We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 2)
by CJ Hopkins
October 9, 2022
So here it is, Part Two of We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the four-part series of dialogues I had with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call “GloboCap” and she calls “Mr. Global,” and the rollout of the New Normal, and the Going Direct Reset, and official propaganda, and totalitarianism, and God, and other things like that.
Part One was released in late August, and was kind of an introduction to the series, exploring the question of how we got here (i.e., all of us, collectively, to this point in history, and Catherine and I, personally, to the little Dutch fishing village where our dialogues were filmed in 2021, just as the New Normal was getting extremely ugly).
Part Two is about The Financial Coup that GloboCap (a/k/a Mr. Global) has been carrying out for the last thirty years (and arguably since the end of World War II), central banks, the Secrecy Machine, the Going Direct Reset, the National Security Slush Fund, and assorted other nefarious Mr. Global-type activities … which means Part Two is mostly me trying to get Catherine to explain it all in terms that a non-financial-expert like me can halfway understand, which, unsurprisingly, Catherine does extremely well. Anyway, here it is … click on the image.
The series is produced by OVALmedia, which (also unsurprisingly) was deplatformed by YouTube just as Part One was being released. So it goes in the New Normal Reich.
Parts Three and Four are now scheduled to be released in November and December, respectively. Here’s what the series should look like when finished …
Part One: How Did We Get Here?
Part Two: The Financial Coup
Part Three: Propaganda
Part Four: The Future
I’ll let you know when the final release dates are announced. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Part Two (and Part One, if you haven’t already). I certainly had a good time filming them, despite the dystopian subject matter.

Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
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