Croatian MEP: ‘Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty — Murder is Murder’

Croatian MEP: ‘Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty — Murder is Murder’

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
January 25, 2022


“In the last 80 years since Nazism, fundamental human rights have never been so severely violated…”
– MEP Mislav Kolakušić

Massive controversy erupted worldwide after French President Emmanuel Macron told Le Parisien newspaper that he wanted to make life miserable for unvaccinated Frenchmen. He also claimed that an unvaccinated person is “an irresponsible person” who “is no longer a citizen.” This is the kind of life-threatening rhetoric of dictators.

The embattled leader stated he wanted to “piss off” the “unvaccinated” as much as possible. Macron also promised to restrict the daily life of the unvaccinated by denying them access to restaurants, theaters, and cinemas.

Macron, a graduate of the Great Reset globalist Klaus Schwab’s school for “Young Global Leaders, “has been against the unvaccinated from the very beginning of the Globalists’ “vaccine campaigns.”

Many French politicians expressed their displeasure with Macron’s comments and the country’s new vaccination certificate law,

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Slams Macron

Not only in France but many leaders in the European Parliament launched an unambiguous attack on Macron. The Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić, among others, sharply attacked the French President.

France will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU from January 1 to June 30, 2022.  MEP Kolakušić urged Macron to do the exact opposite of what he has been doing during his presidency, citing the drastic curtailment of rights and freedoms.

“You said today that you are proud that there is no death penalty in Europe,” said Kolakusic. “Tens of thousands of citizens have died from the side effects of vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and will result in the execution of many citizens.”

The MP stressed that vaccination should remain a voluntary choice for every citizen. “Murder is murder,” emphasized Kolakusic and recommended that all listeners take a look at the official data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Takes On EU President

The former Croatian judge MEP Kolakušić infamously called out the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s human rights abuses during an address to her at a Parliamentary session in September 2021. The MEP blamed the leader’s Covid policies for dividing citizens, violating their rights, and scientific advice.

MEP Kolakušić took the floor after Von der Leyen detailed her left-wing policies and the state of fundamental freedoms and “social rights” of EU citizens.

The statements you make about fundamental freedoms and citizens’ rights in the European Union are in stark contrast to reality, expresses Kolakusic. Fundamental human rights have never been more seriously violated in the past 80 years since Nazism: freedom to travel, the right to work, health care, and the right to ban medical experiments performed on more than 500 million people. Furthermore, every citizen has the right to self-determination, emphasized the MEP.

‘End The Division Immediately’

Kolakušić went on to say that we have trampled down science and the medical profession for several centuries and that we are now announcing measures that seem to have no end. “Corona certificates that only allow the vaccinated to travel freely – while spreading the virus just as easily as the unvaccinated – are insane.”

He called on von der Leyen to “immediately end the division of citizens.” Kolakušić warned the leader that “nobody knows what will happen if we don’t put an end to it.”


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