The Gaza Rebellion

The Gaza Rebellion   “The Orthodox crazies also have a scenario — namely, the End Times, in which we will see the sacrifice of a red heifer, destruction of the…

Paul Farmer, Covidian: “Caught Up in the Designs of Predatory Pharmaceutical Companies and Profit-Making Philanthropists”

Paul Farmer, Covidian: “Caught Up in the Designs of Predatory Pharmaceutical Companies and Profit-Making Philanthropists”   “Gates’ actual goal in reaching the poor is to use them as guinea pigs…

Philip Zelikow’s Covid Coverup

Philip Zelikow’s Covid Coverup   “The Project for a New American Century was not a plan for a robust American empire. Just the opposite. It was a plan to use…

The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War

The Pentagon, Big Pharma, and Globalist War   “Covid began as, and still is, a worldwide operation. While biological warfare agents may have been created for nefarious purposes in a…

In This House . . . On the Fate of the 50 Venezuelan Illegal Immigrants Who Were Flown From Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts

In This House . . . On the Fate of the 50 Venezuelan Illegal Immigrants Who Were Flown From Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts   “Democrats are accusing Republicans of…

Inclusion, Wokeness, and Davos 2022

Inclusion, Wokeness, and Davos 2022 by Richard Hugus May 23, 2022     The picture above is of a sign outside a performing arts theater in Santa Barbara, California. Looks…

Carrying Our Baggage Into the Apocalypse

Carrying Our Baggage Into the Apocalypse by Richard Hugus, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light December 23, 2021   Almost two years in, the “Great Reset” has reached a…

Stop the Shots: Stand With Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates on Saturday December 11, 2021

Stop the Shots: Stand With Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates on Saturday December 11, 2021 by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates December 8, 2021   Protest call: WHEN:…

The Ongoing Operation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity Is Insane | The Old Saying Was Right — Kill Your Television

The Ongoing Operation for the Digital Enslavement of Humanity Is Insane | The Old Saying Was Right — Kill Your Television   “When government and technology are working together, the…

“My Name Is Bill Gates, King of Kings”

“My Name Is Bill Gates, King of Kings”     by Richard Hugus, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light October 4, 2021   My name is Ozymandias, King of…

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Protest Against Medical Mandates

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Protest Against Medical Mandates   Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  Small gatherings of people who stand for freedom are as inspiring to hear about as the…

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program   “We should understand that what the authorities pretend to be incompetence and unfortunate mistakes…

Stop the Shots — Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

Stop the Shots — Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates August 11, 2021   WHEN: Saturday August 28, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM,…

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call — July 24, 2021

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call — July 24, 2021   WORLD WIDE DEMONSTRATION 3.0   Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Protest Call by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical…

Massachusetts Statewide “Let Children Breathe” Sit Out & Local Protests

Massachusetts Statewide “Let Children Breathe” Sit Out & Local Protests   End Mask Mandates in Massachusetts Schools by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates May 17, 2021   Let The…

Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Report on May 15, 2021 Demonstration

Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates: Report on May 15, 2021 Demonstration by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates May 16, 2021   Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates held another successful…

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Join Protest Saturday April 24, 2021

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Against Medical Mandates: Join Protest Saturday April 24, 2021   Protest call by End Massachusetts Medical Mandates     Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates, Protest Call  …
