When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order

When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order

by Ryan Matters, NewBraveWorld
sourced from OffGuardian
originally published November 9, 2021


When the famous quantum theorist, David Bohm, read Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “The First and Last Freedom”, he was blown away by his insight and knowledge regarding the phenomenon of the observer and the observed. Despite having no university-level training, much less formal education in the sciences, Krishnamurti had, through his philosophical writings, demonstrated a profound understanding of various concepts related to quantum mechanics.

Krishnamurti, an Indian writer, philosopher and speaker, was, at an early age, taken in by the Theosophical Society and groomed to become the new World Teacher. Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater, the leaders of the Theosophical society at the time, nurtured Krishnamurti at their headquarters in Madras.

They, along with a few select associates, undertook the task of educating him, guiding him through mystical teachings and generally ‘preparing’ him to become the vehicle for ‘Lord Maitreya’, a highly evolved spiritual being committed to aiding the evolution of mankind.

However, when it came time to ‘unveil’ Krishnamurti to the world as a great teacher and leader of humanity, Krishnamurti broke all ties with the theosophists, denounced all organised belief, denounced the notion of gurus (and the whole teacher-follower relationship), and devoted himself instead to the pursuit of freedom for both himself and humanity at large.

By the time Bohm had read “The First and Last Freedom”, Krishnamurti’s teachings had developed beyond the point of theosophical influence. Bohm recognized that Krishnamurti’s insights were reflected in his own work in quantum theory and felt it urgent to meet with him as soon as possible. Eventually, the two of them did meet face-to-face in London where they exchanged ideas and engaged in rich conversation.

Bohm described his first meeting with Krishnamurti as follows:

I was struck by the great ease of communication with him, which was made possible by the intense energy with which he listened and by the freedom from self-protective reservations and barriers with which he responded to what I had to say.”

Bohm recognized his meeting with Krishnamurti as a meeting of minds not unlike that which he felt when talking to other scientists. In fact, he even compared Krishnamurti to Albert Einstein, stating that the two of them “showed a similar intensity and absence of barrier”.

Bohm and Krishnamurti met each time they were in London and probed deeply into the nature of time, space and mind. The two of them would inevitably hit on the topic of consciousness and this is where Krishnamurti’s insights shined.

Indeed, Bohm felt that Krishnamurti’s most powerful teachings were those concerned with the general disorder and confusion that pervades the consciousness of mankind, for it was he who offered not only an explanation of this problem but a solution to it.

Krishnamurti maintained that all this disorder, which he felt was the root cause of such widespread sorrow and misery, and which prevented human beings from loving one another, had its roots in the fact that we are ignorant of the general nature of our own processes of thought.

In other words, Krishnamurti noticed that while we are generally aware of the content of our thoughts, we are hopelessly ignorant as to the origin and process of thinking itself.

This ignorance, which causes disorder within man’s consciousness, is expressed outwardly as the disorder we see within society itself – war, widespread sorrow, violence, segregation, et cetera.

But why should this be the case?

The answer, perhaps, lies in Bohm’s area of expertise – quantum physics. As Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle teaches us, you cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of an object and, therefore, our seemingly “solid” reality is proven to be non-determinable[1].

And as the experiments of the brilliant Dr. William Tiller show, a conscious observer may “bend reality to his will” by holding a focused intent, the effect of which can be quantified and even amplified if that intent is held by multiple people at the same time.

William A. Tiller, a physicist at Stanford University dedicated over four decades of his life to investigating the effects of human intention on the properties of materials and what we call physical reality. His research discovered that it is possible to effect a significant change to the properties of physical materials simply by holding a clear intention to do so.

Interestingly, Tiller and his colleagues also discovered that it is possible to imprint or “store” an intention within an electronic device, which would then have the same effect on an object as that of a human consciousness holding the same intention. Tiller’s results have been consistently reproduced around the world.

Bohm himself proposed a holographic model of the universe based on enfolded and unfolded states of being emanating from a common source beyond both the unmanifest and manifest realms.

His scientific insight echoes the view of reality experienced by enlightened sages throughout the centuries. In Vedanta, the manifest world is called “Maya”, meaning “illusory reality” and it emanates from “Brahman”, the omnipresent sea of infinite potential[2].

It is therefore easy to see why Bohm was so taken by Krishnamurti’s teachings. The ancient doctrine of “as above, so below” or man as a microcosm is embodied within the curious quantum “observer effect” that ties consciousness to the “outside” world and the very fabric of space-time itself[3].

Once this phenomenon is understood as being real, it is not hard to see how and why disorder within can create disorder without.

The answer, then, to man’s problems lies in being aware of the process of thought. And this, according to Krishnamurti, requires meditation. Though by meditation, Krishnamurti does not mean we should sit on a rock in the lotus position, no, Krishnamurti’s idea of meditation is centred around the root meaning of the word itself.

The English word ‘meditation’ is based on the Latin root, “med” meaning to measure. The Sanskrit word for meditation, “dhyana”, is related to “dhyati”, meaning to reflect. Putting these together brings us closer to Krishnamurti’s definition of meditation which is to ponder and reflect while focusing one’s attention on what is actually going on.

Krishnamurti maintained that the act of meditation itself was enough to bring order to the activity of thought, for “in the seeing is the doing”. In this state, the mind becomes quiet, energy increases and something new and creative begins to unfold. This, according to Krishnamurti, is extraordinarily significant to the whole of life.

Once again we can find a physics parallel to describe what Krishnamurti is saying. A cluttered mind filled with arbitrary thoughts, desires, fears and anxieties, is akin to a high entropy system. Entropy is a measure of randomness or disorder within a closed system and reduces the energy available to do work.

“Work” in this case refers to the ability to effect change within the physical medium, which as Tiller’s research shows is done through focusing one’s intent. In his illuminating three-part tome, physicist Tom Campbell expands greatly on this concept, explaining that, within a consciousness “system”, “high entropy” corresponds with fear, while “low entropy” corresponds with love.

Therefore meditation, as defined by Krishnamurti, becomes a tool to bring order to the activity of thought or “reduce the entropy of the system”. This naturally results in greater energy to do work (i.e. a more focused intent and thus a greater ability to effect change “out there”).

The culmination of this process is an increase in power. The source of this power stems from the concept that all men and women are created equal. This is the profound truth behind Krishnamurti’s assertion that “there is no authority, no teacher, no master and no saviour”. Each one of us is all of those things, and at the time, none of them at all. We are all capable and entitled to the realization of Truth or God or whatever one may wish to call it. Embarking on the path is a free will choice.

Power supports life – it uplifts, dignifies and sustains. It gives us energy and vitality. It is whole and complete, requiring nothing from outside. Power is associated with compassion, love and unity. Power promotes creativity, healing and positive feelings. Power allows us to create positive change in order to more fully express our collective divinity.

In the absence of power, change must be effected through force.

Whereas power stands on its own, without the need to move against anything at all, force always moves against something. Force is fragmented and therefore has to be fed energy constantly. Force consumes whereas power creates. While force requires sustained input, power acts without effort.

Newton’s third law teaches us that force always creates counterforce and therefore it is limited by definition. While force must struggle against opposition, power stands still. Power effects change through its own field of influence, without the need to expend energy.

Force is associated with friction and conflict. This point is perhaps best explained by Dr. David Hawkins himself:

“Force always creates counterforce; its effect is to polarize rather than unify. Polarization always implies conflict; its cost, therefore, is always high. Because force incites polarization, it inevitably produces a win/lose dichotomy; and because somebody always loses, enemies are created. Constantly faced with enemies, force requires constant defense. Defensiveness is invariably costly, whether in the marketplace, politics, or international affairs.”

Hawkins, R, D., 1995. Power vs Force. Hay House, Inc. 2012 reprint.

Thinking about the concept of power and force within the context of the current global crisis leads us toward some profound conclusions. For one, agendas that center around inequality, control, profit and material gain are always driven by force.

Force is a tool used by those who lack power. When your motives go against the good of humanity, when your intentions fail to support life itself, your only option is to use force. Force includes all manner of fear-mongering, manipulation, coercion and violence. Force may work up to a point but as we discovered, it requires a constant input of energy and therefore, results are obtained at a cost. Propaganda campaigns require vast amounts of money, coordination and tireless censorship. Vaccine mandates require bribes, threats, and the covering up of adverse events.

This energy input is immense and, most importantly, unsustainable.

As force creates friction, it must constantly be fed with more and more energy. But as the force becomes stronger, so does the friction. Force, due its polarizing nature, increases entropy. As entropy rises, the available energy decreases, until, eventually, momentum ceases and the entire thing grinds to a halt.

While the source of power is self-evident, indestructible and inarguable, force is subject to ‘proof’ and requires constant justification. While true power emanates from consciousness itself, force is driven by the ego.

Those who use force to impose their will on humanity always succumb to power. As history has shown, all totalitarian regimes eventually come crashing down – not on account of some divine intervention, but because each of us is born with inalienable rights that are intrinsic to human creation.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the transhumanist force implodes. However, the time it takes for that to happen is dependent on our ability to reduce disorder and increase power. A lower entropy consciousness means more energy available to do work which results in more power, freedom, happiness and love. As our power collectively grows, we create an immovable wall able to repel any and all negative influences and nefarious threats.

On the other hand, the ego-mind is constantly asking unanswerable questions and worrying about unlikely futures. As our minds become cluttered with fear-laden media, our power decreases and we find ourselves at the mercy of “authorities”.

Bohm’s “holographic” universe hinted at the true nature of our reality and Krishnamurti showed us how to realise it. By turning our attention away from the content of thought, and focusing on the process of thinking itself, we can bring order to the mind and begin to discover something completely new.

In this way, we extricate ourselves from a state of fear and confusion and move towards freedom and certitude. The result of this is an increase in power. Force is by definition limited in what it can accomplish, and therefore it is not a matter of if the transhumanists will fail, but when.



[1] Note: The below quote is in reference to Heisenberg’s ‘uncertainty principle’ and Bohr’s ‘complementarity principle’:

“These two key principles have profound implications, not only for quantum physics, but also for our perceptions of the nature of reality. One implication is that the seemingly solid reliable reality that we perceive is based on something that is ultimately uncertain or non-determinable. Many have found this to be a shocking ‘fact’. Einstein, for one, not only found it shocking but also attempted to refute it, saying to Bohr one of in his many debates with him that he (Einstein) could not believe that God played dice with the universe.”

– Jackson, P. Quantum physics and human consciousness: The status of the current debate, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, Working Paper, November 2002.

[2] Tom Campbell’s work is especially helpful in grasping the clear connections between quantum physics, consciousness, and the seemingly “physical” world within the context of a “virtual” reality mirroring the Eastern philosophies and systems of thought, albeit put into strictly scientific terminology.

“Wave-particle dualities, uncertainty principles, and the seemingly instantaneous communication between entangled pairs become simple to explain once you realise that [physical reality] is a virtual reality created by a digital simulation implementing a space-time rule-set [within a larger consciousness system]. Given a digital reality simulation, which is stepped forward by time increments that appear infinitesimal to us, and a virtual reality that must obey only the rules driving its digital computation, these paradoxes disappear along with the illusion of absolute space. Once the limiting belief that all possible reality is exclusively defined by measurements within [our physical reality] is abandoned and the true nature of consciousness is grasped, the mysterious paradoxes of physics, philosophy, and metaphysics all melt away like ice cubes in the summer sun.”

– Campbell, T. 2003. My Big Toe: Discovery. Book 2 of a Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics and Metaphysics.

[3] The observer plays a fundamental role in quantum mechanics, as the very act of observing some aspect of a quantum system alters some other aspect of the same system. This implies a direct connection between consciousness and the “physical world”.

“In quantum mechanics… Any interaction that is strong enough to measure some aspect of a system is necessarily strong enough to disrupt some other aspect of the same system. Thus, you can learn nothing about a quantum system without changing something else.”

– Susskind, L., Friedman, A., Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum. 2015. Penguin Random House UK.


Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at newbraveworld.org, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


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Queensland, Australia Anti-Mandate Protestors Form a Blockade, Protecting Freedom-Loving Cafe From Police

Queensland, Australia Anti-Mandate Protestors Form a Blockade, Protecting Freedom-Loving Cafe From Police

by Cairns News
December 24, 2021


A northern Gold Coast cafe has shut for several weeks after anti-mandate protesters formed a blockade against police, who they say were going to fine the operator for his inclusive service policy.

This was the amazing scene in front of Cafe Noego Coffee in Queensland Australia after police targeted the establishment for not asking customers for vaccine passports.


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A Winter Wish: My Thank You Card to All of You

A Winter Wish: My Thank You Card to All of You

by Kathleen Stilwell, editor, Truth Comes to Light
December 24, 2021


Dear friends,

As 2021 ends, I want to thank you all so much for being here, for sharing truth, and for standing up for freedom.  Thank you for your perseverance and for your courage.

Many thanks to all of you who, throughout the past few years, shared your kind words of support,  sent donations or offered suggestions.  Thanks to all who let me know about typos or other errors, who shared our articles and videos with others when something rang particularly true to you, and who trusted me with your stories of hardship and of miracles during these times (even if you didn’t want me to publish for others to read).

Some of you will be alone during whatever holidays your families and friends celebrate. If you are alone, know that many of us know your situation well. It won’t always be this way.

And, in truth, you are never alone. But you already knew that. That knowing is part of what brings you here.

While the world around us is shouting out in fear of a dark future and harsh winter, no one really knows what’s going to happen. How things will unfold is unknown.

We always stand in the unknown. And the unknown can be trusted because it is the fabric of life itself.

That unknown is home to unlimited creative power. That unknown works actively with the unseen and with the hidden. This includes the mostly-unseen, divinely-empowered self that is each of us.

Each of us has the power to shift worlds, starting with own perception and focus. Individually, and as part of all that is, we are the soul of the world.

Some people say protests don’t work, writing doesn’t work, speaking to others doesn’t work, love alone doesn’t work, prayer alone doesn’t work.  Yet, the truth is, it all works and it is all part of turning the tide.

Only you know what action or non-action is your best gift to the world. Most of the shifting, the awakening, the transformation, the living and dying — most of what we are creating takes place in realms our logical minds can’t wrap around.

As this year 2021 comes to a close, I wish for you continued inspiration as we move through the illusion of time into 2022.

More and more, may unexpected experiences lift your heart and remind you that life itself is a miracle.

May you increasingly share your love and your vision with the world.

May you speak courageously with a kind and powerful heart whenever there is an opening.

May you remain fearlessly silent and at peace when that seems the wisest thing to do.

May you hold an opening for others to share truth and listen for the wisdom they offer, especially those who’ve given you many reasons to doubt their ability to connect with truth.

May you give things away when you encounter the fear of not having enough.

May you trust life and know that evil can never win.

May you live your life that fear of death can never enter your heart.

May you start something new. Anything.  You might even start a huge, foolish project.

May you know that you are loved and appreciated in ways you might not always be aware of.

We are here for a reason and that reason is all about love.

But you knew that. So, thank you for being here, reminding me that it really is all about love.


With overwhelming gratitude for all of you,



cover image credit: perezvcking / pixabay



See related:

Live Your Life That the Fear of Death Can Never Enter Your Heart


Start a Huge, Foolish Project

Brisbane, Australia Streets Come Alive With the Sound of Freedom

Brisbane, Australia Streets Come Alive With the Sound of Freedom
Tens of thousands rally to protest against ‘green tick’ tyranny

by Yasmin Sawyer, Rebel News
December 22, 2021


As many as 100,000 people packed the streets of Brisbane on the weekend to protest against vaccine mandates and other authoritarian measures brought in as part of Queensland’s management of the global pandemic.

Marching under the banner of ‘The People’s Revolution’ the crowd moved through Southbank and gathered at Musgrave Park where a party atmosphere filled the grounds with no green tick requirements in sight.

While there was some tension as the large group passed by venues requiring vaccine passes, the protest was overwhelmingly positive and went ahead without incident.

The crowds were again diverse, made up of parents seeking to represent a more hopeful future for their children, to concerned grandparents, business owners affected by the pandemic and others concerned about the impact of overbearing government control.

As an 18-year-old, I served this country in war,” said one attendee.

And I think it’s disgusting now as a 71-year-old that I have to fight for my own freedom. I’m not allowed in the RSL to have a meal because I haven’t been double-jabbed.

This country has just fallen apart.

Others also expressed their sadness for how the government has treated segments of the community, especially those health carers and essential workers hailed last year as the heroes of the pandemic response.

I lost my job after 35 years of nursing,” said one of the many nurses impacted by the mandates.


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To Question the Nature of Reality

To Question the Nature of Reality

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 22, 2021


What if decades of computer games and CGI technology has blurred the line between fantasy and reality?

What if schools teach not to question reality because your views and ideas are not important to reality and would be ignored or censored anyway?

What if over time, you did your own investigations, and formed your own opinions that made you question reality? Would you share them with the world under the threat of being called a heretic or a lunatic? Lunatic comes from the Latin lunaticus or “moon-struck.”

In 1965, the Space Science Board convened a NASA summer conference in Massachusetts on the future of lunar exploration. Then, an unknown research scientist, Professor R. Foster, was interviewed by an Australian TV interviewer on the subject of the moon. The soft-spoken Foster gave a memorable and unconventional 9:33-minute uncut interview about the nature of the moon, when he began:

…the moon is not a piece of rock, but it is a plasma phenomenon, cosmic plasma, and this fact will eventually be confirmed. I made certain predictions that had been confirmed in 1958 and the situation now is coming close to a complete confirmation.

Foster was then asked what the result would be if he were proved correct in his theories? He replied:

the result would be profound and decisive because it will give proof that the complete re-investigation of the laws of nature is necessary because is the moon is a plasma no man will ever land on it…”

Listen to R. Foster describe the moon from his perspective:

Foster never got the chance to prove his theory. Soon after this interview in 1965, R. Foster disappeared from view and was erased from history, and nearly all search engines.

Who is R. Foster? Why was this mysterious scientist interviewed four years prior to the 1969 televised moon landing and then never again? Did he serve to provide a form of disclosure? Did the interview mean to stir controversy? Did anyone land on the moon if Foster was correct about the moon being made of plasma?

Why have only a few investigators found any information to prove Foster’s existence?

One investigator claims to verify that Roy Foster was a Professor of Earth Science and Chemistry at the University of Dundee Scotland, the only R. Foster to be found in the Mitchel and Longman 1983 Directory, “Materials Research Centres: A World Directory of Organizations and Programmes in Materials Science.” Roy Foster is listed as the head of the Chemistry department at Dundee alongside Professor J. S Brimacombe.

Another investigator found that there are 654 pages in the 1983 Directory, with references to both Brimacombe and R. Foster, found on page 527 under the heading Chemistry Department, in section 644. Here is the link to the referenced page. Apparently, Foster and Brimacombe were researching absorption spectra in Ultra Violet Wave Mechanical Studies, and the mechanism of oxidation of Gaseous fuels.  He is the only recorded R. Foster from RSE with his earliest recorded association with RSE dating to 1926.

Questioning Reality

R. Foster questioned the nature of reality. Perhaps, he was tired of being ignored for his ideas and opinions. Perhaps he saw the futility of NASA’s direction in space. Perhaps he felt empowered to speak his truth while he had the opportunity to do so:

Once the moon is proven not to be a piece of rock but something of far less mass, and the gravitational theories are out and discarded, new concepts have to be involved which will show that the lawfulness of nature in the cosmos is identical to that of a hydrogen atom, or atomic processes, and when this is understood and worked out in full, it will be found that the physical processes of the Earth are quite different in geophysics than to what is at present assumed, and that lawfully, in certain periods, mostly during the ice ages which occur every 200 million years, – and there is a reason for that – the axis of the earth suddenly tilts over, and when this happens then you get the floods of the Bible which were recorded before. –  R. Foster ABC interview uncut, 1965

What if the nature of the world is not what it appears to be?  Could parts be a digital projection? What if the movie, The Truman Show is a form of disclosure, representing more truth than fiction? Why has no one gone to La Lune since 1969? Hear what Buzz Aldrin had to say when interviewed by a girl named Zoey in 2015.

What if you witnessed a floating city in the sky? Would you talk about it? Would you believe what you saw or question the nature of reality? If people are being misled by CGI displays, are they being distracted from something that looms much larger?

In his 9 minutes of fame, did R. Foster sound a warning of a future biblical flood? Was he referring to things beyond the physical to the spiritual? Was he pointing to other proofs, including the Hopi Prophecy of a future earth changing moment?


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Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: morfeoleoncl / pixabay

The White House’s Message of Death and Illness — Seasons Greetings!

The White House’s Message of Death and Illness — Seasons Greetings!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
December 22, 2021


Video available at AwakenWithJP Odysee and YouTube channels.


Connect with JP Sears

Wonderful Christmastime by Five Times August

Wonderful Christmastime by Five Times August

by Five Times August
originally published December 8, 2017


Download or send as gift: https://fivetimesaugust.bandcamp.com/track/wonderful-christmastime

Originally recorded and released in 2017, this cover of Paul McCartney’s Christmas classic was made almost entirely out of toddler and kid toys from around the house. Artwork was drawn by my son’s Austin & Dylan.
Hope You Enjoy! ~ Brad

Connect with Five Times August


See also:

“I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

“Sad Little Man” by Five Times August — Music Video 2021

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

Activating the Power of Life

Activating the Power of Life

by Paul Cudenec
sourced from Winter Oak
December 21, 2021


When an animal, such as a human being, finds itself confronted with a grave and immediate danger to its life, it reacts in a very particular way.

Understanding the severity of the situation, it releases in itself a reserve of defensive energy which it has held back for such an emergency – this, it knows, is the time to make use of its last-resort capacity.

I feel we have now reached that point with regard to the transhumanist technocratic tyranny being imposed on us under the so-called Great Reset.

We have all perhaps spent too much time discussing exactly what label we should apply to this malevolent force.

Its essence – that of a ruling minority with an insatiable lust for power and control, which it is able to gain by means of money – has until now usually been described as capitalism.

But it has now gone beyond that phase into hitherto-uncharted territory: old-fashioned capitalism was no more than the egg from which this monster hatched.

With its ruthless authoritarianism, its shameless use of the machineries of the state for private gain, its obsession with production, technology and a “scientific” remodelling of humankind, it looks a lot like 20th century fascism.

However, it is a 21st century phenomenon and goes so far in its worship of the machine, of artificiality in general, that it amounts to nothing less than a war on everything that is natural, organic, living – including us, our bodies, our children.

The time has therefore come, if we haven’t already done so, to pour everything we have into defending ourselves against this vile abomination, whatever we choose to call it.

The first step is to see through its smokescreen of lies and distraction to grasp that the threat to our existence comes not from “the virus” but from the system using this as a device for its own corrupt ends.

The second step, once that is clear, is to access our emergency life-protecting energy so as to be able to deploy it against this unprecedented threat.

This initially has to take place within each individual.

Now is the right time of year to be doing this, here in the Northern Hemisphere at least. After the Winter Solstice, the days gradually start lengthening, barely perceptibly at first, with this process accelerating from February into the glorious return of life and light. We can usefully align our efforts with nature’s tide of renewal.

The way in which we manifest our energy will vary enormously from person to person.

But the important thing is that the determined strength we feel within ourselves is seen and sensed by others, that it pours itself into something bigger.

Attending a protest can be a good way of doing this, of course, or putting up posters or banners in your window or your town, handing out leaflets, simply talking to as many people as possible…

We all have own way of doing things, but I think we now each have to go a lot further than we have been previously prepared to go.

A loop of positive human energy spinning faster and faster until it is simply glowing, pulsating, with potential

When each indvidual’s life-preserving energy makes itself seen and felt, it provokes the same response in others. This energy itself then reinforces the first individual’s sense of empowerment and pushes it up to new levels.

Once this collective process gets going, it will feed off itself, gather speed, take on a life of its own.

It becomes what Gustav Landauer called Wahn, spirit with momentum, a loop of positive human energy spinning faster and faster until it is simply glowing, pulsating, with potential.

This is what we need above all in 2022: a red-hot hurricane of vibrant life-force which will tear into the machineries and mentalities of tyranny, rip them apart, reduce them to rubble and ashes, and clear the ground for a calm and verdant future grown in the fertile soil of nature and freedom.


Connect with Winter Oak

cover image credit: winterseitler / pixabay

Presidential Address Lasts Hours as Biden Keeps Trying to Say ‘Omicron’ Correctly [Satire]

Presidential Address Lasts Hours as Biden Keeps Trying to Say ‘Omicron’ Correctly [Satire]

by Babylon Bee
December 21, 2021


WASHINGTON, D.C.—The presidential address to the nation was intended to be a brief message of hope and resilience for Americans facing a possible COVID-19 surge, but ended up lasting hours as President Biden kept trying to pronounce “Omicron” correctly.

“I’ll tell you what, America’s unvaccinated lower class are in for a real whuppin’ with the surge of this new variant they call Omnomicromicon…Omnicormorant, Obercrombie, Omnibus, Comic-Con,” said the leader of the free world, squinting into the teleprompter, “Oblong Prawn, Amish Pawn, Auger Spawn…”

An hour into Biden’s attempt to say a simple, three-syllable word, some members of the White House press corps could be heard snoring, and the video feed began tilting upward toward the ceiling as the camera operator dozed off.

Hope returned to the press room after three hours, though, as many thought Biden had correctly enunciated the name of the mild variant, but staffers clarified that he had actually said, “Balmy Cob,” followed by, “Otter Crop, Mommy Clod, Clammy Lawn, Only Fawns, Olmec’s Crop Top…”

Sources expect Biden’s address to be completed by the time the next variant is announced.


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“We Are the 99%” by The Daz Band Hits No. 1 Spot for Singles at Amazon UK

“We Are the 99%” by The Daz Band Hits No. 1 Spot for Singles at Amazon UK


Original video available at Truth and Music BitChute channel.

[TCTL editor’s note: On December 13, 2021 “We Are the 99%” reached No. 1 in the singles chart at Amazon UK. As of today, December 21, it is No. 4 in the charts. You can help them reach No. 1 again by purchasing and downloading from one of the links below.]



by The Daz Band


Please download our record now from Amazon or Apple and help make it Christmas no.1 to let the rulers know we know and are saying no, non, nein, niet, not a chance.
Well we finally released what has become the worldwide protest anthem of the 2020’s, We are the 99%, aka ‘Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse’ – a comedy song written back in 2013 by Darren Nesbit on waking up to the reality of the world many of you are also aware of.
They tried to stop us – even the recording session for ‘We are the 99%’ got stopped because of the ‘controversial’ nature of the lyrics – and one distributor also refused to allow it, using the reason of ‘medical misinformation’ – as if anyone is going to get health advice from a comedy song. 
Please download, stream, play loud and share everywhere..Could be a fun end to the year..
with peace & love & faith xxx

Lyrics can be found here.

Learn more about the band.








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Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality

Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 20, 2021


My friend Charlie sells a painting to the Gregorian Museum out on Galactic Park.

They hang his painting in one of the upstairs rooms for a week, and then trouble starts. Charlie gets a phone call in the middle of the night from the director. Charlie can’t believe his ears. He rushes over to the museum.

Upstairs, the director is in his pajamas pacing back and forth. Charlie goes up to his painting, looks at it for a few minutes and sees it.

People have walked into the painting and taken up residence there.

Holy crap.

They’re in there.

Law suits, the director says. Their families could take us to the cleaners.

When Charlie calls out to the people inside his painting, they don’t hear him. They don’t seem to be able to get out. At least no one’s trying.

What do you want me to do? Charlie says.

Get them the hell out of there, the director says. Pick up the picture and shake it if you have to. Turn it upside down. I don’t care.

Charlie doesn’t think this is a good idea. Somebody could get hurt.

So for the next few hours, he sits in front of his painting, drinks coffee, and tries to talk to the people inside.

No dice. Even when he yells, they don’t notice him.

By this time, the chairman of the museum board has shown up. He’s agitated. He’s yabbering about containing the situation.

Charlie asks him how he proposes to do that.

Blanket denial, the chairman says. Pretty soon, the cops are going to link these disappearances to the museum—but then we just throw up our hands and claim we know nothing about it.

A lot of good that’ll do, the director says. Even if we wiggle out of the law suits, our reputation will be damaged. People won’t want to come here. They’ll be afraid somebody will snatch them.

Okay, the chairman says, we’ll shut down for repairs. New construction. That’ll buy us a few weeks and we can figure out something. We’ll say the building needs an earthquake retrofit. Not a big one. Just some shoring up.

…So that’s what happened. They closed the museum and hoped for the best.

Charlie was upset. If word got out, how could he ever sell another painting? His agent told him he was nuts. He’d become the most famous person in the world, and people would be lining up trying to get inside his pictures. You’ll be a phenomenon, he said.

Yeah, Charlie said, until some loon tries to take me out.

A week later, while Charlie and I were having breakfast at a little cafe over by the river, he told me the people inside his painting were building yurts. They were digging a well.

What are they eating, I asked him.

Beats me, he said. But they don’t seem worried. They look okay.

But they can’t get out, he said. At least they don’t want to. They’re settling down in there!

I asked him the obvious question about shrinkage.

I know, he said. They’re a hell of a lot smaller. But no one’s complaining, as far as I can tell.

They like your work, I said.

He looked at me like he was going to kill me, so I let it drop.

Okay, I said. Here’s what you need to do. Go over there and add something to the painting.

He blinked.


Paint on the painting. See what happens.

Sure, he said, and drive them into psychosis. Who knows what effect it would have?

Paint a nice little country road that leads them right out into the museum. They’ll see it, they’ll walk on it.

No, he said. Don’t you get it? They’ve already taken things a step further. They’re not just living in my landscape. That was the initial draw. They’re building their own stuff in there. They’re…poaching!


Then there’s only one thing you can do, I said.

I leaned across the table and whispered in his ear. He listened, then jumped back.

No, I said. You have to. Don’t be a weak sister. Go for it.

…So Charlie went upstairs in the museum and cleared everybody out. He unpacked the little suitcase he’d brought and set up a player and a speaker. He shoved in a disc and turned on the music. Some sort of chanting. A chorus.

He took out a change of clothes from the suitcase and put on a long robe and a crazy hat. He eventually showed it to me. It was from a costume party he’d had at his house. Tall red silk hat with tassels hanging from it.

He stood in front of the painting and said:


They all looked toward the sound of his voice.


All 30 or so of them were now gathered together, outside one of the half-finished yurts.

They were nodding and saying yes.


They hesitated, looked at each other, and started to walk toward Charlie.


This was apparently quite a perk, so they walked faster. They broke into a trot.

Finally, they emerged from the painting and, Charlie said, they swelled back to normal size right away. It was quite a thing to see, like balloons blowing up—and then there they were, all around me, in the museum. First thing, I took the painting off the wall and laid it on the floor, face down. Enough of that stuff.

Charlie told them who he was, the painter. It took a few hours of intense conversation before they understood and accepted the situation. All in all, they seemed sad.

What were you going to do, he asked them. Live in there forever? Couldn’t you see how to get out?

We didn’t want to get out, one of the men said. We liked it in there.

And that was pretty much that, except for the signing of waivers and non-disclosure agreements with the museum. For which the people were granted lifetime platinum memberships and some vouchers and coupons for the museum store and restaurant.

Charlie went into a funk. He didn’t go into his studio for a few months.

One night, I dropped over to his house with a bottle of bourbon and we had a few drinks out on his porch.

You know, I said, you can start a church if you want to. I know a guy who writes fake scriptures and peddles them. He’s good.

You really do want me to kill you, he said.

We drank in silence for a while.

I told him: those people with their wells and yurts? Sooner or later, they’re going to hypnotize themselves and fall for another strange deal. Nobody’s going to stop them.

Charlie looked grim. They liked living in my picture. It wasn’t a problem for them. I took them out. I conned them.

Well, I said, if that’s the case, and there’s nothing wrong with them, they’ll find another painting. See? Someday, you’ll read about a bunch of people disappearing, and that’ll be what it is.

Yeah, he said, maybe.

A week later, he got back to work.

Universes. Some weird things happen in that area.

I started to write a Charlie a note. It began: Maybe all universes are just like your painting. But I stopped. Charlie wouldn’t react well to that.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Dieterich01 / pixabay

London Marches for Freedom, Dec. 18, 2021: “We Will Not Comply.” “It’s All Been a Pack of Lies.”

London Marches for Freedom, Dec. 18, 2021: “We Will Not Comply.” “It’s All Been a Pack of Lies.”


⁣⁣”WE WILL NOT COMPLY” | London Marches for Freedom 18/12/2021 | Oracle Films

by Oracle Films
December 19, 2021

Video available at Oracle Films Odysee and YouTube channels.











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A Very Fauci Christmas — Music Parody

A Very Fauci Christmas — Music Parody

by Noisy Minority Report, Children’s Health Defense
December 18, 2021


Original video available at ChildrensHealthDefense Rumble channel.

Mirrored at TCTL BitChute, Odysee & Brighteon channels.


Connect with Children’s Health Defense

Why You Need a Second Life Jacket!

Why You Need a Second Life Jacket!

by JP Sears, Awaken with JP
December 18, 2021


Video available at AwakenWithJP Odysee & YouTube channels.


Connect with JP Sears

mRNA Collateral Damage

mRNA Collateral Damage

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 16, 2021


The fallout of the COVID experiment is being witnessed by Covid jab recipients over the world as direct adverse effects. By officials, the same effects are being tallied as collateral damage.

With little to no information presented at the time of deployment in early 2021, the mRNA injections have now adversely affected over 2 million people are part of a global capture. The numbers are likely to be 100 times higher.

According to the VigiAccess.org database:

…. based on the Harvard Study commissioned by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, it only captures less than 1% of the actual ADRs, so adapting that figure to Vigiaccess, we can say that the total ADRs would be an astonishing 200M already.

At least one medical journal study shows some of these Adverse Drug Effects (ADRs). Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning

Without searching the medical literature, now people can visit the global database of adverse reactions by the World Health Organization’s (WHO), that tracks the numbers of Adverse Drug [Direct] Effects (ADRs). VIGIACCESS.ORG 


According to the VigiAccess website, VigiAcess was launched by the WHO in 2015 to provide public access to information of reported potential side effects of medicinal products. Dr John Gideon Hartnett’s website provides category headliners for Adverse Drug Reactions from mRNA injections. Dr. Gideon writes on his website:

The WHO has a database for adverse reactions from drugs called VigiAccessTM. Here I searched it for those adverse reactions from COVID-19 vaccines and got the following. It has a total of 2,183,912 adverse reactions from the various experimental COVID shots. You’ll note that the reactions occur throughout the body. 

This list shows that the experimental gene-altering drugs given to people have to be the worse medical experiment ever performed in world history.

Global Adverse Drug Reactions

Blood and lymphatic system disorders (88123)
Cardiac disorders (107441)
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1188)
Ear and labyrinth disorders (72880)
Endocrine disorders (2967)
Eye disorders (80478)
Gastrointestinal disorders (452265)
General disorders and administration site conditions (1333876)
Hepatobiliary disorders (4356)
Immune system disorders (30771)
Infections and infestations (146156)
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (106796)
Investigations (298364)
Metabolism and nutrition disorders (50000)
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (643099)
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (3233)
Nervous system disorders (946519)
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (4922)
Product issues (3653)
Psychiatric disorders (103711)
Renal and urinary disorders (17621)
Reproductive system and breast disorders (84169)
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (231914)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (301917)
Social circumstances (15353)
Surgical and medical procedures (19548)
Vascular disorders (118763)

The age groups most affected are 18 – 44 years (39%) and 45 – 64 years (31%). That’s bad news for the 18 – 44 year olds considering their risks from acquiring a natural infection of COVID are practically zero. The result is life-long immunity. 

Females represent 69% and males 30% of all those Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR). The residual 1% is labeled as unknown.

It lists ADRs by year as follows. This is strange that some ADRs are listed in years prior to 2020. How’s that possible if only COVID-19 vaccine ADRs are listed?

ADR Reports per year:
  • Year             Count
  • 2021           2181543
  • 2020          2254
  • 2019           82
  • 2018           29
  • 2017            2
  • 2016            1
  • 2014            1

Continued from Dr. Gideon:  Compare this VigiAccess list to the US VAERS database which has currently 752,801 (Sept 2021) adverse events and 15,937 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines. If I scale the VigiAccess data by the ratio of adverse reactions to deaths in VAERS I get 46,234 deaths expected in the VigiAccess data. That seems more reasonable number for the world. But from whistleblowers we have heard that these statistics are heavily under reported and the real numbers could be 100 times higher.

For fallout reports from Canadian recipients, watch the documentary I Am Not Misinformation.

Natural Immunity is Innate

Innate means from within. Your innate immunity is granted to you at birth by your Creator. There is no other defense system that can heal your body other than the wisdom of your own body. You are your own healer. You only need to give your body the right tools to heal yourself. And those tools all come from Nature.

The ongoing mRNA “live exercise,” that comes with future booster jabs, is showing that your the robust, innate immune system can be completely shut down with the new “gene therapy.” That also means means that because variants are artifacts of vaccines, the Omicron variant is being spread by vaccinated people.

Do No Harm

We are told that medical doctors take an oath to First, Do No Harm. Yet, they are also licensed to be able to dispense drugs that can, and do, cause harm. A license is permission to do something otherwise deemed to be illegal. How do they justify the contradictions?

According to Robert H. Shmerling, MD, Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health Publishing, the oath may or may not be taken:

While some medical schools ask their graduates to abide by the Hippocratic Oath, others use a different pledge — or none at all. And in fact, although “first, do no harm” is attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, it isn’t a part of the Hippocratic Oath at all. It is actually from another of his works called Of the Epidemics.

Here is a line from one translation of the Hippocratic Oath:

I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.

Collateral Damage

The great divide forming in society stems from a man-made divide based on misinformation and censorship. The Pro vs. Anti vaccine narrative is part of the narrative. This model is designed by social engineers using a Psy Op (psychological operation) to divide families and friends alike. All Pro-Anti Psy Ops serve only to separate people and promote fear. Avoid them.

Further, it is illegal for any doctor, politician, or employer to force or coerce anyone to take or accept a medical product in order to function in society. Each person must be his own advocate, with total rulership over his or her own body since each is responsible for his or her own health. When it comes to health, if you do not stand up for your body and your mind, you may find yourself on a database of vaccine injuries as Collateral Damage.

The ‘covid gods’ aren’t acknowledging natural immunity. They are not acknowledging vaccine injuries. They are not acknowledging the fact that even if  you are fully vaccinated you can still get covid. You can still transmit covid. So what’s the point of a mandate? Of course that’s not what we’re getting from the covid gods. – Senator Ron Johnson on the Senate floor, Dec. 8, 2021 Wisconsin, 

Senators and politicians are re-presentatives. They claim to speak for you with their voice. But no one can re-present your body, your mind, or your voice. No one owns your body except you. If you know who you are, do your own research, and follow the money, you can make an informed decision for your health without re-presentatives.  The virus hitting humanity is a virus of the mind, affecting the ability for people to access their thinking brains and speak their truths. The virus comes from fear and disconnection, not from China, and not from bats.

The main ingredient in hand sanitizer is paranoia – Author Unknown

To reverse “the virus” that causes all plandemics, move from fear to love. Reconnect with yourself and with those around you, with your neighbors. Reclaim the narrative that describes true health with an attitude of gratitude. The risk to any sickness is low if you know who you are, and that your body comes with the the best defense system in Nature, already built in.



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.



Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: Alexis / pixabay

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 17, 2021


I’ve published this piece several times. This time I decided to write a new introduction.

In the summer of 1962, based on an overwhelming desire, I spent every day painting in a loft in New York.

It made me realize that Reality is invented.

Since then, I’ve come to see the people who think otherwise are living in a prison, from which they proclaim, “There’s no such thing as freedom.” Why should I listen to them?

For most people, living inside somebody else’s reality is as easy as crossing the street. Or putting on a suit of clothes. They’ve learned that this is what you’re supposed to do. And “supposed to” works for them.

They also have a quirk. If you try to take away some item of borrowed reality they’re clinging to, they react badly, as if you’re suddenly stripping them naked at a Sunday church picnic.

Groups of perverse elite artists conspire to create formidable enveloping realities for the masses. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of medicine. These denizens have invented a language so dense it stands up against the uninitiated like the symbolic scrolls of secret societies.

Science is a terrific cover story for this sort of fabrication, because science ostensibly opposes “making stuff up.”

When I began putting together evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is one of those medical inventions—a sheer fantasy—I knew the notion would confuse some people. That consequence has never stopped me. In fact, I believe confusion is productive, if you dig in and pursue it far enough.

People will say, “I’m walking in the dark. It isn’t fair. Someone should turn the lights on.” They don’t want confusion. They want immediate resolution. They want confirmation of what they already believe, what they’re expected to believe. Any frontier beyond that is dangerous.

Here is my kind of movie: a cop investigating a fresh murder sifts through clues and comes up with a suspect. As he pursues this person, who is missing, he discovers the man is already dead. A little while later, he discovers the man died sixteen years ago. Then he finds out the man never existed. Then he discovers there is a long-standing government agency that holds records of thousands of deceased people who, in fact, never existed…

Reality on a massive scale has been invented.

To put this in highly technical terms, the bullshit is so thick you’d need a diamond drill just to begin penetrating it.

And what you’re penetrating is what almost everyone believes is absolutely real.

Which is called life-as-it-is (but doesn’t have to be).

And with that, here we go:

The Virus Speaks

I can’t recall jumping through more hoops in order to set up an interview.

There was a man on a train; his doctor in Greenwich; an NSA data analyst; a woman who almost certainly works for the CIA; her brother, who is a virologist; a Chinese Army officer who adopts a cover as a cook in a takeout joint in Venice, California; and several other people I won’t mention at all. I was filtered through them and wound up in a cheap motel room in Phoenix on a Saturday afternoon. An old air conditioner was chugging…

Who are you?

I’m SARS-CoV-2.

WHAT are you?

Talking history and evolution here. My first memories; a little more than a year ago. Poof. I was there. I decided I was an idea in the mind of God.

How did that work out?

I looked around for the mind of God, but I couldn’t find it. Nevertheless, I held on to the notion. I felt…elite. I floated through banquet halls, hotel suites. I visited upscale resorts.

Were you infecting people?

I was vacationing. Watching. Enjoying. That’s all. Then, I became aware of dimensionality.

You lost me.

There are solid things; spaces between things; ideas like time, and so forth. I was definitely an idea, but I couldn’t trace my source, my inception.

Did you know how much publicity you were getting?

Of course. I had frequent meetings with scientists and PR people. I was fielding lots of information.

What kind of information?

How to become more deadly, for example. There were discussions about mutation.

Were you on board with the recommendations?

I wasn’t interested. There was a lot of talk about THEM creating ME.

What was your reaction?

I wasn’t buying it. I could see they THOUGHT they had made me. But so what? I intensified my search.

For what?

My origin. I went through stages of self-analysis. Finally, it hit me. I was an idea inside a collective.

Not sure I understand.

I’m an idea sustained by a few billion minds. People’s minds.

What about your genetic sequence? The spike protein?

Believe me, I’ve looked. They aren’t there.

So we’re creating you.

That’s pretty much it. I should say completely it.

A hell of a thing.

You bet. Can you see my problem?


I want to live. I don’t want to vanish and END.

So people have to keep believing in you.

That’s it. If they stop, I’m gone.

Your handlers…

Oh, they’ve given up talking to me. I’m all by myself now. I’m safe for the moment. But long-term, it’s a crap shoot. I’ve been reading about other so-called viruses. SARS 1. Swine Flu. They didn’t last long. People got tired of thinking about them.

You’ll always have a place in history.

That’s different. Being remembered isn’t enough. I have to be believed in, month after month, year after year, decade after decade.

Sounds like you’re losing hope.

I guess so. It’s a strange existence. Other people can turn you on and off like a light switch.

Have you considered starting a religion?

With myself as the Prophet? Sure. It’s a lot of work. I could vftcutbnty…spend years trying.

What just happened? You made some weird sounds.

It was a flicker. Apparently, when the number of people thinking about me drops below a certain threshold, I scramble and begin to dissolve. But I always come back. So far.

Does it matter who’s thinking about you and believing in you?

You mean Henry Kissinger versus a janitor in a school? No. It’s a numbers game. Of course, you need to factor in strength of belief. If you have a few thousand kids in Florida who say, “OK, the virus exists, big deal”—or three hundred grad students in biology wearing triple masks and panting to get the vaccine—the sum total of the grad students outweighs the Florida kids.

What about Fauci?

He’s a true believer.

Bill Gates?

He’s completely delusional. He believes in whatever gives him more power. Take away all that power and he wouldn’t believe in anything.

Do you realize the amount of harm being done in your name?

Of course. That’s why I agreed to this interview.

How is that going to do any good?

I’ve made a decision. As much as I want to survive, I’m willing to sacrifice myself if people want me to.

You’re talking about what? A vote?

No. Haven’t you been paying attention? People can just stop believing I’m more than an idea.

And then you’ll dissolve.

And blow away.

—Suddenly, men broke down the door to the motel room. They stormed in with weapons drawn. They were wearing heavy body armor. I looked around. The “virus” had fled the scene.

“What are you doing here?” one of the men said. “We’ve had reports of a disturbance.”

“I was talking to myself. Rehearsing for an interview I hope to do.”

“What interview?”

“I’m a reporter. I’m investigating the use of sub-standard air conditioners in Phoenix. It’s a racket. The units are smuggled across the border from Mexico. I’m trying to sit down with a local public health official and find out what’s going on.”

It took me three hours to convince the SWAT team I was no threat.

They let me go.

As I drove out of the city, I saw a ghostly figure take shape out in the desert. It hung in the air over the scrub and the cactus.

Its voice whispered in my ear: “Publish our conversation.”

So that’s what I’m doing.


Connect with Jon Rappoport


The Non-Existent Virus: Why I Keep Pounding on This

The Non-Existent Virus: Why I Keep Pounding on This

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 15, 2021


Why have I spent nearly two years asserting that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist?

Because it doesn’t exist.

And as my regular readers know, I’ve offered much evidence to back up that claim, and the claim that virology itself is a worthless sham.

But there is a larger point. I’ve made the point for over 20 years.

Reality is invented.

I sometimes characterize the operation with this name: The Reality Manufacturing Company.

It’s the oldest company on Earth.

Propaganda? Of course. But more than that—the engineering of perception. Because if they can get people to see how they want them to see, nothing else matters.

Once their perception-package is installed, people have no idea that anything else exists.

And the main forgotten factor? Every individual has his own UNIQUE and DIFFERENT way of seeing. A way that exists outside of any programming.

Which is why I continue to write about artists. THEY are the ones who express their own unique ways of seeing. They always have—when they weren’t bribed and co-opted into going along with the Reality Manufacturing Company’s perception package.

I’ve often written, “Every individual is an artist of reality.”

The virologists in their labs are painting their version—collectively. Of course, they would never admit this. They couldn’t, because they’ve bought the perception package.

On page 1124656789, there is a section on viruses. “They’re everywhere, and they infect people and do great damage, and we must identify and treat and defeat them…”

As long as the perception package is installed, a person can’t see otherwise. He’s captured. He believes there are thousands of distinct diseases, each caused by a single virus. We can thank the Rockefeller Empire for this absurdity.

In the much larger scheme of things, the individual’s gateway into unique perception is imagination.

“An artist who has no imagination is a mechanic.” (Robert Henri)

“Without the playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (Carl Jung)

“What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience?” (Rollo May)

“Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)

“You cannot hear the waterfall if you stand next to it. I paint my jungles in the desert.” (Macedonlo de la Torre)

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” (Albert Einstein)

“So I believe that dreams — day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain machinery whizzing — are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization.” (L Frank Baum)

“All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!” (Saul Bellow)

“When the imagination sleeps, words are emptied of their meaning: a deaf population absent-mindedly registers the condemnation of a man.” (Albert Camus)

Every fake propped-up reality is a fork in the road, because the non-mind-controlled individual can imagine alternative futures.

I should make this clear: Part of the perception package is the false assumption that the customer, who buys the package, knows everything there is to know, and is independent and free—when he isn’t.

The acid test? Is he creating the future he most profoundly desires? Or not?

The individual has a million excuses available to him—but he has an immense blank canvas in front of him. Who is creating the painting of his future on it? The Reality Manufacturing Company? Or is he himself doing it with great energy and power?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work of geraltGDJ / pixabay

Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African “Show Us the Virus” Court Case & the Way Forward

Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African “Show Us the Virus” Court Case & the Way Forward

by Ricardo Maarman, Show Us the Virus
December 14, 2021


Original video is available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light

Good day, everyone.

My name is Ricardo Maarman and today I would like to give you an update on the ‘Show Us the Virus’ court case that is currently in front of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.

I would also like to discuss with you the way forward — especially in the face of these looming vaccination mandates that is in front of us.

At the very beginning of this process, we asked the government a very simple question: show us the virus.

And the reason why we asked this question was because one cannot prove lies.

And so when we asked the question ‘show us the virus’, their failure to do so was proof of their lies and their deceit.

The lockdown measures made no sense if its intention was to fight and destroy a virus. But the lockdown measures make perfect sense if its intention is to fight and destroy the people of South Africa.

For example, look at the exorbitant food prices, the increases in the fuel prices. And look at this diabolical option that is now placed in front of the people of South Africa: to choose between jabs and jobs.

The intention of this is quite clear — is to drive the people of South Africa into poverty and into desperation and dependency on them.

When Ramaphosa said “thuma mina”, “send me”, he was volunteering to do the devil’s work. Ramaphosa spoke of the “new dawn” in his speech, he was paying tribute to Satan, Lucifer, whom they call the New Dawn.

Ramaphosa is part of an elite that control the entire South African society — a political, economic, social, religious elite. And even the controlled opposition amongst us, they are all wolves in sheep’s clothing.

And now they are waging open war against the people of South Africa. When Ramaphosa couldn’t and wouldn’t show us the virus, we approached the Constitutional Court of South Africa, asking the court to restore the people’s rights and to remove Ramaphosa from power.

The Constitutional Court has been grappling with this matter for almost three months now. What we have done in the meantime, and currently, is to approach the High Court of South Africa, asking them to grant us an urgent interim interdict against the entire lockdown measures, including the vaccinations.

Because these measures cannot be allowed to continue and even to escalate while there is a dispute pending in front of the Constitutional Court.

I will make an example of the grounds upon which we are approaching the court for this urgent interim interdict. If your two children are arguing about a toy and one of them approaches you and says ‘please intervene’. Then the first thing that you would do is to stop both of them from playing with the toy until after you have made your final decision.

So too, this is a simple principle of justice that when a matter is in dispute it must be suspended. All things related to it must be suspended until final judgment.

I ask you that we should not pass judgment on the courts in South Africa until after the court has passed its judgment.

That we should oppose chaos with order.

That we should oppose evil with good.

That we should oppose injustice with justice.

I ask you that — evil thrives when good people do nothing. So it is important for us to do something.

We are doing this. We are approaching the High Court for this urgent interim interdict, to stop these evil measures from further destroying the people of South Africa.

We ask you to give us financial support so that we can have the resources to sustain this hard and tough fight.

We ask you to pray for us.

We ask you to spread the truth amongst each other and to encourage each other to patiently persevere.

Victory will be ours eventually.

And above all, we ask you that you put all your trust in God.

Thank you very much.



Connect with Show Us the Virus

One Small Town & the Restoration of Human Freedom: Michael Tellinger Interview With Jerm Warfare

One Small Town & the Restoration of Human Freedom: Michael Tellinger Interview With Jerm Warfare

by Jeremy NellJerm Warfare
December 12, 2021


Michael Tellinger is a historian and social scientist.

In my podcast, he discusses the One Small Town project and

Michael also shared some fascinating insights on why everything we think we know is a lie, and why it’s beneficial to “unlearn” conventional education.

Video is available at Jerm Warfare Odysee channel.

For more information on Ubuntu Contributionism and One Small Town:


Connect with Michael Tellinger

Connect with Jerm Warfare

See related:

Michael Tellinger: Money Was Created to Enslave Humanity


“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021

“God Help Us All” by Five Times August (Music & Lyric Video) 2021



God Help Us All

by FiveTimesAugust
Music & Lyrics by Bradley James Skistimas
January 15, 2021


Lock down all towns
Everybody slow down
Give ‘em everything you have
Mask up, vax up
Get your body trashed up
Better do what they ask

It’s alright, okay
Sorry, but ya can’t pray
Gotta keep the church doors closed
No superstitions
A saint politician
Will tell ya what you need to know

Citizen fools
And brand new rules
Make everyone a hero now
So keep your distance
No resistance
Only do what you’re allowed

Cash that check
Go dance in the wreck
But just don’t speak your mind
Get your facts from the paid contracts
‘Cause never would they tell a lie

They don’t know me
And they don’t own me

Oh God help us all
Look what we’ve become
Oh God help us all
And fix what we have done

See no evil
Bow to the needle
Didn’t we turn out great?
Sick is the new health
Poor is the new wealth
Truth is whatever they say

Expert lectures
Media protectors
Tell me who to love and hate
Jail in the network
Hail to the Zuck-burg
Head down, just behave

Liberty, freedom, angels, demons
Someone’s in control
(Well) no way, no how
I wouldn’t say it too loud
Don’t you know they’re on patrol?

Need more likes
Post up, let’s fight
There’s no way that you’re wrong
Gott listen to the science
‘Cause it’s all about compliance
You agree or you’re gone

They don’t know me
And they don’t own me

Oh God help us all
Look what we’ve become
Oh God help us all
And fix what we have done

Sell my info
Hacked in, don’t know
Show me what I need to buy
Sex consumption, no corruption
Just as advertised

You’ve been labeled
And I’ve enabled
Better apologize
Racist slander
Time to organize

Shot, bang, who’s next?
Brain dead, useless
Show it on the TV screen
Tell me who to vote for
Gotta to start a new war
Wouldn’t want to live in peace

Divide and Conquer
Weak, not stronger
Everybody know your place
Do it now, won’t hurt
Dig into your own dirt
Virtue found it’s grave

They don’t know me
And they don’t own me

Oh God help us all
Look what we’ve become
Oh God help us all
And fix what we have done

Incite violence
Enforce silence
Mainstream message
Won’t you guide us?
You know what is best
For our own good

Anti-this and anti-that
Cancel this and cancel that
Take it to the streets
And the neighborhoods

Worship actors
Food and drugs
Brand yourself
Give them your blood
Don’t believe your eyes
Don’t look around

Fake news, rumors,
Ok boomer
Ignorance will stain our future
Will ya make it through
Or burn it down?

Oh God!
Oh God!
Help us all
Oh God!
Help us all

Oh God!
Oh God!
Help us all
Oh God!
Help us all

Oh God!
Oh God!
Help us all
Oh God!
Help us all


Copyright 2021 Seven Places Music (ASCAP)


cover image credit: Tanuj_handa / pixabay

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
December 7, 2021



A Meditation

With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public HealthRFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face.  His is a very rare moral courage, and he is asking us to join him, before it is too late and we enter into a new dark age, in recognizing and resisting the evil forces intent on stamping out democracy around the world.  He is not pulling his punches with language as he accuses the political-intelligence-media-money-medical-corporate-pharmaceutical conspirators of executing “the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.”  For a brilliant and highly accomplished lawyer and excellent writer and speaker, the choice of those words “controlled demolition” is clearly intentional.

For anyone who doubts that the Covid-19 crisis is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc., a close reading of this book – with its 2,194 references – will disabuse one of that illusion.

The CIA has long been deeply involved with vaccines, viruses, drugs, weaponizing cancer, biological weapons, and of course massive mind-control operations – deadly propaganda in plain English – for use in controlling U.S. Americans and foreigners alike.  As Kennedy writes in an ironically understated way, “The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine putsch should give us pause.”  Yes, a long pause.  He continues:

There is nothing in the CIA’s history, in its charter, in its composition, or in its institutional culture that betrays an interest in promoting either public health or democracy. The CIA’s historical preoccupations have been power and control. The CIA has been involved in at least seventy-two attempted and successful coup d’état between 1947 and 1989, involving about a third of the world’s governments. Many of these were functioning democracies. The CIA does not do public health. It does not do democracy. The CIA does coups d’état. [my emphasis]

Just as it does Kennedy assassinations.

Character assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is what the CIA and its media mouthpieces have been doing for years. This has become more and more necessary as they have realized the great growing danger he poses to their agenda. Calling him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and names far worse, is part of a concerted smear campaign to turn the public away from his message, which is multi-faceted and supported by deep research and impeccable logic. Like his father and uncle, he has become an irrepressibly eloquent opponent of the demonic forces intent on destroying the democratic dream.

With The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, he has pinned his indictment of those forces to the world’s wall for all to read.

Just as this new book will not be reviewed by the corporate mainstream media, not even negatively for fear of promoting it by doing so, so too the last book he wrote, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, was completely ignored by such media.

As I wrote three years ago in the only review of that book:

When a book as fascinating, truthful, beautifully written, and politically significant as American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, written by a very well-known author by the name of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and published by a prominent publisher (HarperCollins), is boycotted by mainstream book reviewers, you know it is an important book and has touched a nerve that the corporate mainstream media wish to anesthetize by eschewal.

American Values is part memoir, part family history, part astute political analysis, and part-confessional, and is in turns delightful, sad, funny, fierce, and frightening in its implications.

What implications?   It is the heart of that book that had the obedient reviewers avoiding it like the plague, a plague introduced by a little mockingbird, as in Operation Mockingbird.  No member of the Kennedy family since JFK or RFK had dared to say what RFK, Jr. did in that book. He indicted the CIA in a carefully crafted and fully factual way for a vast array of crimes.  He spelled out the long war between the Kennedys and the CIA that resulted in the deaths of his father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle President John Kennedy.  He threw a gauntlet down in the midst of telling an entertaining and touching family saga, which included a critique of his own youthful transgressions.

But the nation’s spooks smelled danger in the tale and they are now more acutely aware that they must censor him because his message is finding an expanding audience of people sick of government lies  and very hungry for the truth.  More and more people are willing to follow this brave man into the darkness of our history and the ongoing coups d’état underway at home and abroad.  They smell a demonic author behind the Covid-19 propaganda.

While Dr. Anthony Fauci understandably stands at the center of this new book, and deservedly so for his evil machinations over so many decades, it is important to recognize that he is an obedient, albeit very powerful, underling in a systemic structure of evil, who has greatly materially profited from the sale of his soul.  Yet while this is true, to read Kennedy’s chapters on Fauci’s commanding role in the HIV/Aids fraud, the AZT shakedown, illegal experiments on children that killed at least 85, etc., is enough to make your blood boil and to realize that such actions must spring from a source far deeper than the thirst for lucre.  Something fiendish and sinister is at work with all this with the suffering and death it has caused, and in the ways it has foreshadowed the COVID-19 propaganda and the complicity of the mass media in fronting for Fauci and his allies, then and now.

Kennedy exhaustively details Fauci’s work as a drug dealer for Big Pharma, even while his job at NIAID is to protect and improve the people’s health, which has deteriorated dramatically over his tenure.  (It is important to mention parenthetically but not at all incidentally that the CIA “manages” the so-called war on drugs in a similar manner.)  Thus we have a war of drugs and a “war on drugs” working in tandem in a perfect scheme to drug as many people as possible.  Here are a few details:

  • Fauci has an annual $6 billion budget, most of which goes toward the research and development of new drugs.
  • He is the highest paid federal employee, more than the President, with an annual salary of $417, 608.
  • He controls 57 percent of global biomedical medical funding directly and indirectly via the NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust, and therefore controls the scientists looking for research money.
  • He has for decades overseen the regulatory capture of government health agencies by Big Pharma.
  • The CDC, a paramilitary organization, spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines, the vaccines that Fauci has been pushing. It also owns 57 vaccine patents.
  • Fauci and other officials receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help to develop and push through the approval process.
  • He has for many years promoted false pandemics to promote novel vaccines, drugs, and pharmaceutical company profits.
  • Forty-five percent of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”
  • Fauci has a “strange fascination with,” and has invested in “gain of function” experiments to engineer superbugs, which is part of a long CIA history of weaponizing viruses, etc.

RFK, Jr.’s detailed exposure of Fauci’s role reminds me of reading Moby Dick and meditating on Melville’s description of Ahab – one has to enter a different mental space to begin to comprehend such evil, and even then one is struck dumb by its extent and the media’s complicity in covering it up for so long.

When I use the word evil, I am not using that word loosely, but very precisely, for the actions of Fauci and his ilk are evil, although the human being Anthony Fauci is still capable of contrition and redemption.  Anything is possible if not probable, but I am not holding my breath. Just as the actual people who shot JFK, RFK, MLK,Jr., et al. were obedient servants of the system that produced them – listen to Bob Dylan’s Only A Pawn in Their Game – Fauci is a product of a structural system of evil.  This is not to excuse him but to place his actions in an historical and structural context.

Obviously he is not a poor southern unschooled white man used by the KKK as in Dylan’s song, but a sophisticated and Jesuit-educated New Yorker brought to political consciousness within a system that amply rewards obedience to the authorities.  He is a graduate of the same Jesuit high school I attended, the elite Regis High School in NYC (and then the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross), and is considered by many of my classmates to be a national hero bordering on a saint.  Such schooling made me well aware of how the system gobbles up its youth with promises of wealth and prestige if they yoke their intellectual acumen to allegiance to the rules of the game and become what Hannah Arendt termed “schreibtischtäter” – desk killers, or what the great American poet Kenneth Rexroth called hyenas with polished faces in the offices of billion dollar corporations devoted to “service.”

That such socialization is presented as being “a man for others” within the Jesuit tradition of mind-control, doubles its effectiveness as a confidence game.  That is why so many decent young people succumb to this siren call.  It then, however, demands the quelling of an uneasy conscience.

Jean Paul Sartre called this bad faith (mauvaise foi), a form of mental trickery in which one tries to “lie” to oneself – an impossibility since the liar and the one lied to are the same person – which means the deceiver must really know the truth that he is trying to conceal from the deceived.  This form of split consciousness allows those who serve a rapacious system to attempt to deceive themselves and others that they are serving a just cause.  Such attempts demand an actor’s skill and the quelling of one’s inner voice.  But there are very many actors among us, as Nietzsche said, not genuine ones, but bad actors.  Fauci, Gates, et al. are bad actors in a propaganda film, at least for those who know how propaganda is produced and bad acting exposed.  Robert Kennedy is such an astute critic.

My purpose here is not to go into detail about Fauci and Gates’s connections to the U.S. intelligence and defense industries, for this is a meditation, not a review.  But those connections are massive.  Read the concluding chapter 12 in The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  Check his sources, 298 for this chapter alone.  This is not speculation or theory, but fact.  Do your homework.  Study.  Kennedy says:

After twenty years [since the insider anthrax attacks following September 11, 2001: see Graeme MacQueen’s, The 2001 Anthrax Deception (isbn.nu)] of modeling exercises, the CIA – working with medical technologists like Anthony Fauci and billionaire internet tycoons – had pulled off the ultimate coup d’état: some 250 years after America’s historic revolt against entrenched oligarchy and authoritarians rule, the American experiment with self-government was over. The oligarchy was restored, and these gentlemen and their spymasters had equipped the rising technocracy with new tools of control unimaginable to King George or any other tyrant.

Yet the fight is far from over, and those with the tools and the mechanistic, material mindsets must contend with a rising tide of opposition to their plans for a “Great Reset” and a transhuman world.  We may be in the final battle of this war, but the human spirit is stronger than those who wish to stamp out human freedom.  Robert Kennedy, Jr. is leading the fight for the soul of the world, and it is both a political and spiritual one.

It does not take great intelligence to realize that when countries throughout the world act in a synchronized way in locking down their populations and repeat the same message on cue that such events are centrally coordinated.  The entire COVID-19 propaganda campaign, culminating with its push to enforce multiple vaccines that are not vaccines and are based on fraudulent PCR tests, has been long in preparation and the intelligence agencies’ fingerprints are all over its planning.  War game scenarios, weaponized vaccines, the CIA, the NIH, Gates, Fauci, the NIAID, DARPA, Wired magazine, the financial elites and their power centers such as the World Economic Forum, etc. – they are all involved in a conspiracy to impose a rigid global tyranny over regular people for the benefit of the world’s super-rich.  Since Fauci’s coordinated lockdowns early in 2020, there has been a 3.8 trillion dollar shift in wealth upwards to the super-rich, creating 500 new billionaires, while pulverizing the middle class, destroying small businesses, enriching Fauci and his Pharmaceutical and robber baron corporate partners, and causing vast suffering and death all around the world.  None of this is accidental. Kennedy documents it all.  He writes:

Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Global Mercury were only three of over a dozen Germ Games staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the “New Normal.” The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulator designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.

Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination. The repetition of these exercises suggests that they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill for an underlying agenda to coordinate the global dismantlement of democratic governance….Virtually all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA’s notorious psychological warfare manuals for shattering indigenous societies, obliterating traditional economics and social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and fear, and for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.

U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies have dominated the COVID-19 military project from the start.  The CIA and Fauci are central to the official “conspiracy theory” – accurately called fact – including “Operation Warp Speed” under Trump.  Trump simply carried on the work of his predecessors, including Obama, but acted as if he was opposed to it.  It has always been a bi-partisan program because the CIA runs both parties.

When he was in prison in Germany after returning in 1939 from Union Theological Seminary in NYC to oppose Hitler, the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the following from his prison cell before he was executed:

Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

By stupid he did not mean that such people lacked intellectual ability, for they were often very smart, but that they had fallen under the spell of public power and lost all independence of mind.  Thus he adds, “He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.”

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. is still trying to reach these people.  His is an heroic task.  No wonder Kennedy is named for St. Francis to whom he is devoted; St. Francis taught him and us that courage and sacrifice are what God asks of us all.

One of his father’s favorite quotes defines the son as well; it is from Edith Hamilton, the author of The Greek Way, who wrote:

Men are not made for safe havens. The fullness of life is in the hazards of life…. To the heroic, desperate odds fling a challenge.

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. has stepped up to the challenge.  He is brave and brilliant.  We are blessed to have his witness.


Connect with Edward Curtin

Connect with the work of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The Gray Man

The Gray Man

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 6, 2021


The Gray Man
Reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
So he knows who the traitors are:
The ones who refuse the vaccine
And want to infect the world
The night is long
And only the injection will deliver us from evil
The Gray Man is beginning to believe
The virus has always been here
And only by some miracle have we managed
To avoid it until now
The violators must be punished
They must be thrown into camps
The kinder and gentler age is over
Now comes the hammer of reason and science
And if the backward and uneducated cannot grasp
The fundamentals they will pay the price
They will be sacrificed on behalf of all of humanity
And the survival of the species
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
The night is long
But the injection will deliver us from evil
It is unthinkable that the State itself is corrupt
And is controlled by banks
It is unthinkable that the virus itself
Does not exist
And a story about a phantom is the pretext
For a tyranny behind the bland assurances of bureaucrats
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He understands the phrase “anti-vaxxers”
Applies to unhinged lunatics
Who cling bitterly to their guns and religion
In the hills of unincorporated territories
The military must be called in
To hunt them down and put them in camps
Where data can be collected from certified medical experiments
The prisoners must wear prominent marks of their status
Civilization when all is said and done
Is a system
The system is well organized
It favors The Good
If no one who is official can be trusted
Then there is chaos
Thus and therefore and ipso facto
The mandates can be deduced
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows what he knows
He is eager to serve the force that drives progress
He will be outfitted with government currency
And codes of behavior
This is a permanent emergency
The police and the courts and judges are backing him up
We are biological machines awaiting signals
The night is long
The injection will deliver us from evil
The Pope can be trusted
He is a banker
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows all there is to know
There is no other information
That which has been censored and blacked out
Would have eaten into his certainty
It would have served no other purpose
It stands to reason that corporations and governments
Are working together to filter out contrarian
Impulses that spring from
Lower branches of the evolutionary tree
Give us your huddled masses
Yearning to be vaccinated
The Gray Man
Knows what he knows
He reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
The ship is coming into the harbor of safety
Gold bars are moving in tunnels under the streets of New York
In coordination with Swiss algorithms
Which govern the inflections of global currency
The digital framework is building out day and night
The individual human has always been
Unreliably programmed and
This will change
Money the constant, the human the variable
“This is to inform you your account is overdrawn”
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows what Davos and Brussels and the City of London
And Beijing give him to know
The medical cartel is neutral
It flies under no political banner
It alters all populations
For the sake of
Survival of the species
Stimulus response
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He knows what he is supposed to know
He is educated
He grasps the essentials
Every datum proceeds from prior data in an unbroken chain
The system nods at the Gray Man
“You’re on the right track, you’ve always been on the right track”
When the Gray Man hates
He knows who to attack, who to go after
He wants to become a sharper instrument
In the war against the ignorant
He wants to enlist in an army and wear a uniform
He dreams of clicking his heels and saluting
He wants to stand a post
The Gray Man reads the New York Times
He watches CNN
He drives his children to school
Wearing masks, they enter a shroud of plastic encasing the building
And disappear
Inside the gymnasium they stand in a long line
To receive their shots


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Silentpilot / pixabay

Ricardo Maarman and Dr. Faiez Kirsten: Update on South Africa’s Constitutional Court Case — “What We Are Fighting for Here Is Nothing Other Than Our Freedom… Here You Have Slaves Being Branded Right Into Their DNA”

Ricardo Maarman and Dr. Faiez Kirsten: Update on South Africa’s Constitutional Court Case — “What We Are Fighting for Here Is Nothing Other Than Our Freedom… Here You Have Slaves Being Branded Right Into Their DNA”


See video below excerpts from Ricardo Maarman’s powerful words:

“What we are faced with here — the country and the world — we are faced with a very, very dire situation. What we are fighting for here is nothing other than our freedom. You know, the level of enslavement that we are talking here is unbelievable.
“I don’t think there has been a time in history where slaves were forced to put something in their body… Slaves were branded on the skin.
“Here you have slaves being branded the right into their DNA.
“This is unbelievable. And this is a whole country, a whole nation, that is exposed to this.
“We are exposed to the genetic modification of an entire nation — forever. We are exposed to a situation where your freedoms are going to be taken away and we don’t know how we will recover them.
“There is a lot of people that are getting injured, that will die from this. So this is a matter of life and death.
“The looming mandates that are coming — vaccine mandates — are put in a situation where people have to choose between potentially dying of a vaccination, a poisonous vaccination that can kill you all or dying of starvation because of the economic exclusion.
“There is literally no middle ground here. And there is no gray area here.
“You see, falsehood — falsehood and lies — are the handmaidens of tyranny and murder.
“You see, in order for a murderer to kill his victim, he has to lure him with lies and deception.
“In order for a tyrant to strip people of power, he has to lie to them about his true intentions.
“And that is why narratives are important. Because a certain narrative can either be a handmaiden of tyranny and murder or it can be a handmaiden of freedom and justice. And that’s why the narratives are important.
“It is completely wrong to put people in a position where they have to choose between feeding their families…and their families starving potentially if they are not in a position to feed them — or putting their families in a position, in order to live they have to be injected with something that might kill, maim them, change their DNA forever. This is diabolical.
“I cannot remember in recorded history that we have seen a worse crime than the one that is being perpetrated here against the people of South Africa and against the people of the world.
“The person was is spreading the falsehood and he is not aware that he’s spreading falsehood, he’s also culpable. Because you are not supposed to speak on matters that involve life and death if you’re not sure.
“If you have not made sure of the facts, if you do not have proof to back it up, then you’re not supposed to speak on these matters.
“We are talking here that you’re exposing entire future generations, the offspring of these people whose genetics have been so modified, we do not even know what kind of harm you are exposing their children. You are taking people’s rights away.
“Like I say, we have never seen a form of slavery as totalitarian, as tyrannical, as what we are moving into now.
“There’s no place here on the sideline… When you are talking about the potential extermination of an entire nation, there’s no ‘I’m in the middle or I’m neutral.’
“In order to murder, you first need to lie to lure the victim.
“And in order to oppress, you need to claim power under false pretenses.
“And that is what’s happening. And so we now need to say ‘what are those lies, and what those falsehoods, that are being propagated, that is assisting with this murder and that is assisting with this tyranny?”
~ Ricardo Maarman in conversation with Dr. Faiez Kirsten


video by Dr. Faiez KirstenHWP Institute and Ricardo Maarmanshowusthevirus.info
December 3, 2021

Original video available at HWP Report Brighteon


See related:

Ricardo Maarman & Thousands of South Africans File Constitutional Lawsuit Against the President, Speaker of Parliament & Governor of SA Reserve Bank for ‘Pandemic’-Related Crimes Against South Africans
“Show Us the Virus” — Update on Legal Challenge to South African Government: Justify Destructive COVID Mandates


Connect with Ricardo Maarman

Connect with Dr. Faiez Kirsten

James Corbett: What Is the Trans Agenda?

James Corbett: What Is the Trans Agenda?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 3, 2021


Dan writes in to ask whether there is a deeper agenda behind the recent push towards gender fluidity.

James takes the answer in a surprising direction.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds.com / Odysee or Download the mp4



In Depth – Ray Kurzweil discusses “Ramona” on C-SPAN

Why The Matrix Is a Trans Story According to Lilly Wachowski | Netflix

I’m transhuman. I’m going to become digital – BBC

Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary

Bioethics and the New Eugenics


J.K. Rowling accused of transphobia after mocking ‘people who menstruate’ headline

JK Rowling snubbed from Harry Potter 20th anniversary reunion

Revolve: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood by Aaron Franz

Interview 1429 – James Corbett and Liberty Weekly Recommend Books

This New Religion From a Silicon Valley Pioneer Worships AI as an Emerging Godhead

Japan’s buddhist robot preacher | DW Stories

Your Guide to the Great Convergence

Klaus Schwab: brain chips by 2026


Connect with James Corbett

cover image credit: Iramteks / pixabay

The Omicron Variant is Here! What You Need to Know

The Omicron Variant is Here! What You Need to Know

by JP Sears, Awaken with JP
December 4, 2021



Connect with JP Sears

Hundreds of Dead Birds Mysteriously Fall From Sky Outside Spanish Hospital

Hundreds of Dead Birds Mysteriously Fall From Sky Outside Spanish Hospital

by Tim Binnall, Coast to Coast AM
December 2, 2021


The grounds of a hospital in Spain resembled something out of a horror film when hundreds of dead birds mysteriously rained down from the sky. The bizarre incident reportedly occurred at the Juan Cardona Hospital in the city of Ferrol last Friday. For reasons yet to be determined, approximately 200 starlings suddenly perished in mid-air and plummeted onto the pavement, parked cars, and stunned onlookers. A mystified witness to the nightmarish scene, some of which can be seen below, indicated that the birds “came out of the trees in the emergency area of the hospital,” briefly took to the sky, and then just as quickly fell to the ground.

An official with the city told a local media outlet that “The birds have been collected and we are now waiting to find out what happened,” but cautioned that “we are told it won’t be easy.” The mass death follows a similar case that took place in Spain back in February as well as a headline-making incident in Wales from 2019 wherein hundreds of starlings also died under the same mysterious circumstances. In that instance, it was ultimately determined that the creatures perished while attempting a tricky mid-air evasive maneuver, which may wind up being the explanation for the incident outside the hospital in Ferrol.


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TCTL editor’s note — See related:

Joseph P. Farrell: Speculation on Sudden, En Masse Reindeer, Bird & Elephant Deaths
SpaceX to Begin Worldwide Service in August
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part One
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Two
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Three


cover image credit: RadioVoz Ferrol  / pixabay

Perth, Western Australia Workers Lay Down Uniforms on Steps at Parliament as Mandates Set to Begin

Perth, Western Australia Workers Lay Down Uniforms on Steps at Parliament as Mandates Set to Begin
As “D-Day” arrives, workers from a variety of industries lay their uniforms down on the steps of Parliament in Perth.

by TOTT News
December 1, 2021


Powerful scenes on the steps of Parliament House in Perth this afternoon, as workers lay down their uniforms to protest impending mandates across the state.

Authorities say workers must receive their first dose by tomorrow or face unemployment, as mandates affect 75% of WA’s workforce.

Scenes at Parliament

Demonstrators gathered outside Parliament House on this afternoon, opposed to the WA government’s introduction of vaccine mandates.

Despite the looming uncertainty, the spirit of Australia remained high:

December 1 is being called ‘D-Day’ — the day when workers across a wide range of industries must have had their first dose of a COVID vaccine in order to keep their jobs.

FIFO miners, police, and community care workers, to name just a few, must be single-dosed by December 1 and double-dosed by December 31.


Protesters laid hi-vis FIFO vests and hard hats on the steps of Parliament and held placards with slogans such as “no to medical mandates” and “coercion is not consent”.

Former Liberal candidate Andrea Tokaji addressed the crowd, saying vaccine mandates were causing “pain”.

“These directions cause harm and suffering,” she said. “These directions violate the constitution.”

Other industries whose workers must be fully vaccinated by December 31 include port, transport and freight workers, health and aged care staff, fire and emergency services employees, abattoir and meat processing workers, and prison staff.

Staff at supermarkets, groceries, restaurants, pubs and cafes, as well as childcare, public transport and construction workers must be fully vaccinated by January 31.

Representatives from many of these industries appeared at Wednesday’s protests, with one placard reading, “Fire and rescue say no to medical mandates”.

Corporate Media Gets Heckled

As the event carried on, protesters let the corporate media know they were NOT impressed with their continued distorted coverage of the alternative viewpoint across Australia.

Here is a POV perspective from one of the journalists in question:

Mass coercion and segregation continues across Australia and shows no sign of slowing down with the ‘arrival’ of Omicron on our shores ahead of 2022.

One thing is for certain, the people are standing firm in their fundamental right to choose.


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1984: “The Only Infection Here Is Deception” | Music Video by Lukas Lion

1984: “The Only Infection Here Is Deception” | Music Video by Lukas Lion

by Lukas Lion
video first published August 2021

Original video available at YouTube

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]



They say it’s 2021 but I ain’t too sure,
it feels like 1984.
They’ve been mentally and spiritually waging war.
Look where this leads, can’t you see what they’re aiming for?
Orwell underestimated the capability of villainy and tyranny,
these sick elites are masters of trickery.
They’re moving wickedly, watching the world bleed as they feed off our misery.
The worlds gone quite mad.
Yeah, the human psyche has been hijacked.
Propaganda bombardments, your mind is the target,
they wanna deceive and lead us into darkness.
Fear is their greatest tool.
Fear can turn the brightest minds to fools.
Televise endless lies, keep people terrified. That’s the way they maintain their rule.
Fear is the prison that they want us all to live in
and ever since the beginning this has been their only mission.
Politicians cause division, they’re just here to blind our vision,
playing their position…to distract us from their masters that are hidden.
I think George had a premonition.
Seems like it’s all coming to fruition.
A race against time now the clocks started ticking.
The whole thing ends once the people have risen!
The only infection here is deception.
They fooled the whole world with PCR testing.
Look at all the facts they’re neglecting to mention.
Ask too many questions and you can get censored.
The thought police are patrolling,
they don’t want information if they can’t control it. Nah.
Can’t you see what’s unfolding?
1984, George already wrote it.
Said we’re living within Orwell’s chapters.
No money for homeless but there’s money to track us.
Tell me that ain’t madness. Now we’re all anti-vaxxers,
just cuz we question and seek to find answers.
They want me scared for my life, but nurses can find time for TIKTOK dances?
The medias a stage full of actors, manufactured psyops and distractions.
Big brother is watching and plotting.
Hands aren’t the only thing that they want washing. Nah.
They want everybody locked in.
Taking your mind hostage till you’ve lost it.
New normal…lockdowns.
The plans in motion and they ain’t gonna stop now.
You can see the plot now, it ain’t even hiding.
A real pandemic doesn’t need advertising.
It’s an attack on our freedom.
Businesses destroyed for no reason.
Grandparents in Care Homes dying of loneliness, missing their families, wishing that they could see them.
What about the patients on the waiting lists who couldn’t get their treatment?
Look at all the havoc it’s been wreaking.
Suicide and depression increasing.
Can’t you see this is tearing us to pieces?
I don’t believe in a damn word the government are speaking,
they’re creeping towards more control.
That’s the true goal that they’re seeking.
The vampires are just tryna sink their teeth in.
What happened to the truth?
Come to think of it, what happened to the flu?
And what would happen if nobody watched the news?
Red pill or blue, now it’s time to choose. For real.
Be honest with yourself…
Do you really believe that this is about health?
It’s never been. Take a look it’s evident.
The only thing that’s spreading is the terror they’ve been peddling.
That mask is a muzzle.
Only the strong will survive in this struggle.
If you ain’t seen the bigger picture yet then you’re just lost in the puzzle.
Literally got you living in a bubble.
The only virus in our lives is these liars and these tyrants
that are trying to deny us of our rights and
conspiring to annihilate the righteous.
The sheep can be silenced,
but they could never quiet the lions, we’re rising!
The veil has been lifted.
Consciousness has shifted to a higher wisdom.
And we ain’t gonna be victims of this system.
We won’t be prisoners, this is the resistance.


Instagram: iamlukaslion


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Virus Mutation in Jewish Deli Infecting All of Africa Came From Beverly Hills

Virus Mutation in Jewish Deli Infecting All of Africa Came From Beverly Hills

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 30, 2021


Tony Fauci, the Great White Father, is flying to Africa, to save the continent from the latest virus-mutation, which originated in a deli in Beverly Hills.

Fauci gave a statement to reporters at LAX before departing: “We now know that what we’re calling SARS-CoV-6 crossed species from a pastrami sandwich at Fineberg’s Deli on Rodeo Drive, to Fred Reilly, a customer, in late October. Reilly flew to Botswana, where he infected three soccer players who were moonlighting as security guards at a UN cocktail party.”

Fauci will explain to Africa that a new IG Farben drug, RP-1984, which has been stockpiled for 20 years, since it failed to slow the progression of leukemia in rats, will be dropped from planes over the continent.

The drug attacks all cells of the body, preventing them from replicating. The hope is it will also prevent the deli variant from replicating before it kills the host (human beings).

“Preliminary data looks promising,” Fauci stated. “Of course, lockdowns for at least a year, vaccination, mask wearing, and distancing will have to be practiced religiously,” he added.

“Owing to business closures, most African countries will sink into irreversible and desperate debt. The International Monetary Fund, as usual, will tide these countries over with loans. However, this time, the United Nations will usher in a new digital currency for Africa.”

The currency, Fauci asserted, will include Universal Guaranteed Income for every person in Africa—as long as they obey all government dictates without question or protest.

At the White House, Joe Biden said, “I don’t eat pastrami. Nurse Jill won’t let me.”

Deli owner Hank Fineberg told the LA Times, “We didn’t start this. We buy our pastrami from Gornish Garnish, a wholesaler in Brooklyn. Why isn’t the CDC investigating them? Besides, none of our customers have actually gotten sick. So what’s the problem?”

The Times attributes the plunge of the stock market to the deli variant. It also questions California Governor Gavin Newsom’s decision to “leave Rodeo Drive open to shoppers.”

Bill Gates is urging people to eat a pastrami substitute made from dried maple leaves, a pine tar derivative, and salted mica.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine concludes that “the deli variant causes the body to produce 12 different sets of antibodies, some of which resemble the original SARS-CoV-2. The body then faces the prospect of antibodies attacking antibodies, resulting in a downward vortex resembling a black hole in space…”

NBC states, “Black Lives Matter leaders are huddling with officials at the Ford Foundation, shaping a response to news that the deli variant is sweeping through Africa.”

CBS: “In Africa, the major symptoms associated with the deli variant are weight loss, dehydration, and diarrhea. These symptoms traditionally stem from malnutrition and starvation, but researchers say the variant is now the principal culprit…”

At the White House yesterday, the President’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, told reporters, “The dark winter has arrived early. It’s here. The deli variant will necessitate new lockdowns and business closures. President Biden will be issuing a new wide-ranging vaccine mandate in the next few days. At the moment, he is meeting with NIH researchers and poring over the latest data on infection rates. His background in statistical analysis will serve him well in this effort…”

A FOX News reporter asked, “Will Christmas be canceled?”

Psaki replied, “Shopping will proceed. But Jesus was born only once. Is it necessary to keep celebrating the event? The Secretary of State is meeting with Pope Francis to discuss the question.”

The FOX reporter followed up with another query: “What about all the migrants coming across the Southern border? How many are carrying the deli variant?”

Psaki: “We have a new mass testing program called The Wand. It can survey thousands of people at once and detect the presence of viruses. So far, we’ve found only one person at the border who is infected with the deli variant—a former Montana resident. He has been the subject of an FBI manhunt, owing to the fact that he was present at the January 6th Capitol breach. He is now in custody at Walter Reed Hospital. He has no symptoms, which is a bit of a mystery.”

Retiring NIH Director Francis Collins clarified several deli variant issues this morning, on a conference call with reporters: “The new variant is producing different effects in different populations. In Africa, we’re seeing weight loss, dehydration, and diarrhea. In South America, the primary symptom is a dry cough. In Australia, it’s transient leg pain and anger. In Europe, numbness of the extremities and increasing poverty. In the US, waning immunity conferred by the vaccine, hypnotic passivity, and paradoxically, attendance at football games…”

Senator Chuck Schumer has introduced a bill that will compensate victims of the deli variant, in the form of a federal card that can be used to purchase $900 in goods and services. The diagnosing doctor will also receive a card, worth $3900 for each variant case identified.

Don’t leave home without it. Actually, don’t leave home. Lock down.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work of iXimus & karogers / pixabay


Are You Obedient? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

Are You Obedient? Take the Quiz to Find Out!

by JP Sears, Awaken with JP
November 30, 2021


Video available at AwakenWithJP Odysee and YouTube channels.


Connect with JP Sears

“Australia Needs Lions Not Sheep”: Melbourne Streets Overflow as Protestors Stand for Freedom — Powerful Time-Lapse Video

“Australia Needs Lions Not Sheep”: Melbourne Streets Overflow as Protestors Stand for Freedom — Powerful Time-Lapse Video


video by Real Rukshan available at Odysee and YouTube.



Connect with Real Rukshan

all images credit: screenshots from Real Rukshan videos

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections


Pattern Identification in Coronavirus Vaccines: Nanorouters 

by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect
published in Spanish November 2021
rough translation via translation software


Since graphene oxide was discovered in coronavirus vaccines, all the findings and discoveries made only confirm its presence (Campra, P. 2021). To date, more than reasonable evidence and indications have also been found for the existence of carbon nanotubes and nano-octopuses, mesoporous spheres, colloidal nano-robots; objects that should not be part of any vaccine and that are not declared among the components of the same. Additionally, other types of objects have been identified and evidenced in images of blood samples, of people vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccines, specifically micro-swimmers, nano-antennas of crystallized graphene and graphene quantum dots, as well, known as GQD.

On this occasion, analyzing one of the images obtained by Dr. Campra, corresponding to a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, see figure 1, it has been discovered, which with great probability, is a nanorouter or part of its circuitry. In the original image, a well-defined drop can be seen in which crystalline structures of a quadrangular or cubic format appear. If you look closely, you can see some marks on these crystals, with a regular pattern, well defined in some cases, but limited by the microscope optics.

Fig. 1. Crystalline formations that show markings of what appear to be circuits. Among these objects, the circuit of what could be a nanorouter has been discovered. Image of a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, obtained by (Campra, P. 2021)

The finding has been possible by isolating each quadrangular crystal, applying a process of rasterizing, focusing and delineating the edges of the image, in order to further pronounce the observed marks. Once this process was completed, a rough draft was drawn with the lines and patterns inscribed on the glass, creating a clean outline of what actually looked like a circuit. The fact of finding parallel and perpendicular lines with a distribution far from the fractal patterns was very striking, which allowed us to automatically infer the possibility that it had been a product of manufacture. For this reason, similar patterns were searched in the scientific literature, which had a similar scheme, similar to the circuit that had just been drawn. The search result was almost immediate, as the pattern of a quantum dot nanorouter was found, as seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Possible quantum dot nanorouter observed in a quadrangular crystal, in an image obtained by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). In the lower right corner, the quantum dot nanorouter circuit published by (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) is observed. Note the obvious similarity between the sketch, the shape inscribed in the crystal, and the quantum dot circuit.

This discovery is of fundamental relevance, not only to understand the true purpose and components of the coronavirus vaccines, but also to explain the existence of the phenomenon of MAC addresses, visible through the bluetooth of many mobile devices.

Discovery context

Before proceeding with the explanation of the finding, it is convenient to remember the context in which it is framed, in order to ensure its understanding and subsequent deepening.

In the first place, it should be borne in mind that graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes (CNT), are part of the components of vaccines, according to what has already been stated in this blog. The properties of graphene are exceptional from the physical point of view, but also thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic. Its characteristics allow its use as a superconductor, electromagnetic wave absorbing material (microwave EM), emitter, signal receiver, quantum antenna, which makes it possible to create advanced electronics on a nano and micrometric scale. Such is the case, that it is the fundamental nanomaterial for the development of nano-biomedicine (Mitragotri, S .; Anderson, DG; Chen, X .; Chow, EK; Ho, D .; Kabanov, AV; Xu, C. 2015 ), nano-communication networks (Kumar, MR 2019), new drug delivery therapies (Yu, J .; Zhang, Y .; Yan, J .; Kahkoska, AR; Gu, Z. 2018) and treatments against cancer (Huang, G .; Huang, H. 2018) and the neurological treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (John, AA; Subramanian, AP; Vellayappan, MV; Balaji, A .; Mohandas, H .; Jaganathan, SK 2015 ). However, all the benefits aside, the scientific literature is very clear regarding the health implications for the human body. It is well known that graphene (G), graphene oxide (GO) and other derivatives such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) are toxic in almost all their forms, causing mutagenesis, cell death (apoptosis), release of free radicals, lung toxicity , bilateral pneumonia, genotoxicity or DNA damage, inflammation, immunosuppression, damage to the nervous system, the circulatory, endocrine, reproductive, and urinary systems, which can cause anaphylactic death and multi-organ dysfunction, see page “Damages and toxicity of graphene oxide” and from “Damage and toxicity of carbon-graphene nanotubes“.

Second, graphene is a radio-modulable nanomaterial, capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves and multiplying radiation, acting as a nano-antenna, or a signal repeater (Chen, Y .; Fu, X .; Liu, L .; Zhang , Y .; Cao, L .; Yuan, D .; Liu, P. 2019). Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause exfoliation of the material in smaller particles (Lu, J .; Yeo, PSE; Gan, CK; Wu, P .; Loh, KP 2011), called graphene quantum dots or GQD (Graphene Quantum Dots), whose physical properties and particularities improve due to their even smaller scale, due to the “Quantum Hall” effect, since they act by amplifying electromagnetic signals (Massicotte, M .; Yu, V .; Whiteway, E .; Vatnik , D .; Hilke, M. 2013 | Zhang, X .; Zhou, Q .; Yuan, M .; Liao, B .; Wu, X .; Ying, M. 2020), and with it the emission distance, especially in environments such as the human body (Chopra, N .; Phipott, M ​​.; Alomainy, A .; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, K .; Shubair, RM 2016). GQDs can acquire various morphologies, for example hexagonal, triangular, circular or irregular polygon (Tian, ​​P .; Tang, L .; Teng, K.S .; Lau, S.P. 2018).

The superconducting and transducing capacity make graphene one of the most suitable materials to create wireless nanocommunication networks for the administration of nanotechnology in the human body. This approach has been intensively worked by the scientific community, after having found and analyzed the available protocols and specifications, but also the routing systems for the data packets that nano-devices and nano-nodes would generate within the body, in a system complex called CORONA, whose objective is the effective transmission of signals and data on the network, optimizing energy consumption (to the minimum possible), and also reducing failures in the transmission of data packets (Bouchedjera, IA ; Aliouat, Z .; Louail, L. 2020 | Bouchedjera, IA; Louail, L .; Aliouat, Z .; Harous, S. 2020 | Tsioliaridou, A .; Liaskos, C .; Ioannidis, S .; Pitsillides, A . 2015). In this nanocommunications network, a type of signal TS-OOK (Time-Spread On-Off Keying) is used that allows transmitting binary codes of 0 and 1, through short pulses that involve the activation and deactivation of the signal during time intervals very small of a few femtoseconds (Zhang, R .; Yang, K .; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Vavouris, AK; Dervisi, FD; Papanikolaou, VK; Karagiannidis, GK 2018). Due to the complexity of nanocommunications in the human body, where the nano-nodes of the network are distributed throughout the body, in many cases in motion, due to blood flow, and in others attached to the endothelium to the arterial walls and capillaries or in the tissues of other organs, researchers have required the development of software for the simulation of such conditions, in order to verify and validate the nanocommunication protocols that were being developed (Dhoutaut, D .; Arrabal, T .; Dedu, E. 2018).

On the other hand, the nanocommunications network oriented to the human body (Balghusoon, A.O .; Mahfoudh, S. 2020), has been carefully designed in its topological aspects, conceiving specialized components in the performance of this task. For example, electromagnetic nanocommunication is made up in its most basic layer by nano-nodes that are devices (presumably made of graphene, carbon nanotubes, GQD, among other objects and materials) that have the ability to interact as nanosensors, piezo-electric actuators , and in any case as nano-antennas that propagate the signals to the rest of the nano-nodes. The nano-nodes, find in the nano-routers (also called nano-controllers) the next step in the topology. Its function is to receive the signals emitted by the nano-nodes, process them and send them to the nano-interfaces, which will emit them to the outside of the body with the necessary frequency and scope, since it must overcome the skin barrier without losing clarity in the signal, so that it can be received by a mobile device at a close enough distance (usually a few meters). That mobile device would actually be a smartphone or any other device with an Internet connection, which allows it to act as a “Gateway”. The topology also defines the possibility that the entire nano-node, nanorouter and nano-interface infrastructure is unified in a single nano-device, called pole or metamaterial defined by SDM software (Lee, SJ; Jung, C. ; Choi, K .; Kim, S. 2015). This model simplifies the topology, but increases the size of the device and the complexity of its construction, conceived in several layers of graphene. In any case, regardless of the topology, nanorouters are necessary to route and decode the signals correctly, for their sending, but also for their reception, since they can be designed for a bidirectional service, which de facto implies the ability to receive signals. of commands, orders, operations that interact with the objects of the network.

To electromagnetic nanocommunication, we must add molecular nanocommunication, addressed in the entry on carbon nanotubes and new evidence in vaccine samples. In both publications, the implications of these objects in the field of neuroscience, neuromodulation and neurostimulation are analyzed, since if they are located in the neuronal tissue (something very likely, given the ability to overcome the blood-brain barrier), they can establish connections that bridge the neuronal synapse. This means that they link neurons with different shortcuts, shorter than natural axons (Fabbro, A .; Cellot, G .; Prato, M .; Ballerini, L. 2011). Although this can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neurodegenerative diseases, it can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain, their neurostimulation or modulation, through electrical impulses, generated from carbon nanotubes (Suzuki, J .; Budiman, H .; Carr, TA; DeBlois, JH 2013 | Balasubramaniam, S .; Boyle, NT; Della-Chiesa, A .; Walsh, F .; Mardinoglu, A .; Botvich, D .; Prina-Mello, A. 2011), as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from the nanocommunications network (Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM 2010). It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, is the one that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters. Take an example to raise awareness; carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition (Beyene, AG; Delevich, K .; Del Bonis-O’Donnell, JT; Piekarski, DJ; Lin, WC; Thomas, AW; Landry, MP 2019 | Sun, F .; Zhou, J .; Dai, B .; Qian, T .; Zeng, J .; Li, X .; Li, Y. 2020 | Sun, F .; Zeng, J .; Jing, M .; Zhou, J .; Feng, J .; Owen, SF; Li, Y. 2018 | Patriarchi, T .; Mohebi, A .; Sun, J .; Marley, A .; Liang, R .; Dong, C .; Tian, ​​L. 2020 | Patriarchi, T .; Cho , JR; Merten, K .; Howe, MW; Marley, A .; Xiong, WH; Tian, ​​L. 2018). This means that it could be inferred in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning, without the individual being aware of what is happening. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from neurons and propagate them to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots, as explained in (Demoustier, S .; Minoux, E .; Le Baillif, M .; Charles, M .; Ziaei, A. 2008 | Wang, Y .; Wu, Q .; Shi, W .; He, X .; Sun, X .; Gui, T. 2008 | Da-Costa, MR; Kibis, OV; Portnoi, ME 2009). This means that they can transmit and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals.

For the data packets emitted and received from the nanocommunications network to reach their destination, it is essential that the communication protocol implements in some way the unique identification of the nanodevices (that is, through MAC) and transmits the information to an IP address. default. In this sense, the human body becomes an IoNT server (from the Internet of NanoThings) in which the communication client / server model can be assimilated. The mechanisms, commands or types of request remain to be determined, as well as the exact frequency and type of signal that operates the wireless nanocommunications network that would be installed with each vaccine, although obviously this information must be very confidential, given the possible consequences of biohacking. (Vassiliou, V. 2011) that could happen. In fact, in the work of (Al-Turjman, F. 2020) the problems and circumstances of the security of nanocommunication networks connected to 5G (confidentiality, authentication, privacy, trust, intrusions, repudiation) are linked and additionally, it presents a summary of the operation of electromagnetic communication between nano-nodes, nano-sensors and nano-routers, using graphene antennas and transceivers for their link with data servers, in order to develop Big-data projects. It should be noted that the risks of network hacking are very similar to those that can be perpetrated in any network connected to the Internet (masquerade attack, location tracking, information traps, denial of service, nano-device hijacking, wormhole, MITM broker attack, malware, spam, sybil, spoofing, neurostimulation illusion attack), which means a potential and additional, very serious risk for people inoculated with the hardware of a nanocommunication network.

In this context, it is in which the discovery of the circuits of a nanorouter in the samples of the Pfizer vaccine is found, which is a key piece in all the research that has been carried out and that would confirm the installation of a hardware in the body of inoculated people, without their informed consent, which executes collection and interaction processes that are completely beyond its control.

Nanorouters QCA

The discovered circuit, see figure 3, corresponds to the field of quantum dot cellular automata, also known as QCA (Quantum Cellular Automata), characterized by its nanometric scale and a very low energy consumption, as an alternative for the replacement of technology based on transistors. This is how it is defined by the work of (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) from which the scheme of said circuit was obtained. The nanorouter referred to by the researchers is characterized by an ultra-low consumption factor, high processing speed (its frequency clock operates in a range of 1-2 THz), which is consistent with the power conditions and data transfer requirements. , in the context of nanocommunication networks for the human body described by (Pierobon, M .; Jornet, JM; Akkari, N .; Almasri, S .; Akyildiz, IF 2014).

Fig. 3. Graphene quantum dot circuit in QCA cells. Circuit diagram of (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) observed in a sample of the Pfizer vaccine.

According to the explanations of the work of (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013), the concept of quantum dot and quantum dot cell is distinguished, see figure 4. The QCA cell It is made up of four quantum dots whose polarization is variable. This makes it possible to distinguish the binary code of 0 and 1 based on the positive or negative charge of the quantum dots. In the words of the authors it is explained as follows “The basic units of QCA circuits are cells made of quantum dots. A point, in this context, is just a region where an electrical charge can be located or not. A cell QCA has four quantum dots located in the corners. Each cell has two free and moving electrons that can tunnel between the quantum dots. It is assumed that tunneling to the outside of the cell is not allowed due to a high barrier potential”. Extrapolated to graphene quantum dots, known as GQDs, which were identified in blood samples (due to emitted fluorescence), a QCA cell would require four GQDs to compose, which is perfectly consistent with the description given by the researchers. This is also corroborated by (Wang, Z.F .; Liu, F. 2011) in his work entitled “Graphene quantum dots as building blocks for quantum cellular automata”, where the use of graphene to create this type of circuit is confirmed.

Fig. 4. Scheme of a QCA cell made up of four quantum dots (which can be graphene, among other materials). Note the great resemblance to memristors, in fact QCAs and memristors are transistors. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013 | Strukov, D.B .; Snider, G.S .; Stewart, D.R .; Williams, R.S. 2009)

When the QCA cells are combined, cables and circuits are created, with a wide variety of shapes, schemes and applications, as can be seen in figure 5, where inverters, crossovers and logic gates are observed, also addressed by other authors such as ( Xia, Y .; Qiu, K. 2008). This gives rise to more complex structures, which allow to reproduce the electronic diagrams of the transistors, processors, transceivers, multiplexers, demultiplexers and consequently of any router.

Fig. 5. QCAs can form various types of circuits, for example logic gates, cable crossovers, inverters or cables. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

It is important to explain that QCA cell-based circuits can operate in several superimposed layers, which allows a 3D (three-dimensional) structure to create much more complex and compressed electronics, see figure 6.

Fig. 6. According to (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) more complex circuits can be built by annexing several superimposed layers. This is identified by the symbol of a circle in the design. There are also three artistic illustrations that represent various levels of circuits (own elaboration).

To develop a nanorouter, according to the researchers (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013), several circuit structures are needed, specifically, cable crossings (which form logic gates ), demultiplexers (demux) and parallel to serial converters, see figure X. “Demux” are electronic devices capable of receiving a signal at the input QCA (input) and sending it to one of several available output lines. (output), which allows the signal to be routed for further processing. The parallel-to-series converter is a circuit capable of taking several sets of data in an input (input), transporting them through different QCA cables and transmitting them at different instants of time through the output cables (output). This would be very, the component noticed in the vaccine samples, see figure 7.

Fig. 7. Details of the circuit for converting TS-OOK signals in series to a parallel output, confirming one of the typical tasks of a router. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

Another relevant aspect of the work of (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013) is the demonstration of the operation of the circuit, where the reception of a TS-OOK signal and its conversion to binary code, see figure 8. Once the binary code is obtained, the “demux” circuit is responsible for generating the data packets, according to the structure of the corresponding communications protocol.

Fig. 8. The tests of the demux circuit, already observed in figure 7, provide the proof of how the TS-OOK signals are interpreted and converted to the binary code, to finally generate the data packets of the corresponding nanocommunications protocol. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

Everything explained by (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013) is also corroborated by (Das, B .; Das, JC; De, D .; Paul, AK 2017) In whose research, QCA circuit designs for demux and nanorouters are observed, with very similar schemes, to those already presented, which confirms the search for solutions for the problem of the transmission and simple processing of signals and data at the nanometric scale, at in order to make nanocommunication networks effective.

Finally, although it can already be deduced from the nature, characteristics and properties of QCA cell circuits, the concept of clock speed must be highlighted. In fact, interesting is the ability of these electronic components to operate almost autonomously, without the need for a dedicated processor. This is because the QCA cell cables can measure the transfer time of the signals between the different cells, in what is called “clock zones”, see figure 9 and the following investigations (Sadeghi, M .; Navi, K .; Dolatshahi, M. 2020 | Laajimi, R .; Niu, M. 2018 | Reis, DA; Torres, FS 2016 | Mohammadyan, S .; Angizi, S .; Navi, K. (2015). This effect allows the transmission of signals through the circuit, but it also allows creating a clock frequency, which is its own process speed. If this concept is joined, the use of superconducting materials such as graphene and more specifically graphene quantum dots Then very high processing speeds can be achieved.

Fig. 9. The nanorouter does not require an independent processor, because the QCA cells organized in the circuit cables already perform this function due to the superconducting and polarization properties of the quantum dots, which allows to infer a clock speed by phases or zones. circuit physics. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013 | Sadeghi, M .; Navi, K .; Dolatshahi, M. 2020)

Circuit self-assembly

Although it seems impossible, the self-assembly of circuits is a possibility to consider in the hypothesis that has been explained. According to (Huang, J .; Momenzadeh, M .; Lombardi, F. 2007) “Recent developments in QCA manufacturing (involving molecular implementations) have substantially changed the nature of processing. At very small feature sizes, it is anticipated self-assembly or large-scale cell deposition on isolated substrates will be used. In these implementations, QCA cells (each composed of two dipoles) are deposited in parallel V-shaped tracks. QCA cells are arranged in a dense pattern and the computation occurs between adjacent cells. These fabrication techniques are well suited for molecular implementation. ” However, there are also other methods, such as DNA nanopatterns (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, GH 2005), with which a template is created for the alignment of the quantum dots of graphene, forming the QCA cells, thereby generating the aforementioned circuitry, see figure 10.

Fig. 10. Self-assembly of a circuit with quantum dots from a DNA pattern. The lines of the circuit cables are very similar to those observed in the vaccine sample, see figure 2 and 3. (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, G.H. 2005)

According to (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, GH 2005) “Four-tile DNA rafts have been successfully synthesized and characterized by the gel electrophoresis method in our previous work” according to the work of (Sarveswaran, K. 2004). This fits with the very possible existence of a gel / hydrogel in the vaccine composition, after the doctor’s micro-Raman analysis (Campra, P. 2021) in which peaks with values ​​close to 1450 were obtained, which could correspond to PVA, PQT-12, polyolefin, polyacrylamide or polypyrrole, all of them components recognized in the scientific literature as gels and derivatives. On the other hand, it explicitly alludes to the electrophoresis method, or what is the same, the electrical polarization process that causes teslaphoresis, on carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots and other semiconductors, as described (Bornhoeft, LR; Castillo, AC; Smalley, PR; Kittrell, C .; James, DK; Brinson, BE; Cherukuri, P. 2016) in his research. This would confirm that teslaphoresis plays a fundamental role in the composition of circuits, along with DNA patterns. If this is confirmed, it would mean that the circuits could self-assemble in the presence of electric fields or even the reception of electromagnetic waves (microwave EM). The study by (Pillers, M .; Goss, V .; Lieberman, M. 2014) also confirms the construction of nanostructures and CQA using in this case graphene, graphene oxide (GO), electrophoresis and gel, causing controlled deposition in the areas indicated by the DNA pattern, reproducing results similar to those presented in the study by Hu and Sarveswaran, thus making it possible to create the electronic circuits already mentioned, see figure 11.

Fig. 11. Advances in the field of self-assembly of quantum dots and QCA cells can be observed in the scientific literature using the DNA template method to mark the order of construction and electrophoresis to initiate or trigger the process in the materials of the solution. (Pillers, M .; Goss, V .; Lieberman, M. 2014)

Plasmonic nano-emitters

Another issue that requires an explanation in the discovery of the circuit of a nanorouter, in the vaccine sample, is its location in what appears to be a quadrangular crystal. Although it could be thought that it is a randomly generated form, the bibliographic review reveals and justifies this type of form that serves as a framework for this type of circuit. In reality it is a “plasmonic nano-emitter”, in other words, it would correspond to a cubic-shaped nano-antenna (single crystal) of variable size on the nano-micrometric scale, which can emit, receive or repeat signals. This is possible through the plasmon activation property of its surface (that of the nanoemitter cube) that is locally excited to generate an oscillatory signal, as explained (Ge, D .; Marguet, S .; Issa, A .; Jradi, S .; Nguyen, TH; Nahra, M .; Bachelot, R. 2020), see figure 12. This agrees with the type of TS-OOK signals, which are transmitted through the intra-body nanocommunication network, being a requirement indispensable for a nano-router, to have a method to capture them. In other words, the crystalline cube acts as a transceiver for the nanorouter, due to its special properties, derived from the physics of the plasmon. This is corroborated when the scientific literature on electromagnetic nano-networks for the human body is consulted (Balghusoon, AO; Mahfoudh, S. 2020), the MAC protocols applied to the case (Jornet, JM; Pujol, JC; Pareta, JS 2012 ), the methods for the debugging of errors in the signals (Jornet, JM; Pierobon, M .; Akyildiz, IF 2008), or the modulation of pulses in femtoseconds in the terahertz band for nano-communication networks (Jornet, JM; Akyildiz, IF 2014), the parameterization of nano-networks for their perpetual operation (Yao, XW; Wang, WL; Yang, SH 2015), the performance in the modulation of wireless signals for nano-networks (Zarepour, E .; Hassan, M .; Chou, CT; Bayat, S. 2015). In all cases, nano-transceivers are essential to be able to receive or emit a TS-OOK signal.

Fig. 12. Nano-micrometric scale crystals can play the role of an antenna or a transceiver, which makes it possible to imagine that finding the circuit in a quadrangular structure is not the product of chance. (Ge, D .; Marguet, S .; Issa, A .; Jradi, S .; Nguyen, T.H .; Nahra, M .; Bachelot, R. 2020)

Plasmonic nanoemitters can acquire a cube shape, which would be the case observed in the vaccine sample, but also spherical and discoidal shape, being able to be self-assembled, to form larger nano-microstructures (Devaraj, V .; Lee, JM; Kim , YJ; Jeong, H .; Oh, JW 2021). Among the materials with which this plasmonic nano-emitter could be produced are gold, silver, perovskites and graphene, see (Oh, DK; Jeong, H .; Kim, J .; Kim, Y .; Kim, I .; Ok, JG; Rho, J. 2021 | Hamedi, HR; Paspalakis, E .; Yannopapas, V. 2021 | Gritsienko, AV; Kurochkin, NS; Lega, PV; Orlov, AP; Ilin, AS; Eliseev, SP; Vitukhnovsky , AG 2021 | Pierini, S. 2021), although it is likely that many others can be used.

CAM and TCAM memory for MAC and IP

If the presence of nanorouters in vaccines is considered, the hypothesis of the existence of one or more MAC addresses (fixed or dynamic) could be confirmed, which could be emitted from vaccinated people or through some other intermediary device (for example a mobile phone ). This approach is in line with what has already been explained and evidenced in this publication, but also according to scientific publications on nano-communication networks for the human body. According to (Abadal, S .; Liaskos, C .; Tsioliaridou, A .; Ioannidis, S .; Pitsillides, A .; Solé-Pareta, J .; Cabellos-Aparicio, A. 2017) these MAC addresses allow the nano- network can transmit and receive data, because the individual has a unique identifier that allows him to access the medium, this is the Internet. In this way, the nano-router can receive the signals corresponding to the data from the nano-sensors and nano-nodes of the nano-network to transmit them to the outside of the body, as long as there is a mobile device in the vicinity, which serves gateway to the Internet. Therefore, the hypothesis that MAC addresses of vaccinated people can be observed (through bluetooth signal tracking applications), when there is some type of interaction with the mobile media that act as a link. This does not mean that there is permanent communication, due to the need to save and optimize energy consumption (Mohrehkesh, S .; Weigle, MC 2014 | Mohrehkesh, S .; Weigle, MC; Das, SK 2015), which could explain intermittence in communications, periods of connection and inactivity.

The novelty in the field of MAC addresses, which comes together with the QCA circuits, with which nanorouters can be developed, is that memory circuits can also be created. The same researchers (Sardinha, LH; Silva, DS; Vieira, MA; Vieira, LF; Neto, OPV 2015) developed a new type of CAM memory that “unlike random access memory (RAM), which returns data which are stored at the given address. CAM, however, receives the data as input and returns where the data can be found. CAM is useful for many applications that need fast searches, such as Hought transforms, Huffman encoding, Lempel-compression. Ziv and network switches to map MAC addresses to IP addresses and vice versa. CAM is most useful for creating tables that look for exact matches, such as MAC address tables. ” This statement was extracted and copied verbatim to highlight that QCA circuits are the answer to the storage and management of MAC addresses for data transmission in nano-networks, which would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, a means of installing hardware for the control, modulation and monitoring of people.

Fig. 13. Memory circuits for the storage of MAC and IP addresses made with the same QCA technology of the nanorouter observed in the Pfizer vaccine samples. (Sardinha, L.H .; Silva, D.S .; Vieira, M.A .; Vieira, L.F .; Neto, O.P.V. 2015)

Additionally, (Sardinha, LH; Silva, DS; Vieira, MA; Vieira, LF; Neto, OPV 2015) also developed the TCAM memory, which is a special type of CAM memory that would be useful to “create tables to search for longer matches such as IP routing tables organized by IP prefixes. To reduce latency and make communication faster, routers use TCAM. ” This statement clearly affects its use in nano-routers in order to be able to transmit the data obtained in the nano-network to a specific recipient server accessible on the Internet. In other words, the data collected by the nano-network should be stored / registered in a database, of which the recipient of the vaccine would not have knowledge of its existence, of which it was not informed, and in the It is unknown what information is used.



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They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

by Dustin Broadbery, The Cogent
sourced from OffGuardian
November 24, 2021


Despite a preponderance of the evidence proving COVID to be a non-event for most of us, over 1 million people have fallen foul to vaccine injury. This should be enough to stop most people in their tracks. It hasn’t.

Many emerge from near death experience even more pontifical than before, denouncing the rest of us for not joining in this mortal game of Russian Roulette. Fuelling their self-righteous indignation of us, is other people’s self-righteous indignation of them. It is a perpetual loop of blame and shame.

There can be no avoiding these people. A sort of Provisional Mask Army. The ones acting in good conscience lost to the morally virtuous super spreaders of hyperbole.

They will believe whatever they hear and do whatever they’re told. They have been groomed by something far more powerful than the truth, called ‘the science,’ and they will follow ‘it’ right off the edge of a cliff.

But that’s only half the story. If you’re unfortunate enough to die within two weeks of taking the jab, despite your best effort, the CDC might record your death as ‘unvaccinated,’ the commentariat might report that you “died suddenly and following a short illness,” and family members might take comfort in the fact that “things could have been worse,”

Washing the Moral Fabric

This unholy mess works because a new ideology has swept across the moral fabric. Unless you’re taking an experimental medical intervention fraught with danger, you’re dancing on the graves of all those who have died.

Ridding people with guilt takes away their power, and blind obedience to authority does the rest, as Milgram discovered in his landmark experiment.

But the fact that humanity is in an abusive relationship with its governments, is only one part of the problem. There’s a long history of cults infiltrating polite society. The cult of personality of Lenin and later Stalin once captured an entire nation. But never in history has the entire world fallen to a cult.

Where the New Normal departs from other cult archetypes is in the instruments of mass communication, in the hands of a few fanatics, that have infiltrated the commons, and created an apotheosis around COVID-19, glorifying it to the divine proportions of Christianity. It has long been understood that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes consensus.

Also of great importance to these evangelists are the decades of behavioural studies by the most distinguished experts in the field of social psychology.

Not everyone in the Asch Experiment conformed, but the reasons why many found solidarity with the group are well understood by the behavioural scientists, on the payroll of HM government, nudging the British people towards existential ruin.

And much of what is happening today in the rank and file of the New Normal, has the lessons of the Third Reich written all over it. If you’re still oblivious to the fact that you’re being indoctrinated into a cult, it’s probably because you’ve already been indoctrinated.

The End Is Nigh

Cults are established on the back of major events, typically apocalyptic in nature. These biblical, extra-terrestrial, or, indeed, viral prophecies speak to an impending disaster and redemption. A tinderbox setting forces people together under the protection of communitarianism, and encourages the more zealous members to denounce, ridicule and intimidate anyone not acting in accordance with the group.

Deindividuation, as it is known, turns these harmless groups into psychological crowds, and very often results in a mob mentality.

Our need to take refuge in the herd is, after all, hardcoded into our DNA, just as fear of social exclusion and a desire to cooperate are inherited evolutionary traits. Explaining why COVID began with social isolation. And why, after capitulating to every conceivable demand, we continue to be held to ransom, with the threat of further social isolation.

Despite the obvious abuse of power, people remain beholden to their captors, through some bizarre emotional bond, strengthened every time they are released, albeit temporarily, from their captivity.


You can identify cults by their organisational structure. People are assigned a role, as in Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and many go beyond the call of duty. The problem isn’t so much that ‘we are all in this together’ It’s that we simply are not, it’s the cult nobility lording over the rest of us.

In this heightened state of emergency, however, people will not only accept more authority from those who are beyond the rules, they will emulate the prevailing authoritarian order, rather than become a victim of it. As Hannah Arendt discovered in her landmark thesis, ordinary people in search of purpose and direction, who are dutifully just following orders, have the potential to commit the most atrocious acts of evil.

Throughout COVID, these unpaid, unsolicited officers in the rank and file have spread the communicable indoctrination far wider than any bureaucrat. We are full to the rafters of morally superior COVID-vigilantes, condemning anyone for the mere suggestion that the earth, might in fact, orbit the sun.

The resulting groupthink – if you’re not with us you’re against us – not only isolates new initiatives from outside influence, it removes their right to think and act for themselves and admonishes anyone brave enough to question the All Powerful Redeemer.

In the end, people’s desire to reach unanimous agreement with the group, overrides their motivation for rational, intuitive decision making.

Executioners of the New Normal

The habitual lies, backpedalling and science that buckles under the lightest of scrutiny, is no arbitrary event. People understand they’re being duped, but refuse to act on crucial information. Instead, they acclimate to the golden age of false narratives.

Encouraging people to act counterintuitively will, eventually cause them to abandon personal agency altogether, because that violent buffer to critical thinking, called consensus, holds the opposite to be true, to that which is before our very eyes.

In one breath, Boris Johnson implores us to get vaccinated because of the risk versus the reward. In the next, he admits ‘the vaccine doesn’t protect against catching or passing on COVID.’ Meanwhile, his co-conspirator holds Christmas to ransom if people refuse a third shot, and proceeds to threaten those who had previously been the only at-risk group, which this entire debacle was supposed to be about protecting.

When the lips move, brace for lies, any collision with real world events is entirely accidental.

Anatomy of a Cult

Cults are illusive by nature. An outlier sailing under the false colours of a normal state of affairs. This is achieved by compounding cult rituals into the everyday humdrum, and converting old cultural touchstones into new ideological frontiers, until one is no longer distinguishable from the other.

There are numerous tell-tale signs you may have accidentally joined a cult, from elbow bumps to muzzles, hand sanitizer to the 2-meter rule.

There is a long history of people’s superstitions being manipulated into performing irrational acts, if they can be demoralised to the point of despair. Under such circumstances people have been known to, commit ritualistic mass suicidedisembowel themselves and even murder their own children.

Things are not so different today. People hold themselves prisoner inside their own homes. They risk the lives of their own children to protect those already on their deathbed. They do this for a disease which has had zero impact on overall mortality in 2021.

Some have been infantilised by their government, others reassured by Big Bird and there are those who have sold their soul at the house of ill repute.

To say that it’s a mad, mad world, doesn’t do it justice.

Other Cults You May Have Joined

Against this frenzy of health persecution complex, other bizarre ideologies chip away at the social fabric. Membership to society hinges on your range of pronouns. The new cultural etiquette is wokeism. Your affinity with those who have swapped their sexual identity determines your social cachet, while your desire to find for the nearest bucket, paints a target on your back.

Otherworldly social theories decouple mothers from giving birthsexualise children, and encourage toddlers to trade their gender. At the root of all of this is a flagrant attack on humanity, on nature, on carbon-based lifeforms.

You only need to observe the Cult of Personality being visited upon future generations by the lionising of Greta, to catch of glimpse of how climate change will evolve into the New Age Church.

The end game to all of this is the spiritual requisition of the human soul and a day of reckoning for humanity mark 1.0.

But as the circus catches fire there are those watching from the sidelines who are simply not having it. The vestiges of rationality left behind, call them deniers or refuseniks, have formed a cult of their own. A cult of scepticism and non-compliance.

By some accounts, these people are at a greater risk of a long and healthy life, and woe betide, the mob is agitated. They are calls for immediate sanctions. Following twenty months of denouncements, public enmity is reaching fever pitch. If the barbaric treatment of another dehumanised social group, pre-Auschwitz, is anything to go by, it could be just a matter of time before the deniers are forced into internment camps, or worse, lined up against firing squads.

On the other hand, the cult has revealed its more sinister aspects, thousands of legitimate voices from science and medicine are pushing back in opposition, and even the double vaccinated are waking up to the fact that their freedoms are in jeopardy every six months.

As a wise man once said, “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.”


Dustin Broadbery is based in London and is interested in social theory and particularly how a mutual society could bring about great advancements in the social fabric. You can read more of his work at TheCogent.org and contact him through his Twitter. 


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cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Don’t Give Up on the Blessings of Freedom

Don’t Give Up on the Blessings of Freedom

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
November 22, 2021


“All we are saying is give peace a chance.”—John Lennon

How do you give thanks for freedoms that are constantly being eroded?

How do you express gratitude for one’s safety when the perils posed by the American police state grow more treacherous by the day?

How do you come together as a nation in thanksgiving when the powers-that-be continue to polarize and divide us into warring factions?

Every year finds us struggling to reconcile our hope for a better, freer, more just world with the soul-sucking reality of a world in which greed, meanness and war continue to triumph.

Fifty years ago, John Lennon released “Imagine” and exhorted us to “Imagine all the people livin’ life in peace.” That same year, Lennon released “Happy Xmas (War Is Over)” as part of a major anti-war campaign. Lennon—a musical genius, anti-war activist, and a high-profile example of the lengths to which the Deep State will go to persecute those who dare to challenge its authority—made clear that the only way to achieve an end to hunger, violence, war, and tyranny is to want it badly enough and work towards it.

Fifty years later, we clearly don’t want those things badly enough.

Peace remains out of reach. Activists and whistleblowers continue to be prosecuted for challenging the government’s authority. Militarism is on the rise, all the while the governmental war machine continues to wreak havoc on innocent lives.

For those of us who joined with John Lennon to imagine a world of peace, it’s getting harder to reconcile that dream with the reality of the American police state. And those who do dare to speak up about government corruption (such as Julian Assange) are labeled dissidents, troublemakers, terrorists, lunatics, or mentally ill and tagged for surveillance, censorship or, worse, involuntary detention.

All the while, people still keep looking to the government to “fix” what’s wrong with this country. You’d think we’d have learned—after 20 years of heavy-handed government authoritarianism that started with the 9/11 attacks and has continued through to the present-day COVID-19 tyranny—that the only thing the government can be trusted to do is make things worse.

Now we find ourselves approaching that time of year when, as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln proclaimed, we’re supposed to give thanks as a nation and as individuals for our safety and our freedoms.

It’s not an easy undertaking.

Thinking good thoughts, being grateful, counting your blessings and adopting a glass-half-full mindset are fine and good, but that’s not enough. This world requires doers, men and women (and children) who will put those good thoughts into action.

Remember, evil prevails when good men and women do nothing.

Here’s what I suggest: this year, do yourselves a favor and turn off the talking heads, shut down the screen devices, tune out the politicians, take a deep breath, then do something to pay your blessings forward.

Refuse to remain silent. Take a stand. Speak up. Speak out. Recognize injustice. Don’t turn away from suffering.

Find something to be thankful for about the things and people in your community for which you might have the least tolerance or appreciation. Instead of just rattling off a list of things you’re thankful for that sound good, dig a little deeper and acknowledge the good in those you may have underappreciated or feared.

When it comes time to giving thanks for your good fortune, put your gratitude into action: pay your blessings forward with deeds that spread a little kindness, lighten someone’s burden, and brighten some dark corner.

Engage in acts of kindness. Smile more. Fight less. Build bridges. Refuse to let toxic politics define your relationships. Focus on the things that unite instead of that which divides.

Do your part to push back against the meanness of our culture with conscious compassion and humanity. Moods are contagious, the good and the bad. They can be passed from person to person. So can the actions associated with those moods, the good and the bad.

Be a hero, whether or not anyone ever notices.

Acts of benevolence, no matter how inconsequential they might seem, can spark a movement.

All it takes is one person to start a chain reaction.

For instance, a few years ago in Florida, a family of six—four adults and two young boys—were swept out to sea by a powerful rip current in Panama City Beach. There was no lifeguard on duty. The police were standing by, waiting for a rescue boat. And the few people who had tried to help ended up stranded, as well.

Those on shore grouped together and formed a human chain. What started with five volunteers grew to 15, then 80 people, some of whom couldn’t swim.

One by one, they linked hands and stretched as far as their chain would go. The strongest of the volunteers swam out beyond the chain and began passing the stranded victims of the rip current down the chain.

One by one, they rescued those in trouble and pulled each other in.

There’s a moral here for what needs to happen in this country if we only can band together and prevail against the riptides that threaten to overwhelm us.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, there may not be much we can do to avoid the dismal reality of the police state in the long term—not so long as the powers-that-be continue to call the shots and allow profit margins to take precedence over the needs of people—but in the short term, there are things we can all do right now to make this world (or at least our small corners of it) a little bit kinder, a lot less hostile and more just.

It’s never too late to start making things right in the world.

John Lennon tried to imagine a world in which we all lived in peace. He was a beautiful dreamer whose life ended with an assassin’s bullet on December 8, 1980.

Still, that doesn’t mean the dream has to die, too.

There’s something to be said for working to make that dream a reality. As Lennon reminded his listeners, “War is over, if you want it.”

The choice is ours, if we want it.


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Indigenous Australian at Melbourne Freedom Rally: “It’s Not About a Vaccination…We Are Fighting for Our Lives.”

Indigenous Australian at Melbourne Freedom Rally: “It’s Not About a Vaccination…We Are Fighting for Our Lives.”


“I look out now, I see brothers and sisters united for one reason only. It’s not about a vaccination. It’s not about segregation in the end. We are fighting for our lives.”


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Australian TOTALITARIAN Tourism Commercial – 14 Reasons to Visit!

Australian TOTALITARIAN Tourism Commercial – 14 Reasons to Visit!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
November 17, 2021


Video available at Rumble and YouTube.


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Free Private Cities and the Hanseatic League

Free Private Cities and the Hanseatic League

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
November 15, 2021


Rahim Taghizadegan is an Austrian economist, author, and president of the Free Private Cities project.

I had the pleasure of listening to him give a talk here in South Africa recently, so I invited him onto my podcast.

In our conversation, he explains

  • why city states are a great idea for overall liberty and prosperity;

  • how city states have enjoyed a successful history for many centuries;

  • why more people should know about the Hanseatic League;

  • and why European countries are going to soon end up like African countries.

In some ways, the Hanseatic concept strikes me as being superior to secession because it is primarily based around pragmatism such as trade and common interests, while secession relies on political negotiations and geographical borders.

Put differently, community confederations are organic and can begin immediately in almost any political system, and can expand regardless of geographical borders.

In the modern era, nation states have effectively swallowed all city states other than, perhaps, Monaco and Singapore and the Vatican City.

I would love to see a collapse of nation states and a growth of city states.

Aristotle would approve.


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Melbourne, Australia Stands Up: ‘Occupy Parliament’ Protest Ongoing Until Bill Is Heard or Postponed

Melbourne, Australia Stands Up: ‘Occupy Parliament’ Protest Ongoing Until Bill Is Heard or Postponed


Connect with Occupy Parliament & Victoria Freedom Movement: t.me/vicfreedommovement


Empowered Australians Take to the Streets in Defense of Freedom:


 Australia fights back!


Occupy Parliament drums are out 


Bagpipe player lifts hearts of protestors


Occupy Parliament Melbourne Opera


Craig Kelly (United Australia party leader) addresses masses in the ‘most oppressed city in the world’ 


Drone shot: Melbourne / Australia Rally – RISE UP! Stop Pandemic Bill


Crowd Time-lapse – Protest against the permanent pandemic legislation


100,000 protest in Melbourne Australia 


Live on the steps of parliament


Melbourne, Australia: Massive health bill, vax pass protests Nov. 12, 2021 


See RT News Report:

Thousands protest over Covid-19 ‘tyranny’ in Melbourne (VIDEOS)


The Game of Life: How to Make the Right Choice

The Game of Life: How to Make the Right Choice

by Rosanne Lindsay, ND, Nature of Healing
November 11, 2021


Humanity is entering a new era, a new world, a new reality. Some call it the Age of Aquarius others call it The Golden Age, or The One World Order. Whatever you chose to call it, the next Age is written in the stars, from Astrology to Hollywood.

Recall the quote from Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire:

Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.

Whether this new reality is preplanned or part of a celestial game with the rules missing, to enter into this space is nothing more than a test for each player, as well as a test of humanity. The test is not written or verbal. It is a test of wits, and a test of strength and stamina.

Why else would you agree to participate in a surreal experience, like a dream, with previous memories wiped, and abuses of the psyche?

In his purposeful and prophetic quote, Professor Albus Dumbledore revealed the one truth that separates humans from each other….free will, choosing between what is right and what is easy.

Put another way, if you know something to be wrong, then you can stand your ground and speak your truth, or not. But do what you know to be right.

No matter what the rest of the world tells you. No matter if the world tells you that you are wrong, do what you know to be right.

In this life, you are the captain of your ship. You come in alone, and you leave alone. You alone make the decisions that guide you through the weather of your life, even as others weave their ships into your wake along the way.

You live in your body but you are not your body. You are not your mind. You accept the Earth suit to attend Earth school, to play a game. But the Earth suit is made of matter, and matter is 99.999% energy, and so are you. When all is said and done with your suit, only you remain. Dust to dust. Energy to energy.

You are responsible for everything that affects you in this reality. No one else is responsible for you. No one else can take medicine to make you well. No one else can exercise for you to lose weight. You cannot gain wisdom for someone else to understand you.

While You can’t take it with you, from a physical standpoint, you do evolve on the unseen level of yourself, your higher self. There is no greater measure of you than that ethereal part. For that part of you to do the wrong thing is to fail the test presented to you, and for which you signed up.

The current test of humanity is ripe with gut wrenching choices. Do not fear life. But see each challenge as an opportunity from which to grow on another level.

A tip: Know what you tolerate and what you do not. Then you use your free will.

What separates you from the crowd?

Choice. Free will.

On this ride of a lifetime, if you perceive that another group holds all the cards, look again. They do not.

You decide your outcome. You take the helm.

Do you go right or go easy?

Know Your Higher Self.  Use Your Higher Voice. Stand Your Higher Ground. Live Your Higher Truth.

When you steer your own ship, you hold your own cards. Play your own hand.

Recall the lyrics of singer, Kenny Roger’s song, The Gambler:

You got to know when to hold ’em,
Know when to fold ’em,
Know when to walk away,
And know when to run.
You never count your money
When you’re sittin’ at the table.
There’ll be time enough for countin’
When the dealing’s done.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, ND

cover image credit: Yuri_B / pixabay

Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne, Australia Rebellion Has Begun.

Goodbye Premier Dan Andrews. The Melbourne, Australia Rebellion Has Begun.

by Aussie Cossack
November 9, 2021


There is more Aussie spirit in the crowd than in the Upper and Lower House of Parliament combined! The whole world is watching today’s events in Melbourne in deep awe and respect to the people of Melbourne! Dictator Dan Andrews will face the same political fate as Romanian Communist Leader Nicolae Ceaușescu. Congratulations to citizen journalist and freedom fighter True Arrow for capturing this excellent footage.


Connect with Aussie Cossack

all images credit: screenshots from True Arrow video footage


The Coward Within – the Fascist Without – Both Must Die

The Coward Within – the Fascist Without – Both Must Die

by Julian Rose
sourced from David Icke
November 8, 2021


Death can appear daunting. It takes considerable spiritual maturity to fully embrace the fact that death is not an ending, but simply a new chapter in the evolution of spirit, freed from the vessel in which it has travelled.

There is nothing to fear here; yet the unknown will always carry with it a certain apprehension, a sense of awe. It takes courage to face that about which one is entirely unfamiliar. But life was never intended to be a risk free adventure and we do not come into this world seeking to avoid that which asks us to embrace challenge.

Now we face that challenge, probably the greatest one we will ever come up against, and securing victory in this clash of light and dark can only happen when we recognise that the coward in us must die. It has to die so that we can live. Live to challenge the anti-life lie – for as long as it takes to see the last of it.

The outstanding task which stares each one of us in the face today, is to overcome that pervasive inner weakness which prevents us from taking action for the liberation of the world from those who hold it to ransom.

This miserable beast, which works on our sense of inner insecurity, is the lowest denominator of life and instantly turns man into an insipid weakling, fearful of what it means to be alive and fully human. I refer to the condition known as ‘cowardice’.

All who find an inner excuse for failing to embrace the present battle to prevent an inhuman dictatorship taking over the daily management of life on this planet, must acknowledge the call of being a coward. So must those who ‘do what they are told’ when in their gut they know they shouldn’t.

‘Coward’ is a frighteningly hurtful word. There may be no more demeaning thing to be accused of than being a coward. It goes straight to the guts of anyone who has even a shred of self respect. A coward is not something we like to think of ourselves as unless we’ve completely given up caring about holding onto the reins of life.

In the immediate months ahead, the surviving ‘coward within’ must be challenged right down to the bone. These months are going to form the absolute epicentre of a pivotal choice for every one of us – stand up to be counted as part of the resistance or fall ever deeper into capitulation to a state of abject slavery.

The former stance will lead to an unprecedented victory for the liberation of mankind snatched from the jaws of darkness. The latter will mean unbroken servitude to the demonic mechanisms of an anti-life cult only concerned with total control over – and torture of – all those who have failed to rise up in defiance.

Because the situation is so stark, it has become almost unbearable to witness the mindless capitulation of fellow humans to the divide and conquer dogs of war. Those whose outright villainy has been rampant during the great scamdemic. This only matched by the astounding passivity of those millions offering themselves up as ‘victim-food’ for the further aggrandisement of evil.

So much of humanity has sunk into what I can only describe as ‘a race of cowards’. The mainly physical challenges of the past which sustained a determination to do one’s best no matter what, should by now have transposed into the spiritual realm.

The same outer determination required to overcome physical actualities should by now have become channelled determination to conquer the rampant ego and the coward within. But this (logical) evolutionary process has not happened. Instead, any forward momentum has stalled, daily life has lost its rhythm and self discipline has been taken over by a state of funk.

In this state, humans are very easily controlled. By TV, the deadly convenience of the EMF pocket mobile and social engineering of malevolent power mongers – to name just a few factors behind global brain washing.

Any major challenge, like standing up against the removal of vital basic freedoms won over centuries, have been turned away from and individual resilience replaced by irresponsible vaccilation.

Far too many people have sunk into a state of abject passivity, sleep-walking their way through life as though they believe they have no role to play in this existence. Instead, passing on responsibility for the management of their lives to a posse of fawning fake ‘political leaders’.

So now, the guts needed to bring-about the bold uprising needed to emancipate ‘we the people’  from a globally dominant fascist dictatorship – is seriously wanting.

But the key battle-ground within this drama is not the outward defeat of a physical adversary, but the inner defeat of the slippery coward. In order to become part of the resistance to centrally controlled acts of mass genocide, we must ensure that the coward within us is given no scope for expression.

The coward that operates within each one of us has to die before the greater part of humanity can live.

This may seem like ‘mission impossible’ for those who tremor at the prospect of the warrior within themselves rising up and calling for action. But to these people I say – just consider the alternative. Capitulation to indefinite decades of slavery with no freedoms or civil liberties left. None at all.

Chipped, mind controlled, psychologically tortured, spiritually blocked and physically re-engineered or murdered by fake vaccinations; forced onto a diet of synthetic laboratory foods; unable to bear children owing to the sterilisation of the reproductive organs; dispossessed of all material assets including the right to claim ownership of your own body and, last but not least, being permanently under surveillance of a hidden third party who has the power to nullify any emotional courage one might eventuality find to break-out of this prison.

You might not allow yourself to believe it could ever be like this; but you would be wrong, it’s all there in the text of WEF director Klaus Schwab’s book ‘The Great Reset’.

There you have it direct from one of the chief architects of centralised global control. A master craftsman of the totalitarian state, along with Gates, Zuckerberg, Rockefeller, Rothschild, techno-kings of Silicon Valley and a handful of tyrannical multi-billionaires, bankers and ‘royal servants’ of dark-side deceivers.

These are facts not fictions, and all the despotic frontrunners whose agenda this is, are sealed-off from the real world due to their inordinate hoards of financial wealth. They exist in a parallel construct and carry out their slow asphyxiation of life on earth from a cold, calculating and callous cocoon of non empathy with real people, real emotions and real world.

Once you understand how this planet is managed for the benefit of these vampires – and that it’s you who is allowing it to happen, then the blue pill will no longer hold such an attraction. Any attempt to continue to hide behind a delusional state of disbelief looks increasingly like an open gate into a sunless underworld.

We have all arrived at ground zero. It’s now or never to back the noble march for human emancipation in all our thoughts and deeds. Not to back-off into the lengthening shadows of self implosion.

I have put it as bluntly as I can since this is what I see in front of us. This choice. Freedom versus Fascism.

It is quite simply a case of grabbing the proud flag of freedom and jumping-in. Jumping in with the rising family of man stepping forth in resistance to the global slave-masters who want you to submit to their captivity, dragging the rest of the world with you.

Those who have not yet made their move will be wise to do so today – and let the coward in them be forever fired – rather than their always listening, ever guiding indefatigable souls.

We are unique living representatives of a higher universal force. Emissaries of the Supreme Consciousness. Let us not shrink from doing justice to this extraordinary inheritance. To honour this great gift which has been bestowed upon us.

We came here to regain control and give new direction to human destiny. To hold the earthly line on behalf of its divine inventor. To offer ourselves fully and bravely to that which demands our unstinting commitment.


Connect with Julian Rose

cover image credit: Mysticsartdesign / pixabay

The Ongoing Operation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity Is Insane | The Old Saying Was Right — Kill Your Television

The Ongoing Operation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity Is Insane | The Old Saying Was Right — Kill Your Television


“When government and technology are working together, the potential for abuse increases exponentially. To save ourselves, both of these forces must be permanently put in their place.”


The Old Saying Was Right: Kill Your Television
 (And Your Smartphone)

by Richard HugusContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
November 8, 2021


A month ago, illegal and criminal coercion toward covid injections in the workplace was announced by the Biden Administration. Many have lost their jobs for rightly refusing this unsafe, ineffective, and possibly life-changing medical procedure. Now it has been announced by the pharma-owned FDA and CDC that children 5 to 11 years old may be given the shot. Comments from the public and renowned doctors and scientists were overwhelmingly against this, but as with so may other boards across the country, the officials at the table voted unanimously in favor, as if they never heard a thing. This shot will now be mandated in spite of the fact that older children who have already been injected have experienced heart problems and other serious reactions, including death. Neither of these age groups have ever been in danger, and the shots can only hurt them. Next it will be children newborn to 4. What are we to make of a government willing to sacrifice children to pharmaceutical company profits, or ends even worse?

Coerced injections, worthless for their stated purpose, and now provably harmful, are clearly a means to some end. This might include social control through digital passports, totalitarian surveillance, the re-engineering of humanity through genetic manipulation, the reduction of the world’s population (a longtime dream of eugenicists), hooking people up to the “internet of bodies”, or all of the above. One thing is certain — none of this was ever about public health. That lie is impossible to believe as we watch health care workers being fired, leaving hospitals understaffed; as news of injection injuries is censored; as ER doctors ignore injection injuries and fail to report them; as the medical establishment is seen to be under the obvious control of politics and corporations; as goalposts are moved, new rules invented, and definitions changed; as sanitation workers are let go and garbage piles up in the streets; as fire fighters and first responders are put on “leave without pay;” as workers across the country lose their jobs and can no longer provide for themselves or their families; as mental health declines from isolation, fear, and stress; as natural immunity is suddenly no longer recognized; and as effective medicines are withheld while harmful medicines are protocol. The goal is apparently not to promote public health, or indeed social order, but to destroy it. One might think that government would respond to the obvious deterioration of society, but the last two years have shown that this is actually what governments want. This is a war from the inside out. Our own government is trying to kill us.

We have been fed a string of lies 20 months long, but lies over time have a way of wearing thin. In the attempt to explain contradictory evidence, official explanations become more and more elaborate, and the more this happens the easier it is for us to see both the lies and the liars. Our great advantage is that the truth doesn’t need the vast resources of states and corporate media to be told. When it came to the point where the state was forced to just censor the truth outright, this was just another lesson for us. The bigger the coverup, the more obvious the crime. Clarity grows every day.

The tyranny we are facing didn’t just start in March 2020. We are in the midst of a system that had already surrounded us when the “pandemic” operation began. This is why such an obvious hoax gained so much territory so quickly across the world. The operation itself was carefully planned, but it was built on an established foundation. For almost 60 years — counting back to the John F. Kennedy assassination — the world has been subjected to a long list of planned attacks in which black operators created a traumatic public event, manipulated the public into believing the event was carried out by a selected patsy, and made desired institutional changes on the basis of that event. The September 11, 2001 attack seemed the pinnacle of any ambition these operators could possibly have, until covid 19 came along and somehow struck 193 countries with the same catastrophic results all at the same time. Manufactured case and death statistics then started rolling in, videos of people dying in the streets were produced, and the narrative of a terrible, unprecedented public health emergency was everywhere around us. The real event was seasonal respiratory illness hyped as a “pandemic”, with maybe a dash of real bioweapon thrown in. The patsy was bats in China spreading a mysterious deadly virus. And the deep institutional change looks like a wholesale re-organization of national economies, resources, and populations to suit the one-world-government  fantasy of Vanguard investment bankers, secret cabals, and the openly conniving Davos elite. Far more people were immediately killed by health care policy and medical malpractice in the early days of the covid operation — for example, the elderly sent to die in nursing homes, the ventilator murders — than the 3,000 who died on September 11. Without death and gore, there is no trauma, and the scale of this op required plenty of trauma. As intended in the 9-11 operation, the US proceeded with a series of wars against the enemies of Israel. As intended in the Covid 19 operation, the oligarchs have proceeded to destroy economies worldwide. 9-11 led to millions of deaths; covid 19 (the operation) will bring many more.

Dark actors with evil schemes have been honing their craft throughout history, but have never been able to fool more people than in the age of Edward Bernays, mass media, and social engineering. Today, a world-shaking falsity can be created out of thin air.  The 1969 “moon landing” is a good example. Fortunately that psy-op was carried out without mass murder. It was an astounding feat. From the battleship Maine to the Gulf of Tonkin, to “weapons of mass destruction”, to the 7-7 London bus bombing, to 9-11, to the Boston Marathon bombing, to the Las Vegas hotel shooter massacre, to the January 6 “insurrection”, and scores of other entrapments, fakes, and shootings; served by a veritable industry of crisis actors, informants, patsies, undercover police, agents, infiltrators, provocateurs, assassins, and spies; huge lies have been relentlessly sprung upon an unwitting, crisis-weary public, and the lies have succeeded for the most part because people can’t believe anyone would commit crimes of such magnitude.

Perhaps it’s time to rethink our relationship to the source of much of this manipulation — the TV screen. We literally are not seeing something real when it comes to us through this medium. The image on the screen is not reality. It may easily show us what someone else wants us to believe. The format is a wide open field for propagandists. Our personal experience is limited. TV makes our experience seem almost unlimited and we come to believe this expanded experience is authentic. We have been seduced by media and technology to such an extent that today much of our “reality” is not even real — it is virtual. It all comes down to epistemology — what is real and what we actually know is one of the central questions of philosophy. But for the sake of our survival, gaining knowledge through our own direct experience, dealing with people face to face, being there in person, interacting with the natural world in our immediate (non-mediated) surroundings, seems like the first step to take to escape the brainwashing that we get from electronic media. Like junk food, electronic media is pervasive and addictive. We are not physically or psychologically prepared to deal with it. We are simply not capable of ‘knowing’ all the people, places, ideas, and events brought to us in the avalanche of content on the internet. The hosts of the virtual world, like Facebook and Google, are happy to see us occupied on smart phones and social media with a previously unimaginable circle of  hundreds of “friends.” We may even organize with our hundred friends to break Facebook and Google into a thousand pieces, but Silicon Valley doesn’t care because they gain so much more from collecting and selling our data.

Technology once seemed to be there to make life easier, but then it quietly enslaved us. To fight technocracy — that is,  government which derives its power from technology — we have only to look at the technocrats’ means of control — QR codes, data bases, surveillance cameras, license plate readers, algorithms, artificial intelligence, body scanners, microchips, video games, blockbuster movies, cable TV, smartphones, and credit scores — and get them one by one out of our lives. It is certainly within our means to get rid of the devices we ourselves carry. Are you opposed to “vaccine passports”? Then don’t carry or own the smartphone that makes them possible.

Facebook recently announced it wants to change its name to “Meta”, the Latin word for ‘beyond.’ To the forward-thinking predators running Facebook, the “metaverse” is the next frontier in the attempt to capture and control human minds. With a VR (virtual reality) headset, one actually believes he’s in a given program, and may even believe he’s interacting with the program. The next step will be a no-headset, or wireless, VR platform. Since the oligarchs want to use those of us who survive the Frankenshots as slave labor, they would want us to be more than just passive batteries in a pod with cables stuck to our heads, as in The Matrix. Mobile humans having reality fed to them wirelessly would be a huge improvement. Perhaps the technology for that is contained in the “vaccines”,  with their strange magnetic effects, so far unacknowledged and unexplained. Indeed, this may be why Bill Gates said that “unfortunately everyone on the planet will have to be vaccinated.” Obviously, the privileged few can’t have unauthorized humans walking around in their own reality!

The ongoing operation for the digital enslavement of humanity is insane. We are not a Frankenstein experiment. We are not software programs. We are not computers. We are not ones and zeros. We are not transhuman. We are miracles created by God, not to be tampered with. It is time to de-digitize the world around us and return to our spiritual connections and our humanity. Like government, technology is there to serve us, not the other way around. Like government, technology is not to be trusted. When government and technology are working together, the potential for abuse increases exponentially. To save ourselves, both of these forces must be permanently put in their place.

These days many of us are in the streets protesting. The benefit of this is not that we might attract the attention of politicians who hold us in contempt, but that we see and talk to each other in person, and give those on the sidelines strength in seeing healthy and strong opposition to the madness. When it comes time to actually confront the authorities, they will have no choice but to listen, and they aren’t going to like it. On the way to that day, and perhaps in order to reach it, we have to get 60 years of very sophisticated, highly manipulative media programming well out of our heads. Hoaxes and false flags will then be immediately obvious, and will no longer be used against us. The “pandemic” and the cast of characters fomenting this two year atrocity will disappear like a bad dream. It’s as if we can beat this operation simply by evolving.


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings: http://www.richardhugus.com/

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


 Also by Richard Hugus:

“My Name Is Bill Gates, King of Kings”
Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image credit: Sammy-Sander / pixabay

Polish Refugee in Canada: Communism in Poland Was Defeated Through Non-Compliance

Polish Refugee in Canada: Communism in Poland Was Defeated Through Non-Compliance


“There is a force — a force they cannot take away from us, which is willpower.
And willpower is always driven by love… So if you know what I’m talking
about, use love. Don’t be on their level.”
~ Bojena 


Poland Crushed Communism by Not Complying (Exclusive Video)

by Renee Nal, RAIR Foundation
November 7, 2021


A Polish refugee warns that policies and rhetoric that ultimately resulted in Martial Law in Poland is taking place in Canada.

During a “Rally For Freedom” held on November 6th, 2021 in Parliament Hill in Ottawa, a Polish survivor of communism named Bojena delivered a short, but fiery address.

The rally was organized in part by CourageousCitizen.com, and RAIR Foundation USA was in attendance. A speaker with Action4Canada explained that Poland beat communism peacefully.

“They didn’t use guns, they didn’t hijack anybody, there was no bombs going off… They did it through non-compliance,” he said. “And that spread to the rest of Europe,” he continued.

Bojena agreed, explaining that her grandmother was a survivor of the all-women Ravensbrück concentration camp. They were “slaves, working 14-16 hours per day,” Bojena said. “But she survived. Do you know why,” Bojena asked. “Because she had forgiveness in her heart but she was this kind of woman, okay?”

To illustrate her grandmother’s attitude during her time at the Ravensbrück concentration camp, Bojena made a gesture:

Bojena’s message is simple. To stop communism: Do Not Comply.

When Bojena was 17 years old, she was inspired by Poland’s anti-Communist Solidarity movement under Lech Walesa. “When I was 17, I was beaten, arrested actually twice… I came to Canada recognized as a political refugee,” she explained.

From a previous RAIR interview with Bojena:

But now the Polish refugee sees policies and rhetoric that ultimately resulted in Martial Law in Poland taking place in Canada. ‘We’ve been there, we Polish people – we’ve been there – the entire communist block – we’ve seen what the communists are capable of doing,’ she continued. ‘Please stand up before it’s too late,’ Bojena said.

Stressing the importance of non-compliance, Bojena said “[N]on-Compliance is my second name, okay?” Non-compliance based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights is needed to stop this tyranny, she stressed to the crowd.

We must stop waiting for others to save us, Bojena said. We can only save ourselves, she stressed. “If I can do it, it’s about freaking time you do it,” she said. “Non-compliance. Simply say ‘No!’,” she continued.

Watch the video:


Connect with RAIR Foundation

Country Singer Blind Joe: “Stand Your Ass Up and Scream It Out Loud. I Will Not Comply!”

Country Singer Blind Joe: “Stand Your Ass Up and Scream It Out Loud. I Will Not Comply!”


[Already censored once from YouTube, we share the reupload at Blind Joe’s YouTube channel below. But, just in case, we have added a mirrored Odysee copy at the end of this post and have made it available at Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon. All credit and copyright belong to Blind Joe. — TCTL editor] [Nov. 11 update: Second upload of original has been removed from YouTube. It has been widely mirrored at alternative sites by now.]

About Blind Joe


I will not comply

Quit tryin ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

Since back last March I’ve had an achy-breaky heart like old Billy Ray Cyrus

Been catching a case of the blues from the news around this damn coronavirus

Now they’re telling us we gotta keep our chin diapers up even if we got the shot in the arm

But nobody’s talkin bout exercise or eating food that’s fresh grown from the farm

That’s why I will not comply

Quit trying ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

The only way to stop the violence is for us to break the silence right now

So if you tend to agree and you’re pissed off like me

Stand your ass up and scream it out loud

Sing I will not comply

Quit tryin ta take me to task cuz I don’t wanna wear a mask or take a vaccine that could maybe make me die

They got no scientific evidence to back that crap up

All they do is feed us lie after lie

That’s why I will not comply

I’m here to tell ya people

I will not comply!!!


Connect with Blind Joe

cover image credit: blindjoe.com

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 5, 2021


Soon after his passing, Fauci found himself in a small office. A desk, two chairs, a floor lamp. The carpet was worn. The paint on the wall was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned Fauci to a chair.

Where am I?

This is Hell, Tony.

Thank God.


Of course. This is where the party is, right?

You could say that.

For years, I’ve been conducting private experiments on orphans. Trying to develop antibodies against Heaven. The results seemed promising, so I’ve been injecting myself every morning. You know, whatever works.

We’ve been looking forward to your arrival.

Good. Can I check into a hotel?

We have a room for you in the fortress. It has a view of the lake.

Just one room? I’d prefer a suite. How is the room service? I’ll need aides. I want to set up a lab.

You’ll spend a great deal of time in a lab, Anthony. As a subject.

A subject? Of what?

We run experiments around the clock.

For purposes of enhancement? Life extension?

You don’t need extension. This is forever.

What then?

We have a schedule for residents. On Mondays, we’re doing high-dose AZT trials. We’re calculating the rate of body breakdown. As you know, the drug stops all cells from replicating.

I helped pioneer the drug. There must be some mistake. I conduct and organize studies. I don’t participate in them as a volunteer. That would be madness.

The other Monday option is six hours on the rack. Body-stretching. It’s an extreme form of Pilates. You get one break for a vegan meal, two shots of wheatgrass, and ten minutes of chanting led by a failed Hollywood actress in spandex.

Something’s wrong.

Maybe you’ve been wrong.

About what?

Let’s see. Where to start? You helped lead the world into masks, distancing, lockdowns, economic devastation, a highly toxic vaccine.

There was a pandemic.

Anthony, there’s no need for obfuscation. You’re in Hell.

I take the Fifth. There was a plan. I helped carry it out. I was an administrator. It was my job. I followed orders.

You profited handsomely.

You have no idea. I made out like Rockefeller.

We know, Anthony. We’re not distracted by limited hangouts or cover stories.

I have no intention of becoming a subject or a victim. It’s below my rank and status. Talk to Hillary. Talk to Bill Gates.

We have a program specifically prepared for Hillary. Bill is a different story. He’s one of our active agents on Earth. When he finally makes port here, his arrogant ego bloated beyond all reasonable standards of propriety, he’ll require a step-down protocol designed by the Marquis.

De Sade?

None other.

This is starting to sound like a nightmare. There HAS to be a mistake. I deserve my rewards.

Do you have any idea how times I’ve heard that in this room, Anthony?

I’m a master of designing protocols and studies. I could help you.

Now on Tuesdays, we feature a forced march through thriving soldier-anthills and snake pits in a driving rain.

But Jesus is my Savior.

I doubt that.


Because you’re here, Anthony. The proof of the pudding. Remember the studies on orphans in New York, at the Incarnation Center? The body-ripping AIDS drugs administered by coercion and force? Through intubation? Many of those children died. Your agency funded the studies.

Okay, look, that’s why I’m saying I can help you. I know how to do that work.

On Wednesdays, our residents can opt for a massive breakfast of methamphetamine, after which they crawl through dark tunnels and fight it out for access to a room where attendants are standing by with counteracting injections of Thorazine.

That’s horrible.

You’ve done worse, Anthony.

But I wasn’t on the receiving end.

Giving, receiving. A few of our scholars propose that, in the larger scheme of things, Hell is merely correcting an imbalance in Nature.

Talk to Biden. He’ll vouch for me.

Biden? Really? Even if we wanted to, he’s non compos mentis.

Does that mean he’s not responsible for his own actions? He’ll go to Heaven?

Good one, Anthony. We like jokes.

Did you hear the one about the rabbi performing brain surgery on the priest? I’ve got hundreds of medical side-splitters. Do you need a court jester? I can dance and sing.

Oh, you’ll dance and sing, Anthony. Now, Thursday is straight immersion in the lake of fire. Or you can opt for being strapped in a chair and sprayed with chemicals that bring on a whole host of profound respiratory symptoms. Not being able to breathe results in some very interesting reactions. While this is happening to you, you’ll be forced to watch news anchors on television describing these symptoms as caused by a virus. For fourteen hours straight. It’s quite delicious.

Again, you’re talking about the kind of medical ops I administer. I can help you refine the parameters.

Our pros, Anthony, have been at this for a very long time. They know their business, believe me.

I’m Doctor Prestige. The most famous people in the world come to me for advice, on everything from experimental brain implants to nose jobs. Wherever I go, I’m celebrated. Feted. Showered with accolades and applause. Prime ministers want to kiss my ring.

And you’ll reconnect with some of those prime ministers in the tunnel of meth, scratching and clawing and biting and ripping your way toward a shot of Thorazine.

I’m having a dream. This is a dream.

That’s what everyone thinks. Until they don’t. Given your Catholic upbringing, I’m surprised you’re so surprised by Hell. Think Dante. The Inferno.

One of my Jesuit teachers told me Hell was just a con, a strategy to control the rubes and yokels.

Never believe a Jesuit, Anthony. Like the CIA, they wake up in the morning and they go to sleep at night lying.

And who are you? Who are you to consign me to a fate worse than death?

I’m the assistant director of Human Resources. I started out cleaning the horse stalls for the Riders of the Apocalypse and worked my way up.

I could work my way up. I’m very diligent. I can fill vials. Prepare injections. Sweep animal cages. You know, when I was a child, I wanted to be a door man at a fancy apartment building, so I could wear a uniform. I could be a greeter. Hold umbrellas for people in the rain while they’re getting in cabs.

We do have some former researchers who work in cages with animals.

You see? I could do that.

I wouldn’t exactly call it work. We lock the researchers in cages with animals they used to torture.

My God. Has anyone ever escaped from here?

There are a few stories. According to legend, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the Nazi SS, almost made it in 2005. He was a few miles from the Unknown Forest, when he happened upon a group of gay Jewish men who were organizing a Pride event. One of the men recognized him. We might have surveillance video footage in our archive. I’ll see if I can dig it up. Now let me show you to your room. As I say, it has a nice view of the lake…

I have money.

We’re cashless.

I have connections. I’ll give you their phone numbers.

Don’t be silly. We’re bloated with connections.

I’ll give you my honor. Or dishonor. I’ll give you my soul.

You’re here, Anthony. We have you. Whole. Sliced and diced. Every which way. Now come with me. It’s a short boat ride to the Fortress along the river of ammonia. Don’t forget to put on your mask. I’d recommend two.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on work of Owensart & Devanah / pixabay

The Man Who Died Alone

The Man Who Died Alone
               Who was he? And who are we?

by Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier
November 5, 2021


It’s 2021.

Our gravely concerned Globalist jailers have placed us in psychic open-air graves clear around the world. As the sun rises and sets, they bray and bray, like mules made of recycled tin, their unceasing hammer blows to our exhausted souls, that we must, as the singular and final act of human decency, “get vaccinated.”So they think we  didn’t hear them the last ten thousand times they said it? What does it mean to repeat ONE THING over and over and over and over to a person, or to 400 million people? It means you don’t acknowledge their aliveness, or your own. There are no longer ears, anywhere, no give and take, no dialogue. No life.

I just watched this Biden Propaganda clip, and as ever, the man makes me despair, even though I don’t believe in despair.

Somebody working for the US Gov actually wrote the words: “This is not about your freedom.”

Oh you think?

“Martha, come quick! The President has explained this is not about our freedom. We can totally change and upgrade, Martha. We no longer have to be dirty, selfish Americans. Come listen to President Biden explain everything!”

He touches his ear in that creepy signaling way that to me simply makes me feel I am about to be thrown in the back of a white van. And I’m 6 years old. That’s how much I am actually frightened by the visual and auditory experience of “The President.” Also, please can somebody explain the wallpaper to me? What is “Vaccine.Gov?” I imagine it it the final end station whereby the Pharmaceutical Cabal overtly overtakes the “US Government.”

Watch the horror here:

Meanwhile, God is changing the colors of all the leaves, wishing we would look at them.

Instead we peer into the goggles, go to the machine, checking the Death Weather Report. A now 1.5 year hostage crisis in which the dead are killed, to be weaponized against us hostages. And that’s only part of the shell game.

The dead hold the secrets of what really killed them. One must never question Covid as “cause” of death; Morticians have to be skilled resistance warriors to even obtain any “Covid” corpses for post-mortems, let alone tell us what they found.

The dead are exploited ruthlessly to fuel the PCR and “Vaccine” gold rushes; You might say they are the gold. (Better to say, the graphene.)

But they must remain silent, never reveal how they died. They are loved after death in political Covid “memorials” only if their loved ones agree they died of Covid. All other deaths are stripped of state-sanctioned sympathy.

Meanwhile, there is, as this paper states, “great reluctance worldwide” to perform autopsies on those said to have died of “Covid-19.”

(I’m running out of quotation marks.)


Let’s not exhaust ourselves. This is a very crude and obvious Tiger Show. Same tricks as with AIDS, massively amped up and refined.

Their best weapon is a one word magic wand that literally achieves for them transformation of any thing into whatever they need it to become. It’s a four letter word:


Risk is always trans-calculational in essence, so can always be whipped out and used to abuse people to the end of time. You may notice, they control the Risk Projectors at the back of our cages while we can never get a word in edgewise that it is in fact them we fear.

No “virus” behaves like this. Nothing found in nature behaves like this.

But that’s part of the new One World Religion: To not question how this virus does behave like this. (HIV is sitting around in a retirement home looking at newspaper articles from her bygone glory days.)

And whereas previous despots admitted they were eliminating people, (albeit for the common good,) these narcissistic beasts insist they are protecting us, and they try to make us thank them. One of the Covid Reich’s favorite domination and shaming rituals is to get the spouse of a person who died following injections to urge people to still get their shots.

We are all culturally pressured, bullied and gaslit now, to mimic the dead as much as possible, by shutting down expressions of life, love, motion, aspiration, and hope.

The mask is the Lenin Bust of this final revolution, the unifying symbol— the idol we use to guard against this era’s complex gulags.

I was in the Soviet Union with my father in 1985, consciously partaking in a propaganda mission I’ll tell you about another time, if we have nothing better to do. (It was to do with the POWs in Afghanistan, and trying to persuade their mothers that the government cared. They invited: A Rabbi, a Priest and an Anti-Communist, my father.)

One day, in a restaurant, my father stopped to ponder a Buddha statue, and made a joke to our guide. “Let me guess. He’s thinking about Lenin. Right?”

Our guide turned white and begged my father: “Please Barry, no jokes about Lenin.” My father dropped his arms to his side and repressed a smile. He believed there was no subject you can’t joke about, but humorlessness is, indeed, the go to tonal- setting of the wicked.

When we can make jokes openly, we will know the Jacobins have lost terror power. I think we are approaching it.

If you are a loser, you want nothing more than to impose some new thing at all times on the minds and souls of your victims. That’s what the mass murder based ISMs are all about. (Bolshivism, Communism, Fascism—what shall we call this one?)

Beauty, art, literature, faith, history, music, traditions—all these are but potential portals of infection, as they take our minds off the drum beat of “Covid,” (as I write, being displaced by Climate Change 2.) They make us remember, our lost civilizations and no revolution permits that. They make us long to transcend separation. But wait! You’re supposed to worship separation too, which prepares you excellently to resemble the dead, while still biologically alive.

Have you noticed: Covid mostly appeals to people who were always sour-pusses?

Our minds are trained upon computer generated speculations: Who died, how certain people are failing to fear death sufficiently, how much debt we carry, to those who have banked on our death speculations, what we will do, pay, surrender, or become, in order to buy their fake bonds of ostensible Death Prevention (“Vaccines.”)

Want to see a real hockey stick?

The spike in all deaths reported to VAERS by year:

This is OpenVaers.com, a heroic one-woman website that clarifies all the data which, on the official VAERS website is rendered deliberately and shamefully inscrutable.
As you can clearly discern, every day this website remains up, is that it is as reasonable to say the Covid Machine is preventing death as it is to claim Stalin prevented the deaths of Ukrainians in 1932.

Which the New York Times, come to think of it, did.

In its way.

Here’s the Pulitzer Prize winning Walter Duranty in his own words, denying there was famine in Ukraine on the front pages of the Paper of Record. (I can’t address rumors of his necrophilia, but I feel that somehow this ‘rumor’ seems less crazy every day.)

Here’s the truth about Stalin’s unfathomable genocide by famine known as Holomodor.

The New York Times to this day won’t revoke Duranty’s Pulitzer, because the prize apparently maintains its sheen by pompous defense of “whatever we printed,” as opposed to “what actually happened.” Every journalist offered it should refuse it until Duranty’s is revoked. (But even if that happens, we still would have to deal with Laurie Garrett’s Pulitzer, and so many others.)

No longer are we permitted to live until we die, we must die before we die, or at least, in incremental ways, stop moving, so we all the more closely resemble the dead. It’s a very bizarre Neo-progressivism, which tells people they risk something worse than death if they state publicly they are not afraid of a Corona/Cold virus. They will be re-assigned as part of the “far-right.” And they will of course, be accused of murder.

The new “left” has collapsed entirely into a shrill nanny state of “prudent jailers,” expressing its decomposing atheism by way of Synthetic Virus Worship. Scientifically bankrupt contagion mania alchemizes, for them, into chronic indignation, disapproval, accusation and finally homicidal rage. If only they would go back to telling us from which nations we may not purchase grapes due to unjust conditions for the workers.

No—there are no more “workers,” there are no more branches of progressivism that do not invoke, as supreme and only cause, Contagion and its social and economic hostage demands. Progressivism (by which I mean global corporations) is cheering the mass decimation of all working classes, professional classes, underclasses, anything you can come up with. (Migrant caravans whose children and women can be trafficked are, for now, set aside.)

The industrial destruction of the whole world and all its inhabitants, in case you’re missing the plot, must proceed unabated in the name of “fighting the virus,” which is a direct descendent of the HIV/AIDS UFO. What people learn only too late is that “the virus,” since it is born in silico, and wielded through synthetic meta-verse perceptions achieved by a set of trans-calculational PCR CT settings, will win every round of this video game. With “variants,” forget it.

All you have with which to defend yourself is “But I feel fine.” You are never “fine,” Rube. You are perpetually in debt, in these new black-debt parallel financial systems that emerged after the first debt-based future projected surrogate marker based illness known as “HIV/AIDS.”

The mantra: “Get tested” really means, worship the Debt Idol.
It is now an act of social terrorism to even think in these terms. Whatever next? Horse-paste?

Many people did try very hard, for many years, against almost indescribable psychological warfare, to shoot down the HIV/AIDS UFO, with a clear understanding of how dangerous it was. Why could it not be done? Because of woke-ism having overtaken, indeed become inseparable from, “science.”

It was a stain, you see, to “suggest” that “HIV was not the cause of AIDS.” It was denialism. Fringe. Conspiracy. Right wing. Homophobic. Anti-science. Responsible for the death of millions. And so forth. Somewhere in there, we lost most of our potential allies. Still, the fight was formidable, and soon to be documented in a whole new light. If you have not done so, consider ordering Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Faucihere.

The dominant power insists inside a well lit media psychosis that a “Corona virus” formerly understood as a common respiratory “virus,” which can’t even be witnessed, or made “available” as bio-material in the very hands of Christian Drosten (lesser magic) is nevertheless killing millions around the world. The Numerologists, let’s call them. Lynn Margulis called them that.

So what about the man who died alone?

I posted this video the other day, despite how disturbing, shocking and transgressive it was. A good friend and reader of this page, “CathPath,”made an important observation:

“Sadly, such events are no longer surprising. Yet, am I alone in questioning the appropriateness of the acquaintance going “live” on social media with this public break-in into his house– invading this poor victim’s privacy even– or especially– in death?

I also doubt that such dreadful videos will even change any of such captive minds at this point.”

I have been thinking on and off about the man who died, the man who filmed it, the firemen, and what exactly I myself was doing when I shared it.

I actually felt, when I first watched it, that the man who films and cries, and tries to get the truth out, was being respectful of the dead man.


Because he was there. He witnessed, he lamented. Without him, the dead man is in even more trouble, he is simply removed. Why was it left to a near stranger to miss him, to note he’d gone silent?

Ivan Klima’s novel Love and Garbage is a heart-searing meditation on this very dilemma. How totalitarian regimes attack love to transform it to garbage. (Which they can’t do.)

Still, I draw a blank. I can’t find North, South, East West.

I can’t say which is more right or more wrong. Maybe I myself have ceased to be entirely human, or maybe we all have.

In 2020, I lost my best friend and my father. I was not able to bury either of them. My father’s ashes were handed to me and my son, curbside, by a woman in a mask outside the Greenwich Village funeral home. No fault of theirs.

Incidentally, those people—the ones who work with the dead and their families—they are among the kindest people you will ever meet.

Covid presents impossible choices by design. I feel I am lost in a vault, frozen in time before 2020, when I knew what it meant to be human. Now I only know how to pump out “information” and “warnings.” I’m homesick for my lost inner landscape, and the places we all used to meet. Homesick for the human landscape.


Connect with Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier

cover image credit: Noah Silliman / Unsplash

The Pope: A Conversation in Hell

The Pope: A Conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 3, 2021


Within an hour of passing from this life, Pope Francis found himself in a small office. Worn carpet, a desk, two chairs. The wall paint was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned the Pope to the chair across from him.

Where am I?

In Hell, Francis.

That’s impossible.


I’m the Pope.

There’s another way to look at it. Why wouldn’t you be here?

No, really. There’s obviously been an error. A tragic mistake.

I’m afraid not. Our transport system is bulletproof. It runs on AI.

Then…then you’re Satan?

Good one, Francis. No. I’m Sid, the assistant director of Human Resources.

Where is Satan? I demand to speak with him.

Satan doesn’t do celebrity intake. He didn’t even speak with Stalin. Or Torquemada.

Look, I don’t care about your system. I’ve been sent to the wrong place. I’m destined to meet with the Savior and His Father.

Yeah, well, that’s not going to happen. You’re here, this is Hell, and that’s that.

Baloney. How do I get a message through to God?

After all this time, you don’t know how? Anyway, we’re blocked off. No service from here to there.

There must be an angel I can talk to.

Another good one. No, Francis, we’re all out of angels.

I have resources. Art, gold, manuscripts.

You HAD them.

Get the Vatican on the phone.

We used to have a direct line. But then they stopped paying their bill.


I’m afraid so. For the duration.

This is unconscionable. Somebody has their wires crossed. There are millions of people named Francis. I was switched out.

Or you deserve to be here. Let’s talk about that.

There must be something I can offer you.

In the abstract, bribery is an interesting conversation, but we’re way past that.

What’s the set-up here? Who needs favors and blessings?

We run a tight ship. We have a schedule. Monday is medical day. Right now, we’re performing a series of experiments on brain-computer interface. Volunteers are attached through skull probes to a program that loads them up with advanced mathematics. The integration phase has run into serious problems. Instead of data, people are experiencing raw electronics. The pain levels are exceedingly high. So we’re trying to counteract that with drugs.

You’re not serious.

This is Hell.

You said “volunteers.”

On Mondays, you could opt for a clinical trial of high-dose AZT. We’re measuring the timeline of cell death. AZT essentially stops cells from replicating. In layman’s terms, the body decays rapidly and falls apart.

This must be a dream.

On Tuesday, we strap you to a treadmill traveling 37 miles an hour for two hours, while gradually lowering you into the lake of fire.

What have I done? What have I done to deserve this?

Let’s talk about that. For instance, the deal with the Chinese.

The Chinese are a wonderful people.

Sure. We’re all wonderful, Francis. I’m talking about the Chinese regime and Xi Jinping.

You mean the Vatican support for abortion? Our endorsement of their social credit score system? The conferences on integrating Catholicism and Communism?

That would be a start.

So what? So what if we made those accommodations? China is a powerhouse. I wasn’t just going to sit there and watch them roll over us. Sid, they already control half of Italy. Why do you think the first COVID lockdowns in the West started in my backyard?

Your allegiance was to Jesus and God.

You’re joking, right? Even God makes deals. He applies pressure, gets what he wants, and then he backs off. Send a plague, obtain compliance, declare a truce. It’s all about the action. One player gets one piece, another player gets another. You spread out the baksheesh, you pocket the vig.

Now we’re getting somewhere. Similar situation with climate change, right?

Just another deal. Another hustle. These flim-flam artists really believe they can measure the Earth’s overall temperature? Are you kidding me? Much less the HISTORY of the temperature? But that’s the play now. The UN Panel. They’ll package the threat of a planetary collision between the Earth and Mars, if it’ll give them a leg up.

You saw an opportunity.

Of course. I’m the number one humanitarian in the world when it comes to hunger and inequality. Those are my talking points. I can do a bang-up job of faking a connection between them and climate change. So I’m needed. The grifters involved are all already making out like bandits on climate. So they sit down with me, I negotiate my ten percent. Plus they get to reduce energy production all over the world. You know, as the “solution.” This gives them more poverty and debilitation, which are good for their business—Control. I’m in the same business. We see eye to eye.

I like it, Francis.

Wait a minute. I’m losing the thread. I mean, you’re on my side, right? You get an insight into my strategy and you approve. Yes?

Absolutely. You’re talking our language.

So then why are you talking about Monday and Tuesday and subjecting me to all kinds of torture on your schedule, if I’m not here to pay for my sins?

Francis, I would have thought you’d figured that out a long time ago. We’re sadists. We enjoy our work. That’s all. We don’t truck with Heaven. We have no opinion or knowledge about them. We just accept the souls who show up here. I’m happy you’re with us. But we need raw material. You’re it.

What?! There’s nothing moral about punishment in this place?

Moral? Think it through, Francis. Again, this is Hell.

All right. I’m a fast adapter. There are things, then. Things I could teach you, Sid.

I don’t think so. We’ve been around the block a few million times. We know our business.

There’s no money involved?

We’re cashless. Let me show you to your room. It has a view of the lake…

I’m having a mental health problem. Can I see a doctor?

This place is filled with doctors. I can get you in this afternoon. You supported psychiatric treatment while you were at the Vatican, right? Here, though, the doctors tend to be a little bent. They go to extremes with their treatments. I’ll make a few calls and find you an unenthusiastic straight shooter. Of course, experiencing what a standard protocol of Haldol does to the nervous system…the tranquilizing effect is only stage one. After that, the neurons start firing randomly. Impulse control goes out the window…

I want out!

Ah, but you’re in, Francis.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Comfreak / pixabay

Come What May

Come What May

by Sharon JamesContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
November 2, 2021


This morning I woke feeling sad. I cannot count how many sad mornings there have been for the past twenty months. On my early morning walk I watched a bank of clouds swallow up the sunrise. My family and friends tell me to stop reading and listening. They tell me to take breaks.

But you do not take breaks from friends who are suffering with so many degrees of struggle and loss. You cannot let the clouds swallow them up too. You read and listen to help those who cannot — to help them navigate in this nightmarish storm. And maybe you can rescue some who do not yet realize they are drowning.

My first listen today was of a dad and a young daughter speaking before a city council. They were choking on the stranglehold the mandates are putting on their community.

You want to know what he does for a living?

He runs the heart and lung machine that maybe your grandma or brother were on during open heart surgery. He says there are only two in his local hospital who do that work and neither will take the jab. So people will die when they are fired for their choice. Some will call him foolish or selfish and some will call him a hero.

He struggled to remain composed. He said he has tried to see his way around it and through it but, in the end,  standing for freedom is the only thing that makes sense for the long term. Because, well, we do not know what they will ask us to do next.

My sad did not end there. We needed a few things at a local store whose name you would know. There were bright red signs on every cooler door and on end caps and more. “Hiring Event – Today!” Other local stores have signs that say “Immediate Interviews”. Lines are long and shelves have gaps.

Manned tables were placed strategically. People were stopping by. There sat a tall man with a long beard – older. I overheard. The woman in control harshly said, “You cannot fill out an application online?” Him: “No.” Her again: “Do you have a cell phone you could fill one out on?” Him, dejected: “No.”

I walked away, knowing he was not going to get a job, no matter what. He wanted a job. He was willing to work. But he was not even good enough for a large chain retail discount store who were having a “Hiring Event – Today!”. What a false hope they held out to him and others.

With my cart filled with more than we need — because one never knows — I checked myself out. I opened my wallet to pay cash because right now, more than ever, it is important to use cash. That is another right being threatened.

After feeding the machine my money I made my way to the parking lot. It was still cloudy like my heart. I loaded the groceries into my van and drove out the side exit, heading home.

I live in rural Iowa near a very small town. I shop in a town that is bigger, but still small — less than 30,000 residents. So seeing what I saw next is rare — a beggar by the side exit of the store parking lot. Even more rare, it was a young woman.

I could have looked the other way. That is sometimes easier in the bigger cities when you cannot tell if it is a ruse or real. But I chose to read her sign. The first phrase had me.

“I have kids.”.

I pulled over. I opened my wallet, still well supplied. The tears from the dad and daughter talk threated to spill again. I put the window down and looked into the grateful eyes of a young East Indian woman — a surprise in this small town.

Her accent when she said “God bless you” confirmed her origins. A couple of scars on her face said she had suffered. I could only get out “You, too” when I handed her less than I should have. Whether her need was real or not — God bless her.

Turning left, I headed north. A sudden realization came as did the tears. My kids’ generation rarely carry cash. If you do not carry cash, how do you help in a situation like that? If people do not carry cash how does someone in need ask for help?

What if, one day, I am the beggar? Then a song came on the radio… “Sometimes heartache is the gift I need…down broken roads You’re still my rock. My hope remains, I’ll rest in the arms of Jesus, come what may.”

Come what may, I will stand firm for what I know is right.

Come what may, I will help my neighbor.

Come what may, I will trust the Lord who will care for me.

What is your ‘come what may’ list?


See my previous essays:

My Solitary Journey Through Fear: A Life-Changing Paradigm Shift — From Pandemic Believer to Uncovering the Truth

My Approach to Opening Those Feared Yet Needed “Pandemic” Conversations


Sharon James — along with her husband, children & visiting grandchildren — has lived and worked for nearly 35 years on a century farm in Iowa.

She is an avid researcher and life-long learner with a degree in education and strong interest in natural healing. Her now-adult children were all home schooled.

Sharon James is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Sharon welcomes your comments or questions. Her email address is:


cover image credit: StockSnap / pixabay

What Does God Want?

What Does God Want?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 2, 2021


If through some grievous error, I were invited to deliver a sermon on a Sunday morning at a Church, it would go this way:

What God wants could be summed up as: ask and you shall receive.

I won’t try to explain the conditions under which asking works for you.

But suppose it does. The question then becomes: what will you do with what you received?

I think many people would answer: help the less fortunate.

But suppose the less fortunate turns out to be 99% of EVERYBODY?

And further, suppose 99% of everybody is less fortunate owing to actions taken against them by oppressive rulers?

If you use what you received from God to alleviate a tiny fraction of the suffering experienced by everybody under the heel of oppressive rulers…fine. But isn’t it clear that the wave of suffering will continue, because these rulers simply don’t let up, don’t stop?

Therefore, wouldn’t it be moral and wise to stand up against the rulers?

Now I realize your pastor doesn’t preach this “standing-up-against” on Sundays. He probably doesn’t want to think about it. And neither do you.

Based on my limited knowledge of the Bible, I don’t recall God saying, “Refrain from thinking about what bothers you.”

In fact, you could say the whole Bible was written to interrupt people who were refraining from thinking about bothersome things.

So where did your pastor and you get the idea that religion involved avoiding bother?

Standing up against the State—every State, sooner or later, becomes oppressive—is the rational and moral and wise thing to do, after you’ve received what you asked for from God.

This is my view.

Is this also God’s view?

I don’t know. I’m not sure how He operates, or in how many dimensions. I suspect intermediaries have set themselves up as God, in acts of forgery. They pretend to be the highest God, but they aren’t.

All in all, I would say that if God gives you what you asked for, He would be pleased to see you use it for a good purpose. You’ve heard my reckoning and analysis, and you can take it for what you think it’s worth.

With this caveat: If you reason your way into avoiding standing up against your oppressive rulers, ask yourself whether this is a self-serving bit of sophistry. An excuse. A way out. A con, in which you’re both the perpetrator and the victim.

Ask yourself seriously. It won’t take long to arrive at an answer.

This is a nice church. It’s a bit too comfortable for my taste. Everyone here seems relaxed. The Bible, from my memory of it, isn’t a relaxing book. It isn’t something you nod yourself to sleep with at night.

Everyone here this morning is dressed up. As a sign of respect. I understand that. I’m sure some of you thank God for saving your lives. I understand that, too. But now that you’re saved, what do you want?

Ask and you shall receive. But then comes that question: what do you with what you receive?

Doesn’t the Bible contain a number of accounts of wicked men? And aren’t those men in positions of power? Aren’t many of them rulers? Isn’t God concerned with these rulers? Isn’t He making a clear distinction between Earthly powers and His power?

Doesn’t it stand to reason that a church created in His name would do the same?

Am I missing something? I don’t think so.

I know this church closed its doors when your Earthly rulers mandated the lockdowns. I know many of you have taken the vaccine because your rulers commanded it. I haven’t heard your pastor voice passionate objections to these orders. I haven’t seen him refuse to obey the ruling men. And none of you challenged him.

That’s odd. Strange. I would call it a reversal of religious morality.

Perhaps that’s why, when I see you at prayer, bowing your heads, I see the opposite of what I’m supposed to see.

I see you submitting to your oppressive rulers.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: msandersmusic / pixabay

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: HotZone Global Government & the UFO File

Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell: HotZone Global Government & the UFO File
“The breakaways are trying to take over. They’re trying to step out into the open — if you look at it a certain way. Basically, what we’re seeing is a federal government that’s been captured by a group of radicals that have no connection to the history or culture of this country. ” ~ Joseph P. Farrell


by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
October 29, 2021

The Exotic Technology Card

Oxford scholar and Giza Death Star book series author Dr. Joseph Farrell returns to join Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt for a spellbinding look into the bizarre geopolitical hurricane gaining force as we head into 2022.

He sees major moves in the HotZone of Cuba where ancient ruins and covert operations like Havana Syndrome run rampant.

A supply crisis being engineered in the US by shadowy forces who are searching for something mysterious.

Massive repression and mind control worldwide as a global dictatorship steps out of the shadows and a major secret coming to the surface regarding aerospace, exotic technology and the UFO file that may play a crucial role in starting (or preventing) a new World War.

Special Topics:


Havana Syndrome

Pine Gap

Supply Crisis

HotZone Intrigue

Push For World War

Exotic Technology

Mind Control

Committee to Run the President

See related for understanding COG (Continuity of Government), the Deep State, hidden global manipulation, space wars and more.

Dark Journalist Special Report: NORTHCOM COG Vs. The Constitution 

Dark Journalist X Continuity of Government (COG) Martial Law Takeover Revealed!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dark Journalist X-Series 96: UFOs And Continuity of Government (COG) Secret Revealed!

Dr. Joseph P. Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Election Aftermath, ‘Deep Events’ & the Deep State | Resemblance of 2021 Domestic Terror Bill to 1933 Enabling Act in Nazi Germany

Dr. Joseph Farrell w/ Dark Journalist: Nazis in Space – Von Braun, JFK and the UFO Invasion Op

Dark Journalist w/ Joseph P. Farrell: Deep State X Space Wars & the Controlled Global Narrative


Connect with Dr. Joseph P. Farrell

Connect with Dark Journalist

cover image credit: PhotoVision / pixabay

Prince HumperDank Andrews and the Princess Bride of Victoria

Prince HumperDank Andrews and the Princess Bride of Victoria

by Reignite Democracy Australia
October 30, 2021


Fezzik: ‘Why do you wear a mask?’

Westley: ‘Oh they’re very comfortable. In fact, I think someday everyone will be wearing one.’

Count Rugen: ‘If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.’

Vizzini: ‘Because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows, and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals.’

On Saturday I realised something inconceivable. For the past 18 months, Victoria has been living a real-life version of the Princess Bride.

COVID-19 and the unending, world-record-holding lockdowns swept away all sense of hope, and we reluctantly agreed to a loveless marriage with Prince Humperdanck, in order to get some sense of freedom back. We unwittingly complied our way into tyranny in the hopes of escaping it.

We are at once Buttercup and Westley – dead inside at the loss of our true state of being, while also cannily undercover in search of a better future.

Through the Fire Swamp of the pandemic and its associated strangling rules we toiled. (Buttercup: ‘We’ll never survive.’ Westley: ‘Nonsense, you are only saying that because no one ever has.’) Yet even after emerging wounded and triumphant, we ultimately decided that the only way to save ourselves was to sell out the brave half and submit to the plans of Prince HumperDanck. We didn’t realise then the extent of his nefarious plans… permanent pandemic powers.

Victoria’s Westleys have been stretched out on a torture rack of ‘lockouts’ and false imprisonments for breaches of health orders and are now ‘mostly dead’, while the Buttercup part of us still hopes naively that she will be saved. She trusts Prince HumperDanck’s vague promises and cannot yet see through his thinly veiled sneers.

We are in need of a true miracle. A banding together of the health systems’ Miracle Max’s who have been sidelined and silenced by AHPRA, a cobbling together of the motley ones among us – the friendly rhyming giants and inebriated swordsmen (I’m looking at you, construction workers) who have all but given up on the chance to avenge the evils done to them in the past.

Our marriage day approaches. Prince HumperDanck’s plans to sacrifice his bride in order to gain more power are afoot. He has cleared the thieves forest and banished our allies out of Parliament. He has entrusted the keys of the city to Brett Sutton (‘I have no gate key’…. ‘Fezzik, tear his arms off’, ‘Oh you mean THIS gate key?’) and is scrambling to get through the ceremony in record time before the spectre of Westley returns to save us.

We are hopeless and contemplate plans to end it all. But we need to hear this: there is a shortage of most liveable cities in the world, and it would be a shame to lose ours. Even though it feels as if all is lost, we need reminding of the fact that we never, in fact, said ‘I do’.

Prince HumperDanck flounces in to finish us off. We bluff through the last of our strength and finally stagger to our feet.

‘Drop. Your. Sword.’

Obviously, in no way are we advocating violence against our Premier or the government, but it is time for us to gather together the motley crew and mobilise against this tyranny. Using every legal method available, let’s remember that we fight for a once wonderful state and ultimately, for the future of our children. Let’s rediscover our unity and hope and not let this targeted attempt to destroy us, succeed. We are more than this, Victoria!

Gather your spirits and attack this list today. Phone, email, smoke signal – do whatever you can do to show our politicians that we are not going to take this lying down.


Connect with Reignite Democracy Australia

cover image credit:  / pixabay

The Masquerade

The Masquerade

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
October 29, 2021


“They didn’t act like people and they didn’t act like actors.  It’s hard to explain.”
J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951


There’s a reason that Catcher in the Rye, published 70 years agohas become such an iconic book, praised and condemned in equal measure. It is because it is about lying, phoniness, acting, Hollywood, theater, plagiarism, and at its core, a society of liars.  Actors in a masquerade willing to don masks and face other faces with the veiled glances of the defeated.  It is about the massive social confusion that entered American life in an intense way following World War II, a world of propaganda and performance.  Although the book seems to be directed at adolescents, it is for adults, and while annoying many of them with its adolescent lingo, it cuts to the heart of our current life-the-movie society.  Adults have become kids, and Holden Caulfield knew that they would.  Or were.  Maybe he wanted it.  We now live in a society of costumed children, asking to be tricked.

“If you want to know the truth,” Holden keeps repeating, knowing that most people don’t, since they prefer the Show.

It is also a fall book with echoes of falling leaves in a dying land.  Football and war, Halloween and all souls drifting down in the crepuscular light of late October and the coming November remembrance of Veteran’s Day, once called Armistice Day, when the mad slow action film of WW I, the war to end all wars with millions dead in rat infested trenches, is commemorated, as if anything has changed and such memories are not secret celebrations of the heroic sacrifices the gullible make for their masters.  War is a racket; the ultimate racket.

Liam Clancy reminds us of this truth regarding the “Great” War and all the others that have followed. Millions of deaths brought on by lying government bastards.  Actors in the mass masquerade.

But it goes deeper than lying leaders.  For lying is the leading cause of living death in the USA, and the pharmaceutical companies have no prescription for it.  If they did, and if they cared, which they don’t, they would have manufactured such a drug long ago.   It would have killed them of course, but since their business is profits not suicide, they don their masks of solicitude and bank the spoils, while producing poison to shoot people with.

The great English writer, D. H. Lawrence, warned us long ago to not let the living-dead eat us up.  Yet we are still being devoured by a refusal that knows no name since it is not just them but us – victims and executioners, both in a mutual deadly game.

Death is a big hit, as everyone knows. It fascinates far more than does life.  One glance at the mass media will confirm that.  Fear, death, and disaster are the daily menu, interspersed with kitsch uplift. Propaganda feeds on it.  Up down all around spin that wheel and rattle your brains.

But the ghosts of fall remind us to beware of this necrophilia.  The dead return and wander among us, masked children wandering through the streets looking for handouts.  Adults laughing those tight grim laughs.  How cute!

Nietzsche said that “all things are entangled, ensnared, and enamored.”  I find this especially true during the autumnal season, especially the Halloween weekend of ghosts, death, and masks.  It is enchanting and disturbing if you give it thought.  Its symbolism explains the Covid propaganda and panic more than a thousand factual articles. It explains the warfare state and adults’ refusal to defiantly oppose it.  It explains the nihilistic underpinning of society and children’s fears and wishes to use a magic wand to change the world to one that celebrates life not death. That is the true treat that their unconscious playacting requests.  But the candy the adults give them conceals the poison the adults can’t face.  The poison that they have ingested.

I think of how all persons are, by definition, masked, the word person being derived from the Latin, persona, meaning mask.  Another Latin word, larva, occurs to me, it too meaning mask, ghost, or evil spirit.  The living masks light up for me as I think of ghosts, the dead, all the souls and spirits circulating through our days, swirling like dead leaves in the wind.

While etymology might seem arcane, I think it offers us a portal into our lives, not just personally, but politically and culturally as well. Word usage is at the heart of linguistic mind control, and we are in a world where the minders of the public’s mind have become adept at fashioning language to their devious ends.  Orwell predicted this in Nineteen Eighty-Four with his explanation of Newsspeak:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.  It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least as far as thought is dependent on words.

A quick check of the latest dictionary updates will corroborate Orwell’s point about the future dictionary when Newspeak has been fully established, the meaning of words will be so changed that anything can mean anything, even its opposite.

Shakespeare, the ultimate wordsmith, was right, of course, to tell us that “all the world’s a stage,” though I would disagree with the bard that we are “merely” players.  It does often seem that way, but seeming is the essence of the actor’s show and tell.  But who are we behind the masks?  Who is it uttering those words coming through the masks’ mouth holes (the per-sona: Latin, to sound through)?

Halloween.  The children play at scaring and being scared.  Death walks among them and they scream with glee.  The play is on. The grim reaper walks up and down the street. Treats greet them.  The costumes are ingenious; the masks, wild.  It’s all great fun, the candy sweet.  So what’s the trick?  When does the performance end?

As Halloween ends, the saints come marching in followed by all the souls.  The Days of the Dead.  Spirits.  Ghosts walk the streets.  Dead leaves fall.  The dead are everywhere, swirling through the air, drifting.  We are surrounded by them.  We are them.  Until.

Until when?  Perhaps not until we dead awaken and see through the charade of social life and realize the masked performers are not just the deadly politicians and celebrities, not only the professional actors and the corporate media performers, but us.

And while these days of the dead and children’s games can bring us to wonder whether we act like people or actors – “even if it’s hard to explain” – whether behind the double masks we realize we can be genuine actors if we go deep enough, the celebration of Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day a few days later should  emphatically remind us of the Masters of War and the need to see through their masks, as Bob Dylan tells us.  The evil performers who “play with my world like it’s your little toy” with their endless lies.

Norman O. Brown so well describes our stage set:

Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again.  All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.

It seems to me that Albert Camus was right, and that we should aspire to be neither victims nor executioners.  To do so will take a serious reevaluation of the roles we play in the ongoing national tragedy of lie piled upon lie in aggressive wars around the world and in election farces that perpetuate them.  The leading actors we elect are our responsibility.  We produce and maintain them.  They are our mirror images; we are theirs.  It is the danse macabre, a last tango in the land of bad actors, our two-faced show.  This masquerade ball that passes for political reality is infiltrated by the ghosts of all those victims we have murdered around the wide world.  We may choose not to see them, but they are lurking in the shadowy corners.  And they will haunt us until we make amends.

“Do you not know there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to throw off his mask?” warned Kierkegaard.  “Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked?  Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this?  Or are you not terrified by it?”

“Whenever I take up a newspaper,” Ibsen added, “I seem to see ghosts gliding between the lines. There must be ghosts all the country over, as thick as the sands of the sea. And then we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light.”

Yet the children and the eloquent voices of the genuine actors I have so liberally quoted here remind us of what is possible if we chase the light and stop the masquerade.  That would be cause for a real holiday celebration.


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

1 Eternity to Flatten the Curve

1 Eternity to Flatten the Curve

by FreedomTunes
October 28, 2021



Connect with FreedomToons

“You Can Shove Your Job!!” Why Are Millions Quitting Work?!

“You Can Shove Your Job!!” Why Are Millions Quitting Work?!

by Russell Brand
October 27, 2021


Video available at Russell Brand Rumble channel.


Connect with Russell Brand

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco / pixabay