Children’s Health Defense Sues Rutgers University Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Children’s Health Defense Sues Rutgers University Over COVID Vaccine Mandate
The lawsuit alleges, among other things, that Rutgers is working with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson to study and develop their vaccines in on-going clinical trials, and will benefit financially if more people are required to take the shots.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
August 17, 2021


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) along with 18 students on Monday filed a lawsuit in federal court against Rutgers University, its board of governors, Rutgers President Jonathan Holloway and others over the university’s decision to mandate COVID vaccines for students attending school in the fall.

According to the complaint, the Rutgers vaccine requirement “is an affront to human dignity and personal freedom because it violates our basic right to control our bodies.”

The lawsuit states that in a free society, “all people have the right to decide their own medical treatment — especially to decide what to inject into their bodies. And every person has the right to make that decision voluntarily, free from coercion by anyone, and to be fully informed of the benefits and especially the risks of that decision.”

The lawsuit alleges Rutgers’ policy is a violation of the right to informed consent and the right to refuse unwanted medical treatments.

The complaint also alleges the policy is a breach of contract because in January 2021, the university assured students COVID vaccines would not be required in order to attend school. Just two months later, Rutgers flip-flopped and issued new requirements for taking the shot prior to attending classes.

According to the plaintiffs, Rutgers is working with all three manufacturers — PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson — to study and develop their vaccines in on-going clinical trials, and will benefit financially if more people are required to take the shots which, until fully licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), are defined by the FDA as experimental.

The Rutgers requirement also constitutes a denial of equal protection, as administration, faculty and staff are not required to take the vaccine. It also conflicts with federal and state law, as neither has enacted legislation requiring COVID vaccines for citizens.

“This mandate undermines our Constitution and Bill of Rights by denying students the freedom to make their own medical decisions,” said CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland.

“No one should be forced or coerced into accepting any medical procedure against her wishes,” Holland said. “When the low risk to young adults from COVID and the known and unknown risks from the vaccines are taken into account, Rutgers’ actions recklessly endanger its students.”

As confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, young people are at minimal risk of long-term effects or death from COVID and have a 99.985% survival rate if infected with the virus.

However, the most recent COVID vaccination injury update from the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) — one of the tracking systems of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services — shows that between mid-December, 2020 and August 6, 2021, 559,040 adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,791 reports of deaths, many in young people ages 12 to 25.

In comparison, after approximately 50 total deaths following swine flu vaccination in 1976, that vaccine campaign was immediately aborted.

“The Rutgers mandate stems from the financial relationship the university has with the vaccine makers which is clearly a conflict of interest,” said New Jersey Attorney Julio Gomez, who represents the students.

“Unjustified fear and insatiable greed drive the vaccine industry, especially now, during the pandemic,” Gomez said. “This has created an opportunity for manufacturers to bring to market expensive, novel and patentable drugs, vaccines, biologics, treatments and medical devices that will reap huge profits.”

Rutgers student Peter Cordi, a plaintiff in the lawsuit, said it is “ incredibly unnerving” that his own school would play Russian Roulette with the lives of the students it claims to protect, “with greed and ties to Big Pharma being prioritized over our safety and free will.”

In addition to Gomez, plaintiffs are represented by New Jersey Attorney Susan Judge of Scotch Plains, with support from attorneys Mary Holland and Ray Flores, special counsel to CHD.


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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The False Spectre of ‘Domestic Terrorism Threats’ Is Nothing More Than a Government Plot to Control and Incarcerate All Dissenters

The False Spectre of ‘Domestic Terrorism Threats’ Is Nothing More Than a Government Plot to Control and Incarcerate All Dissenters

by Gary D. Barnett
August 17, 2021


“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ~ George Orwell, 1984

This ‘virus’ terrorism that has been structured and stoked by this heinous government for the purpose of depopulation, power grabs, and control over society, is now being greatly ramped up in order to shut down all questions, all speech, all facts, and all those that would not comply with draconian mandates issued by this corrupt state. If such a criminal coup is able to be accomplished by the state thugs, all opposition to the status quo of planned economic demolition, sickness, mind and body destruction, and death by the ruling class will have been effectively stopped, leaving only those ready and willing to act as slaves instead of fighting for their own liberty. In effect, with the gallant truth seekers marginalized or taken down, no resistance will be evident, and only the compliant sheep-like masses will be left, negating any defense against totalitarian rule. But of course, that is the plan.

We are faced with extreme terrorism, but it is not being waged by foreign mercenaries, jihadists, white supremacists, or domestic dissenters, it is the state itself that practices terrorism against the people. In essence, war is being waged against this country from the inside by this government, its controllers, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry, the big technology sector, the banking system, and all government’s other fascist partners. The American governing system is the enemy of all of us, and few will be exempt from its tyranny if large scale resistance is not forthcoming. Democide has already begun!

On August 13th, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), an oxymoron if ever there were one, issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin titled: “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland.” The top priority of this so-called bulletin is that “anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States.” This is an open-ended threat to all that disagree with and oppose this government orchestrated fake pandemic, as stated in this bulletin. This does not mean that one has to take up arms or commit acts of violence in order to be targeted by the state, quite the contrary is the case. This atrocious bulletin is dated effective August 13, 2021 and expires November 11, 2021. How do these monsters know the exact dates when this so-called ‘domestic terrorism’ will happen? This is no accident, and makes obvious that a threat is being issued to all that are non-compliant. Do not forget these dates, as plans are apparently already set for all those of us that are anti-government/anti-authority, and it seems certain that false flag events to trigger martial law are already in place, for why else would such a short-term structured bulletin be issued for this specific three-month period?

It is also stated in this document that domestic terrorism “threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.” In other words, they already know that they are going to impose more restrictions over this period. In addition, the DHS states that they “will continue to identify and evaluate calls for violence, including online activity associated with the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives, by known or suspected threat actors and provide updated information, as necessary.”  This is a direct warning to all those attempting to tell the truth about this fake pandemic and the poisonous and deadly injections mislabeled as ‘vaccines.’  The only disinformation is coming from the DHS, the rest of government, the WHO, the CDC, and the mainstream media, as they are the real terrorists.

I have done a bit of cowboying in my life, and cowboys get the job done. Here in Montana, we have a saying that is very appropriate today: “It’s gettin’ down to nut cuttin’ time!”  At this moment in history, especially given the limited time left before this country is totally destroyed by this criminal government cabal, there is no more time to waste, and extreme preventative efforts are needed to stop this insanity.

These are unprecedented times in history, and this country called the United States is at war against its own people, and wants to depopulate not only this country, but the rest of the world as well. Democide, genocide, and mass murder are desired, and the beginning stages are being carried out now. Drastic measures are necessary in order to shut down this attack against the people, and a mass movement of total disobedience is essential if this takeover of society is to be stopped. We are out of time, and if blind obedience continues, mass slavery will be the result.

Think about what is coming if strong resistance is not present:

Immunity and ‘vaccine’ passports
‘Covid’ marshals (police and military)
Lockdowns and home imprisonment
‘Vaccine’ mandates
Mass ‘vaccination’ of all children
Interstate travel banned without ‘vaccine’
Food shortages
Job loss
Economic Armageddon
Internment (concentration) camps (prison for unvaccinated)
Loss of utilities due to state planned cyber attacks
Supply line shutdowns
Mass death

And the list goes on. How far will this have to go before the masses see the light? How much abuse are the people of this country willing to take before they say no more?  How many lies must be swallowed before the sickness of apathy is expelled?

There is no ‘virus pandemic,’ there are no ‘variants;’ there are only lies and propaganda spewed by the political class and their partners in crime. This government, its agencies, its courts, and the politicians are evil, corrupt, and criminal. They care nothing about you, they care nothing about your family, they care nothing about your children, and they care nothing about the well-being of the masses. They care not about anything of value, they care only about power and control. The only way to stop this is by mass disobedience, and refusal to obey any order or mandate issued by this abhorrent state.

“Evil thrives on apathy and cannot exist without it.” ~ Hannah Arendt


Additional source link: Opposition to ‘Covid’ measures is terrorism


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Massive Fraud in Reporting Vaccine Injuries; Withheld Data, Pretense of “Safe and Effective”

Massive Fraud in Reporting Vaccine Injuries; Withheld Data, Pretense of “Safe and Effective”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 17, 2021


ONE: A bombshell. Alex Berenson, former New York Times reporter, August 6: “Covid vaccine maker Moderna received 300,000 reports of side effects after vaccinations over a three-month period following the launch of its shot, according to an internal report from a company that helps Moderna manage the reports.”

“That figure is far higher than the number of side effect reports about Moderna’s vaccine publicly available in the federal system that tracks such adverse events.”

BOOM. 300,000 vaccine adverse effects NOT reported to VAERS, the federal database.

Berenson: “The 300,000 figure comes from an internal update provided to employees by IQVIA, a little-known but enormous company that helps drugmakers manage clinical trials. Headquartered in North Carolina, IQVIA has 74,000 employees worldwide and had $11 billion in sales last year.”

“Earlier this week, Richard Staub, the president of IQVIA’s Research & Development Solutions division, sent a ‘Q2 2021 update’ which was labeled ‘Confidential – For internal distribution only’.”

“A person with access to the presentation provided screenshots of the relevant slide, which clearly explains the 300,000 side effect reports were received over ‘a three-month span’ – not since the introduction of the vaccine in December…”

TWO: Independent researcher Virginia Stoner has issued a stunning new report on the VAERS numbers, and the effort by mainstream scientists to minimize the destructive effects of the COVID vaccines. Here are key quotes from her report:

“More deaths have been reported to VAERS from the covid shots than from all other vaccines combined for the last 30 years.”

“There’s a code of silence shielding the massive increase in deaths (and other serious injuries) reported to VAERS from the covid shots. Not only do CDC web pages and press releases omit that inconvenient fact—vaccine research studies omit it as well.”

“The number of covid shots [in the US] administered so far in 2021 (309 million) is roughly the same as all other vaccines administered in 2020 (316 million). But a shocking 36-times more deaths were reported this year from the covid shots than were reported last year from all other vaccines.”

“Someone died from a vaccine they [a medical provider] administered…could it potentially call their professional judgment into question, or result in a malpractice lawsuit? If you were a doctor, or supervisor at a drive-thru covid vaccination clinic, and you were given a choice between spending the evening filing a VAERS report, or having dinner with friends, which would you choose?”

“There are reasons to think death may be one of the most underreported vaccine injuries of all—mainly because the victim is dead, and can’t file a VAERS report. Nor can they prod their doctor into filing a VAERS report. Unless they’re fortunate enough to have a relative or doctor who knows they got the vaccine, knows about VAERS, understands the potential for vaccine injury, and is willing to go through the onerous process of filing a VAERS report, it won’t happen.”

THREE: Open letter from Doctors for COVID Ethics accusing governments and media of lying to the people:

“Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded more Injuries and Deaths from the ‘Covid’ vaccine roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.”

“TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 34,052 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 5.46 million injuries reported as at 1 August 2021.”

“It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage of the actual figures. Furthermore, people continue to die (and suffer injury) from the injections with every day which passes.”

“This catastrophic situation has not been reported by the mainstream media, despite the official figures above being publicly available.”

“The Signal of Harm is now indisputably overwhelming, and, in line with universally accepted ethical standards for clinical trials, Doctors for Covid Ethics demands that the ‘Covid’ vaccine programme be halted immediately.”

“Continuation of the programme in the full knowledge of ongoing serious Harm and Death to both adults and children constitutes a Crime Against Humanity/Genocide for which those found to be responsible or complicit will ultimately be held personally liable.”

“Governments worldwide are lying to you the people, to the populations they purportedly serve.”

“The figures above demonstrate that the mRNA vaccines are deadly.”

FOUR: The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”

Following the finding of that study, you would multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.

FIVE: In view of the massive number of vaccine injuries and deaths, how would we expect the public to react? Here is a major clue. Stat News, July 21: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”

“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”

“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”

“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”

SIX: Understanding this, government, media, and corporate criminals are ramping up vaccine mandates wherever and however they can, to force the needle into your arm.

“You’re aware that our product is highly dangerous and destructive? We’ll make you take it.”





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Businesses Are Refusing to Enforce France’s Vaccine Passport

Businesses Are Refusing to Enforce France’s Vaccine Passport

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
August 16, 2021


Anecdotal evidence detailed by former Google software engineer Mike Hearn strongly suggests that most restaurants, cafes and other businesses in France are not enforcing the country’s controversial vaccine passport system.

As we highlighted last week, on the first day the new program was in place, police were visibly patrolling bars and cafes demanding customers show proof they’ve had the jab.

However, this seems to have largely been a bluff as just days later, businesses and venues have become very lax at checking people’s papers despite the threat of large fines.

“I decided to do a simple experiment to find out: always present an expired test even though I had a valid negative one, and see what happens,” writes Hearn.

“Over a four day stay I was required to show a valid pass exactly zero times; that includes at the airports in both directions. Compliance is absolutely min viable and often lower.”

“At small businesses enforcement was non-existent: sometimes the pass requirement was ignored entirely, other times we were asked “do you have a pass” and our answer wasn’t checked. One restaurant had come up with a clever way to detect police stings without requiring customers to actually present a pass. As expected, enforcement was stricter by larger firms, however even there we saw the following:

– Test certificates being checked once and then swapped for a token that doesn’t expire.
– Expired tests being accepted.
– People accepting paper test certificates without scanning them.
– Scanning tests and then not looking at the screen to see the results.
– Accepting QR codes that failed to scan.”

Hearn also reveals how mask mandates in theme parks and other venues are also not being followed, despite signs everywhere ordering people to cover their faces, while social distancing is also a “forgotten memory.”

Images showing empty cafes and bars on the first day the system was introduced may have spooked venues into taking a hands off approach.

In passing the law but failing to ensure that it is enforced, France is following the same model as Israel, where the point of introducing the system wasn’t really to enforce it, but merely as a means of bullying young people into getting the vaccine.

As we highlighted last week, despite the odious and draconian nature of the vaccine passport system, President Macron asserted that the it was actually introduced to protect people’s “freedom,” which is like saying putting you in prison is for your own safety.


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Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Climb Steadily, as FDA, CDC Sign Off on Third Shot for Immunocompromised

Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Climb Steadily, as FDA, CDC Sign Off on Third Shot for Immunocompromised
VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 571,831 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 12,791 deaths and 77,490 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 6, 2021. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
August 1, 2021


Data released Aug. 13 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 6, 2021, a total of 571,831 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,791 deaths — an increase of 425 over the previous week. There were 77,490 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,385 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 451,049 adverse events, including 5,859 deaths and 36,871 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. Of the 5,859 U.S. deaths reported as of Aug. 6, 13% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 19% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 33% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 349.8 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Aug. 6. This includes: 140 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 196 million doses of Pfizer and 13 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

The most recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on June 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1505250) who died after suffering a heart condition after receiving her first dose of Pfizer.

This week’s total U.S. VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to Aug. 6, 2021, for all age groups combined, show:
FDA authorizes extra vaccine doses for immunocompromised patients

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Aug. 12 authorized a third dose of Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID vaccines for people with compromised immune systems.

The CDC also gave final approval to the third dose, following the Aug. 13 unanimous recommendation of the agency’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

As The Defender reported Aug. 13, neither vaccine has yet received full FDA approval, and neither has completed late-stage clinical trials proving a third dose will boost immunity or work against COVID variants.

The FDA’s amended Emergency Use Authorization allows people who have had an organ transplant, or those with a similar level of weakened immune system, to get an extra COVID vaccine dose. The J&J vaccine was not included because there was not sufficient data on boosters, according to the agency.

The FDA’s decision “allows doctors to boost immunity in certain immunocompromised individuals who need extra protection from COVID19,” Dr. Janet Woodcock, FDA acting commissioner, tweeted Aug. 12.

“Others who are fully vaccinated are adequately protected & do not need an additional dose of COVID-19 vaccine at this time,” Woodcock tweeted.

The vulnerable group of patients make up less than 3% of U.S. adults, according to CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

Heart inflammation after COVID vaccines more common than CDC claims, new research shows U.S. public health officials claim cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID vaccination are rare — but new research published online in the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) shows they may happen more often than reported.

Post-vaccine myocarditis and pericarditis also appear to represent two “distinct syndromes,” Dr. George Diaz, with the Providence Regional Medical Center Everett, told Medscape Cardiology.

Diaz and colleagues reviewed 2,000,287 electronic medical records (EMR) of people who received at least one COVID vaccination. The records, obtained from 40 hospitals in Washington, Oregon, Montana and California, showed 20 people had vaccine-related myocarditis (1.0 per 100,000) and 37 had pericarditis (1.8 per 100,000).

recent CDC report, based on VAERS data, suggested an incidence of myocarditis of about 4.8 cases per 1 million following receipt of an mRNA COVID vaccine.

The new JAMA study showed a “similar pattern [to the CDC study], although at higher incidence [of myocarditis and pericarditis] after vaccination, suggesting vaccine adverse event under-reporting.”

The JAMA report also stated: “Additionally, pericarditis may be more common than myocarditis among older patients.”

“Our study resulted in higher numbers of cases probably because we searched the EMR, and [also because] VAERS requires doctors to report suspected cases voluntarily,” Diaz told Medscape.

The researchers calculated the average monthly number of cases of myocarditis or pericarditis during the pre-vaccine period of January 2019 through January 2021 was 16.9 compared with 27.3 during the vaccine period of February through May 2021. The mean numbers of pericarditis cases during the same periods were 49.1 and 78.8.

The authors said limitations of their analysis include potential missed cases outside care settings and missed diagnoses of myocarditis or pericarditis, which would underestimate the incidence, as well as inaccurate EMR vaccination information.

Mom of 14-year-old who developed myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine no longer trusts public health officials

In an exclusive interview last week with The Defender, Emily Jo said before her son, Aiden, got his first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine, she was led to believe his chance of suffering an adverse reaction was “one in a million.”

Aiden, a 14-year-old from Georgia, had no history of COVID or pre-existing conditions, except for asthma. On June 10, several days after his second Pfizer shot, Aiden woke his mother up at 4:30 a.m. because his chest hurt and he couldn’t breathe.

Jo said she was aware of the potential side effect of heart inflammation, but she believed the CDC, which said the reaction was very rare and mild. “What they didn’t explain is that mild means hospital care and follow-up care indefinitely,” Jo said.

“The biggest problem is they [CDC] are not explaining what mild myocarditis means,” Jo said. “Aiden’s cardiologist told us no case of myocarditis is ‘mild.’ That’s like saying a heart attack is mild,” she said the cardiologist told her.

Jo said her son tires easily and his recovery will be a long process. She said all her kids are fully vaccinated and she was one of the most trusting advocates of the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics — until her son experienced his vaccine injury.

25-year-old develops myocarditis after Moderna vaccine

In another exclusive interview last week with The Defender, Deborah Brenner said her son, a healthy 25-year-old from Ohio, experienced myocarditis five days after his first dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine, administered on July 22.

Christopher Brenner developed a fever after the vaccine, and within five days, he was experiencing chest pain so intense he was unable to sleep, so he went to the Defiance Mercy Clinic.

When Christopher was in the ER, tests showed his troponin levels were high. “I was alarmed at that point,” Brenner said.

“One of the ER nurses mentioned it could be myocarditis from the vaccine, but everyone else played it down like it was serious — but wasn’t a big deal,” Brenner said. “When his numbers jumped higher, that’s when it became more serious.”

When nurses took Christopher’s troponin level a second time it was higher, so they kept him overnight.

“When he was still in Defiance, we saw the internist who diagnosed my son with myocarditis and said it was a reaction to the vaccine,” Brenner said. “The internist explained that one type of inflammation is around the heart and one is inside the heart — and Christopher’s was the type that caused inflammation inside the heart.”

Christopher’s troponin level continued to rise, so he was transferred by ambulance to St. Vincent Hospital in Toledo. Benner said the cardiologists in Toledo were totally against connecting the reaction to the vaccine. “They didn’t want to go there, didn’t want to talk about it and just said his numbers would come back down,” she said. “I was getting really frustrated because I was wondering what was going on in his heart that we couldn’t see.”

After four days of being hospitalized and treated with blood thinners and beta blockers, Christopher was discharged. The discharge doctor told Brenner he didn’t know why the other physicians didn’t want to admit her son’s reaction was caused by the vaccine.

“Everybody has allergic reactions and your son just had an allergic reaction to the vaccine,” he said. “I can’t sit here and tell you 100% that the vaccine is the cause but the fact that he got the vaccine and days later started having issues — something was going on.”

EU looking into new possible side-effects of mRNA COVID Vaccines

European drug regulators on Aug. 11 said they are studying three new conditions reported by a small number of people after they took the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) safety committee is studying erythema multiforme, a form of allergic skin reaction; glomerulonephritis, or kidney inflammation; and nephrotic syndrome, a renal disorder characterized by heavy urinary protein losses, Reuters reported.

The EMA did not give details on how many cases of the new conditions were recorded, but said it had requested more data from the vaccine makers.

The regulator, which disclosed the new assessments as part of routine updates to the safety section of authorized vaccines’ database, did not recommend changes to the labels of mRNA vaccines at this time.

Pfizer’s efficacy plummets to 42% as Delta variant takes hold

As The Defender reported Aug. 11, a new preprint study showed mRNA vaccines’ effectiveness plummeted in July when Delta variant was dominant — with Moderna only 76% effective and Pfizer only 42% effective against infection.

The study, which raised concerns about the effectiveness of mRNA COVID vaccines — particularly Pfizer’s — against the Delta variant, caught the attention of top Biden administration officials, Axios reported.

“If that’s not a wake up call, I don’t know what is,” a senior Biden official told Axios.

The study, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, compared the effectiveness of Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines in the Mayo Clinic Health System from January to July 2021, during which time either the Alpha or Delta variant were highly prevalent.

Overall, researchers found Moderna’s vaccine was 86% effective against infection over the study period, and Pfizer’s was 76% effective. Moderna’s vaccine was 92% effective against hospitalization and Pfizer’s was 85% effective. There were no deaths in either cohort.

But vaccine efficacy dropped sharply in July, when the Delta variant was more prevalent. Moderna was only 76% effective against infection and Pfizer was only 42% effective.

“We observed a pronounced reduction in the effectiveness of BNT162b2 [Pfizer] coinciding with the surging prevalence of the Delta variant in the United States, but this temporal association does not imply causality,” Venky Soundararajan and his co-authors wrote.

The authors concluded “further evaluation of mechanisms underlying differences in their effectiveness such as dosing regimens and vaccine composition are warranted.”

158 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We have made repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions.

Despite multiple phone and email communications with many people at the CDC, and despite being told that our request was in the system and that someone would respond, we have not yet received answers to any of the questions we submitted. It has been 144 days since we sent our first email to the CDC requesting information.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Vax or Jail? The Dilemma Facing Some Americans

Vax or Jail? The Dilemma Facing Some Americans
The cases in Ohio are especially troubling because they involve defendants whose bodily autonomy is being violated not only once, but twice by their government.

by Hannah Fox, Foundation for Economic Education
August 16, 2021


Brandon Rutherford was recently presented with a dilemma in an Ohio courtroom: get vaccinated or face incarceration.

The 21-year-old was sentenced to two years probation for fentanyl possession by Judge Christopher Wagner of Hamilton County, Ohio on August 4, but his sentence came with a twist: he was ordered to get a COVID vaccine as a condition of his probation.

Should Rutherford fail to comply, he could be sent to jail for up to 18 months.

“I’m just a judge, not a doctor, but I think the vaccine’s a lot safer than fentanyl, which is what you had in your pocket,” Wagner told Rutherford.

Wagner gave Rutherford 60 days to get vaxxed and said, “You’re going to maintain employment. You’re not going to be around a firearm. I’m going to order you, within the next two months, to get a vaccine and show that to the probation office.”

The judge only knew Rutherford’s vaccination status in the first place because he questioned him when he arrived in court wearing a mask—a rule Wagner put in place for any unvaccinated people in his courtroom.

Rutherford was outraged by the mandate.

“Because I don’t take a shot they can send me to jail? I don’t agree with that,” he said. “I’m just trying to do what I can to get off this as quickly as possible, like finding a job and everything else. But that little thing (COVID vaccine) can set me back.”

The judge’s order created a stir, prompting Wagner to issue a response.

“Judges make decisions regularly regarding a defendant’s physical and mental health, such as ordering drug, alcohol, and mental health treatment,” he wrote in a statement. He also said it was his responsibility to “rehabilitate the defendant and protect the community.”

Wagner is not the only Ohio judge to take such actions. He joined judges in Franklin and Cuyahoga counties who made similar demands.

As Rutherford’s case vividly demonstrates, in the wake of COVID-19, the world is grappling with the question of how much control an individual should have over their own body.

Bodily integrity, also commonly referred to as bodily autonomy, is a longstanding principle of human rights and individual liberty. In recent years, discussion on this topic has centered around the #MeToo movement regarding sexual harassment and abuse in many of our institutions. It is obvious that violating another person’s body is inherently wrong; no one questions this premise when discussing matters of sexual violence.

Yet, for too many those clear-cut lines become blurred with other issues, especially when the conversation turns to medical bodily autonomy. And history shows there is a long, troubling tradition in the US of violating the bodily integrity of Americans, particularly the marginalized and disadvantaged.

As an example, a Tennessee judge and sheriff launched a forced-sterilization program for inmates around 2017. They allowed people in jail to shorten their sentences by 30 days if they agreed to the medical procedures. They were, thankfully, sued over this and the program was overturned on constitutional grounds. The attorney who obtained justice in this case, Daniel Horwitz, said at the time, “Inmate sterilization is despicable, it is morally indefensible, and it is illegal.”

Forced sterilization among inmates isn’t the only medical crime against bodily autonomy in our past either. In 1932, the Tuskegee Experiment was launched and ran for decades. The United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted the study, during which they lied to the 600 black male participants about their syphilis status and told them they were receiving free healthcare. In reality, they were given placebos, ineffective treatments, and denied penicillin—even as it became widely available as a treatment for syphilis. The particular case elevated the issue of informed consent in medical procedures and highlighted how far the country still had to go in respecting inalienable rights, including “The right of the people to be secure in their persons,” as articulated in the US Constitution.

Globally, human rights advocates have fought a long and uphill battle to assert these basic principles of bodily autonomy and informed consent in society.

In 1948, the United Nations passed its Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 3 of this Declaration states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.”

The timing of this Declaration is key as it came at the heels of World War II, a period during which arguably the greatest violations of human rights in modern history were committed, including forced scientific and medical experimentation on human beings on a mass scale. The subsequent Nuremberg Trials—held between 1945 and 1949—resulted in the Nuremberg Code of 1947, a set of 10 standards that confronted questions of medical experimentation on humans. The Nuremberg Code established a new global standard for ethical medical behavior. Within its requirements? Voluntary informed consent of the human subject.

Then, in 1966, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights declared in its Article 7: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or scientific experimentation.”

Forced medical procedures are an especially monstrous violation of the fundamental right of bodily integrity and autonomy. This lesson was hard-learned through the course of the 20th Century. But it seems to have been unlearned amid the panic over COVID-19.

Double Violation

The cases in Ohio are especially troubling because they involve defendants whose bodily autonomy is being violated not only once, but twice by their government.

Our justice system routinely puts bodies in cages over what the owners of those bodies choose to put in them—whether an actual crime results from that consumption or not. That’s thanks in large part to the immoral and unjust War on Drugs, as well as the wide range of non-violent offenses we currently criminalize in our country. Now, on top of arresting the defendants for choosing to put a substance in their bodies, we have judges threatening further incarceration to coerce those same people into putting a different substance in their bodies.

In both instances, this is an egregious violation of an individual’s bodily autonomy. But many progressives who regularly express outrage over mass incarceration and the War on Drugs are noticeably either silent on vaccine mandates or advocating for them.

The economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) had a lot to say about governments interfering in what individuals choose to consume. In his book Human Action he wrote the following:

“Opium and morphine are certainly dangerous, habit-forming drugs. But once the principle is admitted that it is the duty of government to protect the individual against his own foolishness, no serious objections can be advanced against further encroachments.”

This is applicable to the War on Drugs, which was gaining steam around the time of Mises’ death, but it is also relevant to the current pandemic policy. Whether or not it is prudent for a person to get vaccinated for their own health is not the correct question. It is not the government’s duty to protect individuals against their own folly. Mises went on to write:

“A good case could be made out in favor of the prohibition of alcohol and nicotine. And why limit the government’s benevolent providence to the protection of the individual’s body only? Is not the harm a man can inflict on his mind and soul even more disastrous than any bodily evils? Why not prevent him from reading bad books and seeing bad plays, from looking at bad paintings and statues and from hearing bad music? The mischief done by bad ideologies, surely, is much more pernicious, both for the individual and for the whole society, than that done by narcotic drugs.”

Why indeed.

As is the case most of the time, when liberty advocates object to a public policy that big-government advocates believe to be “common sense,” we are not doing so simply over the immediate implications but rather because we know where such policies can lead. If the government can force me to get a vaccine for my own good, what else can it force me to do? The proverbial can of worms is open, the legal precedent set, and any student of history knows it only goes downhill from there. Mises continued:

“These fears are not merely imaginary specters terrifying secluded doctrinaires. It is a fact that no paternal government, whether ancient or modern, ever shrank from regimenting its subjects’ minds, beliefs, and opinions. If one abolishes man’s freedom to determine his own consumption, one takes all freedoms away. The naïve advocates of government interference with consumption delude themselves when they neglect what they disdainfully call the philosophical aspect of the problem. They unwittingly support the case of censorship, inquisition, religious intolerance, and the persecution of dissenters.”

Strong words, but earned ones. And highly relevant today, as governments are rapidly progressing from “we must mandate public health measures” to “we must censor and persecute those who defy and speak out against our public health measures.”

Those who advocate for the government’s ability to deprive humans of their freedom on the basis of consumption in effect promote a wide array of injustices and human rights violations. There is simply no gray area here.

Human Action wasn’t the only place Mises appears to be writing from the grave for our modern times. In his work, Liberalism he says the following:

“We see that as soon as we surrender the principle that the state should not interfere in any questions touching on the individual’s mode of life, we end by regulating and restricting the latter down to the smallest detail. The personal freedom of the individual is abrogated. He becomes a slave of the community, bound to obey the dictates of the majority.”

Think how this applies to the increasingly intolerant conformity culture we see mounting in the age of COVID. He continues:

“It is hardly necessary to expatiate on the ways in which such powers could be abused by malevolent persons in authority. The wielding, of powers of this kind even by men imbued with the best of intentions must needs reduce the world to a graveyard of the spirit. All mankind’s progress has been achieved as a result of the initiative of a small minority that began to deviate from the ideas and customs of the majority until their example finally moved the others to accept the innovation themselves. To give the majority the right to dictate to the minority what it is to think, to read, and to do is to put a stop to progress once and for all.”

It is interesting that those who fancy themselves “progressives” are pushing for the world to come to an abrupt stop and for all individuals to bend their will to the national narrative they have chosen in this time.

Finally, from Mises:

“Let no one object that the struggle against morphinism and the struggle against ‘evil’ literature are two quite different things….The propensity of our contemporaries to demand authoritarian prohibition as soon as something does not please them, and their readiness to submit to such prohibitions even when what is prohibited is quite agreeable to them shows how deeply ingrained the spirit of servility still remains within them. It will require many long years of self-education until the subject can turn himself into the citizen. A free man must be able to endure it when his fellow men act and live otherwise than he considers proper. He must free himself from the habit, just as soon as something does not please him, of calling for the police.”

His writings are so spot-on and prescient, it’s almost eerie.

We do not have to like or condone another person’s actions. We don’t have to associate with them. But we must endure other humans acting and living as they see fit without going full Karen and calling the cops. When you argue for government force to violate an individual’s bodily autonomy in any manner, you stand on the side of gross injustice and human rights violations—just ask Brandon Rutherford who now faces jail time over his decisions about what he will or will not put in his body.

“I’m not taking the vaccine,” Rutherford told CNN. And he ought to have every right to make that decision.


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Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review

Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
August 10, 2021


Hell is Empty and the Devils are All Here
~ William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1610- 1611



There is a sequence of outright lies and fabrications used to justify far-reaching policy decisions which in the course of the last 18 months are literally destroying people’s lives Worldwide. 

“Fake science” is used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings,  cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity, all of which are upheld as a means to repealing the “killer virus”. 

Who is this “Killer Virus” which has been personified by both the media and our governments, held responsible for triggering economic and social chaos Worldwide? 

You might recall that at the height of the February 2020 financial collapse, “V the Virus” was held responsible for the largest stock market crash since 1929. 

Has the “Killer Virus” been Identified. Has SARS-CoV-2 been Isolated?

This article will review this contentious issue starting at the outset of the crisis in January 2020. Part of this analysis is based on research conducted in early 2020. 

The central question raised in this review is the following: is there reliable evidence provided by the WHO and national  health authorities that the alleged SARS-CoV-2  virus has been isolated/purified  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”? 

While the alleged virus was initially defined as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) did not have in its possession details regarding the isolation/purification and identity of  2019-nCoV.

And because details concerning isolation / purification were not available, the WHO decided to “customize” The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) Test using the alleged “similar” 2003 SARS virus (subsequently renamed SARS-1) as “a point of reference” for detecting genetic fragments of the novel 2019-nCoV. 

What this decision entails is that novel 2019-CoV-2 is NOT a novel virus. It was categorized by the Chinese authorities and the WHO as “similar” to the 2003 SARS-CoV as well as to MERS. 

2003 SARS-CoV was subsequently renamed SARS-CoV-1.

History: Isolation of the Virus 

Chinese Health Authorities

The Chinese authorities announced on January 7, 2020 that “a new type of virus”  had been identified  “similar to the one associated with SARS and MERS” (related report , not original Chinese government source).  The underlying method is described below:

We prospectively collected and analysed data on patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection by real-time RT-PCR and next-generation sequencing.

Data were obtained with standardised data collection forms shared by WHO and the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium from electronic medical records. (emphasis added)

The  following article entitled A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China(Nature, February 3, 2021) was among the first to report on China’s novel coronavirus:

…[We] collected bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and performed deep meta-transcriptomic sequencing. The clinical specimen was handled in a biosafety level 3 laboratory at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. Total RNA was extracted from 200 μl of BALF and a meta-transcriptomic library was constructed for pair-end (150-bp reads) sequencing using an Illumina MiniSeq as previously described 4,6,7,8.
In total, we generated 56,565,928 sequence reads that were de novo-assembled and screened for potential aetiological agents.
The genome sequence of this virus, as well as its termini, were determined and confirmed by reverse-transcription PCR (RT–PCR)10 and 5′/3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), respectively. This virus strain was designated as WH-Human 1 coronavirus (WHCV) (and has also been referred to as ‘2019-nCoV’) and its whole genome sequence (29,903 nt) has been assigned GenBank accession number MN908947.
The viral genome organization of WHCV was determined by sequence alignment to two representative members of the genus Betacoronavirus: a coronavirus associated with humans (SARS-CoV Tor2, GenBank accession number AY274119) [2003] and a coronavirus associated with bats (bat SL-CoVZC45, GenBank accession number MG772933) . (Nature, February 3, 2020)

It is unclear from the above quotations as well as from the documents consulted, whether the Chinese health authorities undertook an isolation / purification of  a patient’s specimen.

US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Following the Chinese announcement  on the 28th of January 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the novela corona virus had been isolated.  The CDC statement dated January 28th, 2020 (updated December 2020) is unequivocal:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.

    • On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture to grow a sufficient amount of virus for study.
    • On February 2, 2020, CDC generated enough SARS-CoV-2 grown in cell culture to distribute to medical and scientific researchers.
    • On February 4, 2020, CDC shipped SARS-CoV-2 to the BEI Resources Repository.
    • An article discussing the isolation and characterization of this virus specimen is available in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

One important way that CDC has supported global efforts to study and learn about SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory was by growing the virus in cell culture and ensuring that it was widely available. Researchers in the scientific and medical community can use virus obtained from this work in their studies.

SARS-CoV-2 strains supplied by CDC and other researchers can be requested, free, from the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research (BEI) Resources Repository external icon by established institutions that meet BEI requirements. These requirements include maintaining appropriate facilities and safety programs, as well as having the appropriate expertise. BEI supplies organisms and reagents to the broader community of microbiology and infectious disease researchers.  (Emphasis added).

See also related study which was posted on the CDC website.

The CDC Acknowledges that SARS-CoV-2 has not been  Isolated.

The official CDC document, (dated July 21, 2021) entitled “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel reads as follows:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed [January 2020] and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. (emphasis added, page 40)

Compare the above statement to the CDC January 28th, 2020 advisory confirming the isolation of SARS-CoV-2:

On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture to grow a sufficient amount of virus for study.

See the analysis of CDC responses in the section below on Freedom of Information Requests.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Did Not Undertake The Isolation / Purification of a Specimen

From the documents quoted below, the Chinese authorities did not provide the WHO with a specimen of isolated /  purified  SARS-CoV-2.

And because details concerning isolation were not available, the WHO  decided to “customize” its Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR)  test using a so-called isolate of the “similar” 2003 SARS corona virus (subsequently renamed SARS-CoV-1) as “a point of reference” (or proxy) for detecting genetic fragments of the 2019 SARS-CoV-2.

The WHO sought the advice of   Victor M. Corman, Christian Drosten, et al  of the Berlin Virology Institute at Charité Hospital. The study entitled “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR” ) was subsequently submitted to the WHO. 

While Corman, Drosten et al’s study confirmed that “several viral genome sequences had been released”, in the case of 2019-nCoV, “virus isolates or samples from infected patients were not available … 

The recommendations to the WHO were as follows:

“The genome sequences suggest presence of a virus closely related to the members of a viral species termed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-related CoV, a species defined by the agent of the 2002/03 outbreak of SARS in humans [3,4].

We report on the the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation [using the RT-PCR test], designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”  (Eurosurveillance, January 23, 2020, emphasis added).

What this bold statement suggests is that the isolation / purification of 2019-nCoV was not required and that “validation” would be enabled by “the close genetic relatedness to the 2003-SARS-CoV.”

The recommendations of the Corman- Drosten study (supported and financed by the Gates Foundation) pertaining to the use of the RT-PCR test applied to 2019-nCoV were then firmly endorsed by the Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, E-Book, Chapter II).

Freedom of Information: No Record of SARS-CoV-2 Isolation-Purification

An important ongoing and detailed investigative project by Christine Massey, M.Sc. of Ontario, Canada is entitled:

Freedom of Information Requests: Health/ Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification  (work in progress since 2020)by Fluoride Free Peel, August 04, 2021

A related text shows the list of institutions contacted

90 Health/Science Institutions Globally All Failed to Cite Even 1 Record of “SARS-COV-2” Purification, by Anyone, Anywhere, Ever bFluoride Free Peel, August 04, 2021

The investigative report provides detailed documentation based on Freedom of Information (FOI) requests addressed to ninety Health /Science institutions in a large number of countries.

The responses to these requests confirm that there is no record of isolation / purification of SARS-CoV-2 “having been performed by anyone, anywhere, ever.”

“The 90 Health /Science institutions that have responded thus far have provided and/or cited, in total, zero such records:

Our requests [under “freedom of information”] have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, or limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to any records describing “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) isolation/purification performed by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet.”


The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC was contacted by the author of this report in the form of four separate requests: November 2, 2020, March 1, 2021, March 3, 2021, which are reviewed below:

On November 2, 2020.

The CDC admitted they have no records of actual isolation/purification by anyone, anywhere, ever, by any method” :




The CDC again made clear that they still have no records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever… just not in so many words. Instead, the CDC absurdly implied that isolation/purification of “SARS-COV-2” would require the replication of a “virus” without host cells and thus is impossible.  (The request had nothing to do with replication.)

CDC again failed to provide/cite any records describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification by anyone anywhere ever… but would no longer simply say so (as they did on November 2nd); instead they gave song and dance citing the study by Harcourt et al. which is the same one posted on CDC’s website:

June 7, 2021:

CDC admitted they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

Conclusive Results of the Investigation

What the author of this incisive and detailed report has confirmed is that:

Every institution has failed to provide even 1 record describing the isolation aka purification of any “COVID-19 virus” directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka “Vero” cells and fetal bovine serum).

Here are 5 compilation pdfs containing FOI responses from 79 institutions in 22 countries/jurisdictions, re the isolation/purification/existence of “SARS-COV-2”, as well as emails from authors of studies that claimed to have “isolated the virus” and an email from the Head of the Consultant Laboratory for Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Infectious Pathogens at Germany’s Robert Koch Institut, last updated July 13, 2021

Screenshot of a selected responses are provided below : New Zealand, Canada, UK.

Consult the full archive of letters and responses. This work was undertaken over a period of more than 12 months.

Response Public Health England

It follows from the above detailed study that there is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated/purified from a patient’s sample, as  evidenced by the responses “under freedom of information” (FOI) from some 90 health / science institutions Worldwide.  

Thus far (July 9, 2021) 27 Canadian institutions have provided their responses. (click to access list)


Republic of Ireland:  “The Virus does not Exist”

Gemma O’Doherty is an Investigative Journalist in Ireland.

“This Irish Investigation into Covid shows that The Department of Health refuses to confirm the existence of a “virus” in writing. Confirmation that the virus was never isolated.”


“As part of our legal action we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lock downs actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses – They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science – It isn’t. it’s made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus – of course it doesn’t. This organization here – is making it up as they go along.” – Gemma O’Doherty 


Isolation of the Virus. The Legal Battle in Alberta. Patrick King

Patrick King. The Virus Has Not Been Isolated! “No I Did Not Win The Court Case”. “They Do Not Have the Evidence”.

The following video features Patrick King in his legal Battle against the Alberta Government.

There are a lot of people in Alberta and around the World who are Fighting against the Big Lie. 
Video:  Patrick King embodies the Truth. 


[Video available at OdyseeBitchute, and Rumble


Concluding Remarks: “Biggest Medical Fraud in World History”

SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated. Does the virus Exist?

Neither the Chinese authorities nor the CDC, the WHO, national governments, scientific /  health authorities have provided evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has been  isolated /purified.

Based on the investigative research of Christine Massey we have access to the responses of numerous governments and health authorities, including that provided by the Republic of Ireland to journalist Gemma O’Doherty.

What this means is that the entire covid narrative falls flat.

We have been systematically misled.

Everything you have been told by your governments is a lie, a complexity of lies and falsehoods.

There is no pandemic. The isolation / purification of the virus has not been undertaken.

All the policies adopted by governments worldwide allegedly to “save lives” are illegal, socially destructive and in violation of fundamental human rights.

These policies have been instrumental in “destroying people’s lives”.

Dr. Stephen Frost refers to the alleged “Covid pandemic” as “The Biggest Medical Fraud in World History”.

From the outset in January 2020, the flawed and invalid RT-PCR test was used to “detect” the alleged 2019 SARS-CoV-2 virus,  despite the fact that details regarding the isolation/purification of the original virus were not available.

All far-reaching policy decisions imposed on people Worlwide were based on a data bank of fake  case positives coupled with false mortality data pertaining to Covid-19 related deaths.

Curbing the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic through the imposition of face masks, social distancing, closing down of national economies has absolutely no validity,

The original strain of SARS-CoV-2 has not be isolated /purified: How does that affect the process of so-called “detection” of the “deadly variants” of the original virus?

Mortality and Morbidity: While there is “No Killer Virus”, there is a “Killer Vaccine”.

While the SARS-CoV-2 virus is presented by the media and the governments as a “killer virus” (when in fact the WHO and CDC describe it as “similar to seasonal influenza”), a totally invalid and dysfunctional Covid -19 vaccine is currently being imposed on the entire population of Planet Earth: 7.9 billion people.

It’s a multibillion dollar endeavour with Pfizer in the lead, establishing a near Worldwide monopoly for the sale and distribution of the mRNA killer vaccine.

Important Question: 

How did Big Pharma manage to develop a vaccine (sponsored by the WHO, GAVI, the Gates Foundation, et al) with a mandate “to protect people” against a virus which has not been isolated/ purified  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”?

Vaccine in relation to What? The virus has not been identified.

Moreover, 2019 SARS-CoV-2 has been categorized as similar to the 2003 SARS-CoV which means that the 2019 SARS-CoV-2 is not a novel virus.

The legitimacy of the Covid vaccine project hinges upon the validity of hundreds of thousands of RT-PCR fake positive cases Worldwide combined with fake Covid related mortality data.

Big Pharma’s mRNA vaccine has resulted in countless deaths and injuries Worldwide which are barely reported by the mainstream media. 

While we do not have figures for the entire Planet, the latest official figures for the European Union and the U.S are revealing. Bear in mind they vastly underestimate the real trends in vaccin related mortality and morbidity:

EU/EEA/Switzerland to 31 July 2021 – 20,595 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 1.94 million injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.

UK to 21 July 2021 – 1,517 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 1.1 million injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.

USA to 23 July 2021 – 11,940 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 2.4 million injuries, per VAERS database.

TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 34,052 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 5.46 million injuries reported as at 1 August 2021

Nota Bene: It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage of the actual figures. Furthermore, people continue to die (and suffer injury) from the injections with every day which passes.  (D4CE)

So why are governments pressuring people to get vaccinated?

Heads of State and heads of government Worldwide are being pressured, bribed, coopted and/or threatened by powerful financial interests into accepting the Covid vaccine consensus. The vaccine passport is the endgame, which constitutes a transition towards digital tyranny.

The study and reports analyzed in this article should be used to confront politicians as well as inform and sensitize people in towns and villages, across the land, nationally and internationally.

At this stage in our history, solidarity is absolutely fundamental. 

Does the Virus Exist?

The governments and the WHO do not have a Leg to Stand On. And neither does Bill Gates.

What we must seek is to confront a very fragile covid-19 consensus, which is based on fraud and deceit.

Author’s Note. I remain indebted to Christine Massey for her extensive research and investigation on the issue of isolation /purification.

See also Michel Chossudovsky’s E-book (10 chapters) entitled:

The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” by Prof Michel Chossudovsky,

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (19791983)

He is the author of twelve books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism (2005),  The Globalization of War, America’s Long War Against Humanity (2015).

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia.


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cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi / pixabay

David Icke: It’s More Powerful Than Anything Else

David Icke: It’s More Powerful Than Anything Else

by Inspired
August 15, 2021


Original video available at Inspired YouTube channel.

In the face of the adversity, the contrast and the great challenges we’re facing today, there is something much bigger, much greater and when it’s activated, it cannot be stopped by anyone or anything.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.] 


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China vs. the WHO. “The Virus Did Not Originate in China”. The WHO Was an Initiative of the Rockefellers.

China vs. the WHO. “The Virus Did Not Originate in China”. The WHO Was an Initiative of the Rockefellers.

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
August 15, 2021


China has rejected as politically-motivated the World Health Organization’s calls for a renewed probe into the origins of Covid-19. The organization conducted its first investigation in January in the Chinese city of Wuhan. But, the probe failed to conclude how the virus started.


PressTV: How do you see this claim by China?

Peter Koenig: China is absolutely right. WHO had their day in court, so to speak, in January this year. A WHO delegation visited China and came to their conclusions, pretty much to what China said from the beginning, that the virus did not originate in China.

But the West is not happy.

In order to continue demonizing China, the West would like WHO’s authority to say the contrary.

Mind you – and this may be important for many listeners and viewers – you should know who are the key financiers of WHO, other than the member countries…

First, the creation of the WHO as a UN agency was a multi-purpose Rockefeller initiative. This short video may provide some valuable background.

Video: History and the Rockefellers

Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company, broken up into many pieces to avoid US anti-monopoly laws transformed basically into ExxonMobile. The Rockefellers wanted to transform the health industry, at that time still largely based on traditional herbal and natural medicine, into a petrochemical pharma-market. And they were successful, as we know today.

“Outside” sources, so-called extrabudgetary funding, is about 3 to 4 times higher than the regular WHO budget, which consists principally from member countries’ contribution.

Among the “outside” funders, are the most prominent ones, The Gates Foundation, GAVI, Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (has about 28 members, most of them pharma-companies), also created by Bill Gates, which is, by the way, housed just next door to WHO in Geneva, and other pharmaceuticals and supporters of Big-pharma. Of course, they are not donating directly to WHO, that would be too obvious, but in indirect format, such as through trust-funds and similar modes, so it is less recognizable.

It is also clear, as has been since the beginning, that the corona virus was laboratory made, there are several patents available – you won’t find them anymore on internet – as the fake “fact checkers” had them all removed.

Given this background, it is obvious that the west needs (1) somebody else to blame for covid, and (2) to accuse especially China. China is a menace for the west, an imagined menace, but imagined all the same, because the west led by the US — is in an economic decline, and with it, the supremacy of the western world, so far maintained by the US-dollar. It is a fiat currency dominance, militarily supported, by NATO. And it is in rapid decline.

While China’s currency, the Yuan, is based on the country’s economic strength. Nothing fiat here. And that is what keeps the west trembling, as counties’ treasurers around the globe are abandoning the dollar as reserve asset and are switching to the yuan and other currencies.

PTV: What are western government motivations in this?

PK: The motivation is to keep further demonizing China.

But it will not work, because more people are waking up to reality.

Covid is but one “instrument” to demonize China. A strong one, or at least that’s what wester politicians, dictators think.

On another front, for example, China is surrounded by between 1200 and 1400, military bases, direct US or from other countries that allow US military to be stationed there. But to no avail. China is not only prepared, but much of the rest of the western world signal their support to US dominance not because they believe in it, but because of fear from retaliation.

More people than ever start realizing that this covid plandemic has nothing to do with health, as by Fauci’s own words – when he isn’t on the bought mainstream media, but has to defend peer-reviewed science. That’s when he says that covid is about equivalent to a common flu.

What we are seeing in the west is an increasing trend towards dictatorial, or even tyrannical methods to control people, with various forms of lockdowns, or semi-lockdowns.

They are inventing for that purpose ever more covid “variants” … currently it’s the Delta variant – and already waiting in the wings is probably the Epsilon variant – and so on….

It is amazing that it takes so long for the people to open their eyes and realize that there is another agenda behind this highly criminal fraud, an agenda that, as I mentioned before, has nothing to do with health, but that uses an invisible enemy, a virus, as an instrument to hold the entire world hostage and in awe.

All of the 193 UN member countries follow the same dictate – a dictate of FEAR, that comes way from above, from a money dominated obscure cult that has the purpose of massively reducing world population, shoveling money and other resources from the bottom and the center to the top, and controlling what’s left of the surviving population, largely by AI and robotization.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America.

He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and  co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He is also a non-resident Sr. Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


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The Dumbed Down Lack of Understanding About Anarchy

The Dumbed Down Lack of Understanding About Anarchy

by Gary D. Barnett
August 13, 2021


It is very frustrating that so many have accepted the modern and bastardized ‘definition’ of anarchy. Most have been wrongly convinced that anarchy means chaos, lawlessness, looting, rioting, property destruction, and assault. Nothing could be more absurd.

Language is of great importance to any society that seeks or desires to be free. The misuse of language and its meaning is not only rampant in this day and age, it is totally ludicrous, and since the intellect of Americans has for decades and even centuries declined, the corruption of language and meanings has become a way for the state to manipulate the thought of the masses so that certain agendas can be perpetuated. It is a dumbing down of society by deception and stealth through broad-based propaganda.

One simply has to go to the root of words; the original meanings that do not change, but are purposely and arbitrarily altered by government and media in order to advance a particular way of thinking, or in this case, not thinking. The word “anarchy” is rooted in the base of the English language that is Latin and Greek. It means “without rule,” or “without rulers.” In other words, it means self-rule of individuals, whether individuals act collectively or not. It does not mean lawlessness, murder, and chaos in the streets, as is promoted by the state today so that those against the evil government can be falsely accused of being criminal.

I almost hesitate calling myself an anarchist at times because of the gross misunderstanding of that term by so many, but that is exactly what I am. I am not a Republican or Democrat; I am not right wing, left wing, or a member of any political party in any shape, form, or fashion, including Libertarian. I simply do not respect any governing system based on force; therefore I respect no rule over the individual other than natural law.

I am bringing this up because in nearly every conversation, nearly every interview, and nearly every correspondence, my position as an anarchist is completely misunderstood by most, and I am attacked for it, even though most have no idea whatsoever what anarchy is, and why it is so important. It is not a political ‘system,’ it is not meant to be a national or state organized governing plan, nor could it be, and I or any other honest believer of individual freedom wants to force anarchy on any other, or expect all to adhere to that view. The beauty of anarchy is individual self-rule, which negates any top-down, tyrannical, or totalitarian structure whatsoever. Therefore, it is a protection for liberty, never a cause for the loss of liberty.

I felt obligated today to once again answer a reader’s misinformed position about anarchy, so I thought I would explain the true meaning of real anarchy, so as to clarify the term. Part of the initial response to me I have posted below, along with my reply. It is obvious that this responder has no idea of the real meaning of anarchy, and that it is not meant to be a national or state governmental structure.

“One can certainly choose to live outside of civilization, but since civilization cannot exist without a rule of law, it is impossible for stateless law (governance without government) to spring to life ex nihilo, devolution from subordinated states being the most logical and globally impactful means (especially if they were American states) of devolving in the actionable manner that I described.  

Or do you honestly believe that in complete defiance of (post hunter-gatherer / New World) history, a free, antifragile society can in fact spring to life ex nihilo?“

My answer:

Once again, you misunderstand my position completely, and fail to grasp the fact that I am very intelligent and fully understand the concepts of government. You also fail to grasp that I am a realist, and know how this system works, how it survives, and that no utopia or lawless society is magically forthcoming. I have never taken or promoted such idiocy.

I am an anarchist in my philosophical approach and belief, and expect no other to accept or act the way I might, as anarchy has absolutely nothing to do with reverting to lawlessness, divine intervention, or chaos; it has only to do with self-rule of the individual. I have never once claimed that anarchy is some form of government that requires a national or state participation, as anarchy is simply living without rule, and could never be a mass political system. Real secession, mass secession, would require that small units or communities would spring up, and people would necessarily be attracted to different ways of doing things as individuals voluntarily, and without coercion or force. The only way to gain a decent free society, is to break away from rule, not natural laws, and it would have to be a peaceful transition to be legitimate. 

I do not expect any such thing to happen due to the absolute ignorance and dependent nature of the human species, (especially Americans) and the broad-based natural inclination of the herd to be led, but it could happen in small units and areas given no evident tyranny by a corrupt governing system like the one that is present here, and around the world today.

People are anarchists every single day of their lives, or they could never survive at all. All have to make individual decisions, and act and react on their own without guidance from above in order to function. I would just like to see more of it.

As to having no concern as to how things can or should happen or improve, that is asinine, as total non-aggression, natural respect for that premise, and peaceful co-existence are necessary in order for any proper anarchical structure, regardless of size. As I said, devolution can be useful if its aim is to not stop at simply replacing a national government with state government. Since my position is that all government is evil, partial devolution would simply result in a new system that would still be bent on a continuous gain of power, as is the goal of all political systems, all politicians, and all government at every level.

Groups, herds, mobs, collectives have no ability to think critically, or at all, or survive without top-down rule, and therefore are worthless in any effort to actually gain real freedom.”


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

It’s Unstoppable — People Are Waking Up

It’s Unstoppable — People Are Waking Up

by Jean Nolan, Inspired
August 7, 2021


Original video available at Inspired YouTube channel.

Jean Nolan, co-founder of the INSPIRED Channel speaks about who is really in control & why understanding this will change everything.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


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cover image credit: wondermar / pixabay

The Houses of Dead and Crooked Souls

The Houses of Dead and Crooked Souls

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
August 13, 2021


“A house constitutes a body of images that give mankind proofs or illusions of stability.”      – Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

There is a vast and growing gulf between the world’s rich and poor.  An obscene gulf. If we can read houses, they will confirm this.  They offer a visible lesson in social class.

Houses stand before us like books on a shelf waiting to be read, and when the books are missing, as they are for a vast and growing multitude of the homeless exiled wandering ones and those imprisoned, their absence serves to indict the mansion-dwelling wealthy and to a lesser extent those whose homes serve to shield them from the truth of the ill-begotten gains of the wealthy elites who create the world’s suffering through their avarice, lies, and war making.

Many regular people want to say with Edmund in Eugene O’Neill’s play, Long Day’s Journey into Night:

The fog is where I wanted to be. Halfway down the path you can’t see this house. You’d never know it was here. Or any of the other places down the avenue. I couldn’t see but a few feet ahead. I didn’t meet a soul. Everything looked and sounded unreal. Nothing was what it is.That’s what I wanted – to be alone with myself in another world where truth is untrue and life can hide from itself….Who wants to see life as it is, if they can help it?

Yet the rich don’t hide or give a damn. They flaunt their houses.  They know they are crooks and creators of illusions.  Their nihilism is revealed in their conspicuous consumption and their predatory behavior; they want everyone else to see it too.  So they rub it in their faces.  Their wealth is built on the blood and suffering of millions around the world, but this is often hidden knowledge.

For many regular people prefer the fog to the harsh truth.  It shields them from intense anger and the realization that the wealthy elites who run the world and control the media lie to them about everything and consider them beneath contempt.  That would demand a response commensurate with the propaganda – rebellion.  It would impose the moral demand to look squarely at the houses of death with their tiny cells in which the wealthy elites and their henchmen imprison and torture truth tellers like Julian Assange, an innocent man in a living hell; to make connections between wealth and power and the obscene flaunting of the rich elite’s sybaritic lifestyles in houses where every spacious room testifies to their moral depravity.

The recent news of Barack Obama’s vile selfie birthday celebration for his celebrity “friends” at his 29-acre estate and mansion (he has another eight-million-dollar mansion in Washington, D. C.) on Martha’s Vineyard is an egregious recent case in point.  If he thinks this nauseating display is proof of his stability and strength – which obviously he does – then he is a deluded fool.  But those who carry water for the military-intelligence-media complex are amply rewarded and want to tell the world that this is so.  It’s essential for the Show.  It must be conspicuous so the plebians learn their lesson.

Obama’s Vineyard mansion stands as an outward sign of his inner disgrace, his soullessness.

Trump’s golden towers and his never-ending self-promotion or the multiple million-dollar mansions of high-tech, sports, and Hollywood’s superstars send the same message.

Take Bill Gates’ sixty-three-million-dollar mansion, Xanadu, named after William Randolph Hearst’s estate in Citizen Kane, that took seven years to build.

Take the house up the hill from where I live in an erstwhile working-class town that sold for one million plus and now is being expanded to double its size with a massive swimming pool that leaves no grass uncovered. Every week, three black window-tinted SUVs arrive with New Jersey plates to join two white expensive sedans to oversee the progress in this small western Massachusetts town where McMansions rise throughout the hills faster than summer’s weeds.

Take the blue dolomite stone Searles Castle with its 60 acres, 40 rooms, and “dungeon” basement down the hill on Main St. that was recently bought by a NYC artist who also owns seven grand estates around the country that he showcases as examples of his fine artistic taste.  “All these houses have endless things to do — it’s just mind-boggling,” he has said. The artist, Hunt Slonem, calls himself a “glamorizer,” and his “exotica” paintings, inspired by Andy Warhol’s repetition of soup cans and Marilyn Monroe, hang in galleries, museums, cruise ships, and the houses of film celebrities.  Like his showcase houses, his exotica must have endless things to do.

What would Vincent van Gogh say?  Perhaps what he wrote to his brother Theo: that the greatest people in painting and literature “have always worked against the grain” and in sympathy with the poor and oppressed.  That might seem “mind-boggling” to Slonem.

Such ostentatious displays of wealth and power clearly reveal the delusions of the elites, as if there are no spiritual consequences for living so.  Even if they read Tolstoy’s cautionary tale about greed, How Much Land Does A Man Need?, it is doubtful that its truth would register.  Like Tolstoy’s protagonist Pahόm, they never have enough.  But like Pahόm, the Devil has them in his grip, and like him, they will get their just rewards, a small room, a bit of land to imprison them forever.

His servant picked up the spade and dug a grave long enough for Pahóm to lie in, and buried him in it. Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed.

Where does the money for all these estates, not just Slonem’s, come from? Who wants to ask?

Getting to the roots of wealth involves a little digging.  Slonem’s castle was originally commissioned in the late 1800s by Mark Hopkins for his wife.  Hopkins was one of the founders of the Central Pacific Railroad, which was built by Irish and Chinese immigrants.  Labor history is quite illuminating on the ways immigrants have always been treated, in this case “the dregs of Asia” and the Irish dogs.  Interestingly enough, the great black scholar and radical, W. E. B. Du Bois, a town native, worked at the castle’s construction site as a young man.  No doubt it informed his future work against racism, capitalism, and economic exploitation.

Wealthy urbanites flooded this area after September 11, 2001, and now, in their terror of disease and death, they have bought every house they could find.  Their cash-filled pockets overflow with blood-money and few ask why. To suggest that massive wealth is almost always ill-begotten is anathema.  But innocence wears many masks, and the Show demands washed hands and no questions asked.

It is rare that one becomes super-wealthy in an honest and ethical way.  The ways the rich get money almost without exception lead downward, to paraphrase Thoreau from his essay, “Life Without Principle.”

Since the corona crisis began, investment firms such as the Blackstone Group have been gobbling up vast numbers of houses across the United States as their prices have gone through the roof.  The lockdowns – an appropriate prison term – have set millions of regular people back on their heels as the wealthiest have gotten exponentially wealthier. Poverty and starvation have increased around the world.  This is not an accident.  Despair and depression are widespread.

There is a taboo in life in general and in journalism: Do not ask where people’s money comes from.  Thoreau was so advised long ago:

Do not ask how your bread is buttered; it will make you sick…

But the super-wealthy do not get sick.  They are sick.  For they revel in their depravity and push it in the faces of regular people, many who envy them and wish to become super-rich and powerful themselves.  Of course there are the blue bloods whose method is understatement, but it takes many decades to enter their theater of deception.  In many ways, these people are worse, for their personae have been crafted over decades of play-acting and public relations so their images are laundered to smell fresh and benevolent.  They often wear the mask of philanthropy, while the history of their wealth lies shrouded in an amnestic fog.

Yet soul murder includes suicide, and while the old and new moneyed ones smoothly justify their oppression of the vast majority, many regular people kill the best in themselves by envying the rich.

Years ago, I discovered some documents that showed that one of this country’s most famous philosophers, known for his lofty moral pronouncements, owned a lot of stock in companies that were doing evil things – war making, poisoning and killings huge numbers with chemicals, etc.  But his image was one of Mr. Clean, Mr. Good Guy. I suspect this is typical and that there are many such secrets in the basements and attics of the rich.

But let us also ask where the writers and presenters of the mainstream and alternative media get their money.  Although “to follow the money” is a truism, few do.  If we do, we will learn that money talks and those who take it toe the line, nor do they live in shacks by the side of the road or rent like so many others.  They invest with Black Rock and their ilk and have money managers who can increase their wealth while shielding them from the ways that money is made on the backs of the poor and working people.  And they lie about people like Assange, Daniel Hale, Reality Winner, Craig Murray, et al., all imprisoned for daring to reveal the depredations of the power elites, the violence at the heart of predatory capitalism.

Yes, houses speak.  But few ever speak of where their money comes from.  Those that are on the take – which has multiple meanings – always plead innocent.  Yes, I can hear you say that I am being too harsh; that there are exceptions.  That is obvious.  So let’s skip the exceptions and focus on the general principle. There is a Buddhist principle that right livelihood is a core ethic in earning money.  Jesus had another way of putting it but was of course in agreement, as were so many others whom people hold in highest esteem.

Thoreau wrote: “If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications.”

The truth is that for most people, work, if they can find it, is drudgery and hard, a matter of survival. The late great Studs Terkel called it hell and rightly said that most jobs are not big enough for people because they crush the soul, they lack meaning.  And behind all ledgers of great wealth lie crushed souls.  This reality is so obvious and goes by many names, including class warfare, that further commentary would be redundant.

A few years ago, I visited Mark Twain’s house in Hartford, Connecticut.  It is advertised as “a house with a heart and a soul.”  It is not a house but a mansion, and it was an ostentatious display in Twain’s time. Similar or worse than Obama’s mansion on Martha’s Vineyard today.  It has no soul or heart.  It was built with Twain’s wife’s family money.  Her father was an oil and coal tycoon from upstate New York.  Twain reveled in opulent respectability.  He lived the life of a Gilded Age tycoon, an American magnate. It is not a pretty story, but the Twain myth says otherwise.  Not that he catered to popular tastes to please the crowd and his domineering wife and that he lived in luxury, but that he was a radical critic of the establishment.  This is false.  For he withheld for the most part the publication of his withering take on American imperialism until after his death.  He committed soul murder.  But his mansion impressed his neighbors and his humor distracted from his luxurious lifestyle.  His house still stands as a cautionary tale for those who will read it.

Baudelaire once said that in palaces “there is no place for intimacy.”  This is no doubt why in people’s dreams small, simple houses with a light in the window loom large.  Bachelard says, “When we are lost in darkness and see a distant glimmer of light, who does not dream of a thatched cottage or, to go more deeply still into legend, of a hermit’s hut.”  For here man and God meet in solitude; here human intimacy is possible.  “The hut can receive none of the riches ‘of this world.’  It possesses the felicity of intense poverty; indeed, it is one of the glories of poverty; as destitution increases, it gives access to absolute refuge.”

He is not espousing actual poverty, but the oneiric depths of true desire, the dreams of hope, reconciliation, and simple living that run counter to the amassing of wealth to prove one’s power and majesty. A humble house of truth, not a mansion of lies. This, to borrow the title of William Goyen’s novel, is “the house of breath” where the spirit can live and pseudo-stability gives way to faith, for insecurity is the essence of life.

There is such a hermit’s hut where the light shines.  It is the tiny cell in Belmarsh Prison where Julian Assange hangs onto his life by a thread.  His witness for truth sends an inspiring message to all those lost in the world’s woods to look to his fate and not turn away.  To follow to their sources the money that greases the palms of all the so-called journalists and politicians who want him dead or imprisoned for life, who tell their endless lies, not just about him, but about everything.

The house of propaganda is built on unanimity.  When one person says no, the foundation starts to crumble.  The houses of the rich dead and crooked souls, erected to project the stability of their bloody illusions, start to crumble into sand when people dissent one by one.

Soon the fog lifts and there is no hiding any more.  At the end of the path, you can see the vultures circling overhead as their prey go running out of their mansions in terror.

Sing Hallelujah!


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: Prettysleepy / pixabay

Call to European Parents: Join EU Action to Withdraw Authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection for Children 12+

Call to European Parents: Join EU Action to Withdraw Authorisation of Pfizer Covid Injection for Children 12+

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 15, 2021


Deadline: September 15th 2021

Action: join as intervenor in the legal action to annul EU license of Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine for children aged 12 years and over 

Conditions for Application:  parent of a child in the European Union 

Costs: no fees to apply

Details of case and form for application: see at the end of this article

In Italy starting from 6 August the ‘Green Pass’ or Covid certificate will be required for children over 12 years to access restaurants, indoor sports and cultural venues and also school.

The request for annulment rises from the fact that in practice this introduces a de facto vaccine obligation for children and constitutes an imminent danger to their health.  The action is filed against the European Commission since it has released a centralised conditional marketing authorisation for the vaccine that does not require further decision from European member state (here the Italian government).

Healthy children have ZERO risk of infection with Sars-Cov-2 .  Therefore there CANNOT be a positive risk-benefit ratio for children especially when injecting a substance that is based on experimental gene  therapy. 

Scientific evidence referenced in the complaint also shows that:

  • Covid can be treated
  • Asymptomatic transmission is not real
  • The Covid vaccine has no efficacy
  • There is no specific dosing of the vaccine for children they will have a more potent injection
  • Coagulation/blood clotting linked to the use of the spike protein has been observed as an important adverse event
  • Contrary to the claims of Pfizer the injected material does not stay in the arm but spreads all over the body and builds up in fragile areas such as the brain, the heart, the kidneys and the genitals.

Renate Holzeisen has filed this case on behalf of Italian families who are fighting the marketing authorisations that have been issued in the EU for the Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) vaccines. While the plaintiffs in this case are Italian , any European with children may participate in this legal action as an intervenor. In legal terms, an intervenor is someone who is not a party to the existing lawsuit but who makes themself a party by either joining with the plaintiff or uniting with the defendant in resistance of the plaintiff’s claims.

There is no charge to participate in this legal action, and participants are at no risk of being held financially liable should the case be lost.

People who wish to become an intervenor must provide copies of their ID cards to the coordinating lawyer in their country who will complete the paperwork provided by Attorney Holzeisen and register their participation.

For more information, please read the article below. The application forms are available in several languages below the article. If you need the documents in a language not listed, please contact us.

The deadline for participation is 15 September 2021.

You can read the full text of the legal action here and watch an interview with Attorney Renate Holzeisen here.

Concerned parents can ask a European lawyer registered with the General Court to lodge an application to intervene under article 142 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court.

If the application is successful, the General Court will admit the applicant as an intervenor, which will allow them to support the action and attend any oral hearing.

They must lodge the application in German—the language of the action—within 6 weeks of the action’s publication in the Official Journal of the European Union. Attorney  Holzeisen has prepared a draft application in German  but all documents are also available in several languages.   Would-be intervenors should complete the form and enclose proof of their professional capacity with a national lawyer who will review the documents and then apply on their behalf at the EU court. Lawyers can ask for a temporary registration at the European bar in which case they will have 48h access to file the documents.

Intervenors and lawyers in need of further assistance can contact Attorney Holzeisen’s office by email.

Background on previous actions: Four actions, one for each authorised vaccine,  have already been  brought by Italian Attorney Renate Holzeisen to defend the rights of health workers in northern Italy who  are growing into a pan-European push-back against the genetic engineering of the population by Big Pharma.

Italian health workers sought help from Attorney Holzeisen after their government told them to accept experimental Covid candidate-vaccines or give up their jobs. Attorney  Holzeisen is challenging the licenses granted by the European Commission in its Implementing Decision of 21 December 2020 for use of these products within the EU.

AVAILABLE for DOWNLOAD (click on the chosen language to download the PDF):

Action of Annulments for the Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech) Vaccine:


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Parents Oppose Vaccination of Minors Based on Informed Consent Legislation (Belgium)

Parents Oppose Vaccination of Minors Based on Informed Consent Legislation (Belgium)

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 15, 2021


In Belgium the organisation Notre Bon Droit is supporting a case filed on behalf of a dozen families who appeal the decision to open vaccination for minors aged 16-17. According to them this authorisation is illegal and the requirements for informed consent cannot be met.

Several testimonies of outraged parents reveal that minors have been vaccinated in vaccination centers without having first seen a doctor.

In most cases, minors « invited » to get vaccinated and their parents have never received any medical advice prior the injection and have never been objectively informed on the potential side effects and risks. Risk benefit ratio is different according to age as the number of Covid-19 death cases in minors is extremely rare and the middle and long term effects of the experimental vaccine are of course still unknown. Informed consent can therefore never be given as required by the Belgian law of 2002 on patient’s rights.

Parents are also contesting the concept of ‘medical majority’ invoked by the government to authorise this violation of parental authority.

Parents have authority over their children and are responsible for them until the age of 18, as long as they are “minors” according to article 372 of the Civil Code.

Article 12 of the law of 2 August 2002 provides an exception stating that:

“If the patient is a minor, the rights established by this law are exercised by the parents exercising authority over the minor or by his guardian.§ 2. Depending on his age and maturity, the patient is involved in the exercise of his rights. The rights enumerated in this law may be exercised autonomously by the minor patient who can be deemed capable of reasonably assessing his or her interests.”

However this does not mean that minors can be vaccinated without parental authority permission!

According to the above-mentioned articles, and more particularly to art.12§2 al.2 of the law of 2002, the professional practitioner can give the minor patient the right to make decisions concerning his health on the basis of an individual assessment.

Thus, for example, a minor can meet with a doctor and be prescribed a treatment without the parents’ consent.

However, before doing this, the practitioner will make sure to assess the young patient’s ability to understand what is being explained and to make decisions.

The practitioner also needs to ensure that the patient is fully informed, especially about the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment in terms of side effects.

He must also present to the patient the different treatments available to remedy his medical situation.

However, this does not seem to be the case for these minors that the authorities intend to consider as being “medically adult” in the framework of the vaccination campaign.

Finally, the specific legal requirements for the vaccination of minors participating in clinical trials, which apply for Covid-19 Vaccines, are also not met.


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: Hansuan_Fabregas / pixabay

Stop the Shots — Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

Stop the Shots — Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates
August 11, 2021


WHEN: Saturday August 28, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine

WHERE: Hyannis, MA, 300 block of Main Street near village green and statue of Iyanough (parking on North St. behind Main St. stores).


July 24, Hyannis

It is time to recognize that mandates for quarantine, “social distancing”, face covering, and the engineered gene injections being called “vaccines” are not about protecting public health. Public health is actually being harmed by these measures. So what is really going on? One view is that our government has been so corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry that government itself is pushing people to take pharmaceutical products even when these products have proven to be unsafe. There are precedents for this with the MMR, DPT, HPV, flu and other vaccines. Overall, vaccines have harmed, not helped, the human immune system. They have degraded the health of our society to such an extent that almost half of the children in the US today have some form of chronic illness — all for the sake of pharmaceutical company profits.

But a wider agenda is also apparent. That agenda is totalitarian social control implemented through the invention of a worldwide pandemic “emergency” which would inspire enough fear in people to make them give up their rights, separate them from others, separate them from their own instincts, and even from their spirituality. This war of the globalists against all of humanity has been cynically named “the great reset.”

Klaus Schwab,, founder of the World Economic Forum and author of The Great Reset. (Does it look like Mr. Schwab has a happy future in mind for us?)

Wars are fought for economic, not moral, reasons. This war is no different. Huge amounts of money have been transferred to the wealthy as a result of attacks on small business and the middle class and the further impoverishment of the poor. The wealthy want money and control of resources, as always. They don’t care if people are dying. In fact, for eugenicists like Bill Gates and other globalists who think they know best what is good for the world, depopulation is a desired goal. This may be why the authorities don’t seem to care about long-term effects of the covid injections, or about harm to reproductive organs and miscarriages that are already happening. Against all reason, pregnant women are being encouraged to get the shot. So are children. In the face of such criminality, there is nothing left for us to do but protect ourselves from our government. Whether it is working for big pharma or the globalists, we know for sure government isn’t working for us.

According to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), “between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021, a total of 545,338 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,366 deaths. There were 70,105 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.” VAERS is known to capture only a small percentage of adverse events, as they are greatly under-reported. And the CDC, representing the pharmaceutical industry (not us), has no interest in finding out or publicizing accurate numbers, or in following up on reports. So we can assume there have been many more deaths and injuries than cited above. There is already enough evidence that the CDC is committing a crime just allowing covid injections to continue, much less promoting them.

The purpose of standing out August 28 will be to do what we can to save more people from being harmed. The mass injection program needs to be stopped now. We must also stand up for children who may be forced to wear masks in the upcoming school year. Masks don’t protect anyone; their purpose is to condition us to accept medical tyranny and perhaps an eventual social credit score system, starting with “vaccine passports.” Using children as pawns to achieve this goal is frankly evil. We need to expose the perpetrators of this crime against humanity and see to it that they are prosecuted. If we don’t, the oppression will only continue.

This call is for a peaceful, non-partisan protest following up on our many previous demonstrations. Bring large-letter signs or banners with your message.

We stand for:

— the right to remain human — i.e., not to be genetically modified or made “transhuman.” The openly declared transhumanist agenda of the Great Reset and its plan for “a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” is absolutely insane.

— the right to live. These injections are killing people. We obviously have the right to reject them for ourselves and our children

— the right to the pursuit of happiness. Happiness will not be achievable if we have lost our health to medically induced chronic disease.

— our right to refuse medical interventions. No to the de facto vaccine mandate by which the state of Massachusetts and the federal government encourages employers, colleges, and businesses to require vaccination. certificates (or torture us with testing). No to explicit vaccine mandates likely to follow the corrupt FDA’s approval of the spike protein clot shots.

— ending mask requirements on public transportation, in healthcare facilities, and especially in schools. Forcing children to wear masks is child abuse.

— the right to bodily autonomy. No one should be forced to take a vaccine, wear a mask, be swabbed, tested, or scanned

— the Nuremberg code and the right to informed consent. No substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects (which are as yet unknown with experimental mRNA injections). There should be no negative consequences should we refuse a medical intervention.

— parental rights. The state has no right to bypass parents’ authority on whether their minor child should wear a mask, be tested, or be given any pharmaceutical product.

— the right to education. Education at K-12 schools, universities, and colleges should not be withheld as leverage to enforce government medical decrees.

— the right to freedom of movement. This right is violated when any kind of travel requires masking, testing, or proof of vaccination.

— “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (4th Amendment). This is our right to privacy . Our vaccine status and medical history is no one’s business.

— the right to due process: Open meeting laws continue to be illegally suspended in Massachusetts “due to coronavirus” and our elected officials seem to like it that way. Virtual meetings undermine democracy. Government-sponsored medical procedures without informed consent, and government edicts bypassing the legislative process are also a violation of the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments.

— the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and press. End the blatant Soviet-style government-media censorship of people with dissenting views about the covid narrative

— the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights. Refusal of service by any transport company, public venue, ticket vendor, grocery store, or other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens do not have equal rights.


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image credit:  Meghan M./End Massachusetts Medical Mandates

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 14, 2021


The war in Afghanistan is over! Long live the war in Afghanistan!

Yes, in case you haven’t heard, the US Armed Forces are withdrawing from Afghanistan at the end of the month and NATO’s “Resolute Support” mission—which took over from the NATO combat mission that ended in 2014—will wind up at the same time. And now, exactly as predicted, everything is chaos. And by “everything,” I mean everything.

The Taliban is quickly taking over the country. This story is developing by the hour so it will doubtless have moved on by the time you read this, but as of press time the Taliban have already seized half of Afghanistan’s provincial capitals—including Kandahar and Herat, the second and third largest cities in the country respectively—and are on their way (inevitably, we are told) to capturing Kabul itself. The US military has given up defending the country and is now launching “over-the-horizon” strikes from Qatar and the Persian Gulf and using drone strikes to destroy its own artillery and armoured vehicles, which are increasingly falling into Taliban hands.

In response, everyone is getting the hell out of Dodge. Denmark is evacuating Afghan citizens who worked at their embassy. Canada is deploying its special forces to evacuate its own embassy staff. The US military is doing likewise and begging the Taliban to pretty please don’t hurt us as we run away. (No word yet on whether people will be hanging from helicopters as they make their last minute escape.)

And, oh yeah, by the way, Al CIAda is regrouping.

Are you scared yet? Well, you should be. Not because the scary turbaned bogeymen are coming to get you again, of course, but because the government-media-military-industrial-technological complex want you to be scared, meaning that they doubtless have something up their sleeve.

So what’s really happening in Afghanistan?

The simplest answer to that question might be: Nothing unexpected. After all, the country is called “The Graveyard of Empires” for a reason.

First, the history lesson: Situated on the main land route between Iran, Central Asia and India, Afghanistan has for millennia been recognized as a key square on the geopolitical chess board. The country has been subject to periodic invasions and conquests by various civilizations—the Macedonians, the Mauryans, the Greco-Bactrians, the Indo-Scythians, the Mongols, etc.—for thousands of years. In fact, control of Afghanistan continues to be recognized as the strategic lynchpin of any would-be world empire in the modern age, with Zbigniew Brzezinski having defined the “Eurasian Balkans” in which Afghanistan sits as the pivot point of global geopolitics for the 21st century.

In the 19th century, Britain came to see Afghanistan as a valuable buffer between the Russians and the crown jewel of the British Empire: India. This led to a century-long covert proxy war for control over the country known to history as The Great Game and resulted in not one, not two, but three wars between the British Empire and the Emirate of Afghanistan. Spoiler: it didn’t end well for the British.

In the late 20th century, Afghanistan once again became the victim of a dramatic invasion (and a witness to the eventual retreat) of a major world superpower. This time, it was the Soviet Union’s turn to fail to subdue the notoriously ungovernable country, drawn in by America’s campaign to stir up “some agitated Muslims” and restore order to a politically turbulent country. Ten years later—after the CIA had engaged in the largest (acknowledged) covert operation in history and overseen the birth of Al CIAda in their attempt to “bleed” the mighty Soviet Empire to death—the CCCP’s mighty army was marching back to Moscow with their tails between their legs.

Now it’s America’s turn to suffer the same fate. Almost exactly 20 years after rolling into the country (for completely fictitious reasons and on completely spurious grounds), they are now exiting the country in disgrace. And so, from a purely historical perspective, we can say that this chaotic ending to the American Empire’s Afghanistan adventure is not unexpected.

But, given everything that is known about this “graveyard of empires” and its inherent unconquerability, it is worth reminding ourselves what the US and its NATO allies were really hoping to achieve there in the first place, whether this “withdrawal” is really a withdrawal and where things might go from here.

To address the first question, it is worth repeating a dictum that I have repeated so many times over the years that I should probably just call it Corbett’s Law: Major deep state events do not take place for one and only one reason. They take place because they serve the varied interests of the many deep state players involved.

JFK was not shot for one and only one reason, 9/11 did not take place for one and only one reason, the COVID scamdemic is not taking place for one and only one reason, and Afghanistan was not invaded for one and only one reason. Instead, we have to understand that Afghanistan was invaded for a number of overlapping geostrategic, military and economic reasons. In no particular order, these reasons include:

All of which makes this “withdrawal” all the more puzzling. Why is Biden pulling out at all? All of the geostrategic and economic imperatives that prompted the invasion 20 years ago are still in play today; in fact, given China’s growing influence in the Central Asian region, it’s arguably even more important for America to have a military deployment on their doorstep than it was in 2001.

One possible answer to this conundrum is that this “withdrawal” is not really a withdrawal at all. Remember when Trump announced that he was PULLING THE TROOPS OUT OF (Northern) SYRIA!!! . . . and, oh by the way, putting them in Western Iraq? Hmmm, I wonder if a similar sleight-of-hand maneuver might be in play here.

Well, take a look at this curious article from our friends over at ABC News. Their headline admits that “3,000 Fort Bragg soldiers [are] being sent to Kuwait,” but, confusingly, most of the article deals with the fact that the Pentagon has announced that they are “sending 3,000 troops from three infantry battalions — two Marine and one Army — to Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport to help out with the removal of American personnel from the U.S. embassy.” In fact, you need to go all the way to the very last sentence of the article to learn the details of the titular Kuwait deployment, and even then the details are scant:

“Furthermore, a brigade of 3,000 to 3,500 soldiers from the 82nd Airborne — which is based at Fort Bragg — will be sent to Kuwait to preposition in case they are needed further.”

Well, OK, then. So this “withdrawal” of the 2,500 troops who were stationed in the country involves sending 3,000 troops to the country and 3,000 additional troops to a nearby country just in case. But, don’t worry; they’ll only be there for 24 to 48 hours and then they’ll be gone again. (Pinky swear!) Just don’t ask where, precisely, they’ll be going next.

Maintaining skepticism about these announced “withdrawals” which never seem to really happen is certainly justified, but the fact that city after city is falling to the Taliban while the US cuts and runs is fairly convincing evidence that Uncle Sam really is abandoning its military stake in the country (for the time being). And we already know that the Chinese are swooping in to cut deals with the Taliban. Surely this represents what any and every other president (and, surely, even the Bumbler-in-Chief currently occupying the Oval Office) would call a “national security threat,” doesn’t it?

In fact, not only does the specter of the Chinese bogeyman hang over these events, but the O.G. bogeyman, Al-CIAda is even being brought back into the picture.

As the government lapdogs over at NBC News inform us:

With the Taliban steamrolling across Afghanistan, U.S. defense officials are concerned that a Taliban takeover of the country will allow Al Qaeda to rebuild and consolidate, creating security concerns well outside Afghan borders.

Never mind that the report then immediately goes on to clarify that this fearsome fighting force consists of a grand total of 200 to 300 members, or that they’re “really not a very large or what we would consider a capable contingent,” according to “one official.” NBC News knows that their “readers” never actually read past the headline. The point is, the bogeyman is back! But there’s a hitch:

With Al Qaeda in a rebuilding phase in Afghanistan, it is difficult for it to reorganize quickly, the senior U.S. officials said. And while the Al Qaeda ideology emphasizes attacks against the Western world, that is not the current strategy for its fighters in Afghanistan, the senior U.S. officials said.

In fact, these officials are even stressing that Al Qaeda 2.0 is “unlikely to have the capability to carry out an attack on foreign soil against the U.S. or another Western country any time soon.” (NBC News fails to inform its “readers,” however, that Al-CIAda is claiming to be behind be behind a bus bombing in Damascus earlier this month, as that news might bring to mind all of that inconvenient “Al Qaeda are the good guys in Syria” propaganda that the CFR and others were pushing a few years ago.)

So what, exactly, is the existential threat that Al-CIAda is supposedly posing this time? They’re publishing a magazine!

That’s right, for the first time in four years Al Qaeda has published a new edition of their glossy Inspire magazine in which they are exhorting all of the lone wolf terrorists in America to rise up with a wave of attacks. Specifically, they’re urging all the would-be Jihadi Joes out there to use “ghost guns” for their attacks.

“Ghost guns,” or guns constructed from parts that lack the registration and serial numbers that would tie them back to their source are, of course, not synonymous with Ghost Gunner, the general purpose CNC mill from Defense Distributed that allow do-it-yourselfers to “finish a growing library of mil-spec 80 percent lowers to completion” . . . but don’t tell the MSM repeaters that. They’re already dubbing this new approach “open source jihad” and implying that the wave of violence that will undoubtedly be raining down on Americans soon will be the fault of all that damn privacy and anonymity available on the internet.

All of this has resulted in the Department of Reichland Services issuing a new terror threat alert in the run-up to the 9/11 anniversary. And guess who they’re pre-blaming for this expected wave of “lone wolf” attacks on the “homeland”: “anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists” driven by the “increased societal strains” that have arisen during the scamdemic.

As Whitney Webb has covered extensively in recent months, this dovetails in perfectly with a narrative that the media and government have been trying to hammer into the public’s consciousness over the past year: that the greatest terror threat now stems from lone wolf domestic extremists who are opposed to the government and/or “corporate globalization.”

But wait, it gets even worse!

Not only is the DHS using their crystal ball to predict that these forthcoming Al-CIAda attacks will be perpetrated by MAGA cap-wearing yahoos, they are also warning of the threat posed by “malign foreign influences.” Specifically, they tell us:

Nation-state adversaries have increased efforts to sow discord. For example, Russian, Chinese and Iranian government-linked media outlets have repeatedly amplified conspiracy theories concerning the origins of COVID-19 and effectiveness of vaccines; in some cases, amplifying calls for violence targeting persons of Asian descent.

I suggest you go and peruse each of the cookie crumbs of information along this trail for yourself, because the enormity of what is happening right now is difficult to convey. Once you do so, I think you’ll start to see that the various threads of this narrative are being spun into a Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory being pushed by the powers-that-shouldn’t-be: That a newly resurgent Al CIAda is working with the Russians, Chinese and Iranians to radicalize far-right domestic extremists who question the effectiveness of vaccines. If you have a “False Flag” bingo card on you, please note that every square on your card has now been punched.

Getting back to Afghanistan, let me concede that Corbett’s Law applies to this current “withdrawal” from the country. Just as there was not one singular reason for the invasion, there is not one singular reason for the withdrawal. I still think the New Great Game with China is an exceptionally important part of what is happening here and we have not heard the last of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement or other NATO terror proxies who will likely be knocking on China’s door in the near future.

But having said that, I have a very bad feeling about the new Al-CIAda / domestic terrorist narrative that is emerging as a result of this Afghan chaos and I think a false flag event (or perhaps a series of false flag events) may be just around the corner to paint “anti-vaxxers” and those who question the government as extremists who need to be dealt with.

And once again, as in all wars of imperialist aggression, the actual people of Afghanistan and the plight that they now face are left as an afterthought in this whole discussion. The attempt of the average Afghan to rebuild their lives in the smoking crater that the 20-year invasion and occupation has left behind will, as ever, go unnoticed and unheralded by a world community that never cared about them in the first place.


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cover image credit — based on work of Willgard /pixabay & Minds/Corbett Report

How My Wife Bravely Defied the Maskers

How My Wife Bravely Defied the Maskers

by Rafi Farber, The Jewish Libertarian
sourced from Anti-Empire
August 11, 2021


Today, August 11, 2021. I went to the gym this morning. I live in Israel. I do not have a green pass. Technically, I am not allowed in to the gym. As I walk there, I’m thinking what to do if police prevent me from going. Do I go in anyway or back out, jump the fence and work out?

It turned out not to be an issue. Nobody was at the front desk so I just walked in, did my work out, and left.

I walk home, and when I turn the corner to my street, I’m reading The Tower of Basel so I’m not looking up. I hear my wife scream my name and immediately my blood pressure shoots up. She’s unloading groceries with my two oldest daughters, 11 and 9.

Apparently, as I was working out at the gym, my wife was having a workout of the mind and soul at the supermarket.

“Rafi, they called the police on me!”

“What, is everything OK? Does this have a happy ending?”

I immediately want to know if this is a good or bad story. I have been constantly on edge for about 18 months now, and I am in no condition to handle any sort of suspense at all.

“Everything’s fine,” says my wife. I breathe a sigh of relief.

“So what happened?!”

A bit of background. My wife and I made a pact a while back. We would not put on masks anymore for any reason. Not to keep a job, not to placate the police, nothing. (The last time I put one on was for an interview to get a weapons license 3 months ago, and I had to annul vows for that.) Why are we so adamant? Because it is time to set an example, and so we are. Neither I nor my wife have ever gotten a ticket for not wearing a mask. I’ve been threatened, even booked and detained by police, but never ticketed.

She begins the story. She’s heading into the grocery store with our two oldest daughters. The guard stops her at the entrance and tells her she can’t come in without a mask. She says yes, she can, and that she does not have to wear a mask. She simply walks past the guard. The guard follows her inside and continues to harass her. She just continues shopping, with an asinine back-and-forth about what the “law is”.

“Show me your exemption,” says the guard.

“I don’t have to show you anything,” she insists. And keeps shopping. My daughters are witnessing all of this, also unmasked.

As this is going on, the manager of the store comes out and takes my wife’s side, which was nice. “If she says she doesn’t have to wear a mask, then she doesn’t have to wear a mask! Enough already!”

The guard slinks off. Meanwhile, random masked grocery shoppers continue to harass my wife in front of my kids. She ignores them all and keeps shopping.

Then, she gets to the self-checkout counter and starts scanning her stuff. She swipes her credit card, the machine says there’s a problem (what a coincidence) and to call a clerk to help. A clerk comes, and she says, “Sorry, this checkout isn’t working. You’ll have to start over. And the police are coming. You have to put on a mask.”

“No, I don’t,” says my wife.

Then the store intercom starts blaring. “The police are on their way. Everyone must make sure their mask covers both nose and mouth.”

My wife just stands there, with my daughters. She can’t leave, because payment hasn’t gone through. She suspects someone shut down the machine to pin her there as the police were coming. Plus, my oldest just happened to have a bee sting on her foot from the day before that was swelling up again and needed to be iced, but my wife did not want to use that excuse to leave, because it would look cowardly. It is time to stand up. So she just stood there calmly, unmasked.

Police arrive outside the supermarket, taking pictures. They do not come in.

Still waiting, she’s the only person unmasked in the entire store. The checkout machine comes back to life. A new screen pops up on for a manager to swipe a card again. My wife calls the manager over, she swipes the card. The machine now says to swipe the credit card again. She does. Receipt comes out this time, finished.

She’s now walking out of the store, my oldest’s foot in a lot of pain. She gets past the guard again, and she simply walks past three policemen standing there. As she passes them, the guard says, “That’s her that’s her!” to the cops. But my wife just keeps walking to the car, two daughters in tow. They help her load the car, and she drives off home.

That’s it. That’s the whole story. This is all one big bluff. Our enemies are empty shells. Evil is emptiness.

Show no fear. Stare the bastards down. Keep your calm. They’re nothing.

I would bet that nobody in my entire city has the sheer courage of my wife. I am blessed with the most amazing woman in the world.


Connect with Rafi Farber

cover image credit – based on work of: mohamed_hassan, Bany_MM & MiroslavaChrienova / pixabay

Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare

Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare
‘Climatic warfare’ has been excluded from the agenda on climate change.

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
August 12, 2021


his article was first published by The Ecologist in December 2007.  It summarizes several in-depth and detailed articles written by the author on environmental modification (ENMOD) techniques for military use.   

It should be noted that while the HAARP program based in Gakona, Alaska was closed down, the US Air Force which managed the HAARP project, nonetheless confirmed that ENMOD techniques for military use are slated to continue:

“We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”

The ongoing debate on climate change including the Worldwide protest movement fails to acknowledge the role of climatic warfare, namely the deliberate manipulation of climate for military use.

Similarly, the mainstream media has failed to analyze the military dimensions of climate change. 

A recent Associated Press (AP) “report” entitled “The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories”,  directed against several authors and independent media including Global Research describes Michel Chossudovsky as “a professor emeritus of economics … and a conspiracy theorist who has argued the U.S. military can control the weather”. (emphasis added)

My response: “do you home work”. Sloppy journalism on this and other issues (including Covid).

There is a vast literature on weather modification for military use. The US Military can control the weather. And that is not a conspiracy theory.

I refer the distinguished AP journalists to consult the US Air Force document entitled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

2021 Weather Conditions Raise Questions

In 2021, extreme weather conditions have affected the entire planet. Massive floods in China, Russia, Germany and Turkey.  Forest fires and extreme heat waves in British Columbia. Severe droughts in California which threaten agriculture. Snowstorms in Brazil.

The causes must be carefully investigated. They are not attributable to CO2 Emissions.

There is however no evidence that these occurrences are the result of  “weather modification techniques” as defined by the US Air Force in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Yet at the same time, it should be be understood that advanced and sophisticated environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) are fully operational.

Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, August 12, 2021


*     *    *

Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use.

Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’. During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.

The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.

Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report, ‘offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary’, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes:

‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.’

In 1977, an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned ‘military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.’ It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing –through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.’

While the substance of the 1977 Convention was reasserted in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) signed at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio, debate on weather modification for military use has become a scientific taboo.

Military analysts are mute on the subject. Meteorologists are not investigating the matter and environmentalists are focused on greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol. Neither is the possibility of climatic or environmental manipulations as part of a military and intelligence agenda, while tacitly acknowledged, part of the broader debate on climate change under UN auspices.

The HAARP Programme

Established in 1992, HAARP, based in Gokona, Alaska, is an array of high-powered antennas that transmit, through high-frequency radio waves, massive amounts of energy into the ionosphere (the upper layer of the atmosphere). Their construction was funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Operated jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating ‘controlled local modifications of the ionosphere’. According to its official website, , HAARP will be used ‘to induce a small, localized change in ionospheric temperature so physical reactions can be studied by other instruments located either at or close to the HAARP site’.

But Rosalie Bertell, president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, says HAARP operates as ‘a gigantic heater that can cause major disruptions in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet’.

Physicist Dr Bernard Eastlund called it ‘the largest ionospheric heater ever built’. HAARP is presented by the US Air Force as a research programme, but military documents confirm its main objective is to ‘induce ionospheric modifications’ with a view to altering weather patterns and disrupting communications and radar.

According to a report by the Russian State Duma:

‘The US plans to carry out large-scale experiments under the HAARP programme [and] create weapons capable of breaking radio communication lines and equipment installed on spaceships and rockets, provoke serious accidents in electricity networks and in oil and gas pipelines, and have a negative impact on the mental health of entire regions.’*

An analysis of statements emanating from the US Air Force points to the unthinkable: the covert manipulation of weather patterns, communications and electric power systems as a weapon of global warfare, enabling the US to disrupt and dominate entire regions. Weather manipulation is the pre-emptive weapon par excellence. It can be directed against enemy countries or ‘friendly nations’ without their knowledge, used to destabilise economies, ecosystems and agriculture. It can also trigger havoc in financial and commodity markets. The disruption in agriculture creates a greater dependency on food aid and imported grain staples from the US and other Western countries.

HAARP was developed as part of an Anglo-American partnership between Raytheon Corporation, which owns the HAARP patents, the US Air Force and British Aerospace Systems (BAES).

The HAARP project is one among several collaborative ventures in advanced weapons systems between the two defence giants. The HAARP project was initiated in 1992 by Advanced Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI), a subsidiary of Atlantic Richfield Corporation (ARCO). APTI (including the HAARP patents) was sold by ARCO to E-Systems Inc, in 1994. E-Systems, on contract to the CIA and US Department of Defense, outfitted the ‘Doomsday Plan’, which ‘allows the President to manage a nuclear war’.Subsequently acquired by Raytheon Corporation, it is among the largest intelligence contractors in the World. BAES was involved in the development of the advanced stage of the HAARP antenna array under a 2004 contract with the Office of Naval Research.

The installation of 132 high frequency transmitters was entrusted by BAES to its US subsidiary, BAE Systems Inc. The project, according to a July report in Defense News, was undertaken by BAES’s Electronic Warfare division. In September it received DARPA’s top award for technical achievement for the design, construction and activation of the HAARP array of antennas.

The HAARP system is fully operational and in many regards dwarfs existing conventional and strategic weapons systems. While there is no firm evidence of its use for military purposes, Air Force documents suggest HAARP is an integral part of the militarisation of space. One would expect the antennas already to have been subjected to routine testing.

Under the UNFCCC, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has a mandate ‘to assess scientific, technical and socioeconomic information relevant for the understanding of climate change’. This mandate includes environmental warfare. ‘Geo-engineering’ is acknowledged, but the underlying military applications are neither the object of policy analysis or scientific research in the thousands of pages of IPCC reports and supporting documents, based on the expertise and input of some 2,500 scientists, policymakers and environmentalists. ‘Climatic warfare’ potentially threatens the future of humanity, but has casually been excluded from the reports for which the IPCC received the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.


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cover image credit: ArtTower / pixabay

‘The Need to Grow’ Filmmaker Tells RFK, Jr.: Industrial Ag Is Killing Our Soil — Regenerative Farming Is the Answer

‘The Need to Grow’ Filmmaker Tells RFK, Jr.: Industrial Ag Is Killing Our Soil — Regenerative Farming Is the Answer
Rob Herring, producer of the film, “The Need to Grow,” told RFK, Jr. on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” healthy soil has a “cosmic galactic level of microbial activity happening right under our noses.”

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
August 10, 2021


Award-winning filmmaker Rob Herring told Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on the “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast” that industrial agriculture is killing life in the soil, depleting crops of key nutrients and poisoning our waterways.

Herring, a certified holistic health coach and co-founder of Integrative Pediatrics, produced “The Need to Grow,” a film that highlights the importance of healthy soil, as well as the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to an agriculture system that’s good for people, animals and the planet.

Herring discussed the difference between farmable topsoil and dirt.

“Dirt is void of life,” said Herring. “Soil is really complex” and has a “cosmic galactic level of microbial activity happening right under our noses.”

Herring said one tablespoon of healthy soil may contain up to 10 billion microorganisms — an intricate web of biodiversity and life that’s key to producing healthy food, healthy humans and ultimately, a healthy planet.

But when you ignore soil health and mistreat it with toxic agrichemicals and overtilling, said Herring, we lose the ability to grow nutritious food.

Herring said the overuse of pesticides and artificial fertilizers has significantly depleted the nutritional value of plants.

“We’re growing something that looks like a broccoli,” said Herring, “but it doesn’t have the minerals and the nutrient density that, even just a few generations ago, the broccoli would have.”

Agrichemicals also make soil less resilient when it comes to weeds, pests and even drought, said Herring.  The good news, he said, is that solutions already exist.

By ditching toxic agrichemicals and using a variety of organic and regenerative farming practices such as composting and purposeful livestock grazing, Herring said we can rebuild soil health, grow nutritious food, protect farmers and promote clean waterways.

“This is why we geek out about soil,” Herring said. “This is why it’s so exciting, it’s really a forefront of how we’re going to possibly regenerate human and environmental health.”

Herring said:

“There’s an illusion right now that we think organic is more expensive, when in reality, that system is much, much cheaper in the long term, not only from the human health [aspect], not having to pay your doctor later for the medical bills, but also just the environment of cleanup that is outsourced.”

Listen here:


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.< 

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The Propaganda War (Part II)

The Propaganda War (Part II)

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory
August 13, 2021


The column you are about to read is propaganda. Yes, that’s right … propaganda. It isn’t political satire or commentary, or objective news or information, or unbiased, verified scientific fact. It is propaganda, pure and simple.

That isn’t a confession, a disclaimer, or a warning. I am not ashamed of writing propaganda. Most everything you see and read on the Internet, and in newspapers, and on television, and in textbooks, and novels, and on advertising billboards, and everywhere else, is propaganda. There is nothing wrong with propaganda. The question is who is doing it, and what they are doing it for. Here’s the definition in the Cambridge Dictionary:

“information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions”

That is what the column you are reading is … an attempt to influence people’s opinions. Of course, that isn’t all it is. Nothing is ever only one thing. But it is absolutely propaganda. And so is everything else that you will read today.

I’m terribly sorry if this comes as a shock, but there is no “objective” fantasy-land in which no one is trying to persuade you of anything or pressure you or otherwise influence you to do something. It does not exist, this “objective” dreamworld, where “authoritative sources” report “the facts,” where “the facts” are “verified” by “neutral” “fact checkers,” where ex-NSA and CIA spooks are hired as commentators by MSNBC and CNN because they care about “the truth,” where “science” is immune to manipulation. This fantasy is the alibi of authoritarians, cult leaders, and assorted other control freaks, and the people they have brainwashed into believing in it.

Everyone — and I do mean literally everyone — is trying to persuade or convince you of something. Your friends, family, colleagues, your boss, advertisers, lobbyists, government officials, the media, artists, teachers, doctors, journalists, bloggers, Twitter bots, etc. This isn’t cause for paranoia. It’s a natural part of human social behavior. It is happening right now as you read this sentence. I’m trying to convince you of something. In a moment, I’m going to urge you to do something.

This is how we create “reality,” collectively, by persuading and influencing each other, or allowing ourselves to be persuaded and influenced, mostly by powerful ideological forces that do not care about us, and just want to control us, but also by each other, moment by moment, with every word we speak and every action we take.

Every choice we make is an advertisement, a political statement, a profession of faith … a small contribution to a work of art we are collectively creating, which is what “reality” is. You and I are doing it right now. I’m trying my best to influence you, and you’re deciding whether to let me do that, whether you trust me … whether we share the same “reality.”

This process (or this negotiation, if you will) is never-ending, and there is no escape from it. Pretending that it isn’t happening — that we are not creating “reality” together with every choice we make — is childish, and is particularly dangerous at a time like this, when a new form of totalitarianism is being rolled out all across the world. This is not the time to retreat into fantasies. As I noted in Part I of this piece, we are in a propaganda war, and we are losing. GloboCap is manufacturing a new “reality,” a pathologized-totalitarian “reality.” Either you accept it, and conform to it, or you oppose it. Those are the choices. There are no other choices.

All right, now that we’ve got that straight, let’s get down to the propaganda at hand, and what it is that I am urging you to do.

I think the young people call that a “meme.” It is something everyone can do. Make a tweet or a post like that, with your name, face, country, and details, whatever restrictions apply to you. Use the hashtag. Circulate it. Encourage others to do the same. Don’t even mention the virus or the “vaccines.” Focus on the totalitarianism. Make it visible. Make it personal. We need the New Normals to see the faces of the people they are demonizing because we won’t convert to their new “reality.”

No, it will not make the slightest difference to the fanatics, but most of them are not fanatics. Most of them are simply scared and confused, and utterly mindfucked … as in their brains are not working. Literally. They are no longer able to think. Challenge them, and they will either become aggressive or start robotically repeating propaganda at you like the members of an enormous cult. Anyone who has interacted with them (and I have a feeling that you probably have) knows that they are totally unreachable with facts, argumentation, and basic reasoning, not to mention common sense, which is why I have mostly given up on that and am focusing on propaganda.

Propaganda programmed these people, and propaganda can deprogram them … or at least it can interfere with their current programming, even if just for a fleeting moment, maybe even enough to start them thinking, which might lead them to questioning the official “reality” … which, as any cult deprogrammer will tell you, is the first step toward disengaging from the cult.

Yes, it is just a picture and some words, but, if you doubt the power of visual propaganda, consider what GloboCap has achieved in the relatively short span of 17 months. They have imposed a new official ideology (in other words, a new “reality”) on societies all across the world.

Seriously, think about that for a moment … they have literally implemented a new global “reality.” They have done this primarily with propaganda, much of it visual propaganda, which functions on a primal, instinctual level. They inundated the public with images of disease, hospitals, patients on ventilators, body bags being stacked in death trucks, mass burials, and people dropping dead in the streets. They forced everyone to wear medical-looking masks and to perform an ever-changing series of pointless, paranoid compliance rituals to generate an atmosphere of “deadly contagion.” Basically, they transformed the entire planet into an inescapable pandemic-theater production in which the terrorized performers are also the audience. They did this mostly with visual propaganda, images and observed behavior. (The nonsense the New Normals robotically recite at us isn’t meant to believed; it is meant to be memorized and repeated verbatim, like religious dogma, or a customer-service-representative’s script.)

And, if you think your tweet or post doesn’t matter … well, it’s now about 48 hours since I posted mine, and thousands of people all over the world are joining in with tweets and posts of their own. (OffGuardian is collecting some of them here and inviting people to add their voices.) Twitter is suppressing the #NewNormal hashtag and slapping “sensitive content” warnings on the tweets. Fanatical New Normals, furious at being shown the faces of the people they are demonizing, are shrieking insults, death wishes, threats, mockery, and other vitriolic abuse at us, and demanding that the authorities censor us, and desperately attempting to disappear us by adding the hashtag to random gibberish.

That wouldn’t be happening if our voices didn’t matter.

What we’re doing is basically an online version of classic non-violent civil disobedience. We are disrupting the new official narrative, the official ideology, the official “reality,” even if just marginally, and just for a moment. Join in. Ignore the fanatical New Normals shrieking hatred at us on the Internet. Interrupt the “pandemic-theater” performance. Make the new totalitarianism visible. Make it personal … for them, and for us.

If you need a reminder of what the stakes are, here is a recent photo of some lovely graffiti from an unknown location somewhere in New Normal Germany. For those of you who don’t read German, it translates as … “GAS THE UNVACCINATED.”


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cover image credit – based on the work of: TayebMEZAHDIA / pixabay

‘Historic Win’: CHD Wins Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless

‘Historic Win’: CHD Wins Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit court ruled the Federal Communications Commission failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its current guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation. 

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
August 13, 2021


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) won its historic case today against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), a case challenging the agency’s decision not to review its 1996 health and safety guidelines regarding wireless-based technologies including 5G.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit published its decision Aug.13. The court ruled that the FCC failed to consider the non-cancer evidence regarding adverse health effects of wireless technology when it decided that its1996 radiofrequency emission guidelines protect the public’s health.

The court’s judgment states:

“The case be remanded to the commission to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its guidelines adequately protect against harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation…”

CHD Chairman and attorney on the case Robert F Kennedy, Jr. said:

“The court’s decision exposes the FCC and FDA as captive agencies that have abandoned their duty to protect public health in favor of a single-minded crusade to increase telecom industry profits.”

CHD’s case was consolidated with another similar case that was filed by the Environmental Health Trust. The organizations filed joint briefs in the case.

CHD’s lead attorney for the case, Scott McCollough, a telecommunication and administrative law attorney who represented the petitioners in the hearing, said:

“This is an historic win. The FCC will have to re-open the proceeding and for the first time meaningfully and responsibly confront the vast amount of scientific and medical evidence showing that current guidelines do not adequately protect health and the environment.

The court’s decision continued to say:

“…the FCC completely failed to acknowledge, let alone respond to, comments concerning the impact of RF radiation on the environment…The record contains substantive evidence of potential environmental harms.”

The petitioners in the case filed 11,000 pages of evidence of harm from 5G and wireless technology which the FCC ignored, including evidence of already existing widespread sickness.

Attorney Dafna Tachover, CHD’s director of 5G and Wireless Harms Project, who initiated and led the case for CHD, said:

“The FCC will finally have to recognize the immense suffering by the millions of people who have already been harmed by the FCC’s and FDA’s unprecedented failure to protect public health. Finally the truth is out. I am hopeful that following this decision, the FCC will do the right thing and halt any further deployment of 5G.”

The court ruling was a two-to-one panel decision. Judge Robert Wilkins wrote the majority opinion. Judge Patricia Millett joined him and Judge Karen Henderson, who presided over the panel, issued a dissent.

CHD President Mary Holland said:

“The U.S. Court of Appeals decision in CHD’s case against the FCC reaffirms my faith in the judiciary. In these chaotic days, courts can still hold out the hope for sober-minded decisions according to the rule of law. I eagerly await FCC action in compliance with the court’s ruling.”

This historic case was filed by CHD on Feb. 2, 2020. The case challenged the agency’s decision not to review its 25-year-old radio-frequency emissions (RF) guidelines which regulate the radiation emitted by wireless technology devices (such as cell phones and iPads) and infrastructure (cell towers, Wi-Fi and smart-meters), and to promulgate biologically and evidence-based guidelines that adequately protect public health.

In 1996, the FCC adopted guidelines which only protect consumers from adverse effects occurring at levels of radiation that cause thermal effects (temperature change in tissue), while ignoring substantial evidence of profound harms from pulsed and modulated RF radiation at non-thermal levels. The FCC hasn’t reviewed its guidelines or the evidence since, despite clear scientific evidence of harm and growing rates of RF-related sickness.

In 2012, the Government Accountability Office of Congress published a report recommending the FCC reassess its guidelines. As a result, in 2013 the FCC published an inquiry to decide whether the guidelines should be reviewed. It opened docket 13-84 for the public to file comments.

Thousands of comments and scientific evidence by scientists, medical organizations and doctors, as well as hundreds of comments by people who have become sick from this radiation were filed in support of new rules. Nevertheless, on Dec. 4, 2019, the FCC closed the docket and published its decision, affirming the adequacy of its guidelines without proper assessment of the comments or the evidence.

The lawsuit, called a Petition for Review, contends that the agency’s decision is arbitrary, capricious, not evidence-based, an abuse of discretion and in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA).

CHD’s lawsuit was joined by nine individual petitioners. Petitioners include Professor David Carpenter MD, a world-renowned scientist and public health expert who is co-editor of the BioInitiative Report, the most comprehensive review of the science on RF effects; physicians who see the sickness caused by wireless radiation in their clinics; and a mother whose son died of a cell phone-related brain tumor.

CHD’s lawsuit was filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. However it was transferred to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit where it was joined with a similar lawsuit filed by the Environmental Health Trust and Consumers for Safe Cell Phones. The main brief and the reply brief were filed jointly by all petitioners.


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: Peter-Lomas / pixabay

6G — Closer Than You Think

6G — Closer Than You Think

by Arthur Firstenberg, Cell Phone Task Force
August 12, 2021


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All over the world, scientists, governments, corporations and consumers are collaborating to turn the Earth into a giant computer, fulfilling the warning predictions of the great Swedish physicist and Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén. Written under the pen name Olof Johannesson, his 1966 science fiction novel Sagan om den stora datamaskinen (The Tale of the Great Computer) predicted smart phones, the internet, fitbits, artificial intelligence, chip implants enabling direct human-to- computer communication, the colonization of Mars, and ultimately the replacement of humankind entirely by computers, which regarded human beings as just one step on the evolutionary path to themselves.

Some of the national and international groups already working toward 6G are:

  • 6G Flagship, a Finnish research and development program funded by the University of Oulu and the Academy of Finland.
  • URLLC (Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communications) is a collaboration between the University of Oulu and South Korea’s Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI).
  • TEMA (Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association of India), in association with CMAI (Cellular Mobile Association of India), have formed the 6G Council.
  • CEA-LETI. This is the Laboratoire d’électronique des technologies de l’information (LETI), a subsidiary of the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA), France’s nuclear and renewable energy commission. LETI employs 1,900 people and is headquartered in Grenoble. Its 6G program is called New-6G.
  • 6GIC (6G Innovation Centre), a project of the University of Surrey, in the UK.
  • InterDigital, a technology research and development company with offices in the US, Canada, Belgium, England and France.
  • 6GWorld, a subsidiary of InterDigital.
  • ATIS, the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, which has 150 member companies. ATIS issued a press release on October 13, 2020 proclaiming, “ATIS Launches Next G Alliance to Advance North American Leadership in 6G.”
  • 5G-ACIA, the 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation. This is a working group of Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI), the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association.,
  • 5G IA (5G Infrastructure Association), the “Voice of European Industry for the development and evolution of 5G.” In the 5G PPP (5G public private partnership), 5G IA represents the private side and the European Commission the public side. 5G IA is Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
  • 6G@UT, a new research center launched on July 7, 2021 by the University of Texas at Austin and funded by InterDigital, AT&T, Qualcomm, Samsung, and NVIDIA.

6G will use frequencies from 40 GHz to 330 GHz, called “sub-terahertz” frequencies, in order to support “extreme data rates up to 1 Tbps.” The signal bandwidth will be in tens of GHz to “over 100 GHz.” Among other things, 6G will enable autonomous drones, cars, forklifts, trains, excavators and harvesters.

The first European 6G Symposium, a virtual event with 72 speakers, took place May 4-6, 2021. It was organized jointly by 6GWorld, 6GIC, Interdigital, and 6G Flagship. It featured Andreas Mueller, chairman of ACIA; Colin Willcock, chairman of 5G-IA; BK

Syngal, chairman of the 6G Council of TEMA/CMAI; Emilio Calvanese Strinati, program director of New-6G, CEA-LETI; DongKu Kim, professor at Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea and co-chair of the 6G R&D Strategy Committee of the university.

The 2021 Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit took place June 8-11, 2021. EuCNC is the European Conference on Networks and Communications. This event was a joint program of 6G Flagship and the European Commission. It was a virtual conference based in Porto, Portugal.

On July 13, 2021, at an event called Asia Tech x Singapore, 6G Flagship announced a partnership with the country of Singapore. The Singapore part of the collaboration will be housed at the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

Another 6G Summit will take place on August 31, 2021 at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado. There will be speakers from Verizon, AT&T, US Cellular, Rogers Communications, T-Mobile, Northeastern University, the Next G Alliance, the National Science Foundation, Virginia Tech and others. The physical event will be followed by a virtual event on September 2, 2021. This 6G Summit is sponsored by the Big 5G Event in collaboration with the Next G Alliance and ATIS.

The IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), a virtual conference sponsored by 6G Flagship, will take place September 13-16, 2021.

A 6G Symposium will take place Sept. 21-22, 2021 in Washington DC at Halcyon House. There will be 50 speakers from industry, universities and governments. It is sponsored by 6GWorld in partnership with InterDigital; the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things at Northeastern University; and the Next G Alliance.

On September 23, 2021, also at Halcyon House in Washington, the U.S. Department of Defense will hold a symposium called 5G to XG US Defense Symposium. It will feature former FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell as well as speakers from InterDigital, Lockheed Martin, Space Economy Rising, the IEEE, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the National Spectrum Consortium, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), and the Department of Defense.

And the Brooklyn 6G Summit, titled “Dawn of 6G” and hosted by the Tandon School of Engineering in Brooklyn, New York, will be held virtually on October 18-19, 2021. It will feature speakers from the U.S., Japan, Europe and China.

The third issue of 6G Waves magazine was published in Spring 2021. In it, we read that “the role of 5G/6G is to cognitively connect every feasible device, process, and human to a global information grid.” Its articles paint a picture of a nightmare world into which scientists and engineers are leading us:

  • The Hexa-X project promises “seamless unification of the physical, digital and human worlds… Whereas 5G is significantly enhancing our ability to consume digital media anywhere, anytime, 6G should enable us to embed ourselves in entire virtual or digital worlds.” This article talks about “massive twinning,” “telepresence,” “cobots,” “the internet-of-senses,” and “ubiquitous autonomous systems closely interleaved in every aspect of our lives.”

“Massive twinning” is “the creation of a digital twin from humans, physical objects, and processes.”

“Telepresence” will allow people to “interact with, or experience the physical world remotely with lifelike fidelity.”

“Cobots” will be “collaborative robots” in homes and public spaces.

  • Another article discusses a “tactile internet” enabling “humans wearing wearables and interacting with virtual spaces implemented in the network, where the users feel as if they were present in a real place of interest directly interacting with its surroundings.” It envisions “face-to-face (F2F) conferences where remote attendees feel as if they were in a conference room where they can look at any direction. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the demand for such applications.”
  • Another article reviews the development of “extremely fine smart dust” — wireless devices that are so small they are the size of tiny particles.
  • Dr. Ian Oppermann, a government scientist and professor at the University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, thinks 6G is necessary, and that there is “no alternative path for us, if we are to survive as a species.” His only concerns are that we protect people’s data and privacy. He imagines “a smart home, where the lights turn on and off as you move from room to room, where the heating is controlled intelligently by the number of people at home.” He envisions “a smart toilet that analyzes your urine chemistry and gives you recommendations for what to eat, based on your phosphate levels. Maybe that information gets shared with your fridge and it suggests you should eat more bananas.” “Another convenient piece of technology might be a drone hovering above your home, providing you with an ad hoc mobile network (great), but in addition the drone can record your location (dubious, but OK) and perhaps measure your body temperature (definitely not OK). The obvious question is, do you consent to all of this?”

And on August 5, 2021, the Federal Communications Commission created new “Innovation Zones” in Raleigh, North Carolina and Boston, Massachusetts and expanded its existing Innovation Zone in New York City. These are programs of the Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR), which is funded by the National Science Foundation and a consortium of over 30 technology and telecommunications companies.

The Northeastern Innovation Zone will be operated jointly by Northeastern University and DARPA. It will cover 0.8 square miles at Northeastern’s main campus in Boston, bordering Carter Playground to the east, Columbus Avenue to the south, and Huntington Avenue to the north; and 0.9 square miles at its satellite campus in Burlington, bordering Mary Cummings Park. These facilities will expose everyone in these test areas to frequencies ranging from 746 MHz all the way up to 1.05 THz (1,050 GHz).

The expanded New York City Innovation Zone, known as COSMOS, will be run jointly by Columbia University, Rutgers University, New York University, and City College of New York, and will cover portions of Columbia University, City College, nearby streets, and parts of Riverside and Morningside Parks. Other partners include Silicon Harlem, the University of Arizona and IBM. The New York City testbed will focus on developing ultra-high bandwidth, low latency wireless communications. It will use frequencies from 2500 MHz to 40 GHz.

The Raleigh Innovation Zone will be split into two areas. One will cover 10.5 square miles, including the North Carolina State University campus, a suburban residential area, and the Lake Wheeler Agricultural Research Station. This zone will house the Aerial Experimentation and Research Platform for Advanced Wireless (AERPAW), which will focus on developing wireless communications from unmanned drones. An additional 3 square miles, covering a different portion of the university campus and extending into the Town of Cary, will host four fixed towers with wireless transceivers. The Raleigh testbed will be operated by North Carolina State University

in partnership with Wireless Research Center of North Carolina, Mississippi State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Town of Cary, the City of Raleigh, the North Carolina Department of Transportation, Purdue University, and the University of South Carolina. This testbed will use frequencies from 617 MHz to 40 GHz.

Another Innovation Zone, which was established by the FCC in September 2019, is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It covers 4 square miles consisting of a portion of the University of Utah campus, a downtown area and a corridor connecting the two. This testbed is a joint project of the University of Utah, Rice University and Salt Lake City. The frequencies used in this testbed range from 698 MHz to 7125 MHz. All of the Innovation Zones are managed by the National Science Foundation’s Platforms for Advanced Wireless Research (PAWR) program.

And on June 22, 2021, PAWR announced the establishment of yet another large testbed, based at Iowa State University in central Iowa. This testbed will be spread across Iowa State University, the City of Ames, and surrounding farms and rural communities. Funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, it “will create a multi-modal, high-capacity wireless mesh network including low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite links, a free-space optical (FSOC) platform, and long-distance millimeter wave (mmWave) and microwave point-to-point communications.”

In 1862 Henry Brooks Adams, grandson of the sixth American president, wrote, “I firmly believe that before many centuries more, science will be the master of man. The engines he will have invented will be beyond his strength to control. Some day science may have the existence of mankind in its power, and the human race commit suicide by blowing up the world.”

The nightmares of sages past are coming true at a dizzying pace. Do we have the ability to face them, and the courage to plot a different course? To stop blaming one another, and realize that no one is in charge. To stop fighting fire with fire, to let the flames of technology die out so that the dormant seeds of nature may reemerge through its cinders to rebeautify the world, before it is too late.

The last 23 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading and sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the newsletters are also available there in German, Spanish, Italian and French.


Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

cover image credit: pixundertig / pixabay

Shouting at the Wall: MC Abdul, Palestinian Kid Rapper From Gaza

Shouting at the Wall: MC Abdul, Palestinian Kid Rapper From Gaza


Palestinian kid rapper from Gaza.

shared by The Worldwide Truth Channel
August 11, 2021

Original video available at The Worldwide Truth Channel YouTube.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


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David Rasnick, PhD: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS | The Tyranny of Dogma

David Rasnick, PhD: HIV Does Not Cause AIDS | The Tyranny of Dogma


“HIV does not cause AIDS” – David Rasnick

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
August 10, 2021


Dr David Rasnick is an American biochemist with decades of specialisation in AIDS; arthritis; cancer; proteases in emphysema and parasites; drug design; and clinical diagnostics.

He also participated as a member of the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel Of South Africa, under then-president Thabo Mbeki.

Which, of course, is where it gets interesting.

The president was recalled for being an “AIDS denialist” because he questioned the link between HIV and AIDS. David says that Thabo Mbeki deserves an apology, and that Jacob Zuma’s highly profitable ARV rollout is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of South Africans.

Molecular biologist Judy Mikovits agrees, as do many other scientists.

If you’re interested in refreshing your memory, then download Thabo Mbeki’s (infamous) AIDS Report from March 2001, of which David was a co-author.

David joined me for a conversation about why HIV does not cause AIDS.

he paper to which he refers – The Tyranny Of Dogma – can be downloaded here.

And the “missing tapes” David spoke about, have been located and can be watched below.


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Connect with David Rasnick, PhD


See related: Dr. David Rasnick: The Devastating Global Swindle — From AIDS to COVID-19


La Quinta Columna Scientists: Human, Animal & Plant Life Are All Susceptible to Graphene at the Molecular Level

La Quinta Columna Scientists: Human, Animal & Plant Life Are All Susceptible to Graphene at the Molecular Level


La Quinta Columna on Hemoglobin, Chlorofyll, and Graphene

by Orwellito, Orwell City
August 12, 2021

It’s no secret that graphene is a nanomaterial in vogue that’s being used to transhumanize the population. However, once it’s introduced into the environment, not only human beings are affected by it. But also all life around us: bacteria, animals, plants, etc.

The essence that defines the natural part of the expression of life has been under attack for a long time. There are chemtrailstransgenic fooddrugs, and synthetic elements that affect the natural processes of living beings. However, this moment in history is probably the most crucial of all.

Nanomaterials and nanotechnology seem to be present in everything. The controlling elite wants —at all costs— to turn us into something completely different from what we’re by definition. And, at the same time, it aims to change our environment by subjecting it to the same processes. What is the point of living in an artificial world if our nature inherently diverges from what we really are?

It’s almost like the latest technological advances —instead of bringing benefits to all of us—, are only bringing benefits to the controllers who want to keep us subdued.

In the following video that Orwell City has prepared, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and Ricardo Delgado from La  Quinta Columna comment on an IBM video showing a negative priming connecting hemoglobin, chlorophyll, and graphene. Something worth keeping in mind given all the changes we are seeing in humans, animals, and food.


Ricardo Delgado: 

We’ll watch a video where they talk about the world of computing from the basement of an IBM facility. It talks about graphene. In addition, there’s an image that we are going to stop at second 13. The video lasts 2 minutes. Let’s watch it because it is very curious.

OK. I’m going to stop it and go back a little bit so you can see something. Look at what appears here.

Graphene appears here. And hemoglobin. But there’s also chlorophyll. OK? That’s, there’s an interaction of graphene with chlorophyll and with human cells as well. We’ll see more of this later because it’s relevant. This is, as I said, the basement of an IBM facility.

IBM video:

Let me give you a little bit of context. This you’re looking at here is an atomic force microscope. A type of…

Ricardo Delgado:

That’s the same microscope that was in that video about magnetic graphene. Remember, José Luis? They managed to see it through that microscope. The atomic force microscope characterizes nanomaterials with the Raman technique to identify what’s graphene, graphene oxide, fullerene, or whatever.

Dr. Sevillano:


Ricardo Delgado:

But they don’t need to be that big either. They sell much cheaper ones. A type of microscope developed in these same IBM laboratories thanks to the advances made by Binnig and Rohrer in 1981, which is why they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986.

And you may ask, why is this type of microscope so interesting? Well, because with it, we can obtain images with a resolution of less than a nanometer. That is, at the atomic scale. We’re talking about being able to visualize molecules and the position of the atoms that make them up. This image you’re looking at was presented in 2009 by IBM. And was the first to show at this level of resolution the atomic structure of a molecule.

Currently, the team has not only managed to visualize these structures, but they have also managed to create new molecules by manipulating them at the atom level.

Remember that carbon, depending on how it’s molecularly structured, can give us substances as different as graphite, diamond, or graphene? Well, in that sense, during the presentation, it was explained to us that their latest project on which they’re working has consisted of isolating a carbon molecule whose structure is shaped like a ring of 18 atoms. The CycleCarbon 18.

All this is to study its properties. To achieve this, they have got, via postal mail, from the University of Oxford, with whom they collaborate, this type of triangular molecules here and then…

Ricardo Delgado:

Oxford University, huh? That one is also involved in all this.

IBM video:

And then, to proceed to cut it by eliminating atoms that aren’t of interest, and then we get the desired carbon ring. And, seriously, stop and think about what they’re doing. To me, this is science fiction.

Ricardo Delgado:

Well, this is for those at VerificaRTVE, who claim that there are no different two-dimensional sheet structures. They talk about carbon, for example.

Our friend Josep, who brings out very good news, has shared with us this screenshot. He found, precisely, this one.

It says, ‘The most beautiful thing I learned today is that chlorophyll’ —related to graphene in the video— ‘chlorophyll and blood’ —the video also shows hemoglobin and graphene— ‘are chemically identical.’ The only difference is that chlorophyll has the center of a magnesium atom and blood has the center of an iron atom. Plants and animals are very, very similar at that level. Fascinating. And here comes the comparison.

This means that, just as it has been done with animal life in some way, it has also been introduced to plant life. And it would explain what we’re seeing. Perhaps, José Luis, this could be a hypothesis to take into account in order…

Dr. Sevillano:

Yes, yes, it could be. It could be. It should also be taken into account. Because of the damage that can be done to plants in the future by the fact that… There’s damage being done to plants through electromagnetic waves as well. At the end of the day, chlorophyll is what makes it possible to create energy. And if it affects them… Well, my friend, the plants die. In the same way that it happens with human beings, with animal cells, it also happens to plants with these fields.

It’s a very nice detail to have compared the two molecules and see that only the central atom changes.


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Connect with La Quinta Columna via website or Telegram

cover image credit: 12019 / pixabay

Recipe for a False Flag: Military Mass Casualty Drills Happening Now

Recipe for a False Flag: Military Mass Casualty Drills Happening Now

by Spiro Skouras, Activist Post
August 12, 2021


The US Army just conducted a three-day exercise in collaboration with the New York City Police and Fire Department. The exercise simulated a nuclear and biological event on the NYC subway system and Yankee Stadium.

Similar drills are scheduled for Philadelphia and Los Angeles in the coming months of September and October.

This raises concerns because the US Military has a track record for conducting experiments on the population using deadly pathogens without the population’s knowledge or consent.

Right now there is no proof that anything nefarious is taking place. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that government exercises and drills provide the perfect the cover to conduct covert and illegal operations. The same sort of cover a declared pandemic provides.






Getting ready for ‘America’s worst day’

The Army tested ‘germ warfare’ on the NYC subway by smashing lightbulbs full of bacteria

CDC Lab Alert PCR


Connect with Spiro Skouras at Activist Post

The Emperor Has No Corona

The Emperor Has No Corona

by ThoughtCrimes7
August 11, 2021

Available at ThoughtCrime7 BitChute and Odysee channels.

An investigation into the “Isolation” of the SARS-COV2 “virus”.


Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

SOVI – Statement on Virus Isolation – Add your name:

Dr. Tom Cowan:

Only Poisoned Monkey cells Grew the Virus, article by Dr Tom Cowan:

Virus Mania, by Dr. Sam Bailey and Torsten Engelbrecht:

Torsten Engelbrecht:

Isolate the Truth Fund, 1.5 Million Euro Prize:

Christine Massey, Global FOIA Requests:

Dr. Stephan Lanka – CPE Produced without Virus:—Control-Experiment—21-April-2021—English-version:0

Dr. Vincent Racaniello:

Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States


In-Silico PCR:


See related:

Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines”


Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical… Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio



The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads (2021) by Thomas S. Cowan MD and Sally Fallon Morell



cover image credit: Dieterich01 / pixabay

Massive Protest in Poland Against Vaccine Passports — August 8, 2021

Massive Protest in Poland Against Vaccine Passports — August 8, 2021


sourced from CreativeWorks Odysee channel.
August 11, 2021

Poland Vax Pass Protest -Aug 8 2021
Protests are happening Everywhere!


Connect with CreativeWorks at Odysee

Los Angeles Unified School District Abandons Mandatory Vaccination Due to Lawsuit

Los Angeles Unified School District Abandons Mandatory Vaccination Due to Lawsuit

by Health Freedom Defense Fund
August 10, 2021


We are pleased to report that through our efforts, vaccination with the experimental COVID-19 shots, issued under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), is no longer mandatory at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). On July 27, 2021, the case against LAUSD was dismissed without prejudice, as the judge concluded the district had indeed abandoned the mandatory C-19 vaccination policy, communicated through various channels to the public, teachers, and staff before the lawsuit was filed.

This is a BIG win – because of the lawsuit, LAUSD represented to the court on the record that it does not have a policy requiring vaccination with EUA products.  Since the court has now confirmed the absence of any policy requiring vaccination at LAUSD, all teachers and staff are safe to return to work without vaccination or furnishing proof of vaccination in the fall.

We consider this an important victory for individual freedom for LAUSD personnel because it accomplished precisely what we sought in filing the lawsuit.

Importantly, the dismissal was without prejudice, meaning the complaint can be re-filed if LAUSD changes its policy and begins to require vaccination with an EUA product yet again. The dismissal was due to the fact that LAUSD had changed its previous policy and represented to the court it did not have a policy mandating EUA products. The Judge’s own words confirm this in the last line of the Order granting the Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss:

“That Defendants were contemplating requiring the vaccine, and then later reversed course and explicitly said they would not be, does not create a ripe case or controversy.”

Our lawsuit was filed in March because LAUSD mandated vaccination against COVID for all personnel. The following day after we filed our lawsuit, LAUSD attempted to reverse course by issuing a new policy stating the EUA vaccines were voluntary in direct contradiction to what had been communicated in emails, meetings, and the media.

At that point, when asked to specifically state to the court that they did not have a vaccination policy, LAUSD refused, thus confirming that they did have such a policy in place as a condition of employment.

Upon filing of our amended complaint, LAUSD filed a Motion to Dismiss on the basis that there was no policy of mandatory vaccination.  In its Reply to our Opposition to their motion, they were forced to confirm – on the court record – no less than 8 times, that LAUSD does not require COVID-19 vaccination and that vaccination is purely voluntary.  In other words, LAUSD did exactly what we had asked it to do from the start, and therefore the case was dismissed without prejudice.

Should a LAUSD official try to force an employee to take an EUA injection under penalty of termination, they should show them the LAUSD Reply Brief and the highlighted language showing their public position that there is no mandate for vaccination.

Although we wish the judge had decided the case on its merits and had expressly stated what we believe to be self-evident: that we have unalienable rights endowed by our Creator, and that among these is the right to determine what goes into our bodies, we are still delighted that our legal action prevented LAUSD’s illegal vaccine mandate and protected the rights of countless educators and staff.

We must all continue our fight and indeed Health Freedom Defense Fund will do so and appreciates you helping to spread the word and supporting our work.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

cover image credit: ArtTower / pixabay

Governor Newsom’s ‘State of Emergency’ Challenged in California Supreme Court

Governor Newsom’s ‘State of Emergency’ Challenged in California Supreme Court
In a petition filed Tuesday in the California Supreme Court, the Orange County Board of Education and Children’s Health Defense asked the court to declare an immediate end to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s state of emergency, arguing Newsom himself last week said the emergency was over.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
August 11, 2021


Orange County Board of Education and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Tuesday filed a petition for writ of mandate in the California Supreme Court asking the court to declare an immediate end to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s declared state of emergency.

writ of mandate is a court order to a government agency, including another court, to follow the law by correcting its prior actions or ceasing illegal acts.

“This petition is not about masks, vaccines or any other specific policy issue,” said Scott J. Street, attorney for the Orange County Board of Education.

“This concerns fundamental issues of governance that are the foundation of American self-government and which cannot exist in an indefinite state of emergency,” said Street, who last year successfully litigated a similar case against the state, after state health officials arbitrarily closed gyms.

The Emergency Services Act states that an emergency can be declared when there exists “extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state.”

The act also states the governor must terminate a state of emergency “at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant.”

The lawsuit alleges that Newsom’s own words established the emergency was over when he argued last week in County of Ventura v. Godspeak Calvary Chapel that:

“ … the state no longer faces a threat that the state’s healthcare system will be overwhelmed. To the contrary, all available evidence suggests a resurgence of cases, hospitalizations and deaths to the level that last August prompted the Blueprint [for a Safer Economy] and the other now-rescinded public health directives at issue is unlikely to occur in light of the percentage of eligible Californians who are fully vaccinated.”

“The governor can’t have it both ways,” said Robert Tyler, counsel for Orange County Board of Education. “He can’t claim victory over the emergency of COVID-19 in one court, and immediately claim an emergency exists in another just so he can keep the people of California in a headlock.”

CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said the aim of the lawsuit is to restore democracy in California after a 17-month suspension.

Kennedy, who lives in California, said:

“Californians are tired of being governed by unelected technocrats ruling us by arbitrary dictates with no scientific basis in violation of our constitutional rights to transparency, public participation and due process.”

Kennedy said “government best serves public health” when citizens participate in the regulatory process to craft policies “annealed in the cauldron of debate as the regulatory system provides.”

According to Denise Young, executive director of CHD’s California chapter, the state’s “never-ending ‘state of emergency’ and lack of transparency of science and data on which these policies have been based” have resulted in the “massive disruption” to children’s education.

“It is difficult to quantify the damage perpetrated on our children by the state and its schools as a result of online learning, mask wearing, testing and living in a continuous state of fear,” Young said.


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

cover image credit:  / pixabay

Dissolving a Pandemic of Fear

Dissolving a Pandemic of Fear

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
August 11, 2021


Have you been vaccinated against COVID but afraid of vaccine failure? Do you wear a mask, or two, for added protection? Do you fear being around others? Feeling pressured to get the jab to keep your job? Have you tested positive for COVID post-vaccination? Do you fear the virus is mutating into a Totalitarian dictatorship?

Everyday there is a new story, “news-story,” designed to cause confusion and fear. Confusion equals control. FEAR equals ‘false information appearing real.’

Where to turn? Who to trust?

Wha happens when the president of the U.S. advises illegal, unlawful and discriminatory policies that fall outside the law?

The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. – President Biden

The answer? Know bad advice campaigns when you see them.

Bad Advice Campaigns

The bad advice campaigns began in early March of 2020, when “the experts” advised you to wear a mask to “flatter the curve.”

However, mask mandates did not flatten any curves. They only turned curves upside down.

Then, one day in January 2021, after nine months of gestating fear, you were told by “the experts” to get vaccinated to stop viral transmission, avoid death, that life would return to normal and the masks could come off.

However, masks did not come off, reports said COVID cases increased, and variants resulted.

…even if you’ve been fully vaccinated and protected from severe illness from COVID-19, you could have the Delta variant in your system and spread it to someone who isn’t vaccinated. – President Biden

By June, in an about-face, the experts warned that COVID vaccines would not prevent COVID infections or death. You were told that a vaccinated person could still get sick from the virus they just got vaccinated against. The first case showed up in April, 2021. By July, 125,000 vaccinated people tested positive for COVID and 1400 of those have died.

Yes, some fully vaccinated people will still test positive, and some will show some symptoms of COVID-19. That’s expected with almost every vaccine there is for other diseases. – President Biden

One major hurdle for COVID variants remains: there is no approved test to identify a COVID variant. If there is no delta variant test, then how exactly are people being diagnosed with a “delta variant’ or other variants?”

The problem is that the tests in question for detecting variants have not been approved as a diagnostic tool either by the Food and Drug Administration or under federal rules governing university labs ― PBS News, February 26, 2021

We don’t always know [the variant] when we do the regular tests,” Winter said. “We do that in epidemiological studies … The routine testing for COVID-19 will just tell you if you have the coronavirus. It doesn’t tell you what strain you might have. – Dr. David Winter, Director of Internal Medicine at Baylor Scott & White hospital in Dallas, July 22, 2021

The media is deliberately seeding misinformation to the masses. Expect more confusion to come.

After December 31, 2021, the CDC will withdraw its request to use the PCR Diagnostic Panel for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2.  Without PCR testing, blood tests will be the only available tests, which require weeks for a result. Will there be a new distraction, a new variant? A new vaccine? An alien landing?

With tests for COVID being neither approved nor valid, how can a ‘delta variant’ be “more contagious” and “make your sicker” than its parent virus when coronavirus cannot be verified?

It cannot.

Don’t be duped. With no real proof of a true source of infection, it is fear and growing vaccine reactions that are responsible for pandemic cases and deaths. If the reports prove anything, they prove that we are all casualties of an informational war that will result in potentially millions of deaths, due to collective human ignorance. The goals of misinformation can be found in the 10 messages of The Georgia Guidestones.

Spike In Vax Reactions

The blatant contradiction is that injectable products, sold as “safe and effective,” come with no proof of safety or effectiveness. The experimental mRNA vaccines produce a spike protein in your body, a known toxin, which spikes a cytokine storm with unpredictable results. The CDC reports a Russian Roulette of symptoms, ranging from anaphylaxis, to heart palpitations, blood clots, and death.

After the mRNA is delivered to a cell, it instructs the cell to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to elicit an immune response. Some of the known direct health effects of the injected Spike protein-laden vaccine include:

o Heart failure, heart injury, heart attack, myocarditis (Chen et al., 2020; Sawalha et al., 2021)
o Pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism and thrombosis, lung tissue damage,  possible pulmonary fibrosis (McDonald, 2020; Mishra et al., 2020; Pasqualetto et al., 2020; Potus et al., 2020; Dhawan et al., 2021)
o Increased venous and arterial thromboembolic events (Ali and Spinler, 2021)
o Diabetes (Yang et al., 2010; Lima-Martinez et al., 2021)
o Neurological complications, including encephalopathy, seizures, headaches, and neuromuscular diseases. Also, hypercoagulability and stroke     (AboTaleb, 2020; Bobker and Robbins, 2020; Hassett et al., 2020; Hess et al., 2020)
o Gut dysbiosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and leaky gut (Perisetti et al., 2020; Zeppa et al., 2020; Hunt et al., 2021)
o Kidney damage (Han and Ye, 2021)
o Impaired male reproductive capacity (Seymen, 2021)
o Skin lesions and other cutaneous manifestations (Galli et al., 2020)
o General autoimmune diseases, autoimmune hemolytic anemia (Jacobs and Eichbaum, 2021; Liu et al., 2021)
o Liver injury (Roth et al., 2021)

State governments ended previous illegal mandates due to a criminal complaint filed by Randall Kelton in Texas court against Governor Abbott. See the Governor Criminal Complaint. However, the role of magistrate then passed to corporations and employers who claimed they could mandate you, as an employee, to get the Emergency Authorized Use (EAU) medical product (vaccine) that did not have FDA-approval.

Do you trust experts who began a pandemic with bogus cases? New “surges” are spreading in vaccinated populations. Did the vaccines fail? Have they failed before?

‘Primary Vaccine Failure’ in Highly Vaccinated Populations

Disease outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations are nothing new. As expected, disease is spreading among vaccinated people in highly vaccinated populations, expressing the disease as what experts call ‘breakthrough infections’, or covariants.

In the 1980s, several measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations were documented worldwide. One 1987 study in an Ontario High School showed a 98% vaccination rate, with many twice vaccinated. Similar results were found in 100% vaccinated school populations in the U.S.  In the 1980s, breakthrough infections were called “primary vaccine failure.

Outbreaks in large school populations continued to happen in 2011,  See my articles, Fear of Measles, Real or Fabricated  and Ongoing Disease Outbreaks in Highly Vaccinated Populations.

Fast forward to July 2021, when the CDC again shifted 180-degrees in its message to recommend that fully vaccinated people should continue to wear a mask because the unvaccinated could put the vaccinated at risk of infection. This logic is the same as requiring you to wear a raincoat to keep someone else dry, or exercise for others so they can lose weight. Vaccine failure is no longer mentioned.

However, just as the media began to target healthy people, the reporting reversed again, warning that vaccinated people are spreaders of COVID and its variants. Most recently:

• The CDC updated its guidelines to recommend masks indoors for fully vaccinated people.
• The CDC said the Delta variant makes it easier for vaccinated people to transmit the virus.
• The CDC claimed that vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease, no matter the covariant.

Yet, Moderna just declared its vaccines are failing and everyone needs a third booster!

The “experts” will always advise everyone to get vaccinated voluntarily, even as there is a global die-off of recipients being test animals to experimental vaccines. “Get the booster. Get all the boosters!”

Insurance Companies Off The Hook

Because of the uncertainties from unauthorized tests and experimental vaccines, insurance companies in India and Korea are limiting what they will cover if someone becomes sick from the COVID injections. They write:

Contrary to popular perception, existing health insurance policies are unlikely to cover the cost of vaccination and adverse reactions, if any. Only policies designed purely for the COVID vaccination process — there is none at the moment — will cover the costs.

Regarding concerns about the reported asymptomatic spread of COVID, the W.H.O stated, on June 8, that asymptomatic transmission appears to be “very rare.” They received this information from the epicenter of the pandemic, China, and failed to release it to the pubic.

Wuhan scientists conducted a major study in Wuhan China, where the problem began, involving almost 10 million people, and found zero cases of asymptomatic transmission. See the Study, not reported to the public. What U.S. insurance companies will do remains to be seen as news breaks out, along with new variant surges.

Treatments Vs. Healing

These are historical times. It’s the time to dissolve the pandemic of fear and liberate yourself.

First, it is important to know there is a difference between treatment (vaccination) and healing (immunization). The former is synthetic with no guarantees. The latter is natural and proven by the you, the healer as you heal yourself. Just as each healer heals him/her self, each liberator, liberates her/himself.

Since April 2021, the FDA has only approved one treatment, an antiviral drug called Veklury, widely known as remdesivir, a toxic treatment for a wide array of COVID symptoms. Studies conclusively show this drug to be ineffective. Other medical treatments include the drugs invermectin, which is used in Africa for parasitic infections, and hydroxychloroquine. In combination with the mineral zinc, hydroxychloroquine is reported by some doctors to offer relief of COVID symptoms.

In April, 2021, the FDA warned, “using any treatment for COVID that’s not approved or authorized by the FDA, unless part of a clinical trial, can cause serious harm.” Following that announcement, the F.D.A. then recalled 200,000 bottles of the approved O-T-C Acetaminophen Extra Strength tablets due to liver damage.

As a group, synthetic drugs and vaccines dismantle the body’s immune system. Without an immune system, you are susceptible to be invaded by technology that is proven to be fatal. Instead of synthetic solutions, there are natural solutions. Zinc, alone, or quercitin, a zinc ionophor, can offer relief to flu-like symptoms. This is because people with infections are deficient in zinc and other minerals. Their immune systems are out of balance to prevent infection and to push out toxins that lead to illness. When replenished with the right minerals, the body swings back into balance.

With many adverse effects of these vaccines now widely reported, such as AstraZeneca confirming a link between its shot and blood clots, and 18 countries suspending its vaccine, while other paused the use of the J&J experimental shot, no one has a clear indication or information about the safety or effectiveness of the shots to make an informed choice. To inject or not to inject?

Dissolving Fear

Is your head exploding trying to make sense of the contradictions and inconsistencies from the experts in the media?

Fear not! When you know you are a spiritual being, you can dissolve all fear. You can awaken to truth.

Mandates are not laws. Unless a legislature passes a law requiring mass injections (which cannot happen due to problems with the solution), there is no requirement, and there never could be. Not participating in a medical experiment is a legal and lawful right because people have the right to refuse medical interventions.

People are discovering that they need only trust their own judgment when it comes to unproven medical products and politicians who practice medicine without a license. Especially since vaccine makers are not liable for any damages from their products. You cannot sue vaccine makers for side effects or direct effects from their products. Neither will the government compensate you for any damages. Who is responsible for damages?

You are.

You came here with everything you need. Simply know who you are. Two Greek words carved on a temple in Greece are γνωρίστε τον εαυτό σας, meaning Know Thyself. Are you a body or a spirit with a body?

The strength and integrity of your spirit is matched only by your internal defense system, known as your innate immune system. Your immune system is the key to thwarting infections and invaders of all kinds. If you already survived the symptoms of ‘COVID,’ then you have already produced a stronger immune system. There is no point in vaccination, as the Cleveland Clinic suggests.

No injections are necessary because infections come and go naturally, as they have done throughout human history for centuries, long before vaccines were known or viruses were patented as ‘real.’

There is no need to fear an infection in your body if you understand that your body heals itself if given the right tools, which are the tools of Nature. Once healed, your body becomes stronger because it has created antibodies that now guard your immune system against future invasions so that you never experience that particular natural invader again. You have created innate immunity that lasts a lifetime. A synthetic vaccine cannot do that.

Your body shows you symptoms as its sign language, to show you how to heal yourself because you are your own healer. Your symptoms are nothing to fear. Infections reflect mineral deficiencies, which cascade into other deficiencies.

Natural options to strengthen the immune system include adding minerals such as zinc, magnesium, iodine, boron, and selenium; herbs such as nettle, and goldenseal, and Elderberries; vitamins such as vitamin D, which your skin makes from the sun; and vitamin C from green onions made into soup, and Sumac berries, or White pine needles made into tea.

Natural healing options come from Nature, which is noninvasive and not patentable. Nature is freely offered right outside your door. You simply have to open the door and step outside to find a natural, free farmacy at your feet.

The Power of Choice

Whenever there are uncertainties for your health, there must always be many choices in how you respond. Choice is the solution, along with ensuring that your immune system is nourished and strong. That is why there is never a one-size-fits all approach to health or freedom issues. All individuals are unique, so all solutions must be unique.

That is the essence of Health Freedom. Each person is endowed, by birth, with natural, Universal rights that are reflected in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration reflects personal responsibility for your health, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Your health and life is  reflected in your own innate immune system. By building your immune system to reverse the symptomatic language of your body, you connect to your higher powers, to your spirit.

It’s been YOU all along. Others do not set themselves on fire to keep you warm or wear a raincoat to keep you dry. Others are not responsible for how you heal yourself.

The right and responsibility to decline any product or treatment is a birthright, especially when it comes to your body. Connect with who you are and let that be contagious.

A mandate to accept a medical product to keep your job is illegal. Mandates are merely offers that you can decline or refuse. No government, governor, employer or church can force or coerce or dictate any mandate since there is no law to follow or enforce, no legislation to point to. But there is guidance to protect your right to choose.

Five Solutions
  1. One medical professional, known as Agent J, who continues to be employed as a nurse in a hospital, unvaccinated, after being mandated to get the shot, has created a Right To Decline form to protect her freedom. She offers it freely for others. See her Declination Statement.

2. The is a health freedom organization and website tracking legislation in 45 states that protect rights of individuals to make their own health decisions, including workplace coercion and banning vaccine passports. To date, 15 states have passed at least one Right to Refuse bill.

3. Review Peggy Hall’s videos and information to know what is legal and enforceable and what is not.

4. Stop listening to the media. Validate the information you receive to get to a clean view of things, untainted by fear.

5. Don’t play their war games!

In any war, it is incumbent that you make a plan. Whatever choices you make, there is no reason to be afraid of other people, since you decide what’s best for you. It’s your body, so it’s your choice. Your body belongs only to you, and only you are responsible for what you put into it. You are not responsible for what others decide for their own bodies. Trust yourself!

And choose wisely.

See past related articles:


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: artbykleiton / pixabay

How Can So Many Lies and So Much Evidence of Fraud and State Murder Be Covered Up? Collective Madness!

How Can So Many Lies and So Much Evidence of Fraud and State Murder Be Covered Up? Collective Madness!

by Gary D. Barnett
August 11, 2021


“It is incredible that this must be said, but the obvious seems to escape politicized academics, so we must state the obvious: Genocide is deliberate; it is premeditated. There is no genocide without premeditation. The murders are not unfortunate coincidences. This is why it is called “mass MURDER” and not “mass MANSLAUGHTER.”~ A.E. Samaan

R.J. Rummel, a researcher and political scientist, defined the term “democide” as “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.” According to Rummel, democide passed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th Century, and moving into the 21st Century, it not only shows no signs of stopping, it seems to be the desired and planned manner of death of hundreds of millions or even billions of innocent people around the world. In the U.S today, democide has only just begun, as this ‘Covid’ plot orchestrated by the ruling master class and this government continues in its efforts to cull the American population so as to advance the agendas of disease, eugenics, and death. This is being done simply to achieve total control over the masses.

This would seem to be no easy task, but so far, there has been almost no resistance to the government’s efforts to propagandize, threaten, and then subdue the bulk of people that make up what should now be referred to as the American herd. Because of this apathetic response to tyranny by the people of this country, this economy has been devastated, jobs and the ability to provide sustenance have been greatly reduced, restrictions of life and freedom have massively increased, price inflation is rampant, the controlling political and medical protocols have already proven to be deadly beyond the scope of the imagination of any sane person, and this is only a preview of what is to come.

Although many people have been sick and have died, some with unique but unexplained symptoms, the total numbers of deaths throughout 2020 remained normal. There are many factors involved of course, although logic was disappeared long ago, but no such thing described as SARS-CoV-2 or ‘Covid-19’ has ever once been properly isolated or shown to actually exist. This should be very troubling to all, and reason enough to immediately put down this fake pandemic and expose the staged government coup that was intentionally launched early last year.

This staged ‘pandemic’ has been planned for at least two decades or more. It has been simulated and acted out, almost exactly as has happened, on multiple occasions over this timeframe, and previous attempts with very similar plots have taken place for decades with flu, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, MERS, and other falsely claimed viral scares. But this time is different in that the people are ripe for control and takeover, and modern technology can now spread propaganda to every household in seconds, giving the government and mainstream media the tools to create instant fear, panic, and mass obedience to illegal draconian mandates.

But let us in this conversation discuss the aspect of the existing and coming premeditated murder of innocents by this governing system; the possible planned democide of millions of citizens, especially those that are considered to be a drain on the system such as the old and infirmed, those with limited mental capacity, those with disabilities, those of certain ethnic backgrounds, and all those that question, dissent, disobey, and expose the truth about what is really happening in this plotted takeover. In addition, efforts to destroy fertility, to depopulate the earth, and to inject every single child from infancy to adult with deadly poison is underway as well. Make no mistake, this is war against the people by government.

Consider the fact that remdesivir, an experimental drug, was fast-tracked as the “standard of care” for ‘Covid’ early on by Anthony Fauci, and was originally the only approved ‘Covid” treatment for American hospitals, even though this drug does not work against anything, and causes many adverse reactions, body organ failure, and a high incidence of death. “Remdesivir was one of four drugs in a clinical trial for Ebola in 2018, and was dropped from the study before it was over, after a safety review revealed that it had the highest death rate of the drugs being tested.” One of only two studies cited by Fauci for the recommended use of this toxic drug was the Ebola Trial in 2018, and in that trial, the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, only tested 53 patients for just 28 days. Gilead had close ties, monetary interests, and partnership with the CDC and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed up by Fauci.

In Gilead’s cohort study, they reported “that of 61 patients treated with the drug, eight were excluded for missing information, 32 (60%) of 53 remaining patients reported adverse events including increased liver enzymes, diarrhea, rash, and kidney function impairment. Twelve patients (23%) had “serious” adverse events including multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension (low blood pressure).”

In the second Ebola study, after results from the first 499 participants had been reviewed, the trial’s safety monitors recommended that two drugs—ZMapp and remdesivir—be dropped from the remainder of the trial. These two drugs were much less effective at preventing death.

Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or remdesivir died during the trial. In contrast, only about 35% of people who received either Mab114 or REGN-EB3 died. Three participants died of side effects thought to be related to treatment—two in the ZMapp group and one in the remdesivir group.

Fauci knew of the deadly nature of the poisonous remdesivir at least as early as 2018, but chose to use this dangerous drug with fast-track FDA approval in October of 2020 as the “standard of care,” and the primary treatment in all U.S. hospitals for all “Covid” patients. That means that American patients across this country were not treated, but murdered.

The secondary drug being used as a stand-alone and in combination with remdesivir is another deadly experimental corticosteroid called dexamethasone. According to eHealthMe, Death is found among people who take Dexamethasone, especially for people who are male, 60+ old, have been taking the drug for < 1 month.”

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), “in recovery, treatment with dexamethasone conferred a “survival benefit” among participants who required supplemental oxygen at enrollment. In the dexamethasone group, 23.3% of participants died within 28 days of enrollment.”

In addition, I have written about another toxin called graphene oxide, that has been said to be in some masks, PCR testing, and shown to be in heavy concentrations in certain injections falsely called “Covid vaccines.’ This is a deadly substance purposely being used in order to harm those that have been subject to its exposure from any of these methods. Again, this is the purposeful use of a poison that has the ability to greatly harm the public, and also cause death.

Then of course there are these very poisonous ‘Covid vaccines’ that are not vaccines at all, but simply bioweapons being used by the state and the pharmaceutical monsters to cause extreme sickness, to inject toxic material into the masses, to cause body and immune system harm and destruction, and death to many. It is also a way for the state thugs to gain control over much of the population through processes of gene-altering RNA/DNA manipulation, nano-particle insertion, and to gain bio-technological mastery over the minds and bodies of much of the American public.

Sickness, mayhem, medical martial law, economic destruction, censorship, extreme wealth transfer to the richest among us, and death have been the result of all the state’s orders, mandates, restrictions, regulations, and ‘Covid’ rules. This is no pandemic, it is a long-planned coup meant as war against all of society. It is the plot of eugenicists and murderers whose intent is to depopulate the earth, while building a society made up of slaves controlled by a technocratic master class.

This absurd phenomenon is only possible because of the collective madness of the masses, and their inability to grasp the truth and then act accordingly to stop this onslaught of murder by the state. In other words, the people are their own worst enemy.

The truth is much more powerful and compelling than fiction, so find and accept truth, ridicule the rulers, accept no assault on freedom, disobey every state mandate, and avoid all dangerous attempts of division and isolation sought by the totalitarians bent on gaining total control of society.

“Isolation and the patient repetition of stimuli are required to tame wild animals … The totalitarians have followed this rule. They know that they can condition their political victims most quickly if they are kept in isolation.” ~ Joost A. M. Meerloo—“The Rape of the Mind” (1956)


Additional source links:

The CDC and FDA confess: They had no virus

Death by remdesivir

Depopulation by any means

NIH Covid-19 treatment guidelines

Efficacy Evaluation of Early, Low-Dose, Short-Term Corticosteroids in Adults Hospitalized with Non-Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Remdesivir, a ‘Covid’ Drug that doesn’t work

Propaganda fabrications

Did Fauci knowingly fast-track approval of drug with deadly COVID-like side effects?


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: Henrix_photos / pixabay

Jon Rappoport: Within the Fake Covid Scenario — FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many COVID Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated—and Buried That Knowledge

Bombshell: FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many COVID Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated—and Buried That Knowledge

by Jon Rappoport, No More News
August 11, 2021


First of all, I have to re-emphasize a point I’ve made many times: SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve been proving that for over a year.

BUT I don’t stop there. I temporarily enter the official world where people assume the virus does exist, and I reveal many internal contradictions and lies and cover-ups within that world.

Some readers, who possess sub-standard literacy, believe I’m contradicting MYSELF. They think I’m saying the virus doesn’t exist and does exist.


Analogy: People sitting inside a theater are watching a movie, and they believe it’s a real world. They react in all sorts of strange ways, based on that assumption. You’re standing outside the theater, looking through the window. You can just say, “They’re all crazy,” and leave it at that, or you can say, “They’re all crazy,” and THEN walk inside the theater and get a good look at what they’re up to as well. That’s what I do.

That’s what I’m doing in this article, which is about the FDA and their emergency authorization of the COVID vaccine, despite knowing the vaccine didn’t pass muster, didn’t even vaguely rank as effective in the clinical trials.

Because lots of people in the clinical trial became COVID cases after being vaccinated.

In other words, the FDA knew, right from the get-go, that many so-called breakthrough cases would develop. They knew many vaccinated people would become COVID cases.

This knowledge should have prevented the FDA from granting emergency use authorization for the vaccine—but it didn’t.

(Reminder: We’re in the crazy fake theater now, where the virus is real, the PCR test is meaningful and accurate, the vaccine is necessary.)

Here we go.

The document, posted on the FDA website, is titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [1]

It is dated December 10, 2020. The date tells us that all the information in the document is taken from the Pfizer clinical trial, based on which the FDA authorized the vaccine for public use.

A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”

Those shocking numbers have never seen the light of day in news media.

The comparative numbers reveal that the vaccine was not effective at preventing COVID-19. It was certainly not 50% more effective than a placebo shot—the standard for FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

To make all this clear, I need to back up and explain the theory of the vaccine clinical trial.

The researchers assumed the SARS-CoV-2 virus was spreading everywhere in the world, and during the clinical trial, it would descend on some volunteers.

The billion-dollar question was: how many people receiving the vaccine would become infected, vs. how many people in the placebo group?

If it turned out that FAR FEWER people getting the vaccine became infected with SARS-CoV-2, the vaccine would be hailed as a success. It protected people against the virus.

But as you can see from the numbers above, that wasn’t the case at all.

So now we come to the vital weasel-phrase in the FDA document I just quoted: “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 [cases].”

“Well, you see, we can’t say these were ACTUAL COVID-19 cases. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. They’re in limbo. We want to keep them in limbo. Otherwise, our clinical trial is dead in the water, and we’ll never get approval for the vaccine.”

What does “suspected cases” mean? It can only mean these people all displayed symptoms consistent with the definition of COVID-19, but they’re unconfirmed cases because…their PCR tests were negative, not positive.

However, if their tests were negative, why would they be called “suspected cases” instead of “NOT CASES”?

Something is wrong here. The FDA is hedging its bets, muddying the waters, obscuring facts.

By FDA/CDC rules, a case of COVID-19 means: a person has tested positive, period.

That’s the way cases are counted.

These thousand-plus volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial were either COVID-19 cases or they weren’t. Which is it?

The official response to that question is obvious: the FDA decided to throw the data from all those “suspected cases” in the garbage and ignore them. Poof. Gone.

Why do I say that?

Because if the FDA had paid serious attention to the “suspected cases,” they never would have authorized the vaccine for public use. They would have stopped the clinical trial and undertaken a very deep and extensive investigation.

Which they didn’t.

This is called a crime.

“But…but it’s not that simple. This is a complex situation. It’s a gray area.”

“No. It isn’t. If you were running a clinical trial of a new drug, and a few thousand people in the trial, who were given the drug, nevertheless came down with the disease symptoms the drug was supposed to cure, wouldn’t you cancel the trial and go back to the drawing board?”

“You mean if we were being honest? That’s a joke, right? We’re not honest. Don’t you get it?”

Yes. I get it. You’re criminals. Killers.

But wait. There’s more. The FDA document also states: “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.”

That’s explosive. Right after vaccination, 409 people who received the shots became “suspected COVID cases.” This alone should have been enough to stop the clinical trial altogether. But it wasn’t.

In fact, the FDA document tries to excuse those 409 cases with a slippery comment: “It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.”

Translation: You see, a number of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and adverse effects from the vaccine are the same. Therefore, we have no idea whether the vaccinated people developed COVID or were just reacting to the vaccine. So we’re going to ignore this whole mess and pretend it’s of no importance.

Back in April of 2020, I predicted the vaccine manufacturers would use this strategy to explain away COVID cases occurring in the vaccine groups of their clinical trials.

It’s called cooking the data. It’s a way of writing off and ignoring COVID symptoms in the vaccine group.

And the FDA document, as I stated above, just puts an impenetrable cloud over all the volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial by inventing a category called “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases,” and throwing those crucial data away, never to be spoken of again.

I’m speaking about them now. Any sensible person, looking at them, would conclude that the vaccine should never have been authorized.

Unless fraud, deception, profits, and destruction of human life via the vaccine were and are the true goals.

Finally: When you have “suspected cases,” and their ultimate status depends on doing a test, you do the test. You do it as many times as you need to, until it registers positive or negative. Then each “suspected case” becomes an actual case or no case at all.

Perhaps these “suspected cases” in the clinical trial were tested, and many of them came up positive, revealing they were actual COVID cases—but the researchers lied and covered up the fact that they were tested.

Or if you really don’t want to know whether “suspected cases” are actual cases, you don’t test them. You leave them in a convenient limbo and park them, never to be seen again.

Either way, the situation is patently absurd. By official standards, the PCR test decides whether a person is a case or not a case. Just do the test. Saying “we don’t know” is nothing more than a con and a hustle.

I’d love to hear the researchers try to talk their way out of this one. Here is how the conversation might go:

“So you’re saying these several thousand suspected COVID cases couldn’t be adjudicated one way or another?”

“That’s right. Their PCR tests were ‘indeterminate’.”

“That says something devastating about the test itself.”

“Well, sometimes you just can’t tell whether it’s positive or negative.”

“I see. And this ‘indeterminate’ result occurred in more than a THOUSAND suspected cases.”

“I guess so, yes.”

“You know, you could have done something else with these suspected cases. A different test. You could have taken tissue samples and looked for the virus itself in a more direct way.”

“No. That wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?”

“Because…the actual virus…”

“Because no one has been able to come up with a specimen of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus.”


“So tell me—what does that indicate? I’ll tell you what it indicates. You can’t prove the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. It doesn’t exist.”

“I have to go. I’m late for a meeting.”

“You’re late for more than just a meeting. Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’

“Absolutely not. That’s outrageous.”

“What then?”

“The PO Box is in Virginia.”




Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors  / pixabay

Dr. Ryan N. Cole, Pathologist, Shows Vaccine Damage Is Visible in All Human Tissues and Organs

Dr. Ryan N. Cole, Pathologist, Shows Vaccine Damage Is Visible in All Human Tissues and Organs

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 10, 2021


Board-certified pathologist, Dr. Ryan N. Cole MD spoke at the White Coat Summit about the catastrophic damage COVID vaccines are doing on humans and the toxic spike protein, potential long-term effects of vaccines.

[Video available at TJ45 Rumble channel.]


“You want to give a 2, 5 or 12 year old a shot? And we see a 200% increase of myocarditis. That’s a good idea. Let’s give a kid a toxine that ruins his health for life. (…/…) We need to stop insanity immediately”

“This is not science. This is poison attack on our population.”

“In the Pfizer paperworks and applications, it clearly states that in the rats, there is a 16% decrease in fertility, one of the most fertile mammals on the planet. (…/…) So what they’re doing on humanity? The answer is: We don’t know. Guess what? We don’t have long term safety data yet. That’s the tragedy and the crime in all of this. It’s an experiment. It’s an emergency authorisation, not approved. Humanity is the phase 3 trial.”

“What is the risk for cancer after the shot? We don’t know. What is the risk of autoimmune disease after the shot? We don’t know.”

“What is the risk of impairing fertility for a life time? We don’t know.”

“So why in the world are we really pushing forward at the path rate we’re going without knowing these thing? Complete attack on science and a complete attack on us.”

“No more mandatory forcing of employees. (…/…) ‘How in the world these hospitals and these employers saying: ‘You can not work for me if you don’t sign up to be a subject for an experiment on humanity’ ”

“Where are the billions to do the autopsies? Where are the billions to prove the science?”


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: WiR_Pixs  / pixabay


August 7, 2021 Freedom Demonstrations in France: “Thanks C-19 for the Great Awakening”

August 7, 2021 Freedom Demonstrations in France: “Thanks C-19 for the Great Awakening”


Another Blockbuster Saturday in France – August 7 [VIDEOS]

by TLB Staff, Europe Reloaded
August 9, 2021


Here are some protest compilations from around France on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Word via independent media sources is that the government is VERY worried, indeed. August should be shut-down month in France; instead, people are massing at these marches.

Consciousness among these people is that the entire system is a corrupt mess, that if you exchange one hideous politician or party for another, you’ll end up with just the same. It’s way beyond a mandatory vaccination or a health pass. (Although marchers are very aware that the vaccinations are now making people sick, especially through the example of Israel.)

The French truly get it.

Today, the health passes kick in, so this writer will not be able to visit a restaurant or similar. The call among demonstrators is to simple boycott the entire system, to step outside it and avoid those places and businesses affected wherever possible.

A march we participated in at the weekend revealed a whole new set of people out protesting, including friends and neighbours.

Both videos below give us an idea of the scope and scale around the country this past Saturday.

One banner we saw someone carry said, in French of course, ‘thanks Covid-19, for the Great Awakening.’


Connect with Europe Reloaded

James Corbett: Trust The Science!

James Corbett: Trust The Science!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 10, 2021


We are being told to trust the science. But what science? From which scientists? Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he explores the transparent lies of the “settled science” crowd and how those lies will increasingly be used to run our lives in the new biosecurity state.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4



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Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race

Sperm Count Culture War

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Connect with James Corbett

Equality in Slavery

Equality in Slavery

by Ron Paul, The Ron Paul Institute
August 9, 2021


The Senate Armed Services Committee approved last month a National Defense Authorization Act that includes a requirement that women register with Selective Service on their 18th birthday. If the bill becomes law with this provision included and a military draft is reinstated, women will be forced to join the military, and America will have equality in slavery.

Proponents of drafting women argue that since women can now serve in combat it makes sense to make the draft “gender neutral.”

Some conservatives have made moral arguments against drafting women, saying that women should be able to decide for themselves whether or not to serve in the military. It is certainly true that it is immoral to force women into military service, but that is because it is wrong to force anyone into military service.

Forcing young people, regardless of their sex, to fight, kill, and even die in war is the worst violation of individual liberty a government can commit. Those who support the military draft implicitly reject the Declaration of Independence. How can someone support forced military service and still claim to believe all individuals are endowed with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

While commonly thought of as a “left-wing” position, opposition to the draft has historically united Americans across the political spectrum. Ronald Reagan and Barry Goldwater both opposed the draft while running for president. Russell Kirk, the scholar who helped popularize the term “conservative,” opposed conscription.

Some progressives oppose a military draft but support other forms of mandatory national service. These progressives fail to understand that forcing someone to serve the welfare state is just as immoral as forcing someone to serve the warfare state.

Some conservatives join progressives in supporting mandatory national service. These conservatives claim that mandatory national service provides young people a way to “pay back” the debt they owe society. But these are moral obligations owed to families, churches, and communities, not legal obligations owed to, and properly enforceable by, the government.

Libertarians are consistent opponents of all forms of mandatory service. This is because libertarians apply the prohibitions against violence, theft, and fraud to governments as well as private citizens. So, if it is wrong for your neighbors to force your children to mow the neighbors’ lawn, it is wrong for government to force your children to serve in the military or perform any other type of “national service.”

The nonaggression principle is why libertarians oppose taxation, nationalized healthcare and education, and military crusades in the name of “democracy” or “human rights.” It is also why libertarians oppose laws telling people how to raise their children, limiting access to “extremist” websites, telling business owners who can and cannot use what bathrooms on their property, or prohibiting someone from gambling online, smoking marijuana, or drinking raw milk.

Some libertarians urge their liberty movement compatriots to not talk about the nonaggression principle. These “pragmatists” think the focus should be on making the “practical” case for liberty. But those who embrace liberty because it “works” better than statism will make “exceptions” if they think an authoritarian idea like mandatory national service is a more practical way of achieving their political, economic, or social goals. Only those committed to the moral case for liberty can be counted on to defend all liberty at all times.


Connect with Ron Paul

cover image credit: combined images from StarGladeVintage & Defence-Imagery / pixabay

RFK, Jr. Addresses Amish Community, Shares Views on Vaccine Safety and More

RFK, Jr. Addresses Amish Community, Shares Views on Vaccine Safety and More
Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke about technology, vaccine safety and more to a packed audience at an Amish country fair in Lancaster, Pennsylvania last week. 

by Children’s Health Defense Team
August 9, 2021


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., chairman of Children’s Health Defense, spoke on July 31 to a packed audience at an Amish country fair in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, on a range of topics, including technology in modern society, how he came to work on vaccine safety, and CHD’s mission and latest projects.

Kennedy talked about vaccine safety and the Amish community. Despite pressure from health officials, most members of the community do not vaccinate. For that reason, Kennedy said, they serve as a unique control group versus vaccinated Americans, who suffer from an epidemic of chronic disease.

Kennedy discussed the work of investigative reporter Dan Olmsted, who in 2005 published a series of articles for UPI entitled, “The Age of Autism.” Olmstead reported the autism rate at the time among the Amish was 1 in 15,000 compared with 1 in 166 for the general population. (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s current estimate is 1 in 54, and for boys, 1 in 34).


Watch Kennedy’s presentation here:


Watch the Q&A session here:


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: emailamyd  / pixabay

Missouri Taxi Company Bans Masks & Vaxxed

Missouri Taxi Company Bans Masks & Vaxxed


Sourced from CreativeWorks Odysee channel. 

August 8, 2021. A Private Taxi company has banned VAXXED and MASK wearers from his service.

Dr. Vernon Coleman: They Killed Granny – Now They’re Going to Kill the Kids

They Killed Granny – Now They’re Going to Kill the Kids

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
August 9, 2021


Original video available at Vernon Coleman BrandNewTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


So, children over the age of 16 won’t need parental permission to accept the experimental jab for covid-19. The British Government wants to give it to children over the age of 12. And they are now testing it on pre-school and primary school children.

Listen carefully to what I’ve got to tell you.

If you’re a human and not a zombie this will fill you with rage. If the squaddies in the 77th Brigade listen properly even they are going to think twice about pressing the thumbs down button.

On the 15th July 2021, the UK Government’s advisors the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation said: `until more data become available JCVI does not currently advise routine universal vaccination of children and young people less than 18 years of age.’ They added that the `the health benefits in this population is small and do not outweigh the potential risks.

Splendid, I thought. Send up a rocket.

And then a few weeks later, on 4th August, the committee changed its mind after the UK’s Chief Medical Officers requested that JCVI accelerated its review of advice for jabbing children.

Changed their minds.

They admitted that covid-19 disease in children is typically mild or asymptomatic. But they changed their minds and said that all 16 and 17-year-olds be jabbed. And that many children aged 12 and over be jabbed.

One odd thing was that they said that `in recent weeks, reports have been submitted about myocarditis.

Recent weeks.

Take a look at my video dated 8th December 2020 entitled `Covid 19 vaccine – possible vaccine side effects’ and you will find that I listed myocarditis.

So how come I knew about this risk half a year before the Government’s advisory committee? Not boasting but I’ve been half a year ahead since early 2020.

I can’t find any new evidence that would have changed their minds.

But the minds changed.

The membership of the JCVI’s subcommittee on covid changed and one prominent critic of covid jabs for children coincidentally left. Three other members changed too. Gosh. However, committee members said that they had not felt any political pressure to change their views on giving the jab to teenagers. How reassuring.

Just out of idle curiosity I wonder if any members of the committee have any links with drug companies or have ever accepted drug company money. Or are there any who have no links with drug company money. Just wondering. I’ll perhaps look into that in detail another day.

Politicians, advisers and doctors should know that the experimental jab will kill children – almost certainly kill or injure far more than would be killed or injured by this year’s flu: covid-19.

And there won’t be one in a million of these jabbed children who will understand that they’re taking part in a massive, unethical, immoral and illegal experiment. The Joint Committee says `in all instances, the offer of vaccination to children and young people must be accompanied by appropriate information to enable children and young people…to be adequately appraised of the potential harms and benefits of vaccination as part of informed consent prior to vaccination.

That’s called covering your back.

The queen, Dolly Parton and a bunch of influencers on social media will say it’s OK. The kids will be bribed. And not one in a thousand doctors or nurses will explain the risks in detail.

What am I saying: I bet not one in a thousand doctors or nurses have any idea of the risks.

And the idea that 16-year-olds will understand these complicated vaccines would be laughable if it were not obscene. Most kids think the jab will stop them getting covid. And stop them spreading it to granny.

Not that this matters much because the Government killed granny last year.

And all this is illegal.

Back in February, six months ago, I pointed out in a video entitled, ‘Doctors and Nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals’ that the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, which was written in 1947, stated that explicit voluntary consent from patients is required for human experimentation.

That means, of course, that patients must be told that they are taking part in a trial. And they must be warned of the dozens of possible adverse events – which were known before Christmas. I made a video listing the FDA’s draft working list of adverse events in December 2020. Those being jabbed must be warned that they could die. And they must be warned that the vaccine they’re being given won’t necessarily stop them catching covid or passing it on if they do catch it.

That’s informed consent.

And as I said, I doubt if one in a million adults was properly advised.

How many 16-year-olds will understand what an mRNA vaccine does? How many will understand the principles of pathogenic priming?

Once again, as I said back in February, any doctor or nurse giving one of these experimental jabs without making sure that their victim has been given all the necessary information, and understands it, is breaking international law and will go to prison.

The fact is that the whole vaccination programme is built on lies and deceit. Governments and the media wouldn’t need to lie, harass and suppress the truth if there really were a plague and if the experimental injection really worked. People would be fighting to get jabbed.

Of course, if there really were a plague there wouldn’t be a vaccine. The vaccine’s promoters are mostly on record as saying that they want a smaller global population. So if there were a killer plague they wouldn’t want a vaccine, would they?

Accepting this experimental and unnecessary jab is the most important decision any citizen will ever make. The so-called vaccine is for ever. It isn’t like a drug that you can stop and get over. The covid-19 jab stays. You can’t get it out. And no one, repeat no one, knows what the effect will be in six months or six years or sixteen years. It’s an experiment and the preliminary part of the experiment won’t be over until 2023. The vaccine has already killed thousands of people and injured millions more. Just look at the updated figures on my website where I quote the official death and injury figures published by the British and American governments.

Will the vaccinated be more susceptible to new variations? Will they die when they contract winter viruses? No one knows the answers.

The risks are so great that I believe that anyone who has been jabbed – particular the young who seem to be particularly liable to heart damage – should avoid all strenuous exercise and stress.


Meanwhile, the promotional campaign to sell the jab to kids is moving fast. Free money. Free kebabs. The chance to reclaim a little of the life that was taken from them.

The BBC has reported that 60,000 lives have been saved by the covid jab. There’s isn’t one shred of evidence to prove that claim. They might as well claim that 60 billion lives have been saved.

The disgusting BBC and the rest of the mainstream media become indecently orgasmic with excitement when they find someone who hasn’t been vaccinated and who has died of or with covid-19 (aka the rebranded flu) or, probably, anything else. They ignore the fact that every year, in the six month flu season, up to 650,000 people of all ages die of the flu worldwide. Often ordinary healthy people.

But the deception and the lies about the rebranded flu just keep getting bigger.

Unvaccinated man with flu run over by bus. Unvaccinated woman eaten by lion.

The truth is that these experimental jabs have not been sufficiently tested, do not do what most people think they do and are so dangerous that their distribution should be halted immediately.

Doctors who object, who point out the dangers, and who explain why the risk benefit ratio shows that the people producing, and promoting these damned things should be locked up, are monstered and silenced and lied about and offered mental health care – just as if we were in Russia in Stalin’s time. Objections are dismissed without debate. There is no debate. Never before in my knowledge has a drug been introduced and used so widely with no discussion. For 18 months I’ve been asking government advisors to debate with me on live television.

Nothing. Silence.

We pay them. They ignore us.

All this proves, of course, that the promotion of this experimental product is a heinous fraud.

Meanwhile, the majority of doctors will accept the lies, promote the jab and take the big money they’re being paid.

When these disgusting women and men are arrested – as they will be – I hope they are shown no mercy. They are, man and woman, guilty of some of the most awful crimes in history.

Please go to and email this video – together with the transcript – to every school and doctor’s surgery in your area.

I’ll leave you with this.

The UK Government admits that the longer term health effects from the myocarditis events reported are not yet well understood.

But they’re planning to give the damned stuff to pre-school children and primary school children as well as teenagers.

They’ve killed the grandparents. Now they want to kill the kids.

Copyright Vernon Coleman August 2021


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cover image credit: Jim McKinney  / Wikimedia Commons

A Letter to the Unvaccinated: You Are Not Alone

A Letter to the Unvaccinated

by Dr. Denis Rancourt et al., Ontario Civil Liberties Association
August 3, 2021


You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It’s time to set the record straight.

It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy. It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school.

You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions.

You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world cannot get back to normal unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you.

You are inaccurately accused of being a factory for new SARS-CoV-2 variants, when in fact, according to leading scientists, your natural immune system generates immunity to multiple components of the virus. This will promote your protection against a vast range of viral variants and abrogates further spread to anyone else.

You are justified in demanding independent peer-reviewed studies, not funded by multinational pharmaceutical companies. All the peer-reviewed studies of short-term safety and short-term efficacy have been funded, organized, coordinated, and supported by these for-profit corporations; and none of the study data have been made public or available to researchers who don’t work for these companies.

You are right to question the preliminary vaccine trial results. The claimed high values of relative efficacy rely on small numbers of tenuously determined “infections.”  The studies were also not blind, where people giving the injections admittedly knew or could deduce whether they were injecting the experimental vaccine or the placebo. This is not acceptable scientific methodology for vaccine trials.

You are correct in your calls for a diversity of scientific opinions. Like in nature, we need a polyculture of information and its interpretations. And we don’t have that right now. Choosing not to take the vaccine is holding space for reason, transparency and accountability to emerge. You are right to ask, ‘What comes next when we give away authority over our own bodies?’

Do not be intimidated. You are showing resilience, integrity and grit. You are coming together in your communities, making plans to help one another and standing for scientific accountability and free speech, which are required for society to thrive. We are among many who stand with you.

Angela Durante, PhD
Denis Rancourt, PhD
Claus Rinner, PhD
Laurent Leduc, PhD
Donald Welsh, PhD
John Zwaagstra, PhD
Jan Vrbik, PhD
Valentina Capurri, PhD

Update: The letter has been shared widely on the Internet, and translated into several languages, including CzechNorwegian and Spanish.


Download PDF of this letter


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cover image credit: JacksonDavid / pixabay

The Graphene Oxide Prison

The Graphene Oxide Prison

by Matt, What About the Roads?
sourced from Activist Post
August 6, 2021


When it comes to the safety and efficacy of the so-called COVID-19 vaccinations the public has been thoroughly divided and conquered. On one side of the carefully crafted argument, governments can’t get enough shots in enough arms to ward off a “pandemic” of unvaccinated people. The other side has as many excuses for avoiding these injections as it has members. So when a controversial study comes along showing that these injections may contain a toxic substance called graphene oxide the allowed spectrum of debate is quickly alight and the bigger picture is missed by all but a few.

The story of vaccines containing graphene oxide broke in late June when Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna, which calls itself a “free thinking movement,” published the the results of an analysis conducted by a Spanish research team at the University of Almeria. The analysis claims to have discovered graphene oxide in a vial of a Pfizer vaccine via electron microscopy and spectroscopy. The analysis can be read in English here.

It took a few weeks for this story to find it’s way into the English speaking world it would seem. Once it did, the mainstream media’s fact checkers were all over this story. ReutersFull Fact, and Forbes among other establishment outlets have tried to debunk the study by assuring their readers that only an anti-vax QAnon conspiracy theorist would believe such nonsense. On the other side of the aisle, the analysis has been uncritically circulated which only adds to the problem.

As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The analysis conducted by the team at the University of Almeria has it’s flaws but concerns over the presence of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vaccines, and elsewhere in our environment, should be given serious consideration.

But first, let’s address some of the issues with the analysis:

  • The analysis is an interim report needing further study.
  • The analysis was commissioned.
  • The origin of Pfizer vial used in this analysis is unknown.
  • Graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide are, at times, used interchangeably.
  • Comparative images of graphene oxide are of different magnification levels.

For an in-depth look at these concerns and others that arise from this analysis we recommend watching world class researcher, Whitney Webb’s recent appearance over at The Last American Vagabond where they dive into this analysis.

Just because this study currently stands on scientifically shaky grounds does not mean that the theory that graphene oxide is in fact in these injections should be dismissed. The substance has also already been discovered in face masks in Canada and Spain while patents in China (12) that explore the possibility of using graphene oxide in COVID19 vaccines are pending.

It is also curious graphene oxide can be made to have magnetic properties which would explain the countless videos circulating online of magnets sticking to those who’ve been injected with these so-called vaccines. More research on this phenomenon is certainly needed but a recent “statistical and sociological” survey conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance in Luxemburg found that 29 of the 30 “vaccinated” individuals interviewed showed attraction to the magnet at the site of injection.

Additionally, it has been shown that graphene oxide can cause blood clots and damage lungs. Does this explain why blood clots are such an often reported adverse effect from these shots? Is there a connection to this lung damage and surge in supposed surge in COVID-19 cases in areas of high injection rates?

These questions and many others surrounding graphene oxide, injections, masks, and the so-called pandemic need answering but if we just focus on these elements of the conversation we risk missing the bigger picture. Graphene oxide, its applications, and its impact on humanity are not limited to the so-called pandemic. The applications of graphene and it’s related materials are almost limitless and as they are introduced into the ecosystem, inside and out of the human body, they have the potential to reshape our relationship with the natural world by making it impossible to escape the digital realm.

On the future applications of graphene, Alan S. Brown writes:

Silicon electronics dominate the world, but engineers frequently turn to other types of semiconductors to do things that silicon cannot. These materials—ranging from silicon carbide to indium gallium arsenide—emit and interact with light, enable high-frequency microwave communications in smartphones, run at higher speeds, and handle massive amounts of power.

Yet, what if a single material could do all that—if it could interact with electrons, light, and even magnetism. What if it could transmit electricity like a metal and also behave as a semiconductor. Just for good measure, suppose it might make a good building block for quantum computers? And—most impressively—what if it could do all these things just by changing its shape?

That material is graphene.

By introducing graphene and other related nanoparticles into the human system, our bodies become cybernetic systems where light, microwaves and other frequencies, or magnets could be used to control bodily and neurological functions. If some predictions are correct then graphene oxide will one day be as prevalent in our world as plastic is now. It is already raining down on us from above, polluting our soil, being laser printed onto food, and, in turn, is likely already in all of us. If so, it seems reasonable to conclude that, based on all that we know about previous medical experimentation carried out on humans, something similar is happening today.

But why introduce a material like this into the human body? Catherine Austin Fitts ventures a guess:

So let me go through where I think he’s going. I think where they’re going—and they’re they’re prototyping tons of technology, so I don’t think they have it yet—but where they want to go is they want to download a Microsoft Office system into your body, into your brain, and hook it up to the Jedi cloud contract and the Amazon Cloud contract at the CIA. And if they can get seven people seven billion people hooked up directly to their cloud contracts and use viruses—I mean, it’s very clever—use viruses to keep those updates coming. You know, just keep those updates coming.

So you saw my most recent article, “The Injection Fraud.” I think it’s a fraud to call these vaccines they’re not vaccines, they’re not medicine. But I think it’s the exact same model you used in the computers and the ideas. Just like Bill Gates made it possible for the intelligence agencies to get a backdoor into our—you know, our data—and our computers. They want a backdoor into our mind and it’s very hard if you haven’t if you haven’t looked into the creepy technology, the Charles Lieber kind of technology, it’s hard to fathom but we’re beginning to fathom it.

Experimental injections. Magnetic nanoparticles. A human operating system. Sadly, these are not the fever dreams of a lone, crazed scientist but technologies which have already arrived. The COVID-19 panic has accelerated the introduction of these and many more frightening technologies into the public sphere as trojan horses for even more terrifying technologies yet to be revealed. The work from researchers like Whitney Webb, Alison McDowell, Catherine Austin Fitts, Rosa Koire, James Corbett, Patrick Wood, and everyone else which shines light on the this transhumanist agenda is becoming more important than ever.

For too long we’ve narrowed in on all things COVID-19 just like the powers-that-shouldn’t-be hope for. There is no pandemic, only a psychological operation afoot. That operation needs as much resistance as possible but if we fail to see beyond this then their dream of  can be reached without a fight.  Beyond saying no to experimental injections and nanoparticle-laden masks we must starting saying no to everything that is being used to create the graphene oxide prison being built around us.


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cover image credit: seagul / pixabay

France, Italy Swept by Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass

France, Italy Swept by Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
August 8, 2021


France saw its largest protests yet against the country’s health pass, as thousands swept across major Italian town demanding an end to the infamous green pass.

On Saturday, Protesters took to the streets in France and Italy in opposition to COVID rules that they say infringe on their civil liberties but which officials argue are needed to curb the coronavirus pandemic. The protests come as European countries double down on efforts to get wide portions of their populations vaccinated in the face of the spreading delta variant — and in a bid to avoid further lockdowns.

Demonstrations against France’s health pass and mandatory vaccines for health care workers entered their fourth weekend, with Saturday seeing the largest rally yet, Deutsche Welle reported. An estimated 237,000 people turned out nationwide, according to the Interior Ministry. The figure exceeds the attendance a week ago, which saw 204,000 protesters.

While 17,000 people turned out in Paris, much of the focus was in southern France — where between 10,000 and 20,000 people marched in Nice alone. In contrast to prior weekends, the demonstrations were largely peaceful. The more major scuffles broke out between protesters and police in Lyon, France’s third-largest city.

The city of Bayonne and other areas of southern France saw larger numbers of protestors

The protests come on the heels of a Constructional Council ruling on Thursday. The court approved the government’s plan for the health pass and vaccine requirements for workers in hospitals in nursing homes. France is currently in the grips of a fourth wave of coronavirus infections. The county has seen a boost in vaccinations since French President Emmanuel Macron announced the health pass in July. Some two-thirds of the French population eligible for the jab have received one dose, while 55% are fully vaccinated.

Meanwhile, protests also took place in several Italian cities over the weekend against against the implementation of the country’s Green Pass, which is now required for teachers and for people to attend indoor events.

One of the posters at the ‘No Vax’ movement demonstration in central Rome on Aug 7, 2021. Photo AFP.

Thousands gathered in Piazza del Popolo in central Rome shouting “No Green Pass!” and “Freedom!”.

Members of the ‘No Vax’ movement take part in a demonstration against the introduction of a mandatory green pass at the Piazza del Popolo in central Rome Aug. 7, 2021. Photo AFP.


Thousands more marched in Milan, with some comparing themselves to holocaust victims by wearing Star of David badges with the words “not vaccinated”, news agency ANSA reported.


In Turin, angry citizens marched in front of the editorial offices of Italy’s biggest dailies “La Repubblica” and “La Stampa” shouting “You are shit! Sold out!”


Major protests also broke out in Florence…


… and Padua


Protesters from the “No Vax” movement also gathered in Naples, objecting in particular to vaccinations for children, shouting “Hands off the children” and “Shame! Shame!”.

The health pass in France and the Green Pass in Italy are both digital certificates that provide proof of a person’s coronavirus status. They contain data on whether the person is vaccinated against COVID-19, has recently tested negative, or has recovered from the virus.

The pass is already required in France for those who want to go to the movie theater or attend other major events. Starting on Monday, it will also be required for those who want to visit bars and restaurants, or for those traveling on long-distance trains or on airplanes.

In Italy, the Green Pass became compulsory in Italy on Friday and is required to enter museums, sports venues, cinemas and for indoor dining. School teachers, university staff and university students are also required to show the pass.


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Beyond Pegasus: The Bigger Picture of Israeli Cyber Spying

Beyond Pegasus: The Bigger Picture of Israeli Cyber Spying

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 7, 2021


We have been told to live in mortal fear of online hackers and, as the “cyber pandemic” narrative ramps up, the fear-mongering over Chinese, Russian and even North Korean cyberwarriors is going into overdrive.

Strange, then, given this climate of non-stop cybersecurity hysteria, that we rarely hear mention of one of the world’s confirmed cyberhacking superpowers: Israel. Just as Israel’s nuclear arsenal is the worst kept secret in the world, it seems that mention of Israel’s cyber arsenal is strictly forbidden in the maintream press. But it is now undeniable that Israel is running one of the most sophisticated, pervasive and influential cyberhacking operations in the world.

The official silence on Israel’s cyber espionage changed last month when the story of Pegasus—a piece of military-grade spyware developed by Israeli surveillance firm NSO Group—made headlines for all the wrong reasons. The software, as Haaretz and other MSM half-truth peddlers inform us, is able to hijack the phones of its victims, recording from the phone’s cameras and microphone and collecting location data, call logs and contacts, all without the target’s knowledge. And, as the consortium of dinosaur media publishers who were given access to this treasure trove of information report, it is being used by “oppressive regimes” to target “180 journalists” and even scoop up personal contact details of national misleaders like French President Emmanuel Macron and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan.

But there are some very important things you never learned about the Pegasus story in the dinosaur media’s coverage of it and, if you do rely on the lamestream media for your knowledge, there are a lot of things you won’t know about the history of Israeli cyberspying. So today, let’s take a look at the issue of Israel’s high tech espionage.

One severely underreported fact about the Pegasus story shines a light on the much larger story of Israeli cyber spying. According to Forbes, the co-founders of the NSO Group, Omri Lavie and Shalev Hulio, “are believed to be alumni of Israel’s famous Unit 8200 signals intelligence arm, as are many of the country’s security entrepreneurs.” NSO’s first investor, Eddy Shalev, asserts otherwise (“They didn’t come from intelligence”). Hulio himself, meanwhile, spins a rather tall tale about randomly meeting people in line at a cafe who were able to put him in touch with the tech geek who would become the company’s first employee and who, Hulio allows, “may have served in Unit 8200.” This unlikely story stretches the bonds of credulity so far that it prompts even ynetnews to note that “Some in Israel’s defense and intelligence community were skeptical of Hulio’s fanatic tale.” But the fact that Unit 8200 is in the picture at all is itself telling.

For those who don’t know, Unit 8200 is the branch of the Israel Defense Force responsible for signals intelligence, i.e., Israel’s equivalent of the NSA. Supposedly founded in 1952 (or was it the 1930s?), the unit was not officially acknowledged until the early 2000s, when stories of the incredible (and incredibly illegal) acts of cyber espionage it has perpetrated over the decades began to be publicized.

One particularly high profile piece of work bearing Unit 8200’s fingerprints was Stuxnet, the military-grade cyberweapon that specifically targeted Iran’s nuclear enrichment facility at Natanz. It has long been known that Stuxnet was co-developed by the United States and Israel, but it was New York Times correspondent David Sanger who revealed that the worm was actually worked on by Unit 8200.

But beyond the cyberweapons and (still largely classified) military exploits of the unit itself is the undeniable fact that a surprisingly large number of high-profile tech startups and Silicon Valley ventures in recent years have been founded by “ex” members of 8200. One such “ex” member, Avishai Abrahami, asserted in 2016 that “there are more than 100 guys from the unit that I personally knew who built startups and sold them for a lot of money” including a team of ten who “created companies where the average market cap is a half-billion dollars.” (Abrahami himself created cloud-based web developer Wix, whose market cap currently sits at over $16 billion.)

From communication companies like AudioCodes and Viber to cybersecurity companies like Argus and CheckPoint to GPS navigation software services like Waze, the prevalence of Unit 8200 alumni in the private tech sector has received so much press that even trade publications have been forced to report on the matter, noting that the Israeli military is increasingly out-sourcing cybersecurity and intelligence projects to companies “that in some cases were built for this exact purpose.”

Other than NSO, some troubling startups from the “ex”-8200 crowd include:

  • Carbyne911, a tech startup marketed as a “a Next Generation Call Handling platform” for 9-1-1 and emergency call centers, that, as an in-depth 2019 exposé from Narrativ revealed, was founded and run by a gaggle of Israeli military and intelligence officials (including a Unit 8200 alumni) and was bankrolled by the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, Ehud Barak and Peter Thiel.
  • Comverse Infosys, which made wiretapping software used by US law enforcement that contained—as Carl Cameron reported in a quickly-quashed series on Israeli spying for Fox News in 2001—”a back door through which wiretaps themselves can be intercepted by unauthorized parties” and whose main product (known as “the Logger”) was later admitted to be “based on the Unit’s [8200’s] technology.”
  • Cybereason, a cybersecurity firm founded by “ex”-Unit 8200 member Lior Div and stacked “with many of the unit’s members coming from organizations like the NSA and Unit 8200” that, as Whitney Webb has extensively reported, ran a Doomsday Election Simulation for the US government and has Gained Access to the US Gov’t’s Most Classified Networks.
  • And Toka, a spyware firm co-founded by Ehud Barak and headed by the former chief of the Israel Defense Forces Cyber Staff, which, as Whitney Webb has also extensively reported, is aiming to provide “a one-stop hacking shop for governments” specializing in IoT (“Internet of Things”) devices.

In fact, this represents only a small fraction of Unit 8200’s infiltration of the private cybersecurity space in recent years, so if you’re unfamiliar with the topic you have a lot to catch up on.

But, given that (as Whitney Webb rightly observes), “The abuse of Pegasus software in this very way has been known for several years” and “other Israeli companies with even deeper ties to Israel’s intelligence apparatus have been selling software that not only provides the exact same services to governments and intelligence agencies but purports to go even farther,” the sudden influx of MSM attention to the Pegasus story is curious.

One clue to the mystery of this sudden interest comes in the form of a little tidbit that is embedded in all the MSM articles on the Pegasus scandal (like this one from our friends at The Bezos Post):

Forbidden Stories, a Paris-based journalism nonprofit, and Amnesty International, a human rights group, had access to the list [of phones hacked by the Pegasus software] and shared it with the news organizations, which did further research and analysis. Amnesty’s Security Lab did the forensic analyses on the smartphones.

Forbidden Stories? What on earth is that?

Well, according to their website: “Forbidden Stories fosters collaboration among journalists to make visible and impactful the work of reporters who can no longer investigate,” including gathering “a consortium of local and international media outlets in order to investigate on a large scale.” This “consortium” reads like a who’s who of worldwide dinosaur media outlets, including Le Soir in Belgium, The Toronto Star in Canada, France TélévisionsRadio New ZealandReutersbellingcatThe New York Times and literally dozens of other mockinbird outfits around the world.

And who funds this venture? The usual gaggle of “independent” “charitable” foundations, of course, including UNESCO and (you guessed it) George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

So why are these big hitters and known liars collaborating on this release of information about a known Israeli military front masquerading as a commercial spyware company? If you said “Because it’s a limited hangout!” then give yourself a cookie. I think you’re right.

But what is this hangout aiming to accomplish, exactly? Theories abound. Bernard over at Moon of Alabama, for example, has this take on the situation:

The U.S. often uses ‘intelligence’ as a kind of diplomatic currency that keeps other countries dependent on it. If the Saudis have to ask the U.S. for snooping on someone it is much easier to have influence over them. NSO is disturbing that business. There is also the problem that the first class spying software NSO is selling to somewhat shady customers might well fall into the hands of some big U.S. adversary.

The ‘leak’ to Amnesty and Forbidden Stories is thus an instrument to keep some monopolistic control over client regimes and over spying technology. (The Panama Papers were a similar kind of U.S. sponsored ‘leak’, only in the financial field.)

I think Bernard is right to compare this Pegasus story to the Panama Papers story, which was also cross-reported by an international consortium of mockingbird media dinosaurs. In fact, we could even cast our minds back to a much earlier story that was similarly reported by a gaggle of mainstream media conspirators from around the world: the Iraq War Logs, which that totally above-board, crusading secret-exposer Julian Assange made available exclusively to the truth tellers at The GuardianThe New York TimesLe Monde and his other favourite MSM outlets.

However, the idea that this whole story is an attempt by the US “to keep some monopolistic control over client regimes and over spying technology” rings hollow. After all, if the US were really trying to muscle Israel out of the cyberspying arena by dishing the dirt on the NSO Group, what about the many, many, many examples of similar or even worse spying by other Israeli companies (just some of which are listed above)? How would the exposure of this one piece of software upend the entire section of the global cybersecurity industry that has been seeded by the Unit 8200 gang?

No, in this case I believe it’s more likely that the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are throwing the NSO Group and its Pegasus software under the bus for the sake of protecting the larger Israeli military cyberwarfare industry, not undermining it. After all, the NSO Group has been in the crosshairs of cyber privacy activists for years, with even the all-powerful Blackstone Group having to back out of a deal to acquire a 40% stake in the company after it was revealed that Pegasus had been used by the Mexican government to spy on its own citizens.

The NSO Group is already tainted. By “exposing” this story about the company (one that was already known and reported), they are able to take attention away from the Cybereasons, Tokas and other companies that are performing similar functions for the Unit 8200-infested cybersecurity industry under much deeper cover.

Undoubtedly there is more to this story that will come out in bits and pieces in these controlled “Forbidden Stories” reports. But rather than shining a light on the larger question of Israeli cyber espionage and how deep the rabbit hole really goes, the intense focus on this one piece of spyware from this one company will only serve to obscure that story.


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cover image credit: Prettysleepy  / pixabay

JP Sears: The People Who Want Censorship

The People Who Want Censorship

by JP Sears, AwakeningWithJP
August 7, 2021


In this video you’ll see what the people are like who want censorship. A unique breed of people who are allergic to freedom…


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“It’s Just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

“It’s Just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

by Addison Reeves, ModernHeretic
sourced from OffGuardian
August 7, 2021


It’s just two weeks. It’s just staying three feet apart. It’s just staying six feet apart. It’s just not going outside. It’s just not giving handshakes. It’s just working from home. It is just non-essential businesses that are closed.

It’s just bars. It’s just restaurants. It’s just theaters. It’s just concerts. It’s just dancing. It’s just intramural sports. It’s just choir.

It’s just non-essential medical services that you have to give up. It is just non-essential items that you are not allowed to buy. It’s just not being able to exercise. It’s just gyms. It is just the closure of your business for a while. It is just not making money for a while. It is just not being able to pay your bills for a little while.

It’s just a minor inconvenience. It’s just not being allowed to carpool. It’s just not socializing for a while. It’s just a mask. It’s just not traveling for a while. It’s just not hugging people for a while. It’s just missionary sex that is risky.

It is just not seeing your family and friends for a while. It’s just not visiting your grandparents temporarily. It’s just your grandparents not having visitors for their safety. It’s just one birthday you have to sacrifice. It’s just one Thanksgiving alone. It’s just one Christmas without your family. It’s just two birthdays you had to sacrifice. It is just not celebrating any milestones for a year and a half.

It’s just temporary. It’s just a safety measure. It is just your ability to pay cash. It is just contact tracing. It is just a health screening. It is just a temperature check. It is just a scan of your face. It’s just a minor loss of privacy.

It is just one semester. It is just two semesters. It is just one year out of your child’s life. It is just one more semester. It is just a high school graduation.

It’s just the birth of your grandchild that you missed. It is just not being able to be there for your relatives when they are ill or dying. It is just not having a funeral. It is just in person that you cannot grieve with your loved ones. It is just not getting to attend religious service. It is just not getting to practice some parts of your religion.

It is just misinformation that is being censored. It is just conservatives that are being censored. It is just some of the science that is being censored. It is just the people who have the opposing opinions that are banned online. It is just the opposition that the White House is targeting for censorship. It is just bad opinions that are being censored.

It’s just the economy. It is just small business owners who are suffering financially. It is just poor people who are suffering financially. It is just people of color who are suffering financially. It is just financial suffering. It is just a few small businesses that had to close permanently. It is just a few big businesses that closed.

It is just not going farther than a few kilometers from your house. It is just a curfew. It is just a permission slip. It is just being alone for two weeks. It is just being socially isolated for one year.

It is just one vaccine. It is just one set of booster shots. It is just regular booster shots every six months. It is just another two weeks. It is just one more lock-down. It is just once a week—twice tops—that you will have to prove that you are fit to participate in society. It is just the unvaccinated that will be segregated from society. It is just a medical test.

Pretty simple, no?

Just fucking do it.

But when you add up all the “justs,” it amounts to our entire lives.

For over a year and a half and counting, we have been robbed of the ability to live our lives fully, to make meaningful choices for ourselves, and to express our values the way we see fit.

It is “just” the inability to express our humanity and the total negation of our very selves. All of these measures have served as a prohibition of expressing outwardly one’s valid and complex internal reality. This kind of suppression of self does violence to one’s very soul.

All of these supposedly little and supposedly short-lived “justs” have transformed us into totalitarian states from which there appears to be no endpoint.

In New York City, California, Australia, etc., the people have permitted government such control over our daily lives that we have to ask it for permission to control our bodies, to move freely, to practice religion, to educate our children ourselves, to protest, etc.

Soon Biden, Trudeau, and other world leaders are going to clamp down on our ability to express ourselves and to associate with each other online so that we can no longer question, object to, or organize against government action. It is the destruction of democracy.

It astounds me that my Progressive friends — the same ones who claim to support “social justice” — are welcoming a fascist society in which government crushes any opposition and individuals cannot make choices about their own lives.

I will not comply because I do not want to live in the society that is being created by extraordinary submissiveness to government. I do not want to be complicit in this era’s atrocities.

What is the point of living if one merely exists to obey the elite to one’s own detriment? Is it even living if one lacks the agency to direct one’s life? I’ve already submitted in contradiction of my values to a shameful extent. One might say, “Well, what’s one more compromise,” but it won’t be just one more compromise. It will be just the next cut in a slow death by a thousand cuts.

Submitting only validates tyrannical displays of power and ensures that there will be more such displays in the future.

And what does one get for compromising? Merely your continued membership in a society that will only have you if you immolate yourself and become nothing more than a reflection of the desires of the ruling class.

If you cannot be truly yourself in a society, is that society worth clinging to? I think not. As much as leaving the stability of my comfort zone terrifies me, staying in it means continuing to silence and shrink myself for a disingenuous feeling of acceptance. In that way, it is more of a discomfort zone.

Each time I expressed my fears about the future direction of society, my friends said “it won’t happen.” Each time it did happen, they shrugged their shoulders and reminded me that compliance was an option.

At this point, if the government were to cart me away to an internment camp (which is not a completely far-fetched notion and which has happened in the past) for being a dangerous dissident I am certain that my friends and family would watch it happen and say it was my fault for not complying.

They are no longer capable of recognizing the humanity of the opposition or of questioning government.

I will not submit because I don’t want to live in a world in which my supposed allies would happily see me persecuted by the government.

I will not comply because the political climate has become so censorial, authoritarian, and generally toxic that my viewpoints will never be represented in the political process here. Without representation, my values and beliefs will be violated again and again by a polity that sees any deviation from itself as invalid. Thus, my compliance will provide zero assurance of any better treatment in the future.

I will not bend because I am not a conformist.

I will not give in because I do not want to reward government manipulation and coercion.

I will not surrender because I could die at any moment, and I do not want my final memories to be ones of craven submission to tyranny and the resultant misery and self-loathing.

I will not comply because it is not the government’s first intrusion on my body, mind, and spirit; and if we comply, it will definitely not be the last. All I will accomplish by my compliance is validating the government’s claim on my body and life.

I am not submitting because this is war, and I am not handing the enemy its victories.

I will not comply because the reward for compliance will still be being treated as a second class-citizen by society.

I won’t acquiesce because I am a conscientious objector.

I will not cede because the measures are unnecessary and the only practical effect will be to increase government power.

I don’t comply because I do not want to be a mere slave in the future version of the world they are creating, doing only what I am told to do and having to beg for access to the necessities of life that I am entitled to as a living being on this earth.

I will not yield because their religion is not my religion, and I refuse to worship a false idol.

I will not capitulate because I do not want to betray my ancestors and predecessors who fought for me to be free.

I will not surrender because freedom is more important than convenience and ease.

I will not comply because if I did I would be filled with rage against society, resentment towards my friends and family, and self-loathing that would eat me alive. I would become bitter and closed-hearted, and I don’t want that for myself.

All of this is why I won’t “just fucking do it.”.


Addison Reeves is a lawyer, political scientist, philosopher, and civil rights and civil liberties advocate based in New York. Addison critiques modern culture from a radical, leftist perspective at or you can follow him on Telegram or Twitter.


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cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Whistleblower Jailed for Showing 90% of People Killed by U.S. Drones Are Bystanders

Whistleblower Jailed for Showing 90% of People Killed by U.S. Drones Are Bystanders

by Arjun Wahlia, The Pulse
August 2, 2021


Daniel Hale, a former member of the United States Air Force leaked classified information about drone warfare to a reporter after leaving the military. He revealed that 90 percent of those killed by US drones in Afghanistan are innocent bystanders, not the intended target. According to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, should have been given a medal. Instead, he’s been given prison time.

“Daniel Hale, one of the great American Whistleblowers, was just moments ago sentenced to four years in prison. His crime was telling this truth: 90% of those killed by US drones are bystanders, not the intended targets. He should have been given a medal.”
~ Edward Snowden

Hale leaked the documents after he left the US Air Force and had taken a civilian job with a contractor assigned to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. He worked there for a brief stint in 2014 as a toponymist, using his Chinese language expertise to help label maps.

Last week during his trial, Hale told a federal judge in Alexandria, VA., that he leaked the classified information because he believes,

“that it is wrong to kill, but it is especially wrong to kill the defenseless.” [He said he shared what] “was necessary to dispel the lie that drone warfare keeps us safe, that our lives are worth more than theirs.”
~Daniel Hale, a former member of the United States Air Force

At his sentencing hearing, Hale left the court with powerful words regarding what he had done in leaking the documents he had,

“I am here because I stole something that was never mine to take — precious human life,”
~Daniel Hale, a former member of the United States Air Force

Investigative reporter for The Intercept Jeremy Scahill writes the following regarding the U.S. drone program,

From his first days as commander in chief, the drone has been President Barack Obama’s weapon of choice, used by the military and the CIA to hunt down and kill the people his administration has deemed – through secretive processes, without indictment or trial – worthy of execution. There has been intense focus on the technology of remote killing, but that often serves as a surrogate for what should be a broader examination of the state’s power over life and death.

It was the Trump administration that started the attack on Hale, but Biden’s administration has continued the assault. The U.S. has zero tolerance for whistleblowers, and those who leak classified information that, according to the prosecutors, greatly threatens national security will pay the price.

According to Scahill,

The initial threat of decades in prison against Hale was a cudgel deployed by prosecutors in an effort to break Hale’s spirit and to frighten other prospective whistleblowers. That President Joe Biden’s Justice Department continued this prosecution instead of dropping the Trump administration’s case serves as an ominous reminder that the war on whistleblowers is a permanent fixture of the U.S. system. The use of the Espionage Act by successive administrations to prosecute whistleblowers is an affront to basic liberties and the constitutional rights of the accused, as it prevents people of conscience from presenting a real defense before a judge or jury. Its use to target dissent, independent journalism, and whistleblowing is an authoritarian weapon masquerading as a law, and it should be abolished.

We must, however, ask the question. Do these types of leaks really threaten national security? Or are they simply exposing extremely immoral, illegal, and unethical actions by the U.S. government?

In that same vein, is Julian Assange behind bars for the same reason as Hale? Let’s not forget, April 05, 2020 marked the 10th anniversary of WikiLeaks’ publication of Collateral Murder video which shows two US Apache helicopters killing 11 Iraqi people including two Reuters journalists.

After the video was released, one of the soldiers involved in the incident, Ethan McCord, stated the following:

“If you feel threatened in any way, you’re able to engage that person. Many soldiers felt threatened just by the fact that you were looking at them, so they fired their weapons on anybody that was looking at them because they (I) felt threatened. We were told if we were to fire on anybody, and if it were to be investigated, that ‘officers will take care of you.’ ”

“We were told by our battalion commander to kill every m***** f****** on the street.  Many soldiers would not do that, we decided we were going to shoot into the rooftops of buildings because, if you didn’t fire, the NCOs in your platoon would make your life hell.”

“This happens on a daily basis, destroying vans full of children, the destruction of the Iraqi people happens on a daily basis.”

Another great quote that comes to mind here is from Nils Melzer, Human Rights Chair of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, and UN Rapporteur on Torture and Other Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment,

How far have we sunk if telling the truth becomes a crime? How far have we sunk if we prosecute people that expose war crimes for exposing war crimes? How far have we sunk when we no longer prosecute our own war criminals? Because we identify more with them, than we identify with the people that actually expose these crimes. What does that tell about us and about our governments? In a democracy, the power does not belong to the government, but to the people. But the people have to claim it. Secrecy disempowers the people because it prevents them from exercising democratic control, which is precisely why governments want secrecy.

Hale isn’t the only soldier conflicted by what he has seen, the only difference is in this case is that he has brought forth documents. Former Air Force pilot Brandon Bryan is one of the first ever United States drone operators to speak out against what has been happening overseas for a number of years now, which is the murder of countless innocent lives.

Bryan served as a sensor operator for what’s known as the “Predator Program” from 2007 to 2011. He was responsible for manning the camera on the unmanned aerial vehicles that carried out attacks overseas before he decided to leave active duty in the Air Force.

As Democracy Now reports, he was actually given a certificate that credited his squadron for more than 1,500 kills.

At the end of the day, we would wise to recognize that within the military industrial complex, there is, as JFK described in his address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association in April of 1961,

“A system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

Connect with The Pulse

cover image credit: Still of Daniel Hale from trailer for “National Bird,” documentary directed by Sonia Kennebeck

Analysis of All-Cause Mortality by Week in Canada 2010–2021, by Province, Age and Sex: There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic, and There Is Strong Evidence of Response-Caused Deaths in the Most Elderly and in Young Males

Analysis of All-Cause Mortality by Week in Canada 2010–2021, by Province, Age and Sex: There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic, and There Is Strong Evidence of Response-Caused Deaths in the Most Elderly and in Young Males

by Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier
August 6, 2021



We analyzed all-cause mortality by week (ACM/w) for Canada, and for the Canadian provinces, and by age group and sex, from January 2010 through March 2021; in comparison with data for other countries and their regions or counties.

We find that there is no extraordinary surge in yearly or seasonal mortality in Canada, which can be ascribed to a COVID-19 pandemic; and that several prominent features in the ACM/w in the COVID-19 period exhibit anomalous province-to-province heterogeneity that is irreconcilable with the known behaviour of epidemics of viral respiratory diseases (VRDs). We conclude that a pandemic did not occur.

In addition, our analysis of the ACM/w, by province, age and sex, allows us to highlight anomalies, occurring during the COVID-19 period, which provide strong evidence that:

•    Among the most elderly (85+ years), many died from the immediate response to the pandemic that was announced by the WHO on 11 March 2020.
•    Predominantly young males (0-44 years, and also 45-64 years) probably indirectly died from the sustained pandemic response, in the summer months of 2020, and into the fall and winter, starting in May 2020, especially in Alberta, significantly in Ontario and British Columbia, whereas not in Quebec.

Our study provides constraints on the mechanisms at play in VRD epidemics.



1. Introduction

2. Data

3. Results / Interpretation

3.1 No detectable pandemic increase in the yearly and
seasonal mortality
3.2 Inter-jurisdictional uniformity of pre-COVID-period features
in all-cause mortality by time, 2010-2019
3.3 Inter-jurisdictional variations of COVID-period features in
all-cause mortality by time
3.4 Analysis of ACM/w by age group and by sex

4. Discussion

4.1 Regarding pandemics
4.2 Regarding the “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) in ACM by time
4.3 Regarding the summer-2020 level and the “2”-feature
(“2nd wave”) in ACM by time
4.4 Regarding age group specifics in ACM by time
4.5 Regarding causes of response-induced deaths
4.6 Would there have been fewer deaths?

5. Concluding comments: Missing self-evaluation


Appendix: ACM/w normalized by population, and comparisons


Read and Download 63-page Report

Connect with Denis Rancourt

cover image credit: GoranH  / pixabay

Pharma’s Deception: ‘Safe and Effective’ – Then and Now

Pharma’s Deception: ‘Safe and Effective’ – Then and Now

by 21st Century Wire
August 5, 2021


Digging into the history of an infamous pharmaceutical scandal. It was said to be safe & effective. Sound familiar? 

Dr Sam Bailey reveals the inside story on one of the biggest pharmaceutical scandals in history, the children of Thalidomide, and tells us how many of these same corporations are poised to repeat the same crimes again – unless vigilant citizens demand transparency and accountability from pharmaceutical firms and the government regulators who are meant to police them. History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. Watch:

[Video available at Dr. Sam Bailey Odysee or YouTube channels.]

1. Thalidomide:
2. Chemie Grünenthal:
3. “From the Holocaust to Thalidomide: A Nazi Legacy” – AHRP January 10, 2014:
4. Martin Staemmler:
5. Thalidomide’s Secret Past: The Link with Nazi Germany:
6. Thalidomide Brands:
7. Drug discovery : a history – Sneader, 2005:
8. The last German war secret – Herald Sun, June 27, 2011:


Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical… Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio


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Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Former Pfizer Employee Karen Kingston on Covid Injections as Poisonous Bioweapons

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Former Pfizer Employee Karen Kingston on Covid Injections as Poisonous Bioweapons


August 4, 2021

Note from TCTL editor:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, as guest host on the Alex Jones show, interviews Karen Kingston.

Karen, who recently came forward as a whistleblower, currently works as an analyst for pharmaceutical and medical device industries — analyzing intellectual property and legal landscape for both pharma and consumers — and is also a science writer and clinical analyst.

Together Dr. Kaufman and Karen Kingston break down the ingredients in the so-called vaccines and take a look at the science documents detailing the intended functions of these toxic injections.

The interview above is courtesy of Kristall BrandNewTube channel, who kindly made the effort to clip this excerpt from a 3-hour segment at Alex Jones channel. All credit for the video goes to the Alex Jones show. Thanks to Kristall for providing the clip of the full Kaufman/Kingston interview.


Webpage information from Connecticut COVID-19 Response: What are the Ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccines? What is in them?


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman


see related: Karen Kingston — Science Writer, Clinical Analyst & Former Pfizer Employee — On How & Why Toxic Graphene Oxide Is Included in ‘Covid Vaccine’ Formulas

“Rebel or Die”: Journalist Jon Rappoport Interviewed by James Delingpole

“Rebel or Die”: Journalist Jon Rappoport Interviewed by James Delingpole


Note by TCTL editor:

This conversation between journalists Jon Rappoport (US) and James Delingpole (UK) covers a lot of territory, including:

    • The state of journalism and the gaslighting of the public through propaganda
    • Donald Trump’s flip flop on vaccines and his “Operation Warp Speed” where he pushed the deadly covid “vaccines” on the US public
    • Global protests outside of US
    • Vaccine injuries and deaths

At about the 34-minute mark in the video Jon Rappoport answers this question:

James Delingpole:

Where do you get the idea that far fewer people have taken the vaccine than is being claimed in public?

Jon Rappoport:

… Public Health officials are admitting on the record that in the US stock of vaccines in the 50 states are going unused. Not just a little, but vastly unused, and they’re about to expire, many of them — which makes them completely useless. 

And what these public health officials are confessing to is not ‘oh, they gave us too many vials to begin with…’. No. They’re talking about these stocks of vaccines going unused because of declining demand, across the board as they say, in the 50 states. Which to me is a massive clue that many, many people are refusing the vaccine …


Jon Rappoport on The Delingpod
August 6, 2021

Video available at James Delingpole’s Odysee and Rumble channels.

See Jon Rappoport’s article: The Vaccine War: Who Really Has the Upper Hand?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Connect with James Delingpole

VAERS Latest Data Include 2 New Reports of Teen Deaths Following COVID Vaccine, as Total Reports of Deaths Exceed 12,000

VAERS Latest Data Include 2 New Reports of Teen Deaths Following COVID Vaccine, as Total Reports of Deaths Exceed 12,000
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 545,338 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 12,366 deaths and 70,105 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
August 6, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed the total number of reports (including foreign and U.S.) of deaths following COVID vaccination, across all age groups, surpassed 12,000.

The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021, a total of 545,338 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,366 deaths — an increase of 426 over the previous week. There were 70,105 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 7,003 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 443,201 adverse events, including 5,739 deaths and 35,881 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S.

In the U.S., 344.9 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of July 30. This includes: 139 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 193 million doses of Pfizer and 13 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 5,739 U.S. deaths reported as of July 30, 13% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 19% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 34% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

The most recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on June 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1505250) who died after suffering a heart condition after receiving her first dose of Pfizer.

This week’s total U.S. VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to July 30, 2021, for all age groups combined, show:
FDA eyes full approval of Pfizer vaccine by early next month

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has accelerated its timeline to fully approve Pfizer’s COVID vaccine — planning to complete the process by the beginning of September, people familiar with the effort told The New York Times.

President Biden said last week he expected a fully approved vaccine in early fall. But the FDA’s unofficial deadline is Labor Day or sooner, according to The Times.

The agency said in a statement its leaders recognized approval might inspire more public confidence and had “taken an all-hands-on-deck approach” to the work.

The FDA’s move is expected to kick off more vaccination mandates for hospital workers, college students and federal troops.

Federal regulators have been under growing public pressure to fully approve Pfizer’s vaccine ever since the company filed its application on May 7.

Vaccinated may play key role in aiding evolution of more dangerous COVID variants

According to research published last week in Scientific Reports, vaccinated people may play a key role in helping SARS-CoV-2 variants evolve into those that evade existing COVID vaccines.

Researchers identified three specific risk factors that favor the emergence and establishment of a vaccine-resistant strain. They are: a high probability of initial emergence of the resistant strain; a high number of infected individuals; and a low rate of vaccination.

However, the analysis also showed the highest risk for establishing a vaccine-resistant strain occurs when a large fraction of the population has already been vaccinated but the transmission is not controlled.

“When most people are vaccinated, the vaccine-resistant strain has an advantage over the original strain,” Simon Rella of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria, told CNN. “This means the vaccine-resistant strain spreads through the population faster at a time when most people are vaccinated.”

The data is consistent with a study released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which showed vaccinated people may transmit the Delta variant —  now responsible for 80% of COVID cases in the U.S. — just as easily as the unvaccinated.

Delta variant more transmissible, not more deadly

As The Defender reported Aug. 3, World Health Organization (WHO) officials said they are still trying to understand why the Delta variant is more transmissible than the original COVID virus strain.

“There are certain mutations in the Delta variant that, for example, allow the virus to adhere to a cell more easily,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’S technical lead on COVID, at a press briefing July 30. “There are some laboratory studies that suggest that there’s increased replication in some of the modeled human airway systems.”

The CDC warned lawmakers July 29 of new research indicating the Delta strain is more contagious than chickenpox. The variant also appears to have a longer transmission window than the original COVID strain, and may make older people sicker, even if they’ve been fully vaccinated, CNBC reported.

Brian Hooker, Ph.D., P.E., Children’s Health Defense chief scientific officer and professor of biology at Simpson University, said while the Delta variant is likely more transmissible, it’s also likely less pathogenic.

“What we’re seeing is virus evolution 101,” Hooker said.

He explained:

“Viruses like to survive, so killing the host (i.e. the human who is infected) defeats the purpose because killing the host kills the virus, too.

“For this reason, new variants of viruses that circulate widely through the population tend to become more transmissive but less pathogenic. In other words, they will spread more easily from person to person, but they will cause less damage to the host.”

Hooker said the more the variant deviates from the original sequence used for the vaccine, the less effective the vaccine will be on that variant, which could explain why fully vaccinated people are getting infected with the Delta variant.

But this isn’t the case for natural immunity, Hooker explained:

“The vaccine focuses on the spike protein, whereas natural immunity focuses on the entire virus. Natural immunity — with a more diverse array of antibodies and T-cell receptors — will provide better protection overall as it has more targets in which to attack the virus, whereas vaccine-derived immunity only focuses on one portion of the virus, in this case, the spike protein. Once that portion of the virus has mutated sufficiently, the vaccine no longer is effective.”

Offspring band boots drummer for refusing to get vaccinated

Pete Parada, drummer for the Californian rock band Offspring, said he was ousted from the band because he refused to get a COVID vaccine, despite having already had COVID and acquiring natural immunity.

In an Instagram post, Parada said:

“Since I am unable to comply with what is increasingly becoming an industry mandate, it has recently been decided that I am unsafe to be around, in the studio and on tour. I mention this because you won’t be seeing me at these upcoming shows. I also want to share my story so that anyone else experiencing the agony and isolation of getting left behind right now knows they’re not entirely alone.”

Parada, who had COVID more than a year ago, said he was medically advised not to take the vaccine due to his “personal medical history and the side-effect profile” of COVID vaccines.

Parada has a history of Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a serious but rare autoimmune disorder linked to multiple vaccines, including COVID vaccines.

Parada said he was confident he could handle the virus again, but he could not handle another round of post-vaccination GBS, which dates back to his childhood and has become progressively worse over his lifetime.

In a series of tweets, Parada said he unequivocally supports informed consent — “which necessitates choice unburdened by coercion” — and does not find it “ethical or wise” to allow those with the most power, including government, corporations, organizations or employers to “dictate medical procedures to those with the least power.”

Nation’s largest employers mandate COVID vaccines

Some of the nation’s largest employers are mandating COVID vaccines, The New York Times reported this week.

Tyson Foods this week told its 120,000 workers in offices, slaughterhouses and poultry plants across the country they would need to be vaccinated by Nov. 1, as a “condition of employment.”

Microsoft, which employs roughly 100,000 people in the U.S., said it would require proof of vaccination for all employees, vendors and guests to gain access to its offices.

Last week, Google said it would require employees who returned to the company’s offices to be vaccinated, while Disney announced a mandate for all salaried and non-union hourly workers who work on site.

Walmart, the largest private employer in the U.S, Lyft and Uber mandated vaccines for white-collar workers but not for millions of frontline workers.

The moves brought praise from the White House.

“I want to thank Walmart, Google, Netflix, Disney, Tyson Foods for their recent actions requiring vaccination for employees,” President Biden said in a press briefing on Tuesday. “Look, I know this isn’t easy — but I will have their backs.”

“Others have declined to step up,” Biden said. “I find it disappointing.”

151 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We have made repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions.

Despite multiple phone and email communications with many people at the CDC, and despite being told that our request was in the system and that someone would respond, we have not yet received answers to any of the questions we submitted. It has been 144 days since we sent our first email to the CDC requesting information.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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UVC: The Sterilization of Planet Earth, Part One

UVC: The Sterilization of Planet Earth, Part One

August 5, 2021


Earth’s life preserving ozone layer is deteriorating at blinding speed, covert climate engineering operations are the single greatest causal factor. If this destruction is allowed to continue unabated, the total collapse of the ozone layer will soon determine our collective fate. UVC radiation is now reaching the surface of the planet, this DNA damaging spectrum of solar radiation is the last spectrum of UV before x-rays. Geoengineering Watch has monitored the ever increasing UVC radiation for many years while trying simultaneously to sound the alarm. In this video report a former NASA contract engineer sends a dire warning.


All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​


Connect with Dane Wigington

cover image credit: geralt  / pixabay

IPC (Israeli People Committee) Leader, Dr. Pinkie Feinstein on the “Corona Junction” — Choosing Love or Fear

IPC (Israeli People Committee) Leader, Dr. Pinkie Feinstein on the “Corona Junction” — Choosing Love or Fear

by Dr. Pinkie Feinstein
August 3, 2021


Dr. Feinstein, leader of IPC (Israeli People Committee) speaks about the negative roles of fear and how it is being exploited to attack people and then about the role of love in changing this reality into a much more winnable state.

Original video available at DrPinkie Rumble channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Brief Excerpts:

I believe we’re reaching a situation where more physicians will wake up and start talking.

What’s happening is that many people in Israel and around the world are overtaken by fear. They are allowing people to scare them.

People who were supposed to be calm, keep things in proportion, guide, lead, heal. Instead they turned into agents of fear.

We’re not dealing with the corona virus. Right now, we’re dealing with a virus of fear.

Are we afraid to die or are we actually afraid to live? Because shutting ourselves in our home, putting on masks, stop breathing, running from one shot to the other, stop thinking, this means we stop living.

Maybe we’re actually absorbing some kind of pattern that’s designed to stop us from living. Because living truly means to take risks. You don’t take risks, you don’t have freedom, you don’t have hope…

Do we know that fear and love cannot exist together?

I believe that we have arrived to what I call “the corona junction”.

The corona junction helps people to decide for themselves where they’re going —

Will you choose love or run away in fear?


Connect with Dr. Pinkie Feinstein