[September 3, 2022 — Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
In the comment section below the original interview, found at Regis Tremblay’s BitChute channel, (You will also find the video below this note.) Christine Massey posted a link to email conversations that she and others sent and received from Poornima Wagh.
Poornima Wagh seems to have been addressed in a very sincere and polite manner. In those emails, there was no indication that Poornima Wagh was being harassed or treated unfairly. That does not deny the fact that Eric Coppolino apparently recorded a conversation without Poornima’s knowledge or permission and released it to the public.
Christine Massey also stated in a comment: “4 people were arrested in London in July while delivering her presentation to the police, which they did not want to accept. Poornima most definitely owes it to them to cough up evidence to back up all of her claims (via a lawyer if need be) or admit that it simply does not exist.”
This site has also received emails from people questioning Eric Coppolino’s reasons for making his exposé article such a personal attack on Poornima. Many of them sent things they found about Eric online. Most referred to this article which has no connection to the current drama around Poornima. Apparently Eric’s own website addresses these past accusations. One link sent to us is this one.
(We have since received a note cc’d to us from Eric Coppolino that includes this statement: “I filed a libel suit in New York State Supreme Court but chose not to serve the complaint against Chronogram and its editors when one of the organizers came forward admitting the sham, and Chronogram withdrew its defamatory editorial.”
This next statement contains a link to his full resource of articles and documents wherein he presented what happened in this situation: “Here is the full resource containing all of the articles, legal materials, and references from my clients and teachers, including my longtime teacher and mentor, feminist pioneer Dr. Betty Dodson, the author of Sex for One.” Contact Eric — or authors of articles who claim to know something directly — for any further information. This website does not have any direct information to share about this.)
We offer this information here to help you with your own research if you choose to follow this story. Regis will be interviewing Eric tomorrow (Sunday) and Bill Huston on Monday. Follow-up videos will be available at Regis Tremblay’s BitChute and Rumble channels.
We don’t know the truth about any of this. We don’t have any idea what the motivation of anyone involved is. We won’t be sharing more about this at this website unless Poornima steps forward to openly talk about her background.
We trust that truth will be brought to light about key issues that are important to humanity and will prevail in spite of any of our human flaws. The fraud that exists in science, medicine and so much of academia will be brought to light no matter how much drama is inserted into the conversation. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.]
Poornima Wagh Takes the Stand To Defend Herself
by Regis Tremblay
September 1, 2022
[Video available at Regis Tremblay BitChute and Rumble channels.]
Accused of being a fraud, charlatan and pathological liar, Poornima asked to defend her self. I am not going to judge because I do not have the wisdom of Solomon, nor a crystal ball. I have invited her accusers to come on the show Sunday or Monday to present their position.
Eric Coppolino’s and Bill Huston’s articles are here:
See related:

Truth Comes to Light highlights writers and video creators who ask the difficult questions while sharing their unique insights and visions.
Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. Please do your own research and trust yourself when reading and giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.