Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination

Globalist Cabal Meets Again to Prepare for World Domination by Dr. Joseph Mercola January 24, 2023    Story-at-a-Glance Attendees at the exclusive January 2023 World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting…

And Still the People Didn’t See

And Still the People Didn’t See poem and video by Klokkenluiders sourced from klokkenluiders telegram channel January 23, 2023   Video mirrored at TCTL Odysee & Brighteon channels. Transcript provided…

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?

Who is Behind the Great Food Reset? by James Corbett, The Corbett Report January 23, 2023   Last week we looked at the ways that an engineered food crisis (or the perception of…

A Million Mengeles? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Patrick Wood and Joseph Molitorisz — On the Self-Appointed Elites Obsessed With Playing God & the Chilling Origins of Technocracy

A Million Mengeles? Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Patrick Wood and Joseph Molitorisz — On the Self-Appointed Elites Obsessed With Playing God & the Chilling Origins of Technocracy by Dr. Reiner…

Why Are They FINALLY “Admitting” the Covid Vax Could Be Harmful?

Why Are They FINALLY “Admitting” the Covid Vax Could Be Harmful? by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian January 19, 2023   The mainstream narrative spinners – from politicians to the CDC to…

Matt Ehret, With Rogue News: Why is Robert Malone Pushing Anti-China Misinformation?

Matt Ehret With Rogue News: Why is Robert Malone Pushing Anti-China Misinformation? by Matthew Ehret, Rogue News January 19, 2023   Dr Robert Malone has stated that anyone calling out…

Davos: Gates, Schwab, Global Elites Face Growing Criticism of Their ‘Master the Future’ Agenda

Davos: Gates, Schwab, Global Elites Face Growing Criticism of Their ‘Master the Future’ Agenda Thousands of prominent political and business figures are congregating in Davos, Switzerland, this week for the…

Rebel News Reporters Challenge Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Davos; Bourla Responded With Silence

Rebel News Reporters Challenge Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at Davos; Bourla Responded With Silence   Caught Him! Rebel News Pummels Pfizer CEO With Questions at World Economic Forum by Lezra…

New CDC Data: 800 “Accidental Covid” Deaths?! (Plus “Covid Suicides” and “Covid Homicides”)

New CDC Data: 800 “Accidental Covid” Deaths?! (Plus “Covid Suicides” and “Covid Homicides”)   New CDC Data 800 “Accidental Covid” Deaths?! by Justin Hart, Rational Ground by Justin Hart January…

What’s Next for mRNA Vaccines?

What’s Next for mRNA Vaccines? by Dr. Sam Bailey January 17, 2022   One of the “goals” of COVID-19 appears to be convincing the public to accept minimally-tested pharmaceutical products….

Photos of Hundreds Who Died From the Jabs Are Posted on Windows of the BBC

Photos of Hundreds Who Died From the Jabs Are Posted on Windows of the BBC by JVDW Music, Odysee channel uploaded January 15, 2023    Video out of the UK…

International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC): Has the Corona Virus Ever Been Isolated? Why Do So Many From “The Resistance” Resist Dealing With This Question?

International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC): Has the Corona Virus Ever Been Isolated? Why Do So Many From “The Resistance” Resist Dealing With This Question?   Truth Comes to Light editor’s…

James Corbett & Meryl Nass: W.H.O. Sneak Attack — Usurping Power From Individual Countries and Thrusting It Into the Hands of a Mad-With-Power Agency

James Corbett & Meryl Nass: W.H.O. Sneak Attack — Usurping Power From Individual Countries and Thrusting It Into the Hands of a Mad-With-Power Agency   WHO Sneak Attack With James…

Children’s Health Defense Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate

Children’s Health Defense Defeats NY State Healthcare Workers COVID Mandate   Children’s Health Defense Press Release January 13, 2023 For Immediate Release In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme…

Dr. Tom Cowan & Howdie Mickowski: On Our Hidden History & the Mystery of the World’s Fairs

Dr. Tom Cowan & Howdie Mickowski: On Our Hidden History & the Mystery of the World’s Fairs   “So we’ve got two avenues that we can discuss. There’s the avenue…

The Mystery, Magic, and Crime of Apple Inc.

The Mystery, Magic, and Crime of Apple Inc. by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport substack January 11, 2023   How I learned to stop worrying and love Steve Jobs, etc. The…

Be the Disobedient School Kid

Be the Disobedient School Kid To Quote Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Teach Your Children Well. by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare     Connect with Jerm Warfare Truth Comes to…

The Mother of All Limited Hangouts

The Mother of All Limited Hangouts by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory January 11, 2022   The Mother of All Limited Hangouts has begun. Yes, I’m talking about the “Covid Twitter…

The Role of the US DoD (and Their Co-Investors) in “Covid Countermeasures” Enterprise.

The Role of the US DoD (and Their Co-Investors) in “Covid Countermeasures” Enterprise. Intelligence is never artificial. by Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence and Art substack originally published December 22, 2022…

Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the Faked Atomic Bombing

Michael Palmer on Hiroshima and the Faked Atomic Bombing The United States Dropped Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki During World War 2. Allegedly. by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare December…

Reiner Fuellmich & Hans Tolzin on the Shady History of Virology: Have Viruses Ever Been Isolated or Purified?

Reiner Fuellmich & Hans Tolzin on the Shady History of Virology: Have Viruses Ever Been Isolated or Purified?   Isolation vs. Filtration by International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) January 8,…

Pfizer’s History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as ‘Human Guinea Pigs’ How Did Pfizer Manage to Rebrand Itself as the Savior of Humanity?

Pfizer’s History of Fraud, Corruption, and Using Nigerian Children as ‘Human Guinea Pigs’ How Did Pfizer Manage to Rebrand Itself as the Savior of Humanity? by KanekoaTheGreat, Substack originally published…

Worldwide Testimonies About Smart Meters

Worldwide Testimonies About Smart Meters by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force January 5, 2023   Five weeks ago, I asked people to email the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission (PRC)…

Killer Shots and Justice

Killer Shots and Justice by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute January 4, 2023   A Rasmussen Reports survey of American adults conducted last week found that 28 percent of the polled individuals…

Sanity, Harmony, Love, Amazement, and Freedom, Are Now the Hidden Side of Life: A Backward and Deranged State of Mind

Sanity, Harmony, Love, Amazement, and Freedom, Are Now the Hidden Side of Life: A Backward and Deranged State of Mind by Gary D. Barnett January 4, 2023   “I have…

An Unholy Invasion – Chatbots Are Colonizing Our Minds

An Unholy Invasion – Chatbots Are Colonizing Our Minds Legacy humans must erect cultural barriers now, before we’re overwhelmed by Joe Allen, Singularity Weekly January 3, 2023     Chatbots…

Harvesting for Spare Parts

Harvesting for Spare Parts by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing December 31, 2022   Legalizing Infanticide In March 2022, California introduced a bill [AB2223] that “decriminalizes neglecting newborns to…

La Quinta Columna: Analysis of a Single Drop of the Pfizer “Vaccine” as of December 26, 2022

Analysis of a Single Drop of the Pfizer “Vaccine” as of December 26, 2022 Recorded December 26, 2022 Presenter: Richard Delgado, Biostatistician by La Quinta Columna December 31, 2022  …

Dr. Tom Cowan: “You Don’t Have to Go Looking for What Is Real, It Will Reveal Itself. But You Have to Do the Painful Work of Discarding That Which Is Untrue. That’s Our Quest.”

Dr. Tom Cowan: “You Don’t Have to Go Looking for What Is Real, It Will Reveal Itself. But You Have to Do the Painful Work of Discarding That Which Is…

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: CIA Doctors and Human Rights Violations

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: CIA Doctors and Human Rights Violations by Dr. Andrew Kaufman originally filmed November 29, 2022   Andrew Kaufman M.D. consolidates and presents information from the book, “CIA…

The Veil Over Society Got Removed for a Moment…

The Veil Over Society Got Removed for a Moment… by Truthstream Media December 24, 2022        Video available at Truthstream Media Rumble and YouTube channels.   Connect…

6 ‘Noncompliance’ Strategies for Protecting Kids and Teens in 2023

6 ‘Noncompliance’ Strategies for Protecting Kids and Teens in 2023 by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender originally published December 22, 2022   Since 2020, parents have had to contend…

Dr. Sam Bailey: Highlights From Covid Era Interviews

Dr. Sam Bailey: Highlights From Covid Era Interviews   Interview Highlights – COVID Era by Dr. Samantha Bailey December 27, 2022   Sometimes it is hard to believe that the COVID…

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Accept or Recommend Another Vaccine”

Dr. Mike Yeadon: “I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Accept or Recommend Another Vaccine” by Dr. Mike Yeadon sourced from Dr. Mike Yeadon Telegram channel December 24, 2022   Folks, I…

Flight Cancellations Surpass 2,000 as “Once-in-a-Generation” Winter Storm Batters Us

Flight Cancellations Surpass 2,000 as “Once-in-a-Generation” Winter Storm Batters Us by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge December 22, 2022   Update (1613ET): A massive winter storm is disrupting air travel across the country….

The Weaponization of the WHO: James Corbett With Meryl Nass

The Weaponization of the WHO: James Corbett With Meryl Nass by Meryl Nass, MD,  Children’s Health Defense TV December 15, 2022   Solve the intentionally confusing puzzle about what the…

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki Being Right About HIV

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki Being Right About HIV by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare December 15, 2022   Anthony Brink is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and…

Foreword From Dr. Vandana Shiva to the Global Witness Report “A Decade of Defiance: Ten Years of Reporting Land and Environmental Activism Worldwide”

Foreword From Dr. Vandana Shiva to the Global Witness Report “A Decade of Defiance: Ten Years of Reporting Land and Environmental Activism Worldwide” by Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International sourced from…

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Breaking Free From Deception and Control

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Breaking Free From Deception and Control by Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media December 8, 2022   Josh Sigurdson invites Andrew Kaufman, M.D. for a discussion about mRNA…

Arthur Firstenberg: Ecocide From Space

Ecocide From Space by Arthur Firstenberg,  Cellular Phone Task Force sourced from Cellular Phone Task Force December 14, 2022 newsletter December 14, 2022     Number of Operating Satellites Passes…

Here We Go Again: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and WHO Simulate Another Deadly Pandemic

Here We Go Again: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and WHO Simulate Another Deadly Pandemic by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation December 13, 2022   Marxist-tied WHO boss announced this week that…

Gov. DeSantis Drops the Hammer: Investigations, First Amendment Protections, New Health Committee

Gov. DeSantis Drops the Hammer: Investigations, First Amendment Protections, New Health Committee Major power play moves from America’s Governor. by Vigilant Fox December 13, 2022   Governor DeSantis’ mRNA accountability…

The Military-Industrial Complex

The Military-Industrial Complex by Mises Media, Mises Institute December 13, 2022    Shortly after becoming president, Dwight Eisenhower claimed that “every gun made, every warship launched, every rocket fired,…

What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms?

What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms? The Dutch government said it plans to purchase and forcibly shut down up to 3,000 farms it deems “peak polluters”…

James Corbett on Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission by James Corbett, The Corbett Report December 13, 2022   In January of 2022, in the darkest days of the scamdemic, a miracle occurred: a trucker…

Dr. Tom Cowan With Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey: In Response to Kevin McKernan’s Statements to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Group

Dr. Tom Cowan With Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey: In Response to Kevin McKernan’s Statements to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Group     Baileys & Cowan Respond to…

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Kip Warner on a Pending Class Action Lawsuit in British Columbia, Canada

Legal Options in Canada – Class Action Lawsuit in British Columbia by International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC) December 11, 2022   In this first episode of “Impromptu” , Dr. Fuellmich…

The Weaponisation of Psychiatry Against Critics of Governments’ Covid Narrative

The Weaponisation of Psychiatry Against Critics of Governments’ Covid Narrative by Rhoda Wilson, The Exposé December 12, 2022   Psychiatry has been the enforcer of choice used by strong-arm governments…

CoroNo Virus: A No Show

CoroNo Virus: A No Show by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath December 11, 2022   Where’s Waldo? Yet, after continents have been shut down, economies and lives destroyed, illegal mandates invoked…

Jerm Warfare: Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate

Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate Why is a warmer climate something to fear? A colder Earth is way worse.  by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare December 12, 2022…

15-Minute City Insanity Is Only ‘Climate Change’ Lockdown Madness

15-Minute City Insanity Is Only ‘Climate Change’ Lockdown Madness by Gary D. Barnett December 10, 2022   “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where…

Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism

Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism by André Marques, Mises Institute December 9, 2022   The Federal Reserve is sowing the seeds for its central bank digital currency…

Pediatrician Sounds Alarm: Information Leaflets in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Left Deliberately Blank

Pediatrician Sounds Alarm: Information Leaflets in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Left Deliberately Blank by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation December 8, 2022   “This is what passes as “informed consent” under the leadership…

Arthur Firstenberg: Is Our Tech Making Us Sick?

Arthur Firstenberg: Is Our Tech Making Us Sick? by World Council for Health December 5, 2022    Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #68 on Monday, December 5, Arthur Firstenberg () gave…
