Jon Rappoport: Within the Fake Covid Scenario — FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many COVID Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated—and Buried That Knowledge

Bombshell: FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many COVID Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated—and Buried That Knowledge

by Jon Rappoport, No More News
August 11, 2021


First of all, I have to re-emphasize a point I’ve made many times: SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve been proving that for over a year.

BUT I don’t stop there. I temporarily enter the official world where people assume the virus does exist, and I reveal many internal contradictions and lies and cover-ups within that world.

Some readers, who possess sub-standard literacy, believe I’m contradicting MYSELF. They think I’m saying the virus doesn’t exist and does exist.


Analogy: People sitting inside a theater are watching a movie, and they believe it’s a real world. They react in all sorts of strange ways, based on that assumption. You’re standing outside the theater, looking through the window. You can just say, “They’re all crazy,” and leave it at that, or you can say, “They’re all crazy,” and THEN walk inside the theater and get a good look at what they’re up to as well. That’s what I do.

That’s what I’m doing in this article, which is about the FDA and their emergency authorization of the COVID vaccine, despite knowing the vaccine didn’t pass muster, didn’t even vaguely rank as effective in the clinical trials.

Because lots of people in the clinical trial became COVID cases after being vaccinated.

In other words, the FDA knew, right from the get-go, that many so-called breakthrough cases would develop. They knew many vaccinated people would become COVID cases.

This knowledge should have prevented the FDA from granting emergency use authorization for the vaccine—but it didn’t.

(Reminder: We’re in the crazy fake theater now, where the virus is real, the PCR test is meaningful and accurate, the vaccine is necessary.)

Here we go.

The document, posted on the FDA website, is titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [1]

It is dated December 10, 2020. The date tells us that all the information in the document is taken from the Pfizer clinical trial, based on which the FDA authorized the vaccine for public use.

A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”

Those shocking numbers have never seen the light of day in news media.

The comparative numbers reveal that the vaccine was not effective at preventing COVID-19. It was certainly not 50% more effective than a placebo shot—the standard for FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

To make all this clear, I need to back up and explain the theory of the vaccine clinical trial.

The researchers assumed the SARS-CoV-2 virus was spreading everywhere in the world, and during the clinical trial, it would descend on some volunteers.

The billion-dollar question was: how many people receiving the vaccine would become infected, vs. how many people in the placebo group?

If it turned out that FAR FEWER people getting the vaccine became infected with SARS-CoV-2, the vaccine would be hailed as a success. It protected people against the virus.

But as you can see from the numbers above, that wasn’t the case at all.

So now we come to the vital weasel-phrase in the FDA document I just quoted: “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 [cases].”

“Well, you see, we can’t say these were ACTUAL COVID-19 cases. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. They’re in limbo. We want to keep them in limbo. Otherwise, our clinical trial is dead in the water, and we’ll never get approval for the vaccine.”

What does “suspected cases” mean? It can only mean these people all displayed symptoms consistent with the definition of COVID-19, but they’re unconfirmed cases because…their PCR tests were negative, not positive.

However, if their tests were negative, why would they be called “suspected cases” instead of “NOT CASES”?

Something is wrong here. The FDA is hedging its bets, muddying the waters, obscuring facts.

By FDA/CDC rules, a case of COVID-19 means: a person has tested positive, period.

That’s the way cases are counted.

These thousand-plus volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial were either COVID-19 cases or they weren’t. Which is it?

The official response to that question is obvious: the FDA decided to throw the data from all those “suspected cases” in the garbage and ignore them. Poof. Gone.

Why do I say that?

Because if the FDA had paid serious attention to the “suspected cases,” they never would have authorized the vaccine for public use. They would have stopped the clinical trial and undertaken a very deep and extensive investigation.

Which they didn’t.

This is called a crime.

“But…but it’s not that simple. This is a complex situation. It’s a gray area.”

“No. It isn’t. If you were running a clinical trial of a new drug, and a few thousand people in the trial, who were given the drug, nevertheless came down with the disease symptoms the drug was supposed to cure, wouldn’t you cancel the trial and go back to the drawing board?”

“You mean if we were being honest? That’s a joke, right? We’re not honest. Don’t you get it?”

Yes. I get it. You’re criminals. Killers.

But wait. There’s more. The FDA document also states: “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.”

That’s explosive. Right after vaccination, 409 people who received the shots became “suspected COVID cases.” This alone should have been enough to stop the clinical trial altogether. But it wasn’t.

In fact, the FDA document tries to excuse those 409 cases with a slippery comment: “It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.”

Translation: You see, a number of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and adverse effects from the vaccine are the same. Therefore, we have no idea whether the vaccinated people developed COVID or were just reacting to the vaccine. So we’re going to ignore this whole mess and pretend it’s of no importance.

Back in April of 2020, I predicted the vaccine manufacturers would use this strategy to explain away COVID cases occurring in the vaccine groups of their clinical trials.

It’s called cooking the data. It’s a way of writing off and ignoring COVID symptoms in the vaccine group.

And the FDA document, as I stated above, just puts an impenetrable cloud over all the volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial by inventing a category called “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases,” and throwing those crucial data away, never to be spoken of again.

I’m speaking about them now. Any sensible person, looking at them, would conclude that the vaccine should never have been authorized.

Unless fraud, deception, profits, and destruction of human life via the vaccine were and are the true goals.

Finally: When you have “suspected cases,” and their ultimate status depends on doing a test, you do the test. You do it as many times as you need to, until it registers positive or negative. Then each “suspected case” becomes an actual case or no case at all.

Perhaps these “suspected cases” in the clinical trial were tested, and many of them came up positive, revealing they were actual COVID cases—but the researchers lied and covered up the fact that they were tested.

Or if you really don’t want to know whether “suspected cases” are actual cases, you don’t test them. You leave them in a convenient limbo and park them, never to be seen again.

Either way, the situation is patently absurd. By official standards, the PCR test decides whether a person is a case or not a case. Just do the test. Saying “we don’t know” is nothing more than a con and a hustle.

I’d love to hear the researchers try to talk their way out of this one. Here is how the conversation might go:

“So you’re saying these several thousand suspected COVID cases couldn’t be adjudicated one way or another?”

“That’s right. Their PCR tests were ‘indeterminate’.”

“That says something devastating about the test itself.”

“Well, sometimes you just can’t tell whether it’s positive or negative.”

“I see. And this ‘indeterminate’ result occurred in more than a THOUSAND suspected cases.”

“I guess so, yes.”

“You know, you could have done something else with these suspected cases. A different test. You could have taken tissue samples and looked for the virus itself in a more direct way.”

“No. That wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?”

“Because…the actual virus…”

“Because no one has been able to come up with a specimen of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus.”


“So tell me—what does that indicate? I’ll tell you what it indicates. You can’t prove the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. It doesn’t exist.”

“I have to go. I’m late for a meeting.”

“You’re late for more than just a meeting. Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’

“Absolutely not. That’s outrageous.”

“What then?”

“The PO Box is in Virginia.”




Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors  / pixabay

Dr. Ryan N. Cole, Pathologist, Shows Vaccine Damage Is Visible in All Human Tissues and Organs

Dr. Ryan N. Cole, Pathologist, Shows Vaccine Damage Is Visible in All Human Tissues and Organs

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 10, 2021


Board-certified pathologist, Dr. Ryan N. Cole MD spoke at the White Coat Summit about the catastrophic damage COVID vaccines are doing on humans and the toxic spike protein, potential long-term effects of vaccines.

[Video available at TJ45 Rumble channel.]


“You want to give a 2, 5 or 12 year old a shot? And we see a 200% increase of myocarditis. That’s a good idea. Let’s give a kid a toxine that ruins his health for life. (…/…) We need to stop insanity immediately”

“This is not science. This is poison attack on our population.”

“In the Pfizer paperworks and applications, it clearly states that in the rats, there is a 16% decrease in fertility, one of the most fertile mammals on the planet. (…/…) So what they’re doing on humanity? The answer is: We don’t know. Guess what? We don’t have long term safety data yet. That’s the tragedy and the crime in all of this. It’s an experiment. It’s an emergency authorisation, not approved. Humanity is the phase 3 trial.”

“What is the risk for cancer after the shot? We don’t know. What is the risk of autoimmune disease after the shot? We don’t know.”

“What is the risk of impairing fertility for a life time? We don’t know.”

“So why in the world are we really pushing forward at the path rate we’re going without knowing these thing? Complete attack on science and a complete attack on us.”

“No more mandatory forcing of employees. (…/…) ‘How in the world these hospitals and these employers saying: ‘You can not work for me if you don’t sign up to be a subject for an experiment on humanity’ ”

“Where are the billions to do the autopsies? Where are the billions to prove the science?”


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: WiR_Pixs  / pixabay


Dr. Vernon Coleman: They Killed Granny – Now They’re Going to Kill the Kids

They Killed Granny – Now They’re Going to Kill the Kids

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
August 9, 2021


Original video available at Vernon Coleman BrandNewTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


So, children over the age of 16 won’t need parental permission to accept the experimental jab for covid-19. The British Government wants to give it to children over the age of 12. And they are now testing it on pre-school and primary school children.

Listen carefully to what I’ve got to tell you.

If you’re a human and not a zombie this will fill you with rage. If the squaddies in the 77th Brigade listen properly even they are going to think twice about pressing the thumbs down button.

On the 15th July 2021, the UK Government’s advisors the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation said: `until more data become available JCVI does not currently advise routine universal vaccination of children and young people less than 18 years of age.’ They added that the `the health benefits in this population is small and do not outweigh the potential risks.

Splendid, I thought. Send up a rocket.

And then a few weeks later, on 4th August, the committee changed its mind after the UK’s Chief Medical Officers requested that JCVI accelerated its review of advice for jabbing children.

Changed their minds.

They admitted that covid-19 disease in children is typically mild or asymptomatic. But they changed their minds and said that all 16 and 17-year-olds be jabbed. And that many children aged 12 and over be jabbed.

One odd thing was that they said that `in recent weeks, reports have been submitted about myocarditis.

Recent weeks.

Take a look at my video dated 8th December 2020 entitled `Covid 19 vaccine – possible vaccine side effects’ and you will find that I listed myocarditis.

So how come I knew about this risk half a year before the Government’s advisory committee? Not boasting but I’ve been half a year ahead since early 2020.

I can’t find any new evidence that would have changed their minds.

But the minds changed.

The membership of the JCVI’s subcommittee on covid changed and one prominent critic of covid jabs for children coincidentally left. Three other members changed too. Gosh. However, committee members said that they had not felt any political pressure to change their views on giving the jab to teenagers. How reassuring.

Just out of idle curiosity I wonder if any members of the committee have any links with drug companies or have ever accepted drug company money. Or are there any who have no links with drug company money. Just wondering. I’ll perhaps look into that in detail another day.

Politicians, advisers and doctors should know that the experimental jab will kill children – almost certainly kill or injure far more than would be killed or injured by this year’s flu: covid-19.

And there won’t be one in a million of these jabbed children who will understand that they’re taking part in a massive, unethical, immoral and illegal experiment. The Joint Committee says `in all instances, the offer of vaccination to children and young people must be accompanied by appropriate information to enable children and young people…to be adequately appraised of the potential harms and benefits of vaccination as part of informed consent prior to vaccination.

That’s called covering your back.

The queen, Dolly Parton and a bunch of influencers on social media will say it’s OK. The kids will be bribed. And not one in a thousand doctors or nurses will explain the risks in detail.

What am I saying: I bet not one in a thousand doctors or nurses have any idea of the risks.

And the idea that 16-year-olds will understand these complicated vaccines would be laughable if it were not obscene. Most kids think the jab will stop them getting covid. And stop them spreading it to granny.

Not that this matters much because the Government killed granny last year.

And all this is illegal.

Back in February, six months ago, I pointed out in a video entitled, ‘Doctors and Nurses giving the covid-19 vaccine will be tried as war criminals’ that the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentation, which was written in 1947, stated that explicit voluntary consent from patients is required for human experimentation.

That means, of course, that patients must be told that they are taking part in a trial. And they must be warned of the dozens of possible adverse events – which were known before Christmas. I made a video listing the FDA’s draft working list of adverse events in December 2020. Those being jabbed must be warned that they could die. And they must be warned that the vaccine they’re being given won’t necessarily stop them catching covid or passing it on if they do catch it.

That’s informed consent.

And as I said, I doubt if one in a million adults was properly advised.

How many 16-year-olds will understand what an mRNA vaccine does? How many will understand the principles of pathogenic priming?

Once again, as I said back in February, any doctor or nurse giving one of these experimental jabs without making sure that their victim has been given all the necessary information, and understands it, is breaking international law and will go to prison.

The fact is that the whole vaccination programme is built on lies and deceit. Governments and the media wouldn’t need to lie, harass and suppress the truth if there really were a plague and if the experimental injection really worked. People would be fighting to get jabbed.

Of course, if there really were a plague there wouldn’t be a vaccine. The vaccine’s promoters are mostly on record as saying that they want a smaller global population. So if there were a killer plague they wouldn’t want a vaccine, would they?

Accepting this experimental and unnecessary jab is the most important decision any citizen will ever make. The so-called vaccine is for ever. It isn’t like a drug that you can stop and get over. The covid-19 jab stays. You can’t get it out. And no one, repeat no one, knows what the effect will be in six months or six years or sixteen years. It’s an experiment and the preliminary part of the experiment won’t be over until 2023. The vaccine has already killed thousands of people and injured millions more. Just look at the updated figures on my website where I quote the official death and injury figures published by the British and American governments.

Will the vaccinated be more susceptible to new variations? Will they die when they contract winter viruses? No one knows the answers.

The risks are so great that I believe that anyone who has been jabbed – particular the young who seem to be particularly liable to heart damage – should avoid all strenuous exercise and stress.


Meanwhile, the promotional campaign to sell the jab to kids is moving fast. Free money. Free kebabs. The chance to reclaim a little of the life that was taken from them.

The BBC has reported that 60,000 lives have been saved by the covid jab. There’s isn’t one shred of evidence to prove that claim. They might as well claim that 60 billion lives have been saved.

The disgusting BBC and the rest of the mainstream media become indecently orgasmic with excitement when they find someone who hasn’t been vaccinated and who has died of or with covid-19 (aka the rebranded flu) or, probably, anything else. They ignore the fact that every year, in the six month flu season, up to 650,000 people of all ages die of the flu worldwide. Often ordinary healthy people.

But the deception and the lies about the rebranded flu just keep getting bigger.

Unvaccinated man with flu run over by bus. Unvaccinated woman eaten by lion.

The truth is that these experimental jabs have not been sufficiently tested, do not do what most people think they do and are so dangerous that their distribution should be halted immediately.

Doctors who object, who point out the dangers, and who explain why the risk benefit ratio shows that the people producing, and promoting these damned things should be locked up, are monstered and silenced and lied about and offered mental health care – just as if we were in Russia in Stalin’s time. Objections are dismissed without debate. There is no debate. Never before in my knowledge has a drug been introduced and used so widely with no discussion. For 18 months I’ve been asking government advisors to debate with me on live television.

Nothing. Silence.

We pay them. They ignore us.

All this proves, of course, that the promotion of this experimental product is a heinous fraud.

Meanwhile, the majority of doctors will accept the lies, promote the jab and take the big money they’re being paid.

When these disgusting women and men are arrested – as they will be – I hope they are shown no mercy. They are, man and woman, guilty of some of the most awful crimes in history.

Please go to and email this video – together with the transcript – to every school and doctor’s surgery in your area.

I’ll leave you with this.

The UK Government admits that the longer term health effects from the myocarditis events reported are not yet well understood.

But they’re planning to give the damned stuff to pre-school children and primary school children as well as teenagers.

They’ve killed the grandparents. Now they want to kill the kids.

Copyright Vernon Coleman August 2021


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

cover image credit: Jim McKinney  / Wikimedia Commons

A Letter to the Unvaccinated: You Are Not Alone

A Letter to the Unvaccinated

by Dr. Denis Rancourt et al., Ontario Civil Liberties Association
August 3, 2021


You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It’s time to set the record straight.

It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy. It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school.

You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions.

You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world cannot get back to normal unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you.

You are inaccurately accused of being a factory for new SARS-CoV-2 variants, when in fact, according to leading scientists, your natural immune system generates immunity to multiple components of the virus. This will promote your protection against a vast range of viral variants and abrogates further spread to anyone else.

You are justified in demanding independent peer-reviewed studies, not funded by multinational pharmaceutical companies. All the peer-reviewed studies of short-term safety and short-term efficacy have been funded, organized, coordinated, and supported by these for-profit corporations; and none of the study data have been made public or available to researchers who don’t work for these companies.

You are right to question the preliminary vaccine trial results. The claimed high values of relative efficacy rely on small numbers of tenuously determined “infections.”  The studies were also not blind, where people giving the injections admittedly knew or could deduce whether they were injecting the experimental vaccine or the placebo. This is not acceptable scientific methodology for vaccine trials.

You are correct in your calls for a diversity of scientific opinions. Like in nature, we need a polyculture of information and its interpretations. And we don’t have that right now. Choosing not to take the vaccine is holding space for reason, transparency and accountability to emerge. You are right to ask, ‘What comes next when we give away authority over our own bodies?’

Do not be intimidated. You are showing resilience, integrity and grit. You are coming together in your communities, making plans to help one another and standing for scientific accountability and free speech, which are required for society to thrive. We are among many who stand with you.

Angela Durante, PhD
Denis Rancourt, PhD
Claus Rinner, PhD
Laurent Leduc, PhD
Donald Welsh, PhD
John Zwaagstra, PhD
Jan Vrbik, PhD
Valentina Capurri, PhD

Update: The letter has been shared widely on the Internet, and translated into several languages, including CzechNorwegian and Spanish.


Download PDF of this letter


Connect with Ontario Civil Liberties Association

cover image credit: JacksonDavid / pixabay

“It’s Just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

“It’s Just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

by Addison Reeves, ModernHeretic
sourced from OffGuardian
August 7, 2021


It’s just two weeks. It’s just staying three feet apart. It’s just staying six feet apart. It’s just not going outside. It’s just not giving handshakes. It’s just working from home. It is just non-essential businesses that are closed.

It’s just bars. It’s just restaurants. It’s just theaters. It’s just concerts. It’s just dancing. It’s just intramural sports. It’s just choir.

It’s just non-essential medical services that you have to give up. It is just non-essential items that you are not allowed to buy. It’s just not being able to exercise. It’s just gyms. It is just the closure of your business for a while. It is just not making money for a while. It is just not being able to pay your bills for a little while.

It’s just a minor inconvenience. It’s just not being allowed to carpool. It’s just not socializing for a while. It’s just a mask. It’s just not traveling for a while. It’s just not hugging people for a while. It’s just missionary sex that is risky.

It is just not seeing your family and friends for a while. It’s just not visiting your grandparents temporarily. It’s just your grandparents not having visitors for their safety. It’s just one birthday you have to sacrifice. It’s just one Thanksgiving alone. It’s just one Christmas without your family. It’s just two birthdays you had to sacrifice. It is just not celebrating any milestones for a year and a half.

It’s just temporary. It’s just a safety measure. It is just your ability to pay cash. It is just contact tracing. It is just a health screening. It is just a temperature check. It is just a scan of your face. It’s just a minor loss of privacy.

It is just one semester. It is just two semesters. It is just one year out of your child’s life. It is just one more semester. It is just a high school graduation.

It’s just the birth of your grandchild that you missed. It is just not being able to be there for your relatives when they are ill or dying. It is just not having a funeral. It is just in person that you cannot grieve with your loved ones. It is just not getting to attend religious service. It is just not getting to practice some parts of your religion.

It is just misinformation that is being censored. It is just conservatives that are being censored. It is just some of the science that is being censored. It is just the people who have the opposing opinions that are banned online. It is just the opposition that the White House is targeting for censorship. It is just bad opinions that are being censored.

It’s just the economy. It is just small business owners who are suffering financially. It is just poor people who are suffering financially. It is just people of color who are suffering financially. It is just financial suffering. It is just a few small businesses that had to close permanently. It is just a few big businesses that closed.

It is just not going farther than a few kilometers from your house. It is just a curfew. It is just a permission slip. It is just being alone for two weeks. It is just being socially isolated for one year.

It is just one vaccine. It is just one set of booster shots. It is just regular booster shots every six months. It is just another two weeks. It is just one more lock-down. It is just once a week—twice tops—that you will have to prove that you are fit to participate in society. It is just the unvaccinated that will be segregated from society. It is just a medical test.

Pretty simple, no?

Just fucking do it.

But when you add up all the “justs,” it amounts to our entire lives.

For over a year and a half and counting, we have been robbed of the ability to live our lives fully, to make meaningful choices for ourselves, and to express our values the way we see fit.

It is “just” the inability to express our humanity and the total negation of our very selves. All of these measures have served as a prohibition of expressing outwardly one’s valid and complex internal reality. This kind of suppression of self does violence to one’s very soul.

All of these supposedly little and supposedly short-lived “justs” have transformed us into totalitarian states from which there appears to be no endpoint.

In New York City, California, Australia, etc., the people have permitted government such control over our daily lives that we have to ask it for permission to control our bodies, to move freely, to practice religion, to educate our children ourselves, to protest, etc.

Soon Biden, Trudeau, and other world leaders are going to clamp down on our ability to express ourselves and to associate with each other online so that we can no longer question, object to, or organize against government action. It is the destruction of democracy.

It astounds me that my Progressive friends — the same ones who claim to support “social justice” — are welcoming a fascist society in which government crushes any opposition and individuals cannot make choices about their own lives.

I will not comply because I do not want to live in the society that is being created by extraordinary submissiveness to government. I do not want to be complicit in this era’s atrocities.

What is the point of living if one merely exists to obey the elite to one’s own detriment? Is it even living if one lacks the agency to direct one’s life? I’ve already submitted in contradiction of my values to a shameful extent. One might say, “Well, what’s one more compromise,” but it won’t be just one more compromise. It will be just the next cut in a slow death by a thousand cuts.

Submitting only validates tyrannical displays of power and ensures that there will be more such displays in the future.

And what does one get for compromising? Merely your continued membership in a society that will only have you if you immolate yourself and become nothing more than a reflection of the desires of the ruling class.

If you cannot be truly yourself in a society, is that society worth clinging to? I think not. As much as leaving the stability of my comfort zone terrifies me, staying in it means continuing to silence and shrink myself for a disingenuous feeling of acceptance. In that way, it is more of a discomfort zone.

Each time I expressed my fears about the future direction of society, my friends said “it won’t happen.” Each time it did happen, they shrugged their shoulders and reminded me that compliance was an option.

At this point, if the government were to cart me away to an internment camp (which is not a completely far-fetched notion and which has happened in the past) for being a dangerous dissident I am certain that my friends and family would watch it happen and say it was my fault for not complying.

They are no longer capable of recognizing the humanity of the opposition or of questioning government.

I will not submit because I don’t want to live in a world in which my supposed allies would happily see me persecuted by the government.

I will not comply because the political climate has become so censorial, authoritarian, and generally toxic that my viewpoints will never be represented in the political process here. Without representation, my values and beliefs will be violated again and again by a polity that sees any deviation from itself as invalid. Thus, my compliance will provide zero assurance of any better treatment in the future.

I will not bend because I am not a conformist.

I will not give in because I do not want to reward government manipulation and coercion.

I will not surrender because I could die at any moment, and I do not want my final memories to be ones of craven submission to tyranny and the resultant misery and self-loathing.

I will not comply because it is not the government’s first intrusion on my body, mind, and spirit; and if we comply, it will definitely not be the last. All I will accomplish by my compliance is validating the government’s claim on my body and life.

I am not submitting because this is war, and I am not handing the enemy its victories.

I will not comply because the reward for compliance will still be being treated as a second class-citizen by society.

I won’t acquiesce because I am a conscientious objector.

I will not cede because the measures are unnecessary and the only practical effect will be to increase government power.

I don’t comply because I do not want to be a mere slave in the future version of the world they are creating, doing only what I am told to do and having to beg for access to the necessities of life that I am entitled to as a living being on this earth.

I will not yield because their religion is not my religion, and I refuse to worship a false idol.

I will not capitulate because I do not want to betray my ancestors and predecessors who fought for me to be free.

I will not surrender because freedom is more important than convenience and ease.

I will not comply because if I did I would be filled with rage against society, resentment towards my friends and family, and self-loathing that would eat me alive. I would become bitter and closed-hearted, and I don’t want that for myself.

All of this is why I won’t “just fucking do it.”.


Addison Reeves is a lawyer, political scientist, philosopher, and civil rights and civil liberties advocate based in New York. Addison critiques modern culture from a radical, leftist perspective at or you can follow him on Telegram or Twitter.


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cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Pharma’s Deception: ‘Safe and Effective’ – Then and Now

Pharma’s Deception: ‘Safe and Effective’ – Then and Now

by 21st Century Wire
August 5, 2021


Digging into the history of an infamous pharmaceutical scandal. It was said to be safe & effective. Sound familiar? 

Dr Sam Bailey reveals the inside story on one of the biggest pharmaceutical scandals in history, the children of Thalidomide, and tells us how many of these same corporations are poised to repeat the same crimes again – unless vigilant citizens demand transparency and accountability from pharmaceutical firms and the government regulators who are meant to police them. History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes. Watch:

[Video available at Dr. Sam Bailey Odysee or YouTube channels.]

1. Thalidomide:
2. Chemie Grünenthal:
3. “From the Holocaust to Thalidomide: A Nazi Legacy” – AHRP January 10, 2014:
4. Martin Staemmler:
5. Thalidomide’s Secret Past: The Link with Nazi Germany:
6. Thalidomide Brands:
7. Drug discovery : a history – Sneader, 2005:
8. The last German war secret – Herald Sun, June 27, 2011:


Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical… Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio


Connect with 21st Century Wire

Connect with Dr. Sam Bailey

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Former Pfizer Employee Karen Kingston on Covid Injections as Poisonous Bioweapons

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Former Pfizer Employee Karen Kingston on Covid Injections as Poisonous Bioweapons


August 4, 2021

Note from TCTL editor:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, as guest host on the Alex Jones show, interviews Karen Kingston.

Karen, who recently came forward as a whistleblower, currently works as an analyst for pharmaceutical and medical device industries — analyzing intellectual property and legal landscape for both pharma and consumers — and is also a science writer and clinical analyst.

Together Dr. Kaufman and Karen Kingston break down the ingredients in the so-called vaccines and take a look at the science documents detailing the intended functions of these toxic injections.

The interview above is courtesy of Kristall BrandNewTube channel, who kindly made the effort to clip this excerpt from a 3-hour segment at Alex Jones channel. All credit for the video goes to the Alex Jones show. Thanks to Kristall for providing the clip of the full Kaufman/Kingston interview.


Webpage information from Connecticut COVID-19 Response: What are the Ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccines? What is in them?


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman


see related: Karen Kingston — Science Writer, Clinical Analyst & Former Pfizer Employee — On How & Why Toxic Graphene Oxide Is Included in ‘Covid Vaccine’ Formulas

Turning Flu Cases Into COVID Through Manipulation—Easy as Pie

Turning Flu Cases Into COVID Through Manipulation—Easy as Pie

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 5, 2021


Since 1988, I’ve been pointing out that relabeling and repackaging disease is standard operating procedure in the field of “pandemic medicine.”

And now we have this, from FOX News (7/25/21): “But while cases of COVID-19 soared nationwide, hospitalizations and deaths caused by influenza dropped.”

“According to data released by the CDC earlier this month, influenza mortality rates were significantly lower throughout 2020 than previous years.”

“There were 646 deaths relating to the flu among adults reported in 2020, whereas in 2019 the CDC estimated that between 24,000 and 62,000 people died from influenza-related illnesses.”

You might want to read those numbers again. The drop in flu deaths was miraculous. Perhaps the Vatican has a clue.

Rochester Regional Health has issued a flu report covering the same time periods: “As of the most recent updates from the CDC, the 2021 flu season impacted a much lower number of people than usual in all major regions of the United States.”

“Here are a few numbers to sum up the 2020/2021 flu season, running from October 1, 2020 to April 1, 2021…646 deaths were attributed to the flu.”

“The final data on [the prior] flu season 2019/2020 was released by the CDC in April as COVID-19 continued to spread throughout the United States. Between October 1, 2019 and April 4, 2020, the flu resulted in: 24,000 to 62,000 deaths.”

“Hey Bob, could you do me a favor? I need a whole lot of COVID death numbers. Can you shove some of your flu-death numbers over here?”

“Sure. No problem, Bill. We work for the same agency. We’re all in this together. But if I give you thousands of flu-death numbers, I want something back. A piece of your COVID research funding. Our flu money these days would barely bankroll a junket for a dozen of us to the Bahamas.”

“My poor cousin. Transferring research funds is tricky. Too many eyeballs involved. Tell you what. How about a steak and lobster dinner, two nights at a local hotel, and one of the hookers who sits at the bar?”

“Three nights, all expenses paid.”


Here are two previous articles I’ve written on the disease- relabeling/repackaging shell game:

—The disease switcheroo; they don’t teach this in medical school—

I’ve mentioned this shell game hundreds of times in articles and lectures over the years. Here I want to boil it down to a protocol that has earned the medical cartel trillions of dollars.

We begin the story with an “outbreak.” Somewhere on Earth, we are told there is a cluster of unusual cases of illness.

The key word is “unusual.” Otherwise, who would care? People would instead say, “Forty people in Wuhan have lung congestion.” And that would spark no interest.

In Wuhan, it was “unusual pneumonia.” How so? No convincing answer. Some people have cited a “ground glass” appearance in pictures of patients’ lungs. Meaning gray areas, or opacity. Another claim: patients had extreme shortness of breath.

But opacity and shortness of breath were mentioned and described in medical literature long before COVID.

Something else must be offered, to justify the term “unusual cases.” And we get it almost immediately, while we’re still trying to figure out what makes these patients’ illness new and different:

It’s a virus. A never-before-seen virus.

Already a switcheroo is in progress. There is actually nothing unusual in the Wuhan cluster of cases. And just as we’re about to realize that, we’re hit with “new virus.” And then we forget there was no reason to look for a new virus in the first place.

Deadly air pollution has been hanging over Wuhan for a long time. It explains all sorts of lung infections, including pneumonia, a cardinal COVID symptom. And by the way, roughly 300,000 people in China die every year from pneumonia.

The “new virus” is trumpeted. But of course, as I’ve demonstrated many times, it hasn’t actually been found. No one isolated it. The so-called genetic sequencing of it was a fictional castle in the air based on supposition. How could it be otherwise? No one has an isolated and purified specimen of the virus that can be analyzed.

Accepting “new virus” as fact produces this situation: a list of very familiar clinical symptoms can now be called unique, because the cause is unique.

Suddenly, cough, chills, fever, fatigue, congestion, shortness of breath—which have been called flu, or just infection, or other names—are COVID. That’s the big switcheroo.

Taking it even further—as I’ve reported in several articles—the three major clinical trials of RNA COVID vaccines were designed to prove nothing more than this: the vaccine could protect against cough, chills, and fever. You could call it a mild-flu vaccine.

Next step: provide a diagnostic test for “the virus” that would automatically spit out false-positives like water from a firehouse. That’s the PCR. I’ve taken the PCR apart six ways from Sunday and exposed it as a fraud.

With the PCR in hand, the switcheroo is deepened. That list of familiar illness symptoms—taken together with the test—paints the picture of millions of cases of a “new plague.”

All this fabrication is on the order of—“Hey, Jim, sales of our widget number 6 are in the toilet. What can we do? Unless…let’s call it widget number 7, put it in a new box…”

People say, “But there ARE mysterious COVID cases that can’t explained away as repackaged lung infections…”

Of course there are. When you make the net big enough, it will sweep in groups of cases that seem to defy explanation. But when you move in close enough, you discover, for example, new poisonous vaccination campaigns and toxic pesticides and lagoons of feces in giant pig factory-farms. These and other such causes of illness and death emerge.

I first caught on to the switcheroo in 1987, when I was doing research for my first book, AIDS INC. Scientists in Africa were investigating a “new” outbreak among people who, “incidentally,” were suffering from protein-calorie malnutrition, hunger, and starvation.

The scientists, cheap con artists that they were, called this “wasting syndrome,” then “Slim disease,” and finally “AIDS.” They announced the cause was HIV—a virus no one had isolated.

And lurking in the background, if you needed another cause of illness and death, there was the infamous World Health Organization mass smallpox-vaccination campaign in Africa, one of the most dangerous mass medical experiments ever carried out on a population. That campaign had wrapped up injecting millions of people several years before “the discovery of AIDS.”

The campaign was so dangerous that, at a secret WHO meeting in Geneva, a decision was made never to use that vaccine again, because it had caused smallpox (or something that looked like it).

In 1987, I combed through volumes of medical journals at the UCLA bio-med library, and discovered that the single most prevalent cause of T-cell depletion (“AIDS”) in the world is MALNUTRITION.

Malnutrition, hunger, starvation, toxic vaccines, grinding poverty, war, fertile farm land stolen from the people by major agricultural corporations, toxic medical drugs…all repackaged as a new disease caused by a new virus, HIV.

I then went on to study every so-called high-risk group for AIDS. I found that in each group, all the “AIDS symptoms” could be explained by non-viral causes.

At that point, I realized I was looking at a classic intelligence-agency-type covert operation, applied within the medical universe. The virus was the cover story. It was being use to hide ongoing government and corporate crimes. For example—forced starvation.

A con is a con.

Only the disease-names are changed, to protect the guilty.

Here is the second article on the scam:

—Massive number of flu cases are re-labeled COVID cases—

The number of COVID cases has been faked in various ways.

By far, the most extensive strategy is re-labeling. Flu is called COVID.

We don’t need charts and graphs to see this. It’s right in front of our eyes.

The definition of a COVID case allows flu in the door. There is nothing unique about that definition. For example, a cough, or chills and fever, would constitute “a mild case of COVID.”

A positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 would also be required, but as I’ve shown in my recent series on the test, obtaining a false positive is as easy as pie.

All you have to do is run the test at more than 35 cycles. Most labs run the test at 40 cycles. A cycle is a quantum leap in magnification of the swab sample taken from the patient. When you run the test at more than 35 cycles, false-positives come pouring out like water from a fire hose.

So…with ordinary flu symptoms plus a false-positive PCR test…voila, you have a COVID case.

Keep in mind that, overwhelmingly, most “COVID cases” are mild. In other words, they’re indistinguishable from ordinary flu.

But there is a rabbit hole here, and we can go down that hole much farther. The next question is: what is a flu case? What is it really?

Researcher Peter Doshi did much to answer that question. In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published his shocking report, which created tremors through the halls of the CDC, where “the experts” used to tell the press that 36,000 people in the US die every year from the flu.

Here is a quote from Doshi’s report, “Are US flu death figures more PR than science?” (BMJ 2005; 331:1412):

“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”


You see, the CDC created one overall category that combined both flu and pneumonia deaths. Why? Because they disingenuously assumed the pneumonia deaths are complications stemming from the flu.

This is an absurd assumption. Pneumonia has a number of causes.

But even worse, in all the flu and pneumonia deaths, only 18 revealed the presence of an influenza virus.

Therefore, the CDC could only say, with assurance, that 18 people died of influenza in 2001. Not 36,000 deaths. 18 deaths.

Doshi continued his assessment of published CDC flu-death statistics: “Between 1979 and 2001, [CDC] data show an average of 1348 [flu] deaths per year (range 257 to 3006).” These figures refer to flu separated out from pneumonia.

This death toll is far lower than the old parroted 36,000 figure.

However, when you add the sensible condition that lab tests have to actually find the flu virus in patients, the numbers of annual flu deaths plummet even further.

In other words, it’s all promotion and hype.

But we’re not finished yet. Because…what test were researchers using to decide there were 18 cases of honest flu, in which a virus was found and identified? Answer: unknown.

It’s quite probable the test didn’t really isolate a flu virus at all. It only identified some marker that was ASSUMED, without proof, to be unique to a flu virus.

If so—ZERO cases of actual flu were found in the population.

Instead, what we had was “flu-like illness.” Chills, cough, congestion, fever, fatigue; the ubiquitous symptoms that describe about a billion cases of illness, every year, worldwide.

The cause of those billion cases? There is no single cause. Instead, there are many factors, ranging from sudden weather changes to air pollution, to malnutrition, to sub-standard sanitation…on and on.

That being the case, we can now say: Many, many cases of FAKE FLU are being relabeled FAKE COVID.

Now we’re getting real.

The medical cartel “discovers” (markets) huge numbers of so-called unique diseases—each disease with a purported specific cause: virus A, virus B, virus C…

For each virus, there must be at least several highly profitable drugs that supposedly kill the germ. And for each germ, there must be a vaccine that prevents the disease.

Billions and trillions in rewards follow.

And so does CONTROL. Control of minds.

Because the population is tuned up by ceaseless propaganda to believe in the rigid one-disease one-germ notion.

And when the time is right, the medical cartel can even claim a new germ is decimating the world, and they must “destroy the village in order to save it.”

Which is the psychotic fiction we are in the middle of, right now.

The Holy Church of Biological Mysticism needs your support. Give them your time, your money, your livelihood, your future, your loyalty, your faith, your health, your life.

If you do, you are their most important product.





Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Eleatell  / pixabay

Three Quarters of New COVID Cases Are in Vaccinated People—CDC Study

Three Quarters of New COVID Cases Are in Vaccinated People—CDC Study

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 4, 2021


Once more, dear reader, I put on my hazmat suit and enter the fake world where SARS-Cov2 exists, the Delta Variant exists, the test is meaningful, the case numbers are real, and the vaccine makes sense. These are all lies, as I’ve been proving for the past year, but even within the fake world of those lies, the experts can’t keep their stories straight; they contradict themselves, they expose their own fabrications, and they try to cover up those exposures with new pathetic fabrications. Here we go:

RT, July 30 [1]: “The CDC has released a study backing up its decision to recommend indoor masking for both vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans. The study examined one outbreak and found three-quarters of people testing positive were vaccinated.”

“The CDC released that evidence on Friday. In a study of 469 cases of Covid-19 that broke out in the resort town of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, earlier this month, 74% occurred in ‘fully vaccinated persons.’ Four out of five patients hospitalized were fully vaccinated, and on average the inoculated had completed their two rounds of doses only 86 days before infection.”


“Lab testing revealed that 90% of all the Cape Cod infections involved the Delta variant of the coronavirus.”

Oops again. So fully vaccinated people are infected with the Delta Variant.

“The study appears to negate the argument by top health officials that unvaccinated Americans are responsible for the fourfold rise in Covid-19 cases in the US since June. ‘This is an issue predominantly among the unvaccinated, which is the reason why we’re out there, practically pleading with the unvaccinated people to go out and get vaccinated,’ White House coronavirus adviser [and psychopathic liar] Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN on Sunday, adding that the US is currently moving ‘in the wrong direction’ with regard to stamping out Covid-19.”

Yet another oops.

“The [CDC] report lends weight to the argument that the current crop of vaccines aren’t as effective against the Delta variant, although the CDC and World Health Organization (WHO) both insist that vaccination is effective against ‘severe disease and death’ from the virus, to quote WHO technical lead Maria Van Kerkhove in a briefing earlier on Friday.”

More nonsense. As I’ve been reporting for months, the 3 clinical trials of the major COVID vaccines were DESIGNED to only prove the vaccine could protect against mild disease; e.g., a cough, or chills and fever. Not severe disease. [2]

The CDC new Cape Cod study of vaccinated people has caused a firestorm among “the experts.” A member of the White House coronavirus coffee klatch, Ben Wakana, is claiming only a very small percentage of vaccinated people (who are infected with the virus) can transmit it to others.

RT: “[However] the CDC study noted that similarly high viral loads were found in vaccinated and unvaccinated people. Walensky [head of the CDC] stated on Friday that ‘high viral loads suggest an increased risk of transmission’ and raised concern that ‘vaccinated people infected with Delta can transmit the virus’.”

RT: [But] “The study itself is less alarmist, stating that ‘microbiological studies are required to confirm these findings’ [that vaccinated people who are infected can spread the virus.]”

Well, if the vaccinated and unvaccinated both have high loads of the virus, why wouldn’t vaccinated people spread the virus easily to others? Is there some magic set of walls in the vaccine that keeps the virus locked up inside the body?

And there you have it, the latest revelations about the vaccine, the virus, the Delta Variant, viral transmission, and the attempt to cover up the whole business up after it’s gone public.

The next time someone tells you it’s the duty of all Americans to take the shot in the arm, say, “Of course you’ve heard about the new Cape Cod study, right?”

“What? What’s that? Codfish are filled with toxic mercury? They’re dying because of global warming?”

“No. Lots of vaccinated people still have the killer virus in their bodies. And it’s alive. And it spreads from person to person.”

“That can’t be true. Dr. Fauci didn’t say that.”

“Well, he was on vacation when the study came out. Inside sources say he’s dumbfounded. Fully vaccinated people have loads and loads of the virus still in their bodies. They’re walking time bombs. That’s why we have to wear masks, even after we get the shot.”

“Do we have to wear masks while we’re in the bathroom? While we’re having sex?”

“Absolutely. Two masks while you’re having sex. And no kissing, even through the masks. No talking, either. Talking can spread the virus.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Hey, I’m risking my life right now talking to you. But I’m willing to take the risk, for all of humanity.”

“I appreciate that. But what do we do? Do we get vaccinated again?”

“That won’t help. Just wear the mask. Shut up. Stay indoors. In another few years, the doctors might have an answer.”

And that concludes today’s episode of The Wild and Wacky World of COVID, where the fake virus is real, there is a Delta Variant, and the vaccine makes sense. These lies are brought to you by Force the Vaccine into Every Arm Everywhere, a non-profit organization funded by Lunatics on the March, a subsidiary of Corporate Cowards Folding Up under Pressure from the White House.





Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Jordan_Singh  / pixabay


The Vaccine Injured Unite

The Vaccine Injured Unite

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
August 4, 2021

Healthcare workers severely injured by the #Covid19 vaccine, Shawn Skelton and Angelia Desselle, return to The Highwire for a surprising update.

#ShawnSkelton #AngeliaDesselle #VaccineInjury #Ivermectin #VAERS #VaxLonghaulers #C19Reactions #TheHighwire #DelBigtree #HW226

Connect with C19 Vax Reactions to report and injury, read articles or watch videos related to covid vaccine injury.

Connect with The HighWire

The Use of Nanobot Technology (NT) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Vaccine Carrier and Adjuvant

The Use of Nanobot Technology (NT) & Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Vaccine Carrier and Adjuvant

by Robert O. Young, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
August 2, 2021


Endogenous Crowning and Protein Spiking of the Red Blood Cells After Vaccination

Programmable magnetic nanobots injected into the vascular and interstitial fluids of a human or animal body are found to be deposited into the connective and fatty tissues and then into the organs and glands potentially causing biological transformation of the cell membrane (crowning and protein spiking), genetic mutation, and the death of the cell.[1]

Programmable Magnetic Nanobots

Nanobots can be injected using an ordinary hypodermic syringe. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. Each robot is 70-mm in length as seen above and can also be as small as 1-nm in length, which is the width of one atom, up to a billion can be produced from a single 4-inch silicon composite wafer as seen above. The original nanofabrication techniques were developed by Marc Miskin and colleagues at Cornell University. The research was presented at the American Physical Society in March of 2017. According to a release from EurekAlert, the team spent years developing a nanofabrication process that can produce a million nanobots from a specialized 4-inch silicon wafer in the span of weeks.

Four-Legged Nanobots –

These micro-robots shown above feature four legs and are composed of hexagonal graphene oxide which are highly magnetic, flexible and super strong.[1]

The following is the link for a video showing their activation triggered by electromagnetic (EMF) pulsating microwave frequencies: [] [2]

Nanoparticulates of Graphene Oxide –

This enables the nanobots to carry a body weighing about 8,000 times more than each leg. As well, each leg measures only 100 atoms and even down to 1 atom thick, and they can carry bodies 1,000 to 100,000 times thicker.

Researchers have now developed ‘smart’ versions of these graphene nanobots. These versions feature controllers, sensors, transmitters and clocks.

The graphene oxide nanobots are powered by using magnetic fields (EMF) or ultrasound, making it possible for them to travel deeply into the human body tissues, organs and glands (such as the reproductive organs,[3] bone marrow, across the blood-brain barrier and the air-blood barrier of the lungs via the interstitial fluids – the largest organ of the human and animal body called the Interstitium[4]

The following flow-chart below is an example how nanobots and EMF technology can affect YOUR physical and mental health once you have been inoculated with the graphene oxide nanobot programmable technology or so-called ‘vaccine’ for protection frin a phantom virus!

Please also read the following article on current vaccines and their contents/adjuvants, “Facts or VAXX” at the following link:

Graphene Oxide [GO] resonants with all generations of EMG and especially magnetic fields of 41.3 gHz.

The following link is an interview of a former Pfizer employee and whistle blower concerning the contents/adjuvants of the CoV – 19 inoculation:

[“Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Solutions” Global Research, July 08, 2021]


Connect with Robert O. Young

CDC/FDA Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus

CDC/FDA Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 29, 2021


The CDC has issued a document that bulges with interesting and devastating admissions.

The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” It begins explosively:

“After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.”

Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” I don’t think the CDC is saying that at all.

They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly derived from SARS-CoV-2.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.

In other words, the millions and millions of “COVID cases” based on the PCR test in use are all suspect.

To confirm this, the CDC document links to an FDA release titled, “SARS-CoV-2 Reference Panel Comparative Data.” Here is a killer quote:

“During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: We, at the CDC, did not have a specimen of the SARS-CoV-2 virus when we concocted the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2. Yes, it’s unbelievable, right? And that’s the test we’ve been using all along. So we CONTRIVED samples of the virus. We fabricated. We lied. We made up [invented] synthetic gene sequences and we SAID these sequences HAD TO BE close to the sequence of SARS-CoV-2, without having the faintest idea of what we were doing, because, again, we didn’t have an actual specimen of the virus. We had no proof THERE WAS something called SARS-CoV-2.

This amazing FDA document goes to say the Agency has granted emergency approval to 59 different PCR tests since the beginning of the (fake) pandemic. 59. And, “…it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”

Translation: Each of the 59 different PCR tests for SARS-CoV-2 told different lies and concocted different fabrications about the genetic makeup of the virus—the virus we didn’t have. Obviously, then, these tests would give unreliable results.

BUT, don’t worry, be happy, because NOW, the CDC and the FDA say, they really do have actual virus samples of SARS-CoV-2 from patients; they have better targets for the PCR test, and labs should start gearing up for the new and improved tests.

In other words, they were lying THEN, but they’re not lying NOW. They were “contriving,” but now they’re telling the truth.

If you believe that, I have Fountain of Youth water for sale, extracted from the lead-contaminated system of Flint, Michigan.

Here, once again, I report virology’s version of “we isolated the virus”:

They have a soup they make in their labs.

This soup contains human and monkey cells, toxic chemicals and drugs, and all sorts of other random genetic material. Because the cells start to die, the researchers ASSUME a bit of mucus from a patient they dropped in the soup is doing the killing, and THE VIRUS must be the killer agent in the mucus.

This assumption is entirely unwarranted. The drugs and chemicals could be doing the cell-killing, and the researchers are also starving the cells of vital nutrients.

There is no proof that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup, or that it is doing the cell-killing, or that it exists.

Yet the researchers call cell-death “isolation of the virus.”

To say this is a non-sequitur is a vast understatement. In their universe, “We have the virus buried in a soup in a dish in the lab” equals, “We’ve separated the virus from all surrounding material.”

Virology equals “how to spread bullshit for a living and scare the world.” Other than that, it’s perfect.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: saniusman89  / pixabay

The New COVID Squeeze Play, Hustle, Con; It’s a Variation on the Old One, All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go—Except Fascist Tyranny

The New COVID Squeeze Play, Hustle, Con; It’s a Variation on the Old One, All Dressed Up With Nowhere to Go—Except Fascist Tyranny

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 27, 2021


Question: How dangerous is the Delta Variant?

Answer: There is no Delta Variant. Because there is no original SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Question: Why are we hearing that the majority of new cases of COVID-19 are occurring in the unvaccinated?

Answer: “A case” means a positive PCR test. The test doesn’t detect a virus. There is no virus. But since people who test positive are called cases…think it through. People who have been vaccinated are far less likely to get tested than people who haven’t been vaccinated. Therefore, it’s going to look like “most new cases” are occurring in the unvaccinated.

Furthermore, the CDC instituted a change in the way vaccinated people are then tested. The sensitivity of the test has been reduced for them—which means fewer results indicating “infection with the virus.” This is outright manipulation. Unvaccinated people are still tested at higher sensitivity, meaning more of them will seem to be “infected.”

Question: Experts say the vaccine may not prevent infection with the virus, but it will greatly reduce the chance of serious illness or hospitalization. True?

Answer: False. First of all, this is a vaccine to protect against a virus that doesn’t exist. Second, the 3 major clinical trials of the vaccine were only designed to show the vaccine could protect against mild disease, such as a cough, or chills and fever.

Question: Across the world, political leaders are threatening or ordering new lockdowns, saying too many people are refusing the vaccine. Is this anything other than a pressure tactic to force people to take the shot?

Answer: It’s exactly a pressure tactic to justify mandating, forcing, shaming, quarantining.

Question: Regardless of whether the vaccine is necessary or effective, is it safe?

Answer: Here are the latest CDC figures I have, as compiled by Children’s Health Defense. The statistics are taken from VAERS, the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. “VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.”

There are two chronic problems with VAERS. The reports of injuries have not been studied to determine which injuries stemmed from a vaccine and which didn’t. And there is vast underreporting of injuries, because most Americans don’t know what VAERS is or are hesitant to make a report. By far, the second problem is the larger one—underreporting.

Some analysts have suggested that, to get a reasonably accurate count, you should multiply reported numbers by 10.

The well-known 2010 Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, Inc. study of VAERS bluntly stated: “Adverse events from vaccines are common but underreported, with less than one percent reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Low reporting rates preclude or delay the identification of ‘problem’ vaccines, potentially endangering the health of the public.”

Following the finding of that study, you could multiply the number of reported vaccine injuries by 100 to arrive at a proper figure.

The numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths are huge. In any situation other than the current fake pandemic, the vaccination program would have been stopped. Cancelled.

Question: There are reports of many new COVID cases in areas or states which didn’t apply strict COVID measures early on in 2020. Are these reports legitimate?

Answer: First of all, there are no COVID cases, because there is no virus. Second, the “number of cases” can be manipulated by changing the sensitivity of the PCR test, which in turn changes the test result. The relatively few honest politicians in the world should carefully investigate this possibility, if “case numbers” in their area suddenly rise.


ONE: The SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist.

TWO: The 3 major clinical trials of the COVID vaccine were only designed to prove the vaccine could protect against mild illness.

THREE: The results of the PCR test can be manipulated by changing the sensitivity of the test.

FOUR: If there is no virus, why are people getting sick and dying?

FIVE: The CDC has reduced the sensitivity of the PCR test for people who are already vaccinated—which will give the impression of fewer “infections with the virus” among the vaccinated.

SIX: The Harvard Pilgrim study on VAERS underreporting.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: antonynjoro  / pixabay

Spiro Skouras Interviews Attorney Ana Garner: Vaccine Lawsuit Filed — Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup

Spiro Skouras Interviews Attorney Ana Garner: Vaccine Lawsuit Filed — Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup


Vaccine Lawsuit Filed: Insider Blows Whistle on Coverup — Exclusive Attorney Interview

by Spiro Skouras, Activist Post
July 22, 2021


In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner who is a member of the legal team that recently filed a lawsuit against the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

The lawsuit is focused on the experimental Covid vaccine, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and includes sworn testimony from a whistleblower alleging the government reporting systems for adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine is under-reporting deaths by at least five times and projects the real numbers are closer to 45,000 people who died after receiving the vaccine.

Watch on Bitchute:

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New Mexico Stands Up

Previous Interview With Ana Garner

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Dr. David Martin w/ Stew Peters: There Is No Virus. This Is Organized Crime.

Dr. David Martin w/ Stew Peters: There Is No Virus. This Is Organized Crime. 

by Stew Peters w/ Dr. David Martin
July 19, 2021


Stew Peters describes his interview with Dr. David Martin as “an historical interview with inarguable fact-based exposure that should be seen by the entire world as an absolute end to the COVID narrative.”

Original video is available at Stew Peters Rumble channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Partial transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light editor.


David Martin:

When you inject a known toxin into person, you are actually injecting an agent of death. That’s what you’re doing.


David Martin:

And we have, without question, the architect of this scam, on record, in 2015 stating that “a key driver is the media and economics will follow the hype”.

That is collusion. That is racketeering. And that is, under the Patriot Act — Section 802 of the Patriot Act — that is domestic terrorism….

Stew Peters:

Violation of U.S. law, the injection of a bio-weapon according to U.S. code….

So what is keeping Anthony Fauci… what is keeping these people free?

David Martin:

The U.S. Department of Justice. The U.S. Department of Justice has failed the American people and has had this information since April of 2020. All of the information I’m sharing with you. And they have sat on it and done nothing.

This has gone to U.S. attorneys. This has gone to the Department of Justice. I sent this in April of 2020. I sent this to the office of the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services. And not a single law enforcement entity in the United States has taken this seriously. Not one.

Stew Peters:

Can you speculate why that might be?

David Martin:

Well, it’s not a speculation. It’s very clearly the situation — where they have been ordered not to…

But the fact of the matter is, the Department of Justice has abjectly failed every U.S. attorney in this country. Every part of the DOJ’s antitrust division has been focused singularly on the social media price-fixing, search engine optimization, restraint of trade — those kinds of things. They’ve been singularly focused on that as the fig leaf to hide behind what is, in fact, a much larger crime.

The crime is that we have collusion between what is called interlocking directorates, inside of antitrust law. We have Anthony Fauci at NIAID. We have the director of the Center for Disease Control in China. And we have Dr. Elias from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. All sitting on a board. All colluding to actually create, price fix and market direct this pandemic.

Stew Peters:

So there really is no virus.


David Martin:

What Ralph Baric’s team did is — in 2002 they patented a whole bunch of variations of coronavirus which would make it more infectious to humans. And this is where that biological and chemical weapons thing becomes important. Because if you’re building a thing to be more infectious to humans…

Let’s say Ralph was just this innocent, bumbling scientist at UNC Chapel Hill doing is his damndest to figure out a way to help humanity. Well, guess what? When you make an infectious, replication, defective virus that is meant to target human lungs so that it’s more toxic — I don’t care how Oppenheimerish you want to go on this story — you built a Frankenstein.

And in 2002 we knew that that Frankenstein was what it was. And remember that was the year before SARS number one in China. Right? So we didn’t have SARS until we made the weapon.


David Martin:

I’m the first to suggest to you that the same mainstream media that made it illegal to talk about the Wuhan leak, you know, six months ago and then suddenly made it fair game to talk about again, is using distraction about a leak.

This is not about a virus.

And the story of ‘where did it come from?’ is actually a total misdirect

The problem is nothing started in Wuhan. Nothing. As a matter of fact, if you look at that first two weeks of January you see gene sequences that are seemingly uploaded from multiple locations.

And it turns out, that if you go back and you look at the first four sequences that were up loaded, the first upload which happened on the 20th of December 2019, predates, allegedly, the first patient…

If you are trying desperately, as Anthony Fauci has been — and these are in public records of the NIAID Advisory Council minutes, so if anybody wants to go back and look fact check those away — he has been promoting a universal influenza vaccine for years, to no effect. You know why? Because the influenza vaccine doesn’t work that well and most people don’t take it.


Stew Peters:

How do we widely disseminate this to the world? I mean there are billions of lives at stake here.

David Martin:

It turns out that when you have adopted a dogma — and this is what it is, it’s a belief system — when you adopted a dogma that says that industrial pharmaceutical management of the human population is the answer, which is what NIAID and Anthony Fauci have done since he took over in 1984. Which is ‘I’m going to frame the world through the lens that health is going to be delivered through an injectable’.

If that’s the 191 billion dollar enterprise you’ve run since 1984. And at the near end of your professional career… But after $191,000,000,000 of public expenditures, you know what, he still hasn’t gotten his way.

He is desperate. And he is desperate to leave the legacy of ‘he’s the guy that took us into the CRISPR gene therapy future of humanity, where we are all a series of computer codes managed by a corporate industrial pharmaceutical complex.

He’s desperate to get that happening. And it turns out to do that requires the acts of desperation.

But I want to read you something which is really quite problematic for his own story because this comes out of the Chinese publication that CDC references when they talk about, allegedly, a novel virus. But listen to this.

In the clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan China, the official paper that is ‘the article’ that was published in the Lancet that gave rise to the whole nonsense story. And remember that this paper was published January 24 but it was submitted for publication in the beginning of January.

Let me read you an alarming first paragraph.

By January 2, 2020, 41 admitted hospital patients have been identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019 covid infection.

So, we have 41 patients on January 2nd with laboratory-confirmed cases of the thing that wasn’t isolated until the following week.

How do you have a laboratory confirmation of a thing that doesn’t yet exist?

Stew Peters:

It’s all a lie. The whole thing is a lie. And there are so many people that are in on it. I mean, we’re talking about a plan where a few ruling elite control an entire world.


David Martin:

I really care about staying in the fact pattern but it’s worth going out on a little limb here… this is Dave’s hypothesis… I’m admitting to this, is not my usual chapter and verse reference thing…

But if you are going to soften the battlefield, if you are going to weaken an opponent, wouldn’t it be great if you could get the military in your opponent country to be the front line of injecting soldiers? So that they become incapacitated?

Wouldn’t it be would be a great idea to use our own laws, which turn our men and women in uniform into guinea pigs for industrial pharmaceutical abuse?

Wouldn’t it be great to use them as the front line of forced injections — so that, God forbid, if there was any if ever in need to defend this country — wouldn’t it be great to know that you’ve actually injected a primer into the entirety of the military complex so that they cannot respond to a new threat.

Stew Peters:

The goal here is to inoculate every global citizen, is it not?

David Martin:

Oh yeah. But where does it start? it’s always started with our military. And if I’m a hostile foreign actor, whether that is a foreign entity or whether that is a industrial complex, I don’t even care, if I know that the first place I’m going to force injections is in every member of the Armed Services it would make great sense to upload a toxin, gene sequence, into the injection.


David Martin:

The reason for my obsession with having conversations like the one I’m having with you, is at some point I know enough of the public will hear this, where someone is golfing with a U.S. attorney — you know, somebody on your show knows a U.S. attorney. Somebody on, I don’t know, Reiner Fuellmich’s video feed knows a U.S. attorney, knows somebody.

…at some point somebody is actually gonna land this in front of a person who goes ‘I’m drawing a line under this and I’m not going to tolerate it anymore’.

The problem we’ve had is that we have a public that is incensed. Because this information is tantamount to the serial killer who leaves a talisman behind every murder scene. Right? These these perpetrators are actually admitting to their crimes. And laughing full in the face of a public who cannot do anything because the courts refuse, and the Justice Department refuse, to take the action that is required when a crime is being committed.

Stew Peters:

The suicide rate is going to be outrageous.

David Martin:

Once people understand that countless physicians have been willfully participating in the homicide of humanity, I cannot imagine what it would be like to live with that.

Stew Peters:

What about the people who have been inoculated as well? I mean, what future do they have?…

David Martin:

…If you look at the history of the mRNA technology, the history isn’t good. The the pathogenic priming that happens with mRNA technology in previous experiments has suggested that the prognosis is, in fact, quite dire. Ironically, there are a number of treatments that can be considered. But what we do not know, and this is where it becomes problematic to have a manipulated chimeric, synthetic mRNA strand which, we know is not derived from a pathogen — it is derived from a computer simulation. We do not know the long effect of where this thing is going to go.


Stew Peters:

It boggles my mind that people are tripping over themselves, have been for months, to go get a needle stuck into them for something where the inserts are left intentionally blank. We know nothing about this thing whatsoever.


David Martin:

When you commit a big enough crime and it’s egregious enough that the public institutions that are supposed to prosecute those crimes are, in fact, themselves co-opted, what then you have is a world in which crime can run unchecked. Which is exactly what is happening right now.

There is no question that the assertions I’ve made on antitrust, felony violations are, in fact, evidence — clear, no discretion required, compelling arguments…

When Anthony Fauci said Moderna is going to be a front-runner in manufacturing a vaccine in the spring of 2020, that statement had no basis in fact. Moderna had never produced a successful vaccine before. They had never produced anything that was safely administered to humans before. And suddenly they are the front runner? Because Anthony Fauci says so? You dial that one back and say well, guess what, the reason why he said so is because back in November of 2019 — and you heard me right, a month before there was ever a pathogen to talk about, he actually was getting the spike protein transferred from UNC Chapel Hill to Moderna. And, by the way, that sounds like a pretty reckless accusation except for the tiny problem of, I actually have Ralph Baric’s email right here… the response that Ralph Baric sent to a major media outlet that states very clearly that he was, in fact, sending samples in November to Moderna.


David Martin:

Now why would you sit on evidence of that?

Stew Peters:

Well, because you’re scared for your life. You’re scared for your job. You’re scared for your livelihood. Your kids.

David Martin:

we’re having this conversation because it would not be worth our lives if we sat on information that allowed for the genocide of our fellow human beings.

Stew Peters:

That’s right.

David Martin:

We wouldn’t do it.

Stew Peters:

But I’m not owned by one of these major corporation that is a piece of the whole puzzle. And every single one of the major broadcast and cable news networks are. Very much so. And so when you look at somebody like Tucker Carlson — he seems to be asking the right questions. Well, he’s asking what he’s allowed to and I think he’s pushing the needle.

David Martin:

You know, he reminds me, in part, of Rand Paul, when Rand Paul had Anthony Fauci in front of him. And the fact of the matter is, Anthony Fauci lied in Congress — which is a violation of the law, just to be clear, I mean, lying to Congress is, in fact, illegal. When he lied about the gain of function research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Rand Paul has in his own public records — because I know because I’ve actually published these public records and delivered them to Rand Paul’s office this — I know that he had the ability to deliver the knockout blow. Because the knockout blow was — Dr. Fauci, you just said you didn’t fund gain-of-function research, so why is it that the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill received a letter from NIH saying that there was a moratorium on the gain-of-function research that you just said you weren’t funding? Because I have that letter. I have the letter UNC Chapel Hill got. And I know that it came from NIH and NIAID. So how is it possible, Dr. Fauci, that you can actually tell me that you weren’t funding gain-of-function research when your own letterhead says that you were. And why was it that Rand Paul did not deliver that knockout blow when he had Anthony Fauci witness in front of them capable of delivering that blow?

My problem is, that even the people who are allegedly pushing the needle are not delivering the punch.

Stew Peters:

Let’s get to the motivations of somebody like Rand Paul. Can you speculate? Why didn’t he?

David Martin:

I don’t have to speculate. I can see exactly what he did on everyone of his social media platforms. He turned it into a sound bite for a fundraising campaign for his reelection.

…while they ask for information regarding communication and regarding funding and regarding a number of other things, what they do is stop short, again, of actually getting to the crime. Because the crime includes information about the actual collusion that took place between Moderna, Pfizer, NIAID, CDC and NIH. And, you know, obviously their henchmen like UNC Chapel Hill.


Stew Peters:

I want to summarize kind of what we have said to this point.

The crime is being committed right out in the wide open.

All of the law enforcement agencies that could do something about it are compromised and have been ordered not to do something about it.

The judiciary is acting with this in the same way that they acted with massive, obvious election fraud in 2020. They’re just refusing to hear it altogether.

The elected representatives… who they say are supposed to be out here acting on behalf of their constituents are, in fact, just out here grifting and raising money. They know exactly what’s going on but refuse to say something.

The media, we know about them. They’re compromised and owned by these globalists.

Leaving only we, the people, to do anything about this.


David Martin:

I remind people all the time of the fact that in 1774… it took about 13 people to actually realize that we, as a people, had to take action because people in leadership were incapable of acting. And they are incapable of acting, Stew, because they’re beholden to fundraisers. If you are sold you cannot buy your soul back. You can’t. No matter what you do, no matter how you do it, you are, in fact, always at the behest of whoever your benefactor was. And, the fact of the matter is that, we now have a public system that has absolutely failed the public.

Stew Peters:

Globally. The world is being subjected — these are David Martin’s words — the world is being subjected to a bio-weapon that has already killed thousands and will likely impact the morbidity of hundreds of millions. This is organized crime and here we are debating masks.

…I admire your bravery and I don’t know what it’s going to take. We never really did get there. To what it’s gonna take.

David Martin:

Well, Stew, it takes this. It takes us standing together and making sure that the public record is filled with the fact that we were not silent.


See related articles:

Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”

Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research


Connect with Stew Peters

Connect with Dr. David Martin

Injectable Brain-Reading Nanosensors

Injectable Brain-Reading Nanosensors

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 20, 2021


While watching the lamestream propatainment media’s ongoing “coverage” of the planscamdemic, one thing that is being consistently ignored is the mRNA injection as an “operating system,” even though that’s exactly what Moderna calls their version of it. One concern that has been raised by myself, or people like Catherine Fitts, and others, is that this “operating system” is less about people’s health, than it is about constant surveillance.

With that in mind, K.M. and W.M. both spotted and shared this story:

Scientists Create Injectable Swarm of Brain Reading Nanosensors

Note the following paragraphs:

A team of scientists has developed a new kind of biosensor that can be injected straight into the bloodstream, and will then travel to your brain, where they will — according to the scientists behind the project — monitor your neural activity and even potentially thoughts.

The cell-sized nanosensors, aptly named NeuroSWARM3, can cross the blood-brain barrier to the brain, where they convert neural activity into electrical signals, allowing them to be read and interpreted by machinery, according to work by a team of University of California, Santa Cruz scientists that will be presented next week at a virtual Optical Society conference.

The tech could, the researchers say, help grant extra mobility to people with disabilities in addition to helping scientists understand human thought better than before. However, they haven’t yet been tested on humans or even animals.

“NeuroSWARM3 can convert the signals that accompany thoughts to remotely measurable signals for high precision brain-machine interfacing,” lead study author A. Ali Yanik said in a press release. “It will enable people suffering from physical disabilities to effectively interact with the external world and control wearable exoskeleton technology to overcome limitations of the body. It could also pick up early signatures of neural diseases.”

During tests, the team found that their nanosensor swarm is sensitive enough to pick up on the activity of individual brain cells. Single-neuron readings aren’t new, but the ability to detect them with free-floating sensors, and especially the ability to wirelessly broadcast them through a patient’s thick skull, is an impressive technological development. If further tests continue to pan out, those capabilities could make real-time neuroscientific research simpler and neurological medicine more sophisticated. (Boldface emphasis added)

One would have to be willfully irrational not to see a connection between claims that mRNA injections are an “operating system” and the creation of “nano swarms” capable of (1) passing the blood-brain barrier and (2) reading individual neuronal activity and (3) transmitting the results. And one would have to be similarly willfully irrational not to see another possibility: if it’s possible for these nano-swarms to broadcast from inside the skull, it is also by parity of reasoning possible to broadcast to them.  Given yesterday’s blog about the appearance of Havana Syndrome in Vienna, Austria, one wonders if perhaps we’re not looking at “the other part of the experiment.” After all, if it’s possible to use broadcast technology to broadcast directly to the brain, then what would make that a more efficient receiver? Answer: inject it with nano-technology, and for good measure, some metals. And one has to wonder, just what are the mind manipulation effects of this technology on people who have received that type of injection. (And rest assured, we’ll probably never see that database.)

All of which, to my mind, makes the claim that the technology has not yet been tested on animals or humans seem a bit laughable if not naive. Animal and human testing of mind-manipulation technologies has been going on since the Clowns In America’s Projects Artichoke and MK-Ultra.  I have no difficulty whatsoever believing that this is simply “the notice of an invention” that has been long secretly researched, just as I have no difficulty thinking that we may be watching the “human trials.”

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: ParallelVision / pixabay


An Interview w/ Richard Delgado: Impacts of Graphene Oxide Nano-Particles Contained in the Vial of the mRNA Vaccine

Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine

image sourced from


Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine


We bring to the attention of Global Research readers this important interview with Ricardo Delgado Martin, Founder and Director of Quinta Columna. Ricardo is responsible for coordinating the Spanish research team’s analysis of the impacts of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the vial of the mRNA vaccine.

The results of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy are far-reaching. Graphene oxide is a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation. It also has an impact on the immune system. Graphene oxide accumulated in the lungs can have devastating impacts.

The results of the Spanish study suggest, yet to be fully confirmed, that the recorded vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (e.g. published in the US by the CDC and in the EU) are attributable to the presence of graphene oxide nano-particles contained in the Covid vaccine vial.

Of significance, (acknowledged by national health authorities) graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask.

Graphene has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated. These effects have been amply documented and confirmed. See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance

Ricardo Delgado Martin is specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics and immunology.

For further details on this project see the report by  Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, specialized in Chemistry and Biology, Escuela Superior de Ingenería, University of Almería.

See summary of their report entitled Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension, Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy.

Full Study (English)

There is evidence that the Covid-19 “vaccine” which contains graphene oxide has resulted in a pattern of deaths and injuries Worldwide.

Speaking on behalf of the Spanish research team, Ricardo Delgado Martin recommends that the covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine should be cancelled and discontinued immediately.

Video [with English voiceovers]:

[Link to watch video without English voiceovers.]


Confirmed by Health Canada, Graphene-Oxide particles are also contained in the Face Mask which is intended to protect you.

Face Masks Contain Graphene, A Poisonous Substance  by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 14, 2021

“The wearing of the face mask started in the immediate wake of the covid-19 lockdown on March 11, 2020. Worldwide, people have been instructed to wear the mask for more than a year.

And then one year later, we are told that in some cases it may contain a poisonous substance.

According to Health Canada: “There is a potential that wearers could inhale graphene particles from some masks, which may pose health risks.””

See also:

Nanotechnology-derived Graphene in Face Masks — Now There Are Safety Concerns by Andrew Maynard, July 12, 2021

Graphene Oxide has electromagnetic properties which have been detected in people who have been vaccinated.

See the study conducted by the European Forum for Vaccine Vigilance:

Study on Electromagnetism of Vaccinated Persons in Luxembourg   by Mamer and Amar Goudjil, July 08, 2021


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Referenced link – downloadable PDF of study:

Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension — Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

cover image credit: LeiemKrischkrisch / Wikimedia Commons


Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

by Kathleen Stilwell, Truth Comes to Light
July 17, 2021


In the videos below Brian Young of HighImpact interviews Dr. Andrew Kaufman, with direct questions on many important issues related to viruses, the false ideas perpetuated by the “science” of virology, vaccination, what makes us sick, how our bodies heal, and more.

Dr. Kaufman answers detailed questions about what it means to isolate a virus and how the meaning of isolation has been twisted to mean something entirely different from actually purifying so that identification can be verified.

He talks about the reasoning and some of the methods used in creating vaccines. He discusses what we currently know about toxic nanoparticles and other strange substances found in all vaccines as well as the new mRNA injections.  He makes reference to Dr. David Martin’s work and the proof that the SARS-CoV-2 gene sequence was patented long before this fake pandemic was announced.

Dr. Kaufman discusses the historical use of the word “virus”, the role of bacteria, and what is likely to be really happening with diseases such as rabies, ebola, zika, polio, leprosy and more. He also addresses the misunderstanding and possible explanations for what is perceived as contagion, shedding and transmission of illness.

Dr. Kaufman shares his thoughts on the role of antibiotics and anti-parasitic medications such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. He also provides suggestions for detoxification and assisting our bodies in healing without the use of pharmaceuticals.

This interview covers a lot of territory related to this fake pandemic, the false paradigm of illness created by virology and the importance of standing for freedom.

Links to related interviews and articles are provided below the videos. The interview videos are available at Brian Young’s HighImpact Odysee and BitChute channels.

Brief excerpts:

Andrew Kaufman:

…I am no longer a licensed physician, not because it was taken away from me but because I simply let it expire. Because I don’t want to be tied to that system of cut, burn, poison medicine any longer.


Brian Young:

I’ve got a lot of questions but I wanted to start out with was the most important. I don’t want to beat around the bush on this. You did an interview that was hosted by Doug Force…You got into a very, very interesting — at points heated — discussion, pointed discussion, with Dr. Judy Mikovits and that centered around a couple of things that she said. And what she was saying was that a virus particle — and I’m gonna quote this here because I watched the video again today and I took some notes — quote, “the virus particle is your cellular membrane, a virus budding out of a cell”. As soon as she said that, you took serious issue with that. And you made a very serious point of trying to pinpoint her on what isolation actually is, defining isolation and then telling her that what she was doing is not isolating it. Why is that important and why was it important to have that conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovits?

Andrew Kaufman:

Yeah, well of course, and you know what I think she was saying is that you can’t separate the virus particles from the cell that it infects. And, in fact, you know the main experiments that they do, which they called virus isolation — but it’s not isolation by any means of the word, is where they do a cell culture and then they see particles coming off the cell — which is what happens to every cell when they are damaged or put in a toxic environment or starved. That would cause cell damage. They break down into particles. So you can see particles budding off the membrane of all kinds of cells that are damaged. In fact, every cell that would be damaged would go through this process.

Recently they published a paper, actually was last August, but it was in Kidney360 where they had kidney biopsies from as early as 1999, you know, pre-covid and they showed the identical particles to what they say are the particles on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. So these are just normal breakdown products of dying cells or dead cells.

Those people had kidney disease, had nothing to do with the virus, but these particles were present nonetheless. And the authors basically said ‘hey even the CDC is aware of this’ — because they wrote about the same problem in 2003, I believe — and that this is gonna be confusing to recognize viruses.

So you have to get the virus all by itself so that you can actually study it. And then you can put it into a host animal and see — does it cost the same disease. You can take the genetic material out of it and sequence it. And what Dr Mikovits was saying is that with HIV, as distinct — because she agrees with everything I just said with respect to SARS-CoV-2 and the current fake virus — but she was talking about HIV and she said that it’s impossible to separate from the membrane. But the thing is the way they say that it spreads from a cell to a cell would have to be that it separates from the membrane and then goes to another cell. So that’s what I was talking to her about.

And it’s really fascinating because I saw a video recently from Luc Montagnier. Now he’s the French virologist who actually won the Nobel Prize for the alleged discovery of HIV. And he was asked about why it’s necessary to do purification of a virus. Right? And purification is a word that is a good word to ask in a question because it removes any ambiguous meaning of the word isolation. And purification is clear. It means that it would be pure in the end. And so what Luc Montagnier said is to prove that it actually exists.

I just wanted Judy to be consistent that — it was not just true that you have to purify and isolate SARS-CoV-2 virus, to show that it exists — you have to do it with every virus, even if she worked on it. And that’s the discussion that we were unable to have.


Brian Young:

Let me key in on one of the things — coming back to Judy Mikovits and the disagreement you had with her on Doug Force’s show — you said, quote:

“As long as we all embrace this false paradigm, this false virus paradigm, that viruses are particles that cause disease from outside, we’re gonna be vulnerable to the next pandemic and all the ones after that. We have to destroy this paradigm of viruses that cause disease because this is the boogie man and this is what’s causing the fear and the panic that’s allowing us to be manipulated.”

And really if I was going to distill anything or try to get people to realize that the importance of this show and and us convert conversing about this is that statement right there.


I really appreciate appreciate your knowledge and especially appreciate your stand for individual liberties. Because that’s what this all boils down to. We’ve got to maintain our own personal individual autonomy. If we lose that, we lose everything.

Andrew Kaufman:

That’s right. You know, we have to all non-comply together.




Referenced Video Links:

Doug Force interview that included Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Judy Mikovits

Dr. Kary Mullis talking about fraud in medical research

Dr. Kary Mullis on the HIV-AIDS connection

Related Articles:

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”


See additional articles on Viruses, Vaccines and the History of Modern Medicine


Connect with Andrew Kaufman

Connect with Brian Young

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC, as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine

Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported to CDC, as FDA Adds New Warning to J&J Vaccine
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
July 16, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) included 463,457 reports of injuries and deaths, across all age groups, following COVID vaccines — an increase of more than 25,000 compared with the previous week.

The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021, a total of 463,457 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 10,991 deaths — an increase of 1,943 over the previous week. There were 48,385 serious injuries reported during the same time period — up 7,370 compared with the previous week.

In the U.S., 333 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of July 9. This includes: 135 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 184 million doses of Pfizer and 13 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 10,991 deaths reported as of July 9, 22% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 15% occurred within 24 hours and 37% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 14,003 total adverse events, including 866 rated as serious and 14 reported deaths. Two of the nine deaths were suicides.
  • The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1431289) with a previous history of COVID who suffered cardiac arrest and died 17 days after vaccination with Pfizer.

Other reports include two 13-year-old boys (VAERS I.D. 1406840 and 1429457) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine, three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 11879181382906 and 1242573), three 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 14206301225942 and 1386841) and three 17-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 11994551388042 and 1420762).

This week’s total VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to July 9, 2021, for all age groups combined show:

Experts warn of ‘huge risk’ as Moderna launches COVID vaccine trials for pregnant women

Moderna will study its COVID vaccine in pregnant women, according to a posting on The observational study, expected to begin July 22, will enroll about 1,000 females over age 18 who will be studied over a 21-month period.

Women who received a Moderna vaccine during the 28 days prior to their last menstrual period, or at any time during pregnancy, are eligible.

The brief summary of the trial states the main goal is “to evaluate the outcomes of pregnancy in females exposed to the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (mRNA-1273) during pregnancy.”

Currently, the CDC says pregnant women can get a COVID vaccine. But the agency also acknowledges there is limited data available about the safety of COVID vaccines for people who are pregnant.

“Pregnant women are taking what may be a huge risk with the COVID vaccine,” said Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., author of “Your Baby, Your Way.” Margulis said in an email to The Defender, there is no evidence COVID vaccines are safe, but ample evidence suggesting it is dangerous to expose pregnant women and unborn babies to drugs and interventions that can disrupt immunity.

Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN and president emerita of Children’s Health Defense, said it’s “bass-ackwards to release the vaccine to pregnant women before doing a clinical trial or proper animal studies.”

FDA added warning to J&J vaccine of ‘serious but rare’ autoimmune disorder

On July 13, the FDA added a new warning on J&J’s (Janssen) COVID vaccine to include information pertaining to an observed increased risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination.

According to an FDA news release, GBS is a neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system damages nerve cells, causing muscle weakness or, in the most severe cases, paralysis.

Based on an analysis of VAERS data, there have been 100 preliminary reports of GBS following vaccination with J&J’s vaccine. Of these reports, 95 were serious and required hospitalization. There was one reported death.

While the cause of GBS is not fully known, it often follows infection with a virus and has been linked to other vaccines. The FDA concluded the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any danger, but included the proviso in fact sheets about the drug for providers and patients.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) is expected to discuss the GBS cases during an upcoming meeting, the CDC said.

Coroner says vaccine not to blame for man’s death after Pfizer— wife not convinced

A healthcare worker who died four days after his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was killed by heart disease, according to the Orange County, California coroner.

As The Defender reported this week, Tim Zook, an x-ray technologist at South Coast Global Medical Center in Santa Ana, was hospitalized Jan. 5 — just hours after being vaccinated. Zook’s wife, Rochelle, told the Orange County Register her husband’s health rapidly deteriorated after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine. He died Jan. 9.

An autopsy report released Wednesday found Zook’s heart was severely enlarged, thicker than normal and dilated. “There is a focus of severe coronary artery disease,” according to the report, which also said Zook’s heart valves showed mild-to-moderate calcium deposits.

The autopsy report concluded the official cause of death was “hypertensive and atherosclerotic heart disease with severe cardiomegaly [enlarged heart] and heart failure.”

Rochelle Zook said she is not convinced her husband’s death is unrelated to the vaccine. He was “quite healthy,” she said shortly after her husband’s death. Rochelle Zook preserved samples of her husband’s tissue for future testing, hoping to learn more as data about vaccines emerge in years to come.

Woman’s sudden paralysis linked to J&J vaccine

A Houston woman spent 22 days in the hospital after getting a COVID vaccine and then developing GBS, ABC 13 reported July 14. After Jamie Walton got the J&J vaccine, she started feeling numbness and tingling in her feet and hands.

“I know my body and I knew something wasn’t right, so I kept trying to go to different doctors and I kept being told, ‘You’re dehydrated. You’re fine,’” Walton said. “One doctor told me I had anxiety.”

The otherwise healthy woman ended up paralyzed from the waist down and lost her ability to walk. Walton went to the emergency room twice and met with several doctors before her diagnosis was confirmed. She was hospitalized for 22 days, had to learn how to walk again and do other basic movements. Her case was reported to VAERS.

Pfizer fails to convince FDA on immediate need for boosters 

Pfizer executives met privately this week with U.S. senior scientists and regulators to press their case for quick authorization of COVID booster vaccines amid pushback from federal health agencies who last week said the extra doses are not needed.

Officials said after the meeting that more data — and possibly several more months — would be needed before regulators could determine whether booster shots were necessary, The Defender reported.

The meeting was largely seen as a courtesy after Pfizer’s announcement last week that it would seek Emergency Use Authorization for its booster shot led to unusual pushback from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and CDC.

Woman with ‘life-altering’ injuries after COVID vaccine teams up with U.S. senators to demand answers

A Utah woman and two U.S. senators are teaming up to get answers from federal health agencies about life-altering injuries people have experienced after receiving a COVID vaccine, The Defender reported July 7.

Brianne Dressen, preschool teacher from Utah, was injured after participating in AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine clinical trial in November 2020. She accumulated more than $250,000 in medical bills as a result of injuries she believes were caused by the vaccine.

After experiencing severe symptoms and neurological decline, Dressen spent months teaching herself how to walk, eat and form sentences again — all while she traveled in search of answers.

Dressen, along with other people who said they were injured by vaccines but “repeatedly ignored” by the medical community, participated last month in a news conference held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis).

Following the news conference, Johnson and Utah Sen. Mike Lee wrote a letter to the CDC and FDA after the agencies ignored requests for assistance and answers from families injured by COVID vaccines.

Lee and Johnson said widespread lack of acknowledgement of adverse events following receipt of a COVID vaccine has made it nearly impossible for some individuals to obtain the medical treatment they need, and that risks must be disclosed to the medical community and general public.

In the letter, Lee and Johnson asked the FDA and CDC about the adverse events suffered during clinical trials, disclosed in the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization Memorandum for the PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, as well as reported injuries from the U.S. AstraZeneca trial.

They also asked the CDC whether it is working with physicians and researchers at the FDA, National Institutes of Health or other medical research bodies to provide the various individuals who experienced adverse effects vaccine treatment and care.

130 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We have made repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions.

Despite multiple phone and email communications with several people at the CDC, and despite being told that our request was in the system and that someone would respond, we have not yet received answers to any of the questions we submitted. It has been 130 days since we sent our first email to the CDC requesting information.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


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©July 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Doctors for COVID Ethics: Halt Use of Pfizer COVID Vaccines in Adolescents ‘Immediately’

Doctors for COVID Ethics: Halt Use of Pfizer COVID Vaccines in Adolescents ‘Immediately’
In a 20-page report, three doctors who are all founding members of Doctors for COVID Ethics outline in detail the compelling argument for why COVID vaccines are not only unnecessary and ineffective, but also dangerous for children and adolescents.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
July 16, 2021


For months, Doctors for COVID Ethics, a Europe-based international alliance of hundreds of concerned doctors and scientists, has been issuing urgent warnings about the short- and long-term risks of COVID vaccines, particularly for children.

In May, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) extended Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — previously granted for ages 16 and up — to 12- to 15-year-olds.

Pfizer was the first company to test experimental COVID vaccines in children, and is the only manufacturer thus far to have been granted EUA for vaccine recipients under age 18.

In addition to submitting three admonitory letters to the EMA — on March 10April 1 and April 20 — Doctors for COVID Ethics on May 18 served Notices of Liability to all members of the European Parliament for COVID-vaccine-related harms and deaths to children.

Now, three of the group’s founding signatories — Dr. Michael Palmer (Canada), Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, (Germany) and Stefan Hockertz, Ph.D. (Germany) — have assembled in one document powerful expert evidence showing COVID vaccines are not only unnecessary and ineffective but also dangerous for children and adolescents.

On July 3, Italian lawyer Renate Holzeisen submitted the expert document to the European General Court as part of a lawsuit challenging the EMA’s late-May decision to extend emergency use of Pfizer’s vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds.

The 20-page report’s value stems not just from the three authors’ impeccable professional credentials but from their meticulous aggregation and analysis of manufacturer data, regulatory agency assessments and published science.

As the medical/scientific trio compellingly argues, the evidence allows only one possible conclusion: Not only should Pfizer’s vaccine not be given to adolescents, but its use needs to stop immediately in all age groups.

Not necessary

The report begins by demolishing the argument that adolescents need to be vaccinated against COVID. The three experts emphasize the “particularly low” COVID-19 prevalence in adolescents and the utter absence of severe cases in children and teens 10 to 17 years old obviates any rationale for vaccinating young people — particularly given the availability of effective treatments for the tiny proportion who experience anything other than mild illness.

Recent studies confirm this crucial point, showing that “the risks of severe illness or death from SARS-CoV-2 are extremely low in children and young people.”

The expert summary also highlights other factors negating the case for teen vaccination. For example:

  • A “large proportion of individuals in all age groups, including adolescents, already have specific, reliable immunity to COVID-19” and are also protected from severe disease by robust cross-immunity, which, the European experts point out, “will be particularly effective in healthy adolescents and young adults.”
  • According to Doctors for COVID Ethics, large-scale studies have “unambiguously” refuted the notion of “asymptomatic transmission” (used to support the claim that kids pose a risk to others). These studies show that no illness has been traced to individuals who tested “positive” but did not exhibit signs of illness.
  • From the beginning, the COVID infection fatality rate (IFR) — the number of deaths divided by the number of infections — has been strongly biased toward the elderly. In addition, a recent study, which revised “biased inflated estimates” of the IFR downward to an average of 0.15%, “reassuringly” makes the IFR for COVID comparable to that of influenza.

The three authors mention, in passing, that few European countries view childhood vaccination against influenza as either “urgent or necessary.” In fact, European infectious disease experts have stated they do not want the pediatric vaccine schedule to be “too busy,” while also acknowledging the “mixed” evidence on flu shot effectiveness and the unknown “long-term effect of repeated annual vaccination from an early age.”

These notes of caution could apply equally well to COVID shots that are threatening to morph into an annual (or even more frequent) requirement. Disturbingly, France is preparing to administer millions of booster shots in September, barely seven to eight months since experimental COVID vaccination began.

Not effective

The second section of the expert report digs into Pfizer’s claims of 95%–100% effectiveness for its COVID vaccine — representations, the report’s authors assert, that “cannot be trusted.”

The three scientists first note (as Children’s Health Defense and others have done as well) that the manufacturers’ figures represent relative rather than absolute efficacy. In absolute terms, Pfizer vaccine efficacy is “very modest,” protecting (at best) less than 1% of clinical trial participants who took the jab.

According to the three experts, however, even this dubious achievement “cannot be accepted at face value.” Their scrutiny of assessments prepared by the FDA and EMA shows Pfizer’s data are rife with “unlikely claims and contradictions,” including the intimation that after the first dose of vaccine, immunity sets in “very suddenly and uniformly on day 12 exactly.”

Given that immunity typically develops more slowly and gradually, the authors of the report state, the day 12 effect is “not at all a biologically plausible outcome.”

An additional puzzling finding concerns two contradictory sets of data about COVID-19 incidence in the vaccine and placebo groups — results that “cannot possibly be reconciled.” The experts’ conclusion? One of the two data sets was, in all likelihood, “fabricated.”

Dissecting a Pfizer study conducted with adolescents, the three scientists conclude the injections produced a net negative due to their impact on overall morbidity. Whereas none of the participating adolescents experienced severe COVID, vaccine side effects were “exceedingly common,” with 55% to 65% experiencing headaches, among other undesirable reactions.

The expert trio points out that severe headaches are sometimes associated with blood clots — a serious adverse event associated with all four COVID vaccines currently authorized in Europe and/or the U.S.

Taking side effects into account makes it plain that “overall morbidity was far greater in the vaccinated than in the placebo group,” the authors write.

As the three scientists understatedly comment, “That neither the FDA nor the EMA picked up on any of these inconsistencies does not instill confidence in the thoroughness and integrity of their review processes.”

They conclude:

“The clinical trials carried out by Pfizer contain no proof of any benefit conferred by the vaccine with respect to any clinically relevant endpoints. This applies to all tested age groups, and in particular also to adolescents.”

Not safe

The most alarming section of the report is Palmer’s, Bhakdi’s and Hockertz’s discussion of the Pfizer vaccine’s “catastrophically bad” safety profile in both adults and adolescents.

The Pfizer injection’s destructive impact is readily discernible by anyone with the patience to pore through the vaccine injury reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the U.S. or the EudraVigilance database in Europe.

For 12- to 17-year-old Americans receiving a COVID shot, VAERS received more than 13,000 reports of adverse events by July 2, including more than 1,909 reports (Pfizer alone) of anaphylaxis, 343 reports (Pfizer alone) of heart problems, 56 reports (Pfizer alone) of blood clotting disorders and 14 deaths,  of which 13 were reported after a Pfizer vaccine.

This is not to absolve the other COVID vaccines being administered to those 18 and up — for example, the Johnson & Johnson injection now comes with warnings about increased risks of blood clots and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

As for the two messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines — Pfizer’s and Moderna’s — the European experts express concerns about the toxicity of the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that deliver the injections’ payload of mRNA and the spike protein expressed by that mRNA.

Ordinarily, the capillary barrier is supposed to keep large molecules out of the blood. In preclinical studies of the mRNA vaccines, however, researchers found the LNPs circulated in the bloodstream and concentrated in vital organs such as the ovaries, liver and spleen.

Other research shows that following intravenous injection, LNPs can penetrate the most highly “fortified” capillary barrier of all — the blood-brain barrier.

The “upshot,” in the opinion of the European scientists, is “the vaccine will appear in the bloodstream, in large amounts and on short order” [emphasis in original]. Unfortunately, more blood clotting complications are the likely result.

In addition, high levels of spike protein expression in places like the ovaries, placenta and lactating mammary glands raise the prospect of disturbing reproductive and neonatal outcomes, including female infertility, miscarriages and, as has been anecdotally reported, deaths in breastfeeding newborns.

Stop the ‘systematic negligence’ and fraud

In 2020, Pfizer was the second-largest pharmaceutical company by revenue, manufacturing not just COVID vaccines but more than 350 pharmaceutical products, many of which are household names.

But it is important not to lose sight of Pfizer’s criminal track record — a pattern of “habitual” fraud and dishonesty so pervasive and longstanding that it can only be understood as an intentional business model.

Describing prosecutors’ refusal to hold Pfizer executives personally liable for criminal actions, a health policy analyst concluded in 2010, “both criminal and civil penalties appear to be, to Pfizer at least, a business expense worth incurring.”

Despite this troubling record, analysts celebrate Pfizer as a solid market presence, stating that “People know and trust [the company’s] brands.” Widely used Pfizer products include Advil, Ativan, Centrum multivitamins, Chapstick, the contraceptive Depo Provera, Emergen-C, EpiPen, Flagyl, Lipitor, Lyrica, Neosporin, Premarin, Preparation H, the best-selling childhood vaccine Prevnar, Robitussin cough syrup, Viagra, Xanax, Zithromax and Zoloft.

For consumers distressed by the carnage that seems to follow Pfizer’s COVID injections — and by the company’s recurrent lawsuitsrecalls and problems with quality control — it may be time to stop buying Pfizer’s many “instantly identifiable” products and also shun the more than 96,000 worldwide employees who make the company’s wanton harms possible.

Buttressed by the evidence carefully assembled by the Doctors for COVID Ethics, it also goes without saying that we need to push back in every conceivable way against COVID vaccine mandates for children.

Additional resource for parents: Top 10 Reasons Not to Let Your Child Get a COVID Shot.


©July 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: flaviopantera7 / pixabay

UK Research Group Concludes Covid-19 Vaccines Are “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Reactions

UK Research Group Concludes Covid-19 Vaccines Are “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Reactions

by Captaindaretofly, The Daily Expose
July 12, 2021


Since the Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out across the UK, there has been a disturbing trend with the number of adverse reactions being reported to the Yellow Card reporting system. The latest numbers show that there have been over 1,037,376 adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines ranging from mild to severe, and 1,440 deaths, as of 30th June 2021.

To many, this shows that these experimental gene therapies, which have been labeled as vaccines are causing incredible harm and damage to the British public. Yet big pharma and the government are looking to roll out the vaccines for children in late summer or autumn…

Despite this, the UK government has encouraged the public to report “suspected side effects to medicines, vaccines or medical device and diagnostic adverse incidents used in coronavirus treatment to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to ensure safe and effective use.” Although, many of those who have reported having an adverse reaction to the vaccine have shared experiences where doctors or nurses have refused to report their side effects to Yellow Card.

However, a group of scientists and doctors from the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EBMC), which is based in Bath, UK, has examined the data reported to Yellow Card and wrote to the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) with concerns about the disturbing number of injuries and deaths as a result of the Covid jabs.

In her letter to the MHRA, Dr Tess Lawrie, the Director of the EMBC, pointed out that between the 4th January and 26th May 2021 there were 1,253 deaths and 888,196 adverse reactions reported during this period. Whilst her team cannot directly correlate this with the vaccine, Lawrie and the EMBC have strong concerns regarding the safety of those receiving the Covid jab.

In an interview with, Lawrie said: “The total number of cases is concerning and each person that’s reported should be followed up on to ensure there are no further problems.

“The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill.”

Lawrie said that the Yellow Card reporting system is incredibly “opaque” and in no way transparent. For example, she stated that researchers aren’t able to cross-reference safety incidents by age, gender, or other data attributes, making it difficult to determine the full impact of the vaccines across all groups. However, she estimates that in the UK about 60%+ of all vaccines are AstraZeneca’s while the remainder Pfizer’s jab.

Throughout the letter, Lawrie examines the numbers of each reaction from blood clots, autoimmune reactions, to neurological damage, and concluding that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the Covid-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

The letter concludes with an ominous warning: “Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer-term effects.

“As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.”

Finally, Lawrie states that there are “at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA:

“How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination?

How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination?

How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?”

Whilst groups such as the EBMC investigate the dangers of the Covid vaccine and seek to find answers, the UK government and media work hard to hide the countless injuries whilst encouraging the population to roll up their sleeve and submit to this cruel experiment.


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cover image credit: HakanGERMAN / pixabay

Graphene Meets RNA Technology, for Cancer Vaccines

Graphene Meets RNA Technology, for Cancer Vaccines

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 13, 2021


As soon as Operation Warp Speed was announced, I made it clear that one of the prime goals was: winning approval for experimental RNA technology.

RNA tech had never gotten a green light prior to the COVID vaccine. Why? Because it was highly dangerous. Generally speaking, massive inflammatory response was the issue: the body attacks itself.

But RNA tech allows new vaccines to be developed faster, easier, and cheaper. Therefore, researchers could claim to discover new viruses at the drop of a hat (without authentic proof), and pharma companies could develop new vaccines (aka genetic RNA treatments) overnight.

It became Bill Gates’ and Tony Fauci’s mission to drag an RNA COVID vaccine across the finish line to emergency-use approval, come hell or high water. They were determined to crack open the marketplace for a flood of RNA medical products.

In yesterday’s, article, I highlighted the arrival of a “miracle” substance, graphene, trumpeted as the core of a whole new frontier in medicine.

For example, Merck is using it to research the creation of IMPOSED nerve responses in the body, in order to knock out a whole host of “disease conditions.”

Of course, the acknowledged toxicity of graphene nanoparticles is underplayed; in particular, their tendency to cause lung infections.

And now graphene and RNA tech meet, in new research into cancer vaccines. As they say, what could possibly go wrong?

The reference is “In Situ Transforming RNA Nanovaccines from Polyethylenimine Functionalized Graphene Oxide Hydrogel for Durable Cancer Immunotherapy,” 2/17/21, ACS Publications.

Here is an excerpt from the optimistic abstract: “Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine is a promising candidate in cancer immunotherapy…Here, we report an injectable hydrogel formed with graphene oxide (GO) and polyethylenimine (PEI). The released nanovaccines can protect the mRNA from degradation and confer targeted delivering capacity to lymph nodes…”

The scramble is now underway to deploy both RNA genetic tech and graphene in all sorts of medical “innovations.”

You don’t get just one danger; you get two.

And here is a third wrinkle. According to conventional vaccine theory, the injected RNA would cause cells of the body to produce a protein unique to cancer tumors. The immune system would attack this protein and, up the road, be prepared to destroy cancer before it could gain a foothold.

It’s possible that researchers from the old failed USCo viral cancer project of the 1960s and 70s could now rewrite history, get in line, and say, “We never failed. Robert Gallo DID discover two cancer viruses, which also have unique proteins. Let’s develop an RNA-graphene injection that empowers the immune system to attack these viruses…”

I mention this because those failed cancer researchers went on to claim a new virus called HIV caused a condition called AIDS. And like COVID, the “causative virus” was never isolated, never proved to exist.

HIV and SARS-CoV-2 are both phantom fantasies. And in both cases, the drug/vaccine treatments are massively destructive.

The medical cartel at work.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit:  Spencerbdavis and LeiemWikimedia Commons

Saline Injected Instead of COVID

Saline Injected Instead of COVID

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
July 12, 2021


“Are you fully vaccinated?” “Do you need to continue taking COVID precautions?”

If you have seen these questions posted about town, or in the media, it may make you wonder about effectiveness of the experimental shot. What if you didn’t get what you thought you got?

Is the protection you injected all in your head?

In  strange twist of fate, several hundreds and maybe thousands of people, reported in at least four states and three countries, have been notified that they received a saline injection instead of the COVID injection. In most clinical experiments saline injections are considered to be placebo. In South CarolinaNorth Carolina, and Minnesota, the Departments of Health have alerted “a small group” that the injection they received was “not activated.” In Virginia, they were giving out empty shots!

In Canada, “more than 200 people are being contacted to repeat their COVID-19 vaccinations because some who attended an immunization clinic in the Niagara region were injected with a saline solution instead of the shot.”

Thousands were injected with water in India, where they were “charged fees from $10 to $17 for the shots of salt water from those willing to get a jab of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, according to The New York Times.”

Why were so many placebos given without clear disclosure?

The Placebo

Normally, a placebo is given as part of a case-control clinical trial to the “control group” to ensure that any adverse health effects observed in “cases” (given the active ingredients) are obvious.  However, in the gray world of vaccines, there is often no true “control group” since both groups get a vaccine. From a 2020 article by the non-profit organization, The Conversation:

Some researchers conducting clinical trials on a COVID-19 vaccine have not revealed to the public what the placebo contains, but they should. This is because the placebo ingredients influence how effective or harmful the active treatment, with which the placebo is compared, appears.

In some COVID-19 vaccine trials, participants in the control group (the group receiving a placebo) are injected with a saline solution. In other trials, they receive an actual treatment. For example, in the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, the control group receives a meningitis and septicaemia vaccine as a placebo.

The scientific term for hiding knowledge of who got what treatment is “blinding.”

The COVID Experiment

Are these anomalies a”mix-up” or a “mistake,” as the media suggests? Or were “fake vaccination drives” taking advantage of people’s ignorance, trust, and fear?

Did multiple states and countries get it wrong? Or is this mass vaccination campaign by design, and part of an orchestrated attempt to identify and monitor certain subgroups who were given the activated vaccine, such as the elderly population?

Multiple reports claim that many elderly people, who successfully survived COVID infection, died shortly after receiving the vaccine. One report suggested 48 residents in a Spanish nursing home died after receiving the COVID vaccine. Why would you require a vaccine if you successfully fought off the infection using your own immune system? Why argue with natural, longterm immunity? Why give up life-long immunity for short term immunity and multiple booster shots?

Why did the elderly who seemingly died only of COVID before the vaccine, are suddenly falling ill and dying of “complications” or “other conditions” after the vaccine?

According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System VAERS statistics, 3,362 people died after receiving a COVID vaccine in the United States between December and April 23. That is an average of roughly 30 people every day.

According to the scientists, the vaccine has been studied and deemed “safe.” But that may depend on your definition of safe, and whether the CDC has been undercounting “breakthrough infections.” Do you trust an organization that quietly reported the COVID death rate to be only 6%?

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. – CDC

Further, why are vaccine makers and those who administer the shots exempt from liability for any damages? Adverse events and deaths after injection are “rare” claim the authorities.

Until they are not rare. If vaccine makers do not stand behind their products, why should anyone else?

The final test in this experiment may be determined by whether general liability insurance responds to COVID-19 claims. That remains to be seen when insurance companies do not cover “experiments,” and when policies can be rewritten, and court opinions are filed. Remember, COVID injections are FDA-authorized, not FDA-approved. To understand the difference, read The Covid Experiment: Are You Covered?

In the case of COVID, the case-control experiment continues in the general population as long as people continue to receive placebos.

Warnings Disclosed

We are in a live exercise to get this right – Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, June 2020

A rude awakening may be on the horizon if more people suddenly start dying. Yet, recall that there were warnings in January, 2021, ahead of the vaccine push. CNN warned Americans that they shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after the vaccine:

“When shots begin to go into arms of residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine,” states the report.  

“We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said.

She then said Americans shouldn’t be alarmed to see people dying a day or two after receiving the COVID vaccination.

How accurate are the claims that COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated?

As Johnson and Stobbe noted:

The CDC itself has not estimated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths are in fully vaccinated people, citing limitations in the data. Among them: Only about 45 states report breakthrough infections, and some are more aggressive than others in looking for such cases. So the data probably understates such infections, CDC officials said.

Second Wave of Breakthrough Infections

Is there a second wave coming, as reported in the  2019 Event 201 simulation?  Is a new infectious Delta variant the powder keg that will ignite the secondary flames? Are “fully vaccinated” people those who have had a placebo followed by an activated injectable?

Will anyone consider that “fully vaccinated” people do not stop transmission of any virus and may, in fact, cause “breakthrough” infections in themselves and others? Health officials, including the director of NIAID, Dr. Fauci, are not surprised.

Breakthrough infections are common after vaccination. According to the science:

A breakthrough infection is a case of illness in which a vaccinated individual becomes sick from the same illness that the vaccine is meant to prevent. In the case of a COVID-19, the person who received the vaccine will subsequently contract the disease. This happens when the vaccine fails to provide immunity against the pathogen they are designed to target. This isn’t just an issue with the COVID-19 vaccine, but breakthrough infections occur with almost every vaccine from HPV to hepatitis B.

Why then have there been 5,800 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in fully vaccinated persons occurring more than two weeks after vaccination and resulting in almost 400 hospitalizations and 74 deaths? – April 15, 2021 Epoch Times

Reports show that many vaccinated people who develop are most susceptible to variants are over 50 years of age.

Provincetown reported 20 to 25 positive COVID cases last week and “the majority were fully vaccinated” people, according to the Barnstable County Department of Health.  – Dr. Leo Nissola, an immunologist

Are you fully vaccinated with an active injection or placebo? Is this another reason to get a booster?

Do you need to continue taking COVID precautions?

Do you trust what you’ve been told about your role in this experiment?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: John Keith / Wikimedia Commons

UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

by Mordechai Sones, America’s Frontline Doctors
July 11, 2021


UK attorney Anna de Buisseret today announced serving Notices of Liability on COVID-19 clinics and individuals administering the experimental biological agent known as the “COVID-19 vaccine” without obtaining fully informed consent, freely given in accordance with the Nuremberg Code and UK and International law.

“COVID jabs are experimental and still in phase 3 clinical trials,” de Buisseret explained. “The Nuremberg Code therefore applies. The injector MUST obtain the individuals fully informed consent freely given. All MATERIAL RISKS must be made clear to them and an individual risk assessment conducted.”

De Buisseret said among those served is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, UK government’s Chief Medical Advisor, and head of the public health profession Professor Chris Whitty.

In April, Doctors for COVID Ethics served Notices of Liability for COVID-19 vaccine harms and deaths on all European Parliament Members.

In the United States, Health Impact News gave public notice that two private corporations, CVS and Rite Aid, have been issued a Safety Warning for the potential danger of indiscriminate COVID-19 “vaccination” in the naturally immune and recently COVID-19 infected, by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Phd, on April 29th, 2021.

Many physicians have now spoken publicly about studies showing that those with natural COVID immunity will see a 2- to 3-fold increased risk of adverse reactions from the COVID shots.


Connect with America’s Frontline Doctors

cover image credit: pixundfertig / pixabay

My 1987 White House Interview on HIV, With Jim Warner, Senior Policy Analyst

My 1987 White House Interview on HIV, With Jim Warner, Senior Policy Analyst

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 9, 2021


When I interviewed President Reagan’s policy analyst, Jim Warner, in 1987, there was something I didn’t know: HIV had never been isolated. I did know the virus wasn’t the cause of what was being called AIDS.

Senior White House policy analyst Jim Warner first came to public attention in a November 1987 article in the New York Native. In the story, “The White House Calls the Native About Aids,” publisher Chuck Ortleb wrote: “Warner told me that the White House could be seen as divided into two groups on the issue of AIDS. One group, which he said is in the minority, wants to adopt an ‘Auschwitz model’ by quarantining all those infected with ‘the virus.’ ‘The other group,’ [Warner] said, ‘is incompetent.’”

Warner told me he wasn’t suggesting there was a White House group which was favoring “an Auschwitz model,” but that some high-risk groups might think that was so. My following interview ran in the LA Weekly on December 18, 1987.

WEEKLY: Has anyone at the White House spoken to you about the Native article and what you said in it?

WARNER: I don’t think anyone here knows there was an article in that paper. The government really hasn’t fulfilled its role in providing good information [on AIDS]. We just may not know enough. With AIDS, we’re dealing with a syndrome, not a disease. We may see a patient who has a genetic defect that’s causing his immune deficiency [instead of HIV being the causative agent]. I’m not satisfied we know all we think we do, by any means.

WEEKLY: Is your research on AIDS part of your policy work? Do you make recommendations based on what you find out? Or is it just that you’re absorbed in discovering what’s going on with AIDS?

WARNER: More of the latter than the former. I was asked to look into an Atlantic magazine article about insects and AIDS, and that’s how it started. I decided I wanted to put together a set of questions concerning the HIV virus, so that the answers would suggest its role in AIDS. I would then draft a paper and give it to the people who asked me to look into the subject.

WEEKLY: Do people at the White House get a chance to talk to scientists over at the National Institutes of Health [NIH]? I mean really talk with them, find out what they’re doing, how they’re thinking?

WARNER: There is not much communication [between people at the White House and the scientists at NIH]. I’m probably the only person here who has much interest in it. This year I determined that the [White House] working group on AIDS wasn’t adequate.

WEEKLY: Several university scientists I’ve spoken with have – off the record – criticized what they call “HIV dogma.” They feel if they speak out against the rush to judgment for HIV as the cause of AIDS they may lose money. Grants begin with the assumption that HIV has been proven as the agent of the disease.

WARNER: I’m of a mind that if no other lessons should be required of any university science curriculum, there should be a good survey course in philosophy and a grounding in logic. I’m appalled at the conceit and arrogance [of certain scientists].

WEEKLY: There has never been a performance-evaluation on the results of the NIH. NIH has balked at the idea of evaluating the worth of all their medical research over the last 20 years.

WARNER: That’s a very good idea. I’m going to see what I can do about that.

WEEKLY: The Native article mentioned that you spoke with Dr. Lo, an Army researcher on AIDS. He has his own theory about the disease, that it’s caused by a different virus. According to the Native, you had a problem getting through to him. Did they really tell you you’d have to get an okay from the Surgeon General just to talk to Lo?

WARNER: Yes. You know, although it is an honor to work at the White House, I’m not impressed that being here makes me special. But I pulled rank, and they put me through to Dr. Lo.

WEEKLY: Suppose proof emerged that HIV is not the AIDS virus. How difficult would it be to alter the course of research?

WARNER: It’s very difficult to change people’s minds. It’s not impossible, but there is a head of steam built up.

WEEKLY: What do you do if a government agency, as a whole, has been derelict?

WARNER: It may end up as a brawl. I’d sort of like to finesse that, though, I’d like to avoid a public brawl. It eats up time. It’s difficult when scientists are not open to discussing scientific issues.

WEEKLY: Robert Gallo, Max Essex, people like that, were the field commanders on the NIH war on cancer in the 70’s. They lost that war. So why are they in charge of AIDS research now? It seems odd that we don’t have other people running the show.

WARNER: If ever I’ve been tempted to believe in socialism, science has disabused me of that. These guys [at NIH] assume that it’s their show. They just assume it.

WEEKLY: Peter Duesberg, a distinguished molecular biologist at Berkeley, has said that HIV does not cause AIDS. Have you asked people at NIH what they think, specifically, of his arguments?

WARNER: Yes. I’ve been told that Peter Duesberg’s refutation of HIV has been discounted by the scientific community. I was given no explanation as to why. I was very offended. No evidence was presented to me. Just that Duesberg had been ‘discounted.’ That’s absurd. It’s not a scientific response to dismiss Duesberg as a crank.

WEEKLY: The definition of AIDS has become so broad it’s even stretching the idea of what a syndrome is, never mind a singular disease.

WARNER: A syndrome is a means of trying to understand how symptoms could be linked together. But if you do this in an atmosphere of hysteria, there is no limit to what you can attribute to a syndrome.

WEEKLY: The definition of AIDS in Africa is now becoming synonymous with starvation. They’re saying the three major symptoms are chronic diarrhea, fever, and wasting-away. Weight-loss. It certainly makes a perfect smokescreen for the aspect of hunger which is political – just call it AIDS.

WARNER: I had not considered that. There is a program to make Africa self-sufficient by the year 2000. This could certainly hinder that activity. You know, I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. I experienced weight-loss of eighty pounds. And when I came home, I was suffering from a form of dysentery that you could call opportunistic. A number of us were. We didn’t have AIDS.

—end of interview—

In November of 1987, I found out that the journal Bio/Technology was going to hold a roundtable workshop in which HIV would be addressed. Peter Duesberg and about a dozen other researchers would attend. The purpose of the roundtable would be to formulate experiments which, once and for all, would show HIV’s role or non-role in AIDS.

I told Jim Warner about the proposed roundtable, and suggested he contact the magazine and sit in on the sessions. He did call, and to everyone’s surprise, suggested that the roundtable be held in his office at the White House.

For the next month, it was on again, off again. There were obviously pressures within the White House against sanctioning such a meeting. About a month before the scheduled January 19th date, stories about it began appearing in several newspapers.

For a brief time, it looked like the White House’s Office of Policy Development was not going to host it, but the Office of Science and Technology Policy was. Then the whole thing fell apart.

The New York Post, on January 7th, 1988, ran a story on Duesberg. The next day, the paper did a follow-up, headlined: U.S. AXES DEBATE ON TRUE CAUSE OF AIDS. After indicating that the White House meeting was canceled, medicine-science editor, Joe Nicholson, relayed a surprising quote from Gary Bauer, head of Reagan’s Office of Policy Development, and Jim Warner’s boss: “People like Dr. Duesberg need to continue to have access to research funds so that if we are heading in the wrong direction, that can be proved.”

Bauer then said he didn’t want the White House to sponsor the meeting because it would impart a political tone to a scientific event.

“I hope they have the debate elsewhere,” he said. “I’ve sort of bristled at the finality with which some have made statements about AIDS and how it is transmitted. When findings run counter to the accepted wisdom, there is a tendency to muzzle or ignore rather than have an open debate.”

The proposed debate never took place.

Given what Jim Warner told me in our 1987 interview, I’m sure, if he were still working for the government in 2021, he would have some choice comments about an NIH scientist who was a major player in the AIDS scene in 1987, and is still hogging the spotlight these days:

Anthony Fauci.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19’?

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19’?

by Gary D. Barnett
July 6, 2021


“Today, La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.” ~ Translated by Orwell City

Since no such thing as Covid-19 has ever been separated, isolated, or identified, and not one attempt to satisfy Koch’s Postulates to determine if a novel ‘virus’ even exists has been attempted, what is really happening and why have governments worldwide shut down their countries and declared war on their citizenry? What is the real plot, and how many will die due to this fraudulent pandemic scam?

My position since very early on concerning this so-called ‘pandemic’ has been that the SARS-CoV-2 or ‘Covid-19’ was just the excuse being used as a government tool to instill great fear into the people, so as to build a system of total control over the masses. The real bioweapon evident is the poisonous injection mislabeled as the ‘Covid vaccine,’ and the tactics and mandates that have not only destroyed economic activity, but decimated the health and immune systems of the people at large. This includes every aspect of the lockdowns, quarantines, job loss due to the forced closings of businesses nationwide and worldwide, mask and false testing mandates, and the general terror purposely brought about by the controlling ‘elites’ and their government partners.

By this time, most should, but few do, understand the poisonous and toxic nature of what is being called a ‘vaccine,’ and the wide array of deadly adjuvants, live animal tissue, biological additives, metals, nano-particles, gene-altering messenger-RNA, and of course many other unknown or purposely hidden toxins in this deadly concoction. But what else is in this devil’s brew?

Just recently, reports coming from a team of doctors, scientists, researchers, and professors from the Spanish organization, La Quinta Columna, have stated emphatically that the highly toxic graphene oxide is not only present in vials of ‘Covid vaccines’ from most all pharmaceutical manufacturers, but is also being delivered in masks and through ‘Covid’ testing. This is very startling information, and answers a lot of questions about not only the symptoms present for many, but also may further expose another part of this nefarious agenda that is depopulation.

As stated by this group of researchers:

The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.

The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.

The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.

Also, according to this study, levels of graphene oxide in certain ‘vaccine’ vials contained up to 99% graphene oxide and little else. This toxin can cause pneumonia when the nanoparticles enter the lungs. Graphene also causes a metallic taste and inflammation of the mucus membranes which can lead to a loss of taste and smell. It can as well cause strong magnetic responses inside a host organism, and can also cause red blood cell damage. When deposited on most any surface, it can be converted into an electronic conductor. This would lead one to question many ‘Covid’ symptoms and the possible uses of graphene oxide in the so-called ‘Covid-19 vaccine,’ as this study group also claims that graphene oxide actually causes what is erroneously described as ‘Covid.’ If this is the case, then the ‘vaccine’ is indeed the bioweapon.

The very many adverse effects of graphene oxide delivery into living organisms has been long studied, but virtually nothing about this has been mentioned by the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or the mainstream media. In fact, there has been express denial of any nano-particle use in the flu and ‘Covid’ injections by these same sources in the past. The information in this report is staggering, but little effort is required to understand the high risk of using these toxic nano-sized particles in ‘vaccines.’

Graphene microparticles, and therefore graphene by injection, can lead to major respiratory sickness, including lung cancer. Once these particles are inside the body, and in the cells, the human immune system has not the ability to rid itself of these deadly nano-particles, and they become permanent and can cause extreme physiological harm in the body at the cellular level.

Bioweapons can come in many forms, and this is the new tactic of war against the people by this and other governments. The powerful controlling element of society and its corrupt government partners care nothing about you or your families, but only about power and control over you. The real bioweapon is not any ‘virus,’ but is the ‘vaccine’ delivery system itself, along with masks, and testing, as perpetrated by the very entity (government) claiming to be your savior. The elimination of this government is in order.

It seems that the death of billions is sought, and a new master and slave society controlled by technocrats in a transhuman environment is the desired outcome. Today, science fiction has become reality!

The original translated article and video from La Quinta Columna can be accessed here, and also in the source links below. I would urge all to take a look at this information.

Source links:

Urgent announcement: Covid is caused by graphene oxide

Negative impacts of Graphene

Masks and Covid tests contain nanotech vaccines

Graphene Oxide for 5G mind control


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

See related article: On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body

Genetic Baloney in Thick Slices

Genetic Baloney in Thick Slices

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 8, 2021


Gene research companies tend to come and go. They start out banging and popping like fireworks in the sky, and then they fade out—selling themselves to larger outfits who’ve hired better liars…

Once upon a time, it sounded easy. Start with a disease, find the gene responsible for the disease, and correct the problem.

Then, researchers wondered, was disease the result of one gene or a group of genes acting together?

Either way, the proof would be in devising cures for diseases using gene therapy. “Not yet, but soon…”

And regardless, the major need was: money. Lots and lots of money.

This need required good PR people. “We have to pump up the idea that we’re on the edge of tremendous breakthroughs. We’re always on that edge…”

This hype also needed to obscure the fact that there wasn’t (and isn’t) ANY gene cure for ANY disease.

As time passed, lack of cure could be a problem. In fact, it could mean curing disease was not a genetic undertaking at all. What about environment? Toxicity? Malnutrition? Poverty? In order to raise money, those factors would have to be pushed back out of view.

Instead, the PR people would need to flood the news with positive glow around the subject of gene research. Also known as exaggeration. Or bullshit.

You can spot the key terms in these articles. POSSIBLE, SHOULD, COULD, EXPECTED TO, SEEMS, ON THE HORIZON, MAY BE, COULD LEAD TO, EVENTUALLY, and of course, the ever-popular BREAKTHROUGH.

I dug back in my files and found a piece I wrote in 2011. As you’ll see, the “breakthroughs” touted then haven’t panned out so far. You don’t read about them in the press these days. The PR pros have moved on to other exaggerations.

The first 2011 article I cited was from Reuters, headlined: SCIENTISTS FIND “MASTER SWITCH” GENE FOR OBESITY. Here are a few choice tidbits. Note the key terms I just mentioned.

“…and say it should help the search for treatments…”

“…the regulating gene could be [a] target for drugs to treat…”

“…seems to act as a master switch…”

“We are working hard…to understand these processes and how we can use this information to improve treatment…”

Sure. You bet.

Zero results.

Next, a 2011 blockbuster piece in the Financial Times. The headline read: SCIENTISTS FIND GENETIC LINK TO DEPRESSION.

Standard trumpet blaring.

Here are the text nuggets. Again, note key terms.

“The discovery…is expected to lead to a better biological understanding of the condition and eventually to more effective antidepressants…”

“…as possibly for the first time we have found a genetic locus for depression.”

“…is likely to pin down the gene responsible…”

“…which may be the basis for designing more effective antidepressants…”

Sure. You bet.

Zero results.

Moving ahead in time—From “On 17 December 2015, the journal Science voted [gene-editing tool] Crispr-Cas9 ‘Breakthrough of the Year’, saying that it had ‘matured into a molecular marvel’. It is already being used in cancer immunotherapy to edit a patient’s own T-cell genome in order to remove the gene that ‘tells’ these immune cells not to target cancerous tissue.

It’s already being used—but where are the cures? Nowhere.

Anybody out there want to partner with me in launching a new company? This is a major winner. It covers a very broad area. Actually, there is no human endeavor it doesn’t cover. The name of the company? MAYBE COULD BE INC.

“We’re always on the edge and the frontier. We’re always breaking through. We’re always raising money. We’re always pumping our stock. We’re always ready to sell the company to a sucker with deep pockets.”

Let’s look at another type of gene research organization. This one happens to be the largest single medical research outfit in the world. It’s part of the US government: the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Their PR is different. They’re hedging their bets and covering their bases in every possible way. They’re saying YES, NO, AND MAYBE all at once. Of course, they can get away with it, because they run on taxpayer money. Their annual budget is a formidable $30 billion. Grit your teeth and read through their text that explains “genetic diseases”:

“A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes, the structures that carry genes).”

“As we unlock the secrets of the human genome (the complete set of human genes), we are learning that nearly all diseases have a genetic component. Some diseases are caused by mutations that are inherited from the parents and are present in an individual at birth, like sickle cell disease. Other diseases are caused by acquired mutations in a gene or group of genes that occur during a person’s life. Such mutations are not inherited from a parent, but occur either randomly or due to some environmental exposure (such as cigarette smoke). These include many cancers, as well as some forms of neurofibromatosis.”

That is a DON’T BLAME US statement. “Don’t blame us if a disease we thought was genetic turns out to be something else. Don’t blame us if it’s 65.34 percent environmental, 4.52 percent genetic, and 30.14 percent who knows what. Don’t blame us if toxicity triggers genetic malfunctions and, in the absence of the toxicity, there would be zero cases of the disease. Don’t blame us if a disease has nothing to do with genes. We’re ready to jump in any direction. We may not know much, but we’re sitting on a pile of cash. Don’t blame us if we don’t have any solid genetic cures for anything. We’re working hard. That’s all you can ask us to do.”

If there is one disease the public tends to believe can be cured by gene therapy, it is sickle cell anemia. The PR pros have done a good job there. However, states: “Gene therapy is an experimental technique that aims to treat genetic diseases by altering a disease-causing gene or introducing a healthy copy of a mutated gene to the body.”

Experimental. Aims to. Not an established cure. The confusion arises because, as with a number of diseases, the researchers and the PR flacks claim they’ve definitely traced the illness to a gene or two. They’ve struck gold. But, as you read further, you discover they’re just not ready to cure the patient. Clinical trials are underway. More work in the lab is necessary. The pudding is there, but the proof of it isn’t. They claim to know the cause; they just don’t know what to do with it.

In science, that’s known as a hypothesis. Or more simply, a speculation. You say you’ve found an answer, but you can’t apply it. This means: you don’t have an answer.

“There is no doubt. We went down into the mine and we found evidence of extraordinary amounts of gold. We just don’t know how to get it out. What’s that? You want to see the gold? No, I’m sorry. The public isn’t allowed down there. Only the professionals can enter. But don’t worry. We’re very close to a breakthrough. The gold will emerge soon. Trust us.”

Trust you? Sure. How much do you need to finish the job? Fifty million? A hundred million? Let me call my broker and sell some stock. I’ll write you a check. Just put a plaque with my name on the wall. Let me know how I’ll profit on this venture. I’m in. I’ve always wanted to invest in MAYBE COULD BE INC.

In case you need to be reminded, the RNA COVID vaccines are genetic treatments. The PR pros tell us they are working quite well. And they’re remarkably safe.

If you’re buying that line, I have electric cars for sale. And they have wings. One charge in your garage, and they’ll get you from Earth to Mars in just under two hours.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: stevepb / pixabay

On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body

On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body



Find out how La Quinta Columna discovered the connection between graphene oxide and electromagnetic fields 

by Orwellito, Orwell City
July 5, 2021


Many are already aware of the work that the team of Spanish researchers that make up La Quinta Columna have been doing.

They are the ones who have had the courage to get a vial of vaccination and send it for analysis to a renowned Spanish university through Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, who is compiling and officializing the results in a report that promises to be more conclusive than the preliminary one he prepared for the general public early last week.

However, there are people who still do not know about La Quinta Columna. If you are one of those, then the following video is especially for you. Orwell City has transcribed, translated, subtitled and edited the video to keep its message going around the world.

Ricardo Delgado, founder and director of La Quinta Columna participated with his research partner, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, in the XXVIII Humanitarian Conference organized by the World Coalition for Health and Life (COMUSAV) and the United Nations Council for Life and Truth (CONUVIVE).

Video available at Orwellito Rumble and BitChute channels.


“La Quinta Columna wants to make it clear from the beginning that we have the obligation, we have the obligation to be united because we are in the same battle to give the best of ourselves, because what is at stake is precisely the future of all species. Depending on the strength and momentum that we put into this task will depend on the future of all humanity. We are right now at the turning point from which things can begin to change, and in this sense La Quinta Columna is going to summarize what has been the result of its research during this year and a half, but above all and especially during the last two months. And why during the last two months? I always remember Dr. José Luis Sevillano’s words since the two of us work as a binomial and he has been accompanying me in La Quinta Columna. He said that when the vaccination started we were going to really see what he was doing and what material could be in there.

Then we realized that there was a new phenomenon that for a while we tried to deny, although today it’s evident because of the millions of videos on social media, and we have been able to even measure it with devices: teslameters, magnetometers, etc. I am referring to the magnetic or pseudo-magnetic phenomenon that people acquire after inoculation. A magnetic phenomenon on the one hand, but also one that turns inoculated people into superconductors and also stores energy that can be measured with a multimeter in certain parts, such as the forehead, for example.

So from there we started to look for what kind of materials or, better said, nanomaterials can cause those kinds of properties inside the body and we came up with some of the candidates. One of them initially was graphene. Graphene inside the body acquires magnetic properties and is a superconductor. It serves for energy storage and condensation and was a strong candidate. Without yet having any knowledge of what was inside the vial, we realized that the industry or rather the stock market of the graphene industry had high uptrend peaks just as the COVID-19 vaccination campaign was starting at the beginning of the year, late December and early January. But also, quite curious, during the flu vaccination campaign.

When we have seen the possibilities that graphene has, or rather, that graphene oxide nanoparticles have inside the body when it comes to neuromodulation and when it comes to picking up neuronal electrophysiological effects for brain mapping, we have realized the possibility that graphene is being injected. Can graphene be injected? Yes. Graphene can be injected. And, in fact, some scientific papers have already raised the possibility that it could be used as a nanoadjuvant in vaccines. With that hypothesis of suspicion, we did what anyone could have done and what I also recommend that you can do if you have access to a vial.

We had access to a sealed vial from Pfizer, and by means of a request for services to a university, specifically in my name, it was sent for an analysis of the vial, where we were looking for the material in question: graphene. After some time of investigation by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Doctor in Chemical Sciences, Bachelor in Biological Sciences and member of the University of Almeria, we obtained this preliminary report where we are told that there is indeed solid evidence of graphene oxide in the sample and that it is also the main component of what they wrongly called a vaccine.

From here and with this solid evidence, which will be further complemented with other spectroscopy techniques that can be done. Those that have been used are transmission electron microscopy; EMF techniques, also, optical microscopy; and ultraviolet radiation spectroscopy, which coincide with the peak wavelength of graphene oxide. From here we began to study the toxicity or cytotoxicity that graphene oxide has on the body.

Pay attention to this finding: Graphene oxide inside the body causes thrombogenicity, thrombi. Graphene oxide inside the body causes blood clotting. Graphene oxide inside the body causes post inflammatory syndrome or systemic or multi-organ inflammations. Graphene oxide inside the body when it is above the levels of glutathione —which is the body’s natural reserve of antioxidants—, causes alteration of the immune system, collapse of the immune system and cytokine storm. Inhaled graphene oxide spreads evenly throughout the alveolar tract and causes bilateral pneumonias. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and smell, possible loss of taste and smell: anosmia.

In short, graphene oxide behaves exactly like the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official version, generating the same symptomatology of severe COVID-19. When installed at the neuronal level, it causes neurodegeneration or, in other words, neurological COVID-19.

So, from here we started to see what possible compounds, drugs and treatments could degrade graphene oxide. And look what we found: N-acetylcysteine or glutathione administered degrade it. Because what glutathione does is counteract free radicals and oxidants, all the toxins that can enter the body.

And we discovered that there were about 300 clinical studies where certain hospitals and certain universities were using N-acetylcysteine with incredible results. For example,100 patients with saturation levels below 50% practically dead —bluntly speaking—, with bilateral pneumonias, within an hour of intravenous glutathione or N-acetylcysteine administration they made it. They were taken off ventilators and everything.

We now fully understand why those treatments worked: because they addressed all the symptoms of the disease supposedly caused by SARS-CoV-2. Given that to date there is no scientific evidence of an actual sequencing and isolation of SARS-CoV-2, we suspect with many credible indications that COVID-19 disease is actually the side effect of the introduction of graphene oxide into the body by different ways.

And I say ‘different ways’ because, although they were withdrawn at the time, masks containing graphene oxide nanoparticles have been introduced and are still being marketed. These masks have been introduced and are still being marketed by companies such as Nanografi, so we have masks with graphene oxide, but also graphene oxide nanoparticles introduced in PCR tests; graphene oxide is also present in antigen tests; hydrogels also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles; intranasal vaccines also, since graphene oxide in aerosols is more potent, as is the supposed SARS-CoV-2. Intranasal vaccines are also prepared, for example, by Turkey. They are made by Nanografi for COVID-19 and influenza.

We know that, naturally, graphene oxide is eliminated by the levels of glutathione in the body, and that is why we suspect that they propose a second, third and even fourth dose every so often: so that you have your considerable dose of graphene oxide. In short, we are talking about the simultaneous and gradual mass poisoning of the entire world population.

Think, if the preliminary report of a professor of a public university in Almeria —and I know that the same study is being done in other European and some Latin American universities—, if it determined that there is graphene oxide in the vials, how is it possible that graphene oxide is injected if the masks were removed because it caused pulmonary affections because of this nanoparticle? We are talking about a crime against humanity with the complicity of governments or at least their participation.

When we study glutathione, we realize that it begins to fall from the age of 30 onwards, but above all it falls considerably from the age of 65 onwards. In fact, COVID-19 takes a heavier toll on older people, apart from those who are immunocompromised and have other pathologies. When we study glutathione, we realize that children have high glutathione reserves because of their youth, and the COVID-19 disease itself hardly has an impact on children. Similarly, glutathione is especially low in the obese population and we realize that it is precisely the obese who are most affected by COVID-19. We realize that glutathione is related to vitamin D. Low levels of glutathione are low levels of vitamin D and it is precisely patients with COVID-19 who have low levels of vitamin D. We realize that athletes have high levels of glutathione endogenously, which are secreted with intense exercise, and precisely athletes are hardly affected by COVID-19.

Everything that we have subsequently studied only further increases and corroborates the hypothesis that the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official version is precisely the graphene oxide. And that all the elements of protection, of supposed protection, that we have been given: masks, PCR tests, swabs, antigen tests and vaccine —the wrongly called vaccine— are precisely all those elements that will potentially cause the disease to develop in the future.

And why do I say ‘in the future’? When we studied the electromagnetic phenomenon we realized that graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band’. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being tendered right now and that, remember, has been with us throughout the pandemic.

As absolutely everything started we have had three ‘nets’: The first is that 5G terrestrial antenna that never stopped being placed —because only the antenna operators worked— and that curiously 8 out of 10 of these antennas are placed near geriatrics and nursing homes, in their immediate vicinity, which has been precisely the most affected population. Another inner net: precisely of graphene, according to the preliminary report of the vial of this university. And an external net, which is the one used by space satellites to supposedly provide 5G coverage.

Incredibly, we are narrating a science fiction movie, but believe me, today nanoscience, neuroscience and biotechnology have advanced tremendously. We have only made an approximation in the realm of science and behind the back of civil society. Can a person be controlled or neurocontrolled remotely wirelessly? Yes, it can be done and it is probably being done in a disguised way, and that may explain some of the anomalous behavioral behavior of the population, especially those who have been inoculated or who have received doses of graphene oxide by different ways. As I say, I know I am drawing a science fiction movie, but at the heights we are at it can be difficult to really believe in something. In this sense we say that COVID-19 is only the collateral effect of the introduction of that nanocomposite by different ways, and we suspect that it was introduced in the 2019 anti-flu campaign.

As I was saying, graphene oxide has an absorption band from which it oxidizes much more quicklywhen a small button is turned on to provide 5G coverage or to perform a technological test. Do you think it is a coincidence that Wuhan —where the pangolin and bat soup came from as distraction elements— is the first city in the world with the 5G technology trial at the end of November 2019 and that all previous flu vaccination probably with graphene oxide started from there? When excited, graphene oxide multiplies frequencies. With a minimum signal, it oxidizes much faster and breaks the balance between glutathione levels and the toxicity of the organism, generating bilateral pneumonia, altering the behavior of the immune system, which cannot cope as soon as the neutrophils try to phagocytize it as if it were a pathogen, as if it were SARS-CoV-2.

We shared an article today, if I can screen share I’m going to try to do that, can you let me know if you’re seeing it on screen? Well, let’s see: ‘Graphene oxide is detected in the body by specialized cells (neutrophils) of the immune system.’ Just as if it were a pathogen. The body, the immune system, doesn’t care if there is a biological agent because this never behaved like a biological agent. There are incubation periods if biological. It is not possible that in residences in our country in Spain, such as Matacaz in Barcelona, half of a residence died in 4 hours. If it is a biological agent, it does not cause bilateral pneumonia, but rather asymmetric pneumonia: they usually enter through the right lung due to symmetry. But half of a residence that had previously been vaccinated against influenza could not die.

Source: Graphene Info

We observed that the higher the flu vaccination, the higher the mortality of COVID-19, and logically we saw a relationship. The other relationship was with electromagnetic fields. What we did not know is that there was a marking on each of these people to make them a target population for the electromagnetic focus. A lethal weapon that now makes people magnetic and logically you will understand that if they interact with those radiation sources at a specific frequency and quality, they cause in oxidation, they break the redox balance of the oxidative biomarkers of the organism, causing the COVID-19 disease.

We know this crystal clear, and we have all the scientific articles that prove it. One of them is this one:

 ‘Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, the University of Manchester and Chalmers University of Technology have shown that the human immune system handles graphene oxide in a manner similar to pathogens, possibly leading to safer biomedical applications in the future.’

What you are seeing here is graphene oxide being attacked by neutrophils which are, let’s say, cells of the immune system that try to phagocytize it, try to engulf it: to coagulate it. That’s why graphene oxide generates clots and thrombi.

 ‘Graphene oxide is currently being studied for use in various drug delivery methods and other medical and non-medical applications. However, it is of critical importance to understand how these materials interact with the body. The study shows that neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cell specialized in combating infections, —just like a pathogen— release so-called neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs, the most common type of white blood cells) when encountering GO (graphene oxide). NETs are made up of a “spider-web” of DNA decorated with proteins that help neutrophils to destroy microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. The researchers found that GO causes specific changes in the lipid composition of the cell membrane of neutrophils leading to the release of NETs. They could also show that antioxidant treatment —such as with NAC and glutathione— reversed this process.’

That is why treatments with glutathione have worked, and that is why treatments with N-acetylcysteine, which is a precursor of glutathione. Because they work providing the army with antioxidant reserves to deal with a toxic substance, a poisoning, that has been introduced into the body by different ways.

‘In a companion study published in Nanoscale, it was shown that GO is degraded in NETs, much like bacteria and other pathogens.’

Taken together, these studies show that GO can be trapped and degraded in NETs just like pathogens. I want to tell you that we have published in our website at least 70 studies that reflect everything we are saying and manifesting here.

On the other hand, I have been asked about the efficacy of chlorine dioxide. That goes another way. What it does is to oxygenate the cell, it prepares it so that it is not easily destroyed by this toxicant. What glutathione would do is to provide the army with more numbers of soldiers in terms of glutathione to deal with toxins. What we have found, as I say, is that most of the treatments that have been with N-acetylcysteine or glutathione and even with other antioxidants such as astaxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant, have been very favorable treatments for the patients.

And also, curiously and suspiciously, found that these health institutions are literally governed by evil; it is a psychopathy without previous history: we had never seen the history of such psychopathy.

By June 17 that the FDA tried to stop the marketing of N-acetylcysteine after it had been used for 57 years as a normal and ordinary mococcolytic. It was a very suspicious thing to do, wasn’t it? So this is basically my exposition. Any doubts that you may have about the studies that we have carried out at La Quinta Columna, well, there is simply something that is very conclusive, and that is the preliminary report of a renowned professor of a public university here in Spain. We are very close to providing complementary evidence to give more strength to this report in which we are already told that there is solid and proven evidence that there is graphene oxide in the sample that we sent.

Simply, for Colonel Tamayo and Judge Giorgianni: regardless of the fact that we obviously think that SARS-CoV-2 is precisely graphene oxide —and we can prove it— or at least it behaves exactly and exhaustively the same, how is it possible that graphene oxide is injected through the vials? How is it possible if the masks were really withdrawn because they caused pulmonary affections due to toxicity? What are we talking about, gentlemen?

Here I have tried to make the exposition as synthesized as possible so any doubt that may be generated by the manifestation that I have given here can be clarified throughout the time left we have.”

—Ricardo Delgado.

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Dr. Tom Cowan: Q&A on “Covid Vaccine” Content, So-Called “Covid Symptoms” & What Really Makes Us Sick

Dr. Tom Cowan: Q&A on “Covid Vaccine” Content, So-Called “Covid Symptoms” & What Really Makes Us Sick

by Dr. Tom Cowan
July 2, 2021


Video available at Tom Cowan BitChute channel.


Q&A touches on:

  • what do we actually know about “covid vaccine” content
  • do these “vaccines” contain magnetic substances
  • Dr. Cowan’s experience with colloidal silver and vitamin C
  • toxic pollutants, the increasing electrification of the earth and how these affect our oxygen levels
  • damage to our mitochondria by glyphosate, antibiotics, heavy metals and other toxins
  • what is really happening in so-called auto-immune disease
  • what so-called “covid” symptoms may be caused by
  • the coherence of water


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Dr. David Rasnick: The Devastating Global Swindle — From AIDS to COVID-19

Dr. David Rasnick: The Devastating Global Swindle — From AIDS to COVID-19

by David Rasnick, PhD
July 1, 2021


“Money is the weapon here.” ~ David Rasnick


The following video is a recording of David Rasnick’s presentation on June 6, 2021 at Red Pill Expo in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Original video available at David Rasnick Odysee channel.


Download free PDF version of Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter H. Duesberg



The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.



Connect with David Rasnick, PhD

How the CDC Lied to Keep Children in Plastic Boxes

How the CDC Lied to Keep Children in Plastic Boxes

by News Wire, 21st Century Wire
July 1, 2021


Nothing illustrates the mad hysteria of pandemic theater like the bizarre “safety” measures employed by school officials. From the onset, over-zealous teachers unions and health & safety mavens have led a maximum pressure campaign which has all but destroyed any chance of children getting an adequate education experience in 2020 and 2021. As if forcing children to stay at home on Zoom, government ‘public health’ officials and school administrators have systematically abused children by forcing them to wear masks all day in school, or worse: forcing children into isolation either due to a fraudulent PCR test result, or from another child who tested PCR positive in their cohort, or because their teacher tested positive – even though the children are statistically at roughly zero risk of even getting a cough due to COVID-19. Some teachers unions are even lobbying to have children vaccinated with the unlicensed experimental jab in order for schools to be “safe for return” this fall.

But in terms of peak lunacy, nothing can match the policy of constructing plastic boxes to supposedly protect children from the virus in classrooms. In fact, there was never any actual ‘science’ to back-up this fanciful policy. While school administrators deferred to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for supposed guidance, but now it’s revealed that the CDC were just making it up as they went along.

Like so many other unfounded claims and pseudo science quackery surrounding the pandemic – like social distancing and masks “in order to maintain low spread,” this ‘sneeze shield’ charade was just another elaborate farce. No science ever existed which supported caging children all day in these plastic bubbles. It was also a massive money-spinner – exploding into a multi-billion dollar school PPE industry overnight – based on a lie. 

Despite any actual evidence that the plastic shields reduce the transmission of COVID, officials still recommended masks and plastic boxes anyway, in their obsession to separate and socially distance children.

Not surprisingly, the CDC also relied on spurious anecdotal evidence and widespread rumors to support its recommendation for mandatory masks – even though their own data showed 85% of supposed confirmed COVID-19 “cases” reported they either “often” or “always” wore a mask anyway. 

Dr Mercola reports…

Mid-March 2021, the CDC released new guidelines, which reduced the social distance in schools to 3 feet and removed the recommendations for barriers between school desks. Greta Massetti leads the CDC’s community interventions task force and said about the plastic shields, “We don’t have a lot of evidence of their effectiveness” in preventing transmission.

The new recommendations triggered a variety of responses in teachers and parents, some of whom are not comfortable sending their children to school where they may be allowed within 3 feet of another child or teacher.

The fiction surrounding all the alleged ‘mitigation’ and ‘safety’ measures touted by school officials – is largely built on top of the myth of the asymptomatic spread. Despite the fact that all of the highly cited, major peer-reviewed science demonstrates that asymptomatic spreading of the virus does not exist – public health officials are still using this myth as the primary basis for all of their policies – from social distancing, to masks, plexiglass bubbles, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and even vaccinations. However, the peer-reviewed scientific literature is clear: large-scale studies have been conducted, including at the supposed epicenter of the pandemic in Wuhan, China – which show no evidence of any asymptomatic spreading of the ‘novel’ coronavirus. See the results published herehere, and here.


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Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore

Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore
Vaccine “passports” being put in place by the European Union and Australia as well as some U.S. states and businesses are one of the more alarming instruments advancing the “heart and soul of Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship.”

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
July 1, 2021


As must be increasingly apparent to anyone capable of digging beneath the media’s daily outpouring of Orwellian propaganda, the planet-wide changes ushered in by the conveniently timed COVID crisis have surprisingly little to do with health. Facilitated by big techbig military, big pharma’s injectable operating systems and other tools of “biofascism,” the takeover being engineered by private central bankers and their technocratic partners represents no less than a complete end-run around human freedom.

So-called vaccine “passports” or “certificates,” being put in place by the European Union and Australia as well as some U.S. states and businesses, are one of the more alarming instruments advancing this tyrannical centralization and control agenda. Not one to mince words, author Naomi Wolf makes the case that the “passports,” if allowed to become the norm, could trigger “the end of civil society” and “literally the end of human liberty in the West.”

Why is there such a strong push to make travel and commerce contingent on vaccine passports? One important answer, well understood by Wolf as CEO of a tech company, is “location intelligence” — what technocracy expert Patrick Wood calls the “heart and soul of Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship.” Without irony, the champions of location data rhapsodize that such data are “a powerful way to connect people to place, transactions to actions, responses to trends, and customers to where they do business and the kind of business they do” — ultimately facilitating the “digital transformation of society on the whole.”

Less cheerfully, technocrats understand, even if the general public does not, that location data permit control at the most granular levels and provide “a platform for understanding what’s going on at all scales.” This point was disturbingly illustrated in a June 21 study in JAMA Internal Medicine, which essentially denounced “small and informal social gatherings,” positing that children’s birthday parties are potential hotbeds of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

This willingness on the part of technocracy’s foot soldiers to be party poopers — literally — would be silly were it not for the study’s baleful messaging, which confirms Wolf’s concerns that we are not only in a battle for liberty but in “a war against human beings and the qualities that make us human.”

No fun allowed

On its webpage devoted to “small gatherings,” updated May 6, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) addresses the topic of social gatherings with family and friends, “such as small holiday parties, family dinners and small special celebrations.” To make such events “safer,” CDC counsels hosts and attendees to limit the number of guests, wear a mask “with two or more layers…indoors and outdoors except when eating or drinking,” socially distance, avoid handshakes and hugs, supply one’s own food and dishes — and (precluding any “Happy Birthday” songs) avoid any loud cheering or singing. Better yet, CDC says, simply have a virtual gathering!

The JAMA birthday party study helpfully reinforces the CDC’s dour advice. Conducted by private-sector researchers from RAND Corporation, Harvard and “healthcare navigation” company Castlight Health, the study looked at privately insured households whose members did or did not have a birthday in the preceding two weeks and county-level COVID-19 prevalence data — but included no data from actual social gatherings.

Taken at face value, one can see how the study’s take-home message — that households in certain counties were possibly a little bit more likely to receive a COVID diagnosis subsequent to an adult or child having a birthday — could direct worriers toward the CDC’s “virtual gathering” solution. However, one needs to parse the study’s definition of risk. As has become par for the course in risk pronouncements designed to steer COVID-related behavior in a particular direction, the researchers said nothing about absolute risk, even though many consider absolute risk statistics to be “the most useful way of presenting research results to help … decision-making.”

Thus, while the study reported a 31% “relative increase” in COVID diagnoses “associated with birthdays” — a finding, moreover, that pertained solely to households in the 10% of counties with the highest background prevalence of COVID — the increased absolute risk (again, only in the 10% of high-background-prevalence counties) amounted to a flimsy 0.086 increase over the COVID “background rate” of .278/100. Nevertheless, the researchers augmented their antisocial message with the conclusion that “policy interventions designed to limit disease transmission should also focus on informal gatherings.”

Defending freedom

The heavy-handed marketing of COVID injections and COVID vaccine passports as tickets to “freedom” has brought George Orwell’s inverted “freedom is slavery” logic fully to the fore. The “appendix” to 1984 explains that while the fictional totalitarian regime Oceania could readily condone use of the word “free” in statements such as “This dog is free from lice” or “This field is free from weeds,” usages such as “politically free” or “intellectually free” had gone entirely and intentionally extinct because the concepts themselves had been erased.

The alarming rapidity with which the U.S. and once “robust” Western democracies were able to implement “elements of a locked-in, 360-degree totalitarianism” was facilitated not just by a heretofore unimaginable level of global policy coordination but also by the public’s complacency. The pressing question of the day, therefore, is whether citizens will continue to tolerate blatant efforts to memory-hole freedom.

Lobbying for COVID vaccine mandates and passports in the U.S., one of the latest darlings of vaccine coercion recently argued that the Biden administration “shouldn’t be so squeamish about vaccine verification,” openly calling mandates and “verification” desirable tools to “push [the unvaccinated] in the right direction.”

And if we are to believe Gallup poll propaganda, more than half of Americans are already on board, supporting policies such as having to show proof of vaccination to fly or attend sporting events or concerts. On the other hand, in an “unscientific” poll on independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s website, 97% of respondents answered “absolutely not!” to the question “Do you support requiring ‘vaccine passports’?”

The dispiriting cold water now being thrown on children’s birthday parties is part and parcel of a set of COVID-inaugurated policies that, in Naomi Wolf’s words, “seem designed to ensure that humans will have no ‘analog’ space or ‘analog’ culture left — no way to feel comfortable simply gathering in a room, touching one another as friends or allies, or joining together.”

Fortunately, as writer Allan Stevo has noted, Americans “are becoming increasingly firm and resolute” about freedom, “saying ‘Yes!’ to good things” and “saying ‘No!’ to bad things” — and that, says Stevo, “is exactly how bad times turn into good times.”


© July 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Dr. Jennifer Daniels on Belief in “The Plague” and Belief in “The Vaccine”

Dr. Jennifer Daniels on Belief in “The Plague” and Belief in “The Vaccine”


The video clip below is an excerpt from a much longer conversation between Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network, and Dr. Jennifer Daniels. Topics discussed in the full video include stretching exercise, nutritional advice and questions and answers from viewers.  The full interview can be found HERE.

In this clip, Dr. Daniels shares her views on what “covid” actually is, why anti-parasitics such as Ivermectin work as “cures”, herd immunity, the “variants”, flu shots and the choice to believe in the virus and the vaccines.

Excerpts from transcript:

In response to a question about using Ivermectin for “covid”.

“Let’s get back to what covid is….What we have here is the common cold, which simply is the body attempting to dump a bunch of parasites and crap. So, of course, any anti-parasitic will work…But what’s really happening here is they have perpetrated an amazing hoax and convinced people that the common cold is the plague and it’s pretense for more government control.”


More from her views on “covid”:

“The death rate associated with…”the situation” (I call it the situation) is no greater than the population-wide death rate or even less… Approximately 1% of Americans die every year. That’s it. One percent drop dead. If you get “the plague”, what percent drop dead? About 1/2 percent.”


“The people who believe in the vaccine — who want to take and believe everyone else should take it — they don’t believe in the vaccine. If they really believed in the vaccine they would understand that it doesn’t matter if anyone else takes it. What they really believe is obedience, government control and control of other people. So we understand what the real religion is here then we can unmask that and talk about that.”



Connect with Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Connect with Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network


U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community

U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community
Ron Johnson (R-WI) and former Green Bay Packers player Ken Ruettgers held a press conference June 28 with families who want to ‘be seen, heard and believed by the medical community’ after suffering adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 29, 2021


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) held a news conference Monday to discuss adverse reactions related to the COVID vaccines — giving individuals who have been “repeatedly ignored” by the medical community a platform to share their stories.

The group that spoke was put together by Ken Ruettgers, a former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman, whose wife suffered an adverse reaction after receiving a COVID vaccine. Ruettgers, who now lives in Oregon, started a website to bring awareness of COVID vaccine reactions to the medical community.

“We are all pro-vaccine,” Johnson said at the onset of the news conference. In fact, Johnson has had every flu shot since the Swine flu, is current on all of his vaccines and was a huge supporter of Operation Warp Speed, though he has not had a COVID vaccine because he already had COVID.

Johnson said his goal was to provide a platform for these individuals who were injured by COVID vaccines so the health community and mainstream media would acknowledge them and get to the root cause — to find a solution for these problems.

Johnson argued that while most people don’t suffer significant side effects following vaccination, he is concerned about “that small minority that are suffering severe symptoms.”

Five people from across the U.S., including a 12-year-old girl who was part of the Pfizer clinical trial, joined the conference at the federal courthouse in Milwaukee. They described their reactions to the COVID vaccines, including neurological, cardiac and gastrointestinal issues, debilitating health problems and hospitalizations.

Among them was Maddie de Garay from Ohio who volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial when she was 12. On Jan. 20, Maddie received her second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine as a participant in the clinical trial for 12- to 15-year-olds and is now in a wheelchair.

“Why is she not back to normal? She was totally fine before this,” said Stephanie de Garay, Maddie’s mother. She volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial “to help everyone else and they’re not helping here. Before Maddie got her final dose of the vaccine she was healthy, got straight As, had lots of friends and had a life.”

Upon receiving the second shot, Maddie immediately felt pain at the injection site and over the next 24-hours developed severe abdominal and chest pain, de Garay said at the press event.

Maddie told her mother it felt like her heart was being ripped out through her neck, and she had painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine that forced her to walk hunched over.

Maddie’s parents took her to the emergency room as instructed by the vaccine trial nurse administrator. Her labs were taken, she was checked for appendicitis, given an IV with medicine and sent home. The diagnosis in the discharge summary read “adverse effect of vaccine initial encounter.”

Maddie’s condition continued to worsen. Over the next two and a half months her abdominal, muscle and nerve pain became unbearable, her mother said.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Madness Is Infecting the World of Medicine | Counting the Vaccine Dead

Madness Is Infecting the World of Medicine | Counting the Vaccine Dead

by Dr. Mark Sircus
June 28, 2021


The world has a front-row seat to a horror story in progress, a vaccine horror story that was a long time in coming. The CDC shows that it does not have an ounce of integrity, as they demonstrated in their recent meeting about the damage done to younger populations with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

At the meeting, CDC scientists presented horrendous data. It showed that even without accounting for underreporting, the second dose of one of these vaccines could increase the risk of heart problems up to 200-fold in young men. But the scientists then went on to suggest the vaccines should still be given – even to kids already suffering from heart problems.

The CDC is now reporting that 6,113 people have died following COVID-19 injections, with their June 25 release of data in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government-funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. Besides the 6,113 deaths reported, 5,172 permanent disabilities, 6,435 life-threatening events, and 51,558 emergency room visits.

Of the 6,113 deaths reported as of June 18, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours, and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

The EudraVigilance database, which covers 27 European Union countries out of about 50 actual European countries, reports that through June 19, 2021, there are 15,472 deaths and 1,509,266 injuries from the four COVID vaccines used thereOf the total of injuries recorded, half of them (753,657) are serious injuries.

These are the official numbers, the official reports. No health official will admit that these numbers are probably ten times higher because of the historically under-reporting into ‘official’ vaccine adverse reporting systems. What every health official and governmental agency is doing is ignoring this information, these deaths. No one is dying from COVID shots. They are not lethal injections.

But we might have as many as 200,000 dead (factoring by ten because of the underreporting). If we could count the rest of the world, who do not have official vaccine reporting systems that are publically reported, we might have as many as 400,000 deaths or more. To calculate, we would need to count the vaccines administered in America and the E.U. and see how many total vaccines are given in the world.

Australia’s top medical officer urged countrymen to
“not delay” getting the second dose – even though 
the vaccine
has been linked to more deaths than COVID
 in Australia this year.
USA Today

There have been more deaths reported following COVID-19 injections, which started in December of 2020, than there have been total deaths recorded following ALL vaccinations in the previous 30 years, from January 1, 1991, through November 30, 2020, according to the CDC’s VAERS.

Covid-19 Killed 26 Indonesian Doctors in June
at Least 10 Had Taken China’s Sinovac Vaccine.
Wall Street Journal

Don’t you think this will catch up with other branches of government who will fry Fauci, the FDA, and the CEOs of Big Pharma who have foisted these vaccines on the public leading everyone to believe they are safe when they are not?

There have also now been 576 deaths of unborn children reported following COVID-19 shots, as the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women should get injected with these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now describing as “bioweapon” injections.

Madness is infecting the world of medicine, a form of madness never seen on this scale in history. Even Hitler and his Nazi henchmen cannot compete with what is going on and the uncountable millions being harmed, killed, maimed, and driven into despair. Evil has shown its ugly face, and unfortunately, the children are suffering the most as certain adults cheer that on.

If the FDA knows what’s good for it and the public,
they will retract their emergency authorization
of all three vaccines used against COVID-19 NOW.

What Did They Do To Our Children

This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 7,294 total adverse events, including 423 rated as serious and nine reported deaths among 12- to 17-year-olds. Four deaths (or 44%) were cardiac-related, and three were sudden, unexplained deaths.

The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1406840) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine. Other deaths include three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 11879181382906, and 1242573) and two 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1225942 and 1386841), and one 17-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1199455)

What health care officials and cruel idiotic politicians have done to the children is enough to boil one’s blood. According to a new report, children in the U.K. as young as five are suffering panic attacks and other psychological trauma as a result of COVID lockdowns, leaving 1.5 million kids in need of mental health treatment. NHS leaders say that the impact of repeated lockdowns has left children fearful of leaving their homes or meeting their friends amid an explosion of “locked-in trauma.” But let us love Dr. Fauci and all the demented public health officials who will be remembered in history as the new kind of medical Nazi.

“Forecasts seen by this newspaper state that an extra 1.5 million children and young people will require mental health support “as a direct impact of the pandemic” during the next three to five years,” reports the Telegraph. “The calculations from the Centre for Mental Health, involving NHS economists, suggest demand will be as much as three times greater than the capacity of mental health services.”

Back To Nuremberg

In reality, it’s been years since pharmaceutical/medical terrorists have occupied planet Earth. Not happy with the level of terror and suffering they have accomplished, they got greedy for more evil, despicable ugliness. Fauci, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all in trouble or will eventually be.

What does mainstream media say about all of this? “After hundreds of millions of vaccine doses administered around the world — and intense safety monitoring — few serious risks have been identified. A tiny percentage of people who got vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson reported an unusual type of blood clot. Some countries reserved those shots for older adults, but regulatory authorities say the benefits of offering them still outweigh the risks.”

VAERS’ Detection Rate Is Abysmal

It’s been established for over a decade that VAERS’ detection rate is abysmal. A report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2010 concluded that quote “Fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported by the VAER System.”

The report mentioned was the product of a million-dollar grant the Department of Health and Human Services gave some Harvard Medical School researchers to develop a computerized “active” system that would perform better than VAERS and then run randomized trials evaluating both.

2013 study by researchers from the CDC itself found that almost 30% of health care professionals had never heard of the VAERS system. Among those who’d come across a potential vaccine side effect and had a jarring, 83% still failed to file any report.

Critical Race Theory Has It All Wrong

Critical Race Theory training, which pressures people not to say certain things, take a certain stance, or forces them into some segregated settings, may infringe on people’s constitutional rights and even violate civil rights laws, said Dr. Carol Swain, a former professor of political science and law at Princeton and Vanderbilt universities.

The main tenet of Critical Race Theory (CRT) is that the people of the world are divided into oppressors and oppressed. In the United States, “all white people are considered oppressors who benefit from undeserved advantages,” said Dr. Swain.

I’m afraid that’s not right, for, in the world of medicine, it is a tiny group against everyone else. The entire world, all the different races, are oppressed by pharmaceutical terrorism. It’s the super-rich against all of us. Big Pharma ended up hating us all in its lust for more money and power.


Fauci, Gates, the NIH, CDC, FDA, and other “authorities” killed millions by intentionally suppressing helpful information about treatments like ivermectin, which would have reduced the death rate to the point where there would have been no pandemic.

There never was a need for these deadly vaccines. What we have are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of intentionally killed vaccine dead and a cover-up barely hidden because of these ‘official’ vaccine reporting systems. Genocide? Crimes against humanity? Medical treason? Psychopathic insanity?

A top WHO official says that mask mandates
and social distancing should continue indefinitely
in order to protect against new variants of COVID-19.

So far, they are getting away with murder. But if planes start dropping out of the sky from vaccinated pilots getting blood clots or airlines having to cancel the majority of their flights because of vaccine damages to crew and pilots, I wonder what will happen.

Again our only hope is the vaccine news gets bad enough that they have to stop. However, the vaccine news is already bad enough, and look how the CDC weasels out of protecting the young.


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

Vernon Coleman: Free Blood Clots with Every Covid Jab

Free Blood Clots with Every Covid Jab

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
June 25, 2021


In America you can get a free doughnut if you live in the right place and agree to have yourself jabbed with the toxic, experimental brew known as the covid-19 jab.

But there are no free doughnuts available in the UK.

Here all you get if you have a covid-19 jab is a free blood clot.

Free clots with every jab.

They should make honest adverts promoting the blood clots.

A clot for a clot. My kingdom for a clot. They could hire some of those media doctors to explain how wonderful clots can be. A clot in your leg. A clot in your lungs. A clot in your brain. Kill you quick, kill you slow.

Let’s bring some honesty into government propaganda.

Could those queues be really full of people wanting to be jabbed? Or maybe they’re all out of work actors who’ve been offered £10 to stand in a queue for three hours. For another fiver they’d hold up signs saying `jab me, jab me’. For £20 they’d say Fauci and Whitty were human. I don’t believe the number jabbed is anywhere near as many as they claim. I don’t believe anything the Government, its advisors, the BMA, the BBC or anyone working for the mainstream media has to say.

The problem is that we’re living in a world asylum controlled by psychopaths and I hardly know where to start. I don’t know about you but I feel quite pleased with myself when I manage to struggle through another day.

I have become very cautious. I tip toe round the garden to avoid falling over and breaking something because I don’t want to go to hospital. I back away from barky dogs because I don’t want one to bite me requiring a hospital visit. I’m going to buy a second hand tank so that I can drive around without worrying about being rammed by some idiot whose mask has made him drowsy. Incidentally, I realised the other day that the only time I will ever wear a mask is when the authorities tell me I must not – then we’ll know they’re necessary.

I’m terrified of needing to go to hospital. A nine hour wait in the casualty department and then, if you’re lucky, you get to see a nurse. The doctors have all disappeared and are hiding in Aberystwyth or the Colorado mountains. I don’t want to be tested. I’m terrified I’ll fall asleep and someone will creep up and jab me behind the arras with the evil poison in a syringe. You probably won’t believe this but I’ve even bought a surgical suture kit so I can sew myself up if I slice myself with the hedge-trimmer or a chain saw. Honest. I’ve got sutures and thread and lancets for tidying things up. And a nice bottle of antiseptic to splash on the wound. Do it yourself invisible mending. I’ve got a very nice bottle of malt whisky to use as an anaesthetic and a good bottle of brandy to get me through the post-op hours. You think I’m kidding but I promise you I’m not. Colin Barron’s got Lulu and a Whitty wig and I’ve got a boxful of operating theatre supplies.

The empty headed cretins who believe that we’re living through a pandemic are enjoying their days in cloud cuckoo land.

I can’t believe how many stupid, gullible people there are around. And how readily they believe the nonsense they are told. They must all have at least one foot firmly planted in the loony bin. There are battalions of bed wetting numpties around who dutifully wear their grubby masks, which they are told to wear to try to hide the Bell’s Palsy they’ll get from taking a toxic experimental jab. If the rules ever do soften for a while, millions will be so terrified they will wear their masks and do the distancing sidestep for eternity because they believe they will live for ever if they do. They might as well be immortalised in formalin like one of those hapless animals preserved in the name of what Hirst calls art and the rest of us call pointless.

There are people in the UK who still believe things they’re told by government ministers such as Johnson and Hancock when in truth the world’s politicians are about as much use a hundredweight of crisp dingle berries. I wouldn’t trust Macron to clean my car and I wouldn’t trust Biden to blow his own nose even if someone put a hanky in his hand and told him what to do. The people manipulating these sorry quarter wits, the Global Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation and so on are laughing at everyone; they’re taking the piss and no one seems to give a damn.

The only people quoted in the media these days are invertebrates such as Dr Dolly Parton and Dr Mrs Queen who, despite knowing nothing at all about anything other than wigs and corgis, are happy to assure us that the covid jabs will do us even more good than spinach. They haven’t bothered to consult the information collected by their own governments which show that the jabs have killed thousands and injured hundreds of thousands. I’ve been writing about iatrogenesis for many decades and there is no drug in history which has been promoted as hard as the covid-19 jab and no drug in history – and vaccines count as drugs – that has killed and injured as many people. I doubt if napalm has killed as many people as the covid jabs.

And then there are complete cretins who want children to be given a deadly, experimental, inadequately tested, vaccine that only has a temporary licence and that doesn’t do what the cretins think it does to protect them against a disease they probably won’t get and that almost certainly won’t kill them if they do get it. I wonder how many know what the word `experimental’ means. For the record it means that no one knows what will happen to the people who take it. That’s an experiment. If I throw Madge Hancock off the top of Big Ben I don’t know precisely what will happen. Will she die of a brain injury or blood loss? That’s the same as the covid-19 jab. The jabs have been given emergency authorisation despite the fact that the covid-19 responsible was officially downgraded and declared no deadlier than the flu.

Establishment figures are falling over themselves and each other to insist that mandatory vaccinations must be brought in. A columnist in the Daily Telegraph says that care workers must be jabbed. because they, don’t care enough. That’s what they said. The columnist, someone called Judith Woods, says that people who refuse to take the vaccine are selfish and that carers who won’t be jabbed (with junk, let us not forget that has already killed over 1,000 people in the UK – according to the Government’s own figures ) – ‘don’t care enough about their charges. `More than 30% of carers in her borough of Hackney have refused a vaccination that would she says protect them and others from a virus that she claims has laid waste to the planet. That sentence would win her applause from the BBC. The virus hasn’t laid waste to the planet. The figures show it killed no more people than the flu. And the NHS admits that the vaccine won’t necessarily stop people getting the virus or spreading it.

Do journalists know the truth, I wonder. Are they too naïve to realise that governments and their advisors know that if you tell a big enough lie no one will recognise it as a lie because no one believes anyone could lie that much and keep a straight face.

Hancock the moron says we should aim for the double jabbed cretins to be able to avoid quarantine. Wonderful. Do journalists not know that Israel says it is facing a new covid-19 outbreak despite having the world’s most vaccinated population.

Patrick Henningsen’s magnificent 21st Century Wire website contains an article from the Wall Street Journal reporting that 450 US colleges and universities have announced policies mandating that all students be fully vaccinated before the autumn term. The snag, reports the journal is that the mandated vaccinations aren’t legal or morally acceptable and violate the basic principles of medical ethics. Go to 21s Century Wire to read the report headed `WSJ: American University Vaccine Mandates Violate Medical Ethics’.

Worse still there are double, double cretins and ignorant psychopaths around who insist that 12-year-old children should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they want to be jabbed. They want children to be jabbed without parental consent. Children who aren’t considered old enough to smoke, go into pubs, vote, have sex or watch dirty movies are told they’re old enough to decide whether they want to be jabbed with stuff that is entirely experimental and so complex that not one in 100,000 adults understands it and which has, according to government figures, already killed thousands of people around the world and maimed hundreds of thousands more. How long before they start offering kids a new game console if they agree to roll up their sleeves and risk death and disablement? Alternatively, the kids will probably be told they can remain unvaccinated and be ostracised, lonely and laughed at, and will have to live in a damp, dark cellar for six months.

Adults don’t have the foggiest what they’re being jabbed with but 12–year-olds are mostly illiterate and don’t know whether to put their socks on before or after their shoes. And now we want them to decide whether or not to be jabbed.

There is no such thing as informed consent these days. And it is illegal to give this stuff to a human being without their full and informed consent. The vast majority of doctors and nurses who have been jabbing people are criminals who will, when justice is served, find themselves sitting in cells alongside world famous war criminal Tony Blair. It’s a crime to give treatment without informed consent. It’s a double crime to give treatment which is experimental without obtaining full informed consent. And it’s a triple crime to do it to children.

It was, of course, the evil Blair who gave the Brexiteers victory in the UK because every time he opened his mouth everyone knew he was lying about the Common Market. And now he’s our greatest champion. The pro-vaxxers ought to lock him up but they’re stupid and they think it helps when he opens his mouth and lets his brains dribble out. Every time he says anything promoting vaccines and death rays and mustard gas another million people decide to say no thank you very much to whatever it is the malignant bastard is selling. Blair has the eyes of the devil, the soul of a psychopath and the principles of a politician. A man who, like Bush and Powell took deceit to new depths.

Excuse my language, by the way but it is acknowledged to be impossible to mention Blair without using at least one expletive. Indeed, most people outside the UK think his first name is `Thatfuckingtwat’ because they’re so used to hearing people describe him as `Thatfuckingtwat Blair’. The odd thing is that if Blair says anything about covid-19, such as that the unvaccinated should stay in lockdown, presumably as a punishment for having working brains, the BBC clears everything to give him airtime. But if 100 independent doctors stand up and have something to say then the BBC ignores them.

Blair provides the mark for evil, of course, but the rest aren’t much better.

I hate this damned covid jab.

It is everything that is wrong with medicine. It’s deadly, not properly tested and there is a risk that the vaccinated will kill us all. The idiots who’ve let themselves be jabbed should have a big V tattooed on their foreheads so that we can identify them and keep well away. Or maybe a big I standing for Idiot.

Let me explain how much I hate it.

There is a small fish found in the river Amazon called the candiru, aka the toothpick fish. It’s a tiny fish which lives as a parasite in the gills of bigger fish. If you go swimming in the Amazon and feel the need to urinate and decide to relieve yourself in the river, something bad, really bad can happen. The little candiru will be attracted by the smell and will travel up the stream of urine into your urethra and there it will stick out its little spines and makes its home. The pain is apparently horrific. The flow of urine from the bladder will cease and serious surgery will be required if you are to be saved. This is not a fun thing to happen. It’s not something you laugh about later.

Well, I’d rather bathe in a pool full of candiru than have one of the deadly, experimental covid-19 jabs because at least with a tiny fish living inside my urethra I’ll get to keep my soul and I’ll have a better chance of staying alive.

We have to stop all this and you’re the only people who can do it. It’s no good me preaching to the converted and you’re the only people I can reach since I’m banned from anything resembling mainstream media.

Send videos and articles off my websites to everyone you know and everyone you don’t know. Everyone. It’s how we’ll win this war. Share the truth with people and they’ll be astonished at the extent of the lies they’ve been told. My websites contain up-to-date figures of the numbers who have been killed or injured by these jabs.

Encourage those who are brave enough to tell the story of how they’ve been harmed by the vaccine. Encourage them to admit they made a mistake. If you see such videos offer sympathy and support. Their courage will help us enormously.

And remember, people who rely on the mainstream media will have been lied to consistently – especially by the UK’s state broadcaster, the Government’s propaganda arm, the utterly unscrupulous, ruthless and deadly BBC. There are, remember, no proper journalists working for the BBC – just pseudo-journalists.

Remember too just how confusing everything is.

You can’t go to Spain, Guatemala or Texas or the Isle of Wight unless you’ve been to Cornwall. You can’t have you hair cut while getting married unless you’ve washed behind your ears three times and own a bicycle. If you live north of the equator you can’t hug more than three people at once and you must stay indoors between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm on Saturdays unless you’re at Ascot and there is an R in the month. You must wear a mask, socks and galoshes while eating and drinking but you can remove your mask to eructate or answer questions at the police station.

It’s hardly surprising that people get confused and frightened.

The rules about working from home are just as bad. Office workers and doctors are all working from home, and surgeons will probably soon tell patients to be prepared to perform surgery on their own kitchen table. You download a video on YouTube and a surgeon guides you through the whole procedure. The first cut isn’t necessarily the deepest by the way. Madge Hancock, who is allegedly in charge of fibbing in the UK, will probably tell us that firemen can also work from home if they wish. You ring 999 and ask for the fire brigade and one of the firemen asks you to take your fire round to his place. Alternatively, you can download an App and take pictures of the fire and the firemen will watch your home burn to the ground and make comments on what they are seeing.

The world has gone stark raving mad.

My videos on BNT are controlled and suppressed by governments, with increasingly ruthless efficiency. So spread the word far and wide. Be daring and put videos on your Twitter or Facebook. Take a chance.

And if someone you know is being threatened with a vaccination they don’t want, remember there are four ways to stop this happening.

First, tell the doctor or nurse or busy body involved that you will make an official complaint (something everyone in any bureaucracy is terrified of these days).

Second, tell them that you will send details of their perfidy to the press and all over social media – naming them personally.

Third, tell them that you will sue them personally.

And, fourth, if it’s a doctor or a nurse tell them that you will make a formal complaint to their licensing body.

And after all that hand them a loo roll because they’ll need it.


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

Is “Anti-Vax” the Hot New Thing?

Is “Anti-Vax” the Hot New Thing?

by Jefferey Jaxen w/ Del Bigtree, The HighWire
June 25, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 7,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 7,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 387,087 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 6,113 deaths and 31,240 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 18, 2021. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 25, 2021


This week’s number of reported deaths among all age groups following COVID vaccines surpassed 6,000 according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date.

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 18, 2021, a total of 387,087 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 6,113 deaths — an increase of 120 deaths over the previous week. There were 31,240 serious injury reports, up 1,369 compared with last week.

In the U.S 316.1 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of June 18. This includes: 131 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 173 million doses of Pfizer and 12 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 6,113 deaths reported as of June 18, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 7,294 total adverse events, including 423 rated as serious and nine reported deaths among 12- to 17-year-olds. Four deaths (or 44%) were cardiac-related and three were sudden, unexplained deaths.
  • The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1406840) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine. Other deaths include three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 11879181382906 and 1242573) and two 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1225942 and 1386841) and one 17-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1199455).
  • The report of a 15-year-old male (VAERS I.D. 1383620) who reportedly died after receiving a Pfizer vaccine was removed from the database on June 18. It was a duplicate of VAERS I.D. 1382096. Two of the nine deaths were suicides.
  • 1,164 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to17-year-olds with 99% of cases
    attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 1.2% to Moderna and 0.2% (or two cases) to J&J.
  • 171 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 169 attributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
  • 28 reports of blood clotting disorders, all attributed to Pfizer.

This week’s total VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to June 18, 2021, for all age groups show:

CDC finds ‘likely’ link between heart inflammation and mRNA COVID vaccines

As The Defender reported June 23, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said there is a “likely association” of “mild” heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults after vaccination.

Members of a CDC advisory committee acknowledged 1,200 cases of heart inflammation in 16- to 24-year-olds, mostly occurring in males, and said mRNA COVID vaccines should carry a warning statement — but physicians and other public commenters accused the CDC of exaggerating the risk to young people of COVID, and minimizing the risk of the vaccines.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said in a presentation that data from one of the agency’s safety monitoring systems — Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) — suggests a rate of 12.6 cases per million in 12- to 39-year-olds during the three weeks after the second shot.

The Defender has been unable to report on VSD data related to COVID vaccine adverse events, including heart inflammation, as the VSD does not make data collected through the system readily available to the public.

The VSD is a collaborative project between the CDC and “several large health plans,” according to its website. Though the public can’t access the VSD data, there is a process whereby researchers can apply to access data.

According to the VSD website: “There are several ways interested researchers can access VSD data. In 2002, the VSD established a data sharing program at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Research Data Center (RDC) to allow external Guest Analysts to (1) conduct new vaccine safety studies using VSD data files available at CDC or (2) to reanalyze study-specific datasets from published VSD studies.”

The VSD data sharing program is a three-step process:

  1. Submission of proposals to CDC’s RDC at NCHS
  2. Submission of proposals to VSD site Institutional Review Boards
  3. Use of CDC’s RDC at NCHS
FDA to add warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

On June 24, The Guardian reported the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will add a warning to COVID vaccines produced by Pfizer /BioNTech and Moderna about rare cases of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults, the agency announced Wednesday.

Health regulators in several countries have been investigating whether the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines using mRNA technology present a risk and, if so, how serious. The CDC advisory group found the inflammation in adolescents and young adults is likely linked to the vaccines, but the benefits of the shots outweigh the risk.

18-year-old has a heart attack after second dose of Pfizer vaccine

As The Defender reported June 22, 18-year-old Isaiah Harris was hospitalized after suffering a heart attack within 48 hours of his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and is on total bed rest for six months. Isaiah Harris and his father, Justin Harris, described the traumatic ordeal in an exclusive interview.

“We took him to the hospital but they didn’t take him seriously,” Harris said. “We waited in the waiting room for over two hours and then they left him in a hallway for six hours. Things went from bad to worse while waiting in the hospital. That’s when he had his heart attack and one of his lungs filled up with fluid.”

At one point, 80% of Isaiah’s heart was inflamed and only 40% was functioning. Isaiah’s troponin levels were so high doctors said he had suffered a heart attack. According to Harris, doctors kept denying it was the vaccine until a nurse brought in a study showing the vaccine could cause myocarditis.

Harris believes his son would have been better off to have COVID versus the possible life-long issues he is now facing with his heart and the possibility of another heart attack if he overextends himself in the next three to six months. Isaiah said he would rather have COVID than a heart attack.

13-year-old Michigan boy dies three days after second dose of Pfizer vaccine

On June 24, The Defender reported a 13-year-old Michigan boy died June 16 –– three days after he received his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. Preliminary autopsy results indicated that following his vaccination, Jacob Clynick’s heart became enlarged and was surrounded by fluid — symptoms similar to those documented in other teen boys who experienced myocarditis following COVID vaccination.

The teen’s death was reported to the CDC and is under investigation by federal health regulators to determine if there is a correlation between the death and vaccination — according to the Saginaw County Health Department.

18-year-old teen suffers ‘profuse heart damage’ after Pfizer vaccine

As The Defender reported June 23, Laura Mallozzi, whose 18-year-old son developed myocarditis two days after his second Pfizer vaccine, said she would never have connected the dots between the vaccine and her son’s symptoms if she hadn’t read about the condition in The Defender.

David (VAERS I.D 563354) was hospitalized with myocarditis on June 10 — two days after his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to Mallozzi, her son felt pressured at work by his employer and co-workers to get vaccinated, so he got vaccinated without telling her.

“I shudder to think I might have sent him back to bed with an Advil and some Vicks VapoRub because I never would have guessed that an apparently healthy 18-year-old would be experiencing a serious heart injury from a vaccine,” she said.

Mallozzi took David to the emergency room and told the doctor her son was experiencing an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine. Although hospital workers  took her son’s information, the mother and son were ignored for hours. They finally left because David needed to lie down. Mallozzi ended up taking her son back to the emergency room for a second time, but didn’t mention the vaccine.

Scans showed David suffered severe heart damage and doctors acknowledged that the symptoms developed after David’s second Pfizer shot. Doctors are not sure how long it will take David to recover, but with other viruses that cause myocarditis, patients have to be monitored by a cardiologist for 18 months to two years.

Teen with previous COVID infection suffers severe myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine

In an exclusive interview with The Defender on June 21, Marie Follmer said no one warned her that her 19-year-old son — a healthy, elite athlete who had recovered from COVID — shouldn’t get the Pfizer vaccine because it would put him at greater risk of developing myocarditis.

Greyson Follmer, an Ohio State University student, was an elite athlete and member of the university’s chapter of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) who developed severe heart complications following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and was taken three times to Nationwide Children’s Emergency Hospital.

“My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” Follmer said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.

In October 2020, Greyson got COVID and experienced mild flu symptoms, including an enlarged heart and slight inflammation. The cardiologist thought it could be related to being an elite athlete, and signed a release for Greyson to return to school. Nobody warned Follmer that her son should not get a COVID vaccine with a history of heart inflammation.

“I think what’s frustrating to me right now is that nobody told me that if you have an enlarged heart or heart inflammation, don’t get the shot,” Follmer said. “Not one person ever told us this. I never would have thought in a million years my kid would get sick.”

Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a surgeon, immunologist and patient safety advocate said it’s a colossal error to vaccinate people who have previously had COVID and reactions like Greyson’s are a totally avoidable harm. “Why are we rushing to vaccinate people who we know are immune and don’t stand to gain any benefit? If I do anything medically unnecessary to someone as a doctor, I’m opening them up to potential harm. If you’ve had a recent infection and you have viral antigens in your tissues, you can literally and immunologically cause tissue damage.”

Pfizer vaccine linked to rare blood clot disorder, Israeli researchers say

As The Defender reported June 23, Israeli researchers discovered a link between Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) –– a rare blood disorder that causes blood clots to form in small blood vessels throughout the body. Researchers stressed this occurred in both new patients and in patients with pre-existing TTP whose disease had been in remission but flared up soon after getting the vaccine.

Scientists with the Institute of Hematology at Shamir Medical Center said they began researching the possible link after reports of a sudden increase in TTP across Israel — four cases detected in one month compared to two or three cases per year. The Health Ministry, which is evaluating the research, asked doctors not to provide interviews until the evaluation is complete.

109 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. After repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions, a health communications specialist from the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force contacted us on March 29 — three weeks after our initial inquiry.

The individual received our request for information from VAERS, but said she had never received our list of questions, even though employees we talked to several times said CDC press officers were working through the questions and confirmed the representative had received them. We provided the list of questions again along with a new deadline, but never received a response.

On May 19, a CDC employee said our questions had been reviewed and our inquiry was pending in their system, but would not provide us with a copy of the response. We were told we would be contacted by phone or email with the response.

On June 24, we contacted the CDC and were told nobody knew the specialist from the agency’s Vaccine Task Force who contacted us in March, and that our request was still pending in the system. It has been 109 days since we sent our first email inquiring into VAERS data and reports and we have yet to receive a response.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Children’s Health Defense: Tell Schools, Universities — No COVID Vaccine Mandates for Kids and Teens

Tell Schools, Universities: No COVID Vaccine Mandates for Kids and Teens!
CHD is asking everyone who supports medical health freedom to contact all colleges and universities in their state and ask them to come down on the side of medical freedom by rejecting COVID vaccine mandates.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
June 24, 2021


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is calling on vaccine safety advocates to reach out to schools and universities with this message: No COVID vaccine mandates for children and young adults!

On June 23, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said that there is ‘likely’ a link between heart inflammation and the Pfizer and Moderna COVID Vaccines.

CDC officials acknowledged more than 1,200 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in 16-to-24-year-olds who received an mRNA COVID vaccine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration responded by saying warning labels will be added to the vaccines.

Still, CDC officials said the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the risks.

CHD is asking everyone who supports medical health freedom to send letters or emails to all colleges and universities in your state asking them to come down on the side of medical freedom by rejecting COVID vaccine mandates.

CHD has created spreadsheets containing a list of more than 300 universities that are considering mandates. The first spreadsheet is a listing of university systems with links to mandate policies, etc. The second spreadsheet provides information for emailing and mailing to more than 300 individual universities. You can also visit this page on the CHD website to learn more about this campaign.

“School and university officials should not have the ability to mandate any medical procedures including vaccinations,” said Laura Bono, CHD executive director. “In this case, the long-term effects on humans of any age from this experimental vaccine are unknown. The policy is reckless and unwarranted.”

Bono pointed to a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, written by two physicians, which stated:

“Public-health authorities are making a mistake and risking the public’s trust by not being forthcoming about the possibility of harm from certain vaccine side effects. There will be lasting consequences from mingling political partisanship and science during the management of a public-health crisis.”

There is no time to wait. Colleges and universities are considering mandates now — now is the time to work for policy change. Please support this effort.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Dispatches From the War: The Pharmaceutical / Medical Troops Occupy Planet Earth

Dispatches From the War: The Pharmaceutical/Medical Troops Occupy Planet Earth
How many drug scripts do doctors write per year?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
June 23, 2021


I wrote the following piece in 2017. It details the massively successful infiltration of pharmaceutical armies among the population.

These men and women are war criminals.

Here we go:

Medical News Today reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the number of drug prescriptions written in the US. [1] [1a]

The increase brought the total to: 4.02 billion.

Yes, in 2011, doctors wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in America.

That’s an average of roughly 13 prescriptions for each man, woman, and child.

That’s about one new prescription every month for every American. (Update: the Kaiser Family Foundation reports that in 2016, 4,065,479,343 drug prescriptions were written by US doctors—an increase of 65 million. [2])

The Medical News Today article concluded, “…the industry should be heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending.” Yes, I’m sure the drug industry popped champagne corks.

We’re talking about prescriptions here. We’re not talking about the number of pills Americans took. We’re also not counting over-the-counter drugs or vaccine shots.

Pharmacopoeia, a 2011 exhibition at the British Museum, estimated that “the average number of pills a person takes in his or her own lifetime in the UK is 14,000.” That’s as a result of prescriptions. Including over-the-counter drugs, the 14,000 number would swell to 40,000 pills taken in a lifetime. [3]

What are the effects of all these drugs?

We are looking at a supreme Trojan Horse that is rotting out America and all other countries from the inside. Wars, no wars, economic deprivation, economic prosperity, the drugs continue to do their work, debilitating and ruining and terminating lives.

Many sources can be cited to confirm this assessment.

On January 8th, 2001, the LA Times published an article by one of the best medical reporters in the business, Linda Marsa: “When Good Drugs Do Harm.” Marsa quoted researcher Dr. David Bates, who indicated that, in the US, there are 36 million serious adverse reactions to medical drugs per year. [4] [4a]

On July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published the most stunning mainstream estimate of medical-drug damage in history: “Is US health really the best in the world?” The author was Dr. Barbara Starfield, a respected public-health researcher at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. [5] [5a]

Starfield concluded that medical drugs were killing Americans at the rate of 106,000 per year.

That’s a million deaths per decade.

This is a conservative sketch of the Trojan Horse that has been placed in the center of every country in the world.

The pharmaceutical juggernaut will continue, no doubt about it. The only question is, how many people will wake up and seek another way?

The destruction of societies by medical drugs goes far beyond what some people call “over-prescribing.” This isn’t just a tilt in the wrong direction. It isn’t simply errors of judgment compounded by the number of doctors dispensing medicines.

Those are all polite terms suggesting the situation can be corrected through a show of better professional judgment. That will never happen.

Countries of the world are literally being assaulted by pharmaceutical companies and their foot-soldier doctors. It’s chemical warfare.

To even begin to see light at the end of the tunnel, hundreds of millions of people must add themselves to the rolls of those who already are pursuing better health through natural means.

Not even the Nazis and their dearly beloved cartel, the monster IG Farben, dreamed of the day when the citizenry would line up and demand to ingest more and more life-destroying chemicals.

What about the FDA, the federal agency responsible for certifying all medical drugs “safe and effective,” before release for public use in the US?

The FDA is completely aware of the monstrous death toll and the injuries stemming from the very drugs they’re approving—but they take zero responsibility.

On an FDA website page, “Preventable Adverse Drug Reactions: A Focus on Drug Interactions,” [6] the agency discusses the “problem”—but as you can see from the title, they’re framing the conversation in terms of “interactions,” as if drugs are maiming and killing people because they are accidentally combining effects. This is a gross lie.

Here are quotes from the FDA page, which come just after trying to pawn off absurdly low drug-death and injury numbers:

“However, other studies conducted on hospitalized patient populations have placed much higher estimates on the overall incidence of serious ADRs [adverse drugs reactions]. These studies estimate that 6.7% of hospitalized patients have a serious adverse drug reaction with a fatality rate of 0.32%.2 If these estimates are correct, then there are more than 2,216,000 serious ADRs in hospitalized patients, causing over 106,000 deaths annually. If true, then ADRs are the 4th leading cause of death—ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes, AIDS, pneumonia, accidents, and automobile deaths.”

“These statistics do not include the number of ADRs that occur in ambulatory settings. Also, it is estimated that over 350,000 ADRs occur in U.S. nursing homes each year.3 The exact number of ADRs is not certain and is limited by methodological considerations. However, whatever the true number is, ADRs represent a significant public health problem that is, for the most part, preventable.”

Yes, preventable, if any government were determined to neutralize the pharmaceutical armies ravaging humanity.

But that is not the case.

Governments are backing the killers.




[2] (forth coming)








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University of Western Australia’s Response to FOIA Request: No Record Exists of Isolation or Purification of SARS-COV-2

University of Western Australia’s Response to FOIA Request: No Record Exists of Isolation or Purification of SARS-COV-2


University of Western Australia – NO Record of Isolation or Purification of CoV By Anyone Ever!

by Dr. Robert O. Young
June 23, 2021


University of Western Australia – home of Gates-funded researcher Christine Carson, who has spent countless hours on social media this past year insisting “YES the COVID-19 virus has been isolated”Provided and Cited ZERO RECORDS for “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification from a patient sample, by anyone anywhere in the World EVER!

Connect with Dr. Robert O. Young

Illegal DNRs, Ventilators and Involuntary Euthanasia 

Illegal DNRs, Ventilators and Involuntary Euthanasia 
For over a year, we’ve had mainstream reports of “unprecedented” and “illegal” DNRs – how big a role did they play in creating this “pandemic”? And are they being used to mask large-scale euthanasia?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
June 22, 2021


The rise in the use of Do Not Resuscitate orders (DNRs), and the suggestion that patients are being compelled to sign them, or even having them signed on their behalf in secret, has been one of the more concerning narratives to come out of the last year of “pandemic”.

As early as April of 2020, entirely mainstream publications, such as the Health Service Journal (HSJ), were running articles expressing concern over the “unprecedented” rise in “illegal” DNR orders for those with learning disabilities.

In June 2020 the Independent picked up the story, citing some troubling examples found by charity workers and family members:

In one example, a man in his fifties with sight loss was admitted to hospital after a choking episode and was incorrectly diagnosed with coronavirus. He was discharged the next day with a DNR form giving the reason as his “blindness and severe learning disabilities” […] Marie-Anne Peters, whose brother Alistair has epilepsy but no other health conditions, overturned a DNR on her brother which included instructions for him not to be taken to hospital.

The BBC reported that, in Wales, some people were sent letters instructing them to sign DNRs, and their families not to call 999 in the event of an emergency. While, in Somerset, Sussex and Derbyshire, autism support groups were sent letters by GP surgeries telling them their members had to sign DNR orders.

As you can see, we’re not talking about people who are severely ill in the least. Autism, sight loss and epilepsy are not conditions that would ever, under normal circumstances, have patients deemed unworthy of receiving life-saving treatment.

It wasn’t just the ill or disabled who fell victim to this, either. In June last year, it was revealed that “blanket” DNRs had been applied to nursing homes by GPs all around the country.

Other surgeries and hospitals sent out letters to elderly patients, and other “at risk groups”, instructing them they needed to sign DNRs to protect the NHS.

Reported abuse of these “blanket DNRs” lead to an investigation by the Care Quality Commission (CQC), which was published in November 2020 and, according to the British Medical Journal, found:

Some care home residents were wrongly subjected to decisions ruling out attempts at cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in the early stages of the covid-19 pandemic, leading to potentially avoidable deaths

The root cause of this can be traced back to two sets of NHS guidelines, both written and published in the spring of 2020.

First there was the RCGP Guidance on workload prioritisation during COVID-19, which recommended that doctors “Proactively complete Respect/ DNAR forms […] in advance of a worsening spread of disease”.

Then came the NICE guidelines for critical care admissions, which Dr Vernon Coleman did a video on last summer, which suggested doctors:

Sensitively discuss a possible ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ decision with all adults with capacity and an assessment suggestive of increased frailty

This was, allegedly, to protect the NHS from the influx of Covid patients and to try and keep ICU beds open. This rush, of course, never materialised, and in 2020 NHS critical care beds were actually emptier than usual.

This policy was not solely isolated to the UK either. The “Undercover Nurse” reported in Perspectives on the Pandemic, the hospital she worked at in New York had widespread abuse of the DNR system, and Rosemary Frei wrote an article breaking down the way deaths were “created” in Canadian care homes.

So, we know that people have – in all likelihood – been allowed to die during this pandemic. That has been as good as officially admitted. But does it go further? Are people being actively euthanised?

Euthanasia has already been hinted at by other whistleblowers, specifically through the use of ventilators on patients who never needed them. (The Undercover Nurse discusses that too).

It’s certainly true that the use of ventilators was pushed in guidelines from the NHS, CDC, ECDC and WHO as soon as the “pandemic” started. And it’s very probable that this did a lot more harm than goodkilling huge numbers of patients who may otherwise have survived (though obviously it cannot be proven – at this stage – that this was deliberate).

In this June 10th episode of Richie Allen’s podcast, he talks to independent journalist Jacqui Deevoy about the possibility of widespread euthanasia of elderly patients in the NHS during the Covid “pandemic”. They are joined by several people who claim their parents died in as-yet-unexplained circumstances.

Listen to the testimony of the people who may have lost parents to this policy. They certainly raise a lot of important questions.

How many people, who lost family members in the last year, are in the same situation and don’t even know it? How much of the UK’s excess mortality in 2020 – currently attributed to Covid19 – was in fact caused by these callous (and potentially criminal) practices?

And, more importantly, was that all part of a plan? Were these people deliberately allowed to die in order to create an illusory “pandemic”?

You can listen to other episodes of Richie Allen’s podcast here, and follow Jacqui Deevoy’s work here.


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California Medical Board Hears Testimony in Trial of Physician Who Risks Losing License for Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions

California Medical Board Hears Testimony in Trial of Physician Who Risks Losing License for Writing Vaccine Medical Exemptions
Dr. Kelly Sutton risks losing her medical license for not strictly following CDC guidelines for writing vaccine medical exemptions. Attorney Greg Glaser, who represents Sutton, provided this eyewitness account.

by Greg Glaser, Esq., The Defender
June 22, 2021


A California physician could lose her medical license for not strictly following the guidelines for writing vaccine medical exemptions as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).

Earlier this month, the Medical Board of California conducted a trial during which they heard testimony from witnesses in support of and those opposed to Dr. Kelly Sutton’s approach to writing vaccine medical exemptions for her patients.

The three-day trial, which ended June 16, took place in an administrative court with a single judge and no right to a jury. The judge is expected to issue a decision sometime in the fall of 2021 on whether or not to rescind Sutton’s medical license.

Sutton, an integrative physician, argued that her clinical observations confirm her unvaccinated patients are healthier than those who are vaccinated.

During her trial, Sutton was represented by health freedom attorney Rick Jaffe, who marshaled evidence from three top experts in defense of Sutton’s methods to protect patients from vaccine injury.

The state produced one expert, who lacked basic knowledge of vaccine risk, and who stated that all doctors should follow whatever the CDC’s one-size-fits-all vaccine schedule recommends at any given time.

Below are highlights from testimony provided during Sutton’s trial.

Sutton’s testimony on her behalf:
  • Sutton provided thoughtful discussion of how she helps and heals patients. She is a doctor member of Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), which puts patients first. She was humble throughout the trial, going out of her way to be kind to everyone involved in the proceeding — including the state expert testifying against her. Her kindness and credibility were so strong that even the prosecuting attorney was forced to change his tone of voice to lessen the blameful nature of his scripted words.
  • Sutton did not need a script. She showcased her detailed scientific knowledge by explaining the biological mechanisms of disease and vaccine risk. At times the court reporter could not keep up with Sutton’s fluent use of scientific terminology.
    Sutton described how California’s Senate Bill 277 removed parental rights to medical decision-making and made the doctor’s discretion the standard for medical exemptions.
  • Sutton discussed the process of meeting with integrative colleagues at PIC to arrive at best practices for medical exemptions.
  • Sutton discussed the benefit of a physical exam for patient intake, and when it is needed (i.e., diagnosing an ear infection) versus when it is not needed (i.e., taking a family history). She also discussed the reality that certain patients cannot afford the time and/or money to conduct unnecessary physical exams.
  • Sutton reviewed each of the relevant patient records cited by the medical board as evidence of Sutton’s non-compliance with CDC recommendations, focusing on vaccine risk based on the individual patients’ complex medical histories.
  • Sutton emphasized her proactive approach to protect patient privacy when writing medical exemptions.
  • Sutton discussed the extensive scientific citations she provided to the medical board to support her medical decisions, including Dr. Chris Exley’s findings on aluminum. The board tried to use a technical objection to prevent Sutton from introducing the science behind her decisions. However, during Jaffe’s questioning of Sutton, she was able to explain the science of vaccine risk.
  • Sutton testified that doctors make a lot of money by giving vaccinations, but not a lot from writing medical exemptions. Indeed, there is no profit in writing medical exemptions, only prosecution — so the doctors who write them truly care for the patient’s best interest rather than pharma’s.
  • Sutton testified that it is neither intelligent nor humane to force a family to continue to vaccinate after one of their children has already died or been injured by a vaccine.
  • Sutton said the government’s failure to compare vaccinated persons to fully unvaccinated persons is a systematic and intentional blind spot in science designed to wrongfully promote vaccines.
State’s expert witness, Dr. Deborah Lehman, infectious disease physician at the University of California, Los Angeles:
  • Lehman repeatedly claimed that, as a physician, her one-size-fits-all vaccine opinion was medical fact and should not be challenged.
  • During cross examination, Lehman was asked to quantify the risk of all vaccine injuries. Lehman responded, “I don’t think I need a number …  I can’t give you a number.” She stated, “I don’t need to cite articles in my report, because the science has been decided … If you want answers to these questions, I would refer you to the CDC.” Lehman ignored that the only way to obtain the vaccine injury rate is to compare vaccinated people to fully unvaccinated people. She did not appear to know that the government refuses to study the fully unvaccinated, but instead only compares vaccinated patients to other vaccinated patients.
  • Lehman testified she had never heard of Dr. Peter Aaby, one of the world’s foremost vaccine experts who has published more than 400 articles on PubMed. Lehman, who has published about 15 articles on PubMed, tried to dismiss Aaby’s publications on vaccine danger by falsely claiming Aaby published in a low-impact journal. Lehman stated she would never read this type of research by Aaby, and that it is the same kind of “anti-vax” information found through a Google search.
  • Lehman testified she is not aware of any pertussis vaccine deaths. She claimed if there were any deaths caused by the pertussis vaccine she would have heard about them. Her callous admission proves her ignorance of even basic information from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or any other source.
  • Lehman admitted she has never personally written a medical exemption. At most she communicated with other doctors that all medical exemptions should adhere to the one-size-fits-all per the ACIP’s contraindications.
  • Lehman testified she didn’t know about the mandatory vaccine law at issue in the case, namely the California Health and Safety Code section 120370, authorizing medical exemptions.
  • Lehman at one point angrily blurted out, “We’re being saved by COVID vaccines.”
  • Lehman repeatedly used nebulous phrases such “greater risk” and “lower risk,” yet never cited any risk value numbers with the exception of a handful of false numbers. For example, in one instance she falsely cited a 1/1,000 death rate for measles cases. This is a false number because it is based only on reported cases and ignores the fact that only about 1/10 cases are reported.
  • Lehman criticized Sutton’s already vaccinated patients for having some infections. Lehman did not see the self-contradicting nature of her own testimony. In other words, Lehman overlooked that vaccines are causing increased risk of infection in already vaccinated patients. She ignored published studies and Sutton’s observation that patients experience less infection over time as they stop vaccinating, and fully unvaccinated patients are the healthiest of all.
  • Lehman testified the standard of care is whether another physician would treat the medical issue the same or similarly. But she intentionally omitted the phrase “in the same community,” meaning that the standard of care is not simply “another physician” but “another physician in the same community.” Sutton is in the integrative medicine community, of which Lehman is not a member. It is common for conventional physicians to use one-size-fits-all thinking.
  • Lehman testified that before the meningococcal vaccine, she performed several lumbar punctures to treat meningitis. However, Lehman never stated how many of the meningitis patients were already vaccinated with meningococcal and other vaccines (i.e., polio vaccine).
  • Lehman testified that children with asthma have a higher rate of morbidity and mortality. But Lehman failed to provide any numerical risk value for her testimony. For example, she cited no studies showing health outcomes of children with asthma when vaccines are stopped versus when vaccines are continued. In fact, no such studies exist to support Lehman’s position. Moreover, Lehman didn’t cite any of the studies linking asthma to increased risk from vaccination. It is common for conventional doctors to lack knowledge that common chronic illnesses are proven to be immune-mediated and caused by vaccination.
  • Lehman testified “febrile seizures have no long-lasting effect.” Her testimony directly contradicts even government-accepted scientific evidence that approximately 5% of febrile seizures develop into full-blown epilepsy.
Defense expert Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, pediatric neurologist:
  • Zimmerman is a highly published pediatric neurology expert, with expertise in diagnosing and treating autism, mitochondrial dysfunction and many other conditions.
  • Zimmerman testified that Sutton followed the community standard of care to protect her patients outside the narrow CDC/ACIP guidelines. With expert attention to detail about neurodevelopmental disorders, Zimmerman agreed with Sutton’s risk assessments to protect her patients. He discussed the interaction between the immune system and the brain.
Defense expert Dr. James Neuenschwander, family physician with vaccine expertise:
  • Neuenschwander treats chronic illness, including autism. He attends ACIP meetings and has offered public comment. He does not administer vaccines.
  • Neuenschwander cited a bell curve phenomenon, which represents an inverse relationship: 10% of people who fail to respond to a vaccine compared to 10% of people who overreact to a vaccine. His example illustrates a point often overlooked by mainstream scientists.
  • Neuenschwander explained that vaccines cause the immune system to remain in hyperactivation, creating vaccine injuries like brain inflammation.
  • Neuenschwander said autoimmune conditions result when the vaccine creates antibodies against the human body itself through the mechanism of chronic immune activation. Neuenschwander cited scientific evidence to support the fact that it is logical for Sutton to ask patients about their personal and family history risk factors, such as recurring infections, asthma and autism.
  • Neuenschwander discussed vaccines one by one to show how conventional physicians exaggerate infection risk. Neuenschwander confirmed conventional physicians are vaccinating for rare diseases on the CDC schedule while failing to ask about vaccine injury.  Neuenschwander emphasized that even common diseases have questionably effective vaccines, such as flu which has a high vaccine failure rate.
  • Neuenschwander said the CDC/ACIP system categorically fails to properly study vaccine injury, by comparing vaccinated individuals to unvaccinated individuals, despite the CDC’s admission in a 2016 white paper showing such a study could be done.
  • Neuenschwander cited numbers throughout his testimony. For example, he exposed Lehman’s above-referenced lie about 1/1000 measles deaths (where Lehman falsely only included reported measles cases rather than all measles cases). Neuenschwander cited the correct numbers.
  • Neuenschwander highlighted the three recent published peer-reviewed studies, Mawson 2017Hooker 2020 and Thomas 2020, showing the unvaccinated are exponentially healthier than the vaccinated. He also explained Aaby’s findings showing a five-fold increased death rate from diphtheria vaccines in Africa.
  • Neuenschwander cited government admissions, for example Institute of Medicine (IOM) publications, revealing a lack of data on vaccine safety and absence of government studies on vaccinated v. fully unvaccinated patients.
Defense expert Dr. LeTrinh Hoang, pediatrician:
  • Hoang is an experienced integrative pediatrician in California with a busy and successful clinic.
  • Hoang emphasized integrative medicine’s role to protect patients in ways conventional medicine systemically fails. Hoang criticized one-size-fits-all vaccination, and the specific ways ACIP/CDC creates a ridiculously limited vaccine contraindication list that ignores entire areas of independent research and clinical findings.
  • Hoang criticized Lehman’s casual approach to vaccine injury.
  • Hoang emphasized her clinical experience that unvaccinated patients are exceptionally healthy, by contrast to vaccine-injured patients whom she must heal regularly and on an ongoing basis because of their chronic illnesses.

Society is learning valuable lessons from this trial about vaccine injury, including about the consequences of allowing biotechnology to disrupt natural human immune systems.

To help support Sutton’s defense fund, visit this website.

Greg Glaser, J.D. is a vaccine rights attorney with a litigation and transactional law background.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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ICAN Sues to Remove the Claim From the CDC Website That “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”

ICAN Sues to Remove the Claim From the CDC Website That “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”

by Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
June 22, 2021


ICAN, through its attorneys, has sued HHS for publicly making the unsupported claim that “Vaccines do not cause autism,” in violation of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.  ICAN calls out the agency’s illegal behavior and pulls back the curtain on the baseless, oft-repeated claim used to silence parents who know better.

 In the past four decades, no claim regarding vaccination has received more attention and publicity than the claim that vaccines cause autism. Likewise, federal health authorities claim to have studied vaccines and autism more thoroughly than any other type of alleged vaccine injury.  Federal health authorities assert publicly and matter-of-factly that studies establish that vaccines do not cause autism.

Reflecting this conclusion, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unequivocally asserts on its website that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism”:

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act  of 1986 (the Act), however, mandates that the Secretary of Health and Human Services “shall … make or assure improvements in … the … research on vaccines, in order to reduce the risks of adverse reactions to vaccines” as well as “develop and disseminate vaccine information materials … based on available data and information.”

The Act also provides that “any person may commence … a civil action on such person’s own behalf against the Secretary where there is alleged a failure of the Secretary to perform any act or duty under this part.”

Clearly there is a failure of the Secretary to uphold his duties and so ICAN sued the Secretary for his failure to perform certain acts and duties pursuant to the Act which have caused direct injuries to ICAN and the Institute for Autism Science.  As long as federal health authorities claim is that “the science is settled” with regard to vaccines and autism, there will be no funding for research into this extremely alarming and important issue.

ICAN’s lawsuit lays out for the Court the lack of scientific studies supporting any such assertion that all childhood vaccines do not cause autism through the following relevant history:

  • 1991: Institute of Medicine (“IOM”) issued a report explaining that it could not identify any studies addressing pertussis-containing vaccines and autism.
  • 2012: IOM issues another report finding only one study that looked at the issue of pertussis-containing vaccines and autism, and that study did find a link between this vaccine and autism. The IOM could also not find any study to support that tetanus or diphtheria vaccines do not cause autism.
  • 2014: an agency within HHS again found that there are no studies supporting a claim that these three vaccines do not cause autism and the agency was also unable to identify a study to support the assertion that Hepatitis B vaccines do not cause autism. Rather, it found only one study regarding Hepatitis B and autism and that study found that babies receiving this vaccine had autism at three times the rate as those not receiving this vaccine.
  • October 12, 2017: ICAN sent a demand – subscribed to by 55 organizations whose members exceed 5 million Americans – to the Secretary stating that “there are … no published studies showing that autism is not caused by Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Hib, Pneumococcal, Inactivated Poliovirus, Influenza, … vaccines – all of which HHS recommends babies receive, typically multiple times, by one year of age.” The demand asked the Secretary to “confirm that HHS shall forthwith remove the claim that ‘Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism’ from the CDC website, or alternatively, please identify the specific studies on which HHS bases its blanket claim that no vaccines cause autism.”
  • January 18, 2018: The Secretary responded but failed to identify any studies that support the assertion that vaccines given to babies do not cause autism. ICAN has sent numerous unrequited follow-up requests to the Secretary asking for this science.
  • June 21, 2019: ICAN submitted requests pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) requesting that the CDC produce the studies it relies upon to claim that vaccines injected into babies do not cause autism .
  • December 31, 2019: When the CDC failed to provide any studies responsive to these requests, ICAN commenced an action against the CDC. The action requested that the Court enter an order requiring the CDC to provide the studies it relies upon to claim that the vaccines given during the first year of life do not cause autism or, in the alternative, to admit that it has no such studies.
  • March 2, 2020: the CDC finally identified, in a stipulated order a total of 16 studies and 4 reviews (e., a review of studies on a given topic) that it relies on to claim that the vaccines given to babies do not cause autism. Not one of these studies or reviews supports the claim that vaccines injected into babies – DTaP, Hep B, Hib, PCV13, and IPV – do not cause autism.
  • March 10, 2020: Plaintiffs submitted another FOIA request for “All studies supporting the claim that DTaP does not cause autism,” giving yet another chance for the CDC to provide studies to support its public assertion. In this way, the Plaintiffs asked for any studies that support that DTaP does not cause autism regardless of whether or not the CDC relies upon each one.
  • March 23, 2020: the CDC responded to this FOIA request by pointing to the same unresponsive and inadequate list of twenty studies it had previously pointed to in the stipulation and order of March 2, 2020.
  • March 27, 2020: ICAN provided the CDC yet another opportunity to provide supportive studies for the claim still being shared with the public by submitting yet another FOIA request, this time for: “Studies created or retained by CDC to support the claim that DTaP does not cause autism.” The CDC again responded by pointing to the same list of twenty studies and reviews, all of which either relate to MMR or thimerosal, a single antigen (not vaccine) study, and one review by the IOM that looked for any support that DTaP does not cause autism and could not find a shred of such evidence.
  • August 27, 2020: the CDC finally removed the claim that “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” from its webpage:

  • January 21, 2021: ICAN widely publicized that the CDC had removed the statement “Vaccines Do Not Cause Autism” from its webpage. Within days, the CDC restored this claim to its vaccine-autism page

ICAN, therefore, brought this action to hold the Secretary and the CDC accountable and to hold them to the same standard ICAN is held to: do not make claims that cannot be supported with science.  You can read the lawsuit here.


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Dad Says Life ‘Not the Same’ for 21-Year-Old Student Who Developed Myocarditis After Second Moderna Shot

Dad Says Life ‘Not the Same’ for 21-Year-Old Student Who Developed Myocarditis After Second Moderna Shot
A New Jersey student whose college, the New Jersey Institute of Technology, requires all students to be fully vaccinated in order to attend classes in the fall became ill within hours of receiving the second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 15, 2021


A 21-year-old New Jersey student suffered severe heart inflammation after receiving his second dose of Moderna’s COVID vaccine. Justin Harrington, whose school required him to get the vaccine in order to attend classes in the fall, experienced flu-like symptoms followed by heart pain within eight to 12 hours of receiving the vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Justin’s father, Timothy Harrington, said his son felt different after the second shot. “Every time his heart beat it hurt and he felt pressure,” Harrington said. “Then he developed heart pain down both arms.”

Harrington said his son, who has no underlying medical conditions, did not experience heart pain with his first dose of the vaccine.

On May 24, two days after Justin received the second shot, his father took him to the emergency room at Morristown Memorial Hospital because the symptoms had worsened.

“The physicians weren’t connecting it to the vaccine until I informed the doctors my son just got the vaccine, and shared with them the information I had found on myocarditis,” Harrington said. “I didn’t think the doctors were stupid, but physicians sometimes see with blinders on.”

Physicians checked Justin’s blood levels, which showed high protein numbers. Abnormal scans, including an EKG, led to a diagnosis of myocarditis. Justin was hospitalized for three days while doctors attempted to get the condition under control.

Harrington said even though his son has been released, he still has chest pain and his life is not the same.

“He has to wear a heart monitor and take four different medications for six months,” Harrington said. “He has to sleep propped up, can’t exert himself and he’s missing out on one of the most important times of his life.”

Harrington said his son is supposed to be doing internships, “but how can he go out and find a company to work with him when he can’t exert himself? He’s so smart and now he’s side-lined. Doctors want my son to lie around for three to four months.”

As for Justin’s recovery, Harrington said, “He has minor scarring on his heart and doctors hope they caught it early enough that there will be no other issues — but it’s pure conjecture at this point.”

School’s mandate doesn’t allow exceptions for students who already had COVID

After Justin’s diagnosis, doctors recommended Harrington’s 19-year-old son, who received one dose of the Moderna vaccine, not get the second shot.

However, both sons were told they needed to get vaccinated in order to attend school — despite both previously having had COVID, Harrington said.

As The Defender reported last week, a new preprint study by the Cleveland Clinic found people previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were less likely to be reinfected than fully vaccinated individuals who never had the virus — suggesting the vaccine is of no benefit to people who already had COVID.

In addition to the vaccine likely providing no benefit to those who already had the virus, studies suggest people who were previously infected with COVID are more at risk of severe adverse reactions.

As The Defender reported earlier this year, some experts say the science to support vaccinating those primed with COVID doesn’t exist and there’s a potential risk of harm, including death, in vaccinating those who’ve already had the disease or who were recently infected.

Still, many colleges and universities — including the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) where Justin is enrolled — are mandating the vaccines for all students, with few or no exceptions.

“Justin’s a rule follower and he was pressured to get it,” Harrington said.

Harrington said when he called the dean of NJIT prior to his son getting vaccinated and asked why the school is forcing young people who are at little risk of serious illness from COVID to get the vaccine, the dean replied that unless his son had a valid medical or religious exemption, it was a requirement.

“I am not ‘anti-vax,’” Harrington said. “I am ‘anti-forced-vaxxed.’ They’re forcing these kids to get a vaccine even though they’re not affected by COVID or have already had it.”

According to Justin, he reported his myocarditis to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), but no one from the agency followed up.

Justin said he would “absolutely not” recommend anyone get vaccinated, as he does not want this to happen to any of his friends. “I’m not here to bash Moderna, but I wouldn’t take it,” he said.

Harrington said he also knows of a girl who had to have a heart transplant after being vaccinated and believes his son’s condition could have been even more severe if he hadn’t reached him in time.

According to WLWT 5 News, 19-year-old Simone Scott underwent a heart transplant one month after suffering a heart complication from her second dose of Moderna and subsequently passed away.

Moderna denies link between vaccine and heart inflammation

As recently as last week, Moderna said it has not found a link between its COVID vaccine and cases of a rare heart inflammation condition reported in young people who have received the shot.

The vaccine maker said in a statement it arrived at this conclusion after “carefully reviewing available safety data to date for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for cases of myocarditis and/or pericarditis.”

The CDC said during a June 10 meeting of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee the agency had identified 226 reports of heart inflammation that might meet its “working case definition” of myocarditis and pericarditis following the shots, The Defender reported last week.

According to the CDC, a total of 475 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were recorded in patients 30 and younger who received an mRNA vaccine. The median age of people with myocarditis or pericarditis following the first dose was 30, and after the second-dose, 24.

Moderna said it “will continue to closely monitor these reports and is actively working with public health and regulatory authorities to further assess this issue.”

“We clearly have an imbalance there,” said Dr. Tom Shimabukuro of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office during the June 10 FDA meeting. The committee met to discuss safety issues surrounding the use of COVID vaccines in children as young as 6 months old.

The CDC has scheduled an emergency meeting of its advisers on June 18 to discuss higher-than-expected reports of heart inflammation following doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar re BBC Newsround Episode on Children’s Vaccines

UK Medical Freedom Alliance: Open Letter to Professor Devi Sridhar re BBC Newsround Episode on Children’s Vaccines

by UK Medical Freedom Alliance
June 14, 2021


UKMFA have sent a letter of complaint to Prof Sridhar following her claims made on BBC Newsround, which is shown in most UK schools, which made several false or misleading claims including that the Covid-19 vaccines are 100% safe, that children should have the vaccine to protect their parents, and that the benefits to children outweigh any risks.

To present such a simplified and biased message is, in our opinion, deeply irresponsible, amounts to propaganda, and negatively impacts on the process of giving fully informed consent. We have requested that Prof Sridhar immediately retracts the entire message and issues a clear public apology for misrepresenting the facts relating to the safety concerns of Covid-19 vaccines in children.

Download PDF

14 June 2021

Open Letter from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance to:

Professor Devi Sridhar – Chair of Global Public Health / University of Edinburgh

Re: BBC Newsround – Pfizer Vaccine for 12 – 15 year olds

We would like to share with you our Open Letter to the MHRA dated 7 June 2021 regarding Covid-19

vaccines for children.


This is in response to your recent appearance on BBC Newsround, where you made several statements which are entirely unsupported by scientific evidence.

Concerns are mainly related but not limited to the following points:

  1. You state the benefit of the vaccine for children would be that they then “don’t need to worry about Covid-19”. Children are already in a position where they do not have to worry about Covid-19, as the risk to them is close to zero.
  1. You state that another benefit would be that they then are likely to not infect their parents. Children do not play a major role in transmission, and there is also no evidence from the regulatory trials that the vaccines prevent transmission. This is clearly a statement intended to provoke an emotional response of guilt followed by a sense of duty, and as such it is propaganda rather than factual advice.
  1. You state that the main downside of getting the vaccine is that it is “another injection into your arm”. This is a gross misrepresentation of the known and unknown risks of potential serious adverse effects of the Covid-19 vaccines for children. We are sure you are aware that the CDC in the US is calling an emergency meeting, specifically to discuss the hundreds of cases of myocarditis that have occurred in young people after the vaccine (

Life-threatening effects and deaths have been reported in young adults and children in the US and Israel, which you do not refer to at all.

You will find the relevant references to all those points in our Open letter.

In the current situation, which is fraught with uncertainty and fear, the public is looking to professionals for balanced advice. To present such a simplified and biased message is, in our opinion, deeply irresponsible. When it is targeted specifically at a vulnerable group of children, it is unforgiveable.

We note that the currently accessible version of your statement on Newsround has already been redacted, as you originally claimed 100% safety for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. You must have been aware that declaring any medical intervention 100% safe undermines anyone’s credibility.

Editing a feature after it has already been circulated and viewed by huge numbers of the public and children, without a publicized explanation or apology, is highly irregular. The comment at the end of the written transcript, merely noting a correction, will not reach the majority of the audience who have heard and assimilated your initial claim.

We therefore request that you immediately retract your entire message and issue a clear public apology for misrepresenting the facts relating to the safety concerns of Covid-19 vaccines in children.

We request that your retraction and apology are circulated as widely as your initial message, and specifically to all schools where this material may have been shown to children.

We are expecting a response confirming that you have taken appropriate action, or otherwise justify the reasons why you have not done so.

Yours sincerely

UK Medical Freedom Alliance


Rt. Hon. Gavin Williamson – Secretary of State for Education
Rt. Hon. Oliver Dowden – Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Shirley-Anne Somerville – Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills


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In Response to Freedom of Information Act Requests: CDC Admits There Is No ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation of ANY Virus

In Response to Freedom of Information Act Requests: CDC Admits There Is No ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation of ANY Virus



CDC NOW Admits NO ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation for ANY Virus!
No One Has Ever Isolated, Purified and/or Scientifically Verified and Proven the Existence of Any and All Viruses at Anytime, Anywhere in the World!

by Robert O. Young DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner
June 13, 2021


Over the last several months we have requested from the Center of Disease Control (CDC) evidence for the isolation and existence for the any and all viruses, including CoV – 2 and 19, MERS, Influenza, Polio, Measles, HIV, XMRV, HTLV-1, HTLV-III/LAV, HPV, Ebola, Zika, just to name a few of the so-called viruses, disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

These written requests were made by Ms. Christine Massey to CDC/ATSDR FOIA Chief Officer Mr. Robert Andoh, to locate and deliver ANY records, research and/or findings for ANY “viral” isolation and purification (by anyone, anywhere, anytime in the World) from a patient sample via maceration, filtration and/or the use of an ultracentrifuge or what is called the ‘Gold Standard’ for isolating and identifying a pathological micro or nana organism. The ‘Gold Standard’ for isolating and identifying microbes is referred to as Koch’s and Rivers Postulates which was established many years ago.

The CDC Chief FOIA, Mr. Roger Andoh provided straightforward responses to each one of our requests, admitting in writing that they have NO RECORD of ANY KIND, for the following so-called phantom “viruses”, including CoV – 2 -19, HIV, HPV, XMRV, HTMV-1, HTMV-111/LV, Measles, Influenza, MERS, EBOLA, ZIKA, POLIO:

1. June 7, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “COV – 2 or 19 virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:


2. June 7, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “HPV virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever: (note: CDC made an error in their original response and later provided the corrected version below):


3. June 7, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “Measles virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever! No Isolation, No Purification and No Identification for the Measles Virus!


4. A Letter from the CDC Concerning the Childhood and Adult USA “Immunization Schedule”:

[Note: there was a reference to “influenza” in this request, but it doesn’t affect our request in any way because it was in the context of our example of the record we were looking to validate that the CDC does not have ANY record or research or findings for ANY so-called virus that is responsible for ANY sickness or disease – EVER!]


5. June 10, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “MERS virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:


6. CDC June 11 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “POLIO virus” purified from any patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:


7. March 15, 2021 CDC FOIA response: no records of any “Ebola virus” isolation or purification from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:


8. March 19, 2021, U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) admit they have no record of any “Zika virus” isolated or purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:


9. March 23, 2021 CDC admitted in a FOIA response that they have no record of any “HIV virus”, “Hepatitis viruis”, “STD virus”, and “TB bacillus bacterium” purified isolate from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere, ever:


10. April 7th, 2021, the CDC states that they have no record of “XMRV virus” purification or isolation from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:


11. April 7th, 2021 the CDC states that they have no record of “HTLV-1 virus” purification or isolation from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:



12. April 7th, 2021, the CDC states that they have no record of “HTLV-III/LAV virus” purification or isolation from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:


13. April 12, 2021: CDC admits they have no record of any “influenza virus” isolated or purified from a patient sample, by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever:

[Note: there was a reference to “influenza” in this request, but it doesn’t affect our request in any way because it was in the context of our example of the record we were looking to validate that the CDC does not have ANY record or research or findings for ANY so-called virus that is responsible for ANY sickness or disease – EVER!]


If no one any where at any time in the World has isolated and proven the existence of any such novel coronavirus or for any virus as a unique pathogen, how on earth can any pharmaceutical company provide a treatment with a vaccine for a virus that does NOT even exist?

Is the virus or pathogen a mythical virus that needs a mythical (but expensive and poisonous!) vaccine to destroy it?

Or is this phantom virus the creation of ‘bad actors’ and ‘luciferians’ for the purpose of redistributing the wealth of the world to themselves and at the same time reduce the surplus population of so-called ‘useless eaters’?

As Voltaire once warned us:

“Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

As stated quite clearly by Chief Officer Mr. Roger Andoh in his CDC FOIA letters:

“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

As Rappoport has stated,

“Since that is the case, that there are no quantified virus isolates, how can one be sure of what is being determined as COVID -19 is, in fact, COVID -19?”

You cannot because you are looking for something that does not even exist!

You see the symptoms of cov – 19 are all symptoms of chemical and radiation poisoning. And the corona virus is not a virus at all but a symptom of cell membrane degeneration I call the ‘corona effect’!

The ‘Corona Effect’ Caused by Systemic Chemical and Radiation Poisoning Leading to Pathological Blood Coagulation, Hypoxia and Death

The two micrographs above show the ‘CORONA EFFECT’ on the red blood cells with the ‘SPIKED PROTEIN’ caused by decompensated acidosis of the interstitial and then vascular fluids from an acidic lifestyle and specifically, exposure to toxic pulsating electro-magnetic fields at 2.4gHz or higher, chemical poisoning from the food and water ingested, toxic acidic air pollution and chem-trails and to top-it-all-off a chemical laden inoculation! Please check your feelings and false beliefs at the door before YOU prematurely cause YOUSELF harm!


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cover image credit: himmlisch  / pixabay

World Health Organization New Guidelines Are Vital to End Coercive Psychiatric Practices & Abuse

World Health Organization New Guidelines Are Vital to End Coercive Psychiatric Practices & Abuse
WHO report vindicates CCHR and the many groups that have fought worldwide for the recognition of psychiatric human rights violations, including involuntary commitment and forced electroshock and other biomedical, including drug treatments. 

by Jan Eastgate, CCHR International, Mental Health Industry Watchdog
June 11, 2021


The World Health Organization (WHO) has released a damning report that lashes out against coercive psychiatric practices, which it says “are pervasive and are increasingly used in services in countries around the world, despite the lack of evidence that they offer any benefits, and the significant evidence that they lead to physical and psychological harm and even death.”[1] It points to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) which in essence, calls for a ban on “forced hospitalization and forced treatment.”[2]

Citizens Commission on Human Rights International welcomes the report not just for it recognizing psychiatric abuses and torture as being rife, but also as a vindication of CCHR’s efforts since 1969 and other groups that have fought for the recognition of patents’ rights violations that WHO now acknowledges. CCHR’s Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights, written in 1969, includes many of the rights that the W.H.O. report now addresses. [3]

For example, WHO points to a series of UN guidelines and Human Rights Council resolutions that have called on countries to tackle the “unlawful or arbitrary institutionalization, overmedication and treatment practices [seen in the field of mental health] that fail to respect… autonomy, will and preferences.”[4] People who are subjected to coercive practices report feelings of dehumanization, disempowerment and being disrespected, WHO further states.[5]

CRPD says patients must not be put at risk of “torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” and recommends prohibiting “coercive practices such as forced admission and treatment, seclusion and restraint, as well as the administering of antipsychotic medication, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and psychosurgery without informed consent.”[6]

Coercive Practices Create Harm

Psychiatry has failed to take responsibility for the fact that its own coercive practices have caused the stigmatization which drives medical students and patients away from it, while it tries to blame this on its critics. WHO says stigmatization exists among the general population, policy makers and others when they see those with mental disabilities as being “at risk of harming themselves or others, or that they need medical treatment to keep them safe”—a psychiatric mantra—which results in a general acceptance of coercive practices such as involuntary admission and treatment or seclusion and restraint.[7]

Abusive practices CCHR has documented include:

  • In the U.S., children—who are too young to consent to electroshock—are subjected to it, even at the age of five or younger. American psychiatrists are administering it despite W.H.O. reporting sixteen years ago that “There are no indications for the use of ECT on minors, and hence this should be prohibited through legislation.” Yet the American Psychiatric Association has called for greater use of this brain-damaging, barbaric practice on minors.[8]
  • Many patients are forcibly detained and drugged under U.S. involuntary commitment laws, and with telepsychiatry now available, psychiatric hospitals are using this to incarcerate people against their will for their insurance.
  • Recent reports of the troubled teen industry in the U.S. highlight how coercive restraint use in psychiatric and behavioral facilities is common, despite leading to deaths of youths, without accountability. Teenagers gasping for air, crying out that they “can’t breathe” have died undergoing restraint to control their behavior.[9]
  • In New Zealand, a Royal Commission Inquiry into Child Abuse begins its investigation on June 14 into the torture of children with an electroshock device at the now-closed state psychiatric institution, Lake Alice. Children were not anesthetized but punitively shocked directly to various body parts, including genitalia.[10]
  • Despite a March 2020 Food and Drug Administration ban on a similar shock device used at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts for behavior modification, the torturous procedure is still being used.[11]
  • Until recently, psychiatrists such as Patrick McGorry in Australia, pre-drugged patients in the Brave New World theory that this could prevent them from becoming psychotic, yet the antipsychotics prescribed for this list psychosis as a side effect. Similar practices are researched in the U.S.[12]

Many U.S. states allow electroshock to be given to involuntary patients against their will, constituting torture, as UN agencies have clearly stated. The WHO report specifically highlights the problem that “coercive practices are used in some cases because they are mandated in the national [or state] laws of countries.”[13]

Further, coercion is “built into mental health systems, including in professional education and training, and is reinforced through national mental health and other legislation.”[14]

These laws need to change, similar to those enacted in Australia where criminal penalties are enshrined in several mental health laws, should certain psychiatric treatments be administered, violating patients’ rights.

Countries must also ensure that “informed consent” is in place and that “the right to refuse admission and treatment is also respected.”[15] “People wishing to come off psychotropic drugs should also be actively supported to do so, and several recent resources have been developed to support people to achieve this,” WHO says.[16]

No Accountability: No Funding

WHO sees community mental health as the alternative to egregious hospitalization and the biomedical paradigm—psychotropic drugs, electroshock and psychosurgery—for treating people’s emotional and mental problems. This would require a massive injection of funds. However, the checks and balances do not exist to prevent abuses occurring in the community. Greater accountability, including criminal penalties are needed.

The same funding limitations also apply to psychiatric research, which the WHO highlights have been dominated by a biomedical model—neuroscience, genetics and psychopharmacology. It quotes the astounding admission from Thomas Insell, former director of the National Institute for Mental Health (2002 to 2015), who said: “When I look back on that, I realize that while I think I succeeded at getting lots of really cool papers published by cool scientists at fairly large costs—I think US$ 20 billion—I don’t think we moved the needle in reducing suicide, reducing hospitalizations, improving recovery for the tens of millions of people who have mental illness.”[17]

We cannot keep flooding more money into a failing and harmful mental health system, when accountability either doesn’t exist or is so ineffective that perpetrators can get away with murder.

Abolish Involuntary Hospitalization

In the U.S., in the wake of acts of senseless violence, psychiatrists have called for greater rights to involuntarily commit individuals—the antithesis of what the WHO is advocating. In fact, it debunks the idea that involuntary admission is necessary under so-called grounds such as “dangerousness” or “lack of insight.’”[18] Or that the person is “‘at risk of harming themselves or others, or that they need medical treatment to keep them safe,’” with WHO saying that such practices lead to an “over-emphasis on biomedical treatment options and a general acceptance of coercive practices such as involuntary admission and treatment or seclusion and restraint.”[19]

“Although challenging, it is important for countries…to eliminate practices that restrict the right to legal capacity, such as involuntary admission and treatment,” it says.[20]

The late Dr. Thomas Szasz, professor of psychiatry, a fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and co-founder of CCHR, stressed this point sixty years ago. Indeed, he was more forthright in stating: “Involuntary mental hospitalization is like slavery. Refining the standards for commitment is like prettifying the slave plantations. The problem is not how to improve commitment, but how to abolish it.” Further, “The most important deprivation of human and constitutional rights inflicted upon persons said to be mentally ill is involuntary mental hospitalization….”[21] 

CCHR will continue to monitor and document psychiatric abuses and with this WHO guideline against involuntary treatment, refer this to attorneys who may be able to seek charges of torture where forced treatment is administered. Until laws enact the necessary protections, more pressure is needed to bring abuses to account through the courts.

Report psychiatric abuse to CCHR.


[1] “Guidance on Community Mental Health Services: Promoting Person-Centered and Rights-Based Approaches,” World Health Organization, 10 June 2021, p. 8, (to download report)

[2] Ibid., p. 4


[4] Op. cit., World Health Organization, p. 5

[5] Ibid., p. 8

[6] Ibid., p. 7

[7] Ibid., p. 3

[8] Letter to Robert M. Califf, M.D., Commissioner, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, from the American Psychiatric Association, March 10, 2016,





[13] Op. cit., World Health Organization, p. 8

[14] Ibid., p. 8

[15] Ibid., p. 6

[16] Ibid., p. 201

[17] Ibid., p. 215

[18] Ibid., p. 7

[19] Ibid., p. 3

[20] Ibid., p. 6



Connect with Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR)


Genes, Genes — the Grant Funding Machines

Genes, Genes — the Grant Funding Machines

by Anne Dachel, Age of Autism
June 12, 2021


Baylor College School of Medicine in Houston recently announced that their researchers have identified genetic mutations ‘linked to autism.’

This research was covered by KHOU TV Houston in the story, 1 in 54 kids diagnosed with Autism, Baylor researchers studying why.

Actually they aren’t.

I’m sure the grant money for this study came with the stipulation that they stick to the script that autism is a genetic disorder lots of unfortunate children are born with. It’s important that autism busywork like this continues so the public thinks that the medical community cares about autism.

How do I know this?

Everything in the piece is meant to downplay the health and humanitarian disaster that autism represents. Reporter Lauren Talarico provides the blanket definition that understates any of the horrific symptoms children and families have to live with:

Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder. It can affect speech, social interactions and the ability to communicate.

(No mention of parents changing the diapers on their non-verbal young adult son who wears a helmet because he bangs his head on the wall endlessly.)

Likewise there are no words like crisis or epidemic used. Instead Dr. Olivier Lichtarge, professor of molecular and human genetics, uses phrases like ‘a surprisingly large number of children’ to describe two percent of U.S. kids with autism.

While we are told that one in 54 children are now diagnosed with autism, there is not one word about the unstoppable increases that have preceded it: 2004: one in 166, 2007: one in 150, 2009: one in 110, 2012: one in 88, 2014: one in 68, 2018: one in 59, (also in 2018: one in 40 according to a separate study published in JAMA), one in 54, 2020.

Somehow Lichtarge thinks that looking for mutating genes will matter when the rate eventually reaches one in 10, one in 5.

Lichtarge shows no embarrassment over the complete failure of the scientific/medical community to figure out anything significant about autism despite billions of dollars in research funding and 20 years of trying.

This is how lost they are:

More and more children are being diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and researchers are trying to figure out why.

“It is a rising fraction for reasons we do not understand,” Dr. Lichtarge said.

Doctors are not sure what causes it.

“The basis of autism is not quite clear. It’s obviously genetic. It also may have an environmental interplay,”

“There is every reason to hope that we can understand it better in the near future,” he said.

Lichtarge cleverly sidesteps the issue of an environmental trigger that marks these genetically susceptible kids for lifelong damage with the singular, vague mention of ‘an environmental interplay.’ Yet this is something he has no interest in exploring.

And don’t think the horrific number of one in 54 kids matters really. Notice the phrase is “1 in 54 kids diagnosed with Autism,” not 1 in 54 kids with autism.

This is a neat way of saying that the rate may be the result of “better diagnosing” and it’s has used for two decades as the catch phrase to mean that more kids don’t actually have autism. They’ve always been here; more are being diagnosed.

No one wants to prevent autism

We are told that the endgame of identifying those “harmful mutations….linked to autism” is merely so “scientists can develop the best treatments.”

All in all, there are no findings here that will help a single child.

Talarico also fails to ask why Lichtarge isn’t interested in adults with autism and looking at their genetics and their treatment plans.

Of course Lichtarge won’t have a problem finding kids to study; they’re on every block and in every school. Too bad he doesn’t want to use some of his funding to look for the elusive one in 54 adults with autism..

Predictably the photo companying the piece show a cute smiling girl painting a paper covered with colorful puzzle pieces. And thus it will remain: the eternal mystery of autism, the puzzle no one wants to solve.

See also The Vaccine Autism Link


Connect with Age of Autism

cover image credit: Prettysleepy/ pixabay

As Drug Makers Set Sights on Vaccinating 5-Year-Olds, Latest VAERS Data Show Number of Injuries, Deaths Continues to Climb

As Drug Makers Set Sights on Vaccinating 5-Year-Olds, Latest VAERS Data Show Number of Injuries, Deaths Continues to Climb
VAERS data released today showed 329,021 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 5,888 deaths and 28,441 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 4, 2021.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 11, 2021


This week’s number of reported adverse events among all age groups following COVID vaccines surpassed 329,000, according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 4, a total of 329,021 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 5,888 deaths — an increase of 723 deaths over the previous week. There were 28,441 serious injury reports, up 3,082 compared with last week.

Among 12- to 17-year-olds, there were 59 reports of heart inflammation and 19 cases of blood clotting disorders.

In the U.S., 299.1 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of June 4. This includes 126 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 162 million doses of Pfizer and 11 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 5,888 deaths reported as of June 4, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 39% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

This week’s total VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to June 4, 2021, for all age groups show:

CDC to hold emergency hearing after identifying 226 cases of heart inflammation in young people

As The Defender reported today, the CDC on Thursday announced plans to convene an emergency meeting of its advisers on June 18 to discuss higher-than-expected reports of heart inflammation following doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines.

As The Defender reported Thursday, before the announcement, the CDC on June 1 had quietly updated its website to acknowledge a higher-than-expected number of cases of myocarditis among young teens after the second dose of an mRNA COVID vaccine.

Based on a May 24 report from the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group, the CDC on June 1 added new language to its guidance:

“Data from VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System] show that in the 30-day window following dose 2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, there was a higher number of observed than expected myocarditis/pericarditis cases in 16–24-year-olds.”

The updated language differed significantly from the CDC’s statement two weeks earlier, which said rates of myocarditis were not higher among vaccinated people.

During a Thursday meeting of advisors to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, CDC officials presented data showing a total of 475 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were recorded in patients 30 and younger following mRNA vaccines.

The CDC identified 226 reports that might meet the agency’s “working case definition” of myocarditis. The majority of those affected have recovered, but 41 had ongoing symptoms, 15 are still hospitalized and three are in the intensive care unit.

On June 10, The Defender reported the Oregon Health Authority said it was aware of at least 11 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis — inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart — in all age groups following COVID vaccination.One of the cases is a 15-year-old teen in Beaverton, Oregon, who was hospitalized for heart inflammation after receiving his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

“The hallmark symptom of myocarditis and pericarditis is chest pain or shortness of breath,” Jonathan Modie, an Oregon Health Authority spokesperson, said in an email. “In rare cases, it can also present in the form of heart palpitations. Anyone suffering from unexplained chest pain should contact a medical provider or seek immediate emergency care.”

A search of the latest available data in VAERS revealed 900 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis, among all age groups reported in the U.S following COVID vaccination between Dec.14, 2020 and June 4, 2021. Of the 900 cases reported, 533 cases were attributed to Pfizer, 331 cases to Moderna and 32 cases to J&J’s COVID vaccine.

Experts tell FDA for kids, benefits of COVID vaccines don’t outweigh the risks

As The Defender reported June 11, an FDA advisory committee held a virtual meeting Thursday to discuss what data would be needed to vaccinate children under 12 against COVID under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) or licensure.

Several experts spoke out against the plan, saying the benefits don’t outweigh the risks for young children. Peter Doshi, Ph,D, associate professor University of Maryland School of Pharmacy and senior editor of The BMJ, said during the open public hearing session, there is no emergency that would warrant using EUA to authorize COVID vaccines for children.

Kim Witczak, an FDA consumer representative, expressed great concerns over the premature approval of COVID vaccines for children. Witczak said data shows children are neither in danger or dangerous and questioned the timing of last Friday’s CDC announcement of the rise in children being hospitalized with COVID.

Dr. Cody Meissner, director of pediatric infectious diseases at Tufts University School of Medicine, said children are at low risk of severe disease from the virus and more study is needed about safety in younger age groups.

Witczak and Doshi were two of 27 researchers and clinicians around the world who launched a citizen’s petition demanding the FDA withhold full approval of COVID vaccines until efficacy and safety measures are met.

The members of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee were not asked to provide specific advice or to vote during the meeting.

Moderna, Pfizer push to vaccinate kids as young as 5 by September

Moderna this week asked the FDA to expand emergency use of its COVID vaccine for adolescents aged 12 to 17. The vaccine maker said its COVID vaccine was 100% effective in a study of 3,700 12-to-17-year-olds.

Moderna and Pfizer both this week said they expect to make their vaccines available to children as young as 5 by September.

As The Defender reported this week, Pfizer is advancing late-stage clinical trials of its COVID vaccine, in lower doses, on children ages 5 to 11 years old and expects to apply for approval early this fall. The study will enroll up to 4,500 children at more than 90 clinical sites in the U.S., Finland, Poland and Spain, the company said.

Based on safety, efficacy and tolerability data from the 144 children included in Pfizer’s phase 1 trial, the company will use 10 micrograms of each vaccine dose for kids between the ages of 5 and 11 in phase 2/3 trials, and 3 micrograms of each dose for those 5 and younger.

Moderna said it also expects its COVID vaccine will be available for kids as young as 5 by early fall. CEO Stéphane Bancel said Monday he thinks the data will become available sometime in September.

New Cleveland Clinic study shows vaccine provides no added benefit to those who already had COVID

new preprint study by the Cleveland Clinic found people previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 were less likely to be reinfected than fully vaccinated individuals who never had the virus — suggesting the vaccine is of no benefit to people who already had COVID.

As The Defender reported, the study, available on medRxiv, provides insight into how the immune system protects the body once a COVID infection is confirmed.

The clinic studied 52,238 employees. Of those, 49,659 never had the virus and 2,579 had COVID and recovered. Of the 2,579 who previously were infected, 1,359, or 53%, remained unvaccinated, compared with 41%, or 22,777 who were vaccinated.

Of all infections during the study period, 99.3% occurred in participants who were not infected previously and remained unvaccinated. In contrast, 0.7% of infections occurred in participants who were not previously infected but were currently vaccinated. Significantly, not one of the 1,359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study.

Pfizer skipped critical testing, documents reveal 

New documents obtained by TrialSite News suggest routine quality testing issues were overlooked in the rush to authorize use of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, and that U.S. and other governments are conducting a massive vaccination program with an incompletely characterized experimental vaccine.

As The Defender reported June 7, regulatory documents revealed Pfizer didn’t thoroughly examine biodistribution and pharmacokinetics issues relating to its vaccine before submitting the vaccine to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for review.

Pfizer also did not use the commercial vaccine (BNT162b2) for all of its studies, but instead relied on a “surrogate” mRNA that produced the luciferase protein.

According to TrialSite News, it’s standard practice for the EMA to disclose its assessment of investigational new drug submissions. In the case of Pfizer’s vaccine, the EMA assessment included a summary of the agency’s evaluation of the non-clinical vaccine distribution studies reported to EMA by Pfizer — but the EMA did not disclose the results of Pfizer’s biodistribution studies in its public EMA summary.

95 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. After repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions, a health communications specialist from the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force contacted us on March 29 — three weeks after our initial inquiry.

The individual received our request for information from VAERS, but said she had never received our list of questions, even though employees we talked to several times said CDC press officers were working through the questions and confirmed the representative had received them. We provided the list of questions again along with a new deadline, but never received a response.

On May 19, a CDC employee said our questions had been reviewed and our inquiry was pending in their system, but would not provide us with a copy of the response. We were told we would be contacted by phone or email with the response.

On June 4, the CDC employee we contacted said nobody had responded to our inquiries. We were advised to submit our questions again, which we have done numerous times.

It has been 95 days since we sent our first email inquiring into VAERS data and reports and we have yet to receive a response.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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CDC to Convene Emergency Meeting on 226 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccine in People Under 30

CDC to Convene Emergency Meeting on 226 Reports of Heart Inflammation After COVID Vaccine in People Under 30
According to the CDC, a total of 475 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were recorded in patients 30 and younger, but only 226 reports meet the agency’s “working case definition.”

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 11, 2021


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced Thursday it will convene an emergency meeting of its advisers on June 18 to discuss higher-than-expected reports of heart inflammation following doses of Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines, CBS News reported.

According to the CDC, a total of 475 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis were recorded in patients 30 and younger. The CDC identified 226 reports that might meet the agency’s “working case definition” of myocarditis and pericarditis following the shots, the agency disclosed Thursday during an FDA hearing.

The majority of those affected have recovered, but 41 had ongoing symptoms, 15 are still hospitalized and three are in the intensive care unit.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office said during Thursday’s meeting there had been a higher-than-expected number of cases of heart inflammation among young people recently vaccinated with their second doses of mRNA vaccine.

CDC data showed 196 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis among 18- to 24-year-olds through May 31, compared with an expected rate of between eight and 83 cases.

Among 16- to 17-year-olds, 79 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis were reported through May 31. The expected rate among people in this age group is between two and 19 cases, Shimabukuro said during his presentation.

Shimabukuro said the CDC’s findings were “mostly consistent” with reports of rare cases of heart inflammation that had been studied in Israel and reported by the U.S. Department of Defense earlier this year.

Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle that can lead to cardiac arrhythmia and death. According to researchers at the National Organization for Rare Disorders, myocarditis can result from infections, but “more commonly the myocarditis is a result of the body’s immune reaction to the initial heart damage.”

Pericarditis is often used interchangeably with myocarditis and refers to inflammation of the pericardium, the thin sac surrounding the heart.

A search in the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) revealed 900 cases of pericarditis and myocarditis reported in the U.S., among all age groups, following COVID vaccination, between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 4, 2021.

Of the 900 cases reported, 59 cases occurred in the 12- to 17-year-old group –– all but one case was attributed to Pfizer.

On May 10, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) expanded the EUA for Pfizer’s COVID vaccine to include children aged 12-15 years. On June 10, Moderna asked the FDA to expand emergency use of its COVID vaccine in adolescents ages 12 to 17.

The CDC had previously said it was investigating reports that some teenagers and young adults vaccinated against COVID may have experienced heart problems, according to the agency’s advisory group.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in a statement said reports of myocarditis to date seemed to occur predominantly in adolescents and young adults, more often in males than females, more often following the second dose and typically within four days after vaccination. Most cases appeared to be “mild” and follow-up is ongoing.

The CDC’s Vaccine Safety Technical Work Group originally said its monitoring systems had not found more cases of myocarditis than would be expected in the population, but members of the committee on vaccinations said healthcare providers should be made aware of the reports of the “potential adverse event.”

But as The Defender reported June 10, the CDC subsequently acknowledged — in guidance updated on its website June 1 — a higher-than-expected number of cases of myocarditis among young teens after the second dose of an mRNA COVID vaccine. It wasn’t until Thursday’s FDA meeting that the agency publicly discussed the higher rate and followed up by announcing plans to hold an emergency meeting.

EU and Israel investigate reports of heart inflammation

On June 2, Israeli health officials found a “probable” link between Pfizer’s COVID vaccine — which the country has relied on almost exclusively in its vaccination drive — and dozens of cases of heart inflammation in young men following the second dose.

In a statement, Pfizer said there is still no indication the cases are due to its vaccine. Myocarditis is often caused by viral infections, and COVID infections have been reported to cause the condition, the drugmaker said.

Pfizer’s partner, BioNTech, said more than 300 million doses of the COVID vaccine have been administered globally and the “benefit-risk profile” of the vaccine remains positive.

On May 7, EU regulators called on Pfizer and Moderna to provide additional data related to the companies’ COVID vaccines and a potential link to heart inflammation, after the agency completed a safety review of all four COVID vaccines authorized for emergency use in the EU.

report issued by European Medicines Agency’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) disclosed its members were aware of cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following Pfizer vaccination. Regulators said they didn’t see an indication the vaccine caused these cases, but as a prevention, PRAC requested Pfizer provide further data, including an analysis of events according to age and gender in its next pandemic summary safety report and will consider if any other regulatory action is needed.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Kentucky Judge Invalidates All of Governor Bashear’s State of Emergency Actions

Kentucky Judge Invalidates All of Governor Bashear’s State of Emergency Actions

by John H. Bryan, The Civil Rights Lawyer
June 8, 2021


Today my colleague from Kentucky, Chris Wiest, received an awesome ruling from the Circuit Court of Boone County declaring that all of Governor Andy Bashear’s emergency orders and actions are unconstitutional and void. The ruling was in the state-court challenge to the governor’s emergency powers executive orders, filed by Wiest on behalf of Beans Cafe’ & Bakery.

Dr. Stephen Petty, an actual expert in masks, testified at the trial about their uselessness under the circumstances in which they’re being idolized. Here’s an excerpt from the order pertaining to Dr. Petty. For those bureaucrats and social media tyrants who would censor this, this is from an actual court order issued today. Not that you care:

Stephen E. Petty, P.E., CIH, testified as an expert and was accepted as such without objection. Mr. Petty has served as an expert witness in approximately 400 cases relating to toxic or infectious exposure, personal protective equipment (“PPE”), and as a warning expert. He also served as an epidemiology expert for the plaintiffs in the Monsanto “Roundup” cases, and for those in the Dupont C8 litigation. In connection with his service as an expert, he was deposed nearly 100 times and has provided court testimony in approximately 20 trials. Mr. Petty holds nine U.S. patents, has written a book comprising nearly 1,000 pages on forensics engineering, is a certified industrial hygienist, and a recognized expert with the Occupational Safety and Health Agency. Mr. Petty helped write the rules on risk assessment for the State of Ohio and has trained Ohio’s risk assessors.

Mr. Petty explained that the field of his expertise is “to anticipate and recognize and control things that could hurt people, everything from making them sick to killing them.” He testified that, in this context, he has analyzed the use of masks and social distancing in connection with Covid-19. He testified that both the six-foot-distancing rule, and mask mandates, are wholly ineffective at reducing the spread of this virus. Masks are worthless, he explained, because they are not capable of filtering anything as small as Covid-19 aerosols. In addition, masks are not respirators and lack the limited protections that respirators can provide.

The N-95 respirator, which he states is in the bottom class of what may be classified as a respirator, is rated to filter 95% of all particles that are larger than .3 microns. However, a Covid-19 particle, which is only between .09 to .12 micron, is much smaller. Mr. Petty further explained that an N-95 will not even filter above .3 microns if it is not used in accordance with industry standards. Among the requirements, respirators must be properly fitted to seal along the face, and they also must be timely replaced. Mr. Petty stated that N-95 masks, which he said are often utilized as surgical masks, are “not intended to keep infectious disease from either the surgeon or from the patient infecting each other” but only to catch the “big droplets” from the surgeon’s mouth.”

According to Mr. Petty, masks have no standards, are not respirators, and do not even qualify as protective equipment. In contrast, respirators have standards, including rules that state respirators may not be worn by persons with facial hair, must be fitted to ensure a seal, and must be timely replaced—or, as in higher end respirators, the cartridges must be replaced to prevent saturation. In addition, standards for respirators also require users to obtain a medical clearance because the breathing restriction can impair lung function or cause other problems for persons having such limitations. Putting those persons in a respirator can harm their well-being.

Concerning the effectiveness of respirators, Mr. Petty explained that it comes down to “big stuff” versus “small stuff.” Big stuff can be taken out by the body’s defenses, such as its mucus tissue, where droplets can be caught and eliminated. The small stuff, however—like aerosols—are more dangerous. Masks cannot filter the small stuff. According to Petty, because Covid-19 particles are comprised of aerosols, it is really, really, small stuff. And, as he pointed out, an N-95 is designed to filter larger particles. Even for particles as large as .3 micron, Mr. Petty testified that an N-95’s effectiveness is in direct proportion to its seal. In fact, he stated it becomes completely ineffective if 3% or more of the contact area with the face is not sealed.

Mr. Petty testified that masks leak, do not filter out the small stuff, cannot be sealed, are commonly worn by persons with facial hair, and may be contaminated due to repetitive use and the manner of use. He emphatically stated that mask wearing provides no benefit whatsoever, either to the wearer or others.

He explained that the big droplets fall to the ground right away, the smaller droplets will float longer, and aerosols will remain suspended for days or longer if the air is stirred. Mr. Petty testified that the duration of time that particles remain suspended can be determined using “Stoke’s Law.” Based on it, for particles the size of Covid-19 (.12 to .09 micron) to fall five feet would take between 5 and 58 days in still air. Thus, particles are suspended in the air even from previous days. And so, he asks, “If it takes days for the particles to fall, how in the world does a six-foot rule have any meaning?”

Mr. Petty acknowledged that both OSHA and CDC have recommended that people wear masks. However, he called this “at best dishonest.”61 As an example on this, he pointed to CDC guidance documents where, on page 1, it recommends wearing a mask; but then on page 6, admits that “masks, do not provide . . . a reliable level of protection from . . . smaller airborne particles.”62 According to Mr. Petty, those agencies have smart individuals who know better. Mr. Petty points out that, even before March 2020, it was known that Covid-19 particles are tiny aerosols. And on this, he states that he insisted that fact early on. He also points to a more recent letter by numerous medical researchers, physicians and experts with Ph.D.s, asking the CDC to address the implications of Covid-19 aerosols. During Dr. Stack’s subsequent testimony, he also acknowledged that Covid-19 is spread “by . . . airborne transmission that could be aerosols . . . .”

Finally, Mr. Petty pointed to another recent study by Ben Sheldon of Stanford University out of Palo Alto. According to that study, “both the medical and non-medical face masks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious diseases, such as SARS, CoV-2 and COVID-19.”64 The Court finds the opinions expressed by Mr. Petty firmly established in logic. The inescapable conclusion from his testimony is that ordering masks to stop Covid-19 is like putting up chain-link fencing to keep out mosquitos. The six-foot- distancing requirements fare no better.

The judge summarizes the situation nicely:

It is obvious from even a cursory review that the orders issued over the past fifteen months “attempt to control” and seek “to form and determine future rights and duties” of Kentucky citizens. These included ordering the closure of all businesses, except those the Governor deemed essential. He ordered churches closed, prohibited social gatherings, including at weddings and funerals, prohibited travel, and through CHFS, even prohibited citizens from receiving scheduled surgeries and access to medical care. And then there is the order that everyone wear a mask. These are, undeniably, attempts to control, set policy, and determine rights and duties of the citizenry. Except in those instances where the federal courts have stepped in, Defendants assert authority to modify or re-impose these orders at their sole discretion. Consider, for example, the recent modification of the mask mandate. It orders persons who did not get vaccinated for Covid-19 to wear masks but lifts that requirement for others. That is setting policy and determining future rights and duties.

At the hearing, Defendants took exception to the Attorney General’s characterization of the Governor’s actions as a “lockdown,” and argued that prohibiting persons from entering those restaurants is not the same as ordering that they be closed. But that doesn’t minimize the impact on those who lost their businesses as a result, or those in nursing homes condemned to spend their final hours alone, deprived of the comfort from loved ones (or even any real contact with humanity), or those citizens who the Governor prohibited from celebrating their wedding day with more than ten persons, or those he forced to bury their dead alone, without the consoling presence of family and friends (and who likewise were deprived of paying their final respects), or those persons who were barred from entering church to worship Almighty God during Holy Week, and even Easter Sunday, or those persons who were denied access to health care, including cancer-screenings, or those denied entry into government buildings (which they pay for with their taxes) in order to obtain a necessary license, and who were forced to wait outside for hours in the sweltering heat, or rain, purportedly to keep them from getting sick.

What the people have endured over the past fifteen months—to borrow a phrase from United States District Judge Justin R. Walker—“is something this Court never expected to see outside the pages of a dystopian novel.” Yet, Defendants contend that the Governor’s rule by mere emergency decree must continue indefinitely, and independent of legislative limits. In effect, Defendants seek declaratory judgment that the Constitution provides this broad power so long as he utters the word, “emergency.” It does not. For this Court to accept Defendant’s position would not be honoring its oath to support the Constitution; it would be tantamount to a coup d’état against it.

Here’s the order itself:

View this document on Scribd


Yes, life is now a dystopian novel. Let’s hope this patriot judge’s order stands up on appeal in the state appellate courts in Kentucky. And thanks to Chris Wiest and the AG of Kentucky for fighting the good fight. The order notes that the permanent injunction against the governor goes into effect on June 10, 2021 at 5:00 p.m.


Connect with John H. Bryan, Attorney at Law, West Virginia

NY Pharmacist Is Fired After Refusing to Administer Experimental Biological Agents Without Informed Consent

NY Pharmacist Is Fired After Refusing to Administer Experimental Biological Agents Without Informed Consent


“…how can you give informed consent if there’s no package insert, with no
ingredients, no test note, no anything? The words are intentionally left
blank on the package insert for the shots and there’s no long-term data,
so I can’t tell people what will happen in 2, 3, 4, 5, ten years from now,
because they took this shot. So that, by default, is the informed consent
that I’m concerned with.”


Interview: Listen to NY Pharmacist Discuss His Refusal to Administer Experimental Biological Agents Without Informed Consent

by America’s Frontline Doctors
June 10, 2021


America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) spoke to New York pharmacist Joel Wood about his dismissal for his refusal to administer experimental biological agents without providing his patients the ability to give their informed consent to receive them.

On May 5th, Wood called an anonymous ethics line at the Kinney Drugs corporation where he was employed to express concerns over both vaccine shedding and vaccination in youth. On May 9th he wrote an email to the corporation in which he stated: “I have been an employee for Kinneys for over 5 years. I have always felt that they have made safety for staff and patients a priority. However, I would like to know what the company is doing to address the safety concern of shedding of vaccine in the work place. It is a known phenomenon, and specifically mentioned in the Pfizer study on page 67 as a concern. It is possible to have contact thru both physical touching (which is not the concern at work) but also inhalation – this is a concern at work. The masks do not provide any safety. I would like to see this addressed in an email to the company by this weekend.”

Wood continued: “If there is not an email that addresses these concerns, I will forward my complaint to OSHA as a violation of safety.

“I am also concerned with the lack of patient safety and informed consent that involves the Moderna COVID-19 shot. I have heard from many staff and patients that they did not know that the shot was NOT FDA-approved. I know for a fact the staff who are administering this shot are not telling people that it is not an approved vaccine. This creates an issue when patients get their second shot and are informed that it is not approved and say, ‘Well, the first shot was’; no, it was not.

“I would also like to address the elephant in the room. I understand the need to follow advice from our regulatory governmental agencies. However when those agencies are wrong or make inappropriate recommendations, it is our patients that feel the brunt of this…

“I fear that Kinney is moving in a direction that is the opposite of our motto. Experience the difference means just that, if we do not change our behavior and inform the public the real science and health information that exists in the world, we do a disservice to the community and also ourselves as healthcare providers. We are now going to be administering a shot to children 12 and older for a disease that was called the common cold by the New York Times twice. We have no long-term data about this shot in children.”

Wood concluded his letter to Kinneys: “If there is not an email sent to the company that starts to address these concerns, I will be writing letters to OSHA and well as news organizations as a whistleblower for the crimes that are being committed. I do not believe that it is intentional, but we are acting against international human rights laws that discuss vaccines and discrimination. We have a responsibility to tell the public the reality about this shot, what it really does, that there is no pandemic, and that the numbers were inflated to make it appear like a pandemic. We need to inform them about the vaccine shedding that might be occurring.”

After receiving no answer to address his concerns, Wood addressed a formal complaint to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). On May 11th, he received an answer that read: “At this time OSHA has no standards or jurisdiction when it comes to COVID-19 concerns or complaints. We have been told to give all complainants these 3 numbers to contact if you so choose:”, listing the New York State Governor’s office, the New York State COVID-19 hotline, and the New York State Department of Labor COVID violation hotline. Wood was subsequently fired from his position at Kinney Drugs.

‍America’s Frontline Doctors spoke to New York pharmacist Joel Wood, who was fired after five years in his job for refusing to administer COVID-19 vaccines without informed consent.

“I’ve been a pharmacist in New York State for seven years and I’ve been working with this company in the retail setting for seven years, and ever since the coronavirus outbreak in the beginning of 2020, I’ve had my concerns as someone who works in the front line trying to make sure that my patients and the public are safe, are taken care of, to the best of the ability that we can as pharmacist and health care providers has been my number one concern.

“So I became very invested in the coronavirus outbreak and pandemic, but as time went on I started to have more concerns over what was going on with the whole story of the coronavirus pandemic and outbreak, from things like grabs for power, from different governments in with located within the United States, and I also saw abroad in the world as well. But New York State, the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, has had a massive power grab, and in my opinion violated a lot of concerns that I have as a health care provider, mandates and things like that.

“So it was to the forefront of my attention what was going on, and was something more going on than just what we saw at face value of ‘this is a pandemic.’

“I had my concerns about administering the coronavirus when I heard that we were going to start administering it to children.

“I also did have concerns – I’ve seen some reports of women, most likely younger women of childbearing age, having adverse reactions to either the vaccine, or potentially even the vaccine shedding – you know people who have gotten the vaccine become a vector to shed the vaccine, as noted in Pfizer’s trial.

“So the combination of both the children 12 years and up being given the vaccine, or having the ability to receive the vaccine, as well as women of childbearing age – I started to kind of have some concern what was going on with the vaccine, but also what was going on with the coronavirus pandemic, period.

“But the majority of my concerns stemmed from the lack of solid, I have to say science, backed-up evidence. I mean multiple health organizations, from the World Health Organization to the Centers for Disease Control and to some degree the FDA, in terms of their approval process for this vaccine, they’ve been all over the place. I mean multiple doctors and scientists from across the world have written into the WHO with different concerns; respiratory droplets compared to aerosol, that kind of goes into the mask detail. The CDC has published data that leads to the potential controversy for masks. I mean, I’ve read an article in which the CDC describes the masks were not statistically significant. I was taught in school that if it’s not significant, that’s not something that you look at.

“So combinations of those have led me to believe that the administration of these vaccines in any group in which the coronavirus does not have a high death rate may be unwarranted and potentially, as it is an experimental vaccine – not FDA approved – violates Nuremberg trial law.

“So my ultimate decision to stop administering these COVID-19 vaccines, as I stated, came from the combination of children 12 and up, and specifically women bleeding, menstruation issues as it relates to women specifically of childbearing age; there’s no long term data to what this vaccine does, and technically it’s impossible to give informed consent, in my opinion, because the package insert is blank. The package insert for the drug itself, for the vaccine, if it even is a vaccine, is blank, and there’s no long-term data. So I am concerned for what effects then could happen from women who take this, specifically of childbearing age, what could be the end result? I have no idea, and I’m not speculating that anything awful could happen, but we don’t know – and that’s a concern, that’s something I look at – risk versus benefit is what is what my job is all about.

“Same thing with children. Children who are less than 18 – the survival rate of the coronavirus is like 99.999. The only age group that I feel could and potentially should have concern with receiving this vaccine is 65 and older, as their survival rate was less than 99-point-x, we can just say.

“So I also was administering the shot as of January 11th when the rollout happened in New York, right along, because that was what all of the governing bodies were saying: The states, the CDC, FDA, World Health Organization – everybody was discussing the importance of the shots and need to get to herd immunity, so I was doing my part – or I thought I was doing my part – by helping us get there.

“But I noticed as we started to get there, and people started to receive the shot and get both doses, if they were getting the Pfizer and Moderna, for example, it seems like we’re never going to reach this herd immunity and they just keep pushing the vaccine.

“I mean, now in New York State, you can win anywhere from $20 to $5 million with the lottery, just for signing up and getting the vaccine. For me, that’s a huge concern on multiple different levels. I mean one, on the very face value, the government of New York under the leadership of Governor Cuomo, and along with the federal government as well, at least for part of this, is using our federal and state tax dollars to get the money for this vaccine, which my question is may or may not be causing more harm, and also now we are using tax money that should be going towards schools, is my is my understanding of what the New York State lottery was supposed to be for when it was revamped believe over a decade ago, now we’re using that money to give people for getting the vaccine? It’s just highly irregular. I’ve never seen anything like that before in my life. It’s a concern.

“I also have concerns, as I previously mentioned, about violations of the Nuremberg trial, human rights as it pertains to the Geneva conference in the Nuremberg trials. This is an experimental vaccine, it’s not FDA approved.

“And from there, my concerns go out to: Is this coronavirus pandemic a real pandemic? No more people died from it month over month in 2020 than in previous years. The CDC has come out that 6% of deaths were attributed specifically to coronavirus, meaning that the other 94% had underlying comorbid diseases, which we would generally assume similar to like the flu, we don’t say that everyone just died from the flu if you had the flu, something else helped you get there.  That’s how that’s how it presents itself.

“The CDC has been, in my opinion, manipulating and shifting how they are counting deaths and cases to establish a point that if anyone believes that we are not in a pandemic, there is a massive issue and concern with that. So moving forward, if we are actually not in a pandemic, there is fraud and deceit associated with receiving this experiment which both violate the Nuremberg trial.

“The other part of the Nuremberg trial that concerns me is coercion. It’s also stated in the Nuremberg trials that you have to have free, informed consent to be able to have someone sign up for your experiment. And we are coercing people now to have to get the vaccine to be able to take their mask off. So it’s also a false pretense that you have to get the vaccine to take the mask off, but that’s not how we should be doing an experiment, it gives a false sense of reality to people that were not truly informed as to what could be happening.”

Just for the record, what has been your stance on vaccines in general, prior to the emergence of COVID-19, and what has been your experience regarding the whole issue of informed consent? Has there not been a problem until now?

“I don’t have a concern with vaccines in general. I mean, I do have some minor concerns, specifically as it pertains to the pediatric administration of vaccines, but it’s not necessarily the vaccines itself as much it is the tenacity to which we give all these vaccines. I mean, just for example, the amount of aluminum in a child’s vaccine series could be more than what the FDA allows to have in an adult’s i.v. So just as a quick example of where my concerns for vaccines stem from, that’s pretty much my only concern with vaccines, like the current childhood immunization schedule I think is a little over the top. But otherwise no, I don’t have a problem with other vaccines, I don’t have a problem with administering other vaccines. The informed consent has never come up as a major issue for me, in general because they’re all FDA approved. In the very least, every other vaccine that I have ever administered has been FDA approved. So then from there, it’s more of the informed consent of like, ‘these are the side effects, this is to look what to look out for, what could happen; if this happens, do this,’ which is common for any and all medications, new medications, or any and all medications that I would be giving in a pharmacy. Letting people know what the risks and benefits are from the shots that are given.

“The informed consent is a massive concern this time because the package insert is blank. So if someone were to ask me, ‘Hey Dr. Wood, what’s in this?’ I couldn’t tell you. I do know some of the things, I do know some of what’s in it, but I couldn’t give you specific details from the package insert. And then also, ‘What could happen to me?’ I can tell you what has happened to people previously to this point; I can tell you adverse reactions that I have seen from the VAERS reporting, including all of the deaths, the rashes; I can tell you what I have seen up to this point, but I can’t tell you what’s going to happen to you a year from now or two years from now, five, seven, ten years – I have no idea. So informed consent is for me the biggest concern, as it pertains to this coronavirus shot.

“In New York, and in I believe most of the rest of the United States, pharmacists are administering vaccines and have been quite a while, typically in the very least the influenza, maybe the pneumonia or shingles vaccine. But since the beginning of January, retail pharmacies of which I was working for have been administering the coronavirus shot – I will call it a shot, it’s not a vaccine in my opinion. So I have been giving the coronavirus shot probably upwards of over at least 500 people, if not more, and I’ve expressed what my concern is. I went to my employer and said I don’t feel comfortable giving this. We can’t give the people full, informed consent.

“When I told people it wasn’t FDA-approved, people didn’t even know it wasn’t FDA-approved. Or people would say, ‘Well, the first one was.’ That by itself indicates that pharmacists were not telling people that it was not even an FDA-approved shot yet. And second to that, how can you give informed consent if there’s no package insert, with no ingredients, no test note, no anything? The words are intentionally left blank on the package insert for the shots and there’s no long-term data, so I can’t tell people what will happen in 2, 3, 4, 5, ten years from now, because they took this shot. So that, by default, is the informed consent that I’m concerned with.”

Can you tell us about your complaint to OSHA? What is their jurisdiction? What were you hoping to achieve? And what did they finally answer?

“So I had reached out to OSHA after I had reached out to my employer about concerns of vaccine shedding. The vaccine shedding phenomenon is a well-documented concern, and specifically for the coronavirus shot: Pfizer’s own study mentions they were worried about environmental spreading of the vaccine, specifically to pregnant women through both inhalation and skin-to-skin contact. So that leads me to believe that it’s at least possible, or they were worried about it, that vaccine shedding could be a thing.

“I reached out to OSHA because my employer ignored my concerns of vaccine shedding. I have not received the shot yet, so I was concerned about other people, both employees who have received it, and patients and customers who have received it, shedding the vaccine, and what my company was going to do to protect me and other people like me who have not received it. They said nothing.

“I reached out to OSHA and said, ‘What can be done? I have a concern in my own position, job, business, as well as any other retail pharmacy in the country – if you chose not to get the shot, but you are around people who have gotten it, and they are shedding the vax, they are shedding parts of the shot, that’s a concern. So I reached out to OSHA, and OSHA emailed me back and said that they currently have no jurisdiction over the coronavirus shot, there’s nothing in place, there’s no policies or procedures as it pertains to the coronavirus, and that I needed to reach out to New York State, both the New York State governor’s office and the Department of Labor as a means to get an answer, which I was not happy with, I did not accept. My concern for OSHA’s complaint is, how can a federal body not have something in place for after a brand-new experimental shot is released from big pharma, and the only people that have the answers are the same people that I am potentially concerned with are violating human rights set forth in the Geneva laws put forth after the Nuremberg trials?

“Her response indicates exactly what I think it says: We don’t have any jurisdiction, we don’t know anything about this; reach out to the New York Department of Labor and the governor’s office. That is a huge concern for anyone who is worried about his safety and health in the office. Anyone across the country right now could have a concern over whether someone is or is not vaccinated, and that’s part of the debate, I believe, that’s going on in the country. Before, it meant forcing vaccines, or forcing masks, or all of this stuff – and if OSHA’s response is to just default to whatever the state says, then you are potentially at the mercy of whoever your state governor is. And I don’t I don’t mean to turn it into a political, Republican/Democrat, red versus blue concern, but in the very least both certain Democrats and certain Republicans have taken opposite stances. So just that being said alone, it’s very concerning that in one state, for example, you can eliminate the mask mandates and there’s no vaccine passports, but in other states, that’s the only way we’re operating. So OSHA’s response is very concerning to me. That’s part of the federal government that in my opinion is supposed to be watching out for workplace safety concerns, and I agree 100% – I think her answer is kind of just wool over the eyes, the programmed response to say ‘we don’t have any jurisdiction, here’s who you can talk to…’ and then guess what? It’s not OSHA’s problem anymore, they have addressed it, they emailed me back. I mean, it’s so bizarre and terrifying.”

You said risk versus benefit is what your job is all about. Could you elaborate on that more, and explain to us how that specifically relates to your responsibilities as a pharmacist vis-à-vis COVID-19?

“Yes, the risk versus benefit: One of the great conundrums of how all healthcare works. That’s the basis for my job as a pharmacist, and I believe that’s the basis for almost every other health care profession out there. We have the knowledge through teaching, training, education, to assess the risk versus disease state, or the risk versus treatment, versus the benefit of not having treatment, or the benefit of getting treatment, so whether it’s triple bypass surgery, your doctor, your cardiologist, your surgeon looks and measures and decides what’s going to be the healthiest outcome, the best outcome for you.

“Same thing for me, it just happens for me, as a pharmacist, drugs is what I look at and evaluate. And then when it came to the COVID-19, initially I was under the impression that this was the only thing that was going to get us over this, over the hump, through this awful time in history, was to give these vaccines, give these shots.

“But as time went on, I started to be concerned more with what the shots were doing to people, that’s when I started to change my opinion. And I noticed the risk/benefit may not be the same. It appears to me the risk of the coronavirus itself COVID-19 in most age groups less than 65, maybe even 50, the negative outweighs the risk of the shot. Getting COVID-19 in someone less than 50 poses almost zero health risk to you.

“So the benefit of the shot, we don’t know. All the shot does, at this point, technically, is prevent you from getting severe disease. You can still pass the coronavirus, you can still get the coronavirus, it just prevents you from getting severe disease. So that’s the risk/benefit that I look at. What is the benefit to this shot? Just getting severe just preventing severe disease? When 80% of cases are asymptomatic, the coronavirus itself kind of prevents severe disease. Coronavirus has been around for decades, they are part of what causes the common cold.”

Do you believe that there is a code of silence among pharmacists regarding this issue?

“I do not believe that there is a code of silence among pharmacists. I’m more inclined to believe that there is a very deep-rooted psychological hand at play by certain groups of people or certain bodies or certain powers, I don’t know, but I don’t think it’s a silence code.

“And it was hard for myself to do it, too. We are trained – why would we ever think that any one of the federal governing bodies or even worldly, in the example of the World Health Organization, why would we believe that they would be telling us lies? So I don’t think it’s a code of silence, I just think we’re trained and taught to think the CDC, FDA, and the World Health Organization are all quality, upstanding government bodies that aim to solve public health crises.

“And that is not to say that they are not those things and that they do not do that. I don’t want to sound like a complete martyr. Again, I’m not saying that they do. My concern is, I don’t know what’s going on, and that’s why I have concerns over the administration of this shot.”

Have you received feedback from your colleagues? What did they think about the stand you’ve taken?

“I have reached out to a few colleagues and expressed my concerns. Most of them think that I have a decent case, or that the case that I am making isn’t necessarily completely left-field bizarre, even though it is kind of left-field. I don’t know that they’re willing to take a stand, I mean, I was fired from my position. I could only imagine that in any other pharmacy, company, corporation, chain – or most, I would say, for a pharmacist who is not willing to do an aspect of their job, as in giving shots and vaccinations, whether it’s COVID or any vaccine, but specifically the COVID one, it’s going to be hard for a company to keep them on or want to keep them on because there’s a lot of other pharmacists out there who will do it because they need a job, they need the paycheck. So it’s hard for someone to risk it all unless they feel strongly about it.”

At what point did you understand that making this stand may mean the termination of your employment, and when you did realize that, what was it that pushed you to decide to go on anyway?

“I had always known that by taking the stance of not doing a role in your job, when you choose not to do something in your position or your job that is what is expected, you always risk being fired, terminated, reprimanded, what have you. So I always knew that would be a concern, at any point I had decided to take the stance.

“But what officially gave me the courage to decide to do this was when my wife agreed with me that being able to vaccinate children 12 and up was just not right and we needed to do something, I needed to do something. We needed to take a stand and express our concerns for the health and safety of, most importantly, children, and I think potentially even everyone who is eligible to get this shot 12 and up, and it’s going to get younger soon I imagine, they’re going to try for it. So it was my wife who gave me the encouragement and kind of the okay to be like, ‘Yeah, this is a possibility, if you do get fired we’ll do whatever we have to, but it’s the right thing to do.”

Does this move and does the termination of your job represent financial hardship for your family?

“The move does represent financial hardship for my family, my wife and I have a lot of student loan debt; just that alone is a huge concern as a means of bills we have to pay, and now I’m losing a very good salaried job, so it will it will be difficult to weather the storm…”

What does your family say? Are they supportive?

“My family is supportive. I would say for the most part I think the majority of my family is supportive because they support me, and first and foremost that’s what families do, that’s what that’s what blood is, but I think parts of my family Also question, ‘what is he talking about? What is he thinking? How can you know?’ But that kind of goes back to the pharmacists keeping a code of silence and other health care providers – why would anyone question health authorities like the CDC, FDA, World Health Organization?  It just sounds so bizarre, and I don’t disagree with him, I mean it does sound bizarre, but for me, I’m educated as a pharmacist and I’ve also been keeping track of all things related to coronavirus because I wanted to make sure that first and foremost my family was safe when the outbreak happened, and then secondly, it’s my job to make sure that people in the public are taken care of, and in the public scene as a pharmacist, in the pharmacy we’re a store that’s open, so anyone could be a patient of mine, anyone could come in off the streets and ask me a question and that could be anyone from around the world. I’ve worked in cities where I see people and meet people who are from around the world who don’t speak English, don’t speak English very well, so for me it’s the real undertaking I needed to do, because anyone and everyone could be one of my patients and I took an oath to protect and serve and make sure that people received quality health care with no harm.”

Do you think that you’ll be able to identify another source of employment?

“I definitely believe that I would be able to find another source for employment from someone who is like-minded, like myself, and has made commitments to protecting health in the public eye. I think the biggest concern is just kind of waiting when that will happen kind of the who, what, where, why, when will that job happen I’m not sure, but I’ve also decided I wasn’t happy as I could be as a pharmacist in my previous job, just from what I was seeing happening in the whole healthcare landscape.

“So the next job that I hopefully get will be where I can feel more impactful that I’m actually creating and changing people’s health and health outcomes in as in as dynamic away as possible. But yes, I do believe that there are people, companies, employers out there who, whether or not they are specifically concerned with whether I am or I’m not vaccinated, or if they’re concerned with the stance that I’ve taken, I think there are employers out there who are looking for someone who is willing and wanting to provide quality health care and that has always been my goal.”


Connect with America’s Frontline Doctors

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying

Lies on the BBC Will Result in Children Dying

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
June 10, 2021


Over the years the medical establishment has acquired a well-deserved reputation for ignoring good discoveries (which would make a dramatic difference to human health) and continuing with useless practices (which do more harm than good) long after they should have abandoned them. The medical profession, or, rather, perhaps I should say ‘the medical establishment’ has always been slow to accept and assimilate new ideas – and slow to see the obvious.

I have long thought that the main problem with modern medical education is that it is largely based upon learning by rote and upon eliminating all original thought. This is deliberate since the aim of an orthodox modern medical education is to help maintain the status quo (and preserve the position of the pharmaceutical industry). Right from the very beginning, young students are made to learn long lists of information. They learn the names of the bones, the arteries, the nerves and the veins in the body. They learn the names of the muscles and they learn the histology of the various organs. They then learn lists of clinical signs and symptoms. And they learn lists of drugs. At no point are students encouraged to think for themselves.

As a result it is not surprising that after graduation most doctors continue to do as they are told. The average doctor is strangely incapable of critical thought. Given the indoctrination they have undergone it is hardly surprising that doctors readily accept everything they are told by the drug companies (which more or less control post graduate education) and equally readily reject alternative medicine – something which never makes much of an appearance in the undergraduate syllabus.

There is nothing new about this.

The greatest thinkers – the ones who have, in the end, contributed most to medicine and human health – have always been scorned or ignored (or preferably both) by the medical establishment. The establishment has always manipulated the truth to suit its own political, religious or commercial purposes. Simple truths which are inconvenient have always been suppressed. It happened in the past, it will happen in the future and it is happening now.

Few medical stories illustrate the way the medical establishment works better than the story of how scurvy was discovered and how the treatment for it was ignored for centuries.

In 1535, Jacques Cartier sailed from France to Newfoundland with a crew of 110 men. Within six weeks a hundred of his men had developed scurvy. Luckily for Cartier and his men a native told them to drink the juice from the fruit of local trees. The men recovered in days. From that time on wise sea captains made sure that their men were given regular supplies of orange or lemon juice. In a book called The Surgeons Mate, published in 1636 John Woodall recommended that these juices be used to prevent scurvy. But the medical establishment was slow to accept this sensible suggestion.

It wasn’t until two centuries later, in 1747, that the idea was reintroduced by James Lind, who conducted a proper clinical trial and proved that scurvy could be prevented with the right diet. It was Lind’s work which enabled Captain Cook (he was a Lieutenant at the time) to sail around the world without a single case of scurvy.

The admiralty and the medical establishment continued to ignore all this. In the Seven Years War, from 1756 to 1763, approximately half of the 185,000 sailors involved died of scurvy. In 1779 the Channel Fleet had 2,400 cases of scurvy after a single ten week cruise.

Eventually, in 1795 the medical establishment (and the navy) succumbed to common sense and lemon juice became a compulsory part of every sailor’s diet. This breakthrough took well over two centuries to be accepted.

Then there is Paracelsus.

There is no doubt that Paracelsus (Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim to his friends) is the father of modern medicine. He tore into the precepts of established medical thinking with all the zeal of a missionary. He revolutionised medical thinking throughout Europe and scandalised the medical establishment by claiming to have learned more from his contact with witches and midwives than from his study of ancient and well-revered medical texts. No idea or theory was too bizarre to be studied and considered and no belief, no practice and no concept too sacred to be rejected. He was the first man to associate mining with chest disease, to use mercury in the treatment of syphilis, to advocate allowing wounds to drain instead of smothering them with layers of dried dung and to argue that some foods contained poisons which harmed the human body. Paracelsus scandalised the establishment by claiming that he was interested more in pleasing the sick than his own profession. He was, not surprisingly, rejected by the medical establishment and widely and persistently persecuted for his beliefs. It was years after his death that his ideas were recognised.

And there is Vesalius.

In the sixteenth century Andreas Vesalius achieved contemporary notoriety and eternal fame as the author of the first textbook of human anatomy, ‘De Humanis Corporis Fabrica’. Up until Vesalius medical students had studied anatomy using texts prepared by Galen. Since Galen used pigs not human corpses for his studies his anatomical notes were, to say the least, rather misleading.

Vesalius’s frank rejection of many of Galen’s anatomical claims earned him considerable disapproval. The medical establishment still firmly believed that Galen could do no wrong. They weren’t interested in anything as superficial and irrelevant as evidence.

Like so many original thinkers before and after him, Vesalius was unable to cope with the outcry. He burnt his remaining manuscripts, abandoned his study of anatomy and took a job as court physician to Charles V in Madrid.

Vesalius wasn’t the only anatomist whose work was rejected. In the 17th century, British doctor William Harvey spent eight years researching the circulation of the blood – and getting it right. His patience was rewarded with ridicule. He received nothing but abuse. He lost many friends and his practice shrank.

When Ambrose Pare, the great French surgeon, first started work as an army surgeon it was accepted practice to stop a haemorrhage by sealing a wound with a red hot iron. Amputations were performed with a red hot knife and the wounds which were left were sealed with boiling oil. One day Pare ran out of boiling oil and used a mild emollient to dress the wounds of the men he was treating. He worried all night about what he had done but the next day he found that his patients were not only healthy but that they were also in less pain than the men whose wounds had been sealed with boiling oil. Pare was wise enough to learn from this and from that day on he started dressing wounds with an emollient rather than boiling oil. He also introduced ligatures, artificial limbs and many surgical instruments. Inevitably, Pare met the usual fate of innovators and reformers (who get a rougher ride within the world of medicine than anywhere else). He was denounced by other surgeons as dangerous and unprofessional. Older surgeons banded together to oppose him and in their attempts to discredit him they attacked him for all sorts of things – for example, his ignorance of Latin and Greek. Pare eventually succeeded because the soldiers he treated trusted him and wanted to be treated by him. They weren’t interested in the views of the French medical establishment.

A look back at hospitals is also revealing.

When Tsar Paul came to power in Russia in 1796 he was so horrified at the state of the hospital in Moscow that he ordered it to be rebuilt. In Frankfurt in the 18th century physicians considered working in hospital to be equivalent to a sentence of death.

In 1788, Jacobus-Rene Tenon published a report on the hospitals of Paris which shocked city officials. He described how the Hotel Dieu (the magnificent looking hospital next to Notre Dame) contained 1200 beds but up to 7,000 patients – with up to six patients crammed into each bed. The stench in the hospital was so foul that people who entered would do so holding a vinegar soaked sponge to their noses. Very few patients escaped from the hospital with their lives. When reformer John Howard toured European hospitals he angrily reported that no fresh air, no sunlight, straw as bedding, no bandages and a milk and water diet supplemented with weak soup were standard. The reports of Tenon and Howard were ignored and dismissed for years and it took decades for the medical establishment to make any real changes.

In the 18th century the treatment of the mentally ill was abysmal. Daniel Defoe, best remembered for his story of the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, wrote a vicious attack on mental hospitals. ‘Is it not enough to make anyone mad,’ he asked, ‘ to be suddenly clap’d up, stripp’d, whipp’d, ill fed and worse us’d? To have no reason assigned for such treatment, no crime alleged or accusers to confront? And what is worse, no soul to appeal to but merciless creatures who answer but in laughter, surliness, contradiction and too often stripes?’

No one took much notice and medical practitioners continued to treat mentally ill patients without respect or care.

At the Bethlem Royal Hospital half naked patients were kept chained in irons. Physicians bled their patients once a year and the more troublesome patients were put on a tranquillising wheel. Until 1770 visitors could pay a penny to see the ‘fun’ at Bedlam. John Wesley, founder of the Wesleyan Church, who considered himself a benefactor of the mentally ill, suggested pouring water onto the heads of the mentally ill and forcing them to eat nothing but apples for a month. Wesley was one of the first men to use electricity in the attempted treatment of the mentally ill. Despite the protests of reformers such as Philippe Pinel (who shocked the establishment in the late 18th century by claiming that the mentally ill were sick and needed treatment) mental hospitals were, well into the 19th century, still quite unsuitable for people needing medical treatment.

There was never any evidence to show that it did any good but blood-letting was a favourite therapeutic tool for centuries. The fact that removing blood from a patient made him or her quieter was regarded as proof that it was doing some good. (This is no dafter than the rationale used to explain some modern treatments.) Blood-letting was easy to perform and it was something to do. Doctors have always felt the need to do something to their patients. (Possibly because it is difficult to explain away a big fee if all you do is give advice.) Leeches were hugely popular in the 19th century. In 1824, two million leeches were imported into France. In 1832, the figure had risen to 57 million a year.

In 1843, the American poet, novelist and anatomist, Oliver Wendell Holmes, read to the Boston Society for Medical Improvement a paper entitled ‘On The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever’. He argued that the disease could be carried from patient to patient by doctors. He suggested that surgeons should consider changing their clothes and washing their hands after leaving a patient with puerperal fever. His lecture annoyed the medical establishment and his advice was ignored completely.

A similar fate befell Ignaz Philipp Semmelweiss who, in 1846, at the age of 28, became an assistant in an obstetric ward at the Allgemeines Krankenhaus in Vienna. Semmelweiss noticed that the number of women dying in his ward was higher than the number dying in other wards. It wasn’t difficult to notice this. Women would beg, in tears, not to be taken into Semmelweiss’s ward.

Deciding that he wasn’t that bad a doctor, Semmelweiss looked for an explanation and came to the conclusion that the major difference was that patients on his ward were looked after by medical students whereas the patients on other wards were looked after by midwives. Semmelweiss then discovered that the students came straight to the ward from the dissecting room where they had had their hands stuck into the corpses of women who had died from puerperal fever. The midwives never went near to the dissecting room. Semmelweiss instructed the medical students that they should start washing their hands in a solution of calcium chloride after coming from the dissecting room. The remedy produced a dramatic drop in the death rate on his ward.

Predictably the medical establishment was not well pleased – even though Semmelweiss had proved his point very dramatically. The unfortunate young doctor couldn’t cope with the rejection. He became an outcast and died in a mental hospital a few years later. The medical establishment had scored another hollow victory. Once again the patients were the losers.

You might have thought that the medical establishment would have welcomed anaesthesia. After all, before anaesthetics were available, surgeons had to get their patients drunk or knock them out with a blow to the head. Surgeons would often operate with the patient held down by four strong men. The first operation under anaesthesia was performed at the Massachusetts General Hospital in 1846. But the establishment was not going to accept this new-fangled nonsense lying down. The main objection was that anaesthetics were being used to help women who were in labour. And that, said the establishment, just wasn’t acceptable. It was, said the wise men, unnatural and unhealthy for women to deliver babies without suffering pain. ‘In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children,’ says the Bible. However, the religious barbarians were eventually overcome by Dr James Simpson who trumped the Bible quoters with this quote: ‘And the Good Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept; and He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof.’ The opposition to anaesthesia was finally quelled when Queen Victoria gave birth to Prince Leopold while under the influence of chloroform.

In 1867 Joseph Lister published a paper in The Lancet entitled ‘On the Antiseptic Principle in the Practice of Medicine’. Lister had found a solution to the age old problem of post-operative infection. But the medical establishment doesn’t like change, even if it means keeping patients alive. And Lister found himself being attacked by doctors who ignored the evidence but disapproved of his new techniques simply because they were new. It was decades before the ‘antiseptic principle’ was accepted.

One of the reasons why hospital infections are so commonplace today is that doctors and nurses seem to believe that they can use antibiotics instead of washing their hands. Incompetence, carelessness and ignorance mean that the quality of cleanliness in the average modern hospital is little better than it was in a hospital in the Middle Ages.

Until surprisingly recently, it was routine for surgery on babies to be performed without anaesthesia on the grounds that babies are incapable of feeling pain. There was no evidence for this claim (one which any mother would be able to oppose with credible if anecdotal evidence) but anaesthetists were taught that babies had immature nervous systems and so didn’t need painkillers.

Above I have described just a few of the hundreds (probably thousands) of examples I could give to illustrate the way that the medical establishment, in recent years allied with the drug industry, has always opposed original thought and has protected the status quo – regardless of the effect on patients.

The medical establishment has acted in the interests of the profession but against the interests of patients, and thoughtful and creative individuals have always had a hard time. The value of serendipity has also been ignored, of course. Both penicillin and X-rays were the result of serendipity.

The real tragedy is that absolutely nothing has changed for the better. Indeed, things have arguably got worse.

The medical establishment is still responsible for protecting and promoting medical procedures which do not work and have never worked (and which expose patients to great risk) while at the same time it opposes and suppresses treatments which do work and have been proved to work.

Today, anyone in the medical profession who dares to offer thoughts or warnings which don’t fit in with the specific requirements of the medical establishment will get the Semmelweiss treatment. They will be laughed at and suppressed.

Nothing has changed.

As I and others have discovered to our cost.

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2021

Adapted from How to stop your doctor killing you by Vernon Coleman. There is more about medical history in The Story of Medicine by Vernon Coleman.


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[Original video is available at Dr. Vernon Coleman BrandNewTube channel. As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]