The Crime Engine of the World Is Throwing Rods and Smoking

The Crime Engine of the World Is Throwing Rods and Smoking

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 25, 2022 “When you ‘throw a rod,’ it means that one of these rods has literally broken off. When that happens, one of two things occurs. If the rod breaks while the piston is on its way up, the piston keeps going up until it jams itself permanently into the cylinder head. If the rod breaks while the piston is coming down, the broken rod can pierce a hole right through the engine block (like a compound bone fracture breaking through the skin). Either way, the engine is instantly ruined, and you’ll have to ‘blow a wad’ to get the car back on the road.”

The big picture…the long story:

About 20 years ago, I wrote an essay, “Seven Cartels That Run the World.”

A cartel=a syndicate seeking monopoly over its territory of operation.

I presented a picture of power groups that both compete and cooperate. Over time, they cooperate more and compete less.

There are more than seven major cartels. For example: military, intelligence, medical, money, religion, education, energy, media, mega-corporate, government, technological mind control…

Their functions tend to overlap.

You can look at each cartel as a slice of highly organized human endeavor. As time passes, each one integrates horizontally across nations. Medical, for instance, becomes, more and more, international medical.

The pure goal would be: each cartel swallows up all relevant activity in all countries; and then all cartels join at the hip.

That would be the crime engine that runs the world.

One global military force; one global intelligence agency; one global energy authority, and so on…and then all these cartels connect to each other.

From that perch, you could see all sorts of crime sub-groups operating at different levels. Banks, street drug cartels, mob families, human traffickers, the FDA, WHO, the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Gates Foundation, CIA, the Rockefeller Group, the Vatican, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, social media platforms, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, and so on.

The task of building out each major cartel AND taking over the present governments of all nations is, obviously, far from easy. Two steps forward, one step back. Sometimes, two steps forward, four steps back.

Independent investigators expose various elements of the sub-groups and the major cartels.

People with fragmentary knowledge argue over which cartel is the dominant one; but in the end, if this long-term plot succeeds, there would be a board or committee or council that oversees the operation of the connected cartels.

The cartels represent an elite obsession to organize and control.

—The obsession to create a system—combined with the perception that the technology exists to succeed.

Labels like Communism, socialism, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy, democracy, the corporate state, dictatorship, technocracy, and so on, have become loose names for the advancing cartelization of the planet.

The media cartel seeks to obscure and hide evidence of this major cartelization; instead, it promotes the notion that all protests and rebellions against any fragment of this Power are crimes, insurrections, terrorist acts.

The media cartel’s job is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. It associates protests with former “heinous events.” “This is 9/11 all over again.” “This is worse than the 1918 Spanish flu, and the protestors are endangering public health.” “The break-in was the most evil act since Pearl Harbor.”

The media cartel now has a problem, though: other competing voices. Those voices, advocating in one way or another for freedom, are becoming stronger.

When you’re the media and you shoot fish in a barrel for a hundred years, and it works like magic, you develop a smug complacency.

Freedom is a monkey wrench applied to the crime engine. The wrench doesn’t have to do precise work. It creates domino effects.

From a strategic point of view, the whole COVID operation was a cartel overreach. It wasn’t the time-honored invisible step by step accumulation of more control and power. A few manic fruitcakes jumped the gun.

The army of COVID enforcers then exposed their flank.

The brutal lockdowns; the saturation bombing of national economies; the phony scientists with their absurd (and changing) declarations; the vaccine causing huge and visible harm; the admissions that the vaccine doesn’t prevent illness, doesn’t stop viral transmission, doesn’t prevent hospitalization, and must be boosted with more injections, necessitating an impossible re-injection of the whole planet every few months…

This was an amateur production. Evil to the core, but amateur.

You could take all the scandals of all the Presidencies since the assassination of JFK, and they wouldn’t mount a sum anywhere near the up-close and personal impacts of the fake COVID pandemic on the citizenry.

And then, the first wave of lockdowns across the world was not enough; there had to be second and third waves. Just to rub slavery in people’s faces.

The whole GRADUALIST strategy of cartelization was dumped in favor of Crazy Apeshit.

Thereby unleashing what we’re seeing now—building protests for FREEDOM all over the world.

THIS is exactly what cartelization can’t handle.

Because freedom lifts all boats.

The media cartel, which earns their keep promoting and dilly-dallying about phony conflicts and meaningless adjustments to policy and minor scandals…suddenly has to deal with covering for a hundred Hitlers who want to throw the world into camps and deny every human right in the law books.

It was as if Switzerland suddenly decided to send planes over England and drop canisters of poison gas.

“What?!?! You want us to explain away THAT on the nightly news??”

All the CIA assets in all the US newsrooms in the country can’t keep the lid on that.

The crime engine running the world has thrown rods and is smoking.

Right about now, the sober cartel heavy hitters, who never wanted the COVID op, are casting their very angry eyes on Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and a few other loons in their Club, who are the impatient ones, the maniacs, the amateurs.

Make no mistake; in the cartel scheme of things, Bill Gates IS a rank amateur, an out of control jackass.

Could a titanic piece of stupidity—COVID—smash the cartelization of Earth?

It’s quite a long shot, to be sure. But as the crime engine is replaced with a working model, hundreds of millions of people are looking at the smoking heap on the side of the highway.

They’re looking harder; they’re believing what they’re seeing; they’re marching; they’re driving big-rigs; they’re gathering at government headquarters.

And that THEY is getting bigger and turning into a WE. And far worse, that WE is composed of individuals who know they’re individuals and they’re supposed to be free.

So why not take that freedom and leverage it to the sky?

Throw wrenches into every replacement of the crime engine.

Take back more and more cartel territory and make it free.

Corner and surround and blockade the non-humans posing as humans.

More rods will break off and punch holes through engine blocks, and more pistons will plow into cylinder heads.

It’s Christmas.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit:  / pixabay

“The Trump Train” and How It Has Strangely Embedded Itself Into the Resistance Movement Against Medical Tyranny in America

“The Trump Train” and How It Has Strangely Embedded Itself Into the Resistance Movement Against Medical Tyranny in America


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the following videos, Hugo Talks asks important questions about Trump’s pro-vaccine stance (and Trump’s clear, strong push for medical tyranny to be rolled out) and the many anti-mandate leaders who are publicly aligning themselves with Trump.

He draws attention to the historical strategy of what is known as The Hegelian Dialectic or Problem-Reaction-Solution.  See Rosanne Lindsay’s article Transcending The Hegelian Dialectic for more understanding of how we are manipulated through this globalist strategy.

Follow Hugo Talks at Odysee or BitChute.



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Vax Nation: Freedom Over Fear

Vax Nation: Freedom Over Fear

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 21, 2022



The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and the right to peacefully gather with fellow citizens to communicate political dissent to the government. In 2022, thousands of Canadians travelled to the federal capital of Ottawa to peacefully communicate their suffering and disagreement with government lockdowns, Covid restrictions and vaccination mandates which have devastated their lives, their children’s lives, their mental health, and their businesses. Canadians across the country have come together to peacefully protest, united in their calls for a return to a free Canada. Their peaceful protest has inspired similar convoys and protests in countries around the world.

• Watch Part One | Vax Nation: Show Me Your Papers

• Watch Part Two | Vax Nation: Trust “The Science”

• Watch Part Three | Vax Nation: Pandemic Of The Vaccinated


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

USA Truckers “The People’s Convoy” Begins Feb. 23: Cross-Country — California to Washington, DC

USA Truckers “The People’s Convoy” Begins Feb. 23: Cross-Country — California to Washington, DC



View Routes
    Download Press Release PDF


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American Truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on February 23 from Adelanto Stadium in Southern California

ADELANTO, Calif., (Feb. 20, 2022) American truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from the Adelanto Stadium in Southern California. Starting at 10:00 a.m., hundreds of truckers will hear words of encouragement and blessings from a group of speakers including FLCCC President Dr. Pierre Kory and Godspeak Church Pastor Rob McCoy. The truckers and blue-collar workers of the United States will be joined by freedom-loving supporters from all walks of life – frontline doctors, lawyers, first- responders, former military servicemen and women, students, retirees, mothers, fathers and children – on this peaceful and law-abiding transcontinental journey toward the east coast. The truckers encourage one and all to come out to the stadium in the heart of Adelanto, California to wish them well, see them off and join in the journey.

This convoy is about freedom and unity: the truckers are riding unified across party and state lines and with people of all colors and creeds – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Mormons, Agnostics, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Republican, Democrats. All individuals are welcome to participate by either attending the launch gathering – at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday February 23, at Adelanto Stadium – or by getting in their own vehicles and following the big rigs from Adelanto toward the east coast!

The message of The People’s Convoy is simple. The last 23 months of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a rough road for all Americans to travel: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and – not least – financially. With the advent of the vaccine and workable therapeutic agents, along with the hard work of so many sectors that contributed to declining COVID-19 cases and severity of illness, it is now time to re-open the country. The average American worker needs to be able to end-run the economic hardships of the last two years, and get back to the business of making bread – so they can pay their rents and mortgages and help jumpstart this economy. To that end, it’s time for elected officials to work with the blue collar and white-collar workers of America and restore accountability and liberty – by lifting all mandates and ending the state of emergency – as COVID is well-in-hand now, and Americans need to get back to work in a free and unrestricted manner.

The People’s Convoy is a non-partisan, trucker-led effort supported by a cross-cultural and multi-faith contingent of supporters including

    • Dr. Pierre Kory and the doctors of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)

    • Liberty-minded lawyers such as Tom Renz and Joey Gilbert (Gubernatorial candidate Nevada)

    • Pastors like Rob McCoy and Rick Brown of Godspeak Church

    • Transportation workers including rail workers and pilots A broad consortium of organizations including

    • The Unity Project

    • The America Project

    • Advocates for Citizens’ Rights

    • U.S. Freedom Flyers

    • The American Foundation for Civil Liberties & Freedom

    • Faith groups from every spectrum

Newsmax and Eric Bolling have indicated they will do a ride along and live daily updates from the convoy with Maureen Steele. The Epoch Times and a variety of other journalists, media outlets and podcasters will also be embedding. Children’s Health Defense’s CHD.TV will be covering the convoy – and the activists on the ground and across the country – with live updates every day at 10 am EST at

The convoy is being assisted by retired military personnel and security experts, who are spearheading logistics in order to ensure a 100% safe, lawful, and peaceful journey.

The People’s Convoy Route*

*Route subject to change

Day 1: Wednesday, February 23

Morning – Depart Adelanto Stadium, CA

Evening – Arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay

Day 2: Thursday, February 24

Morning – Depart Kingman, AZ head east on I-40, toward Lupton, AZ Evening – Arrive in Lupton, AZ for overnight stay

Day 3: Friday, February 25

Morning – Depart Lupton, AZ on I-40 eastbound thru New Mexico Evening – Arrive in Glenrio, TX for overnight stay

Day 4: Saturday, February 26

Morning – Depart Glenrio, TX

Evening – Arrive in Elk City, OK area for overnight stay

Day 5: Sunday, February 27

Morning – Depart Elk City, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Vinita, OK area for overnight stay

Day 6: Monday, February 28

Morning – Depart Vinita, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Sullivan, MO area for overnight stay

Day 7: Tuesday, March 1

Morning – Depart Sullivan, MO area

Evening – Arrive in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 8: Wednesday, March 2

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Pause for rest in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 9: Thursday, March 3

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Arrive in Cambridge, OH area for overnight stay

Day 10: Friday, March 4

Morning – Depart Cambridge, OH area

Evening – Arrive in Hagerstown, MD area for overnight stay

Day 11: Saturday, March 5

Morning – Depart Hagerstown, MD area Evening – Arrive in the DC Beltway area

The People’s Convoy will abide by agreements with local authorities, and terminate in the vicinity of the DC area, but will NOT be going into DC proper.

Stay tuned for opportunities for elected officials and regular folks to go “Ridin’ Shotgun” with an actual trucker for a day – as well as an opportunity to bid on one seat that will be sold on our Operations Vehicle – for a similar ride-along opportunity. Details will be posted to the website soon.

To support the truckers, see the routes, or find out more, please visit:

This website and the official social media handles are the ONLY source of accurate data about this peaceful, law-abiding convoy – we hope to see America there!




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The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism

by C.J. Hopkins, The Consent Factory
February 20, 2022


I told you this part wasn’t going to be pretty. The collapse of fascist ideological movements and fanatical death cults never is. The New Normal is proving to be no exception.

After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.

In one particularly ugly episode, the New Normal stormtroopers rode their horses directly into a crowd of non-violent protesters, trampling an elderly lady with a walker. She had just finished saying something to the police along the lines of “you break my heart … this is about peace, and love, and happiness.” Then they knocked her down and rode their horses over her.

Despite an abundance of video evidence clearly depicting exactly what happened, the Ottawa Police tried to spin it this way …

Here’s an overhead photo of the incident …


The big red arrow (courtesy of The Marie Oakes) points to the lady’s walker, or the alleged “horse-assaulting bicycle.” Presumably, the face of the gentlemen above her also caused the horse “to trip,” or was in the process of causing the horse “to trip,” at the moment that this photo was taken.

And that wasn’t all. Oh no, far from it. The “show of force” was just getting started. After all, this was not a “mostly peaceful” outbreak of rioting, looting, and arson. This was non-violent civil disobedience, with children’s bouncy castles, makeshift saunas, honking, dancing, illegal barbecuing, and other forms of “terrorist” activity, which had to be crushed with an iron fist.

On Saturday, the goon squads broke out the stun grenades, the pepper spray, and the big wooden sticks. By Sunday morning, they were shooting people with “non-lethal, mid-range impact weapons.” Tow truck operators in horror-movie ski masks were brought in to haul away the big rigs.

Before he turned the goon squads loose on Friday, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, suspending the Canadian constitution, which he had already suspended back in 2020 due to the “apocalyptic pandemic,” which is why the protesters were protesting in the first place. Parliament was scheduled to debate his authority to declare another “state of emergency,” but, of course, the debate was abruptly suspended due to the massive “police operation” that his invocation of the Act had enabled.

Acting under the Emergencies Act, he immediately cancelled the right of assembly, outlawed the protests, and started threatening to kill people’s dogs and take away their kids. Then he and his fascist New Normal lieutenants started freezing the bank accounts of anyone and everyone even vaguely connected to the trucker protest. According to Bloomberg report:

“The emergency orders require virtually every participant in the Canadian financial system — banks, investment firms, credit unions, loan companies, securities dealers, fundraising platforms and payment and clearing services — to determine whether they possess or control property of a person who’s attending an illegal protest or providing supplies to demonstrators.”

And, as if all that wasn’t fascist enough, Ottawa’s police chief has made it clear that, once the “crackdown” is finally over, they will hunt down anyone involved in the protests, arrest them and charge them with “criminal offenses,” subject them to “financial sanctions,” and otherwise destroy their lives and families.

The crackdown in Ottawa is hardly an aberration. As my readers might recall, New Normal Germany outlawed protesting against the New Normal (i.e., the new official ideology) back in September of 2020, and the German police have been absolutely brutalAnyone deemed a “Covid denier” is subject to surveillance by Germany’s Intelligence servicesThe US Department of Homeland Security designates us “domestic violent extremists.” Same story in AustraliaFranceBelgiumThe Netherlands, and assorted other countries.

I have been describing the New Normal as a new form of totalitarianism (or fascism, if you prefer) for the past two years, and I have been documenting it from the very beginning (see, e.g., these Twitter threads from March 2020 and April 2020, which the OffGuardian editors have preserved for posterity). It has been there all along, right out in the open, but rendered invisible by the official Covid narrative.

The official narrative is rapidly dissolving, rendering the fascism of the New Normal visible. This is happening now because those of us who have seen it from the beginning — and have been resisting it all along — have held out long enough to run out the clock. GloboCap can’t keep the narrative going, so all they have left is brute fascist force.

We need to make GloboCap deploy that force, and to shine a big, bright spotlight on it, as the truckers and protesters in Ottawa have just done. In case anyone is confused about the tactic, it’s called classic non-violent civil disobedience. I described it in a recent column:

“In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of ‘reality,’ and ‘democracy,’ and ‘normality,’ to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears. That is the weakness of the system … New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as a response to a deadly pandemic.”

The official narrative is dead, or dying. The Covidian Cult is coming apart. No one but the most fanatical New Normals believes there is any real justification for imposing mandatory “vaccination,” “quarantine camps,” segregation of “the Unvaccinated,” or any of the other “Covid restrictions.” “The virus” is no longer an excuse for mindlessly following ridiculous orders and persecuting those of us who refuse.

Apocalyptic Pandemic Theater is over. It is a purely political fight from now on.

Ottawa is not the end. It is just the beginning. Protests and other forms of civil disobedience are growing all around the world … yes, even here in New Normal Germany. That does not mean it is time to relax. On the contrary, it is time to step up the pressure. It is time to make the monster show itself, in all its naked fascist ugliness, and to force everyone to pick a side.

There are only two sides … fascism or freedom.


Connect with C.J. Hopkins

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

California High School Caves After Students Stage Walkout Over Mask Mandate

California High School Caves After Students Stage Walkout Over Mask Mandate

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
February 18, 2022


Administrators at the Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills, California quickly dropped a mask mandate after hundreds of students walked out on Tuesday. The walkout was staged in solidarity with students whose parents sent them to school without masks, who were subsequently dismissed from class.

As the Washington Examiner reported,

Several parents of students at the school sent the teenagers to school without a mask, according to Jennifer Yoder, a parent at Oak Ridge. The high schoolers who showed up without a mask were dismissed from class.

This was a homegrown thing between the parents and then the kids working together to get everyone on board,” said Oak Ridge parent, Jennifer Yoder. “It just kept growing and growing. And then they eventually just got up and left those classrooms and ran outside and started their protest.”

Later that day, the school bent the knee – telling parents in a Tuesday afternoon letter from the school board that while the mask mandate was still in effect, the school would no longer punish students who refused to comply.

“The enforcement of masking will be done by educating students and asking them to mask but no further actions of exclusion from class will be taken,” reads the letter. “Moving forward students will not be physically removed from the classroom or receive a discipline consequence to prevent further exclusionary learning loss.

The staged walkout protested the delay in lifting mask mandates at schools statewide. California Gov. Gavin Newsom was expected to lift the mandate Monday, but California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said there would be a two-week delay, marking Feb. 28 as the next day to reassess the school changes.

The delay and subsequent walkout came after Newsom announced most indoor services and shops could remove the mask mandate, though stores could keep it in place if they chose. The end of the mandate is for vaccinated citizens only, with unvaccinated residents still expected to wear masks. -Washington Examiner


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Catch & Release — Staged Arrests in Ottawa

Catch & Release — Staged Arrests in Ottawa


Ottawa Arrests Smoke and Mirrors — Activist Chris Sky


More protesters were not charged!

Australia: Microwave Weapons Are Being Used Against Those Who Stand Up Against Medical Tyranny

Australia: Microwave Weapons Are Being Used Against Those Who Stand Up Against Medical Tyranny


Microwave Weapons Against People – Australia

by Hemeroteca
February 18, 2022


Connect with Hemeroteca at Odysee

Ontario Government Employee Fired Over $100 Contribution to Freedom Convoy

Ontario Government Employee Fired Over $100 Contribution to Freedom Convoy

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
February 18, 2022


The communications director for the Ontario ministry responsible for enforcing the law was fired this week after her $100 donation to the Freedom Conovoy was revealed in the hack of donors to a GiveSendGo campaign, according to CTV News.

Marion Isabeau-Ringuette was one of several government staffers whose donations drew the eye of Sauron after the list of some 100,000 donors was leaked.

For the communications director to be financially supporting an unlawful, illegal occupation is definitely concerning,” said NDP MPP Catherine Fife. “Who was donating, why were they donating, and did this contribute to the non-action that happened on the ground in Ottawa?”

According to Ontario Premier Doug Ford spokeswoman Ivana Yelich, “Ms. Isabeau-Ringuette no longer works for the Ontario government.”

Isabeau-Ringuette worked as a political staffer as recently as Sunday for Ontario’s Solicitor-General, the position that oversees police and other law enforcement in Ontario.

The $100 donation was listed as anonymous on GiveSendGo, but in a pair of leaked documents totalling nearly 100,000 donations, one line reads “M.R.” with an email address that contains Isabeau-Ringuette’s name. -CTV

Another employee under scrutiny works for the federal correctional service, while a pollster with ties to the governing Progressive Conservative party was also accused in an NDP news release of donating to the protesters, who oppose government vaccine mandates and other restrictions.

According to Toronto lawyer Nainesh Kotak, even small donors to the fund – should the continue donating – run the risk of frozen bank accounts since the government invoked the Emergencies Act.

“Under this enactment I would suggest the government could freeze bank accounts if they chose to do so,” he said, adding “That’s concerning. The targets should be the bigger players.”

George Washington University postdoc fellow Yunkang Yan says conservative US politicians are using the Freedom Convoy to energize their base.

““A lot of influential right-wing media have been promoting narratives about that for a long time. They have very big audiences. People from all walks of life on the political right might be a viewer of their content on a regular basis,” which includes those on both sides of the border. “That might be why they are really sucked into this.”


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There Is a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America

There Is a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America

by Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture
February 16, 2022


Tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights”.

No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power!
When the oppressed man finds no justice,
When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals
With fearless heart to Heaven,
And thence brings down his everlasting rights,
Which there abide, inalienably his,
And indestructible as stars themselves.

-Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell’s Rutli Oath

Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny?

As the editor of a Canadian geopolitical magazine for over 10 years and author of four books on Canadian History, I am a bit embarrassed to say that I certainly didn’t think that Canadians had this in them.

The “monarchy of the north” certainly isn’t something that exudes revolutionary sentiment- having been founded on such non-revolutionary principles as “Peace, Order and Good Governance” which have stood in stark contrast to the significantly more inspiring “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” enshrined in the founding documents of our southern cousins. Even our founding 1867 document (drafted over a champagne fueled month of hedonism in 1864) explicitly calls out the purpose of confederation not as a means of “supporting the general welfare” as was the case of the USA’s constitution in 1787, but rather “to promote the interests of the British Empire”.

But here it is.

Countless thousands of patriots have driven across the country to bunker down in Ottawa in peace and high festive spirits which I had to see with my own eyes to believe demanding something so simple and un-tainted by ideology: freedom to work, provide for families and a respect for basic rights as laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (a 1982 upgrade to the embarrassingly oligarchical British North America Act of 1867).

Mainstream media and political hacks have been working overtime to paint the Freedom convoy that converged on Ottawa on January 29 as an “insurrectionist movement” full of “white supremacists”, “Russian stooges”, and “Nazis” out to “overthrow the government”. Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that “this is sedition” and that “those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law”. Carney, the perennial financial darling of Goldman Sachs and the City of London (and Prime Ministerial hopeful) called for a targeting of all those who donated money to this domestic terror operation.

Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate. This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal “rules-based” order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the “liberty” of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony. The moment genuine self-organized labor movements arise demanding basic rights be recognized, then the masks comes off and the rage of tyrants show their true faces.

So instead of negotiation and discussion around principled constitutional issues as the protestors have requested, we have instead seen only threats, slander and more threats ranging from cutting off $10 million of funding raised on GoFundMe on February 4, and then another $8 million raised on GiveSendGo on February 10. We have seen the government impose a state of emergency first in the city of Ottawa followed by a full province wide state of emergency on February 11 justifying cutting off vital supplies of fuel to those truckers and their families who have been camped out in -22 degree Celsius temperatures. Edicts making it illegal to provide supplies to the protestors under threat of fines ranging up to $100 thousand dollars and one year in prison have been drafted and the patriotic citizens who have organized for their right to not live under a dictatorship have been stigmatized by the media relentlessly as “insurgents”.

Emergency Measures Act invoked

Then on February 14, Justin Trudeau, followed by Deputy Prime Minister and WEF-Trustee Chrystia Freeland took turns announcing the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act which itself had formerly been known as “The War Measures Act” last invoked nearly 50 years earlier by Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau as a “solution” to the RCMP-directed terror cells deployed across Quebec and culminating in the month-long ‘October Crisis’ of 1970. The name was changed in 1988 although it is in function entirely identical.

Under the Emergency Measures Act, the Deep State of Canada managing Trudeau has adopted the Mark Carney program outlined on February 7 of targeting bank accounts of all Canadians either involved with the convoy directly or having supported the convoy via online donations or cryptocurrencies. What might those individuals suffer for the crime of having offered support or participation in the protests? Those ‘deplorable insurgents’ are facing the threat of seeing their bank accounts indefinitely frozen, and if they own businesses, having their insurance policies cancelled. The ‘big 5’ banks of Canada have thus been “deputized” and given full legal protections from being sued by those whose lives will be damaged by the shutdown of bank accounts.

One thing has become apparent thus far: the threats are not working with truckers and other protestors renewing their commitments to remain in place and even four Provincial Premiers (from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Manitoba) denouncing the emergency measures.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has also loudly denounced the Act saying “the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the emergencies act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: The act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes… Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada”.

Fissures Across the Establishment

Due to the inflexible Borg-like inability to negotiate with an organic civil rights movement suffered by all technocratic Davos-creatures, major fissures have begun to break throughout the political establishment of Canada.

Already two members of the Liberal Party have gone renegade breaking with Canada’s holy system of whips and loyalty to party above conscience demanding that Trudeau repeal the immensely unpopular and useless covid measures. On February 8, Liberal MP Joel Lightbound commented that Trudeau’s vile generalizations of the protestors have only served to “wedge divide and stigmatize” Canadians making the point that he has only seen a wide diversity of races attend the freedom convoy in Ottawa and across the provinces. One day later, a second Liberal MP Yves Robillard broke party ranks re-emphasizing his support for Lightbound’s statements and warned that many others within the party share these dissenting views and will soon speak out if changes are not effected soon.

In the Conservative Party, a coup of sorts took place on February 3 when opposition leader Erin O’Toole was ousted by his own caucus for sounding too much like a World Economic Forum ghoul and for the first time in over two years, an actual counter voice of opposition can be heard in the halls of parliament with demands by every single Conservative member of parliament to end the lockdown mandates and support the nation-wide protest movement.

On provincial levels, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and PEI have announced a repeal of their covid mandates including vaccination passports, while Quebec has stepped back from the anti-vaccination tax which was threatened by Premier Legault until only a week ago.

Even NDP head Jagmeet Singh who had labelled all protestors white supremacists just a few days ago reversed his tune- perhaps due to the overwhelming presence of Sikhs in the federal and provincial convoys.

Freedom Convoy Nightmares for Technocrats in USA and Europe

Meanwhile the Biden Administration has given its full support to Justin Trudeau to use the full force of federal power to shut down the protests (conflagrating the blockade of US-Canada trade in Windsor and Manitoba as being tied directly to the Ottawa protests… which it isn’t).

Perhaps Biden is concerned that the example of the convoy has spread not only across nations of the Trans Atlantic Community and Five Eyes cage, but also to the USA itself where a parallel American freedom convoy will leave Southern California for Washington D.C. on March 5 involving tens of thousands of American truckers.

Former Obama Asst. Sec. of Homeland Security and frequent CNN commentator Juliette Kayyem delivered her disturbing comments to this festering problem which must be stopped at all costs saying: “Trust me, I will not run out of ways to make this hurt: cancel their insurance; suspend their drivers licenses’ prohibit any future regulatory certification for truckers etc. Have we learned nothing? These things faster when there are no consequences”

How this process will unfold in the coming days and weeks is impossible to determine. The illusion of liberal democracy which fueled self-aggrandizing virtue signaling technocrats lecturing “bad” authoritarian states of Eurasia how freedom should work has collapsed.

One thing is certain.

Those tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers demanding the world to conform to their ideal post-nation state utopias are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights” which are inalienable to all citizens- even if they live under a monarchy.


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cover image credit: michael_swan / Flckr Commons

Canada Invokes Emergencies Act to Seize Convoy Funding

Canada Invokes Emergencies Act to Seize Convoy Funding

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
February 15, 2022


Last night Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland held a joint press conference where they announced their decision to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the Freedom Convoy protests.

But what is the Emergencies Act? And what new powers does is Trudeau government claiming?

The Act

The Emergencies Act 1988 is exactly what it sounds like – a piece of legislation designed to grant the government special powers in the event of an emergency.

By officially declaring the Freedom Convoy an emergency under part 2 of the act, “Public Order Emergencies”, they claim the convoy comprises…

an emergency that arises from threats to the security of Canada and that is so serious as to be a national emergency”

So, formally and legally, the government says these people represent threats to the security of Canada”


The distinct lack of an real “emergency” is probably why the CBC had talking heads reporting that the convoy wanted to “overthrow the government” and that they are being directed by “Russian agents”.

These ideas were repeated in parliament last week, by the leader of the NDP Jagmett Singh, who claimed the convoy wanted to overthrow the government and was being funded by the US.

Three days ago the Guardian ran one article headlined “Freedom convoys: legitimate Covid protest or vehicle for darker beliefs?”, suggesting the convoy was a cover for white supremacy as well as “conspiratorial thinking” and the usual.

Then yesterday, just hours before Trudeau invoked the act, it was reported that “hackers” from “Anonymous” had identified 92,000 donors to the convoy, taken down the GiveSendGo site, and published that most of the donations had come from US accounts. Feeding the idea that the convoy isn’t an organic movement, but one created by the US agitators.

The campaign was clear: Paint the convoy as “dangerous” and funded from abroad so they have an excuse to invoke the Act.

The Powers

The Emergencies Act gives the government the power to take “special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times”, which is delightfully vague, but what form are these “measures” taking?

Seeing as the act has literally never been used before, it’s hard to predict how it will be used. For now, at least, it seems to be entirely financial.

Clearly the government think the easiest way to break the blockades and protests is to go after their money.

That started with behind-the-scenes moves against crowd-funding platforms. There was obvious covert pressure on GoFundMe to shut down the donor page, and then the aforementioned “anonymous hackers” took down GiveSendGo site.

With the “emergency” declared, the campaign to control crowdfunding income switches from covert to overt.

In the announcement, Freeland detailed how the government will attempt to monitor and control crowd-funding sites and payment platforms moving forward:

From today, all crowd-funding platforms must register with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), which requires them to report any “large or suspicious” payments to the financial authorities. This specifically includes cryptocurrency too.

But it’s not just about digital platforms or crowdfunding, the new measures extend to banks as well.

Under these rules, Canadian banks are now empowered to freeze or suspend any account without a court order, and are protected from any legal action taken against them as a result.

To be clear: If a bank freezes your account because they believe you donated to the convoy, and you lose business or miss a rent payment as a result, you cannot sue them.

Further, Freeland suggests banks “review their relationships” with anyone found to be taking part in the protests, or financially supporting them.

Meaning, closing down your accounts completely and refusing your business.

The above tweet does not exaggerate. This is some of the most extreme draconian financial control imaginable.

It could also have serious knock-on effects for businesses – large and small – as well as tax revenues. Not to mention landlords who suddenly are not getting their monthly payments.

But none of that matters alongside the flagrant lack of ethics: Freezing protestors’ bank accounts is in violation of the constitution, and simply morally wrong.

Frozen funds could mean people can’t pay their rent or mortgage and end up homeless. It could mean not being able to heat their homes during the coldest month of the year. It could mean not being able to buy food for themselves or their families.

The protesters have not committed any acts of violence, or even threatened any. They have done nothing but exercise their right to peacefully assemble, as detailed in the Canadian constitution.

To hold this financial threat over them is unforgivable.

And it won’t stop here.

Now the precedent has been set, in future other acts vaguely defined as “domestic terrorism” could incur the same penalty. Refusing a vaccine, for example.

The specific rules don’t even matter, they will likely change based on what the establishment narrative demands, but the punishment will stay the same: Play along, or we’ll take your money.

This amount of control is exactly why they have been pressing so hard for a cashless society the last few years, and why that needs to be resisted at all cost.


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A National Emergency AGAINST Trudeau’s “Covid Mandates” Which “Seriously Endanger the Lives, Health or Safety of Canadians”

A National Emergency AGAINST Trudeau’s “Covid Mandates” Which “Seriously Endanger the Lives, Health or Safety of Canadians”
According to The Emergencies Act (1985) (Section 3 (a)

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
February 15, 2022


I have carefully read the Emergencies Act as well as the relevant sections of The Charter of Rights of Freedoms. I doubt Justin Trudeau has an understanding of the implications of his actions, not to mention his baseless accusations directed against Canada’s Freedom Convoy: 

Were these allegations ratified by the House of Commons?

The nature of the Freedom Convoy is peaceful and non-violent.

See Global Research’s Video: The Protesters are Honest and Respectful

Who are The Criminals?

A procedure of law enforcement cannot be instigated by a Prime Minster who has blatantly violated the fundamental rights of Canadians.

Since March 2020, under the jurisdiction of the Trudeau government, entire sectors of our economy have been destabilized.  Small and medium-sized enterprises have been driven into bankruptcy. Unemployment and poverty are rampant. The mental health of millions of Canadians including our children has been affected.

“V the Virus” is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment.  That’s a lie. There is no causal relationship between the (microscopic) SARS-CoV-2 virus and economic variables.

We are dealing with a far-reaching and complex crisis which is sustained by a corrupt government, coupled with “fake science” and a relentless 24/7 fear campaign.

The government claims that the mandates are intended to “save lives”. Nonsense.

The Emergencies Act (1985)

According to The Emergencies Act (1985) (Section 3 (a) 

“a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that … seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians”. 

Section 3 (a): Does that Not Describe The Very Nature of the Covid Crisis?

The wording of Section 3 (a) of the Emergencies Act (quoted above, see also Appendix below) describes the chaotic political, social and economic and situation which has affected the lives of Canadians in the course of the last two years.

The corona crisis under the helm of a corrupt government is undermining the structures of civil society as well the democratic foundations of Canada as a Nation State.

At this Juncture in our History, on behalf of All Canadians, the Formulation of Emergency Procedures directed against the Reckless Rule of the Trudeau government should be instigated.  

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

“protects those basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians that are considered essential to preserving Canada as a free and democratic country. It applies to all governments – federal, provincial and territorial.”

Those rights are being encroached upon by the Trudeau government.

Moreover, Trudeau’s decision to invoke a National Emergency is an encroachment on the jurisdiction of the provinces and territories as outlined in Section 3 (b) of the Emergencies Act (emphasis added):

“For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that ….(b)

seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada. (emphasis added)



Selected excerpts

For Full Text click here

National Emergencies

3 For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that

  • (a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or

  • (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.


4 Nothing in this Act shall be construed or applied so as to confer on the Governor in Council the power to make orders or regulations

  • (a) altering the provisions of this Act; or

  • (b) providing for the detention, imprisonment or internment of Canadian citizens or permanent residents within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


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Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”

Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the video below, Ricardo Maarman gives an update on the South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ constitutional court case. The case number for the court case is CCT 299/21. You can download a PDF copy of the court case affidavit here.

See Ricardo Maarman & Thousands of South Africans File Constitutional Lawsuit Against the President, Speaker of Parliament & Governor of SA Reserve Bank for ‘Pandemic’-Related Crimes Against South Africans for background information. To connect with Ricardo Maarman and support their work, see ‘Show Us the Virus’ website:

Maarman also gives an overview of a linked court case which is currently in front of the Western Cape High Court. In this case, the court is asked to grant the people of South Africa ‘urgency’ because of the national state of disaster declaration that has caused so much harm. The court is asked to grant the people of South Africa an interim interdict, giving them legal protection against all of the harms that emanate from the national state of disaster declaration and the lockdown measures.

Maarman concludes with this message:

People of the world, people of South Africa, we have started out this matter asking a very simple question: show us the virus.

And here, because of the failure of that question being answered, we have found ourselves in a situation where now the president is alleged of serious violations of the constitution.

That the Parliament is facing serious allegations that they have violated the constitution, their obligations.

The Reserve Bank has violated their obligations to the constitution.

That is what is being alleged in the Constitutional Court.

But, because of this, now what has happened is that now we have found even such wrong-doing related to this matter in the Constitutional Court itself.

This is probably the most important legal battle that is happening at the moment — probably in the history of this country.

And we’re asking all of you to spread the message since the mainstream media is not spreading this message at all.

Spread the message because it’s very important that as many people as possible come to hear of it.

Secondly we are asking for you to provide us with support and assistance as we are going up against the most powerful respondents and entities in this country, without any doubt.

We are asking you to pray for our success because this is a very serious matter that we are engaged in with huge consequences for everyone.

Thank you for your support so far.

And God bless you.


Original video available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See additional articles related to the “Show Us the Virus” court case


Connect with Ricardo Maarman

Australian Aboriginal Leader Lurnpa: The Genocidal Land Grab in the Northern Territory (The Real Agenda Behind the Unfolding Medical Tyranny)

Australian Aboriginal Leader Lurnpa: The Genocidal Land Grab in the Northern Territory (The Real Agenda Behind the Unfolding Medical Tyranny)


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

The video below was recorded by Australian aboriginal leader Lurnpa, also known as David Cole. He is joined by Northern Territory aboriginal leaders Keith Rory (elder) and Gadrian Hoosan.

Here we share a few key excerpts from Lumpa’s message:

“Everything all governments do on this continent is all about minerals and resources. All interaction and dealings with aboriginal, original, people is about control, oppression and land grabbing — since 1788 to today.

The state, territory and federal quasi-governments are really corporations, vying to steal the land for multinational and national corporations.

The Intervention was nothing but a land grab. It allowed for the removal of the Racial Discrimination Act which resulted in the removal of the land permit system.

Once The Intervention started, 273 exploration permits for uranium mining were approved within the first 6 months of The Intervention. And our communities witnessed a large number of planes and helicopters flying in grid formation across their lands, across the entire territory, mapping out the land, the resources and the minerals.

The current fraudulent pandemic is also being used as an opportunity to steal the land and take as much resources and minerals for the government and private corporations.

I’ve said it from the start, this is not about our health. It is an attempt to remove the tribal people of the land and steal everything. The only thing standing in the way is the tribal people.

This corporate genocide is a war crime. And all involved are complicit.

As the Nuremberg 2 trials [Grand Jury model proceeding] begin, led by Reiner Fuellmich, it is evident through evidence available to all, that this pandemic is a lie. And this experimental vaccine they are forcing upon humanity is nothing but a bioweapon, designed to kill people.”


“The planned and approved sell-off of the land contradicts the people’s wishes to not have any businesses on their lands that destroy the land any further.”


“It is my belief, through evidence and the mistreatment of our tribal people, that this absolute agenda of all quasi- governments, national and international corporations, is to steal the land and rid the land of the one thing stopping them from completely taking everything — and that’s the sovereign original tribal people of the lands.

The Deagel military website states that the Australian population will decrease to 9 million people by 2025. That’s 16 million people gone.

So these multinational corporations are happy to genocide 15 million non-tribal people in order to convince 1 million tribal people to take this bioweapon — so they can be left with 9 million obedient slaves to mine all these lands and resources they are stealing off the sovereign tribal people through this process.

This is genocide on a grand scale.

These corporate governments and the land councils are trying to eradicate the sovereign tribal people, for the greed of multinational corporate conglomerates and private shareholders, in order to steal the land and resources at the expense of killing off the oldest living culture on the planet.

All parties, domestic and foreign, should cease and desist in these actions immediately. This is an evil agenda.

The international community needs to intervene immediately and stop the genocide.”


“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to stand together — black and white — to unite, to take back our country and to stop this genocide against all people. And to keep the land healthy, to keep the land safe for future generations.

We can do this. We can work together. We just have to unite and stand together as one.

Please, work with us. Let’s stand together. Let’s free us aa.

Freedom and power to humanity.”


Genocidal Land Grab (the true agenda) 

by Lurnpa (David Cole)
February 10, 2022

Original video is available at Lurnpa Rumble channel.



Follow Lurnpa at Rumble.

Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022: A Call to Action for Police and Veterans

Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022: A Call to Action for Police and Veterans

by Bright Light News
February 12, 2022


Former Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)  Vincent Gircys, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) veteran Eddie Cornell and recently retired CAF Naval Officer Andrew MacGillivray put out a call to action to other officers and veterans to support #freedomconvoy2022 to restore lost rights and freedoms.


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Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny”

Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This powerful video by Major Stephen Chledowski, apparently went viral a few days ago on Twitter and on Reddit. We have been unable to find the original source (if still available) but it can be  found mirrored on Odysee, Rumble, BitChute, and YouTube.


Transcript is provided by Truth Comes to Light:


Good day, folks; my name is Major Stephen Chledowski. 

I have served Canada, in the Canadian armed forces, for 20 plus years. I hold a first-class honors degree in political science, and I have held several army command positions.

I have an urgent message for all Canadians.

For nearly two years, our own elected government officials have been using the bullying tactics of fear, intimidation, coercion, and financial and physical violence against us to gain compliance for certain repeated medical procedures.

We tell our children that bullying is wrong. We know it to be so. Yet, we allow our leaders to do this to us.

They have knowingly, and repeatedly, violated the highest laws of the land — in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other signed international human rights agreements.

Canadians have been lulled into believing that the same government that suppresses your freedoms in the name of safety, will one day just reward you back with your freedoms if you just comply to ever-changing rules and health orders.

That, folks, is the very definition of tyranny, not democracy.

Humans are inherently free.

Kings and queens and government cronies can’t give you your basic human rights. They are naturally yours. They can’t be given. They can’t be taken. They can only be suppressed.

In the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Queen Elizabeth is recognizing in law our fundamental freedoms.

The federal and provincial governments of Canada have chosen, through a well-planned and orchestrated set of measures, to trick and fool and scare you — the very people who elected them and pay their salaries — into complying with the suppression of our basic human rights.

They have knowingly betrayed you, and me, under the lie of safety.

This past Remembrance Day, as I stood in front of the military cenotaph in Fredericton to honor my comrades who gave their lives for others freedom, I overheard the premier of New Brunswick, Premier Higgs, and our member of Parliament, Jenica Atwin, tell members of the public how special it was that these brave members of the military gave their lives for their freedom — that same freedom that these very liars and deceivers are actively working right now to suppress.

I stood there, a soldier of nearly 21 years as a senior officer in the Canadian army, as a veteran of Afghanistan participating in Op. Medusa — the largest combat operation for Canada since the Korean War, where I watched my own brave comrades fight and get injured and die.

But I also stood there as a person who hasn’t taken the Covid-19 injection.

The irony — so even though I serve this country, and it has been an honor to do so, an absolute honor  — like many thousands of Canadians who choose body autonomy and pro-choice, I am unable to share in the same privileges now like eating at a restaurant, going out in public to an event, or even traveling across provinces to see my child. This is happening to many others.

These government traitors to freedom are suppressing the rights of the very people they claim to honor. And it made me sick to my stomach.

These Canadian governments are now focused on our children — with a medical, genetic therapy proven by repeated medical journals/studies not to prevent Covid infections nor to  prevent its transmission to others.

For our children, serious illness and death are non-existent from Covid-19, unless your child is chronically unhealthy to begin with.

Yet, the toxin in this injection will have serious, life-damaging, permanent effects on your child’s health immunity. That fact of natural T-Cell and DNA damage has also came to light recently by medical scientist studies.

I am calling on the medical community to put an immediate halt on children’s injections until the Canadian public can receive accurate, truthful data from these Covid injection injuries that have already occurred.

The Canadian public has a right to be able to make informed medical choices, especially for their little children. To tell them repeatedly it is safe and effective and not give them that choice is a crime, and it’s also genocide.

The media and government must put an immediate halt to all scientific medical censorship and the silencing of health professionals who do not comply with your agenda, as well as hear from Covid injection injury victims.

The Canadian public has a right to hear from those in our communities and families who have been injured by this procedure.

I am calling on my military and police comrades — all of you,  all of us who have sworn a personal oath to protect our family, our friends, and our communities — to now stand up and protect your loved ones against this government forced medical tyranny.

You chose to serve because you wanted to give back to your community. And instead, the government has turned your love for community and your loyalty against you. And you are now a weapon against the very people you love.

Brothers and sisters, you can’t be for forever-changing industry-government measures, which use fear and violence, and also be for your loved ones and for freedom.

You have to choose. I am asking you to choose your family and your community.

This is why you serve. And this is your moment to be a hero for your loved ones. They deserve the truth, They deserve to be protected.

I am also calling on all Canadian to join in solidarity together.

Freedom and love for our community — freedom to choose who you want to be, where you want to live, what you want to experience and learn, what your spirituality is and what you want to practice, who you want to love, what you want to put in your own bodies — is the foundation of our democracy in Canada.

We cannot let freedom die with this generation.

May God forever bless the free citizens of Canada.

Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022

Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022

by Real Rukshan
February 12, 2022


Video available at Real Rukshan Odysee & YouTube.

Convoy to Canberra – March to Parliament Highlights – 12.02.22


by Obscured Trends
February 12, 2022

Canberra today… Anti-Mandate Aussies


by Melbourne Ground
February 12, 2022

Canberra has NEVER seen so Many People


by True Arrow

MASSIVE protest in Canberra! (with time-lapse) 12.02.22.


Defense Lawyer Hotline Established for Canadian Truckers

Defense Lawyer Hotline Established for Canadian Truckers

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 11, 2022


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a national, non-profit, non-partisan public interest law firm and registered charity, is announcing the establishment of a network of defence lawyers to assist any truckers peacefully protesting for freedom from covid restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Justice Centre has a team of lawyers on the ground in Ottawa.

Anyone who may be facing arrest, the confiscation of property or has criminal law related questions in relation to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest can speak to a lawyer at no charge.

The Justice Centre has prepared a legal tip sheet that may be helpful to peaceful protestors, that provides guidance for dealing with police and potentially facing charges or tickets.

To access the hotline, email In an urgent situation, please phone our legal hotline at 647-251-9710. We have a number of lawyers available providing their services at no charge, and offer services in English, French and Ojibwe.

This email address and hotline is only for protestors.



Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

cover image credit: jessica45 / pixabay

Feb. 10, 2022 Press Conference in Support of Canada’s Trucker Freedom Convoy

Feb. 10, 2022 Press Conference in Support of Canada’s Trucker Freedom Convoy

by Bright Light News
February 10, 2022


A press conference was held February 10, 2022 by supporters of the Freedom Convoy 2022, including:

Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Maxime Bernier, PPC Leader
Randy Hillier, MP
Bruce Pardy, Law Professor
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Sandy Williams, rancher
Roy Bears,


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“Truckistan’s” Historic Fight for Freedom Goes Global

“Truckistan’s” Historic Fight for Freedom Goes Global

by Neehah Payne, Activist Post
February 10, 2022


Social media proposes renaming Canada “Truckistan” after Trudeau flees trucker convoy protests reported on January 30, 2022:

“As the Trucker Freedom Convoy continues to go viral, many prominent social media figures have begun collectively renaming Canada ‘Truckistan.’ The trend began Sunday when Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec said, ‘The Truckistani people will be liberated!’


Posobiec also suggested the capital be named ‘Dieseldorf.’ Will Chamberlain also added commentary. He tweeted,


Chamberlain continued, ‘Trump should promise to recognize the new Truckistani government as the legitimate government of the territory formerly known as Canada.’ ‘Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make it one of our finest states,’ added popular lawyer Ron Coleman. Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make one of our finest states — Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) January 30, 2022


The ‘Truckistan’ enthusiasts even went so far as to make a map. Canadian truckers made their way to Ottawa on Saturday for a planned protest in which they have stated their intention to ‘gridlock’ the city until the Trudeau government lifts vaccine mandate requirements for the trucking industry.


Footage shot by The Post Millennial’s Beth Baisch in Ottawa on Saturday shows blocks and blocks of trucks lining the streets. Protesters are marching through sub zero temperatures to express their anger at the Trudeau government. Trucks stretched for several blocks as protesters continued to gather at Parliament Hill. Protesters brought signs, music, and an incredible cacophony of honking horns as they stood bundled in the snow against the cold.”

Truckers Are Restoring The People’s Power

Suddenly, with the massive truckers’ strike in Canada, people are beginning to take their power back worldwide. That’s because this is not a one-day demonstration. It is not declaration signed by thousands doctors and scientists. This is not an accusation or expose. It is a massive physical protest that is shutting down the capital and Canada’s supply line — for a year or two, if necessary — until demands are met!

It is a physical take-over of Canada to get the COVID mandates revoked. Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Coming to US shows that Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada went into a convoy of 2,700 trucks entered Ottawa, Canada’s capital, on January 29 to protest his Covid-19 policies including mandatory vaccination for truckers entering Canada through the US-Canada border. Dubbed the ‘Freedom Convoy’, it has amassed support from all sections of the public.

The convoy is 45-50 miles long with supporters lining highways and overpasses all along the route. The protests received a boost when farmers joined. According to Twitter users, hundreds of farmers have arrived in Ottawa in their tractors. Since January 23, the group’s Go-Fund-Me page raised over ten million dollars Canadian to cover the cost of the journey and to take care of truckers who have settled into Ottawa.  It is a growing protest against the COVID “vaccine” mandates that is inspiring the world and is reportedly coming to the US in March.

Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate reported on February 4 “The organizers have joined forces with locals and are supplying the needs of the truckers, showers, hot meals and food. While some of the trucks are lining the streets of Ottawa, many are parked in fields around the city. The group is committed to remaining peaceful, are guarding monuments, shoveling snow, playing hockey, picking up garbage and feeding the homeless…”

Freedom Convoy: Longest Convoy In History!

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau goes into hiding as farmers join truckers in protest against vaccine mandate reported on January 30: “the truckers have been camping near Parliament Hill and demanding reversal of all vaccine mandates in the country. A truck driver Harold Jonker told BBC, “We want to be free, we want to have our choice again, and we want hope – and the government has taken that away.”  He further added, “The intent is actually to stay until all these mandates are dropped. Some people can stay one day, some people can stay five days but all the truck drivers are used to camping in their trucks all week long. We are staying here until we can go back to work.”

While Trudeau dismissed the truckers as a “fringe minority”, Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate reports: The convoys officially broke world records on the longest convoys in history with many over 40 miles long! The total number of trucks is of yet unknown but it is in the tens of thousands. American truckers have also joined. The Canadians citizens have rallied to the cause and at every overpass and side road they gathered waving flags, holding signs and giving out supplies to the drivers.”

Freedom Convoy – Canadian Truckers Inspire the WORLD! reported on February 3 that Corporal Bulford, Prime Minister Trudeau’s head of personal security for 8 years, just resigned and joined the truckers! Bulford is a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The video explains that the truckers’ movement is turning into a working class revolution in Canada. The truckers and farmers are handing out a pamphlet called “Project Inform”.

Corporal Bulford resigns from his position of personal security of Trudeau shows that Bulford pointed out in a very powerful speech that the restrictions and mandates that are against the Charters of Rights and Freedoms in Canada.

Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate says:

“The Freedom convoy had sparked interest and support world-wide. Across Europe, Central America, Australia and the US truckers are organizing their own convoys for freedom. According to the press conference, “the convoy has started a cultural movement for cultural unity in Canada that has blossomed into a global cultural movement, pushing back against the political class who have failed us and are pushing us into serfdom.”

Freedom Convoy Presents Supporting Doctors

Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION – Feb.6, 2022 “State of Emergency Update”,reports:

“Freedom Convoy Leadership Update — Address to the Nation 7:00pm February 6, 2020. Ottawa Mayor declared a state of emergency. How Ottawa Police taking the convoy fuel and occupying the convoy tents does not impact the Freedom Convoy logistics.”

In the video, Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, a world renowned medical expert and former Trump White House adviser, said: “It is time that we stop and we declare this pandemic emergency over.”  He added that the Canadian truckers are “backed by solid science” and that the “government positions of these vaccine mandates have no scientific or medical bases and must be stopped now.”

Acclaimed physician Dr. Roger Hodkinson stated: “The mandates must be lifted tomorrowThe carnage that’s going on out there with our children is indescribable.”

“Tom” starts at about 8:15 and said the police can’t end this situation. He said he would  provide an update on February 7 to propose a meeting with Trudeau to end the impasse.

New Freedom Convoy Fundraiser Raises $2 Million In Single Day, With More Than $4 Million Total

Freedom Convoy Makes History

Truckers Make  History In Canada (video)

Freedom Convoy’s Powerful Speech To The Nation/World

Freedom Convoy: Chris Sky Speech to the Nations

Arrest and Silencing of Truckers?

Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference

Chris, the main spokesperson for the truckers, pointed out that the police had confiscated their fuel and food the night before, but it was quickly replaced. However, he said they had reason to believe they might be arrested. He said they were not frightened and will remain non-violent, but wanted people to know what they may be facing. He said if people stop hearing from them, they can assume their communications have been cut off. If that happens, he asked Canadians to come to Ottawa because there is strength in numbers. He asked to meet with negotiators from the federal government and pointed out that the scientists supporting the truckers would like to sit down for a discussion with the government’s scientists. All the people in the group introduced themselves.


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cover image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images  / pixabay

Protesters Troll Cops With Empty Jerry Cans in Ottawa, Canada

Protesters Troll Cops With Empty Jerry Cans in Ottawa, Canada

by Rebel News
February 10, 2022


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Trucker Morale High – Freedom Convoy 2022

Trucker Morale High – Freedom Convoy 2022

by Bright Light News
February 9, 2022

Chris and Eric give an update on Freedom Convoy 2022 morale and the situation with the police and fuel.


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“Freedom Convoy” in France, Inspired by Canadian Protests, Gets Underway

“Freedom Convoy” in France, Inspired by Canadian Protests, Gets Underway

by Global News
February 9, 2022


Protesters gathered in southern France on Wednesday for what they say will be a “freedom convoy” that will converge on Paris and Brussels to demand an end to COVID-19 restrictions, inspired by Canada’s anti-mandate protests.

Seen waving Canadian flags, the protesters said they planned to head first to Paris, then on to Brussels — headquarters of the European Union — to demand, among other things, the scrapping of rules barring people from public venues if they don’t have a COVID-19 vaccination.

The convoy was made up of motorcycles and private cars, but no trucks.


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Canada/US Border: Freedom Convoy Brings Traffic to a Standstill at Ambassador Bridge From Detroit, Michigan, USA to Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Canada/US Border: Freedom Convoy Brings Traffic to a Standstill at Ambassador Bridge From Detroit, Michigan, USA to Windsor, Ontario, Canada



Ambassador Bridge Protest: Detroit to Windsor Off-Ramp Blocked!
How Long Will This Off-Ramp Blockade Be Tolerated by the Authorities?

by David Menzies, Rebel News
February 9, 2022


As Justin Trudeau and his useful idiots in the mainstream media continue to vilify and demonize the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters in Ottawa, the line is being held. Indeed, other trucker demonstrations are now popping up all over our great dominion.

From Toronto and Quebec City to Alberta, truckers have assembled, demanding an end to the myriad useless COVID-19 lockdown mandates that are making all our lives miserable.

The latest trucker protest is now taking place in Windsor, Ont.

On Monday evening, truckers parked their big rigs on the Ambassador Bridge, eventually forcing an entire bridge closure. Several hours later, the trucks moved off the bridge, but some of the 18-wheelers and several cars, pickup trucks and campers blockaded the offramp to Windsor.

That means vehicle traffic coming from Michigan into Ontario is currently completely shut down (the bridge is still open to traffic going from Ontario to Michigan.)

When we arrived at the Windsor side of the Ambassador Bridge on Tuesday evening, we were greeted by a downright surreal site: a multi-lane stretch of asphalt that is normally extremely busy with truck and car traffic had become a place where demonstrators were protesting and dancing the night away. While it was a festive atmosphere on the Canadian side, an Ambassador Bridge employee told us that traffic on the Michigan side was backed up by some 20 miles.

Alas, the question arises: how long will this ramp blockade be tolerated by the authorities?

After all, the Ambassador Bridge is the most important conduit between Canada and the U.S. More than 40,000 vehicles and more than $300 million in goods cross this bridge on a daily basis.

Indeed, rumours abound that a major police operation is imminent, with the goal of dismantling the blockade.

The Windsor Police Service has already reached out to the RCMP for reinforcements.

Granted, the blockade is a major inconvenience when it comes to Canada-bound traffic from the U.S. (those hoping to make the crossing are being advised to go to the Blue Water Bridge near Sarnia) but despite the narrative being manufactured by the Trudeau Liberals and their bought-and paid-for henchmen toiling in the mainstream media, the Freedom Convoy protesters are not racists, bigots and haters.

Rather, they are peaceful protesters — patriotic Canadians who simply want their freedoms restored. Imagine that.


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cover image credit: SecretName101 / Wikimedia Commons

Truckers Forever

Truckers Forever

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 9, 2022


The Canadian convoy of many, many trucks, now in Ottawa, and the many, many people supporting it, can’t be written off as some strange breakout group.

This is a popular movement.

A wave.

A reader suggested it’s time for thousands of doctors and health workers, from all over the world, to step up to the plate and issue statements of strong support.


BUILD the wave higher.

Show the world what this is: freedom from government tyranny; freedom from a phony medical dictatorship.

Imagine your life depends on a choice you make:



Which way do you go?




“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” Thomas Paine, December 13, 1776.

Who embodies that statement? Trudeau or the truckers?

Some credentialed sold-out medical quack who serves as a COVID advisor and public health bureaucrat, or the truckers?

A demented fascist who demands vaccine passports, or the truckers?

In the US, the FDA, about to approve the poisonous COVID vaccines for six-month-old BABIES…or the Canadian truckers?

The numerous Canadian officials who are calling the truckers terrorists, or the truckers?

The big tech censors of true COVID facts, or the truckers?

“Well, you see, it’s true that in the US, the federal database contains more than a million reports of injuries from COVID vaccines; and it’s true that this number is a gross understatement; but the solution is more vaccinations and more boosters…”

Do you trust the experts who are telling you THAT, or the truckers?

Who should be in prison, Fauci or the truckers?

If you have to point to a spot and say THIS IS THE HILL WE’LL DIE ON IF WE NEED TO, who do you want on that hill …Bill Gates or the truckers?

The US Dept. of Homeland Security has just issued a bulletin, “Summary of Terrorism Threats to the Homeland (February 07, 2022).” It’s a classic piece of logic-dodging horseshit:

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

Translation: We at DHS have the power. Private citizens are asserting their own power and freedom, so we have to discredit and silence them and call them terrorists. When we say “they seek to undermine trust in government institutions,” that’s our inside joke. If we weren’t the government, we wouldn’t trust the government as far as we could throw it.

Do you rely on DHS Jokers or the truckers?

Are you a totalitarian or do you want freedom?

Would you rather cling to fascist Authorities like barnacles, or stand up like humans alongside the truckers?

Would you rather stay silent and hope for the best, or make your voice heard?

Here is one solution: Don’t worry, everything is normal. It’ll always be normal. Our only course of action is no action. Just wait around. The situation will resolve. Watch the news for updates. Stay calm. Two months from now, everybody will forget about the truckers. Get tested. Take the vaccine and all the boosters. Earn your wellness passport. Worst case, if you wind up in the hospital after the shot, the doctors will take care of you. The surgeons are performing miracles these days. It’s quite possible the most important indicator the vaccine is working is death.

How do you like that solution?

Let me clue you in on a secret. Shh. Behind the vaccine passport governments are forcing on people, there’s a much older passport. It called CARD-CARRYING CITIZEN. It indicates: “I follow orders. I trust the experts. I do what everyone else does. I’m normal. No one can accuse me of stepping out of line. When a group breaks away from Normal, I turn my back on them. That group must be wrong. If they’re fighting for freedom, they’re REALLY wrong. I know that because I don’t have freedom. Censor that group. Stop them. I’m already a card-carrying citizen, so earning my vaccine passport is easy for me. It confirms what I already am.”

Is that what you want to be, or do you want to support the truckers?

Here’s another secret we all know. We know it so well, it’s become a cliché. Every single day, whether you make a choice or don’t make a choice, you’re making a choice.

Truckers forever.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: screenshot


Accusations Against the Truckers Are Vicious and Baseless

Accusations Against the Truckers Are Vicious and Baseless

by John Carpaythe Post Millennial
Febuary 8, 2022


Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly does not mince words when attacking the truckers and ordinary Canadians who are now protesting peacefully in Ottawa. The truckers plan to stay until the Charter rights and freedoms that politicians took away from Canadians 23 months ago are restored.

Chief Sloly publicly accuses the truckers of engaging in “unlawful” and “harmful” activities, and of promoting “hatred” and “violence,” but provides no examples, facts, or arrests to support his accusations. The Chief calls for “order” to be “restored” even though “order” has not been lost. His fact-free rhetoric includes mention of an “increasingly volatile” and “increasingly dangerous” situation. As though speaking for an oppressive regime, Chief Sloly has repeatedly called for an “end” to the exercise of the fundamental Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly by Canadians in their own capital city.

GoFundMe took its cue from Chief Sloly and refused to release the funds from thousands of donors who gave millions in support of the truckers’ peaceful protest. On its website, GoFundMe claims to have “evidence” from law enforcement that “the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.” As if bouncy castles for kids, farmers with their tractors, cowboys on their horses, impromptu street hockey, live music, and flags from all nations are a violent foreign invasion.

Without referencing any evidence, GoFundMe accused the Freedom Convoy of engaging in “an abuse of power” (the protesters have no power) and of supporting “hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, and intolerance …” Freedom Convoy is now accepting donations at

The accusations of Chief Sloly and GoFundMe are invented out of thin air, and discredited by thousands of videos and photographs showing truckers shoveling snow, feeding the homeless, and behaving responsibly and respectfully. But in woke 2022, who needs facts when attacking political opponents? Prime Minister Trudeau has compared Canada’s peaceful truckers to Americans who stormed the U.S. Capitol Buildings in January 2021, stating “Having a group of people who disagree with the outcome of an election who want to go a different way and bring in an alternative government is a non-starter in a responsible democracy.”

Mr. Trudeau has also likened the “small fringe minority” of truckers (with their “unacceptable views”) to “those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless,” “those who fly racist flags … and engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans” and express “hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens and a disrespect not just of science but of the frontline health workers.” At least the Prime Minister is consistent, having previously described Canadians who don’t want the COVID mRNA shots as racist, misogynist, anti-science extremists who should not be tolerated.

The bias of Trudeau-funded media is such that if any member of the Freedom Convoy had engaged in violence, damaged property or broken the law, the “mainstream” or “establishment” media would have gleefully reported on it. Yet no media outlet provides any actual evidence of any member of the Freedom Convoy breaking any laws. No arrests have been made. No charges have been laid. In fact, crime has been down since the truckers arrived.

There are photographs of someone carrying a Nazi flag, but nobody knows who this person is, even with True North offering $6,500 to anyone who can confirm the identity of that one (politically planted?) individual. There is no evidence this individual was associated or affiliated with the Freedom Convoy.

A more realistic picture of what is happening in Ottawa will soon be revealed by sworn affidavits filed in a court action. Zexi Li seeks an injunction to silence the horn-honking in Ottawa.

One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath that truckers and their supporters “are feeding the homeless on Wellington Street and filling their backpacks with food. Truckers have taken a whole trailer full of food to the homeless shelter. Truckers are maintaining the cleanliness of city streets, including picking up discarded masks on the ground, …”

An Ottawa resident claims that “the truckers I have interacted with have, at all times, been friendly, courteous, humble, considerate and peaceful. I have not observed any aggressive or inappropriate behaviours.” He says the truckers are diverse, including Sikhs, Blacks, Aboriginals and others. He has “observed truckers decorating the tomb of the unknown soldier with flowers and guarding it” and has “not seen any violent or threatening behaviour.” He notes that “the truckers do not honk their horns at night. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the Freedom Convoy during the day.” He asserts: “My ability to park and to travel in downtown Ottawa, or to and from Parliament Hill has not been impeded by the presence of the truckers.”

Another Ottawa resident, who works for Statistics Canada, describes reality on the ground as follows: “The protesters were peaceful and respectful, I saw no violence or harassment. I was not impeded in any way, and could walk about freely and safely. I did not see any hateful symbols, in fact, I saw an abundance of Canada flags and Quebec flags as well as countless signs calling for freedom and the end of COVID-related mandates.”

He reports that “there were dozens of trucks along Wellington Street. They would intermittently sound their horns but it was not constant. Many people walked the streets peacefully protesting. Many of them carried Canada flags and signs. It was a peaceful and fun atmosphere with dancing and public speakers taking turns at a microphone while people listened on. I did not observe anyone being harassed or intimidated. I felt totally safe.” He passed by the Terry Fox statue in front of Parliament Hill on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, and states: “Contrary to what I have seen in the media, I did not see that the Terry Fox statue was desecrated or defaced in any way. In fact, I saw flowers at the feet of the statue as demonstrators walked by. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the downtown demonstrations. I do not hear any honking near my home. The only honking I have heard is on Wellington Street, particularly across from Parliament Hill.”

Bear in mind that these witnesses can be cross-examined by Zexi Li’s lawyers. These witnesses are required to answer all questions under oath. They face serious consequences if they lie. In stark contrast, Chief Sloly and Mr. Trudeau are not speaking under oath, will not be questioned by lawyers, and face no consequences for lying. Which people do you see as more credible?


Connect with John Carpay at Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Worldwide Freedom Convoys: Video Clips of This Expanding Movement

Worldwide Freedom Convoys: Video Clips of This Expanding Movement
A small sample of convoys and massive protest marches and rallies ongoing throughout the world


It’s spreading…Belgium



All videos below are courtesy of Revolution in the Streets.


Epic view from the massive blockade at the border between Canada and the US


Massive support for the Freedom Convoy in Canberra, Australia!


The German Viking Clap in Cologne (Köln), Germany


Big support for the Freedom Convoy in Paderborn, Germany


Spanish farmers join the truckers protests – blocked the A4 highway in Andalusia, Spain


Riga, Latvia joins the worldwide Freedom Convoy movement


Freedom Convoy in Friesland, The Netherlands


Trucker protest shuts down Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario


More footage from the blockade at Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario


Reinforcement arrived in Ottawa, Canada


Cowboys join Canada-US border blockade in Coutts against restrictions and vaccination pass!

Who’s Got Gas? — Truckers & Supporters Respond to Arrest Threat

Who’s Got Gas? — Truckers & Supporters Respond to Arrest Threat

by Carl Vernon
February 8, 2022




Canada: When the People Unite for Liberty, the People Have the Power

Canada: When the People Unite for Liberty, the People Have the Power


by Ron Paul Liberty Report
February 8, 2022

Connect with Ron Paul Liberty Report at Odysee or Rumble.

February 7 — Announcement & Update by Leaders of Canada’s Truckers for Freedom

February 7 — Announcement & Update by Leaders of Canada’s Truckers for Freedom

Original video available at Live with Laura-Lunn Rumble.

Truckers for Freedom leadership gives a statement on the current state of affairs in Ottawa.

16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers

16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers claiming the mandates are illegal and obsolete, as the vaccines don’t work against Omicron, the dominant variant in the U.S.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defender
February 7, 2022


Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers.

The amended lawsuit was filed Feb. 4 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Chiquita Brooks-Lasure, administrator of CMS.

The suit seeks to block the mandate for healthcare workers in the 25 states that previously challenged it and where it is set to take effect beginning this month.

The revised lawsuit puts forth a series of new arguments, including that the CMS mandate was designed in response to the Delta variant and is therefore now obsolete.

Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia joined Louisiana in the lawsuit.

The amended lawsuit comes in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Jan. 13 decision, which lifted injunctions that had been in effect in 25 states. The Supreme Court said mandates could go into effect while lawsuits challenging it continue to weave their way through the judicial system.

This decision came following a circuitous legal process, where U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty initially blocked the mandate nationwide, on Nov. 30, 2021. (Judge Doughty is overseeing the case involving the amended lawsuit.)

An appeals court later lifted the injunction in 26 states on Dec. 15, 2021, but the mandate was then separately blocked in Texas that same day by another judge.

These developments prompted the Biden administration in late December 2021 to file an emergency request with the Supreme Court, asking the court to lift the various injunctions barring implementation of the CMS mandate.

The mandate, as originally issued by the CMS, specifically applies to healthcare workers at hospitals and facilities that receive federal funding — namely, those that accept Medicare and Medicaid payments.

Following the Supreme Court decision, healthcare workers in 24 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming) will be required to furnish proof of having received at least one COVID vaccine dose by Feb. 14, and must complete their primary series of vaccines by March 15.

Healthcare workers in Texas have until Feb. 22 to receive their first dose, and March 21 to complete their primary series of vaccinations, while in states where the mandate had not previously been blocked, the respective deadlines are Jan. 27 and Feb. 28.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry described the CMS vaccine requirement as a “job-killing directive” that is ineffective as a measure to stop the spread of COVID or protect public health.

Landry argued the mandates violate states’ rights:

“The CMS vaccination rule remains a misguided, one-size-fits-all, job-killing directive that does not account for any change in circumstances — including how the vaccines do not stop the transmission of the Omicron variant.

“What’s more, the federal government has now made clear that it expects the states to implement this flawed policy with state employees. So I will continue fighting this ill-advised invasion of individual autonomy and my state’s rights.”

Landry said the mandate is “causing havoc in the healthcare labor market across the nation — especially in rural communities.”

The lawsuit addresses a notable discrepancy: The mandate, signed by Becerra, specifically references the danger the Delta variant poses to the unvaccinated, adding that vaccines “continue to be effective in preventing COVID-19 associated with the now-dominant Delta variant.”

The Supreme Court agreed with Becerra’s reasoning, stating he had “good cause” to impose the mandate without the typically mandated comment period, because of his belief that any additional delay would pose a danger to patient health and safety in light of the spread of the Delta variant.

The lawsuit argues that as of mid-December 2021 and based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Delta was no longer the prevalent strain of COVID, having been replaced by Omicron:

“[T]he Secretary’s rationale for the rule and for avoiding public comment no longer exists. The Delta variant has run its full course.

“… It is now established beyond any serious question that the secretary’s speculation was wrong. The Delta variant effectively disappeared from the scene within weeks of the issuance of the rule.”

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall also questioned the efficacy of the COVID vaccines against Omicron:

“The mandate was promulgated in response to the Delta variant, which now accounts for only 0.1 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the United States.

“But research suggests that COVID-19 vaccines do little to stop the transmission of the predominant strain today — the Omicron variant, which accounts for 99.9 percent of all cases — which undermines the premise for forcing people to submit to them.”

The amended lawsuit states, “Omicron’s transmission is largely undeterred by the vaccines.”

The lawsuit also references findings by the American Association of Retired Persons Public Policy Institute, which indicates nursing homes and long-term care facilities are already facing a severe shortage of nurses and aides, without the mandate having yet gone into effect.

The lawsuit argues these low staffing levels place patients at greater risk, including a higher likelihood of contracting COVID:

“By forcing healthcare workers to choose between their jobs or an experimental vaccine they do not want, CMS is affirmatively pinching an already strained workforce — and particularly so in rural areas within the States.”

The lawsuit also notes the shifting and contradictory position of the federal government, which, for instance, recently issued guidance permitting healthcare workers who have tested positive for COVID to go to work, which undercuts the policy that prohibits unvaccinated healthcare workers from going to work even with a negative test result.

The lawsuit further argues the CMS vaccine mandate violates the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution concerning states’ rights; the Spending Clause of the Constitution; the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, which stems from two Supreme Court decisions prohibiting the federal government from commandeering state governments; and the Nondelegation Doctrine, a principle in administrative law that stipulates Congress cannot delegate its legislative powers to other entities.

In contrast, government lawyers told the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana in January that following the Jan. 13 Supreme Court decision striking down the previous injunctions, the case was “effectively concluded,” and they submitted a motion for its dismissal.

The CMS on Jan. 25 issued new guidance that broadened the mandate, extending the vaccine requirement to surveyors who enter the healthcare facilities covered by the rule.

In turn, the lawsuit argues the latest CMS guidance clashes with laws in the states participating in the lawsuit, including an Indiana law that bars government entities from requiring any individual to furnish proof of vaccination, and a Montana law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of vaccination status.


©February 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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Canada’s Justice Centre Represents Key Leaders and Organizers of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

Canada’s Justice Centre Represents Key Leaders and Organizers of the Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 7, 2022


OTTAWA: The Justice Centre will be in court today in Ottawa, representing key leaders and organizers of the truckers’ Freedom Convoy, to oppose an application by 21-year-old Ottawa government worker Zexi Li, who has launched a $10-milion lawsuit against the Freedom Convoy for damages allegedly caused by the honking of horns.

At the time this lawsuit was launched, the trucker’s GoFundMe had reached $10-million in donations to cover fuel, accommodation and other necessary expenses of truckers, who drove from as far away as BC to join the protest against vaccine mandates. The Justice Centre does not represent every individual trucker currently in Ottawa.

Ms. Li, in her lawsuit, claims that even when there is no honking, she is “unable to enjoy the relative quiet because she becomes riddled with anxious anticipation for the moment it will start up again. The Plaintiff has found this anxious anticipation almost as unbearable as the sounds of the horns themselves.”

This application for an injunction also states that Ms. Li has been subject to “trauma” and “is fearful every time she ventures outside. She does not leave her residence without first inserting noise-cancelling headphones into her ears.”

Named in the lawsuit are four Freedom Convoy organizers, only some of whom are represented by the Justice Centre, and up to 60 big rig drivers with unknown names. The lawsuit seeks an injunction to stop “unbearable torment” of the protest traffic in downtown Ottawa.

Bouncy castles for the kids, farmers with their tractors, cowboys on their horses, impromptu street hockey, protestors shoveling snow and feeding the homeless, live music, and flags from all nations and protests have been captured in thousands of videos and photographs from the Freedom Convoy, in addition to horn-honking.

A more realistic picture of what is happening in Ottawa will soon be revealed by sworn affidavits filed in this court application. The Freedom Convoy has been working closely with the Ottawa Police Service, the RCMP, and the Parliamentary Protective Service. It was one of the Freedom Convoy truckers who last week reported to police a property damage offence and an assault, committed by individuals not affiliated with the truckers. Convoy leaders have asked all truckers to refrain from honking their horns between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.

One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath, “I do not control the truckers and other participants in the current protest in Ottawa. I do not own or posses a semi-truck or truck.”

One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath that truckers and their supporters “are feeding the homeless on Wellington Street and filling their backpacks with food. Truckers have taken a whole trailer full of food to the homeless shelter. Truckers are maintaining the cleanliness of city streets, including picking up discarded masks on the ground, centralized garbage collection, shoveling snow at the War Memorial and the Terry Fox statue, and decorating and providing security for the War Memorial and Terry Fox statue.”

An Ottawa resident states in a sworn affidavit that “the truckers I have interacted with have, at all times, been friendly, courteous, humble, considerate and peaceful. I have not observed any aggressive or inappropriate behaviours.” He says the truckers are diverse, including Sikhs, Blacks, Aboriginals and others. He has “observed truckers decorating the tomb of the unknown soldier with flowers and guarding it” and has “not seen any violent or threatening behaviour.” He notes that “the truckers do not honk their horns at night. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the Freedom Convoy during the day.” He further asserts under oath that “My ability to park and to travel in downtown Ottawa, or to and from Parliament Hill has not been impeded by the presence of the truckers.”

Another Ottawa resident, who works for Statistics Canada, describes reality on the ground as follows: “The protesters were peaceful and respectful, I saw no violence or harassment. I was not impeded in any way, and could walk about freely and safely. I did not see any hateful symbols, in fact, I saw an abundance of Canada flags and Quebec flags as well as countless signs calling for freedom and the end of Covid related mandates. I did see some anti-Trudeau flags using harsh language. However, I would describe the scene as a peaceful, pro-freedom demonstration.

This Ottawa resident reports that “there were dozens of trucks along Wellington street. They would intermittently sound their horns but it was not constant. Many people walked the streets peacefully protesting. Many of them carried Canada flags and signs. It was a peaceful and fun atmosphere with dancing and public speakers taking turns at a microphone while people listened on. I did not observe anyone being harassed or intimidated. I felt totally safe.” Having passed by the Terry Fox statue in from of Parliament Hill on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, he states: “Contrary to what I have seen in the media, I did not see that the Terry Fox statue was desecrated or defaced in any way. In fact, I saw flowers at the feet of the statue as demonstrators walked by. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the downtown demonstrations. I do not hear any honking near my home. The only honking I have heard is on Wellington Street, particularly across from Parliament Hill.”

“The right to peacefully protest is a fundamental right protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Governments across Canada have ignored Canadians, and bypassed their elected representatives in the passage of health and vaccination mandates which strip people of their jobs and civil liberties,” says Jay Cameron, Justice Centre Litigation Director.

“People are tired of being ignored by the indifferent elite. The lack of meaningful democracy means citizens have no voice regarding health mandates. They have a right to peacefully protest and have their voices heard,” adds Mr. Cameron.


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Canada Ottawa Freedom Convoy 2022 — Feb 7th Police Raid — Confiscate Fuel Supply From Truckers

Canada Ottawa Freedom Convoy 2022 — Feb 7th Police Raid — Confiscate Fuel Supply From Truckers

by All the World’s a Stage
February 7, 2022


Video available at alltheworldsastage Odysee & Bitchute channels.

Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Live from the police raid at the trucker base camp

Randy Hillier

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

John Bancroft

Terrence Rowland-Dow

Jim Kerr



Connect with All the World’s a Stage at Odysee

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The Truckers vs the Government; We Need to Get Out Ahead of All This

The Truckers vs the Government; We Need to Get Out Ahead of All This

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 7, 2022


You can support the truckers at

As of this writing, I’m told the police are making arrests in Ottawa. I assume this means they’re arresting truckers.

The Ottawa city government has declared a state of emergency. It’s now a crime for anyone on the scene to give food, fuel, or aid of any kind to the truckers.

The truckers and people all over Canada want freedom and peace. The government wants peace without freedom.

The government wants vaccine mandates and passports, and the ability to declare lockdowns and other fascist measures at any time.

No debate on “the science,” no need to justify the COVID measures, no legal cases taking up Constitutional limits on government power. Just: OBEY.

So that’s what the government is. That’s who they are. That’s who Trudeau is.

We might feel shock at what the government is doing to the truckers, but we shouldn’t be surprised. No one should have expected the government of “obey us” to just sit back and let this convoy happen and proceed, with so many Canadians supporting it.

No one should be surprised that rebellion against “obey us” governments is breaking out across the world.

Let’s get out ahead of what could happen in the coming days and weeks—-

No one with a conscience should back away if governments and their media front men throw around words like “insurrection” and “incitement” and “terrorism.” THESE ARE CONTROL WORDS.

They’re meant to paralyze people. They’re crude smears. The implication would be, anyone who is “a trucker” or a “supporter” wants to overthrow the entire government—rather than replace the fascists.

“Overthrow” was the official characterization of the January 6 Capitol break-in, in the US. “Well, led by a guy wearing a helmet and horns, a mob was going to take over the Congress.”

I see. Sure. And Trump, wearing a military uniform, having gained control over the PENTAGON, was going to swagger into the Capitol, declare martial law, and run the US with his junta.

Thereafter, The Rebels, commanded by a cigar-smoking fatigues-wearing Tony Fauci, encamped in the Catskills, would valiantly try to win back The Republic and the Constitution.

The truckers want freedom and peace, and their own right to earn a living. The Canadian government wants peace without freedom for everyone, and they’re ready to use force to force the peace.

If serious violence breaks out in Ottawa, the government will be behind it.

Violence shouldn’t make people back away from supporting the truckers.

Perhaps you noticed that the George Floyd protests and riots and the looting and burning and violence in many US cities didn’t make anyone on the political Left back away from supporting the rioters.

Did the government call those supporters insurrectionists or terrorists?

You might hear this from people “who are really in the know”: “You see, the whole convoy was a PLAN to cause violence, and then anyone who’s against the mandates and supports the truckers would be labeled a terrorist…”

Without real evidence, that formulation could be used to reject ANY form of mass protest on ANY issue. You may as well say ALL OF LIFE IS A FALSE FLAG, and therefore, we should do nothing and support nothing.

If serious violence does break out in Ottawa, a typical shaming operation will launch: “You people who supported the truckers—you’re responsible for this. You thought the truckers were honorable. But they were always breaking the law. They were stirred up by a mob mentality, by you who won’t accept the reality of the pandemic and what we all have to do to return to normal life…”

Guilt by association, except it turns out the people we’re associated with—the truckers—did nothing wrong.

Again, if anyone has actual evidence to the contrary, evidence that shows there was a plan to launch a convoy that would dead-end in violence, and cause the world to shake its head and say, “THIS is what the protesters and the anti-vaxxers were about all along, they’re all crazy…”, then present that evidence.

I say this, because in the coming days, we could see and hear more of such talk.

What I see in this convoy is honor, justice, the struggle for freedom.

Remember: The convoy is a hell of a lot more than the truckers.

It’s all the Canadians who are supporting it. So if a trucker is there simply because he wants to make a living, but he can’t cross the border unless he shows a vaccine passport, and he doesn’t want to take the vaccine, and that’s the sum of his protest; fine.

And if some trucker turns out to be bad actor, so what?


Get all these things straight in your mind, because if the presence of many people and trucks in Ottawa endures, you’re going to be WORKED by some experienced PR pros; worked to change your thoughts and opinions and feelings.

That’s their job. That’s how they operate.

Stand firm. Stay strong.

Make your voice heard.

Violence is always a government’s hole card. They play it, and then they say the rebels caused it or made it necessary. They splash the violence on the news, because they know it scares many people, who then retreat.

Don’t retreat.

Violence serves another purpose. People want it to stop, so they look to the current political leadership to stop it. They join forces with the fascists who started or triggered the violence.

Don’t fall for that.

If among all the truckers, there are a few bad actors who are government agents, and they do initiate violence, the news will highlight them to the max. This is pure Orwell 1984 stuff. Put pictures of the faces of “the killers” on the screen, over and over, with anchor voiceover telling the public what to see and think and feel. With the goal of stimulating outrage.

Outrage against everyone who supports the truckers or won’t take the vaccine or is opposed to the mandates.

Don’t buy that op.

Stay strong. Stand firm.

Remember what this is. A fight for freedom.

Here’s something else that could happen. The government suddenly announces a new wave of COVID cases. And the blame is directed at the throngs of unmasked truckers and their supporters out in the streets. Super-spreaders. The news, of course, would play that up. By accusation and indirect suggestion, the public will be told THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS FEARED.

The unmonitored numbers of irresponsible persons rebelling against common sense are responsible for KILLING ordinary law-abiding citizens.

That’s a straight con. During the past two years, it’s been played many times.

Don’t be fooled. Case numbers can be rigged at the drop of a hat. That’s been going on since the beginning of the “pandemic.”

Stand firm.

The pandemic story was planned with the sole purpose of canceling freedom.

Yours, mine, everybody’s.

Don’t give in.

Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.

No matter what.

One more suggestion. Play out, in your mind, a worst-case scenario: The convoy WAS planned by bad actors with the intent to discredit actual freedom fighters and people who refuse the vaccine and oppose the COVID mandates and restrictions. Go ahead. Make a mind-movie of that.

Where does that lead you? What’s the bottom line?


Because all the people on the streets and in the trucks ARE for freedom; and if the outcome is planned government-caused violence, that means NOTHING about what we’re fighting for. That discredits NOTHING.

If we stay strong.

If we stand up.

If we make our voices heard.

I could write 10,000 more words about a parallel event to the convoy, but I’ll keep it short. The parallel event was the January 6 rally in Washington after the Presidential election, the rally that had nothing to do with the Capitol break-in. Where hundreds of thousands of people gathered.

There were a number of ideas in the minds of all those people: a stolen election; freedom from lockdowns and other fascist COVID restrictions; opposition to the vaccine; opposition to the self-appointed thought-police of America…

In my opinion, Trump didn’t deserve that massive show of loyalty. Not at all. I’ve explained why in other articles. But the people who were there—they were the important ones. Regardless of who planned the break-in and for what reasons. THEY, the hundreds of thousands, wanted freedom. And still do.

The US government is trying to figure out every possible way to discredit and cancel them. Now.

This is the bigger picture.

Keep your eye on it.

I know. I’m not supposed to bring up the January 6 rally. People who want freedom are supposed to forget that. Hush hush. Because THAT event has been slammed mercilessly and discredited and made into a foul horror show.

But I don’t care. All over the world, the same pattern has been repeating. The people who want to live out in the open and throw off their chains are being painted as criminals. For whatever reasons can be cooked up.

And no, not all protests are the same or are launched for exactly the same reasons. But at the core, the impulse and the foundation are there: WE’RE TAKING IT BACK. FREEDOM.

This isn’t Qanon crap or Trumpism or racism or craziness or any hustle.

This is real.

The big smear, guilt by association, and all the other ops aren’t going to fool us.

If we don’t back down.

If we stand firm.

If we don’t quit.

If we make our voices heard.

No matter what.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: screenshot

Trudeau vs the Truckers

Trudeau vs the Truckers

by Freedom Toons
February 3, 2022



Connect with Freedom Toons

The Courage of Canadian Truckers Galvanizes the Nation: “When Justin Trudeau Called Us Terrorists, I Would Have Crawled on My Hands and Knees to Be Here.”

The Courage of Canadian Truckers Galvanizes the Nation: “When Justin Trudeau Called Us Terrorists, I Would Have Crawled on My Hands and Knees to Be Here.”

by Free to Fly
sourced from Free to Fly newsletter
February 6, 2022


The galvanizing effect of the freedom convoy continues to deeply impact our nation, coast to coast. This spirit of genuine care, kindness and unity shared across the spectrum of Canadian ages, nationalities, and political backgrounds is palpable at these events. Descriptions like dangerous, hateful or racist, coming from some politicians, media and police leaders are sad and laughable to anyone who has attended.

We’ve heard, time and again, people say they feel hope for the first time in years.

Over the past 24 hours, Greg was able to sit in a big rig and chat with a couple courageous truckers. Their sincerity and raw emotion are incredibly compelling. He was also asked to speak on behalf of Free to Fly on Parliament Hill.

Please watch and share these links on your social media, as we seek to take back freedom in Canada!

A Canadian trucker explains why he is putting everything on the line for freedom in Canada.

“I never thought I’d be called a hero.”

“When Justin Trudeau called us terrorists, I would have crawled on my hands and knees to be here.”

A Canadian truck driver explains how he’s willing to put his sole means of income on the line in order to reestablish freedom in Canada.

“If this truck totally gets wrecked, it’s all worth it.”

 Greg Hill, an airline pilot on forced leave for refusing the vaccine, delivers an impassioned speech at the trucker rally in Ottawa.

Greg Hill, an airline pilot on forced leave for refusing the vaccine, delivers an impassioned speech at the trucker rally in Ottawa. Join him in his mission of freedom at


Connect with Free to Fly Canada

Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy: “We Are With Our People”

Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy: “We Are With Our People”

by Bright Light News
February 5, 2022





Connect with Bright Light News

Corona Investigative Committee: Grand Jury Proceeding, Day 1 — “The People’s Court of Public Opinion”

Corona Investigative Committee: Grand Jury Proceeding, Day 1 — “The People’s Court of Public Opinion”

by Corona Investigative Committee
February 5, 2022


[Summary of the grand jury’s focus and upcoming testimonies is provided by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich at approximately 19:20.]


Download PDF of Media Release
Media Release:

Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion

Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law
‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’



Concerned lawyers from nations across the globe, working with esteemed scientists and medical experts, have come together to present the legal, scientific, and medical reasons why the populace must stop the Covid-19 measures and refuse the mRNA based injections that forced upon them. This Grand Jury Investigation serves to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of Crimes Against Humanity committed to date.

We realize, of course, that the courts of law in the current systems, just like the health care systems, our systems of education, and the (global) economic order are compromised and dominated by those who are responsible for the measures that need to be stopped. We have chosen the Grand Jury Investigation as the procedural foundation on which this proceeding takes place. But the proceeding itself will take place outside the current system, which in our view, is irreparably corrupt. That is, indeed, why we are not filing this case in one of the systems’ courts of law, which includes the International Criminal Court or the European Court of Human Rights.

Rather, we believe that it is of the utmost importance that the people themselves realize that they, their families, communities, and regions, are the only legitimate source of a truly “bottom up” democratic governance. Therefore, we, the people, must take back our sovereignty from those who have taken it from us and delegated it to anonymously and “top down” operating global corporations and institutions like the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum and their minions, the so- called Davos clique, or: Mr. Global.

For this purpose, we have created our, that is: the peoples´ own court of law, the People´s Court of Public Opinion to conduct this Grand Jury investigation. This makes sure that this case of Crimes Against Humanity gets a fair hearing and will not be thrown out by the systems´ courts on dubious procedural grounds, or that a judge who is willing to apply the law as he should and thereby defies “Mr. Global’s” interests will be persecuted by the system´s puppets as happened in Weimar to two such judges.

This proceeding´s main purpose (apart from demonstrating actual evidence to the world and serving as a model proceeding for future legal cases to be filed) is to show a complete picture of what we consider massive Crimes Against Humanity rather than just discussing pieces of the puzzle. The supporting evidence will be presented by real lawyers and real expert witnesses to examine the evidence under the auspices of a real judge accurately and truthfully.

The court is completely independent and works only for the people for the protection and restoration of the rule of law, democracy, and our constitutions.

It is important to note, however, that each one of the participating lawyers has filed and will continue to file similar cases in their countries’ existing judicial system, and that these cases will be supported by our joint, worldwide effort.

The Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion´s initial purpose is to shine a bright light on all the details and actions that were committed under the guise of a pandemic and constitute Crimes Against Humanity. This proceeding will hopefully motivate people across the globe to institute criminal proceedings and civil proceedings (for damages, including punitive damages) against all those who are criminally and civilly responsible for atrocities committed in their communities and regions. Some judiciaries (India´s for example) may still be functioning and willing to serve the people in whose’ name they are supposed to render justice. But in many countries, especially in Europe, where the judiciary (just like the political system, including the health care system, the education system and economic system) has been infiltrated and compromised by those who committed the Crimes Against Humanity the legal system is irreparably broken. Where this is the case, we, the people must reinstall the rule of law and democracy, based on our constitutions by setting up our own system of courts and justice.

Thus, the ‘Peoples´Court of Public Opinion´s investigations are to provide guidance and to motivate national and international actions of transitional and transformative justice. It shall serve as a jump-start investigation that will be followed by many national criminal and civil proceedings as mentioned above.

Whichever path might be suitable under the conditions in your country, it must be peaceful and guided by democratic proceedings that constitute a citizen approved “judicial” system that strives towards transparency, equity and moral progression. In so doing, these proceedings aim to assist those segregated societies to escape the current tyrannical system and to address the inhumane shortcomings that have emerged under a socially constructed, but, in fact, fabricated state of health emergency. Essentially, this is a global call to action, and these proceedings shall become the foundation of social reforms that will help communities to heal, but also hold all the perpetrators of these Crimes against Humanity responsible.

The urgency of the present matter cannot be understated. We all are responsible for re-claiming the citizen’s mandate of governance in our countries, and as a global community of human beings with respect for each other and other cultures, are called to ensure that human rights are preserved NOW and in the future.

The lawyers listed below, with the assistance of many highly respected medical and scientific scholars from around the world and under the auspices of a judge from Portugal, will conduct this Grand Jury Investigation, by which they will provide the People’s Court of Public Opinion with a complete and comprehensive picture of these crimes committed against humanity.

The Peoples ‘Court of Public Opinion works independent of any government and any non-governmental organization. Logistic support is provided by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee (

Attorney at Law Virginie de Araujo Recchia, France

Judge Rui Fonseca E Castro, Portugal

Attorney at Law Claire Deeks, New Zealand

Attorney at Law Viviane Fischer, Germany

Attorney at Law Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Germany

Attorney at Law N. Ana Garner, USA

Attorney at Law Dr. Renate Holzeisen, Italy

Attorney at Law Tony Nikolic, Australia

Attorney at Law Dipali Ojha, India

Attorney at Law Dexter L-J. Ryneveldt (Adv.), South Africa

Attorney at Law Deana Sacks, USA

Attorney at Law Michael Swinwood, Canada

Cooperating Human Rights Defenders and Legal Activists

Tjaša Vuzem, Slovenia

Dr. Cristiane Grieb, Canada Leslie

Manookian, USA


The Peoples ‘Court of Public Opinion works independent of any government and any non-governmental organization
Logistic support is provided by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee: (German), (English), (Hearings in English)
Telegram (German),
Telegram (English)

To be added to a list of supporters please contact us at

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Connect with Grand Jury — The Court of Public Opinion

GoFundMe Unable to Stop Donations to Freedom Convoy

GoFundMe Unable to Stop Donations to Freedom Convoy

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 5, 2022


Ottawa: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms regrets to advise that GoFundMe has refused to release millions of dollars in donations intended for the 2022 Freedom Convoy. GoFundMe has deleted the truckers’ Canada’s Freedom Convoy fundraiser for allegedly violating its terms, stating the “peaceful demonstration has become an occupation” now.

Alternative funding has been set up using the Christian platform GiveSendGo, to Freedom Convoy 2022.

As of press time, donations on the new platform were over USD $1.1 million.

GoFundMe originally made a statement that “no further funds will be directly distributed to the Freedom Convoy organizers – we will work with organizers to send all remaining funds to credible and established charities verified by GoFundMe.”

The statement was later updated to say any leftover, not refunded donations would be distributed to GoFundMe approved charities selected by the Freedom Convoy organizers with GoFundMe’s approval. Donors were told they could submit a full request for refund until February 19, 2022.

Under intense public pressure, announcements that some US Governors will investigate GoFundMe under deceptive practices laws, and threats of a truck convoy going to the GoFundMe headquarters, within hours GoFundMe changed their website statement, and announced it would be refunding donors automatically.

The CEO of GoFundMe Tim Cadogan has reportedly previously campaigned for vaccines and covid relief payments.

GoFundMe declared the truckers’ Freedom Convoy in violation of the Terms of Service and stated the donations page has been “removed from the platform.”

This fundraiser reportedly raised the second highest amount of donations in GoFundMe history, at over $10 million Canadian.

“We are pleased that the unprincipled conduct of GoFundMe, which is based on a false and defamatory narrative, is not going to stop freedom-loving Canadians from supporting the truckers’ peaceful protests,” states Allison Pejovic, one of the Justice Centre lawyers currently in Ottawa with the Freedom Convoy.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Battleground Melbourne Documentary: Australians Stand Against the Brutal Enforcement of Tyrannical Mandates

Battleground Melbourne Documentary: Australians Stand Against the Brutal Enforcement of Tyrannical Mandates

by Topher Field
[updated February 20, 2022 with remastered audio version]


Original video available at TopherField YouTube channel.


Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World’s Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it.

We’ve been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the ‘I stand with Dan’ crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can’t, to try and shame us and shut us down.

And Victoria Police went on an 18 month rampage of repression, unlawful arrests, and widespread intimidation in order to silence us.

So who are we? And given all we were up against, how did we grow from just 70 people in April 2020, to hundreds of thousands in the biggest political events in Australian history in November 2021?

This is our story, told through our eyes.

Battleground Melbourne is our reply to the lies, half truths, slurs, and lazy attacks that we have endured for the last 2 years. This is our story.

The story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and taking extreme risks to stand for what we believe in.

You may not agree with us, you may not even like us, but you can’t claim to know who we are until you’ve watched Battleground Melbourne.


Topher Field is an Australian documentary film maker and libertarian political commentator.


Connect with Topher Field

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Song for the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy: “Oh Canada, We Stand on Guard for Thee”

Song for the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy: “Oh Canada, We Stand on Guard for Thee”


“Stand On Guard” is a powerful prophetic declaration song over Canada written by Nikki Mathis of Summit Sounds and was first sung at a Battle For Canada gathering in November 2018 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. The song was later released on iTunes along with O Canada by Summit Sounds in 2019.


Video compiled by Timcarr Rumble channel.

Music by Nikki Mathis of Summit Sounds.
Here is the link to the full song.

Summit Sounds on Apple Music

Nikki Mathis on Apple Music

Justice Centre Lawyers in Ottawa Work to Release GoFundMe Monies

Justice Centre Lawyers in Ottawa Work to Release GoFundMe Monies

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 3, 2022


OTTAWA: The Justice Centre earlier today announced it is representing the Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa and has a team of lawyers on the ground providing legal assistance and advice. The Justice Centre legal team is working on behalf of Convoy organizers to ensure all funds raised by GoFundMe are released to the truckers for their intended purpose.

The funds from GoFundMe will be used to cover the costs of the convoy, specifically food, fuel, lodging, and other necessary related expenses. The Justice Centre is not receiving any funding from the trucker’s GoFundMe, and operates entirely on private donations from Canadians across the country. The Justice Centre was not involved with the organization, implementation, or planning of the Freedom Convoy and began providing legal representation as of Monday, January 31, 2022.

Tamara Lich, one of the Convoy organizers (pictured at microphone), says, “We are here out of love for our families, our communities and our nation. These past two years, the covid mandates have divided us.”

Ms. Lich continues, “This protest began because of the federal government’s restrictions on truckers’ freedoms. Our movement has grown in Canada and across the world because common people are tired of the mandates and restrictions in their own lives that now seem to be doing more harm than good. As of today, Sweden, Denmark, UK, Norway, Finland, Ireland, and Switzerland have removed all covid mandates and restrictions. We are therefore calling on all levels of government in Canada to end all covid mandates and restrictions. We will continue our protest until we see a clear plan for their elimination.”

Ms. Lich noted that no government official from any level, federal, provincial, or municipal had taken steps to speak directly with the convoy organizers. “As a woman with Metis heritage, a mother, and a grandmother, I am offended. The reality is that members of this freedom movement are average peace-loving and law-abiding citizens from all walks of life who are fed up with being disrespected and bullied by our government,” she adds.

The media, Ms. Lich noted, has portrayed the truck convoy and their peaceful demonstration as “racists, misogynists, and even terrorists.” The Convoy expressed thanks to hundreds of Ottawa residents who had provided food, accommodations, and support for the convoy.

“The truck convoy is a representation of Canadians’ frustrations with extreme government overreach, and unprecedented restrictions on their fundamental rights and freedoms,” states Keith Wilson, lead counsel for the Justice Centre.

“Contrary to positions taken by government leaders, the Convoy represents ordinary, hard working Canadians – truckers, families, small business owners, Canadians who have lost jobs, income, missed holding the hand of a dying family member, been refused service in a store, or had their children miss months of school during lockdowns. The Convoy represents Canadians who are fed up with two weeks ‘to flatten the curve’ turning into two years of restrictions, mandates and decimation of democracy.”

This morning, the Justice Centre legal team sent GoFundMe all the details required and have been working hard to ensure the suspension put on the campaign is immediately lifted.

This is a developing story. More updates will follow.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

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The Canadian Truckers Can’t Be Stopped!

The Canadian Truckers Can’t Be Stopped!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
February 2, 2022


The Canadian truckers can’t be stopped! A freedom convoy of over 50,000 truckers are protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s mandates. The truckers are crusading for their Nation’s freedom. Will they succeed? Here is everything you need to know.


Connect with JP Sears

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Update

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Update

by Stand Up Canada
sourced from Stand Up Canada newsletter
February 2, 2022


What an emotional and proud time it is to be Canadian!

This is the third time in our history that Canadians have been united for a single cause.

The first was in 1980 when the young 18-year-old Terry Fox lost his life running across Canada to raise awareness for cancer.

The second was in 2010 with the running of the Olympic torch from the east coast of Canada all the way to Vancouver BC for the Winter Olympic games.

And now in 2022, smack dab in the middle of our bitter and freezing-cold Canadian winter, we are uniting and fighting for our freedoms.

Approximately 70,000 registered Truckers have descended upon Ottawa, Ontario, our nation’s capital, in protest of all the covid mandates. With around 19,000 Trucks from the US, and many more convoys still underway, they are here to stay until all of the mandates have been removed.

We welcome them with open arms!

First Press Conference – Freedom Convoy 2022

Listen to this 50 minute press conference held in Ottawa on January 30, 2022. Organizers say they have enough funds to stay 2 to 4 years!

The Farmers Are Coming!

The Farmers are forming their own convoy and are coming to Ottawa to support the Freedom Convoy 2022 movement!

The Truckers and the Farmers have been our unsung and unknown hero’s until now. Without them, Canadians would starve!

God bless you all and thank you for standing up for our freedoms in Canada!

Find out more at their public FB group

Adopt-a-Trucker Program

A volunteer campaign to support the Truckers run by Warroom Canada, have started up the campaign in partnership with 2022 Freedom Convoy that arrived in Ottawa, the weekend of January 28th.

All Truckers must register to receive the many benefits and much needed support that are available to them. There are amazing volunteers who are dedicated to take care of their needs for as long as they are here!

If you would like to volunteer your time in any capacity – to partake in this historic movement, please reach out to the good folks at the Adopt-a-Trucker Program.

Freedom Convoy Making International News

From the USA – Fox News: Tucker Carlson: There’s no more fearful despot than Canada’s Prime Minister | Fox News

From India – WIONews: Stephen Taylor on Twitter: “International observers are noticing Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy”

Stand Up Canada Speech at Freedom Convoy 2022 Rally in Ottawa

What an honour and privilege it was to speak at this historic event!

Listen as Paula Tucci gives a brief overview of the proud work that Stand Up Canada has done over the past 20+ months, including a heart-centered tribute to our beautiful and courageous Truckers.

Heart-Warming Canadian Tribute to Freedom Convoy 2022

There are so many amazing tributes being done in the name of the Freedom Convoy 2022. They all capture our hearts and make us feel proud to be Canadian again.

Here is one of our top-picks that addresses our PM’s massively understated label of “fringe minority”. Enjoy!

Ways to Connect with the Freedom Convoy:

Freedom Convoy 2022 Official Website – Truckers For Freedom
• Facebook page:
• Telegram page:

Closing Thoughts…

We need to keep both feet on the accelerator and NOT STOP until ALL government mandates have been removed.

We must continue to be peaceful yet unrelenting in our demands to regain our freedoms.

It’s over folks. The people of Canada have spoken.

Take off your masks. Open up your businesses without any mandates. Get back to living.

Take back your God-given rights and stop waiting for the government to give you back something they never had any right to take away.

God bless our Truckers, God bless you all and God bless Canada.

We stand with the truckers and all of you!

Your Stand Up Canada Team

Connect with Stand Up Canada

cover image credit:  newspunch

Global Uprising Continues: Freedom  Convoys, Marches & Rallies Against Medical Tyranny, Lockdowns & Mandates

Global Uprising Continues: Freedom  Convoys, Marches & Rallies Against Medical Tyranny, Lockdowns & Mandates
A small sample of events happenings all over the world…



Get to Canberra: Day One.1st Convoys Come From All Over! 


 Big Protest Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia


 The Aussie convoy for freedom is rolling into the capital Canberra



Ottowa, the Police Are Bringing Food for the Truckers


Tow Truck Companies in Ottawa Refuse Government’s Request to Tow Trucks in Freedom Convoy


Trucker Becomes Very Emotional After Checking One of the Bags He Received


Freedom Convoy Truckers in Ottawa Inside of Convoy Downtown 2022 Canada Truckers and People


 Farmers Are Joining the Massive Protest in Ottawa, Canada!


Anti-Vaccine Mandate Convoy Blocks Alberta Border Crossing


Thousands of Truckers Convoy in Protest


Czech Republic

More footage from the large protest in Prague, Czech Republic!




 Thousands Protesting the Mandates This Evening in Magdeburg, Germany


The Netherlands

Farmers join the protest for freedom in Goor, The Netherlands


 Dutch truckers drive in a convoy through Friesland, Netherlands



 Ayr Freedom Rally – the Storm Rises!

How to Use Public Official Surety Bonds to Hold Public Officials Accountable for Medical Tyranny

How to Use Public Official Surety Bonds to Hold Public Officials Accountable for Medical Tyranny


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: An update has been added below the original video found at Our Great Awakening YouTube channel. We’ve added that update below the article that was originally posted at Bonds for the Win on Jan. 19th.  See Bonds for the Win website for additional information on Public Official Surety Bonds, the power of surety bonds, how you can obtain a copy of a surety bond, and how as a private citizen you can file a letter of intent against a public official to hold them accountable for breaking their oath of office.


How One Single Mom Saved Her Entire School District

by Bonds for the Win
January 19, 2022


A mother named Violet with a 16-year-old boy who has autism begged the schools to let her son have an exemption.

They refused. When forced to wear the masks he became distraught and he harmed himself so badly that he had to be hospitalized in a mental institution.

Violet obtained the bond for the superintendent of her school district. Turns out – The superintendent was carrying a $4 million liability per bond claim!!

So next Violet served the superintendent with a letter of intent to file a claim against her bond if she didn’t pull back the mask mandates, admit she was wrong, and resign within five days. The superintendent did nothing.

After day 6 Violet filed the claim against her at the bond company.

The very next day we have a recording from the lawyers who represent the district explaining that they have to get rid of the masks, all state and federal funding is BLOCKED, and the superintendent is on her own with regard to the $4 million claim!!!

They also put out a request for parent volunteers to substitute for teachers because their funding is CEASED due to an OPEN claim against them.

Update from Our Great Awakening YouTube channel

UPDATE: Since we created this video

Violet felt bad that the teachers were out of work so she retracted the claim
She assumed the Superintendent would operate on good faith
But instead she re-inforced mask mandates
We still have her bond
Stay tuned….

DON’T LET UP ON THESE PEOPLE!!!! They have been bribed/blackmailed and they will go right back to their ways until they see a consequence for their actions.

Stay strong patriots, we might need to create a few examples of individuals who end up having to file for bankruptcy. Its a small price to pay to FREE GOD’s CHILDREN from mask slavery!!!


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cover image credit: StockSnap / pixabay

Corona Investigative Committee — Grand Jury Proceeding to Begin February 5, 2022

Corona Investigative Committee — Grand Jury Proceeding to Begin February 5, 2022


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The video below was originally recorded in German. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and attorney Viviane Fischer, representing Corona Investigative Committee, make this important announcement. A voice-over English translation has been provided by Corona Investigative Committee. Below the video, we have provided a transcript.


Announcement: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding 

by Corona Investigative Committee
February 1, 2022


First date: Feb. 05, 2022

In serious criminal cases in the U.S., a so-called grand jury is presented with the evidence at hand to convince them that this evidence is sufficient to bring public charges against the defendants.

We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe.

The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual.

Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:

We have a small announcement to make. We’ve already announced, by drips and drabs, that we will announce something else.

At the end of the coming week we will begin with a grand jury proceeding, which is a procedure which is used in the event of serious crimes in order to present the evidence, the proof available, to a jury of 12 jurors — in order to prove that the offender has committed a crime.

We would deliver this evidence, together with experts that we’ve interviewed previously — other external experts and witness accounts of people who have become victims of vaccination damage.

And then at the end of the procedure, ask people whether this — ask the jurors — if this is enough bring charges.

What is important is that this is something that will have a global reach and that will show that the whole thing that we’ve been suffering for nearly two years now — happening across the globe in the same way.

And that the people who have suffered vaccination damage, and other people who find this a bit strange, can see that this global consolation is not coincidental and that probably other things are behind this.

And we will demonstrate this.

We will demonstrate this and the objective is to use a judicial procedure, well-known judicial procedure — which will show the individual aspects, not as itemized aspects, but as an overall picture — so that at the end we may bring charges.

But that’s not the most important thing. It might even be more important to convince the population, the world population if possible, with the evidence provided, that they don’t only have a right, but even an obligation, to resist.

Because this is a matter of life and death. So it is.

And so this might activate people. There will be a vote at the end of proceedings, to see, to indicate how do you see the whole thing. And that might — people get off the couch, so they take charge rather than leaving it to others.

And this may only be the first step. A first step, that’s where — to shed light on this within a judicial procedure of the old the judicial system even, though we’ve been indicating again and again that we need an entirely different societal direction.

We need a new educational system, a new economic system.

We also need a new judicial system.

And they’re working in the U.S., on the African continent — probably in other places as well — to develop a new judicial system that actually represents the people directly. And that could be step two then.

And, as a consequence of this trial consolation that we’ll have, lawsuits within the old judicial system may result — that will then possibly activate some judges who have been keeping a low profile so far.

So as Viviana said, we will use the actual procedures that are still pending, the lawsuits are still pending in the existing judicial system, the existing courts.

That might be a a new drive, not only to inform people, but also that a new judicial system can actually look at these issues.

And this might lead to execute implementable results.

And so we’ll see you next week.


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Alberta, Canada and Montana, USA Border — Trucker Protest Continues in Solidarity with Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy

Alberta, Canada and Montana, USA Border — Trucker Protest Continues in Solidarity with Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy

by Sundance, The Last Refuge
January 31, 2022


The border crossing between Coutts, Alberta (CA) and Sweet Grass, Montana (USA) continues to be blocked as truckers allied against COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine passports are united.  The Alberta protests are in support of the larger trucker protest taking place in Ottawa.

Canadian authorities in the province of Alberta have tried and failed to get the Canadian truckers to back down from their border blockade.  The U.S. truckers are supportive of their Canadian allies, and both groups are united in the effort. The blockade is a protest against US and Canadian governments mandating that truckers must be “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19, which came into effect on January 15.

According to Coutts Mayor Jim Willett, about 100 trucks were blocking Highway 4 on the Canadian side, causing a miles-long backup on Interstate 15 in Montana. About 50-100 trucks have reportedly been stuck on the US side since Saturday.

In an effort to remove the blockade, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have cut off the supporters who were bringing food and supplies to the truckers.   The familiar and typical ‘cut off the supply line‘ maneuver.

Rebel News via Convoy Reports has more.


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The Trucker Convoy Is a Brilliant Idea for Several Reasons

The Trucker Convoy Is a Brilliant Idea for Several Reasons

by Ron Paul Liberty Report
January 31, 2022



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cover image credit: 6734180 / pixabay

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now!

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now!

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute
January 31, 2022


We all remember where we were when the Berlin Wall came down. While it may have seemed that communist rule would go on forever, when the people decided that they had enough suddenly the wall fell. Just like that.

Thus it is after two years of Covid authoritarianism that in Canada the largest truck convoy in history has smashed through the Berlin Wall of tyranny. I have watched as the Canada I once respected as a haven for antiwar Americans in the 1960s turned into one of the most repressive countries on earth. I wondered how a freedom-loving people could allow themselves to be abused by these mini-Stalins without a peep.

But then Canada stood up and showed the rest of the world that freedom can triumph over tyranny if the people demand it. As I say, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau had been basking in his ability to terrorize the population in the name of fighting a virus. He was so confident in his seemingly unlimited power that he felt he could ridicule any Canadian with different views. The prime minister said in a recent interview that unvaccinated Canadians were “extremists,” “misogynists,” and “racists.”

When the Canadian truckers stood up to his tyranny and began their historic convoy to Ottawa, he thought he could continue ridiculing people. The truckers and their supporters were just a “small fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views,” he confidently claimed. For Trudeau, love of liberty is just an “unacceptable view.”

Less than a week later, as tens of thousands of trucks began entering the capital with millions of supporters behind them, the “brave” Canadian prime minister had fled the city and shuffled off to an undisclosed location.

As Elon Musk Tweeted, “It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government.”

The Canadian mainstream media is obviously just as obedient to the regime as ours. They ignored the Freedom Convoy for as long as possible. There was almost no reporting. Then, when it became impossible to ignore, they began to attack and ridicule instead of trying to report it accurately. It was disgusting and almost comical to see a “reporter” from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation suggest that the Canadian Freedom Convoy was cooked up by Putin and the Russians!

Thousands of trucks have arrived in Ottawa. They demand an end to covid tyranny. They are backed by millions of citizens, who braved the Canadian winter at night to cheer the truckers on.

This protest is so important because it’s not limited to Canada. The truckers are being supported worldwide, and a similar convoy is being planned from California to Washington, DC. In a US where grocery store shelves are increasingly bare, the truckers have more leverage than the powers-that-be would like to admit.

If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now. Just as the Covid tyranny descended across the globe in a seemingly coordinated fashion, now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Canadian truck drivers. Let’s all do whatever we can to help the freedom movement continue to gather steam!


Connect with Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

Convoy to Canberra, Australia: Truckies on the Road to Freedom

Convoy to Canberra, Australia: Truckies on the Road to Freedom
All roads lead to Canberra as truckies take their message to the top



by Avi Yemini, Rebel News
January 30, 2022


A growing convoy of trucks and cars is on its way to Parliament House today.

Trucks from around the country are en route to Canberra as part of a convoy to protest against vaccine mandates.

I was on the ground at one of the meeting points near Wodonga, on the Victorian/New South Wales border where dozens of trucks and a massive convoy of cars departed early this morning.

The convoy is destined for the nation’s capital in Canberra where they will gather from all parts of the country to make their voices heard.

Overnight Telegram channels exploded with messages of support as thousands of new members joined to show their messages of support for the truckies while others posted photos and videos of the convoy.

The convoy in Australia follows on from the trucker convoy happening in Canada where an enormous stream of vehicles is made its way to Ottawa to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cross-border vaccine mandate.

The mainstream media has done its best to ignore the massive number of protesters making their way to the capital in Canada and the Australian media will likely follow their lead.


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cover image credit: pattyjensen / pixabay

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: The Canada Convoy — Trucking for Freedom

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: The Canada Convoy — Trucking for Freedom

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
January 30, 2022


“We are now 23 months into ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’.

We lost our freedom of association, we lost our religious freedom, we lost our peaceful assembly, we lost our right to bodily autonomy when governments made vaccines effectively mandatory.

We lost our mobility rights.

Medical doctors have lost their freedom of expression, it is effectively illegal for doctors to question the government narrative.

We want to thank all the truckers and Canadians who have stood up for freedom.”


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Freedom Convoy 2022 – What to Expect Saturday to Monday

Freedom Convoy 2022 – What to Expect Saturday to Monday

by Bright Light News
January 29, 2022


Event organizers for Freedom Convoy 2022 join us to share details of the planned events for the truckers’ arrival in Ottawa and speeches in Parliament Hill from Saturday to Monday.

With the world watching Canadian truckers lead the charge in removing all Covid and vaccine mandates, volunteers Chris, Bethan Nodwell, RN, and Daniel Bulford, ex-RCMP, each discuss their pivotal roles in organizing the next phase at the end of the road for the convoy and how people can support truckers through volunteering and donations for food, accommodations, housing…

Canadians’ emotions and hopes for a restoration of freedoms have never been higher in the last 2 years and the upcoming events will be sure to continue capturing the hearts and attention of freedom-loving citizens around the world.

Saturday, January 29 (Parliament Hill 10 am to 4 pm ET) – truckers arrive in Ottawa in the morning with speeches to follow starting around noon

Sunday, January 30 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from medical and scientific experts and influencers

Monday, January 31 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from politician


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cover image credit: Bright Light News

With Trudeau in Hiding, CBC Suggests Putin Behind Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

With Trudeau in Hiding, CBC Suggests Putin Behind Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
January 29, 2022


Update (1500ET): While in a normal world this would be beyond satire and ridicule, it is perhaps of no surprise whatsoever that the blame for instigation of the “Freedom Convoy” is already being placed on so-called ‘Russian actors’…

“…given Canada’s support of Ukraine… I don’t know it it’s far-fetched to ask but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows… perhaps even instigating it…”

As Brian Lilley writes at The Toronto Sun, “the media in this country is not acting as a neutral observer and conduit for news on this matter, most have decided the trucker convoy is the enemy and are treating it as such. Watch any of the news networks or, more importantly, read the Twitter accounts of supposedly objective journalists, or listen to the contempt in their voices as they ask questions to see that they have clearly taken sides.”

“Apparently, the journalists on Parliament Hill these days think their job is to hold the opposition and not the government to account. It also appears their job to support some protest movements and attack others based on the personal preferences of the journalists.”

The propaganda seems to have reached some, but not others…

In other news, while Trudeau hides in isolation, the Premier of Saskatchewan, a Canadian province that borders the US, calls for an end of the cross-border ban on unvaccinated truckers.

Ottawa city center is blocked…


*  *  *

The world’s largest truck convoy rolled into Canada’s capital, Ottawa, late Friday night and continues today to stage a protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cross-border vaccine mandates (or as some call it: medical tyranny).

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” – coming from all corners of Canada and even the US, has been traveling all week and is leading the charge in a massive demonstration against government overreach. Truckers from around the world are uniting and staging protests of their own. 


As Enrico Trigoso reports at The Epoch Times, Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that “America is next.”

“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.

He added that dates and planned routes would be released soon on a website and various social media platforms, and a GoFundMe page would only be released on their CONVOY TO DC 2022 Facebook page.

We’re done with the mandates, were done with the government telling us what to do, we will continue and we will follow just like the rest of the world on these trucker protests, and they will be 100 percent legal, they will abide by the law.”

The Parliamentary Protective Service expects as many as 10,000 protesters this weekend in Ottawa, but that figure could be significantly higher. A day ago, we noted 50,000 trucks in a 70km (43.5 miles) long convoy are headed to the capital.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Freedom Convoy is “the largest parade of trucks” ever in the world. 

“It’s 70 km (43.5 miles) long,” says Freedom Convoy 2022 spokesperson Benjamin Dichter to the Toronto Sun.

“I have seen footage from an airplane. It’s impressive.”

The trucker convoy has been arriving in the capital for the past 12 hours. Additional waves of the convoy will arrive later this afternoon.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau called the convoy a “small fringe minority” of those who “do not represent the views of Canadians.” Judging by the pictures and videos so far, Trudeau is a liar, and a revolt is underway in the country. Corporate media and government have spent the better part of the week downplaying the convoy ( because they are scared).

On Friday, Trudeau told the Canadian Press that he was worried about the protest turning violent. Organizers of the event have told truckers and anyone else participating in the demonstration to remain peaceful.

CBC said Trudeau and his family left downtown Ottawa on Saturday morning (due to close contact with someone infected with COVID – although he tested negative and triple-jabbed) as the trucker convoy descended on the area. The local news said he left town due to security concerns.

The convoy is expected to bring parts of the metro area to a standstill and block roads in front of parliament until lawmakers repeal a vaccine mandate for truckers hauling freight across the border.

Despite Trudeau calling the protest “small,” Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly said they planned a “massive” demonstration on Friday. 

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