La Quinta Columna’s Incubus Project: Continuing Analysis of Big Pharma’s “Vaccine” Injectables

La Quinta Columna’s Incubus Project: Continuing Analysis of Big Pharma’s “Vaccine” Injectables
Ricardo Delgado Presents Questions & a Hypothesis


Incubus Project

by Ricardo Delgado, La Quinta Columna
the video below is an English translation provided by La Quinta Columna

March 10, 2024


Growth formation of the material from the Comirnaty Pfizer injectable after being subjected to certain conditions (using a reptile incubator).

After 48 hours of exposure to 37 degrees Celsius (simulating human body temperature) and constant ultraviolet light stimulation, we proceeded to analyse the result again by optical microscopy.

Haxon Achilles II microscope, bright field.

Magnification: 120 X – 1800 X

Video, translated from Spanish to English by La Quinta Columna, is available at La Quinta Columna Rumble & Odysee channels.


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Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light
[images are screenshots from video]


Based on what we know about the contents of the so-called vaccines, the COVID vaccines, they contain graphene and nanotechnology.

Here we have some images obtained via optical microscopy.

Well, we’re seeing formations that you’re used to seeing with not a lot of magnification, around a hundred magnification. And showing you points under the light of the condensator, we can see that these are little crystals that Dr. Roger Leir called orthorhombic crystal structures that are radio-modulable in a scalar manner via 5G.

In scientific literature, they correspond to graphene nanostructures, plasma, micro antennae. We have microfilaments, strands, and you’re used to seeing all of this, of course.

This is before putting the sample through the incubation process.



We’ll give it a little bit more magnification so that you can see those quadrangular patterns over here. We’ve got some over here. You can see that they’re those little squares.



Here’s a big piece of a graphene microfoil, and we’ve got hundreds in a single drop in just one centimeter squared, with about 800 magnification.

This is more graphene. Here you can see those quadrangular patterns. This is in profile. Sometimes they turn on the sample, and they even assemble themselves. Later on you’ll see some examples of those that have already assembled. And unfortunately, we’re quite used to seeing all of this.



This is another quadrangular pattern. This is a micro, almost nanoparticle, and we’ve got about a 1000 something magnification. And this is all normal, which shouldn’t be normal, based on what we know.

This is more graphene.



This is very characteristic, isn’t it?

Take note here. It is true that we’ve got around a 1000 magnification.



We’re just taking a look at a single drop here.



Here we go back to 100-120 magnification only. What we’re trying to do is find those ovoid shape structures.

We’re used to seeing this type of filament and strands, even the quadrangular patterns that you can see on the left.



It’s incredible that all of this is in a single injectable, as you can see here. And that metallic junk is in everybody — that everybody can see and that nobody says anything.

Now they’re talking about microplastics. But don’t worry because the video will be uploaded onto La Quinta Columna info’s website. It’s the Incubus Project.

Here what we’re seeing is another assembled structure of graphene. You’ve got a quadrangular pattern here.



And for those that said these were salt crystals (you remember that) or sugar crystals, it’s incredible all of this. This is such a determined attack against the whole of humankind. And this is in plain sight of everybody.

And nevertheless, all this is still going forward. There are still people that talk about vaccine, about RNA.

Here we have another assembled structure, a little bit more elaborate. Obviously none of this is normal. None of this should be in any injectable. but now that we have acquired this knowledge since 2021, none of this surprises us. Although unfortunately, most of the planet is not aware of this. They think that we’re talking in terms of vaccines still.



Now the good things come along. We’re going to place the sample of two drops of Comirnaty Pfizer in an incubator for reptiles.

The new environmental conditions are 37 degrees centigrade with a constant temperature and ultraviolet light. After 48 hours, we analyze the sample again via optical microscopy. And these are the results that we have obtained.

First of all, what we can see is that the graphene is kind of like more diluted. That’s the feeling we get. But this is not what draws our attention.

Here we can see a formation that you’ll see in just a second. Take note of this.

This is new. I’m just going to stop there. And this is what has appeared after exposure to ultraviolet radiation, to constant heat.

And you’ll see this with a greater magnification later. But one gets the feeling that there’s a kind of generation of a tree. And you can see a series of nodules or nodes. And you’ll see that from each nodule or node, there are three strands that come out.



It’s similar to what Franc Zalewski, electron microscopy found with an electron microscopy.

We’re going to do the same with the similar system with 25 — this is 25 microns, which is about 25,000 nanometers. And there’s just two days that have gone by, 48 hours. And the day after tomorrow, that will make four days, which are 96 hours. And we’ll have a look at it again then.

I’m not sure whether these are neural networks. The carbon nanotubes are, but these aren’t nanotubes. So anyhow, we’ll see this later. Let’s continue.



One gets the feeling that there’s a hatching or eclosion happening.

A little bit more magnification now.



Somebody said that if the sample dries up, there’ll be no evolution, but it doesn’t dry up because there’s hydrogel.

Let’s have a look at it now with a clear or light field.

This is what I want you to observe now. There’s a nucleus that looks metallic in nature, and each node has three limbs or extremities.

There’s the third one. Can you see it?



And this coincides exactly with what Dr. Franc Zalewski said. And we’re going to do everything possible to get in touch with him. Let’s remember what he said.

“I marked the vials numbers one, two and three. Only the third one was that thing inside. And it grew and developed for four days. And then I put it into a sputtering chamber. There the temperature is high so that the graphite is sputtered or pulverized…”

Similar to the habitat we have created inside the incubator.

Another thing is that we don’t know whether inside the incubator we’re going to be able to recreate the conditions inside the human body in terms of temperature and exposure to ultraviolet light. I think though we will be able to.

And about the intake of insects, not sure there.

“There’s another one. If there were only one, but here we can see another one. We can see the head and legs coming out of it. The scale is 30 microns.

‘The thing’ has found fertile ground. And here we have ‘the thing’. That thing is smiling at us.”



From La Quinta Coluna, we are studying the evolution of the sample submitted to the new incubation environmental conditions.

We suggest as a starting hypothesis that there will be a transformation during the exposure of the content of the Comirnaty Pfizer vial.

The sample will be submitted to evaluation via optical microscopy every 48 hours. So that’s the video. This is what we have.

And this is based on what we can get to know from what we’ve done. And we will not hide this information. We will make this information public.

And as and when we get more samples and as and when more time goes by, this will hopefully give us the key to what is evolving in that.

The question, not the conclusion we’ve reached, far from it, but the question is, are they using human bodies as incubators?

And is that why they don’t want to get rid of our bodies and biologies or human beings in general?

When they obtain biomedical or biometric data from individuals, is it really to monitor human beings or is it rather to monitor the conditions of the human beings as incubators?
These are just questions I’m asking.

In order to incubate, if anything is being incubated or if something is germinating, what is it incubating? Those are the questions that I’m asking.

Why do they want human beings to eat insects? Is it to normalize the feeding of insects so that they can survive or is it to feed something that they have introduced previously?

Why heat? They’re clearly generating artificial heat via geoengineering to everybody’s surprise. Because they precisely need that heat.

They need blue ultraviolet light and at the same time as this technological implementation of ultraviolet light is being implemented all over the world. There are many casualties or things that just seem to be there by chance.

So these are just questions.

And so we’re using the descriptive format just as they do based on everything we observe. The day after tomorrow we’ll have further images.


See Related:

La Quinta Columna: The Game is Over — Putting It All Under the Microscope: The Transhumanist Agenda, ‘Covid-19’, Graphene Oxide & The Human Brain Project, WiFi Radiation… & the Hidden, Historical Manipulation of Humanity


Cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist

Gabor Maté, MD: Modern Culture Is Traumatizing and NOT Normal

Gabor Maté, MD: Modern Culture Is Traumatizing and NOT Normal

partial transcript of Commune video courtesy of Mad in America
February 4, 2024




From Commune: “In this society, there’s an assumption which shows up in how we talk about things. So when somebody does something selfish or greedy, what do we say: ‘Oh, that’s just human nature.’ But there’s an assumption in that about human nature. Interestingly enough, it’s rarely the case that somebody does something generous or kind or supportive, that people say, ‘Oh that’s just human nature.’ And yet in actual truth, that is human nature, and the greed and the selfishness are not human nature. It’s not that people can’t be greedy or selfish or aggressive or competitive, individualistic and just plain narcissistic . . . But that doesn’t mean it’s our nature.

It’s like, try to understand the zebra. Where would you want to study the zebra — in a zoo, in a small cage in a zoo, or out in the savannah where the zebra evolved and has lived? Well if you really want to understand the nature of the zebra, you wouldn’t study them in a zoo. And so drawing conclusions about human nature from how we live in this society is like trying to understand a wild animal inside a cage . . . What we consider to be ‘normal,’ this ‘normal’ culture that we have here, there’s nothing normal about it, in terms of human needs and human potential. In fact, it’s that gap between human needs and human potential, and the conditions under which we live now, that creates so much illness of mind and body, not to mention so much tension, so much strain, so much hostility, so much division in society in general. And so this ‘commune’ concept actually relates to how human beings evolved: we evolve as communal creatures; we could not have evolved otherwise.

And what we call ‘civilization’ . . . if you just look at our species, if our existence can be summed up in an hour, then until about six minutes ago we lived in small band hunter-gatherer groups, in a communal context. And we evolved in that, and that is our nature because that’s how nature helped us evolve. Every animal has a particular nature that is suited to its particular environment. Now humans can adapt to an infinite range of environments, but that doesn’t mean we do very well in all of them. So, what is considered ‘normal’ in this culture, that is to say what is the statistical norm, it’s got nothing to do with what is normal for human beings in general. And it’s that gap between the ‘norm’ in this culture, and what is really the norm in terms of human evolution and human requirements and human potential, that is the source of so much dysfunction, whether on the mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, physiological, or social-political levels.

. . . We think we’re living in a scientific age, but actually it’s a very selective relation to the science that we have. We relate only to the science that justifies or supports this particular way of life, this particular socioeconomic system, this particular way of practicing medicine. But we completely ignore the science that shows the interconnected co-arising of phenomena. So that shows up in every realm. Now my colleague and mentor Dan Siegel who’s a psychiatrist here in L.A. has this concept called interpersonal neurobiology, which is . . . a way of understanding the nature of our brains, which is that our brains, our nervous systems are not separate. That how I relate to you, my energetic state, when I look at you or speak to you or vice versa actually affects your nervous system. So we co-create each other all the time. This co-creation, this interpersonal neurobiology, is most dominant of course when we’re small and very much under the influence of our parents and their particular backgrounds and vicissitudes or triumphs. But it’s true all our lives. So our interpersonal nature means that our neurobiology is interpersonal. Now being a physician, I simply remove the word neuro- and I say our biology is interpersonal. So that what happens to us physiologically, and specifically, from the medical point of view, when illness shows up, it is not a unique, isolated event in some isolated, separate, physiological organism or organ, but in fact it’s a manifestation of a life lived in a certain context.

So my friend the physician and psychiatrist Lewis Mehl-Madrona, who’s partly of Lakota Sioux background, gave me a very interesting example when I talked to him. And he said that in the Lakota tradition, when somebody gets ill, the community says, ‘Thank you. Your illness manifests the dysfunction of our community. You’re the canary in the mine. So your healing is our healing, and our healing is your healing.’

Now consider Western medicine. You go to a nephrologist with your kidney disease; they don’t know about your life, don’t even ask about it, except maybe do you smoke and drink. Cardiologists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, dermatologists — they never look at it from the communal point of view, they just look at the particular pathology as if it was only a biological manifestation in a particular organ. So that’s the Western medicine, and what’s incredibly both interesting and . . . frustrating about it is that we have all kinds of science to show that that’s not how it is.

. . . So that’s the first theme here today is just the interpersonal nature of and interconnected nature of all phenomena, as taught by spiritual traditions, and as has now been validated by modern science, and is virtually completely ignored by modern society.”


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Cover image credit: 1388843/pixabay

The “Rules-Based International Order”

The “Rules-Based International Order”

by Caitlin Johnstone
January 15, 2024


The “rules-based international order” has allowed the incineration of Gaza, and the bombing of Yemeni forces who are trying to stop it.

The “rules-based international order” allowed hundreds of thousands of people to be killed by western-backed Saudi atrocities in Yemen.

The “rules-based international order” allowed NATO powers to knowingly provoke a world-threatening proxy war in Ukraine.

The “rules-based international order” allowed western powers and their regional partners to plunge Syria into a horrific civil war by flooding the nation with heavily armed fascistic extremist factions.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to invade and occupy a vast stretch of Syrian territory in order to control the nation’s natural resources and prevent reconstruction.

The “rules-based international order” allowed Libya to be turned into a chaotic hellscape after western-backed forces killed Gaddafi following a long-desired western regime change operation disguised as “humanitarian intervention”.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Iraq to destabilize an entire region resulting in millions of deaths following a campaign of deliberate lies and propaganda.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Afghanistan and a decades-long occupation sustained by lies and corruption.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the imprisonment of Julian Assange for journalistic activities exposing US war crimes.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the planet to be circled by hundreds of US military bases, including in places where the people who live there vehemently oppose their presence like OkinawaIraq and Syria.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US and its allies to kill huge numbers of civilians with siege warfare tactics in nations like YemenIraq and Venezuela.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to interfere in scores of elections around the world at will and forcibly topple inconvenient governments whenever it wants to.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed China to be surrounded by a rapidly increasing amount of US military bases and war machinery in preparation for a future conflict of unimaginable horror.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to plunge the world into a new cold war with rapidly-escalating brinkmanship against nuclear-armed Russia and China.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our civilization to be controlled by the most powerful propaganda system ever devised, creating a mind-controlled dystopia of brainwashed gear-turners who are deceived into believing they are free.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed unfathomable amounts of government malfeasance to be hidden behind an increasingly opaque wall of government secrecy.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the interests of ordinary human beings to be subordinated and subjected to the interests of billionaire corporations and sociopathic government agencies.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the destruction of our ecosystem for the enrichment of powerful plutocrats.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our planet to be dominated by an empire of extreme murderousness and depravity at the cost of nonstop bloodshed and ever-increasing tyranny.

If the “rules-based international order” has allowed all these things to happen, what kind of “rules” are we talking about exactly? And what kind of “order” do they sustain?

If this is what the “rules-based international order” looks like, would we not, perhaps, be better off without it?


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Cover image credit: Express_Images

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor at Truth Comes to Light
October 25, 2023


Yesterday I published an article titled “The Gaza Rebellion” by Richard Hugus. His closing sentence is the simple statement: “Free Palestine!”.

Last night and this morning, I received a number of emails from highly intelligent, aware readers who expressed disappointment that I would publish something where someone had taken a “side” in the Israeli/Palestinian situation.

A few told me they thought the article was hate speech. Others told me I was stuck in duality. Some, standing with Israel, sent Bible quotes and predictions from prophets. Others were dismayed that the article didn’t point out that both sides of the conflict are being played.

As I read their words, I could see why some of them challenged the publishing of this article at Truth Comes to Light. I appreciate and respect that they took the time out to let me know how they perceived the article.

From Richard’s previous writing, it’s clear that he understands the globalist agenda — that the globalist puppetmasters are manipulating the entire situation, not just with Israel and Palestine but throughout the world. As reference, see some of Richard’s work here, here, here, here and here.  (I’ve since gone back and added a “see related” section under the “The Gaza Rebellion” article so that readers can easily find his other work.)

For those new to Richard’s work, this awareness admittedly wasn’t shared in that recent article. To get a context for where Richard is coming from, see his other works related to Palestine at his website.

I don’t know Richard personally. My perceptions of his point of view come from his writing. And it’s likely that Richard will disagree with some of the things I will say in this essay.

As I read Richard’s article, I perceived something different than that of some readers. I saw that he was standing for the Palestinian people. And that he was addressing the issue of Zionism.

I did not sense that Richard was defending Hamas. Whatever Hamas is, it is likely the tool of that mess of controllers that includes agents of assorted nation states who are puppets to heaven knows what. No doubt Hamas is also supported by Palestinians who don’t see that they are being manipulated. And if Hamas is controlled by forces that control the U.S. and Israel (which it does appear to be) then the Palestinians are being set up to be wiped off the map.

When I read Richard’s article, I saw that he was taking a stand by defending the Palestinian rebellion. He was defending the right of any people to fight back when outsiders try to push them out of their home. And he was saying that there is no question that the powerful nation state of Israel with its globalist connections easily overpowers Palestine in terms of military might.

I saw that Richard was identifying specific individuals (and their philosophies or chosen ideologies) who have committed great crimes against humanity as well as their own people. This evil must be acknowledged for what it is.

We’ve seen it happen again and again throughout history, as one group overpowers another to claim their land, their natural resources, their money or possessions, or even to claim the conquered as slaves.

On Hate Speech and Israel’s Place in the Matrix

The “hate speech” label surprised me. This site has published many articles challenging the evils of those who claim to represent the people of the United States or other nations. Never once have I had a reader of the site say any of those articles were hate speech. Perhaps because most already see clearly what a monster the governing powers of the United States have become. But with Israel, as the saying goes, that’s apparently a horse of a different color.

The Jewish people and the state of Israel are not one and the same. The people who live on the soil controlled by the U.S. are not the same as the U.S. government. Heaven forbid.

But we mere mortals were born into a very confusing Matrix that is presently held hostage by a collection of nation states whose leadership is all controlled by something outside of themselves. Whoever/whatever that something is, we do know that it has an appetite to control others and has no concern for the suffering it imposes on any living entity.

Israel represents many things to many people. And religious beliefs are a key here. Our beliefs about “God”, God’s will, prophecy, and our personal need to be right about what we believe is tangled into this mess of who we humans are. And then there are the anti-God groups that turn themselves into gods as they influence others to follow their lead.

Within Jewish history is the dark  Sabbatean/Frankism/Illuminati/Rothschild “conspiracy” that has influenced so many globally. See here.

From my perception, these are the things Richard was pointing to. And it seems essential that we all look at what is going on here.

The March of the Parasites: When the Whisperers Outside Your Castle Suddenly Storm the Gates

This Israel/ Palestine conflict is deeply part of this same narrative playing out all over the world. It’s entangled in the web of divide and conquer, problem-reaction-solution, false flags to confuse the enemy, etc.

In a sense, this global “totalitarian tiptoe” (a term coined by David Icke) does us a favor. It forces us to step off the hamster wheel. It forces to grow a backbone if we haven’t yet done so. It forces us to drop the need to be obedient, to be chosen, to be perceived by others as “a good one”.

This March of the Parasites forces us to clean up our act. It forces us to stop looking for saviors or leaders to cling to or to tell us what to do. It forces us to know our own strength, to fear not and to say “NO” again and again. It forces us to stand alone and to stop worrying about how we are being judged by the world or by belittling gods.

It forces us to know morality from within our own conscience, our inner guidance system. It forces us to live in as much integrity as we can muster and to know that, should we choose the easy way out and opt to betray ourselves, that we will be facing far worse things than death.

It also forces us to see that the real work is with our self. In fact, stalking oneself and changing oneself is the key. Whatever deceit we see “out there”, we must look within ourselves to see what untruths control us or come out of our own mouths. Whatever manipulation we see out there or experience in our own lives, we must look closely to see how we attempt to manipulate others. And so on.

This force of darkness demands that we choose. Instead of being people of the lie, we must choose to become people of the truth.

Our Collective History: The Trauma of It All (And the Beauty of It All)

In a way, we are all Palestinians and we are all Israelis. Certainly, we are all among the manipulated. We were all born into “citizenship” and are owned in some way. We are all slaves. (To prove this to yourself, just try leaving your country without a passport or stop paying “voluntary” taxes.) And we are all doing our best to unshackle ourselves from lies, as well as heal from individual and ancestral wounds.

We are all tied to unknown generations of humans who influence our experience here. We don’t know the real history of humanity, as even these stories about our past are controlled by the “masters” and littered with lies. And we certainly don’t know how we, as individuals, were born into a certain family, a certain race of people, at a certain time.

In the same way that patriots in the U.S. have been used in such horrific ways (their sense of honor hijacked along with their innate willingness to sacrifice their own safety for the ones they love) so have Israeli patriots and all who blindly follow their statist or religious leaders.

We have all been lied to since birth and have all been turned into liars on some level. Of course, we didn’t necessarily know we were lying — although we probably had our suspicions. Yet that shows us just how deep the spell is.

We’ve been taught to say things, to believe things, that, on a soul level, rub us the wrong way. We’ve been taught that obedience is equal to goodness. And goodness is very important to us because being “good”, or so we’ve been told, is our doorway to love and acceptance.

Collectively, we have obeyed our way into quite a pickle it seems.

What About Duality?

From my limited perspective, it seems we are living in a complex, multi-layered reality. This does not appear to be a “duality” as many say. This is a multi-faceted reality that includes this monster-faced Matrix trap wherein all nation states dwell. This so-called “real world” Matrix is, in reality, a house of cards just asking for us to knock it down.

So, what does that mean to “knock it down”? More wars? Of course not. Yet it will require taking a stand against evil actions. And it might require self-defense and defense of others.

Shifts in consciousness and awareness do change the world. It’s all about thought, vibration, frequency. And, outside of our own awareness, there is more going on than we know. Personally, I always expect miracles.

The Answers Are Out There if We Will Let Them In

(It may seem that I’m taking the long way around the barn here to make a point. And I probably am. So, thank you for bearing with me.)

However we look at things, here we are. Wherever “here” is.

Together we are experiencing “this moment” in “this day” in “this time in history”,  all the while knowing that time is an illusion. And as we look about and observe the assorted levels of perception, of consciousness, within the human race, it is truly mind-boggling.

For whatever reason, some are born seeing primarily from the physical senses. When they begin to acknowledge their spiritual sight, it is an awakening for them. They feel a sense of two realities, two worlds. Duality. (Although that term “duality” means many things to many people.)

Some don’t appear to ever sense beyond what their physical senses give them feedback on. My guess would be that they’ve learned to lie to themselves quite convincingly and to shut down other awareness. Shutting down the awareness of children is a time-honored practice of many humans.

Others among us are born vitally aware of their “spiritual” existence. They don’t see the dividing line and, therefore, all is “spiritual” for lack of a better word. Certainly physics bears this out. There is nothing solid or permanent here. In a sense, we have anchored ourselves into a heavy-duty illusion – an illusion that challenges us to our core. Perhaps that challenge is here by design. If not, we might as well make the best of it.

Some see the denser “realm” as an inferior one when, in truth, there is no division between worlds. The challenge it seems is to live fully in all levels of reality.

For some of us, we know that we don’t know much. Yet we are at ease in that non-knowing state. Our awareness leads us to trust life.

When we get caught up in the Matrix, we untangle ourselves. We find the cracks in the Matrix and move with awareness as best we can. However, this doesn’t mean we are above it all. Quite the contrary, we learn from everything as we question everything.

And, of course, our children and grandchildren are here, our loved ones and neighbors are here. The perceptions of others and the actions of others do touch our awareness. And as a matter of care, it’s important to us to help others in whatever way we can, as we learn to help ourselves.

Concluding My Walk Around the Cosmic Barn

Some say we are here for a reason. I imagine that reason is entirely up to us to decide. And what we choose to stand for matters.

Getting back to Richard’s article, it is clear he is taking a stand. And from what I can see, he is taking that stand based on genuine care and awareness. I respect that.

A few things I do know about this life — because I just know. I know that the source of this life (God) is the essence of wonder, creativity and adventure. I know that we were born from real love, care, freedom, truth and all the ideas that lift our hearts and minds. I know that you and I are miracles even though we are mostly blind to the whole picture. And I know that if we ask, we are shown the way.

As insanely imperfect as this life is, it is nonetheless perfectly imperfect. We will be guided. We will be wiser. And, doing our best, we will live on.


© October 2023, Kathleen Stilwell
This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

Cover image credit: Mysticsartdesign

The Zionist Israeli State, Hamas, and All Governments Everywhere, Do Not Give a Damn About ‘The People’

The Zionist Israeli State, Hamas, and All Governments Everywhere, Do Not Give a Damn About ‘The People’

by Gary D. Barnett
October 17, 2023


“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.”

~ Larken Rose, The Iron Web

There is much to be said about the evil occurring in the Middle East, and the absolute heinous nature of the Israeli government and Hamas, the claimed ‘leadership’ (ruling class) of Israel and Palestine. The governing aspects of both are insanely wicked, psychopathic, and these entities are murderers of the innocent. They are tied at the hip, as Hamas was created, supported, and funded, by the Zionist Israeli government and its so-called ‘intelligence’ service Mossad, and constantly used against the people of both countries. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, as virtually all governments everywhere act in the same manner, even if to a lesser degree of terror in some cases. In fact, the U.S. government, its CIA, and others are in full support of Israel, to the great detriment of all these countries.

After much research, it seems brutally obvious that this situation in Israel was long-planned, as is most always the case, was almost certainly a false flag attack, meant to get the backing of the Israeli people and much of the western world, so that they would accept and support the genocide of the 2 million Palestinian people in Gaza; mostly unarmed, undefended, women and children. Many of the reports and claims of brutality in Israel by the complicit media, have been exposed as lies, but if that is any surprise to anyone, I would be amazed. Certainly, any acts of violence and death of civilians on either side is atrocious, but much has been misrepresented in order to justify the slaughter and murder of the defenseless people of Gaza, who are locked inside a walled concentration camp patrolled by the Israeli military. Most every claim has become suspect, and in essence, these claimed acts of terror could have only occurred if that was the desired plan of the Israeli ruling class all along. This is no surprise, it was no accident, or breach of Israeli security, as the only way this could have happened in my view, was if it was a premeditated and managed plot to bring about the elimination of Palestine, by using and sacrificing the Israeli people as well, and possibly to also bring about a larger-scale regional or world war involving Iran and Russia.

Israel’s government and military have committed many acts of terror, false flags, conspiracy, bombings, aggressive war, and murder against those in the Middle East, as well as against the U.S., Britain, and others around the world. This statement is factual, but is not meant to absolve those mentioned of the same crimes against humanity, especially given the history of the murderous policies of the U.S. and British empires, along with their western allies. It has always been my position that the U.S. government and its military, including the CIA, and every complicit bureaucracy, have been the worst and most aggressive warmongering of all nation states in history, and Israel has been complicit and intimately involved in much of that carnage as well for decades.

This situation today is pure evil, and could lead to events that could change the world in very disastrous and deadly ways for all; even to such an extent as to threaten mankind. But that leads us to the real problem in all our lives, and exposes the biggest threat to the human population, which is any and all central authority, governments, and rule. You see, no government cares in the least about the people, as those who choose to rule are monsters bent only on money, power, and control over those it dominates. They do not give a damn about what they consider to be the “useless eaters,” and treat all as sheep to be herded into submission and compliance, or slaughtered for the sole benefit of the agendas of the State.

In this current horrifying onslaught of innocents, the people in Gaza are the initial target, but this will only lead to more murderous attacks against innocents in the future. None of us are safe so long as these heinous governments are allowed to exist at all. This is what needs to be fully understood by the seemingly helpless masses who continue to rely on governments to guide, dominate, and control them.

The most prevalent attitude today among the people of this earth is uncertainty, which leads to indifference. It seems only the very few are willing to face reality, while nearly the entirety of populations choose voluntarily to rely on a master’s plan for their lives. Each of us is capable of so much more, but courage to accept the truth is lacking, and this brings about an apathetic attitude so powerful that it disallows the natural state of man; which is freedom. As Carl Jung put it:

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.”

Life is not about bending to the will of others, it is not about outside influence and opinion, society’s expectations, peer pressure, or fear. All power as Nietzsche so correctly stated, lies with self, not with others, and self-determination brings one to a place of confidence instead of a place of submission and compliance. The natural state of the individual is to gain power over self, but never to seek power over others. Those who choose the latter, any and all who choose to rule, have succumbed to psychopathy, and should be considered the scourge of the earth. They only appear strong because those they rule are weak. All responsibility lies with each of us, and never relies on collective madness.

We live in a world of authority. We live in a world where some claim to hold truth, and to possess great knowledge, but it is only their knowledge and their truth alone, as they cannot possess all knowledge. Not one on earth can know but an infinitesimal amount of what there is to know. In other words, no individual knows anything of what there is to know. We are each and every one of us unique individuals, we are not drones to be used and controlled, but there are those who pretend to be all-knowing, and who claim to hold the ultimate truths, and who desire to rule as masters of all domains. All authority of one over another is absurd, as we are autonomous beings, and not meant to be ruled. Blind obedience is what ‘authority’ seeks, and only depraved monsters hold to such insanity as this.

What is happening to the Palestinian people, and to some of the Israeli people, is but a preview of what can and will happen to the rest of you. To ignore this, is to abandon all logic and reason. Americans long ago abandoned all freedom, and are headed for disaster. Look deeply into what has happened these past few years, look deeply around the world, and understand that all tyranny outside will soon be tyranny inside. The only escape is to eliminate all government rule, to never comply, to never allow your lives to be controlled by others who claim false superiority over you, to never support any government or State aggression of any kind, and to question absolutely everything.

“Action is hope. There is no hope without action.”

~ Ray Bradbury


Reference links:

The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany

Zionist terrorism and the British response

Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel 1946

The Lavon Affair: How a Israeli false flag bombing operation led to war

The Transfer (Haavara) Agreement between the Zionists and Nazis

How Israel was actually created

The Israeli false flag and the genocide of Gaza

Balfour’s time bomb: The other side of the news

U.S. Department of Defense supports Israeli war

Americans continue to back support of Israeli war

Copyright © 2023


Connect with Gary D.  Barnett

Cover image credit: geralt

On the Nonsense of Needing Unity in the ‘Freedom Movement’

On the Nonsense of Needing Unity in the ‘Freedom Movement’

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor & curator, Truth Comes to Light
originally published March 22, 2023 at TCTL substack


I’m sure you’ve run across the same podcasts and articles that I have, urging “us” all to unite, to avoid division and to avoid discord.

The so-called freedom movement consists of many different groups. Some focus only on medical freedom (no forced medical procedures, drugs, vaccines, etc.) while others work within a particular political construct. Then there are others who focus on monetary privacy or on the right to be left alone and to choose where we put our money and energies.

It’s in the areas of medical freedom and freedom from “excess” government that a lot of fuzzy thinking seems to show up. To be free to question ALL medical authority, ALL science and ALL governments is just too strong a stance for some who claim the title freedom fighter.

Freedom, by its very nature, defies control. To assume that freedom will be contained and practiced within a movement or a crusade is nonsense. Freedom does not seek to corral us into one more cattle chute just because we hang a sign that says “Enter Here for Freedom” at the gate.

Some call for us all to forget about questioning the virus narrative (and the nonsense of virology itself). It’s too divisive and harmful to “the movement” they say. They tell us that they just don’t get the importance of this particular issue. Apparently, if it’s not important to them then it must not be important.

They say that now is not the time to question the entrenched lies of the entire vaccine agenda and other poisonous “medicines” that have been maiming and killing our children and neighbors for longer than any of us can remember.

They tell us that now is not the time for humanity to wake up to how all governments and all packaged belief systems control us through fear.

They tell us we must unify around central figures, key ideologies, alternative celebrities (or those often referred to as “luminaries”), alternative experts, certain religions, etc. It’s urgent they say.

And they tell us that we must unite or fail.

Truth Is Not Fragile

Where did the idea come from that truth and freedom are so fragile and limited that they need our particular groups in order to survive? Do we not understand that although the voice in support of freedom speaks through us, it does not belong to us?

If we die, will not truth live on?

If our efforts to reveal the control systems around us seemingly fail to take root, will not the voice of freedom in the individual arise again and again?

If the assortment of battling overlords out there somehow manage to blow up the planet, is all lost? Or could it be that all that is real would still be somewhere (if not exactly here)?

Is this really the most dire time for humanity, and for all living things, in the history of this realm? Or are there clues that we’ve been here before?

Freedom, Truth, Courage, Love

Freedom is love actually. Truth is love. And courage is love.

These are realities that can ever be contained within a movement, can never be controlled by a narrative, can never ever be held spellbound within any language or any belief system. And they certainly will never be captured within the languages of mathematics, science or religion, no matter how elegant the language.

Freedom compels us to let go of all the fear and to be at ease and peace in a state of uncertainty. We must ask the questions in order that the falsehoods be revealed for what they are. However, we must be careful to never replace a lie with another made-up belief just because voids make us nervous.

To be free, we must become comfortable with the void and just let the unknowing of it all stand here in our midst. With trust in life itself we can just say “I don’t know”. And then we can listen, observe, interact with and speak to our own mystery.

We do not need a user’s manual nor do we need a religion or political idea to find the love within. Truth is right here at the quiet center of the world’s stormy ways. Consciousness and awareness are right here. Not out there. Not above us. They are right here.

Love, freedom, truth and courage have no problem standing tall in a room filled with differing opinions — in a room inhabited by the partially blind, partially deaf humans who all seek greater understanding of what this place is all about and why we are here.

There are no know-it-alls here. Not a one.

Life Cannot Fail

Freedom is the portal to discovery, to seeing the lies that we’ve bought into, to listening closely and hearing secrets of the universe that we haven’t yet let in.

Freedom cannot fail anymore than truth or love can fail. These essences are inherent in all that is real. They are part of consciousness itself. They are how we understand our source, our soul.

Freedom is not found in battling the enemy. Our way through all of this is in understanding what the matrix is, what it is not, and what it can never be.

Those who seek to control consciousness will never succeed. “It’s like trying to nail Jello to a tree” is an expression a friend of mine uses. It’s exactly like that.

Those who seek full spectrum dominance over our reality only have access to (but not necessarily control of) what they can see. And they really don’t see much, being mostly blind.

And, most certainly, they are not free.


© March 2023, Kathleen Stilwell

To comment on this article, see the original posting at Truth Comes to Light substack.

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlinks left intact (leading back to the original article).


Connect with Kathleen Stilwell

Cover image credit: BecBartell

Shining a Light on Botswana: Mandated Toxic Vaccinations as Part of the Dark Globalist Agenda to Destroy the People & Dominate the Land

Shining a Light on Botswana: Mandated Toxic Vaccinations as Part of the Dark Globalist Agenda to Destroy the People & Dominate the Land

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
with PaintedWolf, contributor to Truth Comes to Light
February 24, 2022



I recently received an email from PaintedWolf (pseudonym), who lives in Botswana, in the northern Chobe region, and has travelled extensively throughout all of Africa. PaintedWolf is actively working to alert the people of Botswana (known as Batswana) to the dangers of the covid vaccines. As we shared back and forth, it felt imperative to help bring light to their situation.

Botswana has a population of slightly over 2.3 million people and is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with 70% of its territory being the Kalahari Desert. The majority of the population is rural.

Here’s a glimpse of life in the town of Kasane:

Internet cafe — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region


Tourist, safari center — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region


Department of Tourism — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region


Kasane Hospital — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region

Covid Mandates in Botswana

PaintedWolf’s words, shared throughout this article with his permission, paint a clear picture of the way the Botswana government is responding to this global covid psyop. He also shares his personal knowledge of the region. PaintedWolf’s love of the Batswana is evident. I have added some additional images and links.

“Kathleen, the people of Botswana are such innocent and gullible people. I have guided expeditions through Africa for 20 years,
I know the countries, their people, cultures and traditions. Botswana is the only African country I find totally at peace.
They are honest and pure hearted people. Its hard to keep the tears back when I think of this mandate to basically force them into being vaxxed, many against their will.
Some might say no, others will get it against their will simply because they cant afford the fine, and have the fear of being put in prison. The people have no idea about their rights. It’s a crime.”


Image credit: hbieber

Trauma at the Borders

The situation at Botswana’s borders is dire at this time. The “vaccinated only” policy not only stops unvaccinated foreigners from entering the country but also prevents unvaccinated Batswana from returning to their homeland.

“I want to share this press release with you in an effort to make you aware of what’s happening in Botswana. Unless news is safari related, or a huge diamond being found here, this kind of news, or corruption related news, don’t really make it mainstream.”


“Basically, they won’t allow any visitors into the country unless they are fully vaxxed (fully means all shots and boosters).
Those who don’t have all the shots, they want to vax at the border of entry. 
Fully vaxxed are the only ones allowed to enter without PCR test. Without extra shots and boosters you are not considered fully vaxxed, so they offer to give you this at port of entry if you don’t have them.
If you read the press release, you can clearly see their criminal intentions. It doesn’t stop there though, they are imposing a serious crime against the citizens of Botswana. On the press release it also states that citizens who are not fully vaxxed must pay a fine of P5000 (Pula), approx. USD 430, or spend up to a year in prison, or both.
The interesting part is that the local news reported that they bought too many vaccines (not as many getting vax as they bargained on) and now they pull this stunt to try and vaccinate even the visitors that come in to get rid of vaccines before the first batch expires in April.”

In general, the people are confused and frightened about the change in restrictions (forced vaccination) at the borders.

“A woman and her mom came back to Botswana from South Africa, driving through the borders. They are citizens. They were both denied entry unless they get vaxxed. The woman said she does not want to get vaxxed, she is 7 months pregnant.
Her mom also has some complications, and is an elderly woman, so she also said no, she does not feel comfortable getting the vaxx. From the voicenotes [recorded audio messages] I can feel they are scared and confused. Many people are not aware of the truth, so these sudden changes really frightens them, makes them so confused, to a level that its traumatic I feel.”
Masks, Sanitizer & Distancing

Within the country itself, masking and social distancing is required in all shops. The use of (toxic) hand sanitizer is required upon entry of all businesses. All schoolchildren wear masks.

“You cannot enter ANYWHERE without a mask. They sanitise at the entrance. It’s actually someone’s job at the entrance of each and every shop, bank, building, whatever to stand there with a spray bottle and spray those who enter.
Not so long ago the rule fell away where everyone had to enter name, phone number and address whenever entering any shop or building.
Children are forced to wear masks. The entire population are forced. Children walk around with masks the entire day, also most people, even outside.”

Like all of the world’s people, the Batswana have been deceived by the tale of a deadly virus (that doesn’t actually exist), a testing system (PCR) that sees all sorts of things but can’t see the virus that doesn’t exist, and a “cure” that involves injecting toxic sludge (with secret ingredients including micro-circuitry and strange hydra-like biological things) directly into the body.

Targeting the Children & the Vulnerable

And, as seen everywhere, the children are now a key target for this disable-and-murder globalist agenda.

“They are going for the kids, Kathleen. A big part of the Botswana population live rural without Internet or decent access to information, so they have NO clue about the dangers of the gene therapies, and happily comply, misinformed.
The attached form is the consent form the government to get kids jabbed.”


“This morning I went to the primary school in the village. The kids were just getting out of school. I found one of the teachers inside and asked if I can quickly have a word.
I asked him if he was aware of the parent consent form, he kind of just nodded, so I’m not sure if he knows. Anyway, I told him that I only want to mention to them I feel the schools should also list the dangers, side effects and ingredients so that parents can give informed consent.
I told him there are hours of evidence and facts he can see in his own time, so I wrote down the address so he can have a look.
I told him its not safe, have a look at the evidence. He asked me If I’m vaxxed, I said no. Then he asked how do I protect myself from Covid? I said I build my immune system by regarding food as medicine, I get sunshine on my face, I exercise, I focus on a healthy lifestyle.
I also said it’s a personal choice, I choose to only put things in my body that the creator of this planet created. I also said I did deep research into the ingredients, as I am someone that will never put anything in my body if I don’t know the ingredients, or origin.
I said those ingredients are not from God, so I won’t put it in my body.
He had no response, so I then asked him if he knows what mRNA is? He had no idea.
I also asked him if he studied the ingredients, or asked about it before getting the shots? He said no because he trusts the government.
I ranted a little about the governments and their lies, couldn’t stop myself. I showed him a page I printed where Dr. Malone states the dangers for kids such as heart, brain, reproductive and nervous system damage.
I said this is serious and its my responsibility as an informed human being to share these facts with the schools that the government and local news don’t mention.”


This harm-yourself-for-your-own-good mandate follows closely on the heels of operation Omicron, an imaginary variant of an imaginary virus.

PaintedWolf describes the Batswana as gentle, gullible people. Historically, they have been targeted by the parasitic humans of the planet to force them off their lands (so that these lands can be exploited for their resources), destroy their culture, and vaccinate them into poor health and/or death.

The Globalist Theft of Land and Resources

The attacks from globalists on the indigenous population is relentless. The rich resources of this peaceful country include diamonds and oil. As the foreigners seek to strip the land of its resources, the disruption to the Batswana way of life, and the damage done to wildlife and natural terrain,  is incalculable.


“They are on a path to destroy one of Africa’s most unique Edens. I know there are very corrupt government officials involved in this saga as well. There has been an infiltration in Botswana, a very sacred land.”


Image credit: hbieser


Image credit: designerpoint


image credit: designerpoint


image credit: tonyo_au

Death by Medicine

A visit to the Botswana Ministry of Health & Wellness website leads us to the usual fear-based advice and recommendations (which have morphed into mandates) for dealing with a virus that has never been shown to actually exist. The foundations for this deception have been long established, with the usual suspects guiding the narrative. They’ve done this before with the HIV narrative. And currently there is the malaria vaccine push, targeting the children.

As always, Big Pharma’s fingerprints are all over this agenda, with the mandate that all Batswana submit to self-abuse by allowing themselves and their children (child abuse) to be injected with extremely toxic formulas disguised as cures.

However, outside of the deceptive and cruel enforcement by Big Pharma, Bill Gates etal., UNICEF and greedy globalists, the “mind virus” of self-harm exists in Africa and throughout the world in many forms. I found it surreal that the Botswana Ministry of Health & Wellness recommends male circumcision as a precaution against HIV.  I asked PaintedWolf about this circumcision recommendation. He replied:

“It’s not only here that they recommend male circumcision, but I have noticed it all over Southern and East Africa on billboards and advertising. They tell people this slows down the spread of HIV. 
Circumcision is also embedded in African cultures. Many cultures have the circumcision ceremony that can last several days. When the boys return to village they are seen as adult men. I know in SA they encourage boys to do it at a clinic as the traditional way at a ceremony can cause serious infection.
It blows my mind that they advertise that circumcision can prevent spread of AIDS. They use slogans such as ‘Be wise, circumcise’. “
Globalist Destruction of the Sacred & Ancient

PaintedWolf speaks about the Bushmen people, native to southern African countries, who were forced out of their ancient culture as nomadic hunter-gathers into restricted community areas.

image credit: hbieser

“Here the indigenous Bushman people, oldest living tribe on earth, have also undergone the same crimes on them as the indigenous tribes around the world.
In South Africa they are the first nation peoples, but their language is not even listed among the official languages. They literally have no voice in the land that birthed them.
In Botswana they were forcefully removed from their home, the Kalahari Desert. They are semi nomadic Earth Shamans, it’s a belief of them to not stay in one place too long to reduce the impact they have on the land, thus semi-nomadic.

Image credit: AinoTuominen

When they have been forcefully removed from their land as hunter-gatherers, they were put into communities that are not aligned with their way of life, and are being exploited to the max by the tourism industry.
Here in Botswana there are countless safari lodges that exploit them by using them as part of their activity offerings. As they have been forcefully removed from their home ranges, put into western towns and villages, they have also lost their traditional way of dress.
Many of the lodges make them dress up traditionally, creating the idea that they still live like this.
It’s a human safari.”
Batswana Rise Up

In spite of the best efforts of the hidden dark agenda, the Batswana have not been defeated. Slowly people are removing the veils of cognitive dissonance and facing the truth about those who control them.

There are some legal challenges beginning to happen in Botswana with a group organizing in opposition to the mandates. PaintedWolf will share more about these situations and the results as things unfold.

“I feel the warriors are slowly rising here. The mandates have made people ask questions and they are starting to demand answers.”


In our conversations, PaintedWolf spoke often about his love for, and communication with, animals and all of nature.  About his beloved elephants, he said:

“They will lead humanity into the New World where humans will start to learn to communicate with the suppressed intelligence of the heart.”


Image credit: Monikawl999


See related:

Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”

Globalist Manipulation of Africa

The Secret Battle for Africa

Exposing the Gates Foundation in Africa: #EXPOSEBILLGATES

W.H.O. Experimenting on African Children Without Informed Consent

Forget Cecil Rhodes, We’ve Got Bill Gates: Oxford University is Exploiting Africans and Africa Now!

Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System

On the History of Virology, Virus Isolation and the Imaginary Covid-19 (and Its Imaginary Variants)

Does HIV Exist? An Explosive Interview

The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated 

The New African Virus Mutation: Right on Time; a Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant 

“The Omicron Variant” – Magic Pills, or Solving the Africa Problem?

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory

 Jon Rappoport: My Bottom Line on the Existence of the Virus, Its Isolation and Sequencing

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Deus Ex Machina and the Invention of “SARS-CoV-2”

On Covid Vaccines

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections 

Dr. Pablo Campra on Graphene, Weird Morgellons-Like Elements & Possible Microbiota in Covid Vaccines

Identification of Patterns in Coronavirus Vaccines: Evidence of DNA-Origami Self-Assembly 

The Age of Ultron: Ultimate Transformation


5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine

Masks and Social Distancing as Control Mechanisms

“Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World Are Being Abused

Graphene Face Masks Dangerous; and We’re Living in a Graphene World

Why on Earth Do People Wear Masks?

Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary of the Science


Connect with Kathleen Stilwell

This article may be freely shared, in full or in part, as long as the text is unaltered and full credit is given to the original author.

cover image credit: hbieser / pixabay

A Winter Wish: My Thank You Card to All of You

A Winter Wish: My Thank You Card to All of You

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
December 24, 2021


Dear friends,

As 2021 ends, I want to thank you all so much for being here, for sharing truth, and for standing up for freedom.  Thank you for your perseverance and for your courage.

Many thanks to all of you who, throughout the past few years, shared your kind words of support,  sent donations or offered suggestions.  Thanks to all who let me know about typos or other errors, who shared our articles and videos with others when something rang particularly true to you, and who trusted me with your stories of hardship and of miracles during these times (even if you didn’t want me to publish for others to read).

Some of you will be alone during whatever holidays your families and friends celebrate. If you are alone, know that many of us know your situation well. It won’t always be this way.

And, in truth, you are never alone. But you already knew that. That knowing is part of what brings you here.

While the world around us is shouting out in fear of a dark future and harsh winter, no one really knows what’s going to happen. How things will unfold is unknown.

We always stand in the unknown. And the unknown can be trusted because it is the fabric of life itself.

That unknown is home to unlimited creative power. That unknown works actively with the unseen and with the hidden. This includes the mostly-unseen, divinely-empowered self that is each of us.

Each of us has the power to shift worlds, starting with own perception and focus. Individually, and as part of all that is, we are the soul of the world.

Some people say protests don’t work, writing doesn’t work, speaking to others doesn’t work, love alone doesn’t work, prayer alone doesn’t work.  Yet, the truth is, it all works and it is all part of turning the tide.

Only you know what action or non-action is your best gift to the world. Most of the shifting, the awakening, the transformation, the living and dying — most of what we are creating takes place in realms our logical minds can’t wrap around.

As this year 2021 comes to a close, I wish for you continued inspiration as we move through the illusion of time into 2022.

More and more, may unexpected experiences lift your heart and remind you that life itself is a miracle.

May you increasingly share your love and your vision with the world.

May you speak courageously with a kind and powerful heart whenever there is an opening.

May you remain fearlessly silent and at peace when that seems the wisest thing to do.

May you hold an opening for others to share truth and listen for the wisdom they offer, especially those who’ve given you many reasons to doubt their ability to connect with truth.

May you give things away when you encounter the fear of not having enough.

May you trust life and know that evil can never win.

May you live your life that fear of death can never enter your heart.

May you start something new. Anything.  You might even start a huge, foolish project.

May you know that you are loved and appreciated in ways you might not always be aware of.

We are here for a reason and that reason is all about love.

But you knew that. So, thank you for being here, reminding me that it really is all about love.


With overwhelming gratitude for all of you,



cover image credit: perezvcking / pixabay



See related:

Live Your Life That the Fear of Death Can Never Enter Your Heart


Start a Huge, Foolish Project

Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

by Kathleen Stilwell, Truth Comes to Light
July 17, 2021


In the videos below Brian Young of HighImpact interviews Dr. Andrew Kaufman, with direct questions on many important issues related to viruses, the false ideas perpetuated by the “science” of virology, vaccination, what makes us sick, how our bodies heal, and more.

Dr. Kaufman answers detailed questions about what it means to isolate a virus and how the meaning of isolation has been twisted to mean something entirely different from actually purifying so that identification can be verified.

He talks about the reasoning and some of the methods used in creating vaccines. He discusses what we currently know about toxic nanoparticles and other strange substances found in all vaccines as well as the new mRNA injections.  He makes reference to Dr. David Martin’s work and the proof that the SARS-CoV-2 gene sequence was patented long before this fake pandemic was announced.

Dr. Kaufman discusses the historical use of the word “virus”, the role of bacteria, and what is likely to be really happening with diseases such as rabies, ebola, zika, polio, leprosy and more. He also addresses the misunderstanding and possible explanations for what is perceived as contagion, shedding and transmission of illness.

Dr. Kaufman shares his thoughts on the role of antibiotics and anti-parasitic medications such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. He also provides suggestions for detoxification and assisting our bodies in healing without the use of pharmaceuticals.

This interview covers a lot of territory related to this fake pandemic, the false paradigm of illness created by virology and the importance of standing for freedom.

Links to related interviews and articles are provided below the videos. The interview videos are available at Brian Young’s HighImpact Odysee and BitChute channels.

Brief excerpts:

Andrew Kaufman:

…I am no longer a licensed physician, not because it was taken away from me but because I simply let it expire. Because I don’t want to be tied to that system of cut, burn, poison medicine any longer.


Brian Young:

I’ve got a lot of questions but I wanted to start out with was the most important. I don’t want to beat around the bush on this. You did an interview that was hosted by Doug Force…You got into a very, very interesting — at points heated — discussion, pointed discussion, with Dr. Judy Mikovits and that centered around a couple of things that she said. And what she was saying was that a virus particle — and I’m gonna quote this here because I watched the video again today and I took some notes — quote, “the virus particle is your cellular membrane, a virus budding out of a cell”. As soon as she said that, you took serious issue with that. And you made a very serious point of trying to pinpoint her on what isolation actually is, defining isolation and then telling her that what she was doing is not isolating it. Why is that important and why was it important to have that conversation with Dr. Judy Mikovits?

Andrew Kaufman:

Yeah, well of course, and you know what I think she was saying is that you can’t separate the virus particles from the cell that it infects. And, in fact, you know the main experiments that they do, which they called virus isolation — but it’s not isolation by any means of the word, is where they do a cell culture and then they see particles coming off the cell — which is what happens to every cell when they are damaged or put in a toxic environment or starved. That would cause cell damage. They break down into particles. So you can see particles budding off the membrane of all kinds of cells that are damaged. In fact, every cell that would be damaged would go through this process.

Recently they published a paper, actually was last August, but it was in Kidney360 where they had kidney biopsies from as early as 1999, you know, pre-covid and they showed the identical particles to what they say are the particles on the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. So these are just normal breakdown products of dying cells or dead cells.

Those people had kidney disease, had nothing to do with the virus, but these particles were present nonetheless. And the authors basically said ‘hey even the CDC is aware of this’ — because they wrote about the same problem in 2003, I believe — and that this is gonna be confusing to recognize viruses.

So you have to get the virus all by itself so that you can actually study it. And then you can put it into a host animal and see — does it cost the same disease. You can take the genetic material out of it and sequence it. And what Dr Mikovits was saying is that with HIV, as distinct — because she agrees with everything I just said with respect to SARS-CoV-2 and the current fake virus — but she was talking about HIV and she said that it’s impossible to separate from the membrane. But the thing is the way they say that it spreads from a cell to a cell would have to be that it separates from the membrane and then goes to another cell. So that’s what I was talking to her about.

And it’s really fascinating because I saw a video recently from Luc Montagnier. Now he’s the French virologist who actually won the Nobel Prize for the alleged discovery of HIV. And he was asked about why it’s necessary to do purification of a virus. Right? And purification is a word that is a good word to ask in a question because it removes any ambiguous meaning of the word isolation. And purification is clear. It means that it would be pure in the end. And so what Luc Montagnier said is to prove that it actually exists.

I just wanted Judy to be consistent that — it was not just true that you have to purify and isolate SARS-CoV-2 virus, to show that it exists — you have to do it with every virus, even if she worked on it. And that’s the discussion that we were unable to have.


Brian Young:

Let me key in on one of the things — coming back to Judy Mikovits and the disagreement you had with her on Doug Force’s show — you said, quote:

“As long as we all embrace this false paradigm, this false virus paradigm, that viruses are particles that cause disease from outside, we’re gonna be vulnerable to the next pandemic and all the ones after that. We have to destroy this paradigm of viruses that cause disease because this is the boogie man and this is what’s causing the fear and the panic that’s allowing us to be manipulated.”

And really if I was going to distill anything or try to get people to realize that the importance of this show and and us convert conversing about this is that statement right there.


I really appreciate appreciate your knowledge and especially appreciate your stand for individual liberties. Because that’s what this all boils down to. We’ve got to maintain our own personal individual autonomy. If we lose that, we lose everything.

Andrew Kaufman:

That’s right. You know, we have to all non-comply together.




Referenced Video Links:

Doug Force interview that included Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Judy Mikovits

Dr. Kary Mullis talking about fraud in medical research

Dr. Kary Mullis on the HIV-AIDS connection

Related Articles:

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”


See additional articles on Viruses, Vaccines and the History of Modern Medicine


Connect with Andrew Kaufman

Connect with Brian Young

Memes Inspired by Life in the Year 2020

Truth Comes to Light Editor’s Note:

These assorted memes were sent to me during 2020. Hopefully some will bring a laugh or a smile. Some will probably make you cringe.

As we say farewell to 2020, I thank you all for being here, sharing truth as we come to understand it, and holding the vision of freedom and love.

So many of our ancestors invested their courage, love, blood, sweat and tears for a better world and we gratefully stand on their shoulders.

May our combined dreams, prayers and visions for higher consciousness arise within more and more of our fellow humans.

May this new year find us awestruck by powerful awakenings and transformations in our personal lives and throughout the entire global community.

May the future inherited by our descendants be one that honors their divine nature and allows each and every one to soar.

With love,




The Happy Virus: My Thanksgiving With Hafiz, Walt Whitman & You

The Happy Virus: My Thanksgiving With Hafiz, Walt Whitman & You

by Kathleen Stilwell, Truth Comes to Light
November 26, 2020


I caught the happy virus last night
When I was out singing beneath the stars.
It is remarkably contagious –
So kiss me.

~ Hafiz, Persian poet & mystic,
‘The Subject Tonight is Love’, translated by Daniel Ladinsky


Today is Thanksgiving Day in America, our special day to gather with others and give thanks for our many blessings. We especially give thanks for our loved ones — our family, our closest friends, our connections throughout our communities.

Today, although you and I have never met, I give thanks for you and I send thanks to you.

Thank you for being here, for pursuing truth and sharing what you know, for choosing courage as you stand for love, and for holding your attention on the vision of freedom.

I wonder how many of us are alone today. And I wonder how many feel completely alone, even if spending the day surrounded by others. This is, indeed, a very strange world that we find ourselves in.

If you are alone, you are in good company. On this Thanksgiving Day I am alone and I’m certain many others who stumble upon this essay will also be alone.

I am 68 years old, a mother and grandmother, and I am alone.

I could be with family, but only if I cater to the fears of those who imagine themselves to be vulnerable. If I join the others, I must comply with social distancing and masking, and I must stay silent about this orchestrated death-wish being programmed into the minds of humanity and, subsequently, forced upon all of creation.

Thus, with silent tears, I had to decline this invitation to be with the ones I love.

I’m 68 years old, but I’m not “one of the vulnerable” as the narrative declares all of us  “seniors” to be. I’m quite strong and I will do whatever I can to protect the freedom of my loved ones (which includes you).

Like many, I’ve gone through times of  serious, mysterious illness (we are bombarded by unimaginable toxins and damaging frequencies). But I continue on, do trial and error experiments with nature’s remedies, and recover one more time.  Some of you know this drill very well.

There is sadness in my heart, but there is also deep peace and happiness. I have a strong knowing that, where “reality” is actually real — on the level of true power, consciousness, creativity and love — all is well, with wonders and miracles unfolding right here and right now.

Although it appears that “full spectrum dominance” is pushing to make this the end game, true love and freedom (which is our source) can never be dominated.

The “powers that be” can huff and puff all they like in this dimension. They can even attempt to kill us all. What they don’t understand is that, for eternal beings, fear of death is utter nonsense because we are part of a love that can never die.

How totally bizarre that billions of people are frozen in fear as they stare at an imaginary virus monster! This larger-than-life, computer-generated, spiked creature marched into our lives like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.

Many have yet to discover that this Covid Hoax Creature instantly disappears if we disengage from the devices that keep its image and the evolving, nightmarish fairy tale blasting into our awareness. We’ve always had the power to make it go away by simply refusing to obey its oft-repeated demand that we give it authority over us.

For what ails us today, we don’t need stronger leaders and we don’t need saviors.

When the death-breathing monsters come stomping into our minds, our homes and our towns, we don’t need comfort and protection. We need courage.

Of course, the truly vulnerable must be protected.  But the rest of us must find our comfort in knowing that we stand with truth. If we lose our physical lives, then we “die” knowing we lived well.

Whatever is going on with this covid insanity, a great “unlearning” and a great unveiling of truth is going on at the same time. We are learning that viruses are not living things that invade our bodies (as we were all taught by the “experts”) and we are also learning that contagious disease is just a myth.

What spreads disease is ignorance, toxic behaviors and lack of love. In that sense, disease can spread if we pass on destructive and deadly ideas and behaviors.

But courage is also contagious. Genuine care is contagious. All that resonates with love and freedom is highly contagious, and strengthens the voice of truth that called us to be here.

Either define the moment or the moment will define you.

~ Walt Whitman

On this Thanksgiving Day, let’s define our moments. Let’s write our own contagion stories and make an effort to spread them far and wide. Let’s be there for each other, reminding one another of who we really are and that, if we slip into fear, we are not seeing the complete picture.

Happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour, but this hour.

~ Walt Whitman

Let’s stand our ground in freedom and with courage, while we hold the Happy Virus in our hearts — singing and dancing beneath the stars.

Did the rose
Ever open its heart
And give to this world
All its

It felt the encouragement of light
Against its

We all remain


~ Hafiz, Persian poet & mystic,
‘The Subject Tonight is Love’, translated by Daniel Ladinsky


This article may be freely shared, in full or in part, as long as the text is unaltered and full credit is given to the original author, Kathleen Stilwell.

cover image credit efes / pixabay

Concerned Lawyers Network Unites Against Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity: “Notice of Liability” Issued to State and Federal Governments of Australia

Concerned Lawyers Network Unites Against Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity: “Notice of Liability” Issued to State and Federal Governments of Australia

Commentary by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
November 7, 2020


Below you will find Concerned Lawyers Network‘s powerful letter, presenting a Notice of Liability & Potential Claims to all Australian heads of government, ministers, CHOs, governors and commissioners of police.

The  36-page letter provides extensive documentation challenging the Covid-19 narrative, including the question of whether the Covid-19 virus was ever isolated.  It also explores the evidence related to the premeditation of this so-called pandemic.

Within the letter you will find

a detailed summary of facts,

legal questions regarding the measures taken by governments in response to the “pandemic”,

information about false pandemics in the past,

existing patents on covid-19,

problems with modeling and tests,

how covid test kits were sold before covid-19 was supposedly discovered,

how DNA of individuals is being harvested from the testing process,

links to the Gates Foundation

and much more.

You will find a list of exhibits with links to documents that detail

conflicts of interest,

deaths and cases,

financial incentives,

the issue of masks,

the suicide connection,

related crimes

and many more aspects of this orchestrated deception and global assault on humanity.

Of special importance is reference to the 229-page Harrison Research Report titled Covid-19 — Pandemic. Profit. Fallout, which was sent — on May 25, 2020 — to The Select Committee on Covid-19. The author has yet to receive a response.

The contents of this letter is of great importance internationally, as well as to Australians.

The ongoing crimes against humanity are global and affect every living being on this planet. We are all in this together and, together, we must stand up and speak out for truth and for freedom.

PDF links are provided below for you to download.


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The Harrison Report is of great importance to read.



































The Concerned Lawyers Network is an Australian network of lawyers who are concerned about how laws are improperly used against Australians.

The website was created to share with the public the letter sent to the State and Federal Governments of Australia and accompanying exhibits / references.

No part of the site constitutes any specific legal advice for any particular person and their particular circumstances; such persons should seek their own individual personalised and tailored advice concerning their situation from a suitably qualified and experienced lawyer

Where are You Going, My Beautiful, Dying Friend?

Where are You Going, My Beautiful, Dying Friend?

by Kathleen Stilwell
January 6, 2019


~ for Patricia ~


“The beyond is not what is infinitely remote,
but what is nearest at hand.”
 ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer


You told me you don’t know where you are going, but soon you will know.

It’s too late to worry about such things anyway, you said.  You are content with allowing the next adventure unfold in the same way your life did here.

Maybe we never need to know where we are going, because we are never really here nor there. And wherever we go, there we are. That sort of thing.

You know what I’m saying. If we know who we really are, wherever we find ourselves we will eventually do just fine.

I can feel you smiling as I sit here talking in circles. You pointed that out once. I follow every declared certainty with a question that challenges its certainty. I can’t let myself get away with thinking I know something, after all. What would be the fun in that?

You’ve stood by me as I repeated the same life lessons of the heart over and over. You know this describes me to a T and you’ve loved me anyway:

 “I never make the same mistake twice.
I make it five or six times, just to make sure.”
~ Source unknown

This knowing we don’t know has been one of our strongest bonds as friends. We have always laughed at ourselves, at our endless questions, at our uncertainties, at our insecurities.

We’ve disagreed on many things over the years, but always things that never really seemed to matter outside of the moment.  They were usually things about the structure of the external world or some perception of “reality”, and never about the need for and love of friends who genuinely care and will have our back when times get tough.

Dear loving friend, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out you’ve decided to try out being a fire bird for a while, letting your flaming body burn away any falseness from this world that tried to attach itself but was never really you. I wonder if that’s what you’ve been doing during these recent days of deep sleep as you slowly make adjustments for your shift.

You’ve been up to something for sure, and it’s undoubtedly something remarkable.

When you and your body part company, maybe you’ll just swim away, going deeper into a cosmic sea. You’ll be a lovely mermaid on an uncharted adventure, happy to forget for a while that you ever wondered who you were or where you are.

Or maybe you’ll become that magnificent red dragon you’ve been creating in fabric art. You’ll fly and fly and fly to your heart’s content. You’ll keep on flying until your soul calls you to a place that feels just like home.

But, then again, maybe the mermaid will decide to leave the sea for a while and be companion to the red dragon, learning to breathe in a new way, feeling the exhilaration of soaring through a different kind of sea.

Of course, there’s always that important question of whether or not you are really going anywhere. Maybe there never has been a veil between the worlds and we’ve always just needed to reset our reality detectors and clear the foggy lenses on our spirit eyes.

“Death is not extinguishing the light;
it is only putting out the lamp because the dawn has come.”

~ Rabindranath Tagore

I remember, back in the day, when we talked about lifting that imaginary veil together. You on one side and me on the other.  Of course, it wouldn’t work if we died at the same time. We could see ourselves using some sort of hocus pocus to break through something that seemed so dense, only to burst into laughter when we realized we could have walked right through it at any time.

We humans are so awkward about death.  In rebellion against a culture that turned a sacred mystery into something to fear, we keep reaching for better language to pull us closer to what we imagine is really happening. We now pass over, we transition, we go back to source, and so on.

But we also die. We die in much the same way that we die every day, in the way the teenager dies to give way to the adult who insists on bursting out of the cocoon that ties him or her to youth.

I remember how, when Lukas was a child, I would long to keep a copy of him exactly as he was. Each moment was so perfect. His heart, his soul, his body. Every word he said, every movement he made. Yet I could never want him not to change. Each night the child I touched and loved would go to sleep and would awaken in the morning a new being.  My beautiful son could never stay the same, nor could he stay near me when it was time for him to go away.

None of us can ever stay the same. Only love remains to remind us of how we know one another and what connects us.

We are all adventurers by nature. Fear might tell us we can’t survive death, but we’ve been surviving death from the moment we were born. Each new breath comes only as the old breath moves on. The old dies to the new but who we are remains in love — outside of life and death.

Some face the death of their body in resistance. They agree to cooperate only when they find themselves kicked out the door of this limited hangout. They are pushed or pulled into a new experience, ready or not.

But you, dear sister, have been ready for a very long time.

From the moment we first met those many years ago, you’ve talked about wanting to leave the planet, not via death but just wanting to leave all this behind. There are many, many here who share your sentiments. We all want to co-create a better world and there is talk everywhere about raising consciousness and awakening.

For a while now, you’ve sensed you were dying and, thus, in typical Patti style, took the bull by the horns and started seriously planning to leave.

You joked recently about all the lists and how-to notes you’ve written for your dear husband, Tom, to read when you are gone, because you worry he’ll be lost without you.

Tom, in humor blended with loving awareness and deep sadness, explained these are not just simple instructions, but details on how to handle every aspect of life, including the specific care of each room in the house. Volumes and volumes of practical advice from a woman who never could make heads nor tails of this crazy world.

But, you have been, beautiful soul, always organized in a way that escapes me.

Even when you were deeply depressed, you were organized. And, even when you were depressed, you could create gorgeous works of art. Even when you were depressed, you would reach out your hand to a friend or family member and welcome them in for coffee or wine or one of your delicious homemade meals or desserts.

Yes, in addition to being the most organized person I’ve ever known, you are a brilliant fabric artist, kindest of friends, magical “green thumb” organic gardener, wonderful cook and baker, lover of all animals and rescuer of several dozen stray cats over the years.

As you begin your passing, beautiful Patricia, our hearts are overwhelmed and our eyes flow with tears. We have no way of fully explaining why. Certainly, we will miss you, but the tears are much more than personal sorrow.

The tears flow as if from the deepest rivers beneath the earth, which carry the tears of our ancestors and of children yet to be born. They are tears of joy, of sadness, of deep gratitude, and they flow as sacred waters from a love without end.

The mystery and the love of who you really are and of what is happening right now are too deep to be defined. We are experiencing something breathtaking, a mystery and love that holds us in awe and we feel to the core of our being, yet cannot explain.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
~ Maya Angelou

Dear sweet soul, you and Tom have both always made me feel welcome, and not only welcome, but treasured as friend.

That’s a very profound thing in this world. To feel welcome. To be treasured. To be able to show up just as we are with no need for pretense.

I will always remember how you reached out your hand to me when my personal world was rocky and I had some soul searching to do about my own mistakes. We barely knew one another but you cared and, therefore, you intuitively reached out.  Regardless of the physical distance between us, you’ve been there at my side, as my dear sister, ever since.

You, Tom and I have shared many wonderful times together.  Most of them have been come-as-you-are parties where we just showed up, talked, shared food and wine, laughed, listened, sometimes cried, and learned more than we could ever say.

How do we ever thank those who show up in kindness, courage and love? There is no greater gift on the earth than a genuine caring heart. You and Tom have both been the truest of friends to me.

My precious friend, I am eternally grateful that you showed up and shared your heart and unwavering friendship with me.

“There is a sacredness in tears.
They are not a mark of weakness, but of power.
They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues.
They are the messengers of overwhelming grief,
of deep contrition and of unspeakable love.”

~ Washington Irving

As these days of your passing unfold, the tears that we share with you seem to flow from the depths of our being. They are tears of love, of awe, of gratitude, of mystery, of cleansing, of letting go and of holding on to all that is eternal. They are tears of knowing how deeply you are loved and will always be loved.

There’s nothing for you to soothe away or rescue here now, but there’s also no holding back our tears.

Go now with love under your wings, a John Denver song in your heart (yes, I remember he is your favorite), and have the time of your life.


Added 1/12/2019

Beautiful Patricia made her exit from this world on January 12, 2019.
The same deep love that escorted her in, escorted her out.
I heard the waters splash as she dove deeply into her new life.
I stand here now in her wake, feeling love for us all wash over me.


This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

When Hell Just Won’t Go Away

by Kathleen Stilwell
April 14, 2018


A few days back I saw headlines about Syria and my internal knowing was that many, many more innocents were going to be harmed. It was happening, ready or not.

Sadness overwhelmed me.

The sadness I felt was linked to something more than the suffering of our precious brothers and sisters in Syria. This felt to be a turning point, if such things exist.

I knew something was already in motion. It was like sensing the first movement of an avalanche. It felt like small vibrations from the level of earth sensations, but was already crashing downhill in the causal world.

It’s outside of any sane person’s ability to understand that evil is so wrapped up in itself that it actually thinks it likes what it is creating. It does not want to stop and it’s not looking for a way out.

Evil has always been determined to have its way but now, confident that it has already won, it appears to be throwing away its own rule book and racing to the finish line.  It seems we are now in the midst of an in-your-face grab to control the soul and the substance of our world. The totalitarian tiptoe strategy doesn’t seem to satisfy evil any longer and whoever they or it are/is, they’ve determined now is the time for the jack hammer to come down.

Anyone reading this blog has spent a long time in contemplation, meditation, intention, imagining, prayer, activism, speaking out, chopping wood and carrying water, standing in front of an oncoming military tank… or whatever loving way of your own you’ve devised over time to use your own creative power and heart to change our world.  You know well the dismay and deep sorrow I was feeling in that moment, and you’ve also asked the same questions of Life about what else I/we can do.

I was up most of that night, listening for inner guidance. I decided to sing love songs to the world.  I held all of the realities that I currently have access to in my heart —  the physical world and the spiritual world, love and kindness, monsters of death, predators and prey, the ins and outs, the ups and downs, all of it —  and just sang to it.

I felt others singing with me, everywhere and every type of love song imaginable. And there was humor — a heartfelt understanding that no matter how horrifying evil imagines itself to be, it can only lead to its own demise.  It will consume itself eventually. Only love is eternal.

The prayer in my heart as I walk through life contains borrowed words, for there really is nothing new under this sun. “Be impeccable with your words.” “First, do no harm.” are some of my mantras.

I don’t ask myself to love evil because that would require my heart to speak a lie. But I do ask that evil wake up to love. The love is already here. I don’t need to pretend to be love’s source. But I can allow that love to speak through me.

Today, I ask myself, what can I do as I hear that the United States has begun assaults on Syria. The answer comes back simply.

Speak lovingly to all you meet.

Let each person you encounter be truly seen. Not just spoken to, but seen. If seeds of love are still there within that person, love will rise and heaven will smile right there through both hearts.

Speak honestly to all you meet. No sugar coating. No love and light gobbledygook. Speak the truth but be kind in intent.

Sing, create works of art, do your work with a sense of prayer or gift to the world.

Feel all who suffer and follow the trail of tears that flows into the great soul of the world. These sacred tears, as they join together, create a mighty flood that cleanses the wounds which act as portals allowing evil to enter our realm.

Share loving laughter and feel the laughter arise through our tears. We are amazing beings and we will make it through this.

Know that we never die. Evil will never be able to say that. But we can, because we are Love. We are constantly being reborn in every moment anyway, so we need never fear the cycle of death and rebirth.

If evil destroys this place and creates it’s own temporary stronghold, then we are on to the next adventure, to quote my beautiful son, Lukas.

And in the meantime, miracles are all about us. We have NOW and there never has been a more auspicious moment in time for earth-shattering change than NOW.

There’s no knowing what we beautiful souls can create together. There is no trajectory that can’t be swept away by a tsunami of love at the last moment.

A game, even this end game, isn’t over until the last man’s in.  There are way too many of us who have no intention of ever going into their version of what is to be. Even if it was just one of us, the game could not be over. But we are many and our ancestors — and our ancestor’s love, wisdom, courage and tears — are right here walking beside us.

Love, baby, love. That’s the secret. ~ Louis Armstrong


Louis Armstrong: It’s a Wonderful World

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.


Why Doubt is My Friend

by Kathleen Stilwell
August 11, 2017


Recently I had a conversation with a friend that got me thinking about doubt.

This friend was offended that I questioned some things he told me. Instead of answering my questions he responded only with (and we’ve all heard this before when we’ve questioned things): “You doubt me?”

I was very surprised that, instead of answering, he became defensive. I wondered why questions were seen as offensive. I explained to him that doubt is not the same as suspicion. I was just asking questions about a topic he himself brought up in conversation.

I told him that doubt is my friend and that I ask questions/doubt all the time.

He did not respond right away, but used my statement later on when he wanted to “put me in my place”, to show that I have an inferior spiritual perspective (the negative thinking taboo among some “enlightened”).

To this day, he still hasn’t answered my questions.

In my home, in my world, it’s not only okay to doubt, it’s encouraged.  Challenges are encouraged — not attacks — but questions. Even my friend’s challenge to me about my doubt was illuminating. It would never have occurred to me to stand up for doubt if he had not brought this issue to my attention.

Since When is Doubt a Sign of Weakness?

Who knows for sure, but my guess is it might have something to do with “the gods”.

In that sneaky world of the gods that turns everything true on its head, genuine strength of character is painted as weakness.

Imagine a god. Any god that is not as open-hearted, loving and forgiving as yourself.

Imagine this god says to an awakening-human:  “Here’s an adult coloring book. Forget about freestyle painting. Your work is always a mess and never good enough. Color only inside the lines and you will be creating perfect beauty.”

Imagine this awakening-human says to this god: “I find that too boring. I want to explore shapes and colors on my own.”

Now imagine how this god (and we are all familiar with this type of god) responds. He/She inflates itself like a howler monkey before bellowing out, “You doubt me? You dare doubt ME?”.

This god might continue on with words to tell the awakening-human how ungrateful or how unloving she is, but it knows it doesn’t really need to. It knows this awakening-human has already been programmed to feel shame when she doubts its authority or, even worse, doubts its love.

It knows if the awakening-human does doubt, she is likely going to doubt her own goodness or worthiness. (Worthy of what, one might ask. And who came up with this worthiness stuff, anyway. But that’s another question and another rant… and I digress.)

This god knows she is not likely to question the shame itself or to question who this god is that, truth be told, doesn’t feel like intelligent life or loving life at all.

Let’s face it. Controllers, Gods, and Mini-Me-Gods Don’t Like Us to Doubt

Overlords, friends who want us to believe a lie, and authorities of all types don’t like us to doubt. They lose power over us if we do. They tell us we are evil if we doubt them. And, if we are like these gods, if we are their children (or their “constituents”) as they tell us we are, we will do as they do — and shame our own children if they doubt us.

When someone is trying to control the narrative, it is important that truth be damned. Allegiance to the storyline is what is important.

There’s something quite odd about anyone thinking they should never be questioned. It’s one thing to not want to talk about something, but once a half-truth is put out there as a substitute for what we don’t want others to know, then it’s all open for challenge.

If someone questions us, it doesn’t mean they don’t love us. It doesn’t mean they’ll lose all respect for us if they find we were born and raised to pretend lies are truth and, therefore, are still in the process of “peeling the onion”, as a friend of mine is fond of saying.

The Emperor Has No Clothes

The children can see and smell the bullshit, and will point it out to us if we listen.

Have you ever had your child say to you, “Mom, you aren’t telling me the truth.”

I have. Twice.

I’ll start with the second time. It was in the month of November, many years ago now.  I was struggling financially and exhausted by life.  I was also trying to keep my 10-year-old from knowing what was going on.  Christmas was coming (ugh, another lie I had bought into).  I had no money for gifts and felt so guilty about working endless hours just to keep a roof over our heads and to keep him out of public schools.  I wanted so much to be there more for him. I knew he was lonely and deserved so much more than I could give him. So I started buying him gifts on credit cards. Lots of gifts. Stuff as a substitute for quality of life.

He saw stacks of packages in the closets and asked me what they were. I don’t remember what I answered, but it was definitely a lie of some sort.

I do remember his response. It is etched in my brain. “Mom, you aren’t telling me the truth. You don’t have to buy me stuff to make me feel loved. I know you love me. It’s going to be okay.”

I know I cried. I was relieved to have been called out on my bullshit. I didn’t even know it was bullshit until he called me out.  That we were there for each other and communicated our love was all that mattered.

The first time my son called me out on a lie was also an event involving Christmas. It must be significant that this pervasive Christmas lie, which is used by both religion and the monetary control system — a highjacking of our love, joy and the celebration of genuine caring for one another — brought forth the liar in me.

My son was four.

“Mommy, is Santa Claus real? I’m starting to think he’s not real.”

We had been doing the “Santa left you these gifts” thing for the past four years, and now that his fifth Christmas was coming around, he was wising up.

I remember wondering if I should tell him Santa Claus was real. But I didn’t.

I remembered my own disappointment as a child in finding out this magic man didn’t exist.  And especially the reindeer. I had wanted so much for the flying reindeer to be real. I had fully intended to go out on search for them when I grew up. I even wondered if Santa was married. Maybe I could marry him and live up there in the North Pole.

So, instead of continuing the lie, I fessed up. I told him it was a story. I justified my lie by telling him that Santa Claus was symbolic of giving and loving, or some such bullshit.

He wasn’t having any of it. Instead he was deeply hurt. And I was ashamed that I had been so blind in not knowing that he would be.

“Mommy, you were the one person I thought would never lie to me. You made Santa Claus important to me and he isn’t even real. Why would you lie about something important?”

Why, indeed?

I don’t remember the conversation after that. I know it was the beginning of a lifelong conversation I’ve had with this precious son of mine about why we lie.

Being Called on the Carpet is a Sacred Opportunity

The tendency to lie about something is there within all of us. At least I’ve never met anyone who does not have this programming within them on some level.

As my son grew through childhood, he observed his own lies, often long after he’d told them. One time he came to me and told me some things he had told his friends. He had made up stories about things he did with his dad (who was mostly absent from his life), he made up things about vacations we never took and superpowers he had. He asked me if that made him a pathological liar. As he talked he seemed relieved. He told me that he was realizing that, just by telling me about the lies, he knew he’d stop telling them.

Those who’ve read a few of my essays here on the blog will notice that I often talk about my son.  His entry into my life was, and still is,  a powerful guide in an ongoing awakening. Loving him taught me more about how to love myself. We pushed each other to become more authentic, to be more true.

He’s 28 now. A few years ago, he said to me: “Mom, I think you grow more beautiful all the time.  When I was a kid, you were unhappy and didn’t love yourself as much even though you loved me. Now we can talk about anything. The freedom shows in your face.”

And, yes, he’s given me permission to talk about him here. “Why not,” he said. “It’s just the way it is.”

In this life, my cup runneth over with all things that allow me to grow and expand. I have a life filled with doubt, with wondering, with challenges, with kindness, with some very dear friends, and with so much love.

Doubt is my friend because it comes from love. We’ve been lied to, we’ve repeated those lies to ourselves and others. Doubt says, “Hold on. Something feels off here. Let’s look into it a bit further before we buy into it.”

If I had a permanent home where I could place a sign over the front door for all to see, it might say:

Welcome explorers of reality.  Come in.  Relax and share your dreams. Question everything. Laugh. Cry. Create something. Fess up if you’d like. Above all else, do no harm and be true. 

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

Why Talk about the Dark?

by Kathleen Stilwell
August 8, 2017


On this blog, you will notice, I post a variety of things  — some centered on our true, loving nature and others on exposing deception.

Sometimes when I post something about what’s really going on out there with the energies attempting to control this dimension, this earth, I get notes from people saying that I am sending them/others into fear.

If you are one who gets sent into fear every time evil shows its face, then you should not be visiting this blog. There are plenty of other places to focus your attention.

Why do I talk about the dark?

First of all, darkness is not power.  It can be a place to explore and gather bits of wisdom. It can act as a scrying mirror and tell us things we need to know about our own weaknesses. Indeed, it can be used as a divination tool, even revealing our true genius and beauty if we know how to look.

It can’t, however, latch onto our minds and suck us into a living hell.  We’ve found out the hard way that it does have the ability to talk us into giving our power away and lure us into co-creating a nightmare if we haven’t gained spiritual maturity.

If this is our realm, then we need to stand up and face all that is manifesting here. We have let a heartless, bloodsucking-energy force field into our home and nobody is going to turn this around but us.

I also get messages from people who live in a perfect world, create joy everywhere they go, and need me to see the value in floating above it all. They want to educate me or help me see the light. They know if we’d all just stop talking about evil, that evil would disappear from the planet.

They tell me if we discuss these goings on on the planet that we are feeding the beast and giving it the attention it wants.  They say we should never judge and we shouldn’t call the beast evil.

I always wonder how they stumble upon my blog if their world is only joy, but I encourage anyone who finds it distressing to visit the blog, to return to the clouds.

Saviors floating down from above are of no interest to me. The planet needs more humans with backbone who have the courage to live with their feet on the ground while vision and love guide their every step — and it needs lots of them.

We really don’t need to fear calling evil evil. Words are all part of the spell. We are supposed to fear the word evil, at least that’s the plan of the soulless scriptwriters.  But it is simply the reverse spelling of live. Evil is anything anti-life. And, if we look it in the eye, we can see that evil is actually afraid of us, because, after all, we have the power to pull its plug.

I sometimes imagine we should all change our name to Satan and then give every “possession” away.  Or we could all change our name to George Soros and spend our lives honoring the beauty and divine nature of everyone we encounter. We could just mess with all the symbols and the words — any word or combination of words that currently triggers fear — turning them all back into the love from which they came.

Again, why do I talk about the dark?

Imagine a completely unruly, foul, belittling, bully of a vampire entering your own home while you and your children are sleeping.  You suddenly awaken and see it hovering over your children’s beds.

Would you cower in fear as it huffed and puffed, creating the illusion that it is all-powerful? Would you tell the children not to look at it or they would become it? Would you tell the kids not to discriminate against it or see it as different than themselves? Would you pour it a cup of tea?

Or would you take this evil blob of imitation life by the back of it’s neck and shove it out the door? As a protective mom, or even as a caring neighbor, I know what I would do.

(And for those filled with compassion for the little beast and worried about hurting its feelings, you can let yourself off the hook. Imitation life isn’t real. Just like Pinocchio, it wants to be a real boy. It’s just a theory, but I imagine it can be a real boy if it does the work to develop an empathic heart and an original, creative, visionary mind.)

In the “about” section of this blog, I make this statement:

The things I post here are in the spirit of having a conversation, not in the spirit of asking anyone to believe anything.  I never encourage anyone to believe anything. I don’t necessarily feel comfortable with all theories or conclusions, but if an article or video gives me some insight or makes we wonder, I will post it.

We don’t need any more religions or belief systems. We need more questions. And we need lots and lots of love rooted in integrity.

There is nothing to fear. This is not a locked-down reality, as much as the hypnotists insist that it is. It’s all up to us what we create.

All over the planet, people are selflessly sharing their efforts and their words to move things along. We are helping one another find our strength, identify the deception and remember what visionaries and beauty-makers we really are. This is a great work of cooperative love unfolding here.

No matter the outcome on any one level of reality, there is nothing to fear ever. There is always a next adventure, more deeply rooted in hard-earned wisdom, just around the corner.

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

Richard Dolan & Bill Ryan Share More on Integrity Issues with Secret Space Program ‘Whistleblowers’

Conversation between Richard Dolan and Bill Ryan, covering topics of UFO research, the importance of critical thinking, new age deceptions and more.

A few quotes from Dolan:

“People love to lie because it works. That’s why they do it. And, you know, most of the time you’re not going to know…”

“It’s a long road, and so for people jumping in here thinking they’ve got it all figured out, this is what the ancient people called hubris…”

“…because it’s only by getting to the truth that we become better people. You can’t become a better person if you’re lying to yourself all the time and you’re living in falsehood. You only become a better person by learning the truth about yourself and the world you live in — by critiquing yourself — and we can only do that by listening to people who disagree with us…”

I highly recommend listening to the entire conversation as great life wisdom, which can be applied to any field of research or work, is shared by both men. — Kathleen

Source:  AlphaZebra

Part 2: Richard Dolan talks to Bill Ryan: the MUFON Symposium, the Panel, the ‘New Age’, and more


Published on Aug 3, 2017


Part 1 is here, from 6 July:


Sandwiched between was the 2017 MUFON Symposium, which Richard discussed at length in the first video — and reports about in this one.

Richard had been invited to take part in the Panel discussion with Corey Goode, Andrew Basiago, William Tompkins, and Michael Salla. Thousands of people who watched the first video would love to have been flies on the conference room wall…. so this report from Richard is the next best thing. 🙂

In this video, Richard discusses how he feels MUFON made a huge, unanticipated mistake; how most of the attendees were dismayed that MUFON has invited these speakers (‘ALLEGED whistleblowers’ is the term Richard uses), and were thankful that Richard was there to defend proper standards of research and investigation. But he reports that the panel members were able to conduct an in-depth, civil debate, that credited everyone involved.

Richard continues to enlarge on his thoughts about the current state of ufology, the problems and challenges facing researchers, and how best to respond to them.

He adds his strong thoughts about the problems of the New Age movement, and how that mixes with ufology like oil and water…. despite the attempts of some people (and organizations) to somehow Vitamix it all together for a credulous, uncritical, over-accepting audience, all too eager to believe.

Some useful links, referred to in the conversation:

Donna Hare’s testimony:

James Clarkson’s 22 July blog posts:

Richard’s 16 July article, a few days before the Symposium:

Richard’s 31 July radio show, the first half hour of which was a preliminary report on the event:…

And lastly, the standalone MP3 audio of this video.…

Panel Discussion, MUFON Symposium 2017

Did We Really Choose to Be Here Now?

by Kathleen Stilwell
July 12, 2017


A close friend of mine asked me the other day where the idea ever came from that we chose to be here.  He was having a hard day.  In that moment, he was more aware of the horrors here — the “control system”, rampant cruelty, deceit upon deceit, and even perhaps his own past suffering while trapped in the illusions spun by a run-amok ego which had been fueled by a world that encouraged such things.

My friend was asking a rhetorical question, but I answered him anyway. (And I’m sure I’ll hear from him about my comment regarding a run-amok ego.)

I told him I think it’s just one more belief system that helps people feel empowered and attempts to make sense of it all.

It does feel quite valid for someone to say “I know I chose to be here.” After all, you know what you know. At least until that shifts to knowing something else.

But for someone to say “You chose to be here,” that simply can’t be done. We can’t know for another.  It might be playful and, perhaps, of benefit to propose: “Consider for a moment that you chose to be here. Would that perspective set you free from any other idea that has you bound and gagged?”

My friend and I have had this sort of conversation many times — about what we really know. I challenge a lot of things, as does he. If it has become a “sacred cow” in the world of enlightenment-seekers, I’m especially tempted to point out the emperor’s state of insubstantial clothing.  If, in any way, an idea is being touted as a “must think” in order to attain a higher or truer perspective, then I look for how to unbuckle this latest straight-jacket.

This same friend, many years ago, asked me what horrible things I had done in my past to have been incarnated on/in this prison planet. He saw that I’d never lived a privileged life and had experienced all sorts of challenges, heartbreaks and discomforts. If I had been living a happy-go-lucky life, then, so the theory goes, I would have been here to receive the rewards for having been a good girl, granted me by some system or deity that recycles soul after soul. Of course, I knew he was operating from the assumption that karma and reincarnation were absolute truths.

I told my friend that’s not why I’m here. I told him that I didn’t know why the rest of “humanity” is here but that’s not why I’m here.  He insisted that was why we are all here. Somebody told him this, great sages taught this, and his closest friend, a “healer”, had a website filled with all sorts of things related to this idea. And apparently, it must have rung at least semi-true to him. I think he argued in favor of that “truth” for maybe another five minutes and then moved on.

In regards to the “we chose to be here” hypothesis, it’s one more theory. It just might be true on some level, in some way. I have no clue.

However, as I told my friend, the only relevant thing is whether or not we choose to be here now.

And I do choose to be here. At least most days.

Do I always choose to be here now? Not really. Truth be told, sometimes I’m only sort of here, shifting into neutral on the subject of earth-life participation, while I weather an internal or external storm or while I process the sensory overload of vibrational data that comes with dwelling within this realm. And there are those rare occasions when I’m caught up in the hypnosis of  seeing sink holes all around me — usually lasting just moments until I realize how ridiculous I’m being and break my own spell.

But did I choose to be here before I had this physical form? Did I know this was a “special” time and I had to be here to fulfill a mission or even to just watch all the wild stuff unfold? Did I know my soul needed to gain strength by wandering through a fire swamp filled with endless opportunities to let go of fear, shed falseness that was/is weighing me down, speak with courage and conviction, and toughen up a bit more?

And did the people who’ve experienced incredible cruelty and unbearable circumstances sign on for that before they were born?

I’m sure I’ve heard every metaphysical explanation for why these things happen, yet nothing rings clearly true thus far.

Making up my own world as I go along, I imagine that my introduction to this realm could possibly have happened another way.

Way back when, before arriving on planet earth via this body, I might have been standing at the bottom of a slide looking up, wondering how people propel themselves up there, whether this was going to be fun and/or dangerous (I’m sure I wouldn’t have imagined horror), and why, for heaven’s sake, people are tempted to come here at all. Someone more adventurous than me could have seen me holding up the line of oddly-compliant ride-takers, gotten tired of me waiting to make up my mind and given me a big push so I’d get out of the way.  I could have been shocked to find myself soaring upwards, very aware that this was not entirely my choice as I now found myself, not at the top of the slide, but compressed inside the womb of an unfamiliar woman.

Or could it be that I was touring all sorts of lovely realities in an exquisite, hand-painted  hot air balloon, with all the amenities of a houseboat, when an enormous mystical, mythical being collided with my aircraft and sent me hurtling into this “dimension”, leaving me a castaway on an island so strange that I’m still in cognitive dissonance many decades later.

When my son, Lukas, was four years old he told me he remembered choosing me as his mother.  I was surprised, but shouldn’t have been. I had an awareness of him from even before he was conceived — the awareness came out of nowhere as all miracles and visions do. My intuition told me – or perhaps it was him telling me – that he was going to be male and I also knew the exact date he’d be conceived. Yet, all these years later he no longer remembers anything about life before earth, much less about any choices he made.

And it doesn’t matter. It isn’t about having signed a contract in the past or having made an irreversible decision.  All decisions are ultimately reversible. In that precious moment so long ago, by telling me his memory of before he was born, he was letting me know that he loved me and he wanted to be my son.  At four years old, he was re-making a choice that he felt had been important to him.

It’s those choices in this shifting-yet-tangible now that make all the difference in the world. Having access to now is our magic wand.

I remember another conversation with Luke at about the same time period. He was having a hard time understanding the difference between yesterday and tomorrow. He used the words interchangeably.  He asked how you could tell the difference since neither one existed. He emphatically explained that THIS is IT.  Us. Right here. In this moment. He went on, trying to get his point across. Everything else is in a circle around us, just out there as something to pick, he explained. “Take your pick,” he said as he waved his arms around, offering me the world.

Again and again, through ups and downs, through trial and error, through deep and playful conversation, and through the great fun and profound challenge of creating worlds together, we continue to choose one another for these sacred roles of mother and son.  (Disclaimer: I’m sure, as a child, there were times he was close to putting himself up for adoption.)  Our shared adult wisdom now lets us know what a gift we have together, even though we rarely see one another these days. That precious, ever-renewing choice to connect and to create together is pure magic, and that magic is who we all truly are.

But getting back to part two of the original question I was musing over…

If it’s possible that I did not choose be here upon entry — and it is possible, although if I had to bet I’d say that I did choose to be here — why would I choose to be here now?

For me, and it might be so for you, to be fully alive I have to choose to be here. I choose to be here now because it’s the only non-victim, non-slave stance to take. And it’s the only stance that gives me the awareness to love, to create, and to access unstoppable divinity (limitless source of vision and inspiration). It’s the only stance that challenges me to the fullest.

As best I can see, we are all definitely here. We’d likely agree on that, but I’m open to other perspectives. For whatever reason, it seems we are not only here, but are here together.

Sure, this might be a hologram, it could be a dream within a dream, we might have a creator or multiple creators, maybe we created ourselves, perhaps the past and the future never were and never will be…

Yet, whatever this shared reality is — in spite of the fact that it projects the illusion that it goes on without us (as evidenced by seeing our loved ones die and leave us behind ) and that it incorporates all sorts of people, situations and events into our awareness without asking our permission — this reality is what it is because we are here.

The encouraging words we speak, the love we pull out of a hat to give away when we have nothing to give, the beauty we recognize in our down-trodden neighbor and go out of our way to let them know — all of these actions move with the power of tidal waves, living on and on, even if we one day imagine ourselves to have died.

Who we are, the level of personal integrity that we fine-tune within ourselves, the words we speak to and about each other, the visions we share, the kindness we offer, the beauty we make — every bit of who we are has impact within and without. That’s why I choose to be here. I choose to be here because of the magic.

If choices in the past weren’t reflective of who we would like to be today, then we can turn on a dime and become exactly who we choose to be. We have the power to control the tides. Those wonderful waves of vision, allowing dreams to come true,  have the power to transform it all — the past, the future and everything in between.

We just have to choose, to take our pick, as children and mystics all know, and let the magic become us.

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

New Age Mind Traps and the Labeling of our Children

by Kathleen Stilwell
November 22, 2016


“They give us their mind.” We all know this one by now. Don Juan is speaking to Carlos Castaneda in ‘The Active Side of Infinity’ about the predators.

This seems to be one of those gifts that just keeps on giving. It appears to be an ongoing missionary program to direct the minds of a species that seems to be stumbling around in a state of severe PTSD.

It occurred to me yesterday, when I saw an article posted in an ascension-type blog about the difference between rainbow, crystal and indigo children, that we are really, really hard-wired into this boxing and labeling mindset. When are we going to stop doing this to ourselves and to one another?

All of these new labels supposedly represent a new paradigm. But labeling, corralling, boxing, limiting, holding in place, fixing, imprisoning (I could go on) are their thing — the predators’ thing.

This insistence on classifying one another is part of their mind game, enticing us to make all sorts of stuff up and to impose it upon others. When it comes to messing with our children, it really pisses me off. It’s one thing if we want to make up labels for ourselves, but, how dare we do this to the innocent. These new-age experts are handing out labels right and left. Our children are (in descending order of importance to the world) rainbow, crystal, indigo, or just ordinary kids with no real spiritual significance. There are likely sub-categories, but I can’t get myself to explore the idea.

It seems to me that, if some sort of reptilian/archonic/bloated-floating-fishy predator didn’t give us its mind, then it must have been beings with heads shaped like pyramids. (And maybe even feet shaped like pyramids if you look at the shape of some shoes people try to cram their tootsies into.)

We are obsessed with labeling one another and either stacking ourselves on top of others or stacking others on top of us. We bind and label, divide and sort, classify, deify, and belittle. We carry the matrix-builders’ mind with us.  We fantasize living without this creepy mind virus and then, without giving our programming a second thought, set out to build a whole new world filled with free energy devices, free hugs, and creative living.  We need to get vigilant about examining ourselves for signs of AI (alien intelligence or artificial intelligence, take your pick) control. We need to look at the qualities of the predator mind and ask ourselves if this is who we choose to be.

It’s almost impossible to believe that people actually still look for, or seek to be, chosen ones. Do we not see the system that our controllers have imposed upon us — how it divides us, judges us, exalts us and punishes us? Yet we recreate this hierarchical, pyramid blueprint over and over again in new systems of all kinds, be they spiritual or governing.

Spiritual maturity does not come without investigating the AI which has taken over our mind. If it looks like a control system, it is. If it is shaped like a pyramid, it is. If there is someone lording over you, as a god or as a savior, then it’s Alien and Artificial Intelligence. If you are seeking to be led, then you are asking to be taken over. If you want to be seduced…same freaking thing.

If you package (even if you think it’s a pretty box) your children, friends, family, lovers, etc. then you are assisting the controllers by following the mind pattern they’ve imposed upon you.

We divine humans are fluid beings. Our physical bodies are composed mostly of water. We flow with cosmic energies in absolutely magical ways.

Being as cool as we are, we change all the time. We all have moments of brilliance and moments of frustrating blindness. We are multi-dimensional. We shift. We grow. We get excited over new insights and ideas. We soar with inspiration and grieve deeply at the horrendous evil all around us. And we can hold both emotions at the same time. We are that flexible. We remember the Love that we came from, although sometimes the memory is quite faint.

The predators are not any of these things. They don’t have hearts like ours, they don’t have bodies like ours, they don’t have expansive minds like ours.

The parasites don’t see what we see. They symbolize themselves as having one all-seeing eye. But they are nothing but cycloptic parasites. And the joke is on them. One eye does not see all. They have no idea who we really are.

We, on the other hand, have as many eyes as we need to free our minds and to free our worlds because we have imagination.

If we are dedicated to freeing our world, we must let our children be the brilliant, surprising beings that they are here to be. Because one of them paints like Rembrandt at three years old, or talks like an 80-year-old sage when they haven’t learned to walk, or heals all the sick puppies in the neighborhood with a simple touch, or walks on water, we must resist boxing them into that role or positioning them above the other child who is simply throwing mud against the wall. Each will have moments of genius and moments of sluggishness. Guaranteed. Just like you and me.

If our children amaze us with their out-of-this-world perspectives, let’s not call them into archonic ego by giving them labels.  If we stay out of their way, their beautiful visions will expand, they will share with other children, and they will expand the heart and soul of this entire world. Our job is to keep them free of the controllers (including the aspects of ourselves that slip into that role). We must keep them free of wanna-be dictators, governors, order followers, label makers, and place holders.

This is a huge challenge for all of us on all levels of being. We must free ourselves from AI programming if we are to really create our new world.

Our new world is not going to create itself. The truth is beckoning us to set ourselves free and step up our game. We are the ones that this vision is waiting for. If we get out of the way, our children — even the muddy, clueless ones — will be right there with us, as we individually and collectively blow the predators out of own minds.

‘The Cult’, Trump and the Rest of Us

by Kathleen Stilwell
November 17, 2016


A recent conversation between Jeff Rense and Linda Stone titled “Did the Cult Give Trump a ‘Briefing’?” got me thinking.

Over the past months, as I pondered our recent presidential (s)election here in the US, I wondered why so much of the alternative media seemed to view Trump as a messiah of sorts. The liberty movement (patriots who want to ‘restore the republic’ or ‘restore the constitution’) seemed particularly elated at Trump’s win.

How is it that we, as truth seekers, can understand that the system is rigged, that we are manipulated into choosing our controllers, and not assume that Trump was, at least on some level, selected to be president? Why would we imagine the powers which have controlled us for eons would now step aside just because a man who was not already completely taken over moved into the White House?

As someone deeply interested in our awakening, in transforming our world, in freeing our resources from an imprisoning monetary system, I could not understand how either candidate would help us get there.

Trump did say some very inspiring things about restoring some of our liberties. We would all feel great relief if some of this police-state government could be dismantled. But this is not enough.

Trump’s entire “success”, his celebrated life path, is deeply linked to the life-force-draining monetary system that has us all living lives of quiet desperation.

Trump’s corporations and his celebrity family represent the same old stifling social order filled with order followers and place holders.

Trump’s vision does not call for spiritual maturity, a recognition of natural law, or a return to love. It does not require that we transform our inner worlds along with the outer.

In the conversation I mentioned above, Rense addresses the fact that Trump has recently done a turnabout on many things he pledged before the election. He brings up the fact that this change came about right after Trump’s briefing at the White House. He questions whether Trump may have been briefed by the cabal, reminding us that “the cult is everywhere”.

It’s quite possible that Trump did not know the level of evil he was walking into. Or perhaps he didn’t believe it could be as horrific as it is.

If we don’t work on waking up on all levels of being, we can find ourselves in this same boat. We sense the danger, we are on alert, but we don’t know what we are walking into.

We all want a different world, but if we do not change who we are, we can’t get there from here. It can’t be done by changing external laws and tweaking the status quo here and there.

If we don’t change who we are, we will keep looking for leaders instead of looking to be creators, and we will allow ourselves to be controlled by others who know we’d rather not take responsibility for ourselves. If we don’t change who we are, we won’t have the spiritual sight to free ourselves from “the cult”.

A few months ago, I dusted off this blog to post my thoughts about the witch hunt around Zen Gardner. The whole situation was so bizarre, as large numbers of the “awakening community” were suddenly triggered into banning him from their sites, causing his Facebook page to be closed down, and essentially attempting to drive him out of town. In light of this attack, Zen took a hiatus and disappeared from the web for a while.

As I listened to Rense’s words, I realized that this is exactly why Zen’s life story caused such an unconscious reaction. Zen had been a member of a well-known cult that started out with high ideals but morphed into a deeply disturbed mess, including pedophilia (as is rampant in the Catholic church and government circles). Zen’s attackers insisted he must have condoned or participated in the abuses that existed in the cult. He must be guilty of something. ‘How could anyone be so blind?’, they asked. How, indeed!

We are all guilty of having been blind to a cult that just so happens to be everywhere. All of our lives we could feel that something was horribly wrong, yet we didn’t know exactly what it was.

(Thankfully, the freakout about Zen Gardner seems to be over and most of the major sites have “reappeared” Zen’s writings. This seems to have occurred right after Ole Dammegard spoke out publicly of his love for Zen Gardner and his belief in him.)

The dark control system is all around us, even in the alternative structures and communities we set up. It will continue to reappear until we fully take responsibility for self-governance and stand as creative, sovereign beings. It will continue until we choose to be integrous, until we become the masters of our own inner and outer worlds without the need for gods, rule books or oversight committees.

When we take responsibility for our lives and transform ourselves, we see that the control system may be everywhere, but we no longer fear it.

We also begin to understand that the dark side only sees certain aspects of humanity. It zeroes in on our temporary limitations. It sees our immaturity and is attracted to controlling us through that vulnerability.

It’s no wonder that cabal members are so interested in pedophilia. These beings may appear human, but they are something else entirely. They are deeply-twisted predators who seek out those who can be controlled. They feed on and thrive on the fear, deep pain, and traumatized energies that they call forth from us with their abuse. Children are the most vulnerable among us and make the perfect target.

This cult of darkness has, for the longest time, had possession of occult knowledge, empowering it to take advantage of our weakness and bedazzling us into obedience. But the apocalypse (unveiling) is here and the curtain is being ripped back, the weak monsters behind the smoke and mirrors are being revealed, and the gig will soon be up. As we find our strength and our vision, as we step outside of fear, ‘the cult’ loses its power because, as we rediscover who we are, we can see it but it can no longer see us.

The video disappeared from YouTube during the purge of alternative views. However, the following is an excerpt from Jeff Rense’s comments in the video:

“…What we do know is that this planet, especially western Christian civilization, is controlled by a dark, and honestly, unimaginably evil occult, ritualistic, satanic group of people — a cabal, if you will which goes back many hundreds if not thousands of years. It dominates nations almost as if they are toys in a sandbox. That’s how powerful they are. No they’re not presidents. No they’re not kings. They’re above that. They answer to no one. They are above all laws. And I mean laws and morality, as well as political. Human life means nothing to them. In fact, morality, just alluded to, kindness and care mean less than nothing to them. They are in many ways not human by normal measurements, any normal measurements. Now Donald Trump is changing positions, or so it would seem so, on several of his many, many promises and pledges…”

This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Kathleen Stilwell, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article.

Aenean Ut Eros Et “Nisl Sagittis” Vestibulum

Assumenda urna, tincidunt tempora, asperiores arcu autem leo arcu sed, laboriosam voluptas sit ridiculus, ridiculus vestibulum. Iure ac, neque earum. Aperiam ea eleifend est, dictumst, etiam tenetur, excepturi labore condimentum. Repudiandae senectus rem, minima et ac explicabo dictum, platea? Necessitatibus cras eligendi molestie sociosqu, mollitia, vestibulum! Sit eius culpa ipsam, quae habitant? Eveniet urna! Imperdiet unde fusce sollicitudin a conubia.

Praesent? Placeat, pharetra dignissimos magna porta irure exercitation augue? Culpa amet massa! Aut aliquet? Hymenaeos pariatur, diam cursus. Ratione, donec! Conubia sunt! Porta nostra ratione ac provident iaculis impedit ea quasi accusantium vehicula, bibendum molestias delectus volutpat condimentum officiis class sapien, malesuada elementum massa! Explicabo porro magna eligendi, eum sapien illum imperdiet eiusmod montes ante consequatur. Cupiditate minus taciti nostrum.

Hendrerit conubia cum excepturi cum cras aliquet! Primis litora. Maiores sodales doloremque laboriosam repellendus, metus. Molestie gravida eius habitant ducimus senectus error ad accumsan nam ultricies. Sociosqu, lorem magnam? Laudantium, molestie nostrud, magna aliqua, adipiscing minus asperiores gravida facilis, dis mauris placerat anim molestias quas assumenda, minima fermentum possimus, commodo aute, ullamcorper? Excepteur animi. Nisi incidunt, optio assumenda nisl expedita.

Quidem quisque vestibulum vulputate, praesentium. Erat cras laboriosam, qui porttitor exercitationem ultricies temporibus iaculis, facilis, eveniet per vestibulum taciti accumsan, minima, eleifend vivamus ducimus! Donec culpa eum repudiandae accumsan nisi wisi consequat labore pulvinar? Dolorem quisque torquent repellendus molestie malesuada! Mollitia harum! Mattis explicabo! At explicabo similique in, autem penatibus auctor integer, lectus ipsam? Quibusdam! Deleniti omnis, dignissimos? Fugiat laboris.

Pretium venenatis magna urna dignissim mattis officiis saepe, expedita. Ullamco, metus wisi, tempora dictumst labore placeat assumenda? Libero? Laoreet asperiores? Aperiam consequatur adipiscing, magna quas odio, potenti nostrum, sollicitudin veniam aliquam ducimus quaerat class eleifend? Minima, iaculis eiusmod debitis sunt placerat eu commodi sollicitudin eveniet commodi ex ullam, sint maxime quisquam? Eu lorem enim exercitation semper sapien unde taciti eligendi.

Accusamus praesentium officiis consequuntur. Expedita provident rem pariatur wisi magnis velit rutrum. Orci quia aspernatur. Alias hendrerit. A proident aliquip minim egestas vulputate consectetuer, maxime aliquid vestibulum saepe mi tristique numquam dolore necessitatibus anim a torquent? Diam luctus? Incidunt saepe primis fugiat! Suspendisse beatae? Ipsam? Error. Cupiditate quis quia hymenaeos, placeat, ornare ipsam aute cumque facilisis taciti? Aut itaque inventore.

Minim assumenda omnis pharetra, laoreet pellentesque? Condimentum! Voluptates aenean parturient corporis adipisci! Sit mus saepe congue? Nunc occaecati imperdiet sodales, exercitationem autem consectetuer. Porta, laboris torquent soluta pulvinar quo totam iure incididunt do enim possimus aliquip ornare risus, montes risus. Facere ut ipsam nulla viverra vero eligendi vitae. Voluptatibus massa aspernatur, ipsum porta ullamcorper adipiscing nisi. Molestias? Nesciunt porta temporibus.

Taciti voluptate adipisci ut, asperiores at, suscipit nisl, dolore magni, parturient sit mi volutpat fugiat congue voluptatem totam. Perferendis magnis rutrum occaecat illo aenean? Magnis porta. Congue dolore eu dicta? Facilisis veritatis, pellentesque. Dis anim, nisl montes tortor, nisl provident proin fugit, deserunt diamlorem doloribus per nesciunt leo nostrud! Debitis cumque doloribus erat dapibus ea! Nostra labore praesent ad dictum.

Similique blanditiis lectus dolores donec non? Quos? Aenean lectus atque sint laboriosam consequatur deleniti cum ante numquam at duis, omnis? Proident tempor amet montes suscipit laoreet, duis, illum. Primis ullamco mus ullamco, cupidatat augue saepe nemo hic wisi class primis? Omnis suspendisse harum molestias laudantium corporis voluptate dolore. Porta velit natus! Corporis amet primis! Beatae, doloremque laudantium, ullam nostrum vehicula.

Malesuada recusandae hymenaeos hic, aliquet vestibulum. Nihil. Quaerat, eaque ridiculus commodo cupiditate potenti eiusmod elementum! Blanditiis? Porttitor nascetur curae pariatur maecenas? Dolore, maecenas a donec habitant aliquet dignissim, aliquam quod. Mollit eum! Egestas suscipit, natus, excepteur iaculis pulvinar. Laudantium sunt! Pretium lectus, excepturi autem ipsum corrupti adipisci cum, nullam nemo! Aptent mattis accusantium fringilla auctor nisl dolores eiusmod error arcu.

Litora occaecat, nisi cras minim hymenaeos, sollicitudin fugiat eiusmod fermentum laboriosam sed ultricies elementum similique! Anim! Platea gravida mollit nemo, ultrices nulla nascetur? Dapibus proin? Incidunt fusce quos sodales recusandae tellus orci harum velit placerat commodo fames lacinia hic fugiat ducimus justo, maxime error? Ipsam voluptatem, bibendum consequuntur quas aute, libero hac, inceptos fames hendrerit eum enim sint minus soluta.

Itaque nam wisi, elit. Facilis explicabo curae blandit proin harum, aliquip felis laboris consequuntur cubilia consequat nascetur. Animi, porta ullam architecto integer dictum eos? Provident eget! Perferendis saepe! Tristique dictumst, leo magna cubilia, id rerum recusandae aliquam nostrud est fuga aliquet doloribus illum voluptatem a, eiusmod fames arcu. Labore platea error fuga. Sapien magni, posuere. Laudantium ridiculus? Animi, et donec.

Fermentum euismod curabitur, quis class, inceptos! Iusto consequatur feugiat eaque est faucibus quod pulvinar illum suscipit pulvinar, class molestias sociis eveniet pharetra occaecat sequi donec ultricies? Dictumst ullamco! Eiusmod tempore tristique ipsam do, vitae a quia. Vel suscipit, lectus provident? Nisi explicabo ac qui bibendum aperiam eos consequatur, ex ullamco, veniam nisi quibusdam pariatur ea quisquam tristique, volutpat integer gravida.

Reiciendis quam adipisci? Adipiscing cillum vitae fugit magni? Tempore omnis integer, magnam maiores ducimus in mollitia aute dolores unde minus ridiculus placerat, placerat hac! Felis mauris ante sequi ducimus suspendisse sociosqu nihil! Justo in ligula fusce irure dui dicta ex nullam iste minima posuere sequi sollicitudin justo libero aliquam voluptate, culpa egestas sem culpa nostrud veritatis incidunt donec nemo, gravida.

Accusantium adipisci, integer, incididunt. Corrupti exercitation deserunt, nihil architecto ratione, occaecat hymenaeos? Fugit officiis? Vitae occaecat dolorum molestie. Turpis porro cupiditate. Nunc ullamcorper accusamus placerat mollit optio officia. Eos odio maiores fermentum netus inceptos dolorum tempus, laborum asperiores montes esse? Turpis nihil provident voluptas, diam magnam optio sapien ipsam repudiandae et atque, fames illo, odio. Rhoncus id anim conubia nam.

Litora bibendum molestie deleniti ligula nostra, exercitationem morbi distinctio porro nibh commodi lacinia earum mi enim netus mus, mus dapibus, rerum facere autem nullam voluptas, cubilia non. Iste sequi numquam rhoncus natoque conubia viverra tristique incidunt? Cubilia quo curabitur sociosqu. Per malesuada. Quaerat convallis laboriosam totam sint! Varius? Nulla quibusdam justo nesciunt, lacinia, rhoncus? Primis dolorum volutpat esse. Possimus inceptos.

Excepteur nobis semper, quo potenti justo class, aut tempor! Nostra! Aptent lacinia ultrices, suspendisse, atque numquam, accumsan ridiculus commodi senectus varius tortor porro odit, diam facere, dis ipsa diamlorem vivamus, lobortis deleniti mollis fermentum placeat, pharetra. Perferendis unde hac! Libero. Perferendis hac perspiciatis magna ullam molestiae hendrerit commodi! Lorem asperiores nostra facilis excepturi lobortis laoreet nam adipisicing quisque commodi non.

Fames lacinia orci non doloribus risus minim eu nisi pulvinar! Consectetuer perspiciatis laboriosam. Perspiciatis sociis in dolores nesciunt? Urna, est officiis cupidatat quaerat penatibus tristique! Culpa error anim senectus debitis, molestias ante? Provident torquent ultricies leo, quasi commodo, imperdiet! Ullam dui incidunt! Vivamus tristique nec, arcu fames adipiscing, eos perspiciatis aenean lacinia fermentum eveniet dolor, eum dolorem purus molestias tempore.

Ipsa laboris occaecati consectetur egestas deleniti porro veniam tristique parturient, pellentesque incidunt, phasellus pretium eu nec delectus maxime vero? Autem? Nemo consequuntur? Sociosqu pellentesque repellendus quibusdam. Consectetur corrupti, lacinia tellus! Blandit deserunt maecenas blanditiis consectetuer hac fuga, quisquam nulla curabitur? Morbi voluptatum suscipit nobis, cillum lectus a posuere? Sunt consequuntur, nobis! Dicta quibusdam ultricies! Conubia scelerisque odit convallis nemo vulputate.

Dolore fusce ridiculus explicabo cumque elit interdum justo corporis sapiente, nam posuere, dui eos curabitur vestibulum, culpa at, delectus montes quo accusantium nostra, mollis accusamus duis mattis itaque, fugiat voluptate voluptas maxime, totam elementum vero porttitor ipsam rem excepteur aliquam quae. Consectetur! Elit sapien velit corporis repellat odit, sociis habitasse, id lorem, suspendisse quaerat cupiditate dui! Massa sint? Fugiat vivamus.

Aliquid Voluptatem Torquent Sunt Inceptos Vestibulum Molestie

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi.

Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh.

Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut.

Dolore Quae Nec Sollicitudin Ipsum, Facilisi, Pariatur Repellat

Hendrerit porro minus reprehenderit egestas aperiam? Natoque harum laoreet sollicitudin pulvinar platea torquent primis, molestie, rerum laboris iure, culpa pulvinar aenean. Nemo neque duis cupidatat, blanditiis. Laborum fusce iste luctus! Minim! Molestias! Dignissim, voluptas non, tristique! Venenatis massa rhoncus dolor, adipisci doloremque, cumque ut esse, aliquam dis numquam, porta nemo molestiae, laboris cumque primis, auctor minim anim? Blanditiis iure odit! Cupidatat facilisis vitae aliquip class rutrum repellendus earum dolor exercitation nemo morbi! Sollicitudin aliquid repudiandae praesentium? Molestias ab, pariatur repudiandae.

Dolorum pretium repellat metus eveniet praesent molestias leo minima nesciunt corporis beatae iste nostrum ut, consequat quisquam eu placerat corporis occaecat maiores quaerat beatae quis aliquet gravida pretium vivamus primis? Placeat quas! Quidem saepe! Necessitatibus! Ab consequuntur convallis sed felis leo, montes. Arcu gravida. Rem harum irure exercitation, temporibus numquam unde euismod, porro cursus. Reiciendis primis imperdiet ultricies autem magni? Taciti parturient aliquet imperdiet! Quo! Consectetur, imperdiet consequatur quibusdam fermentum modi omnis eget a scelerisque. Maecenas unde, mollit! Id omnis.

Bibendum bibendum laborum ab sociosqu purus aliquam ante quisque aliqua, interdum aperiam. Dapibus! Interdum accumsan eos. Dolorem omnis rutrum beatae mollis. Sollicitudin diamlorem natus! Conubia sapiente animi, integer nisl illo, ea impedit ad laborum nonummy dis! Facilis sit eos voluptatem, laborum quisque. Nonummy scelerisque! At curae atque dictumst, fugit aperiam quidem fugiat hymenaeos etiam rerum possimus nullam. Libero iure fusce, senectus eum nisl sed neque sociosqu nisi tempore debitis nihil impedit. Non conubia natus quo? Soluta proin scelerisque magnis donec.

OK, so images can get quite complicated as we have a few variables to work with! For example the image below has had a caption entered in the WordPress image upload dialog box, this creates a shortcode which then in turn wraps the whole thing in a div with inline styling! Maybe one day they’ll be able to use the figure and figcaption elements for all this. Additionally, images can be wrapped in links which, if you’re using anything other than color or text-decoration to style your links can be problematic.

Your Alt Tag

This is the optional caption.

The next issue we face is image alignment, users get the option of None, Left, Right & Center. On top of this, they also get the options of Thumbnail, Medium, Large & Fullsize. You’ll probably want to add floats to style the image position so important to remember to clear these to stop images popping below the bottom of your articles.

Your Alt Title
Your Alt Title
Your Alt Title
Your Alt Title

Additionally, to add further confusion, images can be wrapped inside paragraph content, lets test some examples here.Your Alt Title
Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.Your Alt TitleVivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.Your Alt TitleAenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.

And then… Finally, users can insert a WordPress

, which is kinda ugly and comes with some CSS stuck into the page to style it (which doesn’t actually validate, nor does the markup for the gallery). The amount of columns in the gallery is also changable by the user, but the default is three so we’ll work with that for our example with an added fouth image to test verticle spacing.

Table Head Column One Table Head Column Two Table Head Column Three
Table Footer Column One Table Footer Column Two Table Footer Column Three
Table Row Column One Short Text Testing a table cell with a longer amount of text to see what happens, you’re not using tables for site layouts are you?
Table Row Column One Table Row Column Two Table Row Column Three
Table Row Column One Table Row Column Two Table Row Column Three
Table Row Column One Table Row Column Two Table Row Column Three
Table Row Column One Table Row Column Two Table Row Column Three
  1. Ordered list item one.
  2. Ordered list item two.
  3. Ordered list item three.
  4. Ordered list item four.
  5. By the way, WordPress does not let you create nested lists through the visual editor.
  • Unordered list item one.
  • Unordered list item two.
  • Unordered list item three.
  • Unordered list item four.
  • By the way, WordPress does not let you create nested lists through the visual editor.

Currently WordPress blockquotes are just wrapped in blockquote tags and have no clear way for the user to define a source. Maybe one day they’ll be more semantic (and easier to style) like the version below.

HTML5 comes to our rescue with the footer element, allowing us to add semantically separate information about the quote.

Level One Heading

Level Two Heading

Level Three Heading

Level Four Heading

Level Five Heading
Level Six Heading

This is a standard paragraph created using the WordPress TinyMCE text editor. It has a strong tag, an em tag and a strikethrough which is actually just the del element. There are a few more inline elements which are not in the WordPress admin but we should check for incase your users get busy with the copy and paste. These include citations, abbr, bits of code and variables, inline quotations, inserted text, text that is no longer accurate or something so important you might want to mark it. We can also style subscript and superscript characters like C02, here is our 2nd example. If they are feeling non-semantic they might even use bold, italic, big or small elements too. Incidentally, these HTML4.01 tags have been given new life and semantic meaning in HTML5, you may be interested in reading this article by Harry Roberts which gives a nice excuse to test a link.  It is also worth noting in the “kitchen sink” view you can also add underline styling and set text color with pesky inline CSS.

Additionally, WordPress also sets text alignment with inline styles, like this left aligned paragraph. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

This is a right aligned paragraph. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

This is a justified paragraph. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Finally, you also have the option of an indented paragraph. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

And last, and by no means least, users can also apply the Address tag to text like this:

123 Example Street,
West Madeupsburg,

…so there you have it, all our text elements

Temporibus Ab Culpa Ipsa Morbi Auctor

Nemo dictumst quis, quam! Labore congue cubilia dolorum hac massa, porta, consequatur expedita adipisicing. Pede lectus excepturi saepe inventore occaecat tincidunt enim! Eaque voluptas. Quod ad duis ut? Ullamcorper esse illo senectus explicabo, assumenda tristique sodales do auctor libero eaque. Nullam minus volutpat qui litora! Dictumst cupiditate ipsum? Maxime dictum facilisis expedita, ab nibh, porta pellentesque sapien quasi, sociosqu augue esse ligula wisi mollit tempor hac egestas turpis vestibulum? Torquent possimus error? Quisque debitis, doloribus odio eget modi aliquam quas.

Massa quisquam, dolorum explicabo omnis congue! Facilisi magnis. Unde at! Dictum. Elit earum laborum velit faucibus dignissim nascetur. Nullam ligula! Habitant scelerisque augue nullam reprehenderit hac lobortis cumque, fugit, nobis eveniet, error egestas molestias necessitatibus metus dictumst non minim nemo, rutrum? Porttitor cursus ipsam iure, omnis suscipit enim, iure imperdiet provident accumsan maiores tempore? Rem faucibus integer cubilia tortor nec. Ridiculus consectetur, nulla per, accumsan. Sociis soluta erat praesentium, quam, dolorem risus, sagittis orci mollis numquam. Wisi metus hac nullam.

Ante etiam soluta repudiandae impedit do, nihil, rutrum alias delectus occaecat. Tempor, repudiandae dignissimos taciti tempora incididunt purus aenean dicta. Voluptas illum recusandae ad accusantium per aliqua varius suspendisse interdum! Fugit quas sagittis class aute, cubilia! Elit perferendis optio venenatis. Commodo expedita doloribus nibh cubilia ipsum deleniti perferendis rhoncus habitant! Curabitur velit. Eget. Non voluptatum nisi voluptas penatibus aspernatur conubia, mus netus aliquam facere hymenaeos tortor consectetur corrupti! Molestie luctus possimus cumque mauris enim eros, id, posuere facere voluptates adipisci.

Awesome Sample Post With Everything With It

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Non enim quaero quid verum, sed quid cuique dicendum sit. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Et quidem illud ipsum non nimium probo et tantum patior, philosophum loqui de cupiditatibus finiendis. Uterque enim summo bono fruitur, id est voluptate. Omnis enim est natura diligens sui. Eorum enim est haec querela, qui sibi cari sunt seseque diligunt. Sed tamen intellego quid velit.


Mene ergo et Triarium dignos existimas, apud quos turpiter loquare? Itaque vides, quo modo loquantur, nova verba fingunt, deserunt usitata. Peccata paria. Quae duo sunt, unum facit. Atqui iste locus est, Piso, tibi etiam atque etiam confirmandus, inquam; Quam nemo umquam voluptatem appellavit, appellat; Itaque sensibus rationem adiunxit et ratione effecta sensus non reliquit. An potest cupiditas finiri?

Iam contemni non poteris. Ut alios omittam, hunc appello, quem ille unum secutus est. Quis est, qui non oderit libidinosam, protervam adolescentiam? Quod totum contra est. At multis malis affectus. Quod autem satis est, eo quicquid accessit, nimium est;

Eaque aenean donec ac quae porro mus phasellus sem mollit aliquid distinctio, nascetur aliquam magnis officia fermentum similique. Gravida felis? Quae officia irure ullamcorper, voluptatum, viverra? Dolor, error similique expedita praesent nibh? Velit sapien in potenti pretium unde ad sociosqu magnis justo, sociosqu ullam, at perferendis, senectus aliquam ipsam incididunt.

In pariatur eu ultricies porro nemo dapibus, amet? Habitant eum platea feugiat ipsum netus! Imperdiet hac harum dignissimos! Erat diam per nobis veritatis scelerisque cursus? Habitasse irure donec! Sapien quia consequuntur auctor cursus diamlorem hic aliquet facilisis phasellus facilisis, dolorem? Tincidunt tempora optio nisi maecenas. Hymenaeos, quasi iaculis dis aperiam.

Adipisicing odit est eligendi iure sociosqu odio quibusdam pulvinar eros vehicula! Nesciunt nec quod placeat! Corporis! Fames dignissim excepturi pretium facere! Assumenda aptent faucibus. Maecenas ad at aut, elementum quos, tenetur similique? Maiores at voluptatum felis. Inventore hac vehicula necessitatibus consectetuer nullam amet maecenas excepteur! Accusamus, at irure, dapibus maxime.

Commodi ipsam donec exercitationem, facilisi dolorem hic? Error dolorum praesent maxime quisque voluptate ratione, quis. Recusandae ultrices habitant, lacus atque! Illum, elementum deleniti consectetuer ultrices error ullamco! Qui? Donec maxime, habitasse quos iure vitae euismod facilis aperiam asperiores, deleniti pellentesque ridiculus distinctio fermentum pariatur. Dictumst nobis. Ut, accumsan, esse nostra.

Nummus in Croesi divitiis obscuratur, pars est tamen

Quamquam in hac divisione rem ipsam prorsus probo,
elegantiam desidero.

Imperdiet veniam unde nemo repudiandae. Laoreet! Dis sint inceptos mus nostra tempora platea itaque culpa. Placerat, provident commodo, itaque class. Soluta occaecat consequuntur sit molestias, bibendum earum exercitation, aliquip, faucibus proident voluptatibus laboris duis earum inventore? Necessitatibus reiciendis molestias? Cum, anim adipisci dolorum eros et ea vulputate tincidunt, harum fugit.

Elit porro proident excepturi sit dolores? Voluptatibus. Tempus, a, blanditiis elementum proin! Ligula voluptatem congue. Quo sagittis sodales? Dignissim, placeat maecenas ultrices sodales massa. Consequuntur lacinia quisquam ducimus tenetur, sapien, hendrerit commodi. Est, dolores vitae fusce, lorem iure adipisicing maxime quisque eius? Quaerat excepteur, aliquam! Adipiscing etiam mattis, repudiandae iure.

Tam enim diligenter, etiam si minus vere nam nondum id quidem audeo dicere -, sed tamen accurate non modo fundatam, verum etiam exstructam disciplinam non est facile perdiscere.

Header one

Header two

Header three

Header four

Header five
Header six

Si id dicis, vicimus. Tecum optime, deinde etiam cum mediocri amico. Philosophi autem in suis lectulis plerumque moriuntur. Honesta oratio, Socratica, Platonis etiam. Et quidem, inquit, vehementer errat; Quodsi ipsam honestatem undique pertectam atque absolutam.

  • Quarum ambarum rerum cum medicinam pollicetur, luxuriae licentiam pollicetur.
  • Age nunc isti doceant, vel tu potius quis enim ista melius?

Sed quia studebat laudi et dignitati, multum in virtute processerat. Quid iudicant sensus? Quae duo sunt, unum facit. Bonum incolumis acies: misera caecitas. Tum mihi Piso: Quid ergo?

  1. Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt.
  2. Piso, familiaris noster, et alia multa et hoc loco Stoicos irridebat: Quid enim?

Forgiveness and the Way We Get

Tonight I am pondering some things I ponder quite often.

Things such as seeing all relationships as mirrors of oneself…

gratefulness for all of life — everything, without exception…

forgiveness of myself as a participant in all the pain that has ever existed in this realm…

returning to love again and again — and the way we get when we are disconnected from that love…

the great need we have for one another, and so on.

As I pondered, I stumbled into reading some Hafiz poetry which lifted my heart and called me to see from heaven’s viewpoint.  Here are a few that I found myself reading again and again.

~ Kathleen





Forgiveness is the cash you need.
All the other kinds of silver really buy just strange things.
Everything has its music.
Everything has genes of God inside.
But learn from those courageous addicted lovers
of glands and opium and gold —
Look, they cannot jump high or laugh long
when they are whirling.
And the moon and the stars become sad
when their tender light is used for night wars.
Forgiveness is part of the treasure you need
to craft your falcon wings
And return to your true realm
of Divine freedom.

~Hafiz, in The Subject Tonight is Love, translated by Daniel Ladinsky

I Know The Way You Can Get


I know the way you can get
When you have not had a drink of Love:

Your face hardens,
Your sweet muscles cramp.
Children become concerned
About a strange look that appears in your eyes
Which even begins to worry your own mirror
And nose.

Squirrels and birds sense your sadness
And call an important conference in a tall tree.
They decide which secret code to chant
To help your mind and soul.

Even angels fear that brand of madness
That arrays itself against the world
And throws sharp stones and spears into
The innocent
And into one’s self.

O I know the way you can get
If you have not been drinking Love:

You might rip apart
Every sentence your friends and teachers say,
Looking for hidden clauses.

You might weigh every word on a scale
Like a dead fish.

You might pull out a ruler to measure
From every angle in your darkness
The beautiful dimensions of a heart you once

I know the way you can get
If you have not had a drink from Love’s

That is why all the Great Ones speak of
The vital need
To keep remembering God,
So you will come to know and see Him
As being so Playful
And Wanting,
Just Wanting to help.

That is why Hafiz says:
Bring your cup near me.
For all I care about
Is quenching your thirst for freedom!

All a Sane man can ever care about
Is giving Love!

~Hafiz, in I Heard God Laughing – Renderings of Hafiz, translated by Daniel Ladinsky




A Great Need


Of a great need
We are all holding hands
And climbing.
Not loving is a letting go.

The terrain around here
Far too

~Hafiz, in The Subject Tonight is Love, translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Fatebuntur Stoici Haec Omnia Dicta Esse Praeclare

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Neque enim civitas in seditione beata esse potest nec in discordia dominorum domus; Immo videri fortasse. Si enim ita est, vide ne facinus facias, cum mori suadeas. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Bonum negas esse divitias, praeposìtum esse dicis? Praeteritis, inquit, gaudeo. Ergo infelix una molestia, fellx rursus, cum is ipse anulus in praecordiis piscis inventus est? Hi autem ponunt illi quidem prima naturae, sed ea seiungunt a finibus et a summa bonorum; Sed quid attinet de rebus tam apertis plura requirere? Erat enim Polemonis. Ita multa dicunt, quae vix intellegam. Transfer idem ad modestiam vel temperantiam, quae est moderatio cupiditatum rationi oboediens. Satis est tibi in te, satis in legibus, satis in mediocribus amicitiis praesidii. Crasso, quem semel ait in vita risisse Lucilius, non contigit, ut ea re minus agelastoj ut ait idem, vocaretur.

Utilitatis causa amicitia est quaesita. Fatebuntur Stoici haec omnia dicta esse praeclare, neque eam causam Zenoni desciscendi fuisse. Quae est quaerendi ac disserendi, quae logikh dicitur, iste vester plane, ut mihi quidem videtur, inermis ac nudus est. Ita ne hoc quidem modo paria peccata sunt. Contemnit enim disserendi elegantiam, confuse loquitur. Nam e quibus locis quasi thesauris argumenta depromerentur, vestri ne suspicati quidem sunt, superiores autem artificio et via tradiderunt. Semovenda est igitur voluptas, non solum ut recta sequamini, sed etiam ut loqui deceat frugaliter. Aliter enim explicari, quod quaeritur, non potest. Quid enim necesse est, tamquam meretricem in matronarum coetum, sic voluptatem in virtutum concilium adducere? Nunc dicam de voluptate, nihil scilicet novi, ea tamen, quae te ipsum probaturum esse confidam.

  1. In eo enim positum est id, quod dicimus esse expetendum.
  2. Dat enim intervalla et relaxat.
  3. Dicimus aliquem hilare vivere;
  4. Sed nonne merninisti licere mihi ista probare, quae sunt a te dicta?
  5. Quod autem ratione actum est, id officium appellamus.
  6. Hoc est dicere: Non reprehenderem asotos, si non essent asoti.
Quo minus animus a se ipse dissidens secumque discordans
gustare partem ullam liquidae voluptatis et liberae potest.

Ergo ita: non posse honeste vivi, nisi honeste vivatur?
  • Sed tamen est aliquid, quod nobis non liceat, liceat illis.
  • Sed quia studebat laudi et dignitati, multum in virtute processerat.
  • Nam si quae sunt aliae, falsum est omnis animi voluptates esse e corporis societate.

Tum ego: Non mehercule, inquam, soleo temere contra Stoicos, non quo illis admodum assentiar, sed pudore impedior;

Aut etiam, ut vestitum, sic sententiam habeas aliam domesticam, aliam forensem, ut in fronte ostentatio sit, intus veritas occultetur? Quid enim mihi potest esse optatius quam cum Catone, omnium virtutum auctore, de virtutibus disputare? Conferam avum tuum Drusum cum C. Res enim concurrent contrariae. Nec vero alia sunt quaerenda contra Carneadeam illam sententiam. Idem fecisset Epicurus, si sententiam hanc, quae nunc Hieronymi est, coniunxisset cum Aristippi vetere sententia. Dolor ergo, id est summum malum, metuetur semper, etiamsi non aderit;

Itaque ne iustitiam quidem recte quis dixerit per se ipsam optabilem, sed quia iucunditatis vel plurimum afferat. Qui potest igitur habitare in beata vita summi mali metus? Quia dolori non voluptas contraria est, sed doloris privatio. Vitae autem degendae ratio maxime quidem illis placuit quieta. Quantam rem agas, ut Circeis qui habitet totum hunc mundum suum municipium esse existimet? Nam si propter voluptatem, quae est ista laus, quae possit e macello peti? Nam prius a se poterit quisque discedere quam appetitum earum rerum, quae sibi conducant, amittere. An tu me de L. Tuo vero id quidem, inquam, arbitratu. Sic igitur in homine perfectio ista in eo potissimum, quod est optimum, id est in virtute, laudatur. Tum mihi Piso: Quid ergo? Compensabatur, inquit, cum summis doloribus laetitia. Recte, inquit, intellegis. Fieri, inquam, Triari, nullo pacto potest, ut non dicas, quid non probes eius, a quo dissentias. Sic, et quidem diligentius saepiusque ista loquemur inter nos agemusque communiter.

Itaque primos congressus copulationesque et consuetudinum instituendarum voluntates fieri propter voluptatem; Aliena dixit in physicis nec ea ipsa, quae tibi probarentur; Bestiarum vero nullum iudicium puto. Paria sunt igitur. Eodem modo is enim tibi nemo dabit, quod, expetendum sit, id esse laudabile. Honesta oratio, Socratica, Platonis etiam. Potius ergo illa dicantur: turpe esse, viri non esse debilitari dolore, frangi, succumbere. Dempta enim aeternitate nihilo beatior Iuppiter quam Epicurus; Ut optime, secundum naturam affectum esse possit. Utilitatis causa amicitia est quaesita. Si de re disceptari oportet, nulla mihi tecum, Cato, potest esse dissensio. Quam si explicavisset, non tam haesitaret. Paria sunt igitur. Ratio ista, quam defendis, praecepta, quae didicisti, quae probas, funditus evertunt amicitiam, quamvis eam Epicurus, ut facit, in caelum efferat laudibus.

Modo Etiam Paulum Ad Dexteram De Via Declinavi

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Si longus, levis dictata sunt. Istic sum, inquit. Quorum altera prosunt, nocent altera. Virtutibus igitur rectissime mihi videris et ad consuetudinem nostrae orationis vitia posuisse contraria. Tibi hoc incredibile, quod beatissimum. Primum in nostrane potestate est, quid meminerimus? Neminem videbis ita laudatum, ut artifex callidus comparandarum voluptatum diceretur. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Quis contra in illa aetate pudorem, constantiam, etiamsi sua nihil intersit, non tamen diligat?

Quid me istud rogas? De quibus cupio scire quid sentias. Quia nec honesto quic quam honestius nec turpi turpius. Sint ista Graecorum; Non est igitur voluptas bonum. At hoc in eo M. Non enim hilaritate nec lascivia nec risu aut ioco, comite levitatis, saepe etiam tristes firmitate et constantia sunt beati. Suam denique cuique naturam esse ad vivendum ducem. Sed vos squalidius, illorum vides quam niteat oratio. Sin ea non neglegemus neque tamen ad finem summi boni referemus, non multum ab Erilli levitate aberrabimus. Est enim perspicuum nullam artem ipsam in se versari, sed esse aliud artem ipsam, aliud quod propositum sit arti. Huic mori optimum esse propter desperationem sapientiae, illi propter spem vivere.

Sic, quod est extremum omnium appetendorum atque ductum a prima commendatione naturae, multis gradibus adscendit, ut ad summum perveniret, quod cumulatur ex integritate corporis et ex mentis ratione perfecta.

  • Haec mihi videtur delicatior, ut ita dicam, molliorque ratio, quam virtutis vis gravitasque postulat.
  • Modo etiam paulum ad dexteram de via declinavi, ut ad Pericli sepulcrum accederem.
  • Quamquam tu hanc copiosiorem etiam soles dicere.
  • Cur id non ita fit?
Quos quidem tibi studiose et diligenter tractandos magnopere

Reicietur etiam Carneades, nec ulla de summo bono ratio aut
voluptatis non dolendive particeps aut honestatis expers
  1. Et nunc quidem quod eam tuetur, ut de vite potissimum loquar, est id extrinsecus;
  2. Quid enim ab antiquis ex eo genere, quod ad disserendum valet, praetermissum est?
  3. Quod equidem non reprehendo;
  4. Iam id ipsum absurdum, maximum malum neglegi.

Aliter enim explicari, quod quaeritur, non potest. Putabam equidem satis, inquit, me dixisse. Deprehensus omnem poenam contemnet. Itaque hoc frequenter dici solet a vobis, non intellegere nos, quam dicat Epicurus voluptatem.

Sed ad haec, nisi molestum est, habeo quae velim. Quae in controversiam veniunt, de iis, si placet, disseramus. Nullum inveniri verbum potest quod magis idem declaret Latine, quod Graece, quam declarat voluptas. Sed erat aequius Triarium aliquid de dissensione nostra iudicare. Quicquid enim a sapientia proficiscitur, id continuo debet expletum esse omnibus suis partibus; Non autem hoc: igitur ne illud quidem. Ut id aliis narrare gestiant? Dic in quovis conventu te omnia facere, ne doleas. Mihi enim satis est, ipsis non satis. Qui convenit? Quae similitudo in genere etiam humano apparet. Hoc uno captus Erillus scientiam summum bonum esse defendit nec rem ullam aliam per se expetendam.

Dat enim intervalla et relaxat. Velut ego nunc moveor. Antiquorum autem sententiam Antiochus noster mihi videtur persequi diligentissime, quam eandem Aristoteli fuisse et Polemonis docet. Tum Lucius: Mihi vero ista valde probata sunt, quod item fratri puto. Restant Stoici, qui cum a Peripateticis et Academicis omnia transtulissent, nominibus aliis easdem res secuti sunt. Minime vero, inquit ille, consentit. Falli igitur possumus. Cupit enim dícere nihil posse ad beatam vitam deesse sapienti. Videamus animi partes, quarum est conspectus illustrior; Et si turpitudinem fugimus in statu et motu corporis, quid est cur pulchritudinem non sequamur? Minime vero probatur huic disciplinae, de qua loquor, aut iustitiam aut amicitiam propter utilitates adscisci aut probari. Bonum integritas corporis: misera debilitas.

Sed Nonne Merninisti Licere Mihi Ista Probare

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. An eum locum libenter invisit, ubi Demosthenes et Aeschines inter se decertare soliti sunt? Cum enim summum bonum in voluptate ponat, negat infinito tempore aetatis voluptatem fieri maiorem quam finito atque modico. Sunt autem, qui dicant foedus esse quoddam sapientium, ut ne minus amicos quam se ipsos diligant. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Qua ex cognitione facilior facta est investigatio rerum occultissimarum. Minime vero istorum quidem, inquit. Qui autem esse poteris, nisi te amor ipse ceperit? Tubulo putas dicere? Age nunc isti doceant, vel tu potius quis enim ista melius?

  1. Nihilne te delectat umquam -video, quicum loquar-, te igitur, Torquate, ipsum per se nihil delectat?
  2. Nullum inveniri verbum potest quod magis idem declaret Latine, quod Graece, quam declarat voluptas.
  3. Ex ea difficultate illae fallaciloquae, ut ait Accius, malitiae natae sunt.
  4. In qua si nihil est praeter rationem, sit in una virtute finis bonorum;
Honestum igitur id intellegimus, quod tale est, ut detracta
omni utilitate sine ullis praemiis fructibusve per se ipsum
possit iure laudari.

Aliam vero vim voluptatis esse, aliam nihil dolendi, nisi
valde pertinax fueris, concedas necesse est.

Quicquid porro animo cernimus, id omne oritur a sensibus; Non potes, nisi retexueris illa. Ad eos igitur converte te, quaeso. Ergo omni animali illud, quod appetiti positum est in eo, quod naturae est accommodatum. Color egregius, integra valitudo, summa gratia, vita denique conferta voluptatum omnium varietate. Istic sum, inquit. Si qua in iis corrigere voluit, deteriora fecit. His similes sunt omnes, qui virtuti student levantur vitiis, levantur erroribus, nisi forte censes Ti.

Cur iustitia laudatur? Quis est enim aut quotus quisque, cui, mora cum adpropinquet, non refugiat timido sanguen átque exalbescát metu? Graecis hoc modicum est: Leonidas, Epaminondas, tres aliqui aut quattuor; Id Sextilius factum negabat. Omnia peccata paria dicitis. Quid ergo? Atque omnia quidem scire, cuiuscumque modi sint, cupere curiosorum, duci vero maiorum rerum contemplatione ad cupiditatem scientiae summorum virorum est putandum. Nos autem non solum beatae vitae istam esse oblectationem videmus, sed etiam levamentum miseriarum.

Dicet pro me ipsa virtus nec dubitabit isti vestro beato M. Ut placet, inquit, etsi enim illud erat aptius, aequum cuique concedere. Ergo in bestiis erunt secreta e voluptate humanarum quaedam simulacra virtutum, in ipsis hominibus virtus nisi voluptatis causa nulla erit? Illa enim, quae prosunt aut quae nocent, aut bona sunt aut mala, quae sint paria necesse est. Ab his oratores, ab his imperatores ac rerum publicarum principes extiterunt. Non potes, nisi retexueris illa. Iam insipientes alios ita esse, ut nullo modo ad sapientiam possent pervenire, alios, qui possent, si id egissent, sapientiam consequi. Si in ipso corpore multa voluptati praeponenda sunt, ut vires, valitudo, velocitas, pulchritudo, quid tandem in animis censes? Levatio igitur vitiorum magna fit in iis, qui habent ad virtutem progressionis aliquantum. Graece donan, Latine voluptatem vocant. Sedulo, inquam, faciam. Tecum optime, deinde etiam cum mediocri amico. Si ad corpus pertinentibus, rationes tuas te video compensare cum istis doloribus, non memoriam corpore perceptarum voluptatum; Si longus, levis. Nam diligi et carum esse iucundum est propterea, quia tutiorem vitam et voluptatem pleniorem efficit. Quid enim dicis omne animal, simul atque sit ortum, applicatum esse ad se diligendum esseque in se conservando occupatum?

  • In qua quid est boni praeter summam voluptatem, et eam sempiternam?
  • Sed nonne merninisti licere mihi ista probare, quae sunt a te dicta?
  • Si longus, levis;
  • Habent enim et bene longam et satis litigiosam disputationem.

Verum hoc loco sumo verbis his eandem certe vim voluptatis Epicurum nosse quam ceteros. Nescio quo modo praetervolavit oratio. Sed haec in pueris; Sed quid attinet de rebus tam apertis plura requirere? Cuius ad naturam apta ratio vera illa et summa lex a philosophis dicitur. An eum discere ea mavis, quae cum plane perdidiceriti nihil sciat? At cum tuis cum disseras, multa sunt audienda etiam de obscenis voluptatibus, de quibus ab Epicuro saepissime dicitur. Tu quidem reddes;

Quae est enim, quae se umquam deserat aut partem aliquam sui aut eius partis habitum aut vini aut ullius earum rerum, quae secundum naturam sunt, aut motum aut statum?

Tecum Optime, Deinde Etiam Cum Mediocri Amico

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. At enim sequor utilitatem. Et ille ridens: Video, inquit, quid agas; Illa sunt similia: hebes acies est cuipiam oculorum, corpore alius senescit; Qua tu etiam inprudens utebare non numquam. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Nos vero, inquit ille; Aderamus nos quidem adolescentes, sed multi amplissimi viri, quorum nemo censuit plus Fadiae dandum, quam posset ad eam lege Voconia pervenire. At multis malis affectus. Quamquam non negatis nos intellegere quid sit voluptas, sed quid ille dicat. Iam quae corporis sunt, ea nec auctoritatem cum animi partibus, comparandam et cognitionem habent faciliorem.

Proclivi currit oratio. Tria genera cupiditatum, naturales et necessariae, naturales et non necessariae, nec naturales nec necessariae. Itaque eo, quale sit, breviter, ut tempus postulat, constituto accedam ad omnia tua, Torquate, nisi memoria forte defecerit.

  • Sed quid ages tandem, si utilitas ab amicitia, ut fit saepe, defecerit?
  • Semper enim ex eo, quod maximas partes continet latissimeque funditur, tota res appellatur.
  • Nam Metrodorum non puto ipsum professum, sed, cum appellaretur ab Epicuro, repudiare tantum beneficium noluisse;
  • Tecum optime, deinde etiam cum mediocri amico.
  • Et quidem Arcesilas tuus, etsi fuit in disserendo pertinacior, tamen noster fuit;
  • Multa sunt dicta ab antiquis de contemnendis ac despiciendis rebus humanis;
  1. Illud dico, ea, quae dicat, praeclare inter se cohaerere.
  2. Quodsi vultum tibi, si incessum fingeres, quo gravior viderere, non esses tui similis;

Tria genera bonorum; Id mihi magnum videtur. Cur iustitia laudatur?

Nam si dicent ab illis has res esse tractatas, ne ipsos quidem Graecos est cur tam multos legant, quam legendi sunt.

Quae dici eadem de ceteris virtutibus possunt, quarum omnium fundamenta vos in voluptate tamquam in aqua ponitis. Si longus, levis. Cumque ipsa virtus efficiat ita beatam vitam, ut beatior esse non possit, tamen quaedam deesse sapientibus tum, cum sint beatissimi; Non pugnem cum homine, cur tantum habeat in natura boni; Et si turpitudinem fugimus in statu et motu corporis, quid est cur pulchritudinem non sequamur?

Quamquam tu hanc copiosiorem etiam soles dicere.

Quae in controversiam veniunt, de iis, si placet,

Hunc vos beatum; Hic quoque suus est de summoque bono dissentiens dici vere Peripateticus non potest. Et quae per vim oblatum stuprum volontaria morte lueret inventa est et qui interficeret filiam, ne stupraretur. At certe gravius. In ipsa enim parum magna vis inest, ut quam optime se habere possit, si nulla cultura adhibeatur. Quia, cum a Zenone, inquam, hoc magnifice tamquam ex oraculo editur: Virtus ad beate vivendum se ipsa contenta est, et Quare? Etiam inchoatum, ut, si iuste depositum reddere in recte factis sit, in officiis ponatur depositum reddere; Varietates autem iniurasque fortunae facile veteres philosophorum praeceptis instituta vita superabat.

Quae Sunt Igitur Communia Vobis Cum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. At hoc in eo M. Deinde disputat, quod cuiusque generis animantium statui deceat extremum. Sed quod proximum fuit non vidit. Iam contemni non poteris. Et ille ridens: Video, inquit, quid agas; Consequentia exquirere, quoad sit id, quod volumus, effectum. At iste non dolendi status non vocatur voluptas.

Illud urgueam, non intellegere eum quid sibi dicendum sit, cum dolorem summum malum esse dixerit.

Quid enim? Quid enim necesse est, tamquam meretricem in matronarum coetum, sic voluptatem in virtutum concilium adducere? Haec mihi videtur delicatior, ut ita dicam, molliorque ratio, quam virtutis vis gravitasque postulat. Sed quoniam et advesperascit et mihi ad villam revertendum est, nunc quidem hactenus; Atqui haec patefactio quasi rerum opertarum, cum quid quidque sit aperitur, definitio est. Quid me istud rogas? Id enim volumus, id contendimus, ut officii fructus sit ipsum officium. Quae autem natura suae primae institutionis oblita est? Age nunc isti doceant, vel tu potius quis enim ista melius? Tubulo putas dicere?

Sed cum ea, quae praeterierunt, acri animo et attento
intuemur, tum fit ut aegritudo sequatur, si illa mala sint,
laetitia, si bona.

Et quidem, Cato, hanc totam copiam iam Lucullo nostro notam
esse oportebit;
  1. Cuius quidem, quoniam Stoicus fuit, sententia condemnata mihi videtur esse inanitas ista verborum.
  2. Ego quoque, inquit, didicerim libentius si quid attuleris, quam te reprehenderim.
  3. Piso, familiaris noster, et alia multa et hoc loco Stoicos irridebat: Quid enim?
  • Eorum enim est haec querela, qui sibi cari sunt seseque diligunt.
  • Scripta sane et multa et polita, sed nescio quo pacto auctoritatem oratio non habet.

Quis Aristidem non mortuum diligit? Non semper, inquam; Non est enim vitium in oratione solum, sed etiam in moribus. Qua ex cognitione facilior facta est investigatio rerum occultissimarum. Nam cui proposito sit conservatio sui, necesse est huic partes quoque sui caras suo genere laudabiles. Sextilio Rufo, cum is rem ad amicos ita deferret, se esse heredem Q. Sed quot homines, tot sententiae; Quae quo sunt excelsiores, eo dant clariora indicia naturae. Sed non alienum est, quo facilius vis verbi intellegatur, rationem huius verbi faciendi Zenonis exponere. Si quae forte-possumus. Nihil enim desiderabile concupiscunt, plusque in ipsa iniuria detrimenti est quam in iis rebus emolumenti, quae pariuntur iniuria. Equidem, sed audistine modo de Carneade?

Sed quot homines, tot sententiae; Quis est, qui non oderit libidinosam, protervam adolescentiam? Quare hoc videndum est, possitne nobis hoc ratio philosophorum dare. Quae sunt igitur communia vobis cum antiquis, iis sic utamur quasi concessis; Quid censes in Latino fore? Non enim in selectione virtus ponenda erat, ut id ipsum, quod erat bonorum ultimum, aliud aliquid adquireret.

Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Hic ego: Etsi facit hic quidem, inquam, Piso, ut vides, ea, quae praecipis, tamen mihi grata hortatio tua est. Facile pateremur, qui etiam nunc agendi aliquid discendique causa prope contra naturam vígillas suscipere soleamus. Quid ad utilitatem tantae pecuniae? Laelius clamores sofòw ille so lebat Edere compellans gumias ex ordine nostros. Hoc dictum in una re latissime patet, ut in omnibus factis re, non teste moveamur.

Non Igitur Potestis Voluptate Omnia Dirigentes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Illud quaero, quid ei, qui in voluptate summum bonum ponat, consentaneum sit dicere. Virtutibus igitur rectissime mihi videris et ad consuetudinem nostrae orationis vitia posuisse contraria. Ergo, inquit, tibi Q. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Incommoda autem et commoda-ita enim estmata et dustmata appello-communia esse voluerunt, paria noluerunt. Scaevola tribunus plebis ferret ad plebem vellentne de ea re quaeri. Quid, de quo nulla dissensio est? Sedulo, inquam, faciam. At eum nihili facit; Torquatus, is qui consul cum Cn. Sed haec omittamus;

  • Quae animi affectio suum cuique tribuens atque hanc, quam dico.
  • Itaque nostrum est-quod nostrum dico, artis est-ad ea principia, quae accepimus.
  • Tanta vis admonitionis inest in locis;
  • Te ipsum, dignissimum maioribus tuis, voluptasne induxit, ut adolescentulus eriperes P.

Non igitur potestis voluptate omnia dirigentes aut tueri aut retinere virtutem.

Hoc loco tenere se Triarius non potuit. Nec vero audiendus Hieronymus, cui summum bonum est idem, quod vos interdum vel potius nimium saepe dicitis, nihil dolere. Minime id quidem, inquam, alienum, multumque ad ea, quae quaerimus, explicatio tua ista profecerit. Vide, ne etiam menses! nisi forte eum dicis, qui, simul atque arripuit, interficit. Cave putes quicquam esse verius. Fatebuntur Stoici haec omnia dicta esse praeclare, neque eam causam Zenoni desciscendi fuisse. Suo enim quisque studio maxime ducitur. Nos cum te, M. Quis enim confidit semper sibi illud stabile et firmum permansurum, quod fragile et caducum sit? Quid autem habent admirationis, cum prope accesseris? Haec dicuntur inconstantissime. Sed tamen est aliquid, quod nobis non liceat, liceat illis.

  1. A mene tu?
  2. Ex quo, id quod omnes expetunt, beate vivendi ratio inveniri et comparari potest.
  3. Id enim volumus, id contendimus, ut officii fructus sit ipsum officium.
  4. Post enim Chrysippum eum non sane est disputatum.
  5. Vos autem cum perspicuis dubia debeatis illustrare, dubiis perspicua conamini tollere.
Nam si dicent ab illis has res esse tractatas, ne ipsos
quidem Graecos est cur tam multos legant, quam legendi sunt.

Efficiens dici potest.

Qui-vere falsone, quaerere mittimus-dicitur oculis se privasse; Itaque et vivere vitem et mori dicimus arboremque et novellan et vetulam et vigere et senescere. Suam denique cuique naturam esse ad vivendum ducem. Ne seges quidem igitur spicis uberibus et crebris, si avenam uspiam videris, nec mercatura quaestuosa, si in maximis lucris paulum aliquid damni contraxerit. Quae duo sunt, unum facit. Nam, ut sint illa vendibiliora, haec uberiora certe sunt. Coniunctio autem cum honestate vel voluptatis vel non dolendi id ipsum honestum, quod amplecti vult, id efficit turpe. Eam tum adesse, cum dolor omnis absit; Falli igitur possumus. Sic enim censent, oportunitatis esse beate vivere. Sunt autem, qui dicant foedus esse quoddam sapientium, ut ne minus amicos quam se ipsos diligant. Quare si potest esse beatus is, qui est in asperis reiciendisque rebus, potest is quoque esse. Est, ut dicis, inquit;

Theophrastum tamen adhibeamus ad pleraque, dum modo plus in virtute teneamus, quam ille tenuit, firmitatis et roboris. Scripta sane et multa et polita, sed nescio quo pacto auctoritatem oratio non habet. Illis videtur, qui illud non dubitant bonum dicere -; Nam si pravitatem inminutionemque corporis propter se fugiendam putamus, cur non etiam, ac fortasse magis, propter se formae dignitatem sequamur? Facit enim ille duo seiuncta ultima bonorum, quae ut essent vera, coniungi debuerunt; Quid paulo ante, inquit, dixerim nonne meministi, cum omnis dolor detractus esset, variari, non augeri voluptatem? Ego quoque, inquit, didicerim libentius si quid attuleris, quam te reprehenderim. Quid ergo hoc loco intellegit honestum? Sed quid sentiat, non videtis. Is ita vivebat, ut nulla tam exquisita posset inveniri voluptas, qua non abundaret.

Ex quo, id quod omnes expetunt, beate vivendi ratio inveniri et comparari potest. Compensabatur, inquit, cum summis doloribus laetitia. Haeret in salebra. Nam, ut sint illa vendibiliora, haec uberiora certe sunt. Si id dicis, vicimus. Quid ad utilitatem tantae pecuniae? Summum ením bonum exposuit vacuitatem doloris; Dolere malum est: in crucem qui agitur, beatus esse non potest. Vide, quaeso, rectumne sit. Haec para/doca illi, nos admirabilia dicamus. Quid loquor de nobis, qui ad laudem et ad decus nati, suscepti, instituti sumus? Progredientibus autem aetatibus sensim tardeve potius quasi nosmet ipsos cognoscimus. An dolor longissimus quisque miserrimus, voluptatem non optabiliorem diuturnitas facit? Quae cum essent dicta, discessimus.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet Consectetur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum.

Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam.

Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Etiam ultrices. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim.

Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede.

Morbi In Dui Quis Est Pulvinar Ullamcorper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.

Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.

Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Curabitur tortor. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus.

Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Ut fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Sed non quam. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper.

Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo. Sed pretium blandit orci. Ut eu diam at pede suscipit sodales.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc.

Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.

Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus.

Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris.

Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet.

Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla.

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum.

Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam.

Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus. Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim.

Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper. Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede.

Integer euismod lacus luctus magna

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero. Sed dignissim lacinia nunc.

Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh. Quisque volutpat condimentum velit. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Nam nec ante. Sed lacinia, urna non tincidunt mattis, tortor neque adipiscing diam, a cursus ipsum ante quis turpis. Nulla facilisi. Ut fringilla. Suspendisse potenti. Nunc feugiat mi a tellus consequat imperdiet. Vestibulum sapien. Proin quam. Etiam ultrices. Suspendisse in justo eu magna luctus suscipit. Sed lectus.

Integer euismod lacus luctus magna. Quisque cursus, metus vitae pharetra auctor, sem massa mattis sem, at interdum magna augue eget diam. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi lacinia molestie dui. Praesent blandit dolor. Sed non quam. In vel mi sit amet augue congue elementum. Morbi in ipsum sit amet pede facilisis laoreet. Donec lacus nunc, viverra nec, blandit vel, egestas et, augue. Vestibulum tincidunt malesuada tellus. Ut ultrices ultrices enim. Curabitur sit amet mauris. Morbi in dui quis est pulvinar ullamcorper.

Nulla facilisi. Integer lacinia sollicitudin massa. Cras metus. Sed aliquet risus a tortor. Integer id quam. Morbi mi. Quisque nisl felis, venenatis tristique, dignissim in, ultrices sit amet, augue. Proin sodales libero eget ante. Nulla quam. Aenean laoreet. Vestibulum nisi lectus, commodo ac, facilisis ac, ultricies eu, pede. Ut orci risus, accumsan porttitor, cursus quis, aliquet eget, justo.

Donec eu nisi nec dui pulvinar vulputate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nibh elit, accumsan quis nisi ac, vulputate pretium mi. Cras auctor velit a urna varius feugiat sed vel nibh. Mauris leo dui, dapibus ac placerat eget, scelerisque sed enim. Sed at sagittis sem. Praesent rhoncus tristique lorem vel consectetur. Vestibulum vestibulum hendrerit tincidunt. Curabitur in dignissim lectus. Sed interdum, mi ac feugiat vulputate, odio est iaculis diam, at aliquam est enim lobortis sem. Donec eu erat purus. Cras et faucibus tellus, at facilisis turpis. Morbi in nisi porta, consectetur nisl ac, gravida massa.

Cras magna dui, luctus non commodo sed, vehicula quis augue. Donec a augue sapien. Cras et gravida urna, quis aliquet velit. Proin aliquam pretium massa ac dapibus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec facilisis tristique ante, sed elementum lacus facilisis a. Pellentesque congue massa odio, vitae accumsan magna hendrerit quis. Nulla vitae ultrices quam. Donec eu nisi nec dui pulvinar vulputate. Quisque aliquet laoreet lectus, id ullamcorper diam ornare imperdiet. Sed accumsan dolor vitae dui fermentum vehicula. Donec porttitor pretium bibendum.

Maecenas ut dui tempus, blandit est eget, tempor sem. Nulla eu condimentum velit. Pellentesque vel risus aliquet, eleifend turpis ut, blandit sapien. Donec hendrerit quam dui, vitae facilisis enim vestibulum mollis. Integer egestas justo sed dui suscipit, ac faucibus metus malesuada. In venenatis imperdiet mollis. Quisque ultricies lacus eu sapien tincidunt feugiat. Cras id vehicula diam, ac accumsan odio. Maecenas ut odio a mi volutpat elementum. Integer dictum lacus nec vehicula sollicitudin. Nunc varius ante in nisi vestibulum imperdiet. Aliquam ornare porta facilisis. Cras id tempor nisi.

Donec ullamcorper, dui a varius mollis, tortor tortor adipiscing orci, vel commodo odio justo vitae mauris. Proin sagittis volutpat enim. Suspendisse suscipit leo sed hendrerit sollicitudin. Praesent tempus dui non sem iaculis sodales. In nunc nunc, suscipit nec cursus sit amet, placerat sed ligula. Cras sed tempor magna. Nam vulputate tristique lacus. Quisque porttitor, turpis id consectetur tristique, justo dui fermentum orci, eget pharetra nisl dui at mi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus nec lorem nec ante dictum vulputate et a metus. Etiam sagittis hendrerit eros ac pulvinar. Donec pellentesque turpis ac purus commodo, at elementum tellus bibendum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Sed sollicitudin risus at accumsan sagittis. Nam adipiscing est iaculis dolor pharetra pellentesque. In dapibus est urna, vel accumsan diam blandit ac. Vestibulum dapibus egestas elit. Etiam ac tempor urna. Maecenas et molestie sapien, ut venenatis odio. Duis bibendum pharetra odio, a tempor risus aliquam ut. In gravida ac nisl vel mattis. Nulla facilisi.

Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus.

Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus.

Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia.

Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci.

Hoc enim constituto in philosophia constituta sunt

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ista ipsa, quae tu breviter: regem, dictatorem, divitem solum esse sapientem, a te quidem apte ac rotunde; Hic ego: Etsi facit hic quidem, inquam, Piso, ut vides, ea, quae praecipis, tamen mihi grata hortatio tua est. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Hominum non spinas vellentium, ut Stoici, nec ossa nudantium, sed eorum, qui grandia ornate vellent, enucleate minora dicere. Quamquam id quidem, infinitum est in hac urbe; Quod autem satis est, eo quicquid accessit, nimium est; Quamquam id quidem, infinitum est in hac urbe; Quid de Pythagora?

Quamquam scripsit artem rhetoricam Cleanthes, Chrysippus
etiam, sed sic, ut, si quis obmutescere concupierit, nihil
aliud legere debeat.

Quid turpius quam sapientis vitam ex insipientium sermone

Quamquam ex omnibus philosophis Stoici plurima novaverunt, Zenoque, eorum princeps, non tam rerum inventor fuit quam verborum novorum. Earum etiam rerum, quas terra gignit, educatio quaedam et perfectio est non dissimilis animantium.

Bonum negas esse divitias, praeposìtum esse dicis? Nihilo beatiorem esse Metellum quam Regulum. Beatus autem esse in maximarum rerum timore nemo potest. Ita fit illa conclusio non solum vera, sed ita perspicua, ut dialectici ne rationem quidem reddi putent oportere: si illud, hoc; Si longus, levis. Philosophi autem in suis lectulis plerumque moriuntur. An eum discere ea mavis, quae cum plane perdidiceriti nihil sciat? Quid enim de amicitia statueris utilitatis causa expetenda vides. Negat esse eam, inquit, propter se expetendam.

Nam si beatus umquam fuisset, beatam vitam usque ad illum a Cyro extructum rogum pertulisset.

Cognitio autem haec est una nostri, ut vim corporis animique norimus sequamurque eam vitam, quae rebus iis ipsis perfruatur. Hoc dixerit potius Ennius: Nimium boni est, cui nihil est mali. Atqui perspicuum est hominem e corpore animoque constare, cum primae sint animi partes, secundae corporis. Equidem e Cn. Bonum integritas corporis: misera debilitas. Sed tu istuc dixti bene Latine, parum plane. Restincta enim sitis stabilitatem voluptatis habet, inquit, illa autem voluptas ipsius restinctionis in motu est. Satisne vobis videor pro meo iure in vestris auribus commentatus? Nam quid possumus facere melius? Deinde prima illa, quae in congressu solemus: Quid tu, inquit, huc?

  1. In ipsa enim parum magna vis inest, ut quam optime se habere possit, si nulla cultura adhibeatur.
  2. Hoc enim constituto in philosophia constituta sunt omnia.
  3. Quis contra in illa aetate pudorem, constantiam, etiamsi sua nihil intersit, non tamen diligat?
  4. Quicquid porro animo cernimus, id omne oritur a sensibus;

In qua quid est boni praeter summam voluptatem, et eam sempiternam? At certe gravius. Gracchum patrem non beatiorem fuisse quam fillum, cum alter stabilire rem publicam studuerit, alter evertere. Quis tibi ergo istud dabit praeter Pyrrhonem, Aristonem eorumve similes, quos tu non probas?

  • In eo autem voluptas omnium Latine loquentium more ponitur, cum percipitur ea, quae sensum aliquem moveat, iucunditas.
  • Non ego tecum iam ita iocabor, ut isdem his de rebus, cum L.
  • Ne amores quidem sanctos a sapiente alienos esse arbitrantur.
  • Audax negotium, dicerem impudens, nisi hoc institutum postea translatum ad philosophos nostros esset.

Twitter Embeds

This post tests WordPress’ Twitter Embeds feature.

Featured Image (Vertical)

This post should display a featured image, if the theme supports it.

Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.

This post tests a vertical featured image.

Featured Image (Horizontal)

This post should display a featured image, if the theme supports it.

Non-square images can provide some unique styling issues.

This post tests a horizontal featured image.

Nested And Mixed Lists

Nested and mixed lists are an interesting beast. It’s a corner case to make sure that

  • Lists within lists do not break the ordered list numbering order
  • Your list styles go deep enough

Ordered – Unordered – Ordered

  1. ordered item
  2. ordered item
    • unordered
    • unordered
      1. ordered item
      2. ordered item
  3. ordered item
  4. ordered item

Ordered – Unordered – Unordered

  1. ordered item
  2. ordered item
    • unordered
    • unordered
      • unordered item
      • unordered item
  3. ordered item
  4. ordered item

Unordered – Ordered – Unordered

  • unordered item
  • unordered item
    1. ordered
    2. ordered
      • unordered item
      • unordered item
  • unordered item
  • unordered item

Unordered – Unordered – Ordered

  • unordered item
  • unordered item
    • unordered
    • unordered
      1. ordered item
      2. ordered item
  • unordered item
  • unordered item

More Tag

This content is before the more tag.

Right after this sentence should be a “continue reading” button of some sort.

And this content is after the more tag.


This is the post content.

Markup And Formatting


Header one

Header two

Header three

Header four

Header five
Header six


Single line blockquote:

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

Multi line blockquote with a cite reference:

People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things. Steve Jobs – Apple Worldwide Developers’ Conference, 1997


Employee Salary
John Saddington $1 Because that’s all Steve Job’ needed for a salary.
Tom McFarlin $100K For all the blogging he does.
Jared Erickson $100M Pictures are worth a thousand words, right? So Tom x 1,000.
Chris Ames $100B With hair like that?! Enough said…

Definition Lists

Definition List Title
Definition list division.
A startup company or startup is a company or temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.
Coined by Rob Dyrdek and his personal body guard Christopher “Big Black” Boykins, “Do Work” works as a self motivator, to motivating your friends.
Do It Live
I’ll let Bill O’Reilly will explain this one.

Unordered Lists (Nested)

  • List item one
    • List item one
      • List item one
      • List item two
      • List item three
      • List item four
    • List item two
    • List item three
    • List item four
  • List item two
  • List item three
  • List item four

Ordered List (Nested)

  1. List item one
    1. List item one
      1. List item one
      2. List item two
      3. List item three
      4. List item four
    2. List item two
    3. List item three
    4. List item four
  2. List item two
  3. List item three
  4. List item four


These supported tags come from the code FAQ.

Address Tag

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
United States

Anchor Tag (aka. Link)

This is an example of a link.

Abbreviation Tag

The abbreviation srsly stands for “seriously”.

Acronym Tag

The acronym ftw stands for “for the win”.

Big Tag

These tests are a big deal, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5.

Cite Tag

“Code is poetry.” —Automattic

Code Tag

You will learn later on in these tests that word-wrap: break-word; will be your best friend.

Delete Tag

This tag will let you strikeout text, but this tag is no longer supported in HTML5 (use the <strike> instead).

Emphasize Tag

The emphasize tag should italicize text.

Insert Tag

This tag should denote inserted text.

Keyboard Tag

This scarsly known tag emulates keyboard text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.

Preformatted Tag

This tag styles large blocks of code.

.post-title {
	margin: 0 0 5px;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 38px;
	line-height: 1.2;

Quote Tag

Developers, developers, developers… –Steve Ballmer

Strong Tag

This tag shows bold text.

Subscript Tag

Getting our science styling on with H2O, which should push the “2” down.

Superscript Tag

Still sticking with science and Albert Einstein’s E = MC2, which should lift the “2” up.

Teletype Tag

This rarely used tag emulates teletype text, which is usually styled like the <code> tag.

Variable Tag

This allows you to denote variables.

Post Image Alignment

Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab a paddle and let’s get started.

On the topic of alignment, it should be noted that users can choose from the options of NoneLeftRight, and Center. In addition, they also get the options of ThumbnailMediumLarge & Fullsize.

Image Alignment 580x300

The image above happens to be centered.

Image Alignment 150x150The rest of this paragraph is filler for the sake of seeing the text wrap around the 150×150 image, which is left aligned

As you can see the should be some space above, below, and to the right of the image. The text should not be creeping on the image. Creeping is just not right. Images need breathing room too. Let them speak like you words. Let them do their jobs without any hassle from the text. In about one more sentence here, we’ll see that the text moves from the right of the image down below the image in seamless transition. Again, letting the do it’s thang. Mission accomplished!

And now for a massively large image. It also has no alignment.

Image Alignment 1200x400

The image above, though 1200px wide, should not overflow the content area. It should remain contained with no visible disruption to the flow of content.

Image Alignment 300x200

And now we’re going to shift things to the right align. Again, there should be plenty of room above, below, and to the left of the image. Just look at him there… Hey guy! Way to rock that right side. I don’t care what the left aligned image says, you look great. Don’t let anyone else tell you differently.

In just a bit here, you should see the text start to wrap below the right aligned image and settle in nicely. There should still be plenty of room and everything should be sitting pretty. Yeah… Just like that. It never felt so good to be right.

And just when you thought we were done, we’re going to do them all over again with captions!

Image Alignment 580x300
Look at 580×300 getting some caption love.

The image above happens to be centered. The caption also has a link in it, just to see if it does anything funky.

Image Alignment 150x150
Itty-bitty caption.

The rest of this paragraph is filler for the sake of seeing the text wrap around the 150×150 image, which is left aligned

As you can see the should be some space above, below, and to the right of the image. The text should not be creeping on the image. Creeping is just not right. Images need breathing room too. Let them speak like you words. Let them do their jobs without any hassle from the text. In about one more sentence here, we’ll see that the text moves from the right of the image down below the image in seamless transition. Again, letting the do it’s thang. Mission accomplished!

And now for a massively large image. It also has no alignment.

Image Alignment 1200x400
Massive image comment for your eyeballs.

The image above, though 1200px wide, should not overflow the content area. It should remain contained with no visible disruption to the flow of content.

Image Alignment 300x200
Feels good to be right all the time.

And now we’re going to shift things to the right align. Again, there should be plenty of room above, below, and to the left of the image. Just look at him there… Hey guy! Way to rock that right side. I don’t care what the left aligned image says, you look great. Don’t let anyone else tell you differently.

In just a bit here, you should see the text start to wrap below the right aligned image and settle in nicely. There should still be plenty of room and everything should be sitting pretty. Yeah… Just like that. It never felt so good to be right.

And that’s a wrap, yo! You survived the tumultuous waters of alignment. Image alignment achievement unlocked!

Text Alignment


This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free flowing, with love. Completely neutral and not picking a side or sitting on the fence. It just is. It just freaking is. It likes where it is. It does not feel compelled to pick a side. Leave him be. It will just be better that way. Trust me.

Left Align

This is a paragraph. It is left aligned. Because of this, it is a bit more liberal in it’s views. It’s favorite color is green. Left align tends to be more eco-friendly, but it provides no concrete evidence that it really is. Even though it likes share the wealth evenly, it leaves the equal distribution up to justified alignment.

Center Align

This is a paragraph. It is center aligned. Center is, but nature, a fence sitter. A flip flopper. It has a difficult time making up its mind. It wants to pick a side. Really, it does. It has the best intentions, but it tends to complicate matters more than help. The best you can do is try to win it over and hope for the best. I hear center align does take bribes.

Right Align

This is a paragraph. It is right aligned. It is a bit more conservative in it’s views. It’s prefers to not be told what to do or how to do it. Right align totally owns a slew of guns and loves to head to the range for some practice. Which is cool and all. I mean, it’s a pretty good shot from at least four or five football fields away. Dead on. So boss.

Justify Align

This is a paragraph. It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in it’s place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.


Post Page 1

Post Page 2

Post Page 3

No Content



A few things to check for:

  • Non-breaking text in the title, content, and comments should have no adverse effects on layout or functionality.
  • Check the browser window / tab title.
  • If you are a plugin or widget developer, check that this text does not break anything.

The following CSS properties will help you support non-breaking text.

-ms-word-wrap: break-word;
word-wrap: break-word;

Title With Special Characters ~`!@#$%^&*()-_=+{}[]/;:'”?,.>

Putting special characters in the title should have no adverse effect on the layout or functionality.

Special characters in the post title have been known to cause issues with JavaScript when it is minified, especially in the admin when editing the post itself (ie. issues with metaboxes, media upload, etc.).

Title With Markup

Verify that:

  • The post title renders the word “with” in italics and the word “markup” in bold.
  • The post title markup should be removed from the browser window / tab.