Thick Red Line: Supporting the Police to Say No to Immoral, Unlawful Orders of Politicians

Thick Red Line: Supporting the Police to Say No to Immoral, Unlawful Orders of Politicians

“Tyranny only comes to your door in a uniform and a badge. And if the police say no, then the politicians are absolutely, positively impotent. We’re supporting the police to say no.” ~ Howard Lichtman



Howard Lichtman on The Thick Red Line

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 16, 2020


Howard Lichtman joins us today to introduce, an effort to restore respect for law enforcement by abolishing victimless crime. ThickRedLine seeks to upend the narrative that keeps the public afraid of breaking the unlawful orders of the politicians and prevents officers from following their own conscience.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / LBRY / Minds / YouTube or Download the mp4


David Rodriguez and Howard Lichtman at Dominican Hospital

Howard Lichtman at Santa Clara Medical Center
