In Solidarity With Our Brothers & Sisters Standing for Freedom: Videos of Global Protests Around the World

In Solidarity With Our Brothers & Sisters Standing for Freedom: Videos of Global Protests Around the World


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Many readers from around the world — the majority from Australia  (special thanks to Margaret in Australia who shared many links) — sent videos highlighting the courage and dedication of those who took to the streets yesterday for the Worldwide Freedom Rally.   Because Australians are facing some of the most heavy-handed, draconian attacks right now, the video selection below begins with Australia. 

This post is done in honor of the many courageous people all over the world who continue to stand up on behalf of freedom and truth, regardless of threats and harsh treatment from governments, politicians, ‘medical’ workers and ignorant bureaucrats.

We are including a small sample of videos from around the world. There are far too many countries involved to represent them all here.

If you are participating in the resistance right now, thank you. Please join me in sending loving support and  respect for all who are standing up and leading the way. Thanks to all the filmmakers who do the work to give us a view of events around the world.

To follow the Worldwide Freedom Demonstrations, see their telegram channel or go to their website



by Real Rukshan

Victoria Police ignored multiple pleas by Victorians to allow their peaceful protest against the Andrews government and lockdowns to continue without violence. People marching through Richmond were corralled and kettled by police throughout the day, setting the stage for tense confrontations and violent arrests.

Police had originally planned for a major protest within the CBD, and as per the request of CCP Shane Patton, the Andrews government agreed to shutdown all public transport and create a ring of police-checks around the city. Protesters however thwarted these plans by moving the location of the protest to Richmond instead, therefore catching the police off guard.

This video edit highlights some of the contrasting moments of the day.

A full live feed of unedited footage of my report is available at the following link:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

by Aussie Cossack

Melbourne, Australia. Australian Police attacking an unarmed 70 year old woman by slamming her onto the ground and finishing her off with pepper spray? Well done to Journalist Marty Focker for capturing this footage.

Read related article from Image that SHOCKED a Nation

by Aussie Fighter


With the biggest police presence in 20 years, the government had announced that it was going to completely lock down the city of Melbourne. So when I cycled to the city this morning I was not sure how the planned protest would unfold. Twenty minutes before 12pm I got a message saying the crowds were meeting at Bridge Road in Richmond.

A smaller than usual crowd had found its way there, and as the police advanced from both sides, the crowd took the side streets. The police seemingly backed off at first, but then attempted to block the crowd in from both sides. A stalemate developed as the protesters were slowly crushed into a smaller and smaller area. Forget social distancing.

People then began jumping a fence and this set the march off across the Yarra River towards Kew. The crowd, blocked again, detoured down Barkers street — a cutting through the hillside. For a good camera view, I took to the cycle path above to see a heavy police presence waiting at the bottom of the cutting. More police quickly blocked escape by coming up behind trapping the protestors.

I’m not quite sure what the police expected — but the whole pincer and trapping strategy could only lead to one conclusion: a charge to evade being trapped. The action was inciting ‘action’ — deliberately. You can see in the video how it unfolded.

by Avi Yemini

It’s unclear if The Age & Herald Sun plan to defend their staff injured by police brutality. So far, they’ve only painted police as the victims.

Full @Rebel News report:

by @ETKE21

To the people in Melbourne on the front line today, YOU FREAKIN’ ROCK. There were splinter groups every where, but those who got there first copped the police kettling tactics again, not allowing them to disperse.


by Fearless Nation


Additionally, +2 million in São Paulo and +1 million similarly gathered in other state capitals.


by Free Speech Warrior


New Zealand

by @ETKE21

This video is from an event on September 13th but worth watching for their creative approach to getting the message out.

Zombie March in Whangarei, #NewZealand on Sept 13th – reminds us that Jacinda is leading a Covidian Cult. ( TELEGRAM CHANNEL ” 21st Century Wire (Official)


by Svašta nešto

BEOGRAD, 18.09.2021. [Belgrade, Serbia]

United Kingdom

by Free Speech Warrior

London: Freedom Rally 09/18/2021

by Free Speech Warrior


United States

by Lincoln Karim

Times Square September 18, 2021

by Free Speech Warrior



New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 17, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute, Brighteon, and Rumble channels.

Just days after the 20th anniversary of 9/11, teachers and union workers throughout the state came together in NYC in a “walk out” to demand freedom of choice against mandatory #Covid19 vaccines.


Connect with The HighWire

Join the 4th Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Human Rights, Saturday September 18, 2021

Join the 4th Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Human Rights, Saturday September 18, 2021

via Press Release


The World Wide Rally for Freedom is returning once again.

On Saturday the 18th of September 2021, the People of the International Freedom Movement in more than 40 countries around the world will be taking to the streets in defense of their fundamental Human Rights.

On the 24th of July, our third World Wide Rally For Freedom was our most successful to date, and we are moving from strength to strength to build our movement into a beacon of Freedom for the World.

In its fourth installment, our movement is resolved upon shared objectives, shared principles, and shared solution actions that we invite all people in every nation to stand behind for the future of our society.

We will not allow our inalienable Human Rights to be re-packaged as Human Privileges, to be conditioned upon compliance with Authoritarianism.

Throughout history, Humanity has been tried and tested in difficult times, but in the end, Freedom Always Wins.

We stand for the rights of all people to push back against infringements against their Freedom by joining us.

One Day. Everyone Together. We Will All Be There. We are taking a stand for 5 important Freedoms:
  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom of Movement.

  • Freedom of Choice.
  • Freedom of Assembly.

  • Freedom of Health.
We are advocating for 5 important Objectives:
  • End Lockdowns
  • End Mask Mandates
  • Prevent Vaccine Mandates and Coercion
  • Return to Standard International and Domestic Travel
  • End all State of Emergency Declarations
We are building our Movement upon 5 important Principles:
  • Decentralization
  • Collaboration
  • Community
  • Stability
  • Peace
We are advocating for 5 Solutions:
  • Non-Compliance
  • Empowerment
  • Freedom Preserving Institutions
  • Freedom Culture
  • Shift The Narrative

We call on all opponents of the Coronavirus Restriction policies of their own government to participate in this World-Wide Protest.

We maintain that it is better to be right, than to be in the majority.

We can overcome widespread fear of social disapproval by building new social relationships with people that we align with and by helping people to find new communities to be a part of.

We will welcome those that are ready to change their mind, and to admit that they were wrong about their fear-induced support of tyrannical policies.

We will push back against widespread propaganda, by producing our own media, and advancing our own narrative, instead of succumbing to the one being pushed on us.

We will not accept the rampant politicization of Science and Medicine, and we will return these institutions to being neutral sources of information for the benefit of society, over government and corporate interests.

We see the processes being used to strip the Freedoms of people gradually and incrementally, by leaving restrictions in place after each round of lockdowns, and we will continue to push back against them.

We see that the Coronavirus is rapidly becoming a new Religion of Fear and is being invoked to justify tyranny using the same repressive mechanisms of state control over dress, language, and social interactions that have been used historically in past theocratic regimes.

We will push back against this Religion of Fear with our message of Freedom.

On Saturday September 18th, 2021, we will all once again demonstrate for our Fundamental Human Rights, for our Constitutionally Protected Freedoms, and for the end of the excessive Coronavirus restriction measures.

Now we will stand up. One Day. Everyone Together.

World-Wide Rallies for Freedom will take place in the following Countries: (In Alphabetical Order)




























New Zealand






Puerto Rico

Dominican Republic


South Africa


Trinidad and Tobago



United Kingdom

United States

About us:

In the spring of 2020, we formed an action group in Germany.

We believe that fundamental rights are not privileges, and we stand for peace, freedom, democracy and solidarity.

We are mothers and fathers, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, young and old. We are the People. We are the Society.

We would like to thank those in power for awakening our desire for political self-determination.



Telegram Information Channels:

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage


Images credit: Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find recorded conversation between Max Igan and UK funeral director, John O’Looney.  In this interview, O’Looney details his experience regarding the manipulation and culling of humanity via the ruse of a “covid pandemic”.

Following Max Igan’s introductory questions, John starts out by describing an event that happened at the end of November and beginning of December 2019. He had visited a hospital morgue on behalf of a family who had lost a loved one. The family had complained that the hospital would not allow them to see the deceased. When John inquired at the hospital about the reason for denying the family the ability to view their loved one, he was told that something terrible was coming. He was then taken behind the viewing room doors and was shown a temporary pandemic morgue.

O’Looney explains that sometime in early 2020 he was contacted by the local BBC for an interview. At that point in time, he believed the covid narrative and cooperated with their request, including directives on how to dress. John explains,

“They got the interview they wanted and promoted the hysteria. And I kind of kick myself now because it’s simply not true — any of it. It’s not true.”

Over time, he began to question as he evaluated so many things that didn’t make sense.

“Very soon into 2020, funeral directors began panicking. The death rate wasn’t there. There was no increased death rate. We were seeing deceased that were deliberately labeled with covid, but there wasn’t any increase in numbers at all.”

He describes how he, his wife and the embalmer who worked for him, all ignored the new pandemic procedures for handling bodies. They did not wear masks and continued their usual care in preparing bodies for cremation or burial. They have all remained perfectly healthy, and not one of them has missed a day of work.

O’Looney shares his observations of what happened when all elderly were transferred from hospitals into care homes. He heard about the huge increase in use of midazolam (a strong sedative commonly used in end-of-life/palliative care} at these homes and began to look for evidence that this was true.

“There was a thousand percent increase in midazolam sedative purchased at that time. And there’s an extensive paper trail that documents it very clearly…”

“I suspect thousands of people were killed, euthanized, in these care homes using midazolam…”

“Then as abruptly as that started, it finished.”

O’Looney shares his unfolding awakening to the manipulation of facts and the global crime that was being committed.

“Every death possible was listed as a covid death… I had people come in — really, really upset families because they knew their loved ones had had terminal cancer. And they were terrified that I wouldn’t wash and dress them because they’d been labeled with covid. I had to reassure them, you know, ‘please don’t worry, I will’.”

“So the year 2020 progressed and, apart from that 12-week “cull” that took place — I’m very careful with my words because I know that’s what it was. Statistically, it’s impossible to happen. Viruses don’t target care homes… Despite the great effort they made in care homes to bump the numbers up, overall 2020 was quieter than 2019 for death rate.”

“I began to smell a rat. I said to people I bet the death rate soars in January when they become vaccinated…And we came back to work on the 2nd and on the 6th they began vaccinating. The death rate was extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

View the video to hear John O’Looney’s full testimony and his warnings that humanity must stand up now against this attempt to dominate, harm and “cull” us.


by Max Igan, The CrowHouse
September 15, 2021


Video available at Max Igan’s The CrowHouse Odysee and BitChute channels.

Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services:
John O’Looney’s direct email:


Connect with Max Igan

Holocaust Survivors’ Open Letter: “Stop the Covid Holocaust!”

Holocaust Survivors’ Open Letter: “Stop the Covid Holocaust!”
We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately

by Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar Schafrir, et al., Global Research
September 16, 2021


Sent to:

TGA, Australia,
Medsafe, New Zealand
FMRAC, Canada
AHPRA, Australia


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World  War, feel bound to follow our conscience and write this letter.

It is obvious to us that another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. The majority of the world’s populace do not yet realize what is happening, for magnitude of an organized crime such as this is beyond their scope of experience.

We, however, know. We remember the name Josef Mengele. Some of us have personal  memories. We experience a déjà vu that is so horrifying that we rise to shield our poor  fellow humans. The threatened innocents now include children, and even infants.

In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013—a period of 15.5 years. And people affected worst are between 18 and 64 years old – the group which was not in the Covid statistics.

We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately.

What you call “vaccination” against SARS-Cov-2 is in truth a blasphemic encroachment into nature. Never before has immunization of the entire planet been accomplished by delivering a synthetic mRNA into the human body. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied. The 10 ethical principles in this document represents a foundational code of medical ethics that was formulated during the Nuremberg Doctors Trial to ensure that human beings will never again be subjected to involuntary medical experimentation & procedures.

Principle 1 of the Nuremberg Codex:

(a) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to  make an understanding and enlightened decision.

(b) This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

(c) The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Re (a): There is no question of a free decision. Mass media spread fear and panic and use  the rule of Goebbels’ propaganda by repeating untruths until they are believed. For weeks now they have been calling for the ostracism of the unvaccinated. If 80 years ago it was the Jews who were demonized as spreaders of infectious diseases, today it is the unvaccinated who are being accused of spreading the virus. Physical integrity, freedom to travel, freedom to work, all coexistence has been taken away from people in order to force vaccination upon them. Children are being enticed to get vaccinated against their parents’ judgement.

Re (b): The 22 terrible side effects already listed in the FDA emergency use authorization were not disclosed to the subjects of the experimental trial. We list those below to the benefit of the world public.

By definition, there has never been informed consent. In the meantime, thousands of side effects recorded in numerous databases are on record. While the so-called case numbers are being bleeped in 30-min-intervals by all mass media, there is neither any mentioning of the serious adverse side effects nor how and where the side effects are to be reported. As far as we know, even recorded damages have been deleted on a large scale in every database.

Principle 6 of the Nuremberg Code requires:

“The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment”.

“Vaccination” against Covid has proven to be more dangerous than Covid for approximately 99% of all humans. As documented by Johns Hopkins, in a study of 48,000 children, children are at zero risk from the virus.

Your own data shows that children who are at no risk from the virus, have had heart attacks following vaccination; more than 15,000 have suffered adverse events –including more than 900 serious events. At least 16 adolescents have died following vaccination in the USA. As you are aware, just around 1% are being reported. And the numbers are increasing rapidly as we write. With your knowledge.

Principle 10 of the Nuremberg Code:

“During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.”

Allegedly around 52% of the world population has received at least one shot.Honest disclosure of the true number of “vaccine” injured, terminally injured as well as deceased worldwide is long overdue. These are millions in the meantime. Provide us with the true numbers of Covid vaccine casualties now.

How many will be enough to awaken your conscience?

List of adverse effects being known to FDA before the emergency approval:

1. Guillain-Barré syndrome

2. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

3. Transverse myelitis

4. Encephalitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encepholapathy

5. Convulsions/seizures

6. Stroke

7. Narcolepsy and cataplexy

8. Anaphylaxis

9. Acute myocardial infraction

10. Myocarditis/pericarditis

11. Autoimmune disease

12. Deaths

13. Pregnancy and birth outcomes

14. Other acute demyelinating diseases

15. Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions

16. Thrombocytopenia

17. Disseminated intravascular coagulation

18. Venous thromboembolism

19. Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

20. Kawasaki disease

21. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in CHILDREN

22. Vaccine enhanced disease



Concentration Camp survivors, their sons, and daughters, and grandchildren, including persons of goodwill and conscience.

According to present consents:

Rabbi Hillel Handler
Hagar Schafrir
Sorin Shapira
Mascha Orel
Morry Krispijn
Shimon Yanowitz
Hila Moscovich
Tamir Turgal
Amira Segal
Jacqueline Ingenhoes
Andrea Drescher


Connect with Global Research

cover image credit: dimitrisvetsikas1969 / pixabay

Prof. Niels Harrit: “World War III Started 20 Years Ago”; The Psychological War on Humanity — From 9/11 to Covid-19

Prof. Niels Harrit: “World War III Started 20 Years Ago”; The Psychological War on Humanity — From 9/11 to Covid-19



COVID19/11 – Niels Harrit
Episode Four of Narratives Intertwined

by OffGuardian
September 11, 2021


Episode Four of Narratives Intertwined features Niels Harrit, retired professor of chemistry from the University of Copenhagen.

Professor Harrit is a well-known voice in the alternate media and has published important academic papers on the destruction of the World Trade Center towers. He has also authored articles outlining serious potential flaws in the RT-PCR tests used to diagnose Sars-Cov-2 infection.

In his interview, Prof Harrit discusses how he woke up to the truth of 9/11, the problems with Covid19 narrative, how both are battles in the same psychological war…and what we can do, together, to resist it.

You can read some of Prof. Harrit’s work below.

“Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe” (With Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, Bradley R. Larsen).

“Making something out of nothing”: PCR tests, CT values and false positives.

Prof. Niels Harrit’s testimony to the Toronto Hearings on 9/11.


Connect with OffGuardian

Authoritarianism Pandemic Is the Real Threat

Authoritarianism Pandemic Is the Real Threat

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Prosperity and Freedom
September 6, 2021


Cook County, Illinois, Judge James Shapiro reached a new low in covid tyranny by forbidding Rebecca Firlit from seeing her 11-year-old son until she receives a covid vaccine. Judge Shapiro is not alone in abusing judicial power to force individuals to get vaccinated. Judges across the country have ordered defendants to get covid vaccines, sometimes as a condition of avoiding prison. This outbreak of judicial tyranny is a symptom of the authoritarianism pandemic that is the real threat to America.

Corporations are imposing requirements, including that employees show proof of vaccination, pay more for health insurance if they have not had a covid vaccine, and undergo regular (in some cases weekly) covid tests. An increasing number of state and local governments are requiring their employees and even people working in some private jobs to take covid vaccines, as well as imposing vaccine passport requirements on people generally.

President Biden has urged employers to implement vaccine mandates, and government is working with its big tech allies to develop “model” vaccine passports.

Government approved model vaccine requirements combined with government officials encouraging their adoption send the message to businesses that imposing vaccine requirements on their employees, and maybe their customers as well, is a good way to stay in the politicians and bureaucrats’ good graces.

An effective way for the US government to “encourage” adoption of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports is denying federal funds to businesses, states, local governments, and other institutions that refuse to require employees, customers, or other people to prove they are vaccinated. This will result in vaccine requirements while enabling government to claim it is not forcing vaccines on anyone.

President Biden is already planning for the US government denying Medicare and Medicaid funding to nursing homes that do not require their employees to prove they are vaccinated. This could result in staff shortages at nursing homes. A short-staffed nursing home poses a much greater risk to residents than a nursing home with a staff comprised of healthy, unvaccinated individuals. Texas is experiencing a nursing shortage thanks in part to hospitals firing unvaccinated nurses.

Health care workers have good reason to resist vaccine mandates. Many individuals have died or suffered other adverse effects — including miscarriages — after receiving a vaccine.

Some people try to justify vaccine mandates and vaccine passports by saying that, by risking infecting others, unvaccinated individuals endanger other people. However, the federal Centers for Disease Control recently admitted that covid vaccines do not prevent the spread of infections. In addition, the claim that we are having a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” relies on data collected from early in the year — before many Americans had taken covid vaccines.

An important objection is that, if government can force people to take a potentially dangerous vaccine to protect against a hypothetical harm to others, the same reasoning would support the imposing of many additional liberty violations. These could include, for example, “red flag” laws and other forms of gun control, restrictions on access to “extremist” ideas, or a system of mass surveillance to prevent possible future acts of violence. The argument that government can use force to prevent hypothetical harms renders restraint on government power meaningless.

It is imperative that we support the growing resistance to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. We must also expand the resistance to covid authoritarianism to resistance to all forms of government infringements on liberty.


Connect with Ron Paul Institute

cover image credit: kalhh / pixabay

The Circular Nature of Reporting on the ‘Covid’ Narrative Propaganda: It Perpetuates the Lies

The Circular Nature of Reporting on the ‘Covid’ Narrative Propaganda: It Perpetuates the Lies

by Gary D. Barnett
September 4, 2021


“This was a tall order, and one could criticize it on the grounds that it was somewhat circular: how can you justify your methods of reasoning on the basis of those same methods of reasoning? It is like lifting yourself up by your own bootstraps.”  Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

One of the aspects of the perpetuation of tyranny during this scam called the ‘Covid pandemic,’ is the “too smart by half” approach, which leads to a circular argument against a circular narrative. In this instance, nothing is ever fully refuted, little is ever achieved; the result being the promotion of the original narrative. This is very common concerning the current situation, and the most harm is being caused by many of those claiming to be on the side of right and liberty.

An example of this is the argument by ‘libertarians’ and independent writers and reporters who continue in their efforts to fight for the right to gain universal treatment of ‘Covid-19’ by promoting what they call ‘cures’ in the forms of Ivermectin and other claimed remedies. By doing this, they are accepting that there is a deadly ‘virus’ called ‘Covid,’ and that it can be ‘cured’ by using their preferred method. But there has never been any pure isolation, separation, or identification of anything called ‘SARS-CoV-2’ or ‘Covid-19.’ In other words, it does not exist, so how can one or another remedy ‘cure’ it?

Arguing against the atrocious standard CDC ‘Covid’ treatment protocol by promoting another protocol, simply solidifies the original propaganda that a deadly ‘virus’ called ‘Covid’ has caused a ‘pandemic.’ It has not; there is no ‘pandemic.’ In the case of Ivermectin, it is useful in that it is a substance meant to attack and neutralize harmful parasites, but it does not cure disease, and certainly cannot cure a phantom ‘virus.’ If one is sick and fraught with discomfort, that would mean that their body’s immune system was working to rid itself of the toxins by the natural healing process. Should the body’s bacteria not be able to complete this task, and if the problem were due to parasite infestation, then Ivermectin would likely alleviate that problem and give some relief, but would not cure anything. The only useful defense against this fraud is not to find a ‘cure’ for something that does not even exist, but to expose the deceit of this plot, and expose the agendas of those who perpetrated this scam.

Arguing in circles has no validity, and can only strengthen the position being argued against. This is not to say that promoting the positive uses of natural products or medicines is not warranted and appropriate, but doing so by accepting the state’s lies about a contrived ‘pandemic’ is more harmful than not. Staying healthy is one thing, claiming cure is something else. There have been any number of promoted ‘cures’ for a non-existent ‘virus’ discussed over time, but the cure for the real problem, which is tyranny, is never fully addressed. This is exactly what the evil controlling class desires, and many of those who claim to be on the side of freedom, whether wittingly or not, are helping to maintain the politically motivated status quo that a real ‘virus’ exists.

This brings us to the fake ‘vaccine’ for the fake ‘virus,’ as the same situation exists here. There is constant arguing on both sides concerning the efficacy of these very poisonous injections. How can there be a ‘vaccine’ for a ‘virus’ that does not exist? How can there be a ‘vaccine’ for something that is said openly to mutate constantly? Since this is the case, why would so many advocate for more testing, more trials, and so-called legitimate approval by the FDA, an accomplice in the state’s efforts to harm, murder, and control all of us, instead of simply denouncing any and all of these toxic shots as illegitimate? They are bioweapons after all, so instead of going in circles concerning which one is safer, which one has less side effects, or which one kills fewer people, why not denounce them all?

Words mean things, phrases mean things, debate can be deceiving, and language can go a long way in gaining control over people by promoting and maintaining the nefarious state narrative. Proper argument against wrong is vitally important, but arguing at the margins, arguing in circles, arguing to gain favor or position, or in-fighting to make a point, can do so much more harm than good, and in the process help to solidify tyranny.

Never trust the narrative, and always question everything. Do not get caught up in the argument, seek and accept only truth. This will require tenacity, strength, self-responsibility, and the ability to see through the hyperbole. It is time to tell it like it is, and accept reality, regardless of the consequences.

“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.” ~ Hannah Arendt


Source links:

The true catalyst behind ‘Covid-19’

Concepts of “virus,” “infection,” “disease”

Example of circular ‘Covid’ argument video


Copyright © 2021


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit based on work of GDJ  / pixabay

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program


“We should understand that what the authorities pretend to be incompetence and
unfortunate mistakes are actually intended goals. They haven’t destroyed economies
or immiserated, injured, and killed thousands of people by mistake. They know what
they’re doing, and they’re doing their best to cover it up.”



by Richard Hugus, Contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light
September 4, 2021


The “pandemic” is an attack on human freedom being conducted in increments. We started out with a three week quarantine to relieve supposedly overwhelmed hospitals and health care workers. Now, 18 months later, “there will be consequences” for people who refuse to get “vaccinated” says Trudeau in Canada. In Australia, people who have been under strict lockdown for months are now being told not to talk to each other or bring their children to playgrounds. Internment camps have been mentioned, and some say they are being built for those who refuse the jab. Children are being taken away from “unvaccinated” parents. If current jab rates are any indication, half the world’s population may end up in the camps, but that’s not an insanity too far for our would-be masters.

The globalists seem to care very much about getting something injected into us. They know better than we do what that is and what it is supposed to do — we can only speculate. Is it a slow-acting poison like glyphosate, promoted for many years by the same cast of characters? Is it a tool for chronic disease to keep the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment in business, like conventional vaccines? Is it a sterilizing agent to reduce the world population? Is it a code to genetically modify human beings? Is it the foundation of the circuitry that will connect us to 5G so that we can be completely surveilled? Or is it 6G, which will have enough bandwidth to bring us into the completely manufactured reality of The Matrix? We don’t know. But clearly there is a hidden agenda.

Some say the agenda of mass immunization is to institute “vaccine passports” to bring in totalitarian social control. But if this was the only goal, why would the clever technocrats, with all their careful planning, have chosen to inject people with a “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent or stop transmission of the alleged virus and is so harmful that not long after it was rolled out it started killing and injuring people in such large numbers that it couldn’t be covered up? The genius technocrats would have been much better off using a saline solution, then declare victory over the “pandemic” with no side effects. No, it seems that there is something important in the shot, and that the idea is to change all of humanity with it. If so, there will have been no crime more diabolical in the history of the world. While patriots thought their love of country and their guns would protect them, Klaus Schwab walked right in the front door and robbed them blind. Full-on psychological warfare of 2020 became biological warfare in 2021, and not a shot was fired. Our enemy were kindly medical personnel with syringes. Bullets don’t stop nano-scale mRNA.

In a 2017 TedX talk, Tal Zaks, the Israeli chief medical officer of Moderna, bragged about “hacking the software of life.” At this point, science revealed hubris perhaps not seen since the development of the atom bomb. We learn from Greek tragedy that there is always a reckoning when man meddles with forces he knows nothing about — in this case, the human genome. “Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.” The same story goes back to the ancients.

As they go mad, the globalists are on a race to the bottom. They want to get as many people injected as they can before people realize the injections are not only not stopping disease, they are causing it. The masters of the universe have to suppress clear proof that safe conventional medicines effectively treat whatever the illness is called “covid” — how we hate the word! They want as many people as they can enrolled in their social credit system before people realize they’ve fallen into a trap. They want so much of the crime accomplished that it can no longer be reversed.

The race is desperate. New York Mayor deBlasio has declared that the 8 million people who live in the city be segregated according to their injection status, just like Jim Crow. Dictator Dan is re-enacting the Milgram experiment on the entire population of Australia. Emmanuel Macron wants the French to starve to death if they don’t get the “pass sanitaire.” Joe Biden has told employers outright to require the jab as a condition for work, since the federal government can’t legally do it. He has social media doing the same thing with censorship. Colleges and universities are making injection status a condition of enrollment, destroying careers and higher education. Variants of “the virus” are being hyped to create more fear, when there was never a valid test for the original. The dark ritual of masking is coming back. Children are again being muzzled in school, and our entire society is being humiliated as the most innocent and least protected among us — children — are publicly abused. The children themselves may come to see their parents and all adults as cowards for not protecting them. The “unvaccinated” are being vilified, with virtue signalers openly suggesting they deserve to be punished. All this is happening apace because so many people will be getting sick from the injections that there will be no way to cover it up. The globalists are acting more like mad scientists than confident leaders serene in their power . . . because they are mad.

We should understand that what the authorities pretend to be incompetence and unfortunate mistakes are actually intended goals. They haven’t destroyed economies or immiserated, injured, and killed thousands of people by mistake. They know what they’re doing, and they’re doing their best to cover it up. The next flu season may bring disaster, with large numbers of people getting sick because their immune systems have been seriously damaged by the jab. At that point, the plan may be so obvious that even the brainwashed will wake up.

It is up to us to put a stop to the mass injection program. If only one person changes their mind after seeing our protests, we will have made a difference. It is not too late.


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings:

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image credit: mohamed_hassan / pixabay

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 4, 2021



Connect with JP Sears

Canadians’ Right of Refusal: Rocco Galanti With Vaccine Choice Canada Panel of Activists

Canadians’ Right of Refusal: Rocco Galanti With Vaccine Choice Canada Panel of Activists


Our Rights of Refusal with Rocco Galati, Tanya Gaw & Other Guests

by Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada
September 3, 2021


On September 1, 2021, Rocco Galati, Tanya Gaw, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Paula Tucci and Vincent Gircys, joined VCC President, Ted Kuntz to examine “Our Rights of Refusal” regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and other measures

[Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels.]

Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada:

Federal Employees: Are you being coerced with vaccine mandates?:

‘No Student Mandates’ resource page:

Vaccine Regret:

Rocco Galanti, Constitutional Rights Centre

Paula Tucci, Stand Up Canada

Tanya Gaw, Action4Canada

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, BC Physician

Vincent Gircys, Retired Police Officer


Quote shared by Rocco Galanti:


“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison


Mentioned by Rocco Galanti:
Letter from Police Constable Adrienne Gilvesy (a member of the Toronto Police Service) to her Chief of Police


Rocco Galanti’s interview with Catherine Austin Fitts:
Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money


Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

Andrew Kaufman: Are the Vaccinated “Contagious”? — Now Is the Time That We Have to Say NO to Stop the Culmination of This Plan

Andrew Kaufman: Are the Vaccinated “Contagious”? — Now Is the Time That We Have to Say NO to Stop the Culmination of This Plan


TCTL editor’s note:

In this powerful interview by Kate Sugak, Andrew Kaufman includes an overview of the erroneous germ theory, as well as insights into the globalist agenda of using “anti-covid” mandates, “vaccinations” and vaccine passports in an attempt to dominate all of humanity.  

Andrew also addresses the widely-shared notion that vaccinated people are “shedding” spiked proteins. He brings a clear view of what we actually know and what, so far, is just speculation. At approximately the 37-minute mark, Kate asks Andrew about these “shedding” reports.

Beneath Kate’s interview, we share some excerpts from the video, including what Andrew says about this growing fear about the vaccinated. 



Kate Sugak interviews Andrew Kaufman

by Kate Sugak w/ Andrew Kaufman
September 2, 2021


Dear friends, I am happy to inform you that I had a long-awaited conversation with the legendary Andrew Kaufman. Andrew Kaufman is an American medical doctor and researcher who has done a tremendous job to open the eyes of hundreds thousands of people around the world to the truth about viruses and the falsehood of the germ theory of disease. Topics we discussed:

  • Andrew’s story, how he began to notice that there is something was wrong with what he was taught in medical school about diseases and infection. How did he come to understanding that the germ theory of disease, which is the base of modern medicine is wrong, and viruses do not exist at all?
  • Then we talked in more detail about the germ theory and why microbes do not cause disease. What causes disease in humans and what we mistake for contagion.
  • We also discussed the epidemiological study in which Andrew took part, the purpose of which was to understand whether people vaccinated against Covid-19 are dangerous for the unvaccinated or not, as well as Andrew’s point of view on why the “pandemic” was arranged and what way out from this he sees.

Andrew’s website:
Kate’s IG:


Connect with Kate Sugak

Connect with Andrew Kaufman


Excerpts from video transcript prepared by TCTL editor:


Andrew Kaufman

Really the spirit of science and the philosophy of science, not how it manifests in reality today but what it really gets at, is always doubting everything. And if you propose a theory and then you have some experimental evidence that supports it, that definitely adds weight to it. But my job as a scientist is actually to try and disprove it. And if I fail to disprove it, that’s what really makes it valid and true. So it has to withstand the attempts to disprove it. And that’s how we we really need to obtain scientific validity. And all I’m really saying is that these theories that have been put out there as truth actually have already been disproven.


Kate Sugak

Another questions that I have that is a very important because we have these videos in the Russian-speaking community that show extreme fear of people that are vaccinated — that can be contagious or can be dangerous to the unvaccinated…

Andrew Kaufman

Let me just start off by saying that it’s already known that, with gene therapy — because we’re really talking about gene therapy here, these are not not vaccines in any traditional sense — that there is this possibility of what they call shedding.

And, in fact, the FDA in the United States has a specific guidance document — that if your gonna develop gene therapy you need to do some testing to show that this is not an issue with your product.

And the reason is — because you’re making a foreign protein in whoever receives this injection. And that foreign protein could be in your body fluids and, which means, that it can be passed to other individuals.

And the foreign protein may have its own toxicity. Right? Because, think about if they’re developing a gene therapy for cancer, they might want to produce a toxic drug that kills the cancer, for example, and you don’t want that to get into you know your kids or your neighbors.

So, they’re supposed to test the body fluids to see — is this foreign protein or foreign gene product actually there. And they should test the urine and the feces, sweat, saliva, tears, etc.

But since they re-labelled these gene therapies as vaccines they got around this requirement somehow. And, to my knowledge, haven’t even done testing — or at least that’s been publicly released — that shows there’s actually a spike protein being made anywhere in the body.

There was one small study from Canada done by independent groups on the Modern product, but it was a really strange protocol, and in a very small number of people. And I’m not sure that I even trust the results. But they did show some spike protein up to 14 days after the first injection. Only in the blood. They only looked at the blood.

So we don’t really know. And also, if the spike protein gets out into the environments — like, let’s say, it is in the saliva and you start talking and your saliva goes out in front of you and flies on the wall or on a table. Well then if there’s spike protein in that it will be denatured pretty quickly because, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, that needs to be kept frozen. Right? So at room temperature it would not stay intact. So there’s a lot of complexity…

So overall there is, at least a theoretical problem here. Right? But we have a lot of missing information.

So I did get to look at the data from some survey research done by a small group of independent people and it was really more consumer type of research because these people came from that industry and wanted to get to the bottom of this issue.

And so what what we could find from this… So basically these were people who had some kind of symptoms and were exposed to someone else who was vaccinated or other people — what I call vicarious exposure — by different degrees. And so, when we looked at the correlation between the degree of exposure — like, obviously, it’s a higher degree of exposure if it’s your spouse versus like some people that you work with at a part time job. Right?

So when we compare that to the presence of symptoms that were new symptom that could be related, what we found is really there was only a signal for intimate partners…

But I think there’s enough anecdotal evidence that also there may be something within with infants and nursing mothers. So, in other words, maybe there is something in the fluids and that if you pass it directly into another person, where it doesn’t sit in the environment… It’s like through intimate contact like sex or open mouth kissing or nursing. Right? So, in other words, a body fluid from the vaccinated person’s going directly into the body of an unvaccinated person.

That there may be a possibility of some kind of symptoms in that case. We don’t know from the research the severity of the symptoms in the person vicariously exposed. Only that there is a signal there. So further research will know…

There’s good news here because one — having casual contacts or a hug or working with people or even living with people that are like roommates — does not appear to be a risk.

And this is really positive because this is another issue that can divide the people against each other. And dividing people against each other allows the power elites who are trying to grab more power to do so…

That’s the strategy — essentially the strategy to develop communism or totalitarianism.

I feel pretty confident that it’s not a major issue except possibly for intimate partners. So that is enough information to inform people about what decisions to make in their life. And so I’m comfortable with kind of leaving that issue there…

The main thing that I would say is don’t go anywhere near any of these experimental vaccines. And if you don’t go near them, then you you’ll be fine from that perspective. There’s plenty of other things you’ll have to deal with but separate decisions.


So you know this is, in my opinion, an agenda that’s been long planned. And, basically, a march toward a technocratic totalitarian society.

And you can look back in lots of different writings about these kinds of plans and how the social engineering and cultural programming has taken place over the recent generations throughout the century.

In the twentieth century we’ve had just incredible examples of totalitarian takeovers. Right? And you could look at that these were all kind of experiments planning for this big one.

This is part of the UN agenda for the 21st century. And many other groups have talked about this. Obviously, the Great Reset in the World Economic Forum. They’re all the same thing.

It’s even printed on our money — a new order for the ages. Novus ordo seclorum is what’s on the dollar bill.

So this fake pandemic, or psychological operation of a pandemic, is specifically the way of generating enough fear to get people disoriented and in enough chaos that they agree to give up their freedoms in exchange for safety.

And this is the classic way, over and over again, that dictatorships have taken power. And so that’s exactly what you’re seeing and witnessing across the world right now — is the actual culmination of this plan that’s been going on.

Now, there’s only really one thing that you can do to stop this — both for yourself and for the rest of humanity. And is to simply say no.

You have to say no to everything. You have to say no to social distancing, masks, health questions, temperature guns. And, of course, most importantly, the jab and the passports.

And, in fact, the passports is really the turning point. Because once people are enrolled in this digital surveillance program, they will no longer be free or be able to be free.

And taking shortcuts or asking for permission, like asking for an exemption and things like that, is not saying no. And it essentially gives your approval for what is being done, not only by governments now, but by private businesses, employers and other agencies, in trying to coerce you to do things to your body.

Our bodies are our own property and no one else has the right to tell us or coerce us what to do with them. And so that would be my advice — is to learn how to say no, accept the consequences of that, and realize that it will work out well for you if you do this for the right reasons and have the right intention.

But there will be some short-term sacrifice and we need to be prepared for that. Because, if we’re not, then there’s going to be absolutely no freedom in the long term. And it will be much, much worse.

And anything that you think you’re risking and giving up now, you’re not going to have that in a few years anyway. You’re not going to have your same career and job, or ability to go on vacation and enjoy your family, and have luxury items or any of those things. Those things are all going to go away.

Now is the time that we have to say no and take some risks in order to stop the culmination of this plan.

Mentioned in the interview:

A Mind of Your Own by Dr. Kelly Brogan

Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Continually Invents Epidemics Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht (Author), Claus Köhnlein (Author), Samantha Bailey (Author), Stefano Scoglio (Author)

See related articles:

The Contagion Fairy Tale

Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

Dare to Ask: Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman on Freedom, Fear, and False Science About Viruses and the Nature of Reality Itself

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

Exposing the Lie — Hippocratic Hypocrisy: A Tale of Two Snakes

Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in America

Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in America

by Leslie Manookian, Health Freedom Defense Fund
September 2, 2021


A headline in the National File reads, “Illinois To Partner With Experian For Vaccine Passport System, Data Will Be Available To NSA And DHS.”

From the article, “The Illinois Department of Public Health is launching a program called “Vax Verify” that asks residents to verify and download a receipt of their vaccination status…Vax Verify will be contracting with consumer credit reporting company Experian, which will use an “identity verification process to gain access to their immunization history.” According to the article, Experian has lobbied to share consumer data with the NSA [National Security Agency], DHS [Department of Homeland Services], and other law enforcement agencies.”

Got that? Experian, a consumer credit report company which has access to your social security number, your credit card records, your bills, and other financial records enabling Experian to evaluate your financial history and provide a rating based on your track record, will now have access to your medical records to verify your vaccination status if you live in Illinois.

If that doesn’t scare you, it should.

Consider that governments around the world have telegraphed through a series of articles and white papers a desire to end paper money and introduce digital currencies. Some have even cancelled paper currency completely or certain high denominations. The purported intention is to serve the underbanked, but is that the true objective? I do not mean this in a pejorative sense at all, but are one billion primarily agrarian people living in remote locations genuinely lacking banking? Is banking their priority? Or is it someone else’s? Does someone just want them in “the system?”

Another initiative being implemented is universal basic income (UBI). Governments in Europe and the US have promoted or already launched UBI pilot programs under which individuals are simply GIVEN money. (See herehere, and here.) While we’re told these programs will help people survive an economy ravaged by COVID, many of them were launched well before COVID was even on the horizon. And let’s not forget to ask, what was the true culprit of this economic devastation, COVID or the reactionary government policies employed to address it? One thing is clear, these programs condition the populace to accept government handouts and to depend on the government for their income.

That Experian has lobbied in the past to share your information with NSA, DHS, and other federal agencies should be a red flag to any thinking person in particular when they’ll have access to vaccine records in addition to the financial and identity information they already possess.

These factors point to an alarming possibility, namely that in the near future, there may be no paper money to exchange for goods and services. Instead, in its place, there will be a government-issued digital currency and while that on its own may seem innocuous, when combined with a vaccine passport connected to our private information, the potential for abuse is enormous. Were that information to be shared with NSA, DHS, and other agencies, the potential for abuse is downright mammoth.

Given the steep reduction in the number of small and medium sized businesses which employ roughly two thirds of the American workforce, and the prospect of further closures should political leaders implement further lockdowns, many Americans are being left with fewer options to earn an income and be self-reliant.

Despite the utter failure of lockdowns to control the spread of COVID, a repeat of lockdowns will devastate the American economy and wage earners. And it may leave them increasingly dependent on UBI – and the government. When a person transitions to UBI, they cede almost all their power to government. What’s more, they must rely on the benevolence of that government and may be easily manipulated or outright controlled to serve any agenda.

A digital vaccine passport connected to your financial records, medical records, and potentially to your voter ID, travel documents, etc. – and all this information shared with federal security agencies – would make it all too easy for government to demand compliance to their dogmas and agendas lest they turn off your access to purchase goods and services, earn income, travel, or even to socialize, all at the push of a button.

You may be forced to make many choices: take an experimental drug or lose access to a job, your bank account, or any means to earn money to feed your family; speak out against government policies that trample your human rights or in support of differing scientific perspectives and lose your government bestowed privileges to live a normal life.

China has already implemented a social credit score system bolstered by mass surveillance which affords special privileges to those who comply with government directives. Those who obey receive high social credit scores, those who jaywalk, fail to wear a mask, or are simply friends with folks with low credit scores are not allowed to travel by plane or high-speed train or access other “privileges.”

China has gone so far as to announce the government will dictate the amount of time kids can spend gaming online, limiting kids to 3 hours per week. While limiting the amount of time kids play online games might be a commendable objective, is that a role any free society wants government to fill?

While Americans may say, well, that is all happening in China, let’s not forget China lead the way on lockdowns and other COVID measures, emulated by western nations and Americans are already being asked for ‘papers, please’ in CA and NY to enter a café, restaurant, retail store, etc. With IL implementing a complete vaccine passport system, the threat to our liberties, lives and livelihoods is clear.

If one chooses a path that cuts against the government grain, government will have the power to control him or her by denying his or her access to money, shopping, food, entertainment, travel, etc.

No free society should require proof of anything, let alone a medical intervention in healthy people, to live a normal life, yet just such programs are being hastily developed in America despite no consultation with the public. So much for government of, for, and by the people. Any student of history should be alarmed at the frightening future these authoritarian tracking and rating systems portend.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist / pixabay

Refusing the COVID Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight

Refusing the COVID Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 30, 2021


In this article, I’m cutting through a few miles of new verbiage circulating on the issue of refusing the COVID vaccine.

People have recently announced “an extraordinary discovery”: there is a legal way to reject the vaccine. “It’s still experimental,” they say, even after the FDA just fully approved it, and under federal law, a person has the right to refuse an experimental medicine.

So…take a breath, let it out, take a step back, and consider the following:

Since the moment COVID vaccines were launched, a person has been able to refuse them. Since they were first mandated, a person has been able to refuse them.

“Mandate” means: if you refuse, you pay the price.

Consequences. You’re fired from your job. You can’t enter certain restaurants. And so on.

After the August 23 FDA approval of the Pfizer shot, nothing in that regard has changed. You can refuse the shot, but you take the consequences.

Even in the Army (so far), they can’t hold you down and force the needle into your arm. They put you in a cell, they discharge you dishonorably, they court martial you; whatever.

Perhaps a lawyer can argue that the consequences of refusing the shot are egregious, too severe, are tantamount to “forcing the shot,” but that is a different issue. I would like to see that issue raised.

But let’s not confuse huge numbers of people by telling them they now have a clear path to refusing the shot. That clear path has always existed (with perhaps the exception of prisons and nursing homes and hospitals where some people were forced to take the shot illegally).

What people are dealing with is, how can I avoid the consequences of refusing the shot?

I’ve suggested strategies that entail getting employers wrapped up in answering probing detailed questions about financial and legal responsibility for vaccine injuries—

But the ultimate bottom line is the individual refusing the shot, No Matter What.

In my MANY articles about vaccines, detailing how they are dangerous, destructive, ineffective, and unnecessary, my aim has been to bring people closer to making their own stand.

That is what this is all about: No Matter What.

It’s a test of faith, conviction, courage.

Will you refuse the vaccine no matter what?

Believe me, I support all sorts of legal case filings and challenges to vaccine mandates. I don’t care how slim the chances of success are.

But in the end, every individual has to decide what he will accept and what he will reject.

No matter what the consequences are.

We are the cure. This is the war.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco / pixabay

Humanity Rises Against Global Tyranny: August 28, 2021 Worldwide Protests

Humanity Rises Against Global Tyranny: August 28, 2021 Worldwide Protests


TCTL editor’s note: Below you will find a sample of footage from pro-freedom, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine-passport protests that took place around the world on August 28, 2021.


Australia — Melbourne, Brisbane, Sidney

by CreativeWorks

The people of locked down Australian cities have had enough of tyrannical government.

France — Paris & Toulon

by CreativeWorks

New demonstration in Paris against the #PassSanitaire and the vaccine obligation, for a seventh consecutive weekend.

More than 200 mobilizations are planned this Saturday 28August in France #Demonstrations28aout

by CreativeWorks

by CreativeWorks

Germany — Berlin

by CreativeWorks

by CreativeWorks

Protesters march in Berlin at the workplace of the man (Drosten) who invented the now debunked and extremely faulty PCR test shouting “Out with Drosten!”

Italy — Milan

by  Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media

UK — London

by Resistance GB

David Kurten, former chemistry teacher and leader of the Heritage party, attending a freedom rally in London; he talks about the march, the seriousness of the situation we’re facing, being against lockdown from the “very beginning”, the spiritual dimension to our struggle, and the urgency with which Britain has to stop further rollouts.

28th August 2021, London
Anti-Apartheid and Freedom Rally

by Resistance GB

A man marches in the anti-medical apartheid protest wearing his grandfather’s military beret, to honour his spirit and continue the fight for freedom. 28th August 2021, London.

by Open1 Media


by CreativeWorks


Canadian MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Statements on Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials & Canada’s Role in Producing the Highly Toxic “Covid Vaccines” That Are Being Forced Upon Humanity

Canadian MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Statements on Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials & Canada’s Role in Producing the Highly Toxic “Covid Vaccines” That Are Being Forced Upon Humanity


MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Shocking Statements

by Ted KuntzVaccine Choice Canada
August 27, 2021

Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble, BitChute and Brighteon channels. Also available at Randy Hillier Odysee channel.

MPP Randy Hillier examines the shocking statements made by Dr. David E. Martin’s VCC interview regarding Canada and Trudeau’s involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic.


Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

See related:

Dr. David Martin w/ Vaccine Choice Canada: On Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “Covid” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many


Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research


Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”

Constitutional Rights Centre: Action4Canada & Other Plaintiffs Launch Comprehensive Challenge to Covid Measures in British Columbia

Constitutional Rights Centre: Action4Canada & Other Plaintiffs Launch Comprehensive Challenge to Covid Measures in British Columbia

by Constitutional Rights Centre
August 28, 2021


Action4Canada and other Plaintiffs launch comprehensive challenge to COVID Measures in British Columbia.

On the basis of this filed claim, an injunction is being prepared to stay the “Vaccine Passport” provisions announced in British Columbia.

Click here to access the statement of claim. (PDF)



Connect with Constitutional Rights Centre

Connect with Action4Canada

A Message From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — One Year After the Historic Rally in Berlin: “It’s Time for (Peaceful) Civil Disobedience!”

A Message From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — One Year After the Historic Rally in Berlin: “It’s Time for (Peaceful) Civil Disobedience!”


by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 26, 2021

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains in this recent video why we all need to stand up now and resist with civil disobedience.

Now that the FDA has given a very “curmudgeonly” justification for “approving” Pfizer’s Covid vaccine that leaves many questions unanswered. Also because the science shows that the vaccine has no positive impact on overall mortality but puts young age groups at risk, it has become clear: It’s not about health. It is about control!

“A healthy Child has a zero risk from this disease. And yet the risk from the vaccine is very high.”

That’s why we all need to make our voices heard and express our opposition. Call on friends and neighbours to join us. “Why are you not with me?”, Robert F Kennedy, Jr. quotes American freedom fighter and thought leader Henry David Thoreau.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr thanks the people who are heading to Berlin to engage in civil disobedience there and elsewhere.



0:00:01.2: I am Robert F Kennedy, jr., and I’m very happy to be back with all of you and have the opportunity to address all of my friends in Berlin and activists and freedom lovers all across Europe. Today is August 23rd, and I wanna start by talking about a couple of studies that have come out recently that we all should be aware of. One of them, probably the most important is MERCK’s clinical, Pfizer’s clinical trial, for its covid-19-vaccine. And we now have six months of data that Pfizer was required to file with FDA, and to show to the public. And what anybody who can read can see from that data is the very, very striking confession that there is no all cause mortality benefit from this vaccine. And what that means is that the people who took the vaccine more of them died than the people who took the placebo. And if you go into the granular or analysis of the vaccine, what it shows is that the vaccine does prevent a small number of deaths from covid 19. But for everybody who’s life was saved from covid 19, for every life that was saved by the vaccine from covid 19, three people died from heart attacks. In the vaccine group there were 20 deaths, and in the placebo group there were 14 deaths.

0:01:46.7: What that indicates is that there may be certain people who would wanna take this vaccine in certain comorbidities and age groups, but it would be utterly immoral for any government or any business to mandate this vaccine for any human being who was reluctant to take it.

0:02:12.1: And that’s one of the studies. Another study that was released, was a pre-published version of the study in the Lancet on December 10th. And it’s called the author is Chau et. Al. C-H-A-U, and it was done by the Oxford Research Group, which Oxford University and Ho-Chi-Minh-City. And that study looked at frontline healthcare workers who were on lock-down for a number of months in Ho-Chi-Minh-City during the resurgence of the Delta variant. And what the study shows is that the people who were vaccinated and very, very high numbers of Delta variant in their nasal pharyngs, in their nostrils. In fact, they had 250 times the level, the concentrations of Delta variants in their nostrils as anybody was supporting of Coronavirus prior to the vaccines.

0:03:22.1: Well, something about the vaccine clears the nasal pharyngs to make you a carrier… A pre-symptomatic carrier of covid, so instead of stopping viral replication, and instead of stopping transmission, the vaccine almost certainly is facilitating transmission! And those people who had the covid in their nose can pass the covid, and we’re passing it, according to this study, unto other workers. And they almost certainly were also passing it to un-vaccinated patients and to other people in their lives.

That’s a very, very important thing to know, is that: This doesn’t save lives. We know that from the first study, from the Pfizer study, and from the Oxford study that it does not prevent transmission, in fact, it may enhance transmission. That’s the best science that we have today.

The third study that I would like you to know about, are two studies by Johns Hopkins and another study published in The Lancet that show, the Johns Hopkins study shows that it’s virtually impossible to find any healthy child in the world who has died from covid 19. Children have a zero risk, a healthy child has a zero risk from this disease, and yet the risk from the vaccine, it’s very high!

0:04:56.8: In fact, we’re seeing that from the vaccine, the people who are most likely to get ill, or to die, are young people. Covid-19 tends to kill very old people with comorbidities, but the vaccine tends to hurt, to harm and to kill people who young, who are at the beginning of their lives. And the people who get myocardial infarction from this, myocardial diseases from this, are never healing. Their Hearts simply turn into this scar tissue and will not heal.

0:05:33.2: The reason I’m talking about the studies is because today, FDA promulgated a really an unprecedented approval, which it is casting in a very squirrely way.

0:05:52.7: As an official approval of the Pfizer vaccine. The significance of that approval is that it will allow people to legally mandate the vaccine in our country. But the odd thing was that it didn’t go through any of the regulatory process… TZhe FDA ignored all of the regulatory process, they didn’t convene the committee of outside experts that normally approves new vaccines. And they didn’t show… They didn’t create a manufacturer’s insert, they didn’t explain the science they’re relying on, they didn’t explain the data that they’re relying on, they don’t even technically say that it is an approval, they kind of frame it in their letter as an extension of the emergency use process, but they frame it in their press releases as an approval. And as soon as they took that action, the United to States military told soldiers, sent messages out to our soldiers that they had to be vaccinated by Friday or face dishonorable discharge. And all over our country, they’re saying private businesses and government businesses are now imposing mandates.

I’m telling you all this because I want to be clear with you that the government has now… , the people who are pushing these vaccines, who have been pushing this odd enterprise from the beginning have come out of the closet, and they have revealed that today that they absolutely… That all pretense that this is about public health, and this is about democracy, and this is about protecting the public, has been dropped. They have come out and made very clear to the public that this is about power, it’s about grabbing power, about imposing it on the rest of us, and imposing a totalitarianism of a kind that humanity has never experienced. Every totalitarian regime in history has sought to control every aspect of human behavior.

0:08:08.3: They’ve never been able to do that because, of course, government can’t read your mind. It can’t follow you around all day, I can’t tell you not to talk to certain people, I can’t follow you in your home and know what you’re doing… Who you’re talking to and what you’re saying, but guess what? Governments today have that power! And we know that they are using it, and they are using this emergency as an excuse to impose totalitarian controls on all of us. A level of authoritarian control that no government in history has had. And at this point, we now have a duty in my opinion to resist. And to resist every opportunity that you get. Each one of us must engage in multiple simple disobediences every day.

0:09:06.5: Many years I’ve been doing this, and I’ve never told anybody, that you should sacrifice your job, or that you should sacrifice reputation or your income by coming out and talking about these issues, it’s always been dangerous. We’ve always, for the 17 years that I’ve been doing this, I face censorship, I face various kinds of intimidation and punishment. But I was uniquely able, resilient, because of other things that I have in my life, my name, my reputation, my livelyhood… The fact that I’m a trial lawyer, and trial lawyers tend to be tolerant of dissent. And so I had an ability to deal with these kind of attacks in ways of many people don’t. And I’ve always avoided telling other people, “You need to come out and talk about what you believe.”

0:10:02.0: People would come to me and say, “I agree with you, but I too scared to had to talk about it”, and I said, I’ve consistently said, “That’s okay.” You support us quietly. You don’t need to expose yourself.

And today I’m telling you something different: “we all need to start exposing ourselves” We need to tell people on the street, “if you’re blocked from going into a business, you need to talk to the business owner.” That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be polite, a and gentle, and peaceful. But God, he was polite and gentle, and peaceful, and she still resisted. And we need to do that kind of resistance. There is a famous story where Henry David Thoreau was in jail for protesting, ofr refusing to pay his taxes because his tax money was going to support the Spanish-American War, which he believed was an unjust war. And the famous philosopher who was his friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson, came to his jail cell outside of Concord, Massachusetts, and he talked to the barred window to Thoreau… And he said, “David, what are you doing in there?” And the Henry David Thoreau said to him: “Ralph, What are you doing out there?” And that is the question that we now need to ask to everybody, “What are you doing out there?” We all need to come on the street, we all need to resist.

0:11:34.0: If your job tells you you have to get vaccinated and you do not believe it’s good for your health, do not do it! Get fired and then sue them! But we need to resist. This is the same kind of desperate crisis that the founders of our country faced during the American Revolution, and many of them gave up their lives, they gave up their livelihood, they gave up their property, their money, their health in order to provide us our Bill of Rights in this country, the Constitution. They knew that there were things that were much worse than death: The loss of our liberties. And they sacrificed their lives and their livelihood, so that we could have this constitution. But over the past 12 months, we’ve lost those Bill of Rights, we’ve lost the ability to have Jury trials in our country for corporations who are making recklessley and negligently products that are injuring us. We’ve lost the property rights that we once had in this country where a million businesses were closed overnight with no just compensation and no due process… We’ve lost the ability to speak freely. We’ve lost the ability to worship for a whole year, religious institutions and churches have been closed in our country just by a government dictate, although liquor stores were declared essential businesses and left open.

0:13:03.2: But the Constitution does not protect liquor stores, it does protect churches. But the Constitution was irrelevant. We’ve lost the ability to participate in regulation. Regulation is now done by government dictate in our country, by unelected… , a doctor who is now running the American government. Who doesn’t have regulatory process, there’s no notice and comment rule-making. There’s no public participation. There’s no public hearings. All of the steps usually go into promulgating our regulation, that demand public participation, have all been abandoned. And so we’ve lost our democracy now in America. And we’ve lost it all across Europe, and we lost in Canada, and we lost it in Australia. And the only way that we’re gonna fight back against these very sinister forces, the Big Tech Robber Barons from Silicon Valley, the Big Banking Institutions, the military and intelligence agencies that are collaborating in this process, in this totalitarian take-over, in this coup d’etat against democracy and western liberal freedom that we’re seeing today. All of these forces are collaborating with each other to enslave us. And we need to bind with each other, and we need to fight back.

And each one of you need to do at least three civil disobedience every day! And we need to start doing that all over the place, and that’s how we’re gonna recruit new people to our cause, and how we’re gonna begin resisting!

0:14:55.5: I wanna thank all of you for your efforts to come to Berlin, and I know that I’ll see many of you on the barricades.

Thank you!


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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See related: 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Speech at Massive Protest in Berlin, August 29, 2020


Hold the Presses: Pfizer mRNA Shot Not Approved!

Hold the Presses: Pfizer mRNA Shot Not Approved!

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, The Nature of Healing
August 27, 2021


With a silent nod by government, the mainstream media is now reporting that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has approved the Pfizer COVID19 injection. This message is part of a new phase to spark more mandates in order to participate in society.

However, there is no official approval by the FDA, or any other agency, for use of any COVID19 vaccine.

No rubber stamp. No assurance. No joke.

The COVID19 vaccine has NOT been approved, only BioNTech’s COMIRNATY shot, which requires years of additional safety studies through 2025.

Smoke And Mirrors

If you read the fine print, the FDA is extending its Emergency Use Authorization:

FDA is reissuing the August 12, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to clarify that the EUA will remain in place for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the previously-authorized indication and uses, and to authorize use of COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) under this EUA for certain uses that are not included in the approved BLA.


Vague By Design

Under the law, government legitimizes the media to spread propaganda.

Propagandize – promote or publicize a particular cause, organization, or view, especially in a biased or misleading way.

HR-5736, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allows government to prepare and disseminate misleading information through film, video, and other materials to influence a domestic audience. This law previously applied abroad, to foreign audiences, as part of a media war machine.

If you read carefully, there is truth within all lies.. For there you will find that in this “FDA approval,” no authority is presenting any assurance that this change impacts safety or effectiveness of this experimental injection.

The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness. 

While much of the world believes in the lie that the Pfizer mRNA injections are now FDA-approved, when they are not, governments are coercing companies to mandate the injections to their employees, or face heavy fines. Whether something is approved, or not, does not equate to a mandate. Mandates continue to be illegal under the law. If you accept a mandate, you are volunteering for that order through your consent.

But what does “illegal” mean in a lawless society? – Larry H. DDS

Six Feet Under

Why does masking and social distancing at 6 feet remain in effect? Where does the number ‘6 ft’ come from?

Six feet under refers to the depth of a grave, but pay no attention to details.

With the false stamp of approval for an experimental injection, the propaganda has shifted to “get the jab or lose your job.” This mantra first began in the medical healthcare setting with employees who have been coerced to take the annual flu vaccine or lose their job. Even with evidence that repeated flu shots are less effective.

Normalizing medical tyranny in the healthcare system was published in a 2009 study titled, Mandatory Vaccination of Healthcare Workers, Whose Rights Should Come First? Using fear of the H1N1 flu virus, hospitals began coercing its frontline staff to get the annual jab to increase vaccination rates. At the same time, the World Health Organization issued dire predictions of a pandemic that could cause fatalities throughout the world.

Federal government officials will not force people to get the COVID  injection. That is not the role of government. They do, however, strongly encourage your employer, the restaurant where you want to eat, the concert venue you want to visit, or the country where you want to travel, to do it for them, with mobile vaccination units coming to restaurants.

News headlines send the message that there are now two classes of people: Approved and Unvaccinated.

The military will mandate the injection for all service members. The Veterans Affairs became the first federal agency to mandate COVID injections before the falsely reported FDA approval.

Delta Air Lines will impose a monthly $200 surcharge on unvaccinated employees

Google, Netflix, Morgan Stanley and The Washington Post announced vaccine requirements for their employees. Other businesses are using incentives like time off, lotteries and reduction in health care insurance.

Past government mandates did nothing but empower officials. So why are people still listening to government officials? Want to stay home to work? Not allowed. Rather wear a mask, social distance, and get tested instead of getting the shot? Not allowed. Want to use a religious or medical exemption letter to decline a shot? It may not be accepted. Read between the lines.

The Plandemic has the goal of mass vaccination during a live experiment to accumulate study data. See portions of the August 23, 2021 FDA approval letter to BioTech Manufacturing GmbH:

Study C4591009, entitled “A Non-Interventional Post-Approval Safety Study of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in the United States,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY.

We acknowledge the timetable you submitted on August 21, 2021, which states that you will conduct this study according to the following schedule:

Final Protocol Submission: August 31, 2021

Monitoring Report Submission: October 31, 2022

Interim Report Submission: October 31, 2023

Study Completion: June 30, 2025
Final Report Submission: October 31, 2025

5. Study C4591021, entitled “Post Conditional Approval Active Surveillance Study Among Individuals in Europe Receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY.


Erwin Chemerinsky, dean and professor of law at the UC Berkeley School of Law is a social engineer and top propagandist. He is often quoted in the media to promote the official agenda. In 2015, Chemerinsky called for all children to be vaccinated for measles unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. Today, he suggests that “freedom does not include the right to endanger others, and COVID vaccines should be mandatory.”

Not widely reported, nine states have enacted 11 laws with bans on vaccine mandates (Arizona and Arkansas have each enacted two), and vaccine passports. However, some of these laws are tied only to vaccinations that have emergency use authorization (EUA), so the prohibition will no longer apply once all vaccines get “full approval” from the FDA. Also these laws apply to state and local governments only, so employers and private schools can still pass mandates.

Be prepared for passports to be part of the next phase, with stamps needed for annual boosters. Then get ready for the microchip and the chip scanners.

Each of these devices that are injection have the capacity to also have a small chip. What that chip does is it has the unique serial number for each dose.”..the RFID chip gives “officials information on who has and has not been vaccinated” and “tracks the location of the patient so that officials can know where the vaccinated officials are. – Jay Walker, then-CEO of ApiJect Systems America Inc., December 19, 2020.

Know Your Limits

With the mass contradictions and outright lies being spread faster than you can say “virus,” there is a simple solution.

Know who you are.

Are you a slave to the system or do you have freedom of choice?

Know where you live.

Do you live at an address or do you live in your body?

Know your limits.

You can always reserve your rights, and freedom to choose, with or without mandates. You Are Law offers a template letter of Conditional Acceptance. There is also this Letter of Declination, written by an RN called Agent J. to make your own. Read it. Know it. Use it if you like. Also know that under lawless governments, it may not work. So you will need to know when and where to stand your ground and draw your line in the sand.

Statement of Declination for Offer of Influenza Vaccine Product

I, YOUR NAME, a living woman/man retain and reserve all of my God-given rights including sole possession and sole use of all my biological materials which are granted to me by my Creator.

My employer and location of employment have offered an influenza vaccination product to me pursuant to and satisfying the requirements of YOUR STATE Health & Safety Code COPY AND PASTE INFLUENZA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE HERE.

I retain the right to decline all attempts to access, influence and or otherwise alter any and all of my God- given biological material and or biological systems which are unique, flawless and original design and craftsmanship of my Creator and of which my Creator has granted me sole possession, proprietorship and use of.

I require that any and all product offered to me by my employer or workplace be both entirely retrievable from and also removable in its entirety from my body, person, and womanhood at the conclusion of each and every work period and or work shift and also and again at the completion of my contractual obligations with my location or employment, and or employer.

Pursuant to my above statement, I decline the offer for influenza vaccination product.

By: YOUR SIGNATURE                                                                     DATE

All Rights Reserved



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at



Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: Sammy-Williams / pixabay

Will You Love Your Servitude?

Will You Love Your Servitude?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
August 27, 2021



  • Aldous Huxley, an English writer and philosopher, wrote “Brave New World,” a science-fiction novel in which emotions and the sense of individuality are eliminated, starting in childhood, via the use of conditioning
  • It’s a work of fiction, but concepts on which it is based, including the power to condition humans to accept an abnormal state of life, are not
  • In the video, you can hear a 1962 interview with Huxley, in which he speaks about the use of persuasion and conditioning to gain ultimate power and control over society
  • Non-terroristic methods, such as suggestion and persuasion, are also essential in gaining ultimate control, as some measure of voluntary acceptance is necessary
  • Via conditioning, humans can get to the point of loving servitude, and consenting to live in, and even enjoy, a state of affairs that they, under natural circumstances, should not

Aldous Huxley, an English writer and philosopher, wrote nearly 50 books, the most famous being “Brave New World,” a dystopian science-fiction novel published in 1932. The world in the novel is a futuristic one based on science and technology. Emotions and the sense of individuality are eliminated, starting in childhood, via the use of conditioning.1

It’s a work of fiction, but concepts on which it is based, including the power to condition humans to accept an abnormal state of life, are not. In the video above, you can hear a 1962 interview with Huxley, in which he speaks about the use of persuasion and conditioning to gain ultimate power and control over society.

“If you are going to control a population for any length of time you must have some measure of consent,” he said.2 His words ring eerily true in 2021.

Conditioning Humans to Love Servitude

Frederick Douglas once said, “When a slave becomes a happy slave, he has effectively relinquished all that makes him human.”3 How does a human get to the point of loving their servitude, or consenting to live in, and even enjoy, a state of affairs that they should not?

Often, it’s through techniques of terrorism. While the word implies violence, some of the most profound and dangerous techniques combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance, Huxley said. By bringing in elements of persuasion, it’s possible for a controlling oligarchy to get people to love their servitude.

In 1957, William Sargant published “Battle for the Mind,” which delves into the techniques used by evangelists, psychiatrists and politicians to change beliefs and behavior. Religious leaders produce conversions, Huxley said, by heightening psychological stress, talking about hell, then releasing this stress by offering a promise of heaven. Prisoners of war can be similarly brainwashed and pressured into making admissions of guilt.

Pavlov’s dogs study is one of the most well-known displays of the power of conditioning. The dogs salivated not only in response to food but in response to any object or event that they learned to associated with food.4

The findings also apply to humans, who can be conditioned to associate abstract images with food, as shown by researchers with the Wellcome department of neuroimaging science at University College London.5

When shown pictures of the food-associated images, their reaction times increased and areas of their brain involved in motivation and emotional processes were activated.

After Pavlov’s demonstration of classical conditioning, the profound observations “sunk into the creature,” Huxley said, and Pavlovian methods were recognized as tools that could be applied with extraordinary efficiency, creating large armies of totally devoted people.

Ultimate Power Involves Voluntary Acceptance

Non-terroristic methods are also essential in gaining ultimate control, as some measure of voluntary acceptance is necessary. Suggestion and hypnosis are two examples. According to Huxley, about 20% of people are easily hypnotized, while 20% are very difficult, if not impossible, to hypnotize. The remaining 60%, the majority, can be gradually hypnotized if you work hard enough at it.6

Similar figures apply to the power of placebo, or suggestion, Huxley said, referring to a study on the administration of morphine or a placebo following surgery. The subjects were experiencing similar levels of pain and were able to receive injections for pain relief whenever requested. Half the injections were morphine and half were distilled water, the placebo.

While 20% of the subjects got just as much pain relief from the placebo as from the morphine, 20% got no relief from the placebo and 60% got some or occasional relief from the placebo.7 Such studies are important, because it isn’t hard to figure out which segment of the population is extremely vulnerable to suggestion and which is in the intermediate space.

As Huxley pointed out, such differences allow for organized society to exist, because if everyone were unsuggestable, there would be no order to society. At the other end of the spectrum, if everyone were highly suggestable, dictatorship would be inevitable. Having the majority of people in the “moderately suggestable” category is a happy medium, allowing for the formation and preservation of organized society.

At the same time, the fact that there are 20% of people who are extremely vulnerable to suggestion is of enormous political importance. Whoever gets ahold of the 20% can easily overthrow any government or country, Huxley said, using the example of Hitler to show what can be done using the power of suggestion.

Hitler understood human weaknesses and exploited them. For instance, knowing that conditioning is easier when people are tired, Hitler held all of his big speeches at night solely so that people would be tired and therefore less capable of resisting persuasion.

What Are the Limits of Human Obedience?

In 1962, in a now infamous experiment, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram tested the limits of human obedience to authority. The study administrator instructed the study subjects — the “teachers” — to give electric shocks to a student.

The “student” was actually an actor, but the study subjects were unaware of this, and complied with the demands to shock him whenever he gave an incorrect response to a question. Even as the student moaned, begged for the shocks to stop and ultimately stopped responding, the subjects obeyed the authority figure in the room and issued painful electric shocks.

The subjects were clearly uncomfortable with the task at times, but still continued, showing that people may carry out heinous acts when ordered to do so by authorities because they feel less responsible for the behavior in this capacity.8

The Milgram experiment was later criticized for being unethical and, in the U.S., studies that cause subjects serious distress were later banned. However, similar studies in Europe confirmed the results, suggesting that people will willingly and blindly obey authoritarian orders, especially if they feel disconnected from their actions.9

With societal norms rapidly changing, and an increasingly authoritative environment emerging, will humans stop thinking for themselves and proceed fully into a world where privacy no longer exists and citizens turn in their neighbors if they buck the status quo?

You’ll Own Nothing and Love It

Huxley’s science-fiction world in which people learn to love their servitude sounds terrifying to most free thinking humans. But it’s something that’s being openly discussed. Top political figures and Big Tech leaders are using the common refrain that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.”

“Build back better” is a tagline of sorts for The Great Reset,10 and though this is being played off as a new initiative, it’s simply a rebranding of terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order.”

An elite oligarchy is behind this technocratic plan to govern society through technology, programmed by scientists and technicians and automated through the use of artificial intelligence, rather than through democratically elected politicians and government leaders.

The current pandemic is being used as a justification for the movement, but the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through technical surveillance. Part of the “new normal” dictum is that you will own nothing and be happy. This excerpt was written by Ida Auken, agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF):11

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city.” I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.

It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service … Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life.”

The unstated implication is that the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocratic elite, and you’ll have to pay for the temporary use of absolutely everything.

Nothing will actually belong to you. All items and resources are to be used by the collective, while actual ownership is restricted to an upper stratum of social class. Through the power of conditioning, humans could come to not only accept this new form of society, but love it.

The Conditioning Has Already Begun

The very purpose of “building back better” is to do away with what was once “normal” and replace it with something different. According to WEF, this entails “reinventing capitalism”:12

“A true recovery from COVID-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were: we need to ‘build back better’, to ‘reset’, if we are to address the deep systemic vulnerabilities the pandemic has exposed.

… If we don’t seize this opportunity to build back better — to reset and reinvent rather than ‘return to normal’ — systemic risks and vulnerabilities will continue to accumulate, making future shocks both more likely and more dangerous.

Despite the tragedy, we must leverage the COVID-19 pandemic, and make sure that it becomes the catalyst for a profoundly positive transformation of the global economy, taking us closer to a world in which everyone can live well, within planetary boundaries.”

If you don’t think this is possible, consider that the conditioning has already begun. Using fear as a driving force, society not only adapted to but embraced lockdowns, universal masking and mass vaccination with an experimental injection, all without solid data to back up the effectiveness and necessity of these draconian measures.

The vaccines were supposed to stop the spread of COVID-19, but fully vaccinated people can still transmit the virus,13 and censorship of anyone who speaks out about the numerous inconsistencies has become rampant. With the roll out of vaccine passports, unvaccinated people are being increasingly excluded from society, facing a loss of privileges14 and being morally shamed and labeled selfish.

In New York City, as of August 16, 2021, proof of vaccination will be required to enter restaurants, gyms and theaters.15 As civil liberties, privacy and freedom are being slowly chipped away, all for a virus with a documented high survival rate,16 many are supportive of even more questionable restrictions. There are also those, however, who are increasingly rebelling against lockdowns and vaccine passports.

In July 2021, after France’s parliament approved a law that requires a vaccine passport to enter restaurants, trains, planes and certain other public venues, more than 160,000 people, including 11,000 in Paris, protested against the “health pass,” even as police released tear gas and water cannons against some of the protestors.17

Therein may lie one key to stopping the conditioning being foisted upon the public, namely speaking out against what you don’t believe is right. The alternative is much darker, and you can get a glimpse into such an authoritarian future from George Orwell, who said:18

“In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party, but always there will be the intoxication of power. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who’s helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be draw from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.”


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

cover image credit: After Skool

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”


FDA & Pfizer: Something Wicked This Way Comes — Dr. Andrew Kaufman

by Sean Turnbull, SGT Report
August 25, 2021

Video available at SGT Report Odysee and BitChute channels.

TCTL editor’s notes: 

As mention in the video —

Provided by The Solari Report: Form for Employees Whose Employers are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

The Scientists Club Analysis – Read or download PDF:  Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines. White paper on vaccines’ compositions.


Transcript Excerpts:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Well obviously there is no concern over health and safety — that there’s another agenda going on here. You know, if we look back to the swine flu so-called pandemic in the 1970s there was an experimental vaccine then. And they had just 53 questionable deaths. And they pulled the entire product from the market.

So, obviously, what’s happening now is that the authorities are ignoring these numbers and pushing it through. And that’s because there’s another agenda to use these products in order to affect the population.

And I want to say that also there have been recently contracts between Pfizer and other companies and governments around the world stipulating the agreements or the arrangements around selling these so-called vaccines. And one of the stipulations is that they will not release the adverse events for a period of 10 years.

And so, if there is such a contract signed with the United States government, that could be a reason that they are essentially suppressing the data and not using that in making determinations for FDA decisions.

Well, these injections are really nothing more than poison. And there are several strategies that Pfizer took to prevent some of this information from coming to light.

For example, in their clinical trial that they used to get the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] status, and I’m sure they submitted this data for the approval that was just granted, they actually stopped the control group after a very, very short time period — and vaccinated them all very quickly. So, in other words, you couldn’t see any long term differences between the vaccine group and the control group in these clinical trials.

And, of course, this covered up all these adverse events from being seen in that official data set. So that’s part of the story, of course, that’s going on. And, you know, it seems like this is just going to be pushed out more and more over time.

And then we have some, of course, lots of reports from different scientists who have looked at what’s actually in these files and they found various undisclosed ingredients that are essentially acting as toxins. And we’re seeing this kind of response going on around the world in people who have received these jabs.

I want to say there’s there’s another really important aspect to why the FDA was able to do this approval. And it has to do with actually that vaccine label that you talked about at the beginning. Because, if this were applied for to the FDA as a gene therapy product, there are additional regulatory experiments that need to be satisfied — and that’s with respect to shedding. So there’s even a guidance from the FDA on this that I’ve reported on before — that any product that is a gene therapy that causes the recipient to make a foreign protein, because that’s what the technology is designed to make codes for the spike protein. So whoever receives this injection would make the spike protein — or that’s what they say how it works.

So you would have to test all the body fluids — for example, like sweat, urine, feces, tears saliva etc. — for the presence of the spike protein in order to satisfy the regulatory guidelines to get FDA approval. Because if it were present in the body fluids then you could exchange it with another person. And since the spike protein is toxic or foreign protein it could cause problems in people that exchange of body fluids with someone who’s been jabbed.

And this is something that has been very expensive in the past and has been a barrier to getting gene therapy products approved. So by designating this a vaccine, and having to redefine what a vaccine is, they’ve bypassed the need for those testing to be done. And that lays this past for potential approval which has now been granted.

…it’s called the Scientists Club Analysis and it’s available on the internet. But I happen to know who one of the main scientists is and I trust their work, so that’s why I’m willing to report on this in the preliminary stage.

I know there’s going to be a better report prepared for public consumption soon, but I think it’s important to know this preliminary analysis — because in several of the injections, including the Pfizer injection, they found the presence of nano materials

In the Pfizer “vaccine” they actually found elements like chromium, sulfur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen.. And these these metals, especially the… chromium and aluminum, and in other samples bismuth and copper, are not disclosed ingredients. So they’re not supposed to be in there.

And these metallic substances have different magnetic properties that would make them possibly to be used in nano-metallic particle devices. So there’s a possibility there is some nano technology in here.

Now there also is elemental analysis showing carbon and oxygen. Now this could represent the graphene oxide that we’ve heard about but it’s not a definitive test for that. So we would need additional testing to know for sure to confirm and validate the results put out by La Quinta Columna from Spain. But I think that this is certainly compatible with that analysis and we know there’s much circumstantial evidence that graphene oxide could be in these injections as well.

So we’re talking about now some confirmatory science of nano-metallic particles found in these jabs and these certainly could be responsible for at least some of the toxicity and adverse events that we’re seeing.

…I want to you know just make sure that everyone understands that whether this is emergency use authorization or whether it’s full FDA approval. And, by the way, what I’m saying now is not just relevant to the vaccines but this also goes for any medical procedure that you are coerced or “mandated” to do — like including health questions, answering those, submitting to temperature checks, wearing a mask, getting tested or taking any of these jabs — whether they’re approved or experimental, it’s simply against many different laws… You are guaranteed the sanctity of choosing what happens to your own body.

Now is a critical time, I fully agree with you Sean, because once people enroll in any kind of digital surveillance program — and I’m talking about vaccine passports of any kind — that is truly the end of all semblance of freedom that we may still have.

And, of course, if you submit to the injection then you’re essentially changing your body in a way that may not be reversible. And you’re gonna most likely end up part of this surveillance state, should be able to you know come to fruition as the planners have intended.

There actually is no virus whatsoever. And no real new disease except for possibly some poisoning by various means that may occur in certain areas

This vaccine is being rolled out for a different agenda. And if we just look at the other vaccines — now I realize that these are different technology but I think it’s a model that we can look to — and since I have actually taken the time to research what’s going on with the vaccines, I’ve come to the conclusion that much of the chronic illness that we see in our population worldwide is actually a direct result of these combinations of vaccines.

And I’m talking about specifically neuro-developmental diseases like autism. I’m talking about autoimmune diseases. I’m talking about dementias. And so a lot of the burden of illness that we experience right now is due to this old vaccine technology.

Now this new technology, of course, has the potential to do a lot of different things because it can result in gene modification. And even if the current round of this technology doesn’t have all of that machinery, we know that it exists and it’s used in all kinds of experiments.

And I’m talking about, for example, like the CRISPR technology which allows gene editing — where it can take a gene out of you and pop in a replacement gene, and can even be tuned so that you pass that on to your children… You can see that already researchers have designed and tested devices that are nano-particulates that are injectable. And many of them are involved with gene therapy that can actually control behaviors of animals… So this is a a field that’s already in existence and if we can imagine how this may be applied to these injections — because we see a regimen going on…

…on some of the vaccine passports they’ve shown online they actually have spots for up to eight boosters to be recorded. So we can see that they can keep coming up with new formulations, change the ingredients, maybe even under the FDA approval or they could get further emergency use authorizations for things that they say would address variants.

And so we see that this campaign is going to intensify. And I believe that the ultimate goal is related to the transhuman agenda, which is documented by many organizations and in many places…

We’ve essentially seen a lot of rituals play out during the the course of this pandemic. And I think the masks are one fantastic and primary example.

Because if we look at initiation rituals we see that the masks are almost universally applied… And this plays an important psychological role — that you shed your prior identity and you do that through the use of a mask, which makes you anonymous. Right? It de-identifies you. And then you go through the initiation ritual and on the other side of it you come out with a new identity as part of the group.

And I think that one of the big purposes of the mask is to initiate people into this surveillance state of a technocratic totalitarian type of structure.

This summer I’ve heard a lot of anecdotal reports…of summer cold or respiratory illness…

But what I think is going on is that we have seen first of all tremendous wildfires across the western part of the United States, creating a tremendous amount of air pollution. And who knows what types of accelerants or chemicals were used, you know, in those fires that may be in the air that we’ve been breathing.

And then, in addition, there’s been just an incredible geoengineering spraying campaign this summer.

In the area where I live and many other areas, the leaves are falling off the trees. And if you look at them you see that they are — what appear to look like chemical burns on these leaves, that they’ve turned black and falling off. And I believe there’s a good chance that this is what people are breathing in and is causing… the wave of respiratory illnesses.

Now we have this whole story about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine being able to relieve symptoms and be very clinically successful — and there’s quite a bit of data.

And there’s also quite a bit of propaganda…

There are several reasons for this. One main reason is that in order to have the emergency use authorization for the vaccines there has to be no other alternative that’s safer.

And, of course, we know ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been on the market for a long time. They’re past their patent protection and we know that they’re generally safe.

Hydroxychloroquine if given in high doses but we know what those doses are, so we can use it effectively.

But I don’t actually agree with using that strategy and I’ll explain why. What those drugs actually are as they are anti parasite drugs. So they actually kill parasites. And when I say parasites, I am talking about things like worms.

And we have been led to believe that parasites are not something that live in our bodies or contribute to illness in the western developed world.

But, I’ll tell you, based on my experience that’s absolutely not true because I’ve had so many clients who have used different types of natural healing protocols send me pictures of worms coming out of their body left and right.

So the reason why I believe these drugs are effective is because what the illness is — is that there is toxicity in the body and the body is trying to get rid of it through the in the acute infection by all the secretions, coughing things up, dissolving things with fevers etc.

But the people who are more vulnerable to getting a more severe illness they’ve had a more of a toxic burden to the point that it has attracted parasites to try and clean it up. And sometimes if they can’t clean it up it can express as one of these infections.

The same way that a strep throat, if there’s damage to the throat, the streptococcus bacteria come in to try to clean it up but they cause the symptoms of an infection….

I do want to close with some optimistic thoughts… I believe this is an amazing opportunity for us to step up and start to take responsibility as individual men and women for the situation that we’re in… In health care this is really could be a golden age where we get rid of this toxic pharmaceutical system and empower ourselves to take charge of our health and vitality…


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Memo to Governor Ron DeSantis: This Is How You Win Against the Wolves

Memo to Governor Ron DeSantis: This Is How You Win Against the Wolves

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 24, 2021



As you well know, the wolves are out to get you.

They smell blood.

Your state, Florida, is their key enemy. They have to make it seem your COVID policies are a failure. Otherwise, their whole COVID narrative collapses.

Bottom line: The current attacks against you from Biden and the press all rest on rising COVID case numbers in Florida.

That’s the federal hole card. They’re playing it. They’ve got nothing else.

Months ago, you and your public health department realized the case numbers were an artifact based on positive PCR tests. You saw through the scam:

When test labs run the tests at 35 cycles or higher (increased sensitivity), the results are meaningless, AND positive results pour forth like water out of a fire hose, creating the impression of many new COVID cases.

Fauci himself readily asserted that the test run at 35 or higher is meaningless. BUT FDA documents recommended running the test at up to 40 cycles. So labs followed suit.

THEREFORE, you and your state public health department mandated labs to report HOW MANY CYCLES THEY WERE RUNNING THE TEST AT, FOR EVERY SINGLE TEST.

You issued the order because labs had not been including that vital piece of information in their reports.

I’m betting several things have happened since you issued the order:

Some labs have failed to report how many cycles they’re using to run the test.

Public health officials have failed to enforce your order. They’ve failed to keep close tabs on the labs.

Therefore, labs have continued to run the tests at 35 cycles and higher—and the number of so-called COVID cases in Florida has escalated.

Beyond that, I think you’ll find that doctors in Florida are still writing “COVID-19”on patient files with no justification whatsoever. The patients have symptoms that would ordinarily be called flu or pneumonia or COPD—but suddenly they’re “COVID.”

I’m sure you’re aware that Medicare pays out higher money for “COVID cases” in hospitals than for ordinary flu or pneumonia.

The feds and the press are taking you to the cleaners because COVID case numbers in Florida are rising. But if you and your trusted people ride herd on the testing labs and the hospitals, those numbers will fall.

Nothing much depends on this, except the future of Florida and the rest of the country.

Governor, the political powers-that-be will do ANYTHING to maintain the appearance of rising case numbers. This includes lying, cheating, changing reports, fabricating numbers, and infiltrating your staffs.

You quite possibly believe the scandal I’m laying out here can be kept in-house; you can deal with it behind the scenes; you can solve the problem quietly. Perhaps you also believe the public won’t understand the details of this PCR testing scandal if you blow it wide open and let them know what’s going on.

However, your political strength depends on the grit, tenacity, and staying power of your supporters. You need to talk directly to them. You need to tell them what’s going on; how they’re being fooled.

And yes, this means you’ll be exposed to new massive attacks from the medical establishment. But THE TRUTH has a funny way of taking hold. Especially if you hammer on it day in and day out.

Millions of Americans will rally to your side. They WILL understand the shape of the COVID case number scandal.

The press is painting you as an ambitious politician who wants to become President. They’re painting you as Trump Two. Forget all that. Protecting Florida from the wolves is your job.

The whole country is dividing into competitive states: those that enforce draconian COVID restrictions, and those that insist on staying open.

That’s the reality on the ground.

The federal wolves know the draconian states are collapsing under the weight of their own policies. They can’t afford to allow the open states to succeed and flourish.

You can’t allow them to sink Florida.

Your power is your supporters—particularly the parents of school children. But also, of course, business owners and workers—all those who would be decimated if Florida succumbs to the false narrative of “rising case numbers.”

Tell the truth, Governor, and keep telling it.

Blow the scandal wide open.



(rushed sources list; to be indexed)

* (pg. 35) (4m20s)


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cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

Australia Is Going Full Fascist …but Resistance Is Growing

Australia Is Going Full Fascist …but Resistance Is Growing
The Australian government been leading the pack on Covid-based tyranny from the beginning, but are they pushing their citizens to breaking point?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
August 23, 2021


Covid19 has been used as an excuse to increase government control of pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere.

It is, without question, the greatest campaign to seize power, and greatest assault on personal freedom, of my lifetime. With countries seemingly in a contest to outdo each other’s clampdowns, lockdowns, quarantines and surveillance programs.

From the beginning of the “pandemic” three countries, in particular, have set the pace on this – Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Since last spring these three have been one-upping each other in a race to the fascist finish line. And right now, Australia is putting a sprint in to pull away from the pack.

Cities are going into full lockdown for just one positive test. Some Australian cities and states aren’t just under total lockdowns, but also ever-extending curfews. The details of which read like a dystopian novel.

People are not permitted to leave the state, let alone the country. They’re not even permitted more than 5km (~3 miles) from their home. They’re not allowed out at all after 9pm or before 5am. Masks are mandatory everywhere for everyone. Outdoors and in. No religious services. No weddings. Shoot stray dogs, just in case.

Police barge into “unapproved” shops and fine business owners, or go house-to-house making sure no one has gone out. People who test positive are taken from homes for “indefinite stays” at “quarantine hotels”.

They are herding thousands upon thousands of children in stadiums, without their parents, to perform (allegedly) voluntary mass vaccinations, despite the possible dangers. The army has been deployed to check papers and vaccine status at road checkpoints.

The homes of those “self-isolating” are having government notices nailed to the doors. “Unauthorised protests” are banned, and if organize one you get 8 months in prison.

The unvaccinated are told they mustn’t leave their homes:

And the nation’s billionaire-owned propaganda channels pump out this hysterical fear-mongering:

Increasingly their rules and limitations are becoming not just tyrannical but literally insane. It seems, just about every day, one or another Australian politician or health “expert” is on the news saying something crazy.

Don’t take your masks off to drink. Don’t be friendly. Don’t watch the sunset. Tape your balcony shut. Don’t go out to shop, and don’t order online either:

This is Australia’s “New Normal. This is just it, now. They’ve said they’re not going back. Even if they have “zero cases”, and over 80% are fully “vaccinated”, you’ll “still have to respect some rules regarding masking, social distancing”:

We will always need to live with a measure of restrictions.”

It gets worse.

Having decided that the “quarantine hotels” were inefficient, Australian states are now building coronavirus camps. Sorry, not camps, “national resilience centres”.

There’s already one in the Northern Territories, another being built in Melbourne and a third was just approved for construction in Brisbane. To underline that these rules aren’t temporary, these camps won’t even be operational until 2022.

For now these “resilience centres” are reserved for “returning travellers” to undertake “mandatory supervised quarantine”. But it’s not hard to see them becoming near-permanent installations to house the unvaccinated. Based on the current speed of deterioration, I can see it happening by the end of the week.

It also gets better.

The good news is that the people of Australia seem to be reaching a hard limit with just how much they can take. We already saw huge numbers at protests on Global Freedom Day (July 24th), and this past weekend saw even bigger protests in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney:

These kinds of protests are the key to winning this battle.

Noncompliance works. Simple refusal to do what you’re told, en masse, cannot be beaten. It also shows other people, who may be complying out of fear and isolation, that they’re not alone.

If you doubt the power of mass movements like these, simply look at the effort put into discrediting them.

The mainstream media has come out in force, decrying the “disgraceful violence”. The crowds of people are accused of being just “angry men” out there “looking for a fight”. Or branded lunatics and antisemites.

The press lies about the numbers, turning what was easily 10,000 people into “4000” or just “hundreds” (that’s an old trick).

They list the number of police officers injured, and make no reference to any protesters being hurt at all. But then go into the number of arrests in detail, but keeping them anonymous so no dissenter gets accidentally humanised.

Footage like this never makes it on the news:

While the commissioners go on TV crying crocodile tears over the violence, the truth is that police wanted the protests to turn violent.

Violence gives them further excuse to crackdown, whilst discrediting the message of the protest. The police response was designed to instigate that violence.

Generally speaking, the Australian police have taken to their role as fascist enforcers with remarkable ease in the past year. They’ve been sending threatening letters to independent journalistshitting protesters with their cars, stamping on their heads, pepper-spraying teenaged girls and performing dangerous chokeholds with genuine enthusiasm.

In the run-up to the planned protest, the police made it clear they would be taking a confrontational stance:

In Melbourne, 1500 officers took to the streets, in full riot gear, manning street-wide barricades in their faceless storm-trooper helmets. They fired rubber bullets into the crowd. They pepper-sprayed teenaged girls (again).

It was clear they were instigating a confrontation. It was no surprise when people eventually rushed the barricades and broke through.

It’s another tactic, as old as the hills, to put some undercover officers among the crowds whose job is to start getting violent, heat up the crowds, throw the first punch. It happensAllTheTime.

Regardless of the rhetoric from the state and their tools in the press, more protests are planned for the future. Australian truck drivers, hard-hit by the lockdowns, are planning an industrial action to shut the country down, and there are several legal challenges in the works.

Australia’s government may be setting the standard for Orwellian control, but Australia’s people are showcasing the simple solution: Resist. They only win if we let them.

To paraphrase A Bug’s Life, we’re a lot stronger than they say we are, and they know it. Or, to quote one iconic protester on a white horse, “cross over, they cannot arrest all of us.”

This morning Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews took to the television screen to send a message. He condemned the “Terrible scenes. Ugly scenes.” and the “disgusting violence”, and tried to spin the line that this was a protest over Covid, rather than spectacularly cruel government overreach:

Today’s Monday and the virus is still here…because protests, however agitated, however appalling, however willing, don’t work on this.”

But what we all know, and every day more and more people are realising, is that this isn’t about a virus. It was never about a virus. It is about tyranny.

And protests work on that all the time.


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Breaking: FDA to Give Full Approval to COVID Vaccines; No Public Hearing; No Transparency; No Open Review of Vaccine Data

Breaking: FDA to Give Full Approval to COVID Vaccines; No Public Hearing; No Transparency; No Open Review of Vaccine Data
It’s all happening behind closed doors

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 23, 2021


The fix is in.

We’re racing from “emergency use authorization” of experimental vaccines to “full approval.” Boom.

Despite the promise of “transparency” prior to giving full approval to the COVID vaccines, the FDA is set to give its final green light today, or later this week. It’s a slam-dunk.

And there is NO public hearing.

This means the vaccine marketing/intimidation/mandate campaigns will ramp up much higher. “Well, now there is NO reason for anyone to refuse the shot. The FDA states it is completely safe and effective.”

Obviously, the FDA didn’t want to allow even mainstream “experts” to speak in a public hearing before approval; the agency is running a very tight ship. No slip-ups. No defections.

An 8/20 article in the BMJ (“Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data”) quotes a few of these dissenting mainstream pros. For example:

“Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate who serves as a consumer representative on the FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, said the decision removed an important mechanism for scrutinising the data.”

“’These [FDA] public meetings are imperative in building trust and confidence especially when the vaccines came to market at lightning speed under emergency use authorisation,’ she said. ‘The public deserves a transparent process, especially as the call for boosters and mandates are rapidly increasing. These meetings offer a platform where questions can be raised, problems tackled, and data scrutinised in advance of an approval’.”

“Witczak is one of the more than 30 signatories of a citizen petition calling on the FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine this year to gather more data. She warned that without a [public FDA] meeting ‘we have no idea what the data looks like’.”

“’It is already concerning that full approval is being based on 6 months’ worth of data despite the clinical trials designed for two years,’ she said. ‘There is no control group after Pfizer offered the product to placebo participants before the trials were completed’.”

“’Full approval of covid-19 vaccines must be done in an open public forum for all to see. It could set a precedent of lowered standards for future vaccine approvals’.”

Understand—this devastating criticism of the FDA is coming from a person who operates WITHIN the public-health establishment.

Amidst a tsunami of reports of vaccine injuries and deaths from around the world, the FDA is proving it is an agency that will certify maiming and killing without hesitation.


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cover image credit: Activedia / pixabay

Victoria Man Who Promoted Anti-Lockdown Protest on Social Media Is Jailed for Eight Months

Victoria Man Who Promoted Anti-Lockdown Protest on Social Media Is Jailed for Eight Months
Australia’s Coronavirus Restrictions on Civil Liberties Have Been Amongst the Most Extreme.

by Christina Maas, Reclaim the Net
August 22, 2021


A 29-year-old man from the Australian state of Victoria was sentenced to eight months in prison after social media posts advertising anti-lockdown protests in Sydney, New South Wales, and a violation of other public health orders. Last weekend, the whole state of New South Wales was put under lockdown.

Anthony Khallouf was arrested at a train station on Thursday afternoon. On Friday, at a court in Sydney, he was charged with public health order violations and organizing protests, sentenced to eight months in prison with a three months non-parole period.

Khallouf is the founder of an anti-lockdown group called Australians vs. The Agenda.

On his social media profiles he promoted the “Australian Freedom Rally,” and encouraged his followers to distribute posters for the “Worldwide Rally for Freedom.”

Khallouf was also convicted of “false representation resulting in police investigation” after allegedly telling Instagram followers on to call police because he felt his life was in ­danger.

“I need everybody to call NSW Police right now and tell them that there’s threats to my life,” he wrote.

“This caused several people to contact police … causing police to investigate those claims and no doubt taking up significant ­resources,” magistrate Robyn Denes said at the hearing.

Khallouf’s public health order violations included crossing the state border from Queensland to New South Wales. He was visiting a relative in Sydney.

“Police are aware of unauthorised protest activities planned for this weekend. Do NOT attend,” NSW Police posted on Facebook on Tuesday.

“Public safety is our first priority and you will be fined or arrested if you turn up #StayAtHome.”


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Vaccination: They’re Becoming Desperate

Vaccination: They’re Becoming Desperate

by Dave Cullen, Computing Forever
August 21, 2021


Video available at Computing Forever Odysee and BitChute channels.


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How We Beat the Green Passport and the Covidian National Socialist Hypochondriac Party

How We Beat the Green Passport and the Covidian National Socialist Hypochondriac Party

by Rafi Farber, The Jewish Libertarian
August 20, 2021



Thursday, August 19, 2021. The winds of Covidian Nazism are blowing strong. Pfizer lab rats, to the right. Those who insist on maintaining their humanity, to the left.

We have a family membership at the country club for the pool and the gym. I work out there several times a week and we take our kids swimming often as well. Management knows us.

We do not carry the green Swastika. We have no “green pass”. We will not even be part of it by getting a fake one. We have never taken a single serological or PCR test. We never, ever, wear masks, we do not quarantine (unless we are actually symptomatically sick and it makes sense of course). We are not part of the Covidian National Socialist Hypochondriac Party. We do not consent, and we will not comply.

We drive to the pool. Me, my wife, and my 5 kids, ages 11 to 2. Our plan is to walk straight in, ignore any requests to present a green pass, and just go right to the pool. Before we enter, we pray to the Holy One Blessed Be He to protect us from Covidian Nazis and to give us strength to maintain our calm. I tell my kids, “As long as we are doing the right thing, Hashem (God) will protect us.” I look each of them in the eye. We walk on.

We get nearer to the door, and there it is. That revolting green Swastika. That nauseating green pass sign that says we are now less than human because we refuse to submit to a mass medical experiment. We ignore it. We enter the building, and walk past the turnstile.

“Do you have a Tav Yarok (green pass)?” asks the clerk.

“No, we do not.”

“Then you have to come here to take a corona test.”

“No, we will not.” And we keep walking.

“Wait! Stop!”

I turn back to her as I’m walking in the direction of the pool.

“Call the police if you want. We are going swimming.”

She picks up the phone to call the head manager. We head to the pool and put our stuff down on the turf. There is almost nobody there at all. Very rare for a hot August day, day one of Green Pass enforcement. We see the manager, who knows us, walking towards us. Before he even gets near us, I say loudly, “I’m not interested in talking about it at all. Call the police if you want to. We are going swimming.”

He says he is calling the police. He picks up his phone and walks away.

Thirty minutes pass by as we enjoy the pool, almost alone. We explain to our older kids what is going on and why the police might come and arrest us soon. They understand. We are shaking in the pool as the 4 year old is swimming between us. We are trying to maintain calm, wondering if the police are going to come fish us out of the pool any second. All the sudden the manager comes back out and asks politely to me, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

This sounded reasonable, so I said yes, sure.

“Look, you’re my customers, and I don’t want to call the police on you. Nobody’s coming anymore and I don’t want to lose you as customers. I know a lot of people like you and I understand. But there are laws in this country and I have to follow them.”

“I will not follow them. The Nazis had laws, too.”

“I can’t say anything to that, but I won’t bother you. Just, there are ways to go about this. You don’t just barge in like that,” he says. Fair enough.

“Look, I’m sorry about that. You know me. I’m glad that you understand, and I respect you and I thank you. I’ve been under pressure for 18 months now and I am sick of the injustice of all this. I’m sorry I barged in, but I’m just very short on patience. I don’t want to cause you any trouble at all. Just know that I am going to keep coming here, I will walk straight in, do my work out, I do not have a green pass, and I will never take a single test, ever.”

“Then that’s at your own risk,” he says.

“Of course, 100%. It’s my responsibility, not yours. Thank you very much, and I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

My wife and I hug, he turns back and sees us, he smiles. We have a very nice swim with our children. I ask my 7-year-old son how he’s feeling. He says to me, “I knew the police weren’t going to come.” He seemed very confident, without a worry in the world.

“I wasn’t so sure, but I guess you were right. I should be more brave like you,” I tell him. Pride swells and I have a lump in my throat. He is a good man.

Anyone can do this. Anywhere. You must do this. Just walk in, and call their bluff. Tell them to call the police. The worst that will happen, if you are calm and stand your ground, is that you will get a ticket, that you can then appeal in court, and the ticket will be cancelled, because they do not want anything going to court, lest they lose, there’s precedent, and the whole totalitarian system crumbles.

Call. Their. Bluff. This is all just fear. There is nothing to be afraid of. Pool conquered. Gym conquered. Supermarket conquered. The counterattack progresses.

Thank you God for giving us the strength to do Your will and to fight back.


Connect with Rafi Farber

cover image credit: Sztrapacska74  / pixabay

Australia Rises: Nationwide Pushback Against Tyranny – Saturday August 21st at 12PM

Australia Rises: Nationwide Pushback Against Tyranny – Saturday August 21st at 12PM



National Rally for Peace, Freedom & Human Rights


Saturday August 21st



Original video is available at NateMaxTV BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.] 


Connect with Adelaide Freedom Rally:
Connect with Melbourne Freedom Rally:
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The World Economic Forum’s Totally Not Creepy New Idea

The World Economic Forum’s Totally Not Creepy New Idea
Schwab and the boys are at it again.

by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News
August 18, 2021


Davos globalists are worried that ubiquitous face masks are preventing the plebs from being identified via facial recognition technology.

But don’t worry, they have a solution, and it’s not creepy at all!


Connect with Summit News

Christine Massey Interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: On FOIA Requests & Responses to the Question — Has SARS-CoV-2 Ever Been Isolated? Does the “Virus” Exist?

Christine Massey Interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: On FOIA Requests & Responses to the Question — Has SARS-CoV-2 Ever Been Isolated? Does the “Virus” Exist?

by Christine Massey and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
August 18, 2021


The Chinese authorities announced on January 7, 2020 that they had isolated and identified “a new type of virus”.  Then on the 28th of January 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the novela corona virus had been isolated.  

Christine Massey, M.Sc conducted an extensive report over a period of more than a year. The central question raised in her study is the following:

“is there reliable evidence that SARS-CoV-2  has been isolated  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”?

Christine Massey submitted Freedom of Information (FOI) requests to some 90 Health /Science institutions.

Does the Virus Exist? The responses to these requests confirm that there is no record of isolation / purification of SARS-CoV-2 “having been performed by anyone, anywhere, ever.” 


Video: Does the Virus Exist? Has SARS-CoV-2 Been Isolated? Interview with Christine Massey

Here is a screenshot of the letter sent to Health /Science institutions 

Christine Massey’s articles  can be consulted at  Fluoride Free Peel 

Original video is available at Centre for Research on Globalization BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

See related: 
Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review
 by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research


Connect with Global Research

The False Spectre of ‘Domestic Terrorism Threats’ Is Nothing More Than a Government Plot to Control and Incarcerate All Dissenters

The False Spectre of ‘Domestic Terrorism Threats’ Is Nothing More Than a Government Plot to Control and Incarcerate All Dissenters

by Gary D. Barnett
August 17, 2021


“The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?” ~ George Orwell, 1984

This ‘virus’ terrorism that has been structured and stoked by this heinous government for the purpose of depopulation, power grabs, and control over society, is now being greatly ramped up in order to shut down all questions, all speech, all facts, and all those that would not comply with draconian mandates issued by this corrupt state. If such a criminal coup is able to be accomplished by the state thugs, all opposition to the status quo of planned economic demolition, sickness, mind and body destruction, and death by the ruling class will have been effectively stopped, leaving only those ready and willing to act as slaves instead of fighting for their own liberty. In effect, with the gallant truth seekers marginalized or taken down, no resistance will be evident, and only the compliant sheep-like masses will be left, negating any defense against totalitarian rule. But of course, that is the plan.

We are faced with extreme terrorism, but it is not being waged by foreign mercenaries, jihadists, white supremacists, or domestic dissenters, it is the state itself that practices terrorism against the people. In essence, war is being waged against this country from the inside by this government, its controllers, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry, the big technology sector, the banking system, and all government’s other fascist partners. The American governing system is the enemy of all of us, and few will be exempt from its tyranny if large scale resistance is not forthcoming. Democide has already begun!

On August 13th, The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), an oxymoron if ever there were one, issued a new National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin titled: “Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland.” The top priority of this so-called bulletin is that “anti-government/anti-authority violent extremists will remain a national threat priority for the United States.” This is an open-ended threat to all that disagree with and oppose this government orchestrated fake pandemic, as stated in this bulletin. This does not mean that one has to take up arms or commit acts of violence in order to be targeted by the state, quite the contrary is the case. This atrocious bulletin is dated effective August 13, 2021 and expires November 11, 2021. How do these monsters know the exact dates when this so-called ‘domestic terrorism’ will happen? This is no accident, and makes obvious that a threat is being issued to all that are non-compliant. Do not forget these dates, as plans are apparently already set for all those of us that are anti-government/anti-authority, and it seems certain that false flag events to trigger martial law are already in place, for why else would such a short-term structured bulletin be issued for this specific three-month period?

It is also stated in this document that domestic terrorism “threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.” In other words, they already know that they are going to impose more restrictions over this period. In addition, the DHS states that they “will continue to identify and evaluate calls for violence, including online activity associated with the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives, by known or suspected threat actors and provide updated information, as necessary.”  This is a direct warning to all those attempting to tell the truth about this fake pandemic and the poisonous and deadly injections mislabeled as ‘vaccines.’  The only disinformation is coming from the DHS, the rest of government, the WHO, the CDC, and the mainstream media, as they are the real terrorists.

I have done a bit of cowboying in my life, and cowboys get the job done. Here in Montana, we have a saying that is very appropriate today: “It’s gettin’ down to nut cuttin’ time!”  At this moment in history, especially given the limited time left before this country is totally destroyed by this criminal government cabal, there is no more time to waste, and extreme preventative efforts are needed to stop this insanity.

These are unprecedented times in history, and this country called the United States is at war against its own people, and wants to depopulate not only this country, but the rest of the world as well. Democide, genocide, and mass murder are desired, and the beginning stages are being carried out now. Drastic measures are necessary in order to shut down this attack against the people, and a mass movement of total disobedience is essential if this takeover of society is to be stopped. We are out of time, and if blind obedience continues, mass slavery will be the result.

Think about what is coming if strong resistance is not present:

Immunity and ‘vaccine’ passports
‘Covid’ marshals (police and military)
Lockdowns and home imprisonment
‘Vaccine’ mandates
Mass ‘vaccination’ of all children
Interstate travel banned without ‘vaccine’
Food shortages
Job loss
Economic Armageddon
Internment (concentration) camps (prison for unvaccinated)
Loss of utilities due to state planned cyber attacks
Supply line shutdowns
Mass death

And the list goes on. How far will this have to go before the masses see the light? How much abuse are the people of this country willing to take before they say no more?  How many lies must be swallowed before the sickness of apathy is expelled?

There is no ‘virus pandemic,’ there are no ‘variants;’ there are only lies and propaganda spewed by the political class and their partners in crime. This government, its agencies, its courts, and the politicians are evil, corrupt, and criminal. They care nothing about you, they care nothing about your family, they care nothing about your children, and they care nothing about the well-being of the masses. They care not about anything of value, they care only about power and control. The only way to stop this is by mass disobedience, and refusal to obey any order or mandate issued by this abhorrent state.

“Evil thrives on apathy and cannot exist without it.” ~ Hannah Arendt


Additional source link: Opposition to ‘Covid’ measures is terrorism


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review

Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
August 10, 2021


Hell is Empty and the Devils are All Here
~ William Shakespeare, The Tempest, 1610- 1611



There is a sequence of outright lies and fabrications used to justify far-reaching policy decisions which in the course of the last 18 months are literally destroying people’s lives Worldwide. 

“Fake science” is used to justify confinement, social distancing, the face mask, the prohibition of social gatherings,  cultural and sports events, the closure of economic activity, all of which are upheld as a means to repealing the “killer virus”. 

Who is this “Killer Virus” which has been personified by both the media and our governments, held responsible for triggering economic and social chaos Worldwide? 

You might recall that at the height of the February 2020 financial collapse, “V the Virus” was held responsible for the largest stock market crash since 1929. 

Has the “Killer Virus” been Identified. Has SARS-CoV-2 been Isolated?

This article will review this contentious issue starting at the outset of the crisis in January 2020. Part of this analysis is based on research conducted in early 2020. 

The central question raised in this review is the following: is there reliable evidence provided by the WHO and national  health authorities that the alleged SARS-CoV-2  virus has been isolated/purified  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”? 

While the alleged virus was initially defined as the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) did not have in its possession details regarding the isolation/purification and identity of  2019-nCoV.

And because details concerning isolation / purification were not available, the WHO decided to “customize” The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) Test using the alleged “similar” 2003 SARS virus (subsequently renamed SARS-1) as “a point of reference” for detecting genetic fragments of the novel 2019-nCoV. 

What this decision entails is that novel 2019-CoV-2 is NOT a novel virus. It was categorized by the Chinese authorities and the WHO as “similar” to the 2003 SARS-CoV as well as to MERS. 

2003 SARS-CoV was subsequently renamed SARS-CoV-1.

History: Isolation of the Virus 

Chinese Health Authorities

The Chinese authorities announced on January 7, 2020 that “a new type of virus”  had been identified  “similar to the one associated with SARS and MERS” (related report , not original Chinese government source).  The underlying method is described below:

We prospectively collected and analysed data on patients with laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection by real-time RT-PCR and next-generation sequencing.

Data were obtained with standardised data collection forms shared by WHO and the International Severe Acute Respiratory and Emerging Infection Consortium from electronic medical records. (emphasis added)

The  following article entitled A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China(Nature, February 3, 2021) was among the first to report on China’s novel coronavirus:

…[We] collected bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and performed deep meta-transcriptomic sequencing. The clinical specimen was handled in a biosafety level 3 laboratory at Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center. Total RNA was extracted from 200 μl of BALF and a meta-transcriptomic library was constructed for pair-end (150-bp reads) sequencing using an Illumina MiniSeq as previously described 4,6,7,8.
In total, we generated 56,565,928 sequence reads that were de novo-assembled and screened for potential aetiological agents.
The genome sequence of this virus, as well as its termini, were determined and confirmed by reverse-transcription PCR (RT–PCR)10 and 5′/3′ rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), respectively. This virus strain was designated as WH-Human 1 coronavirus (WHCV) (and has also been referred to as ‘2019-nCoV’) and its whole genome sequence (29,903 nt) has been assigned GenBank accession number MN908947.
The viral genome organization of WHCV was determined by sequence alignment to two representative members of the genus Betacoronavirus: a coronavirus associated with humans (SARS-CoV Tor2, GenBank accession number AY274119) [2003] and a coronavirus associated with bats (bat SL-CoVZC45, GenBank accession number MG772933) . (Nature, February 3, 2020)

It is unclear from the above quotations as well as from the documents consulted, whether the Chinese health authorities undertook an isolation / purification of  a patient’s specimen.

US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Following the Chinese announcement  on the 28th of January 2020, the US Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that the novela corona virus had been isolated.  The CDC statement dated January 28th, 2020 (updated December 2020) is unequivocal:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community.

    • On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture to grow a sufficient amount of virus for study.
    • On February 2, 2020, CDC generated enough SARS-CoV-2 grown in cell culture to distribute to medical and scientific researchers.
    • On February 4, 2020, CDC shipped SARS-CoV-2 to the BEI Resources Repository.
    • An article discussing the isolation and characterization of this virus specimen is available in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

One important way that CDC has supported global efforts to study and learn about SARS-CoV-2 in the laboratory was by growing the virus in cell culture and ensuring that it was widely available. Researchers in the scientific and medical community can use virus obtained from this work in their studies.

SARS-CoV-2 strains supplied by CDC and other researchers can be requested, free, from the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research (BEI) Resources Repository external icon by established institutions that meet BEI requirements. These requirements include maintaining appropriate facilities and safety programs, as well as having the appropriate expertise. BEI supplies organisms and reagents to the broader community of microbiology and infectious disease researchers.  (Emphasis added).

See also related study which was posted on the CDC website.

The CDC Acknowledges that SARS-CoV-2 has not been  Isolated.

The official CDC document, (dated July 21, 2021) entitled “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel reads as follows:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed [January 2020] and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. (emphasis added, page 40)

Compare the above statement to the CDC January 28th, 2020 advisory confirming the isolation of SARS-CoV-2:

On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture to grow a sufficient amount of virus for study.

See the analysis of CDC responses in the section below on Freedom of Information Requests.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Did Not Undertake The Isolation / Purification of a Specimen

From the documents quoted below, the Chinese authorities did not provide the WHO with a specimen of isolated /  purified  SARS-CoV-2.

And because details concerning isolation were not available, the WHO  decided to “customize” its Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR)  test using a so-called isolate of the “similar” 2003 SARS corona virus (subsequently renamed SARS-CoV-1) as “a point of reference” (or proxy) for detecting genetic fragments of the 2019 SARS-CoV-2.

The WHO sought the advice of   Victor M. Corman, Christian Drosten, et al  of the Berlin Virology Institute at Charité Hospital. The study entitled “Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR” ) was subsequently submitted to the WHO. 

While Corman, Drosten et al’s study confirmed that “several viral genome sequences had been released”, in the case of 2019-nCoV, “virus isolates or samples from infected patients were not available … 

The recommendations to the WHO were as follows:

“The genome sequences suggest presence of a virus closely related to the members of a viral species termed severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-related CoV, a species defined by the agent of the 2002/03 outbreak of SARS in humans [3,4].

We report on the the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation [using the RT-PCR test], designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”  (Eurosurveillance, January 23, 2020, emphasis added).

What this bold statement suggests is that the isolation / purification of 2019-nCoV was not required and that “validation” would be enabled by “the close genetic relatedness to the 2003-SARS-CoV.”

The recommendations of the Corman- Drosten study (supported and financed by the Gates Foundation) pertaining to the use of the RT-PCR test applied to 2019-nCoV were then firmly endorsed by the Director General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom. (For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, E-Book, Chapter II).

Freedom of Information: No Record of SARS-CoV-2 Isolation-Purification

An important ongoing and detailed investigative project by Christine Massey, M.Sc. of Ontario, Canada is entitled:

Freedom of Information Requests: Health/ Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification  (work in progress since 2020)by Fluoride Free Peel, August 04, 2021

A related text shows the list of institutions contacted

90 Health/Science Institutions Globally All Failed to Cite Even 1 Record of “SARS-COV-2” Purification, by Anyone, Anywhere, Ever bFluoride Free Peel, August 04, 2021

The investigative report provides detailed documentation based on Freedom of Information (FOI) requests addressed to ninety Health /Science institutions in a large number of countries.

The responses to these requests confirm that there is no record of isolation / purification of SARS-CoV-2 “having been performed by anyone, anywhere, ever.”

“The 90 Health /Science institutions that have responded thus far have provided and/or cited, in total, zero such records:

Our requests [under “freedom of information”] have not been limited to records of isolation performed by the respective institution, or limited to records authored by the respective institution, rather they were open to any records describing “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”) isolation/purification performed by anyone, ever, anywhere on the planet.”


The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The CDC was contacted by the author of this report in the form of four separate requests: November 2, 2020, March 1, 2021, March 3, 2021, which are reviewed below:

On November 2, 2020.

The CDC admitted they have no records of actual isolation/purification by anyone, anywhere, ever, by any method” :




The CDC again made clear that they still have no records of “SARS-COV-2” isolation performed by anyone, anywhere on the planet, ever… just not in so many words. Instead, the CDC absurdly implied that isolation/purification of “SARS-COV-2” would require the replication of a “virus” without host cells and thus is impossible.  (The request had nothing to do with replication.)

CDC again failed to provide/cite any records describing “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification by anyone anywhere ever… but would no longer simply say so (as they did on November 2nd); instead they gave song and dance citing the study by Harcourt et al. which is the same one posted on CDC’s website:

June 7, 2021:

CDC admitted they have no record of “SARS-COV-2” purification from a patient sample via maceration, filtration and use of an ultracentrifuge, by anyone, anywhere, ever:

Conclusive Results of the Investigation

What the author of this incisive and detailed report has confirmed is that:

Every institution has failed to provide even 1 record describing the isolation aka purification of any “COVID-19 virus” directly from a patient sample that was not first adulterated with other sources of genetic material. (Those other sources are typically monkey kidney aka “Vero” cells and fetal bovine serum).

Here are 5 compilation pdfs containing FOI responses from 79 institutions in 22 countries/jurisdictions, re the isolation/purification/existence of “SARS-COV-2”, as well as emails from authors of studies that claimed to have “isolated the virus” and an email from the Head of the Consultant Laboratory for Diagnostic Electron Microscopy of Infectious Pathogens at Germany’s Robert Koch Institut, last updated July 13, 2021

Screenshot of a selected responses are provided below : New Zealand, Canada, UK.

Consult the full archive of letters and responses. This work was undertaken over a period of more than 12 months.

Response Public Health England

It follows from the above detailed study that there is no evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated/purified from a patient’s sample, as  evidenced by the responses “under freedom of information” (FOI) from some 90 health / science institutions Worldwide.  

Thus far (July 9, 2021) 27 Canadian institutions have provided their responses. (click to access list)


Republic of Ireland:  “The Virus does not Exist”

Gemma O’Doherty is an Investigative Journalist in Ireland.

“This Irish Investigation into Covid shows that The Department of Health refuses to confirm the existence of a “virus” in writing. Confirmation that the virus was never isolated.”


“As part of our legal action we had been demanding the evidence that this virus actually exists [as well as] evidence that lock downs actually have any impact on the spread of viruses; that face-masks are safe, and do deter the spread of viruses – They don’t. No such studies exist; that social distancing is based in science – It isn’t. it’s made up; that contact tracing has any bearing on the spread of a virus – of course it doesn’t. This organization here – is making it up as they go along.” – Gemma O’Doherty 


Isolation of the Virus. The Legal Battle in Alberta. Patrick King

Patrick King. The Virus Has Not Been Isolated! “No I Did Not Win The Court Case”. “They Do Not Have the Evidence”.

The following video features Patrick King in his legal Battle against the Alberta Government.

There are a lot of people in Alberta and around the World who are Fighting against the Big Lie. 
Video:  Patrick King embodies the Truth. 


[Video available at OdyseeBitchute, and Rumble


Concluding Remarks: “Biggest Medical Fraud in World History”

SARS-CoV-2 has not been isolated. Does the virus Exist?

Neither the Chinese authorities nor the CDC, the WHO, national governments, scientific /  health authorities have provided evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has been  isolated /purified.

Based on the investigative research of Christine Massey we have access to the responses of numerous governments and health authorities, including that provided by the Republic of Ireland to journalist Gemma O’Doherty.

What this means is that the entire covid narrative falls flat.

We have been systematically misled.

Everything you have been told by your governments is a lie, a complexity of lies and falsehoods.

There is no pandemic. The isolation / purification of the virus has not been undertaken.

All the policies adopted by governments worldwide allegedly to “save lives” are illegal, socially destructive and in violation of fundamental human rights.

These policies have been instrumental in “destroying people’s lives”.

Dr. Stephen Frost refers to the alleged “Covid pandemic” as “The Biggest Medical Fraud in World History”.

From the outset in January 2020, the flawed and invalid RT-PCR test was used to “detect” the alleged 2019 SARS-CoV-2 virus,  despite the fact that details regarding the isolation/purification of the original virus were not available.

All far-reaching policy decisions imposed on people Worlwide were based on a data bank of fake  case positives coupled with false mortality data pertaining to Covid-19 related deaths.

Curbing the alleged SARS-CoV-2 pandemic through the imposition of face masks, social distancing, closing down of national economies has absolutely no validity,

The original strain of SARS-CoV-2 has not be isolated /purified: How does that affect the process of so-called “detection” of the “deadly variants” of the original virus?

Mortality and Morbidity: While there is “No Killer Virus”, there is a “Killer Vaccine”.

While the SARS-CoV-2 virus is presented by the media and the governments as a “killer virus” (when in fact the WHO and CDC describe it as “similar to seasonal influenza”), a totally invalid and dysfunctional Covid -19 vaccine is currently being imposed on the entire population of Planet Earth: 7.9 billion people.

It’s a multibillion dollar endeavour with Pfizer in the lead, establishing a near Worldwide monopoly for the sale and distribution of the mRNA killer vaccine.

Important Question: 

How did Big Pharma manage to develop a vaccine (sponsored by the WHO, GAVI, the Gates Foundation, et al) with a mandate “to protect people” against a virus which has not been isolated/ purified  from an “unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient”?

Vaccine in relation to What? The virus has not been identified.

Moreover, 2019 SARS-CoV-2 has been categorized as similar to the 2003 SARS-CoV which means that the 2019 SARS-CoV-2 is not a novel virus.

The legitimacy of the Covid vaccine project hinges upon the validity of hundreds of thousands of RT-PCR fake positive cases Worldwide combined with fake Covid related mortality data.

Big Pharma’s mRNA vaccine has resulted in countless deaths and injuries Worldwide which are barely reported by the mainstream media. 

While we do not have figures for the entire Planet, the latest official figures for the European Union and the U.S are revealing. Bear in mind they vastly underestimate the real trends in vaccin related mortality and morbidity:

EU/EEA/Switzerland to 31 July 2021 – 20,595 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 1.94 million injuries, per EudraVigilance Database.

UK to 21 July 2021 – 1,517 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 1.1 million injuries, per MHRA Yellow Card Scheme.

USA to 23 July 2021 – 11,940 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 2.4 million injuries, per VAERS database.

TOTAL for EU/UK/USA – 34,052 Covid-19 injection related deaths and over 5.46 million injuries reported as at 1 August 2021

Nota Bene: It is important to be aware that the official figures above (reported to the health authorities) are but a small percentage of the actual figures. Furthermore, people continue to die (and suffer injury) from the injections with every day which passes.  (D4CE)

So why are governments pressuring people to get vaccinated?

Heads of State and heads of government Worldwide are being pressured, bribed, coopted and/or threatened by powerful financial interests into accepting the Covid vaccine consensus. The vaccine passport is the endgame, which constitutes a transition towards digital tyranny.

The study and reports analyzed in this article should be used to confront politicians as well as inform and sensitize people in towns and villages, across the land, nationally and internationally.

At this stage in our history, solidarity is absolutely fundamental. 

Does the Virus Exist?

The governments and the WHO do not have a Leg to Stand On. And neither does Bill Gates.

What we must seek is to confront a very fragile covid-19 consensus, which is based on fraud and deceit.

Author’s Note. I remain indebted to Christine Massey for her extensive research and investigation on the issue of isolation /purification.

See also Michel Chossudovsky’s E-book (10 chapters) entitled:

The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État and the “Great Reset” by Prof Michel Chossudovsky,

Michel Chossudovsky is an award-winning author, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, Founder and Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal, Editor of Global Research.

He has undertaken field research in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa and the Pacific and has written extensively on the economies of developing countries with a focus on poverty and social inequality. He has also undertaken research in Health Economics (UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC),  UNFPA, CIDA, WHO, Government of Venezuela, John Hopkins International Journal of Health Services (19791983)

He is the author of twelve books including The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order (2003), America’s “War on Terrorism (2005),  The Globalization of War, America’s Long War Against Humanity (2015).

He is a contributor to the Encyclopaedia Britannica.  His writings have been published in more than twenty languages. In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit of the Republic of Serbia for his writings on NATO’s war of aggression against Yugoslavia.


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cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi / pixabay

The Propaganda War (Part II)

The Propaganda War (Part II)

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory
August 13, 2021


The column you are about to read is propaganda. Yes, that’s right … propaganda. It isn’t political satire or commentary, or objective news or information, or unbiased, verified scientific fact. It is propaganda, pure and simple.

That isn’t a confession, a disclaimer, or a warning. I am not ashamed of writing propaganda. Most everything you see and read on the Internet, and in newspapers, and on television, and in textbooks, and novels, and on advertising billboards, and everywhere else, is propaganda. There is nothing wrong with propaganda. The question is who is doing it, and what they are doing it for. Here’s the definition in the Cambridge Dictionary:

“information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people’s opinions”

That is what the column you are reading is … an attempt to influence people’s opinions. Of course, that isn’t all it is. Nothing is ever only one thing. But it is absolutely propaganda. And so is everything else that you will read today.

I’m terribly sorry if this comes as a shock, but there is no “objective” fantasy-land in which no one is trying to persuade you of anything or pressure you or otherwise influence you to do something. It does not exist, this “objective” dreamworld, where “authoritative sources” report “the facts,” where “the facts” are “verified” by “neutral” “fact checkers,” where ex-NSA and CIA spooks are hired as commentators by MSNBC and CNN because they care about “the truth,” where “science” is immune to manipulation. This fantasy is the alibi of authoritarians, cult leaders, and assorted other control freaks, and the people they have brainwashed into believing in it.

Everyone — and I do mean literally everyone — is trying to persuade or convince you of something. Your friends, family, colleagues, your boss, advertisers, lobbyists, government officials, the media, artists, teachers, doctors, journalists, bloggers, Twitter bots, etc. This isn’t cause for paranoia. It’s a natural part of human social behavior. It is happening right now as you read this sentence. I’m trying to convince you of something. In a moment, I’m going to urge you to do something.

This is how we create “reality,” collectively, by persuading and influencing each other, or allowing ourselves to be persuaded and influenced, mostly by powerful ideological forces that do not care about us, and just want to control us, but also by each other, moment by moment, with every word we speak and every action we take.

Every choice we make is an advertisement, a political statement, a profession of faith … a small contribution to a work of art we are collectively creating, which is what “reality” is. You and I are doing it right now. I’m trying my best to influence you, and you’re deciding whether to let me do that, whether you trust me … whether we share the same “reality.”

This process (or this negotiation, if you will) is never-ending, and there is no escape from it. Pretending that it isn’t happening — that we are not creating “reality” together with every choice we make — is childish, and is particularly dangerous at a time like this, when a new form of totalitarianism is being rolled out all across the world. This is not the time to retreat into fantasies. As I noted in Part I of this piece, we are in a propaganda war, and we are losing. GloboCap is manufacturing a new “reality,” a pathologized-totalitarian “reality.” Either you accept it, and conform to it, or you oppose it. Those are the choices. There are no other choices.

All right, now that we’ve got that straight, let’s get down to the propaganda at hand, and what it is that I am urging you to do.

I think the young people call that a “meme.” It is something everyone can do. Make a tweet or a post like that, with your name, face, country, and details, whatever restrictions apply to you. Use the hashtag. Circulate it. Encourage others to do the same. Don’t even mention the virus or the “vaccines.” Focus on the totalitarianism. Make it visible. Make it personal. We need the New Normals to see the faces of the people they are demonizing because we won’t convert to their new “reality.”

No, it will not make the slightest difference to the fanatics, but most of them are not fanatics. Most of them are simply scared and confused, and utterly mindfucked … as in their brains are not working. Literally. They are no longer able to think. Challenge them, and they will either become aggressive or start robotically repeating propaganda at you like the members of an enormous cult. Anyone who has interacted with them (and I have a feeling that you probably have) knows that they are totally unreachable with facts, argumentation, and basic reasoning, not to mention common sense, which is why I have mostly given up on that and am focusing on propaganda.

Propaganda programmed these people, and propaganda can deprogram them … or at least it can interfere with their current programming, even if just for a fleeting moment, maybe even enough to start them thinking, which might lead them to questioning the official “reality” … which, as any cult deprogrammer will tell you, is the first step toward disengaging from the cult.

Yes, it is just a picture and some words, but, if you doubt the power of visual propaganda, consider what GloboCap has achieved in the relatively short span of 17 months. They have imposed a new official ideology (in other words, a new “reality”) on societies all across the world.

Seriously, think about that for a moment … they have literally implemented a new global “reality.” They have done this primarily with propaganda, much of it visual propaganda, which functions on a primal, instinctual level. They inundated the public with images of disease, hospitals, patients on ventilators, body bags being stacked in death trucks, mass burials, and people dropping dead in the streets. They forced everyone to wear medical-looking masks and to perform an ever-changing series of pointless, paranoid compliance rituals to generate an atmosphere of “deadly contagion.” Basically, they transformed the entire planet into an inescapable pandemic-theater production in which the terrorized performers are also the audience. They did this mostly with visual propaganda, images and observed behavior. (The nonsense the New Normals robotically recite at us isn’t meant to believed; it is meant to be memorized and repeated verbatim, like religious dogma, or a customer-service-representative’s script.)

And, if you think your tweet or post doesn’t matter … well, it’s now about 48 hours since I posted mine, and thousands of people all over the world are joining in with tweets and posts of their own. (OffGuardian is collecting some of them here and inviting people to add their voices.) Twitter is suppressing the #NewNormal hashtag and slapping “sensitive content” warnings on the tweets. Fanatical New Normals, furious at being shown the faces of the people they are demonizing, are shrieking insults, death wishes, threats, mockery, and other vitriolic abuse at us, and demanding that the authorities censor us, and desperately attempting to disappear us by adding the hashtag to random gibberish.

That wouldn’t be happening if our voices didn’t matter.

What we’re doing is basically an online version of classic non-violent civil disobedience. We are disrupting the new official narrative, the official ideology, the official “reality,” even if just marginally, and just for a moment. Join in. Ignore the fanatical New Normals shrieking hatred at us on the Internet. Interrupt the “pandemic-theater” performance. Make the new totalitarianism visible. Make it personal … for them, and for us.

If you need a reminder of what the stakes are, here is a recent photo of some lovely graffiti from an unknown location somewhere in New Normal Germany. For those of you who don’t read German, it translates as … “GAS THE UNVACCINATED.”


Connect with CJ Hopkins

cover image credit – based on the work of: TayebMEZAHDIA / pixabay

The Emperor Has No Corona

The Emperor Has No Corona

by ThoughtCrimes7
August 11, 2021

Available at ThoughtCrime7 BitChute and Odysee channels.

An investigation into the “Isolation” of the SARS-COV2 “virus”.


Dr. Andrew Kaufman:

SOVI – Statement on Virus Isolation – Add your name:

Dr. Tom Cowan:

Only Poisoned Monkey cells Grew the Virus, article by Dr Tom Cowan:

Virus Mania, by Dr. Sam Bailey and Torsten Engelbrecht:

Torsten Engelbrecht:

Isolate the Truth Fund, 1.5 Million Euro Prize:

Christine Massey, Global FOIA Requests:

Dr. Stephan Lanka – CPE Produced without Virus:—Control-Experiment—21-April-2021—English-version:0

Dr. Vincent Racaniello:

Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States


In-Silico PCR:


See related:

Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines”


Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical… Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio



The Truth About Contagion: Exploring Theories of How Disease Spreads (2021) by Thomas S. Cowan MD and Sally Fallon Morell



cover image credit: Dieterich01 / pixabay

Governor Newsom’s ‘State of Emergency’ Challenged in California Supreme Court

Governor Newsom’s ‘State of Emergency’ Challenged in California Supreme Court
In a petition filed Tuesday in the California Supreme Court, the Orange County Board of Education and Children’s Health Defense asked the court to declare an immediate end to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s state of emergency, arguing Newsom himself last week said the emergency was over.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
August 11, 2021


Orange County Board of Education and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Tuesday filed a petition for writ of mandate in the California Supreme Court asking the court to declare an immediate end to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s declared state of emergency.

writ of mandate is a court order to a government agency, including another court, to follow the law by correcting its prior actions or ceasing illegal acts.

“This petition is not about masks, vaccines or any other specific policy issue,” said Scott J. Street, attorney for the Orange County Board of Education.

“This concerns fundamental issues of governance that are the foundation of American self-government and which cannot exist in an indefinite state of emergency,” said Street, who last year successfully litigated a similar case against the state, after state health officials arbitrarily closed gyms.

The Emergency Services Act states that an emergency can be declared when there exists “extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the state.”

The act also states the governor must terminate a state of emergency “at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant.”

The lawsuit alleges that Newsom’s own words established the emergency was over when he argued last week in County of Ventura v. Godspeak Calvary Chapel that:

“ … the state no longer faces a threat that the state’s healthcare system will be overwhelmed. To the contrary, all available evidence suggests a resurgence of cases, hospitalizations and deaths to the level that last August prompted the Blueprint [for a Safer Economy] and the other now-rescinded public health directives at issue is unlikely to occur in light of the percentage of eligible Californians who are fully vaccinated.”

“The governor can’t have it both ways,” said Robert Tyler, counsel for Orange County Board of Education. “He can’t claim victory over the emergency of COVID-19 in one court, and immediately claim an emergency exists in another just so he can keep the people of California in a headlock.”

CHD Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., said the aim of the lawsuit is to restore democracy in California after a 17-month suspension.

Kennedy, who lives in California, said:

“Californians are tired of being governed by unelected technocrats ruling us by arbitrary dictates with no scientific basis in violation of our constitutional rights to transparency, public participation and due process.”

Kennedy said “government best serves public health” when citizens participate in the regulatory process to craft policies “annealed in the cauldron of debate as the regulatory system provides.”

According to Denise Young, executive director of CHD’s California chapter, the state’s “never-ending ‘state of emergency’ and lack of transparency of science and data on which these policies have been based” have resulted in the “massive disruption” to children’s education.

“It is difficult to quantify the damage perpetrated on our children by the state and its schools as a result of online learning, mask wearing, testing and living in a continuous state of fear,” Young said.


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit:  / pixabay

Dissolving a Pandemic of Fear

Dissolving a Pandemic of Fear

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
August 11, 2021


Have you been vaccinated against COVID but afraid of vaccine failure? Do you wear a mask, or two, for added protection? Do you fear being around others? Feeling pressured to get the jab to keep your job? Have you tested positive for COVID post-vaccination? Do you fear the virus is mutating into a Totalitarian dictatorship?

Everyday there is a new story, “news-story,” designed to cause confusion and fear. Confusion equals control. FEAR equals ‘false information appearing real.’

Where to turn? Who to trust?

Wha happens when the president of the U.S. advises illegal, unlawful and discriminatory policies that fall outside the law?

The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do. – President Biden

The answer? Know bad advice campaigns when you see them.

Bad Advice Campaigns

The bad advice campaigns began in early March of 2020, when “the experts” advised you to wear a mask to “flatter the curve.”

However, mask mandates did not flatten any curves. They only turned curves upside down.

Then, one day in January 2021, after nine months of gestating fear, you were told by “the experts” to get vaccinated to stop viral transmission, avoid death, that life would return to normal and the masks could come off.

However, masks did not come off, reports said COVID cases increased, and variants resulted.

…even if you’ve been fully vaccinated and protected from severe illness from COVID-19, you could have the Delta variant in your system and spread it to someone who isn’t vaccinated. – President Biden

By June, in an about-face, the experts warned that COVID vaccines would not prevent COVID infections or death. You were told that a vaccinated person could still get sick from the virus they just got vaccinated against. The first case showed up in April, 2021. By July, 125,000 vaccinated people tested positive for COVID and 1400 of those have died.

Yes, some fully vaccinated people will still test positive, and some will show some symptoms of COVID-19. That’s expected with almost every vaccine there is for other diseases. – President Biden

One major hurdle for COVID variants remains: there is no approved test to identify a COVID variant. If there is no delta variant test, then how exactly are people being diagnosed with a “delta variant’ or other variants?”

The problem is that the tests in question for detecting variants have not been approved as a diagnostic tool either by the Food and Drug Administration or under federal rules governing university labs ― PBS News, February 26, 2021

We don’t always know [the variant] when we do the regular tests,” Winter said. “We do that in epidemiological studies … The routine testing for COVID-19 will just tell you if you have the coronavirus. It doesn’t tell you what strain you might have. – Dr. David Winter, Director of Internal Medicine at Baylor Scott & White hospital in Dallas, July 22, 2021

The media is deliberately seeding misinformation to the masses. Expect more confusion to come.

After December 31, 2021, the CDC will withdraw its request to use the PCR Diagnostic Panel for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2.  Without PCR testing, blood tests will be the only available tests, which require weeks for a result. Will there be a new distraction, a new variant? A new vaccine? An alien landing?

With tests for COVID being neither approved nor valid, how can a ‘delta variant’ be “more contagious” and “make your sicker” than its parent virus when coronavirus cannot be verified?

It cannot.

Don’t be duped. With no real proof of a true source of infection, it is fear and growing vaccine reactions that are responsible for pandemic cases and deaths. If the reports prove anything, they prove that we are all casualties of an informational war that will result in potentially millions of deaths, due to collective human ignorance. The goals of misinformation can be found in the 10 messages of The Georgia Guidestones.

Spike In Vax Reactions

The blatant contradiction is that injectable products, sold as “safe and effective,” come with no proof of safety or effectiveness. The experimental mRNA vaccines produce a spike protein in your body, a known toxin, which spikes a cytokine storm with unpredictable results. The CDC reports a Russian Roulette of symptoms, ranging from anaphylaxis, to heart palpitations, blood clots, and death.

After the mRNA is delivered to a cell, it instructs the cell to produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to elicit an immune response. Some of the known direct health effects of the injected Spike protein-laden vaccine include:

o Heart failure, heart injury, heart attack, myocarditis (Chen et al., 2020; Sawalha et al., 2021)
o Pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary thromboembolism and thrombosis, lung tissue damage,  possible pulmonary fibrosis (McDonald, 2020; Mishra et al., 2020; Pasqualetto et al., 2020; Potus et al., 2020; Dhawan et al., 2021)
o Increased venous and arterial thromboembolic events (Ali and Spinler, 2021)
o Diabetes (Yang et al., 2010; Lima-Martinez et al., 2021)
o Neurological complications, including encephalopathy, seizures, headaches, and neuromuscular diseases. Also, hypercoagulability and stroke     (AboTaleb, 2020; Bobker and Robbins, 2020; Hassett et al., 2020; Hess et al., 2020)
o Gut dysbiosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and leaky gut (Perisetti et al., 2020; Zeppa et al., 2020; Hunt et al., 2021)
o Kidney damage (Han and Ye, 2021)
o Impaired male reproductive capacity (Seymen, 2021)
o Skin lesions and other cutaneous manifestations (Galli et al., 2020)
o General autoimmune diseases, autoimmune hemolytic anemia (Jacobs and Eichbaum, 2021; Liu et al., 2021)
o Liver injury (Roth et al., 2021)

State governments ended previous illegal mandates due to a criminal complaint filed by Randall Kelton in Texas court against Governor Abbott. See the Governor Criminal Complaint. However, the role of magistrate then passed to corporations and employers who claimed they could mandate you, as an employee, to get the Emergency Authorized Use (EAU) medical product (vaccine) that did not have FDA-approval.

Do you trust experts who began a pandemic with bogus cases? New “surges” are spreading in vaccinated populations. Did the vaccines fail? Have they failed before?

‘Primary Vaccine Failure’ in Highly Vaccinated Populations

Disease outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations are nothing new. As expected, disease is spreading among vaccinated people in highly vaccinated populations, expressing the disease as what experts call ‘breakthrough infections’, or covariants.

In the 1980s, several measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations were documented worldwide. One 1987 study in an Ontario High School showed a 98% vaccination rate, with many twice vaccinated. Similar results were found in 100% vaccinated school populations in the U.S.  In the 1980s, breakthrough infections were called “primary vaccine failure.

Outbreaks in large school populations continued to happen in 2011,  See my articles, Fear of Measles, Real or Fabricated  and Ongoing Disease Outbreaks in Highly Vaccinated Populations.

Fast forward to July 2021, when the CDC again shifted 180-degrees in its message to recommend that fully vaccinated people should continue to wear a mask because the unvaccinated could put the vaccinated at risk of infection. This logic is the same as requiring you to wear a raincoat to keep someone else dry, or exercise for others so they can lose weight. Vaccine failure is no longer mentioned.

However, just as the media began to target healthy people, the reporting reversed again, warning that vaccinated people are spreaders of COVID and its variants. Most recently:

• The CDC updated its guidelines to recommend masks indoors for fully vaccinated people.
• The CDC said the Delta variant makes it easier for vaccinated people to transmit the virus.
• The CDC claimed that vaccines remain highly effective at preventing severe disease, no matter the covariant.

Yet, Moderna just declared its vaccines are failing and everyone needs a third booster!

The “experts” will always advise everyone to get vaccinated voluntarily, even as there is a global die-off of recipients being test animals to experimental vaccines. “Get the booster. Get all the boosters!”

Insurance Companies Off The Hook

Because of the uncertainties from unauthorized tests and experimental vaccines, insurance companies in India and Korea are limiting what they will cover if someone becomes sick from the COVID injections. They write:

Contrary to popular perception, existing health insurance policies are unlikely to cover the cost of vaccination and adverse reactions, if any. Only policies designed purely for the COVID vaccination process — there is none at the moment — will cover the costs.

Regarding concerns about the reported asymptomatic spread of COVID, the W.H.O stated, on June 8, that asymptomatic transmission appears to be “very rare.” They received this information from the epicenter of the pandemic, China, and failed to release it to the pubic.

Wuhan scientists conducted a major study in Wuhan China, where the problem began, involving almost 10 million people, and found zero cases of asymptomatic transmission. See the Study, not reported to the public. What U.S. insurance companies will do remains to be seen as news breaks out, along with new variant surges.

Treatments Vs. Healing

These are historical times. It’s the time to dissolve the pandemic of fear and liberate yourself.

First, it is important to know there is a difference between treatment (vaccination) and healing (immunization). The former is synthetic with no guarantees. The latter is natural and proven by the you, the healer as you heal yourself. Just as each healer heals him/her self, each liberator, liberates her/himself.

Since April 2021, the FDA has only approved one treatment, an antiviral drug called Veklury, widely known as remdesivir, a toxic treatment for a wide array of COVID symptoms. Studies conclusively show this drug to be ineffective. Other medical treatments include the drugs invermectin, which is used in Africa for parasitic infections, and hydroxychloroquine. In combination with the mineral zinc, hydroxychloroquine is reported by some doctors to offer relief of COVID symptoms.

In April, 2021, the FDA warned, “using any treatment for COVID that’s not approved or authorized by the FDA, unless part of a clinical trial, can cause serious harm.” Following that announcement, the F.D.A. then recalled 200,000 bottles of the approved O-T-C Acetaminophen Extra Strength tablets due to liver damage.

As a group, synthetic drugs and vaccines dismantle the body’s immune system. Without an immune system, you are susceptible to be invaded by technology that is proven to be fatal. Instead of synthetic solutions, there are natural solutions. Zinc, alone, or quercitin, a zinc ionophor, can offer relief to flu-like symptoms. This is because people with infections are deficient in zinc and other minerals. Their immune systems are out of balance to prevent infection and to push out toxins that lead to illness. When replenished with the right minerals, the body swings back into balance.

With many adverse effects of these vaccines now widely reported, such as AstraZeneca confirming a link between its shot and blood clots, and 18 countries suspending its vaccine, while other paused the use of the J&J experimental shot, no one has a clear indication or information about the safety or effectiveness of the shots to make an informed choice. To inject or not to inject?

Dissolving Fear

Is your head exploding trying to make sense of the contradictions and inconsistencies from the experts in the media?

Fear not! When you know you are a spiritual being, you can dissolve all fear. You can awaken to truth.

Mandates are not laws. Unless a legislature passes a law requiring mass injections (which cannot happen due to problems with the solution), there is no requirement, and there never could be. Not participating in a medical experiment is a legal and lawful right because people have the right to refuse medical interventions.

People are discovering that they need only trust their own judgment when it comes to unproven medical products and politicians who practice medicine without a license. Especially since vaccine makers are not liable for any damages from their products. You cannot sue vaccine makers for side effects or direct effects from their products. Neither will the government compensate you for any damages. Who is responsible for damages?

You are.

You came here with everything you need. Simply know who you are. Two Greek words carved on a temple in Greece are γνωρίστε τον εαυτό σας, meaning Know Thyself. Are you a body or a spirit with a body?

The strength and integrity of your spirit is matched only by your internal defense system, known as your innate immune system. Your immune system is the key to thwarting infections and invaders of all kinds. If you already survived the symptoms of ‘COVID,’ then you have already produced a stronger immune system. There is no point in vaccination, as the Cleveland Clinic suggests.

No injections are necessary because infections come and go naturally, as they have done throughout human history for centuries, long before vaccines were known or viruses were patented as ‘real.’

There is no need to fear an infection in your body if you understand that your body heals itself if given the right tools, which are the tools of Nature. Once healed, your body becomes stronger because it has created antibodies that now guard your immune system against future invasions so that you never experience that particular natural invader again. You have created innate immunity that lasts a lifetime. A synthetic vaccine cannot do that.

Your body shows you symptoms as its sign language, to show you how to heal yourself because you are your own healer. Your symptoms are nothing to fear. Infections reflect mineral deficiencies, which cascade into other deficiencies.

Natural options to strengthen the immune system include adding minerals such as zinc, magnesium, iodine, boron, and selenium; herbs such as nettle, and goldenseal, and Elderberries; vitamins such as vitamin D, which your skin makes from the sun; and vitamin C from green onions made into soup, and Sumac berries, or White pine needles made into tea.

Natural healing options come from Nature, which is noninvasive and not patentable. Nature is freely offered right outside your door. You simply have to open the door and step outside to find a natural, free farmacy at your feet.

The Power of Choice

Whenever there are uncertainties for your health, there must always be many choices in how you respond. Choice is the solution, along with ensuring that your immune system is nourished and strong. That is why there is never a one-size-fits all approach to health or freedom issues. All individuals are unique, so all solutions must be unique.

That is the essence of Health Freedom. Each person is endowed, by birth, with natural, Universal rights that are reflected in the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration reflects personal responsibility for your health, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Your health and life is  reflected in your own innate immune system. By building your immune system to reverse the symptomatic language of your body, you connect to your higher powers, to your spirit.

It’s been YOU all along. Others do not set themselves on fire to keep you warm or wear a raincoat to keep you dry. Others are not responsible for how you heal yourself.

The right and responsibility to decline any product or treatment is a birthright, especially when it comes to your body. Connect with who you are and let that be contagious.

A mandate to accept a medical product to keep your job is illegal. Mandates are merely offers that you can decline or refuse. No government, governor, employer or church can force or coerce or dictate any mandate since there is no law to follow or enforce, no legislation to point to. But there is guidance to protect your right to choose.

Five Solutions
  1. One medical professional, known as Agent J, who continues to be employed as a nurse in a hospital, unvaccinated, after being mandated to get the shot, has created a Right To Decline form to protect her freedom. She offers it freely for others. See her Declination Statement.

2. The is a health freedom organization and website tracking legislation in 45 states that protect rights of individuals to make their own health decisions, including workplace coercion and banning vaccine passports. To date, 15 states have passed at least one Right to Refuse bill.

3. Review Peggy Hall’s videos and information to know what is legal and enforceable and what is not.

4. Stop listening to the media. Validate the information you receive to get to a clean view of things, untainted by fear.

5. Don’t play their war games!

In any war, it is incumbent that you make a plan. Whatever choices you make, there is no reason to be afraid of other people, since you decide what’s best for you. It’s your body, so it’s your choice. Your body belongs only to you, and only you are responsible for what you put into it. You are not responsible for what others decide for their own bodies. Trust yourself!

And choose wisely.

See past related articles:


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: artbykleiton / pixabay

How Can So Many Lies and So Much Evidence of Fraud and State Murder Be Covered Up? Collective Madness!

How Can So Many Lies and So Much Evidence of Fraud and State Murder Be Covered Up? Collective Madness!

by Gary D. Barnett
August 11, 2021


“It is incredible that this must be said, but the obvious seems to escape politicized academics, so we must state the obvious: Genocide is deliberate; it is premeditated. There is no genocide without premeditation. The murders are not unfortunate coincidences. This is why it is called “mass MURDER” and not “mass MANSLAUGHTER.”~ A.E. Samaan

R.J. Rummel, a researcher and political scientist, defined the term “democide” as “the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide and mass murder.” According to Rummel, democide passed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th Century, and moving into the 21st Century, it not only shows no signs of stopping, it seems to be the desired and planned manner of death of hundreds of millions or even billions of innocent people around the world. In the U.S today, democide has only just begun, as this ‘Covid’ plot orchestrated by the ruling master class and this government continues in its efforts to cull the American population so as to advance the agendas of disease, eugenics, and death. This is being done simply to achieve total control over the masses.

This would seem to be no easy task, but so far, there has been almost no resistance to the government’s efforts to propagandize, threaten, and then subdue the bulk of people that make up what should now be referred to as the American herd. Because of this apathetic response to tyranny by the people of this country, this economy has been devastated, jobs and the ability to provide sustenance have been greatly reduced, restrictions of life and freedom have massively increased, price inflation is rampant, the controlling political and medical protocols have already proven to be deadly beyond the scope of the imagination of any sane person, and this is only a preview of what is to come.

Although many people have been sick and have died, some with unique but unexplained symptoms, the total numbers of deaths throughout 2020 remained normal. There are many factors involved of course, although logic was disappeared long ago, but no such thing described as SARS-CoV-2 or ‘Covid-19’ has ever once been properly isolated or shown to actually exist. This should be very troubling to all, and reason enough to immediately put down this fake pandemic and expose the staged government coup that was intentionally launched early last year.

This staged ‘pandemic’ has been planned for at least two decades or more. It has been simulated and acted out, almost exactly as has happened, on multiple occasions over this timeframe, and previous attempts with very similar plots have taken place for decades with flu, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, MERS, and other falsely claimed viral scares. But this time is different in that the people are ripe for control and takeover, and modern technology can now spread propaganda to every household in seconds, giving the government and mainstream media the tools to create instant fear, panic, and mass obedience to illegal draconian mandates.

But let us in this conversation discuss the aspect of the existing and coming premeditated murder of innocents by this governing system; the possible planned democide of millions of citizens, especially those that are considered to be a drain on the system such as the old and infirmed, those with limited mental capacity, those with disabilities, those of certain ethnic backgrounds, and all those that question, dissent, disobey, and expose the truth about what is really happening in this plotted takeover. In addition, efforts to destroy fertility, to depopulate the earth, and to inject every single child from infancy to adult with deadly poison is underway as well. Make no mistake, this is war against the people by government.

Consider the fact that remdesivir, an experimental drug, was fast-tracked as the “standard of care” for ‘Covid’ early on by Anthony Fauci, and was originally the only approved ‘Covid” treatment for American hospitals, even though this drug does not work against anything, and causes many adverse reactions, body organ failure, and a high incidence of death. “Remdesivir was one of four drugs in a clinical trial for Ebola in 2018, and was dropped from the study before it was over, after a safety review revealed that it had the highest death rate of the drugs being tested.” One of only two studies cited by Fauci for the recommended use of this toxic drug was the Ebola Trial in 2018, and in that trial, the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, only tested 53 patients for just 28 days. Gilead had close ties, monetary interests, and partnership with the CDC and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), headed up by Fauci.

In Gilead’s cohort study, they reported “that of 61 patients treated with the drug, eight were excluded for missing information, 32 (60%) of 53 remaining patients reported adverse events including increased liver enzymes, diarrhea, rash, and kidney function impairment. Twelve patients (23%) had “serious” adverse events including multiple-organ-dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and hypotension (low blood pressure).”

In the second Ebola study, after results from the first 499 participants had been reviewed, the trial’s safety monitors recommended that two drugs—ZMapp and remdesivir—be dropped from the remainder of the trial. These two drugs were much less effective at preventing death.

Overall, about 50% of people who received either Zmapp or remdesivir died during the trial. In contrast, only about 35% of people who received either Mab114 or REGN-EB3 died. Three participants died of side effects thought to be related to treatment—two in the ZMapp group and one in the remdesivir group.

Fauci knew of the deadly nature of the poisonous remdesivir at least as early as 2018, but chose to use this dangerous drug with fast-track FDA approval in October of 2020 as the “standard of care,” and the primary treatment in all U.S. hospitals for all “Covid” patients. That means that American patients across this country were not treated, but murdered.

The secondary drug being used as a stand-alone and in combination with remdesivir is another deadly experimental corticosteroid called dexamethasone. According to eHealthMe, Death is found among people who take Dexamethasone, especially for people who are male, 60+ old, have been taking the drug for < 1 month.”

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), “in recovery, treatment with dexamethasone conferred a “survival benefit” among participants who required supplemental oxygen at enrollment. In the dexamethasone group, 23.3% of participants died within 28 days of enrollment.”

In addition, I have written about another toxin called graphene oxide, that has been said to be in some masks, PCR testing, and shown to be in heavy concentrations in certain injections falsely called “Covid vaccines.’ This is a deadly substance purposely being used in order to harm those that have been subject to its exposure from any of these methods. Again, this is the purposeful use of a poison that has the ability to greatly harm the public, and also cause death.

Then of course there are these very poisonous ‘Covid vaccines’ that are not vaccines at all, but simply bioweapons being used by the state and the pharmaceutical monsters to cause extreme sickness, to inject toxic material into the masses, to cause body and immune system harm and destruction, and death to many. It is also a way for the state thugs to gain control over much of the population through processes of gene-altering RNA/DNA manipulation, nano-particle insertion, and to gain bio-technological mastery over the minds and bodies of much of the American public.

Sickness, mayhem, medical martial law, economic destruction, censorship, extreme wealth transfer to the richest among us, and death have been the result of all the state’s orders, mandates, restrictions, regulations, and ‘Covid’ rules. This is no pandemic, it is a long-planned coup meant as war against all of society. It is the plot of eugenicists and murderers whose intent is to depopulate the earth, while building a society made up of slaves controlled by a technocratic master class.

This absurd phenomenon is only possible because of the collective madness of the masses, and their inability to grasp the truth and then act accordingly to stop this onslaught of murder by the state. In other words, the people are their own worst enemy.

The truth is much more powerful and compelling than fiction, so find and accept truth, ridicule the rulers, accept no assault on freedom, disobey every state mandate, and avoid all dangerous attempts of division and isolation sought by the totalitarians bent on gaining total control of society.

“Isolation and the patient repetition of stimuli are required to tame wild animals … The totalitarians have followed this rule. They know that they can condition their political victims most quickly if they are kept in isolation.” ~ Joost A. M. Meerloo—“The Rape of the Mind” (1956)


Additional source links:

The CDC and FDA confess: They had no virus

Death by remdesivir

Depopulation by any means

NIH Covid-19 treatment guidelines

Efficacy Evaluation of Early, Low-Dose, Short-Term Corticosteroids in Adults Hospitalized with Non-Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Remdesivir, a ‘Covid’ Drug that doesn’t work

Propaganda fabrications

Did Fauci knowingly fast-track approval of drug with deadly COVID-like side effects?


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: Henrix_photos / pixabay

Jon Rappoport: Within the Fake Covid Scenario — FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many COVID Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated—and Buried That Knowledge

Bombshell: FDA Knew All Along There Would Be Many COVID Cases Among the Fully Vaccinated—and Buried That Knowledge

by Jon Rappoport, No More News
August 11, 2021


First of all, I have to re-emphasize a point I’ve made many times: SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist. I’ve been proving that for over a year.

BUT I don’t stop there. I temporarily enter the official world where people assume the virus does exist, and I reveal many internal contradictions and lies and cover-ups within that world.

Some readers, who possess sub-standard literacy, believe I’m contradicting MYSELF. They think I’m saying the virus doesn’t exist and does exist.


Analogy: People sitting inside a theater are watching a movie, and they believe it’s a real world. They react in all sorts of strange ways, based on that assumption. You’re standing outside the theater, looking through the window. You can just say, “They’re all crazy,” and leave it at that, or you can say, “They’re all crazy,” and THEN walk inside the theater and get a good look at what they’re up to as well. That’s what I do.

That’s what I’m doing in this article, which is about the FDA and their emergency authorization of the COVID vaccine, despite knowing the vaccine didn’t pass muster, didn’t even vaguely rank as effective in the clinical trials.

Because lots of people in the clinical trial became COVID cases after being vaccinated.

In other words, the FDA knew, right from the get-go, that many so-called breakthrough cases would develop. They knew many vaccinated people would become COVID cases.

This knowledge should have prevented the FDA from granting emergency use authorization for the vaccine—but it didn’t.

(Reminder: We’re in the crazy fake theater now, where the virus is real, the PCR test is meaningful and accurate, the vaccine is necessary.)

Here we go.

The document, posted on the FDA website, is titled, “Vaccines and Related Biological Products; Advisory Committee Meeting; FDA Briefing Document Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine.” [1]

It is dated December 10, 2020. The date tells us that all the information in the document is taken from the Pfizer clinical trial, based on which the FDA authorized the vaccine for public use.

A key quote is buried on page 42: “Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group [who received a saltwater shot].”

Those shocking numbers have never seen the light of day in news media.

The comparative numbers reveal that the vaccine was not effective at preventing COVID-19. It was certainly not 50% more effective than a placebo shot—the standard for FDA Emergency Use Authorization.

To make all this clear, I need to back up and explain the theory of the vaccine clinical trial.

The researchers assumed the SARS-CoV-2 virus was spreading everywhere in the world, and during the clinical trial, it would descend on some volunteers.

The billion-dollar question was: how many people receiving the vaccine would become infected, vs. how many people in the placebo group?

If it turned out that FAR FEWER people getting the vaccine became infected with SARS-CoV-2, the vaccine would be hailed as a success. It protected people against the virus.

But as you can see from the numbers above, that wasn’t the case at all.

So now we come to the vital weasel-phrase in the FDA document I just quoted: “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 [cases].”

“Well, you see, we can’t say these were ACTUAL COVID-19 cases. Maybe they were, maybe they weren’t. They’re in limbo. We want to keep them in limbo. Otherwise, our clinical trial is dead in the water, and we’ll never get approval for the vaccine.”

What does “suspected cases” mean? It can only mean these people all displayed symptoms consistent with the definition of COVID-19, but they’re unconfirmed cases because…their PCR tests were negative, not positive.

However, if their tests were negative, why would they be called “suspected cases” instead of “NOT CASES”?

Something is wrong here. The FDA is hedging its bets, muddying the waters, obscuring facts.

By FDA/CDC rules, a case of COVID-19 means: a person has tested positive, period.

That’s the way cases are counted.

These thousand-plus volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial were either COVID-19 cases or they weren’t. Which is it?

The official response to that question is obvious: the FDA decided to throw the data from all those “suspected cases” in the garbage and ignore them. Poof. Gone.

Why do I say that?

Because if the FDA had paid serious attention to the “suspected cases,” they never would have authorized the vaccine for public use. They would have stopped the clinical trial and undertaken a very deep and extensive investigation.

Which they didn’t.

This is called a crime.

“But…but it’s not that simple. This is a complex situation. It’s a gray area.”

“No. It isn’t. If you were running a clinical trial of a new drug, and a few thousand people in the trial, who were given the drug, nevertheless came down with the disease symptoms the drug was supposed to cure, wouldn’t you cancel the trial and go back to the drawing board?”

“You mean if we were being honest? That’s a joke, right? We’re not honest. Don’t you get it?”

Yes. I get it. You’re criminals. Killers.

But wait. There’s more. The FDA document also states: “Suspected COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine group vs. 287 in the placebo group.”

That’s explosive. Right after vaccination, 409 people who received the shots became “suspected COVID cases.” This alone should have been enough to stop the clinical trial altogether. But it wasn’t.

In fact, the FDA document tries to excuse those 409 cases with a slippery comment: “It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days post vaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19.”

Translation: You see, a number of clinical symptoms of COVID-19 and adverse effects from the vaccine are the same. Therefore, we have no idea whether the vaccinated people developed COVID or were just reacting to the vaccine. So we’re going to ignore this whole mess and pretend it’s of no importance.

Back in April of 2020, I predicted the vaccine manufacturers would use this strategy to explain away COVID cases occurring in the vaccine groups of their clinical trials.

It’s called cooking the data. It’s a way of writing off and ignoring COVID symptoms in the vaccine group.

And the FDA document, as I stated above, just puts an impenetrable cloud over all the volunteers in the Pfizer clinical trial by inventing a category called “suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases,” and throwing those crucial data away, never to be spoken of again.

I’m speaking about them now. Any sensible person, looking at them, would conclude that the vaccine should never have been authorized.

Unless fraud, deception, profits, and destruction of human life via the vaccine were and are the true goals.

Finally: When you have “suspected cases,” and their ultimate status depends on doing a test, you do the test. You do it as many times as you need to, until it registers positive or negative. Then each “suspected case” becomes an actual case or no case at all.

Perhaps these “suspected cases” in the clinical trial were tested, and many of them came up positive, revealing they were actual COVID cases—but the researchers lied and covered up the fact that they were tested.

Or if you really don’t want to know whether “suspected cases” are actual cases, you don’t test them. You leave them in a convenient limbo and park them, never to be seen again.

Either way, the situation is patently absurd. By official standards, the PCR test decides whether a person is a case or not a case. Just do the test. Saying “we don’t know” is nothing more than a con and a hustle.

I’d love to hear the researchers try to talk their way out of this one. Here is how the conversation might go:

“So you’re saying these several thousand suspected COVID cases couldn’t be adjudicated one way or another?”

“That’s right. Their PCR tests were ‘indeterminate’.”

“That says something devastating about the test itself.”

“Well, sometimes you just can’t tell whether it’s positive or negative.”

“I see. And this ‘indeterminate’ result occurred in more than a THOUSAND suspected cases.”

“I guess so, yes.”

“You know, you could have done something else with these suspected cases. A different test. You could have taken tissue samples and looked for the virus itself in a more direct way.”

“No. That wouldn’t work.”

“Why not?”

“Because…the actual virus…”

“Because no one has been able to come up with a specimen of the actual SARS-CoV-2 virus.”


“So tell me—what does that indicate? I’ll tell you what it indicates. You can’t prove the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. It doesn’t exist.”

“I have to go. I’m late for a meeting.”

“You’re late for more than just a meeting. Is it true a person becomes a virologist by cutting out a coupon from the back of a comic book and mailing it to a PO Box in Maryland?’

“Absolutely not. That’s outrageous.”

“What then?”

“The PO Box is in Virginia.”




Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors  / pixabay

August 7, 2021 Freedom Demonstrations in France: “Thanks C-19 for the Great Awakening”

August 7, 2021 Freedom Demonstrations in France: “Thanks C-19 for the Great Awakening”


Another Blockbuster Saturday in France – August 7 [VIDEOS]

by TLB Staff, Europe Reloaded
August 9, 2021


Here are some protest compilations from around France on Saturday, August 7, 2021. Word via independent media sources is that the government is VERY worried, indeed. August should be shut-down month in France; instead, people are massing at these marches.

Consciousness among these people is that the entire system is a corrupt mess, that if you exchange one hideous politician or party for another, you’ll end up with just the same. It’s way beyond a mandatory vaccination or a health pass. (Although marchers are very aware that the vaccinations are now making people sick, especially through the example of Israel.)

The French truly get it.

Today, the health passes kick in, so this writer will not be able to visit a restaurant or similar. The call among demonstrators is to simple boycott the entire system, to step outside it and avoid those places and businesses affected wherever possible.

A march we participated in at the weekend revealed a whole new set of people out protesting, including friends and neighbours.

Both videos below give us an idea of the scope and scale around the country this past Saturday.

One banner we saw someone carry said, in French of course, ‘thanks Covid-19, for the Great Awakening.’


Connect with Europe Reloaded

James Corbett: Trust The Science!

James Corbett: Trust The Science!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 10, 2021


We are being told to trust the science. But what science? From which scientists? Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he explores the transparent lies of the “settled science” crowd and how those lies will increasingly be used to run our lives in the new biosecurity state.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4



Whistleblowers Expose Corruption in EPA Chemical Safety Office

Leaked Audio Shows Pressure to Overrule Scientists in “Hair-on-Fire” Cases

The Disappearing Male

Episode 339 – Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan

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Episode 094 – You Are Being Sterilized

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Summer Reading List

Count Down: How Our Modern World Is Threatening Sperm Counts, Altering Male and Female Reproductive Development, and Imperiling the Future of the Human Race

Sperm Count Culture War

New World Next Week covers EPA whistleblowers


Connect with James Corbett

“It’s Just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

“It’s Just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

by Addison Reeves, ModernHeretic
sourced from OffGuardian
August 7, 2021


It’s just two weeks. It’s just staying three feet apart. It’s just staying six feet apart. It’s just not going outside. It’s just not giving handshakes. It’s just working from home. It is just non-essential businesses that are closed.

It’s just bars. It’s just restaurants. It’s just theaters. It’s just concerts. It’s just dancing. It’s just intramural sports. It’s just choir.

It’s just non-essential medical services that you have to give up. It is just non-essential items that you are not allowed to buy. It’s just not being able to exercise. It’s just gyms. It is just the closure of your business for a while. It is just not making money for a while. It is just not being able to pay your bills for a little while.

It’s just a minor inconvenience. It’s just not being allowed to carpool. It’s just not socializing for a while. It’s just a mask. It’s just not traveling for a while. It’s just not hugging people for a while. It’s just missionary sex that is risky.

It is just not seeing your family and friends for a while. It’s just not visiting your grandparents temporarily. It’s just your grandparents not having visitors for their safety. It’s just one birthday you have to sacrifice. It’s just one Thanksgiving alone. It’s just one Christmas without your family. It’s just two birthdays you had to sacrifice. It is just not celebrating any milestones for a year and a half.

It’s just temporary. It’s just a safety measure. It is just your ability to pay cash. It is just contact tracing. It is just a health screening. It is just a temperature check. It is just a scan of your face. It’s just a minor loss of privacy.

It is just one semester. It is just two semesters. It is just one year out of your child’s life. It is just one more semester. It is just a high school graduation.

It’s just the birth of your grandchild that you missed. It is just not being able to be there for your relatives when they are ill or dying. It is just not having a funeral. It is just in person that you cannot grieve with your loved ones. It is just not getting to attend religious service. It is just not getting to practice some parts of your religion.

It is just misinformation that is being censored. It is just conservatives that are being censored. It is just some of the science that is being censored. It is just the people who have the opposing opinions that are banned online. It is just the opposition that the White House is targeting for censorship. It is just bad opinions that are being censored.

It’s just the economy. It is just small business owners who are suffering financially. It is just poor people who are suffering financially. It is just people of color who are suffering financially. It is just financial suffering. It is just a few small businesses that had to close permanently. It is just a few big businesses that closed.

It is just not going farther than a few kilometers from your house. It is just a curfew. It is just a permission slip. It is just being alone for two weeks. It is just being socially isolated for one year.

It is just one vaccine. It is just one set of booster shots. It is just regular booster shots every six months. It is just another two weeks. It is just one more lock-down. It is just once a week—twice tops—that you will have to prove that you are fit to participate in society. It is just the unvaccinated that will be segregated from society. It is just a medical test.

Pretty simple, no?

Just fucking do it.

But when you add up all the “justs,” it amounts to our entire lives.

For over a year and a half and counting, we have been robbed of the ability to live our lives fully, to make meaningful choices for ourselves, and to express our values the way we see fit.

It is “just” the inability to express our humanity and the total negation of our very selves. All of these measures have served as a prohibition of expressing outwardly one’s valid and complex internal reality. This kind of suppression of self does violence to one’s very soul.

All of these supposedly little and supposedly short-lived “justs” have transformed us into totalitarian states from which there appears to be no endpoint.

In New York City, California, Australia, etc., the people have permitted government such control over our daily lives that we have to ask it for permission to control our bodies, to move freely, to practice religion, to educate our children ourselves, to protest, etc.

Soon Biden, Trudeau, and other world leaders are going to clamp down on our ability to express ourselves and to associate with each other online so that we can no longer question, object to, or organize against government action. It is the destruction of democracy.

It astounds me that my Progressive friends — the same ones who claim to support “social justice” — are welcoming a fascist society in which government crushes any opposition and individuals cannot make choices about their own lives.

I will not comply because I do not want to live in the society that is being created by extraordinary submissiveness to government. I do not want to be complicit in this era’s atrocities.

What is the point of living if one merely exists to obey the elite to one’s own detriment? Is it even living if one lacks the agency to direct one’s life? I’ve already submitted in contradiction of my values to a shameful extent. One might say, “Well, what’s one more compromise,” but it won’t be just one more compromise. It will be just the next cut in a slow death by a thousand cuts.

Submitting only validates tyrannical displays of power and ensures that there will be more such displays in the future.

And what does one get for compromising? Merely your continued membership in a society that will only have you if you immolate yourself and become nothing more than a reflection of the desires of the ruling class.

If you cannot be truly yourself in a society, is that society worth clinging to? I think not. As much as leaving the stability of my comfort zone terrifies me, staying in it means continuing to silence and shrink myself for a disingenuous feeling of acceptance. In that way, it is more of a discomfort zone.

Each time I expressed my fears about the future direction of society, my friends said “it won’t happen.” Each time it did happen, they shrugged their shoulders and reminded me that compliance was an option.

At this point, if the government were to cart me away to an internment camp (which is not a completely far-fetched notion and which has happened in the past) for being a dangerous dissident I am certain that my friends and family would watch it happen and say it was my fault for not complying.

They are no longer capable of recognizing the humanity of the opposition or of questioning government.

I will not submit because I don’t want to live in a world in which my supposed allies would happily see me persecuted by the government.

I will not comply because the political climate has become so censorial, authoritarian, and generally toxic that my viewpoints will never be represented in the political process here. Without representation, my values and beliefs will be violated again and again by a polity that sees any deviation from itself as invalid. Thus, my compliance will provide zero assurance of any better treatment in the future.

I will not bend because I am not a conformist.

I will not give in because I do not want to reward government manipulation and coercion.

I will not surrender because I could die at any moment, and I do not want my final memories to be ones of craven submission to tyranny and the resultant misery and self-loathing.

I will not comply because it is not the government’s first intrusion on my body, mind, and spirit; and if we comply, it will definitely not be the last. All I will accomplish by my compliance is validating the government’s claim on my body and life.

I am not submitting because this is war, and I am not handing the enemy its victories.

I will not comply because the reward for compliance will still be being treated as a second class-citizen by society.

I won’t acquiesce because I am a conscientious objector.

I will not cede because the measures are unnecessary and the only practical effect will be to increase government power.

I don’t comply because I do not want to be a mere slave in the future version of the world they are creating, doing only what I am told to do and having to beg for access to the necessities of life that I am entitled to as a living being on this earth.

I will not yield because their religion is not my religion, and I refuse to worship a false idol.

I will not capitulate because I do not want to betray my ancestors and predecessors who fought for me to be free.

I will not surrender because freedom is more important than convenience and ease.

I will not comply because if I did I would be filled with rage against society, resentment towards my friends and family, and self-loathing that would eat me alive. I would become bitter and closed-hearted, and I don’t want that for myself.

All of this is why I won’t “just fucking do it.”.


Addison Reeves is a lawyer, political scientist, philosopher, and civil rights and civil liberties advocate based in New York. Addison critiques modern culture from a radical, leftist perspective at or you can follow him on Telegram or Twitter.


Connect with Addison Reeves
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cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Analysis of All-Cause Mortality by Week in Canada 2010–2021, by Province, Age and Sex: There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic, and There Is Strong Evidence of Response-Caused Deaths in the Most Elderly and in Young Males

Analysis of All-Cause Mortality by Week in Canada 2010–2021, by Province, Age and Sex: There Was No COVID-19 Pandemic, and There Is Strong Evidence of Response-Caused Deaths in the Most Elderly and in Young Males

by Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier
August 6, 2021



We analyzed all-cause mortality by week (ACM/w) for Canada, and for the Canadian provinces, and by age group and sex, from January 2010 through March 2021; in comparison with data for other countries and their regions or counties.

We find that there is no extraordinary surge in yearly or seasonal mortality in Canada, which can be ascribed to a COVID-19 pandemic; and that several prominent features in the ACM/w in the COVID-19 period exhibit anomalous province-to-province heterogeneity that is irreconcilable with the known behaviour of epidemics of viral respiratory diseases (VRDs). We conclude that a pandemic did not occur.

In addition, our analysis of the ACM/w, by province, age and sex, allows us to highlight anomalies, occurring during the COVID-19 period, which provide strong evidence that:

•    Among the most elderly (85+ years), many died from the immediate response to the pandemic that was announced by the WHO on 11 March 2020.
•    Predominantly young males (0-44 years, and also 45-64 years) probably indirectly died from the sustained pandemic response, in the summer months of 2020, and into the fall and winter, starting in May 2020, especially in Alberta, significantly in Ontario and British Columbia, whereas not in Quebec.

Our study provides constraints on the mechanisms at play in VRD epidemics.



1. Introduction

2. Data

3. Results / Interpretation

3.1 No detectable pandemic increase in the yearly and
seasonal mortality
3.2 Inter-jurisdictional uniformity of pre-COVID-period features
in all-cause mortality by time, 2010-2019
3.3 Inter-jurisdictional variations of COVID-period features in
all-cause mortality by time
3.4 Analysis of ACM/w by age group and by sex

4. Discussion

4.1 Regarding pandemics
4.2 Regarding the “C”-feature (“covid-peak”) in ACM by time
4.3 Regarding the summer-2020 level and the “2”-feature
(“2nd wave”) in ACM by time
4.4 Regarding age group specifics in ACM by time
4.5 Regarding causes of response-induced deaths
4.6 Would there have been fewer deaths?

5. Concluding comments: Missing self-evaluation


Appendix: ACM/w normalized by population, and comparisons


Read and Download 63-page Report

Connect with Denis Rancourt

cover image credit: GoranH  / pixabay

“Rebel or Die”: Journalist Jon Rappoport Interviewed by James Delingpole

“Rebel or Die”: Journalist Jon Rappoport Interviewed by James Delingpole


Note by TCTL editor:

This conversation between journalists Jon Rappoport (US) and James Delingpole (UK) covers a lot of territory, including:

    • The state of journalism and the gaslighting of the public through propaganda
    • Donald Trump’s flip flop on vaccines and his “Operation Warp Speed” where he pushed the deadly covid “vaccines” on the US public
    • Global protests outside of US
    • Vaccine injuries and deaths

At about the 34-minute mark in the video Jon Rappoport answers this question:

James Delingpole:

Where do you get the idea that far fewer people have taken the vaccine than is being claimed in public?

Jon Rappoport:

… Public Health officials are admitting on the record that in the US stock of vaccines in the 50 states are going unused. Not just a little, but vastly unused, and they’re about to expire, many of them — which makes them completely useless. 

And what these public health officials are confessing to is not ‘oh, they gave us too many vials to begin with…’. No. They’re talking about these stocks of vaccines going unused because of declining demand, across the board as they say, in the 50 states. Which to me is a massive clue that many, many people are refusing the vaccine …


Jon Rappoport on The Delingpod
August 6, 2021

Video available at James Delingpole’s Odysee and Rumble channels.

See Jon Rappoport’s article: The Vaccine War: Who Really Has the Upper Hand?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

Connect with James Delingpole

IPC (Israeli People Committee) Leader, Dr. Pinkie Feinstein on the “Corona Junction” — Choosing Love or Fear

IPC (Israeli People Committee) Leader, Dr. Pinkie Feinstein on the “Corona Junction” — Choosing Love or Fear

by Dr. Pinkie Feinstein
August 3, 2021


Dr. Feinstein, leader of IPC (Israeli People Committee) speaks about the negative roles of fear and how it is being exploited to attack people and then about the role of love in changing this reality into a much more winnable state.

Original video available at DrPinkie Rumble channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Brief Excerpts:

I believe we’re reaching a situation where more physicians will wake up and start talking.

What’s happening is that many people in Israel and around the world are overtaken by fear. They are allowing people to scare them.

People who were supposed to be calm, keep things in proportion, guide, lead, heal. Instead they turned into agents of fear.

We’re not dealing with the corona virus. Right now, we’re dealing with a virus of fear.

Are we afraid to die or are we actually afraid to live? Because shutting ourselves in our home, putting on masks, stop breathing, running from one shot to the other, stop thinking, this means we stop living.

Maybe we’re actually absorbing some kind of pattern that’s designed to stop us from living. Because living truly means to take risks. You don’t take risks, you don’t have freedom, you don’t have hope…

Do we know that fear and love cannot exist together?

I believe that we have arrived to what I call “the corona junction”.

The corona junction helps people to decide for themselves where they’re going —

Will you choose love or run away in fear?


Connect with Dr. Pinkie Feinstein

We Won’t Let Big Pharma Dictate Us Says Mexican President After Rejecting COVID Vaccine for Kids

We Won’t Let Big Pharma Dictate Us Says Mexican President After Rejecting COVID Vaccine for Kids

by GreatGameIndia
August 3, 2021


The Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador has said that he won’t let Big Pharma dictate Mexico after he refused to purchase Covid vaccines for children, vowing that Mexico wouldn’t bow to pressure from drugs firms.

In remarks made earlier this week, the Mexican leader said his government was still waiting for the scientific community to demonstrate the benefits of vaccinating minors.

Until conclusive evidence was provided, Mexico would refuse to purchase jabs for children, Obrador announced, adding that pharmaceutical firms seemed to be focused more on making profits than on ensuring medical necessity as they rake in record sales from Covid-19 vaccines.

He was similarly critical of plans by drugs companies to introduce third – or even fourth-dose booster shots, opining that the jabs could be “superfluous.”

Recently, a Johns Hopkins study has found that there were zero COVID-19 deaths among healthy kids. Rather than acknowledge science, Dr. Makary says the CDC continues to use ‘flimsy evidence’ to push the COVID vaccine upon children.

According to another series of new studies, deaths from COVID is ‘incredibly rare’ among children.

Speaking on the same topic, Undersecretary for Health Hugo López-Gatell claimed there was “no scientific evidence” showing the jab was “essential” for minors, given the high rate of inoculation among the adult population, Excélsior, Mexico City’s second-oldest daily, reported.

Largely ignored by international media, Obrador’s provocative remarks went viral after an English-subtitled video of his speech was shared across social media.

Several comments hailed the Mexican president’s “cajones” for calling out Big Pharma greed. Pfizer, for example, has boasted record profits and recently raised full-year sales estimates for its vaccine to $45 billion.

The Mexican President’s concerns regarding Big Pharma are very relevant seen through the recent assassinations of heads of state who rejected to implement their policies.

Right until July this year, Haiti was the only country in the western hemisphere without COVID-19 vaccines. Then, the US trained Columbian hit squad assassinated the Haitian President Jovenel Moïse and soon within days Haiti received delivery of its first vaccine doses and now vaccination is in full swing in the country.

Last year, the President of Belarus exposed how the World Bank forced sovereign governments to impose strict lockdowns for coronavirus aid.

Since then, Belarus became a target of Color Revolutions aimed at overthrowing Lukashenko.

A similar attempt was made on Tanzania. The European Union gave 27 million euros to Tanzania to impose COVID-19 measures prescribed by the WHO like strict lockdowns, masks and mass-scale vaccination.

However, Tanzania took the money, then declared the country coronavirus free. This led to the Europeans venting their anger in the parliament.

Like Lukashenko, even the Tanzanian President exposed the WHO’s fraudulent COVID-19 protocols.

He sent the WHO samples of a goat, a papaya and a quail for testing and all of them came COVID-19 positive.

His sudden death has raised many questions including whether Tanzania’s President was assassinated for exposing the COVID-19 plandemic by taking controversial action against Big Pharma and the WHO and their global push for vaccines.

Our readers may remember that last year even the President of Madagascar accused the WHO of offering a $20 million bribe to poison their local COVID-19 remedy.

GreatGameIndia has prepared a COVID-19 Assassination List – a list of people engaged in coronavirus research and critics of plandemic dropping dead in mysterious circumstances.


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cover image credit: PatBackT  / Wikimedia Commons

COVID-19 Is the Murder of Old People

COVID-19 Is the Murder of Old People
In the 1973 film, Soylent Green, a NY police detective discovers that the vastly overcrowded, poverty–stricken population of the city—who are being sustained on processed government food, called Soylent—are now unknowingly eating humans who have died. That’s what Soylent Green is made of. That’s the terrible secret. What’s the secret now? It’s all there in the open-source literature…

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 2, 2021


Let’s start here:

The SARS-CoV-2 virus doesn’t exist.

The supposed diagnostic tests are meaningless.

The case numbers are meaningless.

The people who have died have died for multiple reasons, none of which has anything to do with SARS-CoV-2.

I have spent the past year writing over 300 articles, providing compelling evidence for the above assertions.

There are “people who have died who are LABELED COVID deaths.” AKA “official reality.” AKA “official lies.”

Who are these people? By and large, who are they?

Here are two statements. The people DID die, but not because of SARS-CoV-2:

The Kaiser Family Foundation, July 24, 2020: “Adults 65 and older account for 16% of the US population but 80% of COVID-19 deaths in the US…”

AARP, April 1, 2021: “95 percent of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have occurred among people who were 50 or older.”

A member of Biden’s coronavirus task force, Dr. Zeke Emanuel, once stated there is no reason people should want to live beyond the age of 75. Just go gently into that good night.

Well, what is called COVID is old people.

My first clue about the elderly came from a report published by Italy’s National Institute of Health during the early days of the “pandemic.” It stated that the average age of people dying from COVID in the country was 79.5. That clue was the size of an aircraft carrier parked outside your house.

Soon after the Italian report, the Institute of Health went dark. No more research was released. No updates. They’d spoken out of school, and someone slapped them in the head.

Open-source press reports revealed the “excess mortality” of 2020 was largely the result of elderly people dying in nursing homes.

This has nothing to do with a virus.

It has to do with patients who are ALREADY on a long downward health slide. They ALREADY have multiple health conditions. For years, even decades, they’ve been pounded with toxic medical drugs, weakening their bodies and shredding their immune systems—

And THEN they’re hit with the TERROR of an arbitrary and fake COVID-19 diagnosis—

And THEN they’re isolated and shut off from family and friends—in facilities where gross neglect and indifference are all too often the “standard of care.”

Death is the direct result.

Forced premature death.

These patients just fold up and die.

The managers of pandemic information tell the big lie. They spin tales about “the virus” having a greater impact on the elderly.

No, the STORY about a virus has the impact. The terror has the deadly impact. The isolation has the deadly impact. The terror and the isolation deliver the final blow.

To an astounding extent, COVID-19 is a NURSING HOME DISASTER.

Mass murder by cruelty.

Memo to financial investigators: Calculate how much money government and private insurers are saving, because they don’t have to keep paying for the long-term care of all the old people who are dying premature deaths in nursing homes. The money number will be staggering.

Tony Fauci knows the con. He knows COVID-19 is old people. People are dying from the fear he promotes. Fauci has no shred of shame. He’s a mouthpiece turned out by Bill Gates and David Rockefeller.

Evil permeates the COVID operation. The elderly in nursing homes are the primary target. Getting them to die earlier is the tactic, in order to pump up the fake COVID mortality numbers.

Without those phony numbers, the whole “pandemic” would be exposed in an hour.

I’ve said there were two key events in the foisting of the whole vicious COVID fiction—the Chinese regime locking down 50 million citizens overnight for no good medical reason, giving the green light to the World Health Organization and the CDC to “follow the new model”; and the Bill Gates-financed computer projection of deaths, put together by Neil Ferguson, who lied through his teeth when he claimed half a million people could die in the UK and two million in the US by the summer of 2020—thus supplying the final “rationale” for the lockdowns.

The third key event was and is the sustained attack on the elderly.

Kill these people with terror and isolation, and make the death numbers escalate.

As of May 22, 2020, Forbes reported that, “…in the 43 states that currently report such figures, an astounding 42% of all COVID-19 deaths have taken place in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.”

Washington Post, May 18, 2020: “The World Health Organization said half of Europe’s covid-19 deaths occurred in such facilities.”

Headline of same Post article: “Canada’s nursing home crisis: 81 percent of coronavirus deaths [in the country] are in long-term care facilities.”

The Guardian, May 16, 2020: “About 90% of the 3,700 people who have died from coronavirus in Sweden were over 70, and half were living in care homes, according to a study from Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare at the end of April.”

“The country [Spain] was shocked at the end of March when the defence minister revealed that soldiers drafted in to disinfect residential homes had found some elderly people abandoned and dead in their beds.”

“…the regional governments of Madrid and Catalonia have been publishing their own figures on people who have died in care homes…”

“In Madrid, the total for Covid, or suspected Covid, deaths since 8 March stood at 5,886 on Thursday. In Catalonia, it was 3,375. Between them, care home deaths in the two regions account for more than a third of all the coronavirus deaths in the country.”

And there was a great deal of early warning on the subject, if anyone from public health agencies wanted to pay attention—The Guardian, 13 April, 2020: “About half of all Covid-19 deaths appear to be happening in care homes in some European countries…Snapshot data from varying official sources shows that in Italy, Spain, France, Ireland and Belgium between 42% and 57% of deaths from the virus have been happening in homes, according to the report by academics based at the London School of Economics (LSE).”

These nursing home figures only give a partial picture. Consider the HUGE NUMBER of elderly, already-ill people who are basically in the same situation AT HOME—terrified by COVID propaganda, locked down, isolated; and then die—and also those who manage to make it to a hospital, where they are put on breathing ventilators, heavily sedated, and killed.

The Hill, undated (late April 2020), reported on “data…gathered at Northwell Health, New York state’s largest hospital system. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) examines 5,700 patients hospitalized with coronavirus infections in the New York City region, with final outcomes recorded for 2,634 patients. The average patient age was 63 years old… For the next oldest age group, ages 66 years and older, patients receiving mechanical ventilation recorded a 97.2 percent mortality rate.”

And yet the ventilator death-treatment continues. As does treatment with remdesivir, a highly toxic drug.

The New York Times (June 27, 2020) reported that 43 percent of all US COVID deaths were occurring in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities for the elderly. In at least 24 states, more than 50 percent of all COVID deaths were occurring in these facilities. The Times failed to mention deaths of the elderly at hospitals or, at home, cut off from family and friends. The situation is far worse than the Times made it out to be.

COVID is old people. Pushed into death.

It’s mass murder.

Behind politicians’ and public health officials’ oh so caring directives and demands and declarations and pronouncements, it’s mass murder.

Imagine YOU were 80 years old. For years you’ve been suffering from multiple serious health conditions. For years, doctors have been giving you many toxic drugs, carving up your immune system, weakening your body, affecting your judgement. Along comes a false story about a deadly virus. Every time you turn on the television set, there it is, that fearful story. You’re terrified. Maybe the virus will visit you. And then one day, your doctor gives you a test, or simply eyeballs your clinical symptoms, and says yes, you have it. The virus. You’re infected. Your terror escalates. Your worst nightmare has come true. And suddenly, you’re isolated in your home, alone, or you’re locked up in your room in a nursing home, cut off from family and friends. Day after day, week after week. What would you do?

Chances are, you would see no point in living. You would give up and die.

The operation called COVID is old people. Killing old people.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Life-Of-Pix  / pixabay

What’s REALLY Behind the War on Home Ownership?

What’s REALLY Behind the War on Home Ownership?
Becoming a “Nation of Renters” is clearly a big part of the New Normal.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
July 30, 2021


The incipient “Great Reset” is a multi-faceted beast. We talk a lot about vaccine passports and lockdowns and the Covid-realated aspects – and we should – but there’s more to it than that.

Remember, they want you to “own nothing and be happy”. And right at the top of the list of things you definitely shouldn’t own, is your own home.

The headlines about this have been steady for the last few years, but it has picked up pace in the wake of the “pandemic” (as has so much else). An agenda hidden on back pages, behind by Covid’s meaningless big red numbers, but perhaps no less sinister.

You can find articles all over the net talking up renting over owning.

Last month, for example, Bloomberg ran an article headlined:

America Should Become a Nation of Renters

Which praises what they call “the liquefaction of the housing market” and gleefully expounds on the idea that “The very features that made home buying an affordable and stable investment are coming to an end.”

The Atlantic published “Why Its Better To Rent Than Own” in March.

Financial pages from Business Insider to Forbes to Yahoo and Bloomberg again are filled with lists titled “9 Ways Renting is Better Than Buying”or similar.

Other publications go more personal with it, with anecdotal columns about ignoring financial advice and refusing to buy your home. Vox, never one to sell their agenda with any kind of subtlety, have a piece titled:

Homeownership can bring out the worst in you

Which literally argues that buying a house can make you a bad person:

It’s the biggest thing you might ever buy. And it could be turning you into a bad person.

So what exactly is the narrative here? What’s the story behind the story?

The short answer is fairly simple: It’s about greed, and it’s about control.

It almost always is, in the end.

The longer answer is rather more complicated. Major investment firms such as Vanguard and Blackrock, along with rental companies such as American Homes 4 Rent, are buying up single-family homes in record numbers – sometimes entire neighbourhoods at a time.

They pay well over market value, pricing families who want to own those homes out of the market, which forces the housing market up whilst the Lockdown-created recession is lowering wages and creating millions of newly unemployed.

Of course, this is motivating people to sell the houses they already own.

People all across America have been saddled with houses worth less than they bought them for since the 2008 economic crash, and are eager to take the cash from private investment firms paying 10-20% over market value. Combine an economic recession with a created housing boom and you have a huge population of motivated sellers.

Of course, many of these sellers don’t realise, until it’s too late, that even if they attempt to downsize or move to a cheaper area, they may be priced out of the market completely, and forced to rent.

As such, in the last year, the private investment share of single-family home purchases is estimated to have increased ten-fold, going from 2% in 2018 to over 20% this year.

As more and more people are forced to rent, of course, rental properties will be in higher and higher demand. This in turn will drive the cost of renting up.

Market Watch has already reported that, in the last year, rent has increased over 3x faster than the government predicted.

This problem is likely to get worse in the near future.

Last night, Congress “accidentally failed” to extend the Covid-related eviction ban.

Which means, this weekend, while Senators adjourn to the summer homes they probably don’t rent, the ban will officially end and a lot of people are likely to have their houses foreclosed or their landlords kick them out.

The newly empty buildings will be a feeding frenzy for the massive corporate landlords. Who will descend on the banks like starving hyenas to snap up the foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar. Just like they did in 2008.

None of this is any secret, it’s been covered in the mainstream. Tucker Carlson even did a segment on it in early June.

The Wall Street Journal headlined, back in April, “If You Sell a House These Days, the Buyer Might Be a Pension Fund”, and reported:

Yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family homes, competing with ordinary Americans and driving up prices

However, since then, something has clearly changed. The propaganda machine has kicked into gear to defend Wall Street from any backlash.

No better example of this shift can be found than The Atlantic, which ran this story in 2019:

With help from the federal government, institutional investors became major players in the rental market. They promised to return profits to their investors and convenience to their tenants. Investors are happy. Tenants are not.

…and this story last month:

The real villain isn’t a faceless Wall Street Goliath; it’s your neighbors and local governments stopping the construction of new units.

Going back to the Vox well we have:

Wall Street isn’t to blame for the chaotic housing market

Which ran just a few days after the Atlantic article, and is practically identical.

Both these (oddly similar) articles argue that Wall Street and private equity firms can’t be blamed for buying up houses, and that the real problem is the lack of supply to meet demand.

You see, all the “selfish” people who already own homes (they did say it makes you a bad person) are blocking the construction of new houses, and thus driving up the cost of property through scarcity.

This has been a logically flawed argument around the housing market for decades.

That there aren’t enough houses for people to buy is patently absurd when the US census data says that there are over 15 million houses currently standing empty. That’s enough to house all of America’s roughly 500,000 homeless people 30x over.

There’s plenty of houses, there’s just not enough money to buy them.

The reason for that is the same reason the California has massive “homeless camps” in its major cities, and that so many people are having to become renters instead of owners: wage stagnation.

For decades now, wage increases have lagged behind increases in the cost of living. In the 1960s one full-time job could afford a decent standard of living for a family of four or more. These days both parents work, sometimes multiple jobs each.

It was huge amounts of financial de-regulation which created this situation. So, whether you believe Vox’s BlackRock apologia or not, one way or another Wall Street very definitely is to blame.

But this isn’t just about money. It never is. Just as the war on cash isn’t just about efficiency, and the environmental push isn’t just about climate change. Ditto veganism. It’s about control. Just like vaccines, lockdowns and masks.

It always comes down to control.

It’s an oft-used cliche, but no less true for that, that homeowning “gives people a stake in society”. A family-owned house is a source of security for the future and something to leave your children. It is also sovereignty and privacy. Your own space that no one else can control or take away.

In short: A homeowner is independent. A renter is not. A renter can be controlled. A homeowner can not.

It’s the same reasoning behind the way working people were encouraged to take out loans and become debt slaves. If you limit people’s options, if you make them rely on you for a roof over their heads, you have control over them.

There’s a great article about this situation called “Your New Feudal Overlords”.

Under Feudalism, land wasn’t owned by the working class, but provided to them by landed barons, hence the term “Land Lord”. If you disrespected your Lord, or broke his rules, or he perceived another peasant/farm animal/crop would be a better use of the land, he could take it back.

Essentially, the behaviour of serfs was kept in check by their reliance on the nobility for a place to live. That’s very much the dynamic they’re going for here.

Rental agreements can be full of any terms and conditions the landlord wants, and the more desperate people get the more of their consumer rights they will sign over.

Maybe you’ll agree to smart meters which monitor your internet or power-usage habits, and then sell the data to behavioural modellers and viral marketers.

Maybe you’ll have to agree to certain power limitations or water shortages in order to “fight climate change”.

Maybe it will get worse than that.

Maybe they’ll go full Black Mirror style corporate dystopia. Maybe, through affiliation programs, the mega-equity firm which owns your rental house has ties to McDonald’s, and as such will require you to not eat at any competing fast-food franchises, or demand you observe at least ninety seconds of Disney advertisements per day.

Maybe it will be as simple as including vaccine status in the tenancy agreement, making it impossible for the unvaxxed to find a home.

Maybe they just want to make poor people miserable.

After all, the super-wealthy have got all the money they could ever need, and all the luxury they could ever use. Their living standards are as high as physically possible. So maybe the only way they can keep “winning”, is to start driving the living standards of us proles down.

No air travel. No vacations. No going out at all. Live in a tiny house, or a pod. Eat bugs. Get rid of your car. Rent your clothes. Or your furniture. Pay taxes on sugar. And alcohol. And red meat.

They’ve been very clear about this. They’ve told you about the Great Reset and the Internet of Things. That’s the plan.

You won’t own a house. And you’ll be happy…or else the mega-corporation you’re forced to rent from will kick you out.


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cover image credit: OffGuardian

To Know What Is Coming, Watch the World Around You: Then React!

To Know What Is Coming, Watch the World Around You: Then React!

by Gary D. Barnett
July 30, 2021


“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.
[This miserable mode
Maintain the melancholy souls of those
Who lived withouten infamy or praise.]”
~ Dante Alighieri

Mankind is a fickle creature at best, and is normally content to not rock the boat. This is the collective philosophy held by the many, as it is mistakenly thought to be the easiest way to avoid any danger and strife. Reality is another matter, as weakness is forever present in the minds of men, and therefore tyranny and control are easily accomplished by those who understand that the common masses will always obey the dominate master class at the expense of their own liberty, so long as they are promised safety in return. This grotesque phenomenon will be the ruination of humanity.

All that is happening today is based on this premise, and the ruling ‘authority’ has taken control of the entire population of the planet by simply introducing the idea that a great crisis that does not even exist is present, and is an imminent and ongoing menace to society. In doing so, they claim to be a prophet, false of course, promising to defend the people, when just the opposite is intended. Instead of reacting in some sort of logical or sane manner, the general population en masse has acquiesced to the controlling power, and in doing so has taken the neutral position explained so well by Alighieri, all at the great expense of their own lives and freedom. This attitude is one of not only great harm, but exposes the worst side of humanity, as most hide and wallow in unnecessary fear while their very existence is threatened. Other than the children, those that take this position deserve no empathy.

By hiding from the truth, the herd does not seek to understand what is actually happening around them, but concentrates only on their local, immediate, and present circumstances, while ignoring all the signs of impending doom that are brutally obvious to any thinking individual. In doing so, the spectre of tyranny grows ever faster, and without enough resistance to stop the premeditated onslaught against the common people.

The people of this country falsely called the “united states” has one great advantage over most others on earth, but fails to see their favored position due to ignorance and brainwashing over time. That advantage is that the people of this country still have many guns to defend themselves against the terror that is the ‘State;’ that ‘State’ that is continuously at war against its own people. It is not the active use of guns and bullets that is so important, but the threat, capability, and willingness to do so is certainly enough to halt the advancing totalitarian policies of the ruling class. They are all cowards after all. They are the few, while the people are the many, and being armed is the best protection against tyrannical behavior by evil and corrupt governments. The people in most countries around the world have been forcibly (or more likely, voluntarily) disarmed, and are at much greater risk than Americans today. That is why the most restrictive, regulated, and heinous policies are being advanced faster in other parts of the world, but it will all be here very soon if this society allows it. If U.S. citizens did not have guns, it would be no different now here than in Canada, Australia, China, the United Kingdom and much of Europe, and many other places around the globe. This is why it is imperative for Americans to understand that everything going on in these captured societies is coming here soon, so watching the world around you is of great importance. It is also necessary to listen to the controlling political class in this country that is constantly attempting to capture and control arms and ammunition, with the future aim of eliminating all gun ownership here just as has already happened across the globe. The only reason we are not already living in a total dictatorial society is because we have the armed capability to stop this government’s attempts to create a totalitarian master/slave nation.

The more restrictive and brutal activity that is levied against the people in the countries mentioned above, among others, the more likely it will be accepted by the drones of this country. If that occurs, the takeover of America will be successful in short order in my opinion. That would be the end of this country, as a new system of technocratic dictatorship would be put into place. The illegitimate and poisonous gene-altering injections called ‘vaccines’ are meant to help this along by changing the mental and physical makeup of the masses, accelerating submissive behavior, and allowing for more control in order to create a compliant populace that will accept their new status as dependent wards of the state.

Much of Australia is locked down, and travel for Australian citizens and tourists is virtually impossible in much of that country. Restrictions and mandates are ever increasing, including ‘vaccine passports.

The evil Macron in France has “announced that from next month anyone wanting to go out to eat or drink, take a long-distance train or visit a shopping centre will need to show either proof of vaccination or a negative test. The so-called “health pass” will also be needed to attend a festival, a theatre show or a cinema screening as part of the government’s strategy to tackle the surging number of new cases linked to the Delta Variant. You will have understood that vaccination is not obligatory straight away, but we are going to extend the health pass to its maximum to encourage as many of you as possible to get yourselves vaccinated,” Macron said.

In Canada, besides all the massive tyranny that has already occurred, now in Vancouver, all arrivals into that country are separated into vaccinated/unvaccinated lines, not unlike the heinous racial segregation in the past.

Contact tracing, forced ‘Covid’ testing, mandated ‘vaccination’ in order to survive and gain necessities of life, draconian travel restrictions, forced colored arm bands to distinguish  those injected and not, immunity passports, college admission requirements to take the jab in order to attend, job loss without ‘vaccination, mandated food restrictions, extreme government marketing campaigns for poisonous ‘vaccination, more lockdowns and quarantine, more mask mandates, and much more tyrannical authoritarian orders are coming. This is happening all around the world, including the U.S., as the depopulation agenda by the bio-weapon ‘vaccine is gaining much ground as this plot to harm and destabilize this population continues without end.

Everything happening concerning this non-existent ‘virus pandemic’ in every part of the world will also happen here soon, if in fact, it is not already happening or planned. Do not ignore the signs right in front of you, and do not trust any claims coming from this government, the controlled mainstream media, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, tax-free foundations, or any government partner whatsoever. Understand that the people still have the power to stop this by banding together against the state. Disobey, do not comply, dissent, take no orders, and let these evil murderous monsters know that you have the absolute power to stop them!

Source links:

European Union and Australia ‘Covid’ tyranny

UK Official Admits Lockdowns for “Social Control”

Vancouver Begins Separating Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Arrivals

UK follows China’s lead with social credit system

France forcing vaccination in order to buy groceries


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: AlexasFotos  / pixabay

The Road to Totalitarianism

The Road to Totalitarianism

by CJ Hopkins, Consent Factory, Inc.
July 31, 2021


Auschwitz: public domain

People can tell themselves that they didn’t see where things have been heading for the last 17 months, but they did. They saw all the signs along the way. The signs were all written in big, bold letters, some of them in scary-looking Germanic script. They read …


I’m not going to show you all those signs out again. People like me have been pointing them out, and reading them out loud, for 17 months now. Anyone who knows anything about the history of totalitarianism, how it incrementally transforms society into a monstrous mirror image of itself, has known since the beginning what the “New Normal” is, and we have been shouting from the rooftops about it.

We have watched as the New Normal transformed our societies into paranoid, pathologized, authoritarian dystopias where people now have to show their “papers” to see a movie or get a cup of coffee and publicly display their ideological conformity to enter a supermarket and buy their groceries.

We have watched as the New Normal transformed the majority of the masses into hate-drunk, hysterical mobs that are openly persecuting “the Unvaccinated,” the official “Untermenschen” of the New Normal ideology.

We have watched as the New Normal has done precisely what every totalitarian movement in history has done before it, right by the numbers. We pointed all this out, each step of the way. I’m not going to reiterate all that again.

I am, however, going to document where we are at the moment, and how we got here … for the record, so that the people who will tell you later that they “had no clue where the trains were going” will understand why we no longer trust them, and why we regard them as cowards and collaborators, or worse.

Yes, that’s harsh, but this is not a game. It isn’t a difference of opinion. The global-capitalist ruling establishment is implementing a new, more openly totalitarian structure of society and method of rule. They are revoking our constitutional and human rights, transferring power out of sovereign governments and democratic institutions into unaccountable global entities that have no allegiance to any nation or its people.

That is what is happening … right now. It isn’t a TV show. It’s actually happening.

The time for people to “wake up” is over. At this point, you either join the fight to preserve what is left of those rights, and that sovereignty, or you surrender to the “New Normal,” to global-capitalist totalitarianism. I couldn’t care less what you believe about the virus, or its mutant variants, or the experimental “vaccines.” This isn’t an abstract argument over “the science.” It is a fight … a political, ideological fight. On one side is democracy, on the other is totalitarianism. Pick a fucking side, and live with it.

Anyway, here’s where we are at the moment, and how we got here, just the broad strokes.

It’s August 2021, and Germany has officially banned demonstrations against the “New Normal” official ideology. Other public assemblies, like the Christopher Street Day demo (pictured below), one week ago, are still allowed. The outlawing of political opposition is a classic hallmark of totalitarian systems. It’s also a classic move by the German authorities, which will give them the pretext they need to unleash the New Normal goon squads on the demonstrators tomorrow.

Christopher Street Day demo: RBB

In Australia, the military has been deployed to enforce total compliance with government decrees … lockdowns, mandatory public obedience rituals, etc. In other words, it is de facto martial law. This is another classic hallmark of totalitarian systems.

In France, restaurant and other business owners who serve “the Unvaccinated” will now be imprisoned, as will, of course, “the Unvaccinated.” The scapegoating, demonizing, and segregating of “the Unvaccinated” is happening in countries all over the world. France is just an extreme example. The scapegoating, dehumanizing, and segregating of minorities — particularly the regime’s political opponents — is another classic hallmark of totalitarian systems.

In the UK, Italy, Greece, and numerous other countries throughout the world, this pseudo-medical social-segregation system is also being introduced, in order to divide societies into “good people” (i.e., compliant) and “bad” (i.e., non-compliant). The “good people” are being given license and encouraged by the authorities and the corporate media to unleash their rage on the “the Unvaccinated,” to demand our segregation in internment camps, to openly threaten to viciously murder us. This is also a hallmark of totalitarian systems.

And that, my friends, is where we are.

We didn’t get here overnight. Here are just a few of the unmistakable signs along the road to totalitarianism that I have pointed out over the last 17 months.

June 2020 … The New (Pathologized) Totalitarianism.

August 2020 … The Invasion of the New Normals.

October 2020 … The Covidian Cult.

November 2020 … The Germans Are Back!

March 2021 … The New Normal (Phase 2).

March 2021 … The “Unvaccinated” Question.

May 2021 … The Criminalization of Dissent.

June 2021 … Manufacturing New Normal “Reality.

And now, here we are, where we have been heading all along, clearly, unmistakably heading … directly into The Approaching Storm, or possibly global civil war. This isn’t the end of the road to totalitarianism, but I’m pretty sure we are in the home stretch. It feels like things are about to get ugly. Very ugly. Extremely ugly. Those of us who are fighting to preserve our rights, and some basic semblance of democracy, are outnumbered, but we haven’t had our final say yet … and there are millions of us, and we are wide awake.

So pick a side, if you haven’t already. But, before you do, maybe look back at the history of totalitarian systems, which, for some reason, never seem to work out for the totalitarians, at least not in the long run. I’m not a professional philosopher or anything, but I suspect that might have something to do with some people’s inextinguishable desire for freedom, and our willingness to fight for it, sometimes to the death.

This kind of feels like one of those times.

Sorry for going all “Braveheart” on you, but I’m psyching myself up to go get the snot beat out of me by the New Normal goon squads tomorrow, so I’m a little … you know, overly emotional.

Seriously, though, pick a side … now … or a side will be picked for you.


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cover image credit: ELG21  / pixabay

New Logic for a Global Reset

New Logic for a Global Reset

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, The Nature of Healing
July 28, 2021


Global Reset Underway

If you listen to The News, you have heard the official warnings:

Don’t Go Here While the Delta Variant Is Surging, Experts Warn.

COVID Delta Variant Takeover, offers a warning

WHO Issues a Warning of High Probability of New and More Dangerous Variants…

Delta Variants Rise Plunges Europe into Uncertainty and Offers a Warning to the U.S.

CDC Issues Warning to the Unvaccinated

Pandemic Spiraling Out of Control Because of Unvaccinated

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! – Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz


The Blame Game is underway in a test of global proportions.

Humans are participants in a Global Reset, with global control by one official voice, where all sovereign nations must work together in unison. Only if all heads-of-state play from the same page in the same Playbook can they achieve their end goal of uniformity. They do so by first dividing people by their identity, and then eliminating it altogether by making humans one amorphous blob.

First, governments must create a “compelling interest:”

Compelling interest  – Legal Definition. n. In constitutional law, a method for determining the constitutionality of a statute that restricts the practice of a fundamental right or distinguishes between people due to a suspect classification.

Blaming the Unvaccinated

The classification and separation of a species is nothing new. Subclassifications are essential for an elite power structure to dissect and maintain control. In humans it happens because people allow it to happen.

Suspect classifications in humans include: racial status (BLM), gender status (male vs. female), non-gender status, religious status, educational status (degrees), social status (Caste system in India), marital status, political status, disease status (lepers, patients), vaccinated status, and now, health status. All dictated by a sole authority, such as the United Nations U.N., whose sole purpose is to unite nations.

Using new logic, a disease-free, asymptomatic person is a threat to everyone. Healthy people are weapons.

New Logic: A vaccinated person might get sick from a virus they got vaccinated against, because someone else is not vaccinated.

As world governments build a case for a global reset using an unapproved global vaccine, and a bogus PCR test, they utilize the media, by design, as a means to an end.

This dynamic process comes directly from the Playbook of the Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution. First, create the problem – a health threat to divide people. Second, foment a reaction – fear and frenzy through media. And finally, roll out the solution – uniformity via a global vaccine program with the elimination of rights and freedoms.

New Logic: Unvaccinated equals unclean.

Warnings Not Reported 

Not reported in The News are the real threats to human health, once they are connected to each other.

1) The CDC Quietly Withdraws PCR Test to Identify COVID. 

The US has used the PCR test to report more than 34.4-million cases of the COVID-19 since the pandemic began and more than 610,000 deaths. Covid cases based on this test soared nationwide while, at the same time, hospitalizations and deaths from the Flu dropped to near zero… The hundreds of diagnostic tests that supposedly detect COVID-19 are also NOT approved by the FDA.  

As the CDC admits to using a bogus test, they recommend again that Americans go back to wearing masks “due to a recent surge in case numbers.” By what measure?

2) Allergies to Ingredients in Injections

An allergist with the Mayo Clinic warns, if you are allergic to Miralax, you should not get the jab. Miralax contains polyethylene glycol (PEG), a toxic substance if injected through the skin. PEG functions as a “penetration enhancer,” increasing the permeability of the skin to allow greater absorption of the product — including harmful ingredients.

PEG is an excipient found in the Pfizer and Moderna shots, known to cause anaphylaxis in some cases. Both the U.S. CDC and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) advise that:

‘any person with a history of anaphylaxis to a vaccine, medicine or food should not receive either the Moderna or the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine’.

2016 study published in Analytical Chemistry found that about 7% of people who have been exposed to PEG from various products have a level of antibodies to the compound that is high enough to cause an anaphylactic reaction.

Polysorbate 80, also known to cause allergies, and other adverse effects should never be injected. Though it is not well tested, it is found in the following approved vaccines: DTaP (Infanrix);DTaP—IPV (Kinrix);DTap-HepB-IPV (Pediarix);DTaP-IPV-Hib (Pentacel);Influenza (Agriflu);Influenza (Fluarix);Meningococcal (MenB-Trumenba);Pneumococcal (PCV13—Prevnar13);Rotavirus (RotaTeq);Tdap (Boostrix).

Nanoparticles are the game changer as suspicions grow that they, too, cause allergies, blood clots, heart problems, and unknown effects.

3) The Variant and the Vaccine

Variants are artifacts of vaccines, also called “breakthrough infections.”This happens when the vaccine fails.” However, COVID injections are not approved ‘vaccines.’ The more vaccinated people, the more variants produced. Variants are reported to be more common in people over 50 years, but that remains to be seen since the CDC may be undercounting breakthrough infections. For more, see Covid vaccine breakthrough infections. 

In an interview with Pierre Barnérias of Hold-Up Media, Dr. Montagnier said he believed that the mass vaccination programs for COVID may actually be causing SARS-CoV-2 mutations like the Delta variant and, thus, prolonging the pandemic.

You may wish to stay ahead of the variant curve by knowing which variants will be announced at what time. A short list of “variants of concern” are published by state health departments. But the full list of variants thru 2023 is already known, though not televised in The News.

Here is one list showing their Greek names and birthdates/release dates between June 2021 (Delta) and February 2023 (Omega).

Variant Name Birthdate
A Delta Jun 2021
E Epsilon Jul 2021
Z Zeta Aug 2021
H Eta Sept 2021
θ Theta Oct 2021
I Iota Nov 2021
K Kappa Dec 2021
λ Lambda Jan 2022
M Mu Feb 2022
N Nu Mar 2022
Ξ Ksi April 2022
O Omicron May 2022
Π Pi June 2022
P Rho July 2022
Σ Sigma Aug 2022
T Tao Sept 2022
Y Upsilon Oct 2022
Φ Phi Nov 2022
X Chi Dec 2022
Ψ Psi Jan 2023
Ω Omega Feb 2023


4) Delta Tower 

Is it a coincidence that Delta towers are announced to support 3G, 4G, and 5G frequency deployment during the reign of the Delta variant? New Delta tower antenna poles allow “multiple Operators” for roof top “monitoring solutions.” The new 5G towers and their frequencies are microwaves known to affect human health.

Nanotechnology through injections suggests a whole new level of unknowns when it comes to microwave frequencies. One study titled, “5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells” suggests that 5G frequencies are absorbed through the skin to produce the symptoms of COVID.

Further, Patent #: US5800481 published on Sep 1, 1998 and filed on Dec 28, 1995, confirms the skin – microwave frequency connection:

In man, autonomic and cortical resonances of the nervous system can be excited by inducing subliminal heat pulses in the skin by means of a resistive heat patch, laser, heat lamp, or microwave radiation, or through a slow air jet that carries a small periodic fluctuation in temperature. Deeply subliminal skin temperature oscillations of frequency near 1/2 Hz induced in a subject by any of these means cause sleepiness, drowsiness, relaxation, a tonic smile, ptosis of the eyelids, a tense feeling, sudden loose stool, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise pulse frequency used. For certain higher frequencies, the induced subliminal skin temperature oscillations cause fractured thought and a slowing of certain cortical processes. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of tremors, seizures, and emotional disorders. There is further application in the form of nonlethal weapons, involving a pulsed infrared laser or a pulsed microwave beam, tuned to a sensory resonance pulse frequency

5) The Injectable “Operating System”

Moderna is careful to call its mRNA injection an “operating system.”

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer… In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.

At the same time, Moderna admits that healthy human immune responses can destroy the mRNA sequences before they get into the person’s cells. According to Bloomberg, Moderna wants to transform the human body into a vaccine making machine, though the company began making chemotherapy agents for cancer, not as a vaccine manufacturer for SARS-COV2. Are these devices injecting people with prophylactic chemotherapy for cancer that has not been diagnosed by a medical professional?

Even if a healthy immune system can disable injected nanotechnology early on, nanobots can jeopardize normal enzyme reactions, molecular bonds, and hormone balance. In other words, the body can turn on its own cells in an autoimmune (self attack) response as it does with approved vaccines. In medical circles, this is called called A.S.I.A. or Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants.

6) Don’t Tell Policy

Is asking about vaccine status a violation of  the HIPPA privacy policy? According to one AP news source, that does check the facts:

If someone does come to your door to encourage you to get the COVID-19 vaccine, you have no obligation to tell them whether you have been vaccinated, said Kayte Spector-Bagdady, lawyer and associate director for the Center for Bioethics and Social Science in Medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School.

HIPAA does not apply to public health outreach volunteers, and it doesn’t apply to information you offer to tell,” Spector-Bagdady said in an email to the AP. “If you are uncomfortable, just don’t open the door – or do and just get some information without giving any in return!”

7) Question The News

To question The News is to make journalists accountable for their information or misinformation. Some rhetorical questions to pose:

Since when have all sovereign nations agreed on anything as a unified group?

In this ‘live exercise,’ will each new variant require a new experimental injection?

Have recipients volunteered for an experimental shot under false pretenses? See premise of the TV mini Series Ascension.

Are people who talk to their doctors more likely to get the vaccine?

Is it ethical for states to incentivize experimental medical products using cash prizes and lotteries?

If the shot is so beneficial to health why would people need to be bribed with money and free gifts?

If the CDC quietly withdrew the unapproved PCR test for use to identify Covid, then why return to mask mandates due to “case surges?” What cases?

Will life insurance companies insure their members if they accept any unapproved medical procedures, tests, or vaccines? Are you covered in the COVID experiment?

Is the mRNA “operating system” designed to program humans and turn their cells into efficient drug delivery systems or hack biological functions to create a transhuman, subhuman species? Both? What happens to the human soul and spirit?

Is it news, propaganda, fraud, or a political reality show? Are they all one and the same?

Answer: New Logic

Health Freedom and The Right to Refuse

Common Sense:  In a free society each individual is responsible for determining the costs and benefits of any medical treatment — the decision to get vaccinated is no different. – Commentary by Dr. Neil Shah, MD

In a free society common sense trumps New Logic every time. How do the rights of a healthy person infringe upon the rights of others simply by not being vaccinated?

They don’t.

We, the people, must demand that the  government leave us alone. A global governmental entity is only able to succeed in its agenda to remove inherent rights if the people consent to immoral dictates.

Government mandates of coerced medical treatments only hold power if people allow it.

This is a test. This is only a test.

Diane Miller, JD, of the Right to Refuse team reminds people that they have the Right To Refuse medical procedures based on informed consent:

The protection of the legal concepts of informed consent, where patients have the right to significant information about a medical intervention that would impact whether to accept or decline a product or procedure, is imperative to supporting a person’s fundamental right to make decisions about their own bodies. Incentivizing a person to make a decision one way or the other, outside of information discussed in the doctor/patient relationship, would be unethical. When government and corporations interfere with the doctor/patient relationship and health and medical decision-making by giving rewards to patients for compliance with government goals, then a dangerous abuse of power is initiated. Gimmicks and coercive policies not only undermine informed consent, but also reduce consumer confidence in public health policy. In our country, all individuals have the fundamental right to make health decisions for themselves and their families without coercion or discrimination.

In a truly free society, the freedom to choose is non-negotiable and not open to interpretation by science or by any other means. When we allow government to remove the principle of choice, it binds freedom itself to a contract and choice becomes obsolete.  Natural rights are a birthright and can neither be given away nor denied by any government or court.

The rights of the individual are not derived from governmental agencies, either municipal, state or federal, or even from the Constitution. They exist inherently in every man, by endowment of the Creator, and are merely reaffirmed in the Constitution, and restricted only to the extent that they have been voluntarily surrendered by the citizenship to the agencies of government. The people’s rights are not derived from the government, but the government’s authority comes from the people. The Constitution but states again these rights already existing, and when legislative encroachment by the nation, state, or municipality invade these original and permanent rights, it is the duty of the courts to so declare, and to afford the necessary relief. The fewer restrictions that surround the individual liberties of the citizen, except those for the preservation of the public health, safety, and morals, the more contented the people and the more successful the democracy. (City of Dallas v. Mitchell, 245 S.w. 944, 945-46, Tex.Civ.App. – Dallas (1922).

The choice to keep your identity and power is yours and no one else’s, even in attempts to reset the world stage. The evolution or devolution of humanity is dependent on whether each individual chooses to be healthy or to risk disease, whether each chooses to be weaponized by a government entity, or not.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


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cover image credit: geralt  / pixabay

Reiner Fuellmich at Worldwide Freedom Rally in London: “Without Any Doubt the Dark Side Will Lose This Inhuman Battle Against Life and Creation”

Reiner Fuellmich at Worldwide Freedom Rally in London: “Without Any Doubt the Dark Side Will Lose This Inhuman Battle Against Life and Creation”

by Oracle Films
July 29, 2021


Video is available at Oracle Films Odysee and BrandNewTube channels.

Transcript — prepared by Truth Comes to Light editor:

Dear friends, something is happening.

The entrenched front of the makers of corona is crumbling and dissolving. And that is because the power of US. The power of humanity is greater than the power of those on the other side, the inhumans.

Humanity with emotions will always prevail over digitalization and artificial intelligence.

I say this after the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee has, since its inception on July 10th 2020, heard testimony from more than 110 highly-respected experts from all over the world on the questions of how dangerous is the virus, how dangerous are the anti-corona measures to human life and health and to the economy, and how reliable is Drosten PCR test underlying all these measures worldwide.

Well, in the meantime, even the WHO has conceded that the virus, regardless of whether it is fully or semi-artificial or natural, is no more dangerous than the common flu — with an infection finality rate of .14 percent.

And accordingly, Singapore agrees and has removed all measures. These measures are as deadly and destructive as a third world war would be.

And the Drosten PCR test, which was declared by the WHO — under control of Bill Gates and the Chinese — as the gold standard for detecting infections is an outrageous fraud.

First, a PCR test per se cannot detect infections. And second, the Drosten PCR test, with 45 cycles of amplification, has been set to show 100 percent false positives as so-called corona cases.

Because, from 24 cycles on, the test lacks anything even remotely scientific. And at 35 cycles it produces at least 97% false positives according to Dr. Mike Yeadon, former vice president of Pfizer. Only these so-called cases, which have in reality been faked with the test — with the help of this test with the basis for the determination of ‘a public health emergency of international concern’ in February of 2020.

The acronym, by the way, for ‘public health emergency of international concern’ is PHEIC, pronounced ‘fake’.

This is the termination of a public health emergency of international concern, in turn, was needed by the global alliance of the pharmaceutical and tech industries in order to achieve the goal of so-called vaccinations, which was their true stated intention right from the beginning.

Only on the basis of this public health emergency of international concern, that is on the basis of this state of emergency, is it possible at all — according to the rules of the WHO — to use untested drugs on humans by way of this emergency approval.

All other steps — the social distancing, the lockdowns, the mask mandates, etcetera — served only to give the population: firstly, a visible reason for an otherwise illusionary panic created solely through psychological operations and, secondly, to subjugate them so that they would ultimately agree even to the so-called vaccinations.

In reality, of course, these vaccinations are experimental gene therapies without any scientific study as a basis. There is neither a reason nor even a necessity for them.

Firstly, there is no evidence for a pandemic. Only the fake Drosten PCR test with its false positives is responsible for the public health emergency of international concern, as explained above. And, secondly, there are effective alternative treatment methods. And, as a rule, a human immune system that is very well equipped to fight viruses — even man-made viruses.

Apart from that, the vaccinations lack any effectiveness, as a very recent study by Science Files has just proven concerning BioNtech Pfizer.

And, on top of all this, these shots are extremely dangerous as the latest official figures from the U.S. prove. There, according to VAERS — the official register for adverse events after vaccination — 45.000 people have died after vaccination in 180 days since the beginning of these so-called vaccinations.

However, as our colleague Tom Renz learned from a whistleblower. these numbers were kept secret and false numbers were given — namely only about 11,000 deaths after vaccination. Even worse.

In normal times, it can be assumed that, at most, between one and 10 percent of all the real vaccination adverse events are reported at all. But we do not have normal times.

The mainstream media and the politicians, which are both under control of the global corporations and the global NGOs, are doing everything in their power to make registration of vaccination adverse events as difficult as possible. So that, in truth, we are in all likelihood looking at approximately 500,000 dead after vaccination in the U.S. alone.

This puts the other side in a panic because this is not part of their plan. That is why this other empathy and emotional side now drops all masks. In France, for example, the government is threatening to make vaccination mandatory and introduce compulsory vaccination. And in the U.S.. the president wants to censor even private communications — even if it concerns completely correct statements whose only problem is that they’re not in line with the official fraudulent lie as announced by the government.

In the meantime — in India, in South Africa, in the U.S., in Canada and in France — very large legal battles have been set in motion or are now being set in motion.

In Portugal, Austria and Germany excellent court decisions have come down stating that the completely unsuitable Drosten PCR test cannot be the basis for any anti-corona measures.

The Berlin Corona Investigative Committee already now has accumulated extremely incriminating evidence which proves that this was never about health.

Rather, Mister Global — as former investment banker in U.S. Deputy Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts calls the global corporations, NGOs and their backers — Mister Global is exclusively pursuing these goals with their measures:

– Destruction of regional economies to make the world’s population dependent on global supply chains.

– Shifting the wealth of the world’s population from the bottom to the very top — that is to the super rich.

– Population reduction, which means genocide. And gaining total control over the remaining population.

We are obviously dealing here with megalomaniac psychopaths and sociopaths who should have been stopped a long time ago. But now the time has come for this.

That is why millions of people are demonstrating all over the world today.

One other aspect needs to be emphasized. In addition to our legal work and in addition to our efforts and shining a bright light on these dark truths there is a third level, namely the spiritual or religious or cosmic (call it what you will) level. And this level is crucial.

This is what a story shows us, which a German doctor told us last week. He wanted to withdraw money at an ATM and went to the lobby of a bank for that purpose. There stood an elderly woman wearing a mask, who fearfully backed away from him because he was not wearing a mask. She said he had to wear a mask because otherwise she was afraid of infecting herself and then her husband. The doctor told her ‘no’, she shouldn’t be afraid. And then he went up to her, took off her mask and took her in his arms. The woman began to cry and said that no one had hugged her for more than a year.

That’s what this is all about. It is humanity versus inhumanity. We are human. We can laugh, cry, sing, dance and hug. The other side can’t. Because the other side has no access to the spiritual side.

Therefore, without any doubt, the other — dark side — will lose this inhuman battle against life and creation.


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Connect with Reiner Fuellmich and Corona Investigative Committee

James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato: Politicians Rage at the Global Uprising

James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato: Politicians Rage at the Global Uprising

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
July 29, 2021


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee or Download the mp4

Story #1: Protesters Rage Across Europe As Lockdown, Vaccination Mandates Begin

‘Filthy, Disgusting & Selfish’: Australian Leaders Blast Anti-Lockdown Protesters, Unleash ‘Strike Force’ to Track Them Down

Story #2: US, NATO Pledge Billions to Back Afghan Forces

Joint Force Command Norfolk Is NATO’s First Operational Command In North America

Joint Force Command Norfolk

The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War

Chinese FM Meets With Afghan Taliban’s Political Chief

Image: China’s FM Meets With The Taliban,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Story #3: Pfizer Recalls Anti-Smoking Drug Chantix Due to Cancer-Causing Chemical

FDA Data Shows Anti-Smoking Drug Chantix Linked to More Than 500 Suicides (Nov. 21, 2013)

J&J Recalls 5 Sunscreen Sprays Found to Contain Carcinogen Benzene


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Forced Vaccination and the Road to “Digital Tyranny”: Agenda ID2020 Revisited

Forced Vaccination and the Road to “Digital Tyranny”: Agenda ID2020 Revisited

by Peter Koenig, Global Research
July 28, 2021


A group of “citizens” of the Andromeda Galaxy, the closest to our Milky Way, but still about 2.5 million light years away from planet Earth – People of Peace – wanted to visit Mother Earth, the beautiful blue planet. They must have heard lots of good things about our planet, many light years back. The Andromeda people’s nutrition is love. When they landed on earth, they first were thrilled – the breathtaking landscape, mountains, lakes, still fresh air, forests – though rapidly diminishing. They ignored the latter, because of the beauty of the former. But gradually they started starving – they had to leave. They found no love on Earth….


Lost Love. The Gladiator Games are over, the soccer players went home, both in South America and in Europe, to continue celebrating without masks and without social distancing – and the Olympics in Japan will be taking place in virtual mode, arenas without live spectators. The infection case numbers are on the rise, a scaringly rapid rise, the Delta Variant and Wave Four are at the doorstep, actually they are knocking at the door – in some US States at least, and soon in Europe – to give you a last chance to get the wonder jab.

The directors of the world, the Merkels, Macrons and other compromised world leaders, plus their nameless tiny elite-bosses way above them – are calling for tightening the screws again. To use Madame Merkel’s terminology of what she decided to do with the German people a few months ago. She has hardly loosened the screws since.

The populace has had their summer fun. They have enjoyed their Gladiators.

Now reality sets in again. Preparation for the Fourth Wave. New lockdowns.

Imagine we are only in year 2021, There are another almost ten years left in the UN Agenda 2030 to accomplish the nefarious objectives of the Great Reset – if We, the People, don’t stop it.

The tyrants, first in disguise, then in semi-disguise – and now with the Fourth Wave coming, they show their true face – wide open. No scruples. They have been given their quota of vaxxing by the higher masters, and god-forbid, they may not reach their targets.

The Presidents of Tanzania and Burundi, they did not want to jab their people with poisonous mRNA inoculations. They knew about and had natural remedies to heal. While there is no firm evidence, they died mysterious deaths. Just a few months ago. And nobody dares to investigate them.

Source Al Jazeera, January 21, 2021

The President of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse (A right wing president who was the object of mass protests), on 7 July 2021, was assassinated in the middle of the night in his bed, by a well-organized group of 28 mercenaries, they say.

He too, said there was no need to jab Haitians. They were free of masks, and they were free to hug and socialize. No social distancing. And Haiti’s “case numbers” and deaths were very low. Proportionately much lower than the artificially blown out of proportion, fear-inducing “cases”, disease and death numbers of the obedient tyrannical West. (See Open Democracy)

Haiti was the only country in the Western Hemisphere which refused to implement the mRNA vaccine.

In a bitter irony, immediately following Jovenal Moise’s assassination, President Joe Biden sent half a million vaccine doses (and more to come) (courtesy of Uncle Sam) which were promptly delivered to Port au Prince (six days later) on July 14.

Remember Agenda ID2020?

See this and this.

What we are living today, is the Lockstep Scenario, according to the infamous 2010 Rockefeller Report, confirmed by Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) “The Great Reset”.

These Rockefeller Report’s four scenarios (Lock Step; Clever Together; Hack Attack; and Smart Scramble), have been on the drawing board for decades. Ever so often we were told and warned about the deadly actions they had in store for us.

This is part of their cult. They have to tell people. And they did on numerous occasions.

But nobody listened. For example, by publishing the 2010 Rockefeller Report which was never a secret. Not even now. See this. (p. 34)

Have you noticed, the scenario “Hack Attack” is being tried out, in plain sight?

The highly propagated blame and breach of cyber security is on Russia and China. And hardly anybody is linking it to the openly displayed chapter “Hack Attack” of the 2010 Rockefeller report (p 34).

How come? Are we so blind or brain-brushed and brain-washed to ignore the open warnings we receive?

Then almost simultaneously, Bill Gate’s TedTalk in February 2010, in Southern California, where he says “If we are doing a real good job, we could reduce world population by 10% to 15%”; see this, called “Innovating to Zero”.

And then there is this “Luciferian” Swiss Gotthard tunnel inauguration in June 2016.

People say Switzerland is one of the cults main hubs. All of the European government “leaders” and other hot shots were sitting in the front line to watch this nefarious spectacle – that just coincidentally starts with a “lockstep scenario” – watch this 6 min very revealing youtube (below). Also see this.

Event 201

As if this is not enough, there was Event 201 that took place on 18 October 2019, in NYC, just a few weeks before the “start” of the pandemic, what turned out to be a plandemic. It was sponsored by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (funded by the Rockefeller Foundation) in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the participation of WHO, UNICEF, other UN agencies, and – of course, the World Bank, the IMF and many more.

The event portrayed a simulation of things to come, a corona virus à la SARS (China 2002 / 2003), thus called SARS-CoV-2, later renamed by WHO to Covid-19 (the disease), a simulation of what we are living since the beginning of 2020. The simulated virus caused 65 million deaths in 18 months, destroyed the world economy and left humanity in chaotic shambles. See this.

Surely, there were many more such introductory demonstrations on what “they” intend to do with us. Even though, they played out right in front of our eyes, we largely ignored them all.

This profoundly immoral and criminal endeavor has been on the drawing board for years. The final and formal decision to go ahead NOW, albeit planned, was taken in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos – behind closed doors, of course. The Gates, GAVI (an association of vaccination-promoting pharmaceuticals), Rockefellers, Rothschilds et al, they are all behind this decision – the implementation of Agenda ID2020 – see links above.

The key points and predictions of these Agenda ID2020-linked articles, were published by GR on 12 March 2020.

The Coronavirus Vaccine: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”. Vaccination as a Platform for “Digital Identity”  by Peter Koenig, March 12, 2020

These key points are the following:

(i) “Force vaccination, under police and / or military surveillance. Those who refuse may be penalized (fines and / or jail – and force-vaccinated all the same);”

(ii) “People really don’t know what kind of cocktail will be put into the vaccine, maybe a slow killer, that acts-up only in a few years – or a disease that hits only the next generation – or a brain debilitating agent, or a gene that renders women infertile …. all is possible – always with the aim of full population control and population reduction. In a few years’ time, one doesn’t know, of course, where the disease comes from. That’s the level of technology our bio-war labs have reached (US, UK, Israel, Canada, Australia…);” – See this.

(iii) “Along with the vaccination – if not with the first one, then possibly with a later one, a nano-chip may be injected, unknown to the person being vaccinated. The chip may be remotely charged with all your personal data, including bank accounts – digital money. Yes, digital money that’s what “they” are aiming at, so you really have no control any more over your health, and other intimate data, but also over your earnings and spending. Your money could be blocked, or taken away – as a ‘sanction’ for misbehavior, for swimming against the stream. You may become a mere slave of the masters. Comparatively, feudalism may appear like a walk in the park.”

Lo and behold, precisely this is happening. We thought forced vaccination is anti-constitutional and could never happen. But it is just in the process of being imposed. Why is it possible? Because the constitutional democratic rights of people throughout Europe and most of the Western World, have quietly been overtaken by “Health Martial Laws” that were quickly passed through the respective Parliaments, with most people not even noticing.

And as to what’s in the vaccines, mostly nefarious organ destroying toxins, mostly graphene oxide. See also Spanish research team report  entitled “Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension”.

This means, our Constitutional Human and Civil Rights have been suspended. The governments can do whatever they want, in the name of health. They can storm your house, arrest you, fine you, put you in jail, or even in a mental hospital. All has already happened, with the mainstream media hardly reporting on it.

Keep one thing in mind though – and that is very important keeping always before your eyes and in your mind: Tyrants don’t create tyranny; people do – by their obedience.

Keep also in mind, all the mainstream media are bought by governments and by the order-giving cult, above the governments.

As an example, in tiny Switzerland with 8.4 million people, the Government had just a few weeks ago decided to increase the “subsidies” to the (mainstream) media by another 120 million Swiss francs (about US$ 132 million), to an annual aggregate total of close to half a billion Swiss francs, or about 550 million dollars. That sum “obliges”.

Imagine, what sums are being dished out to the media in the rest of Europe, the US and most of the all-coerced 193 UN member countries!

Forced Vaccination announced in France on Bastille Day

Now comes the BREAKING: On 13 July, a day before the French National Independence Day, the Bastille Day, the very day celebrating the French Revolution – 14 July 1789, when the French broke loose from Royal feudalism, when they gave an example for others to follow – on that very occasion, French President Macron announced forced vaccination, to begin with all health services employees; no attending of public events, taking public transportations, a ban on movie theatres, restaurants and even shops – and of course no flying – for unvaxxed people. See this.

This was foreseeable, as Germany, Greece, Canada and others have passed similar laws. Others are to follow – probably the Netherlands, Italy and Spain. Boris Johnson, UK, may join the gang later.

As of 19 July he declared the UK totally free of any covid restrictions. Maybe he has fulfilled his vaxx-quota? And gives people – or rather the economy – a little reprieve, before the cult cracks down on him and other coopted-coerced leaders (sic) again. There is a lot to be done to complete the UN Agenda 2030 – and, foremost Agenda ID2020.

On 14 of July 2021, French Bastille Day – instead of celebrating the French prowess of freeing themselves from feudalism and aristocratic oppression 232 years ago, millions took to the streets in Paris and major French cities to demonstrate against Macron and his abject dictatorship. What they will achieve remains to be seen. The mainstream media hardly covered the protests. Of course, not. They are paid not to incite people to bond in solidarity.

Apropos solidarity, a little anecdote. Swiss citizens, as a step towards a direct democracy, have, since the Constitutional Revision of 1891, the right to launch a referendum against a law. It takes 50,000 validated signatures. As somewhat a surprise, on 7 March 2021 a people’s referendum rejected a law governing a proposed electronic identity system, the so-called e-ID Act, i.e., Agenda ID2020, by more than two thirds majority. The Swiss ID2020 would have connected everything to everything on personal data.

The key reason for such a clear rejection was most likely the Swiss government’s intent to privatize the data handling and management of ID2020. Can you imagine, a bank or insurance company handling your very sensitive personal data, possibly even selling it to marketing companies or to foreign secret service agencies! Well, that didn’t pass.

In September 2020, the Swiss Parliament quietly passed a law giving the government “martial powers” over matters concerning Covid-19. This Health Martial Law would be valid until 2031. An Association of “Friends of the Constitution” was formed, launching a referendum against this law. On 13 June, the referendum was rejected by the people and the law prevailed.

However, after the law passed Parliament, a small but significant amendment was introduced into the Covid-19 law. The Friends of the Constitution launched immediately a new referendum. This time in less than 5 weeks, 187,000 signatures were collected, an all-time record for a referendum in the 130 years of the Swiss Right to Referendum. The new Referendum will be voted on in November 2021. Let’s wait and see, whether this time people will reject the Swiss Health Martial Law.

The 187,000 signatures are a clear sign of a growing anti-covid, anti-oppression movement, or awakening, in Switzerland. When “Friends of the Constitution” was created in the summer 2020, they counted a few dozen people. Now, a year later, their membership has grown to over 10,000.

In most other European countries, a covid martial law was passed by Parliament or by government decree, with no saying by the people.

The key in a situation like the one the world faces today, where a small cult of evil, but dirty rich people, attempt to take control of the world, of the population, of the financial system, of the manufacturing and infrastructure apparatus – peoples’ solidarity in spirit and in actions, is key.

We are 99.999 %, they are 0.001% or less. We shall overcome their nefarious tyrannical attempt to rule the world, attempt to do away with sovereign nation states – and convert a drastically reduced world population into a One World Order – OWO, or a New World Order. They shall not succeed.  But we must remain peaceful, non-aggressive – but in solid solidarity, steadily moving forward, like a flowing stream, gathering ever more momentum and strength – towards a mankind and sovereign states with a shared future.


Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30 years on water and environment around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020)

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He is also a non-resident Sr. Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.


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July, 29th & 30th: Emergency Summit with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists Calling for Immediate Interventions in the Current Crisis

July, 29th & 30th: Emergency Summit with Highly Acclaimed International Scientists, Lawyers and Economists Calling for Immediate Interventions in the Current Crisis

by Children’s Health Defense Europe
July 28, 2021

Two Days, more than 20 Speakers
July, 29th and 30th  – 18.00 – 23.00 CET / 7.00 – 22.00 BST


Have you been wondering why nothing seems to make sense in the current ‘pandemic response’?

Children’s Health Defense Europe is inviting you to an exceptional meeting with top notch experts that were never heard in official circles during the pandemic.

This is likely the most important symposium to watch and share in order to understand the current crisis. True whistleblowers with the highest standards of ethics are putting the pieces of the pandemic agenda together. And their picture reveals that the implacable measures destroying our economy and our democracies are not ‘the only possible response to a health threat’, but a step in a global coup that is organised by private bankers, industrial mafia and captured agencies.

When the former vice-president and chief scientific officer of respiratory disease at Pfizer Global is warning of the life threatening dangers of the Covid Vaccines…

When a former board member of a major Wall Street investment bank and former Assistant Secretary of the housing department of the U.S. government explains where and when the ‘going direct reset’ financial plan was launched by central bankers ahead of the pandemic and in perfect synchronisation…

It’s time to listen…

Click here to access the LiveStream [on July, 29th and 30th  – 18.00 – 23.00 CET / 7.00 – 22.00 BST]

Click here to download the full Program  I  Click here to download the Flyer (Please SHARE!)

PROGRAMME DAY 1 / Thursday, 29 July

​Session I with Prof. Martin Haditsch: The False Pandemic

17:00 Greetings and introduction
Opening Statement by Sucharit Bhakdi

17:10 The SARS-CoV-2 Genome: Evidence of its Artificial Origin
Opening Plenary by Michael Palmer

17:30 The Laboratory Pandemic
Ulrike Kämmerer

17:50 The False Pandemic
Denis Rancourt

18:10 Planned Lockdown
A dialogue with Stefan Homburg & Sucharit Bhakdi

18:30 The Power of Masks
Conversation with Josef Thoma, Harald Walach & Martin Haditsch

18:50 The Powerless Doctors
Debate with Sam White, Thomas Binder, Charles Hoffe & Martin Haditsch

19:20 Panel Discussion
With all Session I participants led by Martin Haditsch

Session II with Catherine Austin Fitts: The Going Direct Reset

19:50 The Going Direct Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary Event
John Titus

20:10 UK Central Bankers & the Economic Drivers
Discussion with Richard Werner, Catherine Austin Fitts & Taylor Hudak

20:30 How to Decentralize Control
Discussion with Richard Werner, Mark Skidmore, Patrick Wood &
Catherine Austin Fitts

21:00 Panel Discussion
With all session II participants & Wolfgang Wodarg, led by Taylor Hudak

21:45 First Day Wrap Up and the programme for the 2nd day
With Catherine Austin Fitts, Michael Palmer & Taylor Hudak

PROGRAMME DAY 2 / Friday, 30 July

​Session III with Michael Palmer: First Do No Harm

17:00 The Propaganda Matrix – The complicit role of the media
With Taylor Hudak, Patrick Henningsen, Michael Meyen & Catherine Austin Fitts

17:30 Vaccines: Emergency Authorization Abused
Mike Yeadon

17:50 Pharmacokinetics and toxicity of mRNA vaccines
With Michael Palmer and Sucharit Bhakdi

18:10 The End of the Narrative
With Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Palmer

18:40 Panel Discussion on Vaccinations
With Mike Yeadon, Sucharit Bhakdi, Michael Palmer & Taylor Hudak

19:00 Debate on Vaccine Passports
With Patrick Henningsen and Guests

Session IV : The Hour of Justice

19:30 Reviving the Nuremberg Codex
Conversation with Vera Sharav, Sucharit Bhakdi & Catherine Austin Fitts

19:50 The Hour of Justice
With Reiner Fuellmich, Vera Sharav, Mary Holland, Patrick Henningsen & Guest

20:30 Final Panel Discussion
With Sucharit Bhakdi, Thomas Binder, Catherine Austin Fitts, Reiner Fuellmich & Wolfgang Wodarg, led by Michael Palmer

PARTICIPANTS in alphabetical order

Catherine AUSTIN FITTS is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Xrst Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of Xnancial assets and liabilities. She graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA), the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Professsor Sucharit BHAKDI MD is Professor Emeritus of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Former Chair, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz.

Dr. Thomas BINDER, MD is specialised in Cardiology and Internal Medicine, with a thesis in Immunology and Virology, and 32 years experience in diagnosis and treatment of Acute Respiratory Illness.

Dr. Reiner FUELLMICH is an attorney at law since 1993 in Germany and 1994 in California/USA. He has over three decades of experience as a consumer protection attorney, particularly against banks. From 1985 to 2001 Reiner was ScientiXc Assistant to Prof. Deutsch at the University of Göttingen, research center for medical and pharmaceutical law, and member of the Ethics Committees of the University Hospitals of Göttingen and Hannover. He is currently co-chair of the Extra Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the impact of governmental corona measures.

Professor Martin HADITSCH MD PhD is Specialist in Hygiene and Microbiology and in Microbiology, Virology, Epidemiology/Infectious Diseases, and Tropical Medicine. He is Medical Director at the TravelMedCenter, Leonding, Austria, and Medical Director at Labor Hannover, MVZ GmbH. Martin travelled around the world to make a documentary entitled “Corona in Search of the Truth”, in which scientists and experts unveil the suppressed realities of COVID-19.

Patrick HENNINGSEN is founder and managing editor of the news website 21st Century Wire, a UK Column writer and presenter, and independent foreign and political affairs analyst. He is also the host of the SUNDAY WIRE talk radio program which airs live every Sunday on the Alternate Current Radio Network.

Dr. Charles HOFFE MD has been a practicing physician in British Columbia for 28 years. He has experienced regulatory consequences after speaking and writing about vaccine dangers, including a letter to his provincial public health officer regarding vaccine-related harms he witnessed in his patients.

Mary HOLLAND is a former Research Scholar and Director of the Graduate Lawyering Program at NYU School of Law, and President of Children’s Health Defense. She has written several law review articles and blog posts on vaccine law and policy and is the co-author and co-editor of the books “Vaccine Epidemic” and “HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed.” She has testiXed to retain or expand vaccination exemptions in the California, West Virginia, Maine and Vermont legislatures and has has appeared in several documentaries and programs on vaccine issues. Mary is chair of the advisory board of Health Choice and a member of the advisory boards for the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, the Otto Specht School and Actionplay. Educated at Harvard and Columbia Universities, Mary has worked in international public and private law. Prior to joining NYU, she worked at major U.S. law Xrms, with three years based in Moscow, Russia. She also worked at a U.S. human rights organization as Director of its European Program. She has taught courses at Columbia Law School and has served as a consultant to the Aspen Institute Justice and Society Program.

Professor Stefan HOMBURG is Professor of Economics. He was the director of the Institute of Public Finance at the University of Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany until 2021, and formerly Professor of Economics at University of Bonn and University of Magdeburg. Stefan’s research focuses on macroeconomics and public finance. He has co-authored a textbook in macroeconomics, and authored other publications addressing topics in monetary policy, social security, tax law, and business taxation. He served as a member of several policy committees, including the Advisory Council at the Federal Ministry of Finance, the Federal Constitutional Commission, and the 2007, he acted as Dean of Hannover’s School of Economics and Management and from 1996 until 2003 he was editor of journals of the German Economic Association.

Taylor HUDAK, MA, is an independent journalist focusing on free speech, press freedoms, whistleblowing and US foreign policy. Taylor’s work can be found on acTVism Munich YouTube channel, as well as The Last American Vagabond.

Professor Ulrike Kämmerer PhD is a Molecular Virologist and Immunologist. She is Associate Professor of Experimental Reproductive Immunology and Tumor Biology at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Hospital of Würzburg, Germany.

Associate Professor Michael PALMER MD is Asociate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, and is board certiXed in Medical Microbiology with a focus on Pharmacology, metabolism and biological membranes. His experimental research focus is on bacterial toxins and antibiotics. Michael has authored a textbook on Biochemical Pharmacology.

Professor Michael MEYEN is Professor at the Institute for Communication Studies and Media Research at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich. He is widely published in his Xeld, and has worked as a freelance journalist in newspapers, news broadcasting stations and online. His PhD concerned “The bourgeois daily press in the city of Leipzig in the Weimar Republic. Connections between social change and media change.”

Dr. Denis RANCOURT is a retired former Full Professor of Physics at the University of Ottawa. He is currently researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and a Member scientist at PANDA, Pandemics Data and Analysis. He has done industrial-application research on the technology of Xltration, with applicability to Xlters such as face masks. His scientiXc H-index impact factor is 40, and his articles have been cited more than 5,000 times in peer-reviewed scientiXc journals. He is an expert in statistical analysis methods, mathematical modelling, and measurement methods.

Vera SHARAV is a Holocaust survivor, a public advocate for human rights, and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, which serves as an information resource and public interest watchdog organization. Its goal is combat secrecy and bring accountability to biomedical research. She has served on the Children’s Workgroup of the National Human Research Protection Advisory Committee, testiXed before public policy advisory panels including, the Institute of Medicine and numerous FDA hearings. Vera has been an invited presenter at various professional and academic forums: the World Federation of Science Journalists, London, National Academy of Sciences Policy Fellow program, National Public Health Association, Consumers Institute for Medicines and Health, Stockholm and the U.S. military medical ethics forum. She has authored numerous peer-reviewed papers and a book chapter on mandatory vaccination.

Mark SKIDMORE is Professor of Economics at Michigan State University where he holds the Morris Chair in State and Local Government Finance and Policy. His research covers topics in public Xnance, regional economics, and the economics of natural disasters. Mark created the Lighthouse Economics website and blog to share economic research and information relevant for navigating tumultuous times.

Dr Josef THOMA is a specialist in ear, nose and throat medicine with several decades experience. He worked in private practice from 1986 until 2018 and studied at the Technical University of Munich and the University of Regensburg from 1971 to 1977, then completed his specialist training at the University ENT Clinic in Berlin from 1979 to 1986.

John TITUS has written, produced and directed videos about the loss of the rule of law in the U.S. since 2014. His videos focus largely on Wall Street crime, and cronyism in the Xnancial system. He has a juris doctor and has litigated patents for 25 years. He also holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering and worked as an electrical engineer in the space industry. Since 2020 John has co-produced and co-hosted Money & Markets with Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari Inc.

Professor Harald WALACH is a researcher at the interface between medicine, psychology and consciousness studies. He holds a double Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and History and Theory of Science. Currently he is anliated as a professor with Poznan Medical University in Poznan, Poland, and a visiting professor with the University Witten-Herdecke’s psychology department in Germany, where he teaches philosophical foundations of psychology. He is founding director of the Change Health Science Institute in Berlin.

Professor Richard A. WERNER is a university Professor in banking and Finance. He holds a First Class Honours in Economics from the London School of Economics and a doctorate in Economics from the University of Oxford. He is a founding chair of Local First, a community interest company establishing not-for-profit community banks in the UK and in 2008 he founded and has been director of the Centre for Banking, Finance and Sustainable Development – the first research centre to focus on the link between the Financial sector and sustainability issues. He has been professor of monetary, macro and development economics at Goethe-University Frankfurt, Professor of International Banking at the University of Southampton, and assistant professor in economics and Finance at Sophia University, Tokyo. Richard has worked as Chief Economist, Senior Managing Director and Senior Consultant in private industry, including at Bear Stearns and Jardine Fleming Securities, and as visiting scholar and visiting researcher at the Japanese Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Japan. His book Princes of the Yen was a No. 1 bestseller in Japan.

Dr. Sam WHITE is a UK-based General Practitioner. In early 2021 he resigned from a partnership in a medical practice, and posted a video to social media explaining his reasoning, citing lies surrounding COVID-19. After the NHS suspended his licence to practice medicine a result, he wrote an open letter, via his lawyer, to the NHS Chief Executive. The letter appealed the grounds for this suspension and highlighted in great detail the ethical breaches of the vaccine program, including lack of informed consent.

Patrick WOOD is a leading and critical expert on Sustainable Development, Green Economy, Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda and historic Technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980) with the late Antony C. Sutton. Patrick remains a leading expert on the elitist Trilateral Commission, their policies and achievements in creating their self-proclaimed “New International Economic Order” which is the essence of Sustainable Development on a global scale. Wood is the publisher of Technocracy News and Trends and founder of Citizens for Free Speech.

Dr. Michael YEADON BSc was Formerly Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. He holds Joint Honours in Biochemistry and Toxicology and a PhD in Pharmacology. He is an Independent Consultant and Co-founder & CEO of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.


©July 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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