The Physiology of Precognition

The Physiology of Precognition by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star May 11, 2021   This is such a wild article that I simply had to blog about it. It…

The Variant and the Vaccine

The Variant and the Vaccine by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing May 10,  2021   For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. – Newton’s Third Law For…

Florida Takes the Lead in Protecting Individual Rights

Florida Takes the Lead in Protecting Individual Rights by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire May 7, 2021    After passing a bill to ensure individual rights and…

Backdoor Deals: CDC & American Federation of Teachers

Backdoor Deals: The CDC & American Federation of Teachers by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire May 7, 2021    After promising to “follow the science,” most of…

Why on Earth Do People Wear Masks?

Why on Earth Do People Wear Masks? by Dr. Vernon Coleman May 8, 2021   There is much more evidence supporting the fact that masks should not be worn. Over…

Mind Control is NOT a Conspiracy Theory

Mind Control is NOT a Conspiracy Theory by James Corbett, The Corbett Report May 8, 2021   When you think of “mind control,” what do you think of? Conspiracy theorists…

COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe

COVID Vaccine Deaths: The Numbers Point to a Catastrophe by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 10, 2021   A new May 4 report by independent researcher, Virginia Stoner,…

WhatsHerFace: Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases

WhatsHerFace: Covid-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Cases by WhatsHerFace May 9, 2021  The CDC will soon be changing how they record covid-19 breakthrough cases. With this change, breakthrough infections in vaccinated…

Canada: The Covid Police State — “We Must Succeed in Having Truth Prevail Over Fear”

Canada: The Covid Police State — “We Must Succeed in Having Truth Prevail Over Fear” Canada: The Covid Police State by John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms May 9,…

Big Education: Episode 1 of The Pyramid of Power Series by The Conscious Resistance

Big Education: Episode 1 of The Pyramid of Power Series by The Conscious Resistance    Video available at The Conscious Resistance Odysee and BitChute channels. The Conscious Resistance Network…

The Very Notion of ‘Leadership’ Is One of an Abject Failure of Individual Responsibility

The Very Notion of ‘Leadership’ Is One of an Abject Failure of Individual Responsibility by Gary D. Barnett May 7, 2021   “Shame on the misguided, the blinded, the distracted…

Government Restraining Order Against Peaceful Protest Is a Naked Attack on Albertans’ Freedoms

Government Restraining Order Against Peaceful Protest Is a Naked Attack on Albertans’ Freedoms by John Carpay, The Western Standard May 8, 2021   “Rather than relying on regular law enforcement,…

CDC Reports Two More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials

CDC Reports Two More Infant Deaths Following Experimental COVID Injections During Clinical Trials by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News May 7, 2021   The CDC released more data in their Vaccine…

“No 5G” Political Party Demands Moratorium Until 5G is Proven Safe to Human Health, Flora, Fauna and Property (Australia)

“No 5G” Political Party Demands Moratorium Until 5G is Proven Safe to Human Health, Flora, Fauna and Property (Australia) by B.N. Frank, Activist Post May 7, 2021   Opposition to…

Whistle Stop Cafe Sets Up “Freedom Park,” Plans for “Biggest Protest Alberta’s Ever Seen”

Whistle Stop Cafe Sets Up “Freedom Park,” Plans for “Biggest Protest Alberta’s Ever Seen” by Sheila Gunn Reid, Rebel News May 6, 2021   On Wednesday, at 6:30 in the…

Legal Case Filed Against 5G for Breaches in Human Rights and National Health Service Acts, Public Sector Equality Duty, etc. (UK)

Legal Case Filed Against 5G for Breaches in Human Rights and National Health Service Acts, Public Sector Equality Duty, etc. (UK) by B.N. Frank, Activist Post May 6, 2021   Opposition…

Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder

Fauci Defends the Crown, Descends the Evolutionary Ladder by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 6, 2021   Anthony Fauci woke up in the middle of the night. In…

The Dearth and Rebirth of Truth

The Dearth and Rebirth of Truth by Adam Abraham, Thought for Food May 5, 2021   It’s time to STOP acting as though “scientists” *know* all there is to know,…

Alberta Government’s Own Data Shows Hospital Bed and ICU Utilization at Five-Year Low

Alberta Government’s Own Data Shows Hospital Bed and ICU Utilization at Five-Year Low by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms May 5, 2021   CALGARY:  The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today released extensive government…

According to the CDC 4,178 Americans Have Died Following Experimental COVID Injections

According to the CDC 4,178 Americans Have Died Following Experimental COVID Injections   CDC: 4,178 Americans DEAD Following Experimental COVID Injections – Deaths from COVID Shots now Equal 21 Years…

The Extreme and Deadly Risks We Face Are Many, and of Our Own Making

The Extreme and Deadly Risks We Face Are Many, and of Our Own Making by Gary D. Barnett May 5, 2021   “The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not…

Legal Resources from Children’s Health Defense

Legal Resources from Children’s Health Defense   The Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources that make aware and acquaints individuals about their legally protected rights to encourage,…

Tucker Carlson: Americans Shouldn’t Be Forced to Take One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine

Tucker Carlson: Americans Shouldn’t Be Forced to Take One-Size-Fits-All Vaccine Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson, told viewers even though President Biden said COVID vaccines won’t be mandated, Biden is supporting…

All Those Pentagon IP Addresses

All Those Pentagon IP Addresses by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star May 5, 2021   Today’s blog is about a story so unusual that I have absolutely no idea…

Parallels Between GMO COVID Vaccine and GMO Crops; Lessons Not Learned

Parallels Between GMO COVID Vaccine and GMO Crops; Lessons Not Learned “Although gene therapy has never cured a disease across the board, it’s extraordinarily safe and effective, because we say…

Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation Is the Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media Alive

Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation Is the Only Thing Keeping Mainstream Media Alive by Caitlin Johnstone May 3, 2021   The emergence of the internet was met with hope and enthusiasm…

Prof. Dolores Cahill at May 1st Freedom Rally in Cork, Ireland: On Holding Health Professionals & Law Enforcement Personally Accountable for Infringing on Your Inalienable Rights

Prof. Dolores Cahill at May 1st Freedom Rally in Cork, Ireland: On Holding Health Professionals & Law Enforcement Personally Accountable for Infringing on Your Inalienable Rights    Video source:…

Mask Madness – The Death of Science

Mask Madness – The Death of Science by Dr. Mark Sircus May 3, 2021   If you wanted to grow up to be a mass murderer, destroyer of health and…

DC Mayor Bans Dancing & Standing at Weddings!

DC Mayor Bans Dancing & Standing at Weddings! by Richie Allen May 5, 2021   Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser has banned dancing at weddings. On Friday, Bowser said that…

Is the Genetic COVID Vaccine Creating a Hurricane Inside Cells of the Body?

Is the Genetic COVID Vaccine Creating a Hurricane Inside Cells of the Body? by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 4, 2021   Picture this: Contrary to medical claims,…

Estimated 100,000 Montreal Protesters Rail Against Quebec Lockdown, Clamour for Premier to Resign

Estimated 100,000 Montreal Protesters Rail Against Quebec Lockdown, Clamour for Premier to Resign by David Menzies, Rebel News May 2, 2021    Last Saturday saw perhaps the largest anti-lockdown…

From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Government Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens

From Mind Control to Viruses: How the Government Keeps Experimenting on Its Citizens by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute May 3, 2021   “They were monsters…

Decoding Davos: The Global Endgame

Decoding Davos: The Global Endgame by Truth Unmuted first published February 28, 2021    Watch on Rumble | Watch on Bitchute | Watch on Ugetube | Watch on Odyssey   Transcript George Orwell’s chilling line about…

RFK, Jr. and Black Warrior Riverkeeper Nelson Brooke on Holding Corporate Polluters Accountable

RFK, Jr. and Black Warrior Riverkeeper Nelson Brooke on Holding Corporate Polluters Accountable Listen as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. interviews Riverkeeper Nelson Brooke, spokesman and patrolman for the Black Warrior…

The Criminalization of Dissent

The Criminalization of Dissent by CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory May 3, 2021   One of the hallmarks of totalitarian systems is the criminalization of dissent. Not just the stigmatization…

COVID: Vaccinated People Shedding and Spreading Genetic Disaster to Unvaccinated Women?

COVID: Vaccinated People Shedding and Spreading Genetic Disaster to Unvaccinated Women? by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 3, 2021   MANY women are posting reports of disrupted and…

May 1st Freedom Rally in Brussels Belgium: Police Violently Assault Peaceful Protestors Without Warning

May 1st Freedom Rally in Brussels Belgium: Police Violently Assault Peaceful Protestors Without Warning   Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: A friend of this site, living in Belgium, sent…

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 2 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, United States, Namibia

Corona Investigative Committee: International Legal Offensive Part 2 — In Conversation With Lawyers from Greece, France, South Africa, Israel, United States, Namibia   Special Session: International Legal Offensive – Part…

UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Call to Action Regarding Covid-19 Vaccine Certification/Passports

UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Call to Action Regarding Covid-19 Vaccine Certification/Passports   UK Government Public Consultation on Covid-19 Vaccine Certification/Passports – Deadline 3rd May 2021 The UK Medical Freedom Alliance…

Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine

Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine VAERS data released today showed 118,902 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious…

Connecticut Rises: Thousands Stand for Freedom in Face-Off With Political Tyrants Who Signed Away Medical Exemptions

Connecticut Rises: Thousands Stand for Freedom in Face-Off With Political Tyrants Who Signed Away Medical Exemptions   Connecticut Rises by The HighWire with Del Bigtree April 30, 2021   Thousands…

Canadian Pastor Who Refused to Allow “Gestapo” to Enter His Church Now Faces Arrest Warrant

Polish/Canadian Pastor Who Refused to Allow “Gestapo” to Enter His Church Now Faces Arrest Warrant   Polish Pastor Now Facing Arrest Warrant, The Covid-19(84) Gestapo Is Killing The Church!!!  by…

Cult of Covid v. GraceLife Church

Cult of Covid v. GraceLife Church by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms April 30, 2021   Pastor Coates and GraceLife Church, represented by the Justice Centre have been charged with…

Glyphosate Herbicides Change Gene Function and Cause DNA Damage – New Study

Glyphosate Herbicides Change Gene Function and Cause DNA Damage – New Study by Sustainable Pulse April 30, 2021   Glyphosate-based herbicides such as Roundup activate mechanisms involved in cancer development,…

Bill Gates, China, 23andMe, and Your DNA

Bill Gates, China, 23andMe, and Your DNA by Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond April 29, 2021   Is there a connection between China, Bill Gates, YouTube, and DNA collection?…

‘Sick Is the New Normal’ for Today’s Kids, Pediatrician Says

‘Sick Is the New Normal’ for Today’s Kids, Pediatrician Says Author and pediatrician Dr. Michelle Perro discusses the impact of environmental toxins and genetically modified foods on children’s health in…

Can Colleges and Employers Legally Require You to Get Vaccinated? It’s Complicated.

Can Colleges and Employers Legally Require You to Get Vaccinated? It’s Complicated. Some colleges and employers are mandating COVID vaccines, and some states are proposing laws to prohibit vaccine mandates…

Police Take Court Action Against Ontario Government Over Anti-Covid Enforcement Duties

Police Take Court Action Against Ontario Government Over Anti-Covid Enforcement Duties by the Constitutional Rights Centre April 29, 2021    The Constitutional Rights Centre in Canada held a press…

Take Heart. Humanity Is Rising: London April 24, 2021 – “Humanity on Its Feet” by Oracle Films

Take Heart. Humanity Is Rising: London April 24, 2021 – “Humanity on Its Feet” by Oracle Films   Humanity on its Feet | Oracle Films | London 24.04.2021 by Oracle…

Dr. Vernon Coleman on Chipping & Vaxxing Cats — And Mysterious Big Pharma Death

Dr. Vernon Coleman on Chipping & Vaxxing Cats — And Mysterious Big Pharma Death   My Scepticism Knows No Bounds  by Dr. Vernon Coleman April 29, 2021   It’s difficult…

‘End Massachusetts Medical Mandates’ Holds Another Successful Demonstration in Hyannis

‘End Massachusetts Medical Mandates’ Holds Another Successful Demonstration in Hyannis   End Massachusetts Medical Mandates supporters gathered in Hyannis on Saturday April 24th to take a stand for medical freedom….

Attorney Michael Swinwood With Reiner Fuellmich: “The Consciousness of Humanity Is Really What’s at Play Here”

Attorney Michael Swinwood With Reiner Fuellmich: “The Consciousness of Humanity Is Really What’s at Play Here”   Michael Swinwood is a Canadian lawyer. In this video he shares conversation with…

Leslie Manookian With Reiner Fuellmich: “People Have No Idea How Controlled Everything They See Is”

Leslie Manookian With Reiner Fuellmich: “People Have No Idea How Controlled Everything They See Is”    This video is a clip from Corona Investigative Committee’s Special Session: International Legal…

The Non-Existent Virus; and the Implications

The Non-Existent Virus; and the Implications by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News April 26, 2021   Last week, I published Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s devastating critique of the claim that SARS-CoV-2 has…
