If I Were an Atheist Materialist Biological Machine

If I Were an Atheist Materialist Biological Machine

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 1, 2021


If I were an atheist materialist who believed all humans were nothing more than biological machines, the practice of delivering an infant whole and alive, through Caesarean Section, and then cutting out his heart and removing tissue for medical research would still make me turn away and want to forget I had ever heard this was happening in the world. (My series on medical infanticide, here [1])

Because a click would go off inside me.

I wouldn’t know what the click was, or why it happened, but I would feel something. And if I were a creature living in Huxley’s Brave New World, I would know the feeling was a signal I should go to the medical dispensary and obtain the drug Soma, which would put me in a pleasant forgetful state…

And yet in our world, there are doctors and nurses and technicians and researchers who don’t even experience the click. They participate in the murders of the infants. They do the work. [2]

They are backed up by bureaucrats and elected officials and ethicists and pharmaceutical executives and medical school teachers and deans and medical journal editors and medical journalists and even religious leaders.

How is it that people of faith, billions of them, are not standing up together against this establishment?

Obviously, something has gone wrong with religion. That is the only conclusion.

In organizing itself, it has become concerned with perpetuating itself. It has built a wall between its people and what faith means.

Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple, but what happens when the money changers ARE the Temple?

What happens when pastors fail to inspire their congregations to take action in the world and stand up against their oppressors?

Vaccine companies used fetal cell line HEK 293 to test their COVID vaccines. That cell line was surely obtained through the medical murder of an infant, in 1972, in the Netherlands. Her kidneys were removed for the tissue, killing her.

Religious people can say that’s none of their business. They can say anything that will close them off from action.

But ABIDING FAITH is supposed to triumph over society and government, the “things of this world.” That’s one of the sacred points of faith. It’s supposed to allow a person to go to the wall for his beliefs.

A Pope carrying all the accoutrement of the Roman Church can issue a statement supporting the COVID vaccine. This tells you how much of the material world the Pope pays homage to. How much he has sold of himself. He is not an illustration of the test of faith.

If I were an atheist materialist who believed all humans were biological machines, there are churches and temples I could walk into; and feel at home.

The Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute “is a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to end human trafficking and exploitation for the purposes of biomedical research and commercial products. Our President and Founder, Theresa Deisher Ph.D., has over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience. She discovered adult cardiac derived stem cells, has worked on their therapeutic uses as an alternative to human fetal DNA, and leads a team of scientists at AVM Biotechnology dedicated to changing what a diagnosis of cancer, autoimmunity, or chronic infectious disease means to patients and their loved ones. As a result of this work, Dr. Deisher is named as an inventor on over 47 patents.” [3]

I’m going to give you a few important quotes from their published material. Wherever “fetal cells” and “cell line” are mentioned, this indicates material obtained from an aborted fetus. Were these infants removed from their mothers’ wombs, alive, and then murdered? Except in one instance, this is not covered. However, Sound Choice founder, Dr. Deisher, in a devastating interview with Robert Kennedy [4], makes it clear that the practice of removing infants, alive, from the womb, extracting their tissue to make cell lines, and killing them is a widespread practice.

In the first 15 minutes of the interview [4], Deisher discusses infants in the womb for 20 weeks, even 32 weeks, being taken out alive, with their blood supply functioning (essential) and then killed by cutting out their hearts or their brains. This is what is done in order to obtain tissue that will be turned into fetal cell lines.

At the top of the interview, Kennedy said he didn’t want to get into the moral aspect of fetal cell lines. But after listening to Deisher, he was shaken. He said so. He said they would have to cover the moral aspect.

Here are Sound Choice Institute statements: [5]

“Today, more than 23 vaccines are contaminated by the use of aborted fetal cells. There is no law that requires that consumers be informed that some vaccines are made using aborted fetal cells and contain residual aborted fetal DNA. While newer vaccines produced using aborted fetal cells do inform consumers, in their package inserts, that the vaccines contain contaminating DNA from the cell used to produce the vaccine, they do not identify the cells as being derived from electively aborted human fetuses.”

“The United States government has known about the dangers of human DNA from aborted fetal cell-lines since at least 2005. They set guidelines which are supposed to keep the DNA at a specific limit, which they hypothesize will not cause cancer. There is no monitoring of vaccines by our government agencies to ensure those limits are adhered to. Vaccines (MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis A) sent for independent analysis have consistently shown levels of human fetal DNA that are far beyond the ‘established safety limits’.”

“Instead of conducting safety studies the FDA regulated the amount of human DNA that could be present in a vaccine to no greater than 10ng.”

“Unfortunately, the Sound Choice team discovered that the fetal DNA levels ranged anywhere from 142ng – 2000ng per dose, way beyond the so-called ‘safe’ level.”

“Human fetal cell lines are used to culture some vaccines. They are listed on the CDCs Vaccine Excipient list as [cell lines] WI-38, MRC-5, HEK293, PERC.6.

* WI-38 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of an aborted female fetus.

* MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a 14-week-old aborted male fetus.

* Human embryonic kidney cells 293, also often referred to as HEK 293, HEK-293, 293 cells, or less precisely as HEK cells, are a specific cell line originally derived from human embryonic kidney cells grown in a tissue culture.

* PERC.6 cell line was derived from human embryonic retinal cells taken from an elective abortion.

* The newest cell line created in 2015 for vaccines: WALVAX 2 is taken from the lung tissue of a 3-month gestation female who was ultimately selected from among 9 aborted babies. The scientists noted how they followed specific guidelines to mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation. They further noted how they induced labor using a ‘water bag’ abortion to shorten the delivery time and prevent the death of the fetus to ensure live intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation.” [6]

“Human Diploid Cells (aborted fetal material) provide the ‘cell culture’ in which vaccine formulas are often grown or nurtured. Current vaccines in circulation which were manufactured using aborted fetal material include:

* Polio vaccine (inactivated/IPV) & Oral Polio (live virus) drops : Sanofi Pasteur recently announced they are discontinuing the use of aborted fetal cells in the manufacturing of Poliovax, Pentacel, and Quadracel polio vaccines. Ask before receiving these vaccines as it will take some time for the ethically available options to be widely available.

* Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine/MMR (Rubella component)

* Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis vaccine (DTaP/TdP)

* Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine & Shingles (zoster) vaccine

* Hepatitis A and Hepatitis A & B vaccines

* Rabies vaccine

* Shingles

* Some Coronavirus vaccines”



[1] blog.nomorefakenews.com/tag/medical-infanticide/

[2] blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/10/27/the-abortion-culture/

[3] https://soundchoice.org/about/

[4] https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/robert-f-kennedy-jr-q-a-with-dr-theresa-deisher/

[5] https://soundchoice.org/vaccines/

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25803132/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Yuri_B / pixabay

We Will Not Comply!: James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato

We Will Not Comply!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report w/ James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy
October 29, 2021


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

Story #1: NIH Silently Removes “Gain of Function” from Website After Report Confirms Directors Fauci and Collins Lied to Congress About Funding the Research in China


Archived: Gain-of-Function Research Involving Potential Pandemic Pathogens


Archived 2009: Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)


Archived 2021: Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response (EPR)


CDC Changes Definition of “Vaccines” to Fit Covid-19 Vaccine Limitations


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Serology, antibodies and immunity


What is the WHO? – Questions For Corbett #066


Story #2: J&J aka LTL Uses Sneaky Bankruptcy Maneuver to Block Lawsuits Over Cancer Claims


Johnson & Johnson Pulls Sale of Talc-Based Baby Powder In North America


Asbestos Found in Baby Powder. You’ll Never Guess How J&J Respond!… #PropagandaWatch


Everything Is Super Swell At Johnson & Johnson, Folks! (Just Don’t Mention The Baby Powder Cancer)


PRIMO RADICAL #250: Noam Chomsky


Noam Chomsky: “There’s no liberty that allows you to drive through a red light because you feel like it…” // Also Chomsky: “Military industry has the liberty to bomb foreign countries and use my language-to-code system developed at MIT because Air force generals feel like it.”


Don’t Worry, New Yorkers, That Gas In the Subway Is Only a Test


Story #3: “We Will Not Comply!” – NYC Workers Protest Vax Mandate With March Across Brooklyn Bridge


New Mexico Judge Denies Los Alamos Lab Workers’ Claim In Vaccine Fight


Dozens Of Top Nuclear Scientists With ‘Highest Security Clearances’ Being Fired From Los Alamos Lab After Vax Mandate


Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Latest Information on COVID-19



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Sounding the Alarm in Victoria, Australia: Freedom Fighters Speak Out Against Andrews’ Grab for Legislated Absolute Power

Sounding the Alarm in Victoria, Australia: Freedom Fighters Speak Out Against Andrews’ Grab for Legislated Absolute Power



Leaders sound alarm against Andrews’ grab for legislated absolute power

by Tony Mobilifonitis, Cairns News
October 30, 2021


FREEDOM fighters across the nation have sounded the alarm over the psychopath Andrews’ full dictatorship takeover plans for Victoria, which will inevitably spread to other states with the endorsement of his pathetic, serial lying mate Scott Morrison.

All major party MPs – Liberal, Labor, Nationals and Greens – are complicit in Andrews’ horrendous Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 that would give the Premier authority to declare a pandemic. It also gives the health minister, rather than chief health officer, the role of making health orders.

In a Zoom call on Friday night protest leaders all sounded a unified message – stop this legislation or lose Australia. The protest leaders (see names below) who live in Victoria are all targets of Andrews’ legislation under his “more complete” fascist/communist dictatorship. The others will be also.

Already facing bogus “incitement” charges laid by Andrews’ Gestapo are Victorians Fanos Panayides, Monica Smit and Topher Field, while Nick Patterson was intercepted and viciously assaulted on the street by cops without provocation while walking with his activist friends. He was jailed and released as was his fellow Christian pastor friend Paul Furlong.

Topher Field, the most recent target of Andrews and his thugs, said voters in coming elections needed to understand that the preferential voting system would only work for the smaller parties if they were all numbered in preference above the main parties who need to be numbered last on ballots or left off altogether.

Retired Qantas pilot Graham Hood said every MP across Australia needed to be told they are in danger of losing their seat because of the legislation. “There are white crosses on battlefields all around the world because of the freedoms attacked in this bill,” he said. “People need to realise that this draconian legislation will be used in every other aspect of our lives … the spirit of Australia will die if this goes through.”

Cairns News endorses the efforts of these patriots and has been calling out Andrews as a dictator since early 2020 when he first plunged Victoria into its series of lockdowns, designed to implement the dystopian, totalitarian “Great Reset” society advocated by the World Economic Forum in which the masses “own nothing but will be happy”.

But the major political parties and the mainstream media are too “intellectually sophisticated” and invested in the Davos crowd and their “benefits” to entertain such “conspiracy theories” as are the 13 Victorian QCs who have issued a limp-wristed “public letter of concern” over the powers given the premier in the bill. Andrews must be terrified … excuse the sarcasm.

Victoria’s Liberal-National Party coalition certainly have spoken out against the bill, but all Andrews needs to do to invoke their obedience is to get his dirty little CHO Sutton to arrange a rash of “Delta variant” outbreaks and “cases” and those weaklings will fold – especially when the mainstream media pushes the panic button. Note how Andrews and Sutton are keeping the “case” and “death” numbers up, while at the same time spouting “freedom”.

Andrews can also rely on the moronic, brainwashed responses of corporate industry representatives like Tim Piper of the Australian Industry Group who told 3AW: “It is what it is, it’s an IH&S law and nothing will change that … It’s (the vaccine) is going to look after their colleagues, their businesses, themselves.”

Now with 20 months of rule by decree and the uncritical support of lame-brained corporate and media types behind him the dictator’s psychotic lust for power is clearly not satiated yet. He wants those powers made his own exclusively. All he needs to do is buy the votes of a few Victorian Upper House Members who hold the balance of power, namely Fiona Patten of The Reason Party, Samantha Ratnam of The Greens and Andy Meddick of the Animal Justice Party.

Patten, Meddick and Ratnam are all pushers of trendy leftist issues and Andrews can easily accommodate their demands. The corrupt former Labor minister Adem Somyurek who was sacked by Andrews could be a wild card in the process and, according to Monica Smit, there are at least three Labor MPs who do not like Daniel Andrews – but they would need to be in the Upper House (Legislative Council).

The bill for permanent pandemic laws means total abolition of freedom for all Victorians with indefinite lock downs (even with no pandemic), the ultimate power to make decisions in the hands of the premier who must only “consider” health advice from experts, targeting people based on “characteristics, attributes, circumstances”, fines of up to $90k for individuals and $450k for businesses, up to two years in prison for not following the rules.

“The only way stop this is to make some noise by any means necessary. Share this zoom, share our poster, talk about what this bill means to your friends, family, anyone who will listen. We need to make plenty of noise! The people of Victoria and Australia need to know about this,” the Zoom host Fanos posted.


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New York City’s New ‘Public Health’ Plan: Let Garbage Pile Up on the Sidewalks

New York City’s New ‘Public Health’ Plan: Let Garbage Pile Up on the Sidewalks

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
October 29, 2021


In the name of “public health,” the New York City government this week has been telling city employees to take the experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots by Friday at 5 p.m. or be fired, or as the city government terms it, “placed on leave without pay.” Plenty of city workers of all types upset by this attack on their freedom have been taking to the streets in large numbers to protest, often admirably joined by leaders of their unions.

Apparently, New York City garbagemen upset with their mistreatment have chosen to skip days of work as well. The result, detailed in a Thursday article by Jean Lee at NBC News is trash piling up in parts of the city as regularly scheduled trash collection fails to occur.

What to expect after the Friday deadline? Continued piling up of trash on New York City sidewalks, right next to where millions of people in the densely populated city live, work, shop, and play each day is a good bet. Lee quotes the president of the Sanitation Officers Association:

Joseph Mannion, president of the Sanitation Officers Association, fears the trash pileups might foreshadow a possible worker shortage on Monday if vaccination rates among sanitation workers don’t increase by Friday. He said that the sanitation department has been moving to snow season shifts — 12 hours instead of eight — in anticipation of a possible worker shortage.

‘Prepare for the worst and hope for the best,’ Mannion said.

But Mannion is skeptical and said that he knows many sanitation workers are “hardened in their beliefs” and will refuse vaccination, even if it means being put on unpaid leave.

‘I know more people are getting vaccinated, but is it going to change around 60 percent to 80 percent?’ asked Mannion. ‘I don’t know. I don’t think so.’

More and more people in New York City must be asking themselves which is a healthier, and more pleasant, option: (A) letting trash continue to pile up on sidewalks while 100 percent of garbagemen are confirmed to have taken the experimental coronavirus vaccine shots, or (B) having trash regularly cleared from sidewalks while letting garbagemen choose whether they take the shots? My guess is that most people will choose option B, especially if the trash keeps piling up for weeks or even months on end.


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12,000 Air Force Personnel, Including Elite Pilots, Have Rejected Vax Order as Tuesday Deadline Looms

12,000 Air Force Personnel, Including Elite Pilots, Have Rejected Vax Order as Tuesday Deadline Looms

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
October 29, 2021


The deadline is looming for US Air Force personnel to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and many thousands are still refusing, according to the latest reports. For many at this point, it’s also too late to receive both jabs by the next Tuesday, Nov. 2 deadline. Other branches like the Navy have deadlines coming later in November, but the Air Force will be the first test case as it set the earliest deadline.

The Washington Post is now at the end of the week reporting that up to 12,000 Air Force personnel are still declining the vaccine, causing alarm within the top chain of command who are worried it will impact force readiness, particularly as some forces in key positions face discharge over their vax refusal. “The fact that it’s a choice leading to potential loss to readiness is striking,” a military policy analyst with the Center for a New American Security Katherine L. Kuzminski, told the Post.

Short of full discharge, those refusing the mandate could be charged under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), based on prior Defense Department statements. Currently some class action lawsuits are said to be underway among troops – including reservists – who argue the mandate violations their individual medical freedom and Constitutional rights.

When it comes to the Air Force especially, there’s a risk of losing pilots and technicians – people in elite and highly skilled positions – who have undergone years of prior training at a government and taxpayer cost of millions of dollars. The Hill summarizes the dilemma facing military top brass as follows:

However, with such a significant amount of service members rejecting the vaccine mandate, officials are faced with a dilemma — take action against those who rejected the mandate and possibly face serious setbacks within units that should be ready for a crisis, or go back on a wide-scale requirement established in August by the top military leaders.

If military leaders back down, it could set a precedent allowing personnel to more readily push back against future mandates – for example if a booster shot is ordered – something the Biden administration has signaled it may be prepared to do.

“The Air Force is the third-largest military service at 324,000 members, the Post noted. So even a small percentage of the ranks can be substantial,” The Hill summarizes further of the situation.

The US Navy is of similar size in terms of active duty members. The Navy and other branches are also at risk of seeing a mass exodus. Earlier this month a report in AFP underscored that “If all the services take the same hard line that the navy is taking, it risks losing as many as 46,000 troops, though presumably more will accept vaccinations before the deadline.” The Navy’s deadline is Nov.28 for all to be in full compliance.


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Members of the European Parliament Denounce the ‘Abusive’ Green Pass

Members of the European Parliament Denounce the ‘Abusive’ Green Pass

by Doctors for Covid Ethics
October 29, 2021


Speaking at a press conference in Strasbourg on 20 October 2021, members of the European Parliament said that the fundamental rights of all EU citizens are now under threat due to mandatory vaccination and abusive use of the Digital COVID Certificate. They said:

“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been
transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments
grant or revoke as they see fit.”

Watch the press conference and read the press release here.



MEPs start gathering to defend fundamental rights of EU citizens
and oppose mandatory vaccination and the Green Certificate

Press release – Strasbourg, European Parliament – 21/10/2021


Reacting to the increased violations of basic human rights all across EU, members of the European Parliament took a common stand in defence of the fundamental rights of all EU citizens, which are under threat now due to mandatory vaccination and abusive use of the Digital COVID Certificate.

Speaking at a press conference in Strasbourg, on 20 October 2021, they also gave voice to the severe concerns of hundreds of staff members working for the European Parliament, who live under threat of losing their jobs if they do not have the Digital COVID Certificate, aka Green Certificate.

The press conference called “Defending fundamental rights by opposing the misuse of Digital Green Certificate” was addressed by four MEPs: Christine Anderson (Germany, ID), Francesca Donato (Italy, NI), Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI, HR) and Cristian Terheş (ECR, RO). These MEPs decided to give voice to millions of European citizens who are fighting all across EU for their fundamental rights.

MEP Christine Anderson, after emphasising the importance of human rights, said:

“let me say this, I am not afraid of this virus. What I am afraid of is governments abusing this or any other «crisis» for that matter, to infringe on civil rights, to revoke them or to question freedom altogether.

What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit. I call on all Europeans to stand up to any government trying to take away our freedom, civil rights and liberties!”

Lawyer and MEP Francesca Donato said that

“we have a really terrible situation in Europe today because human rights are not respected […] and all over Europe peaceful protests are violently repressed”.

Introduced as a tool to facilitate freedom of circulation, the COVID Certificate is now being used in many countries by national governments as a “compulsory” passport for every social activity, including employment – she stated – giving the example of Italy.

“And so we are forcing citizens to receive invasive and risky health treatments, because the informed consent that citizens are obliged to sign to receive the vaccines is not free: it’s an extorted consent. So, even when people have medical contraindications for receiving vaccines, they are obliged to take it. They are forced to do it because they would lose the job, would lose their fundamental rights if they don’t do it. And when these people have adverse effects, even very severe adverse effects, they don’t receive any free assistance. Even the reports of adverse effects are very rare. The data of adverse effects that we can read on papers are just underestimated.

So we have a medical issue which has turned into a democratic issue. We must all today stand for the defence of human rights in Europe, we must do it all together and we must do it now”, she concluded.

MEP Ivan Sinčić said that

“it is really sad to see freedoms, rights and rule of law endangered in Europe today. Unfortunately, in some countries you cannot keep your job without Digital Green Certificate, you cannot enter public buildings without DGC, you cannot enter a shop without DGC”.

He described the Digital Green Cert “as a license to spread and infect” that gives “a false sense of security”, since it is not protecting the person from getting or spreading the virus. The Digital Green Certificate “is completely illogical, it is not scientific and must be abandoned”, he added. Sinčić stated that he, also,

“fully support[s] the staff of European Parliament in their positions. The positions of nondiscrimination, non-segregation, the freedom to come to the workplace. This is their workplace along with us, the MEP’s”.

“My message to the staff is simple: You are not alone and fight for your rights! We are fighting along with you!”, he concluded.

MEP Cristian Terhes quoted from Art 46 of the original Digital Green Certificate regulation, which outlined the European Parliament’s desire to uphold fundamental human rights.

“Well, if we look now, a few months after this Green Certificate was imposed in the European Union, we see exactly the opposite, that all these rights that, allegedly were supposed to be protected by this regulation, are actually violated right now. People cannot work anymore and they live under the threat of losing their jobs and their livelihoods, if they don’t have this certificate. Is this the type of European Union that we want to build, that we want to accept?”, Terhes said.

Hundreds of people working for the Parliament are faced with the threat “that sooner than later, if they don’t have this Green Certificate, they will be losing their job. But they haven’t done anything wrong. This is the absurd situation. This is not fair to them, it is not fair to the citizens of this Union and it’s not fair to all of us”. For these reasons, “we are here for you and we will fight for you”, Terhes concluded.

The positions expressed publicly by these MEPs, in defence of fundamental rights, including of the staff working for the European Parliament, are shared by many others, who will join together to provide an active opposition to the constant attacks on fundamental rights caused by the misuse of the Digital COVID Certificate.


Press Office of MEP Cristian Terhes


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Behind Closed Doors: Medical Research Labs

Behind Closed Doors: Medical Research Labs

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 28, 2021


During the past two years, I’ve made comments about what goes on in research labs. The lunatic “science,” the cruelty visited on humans and animals, who are the test subjects.

My work on this goes back to the 1980s, when I was writing my first book, AIDS INC. After reading renegade and leaked literature at that time, I made the following assessment:

To prove their hypotheses about germs causing diseases, researchers will first do anything to weaken animals, so it then seems injecting them with (purported) germs is infecting them and making them sick.

This “prep work” to weaken animals includes:

Destructive genetic modification;

The injection of toxic chemicals and drugs;

The removal of the animals’ immune systems;

The injection of toxic serums composed of material taken from other animal species;

Exposing the animals to high doses of radiation;

The grafting of material on to the animals from other species;

The caging and isolation of the animals for long periods, which produces great stress and immune-system suppression;

Drilling holes in animals and attaching restraints and sensors to them and inside them;

Berating the animals, treating them as objects;

Conducting research in unsanitary and unclean facilities.

And then, finally—issuing falsified records to support lies about outcomes, in order to prove pre-destined conclusions.

The entire catalog of torture is couched and concealed in dry technical language and euphemism. Medical journals describe NOTHING about the animals’ reactions to this brutal savagery. If they did, the researchers would be exposed as rank sadists, their work would be discredited, and eventually there would be a public uproar.

As for human test subjects, perhaps you’ve heard of the radiation experiments performed on patients in US hospitals during World War 2.

Bottom line: Scientists and government officials decided they needed to know how much radiation would kill a human. After all, workers at The Manhattan Project were trying to build an atomic bomb. They were being exposed to radiation.

So “terminally ill” patients were selected. Informed consent was out of the question. The unknowing patients were secretly injected with high doses of radioactive elements. Tissue samples were taken and analyzed. As it turned out, some of the patients were not terminal. They had been misdiagnosed, or doctors knew up front that they were relatively healthy. The whole study was highly classified, and few people knew of its existence.

From the Atomic Heritage Foundation’s 2017 report, Human Radiation Experiments, here are descriptions of two of the patients:

“Ebb Cade was the first test subject. Cade was a 53-year-old African American male who worked for an Oak Ridge construction company as a cement mixer. On March 24, 1945, he was involved in an auto accident, which caused fractures in his arm and leg. Documents from the time show that he was otherwise healthy. Over the next two weeks, he was given the codename HP-12, with HP standing for Human Product [!]. Dr. Friedell wrote to Dr. Hempelmann at Los Alamos that he had found a primary subject for the plutonium experiment.”

“On April 10, 1945, Dr. Joseph Howland administered a plutonium dose of 4.7 micrograms to Cade, who was awaiting a procedure to set his bones. From 1943-1945, the maximum possible body burden (MPBB) for plutonium had been 5 micrograms, based on limits adopted for radium. Based on animal experimentation, Langham and Friedell had recently concluded that because plutonium remained in the bone for longer than radium, the MPBB should actually be set at 1 microgram. Cade’s dose was nearly five times that limit.”

“Cade was not treated for his arm and leg injuries until April 15, five days after the injection, so that the doctors would be able to biopsy his bone samples. This included extracting 15 of his teeth, which were subsequently shipped to Wright Langham at Los Alamos. It is unclear if Cade suffered from legitimate tooth decay. Shortly after his bones had been set, Cade suddenly discharged himself from the hospital. He moved out of Tennessee and died of heart failure on April 13, 1953, 8 years after the Oak Ridge injection.”

“Another questionable case was CAL-2, a four-year old boy named Simeon Shaw suffering from terminal bone cancer. He was flown with his mother to the UCSF hospital in a US military plane from Australia, apparently under the advisement of a physician in Australia. He arrived in California in April 1946 and was admitted to the hospital. For some time, he was separated [from] his mother, who was only allowed visits periodically. Simeon received a plutonium injection at UCSF under the oversight of Joseph Hamilton and was discharged from the hospital within a month. The Shaws returned to Australia and no follow-ups were ever conducted. Simeon died eight months later.”

“The physicians involved [in the entire project] knew that the procedures had no therapeutic benefits and would be detrimental in the long run if the patients lived. Human experimentation was justified by the claim that the patients were terminally ill; however, this was not true in all cases. Repeated errors in diagnosis, procedure, documentation, and research were made, ultimately calling into question the efficacy of the experiments themselves.”

The doctors and bureaucrats didn’t even have the ethics or common sense to make their reports usable.

Nothing has changed. The COVID vaccines are injuring and killing huge numbers of people all over the world—and governments and media insist on covering up and twisting the facts about the largest grand experiment in human history.

From government leaders in scores of countries, down to decrepit pundits like Noam Chomsky, the word is out: the unvaccinated are lepers and must be isolated from the rest of society.

But sometimes the test subjects rebel and break out of their cages. When they do, they aren’t good little boys and girls.

Then they’re called insurrectionists and terrorists. But the truth is much simpler.

Living beings don’t like to be tortured.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Tama66 / pixabay

Children’s Health Defense Joins Citizens for ‘Worldwide Walkout!’ on November 3 to Demand a Return to Freedom and Democratic Principles

Children’s Health Defense Joins Citizens for ‘Worldwide Walkout!’ on November 3 to Demand a Return to Freedom and Democratic Principles

by Children’s Health Defense
October 27, 2021


People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach.

We have been battered during the epidemic for the last 1.5 years. And now our jobs, livelihoods, education for our children and way of life are being threatened because we refuse to take a government and employer-mandated injection.

Religious and medical exemptions are being rejected, but that is a false choice anyway. Since when does anyone need an exemption to exercise their personal right to reject a foreign substance being injected into their body by the government?

Americans and the world need to stand up, walk out and just say NO.

Children’s Health Defense is encouraging regularly scheduled walkouts where citizens ban together as a powerful voting block to apply pressure.

Children’s Health Defense and our State and International Chapters are joining citizens and organizations from all over the world to come together for a WORLDWIDE WALKOUT on November 3rd.

“No government in history has ever surrendered power in the absence of a demand,” said Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD Board Chair and Lead Counsel. “We need to tell these governments and their friends in the technocracy, the Silicon Valley billionaire boys club, the mainstream media, and the pharmaceutical industry that we will no longer tolerate their trampling of our rights.”

WORLDWIDE WALKOUT is a call for a global shut down to stop business as usual, protesting these unlawful mandates and to celebrate human rights.

Citizens around the world will be asked to unify for freedom and commit acts of civil disobedience to make their point: no masks, no vaccines, no testing. No coercion. No mandates.

“Coercive mandates of shoddily tested medical products and segregationist passports violate international human rights law,” said CHD President and General Counsel Mary Holland. “We need brave citizens to peacefully refuse to comply with unlawful and unethical edicts that for the past year and a half have been allowed to trump individual rights and freedoms. Those days are over. There will be no business as usual until segregationist and coercive medical policies advanced by government authorities end once and for all.”

The potential headlines: thousands of towns in America and around the world come to a stand still while doctors, nurses, educators, first responders, police officers, firemen all walk out for freedom.

Where will this take place? Community organizers are planning mass gatherings of people in peaceful noncompliance to take place in high-exposure areas in many cities and states. Check back here for locations and details. If you’re not seeing one for your area, reach out to others in your community to plan an event. Pick a place that is easy to get to and can be seen by many.

Encourage everyone you know to join in. Tell them to refuse to show up for work, take a sick day and pull their kids from school. Ban together to work with as many groups in your community concerned with freedom and our right to choose what goes on and in our bodies.

Share this video message from the Chairman of Children’s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to encourage everyone you know to participate.

Never has there been a more important time to fight back and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach.

Be a defender of truth, freedom and health. Join us on November 3rd for the WORLDWIDE WALKOUT.


Link to Worldwide Walkout Nov. 3rd  locations and updates.


Follow Children’s Health Defense on Telegram

©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: fotshot / pixabay

Scientist Whose Wife Was Injured by COVID Vaccine Tells FDA: ‘Please Do Not Give This to Kids’

Scientist Whose Wife Was Injured by COVID Vaccine Tells FDA: ‘Please Do Not Give This to Kids’
Brian Dressen, Ph.D., who is a chemist with an extensive background in researching and assessing the degree of efficacy in new technologies, told the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Pfizer’s vaccine “failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.” 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
October 27, 2021



The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) advisory committee on Tuesday endorsed Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for children ages 5 to 11, despite strong objections raised during the meeting by multiple scientists and physicians.

Brian Dressen, Ph.D., is one of the scientists who testified during the 8-hour hearing.

Dressen is also the husband of Brianne Dressen, who developed a severe neurological injury during the Utah-based portion of the U.S. AstraZeneca COVID vaccine trial in 2020. After being injured by the first dose, Brianne withdrew from the trial.

During his 3-minute testimony, Dressen, a chemist with an extensive background in researching and assessing the degree of efficacy in new technologies, told the FDA advisory panel Pfizer’s vaccine “failed any reasonable risk-benefit calculus in connection with children.”

Dressen said:

“Your decision is being rushed, based on incomplete data from underpowered trials, insufficient to predict rates of severe and long-lasting adverse reactions. I urge the committee to reject the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] modification and direct Pfizer to perform trials that will decisively demonstrate that the benefits outweigh the risks for children. I understand firsthand the impact that you will or will not have with the decision you’re going to make today.”

Dressen told the FDA how his wife was severely injured last November by a single dose of a COVID vaccine administered during a clinical trial. He said:

“Because study protocol requires two doses, she was dropped from the trial, and her access to the study app deleted. Her reaction is not described in the recently released clinical trial report — 266 participants are described as having an adverse event leading to discontinuation, with 56 neurological reactions tallied.”

He said he and his wife have since met participants from other vaccination trials — including Pfizer’s trial for 12- to 15-year-olds — who suffered similar reactions and fate.

Dressen said:

“Injured support groups are growing. Memberships number into at least the tens of thousands. We must do better. Those injured in a trial are a critical piece of vaccine safety data. They are being tossed aside and forgotten. The FDA has known first-hand about her case and thousands of others. The FDA has also stated that their own systems are not identifying this issue and that VAERS is not designed to identify any multi-symptom signals. The system is broken.”

Dressen said his family’s lives have changed forever. “The clinical trials are not appropriately evaluating the data,” he said. “The FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the drug companies continue to deflect the persistent and repeated cries for help and acknowledgment, leaving the injured as collateral damage.”

He added:

“Until we appropriately care for those already injured, acknowledge the full scope of injuries that are happening to adults, please do not give this to kids. You have a very clear responsibility to appropriately assess the risks and benefits to these vaccines. It is obvious that isn’t happening.

“The suffering of thousands continues to repeatedly fall on deaf ears at the FDA. Each of you hold a significant responsibility today and know that without a doubt, when you approve this for the 5-11-year old’s, you are signing innocent kids and uninformed parents to a fate that will undoubtedly rob some of them of their life.”

Read the full article at Children’s Health Defense


©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

cover image credit: sippakorn / pixabay

Australians Push Back as Insane Tyrants Continue Their Attempt to Destroy All Freedom

Australians Push Back as Insane Tyrants Continue Their Attempt to Destroy All Freedom

by NelleusContributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
October 27, 2021


It’s hard to keep up with all that’s happening throughout Australia. Governments continue their push for total control  of every aspect of our lives.  At the same time, large numbers of Australians are waking up, standing up and speaking out against this assault on their freedom.

image credit: screenshot from Rebel News video report

Most know by now that the Victorian government has made vaccination mandatory for “authorized workers“.  Read  Victoria’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for authorised workers explained.

A similar situation is unfolding in Western Australia: Mark McGowan says WA’s vaccine mandate is ‘absolutely necessary’ and ‘the right decision to keep people safe’

Woolworths and Coles supermarket chains have announced mandatory vaccination for all staff. They will sack employees who fail to comply.

Police in Victoria are making the news because more than 40 police were recently stood down from duty for failure to get the jab.

I haven’t been able to find information related to Australian Federal Police and vaccine mandates. The fact that it’s so hard to find makes me suspicious.

Australia’s bureaucrats have created a “special” list of people who don’t have to obey the “no jab, no job” rule.

We can confirm that among the exempt from mandatory vaccination are security guards and lawyers — all of whom have more physical contact with the public, by far, than the average citizen. Criminal lawyers not only interact with the public and courts regularly but also visit clients in jail. Yet they are exempt and the average person is not.

Then there is the exemption for court staff who have contact with all the people entering the courts each day.

This is “the elephant in the room” that no politician, nor any person enforcing these mandates on others, is prepared to address. Why aren’t they asking? Is it not  bleeding obvious? We would all love to hear Daniel Andrews’ rationale and reasoning behind this. 

As if to prove there is no limit to this tyrannical insanity, Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews announced that people who are “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19 will only remain as such if they agree to receive all existing and future booster shots. See the article Daniel Andrews gives Vaccine Mandate EXEMPTIONS, but only for his mates by The Expose:

Many of us have wondered why the state of Victoria seems to be leading the way along the path to total tyranny.  However, after learning that Victoria has been sold out to the globalist Strong Cities Network and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the dots are starting to connect. Melbourne is the only city in Australia that has this “strong cities” classification. (Somehow the whole state of Victoria is included on the strong cities list.) [6/10/2023 update: Strong Cities website link for Victoria has been deleted. It had been found at: https://strongcitiesnetwork.org/en/city/victoria-australia/]

Is this a clue as to why Victoria is experiencing a “special treatment” — a faster transformation than the rest of Australia into a full police state?

See Has Australia’s State of Victoria Sold Out to the Soros-Backed Strong Cities Network (SCN) with PRIVATISED POLICE? by Constitution Watch.

More globalist control madness is hitting Australians in the form of drafted legislation which will force a Digital Identity onto all Australians by the end of 2021.

Meanwhile, Victorian Police are no longer reserving their bash and assault operations just for protestors. They are now attacking ordinary citizens who are just going about their everyday business (who the police suspect may be committing a crime because they are, “God forbid”, sitting on a park bench). The crime here, which resulted in a woman being pinned to the ground by police, was that she did not want to give her name and address. See
Avi Yemini steps in for woman violently arrested in Melbourne,

image credit: screenshot from Rebel News video report

Division by Tyrannical Design — The Vaxxed vs the Unvaxxed — (Hunger Games Revisited?) 

A particularly important aspect and intention of this government psyop is to divide the population into two camps, the unvaccinated versus vaccinated, where the vaccinated attack the unvaccinated.

Image credit: screenshot from Real Rukshan video report.

We get a glimpse of that dynamic at the recent peaceful protest in St. Kilda, Victoria — an inner seaside suburb of Melbourne.  As some protestors walk together through the streets, others picnicked on blankets outside of restaurants where they are not allowed inside unless they are vaccinated.

In the video of this event by Real Rukshan —  at 00:45 timestamp — the camera pans to an outdoor café area beneath the Woolworths Supermarket sign. A presumably “vaxxed” man leans over his segregated eating area to yell at the passing protestors. When approached by police, he makes a hasty and cowardly retreat back to his chair behind the safety of the awning.

When caught up in the division psyop, people appear to share a common trait — a belief that they are entitled to verbally denigrate, insult and attack anyone who dares to hold a different opinion to theirs. Another common trait I’m observing in these “righteous souls” is COWARDICE.

In the video below, reporter Avi Yemini of Rebel News is covering a protest on Oct. 22nd, attended primarily by nurses and teachers.  He is filming on Spring St., opposite Parliament House in Melbourne’s Central Business District. As he passes a segregated outdoor dining area, a man yells insults at him. As Avi approaches the man to give him a chance to express his views to a wider audience, the man becomes very aggressive and hostile. Of course, those in support of medical tyranny have reported that the irate man is the victim in this situation.

Taking a Stand Against These Crimes Against Humanity

Australians are rising and pushing back in greater numbers every day. There are many examples, including lawsuits, protests and individuals standing up to employers and bureaucrats. Here are just a few examples:

Police Officer Challenges Government’s Vaccination Policy

“Senior Constable Belinda Hocroft, who is attached to the Dog and Mounted Police unit, has filed civil proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW against the health minister seeking a declaration that the government does not have the power to pass orders which essentially coerce people into being vaccinated.”

Australia’s ‘Advocate Me’ Pushes Back Against New World Order and Digital ID.

“So if it’s public consultation they want, let’s give it to them. We have under a week to do it, but it is critical we do, because this legislation is a further attempt to remove our sovereignty as they are doing with our bodily autonomy through forced vaccination. Again, it is up to us to say NO!”

Four members SUSPENDED from Parliament over vaccine passport — That’s 10% of the chamber…

Brisbane rallies against the ‘health tyranny’

“On the 16th of October, thousands marched through the streets of Brisbane in a “stand against tyranny”.

Chants echoed through the streets, bringing the city to a standstill for an hour and a half. This crowd had a lot to say and had one dominant message of ‘freedom’.”


Nelleus is an independent reporter, dedicated to freedom, and committed to revealing the truth about unfolding events in Australia, .

“There is no compromise, we will always stand with you for the truth.”

Nelleus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


cover image credit: screenshot from Rebel News video report

California Father & Daughter Stand Against Medical Tyranny: “All of You Have the Power…to Stand Up and to Be the Voice When You Think You Don’t.”

California Father & Daughter Stand Against Medical Tyranny: “All of You Have the Power…to Stand Up and to Be the Voice When You Think You Don’t.”
Redding, CA father, inspired by daughter, speaks strongly from the heart at local meeting with the board of supervisors.


[For background on this story, see article at Global Research.]

His 11-Yr-Old Daughter Inspired Him to Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates…and When He Did,
His Comments Went Viral

by 100PercentFedUp
October 21, 2021

Video available at 100PercentFedUp Rumble channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Transcript  prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Emma Watson

I don’t know a lot about what’s going on but I know enough that, you know, we need to fight for our rights.


Josh Watson

Her name is Emma. My name is Josh Watkins. And I am up here because she had the courage to say that she wanted to say something.
And — I’ve alternated in the last year between anger and sadness.
I hated politics growing up. I hated my parents talking about and I wouldn’t even watch the news. That’s changed a lot in the last couple years.
I’m up here today because I am a health care worker. I’ve been in my profession for almost 20 years.
None of you probably know what I do. I run the heart-lung bypass machine open heart surgery.
There’s two of us in this town. We are both in this room today.
When we can’t show up for work, the hospital goes on diversion — which means that the ER can’t take critical patients and helicopters fly right over us.
Neither one of us are getting this vaccine. Neither one of us are willing to take that — because we know what’s… at stake for freedoms past that.
I’ve alternated between: ‘Should I just keep providing for my family? should I take the job and just keep getting my paycheck? I’ll take it for the team. If I die at least they’ll get provision for as long as it takes — until I may or may not have symptoms.’
But then I’m like: ‘No, that can’t happen because if I fold here I don’t know what’s going to happen.’
I’m here because the board of supervisors is failing…Patrick.
I’m closely related to the recall. I supported 100 percent.
If I don’t show up for my job, as I just explained to you, people die.
On Saturday night at 10:00 PM I got a page. I did not want to go to work. Somebody was having a very critical problem. They were dying. I worked until 6:00 AM the next day. If I had not have showed up there would be nobody to do my job.
These guys can’t… and I’m sorry your jobs are not as important as mine.
I’m not here for recognition. You’ll never remember what a perfusionist is after this — maybe you will. I don’t like being in front. I do like supporting. I’m really good at supporting.
My encouragement is that all of you have the power that I’m talking about to stand up and to be the voice when you think you don’t.
You’re more valuable than you think you are. And the team that I work with at both hospitals in this town feel very strongly and very similar.
And if this mandate goes through and these people don’t show up for work, people are going to start dying for other reasons. And it’s because there’s gonna be nobody take care of them.



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cover image credit:  screenshots from 100PercentFedUp video

Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One – Declaration of Sovereignty: “This Will Not End Until We Decide It Ends. We Must Make Governing This Country Impossible. We Must Bring It to a Standstill.”

Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One – Declaration of Sovereignty: “This Will Not End Until We Decide It Ends. We Must Make Governing This Country Impossible. We Must Bring It to a Standstill.”

by Riccardo Bosi, Australia One
October 25, 2021


Video available at AustraliaOne Rumble channel.

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Riccardo Bose, national leader of Australia One. Today is Monday the 25th of October, 2021.

And today I was required to appear before the magistrates court of South Australia on a charge for refusing to comply with the directions for you to wear a mask — which happened on the 10th of April when I visited Adelaide. I arrived at Adelaide airport without a mask and I was charged $1000 for the pleasure.

Today was the magistrate’s hearing. It was done by telephone since I am in Sydney. The magistrate asked me what I wanted to do. I told him that I would be reading a prepared statement. It would be recorded and then I would hang up.

I started reading the statement — which you will hear shortly and has been distributed.

At a couple of points during the statement the magistrate attempted to speak but I continued making my statemen, and eventually he hung up. I continued reading this statement until its conclusion.

So, thank you very much for your time. Please enjoy. Note that the first couple of seconds weren’t recorded, so you’ll come in shortly after I actually began. We’ll see you at the end.

I seek no determination of guilt nor innocence from you.
I seek nothing from you because you have nothing to bestow upon me.
I acknowledge no claim to any authority you might make.
You have no standing.
You are at worst a traitor and at best an imbecile — the truth of which will be determined in due course when you’ll experience the law from the other side of the bar table at the hands of the people.
But you will not be alone. Your learned friends, even from the highest places, will also be obliged to answer for their words and their deeds.
None shall escape judgment and the guilty shall not escape punishment. We know not yet whether you have sworn secret oaths. We know not yet whether you have committed other crimes. But soon we will know all these things and more.
Because there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. Nothing.
But it matters little whether or not you are guilty in law because, at the very least, you have, by your craven obsequiousness, facilitated the brutal destruction of countless innocent people.
There’s no defense against this moral charge that will stand. Your blind and soulless obedience to your masters — who have visited upon the Australian people the most egregious perversions of decency and depravity — disqualifies you from any further role in the governance of this nation.
You and the entire profession of the law have forfeited any rights to my esteem, my deference and my obedience. I will not submit myself to any man or woman, nor any class of man or woman, who by their action and inaction have eschewed plain decency and good sense, and instead, contributed to the most barbaric and purely evil betrayal of the people of the world.
By what authority do I speak these words? By the authority that I’m a sovereign being.
My life is my life.
My liberty is my liberty.
My property is my property.
And so long as I do not do injury to another’s life, liberty and property, none may interfere with mine.
I am my own authority.
And you will submit to me just as you will submit to other millions of sovereign Australians. We are the only source of local authority in this land.
Now before I dismiss you, there is one final issue to be addressed. Only six days remain for you to join with the people against the tyranny of which you are a part.
If you do not, may God have mercy on your soul in the next life, because we, the people, will have no mercy on the guilty in this one.
Consider this carefully.
Now, for the time being at least, I’m done with you, should be gone.
But I noticed that the magistrate departed. He hung up halfway through. Makes no difference.
Ladies and gentleman, this is what must be done to bring our country to a halt.
This will not end until we decide it ends.
We must make governing this country impossible. We must bring it to a standstill.
We will not risk life and limb, but we will stop the powers that be from exercising any control over this nation.
The reckoning is coming, but you must make it happen.
You must stand together.
You must bring the country to a halt.

This is Riccardo Bosi, national leader of Australia One. Thank you for your time.


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CHD to Sue FDA for ‘Recklessly Endangering’ Children if Agency Authorizes Pfizer Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years Old

CHD to Sue FDA for ‘Recklessly Endangering’ Children if Agency Authorizes Pfizer Vaccine for Children 5 to 11 Years Old
An advisory committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration will meet Tuesday to consider emergency authorization of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for young children. In a letter to the FDA, Children’s Health Defense outlines why such a move would be reckless. 

by Children’s Health Defense Team
October 25, 2021


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) today said it will take legal action against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) if the agency grants Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer-BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for children aged 5-11.

In a letter signed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., CHD chairman and chief legal counsel, and Dr. Meryl Nass, CHD board member, Kennedy and Nass wrote:

“CHD will seek to hold you accountable for recklessly endangering this population with a product that has little efficacy but which may put them, without warning, at risk of many adverse health consequences, including heart damage, stroke, and other thrombotic events and reproductive harms.”

The letter was addressed to Dr. Arnold Monto, chairman of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), committee members and all FDA staff.

VRBPAC members are set to meet Tuesday to consider and likely vote on whether to grant EUA for the Pfizer vaccine for 5- to 11-year olds.

In May, the FDA authorized Pfizer’s vaccine for 12- to 15-year-oldsModerna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines have not yet been authorized for children under 18.

The letter outlines 12 reasons the FDA should not authorize the pediatric vaccine and provides supporting evidence to back up each argument.

Read the letter:

Dear Chairman Monto, VRBPAC Members and FDA Staff:

We write to you on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), a non-profit organization devoted to the health of people and the planet. We have actively followed your work to evaluate, authorize and approve vaccines for the American public and particularly children.

We are aware that you are likely to authorize Pfizer’s BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine for children aged 5-11 at your meeting on Oct. 26. Your authorization thus will expose over 20 million children in the U.S., and millions more around the world, to potential COVID-19 vaccination of an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) product.

We are writing to put you on notice that should you grant EUA status to this pediatric EUA vaccine, CHD is poised to take legal action against you and other Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voting members as well as the FDA.

CHD will seek to hold you accountable for recklessly endangering this population with a product that has little efficacy but which may put them, without warning, at risk of many adverse health consequences, including heart damage, stroke and other thrombotic events and reproductive harms.

We briefly outline why such authorization would be reckless:

1. The risks demonstrably outweigh the benefits of COVID vaccination for young children. Deaths and hospitalizations are rare and have been inflated inaccurately.

2. Nearly half of all children have natural immunity to COVID, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no ethical justification for superfluous vaccination that will put children at elevated risk of vaccine harm.

3. Some children likely will die or be permanently injured from these vaccines based on the authorization for children 12-16.

4. The clinical trials for the pediatric vaccine were too small to detect safety signals for a population in the millions.

5. There are no long-term safety data for COVID vaccination of young children, making this an experiment rather than appropriate medical prevention.

6. Unethical coercive pressure will be applied to children and their parents, as has occurred with older children and adults. To grant authorization is to abet this unethical coercion that violates the Nuremberg Code’s first principle.

7. There is no available care for children injured by COVID shots. The science and medicine have not yet developed, and most families will be unable to cover the costs of potential catastrophic injuries.

8. VRBPAC members should not participate in an exercise disguising a foregone conclusion. The president’s purchase of 65 million pediatric doses, the CDC guidance for COVID vaccine delivery, the American Academy of Pediatrics’s promotion of COVID vaccination for children all call into question whether this committee’s deliberations mean anything.

If the administration is unprepared to wait for your advice, let alone heed it, you should signify your disapproval on behalf of the country the FDA is meant to protect.

9. First, do no harm. You are physicians who owe a duty to patients and medical ethics. If you authorize these shots, given all you know, will you be upholding your oath? If not, is it possible that your acts could later be seen as reason to remove your medical licenses?

10. The liability-free nature of your deliberations may not stand the test of time. In the fullness of time, your decisions may not have the liability protection that they currently enjoy. Under the PREP Act of 2005, all actors advancing an EUA agenda for medical countermeasures enjoy liability protection, absent willful misconduct.

Nonetheless, if at a later point these shots are deemed non-therapeutic gene products that you knowingly and recklessly authorized, and which were then distributed to children as a direct result of your decision, it is possible that liability could later attach.

11. There is no COVID emergency for children of this age.

12. There are safer drugs that could be used prophylactically and therapeutically for COVID in children. There is extensive and compelling medical evidence for this assertion — and the choice to eschew use of these drugs in favor of a demonstrably dangerous vaccine is arbitrary and capricious.

We ask that you carefully consider all the information above before making any recommendation to authorize Pfizer’s vaccine in the 5 through 11 year age group at your meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26.

Sincerely yours,

Read the full article at Children’s Health Defense


©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense 

cover image credit: KlausHausmann / pixabay

Australian ‘National Treasure’ Cartoonist Loses Job After Comparing Vaccine Mandates to Tiananmen Square Crackdown

Australian ‘National Treasure’ Cartoonist Loses Job After Comparing Vaccine Mandates to Tiananmen Square Crackdown

by RT
October 25, 2021


A renowned Australian cartoonist has said he lost his prime spot in a Melbourne-based newspaper after he drew parallels between the Tiananmen Square protests and Covid-19 vaccine mandates in a new cartoon.

Cartoonist Michael Leunig, sometimes referred to as Australia’s “living national treasure,” has revealed that he was forced out of his position on the editorial page of The Age daily newspaper after publishing a political cartoon criticizing the government’s push for mandatory vaccination.

Speaking to The Australian on Monday, Leunig said that while the editorial team has censored about a dozen of his works this year, the last straw appeared to be an anti-mandate cartoon which was a play on the iconic ‘tank man’ photo. Leunig’s cartoon shows a man staring down a tank, with its main gun being replaced by a syringe.

The original photo depicts a lone Chinese protester standing before a line of tanks during the 1989 pro-democracy protests at Tiananmen Square.

While his cartoon was rejected by The Age, Leunig published the drawing on Instagram, triggering backlash from the proponents of vaccine mandates.

Shortly after the controversy erupted, Leuning, who worked at the newspaper for over 20 years, was told that his services as a political cartoonist were no longer needed. The Age’s editor, Gay Alcorn, reportedly told the artist that he was “out of touch” with readers before notifying him of his dismissal. While Alcorn praised Leuning as “brilliant” in a comment to The Australian, he confirmed that his works would no longer appear on the editorial page. The newspaper still plans to commision lifestyle cartoons from Leuning, however.

Leuning accused the newspaper of “wokeism and humorlessness,” defending the cartoon as an accurate reflection of the times.

“The Tiananmen Square image is often used in cartoons around the world as a Charlie Chaplin-like metaphor for overwhelming force meeting the innocent powerless individual. In my view, it is a fair enough issue to raise in the most locked-down city in the world,” the cartoonist said, referring to Melbourne, which set a record for the longest cumulative Covid-19 lockdown after shutting down for 262 days.

Read more at RT


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Worldwide Mandate & Passport Protests – This Is Where It Leads

Worldwide Mandate & Passport Protests – This Is Where It Leads

by Russell Brand
October 23, 2021


Video available at Russell Brand Rumble channel.

In numerous countries thousands upon thousands of people have been protesting vaccine mandates and passports…
#COVID #VaccinePassports #Protests #Mandate #VaccineMandate #Vaccine


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People of Faith and the COVID Vaccine

People of Faith and the COVID Vaccine 
Refusing the COVID vaccine should be a personal mandate
Vaccines, live infants, and fetal tissue research: shedding light on the darkness 

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 25, 2021


“Well, I mean, sure, maybe some of the research behind the COVID vaccine involved aborted fetuses, but that was a long time ago, and really, I can’t think about that, I need to take the vaccine to protect myself, and besides, abortion is legal…”

Read on.

Today, I’m featuring the work of journalist Monica Seeley, and her stunning article“Exploring the dark world of vaccines and fetal tissue research, Part 1,” published at catholicworldreport.com.

Seeley had considerable help, as she details, from investigative reporter, Pamela Acker. Acker has weathered attacks from several quarters—including critics within the Catholic Church structure.

She has stood firm, and deserves high praise for her seminal work on fetal tissue research, vaccines, and medical murder.

It turns out that much of the best analysis of fetal tissue research, medical abortions, vaccines, and the medical killing of infants comes from writers publishing at independent Catholic outlets. Just to mention one website—Children of God For Life.

These writers and their publishers obviously take their faith seriously. They’re not bent on compromise or adjustment to trends of the times. Unlike the Vatican hierarchy, they have no qualms about exposing deep medical crimes.

I’m going to quote from Monica Seeley’s article and add my own comments along the way. I strongly urge you to read her whole piece.

You should understand that researchers who extract tissue and organs from aborted fetuses are using those parts for the development of drugs and vaccines—including the COVID vaccine.

Abortion is a religious issue of conscience for many people. When the fetus is extracted alive, from the mother’s womb, then murdered in the process of removing his/her organs, the crime is so horrific that people who have very little conscience at all should be shocked to the core.

Since these crimes form a significant part of the research-basis for many vaccines, refusing the vaccines as a matter of conscience and conviction should be a personal decision for ANYONE.

And now, to Monica Seeley’s article. She reveals these medical crimes stretch back in time:

“…newspapers reported matter of factly on fetal vivisection, as in this article from the San Francisco Chronicle, April 19, 1973, entitled ‘Operations on Live Fetuses’:”

“’Dr. Jerald Gaull in periodic trips to Finland injects a radioactive chemical into the fragile umbilical cords of fetuses freshly removed from their mothers’ wombs in abortions. The fetus in each case is far too young to survive, but in the brief period that its heart is still beating, Gaull, chief of pediatrics research at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Mental Retardation on Staten Island—then operates to remove its brain, lung, liver and kidneys for study’.”

In other words, Gaull tortures and murders the infant. But of course, the Chronicle article doesn’t explore this fact. It’s all “medical,” you see. So it must make sense. Somehow.

Seeley: “A 1976 report by drug manufacturer Batelle-Columbus Laboratories acknowledged the role of live fetal research in four medical advances: amniocentesis, respiratory distress syndrome, and, significantly for this article, the rubella and Rh vaccines: ‘It is apparent from a study of the development of the four selected cases… that research on living human fetuses played a significant role in each.’ The report recommended against restrictions on such research.”

The term “living human fetuses” doesn’t register with many people. And they certainly don’t realize these infants have been taken alive, from their mother’s womb, and then stripped of their body parts for research—killing them. Or if death is not immediate result, the murder is committed by cutting out their hearts or vacuuming their brains from their skulls.

Again, the ensuing research contributes to the development of vaccines and drugs—including the COVID vaccines (as I’ve covered in previous articles).

Seeley: “…seeing a report on cardiac stem cell research in which human fetal hearts were hooked up to a Lagendorff assembly—which can keep a heart beating artificially outside the body—I did not at first realize that these hearts must come from live subjects.”

Yes. The report, on first reading, comes across as neutral and technical and medical. But then—WHAT? The heart was taken from the infant while he/she was ALIVE. —Aborted, alive, then killed by taking the beating heart.

Seeley: “A 1988 article in the Hastings Journal assumed that tissue removal from live, nonviable fetuses was already taking place:”

“[The Hastings Journal:] ’Perhaps the most pertinent federal restriction is the ban on research of any kind on a live nonviable fetus ex utero that would prematurely terminate the fetus’ life. This ban may be significant because the procedure required for removing fetal brain tissue transplantation would hasten the death of a live fetus. Thus, if a similar restriction were imposed on fetal tissue transplants, it would prohibit the removal of fetal brain tissue and, potentially, other types of tissue, from live nonviable fetuses’.”

The above quote is crucial. By non-viable, the article means a live fetus removed from the womb that will die very soon. In that short span of life remaining, researchers want to be able to torture the infant in many ways, by cutting out parts of the body, killing him/her. And don’t assume that a 1988 ban on this “research” stopped what was happening and still happens in closed labs.

Given the (planned) ignorance on the part of the public, people will say, “But we need all this vital medical research so our doctors can treat us…”

To reply, I’ll cite one study out of several I have written about many times in these pages:

Author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, a respected and revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”; Journal of the American Medical Association, July 26, 2000:

Starfield concludes that, every year in the US, the medical system kills 225,000 people. 106,000 as a result of the administration of medical drugs, and 119,000 from medical errors and mistreatment in hospitals.

That adds up to 2.25 million deaths per decade.

When I interviewed Dr. Starfield, she said her estimate of deaths was conservative, and succeeding studies put the number higher.

Her shocking finding becomes more understandable, when we realize a significant amount of underlying medical research comes from professionals who murder infants.

Why would we expect the work of these people to be useful and valuable?

Why would we expect their drugs and vaccines to be safe?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: rainhard2 / pixabay

Millions Worldwide Push Back Against Tyranny & Stand for Freedom: “We Do Not Consent. We Will Not Comply.” 

Millions Worldwide Push Back Against Tyranny & Stand for Freedom: “We Do Not Consent. We Will Not Comply.”


Millions around the world are standing up and speaking out against global medical tyranny. The selection below is just a small sampling of recent events. The first two videos are compilations by Hugo Talks and Tim Truth. Others are short clips from a variety of video channels around the world.


Compilations: Australia, France, Ireland, Italy, Switzerland & USA

by Hugo Talks

Massive Worldwide Freedom Rally Compilation: France, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, USA & MORE

by Tim Truth

Edinburgh Taking Covid Red Pills Straight Into The Heart Of The Shopping District 

by Aussie Fighter


by Free Speech Warrior


Austria: COVID-sceptics rally in Vienna as govt plans 3G rule for workplaces – 23.10.2021

clip from Ruptly footage shared by demonstration.live


LIVE: Paris / France – Yellow vests gather for new round of anti-govt protests – 23.10.2021

clip from Ruptly footage shared by demonstration.live



by Hugo Talks



by Free Speech Warrior

Hold the Line, Italy -Oct 24 2021

by CreativeWorks

Over 16% of the Italian workforce is now face being unemployed and banned from working unless they take the vaccine. Many will not comply with this criminal medical tyranny and are taking a stand.


Ljubljana Slovenia – anti-vaccination protest in front of the parliament – 20.10.2021

video clip shared by demonstration.live

United States

Americans are FIGHTING BACK and SAYING NO to vaccine mandates.

by Petits de Christ

“THAT’S the America I know. … THAT’s the America that’s going to preserve a republic for our kids and grandkids worth passing down to them.”


cover image credit:  screenshot from Ruptly coverage of protest in France


Italian Judge Slams ‘Green Pass’ and Calls for New Nuremberg Trials: “The Sovereign People Demand Justice for All the Deaths…for Our Children and for Our Suffering.”

Italian Judge Slams ‘Green Pass’ and Calls for New Nuremberg Trials: “The Sovereign People Demand Justice for All the Deaths…for Our Children and for Our Suffering.”



Judge Demands Elites Face New Round of Nuremberg Trials – Slams Experimental ‘Vaccine’

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
October 22, 2021


“Today the sovereign people demand justice for all the deaths that they have caused, for deprivations, for our children and for our suffering.” – Angelo Giorgianni


Several days ago, at a freedom rally in Italy, a former magistrate in Rome, Angelo Giorgianni, took to the stage to condemn the government’s handling of the coronavirus. The judge slammed the country’s “Green Pass” and called for a new round of Nuremberg trials against the current ruling class. Furthermore, he called the government’s mRNA experimental injection mandates “crimes against humanity.”

Judge Giorgianni was the section president of the Messina Court of Appeal, co-author of the book “State massacre – The hidden truths of Covid-19”. The judge decided to leave the judiciary stating that he would rather resign from the judiciary than limit his ability to speak freely:

My freedom of expression has been limited…If the fact of wearing the toga must limit me to expressing my opinion on the legitimacy of acts or measures, or worse still to report criminally relevant facts, even if they concern representatives of institutions, so I prefer to leave the toga.

While speaking with reporters, the judge explained that he had previous vaccines but would not take this one. He continued,

There is an important battle at stake because there are those who want to limit our freedom of thought and impose their own vision. I could not remain a magistrate because I want to be able to speak freely against this part of the state that wants to impose its ideas on us. I am a person of my word, I said I would resign and I did.

Giorgianni demands that the Elites who have harmed the public in the name of protecting people from coroanvirus be tried in a “new Nuremberg,”

Today the sovereign people have given an eviction notice to those who illegally occupy the palaces of power. Today the sovereign people demand justice for all the deaths that they have caused, for deprivations, for our children and for our suffering. And we want them to be tried in a new Nuremberg!

The Nuremberg Code is a set of research ethics and principles that resulted from the prosecution of Nazis after World War II due to their forced medical experimentation on Jews and others whom the Nazis defined as less than human. USA Today explains,

Trials aimed at holding Nazis accountable for the Holocaust were held in Nuremberg, Germany, between 1945 and 1949. There were 13 proceedings, one of which was the Doctors’ Trial, which began in December 1946.

Twenty-three doctors and administrators were charged with committing war crimes and crimes against humanity for killing concentration camp inmates and conducting forced medical experiments on them, according to Harvard Law School’s Nuremberg Trials Project. Seven defendants were sentenced to death, nine were sentenced to prison and seven were acquitted.

The Nuremberg Code was borne out of that trial. Its core tenets provide clearer guidance on the rights of human subjects in scientific research.

Read the Nuremberg Code here.

Western governments are guilty of forcing people to take experimental mRNA shots that have not undergone proper clinical trials. In addition, physicians seem to have violated the standards they must conform to when carrying out experiments on human subjects.


Connect with RAIR Foundation

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: “Canada Now Has Medical Apartheid…Did We Learn Nothing From History?”

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: “Canada Now Has Medical Apartheid…Did We Learn Nothing From History?”


Justice Matters with John Carpay: Medical Apartheid

by John Carpay, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
October 22, 2021


Canada now has medical apartheid. The vaccinated and unvaccinated are now legally segregated. Unvaccinated Canadians are second class citizens denied their civil liberties, human rights and Charter freedoms. Did we learn nothing from history?


Video available at JusticeCentre Rumble channel.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

American Workers Defy Vaccine Mandates

American Workers Defy Vaccine Mandates

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 22, 2021


Video available at The HighWire Rumble and Brighteon channels.


Connect with The HighWire

New York City Workers Anti-Mandate March — Monday, Oct 25 — Over the Brooklyn Bridge


Monday, Oct 25, 11:30am March Over Brooklyn Bridge




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cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

Tens of Thousands in Bern, Switzerland Reject Vaccine Passports, Mandates

Tens of Thousands in Bern, Switzerland Reject Vaccine Passports, Mandates

by 21st Century Wire
October 23, 2021


Recently, tens of thousands took to the streets in Bern, Switzerland to protest the government’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates, and Orwellian vaccine passport or “Green Pass” medical apartheid system. 

Citizens are opposing the draconian moves en mass, and are now accusing the government of using bureaucratic deception by attempting to implement mandatory vaccinations “through the back door.”

In September, the Swiss government announced it would extend the use of the “Covid certificate” which shows a person’s vaccination status, or whether they tested negative or supposedly recovered from COVID-19, giving then access to indoor venues like restaurants, events, and sports and leisure activities. The measure which applies to individuals aged 16 and over, will remain valid until the end of January 2022, or longer if public health officials decide to extend the ‘health emergency’.

The government also invoked a radical decree which states that any visitors who were vaccinated in third countries will have to test every 3 days in order to gain entry into indoor dining areas throughout Switzerland, placing the Switzerland Tourism (ST) department under incredible stress as it watched the bottom drop out its tourism business.

Many of the new vaccine apartheid rules are proving to be extremely unpopular in different sections of society. In September, students at several universities across the country staged protests against the mandatory use of controversial “Covid certificates” required to attend college courses.

Protesters took to the streets in the historic city of Bern to make a clear statement to the government about what the new fascist policies represent.

Micheal P Senger comments on social media:

“Massive, powerful display of protest against vaccine passports in Bern, Switzerland. The protesters wear yokes to symbolize the desire of the ruling class to treat workers like livestock that they can drug at will.”


Connect with 21st Century Wire

cover image credit:  screenshot from Michael P Senger tweet

Canadian Librarians Join Country-wide Walkout Against Mandated Toxic Injections

Canadian Librarians Join Country-wide Walkout Against Mandated Toxic Injections


Librarians Rising Up
A group of librarians from the Toronto Public Library is saying no to being forced to take the jab as a condition of employment. Other librarians across Canada are doing the same. And together with other workers they’re participating in a country-wide walkout on Monday.

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
October 22, 2021


A group of librarians from the Toronto Public Library is saying no to being forced to take the jab as a condition of employment. Librarians elsewhere are doing the same.

And they – along with thousands of others from coast to coast to coast — are also participating in a nation-wide strike this coming Monday.

Some of the Toronto Public Library (TPL) employees wrote an open letter standing against the library’s draconian Covid vaccination policy. The library’s directors posted the policy on the TPL website on August 19, stating it was effective as of Sept. 2. But it wasn’t easy to find. And it wasn’t until Sept. 2 [corrected Oct. 23 (previously had ‘Sept. 22’] that the directors informed the employees about it via email.

The policy matches that of the City of Toronto. It requires all employees to have disclosed their vaccination status by September 20 and to be double-jabbed by October 30.

It was imposed despite extremely few library staff testing positive for Covid.

And instead of working with employees, the library has hired a high-priced law firm to punch back at anyone who challenges the policy.

Management is softening their language a little bit —  for example now saying disclosure of vaxx status is voluntary rather than mandatory. But they are poised to fire anyone who doesn’t comply. They’re also severely harassing anyone who resists.

They’re also not honouring employees’ medical or religious exemptions. And they don’t care if employees have had severe reactions to vaccines in the past, or they are pregnant and are about to go on maternity leave.

One person who was resisting the jab felt she had no choice and got it – only to end up in an emergency room with a heart condition. Her family doctor was afraid to write an exemption letter for her, but maybe her cardiologist will be brave enough to write one. It’s doubtful, though, whether the TPL will accept it.

As a direct consequence of all of this some librarians have become clinically suicidal.

Those unwilling to get the shots are continuing to talk and email with management to try to come to some compromise, but the deadline is looming. Their union also is not helping them.

In their open letter, the librarians who are pushing back called out the highly paid directors who “are now threatening, bullying and intimidating us with discipline, up to and including dismissal, for not disclosing our medical records and/or not choosing to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

“Hundreds, if not thousands of us, are now facing coercive policies that disregard foundational principles of library work, privacy and democracy,” they wrote.

In their open letter, they also point out that, “In 2019 the City Librarian Vickery Bowles made a public show of defending feminist Meghan Murphy’s right to free speech, but now will not respect the right to medical freedom and privacy of library workers.”

The letter explains that Bowles and the other directors have refused to answer “direct, specific questions related to the legality of their own COVID-19 vaccination policy.”

Those questions include, “Can you advise if any of the laws which protect an individual’s rights to privacy and medical confidentiality in Canada have been repealed?” and, “Are you claiming the TPL’s COVID-19 Vaccination policy nullifies an individual’s privacy under the [federal] Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, 2020 (PIPEDA)?”

They also ask about other major documents the policy contravenes such as Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and library workers’ contracts.

One of the librarians who is resisting told me in a telephone interview that, “We do not want to be seen as non-compliant or insubordinate or ignoring the policy or ignoring the mandatory training for those who don’t disclose their status. … Instead we are asking questions, and … that changes the power dynamics” and puts the burden of proof on the directors.

However, rather than responding to these questions, the directors have “dismissed, gaslit and completely ignored [the library workers],” the open letter points out. “[In addition,] our medical and religious exemptions that we were assured would be honoured have been denied, without cause.”

The open letter includes a call to action to the public: “If you love the library and what it should stand for, freedom, democracy, and the right to privacy, please consider making your voices heard and letting these directors know” via https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/contact/.

The letter ends by saying, “If you would like to reach out to the librarians and library workers who are being censored please contact us here: torontobodylibrary@gmail.com.”

Another librarian created the website ethicallibrarian.com to push back.

Yet others have initiated a petition against the policy – https://chng.it/XFp4rQ8fmF

And I’ve also heard from librarians elsewhere in Canada who similarly have been betrayed by their managers and unions.

“Being a librarian is a dream job,” one Toronto librarian told me. “I love doing programs for children, and helping them pick their next favourite book. …

“My co-workers say, ‘You made a choice [to not get vaxxed].’ I say, ‘No. I’m living my life – and the library made a choice. I’m not planning to get fired based on not taking a medication.’ And the crazy thing is that six months ago my colleagues would have agreed with me that what’s happening is insane.”

But they’ve succumbed to the constant stream of fear and pro-vaxx propaganda.

  Let’s all support the librarians and others standing up for their rights by participating in the cross-country walkout on Monday! Look online for information about the event in your area.


Connect with Rosemary Frei

cover image credit: StockSnap / pixabay

In-N-Out Burger’s Great Freedom-Centered Explanation for Its Refusal to Enforce Vaccine Passports

In-N-Out Burger’s Great Freedom-Centered Explanation for Its Refusal to Enforce Vaccine Passports

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity
October 22, 2021


When government mandates related to experimental coronavirus “vaccines” are thrust on businesses, it is heartening to see businesses refusing to comply. It is especially great to see a business back up its noncompliance with a well-stated, freedom-centered explanation.

Check out below the explanation In-N-Out Burger provided this week for the company’s restaurant in San Francisco refusing to comply with the San Francisco government’s demand that the restaurant enforce the city’s vaccine passport mandate:

As a Company, In-N-Out Burger strongly believes in the highest form of customer service and to us that means serving all Customers who visit us and making all Customers feel welcome. We refuse to become the vaccination police for any government. It is unreasonable, invasive, and unsafe to force our restaurant Associates to segregate Customers into those who may be served and those who may not, whether based on the documentation they carry, or any other reason.

We fiercely disagree with any government dictate that forces a private company to discriminate against customers who choose to patronize their business. This is clear governmental overreach and is intrusive, improper, and offensive.

Hopefully, In-N-Out Burger’s example of bold freedom-centered action against vaccine mandates will inspire many more businesses to take similar action.

Over the past year and a half, governments at all levels in America have taken huge steps in the exercise of tyrannical powers in the name of countering coronavirus. Power gained is often only grudgingly given up. It will take many individuals and businesses boldly declaring “no more” and “never again” to ensure limitations on government power are respected.


Connect with Ron Paul Institute

When “Fully Informed” Consent Is Always a Lie

When “Fully Informed” Consent Is Always a Lie

by Watchdog, UK Reloaded
October 22, 2021


Fully informed consent in the matter of Covid vaxes is IMPOSSIBLE.

ANY assertion that fully informed consent was given is FALSE


Because being FULLY INFORMED is impossible. Factual and fully verified information (as opposed to opinion, assertion, conjecture or alleged statistical projections) as to the short, medium and long term effects, adverse reactions, efficacy and so forth of the so-called vaccines is NOT KNOWN.

The vaccines were introduced as an “emergency” measure whilst still experimental.

Leaving aside the fact that the “emergency” that supposedly justified the use of experimental injections has since been clearly shown to have been FALSE (a crime in its own right that will be discussed elsewhere), by definition when something is experimental, it means that the experiments that would enable us to predict, among other things, any long term harm have not been started or are still ongoing and have not been completed.

This means that we DO NOT YET KNOW what these vaccines will do.

Therefore it is impossible to FULLY INFORM anyone because the full information is not yet there.

Therefore it is impossible for anyone to give their fully informed consent.

At best only partially informed consent can be given.

Therefore, for example, ANY CHILD VACCINATED has NOT given their fully informed consent and to assert or contend otherwise is a LIE.

Therefore those who injected any child did so without the child’s full informed consent.

Therefore they or any person who aided and abetted the injection is in breach of the law. Indeed ANY INJECTION WITH THE COVID “VACCINES”TO DATE HAS BEEN ADMINISTERED WITHOT FULLY INFORMED CONSENT.

Where a child is injured or killed as a consequence of injection, the person administering or assisting the administration of the injection must be prosecuted on charges of assault or manslaughter, malfeasance and so forth.

Accessories to these crimes include school boards, head teachers, education officials and ministers.


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cover image credit: BlueHawk99 / pixabay

The Murdered Infant Comes to the Virology Lab; the Ivory Tower Is Befouled

The Murdered Infant Comes to the Virology Lab; the Ivory Tower Is Befouled

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 22, 2021


In a groundbreaking article for Children of God For Life, titled “Forsaking God For the Sake of Science,” [1] [1b] Debra Vinnedge outlines how the Rockefeller-Harriman eugenics movement gave rise to the practice of medical abortions for research purposes, including live births during which the infant was murdered and its organs harvested:

“…Abortion wasn’t legal yet; this was 1936. But abortion was most certainly legal and acceptable [to eugenicists] if it meant ending the life of a child who would be born to a ‘feeble-minded’ woman, one who might end up less than perfect or who might have to rely on society to pay for their care.”

And therefore, why not perform abortions for medical research? Behind closed doors, out of view, this was happening in several countries, including the US.

Consider this research report: “Human embryos of two and one-half to five months gestation were obtained from the gynaecological department of the Toronto General Hospital…No macerated specimens were used and in many of the embryos the heart was still beating at the time of receipt in the virus laboratory.”

Here is the citation [2]: Joan C. Thicke, Darline Duncan, William Wood, A. E. Franklin and A. J. Rhodes; Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in Tissue Culture; Growth of the Lansing Strain in Human Embryonic Tissue, Canadian Journal of Medical Science, Vol. 30, pg 231-245. [June 1952]

The authors are certainly describing an infant who was taken from the womb alive, and after cells were harvested, was killed. For research on “growing virus in cell culture.”

Here is another research report that indicates the infant was born alive, its tissues taken, and then killed:

“Embryos of between 12-18 weeks gestation have been utilized. Rarely tissues were obtained from stillborn fetuses, or from premature infants at autopsy…In the experiments 3 sorts of embryonic materials were used: elements of skin, connective tissue, muscle; intestinal tissue; brain tissue…Whenever possible the embryo was removed from the amniotic sac.., transferred to a sterile towel and kept at 5 C until dissected.”

The citation [3]: Thomas H. Weller, John F. Enders, Studies on the Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Viruses in Tissue Culture : I. The Propagation of Poliomyelitis Viruses in Suspended Cell Cultures of Various Human Tissue; Journal of Immunology 1952;69;645-671. [June 1952]

Again, the infant’s tissue was used, in the lab, to “grow virus in cell culture.” The cells were from the infant.

My readers know that, for the past year, I’ve been exposing virologists’ absurd claims that they’re isolating viruses in their labs. [4] [4b] [4c]

In fact, they create soups in dishes, containing toxic drugs and chemicals, monkey cells and human cells, and a mucus sample from a patient. When the cells start dying, they claim this is proof the virus is in the mucus, in the soup, and is deadly.

Of course, this is nonsense, because the toxic drugs and chemicals are perfectly capable of killing the cells; and the cells in the soup are being starved of nutrients, which would also lead to cell-death.

The isolation of viruses is no isolation at all. It’s a fraud.

But it never occurred to me, until now, that some of these human cells in the soup in the lab came from infants, taken from the mother’s womb alive, for harvesting, who were then killed.

This completes a circle of evil.

Of course, out of the virological research fraud and infant murder come THE VACCINES, including the COVID vaccines, which are causing huge numbers of injuries and deaths across the world.

People of faith everywhere must see that declaring a religious exemption from the shots is a DUTY, whether or not the authorities allow the exemption.

The last time I looked, appealing to Pontius Pilate for an exemption didn’t work, and the status of Anthony Fauci is not higher than the Authority to whom, at minimum, four billion people of faith pray.


[1] https://cogforlife.org/2012/06/13/forsaking-god-for-science/

[1b] https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/AbortedFetalCellLines.pdf

[2] https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjms52-031

[3] https://cogforlife.org/wp-content/uploads/poliovax1952.pdf

[4] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/02/26/covid-the-virus-was-never-proven-to-exist-a-statement/

[4b] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/04/21/isolation-of-sars-cov-2-refuted-in-step-by-step-analysis-of-claim/

[4c] https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2021/09/20/the-failure-to-prove-the-virus-exists/


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: norberthentges / pixabay

Autism and Vaccination

Autism and Vaccination

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
October 29, 2021


I believe, and have believed for many years, that autism is caused by vaccination.

The word autism is used, like the word cancer, as an umbrella term for a range of different problems.

Patients with autism are said to have development disorders which affect their ability to interact socially and to communicate with other people though this is a fairly recent interpretation and the word is used as a catch-all for a whole range of problems. (In one medical dictionary on my shelf, autism is defined as ‘morbid self-absorption’.)

These days, I suspect that the word is used more as a dustbin word rather than an umbrella word. It helps the profession appear to know what is the matter when they don’t and, at the same time, it enables them to avoid taking any responsibility for what has happened. The word is used to describe almost any symptoms which doctors cannot explain.

Autism can be anything from a mild behavioural problem to severe brain damage. Social workers and others play the game because it enables them to build well-funded empires around the ‘care’ of autistic patients. For governments it is, of course, a lot cheaper to provide ‘care’ for autistic patients than to acknowledge that these children have been made ill by official vaccination policies and should have been provided with vast amounts of compensation.

I believe that the epidemiological evidence supports the idea of there being a link between vaccines and autism.

The number of children being diagnosed as suffering from autism has rocketed as the number of children being vaccinated has rocketed. Once rare (as recently as the 1990s it was generally accepted that autism affected no more than 4 or 5 people in every 10,000) but it is now officially accepted that it affects far more than this – and is constantly rising.

Indeed, figures in other countries show that the incidence of autism is rising in all developed countries, and how anyone can deny the possibility of a link between vaccination and autism is quite beyond me. The epidemiological evidence is overwhelming. If vaccines are known to cause brain damage isn’t it logical to assume that they can also cause the disease which is known as autism but which would in many cases, I believe, be more properly and honestly known as brain damage?

I have been suggesting that there is a link between ‘autism’ and vaccination for decades and no one has yet discredited my theories.

Doctors and drug companies and politicians much prefer to talk about autism rather than brain damage because the former suggests a natural disease while the latter suggests that there may be an external cause. I’m afraid that innocent and desperate parents collude with this nonsense because they prefer to describe their children as autistic rather than as brain damaged.

The drug companies (and the doctors, hospitals and politicians who support them) all claim that there is no link between autism and vaccination. (But then they would, wouldn’t they?). They claim that there is no convincing scientific evidence proving a link between the two.

On the other hand there is no convincing scientific evidence disproving a link between vaccination and autism.

When a research project was set up to investigate the link, drug companies applied to a London court for an injunction to stop the research. Now why would they do that?

The fact is that it isn’t up to me to prove that vaccines cause autism.

Given the overwhelmingly convincing epidemiological evidence it is up to drug companies and governments to prove that vaccines don’t cause autism.


Vernon Coleman’s bestselling book on vaccines and vaccination is entitled Anyone who tells you vaccines are safe and effective is lying: here’s the proof. It is available as a paperback and an eBook.


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

cover image credit: PublicDomainPictures / pixabay

Some Facts About Graphene Oxide

Some Facts About Graphene Oxide

by James Herer, Weblyf
October 21, 2021


Known as the thinnest and the strongest material found on earth, graphene oxide (GO) has now become more popular not because of its benefits but because of its dangers to the human body. graphene oxide is a nanoparticle discovered by Andrew Geim and Konstantin Novoselov in 2004. As written in www.graphene.manchester.ac.uk:

“Fascination with this material stems from its remarkable physical properties and the potential applications these properties offer for the future. Although scientists knew one atom thick, two-dimensional crystal graphene existed, no-one had worked out how to extract it from graphite. That was until it was isolated in 2004 by two researchers at The University of Manchester, Professor Andre Geim and Professor Kostya Novoselov.

One Friday, the two scientists removed some flakes from a lump of bulk graphite with sticky tape. They noticed some flakes were thinner than others. By separating the graphite fragments repeatedly, they managed to create flakes that were just one atom thick. Their experiment had led to graphene being isolated for the very first time.”

Another interesting characteristic of graphene oxide is that it could change shape and also interact with light, magnetism, and electrons. It’s also a semiconductor and like metals, it can transmit electricity. It’s like a transparent material but way stronger than steel that’s why it is being used in car coating products and as explained in https://radiopatriot.net:

“Graphene oxide is also extremely lightweight and conductive, with its temperature thresholds ranging anywhere from 2200-3300°F, which hypothetically speaking, means that it outperforms all other known materials. As an electrical conductor, graphene performs as well as copper, and despite being almost completely transparent, remains so dense that not even helium, the smallest gas atom, can pass through it.”

In late June, the founder and director of Quinta Columna, Ricardo Delgado Martin, published a study conducted by the Spanish research team at the University of Almeria claiming that Pfizer’s COVID vaccines contain graphene oxide. Martin is “specialized in biostatistics, clinical microbiology, clinical genetics, and immunology”. Using electron microscopy and spectroscopy, he and his team have confirmed that graphene oxide is present in Pfizer’s COVID vaccines and that it’s likely that it has something to do with the reported adverse effects and deaths.

Meanwhile, another expert named Dr. Robert Young, a biochemist, microbiologist, and clinical nutritionist, along with his team, also conducted research to classify the specific ingredients in vaccines created by Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer and they’ve discovered that high levels of graphene oxide are present in all of these four vaccines. Their findings were published on the 20th of August, showing that “toxic nanometallic content which are magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plants, insects, birds, animals and humans” are present on these jabs. One of these injections even contained life-threatening parasites called Trypanosoma cruzi.

Graphene oxide can impact the immune system and when accumulated in the lungs, it can be very deadly. It is “a toxin which triggers thrombi and blood coagulation”. It has never been used on humans before but “it’s been extensively researched for intended use on humans”. According to Dr. Ariyana Love, ND:

“There are over 2000 studies on Graphene Oxide Toxicity and 500 of them were published in 2017.”

Registered as big pharma’s intellectual property, graphene oxide was secretly approved therefore it was never disclosed as an ingredient for COVID vaccines. As acknowledged by national health authorities, graphene oxide is also contained in the face mask. Meanwhile, Dr. Ariyana Love also reported:

“Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, etc, were in a race to research and development Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles as a cancer cure. So, Graphene oxide was injected into animals and used as the vector to deliver a novel mRNA drug technology directly into cells. At first, the animals seemed fine and the cancer cells were successfully destroyed. But two months after inoculation all the animals got sick and DIED from Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE)! Healthy cells were destroyed by the Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles.

Safety and toxicity were the pharma cartel’s main challenges in using this novel technology for biomedical applications such as gene therapy. After two animal trials that resulted in the death of all the animals, graphene oxide could not be approved for use in humans due to its toxicity to healthy cells and due to ADE, which is where the immune system destroys itself. Front line doctors are already seeing ADE in these unapproved Covid-19 human trials. Experts such as Europe’s leading virologist Professor Dolores Cahill, world-renown scientist Mike Adams of Natural News, world’s leading virologist Geert Vanden Bossche and Pfizer whistleblower, Dr. Michael Yeadon warned us that ADE would come!”


Connect with James Herer

cover image credit: seagul / pixabay


Michigan Woman Died From Blood Clots After J&J Vaccine, Autopsy Confirms

Michigan Woman Died From Blood Clots After J&J Vaccine, Autopsy Confirms
A Michigan pathologist confirmed 60-year-old Sandra Jacobs died from cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a rare blood-clotting disorder, after receiving Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
October 21, 2021


A 60-year-old woman died from blood clots after receiving Johnson & Johnson’s (J&J) COVID vaccine, according to an autopsy report released Sept. 20 by Dr. Michael Caplan, a forensic pathologist for Michigan Medicine.

Sandra Jacobs “appears to have succumbed” to a “rare but nevertheless documented” complication associated with the viral vector vaccine — cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) — Caplan wrote in the summary.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, CVST occurs when a “blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses,” preventing blood from draining out of the brain. “As a result, blood cells may break and leak blood into the brain tissues, forming a hemorrhage.”

This condition brought about “hemorrhagic cerebral infarct,” or stroke caused by brain bleeding, and brain swelling, Caplan wrote.

The death certificate, obtained after some difficulty by Jacobs’ daughter, Tatum Strieter-Byron, lists the cause of death as “complications of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis” and “recent administration” of a COVID vaccine as the contributing condition.

Caplan deemed the manner of death “natural.” It may also be considered a “therapeutic complication” since this is a known vaccine issue, he wrote. Under “final diagnosis,” Caplan first listed the COVID vaccine.

Jacobs died 13 days after receiving the single-dose J&J vaccine at a CVS pharmacy on April 8 — just five days before federal health agencies temporarily paused the vaccine while they examined an unusual blood-clotting disorder, Michigan Live reported.

Though it took months to confirm it, Strieter-Byron knew from the start her mother died from the vaccine.

“She was a real person. She is not a piece of, just like fictitious political propaganda, where they’re saying it doesn’t exist,” Strieter-Byron said. “It’s not true. It does exist. She was a real person with a real life.”

Michigan Live reached out to Caplan for comment, but efforts were unsuccessful. “In conjunction with the Washtenaw County Health Department, we have decided not to have Dr. Caplan or the medical examiner’s office provide comment on the case,” Dr. Allecia Wilson, the county’s chief medical examiner, wrote in an email.

J&J also did not respond to a request for comment. A doctor with the manufacturer’s COVID vaccine safety team called a reporter, but only to obtain Strieter-Byron’s information, who as of Oct. 15 had not heard from the doctor.

On April 13, federal agencies paused J&J’s COVID vaccine, marketed under its Janssen subsidiary, while they investigated the vaccine’s possible link to potentially dangerous blood clots.

During the April 23 meeting, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) said it had identified 15 women diagnosed with rare blood clots, including three who died. Only two of the women were older than 50, with the risk highest in women ages 30 to 39.

The ACIP said the link between blood clots and J&J’s COVID vaccine was “plausible,” but concluded the vaccine’s “benefits outweighed the risks” and recommended the vaccine for persons 18 and older in the U.S. under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA).

On April 26, the FDA amended its EUA for the J&J vaccine to reflect the risk of rare blood clots and said vaccinations could resume immediately.

According to the most recent data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), between Dec. 14, 2020 and Oct. 8, 2021, there were 22,896 reports of blood clotting disorders. Of those, 15,190 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 5,092 reports to Moderna and 2,551 reports to J&J.

Excluding foreign reports — those reports submitted to VAERS from outside the U.S. — there have been 10,131 reports of blood clotting disorders. Of those, 4,407 reports were attributed to Pfizer, 3,654 reports to Moderna and 2,018 reports to J&J.

​​The Defender has reported on numerous cases of blood clots following COVID vaccination:

  • Jessica Berg Wilson, a 37-year-old mother who died from vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia after she received J&J’s COVID vaccine as a condition of volunteering at her child’s school.
  • Emma Burkey, an 18-year-old teen was put on a respirator and underwent three brain surgeries from blood clots after receiving J&J’s vaccine.
  • Anne VanGeest, a healthy 35-year-old, died of a brain hemorrhage 11 days after receiving J&J’s COVID vaccine.
  • Brad Malagarie, 43, suffered a stroke from blood clots hours after receiving J&J’s COVID vaccine. The stroke left him unable to walk, talk and with paralysis on the left side of his body.
  • Everest Romney, 17, developed blood clots after his first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine.

J&J’s vaccine has also been linked to Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), a “serious but rare” neurological disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks part of its peripheral nervous system — the network of nerves located outside of the brain and spinal cord. GBS can range from a very mild case with brief weakness, to paralysis, which can leave the person unable to breathe independently.

The FDA concluded the benefits of the vaccine outweigh any danger but added a warning in fact sheets about the drug for providers and patients.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


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Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Coreys Digs on Vaccine ID Passports and Global Control

Catherine Austin Fitts w/ Coreys Digs on Vaccine ID Passports and Global Control

by Corey Lynn, Coreys Digs
October 20, 2021


In this one-hour video, Catherine Austin Fitts and Corey Lynn discuss Corey’s 4-part report on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports, and get into the specifics on where this is headed, who the key players are, how far along they are with each agenda, and solutions for combatting this tyranny.

This is about much more than just a “vaccine ID passport,” it is about getting you a QR code for a digital identity that will eventually go onto the blockchain where they will trace, track, and monitor your every move in order to control your health records, all personal records, housing, jobs, food, access to establishments, transportation, and the financial system.

They want total control over you.

Video available at Corey Dig’s BitChute, YouTube channels.

Four-part report:

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 1

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to the Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto The Blockchain

The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED


Connect with Corey Lynn at Coreys Digs

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts at The Solari Report

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

The Contagion Myth: No Virus Has Ever Caused Disease

The Contagion Myth: No Virus Has Ever Caused Disease

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
October 20, 2021


According to Dr Tom Cowan’s website, he is

a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author and speaker, with a common-sense, holistic approach to health and wellness.

But here’s the exciting bit.

Following my heart led me to a conception of science, medicine and the world at large that was radically different from anything I was taught in school. My ideas, such as the heart is not a pump, blocked arteries are not the main cause of heart attacks, vaccines are ineffective and unsafe, cancer is not a genetic disease, and the “war on cancer” has been an utter failure, have been the subjects of three of my books.
Recently, because of current events, I turned my questioning gaze on the widely accepted theory —so accepted that it now lives in our culture as truth — that germs (bacteria and viruses) cause disease.

Tom’s views echo those of Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Sam Bailey, and Dr Stefan Lanka who won a massive court case upholding his claim that there is no evidence linking measles to a virus.

I find their arguments fairly convincing because they’re based on evidential, observable science; not speculation. And once you realise that SARS-CoV-2 does not cause any disease, let alone “COVID-19”, a new paradigm of critical thought and interrogation emerges.

As the inventor of PCR – Kary Mullis – said, science is not about being right; it’s about being wrong.


Video available at Jerm Warfare Odysee channel.

Dr. Tom Cowan on New Biology


Download PDF

Measles virus put to the test. Dr. Stefan Lanka wins in court…

Since the early 1990s, German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka has been at the forefront of challenging the medical theory stating that viruses are the cause of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, the flu, polio, herpes, or measles. Caroline Markolin has presented Dr. Lanka’s activities in her lecture video “Virus Mania” in great details (watch Part 2 of the recordings on this website – starting at 08:08).

Based on his studies in virology, Dr. Lanka discovered that viruses are vital components of simple life-forms that do not exist in complex organisms such as humans, animals, or plants. His research shows that the viruses believed to cause “viral infections” are in reality ordinary cell particles that have been misinterpreted as constituents of the viruses in question. Dr. Lanka also determined that viruses don’t have a destructive effect on the host, as commonly believed. These findings are in full accordance with the discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer who demonstrated already in the 1980s

that contrary to the standard theory, microbes do not harm the organism but play instead a supportive role during the healing process of diseases (see Fourth Biological Law of the New Medicine).

The “measles virus trial” between Dr. Stefan Lanka and German medical doctor David Bardens has by now received international attention (see the 2015 reports in CTV News Canada and BBC News). The court case has not only heated up the ongoing “virus debate”. It also fuelled the discussion about the justification of childhood vaccination and of vaccination in general.

Here is a brief overview of the court proceedings:

On November 24, 2011, Dr. Lanka announced on his website that he would offer a prize of € 100,000 to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. The announcement read as follows: “The reward will be paid, if a scientific publication is presented, in which the existence of the measles virus is not only asserted, but also proven and in which, among other things, the diameter of the measles virus is determined.”

In January 2012, Dr. David Bardens took Dr. Lanka up on his pledge. He offered six papers on the subject and asked Dr. Lanka to transfer the € 100,000 to his bank account.

The six publications are:

  1. Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun;86(2):277–286.

  2. Bech V, Magnus Pv. Studies on measles virus in monkey kidney tissue cultures. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand. 1959; 42(1): 75–85

  3. Horikami SM, Moyer SA. Structure, Transcription, and Replication of Measles Virus. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1995; 191: 35–50.


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Why I Am Getting Vaccinated

Why I Am Getting Vaccinated

by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded
October 19, 2021


I have thought it over very carefully and have decided to take the government’s advice and be really scared. “In fear” is, after all, the only way to live.

There is a one in a thousand chance that I might die with Covid whilst suffering from coincidental illness such as terminal cancer, diabetes or decapitation in a road accident. I am particularly at risk if I lick the face of anyone carrying Covid.

This is obviously too big a risk to take as it makes dying of Covid as likely as drowning in my bath or being decapitated by a low-flying gannet. And these are pretty scary odds.

So I have decided that I have no other choice this winter than to follow the instructions of those nice people in the government, vax industry, and MSN and other benign crime syndicates who are completely trustworthy and NEVER lie or bend the truth to suit any agenda whatsoever. I am therefore going to do the following:

1. Get injected with a Covid vaccine. I don’t mind which one as they all seem equally unsafe, so that is enough to put my mind at rest.

2. Get injected with a second shot so I am fully locked and loaded with whatever secret therapeutic agents such as graphene oxide are in the shots.

3. Get injected with the third booster when the first two shots fall a bit short of actually working, which of course is reassuringly normal and to be expected of a vaccine. The ridiculously over-optimistic notion that vaccines stop you catching or spreading a disease is a falsehood put about by the Enemies of Vaccines to create false hopes that they will work and thus causes people to be miffed with the vaccine industry and their salesmen in government when they don’t.

4. Then get injected with the fourth booster that will protect me when the first three shots unexpectedly yet reassuringly don’t work.

5. Get injected with any other boosters the aforementioned trustworthy, benign and almost saintly people make up as they go along, such is their devotion to my well being.

6. I am confident that all these chemical agents injected into my body will have no cumulative ill-effects whatsoever even though this has never been tested (or experienced) before. After all, the government and manufacturers do not seem at all worried and that’s good enough for me. Therefore, I will add the flu shot and any booster flu shots deemed mandatory (voluntary) to not protect me from flu.

If I do all these things, nothing could possibly go wrong with my immune system because it is a well known fact that the human body has evolved over millions of years into needing lots of pharmaceutical products to stay alive.

I can be absolutely sure that if I do the above, the last thing I am likely to die of is Covid19.


Connect with Steve Cook at UK Reloaded

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

Australian Aboriginal Elders Speak Out Against Government Covid Criminals

Australian Aboriginal Elders Speak Out Against Government Covid Criminals

by Cairns News
October 19, 2021


Across Australia Indigenous communities are being coerced and bribed into taking
experimental covid injections.
The corporate Australian governance has sent police and military into these
communities to administer these injections.
This is a warning message from four Indigenous Australian leaders to all Original
peoples around the world.


Video available at Cairns News Rumble channel.

Music: Creation Song feat. Jarmbi by FIRE MANE


Connect with Cairns News

The Sleeping Giant Awakens! New Yorkers Speak Out Against Draconian Vaccine Mandates at Massive Rally! Video Featuring RFK Jr. & New Yorkers Tell It Like It Is!

The Sleeping Giant Awakens! New Yorkers Speak Out Against Draconian Vaccine Mandates at Massive Rally! Video Featuring RFK Jr. & New Yorkers Tell It Like It Is!

by  Cara Castronuova, Gateway Pundit
October 19, 2021


In a city notorious for fierce political and ideological division, New York City has recently seen unity amongst groups perceived to be on different ends of the political spectrum, such as Freedom Patriot groups and Black Lives Matter.

Patriot Freedom Groups, Trump Supporters, Teachers, Labor Unions, Medical Freedom Advocates, Black Lives Latter Leaders and everyday New Yorkers came together in harmony this past weekend to demand the government reverse the vaccine mandates that have rocked New York City and the nation.

New Yorkers from every walk of life rallied and marched together this past Saturday in the ongoing battle to overturn what many perceive to be unconstitutional mandates and an infringement of civil liberties. New York City has the strictest vaccine passport rules in the nation and residents continue to face discharge from their workplaces and denied entry to restaurants for not complying with the mandates.

See interviews with rally goers:

The crowd gathered near Times Square before the march, chanting “We The People Will Not Comply”, “We Will Not Comply, We Do Not Consent”, “No Forced Vaccines”, “No Vaccine Mandates”, “Mr Body, My Choice”, “No Vaccine You Won’t Force, My Body My Choice”, “Wake up New York”, “F**k Joe Biden”, “Let’s Go Brandon” and “No Nazi Passport.”

See video of the march through the streets of New York:

Thousands gathered near Times Square to protest the unprecedented mandates, where speakers like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., NYC Artist Scott Lobaido, BLM Activist Reverend McCall, Children’s Health Defense Attorney Mary Holland, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky and Dr. Christiane Northrup spoke to the audience.  

More speakers:

According to activists, the anti-vaccine mandate movement in New York has been rapidly growing.

“We are extremely excited to see such a large and diverse crowd turning up for our events,” said rally organizer Kevin Peters of New York Freedom Rally. It is growing by the week and all credit it due to Bill de Blasio and Joe Biden who have inadvertently emerged as unifying figures because of the backlash they created with their absurd and illegal policies.”

Read more at Gateway Pundit


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The Vaccine: A Religious Exemption for the Whole World

The Vaccine: A Religious Exemption for the Whole World

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 19, 2021


Yesterday, I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing.

I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis.


For all people of faith. Every faith.

“According to my religious belief, the murder of an undeniably live infant for any reason is unconscionable and evil, and I refuse the vaccine.”

Here is a Force against which no government, no establishment, no secret society, no wealth can stand.

I fully understand all sorts of professionals will spout language that purports to show “the infant was not alive, the lab followed all the legal guidelines, this is an old argument that has been debunked…”

But this is not just an old argument. This is the equivalent of an opening statement in a murder trial. Nothing less.

If religious leaders will read AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s article, they will see how important her charge is.

The question isn’t “will people of faith wake up and do what they should”; the question is “how can any person of faith NOT do what they should”.

If they will make a stand; if all people of faith will; the entire dire situation we are facing changes in the blink of an eye.

Solomon to God: “You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in…Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil.”

Gautama Buddha: “To cease from evil, to do good, and to purify the mind yourself, this is the teaching of all the Buddhas.”

John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

Would any church, any religion in the world say that God wants the killing of live infants for the purpose of medical research?

In the midst of this COVID tyranny, haven’t we all been looking for an issue that will galvanize huge numbers of people?

And not as some kind of stunt. But rather as an inevitable outcome of deep faith.

Faith and justice come from the same everlasting tree.

I hear the voices that say we can never rouse a billion people from their slumber. But they are wrong. Nothing is impossible. The so-called evidence of history is never more than What Was. And even down through history, “what could never happen” was the status quo until a breakthrough shattered it.

For people who missed it, here is my article from yesterday:

Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant?

With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions.

Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion.

On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine.”

Cardinalli details the collection of fetal tissue for the cell line named HEK 293. This cell line was used for “testing” the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

Cardinalli writes: “We know that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not use any cells derived from abortion in the production process. That is, we know that we are not being directly injected with fetal cells or their engineered descendants (though this fact differs with other manufacturers). We hear that the abortion-derived cell lines were only used in testing, which should somehow comfort us, though it still means that the vaccines from which we seek to benefit depend on the involvement of abortion. We are told that the cell line used in testing came from one abortion, which took place decades ago. These things are all true, but they do not serve to inform us fully.”

“What we may not know follows. The most prominent cell line, called HEK 293, comes from an abortion performed in the 1970’s. It’s labeled 293 because that’s how many experimental attempts the researchers needed to get a working cell line. Therefore, though the abortion-to-experiment ratio is not precisely one-to-one, hundreds of abortions went into the project, even if they didn’t result in the working line.”

“HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which [anesthesia] would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.”

“There is no way that a spontaneous abortion could result in the cell line (as the kidneys cannot remain viable past the brief window in which they must be harvested) or that some brilliant researcher found a way for great good to come out of a rare tragedy by making use of a child’s body donated to science after it was aborted. The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.”

“I fear that Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict may not have had this information when they received the vaccines. If we re-examine the Vatican statement that ‘it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and productions process,’ we see that it does not apply here. It does not imagine this scenario. To approve of the currently-available vaccines, it would have to read ‘it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from living persons, killed by the harvest of their organs for use in medical research and productions processes,’ but the Church’s moral teachings could never truly bend so far.”

“Similar to the human rights abuses exposed by international tribunal in today’s China, where unwanted individuals such as religious and political dissidents are executed by the harvest of their organs for profit, the little girl whose cells gave rise to the COVID-19 vaccines was brutally sacrificed for the purpose, as were all the children whose cell lines failed before her.”

If Cardinalli is correct in her analysis, not only is the granting of religious exemptions a foregone conclusion; the whole field of fetal tissue research, going back many years and involving many pharmaceutical products should be put on trial.

The people who have been carrying out the murders, the people who have been using the harvested tissue, the companies—all of them—on trial.

I hope many medical professionals will take Cardinalli’s article as a springboard, and weigh in on what she is very clearly stating.

And not just doctors. All people who are shocked by her conclusions.

So far, I see two counter-claims to Cardinalli’s assertions.

One: In the fetal cell line HEK 293, the number does not stand for the number of live-birth abortions performed, in order to obtain a functioning cell line. The number 293 refers to the number of “passages” of the one cell line obtained from one abortion. This difference doesn’t concern me. It’s not central to the fact of murdering babies. And of course, many such live abortions are performed all over the world with the goal of obtaining cells lines for research.

Two: Cardinalli’s claim that the kidneys of the aborted baby must be harvested very quickly is false. The kidneys can survive for a longer period.

On that score, I refer you to a devastating video interview conducted by Robert Kennedy Jr. His guest was SOUND CHOICE PHARMACEUTICAL INSTITUTE “President and Founder, Dr. Theresa Deisher Ph.D., [with] over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience. She discovered adult cardiac derived stem cells, has worked on their therapeutic uses as an alternative to human fetal DNA, and leads a team of scientists at AVM Biotechnology dedicated to changing what a diagnosis of cancer, autoimmunity, or chronic infectious disease means to patients and their loved ones. As a result of this work, Dr. Deisher is named as an inventor on over 47 patents.”

In the first 15 minutes of the interview, Deisher makes it quite clear that infants in the womb are taken out alive, with their blood supply functioning (essential) and then killed by cutting out their hearts or their brains. This is what is done in order to obtain tissue that will be turned into fetal cell lines.

Since this act of murder is standard practice, it would appear it was committed against the live baby whose kidney cells became cell line HEK 293, used in testing the COVID vaccines. (More evidence coming in future articles.)

At the top of the interview, Kennedy said he didn’t want to get into the moral aspect of fetal cell lines. But after listening to Deisher, he was shaken. He said so. He said they would have to cover the moral aspect.

The whole world has to.


Aborted fetal cells and vaccines – a scandal much bigger than Pfizer’s whistleblower ever imagined


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: KELLEPICS / pixabay

Cascade of Countries Withdraw Extreme COVID Measures

Cascade of Countries Withdraw Extreme COVID Measures
Scotland and Ireland reject vaccine passports, while New Zealand finally drops its ‘anti-science’ zero-Covid policy.

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
October 18, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.


Connect with The HighWire

Thousands Protest Vaccine Mandates, Call for Health Freedom at New York City Rally Featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Thousands Protest Vaccine Mandates, Call for Health Freedom at New York City Rally Featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Thousands of people gathered in a peaceful protest of vaccine mandates in New York City’s Duffy Square for the Broadway Rally for Freedom Oct. 16.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
October 18, 2021


Thousands of people participated Saturday in the Broadway Rally for Freedom in New York City. The peaceful protest focused on health freedom, informed consent and the right of all Americans to make their own healthcare decisions.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and President Mary Holland were among the speakers. Other speakers included Dr. Lawrence PalevskyDr. Christiane NorthrupJason ShurkaJo RoseKevin JenkinsPatricia Finn and John Matland.

“The powers that be, especially here in New York State, are fighting us,” Holland told the audience. “We may have imagined that with Governor Cuomo’s demise, we would have a breather — but no. We have a governor now who truly believes that vaccination is the state’s religion, preaching to her ‘apostles’ at a Brooklyn Church, while wearing a ‘Vaxed’ necklace. You can’t make this up.”

Holland told the crowd about the many legal battles in New York, including CHDs involvement in challenging the repeal of the religious exemption for school children, in place since 2019, which is likely headed to the Supreme Court.

“We are winning,” Holland said, as the crowd echoed a “We are winning” chant.

Holland said “we are winning” in reference to the claim that Southwest AirlinesChicago and Los Angeles police unions and others are standing up to mandates, in many cases filing lawsuits.

“We are not finished until we have incapacitated the dragon, and until we have prosecuted those who have knowingly lied to us and who have caused irreparable harm to millions with no justification,” Holland said.

The rally took place as federal, state and local governments, along with privately owned businesses, are continuing to mandate COVID vaccines as a condition of employment and access to schools, hospitals, gyms, restaurants and sporting events.

“The vaccine is not safe and effective …” Kennedy told the crowd. “How can you compel Americans to take them?”

Kennedy noted with irony that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the person behind the push for vaccinating children as young as 5 for COVID, received the annual Bill of Rights Award by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.

“In what universe is it okay to say, ‘we are going to make these children die in order that older people can live?’” Kennedy asked. He raised concerns about the rise of myocarditis and other COVID vaccine adverse effects on younger age groups.

“We have no business doing this to little children,” Kennedy said, after explaining the average age of death from COVID is 76, the same as the average life expectancy. Subjecting children to the adverse events of COVID vaccination, he said, “is unethical. It is medical malpractice.”

“There’s a guy in a white lab coat who calls himself a doctor even though he’s never treated a single COVID patient,” Kennedy said. “And he’s telling Americans to do things that violate their conscience, that violate all their values, and they’re doing it because an authority figure is telling them to do it, and 67% of them are doing it, but 33% refuse to do it, and you are that 33%.”

“You are the ones who are standing up for your values,” Kennedy continued. “You are the ones who are going to save the country for yourselves, for your children and for the 67% when they finally come to their senses.”

Watch Mary Holland and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at the Broadway Rally for Freedom here:

Watch the entire Broadway Rally for Freedom here:

©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Another version of RFK, Jr.’s speech is available at East Coast Ghosts BitChute channel.


Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Sues Ontario Government Over Vaccine Passport

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Sues Ontario Government Over Vaccine Passport

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
October 18, 2021


TORONTO, ON: The Justice Centre has filed a constitutional challenge against Ontario’s vaccine passport mandate in Ontario’s Superior Court of Justice.

The legal challenge is brought on behalf of eight Ontario citizens who are exercising their Charter rights and freedoms by not taking one or more doses of the Covid vaccine.

One of the eight applicants in this court case is Sarah Lamb, from Kitchener. She suffered serious adverse effects from the first dose of the Covid vaccine and has decided against a second dose. Ms. Lamb has been unable to obtain an exemption to the vaccine passport. The Ontario government has proclaimed that exemptions to the vaccine passport would only be accepted in very limited cases.

Ms. Sarah Harjee, another Applicant, is an expectant mother with degrees in nursing and public health. Ms. Harjee is concerned about possible adverse effects from the Covid vaccine on herself and her unborn child. Currently there are no long-term studies which prove the new vaccines’ safety.

Evan Kraayenbrink is a paramedic who has decided he will wait for further data on the effects of the Covid vaccine prior to deciding whether to be injected with it. Mr. Kraayenbrink also has religious beliefs about being ultimately accountable to God for what he allows to be done to his body.

Sam Sabourin is a 29-year-old gym owner in Ottawa. Mr. Sabourin exercises his Charter right to bodily autonomy by not taking the Covid vaccine, and also refuses to deny entry to his gym based on vaccination status. He welcomes all patrons without discrimination. All the applicants have concerns about the government compelling vaccinations to go about their normal lives.

“With respect to owners of businesses and organizations, the vaccine passports compel them to enforce unconstitutional laws, as well as laws that would typically be considered to violate human rights legislation. Ontarians should not be forced to discriminate and exclude others from society on the basis of a personal and private medical decision,” points out Jorge Pineda, Staff Lawyer at the Justice Centre.

Ontario’s vaccine passport laws were introduced on September 22, 2021 and prohibit individuals from entering restaurants, gyms and other establishments unless they are “fully vaccinated” as defined by the Government. As of October 20, 2021, individuals will be required to produce government issued QR Codes on a smart phone in order to obtain everyday services the government has arbitrarily deemed “non-essential.”

Ontario Premier Doug Ford has claimed that the vaccine passport “give us the best chance to slow the spread of this virus while helping us avoid further lockdowns.” However, the government does not dispute that vaccinated people spread viruses. Further, vaccine manufacturers have only promised that those receiving the new mRNA vaccines will suffer less severe symptoms; no promise was made that vaccines stop the spread.

Businesses and organizations that do not enforce these new restrictions are liable to fines of up to $10,000,000 and business owners are being threatened with imprisonment for up to one year.

Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantee the rights and freedoms of Canadians. “The Supreme Court of Canada has found that the Charter protects the right to bodily autonomy and informed consent, this is the law, and it is indisputable. The vaccine passport is a brazen attempt to subvert the Charter and to render its protections meaningless,”  says Mr. Pineda.

“The Ontario vaccine passport  itself is an instrument of coercion that pressures individuals to submit to a medical intervention, contrary to their will and their own best judgment,” adds Mr. Pineda.

“Not only is this ethically wrong, it is also illegal. When we get before the Court, we will be urging that they see these vaccine mandates for what they really do – which is take away the long-standing rights of citizens to make informed decisions about their own medical care.”


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cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

Washington State Trooper Gives ‘Final Sign Off’ After Refusing to Take Vaccine; Tells Governor to Kiss His A**

Washington State Trooper Gives ‘Final Sign Off’ After Refusing to Take Vaccine; Tells Governor to Kiss His A**

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
October 17, 2021


A Washington state trooper released a video of his ‘final sign off’ after more than 22 years on the Yakima County force, after he was forced out of his job for refusing to take the Covid-19 vaccine by Oct. 18.

“This is my final sign-off after 22 years serving the citizens of the state of Washington, I’ve been asked to leave because I am dirty,” said the unnamed officer.

Numerous fatalities, injuries, I’ve worked sick, I’ve played sick, buried lots of friends over these years,” he continued. “I’d like to thank you guys, as well as the citizens of Yakima County as well as my fellow officers within the valley. Without you guys I wouldn’t have been very successful.”

“So State 1034 this is the last time you’ll hear me in a state patrol car… And [governor] Jay Inslee can kiss my ass,” he concluded.

In response, a dispatcher thanked him for his years of service.

“Thank you for your 22 years and five months of service to the citizens of Washington state,” she said. “You’ve taken on many roles in your time with the patrol. In your first year, you delivered a baby while on patrol. You’ve been a theory instructor and part of the chaplaincy board.”

“You’ve been a great role model and a mentor for all the young troopers serving in the area by sharing your knowledge and experience throughout the years,” she continued, adding: “Thank you for your service.

Governor Jay Inslee issued a sweeping order in August mandating that state government workers must “Show proof of vaccination on or before October 18 or lose your job.”

According to the Seattle Times, more than 90% of state govt. employees were fully vaccinated as of Saturday.

Last Monday we noted that up to 40% of Seattle PD may lose their job over the mandate. As of Oct. 6, 292 sworn personnel had yet to provide proof of a COVID-19 vaccination per the report, down from 354 on Tuesday. An additional 111 officers are awaiting the results of exemption requests, meaning the total number of potentially fired Seattle cops is as high as 403.

That said, the President of the Seattle Police Officers Guild, Mike Solan, said on Friday that officers who choose not to get vaccinated will not be terminated immediately on the Oct. 18 deadline – and will instead be given notice for a “Loudermill hearing” where they will be able to plead their case.

Meanwhile in Chicago, a Judge issued a temporary restraining order late Friday against the Chicago police union president prohibiting him from making public statements which encourage members not to report their Covid-19 vaccination status to authorities.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s high-stakes standoff with the police union over the city’s vaccine mandate landed in court Friday, with a judge doing what the mayor could not — temporarily silencing Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara.

Circuit Judge Cecilia Horan granted the city’s request for an injunction but only to the extent that Catanzara be precluded — at least until the next hearing Oct. 25 — from making any further YouTube videos or otherwise using social media platforms to encourage his members to defy the city’s mandate to enter their vaccine status on the city’s data portal.

Catanzara soon took to the union’s YouTube channel where he said the courts were attempting to muzzle him. He said he would comply and urged his members to “do what’s in their hearts and minds.” –Chicago Sun Times


“Enough is enough…”


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Organizing Against Medical Mandates; Project Stand Together: “I Posted a Video on TikTok of Me Passing Out These Signs to Businesses in NYC and It Went Viral”

Organizing Against Medical Mandates; Project Stand Together: “I Posted a Video on TikTok of Me Passing Out These Signs to Businesses in NYC and It Went Viral”






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Was COVID Vaccine Fetal Tissue Obtained by the Murder of an Infant?

Was COVID Vaccine Fetal Tissue Obtained by the Murder of an Infant?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 18, 2021


With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions.

Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion.

On January 19, 2021, AnnaMaria Cardinalli published an explosive article in Crisis Magazine, headlined, “Catholic Conscience and the COVID-19 Vaccine.”

Cardinalli details the collection of fetal tissue for the cell line named HEK 293. This cell line was used for “testing” the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

Cardinalli writes: “We know that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not use any cells derived from abortion in the production process. That is, we know that we are not being directly injected with fetal cells or their engineered descendants (though this fact differs with other manufacturers). We hear that the abortion-derived cell lines were only used in testing, which should somehow comfort us, though it still means that the vaccines from which we seek to benefit depend on the involvement of abortion. We are told that the cell line used in testing came from one abortion, which took place decades ago. These things are all true, but they do not serve to inform us fully.”

“What we may not know follows. The most prominent cell line, called HEK 293, comes from an abortion performed in the 1970’s. It’s labeled 293 because that’s how many experimental attempts the researchers needed to get a working cell line. Therefore, though the abortion-to-experiment ratio is not precisely one-to-one, hundreds of abortions went into the project, even if they didn’t result in the working line.”

“HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which [anesthesia] would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.”

“There is no way that a spontaneous abortion could result in the cell line (as the kidneys cannot remain viable past the brief window in which they must be harvested) or that some brilliant researcher found a way for great good to come out of a rare tragedy by making use of a child’s body donated to science after it was aborted. The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.”

“I fear that Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict may not have had this information when they received the vaccines. If we re-examine the Vatican statement that ‘it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and productions process,’ we see that it does not apply here. It does not imagine this scenario. To approve of the currently-available vaccines, it would have to read ‘it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from living persons, killed by the harvest of their organs for use in medical research and productions processes,’ but the Church’s moral teachings could never truly bend so far.”

“Similar to the human rights abuses exposed by international tribunal in today’s China, where unwanted individuals such as religious and political dissidents are executed by the harvest of their organs for profit, the little girl whose cells gave rise to the COVID-19 vaccines was brutally sacrificed for the purpose, as were all the children whose cell lines failed before her.”

If Cardinalli is correct in her analysis, not only is the granting of religious exemptions a foregone conclusion; the whole field of fetal tissue research, going back many years and involving many pharmaceutical products should be put on trial.

The people who have been carrying out the murders, the people who have been using the harvested tissue, the companies—all of them—on trial.

I hope many medical professionals will take Cardinalli’s article as a springboard, and weigh in on what she is very clearly stating.

And not just doctors. All people who are shocked by her conclusions.

So far, I see two counter-claims to Cardinalli’s assertions.

One: In the fetal cell line HEK 293, the number does not stand for the number of live-birth abortions performed, in order to obtain a functioning cell line. The number 293 refers to the number of “passages” of the one cell line obtained from one abortion. This difference doesn’t concern me. It’s not central to the fact of murdering babies. And of course, many such live abortions are performed all over the world with the goal of obtaining cells lines for research.

Two: Cardinalli’s claim that the kidneys of the aborted baby must be harvested very quickly is false. The kidneys can survive for a longer period.

On that score, I refer you to a devastating video interview conducted by Robert Kennedy Jr. His guest was SOUND CHOICE PHARMACEUTICAL INSTITUTE “President and Founder, Dr. Theresa Deisher Ph.D., [with] over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience. She discovered adult cardiac derived stem cells, has worked on their therapeutic uses as an alternative to human fetal DNA, and leads a team of scientists at AVM Biotechnology dedicated to changing what a diagnosis of cancer, autoimmunity, or chronic infectious disease means to patients and their loved ones. As a result of this work, Dr. Deisher is named as an inventor on over 47 patents.”

In the first 15 minutes of the interview, Deisher makes it quite clear that infants in the womb are taken out alive, with their blood supply functioning (essential) and then killed by cutting out their hearts or their brains. This is what is done in order to obtain tissue that will be turned into fetal cell lines.

Since this act of murder is standard practice, it would appear it was committed against the live baby whose kidney cells became cell line HEK 293, used in testing the COVID vaccines. (More evidence coming in future articles.)

At the top of the interview, Kennedy said he didn’t want to get into the moral aspect of fetal cell lines. But after listening to Deisher, he was shaken. He said so. He said they would have to cover the moral aspect.

The whole world has to.


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cover image credit: sippakorn / pixabay

James Corbett w/ Iain Davis: Dissecting the Pseudopandemic

James Corbett w/ Iain Davis: Dissecting the Pseudopandemic

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 17, 2021


Iain Davis of In-This-Together.com joins us to discuss his new book, Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy. In this conversation Davis lays out the copious documentation demonstrating how the pseudopandemic was generated, identifies the larger agenda behind the push toward implementing the technocratic biosecurity state and talks about what we can do to stop this nightmare from becoming a reality.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


Interview 1543 – Iain Davis on COVID-19, LOKIN-20 and the Death of Statistical Sense


Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy

Clinical use of PCR testing totally discredited by the Whooping Cough pandemic that wasn’t

Online Safety Bill Draft (UK)

Belgian flu commissioner explains how to sell a pandemic to Chatham House

A State of Fear by Laura Dodsworth

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

WHO Chief warns of “infodemic” at Munich Security Conference

Are You Prepared For The “Infodemic”?

UK Column


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‘Coffee Cup Gestapo’: Australian Cops Slammed for Checking Man’s Beverage to Verify His Excuse for Not Wearing Covid-19 Mask

‘Coffee Cup Gestapo’: Australian Cops Slammed for Checking Man’s Beverage to Verify His Excuse for Not Wearing Covid-19 Mask

by RT
October 17, 2021

Video footage of Melbourne police checking whether a man’s coffee cup was empty to verify his excuse for not wearing a mask is stirring the latest round of online outrage over Australia’s dystopian Covid-19 policies.

While it is unclear when exactly the video was recorded, the clip went viral on social media on Friday and Saturday, showing several police officers confronting a man on what appears to be a park trail. One of the officers grabs the man’s coffee cup while asking, “Do you mind if I check if there’s actually anything in that?” He shakes the cup, and after apparently establishing that there was liquid inside, he backs away and tells the man, “Enjoy your coffee.”

The 10-second clip ends with the coffee drinker telling the police, “Jesus loves you all. God bless. I’ll be praying for you all.”

While the parkgoer dealt with the confrontation calmly and cordially, and it remains unclear when exactly the footage was recorded, online observers expressed shock over yet another example of Australia’s apparent Covid-19 “authoritarianism.”

Australian podcast host Diogo Correa Coelho said the man would have been fined if police had found his cup to be empty. Pointing out the absurdity of the beverage crackdown, he quipped, “Coffee is known to kill Covid.”

Other Twitter users pointed to the incident as an indication of how severely personal freedoms have been crushed in the Covid-19 era. One commenter tweeted“Two years ago, if anybody had said, in the future, groups of police officers will be checking to see whether you are carrying an empty coffee cup to avoid wearing a mask… we would have laughed in their face.”

Many observers pointed out the ridiculousness of supposedly protecting people against the spread of a virus by touching a man’s coffee cup while wearing a presumably dirty glove and giving it back to him. As one critic noted, the police officer “touched the coffee cup, thereby increasing the likelihood of transmission, all because someone is enjoying a walk – outside, where the likelihood of transmission is extremely low. But science.”

Others made Nazi comparisons, such as calling the Melbourne police the “coffee cup Gestapo.” One commenter argued that only in a “police state” would officers check someone’s coffee cup so they can fine the citizen for not wearing a mask if it’s empty.

Social media users appeared to give the police no slack for just following orders from higher-ups. Still other observers tried to illustrate the alleged police overreach through humor.

“I am about to go long coffee beans,” one Twitter user said“This gentleman just found another utility for java. It’s a face-diaper exemption card.” Another commenter sarcastically praised the officers for their bravery, saying, “If just one person is saved, it is worth losing your freedom.”

But many critics suggested that the obliteration of individual liberties in the name of fighting the pandemic won’t be easily reversed. “These people aren’t getting their freedom back unless there’s a complete turnaround of their entire government,” one commenter tweeted.

READ MORE: Melbourne sets world record for most time spent in lockdown

Australia has imposed some of the world’s most stringent pandemic restrictions under its so-called “Covid zero” strategy of trying to completely shut down the virus. New South Wales chief health officer Dr. Kerry Chant, who advised residents in July to refrain from having conversations with people, later said Australians may have to continue wearing masks for years.

Residents of Melbourne have been subjected to the world’s longest Covid-19 lockdown, which has dragged on for more than eight months. The restrictions were eased marginally on September 29, when the state of Victoria hit its 80% first dose vaccination goal. The state’s premier, Daniel Andrews, promised to finally lift the lockdown on October 22, when 70% of residents aged over 16 are projected to be doubled-dosed.


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based on creative commons work of Clker-Free-Vector-Images & FinOrW / pixabay

A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism

A Desperate Biden Administration Turns to Terrorism

by Daniel McAdams, Ron Paul Institute
October 16, 2021


For Americans watching the shocking re-Nazification of Germany – where once again the ability to even buy food depends on a person’s physiological/medical status – it may be tempting to downplay the re-emergence of a nasty German political virus and scoff that, “it can’t happen here!” But it is happening here.

The Biden Administration is sinking under the weight of its feeble figurehead, who is clearly living in a world of his own creation rather than living on planet reality. As Biden’s approval ratings plummet to near-historic depths, the people who run his administration – some say it’s really led by demon Susan Rice – are not backing off their hyper-authoritarian approach to…well, everything.

In fact they’re doubling down.

Nurse shortage? Tough – get your shot. Billions of containers waiting to be unloaded and trucked to fill empty shelves? Tough – get your shot. Murder alley Chicago facing 50 percent less cops because those who don’t want the vax are being fired? Tough – get your shot. No one to fly the plane? Tough – get your shot. No teachers? Tough – get your shot!

Into this explosion of malevolent incompetence staggers US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Department Wally Adeyemo – second-highest ranker in the entire Department. The Nigerian-born Adeyemo, who previously served as director of African American outreach for the inspiring John Kerry 2004 presidential campaign and as a senior advisor to corrupt “woke” multi-gazillionaire Larry Fink, should be given credit for at least being honest about the intentions of his bosses in the Biden Administration.

Sometimes they tell the truth by accident.

Interviewed on ABC News on Thursday, Adeyemo was asked about the thousands of container ships anchored offshore in California and elsewhere as US store shelves begin to look like Bulgaria circa 1975 – and even Santa Claus is sweating “supply chain” strangulation as Christmas quickly approaches.

It’s not because Newsom’s California is a Marxist hellhole, where the religious fundamentalism of the Green New Deal fanatics has taken massive numbers of truckers off the road. Nope.

It’s not Biden’s vax mandate which has unleashed a massive outflux of workers from their jobs – quitting or fired – at a time of severe labor shortages. Nope.

The problem is you. You unwashed vermin who refuse to have a cocktail of experimental goop jabbed into your arm.

In the ABC interview Adeyemo admitted what we all know: inflation is beating the hell out of middle America (though Biden’s multi-millionaire chief-of-staff laughed it off as “high class problems“).

“We are seeing high prices for some of the things that people have to buy,” Adeyemo told ABC’s Stephanie Ramos. But it’s not the Administration’s fault. Shelves bare? Treasury’s Number Two tells America it’s all the fault of those who have not yet succumbed to his boss’s demand that you take the jab:

The reality is that the only way we’re going to get to a place where we work through this transition is if everyone in America and everyone around the world gets vaccinated.

There is a word for this and it’s not actually blackmail. It’s terrorism. Until that part of America which has to this point decided that it does not want to take an unproven medical treatment is browbeaten – or worse – into submission to Fauci’s needle, the rest of the country will continue to suffer through empty shelves and a crappy Christmas.

Too strong a word? Here’s how the dictionary defines terrorism:



Threat: You will eat nothing and you will be happy.
Political objective: Get the shot!

It’s terrorism plain and simple and the Biden Administration’s “War on Us” is taking a dangerous turn. The millions who have taken the shot are being baited to attack those who have for whatever reason – including the medically sound acquisition of natural immunity through contracting and defeating the virus – declined to take the medical procedure. In reality both groups should unite against the past two Administrations which have lied and intimidated Americans over the virus from nearly day one. But that would threaten the elites, who rule by divide-and-conquer tactics.

It’s not hyperbole to – after having closely watched the dark cloud of propaganda-induced hysteria descend on what many of us retrospectively incorrectly believed was a more-or-less a freedom-loving American spirit – start worrying about them mobilizing the boxcars and heating up the ovens…


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cover image credit: SEVENHEADS / pixabay

Corporate Media Largely Silent as Millions Protest Vaccine Mandates Worldwide

Corporate Media Largely Silent as Millions Protest Vaccine Mandates Worldwide

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
October 14, 2021


When protests in the United States happen that help the establishment in some way, whether by stoking divide or pushing an establishment agenda, corporate media is all over them, bombarding us with news of packed streets. However, when massive crowds take to the streets to have their anti-establishment voices heard, it’s crickets on FOXSNBCNN.

Such is the case recently as millions of people across the world have taken to the streets to protest the draconian laws which segregate society and deprive people of their freedoms over their choice in taking a vaccine they may not even need.


One place, in particular, that is currently seeing massive protests is Italy whose government just passed the strictest vaccine mandate in Europe. Starting on October 15, Italy begins enforcing the new workplace green pass requirement. If employees cannot show proof of vaccination, they will not be allowed to go to work nor will they be able to enter any public places like restaurants, theaters, gyms, etc.

If an Italian citizen misses five days of work by failing to comply with the new mandate, the government forces their employer to stop paying them. If employees are caught working without a green pass, the state will extort them to the tune of $2,100 per instance.


Naturally, moves like this have pissed a lot of people off. It is well known now that the antibodies from the covid vaccines fade over time, which is why Israel is now requiring boosters for all of their citizens. It is also well known that immunity from natural infection is far superior to the vaccine.

A person who had the jab back in January and likely has very few antibodies left is considered “green.” However, at the same time, a person who may have caught covid last month and recovered, thereby drastically reducing their ability to catch and spread the disease, is considered a threat and cannot go to work or public places. There is zero logic in these mandates, which prove one thing — they are about control — not your safety.

This is why people are in the streets across the country and all over Europe and Australia. Civil disobedience is their only option left as they are forced out of their jobs, denied entry into public places, and forbidden from travelling.


As the mainstream media refuses to question the idea behind mandating vaccinations, they have made their role clear in this tyranny as enablers. This should come as no surprise either given the money that pours into their coffers from the ones who stand to gain the most from vaccine mandates — big pharma.

As we are currently witnessing with their silence in regard to vaccine mandate protests, it is no secret that the pharmaceutical industry wields immense control over the government, big tech, and the media. It is their control which keeps this and any other negative press about their products from seeing the light of day. However, most people likely do not know the scope of this control.

As Mike Papantonio, attorney and host of the international television show America’s Lawyer, explains, with the exception of CBS, every major media outlet in the United States shares at least one board member with at least one pharmaceutical company. To put that into perspective: These board members wake up, go to a meeting at Merck or Pfizer, then they have their driver take them over to a meeting with NBC to decide what kind of programming that network is going to air.

We have even reported incidents in which reporters have been cut off by the network for mentioning the connection on air. In a clear example of how beholden mainstream media is to the pharmaceutical industries who manufacture and market these drugs, FOX News’ Sean Hannity was recorded in 2018, blatantly cutting off a reporter who dared mention Nikolas Cruz’s reported association with antidepressants.

In the report below, Papantonio explains how the billions of dollars big pharma gives to mainstream media outlets every year is used to keep them subservient and complicit in covering up the slew of deadly side effects from their products.

As we can see with the current censorship and narrative control in regard to those questioning the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, big pharma wields massive control over the information you are allowed to talk about and consume. Once we zoom out and see the entire situation, it becomes exceedingly evident as to why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the rest of Big Tech, have made it their mission to wipe out any and all content that questions the “official narrative.”


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The Growing Rebellion Against COVID Policies

The Growing Rebellion Against COVID Policies

by Neenah Payne, Natural Blaze
October 15, 2021


As an increasing number of mandates go into effect, we are beginning to see the resistance to these policies growing in equal measure. Here are some of the latest examples.

Southwest Cancels THOUSANDS Of Flights As Pilots Walk Out, Media Claim It’s Not About Vax Mandates

Southwest Pilots Union Sues To Block Airline’s Vaccination Mandate

“In what appears to be one of the first cases of a union pushing back against the new COVID vaccination requirements handed down by the Biden Administration, a union representing pilots at Southwest Airlines is suing to stop the vaccine requirement from being forced until a lawsuit is resolved Bloomberg reports that the union representing Southwest’s pilots has asked a court to grant a temporary stay against the federal vaccination rules until an ongoing lawsuit over what they allege are violations of US labor laws is resolved.”


Are “vaccinated” pilots causing plane crashes?

Sen. Ron Paul: The Great Rebellion

As Southwest Cancels Hundreds More Flights On Monday, Ron Paul Opines On The “Great Rebellion” Over Vaccine Mandates

“As we noted on Sunday, Southwest airlines canceled nearly 2,000 flights over the weekend – blaming the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and inclement weather. Oddly, no other major airlines had the same issues, while rumors swirled that airline employees had staged coordinated walk-outs (which their unions deny).”

This pilot’s call to action for all of us is really inspiring!

The article adds:

“On Monday, Southwest was once again at the top of the cancellation list, according to FlightAware – which lists 356 cancellations as of this writing (23% of the day’s 1,539 total cancellations), prompting Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to tweet: ‘As a loyal Southwest customer who has been flying safely throughout the pandemic and is utterly opposed to vaccine mandates, I’m asking, stop the madness before more damage is done.’

Former US Senator Dr. Ron Paul may be on to something in a Monday op-ed via the Ron Paul Institute, when he calls it a rebellion (emphasis ours). The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it has spilled out into the open, threatening to completely derail an already crumbling economy and to obliterate a deeply unpopular US President and Administration.”

The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?

written by Ron Paul, October 11, 2021

“The incredible cruelty and folly of forced vaccines finally came home to roost. The vaccine mandate backlash has been bubbling just under the surface, but now it has spilled out into the open, threatening to completely derail an already crumbling economy and to obliterate a deeply unpopular US President and Administration.

Seemingly out of nowhere what appears to be a Southwest Airlines rebellion has taken flight this weekend. According to media reports, scores of pilots and other Southwest employees have coordinated the taking of “sick days” to use them up in advance of a Southwest Airlines mandate to get the jab or lose the job. Over Saturday and Sunday more than 2,000 flights have been cancelled, with airports experiencing full-on mayhem.

The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association is suing the airline over the imposed vaccine mandate, bolstering the claim that there is a “sick out” underway among angry Southwest pilots.

The mainstream media is doing its best to keep a lid on the expanding rebellion against the vaccine mandates, and Southwest Airlines itself is blaming the cancellations on bad weather and a lack of air traffic controllers. However, the weather problems that Southwest claims to be experiencing seem unique to that carrier: no other airline (thus far) is reporting such weather-related cancellations. And FAA spokesperson Steve Kulm told USA Today that “No FAA air traffic staffing shortages have been reported since Friday.”

“Will other pilots, such as at American Airlines, follow suit? Rumors are circling that this is only the beginning.”

Once Celebrated Healthcare Workers Under Fire

In A Dramatic Turn, The Once-Heralded Nurses And Healthcare Workers Are Being Fired For Not Getting Their Vaccination Shots reports:

“Around 16% of the New York state’s hospital workers, representing about 83,000 people, aren’t  completely vaccinated. Roughly under 10% have not received a single shot.”

Hundreds of hospital staffers fired or suspended for refusing COVID-19 vaccine mandate says:

“States including New York, California, Rhode Island and Connecticut also set vaccine mandates for health care workers that take effect this week. But there are brewing concerns over staff shortages at already-overburdened hospitals still grappling with COVID-19 cases. Some hospital networks said they’ve ramped up hiring ahead of vaccine deadlines to stabilize their workforces. ABC News contributor John Brownstein, an epidemiologist and professor at Harvard Medical School, noted that while overall the number of health care workers being terminated or suspended isn’t huge, at the same time, ‘we can’t afford to lose anybody at this point.’”

These Health Care Workers Would Rather Get Fired Than Get Vaccinated

“Monday is the vaccination deadline for New York State health care workers. Thousands of refusers have failed to meet it….They see their work as a badge of credibility, and the order from their bosses and the state to make a choice — get vaccinated or get fired — as a betrayal. ‘We were all traumatized, vaccinated and unvaccinated,’ said Ms. Conrad, who works at United Memorial, a hospital in Batavia, a small city midway between Rochester and Buffalo, and felt respected by colleagues there. ‘It’s very hard that the same people who elevated me to this level now look at me as a dangerous person.’…

The disagreement is also testing government’s power to mandate compliance with public-health measures; New York’s mandate and the state’s refusal to allow religious exemptions are the subject of at least two lawsuits, including one by Ms. Conrad and five other plaintiffs.”

Judge Overrules NY Governor

Judge Overrules NY Governor – Says Employers Must Grant Religious Exemptions To Healthcare Workers

Judge rules New York must allow religious exemptions to health care workers, for now

Coronavirus Update for New York

“A federal judge in Utica sided Tuesday with 17 health care workers who object to New York State’s vaccine mandate for health workers on religious grounds, granting their request for an injunction that stops the state from enforcing the policy for those who claim a religion-based objection. ‘There is no adequate explanation from defendants about why the ‘reasonable accommodation’ that must be extended to a medically exempt health care worker under 2.61 could not similarly be extended to a healthcare worker with a sincere religious objection,’ Judge David Hurd wrote.

Hurd’s preliminary injunction means New York will continue to be barred from enforcing any requirement that employers deny religious exemptions.  Unlike other judges who have heard similar cases about vaccine mandates, Judge Hurd concluded ‘the public interest lies with enforcing the guarantees enshrined in the Constitution and federal anti-discrimination law’ and not the wider public health.

He wrote that the health care workers challenging suing the state were likely to succeed on the merits of their constitutional claim. ‘The question presented by this case is not whether plaintiffs and other individuals are entitled to a religious exemption from the state’s workplace vaccination requirement,’ he wrote. ‘Instead, the question is whether the state’s summary imposition of 2.61 conflicts with plaintiffs’ and other individuals’ federally protected right to seek a religious accommodation from their individual employers. The answer to this question is clearly yes. Plaintiffs have established that 2.61 conflicts with longstanding federal protections for religious beliefs and that they and others will suffer irreparable harm in the absence of injunctive relief.’

The plaintiffs said they hold the sincere religious belief that they ‘cannot consent to be inoculated…with vaccines that were tested, developed or produced with fetal cell lines derived from procured abortions.’

According to the plaintiffs, the COVID-19 vaccines that are currently available violate these sincere religious beliefs ‘because they all employ fetal cell lines derived from procured abortion in testing, development or production.’

Gov. Kathy Hochul’s administration began requiring workers at hospitals and nursing homes to be vaccinated on Sept. 27 and more recently expanded the requirement to include workers at assisted living homes, hospice care, treatment centers and home health aides. ‘My responsibility as Governor is to protect the people of this state, and requiring health care workers to get vaccinated accomplishes that,’ Hochul said in a statement. ‘I stand behind this mandate, and I will fight this decision in court to keep New Yorkers safe.’”

Texas Governor Bans COVID “Vaccine” Mandates

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott bans any COVID-19 vaccine mandates — including for private employers
Abbott also called on the Legislature to pass a law expanding the ban on vaccine mandates. — OCT. 11, 2021

“Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday issued another executive order cracking down on COVID-19 vaccine mandates — this time banning any entity in Texas, including private businesses, from requiring vaccinations for employees or customers.

Abbott also called on the Legislature to pass a law with the same effect, promising to rescind the executive order once that happenedThe Legislature is in this year’s third special legislative session, which ends Oct. 19. ‘The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, & our best defense against the virus, but should always remain voluntary & never forced,’ he said in a tweet announcing his latest order….

The latest move appears to be at least partly motivated by President Joe Biden’s actions in September that require all employers with more than 100 workers to mandate vaccines for workers or test weekly for the virus.  ‘In yet another instance of federal government overreach, the Biden Administration is now bullying many private entities into imposing COVID-19 vaccine mandates, causing workforce disruptions that threaten Texas’s continued recovery from the COVID-19 disaster,’ Abbott said in his order.”

No Vax Mandate Job Boards

Job boards for workplaces that specifically don’t require COVID-19 vaccinations are popping up as more employers have started requiring the shot

“Job boards for sharing open roles at companies that do not require employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 have been popping up online as vaccine mandates are becoming more common.

One board is hosted on Gab, the social media platform that has been embraced by some conservatives and members of the far-right. In an email sent to users on Wednesday, Gab CEO Andrew Torba announced the ‘No Vax Mandate Job Board.

‘This job board is for sharing job openings that do not require employees to inject themselves with an experimental substance or violate their bodily autonomy and religious beliefs in order to retain employment,’ he wrote, adding that job seekers are welcome to post their resumes in the group.

The group, which had nearly 30,000 members after just two days, was filled with messages from people looking for work that won’t require them to be vaccinated….”

Another site marketing itself to job seekers who are looking to avoid vaccine mandates, NoVaxMandate.org, says it believes ‘no right is more sacred than the right of every individual to the control of their own person, free from all restraint or interference of others.’

The openings listed on the site range from a Pizza Hut delivery driver in Texas to a Hairstylist at a ‘patriot run small business’ in Arizona. There are multiple openings for nurses at rural nursing homes in Wisconsin and Minnesota, with listings that read: ‘No Jab required. We are awake and serve God.’

A third site, RedBalloon, touts itself as ‘the nation’s first and only free speech job site.’ It said it would be ‘taking a stand against forced vaccinations,’ announcing in a blog post it would be ‘ramping up’ its operations to connect employers who are looking for employees ‘regardless of their vaccination status.’

Red Balloon

The Red Balloon site clearly states:

We connect employers who value freedom with employees who value it too. We envision a world beyond cancel culture, where employees are free to work… without fear that they will find themselves on the wrong side of their employer’s politics.

That’s it. No agendas, politics, or drama. Just work. Interested? Let’s create that world together.

Questions? Comments? We’d love to hear from you!

Email us at CEO@RedBalloon.work

Senator Rand Paul’s Resist video calls on Americans to reject the COVID “health” policies.

Also see from Del Bigtree at The HighWire:


“It’s Mandate Mayhem! Southwest Airlines in Disarray; Is Biden’s Vaccine Order Legal?; The Pushback Against Tyranny Goes Viral!; Tech CEO’s New Mandate-Free Job Site” — The HighWire


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Americans Nationwide Are Taking Stand Against Vaccine Mandates

Americans Nationwide Are Taking Stand Against Vaccine Mandates

by World Tribune Staff, World Tribune
October 15, 2021


Nurses in Illinois, highway workers in Washington state, the Los Angeles sheriff, and the governor of Oklahoma have joined Americans who are taking a stand against mandated Covid vaccination.

In Illinois, six nurses employed by Riverside Healthcare in Kankakee have filed a lawsuit against the hospital over their right to refuse the jab, citing the state’s Health Care Right of Conscience Act.

The nurses were notified by Riverside Healthcare officials that they will be terminated by Oct. 31 if they do not get the Covid jab, Just the News reported on Thursday.

Attorney Daniel Suhr of the Liberty Justice Center, which is representing the nurses, said that Riverside is in violation of the state’s Health Care Right of Conscience Act, which protects physicians and other health care workers from being asked to compromise their beliefs in the course of practicing their profession.

“The law says that if you have a sincere moral conviction that stems from your belief in God, then your employer has to respect that,” Suhr said.

One of the six nurses, Neelie Panozzo, a nurse practitioner for over 24 years at Riverside, said her faith is the reason for her decision not to get the vaccine: “I have dedicated my life to living out my faith by serving my patients. I believe I am called to love and serve my patients especially those who are frail and vulnerable. I am also following my faith teaching when I say I can not accept this vaccine.”

In Washington state, a transportation crew left a message on a digital road sign for Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee, who has mandated they get the jab.

In Los Angeles County, Sheriff Alex Villanueva said he will not enforce the county’s vaccine mandate at his agency.

Villanueva, who oversees a department with roughly 18,000 employees, said his employees are willing to be terminated rather than get vaccinated.

“I don’t want to be in a position to lose 5, 10% of my workforce overnight on a vaccine mandate,” the sheriff said.

Los Angeles County has imposed one of the nation’s strictest vaccine mandates, requiring proof of vaccination for everyone entering bars, restaurants, nail salons, gyms, or even a Lakers game.

In Oklahoma, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt announced that the state will take the Biden administration to court over its plan to impose a vaccine mandate on businesses with more than 100 employees.

In a video message posted on Thursday, Stitt said that “this action is not just federal overreach; it’s unconstitutional,” and “getting the vaccine is a personal choice.”

Stitt added: “President Biden’s administration has no respect for individual freedoms. I cannot believe we have a president who wants to force Americans to choose between a vaccine and their job. The people this is affecting aren’t just statistics. They’re real Oklahomans with real concerns. They’re brave nurses and caretakers. They’re expecting mothers and fathers. They’re first responders and brave law enforcement.”

Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor also denounced the vax mandate: “In the event federal emergency rules are issued that place such an unlawful demand upon employers, our office will be joined by other state attorneys general across the country to quickly sue and seek an injunction against any implementation or enforcement” of a mandate.

In New York, Judge David Hurd of Utica sided with 17 healthcare workers who sued over the state’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers that may have seen up to 75,000 unemployed for refusing the jab.

Hurd granted an injunction against the mandate starting immediately while the case is tried. He wrote: “There is no adequate explanation from defendants,” meaning the state, “about why the ‘reasonable accommodation’ that must be extended to a medically exempt health care worker under 2.61 could not similarly be extended to a healthcare worker with a sincere religious objection.”

In a social media post, one worker who said he and his crew were threatened with termination if they didn’t get the jab said his employers backed down when the workers stood up.

“Stand together, they can’t take your dignity, your job, or your pride,” the man said (video below; profanity warning).


Meanwhile, the Babylon Bee nailed it:


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Alberta, Canada: Justice Adam Germain’s Outrageous Ruling in Court Case Related to Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s Strong Stance Against Medical Tyranny

Alberta, Canada: Justice Adam Germain’s Outrageous Ruling in Court Case Related to Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s Strong Stance Against Medical Tyranny


[Read & download PDF of the court document here.]


Judge’s OUTRAGEOUS ruling in Pastor Artur case 
The official written decision from Justice Adam Germain has been released, documenting the outrageous statements made while he decided Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s fate. 

by Rebel News
October 15, 2021


The official written decision from Justice Adam Germain regarding the case of Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been released. The document puts in writing some the bizarre statements from the judge, including his suggestion that sending Pastor Artur back to jail, as requested by prosecutors representing Alberta Health Services, would “make him a martyr” and the script Pastor Artur is compelled to read any time he speaks against the official government narrative surrounding COVID-19.

Describing Pastor Artur’s statements to the court as “taunt[ing] me to imprison him,” Justice Germain said that the proposed additional 21 days in jail sought by Alberta Health Services would be a “slap on the wrist that will make him a martyr.”

The judge further outlined how Pastor Artur, after being found guilty of contempt, went on a speaking tour in the United States.

According to Justice Germain, Pastor Artur “parlayed his title as a pastor and the fact that he had been arrested for holding a church service into a rally cry that attracted like-minded individuals in the United States who also oppose healthcare measures addressed at combatting COVID-19.”

Justice Germain also ordered Pastor Artur to condemn his own words, compelling the pastor to effectively denounce himself any time he makes comments on lockdowns, masks, vaccines or any other pandemic-related topic.

Wrote Justice Germain:

The final term of his probation order will be that when he is exercising his right of free speech and speaking against AHS Health Orders and AHS health recommendations, in a public gathering or public forum (including electronic social media); he must indicate in his communications the following:

I am also aware that the views I am expressing to you on this occasion may not be views held by the majority of medical experts in Alberta. While I may disagree with them, I am obliged to inform you that the majority of medical experts favour social distancing, mask wearing, and avoiding large crowds to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Most medical experts also support participation in a vaccination program unless for a valid religious or medical reason you cannot be vaccinated. Vaccinations have been shown statistically to save lives and to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms.

Discussing any potential violation of Pastor Artur’s rights, Justice Germain described pandemic restrictions as “intrusions on personal liberty,” but felt that they were not “sacrifices that would offend the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and they are not egregious sacrifices.”

Citing one doctor’s comparison, Justice Germain compared those who violated Alberta’s COVID rules to impaired drivers.

“The restrictions were directed at keeping people alive,” Justice Germain wrote. “Fundamental to this debate, which is roaring in Alberta, and getting louder and louder as more and more people die, is that the person you kill may not be yourself.”

In the decision, Justice Germain also described Pastor Artur and his brother Dawid as “revel[ing] in their arrest,” adding that the Pawlowskis “went out of their way to make their arrest the Saturday night news spectacle that it turned out to be.”

Rebel News is going to help Pastor Artur appeal this appalling decision. To support that appeal, donations can be made at SaveArtur.com. If you find Justice Germain’s decision as outrageous as we do, you can sign our petition at FireTheJudge.com.


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James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato: Hellscape vs. Freedonia

James Corbett w/ James Evan Pilato: Hellscape vs. Freedonia

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report, w/ James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy
October 15, 2021


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.

This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


Story #1: Merck To Double Production Of ‘Breakthrough’ COVID Pill As Nations Line Up To Buy


“Proceed With Caution At Your Own Peril” – Merck’s COVID ‘Super Drug’ Poses Serious Health Risks, Scientists Warn


Drugmakers seek FDA clearance for antiviral pill; Texas Gov. Greg Abbott moves to ban vaccine mandates: Latest COVID-19 updates


Merck’s Covid Pill Could Pose Serious Risks, Scientists Warn


Goldman Sachs’ Profiles In Innovation: The Genome Revolution


Story #2: Proof-Of-Vax QR Code Goes Live In Alberta


Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a Bribe to Impose COVID Restrictions


Transcript of IMF Press Briefing


President Magufuli Dead at 61


Story #3: New Coalition of Musicians Opposing Vax Mandates and Segregation


Faithless Town – “New World Order” (Official Video)


Know Your Meme: Let’s Go Brandon




Revolt Begins At Southwest Airlines As Air Traffic Controllers Stage Walkout Over Mandate


Let’s Go Brandon Merch


Intel Supplier Communications – Intel’s Response and its COVID-19 Policy


The New World Next Week Store



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British Funeral Director John O’Looney: Deaths Skyrocketed 300% After Covid Vaccine Rollout

British Funeral Director John O’Looney: Deaths Skyrocketed 300% After Covid Vaccine Rollout

by Renee Nal, RAIR Foundation USA
October 14, 2021


Statements from a courageous funeral director went viral in September after he shared observations about those who died in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

John O’Looney, director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, continues to crush the narrative in an exclusive RAIR Foundation USA interview. After O’Looney spoke out last month, “about 65 professionals from within the industry in various positions” have approached him with similar stories about the nature of the dead arriving at funeral homes.

Deaths Before and After Vaccine

In America, assisted living home deaths marked a huge amount, if not the majority, of coronavirus deaths, as reported at RAIR. But it is not just about elderly patients being more susceptible to the coronavirus, there is deep speculation that deaths of the elderly could have been prevented, and may have been deliberate.

John O’Looney and his colleagues noticed that for the first year, there were no surplus deaths at all and if anything, fewer deaths. Those who died supposedly from the coronavirus, O’Looney asserts, appear to have succumbed to a drug called Midazolam given to nursing home residents.

The funeral home director is not alone in his suspicion.

But after the vaccine was introduced to his area in January, O’Looney said that the calls made to his funeral home soared, going up “300 percent”. “I’ve never seen a death rate like it in 15 years,” he said. “Initially, [the deaths were] all exclusively care homes,” O’Looney said. But after the roll out of the mRNA injection, the deaths were no longer exclusively from nursing homes, and the ages of the dead varied significantly.

“I’ve got a 32-year-old, a 33-year-old and a 28-year-old in my care at the moment,” O’Looney explained as an example. “They’re all jab recipients and they all died unexpectedly and suddenly,” he continued.

The majority of deaths appear to be blood clots (heart attack and stroke) and organ failure, O’Looney said. He described one woman who passed away who was “in her fifties” without health issues, and “super fit” who “goes to the gym every day, runs six kilometers”. The funeral director said that the woman was given a booster and “died of liver failure the following week.”

People Are Waking Up

People are “waking up in large numbers,” asserts O’Looney, who is a fierce critic of vaccine mandates. But he is concerned that as people wake up, the government will “up their game” to silence dissent.

John O’Looney does not mince words about what he believes to be a depopulation agenda.

The funeral home director compared the deaths of innocents in nursing homes to those who were murdered by British serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman. People are being coerced to get the injection without informed consent. “They are no better than murderers, some of these people,” O’Looney said. “Some of the things they’ve done are unforgivable,” he continued.

Watch the powerful RAIR exclusive interview:

Video available at RAIR Foundation Rumble channel.


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Mandate or Freedom: An Open Letter to Corporate CEOs

Mandate or Freedom: An Open Letter to Corporate CEOs

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 15, 2021


Let’s be frank. Who in his right mind would appeal to corporate CEOs on fundamental issues of ethics and freedom?

But this is 1776.

We’re at the crossroads.

Are you going to order your employees to take the COVID vaccine? Are you going to fire those who won’t? Are you going to take away their freedom, for a vaccine that has already caused 700,000 injuries?

And by the way, that number represents vast underreporting. The well-known Harvard Pilgrim study concludes vaccine injuries should be multiplied by 100 to arrive at a true number.

Let’s get real. There will be many lawsuits filed from many quarters, to stop a vaccine mandate; but the outcome of these legal actions is vastly uncertain. Therefore, you CEOs must…

Stand up and refuse. Stand up and say you will not impose a mandate on your employees, NO MATTER WHAT.

No mandates, no more lockdowns, no further destruction of the economy, no destruction of millions more lives.

Except in a few states, governors can’t be relied on. You CEOs are a prime line of defense, if you have the courage. If you don’t, if your hard-charging reputations are built on a foundation of sand, if your prime loyalty is to a federal government that offers you cash bailouts in return for treachery against the system of free enterprise—what is left of it—then you are lost in a darkness of your own making.

Do you remember these words? “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”

This was the final thought expressed in the Declaration of Independence by the signers.

Do those words ring hollow for you now? Is that where we are?

Are you going to let a boot stamp on your face forever?

Are you going to grind your boot on the very freedom that allowed your company to grow and prosper?

Are the echoes of 1776 so faint in your minds, you can’t imagine how this dire 2021 has anything to do with you?

You need to step forward and make bold uncompromising statements and pledges: No mandates. No lockdowns. No destruction of the right to earn a living. No federal dictatorship. No backing down.

You and your fellow CEOs must leave your offices and travel across the country and tell the people you’re on their side, and you must mean it. This is not your usual public relations campaign. This is honesty and honor and duty. If you have it in you.

First, there was the story of a virus. Then a story of a test for the virus. Then the story of case numbers. Then, the masks and lockdowns and distancing and blasting of the economy. Then the vaccine. Then the announced vaccine mandate. Hasn’t it occurred to you that this serial story, with each succeeding phase, is really the pretext for tyranny and dictatorship and takeover?

You have to start forging new alliances that go far beyond your workaday world; alliances with nurses, pilots, sheriffs, soldiers and others who are refusing the vaccine. Alliances with unions who are pushing back against the mandate.

It’s not, strictly speaking, your “business,” but business in America is heading toward the edge of a cliff, in case you hadn’t noticed.

Here’s the story of one your own. Alfie Oakes. He has 3,200 employees. His store is based in Florida. He owns 3,000 acres of farmland and a food processing plant. Watch him speak in this video. He understands what’s at stake. He knows this is 1776. He’s a good man who’s doing the right thing. He’s a hero.

We are talking about values. We are not talking about political correctness or endlessly sucking on the teat of socialism.

I realize many of you CEOs have embraced a form of socialism already—a close collaboration with government—because you believe it is the best guarantee for your survival. But you’re wrong. You’re wrong in strategic terms, and wrong when it comes to values and principles.

You now have to revolutionize your thinking. You have to help overcome the forces you’ve been aligning yourself with.

You have to find, embrace, and work with the people, wherever they are, whoever they are, who stand for freedom. And the work you do must be conceived along new lines.

“I’m the CEO of XYZ. I stand here today talking to you, alongside sheriffs, policemen, union workers, nurses, soldiers, business owners, parents, state representatives; people who want freedom in America again. We’re pledged to stand against vaccine mandates, lockdowns, closures, and all the failed measures that have kept us in isolation. We’re taking back what is ours. You’re going to hear from these people standing up here. You’re going to understand how their stories of freedom denied are your stories…”

This is an issue of character.

For decades, you’ve thought of your relationship with the public as Public Relations, with all the manipulations that profession entails.

This is 1776. You can’t travel that way anymore.

“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Do you want to keep selling what you’ve always sold, until the people’s money to buy your goods runs out? Because surely you realize this is the Plan. One government restriction and interference after another, until the only alternative is a structured and managed economy, from the top down.

Are you willing to live with that?

Those of us who are awake and have eyes to see can fight this war without you. We’re not waiting to reclaim our freedom. I write this letter because you can, if you will, become our allies.

Or you can sink into a pool of obscurity and never be heard from again.

Not even footnoted in the books of history.

What are you going to do now, in this crisis?

You have a chance to be great. You have a chance to help save this country. Somewhere inside you, haven’t you always wanted a battle worthy of your deepest efforts?

You can form a line, beyond which the wolves in power cannot cross.

In this hour, the authentic spirit of America reaches out to you.

The spirit of freedom, which never dies, taps you on the shoulder.

Will you turn away, or will you come to the aid of your country?

Will you try to maintain your customary position, with blinders on, only to realize, soon, that your position is untenable; or will you forge a new connection with The People and pledge your fortunes, your honor, and your lives to a new Declaration of Independence from this latest version of the Crown, which seeks to colonize us in a landscape of despair?

Whether you choose to retreat or advance, you’re risking everything you’ve earned. In the one case, you willingly surrender it, because as sure as the sun comes up, the government is going to keep devising ways to take it from you. In the other case, you risk it all for the right reason:

The dream of what America should stand for.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: kalhh / pixabay


New York City Rally for Freedom — Tomorrow, Saturday October 16: Join Robert F. Kennedy , Jr., Mary Holland, Kevin Jenkins, Christiane Northrup & Many More

New York City Rally for Freedom — Tomorrow, Saturday October 16: Join Robert F. Kennedy , Jr., Mary Holland, Kevin Jenkins, Christiane Northrup & Many More

Broadway Rally for Freedom With DJ, Dancing, Music, Speeches & March Against the Media



Tomorrow, Sat. 10/16, Broadway Rally for Freedom in NYC

What:    Broadway Rally for Freedom
Where:  Broadway between 41 St, and 42 St., New York, NY
Who:      Join with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary Holland, Kevin Jenkins, Jo Speakstruth, Larry Palevsky MD, Christiane Northrup MD, Patricia Finn, John Maitland, Jason Shurka, Rev. Tom Mahairas, Rev. Kevin McCall, many more.
When:   Saturday, October 16, starting at 1 pm
1 pm          Gather at Broadway between 41 St. and 42 St.
1:30 pm   DJ/dancing/music
2 pm         Speeches
3:30 pm   March Against the Media



Connect with New York Freedom Rally at Telegram

Connect with Do We Need This?

cover image credit: Mr_Rohan / pixabay


The Needle and the Sword

The Needle and the Sword

by John Goss, All the Goss
October 14, 2021


Some two-thousand years ago the King of Judea, Herod, was fearful that a young prince had been born who would usurp his reign. As the story goes in an attempt to make sure this never came about Herod ordered all the male children in Bethlehem up to two years of age to be slaughtered. This has become known as the “slaughter of the innocents”. There are anomalies which scholars debate right down to the year of the event, whether it refers to Herod the Great, a totally ruthless man, or his son Herod Antipas, and even whether the slaughter actually took place.

Regardless of the historical accuracy there is no doubt that people in positions of power harbour no qualms about murdering or imprisoning potential challengers to, or critics of, their power. You only need to look at Julian Assange to see this. Although the control-by-any-means mindset of power-mongers has changed from taking out a sword in acts of infanticide to less conspicuous murders it is still going on. Today it is being administered by poisonous needles. It is another “slaughter of the innocents”.

From US records

Officially 36 children have now died following the Covid-19 injection in the US (you can see details and links to unique VAERS records by clicking on the manufacturer’s name). It is suspected there are an unknown number of “cause of death” certificates wrongly labelled. A father’s grief from his boy’s Pfizer jab says it all.

My son died, while taking his math class on Zoom. We are waiting for the autopsy because the doctors did not find anything. He was a healthy boy, he had a good academic index, he wanted to be a civil engineer. He was the best thing in my life.

For every death at least one parent or guardian is left grieving, together with siblings, and close friends. The US has reported almost 24k cases of adverse reactions in children and those children have reported almost 75k injuries!

Many are life-limiting and life-altering. Short-term deaths of children jabbed by the killer shot for which reports have been logged are presented next. Some of the reports are obviously written by overworked, and no doubt emotionally affected, medical staff or parents.

 1.    13 year old boy – Moderna 

Write-up: Died three days after vaccine; 13 year old boy dies three days after the Moderna vaccine; This spontaneous case was reported by a consumer and describes the occurrence of DEATH (Died three days after vaccine) in a 13-year-old male patient who received mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) for COVID-19 vaccination. The occurrence of additional non-serious events is detailed below. No Medical History information was reported. On an unknown date, the patient received dose of mRNA-1273 (Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine) (unknown route) 1 dosage form. On an unknown date, the patient experienced PRODUCT ADMINISTERED TO PATIENT OF INAPPROPRIATE AGE (13 year old boy dies three days after the Moderna vaccine).

 2.    13 year old girl – Pfizer 

Write-up: dead from second dose of Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program by a non-contactable consumer. This report reported same event for two patients. This is the first dose of two reports. A 13-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as DOSE 2, SINGLE at the age of 13-year-old for covid-19 immunisation. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient previously received the first dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2) for covid-19 immunisation. A 13 years old female is dead from second dose of Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine. Both had no prior conditions with the heart and now are dead.

 3.    11 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: Patient was 11 years old and 8 months at the time of vaccine No side effects noted.

 4.    17 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: had a reaction and is hospitalized in serious condition / the patient had died; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer received through COVAES portal (firstly by logistic colleague). A female patient of an unspecified age received first dose of bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY, Formulation: solution for injection, Lot number: unknown) via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (age at the vaccination: 17-years-old) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation.

 5.    5 month old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17, 2020 while at work. March 18, 2020 her 5 month old breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever. Patient brought baby to local ER where assessments were performed, blood analysis revealed elevated liver enzymes. Infant was hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away. Diagnosis of TTP. No known allergies. No new exposures aside from the mother”s vaccination the previous day.

 6.    16 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: Patient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiology of arrest. Risk factors included oral contraceptive use.

 7.    16 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: pulmonary embolism

 8.    16 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: ~4 weeks after the 2nd dose of Pfizer, patient presented to the hospital with chest pain; had pericardial effusion. Initially improved but then had decompensation, prolonged hospitalization. Diagnosed with hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (HLH) and ultimately died.

 9.    15 year old girl – Moderna

Write-up: I do not know the exact date of the first or second Moderna Vaccine. I am the PICU attending who cared for the patient after her cardiac arrest which we believe was about 3-4 days after her second Moderna Vaccine

10.    17 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: Patient reported difficulty breathing and chest pain; suffered cardiac arrest and death

11.    1 year old boy – Moderna

Write-up: increased body temperature, seizure, death

12.    15 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Heart failure

13.    16 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: My son died, while taking his math class on Zoom. We are waiting for the autopsy because the doctors did not find anything. He was a healthy boy, he had a good academic index, he wanted to be a civil engineer. He was the best thing in my life.

14.    15 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Unexplained death within 48 hours

15.    16 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Prodrome of headache and gastric upset over 2 days following second dose. Then felt fine. Found the following day dead in bed. Autopsy pending

16.    17 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: Patient had massive acute intracranial hemorrhage. Was found down in bathroom. In ED CT scan showed large intraventricular hemorrhage, EVD placed, patient progressed to massive brain swelling and infarctions, decompressive craniectomy, unable to control intracranial pressure, parents agreed to DNR status and patient is not expected to survive.

17.    13 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Flu like symptoms for 2 days then was found deceased

18.    13 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Date of Admission: 6/19/2021 Date of Death: 6/20/2021 Primary Care Physician: No primary care provider on file. REASON FOR ADMISSION: Patient is a 13-year-old previously healthy male who was admitted after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest with ROSC after CPR for 15 minutes in the field, found to be in the context of large cerebellar hemorrhage secondary to brain lesion (AVM vs tumor).

19.    17 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: Cardiac arrest without resuscitation. Unknown cause of cardiac arrest. Awaiting autopsy report.

20.    15 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up:  A 15-year-old female patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY), intramuscular on 11Jul2021 07:30 (Lot Number: Unknown) (at the age of 15-year-old) as dose 1, single for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included ongoing asthma, ongoing Barlow”s syndrome, ongoing Marfan”s syndrome. T. Father watered the garden and she cleaned the garage to prepare for her birthday party. On 13Jul2021 17:20, her father found her in cardio respiratory arrest, back to the ground, next to a ladder.Cause of Death: Anoxia cerebral and Cardiac arrest while outcome of the other events was unknown. No follow-up attempts are possible; information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained. No further information is expected.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest; Anoxia cerebral

21.    16 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: The patient died 6 days after receiving dose #2

22.    17 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: SARS COV2 POSITIVE ON 7/20; EXPIRED 8/29/2021

23.    15 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: 7/22/2021 Child collapsed on soccer field while playing soccer at a local camp. CPR was initiated immediately. EMS arrived and found patient in vtac. Shock x 5. ACLS, intubation attempted. Transported to Medical Center. Patient had covid in April 2021. Dx in May 2021 hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Started on lopressor 25mg BID. Patient had reported to parents that he had not recently taken his medications. Patient had his second covid vaccine on Sunday 7/18/2021.

24.    13 year old girl – Pfizer

Write-up: patient arrived in ventricular tachycardia via EMS, but responsive. deteoriarated to pulseless ventricular tachycardia, PEA and ultimately death.

25.    13 year old boy –Pfizer

Write-up: Disseminated intravascular coagulation; Lung hemorrhage; Pyrexia; Multiorgan failure; Septic shock; This is a spontaneous report from a non-contactable other HCP. DE-PEI-202100168078. A 13-yars-old male patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY, Formulation: Solution for Injection, Batch/Lot Number: 10020A) dose 2 0.3 mL via an unknown route of administration on 11Aug2021 (at the age of 13-years-old) as dose 1, single for COVID-19 immunisation. Reported Cause(s) of Death: Unknown cause of death

26.    15 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Death/passed away;  A 15-year-old male patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration in the left arm on 09Aug2021 at 09:00 AM (at the age of 15-year-old; lot number: FF2154) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient”s medical history and concomitant medications were not provided. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The father reported that the patient (the son) received the dose 1 of the Pfizer vaccine on 09Aug2021 at 9AM on left arm. Unfortunately, patient passed away (death) on Friday 13Aug2021 at 04:30 without any history of illness.

27.    16 year old boy –Pfizer

Write-up: Cardiac arrest; cardiopulmonary arrest; NOMI(Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia); ventricular fibrillation;  A 16-year-old (also reported as 16-year and 6-month-old) male patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY, Lot Number: FF0843; Expiration Date: 31Oct2021), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration on 10Aug2021 13:00 as single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history was none. The patient had no family history. There were no points to be considered on the vaccine screening questionnaire (primary diseases, allergies, vaccinations and illnesses within the last one month, medications the patient was taking, past adverse effect history, growth status). The patient”s concomitant medications were not reported. Body temperature before vaccination was 36.2 degrees Centigrade. On 10Aug2021 at 13:00 (the day of vaccination), the patient received the first dose of BNT162b2. On 16Aug2021 at 16:40 (6 days, 3 hours and 40 minutes after the vaccination), the patient experienced cardiac arrest. The patient was immediately transported and admitted to the reporting hospital. On 01Sep2021 (22 days after the vaccination), the outcome of the event was fatal. The course of the event was as follows: On 16Aug2021 at 16:40 (6 days, 3 hours and 40 minutes after the vaccination), the patient was immediately transported the reporting hospital because of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA). Before arrival to the hospital, automatic external defibrillator (AED) was conducted once. After the arrival, asystole, then VF(ventricular fibrillation) were noted. And return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was achieved after the one attempt of direct-current defibrillator (DC). The patient was hospitalized after resuscitated from the CPA. An obvious cause of cardiac arrest was unknown on computerised tomogram (CT), the blood test and electrocardiogram. The patient underwent tracheal intubation, and was managed by artificial respiration under hospitalization. Although targeted temperature management (TTM) was performed, there was no recovery of consciousness. On 31Aug2021 (21 days after the vaccination), blood pressure decreased. NOMI(Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia) was diagnosed through CT. On 01Sep2021 (22 days after the vaccination), the death was confirmed. The reporting physician classified the event as serious (Hospitalized) and assessed that the causality between the event and BNT162b2 as unassessable. Other possible cause of the event such as any other diseases was not reported. The patient died on 01Sep2021. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. The outcome of event ventricular fibrillation was recovered on 16Aug2021, the rest of events was fatal.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Cardiac arrest; cardiopulmonary arrest; Non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia

28.    1 month old – Pfizer

Write-up: The baby”s heart stopped beating; The baby”s heart stopped beating; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This is the second of two reports. The first report is a report downloaded from the Regulatory Authority FR-AFSSAPS-LL20216048. This consumer reported information for both mother and fetus/baby. This is the fetus/baby report. A fetus patient of an unspecified gender received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY), dose 1 transplacental on 12Aug2021 (Lot Number: FE7C1BSA) as dose 1, single for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient”s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The mother pregnant in her 1st trimester, vaccinated on 12Aug2021 at 6 weeks pregnant. On 19Aug2021 the parent had a miscarriage (metrorrhagia presenting symptom). The baby”s heart stopped beating. Though on her follow-up visit on 10Aug2021 the heart was beating. Ultrasound on 19Aug2021: interrupted pregnancy at 9 weeks. The baby died on an unspecified date. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. No follow-up attempts are possible. No further information is expected.; Sender”s Comments: Linked Report(s) : FR-PFIZER INC-202101166496 Maternal/baby case; Reported Cause(s) of Death: The baby”s heart stopped beating; The baby”s heart stopped beating

29.    14 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: pulmonary edema; This is a spontaneous report from a Pfizer-sponsored program, from a contactable consumer (patent”s uncle) through the Pfizer company doctor. A 14-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY), 1st dose on 06Jul2021 (Lot Number: EX0893) and 2nd dose on 27Jul2021 (Lot Number: EW2246, both via an unspecified route of administration as single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history none. Concomitant medications were not reported. The patient experienced pulmonary edema (death) on 03Sep2021. The patient died on 03Sep2021. The autopsy revealed that the cause of death was pulmonary edema.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: pulmonary edema

30.    15 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Patient Committed Suicide with a firearm.

32.    16 year old boy – Pfizer

Write-up: Suicide; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician received from the Regulatory Authority. Regulatory authority report number is v21122543. The 16-year and 5-month-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (COMIRNATY) at 16-year-old on 15-JUL-2021 12:00 as dose 1, single (lot number: EY0583, expiration date: 31Oct2021) for COVID-19 immunisation. Body temperature before vaccination was 36.2 degrees Centigrade. Medical history included attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Self injurious behaviour. Concomitant medications and family history were not provided. The course of the events was as follows: On 15Jul2021 at 12:00 (the day of vaccination), the patient received the first dose of BNT162b2 (COMIRNATY, Solution for injection, Lot# EY0583, Expiration date 31Oct2021) via an unspecified route of administration as a single dose for COVID-19 immunization. On 23Jul2021 at 18:30 (8 days after the vaccination), the patient experienced suicide and died. The outcome of the event was fatal. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. The course of the event was as follows: On 23Jul2021, the patient jumped off the top floor of the apartment and died. It was assumed the he killed himself. The reporting physician classified the event as serious (fatal) and assessed that the event was not related to BNT162b2. Other possible cause of the event such as any other diseases was ADHD. The reporting physician commented as follows: The patient was prescribed oral medicines for ADHD at a psychiatry department, but recently he had stopped taking them, and self injurious behaviour had been noted.; Sender”s Comments: Event suicide represents an intercurrent medical condition and unrelated to bnt162b2 . The underlying history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Self injurious behavior may play a explanation.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: Suicide

33.    Girl – Pfizer age unknown

Write-up: death by suicide Narrative: death by suicide; 12/26/20, self inflicted gun shot wound; found deceased by family member

34.    Girl – Pfizer 16 years

Write-up: Patient was a 16yr female who received Pfizer vaccine 3/19/21 at vaccine clinic and presented with ongoing CPR to the ED 3/28/21 after cardiac arrest at home. Patient placed on ECMO and imaging revealed bilateral large pulmonary embolism as likely etiology of arrest. Risk factors included oral contraceptive use. Labs have since confirmed absence of Factor V leiden or prothrombin gene mutation. Patient declared dead by neurologic criteria 3/30/21.

35.    Girl – Pfizer 16 years

Write-up: death; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician based on information received by Pfizer from Biontech [manufacturer control number: 88130], license party for BNT162B2 (COMIRNATY). A 16-year-old female patient received BNT162B2 (COMIRNATY, Batch/Lot number was not reported), via an unspecified route of administration on an unspecified date (at 16-year-old) as dose number unknown, single for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. It was reported that parents stated on 16 years old female patient who received a vaccination in the morning and was found dead in her bed in the afternoon. No further details and no cause of death could be obtained by reporting physician. The patient died on an unspecified date. It was not reported if an autopsy was performed. The lot number for BNT162B2, was not provided and will be requested during follow up.; Sender”s Comments: The information on the circumstances of the patient”s death is too limited to perform a meaningful company causality assessment: this event is handled as related to the suspect product BNT162B2 as a cautionary measure and for reporting purposes. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate.; Reported Cause(s) of Death: death

36.    Boy – Pfizer 16 years

Write-up: killed this young man/he died of an enlarged heart (500+ grams); The initial case was missing the following minimum criteria: unidentified reporter. Upon receipt of follow-up information on 20Sep2021, this case now contains all required information to be valid. This is a spontaneous report from Pfizer sponsored Program, via contactable consumers. A 16-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 via an unspecified route of administration on 19Apr2021 (Lot Number: ER8731; Expiration Date: Jul2021) (at 16-year-old) as dose 1, single for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient”s medical history and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient died in 24Apr2021. His father claimed he took the Pfizer vaccine five days before (24Apr2021) he died and that he died of an enlarged heart (500+grams) from Apr2021. It”s not reported if autopsy performed. Follow-up attempts are completed. No further information is expected. ; Reported Cause(s) of Death: died of an enlarged heart.

Shamefully the UK does not separate child deaths from adult deaths.

As well as the deaths reported above there are deaths and life-changing events caused by the vaccine in pregnant women. See here. And here.

Changing numbers and removing records in damage limitation exercise

Finally there are the ones they are removing from the VAERS system. Great Game India covered the death of a two year old baby girl. I followed this up. The case number was 1074247 but now draws a blank. It is the same as this one which has a different number: 1255745. You can see the history right up to the removal of the record on 21 May 2021.

How many more like this have been removed we may never know.

Some of the child-deaths reported on All the Goss, like this one, is included in the above records.

Whether a child is murdered with a sword or by a needle it still amounts to the slaughter of an innocent.

Research credit: Mairead


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cover image credit: Bru-nO & Dimhou / pixabay


If the Virus Actually Existed

If the Virus Actually Existed

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 14, 2021


…and it doesn’t…

There would be no way to stop it.

It would have spread so far and so deep…

The only answer would be: LIVE THROUGH IT.


Have a look at the open borders of the US. Have a look at the packed football stands every weekend across the US. Have a look at Israel, where lockdowns and high vaccination rates have failed to stop the progression of cases. Of course, those cases are nothing more than false positive tests. Nevertheless, you get the idea.

The very concept of a virus and its spread implies: UNSTOPPABLE.

The war against the virus was always a losing idea. And it was never that war anyway. It was always a war against the people and against freedom.

The planners calculated that freedom had withered to such an advanced degree that it would be possible to take away what was left of it.

The war against the virus is very much like the war against freedom of speech, aka censorship. Governments are never going to be able to stop the flow of independent ideas. The seal is never air-tight.

Of course, as I’ve been proving for the past year, the virus doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy. It’s the ghost in the dark closet at night, when the child is lying in bed thinking that random noises are a threat to his safety.

A well-known scientist with impressive mainstream credentials recently confided to me that he believes the virus (which he accepts as real) will eventually infect everyone. EVERYONE. Therefore…

There is nothing to be done. LIVE WITH IT. LIVE THROUGH IT.

Even the false premise that the virus exists implies the continuation of freedom.

The notion that a war against a virus can be won is on the level of the notion that a war against the natural flow of air on the planet can be won.

Nations that have fought a relatively mild battle against the virus—Sweden, Denmark, and Norway—have officially stated they’re ending that battle. Why? Because only small numbers of people are becoming ill. Those numbers mirror the recent years before the pandemic was declared.

In those countries, the nightmare of the ghost in the closet is over, for now.

The leading pornographer of fear in the US, Anthony Fauci, is still turning out his little movies. Every week, he “adjusts the data,” in order to bolster his claims. And every week, his sales force of media personnel put him on television to spread the message:


Fauci is the envy of sadists everywhere.

For the past year and a half, he has been the de facto president of the United States.

His style reflects the decades-long machinations of the CIA: invent endless enemies, and then attack them. All for the purpose of establishing CONTROL.

On some nights, while I’m asleep, a part of my mind that operates on entirely conventional premises calculates the odds in the war against the virus. It spins, all on its own, fragmented scenarios: the infection rate, the degree and extent of lockdowns, the barriers against the virus created by masks, the vaccinated vs. the unvaccinated, and so on. That ridiculous piece of my mind is a cameo Pentagon.

As I wake up, I realize the fantastical nature of these wartime calculations. I see them clearly for what they signify. A rooting interest, no more meaningful than sitting on the sidelines watching a contest of tiddlywinks, with a bet of a few pennies riding on the outcome.

It’s instructive to have these dreams. They convey an insane fool’s errand.

If the virus existed, there would be no way to stop it. Since it doesn’t exist, there is no “it” to stop.

However, the war against freedom is an entirely different matter. It has always existed, and it always will.

There are certain men who have lost their own vivid life-breathing creative freedom, and they have chosen, as their only substitute, the path of destroying freedom wherever they find it.

They are the virus.


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cover image credit: RichardsDrawings / pixabay