For example, if they expect shocking information from the speaker, and they get it, their expectations are met.

Audiences train themselves to be audiences, and their expectation-containers are ready when they sit down to listen.

There is something missing. Something monumental.

The present moment. The present now. The alive moment. Because, for all its fanfare and interest, the event is not really in the present.

This is by design. No one wants the moment. People’s whole lives are devoted to avoiding the moment, because it is spontaneous. That’s what a moment is. Spontaneous.

“Everyone can act. Everyone can improvise. Anyone who wishes to can play in the theater and learn to become ‘stage-worthy.’” (Viola Spolin)

No one is used to spontaneity. No one is prepared for it.

No one knows what they would do or how they would react in the spontaneous moment. That’s why it is avoided.

“Through spontaneity we are re-formed into ourselves.” (Viola Spolin)

Yet, the paradox is: people yearn for the spontaneous moment. They yearn for that freedom. It’s not freedom as an idea or concept, but freedom as a living thing.

I bring all this up because passivity is the universal effect of living for most people. In that state, they still have expectations and those big containers, but the way they receive information—they certainly don’t intend to climb up out of their own passivity. That’s the last thing they would do.

“It [spontaneity] creates an explosion that for the moment frees us from handed-down frames of reference, memory choked with old facts and information and undigested theories and techniques of other people’s findings. Spontaneity is the moment of personal freedom when we are faced with reality, and see it, explore it and act accordingly. In this reality the bits and pieces of ourselves function as an organic whole. It is the time of discovery, of experiencing, of creative expression.” (Viola Spolin)

So when I speak to audiences at live events, I find a way to remind them that we’re in a kind of false relationship. It’s interesting and false at the same time. There we are in a room, and I’m the speaker and they’re the audience. I’m active and they’re passive.

Those are our roles. Those are our functions. It’s accepted, but it’s unworkable. It’s self-defeating, unless we all want to be existing in a dead space outside the living present moment. And I don’t.

This means I have to readjust things. I have to let people know that I know they’re there. Right now. I know they’re listening, and I know they’re absorbing, and I know that beyond a certain point (10-15 minutes), they’re going to shift down into passive mode.

Finding a way, an interesting way to let them know is a challenge.

It’s really a challenge that extends to the whole world.

Are we alive or are we doing it by the numbers?

Look at any set-up, which is “the way things are supposed to be,” and “the parts that people are supposed to play,” and you can see light. The light is what could happen to upset that situation and turn it into something else. Something that would bring people in from the cold, into the moment itself.

Spontaneity means everything is created now.

That’s why I keep writing about imagination, because imagination will change a life. It won’t only change the content. It’ll change the way life happens.

Here’s something I can guarantee anywhere in the universe where beings populate planets, where they think, plan, strategize. They’re not living in the moment, but they claim they are. They’ll say, “How could I be anywhere else? We’re all in the present. That’s all there is.”

But they’re wrong. Their big containers are in the moment, and they’re waiting outside to accept the flow of information from the containers.

If a person (usually a hard-headed realist) thinks he’s already in the moment, have him go up on a stage with another person and take on the role of a galactic cop on patrol, questioning a suspect who is accused of stealing a planet. If the realist can eventually improvise and do it, he’ll experience being in the moment in a way he never has before.

Likewise, if he painted 200 paintings, something different would happen to him. He would come to the edge of what he already knows (which he’s expressing in the paintings), and then he would step off. He would do something on the paper or canvas which is not what he knows. It would arise spontaneously, and he would feel a new space, a new energy, a new now.

Imagination. Alive imagination. That’s the key. The key to the door that leads out of the Matrix.

What’s wrong with Zen?

Nothing is wrong with Zen, except the people who practice it.

That’s a joke. Sort of.

In the modern style, especially in America, Zen is mostly meditation, and more meditation, and more meditation, and the point of it seems to be to get to a zero point, where you can watch your own mind, your own thoughts, and finally, without effort, stay separate from them, separate from all that radio static, and separate also from your own unbidden parade of emotions that swing by with tooting horns and crashing cymbals and clacking drums and gawking dancing clowns.

A laudable goal.

But on the whole, how many people who do this wind up becoming passive? That’s the thing. People tend to opt for quietness.

Whereas, the whole idea ought to be: launch a tremendous amount of dynamic action from the platform of zero-stillness.

Because stillness as a way of life sooner or later begins to disintegrate.

In original Zen, there were ordeals. The teacher gave the student things to do, tasks which eventually became absurd, without discernible purpose. The teacher spoke to the student in riddles and wisecracks. The teacher drove the student into a state of desperation, because the student’s rational faculties, which were obsessively involved in systems, couldn’t supply answers to questions which defied logic.

The teacher did whatever he had to do to bring the student out over the edge of the cliff, where in mid-air, there were no foundations…and the student felt terror. But the teacher persisted.

And then, in one explosive moment, the student found himself floating in the air. He saw there was no need to explain his existence. There was no need to place a veil between himself and the present moment. He didn’t die. He was, finally, alive.

Who knows how this radical approach actually worked out in the many cloisters and huts and cottages where it was practiced, where the stories grew and expanded in their retelling.

Those old teachers were tough characters. They weren’t merely meditation instructors.

There was another aspect of Zen, which survives to this day. It could be summarized as: “become the other.” The archer becomes the target. He becomes the bow, the arrow, and the target.

The runner becomes the road and the air and the sky and the clouds. The artist becomes the canvas.

The theater of merging with the other.

And as in any theatrical setting, the actor can, by choice, merge with, and un-merge from, his role.

But again, in these times, the main thrust of Zen teaching seems to be meditation, and the culture of stillness, quietude, and passive acceptance.

I’m not saying the meditation is easy to do. It isn’t. But somehow, its environment has become circumscribed.

This is unsurprising in America, where every philosophic and spiritual import from Asia has been distorted and watered down for the seeker-consumer. The overriding intent has been to create The Quiet Person.

The world of action has been painted as too disturbing to the “student seeking inner peace.” Therefore, retreat. Therefore, set up a buffer zone within which all is harmonized and balanced.

Where is the Zen now that sends people out into the world to revolutionize it down to its core, that stimulates the desire to find and invent a Voice that will shatter delusions and create new realities that have never been seen before?

If the moment of insight, satori, doesn’t instigate this, what good is it?

How can satori be “seeing into one’s true nature,” if the result is a wan gaze out on a uniform landscape of soft-boiled bupkis?

The answer is obvious. Breaking apart, exploding the primary illusions and fears that hold an individual in check is not the goal of most Zen as it is now practiced. That objective has been replaced with the false promise that some ultimate “consciousness” will reconcile the soul with itself.

The way this promise is offered and the way it is taught and the way its surrounding social culture is embroidered is a dud. Dead on arrival.

It’s time for a few new koans.

What is the real sound of David Rockefeller? What does Henry Kissinger say when somebody finally puts him in a small bottle with a cork on it? How does an android disguise himself as a human?

If I need a Zen teacher, I’ll go to Henny Youngman: “A doctor gave a man six months to live. The man couldn’t pay his bill, so he gave him another six months.”

In the beginning, the whole point of Zen was to shake things up, not calm them down.

The master assumed a new student was an annoying clod. But that doesn’t comfortably mesh with today’s “tolerant culture.” Today, annoying clods are a special interest group.

Silence, as a key Zen feature, isn’t only about a desired inner condition now. It’s about a synthetic attitude. So show me a temple where the meditation room is outfitted with a few dozen giant TV screens. The students do their meditation while CNN, Christingle Matthews, Sean Hannity, Oprah, news-boy-on-a bike Brian Williams, Hawaii Five-O, the Shopping Channel, Pawn Stars, Jimmy Fallon and his screaming pubescent audience, and four or five Spanish soaps are going full blast.

That would be a start.

Or throw on 20 or 30 TED lectures simultaneously—prancing grasshoppers extolling the future of technology.

I submit that if the one of the ancient Zen teachers walked into a modern American Zen cloister today, that’s exactly what he’d do. Turn on a few hundred TV sets, computers, and mobile devices and say, “Okay, try being quiet in the middle of this!”

Zen is sacred? What? When was it ever sacred? Soft bells, empty halls?

No, you must have Zen confused with a funeral home.

Every age has its massive collection of heavily loaded apple carts, and the job of Zen is to overturn them. When up is down, and insanity is called normal, that’s where you begin…


Connect with Jon Rappoport at Outside the Reality Machine

cover image credit: keiblack / pixabay

Michael Clarage: The Light of Life — “Life Emits Light.”

Michael Clarage: The Light of Life — “Life Emits Light.”

by The Thunderbolts Project
May 14, 2022



Life emits light.

There is even proof our eyes emit light.

To a physicist this is possible since all receivers are also transmitters—a radio antenna can send or receive the same signal. The rhodopsin molecules in the retinal cells absorb and emit the same visible light.

Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, explains how we could not have organic life without cells, chemicals, light, electricity, or the ecosystems of the Earth and Sun—all levels of the hierarchy communicate and exchange energy.


The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe


Connect with The Thunderbolts Project

cover image is a screenshot from ThunderboltsProject video  found above

Leaping From Despair Into Hope: The Lesson of Rembrandt’s Resurrection for Today’s Troubled World

Leaping From Despair into Hope: The Lesson of Rembrandt’s Resurrection for Today’s Troubled World

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
April 17, 2022


Today, the world finds itself moving through a turbulent transformation between two systems. Collapsing at a faster rate every day are the foundations of a failed imperial world order defined by zero-sum thinking, consumerism and materialism which has defined our existence for decades. The question is now: will the new world system take the form of a new era of global empire, unmitigated war between faiths and a prolonged dark age OR might it take the form of the beautiful multi-polar world order defined by win-win cooperation between all of the nations, faiths and cultures of the world?

Throughout his life, Rembrandt van Rijn (1606-1669) continuously returned to the axiom-breaking theme of the famous biblical story of the ‘Supper at Emmaus’ in order to convey the powerful transformative “moment” of discovery in between the two states of mind of 1) the belief in the death of Christ and the end to his life’s mission and 2) the state of renewed faith in the immortal hope represented by the image of the resurrection. While this lesson is taken from the Christian matrix, it’s universal characteristic provides a lesson for people of all cultures who seek to bring a better world into being.

Before jumping to an analysis of some beautiful paintings, it would be necessary to summarize ever so briefly the story of the Dinner at Emmaus.

The Dinner at Emmaus and The Importance of Christianity in World History

Featured in the New Testament Gospels of Luke and Mark, Jesus is invited to eat with two of his disciples (Luke and Cleopas) in the town of Emmaus. This wouldn’t be anything exceptional, except for the fact that Jesus had been violently crucified on the cross and entombed days earlier. Neither Luke nor Cleopas recognize their mentor who has been resurrected after being entombed for three days and it is only upon breaking bread with this stranger that they make their discovery just as Christ vanishes miraculously into light.

Whether you are a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Confucian, Hindu, Buddhist or other, the lesson conveyed by this biblical story and especially Rembrandt’s artistic treatment has a universal value for the simple reason that Christ’s life and mission represented a moral power of change which had the unique capacity to undo the foundations of the Roman Empire. This movement accomplished this miraculous feat not through military force, money or any other Hobbesian notion of power, but merely by tuning the hearts and minds of a suppressed people to the power of forgiveness, loving all including one’s enemies, and adhering to one’s conscience before all “political norms of acceptable behaviour” demanded by the Roman oligarchy.

One can imagine how disheartened Christ’s followers were to see that light of hope snuffed out under the suffocating weight of the world’s largest and most evil of empires whose unchallenged power had extended to Asia, Africa and all Europe. One can easily imagine what an existential crisis overwhelmed the hearts of these early followers of Jesus’ Gospel. Were they just naive fools to believe in a better world and a loving Creator when such evil could dominate the world? How powerful and electrifying was the idea that the sacrificed leader of this movement actually succeeded in defeating the one thing which even the most powerful of emperors and kings could not escape? If this were possible, then perhaps the material power of the Empire could be defeated after all and perhaps the ideals of Christ’s life and mission were worth having faith in too.

Over the coming centuries, the Roman oligarchy slowly learned that regardless of how many Christians it burned alive, or threw into the mouths of wild animals for the entertainment of the mob, the movement only grew in numbers. This continued to the point that the Empire was forced to attempt to co-opt the movement by Romanizing it and infusing imperial, pagan practices into its governing structures slowly suffocating the spirit of Christ’s message in favour of the formal structures of the “word” of the book as interpreted by an approved “priesthood” beholden to an oligarchical class.

Amidst this tendency to corruption and decay, Christ’s spirit was periodically re-awakened from time to time in the form of honest souls who broke from formalization to “walk the walk” and live according to their consciences. These courageous souls who “broke from the mould” include such names as St. Augustine of Hippo, Alcuin, Charlemagne, Dante Alighieri, Nicholas of Cusa, Erasmus, Thomas More, and even Rembrandt van Rijn. Were it not for their efforts to renew the spirit of Christianity by enflaming the kindling for new Renaissances, Europe would likely still be living under the conditions of the medieval dark age, or worse.

One can also argue that were it not for this transformative and miraculous story of reincarnation, then Christianity would have merely been just another one of many Jewish sects that tried nobly to bring substance to the darkness of a war-ridden world… but ultimately failed.

Rembrandt’s Renaissance Challenge

It is no coincidence that Rembrandt’s famous 1648 rendition of the theme of the ‘Dinner at Emmaus’ was painted during the year that the great Peace of Westphalia was finalised in Europe. This Treaty not only ended the 30 Years War that destroyed generations of Europeans in an endless revengist bloodbath of Protestantism vs Catholicism, but also created a new basis of international law by establishing the system of modern nation states premised around the principles of forgiveness, and the agapic principle of the “Benefit of the Other”. In the modern age, a correlate to this principle is found beautifully in the policy of “win-win cooperation” expressed in China’s New Silk Road which itself emanates from Confucian principles of “Tianxia”.

1648 rendition of Rembrandt’s ‘Supper at Emmaus;

Rembrandt’s 1628 rendition of ‘Supper at Emmaus’ is featured below with an incredible use of chiaroscuro to convey the divinity of Christ and also the motion from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. Rembrandt’s choice to place the central focus on the un-named disciple rather than on Christ whom he places in a foreground silhouette is not an accident and neither is the choice to place the maid working in the kitchen covered in shadow and oblivious to the miracle behind her. This central focus on the discovery process occurring in the mind of the disciple creates an opportunity for a cathartic experience with the viewer who is invited to share in the co-discovery occurring before their eyes.

The ethereal divine light emanating from Christ’s figure just before he disappears casts a divine glow upon his surprised associate which is very different from the candle casting artificial light upon the maid in the kitchen. This metaphorical use of light is another device used by all great Platonic humanists to convey the image of different grades of knowledge as outlined in the famous Allegory of the Cave in Plato’s Republic.

Rembrandt’s 1628 rendition of “Supper at Emmaus”

Another rendition of Rembrandt’s ‘Supper at Emmaus’ was painted in 1648 featuring the artist’s struggle to convey the transformative change. In the version below, Rembrandt placed the light source not in Christ but rather hidden from view covered by one of his disciples. In this rendition, Rembrandt chose to place the event on a theatrical stage (a device he used in several biblical themes). The great master understood painting as a performative principle akin to acting and not as some mere presentation of pretty objects on canvas and as such he wished the audience to imagine reliving the experience fully as good actors should rather than merely admire a show as voyeurs.

Looking through his surviving thumbnail sketches, we see that Rembrandt considered rendering the scene in a very different manner wherein Christ would be depicted a split second later as pure light. It is worth taking the opportunity to think to yourself: Why did the painter decide not to take this route? Why was the path he chose deemed wiser to the master? What idea is missing from the sketch?

Velasquez Tackles the Paradox of Spirit and Matter

A contemporary painter and kindred spirit to Rembrandt was the Spanish painter Diego Velasquez (1599-1660) who also took on the challenge of capturing the important “in between” moment conveyed in the biblical story. Many contemporary art critics who lack the sensitivity to art’s higher power to convey transformative discoveries often miss the principled intention of both Rembrandt and Velasquez’s moral choice to convey this subject matter (and all their works) as they do. Below we can see Velasquez’s 1623 rendition of the “eureka moment” forever unfolding before the eyes of all future generations.

The hand of one disciple strikes back towards the viewer which also has the brilliant technical effect of immersing the audience into the living experience of discovery and further abolishing the false “wall” separating the “subjective” viewer from the “objective” art being viewed.

A few years before this painting, Velasquez tackled the same theme from the unique standpoint of the servant girl fixing a meal in the kitchen and placing the divine transformative scene in the background… not to downplay the importance of the event but to give the viewer a chance to breath, and ponder the co-existence of the divine and the ordinary world in which we all exist which are too often fragmented and divided by an unbridgeable gulf between “abstract” spiritual concepts and “real” material facts.

We hope that during this Easter Sunday and all of the days to follow, you dear reader, take the time to seek the power of creative love and faith in a better world within yourself while sharing the fruits of that search with others. Perhaps, in so doing the lives of such great souls as Velasquez, Rembrandt, Confucius, Socrates, and Christ may come alive once more.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

cover image credit:  Wikimedia Commons

The Illusion of Death

The Illusion of Death

by theJourneyofPurpose



Death is an illusion, life is a dream and we are the creator of our own imagination
The present moment is the only moment available to us and is the doorway to all moments
– Thich Nhat Hanh


Speakers: Alan Watts, Steve Jobs, Jim Carrey, Nick Vujicic


Connect with theJourneyofPurpose

cover image credit: ipicgr / pixabay

David Icke: “I Won’t Stop Until I Leave This Earth”

David Icke: “I Won’t Stop Until I Leave This Earth”

by Inspired
March 3, 2022



I don’t identify with David Icke, brief human experience. I identify with being consciousness, which we all are.
Consciousness is having that experience.

And once you self identify yourself as consciousness, having a brief human experience, you can kind of rise above some much of the day-to-day crap that pulls you in when you self identify with the labels of a human life.

Because, you know, you say to people ‘Nice to meet you. Who are you?’ and they don’t say ‘I’m all that is, has been, and ever can be, having a brief human experience. Nice to meet you.’ And you say ‘Oh, thanks, thought I recognized you. Nice to meet you.’

No, they’ll give you their labels, they’ll give you their life story, their location, their birth place, their job, their race, their religion. And they’re all labels of a human life. They’re not who we are. We get caught in the labels.

So much of the division, the divided and rule, is possible because of the self-identification with labels. And when you realize that this is just a brief human experience, and that we are the consciousness having it — we are eternal consciousness on an eternal journey of exploring forever, forever — then it puts this into perspective. And it doesn’t seem so intimidating anymore.

And you think, ‘Well, when I leave the body and I look back on this brief human experience that I had, how will I feel about myself if I let morons tell me what to do, compared with saying ‘No way’. I think I feel good with the second one basically.

And because I identify with being consciousness rather than a label, I see the world very differently and things that happen in the world very differently.

That’s what drives me on. And what else drives me on, and has done for the last 30 years after I realized more and more about what was happening, is that, you know, you can’t look children in the eye — your own kids, your grandkids — you can’t look children in the street in the eye and realize what’s coming for them and say ‘Well, I’ve done my bit. I don’t have to do this anymore.’

No, no, I have to do this. And I have to do it with more determination every day because I can’t look them in the eye otherwise.

And this is what I don’t understand, you know, I’ve been doing this a long time. And I’ve seen people come and I’ve seen people go, I’ve seen people come and I’ve seen people go. And I can understand why they come. But I can’t understand why they bloody go.

Once you realize what’s going on, this…you can’t walk away, surely. How do you live with yourself? You know what’s happening and you’re walking away.

So I will leave this world at some point. Please, I won’t stay here forever.

But I will leave here still doing what I’m doing. Because I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.


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cover image credit: ToooPRaaaK / pixabay

The ‘Two Paths’ Are Clear as We Move Into 2022

The ‘Two Paths’ Are Clear as We Move Into 2022

by Neil Hague
January 7, 2022



Neil Hague is a UK artist, author and authorial illustrator, originally trained in graphics and book publishing. Over the past twenty years he has developed a ‘unique’ vision through his style of art and image-making. One that has been described as both spiritual and ‘neo-shamanic’ by people who have read his books or who have seen his work.

Connect with Neil Hague

cover image credit: fietzfotos / pixabay

Outside the Reality Machine

Outside the Reality Machine

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 29, 2021


READER: Mr. Rappoport, why do you sometimes write fiction/satire?

ME: Because if you think non-rational reality can be solved simply by rationally setting the record straight, you’re sadly mistaken. Look around you.

READER: Are you saying reality itself is non-rational?

ME: That’s exactly what I’m saying. What we take to be reality is exported to us, and we import it and accept it. That situation is entirely irrational. At the deepest—and therefore—most important level, each one of us is capable of creating the reality we most profoundly desire.

I need to catch a train and I’m late
Finally a clerk directs me to a set of stairs
But after I run down two flights I wind up on the wrong track
I’m familiar with these set-ups
—On board a pleasure yacht
I’m alone in the dining room at 2 in the afternoon
A waiter brings me a glass of champagne
He looks like Al Capone
He sits down next to me and pulls out his tax forms
I spread them on the table and study them
All in order, I say
Nothing to worry about
The feds are lying
They’re paying more for the judge than you’re paying
An explosion goes off
We’re in the water swimming for the dock
Machine gun fire…
I’m walking along a winter road
Two wolves trotting at my side
They’re looking up at me
They want to know where we’re going…

—Suppose, one day, you’re walking around and you see a person who looks exactly like you buying bread in a shop. You approach him and engage him in conversation. You discover he knows everything you know. But he knows it with more clarity. He’s integrated. He’s more agile. You’re no longer useful, pragmatically speaking. You’re out. In an instrumental society, you’re defunct. You have to go somewhere else. You have to start over. You’re cut loose. You don’t need to consider your obligations.

There is always a little man behind his desk telling you you’re dead because he’s dead
It’s standard
Like a shot in the arm for a disease no one ever heard of

You walk into a large living room
Tall machines humming
They’re manufacturing reality
You see the switches on a wall
What happens if you turn them off

The living room is full of people
Cocktail party
They don’t see what you see
They’re talking about virus, virus, virus
They’re wearing masks
They’re comparing vaccine passports

In a corner of the room
A distinguished doctor wearing rimless glasses
Is holding court
A gaggle of earnest guests are listening
He’s describing Omicron
One person has a heart attack and falls down on the carpet
The others ignore him

Now the doctor is talking about a new test for the virus
And transmission
And breakthrough cases
And his visit to Gavin Newsom’s winery in northern California
And the probability of new lockdowns
And spikes in case numbers
And quarantine facilities

Suddenly the doctor and the listeners and the man lying on the floor
Freeze in a paralyzed tableaux

—You’re walking through a zoo
And you’re looking at that frozen scene encased in a glass cube
There’s a plaque on the base of the cube
You move closer
But you can’t make out the printing on the plaque
A security guard says, step back sir, unless you want purchase
A premium membership, in which case you can enter the cube

If I go inside, can I get out?

No, but the characters will begin to speak and move, and then you’ll all leave the party and take a taxi to a hotel and check into rooms and
Meet you families there and start a new life

I’ll have a job

A good job, and you’ll live in the suburbs in a nice home

Will there be rules

There are always rules, but if you obey them you’ll have a happy life

I’ll travel

You and your family will travel to many places and stay in first-class resorts

But I’ll never be able to come back here


Why not?

There are walls between various locales

It’s part of the set-up


And I’m not allowed to question the set-up

You can question it, privately, to yourself, but that’s all

Will I remember this place, here

For a time, but the memory will fade

What about the reality machines in the living room

You won’t see them again

There has to be some kind of trick here

Of course there is, think it through—right now you’re standing outside and there are people you love who are inside—are you going to go inside to try to help them escape—or you could be inside and there would be people you love who are outside—are you going to try to break down a wall and reach them through a wall that was built to stand the test of time and block your way—however you want to look at it, reality is a collection of separate containers meant to stay separate

Suppose I invent new realties that that are open, that have no walls


The visible light spectrum is only a minor part of the full spectrum. In the same way, consensus-thought is only a tiny arc in the full arc of invented thought (which is infinite).

On May 14, 2266, the New England Journal of Medicine and Psychology published a paper titled:


A quote: “Brain research discovers common patterns of activity across a whole population. These patterns would be called ‘normal’. Exceptions would be classified as various categories of ‘disordered thought’. It’s assumed that only ‘harmonious and symmetrical’ brain patterns are positive and beneficial.”

A reader commented: “This assumption is grossly false. It’s a stunted version of aesthetics. Creative force always breaks out of these little geometries. So does every new idea. Increasingly, Earth culture is unable to understand this.”

—That reader receives a government notice and is summoned to a hearing. He’s interviewed by a virtual AI employee of the federal Department of Stat Research.

HOLOGRAPHIC i-FIGURE: “Are you all right during this epidemic lockdown? I see you live alone.”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“We want you to enjoy yourself. Are you watching learning programs?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t like them.”

“Well, we have a report on you. It indicates an output difficult to measure or interpret. What can you tell us about this?

“I don’t know. I’m composing a symphony.”

“A symphony? What is that?”

“It’s a piece of music written for a large orchestra.”

“I find no extant orchestras in the country.”

“That’s true. Nevertheless, I’m composing.”


“For that day when an orchestra may come into being again.”

“Your thought-impulses entered ranges we were not able to summarize.”

“I suppose that means your instruments are limited.”

“Your last statement might be viewed as incendiary. It suggests we are imposing a restriction. As you well know, the science is settled on this point. We measure and interpret thought that contributes to an overall positive outcome, for the population at large.”

“I’m aware of that, yes. But the science rests on certain assumptions. I would call it greatest good as a lowest common denominator.”

“What do you mean?”

“You decide a certain mindset contributes to the consensus reality you favor. You legislate a range of thought that will produce the consensus.”

“That’s a gross oversimplification.”

“It doesn’t describe the algorithms you employ, but all in all I believe my summary is correct. You’re reality makers. You monitor thought-emissions, and when you find a departure from ‘combined averages,’ as you call them, you issue a citation.”

“What is this symphony you’re composing?”

“It’s impossible to explain. It’s music.”

“It has a specific message?”

“No. If it did, I would write out the message and leave it at that.”

“Why have we not heard of you before?”

“I was doing illustrations for the Happiness Holos.”

“We know. What happened?”

“I became bored. A machine could make those pictures. So I decided to compose music.”

“The Happiness Holos are an essential social program.”

“Perhaps. They encourage people to stay on the positive side of a construct called Positive&Negative, which as you know is a State-sponsored theme. But what is superficially indicated by those two opposing sets is, in fact, fuel for the fire.”

“Fuel for what fire?”

“The artist can use and transform any material.”

“Where did you hear such a thing?”

“Nowhere. I’ve experienced it many times.”

“Your views are highly eccentric. I will have to consult your childhood history to understand their roots.”

“I’m afraid that won’t do you any good.”

“Why not?”

“Because your version, the US Department of Psychology version of cause and effect, is propaganda for the masses.”

“This is your idea of a joke?”

“Not at all.”

“When you compose this…symphony, how do you think?”

“It’s not thinking in the way you use the term.”

“No? Then what do you do?”

“I invent sound.”


“Large masses of sound.”

“Absurd. According to what underlying pattern?”

“None. Check the Library of Structures. I doubt you’ll find my activity in the catalogs.”

“Known structures and patterns are contained in the files.”

“I don’t invent through pattern.”

“No? How then?”

“I improvise.”

“And this term refers to?”

“Something done spontaneously.”

“And you exceed prescribed ranges of thought in the process.”

“Perhaps. I would hope so. I don’t keep track.”

“You’re being flippant.”

“I assumed you’d eventually cite me. I’m just composing music during the lockdown.”

“There is no citation yet. You’re an anomaly. We investigate. We consider.”

“I’m afraid your and my idea of ‘consider’ are quite different.”

“Let me ask you this. When you are composing, do you ever believe you enter into a realm or area that could be called ‘non-material’? We’ve heard such claims before.”

“Not if you’re referring to some fairyland. But all thought is basically non-material. The brain registers it after the fact. Thought, the real thing, doesn’t take place in the brain.”

“You’re deluded. And disordered.”

“If I could simply confess to that and be on my way, I’d be a happy man.”

“You live in a society. To keep the peace and maintain the Positive, science has discovered that thought should occur within certain parameters.”

“If you insist.”

“We want to study you. It’s a great honor to be called. You could help extend the boundaries of research…we register variation from the norm in your present thinking.”

“What present thinking?”

“What you’re thinking right now.”

“That was quick.”

“The readouts are instantaneous…what are you doing?”

“I’m starting the fourth movement.”

“Wait. What you’re doing is disruptive.”

“You assume that based on how you set your normal frequencies.”


All along the major esplanade, and in the lake area, and in the industrial parks and residential high rises, virtual structures shattered like glass.

The holographic i-figure went dark.

A thousand holographic government buildings froze and vanished.

The composer said to no one, “I’m just composing. Well, apparently not just.”

—Back in his room at the edge of the city, he said, “I suppose that’s what they mean by a negative consequence.”

He sat down at his computer and turned it on

He plugged in a small module. The screen went red. Black letters formed: DISEQUILIBRIUM. He pressed the send key.

The encrypted score of the first three movements of his symphony set out on a rapidly changing zig-zag journey to a series of caverns below cities in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, America.

A program consisting of the synthesized instruments of a full orchestra read the score and began to broadcast the music to small groups of people sitting in the caverns…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: KELLEPICS / pixabay

When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order

When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order

by Ryan Matters, NewBraveWorld
sourced from OffGuardian
originally published November 9, 2021


When the famous quantum theorist, David Bohm, read Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “The First and Last Freedom”, he was blown away by his insight and knowledge regarding the phenomenon of the observer and the observed. Despite having no university-level training, much less formal education in the sciences, Krishnamurti had, through his philosophical writings, demonstrated a profound understanding of various concepts related to quantum mechanics.

Krishnamurti, an Indian writer, philosopher and speaker, was, at an early age, taken in by the Theosophical Society and groomed to become the new World Teacher. Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater, the leaders of the Theosophical society at the time, nurtured Krishnamurti at their headquarters in Madras.

They, along with a few select associates, undertook the task of educating him, guiding him through mystical teachings and generally ‘preparing’ him to become the vehicle for ‘Lord Maitreya’, a highly evolved spiritual being committed to aiding the evolution of mankind.

However, when it came time to ‘unveil’ Krishnamurti to the world as a great teacher and leader of humanity, Krishnamurti broke all ties with the theosophists, denounced all organised belief, denounced the notion of gurus (and the whole teacher-follower relationship), and devoted himself instead to the pursuit of freedom for both himself and humanity at large.

By the time Bohm had read “The First and Last Freedom”, Krishnamurti’s teachings had developed beyond the point of theosophical influence. Bohm recognized that Krishnamurti’s insights were reflected in his own work in quantum theory and felt it urgent to meet with him as soon as possible. Eventually, the two of them did meet face-to-face in London where they exchanged ideas and engaged in rich conversation.

Bohm described his first meeting with Krishnamurti as follows:

I was struck by the great ease of communication with him, which was made possible by the intense energy with which he listened and by the freedom from self-protective reservations and barriers with which he responded to what I had to say.”

Bohm recognized his meeting with Krishnamurti as a meeting of minds not unlike that which he felt when talking to other scientists. In fact, he even compared Krishnamurti to Albert Einstein, stating that the two of them “showed a similar intensity and absence of barrier”.

Bohm and Krishnamurti met each time they were in London and probed deeply into the nature of time, space and mind. The two of them would inevitably hit on the topic of consciousness and this is where Krishnamurti’s insights shined.

Indeed, Bohm felt that Krishnamurti’s most powerful teachings were those concerned with the general disorder and confusion that pervades the consciousness of mankind, for it was he who offered not only an explanation of this problem but a solution to it.

Krishnamurti maintained that all this disorder, which he felt was the root cause of such widespread sorrow and misery, and which prevented human beings from loving one another, had its roots in the fact that we are ignorant of the general nature of our own processes of thought.

In other words, Krishnamurti noticed that while we are generally aware of the content of our thoughts, we are hopelessly ignorant as to the origin and process of thinking itself.

This ignorance, which causes disorder within man’s consciousness, is expressed outwardly as the disorder we see within society itself – war, widespread sorrow, violence, segregation, et cetera.

But why should this be the case?

The answer, perhaps, lies in Bohm’s area of expertise – quantum physics. As Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle teaches us, you cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of an object and, therefore, our seemingly “solid” reality is proven to be non-determinable[1].

And as the experiments of the brilliant Dr. William Tiller show, a conscious observer may “bend reality to his will” by holding a focused intent, the effect of which can be quantified and even amplified if that intent is held by multiple people at the same time.

William A. Tiller, a physicist at Stanford University dedicated over four decades of his life to investigating the effects of human intention on the properties of materials and what we call physical reality. His research discovered that it is possible to effect a significant change to the properties of physical materials simply by holding a clear intention to do so.

Interestingly, Tiller and his colleagues also discovered that it is possible to imprint or “store” an intention within an electronic device, which would then have the same effect on an object as that of a human consciousness holding the same intention. Tiller’s results have been consistently reproduced around the world.

Bohm himself proposed a holographic model of the universe based on enfolded and unfolded states of being emanating from a common source beyond both the unmanifest and manifest realms.

His scientific insight echoes the view of reality experienced by enlightened sages throughout the centuries. In Vedanta, the manifest world is called “Maya”, meaning “illusory reality” and it emanates from “Brahman”, the omnipresent sea of infinite potential[2].

It is therefore easy to see why Bohm was so taken by Krishnamurti’s teachings. The ancient doctrine of “as above, so below” or man as a microcosm is embodied within the curious quantum “observer effect” that ties consciousness to the “outside” world and the very fabric of space-time itself[3].

Once this phenomenon is understood as being real, it is not hard to see how and why disorder within can create disorder without.

The answer, then, to man’s problems lies in being aware of the process of thought. And this, according to Krishnamurti, requires meditation. Though by meditation, Krishnamurti does not mean we should sit on a rock in the lotus position, no, Krishnamurti’s idea of meditation is centred around the root meaning of the word itself.

The English word ‘meditation’ is based on the Latin root, “med” meaning to measure. The Sanskrit word for meditation, “dhyana”, is related to “dhyati”, meaning to reflect. Putting these together brings us closer to Krishnamurti’s definition of meditation which is to ponder and reflect while focusing one’s attention on what is actually going on.

Krishnamurti maintained that the act of meditation itself was enough to bring order to the activity of thought, for “in the seeing is the doing”. In this state, the mind becomes quiet, energy increases and something new and creative begins to unfold. This, according to Krishnamurti, is extraordinarily significant to the whole of life.

Once again we can find a physics parallel to describe what Krishnamurti is saying. A cluttered mind filled with arbitrary thoughts, desires, fears and anxieties, is akin to a high entropy system. Entropy is a measure of randomness or disorder within a closed system and reduces the energy available to do work.

“Work” in this case refers to the ability to effect change within the physical medium, which as Tiller’s research shows is done through focusing one’s intent. In his illuminating three-part tome, physicist Tom Campbell expands greatly on this concept, explaining that, within a consciousness “system”, “high entropy” corresponds with fear, while “low entropy” corresponds with love.

Therefore meditation, as defined by Krishnamurti, becomes a tool to bring order to the activity of thought or “reduce the entropy of the system”. This naturally results in greater energy to do work (i.e. a more focused intent and thus a greater ability to effect change “out there”).

The culmination of this process is an increase in power. The source of this power stems from the concept that all men and women are created equal. This is the profound truth behind Krishnamurti’s assertion that “there is no authority, no teacher, no master and no saviour”. Each one of us is all of those things, and at the time, none of them at all. We are all capable and entitled to the realization of Truth or God or whatever one may wish to call it. Embarking on the path is a free will choice.

Power supports life – it uplifts, dignifies and sustains. It gives us energy and vitality. It is whole and complete, requiring nothing from outside. Power is associated with compassion, love and unity. Power promotes creativity, healing and positive feelings. Power allows us to create positive change in order to more fully express our collective divinity.

In the absence of power, change must be effected through force.

Whereas power stands on its own, without the need to move against anything at all, force always moves against something. Force is fragmented and therefore has to be fed energy constantly. Force consumes whereas power creates. While force requires sustained input, power acts without effort.

Newton’s third law teaches us that force always creates counterforce and therefore it is limited by definition. While force must struggle against opposition, power stands still. Power effects change through its own field of influence, without the need to expend energy.

Force is associated with friction and conflict. This point is perhaps best explained by Dr. David Hawkins himself:

“Force always creates counterforce; its effect is to polarize rather than unify. Polarization always implies conflict; its cost, therefore, is always high. Because force incites polarization, it inevitably produces a win/lose dichotomy; and because somebody always loses, enemies are created. Constantly faced with enemies, force requires constant defense. Defensiveness is invariably costly, whether in the marketplace, politics, or international affairs.”

Hawkins, R, D., 1995. Power vs Force. Hay House, Inc. 2012 reprint.

Thinking about the concept of power and force within the context of the current global crisis leads us toward some profound conclusions. For one, agendas that center around inequality, control, profit and material gain are always driven by force.

Force is a tool used by those who lack power. When your motives go against the good of humanity, when your intentions fail to support life itself, your only option is to use force. Force includes all manner of fear-mongering, manipulation, coercion and violence. Force may work up to a point but as we discovered, it requires a constant input of energy and therefore, results are obtained at a cost. Propaganda campaigns require vast amounts of money, coordination and tireless censorship. Vaccine mandates require bribes, threats, and the covering up of adverse events.

This energy input is immense and, most importantly, unsustainable.

As force creates friction, it must constantly be fed with more and more energy. But as the force becomes stronger, so does the friction. Force, due its polarizing nature, increases entropy. As entropy rises, the available energy decreases, until, eventually, momentum ceases and the entire thing grinds to a halt.

While the source of power is self-evident, indestructible and inarguable, force is subject to ‘proof’ and requires constant justification. While true power emanates from consciousness itself, force is driven by the ego.

Those who use force to impose their will on humanity always succumb to power. As history has shown, all totalitarian regimes eventually come crashing down – not on account of some divine intervention, but because each of us is born with inalienable rights that are intrinsic to human creation.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the transhumanist force implodes. However, the time it takes for that to happen is dependent on our ability to reduce disorder and increase power. A lower entropy consciousness means more energy available to do work which results in more power, freedom, happiness and love. As our power collectively grows, we create an immovable wall able to repel any and all negative influences and nefarious threats.

On the other hand, the ego-mind is constantly asking unanswerable questions and worrying about unlikely futures. As our minds become cluttered with fear-laden media, our power decreases and we find ourselves at the mercy of “authorities”.

Bohm’s “holographic” universe hinted at the true nature of our reality and Krishnamurti showed us how to realise it. By turning our attention away from the content of thought, and focusing on the process of thinking itself, we can bring order to the mind and begin to discover something completely new.

In this way, we extricate ourselves from a state of fear and confusion and move towards freedom and certitude. The result of this is an increase in power. Force is by definition limited in what it can accomplish, and therefore it is not a matter of if the transhumanists will fail, but when.



[1] Note: The below quote is in reference to Heisenberg’s ‘uncertainty principle’ and Bohr’s ‘complementarity principle’:

“These two key principles have profound implications, not only for quantum physics, but also for our perceptions of the nature of reality. One implication is that the seemingly solid reliable reality that we perceive is based on something that is ultimately uncertain or non-determinable. Many have found this to be a shocking ‘fact’. Einstein, for one, not only found it shocking but also attempted to refute it, saying to Bohr one of in his many debates with him that he (Einstein) could not believe that God played dice with the universe.”

– Jackson, P. Quantum physics and human consciousness: The status of the current debate, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, Working Paper, November 2002.

[2] Tom Campbell’s work is especially helpful in grasping the clear connections between quantum physics, consciousness, and the seemingly “physical” world within the context of a “virtual” reality mirroring the Eastern philosophies and systems of thought, albeit put into strictly scientific terminology.

“Wave-particle dualities, uncertainty principles, and the seemingly instantaneous communication between entangled pairs become simple to explain once you realise that [physical reality] is a virtual reality created by a digital simulation implementing a space-time rule-set [within a larger consciousness system]. Given a digital reality simulation, which is stepped forward by time increments that appear infinitesimal to us, and a virtual reality that must obey only the rules driving its digital computation, these paradoxes disappear along with the illusion of absolute space. Once the limiting belief that all possible reality is exclusively defined by measurements within [our physical reality] is abandoned and the true nature of consciousness is grasped, the mysterious paradoxes of physics, philosophy, and metaphysics all melt away like ice cubes in the summer sun.”

– Campbell, T. 2003. My Big Toe: Discovery. Book 2 of a Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics and Metaphysics.

[3] The observer plays a fundamental role in quantum mechanics, as the very act of observing some aspect of a quantum system alters some other aspect of the same system. This implies a direct connection between consciousness and the “physical world”.

“In quantum mechanics… Any interaction that is strong enough to measure some aspect of a system is necessarily strong enough to disrupt some other aspect of the same system. Thus, you can learn nothing about a quantum system without changing something else.”

– Susskind, L., Friedman, A., Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum. 2015. Penguin Random House UK.


Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


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Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality

Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 20, 2021


My friend Charlie sells a painting to the Gregorian Museum out on Galactic Park.

They hang his painting in one of the upstairs rooms for a week, and then trouble starts. Charlie gets a phone call in the middle of the night from the director. Charlie can’t believe his ears. He rushes over to the museum.

Upstairs, the director is in his pajamas pacing back and forth. Charlie goes up to his painting, looks at it for a few minutes and sees it.

People have walked into the painting and taken up residence there.

Holy crap.

They’re in there.

Law suits, the director says. Their families could take us to the cleaners.

When Charlie calls out to the people inside his painting, they don’t hear him. They don’t seem to be able to get out. At least no one’s trying.

What do you want me to do? Charlie says.

Get them the hell out of there, the director says. Pick up the picture and shake it if you have to. Turn it upside down. I don’t care.

Charlie doesn’t think this is a good idea. Somebody could get hurt.

So for the next few hours, he sits in front of his painting, drinks coffee, and tries to talk to the people inside.

No dice. Even when he yells, they don’t notice him.

By this time, the chairman of the museum board has shown up. He’s agitated. He’s yabbering about containing the situation.

Charlie asks him how he proposes to do that.

Blanket denial, the chairman says. Pretty soon, the cops are going to link these disappearances to the museum—but then we just throw up our hands and claim we know nothing about it.

A lot of good that’ll do, the director says. Even if we wiggle out of the law suits, our reputation will be damaged. People won’t want to come here. They’ll be afraid somebody will snatch them.

Okay, the chairman says, we’ll shut down for repairs. New construction. That’ll buy us a few weeks and we can figure out something. We’ll say the building needs an earthquake retrofit. Not a big one. Just some shoring up.

…So that’s what happened. They closed the museum and hoped for the best.

Charlie was upset. If word got out, how could he ever sell another painting? His agent told him he was nuts. He’d become the most famous person in the world, and people would be lining up trying to get inside his pictures. You’ll be a phenomenon, he said.

Yeah, Charlie said, until some loon tries to take me out.

A week later, while Charlie and I were having breakfast at a little cafe over by the river, he told me the people inside his painting were building yurts. They were digging a well.

What are they eating, I asked him.

Beats me, he said. But they don’t seem worried. They look okay.

But they can’t get out, he said. At least they don’t want to. They’re settling down in there!

I asked him the obvious question about shrinkage.

I know, he said. They’re a hell of a lot smaller. But no one’s complaining, as far as I can tell.

They like your work, I said.

He looked at me like he was going to kill me, so I let it drop.

Okay, I said. Here’s what you need to do. Go over there and add something to the painting.

He blinked.


Paint on the painting. See what happens.

Sure, he said, and drive them into psychosis. Who knows what effect it would have?

Paint a nice little country road that leads them right out into the museum. They’ll see it, they’ll walk on it.

No, he said. Don’t you get it? They’ve already taken things a step further. They’re not just living in my landscape. That was the initial draw. They’re building their own stuff in there. They’re…poaching!


Then there’s only one thing you can do, I said.

I leaned across the table and whispered in his ear. He listened, then jumped back.

No, I said. You have to. Don’t be a weak sister. Go for it.

…So Charlie went upstairs in the museum and cleared everybody out. He unpacked the little suitcase he’d brought and set up a player and a speaker. He shoved in a disc and turned on the music. Some sort of chanting. A chorus.

He took out a change of clothes from the suitcase and put on a long robe and a crazy hat. He eventually showed it to me. It was from a costume party he’d had at his house. Tall red silk hat with tassels hanging from it.

He stood in front of the painting and said:


They all looked toward the sound of his voice.


All 30 or so of them were now gathered together, outside one of the half-finished yurts.

They were nodding and saying yes.


They hesitated, looked at each other, and started to walk toward Charlie.


This was apparently quite a perk, so they walked faster. They broke into a trot.

Finally, they emerged from the painting and, Charlie said, they swelled back to normal size right away. It was quite a thing to see, like balloons blowing up—and then there they were, all around me, in the museum. First thing, I took the painting off the wall and laid it on the floor, face down. Enough of that stuff.

Charlie told them who he was, the painter. It took a few hours of intense conversation before they understood and accepted the situation. All in all, they seemed sad.

What were you going to do, he asked them. Live in there forever? Couldn’t you see how to get out?

We didn’t want to get out, one of the men said. We liked it in there.

And that was pretty much that, except for the signing of waivers and non-disclosure agreements with the museum. For which the people were granted lifetime platinum memberships and some vouchers and coupons for the museum store and restaurant.

Charlie went into a funk. He didn’t go into his studio for a few months.

One night, I dropped over to his house with a bottle of bourbon and we had a few drinks out on his porch.

You know, I said, you can start a church if you want to. I know a guy who writes fake scriptures and peddles them. He’s good.

You really do want me to kill you, he said.

We drank in silence for a while.

I told him: those people with their wells and yurts? Sooner or later, they’re going to hypnotize themselves and fall for another strange deal. Nobody’s going to stop them.

Charlie looked grim. They liked living in my picture. It wasn’t a problem for them. I took them out. I conned them.

Well, I said, if that’s the case, and there’s nothing wrong with them, they’ll find another painting. See? Someday, you’ll read about a bunch of people disappearing, and that’ll be what it is.

Yeah, he said, maybe.

A week later, he got back to work.

Universes. Some weird things happen in that area.

I started to write a Charlie a note. It began: Maybe all universes are just like your painting. But I stopped. Charlie wouldn’t react well to that.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Dieterich01 / pixabay

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

by Dustin Broadbery, The Cogent
sourced from OffGuardian
November 24, 2021


Despite a preponderance of the evidence proving COVID to be a non-event for most of us, over 1 million people have fallen foul to vaccine injury. This should be enough to stop most people in their tracks. It hasn’t.

Many emerge from near death experience even more pontifical than before, denouncing the rest of us for not joining in this mortal game of Russian Roulette. Fuelling their self-righteous indignation of us, is other people’s self-righteous indignation of them. It is a perpetual loop of blame and shame.

There can be no avoiding these people. A sort of Provisional Mask Army. The ones acting in good conscience lost to the morally virtuous super spreaders of hyperbole.

They will believe whatever they hear and do whatever they’re told. They have been groomed by something far more powerful than the truth, called ‘the science,’ and they will follow ‘it’ right off the edge of a cliff.

But that’s only half the story. If you’re unfortunate enough to die within two weeks of taking the jab, despite your best effort, the CDC might record your death as ‘unvaccinated,’ the commentariat might report that you “died suddenly and following a short illness,” and family members might take comfort in the fact that “things could have been worse,”

Washing the Moral Fabric

This unholy mess works because a new ideology has swept across the moral fabric. Unless you’re taking an experimental medical intervention fraught with danger, you’re dancing on the graves of all those who have died.

Ridding people with guilt takes away their power, and blind obedience to authority does the rest, as Milgram discovered in his landmark experiment.

But the fact that humanity is in an abusive relationship with its governments, is only one part of the problem. There’s a long history of cults infiltrating polite society. The cult of personality of Lenin and later Stalin once captured an entire nation. But never in history has the entire world fallen to a cult.

Where the New Normal departs from other cult archetypes is in the instruments of mass communication, in the hands of a few fanatics, that have infiltrated the commons, and created an apotheosis around COVID-19, glorifying it to the divine proportions of Christianity. It has long been understood that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes consensus.

Also of great importance to these evangelists are the decades of behavioural studies by the most distinguished experts in the field of social psychology.

Not everyone in the Asch Experiment conformed, but the reasons why many found solidarity with the group are well understood by the behavioural scientists, on the payroll of HM government, nudging the British people towards existential ruin.

And much of what is happening today in the rank and file of the New Normal, has the lessons of the Third Reich written all over it. If you’re still oblivious to the fact that you’re being indoctrinated into a cult, it’s probably because you’ve already been indoctrinated.

The End Is Nigh

Cults are established on the back of major events, typically apocalyptic in nature. These biblical, extra-terrestrial, or, indeed, viral prophecies speak to an impending disaster and redemption. A tinderbox setting forces people together under the protection of communitarianism, and encourages the more zealous members to denounce, ridicule and intimidate anyone not acting in accordance with the group.

Deindividuation, as it is known, turns these harmless groups into psychological crowds, and very often results in a mob mentality.

Our need to take refuge in the herd is, after all, hardcoded into our DNA, just as fear of social exclusion and a desire to cooperate are inherited evolutionary traits. Explaining why COVID began with social isolation. And why, after capitulating to every conceivable demand, we continue to be held to ransom, with the threat of further social isolation.

Despite the obvious abuse of power, people remain beholden to their captors, through some bizarre emotional bond, strengthened every time they are released, albeit temporarily, from their captivity.


You can identify cults by their organisational structure. People are assigned a role, as in Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and many go beyond the call of duty. The problem isn’t so much that ‘we are all in this together’ It’s that we simply are not, it’s the cult nobility lording over the rest of us.

In this heightened state of emergency, however, people will not only accept more authority from those who are beyond the rules, they will emulate the prevailing authoritarian order, rather than become a victim of it. As Hannah Arendt discovered in her landmark thesis, ordinary people in search of purpose and direction, who are dutifully just following orders, have the potential to commit the most atrocious acts of evil.

Throughout COVID, these unpaid, unsolicited officers in the rank and file have spread the communicable indoctrination far wider than any bureaucrat. We are full to the rafters of morally superior COVID-vigilantes, condemning anyone for the mere suggestion that the earth, might in fact, orbit the sun.

The resulting groupthink – if you’re not with us you’re against us – not only isolates new initiatives from outside influence, it removes their right to think and act for themselves and admonishes anyone brave enough to question the All Powerful Redeemer.

In the end, people’s desire to reach unanimous agreement with the group, overrides their motivation for rational, intuitive decision making.

Executioners of the New Normal

The habitual lies, backpedalling and science that buckles under the lightest of scrutiny, is no arbitrary event. People understand they’re being duped, but refuse to act on crucial information. Instead, they acclimate to the golden age of false narratives.

Encouraging people to act counterintuitively will, eventually cause them to abandon personal agency altogether, because that violent buffer to critical thinking, called consensus, holds the opposite to be true, to that which is before our very eyes.

In one breath, Boris Johnson implores us to get vaccinated because of the risk versus the reward. In the next, he admits ‘the vaccine doesn’t protect against catching or passing on COVID.’ Meanwhile, his co-conspirator holds Christmas to ransom if people refuse a third shot, and proceeds to threaten those who had previously been the only at-risk group, which this entire debacle was supposed to be about protecting.

When the lips move, brace for lies, any collision with real world events is entirely accidental.

Anatomy of a Cult

Cults are illusive by nature. An outlier sailing under the false colours of a normal state of affairs. This is achieved by compounding cult rituals into the everyday humdrum, and converting old cultural touchstones into new ideological frontiers, until one is no longer distinguishable from the other.

There are numerous tell-tale signs you may have accidentally joined a cult, from elbow bumps to muzzles, hand sanitizer to the 2-meter rule.

There is a long history of people’s superstitions being manipulated into performing irrational acts, if they can be demoralised to the point of despair. Under such circumstances people have been known to, commit ritualistic mass suicidedisembowel themselves and even murder their own children.

Things are not so different today. People hold themselves prisoner inside their own homes. They risk the lives of their own children to protect those already on their deathbed. They do this for a disease which has had zero impact on overall mortality in 2021.

Some have been infantilised by their government, others reassured by Big Bird and there are those who have sold their soul at the house of ill repute.

To say that it’s a mad, mad world, doesn’t do it justice.

Other Cults You May Have Joined

Against this frenzy of health persecution complex, other bizarre ideologies chip away at the social fabric. Membership to society hinges on your range of pronouns. The new cultural etiquette is wokeism. Your affinity with those who have swapped their sexual identity determines your social cachet, while your desire to find for the nearest bucket, paints a target on your back.

Otherworldly social theories decouple mothers from giving birthsexualise children, and encourage toddlers to trade their gender. At the root of all of this is a flagrant attack on humanity, on nature, on carbon-based lifeforms.

You only need to observe the Cult of Personality being visited upon future generations by the lionising of Greta, to catch of glimpse of how climate change will evolve into the New Age Church.

The end game to all of this is the spiritual requisition of the human soul and a day of reckoning for humanity mark 1.0.

But as the circus catches fire there are those watching from the sidelines who are simply not having it. The vestiges of rationality left behind, call them deniers or refuseniks, have formed a cult of their own. A cult of scepticism and non-compliance.

By some accounts, these people are at a greater risk of a long and healthy life, and woe betide, the mob is agitated. They are calls for immediate sanctions. Following twenty months of denouncements, public enmity is reaching fever pitch. If the barbaric treatment of another dehumanised social group, pre-Auschwitz, is anything to go by, it could be just a matter of time before the deniers are forced into internment camps, or worse, lined up against firing squads.

On the other hand, the cult has revealed its more sinister aspects, thousands of legitimate voices from science and medicine are pushing back in opposition, and even the double vaccinated are waking up to the fact that their freedoms are in jeopardy every six months.

As a wise man once said, “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.”


Dustin Broadbery is based in London and is interested in social theory and particularly how a mutual society could bring about great advancements in the social fabric. You can read more of his work at and contact him through his Twitter. 


Connect with The Cogent

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: HotZone Global Government & the UFO File

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: HotZone Global Government & the UFO File
“The breakaways are trying to take over. They’re trying to step out into the open — if you look at it a certain way. Basically, what we’re seeing is a federal government that’s been captured by a group of radicals that have no connection to the history or culture of this country. ” ~ Joseph P. Farrell


by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
October 29, 2021

The Exotic Technology Card

Oxford scholar and Giza Death Star book series author Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre geopolitical hurricane gaining force as we head into 2022.

He sees major moves in the HotZone of Cuba where ancient ruins and covert operations like Havana Syndrome run rampant.

A supply crisis being engineered in the US by shadowy forces who are searching for something mysterious.

Massive repression and mind control worldwide as a global dictatorship steps out of the shadows and a major secret coming to the surface regarding aerospace, exotic technology and the UFO file that may play a crucial role in starting (or preventing) a new World War.

Special Topics:


Havana Syndrome

Pine Gap

Supply Crisis

HotZone Intrigue

Push For World War

Exotic Technology

Mind Control

Committee to Run the President

See related for understanding COG (Continuity of Government), the Deep State, hidden global manipulation, space wars and more.

Dark Journalist Special Report: NORTHCOM COG Vs. The Constitution 

Dark Journalist X Continuity of Government (COG) Martial Law Takeover Revealed!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dark Journalist X-Series 96: UFOs And Continuity of Government (COG) Secret Revealed!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dr. Joseph Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Nazis in Space – Von Braun, JFK and the UFO Invasion Op

Dark Journalist w/ Joseph P. Farrell: Deep State X Space Wars & the Controlled Global Narrative


Connect with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Connect with Dark Journalist

cover image credit: PhotoVision / pixabay

The Masquerade

The Masquerade

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
October 29, 2021


“They didn’t act like people and they didn’t act like actors.  It’s hard to explain.”
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951


There’s a reason that Catcher in the Rye, published 70 years agohas become such an iconic book, praised and condemned in equal measure. It is because it is about lying, phoniness, acting, Hollywood, theater, plagiarism, and at its core, a society of liars.  Actors in a masquerade willing to don masks and face other faces with the veiled glances of the defeated.  It is about the massive social confusion that entered American life in an intense way following World War II, a world of propaganda and performance.  Although the book seems to be directed at adolescents, it is for adults, and while annoying many of them with its adolescent lingo, it cuts to the heart of our current life-the-movie society.  Adults have become kids, and Holden Caulfield knew that they would.  Or were.  Maybe he wanted it.  We now live in a society of costumed children, asking to be tricked.

“If you want to know the truth,” Holden keeps repeating, knowing that most people don’t, since they prefer the Show.

It is also a fall book with echoes of falling leaves in a dying land.  Football and war, Halloween and all souls drifting down in the crepuscular light of late October and the coming November remembrance of Veteran’s Day, once called Armistice Day, when the mad slow action film of WW I, the war to end all wars with millions dead in rat infested trenches, is commemorated, as if anything has changed and such memories are not secret celebrations of the heroic sacrifices the gullible make for their masters.  War is a racket; the ultimate racket.

Liam Clancy reminds us of this truth regarding the “Great” War and all the others that have followed. Millions of deaths brought on by lying government bastards.  Actors in the mass masquerade.

But it goes deeper than lying leaders.  For lying is the leading cause of living death in the USA, and the pharmaceutical companies have no prescription for it.  If they did, and if they cared, which they don’t, they would have manufactured such a drug long ago.   It would have killed them of course, but since their business is profits not suicide, they don their masks of solicitude and bank the spoils, while producing poison to shoot people with.

The great English writer, D. H. Lawrence, warned us long ago to not let the living-dead eat us up.  Yet we are still being devoured by a refusal that knows no name since it is not just them but us – victims and executioners, both in a mutual deadly game.

Death is a big hit, as everyone knows. It fascinates far more than does life.  One glance at the mass media will confirm that.  Fear, death, and disaster are the daily menu, interspersed with kitsch uplift. Propaganda feeds on it.  Up down all around spin that wheel and rattle your brains.

But the ghosts of fall remind us to beware of this necrophilia.  The dead return and wander among us, masked children wandering through the streets looking for handouts.  Adults laughing those tight grim laughs.  How cute!

Nietzsche said that “all things are entangled, ensnared, and enamored.”  I find this especially true during the autumnal season, especially the Halloween weekend of ghosts, death, and masks.  It is enchanting and disturbing if you give it thought.  Its symbolism explains the Covid propaganda and panic more than a thousand factual articles. It explains the warfare state and adults’ refusal to defiantly oppose it.  It explains the nihilistic underpinning of society and children’s fears and wishes to use a magic wand to change the world to one that celebrates life not death. That is the true treat that their unconscious playacting requests.  But the candy the adults give them conceals the poison the adults can’t face.  The poison that they have ingested.

I think of how all persons are, by definition, masked, the word person being derived from the Latin, persona, meaning mask.  Another Latin word, larva, occurs to me, it too meaning mask, ghost, or evil spirit.  The living masks light up for me as I think of ghosts, the dead, all the souls and spirits circulating through our days, swirling like dead leaves in the wind.

While etymology might seem arcane, I think it offers us a portal into our lives, not just personally, but politically and culturally as well. Word usage is at the heart of linguistic mind control, and we are in a world where the minders of the public’s mind have become adept at fashioning language to their devious ends.  Orwell predicted this in Nineteen Eighty-Four with his explanation of Newsspeak:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.  It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least as far as thought is dependent on words.

A quick check of the latest dictionary updates will corroborate Orwell’s point about the future dictionary when Newspeak has been fully established, the meaning of words will be so changed that anything can mean anything, even its opposite.

Shakespeare, the ultimate wordsmith, was right, of course, to tell us that “all the world’s a stage,” though I would disagree with the bard that we are “merely” players.  It does often seem that way, but seeming is the essence of the actor’s show and tell.  But who are we behind the masks?  Who is it uttering those words coming through the masks’ mouth holes (the per-sona: Latin, to sound through)?

Halloween.  The children play at scaring and being scared.  Death walks among them and they scream with glee.  The play is on. The grim reaper walks up and down the street. Treats greet them.  The costumes are ingenious; the masks, wild.  It’s all great fun, the candy sweet.  So what’s the trick?  When does the performance end?

As Halloween ends, the saints come marching in followed by all the souls.  The Days of the Dead.  Spirits.  Ghosts walk the streets.  Dead leaves fall.  The dead are everywhere, swirling through the air, drifting.  We are surrounded by them.  We are them.  Until.

Until when?  Perhaps not until we dead awaken and see through the charade of social life and realize the masked performers are not just the deadly politicians and celebrities, not only the professional actors and the corporate media performers, but us.

And while these days of the dead and children’s games can bring us to wonder whether we act like people or actors – “even if it’s hard to explain” – whether behind the double masks we realize we can be genuine actors if we go deep enough, the celebration of Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day a few days later should  emphatically remind us of the Masters of War and the need to see through their masks, as Bob Dylan tells us.  The evil performers who “play with my world like it’s your little toy” with their endless lies.

Norman O. Brown so well describes our stage set:

Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again.  All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.

It seems to me that Albert Camus was right, and that we should aspire to be neither victims nor executioners.  To do so will take a serious reevaluation of the roles we play in the ongoing national tragedy of lie piled upon lie in aggressive wars around the world and in election farces that perpetuate them.  The leading actors we elect are our responsibility.  We produce and maintain them.  They are our mirror images; we are theirs.  It is the danse macabre, a last tango in the land of bad actors, our two-faced show.  This masquerade ball that passes for political reality is infiltrated by the ghosts of all those victims we have murdered around the wide world.  We may choose not to see them, but they are lurking in the shadowy corners.  And they will haunt us until we make amends.

“Do you not know there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to throw off his mask?” warned Kierkegaard.  “Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked?  Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this?  Or are you not terrified by it?”

“Whenever I take up a newspaper,” Ibsen added, “I seem to see ghosts gliding between the lines. There must be ghosts all the country over, as thick as the sands of the sea. And then we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light.”

Yet the children and the eloquent voices of the genuine actors I have so liberally quoted here remind us of what is possible if we chase the light and stop the masquerade.  That would be cause for a real holiday celebration.


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

When You Take a Person’s Mind

When You Take a Person’s Mind

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 29, 2021


From a great distance
You see little puppets down there
Injecting RNA into arms
Faces behind masks
People locked up in their houses
It looks all very normal
As if people have always done this
But when you swoop down
And take a person’s mind in your hands
And turn it over
And really look at it
You see eternity
Reshaped into a toy
That buzzes
This mind couldn’t be what it is unless it was once ENDLESS
This is obvious to anyone who looks
In fact there is a museum of misshapen minds
Relics of bygone ages
Examples of how you could take infinity and drop it down into compartments and weasel holes and mazes and dead end alleys at midnight
Each “new” mind is a system
Bells and lights and buzzers
Always looking for add-ons
Because you see
A planetary vaccine campaign is really just an extension of misshapen minds
More bells and lights
From a great distance the whole thing looks like
A giant tinker toy
It’s only when you come much closer
Do you see the swollen hearts and the blood clots
And the dying
And the weeping

I have a collection of my own minds I used to have
here and there, now and then
MY minds
I take them out once in a while
When I had THIS mind I thought THAT
And when I had THAT one I thought THIS
And believed THAT
So many times and places
Too many to count
These minds will get a person embroiled
In all sorts of trouble
He’s inside a mechanical buzzard feeding on dead ideas
He’s crawling up the steps of a cathedral like a toy soldier with a hernia to listen to the sound of velvet Pope money rustling under robes
He’s clanking like an old rusty robot into a doctor’s office
And a nurse injects genes on to his iron arm where they sizzle like end-stage breakfast in a pan in a lost diner…
This is called CIVILIZATION
This is what people are doing to each other
700,000 vaccine injuries in America alone and you can multiply those reports by a factor of 100 to get the real number
And now in Massachusetts they’re testing babies
Churches are saying the Lord is all right with vaccination
The Sunday bells are ringing
Take the shot before you receive the blessing
Some toy minds are shaped into killers
They’re issuing the edicts
And lining up with shields and truncheons on the streets
And some minds are believing television news
And submitting with pride
On the lawns of Concord, where the first shots were fired in the American Revolution
They’re now injecting children with RNA
It’s a Saturday picnic
Balloons, pony rides, ice cream, a laser show in a tent
A bald man with a drooping moustache calls in the President through a bullhorn
And the old doddering leader shuffles into view, a ghost, gazing around him in wonder, looking for his childhood or his doctor or a penny piece of gum…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

Lockdown Dream and the Tibetans

Lockdown Dream and the Tibetans

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 27, 2021


A person I knew a long time ago
Or so it seemed
Came back to visit me
We were sitting in his car
On a busy street
A block away
A hundred thousand
Were facing off with cops in military gear
My visitor said
“I’m selling vaccines now and I think you’d be
A great member of my team
We go door to door
And peddle a shot in the arm
To prevent the plague”—
Someone threw a grenade
It bounced twice outside the car and exploded
He and I were floating in space
He was a salesman on the road in the sky
Hawking his product
He had interplanetary ambitions
He wanted to spread segments of RNA
Across the Milky Way
He said, “Remember that night at school
I got drunk
And tried to burn down the dorm?”
It all came back to me
He was the guy who was always
Sitting in class writing notes to himself
Making drawings
Talking about poetry
And now
A man on a narrow mission
To save the stars
We were in a spaceship
Speeding past
Forests filled with animals
And floating cities
People were shooting at us
“Suppose there’s no place to land?” I said
“We’ll find one,” he said
He voice was big and confident
He was smiling
And I was The Witness
It was my job to document
A stretch of time
In which things had changed
He took out a syringe
And slapped in a vial
And shot himself in the arm
His face turned blue
And he went into spasms
Then he straightened up
And took a deep breath and let it out
“Nothing like it!” he said
“Puts a jolt into you to start the day!”
His blue face faded to a dull green
“I have to feed this to the natives,” he said
I said to him, “You’ve gone interdimensional”
“That’s what my whole life was leading to,” he said. “A different
Form of death. This is the big lesson.”
“A lesson for who?”
“For everyone who’s tired of the every-day grind, who wants
Adventure. You realize how many people want to throw in
The towel?”
We were sitting in an old dusty theater. The lights were on.
A tall naked to the waist chieftain wearing a large headdress came down the aisle and stopped at our row. He ignored me
And said, “Did you bring the shit, Bob?”
Bob looked down and pointed at
Three suitcases.
“It’s all in there,” he said.
The chief broke out into a wide grin
It reminded me of Bill Gates’ Howdy Doody smile
—AND THEN I SAW what the old Tibetans
called the Great Void
everybody looks around and tries to figure out what to do
because the long hustle of discovery is over
and all the explorers have been paid off
There is nothing left
except a few magicians
living in cold mountains
punching holes in space-time at will
In Lhasa they were faced with that Nothing
and they turned to it
and finally saw universe
is a product
of mind
they sat in the holy rivers of energy
and took apart the river and the energy
down to Nothing
sat in it for
indeterminate length of no-time
stopping all creating
because they could
and then emerged
those few
magicians in the cold wasted hills and
and said WELL
if all you folks want to elect a billion reincarnated hopalong cassidys
as your presidents go ahead it doesn’t matter
we’re out here on the edge
inventing and destroying dimensions
—–I chained my old college friend Bob to his seat in the theater
I lit the suitcases on fire
And said to the chieftain
“Your connection just went null, pal
This is the new regime
If you to try to grab it
And mold it
It burns”
I walked out of the theater
Busy street
And hailed a taxi
I rode over to a deli on 53rd St.
went inside, sat down, and ordered the brisket
Nobody was wearing a mask
A waitress who looked 80 years old
Brought over a plate and set it down
There was nothing on it
And I mean NOTHING
It was The Void
And she said
“You can have it if you want to”
And I said, “Not just now”
“It’ll wait” she said
And winked at me
And it was all right
I floated through the deli
And back out into the street
The night is long
The worm is turning
The cops are starting to realize they want to stand with the anti-vax protestors
A cop cracked a man’s skull
The man is in the ICU fighting for his life
The sadists know no bounds
But neither do we
I know the mountain where I once was
And the valley where I am now
And the sky in between
I’m looking at the line of cops in their military gear behind their shields
And I can see they’re terrified of the NOTHING
And now they’re falling into that NOTHING
And screaming
Because they have no one to smash to prove they exist
And they keep falling
And falling
And hundreds of thousands of us walk through them
On our way to Grid Central to turn the lights back on


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: sebadelval / pixabay

‘She Smiled, but Not at Me’

‘She Smiled, but Not at Me’
My mother died 9 years ago today. This is a previously unpublished meditation on that event, and its meaning for both of us, in a country that had by default decided there is no God and no hereafter.

by John Waters, John Waters Unchained
September 14, 2021


After a long and generally healthy life, my mother, Mary Ita Waters, started to go downhill from the summer of 2011. She had walked with a limp for many years, after a fall in the 1970s, but had been reasonably mobile, her mind as sharp as a scalpel. Now it became necessary to move her bed to the front room downstairs, a further staging post that she resented but accepted because there was no choice.

March 2012 was an exceptional month, weather-wise, and, with my nephew Barry, I took his grandmother on what was to prove her final trip outdoors. We went back to Sligo, to the land her husband Tom had come from as a young man in the early days of the Irish Free State. My mother loved going to Sligo and now, on an unprecedentedly beautiful March day, we drove around it once more, saying very little. We stopped off at the Drumcliff Teahouse, beside the graveyard where Yeats was buried a decade after his death in 1939. My mother was unable to get out of the car, so we brought her tea and scones on a tray. We drove home, as we had many times before, but our hearts were full and heavy.

The decline continued and her movement from the armchair to the front room became slower and more painful. Still, she remained alert and interested in the world around her, maintaining her ready wit and perspective. Whenever I would begin ranting on about some outrage or other in the public domain she had a way of snapping me out of it under the guise of offering sympathy. ‘Ah, don’t be annoying yourself’, she would say, having listened patiently for a while.

Though housebound now, she remained in reasonably good fettle until the first week of July, when she experienced another turn of some kind, after which her mind finally began to unravel. On her 92nd birthday in early August, I arrived home with a birthday cake I’d picked up in Sligo, to encounter a stand-off. My mother was sitting in the front room, out of bed, with two of my sisters trying to comfort and attend to her. Seeing me arrive, she appealed to me to help her escape.‘They won’t let me do anything!’ she implored. In a short time it became obvious that she thought that the man who had returned home was her father, Patrick McGrath, fiddle-player and farm manager of the French estate in Cloonyquin, whom we her children had met only in legend, and who had been dead for the greater part of a century.

Thus, she took us, stage by stage, through the milestones of her 92 years — childhood, adolescence, young womanhood, marriage to Tom, motherhood, middle age — and in doing so through a tour also of the lives we had ourselves entered from her body.

After that, she went into a kind of freefall. My sisters and I maintained a continuous presence with her in the last weeks of her life, caring for her at home until she left us to continue her eternal journeying. We took turns to sit with her overnight, to ensure there was someone by her bedside always, because she would sometimes wake and become distressed or get out of bed without waking at all. It was difficult to watch, but also a kind of grace, because it became possible to see what a life lived in faith can be in the end. Even in her delirium, she still prayed the same prayers she had always prayed, especially the Night Offering which she had taught us to say as children: ‘Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe out my soul in peace with You.’

I had a strange awareness come over me during those weeks of my mother’s last illness, this sense of being involved in an intense experience, which I might at some time write something powerful about but could not then find words to describe. The hours and days seemed to teem with happenings, experiences and understandings. I kept thinking that I should be writing things down before I forgot them, but whenever I tried to focus on something it would disappear from my field of mental vision. This was a moment I had awaited in myself for a long time, and now here it was, and yet it seemed unreal. The emotions I expected were for the most part not present. Instead of sadness, there was a sense of life continuing around me. I walked and talked, read books and spoke to people on the phone, as though none of this was happening.

After her death, a friend would write, in a text message, a word that seemed to capture my condition of dislocation and discontinuity: rupture. I recognised it as though it were a blow. It’s strange to think of how — at best — sporadically we think about what really grounds us in the world, until it is gone. And this applies even when, like me, you’ve made much of the ideas of it. No matter how much you analyse it, it remains abstract, until the experience of an absence finally brings it to life.

It would eventually dawn on me that much of what I’d been feeling in those final weeks was of an entirely interior character, having virtually no material existence, or even any basis in my thoughts or memories. It was a mixture of pure pain and pure joy and, even yet, almost a decade later, I have not found a way of completely excavating these feelings and turning them into words. The experience of being with my mother while she died created a disorder within me, which I had, or have, no description for. At the time, I had been conflating this tumult of emotion with the quotidian routine of shopping, comings and goings, visits by doctors and nurses, and all the other activities that created a diversion for all of us from the reality unfolding in the front room. Somehow, at some part of my psyche or body, I convinced myself this was the story I wanted to tell the world: about going to Lidl for apples and custard, to make my mother the only dish she could any longer eat. But when I finally tried to write it down, it amounted to nothing. I realised that, notwithstanding my profound sense of being involved in a great drama, nothing much had happened in the world at all, except that my mother had left it, and that, inside of me, everything had started changing. I had also stepped up to face the horizon in a new way, with neither of my parents standing in front to guide or tutor me.

In those dark nights I was brought to another thought: that something related to these feelings — something in the culture into which my mother’s long life had extended — might be intensely threatening to her in these her final days and hours. Many times over the last decade or so of her life, I had reflected on the ways in which the Ireland she had brought us up in was changing radically in ways that were no longer even being adverted to. Profound changes in thinking or unthinking were simply occurring as though organically, but unrecorded in the public conversation, at least in anything of the way that, given the enormity of what was happening, one might have expected. If these changes were referred to at all, it was simply by way of insinuating that they were inevitabilities arising from what was called progress, necessary and beneficial aspects of the chronological march of time.

Something especially odd had been happening to discussion of matters like faith, God, transcendence of the visible world and the idea of a hereafter. Whereas, not long before, the public conversation had appeared to assume that these matters were incontrovertibly settled on the basis of belief in the Christian God, it now seemed that, as if by the wave of a wand, such beliefs were no longer generally regarded as incontrovertible or even plausible, and so could be brushed aside without elaboration or even dismissed completely — and without this sentence of banishment provoking a defence or even a reaction. It wasn’t so much that people were saying that such beliefs were now to be regarded as foolish or superstitious — although sometimes they were — but that in the absence of a commentary on their disappearance, the impression to be gleaned was that they had fallen off some cliff of logic and were floating away out to sea.

It was as if, sometime in the past decade or so, I had fallen asleep for a few years, and then awoken to an entirely new dispensation. Not alone did God no longer exist, but it seemed that almost everyone else knew and understood this and remembered it being agreed. Nobody actually said so openly, but virtually everything that was said, and especially the things people seemed to be avoiding saying, suggested it. Radio and television interviews with those who belonged to the dwindling numbers of believers were conducted in the most perfunctory manner, with questions of faith disposed of politely but without interest. Interviews with non-believers lingered only a little longer on fundamental matters, and seemed to accept at face value the descriptions and observations being delivered, as through a cultural context that had existed for 1,500 years had been carried away on the breeze.

There is something about listening to a discussion or interview on the radio that renders you passive, causes you to remain on the surface rather than listening for the underlying meanings as you might if you were listening to a play or following a prepared speech. Very often, you are led by what is being said, following its shifts and turns and logics with your critical faculties switched off, listening as you might to a song rather than reflecting deeply on the implications of what is being said. Sometimes, afterwards, you become aware of something wrong, something missing, but more often you simply absorb the conversation you’ve listened to without asking yourself what else might have been said. I call this phenomenon an ‘anti-impact’, because it collides with my consciousness in a negative way without necessarily declaring itself. Very often, I will not have noticed anything happening, because nothing, in fact, will have happened. Rather, something has ‘not happened’ that should or might have happened, but because I have not been alert to the matter, I will not actually have ‘missed’ it. A subtext has existed, but it will have insinuated itself only subconsciously. An impression has undoubtedly been left, but something like the opposite of an impact. It is as if nothing at all has been said, but this absence has a hidden meaning that nags at me without leaving a clear sense of itself. Like the dog that didn’t bark in the Sherlock Holmes story, it becomes significant only much later, when something clicks into place in my mind or somebody says something that brings the whole thing back. It is like the experience of sitting on a stationary train at a platform, with another stationary train pulled up alongside. Passengers are joining or disembarking from both trains. You watch through the window the activity in the adjoining train, while you wait for your train to move forward again — the passengers going and coming and settling themselves down. Then, almost imperceptibly, you have a visual sensation of movement. You continue watching the people in the other train as they speed up and, carriage by carriage and with increasing speed, move through your field of vision. You’re off! Then, suddenly the sensation of movement is terminated. There is a momentary stillness, and a palpable jolt as your vision tries to adjust to the stillness of the platform and your surroundings. The final carriage of the other train has passed your field of vision and it become clear that it was the other train, not yours, that was moving. The other train has gone but yours has not moved at all. You had been caught up in an optical illusion, by virtue of having no fixed reference point within your field of vision that was not part of either train. But the most interesting thing is the sense of a disorientating impact, as though you have been stopped up short — more abruptly than seems possible in even a violent impact in reality, but there has been no kind of impact that might plausibly go by the name.

An anti-impact. To be moving at the speed you thought you were moving at and to be stopped like this could in actuality result only in serious injury or death. But, instead, you feel nothing except this strange disorientation, like there should have been a noise or disturbance of some kind registering the impact, but there has been no corresponding sound or commotion. All there has been is a brief, strange dislocating jolt, which consumed your body and being, but with no tangible event or symptom to identify it as a real occurrence. It is the jolt of nothing happening, of your sense of what you’ve been experiencing being abruptly undermined by reality.

This ‘jolt of nothing happening’ occurs too, in a different way, when you listen to a conversation about a topic which you expect to be conducted according to a particular agenda of assumptions, but find that few or none of these assumptions seem to be present. Here, too, you have a sense of receiving a shock to the system, but, since there is no external evidence of this shock, your inclination is to brush it off, to think it must have been a trick of the imagination or sensory apparatus. More and more, I had been experiencing such an anti-impact in the course of media discussions about faith and God.

Going about my business in Dublin through the Noughties and beyond, I used to fret a little about my mother listening to the radio back home in the West. Often I would find myself wondering: what did she make of it all? When she heard the daily discussions that implied, usually without saying as much, that her most cherished and fervent beliefs were for the birds, did she simply feel that jolt of nothing happening and think no more about it? Or, if she did register some kind of incoherence, was she able to remove herself from its vibrations and return to the heart in which she held those certainties she had carried from childhood?

Around the time she became ill, a friend told me of an experience of his that had rattled him. A practicing Christian, he had been attending a family gathering at the home of some friends in the West of Ireland. On the surface, the family had been staunchly Catholic, though, as far as he knew, were no longer involved with the Church to any serious degree. Like many such gatherings, the party occupied the entire ground floor of the house, with guests constantly moving between rooms and joining various conversations and huddles as they pleased. My friend suddenly found himself alone in a room with the woman of the house, a lady of approximately the same age as my mother. She knew who he was, and of his intense involvement with the Church, and they exchanged a few polite remarks on this subject. Then, suddenly, she said: ‘They’re sayin’ it’s all cod, that none of it is true?’ It was a question, not a statement. She looked at him with fear and pleading in her eyes. He sat down and began to talk to her, to undo in her heart the damage of a thousand overheard inanities.

The word ‘cod’ is a kind of Hiberno-English word for nonsense. It is about the most reductive word you might ever expect to hear applied to the greatest questions of existence, almost a nothing word, a word that brushes aside everything it touches. The woman was not saying that she had listened to many profound and challenging discussions about the meaning of life and the validity of the Christian proposal and been discommoded in her beliefs. She was, rather, simply giving back precisely what she had received, putting into a single word the entire cacophony she had been listening to for years. She was conveying precisely the sense this discussion had provoked in her, conveying a feeling she had been left with rather than summarizing an argument she had been swayed by. When my friend told me that story, I found myself wondering: Had my mother ever spent a day or an afternoon, having listened to some vacuous interview or discussion on the radio, wondering if the faith she had cleaved to all her life was ‘all cod’?

Sometimes, in those final weeks of her life, as I sat there reading in the night by her bedside, feeling intensely the changes that had lately occurred in the mentality of our country, I felt this overpowering need to find some means of keeping that culture at bay, lest it invade her heart or soul. I wished I could lay my hands on some kind of metaphysical draught-excluder to keep outside the prevailing unhealthiness and unreason. If someone came into the room and left the door open behind them, I would find myself jumping up to close it, and then realising that it was not the night time chills that worried me, but something more ominous: the smug, ignorant neo-certainties that would have made little of my mother’s faith and sought to steal her hope for the pointless satisfaction of seeming clever.

Before the great questions of existence, it is possible to err in two directions: that of excessive scepticism or an affected certainty that is not open. Pure scepticism causes all certainty to unravel as it develops, but the wrong kind of ‘certainty’ becomes indistinguishable from superstition. In Irish culture, religious belief has long been associated with unquestioning, unquestionable, literal convictions, an absolute ‘faith’ in certain factual propositions. Such a faith appears to stand unassailably until it wavers in the least, and then it buckles at the knees.  And this occurs more and more, in many people unable to contend with an entirely different logic of reality that assails them every waking moment through the media and the common conversation of the streets and marketplaces of my homeland. Then, it tends to go in one of two directions: towards a reactive, white-knuckle insistence on the integrity of what is held to, or an outright capitulation to the ‘logic’ of disbelief. For many people, unable to deal with the dilemmas thrown up by such challenges to their beliefs, the clerical abuse scandals which have assailed the Irish Catholic Church for two decades now have functioned as a convenient alibi which enables them to explain their defection from Catholicism, when really the problem is that they are unable to square their previous religious beliefs with what they are nowadays assured is ‘rationalism’ and ‘reason’.

These things I thought as I sat and watched my mother die. It was a slow death and unrelieved by any moment of catharsis. There was no moment of mutual embrace, no final deathbed scene. She simply became ill, deteriorated and finally died. There were difficult moments, sad moments and ‘funny’ incidents along the way, but overall there was simply a death.

I cannot imagine us dealing with the experience of our mother’s death were it not for her faith and the support she and we got from the local curate, Father Micheál, who came to see her every day; or without the rich culture of devotion and ritual which remains like the throb of an amputated limb in the culture of the West of Ireland — a culture which might believe itself relatively impervious to recent drifts but actually is anything but invulnerable, as it wordlessly watches its life ebbing away.

The aftermath of the deaths of both my parents were visited by unexpected occurrences in the wider world. On the day we buried my father, on June 5th 1989, I walked into Mulvihill’s bar in Castlerea and saw, on the television set in the corner, images of a funeral that seemed to bring my own inner feelings to life. The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran had died just a few hours after my father, and was being buried in Teheran at almost exactly the same time. Except that it was unclear from the picture I was watching how this man was ever going to be buried, because the hordes, seemingly millions of people on whom his coffin was swept along like a canoe on a raging torrent seemed determined to prevent the interment. Mourners at the graveside climbed into the hole dug to receive the Ayatollah’s body, to prevent their imam being buried.  Several times, the body was separated from the coffin and had to be replaced inside. I related to the sorrow of those teeming hordes. They did not want their father to leave them, for how could they confront the terrors of the world without him?

The weekend my mother died was the occasion of an equally extraordinary event. In Hillsborough, County Down, on the day after she passed away, a father and two sons were killed in a horrific farm accident. Graham Spence had lowered a ladder into the slurry tank to rescue a dog who had fallen in. His father Noel and brother Nevin had gone to his rescue but had themselves got into difficulties. Emma Spence, sister of Graham and Nevin had made heroic but ultimately fruitless attempts to rescue the three men. On the day after my mother’s funeral, she buried her father and two brothers, and at their funeral delivered an oration that transfixed the nation.

At Ballynahinch Baptist Church, she spoke with a remarkable composure, her voice barely wavering. ‘Godly men,’ she said, ‘they didn’t talk about God, they just did God. They were ordinary, but God made them extraordinary.’ Her words had no trace about them of the tone of wishing or hoping that tends to characterise funeral orations. Emma spoke as though delivering pure facts. Her expression of the idea that God had made her father and brothers ‘extraordinary’ had about it a matter-of-factness that presented God not as a ‘consolation’ but as a self-evident truth. My mother, like Emma Spence, had a great faith. I don’t say a ‘simple’ faith, as in the conventional condescending construction. Her faith was — like Emma’s — matter-of-fact, its apparent ‘simplicity’ arising from the ease with which it fitted into a deep sense of the meaning of reality.

In early September, as she entered what were to be her final couple of weeks, she came back to herself a little, and though weak was able to communicate with us much better than she had for some time. Her confusion diminished too and she recovered something of her old drollness, though she was clearly becoming weaker and continuing to disintegrate in various ways. Her heart was as strong as a diesel locomotive, and sometimes we doubted that she could die at all.

In the depths of the morning of September 14th, I noticed her breathing change. I had heard a great deal about the ‘death rattle’ and, though I had never encountered it before, knew instantly what was happening. As soon as dawn broke, I called the doctor and he came and said that it might only be a matter of hours. After he left, her breathing became easier and she seemed to sleep. That afternoon, I found myself alone with her in the room and felt moved to say something to her, though I was unsure by now if she could hear. In a whisper I thanked her for everything she had done for us. I told her she was the greatest woman I had ever met. I told her it was okay to go, that many people were waiting to welcome her, that He Who Makes Her was waiting too. She gave no sign. Later, she briefly opened her eyes and smiled. It was s strange smile, which meant nothing to me until some weeks afterwards when someone gave me a copy of A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis, a short book about the death of his wife. In the final paragraph of that book, I read this sentence: ‘She smiled, but not at me’. I knew then what I had seen. My mother died less than four hours after smiling that smile.

She and I had never really moved beyond our primary parent-child relationship. I know many people who in adulthood have achieved relationships with their parents that enable them to become ‘equals’ and ‘friends’. But my mother remained my mother right to the end, just as my father had remained my father until the day of his death. I have some regrets about the fact that, due to the nature of this relationship, I never came to talk to my mother about her faith. Sometimes, sitting quietly with her, I had the urge to open up the box of questions I had about how she had absorbed all the recent changes in our country and how she was dealing with them. But I always decided that the time was not right.

We had never once, I don’t think, discussed anything I’d written in a newspaper. We might glance off something from time to time, but it was as if she always understood that the person who wrote these articles in the newspapers was a kind of construction rather than the son she had reared. I suppose, too, I was self-conscious about many of the things I wrote, especially in front of someone who knew me better than anyone. We both knew that many of the things I wrote about, though important in their own way, were generally speaking not to do with the most vital aspects of existence. My father, who liked the game of politics, had been a more political animal than his wife, who tended to look to the heart of things, in search of the essence of them.

So, I never knew what she thought of what I did for a living. From time to time I would come across at home a cutting from a newspaper — a recent column or article of mine — which she appeared to have a particular interest in, but I never alluded to this and she never sought to open a discussion about what I’d written.

After she died, one of my sisters mentioned that there was a folder of some kind with some of my articles in it. I thought very little of it, presuming that it contained a selection of the pieces I’d occasionally written about Roscommon, the West or home. But no: As I leafed through the folder I realised that my mother had cut out and kept every single article I’d ever written. This awareness brought me to a new kind of sorrow, and also a new kind of pride, quickly followed by a strange realisation. I comprehended that, although I had not thought of myself as being in any kind of dialogue with my mother about the things I wrote about, she had been, all the while, engaging with this aspect of her son. I had thought of my articles as intended for other people, being unsure whether she would want to know about views of mine about things that, in many instances, would be controversial or potentially challenging to some aspects of her way of seeing the world. I should have known better.

Sifting through the newspaper cuttings she had kept, I became aware of my work in a new and completely different way. I recognised my mother as someone other than my mother. Suddenly she became one of those women who sometimes came up to me and said how much they appreciated the things I wrote, but then maybe went on to argue, in the nicest possible way, about some detail of what I had written. Suddenly she was someone with whom I had had two entirely separate and parallel relationships: mother and son, yes, but also writer and reader.

Looking at the headlines and recalling what I had written on this or that occasion, I saw for the first time that my mother and I had been engaged in a conversation for many years. It also struck me that the things I had written, under certain headings, could only have helped her in whatever doubts she might have been having. Although I had been completely oblivious to this, we had been having the conversation that I wanted to have with her.

In January of 2012, the year she was to die, for example, my mother would have read an article of mine in the Irish Mail on Sunday about a six-year-old severely brain-damaged boy who the High Court said should not be resuscitated in the event that his condition deteriorated. The hospital allegedly caring for the boy went to court seeking an order to the effect that, in the event of the child requiring invasive treatment as the result of an acute deterioration, his carers would be entitled to deny him such treatment provided that the medical advice was that not resuscitating him would be in his ‘best interests’. The judge granted the hospital the direction it sought, stating his opinion that continued ventilation of the child in the circumstances would involve undue pain and suffering and would ‘merely’ constitute a prolongation of life with no prospect of improvement. The boy’s parents had disagreed but were disregarded.

I also referred in that article to an episode that had occurred in Italy some years before, in which a young woman called Eluana Englaro was allowed to die after a long-running legal battle. She died on February 9th 2009, four days after doctors began a ‘gradual’ reduction in her food and water intake with the intention of causing her death in accordance with a court order obtained by her father.

I recalled that, three days before Eluana’s death, the father of another young woman had published an open letter to Mr Englaro, telling him of his own experience in a similar situation and begging him to reconsider. Mario Dupuis too had had a brain-damaged daughter. Her name was Anna and she was 15 when she died in 1995. In her short life, she never talked, never ate nor drank. She too was fed by feeding tube. She had to be given oxygen to allow her to breathe, and every day her family members had to aspirate the mucus and drain her lungs.

I recalled that, in his remarkable letter, Mario Dupuis spoke of his own struggle to decide what was in his daughter’s ‘best interests’. He had tried to follow the logic that his daughter was a ‘gift from God’ that the value of life was untouchable, but this was not sufficient for him. He knew that, as a human being, he had to face this situation as it really was, not with rhetoric or ideology. ‘The most incessant and implacable question’ he wrote, was: ‘How can I face all this without being crushed, without giving into cynicism and denying that life has a meaning, albeit mysterious?’

He watched Anna’s friends come and go. He watched them look at his daughter  ‘with a strange depth and a different humanity that I, her father, did not have’.

‘At the beginning this made me very uncomfortable, but then it raised my curiosity, and I realized that this daughter of mine, there in front of me, was asking something deep and great of me first of all. Anna was not content to be treated as a daughter; she did not want to be reduced to her condition, but she wanted to be treated as something greater. Anna was there to challenge my usual attitude, as understandable and inevitable as it was, of thinking and reacting, which however, was suppressing a clear fact: In reality there is something mysterious that goes beyond the visible. Unless something happens in our life, we cannot define this “something”, but it does not eliminate the fact that it exists. It was evident that in Anna there was something greater that I could not ignore just because I did not see it, while what I could see was the source of sorrow. So I learned to know Anna in a new, different way, and if not for this new way I would have said like everybody else that Anna would have been better off not surviving.’

It was not, he believed, a matter of faith or values. ‘For me it was a matter of being honest in front of what was happening to me. It was as if Anna were saying to me: “Dad, if your heart is made for a destiny of happiness, my heart is made for the same destiny, look at me like this”. This is a challenge one has to accept, one cannot hide from it.’

His daughter died, just ‘when it had started to be more natural to treat her not as a person needing everything, but as a person who, by her very existence, was the clear sign that there is Another who wants her and brings her to her destiny of happiness. This is definitely not being resigned to waiting for eternal life! This destiny of happiness was so obvious that whoever looked at her became aware of it and was changed.’

I read my own article and wept at the knowledge that my mother had read these words of Mario Dupuis. I had never been so glad about writing something in my whole life. I had never been so glad to know anything as I was that there was the strongest possibility that, as she entered the final calendar year of her long life, my mother had read this article written by her son and known that in this, the greatest sense of all, she was not alone.


Connect with John Waters

cover image credit: spirit111 / pixabay

The Artist Against the Syndicate

The Artist Against the Syndicate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 18, 2021


You’re an unemployed artist.

The year is 2061. A series of bombings has rocked the Capitol in the Western White House District, which is located in the heart of Hollywood. The Eastern seaboard is uninhabitable, owing to a mysterious GMO accident, which rendered all plant life in that region poisonous…

Reality is a nasty syndicate operation. The technical side is put together by high-IQ idiots. They like to fiddle. They like the con. They like to torpedo the mind.

The syndicate is the Reality Manufacturing Company.

You buy a ticket to Disneyland, which encompasses the area from San Francisco to Tijuana, go through the big gate, and book a small hotel room in Graphene Village.

A note is taped to the back of the toilet, where you’ve been told to look. It’s unsigned. You read it while you’re preparing supper: powdered eggs, water, and a squirt of SweetHeaven:

“Greetings, GuestL28. This to warn you the pillars of the community, the people who are supposed to be ‘doing good,’ are up to their necks in the operation. They’re hustling reality like porn.”

“At the upper levels, we’ve even got the STE Command, peddling the space-time-energy continuum everyone is so fond of. Only one tin can and we’re all in it, biological machines ‘doing our best to get along.’”

“Until recently, there was a sense that artists knew something about all this and were exposing the Syndicate. But now, propaganda is eating into their psyches, or their work isn’t finding the light of day. Some have been conned into high-flying rhetoric about saving humanity and working together to build a better world inside the prevailing political framework. There is no better world inside the prevailing political framework.”

“The artist should be ripping away masks, exposing the Syndicate employees. Adorning some fake religion promoted by the State, like the current MaR, isn’t his job.”

“Overthrowing the reality-con is the work of the artist. He’s got to take to it like a duck to water. He has to like it. He has to use his weapons, all of them.”

“The Matrix is built on the need to reduce thought. Props called spiritual leaders emerge out of the woodwork.”

“Our glorious New Age, so-called, is THOUGHT REDUCTION. It fails, and the aftermath is ugly. People become contortionists and end up eating their own.”

“I’m from the Movable Underground Museum. The Syndicate calls us dangerous because we’ve found a way to dismantle their product.”

“I can’t give you details in an open message. So far, we’ve laid out two new universes. They’re empty. Lots of room for adventurous souls.”

“Here’s something to keep your eye on. The Syndicate’s reality is breaking down. You may see seams in the sky. Don’t point them out to other people. A seam is usually a long thin blue line. If it pops far enough, you’ll see a different kind of space behind it. Stay calm.”

“For the past two weeks, a big seam has been exposed at the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Vermont Avenue in LA. Don’t try to go there. Crowds were gathering. The DHS came in and hosed them down with a version of glypho. Upwards of six thousand people were arrested, and DHS has the area cordoned off with tanks.”

“If you can still pick up SubNet8 on your mobile device, you can see pictures. The white light streaming through the gap in the seam? It’s been shopped in. It isn’t really there. Neither are the UFOs or the voices. That’s the Syndicate. They’re staging a ‘virtual drill’ in the area. Lots of phony religious content. It’s a cover. They’ve built a temp church in Silver Lake to handle the overflow of new believers.”

“If somebody approaches you with an offer to travel to Mexico, then sneak back into the US and apply for benefits, don’t bite. Tomorrow morning, before nine, walk to the Mickey Pavilion, turn left and keep going for about a mile. On your right, you’ll see a small shed painted green. Behind the shed is a cheap water ride. Take out a boat and row to the Secret Tunnel.”

“Take it. When the little train has been in the tunnel for a minute, you’ll see a dim corridor on your left. Hop off the train and walk along the corridor. You’ll come to the back of the Obama Mountain. At the base is a service door. It’s unlocked.”

“Go through and you’ll be standing on the corner of Ashbury Street and First Avenue. A day’s walk east will take you out into the desert. The fences are broken. Get out into the desert and head toward the Nevada Hills. You’ll see it. It’s a huge white hotel about five miles in.”

“A mile before the hotel, you’ll come to a wide crack in the desert floor. It’s not a crack. The Simul is breaking down there. It’s an exit. Use it if you have the courage.”

You burn the note, sit and eat your powdered eggs and watch the news. You think about what you’re going to do. Or not do.

A few sentences float in from somewhere. They were written by Philip K Dick, an ancient writer whose works have been outlawed:

“Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups…So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms…And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.”

The artist on trial against the State

June 9, 2071, Ohio 27-b: the region designated as the seat of all hearings and trials of artists accused of crimes against the State.

No jury, no attorneys.

On this day, His Honorable and Sacred Hayakawa L. Schwartzbaum, Magistrate of Federal Dispensations, on loan from The CIA-Harvard University, sat behind his table. He was an expert in the history of history.

In shackles, an artist was led into the room by three federal policemen wearing the gray high-buttoned uniforms of the Motherland-Fatherland Department of Internal Security and Distribution of Goods and Services for the Benefit of All.

One of the policemen rolled in a large object covered by a shroud.

Judge Schwarzbaum looked down at a file and rapped his gavel on a plaque displaying the universal symbol of a hermaphrodite eagle.

“Order,” he declared.

The prisoner, in a tattered red jumpsuit, stood before him.

“Well,” the Judge said, “uncontrolled display…no license to practice art. No prior approval for a work. No plan submitted to the State. No established source of funding. No preliminary scan by the Council of Art. No declaration of philosophic position. Status: potential precursor to terrorist activity. Surveillance data reveals the artist is a smoker and brews medications which have never undergone approval by the FDA. How do you plead?”

The artist nodded.

“Your Honor, I would like to submit one item of evidence. The work itself.”

The Judge said, “Were it not for the Artist Act of 2040, I would deny the request. But since I am bound by law, submission approved.”

The guard who had rolled in the shrouded object uncovered it.

It was a brass sculpture standing six feet tall. It was a series of twisted interlocking shapes.

“Yes,” the Judge said. “Incomprehensible. Who in his right mind could fathom the sense of this?”

“Look a little closer, Your Honor,” the artist said. “If you would.”

The Judge put on a pair of glasses and stared at the object.

“Meaningless,” he said. “That’s the last time I’ll deign to acknowledge it.”

“Meaningless? Then what is the problem? What harm could it cause?” the artist asked.

The Judge smiled.

“We must have meaning,” he said. “Because then we can judge its quality. Otherwise, we lose control of the situation. We must know, and be able to assess, the significance of the work. This piece of nonsense does not rise to that level. All you offer are…curving masses.”

“The piece has meaning for me,” the artist said.

“Perhaps, given your state of mind, that is true. But art is public. It is a social undertaking. It gives something to the Community.”

“Your Honor,” the artist replied, “I believe you’re missing an opportunity here. If, as you say, my work is meaningless, consider its effect on the public, were it to be installed in a heavily-trafficked venue. People would be confused and bewildered. Isn’t the induction of such a state of mind a forerunner to mind control?”

The Judge rubbed his chin and stared at the ceiling.

“Are you suggesting,” he said, “that you could go to work for us?”

The artist nodded.

“Yes, sir. I could execute many sculptures of this kind. I want exposure. You want MKULTRA. We’re on the same side, in a strange way.”

“Amusing, possibly interesting,” the Judge said.

“You see,” the artist said, “there are two ways to look at mind control. On the one hand, you attack aggressively, with propaganda, to plant specific messages. But on the other hand, you prepare consciousness by placing it in a state of extreme puzzlement. If you would, sir, look at the work again.”

The Judge frowned and shook his head. But he gazed at the brass sculpture. This time, something else happened.

He saw a twisted tree. It had been burned by a fire during the riots of 2036, but it still stood. It put out a sprinkling of new leaves every spring. One day, when he was a small boy, he was taken to it and he climbed out along the dark branches to the buds, which smelled sweet to him…it was the last time in his life something was that sweet…now, in the courtroom, he shuddered as he felt tears run down his cheeks…

The rebel artist vs. the android

On January 12, 2082, President Winston Smith made a quick campaign stop in the Northeast corridor to address the Coexistence Group in Gates Town.

The Coexistence Group was a remnant of the coalition formed between Bayer IG and organic farmers in the state formerly known as New Hampshire.

The President, dressed in a silk rainbow robe, donated to him by the Cosmic Guilders of Carpentry at the Rockefeller Estate, lit a candle at the Memorial of the Drifting Gene, to commemorate the inevitable triumph of genetically modified agriculture in America.

He then gave a short speech, during which he pointed out that all food products in America were now labeled GMO because of the Gene Drift, and although such labeling was redundant, it was “ritualistically correct,” because it signified the right of the consumer to know what he/she was eating.

A supper followed at the Inn of the Bill Melinda. The meal consisted of ceremonial gluten-free organic genetically modified soy-peanut burgers and GM whey cola.

During the supper, a local artist stood up from his seat, toasted the President, and suddenly asked, “What phase of brain programming do you now enjoy, Mr. President?”

A dozen Secret Service agents deployed in the room and at other locations in the Inn immediately drew their weapons. But the President waved them off with a smile.

“It’s all right,” President Smith said. “This citizen has every right to address his Commander-in-Chief.”

The President then offered these off-the cuff remarks:

“Actually, sir, there is no ‘I’ anymore or ‘you.’ There is only ‘we’ because the programming is common to us all, if we volunteer for it. And 67 percent of us do. We are all connected to the same Google/Kurzweil/NSA Plasma Cloud Formation. That, as you probably know, is the artificial superbrain.”

“We receive input from it every second of every day. In other words, we are all obtaining correct answers, the same answers, to problems we face.”

“Phase Four, which improves connectivity and reception, and takes in expanded subjects of interest and vital concern, is the current application. I, which is to say, we, participate in Phase Four.”

“In Four, stress levels are reduced considerably.”

“We no longer need to take vacations, except for pilgrimages to sites where monuments celebrate our Nature Is All and Technology Is All and All Is One Everything religious faith.

“And you, sir,” the President continued. “Are you with a Program Phase?”

The artist burst out laughing.

“No, Mr. President. I’m a holdout.”

“Ah,” the President said, “an outlier. Let’s see. Downloading now. Profile. We perceive you’re an artist, your name is Diego Jose Siqueiros. Yes, the information is coming through. You formerly lived in the small city of Ashland in the Northwest corridor, and you received a number of commissions to build structures there.”

“After twelve years, you designed and erected so many unique buildings, the city fathers feared that, if left to your own devices, you would ‘take over’ Ashland. In the interest of fairness and sharing, they ceased funding your work. You drifted down to the Los Angeles Complex, where you created a website called Versus the Moron. Eventually, you settled here in the Northeast.”

“That’s right, sir,” the artist said. “A question. Do you remember a time when you weren’t connected to the superbrain in any way?”

The President nodded. “We used to remember such a time, but no longer. Those memories became unproductive. Now we are here With the Program. We operate inside it.”

“So you don’t miss being free?” the artist asked.

“Oh, we are free, Mr. Siqueiros. We are free to obtain the right answers through the Program. Having correct data and valid conclusions is quite liberating. The sense of struggle is gone. Struggle is an ancient appendage which technocratic evolution makes extinct.”

“Sir,” the artist said, “I would enjoy debating that point. But I’d rather talk about the individual invention of unprecedented and unpredictable realities.”

“Oh,” the President said. “Another fanciful notion from the past. We’ve discovered that all art and in fact all so-called unique creations of the ‘I’ are delusions. The superbrain can ‘create’ anything. It merely arranges and rearranges data in various configurations. It produces closed systems. For example, it can design a thousand buildings in less than a second.”

The artist frowned.

“No,” he said. “The superbrain spits out random shapes on command. That’s machine-life.”

“Machine-life?” the President said. “I’m receiving mild warnings now.”

“Meaning what?” the artist said.

“We are in the presence of a stubborn defective ‘I’ who is scorning the Group. That would be ‘you’.”

“Mr. President,” the artist said. “Were you born of a human mother and father, or are you a virtual artifact of the superbrain?”

The Secret Service agents in the room took a step forward.

The President’s face turned red. He rose from his chair.

“How dare you say that to me!” he shouted.

“Why? Because I’m flipping your cover?”

The artist then enunciated a long series of sounds. The declaration came out, as one attendee later put it, like a “gray river.”


Apparently, it was a code-trigger that had been hacked from the Program. And the code ran.

A loud hum filled the room.

The President collapsed back into his seat. He flopped around like a doll and then went still. His eyes stared at nothing.

“As I expected,” the artist said. “He’s a four-D printout from the superbrain. An agent.”

A voice came from somewhere inside the President.

“Allen Dulles A MKULTRA…”


Then a gentle man who manufactured a product called We Love You Organic Bayer Cherry Vanilla Roundup Cookies said:

“It’s all right, everybody. There’ll be another President along in a few minutes. I’m sure of it. We’re in coexistence mode. Don’t worry. All One. Unity. The Tao. Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Harmony.”

And the room burst into wild applause.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

Vandana Shiva: A New Wave of Colonization, Carbon Slavery

Story At-a-Glance

  • Big Tech is driving a new wave of colonization in the name of sustainability and “net zero” carbon emissions
  • Tech billionaire Bill Gates, now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S., is at the root of the problem, pushing technology as the only mechanism to save the world, and in so doing denying real solutions
  • Shiva calls Gates’ book, “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” which pushes for the elimination of age-old farming traditions and widespread adoption of fake meat, “rubbish”
  • According to Shiva, in order to force the world to accept this new food and agricultural system, new conditionalities are being created through net zero “nature-based” solutions, which will only further destroy indigenous people and small farmers
  • Net zero does not mean zero emissions, Shiva says; it means the rich polluters will continue to pollute and also grab the land and resources of those who have not polluted

Vandana Shiva is a brilliant mind calling for inhabitants of the Earth to unite against forces that are threatening to destroy the planet, in part via a new wave of colonization in the name of sustainability.

Tech billionaire Bill Gates, now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S.,1 is at the root of the problem, pushing technology as the only mechanism to save the world, and in so doing denying real solutions. This path is not accidental but carefully orchestrated to amass wealth, power and control, while making all but the elite subservient.

In my interview with Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., she spoke about Gates Ag One,2 which is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, where Monsanto is also headquartered.

“Gates Ag One is one [type of] agriculture for the whole world, organized top down. He’s written about it. We have a whole section on it in our new report,3 ‘Gates to a Global Empire,'” she said. This includes digital farming, in which farmers are surveilled and mined for their agricultural data, which is then repackaged and sold back to them.

Bill Gates’ New Book Is ‘Rubbish’

In the above Under the Skin podcast with Russel Brand, Shiva takes aim at Gates’ book “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need,” which was released in February 20214 — calling it “rubbish:”5

“Just by chance I was reading the rubbish in Bill Gates’ new book. I normally don’t read rubbish but when they want to be rulers through rubbish, I read it. And it’s lovely because he says the greenhouse gases from factory farms are not because of factory farms and putting animals in prisons … it’s because the cows were the problem. They had four stomachs and the four stomachs make the methane.”

The reason cows in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) emit methane that smells is because they’re fed an unnatural diet of grains and placed in crowded quarters. It’s not a natural phenomenon. It’s a man-made one. “You walk behind a good cow on a grazing pasture, she’s not stinking,” Shiva said.6

The strong recommendation to replace beef with fake meat is also made in Gates’ book7 — another example of replacing a whole, natural food with something engineered, heavily processed and fake. It all stems from an overreaching theme of arrogance and the desire for recolonization and a global empire.

The idea is to imply, or create the environment in which, survival isn’t possible without technology. “It is a denial of the richness of agroecological knowledges and practices that are resurging around the world,” according to one of Navdanya’s reports.8

Shiva founded Navdanya, a nonprofit organization promoting biodiversity, organic farming and seed saving, in 1994. She has also travelled the globe to warn other countries, including Africa, about plans to displace rural farmers so investors can turn the land into industrial farms to export the commodities.

Gates’ book talks about eliminating age-old farming traditions, which Shiva believes must be protected. Speaking with Brand, Shiva said:9

“He [Gates] has put the Indian plow that has existed for 10,000 years and says this primitive technology must go. I call this, as the future technology, a partnership between our bodies, the body of the Earth, and the body of the animals — realizing that we are not masters but we are there to serve through what Gandhi called bread labor, the labor of our body in the service of the Earth, in the service of community.

So we are for sure at an epic moment where everything wrong is being given a new life just at the time when the world was waking up … I think this is happening … because of arrogance … we’ve destroyed every international law, we’ve destroyed all democracy, we have locked people into fear … you know, the British empire had that arrogance.” 

Breaking the Sacred Relationship With Food

Industrialization started the process of severing humans’ age-old connections to their food and the land on which it’s grown. “Now, with digitalization,” Shiva said, “they would like to end it forever.”10 Tech giants, in an effort to drive home digital agriculture, are working to reduce life to software11 while advancing digital surveillance systems.

So far, Shiva’s organization has managed to prevent Gates from introducing a seed surveillance startup, where farmers would not be allowed to grow seeds unless approved by Gates’ surveillance system. The data mining, Shiva says, is needed because they don’t actually know agriculture.

This is why Gates finances the policing of farmers. He needs to mine their data to learn how farming is actually done. In countering the tech giants’ attempts to remove humans’ sacred relationship to food, Shiva states we can fight back by remembering and focusing on a few essential principles:12

  • Food is the currency of life
  • The highest duty is to grow and give food in abundance
  • The worst sin is to let someone go hungry in your neighborhood, not grow food and, worse, sell bad food

“We’ve got to bring to the center of our everyday life the rituals that make life sacred,” Shiva said. “Our breath … breath is what connects us to the world … water connects us to the world. Food connects us to the world.”13

‘Net Zero’ Nonsense

Gates has been vocal that achieving “net zero” emissions will be the “most amazing thing humanity has ever done.”14 By 2030, he’s pushing for drastic, fundamental changes, including widespread consumption of fake meat, adoption of next generation nuclear energy and growing a fugus as a new type of nutritional protein.15

The deadline Gates has given to reach net zero emissions is 2050,16 likely because he wants to realize his global vision during his lifetime. But according to Shiva, in order to force the world to accept this new food and agricultural system, new conditionalities are being created through net zero “nature-based” solutions. Navdanya’s report, “Earth Democracy: Connecting Rights of Mother Earth to Human Rights and Well-Being of All,” explains:17

“If ‘feeding the world’ through chemicals and dwarf varieties bred for chemicals was the false narrative created to impose the Green Revolution, the new false narrative is ‘sustainability’ and ‘saving the planet.’ In the new ‘net zero’ world, farmers will not be respected and rewarded as custodians of the land and caregivers, as Annadatas, the providers of our food and health.

They will not be paid a fair and just price for growing healthy food through ecological processes, which protect and regenerate the farming systems as a whole.

They will be paid for linear extraction of fragments of the ecological functions of the system, which can be tied to the new ‘net zero’ false climate solution based on a fake calculus, fake science allowing continued emissions while taking control over the land of indigenous people and small farmers.

‘Net Zero’ is a new strategy to get rid of small farmers in first through ‘digital farming’ and ‘farming without farmers’ and then through the burden of fake carbon accounting.

Carbon offsets and the new accounting trick of ‘net zero’ does not mean zero emissions. It means the rich polluters will continue to pollute and also grab the land and resources of those who have not polluted — indigenous people and small farmers — for carbon offsets.”

Gates already alluded to this double-standard in responding to those who criticized him for the hypocrisy of being a serious polluter himself, with a 66,000 square-foot mansion, a private jet, 242,000 acres of farmland and investments in fossil fuel-dependent industries such as airlines, heavy machinery and cars.18

This pollution is acceptable, Gates said, because, “I am offsetting my carbon emissions by buying clean aviation fuel, and funding carbon capture and funding low-cost housing projects to use electricity instead of natural gas.”19

Carbon Colonization and Carbon Slavery

Carbon colonization and carbon slavery are two terms being used to explain the reality behind carbon trade, which is being regarded by Big Tech as the next big opportunity, Shiva says.20 Carbon trade refers to the buying and selling of credits that allow a company to emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide,21 but by buying up credits from nonpolluters, industry can continue to pollute.

Technocracy is also a resource-based economic system, which is why the World Economic Forum talks about the creation of “sustainable digital finance,”22 a carbon-based economy and carbon credit trading.23 As explained on its website:24

“Digital finance refers to the integration of big data, artificial intelligence (AI), mobile platforms, blockchain and the Internet of things (IoT) in the provision of financial services. Sustainable finance refers to financial services integrating environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria into the business or investment decisions.

When combined, sustainable digital finance can take advantage of emerging technologies to analyze data, power investment decisions and grow jobs in sectors supporting a transition to a low-carbon economy.”

As Navdanya’s report explains, however, this will ultimately further remove the rights of small farmers, who will be forced into a new form of data slavery:25

“A global ‘seal’ of approval based on fake science, fake economics of maximizing profits through extraction will create new data slavery for farmers. Instead of using their own heads and cocreating with the Earth, they will be forced to buy ‘Big Data.’ Instead of obeying the laws of Mother Earth, they will be forced to obey algorithms created by Big Tech and Big Ag.”

Focusing solely on carbon reductionism also misses the point that “forests, lands, ecosystems are so much more than the carbon stored in them,” and putting conditionalities on small farmers will only make environmental injustices worse. The report adds:26

“Conditionalities under any condition violate democratic principles and human rights. Farmers are guided by Earth care. The culture of Earth care needs to be respected and rewarded because it is centered on rights of the Earth and rights of all her children … Conditionalities put on the nonpolluters by the polluters who want to continue to pollute is unjust and ecologically, morally and ethically bankrupt.”

‘The Universe Is Divine’

According to the ancient Vedas, the universe is divine, and everything therein — even the smallest grass — is an expression of the divine. “When I go to villages,” Shiva told Brand, “women will do sacred ceremonies with indigenous seed. They will never use a hybrid seed for a sacred ceremony … It’s quite amazing. No one told them, but they have that understanding of integrity and what the sacred means. It means to treat without violation.”27

The universe exists for the well-being of all, but her gifts must be enjoyed without greed, Shiva explained. Taking more than your share is theft, and will only backfire. The solution to true sustainability doesn’t lie with new technology, but in relying on the natural “technology” that is the universe:28

“It is by learning from the Earth that we can regenerate the Earth. We have to become students of Mother Earth, not try and dominate her. When we practice agriculture in unison with the Earth’s ecological processes aligned with the ecological laws of nature and the Earth, we evolve an agriculture of care for the land, for the soil. We participate in the process of regenerating the seed and biodiversity, soil and water.”


Connect with Joseph Mercola, MD

Connect with Vandana Shiva, PhD

Interviewing the Dead Albert Einstein About Free Will

Interviewing the Dead Albert Einstein About Free Will

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 22, 2021


Note: I’m publishing this piece as an introduction to the scientific tyranny which has overtaken us: the premise that we are machines, and we can be decoded and transformed by genetics.

This is a lie on every possible level.

For many people, their first taste of this insanity is the COVID vaccine—a genetic treatment. However, that treatment comes out of the conviction that life is “mechanism.”

For 35 years, I’ve been waging war against this conviction. I continue to do so—not because I have some quirky mystical alternative, but because FREEDOM VERSUS THE MACHINE is the Big One, the big battlefield under the surface of our civilization.

I’m talking about today, tomorrow, the next hundred, the next five hundred years.

OK, here we go—a piece of fiction to make the truth known:

It was a strange journey into the astral realm to find Albert Einstein.

I slipped through gated communities heavily guarded by troops protecting dead Presidents. I skirted alleys where wannabe demons claiming they were Satan’s reps were selling potions made from powdered skulls of English kings. I ran through mannequin mansions where trainings for future shoppers were in progress. Apparently, some souls come to Earth to be born as aggressive entitled consumers. Who knew?

Finally, in a little valley, I spotted a cabin, and there on the porch, sitting in a rocker, smoking a pipe and reading The Bourne Ultimatum, was Dr. Einstein.

He was wearing an old sports jacket with leather patches on the elbows, jeans, and furry slippers.

I wanted to talk with the great man because I’d read a 1929 Saturday Evening Post interview with him. He’d said:

“I am a determinist. As such, I do not believe in free will…Practically, I am, nevertheless, compelled to act as if freedom of the will existed. If I wish to live in a civilized community, I must act as if man is a responsible being.”

Dr, Einstein went inside and brought out two bottles of cold beer and we began our conversation:

Q: Sir, would you say that the underlying nature of physical reality is atomic?

A: If you’re asking me whether atoms and smaller particles exist everywhere in the universe, then of course, yes.

Q: And are you satisfied that, wherever they are found, they are the same? They exhibit a uniformity?

A: Surely, yes.

Q: Regardless of location.

A: Correct.

Q: So, for example, if we consider the make-up of the brain, those atoms are no different in kind from atoms wherever in the universe they are found.

A: That’s true. The brain is composed entirely of these tiny particles. And the particles, everywhere in the universe, without exception, flow and interact and collide without any exertion of free will. It’s an unending stream of cause and effect.

Q: And when you think to yourself, “I’ll get breakfast now,” what is that?

A: The thought?

Q: Yes.

A: Ultimately, it is the outcome of particles in motion.

Q: You were compelled to have that thought.

A: As odd as that may seem, yes. Of course, we tell ourselves stories to present ourselves with a different version of reality, but those stories are social or cultural constructs.

Q: And those “stories” we tell ourselves—they aren’t freely chosen rationalizations, either. We have no choice about that.

A: Well, yes. That’s right.

Q: So there is nothing in the human brain that allows us the possibility of free will.

A: Nothing at all.

Q: And as we are sitting here right now, sir, looking at each other, sitting and talking, this whole conversation is spooling out in the way that it must. Every word. Neither you nor I is really choosing what we say.

A: I may not like it, but yes, it’s deterministic destiny. The particles flow.

Q: When you pause to consider a question I ask you…even that act of considering is mandated by the motion of atomic and sub-atomic particles. What appears to be you deciding how to give me an answer…that is a delusion.

A: The act of considering? Why, yes, that, too, would have to be determined. It’s not free. There really is no choice involved.

Q: And the outcome of this conversation, whatever points we may or may not agree upon, and the issues we may settle here, about this subject of free will versus determinism…they don’t matter at all, because, when you boil it down, the entire conversation was determined by our thoughts, which are nothing more than atomic and sub-atomic particles in motion—and that motion flows according to laws, none of which have anything to do with human choice.

A: The entire flow of reality, so to speak, proceeds according to determined sets of laws. Yes.

Q: And we are in that flow.

A: Most certainly we are.

Q: The earnestness with which we might try to settle this issue, our feelings, our thoughts, our striving—that is irrelevant. It’s window dressing. This conversation actually cannot go in different possible directions. It can only go in one direction.

A: That would ultimately have to be so.

Q: Now, are atoms and their components, and any other tiny particles in the universe…are any of them conscious?

A: Of course not. The particles themselves are not conscious.

Q: Some scientists speculate they are.

A: Some people speculate that the moon can be sliced and served on a plate with fruit.

Q: What do you think “conscious” means?

A: It means we participate in life. We take action. We converse. We gain knowledge.

Q: Any of the so-called faculties we possess—are they ultimately anything more than particles in motion?

A: Well, no, they aren’t. Because everything is particles in motion. What else could be happening in this universe? Nothing.

Q: All right. I’d like to consider the word “understanding.”

A: It’s a given. It’s real.

Q: How so?

A: The proof that it’s real, if you will, is that we are having this conversation. It makes sense to us.

Q: Yes, but how can there be understanding if everything is particles in motion? Do the particles possess understanding?

A: No they don’t.

Q: To change the focus just a bit, how can what you and I are saying have any meaning?

A: Words mean things.

Q: Again, I have to point out that, in a universe with no free will, we only have particles in motion. That’s all. That’s all we are. So where does “meaning” come from?

A: “We understand language” is a true proposition.

Q: You’re sure.

A: Of course.

Q: Then I suggest you’ve tangled yourself in a contradiction. In the universe you depict, there would be no room for understanding. Or meaning. There would be nowhere for it to come from. Unless particles understand. Do they?

A: No.

Q: Then where do “understanding” and “meaning” come from?

A: [Silence.]

Q: Furthermore, sir, if we accept your depiction of a universe of particles, then there is no basis for this conversation at all. We don’t understand each other. How could we?

A: But we do understand each other.

Q: And therefore, your philosophic materialism (no free will, only particles in motion) must have a flaw.

A: What flaw?

Q: Our existence contains more than particles in motion.

A: More? What would that be?

Q: Would you grant that whatever it is, it is non-material?

A: It would have to be, but…

Q: Then, driving further along this line, there is something non-material which is present, which allows us to understand each other, which allows us to comprehend meaning. We are conscious. Puppets are not conscious. As we sit here talking, I understand you. Do you understand me?

A: Of course.

Q: Then that understanding is coming from something other than particles in motion. Without this non-material quality, you and I would be gibbering in the dark.

A: You’re saying that, if all the particles in the universe, including those that make up the brain, possess no consciousness, no understanding, no comprehension of meaning, no freedom, then how can they give birth to understanding and freedom. There must be another factor, and it would have to be non-material.

Q: Yes. That’s what I’m saying. And I think you have to admit your view of determinism and particles in motion—that picture of the universe—leads to several absurdities.

A: Well…perhaps I’m forced to consider it. Otherwise, we can’t sit here and understand each other.

Q: You and I do understand each other.

A: I hadn’t thought it through this way before, but if there is nothing inherent in particles that gives rise to understanding and meaning, then everything is gibberish. Except it isn’t gibberish. Yes, I seem to see a contradiction. Interesting.

Q: And if these non-material factors—understanding and meaning—exist, then other non-material factors can exist.

A: For example, freedom. I suppose so.

Q: And the drive to eliminate freedom in the world…is more than just the attempt to substitute one automatic reflex for another.

A: That would be…yes, that would be so.

Q: Scientists would be absolutely furious about the idea that, despite all their maneuvering, the most essential aspects of human life are beyond the scope of what they, the scientists, are “in charge of.”

A: It would be a naked challenge to the power of science.

Einstein puffed on his pipe and looked out over the valley. He took a sip of his beer. After a minute, he said, “Let me see if I can summarize this, because it’s really rather startling. The universe is nothing but particles. All those particles follow laws of motion. They aren’t free. The brain is made up entirely of those same particles. Therefore, there is nothing in the brain that would give us freedom. These particles also don’t understand anything, they don’t make sense of anything, they don’t grasp the meaning of anything. Since the brain, again, is made up of those particles, it has no power to allow us to grasp meaning or understand anything. But we do understand. We do grasp meaning. Therefore, we are talking about qualities we possess which are not made out of energy. These qualities are entirely non-material.”

He nodded.

“In that case,” he said, “there is…oddly enough, a completely different sphere or territory. It’s non-material. Therefore, it can’t be measured. Therefore, it has no beginning or end. If it did, it would be a material continuum and we could measure it.”

He pointed to the valley.

“That has energy. But what does it give me? Does it allow me to be conscious? Does it allow me to be free, to understand meaning? No.”

Then he laughed. He looked at me.

“I’m dead,” he said, “aren’t I? I didn’t realize it until this very moment.”

I shook my head. “No. I would say you WERE dead until this moment.”

He grinned. “Yes!” he said. “That’s a good one. I WAS dead.”

He stood up.

“Enough of this beer,” he said. “I have some schnapps inside. Let me get it. Let’s drink the good stuff! After all, I’m apparently Forever. And so are you. And so are we all.”


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: jcoope12 / pixabay

The Physiology of Precognition

The Physiology of Precognition

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
May 11, 2021


This is such a wild article that I simply had to blog about it. It concerns what I’m calling the “physiology of precognition”, and it was shared by V.T.:

Scientists Discover That The Heart & Brain Respond To Future Events – Before They Happen

Here’s the crux of the matter: As part of an experiment in physiological responses to future events, participants in an experiment were made to sit at a computer screen, and were then shown pictures of either a calming or emotion-evocative nature, and this procedure was then repeated. The pictures remained on the screen for three seconds, and in every run, the pictures were presented in randomized order. The results were astounding:

The results of the experiment were fascinating to say the least. The participants’ brains and hearts responded to information about the emotional quality of the pictures before the computer flashed them (random selection). This means that the heart and brain were both responding to future events. The results indicated that the responses happened, on average, 4.8 seconds before the computer selected the pictures.

How mind-altering is that?

Even more profound, perhaps, was data showing the heart received information before the brain. “It is first registered from the heart,” Rollin McCraty Ph.D. explained, “then up to the brain (emotional and pre-frontal cortex), where we can logically relate what we are intuiting, then finally down to the gut (or where something stirs).”

The question is why does this happen? And here, as one might expect, I have some high octane speculative hypotheses to advance.

Most of us have probably had such “precognitive” experiences at one time or another during our lives, from the simple example of thinking about someone only to have the phone ring a few seconds later, and that individual is on the line. Or a vague sense of something “being amiss” and the refrigerator dies or a computer malfunctions or the car won’t start.

Explaining these phenomena is evoked all sorts of theories. The Soviet astrophysicist Dr. Nikolai Kozyrev, for example, conducted highly classified experiments in torsion in the Soviet Union, and actually posited that there was a kind of “retro-causation” as information flowed from the future into the past. His reasoning was complicated (as the thought of Russian astrophysicists usually is), but it basically boiled down to the Observer effect in modern physics, and how given a partially-known set of circumstances, certain future results were more likely than others, and could thus exert an influence from the future on the present and past, inverting the normal “common sense” ideas of  the flow of time and causation. For this (and other) reasons, Kozyrev’s work (what little is reliably known of it) remains controversial both inside and outside of Russia, with some denouncing him as a crank, and others viewing him as a brilliant man (for the record, I tend strongly to the latter view).

More recently, there have been arguments that the structure of the observable and known universe, with its galaxies and galactic clusters spread out over the vast voids of space, resembles a gigantic neuron. Pictures have appeared on the internet of these structures juxtaposed with pictures of neurons, and the resemblance is more than striking, giving rise to the ancient metaphor that the universe is more like an organism, or perhaps better put, a meta-organism than it is like a machine, which is of course the “metaphor” that most moderns operate with. It is with this metaphor that today’s high octane speculation is chiefly concerned. The ancients not only viewed the universe as more organism than machine, but went so far as to draw the analogy to mankind as a “microcosm” of that meta-organism, an analogy that clearly implied some sort of intelligent order to the universe, but an order vastly more complicated than the Cartesian-Newtonian machine metaphor. One individual in that “microcosmist” tradition, a Church Father by the name of St. Maximus the Confessor, went even further, concluding that if man is a microcosm, the universe was a “macanthropos,” a “large man,” anticipating the modern developments in the “anthropic principle” of cosmological physics by several centuries. Kozyrev’s “retro-causation” would have made complete sense to a Maximus: “…before Abraham was, I am.”

If that be the case, then perhaps what falls out of that view is that the human being acts as a “transducer” of the vast information field of the universe, rather like a radio does not contain the information “inside the box,” but rather, tunes into it and receives it, a view that makes even more sense when one views DNA, and particularly human DNA, as an aperiodic crystal, an analogy or metaphor one sometimes encounters in regard to human genetics.

That in turn puts the comments of some people who have received the mRNA covid “quackcines” and reporting that “they’ve killed God” into an interesting light: tinker with the tuning crystal, and one is tinkering with a divine connection…

…can you say “entanglement”? Oh…wait… that’s tomorrow’s blog…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

Invading Antarctica: Hidden History of Secret South Pole Colony

Invading Antarctica: Hidden History of Secret South Pole Colony


“While many of the topics Mae Brussell brings up regarding Antarctica are very controversial, especially regarding German UFO technology — since the secret of flying saucer propulsion is also the key to the dream of universal free energy, which is classified and kept from the general population by oil companies that have maintained a monopoly on energy.
That said, what was arguably even more controversial was her quote regarding Churchill, when comprehending the degradation of cultural marxism, and Stalin’s totalitarian communism, and the mistake of letting him consolidate power.
Churchill reportedly exclaimed, “We have killed the wrong pig.” A similar quote was made by General Patton after the end of the Second World War when he said that America defeated the wrong enemy.
Of course, the powers that be are more afraid of people waking up to the truth about World War II than any other topic — which is evident by the degree of censorship that exists whenever the official narrative is challenged.
One can’t help but wonder: What if Churchill, Patton or the soldiers that died during World War II could see the world today. Would they still volunteer to fight with the same patriotism and optimism? Or would they look at the corrupt media, world leaders, and question who the real enemy is.”
~ Robert Sepehr



Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony

by Robert Sepehr
January 30, 2021

Original video is available at Robert Sepehr YouTube channel.

Operation Highjump was commanded by Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, lasted six-months (Aug 1946 – Feb 1947), and included 4,700 armed personnel, thirteen ships and thirty-three aircraft.

Still classified and officially titled the United States Navy Antarctic Developments Program, their covert mission was to seek out and destroy an alleged subterranean South Polar colony established by Germany, before and during WW2, which not only harbored thousands of scientists in a semi-secret secluded base, but free energy technology and advanced propulsion craft (UFOs).


Mae Brussell was an American radio personality with a career spanning from 1971-1988, where she addressed topics ranging from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy to anomalies concerning Antarctica and thee UFO phenomena.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

cover image credit: pixabay


The COVID Narrative As an Occult Work of Art

The COVID Narrative As an Occult Work of Art

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 24, 2021


Readers who have been with me the past year know I’ve dismantled every piece of the official COVID narrative. Factually. Scientifically.

I knew from 30 years of experience—investigating HIV/AIDS, West Nile, SARS1, Swine Flu, Ebola and Zika—what to look for in the fake COVID science.

I also want to look at the COVID narrative as an occult work of art. That is, it embroils the uninformed person in an initiation of sorts, with the promise of a final revelation and rescue.

Occult initiations are mysteries, in the sense that the believer is fed steps and procedures which he can’t fathom, or only partially understands.

This is purposeful. The believer’s imagination is engaged without him knowing it. He attributes meaning to factual gibberish.

But no one wants to find out that the images and speculations he is entertaining are empty and barren. HE PREFERS to think a ceremony is highly charged and, on some level, is important to him.

Thus, at the beginning, when “the virus is discovered,” and the initiation is introduced, the believer’s imagination clicks, and he senses he is on a new track of experience. He is entranced:

This is not ordinary life any longer. This is different. Fear, interest, excitement, anticipation are all available. Which are exactly what occult initiations are supposed to provoke: the magnified sense of possibility. The Ordinary is gone.

“Researchers have found a new virus, which is causing an outbreak.” Found a virus? What does that mean? The virus has been isolated. What does that mean? The virus has been sequenced. What does that mean? The believer can automatically apply his own images and thoughts and sensations and feelings to this mystery.

And indeed, the whole “virus discovery process” HAS been conducted behind closed doors, in high-security facilities, in a sanctum where only the priests can operate. Because they possess the magic.

They have found the enemy.

Next comes a new piece of magic. The test. The priests have devised a highly complex system of amulet arranging and rubbing, in order to detect the presence of the virus in a human.

How did they accomplish this, and so quickly? Through AMPLIFICATION. The essence of the specimen taken from the patient—in itself an initiatory step—is so small, no microscope can register it. But through a successive series of “doublings,” the specimen is transformed into a visible object.

And the believer will take this (PCR) test. Another step on the road.

Minor priests will announce the outcome of the test to the believer. Positive or negative. Now the meaning of “the virus” sinks in: infected or not infected. Either way, the initiation is proceeding.

If infected, there will be potions. “Anti-virals.” Ventilators, to bring what the believer may not be able to provide himself: the breath of life.

And yes, one possible outcome is death. This is no superficial initiation. The stakes are high, very high.

We come, of course, to the mask. The believer’s identity will be protected. Masking makes one an anonymous member of a very large group—all of whom are undergoing the same ceremony and enforcing it on others. Secret society.

Masking, traditionally, is for criminals as well. (The thrill of the outlaw.)

Masking also erases identity. The believer can find (imagine) a new persona.

Masking includes a sense of sacrifice. “I eliminate who I was, for the Cause.”

Masking introduces touches of humiliation, guilt, and pride. All standard elements of initiation.

Distancing provides “necessary isolation,” so the initiatory process for the individual can proceed unhampered. Distancing (like masking) separates the Clean from the Unclean.

The lockdown is further isolation. Removal from the influences of the outside world and its distractions. “The monk in his cell.” Great sacrifice of the means of financial support, in order to attain purity. Renunciation of ordinary work (employment) for a higher purpose; purification.

And finally, rescue and revelation—the vaccine. The injection. The transformation of cells of the body, which now produce a protein that stimulates the action of the immune system; a protein that under ordinary circumstances would never come into being. Miracle.

Immunity and purity are attained. Elite status is won through enduring the whole preceding ritual. A document (wellness certificate) is created and recorded. The initiate can now reenter the world. He is made anew.

If he suffered from the injection—well, that was part of what he needed to endure. If he died, that, too, was “worthy.” A sacrifice on the altar of The Group.

Of course, this COVID initiation isn’t meant to be a CONSCIOUS occult ceremony. The person isn’t meant to know he is in a cult. He senses glimmers and rivulets of ritual. He swims among them. He knows very little, but he FEELS.

As with every occult process, reality is created for him. The whole purpose of the steps on the ladder to redemption is: the quelling of the person’s own creative fire, by which he can invent his own future, freely.

In effect, the cult artists say: “You don’t make your own painting; our painting makes you.”

Through the pretended “science” of virology (fake isolation, fake sequencing) and the pretended “science” of vaccinology (fake immunity), the State—which is already an authoritarian entity—becomes a Cult.

Prior law (the Constitution) is ruled out; it is anathema. It didn’t account for the new great enemy: the virus. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty” is replaced: “The eternal virus demands the curtailment of liberty.”

“Science” is the cover story that conceals the occult hypnotic inducement.


cover image credit: pixabay

The Invincible Green Stick of Happiness

The Invincible Green Stick of Happiness

by Edward Curtin
sourced from OffGuardian
February 2021


Tolstoy’s grave on the edge of the ravine at his estate Yasnaya Polyana (BERT BEYNEN)


After a night of haunting dreams that flowed as if they were written like running water, written on air, as the Roman poet Catullus once said, in the depth of a dark winter morning, I decided that I would take a walk in the afternoon, hoping that the sun would then appear, and it did, so I went walking toward the woods through deep white new-fallen snow all around me and entered a path into the woods across from my house that led toward a deep ravine below which were deep dark caves that once sheltered runaway slaves searching for the happiness of freedom, and I thought of them as I poked under the snow on the odd chance that I might find the green stick of happiness that Leo Tolstoy’s beloved brother, ten-year-old Nikolai, had once told the five-year-old Leo was buried by a ravine on the edge of the forest, a stick upon which were written the secret words that would bring love, peace, and happiness to everyone, and would do away with death, for their mother had died three years earlier and their father would die four years later, but I saw nothing and continued deeper into the forest to try to shed a sad feeling from a lock-down that had brought my spirits low as I tried to understand why so many people I knew were so enslaved, their minds forged in manacles, and how sad and dispirited it made me knowing that they were locked away from me in some conventional reality sold to them by liars, but perhaps you like the word depressed and you can use it if you want, but all I know is that the spirit of happiness had escaped me as I trudged deeper into the forest between the high pine trees until the trail I walked was intersected by another and a man met me there, as if he knew I was coming, a man with a long white beard and piercing eyes and we nodded and then he continued beside me and asked me what I was looking for, which startled me, and I was speechless and he said he’s been through here many times, especially by the ravine, and Leo told me he never could find the green stick of happiness his brother once told him was buried there but he was not giving up, he never would do that since he loved his brother who would never lie, he knew the stick existed and that’s why he himself was buried there, and he told me to continue seeking, because the stick was real and yes, those slaves knew it and were in that ravine for a reason, so we walked on as a man approached us who said his name was Albert, and I said Camus, and he said yes, let’s walk together guys, for these woods are dark and deep I know, but look up at the sky, the clouds have parted and the sparkling sky is speaking to us, right Leo, who said yes, I remember when Andrei in my book War and Peace lay wounded on the battlefield and looked at the sky, I wrote that he realized then that that lofty sky was infinite and that happiness was possible, that especially in the midst of battle you have to look up and realize that, that there are deeper reasons for things and petty concerns shield the spirit of truth and that even in the midst of war you can glimpse that reality, and it sounded good, I had heard their spiels before, or had read them to be accurate, they were great writers but this was my life and I couldn’t live in their books, but I wasn’t reading, I was walking, or was I dreaming, and then we came to the end of the path leading out of the woods and the sky opened out from the vast tree cover and they were gone and I was all alone again as usual, dispirited and heading back home on the road by the lake when I looked up at the sparkling blue sky and light that radiated off the snowy frozen lake and rose back to the sky in columns of undulating glory and felt the sun that had warmed the day and heard birds in the trees and was overwhelmed with a rush of happiness I can’t describe but it was not a dream and I walked in joy for a few minutes, knowing I had found the stick and that in the depth of winter, as Albert said, I had finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer, but that it came and went like running water, like flowing air, but it was enough for now.


Albert Camus with his best friend Michel Gallimard, both of whom died from a car crash on 4 January 1960. On the right is Jeannine, Michel’s wife, who survived the crash.


cover image credit shogun / pixabay


In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine That Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’

In 1917 Rudolf Steiner Foresaw a Vaccine That Would ‘Drive All Inclination Toward Spirituality Out of People’s Souls’

by Dylan Charles, Waking Times
January 20, 2021


If you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war right now, you’re not alone.

Many of the world’s greatest scholars, philosophers and ascetics understood the world to be multi-dimensional and co-inhabited by non-physical beings both good and evil, always at war with us and each other.

It’s not something that can be rightly explained with language or science. One must cultivate such sensitivity that the existence of spiritual beings can be directly experienced.



Rudolf Steiner was an Austrian philosopher, educator, and spiritualist, and over the course of his life he published numerous books and papers on the science of spirituality. He viewed the human body as a spiritual vessel, open to occupation by other entities.

To be conscious of these forces was to have the power to reject their negative influence. To remain unconscious of them was to be a leaf in their wind, and spiritual cultivation was the key to developing conscious awareness of them.

“The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner

If people express the natural human inclination toward spiritual growth, they free themselves from fear and anxiety, and effectively develop a sort of immunity to the influences of negative entities. If not, our vibration attracts hostile spirits and we fall unconsciously unto their influence.

“There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve… If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them.” ~Rudolf Steiner

With such profound global fear, anxiety, and panic over the present pandemic, many are exposing their own spiritual sicknesses and acquiescing to any recommended behavior or intervention that might alleviate these emotions. Along with this is the push to vaccinate 7 billion healthy people.


Nearly 100 years ago, in a series of 14 essays published under the title, The Fall of the Spirits of Darkness, Steiner issued a warning to future generations about a possible measure of mass control, quite similar to the  visions presented by Orwell and Huxley. Steiner foresaw a future when vaccines could steal our spiritual nature.

First, some background:

“In these fourteen lectures, given at the end of 1917 following four years of war in Europe, Steiner speaks on the complex spiritual forces behind the World War I, humanity’s attempts to build theoretically perfect social orders, and the many divisions and disruptions that would continue on Earth into our own time. Humanity in general was asleep to the fact that fallen spirits, cast from the spiritual worlds, had become intensely active on Earth. This manifested mainly in human thinking and perception of the surrounding world. ” [Source]

The fall into such  destructive slumber would be marked by an age of materialism and centralization of power, during which the influences of ‘spirits of darkness’ would inspire humans to devise new technologies and new means of oppression. Steiner comments:

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . .

“. . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption – oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption [tuberculosis] they themselves suffered – people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination toward spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field – the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the [Michaelic] spirits of light [in 1879].” ~Rudolf Steiner

Steiner was talking only about vaccines here. His comment does not consider the compounded effects on human spirituality of the many myriad influences we have in our world today, all of which work against spiritual connection on their own right.

Again, if you’ve felt at all like you’re in a spiritual war, you’re not alone.

David Icke: The ‘Christmas Star’ Alignment – What Will It Mean?

The ‘Christmas Star’ Alignment – What Will It Mean?

by David Icke w/ Gareth Icke
December 18, 2020


Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Connect with David Icke at

David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth

David Icke w/ Former FEMA Operative Celeste Solum: Barcoding You Via PCR Tests, Vaccines, Mass Depopulation, Terraforming & Transforming All Life on Earth

Video by David Icke.
Links and excerpts provided by Truth Comes to Light editor. 


Conversation excerpts:

Celeste Solum:

“My breaking news is, anyone, anyone who has taken a covid test — they have placed a magnetic beacon. You have been tagged. You have been barcoded. And I am going to provide you the evidence of that today…” 

“I also want to draw people’s attention to the word ‘illuminate’…I don’t know if you’ve recognized it, but as an organic farmer, I have. It’s like things looked like a different color. The colors were not the same as before. .. I tripped on, in my research, that these forces and powers that are retooling and restructuring our planet, have restructured light.”

David Icke:

“A lot of people are now seeing about changing humans and barcoding humans — changing the nature of humans — but they want to change the nature of all life on earth, no matter what it is…”


Celeste Solum:

“Right now, your doctor can get paid for your execution…”

David Icke:

It’s a difficulty that people have… to grasp just the scale of psychopathic, frikking evil that we’re dealing with.”


Celeste Solum:

You can imagine my horror when, in January, I went to the World Economic Forum and I saw all those plans and they had been operationalized. So, no longer were they on the shelf. No longer were they sitting in computers. All the public leaders around the world were declaring that they were operationalized, which means that they were activated…

This covid situation is the first deployment of a construct, a new lifeform, if you will  It is not a virus. It is a nano, synthetic, biological life…– and what I mean by that is they have learned how, through evil technology, to fuse biological life and robotics. And the purpose of that is for extermination — because they don’t want anything of the old world. They want a new world…

I can show you military documents that talk about the old humans and the new humans. And they want, by 2025, to have the old humans eradicated. And any human from now on basically has to be engineered in a laboratory and enhanced and augmented and part of the matrix…”


David Icke: 

“It makes perfect sense to me because, where I’m coming from… is that behind all this is a force that isn’t human. And it’s working through this network of, I think, largely hybrids — running this web that I call the global cult. And this non-human force is basically assimilating and transforming humans and human life — and, indeed, all life on earth, to fit its own design. And it’s been operating in the background. You can see it mentioned in all the ancient cultures, the Bible, everywhere… And it then makes sense that they would see us, as humans, in the way some humans see animals.”

Celeste Solum:

“Yeah. Basically, they believe that they are the custodians of the animals or the stock, the chattel. We’re nothing to them. And now is the time. They tolerated us for a time… But now is the time that they want to eradicate all life that is not made in a laboratory…”


David Icke: 

“…It seems, as I’ve observed their mentality through the years, that they are obsessed with order… They are very ill-at-ease with states of flux that they don’t control…”


Celeste Solum:

“They are retooling and rewiring our bodies. Each one of us right now has 20,000 to 30,000 nanoparticles… They’re not active… Right now, they are in a sensory capacity…”

David Icke:

“It’s clear — the whole agenda of transforming the human body. How is this going to be impacted by the covid vaccine? Because when you’ve got these psychopaths insistent, not least through mandatory, that every man, woman and child on the planet is vaccinated with this thing. It’s obviously not about a virus. It’s about the transformation of everyone’s body….” 

Celeste Solum:

“So many years ago, like over decades ago, DARPA wanted to put chips into…”

David Icke:

“For people who don’t know, DARPA is the technological development arm of the Pentagon and gives evil a bad name.”

Celeste Solum:

” Well, they do black ops…

So they wanted to put chips and RFIDs… in people’s brains but they didn’t want to have to do surgery. So after many, many years they came up with a gel that would do the same thing… This gel is called hydrogel or Quantum Dot…

So what will happen with the vaccine is, you’ll get it injected into you and then it assembles — it self assembles. And then it swarms through your body. There are 33 different classifications… of robots — each with a different mission and a payload deployed into your body…” 


David Icke:

“What’s the relevance to all of this… of the whole tecno-electromagnetic-5G web that’s being built all around us?… Does it have an effect of activating this to another level?”

Celeste Solum:

“So basically, how it works is they deployed all these…nano synbios into our body that… Their bellies are hollow. They can carry a poison… It can carry a virus, a bacteria, a fungus. It can carry… it has explosive capabilities — more explosive capability (one nanoparticle) than TNT… It gets its marching orders from the frequency that is being aimed at it. “


Celeste Solum:

“Back at the parting of the Red Sea in the Bible, it says the seas split. In the Hebrew… it talked about the sea coagulated like curds… And so, another breaking news story that I’m going to be sharing this week is —  between an enzyme and these nanoparticles they are coagulating our body like cheese curds. 

…what the doctor’s perceived as pneumonia was not pneumonia but a swarming of the nanoparticles into the lungs, making a… primitive coagulation– but they intend to do this to the whole bloodstream.  So, if they’re not going to get you one way, they’re going to get you another way.”


David Icke:

“What’s the significance then of … sticking this probe up people’s noses —  just fo this test — right up to the brain?”

Celeste Solum:

“A couple of different things. One, if you pierce the blood-brain barrier… But they really don’t need that because they’ve already figured out how to get this — these nanoparticles — to cross the blood-brain barrier. But you are then getting, in many instances, the hydrogel straight into the brain. It doesn’t even have to travel through the body…”


David Icke:

“The bottom line is, take your mind back. And stop just doing or believing what authority tells you…

Whatever happens, we keep going. Because not keeping going is just not an option.”



Original video is available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship & to share widely, mirrored copies of this video will be  available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Links mentioned in this interview:

World Economic Forum: Pioneers of Change Summit 2020

International Barcode of Life

Consortium for the Barcode of Life

Barcode of Life Data Systems

Clade X Pandemic Exercise Segment 1, Segment 2, Segment 3, Segment 4


CIA Declassified & Sanitized version of The Adam and Eve Story (PDF)

World Organisation for Animal Health

Terrestrial Animal Health Code     Terrestrial Animal Health Code PDF

Terrestrial Manual — Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals

Aquatic Animal Health Code

Definition of “Stamping Out”

Manual on Procedures for Disease Eradication by Stamping Out 

The Beacon® Optofluidic System

Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dots to Mark Children

DNA-Conjugated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Bio-Analytical and Biomedical Applications 

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 See videos related to The Story of Adam and Eve unclassified CIA document:

The Next End of the World | C.I.A. Classified

Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…


The Big Why and Other Observations  

“We are not “in control”, neither is what appears to be externally in this base level existence, no matter how much it howls and blows.
It truly is “false evidence appearing real.” It’s only real if we buy into it and conform to it. A profound dynamic, best seen outside of all of this.
This is what the true spiritual revolutionaries have always alluded to. It’s profound in every aspect. The real “I Am” of which and which we all are is simply planted inside of this human experience, seemingly separated by individual bodies.”  ~ Zen Gardner


The Big Why and Other Observations

by Zen Gardner
October 31, 2020


This is a hot button question that continually lurks behind the scenes of life’s garish activity and all of its ongoing drama.

It touches on free will, purpose and meaning, and all kinds of deeply philosophical issues. Yet it is a very simple, everyday question any conscious being asks continually within this reactive matrix we call human consciousness. All of which is inside this evolving and often seemingly devolving experience we call life.

Who’s to say what “direction” things should go?

Such questions are a pervading angst on so many levels.

Is there a reason, a meaning, a purpose to anything, immediate or even deeply remote to what we call life?

Never mind for the day to day madness that’s unfolding before our eyes?

It really is a time of opportunity.

Stay with me here. This is tough stuff to try to articulate.

The Meaning of Meaning

Whatever we think we are is always there looking for meaning. Reason and purpose are right on its heels, along with the big underlying question of “why?”

The way bigger question is, who is it that’s asking?

That’s the whopper if we’re willing to go there. If we don’t get that one, all bets are off and we’re trying to perceive things in a primordial soup of mental relativity. We assume self is one thing, the programmed sense of a continual self and reinforced identity, by ourselves as well as our environment.

But is that an illusory perception?

From “just because it is” to the religious default of “it’s God’s plan”, many foundational understandings are much closer to the truth than we realize. They default to “isness”, which escapes the rational mind. Lao Tzu had many mind-stopping things to say about this. Heck, even the Bible says that the supposed God said when asked about his name, “I am that I am.” Clearly derived from earlier teachings.

Profound realities have their way of surfacing. This mind blowing point is found throughout all great teachings.

Things just are. The implied powerlessness of such a simple realization is overwhelming to the ego driven self.

I say good. Deal with it. Head on. That fake self stuff is what’s making such a mess here.

But that’s all part of it too. Nothing is outside of the all pervading “what is”. A tremendous relief to realize. In fact, in that understanding there is no “awake” or “unawake”, despite the polarity of the informational field and the endless treadmill of so-called spirituality. We are where we are.

If you hunger for more, get there.

But I have to warn you, as was wisely said, “The way out is realizing you were never in it.”

Today’s Whirled

Let’s look at today. In my opinion, humanity is being given an opportunity to transcend the bullshit on every level. As the world structure falls apart, much is being revealed. And there’s plenty of time to think about it now.

Whether consciously or subconsciously, or be it so-called deeply intellectual or within the free-for-all of so-called spirituality and belief systems, that big question of “why” looms.

Not so much the how, which we find fascinating to track thinking we can change things – but the “why” is always implied.

As if there has to be a reason. That immediately alludes to a structural form of thinking within the very box from which the “other” is attempting to perceive outside of.

That’s not possible. It’s a closed loop.

Yet we can somehow perceive otherwise – that there’s something more profound going on.

Therein is the key.

This I feel is a time many are approaching deeper questions arising within them. Hence the clinging to religious and otherwise beliefs, or perhaps exploring other perspectives as they arise in awareness.

This is a healthy process, as all processes are. Creation arising in whatever form or circumstance is what’s going on, continually. Only now a great space or pause has been imposed upon humanity to reflect, as well as react.

And most of all, watch them both.

That’s where the cool stuff kicks in.

Who’s watching?

Cause and Effect

To the plethora of historical trackers and research adherents this means a lot; cause and inevitable effect, tracking the story in some sort of quest. But all of this is only true on a timeline of events. The predictable unfolding that’s led up to today’s condition is clear, yet few seem to notice, to the frustration of the trackers.

We may think we know “why” in both scenarios, how it came to pass as well as the acquiescent reaction.

As you know, there are reams of “information” and apparent reasons for both causes and effects. The human mind is fascinated by these.

My question here is; is that the real issue at hand?

How can we proceed if we don’t even know who or what we are?

Tricked by the Programming

This reactivity is a natural programmed reflex. We tend to see things two dimensionally. Action/reaction. All of it is extremely deterministic and by default gives the “game” over to the aggressor. Whoever calls the shots wins in such a board game.

Animated and reinforced, and hence made possible by willing participants.

That’s just how the game works.

Chess, Anyone?

The so-called opponent, as well as those being oppressed by the aggressor, are then forced into a paradigm of fight or acquiesce. If there is a social “tide” that rises to repel such affronts, as happens within small groups and large, balance can be had.

For a time. Then it goes wonky again. It’s bound to. Any real lasting “solution” can only be had by transcendent non participation that comes as a natural state when real liberation occurs.

That, or the oppressors so overplay their hand that the whole game board blows up and we start over.

It’s something like that. Maybe. I’m just observing patterns. I don’t know how this works here any more that you do. But here we are trying to “make sense” of it all.

The thing is, we have the capacity to transcend all of this by simply operating from our natural state derived from rediscovering our true, innate nature.

Not an individual attainment of any kind. Simply aligning with that which is living through us. The great I Am, if you will.

Nothing touches that.

There meaning, purpose and everything we’re so attached to dissolve and we see the illusory game for what it is.

There’s wonderful comfort and peace there. And it never ends.

It’s simply what is living through us – and everything. No “sides”. no right and wrong.

I know, tough to wrap the head around.

Guess what? That head can’t wrap around nada, zip, zilch. That’s where the problem lies.

Conscious bypass surgery comes to mind.

It happens.

What Role Truth? Back to the Why

This ongoing struggle is a remarkable phenomenon. Why life has to be combative in the first place is another big “why”. Hence my theme here.

Not just what’s going on, but why? Haven’t we seen this movie before?

We have to look deeper. There’s great peace, comfort and joy to be found, no matter the circumstances.

Truth has accrued a sort of reverent tone. That’s baloney. Let’s face it, to everyone so-called truth is different. Sure, some facts are facts, but they’re all relative to the observer. This current mass insanity of the human race should be proof enough of that.

The “illusion” of this apparent reality is often referred to. What does that mean?

“It’s just a ride”, “life is a play full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”, “Reality is an illusion although a very persistent one”. All famously common ideas in human awareness.

Let’s apply these profound truths.

As far as meaning goes; Is all of this for “soul growth”, learning, and all of that for some unending identity we think we have? Like the Egyptians, who vehemently lived and prepared for death and the afterlife. The wealthy burying themselves with treasures and even slaves to take with them.

Sound familiar? Did you know Mormons of their inner circle believe the same, that they take their riches with them? That’s also how they hook their biggest contributors as well, I know it first hand. Or how about the so-called elite’s well defensed underground bunkers worldwide, or the psychopathic drive for computerized eternal life?

Anyone see a massive fear of death here? Or more than that, fear of a full on letting go of the false self into the great all permeating ever-present that’s everything and all there is?

What horrendous fear that reveals, on both sides of the same old dualistic coin.

This permeates all of society. And it’s total bullshit.

But what a great illustration.

Do you want to pop out of that? Did you know it’s even possible?

It doesn’t deny anything. You’ll still be here doing what you feel called to do, if anything.

Like Arjuna, who supposedly woke up but still went to battle, but in full on awareness.

I find that totally cool.

There’s no judgment. Only the false egoic mind does that.

Hence the Big Questions

We’re talking nutsville with all of that death fascination I described above. This is exactly what we’re seeing in society today at a base social level, a herd easily led into whatever stall designed for them and overlords driven by insane beliefs based on control and self preservation, at any cost.

Can we see to what extent this ignorance permeates this shallow social environment we were born into?

All of those are fear-based. All just another way of missing the point. That again plays into purpose and meaning attachment as I see it.

The cart firmly before the horse of the “real deal”, to be experienced deeply here and now, and always.

The rest just happens. Or not. No matter, never mind, as has been aptly put.

Yet here I am putting these ideas down in the realm I’m making diminutive in significance.

Go figure.

I’m not really putting anything down, just pointing out amazing inconsistencies even in this realm of so-called reason. There’s something “other” that is implied even from that realm.

What is it?

THIS is IT, there is no other than. But clearly there are lots of “its” in creation, but that’s not our concern, but clearly fun to think about. All kinds of things are running around in the illusion. All for us to explore and to be entertained by.

IT just is and just doing its issing. Just don’t wear a velcro suit of identification. We’ve been there and done that. You’ll get stuck on the chessboard, and worse.

That’s where suffering comes from.

It’s time for liberation. Or not. Either way it’s just what it is.

Oh the irony, eh? See how trying to “figure it out” is just part of this illusion?

We all do find out, either in this life if we’re lucky, or eventually when our corporal existence fizzles out. We don’t know what’s past so-called death but we can be assured there’s absolutely nothing to fear.

It’s all by design, if you will. Ours is to find out now in the here and now. For now.

Or not. Neither way is wrong.

I’m just speaking to those still looking.

The Liberation of Letting Go

You’ll still be here, no matter what you “find out” behind the scenes. That’s the amazing thing. It’s all here and just is.

The human experience is a confluence of very different worlds. Paradoxes abound in all forms of discovery within our realm. We tend to dismiss them in our adherence to what we could call the mental, rational perspective.

It’s a survival technique, based on the thinking that we’d be losing something by letting go. You won’t get much help in the matrix regarding this, although some great teachers have laid these truths bare.

It’s a very individual journey. There’s a collective connection and influence, but it’s still an individual trip. As dynamics go, as we change, everything changes, and vice-versa.

In Semi Conclusion

All of the above referenced dynamics are fear based. Hence the control paradigm working as well as it does.

The “why” stems from that same plane of understanding. The same goes for meaning and purpose. They’re false self preservation driven.

We are not “in control”, neither is what appears to be externally in this base level existence, no matter how much it howls and blows.

It truly is “false evidence appearing real.” It’s only real if we buy into it and conform to it. A profound dynamic, best seen outside of all of this.

This is what the true spiritual revolutionaries have always alluded to. It’s profound in every aspect. The real “I Am” of which and which we all are is simply planted inside of this human experience, seemingly separated by individual bodies.

You’ve known this your whole life.

Hence the hunger, the seeking, even though what was seeking is what you were looking for.

Now is the time to be there, find there, go there. Whatever it takes.

In fact, it will find you if you’re willing and sincere about going all the way.

That’s all it is.

It’s simply arising. No whys, hows, ifs, ands or buts.

The teacher (truth) appears when the student is ready, to reverse the axiom.

Anyone reading this is clearly a candidate.

I wish you well.

Enjoy the ride.

No outcome necessary.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The True Normal is Paranormal

by Jon Rappoport
September 27, 2018


The taboo against paranormal experience is a taboo against freedom

For those who want to examine a rigorous presentation of the paranormal, based on a long history of laboratory experiments, I recommend Dean Radin’s classic, The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena. (HarperCollins, 1997)

This article is not about that.

It’s about a taboo.

On the one side, we have people who denigrate the possibility of the paranormal. On the other side, we have people who, ungrounded in the physical world, try to stage what amounts to a paranormal escape operation, only to fall back into their increasingly chaotic circumstances.

In the middle are persons who have genuinely experienced the paranormal, know it, feel no obsession to shout it from the rooftops, and go on with their lives.

With the rapid decay of organized religion throughout the 20th century, huge numbers of people felt a need to attach themselves to new and old ideologies proclaiming The Extraordinary was at hand. Assertions of paranormal import accompanied this faux revolution.

At the same time, 20th-century life was shaping up in a world of National Security States, and was all about citizen behaviorism, repression, operant conditioning, and various forms of mind control—aimed at curtailing the freedom to experience whatever might lie beyond the prescriptions and slogans of governments.

What exists outside a psychic prison defined by rabid consumerism, limited and false science, and pressure from peers to accept idealized and cartoonish middle-class imagery without question, without deviation?

What is paranormal?

Is it, in childhood, an ecstatic hour’s walk through a park on a summer afternoon, when every leaf, flower, and cloud is irresistible? When space itself is so present that every shred and iota of anxiety or confusion disappears?

Is it the foreshadowing moment when you know what a person is going to say next, how he is going to say it, how he is going to move, how he is going to look as he says it?

Is it the sudden realization that the entire realm and round of emotions you have been experiencing has vanished, leaving in its place an escalating joy that can’t be contained?

Is it in standing at a window, late at night, looking out at a city, possessed of a vision of what you most profoundly want to do for the rest of your life, realizing that you will, in fact, do it?

Is it in standing in a room, where a researcher is showing you a pack of photos, one of which a person, in another room, six miles away, has just tried to send you, telepathically—and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt which photo it is?

Is it in getting out of bed in the morning and becoming aware that you, non-material you, exist forever?

Is it in watching a cat walk away from you, across a carpet, sending him a silent message to roll over, and watching him do it?

Is it in the easy and majestic silence you feel, after sitting on the floor and breathing in and out for a half-hour?

Is it in your child’s face?

The truth is, paranormal experiences are everywhere, and people have them. The experiences exceed the ordinary boundaries material reality.

They tend to lead to a new view about life, and they certainly go beyond societal tenets about what one is supposed to know and feel.

And yes, the waters are muddied by people who feel compelled to chime in and report experiences they only wish they had, hoping for badges of honor. But no matter.

In certain respects, this is, in fact a prison planet. Through upbringing, education, peer pressure, training, indoctrination, propaganda, citizens are expected to maintain “normal status.”

Steady-state normal.

No leaking of fuel, no blowing of gaskets.


People condition themselves with the goal of fitting in.

It’s a grand stage play, and one picks a role and lives it out.

But one day something happens, and if you admit it, everything has changed.

What then? Do you continue to obey and subscribe to the taboo?

Or confess that the true normal is paranormal?

Do you tighten your grip on the card that identifies you as a citizen of the realm? Or do you drop it in a waste basket?

Do you cling to the old? Or do you opt for possibilities wider than you previously imagined and shove in all your chips on a new life?

The taboo against the non-ordinary is as old as the hills. In many cases, the establishment was a State religion, and the priest-class labeled paranormal experiences heretical witchery. Why? Because, of course, free consciousness, unburdened of church doctrine, was a threat to priestly power.

Modern science, with ridicule as its primary method, attacks the paranormal because it cuts too close to home. It tends to expose what science cannot explain.

For example: freedom.

Nowhere in the lexicon of conventional physics is there room for such a concept. The predetermined and inexorable flow of tiny particles is assumed to be everywhere at all times, even in the composition of the brain…and therefore, all thought and feeling and action, which stem from the brain, are predetermined and inexorable as well.

No choice. No freedom.

The absurdity of this notion is plain to anyone who can think.

If the brain and the body are just another collection of sub-atomic particles, then the capacity to make a free and independent choice about anything is null and void—unless the entity doing the choosing, YOU, is beyond those particles, beyond matter and energy.

When I say paranormal experience is everywhere, this is what I mean. Freedom exists. Freedom is paranormal. It always was.

It takes a severely limited state of affairs not to recognize it.

It takes a long, long history of repressive societies not to recognize it.

It takes a considerable amount of indoctrination and mind control not to recognize it.

The notion that various key political documents established freedom is extremely short-sighted. Heroic though the efforts were, they only uncovered what was already there in a natural state.

That natural state is anything but normal. It speaks of the human ability to move out of the chain of cause and effect and make choices.

Changing lives, changing futures.

For most people, most of the time, the sense of their own freedom is a rather dull given. There is nothing thrilling about it. They choose A or B within a grossly limited context.

This fact is, in itself, an indication that a monitor has been placed on their own experience, on their own emotions.

If, however, this cover is blown, a transformation occurs; and then they know, in an entirely different way, that freedom is, and is supposed to be, the most natural kind of ecstasy in the world.


The Illusion of Reality: The Mandela Effect, Time Travel and the True Nature of Cavitation, Consciousness, Soul and the Multiverse

“If we personally and/or collectively (all inclusive in the greater cosmic sense) agree that any part of this reality no longer serves us and we discontinue feeding it any further energy (thought) it diminishes in kinetic mass and becomes a component of static information.

An example of this is our past life history, the events remain as a record of collapsed waves to particles in time but can only be reactivated in the present experience of time through triggers or choice. It has not been running alongside of us in another time line as it is only static particle energy. The other choices that we did not make remain in wave form only and do not construct other timelines in of themselves.”

~ Dr. Richard Alan Miller


Source: With permission from Dr. Richard Alan Miller, previously published in Nexus magazine, representing only 3 of 10 parts (from Chapter 7),  from The Non-Local Mind manuscript.   Chapter 7 is titled “Time Travel, and the True Nature of Cavitation.”


by Dr. Richard Alan Miller
© November 2017

The Mandela Effect, and Memory

A new internet meme, related to confabulation, is known as the Mandela Effect. This is a situation where a number of people have memories that are different from available evidence. The term was coined by Fiona Broome, who says she, and other people, remember Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980s, rather than in 2013.

She argues that common memories which appear mistaken could be explained by the existence of parallel universes that are able to interact with each other. A common thread of discussion regarding this “effect” is misremembering the Berenstain Bears being spelled as “Berenstein Bears.”

The “Mandela Effect” is named after South African anti-apartheid revolutionary Nelson Mandela, who became a topic of interest in the year 2010 by people noticing with surprise that he was alive at that time–since many people remembered him having died while incarcerated.

Observations of dead people alive again are just one of many types of Mandela Effects, with other notable examples including changes to song lyrics, movie dialogue, movie scenes, physical geography, physiological anatomy, and product names.

The Mandela Effect is one of those things most people won’t believe in until it happens to them. Like falling in love or going through heartbreak, the Mandela Effect is something you have to experience in order to fully embrace.

And even then, it often takes more than one or two experiences to break through the resistance most of us have to accepting the existence of something that fundamentally challenges our unspoken foundational assumption that facts and historical events don’t change.

When we encounter something indicating evidence that in fact, history has changed–it feels shocking to discover some of the lines have been canceled and washed out! We seem to be approaching ‘tipping point’ where it’s getting harder for scoffers to say there’s no such thing as the Mandela Effect / reality shifts / alternate histories.

Some scoffers have leapt to the conclusion that Mandela Effect experiencers who are noticing long-familiar words in movies, TV shows, books, and products are most likely suddenly sharing ‘false memories,’ due to the fact that human memories are not fully reliable.

When we consider the matter of “confabulation” and “false recollections” at this dawning of the new Quantum Age, we see that we may eventually call such things “alternate recollections,” in recognition of awareness of the fact that we know that each and every one of us exists in a superimposed state, with access to many possible alternate histories, presents, and futures.

The idea that the many worlds of quantum physics might be one and the same as the multiverse has been proposed by such esteemed physicists as Dr Yasunori Nomura and Dr Raphael Bousso of UC Berkeley, and increasing numbers of scientists are feeling optimistic that we might yet find evidence that we indeed live in a multiverse.

Matrix Simulation

The whole idea that we are living in a simulation (which is another explanation for the Mandela effect) has been becoming mainstream. A Bank of America Merrill Lynch report from September suggested that there was a 20 percent to 50 percent chance we are living in a simulated virtual world.

Many people in Silicon Valley have become obsessed with the simulation hypothesis, the argument that what we experience as reality is in fact fabricated in a computer. This idea has gained traction in recent years with the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then games will become indistinguishable from reality. ~ Elon Musk

Earlier this year, Elon Musk said that there’s “a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality,” suggesting that the billionaire thinks the odds are that we are living in a computer simulation. He argues that some technology is becoming indistinguishable from real life.

Timelines – There are no multiple time lines being created when we choose one choice over another. Scientists have been discussing the possibility of alternate timelines running simultaneously with the one we currently experience. Some have even suggested that when we choose one option over another, we have left multiple timelines in action that are running on all the other choices we could have made.

The known universe is both frugal and precise in its application. It appears to use basic structures in multiple applications in order to create itself. As a result we find basic geometry (such as tetrahedron, the circle, the square, the triangle, etc.), as the breakdown components of the structures of life.

The choices we make in everyday life is a simple matter of going into the field of all possibilities, which exists in wave form only, and collapsing our choice into particle form… thus adding to the time line we are experiencing now.

All the choices that we collapse from wave to particle remain as an ongoing record hence the formation of what we refer to as Akashic records. Our future choices or time line, personal and collective, is being formed by the sheer volume of the energy generated out of our previous and current choices.

We, collectively confirm our physical reality (the furniture, the trees, our stuff of everyday life) on an ongoing basis, so it continues to exist in time with us based on a principle of mass.

If we personally and/or collectively (all inclusive in the greater cosmic sense) agree that any part of this reality no longer serves us and we discontinue feeding it any further energy (thought) it diminishes in kinetic mass and becomes a component of static information.

An example of this is our past life history, the events remain as a record of collapsed waves to particles in time but can only be reactivated in the present experience of time through triggers or choice. It has not been running alongside of us in another time line as it is only static particle energy. The other choices that we did not make remain in wave form only and do not construct other timelines in of themselves.

Not excluding the possibility that other worlds, organisms, or creations that we are not aware of that may exist in the third dimension are creating their own time lines. The greater possibility is that they most certainly are. What is challenging is that timelines are not created out of the choices we did not make.

This then leads to comment on the possible attempts at creating alternate timelines for us unsuspecting folks here on earth. Revelations of possible actions being taken by military dark ops suggests that many attempts to create alternate timelines has been undertaken but have not been successful.

These attempts can only fail as the full-on energetic mass required to propel a timeline forward is unattainable without all sentient beings here on Earth participating.

Here is the spoiler alert. Because we have free will we can make choices outside of all the mind control attempts. This is why those who think they have control struggle so hard to limit our choices as this is the only way that they can ensure future outcomes of their own design. It creates a major interference pattern when we individually or collectively collapse the wave form of all possibilities into a reality other than the one they have chosen for us.

This whole discussion around multiple time lines created out of the choices we did not make is a ridiculous misconception and a diversion intended to mitigate our understanding of how powerful we really are in manifesting the time equation. The rest is just mind clutter.

It is only a question of what we choose out of the field of all possibilities and collapse into the current manifesting timeline.

Continuing to collapse the wave form of our greater inspired choices will create an energetic mass equivalent that will manifest for us in current time.

Consciousness Lives in Quantum State after Death

The Ba and Ka of Ancient Egypt – Dr Robert Crookall, a geologist, became a well respected investigator with his book Out of the Body Experiences (1961). He advanced a theory linking astral projection to survival. He agreed with Professor Hart (others) that the survival of the human personality after death was nothing more than permanent projection of the astral body.

He saw various degrees of projection involving two distinct portions of the human psyche. One, was conscious but immaterial, and had some objective existence. In OBE either or both of these portions may be projected.

Dr Crookall’s beliefs have some interesting parallels in the Ba and Ka concepts of the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the Ka was a “double” of the individual and that it was composed of very tenuous matter. It was supposed to live for some time after death and both the process of embalming and various funerary practices were intended to ensure that it lived on in the tomb. If the required practices were neglected the Ka was thought to emerge from the tomb to haunt those responsible.

The Ba was the soul of the Egyptians. It was conscious but immaterial. In life it was contained within the Ka. In death it left both the Ka and the body. There is some scientific evidence to support this concept. Dr Duncan McDougall of Haverhill, MA arranged to have dying patients placed on a sensitive weighing apparatus.

He found that there was a weight loss of from 2.0 to 2.5 ounces at the moment of death. The data could not be explained except in terms of something having left the body. Two Dutch Physicists, Dr J.L.W.P. Matla and Dr G.L. Zaalberg Van Zelst report similar observations and data.

They further reported that the proposed “astral body” appears to have a specific weight of 12.24 mg., that it responds to gravitation, and that it appears to be composed of particles that are small, heavy, but very widely separated.

How the human consciousness lives on after death – We many not know exactly what consciousness is, but British physicist Sir Roger Penrose believes that it’s just a packet of information stored at a quantum – or sub-atomic – level. He claims to have found evidence that this information, which is stored in microtubules within human cells, leaves the body after a person dies.

Penrose has argued that when a person dies temporarily, this quantum information is released into the universe, only to return to the body’s cells if the host is brought back to life. He argues that this explains why people can have near-death experiences, and believes that this quantum information amounts to a soul leaving the body.

If the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul. ~ Sir Roger Penrose

And Sir Roger is not alone in believing this, since his theory is backed by researchers at the renowned Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich. Experts there argue that our physical universe is just a perception, and that once our bodies die there is an infinite life beyond.

What we consider the here and now, this world; it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible. The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger. The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, I am immortal. ~ Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr

Testimonials from prominent physics researchers from institutions such as Cambridge University, Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich claim that quantum mechanics predicts some version of “life after death.” They assert that a person may possess a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles.

Wave-particle duality, a fundamental concept of quantum mechanics, proposes that elementary particles, such as photons and electrons, possess the properties of both particles and waves. These physicists claim that they can possibly extend this theory to the soul-body dichotomy. If there is a quantum code for all things, living and dead, then there is an existence after death (speaking in purely physical terms).

Just as a particle “writes” all of its information on its wave function, the brain is the tangible “floppy disk” on which we save our data, and this data is then “uploaded” into the spiritual quantum field. Continuing with this analogy, when we die the body, or the physical disk, is gone, but our consciousness, or the data on the computer, lives on.

It is consciousness that creates the material universe, not the other way around. ~ Dr Hans-Peter Dürr

Biocentrism – In his book Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe, Dr Robert Lanza proposes the notion that life does not end when the body dies, and it can last forever. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are fundamental to the universe.

Lanza points to the structure of the universe itself, and that the laws, forces, and constants of the universe appear to be fine-tuned for life, implying intelligence existed prior to matter. He also claims that space and time are not objects or things, but rather tools of our animal understanding.

Lanza says that we carry space and time around with us “like turtles with shells.” meaning that when the shell comes off (space and time), we still exist. The theory implies that death of consciousness simply does not exist.

It only exists as a thought because people identify themselves with their body.

They believe that the body is going to perish, sooner or later, thinking their consciousness will disappear too. If the body generates consciousness, then consciousness dies when the body dies. But if the body receives consciousness in the same way that a cable box receives satellite signals, then of course consciousness does not end at the death of the physical vehicle.

In fact, consciousness exists outside of constraints of time and space. It is able to be anywhere: in the human body and outside of it. In other words, it is non-local in the same sense that quantum objects are non- local. Lanza also believes that multiple universes can exist simultaneously. In one universe, the body can be dead.

And in another it continues to exist, absorbing consciousness which migrated into this universe. This means that a dead person while traveling through the same tunnel ends up not in hell or in heaven, but in a similar world he or she once inhabited, but this time alive. And so on, infinitely. It’s almost like a cosmic Russian doll afterlife effect.

This hope-instilling, but extremely controversial theory by Lanza has many unwitting supporters, not just mere mortals who want to live forever, but also some well-known scientists. These are the physicists and astrophysicists who tend to agree with existence of parallel worlds and who suggest the possibility of multiple universes.

The Multiverse

The Multiverse (multi-universe) is a so-called scientific concept, which states that no physical laws exist which would prohibit the existence of parallel worlds. The first suggestion of this concept was put forth by science fiction writer H.G. Wells who proclaimed in his 1895 story, The Door in the Wall.

And after 62 years, this idea was developed by Dr Hugh Everett, in his graduate thesis at the Princeton University. It basically posits that at any given moment the universe divides into countless similar instances.

The Nature of Choice, as a gift from God – And the next moment, these “newborn” universes split in a similar fashion. In some of these worlds you may be present: reading this article in one universe, or watching TV in another. The triggering factor for these multiplying worlds is our actions, explained Everett.

If we make some choices, instantly one universe splits into two with different versions of outcomes. – Dr Hugh Everett

In the 1980s, Andrei Linde, scientist from the Lebedev’s Institute of physics, developed the theory of multiple universes. He is now a professor at Stanford University.

Space consists of many inflating spheres, which give rise to similar spheres, and those, in turn, produce spheres in even greater numbers, and so on to infinity. In the universe, they are spaced apart. They are not aware of each other’s existence. But they represent parts of the same physical universe. ~ Andrei Linde

The fact that our universe is not alone is supported by data received from the Planck space telescope. Using the data, scientists have created the most accurate map of the microwave background, the so-called cosmic relic background radiation, which has remained since the inception of our universe.

They also found that the universe has a lot of dark recesses represented by some holes and extensive gaps. Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton from the North Carolina University with her colleagues argue: the anomalies of the microwave background exist due to the fact that our universe is influenced by other universes existing nearby. And holes and gaps are a direct result of attacks on us by neighboring universes.

The Nature of the Soul

So, there is abundance of places or other universes where our soul could migrate after death, according to the theory of neo-biocentrism. But does the soul exist? Is there any scientific theory of consciousness that could accommodate such a claim?

According to Dr Stuart Hameroff, a near-death experience happens when the quantum information that inhabits the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe. Contrary to materialistic accounts of consciousness, Hameroff offers an alternative explanation of consciousness that can perhaps appeal to both the rational scientific mind and personal intuitions.

Consciousness resides, according to Stuart and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing. Upon death, this information is released from your body, meaning that your consciousness goes with it.

They have argued that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules, a theory which they dubbed orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR). Consciousness, or at least proto-consciousness is theorized by them to be a fundamental property of the universe, present even at the first moment of the universe during the Big Bang.

In one such scheme proto-conscious experience is a basic property of physical reality accessible to a quantum process associated with brain activity. ~ Sir Roger Penrose

Our souls are in fact constructed from the very fabric of the universe – and may have existed since the beginning of time. Our brains are just receivers and amplifiers for the proto-consciousness that is intrinsic to the fabric of space-time.

So is there really a part of your consciousness that is non-material and will live on after the death of your physical body? Dr Hameroff told the Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole documentary

Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state. The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large. ~ Dr Stuart Hammeroff

Robert Lanza would add here that not only does it exist in the universe, it exists perhaps in another universe. If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says “I had a near death experience.”

If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul. ~ Robert Lanza

This account of quantum consciousness explains things like near-death experiences, astral projection, out of body experiences, and even reincarnation without needing to appeal to religious ideology.

Dreams and the Multiverse

In this world there could be a copy of yourself making different decisions and seeing places that somehow later manifest themselves in your dreams. For thousands of years people have wondered about the meaning of dreams. Why do some people dream about future events? Why are some dreams full of hidden meaning?

The energy of your consciousness potentially gets recycled back into a different body at some point, and in the mean time it exists outside of the physical body on some other level of reality, and possibly in another universe.

Can some of our dreams be glimpses of events taking place in an alternate reality, a parallel Universe? Our ancestors were as curious about dreams as modern scientists are today. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed dreams provided messages from the gods. In ancient China people treated dreams as a way to visit the world of dead. Ancient Egyptians were convinced that those who could interpret dream possessed special powers.

Many Native American tribes and Mexican civilizations believed dreams were a different world we visit when we sleep. The word “dream” comes from an old word in

English that means “joy” and “music.” 

Today we know that dreams are often expressions of thoughts, feelings and events that pass through our mind while we are sleeping.

When we ask a profound question about the nature of reality, do we not expect an answer that sounds strange?Evolution provided us with intuition for the everyday physics that had survival value for our distant ancestors,so whenever we venture beyond the everyday world, we should expect it to seem bizarre. ~ Professor Tegmark

Sopping Up the Gullibles and the Truly Great Escape

Sopping Up the Gullibles and the Truly Great Escape

by Zen Gardner
April 4, 2018


I’m continually dumbfounded by the things our human family will fall for. Myself included obviously, even what draws my attention. It’s a wild ride here.

Actually it’s not surprising nor at all unprecedented. We’ve been duped all of our lives. In fact, we’re bred duped in a fabricated whirled of false choices. I look back at my own life incredulously at the things I’ve fallen for. But I woke up from much of it, and continue waking up as many are doing. The key is to keep on – keep on learning, keep on changing, and keep on letting go of what doesn’t serve us any longer.

The pace is quickening. Today’s belief is tomorrow’s interesting phase we passed through, as we learn yet again to keep letting go. Fluidity is the key. What’s real and truly effective in our growth and lives will manifest. It’s all in place – we just need to clear the rubble, let things out, admit them and get in touch with them, learn deeply from them, and release it. All the while digging deep within for the Wellspring.

Easier said than done but it’s a process that can’t be bypassed.

In the external, the massive examples of “the big dupe” in society at large are religions, governments and the imposed economic system for starters. But those are obvious. Society is rife with containment systems from the top down and bottom up. Finding out about manipulated wars, false flags and controlled opposition is a massive wakey wakey moment for most. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The true degree to which humanity is being manipulated is almost unfathomable. But we need to pass through that phase into the realm of profound personal freedom and spiritual empowerment.

The False Hope Trap and the Mutant Matrix

What seems to escape the awareness of many is this false hope phenomenon designed to draw the disillusioned back into the arena of endless futility. From hopey changey political types to diversions with outlandish “inside information” of never substantiated “massive political changes” under way – all to suck up energy and attention. That so many seemingly awake activists got swept into Trumpmania right on the tail of the O-bummer illusion was a total shock to many of us. And it goes on, one after the other.

By design.

I’ll add Q-anon to that just because of the effect and what it’s aroused, but I don’t know and it doesn’t matter to what extent it’s “real”. Psyops abound no matter how much “truth” they reveal. Now “The Event” is captivating everyone’s imagination. That’s hardly any different from the rapture escape hatch but again, there’s truth to it. For goodness’ sake, we’re in the middle of “the event “- we are the event if you ask me. The shift is arriving through us. The external will change, if need be, once we do. But it will likely collapse as the new is concurrently being born in the hearts of mankind.

It’s anything but “be here now” it seems. There’s always another ploy afoot to channel this false hope agenda and keep us from the business at hand. Beware of that.

My question regarding these ploys is: why Isn’t this stuff obvious at this point? As Ole Dammegard, who has relentlessly and fearlessly exposed the pattern of these psyops says, “Come on, people!” What do people want, a revival or reformation of a system that was a set up from the get go? The US for example was designed from its inception to be exactly the manipulated globalist corporation that it is today, for all those holding on to the Constitution as some sort of safe guard. That’s way hard for many to swallow it, but it’s the truth.

Be A Glean Machine

Of course there are elements of truth and safeguards for supposed freedom peppered throughout the American experiment. How else would it work? This is true of just about everything, learning to see what’s true, false and/or agendized. We need to learn how to glean the truth and what resonates from any source and jettison the rest.

Just look how whole populations have been funneled into complete slavery and servitude. Of course they have to give the illusion of choice and some tenets of apparent freedom and personal rights. It’s still a gulag; a big comfy spun-into-fantasyland one. They discovered a long time ago this phony idea of democracy would work better at subduing a populace than outright despotism, which is very hard to enforce and obviously wrong and therefore causes rebellion.

The master stroke is to keep everyone seemingly “happy” with their “stuff” and entertainments and the illusion of choice. Of course you can add in the Huxleyan pharmacological nightmare and Orwellian style full spectrum surveillance and all the rest. And how was that sold? For peoples’ protection of course; and the drugs are to make us “happy and healthy”. Not to mention all the other vectors aimed at crippling humanity, from toxic food, air and water to the microwaved environment and on and on.

It’s quite the mind-boggle. No wonder so few want to wake up out of this dystopian nightmare. Not only would they have to do something about it, but they’d risk losing their comfy lives. That’s why they fiddle with energy and commodity prices to keep everyone placated. That’s also why they don’t pull the plug on the economy. It would be too messy. They like the slow full spectrum control and population reduction method, as outlined by the Fabians way back when and even before. That way we clean up as we go and the population slowly dies off and the rest give in. They’re long range planners, and slow burn executioners.

Does this surprise you? Or scare or depress you? It’s just reality on that level. We’re at an amazing convergence point in human history. We need to see it for what it is and the opportunity this provides us. What is the real solution to all this? Try and fix it? Try and stop it? How? Can we even? Certainly not on their playing field that they keep luring people back into.

This is where the supernatural comes in. It’s actually just plain natural but it’s been marginalized again by the matrix lie. What are we essentially? Just meat robots pushing or being pushed around by other meat robots? That’s what these dark forces would have us believe. Why?

Because once we discover who we really are and the soul-level power within us it blows the whole thing to smithereens. And it’s not a low level power thing like the brute force or clever mind tricks and tech crap they use. Our weapons are not of this world. They are spiritual. It’s time to activate those and trust the fact that fighting on their level or fearing them or being in awe of their phony power (think Wizard of Oz behind the curtain) is not an option.

Because it isn’t. We cannot play their game. We have a much much bigger mission here.

We need to get to Source as deep and as fast as we can and drop everything else. That’s how I see it. We set the wheels of the Multiverse in motion when we put first things first and dig deep to our eternal connections. We cannot do it ourselves at their level. It’s a ploy to draw us in and not discover the heavy duty amazingness that we are connected to and can thereby co-create and release the immense power of true love and truth from a level they know not of.

I’m reminded of the ancient Chinese tale of a spiritual master who was confronted by barbaric warriors who had just slain a whole village. He stayed in complete peace as they threatened him every which way. The inner and outer chatter of the thugs grew and grew as the wise man didn’t flinch even at thrusting swords. Eventually the errant attackers killed themselves to prove how brave they were.

For those of you in the know, that sure sounds like the Samson option the psychopaths have up their sleeve – so be it. We’re just visiting this planet anyway to learn many things and move on. But oh, what drama! It’s very real, but ephemeral at the same time as we grow through this.

The Big Lie Sold Via Many Tricks – Over and Over

The matrix is a set up and complete lie in absolutely every aspect, permeating every phase of deliberately structured society. As the sign in the close-out store says “Everything must go!” That goes for virtually everything external and internal, including all of our personal idols and worn out beliefs and ideas and self image fears and contortions. The only way out of this mess is through the wormhole within us – our essential being that is connected to all of the Universe, and powered, protected and led by its very Source.

But I do wonder how can anyone place any credence at all in these obvious tricks. That may sound arrogant but you have to admit, it’s remarkable. What are people hoping for? For the metastasizing mutant matrix to correct itself, or that it’s in any way, shape or form fixable?

That’s a central tenet of the trap. Work on the illusion as if it’s real. It’s heavy duty energy diverging stuff and distraction from the real work within us to discover who we truly are and our connectivity to Source. The implications of this awareness are paramount.

The matrix is a vibrational black hole. Get in it, work in it, enter into conflict with it and ceaselessly describe and gripe about its workings and we’re burnt toast. Not just spent misdirected energy, but actually feeding the thing we’re so called opposing. Yes, go through the process to become aware of its existence and pervasive hold on humanity, but let’s be conscious and take the wisest course of action once we are awake and informed, and move through it.

The attachment is what to look out for. False hope diversions are incessantly being thrown at us and they’re easy to glom into. They seem to bring temporal peace and assurance in the battleground here. They’re not real. We can’t let ourselves get fooled and diverted from the real work. Drilling down to awareness and powers we never dreamed of. This is the first step. They can happen concurrently, but never neglect the drive for true connection to Source, unimpeded. We’ll know it when we get there. That’s the battle.

The good thing about any or all of these tests is that they show us how centered and grounded we are, or aren’t. We have to heed the signals as we go. Tests only make us stronger – ours is to keep drilling down to what’s actually real and then and only then make the true “difference” we long for.

Drop Out, Get Free and Grow Up

This awakening is real, as tired as that word may be getting. People are having massive personal changes in their lives now, shifts in perspective and awareness that in many cases they weren’t even looking for. Or wanting. It’s on. It’s in and all around us, evident in the preponderance of awake internet contributors, budding voices in society, and especially ourselves and those around us going through inexplicable personal changes. Let’s pay attention to this and move with it and let the rest go.

The mutant matrix is bound, and meant to, collapse and shrivel up. Don’t try to fix it or revive it, that’s a trap. The more we get on board with this vibrational shift and make the necessary personal changes the easier the transition will be. We can’t let fear or allow anger in any of their many forms direct our minds and lives. It’s easy to fall for, let’s just let our anger turn to compassion and give our full energy to this shift, beginning with ourselves.

Reactivity is enslavement. Observe and stay conscious and heart led. Guard your space.

The public arena is a play, a very persistent and intricately staged one. Let’s turn off our mental TVs as well as our physical ones. It’s a lure, a bait and switch, never mind the mindless amusements, which means away from thinking. It’s time to focus our lives like a laser to where we truly desire in our hearts. This brings great peace. Call it prayer, meditation, focus, personal commitment through shedding of distractions and shallowness. Whatever works.

But please realize this: the external and everything illusory is deliberately collapsing to help us all in this process. it’s a symbiotic unfolding as it should be. When we truly step back and observe from true inner selves this is clearly manifest.

Operations Here As I See Them

I keep any eye on what’s going on in the outer world, but it doesn’t rule my life and thoughts. My journey and continued awakening does. I prefer learning about inspirational and revelatory deep spiritual teachings most of all, as well as advances in true science, hidden history, archeology, and extra-normal phenomena in context if I feel like learning.

And I like learning. Processing towards a greater understanding in a greater and greater heart felt context is my passion.

The amount of alone and quiet time I spend has increased exponentially. My motto the past two years has been “keep the space”. In other words, guard my personal time and surroundings carefully with plenty of time for silence and nature and learning to be receptive and submissive to the process, because that’s where the real workings are going on. They need space and time to transpire and work through us. That may help others. There are no shortcuts – I feel like I’ve tried them all. Some learn more quickly than others, I’m on the slow boat but I’m thankful to be afloat.

It’s not particularly pleasant in some respects as the old impulses atrophy, but it must be done. We must venture into the unknown as I see it, and let the Universe, the great Creative force, work in our lives, without which we will never be equipped to effectively aid this amazing transition we’re in the midst of. This calling to Source is manifesting in amazing ways, many turning to previously held or newly discovered “faiths” of different persuasions and paradigms. Let it be. All roads eventually lead to Source or whatever you want to call it, as long as our hearts are pure and we don’t fall for limiting beliefs, dogma, hierarchy, interfering entities, or mind-titillating trip offs.

But such is the journey. We each have our own, and create our own realities along the way to deeper discovery.

It appears to me our contribution is first and foremost vibrational and spiritual in many ways. Our personal beingness is our contribution. At the end of life it is only who we have become that matters; not our deeds, reputation or good works. That’s the secret “weapon” that’s not so secret anymore. Who we are. Let’s revel in our newfound personal openness and the subsequent changes that brings on, and move boldly through everything thrown at us and make that connection.

And let’s not try to take all this and ourselves too seriously. We’re missing the fun and excitement of this great play when we do that. Let’s find our eternal centers, hook up, do our parts joyfully, and enjoy the show!

Keep on keeping on. We are the greatest secret! It’s in us.

See you there!

All the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Change the Morphic Field… Change the World!

Change the Morphic Field… Change the World!

by Zen Gardner
March 30, 2012


There was an interesting article about researchers who found within the computer informational field what appears to be proof of foreknowledge of 9/11. The huge spike in chatter regarding the events immediately prior to the strikes is completely anomalous. In other words, it goes on to say, for it to be just a coincidence is next to impossible.

No big surprise. But what about this informational field?

They call this computer information world a type of “morphic field” or “information field” and it seems to be a virtual manifestation of the global mind. Not all of it of course, but the informational global mind, which at this point in history is a massive amount of generated information that’s accelerating by the hour.

Research in this field is also being investigated by other visionaries. By tracing trends in language using webbots that crawl the internet reading data with assigned values to various words, they’ve been able to often predict not only major events, trends and changes, but the specific nature and sometimes locations of future phenomena.

It’s not an exact science by any means, but this whole field starts to show the power of the literal electromagnetic informational mind as evidence of or a reflection of human consciousness, and we should pay close attention.

Language as a Manifestation of Consciousness

Language shared is clearly consciousness at work. This is our current fundamental method of communication. Perhaps general telepathy is on the horizon, but for now words backed by intention and no doubt other influences is how we understand communication.

Whichever, it only stands to reason that the greater the body of consciousness manifested, the greater the effect on the present, and hence the future.In the words of Roger Nelson, founder of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) from his book Quantum Mind p. 57;;

My own ‘model’ is that consciousness or mind is the source or seat of a non-local, active information field (this is not a standard, well defined physical construct). Such fields interact, usually with random phase relationship and no detectable product. When some or many consciousness (information) fields are driven in common, or for whatever reason become coherent and resonant, they interact in phase, and create a new, highly structured information field… that becomes the source of the effects we measure. Source

Pretty profound. When the accumulated consciousness fields are driven in common or show coherency or resonance, they create a new information field.

Sound interactive? That’s the whole point… we need to get busy manifesting Truth and Love within this field.

Morphic Resonance and Quantum Physics

Taking this field changing empowerment even further, morphic field theory is the “discovery” (coming into consciousness) that there’s a dynamic at work akin to the concept of non-separability and total connectivity that quantum physics has discovered. Reminiscent of Plato’s Theory of Forms, these interactive force fields give form to not just plants, animals, crystals, planets and the like, but to behavioral and social patterns. This is similar to the evolving informational field concept described above but even more profound. It is much like Carl Jung’s collective unconscious understanding, but even broader while on a somewhat more so-called “scientific” footing.

It essentially is touching on the effect of Universal Consciousness coming into our experiential realm and our interaction with it. But again, morphic field study is the attempt to pursue this intuitive knowledge scientifically, so called, in a quantifiable way.

All part of the continued awakening of mankind, despite the manipulations, masking and withholding of knowledge by the controllers. Now you can see why so much is hidden from us – it’s fuel for our flux capacitors!

No worries, we’ll get our own.

The “Hypothesis” of Morphic Fields

All self-organizing systems are wholes made up of parts, which are themselves wholes at a lower level, such as atoms in molecules and molecules in crystals. The same is true of organelles in cells, cells in tissues, tissues in organs, organs in organisms, organisms in social groups. At each level, the morphic field gives each whole its characteristic properties and interconnects and coordinates the constituent parts.

The fields responsible for the development and maintenance of bodily form in plants and animals are called morphogenetic fields. In animals, the organization of behavior and mental activity depends on behavioral and mental fields. The organization of societies and cultures depends on social and cultural fields. All these kinds of organizing fields are morphic fields.

Morphic fields are located within and around the systems they organize. Like quantum fields, they work probabilistically. They restrict, or impose order upon, the inherent indeterminism of the systems under their influence. Thus, for example, a protein field organizes the way in which the chain of amino acids (the “primary structure” determined by the genes) coils and folds up to give the characteristic three-dimensional form of the protein, “choosing” from among many possible structures, all equally possible from an energetic point of view. Social fields coordinate the behavior of individuals within social groups, for example, the behavior of fish in schools or birds in flocks.

Pretty amazing…

The most controversial feature of this hypothesis is that the structure of morphic fields depends on what has happened before. They contain a kind of memory. Through repetition, the patterns they organize become increasingly probable, increasingly habitual. The force that these fields exert is the force of habit.

Whatever the explanation of its origin, once a new morphic field – a new pattern of organization – has come into being, its field becomes stronger through repetition. The same pattern becomes more likely to happen again. The more often patterns are repeated, the more probable they become. The fields contain a kind of cumulative memory and become increasingly habitual. Fields evolve in time and form the basis of habits. From this point of view, nature is essentially habitual. Even the so-called laws of nature may be more like habits. Source

This Is How The Lying Matrix Thrives

Social engineers for eons have known this underlying dynamic in their own terms. The latest rash of modern psychopathic societal designers identified these causal and potentially liberating or captivating trends at whatever level of understanding, and set in place educational and society-modifying mechanisms to keep humanity from spontaneous, self-supporting growth centuries ago.

Left to our own we would naturally be drawing from consciousness new and beneficial “memes” or morphic fields to develop and help humanity, and not extinguish and control it like our current overlords of darkness.

Never forget that.

In other words: we’ve been sterilized, castrated, knee-capped, lobotomised and asphyxiated from the Truth and Knowledge of who we truly are and our incredible power to manifest and shape a loving, conscious world around us. As long as we let them fill the airwaves, ground waves and mind waves with their limiting, manipulative, oppressive and distracting propaganda and electromagnetic crap and don’t retaliate in kind to reverse the trend, society is literally being pushed off the map of human awareness into the maw of a mental and social meat grinder.

It’s Up to Us

It’s entirely up to each of us what we do with this amazing energetic system. We can harm or we can heal. We can go along with the status quo or we change it. It will simply reflect whatever is put into it in its own fascinating way, and is doing its job at all times whether we acknowledge it or not.

And it’s there for conscious use if you choose. We’re eternal consciousness connected to everything, yet we’re free agents to choose good and Truth and Love, or darkness, evil and hate.

The beauty of this knowledge is the realization that every letter you write, every item you blog, every word you speak, every thought you think, every prayer or intention you utter, every loving or non-loving deed, every decision to do the right thing or not…EVERYTHING….is forming the world in which we live..societal, informational and the underlying morphic world which we all share.

Every time someone watches mindless TV, gets spellbound by things like Hollywood or war programming, or entertains the Matrix meme in any way, they are supporting and perpetrating the death-dealing, humanity perverting lie. Period.

While on the contrary…

The Internet Highway of Information and Transformation

… Every time you blog with good and helpful information, forward an inspiring or Truth-revealing article, post an idea or heart-warming picture or uplifting message, encourage a fellow activist in their efforts, do a kind or loving deed or reach out and shake someone up…EVERY TIME…you are changing the morphic field…for the better! All while subtracting from a negative imprint by everyone involved.

Which will it be?

Will we contribute to the wake up, or be part of the problem? It’s a continual choice. There’s no standing still. Either way we all affect it. It’s that simple. That serious. That real. And that liberating!

Put Your Shoulder to the Shift

Hopefully this awareness of how pervasive the dynamics of intention, attraction, information, communication and consciousness are will spur you on. It has me. I’ve known this dynamic was at work but to see it in this light was empowering.

And participating and really making a difference that matters couldn’t be any easier than it is today. You can do gobs of damage to the oppressors’ constructs and help establish the righteous rule of Truth, Love and Consciousness by just putting it out there. Manifest it in the morphic field any and every way you can and it goes to work immediately and affects everything!

Even according to nerdy quantum physics, intelligent life on this planet now knows everything you do affects everywhere in mind-blowing, non-linear or spatially limited ways. We are all interconnected with everything! What more empowering information could there be?

As we change these informational morphic fields we’ll also immediately set a better precedent for future change as these fields replicate themselves in whatever state they’re in. This is why we have to keep the fields morphing towards more and more Truth and a loving reality continually. And as we resonate together with the Truth Vibes being amplified around us anything false will crack and crumble into ruins.

Now you see why they try to keep us drugged, distracted and asleep? It’s time to take spaceship earth back.

Take action, in word, deed and spirit. Be a resonant voice however you can. Just do it, and if you’re already doing it, turn it up! It’s working even if you can’t see the full extent of it yet. And as you do you’ll get such a rush of confirmation and satisfaction you’ll do even more, as well as get others on board!

Power to the people? It’s been there all along! But you gotta throw the switch.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.