La Quinta Columna: On Accidents Near 5G Antennas

La Quinta Columna: On Accidents Near 5G Antennas

by Orwellito, Orwell City
September 24, 2021


La Quinta Columna continues its investigation related to the accidents and deaths resulting from the electronic excitation of graphene oxide in people’s bodies when near 5G antennas.

Although it may seem like a coincidence, it should not be ruled out that the possibility of more and more deaths near these antennas will increase as time goes by.

Orwell City brings the Spanish duo’s comments to English.

Video available at Orwellito Rumble channel.

Ricardo Delgado: It says, One dead and two injured when a vehicle leaves the road in Antequera. This is in Malaga. The event has taken place at —and keep this reference for yourselves— kilometer 146 of the A-42. The freeway is the A-42, and the kilometer is 146. The province of Malaga has registered a new traffic accident in which one person has died, and two others have been injured. The accident occurred on Monday afternoon when a vehicle has left the road in Antequera, as reported by the Emergency 112 service in Andalusia. Specifically, the hotline received the call a few minutes before half-past four. Help for the occupants of a vehicle that had left the road at kilometer 146 of the A42 was requested. This is heading towards Granada.

We have searched just that kilometer of that highway in that direction, and we have made a small video for you to see what is right next to it. I’m going to share it on the Telegram channel of La Quinta Columna and share it with all of this together so that people start to make the natural association. Here’s the news, and now let’s watch the video.

We wonder, did this have anything to do with it? Well, there you’re looking at the kilometer in question. I’m going to back it up a little bit. There’s kilometer 146 of the A-42. We have looked for it. And, if we go forward a little bit, right here next to that kilometer where the accident happened, look what we see. Man! It may be a coincidence. But the truth is that… …we have the Mordor antenna there. As we call it. Let’s see, I’ll show it again. There you have it, you see? A big antenna. One of those gigantic towers. It’d be yet another case of the COVID-19 environmental theory as we know it.

Dr. Sevillano: Is that right there where the man had the accident? At that exit? Is that right there?

Ricardo Delgado: Yes, right there. At kilometer 146, heading in the direction of Granada. And, right there, that’s where the antenna is. It’s like the case of the cyclist who fell dead at the foot of the telephone repeater. Or like that boy who suffered a heart attack and, fortunately, a girl who was participating in the MLK Trail race too saved his life. In Malaga, near La Coracha, where there’s also an antenna. Where they were running. This is to say that all this somehow corroborates the initial suspicions we had. In people who are graphenated, the nanomaterial they carry is excited or triggers the clinical picturenear the sources of electromagnetic radiation since this substance is radio-modulable.

Dr. Sevillano: Exactly. And they fall down fried. Syncope, loss of consciousness. Or just drop dead. Messages are already arriving from people who tell you that what they see is that young people are falling, something that wasn’t so common before. They’re falling this way. Yes, yes. I think we’re going to see more and more of these cases as the days go by. But we’ll see this more frequently.

If you have comments or information for La Quinta Columna, then you can refer to their official website. Follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, send them a message to: Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.


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cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

NYC Teachers: There Is Still Hope! — Lawsuits in Federal Court Could Bring Relief for NYC DOE Employees

NYC Teachers: There Is Still Hope!
Lawsuits in Federal Court Could Bring Relief for NYC DOE Employees

by Michael Kane, NY Teachers for Choice


Thousands of teachers and educators were extremely distraught throughout New York yesterday when Judge Love revoked the restraining order on forced vaccination he implemented last week. However this is NOT the only lawsuit seeking relief for NYC DOE employees in this matter.

Our attorneys have always maintained we would not find relief in a New York State court, which is where Judge Love ruled from. That’s why the TEACHERS FOR CHOICE lawsuit and Rachel Maniscalco’s class action were both filed in federal court where our attorneys and experts have agreed is the best venue to seek relief.

Right now all eyes are on Rachel’s case.

Over 700 teachers are a part of that class action lawsuit. On September 22nd, this case was argued in Federal Court seeking a preliminary injunction that would stop the September 27th deadline for NYC DOE employees to be vaccinated to maintain employment. The attorneys representing the petitioners are Louis Gelormino and Mark Fonte. The attorneys speak very highly about the judge hearing the case, Judge Cogan. IF Fonte & Gelermino are successful in securing a preliminary injunction, this would push back the September 27th deadline for vaccination and educators could report to work next week without receiving a covid vaccine.

This would not be PERMANENT relief, but would be temporary to allow the case to be heard in court before the final fait of the mandate was decided. Fonte & Gelermino have other “emergency” plans they may implement over the weekend if necessary but I will not be discussing that here at this time. Please stay tuned to our platform for updates.

Then there is our lawsuit, the TEACHERS FOR CHOICE lawsuit. While our case challenges the entire vaccine mandate as illegal and unconstitutional, our attorney took specific issue with the medical and religious exemption process. Attorney Sujata Gibson has special expertise in this area of law over many years of practice. Our complaint has been filed in Federal Court and more announcements will be coming regarding this lawsuit in the days ahead of us.

I am exactly the same as many reading this as I am staring directly into the reality of losing my career of over 14 years. I am preparing for that loss as it is very possible it may be occurring within just a few days, but I have not given up hope yet. I have faith in these two remaining lawsuits, but more importantly I have faith in the thousands of people who are rising up in NYC EVERY SINGLE WEEK!

COME TO FOLEY SQUARE ON MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27th as our struggle continues. We will continue to fight but we will also celebrate as we must find JOY in our resistance.


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cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

Czech Republic Giving Away, Burning Its Remaining AstraZeneca Vaccines

Czech Republic Giving Away, Burning Its Remaining AstraZeneca Vaccines

by 21st Century Wire
September 23, 2021


The Czech Republic’s vaccine roll-out has hit a wall. 

It appears that state agencies are experiencing an increasingly low demand for jabs being recommended to over 60 year-olds due to multiple reports concerning possible side effects from the vaccine.

In September, only 36 new applicants came for AstraZeneca.

Irozhlas reports how the government is now dumping hundreds of thousands of doses overseas in Asia (translated):

In recent weeks, the Czechia has directly donated over 200,000 doses of AstraZeneca to Asia, hundreds of thousands more vaccines have been released by the state to other countries since the summer, and these orders will not even reach the Czech Republic.

Those jabs which they can’t give away are heading for the incinerator:

Burned: 20,650. So far, this is the September account of AstraZeneca’s coronavirus vaccines …. the state must dispose of vaccines en masse. It is said that they cannot donate anymore. Tens of thousands more doses expire in October. The state is likely to burn more doses.

At the turn of October and November, the incinerators will have their work cut out for them. Another 55,000 batches, which are in stock with distribution company Avenier and which are distributed in warehouses and pharmacies, will go.

Problems with the vaccine agenda in eastern Europe is a source of concern for Brussels as it hopes to implement its digital segregation system commonly referred to as Vaccine Passports but codified in EU policy as a more harmless sounding “Digital ID Wallet.”


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Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None

Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Pfizer Vaccine Pleads With Top U.S. Public Health Officials for Help — and Gets None
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Dr. Danice Hertz said people like her who have been seriously injured by COVID vaccines are being dismissed or ignored, and because health officials won’t research their injuries and potential treatments, they have nowhere to turn.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
September 23, 2021


Danice Hertz, a 64-year-old physician who was “horribly ill” and “incapacitated” after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, claims U.S. health agencies are ignoring thousands of adverse events.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Hertz said if she could go back in time, she would not have gotten vaccinated.

Hertz said she has been in contact with numerous health agencies, physicians and researchers — including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), U.S. Surgeon General and doctors at Harvard and Stanford universities and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles — in an effort to obtain help for the neurological injuries she suffered after getting the vaccine.

Hertz told The Defender there are thousands of people like her — who have been injured by COVID vaccines — who are suffering and need help, yet they’re ignored by mainstream media and U.S. health agencies. Meanwhile, COVID vaccine mandates are being rolled out for millions of Americans, with barely any discussion of the risks.

Hertz, a gastroenterologist who retired in October, got her first and only dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on Dec. 23, 2020. “There was an opportunity to get the vaccine because the hospital was giving it to every doctor,” Hertz said. “I didn’t know if I would need to go back into the workforce, so I ran to get it. Within 30 minutes, I started experiencing adverse effects.”

“I waited the 15 minutes you’re required to wait after you get it, and I went to the car and my face started burning,” Hertz said. “I drove home five minutes away, and by the time I walked through the door, I told my husband to call the paramedics.”

Hertz said within 24 hours she developed neurological symptoms, including severe paresthesias in her face, tongue, scalp, chest wall and limbs, as well as tremors, twitching, weakness, headaches, tinnitus and imbalance.

“My blood pressure was 186 over 127, which I’ve come to find is characteristic of these reactions,” Hertz said.

Hertz called her doctor, and took Benadryl and steroids in case she was having an allergic reaction. The next day her face turned completely numb.

Hertz said:

“My entire face felt like it was burning — like acid had been poured on my face. I had sensations throughout my body like it was vibrating. I felt like I had a tight band around my waist, chest pain and shortness of breath, and I went to bed for seven days.”

Hertz followed up with an allergist who treated her with steroids in case she was experiencing an allergic reaction to the vaccine. After a few weeks of no improvement, Hertz met with the chief neurologist at Cedars-Sinai.

“I saw six neurologists, five allergists, three rheumatologists, and no one had a clue,” Hertz said. “They did blood work, skin biopsies, an MRI and more, and nothing really came up. Unfortunately, if a doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you they’re done with you, though that’s not how I practice.”

Early on, when Hertz was evaluated by the first neurologist, the neurologist asked her about a “CISA consult” with the CDC.

According to the CDC’s website, the Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) Project was established in 2001 to address the unmet vaccine safety clinical research needs of the U.S.

CISA is a national network of vaccine safety experts from the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office and seven medical research centers, plus other partners who address vaccine safety issues, conduct high-quality clinical research and assess complex clinical adverse events following vaccination.

The CISA Project also provides consultation to U.S. clinicians who have vaccine safety questions about a specific patient residing in the U.S. It also provides consultation to U.S. healthcare providers and public health partners on vaccine safety issues, and reviews clinical adverse events following immunization involving U.S.-licensed vaccines.

Hertz’s case was accepted into the CISA Project and was presented at the CDC’s grand rounds on March 23. Following the meeting, a physician forwarded a letter to Hertz suggesting she had “mast cell disorder.”

The CISA Project never followed up with her.

Mast cell activation syndrome (or mast cell disorder) is a condition in which a patient experiences repeated episodes of the symptoms of anaphylaxis — allergic symptoms such as hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and severe diarrhea.

Systemic mastocytosis can cause skin lesions, pain in inner organs, bone pain, diarrhea and vomiting, weight loss and cardiovascular symptoms.

Hertz contacted the NIH and was evaluated remotely by Dr. Avindra Nath, a physician-scientist who specializes in neuroimmunology and is intramural clinical director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke at the NIH.

Hertz said she sent the NIH her blood for a study, because they were seeing quite a few patients like her. She also sent her blood to doctors at Stanford and Harvard for evaluation.

The Harvard physician also thought Hertz had mast cell activation, and put her on medications, but they didn’t help. “I’m now on a lot of medications for mast cell activation, but I’m still quite ill,” Hertz said.

“I don’t think that’s [mast cell activation] the whole explanation of what’s happening to us,” Hertz said. “I’m still here nine months later. I still don’t know what’s wrong with me. I am not as sick as I was initially, but I still get attacks where I feel like I’m being electrocuted, and my husband can actually feel my legs and arms vibrating.”

Hertz started a Facebook group that now has more than 160 people who have experienced neurological problems after a COVID vaccine, and can’t find help with their conditions.

“We have 160 people in this private Facebook group and we all know each other very well and are trying to help each other,” Hertz said. “Together we’ve been trying very very hard to get help.”

“Although my group consists of 160 members who had legitimate adverse reactions to COVID vaccines, there are other groups I’m aware of that have thousands,” she added.

Hertz said the mainstream media does not want to talk to anyone in her group who’s been injured because they’re not allowed to publish about vaccine injuries. “There are a lot of people who have had neurological reactions and a lot of people don’t know it’s vaccine-related,” she said.

Hertz and her group managed to get a Zoom meeting with Dr. Peter Marks, director of the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) at the FDA, to discuss their vaccine injuries, but were disappointed when he did not show up for the meeting.

Hertz explained:

“We had a very important Zoom meeting with Marks set up. I think it was the day they announced Pfizer’s vaccine was given full FDA approval. We [the group] didn’t know in advance it was going to be approved.

“We all prepared speeches to plead with Marks for help and he didn’t show up. The head of the communications showed up –– not a science person. She listened to us. Her response after listening to us for a full hour was, ‘well if you could give me your VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] number, I’ll have everyone look into your VAERS cases and we will see what we can do to help you.’”

Hertz said the FDA representative completely missed the point. “We were here to represent a large number of people who’ve been injured and need medical care, yet we got no response,” she said.

U.S. agencies are aware of vaccine injuries

Hertz said there are different theories for adverse reactions like hers, but she doesn’t think any have been proven or that enough research has been done.

“Some people think it’s an immune-mediated neuropathy where nerves are attacked by antibodies triggered by the vaccine,” Hertz said. “A doctor in California claims he found a spike protein produced by the vaccine in our monocytes — as he is doing research on members in the group.”

Hertz said several members of her private Facebook group went to the NIH for treatment, especially those who were paralyzed after getting the vaccine and can’t use their legs.

“The NIH is aware of what is happening but publicly has been dismissive of vaccine adverse reactions,” Hertz said.

“Early on when I was so sick in early January, I tried to figure out whom I should contact — and I did contact another gentleman at the NIH who is very high up in the NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases],” Hertz said. “He told me they are ‘very aware’ of these reactions and are looking into them.”

“They knew about these adverse reactions before the vaccines were released from the clinical trials,” Hertz said.

In a Feb. 11 email exchange (see below)  between Hertz and the NIH and NIAID (the agency led by Dr. Anthony Fauci) just two months after COVID vaccines received Emergency Use Authorization, an official acknowledged other reactions like the ones Hertz experienced had been reported and agencies were aware of them.

Hertz said she believes the NIH conveys a different position behind the scenes than the one the agency presents to the public. She said she believes it’s because the NIH is funded by the FDA.

Hertz has had several communication exchanges with Marks and Dr. Janet Woodcock, FDA acting commissioner. Neither Marks, nor Woodcock took Hertz’ concerns seriously, but instead, wished her the best with her debilitating vaccine injuries.

Hertz said Woodcock initially said she would like to help, but then responded again saying:

“I am so very sorry for your ordeal. It seems what is missing is what they call a ‘research definition,’ in other words a syndromic framework to describe what is being experienced, since it may not fit into current diagnostic categories. Possibly one of the academic researchers you have consulted could work on that. I don’t have insight into how this could be approached from a treatment standpoint.”

In other words, they are not interested in hearing about these reactions, Hertz said in an email to the NIH where she described the FDA’s response.

In the email, Hertz said:

“It is shocking to me that they completely blow off these reports of hundreds  and thousands  suffering with severe reactions. I would think they would want to know as much as possible about these reactions. Something is very wrong and these adverse reactions to the vaccines are being covered up. It is a great disservice to so many who are suffering like me.”

On Feb. 1, Hertz reached out to her team of physicians, the CDC and Marks regarding her experience and those of five other women who developed neurological problems after Pfizer’s vaccine. Hertz asked why their neurological reactions were being ignored.

Hertz wrote:

“As most of you know me, I am a 64-year-old gastroenterologist who suffered a terrible reaction 30 minutes after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine. I am still very symptomatic almost 9 weeks out with severe paresthesias, chest tightness, tremor, dizziness, headaches. I am on the internet seeking information and came across an article in a journal Neurology Today. I wrote a comment after the article about my reaction. I have subsequently been contacted by five other women who have had very similar neurological reactions to mine and are all quite ill weeks after receiving their vaccines.

“They have had similar difficulty in getting appropriate medical care as the medical community knows nothing about these reactions. They, too, have reported their reactions to the drug companies, the regulatory governmental agencies, and there has been no response or documentation of their reactions.

“It is apparent that these neurological reactions are not unheard of. Why are they not being addressed? Why are our reports being ignored? We do not have any desire to frighten the public about the vaccine, but we all very much would like to get medical care and fear that we will not recover from these debilitating symptoms. We were all previously healthy. We are considering going to the media as we are terribly frustrated at the lack of transparency. Any advice from you would be greatly appreciated.”

Marks responded that he was “so sorry” to hear of her symptoms, that the FDA takes adverse events seriously and said he asked the pharmacovigilance team to follow up with her. To date, neither Marks, nor the pharmacovigilance team have followed up.

On March 17, an official at the NIH emailed Hertz — and copied Pfizer — acknowledging more than 1,000 neurological side effects reported to VAERS, and promising to present them to the scientific community, which to date, has not been done.

The official said:

“If you look at VAERS database there are more than 1,000 neurological side effects already reported but in order to present it to scientific community we have to gather as much information as we can before sending it out. I promise you we will report your issue and other cases that we are reviewing now and I really [would] appreciate if you kindly give us 1-2 weeks to collect comprehensive information before publicizing it.”

In an April 15 email to Marks, Woodcock, the CDC and NIH, Hertz said:

“Why is this being kept a secret? When will the public be made aware so we can get treatment? Will we recover? You have no idea the pain and suffering that many people have been going through. I wish you could experience what we are experiencing to understand my pleas. It is very difficult to live this way. At times, I am in so much pain that I don’t want to live. It is so shocking to me that this suppression of information and the truth can occur in our country. As a physician, I never imagined this could occur here in the United States, with our great medical system and regulatory agencies.

“Please bring these reactions public so medical care will be available to the many like me who are suffering agonizing symptoms resulting from these vaccines. Eventually, the truth will be told. We need help now.”

Hertz said she received a response from Woodcock, who said the FDA is “looking into these neurological reactions.” But there has been no follow-through or acknowledgement of her injuries — or the injuries thousands of others are experiencing.

Hertz, who is pro-vaccine, said she is concerned the FDA, NIH, CDC and pharmaceutical companies are ignoring vaccine injuries.

Hertz explained:

“We want the medical community to be educated about these reactions so they don’t dismiss us, so that they can validate what has happened and treat us. We need research done to discover what happened and to create treatments. And now there are vaccine mandates and people like us cannot get vaccinated again. There are many in my group who are physicians and cannot go back to work until they’re fully vaccinated but they can’t go back to work and it’s not easy to get an exemption. We need to look at that.”

On May 24, Hertz and 79 other individuals who were injured by Moderna, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca (U.S. clinical trial) vaccines wrote a letter to the Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. Surgeon General and the White House pleading with them to validate their reactions so they could be addressed properly.

The group stated:

“We have all shared very similar adverse reactions to these vaccines. We were previously healthy individuals. Our reactions occurred within minutes to a few short days after receiving the vaccines. There is no doubt that the vaccines caused our reactions.

“Our reactions have included nausea, weight loss, heartburn, diarrhea/constipation, sleep disturbances, chest pains, headaches, facial and sinus pressure, dizziness, severe weakness and fatigue, painful paresthesias throughout the body, severe painful paresthesias focused on the face, tongue and scalp, internal vibrations and tremors, muscle twitching and muscle spasms, brain fog and mental status changes, memory loss, tinnitus, impaired/blurred vision, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, bulging veins, heart issues and weakness. Several in our group have experienced paralysis of the lower extremities and to this day remain paralyzed. Many of us have been ill for five months.”

Nobody in the group had any of the above symptoms prior to getting a COVID vaccine.

“They [the injuries] are leaving the majority of us disabled and unable to return to our jobs as medical and other healthcare professionals, parents, teachers, scientists, etc.,” the group wrote.

“Not only have we been impacted physically, but mentally and financially as well. Most of us are unable to work, or are on a reduced work schedule. This is continuing for us without any end in sight.”

“WE NEED HELP,” the group wrote. “The constant messaging that the vaccines are safe and with zero acknowledgement of these adverse neurological reactions has made it impossible for us to obtain medical treatment. We are ‘collateral damage’ in the effort to stop the pandemic.”

The group told Murthy that until adverse reactions are acknowledged, it will be impossible to receive care. “We are pleading that you make the medical community aware of these reactions so we can get the medical care we need,” the group wrote.

U.S. health agencies don’t want people to know about vaccine injuries

When asked by The Defender why the U.S. health agencies would cover up vaccine adverse events, suppress research and fail to provide those injured with adequate treatments, Hertz responded:

“The pandemic is horrible. It’s a real problem. But they made calculated decisions on how to protect the most people, and I don’t know who made these decisions but they’ve decided vaccinating as many people as possible will save more people than attending to the vaccine injuries. I think they do not want to create fear or panic and to publicize the fact there are injuries.”

Hertz said she believes what’s happening with COVID vaccines is a crime against our country.

“If there is anything I could do, I would go back in time and take that shot out of me,” Hertz said. “I took every single vaccine that ever came out, and I had never had a reaction to anything. I went in that day without any concern because it had been cleared by the FDA. I feel like an idiot.”

Hertz said she submitted several reports to VAERS, but the CDC never followed up. She received a call from one clerical person just confirming the report and she told them, “I am a physician. I am severely ill. I’m fearful of my life. I did report to Pfizer in written and verbal form, and nobody has ever called me back.”

Hertz reached out to Dr. Marks again on Feb. 23 after not receiving a follow-up as promised, and another official with CBER responded. The official referred her to VAERS, and told her how to request information about her adverse event and how to obtain a copy of the report. He also suggested she request a CISA consult from the CDC, which she had already done.

Hertz responded:

“Thank you for your recommendation to contact VAERS. Unfortunately this is not helpful as it has already been done. Hopefully, you will become aware of the injuries some people are experiencing from the vaccines and educate the medical community so that medical care will be available for people like me.”

The official asked whether she had filled out her report correctly and that he was under the impression VAERS will contact her if “follow-up information is needed.”

Hertz said she provided contact information on the VAERS report she filed and was “fully aware of the many hundreds of reports with similar reactions in the VAERS database,” as were the people in her group with similar severe reactions. “We and our physicians have requested CDC CISA consults which have been completely unhelpful,” Hertz said.

Hertz explained:

“I would think the FDA and CDC would want to know about these reactions. We have all been seriously ill. It is truly shocking that our reports have not been taken seriously and that the FDA is not asking for follow up from us. There is apparently no concern about people being injured by the vaccines.

“The suggestions you make in both of your emails to me are nonsensical. I am a physician, not a moron. You skirt the issue that there are many of us that have been injured by the vaccines and are being ignored. Your emails are insulting and demeaning. You are completely missing my point. I guess that is just representative of how seriously you are taking the fact that there are many people being severely injured by the Covid vaccines and are struggling to get validation and medical care because these reactions are being hidden from the medical community.

“This is truly shocking. Having practiced medicine for 33 years, I always had faith in our regulatory agencies. Now, having been seriously injured by this vaccine and struggling to be taken seriously and get medical assistance, I no longer have faith.”

On July 2, Hertz reached out to one of her contacts at the NIH again asking if there was anyone studying adverse reactions like hers, and the group she represents. She wrote, “We have been abandoned by the government, and the medical community knows nothing about these adverse reactions. We desperately need medical help.”

There was no response.

Hertz said that as a physician, she is pro-vaccine but she is also “pro-informed consent,” and she has always given that to her patients.

“Whatever I did to them, if it was a procedure like a colonoscopy or prescribing a medication, I always provided them with the risks involved,” Hertz said. “There has been no informed consent with the [COVID] vaccine, and if I would have known I never would have gotten it.”

Hertz said the public needs to be given accurate and complete information about the risks and the ability to make a choice. “To make that choice for them is wrong,” she said.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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La Quinta Columna: On the Extreme Harm & Death to Many Athletes After Injection of Covid Vaccines

La Quinta Columna: On the Extreme Harm & Death to Many Athletes After Injection of Covid Vaccines
Dr. José Luis Sevillano explains how graphene oxide interferes with the electrical fields of the heart


Bad combo: Vaccines and Sports don’t mix well

by Orwellito, Orwell City
September 22, 2021

Video available at Orwellito Rumble channel.


Ricardo Delgado: Let’s see, precisely, how the sport and the vaccine interact. José Luis, do you recall that yesterday we read a scientific article that described how the cardiac cells could be modulated or stimulated remotely and wirelessly through photons and electromagnetic fields so that the pulse could be increased or decreased by three and so on by using the fashionable material called Graphene? Graphene oxide.

What we’re seeing is that people who practice sports with a certain frequency —even athletes—, are losing their lives and becoming seriously ill. We have prepared a brief report on the topic. We’re going to show it now.

Intro: Deaths and serious conditions in athletes caused by the “vaccine.” Graphene inside the body kills.


‘I was vaccinated at 13:00, died at midnight’: an athlete died after vaccination in Yaroslavl region.

He gets vaccinated and goes to Spain: gym instructor dies of a heart attack.

Marathon runner Alexaida Guédez dies of a heart attack.

Tragic death of Carabobo runner Alexaida Guédez shocks the sports world.

Pedro Obiang: 29-year-old professional soccer player suffers from myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccines, possible career end.

Cyclist dies of a heart attack while cycling in Fuerteventura.

MLK Trail runner saves life after heart attack in the middle of race.

He worked at Bayern. The drama of the all-time leading scorer at World Cups. Miroslav Klose suffers a thrombosis and will no longer be able to manage.

A volleyball player claims that the vaccine has caused her heart problems.

Track star Cameron Burrell, godson of Carl Lewis dies tragically at age 26.

Italy: Obiang suffers from myocarditis after vaccination, will only be able to play for 6 months.

A 46-year-old participant in a triathlon in Palomera died.

Kingsley Coman underwent surgery for a heart problem.

Marílio Costa Leite (46 years old) died after taking Pfizer vax.

Robert Lima died of cardiac arrest while playing soccer with friends. Australian swimming gold medalist Madison Wilson 27, has been admitted to hospital ICU unable to breath despite being fully vaccinated.

MOVING CELLS AT WILL — Savchenko explains that it took the team a while to pinpoint the optimal graphene-based formulation. Then they had to find the best light source and a way to deliver that light to the graphene cell system. But eventually, they found a way to precisely control how much electricity the graphene generated by varying the intensity of the light they exposed it to.

Outro: Graphene has an affinity for the electrical currents of the heart and acts on external electromagnetic fields remotely.

Ricardo Delgado: People may think it’s a coincidence, but we know there’s something behind it. If they really have graphene inside, well…

Dr. Sevillano: You see several models of problems. The heart, in general —for people to understand—, has about three elements. It’s like the works. On the construction site, you have the masonry structure, the electrical wiring, and the plumbing.

The plumbing is the crown wires. The wiring is what generates the polarization of all the ventricular and atrial mass, with a cadence, with a sequence. And then the wall, which is like the walls of the house. The walls are damaged because graphene looks for everything that has natural bio-electric activity. And, in addition, that’s strong, powerful. All cells have it, but this ones are constantly depolarizing and polarizing. And there’s an exaggerated activity compared to other tissues. And that’s where the graphene goes blind. It’s blindly looking for that type of tissue. It settles where it’s best. If it’s good, it stays there. It gets everywhere and gets into the conduction tissue, into the cables of the electrical network; it gets into the walls, it stays impregnating the walls. It goes inside, through the arteries, too. Evidently. And it damages the arteries. Then, the damage is going to be done at three levels.

All sudden deaths are, surely, caused by the conduction tissue. Almost certainly. Between that and the fact that the muscle tissue is compromised and also spontaneously generates currents, what happens is that they’re slowed down by the depolarization that is commanded by the structures that usually ‘produce’ the impulse. But that, surely, as the graphene is excited, generates other types of currents and anomalous depolarizations. That’s to say, that’s for sure that it’s hurting you the moment you’re exposed to electromagnetic fields. For sure.

Then you have to add myocarditis, which is damage to the myocyte, the heart muscle. There, graphene is certainly infiltrated per cell. As soon as it begins to be impregnated, it starts to damage the muscle fibers. Some of them start to die, and tissue inflammation begins. And then you have the coronary arteries which, when people are older and have them somewhat compromised, it’s enough to have a little more of… Let’s say density, thickness, pro-thrombogenicity in the blood so that as soon as you are close to one of those steel plates or whatever it is, you’re already generating large thrombi. surely, with these types of problems, and people who fall due to myocarditis.

In short, cardiologists must be sick of seeing myocarditis. But they won’t say anything because they have the master answer: ‘Yes, but more damage is done by the virus.’ That’s what they’re going to tell you. They’re seeing things happening, but they’re not going to tell you that the vaccine is lousy and stop vaccinating and everything they’re doing. They have the master answer: ‘The virus does more damage.’

If you have comments or information for La Quinta Columna, then you can refer to their official website. Follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, send them a message to: Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.


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30 Facts You Need to Know: Your Covid Cribsheet – A Collection of All the Arguments You’ll Ever Need.

30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet
You asked for it, so we made it. A collection of all the arguments you’ll ever need.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
September 23, 2021


We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I saw a graph for mortality, but I can’t find it anymore”. And we understand, it’s been a long 18 months, and there are so many statistics and numbers to try and keep straight in your head.

So, to deal with all these requests, we decided to make a bullet-pointed and sourced list for all the key points. A one-stop-shop.

Here are key facts and sources about the alleged “pandemic”, that will help you get a grasp on what has happened to the world since January 2020, and help you enlighten any of your friends who might be still trapped in the New Normal fog:


1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid.

Almost all studies on the infection-fatality ratio (IFR) of Covid have returned results between 0.04% and 0.5%. Meaning Covid’s survival rate is at least 99.5%.

2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality. The press has called 2020 the UK’s “deadliest year since world war two”, but this is misleading because it ignores the massive increase in the population since that time. A more reasonable statistical measure of mortality is Age-Standardised Mortality Rate (ASMR):

By this measure, 2020 isn’t even the worst year for mortality since 2000, In fact since 1943 only 9 years have been better than 2020.

Similarly, in the US the ASMR for 2020 is only at 2004 levels:

For a detailed breakdown of how Covid affected mortality across Western Europe and the US click here. What increases in mortality we have seen could be attributable to non-Covid causes [facts 79 & 19].

3. “Covid death” counts are artificially inflated. Countries around the globe have been defining a “Covid death” as a “death by any cause within 28/30/60 days of a positive test”.

Healthcare officials from Italy, Germany, the UK, US, Northern Ireland and others have all admitted to this practice:

Removing any distinction between dying of Covid, and dying of something else after testing positive for Covid will naturally lead to over-counting of “Covid deaths”. British pathologist Dr John Lee was warning of this “substantial over-estimate” as early as last spring. Other mainstream sources have reported it, too.

Considering the huge percentage of “asymptomatic” Covid infections [14], the well-known prevalence of serious comorbidities [fact 4] and the potential for false-positive tests [fact 18], this renders the Covid death numbers an extremely unreliable statistic.

4. The vast majority of covid deaths have serious comorbidities. In March 2020, the Italian government published statistics showing 99.2% of their “Covid deaths” had at least one serious comorbidity.

These included cancer, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and diabetes (among others). Over 50% of them had three or more serious pre-existing conditions.

This pattern has held up in all other countries over the course of the “pandemic”. An October 2020 FOIA request to the UK’s ONS revealed less than 10% of the official “Covid death” count at that time had Covid as the sole cause of death.

5. Average age of “Covid death” is greater than the average life expectancy. The average age of a “Covid death” in the UK is 82.5 years. In Italy it’s 86. Germany, 83. Switzerland, 86. Canada, 86. The US, 78, Australia, 82.

In almost all cases the median age of a “Covid death” is higher than the national life expectancy.

As such, for most of the world, the “pandemic” has had little-to-no impact on life expectancy. Contrast this with the Spanish flu, which saw a 28% drop in life expectancy in the US in just over a year. [source]

6. Covid mortality exactly mirrors the natural mortality curve. Statistical studies from the UK and India have shown that the curve for “Covid death” follows the curve for expected mortality almost exactly:

The risk of death “from Covid” follows, almost exactly, your background risk of death in general.

The small increase for some of the older age groups can be accounted for by other factors.[facts 79 & 19]

7. There has been a massive increase in the use of “unlawful” DNRs. Watchdogs and government agencies have reported huge increases in the use of Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNRs) over the last twenty months.

In the US, hospitals considered “universal DNRs” for any patient who tested positive for Covid, and whistleblowing nurses have admitted the DNR system was abused in New York.

In the UK there was an “unprecdented” rise in “illegal” DNRs for disabled people, GP surgeries sent out letters to non-terminal patients recommending they sign DNR orders, whilst other doctors signed “blanket DNRs” for entire nursing homes.

study done by Sheffield Univerisity found over one-third of all “suspected” Covid patients had a DNR attached to their file within 24 hours of hospital admission.

Blanket use of coerced or illegal DNR orders could account for any increases in mortality in 2020/21.[Facts 2 & 6]


8. Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease. There is little to no evidence lockdowns have any impact on limiting “Covid deaths”. If you compare regions that locked down to regions that did not, you can see no pattern at all.

“Covid deaths” in Florida (no lockdown) vs California (lockdown)

“Covid deaths” in Sweden (no lockdown) vs UK (lockdown)

9. Lockdowns kill people. There is strong evidence that lockdowns – through social, economic and other public health damage – are deadlier than the “virus”.

Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19 described lockdowns as a “global catastrophe” in October 2020:

We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…] it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”

A UN report from April 2020 warned of 100,000s of children being killed by the economic impact of lockdowns, while tens of millions more face possible poverty and famine.

Unemployment, poverty, suicide, alcoholism, drug use and other social/mental health crises are spiking all over the world. While missed and delayed surgeries and screenings are going to see increased mortality from heart disease, cancer et al. in the near future.

The impact of lockdown would account for the small increases in excess mortality [Facts 2 & 6]

10. Hospitals were never unusually over-burdened. the main argument used to defend lockdowns is that “flattening the curve” would prevent a rapid influx of cases and protect healthcare systems from collapse. But most healthcare systems were never close to collapse at all.

In March 2020 it was reported that hospitals in Spain and Italy were over-flowing with patients, but this happens every flu season. In 2017 Spanish hospitals were at 200% capacity, and 2015 saw patients sleeping in corridors. A paper JAMA paper from March 2020 found that Italian hospitals “typically run at 85-90% capacity in the winter months”.

In the UK, the NHS is regularly stretched to breaking point over the winter.

As part of their Covid policy, the NHS announced in Spring of 2020 that they would be “re-organizing hospital capacity in new ways to treat Covid and non-Covid patients separately” and that “as result hospitals will experience capacity pressures at lower overall occupancy rates than would previously have been the case.”

This means they removed thousands of beds. During an alleged deadly pandemic, they reduced the maximum occupancy of hospitals. Despite this, the NHS never felt pressure beyond your typical flu season, and at times actually had 4x more empty beds than normal.

In both the UK and US millions were spent on temporary emergency hospitals that were never used.


11. PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness. The Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test is described in the media as the “gold standard” for Covid diagnosis. But the Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the process never intended it to be used as a diagnostic tool, and said so publicly:

PCR is just a process that allows you to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.

12. PCR Tests have a history of being inaccurate and unreliable. The “gold standard” PCR tests for Covid are known to produce a lot of false-positive results, by reacting to DNA material that is not specific to Sars-Cov-2.

A Chinese study found the same patient could get two different results from the same test on the same day. In Germany, tests are known to have reacted to common cold viruses. A 2006 study found PCR tests for one virus responded to other viruses too. In 2007, a reliance on PCR tests resulted in an “outbreak” of Whooping Cough that never actually existed. Some tests in the US even reacted to the negative control sample.

The late President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, submitted samples goat, pawpaw and motor oil for PCR testing, all came back positive for the virus.

As early as February of 2020 experts were admitting the test was unreliable. Dr Wang Cheng, president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences told Chinese state television “The accuracy of the tests is only 30-50%”. The Australian government’s own website claimed “There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.” And a Portuguese court ruled that PCR tests were “unreliable” and should not be used for diagnosis.

You can read detailed breakdowns of the failings of PCR tests herehere and here.

13. The CT values of the PCR tests are too high. PCR tests are run in cycles, the number of cycles you use to get your result is known as your “cycle threshold” or CT value. Kary Mullis said“If you have to go more than 40 cycles[…]there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”

The MIQE PCR guidelines agree, stating: “[CT] values higher than 40 are suspect because of the implied low efficiency and generally should not be reported,” Dr Fauci himself even admitted anything over 35 cycles is almost never culturable.

Dr Juliet Morrison, virologist at the University of California, Riverside, told the New York TimesAny test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive…I’m shocked that people would think that 40 [cycles] could represent a positive…A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35″.

In the same article Dr Michael Mina, of the Harvard School of Public Health, said the limit should be 30, and the author goes on to point out that reducing the CT from 40 to 30 would have reduced “covid cases” in some states by as much as 90%.

The CDC’s own data suggests no sample over 33 cycles could be cultured, and Germany’s Robert Koch Institute says nothing over 30 cycles is likely to be infectious.

Despite this, it is known almost all the labs in the US are running their tests at least 37 cycles and sometimes as high as 45. The NHS “standard operating procedure” for PCR tests rules set the limit at 40 cycles.

Based on what we know about the CT values, the majority of PCR test results are at best questionable.

14. The World Health Organization (Twice) Admitted PCR tests produced false positives. In December 2020 WHO put out a briefing memo on the PCR process instructing labs to be wary of high CT values causing false positive results:

when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.

Then, in January 2021, the WHO released another memo, this time warning that “asymptomatic” positive PCR tests should be re-tested because they might be false positives:

Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.

15. The scientific basis for Covid tests is questionable. The genome of the Sars-Cov-2 virus was supposedly sequenced by Chinese scientists in December 2019, then published on January 10th 2020. Less than two weeks later, German virologists (Christian Drosten et al.) had allegedly used the genome to create assays for PCR tests.

They wrote a paper, Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR, which was submitted for publication on January 21st 2020, and then accepted on January 22nd. Meaning the paper was allegedly “peer-reviewed” in less than 24 hours. A process that typically takes weeks.

Since then, a consortium of over forty life scientists has petitioned for the withdrawal of the paper, writing a lengthy report detailing 10 major errors in the paper’s methodology.

They have also requested the release of the journal’s peer-review report, to prove the paper really did pass through the peer-review process. The journal has yet to comply.

The Corman-Drosten assays are the root of every Covid PCR test in the world. If the paper is questionable, every PCR test is also questionable.


16. The majority of Covid infections are “asymptomatic”. From as early as March 2020, studies done in Italy were suggesting 50-75% of positive Covid tests had no symptoms. Another UK study from August 2020 found as much as 86% of “Covid patients” experienced no viral symptoms at all.

It is literally impossible to tell the difference between an “asymptomatic case” and a false-positive test result.

17. There is very little evidence supporting the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”. In June 2020, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said:

From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,”

A meta-analysis of Covid studies, published by Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) in December 2020, found that asymptomatic carriers had a less than 1% chance of infecting people within their household. Another study, done on influenza in 2009, found:

…limited evidence to suggest the importance of [asymptomatic] transmission. The role of asymptomatic or presymptomatic influenza-infected individuals in disease transmission may have been overestimated…”

Given the known flaws of the PCR tests, many “asymptomatic cases” may be false positives.[fact 14]


18. Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses. Mechanical ventilation is not, and never has been, recommended treatment for respiratory infection of any kind. In the early days of the pandemic, many doctors came forward questioning the use of ventilators to treat “Covid”.

Writing in The Spectator, Dr Matt Strauss stated:

Ventilators do not cure any disease. They can fill your lungs with air when you find yourself unable to do so yourself. They are associated with lung diseases in the public’s consciousness, but this is not in fact their most common or most appropriate application.

German Pulmonologist Dr Thomas Voshaar, chairman of Association of Pneumatological Clinics said:

When we read the first studies and reports from China and Italy, we immediately asked ourselves why intubation was so common there. This contradicted our clinical experience with viral pneumonia.

Despite this, the WHOCDCECDC and NHS all “recommended” Covid patients be ventilated instead of using non-invasive methods.

This was not a medical policy designed to best treat the patients, but rather to reduce the hypothetical spread of Covid by preventing patients from exhaling aerosol droplets.

19. Ventilators killed people. Putting someone on a ventilator who is suffering from influenza, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or any other condition which restricts breathing or affects the lungs, will not alleviate any of those symptoms. In fact, it will almost certainly make it worse, and will kill many of them.

Intubation tubes are a source of potential a infection known as “ventilator-associated pneumonia”, which studies show affects up to 28% of all people put on ventilators, and kills 20-55% of those infected.

Mechanical ventilation is also damaging to the physical structure of the lungs, resulting in “ventilator-induced lung injury”, which can dramatically impact quality of life, and even result in death.

Experts estimate 40-50% of ventilated patients die, regardless of their disease. Around the world, between 66 and 86% of all “Covid patients” put on ventilators died.

According to the “undercover nurse”, ventilators were being used so improperly in New York, they were destroying patients’ lungs:

This policy was negligence at best, and potentially deliberate murder at worst. This misuse of ventilators could account for any increase in mortality in 2020/21 [Facts 2 & 6]


20. Masks don’t work. At least a dozen scientific studies have shown that masks do nothing to stop the spread of respiratory viruses.

One meta-analysis published by the CDC in May 2020 found “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks”.

Another study with over 8000 subjects found masks “did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection.”

There are literally too many to quote them all, but you can read them: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Or read a summary by SPR here.

While some studies have been done claiming to show mask do work for Covid, they are all seriously flawed. One relied on self-reported surveys as data. Another was so badly designed a panel of experts demand it be withdrawn. A third was withdrawn after its predictions proved entirely incorrect.

The WHO commissioned their own meta-analysis in the Lancet, but that study looked only at N95 masks and only in hospitals. [For full run down on the bad data in this study click here.]

Aside from scientific evidence, there’s plenty of real-world evidence that masks do nothing to halt the spread of disease.

For example, North Dakota and South Dakota had near-identical case figures, despite one having a mask-mandate and the other not:

In Kansas, counties without mask mandates actually had fewer Covid “cases” than counties with mask mandates. And despite masks being very common in Japan, they had their worst flu outbreak in decades in 2019.

21. Masks are bad for your health. Wearing a mask for long periods, wearing the same mask more than once, and other aspects of cloth masks can be bad for your health. A long study on the detrimental effects of mask-wearing was recently published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Dr. James Meehan reported in August 2020 he was seeing increases in bacterial pneumonia, fungal infections, facial rashes.

Masks are also known to contain plastic microfibers, which damage the lungs when inhaled and may be potentially carcinogenic.

Childen wearing masks encourages mouth-breathing, which results in facial deformities.

People around the world have passed out due to CO2 poisoning while wearing their masks, and some children in China even suffered sudden cardiac arrest.

22. Masks are bad for the planet. Millions upon millions of disposable masks have been used per month for over a year. A report from the UN found the Covid19 pandemic will likely result in plastic waste more than doubling in the next few years., and the vast majority of that is face masks.

The report goes on to warn these masks (and other medical waste) will clog sewage and irrigation systems, which will have knock on effects on public health, irrigation and agriculture.

A study from the University of Swansea found “heavy metals and plastic fibres were released when throw-away masks were submerged in water.” These materials are toxic to both people and wildlife.


23. Covid “vaccines” are totally unprecedented. Before 2020 no successful vaccine against a human coronavirus had ever been developed. Since then we have allegedly made 20 of them in 18 months.

Scientists have been trying to develop a SARS and MERS vaccine for years with little success. Some of the failed SARS vaccines actually caused hypersensitivity to the SARS virus. Meaning that vaccinated mice could potentially get the disease more severely than unvaccinated mice. Another attempt caused liver damage in ferrets.

While traditional vaccines work by exposing the body to a weakened strain of the microorganism responsible for causing the disease, these new Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines.

mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccines theoretically work by injecting viral mRNA into the body, where it replicates inside your cells and encourages your body to recognise, and make antigens for, the “spike proteins” of the virus. They have been the subject of research since the 1990s, but before 2020 no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use.

24. Vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission. It is readily admitted that Covid “vaccines” do not confer immunity from infection and do not prevent you from passing the disease onto others. Indeed, an article in the British Medical Journal highlighted that the vaccine studies were not designed to even try and assess if the “vaccines” limited transmission.

The vaccine manufacturers themselves, upon releasing the untested mRNA gene therapies, were quite clear their product’s “efficacy” was based on “reducing the severity of symptoms”.

25. The vaccines were rushed and have unknown longterm effects. Vaccine development is a slow, laborious process. Usually, from development through testing and finally being approved for public use takes many years. The various vaccines for Covid were all developed and approved in less than a year. Obviously there can be no long-term safety data on chemicals which are less than a year old.

Pfizer even admit this is true in the leaked supply contract between the pharmaceutical giant, and the government of Albania:

the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known

Further, none of the vaccines have been subject to proper trials. Many of them skipped early-stage trials entirely, and the late-stage human trials have either not been peer-reviewed, have not released their data, will not finish until 2023 or were abandoned after “severe adverse effects”.

26. Vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal indemnity should they cause harm. The USA’s Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) grants immunity until at least 2024.

The EU’s product licensing law does the same, and there are reports of confidential liability clauses in the contracts the EU signed with vaccine manufacturers.

The UK went even further, granting permanent legal indemnity to the government, and any employees thereof, for any harm done when a patient is being treated for Covid19 or “suspected Covid19”.

Again, the leaked Albanian contract suggests that Pfizer, at least, made this indemnity a standard demand of supplying Covid vaccines:

Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer […] from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses


27. The EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a YEAR before the pandemic began. Proposed COVID countermeasures, presented to the public as improvised emergency measures, have existed since before the emergence of the disease.

Two EU documents published in 2018, the “2018 State of Vaccine Confidence” and a technical report titled “Designing and implementing an immunisation information system” discussed the plausibility of an EU-wide vaccination monitoring system.

These documents were combined into the 2019 “Vaccination Roadmap”, which (among other things) established a “feasibility study” on vaccine passports to begin in 2019 and finish in 2021:

This report’s final conclusions were released to the public in September 2019, just a month before Event 201 (below).

28. A “training exercise” predicted the pandemic just weeks before it started. In October 2019 the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University held Event 201. This was a training exercise based on a zoonotic coronavirus starting a worldwide pandemic. The exercise was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI the vaccine alliance.

The exercise published its findings and recommendations in November 2019 as a “call to action”. One month later, China recorded their first case of “Covid”.

29. Since the beginning of 2020, the Flu has “disappeared”. In the United States, since February 2020, influenza cases have allegedly dropped by over 98%.

It’s not just the US either, globally flu has apparently almost completely disappeared.

Meanwhile, a new disease called “Covid”, which has identical symptoms and a similar mortality rate to influenza, is supposedly sweeping the globe.

30. The elite have made fortunes during the pandemic. Since the beginning of lockdown the wealthiest people have become significantly wealthier. Forbes reported that 40 new billionaires have been created “fighting the coronavirus”, with 9 of them being vaccine manufacturers.

Business Insider reported that “billionaires saw their net worth increase by half a trillion dollars” by October 2020.

Clearly that number will be even bigger by now

These are the vital facts of the pandemic, presented here as a resource to help formulate and support your arguments with friends or strangers. Thanks to all the researchers who have collated and collected this information over the last twenty months, especially Swiss Policy Research.


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cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How?

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How?
Backlash against Biden’s sweeping COVID vaccine mandate has been swift, and experts say the mandate is unlikely to hold up in court.

by Joseph Mercola
sourced from Children’s Health Defense
September 22, 2021


Story at-a-glance:

  • In his presidential campaign, Joe Biden promised he would not impose vaccine mandates. Sept. 9, Biden issued an executive order mandating all U.S. companies with 100 or more employees to require COVID vaccination or weekly testing, or face federal fines of up to $14,000 per violation.
  • Biden is also requiring all federal employees and federal contractors to get the shots. Postal workers and members of Congress and their staff just happen to have been made exempt from this requirement.
  • No exceptions for persons who have already had COVID and recovered, and therefore have antibodies to the virus, have been issued. Several lawsuits are underway by people who have natural immunity and don’t need or benefit from the mandated COVID shots.
  • The Republican National Committee has announced they will sue the Biden administration for issuing an unconstitutional mandate.
  • While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted full approval to Comirnaty, that product is not yet available. The only Pfizer shot currently available, called BNT162b2, remains under emergency use authorization, and the two differ widely in their legal liabilities.

Sept. 9, in a sweeping executive order, president Joe Biden mandated all U.S. companies with 100 or more employees to require COVID vaccination or weekly testing, or face federal fines of up to $14,000 per violation. Biden also ordered businesses to give time off to employees to receive the injections.

Biden is also requiring all federal employees and federal contractors to get the shots. For unspecified reasons, postal workers and members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the vaccine mandate.

Biden did not make any exceptions for persons who have already had COVID and recovered, and therefore have antibodies to the virus.

He also said he’d use his “power as president” against any governor unwilling to follow the order “to get them out of the way.” Biden may be biting off more than he can chew, however, because as of Sept. 11, 2021, 28 states were already pushing back against federal vaccine mandates.

The backlash was swift. The Republican National Committee quickly announced they would sue the Biden administration for issuing an “unconstitutional mandate.” GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel issued a statement:

“Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied. Now small businesses, workers, and families across the country will pay the price.

“Like many Americans, I am pro-vaccine and anti-mandate. Many small businesses and workers do not have the money or legal resources to fight Biden’s unconstitutional actions and authoritarian decrees, but when his decree goes into effect, the RNC will sue the administration to protect Americans and their liberties.”

Nebraska Republican Sen. Ben Sasse told the Daily Caller:

“President Biden is so desperate to distract from his shameful, incompetent Afghanistan exit that he is saying crazy things and pushing constitutionally flawed executive orders.

“This is a cynical attempt to pick a fight and distract from the President’s morally disgraceful decision to leave Americans behind Taliban lines on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. This isn’t how you beat COVID, but it is how you run a distraction campaign — it’s gross and the American people shouldn’t fall for it.”

In a series of tweets, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem stated:

“South Dakota will stand up to defend freedom @JoeBiden see you in court,” and “My legal team is standing by ready to file our lawsuit the minute Joe Biden files his unconstitutional rule. This gross example of federal intrusion will not stand.”

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp also issued a statement saying he intends to “pursue every legal option available” to halt Biden’s “blatantly unlawful overreach,” as did Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey, who in a tweet stated:

“This is exactly the kind of big government overreach we have tried so hard to prevent in Arizona — now the Biden-Harris administration is hammering down on private businesses and individual freedoms in an unprecedented and dangerous way. This will never stand up in court.

“This dictatorial approach is wrong, un-American and will do far more harm than good. How many workers will be displaced? How many kids kept out of classrooms? How many businesses fined? The vaccine is and should be a choice. We must and will push back.”

Florida governments face fines if following Biden’s order

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis countered Biden’s edict with one of his own. Any local government that makes COVID vaccination a requirement for employment will be fined $5,000 per violation. During a Sept.13  press conference, DeSantis said:

“We are gonna stand for the men and women who are serving us. We are going to protect Florida jobs. We are not gonna to let people be fired because of a vaccine mandate.

“You don’t just cast aside people who have been serving faithfully over this issue, over what’s basically a personal choice on their individual health. We cannot let these folks be cast aside. We cannot allow their jobs to be destroyed.”

I was going to include DeSantis’ speech in this article, but it has since been deleted for “violating YouTube’s community guidelines.” Imagine that, that they would actually remove a legally elected governor’s opinion on this topic because it violates their authoritarian tyranny.

Biden is clearly out of legal bounds

Biden’s executive order is unlikely to stand up in court, seeing how federal law prohibits the mandating of emergency use products, which by definition are experimental. As noted in a May report by The Defender:

“The bottom line is this: mandating products authorized for Emergency Use Authorization status (EUA) violates federal law as detailed in the following legal notifications.

“All COVID vaccines, COVID PCR and antigen tests, and masks are merely EUA-authorized, not approved or licensed, by the federal government. Long-term safety and efficacy have not been proven.

“EUA products are by definition experimental, which requires people be given the right to refuse them. Under the Nuremberg Code, the foundation of ethical medicine, no one may be coerced to participate in a medical experiment. Consent of the individual is ‘absolutely essential.’

“Earlier this year, Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense president and general counsel, and attorney Greg Glaser stated that federal law prohibits employers from mandating EUA COVID vaccines (or EUA COVID-19 tests or masks). Holland and Glaser wrote:

“‘If a vaccine has been issued EUA by the FDA, it is not fully licensed and must be voluntary. A private party, such as an employer, school or hospital cannot circumvent the EUA law, which prohibits mandates. Indeed, the EUA law preventing mandates is so explicit that there is only one precedent case regarding an attempt to mandate an EUA vaccine.’”

If you’re like most, you’re probably thinking, “Well, Biden’s executive order came after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration gave full approval to the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID shot Comirnaty, so the vaccine is not under EUA.” You’d be partially right. But mostly wrong.

The difference between Pfizer’s BNT162b2 shot and Comirnaty

The FDA did indeed give full approval to Comirnaty, but that product is not predicted to be available for over a year. The only Pfizer shot currently available, called BNT162b2, remains under EUA. We have the FDA to thank for this unusual and befuddling situation, but the key take-home is that while approval has been granted to Comirnaty, that product is not obtainable.

The FDA wants BNT162b2 to be viewed as interchangeable with Comirnaty, but from a legal standpoint they clearly are not identical. BNT162b2, being under EUA, is indemnified against financial liability, whereas Comirnaty, once it becomes available, will not have that liability shield (unless Pfizer/BioNTech manage to get liability shielding for that product before its release).

In other words, if you’re injured by the BNT162b2, your only recourse is to apply for compensation from the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Act (CICP). Compensation from CICP is very limited and hard to get. In its 15-year history, it has paid out just 29 claims, fewer than 1 in 10.

You only qualify if your injury requires hospitalization and results in significant disability and/or death, and even if you meet the eligibility criteria, it requires you to use up your private health insurance before it kicks in to pay the difference.

There’s no reimbursement for pain and suffering, only lost wages and unpaid medical bills. This means a retired person cannot qualify even if they die or end up in a wheelchair. Salary compensation is of limited duration, and capped at $50,000 a year, and the CICP’s decision cannot be appealed.

If normal circumstances apply to Comirnaty, were you to be injured by that injection, you’d be able to sue for damages under the national Vaccine Injury Compensation Plan, so from a legal perspective, there’s a rather significant difference between these two products.

Legal notifications you can use

If your employer or school requires you to get a COVID shot, consider using the legal notifications provided by the Children’s Health Defense legal team. The notices inform employers and educational institutions that they are violating federal law.

Three separate notices are available for download from the Children’s Health Defense Legal Resources page — one for mask mandates, one for PCR testing and a third for vaccines. There, you can also find information on how to request a religious exemption for COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the workplace.

Vaccine mandate heralds communist-style social credit system

In a Sept. 13, episode of Fox News’ Fox & Friends, co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy warned that vaccine mandates are “the beginning of the communist-style social credit system,” adding:

Dr. Anthony Fauci is now saying that if you don’t have the vaccine, you shouldn’t be able to have air travel. I mean, this happens in China. In China … if you don’t agree with the government, you can’t get on a train. They block you. They have a way to do that, and this is the beginning of that system where if you’re a dissident, if you don’t agree with the party in power, you will be punished.”

Are we rushing toward a social credit system where behavior is either rewarded or punished based on the whims of those in charge of the system? Biden’s refusal to make exceptions for those with natural immunity, who by no stretch of the imagination actually need or benefit from a COVID shot, seems to indicate we’re definitely heading that way.

Giving people with natural immunity a health passport won’t work for the technocratic elite because the naturally immune aren’t on a vaccine subscription. The whole point of having a vaccine passport is that you lose your freedom every time a new booster rolls out. You either get the booster or lose your freedom.

People with natural immunity can’t be roped into this control scheme. What are they going to force the naturally immune to do in order to keep a valid passport? They can’t make money off natural immunity, and they can’t use it to control.

In a Sept. 13, letter to Biden, Consumer Brands Association CEO Geoff Freeman listed 19 of 50 questions received from its member companies. Among those questions is whether Biden’s executive order includes religious or medical exemptions, including exemption due to natural immunity.

As reported by Newsweek, details of Biden’s plan will be ironed out by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), but in the meantime, Freeman called on the Biden administration to address some of the most pressing questions.

OSHA lets employers off the hook for vaccine injuries

Speaking of OSHA, in May the agency quietly revoked the requirement for employers who mandate the vaccine to record side effects as a work-related event. By doing so, OSHA relieved itself and employers from having to pay out workers’ comp if an employee is injured by a mandated COVID shot. OSHA tried to justify its decision, stating:

“OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts.

“As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.”

People with natural immunity turn to the law

In the days ahead, our justice system is bound to clog up with lawsuits against employers, schools and governments alike. Law professor Todd Zywicki recently sued George Mason University in Virginia over their vaccine mandate, as he has natural immunity. Zywicki discussed his lawsuit in an Aug. 6, Wall Street Journal commentary.

His lawsuit pointed out that people with natural immunity have an increased risk of adverse reactions to the COVID shot — according to one study up to 4.4 times the risk of clinically significant side effects — and that the requirement violates due process rights, the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment, and is noncompliant with the Emergency Use Authorization.

Aug. 17 George Mason University caved before the case went to trial and granted Zywicki a medical exemption. Unfortunately, the school did not revise its general policy.

A number of other lawsuits have also been filed, including one by more than a dozen students and Children’s Health Defense against Rutgers University in New Jersey, and one by six Oregon workers who are suing the state on grounds that they already have natural immunity.

The plaintiffs include two corrections officers, an EMT, a medical office manager, a school bus driver and a special agent in charge of an Oregon Department of Justice investigatory unit.

Jason Dudash, director of the Oregon chapter of the Freedom Foundation, which is representing the state employees, accused Oregon Gov. Kate Brown of becoming “power-hungry amid the pandemic.” “The courts must establish a more logical, science-based approach,” he said.

Military service members sue over vaccine mandate

Military service members with natural immunity are also suing the Department of Defense, the FDA and the Department of Health and Human Services. As reported by The Defender:

“The lead plaintiffs in the lawsuit, Staff Sergeant Daniel Robert and Staff Sergeant Holli Mulvihill, allege U.S. Sec. of Defense Lloyd Austin ignored the DOD’s own regulations and created an entirely new definition of ‘full immunity’ as being achievable only by vaccination.

“According to the lawsuit, the military’s existing laws and regulations unequivocally provide the exemption the plaintiffs seek under Army Regulation 40-562 (‘AR 40-562’), which provides documented survivors of an infection a presumptive medical exemption from vaccination because of the natural immunity acquired as a result of having survived the infection …

“Dr. Admiral Brett Giroir, HHS assistant secretary, stated in an interview Aug. 24 with Fox News: ‘So natural immunity, it’s very important … There are still no data to suggest vaccine immunity is better than natural immunity. I think both are highly protective.’

Yet on the same day, Austin issued a memo mandating the entire Armed Forces be vaccinated, in which he wrote: ‘Those with previous COVID-19 infection are not considered fully vaccinated.’

“In that memo, plaintiffs allege Austin created a new term and concept, which contradicts the plain language of DOD’s own regulations, long-standing immunology practice, medical ethics and the overwhelming weight of scientific evidence regarding this specific virus.

“Plaintiffs claim Austin, who is not a doctor, changed the DOD’s own regulation without providing ‘a scintilla of evidence to support it.’ They also allege Austin made the regulation change without going through the required rulemaking process, in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act review.”

The lawsuit also points out that Pfizer’s Phase 3 trials, which is the phase in which long-term side effects are detected, won’t be completed until 2023. Moreover, the lawsuit highlights the fact that Pfizer unblinded the two cohorts in the middle of the trial and eliminated the control group by offering the real “vaccine” to all controls.

In so doing, Pfizer turned the study from a placebo-controlled blinded trial into an open observational study, and the FDA allowed it. Observational studies carry nowhere near the same weight as placebo-controlled trials, as you don’t have anything to compare the treatment group against. It’s very easy to overlook even severe injuries when you have no control group.

Fauci warns there will be ‘many more vaccine mandates’

As we approach the two-year mark of this pandemic, it’s time for our judicial system to kick in and protect the public. The emergency powers granted to governors are not supposed to last forever, and the rights afforded us by the U.S. Constitution were never intended to be suspended and tossed aside in times of medical crises. It’s time this rampant lawlessness got reined in.

Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. What we can be sure of is that if our legal system fails to do its duty, the beacon of freedom in this world will be lost. As reported by CNN, Fauci is out there warning that “if more people aren’t persuaded to get vaccinated by messaging from health officials and ‘trusted political messengers,’ additional mandates from schools and businesses may be necessary.”

The technocratic elite will take it all the way because they are fighting for the Great Reset. And the Great Reset won’t work if people are free. They need leverage over the population, which is precisely what vaccine passports are all about.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts: A ruling with tragic consequences

In closing, those who support the mandating of experimental COVID shots will typically point to the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case, which is often interpreted as giving government the right to force vaccinate everyone for the common good. However, as noted by Alex Berenson in a recent blog post, we ought to really look at the time at which that verdict was given.

In the years surrounding the 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts verdict, the U.S. Supreme Court also ruled in favor of racial discrimination, corporate monopoly, child labor and making questioning government a jailable offense. That same year, in 1905, they ruled workers have no rights. In 1923, they ruled minimum wage laws are illegal and in 1927 they OK’d forced sterilization based on the Jacobson ruling.

Most of these rulings have since been overturned, and for obvious reasons. Most people don’t agree with racial discrimination, monopolies and child labor anymore. Most agree that minimum wage laws are a good thing, and that questioning government is an unassailable right that is necessary for democracy to work. The 1905 Jacobson v. Massachusetts case is no different. It was made in and for a different time, when individual and human rights were routinely quashed.

As noted by National Vaccine Information Center president Barbara Loe Fisher in “How Fear of a Virus Changed Our World”:

“Using bad logic and bad science while leaning heavily on the pseudo-ethic of utilitarianism, state governments were given the green light to legally require vaccination based on a ‘common belief’ that vaccination is safe and effective, rather than proven fact.

“Piously waving the greater good flag to justify throwing civil liberties out the door, the court majority ruled that citizens do not have a legal right to be free at all times because there are ‘manifold restraints to which every person is necessarily subjected for the common good’ …

“But the justices also warned that mandatory vaccination laws should not be forced on a person whose physical condition would make vaccination ‘cruel and inhuman to the last degree.’ They said:

‘’We are not to be understood as holding that the statute was intended to be applied in such a case or, if it was so intended, that the judiciary would not be competent to interfere and protect the health and life of the individual concerned. ‘All laws,’ this Court has said, ‘should receive a sensible construction’ …

“During this time of fear and confusion, the Jacobson ruling also reminds us that it is democratically elected representatives in state legislatures who make public health laws governing people living in different states. That is because what is not defined in the U.S. Constitution as a federal activity is reserved for the states, which is an important check on federal government power.

“Elected lawmakers in your state can choose to mandate a few or many vaccines with or without exemptions, while the federal government has the authority to mandate vaccinations for people entering the U.S. or crossing state borders.”

Originally published by Mercola.


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

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cover image credit: Matryx & jp26jp / pixabay

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Fighting Vaccine Mandates

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Fighting Vaccine Mandates

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
September 22, 2021


While the UK is supposedly dropping their vaccine passport idea (for now), things are looking bleak in country after country as people all around the world are facing the threat of vaccine mandates. Today on #SolutionsWatch James explores the array of solutions that are on the table to thwart this threat.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


What’s Going on in Japan? – Questions For Corbett #078

Japan’s vaccine passports: Here’s what you need to know

Suga challenger in LDP leadership race vows huge COVID relief package (Kishida calls for vaccine passport)

UK Government drops plans for domestic vaccine passports

Did Ayn Rand defeat vaccine passports?

President Biden Announces Vaccination Mandate for Employers

Australian Premier Dan Andrews: “we are going to lock out the unvaccinated”

Italy makes COVID-19 pass mandatory for all workers | DW News

Surging Delta variant: France and Greece introduce mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers

Alberta to launch proof-of-vaccination program, declares health emergency

Introducing #SolutionsWatch

Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

HomeRemedySupply comment on September Open Thread

America’s Frontline Doctor’s Legal Team’s “Vaccines and the Law” page

Vaccine religious exemption template downloads from

Doctors for COVID Ethics example forms, templates, letters and other resources

Legal principle of non discrimination

The COVID-19 “Vaccine” and the Nuremberg Code. Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide

No, COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code

Bioethics and the New Eugenics
United Airlines warns of unpaid leave for staff given religious vaccine exemptions

Religious exemption to vaccine mandates may be difficult to obtain, as Amish case shows

How To Meet Like-Minded People



The No Vax Mandate Job Board

Here’s How To Still Dine At A Restaurant UNVAXXED!! Suss Them Out & Find Out Who’s Cool!!

Together Declaration

1000s take over Time Square in NYC for the protest against the mandatory shot

“This Is Not Political!” — Thousands Gather At “Freedom Rally” In New York City To Oppose Vaccine Passport

Beware of Fake “Resistance” to Mandates

Executive Orders and How to Stop Them

James Corbett – Ernest Hancock with Arizona Dara (Solutions;

The Revolution of the Mind


Connect with The Corbett Report

Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: On the Unvaccinated as a Global Tribe That Values Freedom

Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: On the Unvaccinated as a Global Tribe That Values Freedom


Rocco Galati’s Speech Toronto Worldwide Freedom Rally

by Vaccine Choice Canada
September 22, 2021

Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels. Also available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee channel.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Excerpts from Transcript

Believe it or not, we are winning the battle. Before Covid-19, vaccine hesitancy in this country was at 10 percent. Now it’s up to 30%. Their agenda is backfiring on them. In the United States, it’s 52%. In places like Pakistan, Ghana it’s 98-99%. And so their total vaccination rate globally now is at a mere 10%.

If you want vaccines, God bless you. I would go to court to support your rights. But what you can not do is force people to engage in something they don’t want.

The other thing you need to know — they are approaching 12 trillion dollars that they have spent on this agenda. And it’s backfiring on them. Twelve trillion dollars is essentially the entire US budget for a year.

Understand what they put into this just in terms of money, never mind control and surveillance.

So what have they managed to do?

In pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, what have they done? And I see it in the faces in the crowd here. It’s a marvelous thing they’ve done actually. They’ve created the first human tribe that cuts all racial, ethnic, political…They have created the tribe that all idealists throughout the ages hoped would be created.

The only thing that ties this multi-racial, multi-political, multi-socioeconomic, multi- gender, multi everything — is the sole wish and desire to have their freedom of choice in their physical and psychological autonomy to be up to them. And that’s what defines humanity — the freedom to choose how you’re physically and psychologically living.

So through their depraved, nasty, tyrannical, fascistic methods they’ve created the human society that we’ve all dreamt of.

So stick together. Let’s get more people in our ranks. If you value freedom, you value your body and your mind, you will resist this ugly, corrupt agenda by these fascist losers.


Reference links for Canadians from Vaccine Choice Canada:

Federal Employees: Are you being coerced with vaccine mandates?

Check out VCC’s NEW ‘No Student Mandates’ resource page:

Please share our NEW Vaccine Regret link with your loved ones/colleagues/health care providers – everyone!


Connect with Rocco Galati

Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

For the 3rd Day in a Row, Australian Construction Workers Overflow Streets & Shut Down Traffic in Protest Against Forced Vaccination

For the 3rd Day in a Row, Australian Construction Workers Overflow Streets & Shut Down Traffic in Protest Against Forced Vaccination
Powerful footage shows massive protest. Workers chant “Every Day!” as a promise to continue their united resistance to medical tyranny.


“EVERY DAY!” Construction Rebellion Day 3: Amazing Turnout & Powerful Protest Against Forced Vax

Video available at Tim Truth Odysee, Rumble and BitChute channels.


Connect with Tim Truth

NYC Educators File Lawsuit Against Mayor Bill de Blasio Over Forced Vaccination Policy

NYC Educators File Lawsuit Against Mayor Bill de Blasio Over Forced Vaccination Policy
Attorney Sujata Gibson Files in Federal Court — KANE vs DE BLASIO

by NY Teachers for Choice
September 21, 2021


Teachers, educators and administrators filed a federal lawsuit today challenging Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York City over the forced COVID vaccination policy set to begin on September 27. Unlike other City employees who were ordered to either get the shot or submit to weekly testing, the educators have no testing option.

The lawsuit is sponsored by TEACHERS FOR CHOICE and Children’s Health Defense NY, the New York chapter of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s health activist group. Attorney Sujata Gibson filed in the New York Southern District Court for a group of NYC Department of Education (DOE) employees, including Michael Kane, the founder TEACHERS FOR CHOICE.

“These policies are as blatantly unconstitutional as they are repulsive.” said Gibson. “This issue is long-settled and it shocks the conscience that this type of unconstitutional discrimination would be resurrected by the NYC DOE.”

The complaint challenges the Mayor’s mandatory vaccination order as illegal and takes on the fraudulent medical and religious exemption policy underway by the NYC DOE. All the plaintiffs have filed for a religious or medical exemption to vaccination, and so far, it appears every DOE employee who has filed for a religious exemption has been denied.

“It is truly a shame that the New York City Department of Education has no clue what the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution is, “ said Kane.

TEACHERS FOR CHOICE has received hundreds of emails from NYC DOE employees stating their religious exemptions have been denied, and there has been not one single report of any religious exemptions being approved.

“Mayor de Blasio’s lawless policies might sound tough, and may scare some employees into obedience,” said John Gilmore, President of Children’s Health Defense NY. “But we believe the Court will see through the posturing and stop this needless injustice.”


Connect with NY Teachers for Choice

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Protest Against Medical Mandates

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Protest Against Medical Mandates


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  Small gatherings of people who stand for freedom are as inspiring to hear about as the millions who are filling the streets in major cities. It all starts with one individual who has the courage to speak the truth. What is happening in Cape Cod, where there numbers increase with each protest event, is an example of how it happens everywhere — one courageous person at a time. 


Report on our September 18 demonstration

by Richard HugusEnd Massachusetts Medical Mandates
Contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light
September 20, 2021


In this fourth round with the Worldwide Demonstrations, Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates needed more room than we have at our usual spot on Main Street in Hyannis, and we had that room at Capetown Plaza in front of the now-closed KMart, facing a busy Iyanough Road. There were too many honks of support to count. The few curses leveled at us were even uplifting, as they were so unhinged. People are clearly angry about Biden’s “get the shot or get fired’ order, announced earlier in the week, and are not going to tolerate it. Some were there because they are about to lose their jobs for refusing the shot. This was our biggest demonstration since we started in December 2020. Best of all was to see families there and children seeing their parents and other adults standing up for them.

Below are pictures from our block-long demonstration:

Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021 (Photo by Jams M.)


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Protest against medical tyranny, Sept. 18, 2021


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings:

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Connect with End Massachusetts Medical Mandates

‘Covid Vaccines Kill More Than They Save’: Testimony Before the FDA as They Vote 16 to 2 Against the Approval of Booster Shots

‘Covid Vaccines Kill More Than They Save’: Testimony Before the FDA as They Vote 16 to 2 Against the Approval of Booster Shots

by Daily Exposé
September 20, 2021


FDA experts have unexpectedly voted against approving Covid-19 vaccination boosters for anyone over the age of 16 in the USA, citing a lack of long term data and stating that the risks do not outweigh any benefits because the Covid-19 vaccines are killing at least 2 people for every 1 life saved.

In a live broadcast conducted on the 17th September the Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory committee met to debate and vote on Pfizer and BioNTech’s application to offer booster shots to the general public. The meeting lasted over 8 hours and contained some shocking revelations.

Dr Joseph Fraiman, an emergency medicine physician in New Orleans, spoke for several minutes during the meeting and revealed that no clinical evidence exists to disprove claims that the Covid-19 vaccines are harming more people than they save.

“We need your help on the front lines, to stop vaccine hesitancy. Demand the booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalisations.

“Without this data we the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-Covid-vaccine activists who publicly claim the vaccines harm more than they save especially in the young and healthy.

“The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all”.

Dr Joseph Fraiman was then followed by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, who revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing more people than they are saving.

“I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more than they save.

“We were led to believe that the vaccines were perfectly safe but this is simply not true, for example there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6 month file report, that wasn’t just bad luck. VAERS shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine,”

Steve Kirsch then continued his presentation by showing a slide titled ‘Excess Death: Life ratio is UNACCEPTABLE’. The slide shows how many excess deaths were required following vaccination to save one life due to Covid-19.

“Only the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) are statistically significant, but the other numbers are troubling.” said Steve Kirsch.

“Even if the vaccines have 100% protection, it still means we kill 2 people to save 1 life.

“Four experts did analysis using completely different non US data sources and all of them came up with approximately the same number of excess vaccine related deaths, about 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into 115,000 people have died (due to the Covid-19 vaccines).”

The Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund then pointed out some serious concerns over data coming out of Israel.

“The real numbers confirm that we kill more than we save. And I would love to look at the Israel ministry of health data on the 90+ year olds where we went from a 94.4% vaccinated group to 82.9% vaccinated in the last 4 months. I

“in the most optimistic it means that 50% of the vaccinated people died and 0% of unvaccinated people died. Unless you can explain that to the public you cannot approve the boosters.”

Peter Marks, FDA’s top vaccine regulator, then asked committee members to examine “the totality of the evidence in order to make your recommendation for us,”.

Following the evidence they responded with a resounding no voting 16 – 2 against advising the agency to roll-out booster shots to anyone over the age of 16.

The full 8 hour footage is available to view here, but you can watch all of the above comments in the following video –


Connect with The Exposé

Project Veritas: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine Is Full of Sh*t” (Part 1)

Project Veritas: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine Is Full of Sh*t” (Part 1)

by James O’Keefe, Project Veritas
September 20, 2021


Project Veritas released the first video of its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring an interview with U.S. Health and Human Services [HHS] Insider, Jodi O’Malley, who works as a Registered Nurse at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center in Arizona.

O’Malley told Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe about what has been going on at her federal government facility. She recorded her HHS colleagues discussing their concerns about the new COVID vaccine to corroborate her assertions.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Dr. Maria Gonzales, ER Doctor, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:“All this is bullshit. Now, [a patient] probably [has] myocarditis due to the [COVID] vaccine. But now, they [government] are not going to blame the vaccine.”
  • Dr. Gonzales: “They [government] are not reporting [adverse COVID vaccine side effects]…They want to shove it under the mat.”
  • Deanna Paris, Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “It’s a shame they [government] are not treating people [with COVID] like they’re supposed to, like they should. I think they want people to die.”
  • Jodi O’Malley, Insider and Registered Nurse, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: The COVID vaccine is “not doing what it’s purpose was.”
  • O’Malley: “I’ve seen dozens of people come in with adverse reactions.”
  • O’Malley: If we [government] are not gathering [COVID vaccine] data and reporting it, then how are we going to say that this is safe and approved for use?”
  • O’Malley: I’m not afraid of blowing the whistle “because my faith lies in God and not man…You know, like what kind of person would I be if I knew all of this — this is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC, that are both supposed to be protecting us, but they are under the government, and everything that we’ve done so far is unscientific.”
  • O’Malley: At the end of the day, it’s about your health, and you can never get that back — and about your freedom, and about living in a peaceful society, and I’m like, ‘no.’ No. This is the hill that I will die on.”

Original video available at Project Veritas YouTube channel.


Connect with Project Veritas

Canadian Uprising: Thousands Fight Trudeau’s Covid Tyranny – ‘Stand Strong and Do Not Comply!’

Canadian Uprising: Thousands Fight Trudeau’s Covid Tyranny – ‘Stand Strong and Do Not Comply!’

by RAIR Foundation
September 20, 2021


“We are fighting the biggest war of our life! This is a spiritual war! Our lives depend on this! We have to unite!” – “Rasta High Chief” David Smit

On September 18th, RAIR Foundation USA joined thousands of Canadian patriots marching for freedom in Ottawa, marking yet another weekend of resistance to brutal coronavirus lockdowns and the ever-increasing tyranny from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his allies.

“Stand strong and do not comply!” declared a speaker with the organization Police on Guard for Thee. “Refuse to disclose your vaccination status!” shouted activist Chris Sky. “Don’t let anyone intimidate you,” a retired police officer told the crowd, who sang “Oh Canada”.

“We are fighting the biggest war of our life! This is a spiritual war! Our lives depend on this! We have to unite!” declared the “Rasta High Chief” David Smit. As Chris Sky reminded the freedom-fighters, one does not vote one’s way out of tyranny. Citizens need to say no.

As reported at RAIR in an updated thread, Canada’s federal election will be held on Monday. Just like in America, it is anticipated that voter fraud will be prevalent enough to push Trudeau into victory.

Exclusive images from the event:


Scenes from the March

The march started at Parliament Hill, went past the front of the American embassy, circled back behind the embassy and back to Parliament Hill. RAIR estimates that 4,000 to 6,000 people were in attendance.

Retired Police Office Instructs Crowd How To Arrest Antifa

A retired police officer from the organization Police on Guard for Thee, explains to the crowd how to make citizens arrests of Antifa radicals harassing protesters at the rally using Canada’s Section 494 of the Criminal Code.

“Don’t let anyone intimidate you,” the officer said. Canadians are within their rights to physically detain someone who is committing violence against someone else until police arrive. He also cited the website Courageous Citizen.


During his speech, the crowd sang Canada’s National Anthem:

Police on Guard for Thee: ‘Stand strong and do not comply!’

Watch a powerful presentation from Police on Guard for Thee: “Stand strong and do not comply!”

Vaccine is My Choice!!!

One of the speakers was a “Rasta High Chief” David Smit, who was born in Jamaica who encouraged the crowd to “stand up for your rights!”

We are fighting the biggest war of our life! This is a spiritual war! Our lives depend on this! We have to unite!”


Chris Sky Gives Rules to Stop the Vaccine Passports

During his speech, Chris Sky discussed a powerful statement by the Niagara police:

We stand behind you. We stand beside you. And if you need us to, we will stand in front of you. Discrimination has no place in Niagara, Ontario, or Canada. We took an oath to uphold the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and respect everyone in this Country which thrives in diversity and inclusivity. We hear you, and we are here for ALL of you.

Sky also gave his “Rules to Stop the Vaccine Passports”:

  • Do not reveal your vaccination status.
  • It is your “duty…to get fined,” Sky said. “If everybody…did that, there would be no vaccine passport within a couple of days.”

If brave Canadians decide to follow Chris Sky’s rules, record the entire exchange and post on social media.


Connect with RAIR Foundation

all images credit: RAIR Roundation

The Failure to Prove the Virus Exists

The Failure to Prove the Virus Exists

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 20, 2021


Over a year ago, I proposed (insisted on) a procedure to prove SARS-COV-2 exists.

This procedure is essential—and needless to say, it hasn’t been done, and will never be done.

Why? Because the outcome could completely and utterly destroy the COVID narrative.

Here is the procedure: You line up 500 people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, and you take tissue samples from them.

You properly process these samples, through centrifuging, etc., in order to extract and arrive at what you believe is the virus.

You put that material under an electron microscope and photograph it.

You then place the 500 photos from the 500 “pandemic patients” side by side.

You ask yourself three burning questions.

One: In each and every photo, are there many identical viruses?

Two: Are these viruses in every one of the 500 photos?

Three: Is the virus one you’ve never seen before?

If the answer to question one and two is yes, you appear to have found a common virus for the 500 patients. If the answer to three is yes, it’s a virus never seen before.

If the answer to either question one or two is no, you’ve failed to find the common virus you’re looking for. You’ve failed to prove a viral cause for what you’re calling COVID-19.

If you see many identical virus particles in some, but not all, of the photos, you may or may not have found a virus. To decide that issue, you need three conditions: the researchers are honest and independent; a new team of such researchers will repeat the whole procedure, from the beginning, to see whether their findings match those of the original team; and you need truly qualified experts to determine whether the particles in the electron microscope photos are actually viruses or something else.

Note: This is why one or two photos from a study mean NOTHING.

All right. Moving on, there are other factors involved in the process of discovering a virus. These factors are ISOLATION and GENETIC SEQUENCING.

They’re both covered in a Statement on Virus Isolation, authored and published by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell. I reprint it here in full:

Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI) [1]

“Isolation: The action of isolating; the fact or condition of being isolated or standing alone; separation from other things or persons; solitariness.” — Oxford English Dictionary

The controversy over whether the SARS-CoV-2 virus has ever been isolated or purified continues. However, using the above definition, common sense, the laws of logic and the dictates of science, any unbiased person must come to the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been isolated or purified. As a result, no confirmation of the virus’ existence can be found. The logical, common sense, and scientific consequences of this fact are:

* the structure and composition of something not shown to exist can’t be known, including the presence, structure, and function of any hypothetical spike or other proteins;

* the genetic sequence of something that has never been found can’t be known;

* “variants” of something that hasn’t been shown to exist can’t be known;

* it’s impossible to demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called Covid-19.

In as concise terms as possible, here’s the proper way to isolate, characterize and demonstrate a new virus. First, one takes samples (blood, sputum, secretions) from many people (e.g. 500) with symptoms which are unique and specific enough to characterize an illness. Without mixing these samples with ANY tissue or products that also contain genetic material, the virologist macerates, filters and ultracentrifuges i.e. purifies the specimen. This common virology technique, done for decades to isolate bacteriophages [2a] and so-called giant viruses in every virology lab, then allows the virologist to demonstrate with electron microscopy thousands of identically sized and shaped particles. These particles are the isolated and purified virus.

These identical particles are then checked for uniformity by physical and/or microscopic techniques. Once the purity is determined, the particles may be further characterized. This would include examining the structure, morphology, and chemical composition of the particles. Next, their genetic makeup is characterized by extracting the genetic material directly from the purified particles and using genetic-sequencing techniques, such as Sanger sequencing, that have also been around for decades. Then one does an analysis to confirm that these uniform particles are exogenous (outside) in origin as a virus is conceptualized to be, and not the normal breakdown products of dead and dying tissues. [2b] (As of May 2020, we know that virologists have no way to determine whether the particles they’re seeing are viruses or just normal break-down products of dead and dying tissues.) [2c]

If we have come this far then we have fully isolated, characterized, and genetically sequenced an exogenous virus particle. However, we still have to show it is causally related to a disease. This is carried out by exposing a group of healthy subjects (animals are usually used) to this isolated, purified virus in the manner in which the disease is thought to be transmitted. If the animals get sick with the same disease, as confirmed by clinical and autopsy findings, one has now shown that the virus actually causes a disease. This demonstrates infectivity and transmission of an infectious agent.

None of these steps has even been attempted with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, nor have all these steps been successfully performed for any so-called pathogenic virus. Our research indicates that a single study showing these steps does not exist in the medical literature.

Instead, since 1954, virologists have taken unpurified samples from a relatively few people, often less than ten, with a similar disease. They then minimally process this sample and inoculate this unpurified sample onto tissue culture containing usually four to six other types of material — all of which contain identical genetic material as to what is called a “virus.” The tissue culture is starved and poisoned and naturally disintegrates into many types of particles, some of which contain genetic material. Against all common sense, logic, use of the English language and scientific integrity, this process is called “virus isolation.” This brew containing fragments of genetic material from many sources is then subjected to genetic analysis, which then creates in a computer-simulation process the alleged sequence of the alleged virus, a so called in silico genome. At no time is an actual virus confirmed by electron microscopy. At no time is a genome extracted and sequenced from an actual virus. This is scientific fraud.

The observation that the unpurified specimen — inoculated onto tissue culture along with toxic antibiotics, bovine fetal tissue, amniotic fluid and other tissues — destroys the kidney tissue onto which it is inoculated is given as evidence of the virus’ existence and pathogenicity. This is scientific fraud.

From now on, when anyone gives you a paper that suggests the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been isolated, please check the methods sections. If the researchers used Vero cells or any other culture method, you know that their process was not isolation. You will hear the following excuses for why actual isolation isn’t done:

1. There were not enough virus particles found in samples from patients to analyze.

2. Viruses are intracellular parasites; they can’t be found outside the cell in this manner.

If No. 1 is correct, and we can’t find the virus in the sputum of sick people, then on what evidence do we think the virus is dangerous or even lethal? If No. 2 is correct, then how is the virus spread from person to person? We are told it emerges from the cell to infect others. Then why isn’t it possible to find it?

Finally, questioning these virology techniques and conclusions is not some distraction or divisive issue. Shining the light on this truth is essential to stop this terrible fraud that humanity is confronting. For, as we now know, if the virus has never been isolated, sequenced or shown to cause illness, if the virus is imaginary, then why are we wearing masks, social distancing and putting the whole world into prison?

Finally, if pathogenic viruses don’t exist, then what is going into those injectable devices erroneously called “vaccines,” and what is their purpose? This scientific question is the most urgent and relevant one of our time.

We are correct. The SARS-CoV2 virus does not exist.

—end of Kaufman, Cowan, Morell Statement—

Finally, here is a repost of my article about a claim of virus isolation. Dr. Kaufman does a step-by-step analysis of a quote from a typical study that purports to describe how SARS-CoV-2 was isolated:

—Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists—

The global medical community has been asserting that “a pandemic is being caused by a virus, SARS-Cov-2.”

But what if the virus doesn’t exist?

People have been asking me for a step-by-step analysis of a mainstream claim of virus-isolation. Well, here it is.

“Isolation” should mean the virus has been separated out from all surrounding material, so researchers can say, “Look, we have it. It exists.”

I took a typical passage from a published study, a “methods” section, in which researchers describe how they “isolated the virus.” I sent it to Dr. Andrew Kaufman [3], and he provided his analysis in detail.

I found several studies that used very similar language in explaining how “SARS-CoV-2 was isolated.” For example, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States, (Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 26, No. 6 — June 2020)” [4].

First, I want to provide a bit of background that will help the reader understand what is going on in the study.

The researchers are creating a soup in the lab. This soup contains a number of compounds. The researchers assume, without evidence, that “the virus” is in this soup. At no time do they separate the purported virus from the surrounding material in the soup. Isolation of the virus is not occurring.

They set about showing that the monkey (and/or human cells) they put in the soup are dying. THAT’S THEIR KEY “EVIDENCE.” This cell-death, they claim, is being caused by “the virus.” However, as you’ll see, Dr. Kaufman dismantles this claim.

There is no reason to infer that SARS-CoV-2 is in the soup at all, or that it is killing cells.

Finally, the researchers assert, with no proof or rational explanation, that they were able to discover the genetic sequence of “the virus” they never isolated. “We didn’t find it, we don’t know anything about it, but we sequenced it.”

Here are the study’s statements claiming isolation, alternated with Dr. Kaufman’s analysis:

STUDY: “We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage [in the soup in the lab]…”

KAUFMAN: “Vero cells are foreign cells from the kidneys of monkeys and a source of contamination. Virus particles should be purified directly from clinical samples in order to prove the virus actually exists. Isolation means separation from everything else. So how can you separate/isolate a virus when you add it to something else?”

STUDY: “…We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%)…”

KAUFMAN: “Why use minimal essential media, which provides incomplete nutrition [to the cells]? Fetal bovine serum is a source of foreign genetic material and extracellular vesicles, which are indistinguishable from viruses.”

STUDY: “…We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate…”

KAUFMAN: “Once again, misuse of the word isolation.”

STUDY: “…We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL…”

KAUFMAN: “Trypsin is a pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins. Wouldn’t that cause damage to the cells and particles in the culture which have proteins on their surfaces, including the so called spike protein?”

KAUFMAN: “Why are antibiotics added? Sterile technique is used for the culture. Bacteria may be easily filtered out of the clinical sample by commercially available filters (GIBCO) [5]. Finally, bacteria may be easily seen under the microscope and would be readily identified if they were contaminating the sample. The specific antibiotics used, streptomycin and amphotericin (aka ‘ampho-terrible’), are toxic to the kidneys and we are using kidney cells in this experiment! Also note they are used at ‘2X’ concentration, which appears to be twice the normal amount. These will certainly cause damage to the Vero cells.”

STUDY: “…We added [not isolated] 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols…”

STUDY: “When CPEs were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip…”

KAUFMAN: “There was no negative control experiment described. Control experiments are required for a valid interpretation of the results. Without that, how can we know if it was the toxic soup of antibiotics, minimal nutrition, and dying tissue from a sick person which caused the cellular damage or a phantom virus? A proper control would consist of the same exact experiment except that the clinical specimen should come from a person with illness unrelated to covid, such as cancer, since that would not contain a virus.”

STUDY: “…We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.”

KAUFMAN: “How do you confirm something that was never previously shown to exist? What did you compare the genetic sequences to? How do you know the origin of the genetic material since it came from a cell culture containing material from humans and all their microflora, fetal cows, and monkeys?”

—end of study quotes and Kaufman analysis—

My comments: Dr. Kaufman does several things here. He shows that isolation, in any meaningful sense of the word “isolation,” is not occurring.

Dr. Kaufman also shows that the researchers want to use damage to the cells and cell-death as proof that “the virus” is in the soup they are creating. In other words, the researchers are assuming that if the cells are dying, it must be the virus that is doing the killing. But Dr. Kaufman shows there are obvious other reasons for cell damage and death that have nothing to do with a virus. Therefore, no proof exists that “the virus” is in the soup or exists at all.

And finally, Dr. Kaufman explains that the claim of genetic sequencing of “the virus” is absurd, because there is no proof that the virus is present. How do you sequence something when you haven’t shown it exists?

Readers who are unfamiliar with my work (over 300 articles on the subject of the “pandemic” during the past year [6]) will ask: Then why are people dying? What about the huge number of cases and deaths? I have answered these and other questions in great detail. The subject of this article is: have researchers proved SARS-CoV-2 exists?

The answer is no.



[2a] Isolation, characterization and analysis of bacteriophages from the haloalkaline lake Elmenteita, KenyaJuliah Khayeli Akhwale et al, PLOS One, Published: April 25, 2019. — accessed 2/15/21

[2b] “Extracellular Vesicles Derived From Apoptotic Cells: An Essential Link Between Death and Regeneration,” Maojiao Li1 et al, Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2020 October 2. — accessed 2/15/21

[2c] “The Role of Extraellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” Flavia Giannessi, et al, Viruses, 2020 May






Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: PaliGraficas / pixabay

Australian Construction Workers Rally in Melbourne to Demand Their Union Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

Australian Construction Workers Rally in Melbourne to Demand Their Union Oppose Mandatory Vaccination


[TCTL editor’s note: Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) is Australia’s main trade union in construction, forestry and furnishing products, mining and energy production. According to their website: “The CFMEU represents over 100,000 construction workers. Our main role is to protect lives by upholding health and safety standards in this dangerous industry and improve workers’ lives through fighting for decent wages and conditions.” John Setka is the Victorian state secretary of the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union.]


Unions turn on Setka in rally against medical tyranny
Construction workers demand Setka oppose Andrews’ mandatory vaccination order.

by Alexandra Marshall, Rebel News
September 19, 2021


BREAKING: Workers have congregated on the CFMEU headquarters in Victoria to confront John Setka over mandatory vaccination.

“F*** the jab!” was shouted at the Union boss as he existed the building.

The crowd gathered to protest the strict regulation on various union industries requiring Covid vaccination under threat of losing their jobs. They are the same restrictions facing private industry.

Furious, the protesters heckled Setka as he emerged to confront them. Among the accusations were those claiming that Setka is ‘owned by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews’ after he failed to fight the premier on Covid regulations. Setka was barely able to get a word in under the tirade of abuse.

“Dan Andrews’ b***!” was also shouted along with, “Sell out!”

The protest became more violent, with protestors attempting to force their way into the CFMEU headquarters.

Victorian Police have not treated CFMEU union protesters with the same brutality shown to Freedom Day protesters on the weekend.

There has been no explanation offered regarding the different approaches in policing by the Commissioner.


The protest comes less than a day after Victorian Daniel Andrews released his unpopular roadmap out of Covid.

This story is breaking. More to come.


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Worldwide Freedom Protests: A Glimpse at the Massive, Spirited Crowds Overflowing the Streets in Australia, UK, France & the Netherlands

Worldwide Freedom Protests: A Glimpse at the Massive, Spirited Crowds Overflowing the Streets in Australia, UK, France & the Netherlands


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Both of the compilations below, totaling many hours of live footage from many sources, are provided by Tim Truth. You can find follow him on Odysee and BitChute. If you find the videos buffering or freezing, use the alternative link provided.

Melbourne Freedom Rally Against Oppressive Victorian Government’s Clampdown & Police Brutality

by Tim Truth
September 18, 2021

Video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Protests In France, Amsterdam, London & More Against Mandated Injections & Tyranny #Manifs18Septembre

by Tim Truth
September 18, 2021

Video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Connect with Tim Truth

Australian Construction Workers Protest Against Government Restrictions and Mandates

Australian Construction Workers Protest Against Government Restrictions and Mandates


Victorian construction workers protest against government restrictions and mandates

by Real Rukshan
September 17, 2021


Highlights from Victorian construction workers protesting on Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.

The protest was a part of a series of demonstrations by construction workers in response to new workplace restrictions.

These street lunchroom protests are a being claimed as a coordinated action by unions in response to restrictions on lunchrooms, so therefore the workers are only protesting during their defined break periods by having lunch/smoko on the street.

Union leaders have said these are not protests, and are just workers having their lunch on the streets because of the inability to work within the CHO directions. The actions have caused disruptions to the road and transport network within the city and outer suburbs.

Speaking to people from these worksites off camera, they have a mix of views and concerns, mandatory vaccination is one of them (however the unions don’t publicly support them on this matter).

Victorian workers have only a few days left until they will no longer be allowed on worksites without providing proof they have had at least 1 dose of the vaccine.

Some workers claim they are also protesting against the unions for not backing their workforce against government overreach into their ability to make free informed decisions about their decision to vaccinate.


3AW693 News Talk

Herald Sun


Connect with Real Rukshan

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 17, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute, Brighteon, and Rumble channels.

Just days after the 20th anniversary of 9/11, teachers and union workers throughout the state came together in NYC in a “walk out” to demand freedom of choice against mandatory #Covid19 vaccines.


Connect with The HighWire

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Joins Worldwide Demonstration #4

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Joins Worldwide Demonstration #4


WHEN: Saturday, September 18, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine

WHERE: Capetown Plaza, 790 Iyanough Rd., Hyannis, Massachusetts (across the street from the Cape Cod Mall, in front of the old K Mart). Note different location. Bring large-letter signs with your message.


September 18 will be our fourth participation in worldwide demonstrations, a non-partisan movement dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of assembly, and freedom of health. 180 cities across the world will take part.

Looking at the last year and a half, it seems people have forgotten that evil is a significant and real force in our world. The term has religious connotations which secular societies would like to avoid, but we might do well to remember the old story of good versus evil. Evil people are not stupid. They know very well how to lie while appearing to be the soul of virtue. How could we doubt that the homely philanthropist Bill Gates, or the smiling Justin Trudeau, or Anthony Fauci with his Brooklyn accent, or the fatherly Joe Biden, could have anything but the best of intentions for us? Well, that’s how the game works. These people were chosen for their job because they are effective liars — one of the perks of selling one’s soul.

The “pandemic” is an attack on human freedom being conducted in increments. We started out with a three week quarantine to relieve supposedly overwhelmed hospitals and health care workers. Now, 18 months later, “there will be consequences” for people who refuse to get “vaccinated” says Trudeau in Canada. In Australia, people who have been under strict lockdown for months are now being told not to talk to each other or bring their children to playgrounds. Internment camps have been mentioned, and some say they are being built for those who refuse the jab. Children are being taken away from “unvaccinated” parents. If current jab rates are any indication, half the world’s population may end up in the camps, but that’s not an insanity too far for our would-be masters.

Read more here


Connect with End Massachusetts Medical Mandates


See related: 

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage


Images credit: Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find recorded conversation between Max Igan and UK funeral director, John O’Looney.  In this interview, O’Looney details his experience regarding the manipulation and culling of humanity via the ruse of a “covid pandemic”.

Following Max Igan’s introductory questions, John starts out by describing an event that happened at the end of November and beginning of December 2019. He had visited a hospital morgue on behalf of a family who had lost a loved one. The family had complained that the hospital would not allow them to see the deceased. When John inquired at the hospital about the reason for denying the family the ability to view their loved one, he was told that something terrible was coming. He was then taken behind the viewing room doors and was shown a temporary pandemic morgue.

O’Looney explains that sometime in early 2020 he was contacted by the local BBC for an interview. At that point in time, he believed the covid narrative and cooperated with their request, including directives on how to dress. John explains,

“They got the interview they wanted and promoted the hysteria. And I kind of kick myself now because it’s simply not true — any of it. It’s not true.”

Over time, he began to question as he evaluated so many things that didn’t make sense.

“Very soon into 2020, funeral directors began panicking. The death rate wasn’t there. There was no increased death rate. We were seeing deceased that were deliberately labeled with covid, but there wasn’t any increase in numbers at all.”

He describes how he, his wife and the embalmer who worked for him, all ignored the new pandemic procedures for handling bodies. They did not wear masks and continued their usual care in preparing bodies for cremation or burial. They have all remained perfectly healthy, and not one of them has missed a day of work.

O’Looney shares his observations of what happened when all elderly were transferred from hospitals into care homes. He heard about the huge increase in use of midazolam (a strong sedative commonly used in end-of-life/palliative care} at these homes and began to look for evidence that this was true.

“There was a thousand percent increase in midazolam sedative purchased at that time. And there’s an extensive paper trail that documents it very clearly…”

“I suspect thousands of people were killed, euthanized, in these care homes using midazolam…”

“Then as abruptly as that started, it finished.”

O’Looney shares his unfolding awakening to the manipulation of facts and the global crime that was being committed.

“Every death possible was listed as a covid death… I had people come in — really, really upset families because they knew their loved ones had had terminal cancer. And they were terrified that I wouldn’t wash and dress them because they’d been labeled with covid. I had to reassure them, you know, ‘please don’t worry, I will’.”

“So the year 2020 progressed and, apart from that 12-week “cull” that took place — I’m very careful with my words because I know that’s what it was. Statistically, it’s impossible to happen. Viruses don’t target care homes… Despite the great effort they made in care homes to bump the numbers up, overall 2020 was quieter than 2019 for death rate.”

“I began to smell a rat. I said to people I bet the death rate soars in January when they become vaccinated…And we came back to work on the 2nd and on the 6th they began vaccinating. The death rate was extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

View the video to hear John O’Looney’s full testimony and his warnings that humanity must stand up now against this attempt to dominate, harm and “cull” us.


by Max Igan, The CrowHouse
September 15, 2021


Video available at Max Igan’s The CrowHouse Odysee and BitChute channels.

Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services:
John O’Looney’s direct email:


Connect with Max Igan

Holocaust Survivors’ Open Letter: “Stop the Covid Holocaust!”

Holocaust Survivors’ Open Letter: “Stop the Covid Holocaust!”
We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately

by Rabbi Hillel Handler, Hagar Schafrir, et al., Global Research
September 16, 2021


Sent to:

TGA, Australia,
Medsafe, New Zealand
FMRAC, Canada
AHPRA, Australia


Ladies and Gentlemen,

We, the survivors of the atrocities committed against humanity during the Second World  War, feel bound to follow our conscience and write this letter.

It is obvious to us that another holocaust of greater magnitude is taking place before our eyes. The majority of the world’s populace do not yet realize what is happening, for magnitude of an organized crime such as this is beyond their scope of experience.

We, however, know. We remember the name Josef Mengele. Some of us have personal  memories. We experience a déjà vu that is so horrifying that we rise to shield our poor  fellow humans. The threatened innocents now include children, and even infants.

In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013—a period of 15.5 years. And people affected worst are between 18 and 64 years old – the group which was not in the Covid statistics.

We call upon you to stop this ungodly medical experiment on humankind immediately.

What you call “vaccination” against SARS-Cov-2 is in truth a blasphemic encroachment into nature. Never before has immunization of the entire planet been accomplished by delivering a synthetic mRNA into the human body. It is a medical experiment to which the Nuremberg Code must be applied. The 10 ethical principles in this document represents a foundational code of medical ethics that was formulated during the Nuremberg Doctors Trial to ensure that human beings will never again be subjected to involuntary medical experimentation & procedures.

Principle 1 of the Nuremberg Codex:

(a) The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to  make an understanding and enlightened decision.

(b) This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

(c) The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

Re (a): There is no question of a free decision. Mass media spread fear and panic and use  the rule of Goebbels’ propaganda by repeating untruths until they are believed. For weeks now they have been calling for the ostracism of the unvaccinated. If 80 years ago it was the Jews who were demonized as spreaders of infectious diseases, today it is the unvaccinated who are being accused of spreading the virus. Physical integrity, freedom to travel, freedom to work, all coexistence has been taken away from people in order to force vaccination upon them. Children are being enticed to get vaccinated against their parents’ judgement.

Re (b): The 22 terrible side effects already listed in the FDA emergency use authorization were not disclosed to the subjects of the experimental trial. We list those below to the benefit of the world public.

By definition, there has never been informed consent. In the meantime, thousands of side effects recorded in numerous databases are on record. While the so-called case numbers are being bleeped in 30-min-intervals by all mass media, there is neither any mentioning of the serious adverse side effects nor how and where the side effects are to be reported. As far as we know, even recorded damages have been deleted on a large scale in every database.

Principle 6 of the Nuremberg Code requires:

“The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment”.

“Vaccination” against Covid has proven to be more dangerous than Covid for approximately 99% of all humans. As documented by Johns Hopkins, in a study of 48,000 children, children are at zero risk from the virus.

Your own data shows that children who are at no risk from the virus, have had heart attacks following vaccination; more than 15,000 have suffered adverse events –including more than 900 serious events. At least 16 adolescents have died following vaccination in the USA. As you are aware, just around 1% are being reported. And the numbers are increasing rapidly as we write. With your knowledge.

Principle 10 of the Nuremberg Code:

“During the course of the experiment, the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.”

Allegedly around 52% of the world population has received at least one shot.Honest disclosure of the true number of “vaccine” injured, terminally injured as well as deceased worldwide is long overdue. These are millions in the meantime. Provide us with the true numbers of Covid vaccine casualties now.

How many will be enough to awaken your conscience?

List of adverse effects being known to FDA before the emergency approval:

1. Guillain-Barré syndrome

2. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

3. Transverse myelitis

4. Encephalitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encepholapathy

5. Convulsions/seizures

6. Stroke

7. Narcolepsy and cataplexy

8. Anaphylaxis

9. Acute myocardial infraction

10. Myocarditis/pericarditis

11. Autoimmune disease

12. Deaths

13. Pregnancy and birth outcomes

14. Other acute demyelinating diseases

15. Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions

16. Thrombocytopenia

17. Disseminated intravascular coagulation

18. Venous thromboembolism

19. Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

20. Kawasaki disease

21. Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in CHILDREN

22. Vaccine enhanced disease



Concentration Camp survivors, their sons, and daughters, and grandchildren, including persons of goodwill and conscience.

According to present consents:

Rabbi Hillel Handler
Hagar Schafrir
Sorin Shapira
Mascha Orel
Morry Krispijn
Shimon Yanowitz
Hila Moscovich
Tamir Turgal
Amira Segal
Jacqueline Ingenhoes
Andrea Drescher


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Unexpected and Heartbreaking: Thousands Flood ABC Affiliate’s Facebook Page With Vaccination Horror Stories

Unexpected and Heartbreaking: Thousands Flood ABC Affiliate’s Facebook Page With Vaccination Horror Stories

by WorldTribune
September 13, 2021


An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.

Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, from adverse reactions to the vaccine.

On Friday, ABC affiliate WXYZ-TV in Detroit posted:

By noon on Monday, the post had received over 39,000 angry and often heartbreaking responses. Virtually every string contains a firsthand report by people whose family members are grieving the loss of loved ones of all ages.

Typical of many of the responses, one woman wrote poignantly:

Another grieving daughter posted:


Another responded:

A would-have-been grandmother reported:


Another had multiple stories to report, and communicated the overwhelming disillusionment with the corporate media overwhelming voiced by posters.

Reports of heart attacks and strokes abound:

read the rest of this article…


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Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Suing Biden Admin Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Suing Biden Admin Over COVID Vaccine Mandate

Brnovich describes the mandate as “one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberties, principles of federalism, and separation of powers ever attempted by an American President.”

by Mary Chastain, Legal Insurrection
September 14, 2021


Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich announced he is suing the Biden administration over the COVID vaccine mandate on federal employees and businesses with over 100 employees.

Brnovich describes the mandate as “one of the greatest infringements upon individual liberties, principles of federalism, and separation of powers ever attempted by an American President.”

Brnovich states in his press release: “The federal government cannot force people to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The Biden Administration is once again flouting our laws and precedents to push their radical agenda. There can be no serious or scientific discussion about containing the spread of COVID-19 that doesn’t begin at our southern border.”

The administration has not written or clarified the mandate’s rules. Brnovich said his “lawsuit is valid because it seeks to declare that the federal government doesn’t have the authority to create such rules.”

A reporter asked about Brnovich’s office recognizing federal safety regulations regarding hard hats at construction sites. The AG told the reporter, “Stay tuned for the next lawsuit.”

Um, hard hats don’t inject a substance into your body. But don’t get me started on federal safety regulations because a libertarian could go on forever about them.

Let’s get to the brief.

Brnovich cites the Equal Protection Clause in his brief due to the Biden administration exempting illegal aliens from the vaccine mandate.

The Equal Protection Clause falls under the 14th Amendment, Section 1: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

Brnovich explains in the complaint why the mandate violates the clause:

7. Although the precise contours of the federal vaccination mandates are not yet clear, the violation of the Equal Protection Clause is already evident and egregious. In a nutshell: unauthorized aliens will not be subject to any vaccination requirements even when released directly into the United States (where most will remain), while roughly a hundred million U.S. citizens will be subject to unprecedented vaccination requirements. This reflects an unmistakable and unconstitutional—brand of favoritism in favor of unauthorized aliens.

8. This discrimination in favor of unauthorized aliens violates the Equal Protection Clause. Notably, alienage is a suspect class that triggers strict scrutiny. More typically (and almost invariably previously), this discrimination was against aliens rather than for them. See, e.g., Graham v. Richardson, 403 U.S. 365, 371, 375-376 (1971); Application of Griffiths, 413 U.S. 717, 721 1973). But the same principle applies to favoritism against U.S. citizens in favor of aliens. Defendants’ actions could never conceivably pass strict scrutiny.

“Because Defendants’ respect for individual rights vis-à-vis vaccination mandates appears to extend only to unauthorized aliens, and not U.S. citizens, their actions violate the Equal Protection Clause and should be invalidated,” continues Brnovich. “American citizens should be entitled to treatment at least as favorable as what Defendants afford to unauthorized aliens. This Court should accordingly declare this preferential treatment unlawful and enjoin actions taken pursuant to it.”

Remember when Biden’s Chief of Staff Ronald Klein retweeted this?

Lawyers said the retweet would cause problems for Biden. Well, it has because Brnovich brings it up in the complaint:

13. Recognizing that the Federal Government lacks the authority to directly impose a mandate, even the President’s own Chief of Staff retweeted that what the administration was planning for citizens (but not unauthorized aliens) would be the “ultimate work-around.”

14. The inadvertent admission in the preceding paragraph makes all of the administration’s actions constitutionally suspect. These other violations will be the subject of future challenges. Courts will have an opportunity to review and invalidate those forthcoming mandates as to private employers, federal contractors, federal employees, and health care workers. But this particular component—i.e., the unconstitutional discrimination against U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, and aliens lawfully residing and working in the U.S.—is ripe for judicial review and invalidation now.


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COVID Vaccine Mandates Wreak Havoc on Healthcare System, Workforce

COVID Vaccine Mandates Wreak Havoc on Healthcare System, Workforce
Draconian COVID policies and vaccine mandates are creating an uncertain future for a health care system that was already on shaky ground even before the terrible COVID policies took hold.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
September 15, 2021


In January 2020 — pre-COVID — the Commonwealth Fund published a sobering report on the state of U.S. healthcare, comparing the U.S. to other high-income countries belonging to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The report shared a number of depressing findings. First, despite the U.S. spending twice as much on healthcare (as a share of the economy) as comparable wealthy nations, Americans have the lowest life expectancy and highest suicide rates. Nor is America’s poor bang for its healthcare buck anything sudden or new — a 30-year-old study that compared the U.S. to 15 OECD nations reached the same conclusions.

The Commonwealth Fund report also drew attention to the fact that, among peer nations, the U.S. has the highest chronic disease burden, the highest number of hospitalizations from “preventable causes” and the highest rate of “avoidable deaths.”

Restrictive COVID policies have worsened these health indicators, with mounting deaths of despair and a plummeting life expectancy that researchers predict will drop still further.

The draconian policies — and especially COVID vaccine mandates for healthcare workers (HCWs) — are also wreaking havoc on the U.S. healthcare system and health workforce. Astoundingly high percentages of HCWs have experienced adverse events after accepting the jabs, rendering some unfit for duty. And among HCWs who, having done their due diligence, have chosen to decline the injections, firings and resignations are growing increasingly commonplace. These kinds of handicaps portend an uncertain future for a healthcare system that was already on shaky ground even before the terrible COVID policies took hold.

Early guinea pigs

As soon as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted Emergency Use Authorization for the COVID vaccines, HCWs began to find themselves in a catch-22: take an experimental injection (made by felonious pharma giants exempt from legal liability for injuries) or — egged on by hostile parties that now include no less than POTUS himself — risk ostracism or worse.

Many HCWs who dutifully did what they were told have not fared well. An online survey of 1,245 HCWs published in April (“representing various parts of the country during the early phase of COVID-19 vaccination”) furnishes one particularly hair-raising glimpse of the potential risks — for both provider and patient.

The study focused on roughly 800 HCWs (46% younger than age 41 and nearly all with doctoral, medical or Master’s degrees) who received the Pfizer vaccine and reported one or more symptoms. Almost all (93%) had received two doses.

Post-vaccination, about one in eight HCWs “temporarily” had trouble performing activities of daily living. In addition, the survey results highlighted the following:

  • Symptoms such as fatigue, headache, joint pain, nausea, muscle spasm, sweating, dizziness, flushing, brain fog, anorexia, sleep disruptions, tingling and palpitations were common.
  • Grouped by organ system, large percentages of the Pfizer-injected HCWs reported symptoms that were “generalized” (76%) or musculoskeletal (53%). However, the injections also displayed the capacity to affect nearly every body system: gastrointestinal (21%), psychological/psychiatric (17%), neurological (13%), otolaryngological (12%), endocrine (10%), cardiovascular (6%), respiratory (3%), urinary (1%) and allergic (1%).
  • The principal neurological symptom reported was brain fog or “reduced mental clarity” — a disabling symptom that can scarcely be reassuring to the affected individuals’ patients. This category also included reports of symptoms such as numbness, paralysis, vertigo and reactivation of herpes or shingles. These types of neurological symptoms are no joke; some HCWs have reported being denied health insurance and Workers’ Compensation despite symptoms so debilitating that they can no longer work.
  • In the otolarnygological category, ear and eye symptoms predominated, included ear ringing, changes in hearing, ear/eye pain, blurred vision and “flashing lights.” The vision-related symptoms dovetail with data from the European drug monitoring agency, which has recorded tens of thousands of eye disorders following COVID vaccination.
  • Oddly, 6% of Pfizer recipients reported upbeat feelings of joy, relief or gratitude in response to receiving the injections. The researchers characterized this as a “positive sign” of HCW willingness to “[take] the challenge to end the deadly pandemic, irrespective of side effects experienced.”

In early 2021, Czech researchers conducted a nearly identical HCW survey. Virtually all of the respondents (n=818), about a third of whom had at least one chronic illness at baseline, received two doses of the Pfizer shot, and 93% of the latter reported one or more side effects. Disturbingly, the prevalence of adverse reactions was consistently higher in younger (< 43 years old) HCWs with more of their careers ahead of them. Almost one in ten Pfizer recipients reported symptoms lasting for a week or more. Nevertheless, the researchers gaily concluded that healthcare workers and students “are among the ideal population groups to participate in this type of studies [sic] due to their high level of health literacy and scientific motivation.”

No thanks

From the beginning of the COVID vaccines’ rollout, surveys have indicated that HCWs are “somewhat more skeptical [about COVID vaccine safety] compared to the general public.” In early January, one in four surveyed HCWs indicated that they had no plans to ever get a COVID shot, with “wariness of going first” being one of the commonly cited reasons. In many healthcare settings, far larger proportions than 25% have chosen to remain unvaccinated.

In an opinion piece that appeared in HuffPost in February, senior reporter Jeffrey Young patronizingly explained that HCWs have “complicated” reasons for rejecting COVID shots, but he kindly suggested that those reasons do not make them “conspiracy theorists.” Somewhat more aptly, Young stated that HCWs “have watched the government bungle so many aspects of the COVID-19 response that when those same authority figures tell them to get vaccinated first, essentially to be guinea pigs for new vaccines, their messages aren’t always well-received.”

Months later, HCWs have had numerous opportunities to observe first-hand the post-jab travails of injected colleagues and patients, and for many, this has only intensified their “wariness.” In late August, two thousand HCWs filed a lawsuit in the state of Maine to block COVID vaccine mandates, arguing their wish “to be able to continue to provide the healthcare they have provided to patients for their entire careers, and to do so under the same protective measures that have sufficed for them to be considered superheroes for the last 18 months.”

The administration of Maine Governor Janet Mills is requiring that all HCWs in the state be vaccinated by Oct. 1. Outgoing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a similar HCW vaccine mandate in August, stating that HCWs would be required to get a first dose even sooner (by Sept. 27), but on Sept. 14, District Judge David Hurd granted a temporary restraining order suspending the mandate because the state unlawfully disallowed religious exemptions available under federal law and the Constitution.

States imposing top-down HCW mandates may need to brace for some heavy fallout. The U.S. is already in the midst of an unprecedented nursing shortage, and as the mandates drive out even more of the best and brightest, the situation promises to get worse. Healthcare analysts point out that shortages of skilled nurses have major implications for patient care, with consequences ranging from longer wait times (and shorter visits), to less available care in rural settings to a higher risk of medication errors and even patient deaths.

The U.S. is also facing a shortfall of doctors. The pre-COVID Commonwealth Fund report — which found that Americans, even though sicker than their healthier counterparts in other wealthy nations, go to the doctor less often — suggested that physician shortages could be a contributing factor.

Get your care now

With an eye on the vaccine-mandate-impelled nursing shortage, former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson advised in August, “if you need to get sick, do it before the mandates hit Oct. 1.”

Though Berenson’s warning may have been somewhat tongue in cheek, a New York hospital announced earlier this month that it would be putting maternity services on hold after Sept. 24 due to resignations from maternity staff opposed to the mandates. In addition to stating that “The number of resignations received leaves…no choice but to pause delivering babies,” the hospital’s CEO indicated that services in five other units could be “curtailed in some way” if more hospital staff end up choosing departure over vaccination.

While noting that 70% of the resignations thus far have been from staff working in crucial clinical positions, the hospital CEO maintained that he was “unequivocally” in favor of mandatory vaccination.

The pausing of maternity services may inconvenience pregnant women with late September due dates, but the clinical staff fleeing heavy-handed mandates can hardly be blamed for objecting to the Hobbesian choice between risks to life and livelihood. As Children’s Health Defense president Mary Holland forcefully reiterated in response to President Biden’s inflammatory demonization of the unvaccinated, “The Nuremberg Code, which the U.S. promulgated and has expanded over time, says it best: ‘The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.’”

What is the end game?

Kaiser Family Foundation characterizes the healthcare workforce impacts of COVID vaccine mandates as “unintended consequences,” but one has to wonder whether the medical and political establishment could truly be blind to the fact that so many “health-literate” HCWs would choose to decline the injections.

Many strangely “counter intuitive” episodes have transpired within the health system over the past 18 months, including widespread and dramatic health workforce layoffs and facility closures early last year, at precisely the same time that the media were trumpeting the emergency and celebrating HCWs for their heroism in the COVID trenches.

With COVID-19 clearly serving as the pretext to orchestrate a vast reengineering of society and governance in favor of more centralization and surveillance, it stands to reason that the medical-pharmaceutical cartel may be seizing the opportunity to catalyze similar health system changes. The departure of seasoned HCWs accustomed to providing competent in-person care could, in fact, facilitate the desired push for more virtual healthcare and telemedicine, a CDC-encouraged trend that will send far more patient data into the waiting hands of cloud services providers like Amazon and Microsoft.

For people who desire face-to-face care, and for ethical healthcare workers whose gift is to provide that type of care, it may be time to come up with a new model, one that perhaps emphasizes old-fashioned prevention — good nutrition and plenty of sunlight and exercise — over newfangled, gene-modifying injections that thus far have proven more effective at lining pockets than in doing anything useful for health.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Czech Republic to Destroy 45,000 Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccines as Nobody Wants the Shots

Czech Republic to Destroy 45,000 Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccines as Nobody Wants the Shots

by GreatGameIndia
September 14, 2021


Czech Republic is planning to destroy 45,000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines branded as Covishield in India since nobody wants to take the shots. Meanwhile, more than 14,000 doses of AstraZeneca’s vaccine were thrown away in the past month alone due to the lack of interest from the public.

Prague might have to dispose of thousands of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine doses, as they expire next month. The demand for the jab recommended only to those over 60 years old due to possible side effects remains low.

Some 55,000 doses of the vaccine manufactured by Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca and shipped to the Czech Republic are set to expire by the end of October, Czech radio station IROZHLAS reported.

While about 10,000 of them are expected to be used to administer second doses, the remaining batches might have to be incinerated if the demand for the jab fails to shoot up.

So far, it has been at rock bottom. According to the data cited in the report, only 36 people have chosen AstraZeneca for their first dose in September, and a total of 774 people have been vaccinated with it so far.


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Metal Particles in Many Vaccines; but Don’t Worry, Line Up and Take Your Shots Like Happy Little Robots

Metal Particles in Many Vaccines; but Don’t Worry, Line Up and Take Your Shots Like Happy Little Robots

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 15, 2021


First, current news—Japan and the Moderna COVID vaccine. Fiercepharma reports:

“…another one million doses of the vaccine were suspended over concerns of possible contamination found in two additional vaccine lots…The material was determined to be metallic particles, Japan news outlet NHK reported last week. Last week, Japan suspended the use of 1.63 million doses.”

So that’s two separate suspensions of lots of the Moderna vaccine in Japan.

But this is just the beginning of the problem. Here is a piece I wrote more than a year ago, about a widely ignored study. The implications are staggering:

—Dangerous nanoparticles contaminating many vaccines; groundbreaking study—

“The Lung,” Second Edition, 2014: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.”

A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact:

The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.

Many of the particles are metals.

We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc.

To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 study:

International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination
Volume 4 Issue 1
January 23 2017
New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines:
Micro- and Nanocontamination
Antonietta M Gatti and Stefano Montanari–and-nanocontamination.html–and-nanocontamination.html

“The analyses carried out show that in all samples checked vaccines contain non biocompatible and bio-persistent foreign bodies which are not declared by the Producers, against which the body reacts in any case. This new investigation represents a new quality control that can be adopted to assess the safety of a vaccine. Our hypothesis is that this contamination is unintentional, since it is probably due to polluted components or procedures of industrial processes (e.g. filtrations) used to produce vaccines…”

“The quantity of foreign bodies detected and, in some cases, their unusual chemical compositions baffled us. The inorganic particles identified are neither biocompatible nor biodegradable, that means that they are biopersistent and can induce effects that can become evident either immediately close to injection time or after a certain time from administration. It is important to remember that particles (crystals and not molecules) are bodies foreign to the organism and they behave as such. More in particular, their toxicity is in some respects different from that of the chemical elements composing them, adding to that toxicity…they induce an inflammatory reaction.”

“After being injected, those microparticles, nanoparticles and aggregates can stay around the injection site forming swellings and granulomas…But they can also be carried by the blood circulation, escaping any attempt to guess what will be their final destination…As happens with all foreign bodies, particularly that small, they induce an inflammatory reaction that is chronic because most of those particles cannot be degraded. Furthermore, the protein-corona effect…due to a nano-bio-interaction…can produce organic/inorganic composite particles capable of stimulating the immune system in an undesirable way…It is impossible not to add that particles the size often observed in vaccines can enter cell nuclei and interact with the DNA…”

“In some cases, e.g. as occurs with Iron and some Iron alloys, they can corrode and the corrosion products exert a toxicity affecting the tissues…”

“Given the contaminations we observed in all samples of human-use vaccines, adverse effects after the injection of those vaccines are possible and credible and have the character of randomness, since they depend on where the contaminants are carried by the blood circulation. It is only obvious that similar quantities of these foreign bodies can have a more serious impact on very small organisms like those of children. Their presence in the muscles…could heavily impair the muscle functionality…”

“We come across particles with chemical compositions, similar to those found in the vaccines we analyzed, when we study cases of environmental contamination caused by different pollution sources. In most circumstances, the combinations detected are very odd as they have no technical use, cannot be found in any material handbook and look like the result of the random formation occurring, for example, when waste is burnt. In any case, whatever their origin, they should not be present in any injectable medicament, let alone in vaccines, more in particular those meant for infants.”

This 2017 study opens up a whole new field: the investigation of nanoparticles in vaccines where none were expected.

Such particles are not medicine in any sense of the word.

Many legal and scientific “experts” assert the State has a right to mandate vaccines and force them on the population. But these contaminating nanoparticles are not vaccines or medicines. Only a lunatic would defend the right of the State to inject them.

Here is another section from the 2017 study. Trade names of vaccines, and compositions of the nanoparticle contaminants are indicated. Take a deep breath and buckle up:

“…further presence of micro-, sub-micro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns) was identified in all cases [all 44 vaccines], whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product…”

“…single particles, cluster of micro- and nanoparticles (less than 100nm) and aggregates…debris of Aluminum, Silicon, Magnesium and Titanium; of Iron, Chromium, Silicon and Calcium particles…arranged in a cluster, and Aluminum-Copper debris…in an aggregate.”

“…the particles are surrounded and embedded in a biological substrate. In all the samples analyzed, we identified particles containing: Lead (Typhym, Cervarix, Agrippal S1, Meningitec, Gardasil) or stainless steel (Mencevax, Infarix Hexa, Cervarix. Anatetall, Focetria, Agrippal S1, Menveo, Prevenar 13, Meningitec, Vaxigrip, Stamaril Pasteur, Repevax and MMRvaxPro).”

“…particles of Tungsten identified in drops of Prevenar and Infarix (Aluminum, Tungsten, Calcium chloride).”

“…singular debris found in Repevax (Silicon, Gold, Silver) and Gardasil (Zirconium).”

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction…occurs and a ‘protein corona’ is formed…The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger-sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.”

“…examples of these nano-bio-interactions. Aggregates can be seen (stable composite entities) containing particles of Lead in Meningitec… of stainless steel (Iron, Chromium and Nickel…) and of Copper, Zinc and Lead in Cervarix…Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature.”

I’m sure you’ve read official assurances that vaccine-manufacturing problems are “rare.” You can file those pronouncements along with other medical lies.

“I’d like the heavy metal sandwich on rye, please. And instead of serving it on a plate, can you inject it?”

Several vital questions demanding answers spring from the findings of this 2017 study:

Are some of these nanoparticles intentionally placed in vaccines?

Does the standard manufacturing process for traditional vaccines INEVITABLY lead to dangerous and destructive nano-contamination?

New nano-technology is already being employed in vaccines—supposedly “improving effectiveness.” Does this manufacturing process carry with it the unavoidable effect of unleashing a hurricane of nanoparticle contaminants?

How many cases of childhood brain damage and autism can be laid at the door of nanoparticle contamination?

And finally, where are these contaminated vaccines manufactured? The above study did not attempt to discover this. It was outside the scope of the research. It’s common knowledge that, for example, in the case of the US, vaccines or their components, are, in many instances, not produced domestically. Where does this put control of safety? In, say, China, where there have been numerous pharmaceutical scandals connected to contamination of products?

The vaccine establishment does not show the slightest interest in answering any of these questions. They are busy pretending the questions don’t exist.

Trusting the establishment would be suicidal.



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‘I Just Want My Life Back’ Says 16-Year-Old Who Developed Neurological Symptoms After Pfizer Vaccine

‘I Just Want My Life Back’ Says 16-Year-Old Who Developed Neurological Symptoms After Pfizer Vaccine
In an exclusive interview with The Defender, 16-year-old Sarah Green and her mother described Sarah’s neurological symptoms following vaccination with Pfizer, and how doctors wouldn’t acknowledge the vaccine might be to blame.

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
September 14, 2021


Sarah Green was a healthy 16-year-old — until she developed neurological problems after getting Pfizer’s COVID vaccine. But doctors said her new tremors, tics and debilitating migraines couldn’t possibly be caused by the vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Sarah and her mother, Marie Green, said they feel helpless because nobody will acknowledge Sarah’s vaccine injury and “nobody can help them.”

Sarah received her second dose of Pfizer on May 4, and immediately experienced a headache at the base of her neck that radiated to her temples. She said it felt like she got “‘hit by a bus.” She took a nap in hopes she could sleep it off.

The headaches never went away and slowly, over the course of three weeks, Sarah developed small facial twitches.

“The night of May 23, I went to my dad because my neck had started twitching every 15 seconds,” Sarah said.

Green said Sarah would start a word and it was as if her brain would reset. “It wasn’t like she was trying to get a word out — it would just start over.”

After Sarah’s symptoms worsened, her parents took her to Johnston Health in Smithfield, North Carolina. Upon arrival the physicians noticed Sarah had constant tremors. Green said the doctor looked down and noticed Sarah’s right foot also had a tremor, but they didn’t have a pediatric neurologist, so she was transferred to WakeMed in Raleigh once she stabilized.

Sarah’s EEG, MRI with and without contrast and CT scans were normal. After two days the doctor came in and said Sarah had a nervous twitch and needed to see a mental health professional.

During the MRI with contrast, Sarah’s mother said she stopped breathing and had to be pulled out of the machine and intubated. Two hours later the doctor came in and said they were going to send Sarah home.

“They weren’t even going to refer her to a neurologist,” Green said. “They said it was just a nervous tick and she needed to see a therapist.”

Green said the vaccine was not the first thing she thought of when her daughter’s symptoms initially started, but the hospital had her fill out a form of things that might have changed and “when it came down to it, the only thing that changed was the vaccine.”

When Green asked the doctor if the vaccine could have caused her daughter’s condition, he got very defensive and said, “We can’t blame everything on the vaccine.”

Green said the physician’s response was frustrating. “How can you say you don’t know what it is but say the vaccine isn’t the cause?” she asked.

Green said, “As soon as we said it was the vaccine, it was like they couldn’t get us out of there fast enough.”

When Sarah finally got into a neurologist on June 6, Green asked if Sarah’s condition was vaccine-related.

The doctor said Sarah had functional movement disorder and it was not related to the vaccine — although she said she has seen more cases since COVID vaccines were approved because people “stress themselves out over the vaccine and it’s psychosomatic.”

According to the National Organization of Rare Disorders, functional movement disorder is a type of functional neurological disorder that occurs when there is a problem with the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body send and/or receive signals — rather than a structural disease process, such as multiple sclerosis or stroke.

The condition can encompass a wide variety of neurological symptoms, such as tremors, dystonia, jerky movements (myoclonus) and problems walking (gait disorder).

Green didn’t agree with the doctor’s assessment that Sarah’s reaction was “psychosomatic.”

“Sarah is 16. She was nervous about getting a needle in her arm, but once she got the vaccine she slapped a bandaid on it and went off to starbucks,” Green said.

“When I tried to explain that to her neurologist, she said that I needed to stop focusing on what caused it and focus on getting my daughter well,” Green explained. “But I felt like if we didn’t know why, we wouldn’t be able to treat her the right way.”

Green said Sarah got the vaccine on her own because in North Carolina, she could get the vaccine without parental consent.

“She works in fast food and on the frontline and they were told the vaccine would be mandated,” Green said. “Krispy Kreme was giving out a dozen donuts, so the kids went and got their shots.”

Green said neither she nor her husband got a COVID vaccine. When Sarah said she wanted to get it, Green explained her and her husband’s reservations and why they weren’t getting the vaccine.

Green said:

“We have been asked many times why she got it and we didn’t. She did come to us and tell us she wanted to, but we did not know she had made up her mind. We had a discussion about it, but her job and the free incentives that I feel were targeted towards young people — Krispy Kreme offered them a dozen free donuts — really swayed her decision.

Sarah was told the risks of getting a vaccine included having a sore arm for a few days, but now it has been months and she’s not fine.

Sarah had to drop two college classes this semester because of her symptoms. “She had just started driving but she cannot drive anymore because she can’t look up or turn her head to the right without it causing spastic tremors. She also can’t write,” Green said. “She has constant tremors like someone who has Parkinson’s disease.”

Sarah’s symptoms have progressively worsened over time, but the only treatment option recommended to her was a medication similar to Benadryl.

Green said:

“It’s so frustrating. We tried to get her into a hospital in Florida but there is a six-month waiting list. We called Cleveland but they have a three-month waiting list. We have called the Shriners hospital and they won’t even see her. We had an appointment at Duke but it was going to be on a video conference. We just keep getting doors slammed in our faces and the minute you mention a vaccine they don’t want to deal with you anymore.”

Green said she and Sarah are not anti-vaxxers. “Sarah has had all of her vaccines, but there are too many people having problems for them not to know there’s no problem with these mRNAs. If they would just acknowledge the potential side effects … but they’re acting like it’s not even happening, and it’s not fair to her and for her entire life to be put on hold,” she added.

Green said she reported Sarah’s vaccine injury to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (I.D. 1354500) and Pfizer.

“When I called Pfizer they just had me answer some questions and said if there were new symptoms to call back and they could update their report,” Green said. “When I called back a second time they said they lost the report. When I asked if anyone else had called with the same symptoms they said ‘no.’”

As The Defender reported Sept. 8, a 30-year-old woman suffered severe neurological complications after receiving Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, and she also reported her injury to Pfizer.

On June 29, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson held a news conference with families who experienced neurological injuries from COVID vaccines, including Pfizer’s.

Among them was Maddie de Garay from Ohio, who volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial when she was 12. She is now in a wheelchair after experiencing severe adverse reactions to the vaccine.

Green, who said Sarah was healthy and living her best life prior to being vaccinated, is very concerned about children 12 and under getting the vaccine. “Just acknowledge the problem and fix it, but at least inform people what to look for,” she said.

“I just want my life back,” Sarah said. “Everything has just been put on hold. I had to drop my college classes because I can’t write and I have doctor appointments. I was going out with my friends, but now it’s exhausting. My migraines are so bad I have to sit in a dark room with no light or device and sit for hours.”

Sarah’s mother said she feels guilty for not looking into the vaccine more before her daughter went and got it. Now she feels helpless because “you feel like there’s nothing you can do and nobody who can help you.”

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Toronto Canada: Emergency Service Personnel Silent Protest at Queen’s Park Against Mandatory Jabs

Toronto Canada: Emergency Service Personnel Silent Protest at Queen’s Park Against Mandatory Jabs

by Free Speech Warrior
September 13, 2021



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Notices of Liability for Vaccine Harm and Death Sent to the EMA and All Members of the European Parliament – Sep 13, 2021

Notices of Liability for Vaccine Harm and Death Sent to the EMA and All Members of the European Parliament – Sep 13, 2021

by Doctors for Covid Ethics
September 13, 2021


As the European Parliament resumed on Monday September 13 2021, with their first order of business a debate over health and disease prevention to be followed by a vote on Tuesday, a letter of Notice of Liability for harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines was served on all members of the European Parliament, and sent to the Executive Director of the European Medicines Agency.

The notice was a accompanied by a summary of the latest scientific evidence regarding vaccine-immune interactions, and a letter from Holocaust survivors demanding a halt to the vaccination program and an end to unlawful medical coercion. The notice read:

“The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence-base.”

The full notice with supporting documentation, and pdf download, is below.


Download PDF


<<Name>> September 13, 2021

This Notice of Liability has been SERVED to you personally.

In March 2021, we alerted you and the world to the fact that the approval of the so-called gene-based COVID-19 vaccines was premature and reckless, and that their administration constituted human experimentation in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Our concerns regarding the potential dangers of experimental agents were founded on common textbook knowledge of immunobiology and medicine. Simple reasoning led to the foresight that administration of the agents would incur multifaceted pathological events leading, among others, to life-threatening thromboembolic events. You were called upon to suspend the vaccination program until these concerns had been tended to in a satisfactory manner.

This request was scorned and the vaccination program has been rolled out on a global scale, with catastrophic consequences that we trust are known to you. Our original fears have been confirmed and further pathways leading to injury and death by the experimental agents have been uncovered through new scientific discoveries in 2021. The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence- base.

The current state-of-the-tragedy is summarized in the appended document.

As you consider your next steps in mandating a vaccine that is contra-indicated by science, we draw your attention to recently published Freedom of Information requests, which reveal gross negligence in the COVID vaccine authorisation process, including misleading the Commission on Human Medicines as to whether any independent verification of vaccine trial data had occurred.

Hapless and defenceless children are now becoming victims of the blasphemic and negligently regulated vaccination agenda. We charge you for actively or tacitly paving the way to the second holocaust of mankind. The same charge has been independently submitted by survivors of the first holocaust and their families.

You are hereby placed on notice that you stand to be held personally and individually responsible for causing foreseeable and preventable harm and death from COVID-19 vaccines, and for supporting crimes against humanity, defined as acts that are purposely committed as part of a widespread or systematic policy, directed against civilians, committed in furtherance of state policy.

The gravity of your deeds is now laid out before the world. For the sake of yourselves and your families, rise and respond. Or go down in history books in indelible shame and disgrace.


Doctors for Covid Ethics

Cc: Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dr. Reiner Fuellmich


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The Great Walkout Is Starting; Against the Vaccine Mandate

The Great Walkout Is Starting; Against the Vaccine Mandate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 13, 2021


Children’s Health Defense: “Thousands of Parents and Educators Plan to ‘Walk Out’ To Protest Masking, Vaccine Mandates. We have launched a nationwide ‘Walk Out Week’ starting on September 13 in response to mask and vaccine mandates in schools and businesses around the country. Parents, educators and concerned citizens across the U.S. will participate in the coordinated week-long event focused on peaceful non-compliance, to remind government officials that individuals should have the final say when it comes to their health and that of their children.”

Nny360: “In a letter to [New York] Gov. Kathy Hochul and state Health Commissioner Howard Zucker, the GOP lawmakers warned the [vaccine] mandate could lead to massive resignations and firings of health care workers who refuse the shot.” “Increasingly, health care facilities in Wisconsin and around the country require their employees to be vaccinated. Yet in long-term care facilities such as nursing homes — where residents are highly susceptible to severe illness and death from COVID-19 — some workers refuse the shot.”

“As of late August, Wisconsin’s rate of fully vaccinated nursing home employees was around 60%.”

Bloomberg: “Right now nearly 1 in 8 nurses are neither vaccinated nor planning to get a shot.”

“And in some parts of the country, hospital administrators say only about half of their nursing staff are vaccinated.”

Stat News: “Millions of unused Covid-19 vaccines are set to go to waste as demand dwindles across the United States and doses likely expire this summer, according to public health officials…”

“Currently, states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than have been distributed to them, according to federal data.”

“A significant tranche of Pfizer doses is expected to expire in August… Given waning domestic vaccine demand, those doses are unlikely to be fully used before they must be tossed.”

“’We’re seeing demand [for the vaccine] falling off across all the states,’ said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.”

Frank has his weekly appointment with his therapist.

Doc, I had a very disturbing dream.

Well, Frank, you know, during the pandemic and the lockdowns, the subconscious is swinging into high gear. Many people are having uncomfortable dreams.

That doesn’t make me feel better.

I could write you a prescription for Depoxywraparound-3-x.

What’s that?

Doesn’t matter. You won’t dream anymore.

Really? So in the dream, I was at a small rally in a country town. Biden was talking to a few people. Then I was standing with him alone, off to the side, next to a tent. I handed him an ice cream cone. He went at it like it was his last meal.

Could you see his teeth?

I don’t know. Why?

Teeth could be symbolic.

So I asked him, Do you really know what you’re doing with this new vaccine mandate? It affects a HUNDRED MILLION people.

What did he say?

He kept gobbling up the ice cream. Between bites, he said, “That many people? That’s good. I want to force everyone.” Why, I said. He said, “Because it’s standard. We have to have a standard. Otherwise people go off on their own. That would be dangerous.”

And his comment disturbed you?

Yes. When he said go off on their own, he meant…he was talking about anything they might do that wasn’t regulated. Anything at all.

How do you know he meant that?

I could tell. In the dream, it was obvious.

You could have misinterpreted him.

No. I saw something in his face.

What was that?

A desire for revenge. He was suffering and he wanted to blame everybody else. There was blankness in his face. As if he was acting under orders.

That’s a pretty large interpretation. You’re assuming a great deal.

I’m not assuming. I SAW all that.

In the dream you were telepathic?

Haven’t you ever had a dream where you just KNEW what was going on?

I don’t dream.



Don’t you think that’s odd?


Why don’t you dream, Doc?

Several reasons. I’ve resolved, in therapy, many of the issues that would cause my subconscious to work overtime while I’m asleep. Also, several years ago, I participated in a contract with the Department of Defense.

What contract?

We studied automatic reflexes. The training involved using physical inputs to change the responses to stimuli.

You lost me.

Let’s say when a person hears the sound of gunfire, he feels fear. We want to change that reflex. We want a soldier to feel nothing, or a sense of excitement.

How is that possible?

Through inputs. Certain frequencies.


You could say that. So continue describing your dream, Frank.

I said to Biden, This is has never been done in the history of America—telling more than a hundred million people they can’t work at a job unless they take a vaccine. It’s UNTHINKABLE.

Did he answer you?

Yes. He said, “We’re at that stage now. We have to do unthinkable things.” Why, I said. He said, “It’s on the schedule.”

That’s interesting.

It was as if there was a schedule, and Biden couldn’t do anything about it. He accepted that.

In life, there ARE certain things we can’t change. It’s a sign of maturity when we come to terms with—

No. That’s not what I mean. Biden was a disabled old man saying that. He knew what was going on, and he was…

He was what?

Beyond despair. He had already felt despair, and he found out it didn’t do any good. Years ago. Do you see? He’d totally surrendered to something.

You’re making all sorts of assumptions again.

No I’m not. In the dream, what I’m telling you…it was as clear as day.

You know what your problem is, Frank?

Tell me.

When you go to sleep, you dream. That’s the basic issue. I see I can’t talk you out of your own interpretations of these dreams. So you just have to stop.

Stop dreaming?


That doesn’t sound good.


I don’t know. It sounds like surgery. If I stop dreaming, will I be different when I’m awake?

I would say yes. You won’t be as emotional. You’ll have more balance.

Like Biden in the dream? I’ll be blank? You know, he kept eating ice cream. The cone didn’t run out. There was always ice cream in it.

That alone should tell you…in your dream, you obviously weren’t talking with Biden. It was your version of him.

I’m not so sure.

Come on, Frank. You can’t believe the man in your dream was like the actual Biden.

Why not?

Let me write you a prescription. Try it for a week. You’ll stop dreaming. If you don’t like the effect, I’ll wean you off the drug.

By then, it might be too late.

What do you mean?

In my new state of mind, I might want to keep taking it.

And what would be so wrong with that?

Biden was under…he had given up his…he was under the control of other people. He knew it. Way back in the past, he had fought it, and he lost.

There you go again. What do you want to change about your life, Frank?

Right now?


I don’t know.

You want to be happy. You don’t want to be bothered and distracted by troubling things. Doesn’t that sound about right?


You come in here with a dream—sure, I could analyze it for you, but it’s just a dream…

He was talking to a Chinese official.


Biden. He was sitting in a chair in an empty auditorium. A Chinese officer was standing over him, lecturing him.

We’re back on that again. Why don’t you call the White House and tell them about your dream, Frank? Lay it out. They’ll put you on a long list of nutcases. Is that what you want?


Will you take the medicine I want to give you?


All right then…was Biden eating cherry vanilla?

What? Yes, yes he was.

With sprinkles?

Yes. How did you—

He was wearing a gray suit, and a blue tie?


The place where you were asking him about the vaccine mandate—there was a tree, a large oak tree. You were standing in the shade. There was a tent nearby.

How do you know that?

The ice cream cone. It was a dark brown.

That’s right.

A small boy rode by on a bicycle.

How do you know all this?

I’ve had ten patients in the last two weeks who’ve had the same dream.

That’s impossible.

I’d agree with you. Except for the ten patients.

How can you explain it?

I can’t. Actually, it’s more than ten. I’ve spoken with several colleagues. They’ve all had patients who had the same dream.

Someone is putting the dream in our minds?

I don’t think so. I think it’s an organic event.


People are staging a rebellion, internally. That would be my interpretation. The vaccine mandate is going too far. The shared dream is the first wave of the resistance. A new level of resistance.

What’s going to happen next?

I don’t know.

There was something else I said to him in the dream.

I know what it was, Frank. You said the whole country is going to stage a walkout. The whole country is going to stay home from work. In protest against the mandate.

That’s exactly what I said.

Every patient, in his dream, told Biden that.

So let’s do it, Doc.

You’re including me, Frank?

Come on, Doc. Don’t you think I know what’s going on? You had the same dream, too.

It’s the first time I had a dream in ten years.

How did it feel?

The next morning, I remembered what it was like to be happy.

Here’s the thing, Doc. It’s already started. We just don’t know about it yet.

What’s started?

The walkout. The nurses, for instance. They’re leaving their jobs because they won’t take the vaccine. More nurses than we know about. Many more.

You know, Frank…my cousin was killed in Vietnam. His mother had a dream about it, before it was reported to her. The Army stalled the report, because her son was killed by friendly fire. She actually had the dream after her son was dead, but before it was reported…

That’s why we’re dreaming, Doc. Because the walkout has started, but the news doesn’t want to report the extent of it…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on work of geralt & OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

NYC Teachers & City Union Members Say No to Forced Vaccinations: Join Huge Protest on Sept. 13, 2021; Legal Action to Be Announced

NYC Teachers & City Union Members Say No to Forced Vaccinations: Join Huge Protest on Sept. 13, 2021; Legal Action to Be Announced

by Del Bigtree, The Highwire
September 10, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

NY Teachers Unite

Thousands of NY teachers are organizing and taking to the streets against their union’s #Covid19 vaccine mandates. Del talks to the founder of “Teachers For Choice,” Michael Kane, about the success of their last rally, and the plans for their upcoming “walk out” on Sept 13th.

Connect with The HighWire


 For details on time and location, see related: 

Stand With Teachers, Workers, Unionists & Students on Monday, September 13th in Protest Against Medical Mandates


Dr. Scott Jensen Proposes a ‘Health Freedom Sanctuary’ Bill for Minnesota: “It’s Time to Meet the Moment.”

Dr. Scott Jensen Proposes a ‘Health Freedom Sanctuary’ Bill for Minnesota: “It’s Time to Meet the Moment.”

by Dr. Scott Jensen
September 11, 2021



Federal government intrusion has gone TOO FAR.

It is time for Minnesota to become a Health Freedom Sanctuary State!


The federal government will not usurp our powers. Minnesota must protect itself against such tyranny. It’s time to meet the moment. I’m calling on all Republicans right now, stand up and be counted. This has gone too far. It hasn’t worked, and we must defend health freedom. We’re welcoming Democrats to stand up against this and take back their state’s rights. Walz’s silence is deafening on these overreaches.


Connect with Dr. Scott Jensen

cover image credit: havenshell / pixabay

Repeat Offenders Cherry-Pick the $cience

Repeat Offenders Cherry-Pick the $cience

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
September 10, 2021


Cherry-picking – the action or practice of choosing and taking only the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc., from what is available.

What happens when the drug companies that are held up as “models of science” are frauds?

What happens when the information from lawsuits against drug companies are sealed and the only visible consequence is a fall in stock price?

What happens when drug companies suppress and cherrypick the data in their studies to show favorable results in order to gain FDA approval?

Captive Audience

In today’s world, the BIG FOUR drug companies are given the green light to release new, emergency authorized vaccine products to a captive audience without clear safety and efficacy data.

Despite a sordid history of pharmaceutical crimes that caused suffering and death, these companies continue to cause harm because current law does not require pharmaceutical firms to disclose their research and data. So even if scientists have knowledge that a particular drug is more harmful than originally thought, they do not disclose it.

In fact, under the current laws and rubber stamping, pharmaceutical companies not only survive, they thrive. As they pass through the gates of the court system for their countless fraud cases, they prove their guaranteed net worth, and in turn, are given bigger accounts to make their products on a grander scale, for a global market.

As of September 8, 2021, 376.96 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered in the U.S. This includes more than: 139 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 193 million doses of Pfizer, and 13 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

As of July 30, 2021, the CDC reported a total of 545,338 adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines in the U.S. In Europe, the EU reporting system shows 23,932 deaths and 2,477,069 Covid Vaccine Adverse Events listed up to September 4, 2021.

The BIG FOUR Vaccine Market Players

The BIG FOUR vaccine market players are: AstraZeneca, Pfizer Inc.,  Moderna Therapeutics, and Johnson and Johnson. The cast of characters includes lots of lawyers.

AstraZeneca could be considered the poster child for an ideal company in the untested Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) vaccine market. In 1997, AstraZeneca released its FDA-approved drug Seroquel, a drug for depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, and generalized anxiety disorder with the side effect of diabetes and weight gain. In 2010, AstraZeneca paid $520 million to settle fraud charges.

AstraZeneca knew about the risk of weight gain and diabetes in 2000 and not only failed to warn physicians and patients but marketed in a way that represented there was no risk. – Edward F. Blizzard, a Houston-based lead lawyer on the cases

The case against AstraZeneca began in 2009 and can be found here. An excerpt of the original article:

AstraZeneca Plc “buried” unfavorable studies on its antipsychotic drug Seroquel, according to an internal e-mail unsealed as part of litigation over the medicine.

The drugmaker failed to publicize results of at least three clinical trials of Seroquel and engaged in “cherry picking” of data from one of those studies for use in a presentation, an AstraZeneca official said in a December 1999 e-mail unsealed yesterday under an agreement between the company and lawyers for patients. The London-based company faces about 9,000 lawsuits claiming it failed to properly warn users that Seroquel can cause diabetes and other health problems.

More than 15,000 patients have sued AstraZeneca, claiming the company withheld information of a connection between diabetes and Seroquel use from doctors and patients. Many of the lawsuits also claim AstraZeneca promoted Seroquel, approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, for unapproved uses.

AstraZeneca fell 114 pence, or 4.8 percent, to 2,243 pence in London trading. The shares have declined 20 percent this year.

“AstraZeneca has studied Seroquel extensively and shared all relevant and required data with the FDA — both before and after the agency approved it as safe and effective,” Tony Jewell, AstraZeneca’s spokesman, said in an e-mailed statement.

Repeat Offenders 


When they know they have made a mistake, drug companies do not admit it. They simply claim to “share all relevant and required data with the FDA”, while quietly burying pertinent health effects evidence. AstraZeneca’s publications manager, John Tumas, wrote in 1999:

The larger issue is how do we face the outside world when they begin to criticize us for suppressing data.” He said three drug trials had been “buried.” Referring to a fourth, he said, “We must find a way to diminish the negative findings. But, in my opinion, we cannot hide them.

Expected sales for AstraZeneca? $2-3 billion.


In 2009, the largest healthcare fraud settlement in history went to Pfizer Inc., which was made to pay a $2.3 billion penalty for fraudulent marketing. This federal lawsuit was triggered by six whistleblower who filed lawsuits under the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act. Each whistleblower received payments totaling more than $102 million from the federal share of the civil recovery, a mere drop in the bucket for Pfizer Inc.  For a long list of Pfizer’s billion dollar crimes, go here. However, today, there are fewer federal whistleblowers, because they have fewer rights than those in the private sector.

Expected sales for Pfizer? $15-30 billion.


Among the Who’s Who of biotech companies, Moderna is a company working with Merck to develop cancer vaccines. It recently partnered with Vertex Pharmaceuticals to use mRNA tech for Cystic Fibrosis. In 2020, Moderna was accused of manipulating the stock market and exploiting fear surrounding the Coronavirus pandemic, as it sold $90 worth of company shares ahead of its Coronavirus injectable.

Moderna admits that their EUA vaccine is “an operating system that gives their technology ‘a software like quality.’” On its website, Moderna claims:

It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.

This technology had been tested in humans in 2017. From a 2017 Forbes article:

Moderna is developing a new class of mRNA drugs aiming to turn human bodies into drug factories by directing cells to produce therapeutic proteins.

In 2017, Moderna generated negative headlines based on the mRNA tech is it using now: Mysterious $5 Billion Biotech Moderna Hit With Legal Setback Related To Key Technology. The company that sub-licensed the delivery system to Moderna, which wraps the mRNA into balls of fat, belonged to a company called Arbutus, whose license was terminated the year before, in 2016.  However, Moderna claimed it could continue its human trials using the controversial delivery technology because it fell under a patent research exemption.

Expected sales for Moderna?  $18.4 billion.


Repeat offender, Johnson and Johnson, aka J&J, has a long, sordid history of crimes, fines, and violations in the medical “product” business.  See the J & J Corporate Rap Sheet here. J &J is at the heart of one of the biggest criminal pharmaceutical cases that resulted in a payout of $2.2 billion for marketing the anti-psychotic Risperdal in 2013.

But, what’s $2.2 billion in damages, or $4.2 billion in penalties for crimes since 2000, in the grand scheme of things, when J&J’s American conglomerate net worth is $435 billion?

J&J didn’t tell the FDA that at least three tests by three different labs from 1972 to 1975 had found asbestos [carcinogen] in its talc – in one case at levels reported as “rather high.” – Lisa Girion, Reuters December 2018

On April 14th, the FDA recommended the one-shot dose of J&J’s vaccine be paused due to an increase in “rare and severe” blood clots to the brain, or Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia. Before you could say that ten times fast, the shot resumed on April 23rd.

Expected sales for J&J? up to $10 billion.

The Show Must Go On! 

The bottom line for the pharmaceutical theatre? Money, to the tune of $60 billion, and rising, for one new and untested mRNA injectable product!

Since the show must go on, so will the cherry picking.

That is why J&J, and the others, will continue the business of manufacturing, marketing, selling, and illegally pushing their toxic products on the public, via doctors, pharmacists, nurses, commercials, faked research with their cherry-pickin’ scientists.

No mRNA vaccine has yet been FDA-approved despite fraudulent reporting by the media. FDA has only extended use of the EUA experimental COVID vaccines since data is being collected now through 2025 as part of a live experiment.

Why will future drugs, even cancer drugs, be marketed as vaccines? Because the PREP Act provides immunity from liability for vaccine makers, similar to its predecessor, the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which indemnifies vaccine makers in case of side-effects; to ensure a stable market supply of vaccines. In other words, collateral damage is expected.

For a summary of deaths resulting from products from three of the BIG FOUR manufacturers of mRNA injectable technology in Europe, you can visit the EU EurdraVigilance Reporting System.  For U.S. statistics, go to the VAERS Reporting System for death and disability. You can compare these systems to the newly launched FDA’ version, FAERS Public Dashboard for COVID-19 emergency use authorization (EUA) products.

What is the one thing that stops the cherry pickers from reaching their expected financial goals?


In Moscow, vaccine passports failed when residents simply stopped frequenting any business that required a vaccine passport. In California, at least one professor has sued over vaccine mandates by knowing he has an immune system.

If my immunity is as good, indeed, very likely better, than that conferred by the vaccine, there doesn’t seem to be any rational basis for discriminating against my form of immunity and requiring me to get a different form of immunity.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image based on the work of PaliGraficas / pixabay

Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY?

Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY?

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 10, 2021


Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY? The Biden administration issued a new order for everybody to get the shot who works in a business with more than 100 employees. This is for everyone’s safety and is based on the latest science. Obviously. Will you comply?


Original video is available at AwakenWithJP YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with JP Sears

Covid Jab Is Up to Six Times as Deadly to Boys as Covid-19

Covid Jab Is Up to Six Times as Deadly to Boys as Covid-19

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
September 10, 2021


Anyone who still recommends giving the covid jab to teenage boys should be arrested, charged, convicted and jailed for attempted murder.

The ever popular section on my website which is entitled ‘Updated 10th September – How many people are the vaccines killing?’ this evening contains a link to research conducted by a team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California in the USA.

Dr Hoeg’s research investigated the incidence of myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) in children aged 12 to 17 after they had received two doses of the deadly covid-19 jab.

And she and her team compared this with the chances of children who had contracted covid-19 needing hospital treatment.

The risks for boys are truly scary.

The figures show that for healthy boys aged 16-17 the risk of heart problems developing after covid-19 vaccination is 2.1 to 3.5 times greater than the risk of their needing hospitalisation if they catch covid-19.

For healthy boys aged 12 to 15, the risk of heart problems developing is, after a covid-19 jab, 3.7 to 6.1 times as high as their risk of needing hospitalisation after contracting covid-19.

The result is staggering and should cause massive embarrassment to the BBC which has broadcast advice from alleged expert but non-doctor Devi Sridhar claiming that the covid jab produces only mild side effects in children.

As far as I can see the BBC has still not carried a story detailing this crucial research. Sridhar has still not apologised and is still being used as an ‘expert’ by the BBC and by Channel 4.

In my view, the BBC should be closed down immediately as a menace to public health. Senior executives should be arrested for allowing the spread of false information likely to lead to serious injury and death. Sridhar’s advice was never justifiable but seemed to me designed to encourage the roll out of the vaccine to children.

It will now surely be impossible for Whitty, England’s Chief Medical Officer (or for Chief Medical Officers in the other regions of the UK), to approve a roll out of the covid jab to 12 to 15-year-olds and giving the jab to older teenagers must now be halted.

The paper was conducted without funding. The authors have declared no competing interest. And all relevant ethical guidelines were followed.

I have no doubt that this vital research will be ignored by the mainstream media. And there will no doubt be attempts to smear the results and/or the researchers.

But the conclusion must be that there is clearly a need for much more research into the covid-19 jabs. Meanwhile, the roll out of the jabs must be halted.

I believe that this research means that any doctor or nurse giving one of the covid-19 jabs to a teenager, or a younger child, could and should be arrested for assault and attempted murder.

Please share this article far and wide to doctors and schools and parents everywhere. The more people who know about these results the more difficult it will be for politicians, advisors or medical health professionals to continue to promote this dangerous jab for children.

Regular readers will know that I warned about this very risk (myocarditis) last year.


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Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Hit New Highs, as Biden Rolls Out Plan to Force 100 Million More Americans to Get Vaccinated

Reports of Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccines Hit New Highs, as Biden Rolls Out Plan to Force 100 Million More Americans to Get Vaccinated
VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 675,593 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,506 deaths and 88,171 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
September 10, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021, a total of 675,593 adverse events following COVID vaccines were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data included a total of 14,506 reports of deaths — an increase of 595 over the previous week.

There were 88,171 reports of serious injuries, including the reports of deaths, during the same time period — up 2,200 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 539,473 adverse events, including 6,577 deaths and 41,840 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021.

Of the 6,577 U.S. deaths reported as of Sept. 3, 12% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 18% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 31% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 373.2. million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Sept. 3. This includes: 212 million doses of Pfizer, 146 million doses of Moderna and 14 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

The data come directly from reports submitted to VAERS, the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:  
  • 19,015 total adverse events, including 1,132 rated as serious and 19 reported deaths. Two of the 19 deaths were suicides.The most recent death involves one report of two patients [VAERS I.D. 1655100] who died after their second dose of Pfizer, including a 13-year old female.Other recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on June 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1505250) who died after suffering a heart condition after receiving her first dose of Pfizer.
  • 2,810 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds with 99% of cases
    attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 469 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) with 462 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 101 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.
This week’s U.S. VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to Sept. 3, 2021, for all age groups combined, show:
Biden announces sweeping COVID vaccine mandates targeting the unvaccinated

As The Defender reported today, President Biden ordered sweeping new federal COVID vaccine requirements for as many as 100 million Americans — including private sector employees, healthcare workers and federal contractors — threatening thousands in fines for businesses that do not comply.

In his speech, Biden made no exception for the millions of Americans with natural immunity, and did not mention exemptions for those with medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs.

Biden’s plan mandates COVID vaccines, or weekly mandatory testing, for all employers with more than 100 employees. The vaccines will be mandated for all federal workers and government contractors — with no allowance for weekly testing.

Biden’s plan also requires 17 million healthcare workers at Medicare and Medicaid participating hospitals and other healthcare settings be vaccinated.

Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and longtime vaccine safety advocate, said Biden’s move “to force universal obedience with an unwanted, ineffective and potentially dangerous medical intervention is anti science, anti-democratic and anti American.”

30-year-old woman develops neurological disorders following Pfizer vaccine

The Defender this week featured a story about Dominique De Silva, a 30-year-old woman who developed severe neurological complications, pain and at times, an inability to walk, following her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

In an exclusive interview, Dominique said she got vaccinated because she has only one parent, and wanted to protect her mother and loved ones. On March 18, she and her now husband received their first and only dose of Pfizer. She subsequently developed a number of symptoms, including changes in her vision, which progressed rapidly over the course of several weeks.

After seeing numerous doctors, some of whom said her symptoms were “in her head,” Dominique was diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), a condition she did not have prior to being vaccinated, and autoimmune chronic demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy — a rare type of autoimmune disorder where the body attacks the fatty coverings on the fibers that insulate and protect the nerves. She also had neuropathy and brain scan abnormalities.

According to the most recent data from VAERS, there have been 14,873 total reports of dystonia, dystonic tremors, neurodegenerative disorders, neurological symptoms, neuropathy, polyneuropathy and tremors following COVID vaccination.

CDC changes definition of vaccine so it ‘can’t be interpreted to mean vaccines are 100% effective’

The CDC revised its definition for vaccine and vaccination on its website, downgrading the definition of “vaccine” from a product that produces immunity to a preparation for protection. The agency said the new definition is “more transparent” and can’t be misinterpreted.

“While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’ on CDC’s website, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” a CDC spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email.

“The previous definition at Immunization Basics | CDC could be interpreted to mean that vaccines are 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine, so the current definition is more transparent, and also describes the ways in which vaccines can be administered,” the spokesperson said.

From 2015 to Aug. 31, a vaccine was defined as “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease” and vaccination was “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Earlier versions of a vaccine definition also included “immunity” in its definition.

The new definition for the vaccine now reads, “A preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases,” while vaccination is “the act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”

Rep. Thomas Massie (R- K.y.) responded to the news in a tweet, telling his followers to check out the CDC’s evolving definition of “vaccination” and noting the agency has been “busy at the Ministry of Truth.”

NIH awards $1.67 million to study possible link between menstrual disorders and COVID vaccines   

Five institutions will explore potential links between COVID vaccines and menstrual irregularities after the National Institutes of Health (NIH) awarded five one-year supplemental grants totaling $1.67 million to explore potential links between COVID vaccines and menstrual changes.

The year-long study initially will follow 400,000 to 500,000 unvaccinated participants to observe changes that occur following each dose. Researchers will assess the prevalence and severity of post-vaccination changes to menstrual characteristics, including flow, cycle length, pain and other symptoms.

The analyses will account for other factors that can affect menstruation — such as stress, medications and exercise — to determine whether the changes are attributable to vaccination.

The NIH was made aware in April that thousands of women reported changes in their menstrual cycles following COVID vaccination — including missed, irregular and heavy periods. The effect of COVID vaccines on menstrual cycles was not assessed in clinical trials.

According to the most recent data from VAERS, between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 3, 2021 there have been 8,184 total reports of menstrual disorders after vaccination with a COVID vaccine.

100+ youth sent to hospital for vaccine-related heart problems

report released last week by Public Health Ontario (PHO) showed the incidence of heart inflammation following mRNA vaccination was significantly more prevalent in young people.

As of Aug. 7, there were 106 incidents of myocarditis and pericarditis in people under the age of 25 in Ontario — slightly more than half of the total of all such incidents. There were 31 cases in the 12- to 17-year age group and 75 cases in 18- to 24-year-olds.

The  reporting rate for heart inflammation in those 18 to 24 was seven times higher with Moderna than with Pfizer.

Since the start of the COVID immunization program in Ontario on Dec. 13, there have been a total of 314 reports of myocarditis or pericarditis following receipt of mRNA COVID vaccines, 202 emergency room visits across all age groups, 146 hospitalizations and three cases resulting in ICU admission.

187 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We have made repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions.

Despite multiple phone and email communications with many people at the CDC, and despite being told that our request was in the system and that someone would respond, we have not yet received answers to any of the questions we submitted. It has been 187 days since we sent our first email to the CDC requesting information.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Missouri Cafe Reopens as Private Members Club to Avoid Mask Mandate

Missouri Cafe Reopens as Private Members Club to Avoid Mask Mandate

by 21st Century Wire
September 10, 2021


As governments and their public health brigades become more vindictive in their drive to crush small and independently-owned businesses across America, owners are getting creative in order to preserve their livelihoods, as well as those of their employees.

In Missouri, Jackson County officials said they will seek a court order to try and close a Blue Springs restaurant for what they claim are ‘repeated violations’ COVID-19 health decrees, including the county’s mask mandate.

“One day after the county shut down the cafe, it reopened as a “private club.” A sign on the door stated that, “by entering ]this club, you admit that you are not a member of the general public. By signing your name, you record your membership and attendance. You also assume any and all risks of disease transmission.”

Amanda Wallace owner of Rae’s Cafe in Missouri, felt she had no choice but to convert her business into a ‘private members club’ in order to prevent the county’s public health gestapo from using ever-changing arbitrary COVID rules and restrictions to force her out of business.


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Dr. Julie Ponesse, Fired From Her Job as Professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario for Refusing the Covid Vax, Provides a Lesson in Courage and Integrity

Dr. Julie Ponesse, Fired From Her Job as Professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario for Refusing the Covid Vax, Provides a Lesson in Courage and Integrity


On September 7, 2021, Julie Ponesse, Ethics Professor Huron College University of Western, London, ON Canada was dismissed for not submitting to medical experimentation.

TCTL editor: We have been unable to source the original video. Some have said the original video was deleted by YouTube. It has since been mirrored on many alternative video channels as well as all over social media.

When Sharyl Attkisson Exposed a Phony Epidemic; Media Blackout; CDC and Fauci Told a Lie the Size of an Aircraft Carrier Parked in Times Square

When Sharyl Attkisson Exposed a Phony Epidemic; Media Blackout; CDC and Fauci Told a Lie the Size of an Aircraft Carrier Parked in Times Square
My interview with Attkisson about the scandal 

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 10, 2021


I wrote this article several years ago. I repost it now, because it goes to the credibility of the CDC, Fauci, and the monstrous stance of the medical establishment on epidemics.

Over the last 30 years, I’ve documented many crimes of the CDC; this one is epic:

I take you back to the summer of 2009, when the CDC and the World Health Organization were hyping the “deadly H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic.”

They were, of course, also urging people to take the new Swine Flu vaccine. On that subject, here is an excerpt from Robert Kennedy Jr.’s article at Children’s Health Defense (3/27/20):

“For example, Fauci once shilled for the fast-tracked H1N1 influenza (‘swine flu’) vaccine on YouTube, reassuring viewers in 2009 that serious adverse events were ‘very, very, very rare.’ Shortly thereafter, the vaccine went on to wreak havoc in multiple countries, increasing miscarriage risks in pregnant women in the U.S., provoking a spike in adolescent narcolepsy in Scandinavia and causing febrile convulsions in one in every 110 vaccinated children in Australia—prompting the latter to suspend its influenza vaccination program in under-fives.”

However, that is only half the Swine Flu story. The other half—which involves an astounding CDC hoax—was surely something Fauci was aware of at the time.

Fauci was, in fact, recommending a highly dangerous vaccine for protection against AN EPIDEMIC THAT DIDN’T EXIST AT ALL.

His friends and professional colleagues at the CDC were creating the hoax.

In the summer of 2009, the CDC was claiming there were thousands of Swine Flu cases in the US. But behind these statistics lay an unnerving secret. A major crime, considering the CDC’s mandate to report the truth to the American people:

Secretly, the CDC had stopped counting cases of Swine Flu.

What? Why?

CBS investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson, discovered the CDC secret; and she found out why.

The routine lab testing of tissue samples from the most likely Swine Flu patients was coming back, in the overwhelming percentage of cases, with: NO SIGN OF SWINE FLU OR ANY OTHER KIND OF FLU.

Attkisson wrote an article about this scandal, and it was published on the CBS News website. However, the next, bigger step—putting out the story on CBS television news—was waylaid. No deal. And CBS shut down any future investigation on the subject. Attkisson’s article died on the vine. No other major news outlet in the world picked up her article and ran with it deeper into the rabbit hole.

Here is what Attkisson told me when I interviewed her:

Rappoport: In 2009, you spearheaded coverage of the so-called Swine Flu pandemic. You discovered that, in the summer of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control, ignoring their federal mandate, [secretly] stopped counting Swine Flu cases in America. Yet they continued to stir up fear about the “pandemic,” without having any real measure of its impact. Wasn’t that another investigation of yours that was shut down? Wasn’t there more to find out?

Attkisson: The implications of the story were even worse than that. We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all! The interest in the story from one [CBS] executive was very enthusiastic. He said it was “the most original story” he’d seen on the whole Swine Flu epidemic. But others pushed to stop it [after it was published on the CBS News website] and, in the end, no [CBS television news] broadcast wanted to touch it. We aired numerous stories pumping up the idea of an epidemic, but not the one that would shed original, new light on all the hype. It was fair, accurate, legally approved and a heck of a story. With the CDC keeping the true Swine Flu stats secret, it meant that many in the public took and gave their children an experimental vaccine that may not have been necessary.

—end of interview excerpt—

So…fake pandemic, CDC crimes, and a damaging vaccine.

But that wasn’t end of it. The CDC wanted to commit another crime. About three weeks after Attkisson’s findings were published on the CBS News website, the CDC, obviously in a panic, decided to double down. If one lie is exposed, tell an even bigger one. A much bigger one.

Here, from a November 12, 2009, WebMD article is the CDC’s response: “Shockingly, 14 million to 34 million U.S. residents — the CDC’s best guess is 22 million — came down with H1N1 swine flu by Oct. 17 [2009].” (“22 million cases of Swine Flu in US,” by Daniel J. DeNoon).

Are your eyeballs popping? They should be.

Fast forward to 2021. Who in his right mind, armed with a little history, would believe anything the CDC is saying about COVID-19? The discovery of a new coronavirus? The case and death numbers, the accuracy of the diagnostic tests, the need for lockdowns and economic devastation, the safety and importance of a vaccine, the fear porn? Who would believe any of it?

And who would believe anything coming out of the mouth of Dr. Anthony Fauci?

Only a fool.




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Judge Removes Child From Mom Over Vaccination Status

Judge Removes Child From Mom Over Vaccination Status

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 8, 2021


Story at-a-Glance

  • August 10, 2021, a Cook County, Illinois, judge stripped a mother of her parental rights during a child support hearing because she refused to get the COVID jab due to bad vaccine reactions in the past
  • August 30, 2021, the judge reversed his decision to keep the mother from seeing her son after public backlash and involvement from the Illinois divorce bar
  • A number of judges around the U.S. have started using the COVID shot as a reward/punishment tool, but should opting in or out of a medical treatment really determine your ability to get fair treatment in the judicial system?
  • Dehumanizing people for their medical choices is part and parcel of the technocratic Great Reset plan, as vaccine passports will serve as the platform for more invasive surveillance, social engineering and population control
  • People in positions of power are actively pushing for the creation of a two-tier society where those who get the COVID jabs are “privileged” with normal everyday freedoms and those who refuse the shot are shunned, barred and excluded

August 28, 2021, Fox32 Chicago reported1 that a Cook County judge had stripped a mother of her parental rights because she refused to get the COVID jab.The mother, Rebecca Firlit, had a shared custody agreement with her former husband. August 10, they’d appeared in court via Zoom for a child support hearing, at which time, Judge James Shapiro asked about their vaccination status.Firlit said she had not gotten the shot because her doctor had advised against it, as she’s had bad reactions to vaccines in the past. “It poses a risk,” she told Shapiro.2 The father said he had gotten the shot. The judge then took the surprising step of stripping Firlit of her parenting time with her 11-year-old son until she got the jab.Firlit’s attorney, Annette Fernholz, said the judge overstepped his authority and acted outside his jurisdiction. She told WFLD:3

“The father did not even bring this issue before the court. So it’s the judge on his own and making this decision that you can’t see your child until you’re vaccinated.”

Judge Reverses Decision After Public Backlash

As horrifying as that story is, there is good news. August 30, 2021, Judge Shapiro did a sudden about-face and reversed his decision to keep Firlit from seeing her son.4 According to Fernholz, Shapiro’s decision to reverse his ruling was prompted by the national backlash that took place after Fox32 News broke the story, days earlier. The Illinois divorce bar reportedly also got involved.

Is Vaccination Now a Tool of the Judicial System?
As reported by The Washington Post, a number of judges around the U.S. have started using the COVID shot as a reward/punishment tool:5

“A judge in the 19th Judicial District Court in East Baton Rouge offered some defendants the option of getting vaccinated instead of completing community service hours.

Two judges in Ohio have also ordered that some people receive the vaccine as a condition of their probation. Similarly, two Georgia judges are reducing sentences for some offenders who get a vaccine.

In New York, judges in the Bronx and Manhattan have ordered defendants to get a vaccine as part of their rehabilitation and as a condition for seeking bail, respectively.”

How is any of this even remotely possible? Should opting in or out of a medical treatment really determine your ability to get fair treatment in the judicial system?

Dehumanization Is Part of the Plan

Disturbingly, it appears our judicial system is yet another cesspool of corruption that is now being used to further the globalist plan for a Great Reset. Dehumanizing people for their medical choices is part and parcel of that plan, as vaccine passports will serve as the platform for more invasive surveillance, social engineering and population control.

Those familiar with history will quickly recognize the playbook. It’s been used by virtually every totalitarian and dictatorial power throughout modern history. One of the clearest and most well-known examples is that of Nazi Germany, which used health and the fear of germs and disease as a means to manipulate society into accepting the extermination of certain groups of people.We’re now seeing the same exact tactics used all over the world. The rhetoric used by government officials and media is clearly meant to incite fear and hostility against the unvaccinated. Once the hostility becomes normalized, the undesirables can be eliminated with the full support of the general population.

Second-Class Citizens

Everywhere you look, people in positions of power are actively pushing for the creation of a two-tier society where those who get the COVID jabs are “privileged” with normal everyday freedoms and those who refuse the shot are shunned, barred and excluded.As of September 7, 2021, high-profile restaurant chains in New York City will require staff and indoor diners to prove their vaccination status.6 Gyms and movie theaters in the city are also being ordered to follow suit.7 New York Mayor Bill de Blasio told The New York Times:8

“This is a miraculous place literally full of wonders. If you’re vaccinated, all that’s going to open up to you. But if you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately you will not be able to participate in many things.”

Is this freedom? In July 2021, the San Francisco Bar Owners Alliance urged its 300 members to require proof of COVID-19 injection or a negative COVID test for patrons wanting to have a drink indoors.Several Los Angeles restaurants, bars and comedy clubs have followed suit, as have more than 60 establishments in Seattle. Vaccinated-only restaurants have also popped up in Oakland, Philadelphia, Boston, Atlanta, Boulder, St. Louis and New Orleans. Since COVID countermeasures are a global lockstep operation,9 the same segregation trend is emerging in other countries as well.Worse than prohibiting people from participating in civil society, and in clear violation of the U.S. Constitution that every elected official has sworn an oath to upkeep, the U.S. government is also urging far larger corporations to impose vaccination mandates for staff and/or their customers.Companies paving the way for this all-out tyranny include Facebook, Google, Twitter, Lyft, Uber, Saks Fifth Avenue, The Washington Post, BlackRock, Ascension Health, Netflix, Walmart, the Walt Disney Corporation, Morgan Stanley,10 Tyson Foods, CNN and United Airlines.11

The Goal: Making Life Impossible for the Unvaccinated

A number of people have publicly stated that life needs to be made impossible for the unvaccinated and, clearly, such efforts are well underway. Politicians, government officials, health authorities, media personalities and common folk have suggested making life untenable for the unvaccinated by:12

Requiring them to get tested daily at their own expense
Docking their paychecks (provided they’re allowed to work at all)
Charging them nonrefundable quarantine fees
Denying them medical care at hospitals and private medical offices
Canceling their private insurance or raising premiums by thousands of dollars a year
Forcing them to pay out of pocket for all medical expenses accrued due to COVID, even if they have insurance, Medicaid or Medicare13
Suspending their gun permits
Suspending their driver’s licenses
Denying access to loans and other financial services
Withholding government assistance
Withholding federal benefits like Social Security, VA benefits, subsidized housing and pensions
Barring them from using public transportation
Putting them on a no-fly list14

Many of these suggestions are already being acted upon. For example, Delta Airlines has announced it will charge unvaccinated workers an extra $200 per month for their health insurance,15 and digital transaction companies like PayPal are canceling accounts held by anyone who “endangers at-risk communities”16 — a description that clearly includes anyone who publicly objects to COVID measures and/or forced vaccinations.Even major banks like Chase have been caught canceling credit card accounts based on the account holders’ political views.17,18 Although Chase later backed off, claiming the cancelation was a “mistake,”19 this is precisely what we can expect from a social credit system, which is also part of the plan. Your ability to live and conduct business will be entirely controlled by a central apparatus that decides what views and behavior is acceptable and what is not.Disturbingly, it was only four weeks ago that I wrote: “If this trend continues, might people who question COVID shots and/or refuse to participate in human experimentation be barred from having a credit card or a bank account?” So, to say we’re moving toward tyranny at breakneck speed is not hyperbole.

A Right to Life?



Some are even promoting death as the ultimate punishment for the unvaccinated. One of the first people to introduce this notion was CNN anchor Don Lemon, who stated he thinks the COVID jab should be a requirement for buying food.20,21Apparently, Lemon thinks it’s perfectly reasonable to condemn unvaccinated people to starvation. This, while living in one of the most prosperous countries in the world, and all in the name of preventing the spread of an infection that has a 99.74% survival rate22 and spreads just as easily between vaccinated individuals.Lemon’s shocking rhetoric raises a basic question: Do humans have the right to life? Or should someone, somewhere, be granted the god-like power to decide who is worthy of living and who’s not, based on whatever criteria they want?

There’s No Morality in Mob Mentality

To understand what’s really happening and what Lemon’s rhetoric is accomplishing, I highly recommend reading Charles Eisenstein’s article “Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed.” It’s an excellent and thought-provoking piece. Here’s a few chosen excerpts:23

“We would like to think that modern societies like ours have outgrown barbaric customs like human sacrifice … we don’t actually kill people in hopes of placating the gods and restoring order. Or do we? …

Not just any victim will do as an object of human sacrifice. Victims must be, as [legal scholar Roberta] Harding puts it, ‘in, but not of, the society’ … Scapegoats needn’t be guilty, but they must be marginal, outcasts, heretics, taboo-breakers, or infidels of one kind or another … If they are not already marginal, they must be made so …

[D]efying left-right categorization is a promising new scapegoat class, the heretics of our time: the anti-vaxxers. As a readily identifiable subpopulation, they are ideal candidates for scapegoating. It matters little whether any of these pose a real threat to society …

All that is necessary is that the dehumanized class arouse the blind indignation and rage necessary to incite a paroxysm of unifying violence. More relevant to current times, this primal mob energy can be harnessed toward fascistic political ends …

Sacrificial subjects carry an association of pollution or contagion; their removal thus cleanses society … The public’s ready acceptance of … blatant censorship cannot be explained solely in terms of its believing the pretext of ‘controlling misinformation.’

Unconsciously, the public recognizes and conforms to the age-old program of investing a pariah subclass with the symbology of pollution … This program is well underway toward the Covid-unvaxxed, who are being portrayed as walking cesspools of germs who might contaminate the Sanctified Brethren (the vaccinated).

My wife perused an acupuncture Facebook page today … where someone asked, ‘What is the word that comes to mind to describe unvaccinated people?’ The responses were things like ‘filth,’ ‘assholes,’ and ‘death-eaters.’ This is precisely the dehumanization necessary to prepare a class of people for cleansing …

To prepare someone for removal as the repository of all that is evil, it helps to heap upon them every imaginable calumny. Thus we hear in mainstream publications that anti-vaxxers not only are killing people, but are … tantamount to domestic terrorists.”

Indeed, “opposition to COVID measures” currently tops the Department of Homeland Security’s list of potential terror threats.

Unify for Freedom Under a Banner of Sanity


In August 2021, I published an article about mass psychosis,24 an epidemic of madness that occurs when a large portion of society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

The psychogenic steps that lead to madness include a panic phase, where the individual is repeatedly frightened and confused by events they cannot explain, followed by a phase of “psychotic insight,” where the individual explains their abnormal experience of the world by inventing an illogical but magical way of seeing reality that eases the panic and gives meaning to the experience.

The technocrats who created and maintain the pandemic narrative, worldwide, know all about how to induce mass psychosis, and what we’re experiencing is by far the biggest and most sophisticated propaganda campaign in the history of the human race. They’re using all the known tricks, and it’s clearly working, largely due to exponential effectiveness of technology and social media.

If you’ve been able to see through their machinations, congratulations. The onus is now on you to help others free their minds, which is not an easy task. It’s not even easy to stay sane yourself. Contradictory reports, nonsensical recommendations and blatant lies are deployed intentionally, as it heightens confusion.

The more confused a population is, the greater the state of anxiety, which reduces people’s psychological resilience. As the ability to cope wanes, the greater the chances a mass psychosis will develop. Add isolation to that equation, and the susceptibility of psychosis is further heightened, as people lose contact with positive examples — people who act as role models of rational thinking and behavior.

Once a society is firmly in the grip of mass psychosis, totalitarians are then free to take the last, decisive step: They can offer a return to order and safety. The price is your freedom. You must cede control of all aspects of your life to the rulers, because unless they are granted total control, they won’t be able to create the order and safety everyone craves.

In this case, vaccine passports are part of the “magical thinking” that those who have lost touch with reality believe will save them. It’s an illusion of safety, as the virus spreads equally well among and between the fully “vaccinated.” Even if they killed every single unvaccinated person in the whole world, outbreaks would continue and they’d have to identify a new scapegoat.

Help Heal the Mass Psychosis

Fortunately, it is possible to reverse the effects of mass psychosis, but it takes time, effort and patience. First, center yourself and live in such a way as to provide inspiration for others to follow. Next, share and spread the truth — the counternarrative to the propaganda — as far and wide as possible.

Because truth is always more potent than lies, the success of propaganda relies on the censoring of truth. Right now, online censorship and propaganda are off the charts, so you may have to get creative. One tactic is to use humor and ridicule to delegitimize the lies.

At the same time, create parallel structures — businesses, organizations, technologies, movements or creative pursuits — based on sane and rational principles currently lacking in the world around us.

Last but not least, to prevent the descent into totalitarian madness, as many people as possible must employ sane and rational actions to create a strong resistance to the lies and propaganda. The ruling technocracy do not sit around hoping and wishing to increase their power and control. No. They are actively taking steps to augment their position. To defend against them, we must be just as active and resolute in our counter-push toward freedom.


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

Children’s Health Defense Sues FDA Over Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine

Children’s Health Defense Sues FDA Over Approval of Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine
The lawsuit, filed Aug. 31, alleges the U.S. Food and Drug Administration violated federal law when the agency simultaneously licensed Pfizer’s Comirnaty COVID vaccine and extended Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
September 7, 2021


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Aug. 31 filed suit in U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and its acting director, Dr. Janet Woodcock, for their allegedly deceptive, rushed licensure of Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine.

CHD argues that the licensure was a classic “bait and switch,” allowing Pfizer, the Biden administration, the U.S. military and employers to exhort people to take “licensed” vaccines when in fact the vaccines available and being administered continued to be the Pfizer-BioNTech Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) vaccines.

According to the lawsuit, the FDA violated federal law when it simultaneously licensed Pfizer’s “Comirnaty” vaccine and extended Pfizer’s EUA for its vaccine that has the “same formulation” and that “can be used interchangeably,” according to the FDA.

The law (21 U.S. Code § 360bbb-3-(3)) on “authorization for medical products for use in emergencies” requires the EUA designation be used only when “there is no adequate, approved and available alternative to the product for diagnosing, preventing or treating such disease or condition.”

The lawsuit alleges once the FDA approved and licensed Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, there was no further basis for the FDA to preserve the EUA status for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that Pfizer acknowledges has the “same formulation” and is “interchangeable.”

There also is no basis to retain EUA status for other COVID vaccines for the same use and for the same population as Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine, according to the complaint.

“The FDA must justify its actions in open court,” said Mary Holland, CHD president and general counsel. “The language of its licensure is nearly incomprehensible, and the result of licensed and unlicensed vaccines for the same indication is arbitrary.”

CHD is asking the court to vacate and remand the FDA’s decisions to license Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine and to extend EUA for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.

Attorneys Robert F. Barnes and Derek Jordan of Barnes Law are the lead attorneys along with CHD Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and other counsel for CHD.

On May 16, CHD submitted a Citizen Petition to the FDA calling on the agency, to among other things, revoke all COVID vaccine EUAs and refrain from approving any future EUA, new drug applications or biologics license applications for any COVID vaccine for all demographic groups because the risks of serious adverse events or deaths outweigh the benefits, and because existing, approved drugs provide highly effective prophylaxis and treatment against COVID, mooting the EUAs. The petition garnered more than 30,000 public comments.

On Aug. 23, the same day the FDA licensed the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine, the agency responded to CHD’s petition. This licensure and FDA response cleared the administrative path for CHD to file suit.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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Authoritarianism Pandemic Is the Real Threat

Authoritarianism Pandemic Is the Real Threat

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Prosperity and Freedom
September 6, 2021


Cook County, Illinois, Judge James Shapiro reached a new low in covid tyranny by forbidding Rebecca Firlit from seeing her 11-year-old son until she receives a covid vaccine. Judge Shapiro is not alone in abusing judicial power to force individuals to get vaccinated. Judges across the country have ordered defendants to get covid vaccines, sometimes as a condition of avoiding prison. This outbreak of judicial tyranny is a symptom of the authoritarianism pandemic that is the real threat to America.

Corporations are imposing requirements, including that employees show proof of vaccination, pay more for health insurance if they have not had a covid vaccine, and undergo regular (in some cases weekly) covid tests. An increasing number of state and local governments are requiring their employees and even people working in some private jobs to take covid vaccines, as well as imposing vaccine passport requirements on people generally.

President Biden has urged employers to implement vaccine mandates, and government is working with its big tech allies to develop “model” vaccine passports.

Government approved model vaccine requirements combined with government officials encouraging their adoption send the message to businesses that imposing vaccine requirements on their employees, and maybe their customers as well, is a good way to stay in the politicians and bureaucrats’ good graces.

An effective way for the US government to “encourage” adoption of vaccine mandates and vaccine passports is denying federal funds to businesses, states, local governments, and other institutions that refuse to require employees, customers, or other people to prove they are vaccinated. This will result in vaccine requirements while enabling government to claim it is not forcing vaccines on anyone.

President Biden is already planning for the US government denying Medicare and Medicaid funding to nursing homes that do not require their employees to prove they are vaccinated. This could result in staff shortages at nursing homes. A short-staffed nursing home poses a much greater risk to residents than a nursing home with a staff comprised of healthy, unvaccinated individuals. Texas is experiencing a nursing shortage thanks in part to hospitals firing unvaccinated nurses.

Health care workers have good reason to resist vaccine mandates. Many individuals have died or suffered other adverse effects — including miscarriages — after receiving a vaccine.

Some people try to justify vaccine mandates and vaccine passports by saying that, by risking infecting others, unvaccinated individuals endanger other people. However, the federal Centers for Disease Control recently admitted that covid vaccines do not prevent the spread of infections. In addition, the claim that we are having a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” relies on data collected from early in the year — before many Americans had taken covid vaccines.

An important objection is that, if government can force people to take a potentially dangerous vaccine to protect against a hypothetical harm to others, the same reasoning would support the imposing of many additional liberty violations. These could include, for example, “red flag” laws and other forms of gun control, restrictions on access to “extremist” ideas, or a system of mass surveillance to prevent possible future acts of violence. The argument that government can use force to prevent hypothetical harms renders restraint on government power meaningless.

It is imperative that we support the growing resistance to vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. We must also expand the resistance to covid authoritarianism to resistance to all forms of government infringements on liberty.


Connect with Ron Paul Institute

cover image credit: kalhh / pixabay

The Quack Theory of Vaccination; Idiot’s Delight

The Quack Theory of Vaccination; Idiot’s Delight

“Do I need a vaccination to prepare me for a vaccination?”

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 7, 2021


This analysis applies to all vaccines, including the new RNA COVID injections, which are actually genetic treatments.

In today’s episode of Mainstream Vaccine Quackery, Medical Morons, and How to Make a Fortune Selling Injected Snake Oil, we ask the burning question: How can the body adequately respond to a rehearsal (vaccination) unless it’s ALREADY prepared for the REAL THING?

Vaccinations are said to be rehearsals. Whatever is injected stimulates the immune system to respond to a harmless version of a germ-invader. As a result, this military exercise prepares the body for the real thing, should it appear in the future.

But why does the body need a rehearsal?

If a vaccination does stimulate the immune system to respond, doesn’t this constitute proof that the body is already prepared to defend against real attacks?

Why does the immune system swing into gear and mount a defense against whatever is in the vaccine? Answer: Because it’s already ready for a) that military exercise and b) the real thing.

The “prompt” provided by the vaccine was unnecessary.

The public, however, has a standard reaction to the notion of rehearsals. “It’s a good idea. Soldiers drill to prepare for actual battle. Stage actors rehearse over and over, before the opening night of a play. Makes sense.”

However, the human body is different. Many functions are automatic. Do babies need stimulants to teach their blood to flow? Must little children engage in breathing exercises in school, so their bodies don’t forget to take in air and expel it?

Immune defense (however you want describe the process) is one of those automatic functions. If it weren’t, the production of antibodies, which is said to take place after vaccination, wouldn’t occur—and doctors would say, “You need a vaccination to get you ready for vaccination.”

The typical response to this and all criticisms of vaccines is: Well, through vaccination, we wiped out millions of cases of many diseases.

But is that claim true?

I’ve tackled the subject several times. Here is an example:

“Richard Moskowitz, MD and homeopath, on vaccination,” May 5, 2020.

In this piece, I want to take a look at a few fundamentals about vaccination. In particular, the claim that vaccines have done a fantastic job of reducing case numbers of diseases, and therefore all criticisms of these injections are irrelevant.

From his bio: “Richard Moskowitz was born in 1938, and educated at Harvard (B.A.) and New York University (M.D.). After medical school he did 3 years of graduate study in Philosophy at the University of Colorado in Boulder on a U. S. Steel Fellowship.”

“He took his internship at St. Anthony’s Hospital, Denver, and has been practicing family medicine since 1967, as well as attending about 800 home births. With a background in Oriental medicine and other forms of natural healing, Dr. Moskowitz studied homeopathy with George Vithoulkas in Greece and Rajan Sankaran and others in India.”

In 1987, while writing my first book, AIDS INC., I had a long conversation with Richard about vaccination. It was my first trip exploring vaccines as a form of immune-system suppression.

I came away from the conversation with an idea about how vaccines could be touted and trumpeted as the reason for vastly reducing cases of diseases, when in fact the reduction of visible symptoms was occurring—a very different thing.

If vaccines were lowering immune-system response, then the acute, vigorous, and all-out inflammatory reaction to germs would be eliminated. And it IS that acute reaction which creates the visible symptoms (rashes, spots, etc.).

After vaccination, “Voila, no measles,” the experts say. But really, as a result of vaccination, it’s just the visible rash that is missing, while something more dangerous, out of view, is going on in the body.

I’m printing here an excerpt from Richard’s article (written years ago), The Case Against Immunizations. The article is based on a classical view of germs and the action of the human immune system. The pros and cons of germ theory itself are a different matter, about which I’ve spoken and written in other places.

From Dr. Richard Moskowitz’s brilliantly articulated article, The Case Against Immunizations:

“It is dangerously misleading, and indeed the exact opposite of the truth, to claim that a vaccine renders us ‘immune’ to or protects us against an acute disease, if in fact it only drives the disease deeper into the interior and causes us to harbor it chronically instead, with the result that our responses to it become progressively weaker, but show less and less of a tendency to heal or resolve themselves spontaneously. What I propose, then, is to investigate as thoroughly and objectively as I can how the vaccines actually work inside the human body, and to begin by simply paying attention to the implications of what we already know. Consider the process of falling ill with and recovering from a typical acute disease, such as the measles, in contrast with what we can observe following administration of the measles vaccine.”

“…Once inhaled by a susceptible individual, the [measles] virus undergoes a prolonged period of silent multiplication, first in the tonsils, adenoids, and accessory lymphoid aggregations of the nasopharynx; later in the regional lymph nodes of the head and neck; and eventually, several days later, it passes into the blood and enters the spleen, the liver, the thymus, and the bone marrow, the ‘visceral’ organs of the immune system. Throughout this ‘incubation’ period, which lasts from 10 to 14 days, the patient typically feels quite well, and experiences few or no symptoms of any kind.”

“By the time that the first symptoms of measles appear, circulating antibodies are already detectable in the blood, and the height of the symptomatology coincides with the peak of the antibody response. In other words, the ‘illness’ that we call the measles is simply the definitive effort of the immune system to clear this virus from the blood. Notice also that this expulsion is accomplished by sneezing and coughing, i. e., via the same route through which it entered in the first place. It is abundantly clear from the above that the process of mounting and recovering from an acute illness like the measles involves a general mobilization of the immune system as a whole, including inflammation of the previously sensitized tissues at the portal(s) of entry, activation of leukocytes, macrophages, and the serum complement system, and a host of other mechanisms, of which the production of circulating antibodies is only one, and by no means the most important.”

“Such splendid outpourings indeed represent the decisive experiences in the normal physiological maturation of the immune system in the life of a healthy child. For recovery from the measles not only protects children from being susceptible to it again, no matter how many more times they may be exposed to it, but also prepares them to respond promptly and effectively to any other infections they may encounter in the future. The ability to mount a vigorous acute response to infection must therefore be reckoned among the most fundamental requirements of health and well-being that we all share.”

“By contrast, the live but artificially attenuated measles-virus vaccine is injected directly into the blood, by-passing the normal port of entry, and sets up at most a brief inflammatory reaction at the injection site, or perhaps in the regional lymph nodes, with no local sensitization at the normal portal of entry, no ‘incubation period,’ no generalized inflammatory response, and no generalized outpouring. By ‘tricking’ the body in this fashion, we have accomplished precisely what the entire immune system seems to have evolved to prevent: we have placed the virus directly into the blood, and given it free and immediate access to the major immune organs and tissues, without any obvious mechanism or route for getting rid of it.”

“The result is the production of circulating antibodies against the virus, which can in fact be measured in the blood; but this antibody response occurs as an isolated technical feat, without any overt illness to recover from, or any noticeable improvement in the general health of the recipient. Indeed I submit that exactly the opposite is true, that the price we have to pay for these antibodies is the persistence of viral elements in the blood for long periods of time, perhaps permanently, which in turn carries with it a systematic weakening of our capacity to mount an acute response, not only to the measles, but to other infections as well.”

“Far from producing a genuine immunity, then, my suspicion and my fear is that vaccines act by interfering with and even suppressing the immune response as a whole, in much the same way that radiation, chemotherapy, corticosteroids, and other anti-inflammatory drugs do. Artificial immunization focuses on antibody production, a single aspect of the immune process, disarticulates it, and allows it to stand for the whole, in much the same way as chemical suppression of an elevated blood pressure is accepted as a valid substitute for genuine healing or cure of the patient whose blood pressure has risen. It is the frosting on the cake, without the cake. The worst part of this counterfeiting is that it becomes more difficult, if not impossible, for vaccinated children to mount a normally acute and vigorous response to infection, by substituting for it a much weaker, essentially chronic response, with little or no tendency to heal itself spontaneously.”

This is a classical explanation of vaccination which chops down the claim that vaccines are wonderful because they eliminate cases of disease.

Instead, vaccines engage the body in chronic low-level warfare. The ability to mount a full-force inflammatory response is squelched. As a result, the visible “symptoms” of the illness—which are really the signs of that inflammatory response—disappear. And this is taken to mean “the disease doesn’t occur anymore.”

Consider this scenario as a rough analogy: a commanding general is surrounded by his troops on top of a hill. He’s viewing his forward forces who are down below in a large field. Those forces are engaging in close combat with the enemy. After a long time, the battle moves off the field into a thick forest. The general on the hill can’t see what’s going on anymore. But he says:

“We’ve won, boys. The field is empty. No more fighting down there. It’s all over. We’ve wiped out the opposition. Let’s go home and celebrate…”


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: ds_30 / pixabay

Stand With Teachers, Workers, Unionists & Students on Monday, September 13th in Protest Against Medical Tyranny

Stand With Teachers, Workers, Unionists & Students on Monday, September 13th in Protest Against Medical Mandates

by NY Teachers For Choice
September 5, 2021


After the historic TEACHERS FOR CHOICE protest at City Hall on August 25th where thousands of workers, unionists, students and citizens stood against vaccine mandates and passports, we need an ever bigger showing of resistance!
Come to Foley Square, NYC, 4pm on September 13th
This is the day de Blasio’s segregationist “key to the city” plan – barring unvaccinated people from businesses and public places –  is to start.
Please help preserve NYC. We need you!
Watch the Associated Press coverage of our last protest HERE


Connect with NY Teachers For Choice

The Little Charade — Far From This World

The Little Charade — Far From This World

by WhatsHerFace
September 6, 2021


[Video available at WhatsHerFace Odysee, Rumble and YouTube channels.]

Maybe they’re right
Maybe there is something wrong with me
I just don’t see how a government that wants to keep me safe could be bad

Look at my pass
Isn’t it neat
Hope it’ll make my vaccinations complete
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl that fears, everything

Do as I’m told
Dignity’s sold
How many boosters can one body hold
Looking at my face you’d think
Sure, she’s got Bell’s Palsy

I’ve got Pfizer, Moderna and AZ
I’ve got Johnson and Johnson galore
You need proof for a job? I’ve got 120
But who cares
No big deal
They’ll want more

I don’t wanna be, where the sheeple are
I wanna see my friends without masking
Walking around with those, what do you call them?
Oh yeah, teeth

Trusting the experts you won’t get you far
Shots are required for hugging, laughing
Limit of 5 when we, what’s the word again?

Can’t board a ship or take a trip
Soon you’ll need proof of vax to take a shit
Out of the C
Wish I could flee
Far from this world

What would I give, if they let me live Without these measures
What would I pay to spend a day without clean hands
They’ll take your land
Hope you understand
That they will, come for your own daughters
Fuck your feelings, tired of kneeling
Ready to stand

I’m ready to know, about the NWO
Usine my iPhone to seek out answers
What’s in the vaccine and why does it

When will they learn
Wouldn’t I love, love for the world to rise up above
Out of the C
Wish I could flee
Far from this world


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Amsterdam, Netherlands ‘Born to Be Free’ Protest — September 05, 2021

Amsterdam, Netherlands ‘Born to Be Free’ Protest — September 05, 2021

by Hugo Talks
September 6, 2021



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UKMFA Urgent Email to UK Chief Medical Officers re Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout to Children 12–15 Years

UKMFA Urgent Email to UK Chief Medical Officers re Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout to Children 12–15 Years

by UK Medical Freedom Alliance
September 4, 2021


On the 4th September 2021, the UKMFA sent an urgent email to four UK Chief Medical Officers who have been asked to decide on whether or not to give the go ahead for the Government to rollout the Covid-19 jabs to 12-15 year old children, potentially over-riding the JCVI advice that this is ‘not in the best medical interest of children.’

Download PDF




Dear Professor Whitty, Dr McBride, Dr Smith and Dr Atherton Re: Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout to Children (12-15 years)

We would like to urgently draw your attention to the following letters (attached and linked):

Open Letter from UK Medical Freedom Alliance to the MHRA re the Emergency Authorisation of the Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccine for Children 12-15 years (sent 8 June 2021) in which we raise grave concerns about this emergency authorisation, citing evidence of known and potential harms to children that may result and the serious ethical issues this decision raises. We argue that given that these vaccines will have virtually no benefit to the children themselves, it is profoundly unethical and indefensible to vaccinate them, especially with an experimental vaccine using novel technology, in what appears to be an attempt to protect adults and achieve herd immunity. We called on the MHRA to exercise caution and to immediately reverse their decision. letters/ukmfa-urgent-open-letter-to-the-mhra-re-emergency-authorisation-of-the-pfizer-covid-19- vaccine-for-children

Open Letter from UK Medical Freedom Alliance to Headteachers and Teachers re Covid-19 Vaccination of Children in Schools (published 8 July 2021) in which we outline our grave medical and ethical concerns about a rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines to children in schools. We set out the potential legal liability of school leaders in the event of any resulting harm to children whilst in their care. We also raise concerns about some vaccine promotion material being provided to schools by external organisations, as “educational resources”, which do not give the full and balanced information required to make an informed decision. letters/open-letter-to-headteachers-and-teachers-re-covid-19-vaccination-of-children-in-schools

We have presented evidence in our letters that children are at no substantial risk from Covid-19, but face known and unknown risks from Covid-19 vaccines, including significant, life-changing injury and death. Some of the serious reported injuries, such as blood clots and myocarditis, have specifically occurred in young people and children. In addition, children have a lifetime ahead of them and we have no idea of the impact of these novel, gene-based vaccines on their health or fertility in 5-10

years’ time.

We welcomed the decision of the JCVI yesterday not to recommend the rollout of the Covid-19 vaccines to 12-15 year olds, for reasons outlined by Professor Wei Shen Lim, Chair of Covid-19 Immunisation for the JCVI, who said:

“For otherwise healthy 12- to 15-year-old children, their risk of severe Covid-19 disease is small and therefore the potential for benefit from Covid-19 vaccination is also small. The JCVI’s view is that overall, the health benefits from Covid-19 vaccination to healthy children aged 12 to 15 years are marginally greater than the potential harms. Taking a precautionary approach, this margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal Covid-19 vaccination for this age group at this time.”

We were deeply concerned to learn that instead of “following the science” of their advisory committee the Government have instead opted to ask you, as Chief Medical Officers, to overrule the JCVI and sanction the rollout by asking you to explore non-medical reasons to justify vaccinating 12- 15 year olds e.g. educational benefits or perceived benefit to wider society. It is clear that you are

now under enormous political pressure to act against the scientific advice of the JCVI, and in a completely unprecedented manner, to recommend an experimental gene-based vaccine that is still in Phase 3 trials and under Temporary Emergency Authorisation, to healthy children for non-medical reasons.

We are already seeing reports of deaths and injury in children in the US, Israel and Canada, where vaccines are being trialled and rolled out to children. Even with rare risks (1:10,000 to 1:100,000), if these vaccines are rolled out to around 10 million UK children, it seems certain that we will see deaths and serious injuries in a significant number of children who would never have been harmed by Covid-19, devastating families and communities. There may be healthy UK children who will not live to see another Christmas if Covid-19 vaccines are rolled out in schools this autumn. This would be an unforgiveable act of completely avoidable harm, for which you would be responsible, individually and collectively.

We urge you to consider first your professional duty as doctors to practice ethical medicine and to “First do no harm”, which must override all pressures brought to bear on you politically and from outside vested interests. This is a moment in history in which, as individuals, you will be judged on your actions as you make a decision that will affect the health and lives of millions of children, risking causing completely avoidable and unnecessary iatrogenic harm and deaths. We urge you to honour the high position of trust which has been bestowed on you and to put first the children whose health and lives are now in your hands and on your consciences. Please stand firm and reject any extension of the vaccine rollout to under 16s.

Yours sincerely

UK Medical Freedom Alliance


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cover image credit: sasint / pixabay

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program


“We should understand that what the authorities pretend to be incompetence and
unfortunate mistakes are actually intended goals. They haven’t destroyed economies
or immiserated, injured, and killed thousands of people by mistake. They know what
they’re doing, and they’re doing their best to cover it up.”



by Richard Hugus, Contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light
September 4, 2021


The “pandemic” is an attack on human freedom being conducted in increments. We started out with a three week quarantine to relieve supposedly overwhelmed hospitals and health care workers. Now, 18 months later, “there will be consequences” for people who refuse to get “vaccinated” says Trudeau in Canada. In Australia, people who have been under strict lockdown for months are now being told not to talk to each other or bring their children to playgrounds. Internment camps have been mentioned, and some say they are being built for those who refuse the jab. Children are being taken away from “unvaccinated” parents. If current jab rates are any indication, half the world’s population may end up in the camps, but that’s not an insanity too far for our would-be masters.

The globalists seem to care very much about getting something injected into us. They know better than we do what that is and what it is supposed to do — we can only speculate. Is it a slow-acting poison like glyphosate, promoted for many years by the same cast of characters? Is it a tool for chronic disease to keep the pharmaceutical industry and the medical establishment in business, like conventional vaccines? Is it a sterilizing agent to reduce the world population? Is it a code to genetically modify human beings? Is it the foundation of the circuitry that will connect us to 5G so that we can be completely surveilled? Or is it 6G, which will have enough bandwidth to bring us into the completely manufactured reality of The Matrix? We don’t know. But clearly there is a hidden agenda.

Some say the agenda of mass immunization is to institute “vaccine passports” to bring in totalitarian social control. But if this was the only goal, why would the clever technocrats, with all their careful planning, have chosen to inject people with a “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent or stop transmission of the alleged virus and is so harmful that not long after it was rolled out it started killing and injuring people in such large numbers that it couldn’t be covered up? The genius technocrats would have been much better off using a saline solution, then declare victory over the “pandemic” with no side effects. No, it seems that there is something important in the shot, and that the idea is to change all of humanity with it. If so, there will have been no crime more diabolical in the history of the world. While patriots thought their love of country and their guns would protect them, Klaus Schwab walked right in the front door and robbed them blind. Full-on psychological warfare of 2020 became biological warfare in 2021, and not a shot was fired. Our enemy were kindly medical personnel with syringes. Bullets don’t stop nano-scale mRNA.

In a 2017 TedX talk, Tal Zaks, the Israeli chief medical officer of Moderna, bragged about “hacking the software of life.” At this point, science revealed hubris perhaps not seen since the development of the atom bomb. We learn from Greek tragedy that there is always a reckoning when man meddles with forces he knows nothing about — in this case, the human genome. “Whom the gods would destroy, they first drive mad.” The same story goes back to the ancients.

As they go mad, the globalists are on a race to the bottom. They want to get as many people injected as they can before people realize the injections are not only not stopping disease, they are causing it. The masters of the universe have to suppress clear proof that safe conventional medicines effectively treat whatever the illness is called “covid” — how we hate the word! They want as many people as they can enrolled in their social credit system before people realize they’ve fallen into a trap. They want so much of the crime accomplished that it can no longer be reversed.

The race is desperate. New York Mayor deBlasio has declared that the 8 million people who live in the city be segregated according to their injection status, just like Jim Crow. Dictator Dan is re-enacting the Milgram experiment on the entire population of Australia. Emmanuel Macron wants the French to starve to death if they don’t get the “pass sanitaire.” Joe Biden has told employers outright to require the jab as a condition for work, since the federal government can’t legally do it. He has social media doing the same thing with censorship. Colleges and universities are making injection status a condition of enrollment, destroying careers and higher education. Variants of “the virus” are being hyped to create more fear, when there was never a valid test for the original. The dark ritual of masking is coming back. Children are again being muzzled in school, and our entire society is being humiliated as the most innocent and least protected among us — children — are publicly abused. The children themselves may come to see their parents and all adults as cowards for not protecting them. The “unvaccinated” are being vilified, with virtue signalers openly suggesting they deserve to be punished. All this is happening apace because so many people will be getting sick from the injections that there will be no way to cover it up. The globalists are acting more like mad scientists than confident leaders serene in their power . . . because they are mad.

We should understand that what the authorities pretend to be incompetence and unfortunate mistakes are actually intended goals. They haven’t destroyed economies or immiserated, injured, and killed thousands of people by mistake. They know what they’re doing, and they’re doing their best to cover it up. The next flu season may bring disaster, with large numbers of people getting sick because their immune systems have been seriously damaged by the jab. At that point, the plan may be so obvious that even the brainwashed will wake up.

It is up to us to put a stop to the mass injection program. If only one person changes their mind after seeing our protests, we will have made a difference. It is not too late.


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings:

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image credit: mohamed_hassan / pixabay

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 4, 2021



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Maine, USA: Grassroots Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates Formed to Overturn Overreaching Healthcare COVID Vaccine Mandate

Maine, USA: Grassroots Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates Formed to Overturn Overreaching Healthcare COVID Vaccine Mandate



Download Press Release PDF

For Immediate Release
August 26, 2021

AUGUSTA, ME- A grassroots alliance of groups and legislators representing Maine healthcare workers has formed in an effort to overturn Governor Mills’ new mandate requiring all healthcare workers to take the COVID vaccine without exception. The Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates includes the newly formed Coalition for Healthcare Workers Against Medical Mandates, Mainers for Health and Parental Rights, Health Choice Maine, Maine Stands Up and the legislative Liberty Caucus.

This mandate comes at a time when Maine is already facing critical nursing and aide shortages. The loss of additional healthcare workers as a result of the mandate will create dangerous staffing shortages including first-responders and critical hospital staff statewide, posing a danger to all Mainers. Many healthcare workers have already quit, and thousands more intend to do the same if the mandate is not overturned.

Emily Nixon, RN and spokesperson for Coalition for Healthcare Workers Against Medical Mandates, has talked to thousands of healthcare workers across the state since the news of the new mandate hit. “Healthcare workers, including those already fully vaccinated, oppose this mandate because no Mainer should have medical decisions forced on them to keep their jobs. Healthcare employees – doctors, nurses, admin, first-responders – deserve the same right to bodily autonomy and non-coerced medical decision-making as do their patients. These very employees who have been celebrated for risking their lives, working under extremely difficult conditions to take care of Mainers throughout the pandemic, are now being fired for their personal medical choices.”

Senator Lisa Keim (R-Oxford), member of the legislative Liberty Caucus, said “these grassroots groups have joined forces to focus on one thing – overturning this overreaching mandate. We are supporting the thousands of impacted workers statewide who are protesting the Governor’s dictatorial mandate while considering all available legal challenges to ensure that no Mainer is discriminated against based on their personal medical status. This mandate starts with our healthcare heroes, but make no mistake, it will be extended to other Mainers if we don’t put a stop to it now.”

Alliance Against Healthcare Mandates is a coalition of Maine organizations and legislators representing Maine healthcare workers. They are advocating for the overturning of Governor Mills’ healthcare COVID vaccine mandate.

See also:

New Complaint Filed Against Maine DHHS and CDC by Coalition for Healthcare Workers Against Medical Mandates


Connect with Maine Stands Up

cover image credit: josephredfield / pixabay

Mixed Messages: Comirnaty or Criminality?

Mixed Messages: Comirnaty or Criminality?

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
September 4, 2021


Employers need to consider these matters and make their own decisions remembering we do not have a mandatory vaccination policy in this country, we do not have that, we are not proposing to have that, that is not changing.
– Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison

No country can mandate any vaccination because it goes against the law. Mandates are not legal in Australia, in India, in the United States, in the schools, or in the workplace. Not anywhere.

News reports in the U.S. make false claims such as, Colorado Health Board Approves Health Mandate for Health Care Workers.

No State Board of Health has the authority to make laws.

However, media outlets have over-simplified and mis-represented that the Pfizer vaccine now has approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Businesses and employers have wasted no time in equating “approval” with “vaccine mandate.”  The FDA, a federal agency that does not write the rules, writes:

On August 23, 2021, the FDA approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

Not So Fast!

The same day the media mis-reported on FDA’s approval of the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA released a separate statement that extends Pfizer’s Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) only status.

According to the chief scientist at the FDA, RADM Denise M. Hinton, Chief Scientist FDA , August 23, 2021:

Page 2: FDA is reissuing the August 12, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to clarify that the EUA will remain in place for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the previously-authorized indication and uses, and to authorize use of COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) under this EUA for certain uses that are not included in the approved BLA.

Page 7: The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine vial label and carton labels are clearly marked for “Emergency Use Authorization.”

No FDA approval. No rubber stamps. And no Covid clinical test data on the vaccine is expected in the near term, not until 2023 or later. Or never. But booster shots are expected to be released by this Fall. In other words, the live experiment called COVID19 continues to move forward.

However, Covid test data does exist when it comes to the vaccine’s market value. According to a July 2021 report by MarketWatch, “the global Vaccines market is valued at 35400 million USD in 2020 and will reach 54700 million USD by the end of 2025, growing at a CAGR of 5.6% during 2021-2025.”

Alphabet Soup of Mixed Messages

Americans are being purposely misled with contradictory information and acronyms that mean more than meets the eye.  In reality, there is no approval of the experimental vaccine just as there is no  protection conferred by the mRNA vaccine, also known as gene therapy technology, or an operating system.

“…Vaccine requirements & mandates are based on the faulty assumption that the vaccines in question prevent transmission of the pathogen.”
“Do the vaccines for Covid prevent transmission?
– Christina Parks, Ph.D., Testimony before Michigan Legislature, August 30, 2021

What Dr. Christina Parks of Michigan stated in her August 2021 testimony to the Michigan State legislature, was also stated by the FDA on February 27, 2021:

At this time, data are not available to determine how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person.

The experimental COVID “vaccine” remains licensed for emergency use only. The FDA has not changed its stance since December of 2020:

The issuance of an EUA is different than an FDA approval (licensure) of a vaccine, in that a vaccine available under an EUA is not approved. In determining whether to issue an EUA for a product, the FDA evaluates the available evidence to determine whether the product may be effective and also assesses any known or potential risks and any known or potential benefits.

From December 2020 to August 2021, nothing has changed with regard to the experimental Pfizer shot. All COVID injections remain an Emergency Use Authorized Only products.

Lawless Society

What does the Department of Justice have to say about the legality of mandates for EUA products?

September 2, 2021 National Law Review reported that on August 4, 2021, the DOJ released a Memorandum supporting employers’ Right to Mandate Vaccines Approved by the FDA for Emergency Use. On Wednesday, August 4, 2021:

The Office of Legal Counsel of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a memorandum opining that private businesses and public entities are not prohibited from mandating COVID-19 vaccines that have only received approval for use under an EUA. The memorandum.

What does the EEOC state in writing about rights in the workplace?

EEOC approves mandatory vaccination in the workplace. But always read the fine print:  Under Religious Belief and Disability Exemptions, The EEOC goes on to say:

If, on the other hand, the employee requests an accommodation based on a sincerely held religious belief, this request must be accommodated unless it would cause “more than a de minimis cost or burden on the employer.”

On accommodations for disabilities, an EEOC article states:

That EEOC guidance, however, includes a variety of cautionary instructions for employers, including for example, potential restrictions on disability-related questions and recognized protections that must be afforded to employees seeking exemption from vaccination requirements due to medical conditions or sincerely held religious beliefs.

Remember, a memorandum, whether issued by the DOJ or by Donald Duck is not LAW.

Policy is not law.

Approval by a Board of Health is not law. But in a lawless society, what does illegal mean?

Why do so many people accept mandates and dictates as law?

Coercion? Fear? Ignorance?

Rebranding Covid

All COVID injections continue as EUA because there is no data collected and available to show that they are “safe and effective.” The data is in the process of being collected from anyone who consents to being part of the live COVID experiment.

Did you sign your name in the name of science?

On August 23, 2021, the FDA wrote a letter to vaccine maker BioNTech Manufacturing. On Page 5, the FDA’s chief scientist describes multiple pediatric and adult studies based on the Pfizer vaccine known as COMIRNATY, previously known as BioNTech COVID-19. For example:

Study C4591009, entitled “A Non-Interventional Post-Approval Safety Study of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in the United States,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY.

We acknowledge the timetable you submitted on August 21, 2021, which states that you will conduct this study according to the following schedule:

Final Protocol Submission: August 31, 2021

Monitoring Report Submission: October 31, 2022

Interim Report Submission: October 31, 2023

Study Completion: June 30, 2025
Final Report Submission: October 31, 2025

5. Study C4591021, entitled “Post Conditional Approval Active Surveillance Study Among Individuals in Europe Receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY.

Rights in the Workplace

Under the law, all drug study recipients, including recipients of EUA vaccines, must be informed about the benefits and risksAccording to

they have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine, and of any available alternatives to the product.

Were you provided the option to accept or decline the vaccine to keep your job? Were you told to identify your status and then got fired anyway?

Rules do not apply in a lawless society.

The “COVID vaccine” is NOT approved. It is a medical experiment that comes with the right to refuse.

Coro-NO-Virus Criminality

As the experiment moves forward, there is still no evidence to prove that Coronavirus is real. The name coronavirus does not make it a virus. A better representation would be CoroNOvirus since no virus has ever been isolated. And no test can test for a non-existent virus. As such, the CDC will revoke emergency use of the PCR test for a non-existent virus by December 2021.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) clearly states, “the virus is not available.” The July 13, 2020 CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [For Emergency Use Only] section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” p. 39 reads:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA.

The CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because Coronavirus is “unavailable.” The virus is not found.

The virus is unfounded.

While confusion, by design, continues unabated by media wordsmiths, COVID only becomes clear if you analyze the numbers. Because everything surrounding COVID is based in numerology. See why Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is called Comirnaty.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: Vintagelee / pixabay

Canadians’ Right of Refusal: Rocco Galanti With Vaccine Choice Canada Panel of Activists

Canadians’ Right of Refusal: Rocco Galanti With Vaccine Choice Canada Panel of Activists


Our Rights of Refusal with Rocco Galati, Tanya Gaw & Other Guests

by Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada
September 3, 2021


On September 1, 2021, Rocco Galati, Tanya Gaw, Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Paula Tucci and Vincent Gircys, joined VCC President, Ted Kuntz to examine “Our Rights of Refusal” regarding COVID-19 vaccinations and other measures

[Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels.]

Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada:

Federal Employees: Are you being coerced with vaccine mandates?:

‘No Student Mandates’ resource page:

Vaccine Regret:

Rocco Galanti, Constitutional Rights Centre

Paula Tucci, Stand Up Canada

Tanya Gaw, Action4Canada

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, BC Physician

Vincent Gircys, Retired Police Officer


Quote shared by Rocco Galanti:


“Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.”

~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison


Mentioned by Rocco Galanti:
Letter from Police Constable Adrienne Gilvesy (a member of the Toronto Police Service) to her Chief of Police


Rocco Galanti’s interview with Catherine Austin Fitts:
Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati & Catherine Austin Fitts: Money & Finance Under Covid – Historical Manipulation of Humanity via Money


Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada