The Tiananmen Square Hoax: Massacre or Failed Color Revolution?
by Matt Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
June 4, 2023
In this episode of The Multipolar Reality on Rogue News, I take a deep dive into the truth of Tiananmen Square and prove that everything you’ve been taught about this Massacre on June 4, 1989 is a lie covering up a CIA-driven attempt at color revolution more akin to Ukraine’s Maidan in 2014.
This presentation will also introduce the origins of the National Endowment for Democracy from the bowels of the Trilateral Commission, Open Society Foundations, the Malthusian takeover of the trans-Atlantic, the Club of Rome and the hive of transhumanists who were more successful with their program to destroy Russia during the 1980s-1990s than they were to achieve their takeover of China.
The deep state of China is here mapped out taking us into the network around disgraced Communist Party chairman Zhao Ziyang and his nest of technocratic fifth columnists who tried to turn China into a slave colony under the thumb of the Trilateral Commission social engineers. And yes, Miles Guo, Jimmy Lai and Falun Gong play a role in this sordid tale.
How China’s Gorbachev was Flushed… in 1989
Tiananmen Square: The Failure of an American-instigated 1989 Color Revolution
How China Banned Soros [a Canadian Patriot Documentary]
Who is Creating a New Chinese Boogey Man? (An Examination of Modern Psychological Warfare)

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