Repelling the Enemy, Keeping the Space, and Turning the Curve

Repelling the Enemy, Keeping the Space, and Turning the Curve

by Zen Gardner
April 23, 2017


This is perhaps one of the most important topics and dynamics to be aware of at this prescient time of gaining true energetic momentum. Many are currently recoiling from an inclination to retreat and withdraw. Very understandable, it happened to me as well in a big way. It’s nasty out there with the onslaught of infected info and negative influences. But it’s currently changing amongst a rare breed of extremely empowered people. I’m hearing it from many quarters with much confirmation of this phenomenon.

It’s essential we recognize this. The manifestation that this is forthcoming will break like daylight on a confused, scattered and mud bound landscape, and will escalate beautifully.

The whole purpose of energetic attacks from any source is to stop those called to do so from doing what they’re meant to to be and do.  This has always been the case but things have been taken up several notches to where the so-called “playing field” is so corrupted and misdirected that it appeared it wasn’t worth even trying. Well, it wasn’t. But “the paradigms they are a shifting” and new spaces have opened in which to operate.  The dystopia hitting every sphere of our reality only works in our favor.

If someone can be stopped, or prevented from even starting, or restarting for that matter, they will never get anywhere, never mind help transform the world. But more importantly, where are we aiming? What is our full intention? Whom do we feel we are addressing, and how? And does all that matter?

“Judgement says everything about the one doing the judging and nothing about what is being judged.” – RJ Spina

Sound Cryptic? Good. It’s Not Meant for Everybody 

This current paradigm is not for the faint hearted. Many decide to succumb, an individual decision we face many times in our lives. Sometimes it’s just wait and let things pass and not a full giving in. Sometimes we suffer serious seeming setbacks, only to learn they were massive blessings in disguise. I’ve experienced many of these and have ever so slowly wizened up to how universe works while learning more and more about myself, integral to the process.

Living consciously takes guts. We’re up against tremendous obstacles, but they’re basically imaginary, which we soon find out when we face them head on and keep on, again, mostly within ourselves.

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings” – Lao Tzu

Energetic Adversaries Are Real – And Many Beings Are Loaded with Them

However you perceive them, demons, transdimensionals, spook tech-driven mind control programs or whatever, these often human transmitted bastards are real. We have serious opposition if we’re moving in a “positive” direction, especially  if we’re making a very real difference or about to do so. “They” know who we are and get their assignments like CIA sleeper cells, only vibrationally. It’s a protection and assassination instinct in the attached.

Energetic attacks and hinderances must be met with force, spiritual force. There are many spiritual technologies for this, but first off people need to know we can’t take that crap lying down. Laziness and excuses are a death wish. There’s no need for that, unless we have compromised victim issues, seemingly overwhelming emotional depression born of lack of self work,  or a simple underlying unwillingness to come out strong and fight. There’s a lot there but overall the solution is the same.

Whatever you do, be aware of your 3D and inter dimensional surroundings and protect yourself.

Then cut the crap and come out fighting with everything in you. Do exactly what all that mind shit and weirdness and dark inky crap is trying to hinder you from doing. I have to say this at this point but if you’re not being attacked and hindered you’re probably not doing much worthwhile, but only going along with the directed herd who’ve learned to avoid the electric containment fence at whatever level. And that can be one subtle concept to get your head around as it’s woven deep into the controlled new age and so-called alternative groupings that have formed.

For those falling for the subtle confines of that newly packaged alternative stuff and the influences trying to inhibit you from full on conscious, creative action in whatever form I feel sorry for you. You’re missing the meaning of life and all the excitement awaiting you.

“Only the individual can rise to the heights of consciousness and awareness. The more you belong to the crowd, the deeper you fall into darkness.” ~ Osho

Doing the Work and Maintaining the Space

I’ve come to my own particular methods and points of intention when it comes to spiritual protection. It doesn’t matter what we do but it has everything to do with what empowers our directed spiritual energy. I use several practices, self evolved forms of prayer and intention and deep personal exploration with empowering things I’ve discovered in my life, but the fundamentals are the same and need to be personal to each of us whatever methods we utilize, which of course will change as we change and grow.

I’ve been through many spiritual teachings and paradigms in my life. It’s all about the illustrations we encounter that resonate and decide to use and what they mean in our own lives and what we decide to try and put into practice, for however long. Rituals mean nothing, but ceremony at an extremely deep personal level is a whole other story if it helps you.

In that category comes the use of sage, palo santo and other herbs to cleanse people, things and property, continually by the way, but only if done is a sacred space with full energetic intention. Otherwise it’s ritual, no different from religious mumbo jumbo. The “rite” doesn’t do anything otherwise. It’s just a focal point, as anything can be. Crystals and orgonite and other technologies are very helpful negative energy transmuters as well.

Most importantly, it’s utilizing your energetic gut, working from your spiritual center, whether you work from the gut or heart, but it generally comes from that region of the torso. You can visualize energy waves coming out in rings or however, but put your full intention into a repelling beam of energy blasting out in whatever direction you’re aiming,  accompanied by whatever strong intention you’re maintaining. Sounds may come with it and mental images and the like, but make it your own whatever you decide to do and learn to work with it. There’s no set formula.

The point is to take affirmative energetic action and set intentional boundaries. When doing so you may become much more aware of what is around you in other dimensions. Don’t let it throw you. You are in charge.

I personally am aware of whatever I bring into my home, have contact with, read, and think. Not to the degree that I’d like but it’s growing continually and I honor and maintain my space vigilantly while looking to grow in this awareness continually.

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung

What Space?

All of our lives are adrift to varying degrees, in an open sea of possibilities. We can choose continually, contrary to the illusion that it’s not so. To not realize that to its most extreme degree is to be strapped in mind control and social engineering. Anyone reading this is very aware of all of that, but I continually wonder to what extent. It will continually evolve as we grow.

It’s a very tricky matrix indeed – even if you know there’s a matrix. It can easily outsmart our minds and definitely manhandles our egos but it can’t mess with pure hearts.

Recent experiences in my life have taught me an amazing life lesson. Guard your sacred space.  That quiet, empty space which we are sometimes assigned to or discover is the most precious place we can exist. All else is incidental, yet in this 3D environment, seemingly unavoidable occurrences happen. They don’t have to, essentially. We can bypass the negative, parasitic ones and just move on.

Living a detached, aware life makes that possible and learning to live in the spaces.

“All profound things and emotions of things are preceded and attended by silence.” – Herman Melville

I often visualize that I’m flying through unconditional openness with Avatar like floating worlds moving around and in front of me. We can control time, as in timing, by slowing things down in our perception in order to avoid collisions and wrong encounters, and even speed up to avoid colliding worlds or incoming “asteroids” shot our way. It’s really that simple and so very practical. But again we need to make living in the spaces our default position, not a sometimes option.

“It is you who are moving, not time. Time has no movement. There is only One Moment.” – Bashar

If we guard our space, and value it as we should, life becomes very clear. It’s there we see clearly, as lonely and empty as it may seem at first. Learn to live there, it’s a wondrous place of empowerment, peace and navigability. It will feel foreign and lonely or disorienting in that space at first, that can be expected. When we learn to feel the depth of its importance and all it brings then things begin to change.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi

The #1 Repellent – Forward Motion!

Ultimately all resistance is designed to stop us from effective action. Conversely, effective action is our best weapon for destroying the flimsy resistance. Do it and find out what I mean. We need all three; care, attention to and guarding of our space; the ability to drive back negative influences, and most of all the constant re-ignition of fulfilling our role as the warriors we are.

We all stumble and fall and get beaten back at times, but we always survive. Therefore we can recoup and start again. New age and self help motivational stuff plays on this to draw you into a dependent, sycophantic mode, but it’s a fundamental fact of life.

It all depends on where it’s directed – service to self, or service to others. Therein is the great dividing line. But it’s not always clear, as “selfers” almost always disguise themselves in the sheep garb of service to others. The array of illusions and subterfuge they exhibit to prop themselves up is mind boggling, so go by your heart until things become clear. Then you can go by your mind AND your heart – true 20/20 vision.

“Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.” – Don Miguel Ruiz

Back to the Curve

So many of us hit a trough, a low point following this last era of infected information and misdirection. We’re aware of it now. It’s time to transcend. Continue giving and doing with what you’ve been giving and doing, but with a new awareness. These are transdimensional planes of metaphysical existence working in strange ways. Many of the current featured “teachers” of informational truth are closed off spiritually. They lead to nowhere and have made careers of digesting news and views, mixed with shallow seeming spiritual awareness. It’s capped off. It goes nowhere. You can tell by their attachment to who they are and their following and the lack of humility and true inspiration about anything really truly empowering. That’s too selfless for their limited world. You can feel it.

Stay away from them. A ton of truths and socio-political insights will come from these sources, many embedded for a long, long time and considered stalwarts of truth, but spiritually limited and limiting of deeper truths. It’s very subtle, but you’ll know who’s who by their lack of simple humility and their attachment to their role and followership.

I ran among them, I know who many of them are personally and was trying to figure this out and get my finger on it for some time, all whilst I was getting infected without a clue, although I was catching on. Then I got supernaturally delivered from it.

Am I ever glad Universe blasted me out!

I hope this helps the sincere. The others will just get pissed off and try and tear it apart for whatever misguided motive or unresolved personal issues. So be it. Full on truth is the only marker we can trust.

We need to know who’s who and seriously grow in discernment and awareness. But never mind all that, do what’s right with full on conviction and keep on rising. 

It’s our time!

“When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists — as it surely will. Then act with courage.” – Ponca Chief White Eagle

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Partial Truth, Syphoned Opposition and Facing Ourselves

Partial Truth, Syphoned Opposition and Facing Ourselves

by Zen Gardner
April 18, 2017


Partial truth, or more fully stated, truth mixed with lies, omissions and misdirection, is perhaps the most powerful weapon in the arsenal of the deceivers. It not only works the mind into confusion and cognitive dissonance and a host of other traps, but it plays deeply on the subconscious mind, wearing grooves for future lies and distortions.

But this is only part of the story.

These tactics are not only what politics and social engineering thrive on by introducing more and more falsehoods and lower dimensional vibrations into the hive mind, but it’s the main ploy of the agents and trolls of controlled opposition, the other side of the coin where many feel “safe” that they’re getting “alternative”, non-mainstream information. 

And they’re turning it up full throttle.

The recent news cycle following the escalation of the Syrian and North Korea crises on the heels of the predictable Trumping of the American mind and acceleration of the same old war machine and banking and corporate takeover et al agenda is highlighting this to an incredible degree. That so many so-called awake and aware “alternatives” fell for this buffoonery again illustrates the point.

It’s All One Big False Flag

In addition to the mind numbingly crass lamestream media propaganda, analyses and theories blanket the internet at a stunning rate. It’s like Baskin Robbins on steroids for viewpoints and theories whenever some new event takes place. I think what emboldens people is not just the understandable outrage at the insanity and potential danger of our world situation, but the accumulated research so many are engaged in and the incremental angst it gins up and desire to break free.

Completely understandable and part of the process but let’s keep this train on the right track. Awakening isn’t just informational – it’s a very deep spiritual change of perception and daily true detached awareness. To truly awaken is to realize we are not of this projected world and to live from there.

The danger here is that the entire matrix is one big false flag. It’s a complete deception and diversion from the real issue, creating story after false story in an effort to get us to buy into their reality and thus co-create it. It’s worked for millennia and still works today, only to a heightened, interconnected tech-enhanced level. Once humanity realizes that and stops buying into this extremely comprehensive false narrative in every aspect and especially our reactive attachment to it, true reality will manifest. 

It begins with the individual gaining a much, much deeper level of awareness.

“The only hope for humanity is the transformation of the individual.” Jiddu Krishnamurti

Breaking Free and Doing the Most Good

The energy spent playing pop goes the weasel cranking the handle round and around until the latest boogey man ploy pops up and is revealed is astounding. Sure, we need to be aware of what’s going on, but shouldn’t we know by now it’s all a charade and just walk away from it at least emotionally and spiritually, no longer feeding it with our attention and energy? It’s important to be aware of these things and decipher the coding coming at us, but not in an unconsciously  reactive, energy syphoning manner. Therein lies an extremely important distinction.

Isn’t it time we drew the obvious conclusion that it’s all a lie no matter what form it comes in and step into the true realm of truth and natural reality and let that old one die of starvation? Instead, the overwhelming tendency is to feed and thus succumb repeatedly to this distraction bonanza to cleverly shunt the unwary into matrix batteryville.

Look at the cleverly weaponized Bible and the new age psychedelic and “archaic revival” deception and diversion of a whole generation for example. Talk about weapons of mass deception. And those are only two examples out of thousands, albeit important ones for grasping the depth of the energy sapping illusion.

I’m not saying it isn’t important to break down the scam to help see through it and take appropriate action in an extremely conscious and detached way. But overall are we really making sufficient progress on slowing this juggernaut of death and control down? It doesn’t appear that way, despite the slow climb of informational awareness. We need to awaken to a new sense of conscious disconnectivity instead of watching and sucking in this virtual internet TV of lies like the false screen we decry that the “sheeple” watch, even if we think we see through it.  Otherwise we’re not observing any longer, but living in the false right/left, black/white easily controlled dualistic paradigm. 

That goes nowhere except provide a place to vent and keep repeating the cycle. That may be Valhalla for keyboard warriors who aren’t changing a damn thing as they get off on the rush, but why do they do it? Because they haven’t changed personally nor walk the walk and hence feed the very matrix they love to describe and expose so much. A deliberately contained vicious cycle of the first order. History attests to this idiocy.

The Scam and the Spam

“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.” – Phillip K. Dick

It’s important for those who are trying to figure things out to realize that almost all information is polluted in some manner and in levels we more than likely are not even be fully aware of. Poison is poison, no matter what sugar it’s laced with, nor how well intentioned the source or intrepid the researcher. It’s vibrational. With the full on employment and infiltration of AI this is more true than ever. Never mind the blatant trolls, plants, psyops and compromised, ego infected, subtly self exalting “leaders” controlling and directing the so-called opposition, using a limiting vibrational message they’re not even consciously aware of.

But it’s profoundly simpler than that. The whole scam is to keep us in the game, playing on their terms, and thus keep the arena full of spectators screaming at the players below, never mind at each other. When you spot those symptoms you’ll start to catch on.

You don’t have to be a player to be in the game. Professional as well as amateur sports, created primarily by Freemasons, are about the most obvious metaphor there could be for the state of humanity, mainstream and much of the alternative, and how it co-creates the matrix by billions of people giving their time and emotional energy to a stinking, meaningless game. If being in the arena isn’t enough to watch as closely as you want, you can always watch the mega jumbotron in the arena itself, and even see replays to be sure you didn’t miss anything as the tension is deliberately jacked up and then released for your somafication.

But that’s not going to satisfy the masses since less than 100,000 people can attend the precious event in person. So, voila, it’s pumped through the airwaves around the world in real time. Ah, heaven. Then having had their deliberately engineered Orwellian 2 minutes of hate release before the Orwellian screen, they can go back to work for their Romanesque emperors who brought them these wonderful games.

Rollerball anyone? This is why war isn’t such a big deal to people. They get that hate ginned up continually, via sports, dog eat dog economics and a driving inner fear and reactivity eating at them all the time, faithfully fueled by mainstain as well as much of alternative media. Many are fanning predictive programming and conditioning way more than they realize by giving all this so much angst filled air time.

“Energy flows where attention goes.”

That dynamic is working in every field of information. Thanks to the internet and even hand held, strap on, and implantable devices we can mainline this crap 24/7. We criticize the younger generation and others for their social media addiction, but what’s the difference with what the so-called adults and alternatives are engaged in? The unwary youth and social media addicts are just an obvious outcropping of the same disease most everyone has fallen prey to. That’s clear as a bell.

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie – deliberate, contrived, and dishonest, but the myth – persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” President John F. Kennedy

Energetically Controlled Opposition and the Vampiric Energy Vortex

Obviously people would not go along with complete full frontal lies continually, although it seems our post Orwellian society has degraded to something pretty close to that. There has to be something that appears to relate to people’s everyday experience, no matter how engineered. It may be a relative truth within an entirely fabricated system, but still it’s something someone can relate to.

Alternative news and views can do the same. We see more truths than others yet persist on concentrating on the evils and illusions instead of the realities and fundamental strengths of the power of individual human conscious awareness. This isn’t a broad brush accusation, it’s pointing out an energetic misdirection and resultant fascination that can ultimately be nothing more than another prop to the very thing people think they want to see come down in our world.

Look at how the “hope and change” hypnosis worked once again with Trump, despite many of us warning about it. This is born of attachment, a subconscious inner hope that the very system we all decry can change and all will be magically well. That is nothing less than a Stockholm Syndrome type psychosis wishing for new masters to be kinder to them in a system designed not just to control, but to decimate the human race. 

Insane to the max. We claim to understand these things yet keep on in unconscious behavior.

“In order to awaken one first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. And in order to realize that one is indeed in a state of sleep one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in a state of sleep or hypnosis. And it is absurd to think that this can be done by seeking information from the very source which induces the hypnosis.” George Gurdjieff

The Alternative Dilemma – What Are You Attached To?

What has been labelled the alternative, research, or truth community is in a bit of a quandary. It’s nothing new. Whenever you have an implied or perceived polarity, this kind of lumping together by the mind as well as social engineers happen, forcing free, independent thoughts into trends and distinctive groups that then take on collective attributes. Strangely enough and perhaps elusive to some, almost every time our low level thinking makes this polarized perception it’s patently wrong and a complete false choice.

Such is the nature of illusory duality, and they play upon it to keep us involved with it and thus harvest even more energy. Our true nature and reality itself transcends this paradigm. We have got to see and experience this life here with new, heart empowered eyes that bypass the mental illusion and programming. Otherwise the ropes and twines of their parasitic world can control us while sucking our very life energy, even when we think we’re loaded with “truth”.

The right/left political paradigm is an obvious example. A totally false premise yet a whole fabricated system is built around it making it appear legitimate. Oh how many things in this life are like that! When you realize all this is a holographic projection based on intention and participation you can work backwards and see how pervasive and restrictive that limited mind thinking really is and understand why it falls for all these tricks. That’s exactly why the personal work of being truly free ourselves first is of the utmost, primary importance.

As long as there’s something within us that can be attached to, it will be attached to!

It’s like people who say “they were conned” by Trump. No they weren’t. It was obvious what was going on. They were self conned by their own attachment to the system, that it could be changed of all things and some new exterior one of any sort would free humanity in that fully corrupt paradigm. They were conned by their own inner attachments to cherished conscious and unconscious self preserving, fear-based beliefs, hopes and desires, and no doubt their “stuff” and reputations and addictions to their compromised, self serving lifestyles to boot. It’s a process of honest identification and release we all have to go through.

Let It All Go and Operate from the “Outside”

Yes. We have to let it all go, starting with and most importantly ourselves. Every truly wise sage of all time has said this for millennia yet we file it away as some distant teaching or philosophy and nice esoteric idea, exactly how the matrix programmed us to do.

The system or matrix is the problem, yes. But it wouldn’t be one if we weren’t invested in and attached to it. Reforming any of this construct for human freedom is the height of ignorance. That’s where this idiotic idea of patriotism and rosy colored glassed deliberate holding on to the idea of “our forefathers” or the “constitution” is so full of bunk for those caught in the American trap. Enough people don’t realize yet that those were engineered to again give the illusion of choice and freedom in a completely controlled obviously hierarchical paradigm. The proof is clear. It goes for anywhere on this planet.

If you can see that energetically you’re getting it.

If you want to see it clearly, just look at the attachment to it, never mind it being a total fabrication, whatever seeming “good” came out of the American “experiment”, for example. It was simply relative to their perception of the oppression from whence they came, like all revolutions to nowhere. Do you honestly see any difference in America or anywhere today except little impotent outcroppings that are soon put down? It’s a giant hoax. A massive example of parasitically controlled energetic opposition at work.

We have got to disconnect from feeding these parasitic paradigms.

It’s all so remarkable. But this holding on to self-based sacred cows of any sort are all rooted in ego and self preservation. There’s virtually no consciousness involved in such low level thinking and behavior no matter how much information anyone has.

If people won’t let go of all this bullshit, they’re going down with the ship. And believe me, this fake ship has got to sink, the whole thing, and the sooner the better. Stop trying to repair it by giving it all of your attention and energy for goodness sake. If you want to expose what’s going on, fine, but stay distinctly separate from it and guard your energy. Don’t feed the fear mongering and attention grabbing it feeds on. But most of all get yourself fully sorted out first. Then your true role in all of this will become clear, but not before that.

And if you’re fighting this message it’s probably for you. It should be fundamental to all of us.

It’s time to truly wake up and find the truth and fully empowered awareness at our very centers and detach any and all energetic connections to this fabricated illusion. It’s hard work and takes some brutal honesty and hard learned fearlessness. 

Have you got what it takes?

Where’s your energy honestly going?

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Parasites on the Loosh – Knowing and Dissolving the Enemy of Mankind

Parasites on the Loosh – Knowing and Dissolving the Enemy of Mankind

by Zen Gardner
May 11, 2016



The fundamental understanding that we are an energy source for some form of inter-dimensional parasites is becoming more and more predominant. After all, it fits not only ancient and even current religious and spiritual teachings, but every form of social and psychological framework as well. That we’re being used and abused is obvious, but by whom ultimately, and why?

There’s clearly a wickedly contrary current at play working against the instinctive creative and loving force most of us are tapped into and endeavor to manifest in our lives. We have not just opposition, but apparently a seemingly coordinated or similarly “inspired” enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests.

A simple perusal of the abusive systems at large in the human societal fabric paints a very clear picture.

Whether it’s deliberately dumbing down education and controlled media that only stifle and misdirect, or the engineered highly toxic social, geological, technological and essential resource manipulation we see escalating at an exponential rate, humanity and our planet are under attack and at a serious crossroads.

Loosh Change

Understanding the gnostic/archontic explanation of earth’s situation as propounded by John Lash as well as the Wetiko teachings put forth by Paul Levy, or even the growing body of alien occupation and exploitation research coupled with exposés of the real meanings of ancient religious and archeological discoveries, are profoundly important in order to more fully grasp what is going on here.

In addition, a further understanding regarding the actual energy being harvested, also known as loosh energy, is imperative and complimentary to this and extremely compelling, having its own attributes to help us more fully understand our socio-political, economic as well as psycho-spiritual environment.

Just how these parasitic forces operate and indeed manage us, however we conceptualize them on whatever level, in order to provide the enslaved energetic food source they need to live on, is essential to our empowerment.

It’s not exactly a pleasant subject, but then neither is the human devolution and depopulation agenda for the obvious purpose of the obvious, abject domination, if not destruction, of our species and planet.

The concept of loosh energy was more modernly articulated by Robert Monroe of the Monroe Institute, although the concept as a known reality has been around a long, long time. His articulations are revealing, compelling and ultimately empowering.

Loosh, being life force energy (spiritual energy), is just simply energy, and includes the energy familiar to us as emotional energy both happy and unhappy.

Most notably, as terminology of rare usage, “loosh,” per se, was the word devised by Robert Monroe referring to the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans in dire circumstances that entail intense, severe pain and suffering in body and psyche.

And so, “loosh,” in this older usage, described a negative experiential spectrum.

So Who is Utilizing It, and Why?

That humanity is in a deliberately induced state of suffering is an incontrovertible truth. History attests to the oppressive and cruel reigns of dynasty after empire after micro hierarchy. We seem to resign ourselves to them in the knowledge that we can see them, yet the present day in our faces reality that it’s still going on and we’re even subject to them escapes us. We’re basically designed to not truly “see” them for what they truly are.

The “why” of that is a massive subject, our cowardly, seemingly self serving personal abdication of responsibility and sovereignty, but let’s stick to the overarching reality for starters.

[Spoiler Alert. Knowing these self-evident truths and the personal responsibility directly implied will bring on extreme personal turmoil; that or abject rejection in the form of denial, another learned behavior at the behest of the assumptive, invading controllers designed to defuse action.]

Back to loosh…

This “loosh” was not a discovery of something new.

Rather, it was simply Monroe’s identifying, and hence naming, of a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon that has always existed (spiritual energy simply is) and – probably since many centuries ago, perhaps even millennia – was developed and exploited as a dark, multidimensional occult art and skill, utilized by secret societies and institutionally for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith in our electronic era.

Once there was a Monroe Institute, then related offshoots and derivations of that type of experimentation and research soon became the specialized, highly refined activities and techniques of Area 51 and Montauk for “military” and “defense” objectives (so-called), and the pop-music /entertainment industries and institutional pedophilia as they particularly are today.

As a type of spiritual energy identified by Monroe, capitalized upon by the secret services and black-ops, and exploited as a social engineering utility by the interdimensional Negatives, “loosh” essentially is of the earth planes (lower dimensions) and the trauma energy of the human and animal emotional body (for example, via the cruelty imposed upon and endured by the animal kingdom, and the brutality of the abbatoir).

As negative emotional energy, especially the energy of pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering, or as Georgi very rightly described it, as “dreadful loosh,” it contains the heightened molecular content and organic /hormonal adrenalin-cortisol cascades, coursing through the quantum dynamics of blood, body, and brain systems.

Under such intense extremity of trauma, the blood and flesh is, for the Negative Entities, thus highly ‘enriched’ and hence highly prized, their brand of premium gold caviar diamond steak, as it were.

(There is a passage in the Old Testament where the gods rush in from afar, salivating at the aroma of burning human flesh. The so-called “God” or “Gods” in the O.T. – Old Testament – were/are mostly Negative Entities.)

Not only is this negative loosh highly coveted, but most crucially of all, it is absolutely necessary for probably most Negative Entities, for enabling and facilitating existence in the Earth planes, as well as for the ability to hold the human form so they don’t slide into shapeshifting.

Apparently, because of the vibrational difference in frequency levels, there is a fundamental physiological incompatibility which our negative loosh neutralizes for them, and which even enhances their energetic stamina and function in the Earth and lower dimensions.

Vibration and frequency, in them, in humans, and animal Earthlings, are key to loosh’s entrapment dynamics and emancipation from it.

More “Loosh” Energies and the Muti-faceted Entropic Breakdown Agenda

This is nothing less dramatic than demon possession and vampirism on a massive scale explained, or whatever semi-or-not paradigm you might subscribe to. We have to understand the dynamics of what is being reined upon us in order to fully empower ourselves in every facet of our being.

We’re in an interdimensional as well as an earthly, material conflict and it’s a battle for our survival, consciously as well as physically. Understanding these deeper dynamics is paramount to our welfare.

The concept of entropy lends itself to this, the scientifically identified impact of breaking down and reducing the energy of any given process or body in order to release energy. Burning fossil fuels is a perfect example, breaking down elements in order to harvest their energy.

There are so many examples of this, physically as well as socially… and especially spiritually. Religious institutions and belief systems are designed to do this.

You’ll see that entropic breakdown for energy harvesting phenomena such as nuclear reactions, cyber information and attention harvesting more and more, but understand the destructive process we are witnessing is releasing energy for a much deeper purpose than is being told. In fact, it’s unfathomable to the deliberately controlled mind.

These are the aspects we need to research for ourselves, but when we do, we find common denominators on every side.

Good Loosh, Bad Loosh

Now the good news.

All “loosh” is not bad or necessarily manipulated. We generate amazing amounts of good energy that won’t necessarily be contained or tainted.

But it takes some recognizing on our parts, as well as a centered and truth grounded reference point on our parts:

That’s empowering and should resonate. We clearly have the upper hand, despite their reversal of truth. Something to beware of continually. There’s always an overwhelming energy harvesting design to whatever they devise.

Harvesting Through Fear and Focused Attention

Our focusing on their designed end product is what brings their synthetic construct into reality. False education and especially media propaganda play an important role in all of this, with the ever looming backdrop of immense social engineering. That today’s news is focused almost solely on the acts and programmed words of world puppet leaders and the moves and lives of oligarchs and the parasitic “elite” is evident. As the expression says, energy flows where attention goes.

We’re feeding them with our attention, by design.

In other words, humanity is empowering the entire construct, in addition to energetically feeding this parasitic, spiritual and fully inorganic invading force.

This is vitally important to realize. While billions are glued to their boobtoobs drinking in not just propaganda and mind control, there’s an energetic exchange happening. As quantum physics has proven, we bring into reality what we direct our energy towards. This has profound ramifications on every moment of our lives.

The engineered wars, terror, tension and scarcity memes used for millennia, and heightened today by the aid of artificially intelligent empowered synthetic technology, makes for fertile ground for abuse and negative loosh production.

The Parasitic Loosh Harvest Reality – Child Abuse and Human Sacrifice

Meanwhile, not just by the terrors of war or continued engineered suffering of humanity, oligarchs, secret societies, and just about any organization or individual, human or not, who is integrally involved in this anti-human parasitic, self serving force, will also be an active participant in horrific child abuse and human sacrifice, to degrees unimaginable by true, empathic natural humans.

It’s part of the formula. An essential one. Torture, pain, suffering and death as the ultimate energy release to be harvested are their staples. It’s not aberrant in their minds; it’s survival. They are not of us. A profound differentiation you have got to make if you’re to survive and learn how to fight back and help save our race and planet.

The abuse, ritual sacrifice, and trafficking realities are coming into greater conscious awareness but it’s a long way from really hitting home. When you extrapolate this out to realize the entire control grid is parasitic in the most horrific and obscene ways possible, using us as literal energy sources via not just our work value, but our life force, that’s when the truth starts hitting home.

So How and Why is this Understanding Empowering?

These would-be controllers and seeming ‘hot shots’ we see in the news with their suits, uniforms and even religious or otherwise regalia are fundamentally impotent. They’re not organic nor do they care one bit about anything but themselves and some sort of Borg mind, cancer-like agenda to suck their host dry. If you look honestly at even the exposed public power figures they’re sick psychos in human form. I would venture to say they are not of us and a fully infiltrated, unscrupulous enemy within, and that we are in deep, dire straights if we don’t shake the hypnotic trance and rise up against them.

That includes the secondary psychopaths who’ve bought into the Borg program.

The real truth is, based on anything natural and creative and good, they’re ugly, sickly, shallow and weak, the definition of a blood and life sucking parasite. What needs to be realized, most of all, is that the power of this so-called enemy attempting to oppress us is ultimately of our own complacent making. Their only power is that which we empower them with. Without us they’re nothing.

Therein lies our strength. Not just to our awakening to these greater truths and understandings, but completely disengaging in any form of physical, economic, social or psychic support and letting ourselves be empowered by the realization of their resultant futility. But only if we truly wake up and take appropriate action in our lives, cleaning up our own selves and old programming, facing fears and avoidance issues, and detaching, yes detaching, from our tick like dependence on this false system and take full control of our lives – and then stand up for the truth in everything we do, whatever it takes.

They or their collective “it” are a synthetic virus, lab manufactured if you will. They can only mimic, just as psychopaths mimic normal behavior to get by while they suck anything in their path dry.

Nature itself is not on their side. That’s why they’re attempting to destroy it.


That the power of one candle is enough to enlighten a darkened room is weeny compared to the powers that lay within each of us. But it alludes to the idea. But I say enough over spiritualizing and convenient mental distancing of ourselves from our horrendous situation on this planet. This is way too late and beyond any reparation short of complete and utter pro-active rebellion with an intent to destroy their power. We have been invaded and beyond oppressively controlled, abused and sucked dry long enough. Anything at all was too much, but now we find ourselves so far down the tubes it may seem hopeless.

Screw that attitude. That we’re here, alive and just now discovering out true natures and infinite possibilities only speaks to the fact that this must have been our living, creative universe’s way of challenging us to the max to bring out the best in us. That’s good enough for me. It sure resonates.

Listen to the true human heart speaking. Learn to discern who is who out there and around, and stand in your truth and learn to act decisively. Don’t let them divert your attention or appeal to some soft peddling new age or otherwise compromise about reformation, “love and light”, or pray to some external BS to keep you from exposing and hence destroying their influence.

This parasitic voice works through the ego. As Don Juan called it, they gave us their mind, the predator mind. It’s that false self, out to protect itself, and hence this whole overriding system of abuse and compliance with it. If we’re not going militant in our resolution and understanding we will be consumed and the planet devoid of truly human life. What’s left will be a replica, virtual sadomasochist robots who love their slavery. Those who survive that is.

Do you want your progeny to live like that?

Because that’s what we’re heading for at such an incredible speed and with such momentum it’s causing even good hearts to faint.

Not me, and I hope not you. Get some damn courage and get to work. You’re gonna lose it all and all your loved ones and beloved home planet anyway if we don’t wake up and rise to this occasion.

Epilogue – The Empowerment of Greater Truth Coupled with Conscious Action

The fact that we can now specifically identify our oppressors and their techniques is incredibly empowering. While they appear to and in many ways do have the upper hand, it’s fundamentally extremely flimsy and illusory – a construct meant to displace our humanity and sense of conscious connection.

But it’s only if we agree to it and support it.

It will take a form of spiritual violence to take a stand. This is what’s being called for, and whatever else may follow. I hope you’re up to it. I sure am. This is what I came here for. And I’ve done the work to prepare for it.

Know your true identity as an amazing individual yet part of a vast continuum of the ultimate Source. Their fear based intimidation wilts in our gaze of knowing truth. Be strong. Informed, empowered and encouraged. And ACT accordingly, whatever the consequences. Everything will be thrown at you. That’s the nature of being a warrior in battle.

We already have every possible element needed to refute and dissipate this imposed, parasitic control system.

Live freely – and carry on the process. We’re not just observers, but doers of the very real truth we’ve come to understand. Act and be bravely! There’s nothing to fear in all truth and reality. It’s a charade only made real by letting their false reality in, like choosing to let a nightmare go through your waking day. Why do that?  Shake it and simply be who you truly are and act accordingly and be willing to go where it takes you, fears and all.

Their only power is in illusion, as real as the mass hypnosis and resultant subservience and empowerment makes it appear. It doesn’t matter how weird or strange these manifesting influences may seem to be or how many are bowing down to them. Stand on your authentic own.

Find it first of all, that’s the real journey, and then stand like a tree against the storm – and then move forward.

See you on the frontline. We were born for this.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Enlightened and the Entangled

The Enlightened and the Entangled

by Zen Gardner
April 8, 2017


It’s either/or, and it takes some serious commitment and doing, as well as not doing, to truly get free. Most of us have no idea of what real freedom is, as we tend to listen to our minds predominantly rather than our hearts when it comes to understanding. Besides being a very limited means of perception, our minds are severely corrupted since birth by the engineered world we’re born into. 

Molded by programmed parents and teachers and a societal milieu invented by psychopathic forces and their agents for the sole purpose of control, it’s a fight from day one to fight off these influences and dig our way back to our true selves. 

Upon arrival on this planet and its limited and constricting dimensions, our first response is survival, how to get along and maybe even excel in the maze we walked into. We invent personalities and very complex support mechanisms to prop up our inventions to keep up with the myriad of other invented stories we continually encounter. They call that adjusting. Incredible.

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” – Jiddhu Krishnamurti   

It’s All About the Will and Courage to Search and Find

Something within each of us longs for something much greater. We sense it’s there but can’t put our finger on it. The illusory construct we’re born into is fully entangled in its own story, reinforcing itself like a cancer against the realization of deeper truths. The true humans amongst us all experience this innate contradiction, yet we’re told this is just the way it is. 

This is where the heart drive comes in. Enlightenment has been made out to be some ethereal, far away unattainable state reserved only for the duly revered and hence separated from our personal potential. A complete fabrication. 

This experience here is like a very low level, barely intelligence-challenging juvenile video game. The answers are obvious. As Occam’s razor states so beautifully and succinctly, the simplest answer is usually the right one. That’s why children are so profound in their understanding, and many of the great teachers have said we need to become like little children again. When we reject the love of the truth we’re given over to delusion, and a very convoluted set of life sapping variables. 

We then learn to accept or reject whatever we choose to according to what fits our perverted sense of self-serving understanding. After all, the world around us does it, why shouldn’t I?

Meanwhile your inner soul and connection to true innate understanding weeps. 

“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung

Just Look at the Challenge

Not only are we programmed from birth and thrown into a swamp of twisted lies, the bombardment continues with soul and mind twisting education and societal “norms” backed by insane degrees of media propaganda – which again seems to be happily assimilated into this twisted, dumbed down normalcy bias. 

What could be more challenging?

Is there a purpose to it, for each of us individually? Having been twisted to incredible torques of trauma in my personal life I can only assume so. Something survives that can still see the beauty around us and all that is implied behind it. The more I find out how swindled we’ve been, from the obvious to controlled opposition and plants to divert whole well intentioned movements, the more that resonates with my heart in complete contradiction to what I’ve been presented with. Hence the more I know the more I don’t know. A healthy attitude I’ve come to learn. 

But at the same time the more arises a warrior spirit within me. Spirit rising. Herein lies the spark of life.

I’m all too aware of coping mechanisms and the like, so don’t even bother going there if you’re that jaded. Somehow truth surfaces. It may be paltry in the world we’re witnessing in this dark age we’re living in, with all its glitz and tech and glamour. Humanity has been shrouded in immense darkness, cut off from what was once obvious to our child like spirits.

The Moral?

It’s up to you. How committed are you to truth, really? I know my settings. Do you know yours? Are you truly connected to them? Does fear of death still affect you? A good barometer.

We are up against many common obstacles. Illusory and mentally induced ones in most cases, but nonetheless appearing real. Like the famous expression, FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Pretty profound. But do we implement these realizations, or file them away as comforting cover ups.

The battle we’re in is very real. It’s first of all personal. We can’t change the external without having that real metanoia, about face, in our own lives first. That’s not a popular subject in a world that wants its ears tickled with the latest media punch or on the alternative side conspiracy theory world wanting more and more “information”, whatever truths they contain. It’s still stroking the same egoic body that sucks up to this matrix of deceit. 

It may take you a while to make that connection to the concept of and resultant disconnection with false self, but it’s essential. At least learn to be conscious of such a schism and then observe it. It’s truly liberating. 

All the best. I’ll keep wondering. Can’t help it. Hope you do too.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Stand Up for Servitude! — The Mind Controlled Mind Screw

Stand Up for Servitude! — The Mind Controlled Mind Screw

by Zen Gardner
April 7, 2017

Oh the insanity of lost at sea humanity. What makes people do what they do? Just look how humanity has resigned itself to circumstances and conditions they’re not even aware are absolutely degrading their true selves and potential lives while destroying the very planet they live on. 

Look at religion, probably the most blatant example. A willing and often enthusiastic compliance to a life of servitude in order to gain the help and protection of some invisible force based on promises and laws written in some new or ancient rule book. And what’s the fruit of religion? Do you see a world of peace and harmony and plenty for all? I just see slaves, content in their servitude as they default to whatever powers there might be.

The misdirection of even sincere hearts is mind-boggling. Religion and belief systems, including group think diversions and containment systems like patriotism and other social, economic and political group loyalties, are simply harvesting machines.

How do they do it? They tap into the longing to find our true infinite selves within and the desire to be part of something bigger than ourselves and an inborn sense of altruism. The more driven and passionate display this quality, including a selfless dedication often with no apparent expectation of repayment. You see this especially in religious zealots who are held in very high esteem by less committed adherents. The degree of dedication often justifies the faith. A major red flag right there since most people are spineless cowards. Hence war worship as well.

Blinded Emotions, Blind Adherence

Once swept up into especially the more developed mind control systems known as religions, sects and cults, everything is justified and accounted for. This is a very tricky subject because what the adherent feels and believes in their heart may be something quite beautiful. But that’s where the steering, containment and harvesting system kick in and come into full bloom without the adherent being aware of it one iota.

Another aspect that makes it very hard for the religiously mind controlled to grasp its enslavement is the many actual truths woven into their teachings. Who can argue against love, for example? But watch out for what’s tagging along, cleverly baked in the same sugar coated cake. It’s all toxic in this socially engineered world, every bit of it.

The very worst aspect of religious mind control is the abject giving up of oneself to an external authority. It’s bad enough people do it with government and the many tiered hierarchical structures of our containment society, but religion, be it conventional or all forms of new age controlled opposition, takes this into the spiritual realm where levels of mental and spiritual abuse know no bounds. I know. I’ve been there. And it becomes self induced and reinforced to a degree unfathomable by someone who hasn’t experienced it.

It’s way more sophisticated than even the military, which is a brutal breakdown of the individual and externally enforced mental and physical abuse system, yet just as diabolical. And again it’s to create mindless servants. Absolute tools of some higher power or forlorn authority figure to which they readily abandon themselves.

I can just see an Orwellian campaign with advertising copy along these lines:

Con Job Utopia – Life on Mind Controlled Planet Earth

That may sum up my point just fine, but in case not, let me expound a bit.

Social engineering is a mild way of saying mind control. Every maneuver to shuttle ethnic groups around, engineer wars and fear via their strategy of tension, everything you see on the completely controlled news, mainstream and controlled opposition of so-called independent and “alternative” news with their even more clever containment system, is mind control.

The obvious tools of the educational and religious systems pale in comparison to these more sophisticated and swallowed-by-everyone as fact techniques.

Mind control  is not confined to MKUltra, individualized satanic ritual abuse, and exotic electro/plasmic influences. It is everywhere. That’s why very deep personal awareness is essential, to realize how we’re being misled and played every step of the way.

It’s not paranoia; it’s vigilant awareness and survival.

Gimmicks and Giveaways

The so-called new and alternative information worlds are rife with mind control. The most important thing anyone can do is step back and see the very big picture.

Where is anything going? Will it make a big enough difference to stop the mass ominicide of humanity and total control of who or what is left? We’ve connected dots enough and understand these principles for ages, yet the repeat of describing what they’re pulling off continues, like a nagging mate unable to make any difference in the behavior of their partner. Wash, rinse, repeat. 

Some awareness springs up, but if it isn’t causing the real metanoia that humanity needs, the total shake up of mind, body and spirit with a resultant fundamental about face change; it’s essentially playing into being another satellite support system of the matrix cleverly classified and filed away in some soma induced bubble hanging off the ship of mass deception.

This bullshit agenda works every facet of this manipulated world. We must operate from that fundamental realization if we’re to survive and make an impact. At the least in standing up for ourselves.

New Age Soma and Pseudo Shamanism

The engineered new age movement is obvious as to its misleading nature at first blush to the semi awakened. What most people don’t realize is to what degree and the how the agenda works to shunt massive amounts of people into a fully futile “separate reality” as Casteneda called it which took the 60’s generation by storm and diverted an entire generation from any real impact on the world they’d hoped to change.

Fake shamanism and the proposed archaic revival McKenna touted, a figure known also to be on the black ops payroll, are integral to their program. Send us back to the stone age and marginalize us completely. Sure, getting back to nature is a good thing, but you have to see the big picture and why these aspects were pushed. Diabolically clever and completely neutralizing, no different from the soma of conventional religion if you’re honest.

To what extend McKenna and Alan Watts and Marshall McCluhan et all where directly controlled and how much truth can be derived from their teachings remains unclear to me. All I know is everything is tainted as it was a big wake up call for me as well. It can only be discerned by the overall effect. The disconnect with having a true, reality based interaction with the world around us resulting in the world we now inhabit is evidence enough.

If you’re willing to face up to it.

Psychopaths freely rule. Being “aware” of them and able to describe them does nothing. No action is taken and no action is possible within their structure. They’ve enclosed their pincers on humanity while everyone was dreaming and now we’re facing the brass tacks consequences, with still no manner of recourse. 

Coup de Graçe

Hard facts. It’s time we truly woke up out of our stupor. Consider this negative or cynical information, a “normal” programed reaction, that’s your problem. Truth isn’t easy.

The only hope isn’t just wakening, but true full on honest awareness, of how werve individually being played and they continue to do if we’re not vigilant and continually aware of what this polluted milieu is trying to trigger in us continually.

Without clear vision we perish.

Maybe then we’ll find some sort of solution. No idea. But at least we can individually beat this massive lie. We’ll see if and what exists at the next level, if there even is one.

The apocalypse means unveiling  – do your really want it? It won’t be what you think, no matter what  you might think. Can you handle that?

Letting go ain’t what it used to be. 

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Slaughter of the Sacred Cow

The Slaughter of the Sacred Cow

by Zen Gardner
April 6, 2017


We all know the obvious sacred cows; religions, belief systems, adherence to hierarchy, small stuff like that. Those externally based and obviously reflected sacred cows are in our faces destroying souls and society alike daily and we tend to think we’re getting a handle on dismantling these.

Or are we really?

Let’s talk about what it is about us that reaches out and make those beliefs ours and maybe we’ll get down to the real root of the issues. After all everything in the external is a mirrored manifestation of what’s going on inside of us, individually as well as collectively. What about presumed life goals and hardened choices we make that we can’t let go of, wrapped in all kinds of garb? And how about that great big idol in our hearts called our image and sense of self? 

Now we’re touching on what is adhering to the above constructs of control. Obvious false gods and deities are easy to identify. What about the real “god” we spend the most time on? Just as hypocritical religionists actually worship at the mall or in front of their TV, who is it the vast majority is really giving their time and attention to?

Ourselves. The big question then follows: which self?

“Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.” ~ Miyamoto Musashi

False Ego vs True Self

A lot has been written on the power of the ego. It can get a bit heady but it needn’t. The ego can be described as the muscle of the false self that constricts as well as dilates – the screen of self projection that’s been programmed from birth that an awakened person can learn to detach from and observe to varying degrees.

This psychic muscle is way smarter than any of us would like to admit. It’s a survivor. It’ll pick fights and arguments just to get used and justify itself. It can fold up into self pity and play the victim like a pro. It can lash back in passive aggression, just a cover for deep feelings of anger. It can spend its life analyzing itself to give you, the real you, the impression that you’re making progress when perhaps we’re not really letting go, just lost in analysis. I know that one well.  After all you’ve got these smarts and can identify many of its tricks. But it can still have a dastardly grip over your life.

“I’ve come to realize that the biggest problem anywhere in the world is that people’s perceptions of reality are compulsively filtered through the screening mesh of what they want, and do not want, to be true.”  ~ Travis Walton

If it’s forced to let go of one thing it’ll quickly attach to another. It’s a survivor, that’s what it’s built to be and gains in trickery and strength the longer we allow it to. We talk about it as if we’re aware of it and have control, but do we really? What about our blind spots? We all have them. That is where the real sacred cows are hiding, usually in plain sight – especially to those around us. But they’re projecting their own false self issues with their own blind spots. The asylum run by the inmates, all of whom are lying as to whom they truly are.

Stories talking to stories. Quite the maze to get through.

Believe it or not the ego is needed, but like the mind it makes a terrible master. We all project a certain persona which can change under different circumstances depending on the need. But it needs to be observed carefully so that it doesn’t get out of line, and then it needs to be put back to sleep afterwards through quiet reflection and meditation.

It’s when we identify with it that we have problems. It’s not the real you, or me. There’s a large measure of programming from years of reinforcing behavior but this projected self does morph over time, hopefully to reflect the genuine self rather than the false one. But taming that beast is no small chore.

“The problem does not lie within me. I am not seeing a manifestation of myself in other people. Other people have not done the same process that I have. The introspective work that I have and gone through that painful, painstaking work that involves effort, hard effort.” ~ Mark Passio

The hard part is identifying especially trauma based issues. These begin with the initial sense of abandonment we experience entering into such a strange, non spiritually oriented world. The traumas pile on from there on depending on how much added abuse and abandonment we experience in the earliest years and how we learn to cope. Herein the egoic self is born – reaching out for survival through conformity at first, then learning to get ahead in an insanely competitive, fundamentally dog eat dog society.  It doesn’t have to be that way but that’s what we’re handed right out of the gate, to varying degrees of course. 

Soon accompanying a deep sense of abandonment is co-dependency, an unhealthy reliance on the approval and support of others that can spin off into abuser/abused syndrome as traumas are reenacted like Pavlov’s dogs. These can be very subtle but like all these symptoms, they can seem oh so justifiable.

Humor, Humility and Sacred Indignation

If you want to detach your whole life has to slow down. We need a lot of down time, quiet hours, time in nature. The true self will starve without this and the egoic stinker gets stronger and stronger. That’s why cities are so degrading. People become callous fending off the weird vibes and acclimating to the coldness and deadness.

“What makes this pain of denial more or less painful is one’s moral compass. The few, the brave, the integral warriors for truth, sacrifice tidy explanations and the comfort of static perceptions in order to remain at the frontier of discovery and a constantly adjusting worldview, which experience and new knowledge foster.” ~ Jack Adam Weber

One key sign of spiritual health is being able to laugh at ourselves. After all, we are pretty ridiculous. But knowing our real condition brings humility. There’s no better foundation than that. Humility breeds love and empathy for all the others facing the same challenges, while at the same time having a tremendous disdain for the machinations of the egoic lie that perpetrate so much suffering for so many, internally and externally.  

If we can learn to identify our own dark issues in the recesses of our own psyche we can begin to more fully detach to where we identify them when they come up and so they lose their grip. Triggers will no longer throw us into a tailspin of reactivity like they used to. It takes time and patience and a lot of determination but that’s what has to be done. Until that’s seriously worked on we’ll only keep perpetrating the same dark world none of us want. 

It starts inside and works its way out. The opposite route only leads to futility and the repetition of the psycho-spiritual disease driven problems of the ages.

“Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and  functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.” ~ G.I. Gurdjieff

Face Your Fears and Break the Programming

We can break the programming. It’s all fear based. We’ve been conditioned with serious problems and then taught fear and shame regarding having them. This was put in place within humanity a long time ago. We have to realize and accept that, from whatever source you may think. We can analyze that all day long as well, and some knowledge in that area is helpful and important, but the only answer is to deal with it and root it out into the open.

Facing our innermost fears is essential. These can be very difficult to identify and may not fully surface until after you’ve been in the process of self exploration for some time. Some fears are obvious. Others are so wrapped in other issues and convoluted it’s remarkable. The good news is that fears dissipate as soon as they’re confronted head on. They appear to be drooling, fire breathing dragons but they turn into shadowy mists as we walk straight at them. Any fears.

“He must not run away from fear. He must defy his fear, and in spite of it he must take the next step in learning, and the next, and the next. He must be fully afraid yet he must not stop. That is the rule!” ~ Don Juan Matus

The beauty of allowing yourself to engage in all of this is that we can then become more fully conscious and actually raise our vibration. This brings not just physical and psychic healing but literal changes in our tampered with DNA. The potential is limitless. Real conscious awareness has made this ultimate of explorations and finds a connection to Source behind any head knowledge or worked up self effort through some discipline. Those can help but they’ll only be the top of the tree without a healthy, fully explored and restored root system, without which no tree can stand the storms of life nor bring sustenance to others.

It’s time we put the horse back in front of the cart where it belongs. It’s up to each of us individually to do this serious work. It’s not easy, but it’s time we stopped avoiding the real issue.

“For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone. The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes. To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.” ~ Cynthia Occelli

We are the source of society’s problems. Even when we think we’re doing some great service to rectify these external problems or bringing great knowledge to the fore, they’ll only lead to another reformation of the old unless we have had a total revolution within ourselves. That will require letting go of new sacred cows we’ve become attached to, our reputation, our mission in life, our acquired new belief systems we subconsciously garner.

Awakening is a continual process. And continual letting go. When we do, our true power grows exponentially.

From that foundation the true conscious solutions will arise. Not from the head, but from a knowing heart.

Love, Zen

“In my experience, everyone will say they want to discover the Truth, right up until they realize that the Truth will rob them of their deepest held ideas, beliefs, hopes, and dreams. 

“The freedom of enlightenment means much more than the experience of love and peace. It means discovering a Truth that will turn your view of self and life upside-down. For one who is truly ready, this will be unimaginably liberating. But for one who is still clinging in any way, this will be extremely challenging indeed. 

“How does one know if they are ready? One is ready when they are willing to be absolutely consumed, when they are willing to be fuel for a fire without end.”

~ Adyashanti


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Onslaught of Life

The Onslaught of Life

by Zen Gardner
April 6, 2017


Taking time so pressed on me
I wrestle with the space
Delving deep in unknown hells
Protection is displaced

The clearing, haunting memories
While falling deep within
The veil twixt here and there, I see
Grows ever more so thin

Time travels, ‘spite it’s ‘phemera
Well beyond fantasmic din
A sliding scale of slipp’ry slime
Illusions at their whim

“Time will tell” the organ cries
How shallow, absolute
Reality, it never dies
Illusions, such, are moot

We march on to infinity
Yet timelessness is here
This mortal coil, and 3-D foil
Are frauds, yet held so dear

We soldier on, awake or not
Survival is our meme
While all about are screams and cries
To ignore yet stays the theme

I cannot say what time we share
The question’s oh so large
I only know that I am here
‘Twixt specters once enlarged

I’m here, that’s really all I know
I’ve tried so very hard
To grasp and understand this life
“Keep looking”, cries the bard

Though crystals hidden deep within
Give hint to inner truths
Be not deceived by lose or win
Say teachings of the sooths

Still nothing jives, I realize
A paradox sublime
Perhaps this isn’t even real
More likely, not my time.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

In the Beginning Was the End

In the Beginning Was the End

by Zen Gardner
April 5, 2017


It’s just getting interesting here on planet earth. Now’s when Truth breaks through and Gaia shrugs to bring the point home. 

What groundless, truthless and ruthless insanity we’re witnessing. Think of the fear based mindset behind almost every action, the craving for safety and security and self. Besides being an imposed false goalpost in the human psyche, people don’t see the power of death as their friend and companion. 

Humanity is so caught in linear duality it’s disgusting. Their hearts know better.

This Yahweh and Co.’s creepy hierarchical control plan is almost fizzled out now. Hence the death throes and psychopathic vibes people are whipped around by. If they haven’t done the self work they’ll be thrown under the bus. You can’t do anything about that except individually, but it all works for good.

Everything is energy, everything recycles, nothing is ever lost. The play out of this evil contagion is just a cycle. For some “reason” perhaps we’re simply here to experience, witness and learn from it. We can do what we can do, or not do what we’re not supposed to do. The majesty of choice is always there and our indomitable infinite spirits are just fine and always will be. 

Happy class time and do enjoy your farming to whatever degree in whatever manner if you’ve started to pay attention – absolutely nothing better than being in and working with truth and nature – speak to it and listen. It’s our best teacher. We have so much clutter blocking our true higher mind and things that keep us from truly seeing. That’s the challenge.

So was the end baked into the beginning? In a linear contained sense, for sure. If you go for the programmed prophecies and other predictive programming bullshit you already know the ending. After all, you’re bringing it on by swallowing this swill. That’s your choice. Trouble is, I and others have to share this planet with ignorant, programmable idiots like that. 

I’m sick of it.

So if you, yes you, don’t snap out of it, we all suffer. How’s that for violence and violating others’ rights? And partial wake ups are bullshit. If you’re not willing to go all the way you and others like you are part of the problem. That’s why this information avalanche is in place and all this ego-bolstering so called knowledge. It feeds the self serving beast. The real one. The false you, the false us. And the problem rolls on. 

Get free. Let the paradigms and cherished beliefs crumble. 

That’s where we’ll find our way. It’s already here and always has been. True awakening is a destructive process. Then we’ll find our footing in real, raw truth.

Is that something to fear?

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Mad Libs for Trolls

Mad Libs for Trolls

by Zen Gardner
April 23, 2012


I have an idea. Why not let trolls and internet trawlers write their own stories? Wouldn’t that solve a lot of problems and get their angry angst off the net?

So here’s an easy., popular game they can play, creating whatever scenario they want and have fun at the same time. Now THAT will elevate some lower-level consciousness, won’t it?

I’ve tried to make this easy so as not to confound the sensitive nature of our self-appointed anonymous watchdog community.

After all…..the nose that knows is a terrible thing to waste.


Here’s the Story Line:

(If you’re not familiar with this popular mad libs game, go HERE.)

The Internet – In the Mind of a Troll

I’ve found a fabulous place to post my_________ [plural noun].  It’s called the inter____ [noun].

Many people around the___________ [round object] like to use this__________ [nasty adjective]  tool. It helps everyone

to______________[destructive verb] better.

Sometimes people like to share their _____________[body part-human] to tell people what they are _____________ [unload verb now].

But sometimes angry and nasty predators_____________ [verb-think snark] on others to make themselves____________ [self-serving verb]

better about them____________ [rhymes with “elves”].

I know! Whodda___________ [mental action]  that simply putting information out for ___________[plural noun] to read

and __________[fun verb-got fun?]  would draw so much____________ism [angry adjective]!

I mean anonymous _______________s [exotic life form] would come at me  like a _________[crazy noun] on a __________ [crazier noun]!

Dear Diary

These types of _________[adjective like vapid]  __________[synonym for assholes] want me to curl up and_______ [deathly verb]. Funny

thing is, this makes me want to do more!

I’m going  to _________ [love, express…]  and _________[revel in my freedom to do so] the rest of my days!


Sorry, folks. Current affairs drove me to it.

Hope you had a fun ride. We really do need to enjoy this cuz it ain’t gonna be pretty real soon and we need to keep our wits about us.

And BTW these inter-gnats are nothing to worry about. Pure background noise.

Maybe they’ll go off and play this with each other and leave the rest of us alone. Ha!

Much love, and keep on!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Does Humanity Even Want Freedom?

Does Humanity Even Want Freedom?

by Zen Gardner
November 7, 2013


The most precious gift given to humanity besides its very existence and innate connectivity to universal Source is the gift of free will. We can choose. We ultimately have the power to make decisions for ourselves. Unfortunately this concept is buried under the rubble of ignorance and social engineering and of course becomes a very complex matter as life’s input and experiences complicate our entire decision-making process.

And freedom and free will? They’re generally relegated to philosophical treatises and ideological tugs of war in the political arena. Nicely sectored off to where they can’t touch our consciousness and every day living.

Many argue that in today’s circumstance we are not free to make our own decisions, that in effect we often don’t even have free will as evidenced by history. This strikes at the root of the problem. Disempowerment via thinking we need permission versus knowledge of our inborn nature of pure freedom. It may appear that it’s been deprived at times. Free will seems to be often negated or seriously limited under certain circumstances, either by choice, coercion or collusion.

But is it really, no matter how draconian? After all, much of humanity seems to not even know that it is inherently free, never mind does it appear to even want to fully exercise such a sense of inborn freedom.

The Majesty of Choice

We are crowned with the ultimate gift: a completely autonomous conscious will. We can choose what we say, what we do, what we respond to, what we give our attention and energy to. Again, it may not appear so with the way society is structured and judging by the very bound condition and behavior of mankind. While the idea of freedom still distantly rings in the hearts of men, it has taken on many severely compromised meanings. On purpose.

In addition, for some reason it appears we’ve given up our freedom to varying degrees in exchange for something. But in exchange for what? Security? Acceptance? Ease?

It sure appears that way. But how did this come about? And who said we had to trade anything? Was it a deliberately designed trade off to keep humanity in servitude with an illusion of choice? Looking at the contrived and extremely controlling political and economic structure of our planet’s various societies and the miserable state of most of its inhabitants, it’s clear something is seriously wrong. Especially with a clearly ruthless ruling class of uber-privileged riding the backs of the oppressed who are the ones producing the goods.

Throw Off the Shackles

Is our lost sense of true unshakable spiritual freedom exactly that which would empower humanity to throw off the shackles of a system built on carefully manipulated voluntary slavery? Is this what the war on the human body, mind and spirit is all about? To block our remembrance?

When someone has come to an awakening of true consciousness, or should I say to consciousness since it in itself was never asleep, something profound happens. And continues to unfold. We tap into Source – unadulterated, unfiltered, unlimited, infinite creative Source, or whatever you want to call It. This is where the spiritual and the metaphysical meet the mental and psychological, where true science and knowledge meet the great synchronous Universal life force.

It’s all essentially One. The compartments are gone. There are no divisions in the essential Oneness and everything makes sense. And it’s because you inherently let go into an experiential perspective where you realize it’s not important to know everything or be anything. You just are and everything is wonderful at that level.  A great clarity comes over you.

Of course there are differences in manifestations and there are apparent conflicts on many levels brought on by a variety of influences, but in the context of freedom this is where you find its true reality and definition.  The sovereignty of spirit that is the inherent right of everything. And man does it blow away any and all man-made structures of any sort in a hurry!

The False Game of False Choice

Herein lies one of mankind’s dominators’ most effective tools for manipulation. This understanding was documented over the past and previous century, realizing people work harder and better and are more complacent if they feel they have a say so about their captivity. It’s quite remarkable. We’re still a feudal society, they just figured out how to make us build our own prisons while thinking we’re free.

Besides the most obvious example of phony democracy and the easily manipulated voting scheme, glaring assumptions are deliberately embedded into society via religion, false science, hobbling education, social pressure, the media, etc. We’re handed platitudes about hope, change and security while the media pumps amusement, materialism, fashion and other forms of acceptance conditioning to keep the populace totally preoccupied with a comatose state of self indulgence.

And as for capitalism (which all forms of government espouse) that’s the end goal. Your personal satisfaction, at whatever cost to others who weren’t as savvy as you in learning to get what they want.

Fear – The Enemy of Freedom

Why do people cling to corrupt, limiting systems even to their own hurt? Fear of the unknown is very powerful, especially amongst the ignorant. Just fear of not having your next meal can trap you. Fear of being without, fear of being alone, fear of being attacked, fear of dying.

All extremely powerful.

And afraid people will not make conscious decisions, but survival instinct based decisions. Of course there’s a time for that as in the fight or flight response to a very real attack from something, but this response can be very easily triggered just by words and bury any chance of conscious living.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a concept that’s always fascinated me. There’s so much truth in the idea that if your basic needs aren’t met first, how can you think about the more erudite and spiritual notions of our existence? Well, easily. It was a way of life for indigenous cultures for millennia. It was incorporated, and without which the culture based on spiritual connectivity would have collapsed. This is why indigenous peoples have been marked for genocide by these parasitic controllers.

They represent living wisdom. The knowledge of how things naturally work using conscious awareness and the underlying principles of love, sharing, giving and cooperation. Diametrically opposed to the abusive farming techniques of today’s controllers.

Control is the issue, nothing else. Personal empowerment beyond their set boundaries is not an option.

The Enemy Within – Those Who Choose Slavery

This begs a huge question. Would you fight for someone’s freedom who doesn’t even want it? Is it worth so-called liberating someone who chooses to remain bound – and may even prove to be a liability for what you’re trying to do?

There are several famous analogies about this phenomenon. Elephants for example are tied to a stake in the ground with little to circumscribe their maneuverability. They learn their “limitations” well. Later on the rope is removed, but the elephant will stay in the same circumscribed limits. The same has been told of many animals.

It works.

It works on humans as well. Scientists have been capitalizing on this behavioral tendency for a long time, the most famous of which is Pavlov and his salivating dogs. Closely watching those experiments from the start were military personnel. I wonder why. Remember your school period bells ringing like fire alarms between classes? You can thank Pavlov’s work and the implementation of the social engineers.

Entrained response. Same dynamic at work in advertising, politics, religion and any aspect of social engineering.

But can those in such a deep coma awake to realize their innate freedom and thus activate? Who’s to say. It’s a phenomenon to be well aware of.  Just remember, groomed dependence is tough to shake for anyone. But anyone can wake up at any time, never ever forget that.

Conclusion – Does Knowledge of Its Innate Freedom Freak Humanity Out?

As Yogi Berra allegedly said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.” While funny, there’s some good advice there – get the hell going and stop worrying about it all so much.

We’re all up against the wall when it comes to responding to this assault on humanity we’re experiencing. It’s more serious by the day politically, materially, socially, physically, spiritually. It’s a planet gone wild due to the cumulative efforts of manipulating influences that seem to have full sway without anyone knowing how it got that way. We’re seemingly relegated to the observer’s seat, awaiting the decision of some hidden tribunal what shall be our fate.

It’s time to wake the hell up.

It’s bullshit to think humanity has to sit and take this. What’s being perpetrated, no matter how cunning, is a rounding up of the drugged and dazed herd. So many of us can see it clearly for what it is yet seem to be screaming into the ether.

My impetus? The more clearly our challenge and situation is articulated the more conscious activists keep on with their efforts, and on it rolls. We do need to reach a greater audience than those awakening but with the recent setback regarding Syria as well as many other instances that seem to point to our efficacy, we’re on the right track.

And if there’s a better one, well doing what we can now will lead us there in a heartbeat!

Much love, keep on with all your heart,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Are You Awake? Or Just Informed

Are You Awake? Or Just Informed

by Zen Gardner
March 5, 2016


This is a very interesting question, and perhaps a provocative one. With the information explosion drastically influencing so many lives there appear to be many strata of awakening levels arising. Once people start connecting the dots of now available facts and formerly unavailable research, whole new paradigms through which to perceive our changing reality emerge.

What we do with this new information, and how far we keep pursing deeper and deeper levels of perception, determines our outlook at any given time.

This is why constant change and continual learning are integral to progressing toward a full on awakening. As we continue to evolve in perception we begin to see that underlying this deluge of surface information there are amazing consistent truths to grasp and implement that will truly transform not only ourselves, but the world around us.

We Are Our Perception

Even quantum physics has confirmed what the sages have taught through the ages. What we perceive and apply our intention to determines our individual reality. That we are in fact fully in charge of how we perceive the world around us is the underlying truth that is being masked from humanity. Completely contrary to the deterministic model we’ve been taught, our very being is not the result of set factors we can do very little about, but the exact opposite.

We literally are a projection of our own consciousness. The rest is up to us as to how much we let the illusory projection laid before us determine our reality.

When we grow to more fully grasp the enormity of the significance of that fact things really start to kick into gear. This will not be taught nor even implied by matrix scientism, the educational and media web of lies, nor blinding, binding religious dogma. But once this truth is discovered, in fact experienced as it must be, the majesty of existence opens up to such glorious vistas of empowerment and possibility the very grip of any and all external influences and limiting mind conceptions falls away as if it never existed in the first place.

Because it essentially didn’t. It was only real from a deliberately manipulated limited perception that created a feedback loop of illusion, giving the appearance that there were no other possibilities outside that manufactured realm.

Information is a Tool, Not an Answer

Knowing what’s really going on around us is just the beginning. Realizing that in fact this is an imposed psycho-spiritual prison built on deliberate deceit is simply the gateway. We don’t need to spend of the rest of our lives describing how they do what they do and how bad it is in an almost neurotically hysterical state.

That’s simply another level of containment if we don’t keep on progressing towards a full awakening way beyond the confines and influences of their entrapping infectious system.

It’s surpassing those first orbits as we clear the pull of the dense gravitational nucleus we’re born into that things really start to get interesting. And extremely empowering. We cannot begin to know the deep, essential solutions our souls long for by operating within the externally imposed density as we’ll only reinforce the strength of the spider’s web by our futile struggling. The spider is much wiser than we when we operate within its parameters.

We have to first safely transcend and then operate from a clearly distanced perspective.

Until Then…Don’t Be Intimidated or Enthralled by Shadowland

The beautiful so-called secret key to conscious awakening is that you’ll know it when you’ve found it. If you’re still not sure, your not there yet. No worries, that’s the path we all have to take. Seek in sincerity and you will find. Until then all is grist to mill. We gain strength, wisdom, determination and shed the mechanisms that have held us back as they are revealed to us.

It’s all part of the process.

And definitely, at whatever stage of our awakening, we need to keep exposing the trickery and deceit to help others along the way and out of the net, but we mustn’t dwell there or let it get under our skin, even in our sacred anger and outrage. There’s a time for everything, but if we’re going to realize the true solutions for our planet and its inhabitants we need to first get to where we know from whence we are operating, with a crystal clear vision of what needs to be done from a firm foundation in loving truth.

Even more so, we need to rediscover and realize the true spiritual power tools at our disposal. As we do, and is already happening, our weaponry of truth outmatches their foolish artificial 3-D hardware to such an extent they will be exposed to be the imposters they are – nothing but dark shadows trying to usurp the sun.

Absolute futility, and not a game worth getting caught up in.

It’s only our lower levels of perception that give their illusion any form of reality. Once we transcend and live in the realization of who we truly are this lower level projection we can call shadowland has nowhere to cast its illusion…and it is gone.

Indescribable Truth

The truth is indescribable in mental terms. This is why we are so awed by the ideas of nature, fractals, sacred geometry and this magnificent physical design as the handiwork of something we know is much more spectacular that lies behind it.

Left brained science, even when it’s well meaning, cannot begin to fathom this richness as it seeks to contain this living energy in a form of mental and even scientific egoic dominance. As hard as they try to crack the code with these motives they’ll never do it. They may make a mess in the process, which they are, but trying to understand from that limited mind set is like trying to empty the ocean with a spoon.

It’s a complete exercise in futility all based on the reinforcement of self.

Unless there’s some tangible, “provable” answer, some substantive, explainable, logical something they can see, taste, touch, smell and feel they won’t accept it. Again the self-reinforcing feedback loop that will never be broken. To find real truth you have to find it and experience it for yourself, one hungry heart at a time. When you want it bad enough you’ll find it, or at least the next clue to keep you on your way towards greater truth.

Sure there are many types and levels of truth, but the ultimate truth is fundamentally an ongoing interactive experience with our interconnected consciously aware universe within which we are all magnificently woven. It’s that same creative source we can only barely sense at times, but that we see in the magnificent world around us and the fertile imagination of our sentient hearts and intuitive souls.

Truth Can Only Point the Way – Ours Is to Pursue

These are just hints at what lies beneath these layers of illusion, the lowest of which is this synthetic matrix of deceit that has been deliberately laid to ensnare the hearts of humanity.

Even the physical world is an almost crude five sense manifestation of the intricate workings of creation but what a joy to experience! To realize these are barely fleeting glimpses of much more amazing realities is beyond belief…and that’s good, belief is a limiting containment system. Experience is what we’re shooting for.

Just don’t give up. There are plenty of pitfalls on the way as that’s what this learning and growing experience is all about, so get used to it. Just learn from it and keep on. There are many levels of awakening but each one is more amazing than the last. What should propel us though is not just the path of wondrous personal discovery, although that’s a big part of it, but to access the resources we need to further dissolve the snare laid for those still unaware of their plight within this lower world of control and deceit.

There’s no greater driving force than the unstoppable power of empathic compassion. We share the pain of all those still trapped and blinded by the the great deception, and by our very connectivity we are love-bound to awaken to our most empowered state possible to help bring about the transformation we are all longing for.

Much love and do keep on, we’re all integral to this process…

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Are We Disallowed to Draw Conclusions?

Are We Disallowed to Draw Conclusions?

by Zen Gardner
August 7, 2013


Worse yet – are we allowing ourselves to be disallowed to draw conclusions?

As long as we’re the audience and they’re the “projectors”, we’ve lost. That’s what it comes down to.

Why do people cow to a system that is inherently and obviously corrupt? Or one they think they can appeal to, appease or change or modify, while it indiscriminately stomps on every living area of their lives and refuses to answer to its supposed constituents?

It makes no sense at all.

What happened to Michael Hastings is a perfect example. This wonderful man is a martyr for Truth and true journalism. He was obviously assassinated, if proven only by the facts that he was clearly a threat to the powers that be and the evidence and police forensics will not be viewable. As usual. Nor will his body, which was quickly cremated without family permission.

When will humanity wake the hell up?

We need an awakened way of thinking ingrained into our social psyche.

If the ‘Powers That Be’ at whatever level will not answer our questions nor divulge information, we should and will assume complicit cover up and therefore guilt on their part.

That’s the shift in conscious awareness that is taking place and needs to be made public.

Tribute to Michael Hastings

I wasn’t that familiar with Michael’s work as I’ve always been pretty much “off the mainstream grid” when it comes to reading what’s going on around me except for certain forays. However, I’ve been following his inspiring story and recently watched an interview with him where he ripped Obama on a mainstream news channel. He’s clearly a real firebrand. His body of work proves he’s been a real threat to the PTBs.

So they killed him.

That’s a fact, folks. You want proof? What is proof? And would we ever get it? “Proof” is evidence that “they” consider compelling enough to perhaps draw some limp compromised conclusion if they were even compelled to let real forensics be performed and publicized.

The game is rigged so we simply can’t play according to their rules any longer, and that goes for any way you want to apply it. Doesn’t matter about the “circumstantial” evidence of a bomb-like sound, finding the high end virtually indestructible Mercedes blasted and its motor 100 yards away from the explosion, police seen tinkering under his car before the event, etc. etc.

It’s just another typically obvious media snow job for their designed, deranged audience. Go back to sleep. Nothing to see here.

At least nothing to draw any conclusions about.

Proof You Want?

After all, you want real forensic proof of JFK’s wounds, Oklahoma City’s blown out column damage, 9/11 demolition evidence, MLK’s set up “killers”, or reams of Colorado or Sandy Hook shooting or Boston bombing evidence? All we’re told is hype, smoke, mirrors and very obvious cover up.

Looking for any kind of clear cut “evidence” of anything? Might as well forget it, it ain’t coming.

Except what you see with your own eyes and know in your heart. It’s time to act on that, nothing else. We’re being lied to at a degree never before witnessed by humanity – how are you gonna take it?

Lying down? Now what ya’ gonna do once you realize it’s up to you?

Self Determined Judge, Jury and Executioner – And We Appeal To Them?

Why are the PTBs the judge and constructed jury instead of these decisions being in the competent hands of real, living, involved and caring people with real living conscious values in mind? And more fundamentally, why aren’t we allowed access to the evidence at every level?

It’s obvious. We’re not important. We’re lesser, subservient, servile subjects, and it’s all only the illusion of fairness to keep the populace placated.

One big conspiracy against humanity? You betcha!

I’m sick of their same old dog and pony show and the pussy footing around by duped humanity waiting  for “authorities” to validate anything. What kind of suckers are they playing us for? More importantly, what kind of suckers are we allowing ourselves to be? That’s the real question we need to ask.

And it needs to be answered individually. That’s the key. As we each stand up spiritually, their counterpart structure collapses.

Speaking Truth to Power – Humbug – Blow Past ’em

Michael Hastings dared to “speak truth to power” as they say. — another embedded and fundamentally cowed expression if you ask me.

You really think standing up in one of THEIR courts under THEIR conditions would reap any other result than what they want? And is it way too late anyway to even take that route considering the contrived world we’re living in?

I wrote about the possible implications of 9/11 Truth recently with Could 9/11 Truth Topple the American Empire?  The fact is, what is happening on any public scale at this point is what is allowed to happen, or at least allowed to be viewed in the mass consciousness, via their mass media “programming”.

Be aware of that at the deepest level. We suck up to “them” entertaining our “doubts and discrepancies” while they spew their venomous lies and accomplish their purposes. Nice exchange.

The Kennedy assassination is a good landmark. Whatever happened to the massive outcry to that obvious cover-up? Perhaps worse, look how MLK’s assassination was proven in civil court to have been carried out by the CIA – where the hell is that in the public consciousness? See if you can find that in a school history book.

We’re playing their goddamned game by subscribing to their paradigm, as it clearly works against us. It’s not for the good of the people, but for more consolidated power to controllers.

Stand Strong and Clean Against the Shitstorm

People need to break out of their hopey-changey “work through the system” paradigm and seriously be the change, as wonderfully and “radically” as they can. Then we’ll see some real action. Breaking out of these debilitating mindsets is essential if we’re to get a real footing in reality and be able to stand against the shitstorm of disempowering disinformation and the intimidating and bullying positioning they use against us.

And yes, that vague sounding “change” concept is useless on today’s playing field. We’re talking personal, spiritual, mental and cultural uprising. Disengage. That means rip the wires out. Quit any compromising, be it jobs, relationships or your use of language – radically leave your armchair comfort zone. Do some damage to the matrix by first ripping yourself out of its grip, come what may. Our biggest statement is the direction of our lives

The change is us. A full on complete new paradigm and operating unflinchingly from a liberated and empowered mindset is the goal.

Awake? or a Restful Sleeper…

It’s a sad day for a conditioned drone, I’ll tell you. More programming and accepting the assassination of  “questionables” is clearly afoot while sleepish humanity waits for the perpetrators to confess.

Come on. Please snap out of it.

But what about our national security?” What BS. Read 1984 again and get a grip.

At least we’re awake. Theirs is a “fungus” of the mass mind.

It’s a nasty world but real people are inherently wonderful!

Keep on waking up and responding! All aboard! They’re flecks of falsity in the path of Truth….don’t fall for their assumptive, debilitating programming. We are the change we need to see in the world!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Navigating the Maelstrom and Dead Reckoning

Navigating the Maelstrom and Dead Reckoning

by Zen Gardner
November 2014


“In navigation, dead reckoning (also ded (for deduced) reckoning or DR) is the process of calculating one’s current position by using a previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time and course.”

We all knew this storm was coming but being inside of it is a whole different experience. It feels like things are coming at you as your spirit gets buffeted by unseen influences. A lot of this has to do with the angst and fear being ginned up by the media and the collective response. Images of alien like hazmat suits and panic mode announcements by politicians while draconian measures roll out, confusing news reports, and a whole lot of fear and uncertainty appear on our screens, causing personal insecurities to arise in our hearts.

We may be aware of what’s going on and see the game plan, but most don’t, and are tuning into this fear and worry vibe. And it affects everyone. It runs through not just the emotions and actions of those around us but also through the etheric and we can all sense it. This is again why detachment and staying out of the low level emotion mode is so important.

We can observe this strangeness passing through but not let it throw us.

In times of storm at sea when a ship captain gets disoriented due to getting blown off course or is without the aid of celestial navigation, they have to recalibrate their position. And sometimes the only way to do that is by dead reckoning, determining where you are based on where you came from and your estimated speed and direction from your previous course.

It’s not the perfect analogy but illustrates the point. In navigating these storms of life the adage comes to mind, “Never doubt in the dark what you knew in the light.”

Draw Close to Loved Ones and Nature

This engineered confluence of insanity is creating quite the maelstrom and it’s a big one. Many are being buffeted by it and need comfort and reassurance. They may not understand its origins like we awakened do and realize this is almost entirely fabricated, but just your steadiness and detachment as you share love and a calm trusting attitude speaks volumes and steadies the heart.

It’s also an opportunity to spend more time with nature. Unfluttered, unhassled and fearless, creation is a wonderful teacher and an ever present friend. Even though she lets her power be known in amazing and powerful ways, we can be assured all is well in the natural cycle of life. And when she blows her top periodically, this may be frightening to some, but it is simply of a demonstration of nature’s magnificence as she reclaims and recycles in a way humanity could never conceive.

This innate understanding is clearly known by the spiritually grounded but escapes those living in engineered environments. Another reason not to subject ourselves to the false propaganda and living conditions so many have been herded into.  These self-reinforcing unnatural containment systems are anathema to truth and awareness, and even though many are overcoming them, it’s an ongoing battle that needlessly drains their energy.

There are other options for living a more natural life.

The Battle Is On

The seriousness of our current condition cannot be minimalized. We live in very challenging times, but again the answer is always simple. Disengage, detach and detox, to whatever degree possible. Our very lives and those we love depend on it. Keeping our peaceful yet awakened sanity while the world goes berserk is our greatest testament. What we share with others of course is our life’s blood and that of all those willing to listen. But our fundamental lifestyle must be firmly grounded in truth, and thus prepared for anything.

It’s a fight. No question. We’re all struggling in these tides of change of every sort. If we haven’t learned to navigate our lives by now we’re certifiably asleep with the rest of them and getting swallowed by the great vortex to nowhere.

But this is not our fate. The beauty of awakening is that even the slightest paddle against the tide of wickedness is met with amazing empowerment, and one stroke leads to another. There’s a source of strength and encouragement beyond most people’s imagination awaiting anyone who dares to buck the tide.

The trigger is our will. A simple decision. An effort. An awakening of spirit to the call for action.

Take it. You are what you have been waiting for. Simply do it, and be it.

It’s not complicated at all.

Much love,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization

Information Fixation and the True Breakaway Civilization

by Zen Gardner
July 10, 2016


It’s been quite a concern for me for some time now watching the growing information fascination phenomenon metastasize.

It’s become contagious and extremely toxic for those who should have transcended this energetic level some time ago. If we are aware of the fact that we are co-creators of our reality, why are we fixated on this dark, false imposed one and its projection instead of what we know to be true and pure and empowering?

Sure, we need to be aware of what’s going on around us and see through this façade, but once we do,

..then what?

Why do we dwell on these dark temporal and clearly manipulative realities?

Once we know they’re negatively charged and spiritually poisonous and clearly coming from the wrong source, why do we keep drinking at their well?

Is the next purely logical step so hard to take?

To break free of it and assert what we know to be the true alternative world?

Or is something even more close to home afoot – having to do with our own personal issues?

Enter the Egoic Self Preservation Loop

For some reason we wrap our identity around what we participate in.

Even though we have clearly found out that we each are the captain of our own sovereign ship, we still keep running around their decks and want to know every intricate detail of how their damned Matrix tanker operates.

Where’s the cut off point?

When is enough enough?

Never – but only if we’re operating in their system…

That’s what it’s designed to be, a vortex. Entertain it and you become it. New and fanciful ways but part of it we are when we do this, when we’re caught in the fascination loop, for whatever personal or outside stimulated reason.

This is where other forces are in full play, so our seeming reasons for being there are even convoluted within their false paradigm. At every level.

We are not strong enough to operate in their field. It requires a dumbed down vibrational change to be on their level, and at that level we are destined to lose – even if we appear to be so-called winning.

It’s a trap.

News Fever and the Grip of the Info Grid

I’ve worked in actual news rooms.

It’s frantic, and one-upmanship is the skill of choice, even if only with yourself to excel at what you do, but it’s addictive. Stress is a known killer but it’s the operation system in the survival of the fittest world out there.

Staying on “top” of what’s going on becomes a 24/7 addiction and it sucks – literally – sucking the very life out of you.

But ironically you feel very connected, and on “top” of what’s going on in the world. Your personal life might go to hell but you feel essential to the process, and thereby very connected and self affirmed.

It’s a drug. A vibrational source of fascinating deception…

The Internet has made amazing things available like no other time in known history. There’s no doubt about that. But how are we handling it? Websites are awash in up to the minute breaking news, each trying to “keep up” with the latest, even with the best of motives.

Just because it may be “alternative” doesn’t change this dynamic.

We’re feeding off it, and feeding into it.

Where’s the break-off point?

Shouldn’t we as conscious warriors recognize when we’re being played, drained and tripped off?

It appears the alt-stream current is predominantly well into this mode.

It doesn’t mean the reasons are all wrong and everything’s a psy-op or wannabe cash machine – it just means we need to find our own cut off point and listen to the prompts telling us when we’re caught in something. As well as have the personal discipline to turn it off.

So much is at play, but yesterday’s truth can become today’s bullshit with just a spiritual nuance, a wrong source, or twisted application.

That or just the overwhelming quantity of fundamentally negative crap can sink our once sailing ships – if we’re not careful.

Choose Your Battles – Don’t Let Them Choose You

Reactive living is a bitch.

If we just react to everything that crosses our path or our screen we are not living very responsibly nor consciously.

Time for meditation

Being in nature

Relaxing with friends

Doing personal energy work,

…are imperative. More now than ever…

This has been the theme of the 3 plus months I’m taking to visit Europe and it’s been amazing, especially the energy work and allowing time to have my bearings reset and energy system rewired.

It had to take movement from my previous surroundings and deliberately laying aside a good chunk of time to allow the process to take hold. As a result my life has radically changed, in some obvious ways but mostly in more subtle yet deeply profound ways.

And this needs to keep on. That’s the main message.

Taking the initiative on life instead of letting circumstances or the onslaught of information direct us is so empowering, howbeit challenging and somewhat disconcerting.

Seeing new things means being confronted with new response-abilities.

How much am I taking on board for real?

How much will I let these new understandings of whatever sort affect the course of my life?

There’s always a lot of letting go involved in real change:

old habits




social contracts,

…and on they go.

All I know is:

When our authentic self is knocking on the inside of the door of our hearts we better answer and let it out, come what may.

Therein lies the key to the true breakaway civilization being born within and without us.

We Are the True Breakaway Civilization

It’s ironic how the intruders of our planet think they’re creating a technological breakaway civilization, capable of not only fully controlling our world but actually believing they can now invade and colonize other planets in their pathetic state.

Psychopathy doesn’t begin to address the level of deviance of such a mind set.

Yet it exists. In our midst.

As completely out of touch with Creative Source these people, beings or hyper-dimensional sources are, they are very active and even walk among us in many forms, and exert empathy-devoid power with abandon.

The question immediately arises:


Why do they exist in a Universe that clearly curries love, community and togetherness as the essential part of its most basic fabric?

Again, it’s not a time to be unconsciously reactive.

All is good and essentially right – at a very profound level. Yet the paradox rides on. We are still in situations where we need to respond – but consciously.

Not only is this the great school of learning, but a great contest. But awareness of the overall must predominate. All is here for a very deep purpose, despite the hand to hand combat.

Again. A paradox of very great and profound dimensions. But here we are.

Waking up to the grand design yet being called up to respond consciously and participate in meaningful ways.

Break Away!

While vibrations rise and the great awakening continues to erupt, the onus is still on us.

How do we respond and at what level?

Will we feed the lower level testing energies by fighting back on their level, or will we rise to new heights of awakened activism?

Not so easy to discern but once we do and literally break away from the parasitic mindsets and lower level understandings of our current situation things begin to make incredibly clear sense.

We are breaking away. As we affirm what’s right and true and live according to our convictions, we feel a tremendous difference in our reality. We’re separating from the host and parasite – the doomed cycle of entrapped slumbered-down civilization. Breaking away into a new realm of co-creativity and sense of tremendous empowerment.

It may appear vague at first, but it’s happening.

On a massively broad scale as awakening souls feel the pull, but much more profoundly manifested by the vanguard of truly realized souls coming to life – activating and taking the necessary steps towards freedom.

Lead on, lead on. The movement works itself into the vein of transition. It’s not leadership nor followership, it’s co-creation, where our only time is in the now.

Manifest. But do it. All the way…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Awakening in Dystopia

Awakening in Dystopia

by Zen Gardner
April 04, 2016


An awakening of consciousness causing huge paradigm shifts personally and in all aspects of society is clearly taking place.

Whether it’s caused by the galactic alignment or the completion of epochal cycles or interplanetary intervention, or just the evolution of our species, it’s important for all of us to not fight this wonderful, empowering change.

We need to embrace it and grow with it and let our previous notions continue to fade away.

As so often is the case, personal awakenings come through changes – changes in our understanding, circumstances or personal experience that in turn affect our perception of the world around us and hence our interaction with it.

And they will continue, in new and surprising ways.

I know for myself the economic downturn last decade, coupled with other forces of course, was one of the best turning points in my life, as I moved to where I wanted to be, got off the treadmill, did what I was meant to do, and stopped putting off my life and intended purpose by chasing the carrot of future security.

And everything has radically changed for the better in every aspect of my life since, as my consciousness and awareness grew exponentially.

Tuning Into to the Right Frequency

When I say tune into and yield to this wave, I’m not talking about yielding to the concurring lower dark, negative forces that are fighting this positive change tooth and tong.

Those yielding to those lower dimensions are simply reinforcing the control systems that furiously attempt to stupify and enslave humanity to their false paradigms and blind us to our true nature, coupled with the vibrational changes that are further empowering us… efforts that will not and cannot prevail against this uprising of truth.

But look what’s happened over recent times:

  • the clearly manipulated “downturn” in the world economy
  • the staged and constantly amplified “war on terror”
  • the continued deliberate dumbing-down of society
  • the rise and predominance of an obvious state controlled media
  • the Orwellian reversal of fundamental truths,

…all are profoundly impacting everyone on this planet and becoming clearly evident to more people every day.

If you want to see this in full blown dystopian action, just look at Amerikan politics amidst a techno-fascist war on anyone and everyone, or the subversion of Europe economically and socially now fully underway.

This brief summary clip from a movie version of George Orwell’s “1984” hauntingly portrays the world in which we clearly now live – and all by design.

Pretty startling. Yet ask any young person about this book and they’ll never have heard of it.

Riding the Wave of Change

This newfound awareness, while seemingly negative in what is revealed about today’s world and its controllers, is actually positive, packed with essential knowledge which in turn makes us search for answers and meaning more ardently than ever.

People are shedding their religious and political constructs and becoming much more conscious and spiritual. Hierarchical controls are disintegrating and losing their powers.

And thanks to the internet, empowering information is exchanged at an accelerating rate to facilitate this change, as well as personal connections that only lead to more empowerment.

The multi-dimensional wave of Truth is rising.

Don’t fear it – ride it. Be curious – be open – be conscious – communicate with others – and take positive action.

As David Icke put it years ago (The Truth Vibrations will End the Control System) and which still holds true today:

“I am not suggesting for a moment that the transformation to a new epoch of true love and understanding is going to be easy. We are already in the midst of it and it is clearly not easy.

It involves the pain of new birth and the death of old and worn out belief systems. No wonder that people are getting confused and bewildered at what is happening in their own lives and the world in general.

There is some way to go yet, but I am seeing the signs that we are fast entering a new stage – a stage when the awakening begins to demonstrably impact on the agenda of the Control System.

This is no time for faint hearts or airy-fairy ‘love and light’ fakery. The emergence of the Truth Vibrations does not mean that we can just sit around and wait for the revolution, brother.

We can choose to be expressions of the Truth Vibrations in what we do, or expressions of the doomed and dismantling epoch of self-obsession, control and deception.”

In Summary

This only touches briefly upon this subject, but it’s well worth reinforcing as often as necessary.

Realizing our current predicament for what it truly is is an ongoing process. The fog of disinformation only grows thicker which in turn leads to many misconceptions and doubt and discouragement for so many.

No worries, the process is simple.

Keep paddling and question everything, and simply don’t trust authority in any way, shape or form. It will only grow more seductive as this world climax ensues so stand your spiritual ground.

Know and reinforce your conscious perspective, and band with others of like mind.

There’s a lot to fend off, and even some of the seemingly right and well intentioned stalwarts of truth will fall by the wayside before our eyes. The fight is only intensifying so be on your toes.Trust your heart and keep it open to all possibility.

Truth ultimately cannot be compromised.

Rise above the circumstances – stay soundly informed and fully clear of fear in all its forms…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

When Your Back’s Against the Wall, Don’t Be There

When Your Back’s Against the Wall, Don’t Be There

by Zen Gardner
May 15, 2015


That’s simply it – just don’t be there. If at all possible you shouldn’t be in a place like that. If you can avoid getting pinned against anything, that’s your smartest move. That’s why I like to keep changing and moving. But you can’t be carrying a lot of baggage if you want to do that, physically or spiritually.

Now’s a good time to free yourself from attachments and be ready for anything. Each according to his own, but you don’t want to get caught flatfooted if you can avoid it.

In my basketball days we had a defensive drill where you’d take your stance and the coach would come and try to push you over. If you were on your heels you’d fall back quick and easy. But if you’re in a ready stance, knees bent, arched back, on your toes with your hands extended for balance, you not only couldn’t be pushed over, you could easily move side to side, front to back, block passes and shots, and even steal the ball.

Being in a ready stance to take the initiative is the key to freedom. In a world where we’re so bombarded with influences and imposed conditions we need to be able to sense converging conditions and not allow ourselves to be corralled into any kind of corner, whether in social exchanges or immediate living conditions.


I honestly believe preparedness is more spiritual than anything, although the physical is also imperative.

We’re going to see more and more weird stuff in the coming months and years and our antenna’s need to be up and our listening on full alert. I’m sure you’ve heard the stories, but many a time people get premonitions – intuitive fore-warnings – that often turn out to be life savers for whole families.

We need to learn to operate in that realm.

That type of conscious awareness cannot be hacked, spied upon or blocked. The only thing that jams it is fear and distraction. When those conditions seem to close in it’s time to heighten your sensitivity in order to determine what is really going on around you, in the microcosm as well as macrocosm of life, in order to make conscious judgements and decisions.

The Power of Distraction

If you’ve ever had your pocket picked you’ve probably experienced how deftly distraction can be used. One of their techniques is to put pressure on one part of your body–usually your shoulder or upper back, while they lift your wallet out. Your body sensors are concentrating on the main pressure and don’t register the other. They’ll also do a complete hit as if they were accidentally bumping into you so something gets spilled and everyone is distracted looking at the effects. Apologies are exchanged and you don’t realize until afterwards that you’ve just been robbed.

Another interesting technique is they’ll work in a group, which is usually the case, and one will say “watch out, there’s pickpockets on the train (0r bus or street)” as they walk past. You’ll instinctively reach down and pat the pocket or wherever you’re carrying your wallet or valuables to see if they’re OK. Guess who was watching just behind you?

Scam on. And the whole matrix is a scam, never forget that.

Caught flat footed…can be lethal.

Stay on the Offensive

They say the best defense is a good offense. I’m not totally sure about that as it’s a a bit two dimensional but the point is a good one. Try to stay on the offensive and not let yourself get put on the defensive. You learn this in conversation or if you’ve ever had to deal with the media. Really aware and prepared people will take a derogatory or leading question from some talking head and say, “I’m glad you asked that question..” and then go on to say whatever they want, ignoring the trap-laden question altogether.

We just have to be smart, especially in troublesome times and now with this militarized gestapo and snitch society mindset moving in on us it’s even more important to stay vigilant.

Fear is the killer, but mobility, taking the initiative instead of just reacting, and keeping a listening heart, will keep you and your family safe more than anything and keep you free to be a force for good.

What “a Lert” looks like..

But What If You Get Pinned?

That’s entirely up to you and your situation. I just don’t think it’s healthy to have a stand-off mindset as it invites trouble and plays into their hands. But don’t over spiritualize a situation that warrants force to protect yourself and your loved ones.

My point is it’s better to simply not allow yourself to be funneled into those types of situations, especially if you’re already aware that some confiscation program or search for so-called dissidents is afoot.

Be well. Stay alert at all times. Driving consciously is a good illustration, noticing every little thing around you and listening for warnings. You can be the best driver in the world but if you didn’t slow down, stop or turn when Consciousness tells you to the consequences may not be the optimum outcome you’re looking for.

So-called accidents can usually be avoided and don’t have to happen. Don’t resign or relinquish yourself to anything by unconsciously going along with what is awash around you no matter how “normal” it appears to everyone else. You may never see that accident or traffic stop or mob break out that you avoided by making a pre-emptive conscious choice to take another route, or even most out of dangerous areas.

Stay tuned in and turned on. It actually makes all this insanity a fun ride. We’re in a very energetically empowered time but it requires wise choices and a very real degree of commitment to learn to operate by spiritual radar instead of living inside their “reactor” climate.

Surf’s up! The power is infinite and for the taking. Practice operating in this mode and you’ll see synchronicity and confirmations abound, and a whole lot of empowerment!

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Jesuit Order – Programmed To Spy, Assassinate and Exterminate

The Jesuit Order – Programmed To Spy, Assassinate and Exterminate

by Zen Gardner
September 23, 2013


The Order of the Jesuits were anathema only 2 generations ago. History has been rewritten and this murderous order is now portrayed as social reformers and educators. In fact, they are the military arm of the Babylonian Catholic Church and as you’ll see below are charged with the murder and annihilation of anyone or anything that gets in the way of the Vatican plan.

The subject is well worth investigation if this is new to you. Their tentacles reach into the halls of power everywhere, including US Presidents, the military, corporate and banking thugs, and power brokers worldwide. To have the first Jesuit Pope ever as the head of the Catholic empire at this pregnant time in history is no accident and does not bode well for humanity.

Understanding the background of the Jesuit Order is best done by exposing their oath. Much like the Mossad and hard core Zionists, they are ordained and sworn to do anything and everything necessary to further their unholy cause for world domination and control.

The Jesuits are a Military Religious Order of the Roman Catholic Church

“When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers. Upon the floor is a red cross at which the postulant or candidate kneels. The Superior hands him a small black crucifix, which he takes in his left hand and presses to his heart, and the Superior at the same time presents to him a dagger, which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart, the Superior still holding it by the hilt, and thus addresses the postulant:”


“My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.”

“You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.”

“You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope’s sake, whose servants we are unto death.”

“You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for “without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.” Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me:-”

(The following material contained in Congressional Record, House Bill 1523, Contested election case of Eugene C. Bonniwell, against Thos. S. Butler, February 15, 1913, pages 3215-3216. The oath appears in its entirety, in the book, THE SUPPRESSED TRUTH ABOUT THE ASSASSINATION OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, by Burke McCarty, pages 14-16).

The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits

“I, ……….., now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ’s Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed.”

“Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness’ right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.”

“I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.”

“I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise.”

“I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.”

“I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.”

“That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.”

“I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.”

“In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!”

“All of which, I, ………., do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant.”

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in his own blood taken from over his heart.)


“You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.”

“In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one cross his wrists, the palms of his hands open, and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head, touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and the other answers Necar; the first Reges. The other answers Impious.” (The meaning of which has already been explained.) “The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him the following questions and answers:-“

Question:- From whither do you come?

Answer:- The Holy faith.

Q.:- Whom do you serve?

A.:- The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the world.

Q.:- Who commands you?

A.:- The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus Christ.

Q.:- Who received you?

A.:- A venerable man in white hair.

Q.:- How?

A.:- With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our sacred order.

Q.:- Did you take an oath?

A.:- I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.

Q.:- Will you do that?

A.:- I will.

Q.:- How do you travel?

A.:- In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Q.:- Whither do you travel?

A.:- To the four quarters of the globe.

Q.:- For what purpose?

A.:- To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully fulfill the conditions of my oaths.

Q.:- Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and exterminated.”

The Oath of the Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta and Rhodes Scholars is based upon the Oath of the Jesuits

(This is an extract of the Congressional Record of the House of Representatives dated February 15, 1913, where the oath is entered as purported to be of the Knights of Columbus).

“I, …………, now in the presence of Almighty God, the blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the Holy Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, and all the saints, sacred host of heaven, and to you, my Ghostly Father, the superior general of the Society of Jesus rounded by St. Ignatius Loyola, in the pontification of Paul the III and continued to the present, do by the womb at the Virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear that His Holiness the Pope, is Christ’s vice regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing given His Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, States, Commonwealths, and Governments and they may be safely destroyed. Therefore to the utmost of ray power I will defend this doctrine and His Holiness’s right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran Church of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway and the now pretended authority and Churches of England and Scotland, and the branches of same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere, and all adherents in regard that they may be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome.”

“I do now denounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince, or State, named Protestant or Liberals, or obedience to any of their laws, magistrates, or officers.”

“I do further declare that the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.”

“I do further declare that I will help assist, and advise all or any of His Holiness’s agents, in any place where I should be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Ireland, or America, or in any other kingdom or territory I shall come to and do my utmost to extirpate the heretical Protestant or Masonic doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, legal or otherwise.”

“I do further promise and declare that, notwithstanding I am dispensed with to assume any religion heretical for the propagation of the Mother Church’s interest to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they intrust me and not divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing, or circumstances whatever but to execute all that should be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me by you my Ghostly Father, or any of this sacred order.”

“I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.”

“That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions north, jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever is communicated to me.”

“I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex, or condition, and that will hang, bum, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the wails in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same can not be done openly, I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.”

“In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.”

“That I will in voting always vote for K. of C, in preference to a Protestant, especially a Mason, and that I will leave my party so to do; that if two Catholics are on the ticket I will satisfy myself which is the better supporter of Mother Church and vote accordingly.”

“That I will not deal with or employ a Protestant if in my power to deal with or employ a Catholic. That I will place Catholic girls in Protestant families that a weekly report may be made of the inner movements of the heretics.”

“That I will provide myself with arms and ammunition that I may be in readiness when the word is passed, or I am commanded to defend the church either as an individual or with the militia of the Pope.”

“All of which I, …………, do swear by the blessed Trinity and blessed sacrament which I am now to receive to perform and on part to keep this, my oath.”

“In testimony hereof, I take this most holy and blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and witness the same further with my name written with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and seal in the face of this holy sacrament.”

The Oath administered to the Illuminati is based upon the Oath of the Jesuits

Before the Oath is administered it is said —a sword is pointed at the breast:

“Shouldst thou become a traitor or perjurer, let this sword remind thee of each and all the members in arms against thee. Do not hope to find safety; whithersoever thou mayest fly, shame and remorse as well as the vengeance of thine unknown brothers will torture and pursue thee.”

Then in the Oath which follows he swears:

“. . . Eternal silence, and faithfulness and everlasting obedience to all superiors and regulations of the Order. I also renounce my own personal views and opinions as well as all control of my powers and capacities. I promise also to consider the well-being of the Order as my own, and I am ready, as long as I am a member, to serve it with my goods, my honour, and my life . . . If I act against the rules and well-being of the Society, I will submit myself to the penalties to which my superiors may condemn me . . .”

“In the name of the son crucified (i.e. the Pentagram, the illuminised man), swear to break the bonds which still bind you to your father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife, relatives, friends, mistresses, kings, chiefs, benefactors, and all persons to whomsoever you may have promised faith, obedience, and service. Name and curse the place where you were born, so that you may dwell in another sphere, to which you will attain only after having renounced this pestilential globe, vile refuse of the heavens! From this moment you are free from the so-called oath to country and laws: swear to reveal to the new chief, recognised by you, what you may have seen or done, intercepted, read or heard, learned or surmised, and also seek for and spy out what your eyes cannot discern. Honour and respect the Aqua Tofana (i.e. an imperceptably slow poison) as a sure, prompt, and necessary means of purging the globe by death of those who seek to vilify the truth and sieze it from our hands. Fly from Spain, Naples, and all accursed land; finally fly from the temptation to reveal what you may hear, for the thunder is no prompter that the knife, which awaits you in whatsoever place you may be. Live in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (The Trinity of Illuminism—Cabalistic and Gnostic. The Father—the generating fire; the Holy Spirit—the Great Mother Nature, reproducing all things; the Son—the manifestation, the vital fluid, the astral light of Illuminism).”

Unknown to the members of these various secret societies seeking “Illumination” and “deification,” their masters are the Cabalistic Jew, the originator of Gnostic mysticism. (Please see the text that follows).

Go to  Superiors General of the Society of Jesus
Go to  History of the Jesuits
Go to  Initial Membership List of the Knights of Malta

“The three forms of initiation—individual, group, or universal—all lead to conscious or unconscious control by a central power, who in some mysterious way makes its influence felt; often clairvoyantly and clairaudiently seen and heard, but never physically present or visible. the system in all three is the same—cabalistic. Secretly here and there individuals are prepared; these again form groups or centres from which influences spread until they form a network covering the entire world. Like rays from a hidden sun these groups are apparently divergent and detatched, but in reality all issue from the same central body. The system is seen to be an insidious and secret dissemination of ideas, orienting and breaking down all barriers of family, religion, morality, nationality, and all self-initiative thought, always under the cloak of a new and more modern religion, new thought, new morality, a new heaven and a new earth; until it evolves a gigantic robot merely answering to the will and commands of a secret Master Mind. They dream they are free, original, self-determining individuals; they are but the negative moon reflecting and reproducing the light from the same hidden and cabalistic Sun. It is called regeneration by the Illuminati; it is in truth individual death and disintegration, followed by a resurrection as negative “light-bearers” of this cabalistic dark Sun whose Luciferian “Grand Plan” is world domination.” (Anonymous, Light-bearers of Darkness, The Christian Book Club of America, p105).

The Jewish Encyclopaedia points out that Gnosticism “was Jewish in character long before it became Christian,” and quotes the opinion, “a movement closely connected with Jewish mysticism.” The Freemason Ragon says: “The Cabala is the key of the occult sciences. The Gnostics were born of the Cabalists.”

Rabbi Benamozegh says, “Those who will take the trouble to examine with care the connection between Judaism and philosophic Freemasonry, theosophy, and the mysteries in general . . . will cease to smile in pity at the suggestion that Cabalistic theology may have a role to play in the religious transformations of the future. . . . It contains the key to the modern religious problem” (Anonymous, Light-bearers of Darkness, The Christian Book Club of America, p11).

“Chaldean thought acted powerfully upon orthodox Judaism and determined the growth of a sect in its midst which was to transform Israel. . . . This sect was that of the Pharisees. . . . What they borrowed (from the Chaldeans) in fact . . . was the essence of the Pantheistic doctrine . . . It was then that was formed from these borrowings that Kabalah of the Pharisees which was for long transmitted orally from Master to disciple, and was, 800 years later, to inspire the compilation of the Talmud, and found its completest expression in the Sepher ha Zohar. . . . This religion of the ‘Deified Man,’ with which they were impregnated in Babylon, was only conceived as benefiting the Jew, superior and predestinated being. . . .” (M. Flavien Bernier, Les Juifs et le Talmud, 1913).

The Jewish writer Bernard Lazare said, “It is certain that there were Jews even at the cradle of Freemasonry—Cabalistic Jews, as it is proved by certain existing rites . . . The Jew is also a builder: proud, ambitious, domineering, he tries to draw everything to himself. He is not satisfied with de-Christianising, he Judaises; he destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference, but he imposes his idea of the world, of morals, and of life upon whose faith he ruins; he works at his age-old task—the annihilation of the religion of Christ!”

Mrs. Nesta Webster in Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, writes:

“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have been marvellously correct as prophecy, foreshadowing all of this in a remarkable way, whatever their first origin, before Maurice Joly used part of them in 1864.”

“Dr. Ranking, who has devoted many years of study to the question . . . in a very interesting paper published in the masonic journal, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, observes: ‘That from the very commencement of Christianity there has been transmitted through the centuries a body of doctrine incompatible with Christianity in the various official Churches. That the bodies teaching these doctrines profess to do so on the authority of St. John, to whom, as they claimed, the true secrets had been committed by the Founder of Christianity, that during the Middle Ages, the main support of the Gnostic bodies and the main repository of this knowledge (Johannism) was the Society of the Templars.’ And he further said, ‘The record of the Templars in Palestine is one long tale of intrigue and treachery on the part of the Order’.”

In his History of Magic, Eliphas Levi informs us:

“The Templars had two doctrines: one was concealed and reserved to the leaders, being that of Johannism; the other was public, being Roman Catholic doctrine. . . The Johannism of the adepts was the Kabalah of the Gnostics, but it degenerated speedily into a mystic pantheism carried even to idolatry of Nature and hatred of all revealed dogma. . . They fostered the regrets of every fallen worship and the hopes of every new cultus, promising to all liberty of conscience and a new orthodoxy which should be the synthesis of all persecuted beliefs. They went even so far as to recognise the pantheistic symbolism of the grand masters of Black Magic . . . they rendered divine honours to the monstrous idol Baphomet.”

The mystic affiliations under the Pyramids of Egypt, the esoteric sect of Pythagoras, the astrologers or mathematicians of Rome in the time of Domitian, the House of Wisdom in Cairo, the Ismailis or Assassins, Companions of the Old Man of the Mountain, the Templars, the Rose-Croix (Rosicrucians), the Carbonari, the Jesuits, Freemasons, B’nai B’rith, Knights of Columbus, the Souffrants, the Chercheurs, Lodges of St. John, of Melchisedek, Royal Priests, Masters of the Wise, the Asiatic Brethren . . . all appear to form an uninterrupted chain of these superior affiliations . . . under the name of the Illuminati, under the Directing Power of the Invisibles—Earthly beings—Masters working on the Astral, whose self-appointed role was to be the arbiters and Masters of the World.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Shifting Realities, Feedback Loops and Truly Getting Free

Shifting Realities, Feedback Loops and Truly Getting Free

by Zen Gardner
September 27, 2014


It appears things change more than we think – way more, and in more ways. Even when we’re aware of the underlying reality of constant change, we reference new changes by our memory and perception of old changes. And those were based on previous reference points.

We seem to often judge change by points of previous attachment, even though they continually shift. That cannot be very accurate no matter how real they were at the time. Things have shifted. And will continue to do so.

While assessing a particular situation, as my mind wandered backward to find context, I was surprised to realize how strongly and easily I was able to reference my previous “points of view”. It jolted me knowing I’m not that person any more yet it was so easily available in my consciousness. But that’s how the mind is wired. A lot of information is stored there awaiting activation depending on our perspective and awareness. Hence we often have to wade through a mire of influences whether we want to or not.

And some of these are trauma based triggering mechanisms to steer our thinking and control our actions. A subject we need to be aware of.

The Subtle Reflex

Everything’s shifting. In shifting ways, and in a shifting perception of change. It’s an upwardly sliding crescendo of realization if we allow ourselves to pursue it. In the above instance, what I was comparing to was a sort of emotional imprint. I was looking back to different periods of time in my life in comparison to what I’m going through now, consciously conjuring up old impressions in contrast with a current experience. This isn’t my usual pattern as I see it, but this particular instance brought this patterned behavior programming to light.

I found myself doing this for whatever reason. Understanding, nostalgia, encouragement, comparison. There’s so much that flows through our minds as we seek meaning and definition.

But it really struck me. I realized how I often use old imprints to gauge comparative changes despite knowing they’re fundamentally of no real relevance. Not necessarily bad in itself as there’s no doubt something to learn from experience, but I shouldn’t compare to times in my life when I was relatively unconscious. There is virtually no basis in comparative reality once we’ve woken up to true conscious awareness, except perhaps for historical context and to learn from it. But this is all part of the process.

Being aware of these very relative relationships to ongoing change is essential. Once we’re centered in conscious reality we can observe from a non reactive viewpoint, thus keeping us from yielding to the lower level reactive mind.

Vibrational Change Is On Our Side – Get Out of Their Web and Go With It

These current vibrational changes we’re experiencing are completely new, as are each of us by the day. However, recalling old imprints can subtly reinforce our sense of attachment to those previous limiting perspectives. Looking in relation to an old perceived set point will only let us see so far. It’s beyond even comparing apples to oranges when it comes to perception shifts. They just don’t compare as it’s a type of dimensional difference.

That’s why letting go, or detaching, is so important. Changing our surroundings can greatly aid this process, as well as jettisoning objects and other influences that “re-mind” us of those limiting emotional patterns. The less programming we’re exposed to the better. It’s not easy as they work on our subconscious level by information and sensory overload including a relentless bombardment of encoded information via advertising, logos, trigger phrases and even number sequences. What we can’t process gets dumped into the subconscious and sits there awaiting activation. Very seditious stuff. The solution is to turn it all off and get as far away from it as possible, another good reason to at least get out of cities and avoid the mass media like the plague, because it is.

Another analogy might be a rock climber who won’t fully let go of his gear attached to the lower rungs he made in his ascent. He’ll only get so far. As you go higher your perspective shifts phenomenally, but he won’t get to those really inspiring views if he won’t let go of those lower footholds that got him started.

These memory reference points are psychically embedded in emotions and memory clusters. It’s very similar to the crystalline knots a massage therapist works out of muscle tissue that then have to be flushed from the system.

Memory can be an anchor as well as a guide.

Letting Go in a Shifting Reality – Beware the Feedback Loop

It’s all good if we let this shifting false reality pass and we have solid anchors in true conscious awareness and true knowledge. That’s the true shift available to all that we need to take advantage of. However a lot of people are fighting these changes, consciously and subconsciously. We know for a fact that these major shifts are underway in many forms, most profoundly in the awakening we’re witnessing. Even on a surface level, that society is moving so rapidly towards a totalitarian dystopia is completely evident. An example of shifting on this plane is how science and technology are “advancing” at an exponential rate. Unfortunately in the current paradigm of the matricized world it’s not being used for humanity’s benefit, but for its reduction and Machiavellian control.

One huge pitfall is that as we get further into this gargantuan trap our focus tends to get fixated on the dark details and less on maintaining our conscious awareness. That’s when blinding reactive mechanisms start to kick in. A dangerous reinforcing feedback loop that leads to nowhere which is played upon by this deftly imposed matrix of deceit. The major media are masters of this, as well as some in the alternative media. You can tell by what it engenders in your heart – are we feeling empowered and more liberated, or does it reinforce the very elements we’re rejecting, using anger and fear? Do you come away dwelling on and thus reinforcing all the ugliness going on in an endless cycle that only brings a sense of futility, or is the information presented in an empowering way?

The danger we need to be aware of is to not help bring their intended reality into existence via our attention and intention.  Know what’s going on but don’t feed into it.

One symptom of being in this feedback loop of trauma based fear stimulation besides undue anger and frustration is simple confusion. When life seems to be in disarray and we’re put on the defensive, a major tactic for human control, left brained fear and survival modes start to take control as well as whatever else has been triggered. That’s why it’s important to remember what we knew in the light as the times of darkness fall. It’s also why we should act in the light while we can still see clearly.

Now is Always the Time

To delay is as good as to deny. Letting the house fall down around our ears and those of our loved ones while feverishly pointing to its problems is next to a subhuman reaction – too little, too late and too unconscious. Ours is to respond consciously and now. Activate and respond consciously – don’t get caught staring hypnotically into the metastasizing morass of fabricated wickedness. It’s coming at you. It’s time to act. Either do something to change the situation or move out of its way – or better yet, both!

What conscious behavior inevitably calls for is a lifestyle shift. That’s what grabs stubborn souls by the throat. If someone doesn’t budge and they keep refusing to acknowledge the evident truths of the reality around them and respond to those truths by consciously making the needed changes in their lives, it can be pretty tough. As well as very confusing and personally weakening. And it will only get tougher. These changes include continually disengaging from the system, letting go of unfruitful and hindering relationships, adopting a healthier lifestyle both physically and mentally, and preparing spiritually and practically for the increasing economic, social and spiritual storms coming our way.

And most of all staying proactive, lovingly sharing empowering information with others and participating in localized alternative solutions.

The spiritual is always supreme. Times like these can be wonderful opportunities, although harrowing for many. We can either choose to let go of the temporal and live an awakened and activated life, or we can clutch our old ways and stuff all the tighter as the storm picks up. It’s much easier to let go now by choice and move into a new paradigm than it is to be forced into one and have your attachments of all sorts ripped away from you. At that point our reactive mind kicks in and that is the definition of spiritual limitation. That’s how they run the system, keeping humanity on the defensive, and they will continue to turn up this onslaught until their whole machine blows up.

Defying the Control System

There’s really no reason not to disengage from the matrix. Just begin in stages. Those imaginary handcuffs of the mind are weaker than cooked spaghetti. It’s the habitual fear programming that keeps people from doing the obvious. That’s the design, to paralyze humanity.

The awakening cannot be thwarted, but individuals can be seriously hindered, mostly by living in virtual denial. We can’t say we understand what’s going on and not respond to the call to not only stop participating with and supporting this machine, but most of all helping to change things, beginning with ourselves.

More often than not ours is to simply defy the system programming…disobey, disconnect and disengage from anything they throw at us.

The rest will follow.

And don’t worry, change will continue to happen no matter what. Just remember, you are the conscious observer, not the reactive self.

Don’t get caught in the action-reaction loop. It leads to nowhere, no matter the truth of the information. It can be more damaging than helpful if you get stuck in that system and dwell on railing against the machine. The point is to get out and away from all of those influences and operate from an enlightened viewpoint.

Make the break and stay free. Watch what you think, read, see or submit to, consciously or subconsciously. Anything can be misleading.

Stay informed, but there’s plenty of good and empowering information to dwell on rather than falling for their enticement to engage in their vampiric game.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Long Draconian Arm of the New World ‘Rule of Law’

The Long Draconian Arm of the New World ‘Rule of Law’

by Zen Gardner
June 25, 2013


Get this:

A senior U.S. official delivered a terse statement to Hong Kong on Saturday about Snowden, saying, “If Hong Kong doesn’t act soon, it will complicate our bilateral relations and raise questions about Hong Kong’s commitment to the rule of law.” (Source)

You can’t possibly read that any other way than crass self-justified intimidation.

Reminds you immediately of Ding W’s, “You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.”  Now to the hypno-blinded by the deception, that makes total sense. Within the bubble of their construct that means, “You terrorist harbingers better watch out, we’re pissed and have a righteous cause here to defend at any cost, and if you don’t toe the line we’re coming after you!”

In reality it’s a bold faced threat veiled in a fascist false choice.  The difference here is the “rule of law” claim intimates that they’ve got everything in place in the new world structure to where what they claim as law is now international law. Doesn’t matter if it keeps changing, “It’s the Law!”

The Pincers of Totalitarian Control

Call it globalization, or internationalization, a sustainable integrated system, whatever innocuous sounding term they use, it’s the advancement of the One World Plan. The loss of sovereignty is what it really is.

The constant erosion of personal liberties is being worked in concert with loss of national sovereignty.

For centuries social engineers have been working towards this breakdown of anything indigenous to humanity – such as cultures, micro-societies, history, education and right down to the family unit. Anything that would interfere with direct allegiance to the State. Only this would be a global state.

It takes some doing but they’ve been working toward this goal for a long, long time. Early experiments by the Jesuits with communalism in Latin America were part of this. The obvious ones like Communist pogroms in Russia, China, Cambodia, the fascist regimes of Hitler and Mussolini were all part of the process to see what works and to soften up humanity to the idea, even if in reaction to it. That too can be easily channeled in their favor, as has the bold-faced Zionism fabrication, nothing but an occult celebration of wealth, power and control centralized and manifested like a festering boil on the ass of humanity.

The more subtle techniques, besides the deft use of mind numbing religion and futile politics, include the rise of eugenics in the US and then Germany, and the various secret societies and their think tanks and “foundations” working to erode any and all societal constructs. Secret scientific developments of chemicals and drugs to dumb down and control humanity, and not the least of which is the take over of the world media leading to its current use as a psychological cudgel on the brains of humanity.

The “masses” can’t see it happening around them. Certainly the controlled media won’t point it out or blow the whistle. These ideas are only presented in carefully carved and channeled historical contexts that keep a good, safe distance from the current reality. Ah, good old academia, musty-fying reality for generations of unquestioning followers to come. And to explain the current draconian crackdown on anything and everything? The same rhetoric every duped society ever heard – “protect the homeland, there are forces trying to attack us, they hate our freedoms..”

But again, who’s looking? “1984 came and went, what’s your point? Now pass the MSGed-GMO fries that aren’t’ potatoes anyway and hand me my aspartame-fluoridated high fructose corn syrup bubbly and leave me be, spineless Sponge Bob is on TV. Oh, look honey, those cool long clouds are spreading out over the house again, should be a great sunset if they do like they did yesterday…”

Where Are We Now?

Throwing down this “rule of law” gauntlet is no small thing. It’s nothing new but they’re swinging their stick with new found hubris and wild-eyed avarice. To me it says they’ve got the go ahead, “We shall now operate as if the NWO government is fully in place whether we spell it out for them or not.” You know that’s true when you just follow the activities of NATO, as well as the decisions by Heads of State.

We know it’s in place, the EU, World Economic Council, the World Monetary Fund, the UN, Agenda 21 rolling out worldwide, the power of the central bankster cabal as exemplified by the Bank of International Settlements etc. We’re pretty far down the tubes.

Standing up to the international cabal now policed by NATO is becoming harder and harder to do. Even Russia and China are having to dance around while they figure out what to do with this gang of psychopathic, blood thirsty, trigger-happy drone fleet commanders. And given the opportunity they’d do the same thing, and have.

Should be interesting to see if they try to slice up the pie like they did after WW2, only ahead of time to avoid a full on nuclear war.

The question is if anyone can get this rapacious US based and fueled bully to back down long enough to realize the insanity of their plundering.

Personally, I doubt it. Too much momentum.

The only reasoning going on amongst them is, “Who’s behaving and we’ll keep on board, and who’s going to be liquidated.” Basically, “What’s in it for me?” is the bottom line amongst these greedy power freaks. And that’s based on their enslaved “loyalty” to the forces above them. Man, are they in for a surprise when their services are no longer needed”, ha!

No thank you, all that is not a prospect in my universe. You guys go ahead and destroy each other, but leave us out of it. Oh, that’s right, you have millions duped that you care about them and this is all for their own good, sorry, I forgot.

Well guess what. They’re waking to your scam up at an accelerating rate, and you know it. Your power is waning by the minute.

So as you go about your cold control business know that the whole Universe is watching, and an awakening humanity fears you NOT!

Evil eventually destroys itself. But please, do it amongst yourselves, boys, we don’t want anything to do with you.

Keep on awakening and waking others up, folks, we have them reeling!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

I Met A Man Today…

I Met A Man Today…

by Zen Gardner


I met a man today.

Ever so briefly. He was tired.

His work boots grounded his humble, yet impressive frame.

As he gathered his rudimentary supplies from the small shopping basket

He placed them on the checkout counter. Slowly. Deliberately.

I dropped the tug of any angst to get home soon. A world was unfolding before me.

His life is hard, but no complaints. No groans. Just resignation on his weary part.

He clearly had a family to feed. Ever so meekly he appears to perform his life functions.

My heart began to bleed in pain and anger as I observed the programmed crap being piled into his plastic bags.

How many beautiful creatures are forced to buy non-nourishing manipulated replacement crap to keep their offspring alive. How many worldwide are forced to eat contaminated shit from the self appointed masters of control.

My heart continued to gush. I was heavy in my shoes as the scene unfolded before me.

This isn’t right.

I wait in another observant world as he does his meek, slow check out. I’m creating prose in my mind of the poignant moment.

I check out after him and follow him to his small scooter outside, a simple Chinese made mode of transplanted transportation most use in these parts where he decorates the handlebars with weighty plastic bags.

Families of four can be seen riding regularly and carrying groceries home on these scooters.

“How may children do you have?” I asked. I could tell he was shopping for a small family.

“Two, ages 7 and 5”, he reluctantly replied in subdued tone.

“Tough economy right now” I brokenly continued, trying to be pertinent and not too obvious as to my intention. He nodded but proudly said he’s getting on OK.

I couldn’t help it, and expecting rejection said as his head bowed to meet my extended hand, “Please take this gift, with love for you and your family” in my broken language, handing him the money I had on hand, a small but hopefully encouraging gift to this unsung saint of humanity.

He took it, thankfully, I’m happy to report. I was afraid this stately man would say no.

It was tough. Humbling for such a proud man and a stretch for me to reach out without embarrassing him or feeling patronizing. But if I didn’t respond to what I felt in that revelatory moment of seeing this display of life highlighted before my very eyes, I too am another living hypocrite.

Thankfully, he accepted.

It was a release, and a good one. I was in tears all the way home. I had witnessed something very special and had the honor to participate in some small way, even if only for my own personal cleansing and growing connectivity.

The most giving and sharing people on planet earth are the poor. They are rich in the real riches, so giving and sharing come easy. I’ve witnessed it in dozens of countries. Reciprocation is only natural and I’m glad I was accepted.

The meek have already inherited the earth.

That is why.

They are grounded.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Is It Ever Too Late To Wake Up?

Is It Ever Too Late To Wake Up?

by Zen Gardner
May 28, 2013


It’s remarkable how little they have to do anymore to get their desired results. It seems it takes just one ripple in the collective mind and the mesmerized masses jump however high they’re told.

This staged London slasher event is another such example.

And what pre-designed Machiavellian step does it lead to this time? “Let’s see, we’ve been doing guns for a while, let’s go for…internet censorship.” Wow, are you kidding? That’s a leap. They’re getting pretty ballsy.

The problem is that a major hunk of society swallows all this bullshit and thinks it’s real. If enough people would just point the finger at these phony stunts they’re putting on and call ’em out on it and refuse to respond or cooperate with any of their machinations, these psychopaths would shrivel up and die for want of an audience.

The Illusory Veil Will Be Rent

It’s so far down the tubes now with with lies, deceit and cover ups while they jam their fascist program down everyone’s throats that people couldn’t bear to start to realize how far they’ve been taken. The shock would be too much.

Or so they think in their current mind set and paradigm.

When the shift hits the fan big time and the masses are forced to wake up, whatever happens in their collapsing lives to trigger it, we will be living in a very different world. The spiritual reigns supreme so whether people are spiritually conscious or not, the real state of affairs is running around and through all of us like WiFi. And on many frequencies like a radio or television.

Remember the world of pre-9/11? You almost can’t any more, but this so-called security insanity and climate of terrorism fear was almost non-existent.  It was there but safely remote – which is why they knew it had to be brought to US soil to get the desired effect, same as Pearl Harbor did to get Americans behind entering into WW2, and which the 9/11 perpetrators openly admit was their model and goal in their literature. But who’s looking, once again.

The political aspect is just one side of this designed shift they’re trying to establish as our reality. Just as our atmosphere is decimated and our food and water are contaminated, and the bombardment of nuclear and electric radiation continue unabated in massively manipulated weather systems, the social structure of society and the very mindset of humanity is being altered by the day. As conditions continue to deteriorate and the levels of draconian controls and outrageous lies escalate, the veil of disguise they’ve foisted over their hijinks is going peel open to reveal the awful truth of what’s happened to all of us.

That’s going to trigger the mass psychosis underlying the mass belief system and it ain’t gonna be pretty. And I suspect they know this. But to them it won’t matter as societies turn into war zones for survival. They’ve deliberately planned this outcome as well as planned for this outcome with their own safe havens to flee to.

They Know We Know

The picture of the Heinz Kissenger look alike at the top with his detainees from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy captures what a rude awakening is like. When people get detained or their loved ones get questioned or mugged by the militarized police state goons it starts to hit home. When they break into your home and take your guns or pot or shoot your dog for barking you start to wake up. When the airport security assholes pull another old lady in a wheelchair aside and have her strip down -and it’s your grandmother – you start to wake up. When your internet connection is monitored and your website attacked by Israeli hackers you start to wake up.

The Dark Rulers know we know what’s going on. They know it big and tall. That’s why the disinfo is increasing, trying to  weave thru the community and trolls are showing up more and more with obvious intent. They’ve having a tough time though, we’re bound by a fabric “they know not of”.  They never will.

Love, compassion, and truth. Not part of their vocabulary, MO or lifestyle.

They’re simply parasites. Unfeeling, blindly grubbing diseased parasites.

But know for a fact they know a great and growing swathe of us are on to them and their dark, demonic chicanery. That’s a fact. They just figure they have enough of the mind-mushed masses under their spell that there’s nothing to worry about. They think “those gnomes” will never believe what we say with all the programming they’ve slipped into them, and they’ll get to us soon enough in their “clean-up” campaigns.

Reminds me of Einstein’s famous quote, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Ha! Hey guys, that goes for you! You really don’t get it, us or anything. Just a short time left to exercise your greed and cravings for energy and control. You will shrivel up and die in the Light of Truth.

Bet on it, bastards!

So When Is It Too Late?

Unfortunately this rude awakening will be too late for most in many ways, although at least finally waking up is in a sense never too late. It’s just that their lives here may likely be horrifically affected and possibly terminated soon after this realization for want of waking up sooner.

We’re talking serious suffering that could have been avoided, at least in part.

Obviously there are many levels of all this, as well as many levels of awakening. Each has its place, and every individual has his or her own story. Fundamentally we’re accountable to the True eternal Voice in our hearts. In order for someone to shut down there has to be a decision or series of decisions involved, at some level, somewhere, to do so. The true conscious Voice and reaction may, and most likely has been, suppressed by outside forces and for that we have to give allowance.

We live in a very dirty dimension of systemic abuse at many levels and we must keep love, kindness and understanding as our guiding force while staying true to Truth. On the other hand, deliberate shutdowns are another story.

When it comes to trying to help people wake up, some say you can’t mess with people’s karma but I don’t know about that. We can’t force anything on people in good conscience when the point of this life here is to learn to respond individually and consciously to a conscious Universe. But when the baby is reaching for the electric heater you don’t just watch. If friends or family or anyone for that matter is hypnotically marching in a row of people that you know goes straight over a cliff, you don’t stand idly by and say I hope they wake up soon.

How can you? That’s clearly not conscious. That’s sleepwalking. With serious consequences.

Don’t Let Environment Dictate Your Actions – You Decide

Oddly enough we’re living  in an engineered, numbed-down world now that is just so conditioned to not respond to the obvious. How many times do you hear about people watching a robbery or beating in the streets and doing nothing. Or Stockholm syndrome submissive behavior in the face of horrific circumstances.

Life has become a spectator sport people are not fully engaged in.

How soon will the main act in the coliseum be the captured awakened vs the militarized police lions to entertain the rulers and their zombified masses?

Won’t find me there. If I’m going down it’s gonna be taking the real fight, for Truth, straight to them.

The point to all this is our awareness needs to be full, truthful, and pragmatic. Helping someone realize what’s really happening here, and preparing for the inevitable break down that’s about to happen, are very conscious actions.  They aren’t radical or weird. You’re alive in a virtual petrified forest. It’s matter of fact. If it was any clearer to us we’d disappear into the next dimension. And that serves a purpose.

It gives strength. It encourages faith – which is knowing, not believing.

We know what’s going on. We must tell others. We must be examples of such to the very best of our abilities and speak and demonstrate it forcefully.

We must detach, we must be true to the Truth.

In love.

Where love is, hearts will gather to share the warmth.

Keep on. We can’t lose–because we’ve already won!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

What Really Happened in the 60’s?

What Really Happened in the 60’s?

by Zen Gardner


There’s a lot written on this but I’d like like to share my surmised impressions from all I’ve experienced then and since and researched for many years. Being a child of the time and actual Woodstock attendee I have a bit of credibility as to my experiences then, but you can decide for yourself as to my interpretation of what went on at the time.

Whatever it was, it was profound.

A commenter on my website wrote, “Have you read Tom McGowan’s Center for an Informed America? He has a very good series on the Laurel Canyon musicians military intelligence connections, including Steven Stills in that period.” – in response to something I’d posted.

That whole era is rife with infiltration, I’m not naive to that and I like Tom’s work a lot. Some musicians have simply faded into complacency and for that I have no patience in this dire point in history as I’ve said before. If more recognized voices had the balls to speak up loud and clear from their fabulous  mansions about extremely serious issues such as chemtrails, GMOs, the media stranglehold, phony O-baloney good time Johnny Presi-fraud and all the rest, we’d get a kick start and some aerial support for once.

Seen any? Few and far between. Too fabulous  a life to risk, apparently.

And too busy getting knighted and doing the praise-me tours from my vantage point. Riches and fame corrupt more than these good ol’ rockers can drunkenly remember. I have no respect whatsoever for these high heeled, moneyed, self serving compromised creeps. Bullshit is the operative word in my book.

Scream all  you want, it’s hooey, boys.

The Cowed Crowd Can’t Talk Aloud

From what I understand much of the silence of those “rock stars” is either embedded intimidation by those who made them rich and famous, outright satanic complicity, and/or they are mind control subjects. Charles Manson was a kind of outcropping of these experiments on our generation, as was much of the cult phenomenon. The free proliferation of acid and other psychedelics were a CIA experiment gone awry. As Universe would have it, much of it backfired and many of us woke up.

That was cool.

During that early period a lot of weird stuff got embedded into the alternative culture that has been an ongoing virus that keeps on morphing, like much of the new age movement and its false Avatars and impotent, distracting message. The world today is testament to how well they’ve co-opted everything into a mishmash of convictionless non-directional confusion. There’s hardly a distinction between anything of esoteric importance that entices your mental stimulation or curiosity like it used to.


Believe me, these bastards are not operating in a vacuum, but in well informed, cold, scientific board rooms, studying and following causes and effects with massive computer simulation systems now. The matrix idea is no joke, we’re in deep shit in this electro/psycho maze they’ve erected that not just tracts but predicts our every move.

Fucked up, I know. But don’t be ignorant.

If you really want to know more details about where the so-called hip generation had its roots, as disappointing as this will be, you need to hear it. Don’t worry, “only good came of it” like anything, but we better identify the trail of lies trying to lead us down a path to insured perdition and deluded destruction. Here’s a great interview with Tom McGowan on this subject that walks you through it quite nicely, as lurid as the tale may be…

Intro by Zeph the interviewer:

“The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation ~ Center For An Informed America:

Just the tip of the iceberg, but a good hour with David McGowan, who has in my view totally confirmed the darkest and biggest story–an inroad that basically indicts [this] entire world…a lurid tale of murder, satanism, pedophilia, ritual abuse and mind control of the top entertainers, the music that shaped decades if not the rest of our lives–all false… Alice in Wonderland, an ILLUSION, and nothing more.”

Know Your Enemy – It’s Deadness

That the sophistication of our oppressor is so advanced should not be news to the true researcher. We’re under more surveillance and potential control mechanisms than we could imagine.

However, for true consciousness that’s no problem.

Their vibrational and what-all techniques are for the blind and unawakened, and I have to admit pretty damn effective on their shallow level. However, essentially and consciously once we wake up, they are completely ineffective. Our vibe trumps their dead vibe any time of day, the dirty scavengers.

The point is waking up. The various schemes foisted on humanity are all exactly that – schemes. Attempts to corral life, to them an unpredictable force of nature they are trying to dissect and crystallize into manipulable factions.

Good luck. They’re so off course it’s a joke. How can the dead understand the living? How can the selfish understand or combat the loving?

You lose. We win.

Done deal. Over and out.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

I’m Awake – Now What Do I Do?

I’m Awake – Now What Do I Do?

by Zen Gardner
April 24, 2013


Many people ask about this or something similar so here’s some thoughts on the subject. I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it.


“What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system because of family and friends?”

This and those like it pose a very broad question since we’re all different and need to be led of our own convictions. However, the answer is fundamentally similar in every case.

Do what consciousness tells you.

There’s really no time for fiddling around once you’ve found what you know to be the Truth, which is always something clearly outside the realm of what you’ve been indoctrinated with. It’s always life altering. And if it isn’t, you didn’t hear correctly or it fell on deaf or distorted ears in some fashion.

I don’t want to be counted amongst the deaf or unresponsive. Do you?

Especially when you found out that that’s exactly what perpetrates the big lie you found out about–a compliant, non-awake populace.

System Dependence is the Name of the Game

That’s the trouble with the “system”, it teaches dependency, hierarchy, and rote, taught knowledge, where your choices are carefully narrowed down to “acceptable” alternatives within carefully confined parameters.

That’s why people feel like fish out of water when they wake up. They never learned how to truly think freely, nor did they have the knowledge tools. Instead, most everything was reversed, scrambled, confused and filed away in seeming useless obscurity while their particular “Truman Show” marched on.

The result is not just a marginalization of empowering Truths into the catch-all dustbins of “conspiracy theory” or wing nut stuff, but worse yet, the system does not cultivate original thought or true personal freedom or responsibility.

That wake up in itself is enough to send anyone on a quest for Truth.

The real Truth is not an option in such a controlled environment. Oh, you get smatterings of truths, but drawing awake and aware conclusions is not an option to humanity’s would be Controllers. And do know,  they work hard at blocking any such understandings never mind conclusions.

The Wake Up Starts with a Bang – But You Have to Keep It Going

When someone awakens to the true nature of the manipulated world we live in, as well as the vast resources for Truth at our immediate conscious fingertips, it takes some doing to fully realize what that information means, as well as the vast implications on your personal life.

It can hit hard and may need some time to be digested. It can also be quite disturbing at first, but that will pass.

How it affects each of us individually is really a question of simply putting what we’ve learned into action and trusting the Universe for the consequences. I don’t think there’s time for much else. In fact, there never has been.

If you know the Truth, what are you waiting for?

While many are hoping for some kind of soft-pedaling of any kind of action call, it’s not a set formula. You just find out, and you react..consciously. And just that takes some doing, breaking off the rust of your True Self to animate and start to call the shots that were previously hindered by life long programming.

Stages of Development

For me the full wake up took on many stages of development, but the full blown realization of the vast extent of the manipulated lie and its fleshed out intricacies was a head splitting explosion that blew me past the pull of convention’s gravity so fast I’m still grinning from ear to ear as I zip through the universe!

The point there being, the wake up takes on many forms and evolves. What gives the wake up traction is commitment, putting feet to your realizations and keeping on in spite of opposition.

You think TV’s bad? Turn it off. Banks are a rip off? Get out except for perhaps necessary operating funds if need be. Trapped by the ownership of housing, “might needs”, and all kinds of dumb stuff?

Dump everything you can, if that’s your understanding.

Knowing “stuff owns you” is fundamental to consciousness. We all get there, but it depends on our enthusiasm…or “spirit in us”.

How many respond to just that?

Do What You Know or Face Confusion

Until people put into action what they already know, there isn’t going to be much more to follow for them. Just a lot of flailing about in frustration because we don’t do what we already know we should do and are looking for excuses or compromised solutions to assuage our guilty conscience and hopefully preserve our personal status quo.

Sad, but true.

That also includes getting right with people, making relationships honest,  and disengaging from situations of compromise. It takes courage.

Know You Are Nobody–Yet Everybody

All this is a whole lot easier when you realize you are nobody. There’s nothing to defend.

Your old senses of self were the very strings the lying matrix played upon. Get conscious and the sirens of the system don’t affect you except peripherally.

That’s a biggie.

Conscious awareness is number one realizing and seeing through the higher level of awareness that is detached from this life’s experiences, and thus free us to discern and identify without attachment what your life experience is.

Seeing through those eyes will bring tremendous peace and understanding.

Get Along But Don’t Compromise

Don’t fret the next steps. If the universe is so vast and full of infinite possibilities there’s going to be something for everybody. Our job is to find it and when we find it, act on it. No, it’s not the “safe” way, or the “accepted” way.

At all. We do what we have to do and thus break free.

In reality the parasitic system has been sucking you dry and lying to you and everyone you love. You now no longer owe it any allegiance and can and should disengage any and every way you can. No guilt trip necessary. You are doing what is right.


And that is not contingent on relationships, financial security, self image concerns, or what have you.

So get any and all attachments possible out of play. Happily. You are freeing yourself from the spider’s tentacles.

There’s Real Peace in Commitment.

When you’ve resolved to go ahead and “make the break” with convention and stand up for what you know is right, it leads to a new lifestyle. How do you think these wonderful websites were formed of like-minded people who found each other and decided to make an impact with videos, interviews, articles, participation in events, etc?

How were Gandhi, Martin Luther King or other world Truth bearers including the present day alternative luminaries birthed from their previous lives?

Something gelled, made total sense, resonated, and they just committed. These Truth enthusiasts on the internet also somehow found each other and it clicked. It’s all about responding to the need and call and openly networking…true response-ability.

The Truth Glasses

I read this fantastic analogy and it’s never escaped me.

Finding out the whole truth is like putting on these amazing Truth glasses, much like the movie “They Live”.

Here’s how they work:

#1. You gotta want to put them on.

#2. You can’t force someone else to put them on.

#3. Once they’re on, you can’t take them off.

If you’ve found and put on the glasses, that will make total sense. If you haven’t, keep searching.

Let your heart lead you.

In the words of Lao Tsu:

At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want. – Lao Tsu

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Backwards Bizarro World of New Normals

The Backwards Bizarro World of New Normals

by Zen Gardner
April 29, 2013


You might be noticing the old notions of the world around us are slipping away. Just as the new milky, metallic skies are now integrated into society and taken for granted as the norm, many other physical and societal aspects of our world have been devolved by the social engineers and adopted by the mass psyche.

And it leaves the uninformed empty, confused, dazed and finally numb and complacent.

Ah, peace at last. Just stop struggling, future droids.

Meet the new world peace. An engineered environment of exhausted spirits who finally give in to the bombardment of reversed truths, cognitive dissonance, denials, omitted information and state propaganda.

And a techno-hell of manipulated weaponized information driven into a seduced mind.

The Creeping Paralysis of Complacency

“Why struggle? It’s no use.” says the failing human spirit. “I’m not seeing what I think I’m seeing. The skies have always been like this, or there’s some good reason. If it was important to know it would be on the news. Endless wars are good and keep us safe. So does constant surveillance and the loss of privacy. And the wealthy must deserve more because they always seem to stay on top and get more.” etc.

So help me, government.

And so the militarized police triumphantly occupy American streets. After all, we’re under attack.

By them. But who’s looking. Once again, Orwell gets outdone.

Boldly Stated Complete Fallacies

“The war on terror!”, now conveniently hitting the “homeland” screams from every system megaphone and implanted neural response. Nothing but baseline stimulus/response manipulation. As it is with the money scam, the media, our education paradigm, you name it.

Mr. Scam Man is bringing you a dream.

Trouble is so few identify it for what it is. They fight inside the prescribed parameters amongst themselves, but never step outside to see the mind-altering Truth that the whole show is staged by nefarious manipulators. Way too humbling. Negates everything they thought and ever did as obsolete.

When you face the facts you come up with new, empowering realities. There ARE these nefarious forces trying to control everything and there ARE multitudes of mind-numbed, indoctrinated drones now in existence that are set to fulfill the wishes of such a wicked source. The problem is getting compounded now with these stepped up internal false flags.  Americans are becoming seriously freaked out to where they’re getting to be like paranoid schizophrenics imagining bugs crawling under their skin.

And they call us crazy.

What Else Are We Duped About? “Let Me Count the Ways….”

–The war on terror is an elaborate hoax, as are all wars.

–The medical industry is owned and run by money making mongrels who don’t care about you, never mind your health.

–Politics is a show, a distraction, a farce. You have no voice. It’s pretend participation and a controlled venting device.

–Food isn’t food. It’s altered, and the cancers, obesity, diabetes, gene altering and other afflictions are all deliberate.

–Nuclear and electronic radiation, oil spills, ecological disasters and even weather incidents are readily induced. Humanity is being subdued and reduced.

–Etc. The list is as long as you have time to research. They’ve screwed with anything they can think of from music to mind control, science to history, fashion to sports and amusements.

The whole thing’s a scam.

Our current social milieu dictates a very strange, shallow reality: “How do I appear? Do I fit in? I need more money for more stuff. I need comfort and security.”

It’s that far gone. People’s needs are defined by the media and social networking norms. And these are being redefined by the day. Shifting colors, talking heads, motifs, seeming social standards, all are subjectively set by virtually whomever is controlling the TV set.

Enjoying it? Cuz it’s determining your future!

Or not….if you bust out.


Don’t fall for it. Watch out for the assumptive speech, where subjective descriptions and ready made conclusions are passed on as fact. It’s doublespeak disguised as objective information. Get free to where you can easily spot it. Don’t be had. Stay awake and alert, and advise your loved ones to do the same by pointing these tricks out.

There is always hope for the living, even if they haven’t had the awakening yet. What’s coming at us is gonna drive millions off of their comatose cots and when they hit the floor the wake up will be rude. But it’s still a wake up.

The best advice we can give anyone is to snap out of it and get themselves to consciousness, in whatever language suits the situation.

It’s all easy from there.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: pixabay

The Psycho-Schism Is Here

The Psycho-Schism Is Here

by Zen Gardner
April 23, 2013


Crazy times for sure at Psychotic High. And as predicted, the shift we’re undergoing is impacting vast swathes of society as people either recognize the awakening or are completely ignorant of what’s going on, willingly or unwillingly, and are succumbing to the induced confusion.

All on cue.

The blinding Boston Bullshit Massacre is just another in a long sequence of stimuli in the planned psycho-spiritual assault on Americans, cramming ever more freakish fear into their already overloaded heart, mind and spirit components.

Marie Antoinette would have been brainwashed instead of decapitated in this day and age. Much easier.

Here’s an appropriate post that begins to tell part of the tale of the drastic literally psychotic effects we’re witnessing:

Terrorism. Chaos. Fear of the future. In the age of Obama, America is undergoing a “fundamental transformation” – that much everyone knows.

But what few seem to realize about this transformation is that the sheer stress of living in today’s America is driving tens of millions to the point of illness, depression and self-destruction. Consider the following trends:

  • Suicide has surpassed car crashes as the leading cause of injury death for Americans. Even more disturbing, in the world’s greatest military, more U.S. soldiers died last year by suicide than in combat;
  • Incredibly, 11 percent of all Americans aged 12 and older are currently taking SSRI antidepressants – those highly controversial, mood-altering psychiatric drugs with the FDA’s “suicidality” warning label and alarming correlation with school shooters. Women are especially prone to depression, with a stunning 23 percent of all American women in their 40s and 50s – almost one in four – now taking antidepressants, according to a major study by the CDC;

By the way, things are no better over the pond – and may be worse, according to one major study that concluded almost 40 percent of Europeans are plagued by mental illness. (More here)

It Goes To Show

We’re living in strategically and psychologically compressed and driven times. Hardly anything major in the socio-political realm happens by coincidence or natural means. It’s almost always staged and by very professional executors. Any reasonable open minded study of history will reveal the same conclusion as to how their particular paradigm was sculpted via similar staged events and conditions during virtually any epoch of human history.

Same story, different time.

The recent frenzy over Boston’s own Baked Bullshit Barrage is a manifestation of a mounting, desperate effort to cauterize the American mind once and for all. They want the masses to accept any and every state explanation for anything, great or small, according to their interpretation. These are tests.

And they’re getting away with them.

It’s nasty to the bone, yet so few see it. A very sad state of affairs indeed…when so few challenge the status quo and start to wake up, so little and so late.

Find out the Truth for yourself. Challenge the mainstream disinfo, and reach for the light. Then spread the word.

It’s all there in plain sight.

YOU are the difference! We all are.

Keep on consciously and lovingly being awake, aware and active,

Love always, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Time Will Tell – But Why Wait For It?

Time Will Tell – But Why Wait For It?

by Zen Gardner
March 22, 2013


Time is quite the marker within the matrix of this world. Most of us wear a “watch” to track the passing and planning of our lives. We also operate within the “boundaries” of time and watch calendars almost morosely.

Clocks are everywhere. Everywhere. Oppressively so. Most everything is scheduled according to an agreed form of “time” measurement.

This seems practical enough.

But something’s seriously amiss. Where did this ever ticking, ever present paradigm come from? Is it even real? Is it part of some sort of overarching control system?

Even “Science” Weighs In
Ironically enough, in the view of accepted quantum physics time is pretty much a joke. There is ultimately no such thing as time. It’s all now and we live amongst parallel universes. Our projected reality is similarly non-linear which we manifest with our intention.

And has that knowledge entered our day to day reality in spite of the dissemination and popularization of these scientific realities?

I don’t think so.

We just keep marching to the beat of the ticking clock, chiming out its call to blinded duty. “Time is money.” “Sorry, don’t have time.” “Hurry up.” “My days are numbered.” “How long will it take?” “Got some time to kill?”

Time is a nasty master, but a great lens through which to view eternity.

Deadlines and the Time Conspiracy

Look at the utilitzation of the time structure on the world today. You want production? “Put ’em on the clock! Check in, check out. Get on that conveyor belt, we have deadlines to meet!” while the controllers lounge about, eat their flesh, and smoke their cigars. “They’re sheep to be shorn, rats in a maze, cows to be milked, chickens to be plucked.” Speed up the time and you’ll get more eggs too.

“Deadlines can be lifelines” is a pretty cool and often practical expression, as there is a time to just plain get something done; no more loitering about when something needs to get finished. Clearly there’s a “time” for that, at least in this paradigm. Once in a while.

But the emphasis in the current here and now is energy production, survival and fear. All constricting and energy extracting, like time. Staying in line, conforming, regimentation.

Why do they sound bells between classes in schools? Factories are rife with audio and visual prompting. Television is all about “programming” and what time what is on. Tension upon imposed Pavlovian tension.

Something to think about. And how is all this affecting you?

People and Time

This one is particularly interesting, as it strikes at the core of “us” and human nature and its response to these imposed paradigms.

Look how things and people change “over time”. You never know how something or someone may change, we’ve all experienced this. Our kids are perfect examples. We watch them grow and “mature” and then watch the grandkids do the same. Some traits stay the same, others morph, depending on environment, parenting, education, spiritual influences etc.

How our surroundings and most importantly spiritual influences affect us “over time” is important to watch and understand. What moves us where? Why are we doing what we’re doing? And then, “what made (me, you they,) move in this direction?”

Time is the yardstick, but continual change is the reality.

Knowing Now What Time Will Tell

What is so beautiful about the intuitive language of the heart is that you can know things now for their potential effects. Either before they’ve grown to show the good they can accomplish, or before they can do the irreparable damage they were either designed or unintentionally set to do.

This is a key to living consciously and helping to create and stimulate the conscious awakening that heralds the evolving world of Love and Truth we’re experiencing.

We are in charge.  And we need to respond to the prompts of conscious awareness. Now. Those who “waited to see” are now under an oppressive regime over mind, body and spirit of all unawakened mankind.

Waiting for “time to tell” is no more. The time is now.

Surely developments will surface later, but the essentials of day to day decisions and judgements more often than not need not be delayed. Time is short and we need to learn to trust our hearts.

The End of Time?

The really profound aspect of this is the spiritual onslaught on our planet that we’re currently undergoing, of both good and bad vibrations. An important time for all of us to be on our toes. We seem to be under attack and it’s clearly more spiritual than anything. Guard your heart, and help guard your loved ones.

The “end of time” just might be on our doorstep. Or is it an ever ready portal to be used?

So what does “time will tell” really mean?

Do you want to wait that long when you know in your heart the answer already? That’s the issue. Operate from the heart.

Don’t hesitate, communicate….with Truth. Follow your heart. The Truth is always loving, even if it hurts sometimes. Follow on.

Tell it like it is, live it like it is. Because IT IS!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Where Will You Be When The Music Stops?

Where Will You Be When The Music Stops?

by Zen Gardner


Where will you be? Where will I be? We all know it’s coming. To ignore it is tantamount to insanity. At this point we’re playing musical chairs and everyone knows that clear underlying truth somewhere in their being.

When the music stops is where you will be. Period.

Anyone the least bit aware knows the seriousness of  our pending manipulated world situation and has food, water and other supplies and contingency plans. If they don’t they’re asleep and dangerous. The decidedly unprepared are the ones who will freak out and mooch off the first succulent neighbor they can find.  Just another symptom of the selfish, parasitic driven reality we live in.

Me first, and what’s yours is mine in a pinch. But there’s a way to avoid that scenario.

Being Ready – Are You Asleep or Awake?

Good question. I think location, where Universe wants you and has been steering you is the key.  Naturally, Universe is wherever we are.  But there are always decisions to be made. And thankfully wherever we are is where we are.

If you can fully grok that.

Except perhaps, if we’re too dumb or insensitive to get to this better place we’ve been shown, at least any thinking person should at least prepare for where they are.  What is the excuse for humanity to be hiding its head in the sand in the light of such globalist attacks as we’re sustaining and know they’re planning?

Is intentional government induced dependency the solution? No wonder they’ve created that paradigm. So FEMA the reamer will save you? Doctor Doolittle and his doodlers? C’mon folks! Will the “authorities” who’ve taken away all of your civil and personal rights as they militarize your streets help you?

Think about this.

And this is just the culmination of an increasingly fascistic society. It’s been going on for years and has now metastasized to a monster control system. And one of their central signals is to tell you “all is well”. Sorry, it’s far from well, and is about to shut down any minute.

Musical Chairs

I’ve lived in countries experiencing revolutions, martial law and uprisings. It’s no joke. Americans are about to be woken up so horrifically I personally do not want to be here to witness it first hand. Americans are so sheltered and spoiled they will freak out to such a degree that the rest of the world is going to stand back in absolute shock and awe.

The “great whore is fallen”…and she will fall hard.

It’s estimated there are between 3 and 5 days of food on the currently available supply circuit in the US at any given time. That’s down from 6 months of food from only a few decades ago. Mega cities where the sheep have been deliberately corralled will be decimated if the system shuts down. If that isn’t Orwellian enough, those who “hoard” more than 6 days of food are now suspected terrorists.

Anyone seeing a pattern here?

Where Will You Be?

Getting the picture? Where will you be? Is  your current situation endurable for you and your family and loved ones? Do you have community to help pull together during such a shut down for whatever reason?

That’s the key.

Conscious community. Loving empathetic cooperation in times of stress. But without grasping the drastic nature of what is about to befall us is foolishness, denial, the worst form of sticking our heads in the sand while the whirlwind blows our butts to high heaven.

Real Survival

It’s consciousness; conscious awakened awareness. All else follows. We’re in a spiritual warfare first and foremost. When that’s won, everything else follows….and happily.

If that isn’t clear then keep pursuing and figure it out. But prepare. The shitstorm is coming….very soon.

The loving, conscious  thing is to be ready.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Refuting the Matrix – A Dark Message of Control and Deceit

Refuting the Matrix – A Dark Message of Control and Deceit

by Zen Gardner
February 2, 2017


As captivating at the Matrix movies are, and their exposé of the concept and workings of the matrix construct, the underlying message is one of futility. The struggles against it, as valiant as they are made out to be, are in vain. Ultimately Neo makes the wrong choice, even being told he’s about to make the wrong choice, choosing his personal desires over the good of humanity. The “architect” of the matrix, as in grand architect, a clear reference to Freemasonry, clearly mocks humanity and its futile struggle with itself. Apparently, with their direction, they think we always ultimately make the wrong choice and the cycle has to repeat.

It’s very well done, entrancing people with the false choice of the red and blue pill, the high tech driven construct feeding off of humanity’s energy, and of course the adventure of fighting the bad guys, a constant movie theme for that feel good arousal and emotional release, else we catch on and apply that packaged reality to our real world. This is the same motive for the heavily pushed sports arena and other public contests, giving a release valve to our instinctual frustration and anger over our suppressed condition.

Painted as a challenge to overcome the oppressive matrix, it’s ultimately all false hope and futility against what has been already “programmed”. This gives away their underlying doctrine. In their view humanity cannot break the cycle – we are doomed to repeat it, which the movie makes quite clear in its ending. Why? They think they know us so well we can be manipulated by our very strength – our empathy.

Note also that Neo goes into the “bright light” and as if through a tunnel, giving us the preposterous message they have control over death itself.

Another very telling scene on causality reveals this doctrine, cloaked in false hope and baked in bravado and goofy fight scenes that make no sense. If Neo ultimately gets these super powers and can stop bullets, what the hell is he doing kicking and wielding all these fancy swords and daggers all over the place? But people eat it up, not realizing that as usual, as sensational as it all is to some, Hollywood is hoodwinking them with all kinds of dissonant hogwash to dumb down their perception.

But the principle of causality is a true one, which they live by because it is so powerful. They’re bragging here about what they consider their secret knowledge and their super tool, but it’s no secret, just the nefarious way they use it to manipulate humanity, which is what the occult is all about. But we need to take that causality aspect to heart but not fall for their trick of minimalizing free will, which this film screams, despite the choices that appear to be empowering. In the end, their game of cat and mouse is designed to just keep repeating.

Our actions and inactions and response to what we’re up against determine the outcome, and all intermittent outcomes. When we act on truth we set in motion incredible dynamics. When we don’t, it’s the same but the wrong ones, completely deleterious to the human condition and why we’re in this mess.

That responsibility rests on each of us.

It appears they are compelled to give us a whole lot of truth about what they’re up to. It’s either mockery, shedding guilt and directing it to us for our tacit permission even though we were warned, predictive programming to bring it to pass, or perhaps some other dynamic – or all or some of the above. (See here ) – Basically it’s bullshit in the grand scheme of things. It reminds me of this scene if you’ll excuse the campiness and expected anti-Muslim message:

Don’t be fixated by the intricate machinations of all this illusion. One blast of raw truth does the trick. Their attempts to induce fear only work if we cooperate with them. Unfortunately many are entranced by all this sorcery, which is what empowers it, but it’s ultimately an illusion based on lies. Just as it’s said archons and AI are inorganic influences, our true realm to the contrary is one of spectacular, natural true beauty – and power.

But it begins with identifying what we’re up against. It’s intricate, fascinating and mesmerizing but again, that’s what they feed on – the audience, us, and our naiveté and innocence. They’re harvesting our energy, which this movie clearly states.

I look at it this way. We’re in school, and we can advance as fast or as slow as we want. Some of us are in very advanced education as we awaken more and more. This entire battle we’re in is for our growth and advancement in conscious awareness and development. But the battle is for real.

They play humans as dumb and ignorant, in which they play the major part to make sure is the case by toxifying our minds and bodies and sequestering empowering truths and realities, such as natural law and the eternal and infinite nature of consciousness. What they don’t want us to wake up to is our true nature and the literal war we’re in spiritually. Once we discover that, our warrior spirit arises, and they’re in deep shit.

The Real War Is in the Heart

The real war is not in any sense what they portray. They’d love it if we went berserk and tried to fight them on their terms, conditions and playing field. That’s nothing but the external manifestation of the real war against the lies that bind and perpetrate this illusory play. And it begins in our own hearts, rooting out the false matrix we’ve been conditioned to believe is real. One truly awakened and fully realized soul can set ablaze the fabric of this veil cast over humanity. The principles may seem esoteric and complicated but they’re not. It’s all about truth, real truth. Who and what are we essentially? How attached are we to the goodies of this illusion, the comforts and support that ego so drives people to acquire?

Understanding what’s going on with true knowledge is essential, but we’ll still be one dimensional with no depth perception unless we open all areas of understanding. One is being open and receptive to true knowledge and being willing to see what’s really going on in our world. The second, and more importantly as this is too often neglected, is to be willing to honestly look inside and see the darkness we ourselves are cooperating with. All this in the exterior is a projection of the human state and our compromised, self serving motives and lack of true courage to stand up for full truth.

The other, and most important of all, is our conscious awareness that is looking steadily at the vast infinite resource of our true higher nature and our interconnectivity with Universe and tapping into all of it’s magnificent resources. Without that we’re powerless, but it usually awakens as the other two aspects come into our awareness.

To truly awaken and more importantly, keep awaking, is not a comfortable place. In fact, as John Maxwell aptly said, “If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”


We’re now witnessing a collapsing, increasingly transhuman, AI and otherwise totally controlled world and a potential dystopian future for our children and planet. Seeing such denigrating hubris as this kind of veiled mockery by these Matrix movies and their message, never mind the day to day psychopathic behavior of the socio-political mayhem, it’s a time of decision for each of us.

Do we go all the way and commit to being the very change we desire? Do we have any other choice? It takes death to self and all forms of fear based attachments, including ego. We each have to dig deep and reconcile our issues and come fully alive.

Let go. The water’s fine.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

Humpty Trumpty and the Shear in the Matrix

by Zen Gardner
January 30, 2017



Hey Z,

I don’t know if it has occurred to you as well, but the reaction to Trump’s support and presidency is divided by such polar opposites as to be a possible indication of alternative timelines among us.

His vulgarity, misogynist, and racist tendencies have been on full display for everyone to see. Yet, there are those who still think that his populist rhetoric will circumvent all that and keep him on a pedestal of acclaim. I just don’t get it. I think he’s bordering on insanity.

What’s your take on it? – Mark


Hi Mark. Great to hear from you. Great points.

I warned people this Trump thing would go sideways right out of the gate. Those pinning hopes of any kind on some new demagogue in the hierarchy of the matrix are incredibly naive and ungrounded. Besides, the system has to fail for the ground to be tilled to bring new life. The old has to go. Why people keep trying to prop it up or fix it or have any faith in it escapes me. The whole paradigm is the problem, giving our sovereignty away to supposed authorities is their cornerstone. It has to be yanked out, as well as the entire foundation. Not politically, but in our own hearts. That’s where the real problems are rooted.

It’s a very peculiar phenomenon that’s happening now. It was brilliant to bring Trump on, no way it was just a groundswell, that’s just part of the narrative. He has that populist crap going on keeping everyone blinded and jacked up and wide open to absolute fascist control, which they’ll never see coming. Mind you, he could put the whole alt press and media on hold like he did immigration, then feel justified for more repression with the outcry. His war agenda is completely berserk as is his abject Zionism, giving Israel carte blanche support. It takes a psychopath to support a psychopath. He’s just another blind corporate mogul thinking he’s getting stuff done when no one else had the balls, completely deluded and very easy for the deep state to steer and to blame things on when they go haywire. A total set up as usual, even if a few things have perhaps gone off the rails for them.

The Unraveling Accelerates – Good!

But I’m amazed how fast it’s unraveling. He’s barely 10 days in and has galvanized public outcry nationally and internationally like no else has, and in an extremely fragile and volatile, fully interconnected, interdependent world. We know it was set up for this but wow, it’s happening fast. Someone said he’s aligning with Russia and perhaps even China to bring on the NWO which could slip into place before anyone knew what happened. It’s totally unhinged and weird so read between the lines as to what’s really going on, but we know who’s behind it and what the end game is. The ramping up of fear and chaos is their signature. And it will get worse and more confusing to the unwary.

Even more impactful for me is the intense spiritual strangeness that’s being unleashed, which is off the charts.  I don’t know about you, but it has me reeling. I’m sure any spiritual sensitive will agree. We knew this storm was coming but man, it’s ramping up fast and a lot of strange stuff is swirling around. I’ll be writing something about this soon, very important to identify as it’s throwing people into a tizzy and it can feel very dark and scary, but needn’t be.

Timelines and the Shearing of the Veil – A Total Opportunity

Timeline splits and that kind of stuff? Perhaps. It sure feels that way if you’re a conscious observer to all this madness. There’s definitely a shear in the fabric. This is a massive year of opportunity when this type of foundational disarray happens and people are more open, if the internet stays free. Otherwise it’s going to have to be local and one on one, which is ultimately more effective anyway, again showing this all works for good. Whatever, the physical manifestation we’re witnessing has everyone hopping and in the reactive mode, never a good place to be and extremely manipulable as these outcroppings of pent up frustrations surface.

But there’s definitely a huge crack in the psycho-social construct. But again, opportunity knocks as that’s where the truth gets in. A lot of people are going to be trying to make sense of all this and be more willing to shift perspectives and start asking questions and will find the treasure trove of the pre-digested research materials and analyses waiting to be tapped into.

The would-be controllers could be making a big move now seeing how the trend towards waking up is continually accelerating. That’s very feasible but it always backfires. It’s amazing how people thought he was hope and change #2, this time middle Americans that Obama et al crushed and those fed up with political correctness etc., but he’s clearly stacking the deck for oligarchy and with complete abandon. Remarkable. He’s an extremely dumbed down nut case, already a deluded basically gambling capitalist real estate jackal cum beauty pageant and game show host awash in and intoxicated with money and influence, not unlike most of the other parasitic charlatans. Great credentials for leadership, wouldn’t you say?

But now that he’s got this apparent power he’s going berserk with it so expect some real shit to hit the fan. And his handlers are having a field day! Nothing like a good crisis – talk about a crisis actor, ha. They’re ringing their hands with glee right now. By the way, as you know this is what the troops on US soil and armed police are for – and if they can get middle Americans to help police whatever draconian jingoist programs he calls for, slam dunk. We could easily see the mirror reflection of the very political correctness they decry with the rise of the reactionary right. They’re all the same as we know, but that’s how the Fabian/Sabbateans play it. Very clever bastards.

But it’s just going to be a mess as everything breaks down. He’s plowing blindfolded into thousands of dominoes and they’re flying all over and about to run their course in expected as well as unexpected, nor always obvious, ways. It will be wild.

Again, a time of opportunity for people to wake up.

Anyway, he’s certainly the man of the hour., ha. You can’t make this stuff up. Trump couldn’t be a more fitting name, gambling and hailing back to the trumps of apocalypse, or a sound of alarm. Should be interesting how this rolls out, but we’ve been seeing this coming for a long time. The mountain range is clear from a distance, but you start venturing in and and through the foothills and those big old mountains start towering over you. Perspective is everything. “Stay conscious, my friend”- to paraphrase that Dos Equis beer commercial guy. Ha!

Stay in the Spaces – You Can Move Freely and Hear from Source

The key is to move in the spaces opening up. Penetrate every opportunity like rain on the cracks of a thirsty desert. And hook up with people locally now. Don’t wait for the shutdown. You’ll be glad you did, now, and then.

They’ve shut these natural conscious “space” channels down completely with tech now. On phones and computers, busy with work and amusements. No time to just be still and listen and learn or do any self work where the real issues lie that are causing all this external projection. That’s why I’m so thankful for this shift in my life. Off the treadmill is the place to be, in every sense.

But all this we’re witnessing is insane, in a nutshell – it always has been, but at least it’s coming out and shaking people up. Hang in there. The fun’s only beginning.

Like Mark Twain said, “When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” Ha! Stay free and happy brother.

Love you!



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda

The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda

by Zen Gardner
September 6, 2015


This mass migration plan has been in the works for a long time, but they’re kicking it up several serious notches now, flooding the US borders while continuing to swarm European countries with any immigrants they can from a variety of cultures.

What and who is behind it?

Clearly staged US/NATO/Israeli sponsored terrorism and genocide are at work in the middle east, driving desperate people to seek asylum elsewhere, as the US mandates inviting in as many as possible over its southern border. And all in concert.

As usual, they give themselves away in their own documents and bloated speeches to their own inner circle. In particular, United Nations globalist fat cat Peter Sutherland, non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs and former BP CEO, never mind top Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission honcho, has come right out and stated their plan as plainly and arrogantly as possible.

It’s not clear that the comment made by last week by Peter Sutherland, the UN’s special representative for migration, really counts as a “gaffe,” since Sutherland seems to have no sense that what he said might have been disturbing.

Sutherland was speaking to the British House of Lords, according to a BBC report published last Thursday, and said that the European Union should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, because “the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.”

He also, according to the Beeb, suggested “the UK government’s immigration policy had no basis in international law.” (Kind of a novel interpretation of the authority of international law over a state’s control of its borders, but that wasn’t the worst of it.)

The report goes on:

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth” in some EU nations “however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”.

Yes, I bet it is hard to explain to those citizens, especially when the UN rep looks like he’s in cahoots with the EU to deliberately flood and multi-culturalize Europe via outside populations. Sutherland’s answer, of course, is that this is purely an economic problem (and where have we heard that before?)

An aging or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the “key argument and, I hesitate to use the word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states”, he added.

“It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.”

[Sutherland] told the committee: “The United States, or Australia and New Zealand, are migrant societies and therefore they accommodate more readily those from other backgrounds than we do ourselves, who still nurse a sense of our homogeneity and difference from others.”

“And that’s precisely what the European Union, in my view, should be doing its best to undermine.” [emphasis mine]


That’s pretty straightforward, to say the least. Where does he get his hubris? They’ve been doing this for a long time whether local officials want it or not.

The implementation of United Nations Agenda 21 and other programs such as Codex Alimentarius have been eroding society’s fabric behind the scenes like termites eating out a building’s infrastructure. All while bankster backed globalists mastermind the various tentacles manipulating humanity via their multinational banking, political and corporate stooges.

It’s important to note that the UN Sustainability 2030 Program is set to be ratified by the UN later this month. A major step up.

Coincidence? Not on your life.

The Planned Immigration Crisis

Again, the plan has been in effect for quite some time, breaking down American borders and homogenizing their weakened populace in a deliberately devastated economy being more militarized by the day in preparation for a societal breakdown, the very one they’ve engineered. Just as in Europe.

In addition, it is bringing massive division in America as they once again employ the age old totalitarian maxim to “divide and conquer.”

Here’s how they’ve led up to now in the US:

Behind the endless throngs of desperate Central American children arriving on the U.S. border and a steady wave of illegal immigrants from Mexico and beyond is a covert plan for global economic warfare — those building up the world of globalization are tearing down the sovereignty and financial strength of the United States and Europe to make way for the coming corporate new world order.

A generation of sending American jobs offshore under NAFTA, GATT and the WTO, dumping cheap corn on Mexico thereby destroying millions of farming jobs and unleashing disruptive retailers like Wal-Mart upon the fragile economies of Latin America have created turmoil, uncertainty and rivers of human migration… and along with it bitter tension and discord over the dynamics of immigration, illegal immigration and the struggle for a lasting standard of living under the New World Order.

The globalist plan to wreck our national sovereignty has been unfolding for awhile now…things are just speeding up in recent months.


EU Overload

This rapidly unfolding development defies any sense of sovereignty, as clearly intended. The sense of insecurity and outrage is palpable in regular citizens as this unabated, uncontrolled onslaught continues. While besieged countries of course seek refuge from their economically and militarily bombarded societies, the western nations perpetrating these attacks are on one hand publicly appalled at their “invasion” and desire to flee their devastated homelands, while with the other encouraging this very phenomenon.

Your typical Freemasonic playing of both sides of the chess game. That’s simply how they work, and always have. The unwitting are caught up in a cognitive dissonant state of choosing either false side, which shuts down mental rationality and intuitive understanding. In most – but not all.

But what would you do in the face of seeing super powers contesting over your very soil and homeland while at the same time destroying it? Would you sit there with your loved ones simply observing and hoping for the best? Or would you flee for seemingly safer grounds?

Brazen Bullshit and Tossing Wrenches

That’s the question to ask those refusing to wake up as we point out these obvious truths. The awakening lights fires under people and that’s a good thing, to get them off the fence and out of their perilous stunned and bewildered state. There’s no place more dangerous than not only being on the defensive, but in a condition of fear and confusion. Never mind a place under immediate attack, something about which most of the modern western world has no clue.


That makes sitting ducks out of unaware individuals. But the tide is turning.

These entities are now pushing their programs with abject impunity while humanity tries to wrestle with these issues on a corrupt, futile, and inept political level. It won’t be until they fully grasp the big picture of what is being perpetrated that the people will have a true awareness of the scope of humanity’s planned takeover and the importance of not feeding the beast with their energy and cooperation any longer.

And standing strong in that awareness while pushing back in every way possible.

Knowledge and understanding eradicate fear, which is why their media minions make it so hard to connect the dots. But their illusive veil is coming down at a terrific rate now and I expect we’re going to see some serious wrenches thrown into their machinery. And it comes through awake and aware individuals.

You, and me.

To empower others with the truth is our most important duty, especially at this perilous time in history.

Keep on no matter what. And don’t fall for the fear and confusion agenda. They’ll be turning it up more and more so be on your toes and keep your vibrations high.

And chuck a few wrenches into their insane machinery while you’re at it.

Every wrench counts! Let’s grind this fucking beast to a halt. Gather some fortitude and do something radical. Their machinery is exposed and vulnerable. Let’s do some damage in any way we feel compelled. Lob the unexpected of any sort into any situation you can. Let them handle the results.

After all, that’s what they do to us. Nothing unauthorized going on here! 🙂

Now go have a nice day.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

by Zen Gardner
January 8, 2014


This has mostly to do with the conscious community but can be applied at any level. Wherever there is spiritual juice you’ll find the givers, the takers, and the very clever manipulators. It’s just a fact of life. Some people just can’t help themselves, they see an “opportunity” wherever they look, whether consciously or subconsciously. Yes, there are spiritual forces at play, often the same kind they claim to be delivering others from.

Sad thing is they prey on the willing, those who have had an awakening at any level who want to take their new found freedom further and better themselves and the suffering world around them.

I’ve always tended to be rather naive, trusting in the best in people. I’ll always bend toward that side, but there’s a time to get savvy.

Just because someone professes much of what you’ve come to learn does not make them a source you can trust. Much of what we get from the new age movement is obviously so. Selling this and that “alternative” realization, spiritual clearing technique or healing package does not mean it’s bonafide. Having to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” comes to mind.

The Candyman Can

This came to me reflecting on the many seemingly “attractive” offers from internet sources cropping up in our midst. All kinds of therapies and treatments, psychic and otherwise, are being offered, much like an alternative drugstore. The hawkers are rife on the net and some are preying on the innocent like hungry hornets devouring a beehive..again, consciously or not.

The driven are often blinded by their lust.

What normally comes to mind with most people are the obvious psychic network TV types or sleazy carnival and streetside hawkers, although even some of those are legit. The ones you have to watch out for are those slickly embedded in the alternative and new age community fabric.

Take this illustration to heart that came to me today, there’s a lot to be learned from it:


Yes We Can

The Candyman can alright. Being preyed upon is not just from the external matrix, but the internal one as well. I treasure my life experience, so when someone tries to play me for my generosity of spirit it burns pretty bad. The abuses are often out of pure envy, because the insecure and selfishly afflicted can’t help themselves from doing so. They have to bring the playing field down to their level where they consider it fair.

It’s a form of jealous revenge. A matrix attribute for sure, but it’s oh so subtle in the oft extremely sensitive conscious alternative realm.

Religion is a grotesque manifestation of this that can easily be identified. The issue I’m addressing is a very subtle virus, a worm working in our midst, no matter how it’s disguised or where it comes from. But it’s easily called out and shrinks quickly when confronted. The challenge is identifying it, especially after its had its chance to do damage to your spiritual software.

Do Unto Others? – Suck Ups, Groupies and Sycophants

While we’re at it we should address these unsavory phenomena. While we’ve all fallen for varying levels of these unconscious behaviors and been led by or swept into emotionally driven trends and machinations, we need to call it like it is – both to help others as well as to keep ourselves from the sticky, infectious craftiness of the kling-ons.

One interesting phenomenon that is quite empowering is knowing that those who expect and revel in this dependent energy via adoration and subservience are invariably subjected to the same dynamic, some revered personality they latch on to or embodied source of some sort they consider above and beyond them, generally another layer of hierarchy, that will help elevate them in the process.  The illuminati, to generalize, for example are horrifically bound to obligatory actions, oaths and ceremony and report to way higher authorities, those that granted them their temporal powers from both here and beyond.

Pretty sad. But this aspect will be evident in the types that expect it of others. It’s a dead giveaway. That and their proud shallow arrogance in their effort to give off the air of authority when actually possessing none. The truly free have realized that all of that is part of the matrix at lower vibrational occult levels. The less aware will have a harder time discerning this.

That’s my concern.


If this makes sense to you and resonates at some level you probably already innately know this to some extent, and you’ll soon see more and more manifestations of this subversive aspect. Admittedly nothing is black and white, but when you see a trend or have misgivings, know you’re not alone in all of this and that your misgivings regarding your situation at hand may very well not be unfounded.

This is a great time to get centered, look objectively around you, and even check with trusted friends and colleagues about your suspicions. Everything deserves investigation.

An important point to make here is that this isn’t to say many worthy empowering products, voices and services don’t deserve our support. Not at all. The overwhelming majority of alternative information I’ve seen testifies to the good works taking place that well deserve our supportive energy and finances. Those abound and we should be generous and supportive.

The difference is in the taking. The control. The inherent dominance anyone requires of you as a subject is a danger signal, under which we become debilitated deer in the headlights. That is and should be alarming.

We are our own solution. The rest is peripheral.

Sweet Relief

Notice the Candyman gives what the kids clamor for. Seemingly innocent perhaps at some level, which is the intent, but clearly Willy and Co. are playing on accentuated desires. “And the candyman makes the world taste good cuz he thinks it should”…as he goes on to direct them to the high priest of sweets, the seditious and manipulative yet seemingly wonderful and magical Willy Wonka, your archetypical Wizard of Ooze.

Dependency programming at its very root.

Watch for it. Be careful to not be too cynical about everything as there’s wonderful folks doing wonderful things, but don’t get taken advantage of. There’s plenty of maladjusted people like voracious vendors at a pop festival ready to play you with cheap goods, rip off prices and bad drugs, and then they skip out in the shadows.

Of course not all are that bad, but definitely not all are all that good.

Test the waters and walk circumspectly.

Staying at a higher vibrational level and not coming under the power of others is more important now than ever.

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Cosmic Shift, Unconscious Crazies and Moving Forward

The Cosmic Shift, Unconscious Crazies and Moving Forward

by Zen Gardner
August 12, 2013


There’s a lot of very interesting information available on this transition we’re going through and with many interpretations, and some great advice on how to manage these vibrational changes. My personal take is to stay very alert and aware on every front, most of all with my thoughts and feelings, remaining the observer monitoring what’s going on within and without me.

Don’t ever forget, your very thoughts and feelings at times may not even be your own but tainted by ingrained programming or some morphed projection from these both occult and hyper-technological insanely driven would-be controllers to steer humanity.

This is especially dangerous when our guards are down.

For me staying on alert also means keeping abreast of the news, the real news. It’s watching for trends, not just in the NWO rollout or political news, but following earth and space changes is very important. How our planet and solar system are behaving is intrinsic to getting a deeper sense of the energetic changes we’re undergoing. And sensing the spiritual changes around you is also imperative, much of which is intuitive.

Close communication via regular networking with other awake and aware activists is one of your best resources for keeping your finger on the pulse and grasping the big picture. Once you get rounded well-sourced information on our fluctuating condition the dots connect.

But we have to keep at it, especially now.

Real information is everything. It’s our spiritual food. Either we’re getting the adulterated stuff or we’re getting real nourishment. It makes a world of difference in how we feel and think and affects the very course of our lives and hence the rest of humanity since we each affect everything so profoundly. I avoid raw TV almost entirely and keep it unplugged.  It’s toxic and completely destructive. If there’s something worth watching as in breaking news, fine. But generally you’ll find what you’re looking for on the net where you can be in control of it. If you have to watch anything, limit it carefully and always mute the advertisements, hopefully instinctively.

It’s all part of remaining vigilant and detoxed. It all adds up. Same with steering clear of EMF pollution and using protective devices, changing out CFL bulbs, buying organic etc.

Conscious, Observant Living Is A Must – Beware the Unconscious Crazies

Learning to listen to our hearts, our real consciousness that taps into the central Source, and observe from that point is the key. As things start to pick up more speed as they are now this will be more and more important when mental processes become increasingly affected.

The mind is much like the computer that is susceptible to an EMP blast, a large electromagnetic pulse; the same kind that can stop your computer controlled car, all electrical supply and appliances and shut down the grid. The heart, however, your conscious spirit, only revels in the additional energetic bursts and will never let you down!

Now that’s empowerment – but we have to be careful.

We need to watch out for erratic behavior.

People are going to start unraveling before our eyes. Many will have psychotic type reactions to these vibrational changes especially as the matrix degrades into chaos, and we need to be wary wherever we are. As the system crumbles and basic needs become scarce this will get magnified many times over.

Society as we knew it will morph quickly so being centered and preparing those around us is imperative. It will not be nice, nor make “sense”.

It’s a very sad reality but we need to be on our toes. People may not be as they “seem” to be, nor as you would like to believe they are or “could” be. And there will be no rational control over them. This will include many of your relatives and loved ones. Not a lot will make sense as things come apart at the seams.

We who are awakened and aware of the greater depths of reality and where this all fits in the cosmic and otherwise scheme of things understand.

They don’t. Nor are they willing to accept a greater truth or reference point.

Hence: We’ll be witnessing some crazy behavior, to keep it colloquial. Psychologically and spiritually it’s much, much deeper.

Make Friends and Help Each Other

This dynamic has changed my life and many that of many others. I spend almost my full waking time on the internet and otherwise discussing in every medium possible with loved ones and targeted movers and shakers about what’s going on. There is so much to learn and there are so many amazing wonderful people who have been researching and compiling empowering information I just don’t have time for anything else. I get my walk and take breaks but it’s my full time passion because it to me is the essence of what’s happening and where I can best help and be the most effective.

Contributing to this massive wake up is all that really matters to me.

I’m a communicator. And I’m not afraid to ask questions, or to thank and try to help those who have contributed so much to this truth revolution. This has led to the best friendships of my life. I wrote to others like myself how many of us seem to be alone when in reality we’re most likely where we’re supposed to be, yet we’re united in spirit.

I received many touching comments to that post as it apparently resonated with quite a few people. Many also said they don’t mind the isolation. That’s the world they work and learn best in, and I relate to that. Most of the people I correspond with are the same. We savor conscious awareness and spreading it and helping to empower the changes we’re led to contribute to. It’s an act of love that gives tremendous satisfaction that at least we’re doing what we can.

And we do the same in our daily interactions.

These friendships that have come with meeting fellow activists are the best. They’re almost like broadening your antenna array to where you can pick up clearer signals and bounce your “readings” off those you love and trust. So often a little inkling or sensation or an email and link from a friend or comment on my site can lead to new realms of understanding and even new researchers and whole areas you weren’t aware of and a fresh re-synthesizing of what you’ve come to learn.

It’s just fabulous.

But we have to reach out.

Conclusion – Activate or Else

These energetic changes accompanying this huge scale awakening are not the answer. We are the answer. Those they affect who in turn willingly transform and pass it on, helping others understand and utilize what’s going on, are the answer.

You and me.

With or without any new cosmic or otherwise energies, combined with all we’re co-experiencing, our mission is the same. And what a great time to be alive as this awakening and all its accompanying energies unfold. Good for conscious  humanity, but bad for the matrix whose minions are scared to death of what’s happening.

This is why we’re seeing the frantic implementation of the control system. Poor puny bastards. It’s like a bucket of water on a raging forest fire. Sorry guys, you’ve already lost. You really think you can fight the Truth? C’mon.

But we do need to keep exposing them so others can see through their false projection and find empowering Truth and Reality for themselves.

Keep On!

We’re here to act out our mission, however we’re each called. We can follow, we can lead. We can sit by the wayside.

I don’t personally condone non-action in the least. We need to be conscious responders. Not inexcusable idiots. That’s thoroughly pathetic. I think we’ve all been through enough of that..and so have the enslaved.

Raise your voice.

Radiate your energy and the change any way you can!

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition

by Zen Gardner
September 20, 2016


“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Vladimir Lenin

This concept eludes public awareness to a scary degree. It’s similar to the reality of false flag operations, the epitome of carefully planned societal manipulation by unseen forces who have no regard for the human condition other than to control it.

This is so very similar to the slogan of the nefarious Mossad: “By way of deception, thou shalt do war.”

And the war is on us; for the subjugation, exploitation and control of….us.

The human race.

It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind. This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire matrix.

Useful Idiots and the Puppeteers

The obvious NATO/US backed insurgences in Syria, the Ukraine, Venezuela, as well as most of the Middle East and now Africa and other nations, past and present, are perfect examples of controlled opposition on the political stage. As awful as that is, the problem is way deeper than that.

We’ve all been useful idiots at one time or other. No one’s been fully conscious or completely independent of these influences all of their lives. We all have had to compromise in some manner just to survive in the matrix.

This social landscape is an engineered one, and we help build and maintain it at varying degrees of conscious awareness until we disengage. Some aspects become more obvious than others to different people. The banking system for example has been getting hammered by the awakening. The full extent of its control is known by very few, but people are getting the idea. And it leads to more questions.

That’s how it works.

Many people come to the awakening via the health crisis we’re facing, with contaminated and mutated foods being forced into the market without the slightest compunction from our ever-so-caring slightly disguised crypto fascist central State. Just going to natural food or natural or alternative medicine sites is another way to go into the Wardrobe and land in a Narnia of Truth they had no idea existed.

For those looking to help others, this is a great way to approach someone still under the spell to get them started looking around. GMO awareness has jacked and is a great entry point. And just like the bankster revolving door with government, the Monsanto/Merck et al. infestation of so-called health agencies, this will make their heads spin if they’re willing to see it.

Geoengineering and Fukushima are other portals to the awakening. The surreal potential ELE nature of these assaults is seriously disrupting many entrained minds.

Finding out the extent of our own involvement is a trip in itself, and will lead to many wonderful, sometimes disturbing discoveries. Even more so is realizing the source of information we were trusting was tainted, twisted and distorted, or as in most cases, a complete fabricated lie, propped up by the energy of those that believed it. Matrix battery pods powering the collective.

What Really Matters

Religion, politics, education and the economic meme are of course the most predominant in the mainstream mind. But important things like where we came from, why we’re even here and where we’re going are barely addressed, and if they are it’s all gobbledygook designed to confuse and stifle the human spirit. Or freeze it into a debilitating religious paradigm where we wait for the cavalry to save us and are told “the powers that be are ordained by God”.

This is the true controlled opposition, although we’ll get to the modern oracles of this insidious ploy soon enough.

We have to see this for what it is. Anything short is not going to cut it. Just about every aspect of the opposing paradigms we’ve been handed as the absolute truth are designed. And even outside protesting elements who seem to know what’s going on are often generated by, or soon channeled by, these same overlords.

Here’s where and how the manipulation kicks in. Just like the controlled State media propaganda, there have to be enough apparent facts to cultivate credibility. Just enough. They won’t overdo it unless it’s some innocuous subject. Many of those “facts” will be wrapped in fear and violence as well, designed to cauterize your sensitivity while heightening your fear.

Religions have effectively done this for eons. Tapping into your inner knowledge of the spiritual and mixing in a few truths, they have no problem steering you straight into a numbed state of docile subservience to some weird-ass hierarchy of spiritual and physical abuse. In the name of God of course. Name dropping, anyone? Oh, and in the name of that guy they can send you and your kids off to fight their wars, build and support oppressive exploitative corporations, or be a professional gladiator and gain fame and fortune pounding other contestants into the ground to the roar of the frenzied, flag waving mob.

It’s Rarely Black and White – Deliberately

Layered in the imposed matrix are many overlapping memes and projected illusions, rendering fundamental empowering truths either hidden altogether, disguised or distorted. In a loving, uncontrolled conscious world there would be no need to hide anything. Instead, this mutant matrix system is built on deceit in order to spiritually disconnect and disempower those they wish to exploit.

Think of the mega volumes of information and technology being held from public knowledge under the guise of “national security”. How about “closed door meetings” or “need to know basis” or the vast labyrinth of secret ops operating in their vast network built on compartmentalization in the name of science or military confidentiality.

Now slide over to the Vatican sitting on brutally gained secret history accounts for centuries.

Does this make any sense to you?

Why do they keep all this as separate concepts? Connect them and they form a picture, a very clear one. Our entire society is completely staged, controlled and with vastly sinister intent.

(Fareed Zakaria is a confirmed CFR member)

Who’s Controlling Whom?

 I try to be very careful about what I read and certainly what I “take on board” in my mind and heart. I’ll look at just about anything, even mainstream drivel, to keep an eye on stuff and get the pulse of what’s going on.

But I’m very careful. I know I get fooled sometimes like anyone, but I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong. In fact it’s a joy every time that happens. Hey, I got another damn velcro hook off my spiritual body!

And media outlets and information sources are something to look at very closely and carefully. And keep watching.

It’s never, or should I say rarely, totally clear cut as to who is who. Someone can be piping out a high percentage of true information, but then throw in some massive monkey wrench that few see coming. Sometimes it’s the tone. I’m skeptical of crass self-promoters who are caught up in their image. If there’s that much ego there’s that much less conscious awareness, and the love starts running thin. If people can’t see past all the evil in this world to the wondrous beauty of the Universe and the amazing unlimited potential of the human spirit, I wonder about their information, or at least how it’s used.

But no one’s perfect, so we need to see and process the good and the Truth, and chuck the husks in the trash. It can take time and things morph, so it’s all part of the process.

Snowden, Color Revolutions, Wikileaks, Occupy, “Parties” and Other Corruptible Things

Keep a close eye out on these supposed whistleblowers. While we need real ones to come forward desperately, those that attain public acclamation by way of major media attention are always suspect. This is because the corporate media is completely controlled. They may let out some truth, but it’s always to inoculate us against the full truth. There is no more responsible mainstream media today.

These 6 big corporations running everything media are a fascist cabal.

I’ve written much about Snowden and my suspicions, as have many others. When the Wikileaks phenomenon appeared, I and many others were again very skeptical. It was playing right into the globalists’ plan, not the least of which is to muzzle the internet and smokescreen real events. Like most disinfo outlets, it conveniently sidestepped, minimized or dodged many of the really important issues. And sure enough, Assange was groomed in the Oligarchs’ machine for years. When he came out and said 9/11 was NOT an inside job…that cemented the deal.

It’s very similar to how these “partial” whistleblowers never mention Israel or the Zionist influence. Incredible.

The Occupy movement was clearly engineered to be a controlled opposition release valve. Wonderful things still happened, but they managed to dilute and mis-steer the message enough to diffuse its greatest potential effects. The Orwellian stomp down by the Police State was off the charts, and of course the State run media made nothing of it.

Gone. But people got involved, that’s good.

The Tea Party? Again, born of a driven passion to stand up within that paradigm. Now? Zionist stooges Michelle Bachman, Glenn Beck and Hannity types are all over a wimped out “movement”, a form of expression that desperate middle class folks were joining in for the first times in their lives. Neutered and detoured once again. And now a ridiculed arm of the republican party.

Who Are the Moles?

Who is this controlled opposition? Here is a recent example that came to light that would normally go unreported by the mainstream media.  This is a good sign.

Did an undercover cop help organise a major riot?

From the Stephen Lawrence inquiry we learned that the police were institutionally racist. Can it be long before we learn that they are also institutionally corrupt? Almost every month the undercover policing scandal becomes wider and deeper. Today I can reveal a new twist, which in some respects could be the gravest episode yet. It surely makes the case for an independent public inquiry – which is already overwhelming – unarguable.

Before I explain it, here’s a summary of what we know already. Thanks to the remarkable investigations pursued first by the victims of police spies and then by the Guardian journalists Rob Evans and Paul Lewis (whose book Undercover is as gripping as any thriller), we know that British police have been inserting undercover officers into protest movements since 1968. Their purpose was to counter what they called subversion or domestic extremism, which they define as seeking to “prevent something from happening or to change legislation or domestic policy … outside the normal democratic process”. Which is a good description of how almost all progressive change happens. Source

Their influence is vast. We have no idea how many inroads have been made and how the military industrial government complex has infiltrated and controlled all we see and hear at this point, even within our alternative community.

It’s staggering, but it doesn’t frighten me. It’s expected.

Follow your heart. You’ll know.

So Will the Wake Up Be In Time?

Clearly we’re up against massively orchestrated activities, outlets and manufactured disinformation, and there’s much controversy on this subject. It’s a huge part of their agenda. Never mind…it’s just the matrix at work. Rise above it.

But will humanity “get it” in time?

It’s always in time…individually and collectively. Once you’ve popped into Now awareness and even begin to grasp the fact that all this is a sham and a fabricated facade, you’re virtually home free.

Your participation in propping up this fake social landscape will fall off like over-sized pants.

It just happens.

Enjoy it, but be responsive. We’ve all got to make a difference. That’s where the revolution lies. Right there.

Respond. Consciously. And in love.

Much love and all the best, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation

Pugnacious Parasites and the Provocation

by Zen Gardner
April 02, 2016


Everyone knows the unscrupulously manipulative always accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of.

It’s an age old trick to obfuscate the obvious and buy time to accomplish their purposes. Lying is their pathological language. Such behavior, especially in high profile public figures, is unthinkable, yet for some inexplicable reason it is not just tolerated, but ironically readily expected.

People still buy into it. And the reaction always remains the same. Complacency on the most part, and a rising sense of anger in others.

No doubt a byproduct of cognitive dissonance and range of other deliberately triggered mechanisms, but surreal just the same.

A Bald Faced Lie is a Punch in the Face

This is essentially what transpires when someone knowingly lies to your face.

It jars your mind and pushes you back on the defensive and you’re left to try and understand why your heart and head are not matching up with what you just heard.

Everyone, except these willingly possessed psychopaths, has a conscience. And it’s faithful to speak to us. This is why humanity has been conditioned to not respond to it, and also why fear is so essential to their game. When our signals are scrambled, our gut reaction belittled and intuition denied we’re left in a daze.

This is exactly what they want to happen. It gives them time to keep executing their programs, especially when a complicit media candies and bandies it about as if it’s true and nothing to question.

This is the whirled we’re in and up against. Again, another reason to stay fully conscious and circumspect and thoroughly educated as to their techniques and true nature.

Not pretty stuff to look at, but understand it we must.

Abject bullies like Israel are relatively easy to spot – if we grasp their obvious odious nature and where they’re coming from.

The bully in the playground works by pure intimidation and force and will resort to any form of expression they can – loud mouthed intimidation, brandishing weapons, and all bathed in swaggering bravado right up to and including physical force to get their point across.

Send a signal is their MO. And those who don’t cower, teach them a lesson. Again, just look at the abject genocidal insanity of the Israeli occupiers. Now that they’ve gained control of most of the world’s media, especially in the west, what they say goes.

And if the media or governments don’t toe their line well enough they’ll hear from these vociferous, self serving elitist beasts.


The Provocation

Another aspect of bullying is provoking your supposed enemy.

The US is at this big time, deliberately firing up the conservative right and constitutionalists. It’s full on deliberate. The opulent extravagance of the Obamas, the clearly deliberate crashing of the economy, the flagrant trashing of patriotism and removal of individual rights are all carefully planned.

Threatening to disarm fiercely independent Americans is an essential part of this agenda.

The mass migration agenda is the same. While the US gets inundated with needy Central Americans with clear governmental manipulation, Europe is similarly being swept with an influx that threatens their economies and cultural identities.

What’s most amazing about this is anyone can read this agenda for themselves from UN statements and documents and the Agenda 21 or 2030 programs. That so many can’t be bothered to look into much of this is outright frightening.

Israel again is a master example of aggressive agendas designed to push back common sense and reason as well as true empathy for the plight of others. A clearly apartheid state while claiming they were the victims of such treatment is completely nonsensical. It flies in the face of simple reason and logic.

Yet they get away with it.


They’ve taken over the media and political structures through the same tactics of intimidation and potential consequence by their massive Mossad/CIA/MI6 black hand of control.

Strategy of Tension and Not Just Provoking, but Demonizing Your Subjects

What’s amazing is the thoroughness of psychopathic social engineers. This is where we need to wake up and get smart.

They operate according to something called the Strategy of Tension, keeping peoples and nations nervous and afraid and more inclined to rely on government and enforcement to protect them. It also homogenizes cultures in a form of group think and a state of malleability due to this state of fear.

The extension of their influence is far and wide. Mass shootings, weird mass “accidents” at certain interims, and most of all false flags, never mind assassinations and the like. This has been the weapon of choice for every totalitarian regime for eons and a real favorite of this latest push for world dominion by these psychopaths.

The end result, ironically, is not entirely to direct everyone’s attention to a foreign enemy. That’s just a ruse and excuse for genocide and expansion. The enemy to them is within – us.

We must be contained like animals and malleable to their every whim.  So-called domestic terrorism has been a meme on the rise.

The deliberate migration of “potential muslim extremists” is a key part of this, as any and every incident they stage can more and more be justified and conveniently blamed on outside influences.

The end result is the same: clampdown on the populace.

Just look at this propaganda piece brought to you by the Rothschild/Rockefeller owned and CIA/Mossad/MI6 et all run Reuters news agency: 

U.S. eyes ways to toughen fight against domestic extremists

The U.S. Justice Department is considering legal changes to combat what it sees as a rising threat from domestic anti-government extremists, senior officials told Reuters, even as it steps up efforts to stop Islamic State-inspired attacks at home.

Extremist groups motivated by a range of U.S.-born philosophies present a “clear and present danger,” John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, told Reuters in an interview.

“Based on recent reports and the cases we are seeing, it seems like we’re in a heightened environment.”(source)

The agenda is obvious…

If we’re looking…the language as well is a giveaway, the smooth talking and use of buzz phrases like “clear and present danger”, “national security” and the like are rife.

The Subtler Techniques of Deceit

This may seem a bit tangential to the main point I’m making here but is nonetheless essential information if we’re to more fully understand how these tactics are carried out on subtler levels.

You’ll see the following logical fallacy tactics in use continually, but unfortunately most people fall for them for lack of discernment as well as awareness of just what deceitful people are capable of doing.

This is a big subject well worth researching on your own but here are a few to get you started:

These are just a few examples.

It’s a field well worth exploring and getting a handle on. When you dissect and analyze these mechanisms it is extremely empowering.

1. The Strawman Argument

Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack.


After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenseless by cutting military spending.

You’ll see this in use continually especially in the political and government arenas.

It’s very clever really, side-stepping the real issue and misdirecting the argument to a false issue having nothing to do with the original question or discussion.

2. The False Choice Dilemma

Giving an extremely narrow range of choice to an issue or situation that is much wider than is being portrayed with virtually unlimited possibilities.

Baby Bush’s carefully framed post 9/11 statement is the classic geopolitical example:

“You’re either with us, or you’re with the terrorists.”

You have to admit that’s pretty damn galvanizing.

But in what way? Now you can’t question what the “good guys” are doing or you might be with “axis of evil”? That’s what it’s since come down to.

Again, cleverly staged propaganda by these very intelligent psychopaths. Keeping the public drugged and dumbed down would sure work in their favor, wouldn’t it?

3. Correlation versus Causation

You can apply this across the board. It’s so easy to assume what we’re told is true in this context. Beware…

The easiest example is when two events occur at the same time, or in close apparent relation with each other. One is then seen as the cause of the other. An increase in robberies occurs at the same time that jobs cuts are announced, for example.

There is no evidence to support the claim that the expected job losses caused the increase in robberies.

This is best seen in false flag events when the enemy or culprit is named before any investigation whatsoever. If someone “claims” responsibility it’s case closed, as they go after their pre-selected patsy to confirm this or already executed this planted persona on the spot.

Done deal…

4. Overgeneralization or Oversimplification

This is another framework for logical fallacies.

Generalizing from too small of a population, or reducing complex social issues to only one choice or the other, and leaving out the complex issues that do not support the claim are examples of fallacies that stem from overgeneralization and oversimplification. (source of last two citations)

All That To Say…

Be on the look out.

Stay alert and awake and aware. What we see around us is not what we get, unless we fall for it and thereby make it our reality. Personal empowerment in such an environment as we’re living in is essential.

But you have to do the work.

Psychopaths are running the external world. It’s more evident by the day to more and more people. Those not fully on board even at higher and middle levels are being bullied into it within the power structure.

They can see who the apparent heirs are to the coming positions of power so they’re buckling under the pressure in an effort to save their hides.

Others at many levels of society are waking up and looking for ways to expose this nefarious agenda and help humanity push back in whatever way it can. We need to keep our voices loud and clear and distinctly truthful and helpful.

There may be many vectors by which they’re coming at us, be they,

…and the like, but we’re clearly up to the challenge.

After all, we’re here! We’re thriving just fine in spite of all they do, and we’re growing stronger by the day.

Never forget that, let down your guard, nor grow weary in well doing.

This is our day – not theirs. Let’s fulfill our mission, and use the massive spiritual weapons at our disposal – love, truth, our connection to Source and essential eternal nature which can never be taken away.

Stay true…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

It’s Time to Banish Hope and Belief

It’s Time to Banish Hope and Belief

by Zen Gardner
February 18, 2014


Here’s a good exercise that will help alter your conscious awareness and put punch and clarity where slosh once existed. Don’t even use the words “hope” or “believe”. Every time you’re tempted to say, write or even think these debilitating, nebulous concepts, replace “I hope” or “I believe” with “I think” or “it appears to me” or something else realistic that clearly indicates what you really mean.

These types of inhibitors are a subtle trick of the programmed language we’ve been handed.

We don’t need full evidence to make conjectures or intuitive surmisings. Just call them what they are. Hope is one of the most misleading and disempowering terms we’ve ever been handed, as is belief. Drop them entirely. We tend to know what people seem to mean when using these terms, but they’re still just as intellectually and spiritually crippling.

Catch Yourself

When you catch yourself using these terms you’ll be surprised at how often they appear and how much this exercise strengthens your perception and awareness. These misleading terms run around humanity like viruses just waiting to infect the unwary. Just as we wash our hands regularly when going out in public, we need to do the same with our minds and the use of their dirty language.

It’s a bit like fear porn and falling for the darkside of viewing the world around us. Sure we need to be aware of the sickness pervading society and the machinations of the would-be Controllers, but these language tricks are all potential traps to sap our energy and powers of true intention and conscious awareness, the very tools we so desperately need to rise above this ongoing fray with the forces around us.

Free Your Mind – Meet the Trivium

The above segues nicely into something I’ve wanted to bring up for some time. Many are familiar with this rational approach to learning and discovering as it’s quite remarkably lucid and helps one stand back and clearly assess the information before us and regain our intellectual and even spiritual sovereignty.

Unfortunately and as expected, this method of learning has been lost or adulterated in today’s world as evidenced by the confusion and blind ignorance that are so rampant in society.

The ideas of “hope” and “belief” are deeply intertwined in religious thought and hence all of society. They are perfect examples of false, misleading concepts that learning techniques such as the Trivium can quickly dispel for upcoming generations. This subject deserves serious study but I’ll include some introductory information here to help give the feel of what this is about and hopefully stir your interest in this fascinating and liberating conscious learning technology.

In medieval universities the Trivium combined with the Quadrivium comprised the seven liberal arts. This teaching method is based on a curriculum outlined by Plato. One of the key intentions behind applying the Trivium and the Quadrivium is to distinguish between reality and fiction. By training the mind how to think – instead of what to think – this method provides a teaching of the arts and the science of the mind as well as the art of the science of matter.

Tools of Knowing

The Trivium and the Quadrivium are often presented in a Pythagorean triangle which represents the human way of knowing :

Any observation enters our mind through the 5 senses. Then we use our mind and apply the Trivium and the Quadrivium in order to process the observation. This process consists of several steps which enable us to understand how the observation relates to what we already know, how we can explain this new piece of information to others and how we can store it in a methodical way.

The Trivium method of thought

The Trivium is the first half of the 7 Liberal Arts. It consists of 3 elements : General grammar, formal logic and classical rhetoric. Sacred texts often refer to these 3 elements as knowledge, understanding and wisdom. The overarching topic of the Trivium is communication and language.

Within the process of seeing, conceptualizing and speaking it is important to be aware that the created concept about how we think reality is, does not equate reality as it really is.

In other words, the map is not the territory.

Aristotle who is considered to be one of the originators of the ideas behind the Trivium stated that an educated man should be capable of considering and investigating any idea or concept thoroughly without necessarily embracing or dismissing it. If during any discussion it becomes obvious that the other person is emotionally involved regarding a particular subject matter, then it is impossible to have a rational discussion based on the Trivium with them. Any emotional attachment to a particular belief blocks any kind of rational or logical argumentation. [Emphasis mine].(more>)

[*Note the direct reference to those emotionally attached to a belief and how it blocks rational discourse.]

Sounds Too Rational?

We’re dealing with the rational mind, which works in conjunction with our imaginative/creative mind. These work in concert. Above all is keeping a conscious awareness above both processes, but each has its place, just as we inhabit a physical body that works in conjunction with Spirit.

Here’s an excellent interview that explains the subject in more detail for those so inclined:

Logic, Fallacies, and the Trivium. Tony Myers Interviews Jan Irvin:

[You can find much more on the Trivium and other terrific information from the Tragedy and Hope website as well as at GnosticMedia, two great resources.]

Don’t Hope or Believe – Know or Don’t Know

It’s not that big of a deal when you think about it. The biggest trick is in the language and how it’s been appropriated and used in this current onslaught of group-think. The above Yoda quote takes it to another level, but it is still the same dynamic. Having a truly conscious frame of reference, if we can call it that, requires us to have a foundation based in detachment first of all.

Learning to let things sit or even pass until reality takes shape is as important as finding seeming factual information.

The reality we’re experiencing is fundamentally an illusion. There’s nothing wrong with changing viewpoints, perceptions and understandings. After all, we’re continually evolving spiritually within a very confining environment that is engineered to distract and delude our thinking and comprehension of the world around us.

Why the deliberate confusion? For us to draw awake and aware conclusions would mean the inevitable fall of their power structure.

Then so be it. Illusion cannot stand in the face of truth and conscious awareness.

We need to watch our language and what we unconsciously adopt as our medium of exchange. Abolishing the use or application of words and concepts like “hope” and “belief” is a great starting point on the road to recovering our power. There are many such Trojan horse words and expressions.

Beware the conspiracy of language. Use the language, but don’t let it use you.

Here’s to the joy of awakening!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Futuretime – Masterstroke of Suspended Animation

Futuretime – Masterstroke of Suspended Animation

by Zen Gardner
March 1, 2016


The Unstoppable Liberation of Humanity

The Unstoppable Liberation of Humanity

by Zen Gardner
Dec 29, 2012


We’re undergoing an amazing transformation. Absolutely diametrically opposed to the constant, gradual attempt by elitists to shut down humanity via eons of engineered subjugation, we’re being consciously and vibrationally liberated by the very nature of the Universe in spite of all their efforts.

It’s not readily apparent to most, but it’s very clearly there.

It’s subtle and yet obvious at the same time. Knowledge of this change or shift in consciousness is experiential.  It appears in the form of social trends and changes, but once someone crosses that threshold of awakening they’re already living in that new reality. To what degree it affects their lifestyle will of course vary from person to person, but change they will. As will the lives they in turn affect.

And so it unfolds.

It’s Beyond Explanation

First of all, the natural mind, earthbound logic and reasoning, will not explain the important things in life. Explain love for example. Thankfully it’s wonderfully beyond words, as is all the important stuff. Really, words hardly suffice for real communication but are rather a limited means of information transfer. It’s only in our lower level density words take on such importance. And it’s there they’re more a limiting and confining aspect of the matrix than a help.

They certainly never quite cut the mustard when it comes to conveying Truth or true conscious awareness. In the words of Lao Tzu:

“Existence is beyond the power of words
To define:
Terms may be used
But are none of them absolute.
In the beginning of heaven and earth there were no words,
Words came out of the womb of matter;
And whether a man dispassionately
Sees to the core of life
Or passionately
Sees the surface,
The core and the surface
Are essentially the same,
Words making them seem different
Only to express appearance.
If name be needed, wonder names them both:
From wonder into wonder
Existence opens.”

– Lao Tzu

Symptoms of the Shift

The point above being we’ll be witnessing physical changes as this shift takes place, but the true esoteric nature of the important inner change in humanity is hard to quantify. However, it’s not impossible amongst those who are experiencing this changeover. There’s a lot of chatter about this as some say we’re moving into a new dimension and others think it’s a move to another timeline.

I don’t know what it is. But I’m experiencing this vibrational change as well, most profoundly in an intuitive sense. I just know it because it’s happening to me, and then I read about and see it in others, as is the case of so many in the awakened community. While this is by no means complete, here are a few symptoms various people are experiencing to varying degrees, myself included.

–A different sense of time. In most cases people are noticing time seems to be compressing, with the feeling that it’s moving quicker and quicker. There seems to be less time in a day, a week, a month and before you know it another year just flew by. This has been proven to be true in a physical sense, but not nearly as profound as this fleeting experience so many are experiencing.

–Sensory changes. Some are experiencing heightened senses of smell and hearing, or fleeting shifts in what they’re looking at.

–Paranormal experiences. Many are seeing shadow figures or fleeting ephemeral movements, often out of the corner of the eye. Some are seeing morphing entities they’ve never seen before, and several have reported having a sense of transparency come over them personally.

–Strange sleep cycles and increased dream activity. This has been huge for me and I know many others. Every night there’s a new “movie” playing or several short ones. Some of the dreams don’t even feel like dreams, but just stepping into a another parallel world.

–Relationship changes. Many things that have been suppressed seem to be coming to the surface for many. This is a good thing, although it can be disruptive while the information gets processed and reconciliation is reached.

–A sense of letting go. The past and previous attachments seem to be falling away. And oh so naturally. It’s like letting go of a robe you were wearing and just leaving it behind as you walk towards to this gorgeous landscape, much like the picture at the top of moving into a wonderful, natural world.

–Increased openness to change and new truths. While this is a fundamental element to waking up, this aspect I find is stepping up big time. There’s a wonderful bleed-over effect as I see it, where various information fields are merging. Maybe it’s just increased tolerance of differing takes from lightworkers to social activists, but the meld is on and it’s a beautiful thing.

–Moving away from dwelling on the dark side. While it’s important to expose the tricks and lies of these feudal would-be overlords, the trend is moving towards emphasizing encouragement and positive solutions. Nothing wrong with a good rant at the right time or particularly perceptive exposes and take downs, but it’s becoming increasingly important to dwell on the bright side and work to strengthen this new awareness with positive, affirming words and actions. And it’s happening naturally, which to me is again this vibrational change we’re all experiencing working through each of us to manifest this evolving change in humanity.

Anyway, those are just a few aspects and if you’d like to add your experiences and observations below it would be fun to chat about.

But it’s real. And fantastic!

Don’t Be Too Surprised…

…When strange things happen to you. They will. Learn to roll with it. Personally, I think the power of expectancy is huge. It has pulling power. When you’re aware of and even look around for these manifestations, whether a kind of voice in your mind’s ear, a strong intuitive pull, a fleeting glimpse of something, or another amazing synchronicity, it’s a blast! But for some it goes way past that. But we all have that potential.

I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. And it’s way more than just the power of intention, which is cool enough in itself. Universe is just waiting to be manifest through each of us more and more and continually. No angst there, just amazing potential waiting to be discovered by anyone and everyone.

And don’t be surprised if your life gets “disrupted”. This isn’t all puppies and flowers. This changeover comes with some expense.

Some are getting hit with health challenges they’ve never had, or work or money issues, or as I mentioned about relationship issues. Some are very anxious and nervous suddenly and need to learn to get a sounder grip on their spirituality. That or detach from crap in their lives that Universe is trying shake them free of. There are lots of things going on.

The Matrix is Crumbling

This ugly matrix that we’ve been shoe horned into is a very complex, controlling nasty thing. And it can’t hold up by the very manufactured nature of it. It’s not real, it’s created, by ugly forces to harness and abuse others for its own satisfaction. No way it can last in the face of an inherently loving and natural creative Universe.

Much like earth. As hard as they try to control it for their own devices, Gaia will win out in the long run.

This is the reason they’re working feverishly to clamp down on humanity. And it always backfires. Little do they know they’re accelerating their own downfall and humanity’s awakening. The more freedoms they take away the more wake up to what they had and want back. More than that, the more step back and ask how things got this way and how far back does this go.

That, my friends, is the recipe for awakening. You got questions? Universe has answers!

Yugas, Yogis and Cycles of Awakening

Did you know Buddha, Lao Tzu, Mahavira, Zoroaster and Heracletus were all contemporaries? That was the wake up of their day! Between 500 and 600 BC their awakening hit and like the 100th monkey it was spontaneous in different parts of the world! Siddhartha Gautama who become the Buddha was teaching in India the same time Mahavira was expounding Jainism, both radical departures from the spiritual teachings of their day, both teaching about transcendence to an all connected oneness, with Jainism emphasizing non-violence and respect for all living things.

Around the same time the teachings of Lao Tzu summarized in the amazing Tao Te Ching were changing the direction and consciousness of China and eventually the entire world. Meanwhile over in Persia there was Zoroaster teaching a new spirituality, while in Greece the pre-Socratic philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenodes and others were having an awakening of their own, espousing very esoteric teachings on the timeless and constantly changing nature of the Universe. These later morphed into the more heady Socratic discourses and philosophies, pulling further and further away from the transcendental dimension and inter-connectivity and oneness of the Universe espoused by the pre-Socratic teachers.

Pythagoras also lived in this time, believed to have had many mystical and alchemical insights and teachings that have been passed down through the mystery schools.

These were all within 100 years of each other, overlapping lifetimes, several apparently teaching simultaneously. Again, these “coincidental” awakenings prove the wave idea, where waves of vibrational change are somehow amplified by both Universe and the receptivity of those who awaken.

And these waves of awakening have corresponding planetary and galactic alignments. There are teachings from many cultures regarding these planetary and stellar based timelines divided into epochs, yugas or cycles of some sort. In each scenario we see the waxing and waning of season-like cycles, some even within others.

Clearly the momentous galactic alignment and shift out of the Piscean age we’re experiencing is both symbolic and largely causal of our awakening and changeover into a new, golden era, the one foretold by many a seer. After all, it’s a cycle.

Or should I say a spiral? Hmm.

Perfectly Put

I’ll end this with some quintessential David Icke, where he’s speaking about this wonderful shift we’re undergoing.

This awakening is for everyone! So pass it on!

Thank you, David. Your years of loving work have changed the world!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.



Cover image credit: PhotoVision

Love is Free – Everything Else Has a Price

Love is Free – Everything Else Has a Price

by Zen Gardner
March 2014


If you think about it, that is a profound truth. It is also an easy filtration system for truth in a world where discernment is both difficult and rare.

Try this simple formula. Examine your life simply for compromising economic enslavements, or even social relationships. What is the relative cost? Is it more parasitic than helpful? Are they obligatory relationships built on old, controlled patterns of thinking or behaving? It’s tough to realize what we’re in the midst of in a world so entrenched in these programmed mechanisms swirling about us.

Unconditional love, as ethereal-cereal as that may sound to some, asks nothing in return. Yet ironically, an exchange at some level always naturally occurs anyway.

That’s truth economics.

Are You Ensnared Outside of Love? Disengage

Who hasn’t been caught in the web? It’s a continual fight for anyone on this besieged planet. All of us have to deal with this sticky maze to some extent, and have been doing so all of our lives. It’s not always fun – it’s become a way of life, and survival. Discerning this changing world around us is our perpetual challenge, especially when our intent to change the flow and our reactions to this bombardment start to bring us to some serious revelations that contradict the narrative we’ve been sold.

It eventually becomes clear that the point of our realizations lead us to disengage. The whole system we’ve been sold is a lie, top to bottom.

Where did we go wrong? We fell for the cost system. Everything costs, so fight to gain more and the guy with the most toys wins. When this type of selfishness kicks in conscious awareness is lost. There is no more altruistic giving or helping those in need in their diseased paradigm, it’s back to a gain/cost game.

That might be a short summary of our condition, but the fact remains it’s time to wake up.

The key is not being in their game at all.

The Price of Love

It’s ironic how relationship love comes to mind for most when this subject of love comes up. That’s social programming playing on our instincts once again. Whereas, unselfish behavior is nothing new. It has been the natural response of cultures since time immemorial, caring for one another and extending that outwards. We just don’t see it today with corporatist totalitarian regimes clamping down on society as they are, and the reflexive responses of those trying to survive within their constricted climates of fear and insecurity.

This kind of fascist control has been the hallmark of every dynasty throughout our blighted history.

The point is, true love is free. There are no strings attached to true love. It gives without expecting in return. We all have it. It’s simply a matter of releasing and utilizing it.

And ironically it all comes back in spades.

The Difference

The key is recognizing what we’re up against, and responding accordingly. True love will always remain unconditional. The difference is in living up to this awareness. It’s not just simply to be observed, quantified and filed away. Loving interaction at work changes the entire dynamic of society, more radically than any other influence. We give and love because we care.

And Universe responds accordingly.

Blinding us from this wonderful truth is the reason for the harshness conditioning–war, hate, greed and most of all fear. These shut down our channels of connection to love. But only if we listen to them. When we learn to operate outside their matrix of deceit our powers blossom.

This is where we need to operate from, the standpoint of consciously aware love.

That may seem a bit esoteric for some, but it couldn’t be any more practical.

Stay in love.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Being Alone Together

Being Alone Together

by Zen Gardner
December 21, 2013


There is much suffering today. Most of it is spiritually derived, no matter how physically challenging it may be.

So many are distressed and feeling there’s no way out of this quagmire they’re being confronted with. Even for those of us spiritually predisposed and somewhat prepared it’s the same story. We’re literally at war. Not just of head and heart bashing confrontations, but one of carefully contrived attrition. A starvation of confirming information that reaffirms the simple realities we would otherwise thrive on.

With a big batch of inserted confusion to throw us off to boot.

How they’ve managed to close off obvious Truths from the common mind is almost surreal. But there is even something more going on. The bombardment is continually more persistent. The nature of the constructed and controlled world we live in is more malicious by the day. We must be aware of this escalation, while not dwelling unnecessarily on the negative.

Live Past What We’re Up Against

The purpose of their tactics is to separate us from our potential; from our fundamental reference points, from loved ones, and from our innate sense of reality. It’s a deliberate corrosion of our connectivity. You can hear this disconnection occasionally in your own mind when a sense of isolation kicks in. It can come out of the mouths of those close to us who are being buffeted and confused and express heavy doubts and discouragement. It’s definitely in the increasingly insane news we’re having to endure as society descends into dystopia.

Nothing seems to make sense. The danger comes when we interpret these disjointed events and Orwellian newspeak as if something is wrong with us personally. Turning inward in this fashion can be a very deep trap, when in fact the opposite is true. It has nothing to do with us, this is a spiritual onslaught we’re facing from outside forces seeking to turn us about-face.

The daily news gives a taste of this warped reality; whether it’s police brutality, the totalitarian clampdown by governments, staged cyber attacks in order to censor, or the media mindflips that accost our senses. The objective is to continually subdue humanity into an ever diminutive sense of insignificance.

It’s an out and out war on our lives, and more importantly, our consciousness.

We Are Never Alone

Knowing we’re in this together and experiencing the same thing is all important. We know divide and conquer is their M.O., but when it gets personal and hits close to home the principles we’re familiar with seem to fade into the dust of mental and moral confusion. Emotions and attachments rise as personal issues come to the surface to further obscure our perspectives.

If this happens to you do not let it throw you. Look for centered awareness, but don’t be afraid to seek advice from those you trust, or solace from loved ones, and remember fundamental truths you are familiar with. Hold them dearly. It’s not an easy time by any means and we need to stick together in every way possible.

All important is knowing we are each experiencing the same onslaught, and that what we’re being handed is a total lie. It’s nothing more than a massive fabricated distraction of planned debilitation of their opposition. Also known as us.

Stand strong, even when you’re feeling weak. This all comes and goes in waves. Let it pass.

We Knew This Was Coming

We’ve known this was coming for some time. None of us are above this. We each have our strengths and weaknesses, we each have our calling to Truth. Some things can knock you out before you know it – loved ones falling under the spell, personal plans being derailed, seemingly psychotic breaks with previous modes of understanding,  unexpected twists in the matrix around you. Or a full on combination of those.

Other symptoms are more predictable when times are not as confusing, but there are clearly many ways we’re being accosted more than ever at this point and it can get difficult.

These waves of confusion have been expected. And they’re here.

When our personal frames of reference take a beating, either individually or via those we love, it’s a very challenging time. I find myself rewinding previous lessons I’ve learned and playing them back like medicine in order to endure many situations. As stated before, we’re sailing unchartered seas and there is no precedent for what we’re experiencing.

We can take this two ways – as a beating down, or as a powerful lift under our wings of conscious awareness.

Embracing Each Other – The Power of Tenderness and Understanding

There are no pat answers to any or every situation. We’re all learning and growing and that’s how it should be and is. What strikes me lately is the realization of how we need to stick together more than ever as the storm presses on. I’ve heard from many people how much it’s helped them to get some feedback via comments on the site or emails from compassionate acquaintances.

These can make or break us at times.

When we’re being laid low and feeling disabled and discouraged it is usually a very personal thing. We tend to make the mistake of looking inward. There may be lessons to be learned, but on the battlefield anything that is crippling is immediately suspect as far as I’m concerned. The issues are too prescient.

We simply have to see these instruments of debilitation as they are in a time of war. And learn from, ignore and/or dispel them.

Shared Comraderie

Often, we all find out, there are wonderful personal lessons to be learned, but when the barrage of self-doubt and confusion persists we know something much more nefarious is afoot. Shared camaraderie during these times is becoming more and more important. In conjunction with a deep determination to push on through this madness.

We all of course wish we were “stronger”, but really the right kind of weaknesses are some of our greatest strengths. Compassion in sharing an honest heart to heart with other spiritual people is so very powerful. Many face serious opposition in their family situations where they feel alone in their conscious awakening. That can be a gnawing source of discouragement. Despite obstacles, so many have been waking up at a steady pace the past several years and are experiencing what many of us have.

Not just the spiritual exhilaration of conscious awareness, but the social isolation and alienation. These are not easy to brave, as most of us know.

Following that can come periodic belittlement and outright harassment, sorry to say. We’ve all experienced it. I’m firmly convinced this is all part of our testing ground. Coming through that strengthens our convictions and helps us realize what is really important to us. At that point we are forced to make decisions – what will I subject myself to and why, how do I deal with it, and where do I go from there?

The most important point to remember is this is a war, a spiritual one. Do not allow yourself to succumb to the negative voices around you. The big lie is on the march and feeling its oats right now.

It will pass. They screw up regularly and can’t maintain their BS barrage. It comes in waves. Let it pass.

Be Strong, and Make Courage Your Mainstay

In reality this is a time of opportunity like we’ve never seen before. We’re in a fight of epic proportions. When we feel embattled that’s exactly the time to come out fighting. We need these mechanisms we learn that were embedded in our souls in order to remember how to maintain our offensive.

Give it a shot. You’ll be amazed at how taking the initiative clears the air, places the enemy on the defensive, and puts everything back into perspective.

See you on the battlefield!

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Steady as She Goes

Steady as She Goes

by Zen Gardner
August 31, 2016


Well, I sure didn’t see this coming. I have talked about the wild times advancing on us, the awakening, the growing division, the veil lifting, and here we are. It will continue to escalate so hang in there. It’s all for our good if we have the guts to navigate it, but it will continue to unravel and pick up speed.

Be vigilant and stay centered and grounded most of all.

I’ve enjoyed this ride very much. I love the people I’ve met and connected with, getting to feel their hearts. The information and perceptions are just a means to connect, to share the deeper things that are available to all of us while clearing away the rubble and illusion. We lose perspective some times, as can be expected, but it’s all about heart and digging deep to find the true source within us.

From there we’ll operate in compassion and humble yet fearless conviction.

Many wonderful people are awakening and I’m proud to have been part of all of this, and will continue to be in some way, shape, or form of spiritual influence. There are plenty of amazing people who can continue on; this isn’t dependent on any person or group of people. It is what it is, and we move and grow with it.

The ego is easily triggered, we all experience it. That some have gone somewhat unconscious in their reactions is understandable in this environment and knowing what we all grew up with and our intense abusive system entrainment. This particular phenomenon regarding me is ironically being fueled by sources many have said they don’t trust – media hype and false and questionable or ill intentioned sources, as well as those with an ego driven agenda. I agree there are startling aspects to be taken on board, but it should have been responded to consciously, not frantically, fearfully, mean-spirited and incredibly irresponsibly.

Much of what I’m saying here and in my last articles and videos may not sit well with some people, but it’s the truth. The dynamics I point out are intended to expose how this whole parasitic system works and how so many fell for it, while professing they knew it so well.

The fact is, it doesn’t take much to set off very complex mechanisms based on our personal life experiences, fears and deep personal issues, never mind quite powerful spiritual influences that are just waiting to wreak havoc. We’ve gotten to witness all of that in full bloom.

It’s all part of the test. And our ongoing education. No one will escape this process, any more than we can escape death.

It’s strange, too, how love is touted so much as being the answer by this same collective.

We don’t really know what love is yet. Forgiveness and tolerance are completely incongruous and counter intuitive in a world based on judgement. We say we believe in love yet we want justice. We trust our hearts but obey our minds. It’s time to transcend.

And all of this was a good test, as will succeeding tests that will be right on the heels of this one.

I’m honored to be the focal point for this, even though it’s cost me everything I held dear in this life. But that’s a good thing, letting go is a well known solution. It’s just when the collector comes for those dearest to you and any sense of stability or frame of reference it gets pretty strange, disorienting, surreal and deeply challenging in ways you’ve never experienced.

But so be it. I’m being broken down and destroyed in one reality and placed into another. I’ll take it. Full on. And I’m honored.

Thank you all again for your loving support and inspiration. This is all working for good. I’ll be around and moving into my next adventurous phase, mostly self discovery and healing and getting back to a truly grounded life, as will you.

I’ll find a way to stay in touch. I’m collecting the emails of sane and loving people off the comment section but if you need a contact address for me, use But please be easy on me for a bit, it’s time to recuperate. Thanks.

I asked for the unknown and I got it. Deep inside I’m very excited but in a very different, unnervingly quiet way, but most of all I’m humbled to the bone and standing very alone – and quite empty.

And it feels right.

I’m awaiting the trade winds. They’ll come and take me where they may.

Meet you past the horizon. The unknown is calling. And it’s worth the price.

Love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: Myriams-Fotos

In the Downpour of the Rain

In the Downpour of the Rain

by Zen Gardner


I see it in the faces
I feel it in the earth
The yearning ever deeper
Like the pains before a birth

The living sense, the sadness
Their eyes are filled with tears
As our lonely, longing people
Are fending off their fears

The heart of man grows tender
Caring more for those in pain
We’re covering our loved ones
In the downpour of the rain

The night is soon approaching
But it must, as will the day
Be brave and always steadfast
Love will wipe the tears away

Learning, ever learning
Seeing consciousness arise
While ever dissipating
Is the veil of woven lies

We cannot come to fathom
Or think to just arrive
This life is for the living
Yet we onward choose to strive

For answers to our questions
The thirst cannot be slaked
Our hunger knows no bound’ries
We’re born to be awake’d

It seems we’re in a process
Conscious evolution’s own
To realize just who we are
And my, the way we’ve grown

Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

by Zen Gardner
January 18, 2013


A lot of people are getting more frustrated than ever with either trying to wake people up, or just witnessing the apparent absolute ignorance of people not being able to notice what’s really going on around them. There are many reasons for this, and it’s an age old problem.

In today’s world, it appears it’s because things are crystallizing so fast and the flow of changing information coming at people is so massive it can barely be processed anymore by the lower density mind. True to some extent.

You’ll soon see that doesn’t hold up when it comes to consciousness.

But as a result of this onslaught people just shut down. In spite of so much Truth being more readily available than in any other time in history people still choose to close their eyes and ears. This info-barrage is no excuse for anything, but it’s part of the reality of the effects of this swirl of accelerating craziness that’s spinning around us.

And that’s just what’s on the mental, informational surface. Vibrationally and spiritually things are even crazier as the Matrix and its inter-dimensional minions furiously fight against the natural progression of change and advancing energetic waves of Truth our world is experiencing.

All this may not appear to be an improvement to many following this recent galactic alignment and change of ages, but despite the chaos getting loosed on the world we are definitely moving towards a much greater conscious state of awareness and energetic power. It’s getting free enough to see and experience all this that’s the major issue at hand.

Don’t let the confusion and chaos fool you. Keep your ship steady as she goes. It’s all a transition, but man the helm diligently. This is the real deal and it’s about to get very personal if it hasn’t already.

Testing Times Are Times of Choice

It’s a very challenging dynamic we’re all facing at this juncture.  And I expect it to get even wilder and more confusing by the day, especially to the unwary. And this increased fury of change is causing basically two reactions. We either open up to new and more fulfilling options for our lives, or we duck and cover and adopt the state sponsored party line for seeming safety and security.

It appears to be that simple.

The preponderance of the population is apparently shutting down and hiding from this seeming informational onslaught. They are actually happy the state propaganda machine pablumizes everything into a nice, warm, sugary goo. After all, it’s easier, and easier is better, right? Like eating cheap toxic processed fast food instead of real, living food. “We’ll worry about that healthy stuff later. You can’t expect me to eat consciously and study what’s in stuff all the time. Surely it can’t be that bad if the FDA has approved these foods and additives. And the media might not be perfect but they’d never outright lie to us…” blah blah.

Little do they know. But intentional ignorance is of course no excuse either. Even the slightest bit of critical thought could open the floodgates to the Truth but the subconscious awareness that there’s way more behind the wizard’s curtain than they care to know about keeps them squeezing their eyes shut.

Look at Sandy Hook-winked. If people knew the depths the Powers That Be sink to put on such elaborate murderous schemes and the many strange goals accomplished during these high profile rituals it would make their heads spin. So what does the media controlled world do? Nothing. Not even admit one iota of contrary evidence, be it others arrested on the scene or any contradictory stories that don’t toe the party line.

And on top of that they demonize anyone who not just proposes opposing information, but dares to question the lack of evidence to support anything that happened as the public was told! Anyone smell 9/11 here? Not a bad comparison really, an emotionally charged and fact-bereft media story that has just the right desired effects.

Always ask, Cui Bono? Who benefits? Apply that across the board.

But the time to pay the fiddler is nigh. Personally and collectively.

Even the Back Burner Is Boiling Over

There’s one thing people aren’t counting on. In this energetically enlivened time everything gets activated. Even the pots put on the back burners are boiling over and there’s no ignoring these suppressed issues any longer. You can’t stop the energetic changes any more than you can keep the waves of Truth like waves of the ocean from hitting the shore.

And despite all this jacked up confusion, people subconsciously realize to wake up and challenge any one of these major issues might mean having to see and therefore react to other issues or questions. It might mean changing their whole understanding of life which would take them to new, uncomfortable places.

For those trying to put off these uncomfortable realizations, it’s gonna get a heck of a lot more uncomfortable as well as confusing for those who don’t get honest about what’s before them and rise to the challenge, believe me.

We’re either part of the problem, or part of the solution. Plain and simple.

All or Nothing at All – Beware the Vortex

It’s really becoming all or nothing at all when it comes to the fundamentals of Truth vs. the Lie in people’s lives. Those that shut down and close their eyes and ears to the Truth are forced into the only other option: the one touted by the mainstream media/religion/intellectual mantra and enforced by the matrix. And its end is death..spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

The vortex of this false world is way too strong for anyone to be anywhere near the big lie with little compromises to not get sucked into the whole morass of deceit. We’ll all be shedding more and more cherished baggage as the storm picks up.

Let go gleefully. It’s helping you get free.

Commit to Detachment

It’s very simple knowing what to do. Arm yourself with Truth and Love and detach from the Lie any and every way you can. Any compromise is going to cost more than it ever did before. As the wind picks up even the smallest bit of debris becomes increasingly hazardous. Same with attachments. The smallest thing can bring us down if we’re off guard and playing too near to the snare of the matrix.

Think about that.

The battle before us is overcoming the fog machine that brings on excuses, indifference, apathy and confusion, all very “reasonable” causes for inaction and keeping wrong attachments. That we’re being absolutely hammered with false informational overload is a given. The wonderful part of the equation is the good informational field that’s intensifying at the same time.

Stay alive, alert and detached. The only way to process this burst of false information is to step back, see yourself as consciousness having an experience called “you”, and then process it and act or not act accordingly.

Such is the way. A great default that always works for conscious warriors.

Much Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: GDJ

The Pernicious Power of Partial Truth

The Pernicious Power of Partial Truth

by Zen Gardner
January 30, 2013


Here’s the problem. It’s not the awakened and informed that get ensnared by partial truths. It’s those that have yet to find full awareness and gain a real conscious perspective. It thwarts real investigation and shunts the unwary up the garden path to Numbsville.

This is what politics and social engineering thrive on.

You think people would go along with complete frontal lies continually? While it seems our Orwellian society has degraded to something pretty close to that, there has to be something that appears to relate to people’s everyday experience, no matter how engineered that is as well. It may be a relative truth within an entire fabricated system, but still it’s something someone can relate to.

The Alternative Dilemma

What has been labelled the alternative community, alternative research community or truth community is in a bit of a quandary. It’s nothing new. Whenever you have an implied or perceived polarity this kind of lumping together by the mind happens. Strangely enough almost every time our low level thinking does this polarized perception it’s wrong and a false choice.

Same with this mainstream vs alternative. Very lumpy thinking but deal with the concept we must.

The right/left political paradigm is a good, obvious example. A totally false premise yet a whole fabricated system is built around it making it appear legitimate. Oh how many things in this life are like that! When you realize all this is a holographic projection based on intention and participation you can work backwards and see how pervasive and restrictive that limited mind thinking really is and understand why it falls for all these tricks.

With the alternative news media concept it’s a little more clear the dichotomy people face with respect to where they get their information. From a mainstream perspective, the alternative press is anything outside of their accepted realm and “trusted” sources. They don’t look at the details much except to accept the mainstream definition and have total disdain for anything so-called “alternative” where they’ve turned the word conspiracy into a broad brushing pejorative.

Within the alternative news community there is obviously a lot more diversity than the flatfooted mainstreamer could ever imagine. They won’t touch it, or if they do it’s a couple of accidental hits or doubt-filled super skeptical queries they venture to look into. There are those that get an eye opener and it leads to new worlds of information, but I’m describing the general perception.

Amongst the overall “alternative” or non-mainstream community there are loads of dynamics at work. Which is wonderful. The truly enlightened can tell what’s what and understand there are many ideas and theories and approaches and they learn from anything they can. There’s no fear because they’re grounded in truth and not jumping on any bandwagon that happens to roll by just because it’s so called “alternative”.

Moles, Cling-Ons and Psyops

Of course this ugly stuff goes on. There’s also controlled opposition like the mainstream co-opting partial truthers like Glenn Beck who apparently thinks he’s a radical or something. Just look at the employers, paychecks and big egos of these types if nothing else. Wittingly or not so many are manipulated by Zionist interests, big banks, corporate and political influences, secret societies and occult powers.  That’s the name of the game. That’s who’s running the external show. So by definition if someone isn’t fully conscious and free from all that, they are being tooled around by them in some fashion.

Especially people in the media where the projected illusion is so all important.

But in the alternative world it can get pretty tricky. The labyrinth of the rabbit hole is practically endless so just about anything goes when you really get into the big picture and are trying to excavate the Truth from the rubble of lies and sealed off compartments you find. So most of us are willing to consider most anything and at least take a look at it. You eventually develop an intuitive sense about things, but even that stretches and changes as more becomes apparent and your consciousness grows.

We realize we relatively know less and less in the grand scheme of things and it’s wonderful!

The Spaghetti Test – Observe and Stay Detached

As I’ve often said, I use what I call the spaghetti test when processing information. Not the perfect analogy, but it demonstrates several truths.  You know when you first learned to make spaghetti and the test was to see if it stuck to the wall or not? If it did it was done. Messy but effective.

That’s one way to approach it. If it sticks, OK, leave it there for now. Sometimes things fall away later on. The main point is to sort of leave it out there and just keep going. Something later may confirm or contradict it, or it’s just lower level information that’s leading you to somewhere Universe is taking you. That’s the fun part, watching synchronicity lead the way.

Number one lesson I’d say is stay the observer when it comes to information. Detachment is the key. The mind is working along with your consciousness to process whatever you’re coming across so beware of getting attached to ideas and concepts and the allure of “sexy” information. It’s whenever we get attached we get ourselves in trouble – whether it be to a what could become a dogmatic concept, belief or an outcome, we need to constantly let go; it’s a matter of conscious awareness survival.

Look at the billions who’ve been sidetracked and hijacked and joined these confining mind controlled religions or belief systems or the like. We’ve all been in some form of a belief system or another even if just school or the overall system. The good news is the struggling to get free from that chrysalis, or a series of them, is what pushes the blood into the wings of the conscious liberated butterfly to-be!

Snakes and Rats in the Labyrinth

We have enemies. Truth has enemies. Humanity has enemies. Just as you see the alphabet agencies infiltrate militia groups or persuade patsies to participate in some false flag scheme, the same is true in the Truth community. That’s a given. We see the trolls and phony social media perps all the time and we each have those sites we’re wary of. Expect even more.

Information is the name of the game and if they can’t shut us down, they’ll try to trip up, divert and divide us.

Or discredit us. But you know what? I’m not that worried about that. While some want to be watchdogs and stop people from firing off their theories as happened with the Sandy Hook reaction for example, people need to decide for themselves and feel free to express themselves if they’re sincere. It’s like that insane criticism of the Occupy movement. “What’s your message? You have no united voice or clear agenda…” blah blah. Yeah, so they could sculpt one for us and divert it into one of their controlled arms. Such is collectivism.

Besides, nothing would have satisfied the critics.

At least it was an expression of life, as well as protest. Sure, Soros and his dirty ilk are always up to no good and there we all kinds of plants and agents provocateur, but something else also happened– an energizing and coming to real realizations of what we’re all up against from people of all walks of life. The political stuff all missed the real issues and there was a lot of short sighted frustration, but instead of listening to what people were saying and learning what people were upset about, all the major media could do was belittle and mock and criticize. That says it all right there.

But muzzle ourselves? OK, admonitions are good and needed at times, but freedom of expression needs to be exactly that. And we’re not here to impress or win over the mainstream. Anyone with that idea is headed for frustration and disaster. They will not listen.

But individuals will. Let’s be sure to address people and not the illusion.

The Half-Truthers Are the Most Dangerous

There are a few things I think are important to look for in an information source. Assuming it’s not coming from one of the major media outlets I evaluate along these lines:

1. Is the information fundamentally on the right track?

2. Is the source more interested in notoriety and self promotion than the issues, or is heavily weighed down by those egoic influences?

3. Are there any obvious compromises, or glaring omissions that could be intentional?

4. Are they loving? Is the message one of love, for the good of mankind and its freedom, even if it blasts away at the lies of the matrix?

5. Are they really fully awake and conscious? Or at least on their way to “getting it” and humble and sincere in their quest?

6. Are they heart led more than mind? Can you sense the passion behind the information and ideas?

7. Does yours or a trusted associate’s bullshit detector go off repeatedly? 😉

Big egos are a dead giveaway. That’s why for all the good Jesse Ventura might do in getting some truths out there, he’s anchored in trying the impress the system. That’s why as David Icke says he’s the go-to guy for the Piers Morgan types and he gets away with what he puts in his show. I have the same askance take on Ancient Aliens and those History and Nat Geo channel productions and these Michio Kaku type spokespeople no matter how much good info is presented.

And I think that’s a healthy attitude.

Lots of truth but man, they are always busy shoving some serious agenda down your throat sideways and most people have no frikking idea it’s happening to them. You can’t lead a sheep down the path with stuff that smells like poison. There’s gotta be something that gets their trust and attention that appears to be real food.

Partial or manipulated truths inoculate the masses against the full Truth. Partial truth is fine with them–it doesn’t shake anyone up, doesn’t concertedly challenge their precious matrix.

Whereas whole fully conscious Truth blows their whole frikking control system to smithereens!

Ahem. Warning bells, anyone?

The Zeitgeist Truth Heist

This might be hard to swallow for some, but this Zeitgeist movement is another thing I’m very wary of. Anything that opens up with 50 million hits immediately and youtube and google and the like continue to let fly, you better beware. Anyone else who really challenges the system gets their numbers shaved by the youtube stazis or their work deleted altogether. The Z movement enjoys wide open popularity and acceptance.

Follow the money on this one and it will most likely take you to some interesting sources.

Besides, do you really like the techno-cold world the Venus Project espouses? Do you sense warmth, or transhumanish coldness as well as political daggers getting thrown around? Reminds me of the new agers getting led straight into the new world order. I enjoyed learning from their earlier videos that have some great exposes thanks to Jordan Maxwell’s research and others, but something is amiss as well as way too “accepted”  about this whole thing. I know many Zeit lovers who do not get the whole picture and are even deeply entrenched in Obamamania and other agendized liberal and socialist leanings.

Not a good sign.

And the effect? Diversion, dilution and dissipation of energy in a nicely encapsulated medium that’s prepping you nicely for the coming techno new world order.

I might sound cynical but if it ain’t right, it ain’t right.

Perceived “Truth” Can Be A Control System

We should know our sources as best we can, and take from them what truths we can glean. None of us has everything figured out or are so supra-conscious we can discern or understand it all. We learn as we go.

The problem arises in the direction the spirit of some information takes us. There can be lots of truth head to toe but if it’s being used to manipulate you into some controllable viewpoint or belief system or some sycophantic all-trusting relationship that stunts your growth and ensnares you, that’s wrong.

People are baited with the truth all the time. They’re led down pathways that seem to have all the fixings, but they meet frustration and futility and get waylaid into a sort of stillborn mode. It’s very sad as many were really looking but took one of these engineered detours.

That’s all the matrix does. It’s a lie and leads you round and round to nowhere, spinning your wheels as they vamp off your energy, getting you to support and feed the system. If it takes a few truths to get you to comply and stay sedated, so be it.

Besides, sometimes they’re just pulling a release valve maneuver, letting it appear they’re getting it and we’re having an effect to satisfy the general angst. That can stop people dead in their tracks from the hot pursuit they were on. If we get deceived into thinking they’re listening and believe this type of hopey changey bullshit or whatever false promise they make, we cool our jets and lose momentum.

They’re liars and we cannot stop short and compromise. Conscious awareness knows no compromise.


Controlled opposition specializes in half truths and buses to nowhere, so it pays to exercise extreme caution in this world of mines and booby traps. There’s nothing to fear. Lies don’t hold any real weight except to the swallower. The Truth can take care of itself.

We don’t need to censor or protect the “truth community”, the Truth does that. There is no collective, only consciousness and our underlying connectivity to each other and the entire Universe. That’s a force to reckon with–and tap into and utilize as much as we can.

Staying detached is imperative. When we get invested in static or defined collective notions we’re limiting consciousness. Who knows what’s at hand? Or what magnificent twist Universe will come up with? Maybe it’s already under way and about to manifest. Where will these heavily attached designs be then?


Stay free. And have a good laugh about it all. That’s a good place to start. And finish. 😉

“Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” -Osho

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: qimono

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

Transformation, X-Ray Eyes and the Lifting of the Veil

by Zen Gardner
August 1, 2016


These are very exciting times as well as extremely challenging ones. Changes continue to accelerate on personal as well as external fronts, and will continue to do so.  This veil lifting meme has come on strong. It’s in our collective consciousness. It’s the awakening morphing as we said it would and will continue to do.

On the external front, the BREXIT issue is very indicative of the growing effects of recent events, even if it’s engineered to try and bring on a new globalist plan. The point is people are getting a sense of empowerment and involvement. When these openings arise they lead to more awakenings of the spirit as related issues come to light.

I see and feel it here in Spain, as there are a lot of Brits here and they’re talking about it quite a bit and recalculating many things as a result, as are all other nationalities here in Europe. It affects trade, freedom of movement and places of residence the most immediately.

People are already on the defensive with the monetary manipulations and the underlying issue of disappearing national cultures with the migration agenda in full swing, so the cumulative effect of these issues is precipitating new viewpoints and understandings about what’s going on.

Populations are also being battered about by these escalating false flags and ginned up fear with the resulting militarization of their otherwise peaceful nations. They’re seeing through all this more and more. That’s pretty powerful. It’s all backfiring as they get more and more desperate to gain control, and people aren’t buying into it nearly as much.

The Break Though Is Under Way – And It’s Very Personal

The truth is bubbling through this lifting veil and changing the playing field in more ways than we can even clearly identify. It’s a shift – ultimately in consciousness that is affecting the entire planet and everything and everyone in and on it.

The most profound manifestations are what’s happening in people’s personal lives. I’ve been going through a major shift the past 10 months with very personal ramifications coming at me full speed and from all sides. The thing is, I’m hearing this from every quarter. My own children, close friends, readers and commenters on the site, people I’m meeting, and just perusing the consciousness oriented web sites.

The shift is hitting the fan. And it’s all for good.

It’s really remarkable how lives are being impacted. And it’s clearly what’s most important – that we make the personal changes that are being required of us to prepare us for what’s ahead, as well as in fulfilling our essential roles as sovereign awakened souls and awake and responsible inhabitants of this glorious planet.

X-Ray Eyes – Just Wait To See What You’re Gonna See!

What’s thrilling about these changes is what is being revealed to us. Not only in our general outlook as that will continually keep morphing, but our self perception and how we view those about us that closely influence our lives.

You’ll see yourself, first of all, warts and all as the layers peel off. But it’s revealing your real shining self. It’s all good. I get into this in other articles but you know what I’m talking about. Transformation is a painful but necessary process.

Don’t fight it. In fact, pursue it.

The wild stuff I’ve been experiencing the past several months and which continues to step up is seeing not only myself, but other people differently. Especially the ones I thought I “knew”. Things get revealed to you. Brace yourself, a lot of it comes as a shocker or sideways revelation, but trust what your heart is telling you. And respond accordingly as you’re led.

It’s an ongoing adjustment process but quite a thrilling experience. It’ll make you draw close to some and distance yourself from others as your newly revealed self comes to the surface.

The Bombastic Bullshit Factor

There’s a lot of complete bullshit getting thrown around, and pointless, distracting and time and energy wasting drama. It’ll be cloaked in anything from morphed new age type spiritual rigamarole, a very toxic infection going around, to shallow amusements with no lasting value that also drain the spirit and distract from deeper relationships grounded in reality.

You’ll also see other people you don’t know differently. It’s sort of like having x-ray eyes that are waking up and activating. It gives you a lot more compassion to realize what people are trapped in, as well as an increasing disdain for destructive behavior and deliberate ignorance.

Events and news morph too. You’ll be able to more easily resist areas of information that you once tolerated and even sought after. Go with it. As we detoxify it gets easier and easier and we naturally spend more time on connecting with nature and relaxing as well as working on spiritual grounding, essential to our health and survival, especially now in these increasingly turbulent times, both socially and spiritually.

Hyperdimensional Stuff

This can’t be emphasized enough. Without awareness of this aspect we’re sitting ducks. Almost if not all of our problems are influenced by hyperdimensional energies and entities. We’re under attack now more than ever and as the veil lifts, but we’re going to be able to identify these pestering spirit influences at work.

That’s why grounding work in order to stay firmly planted in reality is so very important.

But it’s all for our good and growth, so react consciously. Again, the Wetiko information is very empowering in this regard. We need to understand what is going on in this important hyperdimensional aspect and there’s a lot of great information regarding this available.

But nothing takes the place of vigilance. If we’re “on call” we’re much more likely to nip things in the bud before we get entangled and things really become complicated and confusing. That’s why I wrote about social contracts and co-dependence recently, because these can be activated before we know it. It’s bad enough the ones we’re aware of and already disengaging from, but why bring on more problems for ourselves if we can avoid them?

Can I Help?

Co-dependency often manifests in trying to help others in the wrong way and with the wrong motives driving us. Maybe we’re drawing others to ourselves, or working out old issues with wanting to feel needed. It could be a lot of things.

This phrase “can I help?” has become a joke with my closest friends. We talk about all these things I’m writing about here a lot which really helps heighten awareness of it. But if you can laugh when you catch yourself doing it it’s a real good sign! Issues like this are a manifestation of previous trauma and tragedy in our lives and may not seem so funny at times, but we can get past it.

We just need to see it for what it is.

That takes some “homework” but it’s an essential part of our growth. Wrong, binding social contracts are another extension of co-dependency. It’s that thing that reaches out and attaches in completely unhealthy ways. It reminds me of the quote:

“Thoughts are not the problem… It’s the thing that goes out and grabs them and makes them ‘yours’ that’s the problem.” – Jack O’Keeffe

Watch Your Thoughts – and Everything Else

That quote above is like anything in us that seeks attachment. And let me tell you, hyperdimensionals LOVE attachment! Besides what basic attachments to to bind up personally, attachment is how these entities and influences work and even travel from person to person. So watch out where you hang out, who you’re with and what you think. Do regular energetic cleansing.  All this may seem a tall order but it’s the nature of the beast right now.

Actually it always has been.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom” is a lot deeper than we thought. But it’s not that complicated. It will take some tough decisions to let go of compromised situations. The answer is usually clear and easy but the execution can be tough. Some things take more time to unravel and disconnect from than others. But we all can do it.

Unveil Yourself

I’m dwelling on these personal aspects because self-healing is the most profound manifestation of this lifting of the veil. And once we’re whole we’re way more effective in helping to change the vibrational level of our environment. That’s the most effective thing any of us can do.

It’s also where these other forces and issues can’t touch us, and that awakening process continues to self replicate and raise in not just frequency, but power and speed. Besides, it’s the unknown territory we all crave to find and explore and dwell in.

And it’s at all of our fingertips.

Now that’s empowering. We’re in the midst of a planetary shift that’s being energetically charged, and as we respond and resonate it works synergistically to compound this wonderful change exponentially.

Keep on. It’s an individual fight, but we each help each other massively by overcoming.

Meet you in the unknown! It’s the place to be!


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.


Cover image credit: PublicDomainPictures

Social Contracts, Co-Dependency and Closed Loops of Limitation

Social Contracts, Co-Dependency and Closed Loops of Limitation

by Zen Gardner
July 18, 2016


There are so many readily available ways to not be our authentic selves.

They come easy, or so we think, since they’re so rampant in our shallow societal system. But the price is seriously self imposed, crippling limitation.

Social engineering is a massive subject. That humanity has been dumbed down is a huge understatement. We’ve been severely handicapped in ways we can hardly discern, hence their disastrous grip and closed self reinforcing loops have such sway.

By design we cannot see what is truly going on.

To transcend any and all of these systems is imperative. This is why the true spiritual masters throughout time have said that transcending mind is fundamental to true discovery and personal empowerment.

 The mind plays tricks – seriously distracting ones. The mind breeds such a cloud of all knowing self importance we tend to bend to its every whim.

Beware the mind-field.

Stay conscious and observe…

Distraction Mechanisms – Social Contracts

Man, these are a bitch.

What agreeance we make with others in order to be “friends” or tolerate each other. Heavy duty stuff, and not easy to own up to. Again the root to everything is the willingness to let go of anything and everything we’re attached to.

A very big deal in every way and one we need to be consciously aware of.

We all do it all the time in order to “get along”. It dissipates as we become our authentic selves. That’s the good news. But disentangling from contracts can be a real tough ride, and not an easy thing to handle with grace.

But it has to be done…

Co-Dependency, The Inner Child, and Shadow Work

All of us are subject to triggers that activate extremely dangerous reactions that completely cloud our minds and hearts.

 Our interactions are affected by unresolved past issues, only because we haven’t explored and identified the truth of our upbringings.

Co-dependency born of abandonment begins at birth. It’s passed on by unconscious parents – and all parents are complicit, as were their parents. We spend the rest of our lives looking for acceptance and affirmation as a result, as well as many other entangled issues.

None of us were acknowledged to be the spiritual creatures we arrived as. The portal soon closed and we were born into a world of abuse and engineered survival challenges of every sort. We searched for true love and understanding from the start, but it was denied.

And we were left confused, desperate, and hungry for true love and spiritual community.

Again, a massive subject that deserves real investigation and application. It’s way too much to fully explain here. You can liken these deeper issues to impacted spiritual teeth. They are painful, often infected, and need surgery.

 If you dive into this subject and are willing to expose yourself fully and the digging it entails, the healing can begin.

 Bringing It Home

I’ve been going through some serious self discovery for some time now.

 It’s not all that pleasant, yet it is extremely liberating and empowering. Besides other issues in my life, my recent separation from Elle brought up more things than I could handle at times and I was often overwhelmed with emotional instinctive reactions and just plain gunk that came up.

Even knowing the conscious and detached observer mode is the only true and awake way to handle it, I was flooded with reactions that in turn triggered all kinds of strange crap from my past.

It seems a current, justified feeling and response when going through things like this, but all of it is based in past childhood and otherwise traumas and feelings of abandonment, abuse, learned co-dependency and everything I grew up with.

I’ve become aware of much over my life time and thought I was getting a handle on this challenge called living, but these past months have made mincemeat of my illusions.

And I’m happy for it, although it hurts like a bitch. I’m fully committed to going all the way and I guess Universe is helping me along with these very deep and painful tests.

It seems we have to get to the extreme before we really pay attention and look for the true bigger picture in always newer ways.

Face It Head On

All I can say is the quickest way through these types of issues is straight on.

We’re at a very poignant time in human history with the veil lifting so dramatically of late.

I’m still in the midst of all this, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. It never turns off, we just don’t see it in the preoccupation with our selves we naturally succumb to, and the smoke of the burning fires of purification billowing about us. That’s just the nature of the transformation.

If we’re willing to take it on the chin and face whatever we need to we’ll get through it all the quicker. But it’s not without setbacks and there’s no formula for going through any type of crisis.

The key is honesty and determination, in my opinion. That’s what’s seeing me through, so far, and being as loving as possible while the flames of hell seem to lick my my every nerve.

Not fun when the fires rage, but learn we can. And will.

Enjoy the ride. All things pass. Try to take it with grace when it comes your way. You’ll fall flat on your face many times but just keep getting up. We’re all getting through this.

 It’s just part of the process, and all in love…


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Mimic – Meme of the Archons

Mimic – Meme of the Archons

by Zen Gardner
May 17, 2013


Our Spirit Speaks the Loudest

Our Spirit Speaks the Loudest

by Zen Gardner
June 3, 2013


The Information Carousel to Nowheresville

The Information Carousel to Nowheresville

by Zen Gardner
Jun 22, 2016


Have you ever felt like you’re in a wash-rinse-repeat cycle watching the news, not just mainstream but even alternative media? Much of it is just that, in effect, if it doesn’t draw actionable conclusions or serious elevation in thought and perception. If newly discovered or implicated avenues of personal as well as social expression aren’t pursued, what’s the purpose of pointing out the need for them?

Yes, information is crucial to awakening humanity from its disconnected slumber. But when the dots are connected and we realize we’re in a fabricated landscape of illusion, what then?

Once we realize what’s truly going on and pierce the veil of lies, it’s time to make some serious choices in our lives. The empowering truth awaiting any sincere searcher should directly translate into how it affects their own personal life in a way that transforms not just their existence, but that of those around them and the entire fabric in which we exist in order to liberate the captives.

Action and Inaction

All inaction is not bad. In fact, ceasing participation in this engineered worldly system and more importantly the interdimensional matrix is the most important decision anyone can make. But the ensuing steps of our journey are equally important and will appear before us one at a time. And those are the next “most important decisions” we’ll ever make.

And on it goes.

We’re in a process, a fabulous one, with new discoveries awaiting us any time we’re sincerely open to them. But this new found knowledge comes with a very real responsibility. Responding to it. How each of us does that depends on our individual situations, perceptions, and the growth cycles we choose, but respond we must.

One immediate and obvious course of action is telling others of our discoveries. This is the unleashed heart manifesting compassion and concern for those around it to try to help people to see the newly revealed world that they have just experienced. We all go through this and will continually, if we truly care about others and stay in hot pursuit of truth.

What’s paramount is getting beyond that level to a state of profound personal empowerment.

Information Is Not the End – But the Beginning

As I’ve said before, I don’t know anyone who’s a sincere researcher and truth uncoverer who isn’t deeply spiritual. It’s the inherent next step in the path of discovery as we realize the current projected reality we’ve been subjected to, from whatever source, is an entrapping, illusory one. This doesn’t happen immediately necessarily, although those spiritually inclined make the connection quite quickly. The fact is, we’re all spiritual but many have been lulled into such a deep sleep it can take them longer to awaken to this important aspect.

There’s a growing field of alternative information sources vying for a place in the sun. That’s fine when it’s a manifestation of someone just waking up and tracking the changing landscape of world events is important. But when it continues on at the same level and either goes commercial or is pride-laden or fear and hate centric, something’s usually gone amiss. The fact that so much is available now in the alternative world is wonderful, but at the same time there’s a disturbing element that seems to be manifesting we need to be aware of and learn to sidestep.

Like anything, this burgeoning phenomenon can become a cyclical repeat vortex with no end or goal but the manifestation of itself. It’s just another indication of the nature of things we go through, but we must draw attention to this aspect. The very real situation in the world around us only grows more dire by the day in spite of the massive awakening we’re witnessing simultaneously. We must draw conclusive understandings to stand upon and then take those realizations to the next level and not get caught up in the morass of information for information’s sake.

Merry-Go-Round, Or Devious, Disempowering Vortex?

Sure, life is like a ride, but there’s a point to all this, as Bill Hicks famously put it in his classic analogy. Continuing to share newly discovered or forbidden knowledge without drawing actionable conclusions that break us out of the cycle of information for information’s sake is a serious pitfall. The New Age movement is a classic example as it has virtually pulled many off the circuit of action into an ethereal-cereal lukewarm vortex of self-assuaging, mind tingling placid ineffectuality, sidelining itself from any application to the real world around us and ultimately playing directly into the hands of the psycho-social engineers.

Sure there are truisms galore but how are they affecting humanity, or bringing about any real change in the dynamic of our existence here?

Like anything, there are of course very sincere people as well as helpful technologies in any such social paradigm. The same can be said of much of the independent media and alternative research. What is the goal? Again, cutting edge and enlightening, empowering information is essential to blasting out of the matrix. but we don’t want to get sucked into the vortex of a wash, rinse repeat information cycle.

There comes a point where we need to move on. But when the spinning wheels of constant information bombardment become an end to themselves we have a problem. At that point the independent media becomes just that – another media news source to some degree. We can all see this in our daily pursuit of real news and developments that help us gauge where we are in all of this, but if the information isn’t drawing powerful conclusions that drastically change lives who will in turn help change others and our overall field of energy, we’re in a fix.

Where Do We Go From Here?

Unless we’re willing to keep letting go over and over we’re not going to make the grade to where our true empowerment resides. We can get attached to our new sense of identity as having “woken up” to what’s going on around us and some specialty that’s caught our attention; we can also fall into new self-created or accumulated belief systems as to what the ultimate answer is and attach to a new pet theory of everything, so to speak. It’s tricky stuff.

But ultimately it’s always simple. When we’re through changing, we’re through. When we take our new found understanding as the “be all end all” we’re through. It’s a process, and we’re all going to continually go through new and more amazing and empowering revelations as we keep on. That’s the beauty of it!

That requires constant letting go. Admitting we each have blind spots is very important. The thing about these devious blind spots is, we think we see clearly in those areas – when we don’t at all! That can be a pretty troubling thought for anyone but it’s the truth. These are the areas that keep us humble and searching and honest with ourselves.

We know so very little and have so much to learn.


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Truth is the Most Empowering and Inspiring Thing You Can Tap Into

Truth is the Most Empowering and Inspiring Thing You Can Tap Into

by WeAreChangeRotterdam with Zen Gardner
June 18, 2016


What is Sovereignty

What is Sovereignty

by Zen Gardner
May 25, 2016


This subject or concept is a hot topic in the alternative community. I recently attended the Anarchapulco conference that featured a wide range of aspects of this important subject regarding our personal awakening and growing financial, legal and spiritual independence and empowerment.

Cryptocurrencies were featured along with our current geopolitical situation and alternative lifestyle choices, while roundly exposing the futility and anachronistic nature of statism, brilliantly done by Larken Rose and many other speakers. Understanding what we’ve been programmed to accept and learning to question every aspect of what the social engineers have indoctrinated us with is paramount to any real truth seeker.

When I approach these subjects touching on sovereignty, whether it be freedom from the binding maritime law-based legal system or questioning all forms of the hierarchical control paradigm, I look at it from a spiritual perspective.

What essentially IS freedom? How do we manifest our true nature more fully and thus naturally break the chains that bind us from whatever quarter?

It’s all about the initial question. And our perspective.

Standing Back

Conscious awareness may appear to be something vague and illusive but it’s not. It’s extremely practical. The fundamental step to be taken is to find the vantage point of our higher self. What is it that is observing you, and that speaks to you and even corrects your thoughts and behavior? What is this inner voice?

The fact that it exists at all, as Echhart Tolle so lucidly expounds upon, causes a major shift in awareness and breaks so many chains immediately. What exactly is this awareness observing the experience that is us? How do we develop and utilized that perspective and what implications does this realization the wise sages of the ages have all spoken about have on the course of my life?

This to me is the deep and wondrous world to be explored, which in its very seemingly esoteric nature has all the so-called answers to life we are seeking. But this awareness needs to mix and gel with our mental and heart awareness at the same time to make sense of this experience we call “life”.

It’s as practical as deciding what to eat or not to eat. Whether to go by impulse and just yield to our surrounding environment and accumulated habits, or learn to make a more conscious decision as to our actions as well as thoughts, this profound realization begs a whole new way of life.

If we let it. And take action on what we’re learning and hearing from this much more pure source of information and awareness. It needs to be developed which is the challenge of this school of higher learning in which we find ourselves.

Beware the Psychopathic Paradigm

Just look at the world today. Unfortunately, while the fact that non-empathic, power-crazed personages is well known to be the case amongst rulers, politicians, bankers, corporate monsters and the Orwellian media, people still take their word, hoping against hope that their empty promises will come true. What is that? Is it lethargy, apathy, psychotic denial, mind control, or what? Most likely it’s a convergence of many such conditions, but the reality of this form of mass Stockholm syndrome is absolutely pathetic.

Stockholm Syndrome:

Stockholm syndrome, or capture-bonding, is a psychological phenomenon described in 1973 in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness. [Emphasis mine] (source)

Does that sound familiar? That’s society at large. Just the abuse/abuser cycle is rife in society, and designedly so. After all, these so-called rulers have themselves been abused by their handlers, physical and/or interdimensional, and so pass on that same paradigm. Hence the massive propagation of fear as the ultimate controlling signal. It’s the implanted and socially engineered parasitic mindset, be it archontic, wetiko or some other transdimensional explanation of this energetic vampirism. The dynamic is there and it’s designed to disempower and control through intimidation, fear and ignorance of the truth.

What are they afraid of ultimately? What is it they are trying to suppress? Because underlying this is the empowering reality that we can break from that cycle at any time; first by identifying what is going on and then by making the necessary changes in our thinking, behavior and attitudes while continuing to grow in manifestation of the infinite divine expression within each of us.

But whatever you do, don’t support it by participating in it. Elections are a perfect example.  They’re rigged and a total distraction. Just look at the strife they engender, dividing up the populace in yet another way in their effort to divide and conquer. It’s time people fully woke up to what’s really going on and how they’re energy is being siphoned off.

Appealing to a hierarchy that shouldn’t be in the first place only reinforces its grip, and is a form of voluntary self-subjugation. It’s eons old and evidenced not just in politics but religion, learning institutions, scientism, medicine and the entire corporate and monetary state model. It’s time to get conscious and disengage. Their entire manufactured structure many call the matrix will crumble. It’s the people who fall for the charade that support it. But first people need to see the extent of the lie, as well as discover their own power of spiritual sovereignty.

Taking the Stand

What invariably happens to a sincere truth seeker is a change of lifestyle. It usually happens in increments. It becomes obvious to have the least entanglement possible with any of the world’s systems. They’re essentially toxic and woefully binding, hindering our very being from being truly free in a whole range of ways.

It may mean to change jobs or careers, so called. It may mean, and usually does, finding some creative outlet where this conscious awareness can manifest via our imagination. It also means disengaging from any compromises we can, be it banking or credit card enslavement, poor eating and living habits, choosing the right people to engage with and leaving others and unfruitful relationships behind.

It’s profound, but only goes as far as we’re willing to go. As these changes progress more and more becomes completely obvious. You are not your name, therefore any legal attachments to your paper identity are essentially fraudulent or fundamentally ensnaring. The entire legal and political system becomes almost embarrassingly stupid and obviously built for control purposes.

Therefore, you strive to get free. Only not striving in their sense, fighting the very thing that only seeks affirmation by our unconscious response to it, but by sidestepping the entire matrix. If we think we can combat or dissipate their fabricated low vibrational world on their level we’ve already lost, and will only recreate another system with the same low vibrational construct in some form.

It just doesn’t work that way.

Be Practical, But Stay Spiritual

I’m all for activism, but it needs to be wisely targeted. When it builds community and most of all awareness it’s good, whatever it is. There are definitely times to lay ourselves on the line when it comes to the encroaching machine. There’s clearly a war on against humanity, one major thing that will become apparent to the seeker, and we cannot lay down and just take it, just as you wouldn’t let the state come in and take your children, never mind vaccinate them or some other such barbaric practice.

The most powerful and impactful effect any of us can have is being who we truly are. To what degree we’re willing to manifest our true self is the challenge we all face, including the apparent nuts and bolts on how we do that in a practical way, one step at a time as we continually raise our levels of consciousness.

Essentially it’s not complicated at all. Being honest, lovingly forthright and sovereign comes naturally to the soul. It’s the rest of our convoluted, conditioned and reflexive self that needs to snap out of the hypnosis and catch up.

Changing our personal environment is a big start. Cut away the hindrances to where you can gather some momentum in manifesting your integral, honest and authentic self. Drop the downers and energy vampires out of your life. You’re not helping them by continuing on as just another compromised gnome to appease and avoid confrontation. That’s the matrix working through our horrific psycho-social programming to hold us back at as low of a frequency as possible – and to NOT venture out into our full-on freedom but stay firmly in the yoke of their parasitic grip.

There’s plenty of motivation to do this for anyone even half awake. The exterior world of the system is closing down at a frantic pace, and your life, mine, and those of our loved ones and the many wonderful people worldwide as well as the life of our very planet are at stake.

It may mean doing more to expose the establishment and what’s behind it in a meaningful, awareness-generating and community building way. Whatever we do or refrain from doing, one cannot keep on business as usual once you’ve woken up, that’s for sure.

Whatever path you take, let it be a conscious one, done wisely and circumspectly. There are so many factors and each of us is our own unique expression of Universe and we need to honor that. But respond we must to the call of consciousness.

It’s not airy fairy, it’s not a religious retreat, it’s not some state of blissful ignoring of our circumstances. It’s being fully alive in the eternal here and now. We are communicating in very human bodies with very real restrictions and limitations as well as needs and desires. But at the same time we are primarily and first and foremost spiritual beings inhabiting these incredible bio-machines.

It may appear to be a conundrum but it’s not. It’s what it is, and we need to have that reality check in full and take on our responsibilities with courage and determination. Not judging by what’s going on around us and the actions of others or any kind of social or even alternative norm. But expressing our uniqueness, as living examples of authenticity and freedom in everything we do.

We are sovereign, in the very essence of the word. Now we need to operate from that all permeating knowing. Everything else will become clear.

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus

Much love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author whose writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Chemtrails, Terraforming, Transhumanism and You

Chemtrails, Terraforming, Transhumanism and You

by Zen Gardner
April 22, 2016


What most people are not allowing to coalesce in their consciousness is the grand scheme behind the so-called chemtrail program, also known on a more macro level as geoengineering.

Geoengineering is an ongoing operation to steer and fabricate not only the world’s weather, but its food growing cycles, disasters, and the deliberate manipulation of economic and geopolitical trends, such as the weakening of governments and the placement of humanity to more controllable centers. Like any and all of these massive manipulative programs under way against humanity, these attack vectors have multi-fold purposes.

We know the slow and steady depopulation of especially the northern hemisphere is under way via a variety of programs, from chemical and genetic sterilization to growing food scarcity and outright sickness inducement. Instead of government or international agencies working to actually help and heal humanity, their agenda is clearly documented as being one of human impairment and reduction in numbers, easily accessible information on this being available in UN documents, tank papers and the stated goals of eugenicists for decades.

Even more nefarious is the introduction of nanotechnology into a wide range of these assaults. While transhumanism has been successfully popularized and embedded into mainstream culture and the robotization of our workforce made fashionable, little do people realize that amongst the chemtrail particulates have been found intelligent nanoparticles designed to make the human body and any living organism a micro transceiver of information. (See

Ray Kurzweil, a major proponent of artificial intelligence and the mis-named singularity and human so-called transcendence to machine status and supposed infinite longevity, is even more Orwellianly a top exec at the massive intelligence OP called GoogleInc. I say mis-named singularity as this term originally indicated a transition in consciousness and society when information met an apex in acceleration. They’ve since bastardized this notion to say it would indicate the takeover by artificial intelligence.

How convenient for those seeking maniacal control of absolutely everything. All of this speaks to the psychopathic depth of these control programs.

In addition, the earth, our beloved Gaia, is being inundated with toxic influences meant to break any and every natural cycle there is. From changing the Schumann resonance of our planet to our genetic make up, weather, radiation levels and even magnetosphere, they will stop at nothing in their efforts to literally terraform our planet. As insane as that sounds, since it appears we all need to live here including these psychopathic engineers, this speaks to something much deeper and spiritually nefarious.

For whom is this environment being changed? Is a grand experiment under way to create a survivable race of humanoids who can adapt to a toxic environment for the purpose of easy dominion by a very few? And from whence are these creatures who tolerate such an altered state, or think they can survive unscathed by their wicked, unnatural machinations?

These are questions we should be asking when investigating these programs. If we cannot connect the dots, as creepy a picture as this information may paint, we won’t be able to confront, never mind expose, the depths of manipulation and control to which we’re being subjected.

Identifying the obvious, such as the chemical invasion of our skies, is just the beginning. They are trying to keep us at bay by drawing the line on our collective awareness as they do at every level of projected information regarding their ongoing programs.

Let’s take this investigation and exposure to its full extent on every front. There is an overall agenda humanity needs to wake up to before we can begin to counter it.

But always remember, our awakening of eternal consciousness is the ultimate weapon, and solution. Get there first, and the rest will be evident.

Much love,

Zen Gardner


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Apocalypse Now – Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries

Apocalypse Now – Falling Idols and Spiritual Adversaries

by Zen Gardner
April 22, 2016


We’re living in very challenging times. Our metal is being tested to new and extreme degrees that increase by the day. It’s clearly a time for expanded wisdom, discretion and discernment to fully understand what is happening around and within us.

As well as determination.

In a time of revelation, which is what the apocalypse is referring to, things come to light that can rock our world. False idols fall, concepts are cracked, and new understandings and awakenings abound, whether we like them or not. These are each up to the individual to find out and experience for themselves, but they can be very disconcerting when it comes to the shattering of old paradigms of thinking and our current personal outlook on the world, no matter how seemingly progressive we think we are.

The Fall of False Images and Mass Projections

There are many symptoms of radical change that we can expect. Idolatry, or putting unquestioned faith and misguided “belief” in some human or system, or even supernatural solution-bringer, is completely off course.

As long as humanity looks for a leader they will be sorely disappointed. History attests to this in spades. Projecting our problems, questions and needs for exterior solutions is destined to fail. Worse yet as it affirms this mass hysteria. Anyone or anything that pretends to fill this vacuum you can be assured are deceived to whatever degree, unfortunately with the strong reinforcement of a sycophantic populace programmed to look for such.

Start by not putting people in that position of temptation. It’s ultimately up to us, similar to not participating in the matrix.

The more perceptive understanding of this has to do with those who accept this predominant role of “solution bringer”. Once someone agrees to play this part of the projected play being broadcast you have problems, and it usually comes up because of not just the throngs projecting the wrong intent, but that those agreeing to fulfill such a role have grown an inflated ego, together with a plethora of attachments, capable of collecting this group intention, consciously or otherwise.

In the words of Lao Tzu:

“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.”

Again, history attests to this. People look for a leader, a panacea, a catch all solution, someone else to do the real work and have all the conviction they’re lacking, and when it appears to be embodied in a particularly charismatic figure who is then emboldened and willing to play this role, we have serious problems.

Every time. Truth by its very nature is a continually acting catalytic iconoclast.

Truthful ideas lead us to more truth and empowerment. Granted, some people can encapsulate and articulate these ideas better than others, but it’s nonetheless the ideas, not the people. When the intention and attention is hypnotically focused on the usually dynamic individual, those accepting such a role are immediately programmed to self destruct.

As truth has it, when something gets in the way of white hot truth it burns up. It may take time but it won’t stand the test.

It’s never clear in the time of transition but always clarifies over time. It’s up to us to be circumspect and wise in our observations and resultant behaviors.

Plato said something very profound in this regard:

“When the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader.” – Plato

Inside and Outside Attacks

A big part of this revelation we’re in the midst of has to do with knowing not just the truth but the enemies of truth. These contrarian “signal jammers” can be clearly belligerent external foes of freedom, creativity and the like which are relatively easy to spot individuals or socially engineered trends, but there are also inside or internal spiritual attacks on ourselves or others in our midst that can be difficult to identify as well as deal with.

This awareness of spiritual attacks must become an important aspect of our awareness. Whether people call these influences transdimensionals, demons, archons, wetiko or whatever, they are real, and very active and present in this human conflict.

People will be, and already are, seeing personality changes in others around them who are not moving or working with the truth vibrations, if you will. If you haven’t yet experienced this element you soon will, but it usually takes some grounded awareness and spotting ability to see them for what they are, and that awareness can only manifest when there is the ability to see what you are.

Some coming into our midst are people who are clearly outside plants and shills, but I would venture to say that the most present danger is the spiritual element which invariably uses the weakest link available as their doorway in any situation.

These negative, parasitic forces go where there is an opening. A particularly weak individual, someone with a grudge or contrary agenda for whatever reason, or simply a misguided soul laden with pride who is easily influenced and in some cases taken over.

These influences are not just demonically persuasive and extremely intelligent and can win almost any argument on their level if you engage them, but very aggressive.

This is where the fuller overarching paradigm of how to effect change is most blatantly manifest – learning to circumnavigate and ultimately rise above this level of interchange is a proverbial stitch in time and will avoid untold confusion and wasted energy.

This might sound a bit woo woo and out there for some geopolitical pragmatists, but if you’re reading this I’m sure you’ll identify some of these symptoms. Obviously psychopaths are fully charged with these elements, but it’s when it reaches you personally that we can be taken aback and inadvertently steered into futile encounters or courses of action.

The spiritual cannot be ignored. In fact, it is first and foremost amongst factors that need to be under consideration at any and every given time during this transitional process.

Take It from There

This may seem a bit vague to some but you will come to see it manifest in many ways. Much more needs to be explained about these inside and outside attacks but I wanted to touch on the concepts to get the ball rolling.

Idols will fall. Despite any temporary confusion good folks will survive and thrive as they empower. Paradigms will continue to crumble and morph. It’s a spectacular convergence and a time to learn.

Go with the flow but be aware, very aware, of the influences we are being bombarded with. This is a very serious transition we’re in the midst of and we need to remain vigilant and detached in our perspective.

There is no in between when it comes to joining the forces for truth.

Just a heads up.

Stay on top of it, not under.

Much love always,



Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

The Calm Before the Shift

The Calm Before the Shift

by Zen Gardner
March 28, 2015


There appears to be a growing sentiment that we’re on the verge of some kind of significant breakthrough. Not the obvious crackdown of the PTBs, but a good move forward for conscious humanity. It seems to be an awareness step of some sort, but this next stage is becoming more and more palpable.Many have talked about these energetic changes and the consciousness shift we’re in the midst of, but even within that we can sense levels of relative change and I’m hearing it from all sides. There’s an unraveling going on as the awakened become empowered, but many dynamics are involved.

Is it related to this feeling of a calm before a storm on the world stage, a version of our own anticipation clearly known amongst the awakened?


The difference is the awakened are not reactive, but responsive and even proactive. We follow our hearts and feel out what’s transpiring. While the compulsion and near infatuation with keeping track of the mounting manipulative deeds of the usurpers consumes a lot of alternative attention, we can also sense these hard to perceive shifts in perspective that continue to surface.

They happen for our own encouragement and help to mark our points of progress in what we’re accomplishing and where we’re going.

More importantly, seeing these definitive integrated, staged changes helps to articulate these progressions. This isn’t just the overall “shift” we’re in the midst of, but a clear staged move into a post awakened awareness and understanding of where we are at in this present moment.

Spiritual Resignation – or the Pause that Refreshes?

The current trend that I’m personally sensing is almost a spiritual resignation taking place. Not in a negative “I give up” tone, but more a realization of what is about to take place and the many practical preparations. Many are finding that helping those who aren’t willing to be helped, or those who aren’t willing to be made aware of this nearing point, as a futile form of redundancy.

“Why try? They don’t want it…”

In other words, what people are meant to do they’ll do, or not do. It’s really up to them to wake up or not. This feeling is triggered by the auto-response mechanism they all seem to display – “no, no, and more no. It’s not possible, it can’t be, and you’re full of conspiracy crap” yada yada.

My take? It’s true. Walk away from the dead and go find the living. We have serious work to do.

It’s much like the age old philosophical argument between free will and determinism. Just because we run up against dead heads doesn’t mean we stop doing what we’re doing. We march on in spite of thuggish attitudes and mindless opposition.

The fun thing is, another mechanism is seeping in and we need to understand it clearly.

The Truther and the Fatalist – Are They Merging?

While awakened souls feel compelled to reach out and tell others what has become intensely clear to them, they’re also continually processing the more subtle changes around them and what they are indicating. There is no set agenda, there are no set protocols except love and a strong desire for truth.

But what happens when the mission seems to come to an end? What happens when the campaigner thinks it’s become futile, the die is cast, the worm has turned, the tables are fixed?

I’m not saying that’s the case across the board, but it’s a reality seeping in and I’m not afraid of it, as active as I am. I can understand that type of resignation and the decision to pull back and prepare for the changeover. It’s very realistic.

In my mind that’s not what I endorse, although I have taken precautions in my own life along those lines and encouraged others to do the same. Keeping at the battle every chance I get is what I live for. But I think I’m catching the drift of the “resignationist”.

It’s all about to happen and people aren’t listening.

But they can.

More importantly, let people want to wake up and decide for themselves. If they’re not hungry, you can’t make ’em hungry. Leading a horse to water, no mater how compelling or entertaining, will not make it drink. But there’s an inner desire on the part of all living creatures.

Freed to Take Care of Business

We need to each learn to deal with this dilemma ourselves and act on it. I will not endorse reluctance, compliance, giving up or yielding to the dystopic negative entropic forces in any way, shape or form. But this wave of spiritual sensation is a profound one, and nothing to be ashamed of if you’re feeling it.

The reason? We ARE there. It IS all about to blow. Maybe folks are being freed to go about their lives to get their things in order, prepare loved ones, concentrate their energy on immediate matters.

If that’s the case, that’s wonderful. We’re all supposed to be going about getting our lives and homes in order, but sometimes we need to be freed from other perceived obligations. This isn’t necessarily everyone’s “reason” for disengaging from the battle but I hope it does some potential explaining and liberating.

For everyone.

Keep on. Very strange times we’re passing through. Be aware, be conscious, be ready, be responsible.

Hang on and let go. You’ll know what to do. Just do what calls you.

From your heart.

Much love – Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.

Be Like Water: The Need for Adaptive Fluidity

Be Like Water: The Need for Adaptive Fluidity

by Zen Gardner
April 1, 2016


As the proliferation of staged events and the accompanying fear campaigns and predictable clampdowns ensue, it’s always good to take stock of any situation unfolding and assess how best to handle what’s transpiring. With the playing field changing at such a rapid rate, locally as well as globally, it’s wise to see how to perhaps adjust our sights as well as personal attitudes and outlook, all the while staying completely clear of any reaction with even the faintest smell of fear.

Any wise strategist knows you don’t fight today’s battles by yesterday’s instructions. Surely in big ideas there will be overarching plans that too will need to be adjusted accordingly, but the day by day, minute by minute decisions require thinking on your feet and being prepared, vigilant and most of all agile and adaptive are the ever present challenge.

Not just now, but in the potentially confusing days to come.


The nature of water makes the most amazing metaphor for spiritual preparedness and how to adjust and adapt to our environment. Water cannot be compressed or repressed. It changes states, and yes, can be temporarily contained, but even then has incredible kinetic energy despite its confinement and seeming resting state.

It’s energy withheld from potential activation in another form, awaiting movement. But even then it can evaporate into another state and transfer itself on a whim.

This incredible liquid is the basic building block of nature. It’s now known even stars produce water and other heavenly bodies are rich with it. It floats about in our cosmos like life itself, all completely contrary to the dead, sterile vacuum model of “space” we were entrained with.

It moves, it adapts, it morphs, much like the gift of the human spirit. Only wrong teaching can convince us otherwise. Experience bears this out, as does our intuition.

Staying Nimble in a World Ruled by Flat Brained Scientism

Adaptability is contrarian to social programming. We’re handed down a very staid, structured and set model for our behavior, as well as outlook. So-called modern science attests to this. It only changes its views with overwhelming 5-sense evidence they accept, an attribute that is a total giveaway as to its true origins and intent and left brained, system reinforcing paradigm and lack of spiritual understanding.

While there is a current wake up of sorts amongst the scientific community as to the influence and profound importance and implications of consciousness, it’s slow on the uptake and will never match the requisites for true societal change.

These so-called advances are encouraging in a way, but they’re always too little and too late….and too lame. Much like so many of the changes many seek to see in conventional understanding that will never hit the mark.

We’re on different frequencies, different levels of understanding and awareness.

We cannot look to any form of established authority for anything. But one thing we can know for sure, when we follow our hearts we know it’s a time of massive change in ways that they will never allow themselves to acknowledge.

Fine. We don’t need their affirmation.

The point here is it’s time to keep moving and changing. Like water.

Being Here, Being There

A lot of people ask me about where I live, why I moved out of the US gulag, and have questions about why I live like I do. I don’t mind and I answer many questions regarding this. Where we each choose to live at any given time is up to each one of us individually. There’s no set or pat answer for anything.

I just like being free. Most of all consciously. Free to do what I love and feel is the most productive, without having to look over my shoulder every two minutes or drive somewhere never knowing what kind of a fascist police bust is up ahead.

But this leads directly back to the water metaphor.

Move where you’re led, go with the flow and all that. It’s true. Just know the source of what you’re letting go into and be grounded in your intentions. Some seemingly confining situations may be your best option. There’s no place for comparison on that level. Where we’re each led to be and how to act is a very individual decision.

Water is the same. It goes where it flows. It sits where it’s confined or rests. It molds to circumstances, restrictions and environment, but it doesn’t lose it’s fluid, adaptive nature. It may be required to wait a while but it is always living kinetic energy awaiting release at any given time.

Enter the Sacred Dragon

Bruce Lee was big on this. And rightfully so. You may remember him as a martial artist but he was extremely spiritual, and died young with his empowering message.

Principles are principles, and hold their own. The wise teachings that have withstood the test of time and worked their way around the rocks and protuberances of social engineering still speak loud and clear to the hearts of humanity. Much like water, foundational truths cannot be quenched. They may be waylaid for short periods of time, even sequestered by powers that shouldn’t be, but they always escape the clutches of the control grid and reach deep into the heart of mankind.

Lee famously touted the liquid metaphor, as have many sages. It’s ours to learn these techniques and if you will, spiritual technologies, to stay free and happily afoot and adaptive.

It’s not easy but it’s worth learning. Flow.

And flow we will.

Be like water.

Love, Zen


Zen Gardner is an impactful and controversial author and speaker with a piercing philosophical viewpoint. His writings have been circulated to millions and his personal story has caused no small stir amongst the entrenched alternative pundits. His book You Are the Awakening has met rave reviews and is available on You Are the Awakening examines the dynamics of the awakening to a more conscious awareness of who we are and why we are here – dynamics which are much different from the programmed approach of this world we were born into.