Voting Is Evil: Your Country Needs YOU… Not to Vote.

Voting Is Evil Your country needs YOU… not to vote. Nemo Jones, Reporting for Beauty originally published April 28, 2024 sourced from Winter Oak     “You’ve got to vote,…

‘Raw Milk Conspiracy’ Band: “Miss Information Whore”

‘Raw Milk Conspiracy’ Band: “Miss Information Whore” Launch on Defiance Records   Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: I was contacted by Raw Milk Conspiracy, letting us know about the…

Message From Reiner Fuellmich, June 12, 2024: “…Do Not Forget That We’re Fighting Against Psychopaths”

Message From Reiner Fuellmich, June 12, 2024: “…Do Not Forget That We’re Fighting Against Psychopaths” by Reiner Fuellmich, ICIC sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel   A new statement by…

The World Out of Kilter: Reclaim Our Lives!

The World Out of Kilter: Reclaim Our Lives! by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak April 29, 2024   I would love to have been born into a stable society – a…

The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than Five Minutes

The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes… Now… With Memes! “Government” Has Been the Biggest Scam in History!  by Etienne de la Boetie2, Art of Liberty April…

Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired to Silence Reiner Fuëllmich

Leaked Dossier Shows German Government Conspired to Silence Reiner Fuëllmich Accuser connected to German Intelligence and pedophile cover-up by Greg Reese, The Reese Report April 11, 2024    Transcript:…

Alec Zeck With Brandon Joe Williams: Taxation, U.S. Citizenship & Escaping the Matrix

Alec Zeck With Brandon Joe Williams: Taxation, U.S. Citizenship & Escaping the Matrix by Alec Zeck, The Way Forward April 9, 2024    Video available at The Way Forward…

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: April 5, 2024 – RE His Court Case, Incarceration & Recently-Revealed Dossier Detailing Secret Actions of His Accusers

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: April 5, 2024 – RE His Court Case, Incarceration & Recently-Revealed Dossier Detailing Secret Actions of His Accusers   sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel (English)  …

The Numbered Men: A Prescient Poem Written 50 Years Ago by Viv Forbes

The Numbered Men: A Prescient Poem Written 50 Years Ago by Viv Forbes sourced from Patrick Wood’s The Quickening Report April 4, 2024   One day while I was driving…

The Psychological Battle for Truth — and the Power of the Farmers’ Uprising

The Psychological Battle for Truth — and the Power of the Farmers’ Uprising by Julian Rose sourced from Activist Post April 1, 2024   The ‘deep state’ has no power…

Rewiring: On the Power in Our Attention & in Maintaining a Non-Reactive Emotional Balance

Rewiring: On the Power in Our Attention & in Maintaining a Non-Reactive Emotional Balance Rewiring by Corey Lynn, Corey’s Digs March 27, 2024   I have been reprogramming my mind…

Our Quest for Freedom: Preparing and Boycotting

Our Quest for Freedom: Preparing and Boycotting by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak March 15, 2024   [This is from Paul Cudenec’s latest book Our Quest for Freedom and other essays] Preparing…

Our Quest for Freedom: Meaning

Our Quest for Freedom: Meaning by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak   Something that has disappointed me for many years now is the flatness of the language with which would-be radicals try…

We Think This Dystopia Is Normal Like People in Abusive Relationships Think It’s Normal

We Think This Dystopia Is Normal Like People in Abusive Relationships Think It’s Normal by Caitlin Johnstone originally published February 15, 2024   Westerners who don’t appreciate the extreme dysfunctionality…

Our Quest for Freedom: Explaining and Proposing

Our Quest for Freedom: Explaining and Proposing by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak February 16, 2024   [This is from Paul Cudenec’s new book Our Quest for Freedom and other essays]…

Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning

Our Quest for Freedom: Yearning by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak February 5, 2024   [This is from my new book Our Quest for Freedom and other essays] We have seen that…

Deep Resistance: Nature, Freedom, and Joy

Deep Resistance: Nature, Freedom, and Joy   The essay below is the final part of the Deep Resistance series by W.D. James. It was first published on Winter Oak.  The rest…

Recap: Reiner Fuellmich Explains the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest

Recap: Reiner Fuellmich Explains the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest   Truth Comes to Light editor’s commentary: I received a request from a supporter of this site: “Would you…

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary by Gary D. Barnett January 17, 2024   “To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied…

Gratitude in the Crunch

Gratitude in the Crunch by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD sourced from Robert Masters newsletter January 15, 2024   The practice of gratitude is powerful fast-acting medicine, plugging us back into…

A Nation of Non-Compliers

A Nation of Non-Compliers by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute January 6, 2024   The train wasn’t scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance to contemplate the…

January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich

January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel January 3, 2024   👇📝💌💥 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR…

1984/2024 – the Hidden Hope in Orwell’s Warning

1984/2024 – the Hidden Hope in Orwell’s Warning by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak January 1, 2024   Forty years have now passed since the year in which George Orwell situated…

Regenerative Agroecology: The Necessary Solution to Counter ‘Climate Change’

Regenerative Agroecology: The Necessary Solution to Counter ‘Climate Change’   “The colonizing mentality sees nature as dead matter to be exploited and used. Colonizers do not see self-organisation. They do…

Sovereign Maori Tribes of New Zealand Issue Cease & Desist Order to The WHO & NZ Crown Re the Ongoing Depopulation Agenda

Sovereign Maori Tribes of New Zealand Issue Cease & Desist Order to The WHO & NZ Crown Re the Ongoing Depopulation Agenda document prepared by Wakaminenga Maori Government of Aotearoa…

Unlocking the Power of Wonder

Unlocking the Power of Wonder by Dr. Tom Cowan November 29, 2023   Perhaps the most impactful revelation in perception that I have ever had was when I finally understood…

Why Do Most Relationships Fail? – The Myth of the Magical Other

Why Do Most Relationships Fail? – The Myth of the Magical Other by Academy of Ideas November 8, 2023    The following is a transcript of this video.  …

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All by Kathleen Stilwell, editor at Truth Comes to Light October 25, 2023   Yesterday I published an article titled “The Gaza Rebellion” by…

Wayne Dyer (Illustrated by After Skool): There Are No Justified Resentments

Wayne Dyer (Illustrated by After Skool): There Are No Justified Resentments   “He said, ‘If you become steadfast in your abstentions of thoughts of harm directed towards others, all living…

Free Reiner Fuellmich!

Free Reiner Fuellmich! by Peter Koenig, Global Research October 18, 2023   The famous lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, founder of the International Crime Investigative Committee (ICIC), formerly the German Corona Commission,…

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to Acquiesce

David Icke with Reiner Fuellmich: On the Step by Step Takeover of Humanity & Our Natural World | The Solution Is in the Power of  ‘No’ & Our Refusal to…

Your Life Is a Prison. Break Out.

Your Life Is a Prison. Break Out. by Grim Hustle      Video available at YouTube & mirrored at Odysee Transcript: The following 10 insights will summarize your life. I…

David v. Goliath in New York

David v. Goliath in New York by Brownstone Institute September 12, 2023     There is a battle going on for our freedoms this week. And very few Americans are…

CJ Hopkins: The Criminalization of Dissent (Continued)

CJ Hopkins: The Criminalization of Dissent (Continued)   “Never, ever, give in to a bully. The second you do, that bully owns you. What the bully wants, more than whatever…

COVID2099: “A New COVID Variant Called BS.24/7 Is Sweeping Across the Universe”

COVID2099: “A New COVID Variant Called BS.24/7 Is Sweeping Across the Universe” by Frances Leader, Uncensored August 31, 2023   A new COVID variant called BS.24/7 is sweeping across the…

Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey on the Existence of Viruses

Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey on the Existence of Viruses Everything we’ve been taught about viruses and virology is completely wrong by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network August 30, 2023…

Doug Casey on Argentina’s Javier Milei, Anarcho-Capitalist Front-Runner in the Presidential Primaries

Doug Casey on Argentina’s Javier Milei, Anarcho-Capitalist Front-Runner in the Presidential Primaries     Doug Casey on the World’s First Anarcho-Capitalist President by Doug Casey, International Man August 30, 2023…

Etienne de la Boetie² on All Governments Being Illegitimate Authorities

Etienne de la Boetie² on All Governments Being Illegitimate Authorities by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare originally published December 5, 2022 updated August 24, 2023   Etienne de la Boetie2 (with a…

In a World Ruled by Propaganda, a Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be a Fringe Worldview

In a World Ruled by Propaganda, a Sane Worldview Will Necessarily Be a Fringe Worldview by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter August 23, 2023   One of the worst mistakes you…

Ramiro Romani With James Corbett: Take Back Our Tech

Ramiro Romani With James Corbett: Take Back Our Tech   “So there’s so many things coming at once. There’s essentially four freedoms that technology has allowed. But then also there…

Why Nonconformity Cures a Sick Self and a Sick Society

Why Nonconformity Cures a Sick Self and a Sick Society by Academy of Ideas August 22, 2023    The following is a transcript of this video. “I must be…

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men

The Grip of Fear and Need for Acceptance: The Impetus for the Psychological Takeover of the Minds of Men by Gary D. Barnett August 21, 2023   “Freud (1921), without…

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me” by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge August 18, 2023   Nine days ago,…

Jon Rappoport: What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates

Jon Rappoport: What Someone Once Said to Me About Vaccines, Echoing Bill Gates   “The truth is, no one can get to health through vaccinations. If a person is sickly,…

“We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows to Dismantle WHO’s Grip on Governments

“We Will Bring You Down”: German MP Vows to Dismantle WHO’s Grip on Governments by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge July 17, 2023   German MP Christine Anderson last week shredded the World…

Taking Rights Seriously: Rights Do Not Require a Government Permission Slip Nor the Approval of Family or Neighbors

Taking Rights Seriously: Rights Do Not Require a Government Permission Slip Nor the Approval of Family or Neighbors   “Thus, your right to be alive, to think as you wish,…

EU Parliament: The People Pushback Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Tyranny

EU Parliament: The People Pushback Against WHO Pandemic Treaty Tyranny by Patrick Henningsen, 21st Century Wire July 7, 2023     BRUSSELS – A group of MEPs, together with a new European…

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human by Gary D. Barnett June 27, 2023   “The only thing worth globalizing is dissent.” ~…

The Truth Will Set All of Us Free

The Truth Will Set All of Us Free by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter June 23, 2023   “You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way…

Leslie Manookian on Joe Rogan’s Challenge to Peter Hotez That He Debate RFK Jr. on the Safety of Vaccines

Leslie Manookian on Joe Rogan’s Challenge to Peter Hotez That He Debate RFK Jr. on the Safety of Vaccines   My Time with Peter (Hotez)  by Leslie Manookian, Heretic with…

Gary D. Barnett: A Brief Moment of Freedom

A Brief Moment of Freedom by Gary D. Barnett June 19, 2023   “The Peace of Wild Things When despair for the world grows in me and I wake in…

John Waters & Thomas Sheridan: Awakening the Sleeping Irish Soul

John Waters & Thomas Sheridan: Awakening the Sleeping Irish Soul Below the selected quotes you will find an article by John Waters as well as a video conversation between John…

“The End of Covid” Video Series: Exposing the Covid Hoax, the False “Science” of Virology & the Real History of Vaccines

“The End of Covid” Video Series: Exposing the Covid Hoax, the False “Science” of Virology & the Real History of Vaccines An Online Education to End Every Pandemic — Coming June…

On Writing Letters to the Editors of Local Newspapers as a Way to Inspire Others to Question Prevailing Narratives

On Writing Letters to the Editors of Local Newspapers as a Way to Inspire Others to Question Prevailing Narratives   TCTL editor’s note: Stan Sylvester from Tennessee wrote to me…
