Rejecting Rockefeller Germ Theory Once and for All

Rejecting Rockefeller Germ Theory Once and for All

by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport’s Blog
July 27, 2022


Note: In a number of articles, I’ve offered compelling evidence that the deaths attributed to COVID-19 can be explained without reference to a virus. Furthermore, whatever merits “alternative treatments” may have, I see no convincing evidence their action has anything to do with “neutralizing a virus.”

The entire tragic, criminal, murderous, stupid, farcical COVID fraud is based on a hundred years of Rockefeller medicine—a pharmaceutical tyranny in which the enduring headline is:


That’s the motto engraved on the gate of the medical cartel.

—Thousands of so-called separate diseases, each caused by an individual germ.

“Kill each germ with a toxic drug, prevent each germ with a toxic vaccine.”

In the absence of those hundred years of false science and propaganda, COVID-19 promotion would have gone over like a bad joke. A few sour laughs, and then nothing, except people going on with their lives.

The overall health of an individual human being has to do with factors entirely unrelated to “one disease, one germ.”

As I quoted, for example, at the end of a recent article—

“The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.” Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis, Bantam Books, 1977

And Robert F Kennedy, Jr.: “After extensively studying a century of recorded data, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Johns Hopkins researchers concluded: ‘Thus vaccinations does not account for the impressive declines in mortality from infectious diseases seen in the first half of the twentieth century’.”

“Similarly, in 1977, Boston University epidemiologists (and husband and wife) John and Sonja McKinlay published their seminal work in the Millbank Memorial Fund Quarterly on the role that vaccines (and other medical interventions) played in the massive 74% decline in mortality seen in the twentieth century: ‘The Questionable Contribution of Medical Measures to the Decline of Mortality in the United States in the Twentieth Century’.”

“In this article, which was formerly required reading in U.S. medical schools, the McKinlays pointed out that 92.3% of the mortality rate decline happened between 1900 and 1950, before most vaccines existed, and that all medical measures, including antibiotics and surgeries, ‘appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900 — having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances’.”

How the immune system (if it is a system) actually operates is beyond current medical hypotheses.

“T-cells, B-cells, neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer cells, proteins,” are welded into a breathless story about a military machine that attacks germ invaders. Push-pull. Search and destroy.

The notion that THIS is what creates health is fatuous.

Positive vitality is what keeps us healthy.

A few factors of positive vitality are on the tyrannical COVID list of what-should-be-squashed: financial survival; open mingling of friends and family; people looking (unmasked) at people; open communication without fear of censorship.

Nutrition and basic sanitation are key vitality factors, of course.

And then we have Purpose in Life: where are people pouring their creative energies?

Obviously, freedom from harmful medical treatment is necessary for vitality to flourish.

Suppression of LIFE, in order to stop a purported germ, is institutionalized death.

Modern medicine is sensationally exposed in a review I’ve mentioned dozens of time over the past 10 years: Authored by the late famous public health doctor at Johns Hopkins, Barbara Starfield, it is titled, “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?” It was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on July 26, 2000.

It found that, every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people.

Per decade, the death toll would come to 2.25 million people.

You won’t find that in CDC reports.

In 2009, I interviewed Dr. Starfield. I asked her whether the federal government had undertaken a major effort to remedy medically caused death in America, and whether she had been sought to consult with the government in such an effort.

She answered no to both questions.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: geralt 

The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet With Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston College

The Hard Facts about Cancer and Diet With Professor Thomas Seyfried of Boston College

by Anthony Chaffee, MD with Professor Thomas Seyfried
July 22, 2022


Professor Thomas Seyfried has published over 150 peer reviewed studies in biology and cancer biology and has verified Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg’s assertation that cancer is a metabolic disease of the mitochondria, not a genetic disorder. If we misunderstand the origin of the disease, the treatment is going to be wrong as well, and this is exactly what has happened. Ever think about why the cancer rates have tripled in the past 40 years? Well, this is why.

Thomas N. Seyfried received his Ph.D. in Genetics and Biochemistry from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1976. He did his undergraduate work at the University of New England, where he recently received the distinguished Alumni Achievement Award. He also holds a Master’s degree in Genetics from Illinois State University. Thomas Seyfried served with distinction in the United States Army’s First Cavalry Division during the Vietnam War and received numerous medals and commendations. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Neurology at the Yale University School of Medicine and then served on the faculty as an Assistant Professor in Neurology.

Other awards and honors have come from such diverse organizations as the American Oil Chemists Society, the National Institutes of Health, The American Society for Neurochemistry, the Ketogenic Diet Special Interest Group of the American Epilepsy Society, the Academy of Comprehensive and Complementary Medicine, and the American College of Nutrition.

Dr. Seyfried previously served as Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee for the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association and presently serves on several editorial boards, including those for Nutrition & Metabolism, Neurochemical Research, the Journal of Lipid Research, and ASN Neuro, where he is a Senior Editor.

Dr. Seyfried is also the author of the book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer (Wiley, 1st ed., 2012).


Additional resources are listed below the video at Dr. Chaffee’s YouTube channel.


Connect with Dr. Anthony Chaffee

Connect with Professor Thomas Seyfried

Ugly Covid Lies

Ugly Covid Lies

by Ron Paul, The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
July 25, 2022


After two years of unprecedented government tyranny in the name of fighting a virus, the prime instigators of this infamy are walking free, writing books, and openly pretending they never said the things they clearly said over and over.

Take Trump’s White House Covid response coordinator Deborah Birx, for example. She was, as the Brownstone Institute’s Jeffrey Tucker points out in a recent article, the principal architect of the disastrous “lockdown” policy that destroyed more lives than Covid itself. Birx knew that locking a country down in response to a virus was a radical move that would never be endorsed. So, as she admits in her new book, she lied about it.

She sold the White House on the out-of-thin-air “fifteen days to slow the spread” all the while knowing there was no evidence it would do any such thing. As she wrote in her new book, Silent Invasion, “I didn’t have the numbers in front of me yet to make the case for extending it longer, but I had two weeks to get them.”

She was playing for time with no evidence. As it turns out, she was also destroying the lives of millions of Americans. The hysteria she created led to countless businesses destroyed, countless suicides, major depressions, drug and alcohol addictions. It led to countless deaths due to delays in treatment for other diseases. It may turn out to be the most deadly mistake in medical history.

As she revealed in her book, she actually wanted to isolate every single person in the United States! Writing about how many people would be allowed to gather, she said: “If I pushed for zero (which was actually what I wanted and what was required), this would have been interpreted as a ‘lockdown’—the perception we were all working so hard to avoid.”

She wanted to prevent even two people from meeting. How is it possible that someone like this came to gain so much power over our lives? One virus and we suddenly become Communist China?

Last week in a Fox News interview she again revealed the extent of her treachery. After months of relentlessly demanding that all Americans get the Covid shots, she revealed that the “vaccines” were not vaccines at all!

“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” she told Fox. “And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization.”

So when did she know this? Did she know it when she told ABC in late 2020 that “this is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine”?

If she knew all along that the “vaccines” were not vaccines, why didn’t she tell us? Because, as she admits in her book, she believes it’s just fine to lie to people in order to get them to do what she wants.

She admits that she employed “subterfuge” against her boss – President Donald Trump – to implement Covid policies he opposed. So it should be no surprise that she lied to the American people about the efficacy of the Covid shots.

The big question now, after what appears to be a tsunami of vaccine-related injuries, is will anyone be forced to pay for the lies and subterfuge? Will anyone be held to account for the lives lost for the arrogance of the Birxes and Faucis of the world?


Connect with Ron Paul

cover image is in the public domain

DailyClout and Health Freedom Defense Fund File Citizen Petition With FDA to Halt COVID Injections for Young Children

DailyClout and Health Freedom Defense Fund File Citizen Petition With FDA to Halt COVID Injections for Young Children

by Health Freedom Defense Fund
July 26, 2022


Daily Clout and Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) filed a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requesting that FDA revoke Emergency Use Authorization of COVID-19 vaccines for young children subsequent to FDA’s authorization of the COVID-19 injections for that age group on June 17, 2022.

Dr. Naomi Wolf, CEO of Daily Clout, asserted,

“With this decision, the FDA abandons its duty to protect the American people. COVID-19 poses statistically insignificant risk to babies and young children, and neither safety nor efficacy of the injections have been proven. But research from the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, along with analyses of official databases, primary source documents, and peer-reviewed studies, shows that the mRNA vaccines damage many teens’ hearts, leave babies with GI problems, sleep problems, seizures, liver damage, and multiorgan system failure, and suppress leukocytes; the vaccines visibly damaged the hearts of animals in studies. Why on earth would we thus risk the health of small children and babies?”

In fact, ignoring this data is the definition of arbitrary and capricious, a clear legal dereliction of FDA’s duty.

While the COVID injections were promoted as the only way to end the COVID crisis, the real-world evidence has demonstrated the injections not only fail to prevent infection, they also do not stop transmission.

Moreover, clinical trial data from Pfizer and Moderna reveal that more children who received the vaccines were diagnosed with COVID and hospitalized, respectively, than those in the placebo group. In addition, recent research and data from around the world suggest the injections impair long-term immunity to the virus, rendering recipients more likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID.

Leslie Manookian, President of Health Freedom Defense Fund stated,

“Aside from not performing as purported, the injections pose serious known and unknown risks to young children. Leaked data from Japan revealed high levels of the lipid nanoparticles from the mRNA shots accumulate in the ovaries with unknown consequences. But menstrual irregularities and increased rates of miscarriage have been reported after the injections. A recent study identified reduced sperm concentrations and effects on sperm motility. With these safety concerns in mind, FDA authorizing the injections for young children defies reason and the precautionary principle.”

FDA is charged with protecting public health, not marketing the products of what is arguably the most powerful industry in the world.

Daily Clout and HFDF request that FDA reverse or at the very least pause its decision to issue an EUA for mRNA vaccines for six-month-olds to under-fives.  We ask instead that they further study the research available, including the research itemizing harms described above, and that they take into account over 130,000 comments submitted to the FDA regarding the dangerous step of authorizing these shots for young children, which they are legally required to consider.

Should FDA fail to reverse its authorization, Daily Clout and Health Freedom Defense Fund will take legal action to ensure that FDA abides by the law.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

cover image credit: Victoria_Art / pixabay

James Corbett What Hath God Wrought — The Media Matrix, Part Two

James Corbett What Hath God Wrought — The Media Matrix, Part Two

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 26, 2022


Watch the video on Archive / BitChute / Odysee or Download the video or audio



Hi, I’m James Corbett of The Corbett Report, and I’m not here right now. . . . I mean, there. With you.

Confused? Well, take a look at this . . .

[Steps aside to reveal James in screen] See? But, in truth, I’m not here either. What you are watching are the ghostly reflections of someone far away. I am not in the room with you, but you can see me. You can hear me. You might not think much about this, but . . . [Snaps fingers, revealing green screen set in studio] . . . it is one of the wonders of our era, and it has shaped the world in ways we can barely comprehend.

VOICEOVER: Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn’t always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix.

There’s a story about the famous Battle of Waterloo in 1815 that is not usually included in the history textbooks.

The story is that John Roworth—a trusted employee of Nathan Rothschild, the English heir of the infamous Rothschild banking family—was at the battlefield that day and, when the battle was decided and it was apparent that Napoleon had been defeated, he raced off on horseback, bearing the news across the English channel. The messenger arrived at his employers’s London office a full 24 hours before the official government courier and Rothschild, always looking for a way to turn a profit, decided to use the news to his advantage. He made a show of selling his shares at the London Stock Exchange and the public, believing the famed stockbroker had received word that Napoleon had won the battle, began selling as well. The stock market plummeted and Rothschild secretly bought up the shares at rock-bottom prices. By the time the news finally reached Londoners that Wellington—not Napoleon—was the victor at Waterloo, the coup was complete: Nathan Rothschild was the richest man in the realm.

This story, like so many historical adventure yarns, has been much decorated in the retelling: John Roworth was not at Waterloo, for one thing, and there was no great market sell-off in the hours before the official news of the battle reached London. But the central part of the tale is true: Nathan Rothschild did receive early news of Napoleon’s defeat and he did “do well” by that information, as Roworth admitted in a letter the month after the incident.

But whatever this story tells us about the world of finance, it tells us something more fundamental about something far more important: power. Knowledge is power, and, as we saw in Part 1 of this series, Gutenberg had brought that power to the masses. With the printing press, knowledge could be copied and spread to the far corners of the globe faster and easier and cheaper than it ever had before . . .

. . . but it still had to be carried. On horseback, on foot, by train, by carrier pigeon. Information was still a physical thing and even the news of Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo had to be physically transported from one place to another. But did it have to be this way? What if information could be communicated directly by electric current and sent across wires or through the air at the speed of light?

Enter Samuel Morse.

Morse was not a scientist or an experimenter, but a painter. He claimed that the idea for sending messages through electrical wires came to him in a flash of genius on a lengthy ship journey from Europe to America in 1832, and thus that he deserved credit as the sole inventor of the telegraph.

In reality, research along these lines had been going on for nearly a century. The idea of sending electrical messages through wires was first proposed in Scots Magazine in 1753 and it was demonstrated numerous times over the years—most memorably by Francisco Salvá, who in 1795 connected wires to human test subjects, assigned each of them a letter, and instructed them to shout their letter out when they received a shock.

Ignorant of this history, Morse had to rely on real scientists and inventors for his important breakthroughs. Like Professor Leonard Gale, who helped develop the technique of using relays to help the messages travel further than a few hundred yards. And Alfred Vail, a bright young machinist whose improvements to Morse’s crude prototype brought the idea into reality. Many even contend that it was Vail, not Morse, who invented the system of dots and dashes that we know as Morse Code.

Nonetheless, history is written by the winners, and Morse proved to be the winner. Getting the credit, the glory and, more to the point, the patent for the telegraph, Morse received a congressional appropriation of $30,000 to build the first telegraph line from Washington to Baltimore in 1844. He sent the first official telegraph message from the US Capitol to Alfred Vail at a railroad station in Baltimore. The message had been selected by Anne Ellsworth, the daughter of the Patent Commissioner with whom Morse was lodging while he was stationed in Washington. She chose a passage from the Bible fitting of the momentous occasion: “What hath God wrought!”

The passage, from the book of Numbers, is one of praise—rejoicing at the wonders that God had wrought for Israel—and ends with an exclamation mark. But the telegraph message didn’t contain punctuation, and so the press misreported the phrase with a question mark at the end: “What hath God wrought?” The medium had already begun to change the message.

It’s difficult for us to appreciate just how incredible it was for those who first witnessed communication from a distance with a disembodied electric ghost. In fact, it was almost impossible for people to understand this type of communication in anything but spiritual terms. Even the word “medium” evokes the specter of contact with the spirit world.

When the radio was introduced to Saudi Arabia, the country’s conservative Islamic clerics declared it “the devil hiding in a box” and demanded that King Abdulaziz ban the infernal contraption. The king saw the potential use of the radio for the development of the country, but, relying on the clerics for support, he couldn’t outright reject their council.

Instead, the crafty monarch proposed a test: the radio would be brought before him the next day and he would listen to it himself. If what the clerics said was true, then he would ban the devil’s device and behead those responsible for bringing it into the country.

The next day, the radio was brought before the king at the appointed time. But the king had secretly arranged with the radio engineers to make sure the Quran was being read at the hour of the test. Sure enough, when he switched it on and passages from the Quran were heard.

“Can it be that the devil is saying the Quran?” he asked. “Or is it perhaps true that this is not an evil box?” The clerics conceded defeat and the radio was allowed into Saudi Arabia.

We may laugh, but the Saudis were not the first or the last to mistake media technology for devilry. In 1449, Johann Fust—the scion of a wealthy and powerful family in Mainz—lent Gutenberg an enormous sum of money to start producing his famed Bible and confiscated the books from the printer when he couldn’t afford to repay the loan. When Fust later appeared on the streets of Paris, selling multiple copies of Gutenberg’s Bible, the bewildered Parisians—who had never seen printed books before and so couldn’t imagine how so many strangely identical copies of a manuscript could be produced so quickly—arrested him for witchcraft.

The essence of the mass media—its ability to project the voices of people who aren’t there using electronic gadgets and wireless networks—is the essence of magic, bringing to life the scrying mirrors and palantirs of lore. But is this media technology a dark art, or can its powers be used for good?

As the new medium of commercial radio rose in the early decades of the 20th century, listeners had cause to side with the Saudi clerics in their determination that it was, in fact, a devil in a box. Listeners like those who tuned into a strange news report on the Columbia Broadcasting System on the evening of Sunday, October 30, 1938.

ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our program of dance music to bring you a special bulletin from the Intercontinental Radio News. At twenty minutes before eight, central time, Professor Farrell of the Mount Jennings Observatory, Chicago, Illinois, reports observing several explosions of incandescent gas, occurring at regular intervals on the planet Mars. The spectroscope indicates the gas to be hydrogen and moving towards the earth with enormous velocity. Professor Pierson of the Observatory at Princeton confirms Farrell’s observation, and describes the phenomenon as (quote) like a jet of blue flame shot from a gun (unquote). We now return you to the music of Ramón Raquello, playing for you in the Meridian Room of the Park Plaza Hotel, situated in downtown New York.

SOURCE: Orson Welles War Of The Worlds 10/30/1938

Of course, this wasn’t a news broadcast at all. It was the infamous “Halloween Scare,” Orson Wells’ radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds, which infamously caused panic among some members of the listening audience who were flipping through the dial and mistook the dramatized news “interruptions” for actual reports of a Martian invasion.

It’s become fashionable in recent years to downplay the incident as a myth. There was no real scare, only a few dimwits who got frightened. The newspapers—looking for any excuse to belittle radio, its fast-rising competition for the public’s attention and corporate advertising dollars—ginned up the story and sold the public on a panic that never was.

But there was something to the Halloween Scare. The City Manager of Trenton, New Jersey—mentioned by name in the broadcast—even wrote to the Federal Communications Commission to demand an immediate investigation into the stunt. In response, a team of researchers fanned out, collecting information, conducting interviews and studying reports about the panic to better understand what had happened and what could be learned about this new medium’s ability to influence the public.

The team was from the Princeton Radio Project—a research group founded with a two-year, $67,000 grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to study the effect of radio through the lens of social psychology. The team was led by Hadley Cantril, the old Dartmouth College roommate of Nelson Rockefeller who had written in 1935 that “[r]adio is an altogether novel medium of communication, preeminent as a means of social control and epochal in its influence upon the mental horizons of men.”

Cantril’s report on Wells’ Halloween broadcast, The Invasion from Marsconcluded that such a large-scale media-induced frenzy could happen again “and even on a much more extensive scale.” This was important information for the funders of the Princeton Radio Project; their next major research project was a study of how radio could be used for spreading war propaganda, an increasingly important subject as the world slipped into the maw of World War II.

The question of electronic media’s ability to influence the public became even more important as the radio revolution of the early twentieth century flowed into the television revolution of the mid-twentieth century. Television had actually been ready to roll out as a commercial medium in the 1930s, but the Depression and then the war delayed the mass production of television sets. The first mass-produced commercial television hit the market in 1946, and it soon became one of the most quickly adopted technologies in history to that point, finding its way into the majority of American homes within a decade.

Strangely, as sociologist Robert Putnam documented in his 2000 bestseller, Bowling Alone, the era of television adoption precisely coincides with a severe drop-off in civic engagement among the American public. Could there be a relation? If so, what could it be?

One intriguing possibility comes from research conducted by Herbert Krugman in 1969. Krugman—who would go on to become manager of public opinion research at General Electric in the 1970s—was interested to discover what happens physiologically in the brain of a person watching TV. He taped a single electrode to the back of his test subject’s head and ran the wire to a Grass Model 7 Polygraph, which in turn interfaced with a Honeywell 7600 computer and a CAT 400B computer. He turned on the TV and began monitoring the brain waves of his subject. He found through repeated testing that “within about thirty seconds, the brain-waves switched from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention: the state of aimless fantasy and daydreaming below the threshold of consciousness.”

Krugman’s initial findings were confirmed by more extensive and accurate testing: TV rapidly induces an alpha-state consciousness in its viewers, putting them in a daydream state that leaves them less actively focused on their activities and more receptive to suggestion. This dream state combines with the nature of the medium itself to create a perfect tool for disengaging the viewers intellectually, removing them from active participation in their environment and substituting real experience with the simulacrum of experience.

In a word, TV hypnotizes its viewers.

NEIL POSTMAN: To begin with, television is essentially non-linguistic. It presents information mostly in visual images. Although human speech is heard on television and sometimes assumes importance, people mostly watch television. And what they watch are rapidly changing visual images, as many as 1200 different shots every hour. The average length of a shot on network television is 3.5 seconds. The average in a commercial is 2.5 seconds.

Now, this requires very little analytic decoding. In America, television watching is almost wholly a matter of what we would call pattern recognition. What I’m saying here is that the symbolic form of television—its form—does not require any special instruction or learning.

In America, television viewing begins at about the age of 18 months and by 36 months, children begin to understand and respond to television’s imagery. They have favorite characters, sing jingles they hear and ask for products they see advertised.

There’s no need for any preparation or prerequisite training for watching television. It needs no analog to the McGuffey Reader. Watching television requires no skills and develops no skills and that is why there is no such thing as remedial television watching.

SOURCE: 2001 | Fredonia Alum Neil Postman On Childhood

As we have seen, it was only a matter of years from the advent of commercial radio as a medium of communication until monopolistic financial interests were funding studies to determine how best to use it to mould the public consciousness. And, it seems, the television—with its brain wave-altering, hypnosis-inducing, cognitive impairment abilities—was designed from the very get-go to be a weapon of control deployed against the viewing public.

But if these media are weapons, if they are being used to direct and shape the public’s attention and, ultimately, their thoughts, it begs some questions: Who is wielding these weapons? And for what purpose?

This is no secret conspiracy. The answer is not difficult to find. TimeWarner and Disney and Comcast NBC Universal and News Corp and Sony and Universal Music Group and the handful of other companies that have consolidated control over the “mediaopoly” of the electronic media are the ones wielding the media weapon. Their boards of directors are public information. Their major shareholders are well known. A tight-knit network of wealthy and powerful people control what is broadcast by the corporate media, and, by extension, wield the media weapon to shape society in their interest.

In Part 1 of this series, we noted how technological advancements in the printing press and the development of new business models for the publishing industry had taken Gutenberg’s revolutionary technology out of the hands of the public and put it into the hands of the few rich industrialists with the capital to afford their own newspaper or book publisher. The Gutenberg conspiracy had led, seemingly inevitably, to the Morgan conspiracy. But that process didn’t end with the electrification of the media; it accelerated.

By the end of the twentieth century, a handful of media companies controlled the vast majority of what Americans read, saw and heard. That this situation was used to control what the public thought about important topics is, by now, obvious to all.

NEWSCASTERS: The sharing of biased and false news has become all too common on social media. More alarming, some media outlets publish these same fake stories — stories that simply aren’t true — without checking facts first. Unfortunately, some members of the media use their platforms to push their own personal bias and agenda to control exactly what people think. This is extremely dangerous to a democracy.

SOURCE: Sinclair Broadcasting Under Fire for “Fake News” Script

At the dawn of the twenty-first century, this media oligopoly had cemented its control over the public mind. Combined, newspapers, television, movies and radio had the ability to direct people’s thoughts on any given topic, or even what they thought about. The zenith of that era was reached on September 11, 2001, when billions across the globe watched the dramatic events of 9/11 play out on their television screens like a big-budget Hollywood production.

But the media was not done evolving. Technologies were already being rolled out that would once again change the public’s relationship to the media. Technologies that would once again leave people questioning whether the media was a devil hiding in a box, wondering whether this new media was a tool of empowerment or control, and asking the question: What hath God wrought?

Next week: Into the Metaverse


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5G and Electromagnetic Fields — With More Bandwidth, EMFs Become Stronger.

5G and Electromagnetic Fields
With More Bandwidth, EMFs Become Stronger.

by Owen Davies, Professional Pilot
July 2022


An illustration of 5G network architecture, showing 5G and 4G working together, with central and local servers providing faster content to users and low-latency applications.

Recently, we tried to cut through the babble about 5G, look at actual data, and figure out how troublesome it really is for aviation. (See Pro Pilot, April 2022, p 8). Since then, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has doubled down on blaming its victims, ordering avionics makers to bring their “defective” radar altimeters up to a standard of signal discrimination required in no other country. However, that is not our topic here. This time, we will look at what electromagnetic fields (EMFs) may be doing – not to your equipment, but to you.

Why EMFs matters

Many hundreds of scientific studies have linked radio frequency EMFs to serious medical issues.

They include DNA damage, rare brain cancers, including glioma and acoustic neuroma, salivary tumors, heart disease, diabetes, sperm abnormalities, reduced volumes of the brain’s gray matter and damage to white matter, neuropsychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression, and even very early onset Alzheimer’s disease.

The list seems to grow almost daily. This may be significant to pilots. Nina Anderson, a retired corporate pilot who has built a second career as a respected consultant specializing in EMF issues, reports that jet cockpits are the most EMF-dense environments she has ever examined. Every flight instrument and radio contributes its share.

We should note that all findings of a link between EMFs and health are disputed. For every study showing that electromagnetic fields subvert biological systems, scientists funded by the telecommunications industry can provide one to refute it, plus an explanation of why the other research was methodologically flawed or otherwise invalid.

They do so routinely. Anderson has little sympathy for them. A similarity to the tobacco industry may have been mentioned. Nonetheless, since the 1990s, the great preponderance of independent evidence has shown that exposure to EMFs has medical consequences. A lot more supporting data has been added since then.

What has changed

Nature exposes all life to EMFs. Most forms are weak, and distributed over a wide range of frequencies. The sun’s ultraviolet light causes burns and skin cancers, and contributes to skin aging.

As far as we know, natural EMFs are otherwise harmless. Technology is different. The EMFs our artifacts create are stronger than most natural fields, and we marinate in them 24/7. Their frequencies are often well suited to couple with biological processes. They’re also polarized, where natural EMFs are not.

This can greatly amplify their biological effects. EMF sources abound in our homes and workplaces – even on the street. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices, computers, microwave ovens, “smart” electric meters, and the inverters that turn DC electricity from solar panels to 120V AC, all generate EMFs at varying frequencies and power.

A single fluorescent light can add high-frequency voltage spikes to electricity that arrived “clean.” Turn off all these devices, and we still would receive EMFs from our neighbors – especially in apartments – and when passing cellphone towers. In the years ahead, we will experience even more EMFs.

Devices connected to the “Internet of things” pass data and control signals back and forth wirelessly almost constantly. Estimates vary, but they could be 30 to 50 billion of them by 2025. In time, their “electrosmog” will fill the air as London’s pea-soup fogs did in the age of coal.

Why 5G matters

Cellphones are a particular concern because they broadcast next to our ears at frequencies that in recent generations can extend into the microwave range. And in all but the most rural areas, tower transmissions are with us always. Each new generation of phones carries more data faster than the last by transmitting at higher frequencies.

4G phones, for example, operate at 2.5 GHz microwave frequencies. 5G extends to 39 GHz. And generations up to 8G are already under development. The good news is that the electrical component of high-frequency EMFs penetrates barely 1 mm into the body.

The bad is that it couples to biological processes much more efficiently than phone transmissions used to, and nothing keeps their magnetic component at bay. There is more. Buildings block 5G signals, so many more transmitters are needed to serve an urban area. They also use beam forming to aim all their power in one direction rather than omnidirectionally, as previous cell technologies have done.

Standing in a 5G beam at a given distance subjects us to much more powerful electromagnetic radiation than 4G did – and, because there are more transmitters, we have more opportunity for exposure. Telecoms point out that no one has ever shown that 5G transmissions harm human health, and this is true.

The technology is so new that no one has had time to carry out the necessary studies. Yet, even for 4G, the data is compelling. As long ago as 2009, neurosurgeon Vini G Khurana at the Australian National University, and colleagues in Australia, Austria, and Sweden, reviewed long-term epidemiologic studies of cell phones and brain cancer.

They found that using a cell phone for 10 years or more doubled the risk of glioma and acoustic neuroma, but only on the side of the head where users held their phones. In Malta, researchers studied the incidence of glioblastoma multiforme, the rare brain cancer scientists have long suspected might be linked to the use of cell phones.

From 2008 through 2017, the number of people who had used cell phones for 10 years or more, when excess cancers are considered most likely to appear, was rising fast. Medical records showed an obvious trend. In 2008, there were only 0.73 cases per 100,000 population.

Ten years later, there were 4.49 per 100,000. Something might have caused this other than the growing use of cell phones, but no credible alternative has been suggested. Moreover, researchers at the Yale School of Public Health reported in 2020 on genetic variations that predispose people to develop thyroid cancer.

Heavy cell phone use more than doubled the risk of thyroid cancer in those with any of four such variations. Professional critics can find ways to trash any inconvenient research. For the rest of us, the picture should be clear.

F-16 cockpit is dense with RF emitters that may fatally degrade pilot cognition. DARPA is now investigating that possible hazard.


The bottom line

EMFs can affect us in ways that are especially important in the air. Known effects that appear within the duration of an average flight include fatigue, irritability, an inability to concentrate, and mild cognitive impairment resulting in task saturation, mistaken priorities, complacency, and spatial disorientation. Between 1993 and 2013, US Air Force pilots were involved in 72 severe accidents attributed to spatial disorientation.

The incidents resulted in 101 deaths and 65 aircraft lost. The possibility that electromagnetic fields were to blame concerned the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) enough that in October 2020 it initiated a 2-year project called Impact of Cockpit Electro-Magnetics on Aircrew Neurology (ICEMAN).

Read the rest of this article here


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Warnings Signs You Have Been Tricked by Virologists…Again

Warnings Signs You Have Been Tricked by Virologists…Again


by Dr. Mark Bailey
July 25, 2022


Recently I joined a group of 20 doctors and scientists around the world who put their names to the “Settling the Virus Debate” statement.  In this two-page document we suggested, “rather than engaging in wasteful verbal sparring, let us put this argument to rest by doing clear, precise, scientific experiments that will, without any doubt, show whether these claims are valid.”  Some of the individuals who believe that the existence of pathogenic viruses is an established fact, proceeded to immediately disagree.  One was Steve Kirsch, who attempted to distract from the central tenet of our statement, being that virology had failed to carry out scientific control experiments.  In reality, it is clear that the virologists have not shown that their techniques of “viral” cultures, genomics, and clinical diagnostics are valid even on their own terms.  Indeed, I have not seen Kirsch or anyone else provide evidence that the appropriately-controlled experiments we suggested in the statement have been performed.

Kirsch admitted, “this is not my field of expertise at all. I rely on other people around me who I trust.”  I have written a previous article about why I think Kirsch should be careful about trusting other “experts.”  However, he continues to favour this approach and one of his trusted parties includes the pathologist/virologist Dr Sin Lee.  Lee wrote, “Tom Cowan claimed the virus has not been isolated. But the virus has been isolated by the CDC and marketed by ATCC as the control materials. I bought the virus as the control for my CLIA tests. Many others do.”  We have covered the follies concerning these claims of “isolation” many times and the CDC certainly have no studies demonstrating the existence of a pathogenic particle termed ‘SARS-CoV-2’.  The ATCC simply repeat the claim by the CDC that their listed product contains a “virus” – however as I outlined in my first “Warning Signs” article, following the trail back to the start does not lead to any evidence of a virus in the biological potions being passed around.

On 18 July 2022, Lee sent the following email to Dr Tom Cowan:

I have a Preprint manuscript currently under peer review as follows. :// There is irrefutable Sanger sequencing evidence that the virus exists and keeps mutating. If Dr. Tom Cowan disagrees, please write a critique to challenge my data and interpretation online in the open. I will respond. Other scientists can join in for the debate.

Dr Sin H. Lee, 18 July 2022

The preprint paper is titled, “Implementation of the eCDC/WHO Recommendation for Molecular Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariants and Its Challenges.”  To expose the problems of virology it is crucial to examine the methodology section of any publication and in this case it is no different.  In the “material and methods” section Lee stated that, “five (5) selective nasopharyngeal swab specimens collected from non-hospitalized patients with respiratory infection, which were confirmed to be true-positive for SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant by Sanger sequencing.”  Here we are straight into the deep end of virology’s circular reasoning: the “virus” has been confirmed to exist on the basis of detected sequences from some nasopharyngeal swabs.  There is nowhere in the paper that any evidence is provided for the existence of an actual virus, that is, a tiny particle that acts as an obligate intracellular parasite and is capable of causing disease in a host.

The claim that the specimens were, “true-positive[s] for SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant,” simply means some sequences that were previously deposited on genetic databases, and fraudulently declared to be “viral,” were being detected again. It doesn’t make any difference which sequencing technique is used, in this case bidirectional Sanger sequencing because the crucial issue is the provenance and clinical relevance of these detected sequences.  This is the foundational issue in the entire COVID-19 fraud: there is no virus, simply sequences falsely claimed to be evidence of an actual virus.  The World Health Organisation helped orchestrate the deception when it declared that a confirmed ‘case’ of infection with the invented virus is simply the detection of some of these sequences.  We have covered this absurd circular reasoning in much of our work including in Sam’s 2020 video “What Is A Covid-19 Case?”  (And rapid antigen tests are covered here.)

Back to Lee’s paper and in the following paragraph of the “material and methods” section, he described the, “RNA Extraction from Nasopharyngeal Swab Specimens,” as follows:

As previously reported [25-27], the cellular pellet derived from about 1 mL of the nasopharyngeal swab rinse along with 0.2 mL supernatant after centrifugation was first digested in a buffered solution containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and proteinase K. The digestate was extracted with phenol. The nucleic acid was precipitated by ethanol and redissolved in 50 μL of DEPC-treated water. 

In other words, there was no step to demonstrate: (a) there were any “viral” particles contained within the samples, or (b) that the RNA came from such imagined viral particles.  A reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction was then applied to these undifferentiated samples to generate amplicons ranging from 398 to 707 nucleotides in length.  Most of these sequences spanned the so-called ‘Spike protein’ gene of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome, as that was the area of interest for the study.  In the next step it was stated:

The crude nested PCR products showing an expected amplicon at agarose gel electrophoresis were subjected to automated Sanger sequencing without further purification.  

In fact, at no stage was an attempt undertaken to purify any entity from the crude nasopharyngeal specimens.  The entire basis of the study was built on the unestablished premise that the genetic sequences detected were already known to come from inside a pathogenic particle.

The “results” section then detailed the nucleotide sequences of the various amplicons that were generated from the crude samples.  Some of the codons (three-nucleotide units that encode a particular amino acid or stop signal) were described as “mutated” on the basis of comparisons to other sequences previously deposited on the genetic databanks.  The use of the word ‘mutation’ is problematic in itself, because it implies that a genome has been altered.  A genome must belong to a discrete biological entity, so virology is once again misusing terminology to imply that a certain proof has been established.  Lee’s study was simply looking at RNA sequences in uncontrolled experiments.

Those of us that dispute the virus narrative point out that no RNA (or DNA) sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any specific identifiable particle that fulfils the definition of a virus.  Thus all RNAs can only be said to be expressed by a known organism, introduced artificially (e.g. synthetic mRNA injections) or be of unknown provenance.  The “mutations” only exist within in silico models that have not been shown to be independent entities in nature.  There are other reasons why RNA sequences can and do vary in dynamic biological systems and I can’t imagine that any virologist would disagree with this fact. Simply detecting RNAs is not enough to draw conclusions about their provenance. Other experiments are required to make this determination.

In our first COVID-19 Fraud essay we documented the original invention of SARS-CoV-2 by Fan Wu’s team who assembled an in silico “genome” from genetic fragments of unknown provenance, found in the crude lung washings of a single ‘case’ and documented in, “A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China.”  Their in silico construct served as a reference for others to then “find” the same “virus” around the world, without evidence that such a particle actually existed.

In our soon to be published follow-up COVID-19 Fraud essay we will provide a more detailed explanation as to why detecting nucleic acid sequences per se in crude specimens or cell cultures does not provide the required evidence for “viruses.”  In the essay we will also follow the trail back to the first ever declarations of “coronavirus genomes” in the 1980s and show that no viruses were demonstrated in any part of the trail. However, such sequence data is used to promulgate the illusion of “virus” family trees, or claimed “mutations” as discussed above.

Dr Lee’s paper does not even appear to be designed to demonstrate the existence of a postulated disease-causing particle.  I sent him several questions including, “I have read the preprint and there does not appear to be a hypothesis presented – is that correct?”, “In your study there did not appear to be any controls (e.g. checking for selected sequences in other nasopharyngeal specimens from humans said not to have the alleged virus) – presumably that was by design?” and “What is your definition of a ‘virus’ in the paper?”  Lee responded, “your questions are irrelevant to you [sic] intention to write a comment or critique on the manuscript involved,” and suggested I write something in the preprint website’s comment section.

Lee has provided a descriptive paper that omits a falsifiable hypothesis so it is unclear why he would present it as experimental evidence, let alone “irrefutable” evidence of the existence of SARS-CoV-2.  His paper is inappropriately designed for this purpose and his claim engages in a circular reasoning fallacy: the genetic sequences are proffered as evidence of the virus, because it was presupposed that they come from the virus.  We are asking, “where is the virus?”

Virology has a problem: It needs to show that “A” actually exists

It’s back to the drawing board for virology: it invented the theory of viruses, so whatever method it employs to prove their existence, it must satisfy that definition. In fact, do the virologists even have a theory? The definition of a scientific theory is:

an explanation of an aspect of the natural world and universe that has been repeatedly tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.

Our “Settling the Virus Debate” statement proposes that the virologists need to employ the required scientific method as a starting point.  It is not looking good for them because they have not even demonstrated any internal validity on their own terms.  According to science they may not even have a theory.  If they have a hypothesis, they need to specify an independent variable (in this case the postulated “virus”) and a dependent variable for analysis.  Moreover, to even get started, the independent variable must first be shown to physically exist.  I would implore Steve Kirsch to reconsider taking advice from these “experts” and to commence his own investigations into the house of virology.  By scientific accounts, it is a house of cards.


(Derived from: A. F. Chalmers, What is this thing called Science?, 2nd ed, 1982)

‘Observational statements are frequently presupposed by theory. Such statements are always made in the language of some theory and will be as precise as the theoretical or conceptual framework that they utilise is precise’. In this instance, a virus particle was not observed first and subsequently viral theory and pathology developed. Scientists of the mid and late nineteenth century were preoccupied with the identification of imagined contagious pathogenic entities.

‘The observations of the naïve inductionist did not identify a virus a priori, and then set about studying its properties and characteristics. The extant presupposition of the time was that a very small germ particle existed that may explain contagion. What came thereafter arose to fulfil the presuppositional premise’.

‘A popular view of scientific knowledge is that it is proven knowledge and scientific theories are derived in some righteous way from the facts of experience acquired by observation and experiment. Science is based upon what we can see, hear, measure and touch. Science is objective and explicit. Scientific knowledge is reliable knowledge because it is objectively proven knowledge’.

‘A realistic scientific theory will consist of a complex of universal statements rather than a single statement. Further a theory will need to be augmented by auxiliary assumptions, such as laws and theories governing the use of any instruments used, for instance’.

‘The premises from which the prediction is derived must also include the interconnected statements that constitute the theory under test, the initial conditions, and the auxiliary assumptions. Falsification of the theory also indicates the possibility of a failure of any number of the associated assumptions and conditions, and not necessarily of the theory itself’.



I would like to express my gratitude to Dr M. C. McGrath (New Zealand) for his constructive criticisms and inspiration for the postscript.


Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

cover image based on creative commons work of geralt 

The Psychology of Children

The Psychology of Children

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 25, 2022


The transgender movement wants you to believe that young children know exactly what they want and, therefore, they should be allowed to have it.

Even without the obvious guidance, nudging, and grooming from teachers, parents, and friends, some of these children want to change genders—we are told.

This is bullshit only a demented person would believe.

Children change their minds every day. They want to be fire fighters, doctors, football players, parents, gardeners. They want to look like THIS friend on Monday and THAT friend on Tuesday.

They want straight hair, curls, long hair, short hair, no hair.

Parents have the job of keeping all these flights of fancy in line. Meaning—think what you want to, Jimmy, but we’re not letting you cut off all your hair or get on a boat and paddle out into the ocean looking for sharks.

What parents keep in line their kids can rebel against later; much later; if they decide to. But now, no dice.

Transgender guides and recruiters and groomers and outright pedophiles want to destroy that set-up. They want to “discover what a child really wants,” as long as it aligns with what THEY want for the child.

It’s a vicious game. It’s an obvious con. Because it’s so obvious, the hustlers needs mountains of propaganda and fake psychological theory and mass social media attacks to tip the public scales in their favor.

They even need the backing of government bureaucrats and politicians. And doctors with no consciences.

When the doctors chime in, we get GENDER DYSPHORIA, a psychological condition out of nowhere. Of course it has no defining physical test. It’s actually a piece of social conditioning pumped up to look like science.

“Yes, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, your son definitely is suffering from gender dysphoria.”

No, your son has a criminal doctor. That’s the problem.

Here’s a secret. Any reasonably intelligent and clever adult could take a young child, and after spending enough time with him, stands a good chance of turning that child into a person desperately yearning for sex-change. The yearning would be quite convincing. People would say, “Well, this child REALLY NEEDS to transition. This is very serious. If he doesn’t get what he needs, he’ll be irreparably damaged.”

I’ve seen children act that desperately about wanting sugar, or internet access. When the parents travel past a certain threshold of permissiveness with a child, all sorts of strange things begin to happen. It’s very hard to turn back the clock. It might be impossible. The child gets an idea into his head, and the universe is going to end if he can’t bring that idea to fruition.

Again, don’t forget about the medical component, because we’re talking about chemical intervention. Puberty blockers. The doctors and the medical societies are blithely passing this off as a minor issue of no real concern.

Excuse me? Screwing around with a young child’s hormone levels is a minor issue? You really buy the claim that the chemicals can be stopped and then the process of attaining puberty picks up where it left off, and there are no problems?

This is a chemical INVASION. This is fronted by pharmaceutical companies that have a new market and a new profit plan. They’re the last people you should look to for any sign of conscience.

Do parents raise their children based on biases? Of course. This has been the case since the dawn of history. But children catch on to that dynamic sooner or later. They realize a day will come when they can make their own decisions.

However, when the biases come from new charming adults on the outside of the family, who affect the pose of friendship and true caring, and thus imply to the child (or state it overtly) that there is a whole other world, right now, which the child can enter—having strayed from home—and this is a very SAFE world…

The child is intrigued.

This is a form of kidnap.

This is a prime illustration of temptation. With ripe victims for the taking.

The child is too young to understand the mechanisms of seduction.

As you can see, if you follow the news, transitioning children has become an industry, with the backing of government.

It’s well-organized.

Surprisingly so.

But you shouldn’t be put off or confused by the surprise.

You should look straight at what this is.

Evil masked as kindness.

And you should deal with it on those terms. Come hell or high water.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: GDJ 

The Secretive Sterilization Program Behind the Tetanus Shot

The Secretive Sterilization Program Behind the Tetanus Shot
How the ubiquitous use of the tetanus shot may be behind the US and world population decline.

by Reinette Senum, Reinette Senum’s Foghorn Express
July 24, 2022


After years of hearing about the planet’s overpopulation as a young woman, I made a very clear and conscious decision not to have children. I considered this my “contribution” to the earth, not to add an additional burden upon our natural resources.

Little did I know that I may have been duped like many other women I know who made a similar decision. Now, if I had known the truth, that our planet, particularly the US birth rates, have been in decline for… well, decades now, I may have made a very different decision.

A lagging US birthrate continues to be a little-known fact. Ask the average American, and they would swear to you that we are on a massive overpopulation curvature.

Dr. Carrie Madej tipped me off a year ago that the US was utilizing the tetanus shots as an undercover sterilization campaign. She told me that she knew firsthand that the more a woman receives a tetanus shot, the more likely she will be unable to conceive.

I had always suspected a host of reasons for the global population decline, most of which are environmental. However, it never dawned on me that tetanus shots could play a huge role.

Official U.S. birth data for 2020 showed that births have been falling almost continuously for over a decade. For 50 years now, the U.S. total fertility rate has remained near or below the “replacement” level of 2.1.  The total fertility rate estimates the average number of babies a woman would have in her lifetime; 2.1 is the level needed for a generation to replace itself.

It wasn’t just Dr. Carrie Madej pointing out a correlation between infertility and tetanus shots.

A brouhaha had been stewing in Africa in the early 1990s when the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Kenyan Health Ministry were going head to head in a battle over the safety of a tetanus vaccine administered to women in the country.

In November 1993, a Catholic publication appeared claiming an abortifacient vaccine was being used as tetanus prophylactic. Catholic church leaders began accusing the WHO and UNICEF of nefariously lacing tetanus shots they had given to girls and women of childbearing age containing the anti-fertility drug human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

In October 2014, 6 vials were obtained by Catholic doctors and were tested in 6 accredited laboratories. Again, hCG was found in half the samples.

But it wasn’t just Kenya authorities making this accusation.

It was also in 1994 that the Pro-Life Committee of Mexico became suspicious of a tetanus campaign that excluded all males and children and called for multiple injections of the vaccine in only women of reproductive age.

We have been led to believe that one tetanus injection should protect for at least ten years. Yet, these tetanus protocols in Mexico and Africa targeted childbearing women to be injected every six months.

Continuously denying the accusation, in 2014, the WHO and UNICEF made a public statement expressing “their deep concern about the misinformation circulating in the media on the quality of the Tetanus Toxoid (TT) Vaccine in Kenya.”

They neglected to include in their statement that the WHO announced a “birth-control vaccine” for “family planning” in 1976 when WHO researchers had “conjugated tetanus toxoid (TT) with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), producing a “birth-control” vaccine. Conjugating TT with hCG causes pregnancy hormones to be attacked by the immune system. Expected results are [spontaneous] abortions in pregnant females and/or infertility in recipients not yet impregnated. Repeated inoculations prolong infertility.”

Pub med article hereTetanus vaccine may be laced with an anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries

Similar tetanus vaccines laced with hCG have been uncovered in the Philippines and Nicaragua. In addition to the WHO, other organizations involved in the development of an anti-fertility vaccine using hCG include the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the UN Population Fund, the UN Development Programme, the World Bank, the Population Council, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences,  the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, and Ohio State universities.

(I know that “correlation does not imply causation,” but knowing what we know now, we need to consider this explanation as a possibility)

Once again, we have another criminal case of uninformed consent. Women who have no clue these shots have been preventing pregnancies or causing spontaneous abortions. The tetanus shots are possibly another example of medical malfeasance of the highest order.

How do we respond? First of all, know that the risk of a person contracting tetanus is very low unless he/she is an agricultural worker and working near animal manure. It’s not rust that gives us tetanus; it’s manure. The medical establishment never tells us this. If you are a young woman or girl that intends on becoming a mother someday, perhaps think twice about the tetanus shot. The more shots you receive, the higher the risk of not being able to conceive.

If you want more in-depth information, I recommend watching (and sharing) the newly released 30-minute documentary, “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda.”

Lastly, spread the word. At the very least, let women know they should seriously investigate before deciding whether or not to take a tetanus shot. Knowledge is power.


Connect with Reinette Senum

cover image modified from creative commons work of Elchinator / pixabay

We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now

We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 23, 2022


Last week I wrote about how “We’re All Dutch Farmers Now.” As you’ll recall from that editorial, there is a battle taking place right now between farmers in the Netherlands and the technocrats in their government who are seeking to put them out of work and close up their farms in the name of the globalists’ grand 2030 Agenda. And, as you’ll also recall, I warned that no matter where you are on the globe or what your position in society is, this Great Reset nightmare will be coming for you and your livelihood next.

Recent events in various countries have only served to underline that point in spades.

Take Ireland, for example. The Irish Times reports that, in order for the country to “meet the Paris Agreement goals on a globally equitable basis,” Irish farmers will have to make drastic cuts to their greenhouse emissions, including “A cut of more than 40 per cent in methane by 2030.” Exactly as in the Netherlands, these types of drastic and arbitrary cuts would be a disaster for the average farmer and could drive many of the nation’s small farms out of business. Despite the best efforts of Ireland’s establishment media—like the aforementioned Irish Times or online outlets like—to browbeat the Irish public into turning agains the farmers, a growing protest movement in the country points to the possibility that Ireland will be yet another front in the Global War for Independence that I wrote about last week.

Or take Sri Lanka. As you have no doubt seen in the establishment news media, Sri Lanka has descended into chaos in recent weeks, with the economy completely collapsing and the president fleeing the country amid fiery protests.

But you probably have not seen the real reasons for that collapse in the establishment news media and you’re probably not going to. In truth, the Sri Lankan situation falls very much in line with the global insurrection which the Dutch farmer protests are leading. And the steps that the Sri Lankan government are now rolling out to further control their population in the name of restoring order to the country offer important insights about where the globalist agenda is going from here.

Today, let’s examine the roots of the Sri Lankan crisis and explore how that crisis affects us all.


For those not following events in the island nation, the announcement of the complete collapse of Sri Lanka’s economy last month might have been surprising. And, if you rely on the MSM for your news and information, the images of chaos coming out of the country—with tens of thousands taking to the streets and even storming the prime minister’s office—would doubtless have generated more questions than answers.

What’s happening over there? How did this start? Why are the people so angry at their government? And what’s being done about it?

So, how do the establishment lapdog media outlets explain this “sudden” turn of events? Let’s turn to the BBC for a typically mendacious example. In “Sri Lanka’s tea farmers struggling to survive” the Big Brother Corporation’s Sri Lankan correspondent, Secunder Kermani, correctly identifies tea as the nation’s largest export, correctly points out that “Most of Sri Lanka’s tea is grown by smaller farmers,” and correctly reports that those small farmers are “still reeling from the impact of a sudden, poorly thought-out government decision to ban chemical fertilizer last year.” It then lies about the roots of that fertilizer ban, saying that it was “ordered to try to protect the country’s dwindling foreign reserves.”

As Paul Homewood over at the Not A Lot of People Know About That blog points out:

The ban had nothing at all to do with ‘protecting foreign reserves.’ Nor is the [Sri Lankan] tea industry being hit by the ‘economic crisis.’ The ban was a deliberate policy decision by the President, as part of his climate change agenda.

Of course, given that this inconvenient truth is not the right kind of inconvenient “truth” (the kind that Al Gore makes fearmongering and factually inaccurate documentaries about), the usual flock of “fact checkers” have descended on the story to run cover for their globalist paymasters. For one example of this, see’s “Did ESG really topple the government of Sri Lanka?” This article attempts to argue that a commitment to the technocrat’s beloved Environmental, Social, and Governance scam “most assuredly did not collapse a national government,” but in the end it’s forced to admit that the fertilizer ban was the trigger for the collapse and that that ban was forced on the country by the ESG pushers. Specifically, as the aforementioned fact check concedes, the ban was put in place in order to “renegotiate some of its IMF and World Bank financial obligations in exchange for its excellent emissions rating.”

In other words, the debt-trap mafia made Sri Lanka a deal it couldn’t refuse: join our economic suicide pact or we’ll shut off your money. Accordingly, Sri Lanka signed on to the suicide pact. The country’s disgraced ex-President even made a speech at last year’s COP26 conference in Glasgow bragging about the country’s commitment to the death cult’s carbon eugenics agenda. And now the country is in chaos.

So how did we really get here? And where is this green agenda really taking us?


To the surprise of none of my regular readers, you will find a World Economic Forum minion at the heart of this story.

In this case, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe (who is listed as an “agenda contributor” on the World Economic Forum website), penned an op-ed for the WEF in 2018 explaining “how I will make my country rich by 2025.” Touting his World Bank-supported “Vision 2025” economic policy, he bragged that the smorgasbord of globalist-approved policies he was going to implement—from green energy projects to public-private partnerships to regional free trade agreements—was going to create a “social market economy that delivers economic dividends to all.”

Well, that didn’t work out very well, now did it? How embarrassing for the prime minister and everyone associated with him, hey?

At least Davos Man has the good sense to be retroactively ashamed by their association with this disaster. The World Economic Forum, for its part, has taken the embarrassing 2018 op-ed down from its website. But you can still read about the bold plan to turn Sri Lanka into an economic powerhouse by 2025 on the WayBack archive of the page. (Hey, there’s still three years left!)

But, incredibly, this whole debacle has not derailed Wickremesinghe’s political career. On the contrary. It has furthered it! He was just elected president of the country (“despite his unpopularity with the public” as the BBC puts it with their characteristic gift for understatement).

So what is he going to do to solve the crisis that he helped initiate? Why, implement the World Economic Forum’s dream of Digital ID tyranny, of course!

Specifically, Wickremesinghe’s government has decided to restore order to the country by implementing a “fuel rationing” scheme that relies on QR codes and digital surveillance. Under the new carbon eugenics regime, each slave of the new technocratic prison state will be allowed to associate one vehicle identification number with their National Identity Card number. They will then be assigned a QR code that will have to be scanned to allow the peasants to obtain the privilege of buying fuel . . . so long as it is their assigned day to purchase gas, that is. The new system will assign people days on which they will be allowed to buy fuel depending on the last digit of their license plate.

As Sri Lanka’s Minister of Power and Energy said in a tweet bragging about the implementation of the scheme: “Some fuel stations did not adopt, some Individuals manipulated, falsified & did not want this implemented [sic]. However It will be enforced islandwide.”

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to your nightmare future as serfs on the neofeudal plantation! The governments will artificially restrict supplies of basic goods in the name of appeasing the weather gods, collapse the economy on purpose, and then use that collapse as a pretext for implementing even more stringent technocratic controls on their tax cattle.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

So how does what’s going on in Sri Lanka affect all of us worldwide? And what can we do about it?


At this point it would take a special kind of willful ignorance to deny the connection between all of these events. Who could look at the restrictions and cuts being implemented in country after country after country, from the Netherlands to Ireland to Poland to Italy to Canada to Argentina to Sri Lanka and think that it’s all just an amazing coinkydink.

No. By this point, it is self-evident to even the sleepiest of the normies that the destruction of the agricultural sector in country after country is part of a coordinated global agenda.

The strange thing is that every article by every outlet in every country cites a different agreement, pledge, pact, commitment or piece of legislation as the underlying reason for these cuts.

The Irish Times, for example, reports that Ireland’s emission cuts are being implemented in order to fulfill the nation’s Paris Agreement commitments. says the cuts come at the behest of the European Union, which will levy fines on countries that fail to reach emission reduction requirements. RTE cites the Irish government’s own climate action plan as the reason for the cuts.

In fact, there is an increasingly complex web of agreements, commitments and treaties that are forcing these same policies on country after country. Do you know about the Colombo Declaration on Sustainable Nitrogen Management, for example? Or the Global Methane Pledge? For that matter, do you know precisely what the Paris Agreement actually mandates? Or the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? Or what obligations your own country cites when it started implementing its own emissions cuts?

Did you know that the World Economic Forum signed a “strategic partnership framework” with the United Nations in 2019 to “accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”? Or that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation pledged $315 million to the CGIAR global agriculture research partnership (a group my regular readers will be familiar with) to address the “[climate] adaptation needs of smallholder farmers” by funding “early warning systems for tracking the climate-accelerated spread of crop and livestock diseases and digital services that connect farmers with a wide range of supports more efficiently”?

Probably not. But the point here is that there is not one easily identifiable treaty under one identifiable organization that is running this agenda. That would be too obvious and offer too easy a target for the disparate freedom movements kicking up in country after country to go after. Instead, a complex web of control is being woven around nation after nation by a network of foundations, non-governmental bodies and globalist bodies and not one person in a thousand could name all of these organizations, treaties, agreements and commitments or explain how they all fit together to produce the collapse of Sri Lanka or the protests in Holland.

I am not exaggerating when I say this is a Global War for Independence that is taking shape right now. I am 100% serious. But for the most part (my switched-on, clued-in readers excepted, of course), the public is just starting to realize that they are engaged in a war at all. That puts them very much behind the 8-ball as they begin to discover that they are the victims of an agenda that has been decades in the making and is already nearing the mysteriously omnipresent 2030 goal.

Thankfully, though, the people are beginning to wake up to the gravity of the situation, and every day more people are joining the global uprising.

In addition to the Dutch solidarity protests by German farmers and Italian farmers and Polish farmers that I documented last week, there are now reports coming in of solidarity protests in Spain and Panama and Argentina, with a nationwide protest in Canada to “support the Dutch Farmers and the international fight for freedom” taking place as I write these words.

The point is, this isn’t about Dutch farmers. Or Sri Lankan farmers. Or Argentinian farmers. Or Irish farmers. Or Canadian truckers. Or any other isolated group you could imagine. This is about free humanity collectively recognizing the real nature of the struggle that they are engaged in and coming together to fight that battle. Holland and Sri Lanka are only the canaries in the coal mine that allow us to see what will happen to all of us when we are finally caught in the globalist web.

Let me state this once again: a worldwide revolt against the globalist technocrats is happening right now. More and more people are joining the ranks of this revolt every day. Those who are not standing with the farmers who find themselves on the front line of this revolt will almost certainly regret their inaction in the future when this global Agenda for Sustainable Enslavement comes for them.

The bare truth reveals itself more clearly than ever: We are all Sri Lankan farmers now.


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“Cantorian Economics”? Or Something Else? Massive Bank …

“Cantorian Economics”? Or Something Else? Massive Bank …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 22, 2022


“Joseph, Heads up on this one,” the email from P.T. began. It quickly went downhill from there:

There is a massive Non-payment of mortgages going on in China right now.  The story that is being suppressed is that there were runs on banks in Shanghai China weeks ago.  Perhaps the radical ‘Lock Down’ that happened in Shanghai was just a way to suppress the bank runs.  If people shouted a bit too loud, pounded their fists a bit too much, they would get classified as Covid Risk Contagious, get thrown into one of the Quarantine Camps and never be hear from again.

Well, the Communists can not suppress the sunlight, and now the Chinese People know their system, the economic system, is falling apart.

This bears some very serious watching.  Alibaba, Evergrand…..tip of a Billion People iceberg.

What will the CCP do if, say, 60% of people refuse to pay their mortgages?  Throw 700 Million people into labor camps?

China has a history of everything collapsing, all at once.

Now I’m sure that if you received an email like that, you’d sit up and take notice, particularly when, shortly after receiving said email, the author backs up the speculative scenario with the following Zero Hedge article:

“The Damage Could Be Huge”: Chinese Banks Tumble, Swept Up In Mortgage Nonpayment Scandal As Borrowers Revolt

Now beyond all the normal things to give one pause about those bank runs in China, there was one phrase in particular that caught my eye, and perhaps it did yours too:

The boycotts raise the risk of mortgage defaults, a new set of troubles for banks that are already squeezed by exposure to ailing property developers. Mortgages make up almost 20% of total bank loans outstanding, amounting to about 39 trillion yuan ($5.8 trillion).

In a rather panicked note from Morgan Stanley economist Zhipeng Cai (available to pro subscribers), he addresses the topic of widespread mortgage nonpayment and writes that “we estimate 188mn sqm (1.7mn units) are at risk. We expect local governments will be urged to help completion, but a national bazooka solution remains difficult in near term.”

His warning: “Non-linearity is the key to watch.”  (Italicized emphases added)

Those two phrases, “mortgage defaults” and “non-linearity” grabbed my eyes and wouldn’t let go, and for a very simple reason: recall that in 2008, one of the things that drove the collapse of that year were the credit default derivatives crunch. Briefly put: mortgage backed securities were bundled together along with other securities (including mortgages of various degrees or qualities of risk), and these bundles were then sold as securities themselves, and then bundles of bundles. The ratings agencies would often rate these securities very favorably because, according to the formulae they used (about which more in a moment), the factor of risk fell if there were good risks in the securities. Or to put it much more simply: these bundles were given good ratings because it was believed that the presence of good risk raised the quality of the more risky components of the tranches. It is the economic version of a chain being as strong as its strongest link, not its weakest! These bundles of bundles and tranches of tranches were the “derivatives” that were heard about back then, and then, just as quickly, “dropped from the conversation”, but the reality is, that those derivatives and bundles of bundles totaled an estimated 17 quadrillion dollars, which is several times more than the gross domestic product of the entire planet. And the mathematical formula for creating these tranches of tranches was in fact the brainchild of a Chinese mathematician and economist, David Li.

In short, the mortgage non-payment or default revolt appears to be connected to the derivatives crisis, for a careful perusal of the article will indicate that both high quality low risk,  and high risk low quality types of mortgages are involved. If so, then the financial black hole that constitutes the derivatives may have just begun to suck all the liquidity out of the system in the place where the entire scheme was invented by Li. Time will tell if I am correct in connecting the bank runs and mortgage meltdowns in China now to the derivatives crisis of then, but it is important to remember that all that bad paper is still sloshing around in the system.

This brings me to the “non-linearity” comment. I’ve been thinking for many years, ever since the bailout crisis of 2008 and its relationship to the derivatives, that we are in such uncharted financial territory – with numbers so outlandishly large (just contemplate the fact that the “value” of all the derivatives in the system exceeds the gross domestic product of the entire planet by several multiples) – that normal financial and economic models might have crossed some sort of unknown threshold or “boundary condition” that normal financial and economic methods of modeling break down completely, and systems no longer behave according to known financial and economic models.

In that respect, it’s worth noting what the article goes on to say about this “non-linearity”:

What is the worst case scenario? Here we go back to the “non-linearity kicking in” case suggested by Morgan Stanley:

Home-buyer confidence weakens further from a low starting point, leading to further deterioration in property sales. This may force more developers, even relatively strong ones today, to suspend unfinished projects, furthering the downtrend. In the meantime, housing prices may continue to fall, exacerbating the downward spiral. Furthermore, the stress in the housing sector could spread to the broader economy, given the extensive inter-sector linkages, while being magnified by the financial system.

In short: a self-reinforcing downward cascade which ends in either a historical crash of the world’s largest asset…

… or a state bailout. Here are the two most likely policy responses according to Morgan Stanley:

    • Damage control: Local governments will likely be called upon to mobilize resources on a by-project basis, possibly with the help of SOEs and LGFVs, to kick-start suspended projects, signaling to the public that housing completion is the over-arching priority. SOE developers may be encouraged to conduct M&A activities, taking over stalled projects.
    • Reining in systemic risk beyond the near term: Policy makers will likely need to send a clear and strong signal that they stand ready to be the “rescuer of the last resort” to rein in systemic risks. Plausible moves include more meaningful demand stimulus, more explicit guarantees on quality developers, or (less likely) a TARP-like program. Translation: a massive firehose of liquidity and credit is about to be unleashed.

Notice that what is being stated is that housing prices will fall at the same time that a “massive firehouse of liquidity”, i.e., of cash is injected into the system”. In other words, a simultaneous inflation-deflation cycle. Normally, inflation and deflation are conjugate conditions, where one prevails, the other does not. But in the new “Cantorian” and “non-linear” financial world, conjugate conditionality breaks down and relationships between such things as inflation and deflation become non-linear.

These speculations and observations may, or may not, be borne out by time, but the bottom line is, there is something going on in China, and it’s so huge that even the Chinese Communist Party with all the might of the totalitarian system at its disposal cannot cover it up…  My bet is that just like the 2008 bailouts, whatever “solution” is tried in China will appear to work for a time, but in reality, it is just a temporary fix while the can is kicked down the road. And let’s also remember that the Troubled Asset Relief Program also led, curiously, to the first of those bearer-bond scandals…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: RoadLight / pixabay

Davos Elite Plan to “Fundamentally Change the Way Food Is Produced and Consumed”

Davos Elite Plan to “Fundamentally Change the Way Food Is Produced and Consumed”

by Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media
July 23, 2022


Video available at Truthstream Media Odysee, BitChute & YouTube channels.

Beyond Google: Access Online Libraries & Resources You Probably Never Heard Of

Beyond Google: Access Online Libraries & Resources You Probably Never Heard Of

sourced from a forwarded email
credit: Edward Clark


Google is so powerful it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know many of them exist

There are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information.

Keep a list of sites you never heard of: – Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines. – a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need. – access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols. is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries. – volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science. is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed. is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names. is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free.”


cover image credit: ninocare / pixabay

Jon Rappoport With Dr. Sam Bailey: The Virus Cover Story

Jon Rappoport With Dr. Sam Bailey: The Virus Cover Story

by Dr. Sam Bailey
July 12, 2022


I’ve just interviewed the one and only Jon Rappoport, who launched his website over 20 years ago. Jon is now 84 years old but continues with his prolific output and is always at the forefront of exposing global scams.

We talked about:

  • identifying the COVID-19 fraud in early 2020
  • why he started investigating virology 35 years ago
  • why people need the virus narrative
  • the state of the health freedom movement
    plus much more!


Connect with Dr. Sam Bailey

Connect with Jon Rappoport

Naomi Wolf on Feminism, Guns, and Tyranny

Naomi Wolf on Feminism, Guns, and Tyranny
Where violence against women is concerned, guns are the great equaliser.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
July 22, 2022


Naomi Wolf is one of the most prolific feminists of the 21st century, and also one of my favourite feminists.

She runs the Daily Clout.

Naomi Rebekah Wolf is an American feminist author and journalist. Following her first book The Beauty Myth, she became a leading spokeswoman of what has been described as the third wave of the feminist movement. Feminists including Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan praised her work. Others, including Camille Paglia, criticized it. In the 1990s, she was a political advisor to the presidential campaigns of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Wolf’s later books include the bestseller The End of America in 2007 and Vagina: A New Biography.

I am generally antagonistic towards (modern) feminism because it often appears to be a celebration of victimhood culture and a deliberate attack on family values and men. Having watched Cassie Jaye’s documentary, The Red Pill, I was left feeling disgusted at the excessive hatred being vomited by feminists who were interviewed.

Naomi, however, is nowhere near any of that misandrist nonsense.

She shoots guns; she opposes abortion; she rejects state tyranny; she is heavily censored; and she likes men.



Connect with Jerm Warfare

Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Kevin Corbett, et al.: A Proposal for Settling the Virus Debate

Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Mark Bailey, Dr. Kevin Corbett, et al.: A Proposal for Settling the Virus Debate
The No “Virus” Challenge

by Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
July 15, 2022


Over the past few weeks, I have had the privilege of working with some brilliant people on establishing a challenge to virology in order to finally put their (pseudo)scientific methods to the test. Stemming from the mind of Dr. Tom Cowan and meticulously crafted by Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Kevin Corbett, the No “Virus” Challenge is designed to meet virology halfway. We want virology to show us, using their own methods, that they can actually independently reproduce and replicate the exact same results while blinded to the different samples that they will be working with.

I will leave the exact details of the challenge to be explained by the document linked below, but we are offering a first step to finally settle this debate once and for all. Whether the virology community (and those who back them) will accept this challenge (which Dr. Cowan has already received financial backing for) remains to be seen. However, if the virologists are truly interested in science and performing the proper control experiments that should have been carried out from the very beginning, there is absolutely no reason for them not to accept.


Source document:

14 July 2022


“A small parasite consisting of nucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed in a protein coat that can
replicate only in a susceptible host cell.”1


It has been more than two years since the onset of the “corona” crisis, which changed the trajectory of our world. The fundamental tenet of this crisis is that a deadly and novel “virus”, SARS-CoV-2, has spread around the world and negatively impacted large segments of humanity. Central to this tenet is the accepted wisdom that viruses, defined as replicating, protein-coated pieces of genetic material, either DNA or RNA, exist as independent entities in the real world and are able to act as pathogens. That is, the so-called particle with the protein coating and genetic interior is commonly believed to infect living tissues and cells, replicate inside these living tissues, damage the tissues as it makes its way out, and, in doing so, is also believed to create disease and sometimes death in its host – the so-called viral theory of disease causation. The alleged virus particles are then said to be able to transmit to other hosts, causing disease in them as well.

After a century of experimentation and studies, as well as untold billions of dollars spent toward this “war against viruses”, we must ask whether it’s time to reconsider this theory. For several decades, many doctors and scientists have been putting forth the case that this commonly-accepted understanding of viruses is based on fundamental misconceptions. Fundamentally, rather than seeing “viruses” as independent, exogenous, pathogenic entities, these doctors and scientists have suggested they are simply the ordinary and inevitable breakdown particles of stressed and/or dead and dying tissues. They are therefore not pathogens, they are not harmful to other living beings, and no scientific or rationale reasons exist to take measures to protect oneself or others against them. The misconceptions about “viruses” appears to largely derive from the nature of the experiments that are used as evidence to argue that such particles exist and act in the above pathological manner. In essence, the publications in virology are largely of a descriptive nature, rather than controlled and falsifiable hypothesis-driven experiments that are the heart of the scientific method.

Perhaps the primary evidence that the pathogenic viral theory is problematic is that no published scientific paper has ever shown that particles fulfilling the definition of viruses have been directly isolated and purified from any tissues or bodily fluids of any sick human or animal. Using the commonly accepted definition of “isolation”, which is the separation of one thing from all other things, there is general agreement that this has never been done in the history of virology. Particles that have been successfully isolated through purification have not been shown to be replication-competent, infectious and disease-causing, hence they cannot be said to be viruses. Additionally, the proffered “evidence” of viruses through “genomes” and animal experiments derives from methodologies with insufficient controls.

The following experiments would need to be successfully completed before the viral theory can be deemed

1. a unique particle with the characteristics of a virus is purified from the tissues or fluids of a sick living being. The purification method to be used is at the discretion of the virologists but electron micrographs must be provided to confirm the successful purification of morphologically-identical alleged viral particles;

2. the purified particle is biochemically characterized for its protein components and genetic sequence;

3. the proteins are proven to be coded for by these same genetic sequences;

4. the purified viral particles alone, through a natural exposure route, are shown to cause identical sickness in test subjects, by using valid controls;

5. particles must then be successfully re-isolated (through purification) from the test subject at 4 above, and demonstrated to have exactly the same characteristics as the particles found in step 1.

However, we realize that the virologists may not take the steps outlined above, likely because all attempts to date have failed. They now simply avoid this experiment, insisting that what they say are “viruses” cannot be found in sufficient amounts in the tissues of any sick person or animal to allow such an analysis. Therefore, we have decided to meet the virologists half way. In the first instance, we propose that the methods in current use are put to the test. The virologists assert that these pathogenic viruses exist in our tissues, cells and bodily fluids because they claim to see the effects of these supposed unique particles in a variety of cell cultures. This process is what they call “isolation” of the virus. They also claim that, using electron microscopy, they can see these unique particles in the results of their cell cultures. Finally, they claim that each “species” of pathogenic virus has its unique genome, which can be sequenced either directly from the bodily fluids of the sick person or from the results of a cell culture. We now ask that the virology community prove that these claims are valid, scientific and reproducible. Rather than engaging in wasteful verbal sparring, let us put this argument to rest by doing clear, precise, scientific experiments that will, without any doubt, show whether these claims are valid.

We propose the following experiment as the first step in determining whether such an entity as a pathogenic human virus exists…


5 virology labs worldwide would participate in this experiment and none would know the identities of the other participating labs. A monitor will be appointed to supervise all steps. Each of the 5 labs will receive five nasopharyngeal samples from four categories of people (i.e. 20 samples each), who either:

1) are not currently in receipt of, or being treated for a medical diagnosis;

2) have received a diagnosis of lung cancer;

3) have received a diagnosis of influenza A (according to recognized guidelines); or who

4) have received a diagnosis of ‘COVID-19’ (through a PCR “test” or lateral flow assay.)

Each person’s diagnosis (or “non-diagnosis”) will be independently verified, and the pathology reports will be made available in the study report. The labs will be blinded to the nature of the 20 samples they receive.

Each lab will then attempt to “isolate” the viruses in question (Influenza A or SARS-CoV-2) from the samples or conclude that no pathogenic virus is present. Each lab will show photographs documenting the CPE (cytopathic effect), if present, and explain clearly each step of the culturing process and materials used, including full details of the controls or “mock-infections”. Next, each lab will obtain independently verified electron microscope images of the “isolated” virus, if present, as well as images showing the absence of the virus (presumably, in the well people and people with lung cancer). The electron microscopist will also be blinded to the nature of the samples they are analyzing. All procedures will be carefully documented and monitored.


ALL of the samples will then be sent for genomic sequencing and once again the operators will remain blinded to the nature of their samples. It would be expected that if 5 labs receive material from the same sample of a patient diagnosed with COVID-19, each lab should report IDENTICAL sequences of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 genome. On the other hand, this genome should not be found in any other samples. (Note: this statement is a brief outline of the suggested experiments – a fully detailed protocol would obviously need to be developed and agreed upon by the laboratories and signatories.)

If the virologists fail to obtain a satisfactory result from the above study, then their claims about detecting “viruses” will be shown to be unfounded. All of the measures put in place as a result of these claims should be brought to an immediate halt. If they succeed in this first task then we would encourage them to proceed to the required purification experiments to obtain the probative evidence for the existence of viruses.

It is in the interest of everyone to address the issue of isolation, and the very existence, of alleged viruses such as SARS-CoV-2. This requires proof that the entry of morphologically and biochemically, virus-like particles into living cells is both necessary and sufficient to cause the appearance of the identical particles, which are contagious and disease causing.

We welcome your support and feedback for this initiative.


Thomas Cowan, MD
Mark Bailey, MD
Samantha Bailey, MD
Jitendra Banjara, MSc
Kelly Brogan, MD
Kevin Corbett, PhD
Mufassil Dingankar, BHMS
Michael Donio, MS
Jordan Grant, MD

Andrew Kaufman, MD
Valentina Kiseleva, MD
Christine Massey, MSc
Paul McSheehy, PhD
Prof. Timothy Noakes, MD
Sachin Pethkar, BAMS

Saeed Qureshi, PhD
Stefano Scoglio, PhD
Mike Stone, BEXSc

Amandha Vollmer, NDoc
Michael Yeadon, PhD


1 Definition of ‘virus’ from Harvey Lodish, et al., Molecular Cell Biology, 4th ed, Freeman & Co., New York, NY, 2000:


Download Source Document: Settling the Virus Debate


Dr. Tom Cowan discussed in detail the No “Virus” Challenge with Dr. Mark Bailey on his YouTube channel which you can watch below.


Connect with Mike Stone

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey

cover image credit:  geralt

Dr. Birx Admits She and Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ on Lockdowns, Social Distancing

Dr. Birx Admits She and Fauci Made Up ‘The Science’ on Lockdowns, Social Distancing

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
July 21, 2022


President Trump’s former Covid-19 adviser Dr. Deborah Birx has made several stunning admissions of late – first telling the Daily Mail that Covid-19 “came out of the box ready to infect” when it hit Wuhan, China in 2019 – and that it may have been created by Chinese scientists who were “working on coronavirus vaccines.”

But it goes further than that.

As Fox News’ Jesse Waters lays out, Birx admitted in her new book that she and Dr. Anthony Fauci were essentially shooting from the hip when it came to national directives such as “two weeks to stop the spread,” and social distancing requirements.

According to Waters, Birx “admitted to making things up,” adding that she and Fauci “were lying to the president and to the American people about their COVID protocols.”

With the first lie; ’15 days to stop the spread’ – Birx writes “No sooner had we convinced the Trump administration to implement our version of the two-week shutdown than I was trying to figure out how to extend it.”

“So that 15 days to slow the spread was just a sneaky way to get their hooks into us, so they could lock us down for longer,” Waters opines. “And if you dared to leave your house, Birx told us, the only way to stay safe was to social distance.”

To that end, Birx writes that she “I had settled on 10 (feet) knowing that even that was too many, but I figured that ten would at least be palatable for most Americans – high enough to allow for most gatherings of immediate family but not enough for large dinner parties and, critically, large weddings, birthday parties, and other mass social events…”



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Fauci, Top Biden Officials Subpoenaed in Lawsuit Alleging They Colluded With Social Media to Suppress Free Speech

Fauci, Top Biden Officials Subpoenaed in Lawsuit Alleging They Colluded With Social Media to Suppress Free Speech
Top-ranking Biden administration officials — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — and five social media giants have 30 days to respond to subpoenas and discovery requests in a lawsuit alleging the government colluded with social media companies to suppress freedom of speech “under the guise of combatting misinformation.”

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
July 21, 2022


Top-ranking Biden administration officials — including Dr. Anthony Fauci — and five social media giants have 30 days to respond to subpoenas and discovery requests in a lawsuit alleging the government colluded with social media companies to suppress freedom of speech “under the guise of combatting misinformation.”

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry on Wednesday served third-party subpoenas on Twitter, Meta (Facebook’s parent company), Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Schmitt and Landry on Tuesday filed discovery requests seeking documents and information from the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Fauci, its director; White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre; Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy; and former Disinformation Governance Board executive director Nina Jankowicz.

Discovery requests also were sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and its director, Jen Easterly; the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS); and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

“In May, Missouri and Louisiana filed a landmark lawsuit against top-ranking Biden Administration officials for allegedly colluding with social media giants to suppress free speech on topics like COVID-19 and election security,” Schmitt said in Tuesday’s press release.

Schmitt added:

“Earlier this month, a federal court granted our motion for expedited discovery, allowing us to collect important documents from Biden Administration officials. Yesterday, we served discovery requests and today served third-party subpoenas to do exactly that.

“We will fight to get to the bottom of this alleged collusion and expose the suppression of freedom of speech by social media giants at the behest of top-ranking government officials.”

Schmitt announced in a July 12 statement that Terry Doughty, a judge in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, ruled in favor of a June 17 motion for expedited preliminary injunction-related discovery and set a timetable with specific deadlines for depositions.

According to Schmitt, government officials “both pressured and colluded with social media giants Meta, Twitter and Youtube to censor free speech in the name of combating so-called ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation,’ which led to the suppression and censorship of truthful information on several topics, including COVID-19.”

“The Court’s decision cleared the way for Missouri and Louisiana to gather discovery and documents from Biden Administration officials and social media companies,” Schmitt said in a press release on Tuesday.

“The order states, ‘The First Amendment obviously applies to the citizens of Missouri and Louisiana, so Missouri and Louisiana have the authority to assert those rights,’” he said.

In a statement on Twitter announcing the court’s decision to grant the attorneys general’s request, Schmitt said, “No one has had the chance to look under the hood before — now we do.”

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President Mary Holland, who also serves as CHD general counsel, praised the ruling:

“CHD welcomes this groundbreaking ruling from Judge Doughty of the Western District of Louisiana to discover whether the Biden administration has violated the First Amendment through censorship.

“For two years, CHD and many other media outlets have not been able to comprehend the mechanisms whereby our major media platforms have ruthlessly censored, suppressed and distorted our information.

“Now, through the discovery process that the judge has allowed, we’ll find out how Meta, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube have been colluding with the federal government to curb so-called ‘disinformation’ and ‘misinformation.’ This is a new day.”

Fauci, CDC, White House press secretary and more must turn over documents

According to the press release, Fauci, chief medical advisor to President Biden and director of the NIAID, was asked to turn over any communications with social media platforms related to content modulation and/or misinformation, and to disclose all meetings with any social media platform related to the subject and to provide all communications with Mark Zuckerberg from Jan. 1, 2020, to the present.

Fauci also must turn over all communications with any social media platform related to the Great Barrington Declaration; the authors and original signers of the Great Barrington Declaration; Dr. Jay Bhattacharya; Martin Kulldorff, Ph.D.; Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Sunetra Gupta, Ph.D.; Dr. Scott Atlas; Alex Berenson; Peter Daszak, Ph.D.; Shi Zhengli, Ph.D.; the Wuhan Institute of Virology; EcoHealth Alliance; and/or any member of the so-called “Disinformation Dozen,” including CHD chairman and chief legal counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is required to identify every officer, official, employee, staff member, personnel, contractor or any other person associated with the White House communications team who communicated or is communicating with any social media platform related to content modulation and/or misinformation — and to turn over those communications.

Jean-Pierre also must identify all persons who “engage[s] regularly with all social media platforms about steps that can be taken” to address misinformation on social media, which engagement “has continued, and … will continue,” as stated during an April 25 White House press briefing — and turn over all communications with any social media platform involved in such engagement.

Defendant Nina Jankowicz, who was tasked with heading up the Biden administration’s “Disinformation Governance Board” must provide all documents related to communications with social media platforms and content modulation and/or misinformation.

Jankowicz is required to identify the nature, purpose, participants, topics to be discussed and topics actually discussed at the meeting between DHS personnel and Twitter executives Nick Pickles and Yoel Roth scheduled on or around April 28.

The CDC is required to provide the names of every officer, official, employee, staff member, personnel, contractor or agent of CDC or any other federal official or agency who communicated or is communicating with any social media platform regarding content modulation and/or misinformation.

The CDC must disclose communications with any social media platform related to content modulation or misinformation, any meetings that took place with social media platforms related to content modulation and/or misinformation, and must identify all “members of our senior staff” and/or “members of our COVID-19 team” who are “in regular touch with … social media platforms,” as “Jennifer Psaki [former White House press secretary] stated at a White House press briefing on or around July 15, 2021.”

The agency must also disclose all “government experts” who are federal officers, officials, agents, employees or contractors, who have “partnered with” Facebook or any other social media platform to address misinformation and/or content modulation, including all communications relating to such partnerships.

Like Fauci, the CDC must turn over information and communications on the “so-called disinformation dozen,” Great Barrington Declaration, alternative news outlets and key experts and scientists who have spoken out against the government’s approach to treating COVID-19 or mandating face masks and lockdowns.

Meta (Facebook) was “commanded” to produce all communications with any federal official relating to misinformation and/or content modulation, to produce all documents and communications-related actions taken based in whole or in part on information received, directly or indirectly, from any federal official and to produce all communications and documents related to a list of search terms that include Kennedy’s name and/or the names of prominent doctors and physicians who were censored for their views on COVID-19.

Facebook also must disclose meetings, communications and documents related to remarks made by Psaki, who said the White House is “in regular touch with these social media platforms, and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff, but also members of our COVID-19 team,” and regarding the White House’s efforts to flag “problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.”

Similar requests were made to other government officials and social media platforms, including TwitterYouTubeInstagram and LinkedIn.

Lawsuit alleges collusion to suppress disfavored speakers and viewpoints

Attorneys general of Louisiana and Missouri in May filed a lawsuit alleging government defendants “colluded with and/or coerced social media companies to suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content on social media platforms by labeling the content ‘disinformation,’ ‘misinformation’ and ‘malinformation.’”

The count lawsuit alleges social media companies falsely labeled truthful content “disinformation” and “misinformation” and contends the suppression constitutes government action, violating free speech protected by the U.S. constitution.

The complaint also alleges that DHS’ Disinformation Governance Board was created “to induce, label, and pressure the censorship of disfavored content, viewpoints and speakers on social-media platforms,” and that HHS and DHS violated the Administrative Procedure Act to “hold unlawful and set aside final agency actions” that are deemed to be an abuse of power and arbitrary and capricious.

The lawsuit provides several examples of truthful information that was censored by social media companies who later admitted the content was truthful or credible.

According to The Epoch Times, the lawsuit could help bring to light the Biden administration’s “behind-the-scenes efforts” to discourage the dissemination of information related to the lab-leak theory of COVID-19’s origins and the efficiency of masks and lockdowns.


©July 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Attorney Rocco Galati of Constitutional Rights Centre With Vaccine Choice Canada: Updates on Litigation in Canada Challenging Covid Mandates

Attorney Rocco Galati of Constitutional Rights Centre With Vaccine Choice Canada: Updates on Litigation in Canada Challenging Covid Mandates


by Vaccine Choice Canada
recorded July 13, 2022, published July 21, 2022


Rocco Galati and Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada (VCC), discuss update on litigation, at large, on Covid-19 measures, July 13th, 2022.


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Dutch Farmers Call on Farmers of the World to Join Protest – July 23rd

Dutch Farmers Call on Farmers of the World to Join Protest – July 23rd

by The White Rose UK
July 20, 2022


Farmers Across Europe Protest in Solidarity with Dutch Farmers:


Spanish farmers join Dutch and German farmers:


German farmers’ convoy to support Dutch farmers’ protest:



Piers Corbyn Backs United Action with Dutch Farmers

There is a growing movement across the world to defeat the New World Tyranny attacks on farming and food production. It must become a struggle to overthrow all the governments involved and destroy the New world tyranny.

Of course the chaos of resistance is in a way welcomed by the new world tyranny to justify new fascism to keep order.

However, providing the movement is not limited to protest/begging for lessening these attacks while leaving the perpetrators in place and instead demands explicitly the removal of governments and agents of the new world tyranny. We can defeat the new world order tyranny WEF evil project.

We must back the farmers and workers in all the resisting countries by action at embassies, consulates and trade missions and appropriate places all over the UK and raise demands to win which we hope can also lead to similar actions in the UK where farming is also under attack.

Key demands and slogans:

  • No Farmers—No Food
  • Save our Farms—Save our Food
  • Solidarity with all farmers and workers resistance in Holland, Italy, Poland, Germany and the Punjab
  • Reverse the closure of farms in the name of reducing farming nitrous oxide and other oxides of nitrogen “greenhouse gases”!
  • The greenhouse warming theory is fake science. IT defies basic (thermodynamics) physics and ALL its predictions fail
  • The government bringing the attacks on farming must resign.
  • Oppose and arrest all politicians and billionaires who supported covid lockdowns and restrictions, climate con measures, 5g towers, digital ID and all moves of “new world” tyranny
  • Support a provisional revolutionary farmers and workers govt to overthrow each govt bringing the new world tyranny attacks on farming and food and rights.


Please pass this on and develop local “Save our Farms—Save our Food” actions and campaigns.

Thank you!
Piers Corbyn


Connect with The White Rose UK

Facing the Beast

Facing the Beast

by Naomi Wolf, Outspoken with Dr Naomi Wolf
July 17, 2022


I was relaxing in our screened porch in our little cottage in the forest, feeling rather pleased with myself. It had been an arduous week of the usual combat for liberty, but there had been victories.

I was reading a decorating magazine (we all have our vices). The grass was dewy; birds were loud. The morning was glorious.

I was feeling pioneer-ish and independent. I was alone in the house; Brian was traveling. I enjoyed the narrative moment: “Lady in the woods.”

Then I heard a “thump” about eight feet away behind my head. It was an exasperated thump, like a teenager slamming the door to his room. Like, “Really??”

I glanced behind me and saw the enormous ears and forehead of a sizable brown bear, who was ducking insolently, clearly aware of me, to lower himself behind the trash cans.

I sped indoors, locking the door. I grabbed a weapon out of the hall closet. In my haste, I grabbed the weapon that looked like a rifle, instead of the actual rifle, which was in a case. Thus I found myself locked in an upstairs bathroom, cowering, armed with a BB gun.

I sort of knew this bear. Brian had captured on his trail camera about a year ago, what must have been this bear and his brother or sister, when the little ones were just adorable cubs. One of the cubs had nuzzled the trailcam til the mom had batted it away, urging her little ones to follow her deeper into the woods, far from the dangerous things of men. One of the cubs was now this massive creature, that bear-watchers call a “sub-adult.”

I saw, peering fearfully out of the window, that it was no longer cute and fat. It was was thin, but massively muscled, and looked disoriented. It must have been eight feet long.

I paced into the upstairs bedroom and secured the windows. The bear left the garbage cans, and followed me around the corner of the house. I could now see it pacing and sniffing directly opposite the bedroom windows, though on the ground level. There were windows all around the house on that level. Bears had been known to break into homes.

I looked under the bed: hiding there could not save me if the bear made it into the house. I realized I was holding a BB gun, and felt ridiculous. Even if I managed to shoot it, this would do nothing but enrage him. The thin bedroom doors that I had thought so rustic and charming, could be broken down by an angry animal of that size in no time.

My heart pounded as I realized that he was not leaving; he continued pacing and circling, no matter where I went.

I went back into the bathroom, and locked that door with its flimsy lock.

There he was again, outside on that side of the house, as if he was spotting me or as if he could scent me. Surely he could smell my fear.

I cowered behind the bathroom curtain. The bear paused in its ransacking of the trash, stood up again on hind legs, looked right at me — or smelled right at me — and bared its long, sharp yellow teeth.

If I had had sympathy for the hungry teenager abandoned by its mom (or “emancipated” by its mom, as the bear watching sites explain) it evaporated.

I was on the phone with Brian, frozen with fear.

“Make yourself big! Shout at him!” Brian instructed. That was impossible. I could not move. I could hardly breathe.

That would be it, surely, I thought, after he’d exhausted the trash bag. He’d leave now, surely. But no. He came back toward me again like a nightmare, and headed once more to circle the house.

I called the sheriff’s office.

Twice they told me that nothing could be done, and to stay inside. I don’t blame the Columbia County Sheriffs. They have issues to deal with more serious than a former city lady trapped in her house by a hungry bear.

But the bear kept circling right up against the walls of the house. This went on for an hour. Adrenaline poured through my bloodstream. I did wonder if I would die that day.

When I called back in spite of myself and begged the police for help, they told me to call again only if he managed to break into the house. (Thank you, ‘Defund the Police’ advocates…)

At certain points of extreme stress, I could not even bring myself any longer to look outside to see where the bear was. What if I looked and couldn’t see him because he was already in the house? I went right into a place that is familiar to those of us with PTSD – a traumatized place where you freeze, and where you engage in magical thinking.

If I don’t look at the bear he won’t be there. If I don’t meet his gaze he won’t see me or smell me. I am somewhere else. I am not really here.

Reader, after an hour I was saved when brave colleagues of mine, Craig Klein, Reinette Senum and Jamie Arrigo, who had been meeting nearby, drove down our wooded driveway, blowing their car horns. I raced down the steps, never so happy to see people in my life. Reinette laughed at the sight of me racing to open the door, still carrying my useless BB gun.

I think I was coherent, but I was in shock. An officer from the Sheriff’s department arrived at the same time, bless him. Humans saved me. The aggressor, the wild animal, had been scared away, and not by me. I’d been a wreck, hopeless.

For days, I ruminated about the sharp yellow teeth of that bear, exposed as he raised his snout into the air, sniffing, like a scene from a horrifying fairy tale.

Why do I tell this story?

Because – the bear had been growing more and more comfortable emerging from the woods; he grew more and more comfortable exploring our trash and then he took over territory in exploring our lawn; he was “habituated” ultimately, as bear watchers say; he had ownership of the lawn and was circling the house to mark his territory. He was comfortable at last in stalking the homeowners.

He was here because — I had done nothing to stop him. He was here because I let him slowly take over our home.

My not being able to look directly at the bear did not make me any safer. My denial put me in greater danger.

This all, of course, really happened. But that does not mean it is not also a metaphor.

The same week that this happened, I also finalized my reporting about the Pfizer vaccines, showing — what I knew for months I would eventually find.

The heart of the manufacture and distribution of millions of doses of the MRNA vaccines that are causing such a swath of death and destruction throughout North America and Western Europe, is enmeshed with the plans, methods and manufacturing infrastructure of our existential adversary.

The enemy is within our very bodies.

Since I first started reading the reports produced by the 3000 medical and scientific experts of the WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers team, based on the 55000 Pfizer documents released under court order, I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong, not just a greedy pharmaceutical company and a regulatory agency that was fully corrupted, but rather, or additionally, I was seeing a massive act of war. []

When I saw the eighteen months’ worth of sudden deaths, slow deaths, encephalies, strokes, heart attacks, pericarditis, myocarditis, Guillain Barre, Bell’s palsy, MS, blood clots, lung clots, leg clots, blue-green breast milk, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, neonatal seizures, neonatal multi-organ system failure, liver damage, kidney damage, suppressed lactation, suppressed sperm count, disrupted menses, all detailed the Pfizer documents; when I saw the fact that 34,000 plus of the 42000 plus adverse events “cases” itemized in the worldwide rollout of the Pfizer injections, were sustained in the US — with the next largest group being sustained in Western Europe – and that the 56 countries around the world that also had Pfizer injections rolled out, amounted for only a bit over 7000 adverse events total — I knew I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but rather that I was seeing an act of war.

When I saw the doubling of neonatal deaths in country after country, the rise of 34% above normal in stillbirths and spontaneous abortions for vaccinated versus unvaccinated mothers; when I saw that 3816 vaccinated women in the VAERS database lost their babies — 57% of all the neonatal deaths in all the time that VAERS records had been kept — []; when I saw that of 36 pregnancies followed in the Pfizer documents, 28 of the babies died []; when I saw the rise of 40 per cent in death rates and the shocking rise in cases of disability in the West [—] I knew I was not seeing just medicine gone wrong on a massive scale, but that I was witnessing an act of war.

When I saw that you could boost the lethality or the damage caused by the injection by simply changing how dilute the solution is, or simply by reassigning which brand you use – with Moderna (100 mcg) far more damaging than Pfizer (30 mcg) — I knew that I was seeing not just medicine gone wrong on massive scale, but an act of war.

When I saw a study out of Hong Kong in 2021 — a study that, of course, was answerable to the CCP — that revealed that a second dose (a “booster”) into the bloodstreams of mice, resulted in visibly enlarged hearts with white patches that could be seen by the naked eye, as well as cytokine storms and liver damage, I realized that the two-dose regime and then the “boosters” were slow but progressive ways to damage and then destroy the health of Western patients. The study concluded: “Post-vaccination myopericarditis is reported after immunization with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.”

And yet with this CCP-overseen finding, that by injecting mammals with the MRNA vaccine, their hearts were visibly damaged, the worldwide injection program kept going.


[; Intravenous Injection of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) mRNA Vaccine Can Induce Acute Myopericarditis in Mouse Model, Can Li, Yanxia Chen, Yan Zhao, David Christopher Lung, Zhanhong Ye, Wenchen Song, Fei-Fei Liu, Jian-Piao Cai, Wan-Man Wong, Cyril Chik-Yan Yip, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Kelvin Kai-Wang To, Siddharth Sridhar, Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung, Hin Chu, Kin-Hang Kok, Dong-Yan Jin, Anna Jinxia Zhang, Kwok-Yung Yuen; Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 74, Issue 11, 1 June 2022, Pages 1933–1950,]

We were told that Pfizer/BioNTech is a German company. But it is actually a German-Chinese company. Since I first found that Pfizer/BioNTech had an MOU with Fosun Pharmaceuticals, a major CCP-linked pharmaceutical company based in Shanghai, to make the Pfizer/BioNTech MRNA vaccines, I knew that with a bit more digging I would find China at the heart of these acts of war.

BioNTech’s SEC filing shows that the MOU with Fosun Pharmaceuticals includes an equity investment by Fosun in BioNTech. In other words, the CCP is an equity investor in BioNTech: “As part of the strategic alliance with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd (“Fosun Pharma”; Stock Symbol: 600196.SH, 02196.HK) whereby the two companies will work together on the development of BNT162 in China, Fosun agreed to make an equity investment which was received in mid-April 2020. The issuance of 1,580,777 ordinary shares with the nominal amount of k€ 1,581 was registered within the commercial register (Handelsregister) as of April 23, 2020.” Not only that but: “Ai-Min Hui, President of Global R&D, and Chief Medical Officer of Fosun Pharma said: ”We are closely working with BioNTech and regulatory authorities to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the vaccine candidate, in order to synchronize the development process in China with other countries, and to bring the vaccine to public as soon as possible, if the vaccine succeeds.” []

Fosun is not separate from the CCP; it is the CCP: Fosun acquired almost half of Sinopharm: “In 2003 Fosun Pharmaceutical acquired 49% stake of Sinopharm Group (Chinese: 国药控股). […] In 2008, a year before the initial public offering of Sinopharm Group, Fosun Pharmaceutical owned the direct parent company of Sinopharm Group, Sinopharm Industrial Investment (Chinese: 国药产业投资) instead; the majority owner of the joint venture was state-owned China National Pharmaceutical Group (Sinopharm).” 2003年年报 [2003 Annual Report] (PDF). Fosun Industrial. 24 April 2004. Retrieved 5 August 2018– via Shanghai Stock Exchange website. [^ 国药集团复星联合成立首家混合所有制药企企业观察报 (in Chinese (China)). 4 August 2014. Retrieved 5 August 2018 – via Sina^ 2009年年报 [2009 Annual Report] (PDF). Fosun Pharmaceutical. 25 March 2010. Retrieved 5 August 2018 – via Shanghai Stock Exchange website.; ^ “Connection Transaction” (PDF) (Press release). Shanghai: Fosun International. 20 June 2008.]

Sinopharm, of course, as you see above, of which Fosun owns almost half, is owned in turn directly by the Chinese State and thus reports directly to the CCP.

The initial BioNTech/Fosun MOU seems to imply that all of the BioNTech/Fosun joint ventures’ activity is in China, or in regions aligned with or close to China. But is that now the case? Fosun Pharma did not stay in China.

It came here. Fosun Pharmaceuticals is now also Fosun Pharmaceuticals USA, with branches for R and D and product formulation in Boston, MA and Princeton, NJ: []

It is producing formulations and products in the US for distribution in the US and around the world. Fosun Pharma has built a “global operation strategy” for the manufacture of COVID-19 vaccines, COVID-19 PCR tests and COVID-19 antigen tests:

“Fosun Pharma has built a strong root in China and developed a global operation strategy, with pharmaceutical manufacturing and R&D being the largest and core business segment, […]”

“In 2021, the revenue from new and sub-new products including COMIRNATY® (mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, also known as BNT162b2), […] accounted for over 25% of the revenue in the pharmaceutical manufacturing segment;
· Revenue from regions outside Mainland China and countries overseas reached RMB13,599 million, accounting for 34.86% of the total revenue, marking a step forward on globalization.” [Italics mine].

And more: “Continuously strengthening the global operation capability and making further enhancement for globalization, Fosun Pharma has formed a global operating system for R&D, manufacturing and commercialization, and continuously expands overseas markets. [..] Globalization capability is continuously strengthened. The second headquarters in the United States help to build a global business landscape with full coverage of R&D, manufacturing and commercialization.[…]

“By the end of 2021, Fosun Pharma’s overseas commercialization team with over 1,200 employees has built marketing platforms in the United States, Africa and Europe [italics mine] and has achieved direct sales of formulations to the U.S. market. […] The COVID-19 test kit by Fosun Diagnostics has been sold in over ten countries. […] Gland Pharma, a holding subsidiary in India, received approvals from the US FDA for 13 generic drugs in 2021.

“Leveraging the current global manufacturing capability and world-class manufacturing facilities […] Fosun Pharma has accelerated the acquirement of international GMP certification of domestic production lines, laying a solid foundation for exporting domestic products. In January and March 2022, Fosun Pharmaceutical Industrial obtained the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP)’s license to produce and supply the generic version of Merck’s oral COVID-19 treatment Molnupiravir and Pfizer’s oral COVID-19 treatment Nirmatrelvir, as well as the co-packaged product of Nirmatrelvir and Ritonavir of Pfizer [….]. The license includes both ingredients and the finished drug. Through this license, Fosun Pharma devoted itself further to fighting against the pandemic around the world.”

Fosun Pharma USA offers potential partners: “A global reach with a focus on the United States and China markets”. It offers “US Rights” and “Global Rights” as well as “China Rights.” []


The FDA Filing for the Fosun Pharma USA facility says the facility is authorized to “develop specifications,” including for the PCR tests and antigen tests it creates, and that the facility can also have US agents: []

This is crucial. Fosun Pharmaceuticals does not just partner with Pfizer/BioNTech to make the COVID-19 vaccines: they make, as noted, the PCR tests that are the one primary metric that determine the scale of the pandemic in North America and Western Europe and thus the “lockdowns” of whole countries, whole industrial sectors.

A CCP-run company, and CCP-created product, thus, decides — who can go to work or school, who must close his or her shop, who can or cannot travel — in all of Europe and the US: []. A CCP-run company decides the formulation of the PCR and antigen tests that go deep into the nasopharyngeal cavities of Westerners who are forced, week after week, to test and test and test with these products. This is what is on the Fosun Pharma USA’s product pages:

The following products are developed in the Princeton NJ Fosun Pharma USA facility:


So this CCP-owned hybrid entity is here now and it is creating the diagnostic instruments that determine the scale of the pandemic in the West. The CCP can thus dial it up or down.

It also makes: millions of the Pfizer/BioNTech MRNA injections, the Merck COVID-19 pill Molnupiravir, the Pfizer COVID-19 pill Paxlovid — for which Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla just signed a contract with the US government for 10 million doses and $5.29 billion dollars for 2022 [] — all this for the US and for ten other countries including the EU.

These are all formulated and distributed by a company leading directly to Chinese Communist Party.

When Pres. Biden does a deal with Pfizer/BioNTech in the millions of dollars, with our tax money, he is giving a substantial portion of the funds to China. When he spends a billion dollars via omnibus bills for PPE, including millions for PCR and antigen tests, he is writing checks to — China.

This is from Fosun Pharmaceutical USA’s website section “R and D”: look at the last three entries:


Is Fosun a squeaky clean CCP-run Pharma enterprise? In 2018 a whistleblower — and in China that is courageous thing to be — broke a scandal revealing that Fosun Pharmaceuticals had “massively” faked its data and also bribed regulators. Facilities were so chaotic that the US FDA sent the company a stern letter. [].

BioNTech’s SEC filing reports as 100 per cent achieved, a tech transfer to — China. Not to a “Chinese company” or a “Chinese individual” but to the country of — China:


Further, the SEC filing explains that it will effect the “technology transfer with China” after marketing approval has been granted. I don’t know what “Technology transfer” or “tech transfer” means in this SEC filing; SEC filing experts who have reviewed it for me have suggested that this can mean IP, manufacturing methodologies, formulas, data, or all four. But surely it is significant that the company BioNTech has declared as 100 % complete or in process, a “Tech transfer” to CHINA. It is not “sharing” the tech or “licensing” the tech — it is transferring the tech. That means that in some capacity, China will be or is in charge of some aspect of BioNTech’s technology, however that is defined here.


So take all of the above, and map it against the 150,000 plus adverse events in the Pfizer documents, the deadly harms to reproduction, the Western baby die-off, the babies in seizures; map it against the population drop, the rise in disabilities, map it against the rigid, cruel vaccine mandates aimed at Western defense forces (Canada’s, and Australia’s and all of Western Europe’s, as well as at the most powerful military in the world, that of the United States) — map it against the vaccine mandates aimed at our police, our health care workers, our firefighters, our pilots, our first responders, our kids, our babies — all this done by a White House captive, via Hunter Biden’s laptop, to the CCP. Add to all of this the evidence of birth rates declining, especially in the West, by 12-20 per cent:

Take all of the above and consider that the virus originated in China; and now all of the testing apparatuses, as well as millions of the vaccines, the catastrophically damaging or lethal “solutions” to the virus, also all originate from the same folks; the same leadership cadre who brought the world forced abortions, citizens welded into their homes, Uighur concentration camps, and organ harvesting.

I made the case in my new book The Bodies of Others that a transnational group of bad actors – including the WEF, The WHO, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, tech companies and the CCP — used the pandemic to crush humanity and in particular to destroy the West.

With the provenance of the vaccines and tests, you can see yet another mechanism, yet another core methodology of this warfare.

Mapping these points of evidence, I think you may start to see what I see.

This all means, of course, that we are staring into the abyss right now.

Traumatized or not, we all need to snap out of denial.

We let our adversary come too close to us. Into our very bloodstreams.

We need to save each other.

We need to turn and face the ravening beast.


Connect with Naomi Wolf

cover image based on creative commons work of pendleburyannette / pixabay

Air Force Ordered to Stop Discharging Unvaccinated | Legal Victories in US & Uruguay Against Mandated Vaccination

Air Force Ordered to Stop Discharging Unvaccinated | Legal Victories in US & Uruguay Against Mandated Vaccination

by Del Bigtree with Jefferey Jackson, The HighWire
July 20, 2022


Despite reports otherwise, the Air Force has ceased discharges of unvaccinated airmen after a Federal Judge ordered a halt to the discharges of members who have religious exemptions to Covid vaccination, marking a huge win for thousands of members of the Air Force.

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The Pandemic Predictor Neil Ferguson: The Ghost in the Machine

The Pandemic Predictor Neil Ferguson: The Ghost in the Machine

by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport’s Blog
July 20, 2022


Why do governments salute when he predicts a pandemic and tells them to lock down their countries?

Does anyone care about his past?

Why does he still have a prestigious job?

Who is he connected to?

Note: I’m republishing this piece, from 2020, so people don’t forget the criminal and the crime…


Neil Ferguson, through his institute at London’s Imperial College, can call the shots on a major percentage of the global population.

He’s Mr. Genius, when it comes to projecting computer models of epidemics.

Fellow experts puff up his reputation.

According to the Business Insider (4/25/2020), “Ferguson’s team warned Boris Johnson that the quest for ‘herd immunity’ [letting people live their lives out in the open in the UK] could cost 510,000 lives, prompting an abrupt U-turn [massive national lockdown in the UK]…His simulations have been influential in other countries as well, cited by authorities in the US, Germany, and France.”

Not only cited, not only influential, but swallowed whole.

Business insider continues: “On March 23, the UK scrapped ‘herd immunity’ in favor of a suppression strategy, and the country made preparations for weeks of lockdown. Ferguson’s study was responsible.”

There’s more. A lot more.

Same BI article: “Dr Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator to the Trump administration, told journalists at a March 16 press briefing that the Imperial paper [Ferguson’s computer projection] prompted the CDC’s new advice to work from home and avoid gatherings of 10 or more.”

Ferguson, instigator of LOCKDOWN. Stripping away of basic liberties. Economic devastation.

So let’s look at Ferguson’s track record, spelled out in the BI piece:

“Ferguson co-founded the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis, based at Imperial, in 2008. It is the leading body advising national governments on pathogen outbreaks.”

“It gets tens of millions of dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and works with the UK National Health Service, the US Centres for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and is tasked with supplying the World Health Organization with ‘rapid analysis of urgent infectious disease problems’.”

Getting the picture?

Gates money goes to Ferguson.

Ferguson predicts dire threat from COVID, necessitating lockdowns—thus preparing people to accept a vaccine. The vaccine Gates wants.

Ferguson supplies a frightening computer projection of COVID deaths—to the CDC and WHO. Ferguson thus communicates a rationale for the Gates vaccine plan.

National governments surrender to WHO and CDC. LOCKDOWNS.

Business Insider: “Michael Thrusfield, a professor of veterinary epidemiology at Edinburgh University, told the paper he had ‘déjà vu’ after reading the [Ferguson] Imperial paper [on COVID], saying Ferguson was responsible for excessive animal culling during the 2001 Foot and Mouth [mad cow] outbreak.”

“Ferguson warned the government that 150,000 people could die. Six million animals were slaughtered as a precaution, costing the country billions in farming revenue. In the end, 200 people died.”

“Similarly, he [Ferguson] was accused of creating panic by overestimating the potential death toll during the 2005 Bird Flu outbreak. Ferguson estimated 200 million could die. The real number was in the low hundreds.” HELLO?

“In 2009, one of Ferguson’s models predicted 65,000 people could die from the Swine Flu outbreak in the UK — the final figure was below 500.”

So you have to ask yourself, why would anyone believe what Ferguson has been predicting in this COVID hustle?

Are his fellow experts that stupid?

Are presidents and prime ministers that stupid?

And the answer is: This is a monumental covert op; some people are that stupid; some are caught up in the op and are afraid to say the emperor has no clothes; some are aware of what is going on, and they want to destroy national economies and lead us into, yes, a new world order.

Gates knows he has his man: Ferguson. As the recipient of tens of millions of dollars a year from the Gates Foundation, Ferguson isn’t about to issue a model that states: COVID is nothing to worry about, let people live their lives and we’ll be all right. The chance of that happening is on a par with researchers admitting they never properly identified a new virus as the cause of illness in 2019, in Wuhan.

In order to justify injecting every man, woman, and child in the world with heavy metals, synthetic genes that alter genetic makeup, a host of germs, and who knows what else, Gates needs A STORY ABOUT A DEADLY VIRUS THAT NECESSITATES SHUTTING DOWN AND IMPRISONING THE PLANET, ACHIEVING A CAPTIVE AUDIENCE.

He’s got the story, all dressed up in a computer model, composed by a man with a past record of abject and devastating failures.

Neil Ferguson is the ghost in the machine. The machine is the World Health Organization and the CDC. The man behind the ghost is Bill Gates.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image modified from creative commons work of Philafrenzy  / Wikimedia Commons

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN): New Challenge to FDA on 12-15-Year-Old Covid Injections

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN): New Challenge to FDA on 12-15-Year-Old Covid Injections

by Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
July 20, 2022


ICAN has filed a Citizen Petition with the FDA calling on the agency to reverse its reckless course on Covid-19 injections for teenagers. The Petition demands that the FDA revoke its emergency use authorization (EUA) for Pfizer’s product in children aged 12 through 15 and deny Moderna any future EUA for children aged 12 through 17.

The document, submitted through ICAN’s legal team, spans 20 pages, cites dozens of medical studies, and includes 94 footnotes and roughly 1,500 pages of sources, but it boils down to a few simple principles: There never was any emergency with this age group in the first place, rendering EUAs illegal under federal law; the clinical trials relied upon to authorize the vaccines were woefully deficient; almost all in the 12-15 age demographic currently have natural immunity to Covid-19; and the injury risks from injection are catastrophically higher than any purported benefit.

The Petition cites a Lancet article of March 2021 that found Covid’s death toll among children was a negligible 0.17 per 100,000 population. Since then, a large U.K. study posted in July 2021 found a Covid-19 fatality rate of just 0.005% among all those under 18. “Based on these facts, the current EUA for Pfizer’s vaccine for this population is without legal foundation or necessity,” the Petition observes, “because COVID-19 does not present a current emergency for children.”

Furthermore, the population has been developing robust natural immunity against the disease. As of February 2022, according to a study published on the CDC’s website, 75% of children aged 12-17 had developed infection-induced antibodies. NIH data showed an even higher percentage of natural protection, at 89.4%, for all children under 18. And that percentage could only have increased since.

But the gaps in FDA logic do not begin and end with its misappropriation of the word “emergency,” nor with its selective blindness on natural immunity.  As our Petition reminds the agency, quoting international scientists in an August 2008 PLOS Medicine paper, “inadequately powered studies should themselves be considered a breach of ethical standards.”

The FDA’s authorization for Pfizer’s injection rests on a trial in which only 1,131 children received the experimental product. Yet, even among that small and statistically insignificant group, at least seven recipients “had at least one serious adverse event.”  Among them was Maddie de Garay who, at 12 years old, was paralyzed from the waist down after receiving her second shot.  Among a multitude of horrific injuries, she became incontinent, and can now only receive nutrition through a feeding tube.

But Pfizer recorded her life-altering reaction as mere “functional abdominal pain” in the safety-evaluation data it turned over to the FDA and has since failed to ensure adequate medical care, including an appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

Nor has the safety profile for the mRNA shots improved since their problematic trials. As early as June 2021, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) examined the growing issue of vaccine-induced myocarditis, where the heart muscle becomes inflamed and thereby weakened, especially in individuals under 30 years old. Moreover, as the Petition points out, “Moderna’s vaccine presents an even higher risk profile to this age group than Pfizer’s vaccine.”

Meanwhile, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), though vastly understating the full extent of injection injuries, had accumulated 31,549 reports of adverse events among children under 18 as of May 6, 2022.  Of these, 1,812 were rated as serious and 44 were deaths.  This is to say nothing of the long-term effects.

And, if the glaring safety signals were not enough for the FDA to revoke its EUA for minors, the Petition also points out that several studies now show there is virtually no benefit from these shots since their efficacy wanes dramatically within just months or even weeks after inoculation.

The FDA has played very fast and extremely loose with its EUA powers when it comes to children’s health, invoking an emergency that never existed and accepting data that was never adequate.  Moreover, it has continued doubling down on its failed approach in spite of the overwhelming case against it.  Numerous additional VRBPAC meetings are scheduled to discuss authorizations for additional vaccines and age groups and ICAN plans to file as many petitions as are necessary to address the concerns of each.

The FDA’s increasingly reckless actions have prompted ICAN to file several Petitions with the FDA.  These include demands the agency adhere to federal law requiring promotional material for EUA vaccines to “clearly and conspicuously” state the product has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but only authorized for emergency use.  We have also called on the FDA to publicly clarify an individual’s statutory right to refuse medical products without coercion, penalty, or retaliation of any kind, and we have demanded that it obtain proper data before vaccine approvals.  On all counts, the FDA has failed miserably and ICAN will continue to hold its feet to the fire.


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Catastrophic Covid Experience in New Zealand. The Derogation of Human Rights and “The Basic Principles of Medicine”. The Protest Movement.

Catastrophic Covid Experience in New Zealand. The Derogation of Human Rights and “The Basic Principles of Medicine”. The Protest Movement.
We, as inherently free and autonomous individuals, are blessed with the responsibility of choice.

by Dr. Emanuel Garcia, Global Research
July 18, 2022


If there is a silver lining to the catastrophic Covid experience for us here in New Zealand it is the very clear and indisputable exposure of the political establishment.  The green clean smiling benevolent face of the New Zealand government is nothing more than a mask – yes, a mask – behind which is harsh dictatorial mien of a government that feels no need to answer to the needs of the people it purports to govern.

During the brief but compelling and compellingly beautiful gathering of the people at Parliament earlier this year, repeated calls for governmental officials simply to meet and simply to discuss issues of import, such as their imposed mandates and societal apartheid that resulted from them, went blithely and purposefully unheeded. Not one single politician from the Prime Minister’s office on down fulfilled their good-faith political obligations by engaging with those from whom they derive their political power.

Furthermore, on the eve of the brutal and unnecessary invasion of Parliament grounds to clear the protesters, it became clear that those in office never had a wish to engage. I was a member of a small task force who the afternoon before, at 1:30 PM to be precise, had gathered in Wellington to negotiate a settlement of the impasse. The police representative who was to join us cancelled at the last minute.

Later that same afternoon I sat as an observer at a meeting of the Human Rights Commission as a number of petitioners presented evidence of the harm against fundamental human rights, evidence of police abuses and other poignant testimony about the harsh consequences of the mandates. An honest Human Rights Commissioner would have taken up the mantle of protecting those whose rights had been violated and would be violated further by violence. He didn’t.

These past two and a half years have seen those who were, during that first harsh lockdown, lauded and thanked for being ‘essential workers’ terminated from their roles as physicians, nurses, midwives and other health-care practitioners for deciding personally and for their own reasons of health and conscience that a hastily concocted genetic inoculation masquerading as a vaccine was not for them.

As a psychiatrist who worked within the system in the general Wellington region and saw firsthand the tenuous nature of mental health services – services characterised by endemic staff shortages, variable levels of skill, and a form of management style emanating from the top which I can only describe as peculiarly vicious, corrupt and inept – the termination of much-needed and highly competent colleagues was a strange, sad and ironic testament to irrationality and a cold heedlessness of the public weal.

I remember working as a psychiatrist during the first lockdown, making home visits, volunteering time at a local primary care facility when I was on leave, and generally carrying on as one would expect a doctor to do: it was no big deal and I bristled at the division of society into ‘essential’ and ‘non-essential’.  This division, however, was a template for the later division of New Zealand into a veritable apartheid society comprised of the jabbed and the unjabbed or, psychologically speaking, the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’, the ‘clean’ and the ‘unclean’, remnants of which we may see among those who mask and those who don’t.

I note, in looking at the past, that no-one in government provided any actual evidence that could justify the extraordinary measures imposed upon the entire country: lockdowns, distancing or masks. Nor have they provided any evidence to justify their demand that all healthcare workers be inoculated to be able to work face to face with clients. Nor, of course have they been able to justify, nor can they justify or explain rationally, the imposition of an inoculation that circumvented the laborious and necessary trials over time, and that have already produced an astonishing legacy  of adverse events, including death. There is not nor can there ever be a substitute for time in the testing and approval of a medical intervention. Heaven knows what will transpire among the inoculated in the years to come.

Physicians who have from the beginning set about to explore the treatment of those who were afflicted by Covid found themselves in very lonely terrain, and worse. The New Zealand government, its Ministry of Health, and allied organisations such as the Medical Council, never once encouraged prevention or treatment. When I brought the issue of treatment up at my local hospital, I was referred to a specialist who told me, simply, that there was no evidence that any treatment worked. When I took the effort to send him quite a lot of substantive evidence, he was silent.

Over these past two and a half years the foundational principles of Medicine have been obliterated by our official organisations and our Ministry of Health: the principles of informed consent, individualised treatment and doing no harm. When physicians attempted to act in accordance with these principles they were hounded, derided and officially sanctioned, losing their licences and their jobs.  When physicians attempted to discuss natural immunity, the irrationality of attempting to eliminate a respiratory virus, the necessity of early treatment; when physicians attempted to engage with public officials to discuss pertinent matters of science and medicine – they were persecuted and rebuffed.

As of today there are nearly thirty thousand doctors in the Medical Council’s register. Of those thirty thousand a pittance have joined with New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out for Science (NZDSOS) to stand up for these foundational principles of our profession.  I am certain that if a mere ten percent of practicing physicians in New Zealand publicly affirmed the basic principles of Medicine we would not be living through the hell of the tyranny imposed by the government in the name of what they call ‘Medicine’ but which every physician understands is merely an Orwellian caricature.

Our government’s Medicine is a world where suffering patients go untreated, where a one-size-fits-all jab that neither prevents infection nor transmission of the pathogen for which it was engineered is safe as water, where informed consent is unnecessary and where masks, despite their inefficacy, should be worn to safeguard health despite the absurdity of how they have instructed people to use them, and despite the consquences of eliminating personal identity and depriving people of their quintessentially human features and means of emotional and expressive communication.

I am repeatedly asked how so many people can participate in cruelties and absurdities, how so many people can be persuaded to overlook what their eyes and ears and hearts tell them, how so many people can go along with what is so obviously destructive to us all.  The comprehensive answer might require a long essay or a book to elucidate. But here I will offer an abbreviated response.

Psychological operations like Covid work successfully by creating shock and awe, instilling fear, and inducing a response akin to something that is supernatural, that draws upon our emotionally regressive attitudes towards the miraculous, which transcends the laws of common sense or reason. The origins story of Covid and the incessant and inescapable drumbeat of deceptive case counts and death by the mainstream media worked wonders on a mainly gullible and trusting population. The inclusion of ‘supernatural’ elements, clearly seen by any analysis of the ridiculousness of the rituals of masking, are purposeful, for it is these supernatural elements that grip us unconsciously.  Masking is itself a propaganda tour de force; and propaganda is, at bottom, an act of violence.

I will conclude my ruminations with two quotations, which may help to frame my remarks.  The first is from Freud who, in his work on group psychology, wrote:

“ … in a group the individual is brought under conditions which allow him to throw off the repressions of his unconscious instinctual impulses. The apparently new characteristics which he then displays are in fact the manifestations of this unconscious, in which all that is evil in the human mind is contained as a predisposition.”

The second is from Goldhagen, who, referring to perpetrators of antisemitic cruelties in Hitler’s Willing Executioners, wrote:

“ … any explanation that fails to acknowledge the actors’ capacity to know and to judge, namely to understand and to have views about the significance and morality of their actions … cannot possibly succeed in telling us much about why the perpetrators acted as they did.”

The State, as all collections of Power tend, would like nothing better than absolute control over a faceless and masked citizenry of submissive digital peasants marching in lockstep to their pronouncements.

Many people, perhaps the great majority, relatively ignorant of history and politics, are primarily occupied with ekeing out an existence amidst the harsh realities of daily living. Trusting in government, they will accept the pronouncements of mainstream media and authorities as Gospel.

There is another group who see quite clearly through the captivating irrationalities and the Siren song of propaganda, and who willingly participate in falsehoods and cruelties not only to save their skins but also to derive pleasure and profit at the expense of others.

And then there are those who speak out.

We, as inherently free and autonomous individuals, are blessed with the responsibility of choice.


Dr. Garcia is a Philadelphia-born psychoanalyst and psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in 2006. He has authored articles ranging from explorations of psychoanalytic technique, the psychology of creativity in music (Mahler, Rachmaninoff, Scriabin, Delius), and politics. He is also a poet, novelist and theatrical director. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 after working in the public sector in New Zealand.


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Death by Covid Vaccine

Death by Covid Vaccine

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
sourced from Global Research
July 18, 2022


When we’re dealing with a controversial topic, it’s a good item to start with something we know and go from there. What is something that we know for sure about Covid-19 vaccines? They kill people.

Jon Rappoport pointed this out a year ago: “A new May 4 report by independent researcher, Virginia Stoner, reveals US vaccine-death figures. The report is titled, ‘The Deadly Covid-19 Vaccine Coverup.’

Stoner uses the US government’s own numbers.

Here are key quotes from her report:

‘There has been a massive increase in deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) this year. That’s not a ‘conspiracy theory’, that’s an indisputable fact.’

‘We’re talking about a huge and unprecedented increase—so massive that in the last 4 months alone, VAERS has received over 40% of all death reports it has ever received in its entire 30+year history.”

‘The increase in VAERS death reports is not due to more vaccination.’

“Most recently, the death count went from 2794 on April 5, to 3005 on April 12, to 3848 on April 26….1054 deaths in 21 days.’

‘One hypothesis…is that the elderly and infirm, many in long-term care facilities, were the first to be targeted by the COVID-19 vaccine campaign, and they are much more likely to die coincidentally. These coincidental deaths then lead to an increase in suspected vaccine-induced deaths reported to VAERS.’

‘VAERS data just does not support that hypothesis. First, because all age groups—not just seniors—had a dramatic increase in VAERS death reports from COVID-19 vaccines…Across the board, all age groups experienced a dramatic increase in deaths reported to VAERS from the COVID-19 shots—even the under 18 group, which has had very few COVID-19 shots (so far).’

Stoner constructs a chart showing reported deaths from vaccinations in years prior to COVID, and deaths reported so far from COVID vaccines.

For prior years, we’re talking about roughly 100 deaths a year from somewhere between 250 million and 350 million vaccines administered. On the other hand, we’re talking about 3800 deaths from about 150 million COVID shots—not in a full year; in only four months.

The experts would say neither death figure (100 or 3800) is alarming, given the huge number of vaccines administered. But this is a deception.

Over the years, much has been written (even in the mainstream) about what sits behind REPORTED vaccine injuries and deaths. Estimates of TRUE injury numbers range from 10 to 100 times greater than the reported figures.

3800 reported deaths from COVID vaccines would skyrocket when you estimated the true figure.

As Stoner points out in her report, public health officials, in Orwellian fashion, keep repeating, ‘The vaccine is safe and effective.’ A straightforward analysis of their own numbers completely contradicts their stance.

Likewise, the mainstream press, politicians, corporations, and celebrities are on an all-out push to convince the public that the vaccine is a) necessary and b) a marvel, if only the ‘hesitant’ people would ‘follow the science’ and see the light.

Well, some cults are small; that one is huge.

Virginia Stoner’s report is a stark refutation of the conspiracy theory the cult is promoting.

When the entire population is being subjected to a vast experiment deploying a never-before-released RNA technology; when the shot in the arm is actually a genetic treatment; when the entire field of genetic research is riddled with pretense and lies and alarming miscalculations, leading to ripple effects in overall genetic structures; what else would you expect?

You would expect exactly what Stoner’s report shows and implies. The COVID vaccine is a building disaster.”

Vernon Coleman asks the appropriate question: exactly how many people has the Covid vaccine killed? “No one knows how many people the vaccines are killing – or how many they will kill.

But although I haven’t seen the mainstream media mention most of these deaths, people have already died or been injured after being given the vaccine:

SHOCKING – The latest covid jab deaths and injuries from VAERS (infants, teenagers and young adults are dying after the vaccine) covid data (it is estimated that only 1% of vaccine adverse events is reported)

Note: The following paragraph has now been added to the UK’s Pfizer analysis data print, ‘A report of a suspected ADR to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine…’ In my view, this is yet another attempt to draw attention away from the very real problems associated with the vaccines. We note that when patients die 60 days after a positive covid test, they are added to the covid death figures but if someone were to die 60 minutes after a covid vaccine, then it is just a coincidence.

PFIZER (UK data) – Some of the Injuries include: strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, Bell’s Palsy, sepsis, paralysis, psychiatric disorders, blindness, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19.

The following paragraph has now been added to the UK’s AstraZeneca analysis data print, ‘A report of a suspected ADR to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine…’ In my view, this is yet another attempt to draw attention away from the very real problems associated with the vaccines. We note that when patients die 60 days after a positive covid test, they are added to the covid death figures but if someone were to die 60 minutes after a covid vaccine, then it is just a coincidence.

ASTRAZENECA (UK data) – Some of the many injuries include: blindness, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, sepsis, paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, deafness, shingles, alopecia and covid-19.

European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports: ModernaPfizer-BiontechAstraZeneca and Janssen.

You might wonder, even if the Covid-19 vaccine kills people, doesn’t it also save lives? But in fact it is ineffective in warding off the so-called Covid “pandemic.” Vasko Kohlmayer says, “’Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccine is just 39% effective in Israel where the delta variant is the dominant strain according to a new report from the country’s Health Ministry’ we read in a CNBC report.

Astonishment is one’s first reaction when coming across this piece of information, since it was not so long ago the vaccine manufacturers claimed their products were 92 to 98 percent effective.

The manufacturers’ initial claims, however, have been steadily revised down as real-world data has been coming in. In March of this year news came from South Africa that ‘AstraZeneca vaccine doesn’t prevent B1351 Covid.’ A couple of months later, the Hill ran a piece by a Baylor School of Medicine virologist who observed:

‘A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine provides only 51 percent protection against B.1.351 of South Africa.’

Just a couple of weeks ago, we learned that recipients of the Sinovac Biotech’s vaccine have no antibodies after six months. This effectually means that merely half a year after being injected into people’s bodies the vaccine has zero percent efficacy in protecting against Covid-19.

Even factoring for the variants, the hard data makes it quite clear that the initial claims of vaccine effectiveness were greatly exaggerated. This, of course, comes as no surprise to anyone familiar with the dynamic of the pharma industry. Drug manufacturers tend to wildly overstate the efficacy of their products, while doing their very best to understate their side effects. It is for this purpose they conduct trials that are manipulated to obtain the results they wish for. Sadly, they too often get away with it because of the corruption of the system by what is called regulatory capture. This is why the outcomes of manufacturers’ trials are almost never replicated by independent trials or real-world data.

This is what has apparently happened with the Covid vaccines. The manufacturers used the sense of emergency brought on by the Covid pandemic to conduct rushed and incomplete trials which were designed to yield the results they wanted to see. There is every reason to believe that the effectiveness of their injections was nowhere close to the 92-98% range they initially claimed even for the variants that were in circulation at that time.

Needless to say, one has a strong suspicion that even the meagre 39 percent figure is still overstated. This would only be natural, since everyone involved in the vaccination enterprise – the manufacturers, politicians, regulators, the medical establishment and corporate scientists – is trying their best to save face and reputation in the face of this fiasco. Bad though the data is, we can be quite sure that it has been massaged to soften the blow.

You can clearly observe this tendency at work in the CNBC piece which claims that even though Pfizer is only 39 percent effective, it still protects against serious disease. But this is simply not true, which you can easily see if you take the trouble to look into the data put out by the Israeli government. At roughly the same time that CNBC filed its report, the Israeli Ministry of Health published a bulletin which reported on Covid cases in the country. According to their data, there were 137 serious cases in Israel of which 95 were fully vaccinated and 42 unvaccinated or partially vaccinated (see here and here). In other words, the bulk of the serious cases was comprised of those who had received their shots. If the vaccine was as effective in protecting against heavy illness as the article claims, the numbers would look completely different. The figures published by the Israeli Ministry of Health shows that the claims of Pfizer’s efficacy of protecting against serious Covid are simply untrue.

This has been confirmed by the testimony of Dr Kobi Haviv, Director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem. In a recent TV interview, Dr Haviv stated that the fully vaccinated people account for about 90 percent of hospitalizations. Given that less than 90 percent of the Israeli population is fully vaccinated, it would appear that the vaccination not only does not prevent you from contracting the disease, but actually increases one’s chances of becoming a serious Covid case. Observes Dr Haviv: ‘yes, unfortunately, the vaccine… as they say, its effectiveness is waning.” And so it is, indeed. Dr Haviv’s interview is on YouTube so you can hear the truth straight from his mouth. It will be interesting to see how long it will take for the Establishment Censors to take it down.” See this.

But there is worse. Everybody knows how sensitive and delicate small children are. Now the monsters want to give them the killer jab too! Let’s listen to Kohlmayer again:” “’CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccine boosters down to age 12,’ says a recent CBC news headline.

The article opens as follows:

‘Millions of Americans between the ages of 12 and 15 can now get a booster shot of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, after the CDC formally adopted new recommendations backed by a majority of the agency’s outside vaccine advisers. The CDC now says that Americans as young as 12 who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine should receive a third dose as early as five months after their first two shots. The agency’s officials said that enough time has passed for around 5 million adolescents to be eligible’

‘Why in the world are they doing this?’ one asks in disbelief.

Three basic facts have been well established by data and studies:

  1. Healthy children are at virtually zero risk of serious Covid.
  2. The vaccines will not prevent children from contracting the virus.
  3. Covid injections carry risk of serious side effects.

According to a cost-benefit analysis conducted by Toby Rogers, Ph.D., in the 5 to 11 age range, 117 healthy kids will have to die of vaccine-related side effects in order to save one child from perishing of Covid 19.

study from Japan has shown that young people are seven hundred percent more likely to be killed by Pfizer jabs than by Covid.

We have been repeatedly told that we must follow facts and science when dealing with this pandemic.

The science on vaccinating children against Covid-19 is in, and it could not be any clearer: while healthy children are at negligible risk from the disease itself, they are at real risk from the shots.

Since the vaccines do not stop infection and transmission, they will protect neither children nor their communities from the spread of the virus.

It makes not scientific or medical sense to give them these shots. Vaccinating children for SARS-CoV-2 violates both the tenets of good medicine and evidence-based science.

According to Dr Robert Malone, who is one of the world’s preeminent vaccine scientists, the cost benefit analysis is not even close.

Those who want to vaccinate children follow neither the science nor logic. Subjecting children to Covid jabs needlessly exposes young lives to potentially grave risks.

The incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis may be as high as 1 in 317 in the young, especially boys, and increases further with each additional dose.

Then there is a danger of deadly blood clots as well as several other serious conditions such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.

Astonishingly, scores of children have already been injected with two doses that turned out to be ineffective, which is the reason a booster is now required.

The booster, however, already looks to be even more useless than the original offering. The booster, in fact, appears to have negative efficacy which means that those who receive it seem to be more likely to contract the virus.

Soon we will have a multitude of 12-year-olds who will have received three of these pointless and dangerous shots without any medical justification whatsoever.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. said that injecting children with the Covid vaccines is a crime. He is not incorrect.

A number of children have already been killed by the vaccines.

Some of the newly vaccinated children will develop serious conditions and some of them will die. The lives of these healthy children will be cut short for no good reason and their parents will be beside themselves with grief.”

We must do everything we can to stop them before they kill more. If we act on what we know, we can stop these demonic monsters.


Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. [send him mail], former editorial assistant to Ludwig von Mises and congressional chief of staff to Ron Paul, is founder and chairman of the Mises Institute, executor for the estate of Murray N. Rothbard, and editor of He is the author of Against the State and Against the Left. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.


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From Covid to Global Control: Bait and Switch

From Covid to Global Control: Bait and Switch

by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport’s Blog
July 19, 2022


“One new reality is global interconnectivity and the fact that all challenges must be addressed on the basis of ‘togetherness.’ Thus the most crucial factor in accepting the new reality and confronting its opportunities and risks is our willingness to develop shared norms on all levels.” (Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum)

The above quote is a glimpse of the switch in the bait and switch.

First, in early 2020, there was a narrative, a story about a virus, and the selling of that story, and the selling of all the (ruinous) restrictions which would have to be put in place, in order to “curb the spread.”

Then came what you could call “transitional language”:

In order to be prepared for the next pandemic, we need early warning, on a global scale; and THIS means a much greater level of cooperation among nations.

You know, that sort of talk.

It included: We have to be able to identify human carriers of a virus before they develop symptoms, because they’re silently spreading a killer.

It included: These pandemics are never going to stop. With massive international travel, the transport of goods across national borders, with deadly viruses escaping from rain forests…we have to create a PERMANENT global society, with proper controls, which can withstand and survive the onslaught of these devastating germs.

Transitional language.

From the bait (a story about a virus), the con moves to the switch (a permanent global control grid).

Is there some sort of picture of what the control grid will look like? Just a sketch?

Why yes, there is.

We need to look to the nation which has garnered the most praise for its handling of the “pandemic crisis.” Praise from elite global players like the World Health Organization and the UN and Bill Gates.

Of course, I mean China.

China is the elite model. It locked down 50 million citizens overnight, at the beginning of 2020. And it’s doing it again.

But there’s more.

Much more.

I call your attention to a stunning article in The Atlantic. “The Panopticon Is Already Here” (September, 2020), by Ross Andersen.

Here are significant excerpts:

“Artificial intelligence has applications in nearly every human domain, from the instant translation of spoken language to early viral-outbreak detection. But Xi [Xi Jinping, president of China] also wants to use AI’s awesome analytical powers to push China to the cutting edge of surveillance. He wants to build an all-seeing digital system of social control, patrolled by precog algorithms that identify potential dissenters in real time.”

“China already has hundreds of millions of surveillance cameras in place. Xi’s government hopes to soon achieve full video coverage of key public areas. Much of the footage collected by China’s cameras is parsed by algorithms for security threats of one kind or another. In the near future, every person who enters a public space could be identified, instantly, by AI matching them to an ocean of personal data, including their every text communication, and their body’s one-of-a-kind protein-construction schema. In time, algorithms will be able to string together data points from a broad range of sources—travel records, friends and associates, reading habits, purchases—to predict political resistance before it happens. China’s government could soon achieve an unprecedented political stranglehold on more than 1 billion people.”

“China is already developing powerful new surveillance tools, and exporting them to dozens of the world’s actual and would-be autocracies. Over the next few years, those technologies will be refined and integrated into all-encompassing surveillance systems that dictators can plug and play.”

“China’s government could harvest footage from equivalent Chinese products. They could tap the cameras attached to ride-share cars, or the self-driving vehicles that may soon replace them: Automated vehicles will be covered in a whole host of sensors, including some that will take in information much richer than 2-D video. Data from a massive fleet of them could be stitched together, and supplemented by other [Alibaba] City Brain streams, to produce a 3-D model of the city that’s updated second by second. Each refresh could log every human’s location within the model. Such a system would make unidentified faces a priority, perhaps by sending drone swarms to secure a positive ID.”

“An authoritarian state with enough processing power could force the makers of such software to feed every blip of a citizen’s neural activity into a government database. China has recently been pushing citizens to download and use a propaganda app. The government could use emotion-tracking software to monitor reactions to a political stimulus within an app. A silent, suppressed response to a meme or a clip from a Xi speech would be a meaningful data point to a precog algorithm.”

“All of these time-synced feeds of on-the-ground data could be supplemented by footage from drones, whose gigapixel cameras can record whole cityscapes in the kind of crystalline detail that allows for license-plate reading and gait recognition. ‘Spy bird’ drones already swoop and circle above Chinese cities, disguised as doves. City Brain’s feeds could be synthesized with data from systems in other urban areas, to form a multidimensional, real-time account of nearly all human activity within China. Server farms across China will soon be able to hold multiple angles of high-definition footage of every moment of every Chinese person’s life.”

“The government might soon have a rich, auto-populating data profile for all of its 1 billion–plus citizens. Each profile would comprise millions of data points, including the person’s every appearance in surveilled space, as well as all of her communications and purchases. Her threat risk to the party’s power could constantly be updated in real time, with a more granular score than those used in China’s pilot ‘social credit’ schemes, which already aim to give every citizen a public social-reputation score based on things like social-media connections and buying habits. Algorithms could monitor her digital data score, along with everyone else’s, continuously, without ever feeling the fatigue that hit Stasi officers working the late shift. False positives—deeming someone a threat for innocuous behavior—would be encouraged, in order to boost the system’s built-in chilling effects, so that she’d turn her sharp eyes on her own behavior, to avoid the slightest appearance of dissent.”

“If her risk factor fluctuated upward—whether due to some suspicious pattern in her movements, her social associations, her insufficient attention to a propaganda-consumption app, or some correlation known only to the AI—a purely automated system could limit her movement. It could prevent her from purchasing plane or train tickets. It could disallow passage through checkpoints. It could remotely commandeer ‘smart locks’ in public or private spaces, to confine her until security forces arrived.”

“Each time a person’s face is recognized, or her voice recorded, or her text messages intercepted, this information could be attached, instantly, to her government-ID number, police records, tax returns, property filings, and employment history. It could be cross-referenced with her medical records and DNA, of which the Chinese police boast they have the world’s largest collection.”

Is China exporting this control-grid technology?

“The country [China] is now the world’s leading seller of AI-powered surveillance equipment. In Malaysia, the government is working with Yitu, a Chinese AI start-up, to bring facial-recognition technology to Kuala Lumpur’s police as a complement to Alibaba’s City Brain platform. Chinese companies also bid to outfit every one of Singapore’s 110,000 lampposts with facial-recognition cameras.”

“In South Asia, the Chinese government has supplied surveillance equipment to Sri Lanka. On the old Silk Road, the Chinese company Dahua is lining the streets of Mongolia’s capital with AI-assisted surveillance cameras. Farther west, in Serbia, Huawei is helping set up a ‘safe-city system,’ complete with facial-recognition cameras and joint patrols conducted by Serbian and Chinese police aimed at helping Chinese tourists to feel safe.”

“In the early aughts, the Chinese telecom titan ZTE sold Ethiopia a wireless network with built-in backdoor access for the government. In a later crackdown, dissidents were rounded up for brutal interrogations, during which they were played audio from recent phone calls they’d made. Today, Kenya, Uganda, and Mauritius are outfitting major cities with Chinese-made surveillance networks.”

“In Egypt, Chinese developers are looking to finance the construction of a new capital. It’s slated to run on a ‘smart city’ platform similar to City Brain, although a vendor has not yet been named. In southern Africa, Zambia has agreed to buy more than $1 billion in telecom equipment from China, including internet-monitoring technology. China’s Hikvision, the world’s largest manufacturer of AI-enabled surveillance cameras, has an office in Johannesburg.”

“In 2018, CloudWalk Technology, a Guangzhou-based start-up spun out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, inked a deal with the Zimbabwean government to set up a surveillance network. Its terms require Harare to send images of its inhabitants—a rich data set, given that Zimbabwe has absorbed migration flows from all across sub-Saharan Africa—back to CloudWalk’s Chinese offices, allowing the company to fine-tune its software’s ability to recognize dark-skinned faces, which have previously proved tricky for its algorithms.”

“Having set up beachheads in Asia, Europe, and Africa, China’s AI companies are now pushing into Latin America, a region the Chinese government describes as a ‘core economic interest.’ China financed Ecuador’s $240 million purchase of a surveillance-camera system. Bolivia, too, has bought surveillance equipment with help from a loan from Beijing. Venezuela recently debuted a new national ID-card system that logs citizens’ political affiliations in a database built by ZTE…”

You could call all this Lockdown, Phase 2. But of course it’s much more. It’s designed to be permanent.

It’s a control grid, the switch in the bait and switch.

Ultimately, long term, we’re dealing with the switch, not the bait.

I’ll add a few more features to the “China plan.” Under the rubric of climate change, and “limiting CO2,” worldwide of production of energy would be significantly lowered. At the individual level, this would result in energy-use quotas. Strictly enforced.

“Mr. Jones, this is your phone helper. You’re nearing the limit of your energy use for the month. I don’t want to see you incur penalties. For example, your Guaranteed Universal Income allotment could be reduced. So for the next 10 days, I’ll be turning off some of your devices. Use your computer only between the hours of 2 and 4AM. Don’t drive. Don’t cook. The heat in your apartment will be shut down between midnight and 6AM. Remember, this is being done to curb the effect of climate change. We all have to do our part…”

Then there is 5G technology, which enables the Internet of Things (IoT). All sorts of products, from diapers to chocolate bars, will contain tags so these items can talk to each other and regulate your consumption and buying habits.

But the real kicker is more-control-grid. For instance, the top-down regulation of driverless cars on roads and highways; the moment to moment choice of routes and patterns of traffic for a whole city. The ability to stop all cars in a city, or clear them off roads in a “problem area.”

Because you’d be wearing a number of items tagged with their own tiny computers, law-enforcement could calculate and decide, at any given moment, that there are too many people in a park. The people “might constitute a threat.” So an order goes out to empty the park.

And in this article, I’m not getting into the far reaches of genetic modification of humans, or brain-computer interfaces, or the medical control of the body through inserted nano-sensors.

Let me give you that Klaus Schwab quote again. You read it at the top of this piece. Read it one more time and render it into its true meaning:

“One new reality is global interconnectivity and the fact that all challenges must be addressed on the basis of ‘togetherness.’ Thus the most crucial factor in accepting the new reality and confronting its opportunities and risks is our willingness to develop shared norms on all levels.”

This is a ten thousand year war called Freedom Versus Slavery.

Like it or not, we’re up to our necks in it.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Sammy-Sander / pixabay

The Assassination of Archduke Shinzo Abe — When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon

The Assassination of Archduke Shinzo Abe

When the Globalists Crossed the Rubicon

by Emanuel Pastreich, Fear No Evil
July 14, 2022


July 8 was a muggy day in the ancient capital of Japan. Shinzo Abe, the most powerful figure in Japanese politics, was delivering a stump speech for a local Liberal Democratic Party candidate in front of the Nara Kintetsu railway station when suddenly a loud bang rang out, followed by an odd cloud of smoke.

The response was incredible. Among those in the unusually large crowd gathered, not a single person ran for cover, or hit the ground in terror.

Abe’s body guards, who stood unusually far away from him during the speech, looked on impassively, making no effort to shield him, or to pull him to a safe location.

A few seconds later, Abe crumpled and collapsed to the ground, lying there impassive in his standard blue jacket, white shirt, now speckled with blood, and trademark blue badge of solidarity with Japanese abductees in North Korea. Most likely he was killed instantaneously.

Only then did the body guards seize the suspect, Yamagami Toruya, who was standing behind Abe. The tussle with Yamagami took the form of a choreographed dance for the television audience, not a professional takedown.

Yamagami was immediately identified by the media as a 41-year-old former member of the Maritime Self-Defense Force who had personal grievances with Abe.

Yamagami told everything to the police without hesitation. He did not even try to run from the scene and was still holding the silly hand-made gun when the bodyguards grabbed him.

Even after Abe was lying on the pavement, not a single person in the crowd ran for shelter, or even looked around to determine where the shots came from. Everyone seemed to know, magically, that the shooting was over.

Then the comedy began. Rather than putting Abe in a limousine and whisking him away, those standing around him merely called out to passersby, asking if anyone was a doctor.

The media immediately embraced the “lone gunman” conclusion for this attack, repeating entertaining tale of how Yamagami was associated with Toitsu Kyokai, a new religion started by the charismatic shaman Kawase Kayo, and why he blamed Abe, who had exchanges with that group, for his mother’s troubles.

Because Toitsu Kyokai has followers from the Unification Church founded by Reverend Moon Sun Myung, journalist Michael Penn jumped to the conclusion that the conspiracy leading to Abe’s death was the result of his collaboration with the Moonies.

Although the mainstream media accepted this fantastic story, the Japanese police and security apparatus did not manage to squash alternative interpretations. Blogger Takashi Kitagawa posted materials on July 10 that suggested Abe was shot from the front, not from the back where Yamagami stood, and that the shots must have been fired at an angle from the top of one, or both, of the tall buildings on either side of the intersection across from the railway station plaza.

Takahashi Kitakawa’s postings:

Kitagawa’s analysis of the paths of the bullets was more scientific than anything offered by the media that had claimed, without basis, that Abe had only been shot once until the surgeon announced that evening that there had been two bullets.

The chances that a man holding an awkward home-made gun, standing more than five meters away in a crowd, would be able to hit Abe twice are low. The TV personality Kozono Hiromi, who is a gun expert himself, remarked on his show “Sukkiri” (on July 12) that such a feat would be incredible.

A careful viewing of the videos suggests that multiple shots were fired by a rifle with a silencer from atop a neighboring building.

The message to the world

For a figure like Shinzo Abe, the most powerful political player in Japan and the person to whom Japanese politicians and bureaucrats rallied in response to the unprecedented uncertainty born of the current geopolitical crisis, to be shot dead with no serious security detail nearby makes no sense.

Perhaps the message was lost on viewers at home, but it was crystal clear for other Japanese politicians. For that matter, the message was clear for Boris Johnson, who was forced out of power at almost exactly the same moment that Abe was shot, or for Emanuel Macron, who was suddenly charged with influence peddling scandal for Uber, and faces demands for his removal from office, on July 11—after months of massive protests had failed to sway him in any way.

The message was written all over Abe’s white shirt in red: buying into the globalist system and promoting the COVID-19 regime is not enough to assure safety, even for the leader of a G7 nation.

Abe was highest ranking victim so far of the hidden cancer eating away at governance in nation states around the world, an institutional sickness that moves decision making away from national governments to a network of privately-held supercomputer banks, private equity groups, for-hire intelligence firms in Tel Aviv, London and Reston, and the strategic thinkers employed by the billionaires at the World Economic Forum, NATO, the World Bank and other such awesome institutions.

The fourth industrial revolution was the excuse employed to transfer the control of all information in, and all information out, for central governments to Facebook, Amazon, Oracle, Google, SAP and others in the name of efficiency. As J. P. Morgan remarked, “Everything has two reasons: a good reason and a real reason.”

With the assassination of Abe, these technology tyrants, and their masters, have crossed the Rubicon, declaring that those dressed in the trappings of state authority can be mowed down with impunity if they do not follow orders.

The Problem with Japan

Japan is heralded as the only Asian nation advanced enough to join the “West,” to be a member of the exclusive G7 club, and to be qualified to enter into collaboration with (and possible membership in) the top intelligence sharing program, the “Five Eyes.” Nevertheless, Japan has continued to defy the expectations, and the demands, of global financiers, and the planners within the beltway and on Wall Street for the New World Order.

Although it was South Korea in Asia that has constantly been berated in Washington as an ally not quite up to the level of Japan, the truth is that the super-rich busy taking over the Pentagon, and the entire global economy, were starting to harbor doubts about the dependability of Japan.

The globalist system at the World Bank, Goldman Sachs, or the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University has a set track for the best and the brightest from “advanced nations.”

Elites from Australia, France, Germany, Norway or Italy, learn to speak fluent English, spend time in Washington, London, or Geneva at a think tank or university, secure a safe sinecure at a bank, a government institution, or a research institute that assures them a good income, and adopt the common sense, pro-finance, perspective offered by the Economist Magazine as the gospel.

Japan, however, although it has an advanced banking system of its own, although its command of advanced technologies makes it the sole rival of Germany in machine tools, and although it has a sophisticated educational system capable of producing numerous Nobel Prize winners, does not produce leaders who follow this model for the “developed” nation.

Japanese elite do not study abroad for the most part and Japan has sophisticated intellectual circles that do not rely on information brought in from overseas academic or journalistic sources.

Unlike other nations, Japanese write sophisticated journal articles entirely in Japanese, citing only Japanese experts. In fact, in fields like botany and cellular biology, Japan has world-class journals written entirely in Japanese.

Similarly, Japan has a sophisticated domestic economy that is not easily penetrated by multinational corporations—try as they do.

The massive concentration of wealth over the last decade has allowed the super-rich to create invisible networks for secret global governance,best represented by the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program and the Schwarzman Scholars program. These rising figures in policy infiltrate the governments, the industries, and research institutions of nations to make sure that the globalist agenda goes forth unimpeded.

Japan has been impacted by this sly form of global governance. And yet, Japanese who speak English well, or who study at Harvard, are not necessarily on the fast track in Japanese society.

There is stubborn independence in Japan’s diplomacy and economics, something that raised concerns among the Davos crowd during the COVID-19 campaigns.

Although the Abe administration (and the subsequent Kishida administration) went along with the directives of the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization for vaccines and social distancing, the Japanese government was less intrusive in the lives of citizens than most nations, and was less successful in forcing organizations to require vaccination.

The use of QR codes to block service to the unvaccinated was limited in its implementation in Japan in comparison with other “advanced” nations.

Moreover, the Japanese government refuses to fully implement the digitalization agenda demanded, thus denying multinational technology giants the control over Japan that they exercise elsewhere. This lag in Japan’s digitalization led the Wilson Center in Washington D.C. to invite Karen Makishima, minister of Japan’s Digital Agency (launched under pressure from global finance in September, 2021) so that she could explain why Japan has been so slow to digitalize (July 13).

Japanese are increasingly aware that their resistance to digitalization, to the wholescale outsourcing of the functions of government and university to multinational tech giants, and the privatization of information, is not in their interest.

Japan continues to operate Japanese-language institutions that follow old customs, including the use of written records. Japanese still read books and they are not so enamored with AI as Koreans and Chinese.

Japan’s resistance can be traced back to Meiji restoration of 1867. Japan set out to create governmental system wherein Western ideas were translated into Japanese, combined with Japanese concepts, to create a complex domestic discourse. The governance system set up in Meiji restoration remains in place to a large degree, using models for governance based on pre-modern principles from Japan and China’s past, and drawn from 19th century Prussia and England.

The result is feudalistic approach to governance wherein ministers oversee fiefdoms of bureaucrats who carefully guard their own budgets and who maintain their own internal chains of command.

The Problem with Abe

Shinzo Abe was one of the most sophisticated politicians of our age, always open to make a deal with the United States, or other global institutions, but always cagy when it came to making Japan the subject of globalist dictates.

Abe harbored the dream of restoring Japan to its status as an empire, and imagined himself to be the reincarnation of the Meiji Emperor.

Abe was different than Johnson or Macron in that he was not as interested in appearing on TV as he was in controlling the actual decision making process within Japan.

There is no need to glorify Abe’s reign, as some have tried to do. He was a corrupt insider who pushed for the dangerous privatization of government, the hollowing out of education, and who backed a massive shift of assets from the middle class to the wealthy.

His use of the ultra-right Nihon Kaigi forum to promote an ultranationalist agenda, and to glorify the most offensive aspects of Japan’s imperial past, was deeply disturbing. Abe gave his unflinching support for all military expenditures, no matter how foolish, and he was willing to support just about any American boondoggle.

That said, as the grandson of Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, and the son of foreign minister Shintaro Abe, Shinzo Abe showed himself to be an astute politician from childhood. He was creative in his use of a wide range of political tools to advance his agenda, and he could call on corporate and government leaders from around the world with an ease that no other Asian politician could.

I remember vividly the impression I received from Abe on the two occasions that I met him in person. Whatever cynical politics he may have promoted, he radiated to his audience a purity and simplicity, what the Japanese call “sunao,” that was captivating. His manner suggested a receptiveness and openness that inspired loyalty among his followers and that could overwhelm those who were hostile to his policies.

In sum, Abe was sophisticated political figure who was capable of playing one side against the other within the Liberal Democratic Party, and within the international community, while appearing to be a considerate and benevolent leader.

For this reason, Japanese hostile to Abe’s ethnic nationalism were still willing to support him because he was the only politician they thought capable of restoring global political leadership to Japan.

Japanese diplomats and military officers fret endlessly about the Japan’s lack of vision. Although Japan has all the qualifications to be a great power, they reason, it is run by a series of unimpressive, University of Tokyo graduates; men who are good at taking tests, but are unwilling to take risks.

Japan produces noone like Putin or Xi, and not even a Macron or a Johnson.

Abe wanted to be a leader and he had the connections, the talent, and the ruthlessness required to play that role on the global stage. He was already the longest serving prime minister in Japanese history, and had plans for a third bid as prime minister, when he was struck down.

Needless to say, the powers behind the World Economic Forum do not want national leaders like Abe, even if they conform with the global agenda, because they are capable of organizing resistance within the nation state.

What went wrong?

Abe was able to handle, using the traditional tools of statecraft, the impossible dilemma faced by Japan over the last decade as its economic ties with China and Russia increased, but its political and security integration with the United States, Israel and the NATO block proceeded apace.

It was impossible for Japan to be that close to the United States and its allies while maintaining friendly relations with Russia and China. Yet Abe almost succeeded.

Abe remained focused and cool. He made use of all his skills and connections as he set out to carve a unique space for Japan. Along the way, Abe turned to the sophisticated diplomacy of his strategic thinker Shotaro Yachi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assure that Japan found its place under the sun.

Abe and Yachi used contradictory, but effective, geopolitical strategies to engage both East and West, making ample use of secret diplomacy to seal long-term deals that put Japan back in the great powers game.

On the one hand, Abe presented to Obama and Trump a Japan that was willing to go further than South Korea, Australia or other India in backing Washington’s position. Abe was willing to suffer tremendous domestic criticism for his push for a remilitarization that fit the US plans for East Asia.

At the same time that he impressed Washington politicians with his gung-ho pro-American rhetoric, matched by the purchase of weapons systems, Abe also engaged China and Russia at the highest levels. That was no small feat, and involved sophisticated lobbying within the beltway, and in Beijing and Moscow.

In the case of Russia, Abe successfully negotiated a complex peace treaty with Russia in 2019 that would have normalized relations and solved the dispute concerning the Northern Territories (the Kuril Islands in Russian). He was able to secure energy contracts for Japanese firms and to find investment opportunities in Russia even as Washington ramped up the pressure on Tokyo for sanctions.

The journalist Tanaka Sakai notes that Abe was not banned from entering Russia after the Russian government banned all other representatives of the Japanese government from entry.

Abe also engaged China seriously, solidifying long-term institutional ties, and pursuing free trade agreement negotiations that reached a breakthrough in the fifteenth round of talks (April 9-12, 2019). Abe had ready access to leading Chinese politicians and he was considered by them to be reliable and predictable, even though his rhetoric was harshly anti-Chinese.

The critical event that likely triggered the process leading to Abe’s assassination was the NATO summit in Madrid (June 28-30).

The NATO summit was a moment when the hidden players behind the scenes laid down the law for the new global order. NATO is on a fast track to evolve beyond an alliance to defend Europe and to become an unaccountable military power, working with the Global Economic Forum, the billionaires and the bankers around the world, as a “world army,” functioning much as the British East India Company did in another era.

The decision to invite to the NATO summit the leaders of Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand was a critical part of this NATO transformation.

These four nations were invited to join in an unprecedented level of integration in security, including intelligence sharing (outsourcing to big tech multinationals), the use of advanced weapons systems (that must be administrated by the personnel of multinationals like Lockheed Martin), joint exercises (that set a precedent for an oppressive decision-making process), and other “collaborative” approaches that undermine the chain of command within the nation state.

When Kishida returned to Tokyo on July first, there can be no doubt that one of his first meetings was with Abe. Kishida explained to Abe the impossible conditions that the Biden administration had demanded of Japan.

The White House, by the way, is now entirely the tool of globalists like Victoria Nuland (Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs) and others trained by the Bush clan.

The demands made of Japan were suicidal in nature. Japan was to increase economic sanctions on Russia, to prepare for possible war with Russia, and to prepare for a war with China. Japan’s military, intelligence and diplomatic functions were to be transferred to the emerging blob of private contractors gathering for the feast around NATO.

We do not know what Abe did during the week before his death. Most likely he launched into a sophisticated political play, using of all his assets in Washington D.C., Beijing, and Moscow—as well as in Jerusalem, Berlin, and London, to come up with a multi-tiered response that would give the world the impression that Japan was behind Biden all the way, while Japan sought out a détente with China and Russia through the back door.

The problem with this response was that since other nations had been shut down, such a sophisticated play by Japan made it the only major nation with a semi-functional executive branch.

Abe’s death parallels closely that of Seoul’s mayor Park Won Sun, who went missing on July 9th, 2020, exactly two years before Abe’s assassination. Park took steps in Seoul City Hall to push back on the COVID-19 social distancing policies that were being imposed by the central government. His body was found the next day and the death was immediately ruled a suicide resulting from his distress over charges of sexual harassment by a colleague.

What to do now?

The danger of the current situation should not be underestimated. If an increasing number of Japanese come to perceive, as the journalist Tanaka Sakai suggests, that the United States destroyed their best hope for leadership, and that the globalists want Japan to make do with an unending series of weak-minded prime ministers who are dependent on Washington and other hidden players of the parasite class, such a development could bring about a complete break between Japan and the United States, leading to a political or military conflict.

It is telling that Michael Green, the top Japan hand in Washington D.C., did not write the initial tribute to Abe that was published on the homepage of CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), his home institute.

Green, veteran of the Bush National Security Council and Henry A. Kissinger Chair of the Asia Program at CSIS, is the author of Line of Advantage: Japan’s Grand Strategy in the Era of Abe Shinzo. Green was a close associate of Abe, perhaps the closest of any American.  

The tribute to Abe was drafted by Christopher Johnstone (the Japan chair at CSIS and former CIA officer). The weird choice suggests that the assassination is so sensitive that Green instinctively wished to avoid writing the initial response, leaving it to a professional operative.

For responsible intellectuals and citizens in Washington, Tokyo, or elsewhere, there is only one viable response to this murky assassination: a demand for an international scientific investigation.

Painful as that process might be, it will force us to face the reality of how our governments have been taken over by invisible powers.

If we fail to identify the true players behind the scenes, however, we may be led into a conflict in which the blame is projected onto heads of state and countries are forced into conflicts so as to hide the crimes of global finance.

The loss of control of the Japanese government over the military the last time can be attributed in part to the assassinations of prime minister Inukai Tsuyoshi on May 15, 1932 and of prime minister Saito Makoto on February 26, 1936.

But for the international community, the more relevant case is how the manipulations of an integrated global economy by the Rothschild, Warburg, and other banking interests created an environment wherein the tensions produced by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary on June 28, 1914 were funneled towards world war.

 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (18 December 1863 – 28 June 1914)


Shinzo Abe of Japan (21 September 1954 – 8 July 2022) 



安倍晋三元総理大臣暗殺について 言明します from Emanuel Pastreich on Vimeo.


Connect with Emanuel Pastreich

Rethinking the Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones…

Rethinking the Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones…

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 18, 2022


This turned out to be “one of those weeks” for articles to blog about, but it also turned out to be “one of those weeks” for conversations about already-blogged-about things, in this case, about my speculations last week regarding the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones that I spoke about on last week’s News and Views from the Nefarium. I thought the two conversations, one with R.O., and the other with K.M., were worth summarizing, because they both noticed possibilities as to who might be behind it, and why, and those possibilities are – again – worth mentioning.  Both, as we shall see, came to similar conclusions but for slightly different reasons, and K.M. articulated a suspicion I had personally entertained but did not voice, so I thought that “if someone else is thinking this, then let’s go with it and put it out there.”

R.O. contacted me and argued the following:

Catching up on your recent podcasts and a though popped into my head. What if the Georgia Guide Stone that has been blown up, was the one inscribed in Russian. What if instead of a bomb, it had been taken out by a Javelin missile from The Ukraine. To me, this would be a Putin chess move, Knight takes Bishop. More like wishful thinking than high octane speculation, but you have to admit, it would send quite a message.

Indeed it would send “quite a message,” whether or not the stone that was initially blown up was the one in Russian or not.  And taking it out by the use of a missile, or even a drone, or even a “sleeper cell” of spetznaz would send that message, though in terms of message-sending, a drone or a missile would seem to send the clearest message. And there is an important factor to consider: such a message from that particular sender would be entirely consistent with similar messages that were sent to the plutocrats and technocrats of the globalist “west” by Mr.Putin and other Russian leaders over the past decade (and promptly and stupidly ignored by them).

The conversation with K.M. picked up where the one with R.O. left off. Here K.M. pointed out that the message would not only be consistent with other messages to Mr. Globaloney from Russia, but the message would also be quite consistent with that Roscosmos display of the satellite images of Western “decision centers” that was displayed just a few days before the destruction of the guidestones. At the time, you might recall, I argued that this was a clear message, and one that moreover was cleverly disguised. Satellite pictures of central Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, or Swampington DC are easily come by, so it was no big deal for Roscosmos to publish those. Everyone already knows that Russia has the capability to “take out” any of those cities if it wants to do so. So what was the message really being sent?

As I argued then, the message was really “We know precisely where you (the leadership class and individuals making it up) live, and we can reach you by a variety of methods any time.” In other words, it was a not-so-subtle reminder that Soros, Schwab, Gates &. Ass., L.L.C., a.k.a., Mr. Globaloney, are “on the list” as targets. As the Russian leadership has also attempted to make clear over the past few years, their quarrel is not with the average Frenchman, Dutchman, German, Briton, or American, it’s with their ruling class. Having argued this, I then reminded my listeners (and now my readers) that covert operations, like coups d’etat, proxy wars, assassinations, drone strikes, color revolutions (think the Ukraine here) and so on are games that two can play. Mr. Bidenenko upped the ante in his usual foot-in-mouth way by muttering that someone needed to take out Mr. Putin. Game on, and we should not be surprised if Mr. Putin decide to respond in kind.

And here’s where K.M.’s “guidestones scenario” comes in: what if, indeed, the Russians were somehow behind it, by whatever mechanism they chose to use, be it drones, missiles, or a human team? It would certainly be consistent with earlier messages, and more importantly, consistent with the recent Roscosmos release of satellite images. It would be consistent with the fact that, thus far, the site itself has not been treated as a crime scene, and the remaining Guidestones were quickly destroyed and the site “cleaned”.  Why?   Some have argued that their destruction was caused by Mr. Globaloney himself, destroying the ” mens rea evidence” of his intentions. But it would make equal sense, K.M. argued, if an international incident were covered up, given the tremendous pressure on the western “leadership”.

So that’s where we are: a crime has been committed, covered-up, and no one really knows for certain who did it, and why.

But K.M. made a final point by asking me how I felt after I heard about the news. Well, frankly, I felt both happy and as if some sort of weight had been lifted. The “Guidestones” were a summation of the doctrine and thinking of Mr. Globaloney in all his Malthusian, genocidal “glory”.  The destruction of such a symbol can only be – contrary to those arguing that it was a deeply convoluted act of magic by Mr. Gloaloney himself – a kind of “reverse” magic: the removal of a baphometic symbol whose stated intentions were clear, and whose stated intentions were destructed, removed, and utterly scrubbed from the Earth.

That’s a powerful message indeed.

And.. it was someone’s covert operation…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: jaredfromspace / pixabay

Robert Malone: An Enigma Wrapped in Many Unanswered Questions

Robert Malone: An Enigma Wrapped in Many Unanswered Questions
The prominent Covid-vaccine sceptic has taken two doses of the Moderna vaccine. And that’s just one of many inconsistencies between his words to the Covid-sceptic crowd and his actions.

by Miriam Walton and Alan Goater with Rosemary Frie
July 18, 2022


Introduction by Rosemary Frei:

This is a guest post by Miriam Walton and Alan Goater in Derbyshire, U.K. Over the last year they’ve been closely following interviews and articles by and about Robert Malone. And that’s left them with more questions than answers.

I also have raised questions about Malone: see my Oct. 24, 2021, article titled, ‘The Vanden Bossche Caper Continues.’ In it, I focus on a high-profile interview of Malone and Vanden Bossche, in which Malone boosts and extends Vanden Bossche’s disinformation and fear-mongering. (I first exposed Vanden Bossche’s deliberate disinformation in my March 2021 article, ‘The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche.’)

Below is Walton and Goater’s email to Malone in February 2022 with questions about information in the public domain about Malone. (I’ve added hyperlinks to the source material, photos from that source material and, in square brackets, some clarification/comments.)

Malone still hasn’t responded to the U.K. couple’s questions.


Dear Dr. Malone,

From the Pennine foothills of the UK we have followed with interest your public and media appearances in connection with your opposition to current US (and global) public health policies, in particular the controversies which have arisen concerning possible misinterpretations of your position. We have it in mind to write (and possibly publish) about these issues and would be very grateful for some clarifications from you in the interests of fairness and accuracy to all parties. Please find our questions below.

We appreciate that you must be exceedingly busy at this time but would hope that you could respond within, say, 7 days.


Best wishes,

Miriam Walton and Alan Goater


1. You are on record as saying that you had two doses of the Moderna Covid vaccine some months after being infected with the disease because a) you had heard rumours that your long-haul symptoms might be helped by the vaccine and b) you wanted (needed?) to travel abroad.


  1. Has any vaccine ever been successfully deployed to mitigate current patient symptoms of anything?
  2. What, in all your training and experience as a physician and scientist, informed your decision to take an experimental injection (twice) on the basis of a rumour and a desire to travel?
  3. Is a desire to travel a good reason for participation as a subject in a medical experiment?
  4. Why were high-quality photographs taken of you on both occasions of vaccination?


2. There exists online footage of professor Mattias Desmet asking you not to use the word ‘psychosis’ in connection with his theory of mass formation. [‘online footage’ refers to this interview of Malone and Desmet on Tommy’s Podcast; in it, Malone starts speaking at 4:33 and at 15:25 Desmet finally gets a chance to correct Malone by saying his theory is termed mass formation, not mass psychosis.]

You said, on the same occasion, that you had come to “sit at the feet of the master” (Desmet) and to learn from him.

However, you have been speaking and writing about ‘mass formation psychosis’ since then, including on your own Substack (i.e., your reformulation of Desmet’s mass formation with reference to Dr. Mark McDonald’s work on ‘mass delusional psychosis’ – a different phenomenon).


  1. Can you provide the rationale for ignoring the express wishes of ‘the master’?
  2. Have you said or done anything to remedy the debunking of professor Desmet’s theory of mass formation because of its unauthorised association with ‘Psychosis’? [i.e., has Malone admitted – and attempted to rectify the effects of – his changing of Desmet’s theory to supposedly be about ‘mass psychosis’ that in turn caused Desmet and his theory to be pumeled by baseless attacks/’debunking’?]


3. You are on record as identifying both Michael Callahan and Daryl Galloway as CIA agents. [For example starting at 1:00:07 in this video interview of Malone in which he talks about outing Callahan.]


  1. Was that information [i.e., about Callahan and Galloway being CIA agents] available to you as a result of your own security clearance status?
  2. Do you expect an investigation into these revelations under the Intelligence Identities and Protection Act of 1982? [This Act “amends the National Security Act of 1947 to establish criminal penalties for any person who knowingly discloses information which identifies a U.S. covert intelligence agent.”]


4. [Background to this point: 1. Malone being actively involved currently or in the recent past in the development of a Covid jab called RelCoVax made by India-based Reliance Life Sciences; and 2. a Substack article by a member of an organization called ‘Health Freedom for Humanity;’ the article apparently points out that Malone in his Dec. 2021 interview by Joe Rogan didn’t mention this vaxx or his involvement with it, and also posed other questions such as whether there is graphene oxide in the vaxx. (We couldn’t find the article online; the information about the article in the question below comes from Malone’s Jan. 26, 2022, Substack post about it.)]

Screenshot of the beginning of this video Malone’s presentation about the vaxx at the Vaccines Summit 2021

In your recent robust dismissal of criticism from the ‘Health Freedom for Humanity’ organisation you answered in respect of Statement #2 – “it [RelCovax] allegedly has Darpa (graphene oxide) Hydrogel in it” in the following terms:

Hydrogel, and other alum-based adjuvants, are among the best characterized of the traditional adjuvants. DARPA had nothing to do with developing Alum or Alhydrogel adjuvants. Alhydrogel has nothing to do with Graphene Oxide. This “Relcovax” vaccine product using Alum + CpG for its adjuvant system. The vaccine candidate is designed to be a very low cost, traditional alternative to the genetic vaccines, and employs much more traditional methods than, say, the Novavax product.” [Bolding in the original.]

Screenshot of the part of Malone’s Substack article with this information


  1. Does/will the ‘RelCovax’ product contain ‘Darpa Hydrogel’ or graphene oxide in any form?


5. During your Lincoln Memorial speech on January 22, 2022, you said “Now we have Omicron. These vaccines were designed for the Original Wuhan strain, a different virus.” [At 4:35 in this video of Malone’s speech]


  1. On what basis do you assert that ‘Omicron’ and ‘the Original Wuhan strain’ are two different viruses?


6. During that same [Jan. 22, 2022] speech you asserted twice, in support of your not wanting to see them used on children, that the genetic vaccines are not ‘completely safe,’ [At 4:19 and 5:37 in this video of Malone’s speech (the same video cited in point 5 above).]


  1. In view of the universal awareness among health professionals that no medication is ‘completely safe,’ why do you single out these genetic vaccines for censure?


7. On 12 February 2020 you and your wife’s book, The Novel Coronavirus‘ was published. The synopsis refers to the ‘coming epidemic’. [It appears to now be impossible to find a copy of the book. Therefore the hyperlink and mention is to a synopsis.]

Screenshot of the synopsis of The Novel Coronavirus


  1. How reliant were you, in the absence of real-world data at that time, on modelling, planning and/or role-play exercises like the ‘DOMANE‘ project [see also information about Malone’s involvement in DOMANE in the sixth and seventh paragraphs of this April 2020 Science article] and ‘Event 201‘ for material and information for the book?
  2. If you did not rely on such exercises how, otherwise, were you able to confidently predict the eventuality and write about likely countermeasures?

[Miriam and Alan wish they’d also asked Malone how he and his wife knew in advance that the World Health Organization would name the virus ‘COVID-19.’ See for example this abstract of the book posted on – it shows the table of contents, with the second chapter titled, ‘Epidemiology of COVID-19’ and the second-last titled, ‘Clinical Characteristics and Medical Countermeasures for COVID-19.’]


8. You are on record advocating for continuing/increasing testing for SARS-COV-2 and for these to be self-administered. [Malone does this in many places – as just one example, at 1:13:35 in this interview.]


  1. To your knowledge, have the medical risks associated with the test equipment itself and its unsupervised use by untrained people ever been assessed?


9. You have advocated ‘active surveillance’ and ‘tracing’ as appropriate countermeasures to Covid-19 (along with self-testing).


  1. In your view is the imposition of the infrastructure of population surveillance really an appropriate step for a government of a democratic country to take, ever?


10. You are on record advocating the use of the vaccines on the elderly/vulnerable. [See for example this interview (the same article is cited in point 9 above).] You are also (famously!) on record deploring their use on children because of the known, and unknown, dangers. [He has done so many times, such as in this video of his Jan. 22, 2022, Lincoln Memorial speech (which was also linked to in points 5 and 6 above).]


  1. How can anyone provide informed consent to a medical intervention that carries unknown dangers? Why, in your view, should the elderly/vulnerable populations, in particular, be exposed to these dangers?


11. All expert opinion at the outset of the public-health emergency agreed that respiratory-disease pandemics, epidemics and outbreaks end in 18-24 months. [See for example the CDC web page titled ‘Past Pandemiccs’ and note that none of the highlighted outbreaks lasted longer than two years.]


  1. Why, in your opinion, did so many pharmaceutical companies (including Reliance Life Sciences!) at that time invest in the development of medications, particularly vaccines, that were not expected to be available until after the expected pandemic end date?


12. Your knowledge, credentials and experience are second to none in the field of public health. Your reputation is well established in the US and internationally.


  1. Can you see yourself in a leadership role at, say, the CDC [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] in the future?


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cover image based on creative commons work of congerdesign / pixabay

Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court — Judge Declares in Her Decision That Covid Vaccines Are Producing Very Serious Adverse Effects & Thousands of Deaths

Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court — Judge Declares in Her Decision That Covid Vaccines Are Producing Very Serious Adverse Effects & Thousands of Deaths


Video source: Corona Investigative Committee at Odysee


Historic Decision Against Mandatory Vaccination by Italian Court + Covid Vaccines Risk to Human Genome Now Legally Established (Italy)

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
July 18, 2022


On July 6th, 2022, the court of Florence has approved a sentence annulling the measure taken by the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany against one of its members, the reason being: ‘the suspension of the exercise of the profession risks compromising primary individual rights such as the right to a livelihood and the right to work’.

The judge ruled that the psychologist doesn’t need to be vaccinated in order to do his job by establishing that:

  • these substances don’t prevent infection and transmission. Therefore, in front of the Italian law, there can not be an obligation.
  • She also recognises that these substances provokes severe adverse events.
    Therefore, it even less legitimate to force anybody to be injected.
  • The judge put the dignity of the human being at the centre and referred twice to the period of Nazism and Fascism. Mandatory vaccination is possible if there is informed consent. For Covid injections, she explained that an informed consent is not possible as we don’t know the ingredients and the mechanisms of these substances because of industrial and alleged military secret.

This interim decision is grounded in serious conclusion: there is no right to suspend a citizen from the right to work based of this illegal request of vaccination with these experimental substances.

With this historic court decision, “the Risk to human genome is now legally established” Renate Holzeisen, attorney for the plaintiff, said in an interview for an Italian radio.

“This could be a milestone” said Reiner Fuellmich during the Corona Committee 113, interviewing Renate Holzeisen.

No Obligation as the official data show that these experimental substances don’t prevent infection and transmission amongst people treated with 3 or more Covid shots.

First of all, the judge declares that based on the datas published by the Ministry of HealthAIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) and the SSN (Italian Health Services), it is very clear that these substances (aka Covid vaccines), defined several times by the judge as “experimental”, don’t prevent infection from the virus. For a mandatory vaccination, the substances should be proven to work.

Therefore, as they don’t work, in front of the Italian law, there can not be an obligation.

Doctor leading the intensive care in Verona has declared in television that all Covid patients in intensive care are people treated with 3 Covid shots.

Nobody can be forced to be injected as these substances provoke severe adverse events and this is based on official public data regarding adverse events.

In the court decision, the judge also recognises that these substances cause very serious side effects that can even lead to death, and also refers to the risk of genetic mutation.

Therefore, it even less legitimate to force anybody to be injected.

The Dignity of the human being is at the centre. Mandatory vaccination is not possible because there is NO informed consent due to industrial and alleged military secret regarding the ingredients and the mechanism of these injections.

Even if these substances would work to prevent these infection, after the Nazi and fascism period, it can not be a mandatory without an informed consent.

The judge stated that there is no benefit for these substances BUT even if there was a benefit, we can not sacrifice the individual right in the name of the common interest, and put the dignity of the human being at the centre.

The judge referred twice to the Nazi and fascism period, to the Italian Constitution article 32 highlighting that there is a reason why Dignity is at the centre of the first article of the German constitution.

She explained that an informed consent is not possible as we don’t know the ingredients and the mechanisms of these substances (industrial and alleged military secret).

We should recall a group of Human Rights Italian activists who presented a Freedom of Information Act to the EMA and to the Italian Cares Authority asking for clear informations about the ingredients and the safety of these experimental substances aka Covid injections. As an answer, the EMA said that no information can be shared as there is a military secret in place.

In his decision, the judge stated it: no information are available about these substances and even if we ask for information publicly, we don’t receive it. There is no informed consent.

In this historic decision, the Tuscan judge concluded that based on all these, the discrimination of this psychologist and his suspension from work is totally illegal. Without hearing the other part (Chamber of Psychologist in Tuscany), she declared that there is no time to spend anymore for this psychologist who has been suspended last October 2021. Evidence is so clear.

This interim decision is grounded in serious conclusion: there is no right to suspend a citizen from the right to work based of this illegal mandatory vaccination with experimental substances. A future court hearing will take place on September 15th, 2022, when the judge will rule based on what the chamber of psychologists will present. But the judge shows as well that there is no need to go to the constitutional court as we know that these substances (aka Covid-19 vaccine) don’t prevent infection. In front of the Italian law regarding mandatory Covid vaccination, it is enough to say the suspension from labour of healthcare workers is illegitimate because these substances don’t do what the constitution request.

During the last 2 years, we saw incredible decisions where judges says that they can not take decisions going against governmental decisions. Mandatory vaccination for all workers and people over 50 are already in place in Italy, even if official data regarding severe adverse events show the danger of these substances. This happens in a country where ongoing advertising campaigns sell Covid vaccines as “safe and effective” – ie. Prime Minister Mario Draghi and President Sergio Mattarella, have declared several times that only people who get these treatments will survive and the others will dye and be responsible of the Covid deaths.

After two years of Covid pandemic – in which many have fought to defend their freedom and rights – ‘a great judge and a great sentence’ open a new glimmer of hope. This is the first decision with which an Italian judge declared the material truth and the imposition of the treatment is radically illegitimate.


READ the Court Decision Here.


©July 2022, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: GDJ 

The Media Matrix

The Media Matrix

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 18, 2022


Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn’t always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix.

Part 1 — The Gutenberg Conspiracy

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee or Download the mp4


In the beginning, there was the word. The spoken word, that is.

This word, the written word, didn’t come along for countless generations.

And this word, the printed word, didn’t come along for thousands of years after that.

In fact, we’ve only had the movable type printing press for about 600 years, but without it our world would be unrecognizable.

From the Renaissance to the Reformation, from the fall of feudalism to the rise of capitalism, from the Scientific Revolution to the Industrial Revolution, from the way we order our thoughts to what we choose to think about, nothing survived the printing revolution intact.

Our world is the world that the printing press has created.

And that world started with this. [Holds up mirror.]

VOICEOVER: Media. It surrounds us. We live our lives in it and through it. We structure our lives around it. But it wasn’t always this way. So how did we get here? And where is the media technology that increasingly governs our lives taking us? This is the story of The Media Matrix.


You see, in the Middle Ages, mirrors—especially curved mirrors—were fiendishly difficult to make.

And pilgrim badges—elaborately designed lead or pewter plates with a curved mirror in the middle—were even more difficult to make. But in fifteenth-century Germany, they were in hot demand.

It all goes back to the year 800, when Emperor Charlemagne gifted four holy relics from Jerusalem to the Cathedral in Aachen in modern-day Germany: the swaddling clothes and loin cloth of Jesus, Mary’s robe, and the cloth that held John the Baptist’s decapitated head. The relics were thought to have miraculous restorative powers. And so, after the Black Death of 1349, they were removed from the Cathedral’s golden shrine and put on display for the public once every seven years, attracting tens of thousands of pilgrims from across Christendom.

Soon, the belief developed that a curved mirror could be held up to the relics to capture their miraculous powers and bring them back to the pilgrims’ home in whatever far-flung land they hailed from.

Now, the mirror was not a mirror like the ones we’re used to today. It was a pilgrim badge and it was one of the few mass-manufactured items of the Middle Ages. They were lucrative products to make. So lucrative, in fact, that the goldsmiths and stamp cutters of Aachen couldn’t keep up with the demand.

Enter Johannes Gutenberg. Born around the turn of the fifteenth-century to a wealthy family in Mainz, in modern-day Germany, Gutenberg—whose father was a companion of the ecclesiastical mint—had a background in goldsmithing, coinmaking and metalwork.

Arriving in Strasbourg in 1434, he thought to put his skills to work on a profitable venture: creating badges for the next Aachen Pilgrimage in 1439. There was only one problem: he didn’t have the capital to make the badges himself. So he entered into a cooperative with three business partners, each of whom ponied up a portion of the money required for Gutenberg to start producing the mirrors.

But just as the pilgrimage approached and it looked like the inventor was going to make a tidy profit for himself and his business partners, the Black Death struck again. An outbreak of the plague ravaged the Upper Rhine Valley in 1438, postponing the pilgrimage by a year. Gutenberg had already produced a number of the mirrors, but his capital was running out. And so he set his sights on a new venture—one so audacious, so revolutionary that he made his partners sign a contract swearing them to secrecy before he would let them in on it.

In fact, so secret was this project that the only reason we know anything at all about it is because one of the business partners died and his brother tried to take his place in the cooperative. But after the surviving partners refused to let him in on the plot, the would-be co-conspirator sued Gutenberg in Strasbourg court.

The court documents that survive are themselves cryptic—referring to the “adventure and art” of “the work” that Gutenberg and his partners were engaged in, but never specifying what that work was, exactly. We know that it involved presses fastened with screws and engraved “forms” supplied by a local goldsmith, that some quantity of metal had been purchased for the venture, that the work was expected to take five years and—above all—that the object of this undertaking be kept a secret.

Gutenberg and his partners had quite literally entered into a conspiracy.

And that conspiracy, resulted in this. Now this may not look like much to you . . . and you’d be right. This is a pencil sharpener. But the Gutenberg movable type printing press that it’s modeled after? Now that truly was a work of art. In fact, there’s a solid argument to be made that it was one of the most important inventions in human history.

There were many existing ideas and technologies that went into Gutenberg’s creation: the screw press, the manufacture of paper, the idea of woodblock printing, the development of ink. But it took years of careful experimentation to solve the puzzle of how to create a perfect print every time.

At first glance, it seems straightforward. The type is arranged in a rectangular container and then beaten with ink balls. The paper is placed in a leather-covered frame called a “tympan” and covered by a frisket. The tympan is then laid on the type and fed into a screw press, which is turned to press the type onto the paper.

Simple, right? Hardly.

In fact, every part of the printing process involved years of laborious experimentation: finding the right paper to print on, finding the right moisture levels for the paper to absorb the ink, finding the right way to dry the paper, finding an ink that wouldn’t run off the metal type, finding the right alloy for casting the type, and on and on and on. Each problem tested the limits of medieval technology and the limits of Gutenberg’s own skill and ingenuity.

And the result was nothing short of a revolution.

How so?

Here, look at this manuscript. What do you see?

If you lived before Gutenberg, you saw a page of text. A totality. A clump of information. But Gutenberg saw something different. His core insight was that a page of text was not a thing in itself, but a collection of letters that could be broken apart and rearranged into any other collection of letters.

From that deceptively simple observation came this. The printed page. Mechanically produced, perfectly identical characters that could be arranged into any configuration the printer desires to create any text imaginable.

And that insight birthed the modern world.

It birthed the era of mass communication. Pre-Gutenberg, there were no books, no pamphlets, no newspapers. In fact, in the 50 years before Gutenberg, all the scribes in all of Europe struggled to produce 20,000 laboriously hand-copied manuscripts. In the 50 years after Gutenberg? The printers that sprung up around the continent churned out 12 million printed books.

It birthed mass manufacture. Beyond pilgrim badges, there were very few mass-produced items in medieval life. Clothes, tools, shelter, manuscripts—everything was handmade. The book accustomed the medieval mind to the idea of identical, mechanically produced objects. And the printing press—with its mechanically perfect type—prefigured the advances of industrial production.

It birthed the Scientific Revolution. The widespread publication of data, the collection of knowledge in widely available reference books, the ability to exactly reproduce illustrations—things that we take completely for granted today—were a revelation when they appeared in the fifteenth-century and created the conditions for the rise of the empirical method.

It birthed the Reformation. We all know it was Luther and his 95 theses nailed to the church door that launched the Reformation, but it was the printing press that allowed Luther’s ideas to spread so far, so fast. (And, bonus fact: Those theses were addressed to the Archbishop of Mainz, birthplace of Gutenberg’s press.)

The printing press even birthed the nation-state.

INTERVIEWER: Yes, now how would you describe the the impact of the invention of the printing press? Give us some instances of what happened as a consequence of this

MARSHALL MCLUHAN: It created almost overnight what we call a nationalism, what in effect was a public. The old manuscript forms were not sufficiently powerful instruments of technology to create publics in the sense that print was able to do. Unified, homogeneous reading publics.

Everything that we prize in our Western world in matters of individualism, separatism and of a unique point of view and private judgment; all those factors are highly favored by the printed word and not really favored by other forms of culture like radio or earlier even by manuscript.

But this stepping up of the fragmented, the private—the individual, the private judgment, the point of view—all in fact our whole vocabularies underwent huge change with the arrival of such technology.

SOURCE: Marshall McLuhan 1965—The Future of Man in the Electric Age

The world that Gutenberg was born into was this world: the real world. If you learned anything at all about this world, you probably learned it from experience, or at least from someone who had that experience.

But the world that Gutenberg left behind was a world of mass communication. Books were no longer a rare and valuable thing, and it was increasingly likely that your information about the world came from someone you never met, someone who may have been long dead.

The movable type printing press didn’t just change the way people communicated; it changed what they communicated about.

In a very real sense, the printing press invented “the news.”

Before Gutenberg, “the news” was whatever you managed to gather from your neighbours, what you learned from travelers passing through your village, what you heard the town crier yelling through the streets or, at best, what you yourself read in the occasional proclamation or edict from the authorities.

But after the printing press, the news was for the first time collected, organized, printed on a regular basis and distributed far and wide.

In 1605, the world’s first newspaper was published in Strasbourg—the same city where Gutenberg was making his mirrors for the Aachen pilgrimage a century-and-a-half prior—and soon everyone and their dog was printing a newsletter or a pamphlet or a newspaper or a tract. And these ideas were spreading around the world like they never had before.

For the first time, someone could be reading the exact same news as someone in the next town over . . .

JAMES EVAN PILATO OF MEDIAMONARCHY.COM. . . or someone on the other side of the planet . . .

. . . at the exact same time.

The printing press united people like never before and the result was an explosion in the spread of ideas, the likes of which would not be experienced again for centuries.

But not everyone was excited about this free flow of information. Entrenched power structures of medieval society—the crown, the church, the feudal lords—had persisted for centuries by controlling information and suppressing dissent. But as the barriers to new ideas collapsed, so did the old feudal order.

It’s no surprise, then, that wherever the printing press traveled, wherever the new cadre of printers and booksellers set up shop, the censors were not far behind. When Lutheran books began appearing in England in 1520, Cardinal Wolsey was quick to declare that anyone caught with the texts would be subject to heresy laws. Not to be outdone, King Henry VIII’s proclamation “Prohibiting Erroneous Books and Bible Translations” of 1530 afforded him the power to try readers of these “blasphemous and pestiferous” books in his own dreaded Star Chamber.

Parliament dissolved the Star Chamber in 1641, but they weren’t about to give up censorship of the press. They just wanted to take the power for themselves, and that’s exactly what they did. The Licensing Order of 1643 outlawed the printing, binding, or sale of books, except by persons licensed under authority of Parliament.

This prompted John Milton to write the Areopagitica, still recognized today as one of the most influential and passionate defenses of freedom of speech in history:

“Who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God’s image; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were in the eye.”

But even the loftiest language of Milton had little effect in swaying the censors. The Licensing Order was not overturned for half-a-century, when the Parliament chose not to renew the act.

Those in positions of power had good reason to fear the printing press. Gutenberg’s invention turned their world on its head. Suddenly, people who had been kept apart and largely in ignorance of the world around them had been brought into a community of readers; a gigantic societal conversation began, empowering radicals who sought to overturn the order that had existed for centuries and helping them to spread their dangerous new ideas faster and farther than they ever could have with pen and paper.

Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, that these new ideas would come to their dramatic fruition in one of the most literate places on the planet: colonial America.

By the end of the 18th century, literacy rates in the colonies were upwards of ninety percent, and there were 180 newspapers being published on the Eastern Seaboard, twice as many as in England, a country with twice the population.

The colonists’ appetite for books and learning was celebrated far and wide. In 1772, the Reverend Jacob Duché wrote of the colonies: “Almost every man is a reader. [. . .] The poorest laborer upon the shores of the Delaware thinks himself entitled to deliver his sentiment in matters of religion or politics with as much freedom as the gentlemen or scholar [. . .] such is the prevailing taste for books of every kind.”

Just four years later, in 1776, Thomas Paine would publish Common Sense, a 47-page pamphlet that was to take those colonies by storm. In the first three months of its publication, a staggering 120,000 copies of the book had been sold; by the end of the year, it had sold 500,000 copies, or one pamphlet for every five men, women and children in the colonies. To put that in perspective, adjusted for population, Common Sense would be the thirteenth best-selling book of all time.

But this wasn’t any ordinary bestseller. This was a revolution.

At the beginning of 1776, before Common Sense, the average colonists believed themselves to be Englishmen engaged in a civil war; after Common Sense, they were revolutionaries engaged in a War for Independence. And that war was waged on the power of the printed word. That is the power of print.

The pen may be mightier than the sword, but the printing press is mightier than entire armies.

By the end of the nineteenth century, a new creature had emerged to capitalize on this new instrument of power: the press baron.

In America, William Randolph Hearst . . . that is, William Randolph Hearst inherited the San Francisco Examiner from his wealthy father, built it up into the biggest paper in town and plowed the profits into the purchase of the New York Journal. With the Journal and a growing number of dailies across the country under his belt, Hearst became a full-fledged press baron, taking on Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World in a circulation war, pioneering the eye-catching layouts and sensational stories that would come to define his brand of yellow journalism, and helping to gin up support for the Spanish-American War, among many other dubious causes.

In England, Alfred Harmsworth picked up the yellow journalism idea from Hearst and Pulitzer and used it to build his own press empire around The Daily Mail. From a lower caste of British society, Harmsworth found himself in the center of political power in Britain, using his influence to gin up public hatred of the Huns ahead of World War I, becoming director of propaganda for the government in 1918 and earning himself the title of Lord Northcliffe in the process.

In a sense, the Lord Northcliffes and the William Randolph Hearsts and the other press barons of that era were the end stage of the Gutenberg Revolution. The invention that had given a voice to the masses and started a conversation that would topple institutions, dethrone monarchs and reorder empires had now catapulted people at the fringes of power into its very heart. With the power of the press, these men were able to sway the minds of entire nations of people.

Naturally, the old tension between the ruling elite and the masses, empowered by the press, was still there. But censorship hadn’t proven to be an effective tool for keeping the masses in ignorance. There had to be another way.

That way, it turned out, was another conspiracy.

On February 9, 1917, Oscar Callaway, a US Representative from Texas’ 12th District, exposed that conspiracy in the Congressional record:

“In March, 1915, the J. P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship-building, and powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States. [. . .] They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; an agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.”

The news was extraordinary, but it almost didn’t get reported at all. Callaway had not been given time to make his charges on the floor of the House; instead, they were “buried in the Record.” It wasn’t until another congressman demanded a full congressional investigation into the charges that the newspapers even bothered to cover the story at all.

Perhaps it is no surprise that the Gutenberg conspiracy ended up here, at the Morgan conspiracy. That a revolutionary step toward freeing man from the bonds of ignorance was met with a revolutionary counteraction designed to place those chains around him all the more tightly. That, at the zenith of the print revolution, the oligarchy finally found a way to control the free flow of information.

Ironic, then, that within the space of a few short years, the print revolution that Gutenberg had started was about to be overturned by another technology.


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We’re All Dutch Farmers Now

We’re All Dutch Farmers Now

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 17, 2022


For weeks now, farmers in the Netherlands have been engaging in fierce protests over their government’s plan to halve the country’s nitrogen and ammonia pollution by 2030. It is estimated that this plan—which will mandate emissions cuts of 95% in some provinces—will require a 30% reduction in livestock and will drive many of the nation’s farmers out of business.

The protests have been remarkably heated, as tens of thousands take to the streets to block the country’s highways, torch bales of hay and spread manure around politicians’ homes. In one incident, Dutch police actually fired live rounds on one of the protesters as he attempted to breach the police line with his tractor.

Yes, the scenes coming out of the usually quiet Dutch countryside are shocking. But they should not be. They are just the early stages of a great worldwide battle that is shaping up between the free people of the world and the technocrats, who are starting to clamp down on them in the name of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Enslavement.

Make no mistake: Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever you do, these power-hungry elitists will be coming after your livelihood next. We are all Dutch farmers now.

This is the story of how we got here, where we’re going and what it means.


Remember the Yellow Vest movement? Remember how a populist movement rose up in France in 2018, with citizens donning the gilets jaunes that drivers are required by French law to have in their car and to wear during emergency situations? Remember how they hit the streets, week after week after week in an escalating series of protests that threatened to topple the Macron government? Of course you do.

Now, do you remember why that movement started? Probably not, because the answer doesn’t fit into the MSM propaganda narrative very easily. Carbon taxes. The original protests were about carbon taxes.

Specifically, France’s Ministry for the Ecological Transition (which is apparently a thing that exists) decided in its infinite wisdom that the “ecology tax” on gas and diesel (which, it must also be noted, is a thing that exists) was too low, so they raised it. This sparked anger among the general public, who were already suffering from rising gas prices. And, just like that, a new nationwide (and, eventually, worldwide) protest movement was born.

Of course, most of these protesters weren’t questioning The Great Global Warming Swindle itself. They weren’t connecting the dots from the climate change scam to the carbon eugenics agenda to the Malthusian depopulation schemes of the anti-human elitists. They were just worried about their own pocketbooks.

But perhaps that’s the point. As the mask comes off of the green agenda and people start to see it for what it is—an attack on the lives and livelihoods of the average working-class citizens—more and more people will be drawn into this fight, whether they understand the true nature of that struggle or not.

As I’ve documented before, this great struggle between the unwashed masses and their would-be neofeudal overlords was coming to a head in late 2019 . . . but that great confrontation was averted by the scamdemic. Suddenly, millions of people who would have been out on the streets protesting the latest carbon taxes and green craziness were now locked in their homes by their governments—many of them willingly. But now that the television isn’t telling people to lock themselves in their home out of mortal fear of the corona cooties (unless you live in China), the temporary ceasefire has ended. The next shots in this war are being fired by farmers in the Netherlands.

The battle isn’t just being waged in the Netherlands, of course. In 2020, Canada committed to a similar scheme of nitrogen reduction, vowing to reduce nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% by 2030. And we already know how the Canadian government will react to the inevitable farmer protests in Canada. Just look at what they did to the truckers.

And, as Kit Knightly points out over at Off-Guardian, “Denmark, Belgium and Germany are already considering similar [nitrogen reduction] policies” and both the UK and US have already put schemes into place to pay farmers not to farm.

Kit rightly concludes:

Indeed, in a world beset by a shortage of fertiliser due to sanctions against Russia and Belarus, it would seem almost mad to complain about a manure surplus, let alone try to reduce it. We’re well past the point where any of this could be considered accidental, aren’t we? Put it this way—if the collective governments of the Western world were trying to impoverish and starve their own citizens, what exactly would they be doing differently?

There can be no doubt at this point: with their carbon taxes and restrictions on farming, the would-be world controllers are deliberately crashing the world economy. The flames of protest are merely the perfectly predictable result of this controlled demolition.

And as bad as all that is, we ain’t seen nothin’ yet. . . .


There’s a strange thing about this clash between the elitists and the working class: the former, being psychopathic swindlers, don’t even hide the fact that they are positively gleeful at the prospect of reducing the average worker to abject serfdom.

Witness Ontario Liberal candidate Granville Anderson’s recent assertion that rising gas prices actually provide a “silver lining”: fewer of the minions will be able to afford to drive, forcing them to “find other modes of transportation.” (In other words: “Let them eat electric cars!”)

Or witness the World Economic Forum (along with numerous other globalist entities) declaring that lockdowns were “quietly improving cities” by keeping people from engaging in their normal day-to-day activities. The blindingly obvious reality to the average working stiff is that the lockdowns were a weapon targeted against them, preventing them from earning a living; contributing to growing poverty, social isolation and depression; and driving many to substance abuse or, in some cases, suicide.

Again, it is important to remember that neither these attacks on the middle class and working poor nor the angry response they generate are the result of incompetence or lack of awareness on the part of the agenda-setters. No, it’s part of the plan.

Remember “Absolute Zero”? That’s the title of a report by UK FIRES—”a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London”—that is “aiming to reveal and stimulate industrial growth in the UK compatible with a rapid transition to zero emissions.” As you’ll recall from my report on the subject, their plan envisions the elimination of air travel, cargo shipping, construction and basically all other productive human activity by the year 2050 in the name of this anti-human “green” agenda.

We need to be clear about something here: this is no idle threat. If the eugenicists pulling the strings of global affairs get their way, they will release their attack dogs—the bought-and-paid-for minions in the UN bureaucracy and the WEF and the political mis-leaders in virtually every country—to fulfill this agenda.

That agenda involves shutting down the productive economy (in the name of saving Mother Earth) and reducing the global population in the process. That the population would eventually fight back against this economic assault is no surprise; hence the creation of the homeland security state and the biosecurity state over the course of the past two decades. We are now at the point where any protest can be deemed “insurrection” by “domestic terrorists” and can justify all manner of punishment, including locking people out of the financial system altogether.

The pressure is increasing. The dragnet has been set. The fight is about to begin in earnest. . . . So what happens next?


Whether we know it or not, we are at war. And, whether we know it or not, that war is a battle between the overwhelming majority of the human population and the few at the top who seek to control (and simultaneously reduce) that population. The battle lines may not always be so clear—there are many unwitting dupes who act to shore up the systems of technocratic control without knowing what they are doing. And there are those who still believe in the core lies of the globalists—the climate change hoax, for example—and thereby unknowingly play into their 2030 Agenda.

But as the wheels start to fall off the global financial system and the economic freight train begins to derail, more and more of us are waking up to the fundamental truth: this is a war for our livelihood. This is a war for the right to live our lives as we wish, free from the interference of these self-appointed rulers who dare tell us what we can eat and where we can travel and whether we can farm. This is a war for our independence from the parasitic would-be rulers who are attempting to shut down the economy and usher us into an age of neofeudalism.

Given that we are engaged in this global War for Independence, Patrick Henry’s famous speech to the the Second Virginia Convention seems as relevant as ever.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace—but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Also as relevant to our struggle today as it was to those fighting in the American Revolution is an important observation about all such conflict: “We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.”

It is self-evidently true that the ruling class has invested a good deal of its time and devoted much of its considerable resources to atomizing society. These psychopaths and their patsies have focused attention on every possible fault line—class, race, gender, religious creed, political allegiance and any other distinction you can think of—as part of a conscious strategy to keep the masses at each other’s throats and to stop them from rising up against their real enemy: the globalists themselves. There’s also no denying that these would-be world controllers have been remarkably successful at this divide-and-rule strategy.

The obvious implication is that the thing the globalists fear most is a mass of common folk banding together in opposition to the deeply unpopular nonsense uttered by their so-called leaders. That’s why the establishment’s lapdogs in the mainstream press and in academia now spend so much time and energy decrying the “populism” of the current era. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, all of the platitudes that politicians spout about “freedom” and “democracy” are just that: platitudes to persuade people to rally around their political agenda. When people reject that agenda, those same politicians are quick to discard the words “freedom” and democracy,” recasting them as “crass populism” and “mob rule.”

Yes, it is time to throw away the stupid, artificial left/right split and other wedges that have kept us divided and ruled over for so long. The idea that groups who don’t see eye-to-eye can unite on the existential threat they are facing isn’t all pie-in-the-sky, wishful thinking. In France, for example, the populist right and the populist left recently joined forces to defeat the country’s COVID travel passport.

It can be done. It must be. There is no alternative. We must start building a mass movement against the 2030 Agenda before the noose tightens around our necks and we find ourselves in the clutches of this technocratic system of control. Whether or not it affects us yet, we have to understand that it will be unleashed upon us if we don’t stand up en masse now.

Luckily for us, that’s exactly what’s happening.

Across Europe, people are rising up in solidarity with the Dutch farmers. German farmers are helping Dutch farmers blockade the German-Dutch border.  Italian farmers are staging demonstrations under the rallying cry, “We are not slaves, we are farmers!” Polish farmers are resisting in Warsaw. Even the Canadians are getting in on the act, carrying “I stand with Dutch farmers” signs at their own freedom rallies.

And, just this week, a new video has emerged calling for worldwide protests in support of the Dutch farmers. Sporting the tagline “The World is Going Dutch,” the video likens the current resistance movement to nonviolent resistance movements of the twentieth century and calls on people around the world to stand in solidarity with farmers in the Netherlands in a worldwide day of protest on July 23rd.

A great awakening is happening. The barriers between people are coming down as the realization dawns that this is a global agenda and the injustices we see being inflicted on those halfway around the world will be coming for us soon enough. Many are now realizing a line has been drawn and the time to stand up has arrived.

We are all Dutch farmers now.

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

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‘Groomed: How Schools Sexualise Your Children’ (2022 Short Documentary)

‘Groomed: How Schools Sexualise Your Children’ (2022 Short Documentary)

by 21st Century Wire
July 17, 2022


In this short advocacy documentary piece, narrator Lawrence Fox explains a disturbing trend which has crept into children’s education in the West, as he exposes the worrying degree to which politicised, divisive ideologies – including gender theory, critical race theory, queer theory and “transgender toolkits” – are being taught to our children through Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE). How has this been allowed to happen, and what can parents do about it?


Run time: 22 min
Narrated by Lawrence Fox
Production: Reclaim the Media (2022)


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Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Reclaim the Media has provided the documentary at their YouTube channel (watch above). Because YouTube eventually censors so many videos that challenge the controlled agenda, we are sharing a mirrored copy (courtesy of QR Archive on Odysee) as an alternative platform for viewing the video.

Putin’s Tender for the Ukraine

Putin’s Tender for the Ukraine

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 15, 2022


When C.A.F. sends you an email that says “you can tender for a company, you can also tender for a country,” you tend (no pun intended) to sit up and take notice, especially if the email is accompanied with another article containing a history lesson on how the late German Chancellor Helmut Kohl tendered for East Germany. If you don’t know that story, I’ve discussed it often, but here’s the article, and the headline says it all:

Kohl Offers 1 to 1 Exchange Rate for E. German Money

There you have it: Kohl offered to convert the nearly worthless East German mark at par value into the West German Deutschmark, and with that ingenious Anschluss, the Communist state was no more, for East Germans predictably lined up to get the more valuable West German marks, which, of course, they could then spend in West Germany to get those things they could not purchase in the socialist workers’ paradise of East Germany.  It’s good to know that Kohl was a German chancellor in the best, sneakiest Walter-Rathenau-Treaty-of-Rapallo  tradition. Mögen ihre Erinnerungen hoch leben, dreimal hoch!

Now it appears that Mr. Putin may be playing a similar game, according to this article that C.A.F. sent along, which I’m passing along to you:

Putin Signs Decree Offering Russian Citizenship to All Ukrainians

The article is so short that it’s worth citing the whole thing:

All Ukrainians can now apply for fast-track Russian citizenship, according to a decree signed Monday by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Previously, this option had been open only to residents of Ukraine’s eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions, as well as residents of the southern Zaporizhzhia and the Kherson regions, which are largely under Russian control.

It was unclear how many would apply for Russian citizenship, but between 2019 — when the offer was made available to residents of Donetsk and Luhansk — and 2022, about 18% of the population in rebel-held areas of Ukraine received Russian passports.

In May, the program was expanded to residents of the Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions.

Ukrainian officials have yet to comment on Putin’s decree. (Italicized emphasis added)

Notice that the dateline of the article is June 29, and that the information comes from prior Reuters and AP articles. Interestingly, I do not recall any of the western legacy lamestream broadcast propatainment media covering this story, nor any team of “experts” or panels of “analysts” offering explanations of what it might mean. So herewith my own:

In my opinion, it means exactly what C.A.F.’s email states it means: it’s Mr. Putin’s tender for the country, but cleverly, not in the form of a currency swap for what must be  increasingly valueless Ukrainian hryvnia. Mr. Putin is tendering for the population of the Ukraine, or at  least, a significant part of it, by fast tracking applications for Russian citizenship and passports not only in occupied regions, but the whole country. 

It’s a clever way of accomplishing, in effect, what Mr. Kohl did three decades ago with his par value tender for the East German mark. In fact, in a way, it’s much more clever, for as Ukrainians apply, and get, Russian passports and citizenship, inevitably they have to transact in roubles if they’re intending to travel inside of Russia or do any business with it. Once they do travel or do any business, they’ll discover that Russia is not suffering anything near the economic dislocations as the Ukraine. Russian money can actually buy something which the Russians just also happen to produce (little things like oil, gas, and food). They will return to the Ukraine, where, doubtless, they will continue to use those roubles to buy things… it’s rather like many people in the Confederacy during the American Civil War using Union currency, because it could actually buy things that the increasingly worthless currency put out by the crumbling Confederate government could not.  The Confederate economy was a kind of financialized “service economy” that could (and did) print lots of money and financial instruments, and that could (and did) produce lots of misery, but that could not produce much in the way of things like locomotives, steel, and so on. Think of Zelensky, in this context, as a kind of Jefferson Davis, version 2.0.

All this to say, it’s Mr. Putin’s clever way of integrating the everyday Ukrainian economy into the Russian federation’s; no “regime change” necessary. Actual ability to buy food, gas, and make things(like food and gas and cars), wins out over bonds, promises to pay, sustainable policy agendas, derivatives, and stock options, every time.

Meanwhile, it will be up to the central banksters of the West to prop up the Ukrainian economy with more secret laboratories, and to prop up the Ukrainian currency, perhaps even by buying vast quantities of Ukrainian bonds and the currency itself with dollars and euros, et voila! One collapsing satrapy is propped up by a union of other collapsing satrapies in Brussels, propping up a crumbling empire that can only export wars and drones.  Be sure and put those bonds in the same strong box as all those Khoumintang Chinese Bonds from 1934….

Welcome, Klaus, to the “Great Reset,”  Putin-style; you will own nothing, and you will be happy.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: sm-ekb2005 / pixabay

Derrick Broze With Ryan Christian, The Last American Vagabond: Ongoing Multi-State Investigation of ‘Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse’ in Utah

Derrick Broze With Ryan Christian, The Last American Vagabond: Ongoing Multi-State Investigation of ‘Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse’ in Utah


Derrick Broze Interview – Ongoing Multi-State Investigation Of ‘Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse’ In Utah

by Ryan Christian & Derrick BrozeThe Last American Vagabond
July 15, 2022


Joining me today is Derrick Broze, here to discuss his ongoing investigation into the Utah County Sheriff’s Office allegations of ‘Ritualistic Child Sex Abuse’, as well as the history of these types of cases in Utah and the Mormon Church specifically.

Video available at The Last American Vagabond Rumble, Odysee, Rokfin, & BitChute channels.

Video Source Links (In Chronological Order):

Court Documents:


Articles by Derrick Broze related to this conversation (in reverse chronological order):

Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: The Mormon Church and Child Sexual Abuse

Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: David Leavitt Under Investigation for Suspicion of Human Trafficking

Utah Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation: Is There a History of Ritual Abuse in Utah?


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Public ‘Not Being Told the Truth’ About Cellphone Radiation, Attorney Tells RFK, Jr.

Public ‘Not Being Told the Truth’ About Cellphone Radiation, Attorney Tells RFK, Jr.
Hunter Lundy, a personal injury attorney and lead counsel on a lawsuit against the cellphone industry, joined co-counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

by Rachel Militello, The Defender
July 15, 2022


Research shows “there is causation between cellphone radiation and brain tumors,” according to Hunter Lundy, a personal injury attorney and lead counsel on a lawsuit against the cellphone industry.

Lundy is representing the family of the late Reverend Frank Aaron Walker. Walker died Dec. 31, 2020, at age 49, from a glioblastoma brain tumor — or what Lundy referred to as a “cellphone tumor.”

“[Walker] had tremendous cellphone exposures,” Lundy told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast.”

Kennedy also is on the legal team representing the Walker family, which names Motorola, AT&T, ZTE Corporation, Cricket Communications and the Telecommunications Industry Association as defendants.

According to the lawsuit, the defendants “downplayed, understated and/or did not state the health hazards and risks associated with cellphones” — even though they knew about them.

The lawsuit accuses the defendants of fraud, unfair trade practices, designed defects, inadequate warning and misrepresentation.

“The public is not being told the truth,” Lundy said. “People hold that cellphone next to their brain. The temporal lobe is the lobe surrounding the side of the brain of the ear, which gets the most exposure.”

According to Kennedy, cellphones transmit “dangerous carcinogenic radiation” even when people aren’t using them.

“The more apps you have on your phone, the more radiation is being transmitted,” Kennedy said. “Those apps are in communication with the tower all the time.”

Lundy said peer-reviewed studies show cellphone radiation affects not just the brain, but also other parts of the body. “There are studies that show men that put the cellphone in their pocket have a reduction of sperm count,” he said.

Research also shows women who put their cellphones in their bras “when they were exercising, jogging, they started showing up with tumors,” Lundy said.

European countries are already aware of the dangers of cellphone radiation and in some countries, you can’t have a cellphone unless you’re 16.

Kennedy shared that there is a series of patents going back to the 1990s that show the telecommunication industry was patenting technology to “protect human tissue from radiation that they knew was emanating from their cellphones and destroying human cells, mutating them and it causing tumors.”

Since the industry would have to admit what it did was wrong, the patents ended up being shelved.

Lundy’s law firm is in possession of those old patents and is using them as evidence in the Walker case.

“They knew exactly what was happening,” he said.

Watch the podcast here:


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.


©July 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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WANTED Posters in Switzerland for Covid and WEF Figureheads, as Rage Rises on the Streets All Across Europe

WANTED Posters in Switzerland for Covid and WEF Figureheads, as Rage Rises on the Streets All Across Europe
 Will They Soon Not Be Able to Appear in Public? Is This Why So Many WEF Leaders Are Resigning?

by Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier
July 15, 2022


Names I was able to catch are here. If they have Wikipedia page in English, I have linked it.)

Lukas Engelberger

Giorgio Meriani

Dr. Christine Meier

Alain Burset

Nathalie Rickli

Silvia Steiner




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WEF: Smart Phones Will Be INSIDE People by 2030

WEF: Smart Phones Will Be INSIDE People by 2030

by Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media
July 15, 2022


Just a few thoughts on the future of pushing people to make themselves obsolete by literally physically merging with their smart phones.

I guess they’ll just put their brains in airplane mode when they need a little privacy?

This hubris of all of this is pretty damn stunning.


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cover image credit: CDD20 

The Truth About the Dutch Farmer’s Protest — Vandana Shiva in Conversation With Russell Brand

The Truth About the Dutch Farmer’s Protest — Vandana Shiva in Conversation With Russell Brand

by Russell Brand & Vandana Shiva
July 13, 2022


NEW TRUCKERS PROTEST?? This Is Impossible To Ignore

Activist Vandana Shiva about the Dutch farmers and how the mainstream media have framed their protests over new ecological regulations.


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Conflicted Much? – World Economic Forum ‘Anti-Corruption’ Champion Is Pfizer Director AND Reuters CEO.

Conflicted Much? – World Economic Forum ‘Anti-Corruption’ Champion Is Pfizer Director AND Reuters CEO.

by Natalie Winters, The National Pulse
July 9, 2022


Jim Smith – whose concurrent roles as a Pfizer board member and Reuters CEO appear to pose a conflict of interest – serves as a board member of the World Economic Forum’s anti-corruption initiative.

Smith’s leading role with the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Partnering Against Corruption Initiative follows controversy over his position at the pharmaceutical giant and mainstream media outlet, which frequently reports on Pfizer. Reuters has published tens of thousands of articles covering or mentioning Pfizer, though the articles never disclose Smith’s affiliation with either entity.

Smith serves on the board of the WEF’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative, dubbed the “leading business voice on anti-corruption and transparency.”

“It is one of the Forum’s strongest cross-industry collaborative efforts and is creating a highly visible, agenda-setting platform by working with business leaders, international organizations and governments to address corruption, transparency and emerging-market risks,” explains a WEF synopsis.

In this role, Smith has contributed articles to the WEF website, including a 2017 piece: “Corruption and the Erosion of Trust.”

“Today’s common struggle against corruption goes far beyond compliance. More problematic is the profound and worsening trust deficit that exists between institutions and individuals,” Smith begins before lamenting the public’s loss of trust in mainstream media outlets:

“The widespread perception that institutions—both public and private—are not acting in the interests of the people they serve pervades the thinking of communities across the globe. News organizations, which have historically served as the watchdog for governments and business leaders, are less trusted by the public than ever before.”

“Public confidence has been corroded by a concentration on near-term priorities and payoffs, propelled by election-cycle politics or quarterly results targets that too often leave children worse off than their parents,” laments Smith.

The article, however, comes amidst the Federal Drug Administration and Pfizer attempting to delay the release of documents related to the efficacy of its COVID-19 vaccine.

The WEF has been accused of exploiting COVID-19 to advance its “Great Reset” agenda to advance its radical agenda of abolishing private property ownership.

You can read more about the World Economic Forum at


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University of Idaho Researchers Find Correlation Between Pesticides and Cancer

University of Idaho Researchers Find Correlation Between Pesticides and Cancer

by Sustainable Pulse
July 11, 2022


A correlation between agricultural pesticides and cancer in western states has been found by University of Idaho and Northern Arizona University researchers. Two studies were conducted, one that examined correlating data in 11 Western states and one that took a closer look at data in Idaho specifically.

Source: Iowa Capital Dispatch

The studies found a possible relationship between agricultural pesticides, particularly fumigants such as metam, and cancer incidences through analyzing data. For the larger study, pesticide data was pulled from the U.S. Geological Survey Pesticide National Synthesis Project database and cancer data was gathered from National Cancer Institute State Cancer Profiles, according to the study.

The other study examined Idaho specifically, and found similar trends in data as the first study saw across the West of the lower 48.

Alan Kolok, a UI professor and director of the Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, led both studies and said the correlation between the sets of data on multiple population scales gives him a reason to want to look into the matter further.

“We’re not trying to be alarmist, and we’re not trying to say, ‘Oh, look, there’s a direct relationship between (the data),’” Kolok said. “That’s not at all what they’re saying. But at the same time, it would be disingenuous of us to not recognize that in a darkened room, we keep seeing a shiny object. It really is a call to action of let’s do more research and let’s elaborate on what’s going on relative to that shiny object.”

Kolok and fellow UI researcher Naveen Joseph said there have been many studies examining correlations between socioeconomic factors, like poverty, and cancer incidents, but theirs takes a step further by looking for an initiating factor. In this case, the data suggested a higher usage of fumigants like metam is correlated with higher cancer incidence rates.

Idaho is the only state Kolok has taken a close look at, and his colleague and co-author at Northern Arizona University, Cathy Propper, said she didn’t know if the right data was available in other states like it was in Idaho.

“If we wanted to look just within states, like Alan did within Idaho, it might be possible to extract similar kinds of information,” Propper said. “But as you can see when you take a look at the statewide analysis within the joint paper, every state’s different. As you go into each individual state, you start getting different kinds of scaling issues. So unless the data are fine grained enough to be able to extract that kind of information, it becomes difficult to interpret within states.”

The team of researchers was also concerned about breaching people’s privacy when it came to looking at specific data too closely. Rural areas, where agricultural practices and low populations dominate, could pose issues with privacy when the sample size becomes too small. To avoid this, the research was conducted by looking at all incidences of cancer in adults and children across the 11 states compared to pesticide use.

Kolok said the next steps they hope to take include expanding their data research to a nationwide scale and further examining whether there is a cause behind the correlation between pesticides and cancer. While neither UI or NAU have the laboratory capabilities to prove or disprove the correlation, Kolok is hoping to eventually find a lab to collaborate with and get funding to continue the research.

“It is absolutely striking how different states are from each other and counties are from each other,” Kolok said. “Which begs the question of if the pesticide load is different that’s being used in the state, does that cascade to a potential exposure to people? And the answer, from our two papers, is that there is suggested information that argues that it very well may. It’s a first step down that road, but it’s a significant first step.”


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Glyphosate Causes Fatal Damage to Bumblebee Colonies

US Appeals Court Forces EPA to Reassess Glyphosate on Health and Environmental Impact

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World Health Organisation: Gender “Is Not Limited to Male or Female”

World Health Organisation: Gender “Is Not Limited to Male or Female”
There’s some “new scientific evidence”

by Steve Watson, Summit News
July 13, 2022


The World Health Organisation has reconfirmed its status as an unscientific politically driven globalist body by officially stating that there are more than two biological genders.

The WHO has announced that it intends to update its “widely-used gender mainstreaming manual.”

The suggestion that there’s a need for a manual on how many genders there are should tell you something about this organisation off the bat.

The body says of the manual that it is “updating it in light of new scientific evidence and conceptual progress on gender, health and development.”

What exactly that ‘scientific evidence’ is is still a mystery.

The press release from the WHO states that part of its new findings to go into the manual is that “sex is not limited to male or female.”

The WHO states that it is “going beyond binary approaches to gender and health,” in order “[t]o recognize gender and sexual diversity, or the concepts that gender identity exists on a continuum and that sex is not limited to male or female.”

The globalist body, in partnership with the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health, also intends to introduce “new gender, equity and human rights frameworks and tools to further support capacity building around these concepts and the integration of their approaches.”

These, whatever they are, will be ‘finalised and rolled out’ in August and beyond:

In other words, the WHO is realigning to further push the social engineering message that is already being rammed down our throats ceaselessly via politics, business, policing and what passes for culture and entertainment.

However, despite its relentless promotion in virtually every sector of society, belief in the reality of this ideology is falling amongst Americans, with only 38% believing biological sex does not determine whether someone is a man or a woman.

Video also available at YouTube.


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Guitarist Who Lost 8 Fingers After J&J Vaccine Tells Rfk, Jr.: People Have to Be Held Accountable

Guitarist Who Lost 8 Fingers After J&J Vaccine Tells Rfk, Jr.: People Have to Be Held Accountable
On a recent episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” guitarist Jeff Diamond described having eight fingers amputated and losing his singing voice after developing blood clots about a week after getting the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

by Rachel Militello, The Defender
July 12, 2022


On July 9, 2021, Jeff Diamond, a professional musician, vocal instructor and backup guitarist, got the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID-19 vaccine.

About a week later, Diamond was found unconscious in his apartment and taken to a local hospital in Minnesota, where he remained in a coma for three weeks.

Pervasive blood clots — a known side effect of the J&J vaccine — had shut down his kidneys and other organs.

The condition caused doctors to amputate eight of his fingers, without his knowledge or consent, while he was still in a coma.

Diamond, a guest on the July 5 episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” told Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., he got the vaccine only because he’d been performing at an event in Atlanta, and didn’t want to risk infecting his mother.

“I was taking care of my mother, and that’s the only reason I got the shot in the first place,” Diamond said.

When Diamond awoke from the coma, he also found himself intubated, which impaired his singing voice.

With his kidneys barely functioning and his balance thrown off by all the medications he was prescribed, Diamond lay in the hospital for another three weeks until he was able to go into a nursing home.

While in the nursing home for six weeks, Diamond’s feeding tube burst open and he was rushed to an emergency room. “Blood was gushing out of my stomach,” he told Kennedy. It “almost killed me.”

A doctor in Minneapolis saved his life, but Diamond told Kennedy he’s been “in pain with these fingers ever since.” Diamond was fitted with prosthetic fingers, but while “they may look great,” he said, “they’re not working out for playing the guitar.”

Diamond’s singing voice has “bounced back a bit,” he said, but not all the way.

And it’s “all from, I believe, the Johnson & Johnson shot,” Diamond said.

Asked if doctors acknowledged a link between the vaccine and his injuries, Diamond said all but one were non-committal.

Now, a year after he was injured, Diamond said he’s taking things day by day, and hopes to someday play guitar again.

More importantly, though, he wants to get the word out about what happened to him.

“What happened to me … I don’t want to see this happen to anybody else,” Diamond said. “I think it’s a crime … People have got to be held accountable.”

Watch the podcast here:

Rachel Militello has worked extensively as a legal assistant at law firms and newspaper companies. She is also a self-published author of poetry that is geared toward mental health awareness.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.


©July 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal

FDA Colluded With Moderna to Bypass COVID Vaccine Safety Standards, Documents Reveal
According to Alexandra Latypova, an ex-pharmaceutical industry executive, documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine suggest the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Moderna colluded to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure products are safe.


by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
July 12, 2022


According to an ex-pharmaceutical industry and biotech executive, documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine suggest the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Moderna colluded to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure products are safe.

Alexandra Latypova has spent 25 years in pharmaceutical research and development working with more than 60 companies worldwide to submit data to the FDA on hundreds of clinical trials.

After analyzing 699 pages of studies and test results “supposedly used by the FDA to clear Moderna’s mRNA platform-based mRNA-1273, or Spikevax,” Latypova told The Defender she believes U.S. health agencies are lying to the public on behalf of vaccine manufacturers.

“It is evident that the FDA and NIH [National Institutes of Health] colluded with Moderna to subvert the regulatory and scientific standards of drug safety testing,” Latypova said.

“They accepted fraudulent test designs, substitutions of test articles, glaring omissions and whitewashing of serious signs of health damage by the product, then lied to the public on behalf of the manufacturers.”

In an op-ed on Trial Site News, Latypova disclosed the following findings:

  1. Moderna’s nonclinical summary contains mostly irrelevant materials.
  2. Moderna claims the active substance — mRNA in Spikevax — does not need to be studied for toxicity and can be replaced with any other mRNA without further testing.
  3. Moderna’s nonclinical program consisted of irrelevant studies of unapproved mRNAs and only one non-GLP [Good Laboratory Practice] toxicology study of mRNA-1273 — the active substance in Spikevax.
  4. There are two separate investigational new drug numbers for mRNA-1273. One is held by Moderna, the other by the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases within the NIH, representing a “serious conflict of interest.”
  5. The FDA failed to question Moderna’s “scientifically dishonest studies” dismissing an “extremely significant risk” of vaccine-induced antibody-enhanced disease.
  6. The FDA and Moderna lied about reproductive toxicology studies in public disclosures and product labeling.

“Moderna’s documents are poorly and often incompetently written — with numerous hypothetical statements unsupported by any data, proposed theories, and admission of using unvalidated assays and repetitive paragraphs throughout,” Latypova wrote.

“Quite shockingly, this represents the entire safety toxicology assessment for an extremely novel product that has gotten injected into millions of arms worldwide.”

Finding 1: Moderna’s non-clinical summary contains mostly irrelevant materials.

According to Latypova, about 80% of the materials disclosed by HHS that FDA considered in approving Moderna’s Spikevax pertain to other mRNA products unrelated to SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19.

“Approximately 400 pages of the materials belong to a single biodistribution study in rats conducted at the Charles River facility in Canada for an irrelevant test article, mRNA-1674,” Latypova said. “This product is a construct of 6 different mRNAs studied for cytomegalovirus in 2017 and never approved for market.”

Latypova said the study showed lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) distribute throughout the entire body to all major organ systems.

Latypova found it odd the study protocol, report and amendments related to the study were copied numerous times throughout the HHS documents, suggesting Moderna may have been trying to meet a minimum word count.

In between the repetitive copies of the “same irrelevant study,” Latypova found “ModernaTX, Inc. 2.4 Nonclinical Overview” for Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine with the investigational new drug application reference IND #19745.

Module 2.4, she said, is a standard part of the new drug application and is supposed to contain summaries of nonclinical studies.

Latypova wrote:

“There are three separate versions of Module 2.4 included and many sections appear to be missing. It is not clear why multiple versions are included and there is no explanation provided as to which version specifically was used for the approval of Spikevax by the FDA.”

Latypova noted all three copies of Module 2.4 appear to have the same overview but reference a different set of statements and studies.

Latypova said the description of the finished supplied product differs between the two versions:

“Version 1 (p. 0001466) [says] mRNA-1273 is provided as a sterile liquid for injection at a concentration of 5 mg/mL in 20 mM trometamol (Tris) buffer containing 87 mg/mL sucrose and 10.7 mM sodium acetate, at pH 7.5.

“Version 2 (p. 0001499) [says] the mRNA-1273 Drug Product is provided as a sterile suspension for injection at a concentration of 20 mg/mL in 20 mM Tris buffer containing 87 g/L sucrose and 4.3 mM acetate, at pH 7.5.”

“It appears from reading section Test Material (p.0001499) that Version 2 of the drug product had been used for manufacturing the Lot AMPDP-200005 which was used for nonclinical studies,” Latypova said. But “there is no explanation given for why the drug product in version 1 is different, and no comparability testing studies between the two product specifications are provided.”

Latypova pointed out that the package insert for FDA-approved Spikevax does not contain any information regarding the concentration of the product supplied in its vials.

Finding 2: Moderna said Spikevax mRNA does not need to be studied for toxicity and can be replaced with any other mRNA without further testing.

Latypova alleges Moderna, Pfizer and Janssen — manufacturer of the Johnson & Johnson shot — along with the FDA, have been deceptive in their assertions claiming the risks of COVID-19 vaccines are associated with the LNP delivery platform, and therefore, the mRNA “payload” does not need to undergo standard safety toxicological tests.

The documents state:

“The distribution, toxicity, and genotoxicity associated with mRNA vaccines formulated in LNPs are driven primarily by the composition of the LNPs and, to a lesser extent, by the biologic activity of the antigen(s) encoded by the mRNA. Therefore, the distribution study, Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)-compliant toxicology studies, and in vivo GLP-compliant genotoxicity study conducted with mRNA vaccines that encode various antigens developed with the Sponsor’s mRNA-based platform using SM 102-containing LNPs are considered supportive and BLA-enabling for mRNA-1273.”

Moderna is “claiming that the active drug substance of a novel medicine does not need to be tested for toxicity,” Latypova said. “This is analogous to claiming that a truck carrying food and a truck carrying explosives are the same thing. Ignore the cargo, focus on the vehicle.”

Latypova called the claim “preposterous,” as mRNAs and LNPs separately and together are “entirely novel chemical entities” that each require their own IND application and data dossier filed with regulators.

“Studies with one mRNA are no substitute for all others,” she added.

According to the European Medicines Agency, this chemical entity is entirely novel:

“The modified mRNA in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine is a chemical active substance that has not been previously authorized in medicinal products in the European Union. From a chemical structure point of view, the modified mRNA is not related to any other authorized substances. It is not structurally related as a salt, ester, ether, isomer, mixture of isomers, complex or derivative of an already approved active substance in the European Union.

“The modified mRNA is not an active metabolite of any active substance(s) approved in the European Union. The modified mRNA is not a pro-drug for any existing agent. The administration of the applied active substance does not expose patients to the same therapeutic moiety as already authorized active substance(s) in the European Union.

“A justification for these claims is provided in accordance with the ‘Reflection paper on the chemical structure and properties criteria to be considered for the evaluation of new active substance (NAS) status of chemical substances’ (EMA/CHMP/QWP/104223/2015), COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine is therefore classified as a New Active Substance and considered to be new in itself.”

“The reviewers specifically stated ‘modified RNA’ and not just the lipid envelope constitute the new chemical entity,” Latypova said. “All new chemical entities must undergo rigorous safety testing before they are approved as medicinal products in the United States, European Union and the rest of the world.”

Latypova said Moderna failed to cite any studies showing “all toxicity of the product resides with the lipid envelope and none with the payload” of the type and sequence of mRNA delivered to various tissues and organs.

“It is also not a matter of a mistake or rushing new technology to market under crisis conditions,” she added. “This scientifically fraudulent strategy was not only premeditated, it was also never really concealed.”

Latypova gave the example of a 2018 PowerPoint presentation by Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel at a JP Morgan conference where he stated: “If mRNA works once, it will work many times.”

“This describes the deception practiced by the manufacturers, FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NIH and every government health authority or mainstream media talking head who participated in it,” Latypova said.

She continued:

“Imagine Ford Motor Company claiming that its crash testing program should be contained to the vehicle’s tires and that one test is sufficient for all vehicle models.

“After all both F150 and Taurus have tires, what’s in between the tires ‘worked once and will work again,’ and therefore it is inconsequential to safety, does not need to be separately tested and can be replaced at the manufacturer’s will with any new variation.

“This is the claim that Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen and other manufacturers of the gene therapy ‘platforms’ have utilized. Unlike Ford’s products, theirs have never worked as none of their mRNA-based gene therapy products have ever been approved for any indication. The fact that the regulators did not object to this argument raises an even greater alarm.”

“There is no question of incompetence or mistake,” Latypova said. “If this represents the current ‘gold standard’ of regulatory pharmaceutical science, I have very bad news regarding the safety of the entire supply or new medicines in the U.S. and the world.”

Finding 3: Moderna’s nonclinical program included only one non-GLP toxicology study of the active substance in Spikevax. 

According to Latypova, a non-clinical program for a novel product usually includes information on pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, safety pharmacology, toxicology and other studies to determine the carcinogenicity or genotoxicity of a drug and its effects on reproduction.

The more novel the product, the more extensive the safety and toxicity evaluations need to be, she said.

In Module 2.4 described above, Latypova was able to identify 29 unique studies but only 10 were done with the correct mRNA-1273 test particle. The other studies were conducted using a “variety of unapproved experimental mRNAs unrelated to Spikevax or COVID illness.”

For example, the in-vivo genotoxicity studies included an irrelevant mRNA-1706 and a luciferase mRNA that is not in Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine.

“Of the 10 studies using mRNA-1273, nine were pharmacology (‘efficacy’) studies and only one was a toxicology (‘safety’) study,” Latypova said. “All of these were non-GLP studies, i.e., research experiments conducted without validation standards acceptable for regulatory approval.”

There was only one toxicology study included in Moderna’s package related to the correct test particle mRNA-1273, but the study was non-GLP compliant, was conducted in rats and was not completed at the time the documents were submitted to the FDA for approval.

The results of the study were indicative of possible tissue damage, systemic inflammation and potential severe safety issues — and they are also dose-dependent, Latypova said. Moderna noted its findings but “simply moved on, deciding to forgo any further evaluation of these effects.”

Regarding reproductive toxicology, the only assessment was conducted on rats.

Pharmacokinetics — or the biodistribution, absorption, metabolism and excretion of a compound — were not studied with Moderna’s Spikevax mRNA-1273.

“Instead, Moderna included a set of studies with another, unrelated mRNA-1647 — a construct of six different mRNAs which was in development for cytomegalovirus in 2017 in a non-GLP compliant study,” Latypova said. “This product has not been approved for market and its current development status is unknown.”

Moderna claimed the LNP formulation of mRNA-1647 was the same as in Spikevax, so the study using this particle was “supportive of” the development of Spikevax.

“This claim is dishonest,” Latypova said. “While the kinetics of the product may be studied this way, the toxicities may not!”

She explained:

“We do not know what happens with the organs and tissues when the delivered mRNA starts expressing spike proteins in those cells. This is a crucial safety-related issue, and both the manufacturer and the regulator were aware of it, yet chose to ignore it.

“The study demonstrated that the LNPs did not remain in the vaccination site exclusively, but were distributed in all organs analyzed, except the kidney. High concentrations were observed in lymph nodes and spleen and persisted in those organs at three days after the injection.

“The study was stopped before full clearance could be observed, therefore no knowledge exists on the full time-course of the biodistribution. Other organs where vaccine product was detected included bone marrow, brain, eye, heart, small intestine, liver, lung, stomach and testes.”

Given that LNPs of the mRNA-1647 were detected in these tissues, it’s reasonable to assume the same occurs with mRNA-1273 and “likewise would distribute in the same way,” Latypova said. “Therefore the spike protein would be expressed by the cells in those critical organ systems with unpredictable and possibly catastrophic effects.”

“Neither Moderna nor FDA wanted to evaluate this matter any further,” she added. “No metabolism, excretion, pharmacokinetic drug interactions or any other pharmacokinetic studies for mRNA-1273 were conducted,” nor were safety pharmacology assessments for any organ classes.

Finding 4: ‘Serious conflict of interest’ exists between Moderna and NIH.

According to Latypova, Moderna’s documents contain a letter from the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases authorizing the FDA to refer to IND #19635 to support the review of Moderna’s own IND #19745 provided in “Module 1.4.”

Although Module 1.4 was not included in the documents provided by HHS, the FDA on Jan. 30 revealed the following timeline for Moderna’s Spikevax.

According to the FDA, Spikevax has two sponsors of its IND application package, including the NIH division that reports to Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical advisor to President Biden.

The date of the pre-IND meeting for Spikevax was on Feb. 19, 2020. The IND submission for the NIH’s IND was on Feb. 20, 2020, while Moderna’s own IND was submitted on April 27, 2020.

According to the CDC, as of Jan. 11, 2020, Chinese health authorities had identified more than 40 human infections as part of the COVID-19 outbreak first reported on Dec. 31, 2020.

The World Health Organization on Jan. 9, 2020, announced the preliminary identification of the novel coronavirus. The record of Wuhan-Hu-1 includes sequence data, annotation and metadata from the virus isolated from a patient approximately two weeks prior.

Latypova said this raises several questions warranting further investigation:

  • Preparation for a pre-IND meeting is a process that typically takes several months, and is expensive and labor-consuming. How was it possible for the NIH and Moderna to have a pre-IND meeting for a Phase 1 human clinical trial scheduled with the FDA for a vaccine product a month before the COVID-19 pandemic was declared?
  • “How was it possible to have all materials prepared and the entire non-clinical testing process completed for this specific product related to a very specific virus which was only isolated and sequenced (so we were told) by Jan. 9, 2020?”
  • Ownership of the IND is both a legal and commercial matter, which in the case of a public-private partnership, must be transparently disclosed. “What is the precise commercial and legal arrangement between Moderna and NIH regarding Spikevax?”
  • “Does NIH financially benefit from sales of Moderna’s product? Who at NIH specifically?”
  • “Does forcing vaccination with the Moderna product via mandates, government-funded media campaigns and perverse government financial incentives to schools, healthcare system and employers represent a significant conflict of interest for the NIH as a financial beneficiary of these actions?”
  • “Does concealing important safety information by a financially interested party (NIH and Moderna) represent a conspiracy by the pharma-government cartel to defraud the public?”

Latypova further noted that immediately after the pre-IND meeting with the FDA, an “extremely heavy volume of orders for Moderna stock” began to be placed in the public markets.

This warrants an “additional investigation into the investors that were able to predict the spectacular future of the previously poorly performing stock with such timely precision,” she said.

Finding 5: FDA failed to question Moderna’s ‘scientifically dishonest studies’ dismissing an ‘extremely significant risk’ of vaccine-induced antibody-enhanced disease.

Moderna, prior to 2020, had never brought an approved drug to market.

“Its entire product development history was marked by numerous failures despite millions of dollars and lengthy time spent in development,” Latypova said. “Notably, its mRNA-based vaccines were associated with the antibody-dependent-enhancement phenomenon.”

For example, Moderna’s preclinical study of its mRNA-based Zika vaccine in mice showed all mice “uniformly [suffered from] lethal infection and severe disease due to antibody enhancement.”

The scientists were able to develop a type of vaccine that generated protection against Zika that “resulted in significantly less morbidity and mortality,” but all versions of the vaccine unequivocally led to some level of antibody-dependent-enhancement.

The Primary Pharmacology section for Spikevax includes nine studies evaluating immunogenicity, protection from viral replication and potential for vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease.

“These studies included the correct test article (mRNA-1273), however, all were non-GLP compliant,” Latypova said. The results of these studies are briefly summarized in the text of the document package, yet the study reports are not provided.

In the disclosed documents, Moderna claims “there were no established animal models” for SARS-CoV-2 virus due to its extreme novelty.

Yet, in the next sentence, “despite the extreme novelty of the virus,” Ralph Baric, Ph.D., at the University of North Carolina possessed an already mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 virus strain and provided it for some of Moderna’s studies, Latypova said.

According to Latypova’s assessment, there were other numerous contradictions in Moderna’s documents, and when enhanced disease risk was revealed in assays, the company waived off its own results with a statement regarding the invalidity of the assays and methods they used.

“As SARS-CoV-2 neutralization assays are, to this point, still highly variable and in the process of being further developed, optimized and validated, study measurements should not be considered a strong predictor of clinical outcomes, especially in the absence of results from a positive control that has demonstrated disease enhancement,” Moderna said.

“Clearly, both Moderna and FDA knew about disease enhancement and were aware of numerous examples of this dangerous phenomenon, including Moderna’s own Zika vaccine product of the same type,” Latypova said. “Yet, the FDA did not question Moderna’s scientifically dishonest ‘studies’ that dismissed this extremely significant risk without a proper study design.”

Finding 6: FDA and Moderna lied about reproductive toxicology studies in public disclosures and product labeling.

Although the FDA recommends Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine for pregnant and lactating women, Moderna conducted only one reproductive toxicology study in pregnant and lactating rats using a human dose of 100 mcg of mRNA-1273.

Although the full study was excluded, a narrative summary of Moderna’s findings state, “high IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 S-2P were also observed in GD 21 F1 fetuses and LD 21 F1 pups, indicating strong transfer of antibodies from dam to fetus and from dam to pup.”

Latypova said safety assessments in the study are very limited, but the following findings are described by Moderna:

“The mothers lost fur after vaccine administration, and it persisted for several days. No information on when it was fully resolved since the study was terminated before this could be assessed.”

In the rat pups, the following skeletal malformations were observed:

“In the F1 generation [rat pups], there were no mRNA-1273-related effects or changes in the following parameters: mortality, body weight, clinical observations, macroscopic observations, gross pathology, external or visceral malformations or variations, skeletal malformations, and mean number of ossification sites per fetus per litter.

“mRNA-1273-related variations in skeletal examination included statistically significant increases in the number of F1 rats with 1 or more wavy ribs and 1 or more rib nodules.

“Wavy ribs appeared in 6 fetuses and 4 litters with a fetal prevalence of 4.03% and a litter prevalence of 18.2%. Rib nodules appeared in 5 of those 6 fetuses.”

Moderna related the skeletal malformations to days when toxicity was observed in the mothers but waived away the finding as “unrelated to the vaccine,” Latypova said.

The FDA then “lied on Moderna’s behalf” in its Basis for Regulatory Action Summary document (p.14) stating “no skeletal malformations” occurred in the non-clinical study in rat pups despite the opposite reported by Moderna.

“No vaccine-related fetal malformations or variations and no adverse effect on postnatal development were observed in the study. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses to the pre-fusion stabilized spike protein antigen following immunization were observed in maternal samples and F1 generation rats indicating transfer of antibodies from mother to fetus and from mother to nursing pups.”

“In summary, the vaccine-derived antibodies transfer from mother to child,” Latypova said. “It was never assessed by Moderna whether the LNPs, mRNA and spike proteins transfer as well, but it is reasonable to assume that they do due to the mechanism of action of these products.”

Latypova said studies should have been done to assess the risks to the child by vaccinating pregnant or lactating women before recommending these groups receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

“We should ask the question why are they concealing the critical safety-related information from public, and making the product look better than the manufacturer has admitted,” Latypova said.

“The FDA did not have any objective scientific evidence excluding the skeletal malformations being related to the vaccine,” she added. “Thus, the information should have been disclosed fully in the label of this experimental and poorly tested product — not hidden from the public for over a year and then disclosed only under a court order.”

Latypova said FDA reviewers should have “easily seen through the blatant fraud, omissions, use of inadequate study designs and general lack of scientific rigor.”

The fact that more than half of the document package contains non-GLP studies for irrelevant, unapproved and previously failed chemical entities alone should have been sufficient reason to not approve this product, she added.

It would appear the FDA based its decision that the product is safe to administer to thousands of otherwise healthy humans on two studies in rats, Latypova said. The rest of the 700-page package was deemed to consist of “other supportive studies.”

The FDA noted studies were conducted in “five vaccines formulated in SM-102 lipid particles containing mRNAs encoding various viral glycoprotein antigens” but “failed to mention that these were five unapproved and previously failed products,” she said.

The regulators then concluded that using novel unapproved mRNAs in support of another unapproved novel mRNA was acceptable.

“The circular logic is astonishing,” Latypova said. Regulators allowed and personally promoted the use of failed experiments in support of a different and new experiment directly on the unsuspecting public.

Latypova called for the FDA, pharmaceutical manufacturers and “all other perpetrators of this fraud to be urgently stopped and investigated.”


©July 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Salt & Water Cure: How to Take Both, in Adequate Amounts, the Right Form, and at the Right Times

Salt & Water Cure: How to Take Both, in Adequate Amounts, the Right Form, and at the Right Times
Barbara O’Neill, Reviving Dr. Batmanghelidj

by Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier
July 12, 2022


I have been feeling extremely exhausted lately, though I am in a very beautiful, and peaceful place on earth: Almuñécar, Spain, (where I wound up by way of not having the energy to transport to Malaga to fly back to the US on the appointed date; More on this soon.)

I love Barbara O’Neill, and was happy when YouTube’s algorithms offered me this video. I also am a devotee of the late Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, (Dr. B) and am known to tell people to drink two glasses of water at the first sign of many a symptom. It works, when people listen. Headaches, dizziness, migraines, allergies—always offer people two glasses of water, and witness what happens.

I just took two dabs of seat salt and a glass of water. Energy lifted, sadness decreased. I found I had the energy to write and post this.

I believed I was “drinking enough water” but maybe not by the standards of being in Andalucia in July. The next thing I am wondering is whether one can collect and drink small amounts of seawater, to balance minerals.

Here’s some biographical background on Dr. B, whose untimely death certainly left many of us wondering:

Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D., an internationally renowned researcher, author and advocate of the natural healing power of water, was born in Iran in 1931. He attended Fettes College in Scotland and was a graduate of St. Mary’s Hospital Medical School of London University, where he studied under Sir Alexander Fleming, who shared the Nobel Prize for the discovery of penicillin.

Dr. Batmanghelidj practiced medicine in the United Kingdom before returning to Iran where he played a key role in the development of hospitals and medical centers. He also helped establish sport projects for youth in Iran, including The Ice Palace in Tehran, the first ice skating and sports complex in the Middle East.

When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979, Dr. Batmanghelidj was placed in the infamous Evin Prison as a political prisoner for two years and seven months. It was there he discovered the healing powers of water. One night, Dr. B. had to treat a fellow prisoner with crippling peptic ulcer pain. With no medications at his disposal, Dr. B. gave him two glasses of water. Within eight minutes, his pain disappeared. He was instructed to drink two glasses of water every three hours and became absolutely pain free for his four remaining months in the prison. Dr. B. successfully treated 3,000 fellow prisoners suffering from stress-induced peptic ulcer disease with water alone. While in prison he conducted extensive research into the medicinal effects of water in preventing and relieving many painful degenerative diseases.”

Read more here.

My father was an admirer of Dr. B. and had him on his show many times, as well as the man who continued spreading the gospel of water Dr. B discovered in Evin prison, Bob Butts.

Look what Dr. B wrote about “HIV” decades ago:


In other words, “AIDS” causes “HIV.”

A minor note, about his lovely name, which may have kept him from becoming what we call a “household name—” I think it’s pronounced “Bat-Man- Getty.”

Original video available at Living Springs Retreat YouTube channel.


Connect with Celia Farber

cover image credit: MartinStr / pixabay

Roger Waters Plays ‘Collateral Murder’ Video During US Tour, Demands Julian Assange’s Freedom

Roger Waters Plays ‘Collateral Murder’ Video During US Tour, Demands Julian Assange’s Freedom

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
July 12, 2022


On October 22, 2010, WikiLeaks published the Iraq War Logs, a massive dump of nearly 400,000 classified U.S. Army field reports revealing what founder Julian Assange called “intimate details” of the war—including war crimes and other serious human rights abuses perpetrated by American and coalition troops, private contractors, and Iraqi government and paramilitary forces.

It was the largest leak in U.S. military history. It subsequently stunned the world who immediately demanded justice. Unfortunately, it’s been over a decade since that revelation and the only ones punished for the crimes shown in the documents, were the whistleblowers who revealed them, while the architects and the perpetrators of the atrocities continue to enjoy impunity.

The publication of the Iraq War Logs was the culmination of a year full of WikiLeaks revelations regarding U.S. and allied conduct during the so-called War on Terror. Early in the year, U.S. Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning leaked the “Collateral Murder” video, which shows U.S. Apache attack helicopter crews laughing and joking while massacring a group of Iraqi civilians, including journalists, and shooting children.

While Manning has since been released and is enjoying freedom, Assange remains locked away in a torturous environment for reporting on these crimes. The US government has been quietly pursuing charges against the Wikileaks founder under the Espionage Act for years. According to what’s been publicly revealed, Assange is facing an 18 count indictment in the US with most of the charges focused on violating the Espionage Act. Should he be found guilty, Assange could be imprisoned for up to 175 years.

Assange’s case has serious implications for journalists around the world as he was acting as a journalist when he published leaked US government documents on Iraq and Afghanistan — not committing “espionage.”

This week, former Pink Floyd front man, Roger Waters used his pulpit to raise awareness to Assange’s plight. At a concert during his tour in the US, Waters showed his support for Assange and played the horrifying Collateral Murder video of US troops slaughtering journalists. Remember as you watch the video below that no one involved in this atrocity has faced a single consequence and the only one in jail over it, is the person who showed it to the world.

As we have reported previously, this is not the first time, Waters has made such bold statements during his shows. Waters is known for using his musical platform to make powerful political statements that often go against the mainstream narrative.

In 2018, Waters showed solidarity with Julian Assange during a concert in Berlin by unveiling a message in red text projected onto a black backdrop, which read “Resist the attempted silencing of Julian Assange,” before the start of his concert.

During a solo concert in Barcelona just prior to the show in Berlin, Waters stopped mid-concert to address the U.S. bombing of Syria—which took place under the pretense of retaliation for an alleged chemical attack—to call out the White Helmets.

The White Helmets is a fake organization that exists only to create propaganda for jihadists and terrorists,” Waters said. “That’s my belief. We have opposing beliefs. If we were to listen to the propaganda of the White Helmets and others, we would be encouraged to encourage our governments to start dropping bombs on people in Syria. This would be a mistake of monumental proportions for us as human beings.”

What we should do is go and persuade our governments not to go and drop bombs on people.”

When entertainers and musicians attempt to break through the imposed Matrix of propaganda the plutocratic oligarchy and their media cronies work diligently to marginalize them into obscurity. It is important for people to understand that voices for freedom are being intentionally silenced when they go against the “approved” narrative, thus it being incumbent upon us to share the message of freedom, and no matter what your political ideology—support human rights and justice for Julian Assange!


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TCTL editor’s note:

The link for the WikiLeaks video of Iraq war footage found in the article takes you to YouTube which requires an account to view. It can easily be accessed on BitChute, courtesy of Black Diamond, without requiring you to login to an account.

 WikiLeaks Video: ‘Collateral Murder’ in Iraq

WikiLeaks, a website that publishes anonymously sourced documents, has released a video showing what apparently is a US military helicopter firing at unarmed civilians in Iraq. WikiLeaks said the footage, filmed from a drone, shows a missile strike and shooting on a square in a Baghdad neighborhood in July 2007. The website said 12 civilians were killed in the attack, including two journalists, Namir Nour El Deen and Saeed Chmagh, who worked for the Reuters news agency. This is the full, unedited version of the footage.


cover image credit: Alexas_Fotos / pixabay

America’s New “Angels of Death”: Inject Humanity With a Gene-Altering Death-Dealing Technology. Medical Professionals Cannot Claim Ignorance.

America’s New “Angels of Death”: Inject Humanity With a Gene-Altering Death-Dealing Technology. Medical Professionals Cannot Claim Ignorance.

by  Prof. Bill Willers, Global Research
July 11, 2022


“The guilt for the mass murder is solely that of the political leaders….. I accuse the leaders of abusing my obedience. At that time obedience was demanded, just as in the future it will also be demanded of the subordinate. Obedience is commended as a virtue.”
Adolph Eichmann, Nazi, at his trial

Early in the declared Covid19 Pandemic, America’s medical community —  and this included America’s pharmacies    coalesced around a system of outlawing medicines known to be effective, safe and inexpensive, notably ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine  In time, it became obvious that withholding early treatment was crucial for the pharmaceutical industry’s project to vaccinate the world against a claimed Covid19 virus.

Had the effectiveness of inexpensive and available medicines been widely seen, the pretext for ‘Emergency Use Authorization’ of a warpspeed-produced experimental product would have vaporized. With a trillion dollar global vaccination project at stake, that couldn’t be allowed, so the lies of ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine being toxic were authoritatively enforced.  

The policy descended (and continues to descend) from administrative networks within the Department of Health and Human Services, (notably CDC and NIAID) to the states. These networks are part of, and fed by, an international complex involving the World Health Organization, itself under the control of international pharmaceutical interests focused primarily on vaccines, as well as on gene manipulations sold under the deceptive banner of “vaccine”.

This multi-pronged, vaccine-focused universe now includes research universities and medical schools, medical societies and fraudulent medical journals showcasing ghost-written “scientific” articles. A key player is the discipline of Public Health, a politicized field posing as objective science, enforcer of official narrative and hurler of the “misinformation” epithet at dissenters. And of course there is the compliant media. And money, endless rivers of it. 

At hospital level, commands from this complex flow through desk-bound administrators, with doctors and nurses induced to follow those commands for fear of losing needed hospital access. Failure to mind can even result in suspension of license to practice medicine. This control system extends to state medical boards under the umbrella of the Federation of State Medical Boards, the guidelines of which require practitioners to use treatments “… supported by the best available scientific evidence or prevailing scientific consensus”. But officially accepted “best available scientific evidence” is now so tightly controlled that one is literally forced toward the “prevailing scientific consensus”. 

The “consensus” referred to is a rigidly enforced story, and divergence from it is immediately attacked from all corners of officialdom as “misinformation”. A key branch of the army protecting the official, lie-riddled storyline has been the burgeoning fact-check industry, succinctly nailed by Dr. Bryan Ardis  “Fact checking is to divert you from the truth and take you back to the narrative you’re being sold worldwide.”

You doctors who have been obedient to an industry-inspired, governmentally-driven protocol have abdicated the doctor-patient relationship. And what is true for doctors in this respect applies to nurses as well. By withholding available treatments and sending sick people home; by injecting a trusting public with an experimental gene-altering technology that has potentially devastating long-range, even trans-generational impacts; by not seeing immediately the criminal idiocy of injecting children, for whom the claimed virus is known to be benign, you have made your patients de facto lab animals. 

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover once wrote “The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” The Covid19 Pandemic, set up as justification for a global project to inject humanity with a gene-altering death-dealing technology, is certainly monstrous enough to handicap anyone, at least for a time. It is murderous on a scale so immense as to be unbelievable on first exposure. And that alone may have posed too great a barrier for most of the multitude to even want to take a closer look. 

But you medical professionals cannot claim ignorance at this late date, when mere minutes of online search can reveal that outstanding medical figures all over the world have been struggling against censorship and mainstream media vomitings to expose the lie-riddled Covid19/“vaccine” project ( 123…) For their troubles, of course, they continue to be attacked by the media network long known to be rotten to the core. Has your choosing to be obedient within this long nightmare been simply to hold on to a job? Or have you just been too lazy to search out censored information? Or too uncaring? Or are you just stupid? Only you would know for sure. 

Josef Mengele, like yourselves, was a medical doctor. At Auschwitz concentration camp, his grisly medical experiments won him a place in history as Todesengel, “The Angel of Death”. He is supposed to have said “The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” Does that seem familiar, and do your patients still trust you? In any case, you medics who have been so obedient to the vaccine industry’s merciless global project might want to get to know Dr. Mengele. There are even books on the man. After all, he was a soul mate of yours, as you have, eyes wide open, made yourselves, whether by omission or commission, his medical heirs. 


Bill Willers is an emeritus professor of biology, University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh. He is founder of the Superior Wilderness Action Network and editor of Learning to Listen to the Land, and Unmanaged Landscapes, both from Island Press. He can be contacted at


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cover image credit: geralt

‘Head-Spinning’: FDA Quietly Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine for Adolescents

‘Head-Spinning’: FDA Quietly Grants Full Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine for Adolescents
In a move Children’s Health Defense President Mary Holland called “head-spinning,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday granted full approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents 12 through 15 years old.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
July 11, 2022


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Friday granted full approval of Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents 12 through 15 years old.

In an FDA press release, the agency said full approval of Comirnaty follows a “rigorous analysis and evaluation of the safety and effectiveness data,” and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine “has been, and will continue to be authorized for emergency use in this age group since May 2021.”

Pfizer’s press release announcing the approval said the Comirnaty vaccine has been available under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) since May 2021 for the adolescent age group.

Yet, Comirnaty is not available in the U.S for any age group and is not the same formula as the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine currently authorized under EUA and being distributed as a “fully approved” vaccine.

“The approval of Comirnaty for adolescents 12 to 15 is head-spinning,” said Mary Holland, president and general counsel for Children’s Health Defense.

Holland added:

“The FDA failed to convene an expert committee and failed to appropriately weigh the risk-benefit profile of this vaccine for this age group. Even Vaccine cheerleader Dr. Paul Offit acknowledged FDA decisions are being made based on political pressure, not science when, in commenting on the agency’s vote last week to allow reformulated booster shots, he said it felt like ‘the fix was in.’”

Holland said that at base, “this is a move by pharma to ensure liability protection” under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Some states likely will attempt to put Comirnaty on the childhood vaccine schedule, despite the myriad known and unknown risks, Holland said.

“Pfizer‘s fraud and collusion with government is becoming more evident by the day,” Holland said. “CHD, already challenging the authorizations for those six months through age 11, will be at the forefront of challenging this approval for teenagers.”

Efficacy claims based on old analysis of 16- to 25-year-olds — before Delta, Omicron variants

Pfizer said Friday’s approval is based on data from a Phase 3 clinical trial of 2,260 participants ages 12 through 15.

About half of the participants, “elicited SARS-CoV-2–neutralizing antibody geometric mean titers (GMTs)” demonstrating “strong immunogenicity in a subset of adolescents one month after the second dose,” Pfizer said.

It is unknown what happened to antibody levels after one month, but peer-reviewed research suggests vaccine protection conferred by second and third doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine wanes rapidly against the Omicron variant.

“Our study found a rapid decline in Omicron-specific serum neutralizing antibody titers only a few weeks after the second and third doses of [the Pfizer-BioNTech] BNT162b2,” said the authors of a May 13 study published in JAMA.

To further support its claim that Comirnaty is effective in the 12 to 15 age group, Pfizer used an old analysis of 16- to 25-year-olds conducted before the Delta and Omicron surges.

“The efficacy analysis was conducted between November 2020 and May 2021, which was before the Delta and Omicron surges,” and the “only SARS-CoV-2 variant of concern identified from the confirmed COVID-19 cases in this age group was Alpha,” Pfizer said in its press release.

FDA experts question neutralizing antibodies as standard for vaccine effectiveness

During a June 28 meeting of the FDA’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), vaccine experts raised concerns that neutralizing antibodies did not correlate to clinical protection — noting Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine had a two-fold increase in neutralizing antibody levels compared with Pfizer’s vaccine during clinical trials, but it did not translate into a clinically significant difference in terms of protection against severe disease.

Dr. Ofer Levy, VRBPAC member and infectious disease physician at Boston Children’s Hospital, said during the meeting there is still “no established correlate of protection,” referring to the level of antibodies needed to confer protection.

“You have a lot of data now,” Levy told Pfizer. “What is your relative protection?”

“I would say there is no established correlate of protection,” Kena Swanson, Ph.D., vice president of viral vaccines at Pfizer, told Levy.

Levy said:

“I would like to hear from FDA what their overall approach will be around improving our understanding of correlate protection. We spend a good amount of time reviewing antibody data. We have no doubt antibody data is important. We don’t have a level of antibody that anybody is comfortable stating is correlated [with] protection.

Levy, who said antibodies are important, but T cells are more important, called for federal leadership to establish a “standardization of the T-cell assay and encourage or in fact require the sponsors to gather that information.”

“So what is the effort to standardize the pre-clinical assays?” Levy asked. “This is an effort that’s critical not just now but for future cycles of vaccine revision. If we aren’t able to define a standard for correlate protection we are fighting with one arm behind our back.”

Dr. Peter Marks, head of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, acknowledged the importance of Levy’s question and said they are “having conversations” with colleagues at the National Institutes of Health and throughout government about how they might move forward, but it is something they “don’t have an answer to yet.”

Marks said as vaccines are developed in the future, it will “become even more important” to define a standard of correlate protection because “we won’t be able to have a large naive population to vaccinate with newer vaccines.”

“We will need to understand the T-cell response better,” Marks said. “I take your point, it’s just that we haven’t solved the problem yet.“

Comirnaty not available in the U.S. 

According to Pfizer’s press release, Comirnaty was previously made available to the 12 to 15 age group in the U.S. under EUA and 9 million U.S. adolescents in this age group have completed a primary series.

“The vaccine, sold under the brand name Comirnaty for adults, has been available under an emergency use authorization since May 2021 for the 12-15 age group,” Reuters reported. “It will now be sold under the same brand name for adolescents as well.”

Yet, Pfizer’s information hotline says it has no specific information on when Comirnaty will be available.

The FDA said Friday the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine “has been, and will continue to be, authorized for emergency use in this age group since May 2021.”

The CDC’s website states that Comirnaty is “not orderable.”

A branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services overseeing the Strategic National Stockpile indicated Comirnaty was not available because Pfizer did not have time to change the labels.

According to FDA documents, Comirnaty is not available in the U.S. and nobody has received a fully approved and licensed COVID-19 vaccine.

“Comirnaty has not been made available under EUA,” said Dr. Madhava Setty, physician and senior science editor for The Defender.

Setty added:

“The FDA and Pfizer have already stated very quietly, that they have no intent of manufacturing Comirnaty for distribution. Everyone is getting the non-licensed formulation that carries no liability for pharmaceutical companies.”

The CDC website confirms this, stating the Comirnaty formulation “will not be manufactured or made available in the near term even if authorized.”

The FDA on Aug. 23, 2021, approved Pfizer’s biological licensing application (BLA) for its COVID-19 vaccine named Comirnaty for people age 16 and older.

CHD challenged FDA on Comirnaty ‘approval’ for adults

As The Defender reported, there were “several bizarre aspects to the FDA approval” that proved confusing — which led to CHD suing the FDA over its approval of Comirnaty.

The FDA acknowledged that while Pfizer had “insufficient stocks” of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine, there was “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — produced under EUA — still available for use.

The FDA said the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under EUA should remain unlicensed but could be used “interchangeably” with the newly licensed Comirnaty product.

The FDA also said the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and the existing Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine were “legally distinct,” but proclaimed their differences did not “impact safety or effectiveness.”

Yet, there is a “huge real-world difference” between products approved under EUA compared with those the FDA has fully licensed.

EUA products are experimental under U.S. law and cannot be mandated. A licensed vaccine, such as Comirnaty, can be mandated by employers and schools.

Although Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine can be mandated, it has no liability shield. Vials of the branded product, which say “Comirnaty” on the label, are subject to the same product liability laws as other U.S. products.

Only COVID-19 vaccines distributed under EUA — which in the U.S. includes Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson — have liability protection under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act (PREP).

Under PREP, the only way an injured party can sue a pharmaceutical company for an injury caused by an EUA vaccine is if he or she can prove willful misconduct and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded.

Comirnaty cannot receive liability protection unless it is fully approved for children and added to the CDC’s immunization schedule bringing it under the auspices of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

Pfizer-BioNTech and Comirnaty vaccines aren’t interchangeable 

The FDA on Oct. 29, 2021, authorized a manufacturing change to allow an additional formulation of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine that uses tromethamine (Tris) buffer instead of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) used in the originally authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The FDA on Dec. 16, 2021, approved a supplement to the Comirnaty BLA to include a new 30 mcg dose formulation that uses the Tris buffer instead of the PBS buffer used in the originally approved vaccine.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine may contain either the PBS buffer or tris buffer, except for the 5 to 11 age group. The Comirnaty vaccine contains the Tris buffer.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine used for the 5 to 11 age group uses a Tris buffer, despite clinical trials having been conducted using Pfizer’s vaccine containing the PBS buffer.

According to Pfizer’s July 8 press release, the FDA relied upon studies conducted prior to the formula change to justify the approval of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine for adolescents ages 12 to 15.

The type of buffer used in a COVID-19 vaccine can affect the potency of the vaccine, how it is stored and the propensity to develop potential adverse events, TrialSite News reported.

​​According to Cleveland Clinic, Tris is commonly used for the prevention and treatment of metabolic acidosis associated with various clinical conditions such as heart bypass surgery or cardiac arrest. It is also used in other vaccines, including Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine, dengue, smallpox and Ebola vaccines.

The FDA categorizes tromethamine as a category C drug and suggests using tromethamine only if clearly needed.

It is unknown if tromethamine will harm an unborn baby, but animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus, and there are “no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans.”

“The FDA-evaluated manufacturing data [to] support the change in this inactive ingredient and concluded it did not impact the safety or effectiveness of the product,” Marks, said during an October 2021, press briefing.

According to the FDA’s Letter of Authorization, reissued on Oct. 29, “analytical comparability assessments” revealed the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine formulations containing Tris and PBS buffers were “analytically comparable.”

Yet, no human or animal trials were conducted to determine the safety or efficacy of the new formula.


©July 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Jerm Warfare’s Jeremy Nell & Dr. David Rasnick on the Great Cancer Swindle

Jerm Warfare’s Jeremy Nell & Dr. David Rasnick on the Great Cancer Swindle


TCTL editor’s note:

Brief excerpt from the interview:

Dr. David Rasnick:

The prevalence of cancer, the increase of cancer worldwide is due to the increase in carcinogens in our environment…

Jerm (Jeremy Nell):

Hold on, Dave. So, are you saying that, for example, during the time of the Roman Empire, cancer would have been… cancer prevalence would have been very low?


Yeah. Pretty close to zero.


Wow. Okay. That’s interesting.


Even before the industrial revolution it was pretty close to zero,

The industrial revolution increased carcinogens, pollutions in the environment. Almost all cancer, almost all cancer, is due to environmental carcinogens — poisons that we put in the environment.


And could those poisons also be perhaps childhood vaccinations?


Oh, Lord, yes… My goodness yes. Our environment includes what we breathe, what we eat, what we’re exposed to, what we inject in ourselves…


David Rasnick on the Great Cancer Swindle
The causes of cancer are not what we’re told they are

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
July 11, 2022


David Rasnick is a biochemist with decades of research in AIDS and cancer, and returned to my podcast to discuss cancer and why most of what we’re told is wrong.

Cancer is an extremely complex subject, so I’d recommend reading his summary article in which he outlines, in fairly layman language, the foundation of his argument.

Basically, it’s known as Aneuploidy Theory, and it is in stark contrast to the current Big Pharma model of cancer. Obviously, Aneuploidy Theory is “discredited” and dismissed, as a result. But, as pharmaceutical scientist Mike Donio said, the pharmaceutical industry is untrustworthy and thrives on sick people and unscientific methodology.

David’s conversation is worth watching because he used slides, but it’s possible to get by with audio only.

View and Dowload PDF of David Rasnick’s paper “The aneuploidy theory of cancer and the barriers to its acceptance”


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Argentina: GMO Wheat Banned in the Province of Buenos Aires

Argentina: GMO Wheat Banned in the Province of Buenos Aires
Judge says GMO wheat could cause “serious and irreversible damage” to human health and the environment 

by Tierra Viva (in Spanish)
English version sourced from
GM Watch
July 11, 2022


Bioceres – the “Argentine Monsanto” – is racing to get its GMO HB4 wheat accepted by regulators around the world. It has already got food approval in Australia and partial approval in the US – from the FDA but not yet the USDA. And, according to the Argentine journalist Patricio Eleisegui, Bioceres is also heavily targeting the countries of Latin America, where it has already obtained partial approvals in Colombia and Brazil.

But while Bioceres is rushing to create markets for its GMO wheat abroad, within Argentina itself its commercialisation is facing widespread resistance. And it appears to have received a major setback in the province of Buenos Aires, the very heart of agribusiness in Argentina.

A judge in Mar del Plata has issued a precautionary ruling that suspends the use and release of GMO HB4 wheat in Buenos Aires until a commission is formed to evaluate its effects, reports the news agency Tierra Viva. The ruling responds to a collective suit brought by farmers, social and environmental organisations and Indigenous peoples. They emphasise that the action could be replicated in other provinces where this GMO wheat is already being grown.

The temporary measure is in place until an Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety Commission is formed, which will be responsible for preparing a report on the introduction and release of the GMO crop and its effects on natural resources, health, production and marketing. The precautionary measure was issued by the Juvenile Criminal Responsibility Court No. 2 of Mar del Plata.

The decision of the Buenos Aires judge Néstor Adrián Salas is relevant because it confirms that although the national State has the authority to approve the commercialisation of GMOs and agrochemicals, it is the provinces that retain the authority for their effective release in the territories because they have control over natural resources.

For Judge Salas, the release of the first GMO wheat approved in the world could cause “serious and irreversible damage” to human health and the environment. He refers to both the crop itself and the associated agrochemicals; in this case, glufosinate ammonium, a herbicide that is more toxic than glyphosate.

“If the material is released in Buenos Aires territory, this being the first GMO event to be applied to wheat seed, the crossbreeding of the material with non-GMO wheat can be irreversibly introduced,” Salas warned. To support his decision, he cited – among others – a document from the National Biotechnology Commission (Conabia) that details “the potential horizontal transfer or exchange of genes” between GMO wheat and other seeds.

The precautionary measure is based on the precautionary principle present in the General Law of the Environment, which establishes that in the face of danger of serious or irreversible damage, measures to avoid it should not be delayed on the grounds of lack of information or scientific certainty.

The Commission for Biotechnology and Agricultural Biosafety of the Province, which the judge ruled must be put into operation, should have been formed more than 20 years ago, when Law 12.822 was approved. However, no provincial administration implemented the law and formed the commission.

Lawyer Lucas Landivar, who represents the group of organisations, producers and Indigenous peoples who brought the suit, stressed the importance of complying with article 124 of the National Constitution. This establishes that the provinces are responsible for the natural resources in their territory. “The provinces cannot allow their cultural heritage and biodiversity to be affected,” he noted. In this sense, he stressed that the seeds used in agriculture are a cultural heritage of the people, which the provinces must preserve.

Fernando Cabaleiro, a lawyer for the organisation Nature of Rights, which is also involved in the suit, stressed that this same action can be replicated in different provinces. “There is the General Environmental Law and at the same time, each province has its legislation on this matter. This is environmental pollution and it is the duty of the provinces to protect their natural assets,” he said.

Provincial law 12.822 of 2001 ordered the creation – 90 days after it came into effect – of the Agricultural Biotechnology and Biosafety Commission. The objective of this body is to prepare a report with its recommendations regarding the introduction and release of GMOs and their effects on natural resources, health, production and marketing.

In writing this law, the legislators at that time considered, “Given the vertiginous increase in the use of GMO seeds, we believe it is necessary that there should be a provincial body that has the function of controlling their use.”

Likewise, they understood that this commission had to answer a series of questions that Judge Salas transcribed verbatim in his resolution:

* Have enough tests been done with these organisms so that we will not have to repent in the near future?

* What are the mechanisms that different countries have to assess their danger to the ecosystem and to human health?

* Why do some countries accept GMOs and others do not?

* Has the Ministry of Health or another official body certified the harmlessness of GMOs to human beings? Has the risk to human or animal health been assessed, such as the danger of antibiotic resistance?

* Should the release of GMOs undergo a mandatory environmental impact study?

* Is the introduction of GMOs in Argentina assimilated from a public debate, or is it a simple concept of genetic innovation to reap greater profits through patents in some countries?

* Does the new technology commonly called terminator affect traditional crops and biodiversity in general? [GMW: Terminator seeds are genetically engineered to be sterile after first harvest. Thus far this GMO technology has not been commercialised due to overwhelming public and scientific opposition. More information is here.]

Lawyer Landivar argued that it is very striking and worrying that the Provincial Executive has spent so many years without enforcing a decision of the Legislative Power. “This omission violates the precautionary preventive regime and deepens a practice that has generated adverse consequences and negative effects on health and the environment for 20 years,” he warned.

The marketing of HB4 wheat, from Bioceres – owned by Hugo Sigman and Gustavo Grobocopatel, among other businessmen – was authorised on May 12 by the National Ministry of Agriculture. The decision ignored the claims of hundreds of social and peasant organisations and thousands of scientists who denounced the lack of transparency in the approval procedure for HB4 wheat, the contamination it will produce on other non-GMO wheats and the increased use of agrochemicals that it will entail. its cultivation.

On May 19, federal prosecutor Fabián Canda reiterated before federal judge Santiago Carrillo the request to urgently suspend the authorisation of HB4 GMO wheat due to “the irreparable damage” it could cause to the environment and the health of the population.

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cover image credit: Peggy_Marco / pixabay

Comedian Jim Breuer: Jim’s Got a Heavy Message — “Get Your Life Out of the World That Is Trying to Drag You Into an Emotional, Demonic, Evil Distress.”

Comedian Jim Breuer: Jim’s Got a Heavy Message — “Get Your Life Out of the World That Is Trying to Drag You Into an Emotional, Demonic, Evil Distress.”

by Jim Breuer
July 8, 2022




“Get your emotions, get your life out of the world that is trying to drag you into an emotional, demonic, evil distress.”


“Start looking at the beauty right in front of you with yourself, with yourself.”


“I don’t have politics. I don’t have politics. That’s the world trying to divide and conquer and take your faith away.”


“We’re all obsessed. Deep, life issues right now. Abortion. Everyone’s running out there going nutso from a SLOGAN. Everything’s a sales pitch. It’s a slogan to control your emotions, to control your life, to control your actions.”


‘My body, my choice. My body, my choice.’ Stop it. You’re being controlled. You’re being manipulated. Your spirit, your soul, the beauty inside you is being sucked out…

Stop it. Your life is right in front of you. Right in front of you. Everyone has their own journey.”


“We’re getting sucked into nonsense. There’s such a deeper part of life…But if you don’t allow it — like a radio station — if you don’t want to listen to the station, you’re never going to know it. And you’ve got no right to say ‘it doesn’t exist, that’s stupid’.”


“Please, go out, enjoy life. Please, every time you feel the need to get sucked into a subject that’s just a slogan to debate and argue over — I have deep friends that are saying they want to be identified as a who or a what, a noun. Do you understand the attack on your mentality when you don’t know what you are anymore?

This really has to do with, in my opinion, deeper spirituality, God, the Lord, however you want to put it. I hope you find it. I hope you tap into it. It will help you spread light to so many others, so many others, so many others.”


See related:


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Sri Lankan People Take Over Presidents Palace

Sri Lankan People Take Over Presidents Palace

by Rukshan Fernando, Real Rukshan
July 9, 2022



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Comedian Jim Breuer – ‘Somebody Had to Say It’

Comedian Jim Breuer – ‘Somebody Had to Say It’

by 21st Century Wire
July 7, 2022


As the establishment and mainstream mass formation spell finally begins to wear off, more artists and entertainers are stepping up to call out the ridiculousness of the pandemic and vaccine hysteria of the last 2 and a half years.

Comedian Jim Breuer lets loose in his one-man show entitled, ‘Somebody Had to Say It.’



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