David Icke: Message to the Morons in Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return to Haunt You

David Icke: Message to the Morons in Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return to Haunt You

by David Icke
September 24, 2021


Video available at David Icke BitChute and Banned.Videos channels.


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Protests Around the World Target Global Corporate Food Empire

Protests Around the World Target Global Corporate Food Empire

by Sustainable Pulse
September 23, 2021


Street and online people’s protests against the ‘global corporate food empire’ greeted the opening of the UN Food Systems Summit (UN FSS), as the Global People’s Summit (GPS) on Food Systems launched a Global Day of Action on the third and final day of its counter-summit to the UN FSS happening virtually and in New York.

The International League of People’s Struggles (ILPS), International Women’s Alliance, and International Migrants Alliance protested in front of the UN headquarters in New York to denounce the corporate capture of the UN and the “global corporate food empire” led by agrochemical, food and agribusiness transnational corporations and multi-billionaire Bill Gates. The UN FSS is being criticized by people’s movements and civil society as a platform for consolidating corporate control over food and agriculture and perpetuating neoliberal food systems that have wreaked havoc on the lives of small food producers, especially from the Global South, who supply 80% of the world’s food.

“We are here to bring the demands of peoples from the Global South for just, equitable, healthy and sustainable food systems to the doorstep of the world’s policymakers. For over a year, the UN has ignored the people’s calls to sever its ties with the World Economic Forum. Instead, it has worked ever closer with the global elite and has co-opted policy frameworks to serve corporate interests. We are here to say, enough! The people will resist this path to greater destruction of our livelihoods, health, cultures and the planet,” said Nina Macapinlac, ILPS North America coordinator.

In Jakarta, eight activists were arrested while holding a rally in front of the presidential palace. Led by the Front Perjuangan Rakyat (FPR), Aliansi Gerakan Reforma Agraria and ILPS Indonesia, the protesters from workers, peasants, youth and the urban poor slammed policies that worsen hunger amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The Indonesian government must be responsible for sufficient and affordable food in villages and cities, support for production by peasants, and fair prices. The government must stop the construction of the Food Estate to fulfill national food supplies. Our food must be produced by our peasants and not foreign corporations,” said Dimas Symphati, FPR secretary general.

Symphati was among the activists arrested, along with Kurniawan Sabar, executive director of people’s research group INDIES and steering council member of People’s Coalition for Food Sovereignty (PCFS)-Asia. The activists are still detained at the Central Jakarta Police Station.

According to FPR coordinator Rudi HB Daman, the arrest is a prime example of how power relations are at play when it comes to food systems. “How are we assured that the UN FSS will hear our demands when political repression, like this very experience, is not even discussed as an issue in our current food systems?” he said.

“We appeal to the Indonesian government to immediately release the activists who were merely exercising their rights to free speech and assembly. We are protesting precisely this kind of suppression of the people’s will. The world is watching. We hope that the Indonesian authorities realize that arresting people for joining a global action to assert the people’s right to food and development  amid worsening hunger will only bring them condemnation and shame,” said Razan Zuayter, global co-chairperson of PCFS, in behalf of the GPS Organizing Committee.

In the Philippines, fishing communities led by PAMALAKAYA held a die-in protest in front of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources against an impending demolition of mussel farms by small fisherfolk in Cavite province. “If we are to transform food systems for the benefit of food producers, the UN FSS must address the issue of land and resource grabbing by big corporations. Governments like that of Duterte’s, which are hell-bent on destroying sources of food and livelihood in the name of profit, must be stopped,” said Ronnel Arambulo, PAMALAKAYA spokesperson.

International groups behind the GPS that are based in the Philippines also joined the protest. According to Beverly Longid, global coordinator of the International Indigenous People’s Movement for Self- Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL), “The role of the Global People’s Summit is to tackle the core problem of neoliberal attacks on people’s right to food and to produce food. We in the GPS believe that only farmers, not corporations, have the power to genuinely change our food systems. The hungry and marginalized are hungry for change!”

National People’s Food Systems Summits were also held in Pakistan, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia on September 22, which came up with demands and action plans for radical food systems transformation. “The UNFSS is reinforcing corporate control over food and agriculture through advancing neoliberal policies and false solutions (e.g. food fortification, genetic modification, industrial meat production systems, monocultural food production) to climate change, hunger and malnutrition. These corporate-driven approaches are marginalizing, criminalizing and co-opting indigenous knowledge as well as eroding biodiversity,” said Wali Haider of the Asian Peasant Coalition.

Meanwhile, the Tamil Nadu Women’s Forum held community mobilizations and an organic millets food festival led by Dalit women in Tamil Nadu, India. In Svay Rieng, Cambodia, farmer mobilizations at the village-level were held by the Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community.

Hundreds of people from around the globe participated in online Global People’s Summit side events that discussed people’s food sovereignty, people-led agroecology, and localization of food systems as among the pillars of food systems transformation.

Citizens from around the globe are also participating in a social media rally using the hashtags #OurFoodSystems and #Hungry4Change.

At the closing session of the GPS, representatives of people’s movements from Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and West Asia-North Africa will present action plans drawn from the thematic, regional, sectoral, and national events held since early this year. A People’s Declaration for the radical transformation of food systems will also be adopted.


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cover image credit: sasint / pixabay

La Quinta Columna: On Accidents Near 5G Antennas

La Quinta Columna: On Accidents Near 5G Antennas

by Orwellito, Orwell City
September 24, 2021


La Quinta Columna continues its investigation related to the accidents and deaths resulting from the electronic excitation of graphene oxide in people’s bodies when near 5G antennas.

Although it may seem like a coincidence, it should not be ruled out that the possibility of more and more deaths near these antennas will increase as time goes by.

Orwell City brings the Spanish duo’s comments to English.

Video available at Orwellito Rumble channel.

Ricardo Delgado: It says, One dead and two injured when a vehicle leaves the road in Antequera. This is in Malaga. The event has taken place at —and keep this reference for yourselves— kilometer 146 of the A-42. The freeway is the A-42, and the kilometer is 146. The province of Malaga has registered a new traffic accident in which one person has died, and two others have been injured. The accident occurred on Monday afternoon when a vehicle has left the road in Antequera, as reported by the Emergency 112 service in Andalusia. Specifically, the hotline received the call a few minutes before half-past four. Help for the occupants of a vehicle that had left the road at kilometer 146 of the A42 was requested. This is heading towards Granada.

We have searched just that kilometer of that highway in that direction, and we have made a small video for you to see what is right next to it. I’m going to share it on the Telegram channel of La Quinta Columna and share it with all of this together so that people start to make the natural association. Here’s the news, and now let’s watch the video.

We wonder, did this have anything to do with it? Well, there you’re looking at the kilometer in question. I’m going to back it up a little bit. There’s kilometer 146 of the A-42. We have looked for it. And, if we go forward a little bit, right here next to that kilometer where the accident happened, look what we see. Man! It may be a coincidence. But the truth is that… …we have the Mordor antenna there. As we call it. Let’s see, I’ll show it again. There you have it, you see? A big antenna. One of those gigantic towers. It’d be yet another case of the COVID-19 environmental theory as we know it.

Dr. Sevillano: Is that right there where the man had the accident? At that exit? Is that right there?

Ricardo Delgado: Yes, right there. At kilometer 146, heading in the direction of Granada. And, right there, that’s where the antenna is. It’s like the case of the cyclist who fell dead at the foot of the telephone repeater. Or like that boy who suffered a heart attack and, fortunately, a girl who was participating in the MLK Trail race too saved his life. In Malaga, near La Coracha, where there’s also an antenna. Where they were running. This is to say that all this somehow corroborates the initial suspicions we had. In people who are graphenated, the nanomaterial they carry is excited or triggers the clinical picturenear the sources of electromagnetic radiation since this substance is radio-modulable.

Dr. Sevillano: Exactly. And they fall down fried. Syncope, loss of consciousness. Or just drop dead. Messages are already arriving from people who tell you that what they see is that young people are falling, something that wasn’t so common before. They’re falling this way. Yes, yes. I think we’re going to see more and more of these cases as the days go by. But we’ll see this more frequently.

If you have comments or information for La Quinta Columna, then you can refer to their official website. Follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, send them a message to: tutoronline@hotmail.es. Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.


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cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Arthur Firstenberg: How EMF and 5G Negatively Affects ALL Life on Earth

Arthur Firstenberg: How EMF and 5G Negatively Affects ALL Life on Earth

by Vaccine Choice Canada
September 21, 2021


Arthur Firstenberg is a scientist, journalist and author who is at the center of a growing worldwide movement to bring attention to the most ignored threat to life on Earth. His book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life is the first book to tell the history of electricity from an environmental point of view.

The Cellular Phone Task Force: https://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/ provides a global clearinghouse for information about wireless technology’s harmful effects, and a support network for the millions of people injured by this technology.

Firstenberg is the Administrator and Co-author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. To date, the Appeal has more than 300,000 signatures from 214 countries and territories.

Books recommended by Arthur Firstenberg:

The Body Electric: Electromagnetism And The Foundation Of Life by Robert Becker

The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

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NYC Teachers: There Is Still Hope! — Lawsuits in Federal Court Could Bring Relief for NYC DOE Employees

NYC Teachers: There Is Still Hope!
Lawsuits in Federal Court Could Bring Relief for NYC DOE Employees

by Michael Kane, NY Teachers for Choice


Thousands of teachers and educators were extremely distraught throughout New York yesterday when Judge Love revoked the restraining order on forced vaccination he implemented last week. However this is NOT the only lawsuit seeking relief for NYC DOE employees in this matter.

Our attorneys have always maintained we would not find relief in a New York State court, which is where Judge Love ruled from. That’s why the TEACHERS FOR CHOICE lawsuit and Rachel Maniscalco’s class action were both filed in federal court where our attorneys and experts have agreed is the best venue to seek relief.

Right now all eyes are on Rachel’s case.

Over 700 teachers are a part of that class action lawsuit. On September 22nd, this case was argued in Federal Court seeking a preliminary injunction that would stop the September 27th deadline for NYC DOE employees to be vaccinated to maintain employment. The attorneys representing the petitioners are Louis Gelormino and Mark Fonte. The attorneys speak very highly about the judge hearing the case, Judge Cogan. IF Fonte & Gelermino are successful in securing a preliminary injunction, this would push back the September 27th deadline for vaccination and educators could report to work next week without receiving a covid vaccine.

This would not be PERMANENT relief, but would be temporary to allow the case to be heard in court before the final fait of the mandate was decided. Fonte & Gelermino have other “emergency” plans they may implement over the weekend if necessary but I will not be discussing that here at this time. Please stay tuned to our platform for updates.

Then there is our lawsuit, the TEACHERS FOR CHOICE lawsuit. While our case challenges the entire vaccine mandate as illegal and unconstitutional, our attorney took specific issue with the medical and religious exemption process. Attorney Sujata Gibson has special expertise in this area of law over many years of practice. Our complaint has been filed in Federal Court and more announcements will be coming regarding this lawsuit in the days ahead of us.

I am exactly the same as many reading this as I am staring directly into the reality of losing my career of over 14 years. I am preparing for that loss as it is very possible it may be occurring within just a few days, but I have not given up hope yet. I have faith in these two remaining lawsuits, but more importantly I have faith in the thousands of people who are rising up in NYC EVERY SINGLE WEEK!

COME TO FOLEY SQUARE ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27th as our struggle continues. We will continue to fight but we will also celebrate as we must find JOY in our resistance.


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cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

Czech Republic Giving Away, Burning Its Remaining AstraZeneca Vaccines

Czech Republic Giving Away, Burning Its Remaining AstraZeneca Vaccines

by 21st Century Wire
September 23, 2021


The Czech Republic’s vaccine roll-out has hit a wall. 

It appears that state agencies are experiencing an increasingly low demand for jabs being recommended to over 60 year-olds due to multiple reports concerning possible side effects from the vaccine.

In September, only 36 new applicants came for AstraZeneca.

Irozhlas reports how the government is now dumping hundreds of thousands of doses overseas in Asia (translated):

In recent weeks, the Czechia has directly donated over 200,000 doses of AstraZeneca to Asia, hundreds of thousands more vaccines have been released by the state to other countries since the summer, and these orders will not even reach the Czech Republic.

Those jabs which they can’t give away are heading for the incinerator:

Burned: 20,650. So far, this is the September account of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccines …. the state must dispose of vaccines en masse. It is said that they cannot donate anymore. Tens of thousands more doses expire in October. The state is likely to burn more doses.

At the turn of October and November, the incinerators will have their work cut out for them. Another 55,000 batches, which are in stock with distribution company Avenier and which are distributed in warehouses and pharmacies, will go.

Problems with the vaccine agenda in eastern Europe is a source of concern for Brussels as it hopes to implement its digital segregation system commonly referred to as Vaccine Passports but codified in EU policy as a more harmless sounding “Digital ID Wallet.”


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“No Soul, No Free Will.” – The End of Humanity?

“No Soul, No Free Will.” – The End of Humanity?

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
September 23, 2021


“The idea that humans have free will, or a soul — these are over!”

Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in the election, to your diet, to your medical choices, these are no longer your decisions to make as the elites openly celebrate that they now know better and exercise near perfect control over our lives.

We still have the opportunity to NOT comply en masse with this rewrite of humanity — but we must be ALL IN, RIGHT NOW.

Please follow Ice Age Farmer on telegram: https://t.me/iceagefarmer

Video available at Ice Age Farmer Odysee channel.


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Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None

Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Dr. Danice Hertz said people like her who have been seriously injured by COVID vaccines are being dismissed or ignored, and because health officials won’t research their injuries and potential treatments, they have nowhere to turn.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
September 23, 2021


Danice Hertz, a 64-year-old physician who was “horribly ill” and “incapacitated” after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, claims U.S. health agencies are ignoring thousands of adverse events.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Hertz said if she could go back in time, she would not have gotten vaccinated.

Hertz said she has been in contact with numerous health agencies, physicians and researchers — including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Surgeon General and doctors at Harvard and Stanford universities and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles — in an effort to obtain help for the neurological injuries she suffered after getting the vaccine.

Hertz told The Defender there are thousands of people like her — who have been injured by COVID vaccines — who are suffering and need help, yet they’re ignored by mainstream media and U.S. health agencies. Meanwhile, COVID vaccine mandates are being rolled out for millions of Americans, with barely any discussion of the risks.

Hertz, a gastroenterologist who retired in October, got her first and only dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on Dec. 23, 2020. “There was an opportunity to get the vaccine because the hospital was giving it to every doctor,” Hertz said. “I didn’t know if I would need to go back into the workforce, so I ran to get it. Within 30 minutes, I started experiencing adverse effects.”

“I waited the 15 minutes you’re required to wait after you get it, and I went to the car and my face started burning,” Hertz said. “I drove home five minutes away, and by the time I walked through the door, I told my husband to call the paramedics.”

Hertz said within 24 hours she developed neurological symptoms, including severe paresthesias in her face, tongue, scalp, chest wall and limbs, as well as tremors, twitching, weakness, headaches, tinnitus and imbalance.

“My blood pressure was 186 over 127, which I’ve come to find is characteristic of these reactions,” Hertz said.

Hertz called her doctor, and took Benadryl and steroids in case she was having an allergic reaction. The next day her face turned completely numb.

Hertz said:

“My entire face felt like it was burning — like acid had been poured on my face. I had sensations throughout my body like it was vibrating. I felt like I had a tight band around my waist, chest pain and shortness of breath, and I went to bed for seven days.”

Hertz followed up with an allergist who treated her with steroids in case she was experiencing an allergic reaction to the vaccine. After a few weeks of no improvement, Hertz met with the chief neurologist at Cedars-Sinai.

“I saw six neurologists, five allergists, three rheumatologists, and no one had a clue,” Hertz said. “They did blood work, skin biopsies, an MRI and more, and nothing really came up. Unfortunately, if a doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you they’re done with you, though that’s not how I practice.”

Early on, when Hertz was evaluated by the first neurologist, the neurologist asked her about a “CISA consult” with the CDC.

According to the CDC’s website, the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project was established in 2001 to address the unmet vaccine safety clinical research needs of the U.S.

CISA is a national network of vaccine safety experts from the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office and seven medical research centers, plus other partners who address vaccine safety issues, conduct high-quality clinical research and assess complex clinical adverse events following vaccination.

The CISA Project also provides consultation to U.S. clinicians who have vaccine safety questions about a specific patient residing in the U.S. It also provides consultation to U.S. healthcare providers and public health partners on vaccine safety issues, and reviews clinical adverse events following immunization involving U.S.-licensed vaccines.

Hertz’s case was accepted into the CISA Project and was presented at the CDC’s grand rounds on March 23. Following the meeting, a physician forwarded a letter to Hertz suggesting she had “mast cell disorder.”

The CISA Project never followed up with her.

Mast cell activation syndrome (or mast cell disorder) is a condition in which a patient experiences repeated episodes of the symptoms of anaphylaxis — allergic symptoms such as hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and severe diarrhea.

Systemic mastocytosis can cause skin lesions, pain in inner organs, bone pain, diarrhea and vomiting, weight loss and cardiovascular symptoms.

Hertz contacted the NIH and was evaluated remotely by Dr. Avindra Nath, a physician-scientist who specializes in neuroimmunology and is intramural clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the NIH.

Hertz said she sent the NIH her blood for a study, because they were seeing quite a few patients like her. She also sent her blood to doctors at Stanford and Harvard for evaluation.

The Harvard physician also thought Hertz had mast cell activation, and put her on medications, but they didn’t help. “I’m now on a lot of medications for mast cell activation, but I’m still quite ill,” Hertz said.

“I don’t think that’s [mast cell activation] the whole explanation of what’s happening to us,” Hertz said. “I’m still here nine months later. I still don’t know what’s wrong with me. I am not as sick as I was initially, but I still get attacks where I feel like I’m being electrocuted, and my husband can actually feel my legs and arms vibrating.”

Hertz started a Facebook group that now has more than 160 people who have experienced neurological problems after a COVID vaccine, and can’t find help with their conditions.

“We have 160 people in this private Facebook group and we all know each other very well and are trying to help each other,” Hertz said. “Together we’ve been trying very very hard to get help.”

“Although my group consists of 160 members who had legitimate adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, there are other groups I’m aware of that have thousands,” she added.

Hertz said the mainstream media does not want to talk to anyone in her group who’s been injured because they’re not allowed to publish about vaccine injuries. “There are a lot of people who have had neurological reactions and a lot of people don’t know it’s vaccine-related,” she said.

Hertz and her group managed to get a Zoom meeting with Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the FDA, to discuss their vaccine injuries, but were disappointed when he did not show up for the meeting.

Hertz explained:

“We had a very important Zoom meeting with Marks set up. I think it was the day they announced Pfizer’s vaccine was given full FDA approval. We [the group] didn’t know in advance it was going to be approved.

“We all prepared speeches to plead with Marks for help and he didn’t show up. The head of the communications showed up –– not a science person. She listened to us. Her response after listening to us for a full hour was, ‘well if you could give me your VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] number, I’ll have everyone look into your VAERS cases and we will see what we can do to help you.’”

Hertz said the FDA representative completely missed the point. “We were here to represent a large number of people who’ve been injured and need medical care, yet we got no response,” she said.

U.S. agencies are aware of vaccine injuries

Hertz said there are different theories for adverse reactions like hers, but she doesn’t think any have been proven or that enough research has been done.

“Some people think it’s an immune-mediated neuropathy where nerves are attacked by antibodies triggered by the vaccine,” Hertz said. “A doctor in California claims he found a spike protein produced by the vaccine in our monocytes — as he is doing research on members in the group.”

Hertz said several members of her private Facebook group went to the NIH for treatment, especially those who were paralyzed after getting the vaccine and can’t use their legs.

“The NIH is aware of what is happening but publicly has been dismissive of vaccine adverse reactions,” Hertz said.

“Early on when I was so sick in early January, I tried to figure out whom I should contact — and I did contact another gentleman at the NIH who is very high up in the NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases],” Hertz said. “He told me they are ‘very aware’ of these reactions and are looking into them.”

“They knew about these adverse reactions before the vaccines were released from the clinical trials,” Hertz said.

In a Feb. 11 email exchange (see below)  between Hertz and the NIH and NIAID (the agency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci) just two months after COVID vaccines received Emergency Use Authorization, an official acknowledged other reactions like the ones Hertz experienced had been reported and agencies were aware of them.

Hertz said she believes the NIH conveys a different position behind the scenes than the one the agency presents to the public. She said she believes it’s because the NIH is funded by the FDA.

Hertz has had several communication exchanges with Marks and Dr. Janet Woodcock, FDA acting commissioner. Neither Marks, nor Woodcock took Hertz’ concerns seriously, but instead, wished her the best with her debilitating vaccine injuries.

Hertz said Woodcock initially said she would like to help, but then responded again saying:

“I am so very sorry for your ordeal. It seems what is missing is what they call a ‘research definition,’ in other words a syndromic framework to describe what is being experienced, since it may not fit into current diagnostic categories. Possibly one of the academic researchers you have consulted could work on that. I don’t have insight into how this could be approached from a treatment standpoint.”

In other words, they are not interested in hearing about these reactions, Hertz said in an email to the NIH where she described the FDA’s response.

In the email, Hertz said:

“It is shocking to me that they completely blow off these reports of hundreds  and thousands  suffering with severe reactions. I would think they would want to know as much as possible about these reactions. Something is very wrong and these adverse reactions to the vaccines are being covered up. It is a great disservice to so many who are suffering like me.”

On Feb. 1, Hertz reached out to her team of physicians, the CDC and Marks regarding her experience and those of five other women who developed neurological problems after Pfizer’s vaccine. Hertz asked why their neurological reactions were being ignored.

Hertz wrote:

“As most of you know me, I am a 64-year-old gastroenterologist who suffered a terrible reaction 30 minutes after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. I am still very symptomatic almost 9 weeks out with severe paresthesias, chest tightness, tremor, dizziness, headaches. I am on the internet seeking information and came across an article in a journal Neurology Today. I wrote a comment after the article about my reaction. I have subsequently been contacted by five other women who have had very similar neurological reactions to mine and are all quite ill weeks after receiving their vaccines.

“They have had similar difficulty in getting appropriate medical care as the medical community knows nothing about these reactions. They, too, have reported their reactions to the drug companies, the regulatory governmental agencies, and there has been no response or documentation of their reactions.

“It is apparent that these neurological reactions are not unheard of. Why are they not being addressed? Why are our reports being ignored? We do not have any desire to frighten the public about the vaccine, but we all very much would like to get medical care and fear that we will not recover from these debilitating symptoms. We were all previously healthy. We are considering going to the media as we are terribly frustrated at the lack of transparency. Any advice from you would be greatly appreciated.”

Marks responded that he was “so sorry” to hear of her symptoms, that the FDA takes adverse events seriously and said he asked the pharmacovigilance team to follow up with her. To date, neither Marks, nor the pharmacovigilance team have followed up.

On March 17, an official at the NIH emailed Hertz — and copied Pfizer — acknowledging more than 1,000 neurological side effects reported to VAERS, and promising to present them to the scientific community, which to date, has not been done.

The official said:

“If you look at VAERS database there are more than 1,000 neurological side effects already reported but in order to present it to scientific community we have to gather as much information as we can before sending it out. I promise you we will report your issue and other cases that we are reviewing now and I really [would] appreciate if you kindly give us 1-2 weeks to collect comprehensive information before publicizing it.”

In an April 15 email to Marks, Woodcock, the CDC and NIH, Hertz said:

“Why is this being kept a secret? When will the public be made aware so we can get treatment? Will we recover? You have no idea the pain and suffering that many people have been going through. I wish you could experience what we are experiencing to understand my pleas. It is very difficult to live this way. At times, I am in so much pain that I don’t want to live. It is so shocking to me that this suppression of information and the truth can occur in our country. As a physician, I never imagined this could occur here in the United States, with our great medical system and regulatory agencies.

“Please bring these reactions public so medical care will be available to the many like me who are suffering agonizing symptoms resulting from these vaccines. Eventually, the truth will be told. We need help now.”

Hertz said she received a response from Woodcock, who said the FDA is “looking into these neurological reactions.” But there has been no follow-through or acknowledgement of her injuries — or the injuries thousands of others are experiencing.

Hertz, who is pro-vaccine, said she is concerned the FDA, NIH, CDC and pharmaceutical companies are ignoring vaccine injuries.

Hertz explained:

“We want the medical community to be educated about these reactions so they don’t dismiss us, so that they can validate what has happened and treat us. We need research done to discover what happened and to create treatments. And now there are vaccine mandates and people like us cannot get vaccinated again. There are many in my group who are physicians and cannot go back to work until they’re fully vaccinated but they can’t go back to work and it’s not easy to get an exemption. We need to look at that.”

On May 24, Hertz and 79 other individuals who were injured by Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca (U.S. clinical trial) vaccines wrote a letter to the Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General and the White House pleading with them to validate their reactions so they could be addressed properly.

The group stated:

“We have all shared very similar adverse reactions to these vaccines. We were previously healthy individuals. Our reactions occurred within minutes to a few short days after receiving the vaccines. There is no doubt that the vaccines caused our reactions.

“Our reactions have included nausea, weight loss, heartburn, diarrhea/constipation, sleep disturbances, chest pains, headaches, facial and sinus pressure, dizziness, severe weakness and fatigue, painful paresthesias throughout the body, severe painful paresthesias focused on the face, tongue and scalp, internal vibrations and tremors, muscle twitching and muscle spasms, brain fog and mental status changes, memory loss, tinnitus, impaired/blurred vision, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, bulging veins, heart issues and weakness. Several in our group have experienced paralysis of the lower extremities and to this day remain paralyzed. Many of us have been ill for five months.”

Nobody in the group had any of the above symptoms prior to getting a COVID vaccine.

“They [the injuries] are leaving the majority of us disabled and unable to return to our jobs as medical and other healthcare professionals, parents, teachers, scientists, etc.,” the group wrote.

“Not only have we been impacted physically, but mentally and financially as well. Most of us are unable to work, or are on a reduced work schedule. This is continuing for us without any end in sight.”

“WE NEED HELP,” the group wrote. “The constant messaging that the vaccines are safe and with zero acknowledgement of these adverse neurological reactions has made it impossible for us to obtain medical treatment. We are ‘collateral damage’ in the effort to stop the pandemic.”

The group told Murthy that until adverse reactions are acknowledged, it will be impossible to receive care. “We are pleading that you make the medical community aware of these reactions so we can get the medical care we need,” the group wrote.

U.S. health agencies don’t want people to know about vaccine injuries

When asked by The Defender why the U.S. health agencies would cover up vaccine adverse events, suppress research and fail to provide those injured with adequate treatments, Hertz responded:

“The pandemic is horrible. It’s a real problem. But they made calculated decisions on how to protect the most people, and I don’t know who made these decisions but they’ve decided vaccinating as many people as possible will save more people than attending to the vaccine injuries. I think they do not want to create fear or panic and to publicize the fact there are injuries.”

Hertz said she believes what’s happening with COVID vaccines is a crime against our country.

“If there is anything I could do, I would go back in time and take that shot out of me,” Hertz said. “I took every single vaccine that ever came out, and I had never had a reaction to anything. I went in that day without any concern because it had been cleared by the FDA. I feel like an idiot.”

Hertz said she submitted several reports to VAERS, but the CDC never followed up. She received a call from one clerical person just confirming the report and she told them, “I am a physician. I am severely ill. I’m fearful of my life. I did report to Pfizer in written and verbal form, and nobody has ever called me back.”

Hertz reached out to Dr. Marks again on Feb. 23 after not receiving a follow-up as promised, and another official with CBER responded. The official referred her to VAERS, and told her how to request information about her adverse event and how to obtain a copy of the report. He also suggested she request a CISA consult from the CDC, which she had already done.

Hertz responded:

“Thank you for your recommendation to contact VAERS. Unfortunately this is not helpful as it has already been done. Hopefully, you will become aware of the injuries some people are experiencing from the vaccines and educate the medical community so that medical care will be available for people like me.”

The official asked whether she had filled out her report correctly and that he was under the impression VAERS will contact her if “follow-up information is needed.”

Hertz said she provided contact information on the VAERS report she filed and was “fully aware of the many hundreds of reports with similar reactions in the VAERS database,” as were the people in her group with similar severe reactions. “We and our physicians have requested CDC CISA consults which have been completely unhelpful,” Hertz said.

Hertz explained:

“I would think the FDA and CDC would want to know about these reactions. We have all been seriously ill. It is truly shocking that our reports have not been taken seriously and that the FDA is not asking for follow up from us. There is apparently no concern about people being injured by the vaccines.

“The suggestions you make in both of your emails to me are nonsensical. I am a physician, not a moron. You skirt the issue that there are many of us that have been injured by the vaccines and are being ignored. Your emails are insulting and demeaning. You are completely missing my point. I guess that is just representative of how seriously you are taking the fact that there are many people being severely injured by the Covid vaccines and are struggling to get validation and medical care because these reactions are being hidden from the medical community.

“This is truly shocking. Having practiced medicine for 33 years, I always had faith in our regulatory agencies. Now, having been seriously injured by this vaccine and struggling to be taken seriously and get medical assistance, I no longer have faith.”

On July 2, Hertz reached out to one of her contacts at the NIH again asking if there was anyone studying adverse reactions like hers, and the group she represents. She wrote, “We have been abandoned by the government, and the medical community knows nothing about these adverse reactions. We desperately need medical help.”

There was no response.

Hertz said that as a physician, she is pro-vaccine but she is also “pro-informed consent,” and she has always given that to her patients.

“Whatever I did to them, if it was a procedure like a colonoscopy or prescribing a medication, I always provided them with the risks involved,” Hertz said. “There has been no informed consent with the [COVID] vaccine, and if I would have known I never would have gotten it.”

Hertz said the public needs to be given accurate and complete information about the risks and the ability to make a choice. “To make that choice for them is wrong,” she said.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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La Quinta Columna: On the Extreme Harm & Death to Many Athletes After Injection of Covid Vaccines

La Quinta Columna: On the Extreme Harm & Death to Many Athletes After Injection of Covid Vaccines
Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how graphene oxide interferes with the electrical fields of the heart


Bad combo: Vaccines and Sports don’t mix well

by Orwellito, Orwell City
September 22, 2021

Video available at Orwellito Rumble channel.


Ricardo Delgado: Let’s see, precisely, how the sport and the vaccine interact. José Luis, do you recall that yesterday we read a scientific article that described how the cardiac cells could be modulated or stimulated remotely and wirelessly through photons and electromagnetic fields so that the pulse could be increased or decreased by three and so on by using the fashionable material called Graphene? Graphene oxide.

What we’re seeing is that people who practice sports with a certain frequency —even athletes—, are losing their lives and becoming seriously ill. We have prepared a brief report on the topic. We’re going to show it now.

Intro: Deaths and serious conditions in athletes caused by the “vaccine.” Graphene inside the body kills.


‘I was vaccinated at 13:00, died at midnight’: an athlete died after vaccination in Yaroslavl region.

He gets vaccinated and goes to Spain: gym instructor dies of a heart attack.

Marathon runner Alexaida Guédez dies of a heart attack.

Tragic death of Carabobo runner Alexaida Guédez shocks the sports world.

Pedro Obiang: 29-year-old professional soccer player suffers from myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccines, possible career end.

Cyclist dies of a heart attack while cycling in Fuerteventura.

MLK Trail runner saves life after heart attack in the middle of race.

He worked at Bayern. The drama of the all-time leading scorer at World Cups. Miroslav Klose suffers a thrombosis and will no longer be able to manage.

A volleyball player claims that the vaccine has caused her heart problems.

Track star Cameron Burrell, godson of Carl Lewis dies tragically at age 26.

Italy: Obiang suffers from myocarditis after vaccination, will only be able to play for 6 months.

A 46-year-old participant in a triathlon in Palomera died.

Kingsley Coman underwent surgery for a heart problem.

Marílio Costa Leite (46 years old) died after taking Pfizer vax.

Robert Lima died of cardiac arrest while playing soccer with friends. Australian swimming gold medalist Madison Wilson 27, has been admitted to hospital ICU unable to breath despite being fully vaccinated.

MOVING CELLS AT WILL — Savchenko explains that it took the team a while to pinpoint the optimal graphene-based formulation. Then they had to find the best light source and a way to deliver that light to the graphene cell system. But eventually, they found a way to precisely control how much electricity the graphene generated by varying the intensity of the light they exposed it to.

Outro: Graphene has an affinity for the electrical currents of the heart and acts on external electromagnetic fields remotely.

Ricardo Delgado: People may think it’s a coincidence, but we know there’s something behind it. If they really have graphene inside, well…

Dr. Sevillano: You see several models of problems. The heart, in general —for people to understand—, has about three elements. It’s like the works. On the construction site, you have the masonry structure, the electrical wiring, and the plumbing.

The plumbing is the crown wires. The wiring is what generates the polarization of all the ventricular and atrial mass, with a cadence, with a sequence. And then the wall, which is like the walls of the house. The walls are damaged because graphene looks for everything that has natural bio-electric activity. And, in addition, that’s strong, powerful. All cells have it, but this ones are constantly depolarizing and polarizing. And there’s an exaggerated activity compared to other tissues. And that’s where the graphene goes blind. It’s blindly looking for that type of tissue. It settles where it’s best. If it’s good, it stays there. It gets everywhere and gets into the conduction tissue, into the cables of the electrical network; it gets into the walls, it stays impregnating the walls. It goes inside, through the arteries, too. Evidently. And it damages the arteries. Then, the damage is going to be done at three levels.

All sudden deaths are, surely, caused by the conduction tissue. Almost certainly. Between that and the fact that the muscle tissue is compromised and also spontaneously generates currents, what happens is that they’re slowed down by the depolarization that is commanded by the structures that usually ‘produce’ the impulse. But that, surely, as the graphene is excited, generates other types of currents and anomalous depolarizations. That’s to say, that’s for sure that it’s hurting you the moment you’re exposed to electromagnetic fields. For sure.

Then you have to add myocarditis, which is damage to the myocyte, the heart muscle. There, graphene is certainly infiltrated per cell. As soon as it begins to be impregnated, it starts to damage the muscle fibers. Some of them start to die, and tissue inflammation begins. And then you have the coronary arteries which, when people are older and have them somewhat compromised, it’s enough to have a little more of… Let’s say density, thickness, pro-thrombogenicity in the blood so that as soon as you are close to one of those steel plates or whatever it is, you’re already generating large thrombi. surely, with these types of problems, and people who fall due to myocarditis.

In short, cardiologists must be sick of seeing myocarditis. But they won’t say anything because they have the master answer: ‘Yes, but more damage is done by the virus.’ That’s what they’re going to tell you. They’re seeing things happening, but they’re not going to tell you that the vaccine is lousy and stop vaccinating and everything they’re doing. They have the master answer: ‘The virus does more damage.’

If you have comments or information for La Quinta Columna, then you can refer to their official website. Follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, send them a message to: tutoronline@hotmail.es. Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.


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cover image credit based on work of: harutmovsisyan & NTs01 / pixabay

30 Facts You Need to Know: Your Covid Cribsheet – A Collection of All the Arguments You’ll Ever Need.

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet
You asked for it, so we made it. A collection of all the arguments you’ll ever need.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
September 23, 2021


We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I saw a graph for mortality, but I can’t find it anymore”. And we understand, it’s been a long 18 months, and there are so many statistics and numbers to try and keep straight in your head.

So, to deal with all these requests, we decided to make a bullet-pointed and sourced list for all the key points. A one-stop-shop.

Here are key facts and sources about the alleged “pandemic”, that will help you get a grasp on what has happened to the world since January 2020, and help you enlighten any of your friends who might be still trapped in the New Normal fog:


1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid.

Almost all studies on the infection-fatality ratio (IFR) of Covid have returned results between 0.04% and 0.5%. Meaning Covid’s survival rate is at least 99.5%.

2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality. The press has called 2020 the UK’s “deadliest year since world war two”, but this is misleading because it ignores the massive increase in the population since that time. A more reasonable statistical measure of mortality is Age-Standardised Mortality Rate (ASMR):

By this measure, 2020 isn’t even the worst year for mortality since 2000, In fact since 1943 only 9 years have been better than 2020.

Similarly, in the US the ASMR for 2020 is only at 2004 levels:

For a detailed breakdown of how Covid affected mortality across Western Europe and the US click here. What increases in mortality we have seen could be attributable to non-Covid causes [facts 79 & 19].

3. “Covid death” counts are artificially inflated. Countries around the globe have been defining a “Covid death” as a “death by any cause within 28/30/60 days of a positive test”.

Healthcare officials from Italy, Germany, the UK, US, Northern Ireland and others have all admitted to this practice:

Removing any distinction between dying of Covid, and dying of something else after testing positive for Covid will naturally lead to over-counting of “Covid deaths”. British pathologist Dr John Lee was warning of this “substantial over-estimate” as early as last spring. Other mainstream sources have reported it, too.

Considering the huge percentage of “asymptomatic” Covid infections [14], the well-known prevalence of serious comorbidities [fact 4] and the potential for false-positive tests [fact 18], this renders the Covid death numbers an extremely unreliable statistic.

4. The vast majority of covid deaths have serious comorbidities. In March 2020, the Italian government published statistics showing 99.2% of their “Covid deaths” had at least one serious comorbidity.

These included cancer, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and diabetes (among others). Over 50% of them had three or more serious pre-existing conditions.

This pattern has held up in all other countries over the course of the “pandemic”. An October 2020 FOIA request to the UK’s ONS revealed less than 10% of the official “Covid death” count at that time had Covid as the sole cause of death.

5. Average age of “Covid death” is greater than the average life expectancy. The average age of a “Covid death” in the UK is 82.5 years. In Italy it’s 86. Germany, 83. Switzerland, 86. Canada, 86. The US, 78, Australia, 82.

In almost all cases the median age of a “Covid death” is higher than the national life expectancy.

As such, for most of the world, the “pandemic” has had little-to-no impact on life expectancy. Contrast this with the Spanish flu, which saw a 28% drop in life expectancy in the US in just over a year. [source]

6. Covid mortality exactly mirrors the natural mortality curve. Statistical studies from the UK and India have shown that the curve for “Covid death” follows the curve for expected mortality almost exactly:

The risk of death “from Covid” follows, almost exactly, your background risk of death in general.

The small increase for some of the older age groups can be accounted for by other factors.[facts 79 & 19]

7. There has been a massive increase in the use of “unlawful” DNRs. Watchdogs and government agencies have reported huge increases in the use of Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNRs) over the last twenty months.

In the US, hospitals considered “universal DNRs” for any patient who tested positive for Covid, and whistleblowing nurses have admitted the DNR system was abused in New York.

In the UK there was an “unprecdented” rise in “illegal” DNRs for disabled people, GP surgeries sent out letters to non-terminal patients recommending they sign DNR orders, whilst other doctors signed “blanket DNRs” for entire nursing homes.

study done by Sheffield Univerisity found over one-third of all “suspected” Covid patients had a DNR attached to their file within 24 hours of hospital admission.

Blanket use of coerced or illegal DNR orders could account for any increases in mortality in 2020/21.[Facts 2 & 6]


8. Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease. There is little to no evidence lockdowns have any impact on limiting “Covid deaths”. If you compare regions that locked down to regions that did not, you can see no pattern at all.

“Covid deaths” in Florida (no lockdown) vs California (lockdown)

“Covid deaths” in Sweden (no lockdown) vs UK (lockdown)

9. Lockdowns kill people. There is strong evidence that lockdowns – through social, economic and other public health damage – are deadlier than the “virus”.

Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19 described lockdowns as a “global catastrophe” in October 2020:

We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…] it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”

A UN report from April 2020 warned of 100,000s of children being killed by the economic impact of lockdowns, while tens of millions more face possible poverty and famine.

Unemployment, poverty, suicide, alcoholism, drug use and other social/mental health crises are spiking all over the world. While missed and delayed surgeries and screenings are going to see increased mortality from heart disease, cancer et al. in the near future.

The impact of lockdown would account for the small increases in excess mortality [Facts 2 & 6]

10. Hospitals were never unusually over-burdened. the main argument used to defend lockdowns is that “flattening the curve” would prevent a rapid influx of cases and protect healthcare systems from collapse. But most healthcare systems were never close to collapse at all.

In March 2020 it was reported that hospitals in Spain and Italy were over-flowing with patients, but this happens every flu season. In 2017 Spanish hospitals were at 200% capacity, and 2015 saw patients sleeping in corridors. A paper JAMA paper from March 2020 found that Italian hospitals “typically run at 85-90% capacity in the winter months”.

In the UK, the NHS is regularly stretched to breaking point over the winter.

As part of their Covid policy, the NHS announced in Spring of 2020 that they would be “re-organizing hospital capacity in new ways to treat Covid and non-Covid patients separately” and that “as result hospitals will experience capacity pressures at lower overall occupancy rates than would previously have been the case.”

This means they removed thousands of beds. During an alleged deadly pandemic, they reduced the maximum occupancy of hospitals. Despite this, the NHS never felt pressure beyond your typical flu season, and at times actually had 4x more empty beds than normal.

In both the UK and US millions were spent on temporary emergency hospitals that were never used.


11. PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness. The Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test is described in the media as the “gold standard” for Covid diagnosis. But the Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the process never intended it to be used as a diagnostic tool, and said so publicly:

PCR is just a process that allows you to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.

12. PCR Tests have a history of being inaccurate and unreliable. The “gold standard” PCR tests for Covid are known to produce a lot of false-positive results, by reacting to DNA material that is not specific to Sars-Cov-2.

A Chinese study found the same patient could get two different results from the same test on the same day. In Germany, tests are known to have reacted to common cold viruses. A 2006 study found PCR tests for one virus responded to other viruses too. In 2007, a reliance on PCR tests resulted in an “outbreak” of Whooping Cough that never actually existed. Some tests in the US even reacted to the negative control sample.

The late President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, submitted samples goat, pawpaw and motor oil for PCR testing, all came back positive for the virus.

As early as February of 2020 experts were admitting the test was unreliable. Dr Wang Cheng, president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences told Chinese state television “The accuracy of the tests is only 30-50%”. The Australian government’s own website claimed “There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.” And a Portuguese court ruled that PCR tests were “unreliable” and should not be used for diagnosis.

You can read detailed breakdowns of the failings of PCR tests herehere and here.

13. The CT values of the PCR tests are too high. PCR tests are run in cycles, the number of cycles you use to get your result is known as your “cycle threshold” or CT value. Kary Mullis said“If you have to go more than 40 cycles[…]there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”

The MIQE PCR guidelines agree, stating: “[CT] values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported,” Dr Fauci himself even admitted anything over 35 cycles is almost never culturable.

Dr Juliet Morrison, virologist at the University of California, Riverside, told the New York TimesAny test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive…I’m shocked that people would think that 40 [cycles] could represent a positive…A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35″.

In the same article Dr Michael Mina, of the Harvard School of Public Health, said the limit should be 30, and the author goes on to point out that reducing the CT from 40 to 30 would have reduced “covid cases” in some states by as much as 90%.

The CDC’s own data suggests no sample over 33 cycles could be cultured, and Germany’s Robert Koch Institute says nothing over 30 cycles is likely to be infectious.

Despite this, it is known almost all the labs in the US are running their tests at least 37 cycles and sometimes as high as 45. The NHS “standard operating procedure” for PCR tests rules set the limit at 40 cycles.

Based on what we know about the CT values, the majority of PCR test results are at best questionable.

14. The World Health Organization (Twice) Admitted PCR tests produced false positives. In December 2020 WHO put out a briefing memo on the PCR process instructing labs to be wary of high CT values causing false positive results:

when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.

Then, in January 2021, the WHO released another memo, this time warning that “asymptomatic” positive PCR tests should be re-tested because they might be false positives:

Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.

15. The scientific basis for Covid tests is questionable. The genome of the Sars-Cov-2 virus was supposedly sequenced by Chinese scientists in December 2019, then published on January 10th 2020. Less than two weeks later, German virologists (Christian Drosten et al.) had allegedly used the genome to create assays for PCR tests.

They wrote a paper, Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR, which was submitted for publication on January 21st 2020, and then accepted on January 22nd. Meaning the paper was allegedly “peer-reviewed” in less than 24 hours. A process that typically takes weeks.

Since then, a consortium of over forty life scientists has petitioned for the withdrawal of the paper, writing a lengthy report detailing 10 major errors in the paper’s methodology.

They have also requested the release of the journal’s peer-review report, to prove the paper really did pass through the peer-review process. The journal has yet to comply.

The Corman-Drosten assays are the root of every Covid PCR test in the world. If the paper is questionable, every PCR test is also questionable.


16. The majority of Covid infections are “asymptomatic”. From as early as March 2020, studies done in Italy were suggesting 50-75% of positive Covid tests had no symptoms. Another UK study from August 2020 found as much as 86% of “Covid patients” experienced no viral symptoms at all.

It is literally impossible to tell the difference between an “asymptomatic case” and a false-positive test result.

17. There is very little evidence supporting the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”. In June 2020, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said:

From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,”

A meta-analysis of Covid studies, published by Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in December 2020, found that asymptomatic carriers had a less than 1% chance of infecting people within their household. Another study, done on influenza in 2009, found:

…limited evidence to suggest the importance of [asymptomatic] transmission. The role of asymptomatic or presymptomatic influenza-infected individuals in disease transmission may have been overestimated…”

Given the known flaws of the PCR tests, many “asymptomatic cases” may be false positives.[fact 14]


18. Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses. Mechanical ventilation is not, and never has been, recommended treatment for respiratory infection of any kind. In the early days of the pandemic, many doctors came forward questioning the use of ventilators to treat “Covid”.

Writing in The Spectator, Dr Matt Strauss stated:

Ventilators do not cure any disease. They can fill your lungs with air when you find yourself unable to do so yourself. They are associated with lung diseases in the public’s consciousness, but this is not in fact their most common or most appropriate application.

German Pulmonologist Dr Thomas Voshaar, chairman of Association of Pneumatological Clinics said:

When we read the first studies and reports from China and Italy, we immediately asked ourselves why intubation was so common there. This contradicted our clinical experience with viral pneumonia.

Despite this, the WHOCDCECDC and NHS all “recommended” Covid patients be ventilated instead of using non-invasive methods.

This was not a medical policy designed to best treat the patients, but rather to reduce the hypothetical spread of Covid by preventing patients from exhaling aerosol droplets.

19. Ventilators killed people. Putting someone on a ventilator who is suffering from influenza, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or any other condition which restricts breathing or affects the lungs, will not alleviate any of those symptoms. In fact, it will almost certainly make it worse, and will kill many of them.

Intubation tubes are a source of potential a infection known as “ventilator-associated pneumonia”, which studies show affects up to 28% of all people put on ventilators, and kills 20-55% of those infected.

Mechanical ventilation is also damaging to the physical structure of the lungs, resulting in “ventilator-induced lung injury”, which can dramatically impact quality of life, and even result in death.

Experts estimate 40-50% of ventilated patients die, regardless of their disease. Around the world, between 66 and 86% of all “Covid patients” put on ventilators died.

According to the “undercover nurse”, ventilators were being used so improperly in New York, they were destroying patients’ lungs:

This policy was negligence at best, and potentially deliberate murder at worst. This misuse of ventilators could account for any increase in mortality in 2020/21 [Facts 2 & 6]


20. Masks don’t work. At least a dozen scientific studies have shown that masks do nothing to stop the spread of respiratory viruses.

One meta-analysis published by the CDC in May 2020 found “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks”.

Another study with over 8000 subjects found masks “did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection.”

There are literally too many to quote them all, but you can read them: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Or read a summary by SPR here.

While some studies have been done claiming to show mask do work for Covid, they are all seriously flawed. One relied on self-reported surveys as data. Another was so badly designed a panel of experts demand it be withdrawn. A third was withdrawn after its predictions proved entirely incorrect.

The WHO commissioned their own meta-analysis in the Lancet, but that study looked only at N95 masks and only in hospitals. [For full run down on the bad data in this study click here.]

Aside from scientific evidence, there’s plenty of real-world evidence that masks do nothing to halt the spread of disease.

For example, North Dakota and South Dakota had near-identical case figures, despite one having a mask-mandate and the other not:

In Kansas, counties without mask mandates actually had fewer Covid “cases” than counties with mask mandates. And despite masks being very common in Japan, they had their worst flu outbreak in decades in 2019.

21. Masks are bad for your health. Wearing a mask for long periods, wearing the same mask more than once, and other aspects of cloth masks can be bad for your health. A long study on the detrimental effects of mask-wearing was recently published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Dr. James Meehan reported in August 2020 he was seeing increases in bacterial pneumonia, fungal infections, facial rashes.

Masks are also known to contain plastic microfibers, which damage the lungs when inhaled and may be potentially carcinogenic.

Childen wearing masks encourages mouth-breathing, which results in facial deformities.

People around the world have passed out due to CO2 poisoning while wearing their masks, and some children in China even suffered sudden cardiac arrest.

22. Masks are bad for the planet. Millions upon millions of disposable masks have been used per month for over a year. A report from the UN found the Covid19 pandemic will likely result in plastic waste more than doubling in the next few years., and the vast majority of that is face masks.

The report goes on to warn these masks (and other medical waste) will clog sewage and irrigation systems, which will have knock on effects on public health, irrigation and agriculture.

A study from the University of Swansea found “heavy metals and plastic fibres were released when throw-away masks were submerged in water.” These materials are toxic to both people and wildlife.


23. Covid “vaccines” are totally unprecedented. Before 2020 no successful vaccine against a human coronavirus had ever been developed. Since then we have allegedly made 20 of them in 18 months.

Scientists have been trying to develop a SARS and MERS vaccine for years with little success. Some of the failed SARS vaccines actually caused hypersensitivity to the SARS virus. Meaning that vaccinated mice could potentially get the disease more severely than unvaccinated mice. Another attempt caused liver damage in ferrets.

While traditional vaccines work by exposing the body to a weakened strain of the microorganism responsible for causing the disease, these new Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines.

mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccines theoretically work by injecting viral mRNA into the body, where it replicates inside your cells and encourages your body to recognise, and make antigens for, the “spike proteins” of the virus. They have been the subject of research since the 1990s, but before 2020 no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use.

24. Vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission. It is readily admitted that Covid “vaccines” do not confer immunity from infection and do not prevent you from passing the disease onto others. Indeed, an article in the British Medical Journal highlighted that the vaccine studies were not designed to even try and assess if the “vaccines” limited transmission.

The vaccine manufacturers themselves, upon releasing the untested mRNA gene therapies, were quite clear their product’s “efficacy” was based on “reducing the severity of symptoms”.

25. The vaccines were rushed and have unknown longterm effects. Vaccine development is a slow, laborious process. Usually, from development through testing and finally being approved for public use takes many years. The various vaccines for Covid were all developed and approved in less than a year. Obviously there can be no long-term safety data on chemicals which are less than a year old.

Pfizer even admit this is true in the leaked supply contract between the pharmaceutical giant, and the government of Albania:

the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known

Further, none of the vaccines have been subject to proper trials. Many of them skipped early-stage trials entirely, and the late-stage human trials have either not been peer-reviewed, have not released their data, will not finish until 2023 or were abandoned after “severe adverse effects”.

26. Vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal indemnity should they cause harm. The USA’s Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) grants immunity until at least 2024.

The EU’s product licensing law does the same, and there are reports of confidential liability clauses in the contracts the EU signed with vaccine manufacturers.

The UK went even further, granting permanent legal indemnity to the government, and any employees thereof, for any harm done when a patient is being treated for Covid19 or “suspected Covid19”.

Again, the leaked Albanian contract suggests that Pfizer, at least, made this indemnity a standard demand of supplying Covid vaccines:

Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer […] from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses


27. The EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a YEAR before the pandemic began. Proposed COVID countermeasures, presented to the public as improvised emergency measures, have existed since before the emergence of the disease.

Two EU documents published in 2018, the “2018 State of Vaccine Confidence” and a technical report titled “Designing and implementing an immunisation information system” discussed the plausibility of an EU-wide vaccination monitoring system.

These documents were combined into the 2019 “Vaccination Roadmap”, which (among other things) established a “feasibility study” on vaccine passports to begin in 2019 and finish in 2021:

This report’s final conclusions were released to the public in September 2019, just a month before Event 201 (below).

28. A “training exercise” predicted the pandemic just weeks before it started. In October 2019 the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University held Event 201. This was a training exercise based on a zoonotic coronavirus starting a worldwide pandemic. The exercise was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI the vaccine alliance.

The exercise published its findings and recommendations in November 2019 as a “call to action”. One month later, China recorded their first case of “Covid”.

29. Since the beginning of 2020, the Flu has “disappeared”. In the United States, since February 2020, influenza cases have allegedly dropped by over 98%.

It’s not just the US either, globally flu has apparently almost completely disappeared.

Meanwhile, a new disease called “Covid”, which has identical symptoms and a similar mortality rate to influenza, is supposedly sweeping the globe.

30. The elite have made fortunes during the pandemic. Since the beginning of lockdown the wealthiest people have become significantly wealthier. Forbes reported that 40 new billionaires have been created “fighting the coronavirus”, with 9 of them being vaccine manufacturers.

Business Insider reported that “billionaires saw their net worth increase by half a trillion dollars” by October 2020.

Clearly that number will be even bigger by now

These are the vital facts of the pandemic, presented here as a resource to help formulate and support your arguments with friends or strangers. Thanks to all the researchers who have collated and collected this information over the last twenty months, especially Swiss Policy Research.


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Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games

Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
September 21, 2021


No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices.”—Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist

America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions.

The contagion being spread like wildfire is turning communities into battlegrounds and setting Americans one against the other.

Normally mild-mannered individuals caught up in the throes of this disease have been transformed into belligerent zealots, while others inclined to pacifism have taken to stockpiling weapons and practicing defensive drills.

This plague on our nation—one that has been spreading like wildfire—is a potent mix of fear coupled with unhealthy doses of paranoia and intolerance, tragic hallmarks of the post-9/11 America in which we live and the constantly shifting crises that keep the populace in a state of high alert.

Everywhere you turn, those on both the left- and right-wing are fomenting distrust and division. You can’t escape it.

We’re being fed a constant diet of fear: fear of a virus, fear of the unmasked, fear of terrorists, fear of illegal immigrants, fear of people who are too religious, fear of people who are not religious enough, fear of extremists, fear of the government, fear of those who fear the government. The list goes on and on.

The strategy is simple yet effective: the best way to control a populace is through fear and discord.

Fear makes people stupid.

Confound them, distract them with mindless news chatter and entertainment, pit them against one another by turning minor disagreements into major skirmishes, and tie them up in knots over matters lacking in national significance.

Most importantly, divide the people into factions, persuade them to see each other as the enemy and keep them screaming at each other so that they drown out all other sounds. In this way, they will never reach consensus about anything and will be too distracted to notice the police state closing in on them until the final crushing curtain falls.

This is how free people enslave themselves and allow tyrants to prevail.

This Machiavellian scheme has so ensnared the nation that few Americans even realize they are being manipulated into adopting an “us” against “them” mindset. Instead, fueled with fear and loathing for phantom opponents, they agree to pour millions of dollars and resources into political elections, militarized police, spy technology, endless wars, COVID-19 mandates, etc., hoping for a guarantee of safety that never comes.

All the while, those in power—bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations—move their costly agendas forward, and “we the suckers” get saddled with the tax bills and subjected to pat downs, police raids and round-the-clock surveillance.

Turn on the TV or flip open the newspaper on any given day, and you will find yourself accosted by reports of government corruption, corporate malfeasance, militarized police, marauding SWAT teams, and egregious assaults on the rights of the citizenry.

America has already entered a new phase, one in which communities are locked down, employees are forced to choose between keeping their jobs or exercising their freedoms, children are arrested in schools, military veterans are forcibly detained by government agents, and law-abiding Americans are finding their movements tracked, their financial transactions documented and their communications monitored.

These threats are not to be underestimated.

Yet even more dangerous than these violations of our basic rights is the language in which they are couched: the language of fear. It is a language spoken effectively by politicians on both sides of the aisle, shouted by media pundits from their cable TV pulpits, marketed by corporations, and codified into bureaucratic laws that do little to make our lives safer or more secure.

Fear, as history shows, is the method most often used by politicians to increase the power of government.

So far, these tactics are working.

An atmosphere of fear permeates modern America.

Each successive crisis in recent years (a COVID-19 pandemic, terrorism, etc.)—manufactured or legitimate—has succeeded in reducing the American people to what commentator Dan Sanchez refers to as “herd-minded hundreds of millions [who] will stampede to the State for security, bleating to please, please be shorn of their remaining liberties.”

Sanchez continues:

“I am not terrified of the terrorists; i.e., I am not, myself, terrorized. Rather, I am terrified of the terrorized; terrified of the bovine masses who are so easily manipulated by terrorists, governments, and the terror-amplifying media into allowing our country to slip toward totalitarianism and total war…

“I do not irrationally and disproportionately fear Muslim bomb-wielding jihadists or white, gun-toting nutcases. But I rationally and proportionately fear those who do, and the regimes such terror empowers. History demonstrates that governments are capable of mass murder and enslavement far beyond what rogue militants can muster. Industrial-scale terrorists are the ones who wear ties, chevrons, and badges. But such terrorists are a powerless few without the supine acquiescence of the terrorized many. There is nothing to fear but the fearful themselves…

“Stop swallowing the overblown scaremongering of the government and its corporate media cronies. Stop letting them use hysteria over small menaces to drive you into the arms of tyranny, which is the greatest menace of all.”

As history makes clear, fear leads to fascistic, totalitarian regimes.

It’s a simple enough formula. National crises, global pandemics, reported terrorist attacks, and sporadic shootings leave us in a constant state of fear. Fear prevents us from thinking. The emotional panic that accompanies fear actually shuts down the prefrontal cortex or the rational thinking part of our brains. In other words, when we are consumed by fear, we stop thinking.

A populace that stops thinking for themselves is a populace that is easily led, easily manipulated and easily controlled.

The following are a few of the necessary ingredients for a fascist state:

·       The government is managed by a powerful leader (even if he or she assumes office by way of the electoral process). This is the fascistic leadership principle (or father figure).

·       The government assumes it is not restrained in its power. This is authoritarianism, which eventually evolves into totalitarianism.

·       The government ostensibly operates under a capitalist system while being undergirded by an immense bureaucracy.

·       The government through its politicians emits powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.

·       The government has an obsession with national security while constantly invoking terrifying internal and external enemies.

·       The government establishes a domestic and invasive surveillance system and develops a paramilitary force that is not answerable to the citizenry.

·       The government and its various agencies (federal, state, and local) develop an obsession with crime and punishment. This is overcriminalization.

·       The government becomes increasingly centralized while aligning closely with corporate powers to control all aspects of the country’s social, economic, military, and governmental structures.

·       The government uses militarism as a center point of its economic and taxing structure.

·       The government is increasingly imperialistic in order to maintain the military-industrial corporate forces.

The parallels to modern America are impossible to ignore.

“Every industry is regulated. Every profession is classified and organized,” writes Jeffrey Tucker. “Every good or service is taxed. Endless debt accumulation is preserved. Immense doesn’t begin to describe the bureaucracy. Military preparedness never stops, and war with some evil foreign foe, remains a daily prospect.”

For the final hammer of fascism to fall, it will require the most crucial ingredient: the majority of the people will have to agree that it’s not only expedient but necessary. In times of “crisis,” expediency is upheld as the central principle—that is, in order to keep us safe and secure, the government must militarize the police, strip us of basic constitutional rights and criminalize virtually every form of behavior.

Not only does fear grease the wheels of the transition to fascism by cultivating fearful, controlled, pacified, cowed citizens, but it also embeds itself in our very DNA so that we pass on our fear and compliance to our offspring.

It’s called epigenetic inheritance, the transmission through DNA of traumatic experiences.

For example, neuroscientists have observed how quickly fear can travel through generations of mice DNA. As The Washington Post reports:

In the experiment, researchers taught male mice to fear the smell of cherry blossoms by associating the scent with mild foot shocks. Two weeks later, they bred with females. The resulting pups were raised to adulthood having never been exposed to the smell. Yet when the critters caught a whiff of it for the first time, they suddenly became anxious and fearful. They were even born with more cherry-blossom-detecting neurons in their noses and more brain space devoted to cherry-blossom-smelling.

The conclusion? “A newborn mouse pup, seemingly innocent to the workings of the world, may actually harbor generations’ worth of information passed down by its ancestors.”

Now consider the ramifications of inherited generations of fears and experiences on human beings. As the Post reports, “Studies on humans suggest that children and grandchildren may have felt the epigenetic impact of such traumatic events such as famine, the Holocaust and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.”

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, fear, trauma and compliance can be passed down through the generations.

Fear has been a critical tool in past fascistic regimes, and it now operates in our contemporary world—all of which raises fundamental questions about us as human beings and what we will give up in order to perpetuate the illusions of safety and security.

In the words of psychologist Erich Fromm:

[C]an human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love—that is to say, can man forget he is human? Or does human nature have a dynamism which will react to the violation of these basic human needs by attempting to change an inhuman society into a human one?


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cover image credit: lechenie-narkomanii / pixabay

More on the Murders of Canadian Pharmaceutical Billionaire and …

More on the Murders of Canadian Pharmaceutical Billionaire and …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
September 22, 2021


You may or may not remember the murders of Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife, Honey, in 2017.

(See https://gizadeathstar.com/2017/12/tidbit-article-related-murders-barry-sherman-canadian-pharma-magnate-wife/  and this article from the tidbits honorable mentions of April 25, 2020 https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesdigitalcovers/2019/11/25/honey-and-barry-sherman-billionaire-murders-kevin-donovan-book-excerpt/#1f388aae365e)

These murders remain unsolved, but there is now an update, a development, in the story that raises some serious questions about the dark side of the Canadian “deep state”, and contained some fertile ground for some high octane speculation.  This story comes courtesy of G.C.:

Did The Death Of Billionaire Barry Sherman Prevent A Justin Trudeau-Related Scandal? by Brad Saltzberg

Consider the opening of the article:

At the time of the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman  on December 15th, 2017, Mr. Sherman was in the process of being investigated by the Federal Government Lobbying Commission. 

At the centre of these investigations were events such as a Liberal party fundraiser Sherman hosted at his home in August, 2015. The guest of honour at the event was Justin Trudeau, who at this time was the Liberal candidate for prime minister.

The legal issue at hand was whether or not Mr. Sherman had breached the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct. At the time of the deaths, Barry Sherman was the chairman of Apotex Corp, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturer. Apotex was an early player in Covid Vaccine development.

According to Maclean’s magazine, Sherman responded to the investigation with a Federal Court challenge in an attempt to dispel the investigation before it had concluded. The situation was unprecedented–- never before in Canada had a person gone to court to derail an active probe by the lobbying commissioner.

In the 3 years and 6 months since the time of the murders, there has not been any indication of potential suspects, or even motivation for this grisly double-murder.

One may well assume there never will be. The association of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with this case is too close for comfort for a police investigation–let alone Canadian media— to deliver any form of detailed information on the killings.

All that remains in conjecture. Within Canadian media, the Trudeau-Sherman connection has been underplayed to a point of non-existence. Yet, there is no denying there had to be some serious stakes at play for a targeted hit of this nature to occur at the Sherman home.

There you have it: Sherman was under investigation by Canadian federal authorities and had a clear relationship with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  His and his wife’s murders put a stop to all that, and the murders remain unsolved.

It’s in that gap that I want to speculate. It seems clear to me and to many in the alternative research community that the planscamdemic was in preparation for some time. By some accounts, the mRNA injections were already in preparation at the time of the Shermans’ murders. Sherman also ran a company that made generic drugs, and controversy followed his company as there were allegations of price gouging and so on. Then there’s the relationship with Justin Trudeau, whose “government” not only has jumped on board the plamscamdemic narrative, but which has also instituted draconian measures that almost rival Australia’s. Sherman’s firm, Apotex, was also involved in the making of generic AZT, the anti-AIDS drug promoted by – you guessed it, Dr. Anthony Fausti. (See https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2018-apotex-billionaire-murder/ )  Further, Sherman was involved in lawsuits against – here it comes – Pfizer. (See https://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/barry-honey-sherman-murders/ )  Additionally, the Sherman’s had close connections to the Clinton Foundation and were involved in supplying cheap drugs to Haiti. (See https://247sports.com/college/usc/Board/59419/Contents/Aftermath-of-57-of-Clinton-Foundation-funds-that-reached-Haiti-121676514/ ) And finally, there is an allegation that Sherman was connected to Johnson and Johnson in working on vaccines, (See http://www.johnsonandtoxin.com/apotex_barry_honey_sherman.shtml )  and that Mr Sherman was considering leaving his money to Baal Gates (See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7802401/Billionaire-couple-murdered-discussed-pledging-fortune-philanthropy-foundation.html ).

So what do we have?

(1) A Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire with connections to Justin Trudeau, the Clintons, and Baal Gates;

(2) A Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire who had sued several large pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer;

(3) A Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire who is alleged to have some sort of tie or interest to Johnson and Johnson.

(4) His firm made the anti-AIDS drug AZT, which was pushed by Dr. Fausti as a drug that could treat AIDS.

Baal Gates,  AZT, Clintons, Trudeau, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson… Now, I don’t know about you, but at this juncture, my high octane suspicion is that Mr. Sherman and his wife knew something, and that that something may very well be to related to the planscamdemic, and that their murders may have been to silence them permanently, and tie up a loose end.

See you on the flip side…


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Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How?

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How?
Backlash against Biden’s sweeping COVID vaccine mandate has been swift, and experts say the mandate is unlikely to hold up in court.

by Joseph Mercola
sourced from Children’s Health Defense
September 22, 2021


Story at-a-glance:

  • In his presidential campaign, Joe Biden promised he would not impose vaccine mandates. Sept. 9, Biden issued an executive order mandating all U.S. companies with 100 or more employees to require COVID vaccination or weekly testing, or face federal fines of up to $14,000 per violation.
  • Biden is also requiring all federal employees and federal contractors to get the shots. Postal workers and members of Congress and their staff just happen to have been made exempt from this requirement.
  • No exceptions for persons who have already had COVID and recovered, and therefore have antibodies to the virus, have been issued. Several lawsuits are underway by people who have natural immunity and don’t need or benefit from the mandated COVID shots.
  • The Republican National Committee has announced they will sue the Biden administration for issuing an unconstitutional mandate.
  • While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted full approval to Comirnaty, that product is not yet available. The only Pfizer shot currently available, called BNT162b2, remains under emergency use authorization, and the two differ widely in their legal liabilities.

Sept. 9, in a sweeping executive order, president Joe Biden mandated all U.S. companies with 100 or more employees to require COVID vaccination or weekly testing, or face federal fines of up to $14,000 per violation. Biden also ordered businesses to give time off to employees to receive the injections.

Biden is also requiring all federal employees and federal contractors to get the shots. For unspecified reasons, postal workers and members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the vaccine mandate.

Biden did not make any exceptions for persons who have already had COVID and recovered, and therefore have antibodies to the virus.

He also said he’d use his “power as president” against any governor unwilling to follow the order “to get them out of the way.” Biden may be biting off more than he can chew, however, because as of Sept. 11, 2021, 28 states were already pushing back against federal vaccine mandates.

The backlash was swift. The Republican National Committee quickly announced they would sue the Biden administration for issuing an “unconstitutional mandate.” GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel issued a statement:

“Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied. Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price.

“Like many Americans, I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. Many small businesses and workers do not have the money or legal resources to fight Biden’s unconstitutional actions and authoritarian decrees, but when his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue the administration to protect Americans and their liberties.”

Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse told the Daily Caller:

“President Biden is so desperate to distract from his shameful, incompetent Afghanistan exit that he is saying crazy things and pushing constitutionally flawed executive orders.

“This is a cynical attempt to pick a fight and distract from the President’s morally disgraceful decision to leave Americans behind Taliban lines on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. This isn’t how you beat COVID, but it is how you run a distraction campaign — it’s gross and the American people shouldn’t fall for it.”

In a series of tweets, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem stated:

“South Dakota will stand up to defend freedom @JoeBiden see you in court,” and “My legal team is standing by ready to file our lawsuit the minute Joe Biden files his unconstitutional rule. This gross example of federal intrusion will not stand.”

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp also issued a statement saying he intends to “pursue every legal option available” to halt Biden’s “blatantly unlawful overreach,” as did Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who in a tweet stated:

“This is exactly the kind of big government overreach we have tried so hard to prevent in Arizona — now the Biden-Harris administration is hammering down on private businesses and individual freedoms in an unprecedented and dangerous way. This will never stand up in court.

“This dictatorial approach is wrong, un-American and will do far more harm than good. How many workers will be displaced? How many kids kept out of classrooms? How many businesses fined? The vaccine is and should be a choice. We must and will push back.”

Florida governments face fines if following Biden’s order

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis countered Biden’s edict with one of his own. Any local government that makes COVID vaccination a requirement for employment will be fined $5,000 per violation. During a Sept.13  press conference, DeSantis said:

“We are gonna stand for the men and women who are serving us. We are going to protect Florida jobs. We are not gonna to let people be fired because of a vaccine mandate.

“You don’t just cast aside people who have been serving faithfully over this issue, over what’s basically a personal choice on their individual health. We cannot let these folks be cast aside. We cannot allow their jobs to be destroyed.”

I was going to include DeSantis’ speech in this article, but it has since been deleted for “violating YouTube’s community guidelines.” Imagine that, that they would actually remove a legally elected governor’s opinion on this topic because it violates their authoritarian tyranny.

Biden is clearly out of legal bounds

Biden’s executive order is unlikely to stand up in court, seeing how federal law prohibits the mandating of emergency use products, which by definition are experimental. As noted in a May report by The Defender:

“The bottom line is this: mandating products authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal notifications.

“All COVID vaccines, COVID PCR and antigen tests, and masks are merely EUA-authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government. Long-term safety and efficacy have not been proven.

“EUA products are by definition experimental, which requires people be given the right to refuse them. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is ‘absolutely essential.’

“Earlier this year, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president and general counsel, and attorney Greg Glaser stated that federal law prohibits employers from mandating EUA COVID vaccines (or EUA COVID-19 tests or masks). Holland and Glaser wrote:

“‘If a vaccine has been issued EUA by the FDA, it is not fully licensed and must be voluntary. A private party, such as an employer, school or hospital cannot circumvent the EUA law, which prohibits mandates. Indeed, the EUA law preventing mandates is so explicit that there is only one precedent case regarding an attempt to mandate an EUA vaccine.’”

If you’re like most, you’re probably thinking, “Well, Biden’s executive order came after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID shot Comirnaty, so the vaccine is not under EUA.” You’d be partially right. But mostly wrong.

The difference between Pfizer’s BNT162b2 shot and Comirnaty

The FDA did indeed give full approval to Comirnaty, but that product is not predicted to be available for over a year. The only Pfizer shot currently available, called BNT162b2, remains under EUA. We have the FDA to thank for this unusual and befuddling situation, but the key take-home is that while approval has been granted to Comirnaty, that product is not obtainable.

The FDA wants BNT162b2 to be viewed as interchangeable with Comirnaty, but from a legal standpoint they clearly are not identical. BNT162b2, being under EUA, is indemnified against financial liability, whereas Comirnaty, once it becomes available, will not have that liability shield (unless Pfizer/BioNTech manage to get liability shielding for that product before its release).

In other words, if you’re injured by the BNT162b2, your only recourse is to apply for compensation from the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Act (CICP). Compensation from CICP is very limited and hard to get. In its 15-year history, it has paid out just 29 claims, fewer than 1 in 10.

You only qualify if your injury requires hospitalization and results in significant disability and/or death, and even if you meet the eligibility criteria, it requires you to use up your private health insurance before it kicks in to pay the difference.

There’s no reimbursement for pain and suffering, only lost wages and unpaid medical bills. This means a retired person cannot qualify even if they die or end up in a wheelchair. Salary compensation is of limited duration, and capped at $50,000 a year, and the CICP’s decision cannot be appealed.

If normal circumstances apply to Comirnaty, were you to be injured by that injection, you’d be able to sue for damages under the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Plan, so from a legal perspective, there’s a rather significant difference between these two products.

Legal notifications you can use

If your employer or school requires you to get a COVID shot, consider using the legal notifications provided by the Children’s Health Defense legal team. The notices inform employers and educational institutions that they are violating federal law.

Three separate notices are available for download from the Children’s Health Defense Legal Resources page — one for mask mandates, one for PCR testing and a third for vaccines. There, you can also find information on how to request a religious exemption for COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the workplace.

Vaccine mandate heralds communist-style social credit system

In a Sept. 13, episode of Fox News’ Fox & Friends, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy warned that vaccine mandates are “the beginning of the communist-style social credit system,” adding:

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now saying that if you don’t have the vaccine, you shouldn’t be able to have air travel. I mean, this happens in China. In China … if you don’t agree with the government, you can’t get on a train. They block you. They have a way to do that, and this is the beginning of that system where if you’re a dissident, if you don’t agree with the party in power, you will be punished.”

Are we rushing toward a social credit system where behavior is either rewarded or punished based on the whims of those in charge of the system? Biden’s refusal to make exceptions for those with natural immunity, who by no stretch of the imagination actually need or benefit from a COVID shot, seems to indicate we’re definitely heading that way.

Giving people with natural immunity a health passport won’t work for the technocratic elite because the naturally immune aren’t on a vaccine subscription. The whole point of having a vaccine passport is that you lose your freedom every time a new booster rolls out. You either get the booster or lose your freedom.

People with natural immunity can’t be roped into this control scheme. What are they going to force the naturally immune to do in order to keep a valid passport? They can’t make money off natural immunity, and they can’t use it to control.

In a Sept. 13, letter to Biden, Consumer Brands Association CEO Geoff Freeman listed 19 of 50 questions received from its member companies. Among those questions is whether Biden’s executive order includes religious or medical exemptions, including exemption due to natural immunity.

As reported by Newsweek, details of Biden’s plan will be ironed out by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), but in the meantime, Freeman called on the Biden administration to address some of the most pressing questions.

OSHA lets employers off the hook for vaccine injuries

Speaking of OSHA, in May the agency quietly revoked the requirement for employers who mandate the vaccine to record side effects as a work-related event. By doing so, OSHA relieved itself and employers from having to pay out workers’ comp if an employee is injured by a mandated COVID shot. OSHA tried to justify its decision, stating:

“OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts.

“As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.”

People with natural immunity turn to the law

In the days ahead, our justice system is bound to clog up with lawsuits against employers, schools and governments alike. Law professor Todd Zywicki recently sued George Mason University in Virginia over their vaccine mandate, as he has natural immunity. Zywicki discussed his lawsuit in an Aug. 6, Wall Street Journal commentary.

His lawsuit pointed out that people with natural immunity have an increased risk of adverse reactions to the COVID shot — according to one study up to 4.4 times the risk of clinically significant side effects — and that the requirement violates due process rights, the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment, and is noncompliant with the Emergency Use Authorization.

Aug. 17 George Mason University caved before the case went to trial and granted Zywicki a medical exemption. Unfortunately, the school did not revise its general policy.

A number of other lawsuits have also been filed, including one by more than a dozen students and Children’s Health Defense against Rutgers University in New Jersey, and one by six Oregon workers who are suing the state on grounds that they already have natural immunity.

The plaintiffs include two corrections officers, an EMT, a medical office manager, a school bus driver and a special agent in charge of an Oregon Department of Justice investigatory unit.

Jason Dudash, director of the Oregon chapter of the Freedom Foundation, which is representing the state employees, accused Oregon Gov. Kate Brown of becoming “power-hungry amid the pandemic.” “The courts must establish a more logical, science-based approach,” he said.

Military service members sue over vaccine mandate

Military service members with natural immunity are also suing the Department of Defense, the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services. As reported by The Defender:

“The lead plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Staff Sergeant Daniel Robert and Staff Sergeant Holli Mulvihill, allege U.S. Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin ignored the DOD’s own regulations and created an entirely new definition of ‘full immunity’ as being achievable only by vaccination.

“According to the lawsuit, the military’s existing laws and regulations unequivocally provide the exemption the plaintiffs seek under Army Regulation 40-562 (‘AR 40-562’), which provides documented survivors of an infection a presumptive medical exemption from vaccination because of the natural immunity acquired as a result of having survived the infection …

“Dr. Admiral Brett Giroir, HHS assistant secretary, stated in an interview Aug. 24 with Fox News: ‘So natural immunity, it’s very important … There are still no data to suggest vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity. I think both are highly protective.’

Yet on the same day, Austin issued a memo mandating the entire Armed Forces be vaccinated, in which he wrote: ‘Those with previous COVID-19 infection are not considered fully vaccinated.’

“In that memo, plaintiffs allege Austin created a new term and concept, which contradicts the plain language of DOD’s own regulations, long-standing immunology practice, medical ethics and the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence regarding this specific virus.

“Plaintiffs claim Austin, who is not a doctor, changed the DOD’s own regulation without providing ‘a scintilla of evidence to support it.’ They also allege Austin made the regulation change without going through the required rulemaking process, in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act review.”

The lawsuit also points out that Pfizer’s Phase 3 trials, which is the phase in which long-term side effects are detected, won’t be completed until 2023. Moreover, the lawsuit highlights the fact that Pfizer unblinded the two cohorts in the middle of the trial and eliminated the control group by offering the real “vaccine” to all controls.

In so doing, Pfizer turned the study from a placebo-controlled blinded trial into an open observational study, and the FDA allowed it. Observational studies carry nowhere near the same weight as placebo-controlled trials, as you don’t have anything to compare the treatment group against. It’s very easy to overlook even severe injuries when you have no control group.

Fauci warns there will be ‘many more vaccine mandates’

As we approach the two-year mark of this pandemic, it’s time for our judicial system to kick in and protect the public. The emergency powers granted to governors are not supposed to last forever, and the rights afforded us by the U.S. Constitution were never intended to be suspended and tossed aside in times of medical crises. It’s time this rampant lawlessness got reined in.

Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. What we can be sure of is that if our legal system fails to do its duty, the beacon of freedom in this world will be lost. As reported by CNN, Fauci is out there warning that “if more people aren’t persuaded to get vaccinated by messaging from health officials and ‘trusted political messengers,’ additional mandates from schools and businesses may be necessary.”

The technocratic elite will take it all the way because they are fighting for the Great Reset. And the Great Reset won’t work if people are free. They need leverage over the population, which is precisely what vaccine passports are all about.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts: A ruling with tragic consequences

In closing, those who support the mandating of experimental COVID shots will typically point to the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case, which is often interpreted as giving government the right to force vaccinate everyone for the common good. However, as noted by Alex Berenson in a recent blog post, we ought to really look at the time at which that verdict was given.

In the years surrounding the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts verdict, the U.S. Supreme Court also ruled in favor of racial discrimination, corporate monopoly, child labor and making questioning government a jailable offense. That same year, in 1905, they ruled workers have no rights. In 1923, they ruled minimum wage laws are illegal and in 1927 they OK’d forced sterilization based on the Jacobson ruling.

Most of these rulings have since been overturned, and for obvious reasons. Most people don’t agree with racial discrimination, monopolies and child labor anymore. Most agree that minimum wage laws are a good thing, and that questioning government is an unassailable right that is necessary for democracy to work. The 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case is no different. It was made in and for a different time, when individual and human rights were routinely quashed.

As noted by National Vaccine Information Center president Barbara Loe Fisher in “How Fear of a Virus Changed Our World”:

“Using bad logic and bad science while leaning heavily on the pseudo-ethic of utilitarianism, state governments were given the green light to legally require vaccination based on a ‘common belief’ that vaccination is safe and effective, rather than proven fact.

“Piously waving the greater good flag to justify throwing civil liberties out the door, the court majority ruled that citizens do not have a legal right to be free at all times because there are ‘manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subjected for the common good’ …

“But the justices also warned that mandatory vaccination laws should not be forced on a person whose physical condition would make vaccination ‘cruel and inhuman to the last degree.’ They said:

‘’We are not to be understood as holding that the statute was intended to be applied in such a case or, if it was so intended, that the judiciary would not be competent to interfere and protect the health and life of the individual concerned. ‘All laws,’ this Court has said, ‘should receive a sensible construction’ …

“During this time of fear and confusion, the Jacobson ruling also reminds us that it is democratically elected representatives in state legislatures who make public health laws governing people living in different states. That is because what is not defined in the U.S. Constitution as a federal activity is reserved for the states, which is an important check on federal government power.

“Elected lawmakers in your state can choose to mandate a few or many vaccines with or without exemptions, while the federal government has the authority to mandate vaccinations for people entering the U.S. or crossing state borders.”

Originally published by Mercola.


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

cover image credit: Matryx & jp26jp / pixabay

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Fighting Vaccine Mandates

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Fighting Vaccine Mandates

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
September 22, 2021


While the UK is supposedly dropping their vaccine passport idea (for now), things are looking bleak in country after country as people all around the world are facing the threat of vaccine mandates. Today on #SolutionsWatch James explores the array of solutions that are on the table to thwart this threat.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


What’s Going on in Japan? – Questions For Corbett #078

Japan’s vaccine passports: Here’s what you need to know

Suga challenger in LDP leadership race vows huge COVID relief package (Kishida calls for vaccine passport)

UK Government drops plans for domestic vaccine passports

Did Ayn Rand defeat vaccine passports?

President Biden Announces Vaccination Mandate for Employers

Australian Premier Dan Andrews: “we are going to lock out the unvaccinated”

Italy makes COVID-19 pass mandatory for all workers | DW News

Surging Delta variant: France and Greece introduce mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers

Alberta to launch proof-of-vaccination program, declares health emergency

Introducing #SolutionsWatch

Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

HomeRemedySupply comment on September Open Thread

America’s Frontline Doctor’s Legal Team’s “Vaccines and the Law” page

Vaccine religious exemption template downloads from Gab.com

Doctors for COVID Ethics example forms, templates, letters and other resources

Legal principle of non discrimination

The COVID-19 “Vaccine” and the Nuremberg Code. Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide

No, COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code

Bioethics and the New Eugenics
United Airlines warns of unpaid leave for staff given religious vaccine exemptions

Religious exemption to vaccine mandates may be difficult to obtain, as Amish case shows

How To Meet Like-Minded People



The No Vax Mandate Job Board

Here’s How To Still Dine At A Restaurant UNVAXXED!! Suss Them Out & Find Out Who’s Cool!!

Together Declaration

1000s take over Time Square in NYC for the protest against the mandatory shot

“This Is Not Political!” — Thousands Gather At “Freedom Rally” In New York City To Oppose Vaccine Passport

Beware of Fake “Resistance” to Mandates

Executive Orders and How to Stop Them

James Corbett – Ernest Hancock with Arizona Dara (Solutions; BlackMarketFridays.com)

The Revolution of the Mind


Connect with The Corbett Report

Pandemics are staged on Television

Pandemics are staged on Television
Network: the last great film about The News 

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 22, 2021


The official COVID narrative—more absurd with each passing day—is being transmitted on television. That is a cardinal fact.

The absurdity called TELEVISION NEWS was depicted in a giant of a film, NETWORK (1976)…

When a new epidemic is launched and promoted, despite the absence of good science and good evidence, it is jacked up on television screens. Images begin to flow:

An emergency medical vehicle on a street. EMT personnel, in hazmat suits, load a man strapped down to a stretcher, into the van. On another street, a man collapses on the sidewalk. We see a quarantined man sitting inside a huge plastic bubble on a third street. Cut to an airport lobby. Soldiers are patrolling the space among the crowds. Cut to a lab. Close-up of vials of liquid. Camera pulls back. Techs in light green scrubs are placing the vials into slots of a table-top machine. Auditorium—a man on a platform, wearing a doctor’s white coat, is pointing a wand at a large screen, on which a chart is displayed, for the audience. Back to the street. People are wearing face masks.

These images wash over the television viewer. Meanwhile, the anchor is imparting his prepared meaning: “The government today issued a ban on all travel into and out of the city…hundreds of plane flights have been cancelled. Scientists are rushing to develop a vaccine…”

The television audience has an IMPRESSION of knowing something. They’re in the flow, the flow of the news…they’re in the images…

Network, the 1976 film written by Paddy Chayefsky, reveals what media kings would do if they unchained their basic instincts and galloped all the way into the madness of slash-and-burn Roman Circus.

The audience is jaded beyond recall. It needs new shocks to the system every day. The adrenaline must flow. The line between reporting the news and inventing it? Erase it. Celebrate the erasure. Watch ratings soar.

Why pretend anymore? Why spend countless hours preparing and broadcasting synthetic artificial news, as if it were real? Does the audience care about such niceties? The audience just wants action.

The film proceeds from these premises.

Arthur Jensen, head of the corporation that owns the Network, speaks to unhinged Network newsman, Howard Beale, who has revealed, on-air, a piece of the real planetary power structure in a few moments of sanity: “You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?!… You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!”

Head of programming for the Network, Diana Christensen, shifts the whole news department over to the entertainment division.

Thus emerge new shows with soaring ratings: Howard Beale, [Religious] Prophet of the Air Waves; The Mao Tse-Tung Hour, in which a guerrilla group films itself carrying out armed bank robberies; and Sybil the Soothsayer, a Tarot reader.

Diana becomes the network’s new executive star.

There is no longer even a pretense of a need for news anchors to appear authoritative, objective, or rational.

Diana Christensen is unstoppable. She sees, with burning clarity, that audiences are bored to the point of exhaustion; they now require, as at the end of the Roman Empire, extreme entertainment. They want more violence, more insanity, out in the open. On television.

In promoting her kind of news division, she tells network executives:

“Look, we’ve got a bunch of
hobgoblin radicals called the
Ecumenical Liberation Army who
go around taking home movies
of themselves robbing banks.
Maybe they’ll take movies of
themselves kidnapping heiresses,
hijacking 747’s, bombing bridges,
assassinating ambassadors.
We’d open each week’s segment
with that authentic footage,
hire a couple of writers to
write some story behind that
footage, and we’ve got
ourselves a series…

“Did you see the overnights on the
Network News? It has an 8 in New
York and a 9 in L.A. and a 27 share
in both cities. Last night, Howard
Beale went on the air [as a newscaster] and yelled
‘BULLSHIT’ for two minutes, and I
can tell you right now that tonight’s
show will get a 30 share at least.
I think we’ve lucked into something…

“I see Howard Beale as a latter-day
prophet, a magnificent messianic
figure, inveighing against the
hypocrisies of our times, a strip
Savonarola, Monday through Friday.
I tell you, Frank, that could just
go through the roof…Do you want to figure out
the revenues of a strip show that
sells for a hundred thousand bucks
a minute? One show like that could
pull this whole network right out
of the hole! Now, Frank, it’s being
handed to us on a plate; let’s not
blow it!”

Television in the “real world” isn’t all the way there yet, but it’s close.

In Network, Diana Christensen personifies the news. She is the electric, thrill-seeking, non-stop force that is terrified of silence.

She lives and feeds on adrenaline. So does the viewing public. Nothing else ultimately matters. Ratings are the top line and the bottom line. The individual and his thoughts are completely irrelevant.

Howard Beale, over the cliff, a news man screaming on-air about the insanity of the news, is perfectly acceptable, because the audience is simply responding to Beale’s inchoate outrage and their own. Nothing deeper is explored. What could have resulted in a true popular rebellion is short-circuited. Beale becomes a crazy loon, a novelty item. Yet one more distraction.

When, in a brief interlude of clarity, he begins telling his audience about the takeover of society by mega-corporations and mega-money, his show droops. Ratings collapse. Diana is no longer interested in him; she wants to sack him.

However, Arthur Jensen, the head of the corporation that owns the television network, wants to keep Beale on the air, as a messenger of the “galactic truth” about the beneficial integration of all human activity under the rubric of global money and global power. He converts Beale to his cause.

Diana sees only one way out of this ratings disaster: kill Beale; on-air; during his show. And so it is done.

Network also shows us the audience becoming actor, player, participant. The audience is jumping out of its skin to be recognized, courted, and adored as a mighty rolling force embodying no particular meaning.

Audience wants to be a star. Audience wants to BE news; audience wants its actions to be shown on television. That establishes its legitimacy. Nothing else is necessary.

Diana knows it, and she is more than willing to accommodate this frantic desire, if only her bosses will let her go all the way.

The best film ever made about television’s war on the population, Network stages only a few minutes of on-air television.

The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say that, in this case, word defeats image. Which was scriptwriter Paddy Chayefsky’s intent.

Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these, from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio audience and millions of people in their homes:

“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”

It is Beale’s language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience slathers him with absurd adoration.

Television’s enemy is the word. Its currency is image.

Beale occasionally breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the medium that employs him.

The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.

Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.

The impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen and listened to a narrator. THIS is what the viewer prefers. He wants no part of knowledge.

A basic premise of modern age is: “everything is (connected to) everything.” This fits quite well with the experience of watching video flow.

Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell phones sitting in an outdoor café. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other. Then at night, rockets exploding in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on another street and people running, chased by police.

A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor, but the viewing audience isn’t aware of that. They’re watching the “interconnected” images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image: “This is revolution for democracy, created by the technology of cell phones…”

Viewers thus believe something. Television has imparted a sensation to them.

Therefore: a short circuit occurs in the mind.

When you export this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method through which “knowledge” is groped and held close.

“Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.”

“Really? How did they show that?”

“Well, I don’t remember. But watch it. You’ll see.”

And that’s another feature of the modern acquisition of “knowledge”: amnesia about details.

The viewer can’t recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he can’t describe them, because he was inside them, busy building up his impression of knowing something.

Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual analysis. To the extent it exists, it’s wrapped around and inside the image and the narration.

Paddy Chayefsky made his pen a sword, because he was writing a movie about television, against television. He was pitting Word against Image.

When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out. People watch TV through TV eyes.

Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-feeding, self-demanding loop.

Willing Devotees of the Image WANT images, food stamps of the programmed society.

The triumph of Network is that it makes its words win over pictures, IN a picture, IN a film.

A pandemic, the false pandemic I’ve been rejecting in many articles, is delivered through video flow and narration. Stacked and cut images.

There is no challenge to the flow in any basic way, through the intrusion of actual knowledge, because that would shut down the parade of images and nullify the reasons for broadcasting them in the first place.

The old theater adage, “the show must go on,” when adapted for television, becomes, “the flow must go on.” Once its course is set, there can be no turning back.

The television audience, imprisoned in homes, rides the river…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: On the Unvaccinated as a Global Tribe That Values Freedom

Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: On the Unvaccinated as a Global Tribe That Values Freedom


Rocco Galati’s Speech Toronto Worldwide Freedom Rally

by Vaccine Choice Canada
September 22, 2021

Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels. Also available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee channel.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Excerpts from Transcript

Believe it or not, we are winning the battle. Before Covid-19, vaccine hesitancy in this country was at 10 percent. Now it’s up to 30%. Their agenda is backfiring on them. In the United States, it’s 52%. In places like Pakistan, Ghana it’s 98-99%. And so their total vaccination rate globally now is at a mere 10%.

If you want vaccines, God bless you. I would go to court to support your rights. But what you can not do is force people to engage in something they don’t want.

The other thing you need to know — they are approaching 12 trillion dollars that they have spent on this agenda. And it’s backfiring on them. Twelve trillion dollars is essentially the entire US budget for a year.

Understand what they put into this just in terms of money, never mind control and surveillance.

So what have they managed to do?

In pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, what have they done? And I see it in the faces in the crowd here. It’s a marvelous thing they’ve done actually. They’ve created the first human tribe that cuts all racial, ethnic, political…They have created the tribe that all idealists throughout the ages hoped would be created.

The only thing that ties this multi-racial, multi-political, multi-socioeconomic, multi- gender, multi everything — is the sole wish and desire to have their freedom of choice in their physical and psychological autonomy to be up to them. And that’s what defines humanity — the freedom to choose how you’re physically and psychologically living.

So through their depraved, nasty, tyrannical, fascistic methods they’ve created the human society that we’ve all dreamt of.

So stick together. Let’s get more people in our ranks. If you value freedom, you value your body and your mind, you will resist this ugly, corrupt agenda by these fascist losers.


Reference links for Canadians from Vaccine Choice Canada:

Federal Employees: Are you being coerced with vaccine mandates? https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/in-the-news/vaccine-mandate-coercion-federal-employees/

Check out VCC’s NEW ‘No Student Mandates’ resource page: https://bit.ly/NoStudentMandates

Please share our NEW Vaccine Regret link with your loved ones/colleagues/health care providers – everyone! https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/uncategorized/vaccine-regret/


Connect with Rocco Galati

Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

For the 3rd Day in a Row, Australian Construction Workers Overflow Streets & Shut Down Traffic in Protest Against Forced Vaccination

For the 3rd Day in a Row, Australian Construction Workers Overflow Streets & Shut Down Traffic in Protest Against Forced Vaccination
Powerful footage shows massive protest. Workers chant “Every Day!” as a promise to continue their united resistance to medical tyranny.


“EVERY DAY!” Construction Rebellion Day 3: Amazing Turnout & Powerful Protest Against Forced Vax

Video available at Tim Truth Odysee, Rumble and BitChute channels.


Connect with Tim Truth

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs

FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steals People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
September 21, 2021


Los Angeles, CA — For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying out theft of the citizenry on a massive scale using Civil Asset Forfeiture (CAF).

The 1980’s-era laws were designed to drain resources from powerful criminal organizations, but CAF has become a tool for law enforcement agencies across the U.S. to steal money and property from countless innocent people.

As the following case out of Beverly Hills illustrates, no criminal charge is required for this confiscation, resulting in easy inflows of cash for law enforcement departments and the proliferation of abuse. This phenomenon is known as “policing for profit” and the latest example is exceedingly egregious.

Using bogus excuses, the FBI raided roughly 800 safety deposit boxes at a single location in Beverly Hills. They made random and apparently unsubstantiated accusations that the U.S. Private Vaults in Beverly Hills was aiding criminal activity. The business was indicted in February on claims that it marketed itself to criminals to help them launder money and dodge government detection.

But no one was ever charged.

Instead, the FBI raided the place and confiscated, or rather robbed people like Joseph Ruiz and others of their life savings. These folks like Ruiz were then forced to prove their innocence in order to get their money back.

The FBI falsely claimed that Ruiz, who is a chef, made the &57,000 they stole from him from drug dealing because a drug dog alerted to the presence of drugs on the cash.

It is widely known that a large percentage (upwards 0f 90%) of U.S. paper money contains trace amounts of cocaine. Having a large amount of cash will most assuredly alert a drug dog.

In fact, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that government does not have probable cause to seize cash from individuals based only on a drug-detection dog’s reaction; stating specifically that the majority of money in circulation has drugs on it.

But court precedents and ethical enforcement of the law apparently mean very little to the FBI who confiscated the life savings of hundreds of people for this very reason. Ruiz was forced to produce documents proving his innocence and show the source of the money was legitimate in order to get it back. In other words, he was guilty until proven innocent.

But Ruiz was one of many people robbed by these agents. In total, these thieving FBI agents robbed 800 people of $86 million in cash, jewelry, and precious metals. Hundreds of those involved have contested the government-sanctioned theft and 65 of them have filed suit.

“It was a complete violation of my privacy,” Ruiz said. “They tried to discredit my character.”

According to the LA Times, “prosecutors, so far, have outlined past criminal convictions or pending charges against 11 box holders to justify the forfeitures. But in several other cases, court records show, the government’s rationale for claiming that the money and property it seized was tied to crime is no stronger than it was against Ruiz.”

The feds claimed that the other robbery victims were guilty for the mere ways the money was stored and how it smelled. If it was wrapped in rubber bands, it had to come from drug sales. If it smelled like drugs to the dog, the owner was guilty.

“The notion that the old rubber bands mean they must be drug dealers is ludicrous,” one of the victim’s lawyers, Benjamin Gluck said.

Gluck told the Times that U.S. Private Vaults customers “included many immigrant business owners who escaped repressive regimes where banks are unsafe and have collected amounts of cash as their life savings over many, many years.”

In other words, the FBI is robbing innocent people of their life savings and using bogus excuses to justify the theft.

Unfortunately, this entire 4th Amendment violation carried out by the FBI is considered legal under current US law. Despite most everyone whose valuables were stolen being innocent, the U.S. Attorney’s office said “nothing requires the government to ignore evidence of a crime that it sees” while taking inventory of seized goods.

And this is why in the last 30 years, the amount of “profit” stolen through civil asset forfeiture has skyrocketed.

According to the US Department of Justice, the value of asset forfeiture recoveries by US authorities from 1989-2010 was $12,667,612,066, increasing on average 19.5% per year.

In 2008, law enforcement took over $1.5 billion from the American public. While this number seems incredibly large, just a few years later, in 2014, that number tripled to nearly $4.5 billion.

When we examine these numbers, and their nearly exponential growth curve, it appears that police in America are getting really good at separating the citizen from their property — not just really good either, criminally good.

To put this number into perspective, according to the FBI, victims of burglary offenses suffered an estimated $3.9 billion in property losses in 2014.

That means that law enforcement in America, in 2014, stole $600,000,000 more from Americans than actual criminal burglars.

When government surpasses the criminal accomplishments of those they claim to protect you from, there is a serious problem. We’ve seen horrible instances of criminal cops and feds using this legal doctrine to rob everyone from grandmas to musicians, and in fact, we have even reported on cops stealing tens of thousands of dollars from an orphanage and a church. Seriously.

As TFTP reported at the time, to “keep society safe,” sheriff’s deputies in Muskogee County, Oklahoma robbed a church and an orphanage of $53,000. Real American heroes.

The good news is that Americans have been waking up to this Orwellian notion of police robbing the citizens, and they are taking a stand. Hopefully, the court finds this seizure illegal and puts these FBI agents in their place.


Connect with The Free Thought Project

cover image credit:  A video screen capture taken from U.S. District Court documents show federal agents executing search and seizure warrants in late March at the U.S. Private Vaults store in Beverly Hills.(U.S. District Court)

Wuhan: Back to the Beginning, Where the Whole Fraud Started; Buried Revelations

Wuhan: Back to the Beginning, Where the Whole Fraud Started; Buried Revelations

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 21, 2021


I recently went back to my original articles on COVID. They contain very significant information about the situation in Wuhan, in early 2020, when the false pandemic was first declared.

Readers need to grasp a central point I’ve been making for the past year and a half: what is being called COVID is not one disease. For the most part, it is a relabeling of older traditional lung conditions—flu, COPD, pneumonia, etc. I have explained this point in many articles.

I repeat it now, because the relabeling began in Wuhan. And the cause of illness there was not and is not a virus. No one discovered a new virus. I’ve detailed that fact as well in many articles.

So…what WAS happening in Wuhan, in 2019 and early 2020?

A very common and widespread illness, called pneumonia, was suddenly repackaged as the cardinal symptom of a “new disease,” COVID.

Here are excerpts from my very early COVID articles—

JANUARY 25, 2020: Wuhan, a city of 11 million, is called “the Chicago of China.” It is both an economic juggernaut and a transportation hub—railroads, roads, highways connecting travelers to other Chinese cities.

Several sources list the annual GDP of Wuhan at a staggering $220 billion dollars.

230 foreign Fortune 500 companies have offices in Wuhan and do business there. All in all, 80 foreign countries are funding companies in the city.

The Chinese New Year is now underway. It lasts from January 25 to February 10. During this period, Chinese people travel. They journey far and wide. In fact, this is the largest annual human migration on the planet. We’re talking about hundreds of millions of people on the move.

It provides a perfect pretext for saying a new virus is spreading uncontrollably, and requires unprecedented lockdowns of 50 million people in China.

Then there is this, from Bloomberg News, January 23, 2019: “When Premier Li Keqiang declared a ‘war against pollution’ in 2014, a few hundred residents of the city of Wuhan in central China took it as a cue.”

“They printed Li’s words on a six-meter (20 foot) banner and protested outside a foul-smelling incinerator plant they feared was causing illness in the community. Buoyed by the conviction they were answering the leadership’s call, the residents were instead harassed by local police officers who tore down the sign and trampled on it.”

“’We were worried and angry when we realized what was causing the stench and making our kids sick’,” said Zhang Xijiao, 44, who was detained for a week for making the banner. ‘But we are like ants, the local government can crush us as they please’.”

“Ren Rui, 40, quit her apartment in 2017 after her son developed a lung condition that required repeat surgery. She said smoke from the plant would blow her way under certain conditions. She tried to rent it out, ‘but no one wants to move here. Sometimes my mood depended on the direction of the wind,’ said Ren. Despite the financial pressure since, ‘I never regretted moving away’.”

Faulty incinerator. Illness. Pollution. Lung problems.

Let’s move on to another description of Chinese protests—in Wuhan.

CNN, July 11, 2019: “…Recent weeks [in Wuhan] have seen major protests there — in themselves a rarity in China — over plans for a new garbage incineration plant.”

“Holding banners with slogans such as ‘we don’t want to be poisoned, we just need a breath of fresh air,’ thousands [!] of people took to the city’s streets over two weeks in June and July calling for the suspension of plans to build the plant.”

“’We are fearful that the plant is too close to residence area,’ one protester in the city of 10 million people told state media. Others expressed concern that emissions could worsen air pollution and harm residents’ health.”

“Local officials were apparently surprised by the scale and size of the protests, which came after several similar waste plants were reportedly found to be giving off dangerous emissions. Photos and videos shared on social media showed large crowds marching in the streets near where the plant was to be built, and police arresting numerous protesters.”

“The government has since suspended building of the plant, which locals said had halted protests, but a heavy police presence remains in the city where the situation is tense.”

“Public pressure has been the driving force of pollution policy in China, and it shows no sign of letting up.”

“In 2016, protesters took to the streets of Chengdu wearing face masks to demand action to tackle smog, while other demonstrations have targeted power and chemical plants in Sichuan, Jiangsu and Heilongjiang provinces in recent years.”

“The Chinese government is highly sensitive to the threat of protests like those in Wuhan, with the shadow of the 1989 Tiananmen massacre looming large. Calls for collective action are among the most censored subjects online, and people organizing protests or working for civil society groups can face harassment and imprisonment.”

In other words, protests against pollution in one Chinese city can inspire protests in other cities. A very dangerous situation for the Chinese government. Furthermore, it is generally acknowledged that official and corporate reports on pollution levels are being faked, to make “dangerous” into “improving.”

Grist.org, June 12, 2012: “At about 2 a.m. local time Monday morning, a dense smog began to cover the province. By early afternoon, it reached its peak density in the land-locked city of Wuhan itself…The demonstrable danger is to lungs and bloodstreams.”

Yale Environment 360, April 17, 2018: “The foul air of dozens of fast-expanding cities across China contains cocktails of toxic contaminants unprecedented in the range of pollutants they contain at high concentrations. Now, new research into these swirling maelstroms of gases and tiny particulates suggests that they may be incubating chemical reactions that compound the health effects in ways not seen before – effects that doctors say are cutting five years off the expected lifespan of half a billion people in northern China…China has the world’s most dangerous outdoor air pollution.”

“Three other cities listed as regularly suffering dangerous levels of four or five of the pollutants are Jining, also in Shandong, Wuhan in Hubei province, and Jiayuguan and Jinchang in Gansu. None of the seven appear in the lists of the ten most polluted Chinese cities published by the WHO or Chinese environment ministry.”

“All the five major pollutants in smogs – SO2, NOx, ozone, PM10 and PM2.5 — are known to be linked individually to increased risk of strokes, heart disease, lung cancer and asthma, and to rising hospital admissions and death rates during smogs. What is disturbing is that there is growing evidence of synergistic effects between these different pollutants that make the whole worse than the sum of the parts.”

Lung disease, pneumonia—and no need to invoke a virus to explain it.

Getting the picture?

We have a major clue here. The use of a “coronavirus” cover story to obscure huge pollution dangers and put down protests against that pollution, through mass lockdowns and quarantines.

“It’s all about the virus and nothing else.” How many times have I seen that cover story deployed?

Too many times to count them. Wherever in the world you see extraordinary chemical pollution, grinding poverty, war, starvation, lethal dehydration, absence of basic sanitation, overcrowding in cities, horrendously contaminated water supplies, corporate takeover of farm land from the people—you will find the virus cover story publicized to the sky as the explanation for suffering, illness, and death.

On FEBRUARY 20, 2020, I wrote: At the very beginning of my coverage of the “China epidemic,” I cited evidence that the air quality in Wuhan is chronically dangerous.

Among other sources, I referred to a Yale review which stated that the mixture of toxic elements in the air is unprecedented in human history. The synergistic effects of these individual toxins is unknown.

I also mentioned the large street protests against air quality in Wuhan that took place last summer [2019]. These protests were also carried out in other Chinese cities. The government was obviously alarmed at the nascent rebellion.

Those protests are now gone. Because the cities are locked down. It’s all about “the virus” as the cause of illness.

Horrific air quality brings on lung infections of all kinds, including pneumonia. Pneumonia is THE illness attributed to the coronavirus. How convenient.

Air quality? Brushed aside.

Assessing studies of annual pneumonia deaths in China—covering years long before the supposed emergence of the new human coronavirus—I settled on the estimate of 300,000 deaths a year, countrywide.

Assuming this death rate is more or less constant, hundreds of thousands of people could now be called deceased “coronavirus cases” without a flicker of interest in the actual cause of their illness.

Recently, I found an article from cambodiacapital.com, dated February 7, 2020. It makes some astonishing comments about Wuhan air quality in the time-window when the “pandemic” was declared:

“…three factors. First, the increase of static wind in the horizontal direction, which is not conducive to the diffusion and dilution of atmospheric pollutants. Second, the emergence of a temperature inversion layer in the vertical direction, which makes it difficult for pollutants to move upwards and are blocked at low altitudes and near the ground. Third, the increase of suspended particulates in the air. These three conditions are all available during the high incidence period of Wuhan pneumonia.”

“According to data released by the Wuhan Bureau of Ecology and Environment, the moment when a large number of pneumonia cases emerged in Wuhan was during the period from Jan 19, 2020, to Jan 23, 2020, and the Wuhan air during this period was at the stage of serious pollution. The indices are all higher than 100. This means that the outbreak period of Wuhan pneumonia coincides with the severe period of air pollution and this is one of the reasons. The second supporting reason is that the high incidence areas of Wuhan pneumonia coincide with the severe air pollution areas. We observed by randomly taking one day as a sample and found out that the area with the highest level of air pollution in Wuhan was Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market. This shows that even in ‘normal weather’, the air pollution in the seafood market area was the relatively worst area in Wuhan…Therefore, it is not accidental that Wuhan Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market has become a high-incidence area of Wuhan pneumonia…”

On FEBRUARY 25, 2020, I wrote: Here is more information on China’s air pollution and its destructive effects—The Lancet, November 19, 2005; CHINA: THE AIR POLLUTION CAPITAL OF THE WORLD, by Jonathan Watt:

“Over 400 000 premature deaths a year in China are blamed on air pollution levels…”

“According to the European Space Agency, Beijing and its neighbouring north-east Chinese provinces have the world’s worst levels of nitrogen dioxide, which can cause fatal damage to the lungs.” [The so-called “coronavirus disease” is pneumonia.]

“At a recent seminar, Zhang Lijun, deputy director of the environmental protection agency, said that pollution levels could more than quadruple within 15 years unless the country slows the rise in energy consumption and car use.” [15 years later, it’s a “coronavirus epidemic.” How convenient.]

“A recently published study, conducted by the Chinese Academy on Environmental Planning, found that a third of China’s urban residents were exposed to harmful levels of pollution. More than 100 million people live in cities where the air reaches levels considered ‘very dangerous’.”

“The academy blamed air pollution for 411,000 [yearly] premature deaths—mostly from lung and heart-related diseases.”

“’It’s a conservative figure. The real figure could be higher’, Wang Jin’nan, a chief engineer of the academy, told the AFP news agency. ‘These figures all exist, but the local governments do not want us to reveal them.’ Asked for an interview with The Lancet, academy officials declined, saying the matter was ‘too sensitive’.”

“The political implications of worsening pollution are becoming more apparent. Although it does not publish figures on the link between pollution and health, the [Chinese] government admits that respiratory diseases are the leading cause of death in China…” [Pneumonia is called THE “coronavirus” disease.]

“Such health concerns, particularly regarding cancer and birth defects thought to be caused by chemical factories, have been a major factor in a recent wave of protests. Among the latest was the demonstration last month by hundreds of people living in a Beijing suburb against plans to build a factory in their neighbourhood. But similar outbreaks [protests] are occurring nationwide on an almost weekly basis.” [All the protests are gone now in 2020; key cities are locked down.]

“This situation is not unique to Beijing. Frequent dirty grey skies are taken for granted in Shanghai, Wuhan, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong…Water has suffered the same fate as air. Increasingly likely to be exploited for dams and dumpsites, it is estimated that three-quarters of the rivers running through Chinese cities are so polluted that they cannot be used for drinking or fishing.”

“In 2008, it is quite possible that this authoritarian government will restrict traffic and close factories to ensure blue skies for the month of the Olympics. But it will only be a temporary fix. Unless more drastic measures are taken soon, the health costs of pollution will be paid in China for generations to come.”

—I can think of a more drastic measure. Claim a new virus is killing people, lock down cities and quarantine 50 million people, and shove all the news about deadly pollution causing pneumonia far, far into the background.

It all started in Wuhan—the fake discovery of a new virus, the pretense of a new reason for disease actually caused by deadly pollution.

Without that central lie, the whole pandemic narrative would have collapsed before it was launched.

In other articles, I’ve accounted for “COVID” illness and death in other places around the world—no virus required. This article shows the first deception, the beginning of the monstrous fake.

Think about how thousands of obedient lying scientists and public health officials in many countries completely ignored what was staring them in the face in Wuhan; the deadly pollution.

I’ve analyzed claims that the early COVID patients in China (and other places) were displaying unusual symptoms and signs that didn’t indicate ordinary pneumonia. “COVID pneumonia” was supposedly different and unique.

I took up two familiar assertions: the COVID patients were coming to hospitals with extreme shortness of breath, and their X-rays revealed a strange “ground-glass” pattern.

Here is what I wrote on February 4, 2021:

Extreme shortness of breath. Hypoxia. That’s one of the “strange symptoms.”

But WebMD lists a number of obvious causes for hypoxia: asthma attack; trauma (injury); COPD; emphysema; bronchitis; pain medicines, “and other drugs that hold back breathing”; heart problems; anemia, “a low number of red blood cells, which carry oxygen.”

Among the drugs that can cause the oxygen deprivation known as hypoxia? From drugabuse.com: “…opiate [opioid] drugs also slow your breathing…and in case of an overdose, your breathing is slowed to a virtually non-existent and lethal level.”

Is anyone looking into THAT, in China?

I did. I discovered (and wrote about it) that Wuhan happens to be Opioid Central for worldwide drug trafficking. Particularly, when it comes to the lethal drug, fentanyl, and its designer offshoots.

Chinese criminals launching an opioid war against many countries from Wuhan is ANOTHER fact covered up by the fatuous claim that a pandemic caused by a virus started in Wuhan.

Now let’s consider the so-called “ground glass” phenomenon. From MEDPAGE Today: “The term [ground glass] refers to the hazy, white-flecked pattern seen on lung CT scans, indicative of increased density.”

“Chest radiologists adopted it [the term] in the 1980s, with a first appearance in the Fleischner Society Glossary of Terms for Thoracic Radiology in 1984.”

“’We see [ground-glass opacities] so often in chest imaging,’ Guo [‘Henry Guo, MD, PhD, of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California’] told MedPage Today. “They come in different shapes, sizes, quantities, and locations, and they can indicate many different underlying pathologies — including other viral infections, chronic lung disease, fibrosis, other inflammatory conditions, and cancers.”

So there’s nothing new or highly strange about the ground glass phenomenon.

But wait. There’s more. “Adam Bernheim, MD, of the Mount Sinai system in New York City, authored one of the early papers on chest CT findings in COVID-19. He and his colleagues studied images captured from 121 patients at four centers in China mostly in late January [2020].”

“’There are a lot of diseases that can cause ground-glass opacities, but in COVID-19, there’s a distinct distribution, a preference for certain parts of the lung,’ chiefly in the lower lobes and periphery, and it appears multifocally and bilaterally, Bernheim said.”

“COVID-related ground-glass opacities also have a very round shape that’s ‘really unusual compared with other ground-glass opacities,’ he said.”

Aha. So maybe COVID patients ARE exhibiting a different outlier pattern of ground glass.

Alas, there are several problems with that assertion:

First of all, how do we define a “COVID patient?” Through a PCR test for a virus that has never been proved to exist. So there is no distinct group correctly labeled “COVID.”

The second problem with the doctor’s statement in the MEDPAGE article? All the patients came from China, and they were diagnosed very early, at the beginning of the “outbreak.” How were they diagnosed?

—“Guess what? We have 40 patients with unusual CT lung scans. We’re going to call them a unique cluster of ‘pandemic victims of a new virus.’ Why? Because they have unusual CT lung scans.” This is called fallacious circular reasoning. It’s a chapter in a subject called logic, which used to be taught in schools, before “I’m triggered” and “I want to cancel everything” became major courses on the way to a PhD in Grunge.

The other problem has to do with deadly pollution, and what lung X-ray patterns it can cause. In China, for example, above large cities like Wuhan, there is a unique mixture of early industrial and modern industrial pollutants—never before seen in human history.

The synergistic effects of these individually toxic compounds have never been studied. Therefore, it’s quite possible that the outlier ground glass patterns in X-rays are the result of this new and different air pollution mixture.

What I’m reporting, about “strange symptoms,” needs to be understood before making bald claims that a new virus, or some other esoteric cause, is responsible for “ground glass in COVID patients” or “low oxygen levels.”

Back in early 2020, a story about a virus was launched like rocket, out of Wuhan. It served the interest of elites who wanted to control populations and usher them into a Brave New World. It also allowed the Chinese regime to stop all citizen protests against deadly air pollution (through lockdowns), and to cover up the fact that Wuhan was the global center for opioid trafficking.

The whole pandemic story was a lie. Anyone with eyes to see knew lethal air pollution was causing the pneumonias suddenly re-labeled “COVID.”

The whole pandemic story is still a lie.


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cover image credit: DreamerBlue  / Wikimedia Commons

“F**K the Jab, Long Live Australia” — 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest

“F**K the Jab, Long Live Australia” — 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
September 21, 2021


Anti-lockdown protests have become more common in Australia since the latest round of “snap” lockdowns began two months ago.

Initially, those lockdowns were supposed to last a week. But months later, with tensions running high, millions of Australians are fed up with the government’s lockdowns and vaccine requirements.

And although Aussie health authorities have at the very least acknowledged that their “COVIDZero” approach isn’t actually feasible, frustrations among the Australian people are running high (perhaps intensified by the country’s latest diplomatic faux pas, which angered France and made PM Scott Morrison look like he stabbed President Macron in the back).



On Tuesday in Melbourne, authorities were forced to confront this blazing public anger as protesters executed an “extremely dangerous maneuver” by marching onto a busy freeway and blocking traffic in a tactic that some Americans might remember from last summer’s BLM protests inspired by the killing of George Floyd.


Thousands converged on the city for a second consecutive day on Tuesday, with shocking footage capturing dozens moving onto the West Gate Freeway into the path of cars. Traffic on the freeway, which is the busiest stretch of highway in Australia, was forced to a standstill in both directions as police tried to disperse the crowd.

Footage circulating on social media showed protesters tossing glass bottles and flares toward police, while some approached officers with their hands up, chanting “you serve us”. One was heard shouting “this is our bridge”.

The police responded by deploying tear gas and firing off rubber bullets. They were filmed telling protesters to move on via loudspeakers around the area. In response, a huge chorus of men could be heard shouting, “everyday” in response, implying they would show up every day until their demands were met.


Organizers of the event, who mostly relied on the messaging app Telegram, said the “Victorian Workers Rally For Freedom” said the rallies would continue until victory had been won.

“Bring your friends and family in support. Wear work gear. Bring food and drinks,” they instructed attendees on Telegram.

Elsewhere, mounted police were filmed in the city as an announcement telling protesters to move on played over a speaker.

The government in Victoria estimated more than 20K people joined the protest on Tuesday following the announcement of a two-week industry shutdown on Monday night. Many of those who participated were union members and tradesmen responding to the government’s latest business shutdown.


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NYC Educators File Lawsuit Against Mayor Bill de Blasio Over Forced Vaccination Policy

NYC Educators File Lawsuit Against Mayor Bill de Blasio Over Forced Vaccination Policy
Attorney Sujata Gibson Files in Federal Court — KANE vs DE BLASIO

by NY Teachers for Choice
September 21, 2021


Teachers, educators and administrators filed a federal lawsuit today challenging Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York City over the forced COVID vaccination policy set to begin on September 27. Unlike other City employees who were ordered to either get the shot or submit to weekly testing, the educators have no testing option.

The lawsuit is sponsored by TEACHERS FOR CHOICE and Children’s Health Defense NY, the New York chapter of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s health activist group. Attorney Sujata Gibson filed in the New York Southern District Court for a group of NYC Department of Education (DOE) employees, including Michael Kane, the founder TEACHERS FOR CHOICE.

“These policies are as blatantly unconstitutional as they are repulsive.” said Gibson. “This issue is long-settled and it shocks the conscience that this type of unconstitutional discrimination would be resurrected by the NYC DOE.”

The complaint challenges the Mayor’s mandatory vaccination order as illegal and takes on the fraudulent medical and religious exemption policy underway by the NYC DOE. All the plaintiffs have filed for a religious or medical exemption to vaccination, and so far, it appears every DOE employee who has filed for a religious exemption has been denied.

“It is truly a shame that the New York City Department of Education has no clue what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution is, “ said Kane.

TEACHERS FOR CHOICE has received hundreds of emails from NYC DOE employees stating their religious exemptions have been denied, and there has been not one single report of any religious exemptions being approved.

“Mayor de Blasio’s lawless policies might sound tough, and may scare some employees into obedience,” said John Gilmore, President of Children’s Health Defense NY. “But we believe the Court will see through the posturing and stop this needless injustice.”


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Cape Cod, Massachusetts Protest Against Medical Mandates

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Protest Against Medical Mandates


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  Small gatherings of people who stand for freedom are as inspiring to hear about as the millions who are filling the streets in major cities. It all starts with one individual who has the courage to speak the truth. What is happening in Cape Cod, where there numbers increase with each protest event, is an example of how it happens everywhere — one courageous person at a time. 


Report on our September 18 demonstration

by Richard HugusEnd Massachusetts Medical Mandates
Contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light
September 20, 2021


In this fourth round with the Worldwide Demonstrations, Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates needed more room than we have at our usual spot on Main Street in Hyannis, and we had that room at Capetown Plaza in front of the now-closed KMart, facing a busy Iyanough Road. There were too many honks of support to count. The few curses leveled at us were even uplifting, as they were so unhinged. People are clearly angry about Biden’s “get the shot or get fired’ order, announced earlier in the week, and are not going to tolerate it. Some were there because they are about to lose their jobs for refusing the shot. This was our biggest demonstration since we started in December 2020. Best of all was to see families there and children seeing their parents and other adults standing up for them.

Below are pictures from our block-long demonstration:

Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021 (Photo by Jams M.)


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings: http://www.richardhugus.com/

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


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‘Covid Vaccines Kill More Than They Save’: Testimony Before the FDA as They Vote 16 to 2 Against the Approval of Booster Shots

‘Covid Vaccines Kill More Than They Save’: Testimony Before the FDA as They Vote 16 to 2 Against the Approval of Booster Shots

by Daily Exposé
September 20, 2021


FDA experts have unexpectedly voted against approving Covid-19 vaccination boosters for anyone over the age of 16 in the USA, citing a lack of long term data and stating that the risks do not outweigh any benefits because the Covid-19 vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life saved.

In a live broadcast conducted on the 17th September the Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory committee met to debate and vote on Pfizer and BioNTech’s application to offer booster shots to the general public. The meeting lasted over 8 hours and contained some shocking revelations.

Dr Joseph Fraiman, an emergency medicine physician in New Orleans, spoke for several minutes during the meeting and revealed that no clinical evidence exists to disprove claims that the Covid-19 vaccines are harming more people than they save.

“We need your help on the front lines, to stop vaccine hesitancy. Demand the booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalisations.

“Without this data we the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-Covid-vaccine activists who publicly claim the vaccines harm more than they save especially in the young and healthy.

“The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all”.

Dr Joseph Fraiman was then followed by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, who revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing more people than they are saving.

“I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more than they save.

“We were led to believe that the vaccines were perfectly safe but this is simply not true, for example there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6 month file report, that wasn’t just bad luck. VAERS shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine,”

Steve Kirsch then continued his presentation by showing a slide titled ‘Excess Death: Life ratio is UNACCEPTABLE’. The slide shows how many excess deaths were required following vaccination to save one life due to Covid-19.

“Only the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) are statistically significant, but the other numbers are troubling.” said Steve Kirsch.

“Even if the vaccines have 100% protection, it still means we kill 2 people to save 1 life.

“Four experts did analysis using completely different non US data sources and all of them came up with approximately the same number of excess vaccine related deaths, about 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into 115,000 people have died (due to the Covid-19 vaccines).”

The Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund then pointed out some serious concerns over data coming out of Israel.

“The real numbers confirm that we kill more than we save. And I would love to look at the Israel ministry of health data on the 90+ year olds where we went from a 94.4% vaccinated group to 82.9% vaccinated in the last 4 months. I

“in the most optimistic it means that 50% of the vaccinated people died and 0% of unvaccinated people died. Unless you can explain that to the public you cannot approve the boosters.”

Peter Marks, FDA’s top vaccine regulator, then asked committee members to examine “the totality of the evidence in order to make your recommendation for us,”.

Following the evidence they responded with a resounding no voting 16 – 2 against advising the agency to roll-out booster shots to anyone over the age of 16.

The full 8 hour footage is available to view here, but you can watch all of the above comments in the following video –


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Project Veritas: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine Is Full of Sh*t” (Part 1)

Project Veritas: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine Is Full of Sh*t” (Part 1)

by James O’Keefe, Project Veritas
September 20, 2021


Project Veritas released the first video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring an interview with U.S. Health and Human Services [HHS] Insider, Jodi O’Malley, who works as a Registered Nurse at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center in Arizona.

O’Malley told Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe about what has been going on at her federal government facility. She recorded her HHS colleagues discussing their concerns about the new COVID vaccine to corroborate her assertions.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:“All this is bullshit. Now, [a patient] probably [has] myocarditis due to the [COVID] vaccine. But now, they [government] are not going to blame the vaccine.”
  • Dr. Gonzales: “They [government] are not reporting [adverse COVID vaccine side effects]…They want to shove it under the mat.”
  • Deanna Paris, Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “It’s a shame they [government] are not treating people [with COVID] like they’re supposed to, like they should. I think they want people to die.”
  • Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The COVID vaccine is “not doing what it’s purpose was.”
  • O’Malley: “I’ve seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions.”
  • O’Malley: If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?”
  • O’Malley: I’m not afraid of blowing the whistle “because my faith lies in God and not man…You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”
  • O’Malley: At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back — and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on.”

Original video available at Project Veritas YouTube channel.


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COVID Vaxx Certificates — Borderless Genocide

COVID Vaxx Certificates — Borderless Genocide

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
September 20, 2021


Ever since WHO mandated worldwide vaxx-certificates – a move directed and funded by the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, not by WHO’s member states – the rope is tightening around the necks of those who decide not to go for the experimental not approved gene-therapy jab: They are not allowed in restaurants, or attending any indoor activity, be it sports or cultural events – not even the zoo.

All 193 UN member countries are dancing to the same tune, the tune of a deep dark ultra-wealthy state. How strange! Is anybody still believing that the covid circus is about health protection?

Bill Gates and WHO’s director general Tedros Adhanom (image right)

Yes, there are many, many people still believing that it is right to segregate the people into vaxxed and non-vaxxed, even though the very WHO says officially the – what they call – vaccines – do not protect against covid infections. Among the most recent proof is Israel, where most of the recent covid deaths, were vaccinated people. This also applies to a large extent to the rest of the western world.

It doesn’t matter how stark the evidence is, many people still believe their governments, and worse, they obey their authorities.

Maybe the governments, corrupted as they are, are lying, when they say that a majority of people has already been vaccinated. If you look closely, the entire narrative about covid is and has been for the last 18 months – and longer – one Big Lie.

And yet, people who have been and are suffering from the “health impacts” of the invisible covid “virus” – obliterated economy, joblessness, misery, poverty, homelessness, famine – and in many cases death by suicide – still believe in the authorities. They cannot but admire their dictatorial governments, who punish and torture their populations in lockstep around the world. Remember the first scenario of the infamous 2010 Rockefeller Report that laid the groundwork for The Great Reset?

It’s called the Lockstep Scenario. It might also be called Stockholm Syndrome. You love your torturer and killer. If there has ever been a pandemic called Stockholm Syndrome, it is NOW. See this also.

The Defender of 15 September 2021, sponsored by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., pointedly reports,

With new mandates being rolled out almost daily, every aspect of your life, from employment to travel to entertainment to education to access to healthcare — even to being able to obtain a bank loan — may soon be tied to your vaccine status.” – Kennedy is absolutely right.

His report continues:

“And if public health officials get their way, no child in this country will be able to attend school without multiple injections of an experimental vaccine — for a virus that poses little or no threat to them.”

You may add, that since children as young as 10 years, in many cases even down to 5 years, are the latest victims of “vaccine” injuries, even death. And those who get away with it, may be infertile for life. There are several “trials” with Gates-sponsored, and WHO-supported “vaccination campaigns”, targeting young girls and women – in Africa, India and Bangladesh – ending up sterilizing the vaccinated. Many died in the process.

But the bulldozer moves on, relentlessly, not stoppable, because there is nobody, no authority out there which dares contradicting the Gates-Rockefeller (and others) eugenist agenda.

After all, on average some at least two thirds of WHO’s budget comes from the private sector, notably from Gates and the pharmaceutical industry. This is unheard of in the rest of the UN system. But then, WHO was created in 1948 by the Rockefeller Foundation – a brilliant idea as such, to have the world’s health in the hands of a UN agency, so it may be manipulated literally in lockstep around the globe, for the purposes of the rich and powerful.

Many of today’s covid vaxxers are eugenists. They have been bought, coerced or threatened into believing what they are doing is good for humanity. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. Many medical doctors and scientists have to toe the line, or else.

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” – Luke 23:34

There are some very rich and powerful un-humans at the wheel. We let them. They are tyrants. We love them; hence, we obey them. It is as if we needed them, their direction to – the slaughter house. Yes, the Stockholm Syndrome pandemic – is in full swing.


The way this works has been tested more than fifty years ago by Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University. Professor Saul McLeod, a qualified psychology teacher, in a 2017 updated version describes in detail what he called “The Milgram Shock Experience”.

Professor McLeod describes in SimplyPsychology one of the most famous studies of obedience in psychology, carried out by Stanley Milgram, also a psychologist at Yale University:

“Milgram conducted an experiment focusing on the conflict between obedience to authority and personal conscience. Milgram (1963) examined justifications for acts of genocide offered by those accused at the World War II, Nuremberg War Criminal trials. Their defense often was based on “obedience” – that they were just following orders from their superiors.

The experiments began in July 1961, a year after the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Milgram devised the experiment to answer the question: Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?” (Milgram, 1974).

See this, including a 16-min. video – describing the “testing process” – shocking.

Milgram Experiment from Saul Mcleod on Vimeo.

In another stunning interview, “World Vaccination” – Michael Matt talks about the Kennedy Connection, including an interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., where Kennedy describes how this machinery of world dominance killed his uncle, President John F. Kennedy in 1963, and five years later (6 June 1968) his dad, Robert Francis “Bobby” Kennedy, his uncle’s younger brother, who was also a Presidential candidate.

Robert Kennedy Jr. describes in this video, starting minute 19 (total video 47 min – 9 September 2021) how President Eisenhower already in early 1960 warned about the powers of the Military Industrial Complex, how it may take over government and forge a world-domineering way forward, if not stopped. What Eisenhower did apparently not foresee at that time is the importance and powerful influence, the hand-in-hand world takeover, of the Wall Street financial elite with the military.

See this powerful video.

We are at crucial cross-roads. The next couple of years will determine how the long-planned UN Agenda 2030 will develop and end up.

The so-called UN Agenda 2030 was designed in a 1992 UN-sponsored World Conference, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the ‘Earth Summit’, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 3-14 June 1992.

The more we know, the better we are able to connect the dots, and the better we are armed for defense and reversal of this infamous agenda.

And the sooner we know what we need to know for the safety and survival of mankind, the sooner those doped by the bought propaganda mainstream media and suffering under the Stockholm Syndrome, may wake up – and unite in solidarity.

Its mending the division between the vaxxed and the non-vaxxed – and fighting the common enemy, the Globalists, the One World Order elite – with a novel and common approach of sovereign nations for an environmentally safe and healthy world development.

We shall Overcome!


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

Peter Koenig is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.


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cover image credit: maggyona / pixabay

Just a Conspiracy Theory

Just a Conspiracy Theory

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 20, 2021


I miss the good old days when I was labelled something simple like ‘racist’ by the pitchfork-wielding mobs.

Even cartoonists – the supposed bastions of political incorrectness – have lost their irreverence by becoming postmodern perpetuators and protectors of the establishment.

I am reminded of the time when a cartoonist told me, over the phone, that I’m a misogynist because I said that feminism is irrelevant in the West. My wife, who was sitting next to me, laughed at him because she agrees with me. Obviously, my wife is also a misogynist.

Or the time when the mainstream media hilariously tried to frame me as a homophobe because I jokingly called the South African justice system ‘gay’.

These days, the labels are a lot more boring.

Currently, “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist” are in fashion.

I’ll ignore “anti-vaxxer” because being opposed to Covid clotshots isn’t even remotely controversial. I am healthy but must get injected with a mRNA cocktail that has no long-term safety trials, for a pathogen whose existence is imaginary, manufactured by a company whose profits are being boosted by millions of masked sheep living in fear?

That’s a no from me, Bob.

Being labelled a “conspiracy theorist” is also boring, but it’s a bit more fun than “anti-vaxxer”.

Because it says something about the person saying it.

And that something is blissful ignorance. Bad people don’t do bad things. Everything must be taken at face value. Rainbows and unicorns and bunnies frolicking in the meadows.

Pigeonholing somebody as a “conspiracy theorist” is a compliment because it’s an admission that the recipient is engaging in critical thinking.

And thinking critically is prohibited, these days.

Even the New York Times doesn’t want you to think critically and to, instead, blindly trust the authorities.

Stop thinking critically?

Think critically about that.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?

The following is a list of conspiracy theories. Bad people didn’t do anything bad. Nobody conspired. Happiness and cupcakes.

I can go on, but I’ll be here all month. The point is that the above examples are not conspiracy theories.

They are conspiracies.

And the critical thinkers who originally smelt a rat and began theorising about what was going on, were – wait for it – conspiracy theorists.

Thank goodness for conspiracy theorists.

By all means, label me one.


Connect with Jeremy Nell

images credit:  Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare

Playing Into the Hands of the Real Terrorists Among Us

Playing Into the Hands of the Real Terrorists Among Us

by Gary D. Barnett
September 19, 2021


“No government wants their citizens to be well informed, for when the citizens are well informed and start thinking for themselves, governments will have nothing to do, hence the very concept of government will disappear from the face of earth. The very existence of government or state is predicated upon the stupidity of the citizens – the more stupid the masses, the more powerful the government.” ~ Abhijit Naskar, Boldly Comes Justice: Sentient Not Silent

Human nature, as it is called, is fickle at best, and when combined with indifference, a lack of understanding, or ignorance of the truth, it can be a deadly combination. That has never been more obvious than it is today in this totalitarian-based governing system that now runs rampant over society. In the midst of this dire situation, the people should have realized that by their own hand, and due to their voluntary obedience to the state bureaucratic cabal, they caused their own misery and loss of freedom.

This is not an easy pill for people to swallow, but swallow they must, in order to escape the chains that they have allowed to bind them. The saying that “The truth shall set you free,” is prescient, and rings true, especially when such an evil conspiracy such as we are embroiled in today is present. The difference this time, is that this plot is meant to result in the end game, where most all people will be able to be ruled as a slave class under the thumb of the real terrorists among us; the government, its controllers and partners, and all those among us that will do nothing to stop it.

Of course, the government and its police and military enforcers, its corporate sponsors in central banking, big tech, the mainstream media, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries, are today most all certainly terrorists, and deserve to be vilified at every turn, but are they the only problem? Governments for all of time have been corrupt, tyrannical, murderous, and aggressive seekers of power and control. This should be common knowledge, and even if blind ignorance gets in the way of understanding this reality, one has to come to that conclusion at some point in time.

Therefore, it is imperative to look at the real problems that face us, and lay blame where it belongs; on all those who refuse to stand up for their own lives and liberty, and in the process become co-conspirators with the state against the rest of us, whether intentionally or not. This includes much, if not most, of the compliant masses in this country. It is easy to excuse one’s behavior by pretending that going along is a ‘sacrifice’ for the so-called common good, but that is just pure communistic poppycock.

A huge part of this plot to gain total control is based on extreme manipulation, both mental and physical. This manipulation is achieved in great part by creating division amongst those being conditioned to be controlled, and never has it been more obvious or more successful than it has during this ‘virus pandemic’ scam. At this point in time, everyone is against everyone else, and that is exactly what the ‘master’ class seeks. What is very disheartening is that even liberty-minded people are going after each other, fighting and arguing at the margins about subtle differences of opinion, getting caught up in minutia, and in the process helping to advance the ‘Covid’ agenda. The result of this behavior is that those who actually believe in liberty are wasting time fighting each other instead of standing together against the state, all while the terror continues. The more division that is present, the easier it is for the state to not only win, but to control all.

Regardless of the fear tactics being used, this is not about any ‘virus,’ it is about a communistic takeover of society in order to achieve global control of all monetary systems, all property, and all people. The end game if the people en masse do not soon dissent, will be the creation of a complex technocratic system run by the claimed ‘elite’ few at the top of the power pyramid. A two-tiered system is sought, the master class and their entourage of partners and enforcers, and a slave class of all those left after the genocidal attack that is coming to fruition due to the deadly bioweapon that is the ‘Covid vaccine.’ Every new shot, every new booster, will be another nail in the coffin of humanity.

This is a massive conspiracy, not a theory, and one that has been planned for decades. It is now on the verge of success, after many years of failed attempts to gain global control, the most recent being the terrorism threat called 9/11; a coup and inside job that set the stage for this current bioweapon attack against mankind. Depopulation through death and sterilization is already underway, and the only way to stop it is to eliminate the division and infighting amongst those willing to fight back. Avoid the herd mentality of collectivism, stand together as individuals against these tyrannical enemies of freedom, and dissent, disobey, and just say no to any and every order.

Those who choose to side with the state should be abandoned, and those who are willing to fight for freedom should avoid the pitfalls of divisiveness and work together to dismantle the government, and separate from this state. Terror comes in many forms, but the people are their own worst enemy, so those who fully comply, those who work against their neighbors and do not work against the state to stop its attempt to accomplish its “Great Reset,” are the problem, and are therefore helping the state terrorists achieve their goal.

So, what are the real terrorist threats? It is this government, all its partners, all those actively helping the state accomplish its agendas, and those who do nothing to stop it. There is no excuse for indifference and cowardice when it comes down to one’s own life and freedom. There is no excuse at all!

“When the common good of a society is regarded as something apart from and superior to the individual good of its members, it means that the good of some men takes precedence over the good of others, with those others consigned to the status of sacrificial animals.” ~ Ayn Rand


Reference links:


Divide and Conquer: A Government Agenda

Depopulation and Sterilization by Vaccine


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: venturaartist / pixabay

Canadian Uprising: Thousands Fight Trudeau’s Covid Tyranny – ‘Stand Strong and Do Not Comply!’

Canadian Uprising: Thousands Fight Trudeau’s Covid Tyranny – ‘Stand Strong and Do Not Comply!’

by RAIR Foundation
September 20, 2021


“We are fighting the biggest war of our life! This is a spiritual war! Our lives depend on this! We have to unite!” – “Rasta High Chief” David Smit

On September 18th, RAIR Foundation USA joined thousands of Canadian patriots marching for freedom in Ottawa, marking yet another weekend of resistance to brutal coronavirus lockdowns and the ever-increasing tyranny from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his allies.

“Stand strong and do not comply!” declared a speaker with the organization Police on Guard for Thee. “Refuse to disclose your vaccination status!” shouted activist Chris Sky. “Don’t let anyone intimidate you,” a retired police officer told the crowd, who sang “Oh Canada”.

“We are fighting the biggest war of our life! This is a spiritual war! Our lives depend on this! We have to unite!” declared the “Rasta High Chief” David Smit. As Chris Sky reminded the freedom-fighters, one does not vote one’s way out of tyranny. Citizens need to say no.

As reported at RAIR in an updated thread, Canada’s federal election will be held on Monday. Just like in America, it is anticipated that voter fraud will be prevalent enough to push Trudeau into victory.

Exclusive images from the event:


Scenes from the March

The march started at Parliament Hill, went past the front of the American embassy, circled back behind the embassy and back to Parliament Hill. RAIR estimates that 4,000 to 6,000 people were in attendance.

Retired Police Office Instructs Crowd How To Arrest Antifa

A retired police officer from the organization Police on Guard for Thee, explains to the crowd how to make citizens arrests of Antifa radicals harassing protesters at the rally using Canada’s Section 494 of the Criminal Code.

“Don’t let anyone intimidate you,” the officer said. Canadians are within their rights to physically detain someone who is committing violence against someone else until police arrive. He also cited the website Courageous Citizen.


During his speech, the crowd sang Canada’s National Anthem:

Police on Guard for Thee: ‘Stand strong and do not comply!’

Watch a powerful presentation from Police on Guard for Thee: “Stand strong and do not comply!”

Vaccine is My Choice!!!

One of the speakers was a “Rasta High Chief” David Smit, who was born in Jamaica who encouraged the crowd to “stand up for your rights!”

We are fighting the biggest war of our life! This is a spiritual war! Our lives depend on this! We have to unite!”


Chris Sky Gives Rules to Stop the Vaccine Passports

During his speech, Chris Sky discussed a powerful statement by the Niagara police:

We stand behind you. We stand beside you. And if you need us to, we will stand in front of you. Discrimination has no place in Niagara, Ontario, or Canada. We took an oath to uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and respect everyone in this Country which thrives in diversity and inclusivity. We hear you, and we are here for ALL of you.

Sky also gave his “Rules to Stop the Vaccine Passports”:

  • Do not reveal your vaccination status.
  • It is your “duty…to get fined,” Sky said. “If everybody…did that, there would be no vaccine passport within a couple of days.”

If brave Canadians decide to follow Chris Sky’s rules, record the entire exchange and post on social media.


Connect with RAIR Foundation

all images credit: RAIR Roundation

The Failure to Prove the Virus Exists

The Failure to Prove the Virus Exists

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 20, 2021


Over a year ago, I proposed (insisted on) a procedure to prove SARS-COV-2 exists.

This procedure is essential—and needless to say, it hasn’t been done, and will never be done.

Why? Because the outcome could completely and utterly destroy the COVID narrative.

Here is the procedure: You line up 500 people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and you take tissue samples from them.

You properly process these samples, through centrifuging, etc., in order to extract and arrive at what you believe is the virus.

You put that material under an electron microscope and photograph it.

You then place the 500 photos from the 500 “pandemic patients” side by side.

You ask yourself three burning questions.

One: In each and every photo, are there many identical viruses?

Two: Are these viruses in every one of the 500 photos?

Three: Is the virus one you’ve never seen before?

If the answer to question one and two is yes, you appear to have found a common virus for the 500 patients. If the answer to three is yes, it’s a virus never seen before.

If the answer to either question one or two is no, you’ve failed to find the common virus you’re looking for. You’ve failed to prove a viral cause for what you’re calling COVID-19.

If you see many identical virus particles in some, but not all, of the photos, you may or may not have found a virus. To decide that issue, you need three conditions: the researchers are honest and independent; a new team of such researchers will repeat the whole procedure, from the beginning, to see whether their findings match those of the original team; and you need truly qualified experts to determine whether the particles in the electron microscope photos are actually viruses or something else.

Note: This is why one or two photos from a study mean NOTHING.

All right. Moving on, there are other factors involved in the process of discovering a virus. These factors are ISOLATION and GENETIC SEQUENCING.

They’re both covered in a Statement on Virus Isolation, authored and published by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell. I reprint it here in full:

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) [1]

“Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.” — Oxford English Dictionary

The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

* the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;

* the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;

* “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;

* it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages [2a] and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues. [2b] (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.) [2c]

If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.

None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.

From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.

2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?

Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.

We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.

—end of Kaufman, Cowan, Morell Statement—

Finally, here is a repost of my article about a claim of virus isolation. Dr. Kaufman does a step-by-step analysis of a quote from a typical study that purports to describe how SARS-CoV-2 was isolated:

—Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists—

The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. It exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [3], and he provided his analysis in detail.

I found several studies that used very similar language in explaining how “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated.” For example, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, (Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 6 — June 2020)” [4].

First, I want to provide a bit of background that will help the reader understand what is going on in the study.

The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that “the virus” is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.

They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. THAT’S THEIR KEY “EVIDENCE.” This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by “the virus.” However, as you’ll see, Dr. Kaufman dismantles this claim.

There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.

Finally, the researchers assert, with no proof or rational explanation, that they were able to discover the genetic sequence of “the virus” they never isolated. “We didn’t find it, we don’t know anything about it, but we sequenced it.”

Here are the study’s statements claiming isolation, alternated with Dr. Kaufman’s analysis:

STUDY: “We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage [in the soup in the lab]…”

KAUFMAN: “Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. Virus particles should be purified directly from clinical samples in order to prove the virus actually exists. Isolation means separation from everything else. So how can you separate/isolate a virus when you add it to something else?”

STUDY: “…We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%)…”

KAUFMAN: “Why use minimal essential media, which provides incomplete nutrition [to the cells]? Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, which are indistinguishable from viruses.”

STUDY: “…We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate…”

KAUFMAN: “Once again, misuse of the word isolation.”

STUDY: “…We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL…”

KAUFMAN: “Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. Wouldn’t that cause damage to the cells and particles in the culture which have proteins on their surfaces, including the so called spike protein?”

KAUFMAN: “Why are antibiotics added? Sterile technique is used for the culture. Bacteria may be easily filtered out of the clinical sample by commercially available filters (GIBCO) [5]. Finally, bacteria may be easily seen under the microscope and would be readily identified if they were contaminating the sample. The specific antibiotics used, streptomycin and amphotericin (aka ‘ampho-terrible’), are toxic to the kidneys and we are using kidney cells in this experiment! Also note they are used at ‘2X’ concentration, which appears to be twice the normal amount. These will certainly cause damage to the Vero cells.”

STUDY: “…We added [not isolated] 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols…”

STUDY: “When CPEs were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip…”

KAUFMAN: “There was no negative control experiment described. Control experiments are required for a valid interpretation of the results. Without that, how can we know if it was the toxic soup of antibiotics, minimal nutrition, and dying tissue from a sick person which caused the cellular damage or a phantom virus? A proper control would consist of the same exact experiment except that the clinical specimen should come from a person with illness unrelated to covid, such as cancer, since that would not contain a virus.”

STUDY: “…We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.”

KAUFMAN: “How do you confirm something that was never previously shown to exist? What did you compare the genetic sequences to? How do you know the origin of the genetic material since it came from a cell culture containing material from humans and all their microflora, fetal cows, and monkeys?”

—end of study quotes and Kaufman analysis—

My comments: Dr. Kaufman does several things here. He shows that isolation, in any meaningful sense of the word “isolation,” is not occurring.

Dr. Kaufman also shows that the researchers want to use damage to the cells and cell-death as proof that “the virus” is in the soup they are creating. In other words, the researchers are assuming that if the cells are dying, it must be the virus that is doing the killing. But Dr. Kaufman shows there are obvious other reasons for cell damage and death that have nothing to do with a virus. Therefore, no proof exists that “the virus” is in the soup or exists at all.

And finally, Dr. Kaufman explains that the claim of genetic sequencing of “the virus” is absurd, because there is no proof that the virus is present. How do you sequence something when you haven’t shown it exists?

Readers who are unfamiliar with my work (over 300 articles on the subject of the “pandemic” during the past year [6]) will ask: Then why are people dying? What about the huge number of cases and deaths? I have answered these and other questions in great detail. The subject of this article is: have researchers proved SARS-CoV-2 exists?

The answer is no.


[1] https://www.andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/

[2a] Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0215734 — accessed 2/15/21

[2b] “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2020.573511/full — accessed 2/15/21

[2c] “The Role of Extraellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May

[3] https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/

[4] https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/6/20-0516_article

[5] https://www.thermofisher.com/us/en/home.html

[6] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/category/covid/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: PaliGraficas / pixabay

Australian Construction Workers Rally in Melbourne to Demand Their Union Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

Australian Construction Workers Rally in Melbourne to Demand Their Union Oppose Mandatory Vaccination


[TCTL editor’s note: Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) is Australia’s main trade union in construction, forestry and furnishing products, mining and energy production. According to their website: “The CFMEU represents over 100,000 construction workers. Our main role is to protect lives by upholding health and safety standards in this dangerous industry and improve workers’ lives through fighting for decent wages and conditions.” John Setka is the Victorian state secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union.]


Unions turn on Setka in rally against medical tyranny
Construction workers demand Setka oppose Andrews’ mandatory vaccination order.

by Alexandra Marshall, Rebel News
September 19, 2021


BREAKING: Workers have congregated on the CFMEU headquarters in Victoria to confront John Setka over mandatory vaccination.

“F*** the jab!” was shouted at the Union boss as he existed the building.

The crowd gathered to protest the strict regulation on various union industries requiring Covid vaccination under threat of losing their jobs. They are the same restrictions facing private industry.

Furious, the protesters heckled Setka as he emerged to confront them. Among the accusations were those claiming that Setka is ‘owned by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ after he failed to fight the premier on Covid regulations. Setka was barely able to get a word in under the tirade of abuse.

“Dan Andrews’ b***!” was also shouted along with, “Sell out!”

The protest became more violent, with protestors attempting to force their way into the CFMEU headquarters.

Victorian Police have not treated CFMEU union protesters with the same brutality shown to Freedom Day protesters on the weekend.

There has been no explanation offered regarding the different approaches in policing by the Commissioner.


The protest comes less than a day after Victorian Daniel Andrews released his unpopular roadmap out of Covid.

This story is breaking. More to come.


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‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op?

‘Justice for J6 Rally’: A Set-Up or a Psy-Op?

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
September 20, 2021


A few dozen protesters showed up to last weekend’s “Justice for J6” rally in Washington DC, but that did not stop the authoritarian Washington Beltway establishment from spending millions to again turn the area into a fortress, complete with a militarized Capitol Hill Police force and an army of undercover FBI agents. The protesters were easily outnumbered by reporters desperate for another “insurrection” story and by police officers who looked like they were ready for military combat.

Of the reported four people arrested at the event, one turned out to be an undercover FBI agent who was then escorted to “safety” by police after showing his badge. As conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza Tweeted, the comedy of the event was that “there were so many undercover cops they were arresting each other by accident.”

Earlier, former President Trump warned that the rally was a set-up by an FBI, Homeland Security Department, and Capitol Hill Police Department eager for more trophies in their war against “insurrectionists.” He advised people to avoid the event and it appears their advice was taken.

They did not get their “Second Insurrection.” In fact, as we know from the FBI itself, they did not even get their First Insurrection. Though the Left elites continue to use that term, the FBI affirmed last month that there was no organized plan among the January 6th protesters to overturn the presidential election.

The media’s non-stop hysterical reporting about the January 6th “insurrection” – repeated endlessly by Democratic Party politicians – did serve an important propaganda purpose: anyone with concerns about the way the 2020 presidential election was conducted was immediately demonized and silenced.

But to me it seems a little too obvious that Biden backers and their allies in the deep state would hold a fake rally just to set-up more “insurrectionists” to be arrested. It’s possible that they believe conservatives and Trump supporters are dumb enough to walk into a trap – or perhaps another trap – but I find it unconvincing.

Instead, perhaps this rally was in reality a kind of psychological operation. After all, such an exercise would be a win-win for the planners. On one hand if a massive crowd showed up it would give new life to the now-discredited narrative that an attack on “our democracy” more serious than 9/11 (as President Biden laughably claimed) was operating just below the surface of society.

Authoritarians must be able to point to “the enemy” to consolidate their power.

On the other hand, if no one showed up, as it turns out happened, the real organizers could laugh and crow about how support has evaporated for the hundreds originally arrested after January 6th (many still held without bail, but none charged with “insurrection”). And also, they can claim that support for Donald Trump, who for some reason continues to mortally terrify them, has likewise disappeared.

Maybe that’s just a crazy conspiracy theory, but then again anyone claiming just a few weeks ago that Biden would implement a vaccine mandate was also considered a crazy conspiracy theorist.

This failed rally is a success for Team Biden on one front: very few would now dare to hold a rally calling attention to the shocking injustice that continues to stain the prosecution of so many January 6th protesters. But we must not let enemies of justice win. All liberty lovers must speak out for the unfairly persecuted. Even when it’s politically risky. We must not be silent!


Connect with Ron Paul

cover image credit: Another_Simon / pixabay

In Solidarity With Our Brothers & Sisters Standing for Freedom: Videos of Global Protests Around the World

In Solidarity With Our Brothers & Sisters Standing for Freedom: Videos of Global Protests Around the World


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Many readers from around the world — the majority from Australia  (special thanks to Margaret in Australia who shared many links) — sent videos highlighting the courage and dedication of those who took to the streets yesterday for the Worldwide Freedom Rally.   Because Australians are facing some of the most heavy-handed, draconian attacks right now, the video selection below begins with Australia. 

This post is done in honor of the many courageous people all over the world who continue to stand up on behalf of freedom and truth, regardless of threats and harsh treatment from governments, politicians, ‘medical’ workers and ignorant bureaucrats.

We are including a small sample of videos from around the world. There are far too many countries involved to represent them all here.

If you are participating in the resistance right now, thank you. Please join me in sending loving support and  respect for all who are standing up and leading the way. Thanks to all the filmmakers who do the work to give us a view of events around the world.

To follow the Worldwide Freedom Demonstrations, see their telegram channel t.me/worldwidedemonstration or go to their website www.worldwidedemonstration.com.



by Real Rukshan

Victoria Police ignored multiple pleas by Victorians to allow their peaceful protest against the Andrews government and lockdowns to continue without violence. People marching through Richmond were corralled and kettled by police throughout the day, setting the stage for tense confrontations and violent arrests.

Police had originally planned for a major protest within the CBD, and as per the request of CCP Shane Patton, the Andrews government agreed to shutdown all public transport and create a ring of police-checks around the city. Protesters however thwarted these plans by moving the location of the protest to Richmond instead, therefore catching the police off guard.

This video edit highlights some of the contrasting moments of the day.

A full live feed of unedited footage of my report is available at the following link:

Part 1: https://fb.watch/85COTf2NO2/
Part 2: https://fb.watch/85CPwVYgNW/
Part 3: https://fb.watch/85CQeiTZEe/

by Aussie Cossack

Melbourne, Australia. Australian Police attacking an unarmed 70 year old woman by slamming her onto the ground and finishing her off with pepper spray? Well done to Journalist Marty Focker for capturing this footage.

Read related article from XYZ.news.auThe Image that SHOCKED a Nation

by Aussie Fighter

Source https://cairnsnews.org/2021/09/19/melbourne-rally-show-andrews-enforcers-again-in-attack-mode-sept-18-2021/

With the biggest police presence in 20 years, the government had announced that it was going to completely lock down the city of Melbourne. So when I cycled to the city this morning I was not sure how the planned protest would unfold. Twenty minutes before 12pm I got a message saying the crowds were meeting at Bridge Road in Richmond.

A smaller than usual crowd had found its way there, and as the police advanced from both sides, the crowd took the side streets. The police seemingly backed off at first, but then attempted to block the crowd in from both sides. A stalemate developed as the protesters were slowly crushed into a smaller and smaller area. Forget social distancing.

People then began jumping a fence and this set the march off across the Yarra River towards Kew. The crowd, blocked again, detoured down Barkers street — a cutting through the hillside. For a good camera view, I took to the cycle path above to see a heavy police presence waiting at the bottom of the cutting. More police quickly blocked escape by coming up behind trapping the protestors.

I’m not quite sure what the police expected — but the whole pincer and trapping strategy could only lead to one conclusion: a charge to evade being trapped. The action was inciting ‘action’ — deliberately. You can see in the video how it unfolded.

by Avi Yemini

It’s unclear if The Age & Herald Sun plan to defend their staff injured by police brutality. So far, they’ve only painted police as the victims.

Full @Rebel News report: https://rebelne.ws/39ldXCF

by @ETKE21

To the people in Melbourne on the front line today, YOU FREAKIN’ ROCK. There were splinter groups every where, but those who got there first copped the police kettling tactics again, not allowing them to disperse.


by Fearless Nation


Additionally, +2 million in São Paulo and +1 million similarly gathered in other state capitals.


by Free Speech Warrior


New Zealand

by @ETKE21

This video is from an event on September 13th but worth watching for their creative approach to getting the message out.

Zombie March in Whangarei, #NewZealand on Sept 13th – reminds us that Jacinda is leading a Covidian Cult. ( TELEGRAM CHANNEL ” 21st Century Wire (Official)  https://t.me/My21wire


by Svašta nešto

BEOGRAD, 18.09.2021. [Belgrade, Serbia]

United Kingdom

by Free Speech Warrior

London: Freedom Rally 09/18/2021

by Free Speech Warrior


United States

by Lincoln Karim

Times Square September 18, 2021

by Free Speech Warrior



Worldwide Freedom Protests: A Glimpse at the Massive, Spirited Crowds Overflowing the Streets in Australia, UK, France & the Netherlands

Worldwide Freedom Protests: A Glimpse at the Massive, Spirited Crowds Overflowing the Streets in Australia, UK, France & the Netherlands


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Both of the compilations below, totaling many hours of live footage from many sources, are provided by Tim Truth. You can find follow him on Odysee and BitChute. If you find the videos buffering or freezing, use the alternative link provided.

Melbourne Freedom Rally Against Oppressive Victorian Government’s Clampdown & Police Brutality

by Tim Truth
September 18, 2021

Video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Protests In France, Amsterdam, London & More Against Mandated Injections & Tyranny #Manifs18Septembre

by Tim Truth
September 18, 2021

Video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Connect with Tim Truth

James Corbett — 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?

James Corbett — 9/11 Truth: Lessons Learned?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
September 18, 2021


Today, there’s an entire generation who have grown up in the shadow of the towers. Who have never known a world that was not haunted by the hobgoblin of terrorism. Who have never thought twice about giving up the freedoms they barely knew they had in the name of fighting the “invisible enemy.” How can we blame them for not understanding the gravity of this moment, today, giving up those few freedoms that remain in the name of fighting the new phantom menace?


Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


20 years.

Two decades.

Half my life have I spent in the smoldering ruins of those exploded towers.

Picked my way through the eight mile-long debris field in Shanksville.

Huddled in the blast hole of the Army’s accounting offices in the E-ring of the Pentagon.

“Take off your shoes and belt, suspect! Single file! Digital fingerprints and photograph, please.  Don’t worry. We’re just looking for the terrorists.”

“Speak up, prisoner! The NSA is recording this phone call for posterity. Machines of loving grace are scanning your emails and monitoring your social media posts. All in the name of Homeland Security, you understand.”

How much cash do you want to withdraw? What for? Why don’t you just use a card like everybody else? We’re going to have to run a background check on you for this. After all, you might be one of them.”

And yet, I’m one of the lucky ones. At least I got to live half my life in the old world. The “see your friend off at their airport gate” world. The “government wouldn’t spy on us” world. The “‘Papers, please’ is a sign of tyranny!” world. That world, too, was a lie. But at the least they need to tell that lie to the public because people still believed in it.

Now there’s an entire generation who have grown up in the shadow of the towers. Who have never known a world that was not haunted by the hobgoblin of terrorism. Who have never thought twice about giving up the freedoms they barely knew they had in the name of fighting the “invisible enemy.”

How can we blame them for not understanding the gravity of this moment, today, giving up those few freedoms that remain in the name of fighting the new phantom menace?

Me? I came to the party five years late. The rallies. The C-SPAN broadcasts.

“Investigate 9/11!”

“Impeach Cheney first!”

“Remember Building 7!”

How innocent that all seems today, twenty years later. How naive.

But why not? We had the t-shirts, we had the slogans, we had the spindles of DVDs and we had the momentum on our side. By the sixth anniversary it was undeniable: a majority of Americans wanted an investigation of Bush and Cheney’s actions on 9/11. A full 32% wanted immediate impeachment. 67% believed that the 9/11 Commission had failed by not investigating the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.

So, what happened?

Well, hope and change happened, of course. Never underestimate the sedative effect that a pure, unadulterated hit of hopium spiked directly into the veins of the body politic can have in quelling public dissent. It works every time.

But it was more than that. 9/11 Truth was not derailed by the Obamessiah; at least, not completely. No. 9/11 Truth was derailed by 9/11 Truth.

You see, the truth about 9/11 is as remarkably simple as it is incredibly powerful. We were lied to about 9/11. Period. End of debate. No one who knows anything about 9/11 could possibly deny that. I’d like to see them try.

That is the basis for a movement. With that one truth we could demolish an entire edifice of lies. They lied about 9/11. They didn’t just cover up the truth, they actively suppressed it. Everyone who is guilty of keeping the truth about 9/11 from the public is thereby an accessory to those crimes.

Every one of the actions that followed on from those lies—the PATRIOT ACT, the war of terror, the deaths of millions of Afghans and Iraqis and Libyans and Syrians, the construction of the police state, even the blowing of the post-9/11 housing bubble that led to the Global Financial Crisis—are as criminal as the events of 9/11 themselves. And those who have justified their criminal actions by recourse to the lies of 9/11 are thereby guilty of terrorism.

Those who committed their signatures to the PATRIOT ACT are the terrorists.

Those who invoked the doctrine of “pre-emptive self-defense” to justify their wars of aggression around the world are the terrorists.

Those who paraded on the corpses at Ground Zero in order to justify their own political agenda are by definition the terrorists.

This isn’t rocket science. It isn’t even controlled demolition science. It’s just plain, simple truth.

But somewhere along the way that plain truth about 9/11 got complicated. As the years turned into decades, the movement lost sight of that simple truth. Speculations became hypotheses. Hypotheses became theories. Theories became doctrines. Doctrines became dogma.

Soon, there was no movement. There were only egos proffering their own totalizing explanation of 9/11 right down to the minutia of operational details that they could not possibly have access to . . . unless they were in on the plot, that is. As if the very intelligence agencies they were accusing of perpetrating the attacks didn’t have (documentably!) a half century of experience derailing citizen investigations of deep state operations with false leads and cookie crumb trails that lead to nowhere.

Now there are no rallies, no C-SPAN broadcasts, no street activism. Just the remaining 9/11 Truther in the shrinking 9/11 Truth tent denouncing each other as loudly as possible for deviating from the catechism of their preferred dogma.

“The planes were drones!”

“The planes were missiles!”

“What, you believe there were planes?”

Such is the cacophony of the rancorous dogmatists that they can barely hear Cass Sunstein cackling in the background.

Mission accomplished.

But, in retrospect, perhaps it was inevitable. After all, a movement that focuses on the events of a single day is destined to lose sight of the forest of the 20-year conspiracy that brought those events about for the trees of the events themselves. And a movement that focuses on one day in the increasingly distant past will find it increasingly difficult to stay relevant to the political present.

The 9/11 liars have human psychology on their side. The lies are seared into the public consciousness. The retractions and debunkings of those lies pass largely unnoticed. And in the end the pyrotechnics of 9/11 have had their intended effect: they have traumatized much of the public and hypnotized those who know they are being lied to. Blinded by the fireworks, 9/11 Truth could never turn away from the explosions and take the movement to the next level.

9/11 is not a series of dusty facts about demolition physics and airplane turning radiuses. As the 9/11 liars know all too well, it is a talisman that can be wielded to scare the public into submission.

But, like all talismans, this one, too, has begun to lose its power. Whereas once the very invocation of terrorism was enough to justify an entire political platform, now not even the specter of Al Qaeda (the bad Al Qaeda, not the good Al Qaeda in Syria) or ISIS (ISIS-K, that is, the new, scarier version of ISIS) is enough to catch the public’s attention. No. The terrorists needed a new talisman. A new 9/11.

And here it is, right on schedule! A new terror has been unleashed upon the world to traumatize the public once again. But this time the phantom menace is not a bearded Muslim boogeyman. No. It’s a virus.

At least in the good ol’ Homeland Security state erected to “keep us safe from the terrorists” you could protest, “But I’m not a terrorist.” It might not have saved you, but at least you could raise the point.

But in the new biosecurity state, your cries of innocence will not be permitted.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the test says you’re an asymptomatic spreader. We’re going to have to quarantine you. It’s for your own good.”

There is resistance, of course, just as there was resistance to the 9/11 lies. But is it a movement? Already it’s devolving into egos and dogma and bickering.

“Ivermectin is our only hope.”

“What are you talking about? The vaccines are the bioweapon.”

“What? You believe viruses exist?”

. . . Wait. What’s that? I swear I can hear Cass Sunstein laughing in the background.

Of course the terrorists are laughing. Why wouldn’t they be? They’ve got us scrutinizing the trees again while they’re busy encircling the forest.

This isn’t about COVID-19. This has nothing to do with a virus. This is about finishing the job that the terrorists started on 9/11; the job of locking down the planet.

Oh, sure. Examine the details. Put the pieces together on the health passports and the digital ID. The mandatory injections and government permission to leave your home. The central bank digital currencies and the Great Reset and the fourth industrial revolution. We do need to know these things.

But don’t get stuck marveling at the pyrotechnics. Don’t get stuck fighting your allies because they won’t subscribe to your dogma. Don’t get stuck focusing on what happened in 2019 so hard that you miss what’s happening in 2021. Or, some 20-year-old who’s just joining the party today will blink and he’ll find himself in 2039 wondering how he spent half his life in the shadow of a scamdemic.

The terrorists know all of this, of course. It’s how they stay in power. We don’t need to speculate about this, we just have to take them at face value when they tell it to us.

Like when Karl Rove admonished Ron Suskind for being part of the “reality-based community” who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. But,” he insisted, “that’s not the way the world really works anymore.

We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.

And here we are. “History’s actors” have created “other new realities” and the same 9/11 Truth movement that spent the last 20 years judiciously studying the last set of lies will spend the next 20 years judiciously studying these ones . . . assuming we have 20 years left to spend in idle study, that is.

Or we could become history’s actors. Stop waiting for events to happen so we can judiciously study them and start creating events, structures, institutions of our own.

Can you imagine if the 9/11 Truth movement had devoted 1/10th of the time and energy and resources that it spent arguing over pyroclastic dust clouds and measuring entry and exit holes to something actually productive?

Creating self-sustaining, intentional communities?

Growing the free market and expanding the use of alternative currencies?

Creating our own businesses and institutions and building out alternative communication infrastructure and building up our own media?

I don’t have “the” answer. No one person does. But I can tell you this: We cannot afford to spend the next two decades judiciously studying the way our most basic rights—the right to refuse medical experimentation, the right to interact and transact with our friends and neighbours as we see fit, the right to leave our own home—are being stripped from us, one by one.

If we don’t resist the biosecurity state with all our might—refuse to comply with its dictates, refuse to shut ourselves in and lay down when the government tells us to—then we are the terrorists, terrorizing our own children and grandchildren and consigning those generations yet unborn to the maws of a technocratic tyranny beyond any sci-fi dystopia.

In the meantime, we look back yet again at that September day 20 years ago, not as a single day when “the world changed forever,” but as a signpost along the path. Yet another in a chain of events and decisions and choices made by history’s actors: us.

I may never quite escape the shadows of those towers. But in that shadow, we can build towers of our own.

The choice is ours . . . for now.


Connect with James Corbett

Australian Construction Workers Protest Against Government Restrictions and Mandates

Australian Construction Workers Protest Against Government Restrictions and Mandates


Victorian construction workers protest against government restrictions and mandates

by Real Rukshan
September 17, 2021


Highlights from Victorian construction workers protesting on Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.

The protest was a part of a series of demonstrations by construction workers in response to new workplace restrictions.

These street lunchroom protests are a being claimed as a coordinated action by unions in response to restrictions on lunchrooms, so therefore the workers are only protesting during their defined break periods by having lunch/smoko on the street.

Union leaders have said these are not protests, and are just workers having their lunch on the streets because of the inability to work within the CHO directions. The actions have caused disruptions to the road and transport network within the city and outer suburbs.

Speaking to people from these worksites off camera, they have a mix of views and concerns, mandatory vaccination is one of them (however the unions don’t publicly support them on this matter).

Victorian workers have only a few days left until they will no longer be allowed on worksites without providing proof they have had at least 1 dose of the vaccine.

Some workers claim they are also protesting against the unions for not backing their workforce against government overreach into their ability to make free informed decisions about their decision to vaccinate.


3AW693 News Talk

Herald Sun


Connect with Real Rukshan

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 17, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute, Brighteon, and Rumble channels.

Just days after the 20th anniversary of 9/11, teachers and union workers throughout the state came together in NYC in a “walk out” to demand freedom of choice against mandatory #Covid19 vaccines.


Connect with The HighWire

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Joins Worldwide Demonstration #4

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Joins Worldwide Demonstration #4


WHEN: Saturday, September 18, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine

WHERE: Capetown Plaza, 790 Iyanough Rd., Hyannis, Massachusetts (across the street from the Cape Cod Mall, in front of the old K Mart). Note different location. Bring large-letter signs with your message.


September 18 will be our fourth participation in worldwide demonstrations, a non-partisan movement dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of assembly, and freedom of health. 180 cities across the world will take part.

Looking at the last year and a half, it seems people have forgotten that evil is a significant and real force in our world. The term has religious connotations which secular societies would like to avoid, but we might do well to remember the old story of good versus evil. Evil people are not stupid. They know very well how to lie while appearing to be the soul of virtue. How could we doubt that the homely philanthropist Bill Gates, or the smiling Justin Trudeau, or Anthony Fauci with his Brooklyn accent, or the fatherly Joe Biden, could have anything but the best of intentions for us? Well, that’s how the game works. These people were chosen for their job because they are effective liars — one of the perks of selling one’s soul.

The “pandemic” is an attack on human freedom being conducted in increments. We started out with a three week quarantine to relieve supposedly overwhelmed hospitals and health care workers. Now, 18 months later, “there will be consequences” for people who refuse to get “vaccinated” says Trudeau in Canada. In Australia, people who have been under strict lockdown for months are now being told not to talk to each other or bring their children to playgrounds. Internment camps have been mentioned, and some say they are being built for those who refuse the jab. Children are being taken away from “unvaccinated” parents. If current jab rates are any indication, half the world’s population may end up in the camps, but that’s not an insanity too far for our would-be masters.

Read more here


Connect with End Massachusetts Medical Mandates


See related: 

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program

Join the 4th Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Human Rights, Saturday September 18, 2021

Join the 4th Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Human Rights, Saturday September 18, 2021

via Press Release


The World Wide Rally for Freedom is returning once again.

On Saturday the 18th of September 2021, the People of the International Freedom Movement in more than 40 countries around the world will be taking to the streets in defense of their fundamental Human Rights.

On the 24th of July, our third World Wide Rally For Freedom was our most successful to date, and we are moving from strength to strength to build our movement into a beacon of Freedom for the World.

In its fourth installment, our movement is resolved upon shared objectives, shared principles, and shared solution actions that we invite all people in every nation to stand behind for the future of our society.

We will not allow our inalienable Human Rights to be re-packaged as Human Privileges, to be conditioned upon compliance with Authoritarianism.

Throughout history, Humanity has been tried and tested in difficult times, but in the end, Freedom Always Wins.

We stand for the rights of all people to push back against infringements against their Freedom by joining us.

One Day. Everyone Together. We Will All Be There. We are taking a stand for 5 important Freedoms:
  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom of Movement.

  • Freedom of Choice.
  • Freedom of Assembly.

  • Freedom of Health.
We are advocating for 5 important Objectives:
  • End Lockdowns
  • End Mask Mandates
  • Prevent Vaccine Mandates and Coercion
  • Return to Standard International and Domestic Travel
  • End all State of Emergency Declarations
We are building our Movement upon 5 important Principles:
  • Decentralization
  • Collaboration
  • Community
  • Stability
  • Peace
We are advocating for 5 Solutions:
  • Non-Compliance
  • Empowerment
  • Freedom Preserving Institutions
  • Freedom Culture
  • Shift The Narrative

We call on all opponents of the Coronavirus Restriction policies of their own government to participate in this World-Wide Protest.

We maintain that it is better to be right, than to be in the majority.

We can overcome widespread fear of social disapproval by building new social relationships with people that we align with and by helping people to find new communities to be a part of.

We will welcome those that are ready to change their mind, and to admit that they were wrong about their fear-induced support of tyrannical policies.

We will push back against widespread propaganda, by producing our own media, and advancing our own narrative, instead of succumbing to the one being pushed on us.

We will not accept the rampant politicization of Science and Medicine, and we will return these institutions to being neutral sources of information for the benefit of society, over government and corporate interests.

We see the processes being used to strip the Freedoms of people gradually and incrementally, by leaving restrictions in place after each round of lockdowns, and we will continue to push back against them.

We see that the Coronavirus is rapidly becoming a new Religion of Fear and is being invoked to justify tyranny using the same repressive mechanisms of state control over dress, language, and social interactions that have been used historically in past theocratic regimes.

We will push back against this Religion of Fear with our message of Freedom.

On Saturday September 18th, 2021, we will all once again demonstrate for our Fundamental Human Rights, for our Constitutionally Protected Freedoms, and for the end of the excessive Coronavirus restriction measures.

Now we will stand up. One Day. Everyone Together.

World-Wide Rallies for Freedom will take place in the following Countries: (In Alphabetical Order)




























New Zealand






Puerto Rico

Dominican Republic


South Africa


Trinidad and Tobago



United Kingdom

United States

About us:

In the spring of 2020, we formed an action group in Germany.

We believe that fundamental rights are not privileges, and we stand for peace, freedom, democracy and solidarity.

We are mothers and fathers, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, young and old. We are the People. We are the Society.

We would like to thank those in power for awakening our desire for political self-determination.

Website: WorldWideDemonstration.com

Mail: info@worldwidedemonstration.com

Telegram Information Channels: t.me/worldwidedemonstration t.me/grossdemokassel

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage


Images credit: Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find recorded conversation between Max Igan and UK funeral director, John O’Looney.  In this interview, O’Looney details his experience regarding the manipulation and culling of humanity via the ruse of a “covid pandemic”.

Following Max Igan’s introductory questions, John starts out by describing an event that happened at the end of November and beginning of December 2019. He had visited a hospital morgue on behalf of a family who had lost a loved one. The family had complained that the hospital would not allow them to see the deceased. When John inquired at the hospital about the reason for denying the family the ability to view their loved one, he was told that something terrible was coming. He was then taken behind the viewing room doors and was shown a temporary pandemic morgue.

O’Looney explains that sometime in early 2020 he was contacted by the local BBC for an interview. At that point in time, he believed the covid narrative and cooperated with their request, including directives on how to dress. John explains,

“They got the interview they wanted and promoted the hysteria. And I kind of kick myself now because it’s simply not true — any of it. It’s not true.”

Over time, he began to question as he evaluated so many things that didn’t make sense.

“Very soon into 2020, funeral directors began panicking. The death rate wasn’t there. There was no increased death rate. We were seeing deceased that were deliberately labeled with covid, but there wasn’t any increase in numbers at all.”

He describes how he, his wife and the embalmer who worked for him, all ignored the new pandemic procedures for handling bodies. They did not wear masks and continued their usual care in preparing bodies for cremation or burial. They have all remained perfectly healthy, and not one of them has missed a day of work.

O’Looney shares his observations of what happened when all elderly were transferred from hospitals into care homes. He heard about the huge increase in use of midazolam (a strong sedative commonly used in end-of-life/palliative care} at these homes and began to look for evidence that this was true.

“There was a thousand percent increase in midazolam sedative purchased at that time. And there’s an extensive paper trail that documents it very clearly…”

“I suspect thousands of people were killed, euthanized, in these care homes using midazolam…”

“Then as abruptly as that started, it finished.”

O’Looney shares his unfolding awakening to the manipulation of facts and the global crime that was being committed.

“Every death possible was listed as a covid death… I had people come in — really, really upset families because they knew their loved ones had had terminal cancer. And they were terrified that I wouldn’t wash and dress them because they’d been labeled with covid. I had to reassure them, you know, ‘please don’t worry, I will’.”

“So the year 2020 progressed and, apart from that 12-week “cull” that took place — I’m very careful with my words because I know that’s what it was. Statistically, it’s impossible to happen. Viruses don’t target care homes… Despite the great effort they made in care homes to bump the numbers up, overall 2020 was quieter than 2019 for death rate.”

“I began to smell a rat. I said to people I bet the death rate soars in January when they become vaccinated…And we came back to work on the 2nd and on the 6th they began vaccinating. The death rate was extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

View the video to hear John O’Looney’s full testimony and his warnings that humanity must stand up now against this attempt to dominate, harm and “cull” us.


by Max Igan, The CrowHouse
September 15, 2021


Video available at Max Igan’s The CrowHouse Odysee and BitChute channels.

Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services: https://www.mkffs.co.uk/
John O’Looney’s direct email: john@mkffs.co.uk


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Holocaust Survivors’ Open Letter: “Stop the Covid Holocaust!”

Holocaust Survivors’ Open Letter: “Stop the Covid Holocaust!”
We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately

by Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar Schafrir, et al., Global Research
September 16, 2021


Sent to:

TGA, Australia,
Medsafe, New Zealand
FMRAC, Canada
AHPRA, Australia


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World  War, feel bound to follow our conscience and write this letter.

It is obvious to us that another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. The majority of the world’s populace do not yet realize what is happening, for magnitude of an organized crime such as this is beyond their scope of experience.

We, however, know. We remember the name Josef Mengele. Some of us have personal  memories. We experience a déjà vu that is so horrifying that we rise to shield our poor  fellow humans. The threatened innocents now include children, and even infants.

In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013—a period of 15.5 years. And people affected worst are between 18 and 64 years old – the group which was not in the Covid statistics.

We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately.

What you call “vaccination” against SARS-Cov-2 is in truth a blasphemic encroachment into nature. Never before has immunization of the entire planet been accomplished by delivering a synthetic mRNA into the human body. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied. The 10 ethical principles in this document represents a foundational code of medical ethics that was formulated during the Nuremberg Doctors Trial to ensure that human beings will never again be subjected to involuntary medical experimentation & procedures.

Principle 1 of the Nuremberg Codex:

(a) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to  make an understanding and enlightened decision.

(b) This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

(c) The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Re (a): There is no question of a free decision. Mass media spread fear and panic and use  the rule of Goebbels’ propaganda by repeating untruths until they are believed. For weeks now they have been calling for the ostracism of the unvaccinated. If 80 years ago it was the Jews who were demonized as spreaders of infectious diseases, today it is the unvaccinated who are being accused of spreading the virus. Physical integrity, freedom to travel, freedom to work, all coexistence has been taken away from people in order to force vaccination upon them. Children are being enticed to get vaccinated against their parents’ judgement.

Re (b): The 22 terrible side effects already listed in the FDA emergency use authorization were not disclosed to the subjects of the experimental trial. We list those below to the benefit of the world public.

By definition, there has never been informed consent. In the meantime, thousands of side effects recorded in numerous databases are on record. While the so-called case numbers are being bleeped in 30-min-intervals by all mass media, there is neither any mentioning of the serious adverse side effects nor how and where the side effects are to be reported. As far as we know, even recorded damages have been deleted on a large scale in every database.

Principle 6 of the Nuremberg Code requires:

“The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment”.

“Vaccination” against Covid has proven to be more dangerous than Covid for approximately 99% of all humans. As documented by Johns Hopkins, in a study of 48,000 children, children are at zero risk from the virus.

Your own data shows that children who are at no risk from the virus, have had heart attacks following vaccination; more than 15,000 have suffered adverse events –including more than 900 serious events. At least 16 adolescents have died following vaccination in the USA. As you are aware, just around 1% are being reported. And the numbers are increasing rapidly as we write. With your knowledge.

Principle 10 of the Nuremberg Code:

“During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.”

Allegedly around 52% of the world population has received at least one shot.Honest disclosure of the true number of “vaccine” injured, terminally injured as well as deceased worldwide is long overdue. These are millions in the meantime. Provide us with the true numbers of Covid vaccine casualties now.

How many will be enough to awaken your conscience?

List of adverse effects being known to FDA before the emergency approval:

1. Guillain-Barré syndrome

2. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

3. Transverse myelitis

4. Encephalitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encepholapathy

5. Convulsions/seizures

6. Stroke

7. Narcolepsy and cataplexy

8. Anaphylaxis

9. Acute myocardial infraction

10. Myocarditis/pericarditis

11. Autoimmune disease

12. Deaths

13. Pregnancy and birth outcomes

14. Other acute demyelinating diseases

15. Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions

16. Thrombocytopenia

17. Disseminated intravascular coagulation

18. Venous thromboembolism

19. Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

20. Kawasaki disease

21. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in CHILDREN

22. Vaccine enhanced disease



Concentration Camp survivors, their sons, and daughters, and grandchildren, including persons of goodwill and conscience.

According to present consents:

Rabbi Hillel Handler
Hagar Schafrir
Sorin Shapira
Mascha Orel
Morry Krispijn
Shimon Yanowitz
Hila Moscovich
Tamir Turgal
Amira Segal
Jacqueline Ingenhoes
Andrea Drescher


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cover image credit: dimitrisvetsikas1969 / pixabay

Unexpected and Heartbreaking: Thousands Flood ABC Affiliate’s Facebook Page With Vaccination Horror Stories

Unexpected and Heartbreaking: Thousands Flood ABC Affiliate’s Facebook Page With Vaccination Horror Stories

by WorldTribune
September 13, 2021


An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.

Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, from adverse reactions to the vaccine.

On Friday, ABC affiliate WXYZ-TV in Detroit posted:

By noon on Monday, the post had received over 39,000 angry and often heartbreaking responses. Virtually every string contains a firsthand report by people whose family members are grieving the loss of loved ones of all ages.

Typical of many of the responses, one woman wrote poignantly:

Another grieving daughter posted:


Another responded:

A would-have-been grandmother reported:


Another had multiple stories to report, and communicated the overwhelming disillusionment with the corporate media overwhelming voiced by posters.

Reports of heart attacks and strokes abound:

read the rest of this article…


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Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Suing Biden Admin Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Suing Biden Admin Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Brnovich describes the mandate as “one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberties, principles of federalism, and separation of powers ever attempted by an American President.”

by Mary Chastain, Legal Insurrection
September 14, 2021


Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced he is suing the Biden administration over the COVID vaccine mandate on federal employees and businesses with over 100 employees.

Brnovich describes the mandate as “one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberties, principles of federalism, and separation of powers ever attempted by an American President.”

Brnovich states in his press release: “The federal government cannot force people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The Biden Administration is once again flouting our laws and precedents to push their radical agenda. There can be no serious or scientific discussion about containing the spread of COVID-19 that doesn’t begin at our southern border.”

The administration has not written or clarified the mandate’s rules. Brnovich said his “lawsuit is valid because it seeks to declare that the federal government doesn’t have the authority to create such rules.”

A reporter asked about Brnovich’s office recognizing federal safety regulations regarding hard hats at construction sites. The AG told the reporter, “Stay tuned for the next lawsuit.”

Um, hard hats don’t inject a substance into your body. But don’t get me started on federal safety regulations because a libertarian could go on forever about them.

Let’s get to the brief.

Brnovich cites the Equal Protection Clause in his brief due to the Biden administration exempting illegal aliens from the vaccine mandate.

The Equal Protection Clause falls under the 14th Amendment, Section 1: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Brnovich explains in the complaint why the mandate violates the clause:

7. Although the precise contours of the federal vaccination mandates are not yet clear, the violation of the Equal Protection Clause is already evident and egregious. In a nutshell: unauthorized aliens will not be subject to any vaccination requirements even when released directly into the United States (where most will remain), while roughly a hundred million U.S. citizens will be subject to unprecedented vaccination requirements. This reflects an unmistakable and unconstitutional—brand of favoritism in favor of unauthorized aliens.

8. This discrimination in favor of unauthorized aliens violates the Equal Protection Clause. Notably, alienage is a suspect class that triggers strict scrutiny. More typically (and almost invariably previously), this discrimination was against aliens rather than for them. See, e.g., Graham v. Richardson, 403 U.S. 365, 371, 375-376 (1971); Application of Griffiths, 413 U.S. 717, 721 1973). But the same principle applies to favoritism against U.S. citizens in favor of aliens. Defendants’ actions could never conceivably pass strict scrutiny.

“Because Defendants’ respect for individual rights vis-à-vis vaccination mandates appears to extend only to unauthorized aliens, and not U.S. citizens, their actions violate the Equal Protection Clause and should be invalidated,” continues Brnovich. “American citizens should be entitled to treatment at least as favorable as what Defendants afford to unauthorized aliens. This Court should accordingly declare this preferential treatment unlawful and enjoin actions taken pursuant to it.”

Remember when Biden’s Chief of Staff Ronald Klein retweeted this?

Lawyers said the retweet would cause problems for Biden. Well, it has because Brnovich brings it up in the complaint:

13. Recognizing that the Federal Government lacks the authority to directly impose a mandate, even the President’s own Chief of Staff retweeted that what the administration was planning for citizens (but not unauthorized aliens) would be the “ultimate work-around.”

14. The inadvertent admission in the preceding paragraph makes all of the administration’s actions constitutionally suspect. These other violations will be the subject of future challenges. Courts will have an opportunity to review and invalidate those forthcoming mandates as to private employers, federal contractors, federal employees, and health care workers. But this particular component—i.e., the unconstitutional discrimination against U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and aliens lawfully residing and working in the U.S.—is ripe for judicial review and invalidation now.


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COVID Vaccine Mandates Wreak Havoc on Healthcare System, Workforce

COVID Vaccine Mandates Wreak Havoc on Healthcare System, Workforce
Draconian COVID policies and vaccine mandates are creating an uncertain future for a health care system that was already on shaky ground even before the terrible COVID policies took hold.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
September 15, 2021


In January 2020 — pre-COVID — the Commonwealth Fund published a sobering report on the state of U.S. healthcare, comparing the U.S. to other high-income countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The report shared a number of depressing findings. First, despite the U.S. spending twice as much on healthcare (as a share of the economy) as comparable wealthy nations, Americans have the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rates. Nor is America’s poor bang for its healthcare buck anything sudden or new — a 30-year-old study that compared the U.S. to 15 OECD nations reached the same conclusions.

The Commonwealth Fund report also drew attention to the fact that, among peer nations, the U.S. has the highest chronic disease burden, the highest number of hospitalizations from “preventable causes” and the highest rate of “avoidable deaths.”

Restrictive COVID policies have worsened these health indicators, with mounting deaths of despair and a plummeting life expectancy that researchers predict will drop still further.

The draconian policies — and especially COVID vaccine mandates for healthcare workers (HCWs) — are also wreaking havoc on the U.S. healthcare system and health workforce. Astoundingly high percentages of HCWs have experienced adverse events after accepting the jabs, rendering some unfit for duty. And among HCWs who, having done their due diligence, have chosen to decline the injections, firings and resignations are growing increasingly commonplace. These kinds of handicaps portend an uncertain future for a healthcare system that was already on shaky ground even before the terrible COVID policies took hold.

Early guinea pigs

As soon as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Emergency Use Authorization for the COVID vaccines, HCWs began to find themselves in a catch-22: take an experimental injection (made by felonious pharma giants exempt from legal liability for injuries) or — egged on by hostile parties that now include no less than POTUS himself — risk ostracism or worse.

Many HCWs who dutifully did what they were told have not fared well. An online survey of 1,245 HCWs published in April (“representing various parts of the country during the early phase of COVID-19 vaccination”) furnishes one particularly hair-raising glimpse of the potential risks — for both provider and patient.

The study focused on roughly 800 HCWs (46% younger than age 41 and nearly all with doctoral, medical or Master’s degrees) who received the Pfizer vaccine and reported one or more symptoms. Almost all (93%) had received two doses.

Post-vaccination, about one in eight HCWs “temporarily” had trouble performing activities of daily living. In addition, the survey results highlighted the following:

  • Symptoms such as fatigue, headache, joint pain, nausea, muscle spasm, sweating, dizziness, flushing, brain fog, anorexia, sleep disruptions, tingling and palpitations were common.
  • Grouped by organ system, large percentages of the Pfizer-injected HCWs reported symptoms that were “generalized” (76%) or musculoskeletal (53%). However, the injections also displayed the capacity to affect nearly every body system: gastrointestinal (21%), psychological/psychiatric (17%), neurological (13%), otolaryngological (12%), endocrine (10%), cardiovascular (6%), respiratory (3%), urinary (1%) and allergic (1%).
  • The principal neurological symptom reported was brain fog or “reduced mental clarity” — a disabling symptom that can scarcely be reassuring to the affected individuals’ patients. This category also included reports of symptoms such as numbness, paralysis, vertigo and reactivation of herpes or shingles. These types of neurological symptoms are no joke; some HCWs have reported being denied health insurance and Workers’ Compensation despite symptoms so debilitating that they can no longer work.
  • In the otolarnygological category, ear and eye symptoms predominated, included ear ringing, changes in hearing, ear/eye pain, blurred vision and “flashing lights.” The vision-related symptoms dovetail with data from the European drug monitoring agency, which has recorded tens of thousands of eye disorders following COVID vaccination.
  • Oddly, 6% of Pfizer recipients reported upbeat feelings of joy, relief or gratitude in response to receiving the injections. The researchers characterized this as a “positive sign” of HCW willingness to “[take] the challenge to end the deadly pandemic, irrespective of side effects experienced.”

In early 2021, Czech researchers conducted a nearly identical HCW survey. Virtually all of the respondents (n=818), about a third of whom had at least one chronic illness at baseline, received two doses of the Pfizer shot, and 93% of the latter reported one or more side effects. Disturbingly, the prevalence of adverse reactions was consistently higher in younger (< 43 years old) HCWs with more of their careers ahead of them. Almost one in ten Pfizer recipients reported symptoms lasting for a week or more. Nevertheless, the researchers gaily concluded that healthcare workers and students “are among the ideal population groups to participate in this type of studies [sic] due to their high level of health literacy and scientific motivation.”

No thanks

From the beginning of the COVID vaccines’ rollout, surveys have indicated that HCWs are “somewhat more skeptical [about COVID vaccine safety] compared to the general public.” In early January, one in four surveyed HCWs indicated that they had no plans to ever get a COVID shot, with “wariness of going first” being one of the commonly cited reasons. In many healthcare settings, far larger proportions than 25% have chosen to remain unvaccinated.

In an opinion piece that appeared in HuffPost in February, senior reporter Jeffrey Young patronizingly explained that HCWs have “complicated” reasons for rejecting COVID shots, but he kindly suggested that those reasons do not make them “conspiracy theorists.” Somewhat more aptly, Young stated that HCWs “have watched the government bungle so many aspects of the COVID-19 response that when those same authority figures tell them to get vaccinated first, essentially to be guinea pigs for new vaccines, their messages aren’t always well-received.”

Months later, HCWs have had numerous opportunities to observe first-hand the post-jab travails of injected colleagues and patients, and for many, this has only intensified their “wariness.” In late August, two thousand HCWs filed a lawsuit in the state of Maine to block COVID vaccine mandates, arguing their wish “to be able to continue to provide the healthcare they have provided to patients for their entire careers, and to do so under the same protective measures that have sufficed for them to be considered superheroes for the last 18 months.”

The administration of Maine Governor Janet Mills is requiring that all HCWs in the state be vaccinated by Oct. 1. Outgoing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a similar HCW vaccine mandate in August, stating that HCWs would be required to get a first dose even sooner (by Sept. 27), but on Sept. 14, District Judge David Hurd granted a temporary restraining order suspending the mandate because the state unlawfully disallowed religious exemptions available under federal law and the Constitution.

States imposing top-down HCW mandates may need to brace for some heavy fallout. The U.S. is already in the midst of an unprecedented nursing shortage, and as the mandates drive out even more of the best and brightest, the situation promises to get worse. Healthcare analysts point out that shortages of skilled nurses have major implications for patient care, with consequences ranging from longer wait times (and shorter visits), to less available care in rural settings to a higher risk of medication errors and even patient deaths.

The U.S. is also facing a shortfall of doctors. The pre-COVID Commonwealth Fund report — which found that Americans, even though sicker than their healthier counterparts in other wealthy nations, go to the doctor less often — suggested that physician shortages could be a contributing factor.

Get your care now

With an eye on the vaccine-mandate-impelled nursing shortage, former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson advised in August, “if you need to get sick, do it before the mandates hit Oct. 1.”

Though Berenson’s warning may have been somewhat tongue in cheek, a New York hospital announced earlier this month that it would be putting maternity services on hold after Sept. 24 due to resignations from maternity staff opposed to the mandates. In addition to stating that “The number of resignations received leaves…no choice but to pause delivering babies,” the hospital’s CEO indicated that services in five other units could be “curtailed in some way” if more hospital staff end up choosing departure over vaccination.

While noting that 70% of the resignations thus far have been from staff working in crucial clinical positions, the hospital CEO maintained that he was “unequivocally” in favor of mandatory vaccination.

The pausing of maternity services may inconvenience pregnant women with late September due dates, but the clinical staff fleeing heavy-handed mandates can hardly be blamed for objecting to the Hobbesian choice between risks to life and livelihood. As Children’s Health Defense president Mary Holland forcefully reiterated in response to President Biden’s inflammatory demonization of the unvaccinated, “The Nuremberg Code, which the U.S. promulgated and has expanded over time, says it best: ‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.’”

What is the end game?

Kaiser Family Foundation characterizes the healthcare workforce impacts of COVID vaccine mandates as “unintended consequences,” but one has to wonder whether the medical and political establishment could truly be blind to the fact that so many “health-literate” HCWs would choose to decline the injections.

Many strangely “counter intuitive” episodes have transpired within the health system over the past 18 months, including widespread and dramatic health workforce layoffs and facility closures early last year, at precisely the same time that the media were trumpeting the emergency and celebrating HCWs for their heroism in the COVID trenches.

With COVID-19 clearly serving as the pretext to orchestrate a vast reengineering of society and governance in favor of more centralization and surveillance, it stands to reason that the medical-pharmaceutical cartel may be seizing the opportunity to catalyze similar health system changes. The departure of seasoned HCWs accustomed to providing competent in-person care could, in fact, facilitate the desired push for more virtual healthcare and telemedicine, a CDC-encouraged trend that will send far more patient data into the waiting hands of cloud services providers like Amazon and Microsoft.

For people who desire face-to-face care, and for ethical healthcare workers whose gift is to provide that type of care, it may be time to come up with a new model, one that perhaps emphasizes old-fashioned prevention — good nutrition and plenty of sunlight and exercise — over newfangled, gene-modifying injections that thus far have proven more effective at lining pockets than in doing anything useful for health.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Czech Republic to Destroy 45,000 Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccines as Nobody Wants the Shots

Czech Republic to Destroy 45,000 Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccines as Nobody Wants the Shots

by GreatGameIndia
September 14, 2021


Czech Republic is planning to destroy 45,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines branded as Covishield in India since nobody wants to take the shots. Meanwhile, more than 14,000 doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine were thrown away in the past month alone due to the lack of interest from the public.

Prague might have to dispose of thousands of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine doses, as they expire next month. The demand for the jab recommended only to those over 60 years old due to possible side effects remains low.

Some 55,000 doses of the vaccine manufactured by Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca and shipped to the Czech Republic are set to expire by the end of October, Czech radio station IROZHLAS reported.

While about 10,000 of them are expected to be used to administer second doses, the remaining batches might have to be incinerated if the demand for the jab fails to shoot up.

So far, it has been at rock bottom. According to the data cited in the report, only 36 people have chosen AstraZeneca for their first dose in September, and a total of 774 people have been vaccinated with it so far.


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CCHR’s FOIA Request to Veterans Health Administration Reveals 4.2 Million Vets Prescribed Dangerous Drugs, Costing $2.4 Billion

CCHR’s FOIA Request to Veterans Health Administration Reveals 4.2 Million Vets Prescribed Dangerous Drugs, Costing $2.4 Billion
While remembering the fallen on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, CCHR exposes tragic consequences for vets in the War Against Terrorism. VHA spent $2.4 billion (2015-2019) on psychotropic drugs, with 4.2 million vets taking them in 2019

by CCHR International, The Mental Health Industry Watchdog
September 13, 2021


On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Citizens Commission on Human Rights International paid tribute to those who lost their lives as a result of the attacks and to the family members of the victims. It also recognizes those Americans lost in the subsequent War Against Terrorism but raises serious concerns about veterans potentially bearing the brunt of ineffective and dangerous mental health treatment. In July 2021, CCHR filed an FOIA request with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) requesting their expenditures on and number of veterans prescribed mind-altering drugs.

The VHA’s response on September 8 revealed that between 2015 and 2019, the administration spent $2,414,495,320 on psychotropic drugs, with 4.2 million vets taking these in 2019.

Of that 4.2 million, 41% (1.75 million) were on antidepressants, followed by mood stabilizers with 27% (1.12 million); Anti-anxiety/sedatives at 20% (830,246); antipsychotics at 9% (366,153) and stimulants with 3% (151,958).

The $2.4 billion spent during 2015-2019 represents only VHA expenditures. The highest costs were for antipsychotics (48%), $1,557,224,136; stimulants, $781,655,473 (24%); mood stabilizers, $468,808,320 (15%); antidepressants, $348,540,271 (11%) and anti-anxiety/sedatives, $76,470,273 (2%).

Earlier criticism levelled at the cocktails of mind-altering drugs prescribed vets and active soldiers linked these to increasing suicide among this population. From 2005 to 2011, the Department of Defense (DOD) had increased its prescriptions of psychiatric drugs by nearly seven times—over 30 times faster than in the civilian population.[1]

In 2013, Military Times reported one in six American service members was on at least one psychiatric medication.[2] Over a ten-year period, the U.S. government had spent more than $4.5 billion on these for both active military members and veterans.[3] Around that time, the VA reported veteran suicides running at about 8,000 a year. The DOD determined that the number of military suicides in 2012 had far exceeded the total of those who were killed in battle, at an average of about one a day. [4]

The Food and Drug Administration has a black box warning on antidepressants due to the risk of suicide in those up to age 24. However, medical experts say the suicide risk is potential for all ages.

With antidepressants linked to suicides and cocktails of antipsychotics sourced to sudden deaths of veterans, returning defenders of freedom face a kind of psycho-pharmacological firing squad, Jan Eastgate, president of CCHR International said.[5]

In June 2021, Brown University’s “Costs of War” report revealed continuing startling trends in suicide rates of veterans who served in wars after the 9/11 terror attacks as well as deployments in five other spots around the world. According to the report, more veterans of the terror wars have killed themselves than those who died in combat. The paper estimates that 30,177 active-duty personnel and post-9/11 veterans have died by suicide—significantly more than the 7,057 service members killed in post-9/11 war operations. “Active service member suicide rates have grown during the Global War on Terror to surpass any service member suicide rates since before World War II.”[6]

However, the study does not address the increases in psychotropic drug usage by the DOD and VHA that could be a source of the suicide increases.[7]

One law firm described the VHA’s reliance upon psychiatric “medications.” Many of these, the firm’s website says, “have been shown to cause side effects, as well as the potential to cause secondary disabilities in those who take them. Often, veterans are unaware that their new health problems are related to their already service-connected disability.” The drugs “can also have very serious behavioral consequences, including increased violent behavior and suicide. Doctors and researchers are still not entirely sure what causes these dramatic changes in behavior, but many perpetrators of violent crimes in recent years, including acts by veterans.”[8]

CCHR suspects misdiagnosis is rife and cocktails of psychotropic drugs may be fueling a suicide epidemic in the Armed Forces and veteran populations.

In 2014, 37% of war veterans were being treated for Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), with 80% prescribed with at least one psychiatric drug.[9] During a 2015 interview with NBC’s “Dateline,” U.S. Army veteran Matt Kahl, who served two tours of duty in Afghanistan, said the VA had prescribed a wide assortment of drugs to treat PTSD. Kahl said the drugs made him feel like a “zombie,” and 10 months after returning from duty, he attempted suicide.[10]

The Brown University report attributed some of the inordinately high suicide rates to the use of IEDs in the terror wars, which has led to a spike in brain injuries among combat vets.[11] Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), a neurological condition, is often wrongly diagnosed as PTSD, a subjective psychiatric “disorder” because of similar symptoms. TBI symptoms include not having realistic or proper awareness of their surroundings; not having the capability to feel or demonstrate appropriate emotions; memory issues; withdrawal from social situations and unexplained aggression or angry outbursts.[12]

Dr. Frederic Sautter, retired head of the family mental health program at New Orleans VA, said that hundreds of Iraq and Afghanistan vets from 2009 to 2019 were not properly assessed for TBI, and that left undiagnosed, can lead to suicide. Research shows vets with TBI are twice as likely to die by suicide.[13]

One service member diagnosed with PTSD was found instead to have brain damage caused by a malaria drug, raising questions about the diagnosis in other post-9/11 veterans. The sailor experienced uncontrolled anger, insomnia, nightmares and memory loss and reported stumbling frequently, arguing with his family and needing significant support from his staff while on the job due to cognitive issues. [14]

However, physicians believed a common malaria medication, mefloquine, once used widely by the U.S. armed forces, was the problem. Mefloquine has been linked to brain stem lesions and psychiatric symptoms. In 2013, the DOD designated it as a drug of last resort after the Food and Drug Administration slapped a boxed warning on its label, noting it can cause permanent psychiatric and neurological side effects.[15]

Soldiers took the drug once a week – a ritual that gave rise to terms like “Mefloquine Monday,” “Whacko Wednesday” and “Psycho Sunday.” And yet there’s often no mention of it in their individual medical records, which is crucial evidence for any future claims.[16]

As psychoactive drugs have failed to stem suicides and mental distress, in 2020, the DOD approved yet another potentially disastrous drug, a ketamine nasal spray, Spravato, as treatment for severe depression.[17] Medical News Today reports ketamine can cause a loss of consciousness and confusion.  It can also cause heart or breathing failure.[18] The controversial drug has been cited as causing death when used in police restraints of suspects. In September 2021, several officers and paramedics in Colorado were indicted on charges of manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in relation to the death of Elijah McClain, who was injected with ketamine.[19]

Outrageously, psychedelic drugs are now being tested on veterans. A psychedelic drug study claims to have shown “promise” as a treatment option for patients—largely combat veterans, with chronic PTSD, a 2018 study shows.  Published in the Lancet Psychiatry, researchers explored MDMA—the main ingredient in ecstasy—reduced symptoms.[20] A person may experience the intoxicating effects of MDMA within 45 minutes or so after taking a single dose. Other potential effects are potentially life threatening—including high blood pressure (hypertension), faintness, panic attacks, and in severe cases, a loss of consciousness and seizures.[21]

The push for psychotropics, especially, antidepressants, was not limited to military/veteran use, but marketed to the general public following 9/11.

Within days of this act of terrorism, Congress was told that 71% of Americans (over 151 million[22]) were depressed. However, this was based on a telephone survey to 1,200 adults conducted during the six days after the 9/11 terrorist attack, when Americans were in a state of shock and suffering from predictable reactions to the horror and tragedy. In a semantic leap, this was interpreted as nearly three-quarters of all Americans were depressed.[23] Psychiatrists also “predicted” 30% of all Americans would develop PTSD, while asking for $3 billion to treat mental health problems in New York alone.[24] Antidepressant prescriptions soared.

Time magazine reported that no one should be “wandering off into [an antidepressant-]induced forgetfulness.”[25] So, it should also be for our military members and veterans.

Between Tricare and Veteran Affairs, the DoD also spent more than $70 million dollars on electroshock over an 8–10-year period. Between 2010 and 2019, the latest available statistics, Tricare paid out $98.6 million for electroshock (ECT) and three other brain-intervention treatments on military personnel and their families alone. This astoundingly includes three children aged 0-5 electroshocked in 2018.

Of this total amount, nearly $18 million was for the administration of ECT—representing an 81% increase over the decade—and for treatment that carries risks of brain damage, memory loss, cognitive dysfunction, and potentially, even death.[26]

To address concerns about the dangerous mental health treatment of our military and veterans, CCHR produced its acclaimed documentary, Hidden Enemy: Inside Psychiatry’s Covert Agenda. It features interviews with more than 80 soldiers, veterans and experts, tackles psychotropic prescriptions soaring military suicide rates and the sudden death of veterans in their sleep, while on cocktails of drugs, and the unexplained mass violence that included the Navy Yard shootings in 2013.

We urge all to watch and enlighten others with his documentary and CCHR’s report Psychiatric Drugs Create Violence & Suicide, section on military and veteran shootings potentially influenced by psychotropic drugs (pages 39-40).


[1] Richard A. Friedman, “War on Drugs,” The New York Times, 6 Apr. 2013, http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/07/opinion/sunday/wars-on-drugs.html

[2] Andrew Tilghman, “Medicating the military — Use of psychiatric drugs has spiked; concerns surface about suicide, other dangers,” Military Times, March 29, 2013, http://www.militarytimes.com/story/military/archives/2013/03/29/medicating-the-military-use-of-psychiatric-drugs-has-spiked-concerns/78534358/

[3]  “VA/Defense Mental Health Drug Expenditures Since 2001,” https://cdn.govexec.com/media/gbc/docs/pdfs_edit/051712bb1_may2012drugtotals.pdf; Jeremy Schwartz, “Soaring Cost of Military Drugs Could Hurt Budget,” Austin American-Statesman, 30 Dec. 2012, https://www.statesman.com/article/20121230/NEWS/312309805

[4] Harold Mandel, “Psychiatry is a Hidden Enemy,” Examiner.com, 10 Jan. 2014, https://www.cchrint.org/2014/01/13/psychiatry-is-a-hidden-enemy/

[5] Kelly Patricia O’Meara, “Behind The Epidemic Of Military Suicides: New Documentary Exposes Psychiatry As ‘The Hidden Enemy’ In Military Mental Health,” CCHR International, 8 Jan. 2014, https://www.cchrint.org/2014/01/08/behind-the-epidemic-of-military-suicides-new-documentary-exposes-psychiatry-as-the-hidden-enemy-in-military-mental-health/

[6] Ken Silva, “America’s Veterans Are Killing Themselves at an Alarming Rate: Report,” The Epoch Times, 26 July 2021, https://www.theepochtimes.com/americas-veterans-are-killing-themselves-at-an-alarming-rate_3918982.html?utm_source=sharenewsnoe&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking-2021-07-26-2

[7] Thomas Howard Suitt III, “High Suicide Rates among United States Service Members and Veterans of the Post 9/11 Wars,” Boston University, 21 June 2021, https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/papers/2021/Suicides (to download report)

[8] https://www.hillandponton.com/veterans-guide-psychiatric-medications/

[9] Susan Donaldson James, “Marines Battalion Mentally Upbeat, Despite Record Deaths,” ABC News, April 15, 2011, https://abcnews.go.com/Health/camp-pendleton-marine-battalion-mentally-fit-deadliest-war/story?id=13377215; Mohamed S, Rosenheck RA, “Pharmacotherapy of PTSD in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs: diagnostic- and symptom-guided drug selection,” Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2008, June Vol. 69, No. 6, pp. 959-65, https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18588361

[10] https://www.huffpost.com/entry/veterans-ptsd-marijuana_n_7506760

[11] Op. cit., The Epoch Times, 26 July 2021

[12] “TBI May Be Misdiagnosed as PTSD,” Dolman Law Group, http://www.tampabaybraininjuryblog.com/2017/11/tbi-may-be-misdiagnosed-as-ptsd/

[13] Jim Axelrod, Michael Kaplan, “Whistleblower: VA failed to properly assess hundreds of veterans for traumatic brain injuries,” CBS News, 12 Nov. 2020, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/veterans-traumatic-brain-injuries-va-new-orleans-whistleblower/

[14] Patricia Kime, “Malaria drug causes brain damage that mimics PTSD: case study,” Military Times, 11 Aug. 2016, https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2016/08/11/malaria-drug-causes-brain-damage-that-mimics-ptsd-case-study/

[15] Ibid.

[16] Ken Olsen, “An anti-malaria drug may have inflicted permanent neurological injuries on some servicemembers,” The American Legion, 18 July 2019, https://www.legion.org/magazine/246284/mefloquine-mondays

[17] https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/04/17/defense-department-approves-ketamine-based-antidepressant-some-patients.html

[18] “CCHR Welcomes State Actions that Ban or Restrict Behavioral Restraint Use,” CCHR International, 3 Sept. 2021, https://www.cchrint.org/2021/09/03/cchr-welcomes-state-actions-that-ban-or-restrict-behavioral-restraint-use/, citing: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320409

[19] Ibid., citing: “Colorado grand jury indicts 3 officers, 2 paramedics in Elijah McClain’s 2019 death,” Associated Press, KTLA News, 1Sept. 2021, https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/colorado-grand-jury-indicts-3-officers-2-paramedics-in-elijah-mcclains-2019-death/

[20] https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/05/09/psychedelic-drug-provides-relief-for-veterans-with-ptsd/

[21] https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/research-reports/mdma-ecstasy-abuse/what-are-effects-mdma

[22] 212,297,780 adults in 2001; 71% of which is over 151 million;  https://datacenter.kidscount.org/data/tables/99-total-population-by-child-and-adult-populations#detailed/1/any/false/12/39,40,41/416,417

[23] “Overwhelming Support for Bush, Military Response But…AMERICAN PSYCHE REELING FROM TERROR ATTACKS,” Pew Study, contacts: Andrew Kohut, Director and Carroll J. Doherty, Editor; 19 Sept. 2011

[24] Lucette Lagnado, “New York Rushes to Spend Grants For Counseling,” The Wall Street Journal, 5 Oct. 2001

 [25]Lance Morrow, “The Case for Rage and Retribution,” TIME, 11 Sept. 2001

[26] “CCHR Supports Veterans Against Electroshock: DoD Spends $70m on Shocking Minds,” CCHR International, 25 May 2021, https://www.cchrint.org/2021/05/25/cchr-supports-veterans-against-electroshock-dod-spends-70m-on-shocking-minds/


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cover image credit: GDJ / pixabay

Metal Particles in Many Vaccines; but Don’t Worry, Line Up and Take Your Shots Like Happy Little Robots

Metal Particles in Many Vaccines; but Don’t Worry, Line Up and Take Your Shots Like Happy Little Robots

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 15, 2021


First, current news—Japan and the Moderna COVID vaccine. Fiercepharma reports:

“…another one million doses of the vaccine were suspended over concerns of possible contamination found in two additional vaccine lots…The material was determined to be metallic particles, Japan news outlet NHK reported last week. Last week, Japan suspended the use of 1.63 million doses.”

So that’s two separate suspensions of lots of the Moderna vaccine in Japan.

But this is just the beginning of the problem. Here is a piece I wrote more than a year ago, about a widely ignored study. The implications are staggering:

—Dangerous nanoparticles contaminating many vaccines; groundbreaking study—

“The Lung,” Second Edition, 2014: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.”

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study:

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines:
Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari



“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated. Take a deep breath and buckle up:

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (less than 100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

Several vital questions demanding answers spring from the findings of this 2017 study:

Are some of these nanoparticles intentionally placed in vaccines?

Does the standard manufacturing process for traditional vaccines INEVITABLY lead to dangerous and destructive nano-contamination?

New nano-technology is already being employed in vaccines—supposedly “improving effectiveness.” Does this manufacturing process carry with it the unavoidable effect of unleashing a hurricane of nanoparticle contaminants?

How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?

And finally, where are these contaminated vaccines manufactured? The above study did not attempt to discover this. It was outside the scope of the research. It’s common knowledge that, for example, in the case of the US, vaccines or their components, are, in many instances, not produced domestically. Where does this put control of safety? In, say, China, where there have been numerous pharmaceutical scandals connected to contamination of products?

The vaccine establishment does not show the slightest interest in answering any of these questions. They are busy pretending the questions don’t exist.

Trusting the establishment would be suicidal.




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cover image credit: intographics / pixabay

‘I Just Want My Life Back’ Says 16-Year-Old Who Developed Neurological Symptoms After Pfizer Vaccine

‘I Just Want My Life Back’ Says 16-Year-Old Who Developed Neurological Symptoms After Pfizer Vaccine
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, 16-year-old Sarah Green and her mother described Sarah’s neurological symptoms following vaccination with Pfizer, and how doctors wouldn’t acknowledge the vaccine might be to blame.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
September 14, 2021


Sarah Green was a healthy 16-year-old — until she developed neurological problems after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. But doctors said her new tremors, tics and debilitating migraines couldn’t possibly be caused by the vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Sarah and her mother, Marie Green, said they feel helpless because nobody will acknowledge Sarah’s vaccine injury and “nobody can help them.”

Sarah received her second dose of Pfizer on May 4, and immediately experienced a headache at the base of her neck that radiated to her temples. She said it felt like she got “‘hit by a bus.” She took a nap in hopes she could sleep it off.

The headaches never went away and slowly, over the course of three weeks, Sarah developed small facial twitches.

“The night of May 23, I went to my dad because my neck had started twitching every 15 seconds,” Sarah said.

Green said Sarah would start a word and it was as if her brain would reset. “It wasn’t like she was trying to get a word out — it would just start over.”

After Sarah’s symptoms worsened, her parents took her to Johnston Health in Smithfield, North Carolina. Upon arrival the physicians noticed Sarah had constant tremors. Green said the doctor looked down and noticed Sarah’s right foot also had a tremor, but they didn’t have a pediatric neurologist, so she was transferred to WakeMed in Raleigh once she stabilized.

Sarah’s EEG, MRI with and without contrast and CT scans were normal. After two days the doctor came in and said Sarah had a nervous twitch and needed to see a mental health professional.

During the MRI with contrast, Sarah’s mother said she stopped breathing and had to be pulled out of the machine and intubated. Two hours later the doctor came in and said they were going to send Sarah home.

“They weren’t even going to refer her to a neurologist,” Green said. “They said it was just a nervous tick and she needed to see a therapist.”

Green said the vaccine was not the first thing she thought of when her daughter’s symptoms initially started, but the hospital had her fill out a form of things that might have changed and “when it came down to it, the only thing that changed was the vaccine.”

When Green asked the doctor if the vaccine could have caused her daughter’s condition, he got very defensive and said, “We can’t blame everything on the vaccine.”

Green said the physician’s response was frustrating. “How can you say you don’t know what it is but say the vaccine isn’t the cause?” she asked.

Green said, “As soon as we said it was the vaccine, it was like they couldn’t get us out of there fast enough.”

When Sarah finally got into a neurologist on June 6, Green asked if Sarah’s condition was vaccine-related.

The doctor said Sarah had functional movement disorder and it was not related to the vaccine — although she said she has seen more cases since COVID vaccines were approved because people “stress themselves out over the vaccine and it’s psychosomatic.”

According to the National Organization of Rare Disorders, functional movement disorder is a type of functional neurological disorder that occurs when there is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body send and/or receive signals — rather than a structural disease process, such as multiple sclerosis or stroke.

The condition can encompass a wide variety of neurological symptoms, such as tremors, dystonia, jerky movements (myoclonus) and problems walking (gait disorder).

Green didn’t agree with the doctor’s assessment that Sarah’s reaction was “psychosomatic.”

“Sarah is 16. She was nervous about getting a needle in her arm, but once she got the vaccine she slapped a bandaid on it and went off to starbucks,” Green said.

“When I tried to explain that to her neurologist, she said that I needed to stop focusing on what caused it and focus on getting my daughter well,” Green explained. “But I felt like if we didn’t know why, we wouldn’t be able to treat her the right way.”

Green said Sarah got the vaccine on her own because in North Carolina, she could get the vaccine without parental consent.

“She works in fast food and on the frontline and they were told the vaccine would be mandated,” Green said. “Krispy Kreme was giving out a dozen donuts, so the kids went and got their shots.”

Green said neither she nor her husband got a COVID vaccine. When Sarah said she wanted to get it, Green explained her and her husband’s reservations and why they weren’t getting the vaccine.

Green said:

“We have been asked many times why she got it and we didn’t. She did come to us and tell us she wanted to, but we did not know she had made up her mind. We had a discussion about it, but her job and the free incentives that I feel were targeted towards young people — Krispy Kreme offered them a dozen free donuts — really swayed her decision.

Sarah was told the risks of getting a vaccine included having a sore arm for a few days, but now it has been months and she’s not fine.

Sarah had to drop two college classes this semester because of her symptoms. “She had just started driving but she cannot drive anymore because she can’t look up or turn her head to the right without it causing spastic tremors. She also can’t write,” Green said. “She has constant tremors like someone who has Parkinson’s disease.”

Sarah’s symptoms have progressively worsened over time, but the only treatment option recommended to her was a medication similar to Benadryl.

Green said:

“It’s so frustrating. We tried to get her into a hospital in Florida but there is a six-month waiting list. We called Cleveland but they have a three-month waiting list. We have called the Shriners hospital and they won’t even see her. We had an appointment at Duke but it was going to be on a video conference. We just keep getting doors slammed in our faces and the minute you mention a vaccine they don’t want to deal with you anymore.”

Green said she and Sarah are not anti-vaxxers. “Sarah has had all of her vaccines, but there are too many people having problems for them not to know there’s no problem with these mRNAs. If they would just acknowledge the potential side effects … but they’re acting like it’s not even happening, and it’s not fair to her and for her entire life to be put on hold,” she added.

Green said she reported Sarah’s vaccine injury to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (I.D. 1354500) and Pfizer.

“When I called Pfizer they just had me answer some questions and said if there were new symptoms to call back and they could update their report,” Green said. “When I called back a second time they said they lost the report. When I asked if anyone else had called with the same symptoms they said ‘no.’”

As The Defender reported Sept. 8, a 30-year-old woman suffered severe neurological complications after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, and she also reported her injury to Pfizer.

On June 29, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson held a news conference with families who experienced neurological injuries from COVID vaccines, including Pfizer’s.

Among them was Maddie de Garay from Ohio, who volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial when she was 12. She is now in a wheelchair after experiencing severe adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Green, who said Sarah was healthy and living her best life prior to being vaccinated, is very concerned about children 12 and under getting the vaccine. “Just acknowledge the problem and fix it, but at least inform people what to look for,” she said.

“I just want my life back,” Sarah said. “Everything has just been put on hold. I had to drop my college classes because I can’t write and I have doctor appointments. I was going out with my friends, but now it’s exhausting. My migraines are so bad I have to sit in a dark room with no light or device and sit for hours.”

Sarah’s mother said she feels guilty for not looking into the vaccine more before her daughter went and got it. Now she feels helpless because “you feel like there’s nothing you can do and nobody who can help you.”

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Catherine Austin Fitts: Warning Signs Pre-9/11; Missing Trillions & Financial Coup D’état

Catherine Austin Fitts: Warning Signs Pre-9/11; Missing Trillions & Financial Coup D’état


[TCTL editor’s note: Find all interviews in this OffGuardian series at their Odysee channel.]

Covid19/11 — Catherine Austin Fitts

by OffGuardian
September 14, 2021


Episode Seven of Narratives Intertwined features Catherine Austin Fitts, investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing in the first Bush administration.

Catherine has written extensively on the misappropriation of public funds, and potential massive corruption in funneling tax payer money into private hands. In 2017 she was a co-author of a report which found that, since the year 2000, the US Department of Defense had over 21 TRILLION dollars in unauthorised spending.

In her interview she discusses witnessing warning signs pre-9/11, how the attacks distracted from – and destroyed evidence of – the Pentagon “losing” almost 4 trillion dollars, and just what the powers that be could do with all that stolen money.

You can read more of Catherine’s work through her publication The Solari Report:

And you can read her 2017 report on the missing trillions here:


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The New Fauci Film is Popular ?

The New Fauci Film is Popular ?

by Carl Vernon
September 14, 2021



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The Galactic Tribunal Grills Bill Gates

The Galactic Tribunal Grills Bill Gates

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 14, 2021


We don’t know how Bill Gates was transported to a Galactic proceeding, and we only have fragments of the interrogation. But because no court on Earth would deliver justice, those distant powers intervened.

A judge read an unusual opening statement, which apparently is presented before every trial:

“In our high civilization, we’ve fulfilled the ancient prophecy, THE LOST SHALL BE FOUND. There is no barrier between those of us who live here in the flesh and those most close to us who’ve departed this life. We experience joy with them in dimensions far greater than this. Why then do we bother to conduct these trials? Because we also fight for justice. We will not turn our backs on that ideal.”

FRAGMENT 1: …Mr. Gates, it’s time for the truth. How long did you plan the pandemic before launching it?

Why am I forced to tell the truth?

Because this is a place for conscience.

Will you torture me if I decline?

We’ll keep asking until you answer honestly, no matter how long it takes.

Who can I pay? I’m rich.

Denied. We don’t want money.

How about land? I can deliver you a large colony on Earth. A whole country. Maybe even Europe.


I could create a medical system for you that would dazzle your minds. On Earth, the Nobel Committee should give me the Prize for my efforts, but they don’t have the balls. Did Melinda put you up to kidnapping me? I demand my rights…

FRAGMENT 2: …The pandemic narrative was simply the occasion for establishing a worldwide dictatorship?

We needed a pretext. There were many meetings over the course of 25 years. We decided early on that a medical story was our best option. It appears to be politically neutral.

On Earth, the modern religion is science.

Exactly. So if we could get out in front of that trend and create a medical scenario of threat and impending destruction, we could apply just enough coercion to control the population.

But you weren’t conducting real science.

We were inventing the appearance of it. We had so-called experts in our camp. They would take the lead. The masses have no way of distinguishing science from fantasy…

FRAGMENT 3: In the planning stage prior to the declaration of a pandemic, what were the vital elements?

I’m most proud of our messaging organization. We had the news media. We had government leaders. We had recognized medical experts. But you see, in that type of operation, you can’t afford defections. The seal has to be tight. Ours was. Over the years, through money, through influence, in some cases through threats, we had built a network of unity and compliance.

You’re proud, you say?

Why, yes. It took work. Much work. You don’t lock up all the key sources of information on a planet overnight.

So it was the message you were aiming for, rather than the truth.

Of course. There was no pandemic. We had to make it seem there was. Convincingly.

You were heading a sales force.

Exactly. The whole idea was to make the buying compulsory…

FRAGMENT 4: …You had planned the lockdowns?

Years in advance. Then, at the right moment, China pulled the trigger, setting the example. When my World Health Organization praised China, other nations followed suit and imprisoned their populations.

So the Chinese regime’s lockdowns were definitely part of the advance planning.

Yes. That was crucial. The government there wasn’t fully on board with the globalist future we set our sights on. China is, first and foremost, for China. But we had enough cooperation from them to make it work.

And social media? You had them on your side from the beginning?

That was easy. Their leaders are willing and compliant. They’re afraid to go against our medical consensus. And they’re globalists. In the long run, they want world government, too.

As do the controlled media?

Yes. Putting the right people in place in the news industry has been a decades-long proposition.

You wanted a planet that was a prison.


And the pretext again?

The scenario? There is a deadly virus sweeping across Earth, and in order to stop it, we have to lock down countries…and then inject everyone with a vaccine.

But there was no virus?

Among us, there were arguments on both sides of that question. But if it existed, it certainly wasn’t any more dangerous than the flu. We had to make it seem very, very dangerous.

Through pronouncements to that effect.


FRAGMENT 5: …You want depopulation?

We have to have it. You can’t run a planet when 8 billion people are living on it. It’s impossible. The vaccine is the weapon. But not just the COVID vaccine. Vaccines before it and those coming in the future.

And all those deaths will be laid at the door of pandemics?

Yes. “The virus did it.”

And you’re willing to murder all those people.

Hard choices dictate the outcomes of events. A better life for some, rather than a terrible life for all. That’s my choice.

Are you listening to yourself, Mr. Gates?

I always listen to myself.

FRAGMENT 6: …I want to return to the messaging effect you created. It’s difficult for us to understand how you managed it…why so many leaders in their fields went along with your false science.

It was a combination of things. Many people are true believers. Scientists talk, and they believe. Other people wanted money. We paid them money. Certain resistant politicians were threatened. We set an example with several assassinations. As you build a consensus, you reach a threshold where the tide is in your favor. Then people ride it with you, out of fear of excommunication if they don’t. Media leaders were given to understand that the pandemic was the gateway into a global governance system. And the system was inevitable.

What about Anthony Fauci?

He’s a little man, a striver, who wants to be accepted in elite circles. I recruited him a long time ago…

FRAGMENT 7: …You yourself have given much money to media companies.

I praised their work, gave them money, and they showed loyalty to me. You see, life runs on stimulus-response. I make use of that principle on a worldwide basis. My colleagues and I provide calculated stimuli, and the population, in all areas of life, responds as we predict.

You view humans as machines.

Well, they are.

But you and your colleagues aren’t.

We’re of a higher order. We can stand outside stimulus-response and operate the levers.

As you sit here, Mr. Gates, you don’t believe you’re confessing to crimes. You’re proud of what you’ve done.

Of course.

Listen to me carefully now. We know enough of what you are, in order to pass sentence on you. But we know a great more than that. Like every individual, you have a greater dimension. We could show it to you. We could compel you to experience it. If we did, you would come apart at the seams. You would understand your own evil actions in a way that is undeniable.

…I don’t like the sound of that. What are you talking about?

I think you have an inkling of what I mean. The experience we could compel you to have is one you yourself, on your own, will come face to face with, some day. Not in your present life. Afterwards, at some point. There is no telling when, but it will happen.

You mean some supposed higher power will force it on me?

No, Mr. Gates. It’s much worse than that. You’ll force it on yourself.

Why would I do that?

Because although you’ve embraced crime and destruction, somewhere inside yourself you also understand The Good. And in that understanding, you can potentially live in joy and peace. As anyone can.

You’re not making sense.

You’re beginning to see I am making sense.

I don’t like this.

Why would you like it, given what you’ve made of your life and lives of others?

You’re trying to pass off some kind of religious nonsense on me.

Far from it. We don’t have churches in this place, Mr. Gates. We don’t need faith in things unseen. We’ve already seen.

I want to go home.

You will.

You’re not going to kill me?

So you can blame us for what you’re doing to yourself?

You’re insane.

We’ve opened up just a bit of light here for you.


Because although we’re a just people and don’t need justice for ourselves, we will exercise it on behalf of others, who’ve been harmed.

This is ridiculous.

Even the worst murderers have it in themselves to become good. They can cross that bridge.

No they can’t.

We can hear voices, Mr. Gates. Many voices are telling us to put you to death.

Then why don’t you? Go ahead.

We’re doing something much worse. We’re imposing this sentence…YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS. That sentence is real. It carries weight. As you’ll discover.

It’s meaningless.

Take Mr. Gates away. He’s about to become ill. Take him home…

You don’t have the courage to kill me. You’re cowards.

I’ve heard that refrain from hundreds of murderers in this court…they all want a quick death. We don’t give it to them…

Kill me.

Take him home.

You did something to my mind.

We heard your confession of crimes. Mass imprisonment and murder.

Then destroy me. I throw myself on the mercy of this court.

Goodbye, Mr. Gates.

This is just a dream.

If it is, it’s your dream. You have to ask why you’re presenting it to yourself…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on the work of A1Cafel  / Wikimedia Commons

Toronto Canada: Emergency Service Personnel Silent Protest at Queen’s Park Against Mandatory Jabs

Toronto Canada: Emergency Service Personnel Silent Protest at Queen’s Park Against Mandatory Jabs

by Free Speech Warrior
September 13, 2021



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Germans, Japanese and Marylanders Are Poisoned by the U.S. Military

Germans, Japanese and Marylanders Are Poisoned by the U.S. Military
Fire-fighting foams used on bases worldwide are contaminating the environment and endangering public health. 

by Pat Elder, Military Poisons
sourced from Global Research
September 9, 2021


Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany September 5, 2012 – An American airman takes a sample of wastewater from the wastewater treatment facility. The U.S. Air Force command says the facility removes hazardous chemicals from wastewater before it is released into the environment. Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are not considered to be hazardous substances by the Americans. [Source: U.S. Air Force]

Günther Schneider, a farmer from Binsfeld, Germany, has photos that show what the stream that flows through the village of Binsfeld looks like when aqueous film-forming foam is released from a fire suppression system in hangars on the Spangdahlem Air Base—like a fluffy white ribbon.

All around the meadows, shreds of foam remained like huge snowballs. The toxic substances used in fire-fighting foams on base have contaminated the sewer water, ground water, surface water, and the air, both on and off the base. The foam contains highly toxic per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances, (PFAS).

Throughout the world, the U.S. military has taught soldiers to practice putting out super-hot petroleum-based fires using the deadly foams on military installations.

They dug one-meter-deep craters that were 30 to 60 meters in diameter, and they filled them with jet fuel. They ignited the fuel before extinguishing the flames with the PFAS-laden foams. The toxic “forever chemicals” were allowed to leach into the groundwater and pour into sewer systems, thereby contaminating the environment.

The groundwater monitoring program of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate in the vicinity of the Spangdahlem Air Base found PFAS at concentrations of 1,935 parts per trillion (ppt). The drainage system in Spangdahlem is still spreading the chemicals.

Some U.S. states, like New Jersey, limit two varieties of PFAS found in the poisoned German ground to 14 parts per trillion for Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and 13 parts per trillion for Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS). There are about 8,000 types of PFAS and they are all believed to be dangerous.

The chemicals—in the tiniest amounts—are known to contribute to testicular, liver, breast and kidney cancers, as well as abnormalities in the developing fetus and a host of childhood diseases, ranging from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to childhood asthma. Most of the PFAS in our bodies comes from the food we eat, especially fish.

Alexander S. Neu, a member of Die Linke (The Left) in the German Bundestag, along with other Die Linke members of the parliament, have questioned the responsibility for the assumption of environmental damage caused by U.S. troops in Germany.

When the town of Wittlich-Land, close to the sprawling NATO Spangdahlem base, tried to sue the U.S. military for poisoning the town’s sewer system and croplands with PFAS where the contaminated sludge was spread, it discovered it was not allowed to sue the Americans in court.

The poisonous sludge grows poisonous crops. Today, the town incinerates the substances at great environmental and financial cost. The PFAS in the sludge doesn’t burn. Incineration sprinkles tiny toxic particles of PFAS onto homes and fields downwind.

A German brown trout caught in Spanger Bach Creek, near Spangdahlem, was found to contain 82,000 parts per trillion of PFAS. Public health scientists around the world have been warning people not to consume more than 1 ppt of the poisons daily.

Last year, 9,000 kilometers away, a fire suppression system at an aircraft hangar discharged 143,830 liters of the deadly fire-fighting foam from Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa. Carcinogenic clouds of foam soared 30 meters into the sky settling on children at a nearby playground.

Okinawan children play with giant toxic “snowflakes” near the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Okinawa. [Photo courtesy of YouTube]

Toshio Takahashia, an Okinawan environmental activist, reported immediately after the incident that frothy foam could be seen pouring from several sewer pipes coming from the Marine Corps base into a a small stream. The deadly bubbles flow to the Hira River through Ginowan City into the East China Sea, poisoning water and fish along the way.

Tomohiro Yara, a representative of the National Diet from Okinawa, reflected the attitude of the Okinawan public when he said, “The U.S. government should take full responsibility for cleaning up soil and water at any military base abroad. We must protect the environment for everyone on the planet.”

Swordtail, pearl danio, guppy, and tilapia caught near the base all contained more than 100,000 ppt of PFAS.

David Steele, Commanding Officer, Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Okinawa, told the Okinawan people, “When it rains it will subside.” Sadly, these are “forever chemicals” and will poison people and the environment for many generations to come. The Americans accept no responsibility for their criminality because they are not required to do so.

Imperial subjects worldwide need only watch this video of a suppression system at McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base, in Knoxville, Tennessee, to witness the criminal assault on future generations in that state. One teaspoon of this foam is enough to poison the drinking water reservoir of a large, modern city. See video here.

The U.S. military has known these chemicals are poisonous since the 1970’s. They have contaminated huge swaths of the earth while using them, and they will continue to use them until they are forced to stop. Much of the world has moved beyond the toxic fire-fighting foams and has begun using extraordinarily capable fluorine-free foams while the U.S. military sticks to its killer chemicals.

The American military is not only at war against many of the world’s people, but it is also at war against its own people. It is a war of poisons. Rather than being fought with bombs and bullets it is fought with an arsenal of toxins. The American military is on a mission (we’re still trying to figure out exactly what it is) and everything is subservient to it. Fetal abnormalities, altered DNA, a host of cancers and childhood diseases are no less a threat to humanity than the American missiles hurled from afar to burn human flesh.

Truths conveyed here are largely unmarketable and unpalatable in the United States of America. The American people must learn to seek truth in media that may not include outlets like the New York Times or CNN.

From Germany and Japan to Maryland, 75 Miles South of Washington

PFAS-laden foam travels across St. Inigoes Creek from Webster Field to my beach in Southern Maryland. [Photo by Pat Elder]

Like Günther, Alexander, Toshio, and Tomohiro, I am also a subject of the American empire. I have no rights or protections from the abuses of the American overlords beyond those of my German and Japanese brethren.

The Patuxent River Naval Air Station in Maryland (Pax River) reported lthat groundwater at Pax River’s Webster Outlying Field contains 84,757 ppt of PFOS. The toxins were detected at Building 8076, also known as Fire Station 3. The level of toxicity is 1,200 times the 70 ppt federal non-mandatory advisory. The groundwater and the surface water from the small naval installation drain into St. Inigoes Creek, a short distance to the Potomac River and the Chesapeake Bay.

I live on the beach 1,800 feet across a deep saltwater creek from the area where PFAS was routinely released into the environment over many years.

Webster Field is located 12 miles southwest of Pax River in St. Mary’s County, Maryland, about 75 miles south of Washington, D.C.

PFAS Contamination at Webster Field

Webster Field occupies the peninsula between St. Inigoes Creek and the St. Mary’s River, a tributary of the Potomac River. The Webster Outlying Field annex is home to the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, along with Coast Guard Station St. Inigoes, and a component of the Maryland Army National Guard.

Building 8076 is adjacent to the aqueous film-forming foam (AFFF) Crash Truck Maintenance Area where trucks using foams containing PFAS were regularly tested. The site is less than 200 feet from St. Inigoes Creek, directly across from my family. The practice, according to the Navy, was discontinued in the 1990’s, although the damage continues. The high PFAS levels recently reported are a testament to the staying power of the so-called “forever chemicals.”

Firehouse 3 Webster Field

Highest Readings

  • PFOS 84,756.77
  • PFOA 2,816.04
  • PFBS 4,804.83

In February 2020, I tested the water on my beach on St. Inigoes Creek in St. Mary’s City for PFAS. The results I published shocked the community. The water was shown to contain a total of 1,894.3 ppt of PFAS with 1,544.4 ppt of PFOS. In early March 2020, immediately before the pandemic, 275 people packed into the Lexington Park Library to hear U.S. Navy representatives dismiss their concerns and defend its use of PFAS.

Many were more concerned with the quality of the waters in the creeks and the rivers and the Chesapeake Bay than the drinking water. They had many unanswered questions for the Navy. They were worried about contaminated seafood.

The results I received were generated by the University of Michigan’s Biological Laboratory using EPA method 537.1.

The Navy has only addressed PFOS, PFOA, and PFBS. It fails to address the levels of 11 other types of harmful PFAS found in St. Inigoes Creek: PFHxA, PFHpA, PFHxS, PFNA, PFDA, PFUnA, PFDoA, PFTrDA, PFTA, N-MeFOSAA, NEtFOSAA.

Instead, Patrick Gordon, NAS Patuxent River Public Affairs Officer questioned the “veracity and accuracy” of my results.

This is pretty much a full-court press, and I don’t stand much of a chance while trying to warn the public. The Navy wants to be left alone. The Maryland Department of the Environment doesn’t give a damn, and neither do the St. Mary’s County and State of Maryland Health Departments.

The five conservative Republican County Commissioners are not leading a charge. Senators Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) and Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD 5th District) have been largely silent.

The watermen see a threat to their livelihood. My neighbors say if it were so bad, the authorities would have taken care of it by now.

It’s a lonely, frightening business telling the truth in the land of the free and the brave.

In response to the findings of high levels of the fire-fighting toxins at my beach last year, Ira May, who oversees federal site cleanups for the Maryland Department of the Environment, told the Bay Journal that contamination in the creek, “if it exists,” could have another source. The chemicals are often found in landfills, he noted, as well as in biosolids and at sites where civilian fire departments sprayed foam. “So, there are multiple potential sources,” May said. “We’re just at the beginning of looking at all of those.”

It appears the state’s top environmental official was covering for the military. The nearest firehouse is five miles away, while the closest landfill is 11 miles away. My beach is 1,800 feet from the deadly foam releases.

Fate and Transport of PFAS

It is important to understand the fate and transport of PFAS. The science is not settled. I found 1,544 ppt of PFOS while the Webster Field groundwater on the facility had 84,000 ppt of PFOS.

Our beach sits on a cove north-northeast of the base while the prevailing winds blow from the south-southwest, that is, from the base to our beach. The foams gather with the tide on many days. Sometimes the foam is a foot high and becomes airborne. If the waves are too high the foam dissipates.

Within about one to two hours of high tide, the foams dissolve into water, like dish detergent bubbles left alone in the sink. Sometimes we can see the line of foam begin to form as it hits the shelf of the creek.

For approximately 125 meters the water in front of our house is about 1-1.5 meters deep at low tide. Then, suddenly, it drops to 6-8 meters. That’s where the foams begin to build and move toward the beach. This is 20-30 years after the Navy says they stopped releasing the materials into the ground.

There are other factors to consider regarding the fate and transport of various PFAS in water. For starters, PFOS is the great PFAS swimmer and can travel for miles in groundwater and in surface water. The Germans and the Japanese know a lot about PFOS levels in their rivers near NATO and U.S. bases. They know how poisoned their fish have become.

PFOA, on the other hand, seems to be more stationary and tends to contaminate the land, agricultural produce, beef, and poultry. PFOS moves in the water, as is evidenced in the University of Michigan results of the water in St. Inigoes Creek.

After my water results were dismissed by the state, I tested the seafood from the creek for PFAS. Oysters were found to have 2,070 ppt; crabs had 6,650 ppt; and a rockfish was contaminated with 23,100 ppt of the substances. There has been no official response and no mea culpa from the military.

This stuff is poison. The Environmental Working Group says we ought to keep the consumption of these chemicals below 1 ppt daily in our drinking water. More importantly, the European Food Safety Authority says 86% of the PFAS in humans is from the food we consume, especially the seafood.

The state of Michigan tested 2,841 fish for various PFAS chemicals and found the average fish contained 93,000 ppt of PFOS alone. Meanwhile, the state limits drinking water to 16 ppt of PFOS –while people are free to consume fish containing thousands of times more of the toxins.

The 23,100 ppt found in our St. Mary’s City, Maryland, rockfish may seem low compared to the Michigan average, but Webster Field is not a major airbase and cannot service the Navy’s large fighters, like the F-35.

Larger installations typically have higher PFAS levels. A single F-35 may cost more than $100 million and the Pentagon wants to make sure they’re not destroyed in a hangar fire or a training exercise, so they make a judgment that the value of the jet fighter is greater than the value of a baby in the womb.

Although the Naval Command at the Pax River NAS says, “There is no current complete exposure pathway to people from releases of PFAS to on or off base receptors,” they are only considering drinking water sources, and even this claim may be challenged.

Many homes in the predominately African-American Hermanville community, which straddles the west and south sides of the base, are served by well water. The Navy has refused to test these wells, claiming that all of the PFAS from the base runs into the Chesapeake Bay.

The St. Mary’s County (MD) Health Department says it will not test the wells because it trusts the Navy’s findings regarding the toxic plumes of contamination.

Last month the Navy invited “Residents and other interested parties in the vicinity of NAS Patuxent River and Webster Outlying Field” to attend a virtual meeting on PFAS to be held on April 28th.

The way I see it, everyone on the planet is in the vicinity of these two naval installations 75 miles south of Washington. It would be good for people to join such meetings and post comments. They are poisoning our rivers and our oceans. We are one world, subjects of the American empire, whether we live in Germany, Japan or Maryland.


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cover image credit: BotMultichillT  / Wikimedia Commons

Notices of Liability for Vaccine Harm and Death Sent to the EMA and All Members of the European Parliament – Sep 13, 2021

Notices of Liability for Vaccine Harm and Death Sent to the EMA and All Members of the European Parliament – Sep 13, 2021

by Doctors for Covid Ethics
September 13, 2021


As the European Parliament resumed on Monday September 13 2021, with their first order of business a debate over health and disease prevention to be followed by a vote on Tuesday, a letter of Notice of Liability for harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines was served on all members of the European Parliament, and sent to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency.

The notice was a accompanied by a summary of the latest scientific evidence regarding vaccine-immune interactions, and a letter from Holocaust survivors demanding a halt to the vaccination program and an end to unlawful medical coercion. The notice read:

“The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence-base.”

The full notice with supporting documentation, and pdf download, is below.


Download PDF


<<Name>> September 13, 2021

This Notice of Liability has been SERVED to you personally.

In March 2021, we alerted you and the world to the fact that the approval of the so-called gene-based COVID-19 vaccines was premature and reckless, and that their administration constituted human experimentation in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Our concerns regarding the potential dangers of experimental agents were founded on common textbook knowledge of immunobiology and medicine. Simple reasoning led to the foresight that administration of the agents would incur multifaceted pathological events leading, among others, to life-threatening thromboembolic events. You were called upon to suspend the vaccination program until these concerns had been tended to in a satisfactory manner.

This request was scorned and the vaccination program has been rolled out on a global scale, with catastrophic consequences that we trust are known to you. Our original fears have been confirmed and further pathways leading to injury and death by the experimental agents have been uncovered through new scientific discoveries in 2021. The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence- base.

The current state-of-the-tragedy is summarized in the appended document.

As you consider your next steps in mandating a vaccine that is contra-indicated by science, we draw your attention to recently published Freedom of Information requests, which reveal gross negligence in the COVID vaccine authorisation process, including misleading the Commission on Human Medicines as to whether any independent verification of vaccine trial data had occurred.

Hapless and defenceless children are now becoming victims of the blasphemic and negligently regulated vaccination agenda. We charge you for actively or tacitly paving the way to the second holocaust of mankind. The same charge has been independently submitted by survivors of the first holocaust and their families.

You are hereby placed on notice that you stand to be held personally and individually responsible for causing foreseeable and preventable harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines, and for supporting crimes against humanity, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy.

The gravity of your deeds is now laid out before the world. For the sake of yourselves and your families, rise and respond. Or go down in history books in indelible shame and disgrace.


Doctors for Covid Ethics

Cc: Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


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The Great Walkout Is Starting; Against the Vaccine Mandate

The Great Walkout Is Starting; Against the Vaccine Mandate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 13, 2021


Children’s Health Defense: “Thousands of Parents and Educators Plan to ‘Walk Out’ To Protest Masking, Vaccine Mandates. We have launched a nationwide ‘Walk Out Week’ starting on September 13 in response to mask and vaccine mandates in schools and businesses around the country. Parents, educators and concerned citizens across the U.S. will participate in the coordinated week-long event focused on peaceful non-compliance, to remind government officials that individuals should have the final say when it comes to their health and that of their children.”

Nny360: “In a letter to [New York] Gov. Kathy Hochul and state Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, the GOP lawmakers warned the [vaccine] mandate could lead to massive resignations and firings of health care workers who refuse the shot.”

Madison.com: “Increasingly, health care facilities in Wisconsin and around the country require their employees to be vaccinated. Yet in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes — where residents are highly susceptible to severe illness and death from COVID-19 — some workers refuse the shot.”

“As of late August, Wisconsin’s rate of fully vaccinated nursing home employees was around 60%.”

Bloomberg: “Right now nearly 1 in 8 nurses are neither vaccinated nor planning to get a shot.”

“And in some parts of the country, hospital administrators say only about half of their nursing staff are vaccinated.”

Stat News: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”

“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”

“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”

“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”

Frank has his weekly appointment with his therapist.

Doc, I had a very disturbing dream.

Well, Frank, you know, during the pandemic and the lockdowns, the subconscious is swinging into high gear. Many people are having uncomfortable dreams.

That doesn’t make me feel better.

I could write you a prescription for Depoxywraparound-3-x.

What’s that?

Doesn’t matter. You won’t dream anymore.

Really? So in the dream, I was at a small rally in a country town. Biden was talking to a few people. Then I was standing with him alone, off to the side, next to a tent. I handed him an ice cream cone. He went at it like it was his last meal.

Could you see his teeth?

I don’t know. Why?

Teeth could be symbolic.

So I asked him, Do you really know what you’re doing with this new vaccine mandate? It affects a HUNDRED MILLION people.

What did he say?

He kept gobbling up the ice cream. Between bites, he said, “That many people? That’s good. I want to force everyone.” Why, I said. He said, “Because it’s standard. We have to have a standard. Otherwise people go off on their own. That would be dangerous.”

And his comment disturbed you?

Yes. When he said go off on their own, he meant…he was talking about anything they might do that wasn’t regulated. Anything at all.

How do you know he meant that?

I could tell. In the dream, it was obvious.

You could have misinterpreted him.

No. I saw something in his face.

What was that?

A desire for revenge. He was suffering and he wanted to blame everybody else. There was blankness in his face. As if he was acting under orders.

That’s a pretty large interpretation. You’re assuming a great deal.

I’m not assuming. I SAW all that.

In the dream you were telepathic?

Haven’t you ever had a dream where you just KNEW what was going on?

I don’t dream.



Don’t you think that’s odd?


Why don’t you dream, Doc?

Several reasons. I’ve resolved, in therapy, many of the issues that would cause my subconscious to work overtime while I’m asleep. Also, several years ago, I participated in a contract with the Department of Defense.

What contract?

We studied automatic reflexes. The training involved using physical inputs to change the responses to stimuli.

You lost me.

Let’s say when a person hears the sound of gunfire, he feels fear. We want to change that reflex. We want a soldier to feel nothing, or a sense of excitement.

How is that possible?

Through inputs. Certain frequencies.


You could say that. So continue describing your dream, Frank.

I said to Biden, This is has never been done in the history of America—telling more than a hundred million people they can’t work at a job unless they take a vaccine. It’s UNTHINKABLE.

Did he answer you?

Yes. He said, “We’re at that stage now. We have to do unthinkable things.” Why, I said. He said, “It’s on the schedule.”

That’s interesting.

It was as if there was a schedule, and Biden couldn’t do anything about it. He accepted that.

In life, there ARE certain things we can’t change. It’s a sign of maturity when we come to terms with—

No. That’s not what I mean. Biden was a disabled old man saying that. He knew what was going on, and he was…

He was what?

Beyond despair. He had already felt despair, and he found out it didn’t do any good. Years ago. Do you see? He’d totally surrendered to something.

You’re making all sorts of assumptions again.

No I’m not. In the dream, what I’m telling you…it was as clear as day.

You know what your problem is, Frank?

Tell me.

When you go to sleep, you dream. That’s the basic issue. I see I can’t talk you out of your own interpretations of these dreams. So you just have to stop.

Stop dreaming?


That doesn’t sound good.


I don’t know. It sounds like surgery. If I stop dreaming, will I be different when I’m awake?

I would say yes. You won’t be as emotional. You’ll have more balance.

Like Biden in the dream? I’ll be blank? You know, he kept eating ice cream. The cone didn’t run out. There was always ice cream in it.

That alone should tell you…in your dream, you obviously weren’t talking with Biden. It was your version of him.

I’m not so sure.

Come on, Frank. You can’t believe the man in your dream was like the actual Biden.

Why not?

Let me write you a prescription. Try it for a week. You’ll stop dreaming. If you don’t like the effect, I’ll wean you off the drug.

By then, it might be too late.

What do you mean?

In my new state of mind, I might want to keep taking it.

And what would be so wrong with that?

Biden was under…he had given up his…he was under the control of other people. He knew it. Way back in the past, he had fought it, and he lost.

There you go again. What do you want to change about your life, Frank?

Right now?


I don’t know.

You want to be happy. You don’t want to be bothered and distracted by troubling things. Doesn’t that sound about right?


You come in here with a dream—sure, I could analyze it for you, but it’s just a dream…

He was talking to a Chinese official.


Biden. He was sitting in a chair in an empty auditorium. A Chinese officer was standing over him, lecturing him.

We’re back on that again. Why don’t you call the White House and tell them about your dream, Frank? Lay it out. They’ll put you on a long list of nutcases. Is that what you want?


Will you take the medicine I want to give you?


All right then…was Biden eating cherry vanilla?

What? Yes, yes he was.

With sprinkles?

Yes. How did you—

He was wearing a gray suit, and a blue tie?


The place where you were asking him about the vaccine mandate—there was a tree, a large oak tree. You were standing in the shade. There was a tent nearby.

How do you know that?

The ice cream cone. It was a dark brown.

That’s right.

A small boy rode by on a bicycle.

How do you know all this?

I’ve had ten patients in the last two weeks who’ve had the same dream.

That’s impossible.

I’d agree with you. Except for the ten patients.

How can you explain it?

I can’t. Actually, it’s more than ten. I’ve spoken with several colleagues. They’ve all had patients who had the same dream.

Someone is putting the dream in our minds?

I don’t think so. I think it’s an organic event.


People are staging a rebellion, internally. That would be my interpretation. The vaccine mandate is going too far. The shared dream is the first wave of the resistance. A new level of resistance.

What’s going to happen next?

I don’t know.

There was something else I said to him in the dream.

I know what it was, Frank. You said the whole country is going to stage a walkout. The whole country is going to stay home from work. In protest against the mandate.

That’s exactly what I said.

Every patient, in his dream, told Biden that.

So let’s do it, Doc.

You’re including me, Frank?

Come on, Doc. Don’t you think I know what’s going on? You had the same dream, too.

It’s the first time I had a dream in ten years.

How did it feel?

The next morning, I remembered what it was like to be happy.

Here’s the thing, Doc. It’s already started. We just don’t know about it yet.

What’s started?

The walkout. The nurses, for instance. They’re leaving their jobs because they won’t take the vaccine. More nurses than we know about. Many more.

You know, Frank…my cousin was killed in Vietnam. His mother had a dream about it, before it was reported to her. The Army stalled the report, because her son was killed by friendly fire. She actually had the dream after her son was dead, but before it was reported…

That’s why we’re dreaming, Doc. Because the walkout has started, but the news doesn’t want to report the extent of it…


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cover image based on work of geralt & OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay