Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: This powerful video by Major Stephen Chledowski, apparently went viral a few days ago on Twitter and on Reddit. We have been unable to find the original source (if still available) but it can be found mirrored on Odysee, Rumble, BitChute, and YouTube.
Good day, folks; my name is Major Stephen Chledowski.
I have served Canada, in the Canadian armed forces, for 20 plus years. I hold a first-class honors degree in political science, and I have held several army command positions.
I have an urgent message for all Canadians.
For nearly two years, our own elected government officials have been using the bullying tactics of fear, intimidation, coercion, and financial and physical violence against us to gain compliance for certain repeated medical procedures.
We tell our children that bullying is wrong. We know it to be so. Yet, we allow our leaders to do this to us.
They have knowingly, and repeatedly, violated the highest laws of the land — in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as well as other signed international human rights agreements.
Canadians have been lulled into believing that the same government that suppresses your freedoms in the name of safety, will one day just reward you back with your freedoms if you just comply to ever-changing rules and health orders.
That, folks, is the very definition of tyranny, not democracy.
Humans are inherently free.
Kings and queens and government cronies can’t give you your basic human rights. They are naturally yours. They can’t be given. They can’t be taken. They can only be suppressed.
In the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Queen Elizabeth is recognizing in law our fundamental freedoms.
The federal and provincial governments of Canada have chosen, through a well-planned and orchestrated set of measures, to trick and fool and scare you — the very people who elected them and pay their salaries — into complying with the suppression of our basic human rights.
They have knowingly betrayed you, and me, under the lie of safety.
This past Remembrance Day, as I stood in front of the military cenotaph in Fredericton to honor my comrades who gave their lives for others freedom, I overheard the premier of New Brunswick, Premier Higgs, and our member of Parliament, Jenica Atwin, tell members of the public how special it was that these brave members of the military gave their lives for their freedom — that same freedom that these very liars and deceivers are actively working right now to suppress.
I stood there, a soldier of nearly 21 years as a senior officer in the Canadian army, as a veteran of Afghanistan participating in Op. Medusa — the largest combat operation for Canada since the Korean War, where I watched my own brave comrades fight and get injured and die.
But I also stood there as a person who hasn’t taken the Covid-19 injection.
The irony — so even though I serve this country, and it has been an honor to do so, an absolute honor — like many thousands of Canadians who choose body autonomy and pro-choice, I am unable to share in the same privileges now like eating at a restaurant, going out in public to an event, or even traveling across provinces to see my child. This is happening to many others.
These government traitors to freedom are suppressing the rights of the very people they claim to honor. And it made me sick to my stomach.
These Canadian governments are now focused on our children — with a medical, genetic therapy proven by repeated medical journals/studies not to prevent Covid infections nor to prevent its transmission to others.
For our children, serious illness and death are non-existent from Covid-19, unless your child is chronically unhealthy to begin with.
Yet, the toxin in this injection will have serious, life-damaging, permanent effects on your child’s health immunity. That fact of natural T-Cell and DNA damage has also came to light recently by medical scientist studies.
I am calling on the medical community to put an immediate halt on children’s injections until the Canadian public can receive accurate, truthful data from these Covid injection injuries that have already occurred.
The Canadian public has a right to be able to make informed medical choices, especially for their little children. To tell them repeatedly it is safe and effective and not give them that choice is a crime, and it’s also genocide.
The media and government must put an immediate halt to all scientific medical censorship and the silencing of health professionals who do not comply with your agenda, as well as hear from Covid injection injury victims.
The Canadian public has a right to hear from those in our communities and families who have been injured by this procedure.
I am calling on my military and police comrades — all of you, all of us who have sworn a personal oath to protect our family, our friends, and our communities — to now stand up and protect your loved ones against this government forced medical tyranny.
You chose to serve because you wanted to give back to your community. And instead, the government has turned your love for community and your loyalty against you. And you are now a weapon against the very people you love.
Brothers and sisters, you can’t be for forever-changing industry-government measures, which use fear and violence, and also be for your loved ones and for freedom.
You have to choose. I am asking you to choose your family and your community.
This is why you serve. And this is your moment to be a hero for your loved ones. They deserve the truth, They deserve to be protected.
I am also calling on all Canadian to join in solidarity together.
Freedom and love for our community — freedom to choose who you want to be, where you want to live, what you want to experience and learn, what your spirituality is and what you want to practice, who you want to love, what you want to put in your own bodies — is the foundation of our democracy in Canada.
We cannot let freedom die with this generation.
May God forever bless the free citizens of Canada.
Canberra, Australia: Highlights From Freedom Convoy & March to Parliament — February 12, 2022
To those of us that know that virology’s “isolation” and genomic sequencing methodologies are anti-scientific, it is still interesting to see the proponents of the nonsense offer official explanations about what they are up to.
Here in New Zealand, the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR) is responsible for some of the alleged isolation experiments and genomic sequencing of the imaginary “SARS-CoV-2” particle, that they claim is responsible for the clinically undefined illness “COVID-19”. On the 9th of February 2022, they responded to questions surrounding the methodology of their cell culture and genomic sequencing experiments in relation to an Official Information Act request (which is analogous to a Freedom of Information request).
ESR couldn’t seem to find the “virus” but they featured this pretty picture.
So let’s have a look at the ESR’s “scientific” method with regards to their official records of a “SARS-CoV-2 virus”…
“Viral Culture/Experiment details –
Once the cells are 90 – 100% confluent, they are inoculated with 500 uL of diluted clinical sample (sample is diluted 1:10 in Infection media),10 mL of Infection Media is added to the flask. Infection media is made up of DMEM with 1% pen/strep/gentamycin, 1% Nystatin, 1% Glutamax, 1.5% Hepes plus 4ug/mL TPCK added.”
~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.
The “clinical sample” will be something like a crude nasopharyngeal sample taken from a patient. These specimens contain human tissue (from the host and other individuals in close contact with them), various bacterial and fungal elements, and whatever other material was in the patient’s mucosa. Amongst all this biological soup is the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus, which of course, has never been directly found in any person. Apparently there can be 200 million copies of the virus in a sneeze but strangely they can’t find any in an “infected” individual.
Instead they resort to tissue culture experiments, as the ESR continues to explain…
“The flasks are then placed into an incubator and monitored for cytopathic effect (CPE) A SARS-CoV-2 N gene PCR is performed on the diluted 1:10 clinical sample and on the supernatant of the flask after 1 week of incubation (or sooner if 100% CPE is evident). CT values for both specimens are used as well as the CPE observed in the flask to determine if viral culture has been successful.”
~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.
Cytopathic effects are non-specific and are simply the observation that cells being stressed in a test tube eventually break down and die, with some cells producing vesicles. However, in the world of virology it is seen as evidence that a virus is at work and is somehow destroying the cells from within. “SARS-CoV-2 N gene” is a misnomer because there has never been a demonstration of a viral particle that contains this genetic sequence. Even more problematic is that there’s never been a demonstration of any viral particle. However, here we see them claiming “successful” viral culture if they detect a single short genetic sequence by PCR amplification. Note to virologists: detecting genetic sequences of unproven provenance does not equal virus.
Then we get to another interesting part…
“Viral culture/experiment details of the negative control –
The method above is also used for the negative control and the flask undergoes the same conditions as the flasks used for viral culture, however we use Infection media only.”
~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.
How on earth is this a comparable control experiment? – they added no control sample to their culture brew. In their first experiment they added a veritable biological soup containing human tissue along with various microorganisms and other organic fragments (everything present in a respiratory tract sample), and their alleged virus of course. Examples of valid control experiments would be:
The same type of sample taken from a well person.
The same type of sample taken from a person with a comparable clinical condition but said not to have “COVID-19” (without biased pre-selection in the form of a PCR result.)
Ironically, both of the above become meaningless in the case of “COVID-19” as it has no specific symptoms, signs, or investigations outside of the PCR result – a PCR result that has never been validated to a clinical condition. In fact, a priori the PCR could never be validated in this application as it is simply a tool to amplify selected genetic fragments, not determine their origin or the significance of their presence in mixed biological samples. So, in the case of (1) above, many well people are said to have “COVID-19” and in the case of (2), there is no way to distinguish a novel clinical condition. Dr Sam Bailey explained these problems back in 2020 in “What is a COVID-19 Case?” – a video banned by Big Tech after several hundred thousand views but still available here.
The wheels really fall off the ESR’s response when they are asked to explain how they purify the alleged virus sample for genomic sequencing and compare this to a control:
“’Whole Genome’ Sequencing – Purity and Control Details:
[• The degree of purity of the “virus” sample used in the sequencing experiment.] The protocols used for amplification of the SARS-CoV-2 virus consists of primers that specifically and selectively amplify the viral material, any remaining host or bacterial material is filtered out programmatically prior to data analysis.”
~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.
Either they don’t understand the question or are being disingenuous here. Their response doesn’t provide any evidence that they have a virus, let alone have attempted to purify it, in the analysis of its purported genome. They are simply using a process that amplifies sequences they have artificially selected but as it is a mixed sample they cannot demonstrate the origin of them. There is no way to claim this is “viral material” because no one has ever demonstrated that these sequences come from inside a virus, let alone belong to “SARS-CoV-2”. They are simply building on the nonsense that has spun out of control on where not one of the millions of deposited “genomes” has been shown to come from inside a viral particle. It’s turtles all the way down with these contrived “genomes”.
And with regards to the ESR’s “controls”?…
“[• All details of the control group that was used when comparing the results of sequencing:
o the total nucleic acid extracted from the “viral lysate” (from the experimental group), versus
o the total nucleic acid extracted from the non-viral lysate (from the control group).]
The protocols used to extract RNA from clinical samples do not yield a uniform quantity as this depends on the viral load within a sample. Details about the ranges obtained and used for further analysis are published in detail in several scientific peer-reviewed publications and can also be found on the publicly accessible website, link provided below as requested.”
~ Jill Vintiner, Joint General Manager Health and Environment Group, ESR, 9 Feb 2022.
They appear to have dodged the question and the protocols provide no evidence of valid control experiments. The ESR have been asked to clarify this but we can already see they are not adhering to the scientific method. I also looked at the four publications that they suggested but these simply confirmed the problem: there is no evidence of any virus and the world is being duped in this war on humanity.
In fact, by definition, there has never been a demonstration of any disease-causing virus ever, full stop. Even if the ESR performed valid genomic control experiments there would still need to be further experiments to demonstrate the existence of a replication competent, obligate intracellular parasite that causes disease in a host. In other words, the actual existence of a virus. It makes me wonder whether the virologists are going to change the very definition of a virus soon in order to keep the whole façade afloat. However, once people realise that virology has never fulfilled its own postulates, they can take a major step away from this health misconception and ignore any of the related damaging measures and “treatments” coming from the medical-pharmaceutical complex.
“If something is done out of necessity, it is done licitly, since what is not licit in law necessity makes licit. Likewise necessity has no law.” [“Si propter necessitatem aliquid fit, illud licite fit.: quia quad non est licitum in lege, necessitas facitlicitum. Item necessitas legem non habet.”] —Gratian, Decretum.Pars. 1 Dist. 48
“. . . if the observance of the law according to the letter does not involve any sudden risk needing instant remedy, it is not the business of anyone whatsoever to expound what is useful and what is not useful to the state. Those alone can do this who are in authority, and who, on account of such cases have the power to dispense from the laws. If, however, the peril be so sudden as not to allow of the delay involved by referring the matter to authority, the necessity itself carries with it a dispensation, since necessity knows no law.” —Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica.Part 1 of Second Part Q.96 ART.6
“The necessity with which we are concerned here must be conceived of as a state of affairs that, at least as a rule and in a complete and practically tically effective way, cannot be regulated by previously established norms. But if it has no law, it makes law, as another common expression sion has it; which means that it itself constitutes a true and proper source of law…. It can be said that necessity is the first and originary source of all law, such that by comparison the others are to be considered sidered somehow derivative…. And it is to necessity that the origin and legitimation of the legal institution par excellence, namely, the state, and its constitutional order in general, must be traced back, when it is established as a de facto process, for example, on the way to revolution. And what occurs in the initial moment of a particular regime can also repeat itself, though in an exceptional way and with more attenuated characteristics, even after the regime has formed and regulated its fundamental institutions.” — Santi Romano. Quoted in The State of Exception as a Paradigm of Government, pg. 27
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a national, non-profit, non-partisan public interest law firm and registered charity, is announcing the establishment of a network of defence lawyers to assist any truckers peacefully protesting for freedom from covid restrictions and vaccine mandates. The Justice Centre has a team of lawyers on the ground in Ottawa.
Anyone who may be facing arrest, the confiscation of property or has criminal law related questions in relation to the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest can speak to a lawyer at no charge.
The Justice Centre has prepared a legal tip sheet that may be helpful to peaceful protestors, that provides guidance for dealing with police and potentially facing charges or tickets.
To access the hotline, email In an urgent situation, please phone our legal hotline at 647-251-9710. We have a number of lawyers available providing their services at no charge, and offer services in English, French and Ojibwe.
This email address and hotline is only for protestors.
A press conference was held February 10, 2022 by supporters of the Freedom Convoy 2022, including:
Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Maxime Bernier, PPC Leader
Randy Hillier, MP
Bruce Pardy, Law Professor
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Sandy Williams, rancher
Roy Bears,
In an October, 2021 Forbes article, AstraZeneca marketed an experimental “injectable antibody therapy cocktail” to a fearful public. Without valid research, or proof, it claimed its cocktail to be effective at preventing severe illness or death in people with mild or moderate Covid-19 infections. It claimed its therapy cut the risk of death or severe illness by two-thirds (67%) if given within five days of showing symptoms.
The cocktail was marked as experimental for a reason.
Neither AstraZeneca, nor any vaccine maker, has ever revealed the ingredients of its experimental antibody or mRNA cocktail to the public. Neither have they provided informed consent as part of the offer.
Everything is an offer to contract, whether it be a personal, medical, or a business relationship. Every vaccinated subject must sign that they take full responsibility. Because no one else will.
According to the AMA, Informed Consent is required in all medical contracts in order to provide the nature, purpose, burdens, and risks of the proposed medical intervention so the patient can formally consent. The informed consent process falls under 45 CFR 46, for human subjects in research, which sounds a lot like conducting human experimentation. Americans were warned by the Secretary of State in March of 2020 that COVID is a live exercise.
In the beginning, COVID injectables were deployed as Emergency Use Authorized, or EUA, meaning, Off-label, Experimental Research, Unapproved, and without Informed Consent. In other words, use at your own discretion. Until recently, if you wanted to know what was inside the injectable mRNA cocktails, you were handed a blank piece of paper. However, what was hidden is now being revealed.
In November 2020 Dr Andreas Noack, a German chemist and one of the EU’s top graphene experts, released a video explaining that he had discovered graphene hydroxide contained in the COVID-19 experimental treatments. He described how the graphene hydroxide nano structures injected into the human body act as ‘razor blades’ inside the veins of recipients and how they would not show up on an autopsy or normal toxicology tests given their atomic size. On 26th November 2021, just hours after publishing his latest video about graphene hydroxide, he died in suspicious circumstances.
Professor Dr Pablo Campra, University of Almeria, Spain also examined Covid-19 experimental treatments in November 2021 using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy, the study of frequencies. He too confirmed the presence of graphene.
The charges center around the nano-ingredient, graphene hydroxide (GHO), discovered in EUA COVID injections. Considered to be a trade secret, GHO is not found on any label. Therefore, no one would be the wiser, except that GHO can be identified for its polymeric signature properties using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. Other methods used to verify the serums morphologies and contents include: Optical Microscope, Dark-Field Microscope, UV absorbance and fluorescence spectroscope, Scanning Electron Microscopes, Transmission Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectroscope, X-ray Diffractometer, and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments.
Damage Report
Trade secrets aside, Graphene hydroxide is well known in the world of science. A Pubmed database search generates over 18,000 published studies on ‘Graphene oxide’. Whether called graphene oxide (GO), or graphene hydroxide, (GOH), it is nanotechnology invisible to the human eye. Graphene has optical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties, with applications in silicon-based semi-conductor devices. Once inside the human body, graphene acquires magnetic properties and becomes a superconductor. The human superconductor.
Graphene is isolated from crystalline graphite. It is a flat monolayer composed of single-atom-thick, two-dimensional sheets of a hexagonally arranged honeycomb lattice. A summary of the findings detailed in the attached toxicology report reveals that Graphene nanomaterials (GFNs) can penetrate the body’s natural barriers and damage the central nervous system.
Summary of Graphene hydroxide (GOH) in biological systems:
Epigenetic toxicity comes from toxic environmental exposures which exert undesirable genetic effects on living organisms. Epigenetic toxins are found in water, air, food, and medical drugs, including nanotech. The current focus of graphene nanotech utilizes its electromagnetic properties as a carrier and adjuvant in vaccines. For instance, UV Fluorescence test results from the Pfizer BioNanoTech vaccine, show nanomaterial present in the vial that corresponds perfectly to that of graphene oxide (340 nm).
Due to its magnetic properties, Graphene oxide nanoparticles have the ability to absorb radiation from frequency 5G technology. Unfortunately, most MSDS sheets ignore contact by injection, and electromagnetic effects. If injected into the body, these nanoparticles have the ability to not only cause biological harm, but also to absorb radiation and convert gigahertz signals to terahertz signals, thousands of times higher than those created by silicon, alone. The European Union research group called EUCALL states:
What makes this feat possible is the highly efficient non-linear interaction between light and matter that occurs in graphene. The researchers used graphene containing a large number of free electrons that originated from the interaction between graphene and the substrate onto which it was deposited. When these electrons became excited by an oscillating electric field in room-temperature conditions, they rapidly shared their energy with bound electrons in the material.
It is best to lower expectations for justice to prevail in the UK case, or any case, of criminal corporations who geo-engineer humanity using experimental cocktails. After all, it is the individuals hidden behind the “corporate entity” who write history. For as long as humans have lived on earth, biology, along with history, has been altered. (See Arthur Firstenberg’s book, The Invisible Rainbow). Nothing changes when criminal defendants are identified as “corporate entities,” without names and insurance bonds. It becomes impossible stop the interconnected crimes, let alone stop the madness.
History and biology continue to be rewritten and transformed. While fraud is allowed to continue under the guise of ineffective public shaming rituals that pass for justice, humanity is entering a new Transhuman Age. With so many corporate criminals protected by bubble indemnity, there is a question that must be asked. Is the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act of 2007 and other Acts like it, a distraction, established to legalize the Act of Corporate Homicide, rather than deter it?
The way to rewrite history and biology is an individual process of knowing who you are and of rejecting The Transhuman Agenda.
Disclaimer: The author encourages you to consult your health care practitioner before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information in this article should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or to determine or prescribe a treatment for a medical condition. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended to build synapses for thinking.
Through a Freedom of Information Request, a watchdog organization revealed that the National Institutes for Health spent $2.3 million of taxpayer money injecting puppies with cocaine.
The point of the experiment was to see how a certain prescription drug reacted with cocaine.
The dogs were then euthanized, or used in further experiments.
This is the second recent example of the NIH funding cruel experiments using puppies.
In October, we talked about an experiment from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (a sub agency of the NIH) which forced beagle puppies into mesh cages to allow sand flies to attack their heads, and spread parasites.
Some of the dogs’ vocal cords were removed so that Fauci’s researchers did not have to hear them cry.
At the time, FDA officials clarified that none of these experiments require testing on dogs.
These are the totally ethical health experts we are supposed to trust.
“As the Trucker Freedom Convoy continues to go viral, many prominent social media figures have begun collectively renaming Canada ‘Truckistan.’ The trend began Sunday when Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec said, ‘The Truckistani people will be liberated!’
Posobiec also suggested the capital be named ‘Dieseldorf.’ Will Chamberlain also added commentary. He tweeted,
Trudeau has fled the capital, the truckers have defeated the regime, all remaining “Canadian” forces must now pledge allegiance to the Republic of Truckistan
Chamberlain continued, ‘Trump should promise to recognize the new Truckistani government as the legitimate government of the territory formerly known as Canada.’ ‘Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make it one of our finest states,’ added popular lawyer Ron Coleman. Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make one of our finest states — Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) January 30, 2022
Its natural resources and polite, if otherwise excessively French-like, inhabitants make it one of our finest states
The ‘Truckistan’ enthusiasts even went so far as to make a map. Canadian truckers made their way to Ottawa on Saturday for a planned protest in which they have stated their intention to ‘gridlock’ the city until the Trudeau government lifts vaccine mandate requirements for the trucking industry.
Footage shot by The Post Millennial’s Beth Baisch in Ottawa on Saturday shows blocks and blocks of trucks lining the streets. Protesters are marching through sub zero temperatures to express their anger at the Trudeau government. Trucks stretched for several blocks as protesters continued to gather at Parliament Hill. Protesters brought signs, music, and an incredible cacophony of honking horns as they stood bundled in the snow against the cold.”
Truckers Are Restoring The People’s Power
Suddenly, with the massive truckers’ strike in Canada, people are beginning to take their power back worldwide. That’s because this is not a one-day demonstration. It is not declaration signed by thousands doctors and scientists. This is not an accusation or expose. It is a massive physical protest that is shutting down the capital and Canada’s supply line — for a year or two, if necessary — until demands are met!
It is a physical take-over of Canada to get the COVID mandates revoked. Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy Coming to US shows that Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada went into a convoy of 2,700 trucks entered Ottawa, Canada’s capital, on January 29 to protest his Covid-19 policies including mandatory vaccination for truckers entering Canada through the US-Canada border. Dubbed the ‘Freedom Convoy’, it has amassed support from all sections of the public.
The convoy is 45-50 miles long with supporters lining highways and overpasses all along the route. The protests received a boost when farmers joined. According to Twitter users, hundreds of farmers have arrived in Ottawa in their tractors. Since January 23, the group’s Go-Fund-Me page raised over ten million dollars Canadian to cover the cost of the journey and to take care of truckers who have settled into Ottawa. It is a growing protest against the COVID “vaccine” mandates that is inspiring the world and is reportedly coming to the US in March.
Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate reported on February 4 “The organizers have joined forces with locals and are supplying the needs of the truckers, showers, hot meals and food. While some of the trucks are lining the streets of Ottawa, many are parked in fields around the city. The group is committed to remaining peaceful, are guarding monuments, shoveling snow, playing hockey, picking up garbage and feeding the homeless…”
Freedom Convoy: Longest Convoy In History!
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau goes into hiding as farmers join truckers in protest against vaccine mandate reported on January 30: “the truckers have been camping near Parliament Hill and demanding reversal of all vaccine mandates in the country. A truck driver Harold Jonker told BBC, “We want to be free, we want to have our choice again, and we want hope – and the government has taken that away.” He further added, “The intent is actually to stay until all these mandates are dropped. Some people can stay one day, some people can stay five days but all the truck drivers are used to camping in their trucks all week long. We are staying here until we can go back to work.”
While Trudeau dismissed the truckers as a “fringe minority”, Freedom Convoy: Canadian truckers, more protest vaccine mandate reports: “The convoys officially broke world records on the longest convoys in history with many over 40 miles long! The total number of trucks is of yet unknown but it is in the tens of thousands. American truckers have also joined. The Canadians citizens have rallied to the cause and at every overpass and side road they gathered waving flags, holding signs and giving out supplies to the drivers.”
Freedom Convoy – Canadian Truckers Inspire the WORLD! reported on February 3 that Corporal Bulford, Prime Minister Trudeau’s head of personal security for 8 years, just resigned and joined the truckers! Bulford is a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The video explains that the truckers’ movement is turning into a working class revolution in Canada. The truckers and farmers are handing out a pamphlet called “Project Inform”.
“The Freedom convoy had sparked interest and support world-wide. Across Europe, Central America, Australia and the US truckers are organizing their own convoys for freedom. According to the press conference, “the convoy has started a cultural movement for cultural unity in Canada that has blossomed into a global cultural movement, pushing back against the political class who have failed us and are pushing us into serfdom.”
“Freedom Convoy Leadership Update — Address to the Nation 7:00pm February 6, 2020. Ottawa Mayor declared a state of emergency. How Ottawa Police taking the convoy fuel and occupying the convoy tents does not impact the Freedom Convoy logistics.”
In the video, Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, a world renowned medical expert and former Trump White House adviser, said: “It is time that we stop and we declare this pandemic emergency over.” He added that the Canadian truckers are “backed by solid science” and that the “government positions of these vaccine mandates have no scientific or medical bases and must be stopped now.”
Acclaimed physician Dr. Roger Hodkinson stated: “The mandates must be lifted tomorrow. The carnage that’s going on out there with our children is indescribable.”
“Tom” starts at about 8:15 and said the police can’t end this situation. He said he would provide an update on February 7 to propose a meeting with Trudeau to end the impasse.
Chris, the main spokesperson for the truckers, pointed out that the police had confiscated their fuel and food the night before, but it was quickly replaced. However, he said they had reason to believe they might be arrested. He said they were not frightened and will remain non-violent, but wanted people to know what they may be facing. He said if people stop hearing from them, they can assume their communications have been cut off. If that happens, he asked Canadians to come to Ottawa because there is strength in numbers. He asked to meet with negotiators from the federal government and pointed out that the scientists supporting the truckers would like to sit down for a discussion with the government’s scientists. All the people in the group introduced themselves.
Elon Musk’s brain-chip company Neuralink has caused horrific damage to test monkeys, according to a complaint filed by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) on Thursday and seen by the New York Post. The complaint, filed with the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), concerns Neuralink testing on the monkeys carried out at the University of California at Davis from 2017 to 2020.
The group has accused Neuralink and its host university of nine violations of the US federal Animal Welfare Act, noting in their complaint that “many, if not all, of the monkeys experienced extreme suffering as a result of inadequate animal care and the highly invasive head implants during the experiments.” It reportedly goes on to claim that the Neuralink implant procedure “produced recurring infections in the animals, significantly compromising their health, as well as the integrity of the research.”
They have also sued UC Davis to obtain more photos, videos, and information about the test monkeys, saying that the only such material that has been made public has been heavily curated by Musk’s company, showing a healthy-looking monkey playing a video game, supposedly with its mind. The university has denied any wrongdoing.
Aside from publicizing the clip of the monkey gamer, Musk has remained silent about the results of the animal Neuralink trials. In December, he suggested human trials will begin this year, and even went so far as to post a job listing seeking a clinical trials director last month. However, the project has experienced delays before – Musk declared last March that human trials would begin within months, even though the Tesla tycoon has yet to move beyond pigs and (non-human) primates.
And the answer to that question is obvious. Throwing babies into a volcano makes no money for Pfizer.
On Feb. 15, the FDA will decide whether to approve the Pfizer COVID shot for children between the ages of six months and four years. The press and gov’t. spokespeople predict it’s a GO.
This is murder.
The FDA approval committee members will come in several categories: those who’ve been paid off; those who’ve been threatened; straight-out cold Nazi bureaucrats; those who’ve been blackmailed; and those who WANT TO murder babies.
You can’t get around this. Given the mainstream view of COVID, these FDA/CDC people KNOW the risk of the disease to babies is non-existent, and risks of the vaccine are absolutely devastating.
—Over a million vaccine injuries have already been reported to the US federal database; and this number represents vast UNDER-REPORTING.
Nevertheless, the FDA deciders are ready to say, unless exposed for what they are: inject the babies; kill the babies.
If you still think the government COVID response had anything to do with science or public health or human concern, if you’re still making excuses for Fauci and the whole rogue crew of predators and maniacs at the FDA and CDC, you’re an automatic robot; you just don’t know it.
Get a load of this. CNBC: “Pfizer amended its clinical trial in December to evaluate a third dose after two shots did not induce an adequate immune response in children 2- to 4-years-old. Pfizer and BioNTech said they will submit data on the third dose to the FDA in the coming months.”
I see. The vaccine didn’t work after 2 shots, but it’ll be approved anyway in few days, and Pfizer will let us know IN A FEW MONTHS how the third shot worked.
And that’s science. That’s the bullshit the educated class believes in. That’s the bullshit the deaf, dumb, and blind believe in.
And THE TRUCKERS are the terrorists. Sure. The government is righteous and just. Of course.
People “who spread misinformation about COVID” are terrorists. The government is righteous and just.
Love the government. Hate the terrorists.
Memo to parents: if you’ve been crazy enough to take the shots yourselves, are you ready to deliver your innocent babies into the hands of doctors and nurses who’ll spin the roulette wheel of death and inject their bodies? Is that what you’re going to do?
If so, why? Do you think it’ll make a nice talking point when you get together with friends? Do you think it’s a potent virtue signal? Do you think it proves you’re a loyal subject of the king?
Perhaps you can show up at a local school board meeting, with your infant in your arms; and you can look at the doughy morbid faces of the low-rent grifters sitting behind their long table, and you can say, “Look! I just had my baby shot with the vaccine! It’s wonderful!” And they’ll nod approvingly.
And some piece of dreck who picks up a paycheck as a city public health official will speak at the meeting. He might say vaccinated babies should wear masks. Ask him and find out. Look at his eyes. His brother-in-law, who knows the mayor, rescued him from a career as a gravedigger.
I want to know what the Pope thinks. He’s already stated taking the vaccine is a loving gift to God. What about the babies? Does Popius Maximus Jesuiticus believe The Lord wants infants injected? Let’s get this Pontiff on the record.
Would Mary, in her hut, have told the local doc to inject baby Jesus? Perhaps her husband Joseph, a minor character in the story up to that point, would have brandished a Glock and motioned the sawbones to the door.
Speaking of guns, I think four or five Secret Service agents, their weapons drawn, should usher Nurse Jill to the White House residence, where she will speak candidly and starkly to old Joe—spending as much time as necessary informing him about what the FDA is ready to do, until he UNDERSTANDS.
Then, the agents will force Joe in front of a camera—going live on major channels—where he will unambiguously declare his position on injecting babies.
If he supports the program, he will take full responsibility for the consequences.
After all, the FDA is an agency in the Executive Branch, under the President.
The buck stops with him. It should stop under harsh television spotlights, where no tap-dancing is permitted.
Of course, you parents will have the last word. Unless the guns of the State are pointed at you. If that comes to pass, are you ready to die fighting for your children?
Or will you sacrifice them on the altar of your own passivity and cowardice?
I STRONGLY suggest you make your position clear now.
Leave no doubt.
Before it’s too late.
Are you standing up? Or are you grinning and virtue signaling—down on your knees?
The Covid19 narrative is broken, that battle is over. Yes, there are still pockets of token resistance, little embattled squares who aren’t ready to give up the ghost just yet, but for the most part the establishment are letting it go.
Country after country after country are “relaxing” their Covid restrictions, abandoning vaccine passport plans and attempting to “get back to normal”.
It seems every week some new “expert” who spent the last two years predicting we’re all gonna die turns up on the news claiming we should “treat Covid like the flu”.
But just because they’re giving slack on Covid does not mean the agenda behind Covid is gone. Far from it.
In fact, even as they seek to dump this pandemic in a shallow grave, they are already prepping the public for the next health scare – AIDs.
Then, just last week it was suddenly reported there was a “new variant” of HIV circulating in Europe, this new strain is allegedly “more virulent”, “more transmissable”, and “progresses to AIDS faster”.
Following hot on the heels of this fresh wave of fear is a push for everyone to get AIDS tested as soon as possible, from politicians and celebrities and everyone in between.
Prince Harry is leading the charge, in a video that caused the press invoke the spirit of his mother Princess Diana, Harry insisted we all have a “duty” to get HIV tested “to keep other people safe”, comparing it to the COVID outbreak.
“Know your status“, the video says. Which will probably be a hashtag in the near future. (I just checked, and it actually is already.)
They’re really cranking through the gears on this one.
Even while the problem and reaction are still barely out of the research and development stage, they’re already talking about the solution.
Guess what it is?
If you said “another mRNA vaccine”, well done for paying attention
Yes, Moderna has apparently learned so much from making their rushed Covid vaccine which doesn’t work that they’re already making an HIV vaccine they hope will be just as “safe and effective”.
In a truly startling coincidence, Moderna’s HIV vaccine began clinical trials the exact same day the “new variant” of HIV hit the headlines, and the same week as the NHS’s annual “HIV Testing Week”. Funny old world, isn’t it?
Anyway, everyone get ready to line up for the AIDS shot.
by Global Research
first published by Global Research on January 28, 2022
UK Law Enforcement procedures have been initiated against the architects of the Covid-19 crisis.
This initiative sets a precedent Worldwide.
Should a Criminal Investigation be contemplated in regards to Canada’s Trudeau Government Covid-19 Mandates?
Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21
International Criminal Court (The Hague) case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21
The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.
The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by Sam White MD, Philip Hyland (PJH Law), Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton.
Requests for further assistance have been made to international lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (nephew of J F Kennedy), Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German corporate lawyer who won the emissions scandal case against Volkswagen Audi), Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer Vice President), plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the police and have been acknowledged by Superintendent Simpson (Assistant to Cressida Dick, Head of The Metropolitan Police).
The complaints allege numerous serious crimes including misfeasance and misconduct in public office; gross negligence manslaughter; corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.
The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is damning and shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the vaccine data, trials and studies; and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the vaccines cause.
Mark Sexton says:
“This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway. Many don’t even realise that the covid Vaccine is still an experimental product. This is the most far-reaching criminal inquiry ever undertaken. A national scandal that threatens the lives and the livelihoods of every person in the UK. If people want unassailable current evidence, I’d suggest in the interim they look at: ”
“In years to come this will be the equivalent of another Thalidomide scandal, but for now we have to act on a united front to get the truth out to the public and stop the unsafe covid vaccine rollout. We have several thousand pieces of evidence to discredit the safety and efficacy of this vaccine, but we are still encouraging members of the public to contact us to further support our claim. We therefore appeal to anyone who has suffered the death of a loved one following a Covid vaccine and anyone who has been injured by it, e.g. blindness, heart issues, blood clots, stroke, myocarditis etc”.
“We’d also like to hear from those illegally threatened with ‘No jab, no job’”.
We must act now. If you have information to assist the police inquiry, please contact Lois Bayliss of Broad Yorkshire Law:
[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: For the convenience of our readers, we have prepared a transcript which can be found below the information shared by Immanuel Project. This video was originally recorded in German and a voice-over has been provided by Immanuel Project.]
by Immanuel Projectwith Dr. Stefan Lanka video uploaded to Odysee August 30, 2021
Video available at Immanuel Project Odysee & BitChute channels.
The first of our extra, contributory posts “ON RELATED ISSUES” examines explosive, critical questions, rumours and theories surrounding the topic of “Corona” and everything connected with it. When new reports do the rounds in public that have the potential to fuel (additional) fear, hatred and violence, and which above all spread dangerous misinformation from the field of medicine and science, we would like to publish a special feature on this.
In contrast to our main programme, this series offers first and foremost a statement. In order to be able to publish a comment relatively quickly, we do not go into great detail and refer you to our main programme for precise evidence of our statements, where we publish a detailed list of sources for every contribution.
Since all the topics we deal with in Project Immanuel are directly related, all the contents of our special formats can also be substantiated with the sources from the main programme.
O.R.I., No. 01: “Bioweapons – the myth of the man-made pathogen”
In the first episode of our special format “On Related Issues” we deal with the topic of biological warfare/bioweapons. Due to the latest rumours surrounding the alleged “Wuhan virus” from the laboratory, we specifically address the issue of artificial “pathogens”, i.e. those modified or created in a laboratory, and explain why these are and will continue to remain, a myth.
“Project MKULTRA, the CIA’s Program of Research into Behavioral Modification – Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United State Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session”, 03 August 1977 — — published on the website of the New York Times
The following video is not intended for entertainment. It’s not a documentary report or television program.
Rather, this is an attempt to approach an explosive scientific topic in a cinematic way that is objective and respectful as possible.
We deliberately avoid staging of scenes as we’ve no intention of causing emotion in the viewer. We would like to convey factual, verifiable information.
In addition, we hereby call on all viewers to question the contents of this video and not simply to believe any information presented here. Doubt, be critical and check everything.
Only that is scientific.
Immanuel Project — “On Related Issues” (ORI).
With this video we introduce you to the first in a series of extra videos that we’ll publish in addition to our regular program.
On Related Issues focuses on pressing questions, theories and theses that are making the rounds in the public sphere, and to which we would like to respond as promptly as possible.
Most importantly, topics are discussed that are only marginally dealt with, or not dealt with at all, in the main series of our project.
No. 1 – Bioweapons: The myth of man-made pathogens
Biological warfare is a fairly complex subject. The use of biological weapons is probably as old as humanity itself.
All kinds of animals or naturally occurring toxins can be used as weapons to either attack enemies directly or in some way to make it difficult for them to survive.
Throughout history humans have been devising all kinds of biological warfare that have been as effective as they have been cruel. Time and again they have been reports about the use of supposed pathogens.
As early as the Middle Ages, and even in antiquity, allegedly transmissible diseases were claimed to be a popular means of warfare.
For instance, corpses of dead humans and animals were hurled into cities with the intention to cause epidemics in these areas.
Such stories do have a kernel of truth. Hurling decaying cadavers at enemies was certainly a proven biological weapon, but it had nothing to do with pathogens.
These days when people hear the term bioweapons, they usually think of artificial pathogens from the laboratory — bacteria and viruses that either genetically modified or even created in their entirety.
In the 21st century such ideas are more topical than ever due to the alleged progress in genetics and, equally assumed, improved understanding of biology.
Horror scenarios, wild rumors and theories, as well as adventurous novels, feature films, series and video games on this subject are dime a dozen.
But what has actually been researched and developed with regard to artificial pathogens?
Is it possible that something could really be brewed up in bioweapon laboratories that could prove dangerous to humans?
No, it’s not possible. I mean, you can see now that fear is the best bioweapon there is. You simply show some photos of coffins and corpses.
That’s the most powerful bioweapon we have: misinformation. But the most dangerous thing, of course, is the superstition associated with it.
People generally believe in the concept of dangerous viruses. Scientists also believe in them. And those working in related fields are proud that they’re working on something so dangerous and important.
They don’t see that they are being completely unscientific by not questioning the concepts in which they believe.
And it is the very first written duty of every scientist to constantly question their own findings and assumptions.
Nowadays, however, we are dealing with the reversal of science. Those who point out obvious contradictions are berated. This is really the reverse of all science.
Science is important and can contribute a lot to humanity if it’s applied with integrity. But what is happening here is pseudoscience.
In his 1956 book, Sociology Vol. 1, Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy explains why people engage in pseudoscience. He shows that, because of how science now operates, we can no longer make new discoveries. As if science have been derived from Greek criminal law, what we observe we judge and explain exclusively on the basis of what we already know. And, of course, only material explanations are permitted.
We do not want to know about any other explanations. We then say ‘they cannot be true’, ‘they are unscientific, wrong and dangerous’.
Rosenstock-Huessy clearly demonstrated that we can no longer make any developments in this way. We cannot discover anything new with our unscientific approach. And it’s a typically-human characteristic that no one likes to see their achievements and findings being thrown overboard.
Rosenstock-Huessy also shows this: He demonstrates how these unscientific principles permeate academic life and how pseudo-research has been carried out in order to somehow maintain these very principles, the models which people adhere.
For example, by doing animal experiments without any control experiments. Or killing cells in a test tube, also without any control experiments. And then simply claiming that the results of these experiments have to come about because of some virus. That’s how easy it is.
And we must not forget that this was already written in 1956.
In his book “Healing Power and Truth: Concordance of Political and Cosmic Time” — what a title — he describes how mountains of corpses, such as in genocides, can quickly pile up again if one misses the moment to recognize and correct mistakes.
Wrong decisions are made, wars escalate or whatever. This is the challenge we are facing right now — to recognize these mistakes in time. So it’s very important to deal with these things. And bioweapons is a very good example of these things.
The Russians, for example, completely abandoned their bioweapons development in the 1970s because they realize that the concept of pathogens as weapons does not work.
But the claim that dangerous bioweapons exist is very effective in order to create fear. First and foremost, of course, it’s effective in populations who are panic-stricken about contagion.
For example, historically the Israelis managed to empty the entire Palestinian refugee camps without firing a single shot. They simply claimed the wells are contaminated and soon the dangerous disease will break out here.
Nothing happened at all. No shots were fired. And voila! The Palestinians were gone. That was the starting point of Israel — an act of fear.
The Israeli population also has one of the highest cancer rates in western societies. Certainly not in all parts of the country, but in many, people live in constant fear of death. There is a constant fear of terrorism, of rockets, of bombs. Of course, such an attitude to life is anything but conducive to good health.
Didn’t the Nazis in the Third Reich also have a biological weapons program? What happened to it? Was it abandoned? The reason they never seriously worked on a bioweapons program is because nothing had ever worked in that direction. What they did was try to protect themselves from alleged germs.
In this regard, I recommend reading the book by Ludwik Fleck, “Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact”. There are also many articles by him on the internet.
Ludwik Fleck was a bacteriologist and he was deported to Buchenwald concentration camp where he was forced to develop a vaccine for the SS. He wrote that he and his colleagues knew that all the assumptions about supposedly dangerous disease-causing bacteria were completely wrong.
He knew that things don’t work like — that this idea is just a misinterpretation. Anyone can read that for themselves. You can find a lot of material by and about Ludwik Fleck freely accessible on the internet.
Nevertheless, Ludwik Fleck and his colleagues had the task of developing a vaccine against a supposedly dangerous bacterium for the SS. And they knew that if they tried to explain to them that it wouldn’t work, they’d get their heads chopped off.
So they just made a vaccine for them as demanded. They let something or other decompose, added a few bacteria. And when the whole thing was bubbling away in the test tube, the poisonous mixture was filtered. Formaldehyde was added and that was it.
The vaccine was injected and the job was done. That’s what he describes. And he also describes how science actually operates, because he himself has experienced these undesirable developments and seen how they come about.
After the second World War, the Americans were of the opinion that the national socialists, the Nazis, might have used some kind of secret drugs to take the soldiers’ will away, so that they would happily go to war.
The Americans were investigating this to try to address the big problem that many of their soldiers who were supposed to bomb Korea deserted. Hardly any of the soldiers at that time had ever held a rifle, seen a tank, or had anything to do with weapons in the military. And suddenly they were supposed to drop bombs on another country.
Some biologists even suggested that the Russians had bred a socialist virus that could be used to render the American soldiers will-less. Such speculation really did exist. But, of course, it led no where.
What the USA did in the end, however, was to experiment with all the drugs that were available. This project, about which a great deal of information has come to light, was called MKUltra.
People were tortured and subjected to drugs to take away their will in order to program them. And this project existed solely because it was believed that at least some, if not all, of the German soldiers must have been given some kind of secret drug. It is frightening that even today speculation about bioweapons is used to scare people.
And here is another example. The virologist, professor Zhang from Shanghai, had received the order from Beijing to search for a coronavirus in bats that was harmless to humans and could then be used as a template for so-called sequence alignment.
He was under extreme time pressure because the panic of the people in Wuhan had to be brought under control. It was feared that the people there might storm the hospitals at some point, because anyone who had any kind of complaint such as asthma, cough, or fever immediately panicked and imagined that they had SARS.
Something like that can endanger public order very quickly. And it was going in that direction, triggered by the ophthalmologist Li Wenliang, whose own fear spread very quickly via social media.
That’s precisely why professor Zhang was given the task of producing a harmless bat virus as quickly as possible. It was already established that the few dozen cases of pneumonia that existed at the time had not infected anyone else.
From the beginning of December, when the first cases were tracked, until the 20th of January, no one was infected. No one else got you pneumonia.
So they assume that if, anything at all, it must be a virus that was difficult to transmit and could probably only be transmitted from animals to humans. So they looked for a virus in animals.
Then professor Zhang, from the Fan Wu et al. research group — these results were published in Nature, the first work on the so-called new coronavirus — created the genome strand of SARS-CoV-2, in the absolute record time of only 40 hours.
He got the fluid from a lung wash, obtained some nucleic acid out of the fluid, sequenced it, and then ran the puzzle called sequence alignment. But he didn’t have time to apply all the rules of virology. That’s why the genome from these 40 hours of record time looks more than bumpy.
Normally one takes at least three weeks for this process. And then a genome sequence appears really polished. But anyone who knows a bit about biochemistry can see that the genome of SARS-CoV-2 really does look very bumpy.
And this is exactly the argument. The people who claim that the virus must have come from a laboratory: ‘It must, therefore, be a bioweapon.’. Of course this then circulates on the internet again and fuels people’s primal fear of infection and of viruses.
Therefore, anyone who claims such a thing, has to be asked the question: Where has a virus ever been isolated? Where? Show me a relevant publication and show me the exact passages in which this is described.
Show me where this is described in the methods section of any scientific paper. These are only very short paragraphs. And if it cannot be shown, it must be rejected because it spreads unnecessary and dangerous fear.
Fear is always dangerous. Spreading fear is not justifiable.
The theory that there are pathogens and transmissible diseases have been perpetuated to the present day with this kind of assertion. But if you go into detail, you immediately see that none of this is tenable.
What one could say, perhaps at this point, is — what was done again and again in the so-called Middle Ages, or actually in all wars, is to make survival impossible for the enemy, and also for the civilian population, by destroying the crops, destroying the fields, killing the animals, so that simply scorched earth remains.
And by throwing carcasses into the wells. Then the water was heavily polluted with decomposing products of the proteins, that is with nitrates.
Every mother understands that. If a bottle of mineral water says it contains more than 50 milligrams of nitrates, no child is allowed to drink it because otherwise it would turn blue. And if a child were to drink this water all the time, it would get the type of buboes that were called the plague in the Middle Ages.
From 1981 onwards it was called immune deficiency in homosexuals or GRID (gay related immune deficiency) for short. And from 1983 onwards, it was called AIDS.
It’s as simple as that. It’s massive poisoning from nitrates in drinking water. It has nothing to do with pathogens producing any disease toxins.
Such toxins are produced when something decomposes, i.e. the proteins break down and turned into putrefaction. It is quite clear that it is not healthy to drink water with corpse poisons or to eat rotten food.
Already at the beginning of the corona crisis, rumors circulated very quickly that the alleged new coronavirus was not of natural origin, but came from a bioweapons laboratory.
Of course, China was first accused of having developed the virus. Later, the USA was accused. And then China again.
And, at some point in between, the French scientist Luc Montagnier, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008 for the alleged proof of the HIV virus, among others, spoke out. He claimed that the virus was definitely of artificial origin because it had genetic similarities to the alleged HIV virus.
Most of these theories were dismissed after some time. And many scientists declared that there was no reason to assume that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon.
In January 2021 however, the rumor of the Wuhan virus flared up again when an international group of researchers claimed to have found new evidence that strengthen the suspicion of the bioweapon. The scientists’ conclusion sounded alarming, but were also based only on suspected elements in the alleged genetic strand of SARS-CoV-2.
These observations immediately lose their significance and, above all, their threatening nature when one realizes that the same genetic genome strand of the alleged SARS-CoV-2 is, in any case, only a man-made theoretical construct. No wonder then that some of it looks artificial and man-made.
One could say SARS-CoV-2 did indeed originate in a laboratory in Wuhan, but not in the way many people believe. The genetic material of SARS-CoV-2 comes from a computer and has never left it. It is a theoretical mental construct.
The ideas of pathogens made in laboratories are all scientifically untenable. Moreover, they even contradict principles of biology that have been known for many, many years.
It’s irrelevant whether they’re supposed to be killer bacteria or killer viruses. The terrorist attack in the USA in 2001, with allegedly genetically modified anthrax pathogens, is just as unlikely as the Wuhan virus of 2020.
To understand why biological weapons in the form of pathogens have never existed in this way and never will, one must know the following:
With regard to viruses, disease-causing viruses — i.e. a dangerous genetic substance — are, to this day, nothing more than mere theory.
No scientist in the whole world has ever succeeded in providing tangible proof of such a virus.
Even if one or the other has ever been awarded the Nobel Prize for alleged proof, their work never stands up to scientific scrutiny.
So how do you make an artificial virus when you can’t even find a natural one?
The topic of viruses is dealt with in detail in the main program of Immanuel Project.
With regard to bacteria — bacteria cannot make organisms sick in the sense that we believe they can. And they are not the parasites they are made out to be. Bacteria, which are always found in our bodies, can, under certain circumstances, be involved in ailments — some of which can even be life- threatening.
But that does not mean that they are parasites and harm us in that sense. Moreover, bacteria in living bodies either produce no toxins at all or only in such small amounts that it’s impossible to become ill from them.
One must bear in mind the conditions under which … and cadaveric toxins are produced.
So how do you grow killer bacteria? By reversing their biology? That would really be a scientific sensation.
The complex topic of bacteria is not dealt with in our main program but we will return to it in one or two special formats.
There are a variety of possible biological weapons. However, pathogens are definitely not one of them. All claims about genetically modified, or even artificially created, pathogens contradicts biological principles and are, therefore, inevitably doomed to failure.
There may well still be stray scientists in the world who aim to produce the ultimate killer microbe in their laboratory, but they will fail just like the people who try to make gold in earlier times.
Their scientific basis is simply incorrect, in both the cases of the alleged viruses and bacteria. All allegations, speculations, rumors and accusations revolving around artificial pathogens, therefore, only generate fear and enemy images. And we definitely do not need to either.
There is already more than enough fear and hatred, especially in this time of corona. Prolonged fear can lead to serious health problems, particularly for people who already have respiratory difficulties.
Rather than creating more fear with unfounded claims of killer viruses from a lab, we should stick to verifiable facts. Then all open questions about the alleged Wuhan virus, its latest mutations, its similarity to HIV, and other theories about bioweapons and killer viruses, will take care of themselves.
In order to complete the control experiments on SARS-CoV-2, we are still urgently looking for bioinformaticians to repeat and document the original sequence alignment. If you are a bioinformatician, are proficient in the De Novo alignment on “viruses” and have an opportunity to access the raw sequence data from Fan Wu and his colleagues please get in touch fragen @
The wireless future is here. The model ostensibly turns human beings, via nano-implants, into antennas that can transmit information. They’re turning human beings into quasi-machines. Under this transhumanist agenda, the idea is to place nanotech inside our bodies we can communicate in real-time with the Smart Grid powered by way of 5G.
The 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution.
It’s called the ‘internet of bodies’ (IoB) or the ‘nanotech of things,’ (NToT), and it connects with the Internet of Things (IOT). One way this is accomplished is to embed graphene-made sensors into fabrics. Another is to implant or ingest the nanotech matter into the body, creating an internal technology platform.
For instance, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla described the first-ever FDA-approved ‘electronic pill,’ which will invite ‘compliance,’ by sending a signal to your ‘doctor’ that you have indeed swallowed your ‘medication.’
“What we will see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world,” says Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
Oh Klausy!
In order for all this connectivity to occur, these particles must contain GRAPHENE, a superconductive material that integrates with neurons in the body and brain. Nanotech, pioneered by Nanotech King Charles Lieber, is completely unregulated. Arguably, it already exists in food, drugs, vaccines, water., and the air we breathe. While there is no shortage of studies devoted to graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs), systematic research on human health or environmental effects is severely lacking.
And yet integrating humans with hardware is supposedly being sold to us for our safety and health. In fact, on a site called Nano Robot Inventor, a 2008 paper titled Nanorobots to improve health care states:
“Recent developments in the field of nanoelectronics, with transducers progressively shrinking down to smaller sizes through nanotechnology and carbon nanotubes, are expected to result in innovative biomedical instrumentation possibilities, with new therapies and efficient diagnosis methodologies.”
“A transistor also allows the application of a voltage pulse, such devices might one day provide hybrid biological-digital computation, or deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients, or serve as an interface for a prosthetic that requires information processing at the point where it attaches to its owner.”
By the way, Lieber worked for communist China. Lieber has also worked on highly sensitive research projects for the US government Department of Defense (DOD).
Back in the 1930s, the CCP invented what is now known as “brainwashing.” The term is a literal translation of the Chinese term, Xi Nau, or “wash brain.” Arguably, Lieber has helped China and others upgrade to a modern version of mind control.
“ I was one of the first people — in 1998 — to figure out how to grow these nanoscale wires,” Lieber has stated.
If you do not believe me, just do a search for his brain-controlled mouse. And yet, Lieber went from supposed spy to a convicted tax evader. Who has explored the ethics of his inventions? It has already been proven that Lieber’s “injectable electronics” can be integrated within the brain with ‘minimal invasions,’ and can continue to function for at least a year. Who knows what happens after that?
The Purpose of AI: Brain-Computer Interface
At Code Conference 2016, Elon Musk stated publicly that given the current rate of artificial intelligence (AI) advancement, humans could ultimately expect to be left behind cognitively, intellectually “by a lot.” His solution to this unappealing fate is a novel brain-computer interface.
The internet of bodies (IoB) will tell us a lot, too. The sensors placed inside each person’s body will collect data…and that data has been determined to be more precious than oil.
To put things in perspective, ‘Big Harma’, with the help of Big Tech, began usurping the medical data of millions of Americans as early as 2019. You can read my article titled Dr. Google Will See You Now. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, acquired FitBit for a cool $2.1 billion. Now, in Year Three of the Rona Regime, they are coming after us.
Imagine how much information they can technically collect by giving us a ‘viability score.’ In the Netherlands, their biometric mass surveillance practices are increasingly being used to control people’s access to healthcare, sports venues, travel, shopping, and other everyday activities. Activists actually have a campaign called ‘reclaim your face.’
While globalists aim to vaccinate the world and watch as our fellow man turns into ‘Magneto Man’, evidence indicates that Big Harma, aided and abetted by VERY sick Rockefeller hospitals, are injecting us with nanoparticles meant to respond to signals while –oops – changing our very nature and DNA.
I understand, this sounds conspiratorial. If you haven’t gotten the memo that some of these jabs contain saline, why others have been sullied with microscopic nanoparticles that are conductive, consider:
In 2017, in a now-scrubbed-off-the-internet was a study from taly looking at adjuvants. Researchers found that 15 traditional vaccines (and 44 variations of these), all manufactured by leading global companies, shared a previously unreported and troubling similarity: the vaccines were “heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.”
This is an indisputable fact. You just can’t see them. A nanometer is 1/80000th the diameter of an eyelash, one-millionth the size of a pinhead.
“If your nanoparticles self-assemble correctly with Harvard’s Charles Lieber injectable nano meshes, you can actually get a nice little wireless nano network going in the target,” says Investigative Journalist George Webb, who has looked into Lieber and the Wuhan origin story since 2020. “Corona didn’t just launch DARPA’s mRNA technology, Corona also launched nanotechnology for immunology. Gold, silver, iron oxide, silicon dioxide, and graphene are all nanoparticles being researched for COVID applications.”
It’s all part of the Covid Industrial Complex.
Cinco Geo Your Existence
In January 2020, when people in Wuhan began dropping like flies, I surmised that maybe nanotech — brought to us by Charlie Lieber via a mandated experimental injection or sprayed via drones – was parlaying with the Internet of Things. Interestingly, Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei Province was the first 5G demonstration zone in the Central Business District (CBD), according to a 5G cooperation agreement signed between China Mobile and local authorities on September 3, 2019.
That’s how I uncovered the connection between Lieber to 5G. It was taboo to talk about 5G back in 2020, so I coined the code words, Cinco Geo, to ward off censorship. For the record, I lived across the street from a test cell tower in Beachwood, Los Angeles. I developed a fever for 65 days and couldn’t sleep. While I could not prove it was the radiation, a meter endorsed by Dr. Mercola proved the 5G technology was definitely turned ON. That was 2019.
Fast forward to 2020.
As we were locking down over the virus, cell towers across the country were going up. In fact, 5G cell tower installation was the only industry that was thriving during the early to mid-2020.
When it came to appealing net neutrality, Ajit Pai, the former Trump-appointed chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said that the government had no place in the private sector. However, when it came to 5G, the government wasn’t only a necessity, it was a requirement. For example, when I recently called Miami-Dade County to try to find out whether they had amplified the 5G signal, I was referred to the federal government.
In fact, in 2018, the FCC initiated the “5G Fast Plan” to establish the United States’ superiority in the tech race. They intended to blanket the ENTIRE country with 5G small cells placed between every 2 to 10 homes. The industry claims they need so many towers because 5G uses millimeter waves that travel small distances and can be easily blocked by walls and even foliage. To compensate for this, engineers found ways to convert the waves to beams and intentionally direct them.
For the record, the CEO of Verizon helped bust the myth of millimeter waves and said that indeed the signals could penetrate through foliage and that the waves can cross 2000 feet from transmitter to receiver. And yet small cells continued to be built.
The 5G Fast Plan
As part of the 5G Fast Plan, the FCC reformed rules that had been designed decades ago to accommodate small cells. The reforms were designed to ban ‘short-sighted’ municipalities who tried to block the deployment of the 5G technology. Local governments were given a reasonable deadline to approve or disapprove small-cell tower applications.
Small groups of people throughout the nation have attended local meetings to fight these eyesores but they don’t really stand a chance. At best, if the municipalities have money, the 5G poles are moved to another neighborhood. Of course, health studies on 5G have not been conducted.
On January 19, the day I got sick with what felt like radiation exposure, flights were suspended to the U.S., including to Miami, over 5G concerns. I threw up three times. I had watery stools. I felt anxious. I almost fainted in yoga class. And, I lost my sense of smell. I thought it was the Rona. But I wasn’t sick with the flu or cold symptoms. I had no cough or respiratory issues. My symptoms didn’t match the Moronic variant. One friend told me, ‘you must have gotten the Delta.’ I laughed to myself. Upon doing research, I also learned that the CDC acknowledges something called Acute Radiation Syndrome.
Can You See The (Smart) Light?
Did you know that every lighting installation can be a data infrastructure? Two-way communication can also be done via light signals.
Think cellphones and streetlights.
Analysts predict the smart lighting market will grow more than 21% a year between 2018 and 2023. Much of this growth will be driven by wireless installations – and the exciting new applications they support. That’s why one company is putting Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology in their connected components, enabling every fixture to communicate wirelessly with nearby Bluetooth-enabled smartphones.
Will wireless lighting controls soon be the new normal, making the benefits of smart lighting more accessible to organizations everywhere?
Ping, Collect, Ping, Ping
Let’s recap how all this connects (pun intended).
Seamless human-machine interaction is increasing rapidly.
What if these injections were never “vaccines” against a virus? What if instead, the jabs have been a secret nanotech project developed to control the brains of the human population? (Until now, we don’t know specifically how they can modify our DNA via 5G).
Seemingly, some jabs were manufactured using nanotechnology. In Spain, it was even described as “secret nanoparticles.” These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under-zero-degree environment, they remain non-magnetic. Maybe one of the reasons they use the injections?
The graphene hydroxide works as an antenna for the electronic circuits they are injecting. If they can create transistors, they can also make an identifier like an RFID chip that can ping a number back, once the person is near a radiofrequency (RF) field. Graphene oxide in the brain creates transistors, and ostensibly its own network.
Thanks in big part to Lieber, molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radiofrequencies (5G could be one of these). Can they also map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely? Do these nano devices and smart biosensors become programmable? Yes!
“… In the proposed platform architecture, different programs and commands can be sent and information retrieved from inside [the] body through wireless communication, providing important aspects on the interface and medical instrumentation of nanorobots.”
“The proposed model uses electromagnetic radio waves to command and detect the current status of nanorobots inside the body. Therefore, the cell phone is applied for the medical nanorobotics platform. This occurs as the cell phone emits a magnetic signature to the passive CMOS sensors embedded in the nanorobot, which enables sending and receiving data through electromagnetic fields. From the last set of events recorded in pattern arrays, information can be reflected back by wave resonance.”
What happens when you integrate communication with nanorobots using RFID, mobile phones, and satellites and apply it to long-distance ubiquitous surveillance and health monitoring?
The jury is still not out.
“We are in a live exercise here …. to get this right!” Sec. Mike Pompeo stated during a presser back in January 2020.
“You should have let us know,” President Trump murmured back.
Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Gab: @ladybee. Email her: maryam @
Protesters gathered in southern France on Wednesday for what they say will be a “freedom convoy” that will converge on Paris and Brussels to demand an end to COVID-19 restrictions, inspired by Canada’s anti-mandate protests.
Seen waving Canadian flags, the protesters said they planned to head first to Paris, then on to Brussels — headquarters of the European Union — to demand, among other things, the scrapping of rules barring people from public venues if they don’t have a COVID-19 vaccination.
The convoy was made up of motorcycles and private cars, but no trucks.
As Justin Trudeau and his useful idiots in the mainstream media continue to vilify and demonize the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters in Ottawa, the line is being held. Indeed, other trucker demonstrations are now popping up all over our great dominion.
From Toronto and Quebec City to Alberta, truckers have assembled, demanding an end to the myriad useless COVID-19 lockdown mandates that are making all our lives miserable.
On Monday evening, truckers parked their big rigs on the Ambassador Bridge, eventually forcing an entire bridge closure. Several hours later, the trucks moved off the bridge, but some of the 18-wheelers and several cars, pickup trucks and campers blockaded the offramp to Windsor.
That means vehicle traffic coming from Michigan into Ontario is currently completely shut down (the bridge is still open to traffic going from Ontario to Michigan.)
When we arrived at the Windsor side of the Ambassador Bridge on Tuesday evening, we were greeted by a downright surreal site: a multi-lane stretch of asphalt that is normally extremely busy with truck and car traffic had become a place where demonstrators were protesting and dancing the night away. While it was a festive atmosphere on the Canadian side, an Ambassador Bridge employee told us that traffic on the Michigan side was backed up by some 20 miles.
Alas, the question arises: how long will this ramp blockade be tolerated by the authorities?
After all, the Ambassador Bridge is the most important conduit between Canada and the U.S. More than 40,000 vehicles and more than $300 million in goods cross this bridge on a daily basis.
Indeed, rumours abound that a major police operation is imminent, with the goal of dismantling the blockade.
The Windsor Police Service has already reached out to the RCMP for reinforcements.
Granted, the blockade is a major inconvenience when it comes to Canada-bound traffic from the U.S. (those hoping to make the crossing are being advised to go to the Blue Water Bridge near Sarnia) but despite the narrative being manufactured by the Trudeau Liberals and their bought-and paid-for henchmen toiling in the mainstream media, the Freedom Convoy protesters are not racists, bigots and haters.
Rather, they are peaceful protesters — patriotic Canadians who simply want their freedoms restored. Imagine that.
James Corbett delivers a live presentation on How to Research Online to the Greater Reset Activation III conference on January 30, 2022. In this demonstration, James shares his screen while he answers some research questions from his listeners.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX lost 40 out of 49 Starlink satellites launched via a Falcon 9 rocket, losing their orbit thanks to a geomagnetic storm, the company revealed on Tuesday.
By now, almost all of the lost satellites have either already re-entered or will soon re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere where they will eventually burn up before reaching the ground, meaning they won’t scatter debris, SpaceX explained.
SpaceX placed the satellites into lower orbit approximately 210 kilometers above Earth for the initial system checkout before moving them to a higher orbit through a controlled flight. The scheme was designed to make the satellites quickly deorbit through atmospheric drag should they fail the tests, the company said.
This time, however, the plan went awry as the satellites were hit by a geomagnetic storm last Friday while still in low orbit. Such storms, described by the US Geological Survey as a period of “rapid magnetic field variation,” are caused by a surge of solar winds. The storm caused an atmospheric drag that was 50% stronger than usual.
The team sought to make the satellites “take cover from the storm” by commanding them into a safe mode to minimize the effects of the drag. Still, the storm prevented 40 of them from leaving safe mode and starting orbit-raising maneuvers, SpaceX explained.
Nonetheless, the company hailed the incident as an example of the “great lengths the Starlink team has gone to ensure the system is on the leading edge of on-orbit debris mitigation.” It explained that deorbiting satellites pose “zero collision risk” with other satellites, would create no space debris and would not hit the ground.
Elon Musk denies he’s a space hog
Read more Elon Musk denies he’s a space hog
SpaceX’s Starlink is a satellite network designed to provide broadband internet access covering most of Earth. In January, CEO Elon Musk boasted that 1,469 Starlink satellites were currently active in low orbit.
The project has sparked controversy as astronomers voiced concerns about huge constellations of satellites in low orbit interfering with their research and particularly affecting space observations.
China also criticized the project. Beijing even lodged a complaint about SpaceX with the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs in December 2021, claiming that its astronauts had to conduct evasive maneuvers to avoid Starlink satellites on two separate occasions as they were on board the China Space Station.
The Canadian convoy of many, many trucks, now in Ottawa, and the many, many people supporting it, can’t be written off as some strange breakout group.
This is a popular movement.
A wave.
A reader suggested it’s time for thousands of doctors and health workers, from all over the world, to step up to the plate and issue statements of strong support.
BUILD the wave higher.
Show the world what this is: freedom from government tyranny; freedom from a phony medical dictatorship.
Imagine your life depends on a choice you make:
Which way do you go?
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” Thomas Paine, December 13, 1776.
Who embodies that statement? Trudeau or the truckers?
Some credentialed sold-out medical quack who serves as a COVID advisor and public health bureaucrat, or the truckers?
A demented fascist who demands vaccine passports, or the truckers?
In the US, the FDA, about to approve the poisonous COVID vaccines for six-month-old BABIES…or the Canadian truckers?
The numerous Canadian officials who are calling the truckers terrorists, or the truckers?
The big tech censors of true COVID facts, or the truckers?
“Well, you see, it’s true that in the US, the federal database contains more than a million reports of injuries from COVID vaccines; and it’s true that this number is a gross understatement; but the solution is more vaccinations and more boosters…”
Do you trust the experts who are telling you THAT, or the truckers?
Who should be in prison, Fauci or the truckers?
If you have to point to a spot and say THIS IS THE HILL WE’LL DIE ON IF WE NEED TO, who do you want on that hill …Bill Gates or the truckers?
“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”
Translation: We at DHS have the power. Private citizens are asserting their own power and freedom, so we have to discredit and silence them and call them terrorists. When we say “they seek to undermine trust in government institutions,” that’s our inside joke. If we weren’t the government, we wouldn’t trust the government as far as we could throw it.
Do you rely on DHS Jokers or the truckers?
Are you a totalitarian or do you want freedom?
Would you rather cling to fascist Authorities like barnacles, or stand up like humans alongside the truckers?
Would you rather stay silent and hope for the best, or make your voice heard?
Here is one solution: Don’t worry, everything is normal. It’ll always be normal. Our only course of action is no action. Just wait around. The situation will resolve. Watch the news for updates. Stay calm. Two months from now, everybody will forget about the truckers. Get tested. Take the vaccine and all the boosters. Earn your wellness passport. Worst case, if you wind up in the hospital after the shot, the doctors will take care of you. The surgeons are performing miracles these days. It’s quite possible the most important indicator the vaccine is working is death.
How do you like that solution?
Let me clue you in on a secret. Shh. Behind the vaccine passport governments are forcing on people, there’s a much older passport. It called CARD-CARRYING CITIZEN. It indicates: “I follow orders. I trust the experts. I do what everyone else does. I’m normal. No one can accuse me of stepping out of line. When a group breaks away from Normal, I turn my back on them. That group must be wrong. If they’re fighting for freedom, they’re REALLY wrong. I know that because I don’t have freedom. Censor that group. Stop them. I’m already a card-carrying citizen, so earning my vaccine passport is easy for me. It confirms what I already am.”
Is that what you want to be, or do you want to support the truckers?
Here’s another secret we all know. We know it so well, it’s become a cliché. Every single day, whether you make a choice or don’t make a choice, you’re making a choice.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”— Frank Zappa
We are no longer free.
We are living in a world carefully crafted to resemble a representative democracy, but it’s an illusion.
We think we have the freedom to elect our leaders, but we’re only allowed to participate in the reassurance ritual of voting. There can be no true electoral choice or real representation when we’re limited in our options to one of two candidates culled from two parties that both march in lockstep with the Deep State and answer to an oligarchic elite.
We think we have freedom of speech, but we’re only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners allow.
We think we have the right to freely exercise our religious beliefs, but those rights are quickly overruled if and when they conflict with the government’s priorities, whether it’s COVID-19 mandates or societal values about gender equality, sex and marriage.
We think we have the freedom to go where we want and move about freely, but at every turn, we’re hemmed in by laws, fines and penalties that regulate and restrict our autonomy, and surveillance cameras that monitor our movements. Punitive programs strip citizens of their passports and right to travel over unpaid taxes.
We think we have property interests in our homes and our bodies, but there can be no such freedom when the government can seize your property, raid your home, and dictate what you do with your bodies.
We think we have the freedom to defend ourselves against outside threats, but there is no right to self-defense against militarized police who are authorized to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, and granted immunity from accountability with the general blessing of the courts. Certainly, there can be no right to gun ownership in the face of red flag gun laws which allow the police to remove guns from people merely suspected of being threats.
We think we have the right to due process, but that assurance of justice has been stripped of its power by a judicial system hardwired to act as judge, jury and jailer, leaving us with little recourse for appeal. A perfect example of this rush to judgment can be found in the proliferation of profit-driven speed and red light cameras that do little for safety while padding the pockets of government agencies.
We have been saddled with a government that pays lip service to the nation’s freedom principles while working overtime to shred the Constitution.
By gradually whittling away at our freedoms—free speech, assembly, due process, privacy, etc.—the government has, in effect, liberated itself from its contractual agreement to respect the constitutional rights of the citizenry while resetting the calendar back to a time when we had no Bill of Rights to protect us from the long arm of the government.
Aided and abetted by the legislatures, the courts and Corporate America, the government has been busily rewriting the contract (a.k.a. the Constitution) that establishes the citizenry as the masters and agents of the government as the servants.
We are now only as good as we are useful, and our usefulness is calculated on an economic scale by how much we are worth—in terms of profit and resale value—to our “owners.”
Under the new terms of this revised, one-sided agreement, the government and its many operatives have all the privileges and rights and “we the people” have none.
Only in our case, sold on the idea that safety, security and material comforts are preferable to freedom, we’ve allowed the government to pave over the Constitution in order to erect a concentration camp.
The problem with these devil’s bargains, however, is that there is always a catch, always a price to pay for whatever it is we valued so highly as to barter away our most precious possessions.
We’ve bartered away our right to self-governance, self-defense, privacy, autonomy and that most important right of all: the right to tell the government to “leave me the hell alone.” In exchange for the promise of safe streets, safe schools, blight-free neighborhoods, lower taxes, lower crime rates, and readily accessible technology, health care, water, food and power, we’ve opened the door to militarized police, government surveillance, asset forfeiture, school zero tolerance policies, license plate readers, red light cameras, SWAT team raids, health care mandates, overcriminalization and government corruption.
In the end, such bargains always turn sour.
We asked our lawmakers to be tough on crime, and we’ve been saddled with an abundance of laws that criminalize almost every aspect of our lives. So far, we’re up to 4500 criminal laws and 300,000 criminal regulations that result in average Americans unknowingly engaging in criminal acts at least three times a day. For instance, the family of an 11-year-old girl was issued a $535 fine for violating the Federal Migratory Bird Act after the young girl rescued a baby woodpecker from predatory cats.
We wanted criminals taken off the streets, and we didn’t want to have to pay for their incarceration. What we’ve gotten is a nation that boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million people locked up, many of them doing time for relatively minor, nonviolent crimes, and a private prison industry fueling the drive for more inmates, who are forced to provide corporations with cheap labor.
We wanted law enforcement agencies to have the necessary resources to fight the nation’s wars on terror, crime and drugs. What we got instead were militarized police decked out with M-16 rifles, grenade launchers, silencers, battle tanks and hollow point bullets—gear designed for the battlefield, more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year (many for routine police tasks, resulting in losses of life and property), and profit-driven schemes that add to the government’s largesse such as asset forfeiture, where police seize property from “suspected criminals.”
We fell for the government’s promise of safer roads, only to find ourselves caught in a tangle of profit-driven red-light cameras, which ticket unsuspecting drivers in the so-called name of road safety while ostensibly fattening the coffers of local and state governments. Despite widespread public opposition, corruption and systemic malfunctions, these cameras are particularly popular with municipalities, which look to them as an easy means of extra cash. Building on the profit-incentive schemes, the cameras’ manufacturers are also pushing speed cameras and school bus cameras, both of which result in hefty fines for violators who speed or try to go around school buses.
We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.
This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.
With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, “we the people” are being reminded that we possess no rights except for that which the government grants on an as-needed basis.
Indeed, there are chilling parallels between the authoritarian prison that is life in the American police state and The Prisoner, a dystopian television series that first broadcast in Great Britain more than 50 years ago.
The series centers around a British secret agent (played by Patrick McGoohan) who finds himself imprisoned, monitored by militarized drones, and interrogated in a mysterious, self-contained, cosmopolitan, seemingly idyllic retirement community known only as The Village. While luxurious and resort-like, the Village is a virtual prison disguised as a seaside paradise: its inhabitants have no true freedom, they cannot leave the Village, they are under constant surveillance, their movements are tracked by surveillance drones, and they are stripped of their individuality and identified only by numbers.
Much like the American Police State, The Prisoner’s Village gives the illusion of freedom while functioning all the while like a prison: controlled, watchful, inflexible, punitive, deadly and inescapable.
Described as “an allegory of the individual, aiming to find peace and freedom in a dystopia masquerading as a utopia,” The Prisoner is a chilling lesson about how difficult it is to gain one’s freedom in a society in which prison walls are disguised within the trappings of technological and scientific progress, national security and so-called democracy.
Perhaps the best visual debate ever on individuality and freedom, The Prisoner confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of mankind to meekly accept his lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of his own making.
The Prisoner is an operations manual for how you condition a populace to life as prisoners in a police state: by brainwashing them into believing they are free so that they will march in lockstep with the state and be incapable of recognizing the prison walls that surround them.
We can no longer maintain the illusion of freedom.
Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly does not mince words when attacking the truckers and ordinary Canadians who are now protesting peacefully in Ottawa. The truckers plan to stay until the Charter rights and freedoms that politicians took away from Canadians 23 months ago are restored.
Chief Sloly publicly accuses the truckers of engaging in “unlawful” and “harmful” activities, and of promoting “hatred” and “violence,” but provides no examples, facts, or arrests to support his accusations. The Chief calls for “order” to be “restored” even though “order” has not been lost. His fact-free rhetoric includes mention of an “increasingly volatile” and “increasingly dangerous” situation. As though speaking for an oppressive regime, Chief Sloly has repeatedly called for an “end” to the exercise of the fundamental Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly by Canadians in their own capital city.
GoFundMe took its cue from Chief Sloly and refused to release the funds from thousands of donors who gave millions in support of the truckers’ peaceful protest. On its website, GoFundMe claims to have “evidence” from law enforcement that “the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.” As if bouncy castles for kids, farmers with their tractors, cowboys on their horses, impromptu street hockey, live music, and flags from all nations are a violent foreign invasion.
Without referencing any evidence, GoFundMe accused the Freedom Convoy of engaging in “an abuse of power” (the protesters have no power) and of supporting “hate, violence, harassment, bullying, discrimination, terrorism, and intolerance …” Freedom Convoy is now accepting donations at
The accusations of Chief Sloly and GoFundMe are invented out of thin air, and discredited by thousands of videos and photographs showing truckers shoveling snow, feeding the homeless, and behaving responsibly and respectfully. But in woke 2022, who needs facts when attacking political opponents? Prime Minister Trudeau has compared Canada’s peaceful truckers to Americans who stormed the U.S. Capitol Buildings in January 2021, stating “Having a group of people who disagree with the outcome of an election who want to go a different way and bring in an alternative government is a non-starter in a responsible democracy.”
Mr. Trudeau has also likened the “small fringe minority” of truckers (with their “unacceptable views”) to “those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers and steal food from the homeless,” “those who fly racist flags … and engage in vandalism or dishonor the memory of our veterans” and express “hateful rhetoric, violence towards fellow citizens and a disrespect not just of science but of the frontline health workers.” At least the Prime Minister is consistent, having previously described Canadians who don’t want the COVID mRNA shots as racist, misogynist, anti-science extremists who should not be tolerated.
The bias of Trudeau-funded media is such that if any member of the Freedom Convoy had engaged in violence, damaged property or broken the law, the “mainstream” or “establishment” media would have gleefully reported on it. Yet no media outlet provides any actual evidence of any member of the Freedom Convoy breaking any laws. No arrests have been made. No charges have been laid. In fact, crime has been down since the truckers arrived.
There are photographs of someone carrying a Nazi flag, but nobody knows who this person is, even with True North offering $6,500 to anyone who can confirm the identity of that one (politically planted?) individual. There is no evidence this individual was associated or affiliated with the Freedom Convoy.
A more realistic picture of what is happening in Ottawa will soon be revealed by sworn affidavits filed in a court action. Zexi Li seeks an injunction to silence the horn-honking in Ottawa.
One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath that truckers and their supporters “are feeding the homeless on Wellington Street and filling their backpacks with food. Truckers have taken a whole trailer full of food to the homeless shelter. Truckers are maintaining the cleanliness of city streets, including picking up discarded masks on the ground, …”
An Ottawa resident claims that “the truckers I have interacted with have, at all times, been friendly, courteous, humble, considerate and peaceful. I have not observed any aggressive or inappropriate behaviours.” He says the truckers are diverse, including Sikhs, Blacks, Aboriginals and others. He has “observed truckers decorating the tomb of the unknown soldier with flowers and guarding it” and has “not seen any violent or threatening behaviour.” He notes that “the truckers do not honk their horns at night. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the Freedom Convoy during the day.” He asserts: “My ability to park and to travel in downtown Ottawa, or to and from Parliament Hill has not been impeded by the presence of the truckers.”
Another Ottawa resident, who works for Statistics Canada, describes reality on the ground as follows: “The protesters were peaceful and respectful, I saw no violence or harassment. I was not impeded in any way, and could walk about freely and safely. I did not see any hateful symbols, in fact, I saw an abundance of Canada flags and Quebec flags as well as countless signs calling for freedom and the end of COVID-related mandates.”
He reports that “there were dozens of trucks along Wellington Street. They would intermittently sound their horns but it was not constant. Many people walked the streets peacefully protesting. Many of them carried Canada flags and signs. It was a peaceful and fun atmosphere with dancing and public speakers taking turns at a microphone while people listened on. I did not observe anyone being harassed or intimidated. I felt totally safe.” He passed by the Terry Fox statue in front of Parliament Hill on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, and states: “Contrary to what I have seen in the media, I did not see that the Terry Fox statue was desecrated or defaced in any way. In fact, I saw flowers at the feet of the statue as demonstrators walked by. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the downtown demonstrations. I do not hear any honking near my home. The only honking I have heard is on Wellington Street, particularly across from Parliament Hill.”
Bear in mind that these witnesses can be cross-examined by Zexi Li’s lawyers. These witnesses are required to answer all questions under oath. They face serious consequences if they lie. In stark contrast, Chief Sloly and Mr. Trudeau are not speaking under oath, will not be questioned by lawyers, and face no consequences for lying. Which people do you see as more credible?
Dr Robert Gallo made his famous announcement at a press conference on 23 April 1984 that “his” HIV virus was the probable cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). From that moment on, the race was on to find a pharmaceutical weapon against it.
At the height of AIDS epidemic in 2005, the rhetoric about HIV danger and death penetrated every corner of the world. The rapid test for HIV was accepted as the test for AIDS, which divided people into positive and negative camps.
Flashback to June 2015, ten years after the height of the AIDS epidemic:
AIDS-related deaths have fallen by 35 percent since the peak of the epidemic in 2005 and the number of new infections continues to decline annually. That’s the good news. Nonetheless there are thought to be around 35 million people living with HIV globally; 19 million don’t currently know their HIV-positive status. Of those people who need antiretroviral drugs, only just over a third have access. That’s the bad news.
We have the scientific know-how to end AIDS and every month seems to bring news of another biomedical advance that could change the trajectory of the epidemic once and for all.
Last week the preliminary findings of the Strategic Timing of AntiRetroviral Treatment trial confirmed that early treatment is best for HIV.
No one thought that HIV might be lab-created. No one knew that just before Gallo’s April 1984 announcement, someone had filed a United States Patent number: 9499480 for HIV/AIDS Virus invention, a designer bi-product of the U.S. Special Virus program.
No one knew that Gallo, himself, was ‘Project Officer’ for the federal Special Virus Program that ran from 1962-1978. See complete list of HIV patents. No one knows that engineered evidence is found from the ‘multiply-spliced’ nature of the HIV ‘tat’ sequence in Dr. Gallo’s 1971 Special Virus paper, “Reverse Transcriptase of Type-C virus Particles of Human Origin.”
From 1985 to 1992 there were 12,000 deaths each year from AIDS. In 1992 the number increased suddenly to 15,000. Why? Because they added 5 new diseases to the AIDS definition! The actual number of cases of AIDS was on the decline until they added more diseases to the list, and still the number of new cases grew very slowly. – Dr. Robert Wilner, Deadly Deception, 1994.
HIV — it has never been found in sufficient numbers to cause disease.” –Peter Duesberg, 1991
The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake. – Kary Mullins, inventor of the PCR test.
Today, the official narrative still claims that no cure exists for AIDS, and that only toxic FDA antiretroviral drugs, including A.Z.T., D.D.I., and D.D.C., will slow down the progression of the disease.
“Why condemn a continent to death because of HIV, when you have other explanations for why people are falling sick?” – Dr John Papadimitriou, professor of pathology at the University of Western Australia in Perth and a co-author of the Journal of Nature Biotechnolgy study that found HIV tests to be inadequate.
Comparison of HIV and Coronavirus Tests. September 2020:
Sometimes testing can give you a false sense of security. That happened in the HIV epidemic, when people got a negative test and they presented it to their sex partners and spread disease, nonetheless. – Cue Mark Schlissel, M.D., Ph.D., President of University of Michigan,
The U of M president knew of the flaws of the rapid HIV test. He knew the patterns of history. And for that he received pushback for equating the COVID-19 pandemic with the AIDS epidemic to justify the University’s decision not to widely test students. He was made to apologize for unrelated reasons, but added to his response:
My comments were intended only as a critique of the effectiveness of massive testing of asymptomatic students for the virus that causes COVID-19 in an effort to prevent its spread. – Cue Mark Schlissel, M.D., Ph.D, President, U of M 2020
In the COVIDIAN Age, it is accepted that Coronavirus is a virus. However, Coronavirus is a family name that includes MERS-Cov, SARS-Cov, HCoV-229E, HCoV-NL63, HCoV-OC43, HCoV-HKU1, and many others. Coronavirus is not Corona virus. It is also accepted that people with underlying diseases are more susceptible to COVID19. This is likely due to a weakened innate immune system. Immunosuppressed people no longer have a functional defense system and are more likely to suffer from any infection, whether it be called a cold, a flu, toxic overload, or ‘COVID.’
The Twist:
Ironically, new research shows the opposite; that patients with advanced stages of AIDS show less severe COVID symptoms and recover faster than others.
A July 2021 study in the Journal Immun Inflamm Dis, titled “The clinical outcomes of COVID-19 in HIV-positive patients: A systematic review of current evidence” shows evidence that the majority of HIV patients show no severe symptoms and completely recovered from COVID19 infection.
Similar to The Age of AIDS, COVID patients will soon be offered antiretroviral drugs. On December 14, 2021, Merck and Pfizer pharmaceutical companies announced the development of COVID antiretroviral drugs. The companies claimed their drugs attack different parts of the virus. Ten days later, on December 24, 2021, the FDA authorized “emergency use” of Merck’s antiviral drug to treat COVID19. FDA had previously “authorized” the first antiretroviral Molnupiravir in late November. Note: authorization does not equal approval.
Today, the FDA claims that the antiretroviral pill “should be initiated as soon as possible after diagnosis of Covid-19 and within five days of symptom onset,” – FDA Statement, December 22, 2021
In 1994, Dr. Robert Wilner wrote: “Any antiviral therapy that is immune-suppressive and aimed at treating HIV is unnecessary, dangerous, unethical and bad medicine — you are already immune to HIV!
There is no test to find out a person’s “HPV status.” Also, there is no approved HPV test to find HPV in the mouth or throat. – CDC HPV Fact Sheet, 2022
We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available. – Journal of Euro Surveillance, 2020
Why blame a pandemic on innocent animals? It sounds like this: “ANIMAL X” could be hiding a deadly virus that could trigger a pandemic worse than the Black Death and kill more than 75million people. They tried to blame Ebola on a bunny.
Did the Species Barrier disappear to allow for animal research to develop profitable drug models?
After mRNA injectables, why are AIDS patients successfully fending off the worst COVID symptoms and recovering faster without an immune system?
Do HIV patients somehow recognize the lab-created Coronavirus as similar? Does the mRNA nanotech somehow protect people without an immune system? Is that why antiretroviral will be required for COVID patients?
Disclaimer: The author encourages you to consult a doctor before making any health changes, especially any changes related to a specific diagnosis or condition. No information in this article should be relied upon to determine diet, make a medical diagnosis, or to determine or prescribe a treatment for a medical condition. This information is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended to build synapses for thinking.
ONE: Billboard (8/2/21): “Sir Paul McCartney is spreading one simple message for his fans: ‘BE COOL. GET VAX’D’.”
Well, that’s it then. You can tell Paul dug deep to do his research on the injection. Be cool.
“The beanie- and face-mask-wearing 79-year-old rocker wrote this message on Instagram, while signing off as ‘Paul,’ underneath a picture of himself getting his COVID shot from a health care professional on Monday (Aug. 2).”
As opposed to getting his shot from a health care amateur, or a shoe salesman?
“’The vaccine will get us out of this. I think we’ll come through it, I know we’ll come through, and it’s great news about the vaccine’,” he [McCartney] said in the interview.”
Sir Paul has obviously bought the whole enchilada. Virus spreads, infects, makes people sick and kills them, get tested, isolate if necessary, lock down a whole country if necessary, the vaccine will stop the virus in its tracks, we’ll be OK.
No need to look at contrary evidence. The official doctors and the political authorities know what they’re doing.
Obey. Comply. Was that always the secret message of Paul’s music, hidden amidst the vinyl grooves?
Since God knows when, famous Brits have issued consoling messages to the lower classes. “We’ll get through it. We’ll pull together.”
It turns out lots of famous ones aren’t doing any of the pulling.
A reasonable person would realize a vaccine mandated for the whole population should be scrutinized down to it core. It’s cool, and we’ll get through it, don’t cut it.
A breezy cavalier attitude is a sign of a mental midget.
I wonder whether a hypnotic medical blind spot will turn up on a brain-scan. “You see this dark area, Paul? The neurons aren’t firing. When I shine this ray of light at your skull and it penetrates and hits that area, a message pops up: ‘Don’t think. The doctors know everything’. If I were you, I’d get that checked out. But not by a doctor.”
Judging from his Billboard quote, Paul seems to realize he’s being enlisted by the National Health Service and the government to assure the public the vaccine is safe; and he’s willing to go along.
If he were working a steady job, and a SINGER told him it was cool to take the shot, would he go along?
Having amassed fame and fortune, he’s not able to imagine that reverse-scenario anymore. That’s not the fault of his career, his composing, his singing, or his earning pounds and dollars. It’s his fault for surrendering to his elevated status.
He wouldn’t admit it, but he’s detached himself to a sufficiently remote area, from which he can shrug and support a government edict affecting millions of people without a second thought.
His stupidity is towering.
TWO: Howard Stern is a bunch of ugly sticks glued together with dried semen from one of his old wet dreams.
Once upon a time an abject failure as a broadcaster, he glimpsed a possible way out of Doom by taking on the role of psychological pornographer.
He’d assume everyone was obsessed by sex, and he’d force their inner dog to drool when he rang the bell.
Now, from a political perch, he’s decreed that all unvaccinated people should be locked in their homes and die.
That’s his style. Cut to the extreme chase. And also: see nothing, say something.
The mental midget status applies to Stern in spades. He knows zero about vaccines. He listens to the official doctors and the federal government like the kind of good little boy he hates.
As a young awkward schlub, he decided to rebel and burn down normal people by illustrating they were nothing more than prurient fish waiting to be shot in a barrel.
It was an easy choice. Once he found his radio style, he opened fire. His ratings soared; fame and fortune arrived.
He knows his success is nothing to be proud of. But success is all he has to hang his hat on. So he pretends it means something about his character.
It only means he’s one more person who’s tapped into a lowest common denominator and found dollars.
If Howard Stern tells you, you need to get vaccinated, you pretty much know it’s the wrong thing to do, on that basis alone. Directing people down bad alleys turns out to be one of Stern’s skills.
His notion of free speech is entirely self-serving. He wants to elevate his tired half-baked porn into a Constitutional issue.
He possesses a high degree of intelligence. He’s used it to recreate himself as mental midget. The only interesting moments in his career arrive when he laughs at himself because he knows what he’s done to himself.
He probably, on occasion, dreams he’s Field Marshal Fauci. And Fauci occasionally dreams he’s Howard Stern.
Coda: Now here is the REAL WORLD. LOOK AT THE PEOPLE. WATCH THIS BRIEF CLIP ALL THE WAY TO THE END. Canberra, Australia, Feb 7th, 2022
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers claiming the mandates are illegal and obsolete, as the vaccines don’t work against Omicron, the dominant variant in the U.S.
Attorneys general from 16 states, led by Louisiana, filed a new legal challenge to COVID-19 vaccine mandates for U.S. healthcare workers.
The amended lawsuit was filed Feb. 4 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and Chiquita Brooks-Lasure, administrator of CMS.
The suit seeks to block the mandate for healthcare workers in the 25 states that previously challenged it and where it is set to take effect beginning this month.
The revised lawsuit puts forth a series of new arguments, including that the CMS mandate was designed in response to the Delta variant and is therefore now obsolete.
Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia and West Virginia joined Louisiana in the lawsuit.
The amended lawsuit comes in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Jan. 13 decision, which lifted injunctions that had been in effect in 25 states. The Supreme Court said mandates could go into effect while lawsuits challenging it continue to weave their way through the judicial system.
This decision came following a circuitous legal process, where U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty initially blocked the mandate nationwide, on Nov. 30, 2021. (Judge Doughty is overseeing the case involving the amended lawsuit.)
An appeals court later lifted the injunction in 26 states on Dec. 15, 2021, but the mandate was then separately blocked in Texas that same day by another judge.
These developments prompted the Biden administration in late December 2021 to file an emergency request with the Supreme Court, asking the court to lift the various injunctions barring implementation of the CMS mandate.
The mandate, as originally issued by the CMS, specifically applies to healthcare workers at hospitals and facilities that receive federal funding — namely, those that accept Medicare and Medicaid payments.
Following the Supreme Court decision, healthcare workers in 24 states (Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming) will be required to furnish proof of having received at least one COVID vaccine dose by Feb. 14, and must complete their primary series of vaccines by March 15.
Healthcare workers in Texas have until Feb. 22 to receive their first dose, and March 21 to complete their primary series of vaccinations, while in states where the mandate had not previously been blocked, the respective deadlines are Jan. 27 and Feb. 28.
Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry described the CMS vaccine requirement as a “job-killing directive” that is ineffective as a measure to stop the spread of COVID or protect public health.
Landry argued the mandates violate states’ rights:
“The CMS vaccination rule remains a misguided, one-size-fits-all, job-killing directive that does not account for any change in circumstances — including how the vaccines do not stop the transmission of the Omicron variant.
“What’s more, the federal government has now made clear that it expects the states to implement this flawed policy with state employees. So I will continue fighting this ill-advised invasion of individual autonomy and my state’s rights.”
Landry said the mandate is “causing havoc in the healthcare labor market across the nation — especially in rural communities.”
The lawsuit addresses a notable discrepancy: The mandate, signed by Becerra, specifically references the danger the Delta variant poses to the unvaccinated, adding that vaccines “continue to be effective in preventing COVID-19 associated with the now-dominant Delta variant.”
The Supreme Court agreed with Becerra’s reasoning, stating he had “good cause” to impose the mandate without the typically mandated comment period, because of his belief that any additional delay would pose a danger to patient health and safety in light of the spread of the Delta variant.
The lawsuit argues that as of mid-December 2021 and based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Delta was no longer the prevalent strain of COVID, having been replaced by Omicron:
“[T]he Secretary’s rationale for the rule and for avoiding public comment no longer exists. The Delta variant has run its full course.
“… It is now established beyond any serious question that the secretary’s speculation was wrong. The Delta variant effectively disappeared from the scene within weeks of the issuance of the rule.”
Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall also questioned the efficacy of the COVID vaccines against Omicron:
“The mandate was promulgated in response to the Delta variant, which now accounts for only 0.1 percent of all COVID-19 cases in the United States.
“But research suggests that COVID-19 vaccines do little to stop the transmission of the predominant strain today — the Omicron variant, which accounts for 99.9 percent of all cases — which undermines the premise for forcing people to submit to them.”
The amended lawsuit states, “Omicron’s transmission is largely undeterred by the vaccines.”
The lawsuit also references findings by the American Association of Retired Persons Public Policy Institute, which indicates nursing homes and long-term care facilities are already facing a severe shortage of nurses and aides, without the mandate having yet gone into effect.
The lawsuit argues these low staffing levels place patients at greater risk, including a higher likelihood of contracting COVID:
“By forcing healthcare workers to choose between their jobs or an experimental vaccine they do not want, CMS is affirmatively pinching an already strained workforce — and particularly so in rural areas within the States.”
The lawsuit also notes the shifting and contradictory position of the federal government, which, for instance, recently issued guidance permitting healthcare workers who have tested positive for COVID to go to work, which undercuts the policy that prohibits unvaccinated healthcare workers from going to work even with a negative test result.
The lawsuit further argues the CMS vaccine mandate violates the Tenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution concerning states’ rights; the Spending Clause of the Constitution; the Anti-Commandeering Doctrine, which stems from two Supreme Court decisions prohibiting the federal government from commandeering state governments; and the Nondelegation Doctrine, a principle in administrative law that stipulates Congress cannot delegate its legislative powers to other entities.
In contrast, government lawyers told the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana in January that following the Jan. 13 Supreme Court decision striking down the previous injunctions, the case was “effectively concluded,” and they submitted a motion for its dismissal.
The CMS on Jan. 25 issued new guidance that broadened the mandate, extending the vaccine requirement to surveyors who enter the healthcare facilities covered by the rule.
In turn, the lawsuit argues the latest CMS guidance clashes with laws in the states participating in the lawsuit, including an Indiana law that bars government entities from requiring any individual to furnish proof of vaccination, and a Montana law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of vaccination status.
OTTAWA: The Justice Centre will be in court today in Ottawa, representing key leaders and organizers of the truckers’ Freedom Convoy, to oppose an application by 21-year-old Ottawa government worker Zexi Li, who has launched a $10-milion lawsuit against the Freedom Convoy for damages allegedly caused by the honking of horns.
At the time this lawsuit was launched, the trucker’s GoFundMe had reached $10-million in donations to cover fuel, accommodation and other necessary expenses of truckers, who drove from as far away as BC to join the protest against vaccine mandates. The Justice Centre does not represent every individual trucker currently in Ottawa.
Ms. Li, in her lawsuit, claims that even when there is no honking, she is “unable to enjoy the relative quiet because she becomes riddled with anxious anticipation for the moment it will start up again. The Plaintiff has found this anxious anticipation almost as unbearable as the sounds of the horns themselves.”
This application for an injunction also states that Ms. Li has been subject to “trauma” and “is fearful every time she ventures outside. She does not leave her residence without first inserting noise-cancelling headphones into her ears.”
Named in the lawsuit are four Freedom Convoy organizers, only some of whom are represented by the Justice Centre, and up to 60 big rig drivers with unknown names. The lawsuit seeks an injunction to stop “unbearable torment” of the protest traffic in downtown Ottawa.
Bouncy castles for the kids, farmers with their tractors, cowboys on their horses, impromptu street hockey, protestors shoveling snow and feeding the homeless, live music, and flags from all nations and protests have been captured in thousands of videos and photographs from the Freedom Convoy, in addition to horn-honking.
A more realistic picture of what is happening in Ottawa will soon be revealed by sworn affidavits filed in this court application. The Freedom Convoy has been working closely with the Ottawa Police Service, the RCMP, and the Parliamentary Protective Service. It was one of the Freedom Convoy truckers who last week reported to police a property damage offence and an assault, committed by individuals not affiliated with the truckers. Convoy leaders have asked all truckers to refrain from honking their horns between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath, “I do not control the truckers and other participants in the current protest in Ottawa. I do not own or posses a semi-truck or truck.”
One of the witnesses in the court action has stated under oath that truckers and their supporters “are feeding the homeless on Wellington Street and filling their backpacks with food. Truckers have taken a whole trailer full of food to the homeless shelter. Truckers are maintaining the cleanliness of city streets, including picking up discarded masks on the ground, centralized garbage collection, shoveling snow at the War Memorial and the Terry Fox statue, and decorating and providing security for the War Memorial and Terry Fox statue.”
An Ottawa resident states in a sworn affidavit that “the truckers I have interacted with have, at all times, been friendly, courteous, humble, considerate and peaceful. I have not observed any aggressive or inappropriate behaviours.” He says the truckers are diverse, including Sikhs, Blacks, Aboriginals and others. He has “observed truckers decorating the tomb of the unknown soldier with flowers and guarding it” and has “not seen any violent or threatening behaviour.” He notes that “the truckers do not honk their horns at night. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the Freedom Convoy during the day.” He further asserts under oath that “My ability to park and to travel in downtown Ottawa, or to and from Parliament Hill has not been impeded by the presence of the truckers.”
Another Ottawa resident, who works for Statistics Canada, describes reality on the ground as follows: “The protesters were peaceful and respectful, I saw no violence or harassment. I was not impeded in any way, and could walk about freely and safely. I did not see any hateful symbols, in fact, I saw an abundance of Canada flags and Quebec flags as well as countless signs calling for freedom and the end of Covid related mandates. I did see some anti-Trudeau flags using harsh language. However, I would describe the scene as a peaceful, pro-freedom demonstration.
This Ottawa resident reports that “there were dozens of trucks along Wellington street. They would intermittently sound their horns but it was not constant. Many people walked the streets peacefully protesting. Many of them carried Canada flags and signs. It was a peaceful and fun atmosphere with dancing and public speakers taking turns at a microphone while people listened on. I did not observe anyone being harassed or intimidated. I felt totally safe.” Having passed by the Terry Fox statue in from of Parliament Hill on Monday, Tuesday and Friday, he states: “Contrary to what I have seen in the media, I did not see that the Terry Fox statue was desecrated or defaced in any way. In fact, I saw flowers at the feet of the statue as demonstrators walked by. My everyday life has not been disrupted by any noise related to the downtown demonstrations. I do not hear any honking near my home. The only honking I have heard is on Wellington Street, particularly across from Parliament Hill.”
“The right to peacefully protest is a fundamental right protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Governments across Canada have ignored Canadians, and bypassed their elected representatives in the passage of health and vaccination mandates which strip people of their jobs and civil liberties,” says Jay Cameron, Justice Centre Litigation Director.
“People are tired of being ignored by the indifferent elite. The lack of meaningful democracy means citizens have no voice regarding health mandates. They have a right to peacefully protest and have their voices heard,” adds Mr. Cameron.
Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts and Aleks Svetski, editor of Bitcoin Times magazine, discuss the breakdown of our economy and potential solutions
Svetski believes Bitcoin not only is the answer to economic tyranny, but to individual sovereignty, while Fitts believes central bank control mechanisms are still at play within it
Fitts argues for building a new economy based on health, cooperation, peace and transparency, and recommends investing in things that will keep you alive
Svetski argues that in order to build any of the above, we must start with an incorruptible foundation. The “language of value” (money) cannot be owned or issued by any man-made political authority; it must emerge organically as a transparent, voluntary ‘constitution in code’
A major hurdle is overcoming the globalists’ mind control and propaganda influence. Everyone agreed that this is why people must be educated across multiple dimensions, not just money, but health, individuality, philosophy, ethics, economics and more
Fitts believes a successful transition requires preventing the control grid from coming into place, and clawing back the money that has been stolen. Since 1998, at least $21 trillion, and perhaps as much as $100 trillion, has been stolen from the U.S. government
Today, I’m pleased to bring you two guests — finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, whom I’ve interviewed before, and Aleks Svetski, editor of The Bitcoin Times magazine and host of “The Wake Up Podcast.” During dinner at an event in Miami, Florida, Svetski helped me understand why Bitcoin not only stands out head and neck above all the other cryptocurrencies, but is in direct opposition to them all.
I’ve strongly believed Bitcoin will be an important tool to get out from under the financial tyranny we’re in, where central banks are essentially robbing everyone blind.
Fitts, president of the Solari Report, disagrees. She knows the financial system inside and out, having spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and she believes there are far better ways than investing our hard-earned money in cryptocurrencies, as the globalists have already inserted a number of control mechanisms within the cryptocurrency system.
Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, you’re bound to learn something from this conversation. If you’ve dismissed Bitcoin as a passing fad, Svetski’s expertise may assuage your concerns. On the other hand, if you’ve been banking on Bitcoin being the answer to the impending financial crash, Fitts may inspire you to rethink how you protect your wealth.
Our Only Choice: Being Controlled or Being Free
If you want to understand what’s happening to our financial system, I encourage you to listen to this three-hour interview. I cannot cover all the details covered in this article, so to get the whole story, please set aside the time to listen to the whole interview, or read through the 95-page transcript.
In summary, Austin Fitts explains how the globalists — “Mr. Global” is her nickname for this secret system of governance — and the central bankers of the world in particular, have since 1998 siphoned out and stolen $21 trillion or more from the U.S. government in a financial coup d’état.1,2
Thanks to this theft by the central bankers, the American retirement (including health care benefits) and social welfare system are not adequately funded, leaving millions of aging Americans with diminished or no Social Security or Medicaid/Medicare benefits.
The primary reason for the theft, however, is to reengineer the U.S. government and political system as a whole. In short, the globalists’ plan is to take over the government by centrally controlling our economy, and then declare everyone who was promised health care and retirement as expendable.
According to Fitts, if we allow this financial coup to continue and consolidate, Bitcoin and the Bitcoin community may help pull that coup off. As explained by Fitts, slavery is the most profitable business in investment history. Digital technology now allows Mr. Global to return to a legalized form of slavery on a global scale. The theft that is underway is ultimately intended to control people.
“Mr. Global wants a culled, reengineered population,” she says. “He is going for the people because that is what has the most value, along with the other living things on the planet — including the planet itself. All value begins and ends with living intelligence and life whether it is expressed in financial and transaction tools or not.
Mr. Global has created scores of mechanisms to persuade people to sell out [other] people using fiat currency — pump and dump, pump and dump. Dealing with it is sufficiently frustrating and has us all trying to create workarounds.”
A Different Kind of ‘Reset’ Is Required
Fitts is convinced that the best, and perhaps only way out, of this situation is to deal with the secret governance system that is impacting and frustrating all of us and take action to ensure that we do not allow an all-digital financial system to go into place. If we believe Bitcoin is the optimal form of digital system, the problem is not Bitcoin: The problem is if it is part of an only-digital system.
Fitts also underscores that currencies cannot work without the underlying economy being in balance. That means we need to invest in the real assets we need to stay alive and free, things like local food production, local businesses or a personal water well.
She stresses that keeping cash is important — that we mustn’t enter into a wholly digital financial system, especially one monopolized by central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and private crypto, which are in combination designed to strip us of both national and individual sovereignty.3
While Svetski agrees on some points, he still believes Bitcoin can be part of the answer,4 and that the focus should be on building a new financial system in such a way that it cannot be co-opted by anyone. The question, of course, is how.
As explained by Fitts, addressing taxation5 is perhaps the most important part of the puzzle. We also need to a) prevent vaccine passports and digital ID wallets and related blockchains from being implemented, as they are an integral part of the control system Mr. Global is trying to erect, and b) figure out how to get the money back that was stolen.
“There is $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government — we have no way of knowing what the real number is in terms of cash and credit. It could be smaller or bigger,” she says.
“I believe a successful transition requires both preventing the control grid from coming into place, and clawing back the money that has been illegally taken. A ‘reset’ in which the takers get to keep their winnings is a different world than one in which the equivalent value is returned.”
Can Bitcoin Safeguard Our Freedom?
Part of the globalists’ plan is to gain control of ALL resources, and they’ve made great strides toward that during the last two years. The question is, how do we get out of this situation and reclaim those resources?
As mentioned, while I’ve been convinced that Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, was a major part of that answer, Fitts has some very pertinent concerns that we need to digest and fully understand. We also need to understand what money actually is, and what an ideal currency would actually look like and how it would function. All of these issues are reviewed in this discussion.
“In 2017, I did a very long and serious due diligence into Bitcoin,” Fitts says, “and I had two baskets of concerns, one related to whether or not the Bitcoin exchanges in the industry were doing a responsible job of communicating with potential investors.
I’m an investment adviser and there’s a world of regulation about how you make sure that an investor has full and fair disclosure. It’s the equivalent of informed consent, in financial terms. You want to make sure the investor knows what it is, and what their risks are, and that they are prepared to manage both the risks and the investment, the custodian issues, before they buy.”
The cryptocurrency market is currently a nonregulated space, which can give rise to the absence of best practices in education and disclosure as well as fraud. Another concern is whether or not Bitcoin will increase our freedom or simply facilitate our enslavement by a secret system of governance by “Mr. Global.” Fitts continues:
“What I’ve said is that it is absolutely important that we have a financial system and a currency system that is not 100% digital. So, where I think the current leadership and central bankers are going with the ‘Going Direct Reset’ is they’re trying to get a 100% digital control grid and literally end currencies as we know it.
They want to move us to, on the smart grid, a transaction system where they have 100% control. I call it the covert social credit system. They’ve been building that control system for centuries. But since the advent of digital technology, they’ve been building it much more intensively, and much more invasively.
They have three primary lines of control. One is financial carrots and sticks. One is the telecommunications and media alignment, it’s surveillance, mind control, propaganda and education. And then the third line is covert operations, which can be regulatory enforcement, taxation or it can be, literally, covert physical intervention.
So, you have these three lines and they’re coordinated. But whether they say they’re controlling assets or they’re controlling currencies, they really control people. They control everything through people. And if you look at some of the regulatory proposals now for crypto, that’s how they’re going to do it. They’re going to do it by controlling the people in their businesses.
Anybody who wants freedom wants transparency in and around what’s really going on in our world, and they want to be not controlled. If we permit a 100% digital controlled transaction system of any kind, we will concede control. Literally, it’s the end of human liberty in the West.
For everyone who’s interested in building a better digital transaction system — and I would argue that the current digital transaction system could be made infinitely better than it is now — it’s inherent … to address how we are going to get this technology working for us, but not allow it to control us.
And again, I don’t think the control will be controlling the technology. I think the control will be of the people using the technology. It will come through the people, because that’s how the control grid has been built.
So, I don’t see how we permit an all-digital transaction system and continue to have freedom, as long as the primary hardware and energy in and around the system, as well as the people, are controlled by a secret central governance system.”
‘Holy Grails’ of Technological Invention to Ensure Freedom
Svetski replies:
“Yes, I agree with you, wholeheartedly. Did you ever read the ‘Cypherpunk‘s Manifesto’6written by Tim May in the ‘90s? The basic summation of that is, as the world becomes more technologically adept, technology trends toward concentration.
In that trend, we could end up with a world in which we have total panopticon surveillance and control of people’s money. So … we need to use encryption to maintain private communication. If you don’t have private communication, you can’t speak freely. Right? First Amendment.
That was sort of holy grail No. 1. Holy grail No. 2 was an independent monetary system. We need a money that is independent of a state, and unable to be censored, controlled, et cetera. Because if we end up with that, then who cares if we have free speech? You don’t have free action.
I mean, you see it in Australia. The government makes up a fake law so they can fine you for not wearing a fake mask. And then if you don’t pay your fake fine, they just take the fake money out of your fake bank account, without your consent. So, whoever issues and controls the money basically has the ultimate power. If I’m the issuer of the money, I can do whatever I want, basically.”
The Central Banking Warfare Model
A caveat to that, Fitts says, is the central banking warfare model. On the one hand, they can print money. On the other, they can also force people to use that money through military intervention. “That’s part of where the liquidity comes from, so you have to have both,” she says. In other words, they must be able to print with impunity and kill with impunity in order to maintain complete control of the system.
Svetski agrees, pointing out that these two control powers feed on and strengthen each other. He believes the monopoly on money is the easier of the two to defeat, though, “because what ends up happening is that when the monopoly on money can’t fund the monopoly on violence, things start to fall apart relatively quickly. So, if we had to pull a thread somewhere so that the shit-show unravels, that’s where we may have the strategic opportunity.”
Svetski also agrees that the Bitcoin exchanges are a disaster. “We all say that you should take your money off exchanges as soon as possible and hold your Bitcoin in your own custody, as soon as possible,” he says, “because then that moves supply out of these casinos, basically.”
“We’re totally aligned with this idea that the last thing we want is issued money from any authority who has the capacity to build up enough economic power such that they can deploy political power, or violent power, in order to maintain economic power and create this situation we have today, which is, ‘I can print all the money I want and you can’t do anything about it, because if you do, then I’m throwing you in jail.’”
Systematic Corruption Is a Core Problem
Fitts points out that the root problem isn’t necessarily the ability to create fiat currency. At its core, it’s the corruption of governance and the rule of law. And while we could create a well-functioning regulatory system for any currency, creating a government and judicial system free of corruption is far more difficult.
Because it’s believed to be too difficult, people focus on workarounds, such as using distributive ledger technology to prevent counterfeiting and fraud, or a money system based on commodities like gold and silver.
“Those are both workarounds to avoid the issue of how do we create a great governance system, and then a culture and a covenant that we’ll enforce?” she says.
“Traditionally, it’s never been a good idea to make a commodity the backbone of your currency, because then your currency can swing around and get hiccupped for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with its role as a currency. So, there’s risk in that, but it’s a workaround.
One of the things I think is the most important unanswered question before us is that we live on a planet where the governance system is secret … How do we stay free in the face of a secret governance system, and can a digital currency make a difference?”
Svetski argued that Bitcoin is not merely another ‘technology’, but actually a model of voluntary consensus that anybody in the world can participate in, whose rules are entirely transparent.
He called it a form of “constitution in code” which, like math, cannot be changed or distorted like constitutions of the past that depend on the protection of man have been changed. Bitcoin’s integrity is rooted in the laws of math and thermodynamics, while all previous models of governance have their Achilles heel in the ‘word of man’.
Defining Money
Svetski defines money as the “language of value.” It’s a way to encode or assign and communicate value to the product of our labor. Fitts points out that one of the most critical ingredients that makes this communication of value work is having an integrity-based pricing mechanism.
“Civilization is basically a story of discovering better objects and better mechanisms for exchanging the product of our labor,” Svetski says. “Humanity is a story of finding better money, basically.
The thing that organically becomes money is the tool, the object that is fungible. As many of the units as possible should be the same. It is divisible. A cow, for example, is not a great form of money because if you only need a banana, what are you going to do, chop the cow’s head off? It’s not going to work.
It needs to be recognizable … it needs to be portable and it needs to have some element of scarcity. You can’t just create it out of thin air. It’s the property of scarcity and unforgeable costliness that gives us debasement protection.”
In many cultures, gold was a cherished currency for the simple fact that there’s a limited supply and it’s not easily forged. Gold is not very portable or divisible, however, so as societies became more complex, fiat currencies (that governments declare as legal tender) like printed coins and paper bills emerged. With good governance, the fiat currency was still scarce, and it was protected from debasement by being difficult to forge.
The problem arises when governance becomes corrupt and the issuers of the currency start printing more, thereby diluting the value of the currency (i.e. inflation). As noted by Svetski, “No matter how excellent whatever money we’re proposing to use, that is secondary to who controls it and who decides.”
You can have a perfect money system, but if the people who operate the system and those who use it are separate and independently controlled, it won’t solve anything because corruption by the controllers of the currency is a root problem. As noted by Fitts, a sound currency would serve an economy where the people and the real assets are in balance.
Two Sources of Currency Debasement
Debasement of the currency occurs when the real economy gets out of balance and you try and make up for it by debasing or diluting the currency. That’s what we’re seeing right now. Corruption isn’t the sole problem here. “Debasement can come from the governance system trying to cheat, but it can also come from a real problem in the real asset economy,” Fitts says. And those are two different problems.
One is based on trying to please constituents (or fraud), and the other is a structural issue that needs to be resolved. The manifestation and the deterioration of the integrity of the money ends up the same, though, so they’re frequently assumed to have the same root cause.
Fitts believes that our current problem is not so much a currency problem but a secret governance system that is harvesting the planet of extraordinary amounts of resources. By doing so, they’re creating a massive drain on the real economy.
Creating a crypto asset outside the system to protect ourselves from that drain can only work for so long, because it doesn’t solve the problem that there’s a drain on the whole economy. The question is, can we bring transparency to what is happening and prevent a secret governance system from draining the economy of resources?
Transparency Is Key
Svetski argues that currency issued by any form of entity, be it a monarch, a state or a hidden Mr. Global will simply bring any system back to where we are now. Fitts believes the solution lies in creating a decentralised market economy based on aligning living and financial capital and incentivising peace rather than war, and a requirement for that is transparency.
To get to transparency, we must first break down the system of mind control set in place by the secret controllers through the use of modern technology. She believes the entrainment technologies, subliminal programming and various mind control influences are an effort to protect themselves from transparency.
And just how do we break through the mind control that keeps us dumbed down and unaware of how the system works and how it’s being drained? Fitts believes it will require us to identify how the mind control works, and then set ourselves free, one by one. “Control happens one person at a time. Financial harvesting happens one person at a time. And freedom happens one person at a time,” she says. Svetski agrees, adding:
“I did a post the other day on Twitter. It said, ‘You’re very hard to control when you’re healthy. You’re very hard to manipulate when you’re clear. And you’re very hard to influence when you’re sovereign.’ So I think we definitely agree in that case.
I think it’s very difficult to control the minds of sovereign individuals because not only do they fundamentally have a disdain for what I call fiat authority, which is nonorganic authority, but they are interested in living as individuals, not as a component in some homogenous collective, which is basically how the world wants us to live at the moment, which is ridiculous.”
How to Foment Resilient Communities
But how do we inspire the others to follow suit and become sovereign individuals? First, we need a critical mass of sovereign individuals in a place. Fitts notes:
“The currency needs to be in balance with the real assets — food, energy and shelter. Let’s pretend for a second, to make this simple, we’re doing a community currency. How do we get the food, energy and shelter sufficiently independent and resilient in that place so that the currency can function?
You’d need a critical mass of people who are willing to do that so that they could outwit what satellites are going to do to stop them. So, I’ll just talk for myself because I can’t talk for everybody, but I think if you see where Mr. Global wants to take the system, you would do anything [to not go along].
We are better dead than going to where Mr. Global intends to go. So that means there’s nothing I will not do to stay out of Mr. Global’s trap. It’s clear you have to rebuild a healthy, responsible economy, and you can’t do it one person at a time.
Occasionally you’ll see a phenomenal person who can go do it themselves, but, generally, our civilization depends on cooperation and specialization — community.
Ten percent of people are what I call Net Energy Plus; 80% are going to follow whoever’s in charge, and then you’ve got 10% who are Net Energy Minus. The idea is that you keep the 10% Net Energy Minus in the corner, you get the 10% Net Energy Plus running things, and you get the 80% following them.
I think part of the key to a successful human society is that we have respect and love for all humans, but the Net Energy Minus has got to stay in the corner. When the 80% follow the 10% Net Energy Plus, the speed at which you can turn a company around [is tremendous]. It takes no time to turn it around, but you’ve got to get the 10% Minus in the corner. Put the 10% Plus in charge and it changes overnight.
The challenge that we have, and the problem I ran into when I was trying to do community development, is Mr. Global is great at finding the Net Energy Minus guys and having them do crazy things. So, the question is: How do we protect ourselves from that sabotage?
The Net Energy Minuses can be handled. The problem is handling them with Mr. Global’s minions, who are very capable and very professional at recruiting them, managing them, financing them.
I grew up in a very poor neighborhood, and it didn’t take long for Net Energy Plus people to find each other. Those leaders would just magically find each other, and they could control the neighborhood because if anybody misbehaved, they could cut off their money.
And then the government came in and made sure, whether by dealing the drugs or bringing in HUD subsidy, that they could subsidize the slugs. And then suddenly the Net Energy Plus people couldn’t do slug management because they couldn’t stop the drug dealing and HUD subsidies.
Predator evasion for not just ourselves but the whole community, whether it’s a network or a place, is where I’ve never seen us excel, and that’s where I’d like to see us excel … Good governance has to emerge from a covenant which is codified in formal law, but is embraced in a culture which does the primary enforcement.”
In Svetski’s model, the Net Energy Minus people are “the parasites, the jealous members of the masses or the failed remnants that instead of adding value to society try to extract whatever they can instead,” and the Net Energy Pluses are leaders and entrepreneurs. He weighs in:
“You mentioned, first of all, that transparency is important to counteract control. We need to build sovereign individuals in order to counteract mind control. We need to then take these sovereign individuals, enable them to build communities in order to become sovereign communities, such that they can better manage the delinquents and lead the 80% towards a better world.
You mentioned Mr. Global comes in like a wrecking ball and [destroys] it every single time, because that’s what he’s good at. He’s a parasite. He just wants something for nothing, basically. ‘You guys work and I’ll benefit.’
That’s the version of the world that Mr. Global lives in, which doesn’t align with the physical laws of the universe. That’s just not how reality works, although Mr. Global thinks we can somehow structure the world in that way so that we can suck from the productive people and get something for nothing. Unfortunately, that sends the world on a path to hell, which is where we are now.”
Why We Must Refuse Vaccine Passports
One solution that is very clear is that we must do everything in our power to resist vaccine passports and other forms of patent systems’ control, as they are a foundational piece of the digital control grid being erected around us. Fitts explains:
“I’m watching a control grid snap into place. The Russians and Americans have made announcements about regulating crypto. In the EU, they’re trying to morph the vaccine passport and now they’re calling it a ‘private digital identity wallet,’ and the tax authorities are adding biometrics.
So, you’re watching the financial system getting closer and closer to building a control grid, but that control grid is not so much control of the technology, money or cryptos as controlling the people. And it works right now. For the last 30 years, it works like a covert social credit system, but it’s invisible; it’s covert.
The covert operation lines are integrated and connected, but it hasn’t been made overt. And one of the reasons it hasn’t been made overt is they haven’t been able to bring the U.S. Constitutions down, although they’re trying. But at some point, they’re making enough progress with the vaccine passports and the QR codes, that they’re going to start snapping this thing into place, and that to me is what has to be stopped.”
Svetski, on the other hand, believes an incorruptible money like Bitcoin can play a central role in preventing or circumventing this control grid, because if the globalists can control your finances, they can dictate your actions:
“If your bank account is completely owned by me as an authority, and that same authority owns or controls what you say online … and if you say something I don’t like, and then I just turn off your money so then you can’t travel anywhere, you can’t eat, then I have the ultimate control over you …
The most important part in the control grid is: If I can just turn off your money based on what you said, or who you hung around with, or who you’re associated with, you have zero power as an individual. Zero. That’s the holy grail of what they want. They want to introduce the CBDC, tie it to your vaccine passport, to your movement passport, and then it’s game over.”
Reengineering Our Economy
Again, for all the details of this discussion, please listen to the interview in its entirety. In closing, Fitts argues that what we ultimately need is a complete reengineering of our economy into one that is built on health rather than disease, peace rather than war and transparency rather than secrecy, and the people must be in control of that economy. Economy built on disease, war and secrecy, controlled by a hidden cabal, is what leads us into a downward spiral in the first place.
“We have an economy that has a negative return on investment,” she says. “But if you reengineer the financial system, you align living capital and financial capital, and you run the economy to build health, the speed at which we could start to generate fantastic amounts of wealth that could begin to deal with some of our liabilities and obligations is fantastic.
They see that opportunity, too. And if you see what they’re moving to do, they’re just moving to do it with a very different framework that you and I might use to do it. But the wealth is there to be created …
My tactic has been to bring transparency and find out how to prototype decentralized economics that creates explosive new wealth. Where I keep falling down is I’m not able to get a critical mass of people to figure out how to protect themselves from the mind control and the sabotage …
The challenge I’ve had with many people who are enthusiastic about Bitcoin and crypto is they don’t see the control grid, and they don’t see the danger of the control grid. And that results in them trying to talk individual and retail investors into doing things, oblivious to the dangers of the control grid.”
Svetski agrees about the roots of the problem, but he is still convinced Bitcoin is a central part of the answer:
“The problem is waste. The problem is secrecy. The antidote is some sort of transparency, a covenant amongst people … I’m extraordinarily enthusiastic about Bitcoin and I’m extraordinarily pessimistic about crypto.
There is a universe of difference between the two for me. Crypto is exactly how we walk into the control group problem. Every single one of them is Mr. Global’s attempt to discredit Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the only way to walk out of it. And I’ll explain why.
Crypto is the most effective attack by Mr. Global on Bitcoin. All these monkeys running around screaming about crypto, all they’re doing is they’re walking right into the trap, which is the creation of a new currency that is controlled by a foundation, an institution, a group, a company, and creates a central point of leverage that Mr. Global can get access to.
And mark my words, I said this two years ago on a podcast and people thought I was crazy and it’s happening right now with the World Economic Forum partnering with Ethereum Foundation.
I said, ‘Ethereum is going to be the best way for globalists to enact the central bank digital currency because they’re going to do it under the guise of innovation.’ Every single coin other than Bitcoin is run or operated or issued or controlled by some single group. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a constitution enforced by the individual. I’ll explain it like this.
What makes Bitcoin special is that it’s not a program, and it’s not a technology. It is actually a set of rules, a constitution that we voluntarily opt into. When I’m a node operator of Bitcoin, for example, all I’m doing is I’m just running the software that is Bitcoin. And the software that is Bitcoin is just a series of rules: 21 million coins, divisible to eight decimal places, blocks every 10 minutes.
It’s this set of transparent rules … I can change the rules of Bitcoin if I want to. But what happens is that I’m immediately out of sync with everybody else, and I’m no longer on the Bitcoin network. I’m on something else. I’m on Bitcoin Aleks version, and then I have to convince everybody to move their economic mass, or their economic gravity off to me.
In doing that, I’m then going right back to the original problem that Bitcoin is solving, which is Bitcoin says, ‘Hey, money is the tool that we use to encode time and energy. Let’s place it outside of anybody’s potential control. Let’s put it with the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, the speed of light. None of us can control those. They apply equally to all of us. Let’s place money in that realm, then let’s go and do other stuff.’
Bitcoin is not digital. Bitcoin is information. This is another layer that I wanted to illuminate. I could take a Bitcoin transaction, and I could write it on a piece of paper. I could write it in emojis, and I could post it to the other side of the world. And you could then broadcast the transaction. The only thing that makes Bitcoin digital is that the internet is just a useful communication medium.
Bitcoin transcends that because Bitcoin is purely just math and information. That’s all it is. Bitcoin is the law of large numbers being used to associate private and public keys in a way that the public key cannot be reversed. And the holder of the private key is the private property owner of the Bitcoin associated with that key.”
Fitts counters, “Right, but you still come back to the same problem I said about if the control grid controls people, no matter how perfect you can make something like Bitcoin, it’s simply not enough.” Svetski replies:
“It’s not enough on its own, but it’s the one thing that makes 99% of the difference. Because what it does is it does a couple of things simultaneously. No. 1, it gives us some money. I call Bitcoin free banking in gold in information form that anyone can run on a $100 piece of hardware at home.
Picture a world in which every bank is just a $100 node operating at home, running the Bitcoin network. And every single one of those nodes around the world are in sync.”
Fitts notes, “Right, but you need those people who can maintain themselves outside of the control grid. And they need to have the real assets to be able to do that and do that together.” Svetski replies:
“Totally, and this is why we need something like Bitcoin, because what it does is in its appreciation, it gives us the economic means to acquire the real assets; energy and food. Primarily, they’re the two that we need in order to start to make ourselves sovereign across every other dimension.
Bitcoin’s kind of the linchpin. If you can’t do that, you’ll never catch up to the other ones. But in doing so, we have the economic capacity to do so, and simultaneously. And this is where Bitcoin is simultaneously a defense mechanism and an attack mechanism.
Every dollar you put into Bitcoin is a dollar that is not in the existing system. And what happens is it starts to create a drain on the existing globalist form of money, which is predicated on the capacity of an institution to control it.”
Fitts disagrees, saying that’s not what she’s seen happening. What she’s noticed is that someone, likely the central bankers themselves, “primed the pump on Bitcoin,” basically, someone invested heavily into it to drive up the price. Where did that money come from? According to Svetski, the money came from millions of regular people who decided to swap their fiat currency for Bitcoin.
Fitts, however, is convinced that someone is artificially pumping up Bitcoin. She believes the central bankers or their owners are pumping Bitcoin in order to prototype options for their control grid and to attract retail investors into digital assets out of precious metals and real assets, making it easier and cheaper to establish centralized monopolies of real assets.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide how you feel about Bitcoin. It certainly has strengths, but Fitts makes a good argument for understanding the control mechanisms and the risks of an all-digital financial system. Again, for more, please listen to the whole interview, as I’ve only skimmed over some of the highlights in this article. You can follow more of Svetski’s work at:
As of this writing, GoFundMe has cut off (stolen) $9 million from the Canadian Trucker Convoy.
The money was donated by thousands of individuals to support the truckers, who are demanding the Canadian government cancel vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and brutal COVID restrictions.
After a major backlash from the enraged public, GoFundMe has stated it will automatically refund all $9 million to the individual donors.
Regardless, GoFundMe will not forward the money to the group it was intended for: the truckers.
All right: here come the dots—
A venture capital firm, Accel, and Technology Crossover Ventures, own the majority stake in GoFundMe.
The big infusion of cash that sent Mark Zuckerberg and his fledgling college enterprise on their way came from Accel, in 2004.
Jim Breyer, head of Accel, attached a $13 million rocket to Facebook, and nothing has ever been the same. (Breyer—billionaire, CFR, World Economic Forum, major fund investor in China.)
Earlier in 2004, a man named Gilman Louie joined the board of the National Venture Capital Association of America (NVCA). The chairman of NVCA? Jim Breyer. Gilman Louie happened to be the first CEO of the important CIA start-up, In-Q-Tel.
In-Q-Tel was founded in 1999, with the express purpose of funding companies that could develop technology the CIA would use to “gather data.”
That’s not the only connection between Facebook funder and Accel’s Jim Breyer and the CIA’s man, Gilman Louie. In 2004, Louie went to work for BBN Technologies, headed up by Breyer. Dr. Anita Jones also joined BBN at that time. Jones had worked for the CIA’s In-Q-Tel and was an adviser to DARPA, the Pentagon’s technology department that helped develop the Internet.
With these CIA/DARPA connections, it’s no surprise that Jim Breyer’s jackpot investment in Facebook is not part of the popular mythology of Mark Zuckerberg. Better to omit it. Who can fail to realize that Facebook, with its endless stream of personal data, and its tracking capability, is an ideal CIA asset?
Accel co-owns the majority stake in GoFundMe. Accel has a history of rubbing shoulders with the CIA. Accel helped launch Facebook, the largest profiling and data-mining company in the world.
Given all this, it might be more surprising if GoFundMe DIDN’T cut off the Canadian truckers’ $9 million.
It’s also worth mentioning that Accel has invested in Spotify, the platform whose number-one star is Joe Rogan. Spotify is now under pressure to cancel Rogan, because his views and guests don’t align 100% with the official COVID narrative. In step one of a new censorship program, Spotify has stated it will post warning messages on all content that veers from official COVID positions and offer links to approved government and public health sources (for outrageous lies).
GoFundMe, Accel, Facebook, CIA, In-Q-Tel, Jim Breyer, CFR, World Economic Forum, major investments in China.
Basically, The Club.
The member’s statement of belief: “More money for me, less freedom for the peons, global control.”
The Ottawa city government has declared a state of emergency. It’s now a crime for anyone on the scene to give food, fuel, or aid of any kind to the truckers.
The truckers and people all over Canada want freedom and peace. The government wants peace without freedom.
The government wants vaccine mandates and passports, and the ability to declare lockdowns and other fascist measures at any time.
No debate on “the science,” no need to justify the COVID measures, no legal cases taking up Constitutional limits on government power. Just: OBEY.
So that’s what the government is. That’s who they are. That’s who Trudeau is.
We might feel shock at what the government is doing to the truckers, but we shouldn’t be surprised. No one should have expected the government of “obey us” to just sit back and let this convoy happen and proceed, with so many Canadians supporting it.
No one should be surprised that rebellion against “obey us” governments is breaking out across the world.
Let’s get out ahead of what could happen in the coming days and weeks—-
No one with a conscience should back away if governments and their media front men throw around words like “insurrection” and “incitement” and “terrorism.” THESE ARE CONTROL WORDS.
They’re meant to paralyze people. They’re crude smears. The implication would be, anyone who is “a trucker” or a “supporter” wants to overthrow the entire government—rather than replace the fascists.
“Overthrow” was the official characterization of the January 6 Capitol break-in, in the US. “Well, led by a guy wearing a helmet and horns, a mob was going to take over the Congress.”
I see. Sure. And Trump, wearing a military uniform, having gained control over the PENTAGON, was going to swagger into the Capitol, declare martial law, and run the US with his junta.
Thereafter, The Rebels, commanded by a cigar-smoking fatigues-wearing Tony Fauci, encamped in the Catskills, would valiantly try to win back The Republic and the Constitution.
The truckers want freedom and peace, and their own right to earn a living. The Canadian government wants peace without freedom for everyone, and they’re ready to use force to force the peace.
If serious violence breaks out in Ottawa, the government will be behind it.
Violence shouldn’t make people back away from supporting the truckers.
Perhaps you noticed that the George Floyd protests and riots and the looting and burning and violence in many US cities didn’t make anyone on the political Left back away from supporting the rioters.
Did the government call those supporters insurrectionists or terrorists?
You might hear this from people “who are really in the know”: “You see, the whole convoy was a PLAN to cause violence, and then anyone who’s against the mandates and supports the truckers would be labeled a terrorist…”
Without real evidence, that formulation could be used to reject ANY form of mass protest on ANY issue. You may as well say ALL OF LIFE IS A FALSE FLAG, and therefore, we should do nothing and support nothing.
If serious violence does break out in Ottawa, a typical shaming operation will launch: “You people who supported the truckers—you’re responsible for this. You thought the truckers were honorable. But they were always breaking the law. They were stirred up by a mob mentality, by you who won’t accept the reality of the pandemic and what we all have to do to return to normal life…”
Guilt by association, except it turns out the people we’re associated with—the truckers—did nothing wrong.
Again, if anyone has actual evidence to the contrary, evidence that shows there was a plan to launch a convoy that would dead-end in violence, and cause the world to shake its head and say, “THIS is what the protesters and the anti-vaxxers were about all along, they’re all crazy…”, then present that evidence.
I say this, because in the coming days, we could see and hear more of such talk.
What I see in this convoy is honor, justice, the struggle for freedom.
Remember: The convoy is a hell of a lot more than the truckers.
It’s all the Canadians who are supporting it. So if a trucker is there simply because he wants to make a living, but he can’t cross the border unless he shows a vaccine passport, and he doesn’t want to take the vaccine, and that’s the sum of his protest; fine.
And if some trucker turns out to be bad actor, so what?
Get all these things straight in your mind, because if the presence of many people and trucks in Ottawa endures, you’re going to be WORKED by some experienced PR pros; worked to change your thoughts and opinions and feelings.
That’s their job. That’s how they operate.
Stand firm. Stay strong.
Make your voice heard.
Violence is always a government’s hole card. They play it, and then they say the rebels caused it or made it necessary. They splash the violence on the news, because they know it scares many people, who then retreat.
Don’t retreat.
Violence serves another purpose. People want it to stop, so they look to the current political leadership to stop it. They join forces with the fascists who started or triggered the violence.
Don’t fall for that.
If among all the truckers, there are a few bad actors who are government agents, and they do initiate violence, the news will highlight them to the max. This is pure Orwell 1984 stuff. Put pictures of the faces of “the killers” on the screen, over and over, with anchor voiceover telling the public what to see and think and feel. With the goal of stimulating outrage.
Outrage against everyone who supports the truckers or won’t take the vaccine or is opposed to the mandates.
Don’t buy that op.
Stay strong. Stand firm.
Remember what this is. A fight for freedom.
Here’s something else that could happen. The government suddenly announces a new wave of COVID cases. And the blame is directed at the throngs of unmasked truckers and their supporters out in the streets. Super-spreaders. The news, of course, would play that up. By accusation and indirect suggestion, the public will be told THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS FEARED.
The unmonitored numbers of irresponsible persons rebelling against common sense are responsible for KILLING ordinary law-abiding citizens.
That’s a straight con. During the past two years, it’s been played many times.
Don’t be fooled. Case numbers can be rigged at the drop of a hat. That’s been going on since the beginning of the “pandemic.”
Stand firm.
The pandemic story was planned with the sole purpose of canceling freedom.
Yours, mine, everybody’s.
Don’t give in.
Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.
No matter what.
One more suggestion. Play out, in your mind, a worst-case scenario: The convoy WAS planned by bad actors with the intent to discredit actual freedom fighters and people who refuse the vaccine and oppose the COVID mandates and restrictions. Go ahead. Make a mind-movie of that.
Where does that lead you? What’s the bottom line?
Because all the people on the streets and in the trucks ARE for freedom; and if the outcome is planned government-caused violence, that means NOTHING about what we’re fighting for. That discredits NOTHING.
If we stay strong.
If we stand up.
If we make our voices heard.
I could write 10,000 more words about a parallel event to the convoy, but I’ll keep it short. The parallel event was the January 6 rally in Washington after the Presidential election, the rally that had nothing to do with the Capitol break-in. Where hundreds of thousands of people gathered.
There were a number of ideas in the minds of all those people: a stolen election; freedom from lockdowns and other fascist COVID restrictions; opposition to the vaccine; opposition to the self-appointed thought-police of America…
In my opinion, Trump didn’t deserve that massive show of loyalty. Not at all. I’ve explained why in other articles. But the people who were there—they were the important ones. Regardless of who planned the break-in and for what reasons. THEY, the hundreds of thousands, wanted freedom. And still do.
The US government is trying to figure out every possible way to discredit and cancel them. Now.
This is the bigger picture.
Keep your eye on it.
I know. I’m not supposed to bring up the January 6 rally. People who want freedom are supposed to forget that. Hush hush. Because THAT event has been slammed mercilessly and discredited and made into a foul horror show.
But I don’t care. All over the world, the same pattern has been repeating. The people who want to live out in the open and throw off their chains are being painted as criminals. For whatever reasons can be cooked up.
And no, not all protests are the same or are launched for exactly the same reasons. But at the core, the impulse and the foundation are there: WE’RE TAKING IT BACK. FREEDOM.
This isn’t Qanon crap or Trumpism or racism or craziness or any hustle.
This is real.
The big smear, guilt by association, and all the other ops aren’t going to fool us.
A German mathematician working with Dr Stefan Lanka has just published a report titled “Structural analysis of sequence data in virology – An elementary approach using SARS-CoV-2 as an example.” It provides even more evidence that the virologists are caught up in a world of computer simulations – simulations that are unreliable even on their own terms, not to mention being disconnected from reality. The analysis is an important contribution exposing another element of the anti-science being used to sustain this fake pandemic. Further, it is a technical dismantling of how all “viruses” are being invented and then “found,” in an ongoing game of deception.
The paper is very technical and requires some understanding of how the virologists create a “genome,” starting with a crude sample from an alleged infected “COVID-19” patient. To make it easier, I’ve produced a summary of the main findings as outlined below:
None of the genetic sequences used in producing the “SARS-CoV-2” genomes were shown to come from inside any viruses. It is unclear where the genetic fragments originated from.
The original de novo “SARS-CoV-2” computer-constructed sequence published by Fan Wu, et al could not be reproduced by the methodology described in their paper, raising questions abouthow they produced itand announced the new “virus” to the world.
The PCR protocols are calibrated to sequences of unconfirmed origin that are clearly found in many humans and apparently other things as well. The PCR process was not shown to detect a “virus,” let alone diagnose an invented illness called “COVID-19”.
The virologists are fooling themselves by running amplifications at 35 to 45 cycles, as it can result in “detecting” sequences that are not even present in the sample. In effect, the methodology can result in “detecting” whatever sequences they are hoping to find.
Fan Wu, et al could have found better matches for “HIV” and “Hepatitis D virus” than “a new coronavirus” in their 41-year-old man from Wuhan, who presented with pneumonia as one of the first claimed “COVID-19” cases. If they want to find a “virus”, it all depends on what they ask the computer to look for.
Of course, it makes much more sense when you get to the root of the problem: “SARS-CoV-2” is nothing more than a computer simulation and there was never a virus to start with – the entire thing is a global fraud. Virology seems to be unaware that it is sinking further into an epistemological crisis and no more so than in the area of genomics, as outlined in this article by Mike Stone. In Stone’s article, I noticed in the comments section that Dr Valendar Turner of The Perth Group pointed out that the late Sir John Maddox, former editor of Nature, had issued a pertinent warning in 1988. It seems that those who become immersed in the world of indirect molecular detection techniques risk no longer seeing the wood for the trees as he presciently stated:
“Is there a danger, in molecular biology, that the accumulation of data will get so far ahead of its assimilation into a conceptual framework that the data will eventually prove an encumbrance? Part of the trouble is that excitement of the chase leaves little time for reflection. And there are grants for producing data, but hardly any for standing back in contemplation”.
Maddox, J. Nature 335, 11 (1998)
We will endeavour to keep exposing these anti-scientific methodologies and encourage others to ask themselves if the multi-billion dollar virology industry and the associated bogus “treatments” coming from the behemoth pharmaceutical complex are actually helping anyone with their health. For those of us that can see there is no sound basis to any of it, there is no way we would heed any advice from the doctors and scientists who promote these sick models. And perhaps more importantly, we know not to take any of the fraudulent and increasingly perverse pharmaceuticals that are products of this pseudoscience, and used as vehicles to deliver nefarious and undeclared constituents. Once again, you can avoid all of these problems by pointing out:
Where is the virus*?
*A tiny particle that is an obligate intracellular parasite (i.e. replication competent and transmissible) containing a genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat.
The Courage of Canadian Truckers Galvanizes the Nation: “When Justin Trudeau Called Us Terrorists, I Would Have Crawled on My Hands and Knees to Be Here.”
by Free to Fly sourced from Free to Fly newsletter
February 6, 2022
The galvanizing effect of the freedom convoy continues to deeply impact our nation, coast to coast. This spirit of genuine care, kindness and unity shared across the spectrum of Canadian ages, nationalities, and political backgrounds is palpable at these events. Descriptions like dangerous, hateful or racist, coming from some politicians, media and police leaders are sad and laughable to anyone who has attended.
We’ve heard, time and again, people say they feel hope for the first time in years.
Over the past 24 hours, Greg was able to sit in a big rig and chat with a couple courageous truckers. Their sincerity and raw emotion are incredibly compelling. He was also asked to speak on behalf of Free to Fly on Parliament Hill.
Please watch and share these links on your social media, as we seek to take back freedom in Canada!
A Canadian trucker explains why he is putting everything on the line for freedom in Canada.
“I never thought I’d be called a hero.”
“When Justin Trudeau called us terrorists, I would have crawled on my hands and knees to be here.”
A Canadian truck driver explains how he’s willing to put his sole means of income on the line in order to reestablish freedom in Canada.
“If this truck totally gets wrecked, it’s all worth it.”
Greg Hill, an airline pilot on forced leave for refusing the vaccine, delivers an impassioned speech at the trucker rally in Ottawa.
Greg Hill, an airline pilot on forced leave for refusing the vaccine, delivers an impassioned speech at the trucker rally in Ottawa. Join him in his mission of freedom at
This clip is from the Corona Investigative Committee’s “The Virus of Power” series of interviews , Session 90, which took place on February 4, 2022. See the entire Session 90 here (6+ hours long).
In this interview, Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Lanka challenge “germ theory” and the “science” at the foundation of virology. Of course, this is highly controversial because it shakes the foundation of modern medicine, questions the endless stream of vaccines and toxic medicines produced by big pharma — not to mention the generations of doctors, scientists and medical professionals who have dedicated careers to this “science”.
Committee member Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who has been invaluable in exposing the pandemic fraud and is a key source of medical insight for the committee, challenges Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Lanka, and vehemently defends the prevailing view regarding viruses as cause of disease. See Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg’s presentation during Session 90 here. His presentation occurred earlier in the session, prior to this conversation with Drs. Kaufman and Lanka.
Below the Corona Investigative Committee video, we are providing documents, videos and articles for understanding the work of Dr. Lanka, Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan and others.
Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
Video by Oval Media can be found at Corona Investigate Committee Odysee channel.
Iodine, a critical mineral in the prevention of cancer, has been used in one form or another for centuries. First as medicine (for everything from breast cancer to syphilis) and consumed in the form of seaweed, and eventually added to bread. Then, in 1948, iodine was suddenly thought of as dangerous and was removed from medical arsenals – as well as from our food in the 1970s.
Our politicians suggested that people could get trace amounts of iodine in iodized salt, but then two things happened. First, recommendations were made to reduce sodium intake, and second, few realized that the iodine in salt evaporates under certain conditions, such as moisture, storage, and exposure to oxygen. One study showed that among samples all lost iodine over the 12-month sampling period, many as much as 100%. The rate of iodate loss was influenced by the salt’s origin and composition, the packaging material, and the relative humidity during storage.1Plus, when iodine is added to salt, including potassium iodide, it includes an anti-caking agent, which isn’t a particularly healthy option. Unrefined salt is made from seawater and contains many more minerals than iodized table salt, but not much iodine.
Iodine consumption is known for its connection to thyroid health. But it is less known that other tissues also require large amounts of iodine, namely the breasts, pancreas, stomach, brain, and thymus.
Iodine consumption has plummeted 50% since 1970 and has corresponded with a dramatic increase in breast and prostate cancers.2 Studies show that iodine deficiency is a worldwide epidemic, often affecting women of reproductive age which could not only increase their risk of cancer, but could cause complications during pregnancy and in fetal development. Iodine is essential for a successful healthy pregnancy, and insufficient iodine leads to miscarriages, reproductive failures, abnormal brain development, and congenital hypothyroidism.3
Ironically, just as iodine was removed from our bread, the iodine-blocking element, bromine, was added to flour. Bromine chemicals were then added not only to our bread and flour, but also to mattresses (as a fire retardant), clothing, and other consumer products.
The problem was exacerbated further as pesticides and food additives were increasingly allowed to be used in our food supply — chemicals that interfere with iodine absorption. It’s no wonder that almost everyone has low iodine today.
Iodine deficiency is, to some extent, an error of politics. However, it has become even more prevalent with the ever-increasing presence of xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens found in many personal and home care products and in air pollution) that not only poison the body, but contribute to hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance.
It’s clear to see how iodine has been practically eliminated from our cancer-prevention toolkit.
Iodine Deficiency and Cancer, a Closer Look
A deficiency of iodine has been found to influence the occurrence of many cancers. In Turkey (the country), gastric cancers are most common in areas where iodine deficiency is high. Increased iodine intake over the past several years has been strongly correlated with a reduction in stomach cancers.4
Researchers have attributed the low rate of breast cancer in Japan to high dietary iodine (and selenium). Breast cancer cells need iodine to facilitate cell death and suppress tumor growth.5
In 2008, Bernard A. Eskin, MD, explained how iodine actually alters gene expression in breast cancer cells, including the function of programmed cell death. Iodine was also found to decrease estrogen-responsive genes.6 Low iodine increases circulating estrogen levels, and given that estrogen inhibits iodine absorption, this is especially problematic. Iodine deficiency also makes breasts more susceptible to carcinogenic action, promoting the growth of tumors.
Max Gerson, MD, one of the most famous alternative cancer doctors, believed that iodine is essential for the treatment of cancer.7 Michael B. Schachter, MD, says,
Iodine may be needed in individualized doses to improve thyroid function, immune function, and the optimal functioning of all the cells in the body; several associated nutrients need to be given including vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, unrefined salt, and sufficient water; these help to prevent strong detoxification reactions as a result of the release of bromine from the tissues when iodine is given in milligram quantities. These higher milligram doses rather than microgram doses help to enhance anti-cancer functions in most if not all cancers, but certainly in cancers of the thyroid, breast, ovary, and prostate.”
Iodine has also been found to:
Alter gene expression in breast cancer cells and facilitate cell death.8
Be stronger than a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat human breast cancer.9
Reduce risk of stomach and breast cancer, and has been used in the remission of lung cancer.10
Support healthy immune function and regulate the stress hormone cortisol.11
How to Test for Low Iodine
The symptoms of iodine deficiency are varied and iodine testing is rarely part of a routine exam. But given the high rate of deficiency, testing can and should be requested.
Here are some possible iodine testing methods:
A random urine test ordered by a physician is a good place to start.
The iodine patch test refers to painting a two-inch square of tincture of iodine or Lugol’s Iodine on the body and watching to see how long the orange square takes to fade. However, this test is not considered to be overly reliable or conclusive, but can help to give a general idea as to whether someone may be deficient in iodine.
The gold standard is the 24 Hour Iodine Loading Test, which can be done with a doctor or via online testing at Hakala Labs and others.
You can get iodine from some foods, with seaweed being the highest source. However, there can be some dangers with seaweed due to contamination from polluted water or radioactivity from Fukushima. Iodine content varies in food, so be sure to work with your health practitioner to be sure you’re getting the right amount.
Kelp supplements are an option if you can get a clean sou
A Special Note If You Are on a Therapeutic Iodine Protocol
According to David Brownstein, MD, and other iodine researchers, those on a high-dose iodine protocol (12.5 mg – 50 mg/day) may need a daily companion dose of magnesium as high as 1200 mg, which would be best derived at least in part transdermally. Other companion nutrients (a name coined by Lynne Farrow, author of The Iodine Crisis) are selenium, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and unrefined salt such as Celtic sea salt, Himalayan, and Redmonds Real Salt. These nutrients will boost absorption and help prevent side effects from the protocol such as headaches and fatigue.
If you are considering adding iodine supplementation to your personal health regimen, it is always advised to consult with a qualified health practitioner who can guide you on dosages suitable for your body, health condition, and lifestyle.
rce that is not contaminated. Dr. Edward Group (interviewed in the TTAC docu-series) recommends an iodine supplement called Detoxadine.
Article Summary
Iodine is a critical mineral in the prevention of cancer.
When iodine was taken out of food in the 1970s, politicians suggested that people could get trace amounts of iodine in iodized salt.
This hasn’t worked for two reasons:
Recommendations were made to reduce sodium intake, and
Iodine in salt evaporates as soon as the package is opened, rendering it useless
Iodine consumption – which has plummeted by 50% since the 1970s – is known for its connection to thyroid health.
Iodine has been found to:
Alter gene expression in breast cancer cells and facilitate cell death
Be stronger than a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat human breast cancer
Reduce risk of stomach and breast cancer
Support healthy immune function and regulate the stress hormone cortisol
Given the high rate of deficiency, iodine testing can and should be requested.
You can get iodine from some foods (especially seaweed) and supplements.
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law
‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’
Concerned lawyers from nations across the globe, working with esteemed scientists and medical experts, have come together to present the legal, scientific, and medical reasons why the populace must stop the Covid-19 measures and refuse the mRNA based injections that forced upon them. This Grand Jury Investigation serves to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of Crimes Against Humanity committed to date.
We realize, of course, that the courts of law in the current systems, just like the health care systems, our systems of education, and the (global) economic order are compromised and dominated by those who are responsible for the measures that need to be stopped. We have chosen the Grand Jury Investigation as the procedural foundation on which this proceeding takes place. But the proceeding itself will take place outside the current system, which in our view, is irreparably corrupt. That is, indeed, why we are not filing this case in one of the systems’ courts of law, which includes the International Criminal Court or the European Court of Human Rights.
Rather, we believe that it is of the utmost importance that the people themselves realize that they, their families, communities, and regions, are the only legitimate source of a truly “bottom up” democratic governance. Therefore, we, the people, must take back our sovereignty from those who have taken it from us and delegated it to anonymously and “top down” operating global corporations and institutions like the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum and their minions, the so- called Davos clique, or: Mr. Global.
For this purpose, we have created our, that is: the peoples´ own court of law, the People´s Court of Public Opinion to conduct this Grand Jury investigation. This makes sure that this case of Crimes Against Humanity gets a fair hearing and will not be thrown out by the systems´ courts on dubious procedural grounds, or that a judge who is willing to apply the law as he should and thereby defies “Mr. Global’s” interests will be persecuted by the system´s puppets as happened in Weimar to two such judges.
This proceeding´s main purpose (apart from demonstrating actual evidence to the world and serving as a model proceeding for future legal cases to be filed) is to show a complete picture of what we consider massive Crimes Against Humanity rather than just discussing pieces of the puzzle. The supporting evidence will be presented by real lawyers and real expert witnesses to examine the evidence under the auspices of a real judge accurately and truthfully.
The court is completely independent and works only for the people for the protection and restoration of the rule of law, democracy, and our constitutions.
It is important to note, however, that each one of the participating lawyers has filed and will continue to file similar cases in their countries’ existing judicial system, and that these cases will be supported by our joint, worldwide effort.
The Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion´s initial purpose is to shine a bright light on all the details and actions that were committed under the guise of a pandemic and constitute Crimes Against Humanity. This proceeding will hopefully motivate people across the globe to institute criminal proceedings and civil proceedings (for damages, including punitive damages) against all those who are criminally and civilly responsible for atrocities committed in their communities and regions. Some judiciaries (India´s for example) may still be functioning and willing to serve the people in whose’ name they are supposed to render justice. But in many countries, especially in Europe, where the judiciary (just like the political system, including the health care system, the education system and economic system) has been infiltrated and compromised by those who committed the Crimes Against Humanity the legal system is irreparably broken. Where this is the case, we, the people must reinstall the rule of law and democracy, based on our constitutions by setting up our own system of courts and justice.
Thus, the ‘Peoples´Court of Public Opinion´s investigations are to provide guidance and to motivate national and international actions of transitional and transformative justice. It shall serve as a jump-start investigation that will be followed by many national criminal and civil proceedings as mentioned above.
Whichever path might be suitable under the conditions in your country, it must be peaceful and guided by democratic proceedings that constitute a citizen approved “judicial” system that strives towards transparency, equity and moral progression. In so doing, these proceedings aim to assist those segregated societies to escape the current tyrannical system and to address the inhumane shortcomings that have emerged under a socially constructed, but, in fact, fabricated state of health emergency. Essentially, this is a global call to action, and these proceedings shall become the foundation of social reforms that will help communities to heal, but also hold all the perpetrators of these Crimes against Humanity responsible.
The urgency of the present matter cannot be understated. We all are responsible for re-claiming the citizen’s mandate of governance in our countries, and as a global community of human beings with respect for each other and other cultures, are called to ensure that human rights are preserved NOW and in the future.
The lawyers listed below, with the assistance of many highly respected medical and scientific scholars from around the world and under the auspices of a judge from Portugal, will conduct this Grand Jury Investigation, by which they will provide the People’s Court of Public Opinion with a complete and comprehensive picture of these crimes committed against humanity.
The Peoples ‘Court of Public Opinion works independent of any government and any non-governmental organization. Logistic support is provided by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee (
Ottawa: The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms regrets to advise that GoFundMe has refused to release millions of dollars in donations intended for the 2022 Freedom Convoy. GoFundMe has deleted the truckers’ Canada’s Freedom Convoy fundraiser for allegedly violating its terms, stating the “peaceful demonstration has become an occupation” now.
Alternative funding has been set up using the Christian platform GiveSendGo, to Freedom Convoy 2022.
As of press time, donations on the new platform were over USD $1.1 million.
GoFundMe originally made a statement that “no further funds will be directly distributed to the Freedom Convoy organizers – we will work with organizers to send all remaining funds to credible and established charities verified by GoFundMe.”
The statement was later updated to say any leftover, not refunded donations would be distributed to GoFundMe approved charities selected by the Freedom Convoy organizers with GoFundMe’s approval. Donors were told they could submit a full request for refund until February 19, 2022.
The CEO of GoFundMe Tim Cadogan has reportedly previously campaigned for vaccines and covid relief payments.
GoFundMe declared the truckers’ Freedom Convoy in violation of the Terms of Service and stated the donations page has been “removed from the platform.”
This fundraiser reportedly raised the second highest amount of donations in GoFundMe history, at over $10 million Canadian.
“We are pleased that the unprincipled conduct of GoFundMe, which is based on a false and defamatory narrative, is not going to stop freedom-loving Canadians from supporting the truckers’ peaceful protests,” states Allison Pejovic, one of the Justice Centre lawyers currently in Ottawa with the Freedom Convoy.
First things first… The crowdsourcing business called GoFundMe has destroyed their business model. If they remain in operation, they will be a shell of their former status. Wait a few months and you’ll see it. That is the scale of self-destruction chosen by the organization as an outcome of their political decision to freeze and redirect donor contributions of the Freedom Convoy protest. GoFundMe is done.
That said, GoFundMe justified their decision based on a definition of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy protest as an unlawful “occupation”. However, the same GoFundMe supported the Seattle “occupation” in 2020 known as CHAZ/CHOP. It’s not hypocrisy, it’s political alignment.
The backlash against the crowdfunding company was fast, massive and direct. Facing legal action, U.S. state lawsuits and massive charge-back fees from outraged donors contesting refunds through their banks and credit cards, GoFundMe had an overnight change in position:
The Freedom Protest will continue without missing a beat. The Truckers in Ottawa and around Canada are representing the majority of the Canadian people. Despite leftist Canadian media attempting to control the narrative against the Freedom movement overall, Middle Canadians can see through the nonsense, and they know which position is on the right side of history. The Freedom Convoy is winning!
The alternative crowdsourcing platform GiveSendGo has been overwhelmed by donations to FreedomConvoy2022 HERE. Their web service is overwhelmed with supporters. I’m sure they are also experiencing the snarky bot attacks from professional leftists and disruptions from the collaboration of North American govt. intelligence agencies. As a result, if you go to the site, you might experience a delay.
Meanwhile, several U.S. State Attorneys are looking into the deceptive and fraudulent business practices of GoFundMe. American readers might wonder why conservative Canadian government officials and various State Premiers are not taking legal action.
Within the answer to that inquiry, we realize the structural issue of the Conservative Party in Canada. They are controlled opposition who actually support leftist Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Ezra Levant has been pointing out the Conservative Party issues for many years. Today he highlights the Canadian political “illusion of choice” problem by noting the absence of Conservative pushback.
Americans have our own reference points for the issue Levant is highlighting. However, the scale of the UniParty fraud in Canada is fundamentally much greater than currently exists in the U.S.
We in the United States have gone through a focused purging and challenging of conservative fraud since the Tea Party rose up to confront politicians in 2009 and 2010. The 2010, 2011, 2012, Tea Party evolved into the 2015, 2016 MAGA party that supported Donald Trump.
In the U.S. we have slowly been removing corrupt republican politicians (House and Senate) since the 2010 primary races. We still have a long way to go, but we are slowly removing them. Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Dan Crenshaw and many more are on the current 2022 target list.
Unfortunately, Canada has yet to begin this type of widescale political purge. That is why the current state of Canadian politics is so weak. However, the Freedom Convoy is providing the spark that just might be the Canadian version of the 2010 Tea Party influence.
We are right beside you Canada. We are cheering for you and supporting you in all ways possible.
by Topher Field [updated February 20, 2022 with remastered audio version]
Original video available at TopherField YouTube channel.
Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World’s Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it.
We’ve been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the ‘I stand with Dan’ crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can’t, to try and shame us and shut us down.
And Victoria Police went on an 18 month rampage of repression, unlawful arrests, and widespread intimidation in order to silence us.
So who are we? And given all we were up against, how did we grow from just 70 people in April 2020, to hundreds of thousands in the biggest political events in Australian history in November 2021?
This is our story, told through our eyes.
Battleground Melbourne is our reply to the lies, half truths, slurs, and lazy attacks that we have endured for the last 2 years. This is our story.
The story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and taking extreme risks to stand for what we believe in.
You may not agree with us, you may not even like us, but you can’t claim to know who we are until you’ve watched Battleground Melbourne.
Topher Field is an Australian documentary film maker and libertarian political commentator.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
GoFundMe Labels Ottawa Freedom Protest “Unlawful Occupation”, Will Not Release Funds Except to Divert to Authorized Charity Like Black Lives Matter
In a rather jaw-dropping development, the crowdfunding organization is taking the position that Canadian officials have labeled the Canadian Freedom Convoy protest as an “illegal occupation” of the city of Ottawa. As a result, GoFundMe will not release the funds to the organizers of the protest, and will, instead, only transfer those funds to an authorized and credible charitable organization like “Black Lives Matter”.
♦ GoFundMe supports peaceful protests and we believe that was the intention of the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser when it was first created.
♦ We now have evidence from law enforcement that the previously peaceful demonstration has become an occupation, with police reports of violence and other unlawful activity.
To ensure GoFundMe remains a trusted platform, we work with local authorities to ensure we have a detailed, factual understanding of events taking place on the ground. Following a review of relevant facts and multiple discussions with local law enforcement and city officials, this fundraiser is now in violation of our Terms of Service (Term 8, which prohibits the promotion of violence and harassment) and has been removed from the platform.
Organizers provided a clear distribution plan for the initial $1M that was released earlier this week and confirmed funds would be used only for participants who traveled to Ottawa to participate in a peaceful protest.
Given how this situation has evolved, no further funds will be directly distributed to the Freedom Convoy organizers — we will work with organizers to send all remaining funds to credible and established charitiesverified by GoFundMe.
The Canadian government and law enforcement officials worked earnestly to Alinsky and label the voices of Middle Canada as violent extremists. It appears that official effort has paid dividends, as the money for the protest group has been cut off as the result of an arbitrary definition applied by the totalitarian state.
There aren’t enough words to encapsulate this dynamic appropriately.
However, now that government has successfully branded the protesting group as an unlawful and violent occupying group, the Canadian authorities are now able to use extreme measures to counter the “threat to democracy” they represent.
This is a major, albeit ideological, escalation by the totalitarian state.
“Stand On Guard” is a powerful prophetic declaration song over Canada written by Nikki Mathis of Summit Sounds and was first sung at a Battle For Canada gathering in November 2018 at North Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada. The song was later released on iTunes along with O Canada by Summit Sounds in 2019.
They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “FREEDOM TO CHOOSE,” “MANDATE FREEDOM,” “NO VACCINE MANDATES,” and “UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY.”
Yes, that’s right, New Normal Canada has been invaded and now is under siege by hordes of transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers, racist homophobes, anti-Semitic Islamaphobes, and other members of the working classes!
And, in light of the exposure of Putin’s plot to produce a “very graphic” false-flag video “involving the deployment of corpses” as a pretext to invade the Ukraine and set off nuclear Armageddon, or at least a raft of economic sanctions and DEFCON 1-level bellicose verbiage, it’s possible that the entire “Covid pandemic” was an elaborate Putin-Nazi ruse designed to bring down the Trudeau government, and sabotage the implementation of the New Normal global-segregation system, and the compulsory mRNA “vaccination” of every man, woman, and child on earth, and “democracy,” and transgender rights … or whatever.
But, seriously, this is where we are at the moment. We are in that dangerous, absurdist end-stage of the collapse of a totalitarian system or movement where chaos reigns and anything can happen. The official Covid narrative is rapidly evaporating. More and more people are taking to the streets to demand an end to whole fascist charade … no, not “transphobic white supremacists” or “anti-vax extremists,” or “Russian-backed Nazis,” but working-class people of all colors and creeds, families, with children, all over the world.
The Covidian Cult has lost control. Even hardcore mask-wearing, social-distancing, triple-vaxxed-double-boosted members are defecting. Formerly fanatical New Normal fascists are mass-deleting their 2020 tweets and switching uniforms as fast as they can. No, it isn’t over yet, but the jig is up, and GloboCap knows it. And their functionaries in government know it.
And therein lies the current danger.
There is a narrow window — a month or two, maybe — for governments to declare “victory over the virus” and roll back their segregation systems, mask-wearing mandates, “vaccine” mandates, and the rest of the so-called “Covid restrictions.” Many governments are already doing so, England, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Ireland, etc. They have seen which way the wind is blowing, and they are rushing to dismantle the New Normal in their countries before … well, you know, before a convoy of angry truckers arrives at their doors.
If they let that happen, they will find themselves in the unenviable position that Trudeau is now in. The Canadian truckers appear to be serious about staying there until their demands are met, which means Trudeau only has two options: (1) give in to the truckers’ demands, or (2) attempt to remove them by force. There’s already talk about bringing in the military. Imagine what an unholy mess that would be. Odds are, the military would disobey his orders, and, if not, the world would be treated to the spectacle of full-blown New Normal Fascism in action.
Either way, Trudeau is history, as long as the truckers stand their ground. I pray they do not give an inch, and I hope the leaders of other New Normal countries, like Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, and France, are paying close attention.
Some of my readers will probably remember a previous column in which I wrote:
“This isn’t an abstract argument over ‘the science.’ It is a fight … a political, ideological fight. On one side is democracy, on the other is totalitarianism. Pick a fucking side, and live with it.”
This is it. This is that fight. It is not a protest. It is a game of chicken. A high-stakes game of political chicken. In the end, politics comes down to power. The power to force your will on your adversary. GloboCap has been forcing the New Normal on people around the world for the past two years. What we are witnessing in Canada is the power of the people, the power the people have always had, and which we will always have, when we decide to use it … the power to shut down the whole GloboCap show, city after city if necessary.
So get out there and support the Canadian transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers … or your local transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers. Don’t worry if you don’t have a swastika flag. The agents provocateurs and the official propagandists in the corporate media will take care of that!
I have been piecing together this Covid puzzle for over two years, and it’s clear to me that there have been, more or less, two kinds of truth-seekers throughout this pseudopandemic.
There are those who believe the official narrative.
There are those who do not believe the official narrative.
Anybody in the first group is no longer worth my time and resources. There is no possible way that every government coincidentally locked down hundreds of millions of citizens at the same time (give or take a few weeks), complete with masks, social distancing, curfews, and all the other demoralising tools of propaganda (as pointed out by KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov).
It was coordinated.
It was never about a virus.
It was always about ushering in a technocratic global order.
The World Economic Forum refers to as “The Great Reset”, and has been very vocal about it. The United Nations refers to it as “Sustainable Development”. Some governments refer to it as “Build Back Better”.
There are numerous descriptions, but it’s all essentially the same thing.
It’s all technocracy, which is socially engineering society through centralised control of science and technology. China is one such example, and China’s population is around one seventh of the entire world. (No, China is not a communist country. After all, China has more dollar-billionaires than America.)
Technocracy is decades old and was envisioned by powerful individuals like David Rockefeller and groups like the Trilateral Commission. (The United Nations, which has buy-in from most countries, is founded on technocratic ideals.)
To piece together more pieces of the puzzle, German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich joined me on my podcast this week.
He and his team (Corona Committee) have been gathering evidence against the global players behind the Covid pseudopandemic.
In this conversation, Reiner discusses
his background;
this not being a pandemic at all;
PCR fraud;
the importance of the Grand Jury;
why the legal system is captured; and
getting off the control grid and building parallel structures.
Reiner’s previous podcasts with me have been download over 500,000 times, suggesting that people are interested in what he has to say.
If you prefer to listen rather than watch, then search for Jerm Warfare in your podcast app (Apple, Spotify, and so on).
La Quinta Columna has detected graphene and microtechnology in samples it has observed, and now, in a recent program, exclusive images of Morgellons were shown. These parasites have the particularity of being seen in certain colors and, in this case, they can be observed in red.
More details in the new video that Orwell City brings to English.
Ricardo Delgado:
I’d like to make an appeal to the entire independent scientific community —also independent of the official system— that wants to look into the microscope. Keep the slides in an airtight container, and don’t throw them away. I mean, keep the slides with those drops and with the coverslip on them in an airtight container and observe them again after three days and then after a week because there’s still an evolution. This is going to give us many surprises. A lot.
I have already told you that I’m almost afraid and panic to look at the microscope because every time we look, we find something new. And today, I was equally surprised given the nature of what we’re going to see. And despite having assimilated the knowledge of everything we have already said, which is quite a lot.
Let’s share and watch that video which, as I say, is not to be missed. The video is entitled Graphene, Microtechnology, and also, now, Morgellons in the Pfizer vaccine. We’re going to explain it a little bit throughout the video, and you’re going to see how that “fiber” responds to human breath. This type of fiber that has been found in face masks at the time. A German researcher who was quite tall physically, too… I don’t remember his name right now, but back in 2013, he made a famous video that went viral on the internet. And he talked about how that technology, human or not, and linked to the whole process of vaccination and aerial spraying, is related to the whole global operation against the human being. Against the species itself. Of course, military intelligence is always ahead. Let’s watch it. Attention.
Video: Graphene, microtechnology and Morgellons in Pfizer vaccine. Haxon Aquiles II microscope.
Ricardo Delgado:
Well, that’s a big chunk of graphene. The rest… We’re already used to seeing the other stuff. So far, as shocking as it may be, we’re very used to seeing it. Right?
Here you see the edge of the droplet. The upper part corresponds to the slide, okay? And here’s the one of the desiccation of the droplet itself.
Pay attention to this image because here’s a fiber that we initially identified as a graphene ribbon surrounding a microcircuit. Right now, we see this at 1200 magnification.
Come on, it’s getting a little bit more complicated. Attention to this fiber here. It’s actual color is reddish. Pay attention to this fiber because it’ll give us many surprises. OK?
What’s this? The Pentium 5?
These images go directly to the Minister of Health and Family, Jesús Aguirre, who didn’t want to know anything about this or the Campra report when it was presented in the plenary session of the Andalusian Parliament. Mr. Jesús Aguirre, can you explain to us what this is? Can the Parliament of Andalusia explain to us what’s being injected into the people? What’s this? The motherboard of a computer? What’s this? Can you tell us? This is an… aberration, isn’t it? Anyway.
Again the tape or the filament. Pay attention to the filament. Here again, you’re looking at a fiber that has appeared after evaporation of the sample. We want to do still a lot more experimentation with what we have here in the microscope because, in fact, it’s placed on the microscope slide itself, right? Let’s continue. Don’t worry, because we’ll leave the link to the full video later.
Here’s a famous cord that joins these microcircuits together. I see that now the interesting part starts, eh? You haven’t seen anything yet. Attention! Look at its color. Well, a reddish color. See? That’s the natural color of this fiber. We’ll see what it does later. Terrifying. Monstrous.
Here, we focus a little bit to see its tip. See that “spatula”? Well, then you’re going to see the movement of that spatula and how it twists on itself. Now. Now you’re going to see how it responds to three breaths. This is important for me to explain because, look, you see… First, we blew air with a fan. And there was minimal transverse movement. However, when we breathe (vapor, something organic), the movement is incisive. It’s different. That is, it interacts directly with human biology, in this case. The famous Morgellons. Let’s see how they do it. So, you’re going to see three incisions that correspond to at least three breath puffs. At least three okay? Let’s watch this.
Everything is fine, isn’t it? Look how “beautiful” it is. Ready? The second one. Yes, indeed. This is inside the Pfizer vaccine. In one of the drops. Specifically in two droplets. In one of them. There are several of these. And they respond to body heat when you proceed with the breath. But I say it again because this is very important. If you, for example, beat the air with a fan, with a leaf, there’s a lot more air, but there’s minimal movement, and it’s transverse. However, when they give off breath, there’s an interaction in the sense that this, let’s say, goes after it very quickly. As if it’s attacking, effectively. It has the behavior of a parasite. Let’s continue.
Here. Now, I’m illuminating it with normal light, bright. Okay?
Likewise, now what I’m doing is I’m bringing a magnet closer. Pay attntion. Look at the way it’s twisting its head or whatever it is.
You make a list of symptoms. You say many people are experiencing this cluster of symptoms.
You give a label to this list of symptoms. A name. The name of a disease or a disorder or a syndrome.
Over time, through promotion, the name sticks.
You fund research to find the cause of the disease. This research can stretch out for a long time. Possibly forever.
Meanwhile, you develop and sell drugs to treat the disease. Money.
You keep reporting “progress” on finding the cause. “At first, we looked for environmental factors. But now we know the basis is almost certainly genetic. We’re homing in on the specific genetic dysfunction…”
Over time, what’s forgotten is this: is there really a single disease with a single cause?
And think it through; if you can’t verify a single cause, you don’t have a disease. You just have the original list of symptoms.
Alzheimer’s would be an example. Microcephaly (babies born with small heads and brain damage) would be another. The disease names seem to carry the day. “Well, if there’s a name, a label, there must be a unique disease.”
If there’s a name, a label, there is money.
Money for research, for drug development, money from drug and vaccine sales.
Researchers are tasked with making the list of symptoms seem compelling. “We’ve done brain studies. There are remarkable similarities among patients who have Disease X. As you can see from these scans, in Figure A…”
Still, no dice. No verified cause. Therefore, no justification for using the disease label or claiming you have found a unique disease.
But it doesn’t matter, because the business model is working well.
Here’s another example. ADHD. Has a single cause been found for this list of symptoms? No. Therefore, there is no laboratory test for ADHD. No test to confirm the diagnosis of ADHD. Because a test would detect the cause is present in the patient—and there is no cause to look for.
In fact, if you examine the complete catalog of all so-called mental disorders—about 300 of them—there is no defining lab test for ANY of them. Not a one. Each so-called disorder is simply a list of behaviors which have been clustered together by committees of psychiatrists and given a name. ADHD. Bipolar. Clinical depression. And so on.
But it doesn’t matter. Because the business model is working. Money is pouring in. Drugs are selling.
Let’s take this even further. A hundred years of Rockefeller medicine have “established” that there are thousands of separate and distinct and unique diseases, disorders, and syndromes. And each one has a cause. For many diseases, the cause “hasn’t been discovered yet.” Meaning: “We’re writing fiction. We have no justification for calling these diseases, diseases.”
For many other diseases, researchers claim, the causes have been found. The most popular type of cause? A virus.
A virus that had never been seen before. A virus that was “discovered” in a lab.
A lab—as I’ve discussed in depth—that lets in no outsiders, no truly independent observers, to see, in detail, what’s actually going on.
For that reason, and several others, there is no solid reason to believe these viruses, these causes are actually being discovered. Are actually real.
Which leaves us with thousands of lists of symptoms.
But there is always a business model. The full Rockefeller model is worth trillions of dollars. More dollars every day.
The drugs and the vaccines are the $$$ payoff.
I’ve spent decades demonstrating their toxicity.
Here’s a very interesting medical trick. A criminal trick. The researchers say a brain disorder called ABC exists but they haven’t found the cause yet. A parent has a child with severe problems and takes him to the doctor. The doctor pronounces a diagnosis: “Yes, your boy has ABC.”
The parent goes away and does some research. The list of symptoms for ABC could be the result of a vaccine. In fact, the boy developed his severe problems quite soon after vaccination.
She goes back to the doctor and says, “I think my son was damaged by the vaccine.”
The doctor says, “That’s impossible. Your boy is suffering from ABC. And you see, we’ve done studies of boys with ABC, and many of them were never vaccinated. So when you say the cause of your boy’s ABC was a vaccine, we’ve ruled that out.”
The parent doesn’t know what to do.
Of course, the trick is, ABC was never proved to be a unique disorder in the first place. It’s really the NAME of an unproven disorder. The studies the doctor is referring to are completely irrelevant.
ABC is a disorder without a proven cause. Therefore, it is no disorder at all. It’s just a list of symptoms.
The parent’s boy has many of those symptoms. He acquired them—and the damage he suffered—from a vaccine. If you wanted to put a name to what the boy has, call it what it is: vaccine damage.
Not ABC.
Part of the business model for ABC is: “We use that disease label so we can avoid having to pay out huge compensation-dollars for damage caused by a vaccine.”
If the impact of this trick isn’t getting through to you, let me give you a grossly exaggerated analogy.
Engineers claim there is a phenomenon called River Floundering. It is unique but the cause hasn’t yet been found. The basic symptom is: boats on rivers develop the propensity to sink.
Joe takes his boat out on a river. Overhead, a bridge collapses and destroys his boat. Joe barely escapes with his life. After six months, he emerges from the hospital and sues a number of parties.
But he loses his case. In court, experts testify that his boat was suffering from River Floundering. That’s why it sank. Many studies of Floundering show bridges-collapsing did not occur when “the sinking happened.” Therefore, the collapsing bridge was not the cause of Joe’s boat’s disorder, River Floundering.
Most readers here have probably heard of the F-35 crash that occurred recently in the South China Sea. The public narrative has it that a pilot was landing his F-35 on the carrier USS Vinson, but the glide path was too steep, and the plane did not catch the grappling wires, and tumbled over the side of the ship as the pilot ejected. The current coverage of the story has it that the US Navy and the Chinese navy are in a race to recover the airplane.
But according to this article shared by V.T., that may not be all there is to the story:
According to this article, the pilot of the aircraft was experiencing chest pains as he approached the carrier, and actually blamed the vaccine for the pains (and the abortive landing) in communications with the carrier:
Aviators approaching within a mile of their carrier “call the ball,” a radio transmission indicating they have spotted the “meatball,” a nickname for the visual reference used by pilots to keep the proper glide slope during the approach to an aircraft carrier.
As the F-35C pilot neared the USS Vinson, he “called the ball,” but also said he was experiencing sudden and intense chest pain, as if “someone hit me with a baseball bat.” The Landing Signal Operator aboard the USS Vinson noticed at once that the F-35 was above glideslope and would miss the wires. He ordered the pilot to “wave off” just as the pilot’s crackled voice said on the radio, “Fucking vaccine.” The pilot had barely enough strength to eject safely, though several boatswain’s mates on the flight deck were injured when the plane struck the deck.
The pilot was recovered and taken to medical, where a physician determined he had suffered an acute case of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, a common and potentially deadly side effect of Covid-19 vaccinations. The USS Carl Vinson, a Nimitz-Class carrier, has a fully functional medical ward on its 2nd deck, complete with diagnostic equipment, including CRT and MRI scanners, found in contemporary hospitals.
The pilot, current condition unknown, got his booster shot aboard the USS Vinson 72-hours prior to the accident. He had no comorbidities, and passed a medical examination on 9/5/2021.
Other aviators aboard the Vinson described him as “an accomplished and competent aviator with thousands of hours of flight time in a broad range of aircraft, and dozens of successful carrier landings.”
This information came to RRN via a senior Navy officer who said the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps received a briefing on the accident.
This story intrigued me, because one of the areas that I have received some articles about, is precisely the so-called “vaxxidents”, accidents caused in whole or in part because of complications and adverse reactions from the covid injections. (Like Catherine Austin Fitts, I prefer not to refer to these injections as vaccines. They are not in any classical sense. They are experimental drugs at best, and hence my term “injections” and my preferred term “quackcines”.) I’ve had a veritable mountain of such stories, most of them unverifiable. This one, while anecdotal I strongly suspect has some fire behind the anecdotal smoke, because I’ve had other people share similar stories of pilots experiencing strange things after their injections.
This story disturbs for a far deeper reason, for if true, then it means that the whole issue of the injections and this administration’s attempts to force them on the military has become a national security issue because of the possibility of more such reactions. Let’s remember, US Army flight surgeon Lt. Col Teresa Long warned about precisely such sudden cardiac events in the case of pilots:
There has been much discussion on the idea of vaccine passports, but the reality is the opposite: if you’re flying a commercial airliner, would you, or would you not, like to know the vaccine status of your flight crew? Given Lt. Col. Long’s story, and now the allegations surrounding the USS Vinson F-35 crash, the answer to that question seems obvious. So now the real question is, how long before the military – as a matter of national security – refuses the injections? And how long before all this translates to the commercial airliners doing the same? And how long from there to the holding of the perpetrators and their media lackies accountable?