Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call — July 24, 2021

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call — July 24, 2021




Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates


WHEN: Saturday July 24, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine
WHERE: Hyannis, MA, 300 block of Main Street near village green and statue of Iyanough.


On July 24, Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates will join a third worldwide protest against government tyranny pretending to protect humanity from a non-existent pandemic. The earlier worldwide protests were March 20 and May 15, with hundreds of locations around the world (including Cape Cod) and hundreds of thousands of people participating.

As of June 15, 2021, most of the illegal coronavirus orders were supposed to be lifted in Massachusetts. But restrictions on open meetings continued. Mask orders for public transport and healthcare facilities continued. It is quite possible that masking will also continue for schools when they open again next fall.The purpose of masking, “social distancing”, travel restrictions, and quarantines for the previous 16 months appears to have been psychological conditioning to get as many people as possible to accept the mRNA injections — falsely called a “vaccine” — just to return to normal. This campaign got a large number of people to accept the jab, if government accounts are to be believed. But what are we to make of a government that practices such techniques to coerce people into medical procedures? And what is the agenda behind the “vaccines”?

The state of Massachusetts says “the vaccine is safe, free, and effective. It’s the best way to protect yourself, your family, and our community.” This is patently not true.

According to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), “between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of 438,441 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths. There were 41,015 serious injuryiesreported during the same time period”

According to Health Impact News “The European Medicines Agency report through July 3, 2021 there are 17,503 deaths and 1,687,527 injuries (50% serious) reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:”

On the face of it, the agenda appears to be to inject people with something so important to the authorities that they are willing to kill and injure thousands of people in order to get there. Adverse event reports do not prove that a vaccine caused a reaction, and they are part of a voluntary system known to under-report by at least a factor of 10, but they have been used in the past to discontinue pharmaceuticals when the death toll reached 50. Now, with the US and Europe combined, at least 26,000 deaths have been associated with the Moderna, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and J & J shots, yet governments continue to push for everyone to be injected. And they continue to say the injections are safe. And worst of all, they are pushing for children and teens to get the injection. We are being massively lied to.

The purpose of standing out July 24th will be to do what we can to save more people from being harmed. We need to reach those who have not been injected, and give them the courage to resist. Some doctors have said that the injections will cause our immune system to over-react to future respiratory pathogens. If this is true, the next flu season will bring more deaths, and they will be attributed to coronavirus, thus feeding the narrative. By standing out, we can go some way toward pre-empting this scenario. Serious blood clotting disorders are happening to people now, as the spike proteins caused by the injections go to and threaten the proper functioning of every major organ in the body. Indeed, harm caused by the injections to reproductive organs in both men and women raises concern about whether a eugenics agenda is being carried out without our being told.

This call is for a peaceful, non-partisan protest following up on our previous successful demonstrations. Bring large-letter signs or banners with your message. Our emphasis is to stop the push toward surveillance totalitarianism and the evisceration of our human and Constitutional rights which the so-called “pandemic” seems to have been invented to bring about.

We stand for:

  • The right to remain human — i.e., not to be genetically modified
  • The right to live — these injections are killing people; we obviously have the right to reject them for ourselves and our children
  • our right to refuse medical interventions,: no to the de facto vaccine mandate by which the state of Massachusetts allows employers, colleges, and businesses to require vaccination; and no to any future explicit vaccine mandate
  • ending mask requirements on public transportation and healthcare facilities, and in schools if they are mandated next fall.
  • the right to bodily autonomy: no one should be forced to take a vaccine or wear a mask, be swabbed, tested, or scanned
  • the right to complete informed consent, the foundation of medical ethics: no substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects (which are as yet unknown with these experimental injections)
  • parental rights: the state has no right to bypass a parent’s authority on whether a child should wear a mask, be tested, or be given any pharmaceutical product
  • the right to education: education at public schools and colleges should not be withheld as leverage to enforce government medical decrees
  • the right to freedom of movement: this right is violated when any kind of travel requires masking, testing, or proof of vaccination
  • “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (4th Amendment). This is the right to privacy . Our vaccine status, and medical history in general, is no one else’s business. Government has no right to send agents to our doors to question us about this.
  • the right to due process: Open meeting laws continue to be suspended in Massachusetts due to coronavirus . Government-sponsored medical procedures without informed consent (this is almost universal) is a violation of the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments.
  • freedom of speech and press: end widespread media censorship and cancellation of people with dissenting views about the covid narrative
  • the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights: refusal of service by any transport company, public venue, ticket vendor, grocery store, or other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens no longer have equal rights.

End Medical Mandates

TCTL editor’s note:

Find locations of World Wide Demonstrations — which will be taking place in more than 180 cities around the world on July 24, 2021:


cover image credit: a compilation of photos from previous Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates protests

Saline Injected Instead of COVID

Saline Injected Instead of COVID

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
July 12, 2021


“Are you fully vaccinated?” “Do you need to continue taking COVID precautions?”

If you have seen these questions posted about town, or in the media, it may make you wonder about effectiveness of the experimental shot. What if you didn’t get what you thought you got?

Is the protection you injected all in your head?

In  strange twist of fate, several hundreds and maybe thousands of people, reported in at least four states and three countries, have been notified that they received a saline injection instead of the COVID injection. In most clinical experiments saline injections are considered to be placebo. In South CarolinaNorth Carolina, and Minnesota, the Departments of Health have alerted “a small group” that the injection they received was “not activated.” In Virginia, they were giving out empty shots!

In Canada, “more than 200 people are being contacted to repeat their COVID-19 vaccinations because some who attended an immunization clinic in the Niagara region were injected with a saline solution instead of the shot.”

Thousands were injected with water in India, where they were “charged fees from $10 to $17 for the shots of salt water from those willing to get a jab of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, according to The New York Times.”

Why were so many placebos given without clear disclosure?

The Placebo

Normally, a placebo is given as part of a case-control clinical trial to the “control group” to ensure that any adverse health effects observed in “cases” (given the active ingredients) are obvious.  However, in the gray world of vaccines, there is often no true “control group” since both groups get a vaccine. From a 2020 article by the non-profit organization, The Conversation:

Some researchers conducting clinical trials on a COVID-19 vaccine have not revealed to the public what the placebo contains, but they should. This is because the placebo ingredients influence how effective or harmful the active treatment, with which the placebo is compared, appears.

In some COVID-19 vaccine trials, participants in the control group (the group receiving a placebo) are injected with a saline solution. In other trials, they receive an actual treatment. For example, in the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, the control group receives a meningitis and septicaemia vaccine as a placebo.

The scientific term for hiding knowledge of who got what treatment is “blinding.”

The COVID Experiment

Are these anomalies a”mix-up” or a “mistake,” as the media suggests? Or were “fake vaccination drives” taking advantage of people’s ignorance, trust, and fear?

Did multiple states and countries get it wrong? Or is this mass vaccination campaign by design, and part of an orchestrated attempt to identify and monitor certain subgroups who were given the activated vaccine, such as the elderly population?

Multiple reports claim that many elderly people, who successfully survived COVID infection, died shortly after receiving the vaccine. One report suggested 48 residents in a Spanish nursing home died after receiving the COVID vaccine. Why would you require a vaccine if you successfully fought off the infection using your own immune system? Why argue with natural, longterm immunity? Why give up life-long immunity for short term immunity and multiple booster shots?

Why did the elderly who seemingly died only of COVID before the vaccine, are suddenly falling ill and dying of “complications” or “other conditions” after the vaccine?

According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System VAERS statistics, 3,362 people died after receiving a COVID vaccine in the United States between December and April 23. That is an average of roughly 30 people every day.

According to the scientists, the vaccine has been studied and deemed “safe.” But that may depend on your definition of safe, and whether the CDC has been undercounting “breakthrough infections.” Do you trust an organization that quietly reported the COVID death rate to be only 6%?

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. – CDC

Further, why are vaccine makers and those who administer the shots exempt from liability for any damages? Adverse events and deaths after injection are “rare” claim the authorities.

Until they are not rare. If vaccine makers do not stand behind their products, why should anyone else?

The final test in this experiment may be determined by whether general liability insurance responds to COVID-19 claims. That remains to be seen when insurance companies do not cover “experiments,” and when policies can be rewritten, and court opinions are filed. Remember, COVID injections are FDA-authorized, not FDA-approved. To understand the difference, read The Covid Experiment: Are You Covered?

In the case of COVID, the case-control experiment continues in the general population as long as people continue to receive placebos.

Warnings Disclosed

We are in a live exercise to get this right – Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, June 2020

A rude awakening may be on the horizon if more people suddenly start dying. Yet, recall that there were warnings in January, 2021, ahead of the vaccine push. CNN warned Americans that they shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after the vaccine:

“When shots begin to go into arms of residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine,” states the report.  

“We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said.

She then said Americans shouldn’t be alarmed to see people dying a day or two after receiving the COVID vaccination.

How accurate are the claims that COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated?

As Johnson and Stobbe noted:

The CDC itself has not estimated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths are in fully vaccinated people, citing limitations in the data. Among them: Only about 45 states report breakthrough infections, and some are more aggressive than others in looking for such cases. So the data probably understates such infections, CDC officials said.

Second Wave of Breakthrough Infections

Is there a second wave coming, as reported in the  2019 Event 201 simulation?  Is a new infectious Delta variant the powder keg that will ignite the secondary flames? Are “fully vaccinated” people those who have had a placebo followed by an activated injectable?

Will anyone consider that “fully vaccinated” people do not stop transmission of any virus and may, in fact, cause “breakthrough” infections in themselves and others? Health officials, including the director of NIAID, Dr. Fauci, are not surprised.

Breakthrough infections are common after vaccination. According to the science:

A breakthrough infection is a case of illness in which a vaccinated individual becomes sick from the same illness that the vaccine is meant to prevent. In the case of a COVID-19, the person who received the vaccine will subsequently contract the disease. This happens when the vaccine fails to provide immunity against the pathogen they are designed to target. This isn’t just an issue with the COVID-19 vaccine, but breakthrough infections occur with almost every vaccine from HPV to hepatitis B.

Why then have there been 5,800 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in fully vaccinated persons occurring more than two weeks after vaccination and resulting in almost 400 hospitalizations and 74 deaths? – April 15, 2021 Epoch Times

Reports show that many vaccinated people who develop are most susceptible to variants are over 50 years of age.

Provincetown reported 20 to 25 positive COVID cases last week and “the majority were fully vaccinated” people, according to the Barnstable County Department of Health.  – Dr. Leo Nissola, an immunologist

Are you fully vaccinated with an active injection or placebo? Is this another reason to get a booster?

Do you need to continue taking COVID precautions?

Do you trust what you’ve been told about your role in this experiment?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: John Keith / Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Tom Cowan: Healing Properties of Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine

Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Tom Cowan: Healing Properties of Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
June 29, 2021


Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

cover image credit: manfredrichter / pixabay

Alan Watts: The False Idea of Who You Are

Alan Watts: The False Idea of Who You Are

by After Skool
June 8, 2021


Video available at After Skool Odysee and YouTube channels.


Speech extract from “What is Life About?” by Alan Watts, courtesy of

Alan Wilson Watts (6 January 1915 – 16 November 1973) was a well-known British philosopher, writer and speaker, best known for his interpretation of Eastern philosophy for Western audiences. He left behind more than 25 books and an audio library of nearly 400 talks, which are still in great demand.


Connect with After Skool

Weaponizing Frequencies: The Coming Tidal Wave

Weaponizing Frequencies: The Coming Tidal Wave

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
June 10, 2021


In a few short years, the majority of the world’s population has accepted the fifth generation of wi-fi called 5G, where the speed to send full-length, high definition movies to your ipad is said to be ten times faster. The frequencies of 4G, 5G, and 6G are comprised of psychotronic waves. Psychotronics is the study of mind-body-environmental relationships.

By any other name, frequency technology is weaponry being unleashed with the ability to cause an invisible rise in disease on a mass scale. For a history of how the purposeful introduction of electromagnetic frequencies have caused the health problems of humanity, read, The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg.

 The Consequences

The need for speed has the consequence of going from moderate to severe adverse health effects in record time. Note that 4G operates at 2.5 GHz or oscillates about 2.5 billion times per second. This frequency mimics water molecules in your body, and was chosen specifically for broadcasting services and equipment under government license. This means that all company products must meet this frequency or be deemed illegal. For what purpose is matching the human body’s frequency, you may ask, other than for weaponization? Good question.

The higher frequencies of 5G comprise a range from 60–100 GHz. 60 GHz is a frequency known to affect oxygen uptake in the human body. In fact, one vocal doctor has warned his colleagues that what they may be seeing in hospitals as COVID are symptoms of 60GHz frequencies.

If not already deployed, the FCC plans to erect small scale wireless refrigerator-sized boxes, placed in front of every 2-10 homes on every street, in every city. The reason is because, since 5G waves travel shorter distances than other waves, they are easily blocked by buildings and trees. As you watch the latest Hollywood flick, you will bask, unaware, in 4G & 5G microwave emissions that oscillate at the same rate as your water and oxygen molecules. These frequencies can cause burning sensations on your skin, impact fertility, as well as alter the electrochemical waves of your brain to affect mind and consciousness. A new form of indoctrination?

Firefighters in Sacramento have reported memory problems and confusion following the installation of new towers in Los Angeles in 2004. Some cities, including Santa Rosa, have halted their 5G plans while health concerns are addressed. These same millimeter waves have been used by the U.S. Army as a crowd control dispersal weapons called Active Denial Systems. 

The ‘Live Exercise’

What is a Live Exercise?

A live exercise is part of a script that some have called a ‘false flag operation,’ fake news, or a hoax. A list of suspect false flag operations amount to fraud on the people who unknowingly participate. A live exercise is an opportunity for the operators behind the hoax to provide full disclosure under the guise of an event perceived to be serious or dangerous.

One such famous event occurred on the radio on the night before Halloween, 1938. Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre on the Air performed a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds, by converting the 40-year-old novel into fake news bulletins describing a Martian invasion of New Jersey. The show caused hysteria nationwide as many listeners mistook those bulletins for the real thing and called police, newspaper journalists and hospitals with reports of mass stampedes and suicides.

More recently, live exercises occurred when secret testing of 5G emissions happened during the 2018 Olympics, and then again at the 2018 Super Bowl where over 67,000 people were part of a secret stress-test without their consent. The 5G antennae networks have since been beta tested in nineteen U.S. cities including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Jacksonville, and San Jose.

Even more recently, in March of 2020, CNN filmed Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, who admitted “we’re in a live exercise here” when referring to the COVID-19 pandemic during a press conference.

The art of deception continues as governments worldwide promote high frequency 5G signals as necessary for your Wi-Fi experience. What is the point of adding short waves to all the frequencies already deployed? Why duplicate technology when fiber optics works perfectly well, and maybe better?

No time for answers. It’s full steam ahead to remove the obstacles that block the signals.

First the trees.

Trees Targeted

During the summer of 2017, many people in California reported that extensive “weird fires” destroyed many trees, leaving homes untouched. Everything did not burn.  At other times, the metal of cars and rails burned along with the leaves on trees, leaving tree trunks and kindling. Many claimed these unusual fires to be the result of lasers from Directed Energy Weapons.  Whole forests have been devastated down straight lines, obeying fence lines. In addition, the sanctioned poisoning of hardwood trees by timber companies that has led to over one million dead trees to create a fire hazard.

Are the trees being destroyed merely to open a path of hazardous signals? Is this treason/tree-son on multiple levels? A Freedom of Information request by the Sunday Times in England found that more than 110,000 trees had been cut down by UK councils between 2015 and June 2018.

The power of trees keep us calm by acting on our autonomic nervous system, as well as our spirit. Numerous studies show a dose-response relationship between urban tree cover density and self-reported stress recovery. A 2015 study in the International Journal of Environ Res Pubic Health show reduced physiological markers of stress in subjects simply looking at images of nature.

Unless you can stand up, speak up, collaborate and network, you risk being a victim of a attack coming unseen, as millimeter waves, directed at body and mind. If people feel powerless and isolated now, imagine what it would feel like once the newly installed 5G towers are fully operational. Image what it would be like when the trees are replaced with towers that look like trees. We only feel isolated when we work alone and isolate ourselves, or when we respond to dictates by governments that convince us to isolate ourselves without the authority to do so. Like a forest, there is strength in numbers.

Health Effects of 5G
Because 5G frequencies affect oxygen molecules, they affect all biological systems, including DNA, circadian rhythm, heart function, hormonal regulation, and immune system. Hundreds of scientists have expressed concern that humans may experience serious health risks including increases in blindness, cataracts, retinal degeneration, hearing loss, male infertility, cancers, peripheral nervous system damage, impacts on immune cells, red blood cells leading to low cellular oxygen, and impaired transport of nutrients into cells. Impacts on birds and plants may be more severe than the impacts on humans.
Silent Wars

Beyond direct effects to health, harmful frequencies threaten society as a whole by ignoring the human right to informed-consent to high levels of radiation. All life on the planet has a right to health and a healthy life. By accepting the 4G,5G,6G rollout without a discussion, as happened with airport scanners and GMO foods, people innocently give up sovereignty over their bodies. The new frequencies ionize metals being sprayed into the atmosphere under military “geo-engineering” programs to charge the atmosphere. They do the same in our bodies.

Could injections with metal contaminants be part of the weaponized network? China began compulsory vaccinations on December 1, 2019, under the The Vaccines Administration Law, which the People’s Republic of China adopted on June 29, 2019. Soon after, South Korea became a  location for mandatory vaccines, then 5G networks were launched on November 1, 2019 in both regions. This happened before the pandemic was declared and reports of sudden deaths.

On September 26, 2018, the United States FCC voted to approve its Wireless Infrastructure Order (dockets 17-79 and 17-84). This order preempts local control of the public rights-of-way. Wireless companies can more easily install — in front homes — cell towers that would irradiate those nearby with intense, pulsed, data-modulated, Radio-frequency Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation (RF-EMR) — 24/7. Many of these companies use cloud seeding technologies and weather modification technology

For instance, under the new space programs, patent US7612284B2 , a solar-powered satellite will generate a powerful microwave radio frequency beam focused on an array of collector antennas where it will be transformed to electrical power supplied to PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric).

Under patent US20110204159A1, a solar-powered satellite will generate a powerful microwave radio frequency beam to control the weather by heating deployments of aluminum oxide or other conductive particulates, sprayed from aircraft. The patent describes methods of steering and changing the intensity of a hurricane.

Some Solutions
  • Voice the power of NO to all new generation wi-fi systems without proven safety.
  • Hardwire all electrical connections or unplug Wi-Fri before sleeping.
  • Use aluminum screens on windows to block EMF signals.
  • Use RF-shielding paint to block EMF signals.
  • Consume Carbon60, a powerful antioxidant, metal absorber, and carrier of metals out of the body.
  • Unsubscribe to the genetically-modified corporate food system.
  • Eat an organic diet to strengthen and maintain your immune system.
  • Come together in small communities to maintain simple wi-fi for the benefit and balance of the group.
  • Grow your own food. Plant a garden. Grow herbs and fruit trees.
  • Stop using aluminum cookware, antiperspirants, baking powder, injections for health.
  • Remove the outdoor refrigerators and towers from your sightline.
  • Take responsibility for your freedom and health, which lives in you.

How far will the COVID live exercise deception go before it is ended? How many people will cover their faces as a shaming ritualgive up their identity, give up their rights, or give up their lives without any evidence that an invisible virus is to blame for symptoms that mimic an onslaught of 5G frequencies? Why accept an experimental injection knowing that viruses are not transmissible because they are not alive?  Why accept the false flag/hoax without knowing the cause or the consequences live exercise?

In usual form, attacks to human health and the health of Earth are coming from new technologies that are unproven, untested, and amoral. Though governments always attempt to divide humanity using race, religion, wars, lies, and unlawful mandates, we are all Earthlings born free, united at the level of our cells and our microbes. Do we slow down and take inventory of humanity at this crossroads? Or do we accept the coming tidal wave?

Speed for the sake of speed is the same as growth for the sake of growth, which is the ideology of a cancer cell.

Further Reading:

Other articles include  Climate Change DeceptionSeeing Through A Geoengineered RealityOperation Regionalization of AmericaThe 5G Pushback is HereStrategizing Microwave Warfare of 5GPlanned Obsolescence of Health Under the 5G Grid, and Induction of COVID symptoms via 5G Frequencies?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories


New Findings on the Spike Protein Toxin- Live Webinar 6/4/21

Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

This presentation with Q&A included:

  • a basic discussion of virology theories and stories
  • spiked proteins
  • “gain of function” research
  • PCR Tests
  • what we actually know about antibodies
  • autoimmune disease
  • what might be happening with all the anecdotal stories about “shedding”
  • Stefan Lanka’s virology study
  • pathogenic priming


The video mentioned by Dr. Cowan related to Stefan Lanka’s virology study

The peer-reviewed study mentioned by Dr. Cowen on COVID-19 vaccines  that suggests why heart inflammation, blood clots, and other dangerous side effects occur

A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Families & Communities Take a Stand Against Microwaves, 5G & RF/EMF That Are Destroying Our Health

Families & Communities Take a Stand Against Microwaves, 5G & RF/EMF That Are Destroying Our Health


Real Men Do Not Deny Real Harm From Microwaves, 5G, & RF/EMF: Father’s Day Countdown

by Patricia Burke, Natural Blaze
June 2, 2021



When I was living in Northern California from 2008-2010, the state was rolling out wireless smart utility meters.  I was one of the individuals who became disabled as the result of exposure to the pulsed microwave radiofrequencies.  California held a number of hearings where individuals who were concerned about billing fiascos, privacy, security, cost, green-washing, surveillance, and health damages gave testimony.

I remember the testimony of one father whose young son had been in a serious accident and was being sent home to convalesce and heal . . . and it reminded me that any of us, in this point in time, might believe that smart meters are safe. But our circumstances can change in a moment. Many of us were already losing ground due to lack of sleep and constantly being induced by the frequencies – what would the experience be for a child with a metal plate in the head?

For those of us already recognizing that the meters and infrastructure installations were capable of causing tremendous disruption to normal, healthy brain function, it was a terrible experience to be in the presence of unresponsive, detached, autocratic decision-makers who ignored the early warnings for whatever reason, whether they did not believe what was happening, or didn’t care.

The posture of not believing and/or not caring has grown worse over time, with the unsubstantiated claims and prevailing beliefs that increased wireless telecommunication (including “fixed wireless broadband” and 5G) is safe, sustainable, and necessary. But as the industry spin and surveillance has increased, so has the dawning of reason.

Many mothers, fathers, and children have been recognizing risks, and taking action, throughout the country and around the world, and the numbers continue to increase.  Many communities, neighborhoods, and families are seeking to prioritize wired, rather than wireless options.

Mother’s Day Countdown

In our series at Natural Blaze counting down to Mother’s Day, we learned about:

Godelieve Richards, the new mother who co- founded the Piti Theatre Group with her husband Jonathan, in Massachusetts and Switzerland, on her experience of the acute onset of EHS, her journey to receive an accurate diagnosis, and the efforts she has to make to protect her home environment.

Kirstin Beatty, a young mother and teacher forced to leave her profession, whose daughter is her advocate, who despite isolation due to EHS, works actively on legislative efforts on a number of environmental fronts.

Courtney Gilardi, whose community is opposing a macrotower, with many neighbors and her family experiencing adverse health effects when the tower was “turned on” after being installed without the knowledge and consent of the community, questioning outdated and inaccurate exposure standards and lack of legislative response.

Virginia Hines, a psychotherapist, noting the opportunity for cognitive coherence as society adopts health-protective choices; for examples, speaker phone, wired ear buds, and a chiropractic office that hardwired to protect the safety of their patients (after measuring the RF emitted from an iPad being used, unquestioningly, to check in patients.)

Mothers vs. Peter Valberg

In a 3-part series, we looked at historical efforts dating back to the late 1990s featuring Diana Warren and Peggy PattonThea Fournier, Julie Riccardi, and Nina Anderson, while noting the pervasive influence of Philip Morris tobacco scientist Peter Valberg on public policy regarding microwave radio frequencies and meters.  Part 3 highlighted more recent efforts by Sandi Maurer of the EMF Safety Network, publisher Carol Bedrosian, Noise Pollution Activist Sandra Chianfoni, Dover-Sherborn mothers opposing a tower on school property, Janet Davis opposing yet another cell antenna in a church steeple, and MA for Safe Technology’s Cece Doucette.

In interviewing the women for Mother’s Day, a theme emerged: nearly everyone had some kind of experience or had been affected by the work of Peter Valberg. Because the product defense firm Gradient is located in Massachusetts, and the articles were based mostly around New England contacts, this pattern may not have seemed surprising. But in fact, Peter Valberg provided “expertise” to utilities promoting smart meters in many states, and provided testimony for regulators in many others – from Texas, Florida, Maryland, Arizona, Florida, Oregon, Pennsylvania, to Iowa.  The exorbitant fees for his brand of science come from ratepayers. He served as the primary health expert for the defunct, pro-industry. Smart Grid Consumer Collaborative, which had no consumers, and was comprised of both industry and regulators.

In fact, in 2012, the National Conference of State Legislators shared a report with decision makers nationally from the Utilities Telecom Council that relied on Valberg’s opinion (along with mercenary scientists from another notorious product defense firm.)

In a testimony submitted in Minnesota regarding magnetic fields and power lines, Valberg was asked, “Describe how you maintain your expertise in the area of health effects related to radiofrequency fields and EMF.”

He responded, “On a continuing basis, the librarians at Gradient provide me with recently published articles related to EMF health effects. I review those publications that are relevant to health risks potentially attributed to RF and power-line exposure.”

Given that these firms that work for the wireless industry also work for the tobacco industry, including Valberg’s continuing work for Philip Morris Light cigarettes, I can only imagine a scene from the TV show Mad Men, with the cast sucking on cigarettes and the secretaries like Joan Holloway, “Now try not to be overwhelmed by all this technology. It looks complicated, but the men who designed it made it simple enough for a woman to use.”

No regulatory scrutiny of health concerns and complaints has been forthcoming, other than from engaged citizens.   The industry, regulators, and electeds, in most cases, with a few exceptions, checked off the box – “get a tobacco scientist to sign off on the safety!” and have kept going, while running over a portion of the population.

This denotes that we are operating at a time in history reflected by treacherous collaborations between powerful entities.  It is one level of evil to see tobacco science applied in a courtroom regarding adult consumers who unwittingly smoked and destroyed their health.   It is another level of evil to see tobacco science underpinning federal infrastructure agendas that will extend to every neighborhood, under the banner of “Endless Frontiers,”  “addressing the digital divide,” and “telehealth access.” The wireless agenda is being forcefully imposed on every man, woman, child, and nature environment, from land to sea to space, not only in the U.S., but worldwide.  The implementation has been weaponized by enabling legislation that abuses human rights, including property rights.

Father’s Day, Many Honorable men

This week, we begin our countdown to Father’s Day, featuring fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, husbands, and friends who are engaged in the 5G/EMF/RF issue, whether due to smart meters, like Paul; or cellphone towers next to school, like Jeff; or WiFi in school, like David. We also highlight some of the researchers, scientists, and physicians working earnestly on the issue of the EMF/RF environmental stressor and pollutant.

None of them rely on “secretaries to provide recently published articles.”

Some treat actual patients, some conduct peer-reviewed scientific research.  They don’t talk about “blue ribbon panels,” or “prepare an in-depth analysis,” using their intellectual gifts to protect harmful industries and to sustain harm and injury by irresponsible industries.

Elected and unelected officials who are not ready, willing, and able to practice discernment regarding the integrity of the experts they reference cannot be trusted to safeguard communities, human health, and the environment.  This is malfeasance. The product defense firm industry must be removed from the driver’s seat of technological innovation, because the products the industry promotes are not safe. It’s not rocket science.

It’s time to require that the tech industry’s “get of jail free” card for health and environmental damages be revoked.  It’s time to hold ourselves accountable, as a species, for rejecting consumer products that pose health risks, and to require the industry to develop safe products and infrastructure.

It’s way past time to move the needle on the RF/EMF science.

In honor of Father’s Day, as we start our countdown, here are “a few good men.”

Father Says No To School Cell Tower: Milestone Son Got Cancer Testimony to Anne Arundel Public Schools on a proposed cell tower at an elementary school.  “Please don’t poison my babies.” 

Learn more at

Children sick after 4G 5G tower installed – Sacramento California

Credible Evidence That Cell Towers on Schools is Harmful Exists” Testimony to Public School District

Parent, engineer with 5 children opposes cell tower at elementary school Maryland

A Father Speaks About Wifi in Schools and His Children’s Health

“Stop cell towers on Schools” by a Flint Michigan Father

For more information and to see more videos, visit the Environmental Health Trust video playlist.

Patricia Burke works with activists across the country and internationally calling for new biologically-based microwave radio frequency exposure limits. She is based in Massachusetts and can be reached at


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Do You Consent to Color of Law?

Do You Consent to Color of Law?

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
May 30, 2021


Color of law refers to an appearance of legal power to act that may operate in violation of law. Appearances can be deceiving.

In his book, The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, author Richard Rothstein, a leading expert on housing policy, describes the myth that cities came to be racially divided through de-facto segregation, that is, through individual prejudices, income differences, or the actions of banks and real estate agencies.

Rothstein makes clear that it was laws and policy decisions by local, state, and federal governments that directly promoted the discriminatory patterns. From racial zoning in the 1920s to urban planning of the 1950s, to federal subsidies to builders not to build homes for Blacks, it was plain, open discrimination, sanctioned by government, that violated laws that continue unabated today.

The color of law is a cover of law.

Color of Law = Unlawful Mandates

Color of Law operates today by unlawful mandates and Emergency Orders, which serve one purpose: to allow one group of people to abolish your inherent rights. Remember, no one has more rights than anyone else.

No school, no store, no bank, no library, and no governor can make any order or policy that violates  your rights under Natural law. Natural laws are determined by fundamental forces within Nature.  Natural law supersedes all other laws, including man’s laws. The Constitution is codified based on the Universal law that no man has the right to rule over another man, which will always be the truth from the day of birth to the day of death. Natural Law is based in two principles: Truth and Do no harm.

Natural Law is based in principles of truth about the reality we live in. Principles are first and foremost, at the root, the most necessary and important, a foundation to build upon. The word “principle” expresses Natural Moral Law in the very way we use the word itself, such as “in principle” and “on principle”. Natural Law is an essential property of existence; it is born into being and is forever there in our reality without human causality. Our goal is to put these principle first-things first in our lives, to recognize and align with them because they are based in truth, not belief. Man’s society is not putting original, generative, beginning, foundational principles first, but trivialities, lies, and deception. Therefore, Natural Law is not man’s law.

What you need to know in 8 easy steps:

  1. Your rights and freedoms are inherent or inborn, a birthright, granted by your Creator.
  2. Government institutions do not grant rights. Institutions are established to protect your inherent rights.
  3. Governments can only grant benefits and privileges, which comes with limits and consequences.
  4. Governments cannot mandate anything under coercion or duress, such as, “Do this or else.”
  5. Governments cannot use fear or safety as reasons to take peoples’ rights.
  6. Therefore, a “mask policy” set up under government powers is a crime under the color of law that violates your rights and the principles of Natural Law.
  7. Defending your rights and freedoms is a personal responsibility, ie., an ability to respond (appropriately, reasonably, morally).
  8. Being accountable is the ability to account for your response.
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Section 242 of Title 18 makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.

For the purpose of Section 242, acts under “color of law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official’s lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim.

The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.

If you understand that a government cannot abolish rights which it has no ability to grant in the first place, then you are armed with enough knowledge to begin the process of calling out the facade when you see it practiced. Each success brings confidence for future successes. Humanity, as a whole, moves from oppression to expression, from tyranny to freedom.

Christopher Key, a man who had enough of unlawful dictates, stood up to the Jefferson County School Board in Alabama, and called them out.

Pro Se litigant Luis Ewing shares information on maintaining your rights of public accommodation (without masks and medicines) based on religious discrimination, and violations of the state and federal constitutions under the 1964 Civil Rights Act pursuant to Title 42 Section 1983.

Texan, Randall Kenton sued the Texas Governor by name, in court, causing the governor to rescind the State mask mandate, allowing all bars and restaurants to reopen at full capacity. Twenty state governors followed suit, lifting their own mandates out of fear they would lose their insurance for fraud. See the complaint filed that could be used as a template anywhere.  Health officials continued to recommend wearing a mask based on “personal responsibility” but no law: another example of Color of Law.

These people do not win by a belief. They win by a knowing. They know who they are. By holding their positions and protecting their rights, not only are they showing personal responsibility, but they are an example for others.

Cancel The Master-Slave Paradigm

What Christopher Key and others are showing is that when you reveal that a FRAUD has been perpetrated, and you follow it up by naming names, the perpetrators stand down. Behind all corporations are names of men and women. In general, suing corporate entities does nothing for the greater good, and never has. Corrupt companies, such as Pfizer, may be found criminally liable and fined in court over and over, but they continue to operate and to cause harm. However, going after individuals by name affects their pocketbooks.

No individual governor or prosecutor or judge or school board member wants their insurance rates to go up or to be dropped by insurers. Push just a little and the game has suddenly changed in the peoples’ favor.

Illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts are not only reprehensible but are also a violation of your Natural rights, as expressed in the American Declaration of Independence, and as reflected in the national and state constitutions. If you are the subject of intimidation or coercion by agencies or governments or schools or employers, forcing a medical experiment upon you as a condition to participate in society, your rights have been trampled.

Why do the majority of people become subservient to lawless authorities without any evidence of a clear and present danger? Why do people refuse to stand up for their rights and freedoms? Why do people believe they do not have a choice when it comes to forced muzzles or forced medicines when they do?

Because the majority of people have been indoctrinated through the 15,000-hour public school system and programmed by the Tel-A-Vision to not think for themselves. They have been conditioned to accept government handouts that create co-dependence. They have been dumbed down and emasculated to accept a master outside themselves.

What if accepting stimulus handouts increased the federal debt to bankrupt a nation, which amounted to a federal crime? What if knowing that a national bankruptcy could be the excuse used to reset the debt credit currency system to a Crypto credit system with your body as collateral?

What if this whole scenario already happened during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic where masking was found to be the cause of secondary pneumonia and an invisible virus became the tool to rest society? The Great Depression followed the Spanish flu and a new system was established to enslave people using the birth certificate and social security system. From the Great Depression to the Great Reset, an invisible virus that never existed was blamed. Government promised people benefits and privileges in exchange for their rights. For more details, read Recycling the Spanish Flu Pandemic.

No government. No business, no medical professional, no school, and no employer can require or mandate ANY medical treatment or intervention, including injections or face coverings that block your ability to breathe freely. To require any injection as a condition to participate in society is unlawful coercion according to state law.

Use State Law In Your Favor

You can use state law in your favor. In California, Peggy Hall of teaches people how to protect their rights using the State Constitution and business codes. She provides documents on her website that you can print and carry with you, such as the right to public accommodation, as well as tools against discriminationAccording to California Law:

24170: This is the Protection of Human Subjects in Medical Experimentation Act
24171: The Legislature hereby finds and declares … the right of individuals to determine what is done to their own bodies.

24172 This is the “experimental subject’s bill of rights,” and states that individuals…

(j)  Be given the opportunity to decide to consent or not to consent to a medical experiment without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, coercion, or undue influence on the subject’s decision.

In the Minnesota Constitution, Article I, Section 16 says:

Sec. 16. FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE; NO PREFERENCE TO BE GIVEN TO ANY RELIGIOUS ESTABLISHMENT OR MODE OF WORSHIP. The enumeration of rights in this constitution shall not deny or impair others retained by and inherent in the people. The right of every man to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience shall never be infringed; nor shall any man be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any religious or ecclesiastical ministry, against his consent; nor shall any control of or interference with the rights of conscience be permitted, or any preference be given by law to any religious establishment or mode of worship; but the liberty of conscience hereby secured shall not be so construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness or justify practices inconsistent with the peace or safety of the state, nor shall any money be drawn from the treasury for the benefit of any religious societies or religious or theological seminaries.

Shakespeare wrote, All the world is a stage. This is why appearances can be deceiving. In this world of appearances, you can separate yourself from the crowd. Do you beg for rights from government? Do you know who you are? Do you know where you live?

You live in your body. Therefore, you have inherent rights. Your rights include the right to say NO to deception. You can say NO CONTRACT. I DO NOT CONSENT to any offer, contract, testing, treatment, intervention, or injection. Ask them to show you the laws. Man’s laws compel artificial or legal PERSONS, but do not compel you. Know the difference. And think twice before signing your name.

You are not subject to masters unless you are a subject. You are not a slave unless you accept a master outside yourself. You have the power to shift the direction and devolution of humanity by taking responsibility for your actions.

Simple know who you are.

The Liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the Laws of Nature, because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever. – Mikhail Bakunin


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

Generation Robot

Generation Robot

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
May 21, 2021


If you recently accepted an experimental injection, you may be experiencing strange physical adverse effects at the injection site, throughout your body, and in relationship to your electronic devices.

You may be connecting to your surroundings in new and improved ways.

Are you a direct connection to Bluetooth?

Are you questioning who you are?

Since each person is unique, some adverse effects will manifest differently. But other effects may be eerily in synch. Best to be aware of any changes as you notice them, since there is no trial data with which to compare. You are the experiment.

This is not about retribution. This matter is going forward — we are in a live exercise here to get this right.

 Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State disclosed from the White House when he stated that COVID-19 is a live military exercise.


[Blue Tooth.mp4/Vimeo]

If you recently accepted an experimental injection, you may have noticed that many “adverse side effects” are really “direct effects” and that these effects are being normalized. Do you experience problems with menstrual cycle? Mysterious rashes? Miscarriages? Infertility? Blood clots? Ringing in the ears? Fever, Headache, Fatigue? You will be told that the vaccine is working properly. What you may not be told is that the covid vaccine does not seem to protect people with immune disorders.

What about unusual effects?

Do magnets stick to your body?

Can radiation detectors pick up levels of EMFs at the site of injection?

Can your veterinarian’s chip scanner go off if you get too close when taking your pet for a check up?

Are you giving off high levels of electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs)?

Connectivity Effects

The only way to find out if COVID vaccinated people are emitting high levels of radiation is to measure the emissions and document the readings. Important information would include: 1) vaccine maker, 2) date of injection, 3) level of radiation identified at injection site, 4) levels of radiation identified at other sites in the body, 5) Bluetooth connectivity to electronic devices.

It would also be prudent to test the differences between a test group (vaccinated) and the control group (unvaccinated). How do the levels compare? Do some samples show that the vaccinated emit EMF readings ten times higher than the unvaccinated? Do they emit more than their cell phone?

Can the vaccinated synch up with unvaccinated people similar to iphones?  Or do you need to have the software built in?

Can these emissions affect the unvaccinated through transference?

What might cause the release of EMFs or radiation?

Experimental trials are happening now, in vivo, on the human population. Very few answers are available, but the science has already been done.

NanoMagnetic Human Studies

Generally, the nanomaterials pose many new questions on risk assessment that are not yet completely answered. Thus, a reliable risk assessment related to human health and environment and safety evaluation of these materials should be performed for all in vivo studies.

Prior to the live exercise in vivo, scientists studied the unknowns of using magnetic nanotechnology. One 2010 study, published in Pharm Res concluded with a warning:

What do we know?

Nanoparticles in the body act as receivers and transmitters so they are traceable by scanners. They are also responsive to an outside source of radiation, such as a 5G tower and its frequencies. Functioning as magnetic chips in the body, nanoparticles could also leave human behavior open to be modified (i.e., mind control). For more on nanobots, and how they self-replicate in the body, read The Nanobot Evolution.

The technology of the COVID experimental injections are tied to MagnetoDNA from research on a molecular scale. MagnetoDNA can be injected into the genome of a virus and injected into animals to manipulate neuronal activity.

Several studies have shown that nerve cell proteins which are activated by heat, designer drugs, and mechanical pressure “can be genetically engineered so that they become sensitive to radio waves and magnetic fields, by attaching them to an iron-storing protein called ferritin, or to inorganic paramagnetic particles.”

Studies of drug delivery systems using magnetic fluids and nanobots have been ongoing since at least 2006. See study titled, “Using these magnetic forces to enhance non-viral gene transfer to airway epithelium in vivo”…. Ie., real people who have taken the vaccine.

In 2010, a US government website, Library of Medicine, “Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Pharmaceutical Sciences… including Vaccines” published the following on magnetic fluids injected into the body via vaccines:

They are also called ferrofluids or magnetic fluids, meaning colloidal suspensions of magnetic particles in a liquid carrier. Generally, these particles are part of nanotechnology, which can be defined as engineering of functional systems on a molecular scale.

Ferrofluid was developed in the early 1960s by Steve Papell, an engineer at Lewis Research Center, now Glenn Research Center. He discovered a way to disperse magnetic nanoparticles in rocket fluid as a way to draw it from a storage tank into an engine in the absence of gravity. A few years later, a company called Avco Space Systems won a NASA contract to further characterize and develop ferrofluid and created a variety of liquids that ranged up to 10 times the magnetic strength of the initial Lewis invention.

If iron particles are clumping at the site of injection, could they be clumping elsewhere in the body to cause blood clots?Would ferrofluids flowing in the human body emit high levels of radiation, internally and externally, as it travelled? Would this radiation affect others in close proximity? Would it be transferred through bodily fluids? Breathing? Sex? Would it connect you to the internet?

In 2021, these studies are focusing on Manipulative Magnetic Nanomedicine that purport to be the answer to all the lab-created viral epidemics (such as H1N1, H5N1, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Ebola, Zika, and coronavirus) that “created deadly infections associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome.”

To control or to be controlled? That is the question.

An article from the Guardian suggests that Genetically engineered ‘Magneto’ protein remotely controls brain and behaviour.

Nanobot technology is run by Artificial Intelligence. With the added electromagnetic tech integrated into human DNA, it is possible that mRNA ferroproteins in injections are giving off high amounts of EMF frequencies, to both control other electronic devices, while also being controlled by outside EMF sources.

What does it mean?

The Internet of Things Changing Humanity

Did you think 5G was for faster downloads and higher definition? Think again.The Internet of Things seeks to make humans part of the worldwide web by connecting the human neural system to the grid. By your consent to be injected, you sign up for connectivity. But there is still more to come. Read about how ultrafine threads can be woven into your brain, as part of the Neuralink, for more details.

Electromagnetic nanobots, once deployed in your body, can become activated by external electromagnetic transmissions, such as 5G, through your skin.

Evidence for this can be found in a patent using pulsed frequencies that can cause deep subliminal skin temperature oscillations that can induce sleepiness, drowziness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, a tense feeling, sudden loose stool, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise pulse frequency used. For certain higher frequencies, the induced subliminal skin temperature oscillations cause fractured thought and a slowing of certain cortical processes.

The 5G frequencies are microwaves that affect water, with humans comprising 99.9% water on a molecular level. 5G microwaves have already been used to control human behavior as crowd control technology as directed energy weaponry by the military. None of this tech is new.

Energy as weaponry has been used as infrasound and ultrasound going back to World War II. For more than fifty years, DARPA and the CIA have developed infrasound technology, such as the infrasonic brainwave amplifier, to manipulate the human brain and nervous system, and to cause physical pain without detection. American diplomats in Cuba were victims of infrasonic devicesProject Soul Catcher is a ‘no touch torture’ used to silence Americans by government. A list of energy weapon patents shows the breadth of uses against humans. Pulsative manipulation of the Nervous system is one such patent.

On the positive side, whales use infrasounic waves to communicate with each other since the sound can travel hundreds of miles. Might be a good idea to learn telepathy.

Aside from external threats of frequency manipulation, there is the threat of an internal army of tiny robots deployed in the privacy of your body. Nanobots inside the body means there is no privacy and no self-control. A bio-invasion of nanobots also eliminates autonomy over your mind even though government agencies already have the ability to decipher human thoughts via patent 4,877,027.

Nanobots in your DNA via viral mRNA (Covid injection) represent a genetic bioweapon attack on the human landscape; body, mind, and spirit, at the nanoscopic level. From November 2012, The Atlantic reports:

genetic bio-weapons able to target a single human being based on their DNA. The authors paint a scenario of the development of a virus that causes only mild flu in the general population but when the virus crosses paths with cells containing a very specific DNA sequence, the sequence would act as a molecular key to unlock secondary functions that would trigger a fast-acting neuro-destructive disease that produces memory loss and, eventually, death.

The Pentagon’s research arm claims agricultural nanobots are intended to defend crops, but doesn’t deny ‘dual-use’ potential as biological weaponry. On another level, it could represent the creation of a whole new species.

Got Bot Brain?

Can the 5G network activate the bots to turn your cells on, then turn them off? Does the network feed off of your energy? Are you a generator for the Internet of Things? Have you noticed the 5G towers  on school grounds and 5G fins atop water towers? Are your thoughts not your own? Will you hear other people’s ideas echo in your head? Have your memories been erased? Is your fertility being erased? Are you hackable? Will others be the first to notice your odd behavior? Does your Bot Brain hookup to your computer? Your refrigerator? To Google? All of the above?

With Bot Brain, there is no need to think for yourself. The Internet of Things (IoT) can do that for you, wherever you are.

With the mask charade ending, and people directed to remove the identify concealment device, is it time to be fitted for a tin foil hat?

The Borg of the Star Trek The Next Generation series are considered the greatest enemies of the crew of the Starship Enterprise and the Federation (i.e., humans). The Borg absorbs you and erases your identify.  It’s famous quote: Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. Later in the series of six Borg episodes, the Borg became infected with a sense of individuality, showing that nothing is set in stone and anything is possible.

How will the current episode during this live exercise play out? Will you be assimilated into the Robot Generation? Or, as a report by Armstrong Economics states, Resistance is Not Futile, only 37.5% of Americans are vaccinated.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


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Massachusetts Statewide “Let Children Breathe” Sit Out & Local Protests

Massachusetts Statewide “Let Children Breathe” Sit Out & Local Protests


End Mask Mandates in Massachusetts Schools

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates
May 17, 2021


Let The Kids Breathe and the smile project is a national initiative supported by Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

Protest Calls:

When: Monday May 24, 2021 7:45 AM – 9:45 AM

Where: Nauset School Administration, 78 Eldridge Park Way, Orleans, MA

Stand with Nauset parents in support of bodily autonomy, parental choice, and medical freedom in our schools.

When: Tuesday May 25, 2021 at 8 AM (not 10 AM as previously posted)

Where: Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, 75 Pleasant St, Malden, MA

Stand with all Massachusetts students. The ‘Let The Kids Breathe’ main demonstration will take place at the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in Malden because this is where the statewide “orders” for schools are handed down. Organizers are calling for a boycott of schools until all restrictions are lifted. They are suggesting people bring noisemakers (buckets and sticks).

Making kids wear masks is a form of child abuse. Masks inhibit the intake of oxygen which children need for their developing brains. They force people to re-breathe the carbon dioxide that they exhale. There is little evidence that masks help to prevent the spread of viruses, and plenty of evidence that wearing them is physically and mentally harmful.

Further, children have now come to think it is normal for everyone to wear a mask, and they are being deprived of the ability to understand other people by reading the expressions on their faces. Parents have been so intimidated by “pandemic” fear that they have essentially allowed the state to abuse their children.


Children are not able to understand what is being done to them, and parents, who are in a position to understand, have failed to protest health mandates being blatantly used for political, not health, reasons.

On May 13, 2021 medical tyrant Anthony Fauci said that “children too young to be vaccinated will still have to wear masks when they are indoors and around others, even if older kids and adults are free to take off face protection once they are fully vaccinated. “

Adults have been held hostage with mask and social distancing rules in order to force them to to get the covid injection. Now our children are being held hostage for the same reason. Children are at very low risk of harm from whatever the illness is that has been called covid 19. Adverse effects so far reported among those age 16 and up who have gotten the jab make it a certainty that if the injections are forced on children, they will cause more and much worse harm than the illness.

According to neurologist Dr. Margarite Griesz-Brisson, “For children and adolescents, masks are an absolute no-no. Children and adolescents have an extremely active and adaptive immune system and they need a constant interaction with the microbiome of the Earth. Their brain is also incredibly active, as it is has so much to learn. The child’s brain, or the youth’s brain is thirsting for oxygen. The more metabolically active the organ is, the more oxygen it requires. In children and adolescents every organ is metabolically active. To deprive a child’s or an adolescent’s brain from oxygen, or to restrict it in any way, is not only dangerous to their health, it is absolutely criminal. Oxygen deficiency inhibits the development of the brain, and the damage that has taken place as a result CANNOT be reversed. The child needs the brain to learn, and the brain needs oxygen to function. We don’t need a clinical study for that. This is simple, indisputable physiology. Conscious and purposely induced oxygen deficiency is an absolutely deliberate health hazard, and an absolute medical contraindication. “

According to psychologist Jack Dresser, “Children are closely attentive to both the facial expressions and voice intonations of their caretakers and surrounding adults. Deprivation or attenuation of these psychologically essential cues constitutes child neglect, which can affect brain development and be more psychologically damaging than overt abuse.”

Emily Burns, founder of the smile project (banner above), had this to say about our taking any further orders from a tyrranical public health establishment:

“As John Ioannidis has said, ‘medicine has now become the enemy of health.’ In order to remedy this, public health officials must resume their rightful position as public servants who provide information and guidance, rather than dictates and punishments. Restoring this balance will restore trust in public health, and improve health outcomes. In the current modality, where un-elected public health officials have been given god-like power and prestige, there is no incentive for them to provide accurate information. They do not guide, they rule. Rulers don’t give information, they give commands. To the extent they give information, it is to justify their commands. This is exactly how the CDC has behaved since March. In the absence of the ability to compel, you must inform. Thus, in order to get the CDC and other public health organizations to begin accurately informing us, we must strip them of their power to command us. The moment this is done, we will all have better information, and a public health apparatus that serves us–not the other way around.”

Attached is a [downloadable word file] plea for sanity on masks in schools written by a mother of three school-age children in Tempe, Arizona, addressed to the school administrators enforcing the abusive masking policy common to most public schools across America. The arguments in this letter apply equally to all students forced to wear masks in schools on Cape Cod. The argument is simple: parents need to stand up to protect their children.


Update: Mask rules are due to be lifted in Massachusetts on May 29, 2021, but not in schools. The updated order of May 17, 2021 is that public school students and adults must continue to wear masks indoors.


Connect with Richard Hugus at End Massachusetts Medical Mandates

More on the Coronavirus That Doesn’t Exist; and the Pink Demon

More on the Coronavirus That Doesn’t Exist; and the Pink Demon

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 21, 2021


(For Part-1, click here)

I still receive emails that announce: “So-and-so SAYS the virus has been isolated and does exist.”

On a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 would indicate “so what?” and 10 would rate “well, that’s it, the virus is real,” someone SAYING the virus exists comes in at minus-12.

Then there is the ever-popular, “OF COURSE this virus exists,” which is meant to dispel all doubt.

Below, I’ll reprint my piece in which Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1] analyzed, step-by-step, a typical excerpt from a published study. The excerpt described how SARS-CoV-2 was isolated. Dr. Kaufman tore the description to pieces. [2]

Since I published that article, I haven’t received a single communication attempting to refute Dr. Kaufman’s analysis.

I have received one or two emails stating, “Dr. Kaufman made several mistakes.” No specifics were mentioned. In the world of traditional logical fallacies, that response comes under the heading of “Vague Generalization.” Ninth-grade students used to be able to recognize it.

I’ve seen many articles in which SARS-CoV-2 is claimed to exist and possess various properties—the articles rely on bald statements from doctors or other so-called medical experts. No proof is offered. That logical fallacy would be Appeal to Authority: Because an authority figure says something is true, it must be true.

On this basis, the network evening news tells you all you need to know about reality.

A third fallacy is worth mentioning. We have this implied statement: “Researchers at the Wuhan Institute were weaponizing the virus; therefore, it exists.” That fallacy is called Circular Reasoning: You assume what you’re trying to prove. Many people fall for it.

“NASA scientists are chaining people to Ford trucks, preparing to launch them at faster-than-light speed in outer space; therefore, faster-than-light speed exists.”

What researchers are claiming or trying to do in a lab is not proof that the “thing” they are working with exists. The researchers may BELIEVE it exists, but what they believe doesn’t matter.

You might believe a pink demon with gold teeth from Mars has spread a pandemic across Earth, but even if Fauci agrees with you and has shoveled three million dollars to your lab, you haven’t established the existence of the demon.

A variation on Appeal to Authority and Vague Generalization: For more than a century, researchers have been doing experiments with viruses; therefore, it’s ridiculous to say SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.

Well, historically, religious groups have claimed their God is the only God. Therefore…nothing.

“Wait. All those virologists couldn’t be lying and collaborating in a vast conspiracy.”

But they could be true believers. They could be pushing distorted science without recognizing their own warped articles of faith.

And with that, here is my article featuring Dr. Kaufman’s analysis of virus-isolation:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists.

by Jon Rappoport

April 21, 2021

The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. Therefore, it exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1], and he provided his analysis in detail.

I found several studies that used very similar language in explaining how “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated.” For example, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, (Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 6 — June 2020)” [3].

First, I want to provide a bit of background that will help the reader understand what is going on in the study.

The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that “the virus” is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.

They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. THAT’S THEIR KEY “EVIDENCE.” This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by “the virus.” However, as you’ll see, Dr. Kaufman dismantles this claim.

There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.

Finally, the researchers assert, with no proof or rational explanation, that they were able to discover the genetic sequence of “the virus” they never isolated. “We didn’t find it, we don’t know anything about it, but we sequenced it.”

Here are the study’s statements claiming isolation, alternated with Dr. Kaufman’s analysis:

STUDY: “We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage [in the soup in the lab]…”

KAUFMAN: “Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. Virus particles should be purified directly from clinical samples in order to prove the virus actually exists. Isolation means separation from everything else. So how can you separate/isolate a virus when you add it to something else?”

STUDY: “…We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%)…”

KAUFMAN: “Why use minimal essential media, which provides incomplete nutrition [to the cells]? Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, which are indistinguishable from viruses.”

STUDY: “…We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate…”

KAUFMAN: “Once again, misuse of the word isolation.”

STUDY: “…We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL…”

KAUFMAN: “Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. Wouldn’t that cause damage to the cells and particles in the culture which have proteins on their surfaces, including the so called spike protein?”

KAUFMAN: “Why are antibiotics added? Sterile technique is used for the culture. Bacteria may be easily filtered out of the clinical sample by commercially available filters (GIBCO) [4]. Finally, bacteria may be easily seen under the microscope and would be readily identified if they were contaminating the sample. The specific antibiotics used, streptomycin and amphotericin (aka ‘ampho-terrible’), are toxic to the kidneys and we are using kidney cells in this experiment! Also note they are used at ‘2X’ concentration, which appears to be twice the normal amount. These will certainly cause damage to the Vero cells.”

STUDY: “…We added [not isolated] 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols…”

STUDY: “When CPEs were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip…”

KAUFMAN: “There was no negative control experiment described. Control experiments are required for a valid interpretation of the results. Without that, how can we know if it was the toxic soup of antibiotics, minimal nutrition, and dying tissue from a sick person which caused the cellular damage or a phantom virus? A proper control would consist of the same exact experiment except that the clinical specimen should come from a person with illness unrelated to covid, such as cancer, since that would not contain a virus.”

STUDY: “…We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.”

KAUFMAN: “How do you confirm something that was never previously shown to exist? What did you compare the genetic sequences to? How do you know the origin of the genetic material since it came from a cell culture containing material from humans and all their microflora, fetal cows, and monkeys?”

—end of study quotes and Kaufman analysis—

My comments: Dr. Kaufman does several things here. He shows that isolation, in any meaningful sense of the word, is not occurring.

Dr. Kaufman also shows that the researchers want to use damage to the cells and cell-death as proof that “the virus” is in the soup they are creating. In other words, the researchers are assuming that if the cells are dying, it must be the virus that is doing the killing. But Dr. Kaufman shows there are obvious other reasons for cell damage and death that have nothing to do with a virus. Therefore, no proof exists that “the virus” is in the soup or exists at all.

And finally, Dr. Kaufman explains that the claim of genetic sequencing of “the virus” is absurd, because there is no proof that the virus is present. How do you sequence something when you haven’t shown it exists?

Readers who are unfamiliar with my work (over 300 articles on the subject of the “pandemic” during the past year [5]) will ask: Then why are people dying? What about the huge number of cases and deaths? I have answered these and other questions in great detail. The subject of this article is: have researchers proved SARS-CoV-2 exists?

The answer is no.








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My Approach to Opening Those Feared Yet Needed “Pandemic” Conversations

My Approach to Opening Those Feared Yet Needed “Pandemic” Conversations

by Sharon JamesContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
May 21, 2021


My farmer husband and his brother needed some repair parts at the local implement dealer this week. The parts man turned to these two prominent respected maskless farmer brothers and said, “I have a personal question for you two. Did you take the shots?” The brother farmer said a quiet, “Yes.”. He has clearly not been excited about that event; he’d even told us months ago he was not taking the shots – possible family pressure may have preceded his change of plans.

The parts man turned to my husband and asked, “What about you?” to which he replied, “No.” The next question to him was, “Will you ever?” to which he replied, “Probably not.” – which in my husband’s language means no, but I’m not wanting to hurt anyone so I will state my answer as inoffensively as possible. The parts man indicated that he really didn’t want to take them; he feels something is just not quite right about what is going on around all of this.

When my husband relayed this account to me I told him that clearly the parts man was both courageous and in need of specific answers to bolster this courage. Don’t we all! We are both afraid to ask and afraid to answer. Name calling on social media and elsewhere is at an all-time high – I guess we’ve learned nothing from all the anti-bullying campaigns.

There is so much I’d like to discuss openly with my friends and family. I’m not out and about much like farmers running errands in the community so I’ve tried to “go there” in social media. But, in my attempts, I’ve been warned and had posts throttled by the powers that be.

Every day I open my email and go through the prominent news stories. I open the tabs of the articles and videos that I want to fully address. One morning this week I had a number of tabs open and thought how much I would like to share these freely on social media. But…that will simply not work these days.

So I decided to place a post in an attempt to open some private dialogue on the topics of these past many months.

It went something like this and it included this poster:

There is so much I would like to share and discuss with you. I have been on both sides of the fences we find ourselves behind these days. If you are open to discussing your thoughts and experiences of this past 15 months send me a message or an email.

I don’t like fences between myself and those I care for. Many of us had differing views on many topics back in 2019 – but we were friends none-the-less. We never called each other the names I’ve seen both sides call one another lately.

I am opening my arms wide here – making myself vulnerable in very tenuous times. Are you willing to take the risk with me? I love each one of you, no matter where you stand!

About wide open arms – I nearly hugged a total stranger in the store recently. A very tall broad woman caught my eye and I smiled with my unmasked face. As I was moving on she leaned toward me and with an exaggerated blinking of her eyes above her disposable mask and said – I want you to know that I’m smiling under here! I told her I could see it in her eyes and I knew! And we laughed! What I wouldn’t give to sit down and visit with her and her endearing cheerfulness.

After posting I avoided checking for replies or reactions. I was a little nervous. What kind of confrontation might I face? Did I have the energy or fortitude to handle a disgruntled or hurting friend?

I had no cause for worry. Twenty-five positive reactions and a dozen or so comments in the first 12 or so hours told me that I had a small army of support for the potential conversations to come. One friend even said she had my back.

If given the opportunity – I will handle the conversations with care and prayers for wisdom. I will begin with questions. No accusing. I will share with openness. How did I get to where I am from somewhere out there? As we share, our stories will speak for themselves. We will discover where our common ground is. The proverbial seeds of shared thoughts will be planted with potential for growth.

But this will not and cannot be a time to agree to disagree and simply move on. I have invested many hours in what has definitely become a battle for accurate information. Where it can be had, it will be shared. What the willing listeners choose to do with it will be their responsibility as it was mine.

I stood on the other side of the fence for most of 2020. I watched television news and read similar posts in social media to the point of nausea – but I believed it and acted on it. Unbeknownst to me, two close friends were praying for me to “get it”.

I was “following the science” but discovered that consensus is not science. When I told them of my paradigm shift they were both nearly giddy — so excited to have someone with whom to speak freely and safely. Someone they trusted, loved and thought highly of had heard and listened and acted.

My brother was next, the one who had sent me some of the controversial and often banned videos to review. I told him I now understood he was not asking for reviews. He was asking me to consider coming through the gate to the other side of the fence. His comment, “Welcome to the rabbit hole, sister! Know that many of the holes will run very deep and very dark. Take breathers when you need them. But keep digging and keep praying!”

As questions like these are explored together further with those who are willing, I will use opportunities to share some of those mined for gems and jewels of truth.

We can choose from questions like these. Each one is weighty so we will go slowly – at a pace we can both deal with, picking and choosing the topics we are both ready for.

What are your overall thoughts regarding the pandemic?

Is it simply a “PCR Pandemic”? What of the testing, the masks and the six feet?

Did you experience “covid” personally or in your household?

Do you know someone who went to the hospital or died of “covid”? What if we explored what may really be making us ill?

What are your favorite news sources? Have those changed?

Now for the million dollar question – what do you think about the vaccines — whether you took them or not? What is your take on them? What of the data cover ups?

Now that you’ve come with me down mud filled rabbit holes and possibly taken me down some you have discovered, please share your personal experiences and thoughts and how they’ve changed you? How has this all made you feel? How have you dealt with those emotions? Have you had support?

I do not want to argue in these conversations. I want to pose questions in as gentle way as possible – but there will be a passion that has grown with the truth discovered. The topics bring feelings that are tender and run deeply for all of us. It may be a difficult thing – but worth the risks.

Some have lost loved ones to “covid”. Some have lost loved ones or themselves to fear, depression and anxiety. Some have lost jobs or family businesses. Friendships have ended. Family feuds have begun or heightened. Perfectly planned weddings have been stolen. Some have taken experimental medications like the mRNA injections and have regrets or anxious wonderings.

I’m not firing a gun or shooting arrows. I’m opening my arms wide. We need one another’s arms wrapped around us more than ever before.

We need connection – even virtual. There is a uniqueness to social media, particularly Facebook for me. Even with its challenges it has been a place of connecting with friends, both old and new for over ten years. In the past few months and especially in the past couple of weeks I have both reached out and been pursued by many – some are total strangers – struggling to find both truth and support.

Most of these people I have never met and only got acquainted with during 2020 to the present. We shared common health group ties or met in new groups seeking truth during these times of propaganda and lies.

Mothers of adult children who have taken the shots have asked for prayers. Friends whose husbands have taken one shot have reached out for information to convince them not to take the next one. Canadian and British friends have asked for supporting information to wake their friends before their countries crash and burn.

Friends I’ve never met have reached out to me to invite me deeper into the rabbit hole and to help me to breathe when I go there — that I might continue to see this for what it has been and what it is becoming. They’ve given me the strength and courage to write, to take off my mask, to stand firm in the face of dying freedoms.

Vulnerable sharing will be required as we struggle together for truth and how it applies to our actions going forward. Best case is that questions that dig little holes in the paradigms of friends and family, as they did mine, will become mine shafts with gems and jewels at the end. New paths will be walked in the lives of family and friends. Conversations, while scary at first, may lead to peace and hope even in the midst of this “pandemic” sadness.

If you have been encouraged to experiment with these risky conversations, let me know how they go – I’ll do the same. You can reach me at:

References you may find helpful:

Dr. Michael Yeadon – former CEO of research for Pfizer on the pandemic, the vaccines and our loss of liberties

Stéphane Blais interview with lawyers Reiner Fuellmich and Dominic Desjarlais on crimes against humanity during this crisis and current legal strategies

PCR tests: Dr. Sam Bailey

Masks: GreenMedInfo here and here

Covid vaccines: Children’s Health Defense

VAERS report research: Dr. Jessica Rose

Links discussing what does and does not make us ill:

Dr. Stefan Lanka’s work: here and here

Lester and Parker’s work: Interview with Stefan Lanka and interview with Amandha Vollmer

Kaufman and Cowan’s work

Audio of covid chapter in Virus Mania book

Some of my favorite alternative news media resources:

Truth Comes to Light, Technocracy News Daily, GreenMedInfo, John Rappoport, Corey’s Digs, The Freedom Articles, The World View, LifeSiteNews

See my previous essay:
My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth


Sharon James — along with her husband, children & visiting grandchildren — has lived and worked for nearly 35 years on a century farm in Iowa.

She is an avid researcher and life-long learner with a degree in education and strong interest in natural healing. Her now-adult children were all home schooled.

Sharon James is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Sharon welcomes your comments or questions. Her email address is:

Stand Your Ground Against Forced Medicine

Stand Your Ground Against Forced Medicine

by Rosanne Linday, Nature of Healing
May 18, 2021


During the  nineteenth century, medical treatments, such as the smallpox vaccination, were made compulsory under state laws in the US., and in Europe. In the twentieth century, vaccines for diphtheria, measles, mumps, and rubella were managed by governmental entities and were eventually required for public school attendance. Later, school-located vaccination programs became a vehicle for increasing vaccination rates. Once the World Health Organization (WHO) was developed in 1948, compulsory vaccine campaigns went global.

What is never disclosed?

That nothing is compulsory. Nothing is forced. Everything is an offer for your consent, a contract. Do you consent or not? Do you concede or stand your ground? Do you give up your rights or do you reserve your rights?

If you do not reserve your rights, you become a statistic of history instead of forging new ground. History recycles itself with new terms replacing old ones. History lives in the past. History does not evolve.

The History Playbook

When you open the History Playbook, you see a pattern. When you see a pattern repeat, then it is time to begin to question the rhetoric and think for yourself. The Pandemic Playbook, or Plandemic, played the world population during the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. The same mask mandates were offered. The same vaccine mandates were offered. How many consented? For the results, see Recycling the Spanish Flu Pandemic.

For two generations afterwards, things returned to “normal.” The flu resumed its rightful place in history as a mild infection that required rest and fluids. The flu was again recognized as a right of passage for the body to create longterm, natural immunity.

In 2013, the Playbook opened again, to morph the flu bug into a deadly boogeyman that required new responsibilities of every citizen. In England, published reports in the Independent declared that getting vaccinated was a civic duty. A campaign was launched to increase adult vaccination rates against seasonal influenza, pneumococcal diseases, whooping cough, shingles, diphtheria and tetanus. Since 2013, intimidation by world health officials has only grown bolder to offer mandates that are accepted by trusting people everywhere.

In March of 2020, a newly discovered flu, dubbed Coronavirus (one word), was the talk of the town. Soon reports of excess deaths, later retracted, from the rogue virus filled the news cycles. Mask mandates were offered. Vaccines were offered.

With little reflection of how history works, hospital workers in the U.S., who have accepted medical mandates over the last decade, have created a pattern that is fast becoming a prescription for all. Want to keep your job? Get the jab. Want to attend a sports event? A yoga class? You know the drill.

Before 2020, vaccine mandates had been beta-tested from California to New York, in hospitals, and in nursing homes under state statutes and regulations. These test markets were a prelude to The Healthy People 2020 Act, where all adults, everywhere, would be urged to “catch up” on vaccines. However, research always showed that “there is no evidence that they (flu vaccines) affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.”

It is ironic that government agencies that promote medical treatments fail to acknowledge published medical journal studies showing that these treatments are not only ineffective, but harmful. Based on injury compensation data, the flu vaccine is dubbed as the most dangerous vaccine. In a world where science is king, those who claim to be in charge seem to ignore their own data.

Review of the Data
  • Published data in the 2011 Journal of Autoimmunity and the 2012 J Trace Elem Med Biol. shows aluminum adjuvants in vaccines, including the flu vaccine, can induce autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome, (ASIA), which include encephalitischronic fatigue syndrome, macrophagic myofasciitis, subcutaneous pseudolymphoma, and siliconosis.
  • Adjuvants in the flu vaccine have been associated with an increase in antibodies leading to antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), also known as Hughes Syndrome. The alum-antigen in many vaccines is identical to phospholipids, which form the cell membrane in every cell, it can attack any part of the body – the eye, cardiovascular system, brain, nerves, skin, reproductive system – but is becoming known for causing heart attacks and fetal death.(Journal Lupus. June 2012.)
  • Children who get flu vaccine are at three times the risk for hospitalization for flu! (American Thoracic Society).
  • The 2010 Cochrane Database Systems Review – a systems review of primary research in human health care and health policy – found “no evidence that flu vaccines affect complications, such as pneumonia, hospitalization transmission of flu between people or death.”  Further, claims that the flu vaccine cuts elderly deaths in half were negated: “Due to poor quality data of the available evidence any conclusions regarding the effects of influenza vaccines for people aged 65 years or older cannot be drawn.”
  • In the aftermath of the 2009/2010 swine flu scare, a 2010 study in the British Medical Journal showed that children in England and throughout the world given the Pandemrix flu vaccine had a 1,400 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy compared to those not vaccinated.
  • A 2011 study in the Journal Vaccine, showed inflammatory adverse events, such as preeclampsia and preterm birth, among pregnant women taking the trivalent influenza vaccine.
  • A 2011 study in the  Journal of Internal Medicine revealed flu shots result in inflammatory cardiovascular changes indicative of increased risk for serious heart-related events such as heart attack.
  • According to a 2012 double-blind, randomized, controlled trial in Clin Infect Dis. March 15, 2012, (the first of its kind) conducted in healthy children 6 to 15 years of age, getting a flu shot was found to increase the risk of other respiratory viral infections over four-fold.
  • According to a 2005 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, “There are not enough influenza-related deaths to support the conclusion that vaccination can reduce total winter mortality among the U.S. elderly population by as much as half.”

In response to mandatory flu vaccines for medical staff, a group of medical professionals published an open 2013 letter in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, questioning whether such mandates are medically warranted and ethically correct. They cited that the flu vaccine: 1) is a “statistical gamble” in targeting actual circulating viruses; 2) shows seventy percent of people are already immune at the time of vaccination, according to FDA studies; and 3) shows no evidence that it affects complications of pneumonia or transmission from person to person, as advertised. No answer ever followed.

Do Not Volunteer for “Mandatory” Treatments

Today, an experimental mRNA COVID injectable treatment is lumped into the category of vaccines, but is not entirely a vaccine. The COVID injectable is not FDA-approved as a vaccine. Moderna refers to its injectable as “an operating system.” Unlike FDA-approved flu vaccine package inserts that disclose trial data and adverse reactions, the COVID injectable package insert is blank.

Today, official mandates do not require scientific scrutiny. Mandates only require people to give up their power.

When people give up their power of discernment to the authority of governments, they can expect tyranny in the form of unenforceable mandates. This is a perfect time to question authority and falsehoods when the risks are unknown and undisclosed.

There are no mandates in a free society, unless you ALLOW them. In other words, you do not have to volunteer for mandates.

When faced with Totalitarian tactics, do you “take your medicine” or walk the other way? Do you fall in line or undo the conditioning? When you see Panic Propaganda in the news cycle, do you turn off the news? Or do you listen to my podcast on The Playbook of Tyranny and How to Close It?

If you do not protect your rights, be prepared to lose them. If enough people say NO, the tide will shift. Remember, there is always a choice. So choose wisely.

When people realize they are born healers with defense systems called immune systems, there will be no reliance on chemical-laden injections that offer artificial immunity with no guarantees. Even though you will not be told you have a choice, you always retain your rights to choose. You can still choose to protect your innate immunity using organic, nutrient-rich foods, herbal medicines, naturopathy, homeopathy, and many natural modalities.

Remember, colds and flus are part of a natural immune response by your body to strengthen itself. Rest and a return to Nature are the best remedies. Dis-ease need not be feared when it offers the body a chance to remember how to realign itself back to a sense of Ease.

Returning to the time before the Playbook is as simple as remembering who you are and your power to choose. Why fear the body’s natural ability to heal itself when evidence shows there is more to fear from the injectable?

On the verge of more draconian government mandates, the question that you must ask yourself is, Do you want to be a statistic of history and remain stagnant, or do you want to evolve? 

Stand your ground.

Originally posted in the November 2013 blog.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Report on May 15, 2021 Demonstration

Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Report on May 15, 2021 Demonstration

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates
May 16, 2021


Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates held another successful demonstration on Main St. in Hyannis yesterday. We announced our protest location a week in advance, to be held by the statue of early native American legend, Iyanough.

By “coincidence” the Town of Barnstable Fire Department parked a huge ambulance exactly on top of our usual protest location and erected a pop-up “vaccination” center earlier in the morning, asking people walking by on the street to get the covid jab, there and then. Obviously there were no doctors on hand who would know the medical history of any of the people walking by. There was no pretense of medical care and informed consent.

Given the known dangers of the covid vaccines, only hinted at the devastating VAERS reports, this was no different than a heroin pusher openly soliciting passersby on the street, except in this case it was done legally, with the full sanction and funding of the state. One man passing by with his teenage son was propositioned by one of the ambulance officers, and he had to explain to the officer that his son could not get the jab because he was autistic (no doubt from another “vaccine”).

The ambulance and its tables took our usual space, but we nevertheless assembled next to it and across the street, growing to about 75 people. We cheered as people in cars passing by honked and waved, bringing life to a street whose businesses had been either closed or restricted by 14 months of relentless “pandemic” orders. As no one at this point was volunteering for the jab, the ambulance and its masked crew finally packed up and left.

We may have saved some people from being seriously harmed by the Modena and Pfizer injections yesterday. For that alone our protest was worth it.

Below are some pictures from yesterday’s demonstration (picture credit to from Meghan M):

Connect with End Massachusetts Medical Mandates

The Variant and the Vaccine

The Variant and the Vaccine

by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing
May 10,  2021


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. – Newton’s Third Law

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth. – Bo Bennet

For every variant there is a vaccine.

For a year beginning in March 2020, no one died of natural causes anywhere in the world. Everyone died of COVID19.

Then, after the COVID19 vaccine rollout began, the elderly began dying in nursing homes of natural causes.

If you start looking at where the deaths are occurring post-vaccination, you find that they’re mainly in nursing homes,” – Arnold Mondo, professor of epidemiology and global public health, University of Michigan

The media says:

“Experts are sure that the U.S. has not reported any deaths caused by COVID19 shots.”

Why haven’t vaccine-induced deaths been reported in the U.S.?

As the press puts it…. “They suddenly crash…. The people who die from COVID-19 are probably dying from many different causes.”

Is it now possible to die from COVID and many different causes, at the same time?

The expert statisticians who are paid to know how to calculate the results of all the COVID testing that took place, call the deaths, “unexplained.”

Thousands more people are dying than we would normally expect in normal times…. “There’s not enough information to know whether this is under-reporting of Covid or whether this is ‘collateral damage’ as a result of the lockdown.”  – Dr Jason Oke, senior statistician in the Oxford University Medical Statistics Group

What about the warnings of collateral damage that could results from an experimental vaccine? From November 2020:

One warned the “collateral damage” of introducing a less than “safe and effective” vaccine could exacerbate the world’s “current problems insurmountably.” – Alexandra Thompson, UK news

The goalposts keep changing because scientists claim that viruses mutate into variants that only they can identify.

How do you capture a moving target?

You don’t!

The spin about variants is doctored by the media much like a casino controls its slot machines.  As gatekeepers, they hold all the cards:

The system is designed to be random within a range of percentages. The software decides when and how much to pay but won’t go over the monthly limit. It should be obvious that this limit could be reset.

The terms of COVID keep changing because the cause, currently Coronavirus, is only visible to the “experts” who write the rules. The current experts are unknown groups at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which Control the narrative to Prevent you from understanding the true cause and the true risks.

According to the CDC, the most at-risk group for deaths from COVID is seniors. Yet, it is also the CDC that urged seniors to be the first to be injected with an experimental vaccine. The media dutifully puts out the message:

In December 2020, CNN warned viewers to expect an increase in deaths after the vaccine:

We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine.

One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility. That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.

Shortly after that warning, in January 2021, CNN reported:

You can still get COVID19 after getting the vaccine.

Experts now suggest that seniors could be dying of a mutation of COVID19 called a variant. Before you can say another experimental vaccine, vaccine makers are now looking for ways  to attack variants via a vaccine.

The Spin

If you have extreme symptoms, including death, then your immune system is over reacting.Once upon a time, doctors and the CDC warned of “adverse health effects” from drugs and vaccines. Adverse health effects were tracked and reported to a medical professional to be catalogued by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). However, today the message is reversed. If you are experiencing adverse effects of the experimental vaccine, then the vaccine is working well!

They are going to know they got a vaccine. They are probably not going to feel wonderful. But they’ve got to come back for that second dose. – Dr. Sandra Fryhofer of the American Medical Association

Experts say that those previously infected with COVID19 may have “worse side-effects from the vaccine.”

There have been some anecdotal reports of COVID survivors experiencing more severe side effects — feeling achy, sick or even feverish — after the first dose of vaccinations. – David Wohl, an infectious disease physician at the University of North Carolina

Today, the media reports that seniors are still dying from COVID19 despite efforts to vaccinate them.

Despite or as a consequence of…?

As people begin to experience adverse health effects from experimental vaccines, the CNN narrative changes:

Anti-vaccine groups are exploiting the suffering and death of people who happen to fall ill after receiving a COVID shot, threatening to undermine the largest vaccination campaign.

To understand previous failed vaccination campaigns, see Operation Warp Speed, To ponder the purpose of predictable pandemic campaigns, see Reengineering Humanity.

What remains “unexplained” in the current pandemic are answers to the following questions that the CDC has not elucidated:

  1. If people have already been infected with Covid19 and recovered (at a rate of 99%) then shouldn’t they acknowledge their innate immune systems, which accomplished the job of immunity without an experimental treatment?
  2. Why were experimental vaccines rushed to market, without FDA approval  for emergency use when we have entered the recovery phase?
  3. Why did the vaccine treatment skip early stage testing, receive no peer-reviewed late stage testing? Why is there no data on vaccine trials? Why will COVID trial study data not be released until the year 2023, or never?
  4. If the mRNA experimental treatment  is“gene therapy then does it set up autoimmune disease, and worse?
  5. Will life insurance companies insure people for participating in an experiment?
  6. Why are pharmaceutical companies immune from civil liability, and cannot be sued for damages resulting from their products?
  7. Why is CNN pretending it didn’t warn everyone to expect more deaths after taking the vaccine?
  8. Why wear a mask to prevent transmission of the COVID-SARS2 only to inject yourself with it later?
  9. COVID19 or BS19?
Know The Risks

Scientists allege that there are more than 200 different varieties of cold viruses. This is because viruses continually mutate to become variants, as is their nature, over millennia.

COVID comes from the family of Coronavirus … i.e., the common cold and/or flu. However, there is no vaccine for the common cold/flu and there never has been. Why? Because symptoms of colds and flus are expressions of detoxification from your body’s immune system to bring you to recovery.

Studies on people who were exposed to Covid and then recovered have shown that their antibodies remained pretty stable, and only dropped “modestly” after six or eight months. Another promising outcome: coronavirus-specific B and T cells (which work together to remember and destroy infections) also appear to increase and remain high after infection.

What about the risks from experimental vaccines?

recent study published in the journal PLOS Biology was presented by some media as claiming that certain vaccines make viruses more dangerous. A study from 2001 published in the Journal Nature stated the same thing.

Not widely publicized, the COVID-SARS2 vaccines can increase your risk of “breakthrough infections,” while continuing to test positive for COVID and variants. And Israeli study showed:

Interestingly, the evidence showed that these breakthrough infections with the B.1.1.7 variant occurred slightly more often in people after the first vaccine dose compared to unvaccinated people.

They identified nearly 250 instances [out of 800 tests] in which an individual became infected with SARS-CoV-2 after receiving their first vaccine dose, meaning that they were only partially protected. Almost 150 got infected sometime after receiving the second dose.

In fact, in a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine, NIH-supported researchers detailed the experiences of two fully vaccinated individuals in New York who tested positive for COVID-19. Could the reaction be a reinfection based in Newton’s 3rd law where every action has an equal and opposite reaction? Inject the infection, get the infection?

The Virus and the Exosome

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. – William Shakespeare, play Romeo and Julie

The virus is fully an exosome in every sense of the word. – William A. Wells Journal of Cell Biology

Viruses are produced within each cell and cannot survive on their own. Viruses are not organisms. Therefore, they are not contagious. You cannot “catch a virus.” Viruses are really self-cleaners known as exosomes.

Demonizing exosomes is the lie that explains the dangers of the flu vaccine and the failure of the annual flu vaccine program, year after year. It explains why the Germ Theory is only a theory, and does not exist in reality.Exosomes are cell-made to detoxify the cell. When they leave the cell, they die. Exosomes are part of each individual’s innate healing system.

For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth

Your immune system creates viruses as exosomes and then your body expresses them, job done! Your risk of ever “catching a virus” is zero, unless that virus is embedded inside a tissue specimen and injected into your body, bypassing your innate immune system.

Get ready! Each new variant, determined by the CDC, will come with its own vaccine.

Remember, when it comes to all vaccines, there is no liability to pharmaceutical makers or doctors, no informed consent to patients, no insurance coverage for experimental procedures, and no COVID study data to prove effectiveness, or lack thereof.

You, the recipient assumes all the risk by your consent.

When it comes to the variant and the vaccine, you are asked to make a choice: will you be part of the experiment or part of the control group?



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at

Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Nature of Healing

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Refutes “Isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; He Does Step-by-Step Analysis of a Typical Claim of Isolation; There Is No Proof That the Virus Exists

Dr. Andrew Kaufman Refutes “Isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; He Does Step-by-Step Analysis of a Typical Claim of Isolation; There Is No Proof That the Virus Exists

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
April 21, 2021


The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. It exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [1], and he provided his analysis in detail.

I found several studies that used very similar language in explaining how “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated.” For example, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, (Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 6 — June 2020)” [2].

First, I want to provide a bit of background that will help the reader understand what is going on in the study.

The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that “the virus” is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.

They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by “the virus.” However, as you’ll see, Dr. Kaufman dismantles this claim.

There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.

Finally, the researchers assert, with no proof or rational explanation, that they were able to discover the genetic sequence of “the virus.”

Here are the study’s statements claiming isolation, alternated with Dr. Kaufman’s analysis:

STUDY: “We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage…”

KAUFMAN: “Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. Virus particles should be purified directly from clinical samples in order to prove the virus actually exists. Isolation means separation from everything else. So how can you separate/isolate a virus when you add it to something else?”

STUDY: “…We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%)…”

KAUFMAN: “Why use minimal essential media, which provides incomplete nutrition [to the cells]? Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, which are indistinguishable from viruses.”

STUDY: “…We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate…”

KAUFMAN: “Once again, misuse of the word isolation.”

STUDY: “…We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL…”

KAUFMAN: “Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. Wouldn’t that cause damage to the cells and particles in the culture which have proteins on their surfaces, including the so called spike protein?”

KAUFMAN: “Why are antibiotics added? Sterile technique is used for the culture. Bacteria may be easily filtered out of the clinical sample by commercially available filters (GIBCO) [3]. Finally, bacteria may be easily seen under the microscope and would be readily identified if they were contaminating the sample. The specific antibiotics used, streptomycin and amphotericin (aka ‘ampho-terrible’), are toxic to the kidneys and we are using kidney cells in this experiment! Also note they are used at ‘2X’ concentration, which appears to be twice the normal amount. These will certainly cause damage to the Vero cells.”

STUDY: “…We added [not isolated] 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols…”

STUDY: “When CPEs were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip…”

KAUFMAN: “There was no negative control experiment described. Control experiments are required for a valid interpretation of the results. Without that, how can we know if it was the toxic soup of antibiotics, minimal nutrition, and dying tissue from a sick person which caused the cellular damage or a phantom virus? A proper control would consist of the same exact experiment except that the clinical specimen should come from a person with illness unrelated to covid, such as cancer, since that would not contain a virus.”

STUDY: “…We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.”

KAUFMAN: “How do you confirm something that was never previously shown to exist? What did you compare the genetic sequences to? How do you know the origin of the genetic material since it came from a cell culture containing material from humans and all their microflora, fetal cows, and monkeys?”

—end of study quotes and Kaufman analysis—

My comments: Dr. Kaufman does several things here. He shows that isolation, in any meaningful sense of the word “isolation,” is not occurring.

Dr. Kaufman also shows that the researchers want to use damage to the cells and cell-death as proof that “the virus” is in the soup they are creating. In other words, the researchers are assuming that if the cells are dying, it must be the virus that is doing the killing. But Dr. Kaufman shows there are obvious other reasons for cell damage and death that have nothing to do with a virus. Therefore, no proof exists that “the virus” is in the soup or exists at all.

And finally, Dr. Kaufman explains that the claim of genetic sequencing of “the virus” is absurd, because there is no proof that the virus is present. How do you sequence something when you haven’t shown it exists?

Readers who are unfamiliar with my work (over 300 articles on the subject of the “pandemic” during the past year [4]) will ask: Then why are people dying? What about the huge number of cases and deaths? I have answered these and other questions in great detail. The subject of this article is: have researchers proved SARS-CoV-2 exists?

The answer is no.







Connect with Jon Rappoport

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Join Protest Saturday April 24, 2021

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Join Protest Saturday April 24, 2021


Protest call by End Massachusetts Medical Mandates



Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates, Protest Call


WHEN: Saturday April 24, 2021, 12 to 2 PM (rain or shine)

WHERE: Hyannis, Massachusetts, airport rotary, intersection of Route 28 and Route 132 near Barnstable Municipal Airport.

Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates is supported by people who believe the emergency pandemic orders of the past year had a great deal more to do with social control, wealth transfer, and increasing state power than with public health. Indeed, public health overall has only been damaged by quarantines, lockdowns, the loss of businesses and livelihoods, restrictions on travel, and the effects of fear and isolation. This damage appears to have been purposeful.

We are also supported by people who had hard experience with the dishonesty of the medical establishment before coronavirus ever came on the scene. Some are parents of children injured by vaccines labelled “safe and effective” which instead created chronic and life-threatening illnesses in their formerly healthy children. The pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, and governments which promote and mandate vaccines have not taken responsibility for the damage caused by vaccines in the past, and there is no reason to believe that they will start now. Indeed, almost all dissenting points of view on vaccines are being actively censored by the established powers. It is up to us take responsibility for our health ourselves.

The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson products being promoted in the US as the cure for coronavirus are not vaccines. They are an experimental gene-altering nano-particle injection for which human safety trials have not been completed. Because the long term safety of the injections has not been proven, they are only allowed under emergency use. According to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, between December 14, 2020 and April 1, 2021 a total of 56,869 adverse events were reported. This includes 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries. Because the medical establishment does not recognize harm caused by vaccines, only a small percentage of adverse events are ever reported ― the true numbers are likely much higher. The CDC has failed to follow up on adverse event reports to determine cause and effect. One can only assume this is because they don’t want to know.

There is no reason to take the risks involved with this injection when the survival rate for whatever it is that is being called covid (e.g., the flu) is 99.95% for people under 70. The genetic changes this injection causes cannot be reversed. We are human beings. We do not want to be genetically modified. We have been lied to about the virus being isolated, we have been lied to about case numbers, we have been lied to about deaths; now we are being lied to about “vaccines.” This is criminal behavior on a massive scale.

This call is for a peaceful, non-partisan protest following up on our demonstrations in December and March. Bring large-letter signs or banners with your message (no signs for political candidates please). Our emphasis is on the restoration of constitutional and human rights that have been violated in the past year in the name of a non-existent “pandemic.”

We have the following demands:

No to mandatory “vaccines.”

End “the new normal”

We stand for . . .
  • our right to refuse medical interventions,: no to the Governor’s mask mandate and any future vaccine mandate
  • our right to breathe and be visible to one another: universal masking is about behavioral conditioning, not health; it robs us of oxygen and of our humanity
  • our right to assemble: no to “social distancing” and the idea that government can dictate how many people can gather in one place, when they can gather, and how far apart they have to be
  • the right to bodily autonomy: no one should be forced to take a vaccine or wear a mask, be swabbed, temperature-checked, or otherwise scanned
  • the right to complete informed consent, the foundation of medical ethics: no substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects
  • parental rights: the state has no right to bypass a parent’s authority on whether a child should be given any pharmaceutical product
  • the right to education: education at public schools and colleges should not be used as leverage to enforce government medical decrees
  • the right to make a living: let small businesses, trades, shops, performance venues, sports venues and restaurants serve all patrons without restrictions reopen the economy
  • the right to freedom of religion: places of worship must be allowed to host all of their members without restriction
  • the right to freedom of movement: no “shelter in place”, no curfews, no checkpoints, end Massachusetts’ current restrictions on travel to any US state except Hawaii
  • the right to privacy: no to digital IDs, no to biometric surveillance, no to sharing of private medical information with third parties, no to government and commercial medical databasing
  • the right to freedom of association: no to contact tracing
  • the right to due process: end government by never-ending emergency orders bypassing democratic process. There is no emergency. There never was.
  • the right to freedoms of speech and press: end media censorship and cancellation of people with legitimate questions about the covid narrative
  • the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights: refusal of service by airlines or other transport companies, public venues, ticket vendors, grocery stores or any other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens no longer have equal rights.

End Medical Mandates:


If you would like to be notified of future events, write Richard at


all images courtesy of Richard Hugus

The COVID Experiment: Are You Covered?

“Why did Moderna fail to disclose $20 million from DARPA for the development of vaccine patent technology being used today?”


The COVID Experiment: Are You Covered?

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
April 13, 2021


Why do people who have avoided the annual flu vaccine suddenly trip over themselves to inject an experimental shot? Why do they do it with so many questions left unanswered?

What ingredients are in the shot? What does it offer? Will you be invincible?

What are the known and unknown consequences of an experimental jab? What if something goes wrong?

To answer these questions, in defense of your health, it may be useful to apply Donald Rumsfeld’s famous axiom, that he shared during a 2002 Dept. of Defense briefing:

There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don’t know. ― Donald Rumsfeld, February 12, 2002, U.S. Department of Defense news briefing

If you consent to be a subject of an experiment, are you covered by your insurance company for any unforeseen damages? Are you in the realm of Known Knowns or Unknown Unknowns? Or somewhere in between?

I. Identify the Known Knowns: 

For many months, mainstream media has announced itself as the gatekeeper of your health information for all things COVID. It first reported that the Pfizer and Moderna COVID injections do not prevent infection of the Coronavirus. Later, they were unsure if their products prevented transmission. Then an April 2021 study reported that COVID variants can still infect vaccinated people. The story changed again in the same month, “A new study shows the Pfizer vaccine does prevent transmission.”

This is the realm of the Known Knowns, with the caveat that what we know can shift at any given moment.

Transmission of what, exactly? Who knows.

For many months, mainstream media has promoted the transmission of a “deadly virus” but failed to mention that the Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has never been isolated. In December 2020 investigations, “no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available.” See December 2020 CDC document, page 43. The document also mentions that testing for “the virus” is woefully inadequate. Page 41: “This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.”

If there is no known virus, and no accurate test, how can there be an effective viral vaccine? Hence, an experimental vaccine!

Could the real threat instead be a bacterium, as Dr. Fauci suggested in a 2008 Journal of Infectious Diseases article, about the last major pandemic?

Could the real threat be the advertised cure?

In January 2021, CNN reported, “Don’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine.” Is that why deaths are now soaring in Brazil?

Could the real threat be the Big Three vaccine makers, PfizerJohnson & JohnsonAstra Zeneca,  whose rap sheets are so long they make the mob look innocent? Moderna claims it’s vaccine is really “a computer operating system.” Is that the reason for more side effects than the others?

For many months, the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly reported on their website that only 6% of deaths over the last year are due to a syndrome of symptoms called ‘COVID.’ At the same time, the media and government reported that 97% of people with COVID survive COVID’s flu-like symptoms. And all this time, Anthony Fauci never retracted his opinion in the March 26, 2020 NEJM that “Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).”

Stories are being posted about Covid-vaccinated people testing positive for Covid. There are two possible reasons for this outcome:

  1. recipients that wore the mask for months in an attempt to prevent transmission of SARS-COV just injected that protein sequence into their bodies.
  2. Microbes shift to adapt to their surroundings just like humans do. Variants are always expected, especially after vaccination.

It is well known among the vaccine science community that vaccines cause variants, just as they did with Bordetella pertussis, a bacterium blamed for whooping cough, which adapted itself to survive the vaccine. In other words, the vaccine ended up diminishing vaccine effectiveness by creating a stronger bacterium. According to the authors of the 2013 New England Journal of Medicine study, “adaptation of B. pertussis to vaccine selection pressure.” In fact, vaccines reduce the body’s innate immune system, your natural defense system.

II.  Identify the Known Unknowns

Here come the Variants!

Experts say the recent UK B.1.1.7 variant is the most contagious and dominant variant of the virus they cannot isolate. Why do scientists sound an alarm over variants when they know how they are hatched?

It is to get people used to the idea of multiple future variant vaccines, which create new variants.

The media message is “Expect to be Sick.”

With what, exactly? Who knows.

Known Unknowns are mixed messages. Contradictory messages serve to maintain a specter of confusion and fear. It is all propaganda. In the U.S. it is legal for the government and the media, working together, to propagandize the American people. See The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012.

For many months, the government and media set up a plot to coerce U.S. citizens into accepting a new type of vaccine by reporting a national shortage of COVID shots, then a global shortage. At the same time they did not disclose that COVID shots are experimental, not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). An FDA “OK” is not a formal approval. As of April 2021, FDA has only approved one antiviral drug called Veklury (widely known as remdesivir) to treat COVID. All COVID injections are only Emergency Use Authorized (EUA). How does protect you? How does it affect your insurance coverage? See Part III

Is COVID a humanitarian or a military operation?

Why did Moderna fail to disclose $20 million from DARPA for the development of vaccine patent technology being used today?  Analyze the language used in the media. Vaccine deployment in many parts of the world is used in the battle against COVID. As an example, listen to this interview with World Health Organization Chief Scientist:

These vaccines are widely deployed…… the benefits clearly outweigh the risks, nothing is 100% safe… We need to watch. We’ve asked countries to step up their safety surveillance…. But right now the benefit risk profile is clearly in favor of the vaccine…. Ten thousand people a day are dying and the vaccines are highly  effective … *as effective in people over 65 as under 65.… We need to be careful. We don’t want to be confusing people of causing anxiety. Already there are a lot of people who have questions and are uncertain about the efficacy of the vaccines because they’ve been developed at record speed …. we need to reassure people and make sure that vaccines are taken up widely by the population otherwise we’re not going to achieve the goals we want to of controlling this pandemic.- Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, W.H.O. Chief Scientist

*Note: The CDC reports that 8 out of 10 COVID deaths are reported in people over 65.

The CDC and FDA tell you what they are injecting: Coronavirus Disease. Then, in a joint statement, they turn around and tell you not to get the injection due to “rare” cases of blood clots. First AstraZeneca confirmed a possible link between its shot and blood clots. Since then, 18 countries  suspended its vaccine. Then, Johnson & Johnson was targeted and Wisconsin paused its use.

Still, the EU’s drug regulator advises taking alternative experimental vaccines. The W.H.O. assures the vaccines are all safe.

While mainstream medical officials such as Dr. Fauci insist mRNA will not modify a person’s DNA, the NIH (the organization Fauci is partnered with) openly admits that it does.

Mainstream media publicizes that you should expect to get sick after a injection if your immune system is working properly. Then confuses the message by asking, If you don’t get sick after your injection, does it mean your immune system isn’t working? See Part IV for another answer.

While many people Know vaccines and their adjuvants cause harm, commonly autoimmune disease, a major Unknown is that vaccine companies are not liable for injuries or deaths resulting from their products. In other words, you cannot sue vaccine makers for side effects or direct effects from their products. Neither will the government compensate you for any damages. So who is responsible for damages?

You, the recipient, assume all the risk.

III. Identify the Unknown Unknowns

If you consented to be part of the COVID experiment, and you experience injuries that require medical attention, are you covered by your insurance policy?

This is the realm of the Unknown Unknowns.

India and other countries have been navigating this realm since December 2020:

Contrary to popular perception, existing health insurance policies are unlikely to cover the cost of vaccination and adverse reactions, if any. Only policies designed purely for the Covid-19 vaccination process — there is none at the moment — will cover the costs.

Prior to COVID vaccines, adverse health effects were rarely officially correlated with a vaccine. In cases where adverse effects have been proven, as with the oral Polio vaccine, there are few, if any, payouts in the private Vaccine Court system.

While the CDC advertises that vaccines are “safe and effective,” there have been no investigations on the safety of the entire recommended Childhood Vaccine (Birth to age 18) Schedule. Since 1986, when the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was implemented, no vaccine safety reports have been filed by the Dept. of Health and Human Services, as required by the 1986 Act.

If insurance companies decide to cover COVID-related adverse effects, their policies will be limited in scope and duration. Currently, in India, there are special cases for Covid-19 only claims, with 3.5 months, 6.5 months and 9.5 months coverage. In Korea, health insurance coverage for COVID is offered as a separate policy and expires after one year.

Have you contacted your insurance company to ask the million dollar question?

Remember, COVID shots are not FDA-approved. Insurance companies are not inclined to enter into a money-losing proposition. Hedging their bets is one way for insurance companies to avoid paying for the ultimate cost. But isn’t the ultimate cost why people buy insurance in the first place?

If you approach your insurance company to pay for something outside a preexisting condition, expect to answer their question, “Have you ever had a COVID vaccine?”

IV. Healing Yourself

This message is not publicized by mainstream gatekeepers. There is no need to be confused by mixed messages or feel threatened by invisible viruses. There is no need to fear any microbe when your innate immune system is your built-in defense to protect your health. All it requires is a strong foundation.

Your immune system is your direct line to self-healing. And it does not lie. But it can be compromised by fear. A strong immunity means a healthy mind and a healthy body. When you feel sick, your body speaks to you in the language of symptoms. Symptoms indicate that toxins have compromised your defenses and activated your innate immune system. Symptoms indicate your immune system is in perfect working order. Listen to the wisdom of your body. You are your own healer.

Symptoms merely show you where you are out of balance and that your body requires your support to reverse the damage. All dis-ease is one disease, called Toxemia, an abnormal condition associated with the presence and storage of toxic substances in the blood. To further suppress your symptoms is to push the problem deeper and create a bigger problem that will eventually rise up to announce itself, when you least expect it. To heal the damage is to help the body express, or push out, the toxins and bring you back into balance.

Truth is simple because truth is individual, as individual as your immune system. Your truth is not someone else’s truth, so no need to argue over the definition of Truth. Balance is the key to health. Balance is reflected in the Nature of each individual. Since each of us is unique, unlimited options exist in the realm of self-healing. You can choose to work with a system of gatekeepers or you choose to work on yourself, guided by a natural health practitioner.

Knowing the whole story, the most important question to ask yourself? If drug and insurance companies do not stand behind their experimental products, why should you?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, ND

My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth

My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth
Aloneness – From One Extreme View of the Pandemic Journey to Another

by Sharon James, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
March 30, 2021


Here I sit – tears streaming – nearly sobbing – I feel alone – but am I?

The aloneness began when I was mocked for wearing a mask in a small town long before anyone else was. “Here comes a masked bandit,” smirked a fellow customer over his shoulder to the clerk as I entered and he exited.

I have come full circle – from being very alone on one end of the spectrum of “covid” to where I sit today.

I’m typing this from my computer desk in what used to be the kitchen in the very home where my husband and his father both grew up. The home has been remodeled to fit our family’s lifestyle needs.

My farmer husband is skilled in many ways, so we did the majority of the work ourselves over many years. Most of his time is spent as a grain farmer. He’s very good at what he does. I’m the support crew. The sheep we kept to keep the creek area down were sold off nearly thirty years ago.

I’ve been blessed to be a stay-at-home wife and mom all of our nearly 35-year marriage. We homeschooled our children all the way through. They are now grown.

We now grandparent six really special kiddos ages two months to seven years of age. They are spread all over the country, but our century farm here in Iowa often draws them home.

How I believed in it all

In January 2020, I got a bad cold with laryngitis and connected with a private researcher I’d found in other groups regarding EMFs a few years before. She was all about taking ascorbic acid and melatonin for “covid” and all health issues actually. I followed her research carefully into the world of studying the pandemic from the side of virology and immunology. I listened to about four hours per week of the podcast “This Week in Virology” for about 10 months.

I read tons of studies and articles about how “covid” was working in our bodies and how bad it was from the “scientific” and “medical” perspective.  At first I only understood about 5% of what they said in the podcast and the studies.

I felt driven. I knew, somehow, it was very important for me to learn. I felt out of my league. My degree is in education.

Over time I grew to enjoy this team of virologists and immunologists and could maybe understand about 50% of what they said.

I have chronic low white count and other chronic undiagnosed issues, likely due to lifestyle issues along with childhood trauma plus EMFs. I’ve worked long and hard on my health, but I was obviously concerned about what my body would do if it got “this illness”. I wore masks and stayed home LONG before anyone in my corner of a rural state.

As I studied, I kept getting videos from close friends and family to review that seemed to be in the conspiracy theory camp. My overall take at the time was that the virus is real, and there are really powerful people taking horrible advantage of the world during a pandemic, but I didn’t want to join that camp. Even the contemplation of their ideas freaked me out. Then I stopped getting the videos for a few months.

But in recent months I began to receive the same types of videos from more than one person over the course of a week and knew that it was the Lord saying ‘ok, you now have the bank of knowledge I wanted you to have so that you can understand and accept what you are about to learn’.

It began by learning of the inaccuracies and original purposes of the PCR tests as invented by Kary Mullis and adapted for use to “diagnose covid” by Christian Drosten (interviewed twice on the above mentioned podcast).

I knew all the vocabulary around the PCR due to the podcast so the new information was jaw-dropping. I then realized the numbers of cases and deaths specifically named “covid” made no sense; something was very wrong — something in which many unsuspecting, loving medical professionals had unwittingly played the devil’s pawn. And loved ones have been ill without in-person advocates and so many have died alone, but for the loving nurses and doctors who stood with them.

So NOW I’m LISTENING. I heard podcasts and interviews of Catherine Austin Fitts, Prof. Dolores Cahill, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andy Kaufman, Dr. Sam Bailey, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, David Icke, Reiner Fuellmich, and others.

These are brilliant and courageous people who put the data together and asked the right questions, and were willing to share their take on the narrative.  This was a pivotal time for me.

I’m not sure I would have listened or fully understood in spring 2020, but by December 2020 my paradigm had begun a huge shift.

I began to ask questions and to put pieces of my own health journey together with the current narrative. Due to my own EMF sensitivity and my study of that field for the past four or more years, I now believe that EMFs and 5G have to at least be weakening our bodies, making them more susceptible to a virus.

I stumbled upon the following information through a series of internet queries with my carrier:

I found out that the small towns near me now had 5G even though we do not yet have it in the country. These are towns of 1,800 and 400 population.

I asked WHEN my local towns got 5G capabilities. The answer was mid November 2020.

Next question was when did my carrier roll out 5G fully. The answer was mid November 2020.

They use a tech called DSS where 5G can ride the waves of 4G towers in parallel so the small frequent towers aren’t needed. I think this is a hybrid 4G/5G that will eventually be a full on 5G situation either by the small towers or by the satellites that will be launching (unless the Lord prevents that).

Meanwhile, Beverly Rubik and Robert Brown came out with their preprint indicating “covid” is at the very least exacerbated by EMFs. Confirmation.

Here is the kicker with that — If you scroll down on the statistics page for my state health department’s records of all positive “covid” cases you will see that “covid” never really showed up in my state with any significance until mid November 2020 when our entire area of the country blew up with “covid”. My guess is that many carriers also rolled out in different locations at the same time.

5G, in our part of the USA, was our “covid” surge! We experienced none of the post-holiday surges that they predicted but for a slight bump after New Years.  I had also just read The Invisible Rainbow by Firstenberg. His parallels of health issues around the world down through history correlating with cosmic, electrical, radar and EMF roll outs are uncanny. More confirmation.

So, I put together the inaccurate PCR testing with 5G roll out, along with WHO lowering PCR threshold cycle numbers on January 20, 2021, reducing false positives by as much as 85% in some studies. Researchers reviewed test cycle threshold data and it all adds up to a very small pandemic – which is not a pandemic at all.

I saw overall average of all-cause death rates, and the absent flu stats, and I felt like a year of my life — our lives — had been manipulated — stolen — abused.

We’d been betrayed. Those who care for us and serve us in our communities had been betrayed. Much of our local and state leadership had been betrayed. Betrayal became the norm.

My studying has not stopped. More of Bailey and Cowan and Kaufman’s views along with finding Dr. Stefan Lanka’s work (an ex-virologist in Germany) and my whole view of what really makes us ill shifts yet again (see book called What Really Makes You Ill? by Dawn Lester and David Parker).

This I am currently sorting out.  But I’m far enough along now to have set aside the long year of fear and entered back into the sanctuary with my fellow sisters and brothers for worship.

No discussions yet about why I’m now there — and maskless — but I am there! I’m sure there will be time to share in the days ahead. For now I will joy in the arms of a seven-year-old girl wrapped around my waist after the sermon was over. “I’ve missed you so much!”. And I’ve missed her too!

For context, our church went back indoors for worship in July 2020 after a season of online only worship followed by outdoor worship. Until the past month or so, my very supportive husband and I stood outdoors, in the cold of winter, and greeted folks as they entered our church — where masks were always optional — and then worshiped from our van on the radio alone in the parking lot. We then got out to say good-bye to all as they left so that we could remain connected with our church family — a very small rural church. We were sure I needed this kind of protection due to my health issues and this potential illness. It still feels very strange to think that I would have been fine – even at 60, with health issues, I would have been fine. But we just didn’t know.

My focus of late has been on the vaccine issue. I’m am extremely opposed due to the lack of safety with potential short and long term harm. I’m wondering whether there is even a need for it. And then there is the eerie worldwide push like what is happening in Israel, and how we are hearing of sporting events, and now colleges requiring the shots for entry here in the USA; and the new term coined “medical apartheid” strikes a greater fear than the word pandemic ever did.

More friends and family are getting the shots each week — they are so excited. Even those who weren’t going to and felt strongly have caved. They want to fly across the country to see their kids and grandkids and enter nursing homes to see parents, so who can blame them. I pray for their health.

But my aloneness continues and it now faces a brewing anger among those who believe the resisters or holdouts are a new and a worse danger.

I thank the Lord for the few local holdouts and my internet friends who lend support and join hands. We’ve even exchanged phone numbers and email addresses so as not to lose one another – our life preservers – across the oceans and the seas of this aloneness — turned connection.


Sharon welcomes your comments or questions. Her email address is:


State of Iowa’s Health Department COVID stats

Evidence for a Connection between COVID-19 and Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation from Wireless Telecommunications Including Microwaves and Millimeter Waves by Beverly Rubik and Robert R. Brown

The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life by Arthur Firstenberg

What Really Makes You Ill?: Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong by Dawn Lester and David Parker 

 See related:


A Pandemic of Insanity by Arthur Firstenberg
[link to more by Arthur Firstenberg]

The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine by Catherine Austin Fitts
 [link to more by Catherine Austin Fitts]

Dr. Andrew Kaufman at Trafalgar Square, September 19, 2020: Global Enslavement Via a Fake-Virus-Pandemic Live Exercise | “We Must End This Now.” by Dr. Andrew Kaufman
[link to more by Dr. Andrew Kaufman]

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions by Dr. Tom Cowan
[link to more by Dr. Tom Cowan]

The New Holocaust: Israeli Shai Dannon w/ David Icke on Horrific Tyranny Unfolding in Israel for Jews Who Refuse to Comply by David Icke
[link to more by David Icke]

Dr. Tenpenny: This is The Biggest Scam Ever Perpetrated on The Human Race…
[link to more by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny]

Corona Investigative Committee: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Vera Sharav on Historical Ties of the Unfolding Medical Tyranny to the Holocaust
[link to more by  Reiner Fuellmich]


Sharon James — along with her husband, children & visiting grandchildren — has lived and worked for nearly 35 years on a century farm in Iowa.

She is an avid researcher and life-long learner with a degree in education and strong interest in natural healing. Her now-adult children were all home schooled.

Sharon James is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

You Can’t Win. Don’t Even Try!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
March 27, 2021


Imagine you find a prisoner in an unlocked jail cell. Confused, you ask him why he’s sitting there when the door to his cell isn’t even locked.

“Oh, it’s unlocked? I didn’t check.”

You assure him it’s unlocked and ask again why he doesn’t leave.

“Why bother? They’ll probably catch me before I get out.”

You look around in confusion. You explain to him that this isn’t even a prison. That he’s simply been told to wear an orange jumpsuit and stay in an unlocked room, but he doesn’t have to comply. All he has to do is leave.

“Even if I get away, they’ll just find me and bring me back here. Might as well just stay put.”

Do you think this story is ridiculous? Of course it is. But the situation it details is all too true. In fact, researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be made to effectively lock themselves up inside their own mental prison . . . and it didn’t take long for the intelligence agencies to put that research to use.

Today, let’s explore the startling true story of how and how the public has been conditioned into a (false) sense of helplessness, and—more important by far—what you can do to break that conditioning.


If the story of the prisoner who won’t escape his unlocked jail cell sounds outlandish, consider the story of The Elephant and the Rope. Short story even shorter:

In India, elephant handlers often train baby elephants to be submissive by chaining them to a post. They’ll fight with all their will to break free. Day in and day out they’ll try, but eventually they just give up. When the baby elephants become adults they no longer need chains to be tied in place; just a thin rope will do.

Now, if that sounds like a cruel thing to do to an elephant, you’re right. But it’s also effective. Massive, powerful adult elephants can be kept in place with a flimsy rope simply because they have been conditioned since birth to believe that they can’t break free of their tether.

But like many things that are obvious to those who work with the natural world, this insight had to be “rediscovered” in the lab by some graduate students in psychology. In this case, Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, conducted a series of experiments in the late 1960s that essentially replicated this elephant and the rope phenomenon.

Entitled “Learned Helplessness,” his 1972 paper outlining this research showed how Seligman and his team had subjected two sets of dogs to painful electric shocks.

The first group of dogs —were placed in a “shuttle box” where they could escape the electric shocks by jumping over a small barrier. These dogs soon learned that crossing the barrier protected them from the shocks and (as you would expect) crossed the barrier more and more quickly each time the experiment was performed until they could escape the shocks altogether.

The second group of dogs were placed in what Seligman described as a “Pavlovian hammock” from which they could not escape the shocks however much they struggled. This set of dogs reacted completely differently from the control group when placed in the shuttle box. Fully two-thirds of this group did not even try to escape the shocks and thus never discovered that they could avoid them altogether by crossing the barrier. They simply lay down, whining, until the shocks ceased.

The lesson of this experiment is seemingly straightforward: “By our hypothesis, the dog does not try to escape because he expects that no instrumental response will produce shock termination.” In other words, if you want to induce complete helplessness in a dog, condition them to believe that nothing they do will make any difference.

But, as I noted in my video on Mouse Utopia and the Blackest Pill, animal experiments are never really about animals. They’re about humans. In this case, too, the point was not to learn how to induce helplessness in dogs, but to learn how that state of helplessness (aka depression) is induced in humans.

So how long do you think it took for the CIA to start weaponizing Seligman’s research for use against its enemies? If your answer was “three decades,” then you win a prize!

Yes, by the time the war (of) terror came along, the Criminals In Action were using Seligman’s experiments as a how-to guide in their illegal torture program.


An old folk tale holds that you can conjure the apparition of Mary Bloodsworth (aka “Bloody Mary”) by chanting her name in front of a mirror in a candle-lit room. But if you want to summon a real demon, it’s much more straightforward than that. All you have to do is document a psychological phenomenon that can be weaponized against the population and before you know it you’ll have the CIA at your doorstep, notepad in hand. Just ask Martin Seligman.

Having long since shifted his focus from torturing animals in the name of understanding human depression, by 2001 Seligman had pioneered a new branch of cognitive psychology called positive psychology seeking to help people overcome their learned helplessness (more on which later). As part of that work, Seligman delivered a lecture on at the San Diego Naval Base in May, 2002 on how his research could help American personnel—in his own words—”resist torture and evade successful interrogation by their captors.”

Among the hundred or so people in attendance at that lecture was one particularly enthused fan of Selgiman’s work: Dr. Jim Mitchell, a military retiree and psychologist who had contracted to provide training services to the CIA. Although Seligman had no idea of it at the time, Mitchell was—as we now know—one of the key architects of the CIA’s illegal torture program.

Naturally, Mitchell’s interest in Seligman’s talk was not in how it could be applied to help American personnel overcome learned helplessness and resist torture but rather how it could be used to induce learned helplessness in a CIA target and enhance torture. As the New York Times described in a report on the subject in 2009:

Dr. Mitchell, colleagues said, believed that producing learned helplessness in a Qaeda interrogation subject might ensure that he would comply with his captor’s demands. Many experienced interrogators disagreed, asserting that a prisoner so demoralized would say whatever he thought the interrogator expected.

Unsurprisingly, Mitchell got his way and, equally unsurprisingly, those submitted to these techniques began to say whatever their interrogators expected, exactly as predicted. Mitchell and his colleague, Dr. Bruce Jessen, helped direct the 2002 “interrogation” of Abu Zubaydah—who was waterboarded 83 times in a single month—and the supposed 9/11 “mastermind,” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who “confessed” to the 9/11 plot after being waterboarded 183 times and sleep deprived for over six days. Mitchell himself even personally threatened to cut the throat of KSM’s son during one interrogation.

These techniques were so effective that, not only did they produce the testimony that formed the backbone of the 9/11 Commission Report (and thus, to this day form the backbone of the official 9/11 story), they also caused KSM to confess to targeting a bank that wasn’t even founded until after his arrest! Talk about results!

In a sick way, the CIA’s experiments in inducing learned helplessness proved that Seligman had discovered valid insights into a real psychological phenomenon. It certainly is possible to create the conditions to break someone’s will and cause them to confess to whatever their torturers want. But this is emphatically not the point of the learned helplessness research and it is important to note that Seligman, for his part, was never aware that his research was being used by the CIA until after the the Senate’s report on the torture program was released to the public and that he completely denounced the perversion of his research when it was exposed.


From some lab experiments in the 1960s to an illegal CIA torture program four decades later, the story of the research into learned helplessness is incredible enough. But (thankfully for us) the story doesn’t end there.

In one version of Seligman’s experiment, one group of dogs were given levers to push that could stop the shocks from happening while another group were given levers to push that did nothing at all. Unsurprisingly, when the levers were taken away, the dogs whose levers had worked in the first round of the experiment attempted to escape the shocks and eventually discovered that they could jump over the barrier to be free of them; the dogs whose levers had not worked almost uniformly curled up and accepted the shocks without even attempting to escape.

The would-be social engineers know this already. This is precisely why we are asked to fixate on the never-ending (s)election sideshow circus. As I have pointed out time and time again, not only is the entire concept of “electing” “representatives” to impose their will on the entire population of an arbitrary geographical location fundamentally immoral, it is also a sure way to induce learned helplessness in the population.

As you know by now, the 2D political chess game that is used to distract the public does absolutely nothing to change the real political agenda that is set by the 3D chess masters. And just as every child eventually discovers that their toy driving wheel doesn’t actually control the car, so, too, do even the most devoted statists eventually begin to realize that their ballot in the voting box every four years does nothing to prevent the globalist agenda from playing out like an unstoppable nightmare.

This realization is demoralizing. That is the entire point. The message of the political system that we have grown up with our whole lives is: “Throw the bums out every four years if you like. It doesn’t matter! It changes nothing! You have no effect on the system.”

Unfortunately, all too often the victims of this conditioning merely internalize this message and stop there. These are the people who spend their time in online fora and comment sections preaching that nothing will ever change, shooting down every idea or alternative that is ever proposed. Although critical examination of ideas is always important, the victims of learned helplessness fail to realize that they have been locked inside a mental prison by their erstwhile masters. Like the prisoner in our hypothetical unlocked jail cell, they have not only given up hope of escaping, they have even given up trying to look for an escape route.

But what if we were to examine the results of this experiment from the other side? What if, instead of the would-be controllers of humanity, we examine these findings for what they can tell us about how to empower the public and dispel the learned helplessness that keeps them from looking for real solutions?

This is the question that Seligman turned to after the publication of his experimental findings. You see, he was not experimenting on dogs because he was a sadist. Nor was he simply interested in studying learned helplessness, either in dogs or humans.

After documenting the phenomenon, his focus quickly shifted to what could be done with this knowledge. As Maria Konnikova documents in her 2015 New Yorker article on the research:

But Seligman didn’t stop his research there. He had told his supervisor that he didn’t believe in causing suffering unless it had some inherent value that would lead to bettering lives, both canine and human. So he and Maier [his colleague in the original experiments] set out to figure out a way to reverse the effect of learned helplessness in the dogs. What they found was that one simple tweak could stop the passivity from developing. When the researchers first put all the dogs in the shuttle box, where the shock was controllable by a jump, and, only then, into the inescapable harness, the effect of the harness was broken: now, even though the dogs were being bombarded by shocks, they didn’t give up. They kept trying to control the situation, pressing the panels despite the lack of feedback. And when they were again put into the box, they didn’t cower. Instead, they immediately reclaimed their ability to avoid shocks.

One key insight that can be garnered from this research is that, just as people can be conditioned into a state of helplessness by being subjected to uncontrollable shocks, they can be “innoculated” (to use a phrase) against that feeling of helplessness by first being exposed to a situation where they do have control.

This is part of the core ethos of my #SolutionsWatch series. There are, certainly, those things that are completely beyond our control. But, because they are beyond control, there is absolutely no point in focusing on them. Our priority has to be those things that are within our control. Where and how we live; what we spend our time, money and energy doing; who we spend our time with; how we provide the necessities for our family; the type of community that we live in: all of these things are, to some extent, things that we can have a direct influence on, and by exerting that influence (however slight), we train ourselves that our situation is not hopeless.

The field of positive psychology is well worth exploring. In doing so, we can gain important insights into our own cognitive processes and become more conscious of the explanatory styles that we use to make sense of the world. In so doing, we can also gain more control over those processes and un-learn a lifetime of learned helplessness that has caused many to abandon all hope.

At the very least, it can help us to realize that the door to our mental jail cell is unlocked. All we have to do is walk out the door.

This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

To support The Corbett Report and to access the full newsletter, please sign up to become a member of the website.

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions
“I think the bottom line here, Stefan, if you agree, is that the chemistry and the
structure follows consciousness. Not the other way around.”
~ Dr. Tom Cowan


My Discussion With Stefan Lanka About Virology

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Stefan Lanka
March 24, 2021

Original video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.

On Wednesday I had an hour-long discussion with German biologist and virologist Stefan Lanka.

Stefan spoke about the history of virology, helped us to understand the many wrong turns virologists have taken over the years, and updated us on his ground-breaking study that will disprove the basic tenets of virology.

Stefan Lanka’s papers on the virus misconception:

The Virus Misconception — Measles As an Example Part I

The Virus Misconception — Measles As an Example Part II


Stefan Lanka’s interviews and articles: 

How Dead Are Virus Anyway? All Claims of Virus Existence Refuted

The Causes of Corona Crisis Are Clearly Identified — Virologists Who Claim Disease-Causing Viruses Are Science Fraudsters and Must Be Prosecuted

Interview: Measles Virus Process:

Stefan Lanka’s website:


Dr. Tom Cowan’s channels:

Tom Cowan’s website:

Support Dr. Tom Cowan at SubscribeStar:

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself


by Dean Braus, Dean’s Danes YouTube channel
March 4, 2021

Freedom Talk 1 – 4 March 2021 

Original video available at Dean’s Danes YouTube channel.

Tom, Stefan, Andy & Dean talk about individual responsibility and personal commitment.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See related:

The Misconception Called Virus by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

Statement of Virus Isolation | Conclusion: The SARS-CoV2 Virus Does Not Exist

Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: We Have No Scientific Proof That Viruses Cause Disease — A Response to Dr. Judy Mikovits

The Contagion Fairy Tale by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
March 10, 2021 is excited to announce the release of our groundbreaking documentary that conclusively exposes the existence of global climate engineering operations.

Global climate engineering operations are a reality. Atmospheric particle testing conducted by has now proven that the lingering, spreading jet aircraft trails, so commonly visible in our skies, are not just condensation as we have officially been told. Over 75 years ago global powers committed the planet and populations to a climate engineering experiment from which there is no return. The intentional dimming of direct sunlight by aircraft dispersed particles, a form of global warming mitigation known as “Solar Radiation Management”, has and is causing catastrophic damage to the planet’s life support systems. The highly toxic fallout from the ongoing geoengineering operations is also inflicting unquantifiable damage to human health. Why aren’t scientists or official sources disclosing the ongoing climate engineering operations? Who is responsible for carrying out these programs? What will the consequences be if geoengineering / solar radiation management operations are allowed to continue?  The Dimming documentary will provide answers to these questions and many more. Thank you for viewing and for notifying others of The Dimming film release.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Anesthesia — Queen of Cryptocracy

Anesthesia — Queen of Cryptocracy

by Zen Gardner
originally published October 13, 2015


Humanity’s been carefully anesthetized.

Things are moving so fast and crazy and in so many weird directions it’s tantamount to mass insanity going on. Yet most don’t even notice, and that’s the weirdest thing of all.

That polarization is what compounds the problem, and that’s why the cryptos (the ‘secret coders’) love to try to continue to confuse and divide us in every way they can.

Hence the growing divide between the awakened and anesthetized.

It’s coming down to those who dare wake up to reality vs. those who continue on within the projected mind-frame. All have a chance to wake up, but not all will take the challenge and opportunity.

Such is the nature of the Universe apparently.

This ongoing contest seems to be the playing field into which we have been planted, and it is each of our choices individually that will make up any sort of outcome.

All will be eventually resolved.

But at what cost?  Where and in what lies our response-ability?

Medication and Conditioning, Bread and Circus, Omission and Denial

This is where the great schism lies.

The awake and aware have snapped out of the control system. Those who haven’t are being tooled around like puppets on a million nano strings. When you don’t know, you don’t know that you don’t know… and are very easy to keep being fooled.

When you’ve woken up, the world is completely reversed from everything you were told and believed before. You now know that you now know! And everything rights itself and all is clear.

It takes some cobweb clearing to get a handle on the real picture but it happens, and in a relative hurry.

Truth not only defends itself, but drives itself.

How do they maintain this illusion? Mental conditioning is the name of the game for the designers and propagators of the Matrix. Once the pattern is established in its captive subjects, the more you can pour the lies on without them being noticed.

Also disguised is the fact that their every intention for humanity is for control and exploitation… at any cost or consequence to these expendable “human resources”.

To achieve this conditioning requires quite an effort on their part, because we are ultimately irrepressible and they know that.

It’s like chemtrails. If they don’t keep spraying the required concentration of their toxic soup the effects start to wane, like the fluoride dosing and the rest. To keep the vast majority sleep walking they use all kinds of methods and have to maintain them.

It’s also inspiring… because no matter what they do to us they can’t put us out of commission.

Unless they kill us off entirely, but that’s just a promotion to the next level.

Tools that Numb

But what specifically do they control us by?


  • flood our bodies with drugs delivered by any means possible
  • deprived us on nutrition, sunlight and clean air, water and food
  • dumbed down education and a fully controlled media with mind numbing false news and so-called entertainment
  • send electromagnetic smog blasting on the human nervous system wavelength
  • use violence and oppressive fear and terror tactics,

…and on and on.

They do this with impunity.

Imagine the world is a massive internment camp where the captors give the illusion the inmates are free by letting them have a few choices within this massive facility, and disguise the barbed wire fence as gorgeous murals, and the control devices as modern marvels for their advancement.

Wars are a perfect example. All supposedly for our defense, safety and security, when it’s the exact opposite.

Basic Simple Questions

Some fundamental questions that beg answers that are evident before any clear thinking individual:

  • How can a government usurping monstrosity like the United Snakes Corporation and its affiliate thugs gang rape a planet and make it look benevolent?
  • How can obviously lying elitist politicians bought off by the highest bidder be taken as serious entities in governing institutions?
  • How can known secretive government sponsored agencies pull off assassinations and staged bombings and shootings in plain sight?
  • How can the most murderous, supremacist, fascist, arrogant, racist people on earth be called “the chosen ones” and given title to anything they want including their own sanctioned Zionist territory and ravenous, genocidal agenda and be given complete religious, social and political immunity and massive financial support? All supposedly based on clearly misguided insane religious zeal?
  • How can sweeping freedom destroying measures be instituted by “executive order” and other means in a representative republic, or any supposedly democratic regime?
  • How can the food, water and air be deliberately poisoned in public knowledge and in plain sight?
  • How can the genetic modification of not just plants and animals but human beings be tolerated, no matter the stated justification?
  • How can technocratic electro-surveillance, artificial intelligence, robotic warfare and social and mental manipulation be known and accepted as legitimate human altering science and in full implementation for mass control?

….and on and on…

Why wouldn’t people in such an abused situation not go virtually berserk in protest, or a least speak out on a massive scale?

The Hypnotic Rhythm of Anesthesia

Every day I’m just amazed that so few seem to notice what’s going on.

The business as usual behavior and shallow chatter about nothing and the complete dependence on routine behavior for money and phony goals is just mind-boggling.

Clearly, there won’t be a world in which to live even those shallow goals if things aren’t changed drastically.

The day we hope our children and grandchildren to grow up in is quickly becoming not just night, but a literal nightmare.

The snapshot above is from the movie Time Machine from one of globalist insider H.G. Wells’ predictive programming pieces where cultivated humans are routinely harvested in the maws of parasitic beings.

Despite this meme of humanity being fodder for others being shown to mankind for eons via literature or inside messengers, humanity doesn’t get it. It’s another surreptitious way to hide the Truth; sci-fi or story-fy it.

Turn the real direction of the controllers into a fiction, a fantasy, and entertainment.

“A tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” as Shakespeare famously said through Macbeth.
Who’s Behind This?

I’m convinced there’s something very occult and spiritual that is ultimately behind all this, and these described techniques are just to augment the signal from the bowels of the Matrix, be they archontic or some other form of inter-dimensional influence perpetrated by willing psychopaths amongst us.

Just as how chemtrails are used by the EMFs to manipulate weather patterns while serving other purposes, they provide an enhanced medium for these spiritual influences to take effect.

The question arises,

  • Is something else being perpetrated on a massive scale?
  • Are we subjects of another realm?

I don’t know…

But does it matter where this oppression originates? I’m sure aware of the possibility and inclined to think so, but that doesn’t excuse or distance me from the very real struggle we find ourselves in.

Fundamentally my awareness of these possibilities profoundly indicates to me that I am truly free. Extremely free. And that has power. Wonderful, conscious, awakening power. And it’s for all of us.

Don’t begin to believe this massive lie, as real as it is being temporarily manifested due to the accepting ignorance of the majority of humanity.

From the religious or financial paradigms to the scarcity and fear of death memes, when you realize what effort they have to make to keep the illusion in place you also realize the extent of your innate power and what they innately fear, a complete reversal of their paradigm.

Grow in the peace of understanding and the courage of conviction, no matter how alone you may feel…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Statement of Virus Isolation | Conclusion: The SARS-CoV2 Virus Does Not Exist

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)

by Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Sally Fallon Morell
February 19, 2021



Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)


Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone;
separation from other things or persons; solitariness.

– Oxford English Dictionary


The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

  • the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;
  • the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;
  • “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;
  • it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages1 and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues.2 (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.)3

1 Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. — accessed 2/15/21

2 “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. — accessed 2/15/21

3 “The Role of Extraellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May

If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.

None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.

From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

  1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.
  2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?

Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.

We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.

Sally Fallon Morell, MA
Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD
Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MD


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The Fraudulent Use of PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Manipulation, Harm and, Ultimately, the Destruction of Humanity

The Fraudulent Use of PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Manipulation, Harm and, Ultimately, the Destruction of Humanity
A Scientific Analysis of the Significant Pitfalls Associated With the PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Alleged Detection of SARS-Cov-2 and Diagnosis of Covid-19

by Dr. Freedom, Contributing Writer for Truth Comes to Light
February 17, 2021


As someone with more than an adequate knowledge of the medical and clinical sciences along with some postgraduate research experience in genomic mapping using molecular genetics techniques, I would like to contribute to our understanding of this nucleic acid amplification method and how information derived from it could be very misleading when it is being used to diagnose purported “infections” in almost anything and everything nowadays.

Is it not amusing to find human swabs, samples of Coca Cola and some fruits all testing positive for “Sars-Cov- 2” using the RT-PCR protocol whilst the kit instructions, the enclosed information leaflet, as well as the print on the box clearly inform the users that the test kit detects Sars-Cov-1 only?

I suspect that the “PCR test” was intentionally chosen for its potential non-specificity. It can be a very useful technique for those wishing to control, mislead, impoverish and eliminate us as it is so easy to manipulate its protocol to suit different purposes.

It is an ideal tool to perpetrate massive deceptions.

Specific results could be generated based on specific requirements to meet certain political objectives in order to create the illusion of high and low rates of an imaginary, specific infection in different populations and appearing at different times.

Rolling trends of supposed Covid-19 infections, rolling trends of the stampeding of our rights and freedoms all in perfect harmony with the rolling trends of different vaccines presented as the only partial way out of our troubles whilst also being told that our lives might never get back to normal.

And to ensure that systematic analysis of results did not raise much suspicion with regards to bias; some degree of “natural data variability” could be fabricated through the incorporation of a certain percentage of negative test results.

The PCR can not diagnose anything useful at all.

In my opinion, being PCR positive is like testing humans for the presence of epithelial cells (which we all possess) and then confirming that indeed all humans have such cells but pretend that those cells are from a non-human or pathogenic microbial entity.

Allow me to make another analogy.

How could the finding of some very small, common, ordinary, random screws that you might find on a trail whilst hiking; necessarily and categorically prove that the screws belonged to a particular car model, manufactured on a specific date and by a specific manufacturer or that those screws belonged to something entirely different; perhaps part of a gadget?

Our bodies are awash with DNA and various RNA molecules which are constantly floating within and outside of our cells. The laboratory amplification of an alleged, specific and very short segment of DNA/RNA could not prove the existence of microbes nor could it ever predict illness or contribute to death.

I would like to refer you to the past statements and interviews of Dr Kary Mullis, the Noble Laureate and the inventor of PCR, regarding the limitations of this technique.

The specifics of the PCR/RT-PCR technique that might lend itself to manipulation and fabrication of a delusion and the creation of fear and anxiety:


1. Size of amplicon (amplified product): The smaller its size, the higher the probability that the product could be found on a variety of DNA sequences from a variety of organisms; including humans. That is why PCR should not be used for clinical diagnosis.

The sizes of the amplified DNA segments, supposedly only coding for various proteins of the Sars-Cov-2 are very small; about 112 bp long or slightly longer.

One particular pair of primers allegedly amplifies a 112 bp cDNA fragment of the Spike protein of this virus.

According to the CDC’s computer model, the size of The Sars-Cov-2 RNA is 30,000 bases long.

Thus, the fraction of the whole genome of the supposed virus that is being amplified using RT-PCR is 112/30,000 = 0.37 %.

This would certainly be a fantastic and an entirely novel way of conferring and confirming the existence and the physical wholeness of an illusory agent that has never been extracted and purified.

How could the use of PCR provide evidence for the functionality of a whimsical creation?

2. Length of individual DNA primers (forward and reverse primers, always a pair), their sequences, their respective concentrations and volumes could be altered thus influencing specificity of the annealing and the amplification rate of the target DNA/RNA molecules.

3. Types of enzymes (Reverse Transcriptases and Polymerases), their concentrations, their volumes and their chemical modifications prior to use could affect the production rate, the specificity of the amplification and the fidelity (accuracy) of amplification.

4. The denaturation temperature and the duration of denaturation could easily be altered on the PCR thermal cycling machine. Extent of DNA denaturation then determines if primers bind specifically to the “target DNA” or non-specifically to themselves in the next phase. These factors also affect the activity of polymerase enzyme, its half life and the yield.

5. The annealing temperature and the duration of annealing could easily be altered on the PCR thermal cycling machine thus affecting whether the primer pair binds to its “DNA target” specifically or non-specifically to other pieces of DNA or even binds to themselves. These factors also affect the activity of polymerase enzymes as well as the yield of specific and nonspecific DNA targets.

6The amplification temperature and the duration of amplification could easily be altered on the PCR thermal cycling machine thus affecting whether the primers remain bonded to the DNA target and the activity, half life and the fidelity of polymerase enzyme as well as the specific and nonspecific yield of DNA from various sources.

7. The number of cycles of PCR/ RT-PCR amplification programmed into the thermal cycling machine might be altered to directly affect how much amplified product is made and whether the sample would be easily detectable (by measuring the emitted fluorescence light) or not. This could increase or decrease the number of false positives according to prescribed narratives in case of unethical behaviour or genuine laboratory errors.

The higher the number of cycles, the larger the degree of amplification of specific and non-specific nucleic acid targets.

8. The concentration and final volume of the pool of RNA/DNA solution affects the degree of amplification. Has RNA been extracted and purified from the pool of DNA, RNA, proteins, cells, carbohydrates, cholesterol and lipids or is the RNA in a crude state that could negatively impact its amplification.

9. The concentrations and volumes of solutions of fluorescently labelled deoxyribonucleotide triphosphates (dNTPs) could also affect the amplification magnitude. A huge amount of DNA/RNA in the reaction from the start could ensure a higher yield of false positives.

There are four dNTPs: dGTP, dCTP, dATP, DTTP.

10. The ratio of the concentration of fluorescently labelled dNTPs over the concentration of unlabelled dNTPs could also affect the amount of DNA signal perceived and thus the number of false positives that could be detected.

11. Contaminants could result in the generation of false positive results.

12. Various enzyme inhibitors could result in the generation of false negative results.

13. Various enzyme promoters could result in the generation of false positive results.

14. The supposed RNA target belonging to the “alleged virus” is not and has never been isolated and purified prior to its amplification in the PCR machine. A swab sample will contain a mixture of DNA and RNA as well as huge amounts of proteins belonging to human cells, various bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungal species.

Even if RNA molecules are isolated and purified from the mixture it would contain total RNA and not just the RNA of the alleged virus. The mixture might still be contaminated with traces of various DNA molecules from a variety of sources.

15. The ionic concentrations and volumes of individual components of the buffer and the final pH of the buffer solution used in the reaction could be altered.

16. The handling and preparation of ingredients prior to placement on the thermal cycling machine could also affect the number of false positive rates.

17. The water used in the reaction must be double distilled ( deionised) and autoclaved prior to use.

Contamination with microbes, DNA, RNA, enzymes and other minerals in the water component or other reaction components could yield erroneous and misleading conclusions.

18. The supposed Sars-Cov-2 primer sequences are complementary to hundreds of bacterial and human DNA molecules: If one makes a list of all the different pairs of primers that have ever been used in the PCR technique to detect the alleged “Sars-Cov 2” throughout the world and compare their sequences with bacterial and human genome data sequences, using the BLAST website as an example, you would find hundreds of almost perfect sequence matches between what is alleged to be portions of various Sars-Cov 1 and Sars-Cov 2 gene sequences and human and bacterial DNA sequences.

The various primer pairs used in the detection of the alleged SARS-COV 2 virus exhibit at least 90% sequence homology with between 4-93 human DNA segments and 100 bacterial DNA segments ( site). The forward primer in isolation, the reverse primer in isolation, and both in combination pick up hundreds of matching human and bacterial DNA sequences.

And as far as I know, no one has yet to look at sequence similarities and cross matching between Sars-Cov 1 and Sars-Cov 2 primer sequences (used in PCR and RT-PCR for the detection of the alleged viruses) and fungal and parasitic DNA sequences. And I would not be surprised at all if these sequences match plant genomic sequences too.

If the primer pair sequences match hundreds of human and bacterial DNA targets then, by inference, the targets of amplification are also of human and bacterial origin and not of “viral” origin.

However, since the tested swabs contain much more human DNA/RNA than bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoal genetic material then, it is highly likely that the high rates of false positive PCR test results used for allegedly detecting Sars-Cov 2 are actually just detecting human DNA sequences and nothing else.

Irrespective of whether intentional (cheating) or unintentional errors have been made in the PCR reactions or not, the data suggest that the PCR could be detecting hundreds of bacterial and human DNA sequences seemingly portrayed as Sars-Cov 1/2 sequences; causing huge surges in false positive rates and therefore an unmeasurably harmful levels of anxiety and fear in the populations.

19. Amplification of target DNA molecules does not require a perfect match between the DNA sequence and the primer sequences: With only a 50% homology (base sequence matching) between the unknown DNA sequence and the primer sequences, it would still be possible to amplify DNA from humans, bacteria, fungi and protozoa and then generate false positive test results depending on the setting of PCR conditions and the sequence and length of the primer pairs.

The amplified product of the PCR could easily be human DNA masked as viral RNA!

Those who believe in absolute control are forcing us to not only wear face masks but seem to be also masking and covering up the real targets of the PCR amplification reaction which appears to be human DNA, bacterial DNA and DNA/RNA from the natural environment.

20. Recent sequencing of the amplified nucleic acid (from PCR) obtained from more than one thousand patients falsely labelled as having Sars-Cov-2 and misdiagnosed as having Covid-19 has shown the presence of influenza A and influenza B sequences in the samples.

It was found that the buffer solution, as just one of the several ingredients used in the RT-PCR protocol, had allegedly been tainted with influenza virus sequences in more than a thousand samples analysed.

At first glance, the first reaction to this finding is that laboratory protocols must be tightened to prevent contamination of the sterile chemical components of the PCR.

The second obvious conclusion from sequence analysis of samples of patients mislabeled as carrying the Sars-Cov-2 would be that anyone carrying influenza A or B viruses might also test false positives for Sars-Cov-2.

The third conclusion might be that the PCR is not a perfect diagnostic method because it amplifies influenza A, influenza B, Sars-Cov-1 as well as Sars-Cov-2 sequences but that it might still be a reliable tool because it is still capable of specifically amplifying viral sequences and nothing else using the published primer sequences.

We might be sold the illusion that, with some minor adjustments to the PCR protocol, we might be able to eventually differentiate between different viruses.

But that is a total fallacy in my opinion.

What we are not being told categorically is that all those people who apparently test positive with the PCR for Covid-19, whether they appear healthy or unhealthy, are not carrying any kind of microbes whatsoever.

The PCR is capable of amplifying, under the right conditions, any non-specific piece of DNA and RNA from humans, from bacteria and may be even from many other microorganisms.

With inclusion of exogenous RNA/DNA as targets into the PCR mixture, irrespective of its source, the amount of non-specific DNA amplification (signal) would increase; pushing the agenda of labelling more of the tested patients as being positive for an imaginary virus.

What if there might be subtle efforts to try to show that if Sars-Cov-2 could not be detected at least “another virus” could be seen as contributing towards both false positive laboratory results in order to suggest that patients might be infected with a mixture of viruses but due to technical difficulties only the influenza virus sequences could be identified whilst Sars-Cov-2 could not be detected.

Since the PCR might be amplifying any piece of RNA and DNA, both from humans and bacteria, how sensible would it be to suggest that some randomly floating and amplified RNA emanated only from a virus; irrespective of the specific species or strains of the alleged microbe?

It is unlikely that all false positive cases in the world would prove contamination of the tested sample with RNA from influenza A and B viruses.

Even in the absence of contamination, the same PCR protocol has the potential to amplify just about any piece of nucleic acid from a variety of species.

Are we seeing a tactic to merely control, mitigate, repair and perhaps salvage the damaged reputation of the PCR as the alleged gold standard for the detection of a multitude of present and future well-orchestrated, well-timed, conveniently handpicked, suddenly flourishing and imaginary nasty microbes as well as the method by which imaginary diseases could be fabricated out of thin air with the sleight of hand?

21. New evidence is shedding more light on virology research and questioning the dogmatic beliefs in this field in general.

None of the “seven Corona viruses” have ever been isolated and purified.

What if other published viral sequences are also just computer models?

A German molecular biologist, Dr. Stefan Lanka and some other eminent scientists doubt the existence of the Measles and Corona Viruses.

As a validation to this claim, in 2017, the German Federal Supreme Court made a final decision agreeing that there wasn’t enough evidence to support the existence of the “measles virus”. In this trial court, Dr. Lanka even offered to pay 100,000 Euros for anyone who can prove the opposite.

Apparently, there is another offer of a reward for 100,000 Euros for anyone who can prove the existence of Sars-Cov-2.

Microbiologist and Virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka: “Viruses Do Not Cause Diseases and Vaccines are Not Effective”

22. There is some evidence from the CDC website that Sars-Cov-2 sequences seem to have been generated using computer models.

It is alleged that Sars-Cov-2 virus has a total of 30,000 organic bases as an RNA molecule even though it has never been extracted and purified from a single Covid-19 case patient.

The CDC seems to suggest that Sars-Cov-2 was a computer-generated digital virus with 37 bases allegedly sourced from cases (0.001%) with 29, 963 bases (99.99 %) having been fabricated using genomic databases.

Might this behaviour not constitute fraud?

23. Many of us are rather sceptical about the germ theory of diseases in general and unfortunately, there seems to be a conglomerate of powerful and malevolent forces that are constantly and mercilessly pushing the virus agenda. And irrespective of the designated name of a particular trendy virus, this same force subsequently follows up the proceedings with relentless and persistent propaganda to forcefully peddle new vaccines onto the unsuspecting public under the pretext of protecting public health through the fabrication of an endless supply of new and supposedly ever- evolving list of imaginary and dangerous microbes.

Please look up the ignored historical arguments between Dr. Bechamp and Dr. Pasteur that took place about hundred years ago.

24. But where have we repeatedly seen computer modelling before?

In the prediction of various endemic and pandemic infectious diseases for the last fifty years at least.

All those predictions were hugely exaggerated to drive the narrative of the germ theory of disease. By creating the perception of harmful, illusory infectious agents; the pharmaceutical companies, the medical industrial complex, governments and eugenicists push the need for swift action through virtue signalling by ordering edicts allegedly meant to “protect the public” and coercing populations into giving up their freedoms and submitting to inhumane and very harmful treatments.

Those policies are there just to enrich the parasitic minority at the expense of the huge majority.

25. Surely, the notification of a positive PCR result is the harbinger of bad news for the mental and physical health of most of humanity and yet proves itself as a valuable tool in the machinations of those tiny minorities intent on causing undue harm to mankind.

What if the PCR technique is being used as a tool and as the Holy Grail by the control freaks to establish and perpetuate their nefarious agendas in 2021 and 2030?

Could PCR that is routinely carried out in a minute cup (a well in a microtiter plate) be a significant treasure for control freaks?

Could the abuse of the PCR technique and “other dubious diagnostic techniques” bestow technologists miraculous and magical powers that could amplify DNA (alchemy), determine mankind’s fate and simultaneously act as an enabler of technocracy and tyranny?

Could the abuse of PCR create massive deceptions by creating false positive results and mislabel people as sick and dangerous to others and thus promulgate the necessity for mass vaccination programs as the only way to control the imaginary virus?

Could the abuse of PCR create unprecedented opportunities for the medical-industrial-political complex and the banking industries?

Could the abuse of this technique make satanic psychopaths happier when they see the enormous suffering, misery, illness and death of the majority caused by their policies; the inevitable consequences of false positive PCR results?

Could the abuse of such techniques not make the egocentric and solipsistic minority more delighted when they see the exponential increase in their own power, wealth and control?

Could the abuse of this technique or “other trendy diagnostic techniques” in the near future provide the psychopaths with spiritual sustenance in infinite abundance- through the use of torture, abuse, abductions, societal destruction and democide as satanic rituals- and material sustenance in infinite abundance- through monopolistic power grabs, increased wealth, the synchronous control, rationing and contamination of the world’s food production and distribution networks and keeping uncontaminated and healthy foods for themselves- whilst people are constantly being distracted by “new virus strains”, new vaccines, loss of their freedom, loss of liberty, poverty, fake elections and rallies of controlled opposition groups?

Could all these questions be answered by examining the agendas of the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates’ Foundation among many others?

The aim of the psychopathic few has alway been to foment a significant decrease in the world population with a small minority of sheeple remaining. All dumbed down and obedient slaves exhibiting minimal cognitive abilities; incapable of rationality and critical analyses and with all the natural resources and wealth of the world in the hands of the tyrannical dominion.


You could easily have a situation where you have the same patient/case, same nurse, same technician, same sample, same time and date, same equipment but different results which is total and utter nonsense.

There seems to be intentional errors in and manipulations of the conditions of the RT-PCR in order to fabricate the fraud of much higher rates of non-specific, misleading and random amplifications of human and bacterial DNA target sequences. The more people get tested, the more people yield positive results for the illusive Sars-Cov-2 thus increasing the number of people alleged to be suffering from an imaginary Covid-19 disease. These nefarious policies of fabrication of false and biased data have been in temporal resonance with certain official political objectives and announcements of the officialdom at designated times.

Such policies work hand in glove and in perfect harmony with the spewing of fear propaganda created to drive us into a programmed and preconceived path of the Pied Piper.

The PCR method is used to chemically amplify a very short piece of non-specific DNA in order to generate false positive data; inducing and amplifying frequent and regular psychological traumas, chaos, untold damage to people’s lives and madness. Its esoteric value could be to induce control, obedience, conformity, uncertainty, confusion, compliance and a lack of belief in logic and common sense. All these repugnant practices, policies and responses are killing and psychologically torturing innocent human beings.

If you are determined to socially engineer populations by creating a storm in a teacup, you might want to manipulate the PCR and other diagnostic techniques to fabricate cases.

Suddenly and by some magic, a very small, unimportant, harmless, irrelevant piece of floating RNA/DNA that has been amplified billions of times becomes visible, relevant, omnipotent, omnipresent and irreverent. A theatrical tool to foment confusion, fear and chaos by making us frightened of an imaginary virus.

If you happen to test positive, they label you as having Covid-19 and, if by happenstance your test results are negative, it has been reported that laboratories and clinicians had been ordered to keep repeating the test 30 times or more in order to get a 1 in 30 hit; forcing the false positive result.

When through sheer persistence and cheating, the system finally finds you positive; suddenly the total number of cases would go up by a figure of 30 just based on your own “final result” alone. Because the laboratory might have repeated your test 30 times, your case would be counted as thirty cases!

Now imagine this nauseating and repulsive scenario whilst testing billions of people around the world!

There are just so many ways for the policy makers to use deceit to bulk up their statistics that it beggars belief. Such tricks constitute heinous crimes that are disturbing to our consciences and our souls.

What has been going on is pseudoscience, fakery and fraud.

Instantly, very healthy people testing “positive” are vilified, harassed, intimidated and stigmatised as spreaders of “disease”. Our pockets are emptied and we are impoverished. We would then be manipulated, corralled and coerced into taking their poisonous toxins as vaccines; guaranteed to cut short your longevity, healthspan as well as lifespan.

Alternatively, to cool things down and pretend that the sophistry of the planners of the draconian, ineffective plandemic measures (such as social distancing, masking, lockdowns, the endless vaccinations, trace and track, the use of personal protective equipment, the use of air filters and hand sanitisers, the shutting down of societies, commerce and trade and the ensuing meltdowns) had been effective in temporarily controlling the pre-ordained spread of the illusory virus; at the behest of the controllers, just like flipping a switch, the various parameters on the PCR thermal cycling machine could be altered to magically create the illusion of a “significant decrease” in the number of “positive” cases/deaths.The supposedly significant decrease in cases and deaths would then be strongly and unequivocally causatively linked to the beneficial and positive role of their supposedly preventive public health measures; notably and mainly through the use of their toxic vaccines.

A frequent, regular and constant propaganda piece presented and flaunted about by the media and governments in order to drive/coerce specific, preconceived narratives and evil agendas using mind crowding and encirclement.

The amplification of very small amounts of short and very common DNA segments that could easily belong to humans, bacteria and other organisms does not prove the existence of a specific microbe whatsoever.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) must not be perceived as the gold standard of diagnosis with which to assess and compare the reliability of other screening methods for the detection of Sars-Cov-2 or any other viruses. Nor could it be assumed to be a screening method.

The virus has never been isolated and purified and there are no gold standards for its detection and quantitative measurement.

Without the existence of a gold standard for the isolation, purification, detection and quantitative measurement of the virus itself; the use of terms such as true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative would be misleading. Therefore, the spouting of misnomers such as specificity, sensitivity, positive and negative predictive values in attempting to gauge the reliability and accuracy of detection of Sars-Cov-2 or any other virus using the PCR method would be leading us down a deep, long, tortuous and stenching rabbit hole.

PCR technique can not diagnose the existence of microbes.

PCR technique can not diagnose disease.

Presence of a common DNA/RNA sequence does not prove the existence of a specific gene or a specific organism.

Presence of a specific DNA/RNA sequence does not prove the existence and viability of a specific organism.

Natural and harmless RNA/DNA must not be perceived as harmful agents.

Presence of microbes does not prove the existence of disease.

Real science should be about facing the truth without flinching. It must be about honesty, integrity, unbiased enquiry and transparency. It is about thinking and reasoning and arguing. It is about abandoning false beliefs and dogmatic faith.

We must not allow agents of chaos to destroy humanity and the natural world based on fabrications.

Yes, the natural world.

Those same duplicitous people who vehemently espouse the tenets of saving humanity and our planet (not their planet alone) and reducing environmental pollution are the greatest destroyers and polluters of humanity and the natural world themselves.

They are the same minority cabal who are using Covid-19 and future microbial pandemics as a ruse and as a pretext to monopolise both power and the ownership of anything and everything of value under the sun and to try to usher in a dystopian communist world ruled through corruption, kakistocracy and absolutist controls.

A case of doublespeak and hypocrisy.

My tributes, highest regards and praise to the late Dr. Kary Mullis, the Noble Laureate, for his great mind, his scientific contributions, his integrity, incorruptibility, indefatigability and his steadfastness against the prevailing authoritarian and dogmatic systems of control and exploitation.


This article may be freely shared as long as the text is unaltered and the original author, Dr. Freedom, is clearly identified with a hyperlink back to the original article and author.

Phantom Virus: In Search of Sars-CoV-2

Phantom Virus: In Search of Sars-CoV-2

by Torsten Engelbrecht, Dr Stefano Scoglio & Konstantin Demeter, OffGuardian
January 31, 2021


Even the Robert Koch Institute and other health authorities cannot present decisive proof that a new virus named SARS-CoV-2 is haunting us. This alone turns the talk of dangerous viral mutations into irresponsible fearmongering and the so-called SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests definitely into a worthless venture.

In a request for a study which shows complete isolation and purification of the particles claimed to be SARS-CoV-2, Michael Laue from one of the world’s most important representatives of the COVID-19 “panicdemic,” the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI), answered that[1]:

I am not aware of a paper which purified isolated SARS-CoV-2.

This is a more than remarkable statement, it is admitting a complete failure. This concession is in line with the statements we presented in our article “COVID-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless” which OffGuardian published on June 27th, 2020 — a piece that was the first one worldwide outlining in detail why SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests are worthless for the diagnosis of a viral infection.

One of the crucial points in this analysis was that the studies contending to have shown that SARS-CoV-2 is a new and potentially deadly virus have no right to claim this, particularly because the studies claiming “isolation” of so-called SARS-CoV-2 in fact failed to isolate (purify) the particles said to be the new virus.

This is confirmed by the answers of the respective studies’ scientists to our inquiry, which are shown in a table in our piece — among them the world’s most important paper when it comes to the claim of having detected SARS-CoV-2 (by Zhu et al.), published in the New England Journal of Medicine on February 20, 2020, and now even the RKI.

Incidentally, we are in possession of a further confirmatory answer from authors [2] of an Australian study.


Additionally, Christine Massey, a Canadian former biostatistician in the field of cancer research, and a colleague of hers in New Zealand, Michael Speth, as well as several individuals around the world (most of whom prefer to remain anonymous) have submitted Freedom of Information requests to dozens of health and science institutions and a handful of political offices around the world.

They are seeking any records that describe the isolation of a SARS-COV-2 virus from any unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient.

But all 46 responding institutions/offices utterly failed to provide or cite any record describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation; and Germany’s Ministry of Health ignored their FOI request altogether.

The German entrepreneur Samuel Eckert asked health authorities from various cities such as München (Munich), Dusseldorf and Zurich for a study proving complete isolation and purification of so-called SARS-CoV-2. He has not obtained it yet.


Samuel Eckert even offered €230,000 to Christian Drosten if he can present any text passages from publications that scientifically prove the process of isolation of SARS-CoV-2 and its genetic substance. The deadline (December 31, 2020) has passed without Drosten responding to Eckert.

And another deadline passed on December 31 without submission of the desired documentation. In this case the German journalist Hans Tolzin offered a reward of €100,000 for a scientific publication outlining a successful infection attempt with the specific SARS-CoV-2 reliably resulting in respiratory illness in the test subjects.


Recently we are being scared by alleged new strains of “SARS-CoV-2”, but that claim is not based on solid science.

First of all, you cannot determine a variant of a virus if you haven’t completely isolated the original one.

Secondly, there are already tens of thousands of supposed new strains, “found” since last winter all over the world. In fact, the GISAID virus data bank has now more than 452,000 different genetic sequences that claim to represent a variant of SARS-Cov2.

So, to claim that now suddenly there are “new strains” is hogwash even from an orthodox perspective, because from that perspective viruses mutate constantly. Thus, they can constantly proclaim to have found new strains, perpetuating the fear.

Such fearmongering is all the more absurd when one casts a glance at the electron micrographs printed in the relevant studies, which show particles that are supposed to represent SARS-CoV-2. These images reveal that these particles vary extremely in size. In fact, the bandwidth ranges from 60 to 140 nanometers (nm). A virus that has such extreme size variation cannot actually exist.

For example, it can be said of human beings that they vary from about 1.50 meters to 2.10 meters, as there are several individuals of different heights. Now, saying that viruses as a whole range from 60 to 140 nm — as did Zhu et al.— may eventually make sense; but to say that the individual SARS-Cov2 virions vary so much would be like saying that John varies his height from 1.60 to 2 meters depending on the circumstances!

One could reply that viruses are not human individuals, but it is also true that, according to virology, each virus has a fairly stable structure. So, with SARS-Cov2 they are taking liberties of definition which further confirm that everything on this specific virus is even more random than usual. And that license of unlimited definition led to the fact that the Wikipedia entry on coronavirus was changed, and now reports that “Each SARS-CoV-2 virion has a diameter of about 50 to 200 nm”.

That would be like saying that John varies his height from 1 to 4 meters according to circumstances!

What is passed off as SARS-Cov2 are actually particles of all kinds, as can also be seen from the images provided by the mentioned paper by Zhu et al. Below is the photo that Zhu et al. present as the photo of SARS-Cov2:

Through a screen size meter (FreeRuler), the particles that the authors assign to SARS-CoV-2 can be measured. The enlarged particles of the left side photograph measure about 100 nm each (on a 100 nm scale). But in the image on the right side, all the small particles indicated with arrows as SARS-CoV-2, measured on a scale of 1 MicroM (1,000 nm), have totally different sizes.

The black arrows actually indicate vesicles. Measuring some of these particles with the ruler, the result is that in the central vesicle the highest particle at the center measures almost 52nm, thus below the range proposed by Zhu et al (60 to 140 nm); the particle immediately to its right measures a little more, about 57.5nm, but still below limit; while, almost at the center of the lowest vesicle, the largest particle (yellow arrow) measures approximately 73.7nm, falling within the broad margins of Zhu et al.; finally, in the lower-left vesicle, the largest particle measures a good 155.6nm, i.e. well above the maximum limit defined by Zhu et al. (140nm).

It is likely that the correction made lately on Wikipedia was aimed precisely at covering this problem.

There are other strong indications that the particles referred to as SARS-CoV-2 may actually be those harmless or even useful particles, called “extracellular vesicles” (EVs), which have extremely variable dimensions (from 20 to 10,000nm), but which for the most part range from 20nm to 200nm, and which include, as a sub-category, that of “exosomes.”

Exosomes are particles produced by our cells and contain nucleic acids, lipids and proteins, and are involved in various activities useful to our body, such as the transport of immune molecules and stem cells, as well as the elimination of the cell’s catabolic debris.

Exosomes account for perhaps the largest share of EVs, and have been the object of numerous studies for over 50 years. Although few have heard of these beneficial particles, the scientific literature on them is huge, and only on PubMed, if one types “exosome,” over 14,000 studies are provided! We cannot go into detail about EVs and exosomes here, but it is important to point out how they are indistinguishable from viruses, and several scientists think that in reality what is defined as a dangerous virus is nothing but a beneficial exosome.

This is immediately visible under the electron microscope [3]:

As can be seen, the largest of the exosomes is of the same size and structure of the alleged SARS-CoV-2, and it is therefore plausible to believe that, in the large sea of particles contained in the supernatant of the COVID-19 patient’s broncho-alveolar fluid, what is taken to be SARS-CoV-2 is but an exosome.


So, logically, if we have a culture with countless extremely similar particles, particle purification must be the very first step in order to be able to truly define the particles that are believed to be viruses as viruses (in addition to particle purification, of course, it must then also be determined flawlessly, for example, that the particles can cause certain diseases under real and not just laboratory conditions).

Therefore, if no particle “purification” has been done anywhere, how can one claim that the RNA obtained is a viral genome? And how can such RNA then be widely used to diagnose infection with a new virus, be it by PCR testing or otherwise? We have asked these two questions to numerous representatives of the official corona narrative worldwide, but nobody could answer them.

Hence, as we have stated in our previous article, the fact that the RNA gene sequences – that scientists extracted from tissue samples prepared in their in vitro studies and to which the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests were finally “calibrated” – belong to a new pathogenic virus called SARS-CoV-2 is therefore based on faith alone, not on facts.

Consequently, it cannot be concluded that the RNA gene sequences “pulled” from the tissue samples prepared in these studies, to which the PCR tests are “calibrated,” belong to a specific virus, in this case SARS-CoV-2.

Instead, in all the studies claiming to have isolated and even tested the virus something very different was done: the researchers took samples from the throat or lungs of patients, ultracentrifuged them (hurled at high speed) to separate the larger/heavy from the smaller/lighter molecules, and then took the supernatant, the upper part of the centrifuged material.

This is what they call “isolate,” to which they then apply the PCR. But this supernatant contains all kinds of molecules, billions of different micro- and nanoparticles, including aforementioned extracellular vesicles (EVs) and exosomes, which are produced by our own body and are often simply indistinguishable from viruses:

Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension,

…as it says in the study The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses published in May 2020 in the journal Viruses.

So, scientists “create” the virus by PCR: You take primers, ie. previously existing genetic sequences available in genetic banks, you modify them based on purely hypothetical reasoning, and put them in touch with the supernatant broth, until they attach (anneal) to some RNA in the broth; then, through the Reverse Transcriptase enzyme, you transform the thus “fished” RNA into an artificial or complementary DNA (cDNA), which can then, and only then, be processed by PCR and multiplied through a certain number of PCR cycles.

(Each cycle doubles the quantity of DNA, but the higher the number of cycles necessary to produce detectable “virus” material, the lower the reliability of the PCR — meaning its ability to actually “get” anything at all meaningful from the supernatant. Above 25 cycles the result tends to be meaningless, and all current circulating PCR tests or protocols always use way more than 25 cycles, in fact usually 35 to 45.)

To make matters worse, the primers are constituted of 18 to 24 bases (nucleotides) each; the SARS-Cov2 virus is supposedly composed of 30,000 bases; so the primer represents only the 0.08 percent of the virus genome. This makes it even less possible to select the specific virus you are looking for on such a minute ground, and moreover in a sea of billions of very similar particles.

But there is more. As the virus you are looking for is new, there are clearly no ready genetic primers to match the specific fraction of the new virus; so you take primers that you believe may be closer to the hypothesised virus structure, but it’s a guess, and when you apply the primers to the supernatant broth, your primers can attach to any one of the billions of molecules present in it, and you have no idea that what you have thus generated is the virus you are looking for. It is, in fact, a new creation made by researchers, who then call it SARS-CoV-2, but there is no connection whatsoever with the presumed “real” virus responsible for the disease.


The complete genome of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been sequenced and was instead was “pieced together” on the computer. The Californian physician Thomas Cowan called this a “scientific fraud.” And he is not the only one by far!

Cowan wrote on October 15, 2020 [our emphasis]:

This week, my colleague and friend Sally Fallon Morell brought to my attention an amazing article put out by the CDC, published in June 2020. The purpose of the article was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science of the isolation, purification and biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research.

A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.

The article section with the subheading “Whole Genome Sequencing” showed that “rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end”, that the CDC “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).

So, one may ask, how then did they sequence the virus, ie. analyse it genetically?

Well, they did not analyse the whole genome, but instead took some sequences found in the cultures, claimed without proof that they belonged to a new specific virus, and then made some sort of a genetic computer puzzle to fill up the rest. “They use the computer modelling to essentially just create a genome from scratch, as the molecular biologist Andrew Kaufman says.

Maybe then it’s no surprise that one of the primers of the test developed by the Pasteur Institute corresponds exactly to a sequence of chromosome 8 of the human genome.


Supposedly to stop the spread of the alleged new virus, we are being forced to practice various forms of social distancing and to wear masks. Behind this approach is the idea that viruses and in particular SARS-CoV-2, believed to be responsible for the respiratory disease Covid-19, is transmitted by air or, as has been said more often, through the nebulized droplets in the air from those who cough or sneeze or, according to some, just speak.

But the truth is that all these theories on the transmission of the virus are only hypotheses that have never been proven.

Evidence for this was missing from the beginning. As reported by Nature in an article from April 2020, experts do not agree that SARS-CoV-2 is airborne, and according to the WHO itself “the evidence is not convincing.”

Even from an orthodox point of view, the only studies in which the transmission of a coronavirus (not SARS-Cov2) by air has been preliminarily “proven” have been carried out in hospitals and nursing homes, in places that are said to produce all types of infections due to hygienic conditions.

But no study has ever proven that there is transmission of viruses in open environments, or in closed but well-ventilated ones. Even assuming that there is this transmission by air, it has been stressed that, for the “contagion” to occur, it is necessary that the people between whom the alleged transmission occurs are in close contact for at least 45 minutes.

In short, all the radical distancing measures have no scientific ground.


Since particle purification is the indispensable prerequisite for further steps, i.e. proof of causality and “calibration” of the tests, we have a diagnostically insignificant test and therefore the mantra “test, test, test” by the WHO’s Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, mentioned in our article from June 27, has to be called unscientific and misleading.

This holds especially true for testing people without symptoms. In this context even a Chinese study from Wuhan published in Nature on November 20, 2020, in which nearly 10 million people were tested and all asymptomatic positive cases, re-positive cases and their close contacts were isolated for at least 2 weeks until the PCR test resulted negative, found that:

All close contacts of the asymptomatic positive cases tested negative, indicating that the asymptomatic positive cases detected in this study were unlikely to be infectious.

Even the orthodox British Medical Journal recently joined in the criticism.

Shortly before Christmas, the science magazine published the article “COVID-19: Mass testing is inaccurate and gives false sense of security, minister admits” explaining how the testing being deployed in parts of the UK is simply not at all accurate for asymptomatic people and arguing that it cannot accurately determine if one is positive or negative, as Collective Evolution wrote. (The WHO themselves have since admitted as muchTwice. – ed.)

Already a few weeks before, you could read in The BMJ that:

Mass testing for COVID-19 is an unevaluated, underdesigned, and costly mess,


Screening the healthy population for COVID-19 is of unknown value, but is being introduced nationwide

And that [our emphasis]:

“the UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines,

Apart from that, the lawyer Reiner Füllmich, member of the German Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee “Stiftung Corona Ausschuss”, said that Stefan Hockertz, professor of pharmacology and toxicology, told him that thus far no scientific evidence has been found for asymptomatic infection.

When asked, the Robert Koch Institute was unable to send us a single study demonstrating that (a) “positive” asymptomatic persons made someone else sick (not just “positive”), that (b) “positive” persons with symptoms of illness made someone else sick (not just “positive”), and that (c) any person at all who tested “positive” for SARS-CoV-2 made another person “positive.” [4]


Even back in May, a major publication such as the Journal of the American Medical Association stated that a “positive” PCR result does not necessarily indicate presence of viable virus,” while a recent study in The Lancet says that “RNA detection cannot be used to infer infectiousness.“

Against this background, one can only agree with Franz Knieps, head of the association of company health insurance funds in Germany and for many years in close contact with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who stated in mid-January that “if you would not test anymore, Corona would disappear.”

Interestingly, even the hyper-orthodox German Virus-Czar and main government adviser on lockdowns and other measures, Christian Drosten, has contradicted himself on the reliability of PCR testing. In a 2014 interview regarding PCR testing for so-called MERS-CoV in Saudi Arabia he said:

The [PCR] method is so sensitive that it can detect a single hereditary molecule of the virus. For example, if such a pathogen just happens to flutter across a nurse’s nasal membrane for a day without her getting sick or noticing anything, then she is suddenly a case of MERS. Where fatalities were previously reported, now mild cases and people who are actually in perfect health are suddenly included in the reporting statistics. This could also explain the explosion in the number of cases in Saudi Arabia. What’s more, the local media boiled the matter up to unbelievable levels.”

Sound vaguely familiar?

And even Olfert Landt is critical about PCR test results, saying that only about half of those “infected with corona” are contagious. This is more than remarkable because Landt is not only one of Drosten’s co-authors in the Corman et al. paper — the first PCR Test protocol to be accepted by the WHO, published on January 23, 2020, in Eurosurveillance — but also the CEO of TIB Molbiol, the company that produces the tests according to that protocol.

Unfortunately, this conflict of interest is not mentioned in the Corman/Drosten et al. paper, as 22 scientists — among them one of the authors of this article, Stefano Scoglio — criticized in a recent in-depth analysis.

Altogether, Scoglio and his colleagues found “severe conflicts of interest for at least four authors,” including Christian Drosten, as well as various fundamental scientific flaws. This is why they concluded that “the editorial board of Eurosurveillance has no other choice but to retract the publication.”

On January 11, 2021, the editorial team of Eurosurveillance responded to Torsten Engelbrecht’s e-mail asking for a comment on this analysis:

We are aware of such a request [to retract the Corman/Drosten et al. paper] but we hope you will understand that we are currently not commenting on this. However, we are working towards a decision by the end of January 2021.

On January 27, Engelbrecht approached the journal once more to ask again: “Now is end of January. So please allow me to ask you again: What is your comment on the mentioned analysis of your Corman/Drosten et al. paper? And are you going to retract the Corman et al. paper – or what are you going to do?” Two days later, the Eurosurveillance editorial team answered as follows:

This is taking some time as multiple parties are involved. We will communicate our decision in one of the forthcoming regular issues of the journal.


Considering the lack of facts for detection of the alleged new virus and for the SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests to have any meaning, it is all the more scandalous that the costs of the tests are not publicly discussed, as they are enormous. Often, we hear politicians and talking heads state that meeting certain criteria the tests are free, but that is an outright lie. What they actually mean is that you don’t pay on the spot but with your taxes.

But regardless how you pay for it, in Switzerland, for example, the cost for a PCR test is between CHF140 and CHF200 (£117 to £167). So, let’s do the maths. At the time of writing, tiny Switzerland, with a population of 8.5 million, made about 3,730,000 SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests, besides about 500,000 antigen tests, which are a bit cheaper.

Considering an average price of CHF170 per PCR test, that’s a staggering CHF634 million, or £521 million. And despite the absurdity of testing asymptomatic people, just last week, on January 27th, the Swiss Federal Council called again on the people to get tested. Announcing that, starting the next day, the Swiss will have to pay with their taxes as well for mass testing of asymptomatic people. The Swiss Federal Council estimates that this will cost about 1 billion Swiss Francs.

Epidemiologist Dr. Tom Jefferson said in an interview to the Daily Mail:

Most PCR kits still cost more than £100 to obtain privately, for example, and the [UK] Government says it is now delivering 500,000 a day. But even these figures are dwarfed by the £100 billion the Prime Minister is prepared to spend on a ‘moonshot’ dream of supplying the population with tests [PCR and other kinds – ed.] more or less on demand—only £29 billion less than the entire NHS’s annual budget.

In Germany, the price varies widely, depending also if the test is paid privately or not, but on average it is similar to those in GB, and up to date they have performed about 37.5 million PCR Tests.

That is to say, billions and billions are spent — or downright “burned” — on tests that couldn’t mean less and are fuelling worldwide molecular and digital “deer hunting” for a virus that has never been detected.


Torsten Engelbrecht is an investigative journalist from Hamburg, Germany. The significantly expanded new edition of his book “Virus Mania” (co-authored with Dr Claus Köhnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD & Dr Stefano Scolgio BSc PhD) will be available in early February. In 2009 he won the German Alternate Media Award. He was a member of the Financial Times Deutschland staff and has also written for OffGuardian, The Ecologist, Rubikon, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and many others. His website is

Dr Stefano Scoglio, BSc PhD, is an expert in microbiology and naturopathy and is coordinating scientific and clinical research on Klamath algae extracts, and on microalgae-based probiotics, in cooperation with the Italian National Research Center and various Universities. Since 2004, he has published many articles in international scientific journals. In 2018, Scoglio was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Konstantin Demeter is a freelance photographer and an independent researcher. Together with the journalist Torsten Engelbrecht he has published articles on the “COVID-19” crisis in the online magazine Rubikon, as well as contributions on the monetary system, geopolitics, and the media in Swiss Italian newspapers.


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Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: We Have No Scientific Proof That Viruses Cause Disease — A Response to Dr. Judy Mikovits

Dr. Tom Cowan w/ Dr. Andrew Kaufman: We Have No Scientific Proof That Viruses Cause Disease — A Response to Dr. Judy Mikovits


Response to Judy Mikovits with Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman 

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman in conversation with Dr. Tom Cowan
September 29, 2021


This content features a discussion of the (lack of) scientific evidence for the proof of viruses alleged to cause disease in the context of a recently aired debate between Judy Mikovots, Ph.D. and Andrew Kaufman, M.D.

Video available at Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s Lbry channel and at Dr. Tom Cowan’s BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

The original discussion between Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Judy Mikovits may be seen here:

Dr. Cowan’s website:

Dr. Kaufman’s website:


David Rasnick: New Strain of the Coronavirus, or a Giant Con? How Deep Do the Lies Go?

David Rasnick: New Strain of the Coronavirus, or a Giant Con? How Deep Do the Lies Go?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 25, 2021


David Rasnick [1], PhD chemist, with a long history working in the pharmaceutical industry (Abbott, Prototek, Arris), broke away from official science and served as the president of Rethinking AIDS: the group for the scientific reappraisal of the HIV hypothesis. He was a member of the Presidential AIDS Advisory Panel of South Africa.

Here is a recent explosive statement Rasnick made [2] about SARS-CoV-2 and HIV. Digesting it brings about a breakthrough revelation:

“Viruses are unstable, RNA [e.g, SARS-Cov-2] viruses especially. They are so unstable, there is no such thing as an un-mutated RNA virus. They are like snow flakes, no two are identical.”

“HIV is an RNA virus with 9,800 nucleotides. You can download the HIV Sequence Compendium here:” [3]

“In the Preface it says:”

“’The number of [genetic] sequences in the HIV database is still increasing. In total, at the end of 2017, there were 812,586 sequences in the HIV Sequence Database, an increase of 8.5% since the previous year.”

“None of the sequences of the world destroying [sarcasm], computer generated coronavirus with its 30,000 or so nucleotides, are identical.”

“The virus maniacs use computers to compare the menagerie of sequences to come up with ‘A Consensus Sequence’ for HIV, Coronavirus, and all the rest. The consensus sequence exists in two places: in computers and in strings of RNA synthesized in the lab.”

“Even consensus sequences are not stable. Different groups, using a variety of computer algorithms will invariably come up with different ‘consensus sequences’.”

The implications of Rasnick’s statement are enormous.

First of all, forget about the idea that SARS-Cov-2 has one genetic sequence.

And these multiple sequences aren’t assembled by looking through a magic microscope. They’re put together by computer programs which have pre-set algorithms.

In other words, the sequences are built by ASSUMPTIONS (not evidence) embedded in the algorithms.

ANY vaccine developed for SARS-Cov-2 (even if you believe in the theory of how vaccines are supposed to work) would face the task of producing immunity to an ever-mutating virus—not just one mutated strain, but endless numbers of mutations.

You would have an analog to seasonal flu, in which researchers make a guess about what the new version of the virus will look like every year and develop a new vaccine for that guess.

How well is this working out? Public health agencies report that, each and every year, there are a BILLION cases of seasonal flu, worldwide.

Going still deeper, if the genetic sequences of the ever-mutating viruses are not discovered, but concocted via computer programs, how likely is it that a vaccine utilizing that “data” would work?

And at the bottom of the whole pile of guesswork, is, of course, the realization that, if these genetic sequences are concocted—where is the ACTUAL isolated virus? WHERE IS THE PROOF THAT IT EXISTS?

Where is it, when, as I’ve been reporting for months now, researchers twist and torture the meaning of “isolated,” so that it indicates “the virus is somewhere in a soup in a dish in a lab”—definitely UN-isolated.

Such is the “science” of modern virology.

But don’t worry, be happy, the test “for the coronavirus” must be accurate, the case and death numbers must be accurate, and the consequent lockdowns which are destroying national economies and hundreds of millions of lives are necessary…right?

Sure. Why not? Let’s say it’s all, all right. Everybody can go back to sleep and let tyrants demolish Earth civilization.

OR, you can REBEL against the Police State built on a house-of-cards hoax called “science.”

As opposed to “the virus,” liberty and freedom are quite real. People can feel them in their bones, in their minds and souls. Even and especially if they are slaves, they can feel them.

Speaking of whether a virus actually exists, here is an article I’ve reposted several times:


Before we get to Christine Johnson’s interview, a bit of background.

My first book, AIDS INC., was published in 1988. The research I engaged in then formed a foundation for my recent work in exposing the vast fraud called COVID-19.

In 1987-88, my main question eventually became: does HIV cause AIDS? For months, I had blithely assumed the obvious answer was yes. This created havoc in my investigation, because I was facing contradictions I couldn’t solve.

For example, in parts of Africa, people who were chronically ill and dying obviously needed no push from a new virus. All their “AIDS” conditions and symptoms could be explained by their environment: contaminated water supplies; sewage pumped directly into the drinking water; protein-calorie malnutrition; hunger, starvation; medical treatment with immunosuppressive vaccines and drugs; toxic pesticides; fertile farm land stolen by corporations and governments; wars; extreme poverty. The virus cover story actually obscured all these ongoing crimes.

Finally, in the summer of 1987, I found several researchers who were rejecting the notion that HIV caused AIDS. Their reports were persuasive.

I’m shortcutting a great deal of my 1987-8 investigation here, but once HIV was out of the picture for me, many pieces fell into place. I discovered that, in EVERY group supposedly at “high-risk” for AIDS, their conditions and symptoms could be entirely explained by factors that had nothing to do with a new virus.

AIDS was not one condition. It was an umbrella label, used to re-package a number of immunosuppressive conditions and create the illusion of a new and unique and single “pandemic.”

Several years after the publication of AIDS INC., I became aware of a quite different emerging debate going on under the surface of research: DOES HIV EXIST?

Was the purported virus ever truly discovered?

And THAT question led to: what is the correct procedure for discovering a new virus?

The following 1997 interview, conducted by brilliant freelance journalist, Christine Johnson, delves into these questions:

How should researchers prove that a particular virus exists? How should they isolate it? What are the correct steps?

These questions, and their answers, reside at the heart of most disease research—and yet, overwhelmingly, doctors never explore them or even consider them.

Johnson interviews Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis…”

Here I’m publishing and highlighting excerpts from the interview [4] [5]. Technical issues are discussed. Grasping them is not the easiest exercise you’ve ever done, but I believe the serious reader can comprehend the vital essentials.

CJ: Does HIV cause AIDS?

EP: There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS.

CJ: Why not?

EP: For many reasons, but most importantly, because there is no proof that HIV exists.

… CJ: Didn’t Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo [purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV] isolate HIV back in the early eighties?

EP: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients. [HIV is said to be a retrovirus.]

CJ: They say they did isolate a virus.

EP: Our interpretation of the data differs. To prove the existence of a virus you need to do three things. First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.

CJ: Can’t you just look down a microscope and say there’s a virus in the cultures?

EP: No, you can’t. Not all particles that look like viruses are viruses.

… CJ: My understanding is that high-speed centrifugation is used to produce samples consisting exclusively of objects having the same density, a so-called “density-purified sample.” Electron microscopy is used to see if these density-purified samples consist of objects which all have the same appearance — in which case the sample is an isolate — and if this appearance matches that of a retrovirus, in terms of size, shape, and so forth. If all this is true, then you are three steps into the procedure for obtaining a retroviral isolate. (1) You have an isolate, and the isolate consists of objects with the same (2) density and (3) appearance of a retrovirus. Then you have to examine this isolate further, to see if the objects in it contain reverse transcriptase [an enzyme] and will replicate when placed in new cultures. Only then can you rightfully declare that you have obtained a retroviral isolate.

EP: Exactly. It was discovered that retroviral particles have a physical property which enables them to be separated from other material in cell cultures. That property is their buoyancy, or density, and this was utilized to purify the particles by a process called density gradient centrifugation.

The technology is complicated, but the concept is extremely simple. You prepare a test tube containing a solution of sucrose, ordinary table sugar, made so the solution is light at the top but gradually becomes heavier, or more dense, towards the bottom. Meanwhile, you grow whatever cells you think may contain your retrovirus. If you’re right, retroviral particles will be released from the cells and pass into the culture fluids. When you think everything is ready, you decant a specimen of culture fluids and gently place a drop on top of the sugar solution. Then you spin the test tube at extremely high speeds. This generates tremendous forces, and particles present in that drop of fluid are forced through the sugar solution until they reach a point where their buoyancy prevents them from penetrating any further. In other words, they drift down the density gradient until they reach a spot where their own density is the same as that region of the sugar solution. When they get there they stop, all together. To use virological jargon, that’s where they band. Retroviruses band at a characteristic point. In sucrose solutions they band at a point where the density is 1.16 gm/ml.

That band can then be selectively extracted and photographed with an electron microscope. The picture is called an electron micrograph, or EM. The electron microscope enables particles the size of retroviruses to be seen, and to be characterized by their appearance.

CJ: So, examination with the electron microscope tells you what fish you’ve caught?

EP: Not only that. It’s the only way to know if you’ve caught a fish. Or anything at all.

CJ: Did Montagnier and Gallo do this?

EP: This is one of the many problems. Montagnier and Gallo did use density gradient banding, but for some unknown reason they did not publish any Ems [photos] of the material at 1.16 gm/ml…this is quite puzzling because in 1973 the Pasteur Institute hosted a meeting attended by scientists, some of whom are now amongst the leading HIV experts. At that meeting the method of retroviral isolation was thoroughly discussed, and photographing the 1.16 band of the density gradient was considered absolutely essential.

CJ: But Montagnier and Gallo did publish photographs of virus particles.

EP: No. Montagnier and Gallo published electron micrographs of culture fluids that had not been centrifuged, or even separated from the culture cells, for that matter. These EMs contained, in addition to many other things, including the culture cells and other things that clearly are not retroviruses, a few particles which Montagnier and Gallo claimed are retroviruses, and which all belonged to the same retroviral species, now called HIV. But photographs of unpurified particles don’t prove that those particles are viruses. The existence of HIV was not established by Montagnier and Gallo — or anyone since — using the method presented at the 1973 meeting.

CJ: And what was that method?

EP: All the steps I have just told you. The only scientific method that exists. Culture cells, find a particle, isolate the particle, take it to pieces, find out what’s inside, and then prove those particles are able to make more of the same with the same constituents when they’re added to a culture of uninfected cells.

CJ: So before AIDS came along there was a well-tried method for proving the existence of a retrovirus, but Montagnier and Gallo did not follow this method?

EP: They used some of the techniques, but they did not undertake every step including proving what particles, if any, are in the 1.16 gm/ml band of the density gradient, the density that defines retroviral particles.

CJ: But what about their pictures?

EP: Montagnier’s and Gallo’s electron micrographs…are of entire cell cultures, or of unpurified fluids from cultures…”

—end of interview excerpt—

If you grasp the essentials of this discussion, you’ll see there is every reason to doubt the existence of HIV, because the methods for proving its existence were not followed.

And so…as I’ve reported these past few months, there is every reason to doubt and reject the existence of the COVID virus, since correct large-scale electron microscope studies have never been done.

I kept the Christine Johnson interview, and other similar information, in mind when, for example, I explored the dud epidemics called SARS and 2009 Swine Flu.

How many viruses have been named as causes of disease, when in fact those viruses have never been isolated or proved to exist?

Of course, conventional-consensus researchers and doctors will scoff at any attempt to raise these issues. For them, “the science is settled.” Meaning: they don’t want to think. They don’t want to stir the waters.

A few years ago, chemist David Rasnick sent a request to the CDC, asking for evidence demonstrating that the Ebola virus had ever been isolated from a human. The answers he received did not begin to approach a level of certainty.

After 30 years working as a reporter in the area of deep medical-research fraud, I’ve seen that false science occurs in levels.

The deeper you go, the stranger it gets. To put it another way: the deeper you go, the worse it gets.



[2] personal communication





Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit squarefrog, pixabay 

How a License Is Like a Vaccine

How a License Is Like a Vaccine

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
January 18, 2021


Every year, more and more people require a government-issued license to do their job.

License definition: permission granted by an authority (as of a government or a business) to do some act or transaction which would be unlawful without such permission.

Licensure is on the rise despite a 2018 Institute of Justice study estimating that licensing costs the American economy nearly 2 million jobs and up to $197 billion annually. The document License to Work found that, for lower and moderate income occupations – hair stylists, massage therapists, preschool teachers – licensing was overly burdensome and irrational. In 2016, The Wisconsin Institute for Justice reported:

Onerous occupational licensing laws that force people to undergo thousands of hours of often redundant and gratuitous training to perform jobs like auctioneering, tree trimming, and hair styling. …licensing laws are the result of higher-skilled professionals seeking to protect their market share at the consumers’ expense.

The Medical License Landscape

Between 1875 and 1900, conventional medicine began passing license laws that granted national associations, such as The American Medical Association, (AMA), the right to oversee and regulate the practice of medicine, as well as collect heavy license fees. Government agencies, such as the FDA, do not apply regulations to treatment regimens or practices, only to products.

Conventional medicine, today, is a for-profit global industry, with the top 11 drug companies in 2012 making almost 85 billion in profit. With disease rates rising over the last century, and facing poor medical outcomes during a flu pandemic that is no different from any other flu, many professionals from diverse fields are pleading to go back to traditional medicine used by indigenous medicine physicians.

However, licensed medical doctors, under the direction of the AMA, have not stopped crusading to criminalize unlicensed holistic practitioners for ‘practicing medicine without a license’ under the Medical Practice Acts. In addition, licensed holistic practitioners, who want to be like their medical counterparts, would also force licensure for everyone.

In a 2016 study by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL)”

licensing laws raise prices for consumers by $1.93 billion each year and result in roughly 31,000 fewer jobs. Over the past two decades, the number of license holders has jumped by 34 percent in Wisconsin. Meanwhile, the number of occupational licensing categories has soared by 84 percent.

How A License Is Like A Vaccine

While licensed doctors attempt to legislate choice for everyone, their medicine continues to be a one-size-fits-all approach. In failing to evolve, the medical system applies a license like a vaccine:

Where a license is used as a shield to protect the medical industry, a vaccine is a shield to that provides legal immunity to vaccine makers against lawsuits from vaccine damage.

Where a license replaces inherent rights for acquired rights and privileges, a vaccine usurps innate immunity for acquired immunity.

Where a license reflects a transfer of power from a free market (self-regulation) to a controlled-market (state-regulation), a vaccine reflects a transfer of power from self-healing to disease management.

Where a license is legal permission from an authority (i.e. State government, medical board) to do something that would otherwise be deemed illegal, a vaccine is legal permission to inject toxins that would otherwise be deemed illegal to ingest.

Where a license is based on the theory of “standard of care,” a vaccine is based on the standard of “The Germ Theory of Disease.”

If vaccines work so well, then what do the vaccinated fear from the unvaccinated?

The “Standard of Care” Deception

The medical authority determines the “standard of care” which is a degree of care a doctor is expected to exercise. Standard of Care is based on practice guidelines, the medical literature, hospital policies and procedures, state and federal regulations, and other sources. A 2005 article in the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law stated that “The precise definition of the standard of care varies from one state to another… Practice guidelines evolve and change, driven by new developments in clinical practice and science… After 5.8 years, half of the practice guidelines are outdated.”

In reality, standards do not exist. They shift with opinions, especially in a world where patients can get a second or third or fourth medical opinion for each diagnosis. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) holds the opinion that vaccines are “safe and effective.” The US Supreme Court holds the opinion that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” And the British Medical Journal holds the opinion that medical error is the third leading cause of death in America, known as iatrogenic, or “doctor-caused” death. In 2021, with rising healthcare costs, rising disease rates, and rising uninsured people, it appears as if the medical system is designed to fail.

What Does Licensed Medicine Have To Fear?

Under the scope of the Medical Practice Act, a medical school graduate must first acquire a license before he or she can legally practice and use the title “MD,” “DO, “DC, “physician,” or “doctor.”

Licensed allopathic medicine allows the doctor to prescribe toxic synthetic drugs that include black box warnings and adverse health effects, many of which come with an LD50; the Lethal Dose of a drug that kills 50 percent of the tested population.

Licensed medicine limits free thinking and professional growth by keeping doctors busy, while also threatening doctors for suggesting holistic healing alternatives since the doctor is liable under threat of malpractice. Malpractice is  “an instance of negligence or incompetence on the part of the professional.”

Licensed medicine authorizes a doctor to regulate your body using standard medical protocols and bill you according to standard medical codes.

Licensed medicine means the State owns your body, as a ward of the state, and can claim your body, if they determine you to be incompetent.

Licensed medicine allows a medical doctor to “prescribe,” “treat” and “diagnose,” to puncture the skin, and to cut into the body.

If the license works so well, what do licensed doctors fear from unlicensed healers?

Holistic Medicine Is Not Licensed Medicine

Holistic practitioners do not attend medical school. They do not practice licensed medicine. They do not prescribe, treat, or diagnose. They do not puncture the skin, and do not cut into the body. They do not suggest medical alternatives. They do not use standard medical protocols or bill using standard medical codes.

Holistic healers work with Nature’s tools such as herbs, sunshine, clean water, real food. They do not treat symptoms with FDA-approved synthetic drugs, but look for the cause and allow the body to heal itself. The holistic healer sees each individual as pure potential and unique in body, mind, and spirit. Individuality over Uniformity.

Both allopathic and holistic medicine are healing modalities on a spectrum of choice. Where allopathic medicine ends, holistic medicine begins. One does not encroach upon the other. One is an apple, the other an orange.

As has been the case since 1900, the practice of licensed medicine co-exists alongside unlicensed medicine because choice exists. One cannot legislate choice for another. As history shows, rulers do not eliminate choice through unjust laws. They only drive it underground.

In a free society, everyone has the right to give advice and the right to choose advice from allopaths, osteopaths, naturopaths, homeopaths, herbalists, and chiropractors.

Right To Be Left Alone

The right of privacy is a Constitutional right that means the right to personal autonomy, or the right to choose whether or not to engage in certain acts or have certain experiences.  The right to privacy:

includes a general right to be left alone and to be protected from governmental interference. It also includes the freedom of the individual to make fundamental choices involving the individual, his or her family, and relationships with others, except where such choices prove to be harmful to others and possibly oneself.”

With few exceptions, an absolute right to choose any treatment has not held up in court. One exception:

In Schneider v. Revici, 817 F.2d 987 (2nd Cir. 1987), the court’s opinion addressed responsibility of a patient for his own care:

[W]e see no reason why a patient should not be allowed to make an informed decision to go outside currently approved medical methods in search of an unconventional treatment. While a patient should be encouraged to exercise care for his own safety, we believe that an informed decision to avoid surgery and conventional chemotherapy is within the patient’s right “to determine what shall be done with his own body.

How to Preserve Choice?

According to a National Health Statistics survey published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, two out of five, or 40 percent of Americans choose to spend $33.9 billion annually, out-of-pocket, on products and services ranging from nutritional supplements to yoga and chiropractic care. Alternatively, Forbes magazine reported in 2019 that healthcare system waste hit $935 billion a year.

The State of Wisconsin was featured in the March 2000 Journal of Family Practice  showing demand for more alternative healing options. Four reasons emerged as the basis for this: 1) Holism (whole person approach), 2) Empowerment, 3) Access, and 4) Legitimization.[i]

Like rights, healing and freedom are embodied. They are inherent. They require no license. Using free-will, each individual authorizes any practice over his own body, his private property, through consent or the withdrawal of consent.

People who seek to preserve choice and legitimize holistic medicine must stand up and speak out for that right. Each is responsible for her own body and her own health. When it comes to choice, the only freedom you have is the freedom you defend.

In legislating the choice to heal, do legislators practice medicine without a license?

The National Health Freedom Action is a non-profit organization working to protect your choice in order to access natural healing modalities, while also protecting the rights of practitioners of Naturopathy, Herbalism, Homeopathy, Ayurveda, etc., to practice medicine without a license. Contact them at In Wisconsin, contact the Wisconsin Health Freedom Coalition  and join me to preserve choice and access to holistic practitioners.

[i] Barlett, B., L. Marchad, J. Scheder, and D. Applebaum, Bridging the Gap Between Conventional and Alternative Medicine, Journal of Family Practice 49, no. 3 (March 4, 2000): 234-9; available at: (accessed June 15, 2017).

Updated from December 2017


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, ND

Willem Felderhof w/ Dr. Eric Karlstrom: International Science Frauds, Including Global Warming and COVID Narrative, Usher in the New World Order

Willem Felderhof w/ Dr. Eric Karlstrom: Global Science Frauds, Including Global Warming and COVID Narrative, Usher in the New World Order


Dr. Eric Karlstrom: How the Global Warming and Covid Frauds Usher in the New World Order

by Willem Felderhof
January 9, 2021

For transcript of Willem’s introduction, see:

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, Lbry/Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Willem Felderhof‘s website:

Dr. Eric Karlstrom‘s websites:


Quote from J. Edgar Hoover, shared by Willem during the interview:

“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.” ~ J. Edgar Hoover


Excerpts from Dr. Eric Karlstrom’s words:

“…power doesn’t care about truth. Power doesn’t need to care about truth. Power wants power.  And the CIA has always been all about power and has served the power elite. In realpolitik — okay, what is realpolitik? Realpolitick is Machiavelli — might makes right, the ends justify the means, divide and conquer, you have to lie to the people… Well, the CIA runs America. It certainly has since they killed Kennedy in 1963…”


“It doesn’t matter if there’s only one person in the world who understands the truth. The truth is still the truth… The heart of the scientist, the mind of the scientist is fundamentally different from that of the political scientist or the political operative.”


“The US military industrial complex is the elephant in the room and, of course, they serve Wall Street and the City of London power structure — who, as we dig deeper, these are the psychopaths, the pedophiles, the people who do all the really rotten things. So, we have a big problem… What they are enforcing now with the vaccines and the mask mandates is slavery — world slavery — which has apparently always been the goal…

And, of course, this has to be resisted at every cost… Better to be dead in a fight than to have a whole series of vaccines which turn your body into something that is connected to the Pentagon cloud — and that your every move and every thought is monitored and controlled by the elite. This is what’s coming down.”


“The CIA wrote a memo in 1962 saying we want to control the weather. And, of course, this is what has happened. The geoengineering, weather warfare, weather modification has been a series of black projects to a large extent, but not all black, since WWII — really pioneered by the Brits and America. And the geoengineering allows — and then even Lyndon Johnson, President Lyndon Johnson, said I think in ’64 or ’65: ‘Who controls the weather, controls the world.’

And so, what we have is a push underneath the surface by the CIA, and the military planners and their corporate buddies to control all aspects of humanity, civilization, the external and the internal environments. With the MKUltra – ‘let’s control the internal environment for our advantage’. With the weather control – “let’s control the external environment’.”


“The global warming fraud has morphed over time…

We really don’t know the average temperature of the earth because it’s impossible to measure the average temperature of the earth — because it’s always warming and cooling somewhere, and it’s changing every second. But still this whole field is rife for fraud and misrepresentation.”


“It became then relevant and obvious to me and my students that what we had here was the political corruption and cooption of a whole body of sciences including biology and climatology and earth science…

In order to believe the man-caused-global-warming fraud you have to basically throw everything we know out about earth science.”


“In other words, the computer model becomes the reality in the minds of the politicians and the media — and fuels then these political agendas which, again, tend towards one world government and enslavement — and loss of national sovereignties, individual sovereignties. So, it’s a tragedy. And we saw it with the climate fraud that billions were poured into this fraud over a long period of time…

Why should people trust science —  if our science is so bogus, is so bad? And the same thing now is happening with the biosecurity state, the medical emergency — the non-emergency that we have here, listening to people like Fauci and Birx and what not. I mean these people are charlatans. They’re liars. They’re criminals. They’re thieves. “


“Our scientists, our psychologists, our cognitive researchers, our neuroscientists — they’re committing crimes against humanity — against us. Their science is being used by the military intelligence corporate complex against humanity.”


“Catherine Austin Fitts calls this committee that runs the world ‘Mr. Global’. We have to identify Mr. Global and take him out. Permanently. We have to take out Mr. Global. And, of course, Mr. Global has his fingers in every institution. But we can still do it. As long as there’s life, there’s hope, you know.

And I think, you know, the resistance we saw in Washington, DC yesterday is an indication of what we’re going to see. I think we’re going to see — hopefully, we’re going to see continued resistance.”


Willem Felderhof is a former commercial airline pilot and was a whistleblower on the presence of toxic elements in aviation generally known as “the Aerotoxic syndrome”.



Related Links:


The article/document written by Dr. Eric Karlstrom, mentioned by Willem:

Disproofs of Man-Induced Global Warming Article: Open letter to policy makers, colleagues, students, and citizens


The Great Global Warming Swindle


The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World by L. Fletcher Prouty
(available HERE in free PDF format)

Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire by Jüri Lina
(available HERE in free PDF format)

Related work of Catherine Austin Fitts:

Catherine Austin Fitts: The “Pandemic” as Cover for a Coup D’Etat Aimed at Taking Over the Planet — Converting Democratic Process to Technocracy, Imposing Complete Economic & Political Control

The Quarantine Act on the World Stage

The Quarantine Act on the World Stage

by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing
January 3, 2021


Event 201 programmed world governments to fall in line and respond with one voice. However, in order for the plan to succeed, the people would have to comply in large numbers. Now that deadlines of declared National Emergencies have long since expired, new laws are being set up that will, again, require the compliance of the people.

The meaning of OVID?  “a sheep”

The Quarantine Act In Canada

Under the Crown, the newly amended law in Canada, The Quarantine Act (pages 1 & 2), states that anyone coming into Canada will have to be examined /tested by quarantine officers and also must accept any proposed treatment from them (ie vaccines). If anyone refuses to be screened they can be arrested & detained without warrant. This lines up with the leaked memo from Canadian political officials a few months back.

Quarantine facilities

(7) The Minister may by order designate any place in Canada as a quarantine facility and amend, cancel or reinstate the designation.

Screening technology

 (1) Any qualified person authorized by the Minister may, to determine whether a traveller has a communicable disease or symptoms of one, use any screening technology authorized by the Minister that does not involve the entry into the traveller’s body of any instrument or other foreign body.

Refusal to be screened

(2) If a traveller refuses to be screened with the screening technology and the person using it is not a screening officer or quarantine officer, the person shall immediately inform a screening officer or quarantine officer of the refusal.

New York Dictate

New York is proposing similar laws. Democrat N. Nick Perry introduced Assembly Bill A416, which calls for the “removal and/or detention” of individuals who are identified as a “case, contact or carrier” of a contagious disease.


According to a January 2, 2021 article, the law allows the governor or a health official to unilaterally approve such detentions for any health emergency, not only for Coronavirus. However, a court order is required within 60 days of confinement, and judicial review is also required if the individual is still in detention after 90 days. Citizens that are placed in detention will only be released once “health authorities” determine that they are no longer contagious.

The Great Reset

These “Acts” are in line with The Great Reset, a campaign to homogenize all laws, all nations, all minds.  Under the Great Reset, one group of people declare themselves authority over all others, all movement and all medical choices, property rights, and other rights.

You will be told that “For The Good of All” you must obey new restrictions. For the good of all, you must conform. Uniformity over unity. Conformity over freedom. Sustainability “for urgent times” under the United Nations as the New Normal.

You will be strongly encouraged to reset the language, reset creativity, and reset your thoughts, and your solutions, under new Global Norms dictated by the United Nations. These new ‘norms’ will claim to offer a “window of opportunity” to change “the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”


All the world’s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts, – Shakespeare, As You Like It,

If all the world is a stage, as disclosed under the pseudonym of William Shakespeare, then all Acts are scripts for actors.

What secret group is behind the 2020 Pandemic script?  Could it be the authors of The Secret Covenant?

The Secret Covenant

A secret group that remains ‘Anonymous’ has made their intentions known on how the Acts on the world stage will play out in the Secret Covenant. Some points are listed as follows:

We will always hide our objectives but carry our our plan.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.

Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.

When they give birth, we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.

We will render them docile and weak before us by our power.

We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever; keeping them and their children in debt.

When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world, for we shall own all the media.

When they shall rise up against us, we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that.

So grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.

When our goal is accomplished, a new era of dominion will begin.

But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.

– Author Unknown

Individual Power in a Staged Reality

Could a global frequency grid, controlled by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), create an illusion of reality?

For centuries humans have been made to fight for freedom on roads paved with blood under the direction of an unseen group, synonymous with A.I.. When humans follow dictates and Acts, and accept untested A.I. as truth, they lose touch with their own intuition, energy, thoughts, and humanity.

When you allow your body to be herded and monitored like sheep, when you allow yourself to be branded with masks, when you allow your nose to be tested with swabs, when you allow your mind to be captured by dictates, when you allow your body to be injected with poisons, you lock your own gates from within. You consent to be controlled as a sheep. Livestock are vaccinated nasally.

What if refusing the Act and its dictates preserves your authentic frequency? What is preserving your frequency is one easy solution to separate yourself from the rest of the herd mentality?  What if creating an inner state of calm, peace, joy, and gratitude throws a wrench in the fear-based control system and unleashes freedom for humanity on a larger scale than a single stage? What if you create a Notice of Non-consent when it comes to mandates of any kind? You operate in the realm of the private (not public) where your inherent rights are protected.

Freeing yourself from a staged reality must begin with taking the bull by the horns and seeing yourself as energy first, unique, with your own distinct energy signature, your own energy fingerprints, your own senses and sensibilities, and your own ability to choose a road paved by choice, not by blood or poison. Do you choose your own script on your own stage?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


cover image credit Peggy_Marco / pixabay

It’s a Wonderful World

Louis Armstrong: It’s a Wonderful World

by Louis Armstrong




Some of you young folks been saying to me,

“Hey, Pops, what you mean, ‘What a wonderful world’?

“How about all them wars all over the place? You call them wonderful?

“And how about hunger and pollution? That ain’t so wonderful either.”

Well, how about listening to old Pops for a minute. Seems to me, it ain’t the world that’s so bad but what we’re doin’ to it.

And all I’m saying is, see what a wonderful world it would be if only we’d give it a chance.

Love, baby, love. That’s the secret.


If lots more of us loved each other we’d solve lots more problems. And then this world would be a gasser.

That’s what ol’ Pops keeps saying.

What A Wonderful World

I see trees of green
Red roses too
I see them bloom
For me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces
Of people going by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, “How do you do?”
They’re really saying
“I love you”

I hear babies cry
I watch them grow
They’ll learn much more
Than I’ll never know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world


Cover image credit: Library of Congress (public domain)

The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity

The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 19, 2020


The Face You Wear Matters

By wearing a mask over your face, you conceal your identity. One of the most common forms of human communication is facial expressions. Infants learn identity using facial expressions. Children learn to self-identify by observing body language without words. The ritual of mask wearing heralds in a loss of identity for a whole generation.  Why obliterate individual identity for a fusion of identities?

A fusion of identities is part of a One World Order, a Great Reset, that includes:

No individual
No independence
No liberty
No responsibility
No property
No rights
No self concept

What the 4th Industrial Evolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities. – Klaus Schwab, The Fourth Industrial Revolution – Founder & Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

A One World Order by another name is…

The Transhumanist Agenda

The Transhumanist agenda is more than just Artificial Intelligence (AI), self-driving cares, robots taking over American jobs, or transgender restrooms at public facilities to accommodate uniformity among the masses.

Transhumanism is Posthumanism. It is humanism with the optimism taken out. A movement that advocates for the transformation and the “advancement of humanity through technology” that merges humans and machines. Transhumanism runs the gamut from nanotechnology to A.I. This paradigm is not limited to gadgets and medicine but also molds social, economic, cultural, institutional design, language, and the psyche.

To be clear, Transhumanism is a manufactured endpoint to human evolution by the year 2030.

Where reproductive and genetic control technologies serve as forms of social control.
Where technology promotes a Scientific Dictatorship called Scientism.
Where scientists are gods under the religion of Technocracy.
Where politicians are priests and science is politicized.
Where the more you separate yourself from your heart-self, the more you create something non-human.

A Democratic Society is a Manipulated One

Transhumanism is a reality of a perfect “controllable race.” This human race began taking shape in the 1930s under Social Engineers like Edward Bernays who believed that the conscious manipulation of the habits and opinions of the masses is the central feature of a democratic society.

Bernays’ book Propaganda revealed the method of mind control for anyone curious enough to pay attention:

The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.…

In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses.

It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.

~ Edward L. Bernays, Master Propagandist

Technocracy is The New Democracy. Why else are democratic governors and legislators changing behavior and opinion through mandates for democrats to obediently fall in line to support them?

Social Engineers have manipulated people/masses through fiction (i.e., Brave New World), non-fiction, film, media, the educational system, politics, religion, sports, Hollywood celebrities, and rigged elections throughout the centuries. And each time people/masses have consented through their silent acquiescence and participation.

Brave New World

Aldous Huxley’s novel Brave New World predicted a world of bio and social engineering controlled by the intellectual elite, of which Huxley was a member. Huxley described a future that had already begun to take shape under his pen. To grasp the Huxleyesque nature of current culture we only need to look at what he predicted: Listen to his 30-minute speech here:

There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution ~ Aldous Huxley, 1961

In 1962, Huxley gave a follow-up speech, The Ultimate Revolution, at Berkley:

. . .we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably will always exist to get people to love their servitude. This is the, it seems to me, the ultimate in malevolent revolutions shall we say, and this is a problem which has interested me many years and about which I wrote thirty years ago, a fable, Brave New World, which is an account of society making use of all the devices available and some of the devices which I imagined to be possible making use of them in order to, first of all, to standardize the population, to iron out inconvenient human differences, to create, to say, mass produced models of human beings arranged in some sort of scientific caste system. Since then, I have continued to be extremely interested in this problem and I have noticed with increasing dismay a number of the predictions which were purely fantastic when I made them thirty years ago have come true or seem in process of coming true.

Transhumanism is mind control to shift perception to a hybrid society. As perception shifts, the individual is homogenized into an amorphous “public persona.” The term “Public Health” is a public relations term, created in 1913 by the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (RIMR), to convince individuals to give up their identity to an outside, unseen authority.

Inversion Reality

Transhumanism is Inversion Reality to create order out of chaos, where up is down, black is white, sickness is health, male is female, abnormal is normal, and uniformity is unity.

The Transhumanist Movement has been playing out before our eyes under the deception of politics and Hollywood make-up and glamour for more than a century. Transgendered actors have been ‘coming out’ to be recognized as non-gendered. Caitlyn Jenner is a role model for the right to reshape and choose a different identify. These are influencers. However, what happens when true identity is concealed and used for deception?

How many Hollywood actors, mainstream news anchors, super models, leaders and politicians are disguised behind wigs, false eyelashes, or beards to create The Great Deception? What deeper meaning rests behind celebrity worship, the golden idols actors give themselves, or the pentagrams they bow down to on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

People have been measuring themselves against a standard of beauty and worth based in illusion. Does Hollywood entertainment and its teachings go back to the Freemasons? Back to Babylon and the Sodomites? To the Primordial Man? Have actors been mocking their audiences openly as when Stephen Colbert offered a display on national TV in 2006?

Good Evening Godless Sodomites… …It warps The Minds of Our Children and Weakens The Resolve of Our Allies… By Giving You a Golden Idol To Worship… KNEEL BEFORE YOUR GOD, BABYLON! ~ Stephen Colbert, 2006 Emmy Awards

The Transhumanist-Posthuman agenda is not about the equality of the sexes since the sexes are meant to merge into an androgynous blob. Under the Trans Agenda, an era of social and ecologic inequities are the new standard where nature is unnecessary and human relationships are replaced by sexbots that cook, clean, converse (or not), and provide for physical needs.

The deeper agenda is to weaken the male energy as “protector and defender,” subvert the female essence, and neutralize the divine through technologies such as CRISPR. CRISPR genetically modifies DNA to redesign gender at the level of the human embryo to create an androgyne that cannot reproduce. What if this technology has been seeded in vaccines that has changed the DNA of a whole generation? What if the new genetically modified mRNA COVID vaccine not only changes DNA, but acts as an infertility drug in the same jab?

The Transhumanist agenda offers a radical downgrade of humanity. It suggests we are entering a virtual reality without a discussion of morals or spiritual matters, where we can transcend our biological limitations with implants and injections. Do we extend life, prevent death, or bring the dead back to life even if life is no longer worth living? Are we suddenly convinced that vampires are sexy, and adrenochrome is the latest energy drink? Why else is the BBC writing about blood drinkers?

Do we leave the light behind because the darkness brings a different type of eternity? Do we accept that the Transgender agenda has infiltrated the classroom to indoctrinate children in Kindergarten?

In agreeing to the Trans Agenda, it is important to know the risks and the consequences of accepting a program that was set into motion many decades ago by an elite class. The program to introduce new technology in the 1990s promised to feed the world with genetically-modified foods (GMOS). In 2000, it became the technology of electro-magnetic frequencies EMFs “to download movies faster.” When GMO foods were not enough to feed the world, the message shifted to change behavior. “For every flu shot given at our Pharmacy or The Little Clinic, we’ll donate a meal to Feeding America.

The message of the Transhumanist Agenda will declare that humanity will go extinct or permanently destroy itself unless Transhumanistic technologies are accepted. Are the adverse health effects of GMOs, EMFs, and vaccine technologies the real reason humans need to find new ways to preserve themselves? Has our participation led us to this point?

Humanity appears to be repeating a process that led to extinction once before, in Atlantis. History wrote that the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age ended at the hand of an “angry god” who destroyed the world because “humans” went astray. Humanity is again at the end of an Age; The Iron Age. Do humans accept the “angry god” story again and follow along with the plan that is laid out?

Post-human World

While you’ll feel compelled to charge forward it’s often a gentle step back that will reveal to you where you are and what you truly seek. ~ Rasheed Ogunlaru

The survival of a Transhumanist world happens at the expense of humans.

The liabilities are unknown. Does the soul remain intact? Can a Posthuman being with increased life expectancy, intelligence, health, and memory cease to exist on a spiritual level?

There is an elite class that exists, from all walks of life, that includes doctors, bankers, lawyers, police, judges, researchers, military, congressmen, senators, groomed for their position. They travel in exclusive circles and are part of prominent, old families that may sacrifice more than their soul to worship an androgynous god. Listen to a 2017 interview with a whistleblower reveal an agenda that could lead to martial law.

Policy guidance, that is not law, is being written by a hidden hand to forge a Brave New Global World. What happens next depends on our mutual cooperation. Those who follow a Trans religion have a right to believe what they want, as long as it does not infringe upon another’s rights. And those who choose not to believe? Their rights must be preserved too. Informed-consent means transparency and accountability, which is something that no longer exists.

Reject Technocracy

We are in a critical time in history. However, no one, and no group of politicians, scientists, priests, or actors can succeed in isolating people, suppressing free speech, and subverting human identity without your consent.

Knowing who you are protects you.Living beings are governed by Natural Law. They have rights. If you are a living being, you are not bound by man-made laws without your consent. United States case law from 1796 that still stands today says:

It is not a rule binding upon mankind in their natural state. There, every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent.” CRUDEN v. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.

Man-made laws, or statutes, or mandates, apply only to “persons” or “legal entities/fictions.”Are you a living being? If so, statutes have no power over you without your consent. However, do not make a claim of who you are without understanding the fundamentals  of law or you may incriminate yourself. There is a process to hold your position. For more information on the fundamentals of law, listen to Tom Barnett.

Technology must serve everyone. We must reject Scientism and be ready to say NO when basic freedoms are threatened. It is time to clean house from the ground up starting with our local governments. Are we humans or robots? Do we own our own thoughts and beliefs, or are our minds the property of a global elite?

As Americans, we must take back the language, take back our morality, and reclaim our true identities. We maintain our humanity by connecting to our true selves and connecting to each other. If not, we enter a world where separation of the self is the new normal.

For more on this topic, check out Losing Identity to the Hive Mind.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

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Operation Warp Speed

Operation Warp Speed

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 14, 2020


Governments around the world are rushing to deploy a new, experimental COVID vaccine, “at warp speed.”

Are we all on the deck of the Starship Enterprise?

Current estimates project that 200 million doses of COVID vaccine, a two-shot treatment for 100 million people, will be available by the end of 2020.

Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), the FDA commissioner has the authority to allow unapproved medical products to be used in an “emergency” when there are no approved alternatives.

Before rushing into The Final Frontier traveling faster than the speed of light, why not heed the wisdom of Jean Luc Picard, Captain of the Enterprise, when he warned, “No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another.”

Focus on the Headlines

CNN mainstream news warns, “Don’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine.”


If ever there was a blatant warning that does not require reading between the headlines, it is this: Beware of the new, untested, genetically modified COVID vaccine. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Collateral damage happens.

Whenever the government has rushed an experimental vaccine to market, the outcomes have been disastrous. The story has been told many times before through the media headlines.

Nothing ever needs to be rushed when it comes to ensuring safety because alternatives do exist, from the drug, Hydroxychloroquine, to mineral supplementation and medicinal herbs.  Survivors of the Spanish Flu pandemic used homeopathy, a proven holistic alternative, with great success, even though there is no mention in the headlines.

The headlines love software developer and appointed COVID spokesperson, Bill Gates, who disclosed that 700,000 people could die from this vaccine. This figure is suspiciously close to the figure seen on the Georgia Guidestones, whose message is to maintain humanity under 500,000,000 (from 7 billion).

If you scan the news, you will find the high-risk groups for COVID deaths. The headlines read: “40% of Central Florida COVID deaths from nursing homes,” and “more than 6,000 coronavirus deaths are tied to Massachusetts long-term care facilities.” Nursing homes and long-term care facilities are the same groups targeted for the first round of vaccines.

First To Be Jabbed

A U.S. panel has decided for everyone that the 1st injections will go to health care workers and nursing homes. Headlines read, “Massachusetts nursing home staff to face flu-shot requirement.”

Don’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine. – CNN

Is CNN warning that the first to be jabbed will be the first to die? Are they disclosing a pattern for past epidemics and mass vaccination campaigns? Is truth being disclosed in the headlines? Do the headlines provide informed consent for the masses?

Vaccine makers, who are not liable for vaccine injuries and deaths, claim that they have a limited number of vaccines to deploy in the first phase. For instance, Moderna, says most people in the US will have to wait several months before they might have access to a coronavirus vaccine. And it could be years before everyone in the world can get vaccinated against COVID-19. Pfizer, which says its vaccine is 95% effective at preventing coronavirus infections, is expected to produce the first COVID-19 vaccine to receive FDA authorization in the coming weeks.

If experts claim that the vaccine will work at 95% efficiency, why reveal that you can get the virus more than once?

Before you consider if you belong to any of the priority groups, ponder this: What good is a 95% effective vaccine to prevent an infection that could make you a death statistic in the process?

The priority list of recipients looks like this:

  1. Military personnelsailors, and frontline health care workers, nursing home residents and staff, employees and residents of long-term care facilities.
  2. Essential workers who cannot work from home (around 87 million workers).
  3. At-risk groups with underlying medical conditions, including those undergoing chemotherapy and radiotherapy (around 100 million or so).
  4. Older adults, 65 years and older (around 53 million or so).
  5. “the ordinary citizen” by April, May or June 2021.
  6. People living with HIV

If those most likely to die are the same people taking the vaccine first, then …“Don’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine.”

Past Vaccine Disasters

If hindsight is 20/20, then people should be able to track past vaccine disasters for Polio, Swine flu, and H1N1, to name a few. However, people also have short attention spans.

  • Polio

In 1955, the government announced the first vaccine to protect kids against polio. More than 200,000 children got the polio vaccine, but within days the government had to abandon the program. The Cutter Incident resulted in 40,000 kids getting polio, including 10 deaths, from the polio vaccine. Later, from 1955 to 1963, it was found that between 10% and 30% of polio vaccines were contaminated with simian virus 40, which later resulted in an increased incidence of certain cancers among the 98 million people exposed to contaminated polio vaccine. About 90% of children and 60% of adults in the U.S. were inoculated for polio and possibly exposed to SV40.

  • Swine flu

In 1976, forty-five years ago, scientists predicted a pandemic of a new dangerous strain of influenza dubbed, Swine Flu. The federal government planned to buy 200 million doses of vaccines developed by drug companies and distribute them for free to state health agencies. President Ford misled people into believing that Swine Flu could be as bad as the Spanish Flu.  The prediction that 50 million Americans would be sickened by swine flu never came to fruition.

Of the 46 million people who obediently took the shot, 4,000 Americans claimed damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars due to vaccine damage. Many developed Guillain-Barré syndrome — a disorder attributed to vaccines that can cause muscle weakness, paralysis, and even death. The program ended when 25% of the populated got the jab. See Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes expose the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries. During the fall of the following year, people feared getting the flu shot.

“I am terrified about getting a flu shot after all the troubles it caused last year,” wrote Martha W. on Sept. 26, 1977.

  • H1N1

In June 2009, the World Health Organization declared an H1N1 pandemic, marking the first global pandemic since the 1968 Hong Kong flu. The H1N1 strain of flu was the result of a reassortment of human influenza and swine influenza viruses. This suggests that viruses can jump the species barrier [more on that later]. In October, 2009, president Obama declared a National Emergency. The declaration gave DHHS Secretary extraordinary powers during a crisis. Health experts called it a false pandemic, insisting it was “just a normal kind of flu.”  Ten years later, history repeats itself…

…the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%). – Anthony Fauci, March 26, 2020, New England Journal of Medicine editorial

Question the Narrative

Has vaccine science  evolved since 1955, or 1976, or 2009 if the same pattern keeps repeating? Question the research:

Does the annual Flu vaccine increase your risk of other respiratory viruses?  Yes.

Does the annual Flu vaccine increase your risk of getting the flu? Yes.

Does the annual Flu vaccine increase a child’s risk of hospitalization for flu by 3 times? Yes.

Does the annual Flu vaccine increase your risk of COVID19?  Yes.

Does the COVID vaccine bring on new deadlier strains, similar to the HPV vaccine, due to making the body more susceptible to infection?

No data available.

Does the COVID flu vaccine produce false positive HIV tests?  Yes.

Why bring up HIV?

Because the vaccine’s molecular clamp is made from a HIV protein, as well as mRNA and lipid nanoparticles. According to a December 2020 study in bioRxiv,* the vaccine also contains a SARS-Cov-2 spike protein, which, by itself “can induce macrophage activation in pulmonary tissue and induce acute inflammation” in the lungs.

Does history repeat itself?  Yes

Has any of these viruses ever been isolated?  No.

Virus Deception

When politics and science form a consensus, integrity and truth are lost.

Perhaps the greatest deception in repeat pandemics is that “the virus” has never been isolated. There is no true viral pandemic in human history since humans make viruses (exosomes) within their own cells.

The only person you’re truly competing against is yourself. – Jean Luc Picard, Captain, Starship Enterprise

As all students of biology know, viruses are not alive. They depend on the components of a cell for survival. Therefore, a virus is not contagious. The Coronavirus deception will never be reported in the headlines because a protein sequence is not a Bestseller. The CDC states:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA.

RNA is a protein sequence. Not a virus.

If viruses do not live outside cells, then how do they cross a species barrier to become a chimera, part pig and part human? The same way SARS and CoV2 meet and mingle. In a petri dish of a laboratory. The virus is nothing more than an elaborate distraction to reset society under global mandates to coerce compliance in illegal dictates because people have allowed themselves to be easily misled.

There can be no justice so long as laws are absolute. – Jean Luc Picard, Captain, Starship Enterprise

Next up

After January 2021, the simulation continues. The next president would lock down the U.S. for 4-6 weeks to “contain the spread of the virus” that did not respond to the first lockdown. Viruses do not respond to lockdowns, face masks, social distancing, or vaccine mandates because they are not alive. They are not a threat. However, the politicians and scientists who promote the virus deception are.

As people buy into Operation Warp Speed, politicians and scientists are hopeful that people will also buy into the latest, December 2020 headline declaring that a new annual, “universal flu vaccine shows promise.” However….

“Don’t be alarmed if people start dying after taking the vaccine.” – CNN News Headline

Choose wisely.

Make it so – Jean Luc Picard


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

The New Global Reconstruction

The New Global Reconstruction

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 9, 2020


Humanity has been facing threats to its evolution and existence since the creation of the new world in the mid 1770s when America was founded.

America was created as The New Atlantis by English Freemasons who practiced the ancient, mystic religion of Kabbalah. America was created to be destroyed and recreated to unify the world’s governments, courts, religions and money systems under one umbrella.

Order out of Chaos‘ is the motto of the 33rd degree Scottish Rite Freemasons. It is the doctrine that runs the world. From the chaos of war to the social engineering of all major movements, from the Women’s Liberation movement to the Truth movement, world events are being orchestrated unseen by the Kabbal/Cabal.

The current perceived threat humanity faces is not a belief in an invisible virus or in a condition called COVID. The real threat is the hidden string that pulls the minds of the people while enslaving them under new global rules.

The concept of conspiracy frightens some people, so much so that they are willing to overlook any and all evidence that world events are for the most part directed, rather than chaotic and coincidental. – Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald

Real Threats

The real threats to humanity’s advancement involves societal changes on a global scale where world economy, medicine, politics, and social norms are all being morphed into one global goo by a small band of EL-ites whose trail leads back to the beginning of recorded history. Whether they call themselves Freemasons or Phoenicians, the “global goo” that is forming will stick to everyone and everything, making individual countries, leaders, and laws, null and void.

From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States)… this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” – Winston Churchill, Illustrated Sunday Herald

Anyone will know the Kabbal by their organizations, which include The United Nations, The World Health Organization, UNESCO, among others. You will know their code by words with double meaning, such as “Unity,” “Sustainable,” “Universal,” “Health,” and “Smart.” The code is encrypted in the language of Gematria that goes back to the ancient Hebrew and The Old Testament.

To accomplish its goal of global control, the Kabbal plan to herd people out of rural areas. The United Nations (U.N.) calls it “Smart Growth” under the  The Sustainable Development Agenda.  UNESCO claims that “By 2050, cities will host 2.5 billion more urban dwellers, making the world almost 70% urban.” For more detail on how they plan to accomplish these goals, see  The United Nations Agenda: A Totalitarian Map. Part of the Sustainability Agenda is how the U.N. plans to feed the world with crickets.

The Playbook that orchestrates world events is disclosed in a script authored by globalists who meet together annually in Davos, Switzerland. The script, which plays out as reality is found in the “news,” fiction, non-fiction, movies, cartoons, TV shows, sports, entertainment, and rigged s-elections. See Does Predictive Programming Create Reality?

The script tells humanity that we are living under The Great Reset, a term was first coined in the 2011 book “The Great Reset: How the Post-Crash Economy Will Change the Way We Live and Work.”

These prescribed changes will include new medical dictates that coerce compliance with specific medical interventions over, while disallowing others, in order to participate in the new Global Society. As medical and scientific practices extend beyond state and national borders to merge into one nebulous blob, biological and medical ethics are left to be redefined and introduced as new “Universal Standards.”

Editing Humanity

Part of ensuring a global societal reconstruction is found in the reconstruction of the human genome.

New global Universal Standards are being drafted as an Instrument of Universal Principles that will ultimately impact general principles of bioethics, including human dignity, solidarity, freedom of research, respect for privacy, confidentiality, non-discrimination, informed consent, integrity of research and intellectual honesty.

The first steps of the elaboration of the Declaration is found in The Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights.

Per the website: Why is the IBC looking at genetic advances such as genome editing?

A number of new techniques have emerged with the potential to dramatically change the possibility of intervening on human genetic material, including genome editing. These advances raise important questions about ethics, morality and the impact of scientific advances on the rights of individuals.

Human gene editing is entrusted to the International Bioethics Committee (IBC), in close consultation with the Intergovernmental Bioethics Committee (IGBC).

Of course, the IBC acknowledges that this type of editing raises serious concerns, especially if the editing of the human genome should be applied to the germline and therefore introduce heritable modifications, which would be transmitted to future generations. So, it has called for “a moratorium on genome editing of the human germline.” At the same time, it qualifies the moritorium with double speak:

Interventions on the human genome should be admitted only for preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic reasons and without enacting modifications for descendants.

Scientists exempt themselves from their own rules when experimenting in special circumstances because gene technologies are being used today in vaccines, when recombinant RNA and DNA incorporate into the genome to create unknown changes. Scientists have also showed that genomic instability is an early event in aluminum-induced tumor formation. Aluminum adjuvants are found in vaccines. See more in the article, Warning: The Anti-ferility Shot.

See the article, Designer Nanobots Changing Humanity. DNA technologies like CRISPR ,“clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat,”are specific tools already used to modify genes. Even eating genetically-engineered food change your genes if you eat it consistently. The tools are so cheap and widely available that they can be purchased online from garage scientists.

In November of 2015, scientists reported,“The first genetically modified humans could exist within two years.” As with GMO foods, scientists disclose only what they have already been doing for a long time.  Geo-engineered weather has been disclosed since the mid-18oos and today, organizations such as the American Meteorological Society and the World Meteorological Organization manipulate the weather through cloud seeding and other technologies. Companies like PG&E carry out the task of spraying silver iodide, a Class-C toxin, aerially or from ground-based towers in an effort to induce rain.

Defending Freedom

The world is based on a physical construct. But humans are more than physical. If humans do not understand their power to transcend the physical, they consent to the new global societal reconstruction. They don’t pass the test. They stop their own evolution. Being more than a body means you have free will. You have the right to informed consent, but you’ll have to inform yourself. You have access to subtle abilities that allow for self-healing, so you’ll have to heal yourself. See more on The Self-Healing Journey. This is a test of evolution on an individual level.

According to the 2005 UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, “medical intervention” requires the “free and informed consent of the person concerned.” However, the declaration contradicts itself by stating, “Although the patient must in principle consent to treatment and have the right to refuse it, in most cases implicit consent may be sufficient.” Implicit consent means implied consent. Implicit consent “can be inferred from the conduct  [silence], and/or other business relationships of the recipient.”.

The only rights you have are the rights you defend. Your rights do no come from any Declaration on Bioethics or Declaration of Independence, for that matter. Rights do not come from paper documents or government agencies. Rights do not come from Presidents or Governors. Rights are inborn and they come from Natural Law. You embody your rights.

Rights granted and legalized by governments are not rights at all. Governments do not legislate choice unless you allow it. Governments grant privileges and benefits that can be altered restricted, and abolished by legislation or Executive Orders. Note how this happens with the removal of vaccine exemptions granted by governments. When governments calls the shots, exemptions are nothing but a ruse. What is freedom and how do you keep it? Read more from my article Freedom Exists Under Natural Law.

Choice must always be preserved apart from science, in each individual. Science is about debate. There is no “consensus science.” As society is reconstructed by a select group of men, without your permission, you still always have the choice about what happens to you and your body. But you must self-inform and do the work to defend your right to choose for yourself.



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

Warning: Anti-Fertility Shot

Warning: Anti-Fertility Shot

by Rosanne Lindsay, ND, Nature of Healing
December 7, 2020


A new experimental, genetically engineered, recombinant mRNA COVID vaccine is being released ‘at warp speed’. China biotech companies are promising millions of doses of COVID vaccines.  The United States paid billions to six other companies, including Pfizer pharmaceutical, which are ready to deploy their versions of the not-yet-FDA-approved shot.

Pfizer Warning Disclosed

In a December 2020 article in, Pfizer pharmaceutical WARNED pregnant women not to use the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine due to fertility and breastfeeding risks. While this is important news for millions of women, Pfizer has not warned anyone that their study excluded two other groups: 1) those who had a previous diagnosis of COVID-19 disease, and those who are immunocompromised. Immunocompromised people fail to adequately to clear infections.  Those with an autoimmune disease create autoantibodies that attack their own tissues. They also fail to clear infections adequately. According to medical doctors, “both groups can create potentially life-threatening conditions.”

As of 2017, 50 million people, or 20% of the population have one or more autoimmune disease. Many people with autoimmune disease may not know that development of autoimmune disease is linked with exposure to aluminum adjuvants, which are found in vaccines.

If you are immunocompromised with an autoimmune disease, The American Autoimmune and Related Diseases Associations (AARDA) suggests you proceed with caution when it comes to the COVID shot. See their guidelines here for autoimmune conditions.

What if you want to get pregnant?

Is the shot worth the risks?


On December 1, 2020, the ex-Pfizer head of respiratory research Dr. Michael Yeadon requested the European Union to halt the COVID vaccine, calling it female sterilization:

The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

The COVID vaccine follows in the wake of the last recombinant vaccine for the human papilloma virus (HPV).

In 2007, the HPV4, quadravalent, GARDASIL triple-shot series was introduced to girls ages 9-26, to prevent infertility. Then came HPV9 given as two or three shots. No one reported that Gardasil-9 contains more than double the toxic aluminum content of the original vaccine and has no fewer reported side effects.

After more than a decade of reviews, GARDASIL has proved to do exactly the opposite of what it claimed. For more, see my 2014 article Guard Against GARDASIL and a 2018 article by the Weston A. Price Foundation.

The deployment of the HPV GARDASIL vaccine worldwide resulted thousands of young women in the E.U. who suffered. In the U.S., over fifty-eight thousand adverse reactions—including four hundred twenty-seven deaths—have been reported after HPV vaccine injections. The primary adverse effect experienced by recipients was listed as Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) resulting in premature menopause.


Reported in the medical journals, adolescent infertility is a facet of the Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants.

An adolescent infertility shot that increases the risk of infertility and autoimmunity?

Imposter DNA

According to pathologist, Dr. Sin Hang Lee, well-known for using cutting-edge DNA sequencing for molecular diagnoses:

Once a segment of recombinant DNA is inserted into a human cell, the consequences are hard to predict. It may be in the cell temporarily or stay there forever, with or without causing a mutation. Now the host cell contains human DNA as well as genetically engineered viral DNA.

Under the Trojan Horse of a vaccine, imposter DNA can be injected and incorporated into your own DNA that manufacture proteins, aka autoantibodies, that attack your cells. Not only do autoantibodies lead to autoimmune diseases, but also to ADHD, seizures, autism, Alzheimer’s and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). All fall under the heading of Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants. Adjuvants are aluminum-based neurotoxins of vaccines.

In 2016, Dr. Lee sent an open letter of complaint to the World Health Organization’s Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety citing lack of safety data on the vaccine and lack of credibility. But global authorities pay no attention to deaths and injuries caused by vaccine products since vaccine makers are not held accountable for any damages from their products under Bubble Indemnity.

The medical narrative uses fear and contradiction to confuse. They suggest that a virus called HPV “makes it more difficult for a woman to conceive and remain pregnant.” Yet in the next sentence they disclose “However, it is important to remember that most cases of HPV clear up without any need for treatment.” In the fine print, scientists also disclose that no study suggests that HPV contributes to infertility.

The media promoted the experimental HPV jab, not only as a prevention to infertility, but also as a “cure-all” for cervical cancer and genital warts.

Scientists admit that the immune system clear up infections on its own, without treatment. If you consider that clue, you might say goodbye to the germ theory. Under The Terrain Theory, viruses are called exosomes, like enzymes, created within your own cells to cleanse the cells of toxins, a self-cleaning service by your cells. So, while the Germ Theory of disease paints a virus as an enemy, the Terrain Theory of disease welcomes a virus as a friend.  The deception of virology and vaccines says that viruses are alive and contagious when they are not:

The entirety of virology and vaccine science is predicated on one thing—that viruses are infectious agents that cause disease.
Without this theory, vaccines would not be ‘effective’ or ‘work’ in the minds of the people.
Without the virus theory, vaccines would crumble like a house of cards.

The Mandate Strategy

The HPV recombinant vaccine mandate was part of a strategy to coerce compliance with vaccines that genetically modify human DNA. In 2007, both Merck Pharmaceutical and Texas Governor Rick Perry, pushed an HPV vaccine mandate  for young girls, ages 9-14. Parents had to consent. However, the editor of JAMA opposed mandating vaccinating girls against the virus.

Note: there will always be two opposing scientific narratives to keep people confused about their inherent right to refuse. Science is a distraction in the health freedom equation.

The HPV vaccine mandate failed. Then, in 2018, scientists pushed the vaccine on boys, suggesting that the presence of HPV in contaminated sperm negatively affects pregnancy outcomes. The CDC claimed that it provides long-lasting protection against penile and anal cancer. But what happens after the vaccine efficacy wanes after 3-5 years?

When women face only a 0.6 percent risk of cervical cancer and men face a 0.2 percent risk of rare anal and penile cancers, is it logical to continue to use a vaccine with so many complications?

Since the 2007 GARDASIL shot first rolled out, negative effects have continued in both boys and girls. A recent July 2020 study in Scientific Reports titled, Human papillomavirus vaccine-associated premature ovarian insufficiency and related adverse events: data mining of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System concluded:

We detected disproportionate reports of premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) and related events, including amenorrhea, menstruation irregular, FSH increased, and premature menopause, following human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine from FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

2018 Indian Journal of Medical Ethics study titled “Increased incidence of cervical cancer in Sweden: Possible link with HPV vaccination,” was later retracted.

An anti-cancer shot that increases the risk of cancer?

Ironically, HPV vaccines have injured and killed far more children than ever would have gone on to develop HPV-associated cancers without the vaccine. Before the ‘warp speed’ deployment of the next experimental, recombinant shot, it might be wise to assess the damage from the consequences of the last one.

HPV Vaccine Damage Report

May 2007 editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine questioned the vaccine’s “overall vaccine effectiveness, duration of protection, and adverse effects that may emerge over time,” as the clinical trials did not provide these answers.

VAERS, continues to receive reports of young girls experiencing serious reactions to GARDASIL Adverse reactions include unconsciousness, seizures and facial paralysis, Bells Palsy, Guillain Barre syndrome, speech and vision problems, arthritis, and lupus, and death, after being injected.

Public Interest Group, Judicial Watch, reported in May 11, 2007, that the VAERS data base showed 1,637 adverse reaction reports. Of 42 women who were vaccinated with GARDASIL while pregnant, 18 experienced complications, ranging from miscarriages to fetal abnormalities. As of Dec. 13, 2013, there were a total of 29,918 vaccine reaction reports made to the VAERS associated with GARDASIL vaccinations, including 140 deaths.

In 2011, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) produced a report, Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality, concluding that “evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between HPV vaccine and syncope (fainting), and anaphylaxis.”

In a December 2012 study in the journal Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, Dr. Lee confirmed the presence of vaccine DNA fragments (HPV-16 L1) in the postmortem blood of a girl who had died shortly after receiving the GARDASIL vaccine, noting the vaccine has the ability to provoke an exaggerated immune response. He also pointed out that the rate of anaphylaxis in girls receiving GARDASIL is five to 20 times higher than any other school-based vaccination program.

In a 2014 study from Keele University in England, Dr. Christopher Exley, examined sixty-two semen samples and found “unequivocal evidence” of high concentrations of aluminum, especially in the semen of men with low sperm counts.

A review published in the 2014 Autoimmunity Reviews linked the HPV vaccine to autoimmunity:

Along with the introduction of the HPV vaccines, several cases of onset or exacerbations of autoimmune diseases following the vaccine shot have been reported in the literature and pharmacovigilance databases, triggering concerns about its safety.

A 2015 study at the University of Texas showed that young women, ages 20-26, who received the four-strain GARDASIL vaccine were more likely than non-HPV-vaccinated women to be infected with high-risk nonvaccine strains of HPV ten years later. In other words, there is a greater risk of infection in those who take the vaccine.

In the 2018 Journal Pediatrics, a Vaccine Safety Datalink study titled, “Primary Ovarian Insufficiency and Adolescent Vaccination,” correlated ovarian failure with vaccinations, including HPV vaccines.

The March 24, 2020 British Medical Journal titled “Ongoing inadequacy of quadrivalent HPV vaccine safety studies” concluded, “Cochrane could not exclude an increased risk of HPV vaccine mortality “and “medical journals are at risk of becoming arms of the pharmaceutical industry highlights an increased scientific need for alert and active critique of industry-funded trials. [

A June 2018 study (retracted) in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health analyzed a database of more than eight million American women and found a 25 percent lowered probability of pregnancy associated with HPV vaccination.

As of December 2019, data from the CDC shows that more than one in eight American women—12 percent—have trouble conceiving and bearing a child.

Based on this review, will the COVID19 shot increase the risk for respiratory distress, infertility, autoimmunity and cancer all in one?

Trust Your Innate Immune System

If you are a woman of child-bearing age, do you want the choice to be a mother?

If you are pregnant or nursing, congratulations. Avoid the the two-shot COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine if you want to have more children. According to a UK government document for medical professionals states that there is little data about the risks of the vaccine thus far, and animal reproductive toxicity studies are not finished. Therefore, the Pfizer vaccine, BNT162b2, “is not recommended during pregnancy.”

Pregnant or not, know you always have a choice. You can choose to trust a vaccine maker who is not liable, or reliable, because they do not stand behind their products. Or you can trust your gut, the center of your innate immune system, the defense system you were born with.

Your immune system is designed to work in balance with nature, under the laws of nature, or Holism. This innate system is balanced between two poles: 1) cellular or T cell-mediated immunity, and 2) humoral or B cell-mediated immunity, and they have a reciprocal relationship. When one is artificially stimulated, the other is suppressed.

When viruses are injected into the body, an imbalance occurs—only B cells are activated to create antibodies. Killer T cells are subsequently inhibited, and an engineered virus can temporarily inactivate killer T cells. Dr. Rebecca Carley, M.D. writes, “The ‘prevention’ of a disease via vaccination is, in reality, an inability to expel organisms due to the suppression of the cell-mediated response. Thus, rather than preventing disease, the disease is actually prevented from ever being resolved.”

Holism explains that when people are exposed to a virus, not everyone gets sick. Researchers at the University of Michigan (U of M) showed that when injected with infectious viral agents, a strong immune system and infectious disease could not co-exist. That’s because the cells of your immune system determines whether a virus manifests or not.

When it comes to COVID or any condition, why inject a virus which medical experts claim causes disease? If it is well established that autoimmunity is induced by aluminum adjuvants, then is this shot safe for anyone?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, ND

Induction of Coroavirus via 5G

Induction of Coroavirus via 5G

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
November 21, 2020


COVID Not Isolated

There are a set of “COVID symptoms” that people can experience. The list may include the following, but may also not be related to COVID at all:

Fever or chills
Phlem-less Cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle or body aches
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Congestion or runny nose
Nausea or vomiting

Scientifically, the proposed virus called Coronavirus, or COVID19, has not been isolated. See page 39 of the CDC document where the CDC reports the virus is not available. So, what is causing the symptoms?

Raising HAVOC In The Skin

If the Coronavirus is incognito, could the cause of COVID symptoms be related to something in the environment? Could the recent activation of the Fifth Generation, or 5G frequencies, on human skin create symptoms of COVID based on the intensity of perspiration?

In 5G research since 2008, scientists have shown evidence that the coiled portion of the sweat duct in upper skin layer is regarded as a helical antenna in the sub-THz band. In their December 2019 article in Bio Heat Transfer, they warn:

One must consider the implications of human immersion in the electromagnetic noise, caused by devices working at the very same frequencies as those, to which the sweat duct (as a helical antenna) is most attuned. We are raising a warning flag against the unrestricted use of sub-THz technologies for communication, before the possible consequences for public health are explored.

Because research has shown that skin can act as a mechanism for exchanging waves between 5G towers and dermatologic cells. The authors questioned “whether millimeter waves in 5G technology could contribute in constructing some viruses like COVID-19 within a cell.”

An Editorial published in the July 2020 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, set out to answer that question, but was subsequently retracted. However you can read it here, in full: 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells:

In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells.

The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

The authors further prove their case:

When an electromagnetic wave passes the cell membrane and the nuclear membrane, it induces an extra magnetic field within the DNA inductor and interacts with its fields.

A DNA is built from charged particles and according to laws of physics, by any motion of these particles, some electromagnetic waves emerge
(15). Also, the structure of a DNA is similar to the structure of an inductor (16) in a receiver and can produce some waves. Thus, a DNA could emit some waves and interact with external waves. However, most waves have a length more than the size of cells and pass them without any effect. Only limited waves with lengths smaller than millimeter could penetrate into cell membrane and interact with DNA inductors. These wavelengths could be observed in 5 G technology.

For more information on the deployment and symptoms of 5G technology, see my articles, Planned Obsolescence of Health Under the 5G Grid, and Strategizing Microwave Warfare of 5G.

The Frequency Factor

If we connect the dots, there are direct relationships between the first pandemic outbreak locations, mandatory vaccine programs, and 5G activation.

China began compulsory vaccinations on December 1, 2019, under the The Vaccines Administration Law, which the People’s Republic of China adopted on June 29, 2019.

Soon after China and South Korea became main locations for mandatory vaccines, the 5G towers were launched on November 1, 2019. Italy was the so-called Epicenter of Coronavirus in January 2020, with cases being tied to SARS-CoV-2. Instead of stopping flights and locking down the country, should an investigation into recent vaccines and 5G activation have begun?

5G towers utilize frequencies, that affect the body at the level of DNA. They are microwave/radio wave frequencies “range anywhere from 3 kilohertz (kHz) up to 300 gigahertz (GHz).” Within this range is the range is the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules (60 GHz).

Countrywide use of the 60 GHz RF (Radio Frequency) band along with EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) include the following areas:

US and Canada
South Korea

The symptoms of coronavirus, in individuals tested, are similar to lack of oxygen, seizures and a phlegm-less cough.

Are the frequencies of 5G a critical factor to the sudden deaths attributed to a virus that is not influenza?

Does the 5G activation activate more than 5G waves?

Millimeter waves are currently used by the U.S. Army as a crowd control dispersal weapon called Active Denial Systems.

Does the ionization of metals and chemicals inside the body by 5G come from vaccines, toxic air, and other environmental exposures? Read more in the article When The Flu is not The Flu.

The Path Forward

Is the pandemic a PsyOp? A distraction? For what? A global super brain? A Transhumanist Agenda?

Can we transcend the illusion being manufactured to create a heart-based reality?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Read more and connect with Rosanne Lindsay

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The Contagion Fairy Tale

The Contagion Fairy Tale

by Thomas Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell
November 10, 2020


Our book, The Contagion Myth, is now available (banned on Amazon but sold on other outlets) and has already generated dozens of comments, many of them challenging our contention that the corona “virus” does not exist and that the illness attributed to this virus is not contagious—one referred to our book as a fairy tale!

However, unlike most coronavirus skeptics, we are not arguing that the illness is just a bad case of the flu, with deaths due solely to pre-existing conditions or inappropriate hospital care; rather we postulate that the illness can be very serious and that the likely cause is radiation poisoning, probably from the worldwide deployment of 5G, starting in Wuhan, China and followed by major cities throughout the world.

Comments we have received include the following:

  • Okinawa does not have 5G but people are getting infected there;
  • Some friends went to a wedding in Kirkland, Washington and got Covid, so it must be infectious;
  • There’s 5G in New Zealand but very few cases of illness;
  • A school in our neighborhood has opened for in-person classes and there has been an outbreak—two people have tested positive;
  • A lot of people “got the virus” after a big no-mask motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota;
  • What about rabbits getting myxomatosis, a known viral disease.

With the exception of the rabbit comment (a subject to be explored in a future blog), these observations are just that—epidemiological observations, which are certainly interesting and deserve further exploration, but these in no way disprove our main contention that this virus does not exist and the illness attributed to it is not contagious.

Why take our word for the shocking claim that no scientist has found the so-called coronavirus?  Of course, you shouldn’t take our word for it, you should listen to what the experts are saying.  In July 2020, the FDA posted a CDC document entitled “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Real-Time RT-PCR diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use.” Buried in the text, on page 39, is the following statement: “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.”

In other words, our government is telling us that there are no purified isolated samples of this “novel coronavirus,” which means that the virus has never been isolated and purified.  What they are finding in the RT-PCR tests are fragments of genetic material, which actually come from human chromosome #8. This means that the results of all RT-PCR tests are invalid—the only thing they can tell us is that we are human beings.

A January, 2020 paper on testing tells us the same thing: “The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable. . . [emphasis added]” Nevertheless, even without knowing what this virus is like, the researchers aim “to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.” A challenge indeed!

Here is an analogy to describe what is going on.  Let’s say you are a paid Lego specialist and someone offers to reward you if you can construct an exact replica of King Beauregard’s Medieval castle.  The referees put all the known Lego pieces out on a table and promise to pay you well to do the reconstruction. Naturally, you ask to see a picture of what the castle looked like or at least some sort of architectural plan so you know what to build.  But the referees say that you must reconstruct the castle without having access to any information about the original castle.  You think this is downright bizarre, but since a job is a job, you start looking.  You find pieces for a moat; you know that castles have moats and think that this must be part of the castle.  Then you find windows, turrets, soldiers, etc.–with each new finding you are given a castle-building Lego award and an increase in salary.  You write some software that fills in the rest of the castle from the fragments you have. Then you publish a peer reviewed paper on the “completed” castle for all the world to see.

Unfortunately, a child appears who looks like he has time traveled from the Middle Ages.  You show him the castle.  “Everybody knows that Beauregard didn’t have a castle.” He says.  “Beauregard was an impoverished aristocrat who was afraid of moats; he lived in a garret in London.”  But the show must go on, so his remarks are never published, while the Lego expert (who knows the child is right) keeps quiet and enjoys his hefty salary.

A number of readers have sent us studies “proving” the existence of pathogenic viruses.  In fact, one virologist claimed that “thousands of papers” show that isolated bacteria or viruses cause disease. (He also tried to convince us that one could sterilize one’s hands, cover them and they would remain sterile “indefinitely.”)

One was a link to a study with the promising title “Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus”, published 2003 in the prestigious journal Nature. We discuss this study in The Contagion Myth. The researchers claim that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is also caused by a coronavirus. The title itself is misleading, not to say fraudulent, because the researchers did not satisfy Koch’s postulates—which is the common-sense way of proving that a microbe causes disease. They did not satisfy River’s postulates either—River’s postulates are for proving that a virus causes a disease. These methods involve isolating and purifying a specific microbial organism from a number of individuals suffering from a specific disease and injecting the isolated, purified bacteria or virus into healthy organisms (animal or human). If every sick person has the organism and every test subject becomes ill, then you know that the specific microbe causes the specific disease.

Let’s focus on the process of isolating and purifying a virus—it’s hard to do but not impossible.  In 1973, the Pasteur Institute published guidelines for doing this. First the virologist takes mucus or secretions from a person with the disease.   The secretions are diluted and then put into a kind of blender. The resultant liquid is then passed through a very fine filter—fine enough to keep out bacteria and fungi but let the viruses through; the resulting liquid is called a supernatant. It contains the virus but also lots of other stuff as well. The supernatant must then be centrifuged in such a way that you get bands of particles of the same size and weight.  The scientist can determine which band is the virus using the known size and weight of viruses.  This band is removed from the supernatant with a pipette. This is the properly isolated and purified virus.  The virus is then transferred to some tissue to grow and multiply.

An important point is that when the virologist has finished the purification process of macerating, filtering and ultracentrifugation, he must then take an electron micrograph of the final, purified virus to show his colleagues that he has in fact successfully purified and isolated the virus.  Virologists have done this many times and for many different viruses.  Without an electron micrograph picture showing purification, no reputable journal would publish this work. The reason is simple: scientists are essentially told not to believe each other because someone says so.  If you say you isolated a virus you must show the picture to prove it, period.  Absent the picture it could be a total fabrication.  The way science is supposed to work, after you have isolated and photographed the virus, other scientists in other labs follow the exact steps that you outlined in your paper and show pictures of the same isolated virus.  Once a number of labs have done this, you have real proof that the virus exists.

In the case of the novel corona virus, every single published photograph we have seen showing the “isolated” virus shows no such thing.  Instead, it shows tissue with a number of dots, usually with an arrow pointing to the so-called coronavirus.  If you see tissue in the photograph, by definition, it’s not isolated.  An example of such a photograph comes from “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea,” published February 24, 2020 in the Journal of Korean Medical Science. Although the authors claim to have isolated the virus, the photographs they publish show “virus” structures inside and outside a cell (indicated by arrows), not isolated.

You can see a properly isolated “virus” in the electron microscopy image of the chicken pox “virus,” below. (By the way, although health officials claim that chicken pox is “highly contagious,” no studies have shown that exposing people to isolated chicken pox virus makes them sick.)

What virologists do today is use the liquid—called the supernatant–after either filtration or centrifuging to get rid of the bacteria, fungi and other larger material.  This is what they refer to as “purification.” This is like filtering the grounds out of coffee to get caffeine so you can study its effects.  But there are hundreds or thousands of other compounds in the coffee, so you still need to isolate the caffeine.  What the researchers should then do is put the supernatant in what’s called a sucrose density centrifuge column, which spins out the various compounds into bands.  One of these bands will contain the pure virus, which can then be photographed and analyzed.

Instead of working with pure virus, researchers use the supernatant, which contains all kinds of molecules and particles. Instead of doing a genetic analysis of the isolated virus, they do genetic analysis on the mess of compounds in the supernatant.

Now to get enough “virus” to use experimentally, virologists must grow it in a biological medium such as an animal or at least cells from an animal.  Unlike bacteria, which can be grown in petri dishes, viruses are not alive and can only “grow” in other living cells.

So they transfer the supernatant not to healthy tissue, but to tissue that has been starved of nutrients and poisoned with strong antibiotics—to make sure that what is left is only viruses and not bacteria and fungi.  The main type of tissue they use is kidney cells from various species, often monkey kidney cells (called Vero cells), and lung cancer cells. The “viruses” seem to multiply.  The resultant mess of “viruses,” particles, poisons, dead tissue and cellular debris—called “cultured” virus– is then sold to researchers as samples of “purified virus” for them to use in studies.

By the way, the CDC has published guidelines on “transport medium” for viruses.  This is what they use to inoculate the starved tissue which then grows the “virus.”  The three main ingredients are fetal bovine serum (extracted from still-living fetal calves and preserved with anti-fungals, among other poisons) along with two highly toxic antibiotics, amphotericin (affectionately called ampho-terrible) and gentamicin.  This ungodly mixture is then grown on monkey or fetal kidney cells.  Interestingly, all doctors know that the main organ affected by gentamicin and ampho-terrible is the kidneys.  So you poison the kidney, the kidney breaks down and then the virologist claims that the virus killed the kidney—without performing any controls. Don’t look behind the curtain, folks!

This practice is fraught with obvious problems for proving it is the virus and not the cancer cells or poisoned kidney cells that are causing disease when these viruses get injected into healthy test animals.

Remember that to prove that a specific virus is making humans or animals sick, they need to find the identical virus in many subjects who are sick with the same symptoms—and then make healthy humans or animals sick by exposing them to this virus.  But when researchers try to grow the purified virus on healthy cells, they don’t get a lot of viruses; and when they subject healthy tissue, healthy animals or healthy people to these “viruses,” illness does not result—and this is the wily virus that is going to kill us all!

Why do “viruses” multiply in the starved and poisoned kidney or cancer cells? Because when cells are starved or poisoned, they produce exosomes, which are identical in appearance and characteristics to what are called “viruses.” These tiny particles are helpful, not toxic.  They do not attack the cells and then multiply; rather, they are produced inside the cell, often in large amounts, when the cells are stressed by poison and starvation.

Viruses and exosomes are indistinguishable, as we learn from a study entitled “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS viruses,” published in the journal Viruses, May 2020.  To quote from the paper, “The remarkable resemblance between EVs [extracellular vesicles, that is, exosomes] and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the studies focused on the analysis of EVs released during viral infection.  Nowadays it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimensions.  To overcome this problem, different studies have proposed the separation of EVs from virus particles by exploiting their different migration velocity in a density gradient or using the presence of specific markers that distinguish viruses from EVs.  However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist [emphasis added]. “

In other words, researchers can’t distinguish viruses from exosomes—that’s because they are the same thing and in reality, all viruses are exosomes.  Scientists are discovering that all of these “viruses” originate in our own tissues—they don’t attack us from the outside.

With this background, let’s then look at the study, “Koch’s Postulates fulfilled for SARS Virus.” The researchers took unpurified sediment from the snot of sick people, grew that in lung cancer cells until they got a sufficient quantity of cellular material to work with.  Then they centrifuged this mess again, not even attempting to purify any virus from the mixture.  Finally, they took this unholy mixture of snot sediment, lung cancer cells and who-knows-what-else and injected that into two unfortunate monkeys.  They didn’t do a control group by injecting saline into other monkeys or injecting lung cancer cells into monkeys or even injecting the liquid from the centrifuged material into monkeys. They just injected the cellular-debris-laden goop.  One of the monkeys got pneumonia, the other got a rash. That, claim the researchers, is the proof that a “coronavirus” can cause disease and that Koch’s postulates have been satisfied.

The Coronavirus Unveiled,” appearing in the New York Times, gives the impression that researchers are working with a genuine isolated coronavirus. Nevertheless, the article tells us that “In February, as the new coronavirus swept across China and shut down entire cities, . . . the best pictures anyone had managed to take were low-resolution images, in which the virus looked like a barely discernible smudge.”

How did the researchers isolate the virus?  They “doused the viruses with chemicals to render them harmless. . .” In other words, they poisoned them.  Then they somehow “concentrated the virus-laden fluid from a quart down to a single drop” after which they flash froze the drop. Then in the microscope they saw structures they called viruses.

This is not the proper way to isolate and characterize a virus, either.  Proper isolation involves ultrafiltration and centrifuging–not dousing with chemicals and flash freezing–and then performing various physical, biochemical and immunological analyses.

After seeing these particles—most likely helpful exosomes responding to the poisonous chemicals–the researchers state that “its intimately twisted genes commandeer our biochemistry [and] wrenches into our cellular factories, while others build nurseries for making new viruses.” This is highly imaginative horror-movie speculation, not science.

Virologist have three “hosts” they can use in their attempts to prove that viruses cause illness.  After “isolating” the virus, they can expose humans to the virus; they can expose animals to the virus; or they can use tissue cultures taken from various animal or human sources and expose the tissue culture to the virus.  Leaving aside the fact that they never actually isolate and purify the virus, which they openly admit, let’s assume that the unpurified fluid they are using does contain the relevant virus and therefore should be able to transmit infection.   I

In the history of virology, most virologists have decided not to do their experiments on human subjects as this is considered unethical.  In the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we know of no published study that used humans as the test subjects.

Virologists also admit that in the case of most viral infections, there are no studies available proving infection in animals.  How a virus can infect and kill humans but not animals is left unexplained. Researchers get around this obvious biological conundrum by saying, “there are no animal models on which to test such-and-such a virus.” In other words, “We know that the virus infects and kills humans even though we’ve never tested the virus on humans because that would be unethical.  Therefore, we do our tests on animals, even though when we test animals. they don’t get sick, because they are not proper “hosts” for the virus. So, you’ll just have to trust us.”

In the case of SARS CoV-2, we know of two studies that used unpurified “virus” on animal models, one with hamsters and one with mice. In the hamster study, researchers took the unpurified, lung-cancer-grown, centrifuged animal secretions and squirted it down the throats and into the lungs of a group of unfortunate hamsters.  Some but not all of the hamsters got pneumonia and some even died.  We have no idea what would have happened if they had squirted plain lung cancer cells into the lungs of these hamsters, probably not anything good.  Even more perplexing, some of the hamsters didn’t even get sick at all, which certainly doesn’t square with the deadly contagious virus theory.

In the mouse study, researchers infected both transgenic mice and wild (normal) mice with unpurified virus.  None of the wild mice exposed to the “virus” got sick.  Of the mice genetically programmed to get sick, a statistically insignificant number either lost some fur luster or had an insignificant weight loss.  Thus, scientists have not been able to show that the Covid-19 “virus” causes harm to animals.

The third choice for virologist is to infect human and animal tissue with a “culture” of the virus to see what happens.  This is what they did in a study entitled, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease,” published in the CDC Bulletin, June 2020.

The purpose of the study was for a group of about twenty virologists to describe the state of the science dealing with the isolation and purification, and the biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.

First, in the section titled “Whole Genome Sequencing,” we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence. . . “ This means they actually looked at a mere thirty-seven primers out of the approximately thirty thousand base pairs claimed to be the genome of an intact virus.  They then took these thirty-seven segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the genome.

This computer-generation step—called “whole genome sequencing”–constitutes scientific fraud of the highest order. Here is an equivalency: a group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a sliver of a horn. They then put that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, claiming that this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they have never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.

The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by “consensus,” sort of like a vote.  As different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary “unicorn,” they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn. (By the way, this is how scientists characterized the measles “virus”—by consensus!)

But the real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that it’s hard to believe what we are reading.  “Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T).  In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells . . .  Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection.”

This is the third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they usually rely on—namely, the inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As we have pointed out, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first poisoned and starved (grown in a “minimal-nutrient medium.”)

In the Results section, the authors state: “Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T) . . . Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post infection.  No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells.”

Note, CPE means “cytopathic effect,” which refers to structural changes in host cells that are caused by “viral invasion.” The infecting virus is said to cause lysis (breaking up) of the host cell or, when the cell dies without lysis, an inability to reproduce. Both of these effects are said to occur due to CPEs.

So did this viral material with its “intimately twisted genes commandeer the cellular biochemistry [and] wrench into the cellular factories, while others build nurseries for making new viruses?” Nothing of the sort!

The shocking thing about the findings is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions claimed to contain SARS-CoV-2 (as well as poisons)—even in high amounts –were not infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested.  In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this “new coronavirus” is not infectious to human beings.  It is only infective to monkey kidney cells, and only when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.

Interestingly, in their conclusion the authors don’t mention this important fact. Only virologists reading the whole paper will find out that if you want to grow the virus, don’t bother to use human cell lines.

Meanwhile we have worldwide lockdown predicated on the idea that something called coronavirus causes disease.   As you can read, in all three of the human cell lines no CPE (no cell death, no infection) was observed.  Only Vero cells (monkey kidney cells) were adversely affected—and remember, the material injected into these cells contained kidney toxins.  So basically, they proved that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not infect human tissue.

Another study sent to us comes with the fancy title,  “A Novel Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector with Low Human Seroprevalence: Improved Systems for Vector Derivation and Comparative Immunogenicity.”

The researchers used “The wild type chimpanzee adenovirus isolate Y25 [which] was originally obtained from William Hillis, John Hopkins University of Medicine. The virus was passaged in HEK293A cells (Invitrogen, Cat. R705-07) and purified by CsCl gradient . . . Viral DNA was phenol extracted for genomic sequencing and cloning.”

The researchers purchased some material (not properly isolated even though it is called an “isolate”) which they then “passaged” through human embryonic kidney cells (called HEK293A), and then they “purified” it by CsCl gradient.  You can read about this technique here. It separates DNA molecules (not viruses) after mixing them with cesium chloride (a heavy metal salt) and ethidium bromide (a mutagen that can affect DNA biological processes, like DNA replication and transcription.)

This is the same smoke and mirrors—not true separation and isolation but “surrogate” techniques that use various poisons.

Another  study sent to us is entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 structure and replication characterized by in situ cryo-electron tomography,” published June 23, 2020. The authors begin with the creed of the faithful: “β-coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus (MERS-CoV) are highly contagious pathogens that can cause severe lower respiratory infections. At the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, likely through zoonotic transmission via a bat reservoir and a still unidentified intermediate host that subsequently led to a pandemic, accumulating to date to over 8 million cases and close to 500,000 deaths worldwide.”

The article provides no references for the statement that the SARS virus is “highly contagious” but does contain a lot of fuzzy electron-microscope photographs of tissues and cells whose genetic material they determined using PCR tests—the equivalent of finding moats and turrets in a bunch of Lego pieces.

The researchers did not isolate and purify the virus but instead used “monkey kidney derived VeroE6 cells” and “human pulmonary cell lines.”  In other words, they used cell lines grown in starved and poisoned cultures.

Later in the paper the authors state that they get different “morphologies” of the virus depending on which cell line they use.   In other words when grown on monkey kidney cells the virus looks one way, grown on lung cancer the same virus looks different.  That is like saying that if you plant some seeds in one garden you will get tomatoes but if you plant them in another garden you will get turnips.  What this observation tells us is that what they find comes from the tissue not the source “virus,” that is why they are different.

According to the authors, “Our report provides the first in situ cryo-ET analysis of coronaviruses at high preservation levels.” Wait a minute—this study was published on June 23, 2020. You mean they had no analyses of this virus before health officials called for universal lockdown?

By the way, Stefano Scoglio, PhD, from Italy, has come to the same conclusions that we have in a talk entitled “THE INVENTED PANDEMIC, the lack of VIRUS ISOLATION and the INVALID COVID-19 test.”

Says Scoglio, “At the center of the pandemic project stands the Covid swab test, which is based on the RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase- Polymerase Chain reaction): a sample of organic material is taken from the throat, or more rarely from the broncho-alveolar fluid, of the individual, and then the presence of the SARS-Cov-2 virus in the sample is tested. This is done by using the same RT-PCR methodology used to originally “isolate” the virus from patient zero. Thus, the Covid test depends essentially on the original isolation, or lack thereof, of the SARS-Cov2 virus, the original PCR isolation of the virus constituting the golden standard necessary to validate any subsequent Covid test. The problems with the original virus isolation, and thus with the ensuing swab test, are many, and they all point to the truth that the SARS-Cov2 virus has never been isolated and never tested for its pathogenicity.”

One argument we hear is that Koch’s postulates are irrelevant, out of date, useless or even “wrong.” If so, why do researchers claim to have satisfied Koch’s postulates, not only for Covid-19 but for other diseases like HIV/AIDS and Lyme’s disease.

For example, in 1997, scientists announced that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does fulfill Koch’ postulates and hence is the proven cause of AIDS.  The study involved taking the blood from an HIV-positive person and injecting it into one chimpanzee. They didn’t purify or isolate anything, just injected the blood into one chimpanzee. They kept the chimp for ten years–who knows what they fed it or anything about its conditions of confinement. After ten years the chimp developed an “opportunistic infection” (which could even be a yeast infection) and tested HIV-positive (a test result that occurs in at least thirty-three other conditions).  The study had no controls–like injecting the chimp with blood from someone with cancer or with blood from a healthy person.  This was the proof that HIV causes AIDS!  This is not science, but it keeps the grant money flowing.

With Lyme’s disease the “proof” that Koch’s postulates were fulfilled comes from a paper published in 1983, which reported detection of spirochete [spiral-shaped bacteria] in the blood of two patients with Lyme. The researchers then examined some ticks in the neighborhood and found the same spirochete.  That’s it, that was the “proof” of Koch’s postulates.

As we have explained, finding bacteria at the site of an injury or in a person with a disease in no way constitutes proof of causation any more than finding firemen at the site of a fire means they caused the fire.  Among other roles, bacteria act as scavengers in nature, they “eat” dead or diseased tissue.  Maggots play the same role; if you see a dead dog crawling with maggots, it would be crazy conclude that the maggots killed the dog. So why do scientists assume that the presence of “viruses” in a cell means that the cell has been attacked from the outside and taken over by hostile compounds?

If anyone can show us a properly done study in which the “coronavirus” from many sick people was isolated, purified, photographed and characterized according to the consensus agreement of the 1973 Pasteur Institute guidelines, and then shown to cause disease in healthy organisms (animals or humans), we will gladly withdraw the book. Meanwhile, we contend that the idea of a contagious coronavirus is a fairy tale.


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Freedom Exists Under Natural Law

Freedom Exists Under Natural Law

by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing
October 23, 2020


Losing Freedom

What happens when the legislative and justice systems become corrupt and you no longer have control over your body, your property? What happens when illegal mandates replace laws; when tyranny replaces freedom?

Return to Nature.

Sound simple?

Truth is simple.

To know freedom is to know Nature. Living in harmony with Nature leads to peace, prosperity, knowledge, truth, action, and freedom. Nature reflects the order of the universe. Living in opposition to Nature leads to war, control, ignorance, fear, stagnation, and enslavement.

Today, America, The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave, finds herself muzzled in masks, shackled, and homeless. The foundation of American freedom is cracked. New restrictive mandates form the walls of a prison cell which we have built through our own apathy and ignorance.

The original Charters of Freedom: The United States Constitution, The Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence were written to reflect Inherent Rights of the individual. Yet these documents are being ignored by the very government created to uphold them because, by themselves, they are only metaphorical shields.

Why have we lost freedom?

Because we have forgotten where our rights come from. Human rights are natural and inborn, granted by the Creator. They come from our humanity under the Laws of Nature. Natural Law and Justice is, and always has been, the primary fundamental force in the universe. It is a body of Universal Spiritual Laws which governs Consciousness. Consciousness creates through each of us using free will. If we could become conscious, we would discover that we are Consciousness.

Being unconscious, we have stopped taking action to secure freedom. We thought that when we created government in America as a Constitutional Republic, individuals would be recognized to hold certain inalienable rights; rights which are not transferable and which can never be revoked, regardless of what the majority wants, or who holds power. However what we have agreed to is a Democracy.

A Republic is where the people control the government. A Democracy, is where the Government controls the people.

When Rights Are Legalized

Rights granted and legalized by governments are not rights at all. They are privileges and benefits that can be altered restricted, and abolished by legislation or Executive Orders. Note how this happens with the removal of vaccine exemptions granted by governments. When governments calls the shots, exemptions are nothing but a ruse.

ANY and ALL exemptions for government vaccine programs, whether medical, religious or philosophical/personal belief, are fundamentally illegal, because they transpose an inherent human RIGHT into a PRIVILEGE and BENEFIT, on the presumption that you acknowledge and thus forfeit your natural born “freedom of choice” to an external authority.

Privileges and benefits are codified, or codes in legalese. Legalese is the language of statutes, which redefines words as tools to expand the scope and power of the State. Under statutes, a “person” is a legal fiction, not a human being with free will. At the same time, a “corporation” is defined as “a number of persons united in one body, so it can acquire wealth, expand, and enjoy other rights.” Note: a corporation is incapable of loyalty or love. Governments also regulate behavior through licensure. According to Black’s Law Dictionary, a license is:

A permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or would be a trespass or a tort.

A government entity that gives itself power and competence by its own authority is a rogue government and must be restrained. If not, the trend is toward a concentration of power where laws are homogenized and standardized to one-opinion rule, a monarchy, a global Technocracy. We must wake ourselves up to the post-modern times Technocratic society in which we live, since the United Nations (UN) International treaties (UNCRC), intend to “reduce inequality” by implementing new norms of global socialism and corporate fascism as part of their Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.

What is Freedom?

To go to the next level in human evolution is to return more deeply into Nature, where freedom lives. Freedom is the ability to:

  • express without limits,
  • to seek truth and understanding,
  • to access the foods of our choice,
  • to choose what we allow into our bodies and our minds,
  • to grow our own foods and plant medicines,
  • to speak our truth,
  • to raise children without government interference,
  • to choose power and knowledge instead of fear,
  • to choose healing over treatment,
  • to embody and integrate the Charters of Freedom,
  • to claim responsibility for individual choices, and the consequences of those choices.

“How few of us have made our individual declaration of independence, and until we do that, we are not free.”– Edwin Manners

The American Declaration of Independence reminds us:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

When governments ignore the will of the people and “go rogue” for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many, it is time to remember from where true freedom comes. Our system derives from our free will and consent. The source of informed consent? You!

The Polarity Principle

There are two belief systems representing the polarity existing on Planet Earth. Under the Polarity Principle everything has poles or pairs of opposite charge:

  • One belief system says that a human being is separate from all others, designed to control others when they cannot or do not reason for themselves. This belief derives from man-made written codes that must be learned.
  • Another belief system says that each human is a cell of the collective web, and that all humans are connected as one entity, one interconnected humanity. This belief derives from Natural Law. Natural Law is not written, but intuitive and knowable by simple observation, reason, common sense, and deduction. ‘By your action, ye shall be known.’

On a free-will planet, everything is presented as an offer to contract and it is always up to each of us to consent or to withdraw consent. Silence is acquiescence. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in the Age of Information.

Legal Vs. Lawful

There is a difference between legal and lawful. Legal pertains to the letter of law, whereas lawful pertains to the spirit of law. Legal matters reflect statutes between government entities and the color of law (i.e., the appearance or semblance, without the substance), whereas lawful matters reflect common law, the law of the land—the law of the people—and are actual in nature, not implied. Going forward, if we are to be free, we must resist playing a game of wits in a corrupt system that seeks to destroy Inherent Rights.

Instead, we must take back the language and determine who we are. Are we a “person-corporation” or a soul embodied? Do we have free-will or do we ask for permission from an outside authority?

Do we consent to the dictates of a rogue government or do we withdraw consent?

Do we own our bodies or does the State? Do we recognize inalienable rights and act on them? Do we reclaim our sovereignty as free-will beings?

It is time to redefine the words we live by to work in our favor.

The Freedom Toolkit

More people are identifying little used lawful tools that work within the legal system to ensure individual freedom. Today you must play the game in honor by putting criminals in dishonor because they are violating their oaths of office. You play the game better than the game masters. Whether you work with groups such as InPower, SolutionsEmpowerment, or Lena Pu at Lenasfabulousfrequencies, you utilize tools that you were never taught in school, because you are learning empowerment, not indoctrination. You put the ball in your court using Natural Law. You retain your rights under illegal mandates using the Notice process. See my September article here for an introduction on serving notices to officials.

Listen to a Crrow777 podcast with Lena Pu on the Notice of Liability:

Follow Intuition

As part of nature, we connect to Nature to experience freedom. As Within So Without.

When we follow government dictates as truth, we lose touch with our own intuition. We lose connection with our true nature. As long as we remain distracted, debating the details of the system, such as war, mandates, rigged elections, the NFL, politics, science, we are directionless, lost in a maze of confusion. By consenting to a system of contradictions through our participation and acceptance, the system feeds off our energy.

If America is held up as an example of Freedom to the rest of the world, we must get our act together and identify with Natural Law. Through the power of our vision we become the architect of the life we want to create for ourselves and for our families. We only need to reclaim responsibility for our bodies and our minds, and act on it in order to see it take hold. Such is the Law of Nature.

Sound simple?

Truth is simple.

In the American system no government is sovereign. The peoples of the states are the sovereigns. It is they who apportion powers between themselves, their state governments, and the federal government. In doing so they are not impairing their sovereignty in any way. To the contrary, they are exercising it.” – Tom Woods, Tenth Amendment Center

Article updated from October 2017.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network. Link here to find more information about Rosanne Lindsay’s services and how to contact her.

Subscribe to her blog at


 Read more and connect with Rosanne Lindsay at Nature of Healing

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The Big Why and Other Observations  

“We are not “in control”, neither is what appears to be externally in this base level existence, no matter how much it howls and blows.
It truly is “false evidence appearing real.” It’s only real if we buy into it and conform to it. A profound dynamic, best seen outside of all of this.
This is what the true spiritual revolutionaries have always alluded to. It’s profound in every aspect. The real “I Am” of which and which we all are is simply planted inside of this human experience, seemingly separated by individual bodies.”  ~ Zen Gardner


The Big Why and Other Observations

by Zen Gardner
October 31, 2020


This is a hot button question that continually lurks behind the scenes of life’s garish activity and all of its ongoing drama.

It touches on free will, purpose and meaning, and all kinds of deeply philosophical issues. Yet it is a very simple, everyday question any conscious being asks continually within this reactive matrix we call human consciousness. All of which is inside this evolving and often seemingly devolving experience we call life.

Who’s to say what “direction” things should go?

Such questions are a pervading angst on so many levels.

Is there a reason, a meaning, a purpose to anything, immediate or even deeply remote to what we call life?

Never mind for the day to day madness that’s unfolding before our eyes?

It really is a time of opportunity.

Stay with me here. This is tough stuff to try to articulate.

The Meaning of Meaning

Whatever we think we are is always there looking for meaning. Reason and purpose are right on its heels, along with the big underlying question of “why?”

The way bigger question is, who is it that’s asking?

That’s the whopper if we’re willing to go there. If we don’t get that one, all bets are off and we’re trying to perceive things in a primordial soup of mental relativity. We assume self is one thing, the programmed sense of a continual self and reinforced identity, by ourselves as well as our environment.

But is that an illusory perception?

From “just because it is” to the religious default of “it’s God’s plan”, many foundational understandings are much closer to the truth than we realize. They default to “isness”, which escapes the rational mind. Lao Tzu had many mind-stopping things to say about this. Heck, even the Bible says that the supposed God said when asked about his name, “I am that I am.” Clearly derived from earlier teachings.

Profound realities have their way of surfacing. This mind blowing point is found throughout all great teachings.

Things just are. The implied powerlessness of such a simple realization is overwhelming to the ego driven self.

I say good. Deal with it. Head on. That fake self stuff is what’s making such a mess here.

But that’s all part of it too. Nothing is outside of the all pervading “what is”. A tremendous relief to realize. In fact, in that understanding there is no “awake” or “unawake”, despite the polarity of the informational field and the endless treadmill of so-called spirituality. We are where we are.

If you hunger for more, get there.

But I have to warn you, as was wisely said, “The way out is realizing you were never in it.”

Today’s Whirled

Let’s look at today. In my opinion, humanity is being given an opportunity to transcend the bullshit on every level. As the world structure falls apart, much is being revealed. And there’s plenty of time to think about it now.

Whether consciously or subconsciously, or be it so-called deeply intellectual or within the free-for-all of so-called spirituality and belief systems, that big question of “why” looms.

Not so much the how, which we find fascinating to track thinking we can change things – but the “why” is always implied.

As if there has to be a reason. That immediately alludes to a structural form of thinking within the very box from which the “other” is attempting to perceive outside of.

That’s not possible. It’s a closed loop.

Yet we can somehow perceive otherwise – that there’s something more profound going on.

Therein is the key.

This I feel is a time many are approaching deeper questions arising within them. Hence the clinging to religious and otherwise beliefs, or perhaps exploring other perspectives as they arise in awareness.

This is a healthy process, as all processes are. Creation arising in whatever form or circumstance is what’s going on, continually. Only now a great space or pause has been imposed upon humanity to reflect, as well as react.

And most of all, watch them both.

That’s where the cool stuff kicks in.

Who’s watching?

Cause and Effect

To the plethora of historical trackers and research adherents this means a lot; cause and inevitable effect, tracking the story in some sort of quest. But all of this is only true on a timeline of events. The predictable unfolding that’s led up to today’s condition is clear, yet few seem to notice, to the frustration of the trackers.

We may think we know “why” in both scenarios, how it came to pass as well as the acquiescent reaction.

As you know, there are reams of “information” and apparent reasons for both causes and effects. The human mind is fascinated by these.

My question here is; is that the real issue at hand?

How can we proceed if we don’t even know who or what we are?

Tricked by the Programming

This reactivity is a natural programmed reflex. We tend to see things two dimensionally. Action/reaction. All of it is extremely deterministic and by default gives the “game” over to the aggressor. Whoever calls the shots wins in such a board game.

Animated and reinforced, and hence made possible by willing participants.

That’s just how the game works.

Chess, Anyone?

The so-called opponent, as well as those being oppressed by the aggressor, are then forced into a paradigm of fight or acquiesce. If there is a social “tide” that rises to repel such affronts, as happens within small groups and large, balance can be had.

For a time. Then it goes wonky again. It’s bound to. Any real lasting “solution” can only be had by transcendent non participation that comes as a natural state when real liberation occurs.

That, or the oppressors so overplay their hand that the whole game board blows up and we start over.

It’s something like that. Maybe. I’m just observing patterns. I don’t know how this works here any more that you do. But here we are trying to “make sense” of it all.

The thing is, we have the capacity to transcend all of this by simply operating from our natural state derived from rediscovering our true, innate nature.

Not an individual attainment of any kind. Simply aligning with that which is living through us. The great I Am, if you will.

Nothing touches that.

There meaning, purpose and everything we’re so attached to dissolve and we see the illusory game for what it is.

There’s wonderful comfort and peace there. And it never ends.

It’s simply what is living through us – and everything. No “sides”. no right and wrong.

I know, tough to wrap the head around.

Guess what? That head can’t wrap around nada, zip, zilch. That’s where the problem lies.

Conscious bypass surgery comes to mind.

It happens.

What Role Truth? Back to the Why

This ongoing struggle is a remarkable phenomenon. Why life has to be combative in the first place is another big “why”. Hence my theme here.

Not just what’s going on, but why? Haven’t we seen this movie before?

We have to look deeper. There’s great peace, comfort and joy to be found, no matter the circumstances.

Truth has accrued a sort of reverent tone. That’s baloney. Let’s face it, to everyone so-called truth is different. Sure, some facts are facts, but they’re all relative to the observer. This current mass insanity of the human race should be proof enough of that.

The “illusion” of this apparent reality is often referred to. What does that mean?

“It’s just a ride”, “life is a play full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”, “Reality is an illusion although a very persistent one”. All famously common ideas in human awareness.

Let’s apply these profound truths.

As far as meaning goes; Is all of this for “soul growth”, learning, and all of that for some unending identity we think we have? Like the Egyptians, who vehemently lived and prepared for death and the afterlife. The wealthy burying themselves with treasures and even slaves to take with them.

Sound familiar? Did you know Mormons of their inner circle believe the same, that they take their riches with them? That’s also how they hook their biggest contributors as well, I know it first hand. Or how about the so-called elite’s well defensed underground bunkers worldwide, or the psychopathic drive for computerized eternal life?

Anyone see a massive fear of death here? Or more than that, fear of a full on letting go of the false self into the great all permeating ever-present that’s everything and all there is?

What horrendous fear that reveals, on both sides of the same old dualistic coin.

This permeates all of society. And it’s total bullshit.

But what a great illustration.

Do you want to pop out of that? Did you know it’s even possible?

It doesn’t deny anything. You’ll still be here doing what you feel called to do, if anything.

Like Arjuna, who supposedly woke up but still went to battle, but in full on awareness.

I find that totally cool.

There’s no judgment. Only the false egoic mind does that.

Hence the Big Questions

We’re talking nutsville with all of that death fascination I described above. This is exactly what we’re seeing in society today at a base social level, a herd easily led into whatever stall designed for them and overlords driven by insane beliefs based on control and self preservation, at any cost.

Can we see to what extent this ignorance permeates this shallow social environment we were born into?

All of those are fear-based. All just another way of missing the point. That again plays into purpose and meaning attachment as I see it.

The cart firmly before the horse of the “real deal”, to be experienced deeply here and now, and always.

The rest just happens. Or not. No matter, never mind, as has been aptly put.

Yet here I am putting these ideas down in the realm I’m making diminutive in significance.

Go figure.

I’m not really putting anything down, just pointing out amazing inconsistencies even in this realm of so-called reason. There’s something “other” that is implied even from that realm.

What is it?

THIS is IT, there is no other than. But clearly there are lots of “its” in creation, but that’s not our concern, but clearly fun to think about. All kinds of things are running around in the illusion. All for us to explore and to be entertained by.

IT just is and just doing its issing. Just don’t wear a velcro suit of identification. We’ve been there and done that. You’ll get stuck on the chessboard, and worse.

That’s where suffering comes from.

It’s time for liberation. Or not. Either way it’s just what it is.

Oh the irony, eh? See how trying to “figure it out” is just part of this illusion?

We all do find out, either in this life if we’re lucky, or eventually when our corporal existence fizzles out. We don’t know what’s past so-called death but we can be assured there’s absolutely nothing to fear.

It’s all by design, if you will. Ours is to find out now in the here and now. For now.

Or not. Neither way is wrong.

I’m just speaking to those still looking.

The Liberation of Letting Go

You’ll still be here, no matter what you “find out” behind the scenes. That’s the amazing thing. It’s all here and just is.

The human experience is a confluence of very different worlds. Paradoxes abound in all forms of discovery within our realm. We tend to dismiss them in our adherence to what we could call the mental, rational perspective.

It’s a survival technique, based on the thinking that we’d be losing something by letting go. You won’t get much help in the matrix regarding this, although some great teachers have laid these truths bare.

It’s a very individual journey. There’s a collective connection and influence, but it’s still an individual trip. As dynamics go, as we change, everything changes, and vice-versa.

In Semi Conclusion

All of the above referenced dynamics are fear based. Hence the control paradigm working as well as it does.

The “why” stems from that same plane of understanding. The same goes for meaning and purpose. They’re false self preservation driven.

We are not “in control”, neither is what appears to be externally in this base level existence, no matter how much it howls and blows.

It truly is “false evidence appearing real.” It’s only real if we buy into it and conform to it. A profound dynamic, best seen outside of all of this.

This is what the true spiritual revolutionaries have always alluded to. It’s profound in every aspect. The real “I Am” of which and which we all are is simply planted inside of this human experience, seemingly separated by individual bodies.

You’ve known this your whole life.

Hence the hunger, the seeking, even though what was seeking is what you were looking for.

Now is the time to be there, find there, go there. Whatever it takes.

In fact, it will find you if you’re willing and sincere about going all the way.

That’s all it is.

It’s simply arising. No whys, hows, ifs, ands or buts.

The teacher (truth) appears when the student is ready, to reverse the axiom.

Anyone reading this is clearly a candidate.

I wish you well.

Enjoy the ride.

No outcome necessary.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Missing and Unproven Viruses: This Is Nothing New

Missing and Unproven Viruses: This Is Nothing New

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 30, 2020


As I keep making the case that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has not been proven to exist, I’m also making this point:

There is no honest and prolonged mainstream debate on this issue, and there has to be. Reputable journals should be opening up their pages to such a debate from all comers, and they aren’t. They’re ignoring, side-stepping, and suppressing a debate. This is not science. It’s not even a shadow of science.

And the COVID virus is not the first time the issue of existence has arisen. If more people understood that, they wouldn’t be so shocked.

Here are several cases from recent history:

In the early part of the 20th century, a very nasty skin disease called pellagra took hold in the American South, affecting several million people.

The elite medical view, of course: a germ was the cause. But no one could find it in the ensuing decades. Finally, a small group of independent researchers, relentlessly pursuing a different course, convinced the establishment that the true cause was a niacin deficiency.

In the 1960s and 70s, Japan experienced a strange nervous-system affliction labeled SMON. Again the clarion call was: find the virus, it must be a virus. But no, in a landmark court case, the cause was shown to be a gastrointestinal drug, clioquinol, manufactured by Ciba-Geigy. The company apologized and paid out damages. Since then, some research has suggested that clioquinol fails to explain all the SMON cases.

SARS, 2003. During the height of hysteria in Canada about this flu-like illness, famous WHO researcher, Frank Plummer, wandered off the reservation and told the press that fewer and fewer SARS patients showed any sign of having the virus—in fact, the percentage was shrinking to zero. Therefore: what virus?

Swine Flu, 2009. As I detailed in a recent article, CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson uncovered the fact that the CDC had secretly stopped counting cases, because the overwhelming percentage of patients’ samples coming back from testing labs showed no sign of the Swine Flu virus or any other flu virus.

HIV, first announced as the cause of AIDS in 1984, has been challenged by a number of independent researchers. I have published Christine Johnson’s explosive and detailed interview with Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia.” The subject? Does HIV exist? I’m reprinting my article and the Papadopulos interview below.

There are other illnesses in which the existence of the virus has been challenged: for example, polio and the Swine Flu of the 1970s.

Mainstream and independent investigators should also be aware there are analogous “missing causes” within the medical framework. The most egregious example is certainly psychiatry.

Following the breakthrough work of psychiatrist Peter Breggin, I’ve written extensively on this subject. In a nutshell, there are NO defining lab tests for ANY of the 300 so-called mental disorders. Every one of these disorders is arbitrarily assembled by committees of psychiatrists, from menus of behaviors. This is about as far from science as you can get.

Is there an open and honest prolonged debate about this stunning situation in the psychiatric literature? Absolutely not.

Here is my article, Does HIV Exist? Buckle up:

Before we get to Christine Johnson’s interview, a bit of background.

My first book, AIDS INC., was published in 1988. The research I engaged in then formed a foundation for my recent work in exposing the vast fraud called COVID-19.

In 1987-88, my main question eventually became: does HIV cause AIDS? For months, I had blithely assumed the obvious answer was yes. This created havoc in my investigation, because I was facing contradictions I couldn’t solve.

For example, in parts of Africa, people who were chronically ill and dying obviously needed no push from a new virus. All their “AIDS” conditions and symptoms could be explained by their environment: contaminated water supplies; sewage pumped directly into the drinking water; protein-calorie malnutrition; hunger, starvation; medical treatment with immunosuppressive vaccines and drugs; toxic pesticides; fertile farm land stolen by corporations and governments; wars; extreme poverty. The virus cover story actually obscured all these ongoing crimes.

Finally, in the summer of 1987, I found several researchers who were rejecting the notion that HIV caused AIDS. Their reports were persuasive.

I’m shortcutting a great deal of my 1987-8 investigation here, but once HIV was out of the picture for me, many pieces fell into place. I discovered that, in EVERY group supposedly at “high-risk” for AIDS, their conditions and symptoms could be entirely explained by factors that had nothing to do with a new virus.

AIDS was not one condition. It was an umbrella label, used to re-package a number of immunosuppressive conditions and create the illusion of a new and unique and single “pandemic.”

Several years after the publication of AIDS INC, I became aware of a quite different emerging debate going on under the surface of research: DOES HIV EXIST?

Was the purported virus ever truly discovered?

And THAT question led to: what is the correct procedure for discovering a new virus?

The following 1997 interview, conducted by brilliant freelance journalist, Christine Johnson, delves into these questions:

How should researchers prove that a particular virus exists? How should they isolate it? What are the correct steps?

These questions, and their answers, reside at the heart of most disease research—and yet, overwhelmingly, doctors never explore them or even consider them.

Johnson interviews Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis…”

Here I’m publishing and highlighting excerpts from the interview. Technical issues are discussed. Grasping them is not the easiest exercise you’ve ever done, but I believe the serious reader can comprehend the vital essentials.

Christine Johnson: Does HIV cause AIDS?

Eleni Papadopulos: There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS.

CJ: Why not?

EP: For many reasons, but most importantly, because there is no proof that HIV exists.

… CJ: Didn’t Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo [purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV] isolate HIV back in the early eighties?

EP: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients. [HIV is said to be a retrovirus.]

CJ: They say they did isolate a virus.

EP: Our interpretation of the data differs. To prove the existence of a virus you need to do three things. First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.

CJ: Can’t you just look down a microscope and say there’s a virus in the cultures?

EP: No, you can’t. Not all particles that look like viruses are viruses.

… CJ: My understanding is that high-speed centrifugation is used to produce samples consisting exclusively of objects having the same density, a so-called “density-purified sample.” Electron microscopy is used to see if these density-purified samples consist of objects which all have the same appearance — in which case the sample is an isolate — and if this appearance matches that of a retrovirus, in terms of size, shape, and so forth. If all this is true, then you are three steps into the procedure for obtaining a retroviral isolate. (1) You have an isolate, and the isolate consists of objects with the same (2) density and (3) appearance of a retrovirus. Then you have to examine this isolate further, to see if the objects in it contain reverse transcriptase [an enzyme] and will replicate when placed in new cultures. Only then can you rightfully declare that you have obtained a retroviral isolate.

EP: Exactly. It was discovered that retroviral particles have a physical property which enables them to be separated from other material in cell cultures. That property is their buoyancy, or density, and this was utilized to purify the particles by a process called density gradient centrifugation.

The technology is complicated, but the concept is extremely simple. You prepare a test tube containing a solution of sucrose, ordinary table sugar, made so the solution is light at the top but gradually becomes heavier, or more dense, towards the bottom. Meanwhile, you grow whatever cells you think may contain your retrovirus. If you’re right, retroviral particles will be released from the cells and pass into the culture fluids. When you think everything is ready, you decant a specimen of culture fluids and gently place a drop on top of the sugar solution. Then you spin the test tube at extremely high speeds. This generates tremendous forces, and particles present in that drop of fluid are forced through the sugar solution until they reach a point where their buoyancy prevents them from penetrating any further. In other words, they drift down the density gradient until they reach a spot where their own density is the same as that region of the sugar solution. When they get there they stop, all together. To use virological jargon, that’s where they band. Retroviruses band at a characteristic point. In sucrose solutions they band at a point where the density is 1.16 gm/ml.

That band can then be selectively extracted and photographed with an electron microscope. The picture is called an electron micrograph, or EM. The electron microscope enables particles the size of retroviruses to be seen, and to be characterized by their appearance.

CJ: So, examination with the electron microscope tells you what fish you’ve caught?

EP: Not only that. It’s the only way to know if you’ve caught a fish. Or anything at all.

CJ: Did Montagnier and Gallo do this?

EP: This is one of the many problems. Montagnier and Gallo did use density gradient banding, but for some unknown reason they did not publish any Ems [photos] of the material at 1.16 gm/ml…this is quite puzzling because in 1973 the Pasteur Institute hosted a meeting attended by scientists, some of whom are now amongst the leading HIV experts. At that meeting the method of retroviral isolation was thoroughly discussed, and photographing the 1.16 band of the density gradient was considered absolutely essential.

CJ: But Montagnier and Gallo did publish photographs of virus particles.

EP: No. Montagnier and Gallo published electron micrographs of culture fluids that had not been centrifuged, or even separated from the culture cells, for that matter. These EMs contained, in addition to many other things, including the culture cells and other things that clearly are not retroviruses, a few particles which Montagnier and Gallo claimed are retroviruses, and which all belonged to the same retroviral species, now called HIV. But photographs of unpurified particles don’t prove that those particles are viruses. The existence of HIV was not established by Montagnier and Gallo — or anyone since — using the method presented at the 1973 meeting.

CJ: And what was that method?

EP: All the steps I have just told you. The only scientific method that exists. Culture cells, find a particle, isolate the particle, take it to pieces, find out what’s inside, and then prove those particles are able to make more of the same with the same constituents when they’re added to a culture of uninfected cells.

CJ: So before AIDS came along there was a well-tried method for proving the existence of a retrovirus, but Montagnier and Gallo did not follow this method?

EP: They used some of the techniques, but they did not undertake every step including proving what particles, if any, are in the 1.16 gm/ml band of the density gradient, the density that defines retroviral particles.

CJ: But what about their pictures?

EP: Montagnier’s and Gallo’s electron micrographs…are of entire cell cultures, or of unpurified fluids from cultures…”

—end of interview excerpt—

If you grasp the essentials of this discussion, you’ll see there is every reason to doubt the existence of HIV, because the methods for proving its existence were not followed.

And so…as I’ve reported these past few months, there is every reason to doubt and reject the existence of the COVID virus, since correct large-scale electron microscope studies have never been done.

I kept the Christine Johnson interview, and other similar information, in mind when, for example, I explored the dud epidemics called SARS and 2009 Swine Flu.

How many viruses have been named as causes of disease, when in fact those viruses have never been isolated or proved to exist?

Of course, conventional-consensus researchers and doctors will scoff at any attempt to raise these issues. For them, “the science is settled.” Meaning: they don’t want to think. They don’t want to stir the waters.

After 30 years working as a reporter in the area of deep medical-research fraud, I’ve seen that false science occurs in levels.

The deeper you go, the stranger it gets. To put it another way: the deeper you go, the worse it gets.


Connect with Jon Rappoport at No More Fake News

cover image credit susannp4 /pixabay

Dr. Tom Cowan: The Belief That Viruses Are Pathogenic Invaders Is Crumbling

The Belief That Viruses Are Pathogenic Invaders Is Crumbling

New Study Says ‘Exosomes’ Can’t Be Distinguished from Viruses

by Dr. Tom Cowan
October 26, 2020


In the world of science, beliefs typically die a long, slow death.  Such is the case with the germ theory, which really took off in the late 1800s.

At that time, the main proponents of the germ theory, including the Frenchman Louis Pasteur and the German Robert Koch, ardently believed that all the bacteria in living organisms, including human beings, were invaders from the outside.  In other words, from our skin inward, we were sterile, except if we had been invaded by a pathogen.  Today, 150 years later, this idea seems laughably incorrect and naïve.

Almost everyone now knows that trillions of bacteria live in and on every surface of our bodies.  Some people have even attempted to demonstrate that most of our genetic material is bacterial rather than human in origin.  We now have conclusive evidence that these trillions of bacteria living in us help digest our food, synthesize crucial nutrients, participate in detoxification functions, help regulate and control our emotions and, in some ways, participate in every normal human function.  The early proponents of the germ theory were not only completely inaccurate in their conclusions about the role of bacteria in the human organism, but, more important, they established a framework that postulated that human beings were somehow separate from nature.  This insidious and unscientific conclusion, which continues to the present time, has caused grave harm to all living systems.

In the case of viruses, a similar shift is just beginning to happen in the scientific community.  The old paradigm about viruses is that we are essentially “virus-free” in our healthy, natural state, and the only viruses that are inside us must be pathogens that came from the outside.  This belief was, of course, never proven; it was just stated as dogma, and it dovetailed nicely with the narrative of “nature is out to get us.”

If we fast forward to modern virology, we now know that these particles called viruses can be exosomes, also called extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are generated from the tissues as a way of detoxification and communication.  The way it works is that when a tissue is exposed to a certain toxin, especially one that breaks down the genetic material (i.e., EMF poisoning), the tissue packages this broken-down genetic material into vesicles so they can be excreted from the body.  This is what I mean when I say a virus is the body’s way of “pooping out poisons.”

This excreted package of poisons is not only a vital detoxification strategy, but it also serves as a communication vehicle that can be sent out to the world. Through a kind of resonance, exosomes  communicate from one part of the body to another, or from one organism to its community of friends, that a poison has been encountered, so prepare to make a defensive response.  The conclusion, then, is that these internally generated exosomes (EVs) are the agent of adaption for living beings. They are not pathogens. Unfortunately, the medical/scientific community has mistaken these detoxification-communication messengers for pathogenic viruses.  But that narrative is starting to crumble.  Consider this quote from a recent paper published in the journal Viruses 2020 May; 12(5). 571.  The paper was written by Gianessi, F et al and is titled:  “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses.” Here is a quote from Section 3 of the paper:

The remarkable resemblance between EVs and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the studies on the analysis of EVs released during viral infections.  Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension.   To overcome this problem, different studies have proposed the separation of EVs from virus particles by exploiting their different migration velocity in a density gradient or using the presence of specific markers that distinguish viruses from EVs.   However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist.

Read the final line again: A way to distinguish external “pathogenic” viruses from particles generated from our own tissues to help us adapt to a novel toxin does NOT exist, period.  Perhaps the reason virologists can’t find any method to distinguish these particles from each other, in spite of the fact that they can pull a single molecule out of virtually any complex solution, can only be because there is nothing to distinguish.  I submit that all viruses are exosomes/EVs. They are all generated from our tissues. None are pathogens.  See you later, close up shop, it’s time to get honest work.

This change in how we view viruses (exosomes) will happen, but possibly only when the old guard dies out. Paradigms are hard to change.  This one, however, is threatening to destroy the world, and we don’t have time for the virologists to fade away. We must understand this shift ourselves.  It’s not that complicated once you remove the veil.  It’s obvious: We humans are part of the joyous dance of life, viruses and bacteria are our dance partners, and without them we will trip on our own two feet and fall flat on our collective faces.

All the best,



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) Beams Into New Madrid Seismic Zone as 1,100F Temps Flare Up

DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) Beams Into New Madrid Seismic Zone as 1,100F Temps Flare Up

by Michael Janitch, Dutchsinse
October 5, 2020


DEW = Directed Energy Weapon

DEW in space confirmed the past few weeks by the Dept. of Defense:

Quotes from the announcement on Sept 16, 2020 … China and Russia — fires at a distance — killer satellites — Directed Energy Weapons in space.

Video from Dept. of Defense here:

Original text post below:

Either someone at the National Weather Service is trolling the world and putting out fake information across the whole world somehow…. or we have something serious going on with our plate shifting and releasing heat along the New Madrid Seismic Zone.

Add in the DEW about 9 minutes into the video as I find it…. as we know those types of beam returns previously showed up in OTHER clusters of fires (on the west coast a few weeks ago see here):

In addition to the strange beams showing up going down into the New Madrid Seismic Zone of Southern Missouri Northern Arkansas .. at the same time frame (or shortly after) a series of extreme hot spots at 900K (1,100F) began flaring off in clusters from New Madrid Missouri, up into the Wabash Valley seismic zone (Indiana , Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky). Additionally hot spots in the 800K+ temp spectrum showing in clusters across Pennsylvania, New York, and Maine.

Worthy to note the SAME THING is happening in Washington State today as well (Oct. 4, 2020) .. see Washington State flaring off with dozens of hot spots all at once here:

Live view of the GOES 16 satellite here:

Beam view here:


Connect with Dutchsinse

Ancient Gardens of North America

Ancient Gardens of North America

by Jonathan Eugels, Permaculture Research Institute
September 29, 2020


Native Americans, like many other ancient civilisations, were clued in on the inner-workings of nature. They found ways to harmonise with it, taking advantage of biological cycles and utilising astute observation to make abundance seem almost fortuitous. But, it wasn’t all luck. Sometimes colonisers simply didn’t (and still don’t) recognise the guiding hand behind these highly productive, innately cooperative systems that were in place when they arrived. We continue to pay a price for that oversight today, and our payments may have only just begun.

One of the reasons permaculture is such an appealing methodology for creating sustainable homes, gardens, and lifestyles in the modern world is that it so often harkens back to ancient techniques, adopting the logic behind them whilst imbuing them with today’s technological advancements. In this interplay between bygone ingenuity and mechanical diggers, wells of inspiration spring forth for innovative design that keeps us comfortable and, at the same time, emboldens nature to put forth its best work on our behalf.

With that in mind, perhaps now—amidst Pacific Coast wildfires, cues of hurricanes in the Atlantic, and a pandemic putting the brakes on consume-it-all capitalism—is a good time to revisit what was happening in the gardens of North America a few hundred years ago, before colonisation. Maybe we don’t want to live exactly that way today, minus the internet and all that good stuff, but maybe there are some answers for today’s problems that were overlooked back then.


Often noted as perhaps the most productive and sustainable agricultural system the world has ever seen, chinampas were an Aztec technique (adopted from an earlier civilization they conquered), and essentially Mexico City is fed by what used to be incredibly soggy swampland. Chinampas were a clever method of converting very difficult land, agriculturally speaking, like this into multiple layers of production that continually renewed itself.

What they did was took low-lying wet land and dug canals through it, piling the sides of the canals with alternating levels of mud and decaying vegetation excavated during the process. The canals were used for fish and aquatic plants, and the very fertile “floating islands”, about four meters wide and whatever length made sense, had diverse crop plants growing on them, as well as over the channels between them.

The canals were periodically dredged to keep the waterways deep enough for canoes and the land fertile from the rich silt added to the garden beds. In addition to providing aquatic production, the canals functioned as a network of transportation for harvesting and tending to the chinampas. It requires much less energy, be it human-power or engine-driven, to float crops to their destination rather than move them over land.

See also:


Connect with Permaculture Research Institute


Does HIV Exist? An Explosive Interview

Does HIV Exist? An Explosive Interview

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 11, 2020


Before we get to Christine Johnson’s interview, a bit of background.

My first book, AIDS INC., was published in 1988. The research I engaged in then formed a foundation for my recent work in exposing the vast fraud called COVID-19.

In 1987-88, my main question eventually became: does HIV cause AIDS? For months, I had blithely assumed the obvious answer was yes. This created havoc in my investigation, because I was facing contradictions I couldn’t solve.

For example, in parts of Africa, people who were chronically ill and dying obviously needed no push from a new virus. All their “AIDS” conditions and symptoms could be explained by their environment: contaminated water supplies; sewage pumped directly into the drinking water; protein-calorie malnutrition; hunger, starvation; medical treatment with immunosuppressive vaccines and drugs; toxic pesticides; fertile farm land stolen by corporations and governments; wars; extreme poverty. The virus cover story actually obscured all these ongoing crimes.

Finally, in the summer of 1987, I found several researchers who were rejecting the notion that HIV caused AIDS. Their reports were persuasive.

I’m shortcutting a great deal of my 1987-8 investigation here, but once HIV was out of the picture for me, many pieces fell into place. I discovered that, in EVERY group supposedly at “high-risk” for AIDS, their conditions and symptoms could be entirely explained by factors that had nothing to do with a new virus.

AIDS was not one condition. It was an umbrella label, used to re-package a number of immunosuppressive conditions and create the illusion of a new and unique and single “pandemic.”

Several years after the publication of AIDS INC., I became aware of a quite different emerging debate going on under the surface of research: DOES HIV EXIST?

Was the purported virus ever truly discovered?

And THAT question led to: what is the correct procedure for discovering a new virus?

The following 1997 interview, conducted by brilliant freelance journalist, Christine Johnson, delves into these questions:

How should researchers prove that a particular virus exists? How should they isolate it? What are the correct steps?

These questions, and their answers, reside at the heart of most disease research—and yet, overwhelmingly, doctors never explore them or even consider them.

Johnson interviews Dr. Eleni Papadopulos, “a biophysicist and leader of a group of HIV/AIDS scientists from Perth in Western Australia. Over the past decade and more she and her colleagues have published many scientific papers questioning the HIV/AIDS hypothesis…”

Here I’m publishing and highlighting excerpts from the interview. Technical issues are discussed. Grasping them is not the easiest exercise you’ve ever done, but I believe the serious reader can comprehend the vital essentials.

CJ: Does HIV cause AIDS?

EP: There is no proof that HIV causes AIDS.

CJ: Why not?

EP: For many reasons, but most importantly, because there is no proof that HIV exists.

… CJ: Didn’t Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo [purportedly the co-discoverers of HIV] isolate HIV back in the early eighties?

EP: No. In the papers published in Science by those two research groups, there is no proof of the isolation of a retrovirus from AIDS patients. [HIV is said to be a retrovirus.]

CJ: They say they did isolate a virus.

EP: Our interpretation of the data differs. To prove the existence of a virus you need to do three things. First, culture cells and find a particle you think might be a virus. Obviously, at the very least, that particle should look like a virus. Second, you have to devise a method to get that particle on its own so you can take it to pieces and analyze precisely what makes it up. Then you need to prove the particle can make faithful copies of itself. In other words, that it can replicate.

CJ: Can’t you just look down a microscope and say there’s a virus in the cultures?

EP: No, you can’t. Not all particles that look like viruses are viruses.

… CJ: My understanding is that high-speed centrifugation is used to produce samples consisting exclusively of objects having the same density, a so-called “density-purified sample.” Electron microscopy is used to see if these density-purified samples consist of objects which all have the same appearance — in which case the sample is an isolate — and if this appearance matches that of a retrovirus, in terms of size, shape, and so forth. If all this is true, then you are three steps into the procedure for obtaining a retroviral isolate. (1) You have an isolate, and the isolate consists of objects with the same (2) density and (3) appearance of a retrovirus. Then you have to examine this isolate further, to see if the objects in it contain reverse transcriptase [an enzyme] and will replicate when placed in new cultures. Only then can you rightfully declare that you have obtained a retroviral isolate.

EP: Exactly. It was discovered that retroviral particles have a physical property which enables them to be separated from other material in cell cultures. That property is their buoyancy, or density, and this was utilized to purify the particles by a process called density gradient centrifugation.

The technology is complicated, but the concept is extremely simple. You prepare a test tube containing a solution of sucrose, ordinary table sugar, made so the solution is light at the top but gradually becomes heavier, or more dense, towards the bottom. Meanwhile, you grow whatever cells you think may contain your retrovirus. If you’re right, retroviral particles will be released from the cells and pass into the culture fluids. When you think everything is ready, you decant a specimen of culture fluids and gently place a drop on top of the sugar solution. Then you spin the test tube at extremely high speeds. This generates tremendous forces, and particles present in that drop of fluid are forced through the sugar solution until they reach a point where their buoyancy prevents them from penetrating any further. In other words, they drift down the density gradient until they reach a spot where their own density is the same as that region of the sugar solution. When they get there they stop, all together. To use virological jargon, that’s where they band. Retroviruses band at a characteristic point. In sucrose solutions they band at a point where the density is 1.16 gm/ml.

That band can then be selectively extracted and photographed with an electron microscope. The picture is called an electron micrograph, or EM. The electron microscope enables particles the size of retroviruses to be seen, and to be characterized by their appearance.

CJ: So, examination with the electron microscope tells you what fish you’ve caught?

EP: Not only that. It’s the only way to know if you’ve caught a fish. Or anything at all.

CJ: Did Montagnier and Gallo do this?

EP: This is one of the many problems. Montagnier and Gallo did use density gradient banding, but for some unknown reason they did not publish any Ems [photos] of the material at 1.16 gm/ml…this is quite puzzling because in 1973 the Pasteur Institute hosted a meeting attended by scientists, some of whom are now amongst the leading HIV experts. At that meeting the method of retroviral isolation was thoroughly discussed, and photographing the 1.16 band of the density gradient was considered absolutely essential.

CJ: But Montagnier and Gallo did publish photographs of virus particles.

EP: No. Montagnier and Gallo published electron micrographs of culture fluids that had not been centrifuged, or even separated from the culture cells, for that matter. These EMs contained, in addition to many other things, including the culture cells and other things that clearly are not retroviruses, a few particles which Montagnier and Gallo claimed are retroviruses, and which all belonged to the same retroviral species, now called HIV. But photographs of unpurified particles don’t prove that those particles are viruses. The existence of HIV was not established by Montagnier and Gallo — or anyone since — using the method presented at the 1973 meeting.

CJ: And what was that method?

EP: All the steps I have just told you. The only scientific method that exists. Culture cells, find a particle, isolate the particle, take it to pieces, find out what’s inside, and then prove those particles are able to make more of the same with the same constituents when they’re added to a culture of uninfected cells.

CJ: So before AIDS came along there was a well-tried method for proving the existence of a retrovirus, but Montagnier and Gallo did not follow this method?

EP: They used some of the techniques, but they did not undertake every step including proving what particles, if any, are in the 1.16 gm/ml band of the density gradient, the density that defines retroviral particles.

CJ: But what about their pictures?

EP: Montagnier’s and Gallo’s electron micrographs…are of entire cell cultures, or of unpurified fluids from cultures…”

—end of interview excerpt—

If you grasp the essentials of this discussion, you’ll see there is every reason to doubt the existence of HIV, because the methods for proving its existence were not followed.

And so…as I’ve reported these past few months, there is every reason to doubt and reject the existence of the COVID virus, since correct large-scale electron microscope studies have never been done.

I kept the Christine Johnson interview, and other similar information, in mind when, for example, I explored the dud epidemics called SARS and 2009 Swine Flu.

How many viruses have been named as causes of disease, when in fact those viruses have never been isolated or proved to exist?

Of course, conventional-consensus researchers and doctors will scoff at any attempt to raise these issues. For them, “the science is settled.” Meaning: they don’t want to think. They don’t want to stir the waters.

A few years ago, chemist David Rasnick sent a request to the CDC, asking for evidence demonstrating that the Ebola virus had ever been isolated from a human. The answers he received did not begin to approach a level of certainty.

After 30 years working as a reporter in the area of deep medical-research fraud, I’ve seen that false science occurs in levels.

The deeper you go, the stranger it gets. To put it another way: the deeper you go, the worse it gets.



Connect with Jon Rappoport

Giant Footprint in South Africa & Ancient Gold Mines

Giant Footprint – South Africa – Ancient gold mines – HIDDEN ORIGINS – Michael Tellinger

by Michael Tellinger
August 2, 2020


Michael Tellinger shows one of the greatest examples of a giant footprint and evidence of giants in human history – that leaves us scratching our heads.

How is it possible to leave a footprint in what seems to be Granite?

Listen to the explanation:

When you crush the rock to extract the gold – and the wet slurry is left alone in a pile – it becomes hard again – and can become indistinguishable from granite rock even to trained geologists. And because granite comes in many forms and granulations, it may look like ordinary granite to those that are not aware it has already been crushed and processed in a prior activity – for example, to extract gold.


Connect with Michael Tellinger

Ratcheteering — The Mob and the Mind Screw

Ratcheteering — The Mob and the Mind Screw

by Zen Gardner
July 23, 2020


It was wickedly clever of these planners to use that “new normal” meme. The ratchet job into more and more dystopia has been going on for a long time, but this overt label-hanging bumps the very baseline, an irreversible platform from which even more manipulable insanity can be attained.

Not for all, of course. But enough. That’s all that matters to a deranged strategist.

The full meaning of ratchet is quite telling:

–a device consisting of a bar or wheel with a set of angled teeth in which a pawl, cog, or tooth engages, allowing motion in one direction only.

–a situation or process that is perceived to be deteriorating or changing steadily in a series of irreversible steps.

Pretty much nails what we’re experiencing. It’s not intrinsically natural by any means. It’s once again aberrant behavior on the part the deranged few trying to control the many. Yet it’s part of the Universe of possibilities within the construct we’re experiencing.

Weaponized Ignorance

Cognitive dissonance has been fully in effect for a long, long time, a war on the human psyche by those steering the social agenda. It’s been ratcheted up via many vectors of nonsensical contra-positions of opposing ideas, and with very clever verbiage. It thus forces the mass mind to hold many contradictory positions at the same time, forcing a kind of hypnotically induced psychotic state.

Science is their main lever on the fulcrum of the human mind. It’s been made to appear an indisputable foundation of modern truth. That’s a relatively new phenomenon in human history. Hence the term scientism amongst those tracking this phenomenon, which started in earnest at the beginning of the last century but came out of the rationalism of the 17th century. As scientism gained its stronghold, perceptive voices such as Rudolf Steiner tried to warn us, a century ago, but were overwhelmed by weaponized ignorance.

You can see the end results of years of programming all around you, from the Karen brown shirts and contact tracing surveillance, the deliberate implosion of a functional economy and cutting food supplies, to the inane mask wearing and social distancing insanity. This “new normal” is one helluva wonky animal. Yet the collective is buying it.

That it’s so blatantly leading to a vaccination/chipping agenda, with undoubtedly more control and dehumanization to follow, is both ominous and sad to witness. Herded animals heading for the slaughterhouse.

Not all are falling for this, and many are awakening, but there’s enough for a mass consensus and a helluva lot of momentum. It at least seems that way. However, nothing is set in stone. It’s still up for grabs but it’s darkening by the day. They have too many weapons at work on a heavily, generationally programmed population to bring about at least a very messy transition to wherever this might go. Or even end.

But again, as in our lives, it’s only a dream if you can grok that. Remove the fear and “they” or anything about this illusion has no leverage.

We’re witnessing the endgame of a very methodical, deliberate war on human consciousness. This is what we’re facing. There’s no way it could ever succeed. Only on the surface. Again, the story of the human experience throughout the ages. Knowing death is yet another illusion is key to fearless living.

The Mad Scramble

We’re each undergoing a very intense effort to find clarity in the midst of this madness, whether consciously or unconsciously. It’s what we do. The discomfort that cognitive dissonance brings causes what Hegel called synthesis. We create or are willing to accept something in-between or apart from opposing ideas, a type of “new normal” we feel compelled to adopt and adjust to. That’s being handled very adeptly by these psychopathic engineers.

This is what is going on right now, making pretzels of human cognizance. It’s not new, just a full court press.

At this point, anything goes. There’s no foundation in truth, or even common sense. The sweeping tide of perceived acceptance, whether true or not, moves the sea of the collective. There are eddies of questioning and even resistance to this miasmic flow, but the collective eventually moves as directed.

“These are the times that try men’s souls,” as Thomas Paine said about the personal crisis brought on by the very reality of the American Revolutionary War. Contrary to general belief, very few wanted to take on the “crown.” it was the actions of a few that sparked the fire and lit the fuse. (How much of that was also engineered is another discussion but doesn’t negate the point.)

Only now this paradigm is on a global scale.

In the World, But Not of It

There’s nothing new to all of this. It’s the scale of it that’s mind boggling and can feel quite intimidating and even cause a sense of hopelessness. The momentum we sense as to what’s going on is real in its own right. The outlook, with the massive concentration of wealth, power and media driven influence we’re witnessing, does not bode well.

It’s a culmination that cannot be avoided to whatever degree. The avalanche will reach the valley floor. The tsunami will overwhelm the shores and much more, as it already is. “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

What we each determine to do or not do is obviously up to each of us. But we are all the captains of our own ships, our own lives, the only one we really know. It resides within us, the one Truth that dwarfs all others. The external does what it does. We interact with it, are clearly affected by it, and are collectively aware of and influenced by it.

In what way we respond is ours to determine. A lot is being said about fear, and rightfully so. Fear is a contraction of awareness into the realm of a very low level reactive perception of and to the external, based in ignorance. When that fear muscle constricts we have problems.

However, now is a time to dilate rather than contract, and expand to embrace deeper truths and connect with true reality.

Why is This Important?

Is this skirting the issue? Addressing the deeper dynamics of what’s really going on?

You tell me. That’s up to you.

All I can say is stand back and see what’s really going on. Keep your visitor’s badge in plain sight and remember that’s all you are. A visitor having this experience. Operate knowing this is what it is, a sort of dream appearing real, but never forget the eternal being you are.

There’s tremendous liberation of the deepest sort to be had there. It doesn’t mean retreat, it means enter into whatever you feel called to do or not do with full abandon. This is the essential freedom many brave souls have talked about, and fought and died for over millennia.

There, in that knowingness, we find peace and perspective, though all hell assails.

Humanity has lived this over and over. It’s what happens here.

We’re all part of something wonderful and amazing.

Try to stand back and see things from there.

You’ll heave a huge sigh of relief, and find strength and peace you know not of.

That’s the opportunity, hidden in plain sight.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

by , Nature of Healing
July 22, 2020


Put down the mask. The mask is a tool of conditioning, a temporary distraction from the new technology.

Biometric bioluminescence.

Bioluminescence is a “cold light” that derives from a chemical reaction within a living organism. Cold light means less than 20% of the light generates thermal radiation, or heat. Most bioluminescent organisms are found in the ocean; fish, bacteria, and jellies. Some bioluminescent organisms, including fireflies and fungi, are found on land. There are almost no bioluminescent organisms native to freshwater habitats.

Until now.

Luciferase Chain Reaction to ID2020

Scientists say humans can utilize bioluminescence through a chemical enzyme called Luciferase. Enzymes catalyze biochemical chain reactions in the body to make things happen. The root word lucifer – means lightbringer. It also happens to be the name of the Vatican’s binocular telescope, LUCIFER, atop Mt. Graham in southeastern Arizona, as well as the name of an infamous fallen angel.

Researchers at MIT created a microneedle platform using fluorescent microparticles called quantum dots (QD), which can deliver vaccines and at the same time invisibly encode vaccination history directly in the skin. Bill Gates calls it the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System.

The researchers designed their dye to be delivered by a microneedle patch rather than using a traditional syringe and needle. Such patches are now being developed to deliver vaccines for measles, rubella, and other diseases. The QD are composed of nanocrystals, which also emit near-infrared (NIR) light that can be detected with a specially equipped smartphone using an app. The dots are about 4 nm in diameter, and are encapsulated in biocompatible microparticles that form spheres about 20 µm in diameter. This encapsulation allows the dye to remain in place, under the skin, after being injected.

Forget the HIPAA Privacy rules. The MIT team set out to devise a method for recording vaccination information in a way that doesn’t require a centralized database or other infrastructure, rather it is an “on-patient,” decentralized medical record. No mention of adding or subtracting information, or hacking was disclosed. The team wrote:

Because these phones offer on-board processing power, camera applications, and inexpensive consumer-grade camera modules, they chose to adapt an existing smartphone to enable NIR imaging rather than build a completely new imaging system.

This experiment was conducted in rats in the December 2019 journal Science Translational Medicine which concluded:

intradermal QDs can be used to reliably encode information and can be delivered with a vaccine, which may be particularly valuable in the developing world and open up new avenues for decentralized data storage and biosensing.

Biosensing is a new drop sensing method for faster testing of Covid-19, published June of 2020 in ACS Nano.

Sound Supernatural?

Biometric ID2020 & Cryptos

COVID19 seems to be an acronym for Coronavirus I.D. 2019. This I.D. will be delivered via quantum dot microneedles, as a digital identification mark. Part of this injectable system will include a human implantable device  for buying and selling cryptocurrency. The digital ID will come in the form of something called an Immunity Passport.

In the Information Age, advertisers claim blockchain-enabled digital “immunity passports could help take the strain off increasingly stretched healthcare systems and help reinvigorate shrinking economies.” But what if the Immunity Passport is also your passport to travel by plane, to buy a car, to purchase food, to see a show?

The Plandemic is the vehicle for the government to move from a currency system (a dollar in your pocket) to a crypto system, to allow government to get deeply into your business.

Think Smart Meter in your body.

The Luciferase chain reaction is set up to:  1). inject everyone with a universal shot, 2). create a device for buying and selling currency that’s run on the human body as it’s battery, and 3). attach both those things to a digital identification from ID2020.

Crypto is not a currency. It’s a control system. Your crypto (in a digital system) can arbitrarily be taken away if you don’t behave. That is not your asset. It is a credit at the company store. And they can take it away or change its value. – Catherine Austin Fitts, investment advisor

Unlike the dollar, which is tied to the oil standard as the petrodollar, the crypto will have a human being as its collateral.

Catherine Austin Fitts says:

So you see Bill Gates coming out with ID2020, so every human being has a biometric ID. They’re talking about changing from an oil standard to a human standard. And where I come from, we call that slavery. Where the dollar syndicate wants to go is a Mark of the Beast System, a control system. The end of currencies.”

FUN FACT:  The publication of this Microsoft patent?  #060606

The US government (Navy) is working with a Danish tech firm to come up with an implantable chip that would integrate with a cryptocurrency called Ripple. The technology being rolled out over the next decade, from life extension technology to new energy systems, to building out space, can create incredible wealth, for some. But there is also a reason to believe in the dumbing down of an entire global population.


Spiritual war.


The Global Superbrain

The Covid19 solution being called a “vaccine’ is the Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination. It is not a vaccine.  It is an implantation to become a part of the Cloud.

Image by 6557056Think Star Trek, The Borg. As in: We are the Borg. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is Futile, You will be Assimilated.

According to a research published in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, exponential progress in nanotechnology, nanomedicine, artificial intelligence (AI), and computation will lead this century to the development of a “Human Brain/Cloud Interface” (B/CI).

Being connected to the Cloud would mean neural nanorobots would provide direct, real-time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells to allow Matrix-style downloading of information.

These devices would navigate the human vasculature, cross the blood-brain barrier, and precisely autoposition themselves among, or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud-based supercomputer network for real-time brain-state monitoring and data extraction. With the advance of neuralnanorobotics, we envisage the future creation of ‘superbrains’ that can harness the thoughts and thinking the power of any number of humans and machines in real time,” – Robert Freitas, senior author of the research, University of California, Berkeley and Institute for Molecular Manufacturing in the US.

“Crytocurrency is not a currency, it’s a crypt.” – Catherine Austin Fitts

Luciferace is not only a ‘near infrared bioluminescence enzyme’, it is a chain reaction to catalyze an ID tracking system.

Put down the mask.

Know what are are consenting to.

Know what you are connecting to.

Know you always have a choice.



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception

Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception

by Makia Freeman, The Freedom Articles
July 21, 2020


The virus misconception is at the heart of Operation Coronavirus, because without the concept of germ theory and without the horror story of the killer virus, most people would not buy the NWO-directed official narrative of COVID propaganda.

In a previous article on the nature of the virus, I have discussed the heroic efforts of German virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, who won a landmark case in 2017 which went all the way to the German Supreme Court. Lanka proved in the highest court of the land that measles was not caused by a virus, and that there was in fact no such thing as a measles virus.

Lanka is still busy working, and he wrote this article earlier this year (translated into English here) entitled “The Misconception called Virus” in which he explains the history of how mainstream science went horribly wrong with its conclusions (really assumptions) to demonize the humble virus and to falsely ascribe pathogenicity to it when there is none.

The Virus Misconception: The Killer Virus Story vs. Deficiency and Toxicity

Lanka’s main point throughout the article is this: when modern scientists are working with diseased tissue, they think the presence of a virus is causing the disease, instead of realizing that the tissue in question has been cut off and isolated from its host, then doused with antibiotics, and that this separation and poison make it diseased and kill it, rather than any virus. Lanka writes:

“All claims about viruses as pathogens are wrong and are based on easily recognizable, understandable and verifiable misinterpretations … All scientists who think they are working with viruses in laboratories are actually working with typical particles of specific dying tissues or cells which were prepared in a special way. They believe that those tissues and cells are dying because they were infected by a virus. In reality, the infected cells and tissues were dying because they were starved and poisoned as a consequence of the experiments in the lab.”

” … the death of the tissue and cells takes place in the exact same manner when no “infected” genetic material is added at all. The virologists have apparently not noticed this fact. According to … scientific logic and the rules of scientific conduct, control experiments should have been carried out. In order to confirm the newly discovered method of so-called “virus propagation” … scientists would have had to perform additional experiments, called negative control experiments, in which they would add sterile substances … to the cell culture.”

“These control experiment have never been carried out by the official “science” to this day. During the measles virus trial, I commissioned an independent laboratory to perform this control experiment and the result was that the tissues and cells die due to the laboratory conditions in the exact same way as when they come into contact with alleged “infected” material.”

In other words, the studied cells and tissues die with or without the presence of a virus in exactly the same way; therefore, the virus cannot be the cause of the morbidity and mortality. Interestingly, this exactly what many health experts have stated, namely that there are only 2 causes of disease: deficiency and toxicity.

For instance, Charlotte Gerson (who took over running the Gerson Clinic from her brilliant father Max) said this about disease and cancer. Removing cells or tissue from the body and thus cutting them off from their energy/nutrient supply will quickly lead to deficiency; injecting antibiotics into the mixture is toxicity; thus there is no solid proof a virus is causing disease when there is already deficiency and toxicity present. This is the key point of the virus misconception.

How the Virus Misconception Has Roots in 1858 and Became Entrenched in 1954

Lanka traces back the development of the virus misconception to 1858 and to the ‘cell theory’ of Rudolf Virchow, who proposed a theory that all disease and all life originates from a single cell, which is somehow hijacked by a virus that weakens it and propagates itself. Lanka points out 2 problems with this:

“The cell theory was only originated because Rudolf Virchow suppressed crucial discoveries about tissues. The findings and insights with respect to the structure, function and central importance of tissues in the creation of life, which were already known in 1858, comprehensively refute the cell theory and the subsequently derived genetic, immune and cancer therapies.

“The infection theories were only established as a global dogma through the concrete policies and eugenics of the Third Reich. Before 1933, scientists dared to contradict this theory; after 1933, these critical scientists were silenced.”

By “infection theories” Lanka means germ theory, the prevailing theory of modern Western Medicine. Lanka then describes how a paradigm shift in the perception of the virus occurred during 1952-1954:

“Until 1952, a virus was defined as a pathogenic poison in the form of a protein, which as an enzyme caused damage in an unknown manner, which could cause disease and be transmissible. After 1953, the year in which the alleged DNA in the form [of] an alleged alpha helix was publicly announced, the idea of a virus became a malignant genotype wrapped in proteins. Thus, a paradigm shift took place between 1952 and 1954 regarding the image of a virus.”

He talks about how theory become dogma in the Church of Mainstream Science (aka Scientism):

“This completely unscientific approach originated in June 1954, when an unscientific and refutable speculative article was published, according to which the death of tissue in a test tube was considered … possible evidence for the presence of a virus. Six months later, on 10 December 1954, the main author of this opinion was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for another equally speculative theory. The speculation from June 1954 was then raised to a scientific fact and became a dogma which has never been challenged to this date. Since June 1954, the death of tissue and cells in a test tube has been regarded as proof for the existence of a virus.”

Returning to Koch’s Postulates: No Isolation, No Purification

As I covered in COVID-19 Umbrella Term to Operate a Fake Pandemic: Not 1 Disease, Not 1 Cause, today’s mainstream scientists are skipping the all important 2nd step of Koch’s postulates: the isolation and purification of the virus. This isn’t something you can just gloss over or forget to do, like accidentally forgetting your umbrella on a rainy day and getting a bit wet. This is the absolutely quintessential part of determining if there is a new virus and if it causing causing disease. It’s the sine qua non. If you can’t isolate it, you have FAILED to prove anything, because the budding offshoot you think is an invading virus could easily be a exosome or particle being produced by the body itself. This is why all the COVID propaganda has conveniently glossed over the fact that there are no electron microscope images of SARS-CoV-2, since the electron microscope is an extremely important tool in the 1st step of Koch’s postulates, the identification. Lanka continues:

“… a virus has never been isolated according to the meaning of the word isolation, and it has never been photographed and biochemically characterised as a whole unique structure. The electron micrographs of the alleged viruses show in reality quite normal cellular particles from dying tissues and cells, and most photos show only a computer model (CGI – computer generated images).”

So What Does All This Have to Do with COVID?

So to bring this back to the current plandemic, all of the same assumptions and lack of evidence are in play when it comes to COVID:

“Individual molecules are extracted from the particles of dead tissue and cells, they are misinterpreted to be parts of a virus and are theoretically put together into a virus model … The consensus-finding process for the measles “virus”, in which the participants debated in order to determine what belonged to the virus and what didn’t, lasted for decades. With the apparently new China Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV, meanwhile renamed), this consensus-finding process lasts only a few mouse clicks.

With only a few mouse clicks as well, a program can create any virus by putting together molecules of short parts of nucleic acids from dead tissue and cells with a determined biochemical composition, thus arranging them as desired into a longer genotype which is then declared to be the complete genome of the new virus … in this process of theoretical construction of the “viral DNA”, those sequences that don’t fit are “smoothed out” and missing ones are added. Thus, a DNA sequence is invented which doesn’t exist in reality and which was never discovered and scientifically demonstrated as a whole.”

So basically, mainstream Chinese scientists who work under the same theory as mainstream Western scientists invented a new theoretical model for SARS-CoV-2, and proclaimed a novel coronavirus, but all without the electron micrographs to actually back it up.

This entire process has extremely interesting parallels with the theme of space fakery, whether it’s propagated by NASA or the space agencies of other nations. We don’t have verifiable images of viruses; we don’t have verifiable whole (non-composite) images of the Earth, or many other space bodies such as moons, planets, etc. Instead we are fed CGIs and told not to question authority. Is this science or is this faith-based Scientism? To what extent are we being manipulated when we are denied real and true photographs of the world around us, both on a micro and macro level? I would argue to a massive extent.

Lanka on the Danger of Vaccines

Our lack of understanding about viruses, disease, the immune system, terrain theory and much more is exploited by Big Pharma to push dangerous medical interventions such as vaccines. Here’s what Lanka has to say about the danger and ineffectiveness of vaccines:

“[A] concoction consisting of dying tissue and cells from monkeys, bovine foetuses and toxic antibiotics … is being used as a “live” vaccine, because it is supposed to consist of so-called “attenuated” viruses … [this] toxic mixture full of foreign proteins, foreign nucleic acids (DNA/RNA), cytotoxic antibiotics, microbes and spores of all types is being labelled a “live vaccine.” It is implanted in children through vaccination mainly into the muscles, in a quantity which if it were injected into the veins would immediately lead to certain death … The verifiable facts demonstrate the danger and negligence of these scientists and politicians, who claim that vaccines are safe, have little or no side-effects, and would protect from a disease. None of these claims is true and scientific, on the contrary: upon precise scientific analysis, one finds that vaccines are useless and the respective literature admits to the lack of any evidence in their favour.”

Final Thoughts

The virus misconception has been with us a long time. As insane as the current fear-based, mask-wearing, social-distancing submission is, there are those people who are using Operation Coronavirus as a chance to wake up. While some go deeper into unconsciousness and look to new protective products (“upgrade your mask for our patent-pending powered air-filtration protective shield (N95)”), others have seen the coronavirus coup for what it truly is: a chance to roll out all kinds of control architecture while people sleepwalk in fear. It is always a good idea to question the base assumptions of any governmental pronouncement, because almost always, it can open up a portal that leads to the truth.






Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Spacebusters
June 5, 2020


Also available at SpaceBusters on YouTube and at Dr. Kaufman’s website.

A collaborative film by Spacebusters and Dr. Andrew Kaufman about how authentic medicine was hijacked by the power elite and turned into a deadly, sickness for profit industry.

Written by : Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Steven S. Busters
Produced by: Spacebusters
Technical advisor: Rosco S. Busters


Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s YouTube channel
J.S. Bach Piano Concerto/D minor: Polina Osetinskaya & The Marlinsky String Orchestra, conducted by Anton Gakkel
History of Medicine Society
Things you don’t learn in medical school: Caduceus
The Caduceus vs the Staff of Asclepius
Medical Symbols in Practice: Myths vs Reality
Caduceus as a symbol of medicine
the Esoteric meaning of Mercury, Hermes and the Caduceus (Gemini)
the Esoteric meaning of the Rod of Moses, staff of Asclepius (Scorpio)
Organic Unity

[Truth Comes to Light Editor’s note: This transcript is provided by Truth Comes to Light as a service to sharing truth. It has not been verified by the authors, so 100% accuracy is not guaranteed.]


This tale of two snakes is the story of how medicine in the United States, and eventually the world, was subverted into a commerce business enterprise with the central goal of creating and maintaining illness throughout the population for profit.

We have been kept from fully developing our potential to reason, our intuition, to become enlightened and to be the godlike beings that is our true nature.

Animal man can be domesticated and controlled. Enlightened man cannot.

The unholy trinity of corporate allopathic medicine, which is our mainstream medical system today — utilizing synthetic Big Pharma drugs, surgery and radiation — drains the body’s corpuscles through medical treatment strategies based on suppressing symptoms through synthetic drugs instead of targeting the cause of disease and removing it.

What causes disease or cellular dis-ease?

Toxic industrial environments.  Toxic foods.  Over-acidic diets.  Polluted air and water.  Prolonged states of mental stress and emotional distress.  Lack of sleep. Drugs. Alcohol. Cigarettes. Electrosmog. Heavy-metal poisoning. Vaccines. And even prescription drugs.

The Rod of Asclepius has been the exoteric symbol for medical healing since as far back as 1400 to 1200 BC.

He was the son of Apollo, the god of healing, immortalized forever in the stars as Ophiuchus, the serpent holder standing on the male genital phallus and corpuscle destroyer, Scorpio, which we’ll cover in the plot twist at the end of this film.

It is the staff with the single snake, completely misunderstood exotericly, to be a symbol of the snakes possession of anti-venom against its own poisons and its ability to shed its skin and renew — an exoteric symbol of longevity and immortality.

But in 1902 a captain in the US Army Medical Corps mistook the caduceus for the Rod of Asclepius and he proposed the adoption of the caduceus as the Medical Corps official symbol.

The two-snake caduceus is the symbol of the Roman god Mercury, whereas the one-snake rod is the symbol of Asclepius.

Natural Healing

Before 1902, the caduceus was used as a symbol for commerce and companies in printing, as Mercury or Hermes was the messenger of the gods.

It was used in mining, chemistry and metallurgy, as alchemy was a hermetic science.

Exotericly Mercury is the god of commerce, trade, merchants, outlaws, thieves and tricksters and is represented by two serpents to show the opposing meanings of polarization.

One snake is the healing — remediating and curative — the upward flow of living corpuscles from the spleen to the cerebral crown chakra, supporting positive energy, inner development and enlightenment.

The other serpent is the poisonous, debilitating, drainage of the living corpuscles away from the higher-self, body and mind.

It is this second serpent that has infiltrated medicine.

It has convinced us that paying for poison is the cure for cellular poisoning.

It is no accident that this symbol was first adopted by the army. The bogus germ theory, driving allopathic medicine, states that microorganisms invade our bodies and require military defense.

This model of disease, the warfare model, where illness comes from an uncontrollable enemy outside of us, necessitates a drug from the medical machine as our only chance of survival. We fight this imagined enemy with chemical weapons and machines, just as any warfare.

Allopathic medicine blames these enemy diseases on bad genes or evil germs, mysterious and deadly cancers, unexplained autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, and many more — always outside of our control with causes unknown and no ability to address or reverse ourselves.

Thus, we are dependent on the medical system to rescue us.

How did this happen?

In 1847 the American Medical Association was founded. The largest association of medical students and physicians — both doctors of medicine and doctors of osteopathy, which is a type of alternative medicine — much of which is now said to have no therapeutic value and is labeled pseudoscience by the medical cartel.

From the very beginning, the AMA urged all state governments to adopt measures to register all births, marriages and deaths, which is a form of commerce itself — the way shipments are registered to port authorities as property of the receiving country’s government.

In 1897 the AMA incorporated into a private corporation and by 1899 they were already pushing for mandatory, untested smallpox vaccinations.

Then, in 1901, the AMA started a committee on national legislation, starting the trend of non-elected NGOs directing elected lawmakers policy decisions.

In 1905 they created the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry to set standards for drug manufacturing and advertising, asking drug companies to show proof of effectiveness of their drugs or pay corrupt bribes to “Doc” Simmons in order to advertise those drugs in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

They basically became the first drug catalog sales reps. Obviously, drug manufacturers had great incentive to get in good favors with “Doc” Simmons and the AMA, later known as the Big Pharma revolving door.

But the real horror started in 1904 when the AMA founded the Council on Medical Education to regulate medical schools and what type of medicine could be taught in them.

As osteopathic and homeopathic medicine had no commercial profit incentive to these snakes, they had to go.

From its earliest inception, the American Medical Association has had one principal objective: attaining and defending a total monopoly of the practice of medicine in the United States.

From its outset, the AMA made the unholy trinity of allopathy the basis of its practice.

Allopathy set up an intense rivalry with the prevalent 19th century School of Medicine, the practice of homeopathy.

The AMA is one of the biggest frauds in history, involved in medical bribery, racketeering, corruption, coercion, and deception.

The former quack heads of the organization — like the failed journalist “Doc” Simmons, who never attended a medical school or worked for an actual hospital, and his protege Dr. Morris Fishbein, an aspiring circus trapeze artist and part-time opera singer who never worked a day as a physician in his life, but somehow headed the American Medical Association — were to set the standard for the disgraceful fraud still going on to this day.

You can find the shocking details of this in the first two chapters of the book Murder by Injection.

In 1907 the American Medical Association involved the Carnegie Foundation in elaborating a book-length study of medical education in the United States and Canada, also known as the Carnegie Foundation Bulletin, Number Four.

Its author, Abraham Flexner, was an ambitious educator, neither a physician nor a medical scientist, but the brother of Simon Flexner, employed by the Rockefeller Institute for medical research. Later on, Flexner became the first director of the Rockefeller philanthropy programs in medical education.

Andrew Carnegie was regarded as the second richest man in history after John D. Rockefeller. While Carnegie played a leading role in the American steel industry and education, Rockefeller was interested in the oil industry and medical research.

Flexner’s report was published in 1910 and the purpose was to improve the quality of medical service by establishing professional medical education based on mainstream scientific principles.

But what was accepted as science in the early 20th century?

The theory of materialism — rising in the 17th century — holds that the only existing thing is matter, everything is composed of material and all phenomena (including consciousness, human soul and spirit) are the result of material interactions.

In other words, matter is the only substance.

Scientific materialism or physicalism became the philosophical position of the early 20th century. The main statement of physicalism is that there are no kinds of things other than physical things.

Before the Flexner Report was released, twice as many physicians practiced alternative medicine than conventional allopathic medicine, and medical knowledge was taught in small private schools all over the United States.

The report changed everything. And backed by the police power of each American state, medical schools were obliged to follow the trends set by the Carnegie Foundation.

The Flexner Report stated that the human body belongs to the animal world. It is put together of tissues and organs. It grows, reproduces itself, decays, according to general laws. It is liable to attack by hostile physical and biological agencies.

Herbs, homeopathy, chiropractic & massage were demoted as quackery.

Small medical schools were either closed or merged into universities financially supported by large industrial companies.

In less than 10 years the number of medical schools dropped from 650 to just 50. The number of medical students decreased from 7500 to 2500 and they were unable to afford the high education fees.

The report included a detailed regulation of medical education and pharmacology as the only solution against dreadful diseases.

According to the present day consequences of this report, no medical school can be created without the permission of government and medical research adheres fully to the protocols of scientific research of the 1910s — materialism, medication and vaccination.

Supply of physicians were restricted, incomes of the remaining practitioners raised, and conventional medical schools began to be centralized.

in 1997 the WHO obtained full control over medicine, as the validity of the Flexner report extended worldwide.

And what was the long-term result of reforming medical education and practice?

Hardly any news on the media.

According to the 2003 medical report Death by Medicine, 784,000 people in the United States die every year from conventional medicine mistakes.

This is 16,400% of the victims of September 11th, 2001 — the equivalent of six jumbo jet crashes a day for an entire year. A hundred and six thousand of these deaths each year are from prescription drugs.

The United States spends 282 billion dollars annually on deaths due to medical mistakes or iatrogenic deaths. According to a 1995 US iatrogenic report, the annual automobile accident mortality rate is 45,000 people. On the other hand, annually over a million patients get injured in hospitals and 280,000 of these cases result in death.

In 2004 the US spent 1.4 trillion dollars, 15,5% of the GDP, on health care. More than one third was paid to the pharmaceutical industry.

In 2010 alone, the top 20 pharmaceutical companies profited the equivalent of $97 per person times six billion people.

Back in 2001 Pfizer was the number-one most profitable company — with 7.8 billion dollar profit — of all the Fortune 500 companies.

In 2002 the combined profits of the top 10 drug companies of the Fortune 500 were nearly 36 billion dollars. That is more than the profits of the other 490 businesses put together.

After a hundred years, we must raise the question: what went wrong?

Despite the huge amount of money accumulated by the pharma industry, there are more dreadful diseases and sick people today than ever. You will find the answers in the Flexner Report — a document that created and enabled the terms of a centralized medical system and the pharma industry to take over the control of healthcare for profit.

“When we interfere with the processes of nature, and breed efficient plants and efficient animals, there’s always some way in which we have to pay for it. We do not really know how to interfere with the way the world is…

The way the world actually is, is an enormously complex, interrelated organism. The same problem arises in medicine because the body is a very complex, interrelated organism.

And if you look at the body in a superficial way, you may see there’s something wrong with it.

Here’s chicken pox.

And there’s spots that itch that come out all over the place. Well, you might say ‘Well, spots are there. Cut ’em off,’  So you kill the bug. Well, then you find you got real problems.

Well, then you think ‘Well now, wait a minute, it wasn’t the bugs in the blood. There are bugs all over the place.

What was wrong with this person?

His resistance wasn’t out there.

For what you should have given him was not an antibiotic but vitamins…

See, we always look at the human being medically, in bits and pieces, because we have heart specialists, lung specialists, bone specialists, nerve specialists and so on.

And they each see the human being from their point of view. There are a few generalists, but they realize the human body is so complicated that no one mind can understand it.”

~ Alan Watts

And that’s the problem with compartmentalized allopathic medicine.

Imagine your car doesn’t work because it’s out of gas and has a dead battery.

The allopathic, Big Pharma approach is to charge you big money to send five people to push your car. And then they say ‘See, it’s moving. We’ve fixed it.’

Sure it’s moving, but not very fast. Nothing inside works without power and you won’t make it more than a few miles before those people are too tired to push, no matter how much you pay them.

A mechanic wouldn’t fix a blown engine valve or gasket leaking oil by telling you to just add more oil every day. That would be stupid. You have to fix the cause.

But this logic is perfectly normal in modern medicine. We end up with specialists and general practitioners trained in which symptoms hint at which specific part of the physical anatomy may be in dis-ease — but have zero non-specialized education in nutrition, biochemistry, plant medicines, molecular biology, naturopathy, homeopathy, exercise, psychology or any other sciences that can tell them how to diagnose and eliminate the cause of cellular dis-ease.

So out of ignorance and frustration, they are left with three unholy options.

Synthetic Drugs

Most synthetic drugs circulate through the entire body and have a chemical effect on every biological system in the body, not just the specific area of cellular dis-ease they are meant to help.

While they may sometimes help the problem area, they simultaneously disrupt perfectly working functions in other parts of our body.

Have you ever noticed the dozens of side effects listed on drug inserts or at the end of commercial disclaimers?

This is why: [Commercial for Chantix]

“Kurt quit smoking with Chantix and support. Talk to your doctor about Chantix and a support plan that’s right for you. Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping Chantix. If you notice agitation, hostility, depression or changes in behavior, thinking or mood that are not typical for you, or if you develop suicidal thoughts or actions, stop taking Chantix and call your doctor right away. Talk to your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems which can get worse while taking Chantix. Some people can have allergic or serious skin reactions to Chantix, some of which can be life-threatening. If you notice swelling of face, mouth, throat or a rash, stop taking Chantix and see your doctor right away. Tell your doctor which medicines you’re taking as they may work differently when you quit smoking. Chantix dosing may be different if you have kidney problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Patients also reported trouble sleeping and vivid, unusual or strange dreams. Until you know how Chantix may affect you, use caution when driving or operating machinery. Chantix should not be taken with other quit-smoking products.

‘The urges weren’t like they used to be and that helped me quit.’

Talk to your doctor to find out if prescription Chantix is right for you.”

Talk to your doctor to see if a drug twenty times more dangerous than smoking is right for you?

Then these “side effects” require more drugs to balance the new problems caused by the first drug. And on and on this vicious circle goes.

Because these drugs relieve symptoms, but don’t eliminate the cause of the cellular dis-ease, many people are on their meds for life — raking in huge repeat customer profits for the big pharma snakes.


After enough neglect — cells, tissues and organs eventually die, putrefy and go into sepsis  — inducing internal bacteria to eat you alive.

Rather than addressing and reversing the reasons why, the allopathic strategy is to just remove parts or all of various organs, or even hack off the limbs — not stop the cause.

And when the dis-ease expresses itself again, they’ll just cut out more of you, until there’s nothing left of you to cut out anymore.

But don’t worry, your insurance will pay for it. And, if not, they’ll take your house and life savings in return for the “favor”.

Surgery has been around since ancient times. And there are brilliant trauma, heart and transplant surgeons — and others — saving millions of lives when absolutely no other option is left.

This is in no way meant to attack them.

But allopathic medicine is the reason we now need so many of them so often.


You already know about the effects of acute radiation syndrome on cellular biology.

To even discuss the absurdity of this allopathic form of medical treatment, as some sort of cure for cellular dis-ease, is an insult to human intelligence — sheer lunacy. So we won’t even bother going there.

If your doctor even suggests this — run very far and fast.

“A better thing to talk about, however, is the relationship between profits and cancer. In the United States, there was a study that was published — I believe it was in 1994 — it was a 12 year program, 12-year study.

They looked at adults who had developed cancer as an adult — not childhood cancer, but adult cancer. Right? This is the main type of cancer that we get here in the United States. They did a meta-analysis of these people, all around the world, who developed cancer as adults for 12 years and were treated with chemo.

They looked at the results and they published the results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. And the results?  Ninety-seven percentof the time chemotherapy does not work. Ninety-seven percent of the time it doesn’t work.

So why is it still used? It’s one reason and one reason only. Money.

If you go to a medical doctor, an MD, with a sinus infection and that doctor prescribes an antibiotic, he gets no financial kickback. Now if he prescribes 5000, you know, of that antibiotic in one month, the drug company that makes it might send him to Cancun for a conference. Right? But he gets no direct remuneration.

It’s not… with chemotherapeutic drugs it’s different.  Chemotherapeutic drugs are the only classification of drugs that the prescribing doctor gets direct cut of.

So, if your doctor prescribes chemotherapy for you, here’s how it goes, more or less:

The doctor buys it from the pharmaceutical company for five thousand dollars, sells it to the patient for $12,000. Insurance pays nine thousand dollars and the doctor pockets the four thousand dollar difference. And there ought to be a law.

The only reason chemotherapy is used is because doctors make money from it. Period.

It doesn’t work! Ninety-seven percent of the time!

If Ford Motor Company made an automobile that exploded 97% of the time, would they still be in business? No.

This is the tip of the iceberg of the control that the pharmaceutical industry has on us.

We — most people — have no idea of this at all now.

I wrote a book it’s called The MD Emperor Has No Clothes. Right?

In my book, I have a bulleted list of 10 questions that every cancer patient could ask their doctor. Ten questions.

I’ve had patients checked out, literally kicked out of the oncologists office, because the doctor was p-o’d that the patient was asking them these questions. And these are just common sense questions.

Cancer treatment in the United States — we have lost the war on cancer. We have lost the war on cancer.


Because cancer is not a reductionistic phenomenon. Cancer is a holistic phenomenon.

When you try to bring a reductionistic methodology, like drugs and surgery, to bear on a holistic phenomenon, you will completely miss the boat each and every time.

Medical doctors are like colorblind art critics. They can see that that’s a boat — they can see the black and white outline — but they’re completely blind to all of colors and textures that make up the substance of the thing.

It’s no difference with cancer. The reason that people get cancer in the United States, and the reason that we have completely lousy outcomes, is because medical doctors are driving the research bus.

When women get together and do a 5k run for breast cancer, all of that money — do you think any of that money goes to nutritional research?

Do you think any of that money goes to homeopathic research? Or acupuncture? Or traditional Chinese medicine? Or naturopathic research? No.

All of it goes to drugs and surgery — which do not work.

Now, why aren’t those women running for selenium? If every girl in this country took 200 micrograms of selenium, in one generation we’d eliminate breast cancer by 82%.

That’s a big number.

Why aren’t we doing that? Because medicine in the United States is a for-profit industry and most people are completely unaware of this. And most people bow down to the altar of MD-directed high-tech medicine.”

~ Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

READ… Mustard gas – from the Great War to frontline chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is in fact nitrogen mustard, the cell killing compound used to make chemical warfare mustard gas n World War I and II,

Why does it have a 97% failure rate?

It doesn’t just kill cancer cells. it kills all cells.

It’s poison.

The exoteric correlation between the caduceus and our double helix DNA cannot be ignored — as DNA alteration is the target of Bill Gates and the current Big Pharma vaccine cartel — set to become the world’s first medical mafia trillionaires.

“They’re using a new technology for this vaccine, which they say allows them to develop it more rapidly.

But, you know, they’ve developed it in record time. I mean, obviously they have developed this before–  before the plandemic actually came to fruition. But what these vaccines are is, they have DNA

And they — using this technology called microporation, where they apply an electric current through two additional needles. And it causes little holes to open up in your cells, so that this foreign DNA can go into your cells and basically turn you into a genetically modified organism

Now they say that the gene is the gene of a virus, so we’re gonna have our own cells making virus proteins and somehow that’s gonna trigger an immune response.

You know, I don’t buy that at all.

S,o what these genes are I don’t know.

You know, I have some guesses because I know one of the goals of the vaccine is for infertility. Right? Because it’s all about population reduction.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

By either coincidence or conspiracy, at the very same time the WHO and NGOs were giving out hundreds of millions of free poisonous smallpox vaccines all over Africa.

The continent erupted with the biggest autoimmune disorder epidemic in known history.

What wasn’t free, and ended up indebting several African governments, were the hundreds of millions of PCR tests already manufactured to test for the new unheard of autoimmune disorder called HIV/AIDS.

READ… WHO Admits That Smallpox Vaccine Created AIDS/HIV

And the bogus-treatment-drug AZT — called one of the most toxic, expensive and controversial drugs in the history of medicine — this disease may result in the deaths of 90 million African people by the year 2025.

We saw the same trend in India when a polio epidemic and hundreds of thousands of paralyzed children coincided with a mass polio vaccination campaign there.

And today, we can now recognize the same alarming pattern happening with the blatant fudging of statistics and the orchestrated villainization of the common cold and flu — to force a worldwide multi-trillion-dollar profit vaccination agenda.

“There’s no paper that shows, based on its experiment, that this virus causes anything. So there’s not one paper and the conclusion that said ‘as a result of this study, we’ve determined that this virus is the cause of this disease’.

So that’s not even stated in the literature as a conclusion.

But if, in fact, if you look at the methods that they use to supposedly isolate viruses, they’re doing no such thing whatsoever.

And this was really something that I learned about only in studying this illness, because I had looked into germ theory, and I knew germ theory had lots of experiments that disproved it. And that it was, you know, something that was pervasive in medicine.

But what I’ve ultimately come to learn is that they discovered a technique that essentially has these culture cells decay. And they say that that’s proof that a virus is causing the decay of those cells.

But, in actuality, they’ve never run a control experiment. And what they’re doing is taking those cells and giving them inadequate nutrition, and exposing them to toxic chemicals. And so, that’s the reason the cells are decaying.

And that’s the only thing that they say that proves a virus.

So they’ve not actually isolated any virus whatsoever. They have shown that they can do this isolation technique in bacterial viruses. They call them bacteriophages. And they’ve shown that they can use this technique to isolate exosomes. And the technique is fairly simple.

You just filter out these small particles and then you put them through a centrifuge to have them segregate together based on their density. And then you hold a syringe or a pipette and you can look at them under the microscope.

You can characterize them chemically. You can take out the genetic material and sequence it.

And they’ve done these experiments for exosomes and bacteriophages. But they’ve never done it for a virus. And the simple reason is because there must not be any virus, that exists, that causes disease.

So they have this other procedure that just shows damage to cells in a culture and they say that that’s evidence of a virus. And it’s really quite astounding when I uncovered this. Because it’s not just in the studies for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that, you know, they say is associated with COVID-19, but it’s true for every single virus paper that I’ve looked at for any type of virus.

So really, there’s really no evidence that any virus that is alleged to cause a disease has ever been isolated, or proven to cause any disease whatsoever.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman


“Yeah and here we see this response, which is unprecedented.

And the interesting thing, like you mentioned exosomes. And in one of the first discussions that I heard you talk about this, you mentioned the fact that, well actually, when you look at an exosome, you look at its makeup, you look at the way it reacts and its characteristics, and then you look at COVID-19. Well, you go, well hey, it’s actually exactly the same thing.

So they’ve basically taken this normal part of our immune system, which is just a response to toxicity in the cells, and categorize it as this terrible pandemic. And it’s going to appear in basically anybody who’s stressed or got toxicity in the cell.

So it’s a total win-win situation for them. But there appears that there is no virus at all. They’re simply, you know, re-diagnosed or re-labeled, part of our immune system. And the response has been like, you know, it’s been over-the-top. Absolutely over-the-top.

And even when you look at the death figures for this year, it’s less deaths this year than it has been for the last five years. And no one seems to be dying of anything else anymore.”

~ Max Igan


“Well, essentially — see what what they’re seeing under the microscope — it could very well be exosomes because they’ve they pretty much created a recipe to make exosomes. Because they’re usually using monkey kidney cells for this purpose and they’re mixing it with antibiotics. And it’s well known that antibiotics induce exosomes. But the thing is that these cells are basically dying cells and they’re putting out all kinds of debris.

And early on, in the study of virology, they actually really wrestled with this problem and pretty much gave up on trying to find a virus — until this new technique that I described was invented. So we could very well be seeing pictures of exosomes when we see those pictures But they could also be other kinds of cellular debris particles.

The thing i, we just don’t know because they’ve never taken those particles and then purified them and characterized exactly what they are. So that’s really never been done. And what you’re talking about with the test — the test is a little bit different because the PCR test, which is the main test, it doesn’t test for a virus at all. What that tests for is a sequence of RNA, which is genetic material.

And the way they obtain that is also — they take the impure sample basicall, like the lung fluidn  ithis case, from some people who are sick or possibly a throat swab. And they amplify short little sequences. And sequences that they’re specifically looking for mostly because they have this library of gene sequences of viruses.

But the thing is, if you go back, they’ve always characterized them this way. So they’ve never once had a intact virus particle and then sliced it open and taken the RNA out and done a sequence from end to end.

That’s never been done. What they do instead is, they take this impure sample and they look for specific sequence that they’ve pre-identified as being viral in nature from this database. And then what they’re doing is amplifying these short little sequences — maybe 150 to 250 base pairs — and they’re splicing them together into this one long strand of 30,000 which they say is the viral genome. But it’s actually just this Frankenstein-type of assembly of all these little pieces that we don’t even have any proof they’re related. They could even come from different types of cells or different creatures.

And when there’s gaps, they’re basically using sequences that they get from that database of other viruses that are also put together in this Frankenstein-type way. And they sew all those together, you know, and say that this is the sequence, the genome sequence of this virus.

And that’s the procedure. And that’s — they’re testing for something from that. But we don’t really know what it is. Except it’s most likely our own sequences.

So that’s why there’s so many positive results, because they’re essentially testing our own genetic sequences.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman

In other words, more medical fraud for profit and control by keeping people in fear and ignorance of the truth — the promised plot twist.

Which is the actual, secret, hidden and misunderstood esoteric meaning of Mercury — the metaphoric symbol representing the higher mind, spirit and belief. In the Cerebrum and his caduceus are actual two hemisphere cerebrum, spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid and two snakes representing the two sensory and motor nervous systems of our body, through which we experience everything.

The science of epigenetics states that what you are thinking is translated by the brain into body chemistry that will determine what you physically become.

As Dr. Bruce Lipton explains, the function of Mercury or mind is to create coherence between what we believe and the physical reality that we experience.

If you believe there’s a threat, signals of threat released into the blood will prepare the cells to engage in a protection area response. But if the perceived threat is imaginary stress, emotion or worry from an imbalanced mind, our cells don’t know if a threat is real or not — because cells only respond to the chemicals. They do not see the real external environment.

If we believe we are under threat or stress, we manifest stress in our cellular physiology, even though the environment in which we live is not really promoting that. Our thoughts, Mercury, whether they are right or wrong are actually changing our cellular biology through his caduceus.

What we think we become. Signal plus protein equals behavior.

So when our behavior is not supporting health or us, we can say we are expressing dis-ease.

So it’s either defective proteins or the signal causing disease. Defective proteins lead to defective functions creating disharmonious behavior in your cells which can cause disease.

Which is why a COVID-19 vaccine, using electroporation to fuse foreign bat or pig DNA into your cells, to create new protein instruction codes, is most certainly going to lead to both disease and your demise.

Luckily for those wise enough to reject the new RNA/DNA recombinant COVID-19 vaccines, flawed protein expression genes caused less than 1% of all natural disease. The signal causes up to 90% of all dis-ease.

How can it interfere with health? Trauma — physical damage to the brain, spine or parts of the body related to the nervous system — can interfere with the flow of information from the nervous system to the cells, altering communication and leading to a misunderstanding by the responding cells — because the signals are altered.

Toxins cause disease by interfering with the propagation of the signals from the brain to the cells. If we put toxic elements into our body, including vaccine adjuvants and even toxins from eating industrial farmed food, these toxic chemicals can engage in the signal pathway.

But if they do, they don’t promote a normal signal propagation. Toxic chemistry can distort the signal.

If the brain is sending a signal to control the cells and there’s toxic chemistry in the pathway, then the signal that reaches the cell is altered, and then the behavior of the altered cell can lead to disease.

But the real secret of Mercury mind, is that our thoughts become translated into chemistry that can either cure or create disease.

A dis-ease caused by thought is not because the body is defective, it’s because the signal is inappropriate.

Because this esoteric science is hidden — consciousness, emotion, worry and stress are the primary problems contributing to issues regarding health on this planet. Too many people are sending inappropriate signals at inappropriate times, leading to inappropriate behavior which we call disease or dis-ease.

The truth is that these are two sides to the same coin.

Metaphysically, mercury is mind.

Physiologically, Mercury is the nerves and the cerebrospinal system. The cerebrospinal system is the generator and carrier of physicochemical electricity, which is simply energy or life.

Our mind and the sensory nerves utilize the electrical energy of thought and the subtle nerve fluids in the cerebral spinal fluid.

Depending on our thoughts and actions, Mercury may do this beneficially and positively, or negatively and destructively.

Chemically, Mercury is quicksilver which, is an oily fatty substance. the “argentum vivum” or “living philosophical silver” that rises back up from our sacrum to our cerebrum to be converted back to electricity infinitely if not wasted

The real interpretation of “quick” means living.

And as oil is the physical manifestation of energy, mercury or quicksilver, means the oil of life.

We are told by the AMA that a quack is a medical charlatan. Takes one to know one.

But actually quack is short for the 1570s Dutch term quacksalver or the German quacksalber, and the Danish quakzalver, meaning “hawker of salve” or oil or to rub with ointment.

Quakzalver sounds remarkably close to quicksilver. Wouldn’t you say

As usual, the snakes have inverted the true meaning of healing — for profit.

And that is the real reason Mercury is the father of merchants and thieves.

Mind, which is the father of thought, can actually rob the physical body by wasting living electricity through thought, emotion, action and physical merchandise — through riotous and gluttonous thought and living habits.

The “brain esse”[esence] and thought power or electricity constitute the true merchandise of every human body.

And thus, the job of the great physician Mercury, your mind, is to electrochemically heal all dis-eases.

Not just through pure thought and action, but through pure food sustenance and plant medicine on the physical plane. The cerebrospinal fluid around our brain, spinal cord, and nerves, cushions those organs.

It picks up supplies from the blood and gets rid of toxic waste products. It is a colorless, transparent alkaline fluid — 99% water, 1% monoatomic potassium — which creates healing and toxic-dissolving oils, glucose, protein amino acid molecules, enzymes, hormones, antibodies, etc.

It is how the brain talks to cells.

In esoteric biblical biochemistry, the healing Rod of Asclepius is the staff of Moses.

The electrical seed germination that creates the healing corpuscles of the cells (created in our spleen) that make up our blood, lymph and nerve endings, brought down to the spleen from the cerebrum (or Aries the lamb or Ram of God), also known as Brahma or Abraham, by Mercury, the messenger of the Godhead.

That is why Moses, or the electric seed of the corpuscles, is the descendant of Abraham, our cerebrum.

The winged caduceus of Mercury is the Tree of Life.

While the serpents represent the tree of knowledge of good and evil, or cellular ease and dis-ease, one is the sensory system, the other the motor system, doing work pertaining to motion. But perverted it becomes e-motion, meaning energy wasted, substance lost, death and dis-ease.

All around us today, we see its effect.

Humanity as a whole, floundering in chaos instead of harmony, lost in a sea of emotion — energy wasted, substance lost.

The blood corpuscles carry not only nutriment to every cell, but air as well. Our cerebral cells, as well as all other cells, must be supplied with the proper mineral foods and salts, and kept free from acid accumulation and toxic poison.

Each individual has his own Tree of Life. No one but himself can destroy that tree and no one but himself can cultivate it or supply it with nutriment.

There are links to details on this beautiful esoteric science in the description.

But know that oils neutralize and dissolve body toxins and poisons.
Water keeps fibers fluid and in motion.
Spirit (electricity) moves the body and the 12 mineral salts that manifest electricity to biology are the physical body.


Physician heal thyself. This is not medicine.


And this is not the cause of disease.

At a glance, on the surface symbols, are just pictures that represent an idea in the consciousness of those who look at them. But while we may think symbols are just pictures, they do act on our subconscious mind to bring about the desired influence of the sigil creator.

The actual intent of the symbol may be unknown to the viewer or even be inverted in its true meaning. For example the peace symbol, or inverted Algiz, is actually a Proto-Germanic death ruin that was inscribed on tombstones. Death is peace.

The swastika had a positive meaning in ancient times. Its Sanskrit name was svasktika, literally meaning “it is”, well being, good existence, and good luck.  For the Hindus it was a symbol for Vishnu and the Sun or, when inverted, Kali and magic.

Thus we can invert the meaning of the caduceus to serve our health, rather than drain our corpuscles.

In our current reality, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, and poison is medicine. But it does not have to be that way, if we do not want it to.

You can decide yourself, right now, that poison is poison, but plants, clean nutrient-filled food and positive mind is medicine.

Our bodies have amazing capabilities to heal if we simply provide the right environment, free of toxins, full of nutrition, purity of mind and spirit.

There is no form of cellular disease we cannot heal from.







Free PDF Books

Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullins

Death by Medicine by Gary Null PhD,
Carolyn Dean MD ND, Martin Feldman MD,
Debora Rasio MD,
Dorothy Smith Phd

The MD Emperor Has No Clothes by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND

The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by George W. Carey

One Nation Under the FLAW

One Nation Under the FLAW

by Adam Abraham, Thought for Food

July 8, 2020


The amount of money being spent for “it (a new vaccine) working” is irrelevant. The money is being spent because the new vaccine will work just the way old ones have, and have always been intended. They disrupt a natural biological process in a self-contained ecosystem, which results in what are called “diseases”. The self-contained ecosystem, which we call an “immune system”, responds to the chemical invasion. Said responses are named new “diseases” for which new vaccines are developed and SOLD.

The game has been running for over 200 years.

While the names change, the one constant is the steady decline in overall HEALTH, and a stead rise in new “diseases”.

With the focus on “diseases,” both the “heroes” (doctors) and their “victims” (patients/public) attention is diverted away from the sources and causes of the problem: which are the vaccines themselves, and the disruptive effect they have on the natural, intelligent ecosystem that they are *forced* to invade.

This is a well-oiled and highly profitable machine which is not going to see itself for what it is; which part of an ongoing holocaust, not just against Americans, but against the whole of humanity.

Sure, we’re supposed to look at each other with caution, suspicion and scorn. We’re to keep our distance from each other; steer clear because some potential nastiness that may come our way. We’re to suspect or fear our neighbor, but keep some chemical nearby just to make us “safe” just in case we touch something “nasty”.

We are encouraged to think that we have no defense against the little tiny bastards, fully unaware that our immune system is working, and is always working, even when we’re ignorantly, if not proudly, abusing and further compromising it.

We’re supposed to cover our mouths and noses… “it won’t matter, they tell us.” It means that you’re being NICE! Even if you think it does matter. “WE SAY IT DOESN’T, AND YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO WHAT *WE* TELL YOU!!!” (if you know what’s good for you.)

Am I exaggerating?

How’s that attitude working for you?

You’re supposed to submit to these authoritarian edicts on the advice of people who are invested financially in your following their advice, and stand to profit greatly if you are hooked into their scheme. Some are profiting already, selling off their shares of stock in at least one of the companies listed in the article below.

The experts get ample air time on television programs to fan the flames, to give their latest opinion on what is best to do.


Your freedoms and common sense are not important to these people, nor their accomplices in government. These “lawmakers” are, in fact, FLAWMAKERS. They’re making FLAWS all over the place; which will EACH have to be corrected when enough people WAKE UP and call an end to the game.

Under-Estimated Human Resilience?

The COVID-19 planners couldn’t even *pay* enough medical caregivers (most of which have no clue of the manipulation) to KILL patients (by intubation) who came in during the fear escalation. To compensate, they now justify continued restrictions on the increase in CASES.

IN EITHER EVENT, THE HUMAN IMMUNE SYSTEM APPEARS TO BE MORE RESILIENT THAN THESE ASSHOLES THINK. OR, the coronavirus and COVID-19 aren’t nearly the “threat” that THEY *THINK* IT IS, or what it to be.

I would be concerned for the people who rushed in to be “tested”, having their nasal passages invaded and irritated with who-knows-what. But even then, the immune system is more resilient and capable than we think. Our challenge is to learn how to help it rather than put ourselves in the care and advice of those who would take it down further.

We need to know more about our physiology and how it works; not from “experts” in DISEASE, but experts in HEALING. Ask someone who has dealt with, or experienced the worst that medicine could imagine, and how they recovered from it. What did THEY do?

I’ll tell you this: Your doctor won’t know much, if anything about it, and if he or she did, WOULD BE PROHIBITED FROM “PRACTICING” USING THAT MODALITY.

Medical history is riddled with doctors who, genuinely caring about helping their patients get well, used “off book” methods, and were turned on by the medical profession. In some cases they left the U.S. in order to continue their work. The suppression of these doctors and their methods aren’t limited to the U.S. The same scenarios have occurred in Germany, France, and other countries around the world.

A Hoxley patient

A sense of “entitlement” or “ownership” is at play here, but it’s no game when you are the one being treated like a commodity.

The Black Lives Matter mess shows how NO group’s lives really matter to the people behind the real issue.

While people are locked down and “protest” is forbidden, an from the principal’s office excuse is given if the “protest”, with its constant threat of confrontation or destruction, is “against racism or some other ism.

More hypocrisy.

The BLM people are all mask wearers, modeling the new programmed behavior, but NONE of its members are calling for the end of vaccines, which would HELP ALL PEOPLE.

Not only would their group be included in the vaccine blessing, Melinda Gates suggested that Black Americans should be some of THE FIRST to get the new vaccine strains. Sure, try it out there… NOT.


“Melinda went on to say that Black people in the U.S. must be vaccinated after more than 60 million health care workers around the world.”

Donnelle Eller June 16, 2020

Vaccines affect, meaning that they DISTORT and impair, consciousness and perception, in addition to cognitive and motor skills. The lower blood oxygen levels and viscosity, as well as cell hydration. Yet we’ve become blind to the causes of these effects, just as they want.

When parents could no longer ignore the connection between their child’s vaccination and subsequent impairment, they began seeking recourse. In 1986, the vaccine makers government FLAWMAKERS created a way to shield pharmaceutical companies from financial recourse when they established the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. The website begins by saying: “Vaccines save lives by preventing disease.” The evidence and science says otherwise.

Nonetheless, parents have had to “prove” that their children were “vaccine damaged” since this court was established.

And with no more liability for the consequences of their work, other than a few paltry lawsuits that are paid for by tax dollars. the recommended vaccine injection schedule has gone up dramatically since the vaccine court was established.

image source

The government now runs interference to protect the criminal from the consequences of the crime against The People.

Even then, a parent’s only recourse is money, NOT the restoration of their children’s HEALTH, NOR ENJOINING the vaccine makers from making any more. In other words, NO consequence whatsoever on their part.

How do you like them apples?

The only way this travesty can continue is if we remain blind to the obvious, and silent to the treasonous.

The “privilege” someone has suggested you had, is a farce. The discrimination you thought was your group’s alone, is being applied virtually to everyone else, and has always been the case.

Even law enforcement, even the military… their minds and perceptions have ALL been under attack for A LONG TIME, because the battleground is NOT in what you see; it’s in what you don’t see, the world of the thoughts and words that guide our attitudes and resultant actions.

We don’t know really how “advanced” or “retarded” humanity is. However, the soulless people who would continue to blanket the human mind with lies, deceit, and tyranny, just to continue to play with their lives like it was a board game, are indeed retarded.

Heaven help them.

Robert Cinque: A Flyer to Hand Out to Everyone in a Mask

Robert Cinque: A Flyer to Hand Out to Everyone in a Mask

by Robert Cinque, cinqueterra
July 1, 2020


[TCTL Editor’s note: Robert sent us a copy of the flyer he created to hand out to people wearing masks. ~ Kathleen]

Viruses do not cause disease.

Disease is caused by toxicity, congestion, immune system overload and the failure to be aware of and responsible for what is truly needed.

Health is the natural and inevitable result of good nutrition, sunshine, fresh water, deep rest, love, purpose and direction.

Viruses are the EFFECT, not the CAUSE, of disease.

Louis Pasteur, the inventor of the Germ THEORY of disease, admitted on his death bed that he was wrong. He said “The germ is nothing; the terrain, everything.”

His theory was very popular and was accepted broadly. Pasteur travelled around the country giving dramatic demonstrations that easily convinced people who were weary of chronic illness and eager for an answer to their sorry plight.  It was also highly publicized and promoted by the French Government because it enabled an enormous ability to dominate and control the people. Identify the “enemy”. Provide the “solution.”

His rival, Antoine Bechamp, disproved the germ theory and said, “Treat the patient, not the germ.” He showed that bacteria, viruses and fungi already exist within the body by hermetically sealing glass jars that contained living cells and observing that they decayed without the need for exterior, environmental germs.

The Germ Theory is plausible, but it is incorrect. 100% incorrect.

It is incorrect because the presence of germs in a sick person does not prove that they caused the disease.

Correlation is not causation.

Does the presence of Firefighters at a burning house prove that they started the fire?

Would it not be incredibly tragic to kill the Firefighters because you thought they set your home on fire?

The 30 trillion viruses, bacteria and fungi that exist within your body are there for a very good reason. If they weren’t, you would be not be reading this sentence because you would be dead.

They exist in an extremely complex symbiotic relationship with our 70 trillion human cells.

They arrest the invaders and execute them. They take out the garbage. They put out the fires.

If you defund the police, who ya gonna call?

You do not need to be a scientist or a doctor to understand what health is. You do not need a microscope, a textbook, or even a teacher.

You need only to look around you and observe that ALL systems, bodies, plants, motorcycles, electronics, galaxies, atoms, whatever, use energy, which accomplishes something.

Energy is cause that has an effect.

When you eat an apple, its electromagnetic field, the biophotons put there by the sun, water, earth, and air is extremely energetic. This becomes hydrogen, the first and smallest element in the universe, the interface between light and matter.

Its energy is released by a colony of bacteria in the cell, the mitochondria.

A colony of bacteria.

The cell is a furnace built from fat that burns hydrogen in the presence of oxygen.

If you have enough hydrogen and enough oxygen to combust it, you have energy to live and be healthy. If not, you get sick. Its that simple. You must have what you need and be able to get rid of what you don’t need. Being sick is a clue that something is out of balance, not evidence that you are being attacked by some bigbad killer virus.

Health is a matter of personal responsibility, for which there is no substitute.

Health is your birthright. Its your property. It’s sacred. Therefore, you must protect it.

Especially from a 100% completely mistaken medical “science” that confuses cause with effect and shoots the Firemen.

When your immune system is working, it’s the King Kong of the jungle and all those piss ant viruses floating around in the air are like ping pong balls thrown against a brick wall.

Don’t fear the virus. Fear your ignorance about it. Fear how it makes you cling to answers, like the people of France did. Fear wrong answers and how they makes you controllable.


Robert Cinque

In addition to writing essays like these, Robert Cinque also builds beautiful, affordable and comfortable yurts for homeowners and businesses in the fabulous Skagit County. He has worked with visionary architect and organic designer Sunray Kelley for over 20 years. They formed Radiant Homes and are actively engaged in the development of the Living Home, the Bioshelter, the no-mortgage, no-permit, food and energy producing home. Read more here.

Robert’s essays “are designed to destroy what’s false and cultivate what’s real… They are intended to water the Seeds of Life buried under mountains and centuries of false beliefs, inherited “culture” and ego cults, so-called “religions”, including scientism, masquerading as truth…“.

Connect with Robert and read more of his essays at cinqueterra.  Various e-book permutations of Robert Cinque’s essays can be downloaded here.

Chemtrails: The Root Cause of the California Wildfires

Chemtrails: The Root Cause of the California Wildfires

by Peter Kirby, Activist Post
June 28, 2020


It’s almost that time of year again when wildfires rage throughout California with previously unseen ferocity. A multitude of factors have contributed to these extraordinarily large and intense California wildfires lately. The root cause of all these factors is the fallout from the ongoing chemtrail spraying operations. Desiccation, contaminated water, harmful UV radiation, disease, and insect infestations all contribute to these wildfires, and all are the result of chemtrail spray. Not only all that, but the chemtrail spray itself serves as an accelerant.

2018 California wildfires

Providing support for these assertions, the eminent scientist J. Marvin Herndon, PhD and his co-author, the Medical Director of the Monroe County, Florida Department of Health, Dr. Mark Whiteside have written a peer reviewed journal article titled “California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering.” In this article, the authors note that chemtrails cause increases in combustibility, intensity, severity, and extent of these fires. Herndon and Whiteside write, “Adverse effects include exacerbation of drought, tree and vegetation die-off and desiccation, and unnaturally heating the atmosphere and surface regions of Earth. Forest combustibility is increased by moisture-absorbing aerosolized particles.”

California gets a lot of chemtrail spray because today’s chemtrail spraying operations have a lot to do with controlling precipitation and lots of atmospheric water comes into California from the Pacific Ocean. For more about today’s chemtrail spraying operations, please refer to the author’s new, greatly revised and expanded second edition of Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project available now, exclusively at Amazon.


Today’s most common chemtrail spray is an atmospheric desiccant. These dispersed atmospheric particles dry out the air by bonding with tiny, atmospheric water particles. This often prevents atmospheric water particles from coalescing to form water droplets; therefore inhibiting rainfall. Drs. Herndon and Whiteside note that artificial high-pressure zones comprised of chemtrails sprayed along California’s coast also deny the Golden State its rainfall. Chemtrail spray has not only limited the amount of rainfall, and therefore groundwater, in coastal states like California, it has also denied California’s flora of its needed atmospheric moisture. In total, chemtrail spray has made California dry as a bone and wildfires burn better in such conditions.

Poisonous precipitation

Not only is California’s flora being denied its needed moisture, the water it does receive is often poisoned by chemtrail spray. You see, the most common chemtrail spray has been scientifically determined to be a substance known as coal fly ash. Coal fly ash is a toxic waste byproduct of the electrical power industry comprised of many different substances. A major constituent of coal fly ash is often aluminum oxide. Drs. Herndon and Whiteside write that when the aluminum oxide from the coal fly ash is mixed with ambient water, it becomes ‘chemically mobile’ and poisons plant life such as trees.

This contaminated precipitation is also altering soil pH, further weakening California’s flora. Ash is basic and its spraying has caused soils to turn from acid to basic, making it difficult for native plants to grow. This is well documented by career wildlife biologist and master gardener Francis Mangels along with his colleagues from the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation service. Details are in the author’s book.

UV radiation

Marvin Herndon, PhD, Raymond Hoisington, and Dr. Mark Whiteside have co-authored another peer reviewed journal article titled “Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications.” This article provides the scientific evidence for how today’s ongoing geoengineering activities are allowing harmful UV radiation to reach Earth’s surface. These types of UV radiation (UV-C and UV-B) are generally thought to be almost entirely filtered out by the ozone layer, but the evidence shows otherwise. The evidence shows that ozone depletion resulting from geoengineering activities is the reason why this is happening.

Relevant to the topic of our discussion, exposure to these types of UV radiation is harmful to plants such as trees. The authors of “Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface” provide scientific evidence for this, including a picture of a tree that has been damaged by harmful solar radiation.

Tree damaged by harmful UV radiation exposure

Disease and insect infestations

Once a tree is weakened by desiccation, poisonous water, and harmful UV radiation, it is more susceptible to fungal growth as well as insect infestation. Susceptibility to fungal growth from exposure to harmful UV radiation is noted by Drs. Herndon and Whiteside. In the case of insect infestations, healthy trees can successfully repel the incursions of harmful insects such as the notorious bark beetle, but weakened trees are voraciously consumed. Since 2010, the bark beetle alone has been attributed to the deaths of well over 100 million California trees. The combination of fungal growth and insect infestation has killed untold numbers of trees in California. Dead trees burn more readily than healthy trees and greatly contribute to the California wildfires.

Dead Torrey Pines w/chemtrails

Coal fly ash as an accelerant

In a 2017 interview on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory, Dr. Herndon speculated that settled chemtrail spray dust covering California’s foliage may act as an accelerant. He noted that finely dispersed atmospheric powders, even those that we might not expect, generally tend to combust. He cites the example of grain silos that explode when any type of flame or spark is present. From their paper “California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering,” Drs. Herndon and Whiteside write, “Although speculative, the possibility should be considered that perhaps the aerosolized particulate matter upon settling on trees and vegetation may under some circumstances become pyrophoric, capable of ignition.” A retired Petaluma, California fire captain by the name of John Lord confirms this claim. In a 2018 corporate media hit piece as well as in a March, 2020 interview, Mr. Lord characterizes settled chemtrail spray as, “highly combustible.”

Fake news = impotent government

It is easy for today’s mainstream media to ignore the real cause of California’s wildfires. Remember – according to them, and contrary to a mountain of evidence, chemtrails do not exist. How could something that does not exist be the cause of it all? So they come forward with myriad other explanations: natural drought, faulty power lines, homeless people, climate change, etc.

The malfeasance of today’s fake news media creates a situation whereby politicians and government bureaucrats can easily attribute the wildfires to these other causes as well. They just go along with what is being reported on television. That’s politically expedient for them, but it ensures that the real root cause is not addressed and therefore nothing officially changes, the status quo remains intact, and these massively destructive wildfires continue.


“California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering” an article by Dr. J. Marvin Herndon and Dr. Mark Whiteside, published by the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, October 1, 2018

“Deadly Ultraviolet UV-C and UV-B Penetration to Earth’s Surface: Human and Environmental Health Implications” a paper by Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, Raymond D. Hoisington and Dr. Mark Whiteside, published by the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science, March 28, 2018

“Bark Beetles and Vegetation Management in California” a report by Forest Health Protection, Region 5, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture

“Bark Beetles in California Conifers: Are Your Trees Susceptible?” A report by the U.S. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, February 2015

“When the Well Runs Dry” a report by the U.S. Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, March 2018

“Golden State of paranoia: Internet conspiracies link wildfires to takeover schemes” an article by Lisa Krieger, published by the Lake County Record-Bee, December 3, 2018

“Retired Fire Captain John Lord As You Wish Talk Radio” a YouTube video published on the ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel, March 7, 2020



“Retired Fire Captain John Lord As You Wish Talk Radio” a YouTube video published on the ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel, March 7, 2020
