Adam Eisenberg on There Being No Plane at the Pentagon on 9/11

Adam Eisenberg on There Being No Plane at the Pentagon on 9/11

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published for Jerm Warfare members April 15, 2024
updated June 18, 2024



While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11.

In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash.

Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.



Why is there absolutely no plane debris?

In fact, there are no bodies either. Surely, there would be something.

Yet, so many people blindly believe the official story and refuse to ask the most basic questions.

In our conversation, Adam explains why he waited so long to speak up, but in my opinion it doesn’t matter, because his claim—about there being no plane—is corroborated by earlier conversations I’ve had.


For further context, I recommend listening to my podcasts with Judy WoodAndrew Johnson, and James Fetzer.



Using slides, he presents evidence that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon.

He includes his personal experiences on site, including the lack of plane parts and the strange condition of the boardroom where people were still in their chairs despite fire damage.

Adam believes that a plane was indeed used in some capacity, but not in the way it is portrayed in the official story. And, to be fair, anyone who thinks that a large aircraft could fly that low—literally just above the grass—by an inexperienced pilot, is a fool.

“There is overwhelming evidence that no planes hit the World Trade Centre or the Pentagon on 9/11.”

Judy Wood


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Cover image credit: United States Air Force (public domain ID 010911-F-ZZ999-019)

Nisa Khan With Jeremy Nell: Why LED Lighting Is Harmful to All Life

Nisa Khan With Jeremy Nell: Why LED Lighting Is Harmful to All Life


by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published February 16, 2024


Nisa Khan is a scientist with a strong focus on lighting and, specifically, LED lighting and its dangers.

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. It is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric current passes through it. LEDs are used in a wide range of applications, from indicator lights on devices to street lighting to cars and large display screens. They are known for their efficiency, long life, and low energy consumption compared to traditional light sources like incandescent bulbs.



Up until this conversation with Nisa, I was in a committed relationship with LED lighting. Now, however, our relationship is on rocky ground.

Isaac Newton (1642 to 1727)

Newton and Gauss

Isaac Newton was a British mathematician and physicist, known for developing the laws of motion and universal gravitation.

Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German mathematician and physicist, made big contributions to many fields, including number theory, algebra, statistics, and astronomy. In fact, he is generally believed to be one of the greatest mathematicians of all time.

Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 to 1855)

Newton’s Principia introduced the law of gravity as philosophy, which later Western scientists interpreted as experimental philosophy.

However, Nisa suggests that he lacked the advanced calculus needed for an analytical proof and did not empirically prove the law himself; Henry Cavendish attempted this much later, but his justification was incomplete.

Meanwhile, she says that a deeper understanding of Gauss’s laws should be mandatory.

Newton’s Principia introduced the law of gravity as philosophy, which later Western scientists interpreted as experimental philosophy.

However, Nisa suggests that he lacked the advanced calculus needed for an analytical proof and did not empirically prove the law himself; Henry Cavendish attempted this much later, but his justification was incomplete.

Meanwhile, she says that a deeper understanding of Gauss’s laws should be mandatory.

Nisa Khan on Newton and Gauss — Download PDF

Mathematics is the queen of sciences, and arithmetic the queen of mathematics.

~ Carl Gaus

Why does this matter?

It’s quite scientific and, therefore, complicated.


Halogen is slightly less artificial than LED


As somebody who colours in pictures and talks to people for a living, I struggle with complex scientific discussions like this, but here’s my summary for those of you who are like me:

  • LED lighting is different from natural light sources like the sun and fire, and it is light pollution when it does not emit pure white light.
  • The three-dimensional nature of light and the two-dimensional nature of artificial light make a huge difference to our health.
  • Understanding Gauss’s law can lead to better illumination and healthier environments.
  • LED lighting is harmful because it is two-dimensional.
  • Mainstream science lacks a comprehensive understanding of light.
  • The use of natural light sources, such as fire and candles, is optimal for human health.

I think that covers the gist of everything.


Connect with Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare

Etienne de la Boetie² on the Federal Reserve and Mass Control

Etienne de la Boetie² on the Federal Reserve and Mass Control

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 18, 2023


The Federal Reserve has a significant grip on the US economy, its political system and, by extension, the rest of the world.

Created by a banking cartel, it’s designed to serve the interests of the banking industry at the expense of the general population. A staggering 90% of the US money supply is essentially created out of thin air by private banks. These banks then loan this money and collect interest, essentially making profits from nothing. (This is known as fractional reserve banking.)

The US government borrows from these central banks, adding to the public debt, which is then shouldered by the citizens.

Plus, the government has no real control over the Federal Reserve, despite the appearance of regulation. The Federal Reserve Board and the heads of the Federal Reserve Banks are the ones who determine the economic policy of the US. These board members have strong ties to big banking and investment companies (such as Vanguard and BlackRock).

The Federal Reserve is a corrupt institution that facilitates war and mass slavery through inflation and theft.

The article claims that this system essentially robs society by inflating prices and reducing the purchasing power of existing dollars. It also discusses how a small number of companies, primarily banks and financial institutions, control a significant portion of global wealth. The article suggests that the death of the dollar could be imminent due to the exposure of these systems. It is obviously unfair that banks are given the monopoly privilege of creating money, which steals the purchasing power from everyone else in society.

Moreover, there are around 147 firms, primarily banks and financial institutions, that control about 40% of global wealth. (Vanguard and BlackRock alone control around $16.5 trillion.)

The ability to create money out of thin air has enabled banks to buy, consolidate, and weaponise the media and other industries,. This has led to a form of monopoly where a small number of companies control significant sectors.

Etienne de la Boetie² is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation and the author of Government – The Biggest Scam in History.

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Cover image credit: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

Helen Joyce on Transgenderism, Ideology and Reality

Helen Joyce on Transgenderism, Ideology and Reality

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 1, 2023


There’s a real hesitancy to dive into certain topics, especially the ones that go against what most people think or believe.

This is clear when it comes to talking about gender identity and the idea that ‘trans women are women’ and, more specifically, that men and women can switch genders.

  • ‘Trans’ women are not women (and vice-versa).
  • Men and women can’t switch genders.

To be clear, there are two genders, and gender and sex are the same thing.

Delving into the postmodernist mindset, words are seen as creating reality.

This perspective is dangerous, discourages debate and promotes a culture of ‘no debate’ in which reality is dismissed outright without consideration. This approach stifles the pursuit of truth and prevents meaningful dialogue.

Furthermore, the concept of ‘sex assigned at birth’ is not only misleading, it’s nonsensical.

Sex is determined at conception and is not something that can be assigned or changed.

As an example, the societal implications of the ‘trans’ movement, particularly in relation to sports, are concerning. The fairness of allowing men, who ‘identify’ as women, to compete in women’s sports is a slippery slope. It is obviously not fair to allow a man, pretending to be a woman, to enter a boxing ring to fight against a woman.

It is based on a moral stance that prioritises the inclusion of ‘trans’ individuals over the integrity of women’s sports.

And it ultimately harms women.

In fact, it harms everything.

Helen Joyce is a journalist and author of Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality.


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Cover image credit: ArtificialArtist

Etienne de la Boetie² on All Governments Being Illegitimate Authorities

Etienne de la Boetie² on All Governments Being Illegitimate Authorities

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published December 5, 2022
updated August 24, 2023


Etienne de la Boetie2 (with a squared sign and, no, it isn’t his real name) has written extensively on why all governments are illegitimate authorities.

His alias is a play on the real Etienne de La Boétie, who was a French writer and philosopher who lived during the 16th century, best known for his essay titled Discourse On Voluntary Servitude in which he questioned why people willingly submit to oppressive rulers and argued that it is through voluntary obedience that tyrants are able to maintain their power.

Etienne (with a squared sign) makes the chaos for anarchism, which is a philosophy that advocates for a society without hierarchical authority or rulers.

It does not mean chaos because it emphasises voluntary cooperation, mutual aid, and decentralised decision-making.

Anarchy, meanwhile, refers to an absence of government control.

While the words “anarchism” and “anarchy” are related and often used interchangeably, they are technically different.

Anarchism is often associated with chaos due to a misunderstanding of its principles.

Anarchists believe that individuals are capable of organising themselves and making collective decisions without the need for a central authority. They argue that (government) hierarchy and coercion are the sources of many social problems and that people can freely cooperate and resolve conflicts through voluntary means.

Mikhail Bakunin, a Russian thinker during the 1800s, is generally considered one of the fathers of anarchism. He advocated for a society based on federalism, in which free associations of workers and communities would govern themselves without a centralised state.

Another thinker is Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, a French philosopher who coined the term “anarchism” and argued for a system based on mutualism and workers’ self-management.

Although not an example of anarchism, the Hanseatic League and anarchism emphasise decentralised decision-making and cooperation. The League was a confederation of merchant guilds in Northern Europe during the medieval period, in which participating cities maintained a level of autonomy while engaging in voluntary associations for trade and defence. Similarly, anarchism promotes self-governance through voluntary associations and rejects the need for centralised authority.

Hanseatic League

Anarchist societies have existed throughout history.

The Spanish Revolution (1936 – 1939) is one such example. Parts of Spain experienced a social revolution in which anarchists, alongside other groups, established self-governing communities, collectivised industries, and implemented direct democracy (which is when individuals participate directly in decision-making processes, rather than delegating authority to representatives).

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will.

In Etienne‘s book, Government – The Biggest Scam In History, he argues

the case that “Government”, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning… and they have been getting away with it… until now… because they have been controlling the media and academia.

Think of it more simply.

If an armed gang knocked on your door and demanded that you pay them a percentage of your income, no matter what their reasons might be, then any rational individual will agree that such behaviour is criminal.

Replace “armed gang” with “government”.


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See Related:

The Big Debate: Voluntaryism vs. Constitutional Republicanism – Etienne vs. Sam Bushman: Is “Government” Moral?

The Shady History of the Con-stitution

Why the Organized Crime Media Misrepresents Voluntaryism and Peaceful Anarchy as Chaos and Dystopia


Our Hidden History: Jason Breshears With Jerm Warfare on The Great Pyramid at Giza

Our Hidden History: Jason Breshears With Jerm Warfare on The Great Pyramid at Giza


A Beginner’s Guide to the Egyptian Pyramids, With Jason Breshears

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
Published June 1, 2023, updated July 18, 2023


It’s difficult to summarise, but Jason makes a convincing case for an advanced civilisation at the time of the construction of the Pyramids (over 4800 years ago), who used advanced techniques such as geopolymer construction and ultrasonic drilling.

Furthermore, he adds that the Pyramids were not even built by Egyptians.

Instead, they were built by an entirely different civilisation, before a catastrophic event wiped them out and the Pyramids ended up underwater for hundreds of years after a major rainfall that coincides with the Biblical flood.

Civilisation has been in decline ever since.

There is way too much to compress, so I recommend watching the following slideshow by Jason.


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See Related (Alternative Perspective):
Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell Nikola Tesla Great Pyramid Mystery! 

Mirrored at Rumble

Joseph Farrell: Giza Death Star Pyramid Mystery Part II The Antediluvian Weapon!

Mirrored at Rumble



Matt Ehret on the Tiananmen Square Hoax

Matt Ehret on the Tiananmen Square Hoax

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
May 28, 2023


We all know the official story, which goes as follows.

The Tiananmen Square “massacre” took place in Beijing in 1989. It happened during a period of political unrest and “pro-democracy” protests in the country. The protests began in April, with students and other groups gathering in Tiananmen Square, a large public space in the heart of Beijing, to voice their grievances and call for political reform.

China was experiencing rapid economic growth.

As the protests gained momentum, the Chinese government decided to use force to suppress the protests. They deployed the military, including troops and tanks, to clear Tiananmen Square.

The military crackdown resulted in a violent confrontation between the protesters and the armed forces.

Thousands of people were injured or killed.

That’s the official story.

And it’s mostly nonsense.

Much of what actually happened was deliberately muddied by various Western oligarchs, central intelligence agencies, and powerful actors like George Soros.

WikiLeaks confirmed it.



So did CBS News‘ Richard Roth (who was there).

So did BBC”s James Miles (who was there).

So did reporters from The New York Times and Reuters (who were there).

Editor of Canadian Patriot, Matt Ehret, presented a slideshow in which he broke apart the the whole thing and included very important collateral context.

As an accompaniment, I recommend reading Breaking Free Of Anti-China Psyops.


Connect with Jeremy Nell

Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States

Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States


Excerpts from the video interview with Jeremy Nell found below:


“Whether or not we align ourselves with truthful ideas, that are in harmony with natural law or in defiance of said law, is really a question of whether or not we’re fit to survive or not, and whether we’re gonna be enslaved by an oligarchical class who themselves are devoted to a very specific set of very perverted wrong ideas that they’re religiously committed to.

“Whether we tolerate that indefinitely or not, I don’t think the universe has that in our destiny. I don’t think we’re wired for that ultimate destiny to be just a slave society.”

“By looking at the structures of control over the next 2,500 years, they’ve always used something similar to seduce… people who are mystically-minded or superstitious.

“They need people… who have not taken the time to use their own minds as tools responsibly, and are still locked in a realm of superstition, to then be seduced to come in as initiates into their different lodges…”

“…In the case of like South Carolina, half of the state legislature were black slaves who were elected.

“In the 1870s, you could see the configuration of the South Carolina state legislature and state senators, and half of them are black people.

“This is the state where, 80 years later, you weren’t allowed to vote if you were black. There were Jim Crow laws and lynchings.

“So you’re like, how did that happen? How did that regression happen?…”

“I don’t know exactly what (to answer your question) is going to be required for people to finally wake up to this actual, insidious deep-state operation inside of the heart of America. I don’t know what the answer is to that.

“The way I tend to look at the oligarchies, at these secret societies, and what the oligarchies, upper echelons, actually believe in, I see it as a bit of a controlled form of insanity that has persevered over a very long period of time based on its momentum.

“There’s a certain power of momentum that has maintained its continuity. But ultimately, it’s a technique of perverting their own children…

“But one of the big obsessions that they put a lot of time into is thinking about how do you ensure that your institution will maintain itself despite the fact that it demands unhuman modes of conduct in your children and managers — the managerial class that will maintain your system after you die? They think trans-generationally.

“And so there has been a cultivation of a perverse form of education for the elites, grooming for the elites, both as children and as they go out…”

“So I don’t think that they really do have secret knowledge… I do believe that they believe that they do.

“I do believe that they believe that they can get all sorts of weird, nasty energy from their victims, their sacrificial victims, and I do believe that the believe in all sorts of demonic forces…”

“But again I see it as a perversity. I don’t see it as real secret knowledge. But it has power in the sense of the belief that causes actions to be put in a certain direction always.

“They will religiously always do certain things the same way, no matter what, which is why these oligarchies come close to their transhuman and new world order on many occasions in the past.

“Even before the word transhumanism was coined, they still wanted it. It was just called feudalism, managed by a master class of “beyond humans” who expected their slaves to perceive them as if they were gods or other forms of supernatural deities that you couldn’t possibly contend with because you’re just a lowly mortal.”

“If the oligarchy was as powerful as they want us to believe they are…they already would have won. We wouldn’t be here having this conversation.

“The reason why we have this space, this time, that has been won for us, has a lot to do with the fact that Russia and China and India increasingly have chosen to exit the unipolar system, which was supposed to be the controlled demolition of the economy, like they did in 1929.

“They were planning on doing this in 2009 when the first economic collapse could have taken down the entire system. They had to postpone that. Because, again, they need everybody in the same building when it’s lit on fire and demolished.”

“So I think the oligarchy — they try to project an image of being these immortal gods of Olympus. But they’re really more like the emperor that has no clothes. They’re a lot more insecure than than we think.”


Matt Ehret on the Occultic History of the United States

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published December 1, 2022
updated June 25, 2023



Matthew Ehret is a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review.

The Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States, officially charged with investigating federal crimes.

It was founded in 1908 as the Bureau Of Investigation (BOI) by attorney general Charles Bonaparte. The BOI was created in response to the growing threat of “anarchism” and other forms of political violence.

In 1919, the BOI was reorganised and renamed the Division Of Investigation (DOI).

In 1924, J Edgar Hoover was appointed director of the DOI.

He served as director of the FBI for 48 years, from 1924 to 1972. During his tenure, Hoover made the FBI a powerful force in American law enforcement.

However, most don’t know about its Masonic and otherwise occultic history which played an important role in the shadowy governance of the United States and manipulation of the system.

Albert Pike (1809-1891) was an American attorney, soldier, writer, and Freemason.

He is best known for his prominent role within Freemasonry and his contributions to Masonic literature.

Albert joined the Masonic fraternity in 1850 and rose to prominence within the organisation. HIs most notable work is his book Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, published in 1871. It is considered one of the most influential works on Freemasonry and explores the philosophy, symbolism, and rituals of the Scottish Rite.

Officially, Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that traces its origins back to the medieval guilds of stonemasons. It developed into a broader social and philosophical movement in the 17th and 18th centuries. Freemasonry is known for its symbolism, rituals, and principles of moral and ethical conduct.

My conversation with Matt is based on his documentary The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations.

 Video available at Jerm Warfare Odysee & Rumble channels.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

Connect with Jeremy Nell

Cover image based on creative commons work of: Ti_ & MDARIFLIMAT

See Matt Ehret’s Documentary “The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations”

 Video available at Rumble, YouTube & Odysee


Jerm Warfare: Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Directed Energy Weapons

Jerm Warfare: Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Directed Energy Weapons


Andrew Johnson on 9/11 and Directed Energy Weapons

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
originally published May 25, 2023, updated June 19, 2023


A Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon that damages its target with highly focused energy without a solid projectile.

DEWs can use a variety of energy sources including lasers, microwaves, particle beams and sound beams.

The concept has been around for centuries, but the technology has only recently become mature enough to be considered for military use. For example, the first DEWs were developed in the early 20th century, but they were not very powerful and had limited range.

In recent decades there has been a significant increase in research and development of DEWs, and several countries now have operational DEW systems.

Some countries, such as the United States, are actively developing DEWs, while others, such as China, are concerned about the potential for DEWs to be used in war.

To my knowledge, the cost of developing and deploying DEWs is much more expensive than conventional weapons. They can be used to defend against missiles, aircraft, and can also be used to disable electronic systems.

But there is an even darker reality.

What if Directed Energy Weapons were used to destroy the Twin Towers?

My conversation with Judy Wood suggests exactly that.

And so does my following conversation with Andrew Johnson, whose book about the gatekeeping (whether by design or emergence) within the “9/11 truth movement” acts as a form of censorship and suppression of the facts.

To be clear, the official story is bunk.

I am torn between the mini-nuke “controlled demolition” hypothesis and the DEW hypothesis presented by Judy and Andrew (and others).

However, there are far too many anomalies that don’t fit into the mini-nuke argument.

Andrew’s following slideshow is explosive.

He analyses what actually happened in relation to DEW and includes commentary on mind-bending physics surrounding the Hutchinson Effect and Nikola Tesla, as well as geoengineering and

  • the Columbia University seismographic data,
  • NASA AVIRIS dust and iron spectrometer imaging,
  • all seven WTC buildings destroyed,
  • steel from the Twin Towers turning to dust in mid-air,
  • relative lack of rubble compared to explosive controlled demolitions,
  • rapid spontaneous rusting of metal from the buildings,
  • over 1400 vehicles melted or warped while some distance away,
  • numerous flipped cars,
  • ground zero fuming for years without being hot,
  • numerous unharmed survivors in WTC stairwells,
  • unburned paper,
  • unburned clothing,
  • unburned pedestrians,
  • elevated levels of tritium,
  • lack of ionizing radiation, and
  • glowing and molten materials.

He also chatted about suppression and censorship of the aforementioned.

View video at Odysee


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Cover image credit: WikiImages

James Fetzer on the Nashville Transgender School Shooter Hoax

James Fetzer on the Nashville Transgender School Shooter Hoax

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
May 22, 2023


James Fetzer has chatted to me many times.

His conversations are always explosive.

I strongly recommend listening to his analyses of 9/11Sandy Hook and staged mass shootings. They are all red pill conversations.

Paradigm shifts have become a big thing thanks to the Covid™ narrative. The events of 2020 were so obviously abnormal that questioning everything immediately became a staple of my new normal.

We all know about Nashville school shooting incident that happened recently.

The following is what CNN reported.

Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school Monday, carefully planned the attack, according to officials.

While the shooter’s gender identity is unclear, police told CNN that Hale was assigned female at birth and used “male pronouns” on social media.

I laughed at the bit about “assigned female at birth”. (Mark McDonald has more on that.)

Does that shooter look like a female?

The following conversation with James is mostly a slideshow in which he breaks apart the entire story, concluding that this was yet another staged mass shooting.


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Connect with James Fetzer


 See Related:

James Fetzer on the 9/11 Coverup

James Fetzer on the Sandy Hook Coverup: What Actually Happened at the School, and Was It a False Flag Operation to Usher In Stricter Gun Laws?

Newtown, CT Resident: Questioning the Sandy Hook Narrative — Mind-Boggling “Coincidences” Connect Mafia-Like Ties Within Key Town Positions

A Beginner’s Guide to Permaculture, With Jim Gale

A Beginner’s Guide to Permaculture, With Jim Gale

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
May 5, 2023


Permaculture is an ecological design system focused on creating sustainable human habitats while promoting the preservation of natural resources.

It’s a philosophy.

The term “permaculture” was coined in the 1970s.

Permaculture has a few design principles that aim to create self-sustaining ecosystems that require minimal human intervention.

Diversity and abundance are key, as Jim Gale often explains.

You don’t have a snail infestation; you have a duck deficiency.

Jim Gale

The system involves creating a network of interconnected components such as plants, animals and structures that work together to produce food.

It’s about mimicking natural ecosystems.

Monoculture reminds me of a barren desert.

Not only is it pretty, but it is also pretty anti-establishment because it can have a significant impact on mega-farming which relies on large-scale monoculture practices that deplete soil nutrients and harm local ecosystems.

By using permaculture principles, farmers can create diverse ecosystems that produce food while preserving natural resources.

Permaculture can also lead to more resilient farming practices that can withstand droughts, floods, and other extreme weather conditions.

Jim has been on my show before, but this time he gave me a type of beginner’s guide.

I highly recommend listening.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Cover image credit: RuffnerRobinson

 See related:

Low-Maintenance Forest Garden Offers 500 Edible Plants

Ancient Gardens of North America

Jeremy Nell With Andrew Kaufman: A Beginner’s Guide to Germ Theory

Jeremy Nell With Andrew Kaufman: A Beginner’s Guide to Germ Theory

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
May 1, 2023


I’ve had a number of conversations about viruses.

Some guests have challenged Germ Theory.

Some guests have argued why there is no such thing as an immune system.

Some guests have thought about alternative causes of illness.

The point is that there are good reasons to question the conventional model of “Rockefeller medicine”. Much of it doesn’t make sense and desperately requires critique.

Blindly believing what the pharmaceutical industry, governments and media preach from their pulpits, after observing the Covid™ scam, is utterly ludicrous. I have become an allopathic atheist. An apostate.

Climate science is drowning in pseudoscience and so is virology.

Andrew Kaufman, who has been on my show a few times before, joined me for the following conversation of conversations.

A beginner’s guide to Germ Theory.

He approached important concepts, including

  • virus definitions, isolation and fake existence claims;
  • understanding contagion and “catching” something from somebody;
  • bacteria and germs in general;
  • why all vaccines are toxic;
  • what is disease, actually;
  • shifting paradigms about health and wellbeing and
  • the significance of bringing down this house of germs cards.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Andrew Kaufman

All images are original artwork of Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare


Matt Ehret on George Soros, China and Russia

Matt Ehret on George Soros, China and Russia

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
April 12, 2023


China is the enemy of the West.

Russia is the enemy of the West.

George Soros is a great philanthropist who believes in democracy and liberty for all.

The West is a bastion of freedom, prosperity and peace.

At least, that’s what the Western establishment (government and media) will have us believe through their propaganda machinery before promoting military invasions (such as Yemen and Syria), proxy wars like Ukraine, mass censorship and surveillance, and the celebration of the destruction of tradition and normality in general.

I’m not saying that the United States is Hell and that China is Heaven.

Far from it.

In fact, I am no fan of China’s technocratic, neo-communist centralised governance, as I noted in my conversation with Pepe Escobar.

But am equally no fan of America’s postmodern degradation of morality and bloodlust for unipolar dominance and imperialism.

Matt Ehret, editor of the Canadian Patriot, has been diving deep into the anti-China (and anti-Russia) narratives and exposing the various psychological operations by Western central intelligence agencies and their lapdogs, the mainstream media.

Breaking Free of AntiChina Psyops (download PDF) by Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung
For some mind control context, take a listen to my conversation with Steve Falconer about MK-Ultra and my conversation with James Fetzer about Operation Mockingbird.

Matt’s discussion with me is worth the time, as he covered George Soros being kicked out of China, the history of the United States’ anti-China and anti-Russia narratives, Donald Trump’s insight into the Deep State’s deception, and the mass confusion created by the Fabian Society, Open Society and other enemies of national sovereignty.

Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.

Matthew 7:15

Basically, if you think China is a threat to the West, then have you asked yourself why you believe that?

Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Matt Ehret


A Beginner’s Guide to Syria, With Vanessa Beeley

A Beginner’s Guide to Syria, With Vanessa Beeley

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare, with Vanessa Beeley
originally published April 4, 2023


In the following conversation about Syria, Vanessa Beeley dropped so many truth bombs that Joe Biden thought that Olympus Has Fallen is a documentary.

Vanessa lives in Syria’s capital, Damascus, and is one of the few journalists who actually knows what’s going on and experiences, you know, reality rather than Western propaganda via the likes of CNN and The New York Times.

For a conversation surrounding Syria and navigating the fog of information war, I strongly recommend listening to my conversation with Piers Robinson in which he touched on talking points including:

  • false narratives published by media across the Western world,
  • the role of propaganda to shape public perception, and
  • the “chemical weapons” hoax.

Vanessa’s discussion with me is more raw and closer to Syrian reality on the ground, acting as a brilliant beginner’s guide of sorts, including:

  • some history leading up to the current war,
  • the geopolitical complexities around Syria,
  • Western central intelligence agencies’ creation and funding of terrorist groups,
  • daily life and struggles in Damascus under severe sanctions,
  • allies of Syria and why the Deep State is panicking, and
  • why Bashar al-Assad will never bow to Washington.

Her lights went out midway. Thankfully, she had a LED light on hand.


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Connect with Vanessa Beeley

All image sourced from Jerm Warfare

Cartoon by Jeremy Nell: A Warning for Next Time

Cartoon by Jeremy Nell: A Warning for Next Time

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
March 9, 2023



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Astrid Stuckelberger on the Purpose of the World Health Organisation

Astrid Stuckelberger on the Purpose of the World Health Organisation

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
March 3, 2023


Astrid Stuckelberger is a former World Health Organisation (WHO) insider and currently whistleblowing its attempts to tighten its control over member states.

[Astrid is] a scientist, researcher and teacher for 25 years at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva and Lausanne (Switzerland) […] and worked with the WHO on International Health Regulation (IHR) and public health emergency management between 2009 and 2013.

To be clear, the WHO does not care about public health.

Who is the WHO?

The WHO (which is part of the United Nations) cares only about expanding its geopolitical grip over the world, citing “public health” as the vector. After all, it is the WHO that exploited and propagandised billions of unsuspecting people around the world throughout the fake “Covid pandemic“.

Dissolve the WHO

In my opinion, there is no need for the existence of the WHO.

And, by extension, there is no need for the existence of the UN. (Listen to my fascinating conversation with Călin Georgescu, a former high-ranking director in the UN.)

Astrid previously chatted to me about the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty which is an aggressive attempt to gain a lot more “public health” policymaking influence over countries. Put another way, the WHO wants to become an all-encompassing, all-powerful centralised global authority over all things “health”, removing the sovereignty and ability of countries to make their own decisions.

Of course, they wrap it up in nice words and slick marketing.

Our conversation

The following is a really good conversation with Astrid, including:

  • her background,
  • the history of the WHO,
  • the WHO’s clever wordplay and changing of the definition of “pandemic”,
  • the Pandemic Treaty and why it’s dangerous, and
  • Bill Gates’ vaccine group called GAVI and its immunity from investigation.


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Cover image credit: public domain

See related:

Be the Disobedient School Kid

Be the Disobedient School Kid
To Quote Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Teach Your Children Well.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare



Connect with Jerm Warfare

Tom Cowan on Why There Is No Immune System

Tom Cowan on Why There Is No Immune System
If Viruses Don’t Exist Then the Concept of an Immune System Becomes Redundant.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
January 5, 2023


Tom Cowan, who was previously on my podcast in which he discussed his book The Contagion Myth and why germs don’t cause disease, is a doctor and author of multiple books challenging current medical paradigms, specifically relating to illness and optimal wellbeing.

His approach is sensible and logical and he has a wonderful way in simplifying complex concepts.

In terms of the discourse around viruses and germs in general, I’ve had numerous conversations with great thinkers including

There are more but the aforementioned discussions cover a lot of ground and well worth listening to.

Tom joined me on my radio show to chat about similar talking points, but gave some superb analyses into the differences between contagion and infection as well as the absurdity of the currently established virus isolation claims.

The cherry on the top was his takedown of the immune system and why it can’t exist if there is nothing against which to be immune.


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Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

 Partial transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light



Tom, you are one of the biggest influences on my life in the last year or so — yourself, Andy Kaufman, Sam Bailey and a handful of others. And I never in my life thought that I would have taken this road in challenging my own paradigm, particularly around viruses and germs in general…

And holy cow, Tom, how is it possible that we have all gone down this wrong road? …


How is it possible? I don’t know. That’s a speculative question, I would say. My role in this, I think, is not to speculate on so much why it happened, but documenting that it did happen…


Because one thing that I’ve learned in these past three years, and I try to be as rigorous about this as I can, is that the road to — I’m not sure what you call it, freedom or health or liberation — is not so much finding the truth as finding out what’s not true.

Because at the end of the day, once you extricate all the things that we think or believe or hope that are not true, you end up, like I say, back home as a place that you are always looking for.


That’s very true, Tom. It does feel like I’m home… There’s a sense of liberation that comes when you realize that you don’t need to outsource your health to the pharmaceutical industry…


Right. Again, it’s all about questioning fundamental assumptions. And you can get into this with things to do with actions of the government.

And interestingly, the fundamental assumption when you’re dealing with actions by the government is that the government is there to help you. Right?

That’s why these elected officials, we put them there and their job is to help the population. And of course, they have different ideas how to do that. But the fundamental assumption there is they’re there to help. And I would submit that there’s actually no evidence for that. They’re not there to help you at all. They’re there for a whole different reason.

And once you realize that, then you stop looking to them to help you because you realize that’s not what they’re meant to do.

And the reason I bring that up in response to what you said is it’s actually the same thing with doctors and pharmaceutical industries and health organizations like the CDC and the NIH and whatever you have in your country, in the world.

We think they’re there to protect and foster health. But that’s an assumption which I would submit is actually not true. Now, it doesn’t mean that the individuals who work for the CDC may think that’s what they’re doing. I’m sure a lot of them do.

But as an institution and as an endeavor — like the pharmaceutical industry is there to make money off you. And one of the ways they do that is to get you to buy their products by making you sick.

And if you think like that, which I would submit is actually closer to reality, then it makes sense of everything they do. It’s just obvious.

If that was your goal, then you would give people things, otherwise known as vaccines, to make them sick, and then they would get asthma, and then you sell them this drug, and then they would get bronchitis, and then you sell them this drug. And it all makes sense…

Once you realize that and you realize those are not the people that you should even be asking the question to, because they’re not interested. They have a different agenda, basically.


I was one of those people about two years ago. I remember when I first came across some of your work and I knee jerked. And I thought, no, come on. And there was something in me that said, no, just keep on go down this path and see where it goes.

And I have to say, Tom, I now have the converse view. I think ‘how can people think like I did three years ago?’…


So, okay, Tom, where does the story start? I mean the contagion myth. When we talk about contagion, what are we talking about?


Well, there’s also a difference between contagion and transmission. Transmission is likely a real phenomena. Contagion is not a real phenomenon…

So what we mean by that is classically — I mean, you can get into semantics here, but contagion refers to the fact that microorganisms, in particularly viruses and bacteria, are spread between organisms like people or animals or maybe plants, and they cause disease.


If you drop a bomb on somebody with napalm, somebody meaning a city, and a lot of people burn to death and asphyxiate or whatever, does that mean that napalm bomb was contagious? So obviously no.

So then at that point, you have to do something called science. Which means you have to actually do an experiment. Which means if you think that a virus is contagious, meaning spread from one person to another, you have to do an experiment in which you take the virus, and the virus only, and introduce that to a number of people or animals in the usual way…and see if they get sick.

It’s like the example I use. If you say ping pong balls knock down walls, the only way to prove that is to take a ping pong ball, and only a ping pong ball, and throw that at the wall and see if the wall knocks down.

You can’t put a ping pong ball in a bucket of stones and throw it at the wall, and if the wall knocks down, say it’s because of the ping pong ball…


Now, let me just say transmission means sure that organisms can communicate with each other. And that actually is a real phenomenon.

Like, you put 20 menstruating, women in a cabin for a year and they all start menstruating, more or less at the same time. Is that a virus? I mean, nobody thinks that. Is it some sort of communication between people? Apparently. How does that work? I mean, I don’t know. Nobody has actually studied it. Is there chemicals called pheromones? Maybe, but I have my doubts about that.

So that gets into a whole realm of how do biological organisms communicate with each other?

Trees do it, frogs do it. Presumably people do it. If one person starts laughing, other people start laughing…



Tom, before I ask you about the alternative vectors to illness or the expression thereof, obviously I have to ask you the elephant- in-the-room question which everybody always asks.

‘Okay, but these scientific journals say that viruses have been isolated.’ SARS-CoV-2 was apparently isolated, if you read that substack by Steve Kirsch. All those comments keep coming up.

So what is it that they are seeing?


So the problem with that question is you have to get into the definition of what isolation means…

When you ask somebody like Steve Kirsch, ‘has there been a paper that claims isolation of SARS-CoV-2’, he says yes.

In fact, I would say there’s let me guess, 10,000 papers in the medical literature claiming the isolation of a virus.

So the question is not ‘do they say that?’, it’s ‘how did they do it?’.


So you would think they would take a sick person, and doing very well-known and easily-performed techniques, they would purify the virus out of the snot or the blood or the cerebrospinal fluid, and then they would show you the pictures of the pure virus and that would constitute an isolated virus.

That has never been done. And they agree that that’s never been done. So no organism, no particle that’s “a replication competent protein coat, DNA or RNA on the inside, infectious particle” has ever been isolated using the definition that we all use — from any plant, animal or human being. And I will stake my entire career on the fact. And everybody agrees with that.

So because they couldn’t do that, and because you can’t study something that you haven’t isolated, they made a new definition of isolation.

So what they do is they take snot from a person who’s got a cough for unknown reasons. They do certain techniques, either centrifugation or filtration, which does not end up with a purified virus. It’s just to get some of the debris out of the sample, right? So that is not a purified or isolated sample. That’s just the liquid from your snot.

And then they put that on a cell culture, which means growing kidney cells from African green monkey, called verocells. And then they take away the nutrients. They add nephrotoxic, kidney toxic antibiotics. They add fetal bovine serum. (They suck the serum out of the heart of a newborn calf.) They add trypsin and usually some other things. Then they don’t do an appropriate control. They do what they call a mock infection, sometimes, but they always change the parameters.

So, for instance, they don’t add antibiotics. They never do what a mock infection is meant to. The definition is to do the same thing without a virus. Obviously they can’t do that because they can’t find a virus in the snot.

And then when the tissue breaks down — so we take monkey kidney cells that are growing, we take away their nutrients, we poison them, we add other genetic material and growth factors, we put in pancreatic enzymes — and when that cell culture breaks down, that is called isolation in the medical virology literature.

So if you ask Kirsch or any of those people, ‘has it been isolated?’, they say yes. If you say, ‘how is it isolated?’, they don’t know. He doesn’t know. Some of them know, but they won’t tell you because everybody who can think knows that, like Vince Raccanello, that’s not isolation.

And if it’s not isolation, that means you never actually found the virus. Which means there’s no evidence that the virus exists, Which means you can’t study it. You can’t find what genetics it has because you don’t even have it in a pure form.

So all they do then is essentially assess the genetic material in the broken down kidney cells and fetal bovine serum and all the rest of it. And then they make a hypothetical model, which they match up with the previous hypothetical model to say they have a new virus. This is simply madness.

You cannot have a more unscientific procedure than what I just described…



Now, your book basically states that, I think, there are about four vectors to what would be defined as illness or the expression of illness, one of them being toxicity or poison, another being mental wellness or mental state. What’s the other one? Physical injury and I think starvation of the cells. I think those are the four major vectors, am I right?


Yeah, not quite. It’s simple.

Number one, injuries, i.e. fall off your horse, right? Because that can give you a broken leg.

Number two, starvation. I wouldn’t say of the cells, because even the whole cell theory is an unproven theory. But you don’t have good food. Now, food includes — like stuff we eat and stuff we drink, and also mental, emotional food. If you’re fed lies and BS all the time, you’re starving for the truth.

The third one is poisoning. And we have varied and creative ways of poisoning other people and animals and plants.

And the fourth one, which I didn’t used to emphasize so much, but now I think is the most important, is: people are delusional. In other words, they believe in nonsense. And because they believe in nonsense… typically when you believe something, that becomes the basis for the actions of your life. And the actions then have consequences.

And I can give you an example that really hit this home. There was a guy I knew who was an anthroposophical doctor, and I met him 20 years ago, and he worked at a community clinic in San Francisco treating so-called AIDS patients with HIV drugs.

I told him HIV has never been proven to exist, and the whole thing is nonsense. And of course, he didn’t believe it. And he spent his life treating people for imaginary viruses, right? That’s what he believed in.

So then, of course, because he believes in imaginary viruses, he got four COVID shots — the two normal ones, whatever normal is, and then the two boosters. And I think it was four or five days after this second booster, he was found dead in his bed. And he was otherwise a healthy guy, supposedly.

So why did he die? You could say he died because he was poisoned, and that’s true. But the real reason he died was because he believed in viruses, because that led him to self inflict this poison, and that killed him.

So it’s huge what you believe…



The thing though, Tom, is then what is sickness? Or what is illness? Is it an expression of something?


The whole concept of illness is misinterpreted by doctors and medicine.

Again, I’ve given this example a million times. You get a splinter in your finger, you don’t take it out. That’s like a toxin, so to speak. And then you make pus to get the splinter out.

And in medical school you learn pus means infection, means bad, means give the person antibiotic.

But it’s obvious that if you get rid of the pus, the splinter will stay there and you’ll get pus again and again and again. And then you’ll encapsulate the splinter, unless you take it out, and then you’ll have a tumor, which means a new growth. And that’s exactly the sequence of events of what happens to people.

So another one. You put debris in your lungs. People do that with smoking and breathing crappy air like Wuhan and Italy and places all over the world. And then you get a cough to get the crap out of your lungs. Well, you go to the doctor and he says, because he doesn’t understand medicine, he says you have bronchitis. So he gives you cough medicine and antibiotics to keep the debris in your lungs. And then you do that twice a year for 20 years. And then you get a bag of debris in your lungs and we call that lung cancer. And we say, I don’t know how you got lung cancer. You must have smoked or something. Right? But your body kept trying to get it out.

And the doctors, because they don’t understand how medicine works or how every symptom you have is your body’s attempt to heal and we don’t understand that. So every encounter makes things worse.


I suppose, by extension, Tom, I have to ask you, does the immune system exist in any meaningful way?


There is no immune system. They made that up to make you think there were viruses. What happens — there is no immunity to imaginary viruses. There has never been any proof of any chickenpox, smallpox, measles virus in any living human being or animal, period.

And so you can’t get immune to something that doesn’t exist. In fact, what happens if you have a situation in your life of toxicity or exposed to mental stress or a child who’s growing too much too fast essentially, and they don’t have the collagen in their diet to keep up, they break down a little bit and they excrete that through their skin.

We call that measles or chickenpox and we can’t even really tell the difference between measles and chickenpox.

If you go back to the historical literature, they knew that these were just different manifestations. And so then you make white blood cells to clean up the debris. That’s like garbage collectors. And then you make these proteins called antibodies to repair the tissue. They’re not killing off or remembering any viruses. And so obviously, if you’re breaking down more like you have AIDS, you’ll have more antibodies because you have more tissue to repair. That has nothing to do with anything called immunity.

It has to do with if you break somebody down because they smoke and take amphetamines and poppers and you don’t eat and all that stuff and their tissues break down and they’re psychologically terrorized. They break down and they make antibodies to repair. And we test and see if they have antibodies and then they say they have a virus. This is absurd.

It’s like nursery school thinking.


But yet it’s 150 years, or thereabouts, old. I mean it’s crazy to think that it’s been so established.


Well, it’s not the only thing, I can tell you that.


…Going into the year 2023, what advice could you give people?


Don’t believe anything coming out of mainstream media or your doctor or health authority. And don’t let anybody put stuff in you that a) you don’t know what it is, b) if it came from a carrot, that’s okay. If it’s the chemicals that supposedly are in a carrot, don’t eat it because it’s not good for you. That’s not how we’re organized. Don’t inject anything into yourself. And think for yourself.

I think the most important thing I’ve learned is focus on understanding what’s not true and give yourself a break from saying therefore I must know what is true. You will find out what’s true at the end of the day once you’ve cleared out all the stuff that you believe that wasn’t true.

There was a quote from Mark Twain that I sometimes show. He says, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you. It’s what you know for sure but just ain’t so. “

That’s the problem. You have a lot of things that people, including myself, we think we know for sure: There’s cells, there’s immune system, there’s viruses. The medical profession is there to help you. The government is there to protect your well being.

There’s no evidence for any of that stuff. So once you get rid of that, then you will be left with ‘so how does this all work?’. Then that becomes fun.


Cover image credit: silviarita

Jerm Warfare: Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate

Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate
Why is a warmer climate something to fear? A colder Earth is way worse. 

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 12, 2022


Judith Curry is the president of Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN) and previously the professor and chair of the School Of Earth And Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute Of Technology. Judith also has a really informative website, Climate Etc.

There’s no climate emergency

When it comes to mega-trends (a great term coined by Thierry Baudet), pretty much everything I see in the establishment media is nonsense.

Global warming climate change the “climate emergency” is the big bogeyman perpetuated by everybody who has been propagandised by governments, big corporations and Hollywood. Whether or not they actually believe the garbage with which they pollute society, their alarmism is nevertheless complete nonsense, as Tony Heller explained.

And as Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore explained.

Earth’s climate is complex

The demonisation of CO2 as the single vector towards a global catastrophe is absurd, as Judith notes in our conversation below. There are lots of things going on and there is no “control knob” that anybody can turn to adjust Earth’s changing climate.

Valentina Zharkova is one of the world’s leading solar physicists and gave a great presentation on why humans are simply not powerful enough to compete with the sun.

Another interesting variable is geoengineering which, Judith warns, is a bad idea because playing God can and will lead to serious problems down the line.

Our conversation

Basically, stop worrying about climate change and get on with living a good life. Fossil fuels are a great way to build economies and push poor people out of poverty.


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Cover image credit: mtanenbaum

All Governments Are Illegitimate Authorities

All Governments Are Illegitimate Authorities
Etienne de la Boetie argues that the government – any government – is the biggest scam in history.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
November 12, 2022


I recently read an excellent book called The Most Dangerous Superstition, by Larken Rose, in which he argues that the government – any government – is completely illegitimate, immoral and no different to a cult. In other words, the government’s existence should be rejected for the fake superstitious authority that it is.

“The root cause of most of society’s ills – the main source of man’s inhumanity to man – is neither malice nor negligence, but a mere superstition – an unquestioned assumption which has been accepted on faith by nearly everyone, of all ages, races, religions, education and income levels. If people were to recognize that one belief for what it is – an utterly irrational, self-contradictory, and horribly destructive myth – most of the violence, oppression and injustice in the world would cease.”

~ Larken Rose

Etienne de la Boetie (which is not his real name) is the author of a similar book called Government – The Biggest Scam in History, in which he makes an overlapping argument with some excellent additions.

[The book] “exposes the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population.”

Although one can technically debate subtle differences between “the state” and “the government”, I am keeping things simple by using the terms interchangeably (since that is how most people understand the terms anyway).

What is anarchism?

For clarity, anarchism is a collection of ideas that lead to anarchy, although it’s probably acceptable to use both words to describe the same idea.

Rejection of the state equates to anarchism. But the problem that I have found is that anarchism is misunderstood, whether by design or not. Anarchism (or anarchy) does not mean chaos. Anarchism, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, could be described as

“the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished.”

He goes on to say that

“the state is the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.”

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.

Our conversation

Etienne joined me for a conversation about all of the above and explained how society would benefit from abolishing the state and why the free market can do anything and everything the government does, but better.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: TheHilaryClark


PDF links:

The Most Dangerous Superstition   (or use this alternate link)

 Government – The Biggest Scam in History





Mark Bailey With Jeremy Nell on Virus Hunting

Mark Bailey on Virus Hunting
Is there any evidence that viruses exist and cause illness?

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
August 8, 2022


Mark Bailey is a medical doctor and husband to Sam Bailey (who is also a doctor).

Sam is probably the initial reason why I changed my views on viruses. Her videos inspired me to read two excellent books;

I have since had the pleasure of chatting to many individuals who approach virology with caution, including Andy KaufmanDenis RancourtDavid Rasnick, and Tom Cowan.

As it turns out, Mark is the mastermind behind a bunch of Sam’s videos and the No Virus Challenge.

The Challenge

The following is the official challenge, signed by a group of great minds.

Settling the Virus Debate PDF

It’s neither a gotcha nor is it rigged to favour a particular outcome.

Proper Science

The challenge is simply to provide real-world evidence of SARS-CoV-2 using computer models the Scientific Method (which is completely ignored in pharmaceutical science).

A photo isn’t enough because it says nothing about causality. A photo of hyenas eating a dead antelope says nothing about whether or not the hyenas killed the antelope. (A hunter might have killed it and the hyenas arrived later.)

Furthermore, reproducibility is critical, hence it being part of the Scientific Method. If the same results can’t be repeated, then the hypothesis is false. For example, if the claim that a certain type of plastic is heat resistant under certain conditions, but tests repeatedly reveal that it is not heat resistant under the said conditions, then the claim is false.

Similarly, if the claim that SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19, then tests must be conducted and must be reproducible.

There is nothing unusual about such logic; it is precisely how proper science works.

TNT Conversation

Mark joined me for a conversation about viruses and the aforementioned challenge. It is well worth listening to.

Podcast Conversation

A few days after our TNT conversation, Mark joined me on my podcast for an overlapping, but more free-flowing chat with coffee, craft beer, and power failures.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

Jerm Warfare’s Jeremy Nell & Dr. David Rasnick on the Great Cancer Swindle

Jerm Warfare’s Jeremy Nell & Dr. David Rasnick on the Great Cancer Swindle


TCTL editor’s note:

Brief excerpt from the interview:

Dr. David Rasnick:

The prevalence of cancer, the increase of cancer worldwide is due to the increase in carcinogens in our environment…

Jerm (Jeremy Nell):

Hold on, Dave. So, are you saying that, for example, during the time of the Roman Empire, cancer would have been… cancer prevalence would have been very low?


Yeah. Pretty close to zero.


Wow. Okay. That’s interesting.


Even before the industrial revolution it was pretty close to zero,

The industrial revolution increased carcinogens, pollutions in the environment. Almost all cancer, almost all cancer, is due to environmental carcinogens — poisons that we put in the environment.


And could those poisons also be perhaps childhood vaccinations?


Oh, Lord, yes… My goodness yes. Our environment includes what we breathe, what we eat, what we’re exposed to, what we inject in ourselves…


David Rasnick on the Great Cancer Swindle
The causes of cancer are not what we’re told they are

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
July 11, 2022


David Rasnick is a biochemist with decades of research in AIDS and cancer, and returned to my podcast to discuss cancer and why most of what we’re told is wrong.

Cancer is an extremely complex subject, so I’d recommend reading his summary article in which he outlines, in fairly layman language, the foundation of his argument.

Basically, it’s known as Aneuploidy Theory, and it is in stark contrast to the current Big Pharma model of cancer. Obviously, Aneuploidy Theory is “discredited” and dismissed, as a result. But, as pharmaceutical scientist Mike Donio said, the pharmaceutical industry is untrustworthy and thrives on sick people and unscientific methodology.

David’s conversation is worth watching because he used slides, but it’s possible to get by with audio only.

View and Dowload PDF of David Rasnick’s paper “The aneuploidy theory of cancer and the barriers to its acceptance”


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Jerm Warfare: Andrew Kaufman on Viruses Not Existing

Jerm Warfare: Andrew Kaufman on Viruses Not Existing
Have you been infected by a virus? How do you know?

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
June 9, 2022


Andrew Kaufman is a medical doctor.

More specifically,

Andrew Kaufman is a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist and Molecular Biologist who received his training and degrees from Duke University, MIT and South Carolina Medical University. He says there are no such things as “viruses” and the “Coronavirus Global Pandemic” is a “manufactured event.”

The conversation around whether or not viruses exist, appears to conjure up all kinds of emotions, and is met with resistance. My guess is because virology is a deeply entrenched paradigm, and it is what we were taught as kids.



A cult-like approach would be to dismiss dissenting views and, instead, to perpetuate a previously held belief. David Rasnick refers to this as the Tyranny Of Dogma.

The science is never settled.

Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.

Kary Mullis, PCR inventor

Andrew joined me for a conversation about

  • viruses and what they are;
  • causation and indirect evidence;
  • observation versus computer modelling;
  • the origins of SARS-CoV-2;
  • and the causes of illness, if not viruses.

For a brilliantly easy breakdown of the field of virology, I recommend visiting

Watch Our Conversation:

One Last Thing

The two books I cited at the start of the podcast, are

They were instrumental in challenging everything I thought I knew about viruses and pandemics.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

One Small Town & the Restoration of Human Freedom: Michael Tellinger Interview With Jerm Warfare

One Small Town & the Restoration of Human Freedom: Michael Tellinger Interview With Jerm Warfare

by Jeremy NellJerm Warfare
December 12, 2021


Michael Tellinger is a historian and social scientist.

In my podcast, he discusses the One Small Town project and

Michael also shared some fascinating insights on why everything we think we know is a lie, and why it’s beneficial to “unlearn” conventional education.

Video is available at Jerm Warfare Odysee channel.

For more information on Ubuntu Contributionism and One Small Town:


Connect with Michael Tellinger

Connect with Jerm Warfare

See related:

Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity


The Contagion Myth: No Virus Has Ever Caused Disease

The Contagion Myth: No Virus Has Ever Caused Disease

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
October 20, 2021


According to Dr Tom Cowan’s website, he is

a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author and speaker, with a common-sense, holistic approach to health and wellness.

But here’s the exciting bit.

Following my heart led me to a conception of science, medicine and the world at large that was radically different from anything I was taught in school. My ideas, such as the heart is not a pump, blocked arteries are not the main cause of heart attacks, vaccines are ineffective and unsafe, cancer is not a genetic disease, and the “war on cancer” has been an utter failure, have been the subjects of three of my books.
Recently, because of current events, I turned my questioning gaze on the widely accepted theory —so accepted that it now lives in our culture as truth — that germs (bacteria and viruses) cause disease.

Tom’s views echo those of Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Sam Bailey, and Dr Stefan Lanka who won a massive court case upholding his claim that there is no evidence linking measles to a virus.

I find their arguments fairly convincing because they’re based on evidential, observable science; not speculation. And once you realise that SARS-CoV-2 does not cause any disease, let alone “COVID-19”, a new paradigm of critical thought and interrogation emerges.

As the inventor of PCR – Kary Mullis – said, science is not about being right; it’s about being wrong.


Video available at Jerm Warfare Odysee channel.

Dr. Tom Cowan on New Biology


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Measles virus put to the test. Dr. Stefan Lanka wins in court…

Since the early 1990s, German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka has been at the forefront of challenging the medical theory stating that viruses are the cause of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, the flu, polio, herpes, or measles. Caroline Markolin has presented Dr. Lanka’s activities in her lecture video “Virus Mania” in great details (watch Part 2 of the recordings on this website – starting at 08:08).

Based on his studies in virology, Dr. Lanka discovered that viruses are vital components of simple life-forms that do not exist in complex organisms such as humans, animals, or plants. His research shows that the viruses believed to cause “viral infections” are in reality ordinary cell particles that have been misinterpreted as constituents of the viruses in question. Dr. Lanka also determined that viruses don’t have a destructive effect on the host, as commonly believed. These findings are in full accordance with the discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer who demonstrated already in the 1980s

that contrary to the standard theory, microbes do not harm the organism but play instead a supportive role during the healing process of diseases (see Fourth Biological Law of the New Medicine).

The “measles virus trial” between Dr. Stefan Lanka and German medical doctor David Bardens has by now received international attention (see the 2015 reports in CTV News Canada and BBC News). The court case has not only heated up the ongoing “virus debate”. It also fuelled the discussion about the justification of childhood vaccination and of vaccination in general.

Here is a brief overview of the court proceedings:

On November 24, 2011, Dr. Lanka announced on his website that he would offer a prize of € 100,000 to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. The announcement read as follows: “The reward will be paid, if a scientific publication is presented, in which the existence of the measles virus is not only asserted, but also proven and in which, among other things, the diameter of the measles virus is determined.”

In January 2012, Dr. David Bardens took Dr. Lanka up on his pledge. He offered six papers on the subject and asked Dr. Lanka to transfer the € 100,000 to his bank account.

The six publications are:

  1. Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun;86(2):277–286.

  2. Bech V, Magnus Pv. Studies on measles virus in monkey kidney tissue cultures. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand. 1959; 42(1): 75–85

  3. Horikami SM, Moyer SA. Structure, Transcription, and Replication of Measles Virus. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1995; 191: 35–50.


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