Category: Authors
Robert Cinque: This is What I Have Learned, So Far
This is What I Have Learned, So Far by Robert Cinque April 27, 2020 Experimentally provable, scientifically credible summary: The Germ Theory is 100%, completely wrong The presence…
Virus Fear and Demons
Virus Fear and Demons by Jeff Baker, contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light April 24, 2020 All because of a Pandemic Humans are in Fear. I thought a…
Degrading of Mother Earth and All Her Children as U.N. Official Policy
The Raping, Dominating, Manipulating, Shaming, and Degrading Of Mother Earth And All Her Children Is Now Official United Nation’s Policy by Robert Cinque, cinqueterra April 20, 2020 Since the…
Video: “The House Cat Flu” is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse…
Video: “The House Cat Flu” is Coming. The Meow Apocalypse… Satire: The Simpsons (2010) by Prof Michel Chossudovsky April 19, 2020 The following episode of the Simpsons was released…
What is Freedom?
What is Freedom? by Dale Allen Contributing Writer, Truth Comes to Light April 18, 2020 I’ll have a quick swipe at this question: The freedom to do no harm,…
Choosing Your Path
Choosing Your Path by Jeff Baker, Contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light April 17, 2020 I believe we are at a point of spiritual separation. We have the…
Sharing Our Global Experience: A Message from Jeff in Wisconsin, USA
Sharing Our Global Experience: A Message from Jeff in Wisconsin, USA by Jeff Baker, contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light April 13, 2020 Hey there Ya’ll, I’m writing…
China Sees… Well… “Something” on the Moon
China Sees… Well… “Something” on the Moon by Joseph P. Farrell April 13, 2020 Once upon a time there was a big country of lots of talented and brilliant,…
DNA Vaccines and Transhumanism
DNA vaccines and Transhumanism by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny April 2, 2020 Transhumanism is a futuristic concept where man and technology blend, resulting in soulless intelligent machines. It is a movement…
Dr. Joseph Farrell: Emergency Powers, COVID-19, Bio-Economic EMF Warfare, Deep State, Continuity of Government
Dr. Joseph Farrell Emergency Powers COVID-19 Bio-Economic EMF Warfare Deep State COG! by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist March 26, 2020 Dark Journalist And Dr. Joseph Farrell COVID-19 Bio-Economic EMF…
Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity
Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity by Michael Tellinger March 26, 2020 About Money: The path that brought us here as a species is not only…
Crazy Horse: One Does Not Sell the Earth the People Walk Upon
Crazy Horse: One Does Not Sell the Earth the People Walk Upon by John Trudell video by Indigenous Environmental Network Crazy Horse, we hear what you say One…
The Chinese Virus, HIV, and a Stranger on a Train
The Chinese Virus, HIV, and a Stranger on a Train by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News February 4, 2020 In my research on so-called epidemics and viruses over…
When the Blood Boils: Vaccines and Autism
When the Blood Boils: Vaccines and Autism by Jon Rappoport January 21, 2020 Lies passed around like conjured pieces of gold. Medical liars speaking their messages with straight faces, from…
Australia Burning: Disaster Capitalism or Something Else?
Australia Burning: Disaster Capitalism or Something Else? by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star January 13, 2019 By far and away this past week, the biggest story flooding my…
Chemtrails Exposed: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Origins of the New Manhattan Project
Chemtrails Exposed: The Research Corporation for Science Advancement and the Origins of the New Manhattan Project by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post November 24, 2019 Recently uncovered evidence indicates…
Grief in the Raw
Grief in the Raw by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD sourced from Robert Augustus Masters’ newsletter. Grief is heartbreak at its purest and messiest, imbued with existential vulnerability and at…
Geoengineering, Toxic Skies & Plastic Rain in the US Rockies
Plastic Rain in the US Rockies by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star August 16, 2019 This article is one to ponder carefully for a number of reasons, which…
Elderhood in the Raw
Elderhood in the Raw by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD sourced from Robert Augustus Masters newsletter April 16, 2019 Elderhood is far from common — it is not something that…
Why Use Baking Soda for Fungus Infections
Source: Dr. Sircus by Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD April 15, 2019 A projection of the C. auris fungus on a microscope slide. CreditMelissa Golden for The New York…
If Truth Be Told About Aluminum (Aluminium), A Neurotoxin In Vaccines
If Truth Be Told About Aluminum (Aluminium), A Neurotoxin In Vaccines by Catherine J. Frompovich, Natural Blaze April 8, 2018 Aluminium is neurotoxic. Its free ion, Al3+ (aq), is…
Low-Maintenance Forest Garden Offers 500 Edible Plants
Low-Maintenance Forest Garden Offers 500 Edible Plants by Permaculture Research Institute Instead of neat rows of monoculture, forest gardens combine fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, vines and…
Remembering to Remember
by Robert Augustus Masters February 2019 Source There’s an awakening that outshines our spiritual ambitions, revealing dimensions out of imagination’s reach but as organically familiar as the supportive feel…
Iodine Supplements and Dosages
Iodine Supplements and Dosages by Dr. Mark Sircus March 27, 2017 Iodine is necessary for the proper function of many of the body’s tissues including the breasts, pancreas, brain,…
Know Your Parasites
Source: Nature of Healing by Rosanne Lindsay, ND January 23, 2019 There is a continuing up-tic of Lyme disease in America. B. miyamotoi is a relatively newly discovered tick-borne parasite related…
Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project
Chemtrails Exposed: The Deep State and the New Manhattan Project by Peter A. Kirby, Activist Post January 14, 2019 Who is behind putting hundreds, perhaps thousands of large jet…
Meeting Your Edge
by Robert Augustus Masters If you’re not afraid, it’s not your edge. If you’re not resistant, it’s not your edge. If you can coast through it, it’s not your…
A Different Kind of Intimacy
Source: Robert Augustus Masters by Robert Augustus Masters Along a colorfully crowded sidewalk I walk, slowly. I feel both right here and all over the place. There’s a very…
What is Grace?
What is Grace? by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD sourced from Robert Masters newsletter December 2018 The notion of Grace is suggestive not only of a dimension of being beyond…
Weaponizing Frequencies: The Coming Tidal Wave
Source: Natural Blaze by Rosanne Lindsay, ND Psychotronic millimeter wave weaponry is coming to a street near you, with the potential to unleash disease on a mass scale. Welcome to…
If: A Poem by Rudyard Kipling (1896)
If – A Poem by Rudyard Kipling Video version, as shared by parents and guardians. If by Rudyard Kipling (written in 1896, this poem by the author of The Jungle…
Intimate Relationship as a Spiritual Crucible
Intimate Relationship as a Spiritual Crucible “Every human being with whom we seek relatedness is a koan, that is to say, an impossibility. There is no formula for getting…
Andrographis Instead of the Flu Vaccine
Source: Nature of Healing by Rosanne Lindsay, ND Get ready to prepare for winter and the propaganda to come that claims that everyone needs to be injected with a…
Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes
Dane Wigington: Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes by Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch July 30, 2018 Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet…
Joseph P. Farrell: An Odd Thing About Those Fires in Greece…
Joseph P. Farrell: An Odd Thing About Those Fires in Greece… by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star July 30, 2018 Remember those fires in California? You know, the…
Getting Lost is One Way of Getting Found
Jah Fakya – Let’s Fake Our Death and Move to Jamaica by Playing for Change Brendan O’Hara performs his original song, “Jah Fakya,” filmed live outside in Austin,…
Vaccine Woman
Vaccine Woman by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News July 3, 2018 there was no way to deny it or get around it her little boy started screaming after…
Pharmaceutical and Medical Horrors
Pharmaceutical and Medical Horrors by Dr. Mark Sircus June 28, 2018 Leslie Kenton concludes, “It’s little wonder that people are confused about where to go and what to do when…
The Antarctica Strangeness List Just Became Even Stranger
The Antarctica Strangeness List Just Became Even Stranger by Joseph P. Farrell June 19, 2018 By now, regular readers here are well aware of the high strangeness surrounding our planet’s…
Tell Your Fucking Truth
Tell Your Fucking Truth by Jeff Foster Video by Snordster Published on Jun 12, 2018 I have seen miracles happen, when people just tell the truth. Not…
The Spectrum of Love… or Start from Where You Are
The Spectrum of Love by Alan Watts transcript from an old radio presentation by Alan Watts courtesy of Progress. Not Perfection We know that from time to time there…
Alan Watts: The Real You
Alan Watts: The Real You An inspirational and profound speech from the late philosopher Alan Watts. Original Audio sourced from: “Alan Watts – ‘Nature of Consciousness’ from Human Consciousness” Produced…
Relationships & the Spirituality of a Broken-Open Heart
Relationships & the Spirituality of a Broken-Open Heart by Jack Adam Weber, Collective Evolution March 1, 2018 “Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds…
To Be a Man: Toward True Masculine Power
To Be a Man: Toward True Masculine Power by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD the following is an excerpt from Robert Masters’ book “To Be a Man“ “Be a man!”…
Logic: The Student’s Edge, the Investigator’s Gold
Logic: The Student’s Edge, the Investigator’s Gold by Jon Rappoport January 27, 2018 Note: This article stems from my Logic and Analysis course, which is part of my collection,…
Spiritual Bypassing: Avoidance in Holy Drag
Spiritual Bypassing: Avoidance in Holy Drag by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD originally published April 29, 2013 Spiritual bypassing, a term first coined by psychologist John Welwood in 1984, is…
When Things Fall Apart
When Things Fall Apart Tibetan Buddhist Nun and Teacher Pema Chödrön on Transformation Through Difficult Times by Maria Popova, the marginalian July 17, 2017 “Only to the extent that…
Iodine Replaces Vaccines and Antibiotics
Iodine Replaces Vaccines and Antibiotics by Dr. Mark Sircus May 4, 2017 republished 9/26/2023 This is going to be the final chapter in the second edition of my iodine…
Voluntaryism: Candles in the Dark
Larken Rose introduces conversation points designed to teach voluntaryists/anarchists how to be far more effective in talking to their statist friends, co-workers, family members, etc., using techniques that, by taking…
Compassionate Water (The Great Bell Chant)
Compassionate Water (The Great Bell Chant) The Great Bell Chant by Thich Nhat Hanh May the sound of this bell penetrate deep into the cosmos Even in the…
Start a Huge, Foolish Project
Start a Huge, Foolish Project by Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī, 13th century Sufi mystic & poet These spiritual window-shoppers, who idly ask, ‘How much is that?’ Oh, I’m just…