Dr. Sam Bailey: Highlights From Covid Era Interviews
Interview Highlights – COVID Era
by Dr. Samantha Bailey
December 27, 2022
Sometimes it is hard to believe that the COVID narrative has been running for 3 years now! So much has happened over that time and one of the silver linings to all the insanity has been connecting with some of the most inspiring and freethinking individuals in the world.
One of my subscribers suggested that I produce a video with snippets from some of my interviews over this time. Even regular followers have missed the occasional interview, so here is my first interview highlights reel.
- Dr. Claus Köhnlein: PCR Pandemic
- Dr. Kevin Corbett: We’re Falsifying The Hypothesis
- Jon Rappoport: The Virus Cover Story
- Baileys vs Spacebusters
- Dr. Tom Cowan: Pandemic of not thinking
- Eric Coppolino: The Digital Seduction of COVID-19
- Dr. Andy Kaufman: Hunting For Viruses
- David Parker & Dawn Lester Interview
- The Viral Delusion
- Prof. Tim Noakes: We Will Win
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Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light
Dr. Claus Köhnlein
And I was at the oncology department at the university at that time, and I came across my first AIDS patient who was suffering from a lymphoma. And I asked, and all of a sudden it was told he has AIDS now. And I asked, how comes he has AIDS now? Yesterday he was suffering from a lymphoma. Then they told me, well, he’s got a positive HIV test.
And then I stopped a while and said, well, okay, but that’s not a new epidemic. It might be an epidemic of a new test, because it was not a new clinical disease, this lymphoma.
And years later, I recognized that the whole thing was a test pandemic. It went around the world like COVID-19 today, via testing.
There were no new clinical diseases.
Dr. Kevin Corbett
I remember one HIV patient to me, said to me, he was on my caseload. I was a clinical nurse specialist, specialized in all this. And he said to me, Kevin, I was one of the first patients in 1984 diagnosed with the HIV antibody test at St. Thomas’ Hospital it was.
And he said it’s now, eight years later, 1992. He said, I’ve never been ill. I’ve never had a day’s sickness. But I was medically retired from my job. I was a teacher, and I’ve not worked in nearly nine years. I was told I’d be dead in a year. I’m in my late 30s. I’m not dead. But I’ve never really been ill.
He was able to escape the drugs because his blood results were a certain level. His T-cell counts never went below 200, so he didn’t get septra, Cotrimoxazol, another bad drug. And even when he was offered AZT, he turned it down. And he said, But I’ve never had a life. What is there for me except a lifetime of welfare payment and no career? Nothing.
We’ve created a sick role in society, and we’re doing it now with long covid, and covid. It’s the same thing. Long covid is just like the AIDS patients in the 80s and 90s.
You give people welfare payments, you create this false category, you stick them in it, and you make them redundant from society. And what happens to them? They become dependent on the state. They become psychologically disturbed, and it’s not good.
Jon Rappoport
And that’s something I’ve been harping on since 1988. It’s not one thing. Don’t look for one thing.
Because people would say to me, well, if it, if it isn’t the virus, then what is it?
And I’d say there is no it.
What about 5G maybe? That’s it. That’s what’s doing it.
So I’ve written and talked a whole lot about that. And that was one of the main breakthroughs in writing my book on AIDS — in 1988 it was.
I said, okay, what are the high risk groups according to the CDC? High risk for AIDS? Africans, Haitians, blood transfusion recipients, hemophiliacs, gay men. Okay, so what’s the common denominator? Collapse of the immune system. That’s what they say. Okay, I’ll buy that as a general term.
Now, what’s causing that to happen in different groups? Is it the same thing? No.
And when I started to dig into that extensively — okay, let’s look at the scene in Haiti, let’s look at the scene in Central Africa, let’s look at these transfusion recipients, let’s look at gay men in San Francisco. LA., New York.
In each one of these things — oh, so all of the so-called symptoms of AIDS can be produced in these different groups by different factors, none of which has anything to do with so-called HIV or necessarily any virus whatsoever.
Ah ha. That’s very interesting because, wow! So HIV becomes not only a lie, but a cover story. A cover story for all of these other things that are making people sick and killing them.
Steve Falconer, Spacebusters
But here’s the genius of all this, because around that time, it switches to psychological warfare, as we’re seeing right now.
You don’t need the germ to cause disease or to exist. You need your target population to believe there’s a germ that causes disease and can kill you. And then you can get them to take stupid stuff like vaccines, which are real bioweapons.
You see what I mean? All you need is for them to believe.
Look what they just did to us. We believe in covid-19, and we locked down all our economies, decimated them, killed our elderly, locked our grandmas in homes, didn’t go to people’s funerals and weddings.
Look at what we just did to ourselves out of the belief.
So I don’t care. Even better than if there really was covid-19 is what they just did. They didn’t even have to have such a thing, and they just wiped out an entire population of the world with psychological warfare.
Dr. Sam Bailey
It’s deliberate. There’s confusion that’s put on to the population. Because, like you say, maybe it has been so people don’t think, because it’s so confusing.
Dr. Tom Cowan
That’s how cult leaders do it.
Dr. Sam Bailey
Dr. Tom Cowan
They humiliate you, they isolate you, they shame you, they bully you, and they confuse you with concepts.
And inevitably, to be part of the group, you have to stop thinking. So people do. They would rather give up thinking than be ostracized. For some people, that’s like death.
Eric Coppolino
Anyway, he says, by the way, did you know that the Woodstock festival was held during the Hong Kong flu in 1969? I said no, I hadn’t heard that. Hadn’t read that anywhere.
Here we are in 2020, and people are sitting in little circles in the park. In 1969, they’re piled in to a cow pasture. — 450,000 kids, okay? A cow pasture is made of cow shit. That’s what it means. And they’re basically — it rained the whole weekend. So you’ve got all these kids essentially swimming in cow poo, in the rain, passing joints around, and food and what little food they had, and sharing water out of canteens and swimming together in ponds.
What are the differences between 1969 and now? Today we live in a digital world. And in 1969, they did not. They lived in an analog world.
And so when you study covid, when you look at every facet of covid, what you come up with is a digital phenomenon.
Dr. Sam Bailey
How did they get that if it’s not — could you talk a little bit more about what happens with the process of genomics, how they get genomics?
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Well, Sam, you know there is a way to answer this in a very concise manner, and it is truthful. And the answer is they made it up.
David Parker
You know, yes, I have some very unpleasant experiences from vaccinations. But now as we started to educate ourselves, and realize, and looked into the history of vaccinations — if they’ve ever been proved to be safe and effective — and we realized that, no, they’re not safe and effective. No way can they confer immunity.
So we had to look into, does the body actually have this mythical thing, an immune system?
And we realized the body doesn’t it doesn’t work like that.
It has a repair and maintenance system. It doesn’t have an immune system where you can inject something into it and it will produce specific antibodies which then lurk around in your system, waiting for those horrible germs to attack you, and then they swoop in and kill them off. The body just doesn’t work like that.
And quite often we have a lot of difficulty with people when we have to talk about the myth of the immune system and say, well, it doesn’t actually work like that.
Mike Wallach (co-producer of The Viral Delusion)
It’s really like the big question on everybody’s mind. It’s like, okay, well, if it’s not a virus, then what is it?
I think that’s a great question. It’s a really important question. And I think that the most important answer to that is — and that hopefully people will take away from episode one, and really the whole series is, yes, let’s ask those questions as a society.
As a society, we need to ask, when people get sick, why are they getting sick? Because that question is a serious political question that our society gets to completely ignore when they ascribe sickness to viruses.
Dr. Sam Bailey
Mike Wallach
That’s the history of medicine, in many ways, especially when it comes to epidemiology and virology. And, we couldn’t possibly answer why everybody got sick on the face of the earth in 2019.
But everybody wants to know. They’re like… why did my sister have a really bad five days of a fever and feel really more exhausted than she’s ever been?
And the answer is, I don’t know, but let’s ask that question. I want to ask that question. As someone who’s sick, it’s really important to ask that question every time you get sick.
Prof. Tim Noakes
Yeah, you know, I think we’re going through the toughest times that I’ve ever experienced in my life. And I’m 72 years old, so that takes me back a bit.
But my parents went through the Second World War, and I’m sure your parents or your grandparents as well, went through the Second World War. And they were very brave, and they didn’t quit.
And I just think that this is our Third World War, what we’re going through. And people perhaps don’t understand what is at stake. But what is at stake is unbelievably worth fighting for.
And if we give away our freedoms, we’re in real, real trouble.
Cover image based on creative commons work of ArtRose & GDJ
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Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
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