Legal Impact of mRNA Vaccines? Chile Enacts Law for Mutants

Legal Impact of mRNA Vaccines? Chile Enacts Law for Mutants

by Orwellito, Orwell City
February 27, 2022


Chile now has a law for mutants and genetically altered individuals. It’s a rather peculiar law, in addition to the neuro-rights law, which also exists in that country.

What could be the reason for the enactment of this new law?

Obviously, the reason for the origin of this law —which will probably soon be replicated in other countries— is because there’s already a considerable number of people in the population who are no longer human, but transgenic beings.

It’s a known fact that COVID vaccines are mutagenic and alter human DNA, not only because the RNA they contain, but also because of the DNA crystals that Dr. Pablo Campra has found in Pfizer vaccine vials.
Mik Andersen from Corona2Inspect has been investigating them too and, most recently, La Quinta Columna has observed how those crystals send signals to generate “life-forms.”

Every day there’s more evidence of this, especially with the birth of babies with black eyes and very curious physical characteristics, as described by Dr. Viviane Brunet.

In 2021, Dr. Chinda Brandolino warned the world that accepting an mRNA vaccine involves a change in the genome and that the person subjected to this experimental drug loses his human rights.

Orwell City brings into English a summary of this rare yet real law that Chile now has to prevent people from being discriminated in their jobs because they are mutants or have their genome altered in some way.


After becoming the first country to add neuro-rights to its Constitution, Chile now also becomes the first country in the world not to discriminate against mutants and genetically altered individuals after publishing Law 21.422 on February 16, 2022.

Specifically, this law forbids “employment discrimination in the face of mutations or alterations of genetic material.”

The question everyone is asking now is, what’s the reason for this law?

Since Chile is one of the most inoculated countries in the world, it’s not surprising that such a law has been enacted. As dissident doctors warned from the beginning, these inoculums contain secret materials and components that alter the human genome. Of course, this genetic modification is inheritable.

At the time, Dr. Chinda Brandolino warned that those who received injections of these inoculums would become transhumans and, therefore, property of the pharmaceutical companies and no longer enjoy human rights.

It should be recalled that in a 2013 court case, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that human DNA cannot be patented because it was “a product of nature.” But at the end of the ruling, the Supreme Court ruled that if a human genome were modified by mRNA vaccines —which are currently being used—, then the genome can be patented.

And well, What does the new Chilean law establish?

1. No employer may condition the hiring of workers, their permanence or renewal of their contract, or promotion or mobility in their employment, to the absence of mutations or alterations in their genome.

2. The worker may give his free and informed consent to undergo a genetic test.

3. If these examinations are required by the employer, the employer shall bear the cost thereof.

4. The health establishments and laboratories that carry out this type of test, as well as the employers who have access to this information, shall adopt all security measures to protect the privacy of the worker and guarantee reserved handling of the data.

5. The worker will always have the right to access the information resulting from a genetic test.

With all these laws that are appearing, do you still believe that these inoculums are vaccines?


Read/Download “Law for Mutants” (Spanish)


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Are the Pfizer-Injected Now GMOs?

Are the Pfizer-Injected Now GMOs?

by Dr. Mark Bailey
February 27, 2022


A study has just been published in Current Issues in Molecular Biology which may cause a few problems for the “fact-checkers” and government agencies who have emphatically claimed that the mRNA injections cannot alter or damage the recipient’s DNA.

The paper by Aldén, et al, titled “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line,” published on 25 February 2022, reveals what some of us have been warning about since the experimental mRNA injections were released onto largely unsuspecting populations.  That is, the mechanisms do indeed exist for the genetic injections to change and/or damage the recipient’s genome.

In New Zealand, Medsafe approved the Pfizer injections for wholesale use in the country despite minimal safety data being available.  In 2021 they engaged their “experts,” Professor Peter McIntyre from the University of Otago and Dr Ian Town, Chief Science Advisor for the Ministry of Health to address any “concern that permanent alteration of DNA may occur.”  Bizarrely, they went way out on a limb in a few sentences in the following letter to NZDSOS:

Messenger RNA is unstable, which is why it must be stored at very low temperatures prior to use. As mRNA does not enter the nucleus and is rapidly broken down by the cell after protein transcription has occurred, it is unable to alter DNA (Ref 10) . This is shown in the graphic below (Ref 11).”

~ Report for Medsafe: Professor P McIntyre & Dr Ian Town, 14 June 2021


Nature is not directed by colourful man-made cartoons.


NZDSOS were concerned that this was an over-simplification of the state of the science and thus presented a paper to Medsafe the following week, specifically addressing the potential problems:

“The science on this is still unfolding and we are concerned that the authors claim a definitive statement on this topic. The first reference the authors provide is the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website which is aimed at providing the public with a simple overview of the mRNA injection. The second reference (and diagram) only shows the ‘proposed sequence of events leading to the generation of adaptive immune responses upon mRNA vaccination’. From this the authors appear to conclude that it would be impossible for the injected mRNA to become integrated into our DNA because mRNA does not work that way.”

~ NZDSOS to Medsafe, 21 June 2021

The mechanism for the conversion of RNA to DNA is possible through reverse transcriptase enzymes.  Although some virologists have suggested that reverse transcriptase is specific to “retroviruses” it has long been known that the enzymes can be found in normal mammalian cells.  This has been well documented by The Perth Group and has gained more mainstream attention in recent years including in this SciTechDaily article in 2021:

“Thomas Jefferson University researchers provide the first evidence that RNA segments can be written back into DNA, which potentially challenges the central dogma in biology and could have wide implications affecting many fields of biology. ‘This work opens the door to many other studies that will help us understand the significance of having a mechanism for converting RNA messages into DNA in our own cells,’ says Richard Pomerantz, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at Thomas Jefferson University.”

~ New Discovery Shows Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA – Challenges Central Principle in Biology. THOMAS JEFFERSON UNIVERSITY JUNE 12, 2021

I’m not sure why they think the central dogma of biology is only now being “potentially challenged” as it was never proven to be relevant from the day that Francis Crick first suggested it in 1958, but at least they are opening their eyes.

In any case, what did Aldén et al’s recent paper demonstrate?  I’ll outline some of the highlights:

“Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.

“BNT162b2 DNA amplicons were detected in all three time points (6, 24, and 48 h). Sanger sequencing confirmed that the DNA amplicons were identical to the BNT162b2 sequence flanked by the primers.”

“In the BNT162b2 toxicity report, no genotoxicity nor carcinogenicity studies have been provided [26]. Our study shows that BNT162b2 can be reverse transcribed to DNA in liver cell line Huh7, and this may give rise to the concern if BNT162b2-derived DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects.

~ Alden, M. et al. (2022.) Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line. Curr. Issues Mol. Biol. 2022, 44(3), 1115-1126.


NZ Ministry of Health’s Infomercial for Pfizer: so many things wrong here, where should we start?


Now, to be clear this does not mean that those who have been injected with the Pfizer BioNTech product have had their DNA modified – but it raises very significant concerns. The study was carried out in vitro (in a test tube) with Huh-7 cells which are of human origin but derived from an abnormal (liver cancer) cell line.

Therefore, the next logical step would be to assess whether those that have been injected with the product have evidence that the sequence has been integrated into their DNA.

The authors didn’t proceed to test this themselves although suggested that genomic sequencing and integrity should be checked in “human subjects who received BNT162b2 vaccination.”  Who will (be allowed to) take up the challenge?

This paper comes hot on the heels of another major revelation related to these mRNA injections.  Dr Mikolaj Raszek has recently highlighted a potential problem that is apparent in the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration’s (TGA) own “Nonclinical Evaluation Report” on Pfizer’s Comirnaty (BNT162b2).  Dr Raszek has previously discussed how the spike protein can circulate in the blood of the injected for months, which considering the recent Aldén et al paper, may be explained by the integration of the genetic sequence into the host’s DNA.  In effect, the jabbed may produce the spike protein indefinitely or at least have the potential to do so.  His latest revelation from the TGA’s report adds more weight to his theory that the spike proteins themselves are entering the nucleus of the cell and once it is inside it “could be a mutagen because it prevents the fixing of our DNA.”

All in all it makes the Australian TGA look like a complicit partner in this COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity as they gamble on their citizens lives under the influence of Pfizer:

“Neither the mRNA nor the lipid excipients of the LNP formulation are expected to have genotoxic potential. However, the potential of the LNP or the vaccine formulation for complement activation or stimulation of cytokine release was not adequately assessed in nonclinical studies. Further investigation (i.e., analysis of complement activation and cytokine stimulation) is recommended unless this particular concern is addressed by clinical data. The absence of a repeat dose toxicity study in a second species and genotoxicity studies with the novel excipients was adequately justified by the Sponsor…Short term protection studies, lack of pharmacokinetic data for the S antigen-encoding mRNA (BNT162b2 V9), suboptimal dosing interval in the repeat dose study, lack of repeat dose toxicity studies in a second species and genotoxicity studies with the novel excipients, and lack of studies investigating potential for autoimmune diseases were noted. However, these deficiencies are either adequately justified by the Sponsor or addressable by clinical data.”

~ Nonclinical Evaluation Report BNT162b2 [mRNA] COVID-19 vaccine (COMIRNATY™). Australian Government Therapeutic Goods Administration. January 2021.

Pfizer’s Comirnaty brought their corporation around US$36 billion in revenue in 2021, and they expect to top that in 2022.  Their product can’t possibly protect anyone from an undefined clinical entity and a “virus” that does not exist.  What we can see is that entire countries are being swindled out of billions of dollars while their hapless citizens are at risk of becoming genetically modified organisms in addition to the barrage of other toxic effects they are enduring from these injections.


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USA Trucker “The People’s Convoy” Update — February 25, 2022

USA Trucker “The People’s Convoy” Update — February 25, 2022

February 25, 2022


Find route information and the latest updates at The People’s Convoy website.
Find daily video updates at Children’s Health Defense.



 Us Truckers Hit the Highway in Protest of Mandates


U.S. trucker ‘People’s Convoy’ to Washington D.C. is underway


Convoy headed to D.C now has 2k Trucks and Vehicles


A Convoy Has Just Reached Texas — Feb. 25

The Crime Engine of the World Is Throwing Rods and Smoking

The Crime Engine of the World Is Throwing Rods and Smoking

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 25, 2022 “When you ‘throw a rod,’ it means that one of these rods has literally broken off. When that happens, one of two things occurs. If the rod breaks while the piston is on its way up, the piston keeps going up until it jams itself permanently into the cylinder head. If the rod breaks while the piston is coming down, the broken rod can pierce a hole right through the engine block (like a compound bone fracture breaking through the skin). Either way, the engine is instantly ruined, and you’ll have to ‘blow a wad’ to get the car back on the road.”

The big picture…the long story:

About 20 years ago, I wrote an essay, “Seven Cartels That Run the World.”

A cartel=a syndicate seeking monopoly over its territory of operation.

I presented a picture of power groups that both compete and cooperate. Over time, they cooperate more and compete less.

There are more than seven major cartels. For example: military, intelligence, medical, money, religion, education, energy, media, mega-corporate, government, technological mind control…

Their functions tend to overlap.

You can look at each cartel as a slice of highly organized human endeavor. As time passes, each one integrates horizontally across nations. Medical, for instance, becomes, more and more, international medical.

The pure goal would be: each cartel swallows up all relevant activity in all countries; and then all cartels join at the hip.

That would be the crime engine that runs the world.

One global military force; one global intelligence agency; one global energy authority, and so on…and then all these cartels connect to each other.

From that perch, you could see all sorts of crime sub-groups operating at different levels. Banks, street drug cartels, mob families, human traffickers, the FDA, WHO, the World Economic Forum, the UN, the Gates Foundation, CIA, the Rockefeller Group, the Vatican, Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, social media platforms, the World Trade Organization, the European Union, and so on.

The task of building out each major cartel AND taking over the present governments of all nations is, obviously, far from easy. Two steps forward, one step back. Sometimes, two steps forward, four steps back.

Independent investigators expose various elements of the sub-groups and the major cartels.

People with fragmentary knowledge argue over which cartel is the dominant one; but in the end, if this long-term plot succeeds, there would be a board or committee or council that oversees the operation of the connected cartels.

The cartels represent an elite obsession to organize and control.

—The obsession to create a system—combined with the perception that the technology exists to succeed.

Labels like Communism, socialism, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy, democracy, the corporate state, dictatorship, technocracy, and so on, have become loose names for the advancing cartelization of the planet.

The media cartel seeks to obscure and hide evidence of this major cartelization; instead, it promotes the notion that all protests and rebellions against any fragment of this Power are crimes, insurrections, terrorist acts.

The media cartel’s job is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. It associates protests with former “heinous events.” “This is 9/11 all over again.” “This is worse than the 1918 Spanish flu, and the protestors are endangering public health.” “The break-in was the most evil act since Pearl Harbor.”

The media cartel now has a problem, though: other competing voices. Those voices, advocating in one way or another for freedom, are becoming stronger.

When you’re the media and you shoot fish in a barrel for a hundred years, and it works like magic, you develop a smug complacency.

Freedom is a monkey wrench applied to the crime engine. The wrench doesn’t have to do precise work. It creates domino effects.

From a strategic point of view, the whole COVID operation was a cartel overreach. It wasn’t the time-honored invisible step by step accumulation of more control and power. A few manic fruitcakes jumped the gun.

The army of COVID enforcers then exposed their flank.

The brutal lockdowns; the saturation bombing of national economies; the phony scientists with their absurd (and changing) declarations; the vaccine causing huge and visible harm; the admissions that the vaccine doesn’t prevent illness, doesn’t stop viral transmission, doesn’t prevent hospitalization, and must be boosted with more injections, necessitating an impossible re-injection of the whole planet every few months…

This was an amateur production. Evil to the core, but amateur.

You could take all the scandals of all the Presidencies since the assassination of JFK, and they wouldn’t mount a sum anywhere near the up-close and personal impacts of the fake COVID pandemic on the citizenry.

And then, the first wave of lockdowns across the world was not enough; there had to be second and third waves. Just to rub slavery in people’s faces.

The whole GRADUALIST strategy of cartelization was dumped in favor of Crazy Apeshit.

Thereby unleashing what we’re seeing now—building protests for FREEDOM all over the world.

THIS is exactly what cartelization can’t handle.

Because freedom lifts all boats.

The media cartel, which earns their keep promoting and dilly-dallying about phony conflicts and meaningless adjustments to policy and minor scandals…suddenly has to deal with covering for a hundred Hitlers who want to throw the world into camps and deny every human right in the law books.

It was as if Switzerland suddenly decided to send planes over England and drop canisters of poison gas.

“What?!?! You want us to explain away THAT on the nightly news??”

All the CIA assets in all the US newsrooms in the country can’t keep the lid on that.

The crime engine running the world has thrown rods and is smoking.

Right about now, the sober cartel heavy hitters, who never wanted the COVID op, are casting their very angry eyes on Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and a few other loons in their Club, who are the impatient ones, the maniacs, the amateurs.

Make no mistake; in the cartel scheme of things, Bill Gates IS a rank amateur, an out of control jackass.

Could a titanic piece of stupidity—COVID—smash the cartelization of Earth?

It’s quite a long shot, to be sure. But as the crime engine is replaced with a working model, hundreds of millions of people are looking at the smoking heap on the side of the highway.

They’re looking harder; they’re believing what they’re seeing; they’re marching; they’re driving big-rigs; they’re gathering at government headquarters.

And that THEY is getting bigger and turning into a WE. And far worse, that WE is composed of individuals who know they’re individuals and they’re supposed to be free.

So why not take that freedom and leverage it to the sky?

Throw wrenches into every replacement of the crime engine.

Take back more and more cartel territory and make it free.

Corner and surround and blockade the non-humans posing as humans.

More rods will break off and punch holes through engine blocks, and more pistons will plow into cylinder heads.

It’s Christmas.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit:  / pixabay

400,000 Cases of COVID Vaccine Injuries Found in Data Analyzed by German Health Insurer

400,000 Cases of COVID Vaccine Injuries Found in Data Analyzed by German Health Insurer
A German health insurer BKK ProVita said an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggests COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported. The company said its analysis revealed a “significant alarm signal” and said “a risk to human life cannot be ruled out.”

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
February 24, 2022


A German health insurance company this week said an analysis of data collected from more than 10 million people suggests COVID vaccine side effects are “significantly” underreported.

The company, BKK ProVita (BKK), said its analysis revealed a “significant alarm signal” and that “a risk to human life cannot be ruled out.”

Based on the data collected, BKK said the number of vaccine side effects is many times higher than the number officially announced by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Germany’s federal health agency that monitors the safety of vaccines and biomedicines.

The PEI announced in a press release there were 244,576 suspected cases of vaccine side effects reported in 2021 following COVID vaccination, but BKK said its analysis revealed more than 400,000 cases.

BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck told WELT, a German news publication, “The numbers determined are significant and urgently need to be checked for plausibility.”

In a letter, Schöfbeck said BKK analyzed doctors’ billing data from 10.9 million insured people and found 217,000 people received medical treatment due to vaccine side effects.

“In our opinion, there is a significant underreporting of the side effects of the vaccination,” said Schöfbeck. “According to our calculations, we consider 400,000 visits to the doctor by our insured persons due to vaccination complications to be realistic to date.”

Schöfbeck said if figures are extrapolated over a year for the entire German population of 83 million people, it is likely 2.5 – 3 million people in Germany received medical treatment for COVID vaccine adverse events.

“The data available to our company gives us reason to believe that there is a very considerable under-recording of suspected cases of vaccination side-effects after they received the [COVID-19] vaccine,” Schöfbeck wrote.

Schöfbeck sent the letter to PEI President Dr. Klaus Cichutek, the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds, the German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Standing Vaccination Commission and BKK’s umbrella organization.

In another letter, the company suggested vaccine side effects across Germany are at least 10 times more common than what was reported by the PEI, the German newspaper Nordkurier reported Wednesday.

The letters did not disclose symptoms, the severity of adverse events or which vaccines caused the side effects.

Germany’s drug regulator approved COVID vaccines from Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Johnson & JohnsonNovavax and Moderna.

Federal health officials in the U.S. and Germany have emphasized the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh the potential risks, and side effects are rare.

In the U.S. last month, an executive at an Indiana life insurance company reported a “stunning” 40% increase in the death rate among 18- to 64-year-old adults compared to pre-pandemic levels, The Defender reported.

During the same call, OneAmerica’s CEO J. Scott Davison also described a major uptick in both short- and long-term disability claims.

The insurance executive rated the extraordinarily high death rate as “the highest … we have seen in the history of this business,” adding the trend is “consistent across every player in that business.”

To further underscore the import of his statements, Davison said, “Just to give you an idea of how bad [40%] is, a … one-in-200 catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.”

Contrary to what the public might assume — given the media’s unremitting coverage of COVID-19 — Davison reported most of the death claims listed causes of death other than COVID.

Commenting on the news, Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundationwrote, “It would take something REALLY BIG to have an effect this big.”

Moreover, Kirsch said, the culprit would have to be something first introduced in 2021 — “something new … that a huge number of people would be exposed to” — such as COVID shots.

Vaccine scientist Dr. Robert Malone and statistician Jessica Rose, Ph.D., agreed that experimental COVID injections should be considered prime suspects.


©February 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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cover image credit: Ghinzo / pixabay

Shocker: Pandemic End Game; Humpty Dumpty Falls Off the Wall; Cover Is Blown

Shocker: Pandemic End Game; Humpty Dumpty Falls Off the Wall; Cover Is Blown

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 24, 2022


Two breaking developments—


Iceland cancels all COVID restrictions. Not because case numbers are dropping, but because, as I’ve written several times, once you (falsely) accept the existence of a new spreading virus, you’re committed to a narrative which can only end with EVERYONE INFECTED—and THAT’S called herd immunity.

Done. Finished. Forget vaccines, masks, distancing, lockdowns. Just live. Live out in the open.

Get a load of this:

Reuters: “Iceland will lift all remaining COVID-19 restrictions on Friday…the Ministry of Health said on Wednesday.”

“’Widespread societal [immune system] resistance to COVID-19 [meaning the development of natural immunity] is the main route out of the epidemic,’ the ministry said…”

“’To achieve this [immunity], as many people as possible need to be infected with the virus’…”


The Ministry of Health just announced the end game, in alignment with the (false) assumptions which have been in place since January of 2020. Again, once you say a virus is on the loose all over the world, you’re committed to the only response there is:


That’s how the story wraps up. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall and no one could put him back together again. You tell the virus tale, and that’s your predestined conclusion.

Of course there is no new virus, and the whole virus story is a fraud, as I’ve proved numerous times over the past 2 years. I’ve already described, in detail, all the ins and outs of the con called COVID.

But here, with Iceland, we see the beginning of sane national responses within the context of a completely insane scenario.

THAT’S what we’re looking at. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Well, we pretended there was a new unstoppable virus…and so here we are, exactly where we knew we would be. Get infected. Develop herd immunity. That is all. Goodbye.”

And all the major medical liars slowly back away from the general population…very slowly…hoping no one notices what just happened…hoping no one realizes this wrap-up was always in the cards…hoping no one will say: YOU RUINED AND KILLED UNTOLD MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AND YOU KNEW ALL ALONG THIS WAS GOING TO BE YOUR CLIMAX: “GET INFECTED.”

Shocking story number two—

The health/life insurance company tidal wave is breaking.

Well, of course it is. Who did you think was going to be left holding the bag for all the unreported injuries and deaths stemming from the COVID vaccines?

These life insurance companies employ actuaries, and these smart guys predict the number of claims they’re going to pay out…and THAT’S how they decide what the policy holders must pay…in order for the companies to maintain their profits…

Except, the actuaries had no idea what was going to happen.

They didn’t realize how many injury/death claims were going to be filed, once the COVID killshots were unleashed on the world.


Former NY Times reporter, Alex Berenson: “Welt, a major German newspaper, just ran an interview with Andreas Schofbeck, a board member for a Bavarian insurer called BKK Provita.”

“By itself, BKK Provita has 120,000 members. But it is a much larger consortium of so-called BKK insurers that are affiliated with German companies and collectively have 10.9 million members.”

“Here’s how Schofbeck described the [injury] claims in the BKK [company] database, according to one of the reporters who interviewed him:…‘a violent warning signal’.”

Schofbeck is reacting, with great alarm, to all the vaccine injury claims that have been filed—looking at data from 10.9 MILLION policy holders.

In other words, it’s OVERWHELMING.

Another Humpty Dumpty just fell off the wall and broke into pieces.

Obviously, health/life insurance companies around the world are looking at similar horrific numbers.

What are these companies going to do? Just sit there and suck up their huge losses?

No. For starters, they’re going to blame the vaccine manufacturers. That’s already quite interesting, even if news outlets aren’t reporting it. Because, as Edward Dowd, former portfolio manager for BlackRock, has been saying, WALL STREET will take notice.

430 to 144. Can you guess what those numbers represent? The all-time high peak of the Moderna share price, and the most recent closing price, as of this writing.


61 to 46. The first number is the high, over the past year, for the Pfizer share price, and the second number is the most recent close, as of this writing.

These insurance-vaccine company developments were also inevitable, from the beginning of the fake pandemic.

Anyone who knows the real history of vaccines would have seen it in a second.

You rapidly shoot up the whole world with a new vaccine, and the injury-death numbers are going to go through the roof.

Insurance companies don’t like to be left holding the bag and absorbing the consequences of both the jab and the lies the vaccine front men have been telling.

Insurance companies are wired up to, heavily influence, and control all sorts of politicians and bureaucrats and public health officials. You can bet your bottom dollar these companies have been reading the riot act to their government puppets.

“You [FDA] morons…you’re supposed to be protecting the public from dangerous drugs and vaccines. And now people all over the world are dropping like flies from the COVID shot, and those people are our POLICY HOLDERS.”

“What did you want us to do? For chrissakes, we work for the pharmaceutical companies.”

“We’re not interested in excuses. We want money. Lots of it, to make up for our losses.”

“Don’t look at us. We don’t do bailouts. Go to Treasury, or the President.”

“The President can’t even find his way from the shower to the bedroom in the White House residence.”

“Talk to nurse Jill or Susan Rice…”

And word of these conversations leaks out to Wall Street.

Look for new bailouts, and a plethora of cover stories to explain why insurance companies are suddenly inhaling hundreds of billions of government dollars (or more.)

Cover stories only the most naïve fools will believe.

Serial liar Tony Fauci may be able to tap dance with his media partners every Sunday morning on the news talk shows; but when giant insurance companies want him to pay for his sins, that’s a whole different story.

Tony could become yet another Humpty Dumpty…

All we need now—among all the insurance companies in the world—are five or six OUTRAGED big-time insurance execs to step out of the shadows with their hair on fire, completely fed up with the grand cover-up of vaccine injuries, and talking their heads off.

Not whistleblowers. Siren sounders.

Let CDC/WHO try to brush THAT off.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: OpenClipArt_Vectors / pixabay

Shining a Light on Botswana: Mandated Toxic Vaccinations as Part of the Dark Globalist Agenda to Destroy the People & Dominate the Land

Shining a Light on Botswana: Mandated Toxic Vaccinations as Part of the Dark Globalist Agenda to Destroy the People & Dominate the Land

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
with PaintedWolf, contributor to Truth Comes to Light
February 24, 2022



I recently received an email from PaintedWolf (pseudonym), who lives in Botswana, in the northern Chobe region, and has travelled extensively throughout all of Africa. PaintedWolf is actively working to alert the people of Botswana (known as Batswana) to the dangers of the covid vaccines. As we shared back and forth, it felt imperative to help bring light to their situation.

Botswana has a population of slightly over 2.3 million people and is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, with 70% of its territory being the Kalahari Desert. The majority of the population is rural.

Here’s a glimpse of life in the town of Kasane:

Internet cafe — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region


Tourist, safari center — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region


Department of Tourism — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region


Kasane Hospital — Kasane, Botswana in the Chobe region

Covid Mandates in Botswana

PaintedWolf’s words, shared throughout this article with his permission, paint a clear picture of the way the Botswana government is responding to this global covid psyop. He also shares his personal knowledge of the region. PaintedWolf’s love of the Batswana is evident. I have added some additional images and links.

“Kathleen, the people of Botswana are such innocent and gullible people. I have guided expeditions through Africa for 20 years,
I know the countries, their people, cultures and traditions. Botswana is the only African country I find totally at peace.
They are honest and pure hearted people. Its hard to keep the tears back when I think of this mandate to basically force them into being vaxxed, many against their will.
Some might say no, others will get it against their will simply because they cant afford the fine, and have the fear of being put in prison. The people have no idea about their rights. It’s a crime.”


Image credit: hbieber

Trauma at the Borders

The situation at Botswana’s borders is dire at this time. The “vaccinated only” policy not only stops unvaccinated foreigners from entering the country but also prevents unvaccinated Batswana from returning to their homeland.

“I want to share this press release with you in an effort to make you aware of what’s happening in Botswana. Unless news is safari related, or a huge diamond being found here, this kind of news, or corruption related news, don’t really make it mainstream.”


“Basically, they won’t allow any visitors into the country unless they are fully vaxxed (fully means all shots and boosters).
Those who don’t have all the shots, they want to vax at the border of entry. 
Fully vaxxed are the only ones allowed to enter without PCR test. Without extra shots and boosters you are not considered fully vaxxed, so they offer to give you this at port of entry if you don’t have them.
If you read the press release, you can clearly see their criminal intentions. It doesn’t stop there though, they are imposing a serious crime against the citizens of Botswana. On the press release it also states that citizens who are not fully vaxxed must pay a fine of P5000 (Pula), approx. USD 430, or spend up to a year in prison, or both.
The interesting part is that the local news reported that they bought too many vaccines (not as many getting vax as they bargained on) and now they pull this stunt to try and vaccinate even the visitors that come in to get rid of vaccines before the first batch expires in April.”

In general, the people are confused and frightened about the change in restrictions (forced vaccination) at the borders.

“A woman and her mom came back to Botswana from South Africa, driving through the borders. They are citizens. They were both denied entry unless they get vaxxed. The woman said she does not want to get vaxxed, she is 7 months pregnant.
Her mom also has some complications, and is an elderly woman, so she also said no, she does not feel comfortable getting the vaxx. From the voicenotes [recorded audio messages] I can feel they are scared and confused. Many people are not aware of the truth, so these sudden changes really frightens them, makes them so confused, to a level that its traumatic I feel.”
Masks, Sanitizer & Distancing

Within the country itself, masking and social distancing is required in all shops. The use of (toxic) hand sanitizer is required upon entry of all businesses. All schoolchildren wear masks.

“You cannot enter ANYWHERE without a mask. They sanitise at the entrance. It’s actually someone’s job at the entrance of each and every shop, bank, building, whatever to stand there with a spray bottle and spray those who enter.
Not so long ago the rule fell away where everyone had to enter name, phone number and address whenever entering any shop or building.
Children are forced to wear masks. The entire population are forced. Children walk around with masks the entire day, also most people, even outside.”

Like all of the world’s people, the Batswana have been deceived by the tale of a deadly virus (that doesn’t actually exist), a testing system (PCR) that sees all sorts of things but can’t see the virus that doesn’t exist, and a “cure” that involves injecting toxic sludge (with secret ingredients including micro-circuitry and strange hydra-like biological things) directly into the body.

Targeting the Children & the Vulnerable

And, as seen everywhere, the children are now a key target for this disable-and-murder globalist agenda.

“They are going for the kids, Kathleen. A big part of the Botswana population live rural without Internet or decent access to information, so they have NO clue about the dangers of the gene therapies, and happily comply, misinformed.
The attached form is the consent form the government to get kids jabbed.”


“This morning I went to the primary school in the village. The kids were just getting out of school. I found one of the teachers inside and asked if I can quickly have a word.
I asked him if he was aware of the parent consent form, he kind of just nodded, so I’m not sure if he knows. Anyway, I told him that I only want to mention to them I feel the schools should also list the dangers, side effects and ingredients so that parents can give informed consent.
I told him there are hours of evidence and facts he can see in his own time, so I wrote down the address so he can have a look.
I told him its not safe, have a look at the evidence. He asked me If I’m vaxxed, I said no. Then he asked how do I protect myself from Covid? I said I build my immune system by regarding food as medicine, I get sunshine on my face, I exercise, I focus on a healthy lifestyle.
I also said it’s a personal choice, I choose to only put things in my body that the creator of this planet created. I also said I did deep research into the ingredients, as I am someone that will never put anything in my body if I don’t know the ingredients, or origin.
I said those ingredients are not from God, so I won’t put it in my body.
He had no response, so I then asked him if he knows what mRNA is? He had no idea.
I also asked him if he studied the ingredients, or asked about it before getting the shots? He said no because he trusts the government.
I ranted a little about the governments and their lies, couldn’t stop myself. I showed him a page I printed where Dr. Malone states the dangers for kids such as heart, brain, reproductive and nervous system damage.
I said this is serious and its my responsibility as an informed human being to share these facts with the schools that the government and local news don’t mention.”


This harm-yourself-for-your-own-good mandate follows closely on the heels of operation Omicron, an imaginary variant of an imaginary virus.

PaintedWolf describes the Batswana as gentle, gullible people. Historically, they have been targeted by the parasitic humans of the planet to force them off their lands (so that these lands can be exploited for their resources), destroy their culture, and vaccinate them into poor health and/or death.

The Globalist Theft of Land and Resources

The attacks from globalists on the indigenous population is relentless. The rich resources of this peaceful country include diamonds and oil. As the foreigners seek to strip the land of its resources, the disruption to the Batswana way of life, and the damage done to wildlife and natural terrain,  is incalculable.


“They are on a path to destroy one of Africa’s most unique Edens. I know there are very corrupt government officials involved in this saga as well. There has been an infiltration in Botswana, a very sacred land.”


Image credit: hbieser


Image credit: designerpoint


image credit: designerpoint


image credit: tonyo_au

Death by Medicine

A visit to the Botswana Ministry of Health & Wellness website leads us to the usual fear-based advice and recommendations (which have morphed into mandates) for dealing with a virus that has never been shown to actually exist. The foundations for this deception have been long established, with the usual suspects guiding the narrative. They’ve done this before with the HIV narrative. And currently there is the malaria vaccine push, targeting the children.

As always, Big Pharma’s fingerprints are all over this agenda, with the mandate that all Batswana submit to self-abuse by allowing themselves and their children (child abuse) to be injected with extremely toxic formulas disguised as cures.

However, outside of the deceptive and cruel enforcement by Big Pharma, Bill Gates etal., UNICEF and greedy globalists, the “mind virus” of self-harm exists in Africa and throughout the world in many forms. I found it surreal that the Botswana Ministry of Health & Wellness recommends male circumcision as a precaution against HIV.  I asked PaintedWolf about this circumcision recommendation. He replied:

“It’s not only here that they recommend male circumcision, but I have noticed it all over Southern and East Africa on billboards and advertising. They tell people this slows down the spread of HIV. 
Circumcision is also embedded in African cultures. Many cultures have the circumcision ceremony that can last several days. When the boys return to village they are seen as adult men. I know in SA they encourage boys to do it at a clinic as the traditional way at a ceremony can cause serious infection.
It blows my mind that they advertise that circumcision can prevent spread of AIDS. They use slogans such as ‘Be wise, circumcise’. “
Globalist Destruction of the Sacred & Ancient

PaintedWolf speaks about the Bushmen people, native to southern African countries, who were forced out of their ancient culture as nomadic hunter-gathers into restricted community areas.

image credit: hbieser

“Here the indigenous Bushman people, oldest living tribe on earth, have also undergone the same crimes on them as the indigenous tribes around the world.
In South Africa they are the first nation peoples, but their language is not even listed among the official languages. They literally have no voice in the land that birthed them.
In Botswana they were forcefully removed from their home, the Kalahari Desert. They are semi nomadic Earth Shamans, it’s a belief of them to not stay in one place too long to reduce the impact they have on the land, thus semi-nomadic.

Image credit: AinoTuominen

When they have been forcefully removed from their land as hunter-gatherers, they were put into communities that are not aligned with their way of life, and are being exploited to the max by the tourism industry.
Here in Botswana there are countless safari lodges that exploit them by using them as part of their activity offerings. As they have been forcefully removed from their home ranges, put into western towns and villages, they have also lost their traditional way of dress.
Many of the lodges make them dress up traditionally, creating the idea that they still live like this.
It’s a human safari.”
Batswana Rise Up

In spite of the best efforts of the hidden dark agenda, the Batswana have not been defeated. Slowly people are removing the veils of cognitive dissonance and facing the truth about those who control them.

There are some legal challenges beginning to happen in Botswana with a group organizing in opposition to the mandates. PaintedWolf will share more about these situations and the results as things unfold.

“I feel the warriors are slowly rising here. The mandates have made people ask questions and they are starting to demand answers.”


In our conversations, PaintedWolf spoke often about his love for, and communication with, animals and all of nature.  About his beloved elephants, he said:

“They will lead humanity into the New World where humans will start to learn to communicate with the suppressed intelligence of the heart.”


Image credit: Monikawl999


See related:

Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”

Globalist Manipulation of Africa

The Secret Battle for Africa

Exposing the Gates Foundation in Africa: #EXPOSEBILLGATES

W.H.O. Experimenting on African Children Without Informed Consent

Forget Cecil Rhodes, We’ve Got Bill Gates: Oxford University is Exploiting Africans and Africa Now!

Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System

On the History of Virology, Virus Isolation and the Imaginary Covid-19 (and Its Imaginary Variants)

Does HIV Exist? An Explosive Interview

The Deception of Virology & Vaccines — Why Coronavirus Is Not Contagious

Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated 

The New African Virus Mutation: Right on Time; a Kindergarten Covert Op for the Ignorant 

“The Omicron Variant” – Magic Pills, or Solving the Africa Problem?

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory

 Jon Rappoport: My Bottom Line on the Existence of the Virus, Its Isolation and Sequencing

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Deus Ex Machina and the Invention of “SARS-CoV-2”

On Covid Vaccines

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections 

Dr. Pablo Campra on Graphene, Weird Morgellons-Like Elements & Possible Microbiota in Covid Vaccines

Identification of Patterns in Coronavirus Vaccines: Evidence of DNA-Origami Self-Assembly 

The Age of Ultron: Ultimate Transformation


5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-Tech in the Pfizer Vaccine

Masks and Social Distancing as Control Mechanisms

“Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World Are Being Abused

Graphene Face Masks Dangerous; and We’re Living in a Graphene World

Why on Earth Do People Wear Masks?

Masks Are Neither Effective Nor Safe: A Summary of the Science


Connect with Kathleen Stilwell

This article may be freely shared, in full or in part, as long as the text is unaltered and full credit is given to the original author.

cover image credit: hbieser / pixabay

Facing Financial Peril and a Pending Senate Rebuke, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergency War Measures Act

Facing Financial Peril and a Pending Senate Rebuke, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Revokes Emergency War Measures Act

by Sundance. The Last Refuge
February 23, 2022


In the bigger picture, the Canadian banking and financial system was hit hard by the deployment of the Emergency Act which highlighted the ability of the government to arbitrarily freeze and seize money, assets and financial investment capital without any due process.

There are also strong rumors in the financial sector, that in addition to Canadians removing money from the banking system, previous investment funds from Hong Kong had been moved – and, making matters even worse, digital currency exchanges were no longer offering secure services in Canada.

Simultaneous to the mounting domestic and international backlash against the financial system, the Canadian Senate was likely to rebuke the government of Justin Trudeau and not support the invocation of the Emergency War Measures Act against Canadian citizens.

As a result of multiple issues of backlash with severe consequence, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet are trying to save face, and yet walk away from the Emergency War Measures Act by revoking it before they faced the humiliation of a public defeat in the Canadian Senate. WATCH:

After his prepared remarks about his reversal in position, Trudeau was softly questioned about internal documents discovered by the Canadian Senate that point toward Trudeau’s cabinet discussing the political benefits they would gain by invoking the Emergency Act.  The prime minister dodged the question twice, instead saying a parliamentary investigation will review why the Emergency Act was needed.

Keep an eye on the story of this Senate discovery.  From all indications, even the liberal allies of Trudeau in the Senate were unable to support the Emergency Act after they reviewed the non-public documents.  There’s something very damaging in those documents, likely internal emails between Trudeau and his various ministers.

Full announcement video and presser below:


Connect with The Last Refuge

Another Article Too Hot to Handle; Even Vaccine Critics Won’t Run With It

Another Article Too Hot to Handle; Even Vaccine Critics Won’t Run With It

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 23, 2022


A few days ago — in my article The Test for Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, I republished my proof that the medical cartel has been routinely killing millions of people, with its treatments, for at least the past 20 years.

And when I say proof, I’m talking about clear mainstream research.

Virtually no one has taken those research citations and run with them, despite the fact that I’ve highlighted them for years. I’ve highlighted them in articles and interviews.

What’s the problem?

Apparently, even many “alternative” journalists and doctors are keeping a piece of their souls in the official prison of fake medicine and fake science. On purpose.

They want to hedge their bets. They want to go halfway, but not all the way.

They want to admit some things, but not other things.

So today, I’m posting another one of my “too hot to handle” pieces. I’ve published this article at least four times. Even doctors who oppose the COVID vaccines won’t pick up on it.


It’s too REAL, because it proves the RNA injections were DESIGNED to fail, to be useless, from the get-go.

That’s right.

And if you expose THAT, you burn the whole house down.

The vaccine establishment collapses.

No one will believe anything the establishment says about vaccines. Nor should they.

And many journalists and doctors of all stripes want to “protect the public” from THE TRUTH.

I don’t want to bury the truth. I’m not settling for half.

Buckle up—

I wrote and posted this piece while the clinical trials of the COVID vaccine were in progress. It reveals how and why those trials were constructed and designed to fail. They did fail.

The vaccine makers DESIGNED a series of clinical trials that, even on their own terms (“the virus is real, fear the virus”) were destined to be a complete flop.


Peter Doshi, associate editor of the medical journal BMJ, and Eric Topol, Scripps Research professor of molecular medicine, have written a devastating NY Times opinion piece about the ongoing COVID vaccine clinical trials.

They expose the fatal flaw in the large Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna trials.

September 22, 2020, the Times: “These Coronavirus Trials Don’t Answer the One Question We Need to Know” (also, here):

“If you were to approve a coronavirus vaccine, would you approve one that you only knew protected people only from the most mild form of Covid-19, or one that would prevent its serious complications?”

“The answer is obvious. You would want to protect against the worst cases.”

“But that’s not how the companies testing three of the leading coronavirus vaccine candidates, Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca, whose U.S. trial is on hold, are approaching the problem.”

“According to the protocols for their studies, which they released late last week, a vaccine could meet the companies’ benchmark for success if it lowered the risk of mild Covid-19, but was never shown to reduce moderate or severe forms of the disease, or the risk of hospitalization, admissions to the intensive care unit or death.”


The Times: “To say a vaccine works should mean that most people no longer run the risk of getting seriously sick. That’s not what these trials will determine.”


This means these clinical trials are dead in the water.

And I could stop this article right here and walk away. Done. Finished. Nothing more need be said.

And you the reader could walk away. OK, done. The clinical trials of the vaccine were never intended to prevent serious illness of any kind. Never intended to prevent hospitalizations or deaths. End of story.

Goodbye. Forget the vaccine. Why would anyone want to take it?

But if you want to know WHY the clinical trials were designed this way, and HOW the con was played, and why it was actually necessary to design the clinical trials to be useless, read on.

The whole vaccine house is ALREADY burned down, but I’m going to say a lot more. I’m going to burn the ashes.

First of all, make sure you understand the clinical trials of the RNA vaccines were only designed to show effectiveness in preventing “mild cases of COVID,” which nobody should care about, because mild cases (cough, fever, chills) naturally run their course and cause no harm. THERE IS NO NEED FOR A VACCINE THAT PREVENTS MILD CASES.

Now let’s go deeper. Read the next section from the Times piece, and then I’ll make comments.

“The Moderna and AstraZeneca studies will involve about 30,000 participants each; Pfizer’s will have 44,000. Half the participants will receive two doses of vaccines separated by three or four weeks, and the other half will receive saltwater placebo shots. The final determination of efficacy will occur after 150 to 160 participants develop Covid-19…”

Now pay close attention. Here’s how it works. The vaccine companies are looking for a total of 150 mild COVID cases to occur, combined, in the two groups— those receiving the placebo and those receiving the vaccine. How would that happen? The researchers believe “the coronavirus is spreading everywhere” and it will pounce on some of the volunteers during the clinical trial.

Let’s say that, during the trial, 100 people receiving the placebo develop mild COVID-19 (cough, chills, fever), and only 50 people receiving the vaccine develop mild COVID.

The vaccine companies would say, “We just proved the vaccine is 50% effective in preventing COVID, and that’s all we need to do, in order to win emergency authorization from the FDA. Release the vaccine. Inject the world.”

The outcomes for ONLY 150 people equal “let’s shoot up seven billion people.”

That’s staggering.

But it gets even worse. The magic number of 150 COVID cases? How is a COVID case defined? The authors of the Times piece have the answer:

“In the Moderna and Pfizer trials, even a mild case of Covid-19 — for instance, a cough plus a positive lab test — would qualify and muddy the results. AstraZeneca is slightly more stringent but would still count mild symptoms like a cough plus fever as a case.”

But wait. The NY Times itself recently published an article stating that up to 90% of US COVID cases could very well be false positives—in other words, not cases at all. Why? Because the diagnostic PCR test, as it is performed by labs, is too sensitive. It registers “positive for COVID” when it shouldn’t.

So, in these vaccine clinical trials, the whole process of determining that “150 people developed COVID-19” is completely unreliable, useless, absurd, and nonsensical.

On the one hand, a positive PCR test is unreliable and means nothing. On the other hand, a cough and fever (“mild COVID”) are nothing to worry about, and don’t require a vaccine at all. We’re talking about 150 cases of “who cares.” That’s what the COVID vaccine is DESIGNED to prevent.

“So, Doctor, the magic number is 150 ‘who cares’ mild cases? That’s the number that will decide the immediate fate of the planet?”

“Of course.”

“And these 150 people, who you say develop mild COVID-19…no one should care, because those symptoms cure themselves, and no vaccine is needed.”


“And come to think of it, the people receiving the vaccine in the clinical trials could develop symptoms indistinguishable from mild COVID-19, as a result of the effects of the vaccine.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“But you’re very confident in the success of the vaccine.”



“I have to be confident. If we’re exposed as incompetent frauds, our bottom line will take a huge hit. And we’ll wind up in prison.”


Now I’m going to go over the vital information again, but this time I’m going to show you how…

The vaccine companies can use the fatal flaw in their protocol design to…

Actually win approval of their COVID vaccine.

Stick with me. This is big.

Only 150 people are needed to make the major clinical trials of a COVID vaccine look like a success.

Out of 30,000 volunteers in a trial, researchers are waiting for 150 people to “come down with COVID-19.” MILD cases. They assume this will happen because they believe the coronavirus is everywhere, and it’ll infect some of their volunteers.

Of course, their definition of a mild case of COVID-19 is meaningless. Cough plus fever, and a positive PCR test. The test spits out false positives like a rigged slot machine, and the visible mild symptoms could result from flu, polluted air, or too many candy bars.

Nevertheless, the researchers are waiting for a total of 150 people to “catch a mild case of COVID.” When that number is reached, everything stops.

Now comes the big moment. How many of those 150 COVID cases occurred in the group that received the vaccine, and how many in the group that received the placebo shot of salt water?

Let’s say only 50 COVID cases occurred in the vaccine group, and 100 in the placebo group. The researchers pop champagne corks. They say, “Look, the vaccine is 50% effective at preventing COVID, and that’s all we need to win emergency authorization from the FDA.”

BUT suppose 75 cases occurred in the vaccine group and 75 in the placebo group? No good. No good at all. No way to call the vaccine effective.

Now comes the “reshaping of the data.”


The researchers say, “Wait. Thirty of the COVID cases in the vaccine group were REALLY just adverse reactions to the vaccine. They weren’t cases of COVID. You see, the vaccine can cause symptoms that are indistinguishable from mild COVID. Cough, fever, chills. ACTUALLY, there were only 30 cases of COVID in the vaccine group. There were 75 in the placebo group. That’s good enough. The vaccine IS effective. We’re golden. We can get emergency authorization from the FDA right now to shoot up everybody.”

Vaccine manufacturers HAVE KNOWN ALL ALONG that they could pull this trick.

Why leave things to chance?

Why risk a few hundred billion dollars of profit on a random distribution of mild COVID cases among the volunteers in their clinical trials?

The definition of a mild COVID case is EXACTLY what the vaccine manufacturers needed. It enabled them to hatch a plan, to make sure they didn’t fail.

They could pawn off a MILD case of COVID as a reaction to the vaccine. They could fake that without causing ripples. The FDA would say, “The vaccine reactions aren’t serious. All right, no problem. We’ll approve this vaccine for emergency use.”

However…If the manufacturers designed their clinical trial protocol to prevent serious cases of COVID—-very serious pneumonia—then first of all, they would be waiting to see 150 cases of really sick people to occur among the volunteers.

That might never happen. In 100 years.

And second, if it did happen, and the manufacturers had to pull their devious switcheroo trick and blame the vaccine for some of these SERIOUS cases…

They would have to tell the FDA that their vaccine was causing life-threatening pneumonia; and the FDA, under a lot of scrutiny these days, would find it very difficult to overlook that.

FDA: “We can’t approve this vaccine. It could cause a few million cases of dire pneumonia…”

The vaccine companies didn’t make a titanic stupid mistake in their protocol design. In gearing the protocol to prevent MILD COVID cases, they did what they did on purpose. It allows them to “reshape their data” and win FDA emergency approval for their vaccine.

These companies have no intention of failing, starting over, and spending a year recruiting 30,000 new volunteers. They want success and money now. They want to win the race.

And they will win, if the truth isn’t known and shared widely.

The punchline:

Every “expert,” in August 2021, is instructed to say the vaccine is definitely protecting people against severe illness and hospitalization. This is their promotional message to the world.

“Yes, even if you’re vaccinated, you could become infected with the virus, you could develop COVID, and you could pass the virus to other people, BUT you must take the shot. It will protect you from becoming severely ill.”

As you can see from what I’ve written above, this is a straight-out lie.

It was always a fantastic lie, from the beginning of COVID vaccine development, because the design of the clinical trials had nothing to do with preventing serious illness.

—end of article—

OK, we’re back in the present now; 2022. Everything you’ve just read has been studiously ignored. Shoved to the side.

The vaccine was only designed, at best, to prevent mild cough, fever, chills. That’s it. A mild case of flu-like illness. Which cures itself.

That design was intentional. It allowed the vaccine makers to win approval for the injection.

If they had to wait around for 150 volunteers in the clinical trials to develop serious pneumonia, that could have taken years. Or forever.

The clinical trials proved nothing.

The vaccine, even in mainstream scientific terms, was worthless.

It was designed that way.

That’s a chunk of blockbuster news anybody with a half a brain should be shouting from the rooftops. Instead: SILENCE.


Again, because this blockbuster news burns the whole house down.

It takes down the whole vaccine establishment.

And there are lots of vaccine critics who DON’T WANT TO GO ALL THE WAY.


They back away. They pretend they don’t know what they DO know.

They could shoot down, overnight, the whole basis for these COVID shots, and they would expose the vaccine that is maiming and killing of millions upon millions of people.

But they stay silent.

Show them this information.

Get them to tell you what their problem is.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: himmlisch / pixabay

Vax Nation: Freedom Over Fear

Vax Nation: Freedom Over Fear

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 21, 2022



The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and the right to peacefully gather with fellow citizens to communicate political dissent to the government. In 2022, thousands of Canadians travelled to the federal capital of Ottawa to peacefully communicate their suffering and disagreement with government lockdowns, Covid restrictions and vaccination mandates which have devastated their lives, their children’s lives, their mental health, and their businesses. Canadians across the country have come together to peacefully protest, united in their calls for a return to a free Canada. Their peaceful protest has inspired similar convoys and protests in countries around the world.

• Watch Part One | Vax Nation: Show Me Your Papers

• Watch Part Two | Vax Nation: Trust “The Science”

• Watch Part Three | Vax Nation: Pandemic Of The Vaccinated


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

USA Truckers “The People’s Convoy” Begins Feb. 23: Cross-Country — California to Washington, DC

USA Truckers “The People’s Convoy” Begins Feb. 23: Cross-Country — California to Washington, DC



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American Truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on February 23 from Adelanto Stadium in Southern California

ADELANTO, Calif., (Feb. 20, 2022) American truckers are launching The People’s Convoy, a peaceful and unified transcontinental movement, on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, from the Adelanto Stadium in Southern California. Starting at 10:00 a.m., hundreds of truckers will hear words of encouragement and blessings from a group of speakers including FLCCC President Dr. Pierre Kory and Godspeak Church Pastor Rob McCoy. The truckers and blue-collar workers of the United States will be joined by freedom-loving supporters from all walks of life – frontline doctors, lawyers, first- responders, former military servicemen and women, students, retirees, mothers, fathers and children – on this peaceful and law-abiding transcontinental journey toward the east coast. The truckers encourage one and all to come out to the stadium in the heart of Adelanto, California to wish them well, see them off and join in the journey.

This convoy is about freedom and unity: the truckers are riding unified across party and state lines and with people of all colors and creeds – Christians, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, Mormons, Agnostics, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Republican, Democrats. All individuals are welcome to participate by either attending the launch gathering – at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday February 23, at Adelanto Stadium – or by getting in their own vehicles and following the big rigs from Adelanto toward the east coast!

The message of The People’s Convoy is simple. The last 23 months of the COVID-19 pandemic have been a rough road for all Americans to travel: spiritually, emotionally, physically, and – not least – financially. With the advent of the vaccine and workable therapeutic agents, along with the hard work of so many sectors that contributed to declining COVID-19 cases and severity of illness, it is now time to re-open the country. The average American worker needs to be able to end-run the economic hardships of the last two years, and get back to the business of making bread – so they can pay their rents and mortgages and help jumpstart this economy. To that end, it’s time for elected officials to work with the blue collar and white-collar workers of America and restore accountability and liberty – by lifting all mandates and ending the state of emergency – as COVID is well-in-hand now, and Americans need to get back to work in a free and unrestricted manner.

The People’s Convoy is a non-partisan, trucker-led effort supported by a cross-cultural and multi-faith contingent of supporters including

    • Dr. Pierre Kory and the doctors of the Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC)

    • Liberty-minded lawyers such as Tom Renz and Joey Gilbert (Gubernatorial candidate Nevada)

    • Pastors like Rob McCoy and Rick Brown of Godspeak Church

    • Transportation workers including rail workers and pilots A broad consortium of organizations including

    • The Unity Project

    • The America Project

    • Advocates for Citizens’ Rights

    • U.S. Freedom Flyers

    • The American Foundation for Civil Liberties & Freedom

    • Faith groups from every spectrum

Newsmax and Eric Bolling have indicated they will do a ride along and live daily updates from the convoy with Maureen Steele. The Epoch Times and a variety of other journalists, media outlets and podcasters will also be embedding. Children’s Health Defense’s CHD.TV will be covering the convoy – and the activists on the ground and across the country – with live updates every day at 10 am EST at

The convoy is being assisted by retired military personnel and security experts, who are spearheading logistics in order to ensure a 100% safe, lawful, and peaceful journey.

The People’s Convoy Route*

*Route subject to change

Day 1: Wednesday, February 23

Morning – Depart Adelanto Stadium, CA

Evening – Arrive in Kingman, AZ for overnight stay

Day 2: Thursday, February 24

Morning – Depart Kingman, AZ head east on I-40, toward Lupton, AZ Evening – Arrive in Lupton, AZ for overnight stay

Day 3: Friday, February 25

Morning – Depart Lupton, AZ on I-40 eastbound thru New Mexico Evening – Arrive in Glenrio, TX for overnight stay

Day 4: Saturday, February 26

Morning – Depart Glenrio, TX

Evening – Arrive in Elk City, OK area for overnight stay

Day 5: Sunday, February 27

Morning – Depart Elk City, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Vinita, OK area for overnight stay

Day 6: Monday, February 28

Morning – Depart Vinita, OK area

Evening – Arrive in Sullivan, MO area for overnight stay

Day 7: Tuesday, March 1

Morning – Depart Sullivan, MO area

Evening – Arrive in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 8: Wednesday, March 2

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Pause for rest in Indianapolis, IN area for overnight stay

Day 9: Thursday, March 3

Morning – Depart Indianapolis, IN area

Evening – Arrive in Cambridge, OH area for overnight stay

Day 10: Friday, March 4

Morning – Depart Cambridge, OH area

Evening – Arrive in Hagerstown, MD area for overnight stay

Day 11: Saturday, March 5

Morning – Depart Hagerstown, MD area Evening – Arrive in the DC Beltway area

The People’s Convoy will abide by agreements with local authorities, and terminate in the vicinity of the DC area, but will NOT be going into DC proper.

Stay tuned for opportunities for elected officials and regular folks to go “Ridin’ Shotgun” with an actual trucker for a day – as well as an opportunity to bid on one seat that will be sold on our Operations Vehicle – for a similar ride-along opportunity. Details will be posted to the website soon.

To support the truckers, see the routes, or find out more, please visit:

This website and the official social media handles are the ONLY source of accurate data about this peaceful, law-abiding convoy – we hope to see America there!




Connect with The People’s Convoy

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism

The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism

by C.J. Hopkins, The Consent Factory
February 20, 2022


I told you this part wasn’t going to be pretty. The collapse of fascist ideological movements and fanatical death cults never is. The New Normal is proving to be no exception.

After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.

In one particularly ugly episode, the New Normal stormtroopers rode their horses directly into a crowd of non-violent protesters, trampling an elderly lady with a walker. She had just finished saying something to the police along the lines of “you break my heart … this is about peace, and love, and happiness.” Then they knocked her down and rode their horses over her.

Despite an abundance of video evidence clearly depicting exactly what happened, the Ottawa Police tried to spin it this way …

Here’s an overhead photo of the incident …


The big red arrow (courtesy of The Marie Oakes) points to the lady’s walker, or the alleged “horse-assaulting bicycle.” Presumably, the face of the gentlemen above her also caused the horse “to trip,” or was in the process of causing the horse “to trip,” at the moment that this photo was taken.

And that wasn’t all. Oh no, far from it. The “show of force” was just getting started. After all, this was not a “mostly peaceful” outbreak of rioting, looting, and arson. This was non-violent civil disobedience, with children’s bouncy castles, makeshift saunas, honking, dancing, illegal barbecuing, and other forms of “terrorist” activity, which had to be crushed with an iron fist.

On Saturday, the goon squads broke out the stun grenades, the pepper spray, and the big wooden sticks. By Sunday morning, they were shooting people with “non-lethal, mid-range impact weapons.” Tow truck operators in horror-movie ski masks were brought in to haul away the big rigs.

Before he turned the goon squads loose on Friday, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, suspending the Canadian constitution, which he had already suspended back in 2020 due to the “apocalyptic pandemic,” which is why the protesters were protesting in the first place. Parliament was scheduled to debate his authority to declare another “state of emergency,” but, of course, the debate was abruptly suspended due to the massive “police operation” that his invocation of the Act had enabled.

Acting under the Emergencies Act, he immediately cancelled the right of assembly, outlawed the protests, and started threatening to kill people’s dogs and take away their kids. Then he and his fascist New Normal lieutenants started freezing the bank accounts of anyone and everyone even vaguely connected to the trucker protest. According to Bloomberg report:

“The emergency orders require virtually every participant in the Canadian financial system — banks, investment firms, credit unions, loan companies, securities dealers, fundraising platforms and payment and clearing services — to determine whether they possess or control property of a person who’s attending an illegal protest or providing supplies to demonstrators.”

And, as if all that wasn’t fascist enough, Ottawa’s police chief has made it clear that, once the “crackdown” is finally over, they will hunt down anyone involved in the protests, arrest them and charge them with “criminal offenses,” subject them to “financial sanctions,” and otherwise destroy their lives and families.

The crackdown in Ottawa is hardly an aberration. As my readers might recall, New Normal Germany outlawed protesting against the New Normal (i.e., the new official ideology) back in September of 2020, and the German police have been absolutely brutalAnyone deemed a “Covid denier” is subject to surveillance by Germany’s Intelligence servicesThe US Department of Homeland Security designates us “domestic violent extremists.” Same story in AustraliaFranceBelgiumThe Netherlands, and assorted other countries.

I have been describing the New Normal as a new form of totalitarianism (or fascism, if you prefer) for the past two years, and I have been documenting it from the very beginning (see, e.g., these Twitter threads from March 2020 and April 2020, which the OffGuardian editors have preserved for posterity). It has been there all along, right out in the open, but rendered invisible by the official Covid narrative.

The official narrative is rapidly dissolving, rendering the fascism of the New Normal visible. This is happening now because those of us who have seen it from the beginning — and have been resisting it all along — have held out long enough to run out the clock. GloboCap can’t keep the narrative going, so all they have left is brute fascist force.

We need to make GloboCap deploy that force, and to shine a big, bright spotlight on it, as the truckers and protesters in Ottawa have just done. In case anyone is confused about the tactic, it’s called classic non-violent civil disobedience. I described it in a recent column:

“In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of ‘reality,’ and ‘democracy,’ and ‘normality,’ to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears. That is the weakness of the system … New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as a response to a deadly pandemic.”

The official narrative is dead, or dying. The Covidian Cult is coming apart. No one but the most fanatical New Normals believes there is any real justification for imposing mandatory “vaccination,” “quarantine camps,” segregation of “the Unvaccinated,” or any of the other “Covid restrictions.” “The virus” is no longer an excuse for mindlessly following ridiculous orders and persecuting those of us who refuse.

Apocalyptic Pandemic Theater is over. It is a purely political fight from now on.

Ottawa is not the end. It is just the beginning. Protests and other forms of civil disobedience are growing all around the world … yes, even here in New Normal Germany. That does not mean it is time to relax. On the contrary, it is time to step up the pressure. It is time to make the monster show itself, in all its naked fascist ugliness, and to force everyone to pick a side.

There are only two sides … fascism or freedom.


Connect with C.J. Hopkins

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Trudeau vs The Honkening

Trudeau vs The Honkening

by FreedomToons
February 19, 2022



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California High School Caves After Students Stage Walkout Over Mask Mandate

California High School Caves After Students Stage Walkout Over Mask Mandate

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
February 18, 2022


Administrators at the Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills, California quickly dropped a mask mandate after hundreds of students walked out on Tuesday. The walkout was staged in solidarity with students whose parents sent them to school without masks, who were subsequently dismissed from class.

As the Washington Examiner reported,

Several parents of students at the school sent the teenagers to school without a mask, according to Jennifer Yoder, a parent at Oak Ridge. The high schoolers who showed up without a mask were dismissed from class.

This was a homegrown thing between the parents and then the kids working together to get everyone on board,” said Oak Ridge parent, Jennifer Yoder. “It just kept growing and growing. And then they eventually just got up and left those classrooms and ran outside and started their protest.”

Later that day, the school bent the knee – telling parents in a Tuesday afternoon letter from the school board that while the mask mandate was still in effect, the school would no longer punish students who refused to comply.

“The enforcement of masking will be done by educating students and asking them to mask but no further actions of exclusion from class will be taken,” reads the letter. “Moving forward students will not be physically removed from the classroom or receive a discipline consequence to prevent further exclusionary learning loss.

The staged walkout protested the delay in lifting mask mandates at schools statewide. California Gov. Gavin Newsom was expected to lift the mandate Monday, but California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said there would be a two-week delay, marking Feb. 28 as the next day to reassess the school changes.

The delay and subsequent walkout came after Newsom announced most indoor services and shops could remove the mask mandate, though stores could keep it in place if they chose. The end of the mandate is for vaccinated citizens only, with unvaccinated residents still expected to wear masks. -Washington Examiner


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Catch & Release — Staged Arrests in Ottawa

Catch & Release — Staged Arrests in Ottawa


Ottawa Arrests Smoke and Mirrors — Activist Chris Sky


More protesters were not charged!

La Quinta Columna Continues Examination of Pfizer Vaccine: Filaments Attracting Crystals & Apparent Microcircuitry

La Quinta Columna Continues Examination of Pfizer Vaccine: Filaments Attracting Crystals & Apparent Microcircuitry


Morgellons-type structures that “feed” on crystals

by Orwellito, Orwell City
February 18, 2022


La Quinta Columna has shared with the world a very particular observation about the filament-like structures they have found when looking at vials of Pfizer vaccines under an optical microscope.

Dr. Sevillano noticed that within the particulate composition, there are some crystals that appear to be microcircuitry, but are actually some other material that would be a kind of food for the Morgellons-like filaments to grow. They don’t know what kind of crystals these are, but they continue in their research to try to unravel as many mysteries as possible.

Orwell City brings the key fragment.

Ricardo Delgado: So I’m going to move the microscope, and let’s go down. Here is the “hair.” See?

Dr. Sevillano: Here’s the hair. Yes.

Ricardo Delgado: Let’s see, I’m going to move it a little bit. There it is. See that you can even see… This sample is more dried out now. But look at the size of it.

Dr. Sevillano: And how it attracts the crystals. If you notice, you can see how it’s attracting them.

Ricardo Delgado: This one has been growing too. Here I’m going to focus it now to…

Dr. Sevillano: Let’s see if you find the generator pole. We have to look for the generator pole. Let’s see if we can see the deflection and the cubes generating around it. Let’s see if we can find the extreme.

Ricardo Delgado: This is incredible. Come on. Look at this. It’s still here. This is where I think it ends, right?

Dr. Sevillano: Yeah, it looks like this is where it ends.

Ricardo Delgado: This is where it ends. What happens is that in, here, there’s no longer any kind of aqueous suspension. I mean, it’s completely dried out.

Dr. Sevillano: It’s completely dried out. Maybe, for that reason, it has stopped… By not having… Maybe, it lacks something to… But look how it attracts all the material. How it’s full of crystals all over the place.

Ricardo Delgado: Surely, there must be more around here. Let’s see, I’m going to look around. Well, this is the content of the Pfizer vaccine. It’s crazy!

Dr. Sevillano: There…  I’m beginning to think, Ricardo, that most of the stuff we see there is circuitry. And probably, there’s also material that we’re talking about that’s used for the growth of that.

Ricardo Delgado: Yes.

Dr. Sevillano: The ones that don’t have “drawings” or that don’t have printed circuitry, those ones have to be the material that uses that to grow. That’s all.

Ricardo Delgado: This is the edge of the drop, which is already dry. This is where it ends.

Dr. Sevillano: Yes, more mysteries that we understand nothing about in all this.

Ricardo Delgado: Look what’s here.

Dr. Sevillano: There’s another one. Yes. It’s quite huge.


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Australia: Microwave Weapons Are Being Used Against Those Who Stand Up Against Medical Tyranny

Australia: Microwave Weapons Are Being Used Against Those Who Stand Up Against Medical Tyranny


Microwave Weapons Against People – Australia

by Hemeroteca
February 18, 2022


Connect with Hemeroteca at Odysee

Ontario Government Employee Fired Over $100 Contribution to Freedom Convoy

Ontario Government Employee Fired Over $100 Contribution to Freedom Convoy

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
February 18, 2022


The communications director for the Ontario ministry responsible for enforcing the law was fired this week after her $100 donation to the Freedom Conovoy was revealed in the hack of donors to a GiveSendGo campaign, according to CTV News.

Marion Isabeau-Ringuette was one of several government staffers whose donations drew the eye of Sauron after the list of some 100,000 donors was leaked.

For the communications director to be financially supporting an unlawful, illegal occupation is definitely concerning,” said NDP MPP Catherine Fife. “Who was donating, why were they donating, and did this contribute to the non-action that happened on the ground in Ottawa?”

According to Ontario Premier Doug Ford spokeswoman Ivana Yelich, “Ms. Isabeau-Ringuette no longer works for the Ontario government.”

Isabeau-Ringuette worked as a political staffer as recently as Sunday for Ontario’s Solicitor-General, the position that oversees police and other law enforcement in Ontario.

The $100 donation was listed as anonymous on GiveSendGo, but in a pair of leaked documents totalling nearly 100,000 donations, one line reads “M.R.” with an email address that contains Isabeau-Ringuette’s name. -CTV

Another employee under scrutiny works for the federal correctional service, while a pollster with ties to the governing Progressive Conservative party was also accused in an NDP news release of donating to the protesters, who oppose government vaccine mandates and other restrictions.

According to Toronto lawyer Nainesh Kotak, even small donors to the fund – should the continue donating – run the risk of frozen bank accounts since the government invoked the Emergencies Act.

“Under this enactment I would suggest the government could freeze bank accounts if they chose to do so,” he said, adding “That’s concerning. The targets should be the bigger players.”

George Washington University postdoc fellow Yunkang Yan says conservative US politicians are using the Freedom Convoy to energize their base.

““A lot of influential right-wing media have been promoting narratives about that for a long time. They have very big audiences. People from all walks of life on the political right might be a viewer of their content on a regular basis,” which includes those on both sides of the border. “That might be why they are really sucked into this.”


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James Corbett: I Read ‘The Great Narrative’ (So You Don’t Have To!)

I Read The Great Narrative (So You Don’t Have To!)

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 18, 2022


Remember when the World Economic Forum held a conference on “The Great Narrative”? And remember when Klaus Schwab threatened to release a book on the topic? Well, guess what? It’s heeeere. That’s right, I read The Great Narrative and now I’m spilling the beans on the globalists plans for the technocratic future . . . and revealing the truth that we have the power to write our own narrative.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4



Writing A New Narrative – #SolutionsWatch

The Great Narrative conference

The Great Narrative by Schwab and Malleret (free PDF)

Thierry Malleret bio at World Economic Forum

Thierry Malleret bio at The Globalist

Margaret Chan Warns Public’s Obedience to Health Officials “May Be Fading” (2010)

The Square and the Tower

Episode 396 – Bioethics and the New Eugenic

What Hitchcock Taught the Social Engineers

The 5th Annual Fake News Awards

IPCC AR6 SPM Credibility Destroyed by “Disappearing” Medieval Warming Period

Weather Is Not Climate!

Alison Morrow breaks down Spotify petition “doctors”

Snopes: Did 30,000 Scientists Declare Climate Change a Hoax?

Freedom Convoy – Address To Canadians by Tom Marazzo Feb.10, 2022

Interview 1698 – James Corbett Lays Out the Biosecurity Agenda


Connect with James Corbett

Autopsies Show: Vaccinating Teens for COVID Is Literally ‘Heartbreaking’

Autopsies Show: Vaccinating Teens for COVID Is Literally ‘Heartbreaking’
Autopsies of two teenage boys who died days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine prove the vaccine caused their deaths. Pathological findings suggest there may be a way to distinguish SARS-COV-2 infection-induced myo/pericarditis from vaccine-induced cardiac injury. Vaccine-induced heart injury can be sub-clinical, but how often?

by Madhava Setty, M.D., The Defender
February 18, 2022


Pathologists who examined the autopsies of two teenage boys who died days after receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine concluded the vaccine caused the teens’ deaths.

The three pathologists, two of whom are medical examiners, published their findings Feb. 14 in an early online release article, “Autopsy Histopathologic Cardiac Findings in Two Adolescents Following the Second COVID-19 Vaccine Dose,” in the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

The authors’ findings were conclusive. Two teenage boys were pronounced dead in their homes three and four days after receiving the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose.

There was no evidence of active or previous COVID-19 infection. The teens had negative toxicology screens (i.e. no drugs or poisons were present in their bodies).

These boys died from the vaccine.

Histopathological examination of their cardiac tissue revealed an important new finding: Neither heart demonstrated evidence of typical myocarditis.

Instead, the authors found evidence of microscopic changes consistent with a different form of heart injury called toxic cardiomyopathy. They wrote:

“The myocardial injury seen in these post-vaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy.”

The authors further explained what they observed under the microscope:

“Their histopathology does not demonstrate a typical myocarditis… In these two post-vaccination instances, there are areas of contraction bands and hypereosinophilic myocytes distinct from the inflammation.

“This injury pattern is instead similar to what is seen in the myocardium of patients who are clinically diagnosed with Takotsubo, toxic, or ‘stress’ cardiomyopathy, which is a temporary myocardial injury that can develop in patients with extreme physical, chemical, or sometimes emotional stressors.

“Stress cardiomyopathy is a catecholamine-mediated ischemic process seen in high catecholamine states in the absence of coronary artery disease or spasm. It has also been called ‘neurogenic myocardial injury’ and ‘broken heart syndrome.’”

The pathologists determined there was a different mechanism of heart injury at play in these two boys, distinct from a purely infectious process that would result directly from a viral infection like COVID-19.

This is an important finding. There may be a way to distinguish cardiac injury resulting from a SARS-COV-2 infection from cardiac injury where the vaccine predisposes the patient to stress cardiomyopathy before contracting COVID-19.

However, the authors are careful not to assume that cardiac injuries from COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines can always be sorted out under the microscope.

They explain that stress cardiomyopathy, or “broken heart syndrome,” may also occur in a rare hyperinflammatory state that is known to occur in COVID-19 infection as well:

“This post-vaccine reaction may represent an overly exuberant immune response and the myocardial injury is mediated by similar immune mechanisms as described with SARS-COV-2 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) cytokine storms.”

The authors admit this pathological finding may also occur as a result of MIS-C, a known complication of SARS-COV2 infection.

Learning more about this condition requires a biopsy of heart tissue, or in this case an autopsy. We know very little about the nature of myocarditis in people who are clinically stable because heart biopsies are not conducted on them and autopsies are rarely done on patients who die from COVID-19.

There still is no practical way of screening for cardiac injury beyond assessing symptoms.

Unfortunately, the two boys did not have symptoms of myocarditis (fever, chest pain, palpitations, or dyspnea) prior to their cardiac arrest and death. One complained of a headache and gastric upset which resolved. The other had no complaints.

This is extremely concerning. These boys had smoldering, catastrophic heart injuries with no symptoms.

How many others have insidious cardiac involvement from vaccination that won’t manifest until they get a serious case of COVID-19 or the flu? Or perhaps when they subject themselves to the physical stress of competitive sports?

These findings suggest a significant subset of COVID-19 deaths in the vaccinated could be due to the vaccines themselves.

Furthermore, it raises this question: How often does this condition exist in a latent form in vaccinated individuals?

The CDC believes the risk of vaccine-induced myocarditis not significant

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis in adolescents who get the COVID-19 vaccine is “extremely rare” and “most cases are mild.”

But those assurances conflict with the agency’s own data.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) presented this disquieting information (see chart below) during its June 23, 2021 meeting convened specifically to address the risks of myo/pericarditis in 12- to 15-year-olds who received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine:

This slide is important for two reasons.

First, the incidence of this potentially lethal condition is significantly higher in the vaccinated (“Observed” column) compared to the background rate (“Expected” column), especially in males in the 18- to 24-year-old age range.

In the 12- to 17-year-old male cohort, the risk of myo/pericarditis is at least 11 times higher than the background rate.

With more than 2 million doses administered at the time when these cases of myo/pericarditis were identified, we can be confident these data represent an undeniable safety signal.

The second reason this slide is important is this: The CDC is drawing directly from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a system specifically designed to monitor for safety signals when vaccines are administered to the public.

As of Feb. 15, the CDC continues to assure the public that “Reports of adverse events to VAERS following vaccination, including deaths, do not necessarily mean that a vaccine caused a health problem.”

In essence, the CDC is acknowledging that reports of deaths and other adverse events following vaccination exist in VAERS but do not comprise any risk because causality has not been verified.

Then why did the ACIP choose to accept VAERS as a legitimate source of information on myo/pericarditis in their calculations?

The CDC released its conclusions immediately following the ACIP meeting:

“The facts are clear: this is an extremely rare side effect, and only an exceedingly small number of people will experience it after vaccination. Importantly, for the young people who do, most cases are mild, and individuals recover often on their own or with minimal treatment.”

But how do they know this?

One month after this comforting statement from the CDC, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) admitted in this letter to Pfizer that the agency was not able to adequately assess the risk of myocarditis from Pfizer’s product:

“We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous postmarketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA [Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act] will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.

“Furthermore, the pharmacovigilance system that FDA is required to maintain under section 505(k)(3) of the FDCA is not sufficient to assess these serious risks.”

Commenting on the FDA’s letter, Dr. Meryl Nass said, “The FDA is saying that neither an analysis of the data in VAERS or of any of the other taxpayer-funded databases will provide sufficient assessment of the risk of this product.”

“This is a joke,” said Nass, adding:

“All this data, plus software, plus a team of analysts, and the FDA says it can’t assess the risk of myocarditis, despite identifying thousands of cases?

“Furthermore, unsaid, but implied by the FDA, is that if the FDA is incapable of assessing the risk of myocarditis despite thousands of reported cases, it cannot or will not be capable of assessing the other serious adverse events that have been reported in conjunction with COVID vaccines.”

If the FDA is not able to perform adequate surveillance of safety signals around vaccine-induced myocarditis, who will?

The FDA assigns this unenviable but essential task to Pfizer itself (again, from the FDA’S letter to Pfizer):

“Therefore, based on appropriate scientific data, we have determined that you are required to conduct the following studies…”

Is myocarditis ‘extremely rare’ after COVID-19 vaccination? 

As of Feb. 4, VAERS reported 495 cases of myo/pericarditis in 12- to 17-year-olds. VAERS data show that as of Feb. 10, there were 2,239 reported cases of myocarditis in people under the age of 30.

However, a widely cited CDC-sponsored study (Lazarus et al) concluded the incidence of adverse events is 10 to 100 times higher than are reported to VAERS.

More recent calculations estimate that adverse events are underreported by a factor of approximately 41.

From these estimates, we can conclude there may have been approximately 20,000 cases of myocarditis in 12- to 17-year-olds since Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine received Emergency Use Authorization and was rolled out to this age group..

The VAERS data from June 11, 2021 from the table above show 132 cases of myo/pericarditis were observed in 2,039,000 doses given to 12- to 17-year-old males. This is approximately 6.5 cases in 100,000 doses.

This study from Hong Kong found the incidence of myo/pericarditis after two doses with Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine was 37 in 100,000. This incidence matches nearly exactly with findings from this study that used the Vaccine Safety DataLink (VSD) system (37.7 12-17 year olds per 100,000 suffered myo/pericarditis after their second dose). This is more evidence that significant underreporting is in play in the VAERS system.

Will most of these teens “recover on their own”? How many other vaccinated people have varying degrees of “broken heart” syndrome that remain asymptomatic, undiagnosed and unreported?

These new findings indicate that no one can answer these questions right now — especially not the CDC and the FDA.

If the FDA has admitted it cannot assess the risk of myocarditis using the surveillance systems in place, how then is the CDC able to assure us that the risk is low enough to continue to proceed with a vaccination campaign that now includes 5- to 11-year-old children?

The FDA has abdicated its responsibility for monitoring the safety of these vaccines to the vaccine manufacturers.

The CDC is using VAERS data in its own analyses while urging the public to discount all adverse events, including deaths, that appear in the very same database.

There isn’t any regulation happening here. Our regulatory agencies have become mouthpieces for the very industry they are tasked to oversee.


Madhava Setty, M.D. is senior science editor for The Defender.

©February 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: Pexels / pixabay

There Is a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America

There Is a Limit to the Tyrant’s Power: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America

by Matthew Ehret, Strategic Culture
February 16, 2022


Tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights”.

No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power!
When the oppressed man finds no justice,
When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals
With fearless heart to Heaven,
And thence brings down his everlasting rights,
Which there abide, inalienably his,
And indestructible as stars themselves.

-Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell’s Rutli Oath

Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny?

As the editor of a Canadian geopolitical magazine for over 10 years and author of four books on Canadian History, I am a bit embarrassed to say that I certainly didn’t think that Canadians had this in them.

The “monarchy of the north” certainly isn’t something that exudes revolutionary sentiment- having been founded on such non-revolutionary principles as “Peace, Order and Good Governance” which have stood in stark contrast to the significantly more inspiring “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” enshrined in the founding documents of our southern cousins. Even our founding 1867 document (drafted over a champagne fueled month of hedonism in 1864) explicitly calls out the purpose of confederation not as a means of “supporting the general welfare” as was the case of the USA’s constitution in 1787, but rather “to promote the interests of the British Empire”.

But here it is.

Countless thousands of patriots have driven across the country to bunker down in Ottawa in peace and high festive spirits which I had to see with my own eyes to believe demanding something so simple and un-tainted by ideology: freedom to work, provide for families and a respect for basic rights as laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (a 1982 upgrade to the embarrassingly oligarchical British North America Act of 1867).

Mainstream media and political hacks have been working overtime to paint the Freedom convoy that converged on Ottawa on January 29 as an “insurrectionist movement” full of “white supremacists”, “Russian stooges”, and “Nazis” out to “overthrow the government”. Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that “this is sedition” and that “those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law”. Carney, the perennial financial darling of Goldman Sachs and the City of London (and Prime Ministerial hopeful) called for a targeting of all those who donated money to this domestic terror operation.

Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate. This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal “rules-based” order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the “liberty” of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony. The moment genuine self-organized labor movements arise demanding basic rights be recognized, then the masks comes off and the rage of tyrants show their true faces.

So instead of negotiation and discussion around principled constitutional issues as the protestors have requested, we have instead seen only threats, slander and more threats ranging from cutting off $10 million of funding raised on GoFundMe on February 4, and then another $8 million raised on GiveSendGo on February 10. We have seen the government impose a state of emergency first in the city of Ottawa followed by a full province wide state of emergency on February 11 justifying cutting off vital supplies of fuel to those truckers and their families who have been camped out in -22 degree Celsius temperatures. Edicts making it illegal to provide supplies to the protestors under threat of fines ranging up to $100 thousand dollars and one year in prison have been drafted and the patriotic citizens who have organized for their right to not live under a dictatorship have been stigmatized by the media relentlessly as “insurgents”.

Emergency Measures Act invoked

Then on February 14, Justin Trudeau, followed by Deputy Prime Minister and WEF-Trustee Chrystia Freeland took turns announcing the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act which itself had formerly been known as “The War Measures Act” last invoked nearly 50 years earlier by Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau as a “solution” to the RCMP-directed terror cells deployed across Quebec and culminating in the month-long ‘October Crisis’ of 1970. The name was changed in 1988 although it is in function entirely identical.

Under the Emergency Measures Act, the Deep State of Canada managing Trudeau has adopted the Mark Carney program outlined on February 7 of targeting bank accounts of all Canadians either involved with the convoy directly or having supported the convoy via online donations or cryptocurrencies. What might those individuals suffer for the crime of having offered support or participation in the protests? Those ‘deplorable insurgents’ are facing the threat of seeing their bank accounts indefinitely frozen, and if they own businesses, having their insurance policies cancelled. The ‘big 5’ banks of Canada have thus been “deputized” and given full legal protections from being sued by those whose lives will be damaged by the shutdown of bank accounts.

One thing has become apparent thus far: the threats are not working with truckers and other protestors renewing their commitments to remain in place and even four Provincial Premiers (from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Manitoba) denouncing the emergency measures.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has also loudly denounced the Act saying “the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the emergencies act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: The act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes… Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada”.

Fissures Across the Establishment

Due to the inflexible Borg-like inability to negotiate with an organic civil rights movement suffered by all technocratic Davos-creatures, major fissures have begun to break throughout the political establishment of Canada.

Already two members of the Liberal Party have gone renegade breaking with Canada’s holy system of whips and loyalty to party above conscience demanding that Trudeau repeal the immensely unpopular and useless covid measures. On February 8, Liberal MP Joel Lightbound commented that Trudeau’s vile generalizations of the protestors have only served to “wedge divide and stigmatize” Canadians making the point that he has only seen a wide diversity of races attend the freedom convoy in Ottawa and across the provinces. One day later, a second Liberal MP Yves Robillard broke party ranks re-emphasizing his support for Lightbound’s statements and warned that many others within the party share these dissenting views and will soon speak out if changes are not effected soon.

In the Conservative Party, a coup of sorts took place on February 3 when opposition leader Erin O’Toole was ousted by his own caucus for sounding too much like a World Economic Forum ghoul and for the first time in over two years, an actual counter voice of opposition can be heard in the halls of parliament with demands by every single Conservative member of parliament to end the lockdown mandates and support the nation-wide protest movement.

On provincial levels, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and PEI have announced a repeal of their covid mandates including vaccination passports, while Quebec has stepped back from the anti-vaccination tax which was threatened by Premier Legault until only a week ago.

Even NDP head Jagmeet Singh who had labelled all protestors white supremacists just a few days ago reversed his tune- perhaps due to the overwhelming presence of Sikhs in the federal and provincial convoys.

Freedom Convoy Nightmares for Technocrats in USA and Europe

Meanwhile the Biden Administration has given its full support to Justin Trudeau to use the full force of federal power to shut down the protests (conflagrating the blockade of US-Canada trade in Windsor and Manitoba as being tied directly to the Ottawa protests… which it isn’t).

Perhaps Biden is concerned that the example of the convoy has spread not only across nations of the Trans Atlantic Community and Five Eyes cage, but also to the USA itself where a parallel American freedom convoy will leave Southern California for Washington D.C. on March 5 involving tens of thousands of American truckers.

Former Obama Asst. Sec. of Homeland Security and frequent CNN commentator Juliette Kayyem delivered her disturbing comments to this festering problem which must be stopped at all costs saying: “Trust me, I will not run out of ways to make this hurt: cancel their insurance; suspend their drivers licenses’ prohibit any future regulatory certification for truckers etc. Have we learned nothing? These things faster when there are no consequences”

How this process will unfold in the coming days and weeks is impossible to determine. The illusion of liberal democracy which fueled self-aggrandizing virtue signaling technocrats lecturing “bad” authoritarian states of Eurasia how freedom should work has collapsed.

One thing is certain.

Those tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers demanding the world to conform to their ideal post-nation state utopias are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights” which are inalienable to all citizens- even if they live under a monarchy.


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The Eager Willingness of Government to Murder Its Own Is the Embodiment of Evil

The Eager Willingness of Government to Murder Its Own Is the Embodiment of Evil

by Gary D. Barnett
February 17, 2022


“Above all we should not forget, that government is an evil, a usurpation upon the private judgment and individual conscience of mankind.”

~ William Godwin (1793) “An enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness”, p.143

Lest we forget, it is not a fake or mysterious disease or ‘virus’ that is responsible for the unnecessary death and destruction that has befallen mankind, it is the deliberate elimination of those thought to be undesirables by the controlling class of monsters and their pawns in government. This is not ‘conspiracy theory,’ as espoused by the powerful and their media, it is an actual conspiracy.

There is method to the madness of this ruling cabal, as the older among us were heavily targeted initially, followed by the breakdown and dividing of society, the assault against young men, and now the children are being threatened and targeted with the experimental bio-weapon injection in order to solidify the control of the future. To understand this progression only requires logic, and of course an open mind.

The old and established, those who are also thought by the state to be a drain on society, are considered to be a danger to the rulers because they have lived and understand history, and history and historical accounting are meant to be destroyed by those attempting to create a new paradigm based on what might be labeled as progressive postmodernism. The division of societies is necessary in order keep the people distracted and fighting amongst themselves enough so that they are not a threat to the state. The apparent attack against young men by adverse effects due to poisonous injection, is an effort to disable current or future insurrection by men of ‘fighting age,’ as evidenced by the government’s aggression against the current trucker’s freedom rebellion in Canada and other parts of the world, most of whom are younger men. Destroying the bodies and minds of all the children, at least from the state’s perspective, is the ultimate goal sought, because to capture and control the children today, as well as the youngest generation, is to control the future.

With this background in mind, it is important to understand that no pandemic has occurred, and claimed deaths due to ‘Covid’ are historically unique in that certain areas over others had substantially higher death counts due to so-called’ Covid;’ so much so as to be very suspicious in nature, because this has never happened before this wrongly claimed ‘pandemic.’ New York and the Southern states are prime examples of these contradictory claims. It actually makes no sense, and there is no validity concerning the ‘Covid’ explanation for these unheard-of anomalies, other than fraud and deceit. One thing is for certain, the state response to this fake pandemic has been responsible for much harm, and untold numbers of deaths; these deaths having been purposely used to bolster ‘Covid’ mortality numbers in order to advance a false narrative bent on creating and generating even more public fear.

The obvious contradictions are most always explained away by conjecture, false excuses, and lies, but why should that be any surprise to any thinking individual? The pattern of deaths reported today, considering any ‘viral’ respiratory illness, has never once occurred, which should immediately trigger hard questions, and very critical analysis of all the un-substantiated hogwash that passes for ‘news’ reporting in this environment of deception.

To provide even more fuel to the fire for the indifferent and obedient fools, and those in the manipulative media, it is distinctly apparent that the depopulation agenda is alive and well. While many will scoff at this claim, why else would the ruling class and government be willing to murder so many people by nefarious means, who either stand in the way of state totalitarianism, or are a threat to the desired status quo that would consist of a population made up of ignorant and voluntarily compliant citizens?

Consider the fact that this communistic takeover coup was initially based on a fake ‘virus,’ requiring the most anti-freedom, liberty-destroying, and deadly response ever undertaken here in this country and globally. We will never know exactly how many have and will die due to this evil draconian response to a world-changing, terroristic, and false flag event meant to achieve a totalitarian outcome.

Many have said that the response was worse than the threat, but this is a smoke and mirrors and hypocritical reaction, because there was never any legitimate threat in the first place, other than the democidal tendencies of the state against the people. This is literally a war against the common man, and an eager willingness by those in power to destroy or genocide certain individuals, groups, ethnicities, select members of certain demographic makeups, the poor and disadvantaged, the entire middle class, the psychologically weak, and the most vulnerable among us; simply to gain total power and control of all monetary, financial, economic, geopolitical, and societal systems worldwide. With this end in sight, the next obvious step is to gain complete control of all children by bio-weapon injections meant to subdue the minds and bodies of future generations. This plot is already underway.

By simply looking at the treatment protocols demanded and implemented, one can only come to the certain conclusion that the death of many in this population due to the response to a fake ‘virus,’ has not only been planned and sought by the powerful and their pawns, but has been intentionally put into place over the past two years. This is a long-planned scheme meant to achieve a particular outcome of death and control. To argue this is to ignore reality, and to assume a position based on fallacy.

Consider Remdesivir, a killer drug promoted knowingly by the evil Fauci. It became basically the only hospital treatment for the fraud called ‘Covid-19’ early on in this scam. It was well known to be extremely toxic and deadly. It was approved for emergency use by the FDA on May 1, 2020, and was subsequently fully approved by the FDA to treat ‘Covid-19’ on October 22, 2020. Just recently on January 22, 2022, the FDA granted expedited approval of a new supplemental drug application for Remdesivir, based on the recommendation of Fauci and the NIH. Nine of the people at NIH who recommended this poison, had financial ties to the maker of Veklury (Remdesivir), Gilead Sciences.

Consider the mass use of ventilators, especially in New York. Most so-called ‘Covid’ patients put on these machines for ‘Covid’ treatment died. According to a study done early on by the American Medical Association Network: “Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 19.8% and 26.6%, respectively.”

Consider that stress is a known major killer, and extreme stress brought on by the bogus response to a non-existent ‘virus,’ caused many deaths; not only in the U.S., but all around the world. This was due to lockdowns, quarantine, loss of family and friend contact, suicide, isolation, distancing, mask-wearing, job loss, bankruptcy, business closures, travel restrictions, and much more tyranny aimed at the general population.

Consider the restriction of treatments for all sickness due to the fact that most every ill and every symptom was co-opted and said to be ‘Covid.” Hospitals refused to treat patients, medical facilities closed their doors, certain drugs and natural treatments were outlawed, necessary surgeries were cancelled, and eventually, many, if not most, medical services were eliminated for those who refused to take an experimental bio-weapon injection. People died in their home prisons or nursing homes without any sympathy or loosening of restrictions by the evil state.

The government and its bosses were and are willing to commit murder, and their enforcement goons and political allies are willing to assist in this murder of innocents, all in the name of state control and tyranny, but there has been a change of heart recently by larger numbers of people, much due to those willing to fight back to regain some freedom. This is happening worldwide by not only truckers but by others as well.

The government and its bosses were and are willing to commit murder, and their enforcement goons and political allies are willing to assist in this murder of innocents, all in the name of state control and tyranny, but there has been a change of heart recently by larger numbers of people, much due to those willing to fight back to regain some freedom. This is happening worldwide by not only truckers but by others as well.

Reference links:

Nature of the ‘Covid’ era health disaster

What about excess mortality

Remdesivir is approved by the FDA

Fauci’s promotional hype catapults Gilead’s Remdesivir

Ventilators ‘treatment’ for ‘Covid’ death rate


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cover image credit: pixel2013 / pixabay

FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies

FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies


by James O’Keefe, Project Veritas
February 16, 2022


FDA Executive Officer Exposes Close Ties Between Agency and Pharmaceutical Companies: ‘Almost a Billion Dollars a Year Going into FDA’s Budget from the People we Regulate’

• FDA Executive Officer Chris Cole: “The drug companies, the food companies, the vaccine companies. So, they pay us hundreds of millions of dollars a year to hire and keep the reviewers to approve their products.”

• Cole on FDA fees: “Congress approved user fees for [the] FDA. Basically, we charge the industry millions of dollars in order to hire more drug reviewers and vaccine reviewers which will speed up the approval process. So, they [pharmaceutical companies] make more money.”

• Cole: “They [FDA] tone down the impact of the user fees on their operations because they know they’re dependent on the drug companies, and the vaccine companies, and these other companies for their agency to operate.”

• Cole on blowing the whistle: “There’s not an incentive to speak out in government, surprisingly. You would think there would be, but there’s not. It’s better just to just not say anything and just ignore it.”

• Cole on retaliation in government: “You’ll be marked from getting other jobs because another office is not going to want to hire you if you’ve spoken out about something, right or wrong. They don’t look at what you’ve spoken out about. They’re just not willing to- government’s about rocking the boat and they don’t want to- which is the problem I have with- one of the problems I have with government is, like, they don’t like people rocking the boat, for right or wrong, at all costs. They want to hire a safe person that can do the job but doesn’t necessarily- is a great hire.”

[WASHINGTON, D.C. – Feb. 16, 2022] Project Veritas published Part Two of its series on the FDA on Wednesday night which featured FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole, speaking about the inner workings of the agency including the FDA’s conflicts of interest, overspending, and why it’s hard for those within the agency to speak out on such abuses.

In the footage, Cole talks about the impact that pharmaceutical companies have on the agency including the process for approving drugs.

“A long time ago, Congress approved user fees for [the] FDA. Basically, we charge the industry millions of dollars in order to hire more drug reviewers and vaccine reviewers, which will speed up the approval process, so they make more money,” Cole says in the hidden camera footage.

He then reveals that the FDA tones down the impact that these user fees have on the agency’s operations because, “they’re dependent on the drug companies, and the vaccine companies and these other companies for their agency to operate.”

The incendiary footage, which features Cole talking about how the additional money the FDA brings in “gets banked” to be spent on “whatever you can, whether it’s right or wrong,’’ also features Cole discussing reasons why it’s difficult for anyone in government to speak out about practices he sees as “probably excessive.”

“I don’t think there’s enough people saying — they’re, like, ‘Look, that’s fine, but that’s not right. So, we’re not going to charge that.’ You don’t want to be that person. You’re not going to have a long shelf life in the agency if you’re always that person,” Cole said.

“There’s not an incentive to speak out in government, surprisingly. You would think there would be, but there’s not. It’s better just to just not say anything and just ignore it. The whistleblower, well, it’s high-profile whistleblower statutes and everything, that’s kind of ridiculous,” Cole said before adding “it’s better to just stay quiet and accept.”

Cole’s LinkedIn page lists him as an Executive Officer within the agency’s Countermeasures Initiatives, which plays a critical role in ensuring that drugs, vaccines, and other measures to counter infectious diseases and viruses are safe. He made these revelations on a hidden camera to an undercover Project Veritas reporter.

A spokesperson for FDA issued a statement yesterday saying, “The person purportedly in the video does not work on vaccine matters and does not represent the views of the FDA.”

This statement appears to contradict a phone call released Wednesday afternoon by Project Veritas wherein Cole reiterated, during the conversation with Project Veritas Founder and CEO, James O’Keefe, that he is “a manager in the office that helps oversee the approval of the COVID vaccines for emergency approval.”


See Part 1:


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Corporate Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports — Brought to You by BlackRock and Vanguard?

Corporate Vaccine Mandates and Vaccine Passports — Brought to You by BlackRock and Vanguard?
Investment giants BlackRock and The Vanguard Group stand to benefit from their ownership stakes in most of the corporations that imposed COVID vaccine mandates, and in some of the technology firms developing vaccine passports.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. , The Defender
February 16, 2022


After the U.S. Supreme Court last month froze the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for large private employers, some companies — including BoeingGeneral Electric and Starbucks — dropped plans to implement the mandate.

Others, based on guidance issued in 2020 by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, left the mandates in place.

Most of the large employers that opted to mandate COVID vaccines for their employees, even though the Supreme Court ruled they didn’t have to, have something in common: BlackRock and The Vanguard Group have ownership stakes in them.

BlackRock and Vanguard, two of the world’s “Big Three” asset managers, also are among the top three shareholders of COVID vaccine makers PfizerModerna and Johnson & Johnson — which means the two investment giants stand to benefit from these companies’ soaring profits and the resulting rise in those companies’ stock prices.

BlackRock and Vanguard don’t just benefit from sales of COVID vaccines. As it turns out, they also have ownership stakes in technology companies developing vaccine passports and digital wallets.

BlackRock: the ‘fourth branch of government’?

Combined, BlackRock and Vanguard manage more than $15 trillion in global assets.

To put this figure into perspective, that amounts to more than three-fourths of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) and more than triple the GDP of the European Union’s economic powerhouse, Germany.

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager, with more than $9.5 trillion in assets as of July 2021, while Vanguard held more than $7 trillion in assets as of January 2021.

Notably, Vanguard is the largest stockholder in BlackRock (7.61%), while BlackRock is the biggest stockholder in Vanguard (13.06%) — though the actual ownership structure of these companies has been described as “dark.”

In an August 2021 article about the two firms, Dr. Joseph Mercola pointed out that, far from the appearance of competition promised by capitalism, BlackRock and Vanguard own significant shares in companies that ostensibly compete directly with each other, such as Google, Apple and Microsoft, or Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

This influence extends to the media. BlackRock alone owns significant shares in supposed “competitors” such as Fox News, CBS, Comcast (NBC), CNN, Disney (ABC), Gannett (USA TODAY and 250 daily newspapers throughout the U.S.), Sinclair Media (whose television stations reach 72% of the American public), and the Graham Media Group (Slate, Foreign Policy).

BlackRock is also politically influential and well-connected, having been chosen by the Obama administration to buy up toxic assets following the 2007-2008 financial collapse.

In 2020, BlackRock received a no-bid contract from the U.S. Treasury Department to manage a $454 billion fund, under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), for businesses adversely impacted by the COVID lockdowns early that year. It wasn’t the first time BlackRock had been granted a no-bid contract from the federal government.

BlackRock along with other firms also is engaged in a real estate purchasing spree, buying up entire neighborhoods of single-family homes and converting them to rentals, driving up home prices by reducing supply on the marketplace.

BlackRock’s real estate strategy echoes the words of the World Economic Forum: “You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.”

This level of power and influence promoted none other than Bloomberg in 2020 to characterize BlackRock as the “fourth branch of government.”

BlackRock, Vanguard among top 10 stockholders in most companies mandating vaccines

It is unclear to what extent BlackRock and Vanguard are able to dictate the vaccination policies of the companies in which they hold a stake — but what is clear is that the two investment firms are among the top 10 stockholders in most of these companies.

Here’s a rundown of major U.S. employers that continue to mandate COVID vaccines for their employers, and these companies’ relationships with BlackRock and/or Vanguard (all ownership figures are accurate as of this writing):

  • Abbvie, a U.S.-based pharmaceutical company, mandated its employees either get vaccinated or undergo weekly tests and continue to follow anti-coronavirus measures. Vanguard and BlackRock are its top two stockholders, at 7.80% and 4.47%, respectively.
  • Albertsons, a grocery store chain, required its office employees to get vaccinated and offered its staff a $100 incentive to get the vaccine. BlackRock is its third-largest stockholder (0.85%), and Vanguard is the sixth largest (0.43%).
  • American Express imposed a vaccine requirement for employees in its U.S. offices. Vanguard is its top stockholder (5.78%), while BlackRock is the third largest (3.68%).
  • Anthem Inc., a health insurer, requires employees to be fully vaccinated to physically enter the company’s offices, offered financial incentives to its workforce to get vaccinated and requires new candidates to be vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its top two stockholders, at 7.38% and 4.68%, respectively.
  • AstraZeneca requires its U.S. employees and visiting clients to be vaccinated. Three of the top 10 mutual funds holding shares in AstraZeneca PLC are managed by Vanguard.
  • AT&T, in two separate policies, required company managers (by Oct. 11, 2021) and unionized employees (by Feb. 1), to be vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its top two stockholders, at 7.58% and 5.10%, respectively.
  • Blackstone, an investment management company, mandated employees be vaccinated and boosted in order to return to the office. Vanguard and BlackRock are its top two stockholders, at 5.57% and 3.14%, respectively.
  • CapitalOne required employees in office-based positions to be vaccinated. Vanguard is its second-largest stockholder (7.62%), and BlackRock is its fourth largest (4.79%).
  • Carhartt, a clothing and apparel company, issued a vaccine mandate for its employees. It is one of the few exceptions on this list, as it is privately owned.
  • Centene, a healthcare provider, required its workforce to be vaccinated, and gave employees up to 10 days’ paid leave and a $1,000 discount on health premiums as incentives. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (10.25%), while BlackRock is the fifth largest (4.34%).
  • Chevron issued a vaccination requirement for employees who travel internationally, expatriate employees, offshore workforce in the Gulf of Mexico and some onshore support personnel. Vanguard is its biggest stockholder (7.98%) while BlackRock is the third-largest (4.57%).
  • Cigna, a healthcare and insurance company, required employees working remotely who visit the physical worksite to be vaccinated as of Sept. 7, 2021, and employees whose roles can only be performed onsite to be vaccinated as of Oct. 18, 2021, with an alternate option for two weekly COVID tests. Employees also were offered a $200 incentive to get vaccinated. Vanguard is Cigna’s largest stockholder (7.62%) while BlackRock is its fourth-largest (4.52%).
  • Cisco allows only vaccinated “critical workers” to go to the office, and claims that 90% of its employees are vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 7.54% and 4.87%, respectively.
  • Citigroup required employees be vaccinated before returning to its offices, claiming it has reached 99% compliance. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 8.00% and 4.75%, respectively.
  • Columbia Sportswear required employees in its corporate headquarters to get vaccinated as of Feb. 1, placing those who didn’t comply on unpaid leave and commencing a termination process against them. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (5.39%) and BlackRock is the fourth largest (4.15%).
    Columbia Sportswear CEO Tim Boyle previously said his company was “thrilled” with the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate.
  • CVS Health has a no jab, no job policy, requiring corporate staff and employees who interact with patients to have been fully vaccinated as of Oct. 31, 2021. Vanguard and BlackRock are its top two stockholders, at 7.79% and 4.41%, respectively.
  • Deloitte, one of the Big Four accounting firms, requires its staff to be vaccinated. It is another exception in that it is a partnership firm and not publicly traded.
  • Delta Air Lines indirectly imposed a vaccine mandate for its employees, charging those who are not vaccinated a $200 monthly health insurance surcharge. CEO Ed Bastian previously said the company is “not opposed” to mandates and claimed 90% of Delta’s employees were vaccinated as of October 2021. Vanguard and BlackRock are the top two stockholders, at 10.15% and 4.63%, respectively.
  • DoorDash permits only fully vaccinated employees to voluntarily return to the office, even as its office return is delayed indefinitely. Vanguard is its third-largest stockholder (3.26%), while BlackRock is the tenth largest (1.57%).
  • Eli Lilly, a pharmaceutical company, requires all employees be vaccinated. Vanguard is its biggest stockholder (6.86%), while BlackRock is the third biggest (4.04%).
  • Emergent BioSolutions, a pharmaceutical company that produced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and which attained infamy for losing a $600 million federal contract after millions of vaccine doses were ruined, requires employees be vaccinated. The company’s federal contract allowed it to keep a “reasonable quantity” of COVID vaccine doses for its “employees and critical subcontractors, and their respective immediate families.” Vanguard and BlackRock are its two largest stockholders, at 10.07% and 9.81%, respectively.
  • The Equinox Group, which owns SoulCycle and a chain of gyms, required employees to provide one-time proof of vaccination. It is an exception in that it is privately owned.
  • Facebook, now known as Meta, requires employees coming to work at any of its U.S. locations to be vaccinated. Vanguard is its top stockholder at 7.30%, while BlackRock is the third largest, at 4.28%.
  • The Ford Motor Company imposed a vaccine mandate on its U.S. salaried employees. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 7.18% and 4.53%, respectively.
  • Frontier Airlines required employees be vaccinated or regularly take COVID tests, as of Oct. 1, 2021. Vanguard is its fourth-largest stockholder (1.29%).
  • Gap required employees in its New York, Bay Area and Albuquerque hubs be vaccinated as of Sept. 7, 2021, and conducts weekly $1,000 drawings for vaccinated employees as an incentive. Vanguard is its second-largest stockholder (7.20%), while BlackRock is fifth largest (2.51%).
  • Gilead Sciences Inc., a pharmaceutical company, requires all workers and contractors to be vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its second-largest and fifth-largest stockholders, at 7.96% and 6.30%, respectively.
  • Goldman Sachs requires anyone entering its offices be fully vaccinated, as of Sept. 7, 2021, while those who are not vaccinated are obliged to work remotely. Booster shots are mandated for employees physically working in its offices, as well as for visitors,  starting on Feb. 1. In January, the bank also required staff to receive twice-weekly COVID tests. Vanguard and BlackRock are its largest and third-largest stockholders, at 7.34% and 4.76%, respectively.
  • Google, also known as Alphabet, Inc., in a policy described as “compassionate,” gave most of its unvaccinated employees in the U.S. a Jan. 18 deadline to get vaccinated or be placed on paid administrative leave for 30 days. After 30 days, those who are still not vaccinated are placed on unpaid leave for up to six months, after which they will be dismissed. In November 2021, some employees at Google circulated a manifesto opposing the company’s widened vaccine mandate. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 7.21% and 4.32%, respectively.
  • Hasbro implemented a vaccine requirement for its employees. Vanguard is its largest stockholder, at 11.01%, while BlackRock is the fourth-largest, at 4.69%.
  • Hawaiian Airlines required its U.S. workers to be vaccinated as of Nov. 1, 2021. On Feb. 2, a judge denied a bid by seven Hawaiian Airlines employees to block the company’s vaccine mandate. BlackRock and Vanguard are their two biggest stockholders, at 14.41% and 9.71%, respectively.
  • Hershey implemented a vaccine mandate for its salaried employees that went into effect Oct. 4, 2021. Recently, the company announced a “small number” of employees who did not get vaccinated or receive an exemption were “separated from the company.” Frontline employees received four hours’ pay as an incentive to get vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are the company’s two biggest stockholders, at 8.86% and 6.93%, respectively.
  • Hess, a petroleum company, mandated vaccination for its U.S. employees. Vanguard is its second-largest stockholder (9.39%), while BlackRock is fourth largest (4.45%).
  • Humana, a healthcare company, enacted a no-jab, no-job policy for its employees, requiring them to be vaccinated as of Oct. 22, 2021. The company offered employees rewards points as part of an existing employee incentive program to encourage them to get vaccinated. Vanguard is its second-largest stockholder at 7.39%, while BlackRock is the fourth-largest, at 4.32%.
  • IBM, the developer of New York State’s digital vaccine passport, the Excelsior Passallowed only fully vaccinated U.S. employees to physically return to the office, as of Sept. 7, 2021, and mandated employees be fully vaccinated by Dec. 8, 2021, or face an unpaid suspension. In December 2021, some IBM employees circulated an open letter questioning the company’s vaccine mandate. Vanguard and BlackRock are IBM’s biggest and third-biggest stockholders, at 7.94% and 4.87%, respectively.
  • Intel employees were given until Jan. 4 to get vaccinated or apply for an exemption, while employees who would not get vaccinated and who were not granted an exemption were to be placed on unpaid leave in April. This policy was, however, recently “paused.” Vanguard and BlackRock are Intel’s two largest stockholders, at 7.94% and 5.33%, respectively.
  • Jefferies, a financial services company, allows only vaccinated individuals into its physical offices and outside company events, while non-vaccinated employees can continue working remotely. The company recently claimed over 95% of its global workforce has been vaccinated and said boosters would soon be required as part of the company’s “JefVaxPass strategy.” Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 8.84% and 6.46%, respectively.
  • Johnson & Johnson enacted a no-jab, no-job policy, and required all of its employees and contractors to be vaccinated, as of Oct. 4, 2021. Vanguard and BlackRock are its largest and third-largest stockholders, at 8.46% and 4.67%, respectively.
  • KraftHeinz enacted a no-jab, no-job policy for its U.S. employees and implemented a vaccine mandate as of January. Vanguard is its second-largest stockholder (4.21%), while BlackRock is the fourth largest (2.43%).
  • Lyft required corporate employees physically working in or entering its offices, but not its drivers, to furnish proof of vaccination to enter offices, as of Aug. 2, 2021. Vanguard is its biggest stockholder (7.18%), while BlackRock is the fourth biggest (3.47%).
  • McDonald’s required its corporate workforce, but not its restaurant-level workers, to get vaccinated. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (8.33%), while BlackRock is the third largest (4.56%).
  • MGM Resorts International requires salaried employees and all new-hires be fully vaccinated even if working remotely, while unvaccinated hourly employees can provide weekly negative COVID tests. Vanguard and BlackRock are its largest and third-largest stockholders, at 8.76% and 3.96%, respectively.
  • Microsoft required proof of vaccination for all employees, vendors and guests entering its physical locations in the U.S. as of September 2021. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 7.75% and 4.35%, respectively.
  • Moderna requires all U.S. employees be vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its second- and third-largest stockholders, at 6.34% and 4.61%, respectively.
  • Morgan Stanley required employees to get vaccinated before returning to its New York offices, and required staff to disclose their vaccination status by July 1, 2021. The policy was extended to contingent workers, clients, and visitors visiting its New York City and Westchester County, New York locations, as of July 12, 2021. As of August 2021, the company claimed 90% of its employees were vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its second- and third-biggest stockholders, at 6.27% and 3.81%, respectively.
  • NBCUniversal required U.S.-based workers returning to the office be fully vaccinated and provide details about their vaccination status, while a full return to the office has been indefinitely postponed. NBCUniversal is fully owned by Comcast, whose largest and third-largest stockholders are Vanguard (8.26%) and BlackRock (4.12%).
    Comcast, in turn, has required all of its employees to get vaccinated.
  • Netflix implemented a vaccine requirement for its U.S. offices and filming locations. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (7.14%), while BlackRock is the sixth largest (4.03%).
  • The New York Times Company requires proof of vaccination for employees who voluntarily wish to return to the office, and is eyeing a full return to the office in the first quarter of this year. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 9.25% and 7.32%, respectively.
  • Nike requires office-based employees be vaccinated, and in January made headlines for firing a vaccinated employee who refused to furnish proof of vaccination to a third-party verification service hired by the company. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 7.88% and 4.62%, respectively.
  • Novartis, a pharmaceutical company, requires U.S. staff to be vaccinated. Vanguard mutual funds are four of the top 10 mutual funds holding stock in Novartis AG.
  • Pfizer required all U.S. workforce and contractors to get vaccinated or participate in weekly COVID testing. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (7.77%), while BlackRock is its third largest (4.63%).
  • Pioneer Natural Resources mandated vaccination for its new-hires and offered a $1,000 incentive to employees who get vaccinated. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (9.53%), while BlackRock is the fifth largest (4.57%).
  • PwC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) required staff visiting any physical office or client location to be fully vaccinated as of Nov. 1, 2021, and introduced a work-anywhere policy for its U.S. employees, allowing them to work remotely in perpetuity. PwC is an exception in that it is not publicly traded — it is the fourth biggest privately owned company in the U.S.
  • Roblox, a tech company, requires U.S. employees to be vaccinated. Vanguard is its seventh biggest stockholder (1.96%).
  • Roche, a pharmaceutical and medical equipment company, requires U.S. employees be vaccinated. The company is largely family-owned, but Vanguard mutual funds are two of the five largest mutual funds holding shares in Roche Holding AG.
  • Salesforce, a cloud software provider, requires office employees be vaccinated, but allows the majority of its global workforce to choose remote work. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (7.07%); BlackRock is the fourth largest (4.28%).
  • TJX, the parent company of retail chains such as HomeGoods, Marshalls and T.J. Maxx, required U.S. “home and regional office associates” be fully vaccinated as of Nov. 1, 2021, and mandated a booster shot by Feb. 1. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (7.17%), while BlackRock (4.13%) is the third largest.
  • T-Mobile US announced it will fire corporate employees who are not fully vaccinated by April 2. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two biggest stockholders, at 3.28% and 2.38%, respectively.
  • Twitter requires employees be vaccinated and demonstrate proof of vaccination prior to returning to the company’s offices in San Francisco and New York City. In May 2020, the company announced an indefinite work-from-home option for its workforce. Vanguard (8.35%) and BlackRock (4.49%) are its second- and third-largest stockholders, respectively.
  • Tyson Foods mandated vaccination for its employees, and in Nov. 2021, announced 96% of its workforce was vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two largest stockholders, at 11.38% and 4.91%, respectively.
  • Uber requires U.S. office staff be vaccinated in order to return to the office, but did not extend this requirement to its drivers. Vanguard (4.07%) is its second-largest stockholder, while BlackRock (2.50%) is the fourth largest.
  • United Airlines implemented a no-jab, no-job policy and required employees be vaccinated five weeks after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration fully approved a COVID vaccine or five weeks after Sept. 20, 2021, whichever came first. In December 2021, a court declined a bid by some United employees to block the company’s vaccine mandate. Vanguard and BlackRock are the airline’s biggest and third-biggest stockholders, at 10.16% and 4.28%, respectively.
  • UPS required office workers in some of its U.S. locations get vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two largest stockholders, at 8.39% and 4.60%, respectively.
  • Valero required new hires at its Louisiana and Texas refineries to be vaccinated, as of Oct. 1, 2021. Vanguard is its biggest stockholder (10.98%), while BlackRock (5.58%) is its third biggest.
  • Verizon required non-union employees — representing most of its workforce — provide proof of vaccination as of Dec. 8, 2021. Vanguard and BlackRock are its two largest stockholders, at 7.44% and 4.71%, respectively.
  • ViacomCBS requires all of U.S.-based employees working onsite during the company’s “Yellow Phase” be fully vaccinated, while the company is “still assessing” whether this mandate will be extended into its “Green Phase,” when most staff will physically return to the office. Vanguard (10.29%) is its largest stockholder, while BlackRock (5.03%) is third largest.
  • Walgreens required employees in the company’s U.S. support offices be fully vaccinated by Sept. 30, 2021, or enroll in a COVID testing program. Vanguard is the top stockholder of the Walgreens Boots Alliance (6.61%), while BlackRock is third largest (4.22%).
  • Walmart implemented a no-jab, no-job policy for corporate staff, but not for store or warehouse employees. It has, however, offered a $150 incentive to store and warehouse workers to get vaccinated. The company claimed the “overwhelming majority” of its employees who were mandated to get vaccinated, have done so. Notably, the company enforced a vaccine mandate for shoppers in Canada, generating criticism. Vanguard is its largest stockholder (4.31%), while BlackRock is the third largest (2.30%).
  • The Walt Disney Company required much of its U.S. workforce be vaccinated, though the company was obliged to pause this policy for its Florida employees after state lawmakers barred employers from requiring workers to get vaccinated. Vanguard and BlackRock are Disney’s two biggest stockholders, at 7.15% and 4.24%, respectively.
  • Warner Media, a subsidiary of AT&T, required salaried and non-union U.S. employees to get vaccinated before returning to the office in September 2021, while proof of vaccination is required to enter a WarnerMedia office building.
  • The Washington Post requires all employees, including new employees, to provide proof of vaccination, implementing a no jab, no job policy. The newspaper is owned by Nash Holdings LLC, which is fully owned by Jeff Bezos, founder and executive chairman of Amazon, whose two largest stockholders are Vanguard (6.19%) and BlackRock (3.51%).
What about the two asset management companies, BlackRock and Vanguard?

Of the two, only BlackRock has implemented a vaccine mandate, allowing vaccinated staff to return to the office in July 2021.Vanguard has not implemented a mandate, but offered a $1,000 incentive to its employees to encourage them to get vaccinated. Vaccine passport technology — another way BlackRock, Vanguard profit from vaccines BlackRock and Vanguard also are stakeholders in tech companies involved in the development of digital vaccine passports or “digital wallets” and technology that can track and allocate “personal carbon allowances.”

These companies include:

  • Apple, which is collaborating with several U.S. states to make official documents such as drivers’ licenses and medical records available digitally via Apple Wallet. Vanguard is its top shareholder (7.35%) and BlackRock is its third-biggest (4.12%).
  • Mastercard, which supports the Good Health Pass vaccine passport initiative that is also backed by the ID2020 alliance, and promoted technology that can be embedded into the DO Card, a credit/debit card that can keep track of one’s “personal carbon allowance.” Its top two stockholders are Vanguard (6.82%) and BlackRock (4.13%).

In turn, Mastercard is the fifth largest investor in Doconomy, a Swedish “FinTech” firm that is also heavily involved in the development of the DO Card.

Doconomy, in turn, collaborates with another Swedish “FinTech” firm, Klarna, in providing 90 million customers with “carbon footprint insights” based on their Doconomy transactions. While Klarna is privately held, its top investors include BlackRock and Visa.

  • Oracle is a backer of the SMART Health Card, which is gaining prominence in the U.S. as a de facto national digital vaccine ‘passport’, and also is a provider of cloud services to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its top two stockholders are Vanguard and BlackRock, with 5.16% and 2.99%, respectively.
  • Thales Group, is a founding member of the Security Identity Alliance, which is a stakeholder in the UN’s Legal Identity Agenda Task Force that has set the establishment of digital identification for all by 2030. Thales Group has also developed a “smart health card” and digital ID wallet technology.

While the government of France, which has imposed among the strictest COVID-19 restrictions in Europe and has used ‘vaccine passports’ to shut the unvaccinated out of many public spaces and activities, is Thales’ top shareholder (25.7%), Vanguard is the sixth largest, at 1.31%.

No moral core . . . no moral purpose

In podcaster Joe Rogan’s interview last month with Dr. Robert Malone — the interview that triggered the exodus of musicians and others from Spotify — Malone described companies like BlackRock and Vanguard as “large massive funds that are completely decoupled from nation states” and that “have no moral core … no moral purpose,” their only purpose being a “return on investment.”

As it turns out, BlackRock and Vanguard — and Moderna — also have ties to Spotify.

BlackRock is Spotify’s seventh-largest shareholder (1.37%), while Vanguard manages the top mutual fund holding Spotify Technology SA.

Baillie Gifford, a Scotland-based asset management firm in existence since 1909, is the top institutional stockholder (11.60%) in Spotify — and the top stockholder of Moderna (11.29%), the company that carries the largest overall weight in the firm’s portfolio, at $12 billion in holdings.

Other major Baillie Gifford holdings — including some companies listed above among those mandating COVID vaccines — include Tesla (second highest at 6.3% of its portfolio’s value), Amazon (fourth highest at 3.8%), Spotify (seventh highest at 2.8%), Netflix (ninth highest at 2.6%), Meta (12th, 1.4%), Microsoft (16th, 1.3%), Anthem (21st, 1.2%), Alphabet Inc. (22nd, 1.1%), BioNTech (29th, 0.9%), Mastercard (39th, 0.6%), DoorDash (45th, 0.6%), Salesforce (53rd, 0.5%), and Lyft (93rd, 0.2%).

Baillie Gifford, through its Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust, also maintains a significant stake in Palantir (0.2% of the firm’s net asset value, or NAV).

As reported by The Defender, Palantir developed the Tiberius vaccine allocation planning system operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal (which terminated the contracts of nonprofits opposed to vaccine mandates) and a Facebook board member, also is a co-founder of Palantir and serves on its board of directors.

Palantir’s top two stockholders are Vanguard (6.08%) and BlackRock (3.31%).

In turn, the top stockholders of BioNTech, Pfizer’s partner in the development of its COVID vaccine, include Baillie Gifford (biggest stockholder, 2.69%) and BlackRock (seventh highest, 0.59%), while Vanguard manages the top mutual fund with holdings in BioNTech (0.92%), and Baillie Gifford the ninth biggest (0.23%).

Tangled web of corporate connections raises host of questions

BlackRock and Vanguard are poised to continue expanding— as far back as 2017, Bloomberg predicted that by 2028, these two companies would be managing $20 trillion worth of investments.

The size and scope of the firms’ investments raise questions about how much influence BlackRock and Vanguard can wield over the formulation of corporate policies by the companies in which the two firms are heavily invested.

This ever-growing influence has led some analysts to describe the two firms as “kingmakers,” arguing their growing voting share in an increasing number of corporations would “hand them a de-facto veto on all major corporate decisions by 2040.

To what extent do companies mandating COVID vaccines have the best interest of their employees in mind? Or are these companies implementing policies under the guise of “protecting” employees, when in fact they are more concerned about appeasing major investors?

What else might these companies do, if “encouraged” in some way by major stockholders?

Moreover, do mandatory (or strongly encouraged) vaccination policies reflect the worldview of funds such as BlackRock and Vanguard, and their managers — in much the same way major corporations have embraced purportedly “green” policies which only barely cloak potentially totalitarian restrictions on civil liberties, such as “personal carbon allowances” and digital “vaccine passports”?

The answers may lie, in part, in the words of BlackRock CEO and chairman, Larry Fink.

In his 2022 annual letter to CEOs, Fink wrote that “employees are increasingly looking to their employer as the most trusted, competent and ethical source of information — more so than government, the media and NGOs.”

Fink said, “workers demanding more from their employers is an essential feature of effective capitalism” — an interesting viewpoint given that the BlackRock and Vanguard strategy to control as many corporations as possible, including competing ones, would seem to contradict the principles of capitalism, competition, and a free market.

Fink also warned that “companies not adjusting to this new reality and responding to their workers do so at their own peril.”

In other words, employees and workers of companies that have imposed vaccine mandates should take comfort in such policies, as their employer appears to know what’s best for them — at least according to Fink.



Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

©February 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist / pixabay

A National Emergency AGAINST Trudeau’s “Covid Mandates” Which “Seriously Endanger the Lives, Health or Safety of Canadians”

A National Emergency AGAINST Trudeau’s “Covid Mandates” Which “Seriously Endanger the Lives, Health or Safety of Canadians”
According to The Emergencies Act (1985) (Section 3 (a)

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
February 15, 2022


I have carefully read the Emergencies Act as well as the relevant sections of The Charter of Rights of Freedoms. I doubt Justin Trudeau has an understanding of the implications of his actions, not to mention his baseless accusations directed against Canada’s Freedom Convoy: 

Were these allegations ratified by the House of Commons?

The nature of the Freedom Convoy is peaceful and non-violent.

See Global Research’s Video: The Protesters are Honest and Respectful

Who are The Criminals?

A procedure of law enforcement cannot be instigated by a Prime Minster who has blatantly violated the fundamental rights of Canadians.

Since March 2020, under the jurisdiction of the Trudeau government, entire sectors of our economy have been destabilized.  Small and medium-sized enterprises have been driven into bankruptcy. Unemployment and poverty are rampant. The mental health of millions of Canadians including our children has been affected.

“V the Virus” is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment.  That’s a lie. There is no causal relationship between the (microscopic) SARS-CoV-2 virus and economic variables.

We are dealing with a far-reaching and complex crisis which is sustained by a corrupt government, coupled with “fake science” and a relentless 24/7 fear campaign.

The government claims that the mandates are intended to “save lives”. Nonsense.

The Emergencies Act (1985)

According to The Emergencies Act (1985) (Section 3 (a) 

“a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that … seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians”. 

Section 3 (a): Does that Not Describe The Very Nature of the Covid Crisis?

The wording of Section 3 (a) of the Emergencies Act (quoted above, see also Appendix below) describes the chaotic political, social and economic and situation which has affected the lives of Canadians in the course of the last two years.

The corona crisis under the helm of a corrupt government is undermining the structures of civil society as well the democratic foundations of Canada as a Nation State.

At this Juncture in our History, on behalf of All Canadians, the Formulation of Emergency Procedures directed against the Reckless Rule of the Trudeau government should be instigated.  

The Charter of Rights and Freedoms

“protects those basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians that are considered essential to preserving Canada as a free and democratic country. It applies to all governments – federal, provincial and territorial.”

Those rights are being encroached upon by the Trudeau government.

Moreover, Trudeau’s decision to invoke a National Emergency is an encroachment on the jurisdiction of the provinces and territories as outlined in Section 3 (b) of the Emergencies Act (emphasis added):

“For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that ….(b)

seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada. (emphasis added)



Selected excerpts

For Full Text click here

National Emergencies

3 For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that

  • (a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or

  • (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.


4 Nothing in this Act shall be construed or applied so as to confer on the Governor in Council the power to make orders or regulations

  • (a) altering the provisions of this Act; or

  • (b) providing for the detention, imprisonment or internment of Canadian citizens or permanent residents within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.


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Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”

Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the video below, Ricardo Maarman gives an update on the South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ constitutional court case. The case number for the court case is CCT 299/21. You can download a PDF copy of the court case affidavit here.

See Ricardo Maarman & Thousands of South Africans File Constitutional Lawsuit Against the President, Speaker of Parliament & Governor of SA Reserve Bank for ‘Pandemic’-Related Crimes Against South Africans for background information. To connect with Ricardo Maarman and support their work, see ‘Show Us the Virus’ website:

Maarman also gives an overview of a linked court case which is currently in front of the Western Cape High Court. In this case, the court is asked to grant the people of South Africa ‘urgency’ because of the national state of disaster declaration that has caused so much harm. The court is asked to grant the people of South Africa an interim interdict, giving them legal protection against all of the harms that emanate from the national state of disaster declaration and the lockdown measures.

Maarman concludes with this message:

People of the world, people of South Africa, we have started out this matter asking a very simple question: show us the virus.

And here, because of the failure of that question being answered, we have found ourselves in a situation where now the president is alleged of serious violations of the constitution.

That the Parliament is facing serious allegations that they have violated the constitution, their obligations.

The Reserve Bank has violated their obligations to the constitution.

That is what is being alleged in the Constitutional Court.

But, because of this, now what has happened is that now we have found even such wrong-doing related to this matter in the Constitutional Court itself.

This is probably the most important legal battle that is happening at the moment — probably in the history of this country.

And we’re asking all of you to spread the message since the mainstream media is not spreading this message at all.

Spread the message because it’s very important that as many people as possible come to hear of it.

Secondly we are asking for you to provide us with support and assistance as we are going up against the most powerful respondents and entities in this country, without any doubt.

We are asking you to pray for our success because this is a very serious matter that we are engaged in with huge consequences for everyone.

Thank you for your support so far.

And God bless you.


Original video available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See additional articles related to the “Show Us the Virus” court case


Connect with Ricardo Maarman

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Obtains Email Showing Alliance Between White House, Facebook, and Pharma

Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Obtains Email Showing Alliance Between White House, Facebook, and Pharma


ICAN Legal Update

February 14, 2022


A White House email, obtained on behalf of ICAN, shows Facebook, Merck, and the CDC Foundation, whose corporate partners includes Pfizer, have formed an alliance “to use social media and digital platforms to build confidence in and drive uptake of vaccines.” No conflict there.

On August 12, 2021, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a Freedom of Information Act request for communications between White House staff and Facebook, Google, and YouTube.  In response to this request, ICAN received a June 15, 2021 email sent by Facebook’s then-Public Policy Manager, Nkechi “Payton” Iheme, to several White House employees.

In it, Iheme announces a new initiative, the “Alliance for Advancing Health Care,” between Facebook and several major companies and organizations, including Merck, the Vaccine Confidence Project, the Sabin Vaccine Institute, and the CDC Foundation.  Significantly, one of the CDC Foundation’s corporate partners is Pfizer.  In the email, Iheme explains that the Alliance is “focused on advancing public understanding of how social media and behavioral sciences can be leveraged to improve the health of communities around the world” and states that its first project is to “provide grants to researchers and organizations for projects that explore how to use social media and digital platforms to build confidence in and drive uptake of vaccines.”  Facebook announced this new initiative on June 9, 2021 here.

The conflict of interest is astonishing.  This email shows without a doubt that, through the CDC Foundation created “to support the [CDC’s] work,” the federal government, which is in charge of ensuring the safety of vaccines, has teamed up with Big Pharma and Big Tech to push a liability-free product on the world, while attempting to stomp out anyone who questions this arrangement.

Just as the pharmaceutical companies will never rest when it comes to promoting and selling their vaccine products, and the federal government will not rest in its efforts to assist them, we will never rest in exposing the truth regarding these products or in demanding full transparency and full informed consent for any and all vaccines.


Connect with ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network)

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Australian Aboriginal Leader Lurnpa: The Genocidal Land Grab in the Northern Territory (The Real Agenda Behind the Unfolding Medical Tyranny)

Australian Aboriginal Leader Lurnpa: The Genocidal Land Grab in the Northern Territory (The Real Agenda Behind the Unfolding Medical Tyranny)


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

The video below was recorded by Australian aboriginal leader Lurnpa, also known as David Cole. He is joined by Northern Territory aboriginal leaders Keith Rory (elder) and Gadrian Hoosan.

Here we share a few key excerpts from Lumpa’s message:

“Everything all governments do on this continent is all about minerals and resources. All interaction and dealings with aboriginal, original, people is about control, oppression and land grabbing — since 1788 to today.

The state, territory and federal quasi-governments are really corporations, vying to steal the land for multinational and national corporations.

The Intervention was nothing but a land grab. It allowed for the removal of the Racial Discrimination Act which resulted in the removal of the land permit system.

Once The Intervention started, 273 exploration permits for uranium mining were approved within the first 6 months of The Intervention. And our communities witnessed a large number of planes and helicopters flying in grid formation across their lands, across the entire territory, mapping out the land, the resources and the minerals.

The current fraudulent pandemic is also being used as an opportunity to steal the land and take as much resources and minerals for the government and private corporations.

I’ve said it from the start, this is not about our health. It is an attempt to remove the tribal people of the land and steal everything. The only thing standing in the way is the tribal people.

This corporate genocide is a war crime. And all involved are complicit.

As the Nuremberg 2 trials [Grand Jury model proceeding] begin, led by Reiner Fuellmich, it is evident through evidence available to all, that this pandemic is a lie. And this experimental vaccine they are forcing upon humanity is nothing but a bioweapon, designed to kill people.”


“The planned and approved sell-off of the land contradicts the people’s wishes to not have any businesses on their lands that destroy the land any further.”


“It is my belief, through evidence and the mistreatment of our tribal people, that this absolute agenda of all quasi- governments, national and international corporations, is to steal the land and rid the land of the one thing stopping them from completely taking everything — and that’s the sovereign original tribal people of the lands.

The Deagel military website states that the Australian population will decrease to 9 million people by 2025. That’s 16 million people gone.

So these multinational corporations are happy to genocide 15 million non-tribal people in order to convince 1 million tribal people to take this bioweapon — so they can be left with 9 million obedient slaves to mine all these lands and resources they are stealing off the sovereign tribal people through this process.

This is genocide on a grand scale.

These corporate governments and the land councils are trying to eradicate the sovereign tribal people, for the greed of multinational corporate conglomerates and private shareholders, in order to steal the land and resources at the expense of killing off the oldest living culture on the planet.

All parties, domestic and foreign, should cease and desist in these actions immediately. This is an evil agenda.

The international community needs to intervene immediately and stop the genocide.”


“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to stand together — black and white — to unite, to take back our country and to stop this genocide against all people. And to keep the land healthy, to keep the land safe for future generations.

We can do this. We can work together. We just have to unite and stand together as one.

Please, work with us. Let’s stand together. Let’s free us aa.

Freedom and power to humanity.”


Genocidal Land Grab (the true agenda) 

by Lurnpa (David Cole)
February 10, 2022

Original video is available at Lurnpa Rumble channel.



Follow Lurnpa at Rumble.

Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022: A Call to Action for Police and Veterans

Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022: A Call to Action for Police and Veterans

by Bright Light News
February 12, 2022


Former Ontario Provincial Police (OPP)  Vincent Gircys, Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) veteran Eddie Cornell and recently retired CAF Naval Officer Andrew MacGillivray put out a call to action to other officers and veterans to support #freedomconvoy2022 to restore lost rights and freedoms.


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Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: In the following video, Spacebusters uses images to artistically highlight & add clarity to an essential part of a conversation (Merritt Medical Hour — February 2, 2022) between Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr. Tom Cowan. See the entire interview at Merritt Medical Hour on BrighteonTV


by Dr. Lee Merritt with Dr. Tom Cowan
edited by Spacebusters
February 10, 2022

Spacebusters video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Lee Merritt

Connect with Spacebusters


Related document by Harold Hillman:

A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman (download PDF)


Related articles:

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself

Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

The Contagion Fairy Tale

Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny”

Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski: “Stand Up and Protect Your Loved Ones Against This Government Forced Medical Tyranny”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This powerful video by Major Stephen Chledowski, apparently went viral a few days ago on Twitter and on Reddit. We have been unable to find the original source (if still available) but it can be  found mirrored on Odysee, Rumble, BitChute, and YouTube.


Transcript is provided by Truth Comes to Light:


Good day, folks; my name is Major Stephen Chledowski. 

I have served Canada, in the Canadian armed forces, for 20 plus years. I hold a first-class honors degree in political science, and I have held several army command positions.

I have an urgent message for all Canadians.

For nearly two years, our own elected government officials have been using the bullying tactics of fear, intimidation, coercion, and financial and physical violence against us to gain compliance for certain repeated medical procedures.

We tell our children that bullying is wrong. We know it to be so. Yet, we allow our leaders to do this to us.

They have knowingly, and repeatedly, violated the highest laws of the land — in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other signed international human rights agreements.

Canadians have been lulled into believing that the same government that suppresses your freedoms in the name of safety, will one day just reward you back with your freedoms if you just comply to ever-changing rules and health orders.

That, folks, is the very definition of tyranny, not democracy.

Humans are inherently free.

Kings and queens and government cronies can’t give you your basic human rights. They are naturally yours. They can’t be given. They can’t be taken. They can only be suppressed.

In the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Queen Elizabeth is recognizing in law our fundamental freedoms.

The federal and provincial governments of Canada have chosen, through a well-planned and orchestrated set of measures, to trick and fool and scare you — the very people who elected them and pay their salaries — into complying with the suppression of our basic human rights.

They have knowingly betrayed you, and me, under the lie of safety.

This past Remembrance Day, as I stood in front of the military cenotaph in Fredericton to honor my comrades who gave their lives for others freedom, I overheard the premier of New Brunswick, Premier Higgs, and our member of Parliament, Jenica Atwin, tell members of the public how special it was that these brave members of the military gave their lives for their freedom — that same freedom that these very liars and deceivers are actively working right now to suppress.

I stood there, a soldier of nearly 21 years as a senior officer in the Canadian army, as a veteran of Afghanistan participating in Op. Medusa — the largest combat operation for Canada since the Korean War, where I watched my own brave comrades fight and get injured and die.

But I also stood there as a person who hasn’t taken the Covid-19 injection.

The irony — so even though I serve this country, and it has been an honor to do so, an absolute honor  — like many thousands of Canadians who choose body autonomy and pro-choice, I am unable to share in the same privileges now like eating at a restaurant, going out in public to an event, or even traveling across provinces to see my child. This is happening to many others.

These government traitors to freedom are suppressing the rights of the very people they claim to honor. And it made me sick to my stomach.

These Canadian governments are now focused on our children — with a medical, genetic therapy proven by repeated medical journals/studies not to prevent Covid infections nor to  prevent its transmission to others.

For our children, serious illness and death are non-existent from Covid-19, unless your child is chronically unhealthy to begin with.

Yet, the toxin in this injection will have serious, life-damaging, permanent effects on your child’s health immunity. That fact of natural T-Cell and DNA damage has also came to light recently by medical scientist studies.

I am calling on the medical community to put an immediate halt on children’s injections until the Canadian public can receive accurate, truthful data from these Covid injection injuries that have already occurred.

The Canadian public has a right to be able to make informed medical choices, especially for their little children. To tell them repeatedly it is safe and effective and not give them that choice is a crime, and it’s also genocide.

The media and government must put an immediate halt to all scientific medical censorship and the silencing of health professionals who do not comply with your agenda, as well as hear from Covid injection injury victims.

The Canadian public has a right to hear from those in our communities and families who have been injured by this procedure.

I am calling on my military and police comrades — all of you,  all of us who have sworn a personal oath to protect our family, our friends, and our communities — to now stand up and protect your loved ones against this government forced medical tyranny.

You chose to serve because you wanted to give back to your community. And instead, the government has turned your love for community and your loyalty against you. And you are now a weapon against the very people you love.

Brothers and sisters, you can’t be for forever-changing industry-government measures, which use fear and violence, and also be for your loved ones and for freedom.

You have to choose. I am asking you to choose your family and your community.

This is why you serve. And this is your moment to be a hero for your loved ones. They deserve the truth, They deserve to be protected.

I am also calling on all Canadian to join in solidarity together.

Freedom and love for our community — freedom to choose who you want to be, where you want to live, what you want to experience and learn, what your spirituality is and what you want to practice, who you want to love, what you want to put in your own bodies — is the foundation of our democracy in Canada.

We cannot let freedom die with this generation.

May God forever bless the free citizens of Canada.

Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022

Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022

by Real Rukshan
February 12, 2022


Video available at Real Rukshan Odysee & YouTube.

Convoy to Canberra – March to Parliament Highlights – 12.02.22


by Obscured Trends
February 12, 2022

Canberra today… Anti-Mandate Aussies


by Melbourne Ground
February 12, 2022

Canberra has NEVER seen so Many People


by True Arrow

MASSIVE protest in Canberra! (with time-lapse) 12.02.22.


Fact-Check: New Zealand Can’t Find the “SARS-CoV-2 Virus”

Fact-Check: New Zealand Can’t Find the “SARS-CoV-2 Virus”


by Dr. Mark Bailey
February 12, 2022


To those of us that know that virology’s “isolation” and genomic sequencing methodologies are anti-scientific, it is still interesting to see the proponents of the nonsense offer official explanations about what they are up to.

Here in New Zealand, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) is responsible for some of the alleged isolation experiments and genomic sequencing of the imaginary “SARS-CoV-2” particle, that they claim is responsible for the clinically undefined illness “COVID-19”.  On the 9th of February 2022, they responded to questions surrounding the methodology of their cell culture and genomic sequencing experiments in relation to an Official Information Act request (which is analogous to a Freedom of Information request).

ESR couldn’t seem to find the “virus” but they featured this pretty picture.

So let’s have a look at the ESR’s “scientific” method with regards to their official records of a “SARS-CoV-2 virus”…

“Viral Culture/Experiment details –

Once the cells are 90 – 100% confluent, they are inoculated with 500 uL of diluted clinical sample (sample is diluted 1:10 in Infection media),10 mL of Infection Media is added to the flask.  Infection media is made up of DMEM with 1% pen/strep/gentamycin, 1% Nystatin, 1% Glutamax, 1.5% Hepes plus 4ug/mL TPCK added.”

~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.

The “clinical sample” will be something like a crude nasopharyngeal sample taken from a patient.  These specimens contain human tissue (from the host and other individuals in close contact with them), various bacterial and fungal elements, and whatever other material was in the patient’s mucosa.  Amongst all this biological soup is the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, which of course, has never been directly found in any person.  Apparently there can be 200 million copies of the virus in a sneeze but strangely they can’t find any in an “infected” individual.

Instead they resort to tissue culture experiments, as the ESR continues to explain…  

“The flasks are then placed into an incubator and monitored for cytopathic effect (CPE) A SARS-CoV-2 N gene PCR is performed on the diluted 1:10 clinical sample and on the supernatant of the flask after 1 week of incubation (or sooner if 100% CPE is evident). CT values for both specimens are used as well as the CPE observed in the flask to determine if viral culture has been successful.”

~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.

Cytopathic effects are non-specific and are simply the observation that cells being stressed in a test tube eventually break down and die, with some cells producing vesicles.  However, in the world of virology it is seen as evidence that a virus is at work and is somehow destroying the cells from within.  “SARS-CoV-2 N gene” is a misnomer because there has never been a demonstration of a viral particle that contains this genetic sequence.  Even more problematic is that there’s never been a demonstration of any viral particle.  However, here we see them claiming “successful” viral culture if they detect a single short genetic sequence by PCR amplification.  Note to virologists: detecting genetic sequences of unproven provenance does not equal virus.

Then we get to another interesting part…

“Viral culture/experiment details of the negative control – 

The method above is also used for the negative control and the flask undergoes the same conditions as the flasks used for viral culture, however we use Infection media only.

~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.

How on earth is this a comparable control experiment? – they added no control sample to their culture brew.  In their first experiment they added a veritable biological soup containing human tissue along with various microorganisms and other organic fragments (everything present in a respiratory tract sample), and their alleged virus of course.  Examples of valid control experiments would be:

  1. The same type of sample taken from a well person.
  2. The same type of sample taken from a person with a comparable clinical condition but said not to have “COVID-19” (without biased pre-selection in the form of a PCR result.)

Ironically, both of the above become meaningless in the case of “COVID-19” as it has no specific symptoms, signs, or investigations outside of the PCR result – a PCR result that has never been validated to a clinical condition.  In fact, a priori the PCR could never be validated in this application as it is simply a tool to amplify selected genetic fragments, not determine their origin or the significance of their presence in mixed biological samples.  So, in the case of (1) above, many well people are said to have “COVID-19” and in the case of (2), there is no way to distinguish a novel clinical condition.  Dr Sam Bailey explained these problems back in 2020 in “What is a COVID-19 Case?” – a video banned by Big Tech after several hundred thousand views but still available here.

The wheels really fall off the ESR’s response when they are asked to explain how they purify the alleged virus sample for genomic sequencing and compare this to a control:

“’Whole Genome’ Sequencing – Purity and Control Details: 

[• The degree of purity of the “virus” sample used in the sequencing experiment.]
The protocols used for amplification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus consists of primers that specifically and selectively amplify the viral material, any remaining host or bacterial material is filtered out programmatically prior to data analysis.”

~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.

Either they don’t understand the question or are being disingenuous here.  Their response doesn’t provide any evidence that they have a virus, let alone have attempted to purify it, in the analysis of its purported genome.  They are simply using a process that amplifies sequences they have artificially selected but as it is a mixed sample they cannot demonstrate the origin of them.  There is no way to claim this is “viral material” because no one has ever demonstrated that these sequences come from inside a virus, let alone belong to “SARS-CoV-2”.  They are simply building on the nonsense that has spun out of control on where not one of the millions of deposited “genomes” has been shown to come from inside a viral particle.  It’s turtles all the way down with these contrived “genomes”.

And with regards to the ESR’s “controls”?…

[• All details of the control group that was used when comparing the results of sequencing: 

o the total nucleic acid extracted from the “viral lysate” (from the experimental group), versus 

o the total nucleic acid extracted from the non-viral lysate (from the control group).] 

The protocols used to extract RNA from clinical samples do not yield a uniform quantity as this depends on the viral load within a sample. Details about the ranges obtained and used for further analysis are published in detail in several scientific peer-reviewed publications and can also be found on the publicly accessible website, link provided below as requested.” 

~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.

They appear to have dodged the question and the protocols provide no evidence of valid control experiments.  The ESR have been asked to clarify this but we can already see they are not adhering to the scientific method.   I also looked at the four publications that they suggested but these simply confirmed the problem: there is no evidence of any virus and the world is being duped in this war on humanity.

In fact, by definition, there has never been a demonstration of any disease-causing virus ever, full stop.  Even if the ESR performed valid genomic control experiments there would still need to be further experiments to demonstrate the existence of a replication competent, obligate intracellular parasite that causes disease in a host.  In other words, the actual existence of a virus.  It makes me wonder whether the virologists are going to change the very definition of a virus soon in order to keep the whole façade afloat.  However, once people realise that virology has never fulfilled its own postulates, they can take a major step away from this health misconception and ignore any of the related damaging measures and “treatments” coming from the medical-pharmaceutical complex.


Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey & Dr. Sam Bailey

cover image credit: satheeshsankaran / pixabay

James Corbett on “States of Emergency” in Canada, USA, Australia & Around the World

James Corbett on “States of Emergency” in Canada, USA, Australia & Around the World


States of Emergency

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
February 11, 2022

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4



“If something is done out of necessity, it is done licitly, since what is not licit in law necessity makes licit. Likewise necessity has no law.” [“Si propter necessitatem aliquid fit, illud licite fit.: quia quad non est licitum in lege, necessitas facitlicitum. Item necessitas legem non habet.”] —Gratian, Decretum. Pars. 1 Dist. 48

“. . . if the observance of the law according to the letter does not involve any sudden risk needing instant remedy, it is not the business of anyone whatsoever to expound what is useful and what is not useful to the state. Those alone can do this who are in authority, and who, on account of such cases have the power to dispense from the laws. If, however, the peril be so sudden as not to allow of the delay involved by referring the matter to authority, the necessity itself carries with it a dispensation, since necessity knows no law.” —Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica. Part 1 of Second Part Q.96 ART.6

“The necessity with which we are concerned here must be conceived of as a state of affairs that, at least as a rule and in a complete and practically tically effective way, cannot be regulated by previously established norms. But if it has no law, it makes law, as another common expression sion has it; which means that it itself constitutes a true and proper source of law…. It can be said that necessity is the first and originary source of all law, such that by comparison the others are to be considered sidered somehow derivative…. And it is to necessity that the origin and legitimation of the legal institution par excellence, namely, the state, and its constitutional order in general, must be traced back, when it is established as a de facto process, for example, on the way to revolution. And what occurs in the initial moment of  a particular regime can also repeat itself, though in an exceptional way and with more attenuated characteristics, even after the regime has formed and regulated its fundamental institutions.” — Santi Romano. Quoted in The State of Exception as a Paradigm of Government, pg. 27

State of emergency declared in Ottawa, a city ‘under siege’

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Interview with Mayor Watson


Mayor Watson declares state of emergency for Ottawa due to ongoing demonstration

Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.9

Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine – #SolutionsWatch

No basis for “state of emergency” declared by Ottawa Mayor

New World Next Week covers OSHA mandate withdrawal

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

OSHA Hints at Permanent COVID-19 Standard, Withdraws Vax-Or-Test ETS

Amy Coney Barrett Asks Key COVID-19 Question: When Will The Emergency End?

Death Risk 7X Higher For Youth After Jab Compared To COVID & New Totalitarian Australian COVID Bill (The Last American Vagabond – The Daily Wrap-up, December 13, 2021)

Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021

Victorian Pandemic Management bill (Rule of Law article)

List of national emergencies in the US

New Report on the Trillions Boondoggle – #NewWorldNextWeek

Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

A Letter on the Continuation of the National Emergency Concerning the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic

Where Are We Now? by Giorgio Agamben

Canadian Constitutional Crisis | Brian Peckford | The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast S4: E78

The Charter’s only living signatory sues Canada over travel mandates

State of Exception by Giorgio Agamben

DHS Suggests Those Who Spread “Misleading Narratives” That “Undermine Trust in US Gov’t” are Terrorists

Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland (DHS Bulletin)

The Great Transition Requires the Earth Constitution


Connect with James Corbett

Defense Lawyer Hotline Established for Canadian Truckers

Defense Lawyer Hotline Established for Canadian Truckers

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
February 11, 2022


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a national, non-profit, non-partisan public interest law firm and registered charity, is announcing the establishment of a network of defence lawyers to assist any truckers peacefully protesting for freedom from covid restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Justice Centre has a team of lawyers on the ground in Ottawa.

Anyone who may be facing arrest, the confiscation of property or has criminal law related questions in relation to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest can speak to a lawyer at no charge.

The Justice Centre has prepared a legal tip sheet that may be helpful to peaceful protestors, that provides guidance for dealing with police and potentially facing charges or tickets.

To access the hotline, email In an urgent situation, please phone our legal hotline at 647-251-9710. We have a number of lawyers available providing their services at no charge, and offer services in English, French and Ojibwe.

This email address and hotline is only for protestors.



Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

cover image credit: jessica45 / pixabay

Feb. 10, 2022 Press Conference in Support of Canada’s Trucker Freedom Convoy

Feb. 10, 2022 Press Conference in Support of Canada’s Trucker Freedom Convoy

by Bright Light News
February 10, 2022


A press conference was held February 10, 2022 by supporters of the Freedom Convoy 2022, including:

Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Maxime Bernier, PPC Leader
Randy Hillier, MP
Bruce Pardy, Law Professor
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Sandy Williams, rancher
Roy Bears,


Connect with Bright Light News

Cocktails & Criminal Manslaughter

Cocktails & Criminal Manslaughter

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
February 11, 2022


In an October, 2021 Forbes article, AstraZeneca marketed an experimental “injectable antibody therapy cocktail” to a fearful public. Without valid research, or proof, it claimed its cocktail to be effective at preventing severe illness or death in people with mild or moderate Covid-19 infections. It claimed its therapy cut the risk of death or severe illness by two-thirds (67%) if given within five days of showing symptoms.

The cocktail was marked as experimental for a reason.

AstraZeneca, with its impressive corporate rap sheet, could make any claim it chose, since, by law, no pharmaceutical company is held accountable for side effects (or direct effects) from any “vaccine.”

Sound like fraud?

The Experiment Unravels

Neither AstraZeneca, nor any vaccine maker, has ever revealed the ingredients of its experimental antibody or mRNA cocktail to the public. Neither have they provided informed consent as part of the offer.

Everything is an offer to contract, whether it be a personal, medical, or a business relationship. Every vaccinated subject must sign that they take full responsibility. Because no one else will.

According to the AMA, Informed Consent is required in all medical contracts in order to provide the nature, purpose, burdens, and risks of the proposed medical intervention so the patient can formally consent. The informed consent process falls under 45 CFR 46, for human subjects in research, which sounds a lot like conducting human experimentation. Americans were warned by the Secretary of State in March of 2020 that COVID is a live exercise.

In the beginning, COVID injectables were deployed as Emergency Use Authorized, or EUA, meaning, Off-label, Experimental Research, Unapproved, and without Informed Consent. In other words, use at your own discretion. Until recently, if you wanted to know what was inside the injectable mRNA cocktails, you were handed a blank piece of paper. However, what was hidden is now being revealed.

Under the UK Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007, charges were recently filed against corporate entities for “Corporate Manslaughter and Gross Criminal Manslaughter.” These corporate defendants are the usual miscreants :

Corporate Defendants Identified:
  • AstraZeneca
  • Pfizer
  • Moderna
  • National Health Service (NHS)
  • Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
  • Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)
  • Her Majesty’s Government

According to the United Kingdom (UK) Case Briefing Document:

In November 2020 Dr Andreas Noack, a German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, released a video explaining that he had discovered graphene hydroxide contained in the COVID-19 experimental treatments. He described how the graphene hydroxide nano structures injected into the human body act as ‘razor blades’ inside the veins of recipients and how they would not show up on an autopsy or normal toxicology tests given their atomic size. On 26th November 2021, just hours after publishing his latest video about graphene hydroxide, he died in suspicious circumstances.

Professor Dr Pablo Campra, University of Almeria, Spain also examined Covid-19 experimental treatments in November 2021 using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, the study of frequencies. He too confirmed the presence of graphene.

The charges center around the nano-ingredient, graphene hydroxide (GHO), discovered in EUA COVID injections. Considered to be a trade secret, GHO is not found on any label. Therefore, no one would be the wiser, except that GHO can be identified for its polymeric signature properties using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. Other methods used to verify the serums morphologies and contents include: Optical Microscope, Dark-Field Microscope, UV absorbance and fluorescence spectroscope, Scanning Electron Microscopes, Transmission Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectroscope, X-ray Diffractometer, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments.

Damage Report

Trade secrets aside, Graphene hydroxide is well known in the world of science. A Pubmed database search generates over 18,000 published studies on ‘Graphene oxide’. Whether called graphene oxide (GO), or graphene hydroxide, (GOH), it is nanotechnology invisible to the human eye. Graphene has optical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties, with applications in silicon-based semi-conductor devices. Once inside the human body, graphene acquires magnetic properties and becomes a superconductor. The human superconductor.

In the body, Graphene hydroxide can generate the same symptoms as the supposed “SARS-CoV-2”, which includes blood clots, post inflammatory syndrome, cytokine storm, collapse of the immune system, inflammation of the mucus membranes, bilateral pneumonias, loss of smell and taste (anosmia) (see November 2021 Journal Circulation Abstract). Graphene’s applications in electrical conductivity also involve modulation of the neural network and the hypothalamus, for mind control. However, the majority of studies are focused in biomedical gene and drug delivery systems (See in Polymer Journal).

From the 2016 Journal of Particle and Fibre Technology:

Graphene is isolated from crystalline graphite. It is a flat monolayer composed of single-atom-thick, two-dimensional sheets of a hexagonally arranged honeycomb lattice. A summary of the findings detailed in the attached toxicology report reveals that Graphene nanomaterials (GFNs) can penetrate the body’s natural barriers and damage the central nervous system.

Summary of Graphene hydroxide (GOH) in biological systems:

  1. damages internal organs
  2. damages the reproduction and development system
  3. destroys blood health
  4. damages and destroys cells (harms sense of smell)
  5. triggers cancer and accelerates aging
  6. damages mitochondria and DNA
  7. triggers an inflammatory response and three different kinds of cell death
  8. causes changes in gene function
  9. triggers optical modulation of hypothalamus, neural activity, i.e. mind control.
Cocktail Contents

According to a Laboratory Report Summarya summary of the findings from RAMAN Spectroscopy discovered the following particles in the EUA treatments:

● Graphene
● SP3 Carbon
● Iron Oxide
● Carbon derivatives
● Glass shards

Epigenetic Toxicity

Epigenetic toxicity comes from toxic environmental exposures which exert undesirable genetic effects on living organisms. Epigenetic toxins are found in water, air, food, and medical drugs, including nanotech. The current focus of graphene nanotech utilizes its electromagnetic properties as a carrier and adjuvant in vaccines. For instance, UV Fluorescence test results from the Pfizer BioNanoTech vaccine, show nanomaterial present in the vial that corresponds perfectly to that of graphene oxide (340 nm).

Graphene was first detected in the aqueous suspension, COMIRNATY™, in a June 2021 report by a Spanish team titled “Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension, Observational study in Optical and Electron Microscopy,” followed by a report from Dr. Andreas Noack from Germany. In some cases, GO is grafted onto glass fibers (GFs) to improve its polymer properties of strength and toughness. What about its toxic properties?

The question you should ask Pfizer, is why are those razor blades in the vaccine?  – Dr. Andreas Noack

Toxicity is defined by dose and route of exposure. For instance, people are told that eating an emulsifier called Polysorbate 80, a food additive is not risky, since the liver can safely process and detoxify it before elimination. However, injecting Polysorbate 80 is harmful. The same is true of Thimerasol (mercury) and aluminum hydroxide when injected as adjuvants in vaccines. If ingesting graphene oxide, from eating barbequed foods, the smoke, or char, contains carcinogens called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic amines (HCAs) from incomplete combustion. You can scrape them off your food to reduce your risk. Injecting graphene does not reduce any risks.

Magnetism, In All Its Forms

There are over 200 scientific papers on the magnetism of graphene in its various forms. Among the Graphene family materials, Graphene Oxide (GO)Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles (GONPs)Graphene Hydroxide (GOH) and Reduced Graphene Oxide (RDO) all have paramagnetic properties, a form of magnetism. Graphene-based nanomaterials utilize conductivity properties that act as nanosensors and biosensors for food quality analysis and smart food packaging. Graphene is “The New Plastic.” You can now find graphene oxide nanoparticles in cereals, PCR swabs (nasal vaccination), carssmartphones, and, of course, air pollution since graphene is now an international industry standard.

Due to its magnetic properties, Graphene oxide nanoparticles have the ability to absorb radiation from frequency 5G technology. Unfortunately, most MSDS sheets ignore contact by injection, and electromagnetic effects. If injected into the body, these nanoparticles have the ability to not only cause biological harm, but also to absorb radiation and convert gigahertz signals to terahertz signals, thousands of times higher than those created by silicon, alone. The European Union research group called EUCALL states:

What makes this feat possible is the highly efficient non-linear interaction between light and matter that occurs in graphene. The researchers used graphene containing a large number of free electrons that originated from the interaction between graphene and the substrate onto which it was deposited. When these electrons became excited by an oscillating electric field in room-temperature conditions, they rapidly shared their energy with bound electrons in the material.

Cell Tower Map (find towers near you)

An Intelligent Poison 

This is a “highly intelligent poison.” – Dr. Noack, German chemist and leading expert in activated carbon engineering and GRAPHENE, recently deceased.

This operation is not about killing people, it’s about controlling them. – Dr. José Luis Sevillano, Graphene researcher

It is best to lower expectations for justice to prevail in the UK case, or any case, of criminal corporations who geo-engineer humanity using experimental cocktails. After all, it is the individuals hidden behind the “corporate entity” who write history. For as long as humans have lived on earth, biology, along with history, has been altered. (See Arthur Firstenberg’s book, The Invisible Rainbow).  Nothing changes when criminal defendants are identified as “corporate entities,” without names and insurance bonds. It becomes impossible stop the interconnected crimes, let alone stop the madness.

History and biology continue to be rewritten and transformed. While fraud is allowed to continue under the guise of ineffective public shaming rituals that pass for justice, humanity is entering a new Transhuman Age. With so many corporate criminals protected by bubble indemnity, there is a question that must be asked. Is the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007 and other Acts like it, a distraction, established to legalize the Act of Corporate Homicide, rather than deter it?

The way to rewrite history and biology is an individual process of knowing who you are and of rejecting The Transhuman Agenda.


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Disclaimer: The author encourages you to consult your health care practitioner before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information in this article should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or to determine or prescribe a treatment for a medical condition. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended to build synapses for thinking.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

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“Truckistan’s” Historic Fight for Freedom Goes Global

“Truckistan’s” Historic Fight for Freedom Goes Global

by Neehah Payne, Activist Post
February 10, 2022


Social media proposes renaming Canada “Truckistan” after Trudeau flees trucker convoy protests reported on January 30, 2022:

“As the Trucker Freedom Convoy continues to go viral, many prominent social media figures have begun collectively renaming Canada ‘Truckistan.’ The trend began Sunday when Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec said, ‘The Truckistani people will be liberated!’


Posobiec also suggested the capital be named ‘Dieseldorf.’ Will Chamberlain also added commentary. He tweeted,


Chamberlain continued, ‘Trump should promise to recognize the new Truckistani government as the legitimate government of the territory formerly known as Canada.’ ‘Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make it one of our finest states,’ added popular lawyer Ron Coleman. Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make one of our finest states — Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) January 30, 2022


The ‘Truckistan’ enthusiasts even went so far as to make a map. Canadian truckers made their way to Ottawa on Saturday for a planned protest in which they have stated their intention to ‘gridlock’ the city until the Trudeau government lifts vaccine mandate requirements for the trucking industry.


Footage shot by The Post Millennial’s Beth Baisch in Ottawa on Saturday shows blocks and blocks of trucks lining the streets. Protesters are marching through sub zero temperatures to express their anger at the Trudeau government. Trucks stretched for several blocks as protesters continued to gather at Parliament Hill. Protesters brought signs, music, and an incredible cacophony of honking horns as they stood bundled in the snow against the cold.”

Truckers Are Restoring The People’s Power

Suddenly, with the massive truckers’ strike in Canada, people are beginning to take their power back worldwide. That’s because this is not a one-day demonstration. It is not declaration signed by thousands doctors and scientists. This is not an accusation or expose. It is a massive physical protest that is shutting down the capital and Canada’s supply line — for a year or two, if necessary — until demands are met!

It is a physical take-over of Canada to get the COVID mandates revoked. Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Coming to US shows that Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada went into a convoy of 2,700 trucks entered Ottawa, Canada’s capital, on January 29 to protest his Covid-19 policies including mandatory vaccination for truckers entering Canada through the US-Canada border. Dubbed the ‘Freedom Convoy’, it has amassed support from all sections of the public.

The convoy is 45-50 miles long with supporters lining highways and overpasses all along the route. The protests received a boost when farmers joined. According to Twitter users, hundreds of farmers have arrived in Ottawa in their tractors. Since January 23, the group’s Go-Fund-Me page raised over ten million dollars Canadian to cover the cost of the journey and to take care of truckers who have settled into Ottawa.  It is a growing protest against the COVID “vaccine” mandates that is inspiring the world and is reportedly coming to the US in March.

Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate reported on February 4 “The organizers have joined forces with locals and are supplying the needs of the truckers, showers, hot meals and food. While some of the trucks are lining the streets of Ottawa, many are parked in fields around the city. The group is committed to remaining peaceful, are guarding monuments, shoveling snow, playing hockey, picking up garbage and feeding the homeless…”

Freedom Convoy: Longest Convoy In History!

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau goes into hiding as farmers join truckers in protest against vaccine mandate reported on January 30: “the truckers have been camping near Parliament Hill and demanding reversal of all vaccine mandates in the country. A truck driver Harold Jonker told BBC, “We want to be free, we want to have our choice again, and we want hope – and the government has taken that away.”  He further added, “The intent is actually to stay until all these mandates are dropped. Some people can stay one day, some people can stay five days but all the truck drivers are used to camping in their trucks all week long. We are staying here until we can go back to work.”

While Trudeau dismissed the truckers as a “fringe minority”, Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate reports: The convoys officially broke world records on the longest convoys in history with many over 40 miles long! The total number of trucks is of yet unknown but it is in the tens of thousands. American truckers have also joined. The Canadians citizens have rallied to the cause and at every overpass and side road they gathered waving flags, holding signs and giving out supplies to the drivers.”

Freedom Convoy – Canadian Truckers Inspire the WORLD! reported on February 3 that Corporal Bulford, Prime Minister Trudeau’s head of personal security for 8 years, just resigned and joined the truckers! Bulford is a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The video explains that the truckers’ movement is turning into a working class revolution in Canada. The truckers and farmers are handing out a pamphlet called “Project Inform”.

Corporal Bulford resigns from his position of personal security of Trudeau shows that Bulford pointed out in a very powerful speech that the restrictions and mandates that are against the Charters of Rights and Freedoms in Canada.

Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate says:

“The Freedom convoy had sparked interest and support world-wide. Across Europe, Central America, Australia and the US truckers are organizing their own convoys for freedom. According to the press conference, “the convoy has started a cultural movement for cultural unity in Canada that has blossomed into a global cultural movement, pushing back against the political class who have failed us and are pushing us into serfdom.”

Freedom Convoy Presents Supporting Doctors

Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION – Feb.6, 2022 “State of Emergency Update”,reports:

“Freedom Convoy Leadership Update — Address to the Nation 7:00pm February 6, 2020. Ottawa Mayor declared a state of emergency. How Ottawa Police taking the convoy fuel and occupying the convoy tents does not impact the Freedom Convoy logistics.”

In the video, Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, a world renowned medical expert and former Trump White House adviser, said: “It is time that we stop and we declare this pandemic emergency over.”  He added that the Canadian truckers are “backed by solid science” and that the “government positions of these vaccine mandates have no scientific or medical bases and must be stopped now.”

Acclaimed physician Dr. Roger Hodkinson stated: “The mandates must be lifted tomorrowThe carnage that’s going on out there with our children is indescribable.”

“Tom” starts at about 8:15 and said the police can’t end this situation. He said he would  provide an update on February 7 to propose a meeting with Trudeau to end the impasse.

New Freedom Convoy Fundraiser Raises $2 Million In Single Day, With More Than $4 Million Total

Freedom Convoy Makes History

Truckers Make  History In Canada (video)

Freedom Convoy’s Powerful Speech To The Nation/World

Freedom Convoy: Chris Sky Speech to the Nations

Arrest and Silencing of Truckers?

Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference

Chris, the main spokesperson for the truckers, pointed out that the police had confiscated their fuel and food the night before, but it was quickly replaced. However, he said they had reason to believe they might be arrested. He said they were not frightened and will remain non-violent, but wanted people to know what they may be facing. He said if people stop hearing from them, they can assume their communications have been cut off. If that happens, he asked Canadians to come to Ottawa because there is strength in numbers. He asked to meet with negotiators from the federal government and pointed out that the scientists supporting the truckers would like to sit down for a discussion with the government’s scientists. All the people in the group introduced themselves.


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FDA Ready to OK the Vaxx for Babies; Why Not Just Throw the Babies Off a Cliff Into a Volcano?

FDA Ready to OK the Vaxx for Babies; Why Not Just Throw the Babies Off a Cliff Into a Volcano?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 11, 2022


And the answer to that question is obvious. Throwing babies into a volcano makes no money for Pfizer.

On Feb. 15, the FDA will decide whether to approve the Pfizer COVID shot for children between the ages of six months and four years. The press and gov’t. spokespeople predict it’s a GO.

This is murder.

The FDA approval committee members will come in several categories: those who’ve been paid off; those who’ve been threatened; straight-out cold Nazi bureaucrats; those who’ve been blackmailed; and those who WANT TO murder babies.

You can’t get around this. Given the mainstream view of COVID, these FDA/CDC people KNOW the risk of the disease to babies is non-existent, and risks of the vaccine are absolutely devastating.

—Over a million vaccine injuries have already been reported to the US federal database; and this number represents vast UNDER-REPORTING.

Nevertheless, the FDA deciders are ready to say, unless exposed for what they are: inject the babies; kill the babies.

If you still think the government COVID response had anything to do with science or public health or human concern, if you’re still making excuses for Fauci and the whole rogue crew of predators and maniacs at the FDA and CDC, you’re an automatic robot; you just don’t know it.

Get a load of this. CNBC: “Pfizer amended its clinical trial in December to evaluate a third dose after two shots did not induce an adequate immune response in children 2- to 4-years-old. Pfizer and BioNTech said they will submit data on the third dose to the FDA in the coming months.”

I see. The vaccine didn’t work after 2 shots, but it’ll be approved anyway in few days, and Pfizer will let us know IN A FEW MONTHS how the third shot worked.

And that’s science. That’s the bullshit the educated class believes in. That’s the bullshit the deaf, dumb, and blind believe in.

And THE TRUCKERS are the terrorists. Sure. The government is righteous and just. Of course.

People “who spread misinformation about COVID” are terrorists. The government is righteous and just.

Love the government. Hate the terrorists.

Memo to parents: if you’ve been crazy enough to take the shots yourselves, are you ready to deliver your innocent babies into the hands of doctors and nurses who’ll spin the roulette wheel of death and inject their bodies? Is that what you’re going to do?

If so, why? Do you think it’ll make a nice talking point when you get together with friends? Do you think it’s a potent virtue signal? Do you think it proves you’re a loyal subject of the king?

Perhaps you can show up at a local school board meeting, with your infant in your arms; and you can look at the doughy morbid faces of the low-rent grifters sitting behind their long table, and you can say, “Look! I just had my baby shot with the vaccine! It’s wonderful!” And they’ll nod approvingly.

And some piece of dreck who picks up a paycheck as a city public health official will speak at the meeting. He might say vaccinated babies should wear masks. Ask him and find out. Look at his eyes. His brother-in-law, who knows the mayor, rescued him from a career as a gravedigger.

I want to know what the Pope thinks. He’s already stated taking the vaccine is a loving gift to God. What about the babies? Does Popius Maximus Jesuiticus believe The Lord wants infants injected? Let’s get this Pontiff on the record.

Would Mary, in her hut, have told the local doc to inject baby Jesus? Perhaps her husband Joseph, a minor character in the story up to that point, would have brandished a Glock and motioned the sawbones to the door.

Speaking of guns, I think four or five Secret Service agents, their weapons drawn, should usher Nurse Jill to the White House residence, where she will speak candidly and starkly to old Joe—spending as much time as necessary informing him about what the FDA is ready to do, until he UNDERSTANDS.

Then, the agents will force Joe in front of a camera—going live on major channels—where he will unambiguously declare his position on injecting babies.

If he supports the program, he will take full responsibility for the consequences.

After all, the FDA is an agency in the Executive Branch, under the President.

The buck stops with him. It should stop under harsh television spotlights, where no tap-dancing is permitted.

Of course, you parents will have the last word. Unless the guns of the State are pointed at you. If that comes to pass, are you ready to die fighting for your children?

Or will you sacrifice them on the altar of your own passivity and cowardice?

I STRONGLY suggest you make your position clear now.


Leave no doubt.

Before it’s too late.


Are you standing up? Or are you grinning and virtue signaling—down on your knees?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

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Protesters Troll Cops With Empty Jerry Cans in Ottawa, Canada

Protesters Troll Cops With Empty Jerry Cans in Ottawa, Canada

by Rebel News
February 10, 2022


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Trucker Morale High – Freedom Convoy 2022

Trucker Morale High – Freedom Convoy 2022

by Bright Light News
February 9, 2022

Chris and Eric give an update on Freedom Convoy 2022 morale and the situation with the police and fuel.


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U.K. Vaccine Crime Investigation: Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court (ICC)

U.K. Vaccine Crime Investigation: Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court (ICC)

by Global Research
first published by Global Research on January 28, 2022

UK Law Enforcement procedures have been initiated against the architects of the Covid-19 crisis.
This initiative sets a precedent Worldwide.
Should a Criminal Investigation be contemplated in regards to Canada’s Trudeau Government Covid-19 Mandates?

Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21

International Criminal Court (The Hague) case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21

The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.

The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by Sam White MD, Philip Hyland (PJH Law), Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton.

Requests for further assistance have been made to international lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (nephew of J F Kennedy), Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German corporate lawyer who won the emissions scandal case against Volkswagen Audi), Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer Vice President), plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the police and have been acknowledged by Superintendent Simpson (Assistant to Cressida Dick, Head of The Metropolitan Police).

The complaints allege numerous serious crimes including misfeasance and misconduct in public office; gross negligence manslaughter; corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.

The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is damning and shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the vaccine data, trials and studies; and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the vaccines cause.

Mark Sexton says:

“This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway. Many don’t even realise that the covid Vaccine is still an experimental product. This is the most far-reaching criminal inquiry ever undertaken. A national scandal that threatens the lives and the livelihoods of every person in the UK. If people want unassailable current evidence, I’d suggest in the interim they look at: ”

Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal

“In years to come this will be the equivalent of another Thalidomide scandal, but for now we have to act on a united front to get the truth out to the public and stop the unsafe covid vaccine rollout. We have several thousand pieces of evidence to discredit the safety and efficacy of this vaccine, but we are still encouraging members of the public to contact us to further support our claim. We therefore appeal to anyone who has suffered the death of a loved one following a Covid vaccine and anyone who has been injured by it, e.g. blindness, heart issues, blood clots, stroke, myocarditis etc”.

“We’d also like to hear from those illegally threatened with ‘No jab, no job’”.

We must act now. If you have information to assist the police inquiry, please contact Lois Bayliss of Broad Yorkshire Law:


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cover image credit: Wikimedia Commons

How It All Fits Together: Covid, 5G, Nanotech, Transhumanism & Charles Lieber.

How It All Fits Together: Covid, 5G, Nanotech, Transhumanism & Charles Lieber.

by Maryam Henein, Vaxxter
February 6, 2022


The wireless future is here. The model ostensibly turns human beings, via nano-implants, into antennas that can transmit information. They’re turning human beings into quasi-machines. Under this transhumanist agenda, the idea is to place nanotech inside our bodies we can communicate in real-time with the Smart Grid powered by way of  5G.

The 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution. 

It’s called the ‘internet of bodies’ (IoB) or the ‘nanotech of things,’ (NToT), and it connects with the Internet of Things (IOT). One way this is accomplished is to embed graphene-made sensors into fabrics. Another is to implant or ingest the nanotech matter into the body, creating an internal technology platform.

For instance, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla described the first-ever FDA-approved ‘electronic pill,’ which will invite ‘compliance,’ by sending a signal to your ‘doctor’ that you have indeed swallowed your ‘medication.’

“What we will see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world,” says Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.

Oh Klausy!

In order for all this connectivity to occur, these particles must contain GRAPHENE, a superconductive material that integrates with neurons in the body and brain. Nanotech, pioneered by Nanotech King Charles Lieber, is completely unregulated. Arguably, it already exists in food, drugs, vaccines,  water., and the air we breathe. While there is no shortage of studies devoted to graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs), systematic research on human health or environmental effects is severely lacking.

And yet integrating humans with hardware is supposedly being sold to us for our safety and health. In fact, on a site called Nano Robot Inventor, a 2008 paper titled Nanorobots to improve health care states:

“Recent developments in the field of nanoelectronics, with transducers progressively shrinking down to smaller sizes through nanotechnology and carbon nanotubes, are expected to result in innovative biomedical instrumentation possibilities, with new therapies and efficient diagnosis methodologies.”

Lieber confirms:

“A transistor also allows the application of a voltage pulse, such devices might one day provide hybrid biological-digital computation, or deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients, or serve as an interface for a prosthetic that requires information processing at the point where it attaches to its owner.”

By the way, Lieber worked for communist China. Lieber has also worked on highly sensitive research projects for the US government Department of Defense (DOD).

Back in the 1930s, the CCP invented what is now known as “brainwashing.” The term is a literal translation of the Chinese term, Xi Nau, or “wash brain.” Arguably, Lieber has helped China and others upgrade to a modern version of mind control.

“ I was one of the first people — in 1998 — to figure out how to grow these nanoscale wires,” Lieber has stated.

If you do not believe me, just do a search for his brain-controlled mouse. And yet, Lieber went from supposed spy to a convicted tax evader. Who has explored the ethics of his inventions? It has already been proven that Lieber’s “injectable electronics” can be integrated within the brain with ‘minimal invasions,’ and can continue to function for at least a year. Who knows what happens after that?

The Purpose of AI: Brain-Computer Interface

At Code Conference 2016, Elon Musk stated publicly that given the current rate of artificial intelligence (AI) advancement, humans could ultimately expect to be left behind cognitively, intellectually “by a lot.” His solution to this unappealing fate is a novel brain-computer interface.

The internet of bodies (IoB) will tell us a lot, too. The sensors placed inside each person’s body will collect data…and that data has been determined to be more precious than oil.

To put things in perspective, ‘Big Harma’, with the help of Big Tech, began usurping the medical data of millions of Americans as early as 2019. You can read my article titled Dr. Google Will See You Now. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, acquired FitBit for a cool $2.1 billion. Now, in Year Three of the Rona Regime, they are coming after us.

Imagine how much information they can technically collect by giving us a ‘viability score.’ In the Netherlands, their biometric mass surveillance practices are increasingly being used to control people’s access to healthcare, sports venues, travel, shopping, and other everyday activities.  Activists actually have a campaign called ‘reclaim your face.’

While globalists aim to vaccinate the world and watch as our fellow man turns into ‘Magneto Man’, evidence indicates that Big Harma, aided and abetted by VERY sick Rockefeller hospitals, are injecting us with nanoparticles meant to respond to signals while –oops – changing our very nature and DNA.

I understand, this sounds conspiratorial. If you haven’t gotten the memo that some of these jabs contain saline, why others have been sullied with microscopic nanoparticles that are conductive, consider:

In 2017, in a now-scrubbed-off-the-internet was a study from taly looking at adjuvants. Researchers found that 15 traditional vaccines (and 44 variations of these), all manufactured by leading global companies, shared a previously unreported and troubling similarity: the vaccines were “heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.”

This is an indisputable fact. You just can’t see them. A nanometer is 1/80000th the diameter of an eyelash, one-millionth the size of a pinhead.

If your nanoparticles self-assemble correctly with Harvard’s Charles Lieber injectable nano meshes, you can actually get a nice little wireless nano network going in the target,” says Investigative Journalist George Webb, who has looked into Lieber and the Wuhan origin story since 2020. “Corona didn’t just launch DARPA’s mRNA technology, Corona also launched nanotechnology for immunology. Gold, silver, iron oxide, silicon dioxide, and graphene are all nanoparticles being researched for COVID applications.”

It’s all part of the Covid Industrial Complex.

Cinco Geo Your Existence 

In January 2020, when people in Wuhan began dropping like flies, I surmised that maybe nanotech — brought to us by Charlie Lieber via a mandated experimental injection or sprayed via drones – was parlaying with the Internet of Things. Interestingly, Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei Province was the first 5G demonstration zone in the Central Business District (CBD), according to a 5G cooperation agreement signed between China Mobile and local authorities on September 3, 2019.

That’s how I uncovered the connection between Lieber to 5G. It was taboo to talk about 5G back in 2020, so I coined the code words, Cinco Geo, to ward off censorship. For the record, I lived across the street from a test cell tower in Beachwood, Los Angeles. I developed a fever for 65 days and couldn’t sleep. While I could not prove it was the radiation, a meter endorsed by Dr. Mercola proved the 5G technology was definitely turned ON. That was 2019.

Fast forward to 2020.

As we were locking down over the virus, cell towers across the country were going up. In fact, 5G cell tower installation was the only industry that was thriving during the early to mid-2020.

When it came to appealing net neutrality, Ajit Pai, the former Trump-appointed chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said that the government had no place in the private sector. However, when it came to 5G, the government wasn’t only a necessity, it was a requirement. For example, when I recently called Miami-Dade County to try to find out whether they had amplified the 5G signal, I was referred to the federal government.

In fact, in 2018, the FCC initiated the “5G Fast Plan” to establish the United States’ superiority in the tech race. They intended to blanket the ENTIRE country with 5G small cells placed between every 2 to 10 homes. The industry claims they need so many towers because 5G uses millimeter waves that travel small distances and can be easily blocked by walls and even foliage. To compensate for this, engineers found ways to convert the waves to beams and intentionally direct them.

For the record, the CEO of Verizon helped bust the myth of millimeter waves and said that indeed the signals could penetrate through foliage and that the waves can cross 2000 feet from transmitter to receiver. And yet small cells continued to be built.

The 5G Fast Plan

As part of the 5G Fast Plan, the FCC reformed rules that had been designed decades ago to accommodate small cells. The reforms were designed to ban ‘short-sighted’ municipalities who tried to block the deployment of the 5G technology. Local governments were given a reasonable deadline to approve or disapprove small-cell tower applications.

Small groups of people throughout the nation have attended local meetings to fight these eyesores but they don’t really stand a chance. At best, if the municipalities have money, the 5G poles are moved to another neighborhood. Of course, health studies on 5G have not been conducted.

On January 19, the day I got sick with what felt like radiation exposure, flights were suspended to the U.S., including to Miami, over 5G concerns. I threw up three times. I had watery stools. I felt anxious. I almost fainted in yoga class. And, I lost my sense of smell. I thought it was the Rona. But I wasn’t sick with the flu or cold symptoms. I had no cough or respiratory issues. My symptoms didn’t match the Moronic variant. One friend told me, ‘you must have gotten the Delta.’ I laughed to myself. Upon doing research, I also learned that the CDC acknowledges something called Acute Radiation Syndrome.

Can You See The (Smart) Light?

Did you know that every lighting installation can be a data infrastructure? Two-way communication can also be done via light signals.

Think cellphones and streetlights.

Analysts predict the smart lighting market will grow more than 21% a year between 2018 and 2023. Much of this growth will be driven by wireless installations – and the exciting new applications they support. That’s why one company is putting Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology in their connected components, enabling every fixture to communicate wirelessly with nearby Bluetooth-enabled smartphones.

Will wireless lighting controls soon be the new normal, making the benefits of smart lighting more accessible to organizations everywhere?

Ping, Collect, Ping, Ping

Let’s recap how all this connects (pun intended).

Seamless human-machine interaction is increasing rapidly.

What if these injections were never “vaccines” against a virus?  What if instead, the jabs have been a secret nanotech project developed to control the brains of the human population? (Until now, we don’t know specifically how they can modify our DNA via 5G).

Seemingly, some jabs were manufactured using nanotechnology. In Spain, it was even described as “secret nanoparticles.”  These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under-zero-degree environment, they remain non-magnetic. Maybe one of the reasons they use the injections?

The graphene hydroxide works as an antenna for the electronic circuits they are injecting. If they can create transistors, they can also make an identifier like an RFID chip that can ping a number back, once the person is near a radiofrequency (RF) field. Graphene oxide in the brain creates transistors, and ostensibly its own network.

Thanks in big part to Lieber, molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radiofrequencies (5G could be one of these). Can they also map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely? Do these nano devices and smart biosensors become programmable? Yes!

Consider the following passages from a 2008 paper:

“… In the proposed platform architecture, different programs and commands can be sent and information retrieved from inside [the] body through wireless communication, providing important aspects on the interface and medical instrumentation of nanorobots.”

“The proposed model uses electromagnetic radio waves to command and detect the current status of nanorobots inside the body. Therefore, the cell phone is applied for the medical nanorobotics platform. This occurs as the cell phone emits a magnetic signature to the passive CMOS sensors embedded in the nanorobot, which enables sending and receiving data through electromagnetic fields. From the last set of events recorded in pattern arrays, information can be reflected back by wave resonance.”

What happens when you integrate communication with nanorobots using RFID, mobile phones, and satellites and apply it to long-distance ubiquitous surveillance and health monitoring?

The jury is still not out.

“We are in a live exercise here …. to get this right!” Sec. Mike Pompeo stated during a presser back in January 2020.

“You should have let us know,” President Trump murmured back.


Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Gab: @ladybee. Email her: maryam @


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“Freedom Convoy” in France, Inspired by Canadian Protests, Gets Underway

“Freedom Convoy” in France, Inspired by Canadian Protests, Gets Underway

by Global News
February 9, 2022


Protesters gathered in southern France on Wednesday for what they say will be a “freedom convoy” that will converge on Paris and Brussels to demand an end to COVID-19 restrictions, inspired by Canada’s anti-mandate protests.

Seen waving Canadian flags, the protesters said they planned to head first to Paris, then on to Brussels — headquarters of the European Union — to demand, among other things, the scrapping of rules barring people from public venues if they don’t have a COVID-19 vaccination.

The convoy was made up of motorcycles and private cars, but no trucks.


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Canada/US Border: Freedom Convoy Brings Traffic to a Standstill at Ambassador Bridge From Detroit, Michigan, USA to Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Canada/US Border: Freedom Convoy Brings Traffic to a Standstill at Ambassador Bridge From Detroit, Michigan, USA to Windsor, Ontario, Canada



Ambassador Bridge Protest: Detroit to Windsor Off-Ramp Blocked!
How Long Will This Off-Ramp Blockade Be Tolerated by the Authorities?

by David Menzies, Rebel News
February 9, 2022


As Justin Trudeau and his useful idiots in the mainstream media continue to vilify and demonize the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters in Ottawa, the line is being held. Indeed, other trucker demonstrations are now popping up all over our great dominion.

From Toronto and Quebec City to Alberta, truckers have assembled, demanding an end to the myriad useless COVID-19 lockdown mandates that are making all our lives miserable.

The latest trucker protest is now taking place in Windsor, Ont.

On Monday evening, truckers parked their big rigs on the Ambassador Bridge, eventually forcing an entire bridge closure. Several hours later, the trucks moved off the bridge, but some of the 18-wheelers and several cars, pickup trucks and campers blockaded the offramp to Windsor.

That means vehicle traffic coming from Michigan into Ontario is currently completely shut down (the bridge is still open to traffic going from Ontario to Michigan.)

When we arrived at the Windsor side of the Ambassador Bridge on Tuesday evening, we were greeted by a downright surreal site: a multi-lane stretch of asphalt that is normally extremely busy with truck and car traffic had become a place where demonstrators were protesting and dancing the night away. While it was a festive atmosphere on the Canadian side, an Ambassador Bridge employee told us that traffic on the Michigan side was backed up by some 20 miles.

Alas, the question arises: how long will this ramp blockade be tolerated by the authorities?

After all, the Ambassador Bridge is the most important conduit between Canada and the U.S. More than 40,000 vehicles and more than $300 million in goods cross this bridge on a daily basis.

Indeed, rumours abound that a major police operation is imminent, with the goal of dismantling the blockade.

The Windsor Police Service has already reached out to the RCMP for reinforcements.

Granted, the blockade is a major inconvenience when it comes to Canada-bound traffic from the U.S. (those hoping to make the crossing are being advised to go to the Blue Water Bridge near Sarnia) but despite the narrative being manufactured by the Trudeau Liberals and their bought-and paid-for henchmen toiling in the mainstream media, the Freedom Convoy protesters are not racists, bigots and haters.

Rather, they are peaceful protesters — patriotic Canadians who simply want their freedoms restored. Imagine that.


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cover image credit: SecretName101 / Wikimedia Commons

Truckers Forever

Truckers Forever

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 9, 2022


The Canadian convoy of many, many trucks, now in Ottawa, and the many, many people supporting it, can’t be written off as some strange breakout group.

This is a popular movement.

A wave.

A reader suggested it’s time for thousands of doctors and health workers, from all over the world, to step up to the plate and issue statements of strong support.


BUILD the wave higher.

Show the world what this is: freedom from government tyranny; freedom from a phony medical dictatorship.

Imagine your life depends on a choice you make:



Which way do you go?




“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” Thomas Paine, December 13, 1776.

Who embodies that statement? Trudeau or the truckers?

Some credentialed sold-out medical quack who serves as a COVID advisor and public health bureaucrat, or the truckers?

A demented fascist who demands vaccine passports, or the truckers?

In the US, the FDA, about to approve the poisonous COVID vaccines for six-month-old BABIES…or the Canadian truckers?

The numerous Canadian officials who are calling the truckers terrorists, or the truckers?

The big tech censors of true COVID facts, or the truckers?

“Well, you see, it’s true that in the US, the federal database contains more than a million reports of injuries from COVID vaccines; and it’s true that this number is a gross understatement; but the solution is more vaccinations and more boosters…”

Do you trust the experts who are telling you THAT, or the truckers?

Who should be in prison, Fauci or the truckers?

If you have to point to a spot and say THIS IS THE HILL WE’LL DIE ON IF WE NEED TO, who do you want on that hill …Bill Gates or the truckers?

The US Dept. of Homeland Security has just issued a bulletin, “Summary of Terrorism Threats to the Homeland (February 07, 2022).” It’s a classic piece of logic-dodging horseshit:

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”

Translation: We at DHS have the power. Private citizens are asserting their own power and freedom, so we have to discredit and silence them and call them terrorists. When we say “they seek to undermine trust in government institutions,” that’s our inside joke. If we weren’t the government, we wouldn’t trust the government as far as we could throw it.

Do you rely on DHS Jokers or the truckers?

Are you a totalitarian or do you want freedom?

Would you rather cling to fascist Authorities like barnacles, or stand up like humans alongside the truckers?

Would you rather stay silent and hope for the best, or make your voice heard?

Here is one solution: Don’t worry, everything is normal. It’ll always be normal. Our only course of action is no action. Just wait around. The situation will resolve. Watch the news for updates. Stay calm. Two months from now, everybody will forget about the truckers. Get tested. Take the vaccine and all the boosters. Earn your wellness passport. Worst case, if you wind up in the hospital after the shot, the doctors will take care of you. The surgeons are performing miracles these days. It’s quite possible the most important indicator the vaccine is working is death.

How do you like that solution?

Let me clue you in on a secret. Shh. Behind the vaccine passport governments are forcing on people, there’s a much older passport. It called CARD-CARRYING CITIZEN. It indicates: “I follow orders. I trust the experts. I do what everyone else does. I’m normal. No one can accuse me of stepping out of line. When a group breaks away from Normal, I turn my back on them. That group must be wrong. If they’re fighting for freedom, they’re REALLY wrong. I know that because I don’t have freedom. Censor that group. Stop them. I’m already a card-carrying citizen, so earning my vaccine passport is easy for me. It confirms what I already am.”

Is that what you want to be, or do you want to support the truckers?

Here’s another secret we all know. We know it so well, it’s become a cliché. Every single day, whether you make a choice or don’t make a choice, you’re making a choice.

Truckers forever.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: screenshot


Accusations Against the Truckers Are Vicious and Baseless

Accusations Against the Truckers Are Vicious and Baseless

by John Carpaythe Post Millennial
Febuary 8, 2022


Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly does not mince words when attacking the truckers and ordinary Canadians who are now protesting peacefully in Ottawa. The truckers plan to stay until the Charter rights and freedoms that politicians took away from Canadians 23 months ago are restored.

Chief Sloly publicly accuses the truckers of engaging in “unlawful” and “harmful” activities, and of promoting “hatred” and “violence,” but provides no examples, facts, or arrests to support his accusations. The Chief calls for “order” to be “restored” even though “order” has not been lost. His fact-free rhetoric includes mention of an “increasingly volatile” and “increasingly dangerous” situation. As though speaking for an oppressive regime, Chief Sloly has repeatedly called for an “end” to the exercise of the fundamental Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly by Canadians in their own capital city.

GoFundMe took its cue from Chief Sloly and refused to release the funds from thousands of donors who gave millions in support of the truckers’ peaceful protest. On its website, GoFundMe claims to have “evidence” from law enforcement that “the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.” As if bouncy castles for kids, farmers with their tractors, cowboys on their horses, impromptu street hockey, live music, and flags from all nations are a violent foreign invasion.

Without referencing any evidence, GoFundMe accused the Freedom Convoy of engaging in “an abuse of power” (the protesters have no power) and of supporting “hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, and intolerance …” Freedom Convoy is now accepting donations at

The accusations of Chief Sloly and GoFundMe are invented out of thin air, and discredited by thousands of videos and photographs showing truckers shoveling snow, feeding the homeless, and behaving responsibly and respectfully. But in woke 2022, who needs facts when attacking political opponents? Prime Minister Trudeau has compared Canada’s peaceful truckers to Americans who stormed the U.S. Capitol Buildings in January 2021, stating “Having a group of people who disagree with the outcome of an election who want to go a different way and bring in an alternative government is a non-starter in a responsible democracy.”

Mr. Trudeau has also likened the “small fringe minority” of truckers (with their “unacceptable views”) to “those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless,” “those who fly racist flags … and engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans” and express “hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens and a disrespect not just of science but of the frontline health workers.” At least the Prime Minister is consistent, having previously described Canadians who don’t want the COVID mRNA shots as racist, misogynist, anti-science extremists who should not be tolerated.

The bias of Trudeau-funded media is such that if any member of the Freedom Convoy had engaged in violence, damaged property or broken the law, the “mainstream” or “establishment” media would have gleefully reported on it. Yet no media outlet provides any actual evidence of any member of the Freedom Convoy breaking any laws. No arrests have been made. No charges have been laid. In fact, crime has been down since the truckers arrived.

There are photographs of someone carrying a Nazi flag, but nobody knows who this person is, even with True North offering $6,500 to anyone who can confirm the identity of that one (politically planted?) individual. There is no evidence this individual was associated or affiliated with the Freedom Convoy.

A more realistic picture of what is happening in Ottawa will soon be revealed by sworn affidavits filed in a court action. Zexi Li seeks an injunction to silence the horn-honking in Ottawa.

One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath that truckers and their supporters “are feeding the homeless on Wellington Street and filling their backpacks with food. Truckers have taken a whole trailer full of food to the homeless shelter. Truckers are maintaining the cleanliness of city streets, including picking up discarded masks on the ground, …”

An Ottawa resident claims that “the truckers I have interacted with have, at all times, been friendly, courteous, humble, considerate and peaceful. I have not observed any aggressive or inappropriate behaviours.” He says the truckers are diverse, including Sikhs, Blacks, Aboriginals and others. He has “observed truckers decorating the tomb of the unknown soldier with flowers and guarding it” and has “not seen any violent or threatening behaviour.” He notes that “the truckers do not honk their horns at night. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the Freedom Convoy during the day.” He asserts: “My ability to park and to travel in downtown Ottawa, or to and from Parliament Hill has not been impeded by the presence of the truckers.”

Another Ottawa resident, who works for Statistics Canada, describes reality on the ground as follows: “The protesters were peaceful and respectful, I saw no violence or harassment. I was not impeded in any way, and could walk about freely and safely. I did not see any hateful symbols, in fact, I saw an abundance of Canada flags and Quebec flags as well as countless signs calling for freedom and the end of COVID-related mandates.”

He reports that “there were dozens of trucks along Wellington Street. They would intermittently sound their horns but it was not constant. Many people walked the streets peacefully protesting. Many of them carried Canada flags and signs. It was a peaceful and fun atmosphere with dancing and public speakers taking turns at a microphone while people listened on. I did not observe anyone being harassed or intimidated. I felt totally safe.” He passed by the Terry Fox statue in front of Parliament Hill on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, and states: “Contrary to what I have seen in the media, I did not see that the Terry Fox statue was desecrated or defaced in any way. In fact, I saw flowers at the feet of the statue as demonstrators walked by. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the downtown demonstrations. I do not hear any honking near my home. The only honking I have heard is on Wellington Street, particularly across from Parliament Hill.”

Bear in mind that these witnesses can be cross-examined by Zexi Li’s lawyers. These witnesses are required to answer all questions under oath. They face serious consequences if they lie. In stark contrast, Chief Sloly and Mr. Trudeau are not speaking under oath, will not be questioned by lawyers, and face no consequences for lying. Which people do you see as more credible?


Connect with John Carpay at Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

How the Age of AIDS Mirrors the Covidian Age, With a Twist

How the Age of AIDS Mirrors the Covidian Age, With a Twist

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath,  Nature of Healing
February 7, 2022


The Coronavirus/COVID experience is a replay of the HIV/AIDS, with a twist.

As planned events, they show how history repeats itself when people are oblivious to the cyclical patterns of deception.

Note how NIAID’s Anthony Fauci is a common denominator between the antiretroviral drug treatment for HIV/AIDS and the antiretroviral drug treatment for Coronavirus/COVID19.


Dr Robert Gallo made his famous announcement at a press conference on 23 April 1984 that “his” HIV virus was the probable cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). From that moment on, the race was on to find a pharmaceutical weapon against it.

At the height of AIDS epidemic in 2005, the rhetoric about HIV danger and death penetrated every corner of the world. The rapid test for HIV was accepted as the test for AIDS, which divided people into positive and negative camps.

Flashback to June 2015, ten years after the height of the AIDS epidemic:

AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 35 percent since the peak of the epidemic in 2005 and the number of new infections continues to decline annually. That’s the good news. Nonetheless there are thought to be around 35 million people living with HIV globally; 19 million don’t currently know their HIV-positive status. Of those people who need antiretroviral drugs, only just over a third have access. That’s the bad news.

We have the scientific know-how to end AIDS and every month seems to bring news of another biomedical advance that could change the trajectory of the epidemic once and for all.

Last week the preliminary findings of the Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment trial confirmed that early treatment is best for HIV.

No one thought that HIV might be lab-created.  No one knew that just before Gallo’s April 1984 announcement, someone had filed a United States Patent number: 9499480 for HIV/AIDS Virus invention, a designer bi-product of the U.S. Special Virus program.

No one knew that Gallo, himself, was ‘Project Officer’ for the federal Special Virus Program that ran from 1962-1978. See complete list of HIV patents. No one knows that engineered evidence is found from the ‘multiply-spliced’ nature of the HIV ‘tat’ sequence in Dr. Gallo’s 1971 Special Virus paper, “Reverse Transcriptase of Type-C virus Particles of Human Origin.”

Post HIV/AIDS Anomalies:

From 1985 to 1992 there were 12,000 deaths each year from AIDS. In 1992 the number increased suddenly to 15,000. Why? Because they added 5 new diseases to the AIDS definition! The actual number of cases of AIDS was on the decline until they added more diseases to the list, and still the number of new cases grew very slowly. – Dr. Robert Wilner, Deadly Deception, 1994.

HIV — it has never been found in sufficient numbers to cause disease.” –Peter Duesberg, 1991

The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake. – Kary Mullins, inventor of the PCR test.

Today, the official narrative still claims that no cure exists for AIDS, and that only toxic FDA antiretroviral drugs, including A.Z.T., D.D.I., and D.D.C., will slow down the progression of the disease.

“Why condemn a continent to death because of HIV, when you have other explanations for why people are falling sick?” – Dr John Papadimitriou, professor of pathology at the University of Western Australia in Perth and a co-author of the Journal of Nature Biotechnolgy study that found HIV tests to be inadequate.

Comparison of HIV and Coronavirus Tests. September 2020:

Sometimes testing can give you a false sense of security. That happened in the HIV epidemic, when people got a negative test and they presented it to their sex partners and spread disease, nonetheless. – Cue Mark Schlissel, M.D., Ph.D., President of University of Michigan, 

The U of M president knew of the flaws of the rapid HIV test. He knew the patterns of history. And for that he received pushback for equating the COVID-19 pandemic with the AIDS epidemic to justify the University’s decision not to widely test students. He was made to apologize for unrelated reasons, but added to his response:

My comments were intended only as a critique of the effectiveness of massive testing of asymptomatic students for the virus that causes COVID-19 in an effort to prevent its spread.  – Cue Mark Schlissel, M.D., Ph.D, President, U of M 2020 


In the COVIDIAN Age, it is accepted that Coronavirus is a virus. However, Coronavirus is a family name that includes MERS-Cov, SARS-Cov, HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-HKU1, and many others. Coronavirus is not Corona virus. It is also accepted that people with underlying diseases are more susceptible to COVID19. This is likely due to a weakened innate immune system. Immunosuppressed people no longer have a functional defense system and are more likely to suffer from any infection, whether it be called a cold, a flu, toxic overload, or ‘COVID.’

The Twist:

Ironically, new research shows the opposite; that patients with advanced stages of AIDS show less severe COVID symptoms and recover faster than others.

A July 2021 study in the Journal Immun Inflamm Dis, titled “The clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in HIV-positive patients: A systematic review of current evidence” shows evidence that the majority of HIV patients show no severe symptoms and completely recovered from COVID19 infection.

Similar to The Age of AIDS, COVID patients will soon be offered antiretroviral drugs. On December 14, 2021, Merck and Pfizer pharmaceutical companies announced the development of COVID antiretroviral drugs. The companies claimed their drugs attack different parts of the virus. Ten days later, on December 24, 2021, the FDA authorized “emergency use” of Merck’s antiviral drug to treat COVID19.  FDA had previously “authorized” the first antiretroviral Molnupiravir in late November. Note: authorization does not equal approval.

When Pfizer introduced its antiretroviral red and blue pill for COVID19, it warned that the pills may be risky when taken with other medications. They did not mention vaccines.

Post Coronavirus/COVIDIAN Anomalies:

Just as the FDA authorized the first AIDS antiretroviral treatment, AZT, on March 19, 1987, in a record 20 months, the FDA authorizes the new COVID antiretrovirals.

Today, the FDA claims that the antiretroviral pill “should be initiated as soon as possible after diagnosis of Covid-19 and within five days of symptom onset,” – FDA Statement, December 22, 2021

In 1994, Dr. Robert Wilner wrote“Any antiviral therapy that is immune-suppressive and aimed at treating HIV is unnecessary, dangerous, unethical and bad medicine — you are already immune to HIV! 

Be FEAR Aware

Be aware that FEAR is a program. FEAR equals False Evidence Appearing Real. Each epidemic serves to elevate the same fear in a different year. Each time the CDC declares a pandemic, scientists also admit they have no record of any isolated infectious virus, including CoV – 2 and 19, MERSInfluenzaSARSPolioMeaslesHIV, XMRV, HTLV-1, HTLV-III/LAV, HPVEbola, Zika, just to name a few. Via FOIA requests, the CDC admits that there is no purification or isolation of any virus. The only way to isolate a virus is to isolate the human host in a hospital, or to culture/engineer it in a lab.

There is no test to find out a person’s “HPV status.” Also, there is no approved HPV test to find HPV in the mouth or throat. – CDC HPV Fact Sheet, 2022

We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available. – Journal of Euro Surveillance, 2020

The current fallacious approach to therapy will only continue to result in millions of unnecessary and brutal deaths. – Dr. Robert Wilner, Deadly Deception, 1994

Buyer beware! The rhetoric about HIV/AIDS has returned. Then, as now, officials seek to distract and divide people to remove freedoms. In the process, officials make people fearful of touching each other. They will claim that COVID deaths have surpassed AIDS deaths. They will claim to find a more infectious HIV variant. They will claim that “HIV can be stopped by blocking cell to cell contact.

Will they also separate cells by 6 feet and mandate tiny masks?

Question Everything ….

If HIV does not cause AIDS, then does Coronavirus cause COVID19? 

If there is no isolated virus, are virologists legitimate? Is Anthony Fauci an actor? Why does he claim that wearing a mask after vaccination is “theatre?” Why does he hold 4 patents on an HIV component used to create COVID19?  

Why blame a pandemic on innocent animals? It sounds like this: “ANIMAL X” could be hiding a deadly virus that could trigger a pandemic worse than the Black Death and kill more than 75million people. They tried to blame Ebola on a bunny.

Did the Species Barrier disappear to allow for animal research to develop profitable drug models?

After mRNA injectables, why are AIDS patients successfully fending off the worst COVID symptoms and recovering faster without an immune system?

Do HIV patients somehow recognize the lab-created Coronavirus as similar? Does the mRNA nanotech somehow protect people without an immune system? Is that why antiretroviral will be required for COVID patients? 

Who to trust?

Trust your innate immune system.

Related articles:

Disclaimer: The author encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information in this article should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or to determine or prescribe a treatment for a medical condition. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended to build synapses for thinking.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Worldwide Freedom Convoys: Video Clips of This Expanding Movement

Worldwide Freedom Convoys: Video Clips of This Expanding Movement
A small sample of convoys and massive protest marches and rallies ongoing throughout the world


It’s spreading…Belgium



All videos below are courtesy of Revolution in the Streets.


Epic view from the massive blockade at the border between Canada and the US


Massive support for the Freedom Convoy in Canberra, Australia!


The German Viking Clap in Cologne (Köln), Germany


Big support for the Freedom Convoy in Paderborn, Germany


Spanish farmers join the truckers protests – blocked the A4 highway in Andalusia, Spain


Riga, Latvia joins the worldwide Freedom Convoy movement


Freedom Convoy in Friesland, The Netherlands


Trucker protest shuts down Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario


More footage from the blockade at Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario


Reinforcement arrived in Ottawa, Canada


Cowboys join Canada-US border blockade in Coutts against restrictions and vaccination pass!

Who’s Got Gas? — Truckers & Supporters Respond to Arrest Threat

Who’s Got Gas? — Truckers & Supporters Respond to Arrest Threat

by Carl Vernon
February 8, 2022




Canada: When the People Unite for Liberty, the People Have the Power

Canada: When the People Unite for Liberty, the People Have the Power


by Ron Paul Liberty Report
February 8, 2022

Connect with Ron Paul Liberty Report at Odysee or Rumble.

February 7 — Announcement & Update by Leaders of Canada’s Truckers for Freedom

February 7 — Announcement & Update by Leaders of Canada’s Truckers for Freedom

Original video available at Live with Laura-Lunn Rumble.

Truckers for Freedom leadership gives a statement on the current state of affairs in Ottawa.

Paul McCartney and Howard Stern: Two More Mental Midgets

Paul McCartney and Howard Stern: Two More Mental Midgets

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 8, 2022


ONE: Billboard (8/2/21): “Sir Paul McCartney is spreading one simple message for his fans: ‘BE COOL. GET VAX’D’.”

Well, that’s it then. You can tell Paul dug deep to do his research on the injection. Be cool.

“The beanie- and face-mask-wearing 79-year-old rocker wrote this message on Instagram, while signing off as ‘Paul,’ underneath a picture of himself getting his COVID shot from a health care professional on Monday (Aug. 2).”

As opposed to getting his shot from a health care amateur, or a shoe salesman?

“’The vaccine will get us out of this. I think we’ll come through it, I know we’ll come through, and it’s great news about the vaccine’,” he [McCartney] said in the interview.”

Sir Paul has obviously bought the whole enchilada. Virus spreads, infects, makes people sick and kills them, get tested, isolate if necessary, lock down a whole country if necessary, the vaccine will stop the virus in its tracks, we’ll be OK.

No need to look at contrary evidence. The official doctors and the political authorities know what they’re doing.

Obey. Comply. Was that always the secret message of Paul’s music, hidden amidst the vinyl grooves?

Since God knows when, famous Brits have issued consoling messages to the lower classes. “We’ll get through it. We’ll pull together.”

It turns out lots of famous ones aren’t doing any of the pulling.

A reasonable person would realize a vaccine mandated for the whole population should be scrutinized down to it core. It’s cool, and we’ll get through it, don’t cut it.

A breezy cavalier attitude is a sign of a mental midget.

I wonder whether a hypnotic medical blind spot will turn up on a brain-scan. “You see this dark area, Paul? The neurons aren’t firing. When I shine this ray of light at your skull and it penetrates and hits that area, a message pops up: ‘Don’t think. The doctors know everything’. If I were you, I’d get that checked out. But not by a doctor.”

Judging from his Billboard quote, Paul seems to realize he’s being enlisted by the National Health Service and the government to assure the public the vaccine is safe; and he’s willing to go along.

If he were working a steady job, and a SINGER told him it was cool to take the shot, would he go along?

Having amassed fame and fortune, he’s not able to imagine that reverse-scenario anymore. That’s not the fault of his career, his composing, his singing, or his earning pounds and dollars. It’s his fault for surrendering to his elevated status.

He wouldn’t admit it, but he’s detached himself to a sufficiently remote area, from which he can shrug and support a government edict affecting millions of people without a second thought.

His stupidity is towering.

TWO: Howard Stern is a bunch of ugly sticks glued together with dried semen from one of his old wet dreams.

Once upon a time an abject failure as a broadcaster, he glimpsed a possible way out of Doom by taking on the role of psychological pornographer.

He’d assume everyone was obsessed by sex, and he’d force their inner dog to drool when he rang the bell.

Now, from a political perch, he’s decreed that all unvaccinated people should be locked in their homes and die.

That’s his style. Cut to the extreme chase. And also: see nothing, say something.

The mental midget status applies to Stern in spades. He knows zero about vaccines. He listens to the official doctors and the federal government like the kind of good little boy he hates.

As a young awkward schlub, he decided to rebel and burn down normal people by illustrating they were nothing more than prurient fish waiting to be shot in a barrel.

It was an easy choice. Once he found his radio style, he opened fire. His ratings soared; fame and fortune arrived.

He knows his success is nothing to be proud of. But success is all he has to hang his hat on. So he pretends it means something about his character.

It only means he’s one more person who’s tapped into a lowest common denominator and found dollars.

If Howard Stern tells you, you need to get vaccinated, you pretty much know it’s the wrong thing to do, on that basis alone. Directing people down bad alleys turns out to be one of Stern’s skills.

His notion of free speech is entirely self-serving. He wants to elevate his tired half-baked porn into a Constitutional issue.

He possesses a high degree of intelligence. He’s used it to recreate himself as mental midget. The only interesting moments in his career arrive when he laughs at himself because he knows what he’s done to himself.

He probably, on occasion, dreams he’s Field Marshal Fauci. And Fauci occasionally dreams he’s Howard Stern.

Coda: Now here is the REAL WORLD. LOOK AT THE PEOPLE. WATCH THIS BRIEF CLIP ALL THE WAY TO THE END. Canberra, Australia, Feb 7th, 2022


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Prawny / pixabay

16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers

16 States File New Lawsuit Challenging Vaccine Mandates for U.S. Healthcare Workers
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers claiming the mandates are illegal and obsolete, as the vaccines don’t work against Omicron, the dominant variant in the U.S.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defender
February 7, 2022


Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers.

The amended lawsuit was filed Feb. 4 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Chiquita Brooks-Lasure, administrator of CMS.

The suit seeks to block the mandate for healthcare workers in the 25 states that previously challenged it and where it is set to take effect beginning this month.

The revised lawsuit puts forth a series of new arguments, including that the CMS mandate was designed in response to the Delta variant and is therefore now obsolete.

Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia joined Louisiana in the lawsuit.

The amended lawsuit comes in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Jan. 13 decision, which lifted injunctions that had been in effect in 25 states. The Supreme Court said mandates could go into effect while lawsuits challenging it continue to weave their way through the judicial system.

This decision came following a circuitous legal process, where U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty initially blocked the mandate nationwide, on Nov. 30, 2021. (Judge Doughty is overseeing the case involving the amended lawsuit.)

An appeals court later lifted the injunction in 26 states on Dec. 15, 2021, but the mandate was then separately blocked in Texas that same day by another judge.

These developments prompted the Biden administration in late December 2021 to file an emergency request with the Supreme Court, asking the court to lift the various injunctions barring implementation of the CMS mandate.

The mandate, as originally issued by the CMS, specifically applies to healthcare workers at hospitals and facilities that receive federal funding — namely, those that accept Medicare and Medicaid payments.

Following the Supreme Court decision, healthcare workers in 24 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming) will be required to furnish proof of having received at least one COVID vaccine dose by Feb. 14, and must complete their primary series of vaccines by March 15.

Healthcare workers in Texas have until Feb. 22 to receive their first dose, and March 21 to complete their primary series of vaccinations, while in states where the mandate had not previously been blocked, the respective deadlines are Jan. 27 and Feb. 28.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry described the CMS vaccine requirement as a “job-killing directive” that is ineffective as a measure to stop the spread of COVID or protect public health.

Landry argued the mandates violate states’ rights:

“The CMS vaccination rule remains a misguided, one-size-fits-all, job-killing directive that does not account for any change in circumstances — including how the vaccines do not stop the transmission of the Omicron variant.

“What’s more, the federal government has now made clear that it expects the states to implement this flawed policy with state employees. So I will continue fighting this ill-advised invasion of individual autonomy and my state’s rights.”

Landry said the mandate is “causing havoc in the healthcare labor market across the nation — especially in rural communities.”

The lawsuit addresses a notable discrepancy: The mandate, signed by Becerra, specifically references the danger the Delta variant poses to the unvaccinated, adding that vaccines “continue to be effective in preventing COVID-19 associated with the now-dominant Delta variant.”

The Supreme Court agreed with Becerra’s reasoning, stating he had “good cause” to impose the mandate without the typically mandated comment period, because of his belief that any additional delay would pose a danger to patient health and safety in light of the spread of the Delta variant.

The lawsuit argues that as of mid-December 2021 and based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Delta was no longer the prevalent strain of COVID, having been replaced by Omicron:

“[T]he Secretary’s rationale for the rule and for avoiding public comment no longer exists. The Delta variant has run its full course.

“… It is now established beyond any serious question that the secretary’s speculation was wrong. The Delta variant effectively disappeared from the scene within weeks of the issuance of the rule.”

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall also questioned the efficacy of the COVID vaccines against Omicron:

“The mandate was promulgated in response to the Delta variant, which now accounts for only 0.1 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the United States.

“But research suggests that COVID-19 vaccines do little to stop the transmission of the predominant strain today — the Omicron variant, which accounts for 99.9 percent of all cases — which undermines the premise for forcing people to submit to them.”

The amended lawsuit states, “Omicron’s transmission is largely undeterred by the vaccines.”

The lawsuit also references findings by the American Association of Retired Persons Public Policy Institute, which indicates nursing homes and long-term care facilities are already facing a severe shortage of nurses and aides, without the mandate having yet gone into effect.

The lawsuit argues these low staffing levels place patients at greater risk, including a higher likelihood of contracting COVID:

“By forcing healthcare workers to choose between their jobs or an experimental vaccine they do not want, CMS is affirmatively pinching an already strained workforce — and particularly so in rural areas within the States.”

The lawsuit also notes the shifting and contradictory position of the federal government, which, for instance, recently issued guidance permitting healthcare workers who have tested positive for COVID to go to work, which undercuts the policy that prohibits unvaccinated healthcare workers from going to work even with a negative test result.

The lawsuit further argues the CMS vaccine mandate violates the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution concerning states’ rights; the Spending Clause of the Constitution; the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, which stems from two Supreme Court decisions prohibiting the federal government from commandeering state governments; and the Nondelegation Doctrine, a principle in administrative law that stipulates Congress cannot delegate its legislative powers to other entities.

In contrast, government lawyers told the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana in January that following the Jan. 13 Supreme Court decision striking down the previous injunctions, the case was “effectively concluded,” and they submitted a motion for its dismissal.

The CMS on Jan. 25 issued new guidance that broadened the mandate, extending the vaccine requirement to surveyors who enter the healthcare facilities covered by the rule.

In turn, the lawsuit argues the latest CMS guidance clashes with laws in the states participating in the lawsuit, including an Indiana law that bars government entities from requiring any individual to furnish proof of vaccination, and a Montana law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of vaccination status.


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