This Is Huge: Rebellion in China Now
Support the Protesters in China
by Jon Rappoport
November 28, 2022
Suppose the idea of REVOLUTION instead of SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE now spreads from China to Western countries?
When people who protest against the government in China can be tortured and killed, and yet they keep protesting, that tells you something big is happening now.
Crowd angered by lockdowns calls for China’s Xi to step down
Protesters angered by strict anti-virus measures called for China’s powerful leader to resign, an unprecedented rebuke as authorities in at least eight cities struggled to suppress demonstrations Sunday that represent a rare direct challenge to the ruling Communist Party.
Police using pepper spray drove away demonstrators in Shanghai who called for Xi Jinping to step down and an end to one-party rule, but hours later people rallied again in the same spot. Police again broke up the demonstration, and a reporter saw protesters under arrest being driven away in a bus.
The protests—which began Friday and have spread to cities including the capital, Beijing, and dozens of university campuses—are the most widespread show of opposition to the ruling party in decades.
The predators at the WEF, Gates Foundation, the WHO, who keep bloviating praise for the Chinese regime and its COVID lockdowns and surveillance and social credit score policies—
Those Globalist predators suddenly have something else to think about: the possibility of revolution in China against the government and against those policies.
We need to show overwhelming solidarity with the Chinese protestors.
Of course, the Chinese regime has the firepower to put down these protests. But, against a background of brutal long lockdowns, and with many of their citizens beyond all patience and on the edge of rebellion, is firepower a good idea?
This sets up a rock and hard place for the Chinese government.
Media reports indicate that in some local areas, officials are starting to lift COVID restrictions—hoping to avoid wider protests.
Certainly, Xi Jinping is starting to feel the heat. If high officials in the regime perceive he can’t handle the situation, they’re going to consider looking around for another leader. That could spell destabilization.
Regardless, it’s clear the vaunted and highly praised Chinese model of “dealing with COVID” is failing.
The past two years of elite Western bullshit about China’s unqualified success is being exposed as sheer propaganda and fraud.
Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, two of China’s strongest supporters, are suddenly looking like morons.
The Western press Lefties are nervously waiting for their marching orders. How should they handle this story? How should they slant it?
“Does the CIA want us to attack Xi Jinping? Or support him?”
“How the hell should I know? I’m waiting for something from the State Department.”
“What is Biden saying?”
“Are you kidding? He’s saying, ‘Where is my bathrobe? How do I get from the shower to my bed’?”
The string pullers who manage Biden are earnestly hoping the protests in China are viewed in the US as “something happening far away over THERE, and have nothing to do with us HERE.”
Which is a lie. The entire effort of the Western Left to praise China is part and parcel of holding up the Chinese regime as a shining model of The Great Reset and all it implies—as that model is brought on board in the West.
Realizing the model is collapsing before our eyes in China spells disaster for the Globalists, if enough people connect the obvious dots.
The Chinese regime is a stone cold tyranny, period. Nothing about it should be welcomed on our shores. Its Great Reset, a gigantic punitive wall to wall Surveillance State, is a living nightmare.
THAT’S what the Chinese people are now protesting, at the risk of losing their lives.
THEY’RE the people we should be supporting, not their leaders.
— Jon Rappoport
Connect with Jon Rappoport
cover image credit: CDD20

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