Mass Protests in Greece in Response to Unvaccinated Being Banned From Social Life

Mass Protests in Greece in Response to Unvaccinated Being Banned From Social Life

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
July 15, 2021


Greece has become the latest European country to be hit with mass protests after the government announced the unvaccinated would be banned from visiting bars, restaurants, cinemas and other public places.

Thousands of demonstrators descended on Athens and Thessaloniki, with crowds chanting “Hands off our kids!” and holding signs that said “We say no to vaccine poison.”

All nursing home staff and hospital workers will be mandated to get the vaccine from August 16, while hospital workers also face losing their jobs unless they get the compulsory jab from September.

Teens as young as 15 will also be encouraged to get the vaccine with parental permission, another change that has angered protesters.

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis effectively said that the new measures, which go into effect on Friday and will remain in place until the end of August, were a punishment for Greeks enjoying themselves too much and refusing to take the vaccine.

“After a year and a half, no one can claim ignorance about the coronavirus anymore,” said Mitsotakis. “The country will not shut down again due to attitudes adopted by certain people… It’s not Greece that’s a danger, but unvaccinated Greeks.”

As we highlighted yesterday, police in Paris were forced to used tear gas to disperse rioters who were irate at the government’s plan to impose similar measures, including banning the unvaccinated from public transport.

Cities across France were hit with unruly demonstrations, with the Yellow Vest movement, which ended as a result of the first lockdown in March 2020, seemingly being resurrected.

There are plans to implement some form of ‘vaccine passport’ in virtually every major western country, but judging by the response so far, it will face massive resistance from the public.


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SpaceX to Begin Worldwide Service in August

SpaceX to Begin Worldwide Service in August

by Arthur FirstenbergCellular Phone Task Force
July 15, 2021


On June 29, 2021, Elon Musk spoke at the Mobile World Congress held in Barcelona, Spain. He said SpaceX presently has about 70,000 active beta testers of the Starlink satellites in 12 countries, and that full, global commercial service will begin in August. Beginning next month, anyone who purchases a user terminal for $500 and pays the

$100 per month subscription fee will have access to high-speed internet by satellite from their home or vehicle anywhere in the world except the polar regions. More than half a million people have already put down a deposit.

In his talk, Musk revealed that the solar array for each satellite generates more than 3,000 watts of actual power. It is these solar arrays that are disturbing both visual and infrared astronomy worldwide. And it is the radiation of (so far) more than 5 megawatts of combined power, focused into (ultimately) millions of powerful beams, that is radically disturbing the electromagnetic environment that we live in, that we evolved in, that surrounds and nurtures us, and that generates the electricity that runs through our veins, guiding our growth, health and life.

Musk also spoke about the gigantic Starship that SpaceX has built, which will be able to lift 150 tons into orbit, that he plans to use to build a base on the Moon and a city on Mars, and that will be ready for its first test launch in just a few months.

He also spoke about what drives him. His goal with SpaceX, he said, is “to extend consciousness beyond earth.” His goal with Tesla, he said, is “to show that life is good on earth, with sustainable energy.” And his goal with his newest company, Neuralink, he said, is “long-term AI/human symbiosis.”

Musk does not seem to know that instead of extending consciousness, he is destroying it; that instead of decreasing the use of fossil fuels, he is consuming phenomenal amounts of them launching his rockets on a soon-to-be daily basis. And he is clueless about radiation. When asked, back in February, whether cell phones are dangerous, he said: “If I had a helmet of cell phones strapped around my head and around my nuts, I would not worry… If you had a helmet that was made of cell phones, you would be fine.” Musk’s comments on radiation begin at minute 1:00 of this video:

I have been receiving inquiries for the past couple of weeks that indicate to me that anxiety levels may be increasing globally. Please contact me to report any changes (or not) in your physical or emotional well-being.

We Have Met the Enemy and It Is Us

A heartbreaking video shows what happened recently to all the bees in a hive in Eagle, Idaho within one month of a cell tower being erected nearby: in-eagle-idaho-video. Who is doing this to the world? We are. Who can stop doing this to the world? We can.

A new survey by Deloitte found that the average American household contains 25 different wireless devices.

There are smart phones, iPads, Kindles, wifi modems and routers, range extenders, wireless computers, wireless printers, wireless keyboards, wireless mice, wireless speakers, wireless headphones and earpieces, wireless garage door openers, wireless door locks, wireless doorbells, wireless baby monitors, wireless surveillance cameras, wifi video cameras, wifi digital photo frames, smart thermometers, smart thermostats, smart yoga mats, smart indoor lighting, smart security systems, voice controllers, gesture controllers, smart buttons, smart alarm clocks, smart air quality monitors, smart smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, smart navigation systems, connected exercise machines, fitness trackers, sleep trackers, location trackers, blood pressure monitors, heart rate monitors, smart appliances, controllers of smart appliances, ibeacons for home automation, smart ovens, smart irrigation systems, wireless garden sensors, Click and Grow Herb Gardens, smart grill thermometers, smart sprinkler controllers, smart air conditioners, smart TVs, video streaming devices for TVs, wireless gaming consoles, wireless leak detectors, smart watches, smart bracelets, smart air purifiers, smart home vent systems, remote pet feeders, smart light bulbs, bluetooth-connected espresso machines, and bluetooth-connected cookers.

Every one of these devices emits radiation. Every one of these devices, if you have it on your person or in your home, irradiates you and your family and your pets and your neighbors and the birds and bees and animals outside. This situation did not exist at all just 25 years ago and it must stop if we are to have a world to live in much longer. It is not necessary for a phone, computer or anything else to be wireless instead of wired in order for one to communicate and interact with the world.

All over the world, people are protesting against 5G.

In Switzerland, a popular initiative to amend the federal constitution to make telecommunications companies liable for personal injury and property damage caused by their transmitters gathered 92,515 signatures. The organizers fell just short of the 100,000 signatures that they needed to collect by July 3 in order to put the initiative on the ballot. They have now submitted the initiative as a petition to the Federal Assembly.

In Italy, in May, the Alleanza Italiana Stop 5G delivered 340,000 signatures to the Minister of Health asking for a moratorium on 5G and the Internet of Things, which their petition says is threatening “an electromagnetic overdose that is unprecedented in the history of humanity.” In April, 135 people — politicians, doctors, lawyers, engineers, diplomats, school teachers and others — went on an 18-day hunger strike to protest the proposed relaxation of exposure limits for radio- frequency radiation from 6 V/m to 61 V/m. They ended their hunger strike when Parliament removed the proposed text from consideration. But the proposed amendments to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan are back, and Parliament is set to vote on them. Other amendments would prohibit municipalities from regulating the location of cell towers and antennas, and would eliminate all restrictions on telecommunications facilities in national and regional parks and reserves. All this week, from July 12 to July 16, the Alleanza has been holding a national information and media campaign, together with protests at Parliament.

In Montgomery County, Maryland, residents are mobilizing to oppose the adoption of a new zoning amendment that would allow cell towers to be built on the sidewalk 30 feet from homes without any public hearings and without any notice to residents. The City Council of Tacoma Park has written a letter to the County opposing this amendment.

People all over the world are asking for cell towers not to be built and satellites not to be sent into the sky, yet most are holding cell phones in their hands that cannot work without the towers and satellites, and that are creating the demand that is destroying this planet.

People are always writing to me asking “What can I do?” You can throw away your cell phone and get rid of every wireless device that you own. That is within your power and it is the most effective thing that you can do.

The last 21 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading and sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the newsletters are also available there in German, Spanish, Italian and French.

Connect with Arthur Firstenberg

cover image credit: Steve Jurvetson / Wikimedia Commons / Creative Commons

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines”


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the video below Dean Braus brings together Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andy Kaufman to discuss mRNA vaccines, nanoparticles in vaccines and related topics. Dean begins the conversation with discussion of the following quote:

“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
~ Heraclitus of Ephesus

There is an audio issue with much of Dr. Lanka’s contribution to the conversation, which included some discussion of Dr. Lanka’s CPE (Cytopathic Effect) experiment and ongoing research, as well as the refusal of mainstream medical science to give his research consideration. To understand more about his work, please see links to related articles, videos and pdf files that I’ve provided at the end of this article.

Below are a few brief excerpts from the wide-ranging conversation:

Tom Cowan:

 …The theory that we base our entire science and our entire medicine on — which we are only made of substance — it is simply incorrect.

…We are forced into a way of seeing the world — forced into saying that must be true. And yet we all know it’s not.

…At some point we have to acknowledge that the theory of medicine science is just wrong and we should abandon it.

Andy Kaufman:

…We are living in a time when science is not interested in finding the truth. It’s basically motivated by…political goals and and other purposes — financial incentives.

…As Tom alluded to, we’ve known that virology is not a valid science for a long time. And it’s very important — the control experiments — because they provide the empirical evidence that disproves the dogmatic virology theory.

…An average person can understand the significance of this control experiment because we’re saying that the alleged proof of the existence of a virus, and everything that is based upon that, comes from the experimental procedure itself — and not from the presence of anything real.

…I think there are a lot of unknowns right now. Like, we certainly know that these so-called vaccines — or these gene therapies — that they’re quite toxic. And we have incredible numbers of people experiencing very serious adverse effects and we have incredible numbers of people dying. But the truth is that we don’t really even know what’s in these injections.

We know from the past that undisclosed ingredients make it into vaccine products… We know that there is recent evidence that has perhaps not been validated but it’s still out there from La Quinta Columna about graphene. We know that in the past there has been DNA from fetal cell lines that’s been added to vaccines without being disclosed. And then we have observed some unusual phenomenon with respect to magnetism. And then if you look in the literature you see that there is an extreme amount of research published on nanotechnology for biomedical applications. And many of those are specifically for infectious disease and specifically for vaccine technology.

…And then we have this story about you know the gene therapy. And we know that this is been unsuccessful so far in other clinical pursuits.

…What we have seen as an explosion in GMO technology in other industries — in manufacturing, nutraceuticals and pharmaceuticals and, as well, in agriculture and food especially, where we know that they alter the genotype and phenotype of organisms. So we know that they can hack our system in some ways that can change our physiology.

…So we don’t really know if this product actually integrates into the genetic machinery of the host or the protein manufacturing machinery of the host. And we don’t really know if the spike protein is actually made in our body. So, in other words, there’s evidence that the spike protein is toxic .. You can buy a commercial preparation… it’s an actual substance. Now whether it’s found in nature or not is a separate discussion. But it has been bought from those manufacturers and sold for research studies and shown to have a certain toxicity. But we don’t know if the toxicity from these products is from that spike protein because we don’t even know if it’s really made.

…We also don’t know with certainty if there is nanotechnology in addition to the lipid nanoparticles that are said to deliver the mRNA or the so-called adenovirus vector that’s in the Johnson & Johnson product. But we don’t know if there’s other nanotechnology. Like are their magnetic nanoparticles? Are there graphene nanoparticles? Is there hydrogel?

Tom Cowan:

…An RNA vaccine is trying to take over that which is basically the interaction of the human being with the world of light and sound and spirit and thoughts and emotions — and translate that into a living being.

Who’s ever doing this wants “them” to be the ones who determine what protein you make.

…The bad news is they’re trying to make us make what they want. The good news is — it doesn’t work like that, so they may not ever be able to do it.

…Like Andy said, nobody even has measured really whether they actually can get them to make spike proteins. My guess is they can’t really.


Freedom Talk 3

by Dean Braus, @DeansDanes Odysee channel
July 14, 2021

Impact of CPE Control Experiment. mRNA Vaccines, nanoparticles, outlook on projects.

Original video available at Dean’s Danes Odysee channel.

Also found at Dean’s Danes Odysee channel, see a brief video on Dr. Lanka’s CPE experiments.


 See related:

Dismantling the Virus Theory by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

The Causes of Corona Crisis Are Clearly Identified — Virologists Who Claim Disease-Causing Viruses Are Science Fraudsters and Must Be Prosecuted by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

How Dead Are Virus Anyway? All Claims of Virus Existence Refuted by Dr. Stefan Lanka (download PDF)

A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman (download PDF)


Video on Dr. Lanka’s work mentioned by Dean Braus

The Final Refutation Of Virology by Dr. Stefan Lanka


Related articles

Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Tom Cowan: How We Got Into This Mess — The History of Virology & Deep Medical Deceptions

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself

Dr. Stefan Lanka 2020 Article Busts the Virus Misconception

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

The Contagion Fairy Tale


Connect with Dr. Stefan Lanka:

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan:

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

Connect with Dean Braus:

Liberté! Résistance! A Photo-Report From France

Liberté! Résistance! A Photo-Report From France

by Winter Oak, The Acorn
July 15, 2021


Emergency demonstrations were held in towns and cities across France on Wednesday July 14, 2021, as the state went full-fascist in imposing bio-security dictatorship.

In a televised address on Monday evening President Emmanuel Macron announced that “vaccination” was to be compulsory for all health workers and that, furthermore, “vaccine passports” were to be required for everyday access to public spaces ranging from cafés and restaurants to trains and buses.

While some French people were panicked into signing up for the jab so that they could continue with their usual lives and summer holidays, others reacted angrily and quickly organised protests on the public holiday marking the storming of the Bastille during the French Revolution of 1789.

In the Mediterranean city of Montpellier, large numbers gathered in the central Place de la Comédie and marched through the city streets.

There was a visible Gilets Jaunes contingent, but many described themselves as first-time protesters. Health workers, including a doctor, addressed the crowd. One carried a placard (above) declaring: “Sack me, lock me up, I will remain free in my choices”.

Liberté!” declared the chants. “Résistance!” “Non au pass sanitaire!” “We aren’t scared!” the rebels shouted defiantly and they certainly now knew they were not alone.

Applauded from shop doorways and balconies, they urged onlookers to join them as they made their way to the Préfecture, the city’s government building, and encircled it, setting off fireworks.

By the time the march descended on the main railway station, it was bigger than ever.

Dozens of protesters rushed into the station concourse and there were scuffles with police inside before the demo moved off again into the narrow mediaeval streets.

More protests across the country are planned for Saturday. While the response to the Covid coup in France had up until now been relatively muted, the authorities could well have now pushed things too far.

“A state lie against citizens’ freedom. Everyone on the streets!”

“For your security you are deprived of your liberties”


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All images, including cover image, credit: Winter Oak

Parents of Harmed Children Sue Manufacturer of Brain-Damaging Insecticide Chlorpyrifos

Parents of Harmed Children Sue Manufacturer of Brain-Damaging Insecticide Chlorpyrifos

by Beyond Pesticides
July 14, 2021


(Beyond Pesticides, July 14, 2021) Corteva (formerly DowDupont) is facing a potential class-action lawsuit after several California families filed suit claiming that the use of the insecticide chlorpyrifos around their homes resulted in birth defects, brain damage, and developmental problems in their children. Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide that has been linked to a range of health ailments, posing significant hazards particularly for pregnant mothers and their children. The lawsuits come as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approaches a court-imposed 60-day deadline to decide the fate of the pesticide’s registration.

Attorneys for the court cases, filed on behalf of individuals located in four California communities (Fresno, Kings, Medera, and Tulare counties), indicate they intend to pursue class-action status, which would allow additional injured parties to join the lawsuit. The plaintiffs argue that the effects of chlorpyrifos exposure lingers in the agricultural communities where they reside. “We have found it in the houses, we have found it in carpet, in upholstered furniture, we found it in a teddy bear, and we found it on the walls and surfaces,” said Stuart Calwell, lead attorney for the plantiffs. “Then a little child picks up a teddy bear and holds on to it.” Ultimately, 100,000 people in California’s farming regions may need to remove items in their homes that were contaminated by chlorpyrifos, attorneys say.

Each of the four plaintiff families have children with developmental disabilities that they indicate were caused by chlorpyrifos exposure. This real-world occurrence is supported by the scientific literature. Studies find that children exposed to high levels of chlorpyrifos experience mental development delays, attention problems, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder problems, and pervasive developmental disorders at three years of age. Concentrations of chlorpyrifos in umbilical cord blood were also found to correspond to a decrease in the psychomotor development and a decrease in the mental development in 3-year olds.  Additional research reinforces these findings, with evidence that children with high exposure levels of chlorpyrifos have changes to the brain, including enlargement of superior temporal, posterior middle temporal, and inferior postcentral gyri bilaterally, and enlarged superior frontal gyrus, gyrus rectus, cuneus, and precuneus along the mesial wall of the right hemisphere.

Although Corteva has dropped out of the chlorpyrifos market, it is not supporting the cancellation of the chemical, and other manufacturers continue to produce it. Three years ago, Hawaii became the first state to begin to phase out chlorpyrifos use. In New York, a law passed by the state legislature implementing a ban prior to Hawaii’s was vetoed by Governor Cuomo (D) and shunted to a slower state rulemaking processCalifornia has likewise initiated rulemaking to ban the chemical, but minor uses are likely to remain.

Meanwhile, EPA, despite a change in administration, has taken no significant action to eliminate chlorpyrifos to date. In May 2021, a federal appeals court gave EPA a 60-day deadline to provide a “legally sufficient response” to a petition originally filed in 2007, urging the agency to ban food uses of the chemical.  Advocates say this is a low bar for the Biden administration to clear. With the Biden EPA, under the leadership of Administrator Michael Regan, defending a broad range of Trump-era pesticide decisions, advocates are concerned that EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs remains broken.

Like other recent lawsuits filed around toxic pesticide exposure, including Parkinson-linked paraquat and cancer-causing glyphosate, EPA inaction has made it so that the only remedy for affected individuals and communities is the court system.

Canada has begun to quietly phase out chlorpyrifos, and the European Union continues to lead the world in pesticide protections after it decided not to renew its registration for the chemical, permitting only a short grace period of 3 months for final storage, disposal, and use.

If EPA fails to ban chlorpyrifos, it will be a major blow for environmental justice, given that risks of exposure fall disproportionately on low-income African American and Latino families, including farmworker families, who are at the greatest risk of harm. Help stop the ongoing poisoning of these communities by urging EPA to ban chlorpyrifos today. But don’t stop at chlorpyrifos – as banning its use is simply the first step in eliminating other neurotoxic pesticides on the market. Tell EPA chlorpyrifos and all brain-damaging pesticides need to be banned immediately.

All unattributed positions and opinions in this piece are those of Beyond Pesticides.

Source: Associated Press


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La Quinta Columna Scientists: How Zinc Helps the Body Get Rid of Graphene Oxide

La Quinta Columna Scientists: How Zinc Helps the Body Get Rid of Graphene Oxide


La Quinta Columna: Zinc Helps Raise Glutathione Levels and Glutathione Helps Degrade Graphene Oxide

by Orwellito, Orwell City
July 14, 2021


In their program #81, La Quinta Columna keeps their research on how to detoxify graphene in the body. The team already mentioned that N-acetylcysteine and glutathione certainly work to degrade graphene, but today they talked about a very readily available supplement: zinc.

Zinc has an interaction with glutathione and that is that the higher the concentration of zinc in the blood, the more glutathione the body produces. This is demonstrated in the study entitled ‘Effect of zinc deficiency on blood glutathione levels.’

Another interesting study they read and discussed during the program was entitled ‘Decreased zinc availability affects glutathione metabolism in neuronal cells and in the developing brain,’ which highlights that zinc deficiency leads to an increase in cellular oxidants. As zinc levels are low, glutathione metabolism in the brain changes, leading to neuronal cell deterioration.

From the same study, they concluded that zinc probably requires the enzyme γ-Glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCL) to synthesize glutathione, so it is important for each person to have optimal zinc levels to stimulate and guarantee an optimal glutathione reserve as well.

And of course, since we’re talking about the fashionable disease which is caused by something that it’s clearly not a virus, La Quinta Columna also found medical evidence that shows that the supplementation of zinc improves the prognosis of patients since it reduces mortality and recovery time.

The Spanish researchers will continue to investigate the subject and look for further relationships between zinc and graphene oxide.

To complement the studies that La Quinta Columna read during the live broadcast, Orwell City has selected excerpts from the program highlighting their conclusions after reading them. The same excerpts cover the topics of the papers in a more practical and didactic way.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: The lesson is that this would be an adjuvant or coadjuvant treatment, which means it would be a background treatment when treating against intoxication if it is true that graphene is what produces it. At some point, we would prove our hypothesis with an article that tells us how it is activated, how it becomes super oxidizing under wave exposure. If we find such a paper, then we will have found the key to all this. It’s the only one we’re missing. Let’s see if we ever find it.

But we suspect that graphene when exposed to certain waves —and this is for people who don’t use to watch the program— graphene under the effect of a certain frequency or certain waves, becomes aggressive. It becomes harmful to the body. As long as you have it, it has its negative effects like thrombi, etcetera, and that you cannot avoid whatever its energetic state is. But if on top of that it is excited, surely graphene changes its chemical quality. It stops being a neutral agent, probably, and becomes a super oxidizing agent, and that’s what triggers all the rest, all the disease: the cytokine storm and all that story.

Ricardo Delgado: It alters oxidative stress. It raises it rapidly in a balanced function with what the glutathione levels are and you get immune system disruption, crashes, cytokine storm, and everything that we know.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: It consumes all the reducing agents in the body. It consumes them. And once they are consumed, as there is no longer a barrier, it will ‘devour’ everything. Devour it in quotation marks, because this reaction has no teeth, but it combines with everything, and with what it combines with it destroys it, it inactivates it, it is no longer useful. And of course, you cannot do that in a body, because if you touch molecules and neutralize them, everything becomes a house of cards. It starts to collapse all over the place.


Ricardo Delgado: I have an anecdote. When we had the meeting in Seville, I was approached by two nurses who had been coerced to get vaccinated and I asked them: ‘And do you have magnetism?’ And they were already aware of N-acetylcysteine, glutathione, and so on. One of them already had a dose. They were young. They were about 30 to 35 years old, to my naked eye. And one said to me, ‘Look. One of the secrets is that I’m taking zinc. I take garlic —the famous antibiotic black garlic which is also an antioxidant— and I take zinc in high doses because I am also an athlete.’ And that was helping him along with the magnesium. And he said that since he was taking it, the magnetism had disappeared in a matter of four or five days. So it is an anecdote, but logically it is an assertion that is going to be added to what we are talking about here because it would surely affect.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: Well, perhaps it also has a direct effect on the molecule. Here we see that it may be by way of the synthesis of glutathione, but perhaps when degraded…

Ricardo Delgado: …it converts graphene oxide.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: Or it combines with it and neutralizes it. It incapacitates it. Maybe it forms a weird bond, who knows what kind of bond it forms and that. That little hexagon or that little crystal, when you put zinc in there, it doesn’t work anymore, it loses that superconductivity.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: Remember that graphene gained that property under certain temperatures and, I think it gained it when it was deoxygenated or something like that. I don’t remember what the mechanism was that made it gain conductivity or lose it. It was a matter of combining the atoms. I don’t know if it was combining with oxygen atoms. I don’t remember. There was a combination that made it superconducting and one that made it non-conducting. Then those molecules as soon as you put things in, that change the picture. That’s pure chemistry. This type of material is almost alchemical. I mean, it’s a total change what you get. It has nothing to do with what it was originally. We’re talking about the famous emergent properties. When you manipulate that material you get things that you didn’t even expect compared to what you had as a base.

Ricardo Delgado: Is it possible that such a simple supplement can determine whether a person lives or dies, in this situation, with a supplement like zinc? And the truth is that there are many studies.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: Perfectly. Keep in mind that this is all a balance of damages. In the end, a person who can endure a little bit and who, well, who is more or less at the limit, you help that person fight the damage and it can be lifesaving.

If you do nothing, it will trigger, as they say, the famous cytokine storm. Remember that when the storm is triggered, it is going to repair, but it is going to repair by not giving a fine response. That’s like a Tomahawk missile that goes right in there, with its target in its sights and impacts. Just like that missile did with that terrorist’s car in that movie, you know which one.

No, no. This, when the immune response is triggered, will kill the cell that is bad and there will be no mercy for the others that are around. They are going to fall too because it is going to go all out, everything is thrown into the same bag and everything is going to be swept away. If this one is sick and if the one next to it is not, it doesn’t matter. They all fall. That’s why once a storm breaks out, the damage is irreparable. You have to administer powerful anti-inflammatory drugs to stop it because there is no way to stop it. That is why steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are corticosteroids, work to treat the affection. But of course, we did not know that there was an antidote. We were just thinking about what I told you before.

Ricardo Delgado: The myth of inflammation.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: Of course, we were always thinking about inflammation as the mechanism to focus all the treatment on. But my friend, is that we have a cause that we didn’t think about before. That everything was coming from a triggered inflammatory mechanism, an immune response.

Do you realize how much time we have lost? But as soon as you realize that the damage is chemical, you can neutralize the damaging power of that chemical with antidotes. And in that case, the damages that can come behind are less. There will still be because there is always damage. There will be an inflammatory response, but you will minimize it if you attack the toxic agent, which solves the problem.

Ricardo Delgado: Indeed, the immune system in its natural process of attacking whatever it is will provoke an inflammatory phenomenon, it will provoke a fever and it can kill you, which is what happens.

Dr. José Luis Sevillano: That is what happens. It doesn’t stop once it’s triggered. It doesn’t stop and people start to fall.

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TCTL editor’s note:

Find original videos by La Quinta Columna at Odysee and follow them at Telegram.
You can reach them via their website: There is a contact form at the bottom of their homepage. Languages spoken are Spanish, English and French.

See related article: On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body

Joe Biden Is the President of the Biggest Merchant of Death on the Planet

Joe Biden Is the President of the Biggest Merchant of Death on the Planet

by Adam Dick, The Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
July 13, 2021


Over at, Laurence M. Vance has written a great rejoinder to President Joe Biden’s assertion, in a June 23 speech advocating a large expansion in suppression of the exercise of the right to bear arms, that gun dealers who sell pistols, rifles, and shotguns to Americans are “merchants of death.”

Writes Vance in his Tuesday article:

It is ludicrous that Biden would refer to gun dealers as ‘merchants of death.’ The phrase was originally applied to the armament industry during World War I.

Gun dealers are not merchants of death. Far from it. The real merchants of death are the defense contractors who suck at the federal teat and have most members of Congress in their pocket.

According to Bloomberg Government: ‘In fiscal 2020, defense contract spending hit a record high of $447 billion – representing nearly two thirds of overall federal contract spending. It’s an impressive growth trajectory that we’ve been tracking for years. Pentagon spending surged by $140.6 billion between fiscal 2016 and 2020, with a $42 billion increase in the last year alone.’

Here are the top ten merchants of death:

  1. Lockheed Martin Corp.
  2. Raytheon Co.
  3. General Dynamics Corp.
  4. Boeing Co.
  5. Northrop Grumman Corp.
  6. Analytic Services Inc.
  7. Huntington Ingalls Industries Inc.
  8. Humana Inc.
  9. BAE Systems Plc
  10. Harris Corp.

These merchants of death all have contracts worth billions of dollars with the biggest merchant of death on the planet: the U.S. government.

Read Vance’s complete article here.


Connect with The Ron Paul Institute

UK Research Group Concludes Covid-19 Vaccines Are “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Reactions

UK Research Group Concludes Covid-19 Vaccines Are “Unsafe for Humans” Due to Adverse Reactions

by Captaindaretofly, The Daily Expose
July 12, 2021


Since the Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out across the UK, there has been a disturbing trend with the number of adverse reactions being reported to the Yellow Card reporting system. The latest numbers show that there have been over 1,037,376 adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines ranging from mild to severe, and 1,440 deaths, as of 30th June 2021.

To many, this shows that these experimental gene therapies, which have been labeled as vaccines are causing incredible harm and damage to the British public. Yet big pharma and the government are looking to roll out the vaccines for children in late summer or autumn…

Despite this, the UK government has encouraged the public to report “suspected side effects to medicines, vaccines or medical device and diagnostic adverse incidents used in coronavirus treatment to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to ensure safe and effective use.” Although, many of those who have reported having an adverse reaction to the vaccine have shared experiences where doctors or nurses have refused to report their side effects to Yellow Card.

However, a group of scientists and doctors from the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy (EBMC), which is based in Bath, UK, has examined the data reported to Yellow Card and wrote to the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) with concerns about the disturbing number of injuries and deaths as a result of the Covid jabs.

In her letter to the MHRA, Dr Tess Lawrie, the Director of the EMBC, pointed out that between the 4th January and 26th May 2021 there were 1,253 deaths and 888,196 adverse reactions reported during this period. Whilst her team cannot directly correlate this with the vaccine, Lawrie and the EMBC have strong concerns regarding the safety of those receiving the Covid jab.

In an interview with, Lawrie said: “The total number of cases is concerning and each person that’s reported should be followed up on to ensure there are no further problems.

“The scope of morbidity is striking, evidencing a lot of incidents and what amounts to a large number of ill.”

Lawrie said that the Yellow Card reporting system is incredibly “opaque” and in no way transparent. For example, she stated that researchers aren’t able to cross-reference safety incidents by age, gender, or other data attributes, making it difficult to determine the full impact of the vaccines across all groups. However, she estimates that in the UK about 60%+ of all vaccines are AstraZeneca’s while the remainder Pfizer’s jab.

Throughout the letter, Lawrie examines the numbers of each reaction from blood clots, autoimmune reactions, to neurological damage, and concluding that “the MHRA now has more than enough evidence on the Yellow Card system to declare the Covid-19 vaccines unsafe for use in humans.”

The letter concludes with an ominous warning: “Preparation should be made to scale up humanitarian efforts to assist those harmed by the COVID-19 vaccines and to anticipate and ameliorate medium to longer-term effects.

“As the mechanism for harms from the vaccines appears to be similar to COVID-19 itself, this includes engaging with numerous international doctors and scientists with expertise in successfully treating COVID-19.”

Finally, Lawrie states that there are “at least 3 urgent questions that need to be answered by the MHRA:

“How many people have died within 28 days of vaccination?

How many people have been hospitalised within 28 days of vaccination?

How many people have been disabled by the vaccination?”

Whilst groups such as the EBMC investigate the dangers of the Covid vaccine and seek to find answers, the UK government and media work hard to hide the countless injuries whilst encouraging the population to roll up their sleeve and submit to this cruel experiment.


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cover image credit: HakanGERMAN / pixabay

DNA Steganography and Cryptanalysis

DNA Steganography and Cryptanalysis

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
July 14, 2021


Every now and then I get an article which is a real “whopper doozie,” and this is one of those times. In fact, this is not even an article at all, it’s a Ph.D. dissertation from 2015 that was spotted and shared by K.S., to whom a big thank you.

And before we get to the dissertation, a caveat: this is one of those things that’s so long I’ve not had time to read it in its entirety.  In fact, I became stuck pondering just the implications of the opening paragraph, the abstract of the dissertation.

The dissertation title itself is a bit of a drag, as most dissertation titles are:

A forensics software toolkit for DNA steganalysis.

In case you don’t know what steganalysis is, it is related to steganography, which is the art of concealing a secret message or signal within something that has an entirely different public purpose, such as a picture or work of art, and so on. Steganalysis is simply unearthing that message and decoding it.

With that in mind, look at the opening paragraph:

Recent advances in genetic engineering have allowed the insertion of artificial DNA strands into the living cells of organisms. Several methods have been developed to insert information into a DNA sequence for the purpose of data storage, watermarking, or communication of secret messages. The ability to detect, extract, and decode messages from DNA is important for forensic data collection and for data security. We have developed a software toolkit that is able to detect the presence of a hidden message within a DNA sequence, extract that message, and then decode it. The toolkit is able to detect, extract, and decode messages that have been encoded with a variety of different coding schemes. The goal of this project is to enable our software toolkit to determine with which coding scheme a message has been encoded in DNA and then to decode it. The software package is able to decode messages that have been encoded with every variation of most of the coding schemes described in this document. The software toolkit has two different options for decoding that can be selected by the user. The first is frequency analysis approach that is very commonly used in cryptanalysis. This approach is very fast, but is unable to decode messages shorter than 200 words accurately. The second option is using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in combination with a Wisdom of Artificial Crowds (WoAC) technique. This approach is very time consuming, but can decode shorter messages with much higher accuracy.

Now, one can only hope that the author of this dissertation, Marc B. Beck, obtained his PhD for his efforts.

What I found intriguing, however, were the philosophical underpinnings of this abstract, for they reminded me of other recent papers emphasizing the resemblance of the genetic code to artificial ciphers. Indeed, one of my friends was at one time a mathematician for Hewlett-Packard, and authored a few abstruse papers for a journal of cybernetics, one of which was precisely about the genetic code being a homophonic cipher. Some authors in the “new age” part of the alternative research community have also claimed that human DNA contains a “message.”

It’s with these ideas that today’s high octane speculation is concerned. During the months of the planscamdemic, I and others watching the push to roll out mRNA injections have commented on an odd thing that has been reported in connection with some adverse events, namely, the change in behaviour some recipients evidence after receiving them. One lady complained “they’ve killed God,” setting off a storm of speculation that connected dots to alleged Baal Gates lectures to the CIA, and so on.

But suppose, for a moment, that the genetic code is a message or at least contains a message. A number of questions immediately occur. Could a program of steganalysis – such as is being outlined in this dissertation – detect and decode it? Possibly. More importantly: has it already been done? If so, what was the message? And additionally, did the decoders like the message? The last question seems important to me because – going further out on the twig of speculation – it has been argued that the mRNA vaccines are really genetic “operating systems” capable of tinkering with DNA.  I subscribe at least to the “operating system” view (see my News and Views from the Nefarium, July 8, 2021, or the following article: ).  So what if the mRNA injections are designed to be an operating system which in turn is designed to scramble the message or alter it altogether or at least,  make it easier to alter? Or what if they’re a message in and of themselves? And if so, to whom…?  Are these types of questions perhaps the real reason these highly experimental injections were rushed into production and “approval” without adequate intergenerational testing?

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: kalhh / pixabay

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call — July 24, 2021

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call — July 24, 2021




Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates


WHEN: Saturday July 24, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine
WHERE: Hyannis, MA, 300 block of Main Street near village green and statue of Iyanough.


On July 24, Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates will join a third worldwide protest against government tyranny pretending to protect humanity from a non-existent pandemic. The earlier worldwide protests were March 20 and May 15, with hundreds of locations around the world (including Cape Cod) and hundreds of thousands of people participating.

As of June 15, 2021, most of the illegal coronavirus orders were supposed to be lifted in Massachusetts. But restrictions on open meetings continued. Mask orders for public transport and healthcare facilities continued. It is quite possible that masking will also continue for schools when they open again next fall.The purpose of masking, “social distancing”, travel restrictions, and quarantines for the previous 16 months appears to have been psychological conditioning to get as many people as possible to accept the mRNA injections — falsely called a “vaccine” — just to return to normal. This campaign got a large number of people to accept the jab, if government accounts are to be believed. But what are we to make of a government that practices such techniques to coerce people into medical procedures? And what is the agenda behind the “vaccines”?

The state of Massachusetts says “the vaccine is safe, free, and effective. It’s the best way to protect yourself, your family, and our community.” This is patently not true.

According to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), “between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 2, 2021, a total of 438,441 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths. There were 41,015 serious injuryiesreported during the same time period”

According to Health Impact News “The European Medicines Agency report through July 3, 2021 there are 17,503 deaths and 1,687,527 injuries (50% serious) reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:”

On the face of it, the agenda appears to be to inject people with something so important to the authorities that they are willing to kill and injure thousands of people in order to get there. Adverse event reports do not prove that a vaccine caused a reaction, and they are part of a voluntary system known to under-report by at least a factor of 10, but they have been used in the past to discontinue pharmaceuticals when the death toll reached 50. Now, with the US and Europe combined, at least 26,000 deaths have been associated with the Moderna, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca, and J & J shots, yet governments continue to push for everyone to be injected. And they continue to say the injections are safe. And worst of all, they are pushing for children and teens to get the injection. We are being massively lied to.

The purpose of standing out July 24th will be to do what we can to save more people from being harmed. We need to reach those who have not been injected, and give them the courage to resist. Some doctors have said that the injections will cause our immune system to over-react to future respiratory pathogens. If this is true, the next flu season will bring more deaths, and they will be attributed to coronavirus, thus feeding the narrative. By standing out, we can go some way toward pre-empting this scenario. Serious blood clotting disorders are happening to people now, as the spike proteins caused by the injections go to and threaten the proper functioning of every major organ in the body. Indeed, harm caused by the injections to reproductive organs in both men and women raises concern about whether a eugenics agenda is being carried out without our being told.

This call is for a peaceful, non-partisan protest following up on our previous successful demonstrations. Bring large-letter signs or banners with your message. Our emphasis is to stop the push toward surveillance totalitarianism and the evisceration of our human and Constitutional rights which the so-called “pandemic” seems to have been invented to bring about.

We stand for:

  • The right to remain human — i.e., not to be genetically modified
  • The right to live — these injections are killing people; we obviously have the right to reject them for ourselves and our children
  • our right to refuse medical interventions,: no to the de facto vaccine mandate by which the state of Massachusetts allows employers, colleges, and businesses to require vaccination; and no to any future explicit vaccine mandate
  • ending mask requirements on public transportation and healthcare facilities, and in schools if they are mandated next fall.
  • the right to bodily autonomy: no one should be forced to take a vaccine or wear a mask, be swabbed, tested, or scanned
  • the right to complete informed consent, the foundation of medical ethics: no substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects (which are as yet unknown with these experimental injections)
  • parental rights: the state has no right to bypass a parent’s authority on whether a child should wear a mask, be tested, or be given any pharmaceutical product
  • the right to education: education at public schools and colleges should not be withheld as leverage to enforce government medical decrees
  • the right to freedom of movement: this right is violated when any kind of travel requires masking, testing, or proof of vaccination
  • “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (4th Amendment). This is the right to privacy . Our vaccine status, and medical history in general, is no one else’s business. Government has no right to send agents to our doors to question us about this.
  • the right to due process: Open meeting laws continue to be suspended in Massachusetts due to coronavirus . Government-sponsored medical procedures without informed consent (this is almost universal) is a violation of the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments.
  • freedom of speech and press: end widespread media censorship and cancellation of people with dissenting views about the covid narrative
  • the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights: refusal of service by any transport company, public venue, ticket vendor, grocery store, or other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens no longer have equal rights.

End Medical Mandates

TCTL editor’s note:

Find locations of World Wide Demonstrations — which will be taking place in more than 180 cities around the world on July 24, 2021:


cover image credit: a compilation of photos from previous Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates protests

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

The Right to Be Let Alone: What to Do When COVID Strike Force Teams Come Knocking

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
July 13, 2021


“Experience teaches us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government’s purposes are beneficent.”—Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis

A federal COVID-19 vaccination strike force may soon be knocking on your door, especially if you live in a community with low vaccination rates. Will you let them in?

More to the point, are you required to open the door?

The Biden Administration has announced that it plans to send federal “surge response teams” on a “targeted community door-to-door outreach“ to communities with low vaccination rates in order to promote the safety and accessibility of the COVID-19 vaccines.

That’s all fine and good as far as government propaganda goes, but nothing is ever as simple or as straightforward as the government claims, especially not when armed, roving bands of militarized agents deployed by the Nanny State show up at your door with an agenda that is at odds with what Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis referred to as the constitutional “right to be let alone.”

Any attempt by the government to encroach upon the citizenry’s privacy rights or establish a system by which the populace can be targeted, tracked and singled out must be met with extreme caution. These door-to-door “visits” by COVID-19 surge response teams certainly qualify as a government program whose purpose, while seemingly benign, raises significant constitutional concerns.

First, there is the visit itself.

While government agents can approach, speak to and even question citizens without violating the Fourth Amendment, Americans have a right not to answer questions or even speak with a government agent.

Courts have upheld these “knock and talk” visits as lawful, reasoning that even though the curtilage of the home is protected by the Fourth Amendment, there is an implied license to approach a residence, knock on the door/ring the bell, and seek to contact occupants. However, the encounter is wholly voluntary and a person is under no obligation to speak with a government agent in this situation.

Indeed, you don’t even need to answer or open the door in response to knocking/ringing by a government agent, and if you do answer the knock, you can stop speaking at any time. You also have the right to demand that government agents leave the property once the purpose of the visit is established. Government officials would not be enforcing any law or warrant in this context, and so they don’t have the authority of law to remain on the property after a homeowner or resident specifically revokes the implied license to come onto the property.

When the government’s actions go beyond merely approaching the door and knocking, it risks violating the Fourth Amendment, which requires a warrant and probable cause of possible wrongdoing in order to search one’s property. A government agent would violate the Fourth Amendment if he snooped around the premises, peering into window and going to other areas in search of residents.

It should be pointed out that some judges (including Supreme Court Justice Gorsuch) believe that placing “No Trespassing” signs or taking other steps to impede access to the door is sufficient to negate any implied permission for government agents or others to approach your home, but this view does not have general acceptance.

While in theory one can refuse to speak with police or other government officials during a “knock and talk” encounter, as the courts have asserted as a justification for dismissing complaints about this police investigative tactic, the reality is far different. Indeed, it is unreasonable to suggest that individuals caught unaware by these tactics will not feel pressured in the heat of the moment to comply with a request to speak with government agents who display official credentials and are often heavily armed, let alone allow them to search one’s property. Even when such consent is denied, police have been known to simply handcuff the homeowner and conduct a search over his objections.

Second, there is the danger inherent in these knock-and-talk encounters.

Although courts have embraced the fiction that “knock and talks” are “voluntary” encounters that are no different from other door-to-door canvassing, these constitutionally dubious tactics are highly intimidating confrontations meant to pressure individuals into allowing police access to one’s home, which then paves the way for a warrantless search of one’s home and property.

The act of going to homes and taking steps to speak with occupants is akin to the “knock and talk” tactic used by police, which can be fraught with danger for homeowners and government agents alike. Indeed, “knock-and-talk” policing has become a thinly veiled, warrantless exercise by which citizens are coerced and intimidated into “talking” with heavily armed police who “knock” on their doors in the middle of the night.

“Knock-and-shoot” policing might be more accurate, however.

“Knock and talks” not only constitute severe violations of the privacy and security of homeowners, but the combination of aggression and surprise employed by police is also a recipe for a violent confrontation that rarely ends well for those on the receiving end of these tactics.

For example, although 26-year-old Andrew Scott had committed no crime and never fired a single bullet or threatened police, he was gunned down by police who knocked aggressively on the wrong door at 1:30 am, failed to identify themselves as police, and then repeatedly shot and killed Scott when he answered the door while holding a gun in self-defense. The police were investigating a speeding incident by engaging in a middle-of-the-night “knock and talk” in Scott’s apartment complex.

Carl Dykes was shot in the face by a county deputy who pounded on Dykes’ door in the middle of the night without identifying himself. Because of reports that inmates had escaped from a local jail, Dykes brought a shotgun with him when he answered the door.

As these and other incidents make clear, while Americans have a constitutional right to question the legality of a police action or resist an unlawful police order, doing so can often get one arrested, shot or killed.

Third, there is the question of how the government plans to use the information it obtains during these knock-and-talk visits.

Because the stated purpose of the program is to promote vaccination, homeowners and others who reside at the residence will certainly be asked if they are vaccinated. Again, you have a right not to answer this or any other question. Indeed, an argument could be made that even asking this question is improper if the purpose of the program is merely to ensure that Americans “have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is.”

Under the Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, an agency should only collect and maintain information about an individual as is “relevant and necessary to accomplish a purpose of the agency.” In this situation, the government agent could accomplish the purpose of assuring persons have information about the vaccine simply by providing that information (either in writing or orally) and would not need to know the vaccination status of the residents. To the extent the agents do request, collect and store information about residents’ vaccination status, this could be a Privacy Act violation.

Of course, there is always the danger that this program could be used for other, more nefarious, purposes not related to vaccination encouragement. As with knock-and-talk policing, government agents might misuse their appearance of authority to gain entrance to a residence and obtain other information about it and those who live there. Once the door is opened by a resident, anything the agents can see from their vantage point can be reported to law enforcement authorities.

Moreover, while presumably the targeting will be of areas with demonstrated low vaccination rates, there is no guarantee that this program would not be used as cover for conducting surveillance on areas deemed to be “high crime” areas as a way of obtaining intelligence for law enforcement purposes.

We’ve been down this road before, with the government sending its spies to gather intel on American citizens by questioning them directly, or by asking their neighbors to snitch on them.

Remember the egregiously invasive and intrusive American Community Survey?

Unlike the traditional census, which collects data every ten years, the American Community Survey (ACS) is sent to about 3 million homes per year at a reported cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. Moreover, while the traditional census is limited to ascertaining the number of persons living in each dwelling, their ages and ethnicities, the ownership of the dwelling and telephone numbers, the ACS is much more intrusive, asking questions relating to respondents’ bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among other highly personal and private matters.

Individuals who receive the ACS must complete it or be subject to monetary penalties. Although no reports have surfaced of individuals actually being penalized for refusing to answer the survey, the potential fines that can be levied for refusing to participate in the ACS are staggering. For every question not answered, there is a $100 fine. And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500. Therefore, if a person representing a two-person household refused to fill out any questions or simply answered nonsensically, the total fines could range from upwards of $10,000 and $50,000 for noncompliance.

At 28 pages (with an additional 16-page instruction packet), the ACS contains some of the most detailed and intrusive questions ever put forth in a census questionnaire. These concern matters that the government simply has no business knowing, including questions relating to respondents’ bathing habits, home utility costs, fertility, marital history, work commute, mortgage, and health insurance, among others. For instance, the ACS asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race and their physical, mental and emotional problems, etc. The survey also asks how many bedrooms and bathrooms you have in your house, along with the fuel used to heat your home, the cost of electricity, what type of mortgage you have and monthly mortgage payments, property taxes and so on.

However, that’s not all.

The survey also demands to know how many days you were sick last year, how many automobiles you own and the number of miles driven, whether you have trouble getting up the stairs, and what time you leave for work every morning, along with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. And the survey demands that you violate the privacy of others by supplying the names and addresses of your friends, relatives and employer. The questionnaire also demands that you give other information on the people in your home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed, what languages they speak and when they last worked at a job, among other things.

While some of the ACS’ questions may seem fairly routine, the real danger is in not knowing why the information is needed, how it will be used by the government or with whom it will be shared.

Finally, you have the right to say “no.”

Whether police are knocking on your door at 2 am or 2:30 pm, as long as you’re being “asked” to talk to a police officer who is armed to the teeth and inclined to kill at the least provocation, you don’t really have much room to resist, not if you value your life.

Mind you, these knock-and-talk searches are little more than police fishing expeditions carried out without a warrant.

The goal is intimidation and coercion.

Unfortunately, with police departments increasingly shifting towards pre-crime policing and relying on dubious threat assessments, behavioral sensing warnings, flagged “words,” and “suspicious” activity reports aimed at snaring potential enemies of the state, we’re going to see more of these warrantless knock-and-talk police tactics by which police attempt to circumvent the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement and prohibition on unreasonable searches and seizures.

Here’s the bottom line.

These agents are coming to your home with one purpose in mind: to collect information on you.

It’s a form of intimidation, of course. You shouldn’t answer any questions you’re uncomfortable answering about your vaccine history or anything else. The more information you give them, the more it can be used against you. Just ask them politely but firmly to leave.

In this case, as in so many interactions with government agents, the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments (and your cell phone recording the encounter) are your best protection.

Under the First Amendment, you don’t have to speak (to government officials or anyone else). The Fourth Amendment protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. And under the Fifth Amendment, you have a right to remain silent and not say anything which might be used against you.

You can also post a “No Trespassing” sign on your property to firmly announce that you are exercising your right to be left alone. If you see government officials wandering around your property and peering through windows, in my opinion, you have a violation of the Fourth Amendment. Government officials can ring the doorbell, but once you put them on notice that it’s time for them to leave, they can’t stay on your property.

It’s important to be as clear as possible and inform them that you will call the police if they don’t leave. You may also wish to record your encounter with the government agent. If they still don’t leave, immediately call the local police and report a trespasser on your property.

Remember, you have rights.

The government didn’t want us to know about—let alone assert—those rights during this whole COVID-19 business.

After all, for years now, the powers-that-be—those politicians and bureaucrats who think like tyrants and act like petty dictators regardless of what party they belong to—have attempted to brainwash us into believing that we have no right to think for ourselves, make decisions about our health, protect our homes and families and businesses, act in our best interests, demand accountability and transparency from government, or generally operate as if we are in control of our own lives.

But we have every right, and you know why?

Because as the Declaration of Independence states, we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights—to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness—that no government can take away from us.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t stopped the government from constantly trying to usurp our freedoms at every turn. Indeed, the nature of government is such that it invariably oversteps its limits, abuses its authority, and flexes its totalitarian muscles.

Take this COVID-19 crisis, for example.

What started out as an apparent effort to prevent a novel coronavirus from sickening the nation (and the world) has become yet another means by which world governments (including our own) can expand their powers, abuse their authority, and further oppress their constituents.

The government has made no secret of its plans.

Just follow the money trail, and you’ll get a sense of what’s in store: more militarized police, more SWAT team raids, more surveillance, more lockdowns, more strong-armed tactics aimed at suppressing dissent and forcing us to comply with the government’s dictates.

It’s chilling to think about, but it’s not surprising.

In many ways, this COVID-19 state of emergency has invested government officials (and those who view their lives as more valuable than ours) with a sanctimonious, self-righteous, arrogant, Big Brother Knows Best approach to top-down governing, and the fall-out can be seen far and wide.

It’s an ugly, self-serving mindset that views the needs, lives and rights of “we the people” as insignificant when compared to those in power.

That’s how someone who should know better such as Alan Dershowitz, a former Harvard law professor, can suggest that a free people—born in freedom, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights, and living in a country birthed out of a revolutionary struggle for individual liberty—have no rights to economic freedom, to bodily integrity, or to refuse to comply with a government order with which they disagree.

According to Dershowitz, who has become little more than a legal apologist for the power elite, “You have no right not to be vaccinated, you have no right not to wear a mask, you have no right to open up your business… And if you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.”

Dershowitz is wrong: as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, while the courts may increasingly defer to the government’s brand of Nanny State authoritarianism, we still have rights.

The government may try to abridge those rights, it may refuse to recognize them, it may even attempt to declare martial law and nullify them, but it cannot litigate, legislate or forcefully eradicate them out of existence.


Connect with John W. Whitehead

Oracle Films: What It’s Really Like to Attend a Freedom Rally | London — June 26, 2021

Oracle Films: What It’s Really Like to Attend a Freedom Rally | London — June 26, 2021

by Oracle Films
July 13, 2021

Original video sourced from Oracle Films 3 YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


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Graphene Meets RNA Technology, for Cancer Vaccines

Graphene Meets RNA Technology, for Cancer Vaccines

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 13, 2021


As soon as Operation Warp Speed was announced, I made it clear that one of the prime goals was: winning approval for experimental RNA technology.

RNA tech had never gotten a green light prior to the COVID vaccine. Why? Because it was highly dangerous. Generally speaking, massive inflammatory response was the issue: the body attacks itself.

But RNA tech allows new vaccines to be developed faster, easier, and cheaper. Therefore, researchers could claim to discover new viruses at the drop of a hat (without authentic proof), and pharma companies could develop new vaccines (aka genetic RNA treatments) overnight.

It became Bill Gates’ and Tony Fauci’s mission to drag an RNA COVID vaccine across the finish line to emergency-use approval, come hell or high water. They were determined to crack open the marketplace for a flood of RNA medical products.

In yesterday’s, article, I highlighted the arrival of a “miracle” substance, graphene, trumpeted as the core of a whole new frontier in medicine.

For example, Merck is using it to research the creation of IMPOSED nerve responses in the body, in order to knock out a whole host of “disease conditions.”

Of course, the acknowledged toxicity of graphene nanoparticles is underplayed; in particular, their tendency to cause lung infections.

And now graphene and RNA tech meet, in new research into cancer vaccines. As they say, what could possibly go wrong?

The reference is “In Situ Transforming RNA Nanovaccines from Polyethylenimine Functionalized Graphene Oxide Hydrogel for Durable Cancer Immunotherapy,” 2/17/21, ACS Publications.

Here is an excerpt from the optimistic abstract: “Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine is a promising candidate in cancer immunotherapy…Here, we report an injectable hydrogel formed with graphene oxide (GO) and polyethylenimine (PEI). The released nanovaccines can protect the mRNA from degradation and confer targeted delivering capacity to lymph nodes…”

The scramble is now underway to deploy both RNA genetic tech and graphene in all sorts of medical “innovations.”

You don’t get just one danger; you get two.

And here is a third wrinkle. According to conventional vaccine theory, the injected RNA would cause cells of the body to produce a protein unique to cancer tumors. The immune system would attack this protein and, up the road, be prepared to destroy cancer before it could gain a foothold.

It’s possible that researchers from the old failed USCo viral cancer project of the 1960s and 70s could now rewrite history, get in line, and say, “We never failed. Robert Gallo DID discover two cancer viruses, which also have unique proteins. Let’s develop an RNA-graphene injection that empowers the immune system to attack these viruses…”

I mention this because those failed cancer researchers went on to claim a new virus called HIV caused a condition called AIDS. And like COVID, the “causative virus” was never isolated, never proved to exist.

HIV and SARS-CoV-2 are both phantom fantasies. And in both cases, the drug/vaccine treatments are massively destructive.

The medical cartel at work.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit:  Spencerbdavis and LeiemWikimedia Commons

Health Freedom Defense Fund Sues Biden Administration Over Mask Mandate

Health Freedom Defense Fund Sues Biden Administration Over Mask Mandate

by Health Freedom Defense Fund
July 13, 2021


Today the Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) and two Florida residents filed a lawsuit asking the United States District Court in Tampa, Florida to strike down the CDC’s nationwide mask mandate for travel.

“The CDC is not a nationwide police force, and is not empowered to make laws,” said Leslie Manookian, Founder and President of Health Freedom Defense Fund. “Nevertheless, with no legal authority to do so, these unelected, unaccountable technocrats have forced every citizen in America to wear a mask when they travel. We believe that Americans have the right to think for themselves and make their own health care choices without the meddling of government. Americans must not be dictated to in this manner by anyone, let alone unelected, unaccountable technocrats at CDC.”

The nationwide mask mandate was issued by the CDC early in the Biden Administration. Since that time, a Florida Federal Court has struck down the CDC’s cruise line order as unsupported by law, and five justices of the Supreme Court recently appear to have agreed that the CDC over reached with its nationwide eviction moratorium.

“The fact is that the police power — that is the power to regulate the health, safety and welfare of Americans — was specifically reserved to the States by our Constitution,” said George Wentz of the Davillier Law Group, legal counsel for the Plaintiffs. “With the mask mandate, not only does the CDC usurp the role of the States by attempting to exercise general police powers, but at the same time it steps into the shoes of Congress and makes a nationwide law. We are confident that the CDC is way out of bounds here, and the Court will strike down the mask mandate.”

Masks have been approved for use by the general public under an emergency use authorization (EUA) and are considered investigational products under the law. Their efficacy has not been proven, and their short and long-term side effects have not been studied. Recent studies have shown that masks do more harm than good, and expose the wearer to levels of carbon dioxide well above levels permitted by OSHA in the workplace.

Members of Health Freedom Defense Fund feel strongly that they should not, and cannot, be forced to wear masks and that no one should have the power to force another person to cover their airway.

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PDF of Complaint

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cover image of masked man credit: imperioame / pixabay

Saline Injected Instead of COVID

Saline Injected Instead of COVID

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
July 12, 2021


“Are you fully vaccinated?” “Do you need to continue taking COVID precautions?”

If you have seen these questions posted about town, or in the media, it may make you wonder about effectiveness of the experimental shot. What if you didn’t get what you thought you got?

Is the protection you injected all in your head?

In  strange twist of fate, several hundreds and maybe thousands of people, reported in at least four states and three countries, have been notified that they received a saline injection instead of the COVID injection. In most clinical experiments saline injections are considered to be placebo. In South CarolinaNorth Carolina, and Minnesota, the Departments of Health have alerted “a small group” that the injection they received was “not activated.” In Virginia, they were giving out empty shots!

In Canada, “more than 200 people are being contacted to repeat their COVID-19 vaccinations because some who attended an immunization clinic in the Niagara region were injected with a saline solution instead of the shot.”

Thousands were injected with water in India, where they were “charged fees from $10 to $17 for the shots of salt water from those willing to get a jab of Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, according to The New York Times.”

Why were so many placebos given without clear disclosure?

The Placebo

Normally, a placebo is given as part of a case-control clinical trial to the “control group” to ensure that any adverse health effects observed in “cases” (given the active ingredients) are obvious.  However, in the gray world of vaccines, there is often no true “control group” since both groups get a vaccine. From a 2020 article by the non-profit organization, The Conversation:

Some researchers conducting clinical trials on a COVID-19 vaccine have not revealed to the public what the placebo contains, but they should. This is because the placebo ingredients influence how effective or harmful the active treatment, with which the placebo is compared, appears.

In some COVID-19 vaccine trials, participants in the control group (the group receiving a placebo) are injected with a saline solution. In other trials, they receive an actual treatment. For example, in the COVID-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford, the control group receives a meningitis and septicaemia vaccine as a placebo.

The scientific term for hiding knowledge of who got what treatment is “blinding.”

The COVID Experiment

Are these anomalies a”mix-up” or a “mistake,” as the media suggests? Or were “fake vaccination drives” taking advantage of people’s ignorance, trust, and fear?

Did multiple states and countries get it wrong? Or is this mass vaccination campaign by design, and part of an orchestrated attempt to identify and monitor certain subgroups who were given the activated vaccine, such as the elderly population?

Multiple reports claim that many elderly people, who successfully survived COVID infection, died shortly after receiving the vaccine. One report suggested 48 residents in a Spanish nursing home died after receiving the COVID vaccine. Why would you require a vaccine if you successfully fought off the infection using your own immune system? Why argue with natural, longterm immunity? Why give up life-long immunity for short term immunity and multiple booster shots?

Why did the elderly who seemingly died only of COVID before the vaccine, are suddenly falling ill and dying of “complications” or “other conditions” after the vaccine?

According to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System VAERS statistics, 3,362 people died after receiving a COVID vaccine in the United States between December and April 23. That is an average of roughly 30 people every day.

According to the scientists, the vaccine has been studied and deemed “safe.” But that may depend on your definition of safe, and whether the CDC has been undercounting “breakthrough infections.” Do you trust an organization that quietly reported the COVID death rate to be only 6%?

For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. – CDC

Further, why are vaccine makers and those who administer the shots exempt from liability for any damages? Adverse events and deaths after injection are “rare” claim the authorities.

Until they are not rare. If vaccine makers do not stand behind their products, why should anyone else?

The final test in this experiment may be determined by whether general liability insurance responds to COVID-19 claims. That remains to be seen when insurance companies do not cover “experiments,” and when policies can be rewritten, and court opinions are filed. Remember, COVID injections are FDA-authorized, not FDA-approved. To understand the difference, read The Covid Experiment: Are You Covered?

In the case of COVID, the case-control experiment continues in the general population as long as people continue to receive placebos.

Warnings Disclosed

We are in a live exercise to get this right – Mike Pompeo, US Secretary of State, June 2020

A rude awakening may be on the horizon if more people suddenly start dying. Yet, recall that there were warnings in January, 2021, ahead of the vaccine push. CNN warned Americans that they shouldn’t be alarmed if people start dying after the vaccine:

“When shots begin to go into arms of residents, Moore said Americans need to understand that deaths may occur that won’t necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine,” states the report.  

“We would not at all be surprised to see, coincidentally, vaccination happening and then having someone pass away a short time after they receive a vaccine, not because it has anything to do with the vaccination but just because that’s the place where people at the end of their lives reside,” Moore said.

She then said Americans shouldn’t be alarmed to see people dying a day or two after receiving the COVID vaccination.

How accurate are the claims that COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated?

As Johnson and Stobbe noted:

The CDC itself has not estimated what percentage of hospitalizations and deaths are in fully vaccinated people, citing limitations in the data. Among them: Only about 45 states report breakthrough infections, and some are more aggressive than others in looking for such cases. So the data probably understates such infections, CDC officials said.

Second Wave of Breakthrough Infections

Is there a second wave coming, as reported in the  2019 Event 201 simulation?  Is a new infectious Delta variant the powder keg that will ignite the secondary flames? Are “fully vaccinated” people those who have had a placebo followed by an activated injectable?

Will anyone consider that “fully vaccinated” people do not stop transmission of any virus and may, in fact, cause “breakthrough” infections in themselves and others? Health officials, including the director of NIAID, Dr. Fauci, are not surprised.

Breakthrough infections are common after vaccination. According to the science:

A breakthrough infection is a case of illness in which a vaccinated individual becomes sick from the same illness that the vaccine is meant to prevent. In the case of a COVID-19, the person who received the vaccine will subsequently contract the disease. This happens when the vaccine fails to provide immunity against the pathogen they are designed to target. This isn’t just an issue with the COVID-19 vaccine, but breakthrough infections occur with almost every vaccine from HPV to hepatitis B.

Why then have there been 5,800 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in fully vaccinated persons occurring more than two weeks after vaccination and resulting in almost 400 hospitalizations and 74 deaths? – April 15, 2021 Epoch Times

Reports show that many vaccinated people who develop are most susceptible to variants are over 50 years of age.

Provincetown reported 20 to 25 positive COVID cases last week and “the majority were fully vaccinated” people, according to the Barnstable County Department of Health.  – Dr. Leo Nissola, an immunologist

Are you fully vaccinated with an active injection or placebo? Is this another reason to get a booster?

Do you need to continue taking COVID precautions?

Do you trust what you’ve been told about your role in this experiment?


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


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cover image credit: John Keith / Wikimedia Commons

UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

UK Lawyers Serve Notices of Liability on COVID Vaccinators Who Administer Shots Without Obtaining Full Informed Consent

by Mordechai Sones, America’s Frontline Doctors
July 11, 2021


UK attorney Anna de Buisseret today announced serving Notices of Liability on COVID-19 clinics and individuals administering the experimental biological agent known as the “COVID-19 vaccine” without obtaining fully informed consent, freely given in accordance with the Nuremberg Code and UK and International law.

“COVID jabs are experimental and still in phase 3 clinical trials,” de Buisseret explained. “The Nuremberg Code therefore applies. The injector MUST obtain the individuals fully informed consent freely given. All MATERIAL RISKS must be made clear to them and an individual risk assessment conducted.”

De Buisseret said among those served is Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for England, UK government’s Chief Medical Advisor, and head of the public health profession Professor Chris Whitty.

In April, Doctors for COVID Ethics served Notices of Liability for COVID-19 vaccine harms and deaths on all European Parliament Members.

In the United States, Health Impact News gave public notice that two private corporations, CVS and Rite Aid, have been issued a Safety Warning for the potential danger of indiscriminate COVID-19 “vaccination” in the naturally immune and recently COVID-19 infected, by Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, MD, Phd, on April 29th, 2021.

Many physicians have now spoken publicly about studies showing that those with natural COVID immunity will see a 2- to 3-fold increased risk of adverse reactions from the COVID shots.


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The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here’s What’s Coming Next

The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here’s What’s Coming Next

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 10, 2021


It’s invisible but deadly. It infects the air we breathe. We are all part of the problem.

SARS-COV-2? Oh, please. That’s so 2020. I’m talking about the next invisible bogeyman, the one that will see the transformations started by the scamdemic through to their [completely il]logical conclusion: the complete control of the movements, interactions and economic activity of every individual on the planet.

Yes, in case you missed the memo, the steps are already being taken to sweep the fear porn excesses of the scamdemic era under the rug, with the mockingbird MSM dinosaurs dutifully reporting that “Covid Counting Enters New Era” and that states are “scaling back” their COVID-19 reporting.

Of course this is not the end of the biosecurity paradigm. The “new scariants” of the invisible bogeyman will be around for a while yet and, as Mr. Scamdemic himself, Bill Gates, announced before he was so unceremoniously thrown under the bus by his globalist pals, Pandemic II is just around the corner. No, the biosecurity paradigm will be with us for a good while yet, I’m afraid.

But having said that, there is another hobgoblin that will soon eclipse the deadly COVID monster in the imagination of the populace. One that’s been around for decades, waiting for its chance to terrify the public into a Great Reset as we plunge into the New World Order. And that monster is . . .

. . . carbon dioxide.

BOO! Are you scared yet?

Yes, the good old anthropogenic climate change fairy tale is set to make a comeback with a vengeance in the 2020s. As I warned last September, The Pandemic is a Test Run for the systems of control that will scare the public into complying with all sorts of draconian limitations on their activities in the name of saving the earth from climate change.

The connection was made explicit in one influential article from last year: “Avoiding A Climate Lockdown” by Mariana Mazzucato. In the article, Mazzucato argues that the pandemic was actually a consequence of “environmental degradation”—presumably because the bat soup theory of SARS-COV-2’s origins were still fashionable at the time—and that the same types of controls that were instituted to deal with the one invisible nemesis will be good for dealing with the other. Specifically:

Under a “climate lockdown,” governments would limit private-vehicle use, ban consumption of red meat, and impose extreme energy-saving measures, while fossil-fuel companies would have to stop drilling. To avoid such a scenario, we must overhaul our economic structures and do capitalism differently.

If only those were the ravings of some deluded Greta wannabe in an obscure environmental publication with no relation to power. Unfortunately, these ravings were published by Project Syndicate, which just happens to be funded by (prepare yourself) George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Google News Initiative among others.

If further proof were needed that those who have already demonstrated their ability to help bring the entire global economy to a standstill at the drop of a hat are planning on flexing this muscle to keep us safe from carbon dioxide in the near future, we could note:

and seemingly thousands of similar calls from all the usual gaggle of globalists and their dutiful dupes at think tanks and research institutions and their paid-off presstitutes in the dinosaur media.

So far, the fear porn campaign seems to be having its intended effect. A recent survey suggests that “for the first time European citizens consider climate change as the single most serious problem facing the world – despite the Covid-19 pandemic.” Now, like all polls, this one should be trusted precisely as far as you can throw it, but the fact that this is what the good folks in EUreaucracy want you to believe that everyone believes is telling in and of itself. This is clearly part of the agenda to transition us smoothly from the COVID scare story to the climate scare story.

As usual, though, perhaps the clearest way to gain a handle on where this round of climate scaremongering is heading is to follow the money. And make no mistake, there is no shortage of money to be followed in this story. When you hear “New Green Deal” you should be thinking “green” as in greenbacks.

Old hands at The Corbett Report will already know:

and myriad other aspects of the 100 trillion dollar carbon swindle that is taking place in plain sight right now.

But the climate lockdowns are where this has all been trending, and the fundamental alterations to the economy itself are going to be based on the climate change scare story.

Now, let’s add to that story some of the latest financial moves along this path to total technocratic control over the earth, its people and its resources. These moves may have fallen off your radar as they have largely taken place under cover of the scamdemic.

First, there is the growing pressure that is being placed on financial regulators around the world to “address climate as a systemic risk.” These calls have already resulted in:

  • the UN’s creation of its aforementioned “Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance” position;
  • European Central Bank chief (and convicted criminal) Christine Lagarde’s promise (threat?) to “paint the ECB green” by setting climate mitigation as one of the banks’ priorities;
  • Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen’s pledge to assess the risk posed by climate change] and increase reporting requirements for financial disclosures accordingly;
  • and similar pronouncements from banking regulators around the world.

But don’t let the “we’re looking into it” type pronouncements lull you into a false sense of security. These are not vague threats to take some unspecified action at some far off time. The attempt to bring the global economy under the control of the climate banking mafia is already well underway.

How so? Well, here’s Mark Carney in his own words describing how net-zero climate solutions are “the greatest commercial opportunity of our time”:

Companies, and those who invest in them and lend to them, and who are part of the solution, will be rewarded. Those who are lagging behind and are still part of the problem will be punished.

But how will they be punished? Why, by being shut off from their access to private finance, of course! (And if “private” finance won’t play along with the globalists’ game, they’ll be shut off, too!)

Private finance is judging which companies are part of the solution, but private finance, too, is increasingly being judged. Banks, pension funds and asset managers have to show where they are in the transition to net zero.

It’s the offer you can’t refuse straight from the don of the globalist banking/climate mafia. Who could say no?

Oh, and here’s the best part. In order to enforce this new global climate fascism, small companies are now going to be saddled with an entirely new, unbelievably burdensome reporting regime that will require them to confess not only their own climate sins, but those of their suppliers and contractors and even the end users of their products:

If I’m running a company committed to net zero, what does that mean? It’s not just disclosing and managing the emissions in producing my product. It’s also the emissions involved in the energy I use, and the emissions all the way through my value chain, in other words, the emissions of my suppliers, many of whom are small businesses, as well as the emissions from people using a product. That company becomes responsible for disclosing all of those, and it has an incentive to manage all of those down. So it has an incentive to work with small businesses or choose those working towards lower emissions.

Once again, these are not idle threats. These things are already happening. I’m not even looking for this story in particular but there has been a steady drumbeat of stories here in Japan showing exactly how this type of pressure is already being applied to attempt to make businesses comply with the diktats of the global climate mafia. Observe these headlines from just the past few weeks:

Japanese insurers struggle to pinpoint climate change cost estimates

MUFJ board beats back climate resolution as activists falter in Japan

BOJ to launch new scheme for fighting climate change

I have little doubt that if you look for such stories in your own place of residence you will find them spilling forth from your newsfeeds as well.

But perhaps the biggest cookie crumb along this trail is “Net zero: a fiduciary approach” from our good friends at Blackrock. You know, Blackrock? The world’s largest asset manager with $9 trillion under its control? The “private” company that the Fed turned to to run its scamdemic bond buying spree (and which it subsequently used to bail out its own corporate ETFs)? The same investment firm that is buying up houses in the US at a blistering pace (because you don’t need to own a house anymore, silly!). Yes, that Blackrock.

Well, it turns out they’re fully on board with the climate change agenda. (Surprise, surprise!)

Yes, their new report informs us “that climate transition creates a historic investment opportunity.” Like Carney’s reflections cited above, the Blackrock report also stresses the importance of “measurement and transparency” for the goal of reaching a net zero carbon economy, promoting a “temperature alignment” metric for the company’s carbon disclosures that would measure “the global temperature change consistent with a portfolio’s holdings.” The standard, they admit, is being developed in conjuction with the shadowy Financial Stability Board‘s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, which, oh by the way, is a thing.

Hmmm . . . lemme think here. A scheme in which every bit of energy that goes into the production of an item is accounted for and registered in real time, and in which these energy expenditure becomes the basis for the economic system? Where have I heard that before?

Ohhhhh, that’s right, that’s the literal definition of technocracy from the Technocratic Study Course, which posits that a technocratic system of distribution requires that the continental technocratic government of the future:

“Register on a continuous 24-hour time period basis the total net conversion of energy, which would determine (a) the availability of energy for Continental plant construction and maintenance, (b) the amount of physical wealth available in the form of consumable goods and services for consumption by the total population during the balanced load period;”

and that it:

“Provide a continuous 24-hour inventory of all production and consumption.”

Yes, they want complete and total insight over all human activity. And why do they want this insight? For control, of course. They aren’t even shy about this fact. The Technocratic Study Course outright tells us in its section on “The Human Animal” that:

Since it is human beings and their habits with which we are now obliged to deal, it is well that before proceeding further we inquire somewhat more deeply than heretofore into the nature of this human animal

before concluding that:

Human social habits and institutions tend to remain stable or else to undergo change extremely slowly, except in the case of a rapid change of the external environment, especially when this latter affects the basic biological necessities. When human beings are fed, clothed, and housed in a manner compatible with good health, are not obliged to do an uncomfortable amount of work, and are permitted normal social intercourse with their fellows, social habits and customs tend to become crystallize about this particular mode of procedure. Let any change of environment develop in such a manner that the biological necessities can no longer be met by activities according to the old habits, and these latter will be rapidly abandoned.

None of this will be surprising to those who have at all studied the Problem-Reaction-Solution formula by which would-be social engineers use false flags and other manipulations to shock the public into change along pre-determined paths. Heck, it should even be familiar to those normies who still trust Naomi “Conspiracy Smoothie” Klein to tell them the hard truths about The Shock Doctrine.

But this is where we start to see what this agenda is about. In case you somehow stumbled onto this editorial from the normiesphere, I’ll lay it out for you. This is not about “saving the planet” and it never was. The people who are constructing this total climate lockdown nightmare future society are laughing at you from their carbon tax-exempted private jets.

They are out to control you. To decide where and when you can leave your house and what transportation you can use when you do so. What you can buy and what you can’t buy. How you spend your time, where you live and who you can breed with (when you are allowed to breed). And the best way they can do this is by creating imaginary manbearpigs with which they can scare the public into submission.

Are you getting the picture yet?

The biosecurity paradigm is still here but it’s just a taste of the control grid that is about to be implemented.

COVID? Hospital occupancy rates? Masks? Ivermectin? Pfff. That’s so 2020. The oligarchy has moved on. Are you prepared for what’s coming next?


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The Evil Twins of Transhumanism and Technocracy

The Evil Twins of Transhumanism and Technocracy

by Patrick Wood, Technocracy News & Trends
July 11, 2021


The dots between Technocracy and Transhumanism are easily connected once its understood that both sit atop the pseudo-science religion of Scientism, which posits that science is god and scientists and engineers are its priesthood. This article provides the current framework to understand this nexus.

Technocracy is to the transformation of society as Transhumanism is to the transformation of the human condition of people who would live in that society.

Both are underpinned by a religious belief known as Scientism that says that science is a god and that scientists, engineers and technologists are the priesthood that translates findings into practice.

It is a fatal error to equate Scientism with science. True science explores the natural world using the time-tested scientific method of repeated experimentation and validation. By comparison, Scientism is a speculative, metaphysical worldview about the nature and reality of the universe and man’s relation to it.

Scientism refutes traditional religious views, morals and philosophy and instead looks to science as the source for personal and societal moral value.

The relationship between Technocracy and Transhumanism can be seen as early as 1933 when Harold Loeb wrote Life in a Technocracy: What It Might Be Like:

“Technocracy envisages another form of domestication, a form in which man may become more than man… Technocracy is designed to develop the so-called higher faculties in every man and not to make each man resigned to the lot into which he may be born… Through breeding with specific individuals for specific purposes… A technocracy, then, should in time produce a race of men superior in quality to any now known on earth…”

Thus, Loeb saw Technocracy (the society) as producing a superior quality of man by applying advanced technology to the human condition.

The Nature Of Technocracy

Formalized in 1932 by scientists and engineers at Columbia University, the movement defined itself in a 1938 edition of its magazine, The Technocrat:

“Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population… For the first time in human history it will be done as a scientific, technical, engineering problem.”

Indeed, Technocracy was an economic system based on science and social engineering. Technocrats were so certain that their scientific approach was so righteous that there would be no need for any political structures whatsoever:

“There will be no place for Politics, Politicians, Finance or Financiers, Rackets or Racketeers… Technocracy will distribute by means of a certificate of distribution available to every citizen from birth to death.

Today, Technocracy is embodied in the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and the various United Nations’ manifestations of Sustainable Development: Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda, etc.

The Nature Of Transhumanism

A philosophical mainstay of modern Transhumanism, Max More, defined it in 1990 as:

“…a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.”

The means to the end is ultimately genetic engineering that takes over and speeds up evolution theory to create humanity 2.0.

Since the advent of CRISPR gene-editing technology, Transhumans have saturated universities and private corporations to modify all categories of living things, including humans.

What is preached as the preservation of biodiversity by the United Nations is really the takeover of genetic material, which was noted as early as 1994, just two years after the debut of Sustainable Development and Agenda 21 at the UN Conference on Economic Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janiero, Brazil.

The 1994 book, The Earth Brokers, was written by two principal participants in the Rio process who did not blindly swallow what had just happened. They noted two things about the biodiversity convention that 156 nations of the world adopted:

“The convention implicitly equates the diversity of life – animals and plants – to the diversity of genetic codes, for which read genetic resources. By doing so, diversity becomes something modern science can manipulate… the convention promotes biotechnology as being ‘essential for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.’”

Secondly, they noted that “the main stake raised by the biodiversity convention is the issue of ownership and control over biological diversity… the major concern was protection of the pharmaceutical and emerging biological industries.”

It is little wonder today that the pharmaceutical industry is producing gene therapy shots using genetically modified RNA to transform the body’s immune system. They have been working hard since 1992 to advance the technology needed to hijack the human genome and begin the transformative pathway to Humanity 2.0.

However, it is Technocracy that has used its “science of social engineering” techniques to manipulate twenty-two percent of the world’s population into willingly accepting the transhumans’ gene altering injections.

The Great Reset Embraces Both Technocracy and Transhumanism

It has been noted in many professional journals that the World Economic Forum and its founder/spokesman Klaus Schwab, are promoting both Technocracy and Transhumanism at the same time. In light of this article, this should not be surprising.

The European Academy on Religion and Society (EARS), for instance, wrote that:

“…the highly influential members of the World Economic Forum have a plan for what should come next. It is called ‘The Great Reset’, and it envisions a truly ‘transhumanist’ future for us all… Since mid-2020, the WEF has been promoting its vision for our post-coronavirus future, which they call ‘The Great Reset’. In their view, the pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of our old system, and therefore presents a perfect opportunity to ‘reset’ our world and start anew. What is striking about this plan, which the WEF has condensed into a virus-shaped mindmap, is its implicit endorsement of a philosophy called ‘transhumanism’. (emphasis added)

As initially stated, “Technocracy is to the transformation of society as Transhumanism is to the transformation of the human condition of people who would live in that society.”

In conclusion, the evil twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, along with their underlying religion of Scientism, need to be recognized for what they are but most importantly, they must be resisted and rejected with every fiber of our being.


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Graphene Face Masks Dangerous; and We’re Living in a Graphene World

Graphene Face Masks Dangerous; and We’re Living in a Graphene World

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 12, 2021 [1]: “Graphene — What Is It? …Graphene is the thinnest compound known to man at one atom thick, the lightest material known… the strongest compound [ever] discovered… the best conductor of heat at room temperature [2]… the best conductor of electricity known… potentially an eco-friendly, sustainable solution for an almost limitless number of applications. Since the discovery…of graphene, applications within different scientific disciplines have exploded, with huge gains being made particularly in high-frequency electronics, bio, chemical and magnetic sensors, ultra-wide bandwidth photodetectors, and energy storage and generation.”

On May 28 [3], I wrote and posted an article about toxic graphene-containing face masks. Since then, the subject of graphene has blown up across the Internet.

There are now claims that COVID test swabs and even vaccines contain the substance.

A group of Spanish researchers report they’ve analyzed a vial of COVID vaccine and found it’s virtually nothing but graphene oxide—98-99% [4].

I’m reserving my opinion about that. If true, it would mean the vaccine criminals were asking for their crime to be discovered. They weren’t trying to hide the graphene in the vaccine; they were parading it for anyone to see.

I hope another independent research group analyzes another vial of COVID vaccine and reports their findings.

Meanwhile, we are suddenly living in a graphene world. The substance is everywhere. This reminds me of the massive introduction of GMO farming in the 1990s. The strategy is familiar in industry: flood the market with a new “miracle” product; when doubters start reporting on serious health risks and damage, claim they’re crazy [5], while preparing to combat law suits that will drag on for decades. [5a]

Actually, that’s been the strategy of the COVID vaccine makers; except in their case, they’re legally exempt from liability. [6]

On the subject of graphene, here is a link to a stunning July 8 press release [7] from Innerva-Bioelectronics.

I strongly recommend reading the whole release. The first paragraph:

“INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, a company at the intersection of medtech, deeptech and digital health dedicated to developing the world’s first GRAPHENE-BASED INTELLIGENT NEUROELECTRIC SYSTEM, today announced a collaboration with Merck, a leading science and technology company. The aim of the collaboration is to co-develop the next generation of graphene bioelectronic vagus nerve therapies targeting severe chronic diseases in Merck’s therapeutic areas through INNERVIA Bioelectronics, a subsidiary of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics.” (emphasis is mine)

They’re not just talking about “vagus nerve therapies.” This enterprise is an attempt to create a whole new frontier for global medical experimentation and treatment, in order to “cure diseases that are presently incurable.” At the center is graphene.

The phrase “intelligent neuroelectric system” suggests the corporations are planning to superimpose their own automatic nerve inputs and responses, in the body, on top of the body’s natural nervous system. To put it another way, they want to replace “deficiencies and errors” in the natural nervous system with their own catalog of preferred stimuli and responses. If the extreme dangers of this reprogramming aren’t obvious to you, think it through. Take a prime natural physical system that is already automatic and sideline it in favor of a new ironclad automatic system. And you have a running start on an AI Pavlovian human.

“Doctor, we rang the bell and the patient drooled. It’s marvelous.”

Graphene toxicity requires a great deal of attention from independent investigators. Among the many topics needing clarification—the different forms of graphene, their relative toxicities, and their relative tendencies to detach from synthetic materials and enter the body.

Here is my original May 28 graphene article about masks (with new edits):

Millions of face masks officially declared dangerous

As my readers know, for the past year I’ve been demonstrating that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been proven to exist. [8] Therefore, face masks are nothing more (or less) than a mind-control ritual. [9] [9a]

However, much has been written about the harm the masks cause.

And now we have an official declaration. On April 2, 2021, Health Canada issued an advisory, warning people not to “use face masks labelled to contain graphene or biomass graphene.”

Andrew Maynard covers this issue in a article, “Manufacturers have been using nanotechnology-derived graphene in face masks—now there are safety concerns.” [10]

Those concerns? Masks could create lung problems.

Of course, since COVID-19 is claimed to be a lung disease, you can see where that leads: the remedy turns out to cause what it’s supposed to prevent. I could write a book detailing how many times this “coincidence” pops up in the field of medicine.

Maynard’s article traces the safety concerns to a Chinese mask manufacturer, Shandong, but points out that millions of graphene-containing masks are in use around the world, produced by a whole host of companies.

Yesterday, I saw a mask sold to a customer. It was sealed in a plain plastic bag. No manufacturer’s name, no list of materials in the mask, nothing but a bar code. Does the mask contain graphene? No way to know.

So far, it’s not clear whether the nanoparticles of graphene in the masks also contain highly destructive metals.

The mainstream literature on graphene is ambiguous and far from reassuring: ‘yes, it’s probably toxic to the lungs; perhaps not seriously so; perhaps only temporarily; there are more questions than answers.’

Why have these masks been certified anywhere in the world for public use? Why haven’t the CDC and the WHO made definitive statements about safety concerns? Why didn’t public health agencies, long ago, run/demand definitive tests to see whether, and to what extent, the nanoparticles of graphene detach themselves from various types of masks and enter the body?

At, we have, “Is graphene safe?” [11]

“But, it is the very nature of graphene that might be cause for concern: thin and lightweight, yet tough and intractable particles are notoriously worrisome in terms of the detrimental effects they can have on our health, particularly when breathed in…”

“Ken Donaldson is a respiratory toxicologist at the University of Edinburgh and he and his colleagues are among the first to raise the warning flag on graphene, at least for nanoscopic platelets of the material. It is not too great a leap of the imagination to imagine how such tiny flakes of carbon might be transported deep within the lungs similar to asbestos fibres and coal dust. Once lodged within, there is no likely mechanism for the removal or break down of such inert particles and they might reside on these sensitive tissues triggering a chronic inflammatory response or interfering with the normal cellular functions.”

Does this make any sane person feel safe about wearing a mask containing graphene particles?

“We have a new idea and a new product. It’s designed to force you to breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Who knows what’ll happen? Try it and see.”

Yes, try it. And if you then develop a lung infection, since that is called a cardinal pandemic symptom, you could hit the jackpot and earn a diagnosis of COVID-19.

At which point the fun really begins, as you try to explain to your doctor that the cause isn’t a virus, but rather nanoparticles of graphene in your mask. If you play your cards right, you could end up in the psych ward with other “conspiracy theorists.”

“Can you believe it, nurse? I had this guy a few hours ago coughing and dripping mucus all over the place. Inflamed lungs. Classic COVID case. But he tells me he’s breathing in NANOPARTICLES. I gave him a sedative and sent him to the Crazy Pen. Where do these people get these stories? Have you ever heard of graphene? That’s what they put in pencils, right?”

“I don’t know, Doc. My cousin thinks she’s breathing in these nanos, too. I told her she needs a Thorazine drip.”

The masks are COVID-diagnosis promoters. Step one: breathe in nanoparticles of graphene. Step two: therefore develop a so-called major COVID symptom—lung infection. Step three: test false-positive on the PCR test (happens millions of times, as I’ve documented). And boom, you’re a COVID case.

In keeping with local laws, I’ve applied for a license to own a mask as a weapon. If I gain approval, I plan to seal it in a glass box and mount it on the wall next to my grenade launcher and Civil War cannonball.
















Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit:
Simulations by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute reveal the potential of graphene oxide frameworks, pictured in black, to remove contaminants such as salt ions, seen in blue and green, from water.
Adrien Nicolaï/RPI — Wikimedia Commons

Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”

Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”


The video clip below is one interview from the 60th session of the Corona Investigative Committee, livestreamed on July 9, 2021, which can be found at Corona Ausschuss – Ausweichkanal channel.

In this interview, Dr. David Martin shares a summary of his decades of research related to this global takeover via “scientific and message control”, following a trail left via US patents. His company M-CAM has reviewed the over 4,000 patents that have been issued around SARS coronavirus, including a comprehensive review of the financing.

Contributing to the conversation are Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg,  Attorney Viviane Fischer and Prof. Martin Schwab (legal advisor to Corona Investigative Committee). See below for partial transcript and links.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Partial transcript, provided by Truth Comes to Light editor.


Dr. David Martin:

“…we took the reported gene sequence, which was reportedly isolated as a novel coronavirus — indicated as such by the ICTV (the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses of the World Health Organization). We took the actual genetic sequences that were reportedly “novel” and reviewed those against the patent records that were available as of the spring of 2020. And what we found, as you’ll see in this report, are over 120 patented pieces of evidence to suggest that the declaration of a novel coronavirus was actually entirely a fallacy.”


“As a matter of fact, very specifically in 1999, Anthony Fauci funded research at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill… where the NIAID built an infectious replication defective coronavirus that was specifically targeted for human lung epithelium. In other words, we made SARS. And we patented it on April 19, 2002 before there was ever any alleged outbreak in Asia which, as you know, followed that by several months. That patent — issued as US patent 7279327 — that patent clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing the fact that we knew that the ACE receptor, the ACE-2 binding-domain, the S1 spike protein (and other elements of what we have come to know as this scourge pathogen) was not only engineered but could be synthetically modified in the laboratory using nothing more than gene sequencing technologies, taking computer code and turning it into a pathogen or an intermediate of the pathogen. And that technology was funded exclusively in the early days as a means by which we could actually harness coronavirus as a vector to distribute HIV vaccine.”


“…my organization was asked to monitor biological and chemical weapons treaty violations in the very early days of 2000. You’ll remember the anthrax events in September of 2001. And we were part of an investigation that gave rise to the congressional inquiry into not only the anthrax origins… And our concern was that coronavirus was being seen as not only a potential manipulable agent for potential use as a vaccine vector but it was also very clearly being considered as a biological weapon candidate. And so our first public reporting on this took place prior to the SARS outbreak in the latter part of 2001. So you can imagine how disappointed I am to be sitting here 20 years later, having 20 years earlier pointed that there was a problem looming on the horizon with respect to coronavirus.

But after the alleged outbreak…I will always say alleged outbreak because I think it’s important for us to understand that coronavirus as a circulating pathogen, inside of the viral model that we have, is actually not new to the human condition and is not new to the last two decades. It’s actually been part of the sequence of proteins that circulates for quite a long time.

But the alleged outbreak that took place in China in 2002 going into 2003 gave rise to a very problematic April 2003 filing by the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention. And this topic is of critical importance to get the nuance very precise. Because in addition to filing the entire gene sequence on what became SARS coronavirus, which is actually a violation of 35 US code section 101, you cannot patent a naturally occurring substance. The 35 US code section 101 violation was patent number 7220852. Now that patent also had a series of derivative patents associated with it. These are patent applications that were broken apart because they were of multiple patentable subject matter. But these include US patent 46592703P (which is actually a very interesting designation), US patent…7776521. These patents not only covered the gene sequence of SARS coronavirus but also covered the means of detecting it using RT-PCR.

Now the reason why that’s a problem is if you actually both own the patent on the gene itself, and you own the patent on its detection, you have a cunning advantage to being able to control 100 percent of the providence of not only the virus itself but also its detection — meaning you have the entire scientific and message control.

And this patent sought by the CDC was allegedly justified by their public relations team as being sought so that everyone would be free to be able to research coronavirus. The only problem with that statement is it’s a lie.

And the reason why it’s a lie is because the patent office, not once but twice, rejected the patent on the gene sequence as unpatentable because the gene sequence was already in the public domain. In other words, prior to CDC’s filing for a patent, the patent office found 99.9% identity with the already existing coronavirus recorded in the public domain. And, over the rejection of the patent examiner and after having to pay an appeal fine in 2006 and 2007, the CDC overrode the patent office’s rejection of their patent and ultimately in 2007 got the patent on SARS coronavirus.

Every public statement that CDC has made that said that this was in the public interest is falsifiable by their own paid bribe to the patent office. This is not something that’s subtle. And, to make matters worse, they paid an additional fee to keep their application private. Last time I checked, if you’re trying to make information available for the public research you would not pay a fee to keep the information private.

I wish I could have made up anything I just said, but all of that is available in the public patent archive record — which any member of the public can review. And the public PAIR, as it’s called that the United States patent office, has not only the evidence but the actual documents which I have in my possession.

Now, this is this is critically important. It’s critically important because fact-checkers have repeatedly stated that the novel coronavirus, designated as SARS-CoV-2, is, in fact, distinct from the CDC patent. And here’s both the genetic and the patent problem. If you look at the gene sequence that is filed by CDC in 2003, again in 2005, and then again in 2006, what you find is identity in somewhere between 89 to 99 percent of the sequence overlaps that have been identified in what’s called the novel subclade of SARS-CoV-2.

What we know is that the core designation of SARS coronavirus, which is actually the clade of the betacoronavirus family, and the subclade that is been called SARS-CoV-2 have to overlap from a taxonomate point of view. You cannot have SARS designation on a thing without it first being SARS. So the disingenuous fact-checking that has been done saying that, somehow or another, CDC has nothing to do with this particular patent or this particular pathogen is beyond both the literal credibility of the published sequences and it’s also beyond credulity when it comes to the ICTV taxonomy — because it very clearly states that this is in fact a subclade of the clade called SARS coronavirus.

Now, what’s important is on the 28th of April — and listen to the date very carefully because this date is problematic. Three days after CDC filed the patent on the SARS coronavirus in 2003 — three days later Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, company that was set up in Maryland — Sequoia Pharmaceuticals on the 28th of April 2003 filed the patent on antiviral agents on treatment and control of infections by coronavirus. CDC filed three days earlier. And then, the treatment was available three days later.

…So ask yourself a simple question. How would one have a patent on a treatment for a thing that had been invented three days earlier?

…The patent in question, the April 28th 2003 patent 7151163, issued to Sequoia Pharmaceuticals, has another problem. The problem is, it was issued and published before the CDC patent on coronavirus was actually allowed.

So the degree to which the information could have been known by any means other than insider information between those parties is zero.

It is not physically possible for you to patent a thing that treats a thing that had not been published — because CDC had paid to keep it secret.

This, my friends, is the definition of criminal conspiracy, racketeering and collusion. This is not a theory. This is evidence.



Dr. Reiner Fuellmich:

This could well blow up into a RICO case ultimately.



Dr. David Martin:

“…It is a RICO case. And the RICO pattern, which was established in April of 2003 for the first coronavirus, was played out to exactly the same schedule when we see SARS-CoV-2 show up — when we have Moderna getting the spike protein sequence by phone from the vaccine research center at NIAID prior to the definition of the novel subclade.

How do you treat a thing before you actually have the thing?


“…the 5th of June 2008, which is an important date because it is actually around the time when DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Program in the United States. actively took an interest in coronavirus as a biological weapon.

June 5th 2008, Ablynx, which as you know is now part of Sanofi, filed a series of patents that specifically targeted what we’ve been told is the novel feature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And you heard what I just said. This is the 5th of June 2008.

Specifically, they targeted what was called the polybasic cleavage site for SARS-CoV, the novel spike protein, and the ACE-2 receptor binding-domain, which is allegedly novel to SARS-CoV-2. And all of that was patented on the 5th of June 2008.

And those patents, in sequence, were issued between November 24 of 2015 — which was US patent 9193780. So that one came out after the gain of function moratorium. That one came after the MERS outbreak in the Middle East.

But what you find is that then in 2016, 2017, 2019 a series of patents all covering, not only the RNA strands, but also the subcomponents of the gene strands, were all issued to Ablynx and Sanofi…we have countless others…all identifying in patent filings that ranged from 2008 until 2017.

Every attribute that was allegedly uniquely published by the single reference publication, the novel bat coronavirus…the paper that has been routinely used to identify the novel virus, unfortunately, if you actually take what they report to be novel you find 73 patents issued between 2008 and 2019 which have the elements that were allegedly novel in the SARS-CoV-2 — specifically as it relates to the polybasic cleavage site, ACE-2 receptor binding-domain and the spike protein.

So the clinically novel components of the clinically unique, clinically contagious — you know where I’m going with this. Okay?

There was no outbreak of SARS because we had engineered all of the elements of that. And by 2016 the paper that was funded during the gain of function moratorium that said that the SARS coronavirus was poised for human emergence, written by none other than Ralph Baric, was not only poised for human emergence but it was patented for commercial exploitation — 73 times.”


“My favorite quote of this pandemic was a statement made in 2015 by Peter Daszak…reported in the National Academies Press publicatio, February 12, 2016, and I’m quoting: ‘We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.’


“…every study that’s ever been launched to try to verify a lab leak is a red herring.”


“And I’m going to give you the biggest bombshell of all to prove that this was actually not a release of anything, because patent 7279327 — the patent on the recombinant nature of that lung-targeting coronavirus — was transferred mysteriously from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill to the National Institutes of Health in 2018.

Now here’s the problem with that. Under the Bayh-Dole Act, the U. S. government already has what’s called a ‘march-in right’ provision. That means if the US government has paid for research, they are entitled to benefit from that research at their demand or at their whim.

So explain why in 2017 and 2018 suddenly the National Institutes of Health have to take ownership of the patent that they already had rights to, held by the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. And how did they need to file a certificate of correction to make sure that it was legally enforceable? Because there was a typographical error in the grant reference in the first filing. So they needed to make sure that, not only did they get it right, but they need to make sure every typographical error that was contained in the patent was correct on the single patent required to develop the Vaccine Research Institutes’ mandate, which was shared between the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, in November of 2019, and Moderna, in November of 2019, when UNC Chapel Hill, NIAID and Moderna began the sequencing of a spike protein vaccine — a month before an outbreak ever happened.”


“And just to answer a question that was asked slightly earlier, the script for this was written first January 6, 2004…At the conference called SARS and Bioterrorism… introduced the notion of what they called the New Normal… which is the language that became the branded campaign that was adopted by the World Health Organization… The first introduction of the New Normal campaign, which was about getting people to accept a universal pan influenza, pan coronavirus, vaccine was actually adopted January 6, 2004.

…I’m not going to belabor many more points other than to say that it was very clear that…Moderna knew that it was going to be placed in the front of the line with respect to the development of a vaccine in March of 2019. And this is a very important date because in March of 2019, for reasons that are not transparent, they suddenly amended a series of rejected patent filings, which is a very bizarre behavior. But they amended a number of patent filings to specifically make reference to an intentional or accidental release — I’m sorry — their term ‘deliberate release’ of coronavirus. So in March they amended four failed patent applications to begin the process of a coronavirus vaccine development…”


“…and we know, as I made reference to before that in November, they entered into a research and cooperative research development agreement with UNC Chapel Hill with respect to getting the spike protein to put inside of the lipid nanoparticle — so that they actually had a candidate vaccine before we had a pathogen allegedly that was running around.

What makes that story most problematic, beyond the self evident nature of it, is that we know that from 2016 until 2019, at every one of the NIAID Advisory Council board meetings, Anthony Fauci lamented the fact that he could not find a way to get people to accept the universal influenza vaccine — which is what was his favorite target he was trying to get the population to engage in this process. And what becomes very evident with Peter Daszak, Ecohealth Alliance, UNC Chapel Hill and others — and then, most specifically by March of 2019 in the amended patent filings of Moderna, we see that there is a epiphany that says ‘what if there was an accidental or intentional release of a respiratory pathogen?’. And what makes that particular phrase problematic is it is exactly recited in the book ‘A World at Risk’ which is the scenario that was put together by the World Health Organization in September of 2019.

So, months before there’s an alleged pathogen — which says that we need to have a coordinated global experience of a respiratory pathogen release — which by September 2020 must put in place a universal capacity for public relations management, crowd control and the acceptance of a universal vaccine mandate.


“That was September of 2019. And the language of an intentional release of a respiratory pathogen was written into the scenario that ‘must be completed by September 2020’.”


 Download PDF:

The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier 


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see related: Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research


My 1987 White House Interview on HIV, With Jim Warner, Senior Policy Analyst

My 1987 White House Interview on HIV, With Jim Warner, Senior Policy Analyst

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 9, 2021


When I interviewed President Reagan’s policy analyst, Jim Warner, in 1987, there was something I didn’t know: HIV had never been isolated. I did know the virus wasn’t the cause of what was being called AIDS.

Senior White House policy analyst Jim Warner first came to public attention in a November 1987 article in the New York Native. In the story, “The White House Calls the Native About Aids,” publisher Chuck Ortleb wrote: “Warner told me that the White House could be seen as divided into two groups on the issue of AIDS. One group, which he said is in the minority, wants to adopt an ‘Auschwitz model’ by quarantining all those infected with ‘the virus.’ ‘The other group,’ [Warner] said, ‘is incompetent.’”

Warner told me he wasn’t suggesting there was a White House group which was favoring “an Auschwitz model,” but that some high-risk groups might think that was so. My following interview ran in the LA Weekly on December 18, 1987.

WEEKLY: Has anyone at the White House spoken to you about the Native article and what you said in it?

WARNER: I don’t think anyone here knows there was an article in that paper. The government really hasn’t fulfilled its role in providing good information [on AIDS]. We just may not know enough. With AIDS, we’re dealing with a syndrome, not a disease. We may see a patient who has a genetic defect that’s causing his immune deficiency [instead of HIV being the causative agent]. I’m not satisfied we know all we think we do, by any means.

WEEKLY: Is your research on AIDS part of your policy work? Do you make recommendations based on what you find out? Or is it just that you’re absorbed in discovering what’s going on with AIDS?

WARNER: More of the latter than the former. I was asked to look into an Atlantic magazine article about insects and AIDS, and that’s how it started. I decided I wanted to put together a set of questions concerning the HIV virus, so that the answers would suggest its role in AIDS. I would then draft a paper and give it to the people who asked me to look into the subject.

WEEKLY: Do people at the White House get a chance to talk to scientists over at the National Institutes of Health [NIH]? I mean really talk with them, find out what they’re doing, how they’re thinking?

WARNER: There is not much communication [between people at the White House and the scientists at NIH]. I’m probably the only person here who has much interest in it. This year I determined that the [White House] working group on AIDS wasn’t adequate.

WEEKLY: Several university scientists I’ve spoken with have – off the record – criticized what they call “HIV dogma.” They feel if they speak out against the rush to judgment for HIV as the cause of AIDS they may lose money. Grants begin with the assumption that HIV has been proven as the agent of the disease.

WARNER: I’m of a mind that if no other lessons should be required of any university science curriculum, there should be a good survey course in philosophy and a grounding in logic. I’m appalled at the conceit and arrogance [of certain scientists].

WEEKLY: There has never been a performance-evaluation on the results of the NIH. NIH has balked at the idea of evaluating the worth of all their medical research over the last 20 years.

WARNER: That’s a very good idea. I’m going to see what I can do about that.

WEEKLY: The Native article mentioned that you spoke with Dr. Lo, an Army researcher on AIDS. He has his own theory about the disease, that it’s caused by a different virus. According to the Native, you had a problem getting through to him. Did they really tell you you’d have to get an okay from the Surgeon General just to talk to Lo?

WARNER: Yes. You know, although it is an honor to work at the White House, I’m not impressed that being here makes me special. But I pulled rank, and they put me through to Dr. Lo.

WEEKLY: Suppose proof emerged that HIV is not the AIDS virus. How difficult would it be to alter the course of research?

WARNER: It’s very difficult to change people’s minds. It’s not impossible, but there is a head of steam built up.

WEEKLY: What do you do if a government agency, as a whole, has been derelict?

WARNER: It may end up as a brawl. I’d sort of like to finesse that, though, I’d like to avoid a public brawl. It eats up time. It’s difficult when scientists are not open to discussing scientific issues.

WEEKLY: Robert Gallo, Max Essex, people like that, were the field commanders on the NIH war on cancer in the 70’s. They lost that war. So why are they in charge of AIDS research now? It seems odd that we don’t have other people running the show.

WARNER: If ever I’ve been tempted to believe in socialism, science has disabused me of that. These guys [at NIH] assume that it’s their show. They just assume it.

WEEKLY: Peter Duesberg, a distinguished molecular biologist at Berkeley, has said that HIV does not cause AIDS. Have you asked people at NIH what they think, specifically, of his arguments?

WARNER: Yes. I’ve been told that Peter Duesberg’s refutation of HIV has been discounted by the scientific community. I was given no explanation as to why. I was very offended. No evidence was presented to me. Just that Duesberg had been ‘discounted.’ That’s absurd. It’s not a scientific response to dismiss Duesberg as a crank.

WEEKLY: The definition of AIDS has become so broad it’s even stretching the idea of what a syndrome is, never mind a singular disease.

WARNER: A syndrome is a means of trying to understand how symptoms could be linked together. But if you do this in an atmosphere of hysteria, there is no limit to what you can attribute to a syndrome.

WEEKLY: The definition of AIDS in Africa is now becoming synonymous with starvation. They’re saying the three major symptoms are chronic diarrhea, fever, and wasting-away. Weight-loss. It certainly makes a perfect smokescreen for the aspect of hunger which is political – just call it AIDS.

WARNER: I had not considered that. There is a program to make Africa self-sufficient by the year 2000. This could certainly hinder that activity. You know, I was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. I experienced weight-loss of eighty pounds. And when I came home, I was suffering from a form of dysentery that you could call opportunistic. A number of us were. We didn’t have AIDS.

—end of interview—

In November of 1987, I found out that the journal Bio/Technology was going to hold a roundtable workshop in which HIV would be addressed. Peter Duesberg and about a dozen other researchers would attend. The purpose of the roundtable would be to formulate experiments which, once and for all, would show HIV’s role or non-role in AIDS.

I told Jim Warner about the proposed roundtable, and suggested he contact the magazine and sit in on the sessions. He did call, and to everyone’s surprise, suggested that the roundtable be held in his office at the White House.

For the next month, it was on again, off again. There were obviously pressures within the White House against sanctioning such a meeting. About a month before the scheduled January 19th date, stories about it began appearing in several newspapers.

For a brief time, it looked like the White House’s Office of Policy Development was not going to host it, but the Office of Science and Technology Policy was. Then the whole thing fell apart.

The New York Post, on January 7th, 1988, ran a story on Duesberg. The next day, the paper did a follow-up, headlined: U.S. AXES DEBATE ON TRUE CAUSE OF AIDS. After indicating that the White House meeting was canceled, medicine-science editor, Joe Nicholson, relayed a surprising quote from Gary Bauer, head of Reagan’s Office of Policy Development, and Jim Warner’s boss: “People like Dr. Duesberg need to continue to have access to research funds so that if we are heading in the wrong direction, that can be proved.”

Bauer then said he didn’t want the White House to sponsor the meeting because it would impart a political tone to a scientific event.

“I hope they have the debate elsewhere,” he said. “I’ve sort of bristled at the finality with which some have made statements about AIDS and how it is transmitted. When findings run counter to the accepted wisdom, there is a tendency to muzzle or ignore rather than have an open debate.”

The proposed debate never took place.

Given what Jim Warner told me in our 1987 interview, I’m sure, if he were still working for the government in 2021, he would have some choice comments about an NIH scientist who was a major player in the AIDS scene in 1987, and is still hogging the spotlight these days:

Anthony Fauci.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Wikimedia Commons

James Corbett: Designing Humans for Fun and Profit

Designing Humans for Fun and Profit

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 9, 2021


Welcome, Esteemed Globalist Supergopher. Here is your access link to the secret online briefing session of the Committee of United Nazis, Tyrants and Sociopaths. On today’s livestream, your deep state briefer will walk you through what we’re telling the public about our ambition to transform the human species through biodigital technologies . . . and reveal what we’re actually doing to engineer a perfectly compliant, perfectly controlled, cattle-like subspecies.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4



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Dr. James Giordano: Battlescape Brain: Military and Intelligence Use of Neurocognitive Science
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Wearable/Implantable Nanotech Is Your New Normal & Experimental COVID Injections Are Its Fast-Track|
Time reference: 37:57

RRNews 234: New Global Warming Solution – Smylex|
Time reference: 39:18

Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism|
Time reference: 40:20


Connect with James Corbett

cover image credit: mollyroselee / pixabay


Revisiting Dr Judy Wood – Because She’s Right About 9/11

Dr. Wood’s book Where Did The Towers Go: Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11 deserves attention. Because its 500 pages provide proof that the towers were made to go ‘poof’ by very advanced technology. And we can also conclude that that technology could instead be harnessed for the good of humankind.

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
July 8, 2021


Did you hear the one about 14 firefighters walking away after a 110-storey building supposedly toppled down on them?

It sounds like a gag. But it really happened.

Twenty years ago this September, on 9/11, a group of firefighters were trapped in the ground level of a stairway in the centre of the half-mile-high World Trade Center North Tower (WTC1). When the dust cleared, beams of sun shone down on them.

This is well-documented, such as in the film “The Miracle of Stairwell B.”

If WTC1 had collapsed the men would have been crushed by the building’s steel and concrete. That would have been the case whether a plane flew into the building — with the resultant intense fires causing key support beams to fail, and then each floor falling by gravity on the one below it (the mainstream narrative); or whether there had been controlled demolition, thermite or mini-nuke explosions (the main ‘opposition’ narratives).

Yet the firefighters walked away largely unharmed.

For some reason, though, influential people still dismiss the evidence-based conclusion — from Judy Wood — that fits this and virtually all of the other phenomena that were observed on that watershed day.

In her 500-page, 2010 book Where Did the Towers Go? Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11, Wood details her forensic study of every piece of publicly available evidence. She doesn’t engage in formulating theories; rather, she arrives at solid conclusions based on facts.

Wood uses hundreds of diagrams, photographs, mathematical calculations, eye-witness accounts and references to do so. You can see for yourself – you can order copies of her book here.

She determined that the twin towers (WTC1 and 2), WTC3, WTC7, most of WTC4 and 6, and part of WTC5 disintegrated and turned to dust – a phenomenon she dubs ‘dustification.’ Wood also concluded that this happened to each building extremely quickly and without a lot of noise. In the last chapters she details the explanation that best fits all this: powerful and precise harnessing (at ambient temperature) of directed free energy.

Her website summarizes this. For example, there is a lot of detail about her 2007 lawsuit on this page of her website. (In the suit she requested that the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST] correct its fundamentally flawed, fall 2005, report on what happened on 9/11/.)

Among the most striking images in her book are those of the holes left where the buildings had been. They’re on, among others, pages 20, 39, 62, 137 and 143, and almost all of the pages of chapters 9 and 10.

“This is the dawn of a new age,” Wood said in a 2012 talk. “Somebody has the ability to direct energy to disrupt the molecular bonds of matter.”

I first heard of  Wood about 15 years ago. But when I asked a more knowledgeable friend of mine about her, he said she’d been discredited. I believed him and didn’t look into it myself.

But then in mid-March 2021 I was contacted by Andrew Johnson. He’s volunteered tens of thousands of hours since 2004 to help Wood counter misinformation about her work (by, among many other things, being the main person responsible for distributing her book).

Johnson emailed me because he’d read some of my articles. He recognized that I, like he and Wood, try to seek the truth no matter which ‘side’ of an issue it falls on.

We spoke on the phone and a few weeks later he mailed me Wood’s book. (I paid him back for it.)

I immediately read the book. Wood – a former professor of mechanical engineering who has a BS in civil engineering, an MS in engineering mechanics and a PhD in materials engineering science – leaves few if any stones unturned in examining what happened that day.

Unfortunately, groups such as Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and high-profile people like Greg Jenkins (a former member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth) make erroneous assumptions and ignore many pieces of evidence. They also ‘debunk’ Wood, by twisting information and hiding facts.

Among the phenomena these individuals and groups ignore or don’t accurately account for are: 1) very little debris from the towers hitting the ground, as evidenced by the Stairwell B 14 firefighters — and, among other things, the many photos showing how little debris there was, and the lack of a significant seismic signature (which would have been present if the one million tons of material in the buildings had hit the ground); 2) more than an inch of dust covering the ground and people all around lower Manhattan immediately after the towers disappeared; 3) the strange ways several steel beams were bent and twisted; 4) the vast majority of eye witnesses not feeling heat in the vicinity of the WTC buildings or from the hundreds of cars ‘on fire’ near the buildings (Wood dubs them ‘toasted,’ and not because they were all scorched but because they were rendered inoperable); 5) no scorch marks on most of those cars, and leafy trees and paper around them remaining largely undamaged; and 6) virtually no significant damage to the concrete basin around the WTC’s foundation (known as a ‘bathtub’) — and therefore very little Hudson-River water entering the WTC plaza or any other part of lower Manhattan.

“For the alternative hypotheses such as planes flying into the building, controlled demolition or mini-nukes to hold up, you have to keep the dustification covered up. And you have to keep the lack of debris covered up,” Johnson told me in a telephone interview. “Instead, you have to claim that the debris was spread over a wide area or had collapsed into the area under the towers. You also have to claim that the twisted metal of the steel beams was caused by heating it a great deal, and that the toasted cars were damaged by very hot substances. In other words, you have to cover up the fact that that happened without much heat being present.”

I’ve pasted at the bottom of this article a table Wood uses to summarize her conclusions. It shows that only directed free energy – cold, directed energy to be exact – accounts for the main phenomena that took place on 9/11. (I’ll discuss in a future article the tritium and ionizing radiation.) The other explanations account for none, or only one or two, of those phenomena.

For example, as Wood details in Chapter 5, there wasn’t significant damage to the ‘bathtub.’ This is the 70-foot-deep, concrete retaining basin below the water table and around the foundations of the buildings (WTC1, 2, 3 and 6) that were located in the west half of the WTC plaza.

The bathtub could not have remained mostly intact if hundreds of thousands of tons of rubble had fallen into it, with the accompanying seismic impact on the bedrock beneath it.

But it received only relatively minor damage. Therefore very little water from the Hudson River entered the main basin or the adjoining train tunnels in the smaller basin underneath the east side of the WTC plaza.

The hypotheses of fires from airplanes’ fuel and controlled demolition, and explosions/fires with thermite or mini-nukes, also don’t fit the facts. The biggest clue that this is the case is the absence of major debris and no significant damage to the bathtub or seismic signature as the buildings went ‘poof’ (a term used by Wood to describe their disintegration in mid-air)

And as Wood observes in Chapter 17 (on page 110), “everything that goes ‘boom’ is not necessarily a bomb.” For example, there were eye-witness accounts of firefighters’ oxygen tanks exploding in the WTC area. Therefore that’s the most likely explanation for the minor explosions that occurred that day.

There also were very few people needing emergency care; little significant damage to the surrounding buildings; very little heat or fire; less than 10 percent of the 3,000 victims’ bodies were found; and only one filing cabinet was discovered, along with no other pieces of furniture, sinks, toilets or computers. In fact more unburned paper and aluminum cladding remained than virtually anything else.

Chapter 8 is on dustification. It’s full of photos and eyewitness accounts of steel core columns and huge concrete blocks turning into dust while aloft.

Also notably, the volume of dust coating the ground and people in the area of the WTC plaza was far larger than would have resulted from the towers collapsing by gravity, explosions or controlled demolition.

Moreover, many eyewitness firefighters described the area becoming enveloped with white dust so thick that the sunlight was blocked for a few minutes. Their eyes, mouths, noses and lungs rapidly clogged with the gritty, dense dust.

A typical account is from Deputy Chief Medical Officer David Prezant (page 156).

“There was all sorts of particulate matter in my throat and in my eyes, and my eyes were burning. My throat was burning. I was coughing. I was choking,” Prezant said. … “[It] was completely black. It was blacker than midnight. I could not see the sky. The air was like syrupy charcoal paste.”

Large volumes of the fine dust floated upwards as the towers vanished, gradually reaching the upper atmosphere (see Chapter 14).

About 1,400 cars  and other types of vehicles were ‘toasted’ on 9/11 — some as far as 1,000 feet from the WTC plaza. Wood focuses on them in Chapter 11.

The strange things about them included: unburned plastic and paper in and around vehicles that were in flames or appeared to have been burnt; unnaturally rapid rusting of large surfaces of the cars; melted or completely missing tires and windows while the remaining areas of the vehicles were left relatively intact; and, upside-down cars and trucks, with nearby trees trees remaining unscathed even though they wouldn’t have escaped damaged if fast-moving air had been responsible for flipping the vehicles.

The most logical explanation for all of this, using the currently available public information, is the “Tesla-Hutchison Effect.’ It harnesses naturally occurring (‘free’) energy forces.

In Chapter 17 Wood describes the similarities between how the Hutchinson Effect changes matter and what happened to the toasted cars and to various materials from the WTC buildings.

“I use the Hutchison [E]ffect as an illustrative example or model of what kinds of known extraordinary effects can result from electromagnetic interference,” Wood writes on page 356 [italics in the original]. “I use Hutchison’s work also because a great deal of information is available about it, especially on the internet.”

The name of this effect comes from two men, one of whom is Nikola Tesla. He was a Serbian inventor and experimental scientist. Tesla is famous for having made many advances in mechanical and electrical engineering.

John Hutchison is a Canadian who, based on the discoveries of Tesla and others, has been increasing the understanding of the interplay between magnetism, gravity, radio waves and electricity. Decades ago Hutchinson discovered, while trying to duplicate some of Tesla’s experiments, that weak magnetic fields can be used to steer electrostatic fields.

Dramatic things can happen to objects in the vicinity of those intersecting fields, including: fusion of different types of materials such as metal and wood; spontaneous combustion, ‘melting,’ peeling, ‘jellification,’ fracturing, and thinning and rapid aging of metals, with little if any accompanying heat; levitation; and very rapid temporary or permanent altering of materials’ crystalline structure and physical properties, (and some of those transformations continuing even after the energy fields are removed).

Hutchison is agnostic about who he works with and how the findings are used. He’s given demonstrations to and/or collaborated with, among others, industry,  NASA, the Canadian Department of National Defense, US military, the Pentagon and Los Alamos National Labs.

Most of the resultant discoveries are classified. But there also have been many media reports on his experiments by journalists who witnessed them first-hand.

Wood’s old website has material on the Hutchinson Effect and on Hutchinson –

Hutchinson’s own website is There are documents on it such his detailed sworn affidavit in support of Wood’s NIST-related lawsuit. In it, Hutchison states, among other things, that (page 3), “Upon examination of the destructive effects done to the WTC on 9/11, as documented by Dr. Wood and as reviewed by me, I can and do assert that the WTC was destroyed by devices that ares scaled up, refined and/or weaponized versions of the effects that I named the ‘Hutchison effect.’”

There also are these documents on his website by other observers. They provide details of: the equipment he’s used to create the Hutchison Effect, including Tesla coils; the phenomena his effect causes; and hypotheses about how and why these occur.

Andrew Johnson’s website also has a lot of relevant material. For example there is a radio interview of Wood and Hutchinson. There is this interview of retired U.S. Army Colonel John Alexander in which he describes Hutchison’s work. And Johnson has written two books on Wood’s work – you can download them for free from this page on his website.

In her book, Wood amasses additional evidence supporting her conclusion. For example, in Chapter 19 she documents a very significant geomagnetic event that occurred on 9/11: between 8:20 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. that day the earth’s magnetic field fluctuated wildly.

Overall, Wood’s work answers several key questions about what happened on that September day 20 years ago.

But many puzzles remain.

Why are influential people in the 9/11 truth movement working hard to divert attention from Wood’s work?

Why was the directed free-energy technology used on 9/11?

Has it been used before and if so where and when?

What is the array of possible constructive uses of directed free energy?

I’ll try to answer those questions in a future article.

Table Created by Judy Wood Comparing Different Proposed Mechanisms for Destruction of Twin Towers on 9/11 (reproduced here with Wood’s permission)


Connect with Rosemary Frei

cover images credit: Wikimedia Commons


Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19’?

Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19’?

by Gary D. Barnett
July 6, 2021


“Today, La Quinta Columna has made an urgent announcement that they hope will reach as many people as possible, especially those involved in health and legal services, as biostatistician Ricardo Delgado, Dr. José Luis Sevillano and the team of researchers and professors with whom they have been conducting their research have confirmed the presence of graphene oxide nanoparticles in vaccination vials.” ~ Translated by Orwell City

Since no such thing as Covid-19 has ever been separated, isolated, or identified, and not one attempt to satisfy Koch’s Postulates to determine if a novel ‘virus’ even exists has been attempted, what is really happening and why have governments worldwide shut down their countries and declared war on their citizenry? What is the real plot, and how many will die due to this fraudulent pandemic scam?

My position since very early on concerning this so-called ‘pandemic’ has been that the SARS-CoV-2 or ‘Covid-19’ was just the excuse being used as a government tool to instill great fear into the people, so as to build a system of total control over the masses. The real bioweapon evident is the poisonous injection mislabeled as the ‘Covid vaccine,’ and the tactics and mandates that have not only destroyed economic activity, but decimated the health and immune systems of the people at large. This includes every aspect of the lockdowns, quarantines, job loss due to the forced closings of businesses nationwide and worldwide, mask and false testing mandates, and the general terror purposely brought about by the controlling ‘elites’ and their government partners.

By this time, most should, but few do, understand the poisonous and toxic nature of what is being called a ‘vaccine,’ and the wide array of deadly adjuvants, live animal tissue, biological additives, metals, nano-particles, gene-altering messenger-RNA, and of course many other unknown or purposely hidden toxins in this deadly concoction. But what else is in this devil’s brew?

Just recently, reports coming from a team of doctors, scientists, researchers, and professors from the Spanish organization, La Quinta Columna, have stated emphatically that the highly toxic graphene oxide is not only present in vials of ‘Covid vaccines’ from most all pharmaceutical manufacturers, but is also being delivered in masks and through ‘Covid’ testing. This is very startling information, and answers a lot of questions about not only the symptoms present for many, but also may further expose another part of this nefarious agenda that is depopulation.

As stated by this group of researchers:

The masks being used and currently marketed contain graphene oxide. Not only the ones that were withdrawn at the time, as indicated by the media, the swabs used in both PCR and antigen tests also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles.

The COVID vaccines in all their variants, AstraZeca, Pfizer, Moderna, Sinovac, Janssen, Johnson & Johnson, etc., also contain a considerable dose of graphene oxide nanoparticles. This has been the result of their analysis by electron microscopy and spectroscopy, among other techniques used by various public universities in our country.

The anti-flu vaccine contained nanoparticles of graphene oxide and the new anti-flu vaccines and the new and supposedly intranasal anti-COVID vaccines they are preparing also contain enormous doses of graphene oxide nanoparticles. Graphene oxide is a toxic that generates thrombi in the organism, graphene oxide is a toxic that generates blood coagulation. Graphene oxide causes alteration of the immune system. By decompensating the oxidative balance in relation to the gulation reserves. If the dose of graphene oxide is increased by any route of administration, it causes the collapse of the immune system and subsequent cytokine storm.

Also, according to this study, levels of graphene oxide in certain ‘vaccine’ vials contained up to 99% graphene oxide and little else. This toxin can cause pneumonia when the nanoparticles enter the lungs. Graphene also causes a metallic taste and inflammation of the mucus membranes which can lead to a loss of taste and smell. It can as well cause strong magnetic responses inside a host organism, and can also cause red blood cell damage. When deposited on most any surface, it can be converted into an electronic conductor. This would lead one to question many ‘Covid’ symptoms and the possible uses of graphene oxide in the so-called ‘Covid-19 vaccine,’ as this study group also claims that graphene oxide actually causes what is erroneously described as ‘Covid.’ If this is the case, then the ‘vaccine’ is indeed the bioweapon.

The very many adverse effects of graphene oxide delivery into living organisms has been long studied, but virtually nothing about this has been mentioned by the pharmaceutical companies, the government, or the mainstream media. In fact, there has been express denial of any nano-particle use in the flu and ‘Covid’ injections by these same sources in the past. The information in this report is staggering, but little effort is required to understand the high risk of using these toxic nano-sized particles in ‘vaccines.’

Graphene microparticles, and therefore graphene by injection, can lead to major respiratory sickness, including lung cancer. Once these particles are inside the body, and in the cells, the human immune system has not the ability to rid itself of these deadly nano-particles, and they become permanent and can cause extreme physiological harm in the body at the cellular level.

Bioweapons can come in many forms, and this is the new tactic of war against the people by this and other governments. The powerful controlling element of society and its corrupt government partners care nothing about you or your families, but only about power and control over you. The real bioweapon is not any ‘virus,’ but is the ‘vaccine’ delivery system itself, along with masks, and testing, as perpetrated by the very entity (government) claiming to be your savior. The elimination of this government is in order.

It seems that the death of billions is sought, and a new master and slave society controlled by technocrats in a transhuman environment is the desired outcome. Today, science fiction has become reality!

The original translated article and video from La Quinta Columna can be accessed here, and also in the source links below. I would urge all to take a look at this information.

Source links:

Urgent announcement: Covid is caused by graphene oxide

Negative impacts of Graphene

Masks and Covid tests contain nanotech vaccines

Graphene Oxide for 5G mind control


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

See related article: On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body

Genetic Baloney in Thick Slices

Genetic Baloney in Thick Slices

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 8, 2021


Gene research companies tend to come and go. They start out banging and popping like fireworks in the sky, and then they fade out—selling themselves to larger outfits who’ve hired better liars…

Once upon a time, it sounded easy. Start with a disease, find the gene responsible for the disease, and correct the problem.

Then, researchers wondered, was disease the result of one gene or a group of genes acting together?

Either way, the proof would be in devising cures for diseases using gene therapy. “Not yet, but soon…”

And regardless, the major need was: money. Lots and lots of money.

This need required good PR people. “We have to pump up the idea that we’re on the edge of tremendous breakthroughs. We’re always on that edge…”

This hype also needed to obscure the fact that there wasn’t (and isn’t) ANY gene cure for ANY disease.

As time passed, lack of cure could be a problem. In fact, it could mean curing disease was not a genetic undertaking at all. What about environment? Toxicity? Malnutrition? Poverty? In order to raise money, those factors would have to be pushed back out of view.

Instead, the PR people would need to flood the news with positive glow around the subject of gene research. Also known as exaggeration. Or bullshit.

You can spot the key terms in these articles. POSSIBLE, SHOULD, COULD, EXPECTED TO, SEEMS, ON THE HORIZON, MAY BE, COULD LEAD TO, EVENTUALLY, and of course, the ever-popular BREAKTHROUGH.

I dug back in my files and found a piece I wrote in 2011. As you’ll see, the “breakthroughs” touted then haven’t panned out so far. You don’t read about them in the press these days. The PR pros have moved on to other exaggerations.

The first 2011 article I cited was from Reuters, headlined: SCIENTISTS FIND “MASTER SWITCH” GENE FOR OBESITY. Here are a few choice tidbits. Note the key terms I just mentioned.

“…and say it should help the search for treatments…”

“…the regulating gene could be [a] target for drugs to treat…”

“…seems to act as a master switch…”

“We are working hard…to understand these processes and how we can use this information to improve treatment…”

Sure. You bet.

Zero results.

Next, a 2011 blockbuster piece in the Financial Times. The headline read: SCIENTISTS FIND GENETIC LINK TO DEPRESSION.

Standard trumpet blaring.

Here are the text nuggets. Again, note key terms.

“The discovery…is expected to lead to a better biological understanding of the condition and eventually to more effective antidepressants…”

“…as possibly for the first time we have found a genetic locus for depression.”

“…is likely to pin down the gene responsible…”

“…which may be the basis for designing more effective antidepressants…”

Sure. You bet.

Zero results.

Moving ahead in time—From “On 17 December 2015, the journal Science voted [gene-editing tool] Crispr-Cas9 ‘Breakthrough of the Year’, saying that it had ‘matured into a molecular marvel’. It is already being used in cancer immunotherapy to edit a patient’s own T-cell genome in order to remove the gene that ‘tells’ these immune cells not to target cancerous tissue.

It’s already being used—but where are the cures? Nowhere.

Anybody out there want to partner with me in launching a new company? This is a major winner. It covers a very broad area. Actually, there is no human endeavor it doesn’t cover. The name of the company? MAYBE COULD BE INC.

“We’re always on the edge and the frontier. We’re always breaking through. We’re always raising money. We’re always pumping our stock. We’re always ready to sell the company to a sucker with deep pockets.”

Let’s look at another type of gene research organization. This one happens to be the largest single medical research outfit in the world. It’s part of the US government: the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Their PR is different. They’re hedging their bets and covering their bases in every possible way. They’re saying YES, NO, AND MAYBE all at once. Of course, they can get away with it, because they run on taxpayer money. Their annual budget is a formidable $30 billion. Grit your teeth and read through their text that explains “genetic diseases”:

“A genetic disorder is a disease caused in whole or in part by a change in the DNA sequence away from the normal sequence. Genetic disorders can be caused by a mutation in one gene (monogenic disorder), by mutations in multiple genes (multifactorial inheritance disorder), by a combination of gene mutations and environmental factors, or by damage to chromosomes (changes in the number or structure of entire chromosomes, the structures that carry genes).”

“As we unlock the secrets of the human genome (the complete set of human genes), we are learning that nearly all diseases have a genetic component. Some diseases are caused by mutations that are inherited from the parents and are present in an individual at birth, like sickle cell disease. Other diseases are caused by acquired mutations in a gene or group of genes that occur during a person’s life. Such mutations are not inherited from a parent, but occur either randomly or due to some environmental exposure (such as cigarette smoke). These include many cancers, as well as some forms of neurofibromatosis.”

That is a DON’T BLAME US statement. “Don’t blame us if a disease we thought was genetic turns out to be something else. Don’t blame us if it’s 65.34 percent environmental, 4.52 percent genetic, and 30.14 percent who knows what. Don’t blame us if toxicity triggers genetic malfunctions and, in the absence of the toxicity, there would be zero cases of the disease. Don’t blame us if a disease has nothing to do with genes. We’re ready to jump in any direction. We may not know much, but we’re sitting on a pile of cash. Don’t blame us if we don’t have any solid genetic cures for anything. We’re working hard. That’s all you can ask us to do.”

If there is one disease the public tends to believe can be cured by gene therapy, it is sickle cell anemia. The PR pros have done a good job there. However, states: “Gene therapy is an experimental technique that aims to treat genetic diseases by altering a disease-causing gene or introducing a healthy copy of a mutated gene to the body.”

Experimental. Aims to. Not an established cure. The confusion arises because, as with a number of diseases, the researchers and the PR flacks claim they’ve definitely traced the illness to a gene or two. They’ve struck gold. But, as you read further, you discover they’re just not ready to cure the patient. Clinical trials are underway. More work in the lab is necessary. The pudding is there, but the proof of it isn’t. They claim to know the cause; they just don’t know what to do with it.

In science, that’s known as a hypothesis. Or more simply, a speculation. You say you’ve found an answer, but you can’t apply it. This means: you don’t have an answer.

“There is no doubt. We went down into the mine and we found evidence of extraordinary amounts of gold. We just don’t know how to get it out. What’s that? You want to see the gold? No, I’m sorry. The public isn’t allowed down there. Only the professionals can enter. But don’t worry. We’re very close to a breakthrough. The gold will emerge soon. Trust us.”

Trust you? Sure. How much do you need to finish the job? Fifty million? A hundred million? Let me call my broker and sell some stock. I’ll write you a check. Just put a plaque with my name on the wall. Let me know how I’ll profit on this venture. I’m in. I’ve always wanted to invest in MAYBE COULD BE INC.

In case you need to be reminded, the RNA COVID vaccines are genetic treatments. The PR pros tell us they are working quite well. And they’re remarkably safe.

If you’re buying that line, I have electric cars for sale. And they have wings. One charge in your garage, and they’ll get you from Earth to Mars in just under two hours.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: stevepb / pixabay

On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body

On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body



Find out how La Quinta Columna discovered the connection between graphene oxide and electromagnetic fields 

by Orwellito, Orwell City
July 5, 2021


Many are already aware of the work that the team of Spanish researchers that make up La Quinta Columna have been doing.

They are the ones who have had the courage to get a vial of vaccination and send it for analysis to a renowned Spanish university through Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, who is compiling and officializing the results in a report that promises to be more conclusive than the preliminary one he prepared for the general public early last week.

However, there are people who still do not know about La Quinta Columna. If you are one of those, then the following video is especially for you. Orwell City has transcribed, translated, subtitled and edited the video to keep its message going around the world.

Ricardo Delgado, founder and director of La Quinta Columna participated with his research partner, Dr. José Luis Sevillano, in the XXVIII Humanitarian Conference organized by the World Coalition for Health and Life (COMUSAV) and the United Nations Council for Life and Truth (CONUVIVE).

Video available at Orwellito Rumble and BitChute channels.


“La Quinta Columna wants to make it clear from the beginning that we have the obligation, we have the obligation to be united because we are in the same battle to give the best of ourselves, because what is at stake is precisely the future of all species. Depending on the strength and momentum that we put into this task will depend on the future of all humanity. We are right now at the turning point from which things can begin to change, and in this sense La Quinta Columna is going to summarize what has been the result of its research during this year and a half, but above all and especially during the last two months. And why during the last two months? I always remember Dr. José Luis Sevillano’s words since the two of us work as a binomial and he has been accompanying me in La Quinta Columna. He said that when the vaccination started we were going to really see what he was doing and what material could be in there.

Then we realized that there was a new phenomenon that for a while we tried to deny, although today it’s evident because of the millions of videos on social media, and we have been able to even measure it with devices: teslameters, magnetometers, etc. I am referring to the magnetic or pseudo-magnetic phenomenon that people acquire after inoculation. A magnetic phenomenon on the one hand, but also one that turns inoculated people into superconductors and also stores energy that can be measured with a multimeter in certain parts, such as the forehead, for example.

So from there we started to look for what kind of materials or, better said, nanomaterials can cause those kinds of properties inside the body and we came up with some of the candidates. One of them initially was graphene. Graphene inside the body acquires magnetic properties and is a superconductor. It serves for energy storage and condensation and was a strong candidate. Without yet having any knowledge of what was inside the vial, we realized that the industry or rather the stock market of the graphene industry had high uptrend peaks just as the COVID-19 vaccination campaign was starting at the beginning of the year, late December and early January. But also, quite curious, during the flu vaccination campaign.

When we have seen the possibilities that graphene has, or rather, that graphene oxide nanoparticles have inside the body when it comes to neuromodulation and when it comes to picking up neuronal electrophysiological effects for brain mapping, we have realized the possibility that graphene is being injected. Can graphene be injected? Yes. Graphene can be injected. And, in fact, some scientific papers have already raised the possibility that it could be used as a nanoadjuvant in vaccines. With that hypothesis of suspicion, we did what anyone could have done and what I also recommend that you can do if you have access to a vial.

We had access to a sealed vial from Pfizer, and by means of a request for services to a university, specifically in my name, it was sent for an analysis of the vial, where we were looking for the material in question: graphene. After some time of investigation by Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, Doctor in Chemical Sciences, Bachelor in Biological Sciences and member of the University of Almeria, we obtained this preliminary report where we are told that there is indeed solid evidence of graphene oxide in the sample and that it is also the main component of what they wrongly called a vaccine.

From here and with this solid evidence, which will be further complemented with other spectroscopy techniques that can be done. Those that have been used are transmission electron microscopy; EMF techniques, also, optical microscopy; and ultraviolet radiation spectroscopy, which coincide with the peak wavelength of graphene oxide. From here we began to study the toxicity or cytotoxicity that graphene oxide has on the body.

Pay attention to this finding: Graphene oxide inside the body causes thrombogenicity, thrombi. Graphene oxide inside the body causes blood clotting. Graphene oxide inside the body causes post inflammatory syndrome or systemic or multi-organ inflammations. Graphene oxide inside the body when it is above the levels of glutathione —which is the body’s natural reserve of antioxidants—, causes alteration of the immune system, collapse of the immune system and cytokine storm. Inhaled graphene oxide spreads evenly throughout the alveolar tract and causes bilateral pneumonias. Inhaled graphene oxide causes inflammation of the mucous membranes and thus loss of taste and smell, possible loss of taste and smell: anosmia.

In short, graphene oxide behaves exactly like the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official version, generating the same symptomatology of severe COVID-19. When installed at the neuronal level, it causes neurodegeneration or, in other words, neurological COVID-19.

So, from here we started to see what possible compounds, drugs and treatments could degrade graphene oxide. And look what we found: N-acetylcysteine or glutathione administered degrade it. Because what glutathione does is counteract free radicals and oxidants, all the toxins that can enter the body.

And we discovered that there were about 300 clinical studies where certain hospitals and certain universities were using N-acetylcysteine with incredible results. For example,100 patients with saturation levels below 50% practically dead —bluntly speaking—, with bilateral pneumonias, within an hour of intravenous glutathione or N-acetylcysteine administration they made it. They were taken off ventilators and everything.

We now fully understand why those treatments worked: because they addressed all the symptoms of the disease supposedly caused by SARS-CoV-2. Given that to date there is no scientific evidence of an actual sequencing and isolation of SARS-CoV-2, we suspect with many credible indications that COVID-19 disease is actually the side effect of the introduction of graphene oxide into the body by different ways.

And I say ‘different ways’ because, although they were withdrawn at the time, masks containing graphene oxide nanoparticles have been introduced and are still being marketed. These masks have been introduced and are still being marketed by companies such as Nanografi, so we have masks with graphene oxide, but also graphene oxide nanoparticles introduced in PCR tests; graphene oxide is also present in antigen tests; hydrogels also contain graphene oxide nanoparticles; intranasal vaccines also, since graphene oxide in aerosols is more potent, as is the supposed SARS-CoV-2. Intranasal vaccines are also prepared, for example, by Turkey. They are made by Nanografi for COVID-19 and influenza.

We know that, naturally, graphene oxide is eliminated by the levels of glutathione in the body, and that is why we suspect that they propose a second, third and even fourth dose every so often: so that you have your considerable dose of graphene oxide. In short, we are talking about the simultaneous and gradual mass poisoning of the entire world population.

Think, if the preliminary report of a professor of a public university in Almeria —and I know that the same study is being done in other European and some Latin American universities—, if it determined that there is graphene oxide in the vials, how is it possible that graphene oxide is injected if the masks were removed because it caused pulmonary affections because of this nanoparticle? We are talking about a crime against humanity with the complicity of governments or at least their participation.

When we study glutathione, we realize that it begins to fall from the age of 30 onwards, but above all it falls considerably from the age of 65 onwards. In fact, COVID-19 takes a heavier toll on older people, apart from those who are immunocompromised and have other pathologies. When we study glutathione, we realize that children have high glutathione reserves because of their youth, and the COVID-19 disease itself hardly has an impact on children. Similarly, glutathione is especially low in the obese population and we realize that it is precisely the obese who are most affected by COVID-19. We realize that glutathione is related to vitamin D. Low levels of glutathione are low levels of vitamin D and it is precisely patients with COVID-19 who have low levels of vitamin D. We realize that athletes have high levels of glutathione endogenously, which are secreted with intense exercise, and precisely athletes are hardly affected by COVID-19.

Everything that we have subsequently studied only further increases and corroborates the hypothesis that the supposed SARS-CoV-2 of the official version is precisely the graphene oxide. And that all the elements of protection, of supposed protection, that we have been given: masks, PCR tests, swabs, antigen tests and vaccine —the wrongly called vaccine— are precisely all those elements that will potentially cause the disease to develop in the future.

And why do I say ‘in the future’? When we studied the electromagnetic phenomenon we realized that graphene oxide has what is called an ‘electronic absorption band’. The electronic excitation, its magnetic resonance is precisely in the third bandwidth of the 5G technology, the one that is being tendered right now and that, remember, has been with us throughout the pandemic.

As absolutely everything started we have had three ‘nets’: The first is that 5G terrestrial antenna that never stopped being placed —because only the antenna operators worked— and that curiously 8 out of 10 of these antennas are placed near geriatrics and nursing homes, in their immediate vicinity, which has been precisely the most affected population. Another inner net: precisely of graphene, according to the preliminary report of the vial of this university. And an external net, which is the one used by space satellites to supposedly provide 5G coverage.

Incredibly, we are narrating a science fiction movie, but believe me, today nanoscience, neuroscience and biotechnology have advanced tremendously. We have only made an approximation in the realm of science and behind the back of civil society. Can a person be controlled or neurocontrolled remotely wirelessly? Yes, it can be done and it is probably being done in a disguised way, and that may explain some of the anomalous behavioral behavior of the population, especially those who have been inoculated or who have received doses of graphene oxide by different ways. As I say, I know I am drawing a science fiction movie, but at the heights we are at it can be difficult to really believe in something. In this sense we say that COVID-19 is only the collateral effect of the introduction of that nanocomposite by different ways, and we suspect that it was introduced in the 2019 anti-flu campaign.

As I was saying, graphene oxide has an absorption band from which it oxidizes much more quicklywhen a small button is turned on to provide 5G coverage or to perform a technological test. Do you think it is a coincidence that Wuhan —where the pangolin and bat soup came from as distraction elements— is the first city in the world with the 5G technology trial at the end of November 2019 and that all previous flu vaccination probably with graphene oxide started from there? When excited, graphene oxide multiplies frequencies. With a minimum signal, it oxidizes much faster and breaks the balance between glutathione levels and the toxicity of the organism, generating bilateral pneumonia, altering the behavior of the immune system, which cannot cope as soon as the neutrophils try to phagocytize it as if it were a pathogen, as if it were SARS-CoV-2.

We shared an article today, if I can screen share I’m going to try to do that, can you let me know if you’re seeing it on screen? Well, let’s see: ‘Graphene oxide is detected in the body by specialized cells (neutrophils) of the immune system.’ Just as if it were a pathogen. The body, the immune system, doesn’t care if there is a biological agent because this never behaved like a biological agent. There are incubation periods if biological. It is not possible that in residences in our country in Spain, such as Matacaz in Barcelona, half of a residence died in 4 hours. If it is a biological agent, it does not cause bilateral pneumonia, but rather asymmetric pneumonia: they usually enter through the right lung due to symmetry. But half of a residence that had previously been vaccinated against influenza could not die.

Source: Graphene Info

We observed that the higher the flu vaccination, the higher the mortality of COVID-19, and logically we saw a relationship. The other relationship was with electromagnetic fields. What we did not know is that there was a marking on each of these people to make them a target population for the electromagnetic focus. A lethal weapon that now makes people magnetic and logically you will understand that if they interact with those radiation sources at a specific frequency and quality, they cause in oxidation, they break the redox balance of the oxidative biomarkers of the organism, causing the COVID-19 disease.

We know this crystal clear, and we have all the scientific articles that prove it. One of them is this one:

 ‘Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, the University of Manchester and Chalmers University of Technology have shown that the human immune system handles graphene oxide in a manner similar to pathogens, possibly leading to safer biomedical applications in the future.’

What you are seeing here is graphene oxide being attacked by neutrophils which are, let’s say, cells of the immune system that try to phagocytize it, try to engulf it: to coagulate it. That’s why graphene oxide generates clots and thrombi.

 ‘Graphene oxide is currently being studied for use in various drug delivery methods and other medical and non-medical applications. However, it is of critical importance to understand how these materials interact with the body. The study shows that neutrophils, the most common type of white blood cell specialized in combating infections, —just like a pathogen— release so-called neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs, the most common type of white blood cells) when encountering GO (graphene oxide). NETs are made up of a “spider-web” of DNA decorated with proteins that help neutrophils to destroy microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi. The researchers found that GO causes specific changes in the lipid composition of the cell membrane of neutrophils leading to the release of NETs. They could also show that antioxidant treatment —such as with NAC and glutathione— reversed this process.’

That is why treatments with glutathione have worked, and that is why treatments with N-acetylcysteine, which is a precursor of glutathione. Because they work providing the army with antioxidant reserves to deal with a toxic substance, a poisoning, that has been introduced into the body by different ways.

‘In a companion study published in Nanoscale, it was shown that GO is degraded in NETs, much like bacteria and other pathogens.’

Taken together, these studies show that GO can be trapped and degraded in NETs just like pathogens. I want to tell you that we have published in our website at least 70 studies that reflect everything we are saying and manifesting here.

On the other hand, I have been asked about the efficacy of chlorine dioxide. That goes another way. What it does is to oxygenate the cell, it prepares it so that it is not easily destroyed by this toxicant. What glutathione would do is to provide the army with more numbers of soldiers in terms of glutathione to deal with toxins. What we have found, as I say, is that most of the treatments that have been with N-acetylcysteine or glutathione and even with other antioxidants such as astaxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant, have been very favorable treatments for the patients.

And also, curiously and suspiciously, found that these health institutions are literally governed by evil; it is a psychopathy without previous history: we had never seen the history of such psychopathy.

By June 17 that the FDA tried to stop the marketing of N-acetylcysteine after it had been used for 57 years as a normal and ordinary mococcolytic. It was a very suspicious thing to do, wasn’t it? So this is basically my exposition. Any doubts that you may have about the studies that we have carried out at La Quinta Columna, well, there is simply something that is very conclusive, and that is the preliminary report of a renowned professor of a public university here in Spain. We are very close to providing complementary evidence to give more strength to this report in which we are already told that there is solid and proven evidence that there is graphene oxide in the sample that we sent.

Simply, for Colonel Tamayo and Judge Giorgianni: regardless of the fact that we obviously think that SARS-CoV-2 is precisely graphene oxide —and we can prove it— or at least it behaves exactly and exhaustively the same, how is it possible that graphene oxide is injected through the vials? How is it possible if the masks were really withdrawn because they caused pulmonary affections due to toxicity? What are we talking about, gentlemen?

Here I have tried to make the exposition as synthesized as possible so any doubt that may be generated by the manifestation that I have given here can be clarified throughout the time left we have.”

—Ricardo Delgado.

If you want to support La Quinta Columna, you can refer to their official website and follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, send them a message to: Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.


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67 Groups Representing More Than 1 Million People File Amicus Brief in Support of CHD’s Lawsuit Against FCC

67 Groups Representing More Than 1 Million People File Amicus Brief in Support of CHD’s Lawsuit Against FCC
The organizations allege the FCC refused to acknowledge significant policy, legal and practical problems associated with a new rule amendment allowing fixed wireless companies to contract with private property owners to place point-to-point antennas on their property.

by Dafna Tachover, Esq., The Defender
July 6, 2021


Sixty-seven U.S. organizations representing more than 1 million people signed onto an amicus brief in support of Children’s Health Defense’s (CHD) lawsuit challenging the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) “Over-the-Air Reception Devices” (OTARD) Rule Amendment. The amicus was filed June 30, in the U.S. Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit. CHD filed its main brief on June 23.

An amicus brief is filed by non-parties to a litigation to provide information that has a bearing on the issues and assist the court in reaching the correct decision. It comes from the latin words amici curiae, which means “friend of the court.”

The OTARD amendment, which took effect March 29, allows fixed wireless companies to contract with private property owners, including homeowners, to place point-to-point antennas on their property.

The rule also allows wireless companies to add carrier-grade base station antenna installations on private property to extend wireless voice/video/data service, including 5G and Internet-of-Things antennas, to users over a wide area, while preempting all state and zoning laws, homeowners’ association and deed restrictions. It also preempts civil rights and disability laws that protect the disabled.

According to the amicus brief, “The Commission refused to acknowledge significant policy, legal and practical problems.”

The brief strengthens CHD’s argument that the FCC’s failure to address the hundreds of comments filed by individuals and groups violates the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). Under the APA, an agency is required to reasonably respond to comments that were filed, otherwise its actions can be considered capricious or arbitrary.

Petra Brokken, a criminal attorney and co-founder of Safe Technology Minnesota, spearheaded the effort to file the brief. Brokken worked in collaboration with Odette Wilkins, founder of Wired Broadband Inc. (WBI). In addition to educating about the impact of wireless technology radiation on human health, WBI focuses on promoting residential deployment of fiber optic networks, which provide safer, faster and more secure solutions for broadband internet deployment.

In a webinar held by CHD for the filing of its main brief and of the amicus brief, Brokken explained that the organizations that signed the brief were eager to sign, and believed the court should hear their voices and the voices of the millions people these organizations represent.

Brokken said:

“These organizations wanted the court to know there are millions of people around the country who are absolutely up in arms about this issue and do not want this OTARD rule to go forward.”

The amicus brief contains a few examples of the human suffering wireless radiation has caused to members of the amici organizations, including Lora Mitchell, an 83-year old resident of New York City.

Since several wireless transmitters were installed on the rooftop of Mitchell’s building, directly above her apartment, two years ago she has suffered from severe radiation sickness symptoms, including: severe tinnitus, bilateral hearing loss, sleep deprivation, severe headaches  and persistent nausea and vomiting, among other symptoms. Mitchell cannot find refuge anywhere in her studio apartment, where she has lived for 44 years. In her own words, “It’s brutal.”

The amicus brief also included the story of George Sinopidis, a New York/New Jersey Port Authority police lieutenant, who was otherwise healthy before exposure to radiation from wireless transmitters caused him to suffer heart arrhythmias and sleep deprivation. Sinopidis was compelled to leave his own home to live elsewhere in a safer environment, while still shouldering the financial burden of a substantial mortgage on his original house.

The 67 organizations that signed the amicus brief include U.S.-based safe-tech, health and environmental organizations at state and national levels. Among them are Americans for Responsible Technology, a leading national coalition of grassroots organizations whose mission is to stop the unconstrained proliferation of 5G and wireless antennas, Moms Across America and Alliance for Natural Health, which has more than 1 million members.

Numerous state-based safe-tech organizations joined, including the California Brain Tumor Association and groups from Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Arizona, Colorado, Rhode Island, Oregon and Virginia.

The Building Biologist Institute which trains professionals (architects, builders, engineers and physicians) to become experts on wireless radiation mitigation in homes also signed on. The professionals with this organization see the sickness caused by wireless radiation in their work and witness how the removal of wireless devices from homes and shielding from outside sources transforms lives.

A few environmental groups also, including Californians For Renewable Energy (Care) and the Green Party Of Alameda County, California, also signed the brief. There is overwhelming evidence that wireless technology has a negative impact on the environment, including animals, plants, energy consumption and the ecosystem. The Natural Resources Defense Council was also a petitioner in this case.

The premier Canadian organization on safe-tech, Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST), chaired by Frank Clegg, former president of Microsoft Canada, also joined the brief.

The groups are represented by attorney Stephen Díaz Gavin, a partner in Rimon P.C. law firm.  For nearly 40 years, Diaz Gavin has represented companies and individuals in matters before the FCC. He successfully litigated the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians v. F.C.C., challenging the FCC’s preemption of 5G “small cell” antennas from environmental and historic review, in violation of the National Historic Preservation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act.

Before an amicus is filed with the court, the amici are required to ask for permission to file from the parties to the case. Both CHD and the FCC gave their permission. The amici must also ask for the court permission which it seeks when it files the brief. The court is not under any obligation to accept the brief and can decline it.


©July 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich w/ Investigative Journalist Whitney Webb: The Devil Is in the Details — On the Hidden Hands Behind the Unfolding Global Takeover

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich w/ Investigative Journalist Whitney Webb: The Devil Is in the Details — On the Hidden Hands Behind the Unfolding Global Takeover


The video below is clipped from the 59th session of the Corona Investigative Committee which was live-streamed to YouTube on July 2, 2021.  The entire recording of this session has since been removed by YouTube censors.

The primary participants in this wide-ranging conversation are Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Whitney Webb. Additional questions and comments are offered by Attorney Viviane Fischer and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg.

Groups, corporations, governments and individuals mentioned in this detailed exposé include Google, Microsoft, AstraZeneca, Deutsche Bank, Bravo Capital, Sequoia Capital, Wellcome Trust, Jenner Institute, GlaxoSmithKline, US military, CIA, DARPA, the Pentagon, UK government, UNESCO, Bill Gates, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Jeffrey Epstein, Regina Dugan, Vaccitech, Galton institute, George Church, Israeli intelligence, Robert & Isabel Maxwell, Melanie Walker, Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, Davos Agenda, Amazon, Wellcome Leap… and the list goes on.

Reiner Fuellmich:

“If I take a look at the names that you’re mentioning, I mean many of these people are obviously stark raving mad.”

Whitney Webb:

“Yes, a lot of people in these elite circles are totally crazy. But that’s because, of course, that they have completely isolated themselves from any sort of interaction with regular people or the general public, and basically live in these in these bubbles where they have these obsessions like achieving immortality through transhumanism and all these different technologies they’re developing.”

“This is how the elite view us now — hackable animals.”

“In my opinion the elite definitely thought that, specifically by now, they would have artificial intelligence much more advanced than it has been. They’re very desperate to trigger what they refer to as ‘the singularity’. It’s very possible that they’ll never be able to do that because essentially the singularity is making a conscious machine. And these are the most unconscious people in the world trying to replicate consciousness.”


by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Corona Investigative Committee & Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout
July 2, 2021

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

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Gaslighting: The Truth About ‘Gain of Function’

Gaslighting: The Truth About ‘Gain of Function’

by 21st Century Wire
July 5, 2021


Much has been made of the “Wuhan Lab Leak” theory and the notorious ‘gain of function’ talking point in recent months, as Americans and other people in the west look desperately for any scapegoat to pin the blame on for the alleged ‘global pandemic’ which has befallen the world over the last 15 months. They want someone external to blame – anyone but their own naive selves and their corrupt government-media-pharma complex.

In the alternative media, much of the early hype was generated by various ‘whistleblowers’ who used the spectre of ‘gain of function’ in order to confer a certain mystique and incredible superpowers to the ‘novel’ coronavirus, and when added to a narrative featuring Dr Fauci and the Wuhan Institute of Virology – it had all the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster.

However, upon closer inspection, the hype surrounding this seemingly gargantuan field of research does not live up to the reality of what appears to be a rather unremarkable area of research. While strides have been made in bacteria ‘gain of function’ research, very little if any actual progress has been made in the virus department.

In this video presentation, New Zealand’s Dr Sam Bailey dispels some of the popular myths surrounding ‘gain of function’ research, and shows why this popular conspiracy theory is actually being used to further advance the increasingly overblown ‘global pandemic’ narrative which is still being used by governments to terrorise and lockdown their populations and bleed economies dry. Watch: 



1. Virus Mania – 3rd English edition
2. Definition of virus:
3. The Truth About Virus Isolation:
4. Appearances Can Be Deceiving – Viral-like Inclusions in COVID-19 Negative Renal Biopsies by Electron Microscopy:
5. Ultrastructural Characterization of SARS Coronavirus:
6. The Genome Sequence of the SARS-Associated Coronavirus:
7. Large-Volume Purification of Tumor Viruses by Use of Zonal Centrifuges:
8. Hunting for Viruses with Dr Andy Kaufman:
9. Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea:



Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical… Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio



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The Delta Variant, the Unvaccinated, the Two Americas, and Other Propaganda Fabrications

The Delta Variant, the Unvaccinated, the Two Americas, and Other Propaganda Fabrications

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
July 5, 2021


There is no Delta Variant.

Because there is nothing to vary FROM. In other words, as I’ve been proving for more than a year, SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist.

But the vaccine establishment and public health officials are pumping up the Delta hoax in order to convince more people to take the highly dangerous RNA COVID vaccines (genetic treatments).

Their narrative is a threat: in unvaccinated pockets, the Delta percolates and then breaks out, infecting many…followed by a further spread into communities of the vaccinated, where…

It can infect even those people.


Every covert op starts out with a goal, an objective. Then an action-plan for achieving the goal. Then, the story that will be told to make it seem as if the unfolding actions are “responses to actual events in real time.”

The story about the Delta Variant, for example—from the beginning of the fake pandemic, tales of Variants were always part of the plan, in order to move closer to the goal of universal vaccination.

“When we see the scale of the resistance against vaccination, we’ll give them a Variant narrative, to induce more people to take the shot.”

“Right. We’ll say the Variant is more deadly and contagious than the original form of the virus.”

Another current element of propaganda: “we now have two Americas; the states with high rates of vaccination and those with low rates; this divide is intolerable; we can’t allow it.”

Why not? If millions of ignorant people insist on taking the destructive injection, and a smaller number refuse, and you have bordering states with vastly different vaccination policies and rates, then people have a choice. Live in state A or B.

But choice is not what the establishment wants. THAT’s why they whine and moan and warn about two Americas.

And from the beginning of the op, they knew there would be states with very different vaccination rates—and they knew they would be warning against it.

But wait. There’s more. The propaganda describes people/areas where the vaccination rates are low as: uneducated and Republican, or “people of color.”

All along, the planning involved special targeting of these groups. Demonizing the “uneducated Republicans,” and sympathizing with “people of color” as victims of disinformation.

“You blacks and Hispanics, it’s not your fault you believe the vaccine is dangerous. White anti-vaxxer Devils have been telling you lies.”

The total sum of all this propaganda? “We don’t want to, but in order to save the nation, we may have to institute mandated vaccination.”

The technical term is “layers of bullshit.”

In case you’ve missed the last 10,000 years of human history, political leaders have always called for Unity. It’s been their basic con.

Dissent and freedom of speech have always been afterthoughts, as far as these elitists are concerned.

Therefore, “some people vaccinated and some people unvaccinated” has nothing to do with science (especially since, as I’ve described in dozens of articles, the whole immunization hypothesis is a rank fake). Rather, it has to do with disunity.

“We can’t have division. It would destroy the foundation of this great nation. We must censor dissent from the artificial consensus.”

“Science” is a basic weapon for canceling and burning the 1st Amendment:

“We know what is true. So we don’t need to permit debate. It’s time-consuming, useless, distracting, and harmful. To be generous, we could say people have a right to be wrong, but why bother?”

Phalanxes of overgrown children emerging from colleges without a clue about logic or investigation have a special need to assert the value of their education. They fulfill this need by demanding everyone must follow the (unthinking) science they’ve mastered.

A minor obstacle like the 1st Amendment can be brushed aside as out of date.

“People used to have a right to argue in the old days, before the truth was established.”

The COVID narrative, from 2019 up to this moment, was planned. The art of propaganda involves making that narrative seem as if it’s composed of in-the-moment responses to unanticipated reactions of the public.

And the plan doesn’t require genius or even extensive data collection and profiling. Any reasonably intelligent person could sketch it out on a napkin during lunch. Why?

Because a hundred years of Rockefeller Germ Theory and vaccination lies have tuned up the population to respond to words like “outbreak” and “epidemic” in predictable ways.


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Atilis Gym in New Jersey: On Their Stand Against Government Tyranny — Full Interview from Planet Lockdown Documentary

Atilis Gym in New Jersey: On Their Stand Against Government Tyranny — Full Interview from Planet Lockdown Documentary


“We’ve been fined $15,497.76 per day for every day that we’ve been in operation. That was originally started for being open when we were told not to. And now it is currently being levied against us because we won’t mandate masks.
We’ve had our doors illegally locked. We’ve had our doors boarded up. We had to camp outside the facility for 40 days. We’ve been arrested in the middle of the night. You name it, we’ve kind of been through it.
We got our business license taken as well. And right now we have seven new criminal citations, which are criminal contempt of court in the fourth degree…
They came out here with the local PD. They came out here with the county sheriffs and the county prosecutor’s office as well. We were arrested by the county sheriffs…
So what they wanted to do was lock our doors again. They had already done that once and we vow that they never would do it again. So what we did is, we took the doors off the hinges and we kept the gym open for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week — just sort of running it like that. Because if there’s no doors then you can’t lock them.
So after a while they came and arrested us and removed us from the building so that they could build a barricade. They built a barricade and they put plywood up on doors, right here behind us, and couple days later we called the media and told them that there would be a show today and we kicked the doors in…
People talk about having courage to stand up in the face of the government tyranny. For us it was, we didn’t have courage to start. It was something that was born from necessity. And something that we thought was our moral obligation to stand up because what was happening to — not only us but the people that we love and people that we don’t even know but know are good, honest, hardworking Americans — was intolerable…
For us, it was necessity. We stood up because we had to. The courage came afterwards when we realized how important of a fight it truly was, and how far these people would go to keep us shut down, keep us afraid, keep us dependent upon them. To us everything is at stake…
The hardest thing to realize and I think for a lot of people to come to terms with is that these people are not your friends. They do not have your best interests in mind. So it’s not a matter of people being elected who are just making mistakes and putting forth bad policy but have a good heart. The people in power right now are intentionally doing these things. They’re intentionally lying to you. They’re intentionally scaring you with the aim to make you dependent upon them…
When you come to terms with that, fighting and fighting back, and standing up for what you believe and becomes a lot easier because you realize this isn’t a mistake and that the only person that’s going to come to save you is you.
There will be no president elected that’s going to bail you out. Nobody is going to change this except individuals.” 
~ Ian Smith, Atilis Gym co-owner


Atilis Gym New Jersey | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown 

by Planet Lockdown
June 30, 2021

Video available at Planet Lockdown Rumble, Odysee and BitChute channels.

Two hard working men from New Jersey, Ian Smith and Frank Trumbetti, saved up, bought a failing gym and turned it around into a success. They enjoyed 9 months of business until they were told to shut down due to Covid-19. After two months and no coherent plan from the government, they formulated their own safety protocol and opened up. This interview with them tells their story of fortitude, courage and fighting for the American Dream.

Watch more full interviews from Planet Lockdown:

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Dr. Tom Cowan: Q&A on “Covid Vaccine” Content, So-Called “Covid Symptoms” & What Really Makes Us Sick

Dr. Tom Cowan: Q&A on “Covid Vaccine” Content, So-Called “Covid Symptoms” & What Really Makes Us Sick

by Dr. Tom Cowan
July 2, 2021


Video available at Tom Cowan BitChute channel.


Q&A touches on:

  • what do we actually know about “covid vaccine” content
  • do these “vaccines” contain magnetic substances
  • Dr. Cowan’s experience with colloidal silver and vitamin C
  • toxic pollutants, the increasing electrification of the earth and how these affect our oxygen levels
  • damage to our mitochondria by glyphosate, antibiotics, heavy metals and other toxins
  • what is really happening in so-called auto-immune disease
  • what so-called “covid” symptoms may be caused by
  • the coherence of water


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The Myth of Freedom: Does it Really Exist?

The Myth of Freedom: Does it Really Exist?

by Gary D. Barnett
July 3, 2021


“We don’t make the decisions, just does what we’re told where and when we’re told. We lives by rules made somewhere else by sons a bitches don’t know nothin’ about this place.” ~ Annie Proulx, The Shipping News

Ah, freedom; the thing most seemingly sought, but very rarely (never) attained.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said that “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” This statement epitomizes the American collective at large, as they have not only falsely believed themselves to be free, but the freest of all time in the history of man. Most still believe this nonsense today, even in the midst of this most evil plotted totalitarian takeover of all time. The people in this country are celebrating what is mistakenly called “Independence Day” at this very moment; after 2 1/2 centuries of losing every possible freedom that ever existed.

The human animal has for many thousands of years not only bowed to ‘leaders’ or masters, and sought recognition of local or national prominence, but has actively pursued his own enslavement either by allowing despotic rule, or voluntarily choosing others to rule over him. In this country, the people were ruled by a far away king, but decided to revolt to throw off that rule in favor of another. Instead of freedom or another monarchy, they chose mob rule headed up by a master class that sat above them, made all laws, enforced all laws, and had control of all legislation and courts. This was actually a much worse system, and one riper for corruption than the one they replaced. The difference was only that most agreed to this new system voluntarily, and as time passed, they continued to support the tyranny by ‘voting’ to keep it in place, all the time falsely believing they were in control.

To this very day, Americans continue to boisterously celebrate their non-existent freedom, and revel in braggadocios fashion by claiming to be exceptional and the freest on earth. If von Goethe was correct, and I think he was, then in reality, Americans must be the exact opposite of what they mistakenly believe, and are the most enslaved on earth. The irony of course, is that the majority would never believe they are enslaved, and this will only help to secure their place in permanent serfdom.

Virtually every aspect of life in America is controlled, regulated, taxed, restricted, or mandated; from kids selling lemonade at a neighborhood stand, to repairing, improving, or building one’s own home. All movement and any ability to do so is fully controlled, and most every venture from the very simplest to the most complex is dependent on licensing by corrupt and unqualified government officials. This is nothing more than a permission slip that has to be paid for through extortion, and is used for the theft of private assets and control of every single function of life, and is enforced by the armed goons of the state.

The selected government claims its power due to a portion of this pathetic population voting for which evil and criminal politician is to have the final say in everyday functions, whether from the local dog catcher to the national president, and all the slime between. Freedom rests entirely with the individual, and if any supreme authority over the individual whatsoever is present, then freedom is not. This has never been understood by the American public.

Just consider this past year alone; one year in the entire history of the “United States.” A fraudulent ‘virus pandemic’ was claimed without any proof whatsoever. Lockdowns and quarantines were ordered. Self-imprisonment was the result, and most all small businesses were ordered to close, leaving all their employees and themselves without any way to sustain life. Travel was heavily restricted or eliminated, food supplies were decimated, and economic destruction was purposely advanced. Hospitals were closed, patients were murdered by the state, medical procedures were cancelled, and families were not allowed to see loved ones. Government staged looting, riots, and the armed assault of innocents was allowed and left unprosecuted, building and businesses were burned, and forced bankruptcies were rampant. The largest wealth transfer to the richest among us took place, as hundreds of millions were harmed in favor of their masters. Police brutality against innocent citizens became common, and all were told it was mandatory to wear deadly masks. Trillions upon trillions of dollars were printed for so-called relief, but the people got a miniscule pittance while the government and its criminal partners and Wall Street took the rest, increasing their wealth by trillions. The mass murder of the population by deadly ‘vaccination,’ all at the hands of government, has begun in earnest, and the state is planning on injecting every child with this poison by next year. Threats of utility blackouts, water restrictions, food shortages, health and medical disruption, and more lockdowns are evident.

This is only a partial list of what has happened in just the last 16 months, all perpetrated by government and a weak and apathetic public that still believes it is free. Only a fool could believe such insanity.

Maybe if the people actually understood that they are nothing more than slaves, and that freedom is non-existent in this country, they would finally rebel and take their freedom instead of waiting for it to be given to them by their masters. Those that ask or petition for freedom will never know it; only the individual is free. All freedom has to be taken, and it has to be protected by any means necessary. If government exists, freedom does not.

Independence does not exist in America, so instead of celebrating as the dictatorial government is promoting, rise up and take your independence instead of hoping and pretending you are free when you are not. Throw off the chains that bind you, refuse to comply with any order, disobey every government mandate, and disallow all government authority. The only way to be free is to act free, and that requires individual strength, courage, responsibility, and a willingness to stand against the state at all cost.

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” ~ Albert Camus


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

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Facebook Goes Full Big Brother With New “Extremism” Warnings

Facebook Goes Full Big Brother With New “Extremism” Warnings
Pop-ups mark an all-time high for creepiness from the internet giant. 

by OffGuardian
July 2, 2021


Have you been reading things you shouldn’t online? Have you found yourself feeling frustrated and angry at the corruption of the ruling class, wealth inequality or the general state of the world?

Well then, the chances are good you’ve accidentally been exposed to “misinformation” or “extremist content” spread by “violent groups” in order to manipulate you.

But don’t worry, Facebook is on the case. Simply report the offensive and upsetting materials to your local content controller, and then contact their pre-approved counsellors for immediate de-programming.

If it’s not you that’s been exposed to harmful content, but a loved one, and they’re proving resistant to the proper un-extreming methods, then Facebook is here to help there, too.

Simply confidentially report your friend or family member to the proper authorities, and they’ll take it from there.

Remember that divergence of opinion is dangerous. Under no circumstances consume content that differs from your state-mandated opinions.

Report all infractions, refuse to see harmful facts, be sure to distance yourself from those who refuse to be corrected, for their own good and yours.

And have a nice day.


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Dr. David Rasnick: The Devastating Global Swindle — From AIDS to COVID-19

Dr. David Rasnick: The Devastating Global Swindle — From AIDS to COVID-19

by David Rasnick, PhD
July 1, 2021


“Money is the weapon here.” ~ David Rasnick


The following video is a recording of David Rasnick’s presentation on June 6, 2021 at Red Pill Expo in Rapid City, South Dakota.

Original video available at David Rasnick Odysee channel.


Download free PDF version of Inventing the AIDS Virus by Peter H. Duesberg



The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.



Connect with David Rasnick, PhD

How the CDC Lied to Keep Children in Plastic Boxes

How the CDC Lied to Keep Children in Plastic Boxes

by News Wire, 21st Century Wire
July 1, 2021


Nothing illustrates the mad hysteria of pandemic theater like the bizarre “safety” measures employed by school officials. From the onset, over-zealous teachers unions and health & safety mavens have led a maximum pressure campaign which has all but destroyed any chance of children getting an adequate education experience in 2020 and 2021. As if forcing children to stay at home on Zoom, government ‘public health’ officials and school administrators have systematically abused children by forcing them to wear masks all day in school, or worse: forcing children into isolation either due to a fraudulent PCR test result, or from another child who tested PCR positive in their cohort, or because their teacher tested positive – even though the children are statistically at roughly zero risk of even getting a cough due to COVID-19. Some teachers unions are even lobbying to have children vaccinated with the unlicensed experimental jab in order for schools to be “safe for return” this fall.

But in terms of peak lunacy, nothing can match the policy of constructing plastic boxes to supposedly protect children from the virus in classrooms. In fact, there was never any actual ‘science’ to back-up this fanciful policy. While school administrators deferred to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for supposed guidance, but now it’s revealed that the CDC were just making it up as they went along.

Like so many other unfounded claims and pseudo science quackery surrounding the pandemic – like social distancing and masks “in order to maintain low spread,” this ‘sneeze shield’ charade was just another elaborate farce. No science ever existed which supported caging children all day in these plastic bubbles. It was also a massive money-spinner – exploding into a multi-billion dollar school PPE industry overnight – based on a lie. 

Despite any actual evidence that the plastic shields reduce the transmission of COVID, officials still recommended masks and plastic boxes anyway, in their obsession to separate and socially distance children.

Not surprisingly, the CDC also relied on spurious anecdotal evidence and widespread rumors to support its recommendation for mandatory masks – even though their own data showed 85% of supposed confirmed COVID-19 “cases” reported they either “often” or “always” wore a mask anyway. 

Dr Mercola reports…

Mid-March 2021, the CDC released new guidelines, which reduced the social distance in schools to 3 feet and removed the recommendations for barriers between school desks. Greta Massetti leads the CDC’s community interventions task force and said about the plastic shields, “We don’t have a lot of evidence of their effectiveness” in preventing transmission.

The new recommendations triggered a variety of responses in teachers and parents, some of whom are not comfortable sending their children to school where they may be allowed within 3 feet of another child or teacher.

The fiction surrounding all the alleged ‘mitigation’ and ‘safety’ measures touted by school officials – is largely built on top of the myth of the asymptomatic spread. Despite the fact that all of the highly cited, major peer-reviewed science demonstrates that asymptomatic spreading of the virus does not exist – public health officials are still using this myth as the primary basis for all of their policies – from social distancing, to masks, plexiglass bubbles, lockdowns, travel restrictions, and even vaccinations. However, the peer-reviewed scientific literature is clear: large-scale studies have been conducted, including at the supposed epicenter of the pandemic in Wuhan, China – which show no evidence of any asymptomatic spreading of the ‘novel’ coronavirus. See the results published herehere, and here.


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Inside Biden’s New “Domestic Terrorism” Strategy

Inside Biden’s New “Domestic Terrorism” Strategy

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
July 1, 2021


Following the (completely contrived) Capitol Hill “riot” on January 6th, Joe Biden made it clear – or rather, the people that control Joe Biden made it clear – “domestic terrorism” was going to be a defining issue of his presidency.

Indeed, in an act of startling prescience, the incoming administration had been talking about a new “Domestic Terrorism Bill” for well over three months before the “riot” happened. The media had been calling for one for at least six. Major universities were writing papers about it.

It’s funny how often that happens, isn’t it?

I wrote at the time that the Capitol Hill “riot” could prove to be America’s Reichstag Fire – a fake attack, blamed on an invisible enemy and used to rush through restrictive legislation and emergency powers. A 9/11 sequel, extending the Patriot Act franchise.

Now, just a few short months later, the Biden White House has released their National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. Let’s take a look inside it, shall we?


The first thing to say about the “strategy”…is that it’s not really a strategy. It’s more of a mission statement or even a press release. It hits talking points, but not real policies. Its watchword is “vague” – in both definition of the problem and proposed solutions (with a couple of noteworthy exceptions, but we’ll get to that.)

For starters – who or what IS a “domestic terrorist”?

Well, their answer to that is, essentially, potentially anybody. They’re not identifying any particular ideology or cause or group – but rather EVERY ideology cause or group. I wrote, back in January, that any definition would be kept intentionally loose, and the strategy does not disappoint.

The cause of “domestic terrorism” can be racism, religious intolerance, environmental protest, anti-government feeling, animal rights, anti-abortion campaigners, “perceived government overeach”, “incel ideology”, “anti-corporate globalization feeling” or a mixture of any of the above.

“Domestic terrorists” may espouse violence or they may not espouse violence. They may work in groups, or be loners, or be loose associations with no organizational structure. They can be left wing or right wing, religious or secular.

They can be anybody who thinks anything.

There is a lot of entirely intentional vagueness here. Again and again, we are told that “the domestic terrorism threat is complex, multifaceted, and evolving”. They are keeping their options open.

Don’t expect ANY specifics on who is a “domestic terrorist” until AFTER any legislation is passed. That way, the great American public can insert their own personal bugbear into the ellipsis (and then be taken completely by surprise when it turns out the new laws apply to everyone).

That said, there have been some clues as to the kind of person that might be the target of any new anti-terror legislation.

In the Washington Post, in February this year, California State Senator Richard Pam wrote:

Anti-vaccine extremism is akin to domestic terrorism

He wasn’t alone, on this side of the Atlantic the head of the Metropolitan Police’s counter-terrorism unit “called for action against coronavirus anti-vaxxers”.

Even this document makes insinuations on that front.

In a startling contradiction, after spending five or six pages talking up the “complex” and “unpredictable” nature of “domestic terrorism”, they then make an incredibly specific prediction about a future “domestic terrorist attack”:

Taken from the “Assessment of the Domestic Violent Extremism Threat” (p. 10):

Newer sociopolitical developments–such as narratives of fraud in the recent general election, the emboldening impact of the violent breach of the U.S. Capitol, conditions related to the COVID–19 pandemic, and conspiracy theories promoting violence–will almost certainly spur some DVEs to try to engage in violence this year.

Apparently, the official position of the FBI, CIA, NSA and DHS is that domestic terrorism is a vast cloud of mystery, swirling with unknown and conflicting motivations….but they definitely know when the next attack will happen, and why it will take place..


The evil “domestic terrorists” and “violent extremists” might be widely diverse in their ideologies, social structures, motives and political leanings…but nevertheless, they ALL use the same exact methods of communication, and the same platforms to host their “misinformation”.

It turns out, according to this strategy, there’s really only one thing at the root of all “domestic terrorism”: The internet.

Yes, the vast majority of this “strategy” is focused on the digital world. In only 28 pages of text the words “online”, “social media”, “internet”, “platform”, “encryption”, and “site” occur well over 60 times combined. Here’s some examples:

…social media, file–upload sites, and end–to–end encrypted platforms, all of these elements can combine and amplify threats to public safety…
DVEs exploit a variety of popular social media platforms, smaller websites with targeted audiences, and encrypted chat applications to recruit new adherents, plan and rally support for in-person actions, and disseminate materials that contribute to radicalization and mobilization to violence
Recruiting and mobilizing individuals to domestic terrorism [is] increasingly happening on Internet–based communications platforms, including social media, online gaming platforms, file–upload sites, and end–to–end encrypted chat platforms
…extreme polarization, fueled by a crisis of disinformation and misinformation often channeled through social media platforms, which can tear Americans apart and lead some to violence.
DVE attackers often radicalize independently by consuming violent extremist material online.

It goes on, and on and on in that fashion.

As much as the Deep State talks up the supposedly unknowable nature of “domestic terrorism” early on, they are equally sure that every single one of them is on the net. Which, fortunately from the state’s point of view, means they can all be tackled with the same solution.


You probably don’t need me to tell you what the supposed “solution” to this entirely created “problem” is. It’s the same grab-bag of solutions that a power-hungry state will always seek, given the opportunity. Yes, there’s a token reference to guns and “high-capacity” magazines, but really it’s all about controlling the internet.

Specifically – it’s about surveillance, censorship, and propaganda. The big three.

Of course, the document never ever uses those words. Surveillance is “information gathering”. Propaganda is “messaging” or “education”. Censorship is “countering propaganda” or “working with media partners to remove incitement of violence”.

They use the shifting, indirect language of government, but the meaning is clear if you know how to read it:

…the Department of Homeland Security and others are either currently funding and implementing or planning evidence–based digital programming, including enhancing media literacy and critical thinking skills, as a mechanism for strengthening user resilience to disinformation and misinformation online for domestic audiences. The Department of State and United States Agency for International Development are doing similar work globally.

Translation: The DHS is funding massive propaganda campaigns designed to both brainwash the public, and discourage them from reading any sources which disagree with the official line.

The Department of Homeland Security has expanded its efforts to provide financial, educational, and technical assistance to those well placed to recognize and address possible domestic terrorism recruitment and mobilization to violence and will ensure that its counter–domestic terrorism prevention efforts are driven by data and informed by community–based partners.

Translation: DHS is working with social media monopolies to censor certain people, and paying them to pass citizens’ private information to the government and/or intelligence agencies.

Enhancing faith in American democracy demands accelerating work to contend with an information environment that challenges healthy democratic discourse. We will work toward finding ways to counter the influence and impact of dangerous conspiracy theories that can provide a gateway to terrorist violence.

Translation: “Enhancing faith in democracy” means censoring anybody who posts evidence that elections are fixed, that the political class is corrupt or that the media are servants of the state who peddle lies for cash.

And then there are some phrases that need no translation at all:

the Department of Justice is examining carefully what new authorities might be necessary and appropriate.

…seems pretty clear.

The obvious end goal here is new legislation granting greater powers to the state.


Time to address the elephant in the room: “violence”. The word is used a lot in the report. One-hundred and eleven times in 28 pages. It’s never just “extremism” when it can be “violent extremism”. But what does that word really mean in this context?

The answer to that is “absolutely nothing”. It is a phrase robbed of meaning. Applied on an ad hoc basis, based on political convenience rather than physical reality.

A reminder that this is described as “violent extremism”:

And this as “mostly peaceful”:

And this is “inciting violence”:

If the President of the United States can be deleted from the internet, impeached and tried before the Senate because “go home in peace and love” and “stay peaceful” are “inciting violence”, then the word is totally meaningless and we should simply ignore it.

Essentially, they have demonstrated they will classify anything they want as violent, and ignore any actual violence if they need to.


I doubt any White House policy announcement has ever leaned so heavily into the politics of identity before now. “Hatred”, “bigotry”, “LGBTQI+” “racism”…and so on. They all get a lot of mentions. But why?

Well, the simple answer is camouflage. Generally, by draping the inevitable Patriot Act 2.0 in the language of identity, they can trick “liberals” into believing it’s some kind of progressive policy.

More specifically, they can align “anti-government” with “white-supremacy”, as if they are always the same. In this sentence for example:

Today’s domestic terrorists espouse a range of violent ideological motivations, including racial or ethnic bigotry and hatred as well as anti–government or anti–authority sentiment…

Look at the other causes listed alongside “White supremacy” in this document: “perceived government overreach”“anti-corporate globalization”“opposing government institutions”“anti-authority sentiment”. Rational, reasonable anti-government positions, bracketed alongside bigotry and racism.

General Mark Miley recently testified in front of the senate about how the need to “understand white rage”.

As Glen Greenwald wrote, this is not about racism, but about aligning the “progressive left” with the military. Turning militaristic, totalitarian Imperialism into a progressive cause, whilst smearing all those who oppose it as bigots and potential “domestic terrorists”.


This strategy is just the latest domino put in place. It’s a long con, with multiple moving pieces, but the end is clear. Though this document is deliberaletely cagy about the possibility of new legislation, that is all part of the dance.

The manipulation of the public has been government practice since the dawn of time. The contrived public reticence to act, concealing intrigues behind the scenes which create an apparent need for action. Eventually, the public will beg the state to “do something”, and they’ll unveil the something they were planning the whole time. Tale as old as time. True as it can be.

This is no different.

Only last night, the US Senate voted to create a “select committee” investigating the Capitol Hill riot. This political pantomime will roll on for a few weeks with “shocking testimony” from FBI agents and military intelligence operatives.

They will detail how “misinformation radicalised people online”, alongside admitting they “had knowledge, but lacked the power to act” or that “counter-terrorism forces were focused on foreign groups” and/or lacked “legal authority” to surveil domestic threats. There will be a couple of throwaway admissions, something akin to a “failure of imagination”.

Senators from liberal states will make speeches about how the military/CIA/FBI are institutionally racist because they assumed white people can’t be terrorists, and a few willing uniformed fall guys will look appropriately shame-faced behind their medals.

There will be no real inquest, and no new information. It will be an exercise in reinforcing an entirely fake reality. And the final findings will be that the FBI/CIA/NSA…or whoever…needs more money and power. A new bill (likely already written) will be pushed into the hands of some hip “liberal” politician, who will do a decent job pretending they wrote it.

If there is any noteworthy public objection to the new powers, well then we’ll see another “domestic terrorist” attack. Maybe there’ll be one anyway, just to underline how vital the new bill is. (They’re prepping us already, with the DHS warning about attacks on July 4th and a possible “summer of violence”).

And then, stirring itself to act only at the insistence of the Democrat-controlled Senate, the White House will sign-off on its Patriot Act 2.0.

The final paragraph of the strategy document reads:

This document represents that Strategy – a Strategy whose implementation is, already, well underway.

No kidding.


Connect with Kit Knightly at OffGuardian

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Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore

Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore
Vaccine “passports” being put in place by the European Union and Australia as well as some U.S. states and businesses are one of the more alarming instruments advancing the “heart and soul of Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship.”

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
July 1, 2021


As must be increasingly apparent to anyone capable of digging beneath the media’s daily outpouring of Orwellian propaganda, the planet-wide changes ushered in by the conveniently timed COVID crisis have surprisingly little to do with health. Facilitated by big techbig military, big pharma’s injectable operating systems and other tools of “biofascism,” the takeover being engineered by private central bankers and their technocratic partners represents no less than a complete end-run around human freedom.

So-called vaccine “passports” or “certificates,” being put in place by the European Union and Australia as well as some U.S. states and businesses, are one of the more alarming instruments advancing this tyrannical centralization and control agenda. Not one to mince words, author Naomi Wolf makes the case that the “passports,” if allowed to become the norm, could trigger “the end of civil society” and “literally the end of human liberty in the West.”

Why is there such a strong push to make travel and commerce contingent on vaccine passports? One important answer, well understood by Wolf as CEO of a tech company, is “location intelligence” — what technocracy expert Patrick Wood calls the “heart and soul of Technocracy and Scientific Dictatorship.” Without irony, the champions of location data rhapsodize that such data are “a powerful way to connect people to place, transactions to actions, responses to trends, and customers to where they do business and the kind of business they do” — ultimately facilitating the “digital transformation of society on the whole.”

Less cheerfully, technocrats understand, even if the general public does not, that location data permit control at the most granular levels and provide “a platform for understanding what’s going on at all scales.” This point was disturbingly illustrated in a June 21 study in JAMA Internal Medicine, which essentially denounced “small and informal social gatherings,” positing that children’s birthday parties are potential hotbeds of SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

This willingness on the part of technocracy’s foot soldiers to be party poopers — literally — would be silly were it not for the study’s baleful messaging, which confirms Wolf’s concerns that we are not only in a battle for liberty but in “a war against human beings and the qualities that make us human.”

No fun allowed

On its webpage devoted to “small gatherings,” updated May 6, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) addresses the topic of social gatherings with family and friends, “such as small holiday parties, family dinners and small special celebrations.” To make such events “safer,” CDC counsels hosts and attendees to limit the number of guests, wear a mask “with two or more layers…indoors and outdoors except when eating or drinking,” socially distance, avoid handshakes and hugs, supply one’s own food and dishes — and (precluding any “Happy Birthday” songs) avoid any loud cheering or singing. Better yet, CDC says, simply have a virtual gathering!

The JAMA birthday party study helpfully reinforces the CDC’s dour advice. Conducted by private-sector researchers from RAND Corporation, Harvard and “healthcare navigation” company Castlight Health, the study looked at privately insured households whose members did or did not have a birthday in the preceding two weeks and county-level COVID-19 prevalence data — but included no data from actual social gatherings.

Taken at face value, one can see how the study’s take-home message — that households in certain counties were possibly a little bit more likely to receive a COVID diagnosis subsequent to an adult or child having a birthday — could direct worriers toward the CDC’s “virtual gathering” solution. However, one needs to parse the study’s definition of risk. As has become par for the course in risk pronouncements designed to steer COVID-related behavior in a particular direction, the researchers said nothing about absolute risk, even though many consider absolute risk statistics to be “the most useful way of presenting research results to help … decision-making.”

Thus, while the study reported a 31% “relative increase” in COVID diagnoses “associated with birthdays” — a finding, moreover, that pertained solely to households in the 10% of counties with the highest background prevalence of COVID — the increased absolute risk (again, only in the 10% of high-background-prevalence counties) amounted to a flimsy 0.086 increase over the COVID “background rate” of .278/100. Nevertheless, the researchers augmented their antisocial message with the conclusion that “policy interventions designed to limit disease transmission should also focus on informal gatherings.”

Defending freedom

The heavy-handed marketing of COVID injections and COVID vaccine passports as tickets to “freedom” has brought George Orwell’s inverted “freedom is slavery” logic fully to the fore. The “appendix” to 1984 explains that while the fictional totalitarian regime Oceania could readily condone use of the word “free” in statements such as “This dog is free from lice” or “This field is free from weeds,” usages such as “politically free” or “intellectually free” had gone entirely and intentionally extinct because the concepts themselves had been erased.

The alarming rapidity with which the U.S. and once “robust” Western democracies were able to implement “elements of a locked-in, 360-degree totalitarianism” was facilitated not just by a heretofore unimaginable level of global policy coordination but also by the public’s complacency. The pressing question of the day, therefore, is whether citizens will continue to tolerate blatant efforts to memory-hole freedom.

Lobbying for COVID vaccine mandates and passports in the U.S., one of the latest darlings of vaccine coercion recently argued that the Biden administration “shouldn’t be so squeamish about vaccine verification,” openly calling mandates and “verification” desirable tools to “push [the unvaccinated] in the right direction.”

And if we are to believe Gallup poll propaganda, more than half of Americans are already on board, supporting policies such as having to show proof of vaccination to fly or attend sporting events or concerts. On the other hand, in an “unscientific” poll on independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson’s website, 97% of respondents answered “absolutely not!” to the question “Do you support requiring ‘vaccine passports’?”

The dispiriting cold water now being thrown on children’s birthday parties is part and parcel of a set of COVID-inaugurated policies that, in Naomi Wolf’s words, “seem designed to ensure that humans will have no ‘analog’ space or ‘analog’ culture left — no way to feel comfortable simply gathering in a room, touching one another as friends or allies, or joining together.”

Fortunately, as writer Allan Stevo has noted, Americans “are becoming increasingly firm and resolute” about freedom, “saying ‘Yes!’ to good things” and “saying ‘No!’ to bad things” — and that, says Stevo, “is exactly how bad times turn into good times.”


© July 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial

Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children
A Randomized Clinical Trial

by Harald Walach, PhD, Ronald Weikl, MD and Juliane Prentice, BA
JAMA Pediatr. published online June 30, 2021,  doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2021.2659


Many governments have made nose and mouth covering or face masks compulsory for schoolchildren. The evidence base for this is weak.1,2 The question whether nose and mouth covering increases carbon dioxide in inhaled air is crucial. A large-scale survey3 in Germany of adverse effects in parents and children using data of 25 930 children has shown that 68% of the participating children had problems when wearing nose and mouth coverings.

The normal content of carbon dioxide in the open is about 0.04% by volume (ie, 400 ppm). A level of 0.2% by volume or 2000 ppm is the limit for closed rooms according to the German Federal Environmental Office, and everything beyond this level is unacceptable.4


We measured carbon dioxide content in inhaled air with and without 2 types of nose and mouth coverings in a well-controlled, counterbalanced, short-term experimental study in volunteer children in good health (details are in the eMethods in Supplement 1). The study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and submitted to the ethics committee of the University Witten/Herdecke. All children gave written informed consent, and parents also gave written informed consent for children younger than 16 years. A 3-minute continuous measurement was taken for baseline carbon dioxide levels without a face mask. A 9-minute measurement for each type of mask was allowed: 3 minutes for measuring the carbon dioxide content in joint inhaled and exhaled air, 3 minutes for measuring the carbon dioxide content during inhalation, and 3 minutes for measuring the carbon dioxide content during exhalation. The carbon dioxide content of ambient air was always kept well under 0.1% by volume through multiple ventilations. The sequence of masks was randomized, and randomization was blinded and stratified by age of children. We analyzed data using a linear model for repeated measurements with P < .05 as the significance threshold. The measurement protocol (trial protocol in Supplement 2) is available online.5 Data were collected on April 9 and 10, 2021, and analyzed using Statistica version 13.3 (TIBCO).


The mean (SD) age of the children was 10.7 (2.6) years (range, 6-17 years), and there were 20 girls and 25 boys. Measurement results are presented in the Table. We checked potential associations with outcome. Only age was associated with carbon dioxide content in inhaled air (y = 1.9867 – 0.0555 × x; r = –0.39; P = .008; Figure). Hence, we added age as a continuous covariate to the model. This revealed an association (partial η2 = 0.43; P < .001). Contrasts showed that this was attributable to the difference between the baseline value and the values of both masks jointly. Contrasts between the 2 types of masks were not significant. We measured means (SDs) between 13 120 (384) and 13 910 (374) ppm of carbon dioxide in inhaled air under surgical and filtering facepiece 2 (FFP2) masks, which is higher than what is already deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6. This was a value reached after 3 minutes of measurement. Children under normal conditions in schools wear such masks for a mean of 270 (interquartile range, 120-390) minutes.3 The Figure shows that the value of the child with the lowest carbon dioxide level was 3-fold greater than the limit of 0.2 % by volume.4 The youngest children had the highest values, with one 7-year-old child’s carbon dioxide level measured at 25 000 ppm.


The limitations of the study were its short-term nature in a laboratory-like setting and the fact that children were not occupied during measurements and might have been apprehensive. Most of the complaints reported by children3 can be understood as consequences of elevated carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air. This is because of the dead-space volume of the masks, which collects exhaled carbon dioxide quickly after a short time. This carbon dioxide mixes with fresh air and elevates the carbon dioxide content of inhaled air under the mask, and this was more pronounced in this study for younger children.

This leads in turn to impairments attributable to hypercapnia. A recent review6 concluded that there was ample evidence for adverse effects of wearing such masks. We suggest that decision-makers weigh the hard evidence produced by these experimental measurements accordingly, which suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.

  1. Xiao J, Shiu EYC, Gao H, et al. Nonpharmaceutical measures for pandemic influenza in nonhealthcare settings —personal protective and environmental measures. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020;26(5):967-975. doi:10.3201/eid2605.190994
    PubMed | Google Scholar | Crossref
  2. Matuschek C, Moll F, Fangerau H, et al. Face masks: benefits and risks during the COVID-19 crisis. Eur J Med Res. 2020;25(1):32. doi:10.1186/s40001-020-00430-5
    PubMed | Google Scholar | Crossref
  3. Schwarz S, Jenetzky E, Krafft H, Maurer T, Martin D. Corona children studies “Co-Ki”: first results of a Germany-wide registry on mouth and nose covering (mask) in children. Published 2021. Accessed June 15, 2021.
  4. Mitteilungen der Ad-hoc-Arbeitsgruppe Innenraumrichtwerte der Innenraumlufthygiene-Kommission des Umweltbundesamtes und der Obersten Landesgesundheitsbehörden. [Health evaluation of carbon dioxide in indoor air]. Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz. 2008;51(11):1358-1369. doi:10.1007/s00103-008-0707-2
    PubMed | Google Scholar | Crossref
  5. Walach H, Weikl R, Traindl H, et al. Is carbon dioxide content under nose-mouth covering in children without potential risks? a measurement study in healthy children. Published April 14, 2021. Accessed June 15, 2021.
  6. Kisielinski K, Giboni P, Prescher A, et al. Is a mask that covers the mouth and nose free from undesirable side effects in everyday use and free of potential hazards? Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18(8):4344. doi:10.3390/ijerph18084344
    PubMed | Google Scholar | Crossref


cover image credit: darkside-550 / pixabay

Dr. Jennifer Daniels on Belief in “The Plague” and Belief in “The Vaccine”

Dr. Jennifer Daniels on Belief in “The Plague” and Belief in “The Vaccine”


The video clip below is an excerpt from a much longer conversation between Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network, and Dr. Jennifer Daniels. Topics discussed in the full video include stretching exercise, nutritional advice and questions and answers from viewers.  The full interview can be found HERE.

In this clip, Dr. Daniels shares her views on what “covid” actually is, why anti-parasitics such as Ivermectin work as “cures”, herd immunity, the “variants”, flu shots and the choice to believe in the virus and the vaccines.

Excerpts from transcript:

In response to a question about using Ivermectin for “covid”.

“Let’s get back to what covid is….What we have here is the common cold, which simply is the body attempting to dump a bunch of parasites and crap. So, of course, any anti-parasitic will work…But what’s really happening here is they have perpetrated an amazing hoax and convinced people that the common cold is the plague and it’s pretense for more government control.”


More from her views on “covid”:

“The death rate associated with…”the situation” (I call it the situation) is no greater than the population-wide death rate or even less… Approximately 1% of Americans die every year. That’s it. One percent drop dead. If you get “the plague”, what percent drop dead? About 1/2 percent.”


“The people who believe in the vaccine — who want to take and believe everyone else should take it — they don’t believe in the vaccine. If they really believed in the vaccine they would understand that it doesn’t matter if anyone else takes it. What they really believe is obedience, government control and control of other people. So we understand what the real religion is here then we can unmask that and talk about that.”



Connect with Dr. Jennifer Daniels

Connect with Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network


Heat Waves and HAARP

Heat Waves and HAARP

by Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
June 30, 2021


My email inbox was so stuffed this past week that it was very difficult to decide what to blog about. Indeed, I’ve already done one blog this week on two different articles submitted by two different people, because I thought those articles might have been related.

Today is the same: we have two different articles submitted by two different people that might be related, and in my “high octane speculation methodology” I am going to assume that they are.

Firstly, we have the following article submitted by S.D. about a NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) recently issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA):

Is HAARP Firing Up? FAA Issues Warning About “Electromagnetic Radiation”

There’s a lot going on here, but note especially the following:

A longstanding topic of great speculation among curious minds is HAARP, a controversial Alaska-based research facility that studies the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere: the ionosphere.

HAARP (short for High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) has been at the center of wild speculation that its high-power radio frequency transmitter facility can control the weather. Though those claims have yet to be confirmed, conspiracy theorists say otherwise.

Before we go further, let’s stop right there and note a few things. The basic patents for HAARP were taken out by Bernard Eastland in the 1980s, and many think that it was a component of President Reagan’s Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI), or as it was more popularly known, “Star Wars”. When those patents are actually read, two things are mentioned as possible applications for such a large ionospheric heater: missile defense, and weather modification. There’s no if’s, and’s, or but’s about it. (One can read these patents in Dr. Nick Begich’s and Jean Manning’s book, Angels Don’t Play this HAARP).

With that in mind, now consider this:

HAARP has fallen out of the news cycle in recent years for inactivity, but there’s reason to believe that it’s being fired back up for “scientific research.”

A notice to airmen (known as a NOTAM) was issued by the Federal Aviation Administration on June 17 with the beginning date of June 21 through June 25.

The NOTAM places “temporary flight restrictions” around Gulkana, Alaska, where the HAARP facility is located. It reads that planes are restricted from flying in the Gulkana airspace due to “electromagnetic radiation for scientific research.”


So there you have it: the FAA has placed a restriction on the airspace around Gakona, Alaska, the actual home of HAARP, indicating that there will be unusual electromagnetic radiation in the area. (While we’re at it, let’s recall those bird deaths I mentioned earlier this week: might this have something to do with them? Given the strange behaviour of birds attacking 5G towers, I wouldn’t rule it out, but time will tell.)

Now consider the following article submitted by K.M.:

‘Life-threatening’ heat wave begins in the Northwest

Now note that the Gakona-HAARP Notice to Airmen was issued on June 17th, and the heat wave alert article is updated for  June 27. According to that article, a record heat wave is expected to hit the American northwest:

A historic and “life-threatening” heat wave is underway across the Pacific Northwest, the likes of which — in terms of high temperatures and duration — has never been experienced before in that part of the country. AccuWeather forecasters are calling for record-shattering heat to linger through early week, not only making life miserable for a part of the country where air conditioning is not prevalent but also posing a significant health risk to millions.

Consecutive days of high temperatures well into the triple digits are forecast throughout parts of Oregon and Washington, which includes the Interstate 5 corridor. Both Portland, Oregon, which could see the mercury crack the 110-degree-Fahrenheit mark, and Seattle, which is expected to top 100, will see temperatures soar 30 to 40 degrees above normal. Points farther inland are likely to have temperatures balloon to above 115.

Average highs in June can be anywhere from the 70s in eastern Washington and Oregon to the 80s in western areas and into Idaho.

The dangerous heat is forecast to peak through Monday as high pressure settles in and enables temperatures to climb to new heights. (Boldface emphasis added)

To this is appended the following picture, showing the area of high pressure in the northwest, and the corresponding area of low pressure over the central plains region of the country:

So how might this tie in to HAARP?

Very easily: HAARP is an ionospheric heater. That is to say, its phased antennae arrays are designed so load energy into the ionosphere, and can do so quite literally with pinpoint accuracy. Loading massive amounts of energy in such a fashion can raise the ionosphere, creating regions of low pressure, which in turn can lower it elsewhere, creating regions of high pressure, with corresponding shifts in the jet stream, all of which is visible on Accuweather’s map.  (Think of the Chinese flooding of last year and this year in connection with this.)

So in my opinion, we’re looking at weather modification here.

The question is, why would anyone want to bake the northwest, or inundate the lower plains?

This is a case of “you tell me”, but for my part, I suspect we’re looking at yet more evidence of a covert war taking place. The question is, against whom? And yes, I do think that Chinese defector story might be related to all this…

See you on the slip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: wikimedia commons

U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community

U.S. Sen. Johnson Holds News Conference With Families Injured by COVID Vaccines, Ignored by Medical Community
Ron Johnson (R-WI) and former Green Bay Packers player Ken Ruettgers held a press conference June 28 with families who want to ‘be seen, heard and believed by the medical community’ after suffering adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 29, 2021


Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) held a news conference Monday to discuss adverse reactions related to the COVID vaccines — giving individuals who have been “repeatedly ignored” by the medical community a platform to share their stories.

The group that spoke was put together by Ken Ruettgers, a former Green Bay Packers offensive lineman, whose wife suffered an adverse reaction after receiving a COVID vaccine. Ruettgers, who now lives in Oregon, started a website to bring awareness of COVID vaccine reactions to the medical community.

“We are all pro-vaccine,” Johnson said at the onset of the news conference. In fact, Johnson has had every flu shot since the Swine flu, is current on all of his vaccines and was a huge supporter of Operation Warp Speed, though he has not had a COVID vaccine because he already had COVID.

Johnson said his goal was to provide a platform for these individuals who were injured by COVID vaccines so the health community and mainstream media would acknowledge them and get to the root cause — to find a solution for these problems.

Johnson argued that while most people don’t suffer significant side effects following vaccination, he is concerned about “that small minority that are suffering severe symptoms.”

Five people from across the U.S., including a 12-year-old girl who was part of the Pfizer clinical trial, joined the conference at the federal courthouse in Milwaukee. They described their reactions to the COVID vaccines, including neurological, cardiac and gastrointestinal issues, debilitating health problems and hospitalizations.

Among them was Maddie de Garay from Ohio who volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial when she was 12. On Jan. 20, Maddie received her second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine as a participant in the clinical trial for 12- to 15-year-olds and is now in a wheelchair.

“Why is she not back to normal? She was totally fine before this,” said Stephanie de Garay, Maddie’s mother. She volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial “to help everyone else and they’re not helping here. Before Maddie got her final dose of the vaccine she was healthy, got straight As, had lots of friends and had a life.”

Upon receiving the second shot, Maddie immediately felt pain at the injection site and over the next 24-hours developed severe abdominal and chest pain, de Garay said at the press event.

Maddie told her mother it felt like her heart was being ripped out through her neck, and she had painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine that forced her to walk hunched over.

Maddie’s parents took her to the emergency room as instructed by the vaccine trial nurse administrator. Her labs were taken, she was checked for appendicitis, given an IV with medicine and sent home. The diagnosis in the discharge summary read “adverse effect of vaccine initial encounter.”

Maddie’s condition continued to worsen. Over the next two and a half months her abdominal, muscle and nerve pain became unbearable, her mother said.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the Planned Pandemic, International Lawsuits & Moving From Globalist Control to Regional Community Organization

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on the Planned Pandemic, International Lawsuits & Moving From Globalist Control to Regional Community Organization

by Jorn Luka, The Trueman Show
June 10, 2021


Original video available at Jorn Luka YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Jorn Luka

Madness Is Infecting the World of Medicine | Counting the Vaccine Dead

Madness Is Infecting the World of Medicine | Counting the Vaccine Dead

by Dr. Mark Sircus
June 28, 2021


The world has a front-row seat to a horror story in progress, a vaccine horror story that was a long time in coming. The CDC shows that it does not have an ounce of integrity, as they demonstrated in their recent meeting about the damage done to younger populations with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

At the meeting, CDC scientists presented horrendous data. It showed that even without accounting for underreporting, the second dose of one of these vaccines could increase the risk of heart problems up to 200-fold in young men. But the scientists then went on to suggest the vaccines should still be given – even to kids already suffering from heart problems.

The CDC is now reporting that 6,113 people have died following COVID-19 injections, with their June 25 release of data in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government-funded database that tracks injuries and deaths caused by vaccines. Besides the 6,113 deaths reported, 5,172 permanent disabilities, 6,435 life-threatening events, and 51,558 emergency room visits.

Of the 6,113 deaths reported as of June 18, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours, and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

The EudraVigilance database, which covers 27 European Union countries out of about 50 actual European countries, reports that through June 19, 2021, there are 15,472 deaths and 1,509,266 injuries from the four COVID vaccines used thereOf the total of injuries recorded, half of them (753,657) are serious injuries.

These are the official numbers, the official reports. No health official will admit that these numbers are probably ten times higher because of the historically under-reporting into ‘official’ vaccine adverse reporting systems. What every health official and governmental agency is doing is ignoring this information, these deaths. No one is dying from COVID shots. They are not lethal injections.

But we might have as many as 200,000 dead (factoring by ten because of the underreporting). If we could count the rest of the world, who do not have official vaccine reporting systems that are publically reported, we might have as many as 400,000 deaths or more. To calculate, we would need to count the vaccines administered in America and the E.U. and see how many total vaccines are given in the world.

Australia’s top medical officer urged countrymen to
“not delay” getting the second dose – even though 
the vaccine
has been linked to more deaths than COVID
 in Australia this year.
USA Today

There have been more deaths reported following COVID-19 injections, which started in December of 2020, than there have been total deaths recorded following ALL vaccinations in the previous 30 years, from January 1, 1991, through November 30, 2020, according to the CDC’s VAERS.

Covid-19 Killed 26 Indonesian Doctors in June
at Least 10 Had Taken China’s Sinovac Vaccine.
Wall Street Journal

Don’t you think this will catch up with other branches of government who will fry Fauci, the FDA, and the CEOs of Big Pharma who have foisted these vaccines on the public leading everyone to believe they are safe when they are not?

There have also now been 576 deaths of unborn children reported following COVID-19 shots, as the CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women should get injected with these shots, that many dissenting medical doctors and scientists are now describing as “bioweapon” injections.

Madness is infecting the world of medicine, a form of madness never seen on this scale in history. Even Hitler and his Nazi henchmen cannot compete with what is going on and the uncountable millions being harmed, killed, maimed, and driven into despair. Evil has shown its ugly face, and unfortunately, the children are suffering the most as certain adults cheer that on.

If the FDA knows what’s good for it and the public,
they will retract their emergency authorization
of all three vaccines used against COVID-19 NOW.

What Did They Do To Our Children

This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 7,294 total adverse events, including 423 rated as serious and nine reported deaths among 12- to 17-year-olds. Four deaths (or 44%) were cardiac-related, and three were sudden, unexplained deaths.

The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1406840) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine. Other deaths include three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 11879181382906, and 1242573) and two 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1225942 and 1386841), and one 17-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1199455)

What health care officials and cruel idiotic politicians have done to the children is enough to boil one’s blood. According to a new report, children in the U.K. as young as five are suffering panic attacks and other psychological trauma as a result of COVID lockdowns, leaving 1.5 million kids in need of mental health treatment. NHS leaders say that the impact of repeated lockdowns has left children fearful of leaving their homes or meeting their friends amid an explosion of “locked-in trauma.” But let us love Dr. Fauci and all the demented public health officials who will be remembered in history as the new kind of medical Nazi.

“Forecasts seen by this newspaper state that an extra 1.5 million children and young people will require mental health support “as a direct impact of the pandemic” during the next three to five years,” reports the Telegraph. “The calculations from the Centre for Mental Health, involving NHS economists, suggest demand will be as much as three times greater than the capacity of mental health services.”

Back To Nuremberg

In reality, it’s been years since pharmaceutical/medical terrorists have occupied planet Earth. Not happy with the level of terror and suffering they have accomplished, they got greedy for more evil, despicable ugliness. Fauci, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH, Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are all in trouble or will eventually be.

What does mainstream media say about all of this? “After hundreds of millions of vaccine doses administered around the world — and intense safety monitoring — few serious risks have been identified. A tiny percentage of people who got vaccines made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson reported an unusual type of blood clot. Some countries reserved those shots for older adults, but regulatory authorities say the benefits of offering them still outweigh the risks.”

VAERS’ Detection Rate Is Abysmal

It’s been established for over a decade that VAERS’ detection rate is abysmal. A report submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2010 concluded that quote “Fewer than one percent of vaccine adverse events are reported by the VAER System.”

The report mentioned was the product of a million-dollar grant the Department of Health and Human Services gave some Harvard Medical School researchers to develop a computerized “active” system that would perform better than VAERS and then run randomized trials evaluating both.

2013 study by researchers from the CDC itself found that almost 30% of health care professionals had never heard of the VAERS system. Among those who’d come across a potential vaccine side effect and had a jarring, 83% still failed to file any report.

Critical Race Theory Has It All Wrong

Critical Race Theory training, which pressures people not to say certain things, take a certain stance, or forces them into some segregated settings, may infringe on people’s constitutional rights and even violate civil rights laws, said Dr. Carol Swain, a former professor of political science and law at Princeton and Vanderbilt universities.

The main tenet of Critical Race Theory (CRT) is that the people of the world are divided into oppressors and oppressed. In the United States, “all white people are considered oppressors who benefit from undeserved advantages,” said Dr. Swain.

I’m afraid that’s not right, for, in the world of medicine, it is a tiny group against everyone else. The entire world, all the different races, are oppressed by pharmaceutical terrorism. It’s the super-rich against all of us. Big Pharma ended up hating us all in its lust for more money and power.


Fauci, Gates, the NIH, CDC, FDA, and other “authorities” killed millions by intentionally suppressing helpful information about treatments like ivermectin, which would have reduced the death rate to the point where there would have been no pandemic.

There never was a need for these deadly vaccines. What we have are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of intentionally killed vaccine dead and a cover-up barely hidden because of these ‘official’ vaccine reporting systems. Genocide? Crimes against humanity? Medical treason? Psychopathic insanity?

A top WHO official says that mask mandates
and social distancing should continue indefinitely
in order to protect against new variants of COVID-19.

So far, they are getting away with murder. But if planes start dropping out of the sky from vaccinated pilots getting blood clots or airlines having to cancel the majority of their flights because of vaccine damages to crew and pilots, I wonder what will happen.

Again our only hope is the vaccine news gets bad enough that they have to stop. However, the vaccine news is already bad enough, and look how the CDC weasels out of protecting the young.


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

Vernon Coleman: Free Blood Clots with Every Covid Jab

Free Blood Clots with Every Covid Jab

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
June 25, 2021


In America you can get a free doughnut if you live in the right place and agree to have yourself jabbed with the toxic, experimental brew known as the covid-19 jab.

But there are no free doughnuts available in the UK.

Here all you get if you have a covid-19 jab is a free blood clot.

Free clots with every jab.

They should make honest adverts promoting the blood clots.

A clot for a clot. My kingdom for a clot. They could hire some of those media doctors to explain how wonderful clots can be. A clot in your leg. A clot in your lungs. A clot in your brain. Kill you quick, kill you slow.

Let’s bring some honesty into government propaganda.

Could those queues be really full of people wanting to be jabbed? Or maybe they’re all out of work actors who’ve been offered £10 to stand in a queue for three hours. For another fiver they’d hold up signs saying `jab me, jab me’. For £20 they’d say Fauci and Whitty were human. I don’t believe the number jabbed is anywhere near as many as they claim. I don’t believe anything the Government, its advisors, the BMA, the BBC or anyone working for the mainstream media has to say.

The problem is that we’re living in a world asylum controlled by psychopaths and I hardly know where to start. I don’t know about you but I feel quite pleased with myself when I manage to struggle through another day.

I have become very cautious. I tip toe round the garden to avoid falling over and breaking something because I don’t want to go to hospital. I back away from barky dogs because I don’t want one to bite me requiring a hospital visit. I’m going to buy a second hand tank so that I can drive around without worrying about being rammed by some idiot whose mask has made him drowsy. Incidentally, I realised the other day that the only time I will ever wear a mask is when the authorities tell me I must not – then we’ll know they’re necessary.

I’m terrified of needing to go to hospital. A nine hour wait in the casualty department and then, if you’re lucky, you get to see a nurse. The doctors have all disappeared and are hiding in Aberystwyth or the Colorado mountains. I don’t want to be tested. I’m terrified I’ll fall asleep and someone will creep up and jab me behind the arras with the evil poison in a syringe. You probably won’t believe this but I’ve even bought a surgical suture kit so I can sew myself up if I slice myself with the hedge-trimmer or a chain saw. Honest. I’ve got sutures and thread and lancets for tidying things up. And a nice bottle of antiseptic to splash on the wound. Do it yourself invisible mending. I’ve got a very nice bottle of malt whisky to use as an anaesthetic and a good bottle of brandy to get me through the post-op hours. You think I’m kidding but I promise you I’m not. Colin Barron’s got Lulu and a Whitty wig and I’ve got a boxful of operating theatre supplies.

The empty headed cretins who believe that we’re living through a pandemic are enjoying their days in cloud cuckoo land.

I can’t believe how many stupid, gullible people there are around. And how readily they believe the nonsense they are told. They must all have at least one foot firmly planted in the loony bin. There are battalions of bed wetting numpties around who dutifully wear their grubby masks, which they are told to wear to try to hide the Bell’s Palsy they’ll get from taking a toxic experimental jab. If the rules ever do soften for a while, millions will be so terrified they will wear their masks and do the distancing sidestep for eternity because they believe they will live for ever if they do. They might as well be immortalised in formalin like one of those hapless animals preserved in the name of what Hirst calls art and the rest of us call pointless.

There are people in the UK who still believe things they’re told by government ministers such as Johnson and Hancock when in truth the world’s politicians are about as much use a hundredweight of crisp dingle berries. I wouldn’t trust Macron to clean my car and I wouldn’t trust Biden to blow his own nose even if someone put a hanky in his hand and told him what to do. The people manipulating these sorry quarter wits, the Global Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation and so on are laughing at everyone; they’re taking the piss and no one seems to give a damn.

The only people quoted in the media these days are invertebrates such as Dr Dolly Parton and Dr Mrs Queen who, despite knowing nothing at all about anything other than wigs and corgis, are happy to assure us that the covid jabs will do us even more good than spinach. They haven’t bothered to consult the information collected by their own governments which show that the jabs have killed thousands and injured hundreds of thousands. I’ve been writing about iatrogenesis for many decades and there is no drug in history which has been promoted as hard as the covid-19 jab and no drug in history – and vaccines count as drugs – that has killed and injured as many people. I doubt if napalm has killed as many people as the covid jabs.

And then there are complete cretins who want children to be given a deadly, experimental, inadequately tested, vaccine that only has a temporary licence and that doesn’t do what the cretins think it does to protect them against a disease they probably won’t get and that almost certainly won’t kill them if they do get it. I wonder how many know what the word `experimental’ means. For the record it means that no one knows what will happen to the people who take it. That’s an experiment. If I throw Madge Hancock off the top of Big Ben I don’t know precisely what will happen. Will she die of a brain injury or blood loss? That’s the same as the covid-19 jab. The jabs have been given emergency authorisation despite the fact that the covid-19 responsible was officially downgraded and declared no deadlier than the flu.

Establishment figures are falling over themselves and each other to insist that mandatory vaccinations must be brought in. A columnist in the Daily Telegraph says that care workers must be jabbed. because they, don’t care enough. That’s what they said. The columnist, someone called Judith Woods, says that people who refuse to take the vaccine are selfish and that carers who won’t be jabbed (with junk, let us not forget that has already killed over 1,000 people in the UK – according to the Government’s own figures ) – ‘don’t care enough about their charges. `More than 30% of carers in her borough of Hackney have refused a vaccination that would she says protect them and others from a virus that she claims has laid waste to the planet. That sentence would win her applause from the BBC. The virus hasn’t laid waste to the planet. The figures show it killed no more people than the flu. And the NHS admits that the vaccine won’t necessarily stop people getting the virus or spreading it.

Do journalists know the truth, I wonder. Are they too naïve to realise that governments and their advisors know that if you tell a big enough lie no one will recognise it as a lie because no one believes anyone could lie that much and keep a straight face.

Hancock the moron says we should aim for the double jabbed cretins to be able to avoid quarantine. Wonderful. Do journalists not know that Israel says it is facing a new covid-19 outbreak despite having the world’s most vaccinated population.

Patrick Henningsen’s magnificent 21st Century Wire website contains an article from the Wall Street Journal reporting that 450 US colleges and universities have announced policies mandating that all students be fully vaccinated before the autumn term. The snag, reports the journal is that the mandated vaccinations aren’t legal or morally acceptable and violate the basic principles of medical ethics. Go to 21s Century Wire to read the report headed `WSJ: American University Vaccine Mandates Violate Medical Ethics’.

Worse still there are double, double cretins and ignorant psychopaths around who insist that 12-year-old children should be allowed to decide for themselves whether they want to be jabbed. They want children to be jabbed without parental consent. Children who aren’t considered old enough to smoke, go into pubs, vote, have sex or watch dirty movies are told they’re old enough to decide whether they want to be jabbed with stuff that is entirely experimental and so complex that not one in 100,000 adults understands it and which has, according to government figures, already killed thousands of people around the world and maimed hundreds of thousands more. How long before they start offering kids a new game console if they agree to roll up their sleeves and risk death and disablement? Alternatively, the kids will probably be told they can remain unvaccinated and be ostracised, lonely and laughed at, and will have to live in a damp, dark cellar for six months.

Adults don’t have the foggiest what they’re being jabbed with but 12–year-olds are mostly illiterate and don’t know whether to put their socks on before or after their shoes. And now we want them to decide whether or not to be jabbed.

There is no such thing as informed consent these days. And it is illegal to give this stuff to a human being without their full and informed consent. The vast majority of doctors and nurses who have been jabbing people are criminals who will, when justice is served, find themselves sitting in cells alongside world famous war criminal Tony Blair. It’s a crime to give treatment without informed consent. It’s a double crime to give treatment which is experimental without obtaining full informed consent. And it’s a triple crime to do it to children.

It was, of course, the evil Blair who gave the Brexiteers victory in the UK because every time he opened his mouth everyone knew he was lying about the Common Market. And now he’s our greatest champion. The pro-vaxxers ought to lock him up but they’re stupid and they think it helps when he opens his mouth and lets his brains dribble out. Every time he says anything promoting vaccines and death rays and mustard gas another million people decide to say no thank you very much to whatever it is the malignant bastard is selling. Blair has the eyes of the devil, the soul of a psychopath and the principles of a politician. A man who, like Bush and Powell took deceit to new depths.

Excuse my language, by the way but it is acknowledged to be impossible to mention Blair without using at least one expletive. Indeed, most people outside the UK think his first name is `Thatfuckingtwat’ because they’re so used to hearing people describe him as `Thatfuckingtwat Blair’. The odd thing is that if Blair says anything about covid-19, such as that the unvaccinated should stay in lockdown, presumably as a punishment for having working brains, the BBC clears everything to give him airtime. But if 100 independent doctors stand up and have something to say then the BBC ignores them.

Blair provides the mark for evil, of course, but the rest aren’t much better.

I hate this damned covid jab.

It is everything that is wrong with medicine. It’s deadly, not properly tested and there is a risk that the vaccinated will kill us all. The idiots who’ve let themselves be jabbed should have a big V tattooed on their foreheads so that we can identify them and keep well away. Or maybe a big I standing for Idiot.

Let me explain how much I hate it.

There is a small fish found in the river Amazon called the candiru, aka the toothpick fish. It’s a tiny fish which lives as a parasite in the gills of bigger fish. If you go swimming in the Amazon and feel the need to urinate and decide to relieve yourself in the river, something bad, really bad can happen. The little candiru will be attracted by the smell and will travel up the stream of urine into your urethra and there it will stick out its little spines and makes its home. The pain is apparently horrific. The flow of urine from the bladder will cease and serious surgery will be required if you are to be saved. This is not a fun thing to happen. It’s not something you laugh about later.

Well, I’d rather bathe in a pool full of candiru than have one of the deadly, experimental covid-19 jabs because at least with a tiny fish living inside my urethra I’ll get to keep my soul and I’ll have a better chance of staying alive.

We have to stop all this and you’re the only people who can do it. It’s no good me preaching to the converted and you’re the only people I can reach since I’m banned from anything resembling mainstream media.

Send videos and articles off my websites to everyone you know and everyone you don’t know. Everyone. It’s how we’ll win this war. Share the truth with people and they’ll be astonished at the extent of the lies they’ve been told. My websites contain up-to-date figures of the numbers who have been killed or injured by these jabs.

Encourage those who are brave enough to tell the story of how they’ve been harmed by the vaccine. Encourage them to admit they made a mistake. If you see such videos offer sympathy and support. Their courage will help us enormously.

And remember, people who rely on the mainstream media will have been lied to consistently – especially by the UK’s state broadcaster, the Government’s propaganda arm, the utterly unscrupulous, ruthless and deadly BBC. There are, remember, no proper journalists working for the BBC – just pseudo-journalists.

Remember too just how confusing everything is.

You can’t go to Spain, Guatemala or Texas or the Isle of Wight unless you’ve been to Cornwall. You can’t have you hair cut while getting married unless you’ve washed behind your ears three times and own a bicycle. If you live north of the equator you can’t hug more than three people at once and you must stay indoors between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm on Saturdays unless you’re at Ascot and there is an R in the month. You must wear a mask, socks and galoshes while eating and drinking but you can remove your mask to eructate or answer questions at the police station.

It’s hardly surprising that people get confused and frightened.

The rules about working from home are just as bad. Office workers and doctors are all working from home, and surgeons will probably soon tell patients to be prepared to perform surgery on their own kitchen table. You download a video on YouTube and a surgeon guides you through the whole procedure. The first cut isn’t necessarily the deepest by the way. Madge Hancock, who is allegedly in charge of fibbing in the UK, will probably tell us that firemen can also work from home if they wish. You ring 999 and ask for the fire brigade and one of the firemen asks you to take your fire round to his place. Alternatively, you can download an App and take pictures of the fire and the firemen will watch your home burn to the ground and make comments on what they are seeing.

The world has gone stark raving mad.

My videos on BNT are controlled and suppressed by governments, with increasingly ruthless efficiency. So spread the word far and wide. Be daring and put videos on your Twitter or Facebook. Take a chance.

And if someone you know is being threatened with a vaccination they don’t want, remember there are four ways to stop this happening.

First, tell the doctor or nurse or busy body involved that you will make an official complaint (something everyone in any bureaucracy is terrified of these days).

Second, tell them that you will send details of their perfidy to the press and all over social media – naming them personally.

Third, tell them that you will sue them personally.

And, fourth, if it’s a doctor or a nurse tell them that you will make a formal complaint to their licensing body.

And after all that hand them a loo roll because they’ll need it.


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

When You Test Positive [Satire]

When You Test Positive [Satire]

August 8, 2020


Yeah, let’s talk about it

‘Toxic Legacy’ — How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

‘Toxic Legacy’ — How Glyphosate Destroys Your Health

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
June 27, 2021

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT, has published a new book, “Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment” — without doubt the best book ever written about glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and many other toxic herbicides.

In this book, which has been a labor of love for the past decade, Seneff explains how and why glyphosate poses an existential threat to humanity, and why it’s so important to avoid it if you care about your health and the health of your family.

“It’s been a decade of learning everything I could about glyphosate,” Seneff says. “When I first heard about it I basically dropped everything else I was doing because I was so confident that I had found the answer to the autism epidemic. That was the thing I was looking for. Back in 2012, I heard a two-hour lecture by Don Huber, and it changed my focus entirely.

I already understood the symptoms of autism, a very complex disease — lots of gut problems and mineral issues — and it all came together with his lecture. Overnight I just started poring over all the papers I could find.

Shortly after that I found Séralini’s paper,1 which had not yet been retracted at that time. It was later republished, the paper by Séralini, a French toxicologist who had shown that very low doses of glyphosate over the lifespan of a rat could cause a lot of damage.

He pointed out that after three months, everything looked good, so it’s a slow kill. This is one thing I emphasize in my book. Glyphosate is subtle, and that’s really a huge problem because people don’t [make the connection]. We have diabetes, obesity, autism, Alzheimer’s. It’s a long, long list, all the gut problems.

The microbes are being very much disturbed by the chronic poisoning with glyphosate, and then the gut becomes a central starting point for many diseases, including neurological diseases and arthritis. So, you see that disruption of the gut, and glyphosate can cause exactly the things that we’re seeing.”

Glyphosate Contamination in Common Products

Before delving into glyphosate, Seneff spent five years focusing on the potential toxicities of vaccines. She still believes vaccines can play a role in the chronic diseases we’re seeing, including autism.

However, glyphosate may actually play a more significant role. Seneff believes it contributes to and worsens damage caused by vaccines, in part because it binds very efficiently to aluminum used as an adjuvant in certain vaccines. It likely binds strongly to many other toxic metals as well.

The theory is that, by being wrapped up with glyphosate molecules, the metals can more easily penetrate various barriers in your body. This is because glyphosate causes these barriers, such as your intestinal barrier and your blood-brain-barrier, to become more porous. And, as leaky gut or leaky brain set in, the toxic metals are shuttled across, along with the glyphosate.

Interestingly, Anthony Samsel, a public health research scientist, and Zen Honeycutt, founder and director of Moms Across America, have independently found glyphosate contamination in live virus vaccines that do not contain aluminum adjuvant.

Seneff suspects glyphosate may be a contaminant in many drugs as well, particularly drugs produced by genetically engineering E. coli or yeast. They’ve also found glyphosate in tampons, which may then be absorbed through your uterine lining.

Seneff also hypothesizes that, since glyphosate is found in many vegetable-based fats, such as canola and soybean oil, studies comparing the health effects of fats may be compromised since they never consider the effects of glyphosate. Interestingly, while not fat-soluble, glyphosate can still enter fats (and is found in the vegetable oils just mentioned).

Samsel suspects glyphosate acts as a phosphate analog, because it has a phosphonate unit, and fats have phosphates (phospholipids). This is something he’s investigating right now, so eventually, we may learn more about that mechanism.

Glyphosate and the Rise in Celiac Disease

In her book, Seneff details the dramatic increase in glyphosate use since its introduction in the mid-‘70s. Estimates suggest that one pound of glyphosate is applied in the U.S. every year for every man, woman and child, in America, which is an astounding amount. It’s not even enough to buy non-GMO products, as many non-GMO items have been shown to have some of the highest levels of glyphosate.

Oats, wheat, barley and legumes like chickpeas and lentils tend to be very high in glyphosate because these crops are sprayed with glyphosate right before harvest as a desiccant to speed the drying process.

“I think that’s the reason for the epidemic in celiac disease,” Seneff says. “Samsel and I wrote a paper on that. We showed there’s a strong correlation between the rise in celiac disease over time and the rise in glyphosate usage on wheat, specifically on wheat. It matches much better to wheat than it does to the other crops, which makes sense, because wheat is the source of celiac disease.”

A case study of an American woman who tried to commit suicide by drinking glyphosate reveal some of the chemical’s effects. She developed a paralyzed gut, and this may well be what’s happening to many, on a low-grade scale. In essence, people’s guts are sort of semi-paralyzed by the glyphosate in the diet, which causes small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

Bacteria starts festering in the upper intestine because the peristalsis is not working properly, so food remnants get stuck. Glyphosate has also been shown to accumulate in the brain, and animal studies show it causes neuro excitotoxicity due to excess glutamate in the brain. This, in turn, “is absolutely connected to autism,” Seneff says.

In her book, Seneff also discusses the importance of sulfur for optimal health, how sulfate deficiency is connected to autism, and how glyphosate can cause sulfate deficiency.

How Glyphosate Affects Your Gut and Autoimmunity

Part of what makes glyphosate so toxic has to do with the fact that it’s a very efficient metal chelator. It binds metals and minerals really well. For example, glyphosate is a million times more effective at chelating aluminum than EDTA, a chelating agent used in heavy metal chelation treatment.

This, in turn, disrupts your gut microbes because it makes minerals unavailable to the microbes. Your gut microbes need minerals, as their enzymes depend on them for proper functioning. Glyphosate also disrupts the shikimate pathway, both in plants and microbes, and beneficial microbes are particularly sensitive to glyphosate.

When lactobacillus bacteria are killed off in your gut, your ability to digest gluten and casein (milk protein) is impaired, as this bacterium carries several enzymes your body does not have that specialize in breaking down proline, an amino acid found in gluten and casein. This, in turn, can eventually lead to autoimmune problems. Seneff explains:

“We have all these allergies to gluten and casein these days, all these different food sensitivities, and I think it’s because the lactobacillus are being killed off. They can’t support the digestion of those proteins anymore. Then the protein sticks around, the peptide sequence, and that’s what causes an immune reaction.

Then you can get an autoimmune attack through molecular mimicry — the antibody mis-recognizes a human protein because it looks like the piece of gluten that they become sensitive to, so they attack a human protein instead.”

Glyphosate Makes Harmful Fat Even More Hazardous

Interestingly, glyphosate may also contribute to the harm caused by the omega-6 fat linoleic acid (LA). LA is metabolized into arachidonic acid, which is metabolized into an endogenous cannabinoid that eases pain. The enzyme that accomplishes this conversion is cytochrome P450 enzyme, which is disrupted by glyphosate.

Seneff suspects arachidonic acid is getting redirected through enzymes that convert arachidonic acid into extremely immunogenic products instead, such as leukotrienes, which act as signaling molecules that turn on an inflammatory response. A generic term for these signaling molecules is eicocanoids. She explains:

“Leukotrienes are rightfully blamed for causing all the chronic pain we’re seeing — rheumatoid arthritis, joint and bone pain, and even, probably, problems with the brain, maybe headaches.

All the different kinds of pain we’re experiencing that are connected to inflammation could be a consequence of cytochrome P450 enzymes blocking the ability to convert arachidonic acid into the endogenous cannaboid. Instead, it gets redirected towards these signaling molecules that cause all this damage.”

On top of that, LA, when oxidized, turns into highly toxic free radicals such as 4HNE, which cause direct oxidative stress damage to cell membranes, mitochondria, stem cells and DNA. In your mitochondria, a feedback loop then occurs that causes the shutdown of your energy metabolism system, resulting in an increase in adipose tissue. Translation: Excessive LA causes accumulation of belly fat.

Glyphosate Is a Biological Toxin

Its effect on the shikimate pathway is a key mechanism by which glyphosate causes biological harm in humans. The human body does not have this pathway — a fact used by Monsanto to argue for glyphosate’s safety. But the microbes in your body do have it. Research has shown over half the microbes, on average, in your gut have the shikimate pathway and can therefore be decimated by glyphosate.

These include lactobacillus and bifidobacteria, which use the shikimate pathway to produce the aromatic amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine, crucial coding amino acids that go into all the proteins of your body. They’re absolutely essential for protein assembly, and your body must rely on your diet and gut microbes to produce adequate amounts of these amino acids, as your body cannot produce them any other way.

When your gut microbes are harmed, it can result in a deficiency of tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine. These amino acids are also precursors to many other important biologically active molecules. For example, tryptophan is a precursor to melatonin and serotonin. Tyrosine is a precursor to thyroid hormone, dopamine and adrenaline.

“These are all really, really important hormones that control brain behavior and regulate behavior and mood,” Seneff says. “Serotonin deficiency is connected to depression, and we have an epidemic in depression. So, I think there’s a direct path there. Also, some of the B vitamins come out of the shikimate pathway, including thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3) …

You need thiamine for augmenting your immune system. If you don’t have a lot of thiamine, you’re not going to be able to generate a healthy immune response. That’s why it’s a part of septic protocols. If you’re wrecking it with glyphosate exposure that’s disrupting the shikimate pathway in your gut microflora, you’ve got a huge problem.”

Glycine Can Help Counteract Adverse Effects of Glyphosate

One simple remedy that can help lower your glyphosate burden is to take a glycine supplement. As explained by Seneff, the way glyphosate disrupts the shikimate pathway is by affecting an enzyme called EPSP synthase. That enzyme bonds to a molecule called phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). The “phospho” in that name stands for phosphate.

At the place where EPSB synthase binds to PEP, there’s a glycine molecule. It’s a highly-conserved glycine in the enzyme. If that glycine is swapped out for alanine, a very similar amino acid, the EPSB synthase enzyme becomes completely insensitive to glyphosate.

“So, it’s black and white — either there’s a glycine there, in which case it’s incredibly susceptible to glyphosate, or there’s alanine, in which case it’s completely insensitive,” Seneff says.

Incidentally, this is how agricultural scientists create glyphosate-resistant GMO crops. They turn the glycine molecule into alanine, thereby rendering the plant impervious to glyphosate.

When glyphosate enters your system, it can take the place of the glycine molecule. While similar, (the “gly” in glyphosate stands for glycine) it’s not identical and does not work the same way as glycine. Hence, this replacement causes all sorts of trouble.

By taking a glycine supplement, you can counteract this chain of events by making sure there’s enough glycine present to fill up those glycine slots. As noted by Seneff, “If there’s lots of glycine, you’re going to be much less likely to pick up glyphosate.” She continues:

“I had thought about glyphosate being glycine, and knowing that it’s a glycine analog and that it was affecting places where glycine binds. Glycine acts as a neural transmitter. Glyphosate messes that up. I thought, ‘I wonder if it can get into the protein in place of glycine?’

My book actually centers on this idea that glyphosate substitutes for glycine in certain proteins. There’s a specific algorithm for where it would happen, and you can show that those proteins are suppressed by glyphosate experimentally.”

Importantly, glyphosate suppresses glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), a very important enzyme in red blood cells that maintains NADPH in its reduced form. If you have reduced levels of NADPH, you’re at increased risk for chronic disease, as your ability to recharge antioxidants is impaired. This is yet another mechanism by which glyphosate contributes to any number of disease states.

Glyphosate’s Impact on Collagen

Yet another protein that has a high glycine content is collagen, the primary protein for your connective tissue. It constitutes about one-quarter of your body’s proteins. Because of the presence of glycine, glyphosate has the ability to impair collagen as well.

“I feel confident that glyphosate is messing up collagen,” Seneff says. “Collagen has a beautiful triple helix structure, which gives it really special properties of tensile strength and flexibility to hold water. Collagen has long, long sequences called GXY, GXY, GXY, where every third amino acid is a glycine. Those glycines hook together to form that triple helix.

There are people who have mutations in those glycines that cause joint and bone diseases, and I think glyphosate is causing that. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is associated with glycine mutations in collagen, and there’s an increase in the prevalence of that syndrome recently.

Of course, you have many more people getting hip replacement surgery, and people have back issues, back pain and shoulder surgery, knee and foot problems. All these different problems with the joints, I suspect, are being caused by misfolded collagen because of glyphosate messing it up.”

Glyphosate’s Impact on Your Vascular System

Another mechanism of action involves the suppression of nitric oxide (NO), primarily through the suppression of endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS), which is one of three ways your body makes NO. eNOS is a close relative to cytochrome 450 enzymes which, as mentioned, are decimated by glyphosate.

“The NO works together with sulfur dioxide to control the viscosity of your blood,” Seneff explains. “NO turns into nitrate … And sulfur dioxide turns into sulfate … Nitrate is a chaotrope, and sulfate is a kosmotrope. Kosmotropes are very interesting molecules that control the viscosity of blood. It’s all about water structuring, stuff that Gerald Pollack talks about.

Kosmotropes make the water structure more like gel and the chaotropes make it more like fluid, liquid. Those two work against each other to maintain the correct viscosity of the blood while other things are going on. If you put a bunch of lipid particles into the blood, it’s going to get more viscous, so you’ve got to make it less-viscous by adding NO.

So, there’s a back and forth between NO and sulfur dioxide that’s regulated by eNOS. This is a theory that I have, and it makes a lot of sense. I have continued to gather evidence that supports it.

If glyphosate messes up eNOS, then it messes up the blood’s ability to maintain its proper viscosity, which means your blood could be too fluid. You could end up with hemorrhaging. It could be too thick, it can’t circulate, so you end up with blood clots.”

More Information

One piece of good news is that Mexico is banning glyphosate and will phase it out entirely by 2024. There are fears Mexico may also start banning U.S. imports found to be contaminated with glyphosate, which would actually work in everyone’s favor by shining a bright light on the matter.

While the ultimate answer is to ban the use of glyphosate worldwide, in the meantime, a key strategy to protect your own health is to buy certified organic or biodynamic food. Glyphosate is not permitted in organic agriculture, and even if contamination occurs, the levels are going to be far lower than that of conventionally-grown foods.

Seneff also recommends eating a high-sulfur diet, as sulfur is crucial for the health of your metabolism and immune system. “Sulfur deficiency, I think, is a driver behind some of our health problems,” she says.

Also consider taking a glycine supplement to counteract and push out any glyphosate you might be exposed to. “Glycine is not very expensive and it is very safe, so it’s an easy thing to take as a supplement, which I think could definitely help,” Seneff says.

Other health-promoting habits include eating plenty of fermented foods and getting optimal amounts of vitamin D and K2. As noted by Seneff, your vitamin D conversion is also adversely affected by glyphosate.

As is typically the case when talking to Seneff, as she is phenomenally well-informed, we cover far more details in this interview than I’ve summarized here — including environmental effects and countermeasures to speed the cleanup of soil and water — so I encourage you to listen to the interview in its entirety.

Of course, to learn more about glyphosate, be sure to pick up a copy of “Toxic Legacy.” It’s by far the best book to date on this pernicious toxin that is robbing people everywhere of their health and quality of life.


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

cover image credit: hpgruesen / pixabay

“Show Us the Virus” — Update on Legal Challenge to South African Government: Justify Destructive COVID Mandates

“Show Us the Virus” — Update on Legal Challenge to South African Government: Justify Destructive COVID Mandates

by Dr. Faiez Kirsten, HWP Institute and Ricardo Maarman,
June 17, 2021


Part 1


Part 2

Original Discussion on the High Court Hearing Transcript, Ruling and State Capture videos available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute (Pt 1 & Pt 2), Brighteon (Pt 1 & Pt 2), and Odysee (Pt 1 & Pt 2) channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Read the full transcript of the May 27, 2021 high court hearing and the judge’s ruling.

Connect with Ricardo Maarman

Connect with Dr. Faiez Kirsten

“Unite for Freedom” Highlights — London, June 26, 2021

“Unite for Freedom” Highlights — London, June 26, 2021

by James Scott
June 26, 2021

Breathtaking & Heartening: Massive Freedom Rally Overwhelms London – June 26, 2021

Breathtaking & Heartening: Massive Freedom Rally Overwhelms London – June 26, 2021

by Hugo Talks
June 26, 2021



Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee channel.

Is “Anti-Vax” the Hot New Thing?

Is “Anti-Vax” the Hot New Thing?

by Jefferey Jaxen w/ Del Bigtree, The HighWire
June 25, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 7,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines

Latest CDC VAERS Data Show Reported Injuries Surpass 7,000 in Ages 12 to 17 Following COVID Vaccines
VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 387,087 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 6,113 deaths and 31,240 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 18, 2021. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
June 25, 2021


This week’s number of reported deaths among all age groups following COVID vaccines surpassed 6,000 according to data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The data comes directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date.

Data released today show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and June 18, 2021, a total of 387,087 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 6,113 deaths — an increase of 120 deaths over the previous week. There were 31,240 serious injury reports, up 1,369 compared with last week.

In the U.S 316.1 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of June 18. This includes: 131 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 173 million doses of Pfizer and 12 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

Of the 6,113 deaths reported as of June 18, 23% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 16% occurred within 24 hours and 38% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

  • 7,294 total adverse events, including 423 rated as serious and nine reported deaths among 12- to 17-year-olds. Four deaths (or 44%) were cardiac-related and three were sudden, unexplained deaths.
  • The most recent reported death includes a 13-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1406840) who died two days after receiving a Pfizer vaccine. Other deaths include three 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 11879181382906 and 1242573) and two 16-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1225942 and 1386841) and one 17-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1199455).
  • The report of a 15-year-old male (VAERS I.D. 1383620) who reportedly died after receiving a Pfizer vaccine was removed from the database on June 18. It was a duplicate of VAERS I.D. 1382096. Two of the nine deaths were suicides.
  • 1,164 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to17-year-olds with 99% of cases
    attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 1.2% to Moderna and 0.2% (or two cases) to J&J.
  • 171 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 169 attributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
  • 28 reports of blood clotting disorders, all attributed to Pfizer.

This week’s total VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to June 18, 2021, for all age groups show:

CDC finds ‘likely’ link between heart inflammation and mRNA COVID vaccines

As The Defender reported June 23, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said there is a “likely association” of “mild” heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults after vaccination.

Members of a CDC advisory committee acknowledged 1,200 cases of heart inflammation in 16- to 24-year-olds, mostly occurring in males, and said mRNA COVID vaccines should carry a warning statement — but physicians and other public commenters accused the CDC of exaggerating the risk to young people of COVID, and minimizing the risk of the vaccines.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, deputy director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, said in a presentation that data from one of the agency’s safety monitoring systems — Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) — suggests a rate of 12.6 cases per million in 12- to 39-year-olds during the three weeks after the second shot.

The Defender has been unable to report on VSD data related to COVID vaccine adverse events, including heart inflammation, as the VSD does not make data collected through the system readily available to the public.

The VSD is a collaborative project between the CDC and “several large health plans,” according to its website. Though the public can’t access the VSD data, there is a process whereby researchers can apply to access data.

According to the VSD website: “There are several ways interested researchers can access VSD data. In 2002, the VSD established a data sharing program at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Research Data Center (RDC) to allow external Guest Analysts to (1) conduct new vaccine safety studies using VSD data files available at CDC or (2) to reanalyze study-specific datasets from published VSD studies.”

The VSD data sharing program is a three-step process:

  1. Submission of proposals to CDC’s RDC at NCHS
  2. Submission of proposals to VSD site Institutional Review Boards
  3. Use of CDC’s RDC at NCHS
FDA to add warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

On June 24, The Guardian reported the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will add a warning to COVID vaccines produced by Pfizer /BioNTech and Moderna about rare cases of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults, the agency announced Wednesday.

Health regulators in several countries have been investigating whether the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines using mRNA technology present a risk and, if so, how serious. The CDC advisory group found the inflammation in adolescents and young adults is likely linked to the vaccines, but the benefits of the shots outweigh the risk.

18-year-old has a heart attack after second dose of Pfizer vaccine

As The Defender reported June 22, 18-year-old Isaiah Harris was hospitalized after suffering a heart attack within 48 hours of his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and is on total bed rest for six months. Isaiah Harris and his father, Justin Harris, described the traumatic ordeal in an exclusive interview.

“We took him to the hospital but they didn’t take him seriously,” Harris said. “We waited in the waiting room for over two hours and then they left him in a hallway for six hours. Things went from bad to worse while waiting in the hospital. That’s when he had his heart attack and one of his lungs filled up with fluid.”

At one point, 80% of Isaiah’s heart was inflamed and only 40% was functioning. Isaiah’s troponin levels were so high doctors said he had suffered a heart attack. According to Harris, doctors kept denying it was the vaccine until a nurse brought in a study showing the vaccine could cause myocarditis.

Harris believes his son would have been better off to have COVID versus the possible life-long issues he is now facing with his heart and the possibility of another heart attack if he overextends himself in the next three to six months. Isaiah said he would rather have COVID than a heart attack.

13-year-old Michigan boy dies three days after second dose of Pfizer vaccine

On June 24, The Defender reported a 13-year-old Michigan boy died June 16 –– three days after he received his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. Preliminary autopsy results indicated that following his vaccination, Jacob Clynick’s heart became enlarged and was surrounded by fluid — symptoms similar to those documented in other teen boys who experienced myocarditis following COVID vaccination.

The teen’s death was reported to the CDC and is under investigation by federal health regulators to determine if there is a correlation between the death and vaccination — according to the Saginaw County Health Department.

18-year-old teen suffers ‘profuse heart damage’ after Pfizer vaccine

As The Defender reported June 23, Laura Mallozzi, whose 18-year-old son developed myocarditis two days after his second Pfizer vaccine, said she would never have connected the dots between the vaccine and her son’s symptoms if she hadn’t read about the condition in The Defender.

David (VAERS I.D 563354) was hospitalized with myocarditis on June 10 — two days after his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. According to Mallozzi, her son felt pressured at work by his employer and co-workers to get vaccinated, so he got vaccinated without telling her.

“I shudder to think I might have sent him back to bed with an Advil and some Vicks VapoRub because I never would have guessed that an apparently healthy 18-year-old would be experiencing a serious heart injury from a vaccine,” she said.

Mallozzi took David to the emergency room and told the doctor her son was experiencing an adverse reaction to the COVID vaccine. Although hospital workers  took her son’s information, the mother and son were ignored for hours. They finally left because David needed to lie down. Mallozzi ended up taking her son back to the emergency room for a second time, but didn’t mention the vaccine.

Scans showed David suffered severe heart damage and doctors acknowledged that the symptoms developed after David’s second Pfizer shot. Doctors are not sure how long it will take David to recover, but with other viruses that cause myocarditis, patients have to be monitored by a cardiologist for 18 months to two years.

Teen with previous COVID infection suffers severe myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine

In an exclusive interview with The Defender on June 21, Marie Follmer said no one warned her that her 19-year-old son — a healthy, elite athlete who had recovered from COVID — shouldn’t get the Pfizer vaccine because it would put him at greater risk of developing myocarditis.

Greyson Follmer, an Ohio State University student, was an elite athlete and member of the university’s chapter of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) who developed severe heart complications following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and was taken three times to Nationwide Children’s Emergency Hospital.

“My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” Follmer said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.

In October 2020, Greyson got COVID and experienced mild flu symptoms, including an enlarged heart and slight inflammation. The cardiologist thought it could be related to being an elite athlete, and signed a release for Greyson to return to school. Nobody warned Follmer that her son should not get a COVID vaccine with a history of heart inflammation.

“I think what’s frustrating to me right now is that nobody told me that if you have an enlarged heart or heart inflammation, don’t get the shot,” Follmer said. “Not one person ever told us this. I never would have thought in a million years my kid would get sick.”

Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, a surgeon, immunologist and patient safety advocate said it’s a colossal error to vaccinate people who have previously had COVID and reactions like Greyson’s are a totally avoidable harm. “Why are we rushing to vaccinate people who we know are immune and don’t stand to gain any benefit? If I do anything medically unnecessary to someone as a doctor, I’m opening them up to potential harm. If you’ve had a recent infection and you have viral antigens in your tissues, you can literally and immunologically cause tissue damage.”

Pfizer vaccine linked to rare blood clot disorder, Israeli researchers say

As The Defender reported June 23, Israeli researchers discovered a link between Pfizer’s COVID vaccine and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) –– a rare blood disorder that causes blood clots to form in small blood vessels throughout the body. Researchers stressed this occurred in both new patients and in patients with pre-existing TTP whose disease had been in remission but flared up soon after getting the vaccine.

Scientists with the Institute of Hematology at Shamir Medical Center said they began researching the possible link after reports of a sudden increase in TTP across Israel — four cases detected in one month compared to two or three cases per year. The Health Ministry, which is evaluating the research, asked doctors not to provide interviews until the evaluation is complete.

109 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. After repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions, a health communications specialist from the CDC’s Vaccine Task Force contacted us on March 29 — three weeks after our initial inquiry.

The individual received our request for information from VAERS, but said she had never received our list of questions, even though employees we talked to several times said CDC press officers were working through the questions and confirmed the representative had received them. We provided the list of questions again along with a new deadline, but never received a response.

On May 19, a CDC employee said our questions had been reviewed and our inquiry was pending in their system, but would not provide us with a copy of the response. We were told we would be contacted by phone or email with the response.

On June 24, we contacted the CDC and were told nobody knew the specialist from the agency’s Vaccine Task Force who contacted us in March, and that our request was still pending in the system. It has been 109 days since we sent our first email inquiring into VAERS data and reports and we have yet to receive a response.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


© June 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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A “Leap” Toward Humanity’s Destruction

A “Leap” Toward Humanity’s Destruction
The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, has teamed up with a pair of former DARPA directors who built Silicon Valley’s skunkworks to usher in an age of nightmarish surveillance, including for babies as young as three months old. Their agenda can only advance if we allow it.

by Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout
June 25, 2021


A UK nonprofit with ties to global corruption throughout the COVID-19 crisis as well as historical and current ties to the UK eugenics movement launched a global health-focused DARPA equivalent last year. The move went largely unnoticed by both mainstream and independent media.

The Wellcome Trust, which has arguably been second only to Bill Gates in its ability to influence events during the COVID-19 crisis and vaccination campaign, launched its own global equivalent of the Pentagon’s secretive research agency last year, officially to combat the “most pressing health challenges of our time.” Though first conceived of in 2018, this particular Wellcome Trust initiative was spun off from the Trust last May with $300 million in initial funding. It quickly attracted two former DARPA executives, who had previously served in the upper echelons of Silicon Valley, to manage and plan its portfolio of projects.

This global health DARPA, known as Wellcome Leap, seeks to achieve “breakthrough scientific and technological solutions” by or before 2030, with a focus on “complex global health challenges.” The Wellcome Trust is open about how Wellcome Leap will apply the approaches of Silicon Valley and venture capital firms to the health and life science sector. Unsurprisingly, their three current programs are poised to develop incredibly invasive tech-focused, and in some cases overtly transhumanist, medical technologies, including a program exclusively focused on using artificial intelligence (AI), mobile sensors, and wearable brain-mapping tech for children three years old and younger.

This Unlimited Hangout investigation explores not only the four current programs of Wellcome Leap but also the people behind it. The resulting picture is of an incredibly sinister project that poses not only a great threat to current society but to the future of humanity itself. An upcoming Unlimited Hangout investigation will examine the history of the Wellcome Trust along with its role in recent and current events.

Leap’s Leadership: Merging Man and Machine for the Military and Silicon Valley

The ambitions of the Wellcome Leap are made clear by the woman chosen to lead it, former director of the Pentagon’s DARPA, Regina Dugan. Dugan began her career at DARPA in 1996; she led a counterterrorism task force in 1999 before leaving DARPA about a year later. After departing DARPA, she cofounded her own venture capital firm, Dugan Ventures, and then became special adviser to the US Army’s vice chief of staff from 2001 to 2003, which coincided with the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2005, she created a defense-focused tech firm called RedXDefense, which contracts with the military and specifically for DARPA.

In 2009, under the Obama administration, Dugan was appointed director of DARPA by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. Much was made over her being the first female director of the agency, but she is best remembered at the agency for her so-called “Special Forces” approach to innovation. During her tenure, she created DARPA’s now defunct Transformational Convergence Technology Office, which focused on social networks, synthetic biology, and machine intelligence. Many of the themes previously managed by that office are now overseen by DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office, which was created in 2014 and focuses on everything “from programmable microbes to human-machine symbiosis.” The Biological Technologies Office, like Wellcome Leap, pursues a mix of “health-focused” biotechnology programs and transhumanist endeavors.

Right before leaving the top role at DARPA, Dugan greenlighted the agency’s initial investments in mRNA vaccine technology, which led to DARPA’s investments in Pfizer and Moderna shortly thereafter. The DARPA scientist who lobbied Dugan to back the program, Dan Wattendorf, now works as the director of Innovative Technology Solutions at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

While Dugan’s efforts at DARPA are remembered fondly by those in the national-security state, and also by those in Silicon Valley, Dugan was investigated for conflicts of interest during her time as DARPA’s director, as her firm RedXDefense acquired millions in Department of Defense contracts during her tenure. Though she had recused herself from any formal role at the company while leading DARPA, she continued to hold a significant financial stake in the company, and a military investigation later found she had violated ethics rules to a significant degree.

Instead of being held accountable in any way, Dugan went on to become a top executive at Google, where she was brought on to manage Google’s Advanced Technology and Products Group (ATAP), which it had spun out of Motorola Mobility after Google’s acquisition of that company in 2012. Google’s ATAP was modeled after DARPA and employed other ex-DARPA officials besides Dugan.

At Google, Dugan oversaw several projects, including what is now the basis of Google’s “augmented reality” business, then known as Project Tango, as well as “smart” clothing in which multitouch sensors were woven into textiles. Another project that Dugan led involved the use of a “digital tattoo” to unlock smartphones. Perhaps most controversially, Dugan was also behind the creation of a “digital authentication pill.” According to Dugan, when the pill is swallowed, “your entire body becomes your authentication token.” Dugan framed the pill and many of her other efforts at Google as working to fix “the mechanical mismatch between humans and electronics” by producing technology that merges the human body with machines to varying degrees. While serving in this capacity at Google, Dugan chaired a panel at the 2013 Clinton Global Initiative called “Game-Changers in Technology” and attended the 2015 Bilderberg meeting where AI was a main topic of discussion.

In 2016, Dugan left Google for Facebook where she was chosen to be the first head of Facebook’s own DARPA-equivalent research agency, then known as Building 8. DARPA’s ties to the origins of Facebook were discussed in a recent Unlimited Hangout report. Under Dugan, Building 8 invested heavily in brain-machine interface technology, which has since produced the company’s “neural wearable” wristbands that claim to be able to anticipate movements of the hand and fingers from brain signals alone. Facebook showcased prototypes of the project earlier this year.

Dugan left Facebook just eighteen months after joining Building 8, announcing her plans “to focus on building and leading a new endeavor,” which was apparently a reference to Wellcome Leap. Dugan later said it was as if she had been training for her role at Wellcome Leap ever since entering the workforce, framing it as the pinnacle of her career. When asked in an interview earlier this year who the clients of Wellcome Leap are, Dugan gave a long-winded answer but essentially responded that the project serves the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, international organizations such as the UN, and public-private partnerships.

In addition to her role at Wellcome, Dugan is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations-sponsored taskforce on US Technology and Innovation policy, which was formed in 2019. Other members include LinkedIn’s Reid Hoffman, McKinsey Institute Global Chairman James Manyika, former head of Google Eric Schmidt and President Biden’s controversial top science adviser Eric Lander.

The other executive at Wellcome Leap, chief operating officer Ken Gabriel, has a background closely tied to Dugan’s. Gabriel, like Dugan, is a former program manager at DARPA, where he led the agency’s microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) research from 1992 to 1996. He served as deputy director of DARPA from 1995 to 1996 and became director of the Electronics Technology Office from 1996 to 1997, where he was reportedly responsible for about half of all federal electronics-technology investments. At DARPA, Gabriel worked closely with the FBI and the CIA.

Gabriel left DARPA for Carnegie Mellon University, where he was in charge of the Office for Security Technologies in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. That office was created after 9/11 specifically to help meet the national-security needs of the federal government, according to Carnegie Mellon’s announcement of the program. Around that same time, Gabriel became regarded as “the architect of the MEMS industry” due to his past work at DARPA and his founding of the MEMS-focused semiconductor company Akustica in 2002. He served as Akustica’s chairman and chief technology officer until 2009, at which time he returned to work at DARPA where he served as the agency’s deputy director, working directly under Regina Dugan.

In 2012, Gabriel followed Dugan to Google’s Advanced Technology and Products Group, which he was actually responsible for creating. According to Gabriel, Google cofounders Larry Page and Sergey Brin tasked Gabriel with creating “a private sector ground-up model of DARPA” out of Motorola Mobility. Regina Dugan was placed in charge, and Gabriel again served as her deputy. In 2013, Dugan and Gabriel co-wrote a piece for the Harvard Business Review about how DARPA’s “Special Forces” innovation approach could revolutionize both the public and private sectors if more widely applied. Gabriel left Google in 2014, well before Dugan, to serve as the president and CEO of Charles Stark Draper Laboratories, better known as Draper Labs, which develops “innovative technology solutions” for the national-security community, with a focus on biomedical systems, energy, and space technology. Gabriel held that position until he abruptly resigned in 2020 to co-lead Wellcome Leap with Dugan.

In addition to his role at Wellcome, Gabriel is also a World Economic Forum “technology pioneer” and on the board of directors of Galvani Bioelectronics, a joint venture of GlaxoSmithKline, which is intimately linked to the Wellcome Trust, and the Google subsidiary Verily. Galvani focuses on the development of “bioelectronic medicines” that involve “implant-based modulation of neural signals” in an overt push by the pharmaceutical industry and Silicon Valley to normalize transhumanist “medicines.” The longtime chairman of the board of Galvani, on which Gabriel serves, was Moncef Slaoui, who led the US COVID-19 vaccine development and distribution program Operation Warp Speed. Slaoui was relieved of his position at Galvani this past March over well-substantiated claims of sexual harassment.

Jeremy Farrar, Pandemic Narrative Manager

While Dugan and Gabriel ostensibly lead the outfit, Wellcome Leap is the brainchild of Jeremy Farrar and Mike Ferguson, who serve as its directors. Farrar is the director of the Wellcome Trust itself, and Ferguson is deputy chair of the Trust’s board of governors. Farrar has been director of the Wellcome Trust since 2013 and has been actively involved in critical decision making at the highest level globally since the beginning of the COVID crisis. He is also an agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum and cochaired the WEF’s Africa meeting in 2019.

Farrar’s Wellcome Trust is also a WEF strategic partner and cofounded the COVID Action Platform with the WEF. Farrar was more recently behind the creation of Wellcome’s COVID-Zero initiative, which is also tied to the WEF. Farrar has framed that initiative as “an opportunity for companies to advance the science which will eventually reduce business disruption.” Thus far it has convinced titans of finance, including Mastercard and Citadel, to invest millions in research and development at organizations favored by the Wellcome Trust.

Some of Wellcome’s controversial medical-research projects in Africa, as well as its ties to the UK eugenics movement, were explored in a December article published at Unlimited Hangout. That report also explores the intimate connections of Wellcome to the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, the use of which has now been restricted or banned in several countries. As mentioned in the introduction, the Wellcome Trust itself is the subject of an upcoming Unlimited Hangout investigation (Part 2).

Jeremy Farrar, who was born in Singapore in 1961, had previously been director of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Ho Chi Minh City, beginning in 1998. During that time, he authored numerous epidemiological research papers. He claimed in a 2014 Financial Times article that his decision to move to Vietnam was due to his disdain for conference halls full of white men. Southeast Asia was obviously a much less regulated environment for someone in the medical-research industry wishing to indulge in groundbreaking research. Although based in Vietnam, Farrar was sent by Oxford to various locations around the globe to study epidemics happening in real time. In 2009, when swine flu was wreaking havoc in Mexico, Farrar jumped on a plane to dive right into the action, something he also did for subsequent global outbreaks of EbolaMERS, and avian flu.

Over the past year, many questions have arisen regarding exactly how much power Farrar wields over global public health policy. Recently, the US president’s chief medical adviser, Anthony Fauci, was forced to release his emails and correspondence from March and April 2020 at the request of the Washington Post. The released emails reveal what appears to be a high-level conspiracy by some of the top medical authorities in the US to falsely claim that COVID-19 could only have been of zoonotic origin, despite indications to the contrary. The emails were heavily redacted as such emails usually are, supposedly to protect the information of the people involved, but the “(b)(6)” redactions also protect much of Jeremy Farrar’s input into these discussions. Chris Martenson, economic researcher and post-doctorate student of neurotoxicology and founder of Peak Prosperity, has had some insightful comments on the matter, including asking why such protection has been offered to Farrar given that he is the director of a “charitable trust.” Martenson went on to question why the Wellcome Trust was involved at all in these high-level discussions.

One Fauci email, dated February 25, 2020, and sent by Amelie Rioux of the WHO, stated that Jeremy Farrar’s official role at that time was “to act as the board’s focal point on the COVID-19 outbreak, to represent and advise the board on the science of the outbreak and the financing of the response.” Farrar had previously chaired the WHO’s Scientific Advisory Council. The emails also show the preparation, within a ten-day period, of the SARS-CoV-2 “‘origins” paper, which was entitled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” and was accepted for publication by Nature Medicine on March 17, 2020. The paper claimed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus could only have come from natural origins as opposed to gain-of-function research, a claim once held as gospel in the mainstream but which has come under considerable scrutiny in recent weeks.

Shaping the presentation of an origin story for a virus of global significance is something Farrar has been involved with before. In 2004–5, it was reported that Farrar and his Vietnamese colleague Tran Tinh Hien, the vice director at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, were the first to identify the re-emergence of the avian flu (H5N1) in humans. Farrar has recounted the origin story on many occasions, stating: “It was a little girl. She caught it from a pet duck that had died and she’d dug up and reburied. She survived.” According to Farrar, this experience prompted him to found a global network in conjunction with the World Health Organization to “improve local responses to disease outbreaks.”

An article published by Rockefeller University Press’s Journal of Experimental Medicine in 2009 is dramatically titled, “Jeremy Farrar: When Disaster Strikes.” Farrar, when referring to the H5N1 origin story stated: “The WHO people—and this is not a criticism—decided it was unlikely that the child had SARS or avian influenza. They left, but Professor Hien stayed behind to talk with the child and her mum. The girl admitted that she had been quite sad in the previous days with the death of her pet duck. The girl and her brother had fought over burying the duck and, because of this argument, she had gone back, dug up the duck, and reburied it—probably so her brother wouldn’t know where it was buried. With that history, Professor Hien phoned me at home and said he was worried about the child. He took some swabs from the child’s nose and throat and brought them back to the hospital. That night the laboratory ran tests on the samples, and they were positive for Influenza A.”

With Farrar now having been revealed as an instrumental part of the team that crafted the official story regarding the origins of SARS-CoV-2, his previous assertions about the origin of past epidemics should be scrutinized.

As the director of a “charitable trust,” Jeremy Farrar is almost completely unaccountable for his involvement in crafting controversial narratives related to the COVID crisis. He continues to be at the forefront of the global response to COVID, in part by launching the Wellcome Leap Fund for “unconventional projects, funded at scale” as an overt attempt to create a global and “charitable” version of DARPA. Indeed, Farrar, in conceiving Wellcome Leap, has positioned himself to be just as, if not more, instrumental in building the foundation for the post-COVID era as he was in building the foundation for the COVID crisis itself. This is significant as Wellcome Leap CEO Regina Dugan has labeled COVID-19 this generation’s “Sputnik moment” that will launch a new age of “health innovation,” much like the launching of Sputnik started a global technological “space age.” Wellcome Leap fully intends to lead the pack.

“Rulers” of the Gene-Sequencing Industry

In contrast to the overt DARPA, Silicon Valley, and Wellcome connections of the others, the chairman of the board of directors of Wellcome Leap, Jay Flatley, has a different background. Flatley is the long-time head of Illumina, a California-based gene-sequencing hardware and software giant that is believed to currently dominate the field of genomics. Though he stepped down from the board of Illumina in 2016, he has continued to serve as the executive chairman of its board of directors. Flatley was the first to be chosen for a leadership position at Wellcome Leap, and he was responsible for suggesting Regina Dugan for the organization’s chief executive officer, according to a recent interview given by Dugan.

As a profile on Illumina in the business magazine Fast Company notes, Illumina “operates behind the scenes, selling hardware and services to companies and research institutions,” among them 23andMe. 23andMe’s CEO, Anne Wojcicki, the sister of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki and the wife of Google cofounder Sergey Brin, told Fast CompanyIt’s crazy. Illumina is like the ruler of this whole universe and no one knows that.” The report notes that 23andMe, like most companies that offer DNA sequencing and analysis to consumers, uses machines produced by Illumina.

In 2016, Illumina launched an “aggressive” five-year plan to “bring genomics out of research labs and into doctors’ offices.” Given the current state of things, particularly the global push toward gene-focused vaccines and therapies, that plan, which concludes this year, could not have been any better timed. Illumina’s current CEO, Francis DeSouza, previously held key posts at Microsoft and Symantec. Also in 2016, Illumina’s executive teams forecast a future in which humans are gene tested from birth to grave for both health and commercial purposes.

Whereas most companies have struggled financially during the coronavirus pandemic, some have seen a massive increase in profits. Illumina has witnessed its share price double since the start of the COVID crisis. The company’s $1 billion plus in profits during the last tax year was obviously helped by the quick approval of the NovaSEQ 6000 machines, which can test a large number of COVID samples more quickly than other devices. An individual machine has a hefty price tag of almost $1 million, and thus they are mostly found at elite facilitiesprivate labs, and top-tier universities.

In addition to his long-standing leadership role at Illumina, Jay Flatley is also a “digital member” of the World Economic Forum as well as the lead independent director of Zymergen, a WEF “tech pioneer” company that is “rethinking biology and reimagining the world.” Flatley, who has also attended several Davos meetings, has addressed the WEF on the “promise of precision [i.e., gene-specific] medicine.” At another WEF panel meeting, Flatley, alongside UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, promoted the idea of making genomic sequencing of babies at birth the norm, claiming it had “the potential to shift the healthcare system from reactive to preventative.” Some at the panel called for the genomic sequencing of infants to eventually become mandatory.

Aside from Flatley as an individual, Illumina as a company is a WEF partner and plays a key role in its platform regarding the future of health care. A top Illumina executive also serves on the WEF’s Global Future Council on Biotechnology.


Wellcome Leap currently has four programs: Multi-Stage Psych, Delta Tissue, 1KD, and HOPE. HOPE was the first program to be announced by Wellcome Leap and stands for Human Organs, Physiology and Engineering. According to the full program description, HOPE aims “to leverage the power of bioengineering to advance stem cells, organoids, and whole organ systems and connections that recapitulate human physiology in vitro and restore vital functions in vivo.”

HOPE consists of two main program goals. First, it seeks to “bioengineer a multiorgan platform that recreates human immunological responses with sufficient fidelity to double the predictive value of a preclinical trial with respect to efficacy, toxicity and immunogenicity for therapeutic interventions.” In other words, this bioengineered platform mimicking human organs would be used to test the effects of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, which could create a situation in which animal trials are replaced with trials on gene-edited and farmed organs. Though such an advance would certainly be helpful in the sense of reducing often unethical animal experimentation, trusting such a novel system to allow medical treatments to go straight to the human-testing phase would also require trusting the institutions developing that system and its funders.

As it stands now, the Wellcome Trust has too many ties to corrupt actors in the pharmaceutical industry, having originally begun as the “philanthropic” arm of UK drug giant GlaxoSmithKline, for anyone to trust what they are producing without actual independent confirmation, given the histories of some of their partners in fudging both animal and human clinical trial data for vaccines and other products.

The second goal of HOPE is to open up the use of machine-human hybrid organs for transplantation into human beings. That goal focuses on restoring “organ functions using cultivated organs or biological/synthetic hybrid systems” with the later goal of bioengineering a fully transplantable human organ after several years.

Later on in the program description, however, the interest in merging the synthetic and biological becomes clearer when it states: “The time is right to foster synergies between organoids, bioengineering and immunoengineering technologies, and advance the state-of-the-art of in vitro human biology . . . by building controllable, accessible and scalable systems.” The program description document also notes the interest of Wellcome in genetic-engineering approaches for the “enhancement of desired properties and insertion of traceable markers” and Wellcome’s ambition to reproduce the building blocks of the human immune system and human organ systems through technological means.

Transhumanist Toddlers?

The second program to be pursued by Wellcome Leap is called “The First 1000 Days: Promoting Healthy Brain Networks,” which is abbreviated as 1KD by the organization. It is arguably the most unsettling program because it seeks to use young children, specifically infants from three months to three-year-old toddlers, as its test subjects. The program is being overseen by Holly Baines, who previously served as strategy development lead for the Wellcome Trust before joining Wellcome Leap as the 1KD program leader.

1KD is focused on developing “objective, scalable ways to assess a child’s cognitive health” by monitoring the brain development and function of infants and toddlers, allowing practitioners to “risk-stratify children” and “predict responses to interventions” in developing brains.

The program description document notes that, up to this point in history, “our primary window into the developing brain has been neuroimaging techniques and animal models, which can help identify quantitative biomarkers of [neural] network health and characterise network differences underlying behaviours.” It then states that advances in technology “are opening additional possibilities in young infants.”

The program description goes on to say that artificial neural networks, a form of AI, “have demonstrated the viability of modelling network pruning process and the acquisition of complex behaviours in much the same way as a developing brain,” while improvements in machine learning, another subset of AI, can now be used to extract “meaningful signals” from the brains of infants and young children. These algorithms can then be used to develop “interventions” for young children deemed by other algorithms to be in danger of having underdeveloped brain function.

The document goes on to note the promise of “low-cost mobile sensors, wearables and home-based systems” in “providing a new opportunity to assess the influence and dependency of brain development on natural physical and social interactions.” In other words, this program seeks to use “continuous visual and audio recordings in the home” as well as wearable devices on children to collect millions upon millions of data points. Wellcome Leap describes these wearables as “relatively unobtrusive, scalable electronic badges that collect visual, auditory and motion data as well as interactive features (such as turn-taking, pacing and reaction times).” Elsewhere in the document there is a call to develop “wearable sensors that assess physiological measures predictive of brain health (e.g., electrodermal activity, respiratory rate, and heart rate) and wireless wearable EEG or eye-tracking technology” for use in infants and children three and under.

Like other Wellcome Leap programs, this technology is being developed with the intention of making it mainstream in medical science within the next five to ten years, meaning that this system—although framed as a way to monitor children’s brain functioning to improve cognitive outcomes—is a recipe for total surveillance of babies and very young children as well as a means for altering their brain functioning as algorithms and Leap’s programmers see fit.

1DK has two main program goals. The first is to “develop a fully integrated model and quantitive measurement tools of network development in the first 1000 days [of life], sufficient to predict EF [executive function] formation before a child’s first birthday.” Such a model, the description reads, “should predict contributions of nutrition, the microbiome and the genome” on brain formation as well as the effects of “sensimotor and social interactions [or lack thereof] on network pruning processes” and EF outcomes. The second goal makes it clear that widespread adoption of such neurological-monitoring technologies in young children and infants is the endgame for 1DK. It states that the program plans to “create scalable methods for optimising promotion, prevention, screening and therapeutic interventions to improve EF by at least 20% in 80% of children before age 3.”

True to the eugenicist ties of the Wellcome Trust (to be explored more in-depth in Part 2), Wellcome Leap’s 1DK notes that “of interest are improvements from underdeveloped EF to normative or from normative to well-developed EF across the population to deliver the broadest impact.” One of the goals of 1DK is thus not treating disease or addressing a “global health public challenge” but instead experimenting on the cognitive augmentation of children using means developed by AI algorithms and invasive surveillance-based technology.

Another unsettling aspect of the program is its plan to “develop an in vitro 3D brain assembloid that replicates the time formation” of a developing brain that is akin to the models developed by monitoring the brain development of infants and children. Later on, the program description calls this an “in-silico” model of a child’s brain, something of obvious interest to transhumanists who see such a development as a harbinger of the so-called singularity. Beyond that, it appears that this in-silico and thus synthetic model of the brain is planned to be used as the “model” to which infant and children brains are shaped by the “therapeutic interventions” mentioned elsewhere in the program description.

It should be clear how sinister it is that an organization that brings together the worst “mad scientist” impulses of both the NGO and military-research worlds is openly planning to conduct such experiments on the brains of babies and toddlers, viewing them as datasets and their brains as something to be “pruned” by machine “intelligence.” Allowing such a program to advance unimpeded without pushback from the public would mean permitting a dangerous agenda targeting society’s youngest and most vulnerable members to potentially advance to a point where it is difficult to stop.

A “Tissue Time Machine”

The third and second-most recent program to join the Wellcome Leap lineup is called Delta Tissue, abbreviated by the organization as ΔT. Delta Tissue aims to create a platform that monitors changes in human-tissue function and interactions in real time, ostensibly to “explain the status of a disease in each person and better predict how that disease would progress.” Referring to this platform as a “tissue time machine,” Wellcome Leap sees Delta Tissue as being able to predict the onset of disease before it occurs while also allowing for medical interventions that “are targeted to the individual.”

Well before the COVID era, precision medicine or medicine “targeted or tailored to the individual” has been a code phrase for treatments based on patients’ genetic data and/or for treatments that alter nucleic acid (e.g., DNA and RNA) function itself. For instance, the US government defines “precision medicine” as “an emerging approach for disease treatment and prevention that takes into account individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle for each person.” Similarly, a 2018 paper published in Technology notes that, in oncology, “precision and personalized medicine . . . fosters the development of specialized treatments for each specific subtype of cancer, based on the measurement and manipulation of key patient genetic and omic data (transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, etc.).”

Prior to COVID-19 and the vaccine roll outs, the mRNA vaccine technology used by the DARPA-funded companies Moderna and Pfizer were marketed as being precision medicine treatments and were largely referred to as “gene therapies” in media reports. They were also promoted heavily as a revolutionary method of treating cancer, making it unsurprising that the Delta Tissue program at Wellcome Leap would use a similar justification to develop a program that aims to offer tailored gene therapies to people before the onset of a disease.

This Delta Tissue platform works to combine “the latest cell and tissue profiling technologies with recent advances in machine learning,” that is, AI. Given Wellcome Leap’s connections to the US military, it is worth noting that the Pentagon and Google, both former employers of Wellcome Leap CEO Regina Dugan and COO Ken Gabriel, have been working together since last September on using AI to predict disease in humans, first focusing on cancer before expanding to COVID-19 and every disease in between. The Delta Tissue program appears to have related ambitions, as its program description makes clear that the program ultimately aims to use its platform for a host of cancers and infectious diseases.

The ultimate goal of this Wellcome Leap program is “to eradicate the stubbornly challenging diseases that cause so much suffering around the world.” It plans to do this through AI algorithms, however, which are never 100 percent accurate in their predictive ability, and with gene-editing treatments, nearly all of which are novel and have not been well tested. That latter point is important given that one of the main methods for gene-editing in humans, CRISPR, has been found in numerous studies to cause considerable damage to the DNA, damage that is largely irreparable (see herehere and here). It seems plausible that a person placed on such a hi-tech medical treatment path will continue to need a never-ending series of gene-editing treatments and perhaps other invasive hi-tech treatments to mitigate and manage the effects of clumsy gene splicing.

Total Surveillance to Treat “Depression”

Wellcome Leap’s most recent program, launched just this week, is called “Multi-Channel Psych: Revealing Mechanisms of Anhedonia” and is officially focused on creating “complex, biological” treatments for depression.

Those behind Wellcome Leap frame the problem they aim to tackle with this program as follows:

“We understand that synaptic connections serve as the currency of neural communication, and that strengthening or weakening these connections can facilitate learning new behavioral strategies and ways of looking at the world. Through studies in both animal models and humans, we have discovered that emotional states are encoded in complex neural network activity patterns, and that directly changing these patterns via brain stimulation can shift mood. We also know that disruption of these delicately balanced networks can lead to neuropsychiatric illness.” (emphasis added)

They add that “biologically based treatments” for depression “are not being matched to the biology of the human beings they’re being used in,” and, thus, treatments for depression need to be tailored “to the specific biology” of individual patients. They clearly state that what needs to be addressed in order to make such personal modifications to treatment is to gain “easy access to the biological substrate of depression—i.e. the brain.”

Wellcome Leap’s program description notes that this effort will focus specifically on anhedonia, which it defines as “an impairment in the effort-based reward system” and as a “key symptom of depression and other neuropsychiatric illnesses.” Notably, in the fine print of the document, Wellcome Leap states:

“While there are many definitions of anhedonia, we are less interested in the investigation of reduced consummatory pleasure, the general experience of pleasure, or the inability to experience pleasure. Rather, as per the description above, we will prioritize investigations of anhedonia as it relates to impairments in the effort-based reward systeme.g. reduced motivation to complete tasks and decreased capacity to apply effort to achieve a goal.” 

In other words, Wellcome Leap is only interested in treating aspects of depression that interfere with an individual’s ability to work, not in improving an individual’s quality or enjoyment of life.

Leap notes, in discussing its goals, that it seeks to develop models for how patients respond to treatments that include “novel or existing behavior modification, psychotherapy, medication, and neurostimulation options” while also capturing an individual’s “genome, phenome [the sum of an individual’s phenotypic traits], [neural] network connectivity, metabolome [the sum of an individual’s metabolic traits], microbiome, reward processing plasticity levels,” among others. It ultimately aims to predict the relationship between an individual’s genome to how “reward processing” functions in the brain. It implies that the data used to create this model should involve the use of wearables, stating that researchers “should seek to leverage high frequency patient-worn or in-home measurements in addition to those obtained in the clinic, hospital or laboratory.”

One of the main research areas included in the program looks to “develop new scalable measurement tools for reliable and high-density quantification of mood (both subjectively reported and objectively quantified via biometrics such as voice, facial expression, etc.), sleep, movement, reward system functioning, effort/motivation/energy levels, social interaction, caloric intake, and HPA axis output in real-world situations.” The HPA (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal) axis is mentioned throughout the document, and this is significant as it is both a negative and positive feedback system regulating the mechanisms of stress reactions, immunity, and also fertility in the human body. The latter is especially important given the Wellcome Trust’s ties to the UK eugenics movement. It is also worth noting that some commercially available wearables, such as Amazon’s Halo, already quantify mood, sleep, and movement.

The program’s authors go even further than the above in terms of what they wish to monitor in real time, stating, “We specifically encourage the development of non-invasive technology to directly interrogate human brain state.” Examples include “a non-invasive spinal tap equivalent,” “behavioral or biomarker probes of neural plasticity,” and “single-session neural monitoring capabilities that define a treatment-predictive brain state.”

In other words, this Wellcome Leap program and its authors seek to develop “non-invasive” and, likely, wearable technology capable of monitoring an individual’s mood, facial expressions, social interactions, effort and motivation, and potentially even thoughts in order to “directly interrogate human brain state.” To think that such a device would stay only in the realm of research is naive, especially given that WEF luminaries have openly spoken at Davos meetings about how governments plan to use such technology widely on their populations as a means of pre-emptively targeting would-be dissent and ushering in an era of “digital dictatorships.”

The focus on treating only the aspects of depression that interfere with a person’s work further suggests that such technology, once developed, would be used to ensure “perfect worker” behavior in industries where human workers are rapidly being replaced with AI and machines, meaning the rulers can be more selective about which people continue to be employed and which do not. Like other Wellcome Leap programs, if completed, the fruits of the Multi-Channel Psych program will likely be used to ensure a population of docile automatons whose movements and thoughts are heavily surveilled and monitored.

The Last Leap for an Old Agenda

Wellcome Leap is no small endeavor, and its directors have the funding, influence, and connections to make their dreams reality. The organization’s leadership includes the key force behind Silicon Valley’s push to commercialize transhumanist tech (Regina Dugan), the “architect” of the MEMS industry (Ken Gabriel), and the “ruler” of the burgeoning genetic-sequencing industry (Jay Flatley). It also benefits from the funding of the world’s largest medical-research foundation, the Wellcome Trust, which is also one of the leading forces in shaping genetics and biotechnology research as well as health policy globally.

1994 Sunday Times investigation into the Trust noted that “through [Wellcome Trust] grants and sponsorships, government agencies, universities, hospitals and scientists are influenced all over the world. The trust distributes more money to institutions than even the British government’s Medical Research Council.”

It then notes:

“In offices on the building’s first floor, decisions are reached that affect lives and health on scales comparable with minor wars. In the conference room, high above the street, and in the meeting hall, in the basement, rulings in biotechnology and genetics are handed down that will help shape the human race.”

Little has changed regarding the Trust’s influence since that article was published. If anything, its influence on research paths and decisions that will “shape the human race” has only grown. Its ex-DARPA officials, who have spent their careers advancing transhumanist technology in both the public and private sectors, have overlapping goals with those off Wellcome Leap. Dugan’s and Gabriel’s commercial projects in Silicon Valley reveal that Leap is led by those who have long sought to advance the same technology for profit and for surveillance. This drastically weakens Wellcome Leap’s claim to now be pursuing such technologies to only improve “global health.”

Indeed, as this report has shown, most of these technologies would usher in a deeply disturbing era of mass surveillance over both the external and internal activities of human beings, including young children and infants, while also creating a new era of medicine based largely on gene-editing therapies, the risks of which are considerable and also consistently downplayed by its promoters.

When one understands the intimate bond that has long existed between eugenics and transhumanism, Wellcome Leap and its ambitions make perfect sense. In a recent article written by John Klyczek for Unlimited Hangout, it was noted that the first director general of UNESCO and former president of the UK Eugenics Society was Julian Huxley, who coined the term “transhumanism” in his 1957 book New Bottles for New Wine. As Klyczek wrote, Huxley argued that “the eugenic goals of biologically engineering human evolution should be refined through transhumanist technologies, which combine the eugenic methods of genetic engineering with neurotech that merges humans and machines into a new organism.”

Earlier, in 1946, Huxley noted in his vision for UNESCO that it was essential that “the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable,” an astounding statement to make so soon after the end of World War II. Thanks in large part to the Wellcome Trust and its influence on both policy and medical research over the course of several decades, Huxley’s dream of rehabilitating eugenics-infused science in the post–World War II era could soon become reality. Unsurprisingly, the Wellcome Trust hosts the archive of the formerly Huxley-led Eugenics Society and still boasts close ties to its successor organization, the Galton Institute.

The over-riding question is: Will we allow ourselves to continue to be manipulated into allowing transhumanism and eugenics to be openly pursued and normalized, including through initiatives like those of Wellcome Leap that seek to use babies and toddlers as test subjects to advance their nightmarish vision for humanity? If well-crafted advertising slogans and media campaigns painting visions of utopia such as “a world without disease” are all that is needed to convince us to give up our future and our children’s future to military operatives, corporate executives, and eugenicists, then there is little left of our humanity to surrender.

Author’s note: Johnny Vedmore contributed to this report.


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See related: Whitney Webb in conversation with Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond

The Lab Leak Psyop and the Truth About COVID-19

The Lab Leak Psyop and the Truth About COVID-19

by Gary Jordan, Wake TF Up Weekly
June 25, 2021


Our friends in the alternative media have rejected the official mainstream and government narrative on every major topic of the last 100 years. They’ve refused to believe the rubber-stamped accounts of the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks, the John F. Kennedy assassination, the war in Syria, the Oklahoma bombing, the Sandy Hook school shooting, the Jewish Holocaust, the Moon Landings and the death of Jeffrey Epstein, among other subjects. In most cases, their repudiation of the official story has been justified and they have been bravely unwavering in their disavowal of the corporate media rhetoric, sometimes to the detriment of their reputations and careers. Vociferously and consistently, they have challenged the official story.

So why now are many of them doing an about-face, going along with the government-backed, MSM-pushed Wuhan Lab Leak theory? Don’t they know that the most far-fetched conspiracy theories are those that are promoted by the Deep State? Don’t they know that the most baseless and ludicrous of fabricated disinformation campaigns are born of government and disseminated by the mainstream media? QAnon is one example – a movement shown to have ties to US military intelligence and Big Tech. The lab leak tale is the latest.

Who would have thought that we would see We Are Change’s Luke Rudkowski, for example, on the same page as Mockingbird characters like Jon Stewart, who now appears regularly on prime time TV shows in the US, propagandizing the fictitious lab leak myth?! Who would have thought that the journalists of the Guardian newspaper would find common ground with the editors of Summit News, as both outlets promote the latest psychological manipulation of the masses?

It is all simply an effort to convince the population that SARS-COV-2 and COVID-19 exist.

They don’t.

Almost a year ago, I wrote a book called The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies. Even back then, in the very early stages of the pandemic hoax, there was a dearth of evidence to show that the SARS-COV-2 virus, far from been made in a lab, was instead made up in someone’s mind. Why bother to go to all the trouble and hard work of engineering a virus, when you can create the illusion of one? Why the necessity of releasing a wayward virus among the nations of the world, when you can just create the perception of one, leaving you in complete control of it?! The idea that there is a deadly virus raging rampant throughout our planet has proven to be enough to convince billions of people that they should line up for an emergency use, unapproved, experimental, gene therapy, which of course, has always been the end goal. No lab leak necessary. Incessant propaganda and government lies get the job done in a more efficient and timely manner than any manufactured infectious agent ever could.

Even if we were to suspend disbelief for a moment and imagine that there was a conspiracy to discharge a lethal microorganism into the world, with the aim of depopulating the planet, killing off huge swathes of the population – wouldn’t you, if it was you had funded the dastardly plan, be asking for a refund now? I know, if I had purchased a made-to-order pathogen and it turned out to have a 99.97% survival rate among those who were infected and was only efficacious when it came to killing octogenarians in nursing homes, I sure would. I’d be pretty pissed to think that I’d paid to have a virus created that is less deadly than regular influenza. Damn right, I’d want my money back.

We’re expected to believe that Dr. Anthony Fauci is responsible for the lab leak. We’re told that this man, who was outed via FOIA requests made by Buzzfeed – an organisation that has been closely involved with a government-funded information warfare group called Open Technology Fund – and the Washington Post – owned by Jeff Bezos, who has profited immensely from the pandemic hoax – is culpable for the 3.9 million deaths that have supposedly occurred worldwide since the beginning of the pandemic. That’s 1300 times more people than Osama Bin Laden was accused of killing on 9/11. With Bin Laden, we bombed entire nations in oblivion, killed him and threw his body into the sea. But with Fauci, we’re going to pass the Fire Fauci Act, and he’ll be handed a pink slip, forcing him into retirement. What a horrible, cruel punishment for an 80-year-old multi-millionaire, who supposedly helped kill millions of people.

Who writes this stuff? And how do some people who are supposedly investigative journalists fall for it?

As well as the crew at Buzzfeed and the Washington Post, there are others in the media industry pushing this scam. One, in particular, is Michael R. Gordon. of the Wall Street Journal. Gordon has been lying on behalf of his handlers for decades. He holds the distinction of being one of the very first journalists in the world to allege the existence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In a September 8th 2002 article titled ‘US Says Hussein Intensifies Quest For A-Bomb Parts’, Gordon cited anonymous sources. Today he is citing undisclosed intelligence reports as proof of the Wuhan hoax. We all know how reliable his WMD sources were 19 years ago, yet still, there are those in the independent media who advance his pseudo-journalism today, buying into the latest psyop.

With all this in mind, and in the knowledge that the mainstream media, and seemingly some within the alternative media, want us distracted, believing that COVID-19 does indeed exist, it’s important to remember a few points – most of which are covered in greater detail in my book.

By the admission of the CDC, SARS-COV-2 has never been isolated. It has never ever been proven to exist. Koch’s postulates have not been performed, as they should be to identify any new virus.

-Despite (allegedly) hundreds of millions of cases of COVID-19, there does not exist any electron microscope (EM) photograph of the SARS-COV-2 virus. What we have seen so far, are a handful of digitally simulated images and artists renderings.

-The diagnosis of COVID-19 is based on a PCR test. Hundreds of millions of cases have been ‘confirmed’ using this method. The PCR test is not reliable, should not be used to diagnose illness (according to its inventor, Kary Mullis) and has even been called into question by the World Health Organization. Therefore, the hundreds of millions of diagnosed cases, which have sparked mass vaccinations and unconstitutional lockdowns, are based on lies.

-Death rates in nations worldwide have remained the same, or in some cases, decreased since the WHOs declaration of a pandemic in March 2020. In the UK, for example, age-standardised mortality rates have been at the lowest level ever recorded. So what has the engineered virus been doing all this time?

– It’s not a new concept. Pandemics have been manufactured before. The 2009 Swine Flu was deliberately designed to foment panic and sell vaccines. This was even acknowledged by Forbes magazine, before they pulled their article in October 2020.

-The vast majority of reported deaths from COVID-19 were of elderly patients who had been moved out of hospitals and transferred into care homes, where they would no longer receive the treatment that was required for the illnesses they were initially hospitalised for. On top of that, it is reported that a huge number of those who died had been on ventilators, which evidently damaged and then blew out their lungs. This has been confirmed by numerous whistleblowers in destinations worldwide such as Italy, the UK and the US, proving that any major wave of death that did occur was due to the genocide of the elderly by government-backed eugenicists, as opposed to the contraction of a deadly contagion.

– Health officials worldwide have instructed hospital staff to label everybody who dies after testing positive for COVID-19 as a COVID-19 death, even if they were sick from other illnesses such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. In some cases, car crash victims and people who had been terminally ill for months have been certified as COVID-19 deaths. This is a deliberate scam, aided by a faulty PCR test, in an effort to boost numbers, turning up the level of fear that little bit more.

Ignoring facts such as these, in favour of an MSM-sponsored conspiracy theory citing the dubious claims of dubious groups and dubious individuals, the so-called independent journalists are doing a disservice to themselves and to their audience.

Until we can develop immunity to the powerful propaganda and the psychological attacks that have been waged upon us, and finally, see what is very plain to be seen – that COVID-19 is a hoax – we will not progress and we will remain in the nightmarish dystopia that has been thrust upon us.

Gary Jordan is author of  The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies



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