Everyone interested in where we are going in this dystopian civilization and ever-more tyrannical world, must see this extraordinary interview with David Icke by Kla.TV.
It can, and hopefully does, bring a larger awakening to the people around the globe.
David Icke talks about the corralling of the world population into ever smaller spaces under the pretext of “climate change” that requires a “net-zero” CO2 world, no travel, no industry, promoting the “15-minute cities”. It is absurd.
“Zero-Net” – by 2050 – is propagated by the globalists as a must for humanity’s and Mother Earth’s survival. It will not happen. Humanity will survive.
And all this while they – the self-declared masters of the universe – namely the financial establishment know very well that CO2 is a life essential gas; without which there would be no life, no plants, no food, no economic development — no-nothing.
But the believers in authority follow the masters’ orders and practically commit suicide by following and obeying a lie, attempting the reduction to zero of CO2.
David explains how world events are connected. With a little research and a clear-thinking head, you will find that all major geopolitical, socioeconomic events are not just haphazardly occurring side by side or in certain sequences, they are all linked up throughout the world. So, connecting the dots, you will see that we are living in a well-orchestrated web, where all makes sense – for those who are in command of the web — and to the detriment of the vast bulk of populations.
There is a tiny-tiny elite behind the web, pretending to have all the power, only because we believe all the lies from our government and institutional so-called authorities, dictated to them by this elite.
We have been taught in school to trust in authority and to obey authorities. It is a difficult axiom to break.
The constant drill of the mainstream media assures a steady drop-by-drop indoctrination of lies becoming the truth.
David Icke also describes how true non-mainstream media some 20 years ago, gradually was converted into “mainstream alternative” media, also called “controlled opposition” by the big media outlets, Murdoch, Disney, Warner Brothers and more.
As a new, controlled alternative media, he mentioned Tucker Carlson, among others. They are promoted and funded by Big Tech and Big Finance, but cannot trespass their given boundaries.
The TRUE non-mainstream and independent remaining journalists and news sites are cornered, cyber-attacked and censored. That is how a small group of financial and big-tech oligarchs takes ever more control of society.
We MUST break out from this giant net or worldwide matrix controlled by a tiny elite that controls technology, finance, and decides over our heath or death, through WHO, supported by Big Pharma. Exiting the matrix is our condition to become free and sovereign citizens again.
And, yes, we can —by becoming self-asserted and independent thinkers, joining up with others and together breaking the elite-bullies “rules-based order” back to legality, international, national and local laws, respecting one another, and respecting the rights of people, indigenous, westerners, easterners, Africans and Middle Easterners and whatever ethnicity you may find.
We are all the same.
Our souls are not bound to a pyramid order of hierarchy.
They are equal.
David’s motto is: “Know the goal, then you will see the way leading there!” In the interview he shows that even free educators are in danger of supporting the development of a centrally dictated global dystopia.
David Icke, the Dot-Connector, starts the interview by saying,
“If you look at the world as a series of random events, random happenings, it makes no sense. Why do they do that? Why do they do it this way? Why don’t they do it that way? It would be much better if they did it that way. And so on and so forth. Why does this happen? But when you connect the dots, you connect these events, you find that they do all connect. It suddenly makes all sense. And, you know, people say sometimes about me: “You see a conspiracy everywhere.””
“No, I do not. I see one conspiracy to turn the world into a global dystopia. And that one conspiracy has endless facets and forms. But it is actually one conspiracy. It is one gigantic web. And that is literally true in terms of what I call the Global Cult, which is a global network of secret societies which are operating outside or in the shadows from those that appear to be running the world.”
David’s clear-sight points to a key element that may lead us into a dystopian world. Our societal behavior is based on our perception. The perceptions are based on the messages we receive. The Global Cult that pretends to control us, formulates the messages as lies, to make us believe there is a problem, the people react, then they can present, or impose us a solution.
He calls it simply, “Problems, Reaction, Solution”.
David uses the recent example of covid. He says,
“People caved in to the COVID hoax because they perceived there was a dangerous virus. And they perceived, that the fake vaccine, not a vaccine under previous criteria, was a way to save them from the dangerous virus.
That perception led to people submitting to what were fascistic impositions all over the world. So, if you want to control behavior, you must control perception. And if you control behavior, well, collectively, that is what we call human society. And then you ask the question, where do perceptions come from? Well, they come from information received”.
And information is controlled and manipulated to serve the purpose of the controllers.
David Icke’s presentation is brilliant. It is a MUST-SEE for every truth seeker.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.
What actually happened on the day Donald Trump was almost assassinated… Or was he?
Was all of it staged to ‘earmark’ him for his next big task, and if so, by whom? Or was it a real attempt on his life, brought forward by hidden political forces? Could this actually be tracked all the way back to 1995? And who is Donald Trump actually?
World renowned researcher Ole Dammegard, who has predicted and/or connected over 70 false flags, will lead you through an extremely detailed powerpoint-presentation, revealing the incredible truth surrounding this multi-layered event. Please be warned, you may not be able to look at the world the same way after this mind-blowing exposé.
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Ole mentions The Illuminati Card game. See the cards here. He also references the strange video “I, Pet Goat II” which those of us who have been looking into global manipulation for a while will remember from 2012. Before that there was a “I, Pet Goat I”.
In recent years the lockdowns, mandates, and toxic injections, have served to reveal the true nature of people in positions of influence.
Before 2020 we had a different measure of people’s ethical standing -the 9/11 litmus test. This was articulated in a video, the transcript of which reads,
“Everyone in government and every field of endeavor the world over is defined by their position on this event…By what they have said and by what they have not said, one can accurately judge who is an enemy of the people’s of the world.”
“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”
The litmus test continues,
“Anyone who promotes the official story; who accepts the official story, who oppresses those who doubt the official story, who does not question the official story, is involved or too stupid to pat their head and chew gum at the same time.”
“on the 9/11 issue generally I don’t think it is particularly important.”
The litmus test concludes,
“Everyone in government; in the media, in entertainment, in organized religion, in the public eye and in the public who accepts and promotes the official story is either a traitor or a tool.”
Assange’s views on 9/11 tally with those of his supporter, MIT professor Noam Chomsky, who despite knowing better, said of the case for controlled demolition,
Assange’s comments on 9/11 came after Barack Obama’s information czar, Cass Sunstein, addressed the question What can government do about conspiracy theories? in a paper that concluded,
“ that government should engage in cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories”
“-counterspeech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories.”
“-formally hiring credible private parties to engage in counterspeech.”
“-informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help.”
Sunstein announced the arrival of Wikileaks to the world in a 2007 Washington Post article and was co-author of the ‘nudge theory‘ utilised by governments during the lockdown era. ‘Nudge’ techniques had previously been known as propaganda, coercion, and brainwashing.
Interestingly, for a man with a messianic image, Assange’s mother’s partner was a member of a child-drugging cult called ‘The Family’. This cult had echoes of the CIA mind control programme ‘MK-Ultra’ that was officially winding down as ‘the Family’ was founded in Australia.
Though there are photographs of a boy who resembles Assange in the cult, he is instead said to have attended 37 separate schools, but,
“If Julian spent 4 years at one school…and the school year is only 9 months long… Julian was swapping schools every 6 weeks.”[source]
The Family disbanded in 1987 following a police raid when Assange was 16. Its founder,
“Anne Hamilton-Byrne … was never prosecuted for child abuse, false adoptions, forgery, social security fraud or for overseeing the administration of narcotics and psychiatric drugs on children.” [source]
Assange then operated under the hacker alias ‘Mendax’ which means ‘liar’ in Latin. He was caught and “in December 1996, he pleaded guilty to twenty-five charges.His ‘disrupted childhood’ was ‘cited to justify his lenient penalty.”
A relationship with the US government is suggested by Assange’s inclusion in a 1994 email with employees from NASA, Los Alamos Laboratories and SEMATECH. His former hacking comrade Pieter Zaitko, who went on to work for a DARPA military contractor, said,
“Julian told me that his graduate work had been funded by a US Government grant, specifically NSA and DARPA money which was supposed to be used for ‘fundamental security research.’”
John Young, an early Wikileaks collaborator who registered the wikileaks.org domain has subsequently been scathing in his criticism of the group, commenting that, “everyone associated with WL is a bald-faced liar, an agent of the authorities and the worst of the world,” and that ‘Wikileaks has always been a commercial enterprise hiding behind a narcissistic “public interest” PR.’ ”
In leaked emails Assange suggested wikileaks could run on $50,000 per year but his desire to secure $5 million led to “delicate negotiations with the Open Society (George Soros),” and a “strategy for division and support.” Assange was reported to own 94% of the (for profit) company that owns wikileaks. He planned that wikileaks would:
“appear to be, the reclusive ubermench of the 4th estate.”
and to,
“continually inject our informational strain…. to dominate the culture when opposed by relatively random influences of others… to push our desired perceptions of what WL is into the world, to set the key in which future bars of our song are to be played by the public orchestra, BEFORE it faces any serious opposition.”
The extensive media coverage Assange has received contrasts starkly with the way the truth of 9/11 or vaccine harms is ignored and censored.
Other whistleblowers remain largely unknown. Seeking to avoid being extradited to the US he was forced to stay in London, one of the media centres of the world, in the embassy of Ecuador, a US ally.
Assange is said to have endured a lack of daylight at the embassy -which has windows and where he appeared on a balcony. Similarly, he is said to have suffered constant surveillance but also to have sired two sons in a relationship that was kept secret until 2020 and during which he enjoyed visits from Pamela Anderson. He apparently married in prison but we are told the photographs of the event are too grainy to be recognisable. When he was forcibly carried from the embassy in full public view a Gore Vidal book was not dislodged from his grip.
Assange remains the only one of the wikileaks team to be given a high profile and pursued by the authorities. Alongside dissidents Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning, he has been depicted in a statue that has been given prominence around the world. The trio operate as examples to those in the respective fields of journalism, intelligence, and the military.
Critics of Wikileaks observe that its leaks do not pack a punch that western imperialists cannot stomach, and instead they seem to support narratives concerning western targets such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, and favour allies such as Israel. Concerns have been raised that Wikileaks could serve as a filtering system for disclosures and a honey-trap for whistleblowers.
As the Assange story provides a long-running cautionary tale for journalists, its most infamous leak features the murder of war correspondents. Wikileaks’ revelations of spying, torture, and war crimes, expose those lower down the chain of command and address the symptoms of the ‘war of terror,’ but not its instigators or its cause.
“In effect, the human being should be considered the priority in a political war. And conceived as the military target … the human being has his most critical point in his mind. Once the mind has been reached, the ‘political animal’ has been defeated without necessarily receiving bullets.”
~ U.S. Central Intelligence Agency training manual
I believe it imperative to question absolutely everything, especially anything coming from questionable (all) ‘news’ sources, governments, politicians, most ‘alternative’ media, and all mainstream reporting services. Nothing is to be believed unless it can be critically vetted, and proven to be accurate. In this day and age, nothing can be considered certain on its face, as lies and propaganda rule the airwaves, and inundate the minds of the indoctrinated masses. In fact, in the sense of reality, psychological warfare against individuals en masse, is a constant, and therefore a soft conscience and preferred sympathies should be initially discarded, unless and until the actual truth is found, and shown to be without doubt. This seemingly cold-hearted response can be a difficult pill to swallow, but swallow it one must if actual truth is sought.
Considering the Julian Assange saga, there is much controversy, and questions abound from every angle. I will admit before I go any further, that I was also fooled by the Assange psychological operation for a brief period, and even penned a short piece about it five years ago. I knew all along his arrest and all the attention was misleading and a scam, but wrongfully assumed that he was likely just a ‘victim’ of the State’s efforts to silence whistleblowers and dissent. That desired outcome was certainly achieved, but was Assange just an innocent victim and hero of the ‘alternative’ media, or was he complicit in this CIA psyop plot meant to squelch honest reporting exposing real criminal behavior?
Usually, when one is targeted as a risk to the phony-baloney ‘national security’ narrative, he and/or his organization is heavily censored, his content severely restricted or eliminated, and in some cases, he might be disappeared or succumb to some suspicious death, but just the opposite was the case with Assange. His so-called crime centered on the release (leak? Who leaked it and why did Assange get it?) of video showing the brutal murder of innocent people, including journalists in Iraq at the hands of the U.S. military. But the U.S. military has been brutally murdering civilians worldwide since the so-called beginning of the country. The U.S. has been responsible for slaughtering civilians for decade after decade, and in many cases, showing this evil on television to the applause of its braindead population. What about the fact that Madeline Albright, then Secretary of State, admitted that murdering 500,000 children under the age of five years, was worth it? Was that not a more heinous crime that was ignored? That is only one example of U.S terror against innocents.
Consider U.S. crimes against humanity in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Africa, Iran, Russia through the U.S. proxy war in Ukraine, Palestine, and of course in other areas and here at home. Tens of millions of civilians have died just since WWII at the hands of the U.S. directly, or by proxy, but no arrests of the murderers and their mercenaries were ever forthcoming. So why Assange, and what was the real agenda? Dan Dicks does an excellent job of explaining much of this, as can be viewed in this short video he released just recently.
Wikileaks, Assange’s organization, was suspect as a CIA operation long ago, and continued to receive press coverage from ‘alternative’ and mainstream sources, and CIA controlled mainstream sources, before, during, and after the Assange ordeal. Coverage of Assange was not hidden, it was continuously reported by every news source. Now, it is still all-consuming in the mainstream and ‘alternative’ circles, blanketing news cycles.
What began with Assange in the Ecuadorian Embassy, and his very public arrest, and dragging out of that embassy, leading to his imprisonment at Belmarsh prison in the U.K., seemed brutal, and his haggard and gaunt physical appearance gave the impression of harsh mistreatment or torture. He was said to be subject to horrible conditions, heavy drugging meant to destroy his brain and body functions, and many eluded to the possibility that he would soon die in prison; a physically broken and braindead soul. But time continued, and so did constant reporting and pleas by ‘alternative’ sources to free him.
The trials, so-called extradition efforts, and constant threats against him were never-ending it seems, and all the reporting continued freely and openly throughout this decade-long plus incarceration. Now, all the drama has ended, as Assange willingly pled guilty to what were called crimes against the State, when in fact, crimes by the State have by extreme magnitudes, been far and above, beyond imagination actually, anything that Assange was accused of exposing. After all the supposed torture and drugging of Assange, he just walked out of prison, looking well-fed, fat, happy, and younger, and was given free passage back to his home country, as if nothing had ever happened. How could this be?
By pleading guilty, Assange effectively has gained his freedom, and many damning documents and emails against the U.S., its criminal politicians, and its war crimes will likely be destroyed. In addition, the precedent set is extremely dangerous considering anyone willing to expose crimes of the State. I would say that ‘journalism’ has been greatly harmed, but that happened a long time ago, as real and honest ‘journalism’ is basically non-existent today. This plea deal will go a long way to eliminating future whistle blowers, hackers, and truth tellers speaking out and exposing this heinous criminal government, and its crimes against humanity.
So is Assange a CIA asset, is he a hero, or has this entire ordeal been a staged screenplay meant to achieve a plotted outcome beneficial only to the deep state ruling cabal, its pawns in government, its enforcement gangs, and its controlled media? After all, much of Assange and his family’s past is suspect.
At this stage, it is my studied opinion, and therefore, I believe a foregone conclusion, that Wikileaks is and has been all along, a CIA operation. While my views on this matter will be a controversial stance, until I can be proven wrong, I rest on the assertion that all this has been a planned psychological operation from the start. I cannot come to any other determination based on irrefutable fact.
What I know without doubt, is that all this stinks to high heaven, and raises many more questions that have not been answered. This alone requires the utmost skepticism, and much more critical investigation is necessary if the real truth is actually sought. This is just too convoluted and too pat a hand to accept without maximum scrutiny. Get upset at my conclusions if you choose, but always look much deeper than the assumed narrative purposely given to you by your handlers.
“Capture their minds and their hearts and soul will follow.”
The Untold History of the GWEN Towers Military Psyop: Cell Towers. Cellphones. Google Maps. Nukes. Poisons Dumped From Our Skies. Underground Bases & Tunnels.
“To tie it all together, we first must go back in time to 1941, when The Five Eyes alliance was formed. The Five Eyes consisted of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, agreeing to joint cooperation in intelligence, which means surveillance, which means spying.”
“They converted the GWEN Towers into radiation weapons, also known as nukes but, before they can nuke us using their radiation towers, they needed to map us. They used the maps to determine where more towers needed to go to ensure full coverage of the United States…”
Below you will find key excerpts from Agent131711’s substack article “What if They’re NOT 5G Towers? Untold History of GWEN Towers: a Deep Dive into an 80-Year PSYOP“. I recommend reading the entire article as it includes much greater detail, many images, videos and reference links. Those familiar with Agent131711’s work will recognize his intelligent research and unique dot-connecting skills, presented in his (often-humorous) easy-to-read style. ~ Kathleen
In the early 1980s, nukes were such a threat that television stations, like Channel 4, did its part to warn people by broadcasting shows like QED Nuclear War; A Guide To Armageddon which basically told the public, when the nuke hits, you and your family are going to burn to death. Then there was CBS news, who aired A Day Called X which explained what could happen to Portland, Oregon when it is attacked. Meanwhile, Bombs Will Make the Rainbow Break, had children explain to adult viewers how terrified they were of being nuked. Reliability and Risk: Computers and Nuclear War outlined how a simple computer malfunction could escalate into a national crisis, and let’s not forget aboutProtect and Survive Nuclear Explosions, produced by the UK government to explain all of the aforementioned. Time Life published a show called Nuclear Strategy for Beginners, informing the public that there were currently over 50,000 nuclear weapons in the world, and that is just to name a few. Based on the media’s involvement, clearly, citizens needed to recognize that nuclear weapon attacks were a grave concern for them. Although it was a time of peace, because of the fear of nukes, it was imperative that the US and its allies take proactive measures. Enter: The GWEN Towers.
GWEN stands for Ground Wave Emergency Network. The towers were a network of radio transmitters and receivers installed in the United States in the 1980s as a backup communication system in the event of a nuclear attack. These towers were designed to transmit low-frequency radio signals which would allow for communications to continue in the event of a nuclear explosion disrupting traditional radio systems (keep playing along here). So, the nuke hits us and decimates traditional communication methods, but it’s totally fine because the GWEN towers utilize a network of underground cables that work with 240 radiotransceivers distributed across the continental USA (which also work on the same low frequency) therefore military and government co . Praise Jesus! – That’s the official story, just roll with it for a moment.
The Bizarre History of the GWEN Towers
In his 1985 inaugural address, President Ronald Reagan said, “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.”… but then, that exact same year, literally the same f*cking year, the Air Force began constructing the GWEN towers, which the Reagan administration said were a key component of its strategy for “supporting controlled nuclear counter-attacks over a protracted period.”. These towers were verbally sold to the public as protection against the Soviets who were planning to nuke us, hence the urgent need to get them installed pronto, even though a nuclear war must never be fought…
As part of the Pentagon’s Ground Wave Emergency Network, each tower was 299 feet tall (91 meters) and featured guy wires with a steel trusswork structure. Yes, 299 feet, not 300, and each tower cost $1.4 million. The entire system was planned to cost a billion dollars (thank God we cut it off at 299 feet. Imagine the cost with the added foot). Here’s a little diagram for you, so you can see what your hard-earned tax money bought you:
The truth was, citizens across the nation were pointing out that it doesn’t make sense, “Wouldn’t the Soviets aim for the GWEN towers? Wouldn’t this make my neighborhood a massive target if one is in it?”, they asked.
Because it didn’t make a damn bit of sense and government wasn’t providing adequate answers, citizens began becoming highly suspicious of what was actually going on here. To get the public to STFU, the Department of Defense and other military agencies sent representatives to hold public hearings in some of the areas of the installs. The purpose of these hearings was to assure the citizens that the towers were just for Soviet nukes, communications and counter attack stuffs (for their safety, of course) and everything else was conspiracy theory (technically, the word at the time was misinformation)…
The peoples outrage was ignored, hazard studies were hastily performed and marginal at best, and the towers were rush-installed across the USA because the safety of the people must come before the safety of the people because nuclear war was at our doorstep! Makes sense to me! Oh, and they were also put up all over Canada…
What the general populous didn’t know was that behind the scenes, in 1996, Presidential Decision Directive NSTC-6 was penned. This directive designated the Department of Transportation (DOT) as the “lead agency for all Federal civil GPS matters”. In addition, the President directed the DOT to “develop and implement U.S. Government augmentations to the basic GPS for transportation applications.”. In normal people speak, he was like, “I command you to expand the GPS system!” (then he ate a handful of grapes, brought to him by a squire, on a plate made of solid gold).
Less than a year later, in January of 1997, the DOT formed an interagency DGPS Executive Steering Group to investigate the development of a nationwide GPS system. The four-letter group was like, “You know, it would be really nice of us if we saved the taxpayers money for once. What could we do to save them a few bucks? AH HA! What if we could save them money by building this newfangled GPS system upon existing infrastructure?!”. (You totally see where this is going, right?…)
Then, someone within that 1997 DGPS group was like, “Yo! We got those GWEN Towers that the military just blew hundreds-of-millions-or-maybe-a-billion of the peoples money to build and they don’t work. It would be a shame to waste them, so you just wanna use those?”. The group was like, “And those all nukes suddenly aren’t a problem, so we totally should!”.
So, in 1998, with the fear of nukes forgotten, the US Department of Transportation in conjunction with the US Coast Guard and Department of Homeland Security proposed repurposing 29 of the existing GWEN towers. Those 299-foot GWENs were now officially suggested to be used to construct a Nationwide Global Positioning System. The proposal document is now scrubbed from the US Coast Guard / DHS site…
Then they started converting the gosh-darn-don’t-work GWENs into GPS’s…
So, we deployed the towers for the second (known) time in 1996, then randomly decided they didn’t work. Instead of fixing them, less than a year later a make-a-massive-GPS-system team was assembled and less than a year after that (which was under 24 months after the second known deployment) we already had a plan to use the towers for a totally different purpose than the nukes which they were rush-installed for… and this is where sh*t starts to get crazy…
The Mindf*ck, Part 1:
In 1998, (yes Sweetheart, it was indeed the exact same year the military and DOT officially proposed reusing those 299-foot-failure-towersthat the DOD fought so hard to get installed against the people’s wishes cuz nukes), two men, Larry Page and Sergey Brin did something history-changing… they launched Google.
During the same timeframe, the CIA had launched its own business called In-Q-Tel. In-Q-Tel was a Silicon Valley venture capital fund whose mission was to invest in tax dollars in start-up companies because why the hell not?
In 1999 and 2000, Saddam Hussein was still whipping up Weapons of Mass Destruction even though he had been told to stop (don’t worry babe, he would later throw them all away and destroy all evidence of them existing, but that is later in the timeline. At this point, we are very afraid of what this mad man will do with his WMDs). It was a cryin’ shame those towers didn’t work to protect us but at least the good government found a new use for ‘em.
This brings us to 2001, a year when something nobody would have ever expected to happen, happened. It was not a Soviet nuke that attacked the USA. It wasn’t a Saddam WMD, no ma’am, it sure wasn’t. It was actually a dude, living in a hole in a desert far, far away, who sent his men, the terrorists, to the USA to hijack airplanes and fly them into steel towers so the US Military could retaliate by obliviating his country.
And, I’m sure it’s completely nonrelated, but did you know that shortly after the terrorists airplanes cut through those steel skyscrapers like a hot knife in butter, 3G became operational in the USA? Well technically, it would later be realized that we have no idea when exactly 3G became operational, but we can infer it was 2002 because this is when the people learned of it…
March 20th, 2003: The US invades Iraq. For you youngsters that don’t remember why exactly we invaded this country, there was a laundry list of reasons, which meant everyone could choose the reason, or reasons, they liked best…
97 days post-invasion: Call it irony, call it fate, perhaps it was destiny or just good luck, it just-so-happened that In-Q-Tel (the CIA), while scouting for investments, found a company desperately in need of the people’s tax money. This company was called Keyhole. The story is that Keyhole was somehow developing cutting-edge mapping technology… just like their investors, the CIA, did back in the 1960s. Do you know what the CIAs 1960s cutting edge mapping and spying program was called? Go ahead and guess…
ANSWER: KEYHOLE! IT WAS F*CKING CALLED KEYHOLE! You can’t make this sh*t up…
The following year, while the War in Iraq was raging and the military was trying so damn hard to locate Osama Bin Laden’s hole and Saddam’s Weapons of Mass Destruction, despite Keyhole being funded by tax dollars and used by the CIA, Pentagon and CNN, someone popped up out of the blue and bought it. That someone was Google.
Then, within months, Google Maps was released…
And shortly after, Google Earth Viewer was released using the identical technology used to map and spy on Iraq combined with the (GWEN Tower) GPS system. Yes, the technology was now sold to the American people as being helpful tools, not a tax-funded military spy system. Isn’t it to cool that we can zoom in on your house?…
Google launched Google Federal, which is exactly what it sounds like. Google Federal hired managers and staff from the Army, Air Force, CIA, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. They landed a bunch of intelligence-related contracts, including with the NSA.
Researchers on Team Truth began looking into these GWEN Towers, now being called 3G Towers, and what they discovered was shocking…
[Here Agent131711 shares a clip from this video, uploaded to YouTube in 2013]
Mindf*ck Part 2: The Satellite Photos
And if that wasn’t odd enough, as we looked at “Satellitephotos”, we began realizing there were no airplanes in any photo…
How is this possible? If the satellite is in space, surely airplanes would be between the cartoon satellite and Earth, right?…
In fact, there are a sh*t ton of planes in the sky…
You’d think, if the satellite is at this height, or higher, some would get in the photo, right?…
…yet none are in any satellite photo…
Not even a flock of seagulls…
After discovering satellites are actually airplanes and balloons, I assumed they must be flying under the normal level of planes, because how else would planes not get in the photos? Yet that can’t be true because when have you ever been on a plane and flown over a giant balloon? Never…
But the icing on the cake of strangeness was there were no airplanes in airports either!…
No planes in between the satellite and the airport and no planes in the airport itself…
And every satellite photo I could find was like this!
This photo was taken by the International Space Station and still no planes!…
It didn’t make any sense… until today, when it hit me…
THESE AREN’T PHOTOS, THEY ARE A.I. CGI! THAT IS WHY THERE ARE NO PLANES ANYWHERE! This is why birds do not get in the photos. This is why there’s never a hot air balloon tour blocking the satellite photo over the Grand Canyon. There’s no clouds, no rain, no little Cessna airplanes Cloud Seeding. This is why nothing gets between the satellite and the ground! These images are not coming from something orbiting in outer space while the earth spins at 1,000 mph. These images are not even from balloons or planes. These are nothing more than 3D graphics coming from cutting-edge GPS mapping! My mind is officially blown.
Need more proof? Yes you do, because you are on Team Truth and you refuse to settle for someone saying something so outlandish without evidence, so bear with me here: I am not a technology person, but you don’t need to be a techie to understand what I am about to show you. I located this video, uploaded in 2016, which appears to show the back-end inner-workings of Apple’s map system, which is the same as Googles (although I would guess Googles is far more advanced). Whoever the person is who uploaded this video also uploaded another of the same nature. It appears they are part of the development team for the map system, because in their other video they appear to be programming locations on the back-end of Apple maps. But what they are doing doesn’t matter, just watch and you will see, it is all CGI with photos taken from the ground added in: (2:34 video)
Mindf*ck Part 3: Piecing the Puzzle Together = Major Revelations
To tie it all together, we first must go back in time to 1941, when The Five Eyes alliance was formed. The Five Eyes consisted of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, agreeing to joint cooperation in intelligence, which means surveillance, which means spying.
Only a few years after the formation of the worldwide spying collaboration, The Federation of American Scientists and Philip Ragan Associates began publishing Atomic Bomb content which warned of the threat of nuclear war coming to American and our allies, and Oh Thank God the Five Spies Eyes was just established because now they could save the people through mass surveillance! (This is the first video they released in the 1940s. It’s 9 minutes long and worth your time to watch the extreme propaganda.)
[Here he shares the One World or None video, which can be found at Archive.org.]
Only four years later, onOctober 24, 1945, the United Nations was established.
Only a matter of years after that, the CIA was Keyholing and Operation LAC was taking place.
Operation LAC
Operation Large Area Coverage (LAC) took place in the 1950s and involved the United States military, Canada and Britain dousing select cities within their countries with Zinc Cadmium Sulfide, a toxic glowing compound. The alleged purpose, as we have been told, was to simulate what would happen during a chemical or biological attack, specifically, they wanted to know how far the chemicals would disperse. So, to simulate an attack, the nations sprayed toxic chemicals all over their countries. That actually happened…
Operation LAC never made sense to me, but neither does the majority of the military experiments so I didn’t put much thought into it… until today.
Let’s switch gears for a moment.
How Mapping Works
Quote, “Radar, sonar and lidar can determine an object’s distance, or range. For that measurement, time plays an important role. Lidar, radar and sonar systems all include timing devices. Their clocks record the length of time needed for a wave to travel to an object and back. The farther the distance, the longer it takes for an echo to return.
Radar, sonar and lidar also can reveal information about an object’s shape, size, material and direction…. lidar helps read the lay of the land or features on Earth’s surface. Lidar’s laser pulses can penetrate forest cover to record the shape of the ground below. That makes this technology especially valuable for mapping.”
The Revelation
I’m pretty damn sure Operation LACs Zinc Cadmium Sulfide was not used to simulate a biological attack and was instead used for mapping purposes for the military and CIA Keyhole spying program as part of The Five Eyes. The metals in Zinc Cadmium Sulfate, dumped over major cities, allowed for the sonar / lidar signals to reflect evenly.
Occam’s Razor: My theory is, the reason they wanted the materials they dispersed to glow was to ensure the ground was fully covered for the mapping… which makes a helluva lot more sense than dousing your countries major cities in chemicals to see what a biological attack would look like when you have no idea which biological materials a hostile nation would have chosen to release let alone where the enemy would have chosen to release them or even what method they would use to disperse them. They selected main cities to be coated in chemicals because that was where they wanted to test out mapping. FFS, the name of the operation was Operation LARGE AREA COVERAGE.
Google / CIA / Pentagon / DHS / NSA / Dot Mapping & Bombshell Revelations
Smart Dust Grapheneis nanotechnology, “no bigger than a grain of sand”…
It can be deployed into the sky by aircraft. In fact, they are now researching having unmanned aerial vehicles deploy it…
What is released into the sky will eventually come down in the rain and snow. But why release it in the first place? It turns out that Smart Dust has a variety of uses including numerous military applications. The military uses include reconnaissance and surveillance…
But that’s not all. Smart Dust is also used by the military for …
2002: 3G network goes live to the public and most of the tower panel ownership information is hidden from the public.
2003: The CIA’s In-Q-Tel inked the deal with Keyhole for their mapping program
2004: Google quickly bought the tax-funded Keyhole
Also in 2004, the same year Google bought Keyhole, a document was published relating to the creation of “smart clouds” using Nanotechnology…
2005, Google Maps and Navigation were released, CGI programd developed using cutting-edge mapping.
2007, reports of clouds falling to the ground began appearing, but were quickly labeled tinfoil hat nonsense and “edited videos”:
[Here Agent131711 shares seven short YouTube videos 1234567.]
2008, Google fully integrated Street View into Google Earth (combined the cutting-edge mapping with real photos and videos taken from the ground)
In 2009, with strange clouds still unexplainably falling to the ground, Google Earth 5.0 was released which featured Google Ocean, followed by Google Great Lakes.
How’d they do it? I would have to assume the tax-funded GPS system on the GWEN Towers was used with DARPA-funded Smart Dust to map the country just like OPERATION LAC that took place during the same time the CIA was running Keyhole for spying and mapping. I expect that these towers may not be able to stretch across oceans, therefore, to map over large bodies of water, Smart Clouds were developed. …but it gets crazier…
Mindf*ck Part 4: The Final Piece Is Inserted Into the Puzzle
Because of the fear of nukes, the militaries of the world built Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.Bs) and were heavily planning utilization of the tunnel system in the United States, including utility tunnels:
Was the military truly planning to save the people from a nuclear attack? Or just themselves? Or was everything just an illusion? Or is it deeper than that?
We know these evil doers we are dealing with play the long game. While you and I plan what we will have for dinner a day in advance or we might plan a vacation a year in advance or even set a 10-year-goal, these villains have plans spanning literal centuries.
Operation LAC and the CIAs Keyhole spying and mapping took began in 1950.
45 years later, the GWEN towers were deployed for the second known time
55 years later, Google released the ultimate spying and mapping technology upon the American populous
What is 100 years after 1950? Agenda 2050, which is slotted to be, essentially, the end of the world as we know it.
To understand these evil doers, you must understand that they believe in the Revelation of Method (RoM), also known as The Law of Karma, or, as I call it, “they have to show us”.They believe that if they tell us what they are going to do before they do it they are relieved of all bad karma, regardless of terrible their actions are. The specific method they use to show us varies. It can be symbolism, phrases repeated in the media, news headlines, the method is flexible, as long as the citizens are shown what will happen…
Folks, they have spent 80 years telling us a nuke is coming which will create a massive flash followed by a radiation nightmare.
They then built the GWEN Towers. The GWENS are the machines assembled by saboteurs
They converted the GWEN Towers into radiation weapons, also known as nukes but, before they can nuke us using their radiation towers, they needed to map us. They used the maps to determine where more towers needed to go to ensure full coverage of the United States
They had to release the Google / Military mapping system to us so we can unknowingly help build it using the GPS on our cell phones and vehicles. Each time we travel somewhere with our GPS turned on we are perfecting the system.
They have already told us that when the nuke comes the government will be in their specialized underground bunkers…
Cover images credits: Tom.jennings — Photo of the differential GPS gear added to
the Essex, CA GWEN site; California, USA. (Trimble gear).
US government public domain — Diagram of a US military Ground
Wave Emergency Network automated radio relay station
Adam Eisenberg on There Being No Plane at the Pentagon on 9/11
by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare originally published for Jerm Warfare members April 15, 2024
updated June 18, 2024
While serving in the Army as a member of Alpha Company, 3rd US Infantry, Adam Eisenberg spent approximately 240 hours on site, with at least a hundred of his fellow servicemen, at the Pentagon on 9/11.
In short, he helped clean up the mess from the plane crash.
Except that, well, there was no plane, he argues.
Why is there absolutely no plane debris?
In fact, there are no bodies either. Surely, there would be something.
Yet, so many people blindly believe the official story and refuse to ask the most basic questions.
In our conversation, Adam explains why he waited so long to speak up, but in my opinion it doesn’t matter, because his claim—about there being no plane—is corroborated by earlier conversations I’ve had.
Using slides, he presents evidence that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon.
He includes his personal experiences on site, including the lack of plane parts and the strange condition of the boardroom where people were still in their chairs despite fire damage.
Adam believes that a plane was indeed used in some capacity, but not in the way it is portrayed in the official story. And, to be fair, anyone who thinks that a large aircraft could fly that low—literally just above the grass—by an inexperienced pilot, is a fool.
“There is overwhelming evidence that no planes hit the World Trade Centre or the Pentagon on 9/11.”
I think I have a really interesting story to tell you.
The synchronicity of events all over the world is, in a somewhat eerie way, astonishing. Everywhere, things are coming to a head. The fog of propaganda and manipulation is clearing so fast now that our happy ending is clearly visible.
But there’s a rough road ahead of us, at least of me. Despite all the efforts of the usual suspects in the mainstream media and politicians, this past Sunday’s EU elections resulted in the war mongers and economic destroyers losing heavily, and those who criticized them for it winning massively.
The Belgian Prime Minister stepped down and the French puppet of the World Economic Forum was forced to dissolve parliament.
The German Chancellor is reduced to the status of a largely incapacitated lame duck.
Sure, mainstream media and politicians immediately scramble to ramp up their propaganda and manipulation machine as soon as they heard the results. But it is too late. They’ve lost control.
Those who have woken up, among them now many young people, will not go back to sleep.
In fact, it is the young generation that, with their worldwide student protests, made sure that the monsters’ attempts at concealing the horrific massacres in Gaza failed. Not so much in Germany, but in the rest of the world, it failed.
One day before the EU elections, another military raid in Gaza with tanks and fighter jets killed 274 Palestinians and injured more than 700. Even though four hostages were freed, three others, according to TRT, the Turkish broadcaster that has journalists on the ground there, three others were killed.
Since October of last year, more than 37,000 Palestinians were killed, 70% of whom are women and children and more than 85,000 Palestinians were injured; 15,000 children are dead and 1,000 children lost a limb, that is, an arm and or a leg.
Anyone who has seen these images — and TRT does have journalists on the ground there that have witnesses and they capture the images — anyone who has seen these images will never be able to unsee them.
If only half of what the journalists who were there tell us with their pictures and their witnesses, if only half of this is true, then no one, none of those who are responsible, will ever get out of prison again.
The Turkish president Erdogan called Netanyahu (and I’m sure he chose his words carefully and deliberately) a psychopath and a bloodthirsty vampire.
But in protest of the indiscriminate and chaotic horror at Gaza, an important member of Netanyahu’s war cabinet resigned.
And here’s something else, two brave Israeli journalists uncovered through their research that the former chief prosecutor of the ICC, the International Criminal Court, at the behest of Netanyahu, was followed and threatened by the Israeli intelligence service Mossad.
The two journalists were not able to publish their story in Israel, but managed to get it published in the UK through the Guardian and in Germany through [Süddeutsche Zeitung ?].
And the successor of that chief prosecutor was not intimidated and he asked for arrest warrants, as we all know, not just against Hamas leaders, but also against Netanyahu and the Secretary of Defense.
Sure, as a response, US puppets are now threatening to sanction officials of the ICC if they go any further. However, they’re now forced to do this in broad daylight and before the eyes of the world, thus demonstrating that the puppets (the puppet masters actually) are not just standing with their backs against the wall, but already halfway through the wall.
It seems odd that what is happening in my criminal case is almost simultaneously mirroring these events. But I am, after everything I’ve learned over the past four years, sure that this is not a coincidence.
After it became clear that the charges against me lack any substance whatsoever as the indictment was based on a criminal complaint filed by deeply-disturbed criminal liars, the presiding judge’s last resort was to exchange the facts and invent new ones out of thin air.
To match this bizarre behavior with more of the usual intimidation and dehumanization tactics, they simply ramped them up. In addition to me being transported from the prison to the court in handcuffs that are chained to a belt around my waist, they now put chains around my ankles as well. Plus, they had two busloads of heavily-armed police officers accompany the transport. And the two heavily-guarded officers who drove me to the court building wore bulletproof vests and asked me if I wanted one too. I wonder why they didn’t ask me if I wanted my Winchester.
When I declined, they asked me to sign a waiver and declare that wearing a bulletproof vest is a good idea as accidents may happen. Hmmm. I wonder what that was supposed to mean.
In court, my attorney, Katja Wörmer asked the presiding judge if he knew what this was all about. He said he didn’t. But he lied, of course.
Back in prison, the deputy chief officer in charge of the prisoners who were only in preliminary detention (as opposed to those who were here to serve a prison term after having been found guilty in a final judgment) told me that the presiding judge had received anonymous threats, including death threats.
Now instead of investigating this and inevitably coming to the conclusion that this is a false flag operation instigated by those same people who are trying to get my money and put me behind bars, it seems to have been easier for these people to act as usual — shoot first and then ask questions.
To top this, the deputy chief officer looked at me, explained that I’m very athletic and that one other inmate may feel threatened by me. This was enough of a justification for him to transfer me once more to the maximum security ward in this maximum security prison, where there’s no communication with my friends, with all the other inmates, and no opportunity for sport. I suppose they think they defused me.
This whole charade is now beginning to feel like our defense team is kind of landing on Omaha Beach, except we do not intend to become victorious cannon fodder. Rather, we prefer the image of John Wayne in ‘True Grit’ when he, reins between his teeth, gun in one hand, rifle in the other, charges and wins against the bad guys.
However, let us not forget two things. First, what is going on in the world has nothing to do with black against white, Russians against Americans, Muslims against Jews, et cetera. Rather, the reality is this is about good against evil.
Everything else is an illusion created by the monsters who are playing the only game they know, the divide and conquer game.
Second, I think a word of caution is in order for our own protection on this final leg of this war.
We’re all of us — black people, white people, Muslims, Christians, Americans, Russians, Chinese, et cetera — fighting for peace and for a human world with love.
But do not forget that we’re fighting against psychopaths, that is people who lack any empathy and any capacity for love. They, in fact, they practice human emotions in front of the mirror in order to make us believe that they’re humans. But they only do it to fool us and to get what they want.
Remember the video I made a year ago about the psychology behind all the panic mongering and the psychopaths who are the puppet masters behind all of this, who use idiots and psychopaths as their most important puppets?
Well, in that video, I explained that a famous brilliant Polish psychologist by the name of Dr. Lobaczewski and his group of psychologists had found out already in the 1960s, psychopaths lack any human qualities. And they’re born that way.
Unlike sociopaths who lose their human qualities as a result, for example, of early childhood abuse, of early childhood trauma, psychopaths cannot be cured and will, under any and all circumstances, continue to do what they want.
In this case, the goal is, of course, population reduction and population control.
That’s why another psychologist described these psychopaths as aliens who are very good actors pretending to have the human qualities that in reality they lack. And that’s why you will not reach them when you preach empathy and love to them.
Never forget how three years ago they forced old people in nursing homes to die in complete isolation. Don’t forget this.
And this is why some of us need to be in armor and carry the sword of justice to make sure that we will not be stopped by the monsters when we finish this final lap on our way to a happy ending as real humans.
Let me close by expressing my heartfelt thanks for your truly invaluable, just life-saving support. This is indeed what keeps me going. And this is how we will cross the finishing line. All of us, being connected as humans through a band that the others do not even know it exists.
I’m not sure if I told you about these songs already.
Van Halen: ‘Jump’ and ‘Dance the Night Away’. [? from Italy]. Amy Winehouse: ‘Valerie’. Eddie Money ‘Take Me Home Tonight’.
And then there’s a movie ‘Out of Africa’. I think it’s great. Robert Redford and Meryl Streep.
“The claim that ‘SARS-CoV-2’ contains “HIV inserts” is emblematic of the propagation of decades of virological pseudoscience. Peng Zhou’s team could not engineer a virus as there was no evidence of a virus to begin with, just as there is no evidence of ‘HIV’. The debate over the origin of the 38 39 COVID-19 “pandemic” has been presented as a false dichotomy where the uninitiated are asked to pick between: (1) ‘zoonotic spillover’ (wet market/bat cave, etc) or (2) ’lab leak’ (accident vs deliberate). The overall story is not disrupted by those throwing ‘HIV’ into option 2, in fact, it helps maintain the virus model on multiple fronts.”
~ Excerpt from “HIV Inserts”, Lies & “Lab Leaks” by Dr. Mark Bailey
More people than ever are becoming aware of the COVID-19 Fraud, not just with regard to the purported tests, “responses” and vaccines but with the foundational claim that a pathogenic virus ‘SARS-CoV-2’ exists. However, the notion that there are “bio-weapons” and “gain of function” activities taking place keeps many people believing that the virus model may have some validity.
My latest essay focusses on the origins of the COVID-19“lab leak” and ‘HIV insert’ narratives and why they continue to serve multiple pandemic industries. At the heart of it, an examination of gp120, a protein first described in 1984 and attributed to ‘HIV’, unravels the propagation of virological fraud into the present era…
First, when have you heard a major enemy (Iran) ANNOUNCE AND LEAK AND LEAK AND ANNOUNCE that they’re GOING TO attack their enemy (Israel)?
Who’s kidding who?
“Yes, we want to make sure Israel is ready for us. We want to make sure all their defense systems are turned on and on high alert before we actually attack…”
Second—the DEBRIS.
I’m watching the news which is showing (if I can believe the footage) explosions in the sky over Tel Aviv. The Israeli shoot-down of drones and missiles. But NOT ONE WORD about falling debris raining down on the city.
Who’s kidding who? There should have been thousands of pieces of debris wreaking destruction on the ground.
Finally—hours later, we’re told that, in all of Israel, one civilian, a girl, was slightly injured. There was some damage, but it was at an Israeli military base. Convenient. When will we see pictures of that? Never?
What really happened in this attack? Were there hundreds of missiles and drones? 99% of which were shot down?
Read more (available for Jon Rappoport’s paid subscribers at substack)
Saturday saw a rather spectacular night-sky display over Tel Aviv and elsewhere in Israel, as Iran sent hundreds of drones and missiles aimed at the Jewish state. From all reports, the display of force exhibited by Iran was stopped cold by a coordinated response by Israel, the US, the UK and even Jordan and Saudi Arabia, as around 99% of the projectiles were blown up before reaching the target. There was one critical injury reported–that of a Bedouin child who has subsequently been hospitalized. Physical damage was also reported as minor.
The strike by Iran, the first ever that came directly from Tehran and not via its proxies, was in retaliation to an attack by Israel on an Iranian consulate building in Damascus, killing Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zaheoi, a senior IRGC commander, and seven other IRGC officers. This Israeli assault came as a result of Iranian attacks on Israeli citizens which took place along the Syrian border. Since October 7, Iran and Israel have engaged in escalating exchanges which many fear will erupt into outright war.
As stated by Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an expert in Iran’s missile capabilities, and quoted in Politico,
“Until now, Iran had never directly targeted Israel from Iranian territory in an overt and attributable fashion…. The strike also was the first ballistic missile attack from Iranian territory against a defended target.”
There are a couple of ways to view such a dramatic failure as Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel. One is to thank the Master of the Universe for intervening and protecting Israel. Another way is to recognize the effectiveness of Israel and its allies in successfully stopping the Iranian attack.
A third way involves some dispassionate analysis of what Iran intended and what it may have set in motion by its actions in launching the failed assault. The remainder of this article looks at the events as a possible psy-op, ostensibly launched by Iran but further promulgated by the general Western response to the attack.
The amount of media attention given the Iranian attack in the days leading up to Saturday’s attack was definitely…weird. Media outlet after outlet broadcast the pending attack, and even nailed down the probable time frame. “Iran to Attack Israel Within 48 hours,” bleated headline after headline. And sure enough, within the predicted time frame Iran stepped up.
With an attack which could not have been less stealthy–the drones taking about six hours to reach Israeli air space–and with all the formal pomp and circumstance accorded such a well publicized attack, Iran sent its projectiles against Israel. As one commentator. Reid Baron, put it,
“This is a strategic move by Iran to see how Israel and it’s allies will reply. Why else would many Iranian drones have their lights on and take ~6 hrs to reach Israeli airspace? That’s like telling someone you’re going to punch them in the nose and taking 10 minutes to set up the punch.”
If all the advance notice and the fact that the attack was so easily tracked and therefore thwarted was not enough, the media gave considerable attention and weight to the failed attack. CNN posted over 50 updates, giving a blow by blow account as the drones entered Israeli airspace and were duly blown out of the sky. CNN also gravely informed us of Biden’s high level meetings during the air strike and actions by other state parties, such as the UK, which rushed to Israel’s defense. CNN also covered Iran’s announcement that the assault had “concluded.”
Conducted on the strength of Article 51 of the UN Charter pertaining to legitimate defense, Iran’s military action was in response to the Zionist regime’s aggression against our diplomatic premises in Damascus. The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli…
“Iran’s Attack Seems Like It Was Designed to Fail. So What Comes Next?”
If indeed the Iranian attack was “designed to fail,” the reasons for this must include the fact that Israel will most likely respond. And this presents the likelihood of a full blown Iranian/Israeli war.
Coming at a time when President Biden exhibits such waffling in his support of Israel, and coming at a time when it appears that Iran has indeed achieved its long-sought goal to obtain a nuclear weapon, this does not bode well for the future of stability in the region. Also of concern is that public sentiment seems to have turned somewhat against Israel, largely due to the success of Hamas’s propaganda in convincing people that the Palestinian death toll is much larger than it really is.
And given Israel’s remarkable lapse on October 7, when the fence breach and invasion by Hamas took place, one wonders who is really watching over Israel’s defenses. Not only was advance notice that Hamas was doing drills around the fence ignored, not only was the technologically state-of-the-art fence somehow breached and the IDF failed to respond for hours following the breach, but no adequate reason has yet been tendered for this massive failure on the part of Israel’s defenses.
Although Biden has stated that his support for Israel is “ironclad,” his recent actions reveal a different mindset. When the US failed to veto a recent UN call for a ceasefire in Gaza, the Israeli response was stunned. When Biden authorized billions in aid for Iran, the Israeli response was equally redolent of shock and betrayal. And the President has made it very clear that should Israel respond to the failed Iranian attack, it is on its own.
What better way to lure Israel into a war with an enemy that has an undisclosed nuclear arsenal than to launch a faux attack? And given that Israel’s “BF” has tipped us off that it won’t support Israel should Israel retaliate, what better way to ensure that the tiny Jewish state suffers a lethal blow than to hang it out to dry at the ultimate challenge?
“The Iranian strike was largely performative, not directed against population centers, communicated clearly hours in advance and designed to be intercepted with the resources available. Its intention was to clearly cross the red line, but do it in such a way that the world powers would not rally behind Israel’s retaliatory strike.”
In other words. “Come and get us. And make sure you come alone. We’ll be waiting for you.”
Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic,At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere.
On Monday last I attempted to gather together some significant and representative articles about the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore harbor after one of its load-bearing pylons was struck by the container ship Dali as it was attempting to leave the harbor. I indicated then that I would offer, in Part Two of the blog, a speculative analysis of what I think might have happened, and, by implication, who might have been behind the incident.
I say “incident” because I do not, as of this writing, believe for a moment that this was a simple and sad accident as the goobernment and the F.I.B. (Federal Investigation Bureau) would have us believe. The government and its spokesmen are inveterate liars, and judging by the articles so many of you gathered and sent and which composed our article “round-up” in Part One, there are many out there who had the same initial reaction to the F.I.B.’s announcement as I: we simply don’t believe the “it-wasn’t-terrorism” narridigm.
But such events require more than just skepticism of government “obfuscations” in order to argue for the incident having been deliberately planned.
In Monday’s blog, I briefly mentioned that in order to understand the event, one might have to seek to situate it in a much wider context than even current geopolitical events such as the Moscow terrorist attacks. I did not, however, specify what that wider context might be, other than to include in the “round-up” of articles an article noting that global positioning systems in the Baltic region of Europe appeared to have been subject to massive jamming and spoofing over a 63 hour period, interfering with aircraft and ship positions during that period. Most assessments agree that this is the result of Russian electronic warfare measures, and on that score, I would concur.
But it is the capability itself that I wished to highlight by including that article, because that capability alludes to three other episodes in recent years that have also exercised my attention, and long-time regular readers here might recognize what they are: the USS Donald Cook Incident, the USS Fitzgerald Incident, and the USS John McCain Incident. In each of these incidents, a US Navy warship was involved. In the last two incidents, merchant ships collided with the warships under circumstances that I regard as peculiar and unusual, and while time and space do not permit me to review all those details here, the explanations of the Navy and the press at the time of the latter two incidents explained them as accidents and the result of poor decisions and training on the part of the officers and crews of the warships, in addition to the poor training on the part of the merchant vessels’ crews that collided with them. Aiding in these explanations are the fact that they occurred in some of the busiest shipping lanes in the world: the Malacca straits near Singapore (in the case of the McCain) and the busy waterways near Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan (in the case of the Fitzgerald). At the time of both incidents, I argued the behavior of the merchant ships that actually did the colliding with the US navy warships was suggestive of those ship’s steerage having been technologically (and perhaps remotely) accessed and controlled, and that the collisions may have been deliberate. At the time, some friends who had spent time in the Navy assured me that my speculations were nonsense, and that the accidents were, indeed, accidents. However, I remained then, and remain now, unpersuaded, and continue to believe that my speculations in this regard may be viable explanations. The relevance of those speculations to the Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident will be immediately apparent to the reader. We’ll return to that point in a moment.
What convinced me that such speculations were a possibility were the two USS Donald Cook Incidents. The first Incident, if the reader does not recall, occurred while the Aegis-class frigate was in the Black Sea in the tense weeks’ and months’ aftermath of the Maiden coup. An “obsolescent” Russian Sukhoi-22 fighter jet approached the ship on a very low altitude attack trajectory, and then apparently engaged some sort of electronic warfare technology that completely shut down the Donald Cook’s sophisticated electronics, leaving the vessel essentially a helpless bit of floating metal in the Black Sea.
Message received: the Donald Cook managed to restore enough of its electronics to limp to the Romanian port of Constanza (for “rest of the crew” as we were told at the time). A few months later, in the Baltic, the Incident was repeated, again with the Donald Cook and, once again, a Russian Sukhoi-22 fighter jet which approached at very low altitude on a mock attack run, and again, interfered with the warship’s electronics. Apparently the “crew rest” in Constanza, Romania had not fixed the problem. Message not received. (And sorry, no, I am not buying the idea that the US navy deliberately provoked the incidents to learn about Russian electronic capabilities, and that the US Navy is perfectly capable of countering them.)
This technological ability implies the possibility that a ship’s systems might be remotely accessed, interfered with, and possibly even commandeered to the extent that a crew no longer has control of the ship. And this in turn implies the possibility that such an event may have occurred with the Dali’s collision with the pylon of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore. That something was happening on the Dali‘s bridge and engine rooms is apparent from the video that, by now, we have all seen: the ship makes its way down the channel, loses power, regains it, loses it again, regains it, smoke begins to pour out of a funnel toward the stern, the ship then appears to turn out of the main channel and to starboard and thus toward the southern pylon of the bridge, power goes out and on again, the ship hits the pylon, and the bridge collapses, taking the lives of some pot hole repair crews with it. Notably, as all of this is occurring, road traffic on the bridge continues until it suddenly stops in time for the bridge to be vacant of road traffic just before the collision. This is also a crucial point, for it means that there was communication between the ship and the shore, and that authorities were alerted to a problem on the ship, and to stop traffic from entering the bridge. This in turn means that the crew knew there was a problem, and that a collision was possible. This implies, in its turn, that the crew recognized either that they had lost control of the ship or were about to.
So what do we have? We have (1) power losses, (2) smoke indicating that the ship’s big diesel engines might be being restarted, or some other possibility, (3) a probable notification of shore personnel that controlled access to the bridge by someone in the ship’s crew, or possibly by the harbor pilot, to shut the bridge down, and finally(4) a starboard turn of the ship directly toward the southern pylon. We must not assume that the communication from the ship to the shore to alert the bridge controllers to shut down traffic occurred on the ship’s communications systems. If there was interference with the ship’s electronics (suggested by the power outages), other systems – cell phones, radios, &c – in the possession of the crew might not have been effected and hence might have been used. You’ll note that, in the articles gathered thus far, we have heard little to nothing about the composition of the crew other than that the ship’s master was, suggestively, Ukrainian. We do not know who the harbor pilot(s) was or were, and we know nothing about the crew nor what they might have observed on the ship as all this was transpiring. I find this point to be extremely suspicious, for it might indicate that the crew has been sequestered and deliberately kept from public view in order to insure “they are able to read their lines correctly.” I suggest that these peculiar facts align with the idea of a commandeering of at least some of the ship’s systems by technology, and a crew seeking to regain control of the ship (hence the power outages and warning of shore personnel). Technology is indicated for a very different reason, namely, the requirements of Lloyd’s of London and other major insurers that such ships have redundant systems for steerage and so on. For a ship to collide with a bridge pylon after a perfectly executed starboard turn might indicate not only the failure of redundant systems to work to avoid collision; it might also mean that the steerage was operating, but the warnings from the ship to shore to shut the bridge down might further indicate that the crew lost control of it.
This type of argumentation makes the other indications of a well-planned and executed infrastructure attack even more compelling: (1) the fact that, by collapsing the bridge, US military sealift capability is affected by stranding two sealift ships in the Baltimore harbor, (2) the possible collapse of the bridge onto a major underwater energy pipeline, (3) the closure of the harbor itself, (4) the symbolic nature of collapsing a bridge named for the composer of the lyrics to the USA’s national anthem, and finally, and not least (5) the timing of the attack for a time when the least possible collateral loss of life would occur. Imagine if the attack had occurred at 5PM, or 7AM, at the height of the evening or morning rush hours, and you get the idea: the loss of life would have been much much higher. If one argues, as I am, that the Incident was a deliberate attack and not an “accident”, then this factor of timing indicates the type of player or agency involved: one (1) capable of planning and executing such an event, (2) in possession of the technology to do it (if indeed a technology was involved), and (3) someone deliberately trying to inflict serious damage while minimizing loss of life.
In this respect the speculations of Tom Luongo, whose article I included in Monday’s blog, are well worth pondering. Was it Russia? Are we looking at a potential retaliation by that country for the Moscow terrorist attack? Possibly. Certainly the attempt to minimize collateral loss of life might indicate this. The one key factor that would argue against this being a Russian operation is the timing: there would not appear to be enough time between the Moscow attacks and the Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident to organize such a complex operation, and to position the personnel and (if I am correct) the technology to do it. On the other hand, arguing in favor of a Russian operation is the simple fact that only Russia has demonstrated a technological electronic capability that might include the ability to commandeer a ship’s control systems. (Here, I must make mention of those UFO incidents over Malmstrom Air Force Base, and in Wyoming, where UFOs allegedly remotely and electronically interfered with the electronics of a flight of Minutemen ICBMs, changing their targeting data entirely remotely. As has been noted by Richard Hastings in his book UFOs and Nukes, the Air Force contracted with Boeing to find out what had happened, and Boeing was able to reproduce the incident remotely, implying both that such technology is not ipso facto “extraterrestrial”, and that remote electronic commandeering of such systems is possible). So if it was Russian, what about the timing? We must not rule out the possibility that if this is a Russian response or “horizontal escalation” for the West’s activities in the Ukraine since 2014, that this might be a response to older incidents than the Moscow terrorist attacks, such as the West’s attacks on the Kerch Strait bridge. Viewing it in this fashion removes the problem posed by the timing of it as a retaliation for the Moscow Terror attacks. It might be retaliation for some other, older attack on Russia.
Might this be someone else’s attack? Luongo makes an intriguing case that it may have been, up to and including the sclerotic powers of Europe like the U.K. or France, whose “leaders” like Boris Johnson or President Macron have given ample public testimony to their desire to see the Ukrainian war linger on and on, with the US’s continuing financial support, a support which has obviously wavered in recent months. Could it even be a third party, a non-state actor, intent on sewing enough chaos and confusion – and ill-will – into Russo-American relations? Again, possibly.
In the final analysis, a reasonable case can be made for all these possibilities, but in my opinion, not enough information is yet known to indicate which of these possibilities might be the most likely.
But one thing seems to emerge clearly from the collapsed wreckage, the bent and twisted girders, of the namesake bridge of the author of the USA’s national anthem lyrics: this was no accident. If you believe the F.I.B., then I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell you. So let’s call it what it is: it isn’t the Francis Scott Key Bridge Incident. It’s the Francis Scott Key Bridge Attack. So why the fib of the F.I.B.? Think geopolitics… and insurance… and independent insurance investigators …
Cover image credit: Adm. Linda L. Fagan, commandant of the Coast Guard, Vice Adm. Peter W. Gautier, deputy commandant for operations, Governor Wes Moore, governor of Maryland, and Mayor Brandon Scott, mayor of Baltimore, transit by Coast Guard boat to assess the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland, March 29, 2024. The Key Bridge was struck by the Singapore-flagged cargo ship Dali early morning on March 26, 2024. (U. S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Brandon Giles)
The Manchester Arena False Flag — Richard D. Hall Deserves Our Support
Richard D. Hall is an independent investigative journalist and documentary film maker who has gone further than any other journalist to examine the evidence surrounding the alleged 2017 Manchester Arena bombing. If we look at the evidence, which is the only way to ascertain the truth, the Manchester Arena bombing was, in my view, a false flag.
The official Manchester Arena Bombing narrative asserts the following as “fact.”
On 22nd of May 2017, 22 people were killed by a 22 year old Islamist terrorist Salman Abedi who committed suicide when he detonated his TATP (triacetone triperoxide) backpack bomb at around 22.30. The bomb detonated just after Ariana Grande ended her set following the conclusion of her 22nd song.
Initially 59 people were reportedly injured, 38 directly by the bomb. By 2018 it was more than 800. The majority must have been injured in the stampede and this significantly increased number includes those psychologically traumatised by the event.
Among those initially injured were Ruth Murrell, Martin Hibbert and his daughter Eve. Martin was reportedly struck by 22 pieces of shrapnel.
The terrorist, Salman Abedi, was known to the intelligence agencies and was considered a to be among a tiny group of individuals, marked as a “subjects of interest” (SOI), who “merited further examination.” Despite being “of interest,” Abedi frequently flew back and forth between the Libya and the UK, passing numerous UK border check without issue.
This appeared to be the continuation of the “open door policy” the UK government had with the terrorist members of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) which was linked to al Qaeda. In a subsequent 2018 parliamentary written statement, Alistair Burt MP wrote:
During the Libyan conflict in 2011 the British Government was in communication with a wide range of Libyans involved in the conflict against the Qaddafi regime forces. It is likely that this included former members of Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and 17 February Martyrs’ Brigade, as part of our broad engagement during this time.
Members of the LIFG Islamist terrorist group, including Salman Abedi’s father, Ramadan Abedi—also known as Abu Ismail—and their families were settled in the UK from where they could plan and coordinate attacks in Libya. Salman grew up in Fallowfield, Manchester among the UK-based Islamist terrorist community.
As a teenager, Salman joined terrorist operations in Libya during the school holidays. A very frequent flyer, he arrived back in the UK from Libya, via a stopover in Germany, just four days before the alleged attack. As usual, no one questioned him.
Richard D. Hall has “questioned” the official narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing in its entirety.
Hall reported, in both the book and the film, a significant body of evidence that strongly suggests the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. He has continued to conduct his research and added further evidence since publication.
For me, that body of evidence is compelling and shows the official State narrative of the Manchester Arena bombing is not true. The evidence indicates it was a false flag operation conducted by the UK state or elements within the UK state. I reserve the right to maintain my opinion until someone can show me some evidence to change my mind.
There is no evidence in the official account that leads me to believe Manchester was not a false flag. The official account is not plausible and I have no reason to accept it.
Hall has clearly demonstrated, to anyone that actually familiarises themselves with his work, that the official narrative is constructed from a partial record of the evidence. Virtually none of the evidence reported by Hall has been discussed or examined in any depth by either the authorities or the legacy media (LM). Any conclusion that does not account for all of the evidence is questionable. A conclusion based upon an investigation that ignores or deliberately evades evidence is meaningless.
The Establishment simply insists you believe whatever it tells you about Manchester without discussing, or even acknowledging, the bulk of the evidence. Hall is the only named journalist to have reported the information otherwise excluded from public discourse. For doing so, he has been attacked by the entire UK legacy media and faces bankruptcy in the courts.
One of the reported victims of the Manchester Arena bang, Martin Hibbert, has lodged a civil claim against Hall alleging that Hall’s investigative journalism amounts to harassment and GDPR breaches. Hall has shown evidence that strongly suggests the BBC were instrumental in instigating the case against him.
In an interview aired on ITV’s Good Morning Britain (GMB), Martin Hibbert spoke about his relationship with Andy Burnham, the mayor of Manchester. Mr Hibbert stated that if he wins the case against Hall, he, Burnham and his legal team are seeking to use the ruling to push for the creation of a new criminal offence.
Hibbert and his supporters want to make it illegal to question any reported victim account of an alleged terrorist attack. If enacted, it will ensure that no investigative journalist can ever question State narratives about terror events. Once on the statute books, it is highly likely that the offence will be extended to prohibit the questioning of other State narratives, wherever it is claimed someone was harmed. Murder, for example.
At no stage did GMB question anything Mr Hibbert said. They noted that the case against Hall was ongoing, but then allowed Martin Hibbert to make a series of unchallenged, false claims about Hall. Thus, further jeopardising Hall’s defence.
The GMB interview appeared to contravene Sections 5 and 7 of the OFCOM Code. Some people have submitted complaints to OFCOM. An example of the kind of complaints raised can be read HERE. If you are satisfied that the interview breached OFCOM regulations, perhaps you might consider submitting something similar yourself.
The UK High Court of Justice has issued a summary judgment in Hall’s case. High Court Master Davison decided that all of the evidence we are about to discuss was “farcical” or “preposterous” and ruled it inadmissible. Hall cannot present key evidence in his own defence.
Journalism and its ability to question power is directly threatened by the civil action brought against Richard D. Hall. Yet virtually no legacy media nor independent media outlet, with a couple of notable exceptions, is seemingly willing to publish anything that broaches this issue or defends either Hall or his work.
A possible injunction could see all of Hall’s research and the evidence he has reported removed from the internet. His books will be burned. It seems obvious that the UK state is determined to silence Hall but, more importantly, to hide and destroy the evidence he has reported.
The UK government, the compliant legacy and many in the so-called independent media have reported a Manchester Arena “story,” primarily based upon witness testimony. The official narrative is largely anecdotal and there is a dearth of physical evidence corroborating any of it.
As Hall showed, the State’s relied upon witness testimonies are contradictory and many are not consistent with the authorities’ yarn.
For example, Hall reported the published witness testimonies of the 21 eyewitnesses who say they saw the explosion. Ten described a bright flash or orange light or fireball when it occurred and five described smoke. TATP, the explosive allegedly used, does not emit either light or smoke when it explodes.
At the subsequent public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bang—the Saunders Inquiry—paramedic Simon Butler testified that he “treated” survivors for more than three hours but added “I didn’t see a patient actively bleeding.”
Hall discovered and reported that the first people to respond to 22 dying and 38 seriously injured people in the City Room were Manchester Arena medical staff. To give you some sort of unpleasant mental image of what they supposedly faced—according to the official account—the blast was so immense that Salman Abedi’s dismembered head and torso were flung more than 160 feet through the air to land near the Victoria Station ticket stall.
Hall has provided photographic evidence—not shown at the inquiry—of the Manchester Arena medical team leaving the Arena, immediately after working in the bloodbath. They didn’t have any blood on them. Perhaps they had time to wash it off and get changed or perhaps they “didn’t see a patient actively bleeding” either.
Hall has scrutinised every single available image and CCTV frame offered as “official evidence” of what happened that night. He even created an online tool to enable anyone else to peruse the images. Which is highly recommended.
He reports, and I agree:
There are no CCTV images that show any deceased victim or seriously injured victim in the City Room or anywhere else in the Arena.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence but, following a major terrorist bombing that supposedly killed 22 people and directly injured at least 38 more, any reasonable person would expect to see some physical evidence that a bombing had, in fact, occurred. None, nada, zilch, showing anything remotely corroborative of the official account has ever been shown anywhere.
There is no publicly available, physical evidence of a large TATP bomb, packed with metal shrapnel, detonating in the City Room. To ignore this and maintain that the official story is beyond doubt, is utterly ridiculous.
The physical evidence reported by Hall has not been acknowledged by anyone who claims the Manchester Arena bombing happened as described by the authorities. It seems likely that it has been ignored because it completely contradicts and wholly undermines everything we are supposed to believe about the Manchester Arena bombing.
Perhaps the most absurd pieces of evidence analysed by Hall is the Nick Bickerstaff video. Widely reported by the legacy media, the selfie-video shows Bickerstaff, supposedly searching for his daughter, having just seen the devastation in the City Room.
Unlike the legacy media, Hall took the time to analyse and investigate the clip. He provided verifiable evidence that proved the Bickerstaff footage was filmed before the explosion occurred. In the video, Bickerstaff said there were people in the City Room who were “bashed to bits.” This clearly indicated that Bickerstaff was relaying foreknowledge of the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.
Hall interviewed John Barr. Barr was an eyewitness who was in the City Room within four minutes of the explosion. This was 40 minutes before the first paramedic arrived and the only medical first-responders on the scene at that time—according to the official account—were the Manchester Arena medical staff, who, apparently, weren’t bloodstained by their ordeal.
John Barr filmed the scene and posted it on social media. Barr possessed a documentary record of the physical evidence observable in the immediate aftermath of a major terrorist attack. Barr was not invited to testify at the subsequent inquiry and his footage was not entered into evidence or examined.
To be clear: the Barr footage captured the scene inside the Arena Foyer (City Room) less that four minutes after the alleged explosion.
We are told that a terrorist had just detonated a massive TATP suicide bomb that sprayed deadly shrapnel over a wide area, scything through a densely packed crowd. It killed 22 people and severely injured at least 38 more. Nearly all of those 60 people would still have been in the City Room when Barr shot the footage.
So let’s consider what we can see on the John Barr video, as reported by Richard D. Hall.
Of course, what we think we see and what we imagine we see is entirely subjective. But let me briefly describe what I don’t see.
I don’t see 22 people killed by a bomb. I don’t see 38 people seriously injured by a bomb. I do not see dismembered tissue nor anywhere near enough blood to corroborate the story we are given.
I don’t see any notable panic nor, indeed, any frenetic activity at all. I don’t see anyone attempting any kind of emergency medical procedure.
I don’t see “any” structural damage.
Now please allow me to say what I do see.
I see people stood around amiably chatting. I see entirely intact paper posters and flimsy merchandise stalls—supposedly located close to the epicenter of the blast—that have not sustained any damage at all. I see completely undamaged and fully operational lighting. I see intact glass panel doors. I see unmarked walls.
I see a Ruth Murrell, who supposedly just had a bolt blown through her right leg, walking with ease in high heels, without even a limping, bringing her full weight to bear on her right leg. I see Ruth’s jeans, without any damage, despite a shrapnel supposedly passing through them. I see what looks like some minor “bleeding” that I suspect is fake.
I see too few people lying on the ground and what appears to be some limited moulage. I see an event that looks practically identical to the fake mass shooting and suicide bombing that occurred in Manchester’s Old Trafford Shopping Center one year prior, almost precisely, to the alleged Manchester Arena bombing.
I see a simulation of a terrorist attack. I see a training exercise. I see crisis actors. I see a hoaxed false flag.
Were this the only evidence that Hall had reported it would be enough, in my view, to cast significant doubt on the official narrative. But this is just one tiny slither of the evidence he has tried to draw to public attention.
Taken from his latest video covering the court case, the claimant’s media statements and the alleged Manchester Arena bombing, let’s just consider a few more examples of the evidence Hall has unearthed.
Richard D. Hall reported:
Evidence in witness testimony [given to the Saunders Inquiry] from the emergency services suggests emergency services did not act in a normal fashion and were deliberately inhibited by their chains of command. British Transport Police were kept out of the City Room until after the blast [emergency response was concluded] despite it being standard practice for them to be there to help manage egress from the concert. Greater Manchester Police, who arrived 15 minutes after the blast, did not establish any chain of command with the senior officer at the scene throughout the emergency response period and did not declare a major incident. [. . .] [The whole police response] was isolated from any control outside [of the City Room].
As has been widely reported elsewhere, Hall also highlights the “bizarre” decision to direct Fire Service crews from their station located near the Arena to a rendezvous point two miles further away. Thus moving them three miles away from the building, where a bomb had supposedly exploded, and keeping them there for two hours. Apparently, they weren’t needed.
If that makes no sense, the ambulance response is mind-bending. Consider what we are told about the horrific scale of this alleged terrorist attack.
Hall reported:
North West Ambulance Service was only allowed to send three paramedics to attend a scene with 60+ alleged casualties, two of the paramedics arriving 44 minutes after the blast despite there being four more hazardous trained area paramedic on-site. Eight of the first trained people to respond at the scene—the Arena medical staff—were not interviewed by the public inquiry.
Hall reported the statements of key paramedics and doctors who attended the scene. Paddy Ennis, Dan Smith, Christopher Hargreaves, Joanne Hedges, Dr Edward Tunn and Helen Motram. All of them stated that it was not their role to treat any dying or injured people and they testified that they did not treat “any.”
Hall reported that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) inspector Mike Smith and British Transport Police (BTP) Constable Dale Allcock, testified that a member of the public reported seeing an Asian male—matching Abedi’s officially reported appearance on the night—place a rucksack in the City Room before running out of the Arena. This reported sighting was confirmed by Operational Firearms Commander Edward Richardson.
Hall has presented evidence that the Saunders inquiry entered incorrectly time-stamped still images into the public inquiry. The inquiry stated they were taken 1 second before the “blast” but Hall has convincingly shown it is highly likely they were taken 30 seconds prior to detonation. This apparent 30 second gap possibly indicates an attempt to hide what happened in the City Room in the immediate moments before the bang. Did the missing CCTV images show Abedi fleeing?
In short, there is no solid evidence supporting the official narrative of the alleged Manchester Arena Bombing. It is notable only for its absence. Richard D. Hall has investigated, collated and reported the hard, verifiable evidence that casts immense doubt on the official Manchester Arena “story.”
This brings us to the most contentious aspect of Hall’s findings. People allegedly died and many were injured. Clearly, Ruth Murrell’s account of the injuries she sustained is extremely dubious.
The evidence presented by Hall indicates that the Manchester Arena bombing was a false flag. Evidence, such as the John Barr video, also suggests the possibility that it was a simulated or “hoaxed” false flag. Thus, the potential seemingly exists that no one died and no one was injured in the City Room on 22nd May 2017.
Therefore, with the information he had already uncovered in hand, Hall set about investigating the claimed deaths and injuries. He did so knowing what an immense risk he was taking. Few journalists have the guts to even contemplate undertaking such an investigation.
I will not explore the perfectly plausible theories that Hall presented in his book potentially accounting for many of the deaths and the injuries. Suffice to say, in my view, the Manchester Arena terrorist attack was a hoax and the claimed deaths and injuries cannot simply be accepted as proven facts without further investigation.
But no one, and I mean no one, wants to hear that.
The notion that the state could fake such an attack is hard enough for most people to swallow. Although some awareness of the State’s long history of using false flag terror might help overcome this strain of cognitive dissonance. As would some knowledge of the crisis actor industry.
What people blankly refuse to consider is that the State would ever claim deaths and injuries happened when they either didn’t or transpired as a result of unrelated events. The State habitually lies to us about pretty much everything, so why people find this impossible to even contemplate is hard to say, though we can speculate.
Lives lost to terrorist attacks, especially children’s, have a significant emotional impact upon us. When the entire legacy media constantly reinforces the emotions elicited by those reported deaths, if convinced by this, we run the risk of basing our comprehension of politically significant terrorist attacks on nothing but emotion, rather than on the evidence.
It is the alleged deaths and injuries that renders questioning the event unthinkable for the vast majority. Reported deaths and injuries are essential if you are going to convince an entire nation that a large-scale terrorist attack struck a city like Manchester. Especially if you haven’t got any other evidence to substantiate your claim.
We know that the UK state has been actively involved in terrorism that killed civilians. It doesn’t care about our lives. Begging the question why bother with a hoaxed false flag? Why not use a real bomb?
Again, we can only speculate.
The hoaxed false flag inevitably draws researchers to conclude that the reported deaths didn’t happen. We have seen a slew of court cases, on both sides of the Atlantic, focus upon the highly emotive and controversial claim that no one died. As the public is wholeheartedly convinced that this is an egregious and despicable slur on the memories of those who perished, juries and benches are predisposed to find these researchers guilty of defamation or harassment. Based on their emotions, few would question such rulings.
This, in turn, supports the State’s assertion that measures need to be taken to stop the so-called “conspiracy theorists” making such outrageous claims and spreading supposed disinformation and “hatred.” The United Nations is using this claim as justification for its proposed global Cybercrimes Treaty. Once signed, every signatory nation will pass laws to stop the sharing of any information that “may have an adverse impact on States, enterprises and the well-being of individuals and society.”
Is the hoaxed false flag an effective honey trap? Is the intention to lure independent journalists and researchers into exposing apparently fake deaths and then capitalise on the resultant outrage, using the media, public opinion and the courts to seemingly legitimise laws to end free speech?
If people are genuinely killed that leaves grieving families who will never let go of seeking the truth. If they aren’t, if the participants have signed some sort of enforceable contract or have been coerced in some way, this is less likely.
For example, the families of the 9/11 victims are still pursuing the US government, not to examine alleged “failures” of intelligence, as is often the case, but to ascertain what actually happened.
It should be noted that some of the families of the Manchester Arena attack are also seeking answers. While there is no questioning of the event itself, many want to know more about the apparent intelligence failures.
In truth we don’t know why a hoax was evidently favoured for the Manchester Arena false flag. Investigating State crimes without being censored or prosecuted or worse, is extremely difficult and high risk. By its nature, the evidence is not easy to gather. Often, we are left with questions and not many answers.
But questions can be well informed and rooted in the evidence. In the case of Manchester, certainly the questions posed by Hall’s work are founded firmly upon the solid evidence he has reported.
Hall would be the first to admit he doesn’t have all the answers. His work is not beyond dispute and it should be critically evaluated. The only way to start doing that is to appraise yourself of it.
“Appeal to emotion” is both a logical fallacy and a propaganda technique. Our emotions are subjective feelings and do not constitute evidence. If we care about the truth we must pursue the evidence and nothing but the evidence. That is what Richard D. Hall has done.
We may not like his conclusions and they may not be entirely correct, but the evidence he has reported is more than enough to determine that the official account of the Manchester Arena bombing is false. A reported victim of the bombing is now pursuing Hall through the courts—supported by politicians, the legacy media and a very expensive legal team—with a view to establishing a law that could end any possibility of questioning State fabricated terror events or any State narrative relating to harm supposedly caused.
So powerful are our emotions that even so-called independent media journalists either can’t see beyond them or use “appeal to emotion” as if it were a rational argument.
In a recent podcast [go to 28:36] about Hall’s case and his Manchester work, independent radio host, Richie Allen, focused almost exclusively on the emotions surrounding the Manchester Bombing to largely discredit Hall’s work. Listening to the podcast is recommended because Allen neatly packaged the “appeal to emotion” propaganda, used by the legacy media to dissuade anyone from looking at the evidence Hall reported, in his podcast.
Saying that he hadn’t read Hall’s book and that he wasn’t overly familiar with his work, Allen nonetheless felt he was sufficiently well informed to pontificate on the evidence he presumably knew nothing about. He said Hall wasn’t a “real” journalist and stated that Hall didn’t have any evidence to back up his claims. Apparently, according to Allen, none of the evidence reported by Hall—discussed in this article—exists.
Richie Allen acknowledged many of the anomalies in the official narrative. He conceded that hoaxed false flags have happened before, he even mentioned the Nick Bickerstaff video. Allen said he was “at a loss” to understand it and that it was “one of the most bizarre” things he had ever reported. Had Allen read Hall’s analysis he might have been able to understand that the Bickerstaff video demonstrates foreknowledge of an alleged terrorist attack.
Allen offered an anecdote—told to him by a friend—about injured people being treated on the night as “evidence” that proved everything Hall has investigated and reported is baseless. He called Hall’s work “bollocks.”
When the bangs were heard, as shown in numerous TV reports, the crowd panicked and a stampede ensued. Thanks to Hall’s investigative journalism, this is is one of the reasons we can deduce that the Bickerstaff video was shot before the bang. The absence of the warning sirens heard in the Barr footage being another.
Thirty eight people were reportedly treated for injuries caused by a bomb. Many hundreds were reportedly treated for injuries that were not caused by a bomb.
Evidently, this hasn’t crossed Allen’s mind. He apparently assumes that all treated injuries were incurred as the direct result of bomb blast shrapnel.
Allen insisted that the victims were killed by a bomb because funerals were held which mourners attended. Of course, a funeral is not evidence demonstrating how, when or where a person died. Although Allen found it substantive.
Allen noted that many of the funerals had been covered extensively by the legacy media. He said that the people who attended the funerals believed they were saying their last goodbye to someone they cared about. While Hall has questioned some funeral attendees, he has never suggested that the majority of the mourners weren’t genuine, despite Allen telling his listeners that he did.
When his guest, Nick Kollestrom, highlighted the John Barr video (above), Allen speculated that it might show some sort of “hybrid event.” He proffered that there could have been both a real terrorist attack and a fake one which were, coincidentally, identical. Presumably, Ruth Murrell, a prominent “injured” survivor of the Manchester Arena bombing, just happened to attend both simultaneously—if Allen’s off the cuff hybrid theory is to be believed.
Ultimately, by focusing upon nothing but the emotions evoked by Hall’s claims, Allen effectively, indeed overtly, endorsed the High Court claim made against Hall. He stated, without offering any evidence, that Hall had, in some way, harassed the claimants, primarily it seems by questioning their personal accounts and seeking evidence to verify how, where and when they sustained their injuries.
Allen asked what was in it for the claimants in Hall’s case. What could they possibly gain from challenging Hall?
Richard D. Hall is being sued for £50K plus costs. Richie Allen is very well known “journalist” in the “independent media” which he frequently castigates as the “truther industrial complex.”
Richard D. Hall has uncovered the evidence that clearly indicates Manchester was a hoaxed false flag. If I am honest with myself, and if you also find his evidence compelling, then this leaves us with no choice but to agree with Hall that the reported deaths and injuries were not caused by a bomb that exploded in the Manchester Arena City Room at approximately 22.30 on the 22nd May 2017.
This is Hall’s specific allegation. He does not assert that no one died or that none of the claimed injuries are real. He suspects that some of the alleged deceased didn’t die and that some people’s injuries are fake. His only assertion, in this regard, is that no one died or sustained injuries as a direct result of Salman Abedi detonating a bomb in the Manchester Arena.
Like Hall, I don’t know what happened to those people. Hall has looked at the evidence and suggested some possible explanations. He has also presented more than enough high quality, verifiable evidence to question the State’s narrative and that includes questioning the stories we have been told about the alleged deaths and injuries. We have every right to ask those questions and to seek the answers.
Any personal offence caused is an unfortunate consequence of asking perfectly legitimate questions. Being offended is no reason to silence those questions.
Hall has requested that the claimants in his case provide the medical records that show where and when they sustained their injuries. He has asked the High Court to provide the moving CCTV footage that places the claimants in the Arena. The claimants say they have seen these images, as have their solicitor and an unnamed family liaison officer apparently. So all we have to “prove” these images exist is hearsay.
Reviewing this alleged medical and CCTV evidence in the High Court would categorically demonstrate that Hall’s theories about the claimants are wrong. You would imagine that the claimants would be eager to submit it themselves. Instead, the claimants have successfully obtained a summary judgement enabling them to avoid providing that evidence. It is not unreasonable to ask why they would do this?
Richard D. Hall’s Manchester book and all his films are freely available to the public from his Richplanet website. If you want to support Richard D. Hall’s work you can also buy a hard copy of his book from Amazon—or Richplanet. You can go to the Richplanet store and purchase more of his books and merchandise there. These sales enable Richard to earn a modest income from his work.
Richard D. Hall is one man fighting the entire UK State. Hall is appealing against the summary judgment and needs your financial help to press ahead with his ongoing legal battle. It is argumentation that Hall neither sought nor started. He is defending himself against attack.
Richard D. Hall deserves support from all who care about the truth.
Cover image credit: Ardfern
Tributes and memorials at St Ann’s Square,Manchester, England, re Manchester Arena bombing, May 2017
(creative commons license, vignette framing added)
The criminocracy is in danger of losing its carefully-constructed shield of invisibilty as it accelerates its deranged bid for total and permanent global control.
It is therefore obliged to ramp up its attacks on those who dare expose its existence, its crimes and its lies.
While Julian Assange is the most famous victim of its war on real journalism, another important case is that of Richard D. Hall.
Iain Davis writes: “UK independent journalist, researcher and documentary filmmaker Richard D. Hall faces conviction, sizeable damages and an injunction that could potentially end his career and his livelihood.
“The High Court of Justice has denied Hall the opportunity to present any kind of meaningful defence. This travesty of justice has potential implications, not just for Richard D. Hall, but for all journalists who dare to question power”.
The overall situation is that Hall is being sued by two alleged victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena “bombing”, which he convincingly argues was nothing of the sort, but a manufactured psy-ops.
In a recent video, Hall describes in detail the issues involved and wonders whether the case against him is really being instigated by the alleged victims or by other, hidden, forces.
He mentions in particular Marianna Spring, the BBC’s first ever “disinformation specialist and social media correspondent”, who has been actively seeking to discredit his work.
Kit Klarenberg writes on The Grayzone site that there are “troubling questions” about Spring, who appeared out of nowhere to take up the newly-created thought-police post in March 2020, at the tender age of 24.
She played a leading role in “diminishing and discrediting sizable anti-lockdown protests that engulfed the streets of central London” and depicted them as “comprised almost entirely of fringe lunatics”, he writes.
Klarenberg points to Spring’s links with the extremely dodgy “think tank” the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, which I described in this recent article.
As I explained, the ISD was co-founded by ardent Zionist George Weidenfeld and enjoys an “institutional partnership” with the even more ardently pro-Israel Anti-Defamation League.
A 2022 episode of the BBC’s Panorama programme presented by Spring featured ISD boss Sasha Havlicek discussing “how and why people come to believe that terror attacks are hoaxes”.
Hall’s admirable forensic investigation into the Manchester event was presented as evidence of a supposed “mainstreaming of extremism, hatred and conspiracy”, with Spring and Havlicek stressing “the impact these conspiracy theories have on the survivors of terror attacks”.
The ISD’s Zionist affiliations are particularly pertinent here, since the Manchester “bombing” is officially regarded as having been the work of “Islamic extremists”.
Wikipedia describes it as “the deadliest act of terrorism and the first suicide bombing in the United Kingdom since the 7 July 2005 London bombings”, also blamed on “Islamist terrorists”.
The same familiar enemy is said to have been behind pretty much every big “terrorist” attack of the 21st century, starting with 9/11, and pesky “conspiracy theorists” have been asking questions about all of them.
There is certainly historical evidence to suggest that terror attacks are often not what they appear to be.
Gianfranco Sanguinetti wrote in 1980: “I have never said that the secret services were behind every single attack, given that these days even a Molotov cocktail or a workplace sabotage are considered to be ‘attacks’: but I have said, and I have been saying for nearly ten years now, that all spectacular acts of terrorism are either remote-controlled, or directly carried out, by our secret services”.
He was referring to the terrorist attacks, in Italy and across Europe, which are now known to have been co-ordinated by NATO under what is often termed Operation Gladio.
The aim of that wave of killing – which was not faked but very real – was seemingly to push scared populations into the arms of the security state and to discredit radical groups falsely accused of being responsible.
The first of these aims is most likely still true today – who, since 2020, can seriously doubt that deliberate fearmongering plays an important part in keeping populations under control?
But the second aim must be slightly different now, because the “terrorists” involved are said to be “Islamist”.
Why would the system feel the burning need, one might ask, to create fake or false-flag events to discredit Islamist groups that do not present an obvious domestic political threat to the governments of the various countries targeted?
The answer, I suspect, lies in the way in which our political institutions have been systematically captured by elements favourable to, and often funded by, Israel – a reality that has become all too obvious since the onslaught against Gaza began.
We might also consider a document published by Jerusalem Summit nearly 20 years ago. The Acornreported in 2016 that the leadership of this Zionist organisation included Daniel Pipes, the pro-Israel and anti-Islam US commentator, and Britain’s Baroness Cox, described by Craig Murray in 2014 as “a prominent supporter of organisations which actively and openly promote the ethnic cleansing of all Palestinians from Gaza”.
The document in question envisages “relocation” of Palestinians from their homes in Israeli-controlled territory “to allow them to build a new life for themselves and their families in countries preferably, but not necessarily exclusively, with similar religious and socio-cultural conditions”.
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has been in the limelight in recent months, accusing Israel of crimes against humanity and, in turn, being depicted as a tool of Hamas by Israel and its supporters.
Interestingly, the archived Jerusalem Summit document declares that “the dissolution of UNRWA is an essential prerequisite for any comprehensive, durable solution of the Palestinian issue”.
Also, crucially in the context of this article, it states: “The de-legitimization of the Palestinian narrative becomes a vital prerequisite to any comprehensive resolution of the Palestinian issue”.
How exactly could that “narrative” be delegitimized – thus allowing the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, by whatever means necessary, to go ahead without too much global opposition?
One way would be to associate Palestinians, in the minds of the international public, with terrorists who have been attacking their own communities.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been trying to make this link, claiming back in 2014: “ISIS and Hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. When it comes to their ultimate goals, Hamas is ISIS and ISIS is Hamas. And what they share in common, all militant Islamists share in common”.
He made the same claim in October 2023, declaring: “We have always known what Hamas is. Now the whole world knows. Hamas is ISIS… We will defeat [Hamas] precisely as the enlightened world defeated ISIS”.
Could it be that all or most of the big “Islamist” terror attacks of the first two decades of this century were fake or false-flag events, designed to whip up hatred and fear of Muslims and thus of Palestinians, to demonise and dehumanise them in order to achieve the “de-legitimization” of their cause, as recommended by Jerusalem Summit?
Was this all part of a long-term plan to pave the way for the ethnic cleansing horrors that we have seen unfolding in Gaza since October 2023?
If so, is this why the Israel-linked IDS is so keen, through its boss Havlicek and her sidekick Spring, to shut down all investigation of the truth behind these events and the genocidal agenda they were designed to advance?
The ongoing investigations into the elusive Covid Pandemic murder mystery are cluttered by all manner of obfuscation and misdirection.
Chief among these shaky postulations are the various iterations of the SARS-CoV-2 virus lab-leak theory, which has more lives than a feral cat and possesses a capacity for reappearing as often as the shambling zombies who lurk in the woods at the edge of town.
Once the curtain is pulled back on the unsubstantiated lab-leak hypotheses, the socially engineered sorcery of the Covid Pandemic is revealed as the base scheme that it is.
The lab-leak claim posits that SARS-CoV-2 is an engineered quasi-biological, deadly gain-of-function phenomenon rather than a computer-generated construct. The initial research paper illustrates that the virus in question was nothing more than an in-silico apparition, a simulacrum created by demonstrably dodgy genomic sequencing.
This theory advances the fanciful plot that a hyperreality TV show viral escapee miraculously slipped out of—or was released intentionally from—a biological research facility in faraway Wuhan, China, went on a global rampage, and killed millions of people.
By implying that the virus was a man-made microbial murderer, promulgators of the lab-leak story avoid facing the fact that the last three-and-a-half years were a deliberate, highly organized culling of the global population under the guise of protecting “public health.”
Unfortunately, many in-the-know folks who are skeptical of the medical industry’s pharmacological fantasies are still trapped on the lab-leak circuit of the Covid merry-go-round.
Amidst the hyperfocus on gain-of-function research, furin cleavage sites, restriction enzymes, and the rest of the sci-fi vernacular that shroud the lab-leak hypothesis in scientific-sounding mumbo jumbo there lies an elementary question, “Does this theory hold even an ounce of water?”
One conspicuous curiosity that calls into question the threat of “lab-leaked bioweapon” is the fact that the “Covid-19” deaths follow the age/risk stratification and seasonal curve of influenza and pneumonia (two named illnesses that, until 2020, health authorities lumped together in their charts).
Meanwhile, many pneumonia deaths since 2020 have been fraudulently attributed to “Covid” on death certificates. Even if the bioweapon theory were a reality, perhaps we should be relieved, since Covid seemed able to impact only two kinds of populations:
Family members were prevented from being at their side to comfort them, to question the macabre protocols being mercilessly inflicted, and to spirit them out of the “death row” facilities.
That the death rate attributed to Covid was so low throughout the rest of the global population proves the alleged “bioweapon” was a dud.
Indeed, to hang one’s hat on the lab-leak theory and the grandiose narrative of the Covid Pandemic requires contorted mental gymnastics and a blind faith in the esoteric.
Countless incongruities point to the lab-leak theory—and possibly the virus itself—being a myth.
Here are a few peculiarities that should cause any reasonable person to question the lab-leak theory:
What dark magic was involved that trained this microbial Kraken to be released only upon administrative orders and to peak in synchroneity only in select locations?
Are we to believe a suddenly super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu, gain-of-function virus waited for a government decree to create excess deaths?
Why did this deadly virus cause no mass death in the Chinese city where a lab leak is said to have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology?
(3) The “first wave” of Covid deaths in the US occurred almost exclusively in nursing homes and hospitals, not in the general population.
How is it possible that this virus was so demographically smart?
Why did it target those institutions—filled with ill, infirm, and elderly—so specifically and blanket them so completely?
Would not the high rate of deaths in hospitals and nursing homes have had anything to do with their application of dangerous protocols, their unilateral do-not-resuscitate orders, and their apparently purposeful policies of neglect?
(4) During that reputed “first wave” the people impacted were mainly poor, and many were disabled.
QUESTION: How, pray tell, was this Frankenstein virus programmed to avoid upper middle class and wealthy people? How did it know to sidestep healthy and able people? Aren’t the poor always more susceptible to disease? Do we need a viral event to explain this?
(5) During that initial wave, if we are to believe the “spreading pathogen” story, we must believe that this virus was geographically savvy. How was it that certain counties and metro areas in certain states in the US were impacted while neighboring regions adjacent to these areas were not affected? Curiously, many of these Covid-affected counties in the US were right next to unaffected areas, including in the NYC metro region where the virus seemed unable to cross rivers.
QUESTION: Was this gain-of-function hobgoblin designed to recognize county, state, and national boundaries and to stick to urban areas while leaving suburban and rural communities largely alone?
(6) Even after the “first wave,” the population groups that appeared to be exclusively targeted by this “bioweapon,” both in and out of institutions, were the elderly and the sickly and the disabled—people who are more susceptible to all types of afflictions.
QUESTION: Why did the supposedly novel virus jump over children and younger adults and able, healthy people?
(7) This lab-leaked daemonic entity killed many more victims in places where de facto police state “emergency measures” were fiercest and far fewer victims in contiguous jurisdictions where the countermeasures taken by authorities were much milder.
Thus, to ascribe this convergent set of circumstances to a lab-leaked daemon or pathogen of any genus strains credulity. What it should be attributed to is a coordinated campaign orchestrated by powerful interests and their collaborators in academia, in the medical industry, and in the media.
Origins of the lab-leak story
In the media, the lab-leak story surfaced early on. It was quickly adopted and became an accepted narrative even amongst certain sectors of the “respectable” Covid “skeptics.” In fact, some “Establishment” Covid skeptics have built their reputations—and in some cases entire cottage industries—around the lab-leak mythology, even though this gain-of-function narrative strains credulity.
So-called Covid skeptics buying into aspects of the Covid myth creates a situation in which “dissident movement” resources are channeled into conferences and investigations where attention is fixed—and fixated—on esoteric explanations that ultimately prop up the overall pandemic narrative. If they were truly dissidents, they would be collaborating with truth-tellers to prove the demonstrable forensics of the fraud that defines the Covid enterprise.
The lab-leak theory reinforces the idea that “the virus” is a grave problem that needs to be solved rather than a fear-based control mechanism. It bolsters the notion that a “deadly” man-made, “novel” virus caused an “unprecedented medical emergency” for which a raft of invasive policies—including the worldwide suspension of basic civil liberties—would become justified.
To justify another round of lockdowns and to codify more draconian measures such as mandated vaccination in the future, all that will be needed is to reignite the fear of a bioweapon.
A further but related result of focusing on the “lab-leak” conjecture is that it shores up the “deadly novel virus suddenly appeared” narrative, which provides the rationale for the biosecurity complex to siphon trillions from taxpayers through the aptly named “pandemic preparedness” industry.
But perhaps the biggest problem with accepting and promoting the lab-leak theory is that it reifies the Big Lie that there ever was a “pandemic” caused by a “unique viral pathogen” in the spring of 2020. In so doing, the theory hides the crimes that were committed in the hospitals and nursing homes and provides cover for the criminals who designed and executed this top-down operation.
Is it possible that the gain-of-function virus story was manufactured to get the public to snap up and swallow the lab-leak bait?
And was this entire fish tale dropped into the Covid discourse to keep the public obsessing over the “origins” of the disease rather than focusing on the policy-induced slaughter of the last three-and-a-half years? (When we say “slaughter,” we do not mean from an actual disease, but, rather, from isolation, from toxic treatments like Remdesivir and mRNA injections, and from the murderous misuse of sedatives and ventilators.)
Without the existence of a SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, everything else in the official narrative swirls down the toilet, including the contrived Covid-19 case definition, the dodgy non-diagnostic rt-PCR tests, the fake excuses given for lockdowns and masks and social distancing, and the debate between whether the “novel virus” originated with a love match between a bat and a pangolin or from gain-of-function experiments at the Wuhan lab.
In other words, the establishment’s insistence on pushing the lab-leak theory serves to cover up the actual crimes that were committed on a massive scale and with impunity.
If it can be proven that there was no pandemic, as we have posited in a previous article, and no evidence of a virus, where would we go from there?
We would have to come to terms with the reality that this was never about “a mismanaged pandemic,” as some “health freedom” celebrities have taken to calling it.
We would have to confront the fact that the only pandemic was one of violent government and medical assault against billions of people, of false attribution of a made-up disease on death certificates, and of intense propaganda using fraudulent tests and bogus “scientific” studies.
We would have to accept that what we are dealing with is the collaboration of despotic public and private elements to commit criminal fraud and outright genocide.
We would have to hold the government (including intelligence agencies and the military), the health regulatory agencies, the hospitals and nursing homes, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, and the media accountable for these crimes.
The whole system would be revealed as the corrupt house of cards it is.
In short, legitimizing the lab-leak theory is a backdoor way of legitimizing the false claim of a global pandemic.
Misdirection is a classic strategy used to divert attention from one subject and direct it to another. Getting people to ask all the wrong questions ensures they will be kept from seeking answers to the right questions. Asking the wrong questions also ensures they will always draw wrong conclusions.
Thus, we have a deceived public wrongly determining: “It was a manufactured new virus and a few bad actors.”
And we have the subversive actors, who purport to oppose the official Covid narrative, pretending to believe: “It was a bioweapon that needs to be contained next time.”
Those who subscribe to the manufactured “deadly man-made virus” story are understandably terrified and desperate for explanations and for heroes and for “bombshell reports” that will mitigate their fears.
They want some simplistic, reassuring answers that can explain it all away and let them go back to sleep.
They don’t want to be overwhelmed by talk about a global cabal or conditional UBI or programmable CBDCs or digital IDs or mass surveillance rolled out across the world via an endless series of manufactured crises.
This entire issue needs to be confronted head-on in the health freedom movement. Some apparent health freedom advocates who have captured the attention of huge audiences are, wittingly or not, doing the bidding of the biosecurity state. By maintaining and heightening the fear factor of the gain-of-function bogeyman, these influencers are creating fertile ground for future psychological “terror” campaigns.
How can we stop these popular but either deluded or deceitful actors from inadvertently—or purposely—promoting fear?
Or, more realistically, how can we help the hangers-on of these perceived “heroes” to stop giving credence to their claims—to stop automatically deferring to their opinions and advice?
One way is to show people that when they uncritically accept any statement as fact, regardless of the insubstantiality of the claim and the evidence that refutes the claim, they are operating on a level of superficial emotional reaction, are incapable of thinking critically or evaluating ideas rationally, and can be easily duped.
Each time an individual comes to understand that all facets of the official narrative of “Covid” are a fiction, that there was no “pandemic” and no “novel virus” and no “lab leak,” the world moves a step further from the lies and a step closer to the truth.
[Should this video be taken down by Youtube, Whitney’s segment can be found in this full version at Rumble starting at 36:40.]
Transcript of video introduction by Clayton Morris:
“Is the deep state mafia setting up a massive cyber attack false flag on the American people that will disrupt the 2024 election?
Well, it turns out that the United States intel agencies have been running tabletop exercises on this exact scenario. And now the Department of Homeland Security head, Mayorkas, says the greatest cyber threat to America is something called Killware.
So what’s really going on here? Are we being set up for a massive false flag?
And investigative journalist Whitney Webb has been writing
about these cyber attack tabletop exercises for years. And she’s been exposing what they’ve been up to. And then this week, we had a crazy “cyber attack” that seemed to shut down half the internet this week. Banks. Rumble was down.
What exactly is going on here? Are we being played like a fiddle?”
Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that, from the very start of the vaccinations, he knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign.
The story has been reported on both German and Italian news networks.
I will now provide an English translation.
The Rome Public Prosecutor’s Office is investigating Roberto Speranza, the Italian government’s health minister, during the time of COVID measures. He was responsible for the vaccination campaign.
The investigations are the result of complaints related to the so-called AIFA emails from the Italian Medicines Agency. The former director of AIFA, Nicola Magrini, is also under investigation.
The publication of these internal emails revealed that they had been aware of the dangers of the COVID vaccination from the start.
The accusation is that the responsible minister and the head of the drug authority knowingly and deliberately exposed the unsuspecting Italian population to this risk. Yes, they encouraged Italians to get vaccinated.
Vaccination was even made mandatory for certain professional groups. Consequently, many side effects, including fatal ones, came to light.
The investigations are for murder, serious bodily harm, and more, because Speranza and Magrini evidently gave instructions to the local health authorities to conceal the deaths and serious side effects that occurred immediately after the vaccinations began, in order not to jeopardize the vaccination campaign and to reassure the citizens about their safety.
The responsible minister and the head of AIFA are now expected to answer for these actions.
According to the complaints from the police unions and the financial police, as well as from the private organization Listen to Me, which represents 4,200 people damaged by vaccines.
In Italy, police officers and teachers were subjected to mandatory COVID vaccination.
Here is the former health minister, Roberto Speranza, proudly announcing vaccination statistics in Italy.
“We have now reached a massively significant percentage of vaccinated people in Italy, 89.41%. Therefore, currently in Italy, just over 10% of the population remains unvaccinated.”
Well, today Roberto Speranza is under investigation for lies he allegedly told about vaccines.
Among the crimes he is accused of are ideological falsehood and murder.
“Look, this is the document we are showing you tonight exclusively. It states the former minister Roberto Speranza, along with Nicola Magrini, the former general manager of AIFA, are both registered in the investigative records of the Rome Prosecutor’s Office.”
Last week, the House of Representatives of the Philippines passed a resolution to investigate over 260,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2021 and 67,000 unexplained excess deaths in 2022.
The next day, they were hit by a 7.6 magnitude earthquake.
“You are not Christians. You are not Jews. You are not Muslims. And you certainly aren’t atheists. You all have the same god, and its name is ‘government.’ You’re all members of the most evil, insane, destructive cult in history. If there ever was a devil, the state is it. And you worship it with all your heart and soul.” ~ Larken Rose, The Iron Web
There is much to be said about the evil occurring in the Middle East, and the absolute heinous nature of the Israeli government and Hamas, the claimed ‘leadership’ (ruling class) of Israel and Palestine. The governing aspects of both are insanely wicked, psychopathic, and these entities are murderers of the innocent. They are tied at the hip, as Hamas was created, supported, and funded, by the Zionist Israeli government and its so-called ‘intelligence’ service Mossad, and constantly used against the people of both countries. But this is only the tip of the iceberg, as virtually all governments everywhere act in the same manner, even if to a lesser degree of terror in some cases. In fact, the U.S. government, its CIA, and others are in full support of Israel, to the great detriment of all these countries.
After much research, it seems brutally obvious that this situation in Israel was long-planned, as is most always the case, was almost certainly a false flag attack, meant to get the backing of the Israeli people and much of the western world, so that they would accept and support the genocide of the 2 million Palestinian people in Gaza; mostly unarmed, undefended, women and children. Many of the reports and claims of brutality in Israel by the complicit media, have been exposed as lies, but if that is any surprise to anyone, I would be amazed. Certainly, any acts of violence and death of civilians on either side is atrocious, but much has been misrepresented in order to justify the slaughter and murder of the defenseless people of Gaza, who are locked inside a walled concentration camp patrolled by the Israeli military. Most every claim has become suspect, and in essence, these claimed acts of terror could have only occurred if that was the desired plan of the Israeli ruling class all along. This is no surprise, it was no accident, or breach of Israeli security, as the only way this could have happened in my view, was if it was a premeditated and managed plot to bring about the elimination of Palestine, by using and sacrificing the Israeli people as well, and possibly to also bring about a larger-scale regional or world war involving Iran and Russia.
Israel’s government and military have committed many acts of terror, false flags, conspiracy, bombings, aggressive war, and murder against those in the Middle East, as well as against the U.S., Britain, and others around the world. This statement is factual, but is not meant to absolve those mentioned of the same crimes against humanity, especially given the history of the murderous policies of the U.S. and British empires, along with their western allies. It has always been my position that the U.S. government and its military, including the CIA, and every complicit bureaucracy, have been the worst and most aggressive warmongering of all nation states in history, and Israel has been complicit and intimately involved in much of that carnage as well for decades.
This situation today is pure evil, and could lead to events that could change the world in very disastrous and deadly ways for all; even to such an extent as to threaten mankind. But that leads us to the real problem in all our lives, and exposes the biggest threat to the human population, which is any and all central authority, governments, and rule. You see, no government cares in the least about the people, as those who choose to rule are monsters bent only on money, power, and control over those it dominates. They do not give a damn about what they consider to be the “useless eaters,” and treat all as sheep to be herded into submission and compliance, or slaughtered for the sole benefit of the agendas of the State.
In this current horrifying onslaught of innocents, the people in Gaza are the initial target, but this will only lead to more murderous attacks against innocents in the future. None of us are safe so long as these heinous governments are allowed to exist at all. This is what needs to be fully understood by the seemingly helpless masses who continue to rely on governments to guide, dominate, and control them.
The most prevalent attitude today among the people of this earth is uncertainty, which leads to indifference. It seems only the very few are willing to face reality, while nearly the entirety of populations choose voluntarily to rely on a master’s plan for their lives. Each of us is capable of so much more, but courage to accept the truth is lacking, and this brings about an apathetic attitude so powerful that it disallows the natural state of man; which is freedom. As Carl Jung put it:
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.”
Life is not about bending to the will of others, it is not about outside influence and opinion, society’s expectations, peer pressure, or fear. All power as Nietzsche so correctly stated, lies with self, not with others, and self-determination brings one to a place of confidence instead of a place of submission and compliance. The natural state of the individual is to gain power over self, but never to seek power over others. Those who choose the latter, any and all who choose to rule, have succumbed to psychopathy, and should be considered the scourge of the earth. They only appear strong because those they rule are weak. All responsibility lies with each of us, and never relies on collective madness.
We live in a world of authority. We live in a world where some claim to hold truth, and to possess great knowledge, but it is only their knowledge and their truth alone, as they cannot possess all knowledge. Not one on earth can know but an infinitesimal amount of what there is to know. In other words, no individual knows anything of what there is to know. We are each and every one of us unique individuals, we are not drones to be used and controlled, but there are those who pretend to be all-knowing, and who claim to hold the ultimate truths, and who desire to rule as masters of all domains. All authority of one over another is absurd, as we are autonomous beings, and not meant to be ruled. Blind obedience is what ‘authority’ seeks, and only depraved monsters hold to such insanity as this.
What is happening to the Palestinian people, and to some of the Israeli people, is but a preview of what can and will happen to the rest of you. To ignore this, is to abandon all logic and reason. Americans long ago abandoned all freedom, and are headed for disaster. Look deeply into what has happened these past few years, look deeply around the world, and understand that all tyranny outside will soon be tyranny inside. The only escape is to eliminate all government rule, to never comply, to never allow your lives to be controlled by others who claim false superiority over you, to never support any government or State aggression of any kind, and to question absolutely everything.
“Action is hope. There is no hope without action.”
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Here are a few excerpts to give you a sense of the video contents. A full transcript is provided below the video.
“It always is with every war — is that civilians on both sides are being slaughtered. Always the case — while those that order the slaughtering stay in a safe place.”
“We have two sides apparently, but one side in reality. Fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians and Hamas, knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.
“They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen. And it happens all over the world all the time. You see different sides. You see different groups. But it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display.
“And we — please, please — we as a human race have got to start seeing that our so-called bloody leaders are not there to serve us. They’re there to serve an agenda to enslave us on a level never seen in known human history.”
“I’ve been watching the mainstream alternative media being taken over by barely one-dimensional buffoons, and main chances, and comedians. And we need to take it back. Because without a genuine alternative media, with a genuine perception of what is happening in the world, we have no alternative to the continued duality of sides, and us against them, when the same hands are holding the strings of all of them.
“Come on people. This has got to stop. We can’t let the perception of sides and leaders in different regimes delude us to what’s happening. We can’t let these bloody pied pipers of the alternative (mainstream alternative) media lead us to the edge of the cliff with a cul-de-sac diversion of what’s going on.
“There’s a global cult and it’s running the world through what appear to be different governments and world health organizations — at Silicon Valley and banking systems, all of it corporations. And we need to grasp that.
“The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns in that game. And they need to come together to see who the real enemy is and has always been.”
Hello, this is a dot connector to wade through the deceit, the diversions, the cul-de-sacs, the lies surrounding what is currently happening in Israel.
And of course, you won’t get this information in the mainstream media. In fact, from what I’ve seen in the last 24 hours, you won’t get it from some of the “big names” in the so-called alternative media.
What is the case again? It always is with every war — is that civilians on both sides are being slaughtered. Always the case — while those that order the slaughtering stay in a safe place.
When Iraqi civilians were being slaughtered with the invasion of Iraq by America and Britain, where were boy George Bush and Tony Blair? Where were they while it was all going on? Sipping coffee in the White House and Downing Street. Always the way.
And we have Netanyahu sitting here now pontificating. ‘We’re going to do this. We’re going to do that.’ You, mate, are doing nothing. You’re sending others to do it like you always do.
And the same goes for that which is really behind. Not the window dressing. What is really behind? What is known as Hamas.
So first of all, the bottom line. This was not a surprise attack. ‘Oh, yeah, it surprised us.’ Oh, really? Who do you think you’re talking to? Bloody idiots?
We have the Israeli defense forces as one of the most trained and best-equipped armies in the world. And we’re talking about a very small area in terms of Israel, Gaza.
We have Mossad, one of the most sophisticated and widespread intelligence agencies in the world that make surveillance an art form. It’s on the cutting edge. It knows everything that’s going on in that area. But somehow hundreds of Hamas “militants” laid siege to Israel, put thousands of rockets into Israel, which they somehow gathered or built or whatever without Mossad and the IDF having any idea. ‘Oh, no, we didn’t know about that.’
We had Hamas operatives coming into Israel on fricking hang gliders. But they never knew it was coming. We had fighting in all these different areas of Israel, these different locations, but the IDF and Mossad and all the rest of that vast Israeli security network had no idea.
Isn’t that what they said with 9-11? I’m hearing them saying, this is Israel’s 9-11. Well, what happened on 9-11? These planes were, they say, hijacked and there was a big build up to it, they say, preparing for it, but the whole of the American intelligence military network,’Oh, no, it was a surprise; we didn’t know’.
To say they are lying to you is to state the bloody obvious. And we’ll get into why.
This is a quote from a former IDF soldier who was a border observer. And she worked with the highest level technology available. That’s what Israel does. And this is what she said. “If a bird came close, we knew. Even a cockroach came to our fence border, we knew. How did 400 Hamas pass through today?”
The answer is they were allowed to. Was this a surprise attack for the civilian population of Israel? Oh, yes. Of course. Was it even a surprise attack for many in the rank and file of the military? But the inner core, that’s running the show, surprise to them, you must be bloody joking.
And this situation reminded me of someone I’ve quoted over the years in the books, over the decades. It’s a man called Leroy Fletcher Prowty. He served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President Kennedy, JFK. He was a colonel in the United States Air Force and subsequently became a critic of US foreign policy, particularly the covert activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which he believed was working on behalf of a secret world elite. This is in the 1960s and after. The very world elite I’ve been uncovering for now 34 years, my 34th year of doing it. And this is the telling quote that I’ve used a number of times in the books.
Fletcher Prowty said, “No one has to direct an assassination. It happens.” And for assassination, that means an attack like the one in Israel now as well. “No one has to direct an assassination. It happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen. This is the greatest single clue”, he said. “Who has the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions?”
Who has that power in Israel must now come under the spotlight and be questioned why they did so. Because they obviously did.
Now, what they want you to do in any situation like this is to take sides. And if I’m going to take the side of anyone, I take the side of the civilians — the civilians in Israel who have been subject to these horrors that continue and the civilians in Gaza who are now suffering the horrors of the Israeli response.
But in terms of sides, one fighting the other, to take either is to lose the plot. Because I’ve been exposing for decades now and been called anti-Semitic for it, even though it’s the opposite. I’ve been exposing a cult.
There’s a global cult and there is a major aspect of it which is called the Sabbatean cult.
The Sabbatean cult goes back to the 1600s. I detail it all in the books. But basically, it is a grouping, a satanic grouping that is expert in posing as what it’s not. So they might pose as Islamic leaders. They might pose as Vatican leaders or they might — and have mercilessly for the Jewish people in general — they might, and have, posed as Jewish leaders. It was this Sabbatean cult, with the Rothschilds very much involved, who were responsible for the creation of Israel in 1948. And the horrors — matching what’s happened now and more — imposed by Sabbatean actually, but officially Jewish, terrorist groups like Irgun and the Stern Gang, who forced hundreds of thousands of Palestinians to leave their homeland in terror, never to return.
So when you look at what’s happening now and the horrors of what has been imposed upon Jewish civilians, we should not take sides. Because when you get to the core of what’s controlling this side and what’s controlling that side, ultimately, you’re looking at the same people.
And Sabbateans who have been the controllers of Israel from the start and then moved in on places like America — they, irony of ironies, hate Jewish people. They have contempt for them. And I’ve been saying all these years that, in the end, this Sabbatean cult is going to throw the Jewish people in general under a colossal bus. And we are now, as I speak, seeing that happen.
All the Jewish population of Israel have got to contemplate is how they were treated during the so-called pandemic, fake pandemic, and how they were forced in many and various ways to get the fake COVID vaccine, which has killed and maimed so many in its wake. They don’t care about you, Jewish people of Israel and the wider world. The Sabbatean cult has infiltrated you. It does not care about you. And that’s why it’s allowed this to happen, for ulterior motives, we will get into.
And at the same time, this global cult, as I call it, is behind Hamas. If you want to bring two groups of people into conflict with each other, then control both sides and it’s a go. And the people who are the civilians taking the consequences of that think, ‘oh, they’re against me and I’m against them’. But actually, ultimately, the same hands are on the tiller of both sides. This is how the world works and we’re seeing a blatant example of it.
Now, just look at the history of Hamas and you will see how much influence — fundamental influence in its creation — came from the Israeli government. So Hamas is hanging the Palestinian civilians out to dry and the same is happening with the government of Israel and Israeli civilians.
And here’s another quote from Fletcher Prowty. Remember, he was an insider. “The Kennedy assassination has demonstrated that most of the major events of world significance are masterfully planned and orchestrated by an elite coterie of enormously powerful people” (Wait for this. This is crucial) “who are not of one nation, one ethnic grouping, or one over-ridingly important business group. They are a power unto themselves for whom others work. Neither is this power elite of recent origin. Its roots go deep into the past.”
Which is what I’ve been uncovering all these decades. This is what I call the global cult and this is seeking to lead the world ever more obviously to a global dystopia. And to do that you have to destroy the current status quo, whatever it is. You could call it creative destruction.
You have a status quo, a way that society works, the way that society is, and as long as that status quo stays there, you can’t move the world on to your dystopia. So you destroy that status quo. And wars are bloody perfect. Economic crashes too. And then you move to another status quo. And then eventually you destroy that status quo and move on to another. And with each new status quo, they are getting closer and closer to the global dystopia they’ve been working towards for a long time. And Fletcher Prowty was right. This is not a recent thing. This goes way back into what we call history.
So there’s a technique that I coined in the 1990s. I called it Problem-Reaction-Solution. And what you do is you create a problem and you blame someone else for it. You want at stage two, having created the problem, you want the reaction from the public of outrage, of fear, of ‘something must be done’. ‘Do something. What are they going to do about it?’ But at that point, those who’ve created the problem and got that reaction from the public openly offer the solutions to the problems they have themselves created.
So already Netanyahu is saying that once we’ve overcome Hamas, we’re going to go for Iran, which we say is behind Hamas. Iran, another cult-controlled regime.
So that is one — one of the reasons for what is happening. To turn the fire towards Iran. And that has big implications as I’ll come to.
And there is even another version of Problem-Reaction-Solution that I call No-Problem-Reaction-Solution. You don’t need a real problem, you just need the illusion of it. Human-caused climate change. A hoax. Why? Because look, what’s happening. The belief in human-caused climate change, nonsensical as it is scientifically, is being used to justify the very dystopia, globally, that this cult has sought for so long.
So Netanyahu is already talking about targeting Iran, which he says is behind all this. Well, I’ve been saying for so many years that the plan is to create a conflict between the West and the East — the East involving China, the dominant party, Russia and other countries. And I’ve said this many times over the years — including Iran. And Iran has just been invited to join this BRICS economic trading group, which is dominated by China and Russia.
And you look at what’s happening now in Ukraine. That’s another Problem-Reaction-Solution. You start a war, you manipulate into place a war, an attack on Ukraine, and look what’s happened. Oh, problem. What are you going to do? Pour vast amounts of money and weaponry into Ukraine and impact massively on the global economy and on energy prices with all their implications among many, many other things. You also diminish the Western armament potential by passing so much to Ukraine.
But what else is happening with Ukraine? It has brought Russia and China closer in an economic, and other aspects, alliance together, which is the pieces on the chessboard being moved around. So Ukraine is a proxy war, who between the West and Russia, supported by China, is already begun. And this is just another aspect of it that we’re seeing here.
Now, there was a letter that is alleged to have been written by a very prominent Freemason in America in the 1800s, a bloke called Albert Pike. I’ve written about him at length in the books. Albert Pike was the sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, Scottish Rite, southern jurisdiction in America. And it said that he wrote a letter to Italian cult operative Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871 in which he described the plan for three (THREE) world wars to transform global society into the dystopia that I’ve so long warned about. Now the letter is said to have come to light via a former Canadian naval officer called William Guy Carr in the 1950s.
So obviously World War I and World War II had happened by the 1950s. So we can put them aside, even though the letter described them very accurately, you can put that aside of course. The Third World War, which hadn’t happened by the 1950s, is the crucial thing. Now of course, this letter, its existence or non-existence has been very controversial. And what I’m going to do is just read you what it said about World War III and the aftermath. And then you can make your own mind up what you think of it. And then, even more relevantly, you can see how events play out in relation to it. Certainly current events fit.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Pike is said to have written to Mazzini. “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the ‘agentur’ of the ‘Illuminati'” (the global cult) “between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.”
Now some people will understandably pick up on that and say he’s talking about the state of Israel in 1871. Well, there was no state of Israel. But as I’ve explained in the book so many times over the years, the cult has a very different awareness of the future — because it’s bloody creating it — than the general population does. So in 1871, they would have known the plan involved the establishment of the state of Israel.
“Meanwhile,” Pike said, “the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion. We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”
Whatever the background to that, it is describing this satanic cult — deeply, deeply satanic cult — which is behind world events and will be behind current events in Israel because of where it’s planned to go and what it’s planned to play out, to create in terms of consequences.
And I had an email today — I wrote to a friend of mine in Israel, a Jewish lady in Israel, and asked her if she was okay. And, this is part of what she replied. “They took so many civilians, children, babies, old people, young people as captives and it’s unlikely they will be saved. So many killed. The guerrilla warfare is relentless and complete psychopaths, impossible to comprehend the horror and the scale of it.” And this is a lady with a big open heart that just wants peace and justice for the Palestinians and everyone else.
“People are bewildered.” she said. “How on earth the great and powerful army of Israel couldn’t even protect these settlements? The militants took over and literally conquered two settlements entirely, shooting in the streets. I feel this is just the beginning of something even major about to happen. And just like with 9/11 in the US, it smells like classic Problem-Reaction-Solution. I immediately understood what goes on here. It was given the green light for their desire to invade Iran and ultimately create their World War III. Am I right?”
She said, “Just like they did with ISIS in Syria, I always used to hear that Israel is their ground for World War III. It could be the same in the north, this time with the Hezbollah. It’s obvious both Hamas and Hezbollah play a role in invoking and creating constant havoc.” (Hezbollah in Lebanon.) “The people of Israel are nothing but patsies as well as the people of Gaza. Obviously an illusion of a country, an illusion of safety.” (Absolutely spot on.)
And a later email from her said, “I’ve just heard that there are multiple squads of militants making their way to different places in Israel including possibly my area. They are taking cars and killing whoever they can.” (This is scary shit.) “I heard suggestions of handing over a fire weapon to each citizen in order to defend themselves. This is unreal, David. I can’t believe we are at war. I’m a bit scared. We are unprepared for this. We don’t have a proper shelter or means to defend ourselves.”
Yes, it’s horrific what’s going on with Jewish people in Israel. But lest we bloody forget, the cult-owned Israeli government, from the bloody start in 1948 to today with the psychopath Netanyahu with their military and their intelligence agencies (Mossad and the rest. Shin Bet.) they have treated the Palestinian people with grotesque contempt. They have treated them like vermin, decade after decade. And in doing so, they have created a mentality that follows the psychopathic cult-owned Hamas.
I mentioned earlier about the Jewish Sabbatean terrorist groups, Irgun the Stern Gang and others, that bombed and terrorized Israel into existence in 1948. Well, that mentality is indivisible, indistinguishable from the mentality we are seeing with Hamas.
We have two sides apparently, but one side in reality. Fighting each other, getting other people to fight for them, allowing the slaughter of Jewish civilians and Hamas, knowing that that slaughter will lead to the slaughter of Palestinian civilians.
They are the same side, ladies and gentlemen. And it happens all over the world all the time. You see different sides. You see different groups. But it’s the same agenda, the same psychopathy, the same evil on public display.
And we — please, please — we as a human race have got to start seeing that our so-called bloody leaders are not there to serve us. They’re there to serve an agenda to enslave us on a level never seen in known human history.
And you know, I’ve been talking recently about the way the so-called, there is a genuine one, but so-called alternative media — what I call the mainstream alternative with all the big names and the famous names and all, ‘yes, oh, what’s he said, oh, what’s he said?’ How some of them have responded to this is classic. And like I say, I’ve been talking about the way that the alternative media — which never existed when I started out, I’ve watched it appear and grow — how they have taken it over (these so-called big names). And they’re holding it in a holding pattern, what I call the barricade of here and no further, which still sees sides, still sees duality, still sees everything through the fundamentally unbelievably-limited perception of the five senses. And we’ve seen that on display the last 24 hours as I speak.
We’ve seen Jordan Peterson of the Daily Wire, which is not the alternative media, it’s just an alternative Republican party, who’s been doing fawning interviews with Benjamin Netanyahu posting on Twitter X to go get him, Netanyahu. Enough is enough, says the great one, the psychological giant Jordan Peterson. Who is “em”. Go get ’em, Who is ’em, Mr. Peterson? Kids in Gaza, right? Because they’re the ones that are going to get it. Someone from the alternative media taking a side, because he hasn’t got a bloody clue there even is a cult, never mind, it’s got an agenda for the world.
And then we have the giant intellect that is Andrew Tate, telling us that Allah is the one, Allah is commanding, cheering Allah. That is alternative. What a joke.
I’ve been watching the mainstream alternative media being taken over by barely one-dimensional buffoons, and main chances, and comedians. And we need to take it back. Because without a genuine alternative media, with a genuine perception of what is happening in the world, we have no alternative to the continued duality of sides, and us against them, when the same hands are holding the strings of all of them.
Come on people. This has got to stop. We can’t let the perception of sides and leaders in different regimes delude us to what’s happening. We can’t let these bloody pied pipers of the alternative (mainstream alternative) media lead us to the edge of the cliff with a cul-de-sac diversion of what’s going on.
There’s a global cult and it’s running the world through what appear to be different governments and world health organisations — at Silicon Valley and banking systems, all of it corporations. And we need to grasp that.
The Palestinians and the Jewish people are both pawns in that game. And they need to come together to see who the real enemy is and has always been.
TCTL editor’s note: Shai Danon talks with David Icke on unfolding events in Israel. He describes the incredibly evil horrors of the attacks on innocent villagers, driving the survivors out of their quiet, peaceful areas — with the possible motive of driving all to live in controlled, surveilled 15-minute cities (Agenda 2030). Also discussed is how both sides are suffering and being manipulated by the Sabbatean cult or hidden globalist agenda for control of all humanity.
This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom
“The takeover framework of these ruling psychopaths is based always on the prototype of problem-reaction-solution, of which all are fake premeditated events and false emergencies; conspiracies in fact, meant to instill fear, hatred, or confusion, so that the State can pretend to come to the rescue of its hapless slave-class.”
“While the state continues to build its new world order, the general population is consumed by one after another false flag event, claimed ’emergency,’ or new ‘threat,’ as stated by the ruling class bent on taking over the world. While the masses are at each other’s throats, the state continues its drive toward total domination. What this indicates is that the people are complicit in their own slavery due to their inability to see the big picture, while concentrating on every distraction thrown at them by this evil ruling force.”
This Long Plotted World Takeover Scheme Is More Advanced Than Any Normal Human Can Fathom
“The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control. Do I mean a conspiracy? Yes, I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, incredibly evil in intent.”
~ Rep. Larry P. MacDonald [Note: Lawrence McDonald was killed (likely murdered) on Korean Air Lines 007, 1983, a few months after making this statement.]
To begin, I will preface my remarks by saying that this is an attempt to explain in simple terms, very complicated financial and economic crimes being used against Americans, and also against the entire world population, in order to create and sustain total control over humanity. This is meant to manifest itself in the concept of one world governance, the ‘Great Reset,’ or the New World Order.
This may seem a bold statement; it is not, but once you understand that everything that has happened over many decades is linked, especially since the plotted and premeditated false flag event called ‘9/11,’ you should be able to recognize the massive number of obvious connections that are incredibly evil.
It has recently become more prevalent by mostly alternative news sites and bloggers, to put forth the notion that many are waking up, and that the people are winning the battle for freedom. In my opinion, this is just not so, and in fact is misleading, as false hope is the driving force of this thinking.
It is evident that more are claiming to be against government tyranny, but absolutely nothing has been done to reduce or eliminate the power of the State at any level to date. In addition, the nefarious efforts of the State and its controllers continue to expand, and the drive toward more draconian policies is never-ending.
In the current environment, it is not known what the reaction by the masses might be considering the vast and imminent array of so-called ’emergencies’ that are certain to arise as this controlling cabal seeks to advance its agendas, but if the past is any indication, compliance should be expected.
The takeover framework of these ruling psychopaths is based always on the prototype of problem-reaction-solution, of which all are fake premeditated events and false emergencies; conspiracies in fact, meant to instill fear, hatred, or confusion, so that the State can pretend to come to the rescue of its hapless slave-class.
This strategy has worked most every time it has been tried to date, and the herd continues to simply go along, regardless of the erroneous rhetoric being spewed that this populace is winning. It is not, and so long as the State continues and succeeds in its push to remake and transform society, whether psychologically, financially, or economically, the power of the ruling class and its governing system, will advance its wealth transfers, its monetary monopoly, and its depopulation efforts.
Psychological manipulation and control is necessary in order for the State thugs to accomplish their mission of world takeover, but financial and economic control is mandatory.
This brings us to the real question; who owns and controls this world? It is certainly the big banking cartels, including all central banks, the large corporate magnates, the government protected NGO foundations, and of course, the entire global asset industry, which by 2020 controlled well over $100 trillion dollars. But who owns and controls all of these entities? Who has controlling interest in everything on earth? That is Blackrock and The Vanguard Group, and as I explained a year ago:
“There are a few thousand institutional investment firms that own every large bank, every large corporation, every large investment firm, every ‘news’ outlet, every large communication company, every large pharmaceutical company, every large transportation company; in other words, most every large company on earth is owned by these institutional investors. In turn, the small institutional investment firms are owned by larger institutional investment firms, and the larger investment firms, are owned by even larger investment firms. The two institutional investment companies that are the major owners and controllers of all the others in the world are Vanguard Holdings and Blackrock, and Vanguard is the largest shareholder (owner) of Blackrock. What this means is that Vanguard and Blackrock own and control this planet.”
The current CEO of Vanguard is Tim Buckley, and of course, the head and founder of the powerful Blackrock institution is Larry Fink. It should be noted that Fink and Blackrock have attained a position of extreme and almost infinite power over finance and economics, and according to many are now the fourth branch of government.
The connections of Fink are incredibly telling of the power wielded by Blackrock. Blackrock effectively has control of the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury, as well as banks around the world. It should be noted that Fink was appointed to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Board on August 22, 2019, the onset of the fraudulent ‘covid pandemic,’ which was set up, solidified, and begun, the same month that Fink took his seat on the board of the WEF.
To gain a full picture of Fink and Blackrock’s history through today, watch this superb documentary by James Corbett; “How Blackrock Conquered the World.” In it, Corbett explains with full reference in video and text, how the entire ‘covid’ hoax was staged, and was first and foremost a financial takeover coup led by Blackrock. This connection of dots and people is of vital importance.
As I mentioned earlier, this is a very simplistic view of events, but it is necessary to tie a few things together in order that all can be seen to be completely connected; which would indicate a vast conspiracy that has been propagated over a long period of time.
All so-called ’emergencies’ since the fraudulent 9/11 inside job, have much in common, and why would they not, as the main agenda of world governing domination was always the goal sought.
Consider just three events, but there are many, many more, over that time.
The buildings that came down on 9/11 were turned into powder, an impossibility with fire caused by jet fuel. Consider that cars far away from any fire were burned to nothing, with melted metal, aluminum, windshield glass; all as if by spontaneous combustion.
But the same thing happened in the Paradise, California fires in 2018, with many similarities, including the incredible damage to automobiles not even in the path of fires that had to be well above any heat level of a wildfire.
The same also just occurred this past month in Lahaina, Hawaii.
How could this be? It could not, unless similar or exact methods of destruction were plotted beforehand, and carried out by criminal State (military) means. And this is happening around the world as well, all falsely explained away by the complicit and controlled mainstream media.
One very telling aspect of all these bogus ’emergencies,’ from 9/11 to Maui, is that Wall Street and the financial firms, the institutional asset firms, central banks, defense contractors, and military-controlled tech companies, and of course this includes Blackrock, tended to gain huge profits, capture (steal through land grabs) more property, government contracts, and massive bailout money, while walking away from disaster far richer and more powerful than ever before possible.
This happened with 9/11, the 2008 finance and housing collapse, the fake ‘covid’ plot, and now with the ultimate weapon against humanity, the completely illegitimate ‘climate change’ agenda; and this agenda placed Blackrock at the top of the heap worldwide, of this criminal fraud.
Each and every emergency brings about a bigger and more powerful State, more restrictions, more regulation, more mandates, more lockdowns, less travel, and more surveillance and censorship. This is all by design, and never coincidental or accidental, as all is a deliberate plot against humanity.
Regardless of political considerations or parties, this assault against us all is ongoing, and forever expanding. Every incident, every manipulation, every ’emergency,’ has been planned far in advance, and the world takeover is now closer at hand.
While the state continues to build its new world order, the general population is consumed by one after another false flag event, claimed ’emergency,’ or new ‘threat,’ as stated by the ruling class bent on taking over the world. While the masses are at each other’s throats, the state continues its drive toward total domination. What this indicates is that the people are complicit in their own slavery due to their inability to see the big picture, while concentrating on every distraction thrown at them by this evil ruling force.
What is being ignored is that this world has already been taken over and is being fully controlled by the very few, and the fighting of one against another is continuing to aid in this takeover plot. By concentrating on each and every tyrannical distraction, the people have left themselves open to dictatorial management, and in the process have lost all ability to stop the totalitarian usurpation of their lives and property at the hands of the financial cabal bent on world rule. By treating each indiscretion as independent of the real agenda being sought, nothing is being done to stop the state in its efforts to fully control all people on earth.
By participating in the political and ‘voting’ process; a process designed and implemented for the single purpose of control, by concentrating on the political side shows, by attempting to use corrupt government courts to gain redress from tyrannical maneuvers, by accepting the ruling system as legitimate, by allowing the Federal Reserve and all banks the ability to monitor and control assets through complete digitization, the lowly people are digging their own graves.
It may already be too late to continue this asinine exercise in futility, as the ruling class few are in control of the systems that will allow them to complete their takeover plot.
The only answer to this evil attempt to destroy us in favor of the few most powerful, is to negate all government, to negate and abolish the federal reserve system, to disallow any and all control by the banking cartels, to stop any and all efforts to monopolize the economic and monetary system’s efforts to create and implement any central bank digital currencies, and to not accept any new feigned emergency concerning health, fake ‘climate change,’ war threats, unnatural events, or any other intentional criminal acts meant to cause undue fear among the seemingly helpless proletariat.
The people are not winning; they are losing, but this deadly assault on humanity can still be reversed if even a small majority stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and freedom.
If the current trend continues, if the bulk of this population persists in hiding from the truth, if most expect others to save them, all will be lost, but if any true actionable awakening by large numbers becomes evident, the state will fold. This will never happen with any election, and no politician can change the course we are on, as depending on any master participating in this evil governing system, is the epitome of failure, and can only lead to eternal enslavement.
“The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a World Government, a New World Order.”
Below is the shocking testimony of Ann Williams before the Disaster, Resilience, International Affairs, Planning Committee of the Maui County Council. Williams once lived at the now-destroyed house at 457 Lahainaluna Road in Lahaina, Hawaii.
She explains how the people fleeing Lahaina were intentionally trapped in the city to prevent them from fleeing the imminent immolation of Lahaina. From what she saw, Williams concluded that “it’s obvious we were intentionally trapped.”
The Lahaina immolation was intended to kill as many residents as possible.
The cover story for preventing people from gaining access to roads out of the city was the danger of electrocutions from downed power lines.
And 2) there were no power lines down on the main highway going north out of Lahaina.
Nonetheless. police blocked access to that highway ensuring that people would be trapped and killed in Lahaina. Ann Williams stated, in pertinent part:
We did Escape out the Fleming’s Chart House exit to go north. We went North free sailing at that point after Flemings, got out there, they hadn’t blockaded us yet.
I was one of the lucky few that got out that way.
No power lines whatsoever. It was a safe exit all the way North and we got to Honokowai that way.
After me though they decided to block it.
And there were still no power lines down because I did come out the next morning and I saw the death trap. It was where there were no power lines still yet the following morning.
Everybody could have gotten out. Everybody could have gotten out. It was free sailing going north.
But the police officer there quote unquote from direct other residents who talked to him were walking, saw all the cars stopped.
They finally walked all the way up to the front at the exit; policemen standing there and the guy said to the policeman there’s a fire, the fire is coming, you got to let these people go.
[The policeman responds,] “I’ve got orders.”
We need to investigate that. Who is giving these cops orders? I mean if the police officer might be taking orders. It’s not his fault personally. But there’s somebody above him that did this and they need to investigate that.
And then John said the far end of Front Street was blocked, bringing him in that way, and then blocked this way. It’s obvious we were intentionally trapped.
And I hope that this gets investigated further. And I have the eyewitnesses who have spoken to that cop directly. Thank you.
Ann Williams’ testimony is corroborated by another eyewitness, who goes by the nickname, “Fish.” He stated that police blocked traffic to prevent residents from fleeing the immolation of Lahaina.
There was no logical reason for the police to block cars fleeing the destruction of the city other than to ensure as many people died as possible. The witness describes the actions of the police as “a combination of stupid and evil.”
The video of that witness’ account has since been made private on YouTube. However, another video of his account of the police blockade can be found below.
Ann Williams’ and Fish’s testimony sheds light on the experience of Jonathan Herzog. Herzog’s video below reveals how police kept rerouting traffic in a circle through Lahaina in a way that prevented the people from leaving Lahaina as the city was being immolated.
As you watch the video, keep in mind that the police had continuous radio communication with their command center, which is orchestrating the traffic around Lahaina. Although electrical power was down, the police station had backup generators to power the command center.
Nobody knows the streets of the city better than the police department. The command center had the big picture. This was not a mistake. The command center knew that the rerouting of the drivers in a loop through Lahaina corralled the drivers so that they could not leave Lahaina.
Herzog’s video starts on the morning of August 8, 2023, as he is leaving Lahaina to drive north to Napili. But he was prevented from leaving by a police blockade of the road.
The video picks up again at 2:56 p.m. when he decides to travel south to Kihei. At the 2:41 mark in the video, he is driving southbound on Front Street in Lahaina. But at the 2:50 mark in the video, we see him driving northbound, he puts a caption indicating that “THEY KEPT DETOURING US IN CIRCLES AND THEN I START TO SEE SMOKE.” At the 3:17 mark in the video, we see that he is back traveling southbound on E 30 passing Dickenson Street.
At the 4:50 mark in the video, we then found him rerouted to drive northbound on Front Street.
At the 5:22 mark in the video, he is once again traveling southbound (probably on E 30) passing the intersection of Papalaua Street.
At the 6:50 mark in the video, he is traveling southbound, he sees the billowing smoke behind him and comments that there is a fire behind him and he is trying to get away from the area.
But at the 7:30 mark in the video, he is rerouted to northbound Front Street for the second time, which is right back into the fire that he saw earlier.
He soon realizes the peril he has been guided into. As the smoke approaches closer and closer he decides to park his car at Kingdom Hall and walk to the boat landing and pier. He eventually walks northbound along Front Street and out of Lahaina to safety.
A directed energy weapon could have caught the passengers by surprise. If they were struck with a directed energy weapon, they would have been immolated as they sat in their cars.
“Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001. This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.”
“Whoever lays his hand on me to govern me is a usurper and tyrant, and I declare him my enemy.”
~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
We are in the midst of a heinous crime in what is falsely referred to as the ‘American’ State of Hawaii, so vile and evil, that it should sicken all who have any remote possibility of exhibiting mental acquaintance with truth, compassion, or empathy.
The State’s attack on the people of Maui was in my studied opinion, premeditated, brutal, murderous beyond explanation, and targeted to achieve a preconceived agenda which was the total destruction of Lahaina by extreme property devastation and mass death of much of the local population. This was necessary in the mind of the State in order to steal the land and rebuild based on the World Economic Forum and U.N. plan for captured cities, as evidenced by the evil piece of garbage governor, Josh Green, who immediately claimed he wanted to acquire by theft the purposely destroyed land and property for the State, while smoldering embers still burned, and bodies had not been found.
Today, I went to the ten top mainstream news sites searching all news stories, and did not find a single story about the Lahaina fires, except one showing the slimy Biden sleeping while at a meeting with Maui victims; this after offering these victims $700 per family after they had lost everything, including many of their family members.
In other words, this story has been purposely scrubbed from view, not different than what happened after the intentional chemical fire devastated East Palestine, Ohio, and left that town and many others with deadly pollutants.
A tall black fence was actually built around the town of Lahaina, at taxpayer cost of course, and a no fly zone order was given to hide the gruesome murder scene from any view and scrutiny.
What is insanely troubling about the reporting concerning this horrific crime in Maui by all mainstream outlets, and even many alternative sites, is that most continue to call this a ‘wild fire,’ while the evidence of such nonsense does not exist. The anomalies and reactions to this so-called ‘natural’ event, are staggering beyond recognition, and reek of the stench of total corruption at the highest levels.
This was a land grab of epoch proportion, but it was much worse than that, as high death counts were pursued by the State thugs, as they locked the residents of Lahaina inside the rings of deadly fire likely caused by directed energy and microwave attacks; creating fires that were strategically targeted, with heat that was in some cases double that of any wild fire.
This was clearly evident given the melting of aluminum and steel, and also the melting of automobile windshields which requires heat at or above 2,500 degrees. Cars were melted where no evidence of a fire was even present, and the scene looked eerily similar, almost exact, as to what happened in New York on September 11, 2001.
This is not coincidental, it is apparent, and telling of a pre-planned slaughter and mass destruction.
The fires in Maui that were said to have been caused ‘naturally,’ a brazen lie, were almost identical to the fires in Paradise, California as well; fires that were targeted, burning homes to white ash without burning trees or plastic, and in areas desired by the State criminals for rebuilding so-called “smart cities.”
In Lahaina, homes of the very rich were magically spared, as were certain state buildings, grand hotels, and other areas of State favor.
But the homes and families of the local residents were attacked head on, with absolutely no regard for the lives or property of these innocent people.
The ‘crime’ supposedly committed, as seen by the State, was not bowing down, and giving up their homes and lives voluntarily, so a direct false flag action of slaughter and murder was created to complete the State’s agenda of land theft. To hell with the people and their property was the private battle cry of these State politicians and their murderous enforcers called police.
No sirens were turned on even though there were 80 active sirens on Maui.
All water was turned off so fires could not be fought.
Wi-fi was turned off, as was most all electric power.
Roads out were closed, and police roadblocks were manned to forcibly keep all the residents inside the fire perimeter, causing purposeful mass death.
Schools were shut down, so that children were home alone when these intentional fires raged through Lahaina, and many burned to death without help from any State service. The real numbers of deaths are still being hidden as far as I can tell.
In addition, before and after the fire, speculators were attempting to buy these properties, and while bodies were still unfound, the government announced its intentions to buy up this land.
None of these are coincidences, but the State and its complicit media would have you believe that all of these, and many, many, more impossibilities are all coincidental. How could anyone with two brain cells to rub together, buy into the propagandized narratives being presented by the evil State?
I fully realize, especially considering the nearly complete lack of any ability to think critically by the masses, that what I am presenting here will be ignored by a very large swath of the population.
The long-term dumbing down of individuals, and the now digitally-manipulated population, has embraced indifference to such an extent, as to have escaped all reality. In fact, common sense, logic, and reason appear to be nearly non-existent generally speaking. It is much easier for the collective herd to believe the State narratives than to do the work necessary to ferret out fact and truth.
Unfortunately, the ruling class understands this weak and apathetic trait that seems to have captured the very large percentage of dead men walking among us.
How much more obvious corruption, lies, and murder at the hands of the State will have to take place before any majority comes to terms with the reality that this world is ending in favor of mass slavery and depopulation? Will the flock ever fight back?
The forced annexation of Hawaii, the staged Pearl Harbor attack, the world wars, Operation Northwoods, MK Ultra, the Cuban missile crisis, the JFK assassination, Operation Gladio, U.S. aggressive invasion after invasion, Desert Storm, 9/11, the Patriot Act, the War of Terror, the fake ‘covid pandemic,’ bogus ‘climate change, intentional chemical spills, and weather geo-engineering; these just a few of the major false flag events, and government terror operations that have taken place.
Now there are deliberately set fires in Canada, all over the U.S., Hawaii, Australia, Turkey, Greece, China, and many other areas, and the sheep continue to hide their proverbial heads in the sand.
Everything happening is planned, and being done intentionally in order to achieve a particular agenda. This has been outlined, discussed openly, warned about, written about in policy journals at the WEF, WHO, U.N., and most everywhere else I might add. The big picture has been discussed for decades, and the agenda being sought is a one-world governing order, where the ‘elite’ rule all, and the rest of us are slaves of the State.
This agenda is as clear as day, so why cannot the lowly collective herd see that the way to achieve this evil goal is for the State to destroy the current system in favor of a system that will allow the control of everyone?
Each planned event, whether fire, weather, war, geo-engineering, bio-weapon production and use, fake ‘viruses,’ and every so-called emergency, are staged only to create fear and panic through economic devastation, property theft, (land grabs) monetary and transaction digitization, mass surveillance, and total censorship.
Will the blind ever see, will the deaf ever hear, will the dumb ever speak, or will the bulk of this dependent and lazy population, simply sit back locked inside their cell phones and ‘social media’ absurdity, waiting for the end of times?
No one should forget or ignore what happened, and is happening in Maui. Your neighborhood could be next, and what chance will you have given the advanced weapon systems being used against us by the military industrial complex, and its controllers?
The government controls nothing, as all politicians and their enforcers are fully controlled themselves, and act on orders from the real ruling class. Denounce them, abandon them and eliminate them, so that the real rulers will have no cover!
“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Nothing. Zero.”
The suspicious fires that decimated the cities of Maui on August 8, 2023, and Paradise California on November 8, 2018, turned both cities to ash, as homes and cars burned while trees were left standing.
Over the last century, turning cities to ash has been a pattern to “Build Back Better”(BBB) in many cities such as Oregon, Washington, Tennessee, as well as in Greece, Australia, and Canada. Most often, the fires are blamed on faulty electric transmission lines, or on humans. However, evidence points to directed energy laser weaponry that has been publicly used for at least 50 years. A 1966 federal report outlines a national program in weather modification.
It was so hot that even metal contorted. – Gov. Josh Green, August 14, 2023 CBS Morning News with Tony Dokoupil.
While some newspapers speculated on foul play, others blamed a kitchen fire. The Oregon Insurance Rating Bureau report ruled the cause as “inconclusive.”
There is no doubt that a great many bodies were consumed in this way and, therefore, no record of their deaths obtainable. The only official records of death by the quake were based on the number of bodies that passed through the coroner’s hands. – Arthur C. Poore
The Great Medieval London Fire of 1212 occurred in London. No one is ever certain how many people are killed.
In 2019, Rosa Koire stated that the movement of people away from single-family homes, into 15-minute Stack-N-Pack housing in Smart Cities, is part of a United Nations (U.N.) 2030 agenda so people can be better monitored. Planning to create new space began long ago.
Under the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), U.N. “Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements” are established to create “transportation corridors” to relocate people into concentrated city centers. In Hawaii, the BBB created the Build Beyond Barriers Working Group established to streamline housing construction projects, scheduled for a 5-year build-out based on the U.N. Sustainable Cities and human Settlements. No more private property ownership for people.
This is going to be a multi-year recovery. It’s going to take essentially years to rebuild Lahaina which was destroyed. But we will build it back better……We will find a way to make sure there is more housing…” – KTIV interview August 11, 2023, [See 5:11 minute mark]
In my 2019 article Operation Regionalization of America, the regionalization of any area happens under an agenda of: 1) climate control, 2) 5G technology, and 3) the Healthy People 2020 Act. The overall goal is to connect continents for cohesion under global law. Undersea tunnels are the core of the interhemispheric North America – Eurasia railroad project that would connect China and Russia to the US through Alaska and Canada. This global connection is promoted for tourism, but has other obvious goals, not officially disclosed.
Land Grab to SMART™ City
After any declared disaster and under “Emergency rules” the suspension of laws allows for the U.N. and W.E.F. to regionalize nations as part of a massive land grab. People are forced to evacuate and give up their homes to the state via eminent domain. This happened during the Kincaide fire in Sonoma County, California in October 2019 when 200,000 people were forced to leave. Soon after, insurance companies dropped coverage, for 350,000 Californians.
three vice presidents are responsible for deciding whether the power goes out to keep electrical lines from igniting blazes: Michael Lewis, senior vice president of electric operations; Sumeet Singh, vice president of asset and risk management; and Ahmad Ababneh, vice president of electric operations on major projects and programs. Two more vice presidents will join the bunch in 2020.
In Maui, three weeks before the August 8th Maui fires, on July 18 2023, Governor Green issued a controversial Emergency Housing Proclamation titled, “Emergency Proclamation relating to Housing” related to natural disasters, or Covid. The proclamation not only suspended the laws of Hawaii that gave the Governor broad powers over any emergency, but also removed barriers to building new homes. After the August 8, 2023 fires, the governor said:
I’m already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into Workforce Housing and to put it back into the families or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial. – Gov. Josh Green, Maui Hawaii, Source The Healthy American Peggy Hall: Green Wants State to Own Lahaina, August 15, 2023,
Why blame Climate Change only on human behavior with the evidence of climate manipulation? Has government overplayed its hand?
Was government created in 1776 to destroy itself according to the immortal bird, the Phoenix? The Phoenix is a legendary bird that lives 500 years, is ignited by the sun, and rises out of the ashes to begin anew. Why has the story of the Phoenix endured for 7000 years?
Where will the next weaponized fire be ignited?
What will the new restrictions on freedom look like?
How long will the Maui moratorium on property and land last? Has the Governor found a way “to acquire the land” and build back better? What does “better” mean? Is Maui a beta test for the remaining nations?
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The video shared within Edward Henrie’s excellent article is one of the most comprehensive on the Lahaina situation thus far. You will find it mirrored at Odysee. Please share it widely.
The conversation in the video covers all the evidence available thus far and also shares some details about Hawaii as an occupied territory and unwilling participant in the United States Corporation.
See Stand Together Hawaii for additional information and to join others in taking action. For additional information on contributing to food and support efforts see Hungry Heroes Hawaii.
Robert Brame is a forensic arborist with more than 38 years of experience. In the video below, he takes us through the evidence indicating that the Lahaina immolation was not a natural fire. He opines that it was some kind of directed energy weapon using microwaves. Most notably, he points out that the Lahaina trees appear stressed and probably dead or dying, but the branches and leaves did not burn. He points out that the trees have had the moisture sucked out of them, much like a microwave oven does to a piece of bread.
He makes note of the fact that the windows in the cars are all melted. That would be impossible for a wildfire, which burns at 1,447 degrees Fahrenheit. It would take a temperature of at least 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit to melt glass. Many of the cars are nowhere near any source of fuel that could burn at that temperature. Even gasoline would not burn at that temperature. A hydrocarbon fire in the atmosphere burns at a maximum temperature of 1,517°F; 825°C.
Brame has personally investigated more than one hundred alleged wildfires. He opines from his on-the-scene observations that 35 wildfires he investigated were caused by directed energy weapons, with the primary electromagnetic energy being in the microwave frequency. He offers that opinion due to the nature of the damage, where metals are destroyed, and wood and plastics are not burned unless they are in close proximity to a dense metal.
The two classes of DE [directed energy] weapons, high-energy lasers and high-powered microwave systems, give the Air Force the capability to engage targets at substantial ranges with precision and reduced collateral damage. In high-energy laser systems, rather than using a kinetic weapon as a bullet or a bomb, a laser beam creates an effect on [a] target. High-powered microwave systems transmit short, extremely high power burst[s] of energy to create a wide range of effects on a target, often electronics.
Directed energy weapons were deployed to destroy the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11. I explain their use in my book, 9/11-Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Read Dr. Judy Wood’s analysis of the evidence proving that directed energy weapons were used.
The government is nothing but force. We must look at money powers behind the scenes who really control the force of government. The 9/11 attack using directed energy was the first salvo in the new war for world dominion. The powerful Zionists who control the U.S. Government are ramping up their attack on the U.S. through directed energy. They are doing so under the cover story of wildfires caused by the mythical “climate change.”
Can the government take control of the land after a natural disaster and then deem it off limits? Is government capable of creating the “natural” disaster?
Land Grab?
“I’m already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into Workforce Housing and to put it back into the families or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial.”
– Gov. Josh Green interview with Michael Henessey, Snowflake news, Green Wants State to Own Lahaina, August 15, 2023, [13:00 minute mark].
The new governor of Hawaii, Josh Green M.D., a licensed medical doctor, resident of Hawaii, but not a Hawaiian, became governor in December of 2022 and took office in January of 2023. In similar fashion, Maui also elected a new mayor, Richard Bissen, at the same time. But where was the mayor during the disaster? And why is he now facing calls to resign?
“I’m not sure who was in charge.”
– Maui Mayor Richard Bissen
Was the unspeakable Maui disaster the result of incompetence or was it orchestrated by design?
According to an article in the California Globe, Josh Green has been a puppet for the United Nations and a spokesperson for the Build Back Better (bbb) 2030 agenda, which seeks to create “Stack-N-Pack” housing in Smart™ Cities all over the world by 2030.
According to the July 13, 2020 World Economic Forum Playbook, the “bbb” agenda includes: “destruction,” “green recover,” “reset and reinvent,” disasters,” based on “Climate Change.”
In Hawaii, the BBB created the Build Beyond BarriersWorking Group empowered to approve and streamline housing construction projects, scheduled for a 5-year build-out based on the U.N. Sustainable Cities and human Settlements. In other words, no more single family homes.
“The 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goal 11, “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.”
The UN document details “Sustainable Human Settlements” under 6) promoting human settlements planning and management in disaster-prone areas.”
Green is not the only politician promoting the U.N.’s Build Back Better Agenda, the largest effort to “combat climate change.” On October, 28, 2021, President Biden announced the Build Back Better Framework for the U.S.
The buildup to the Maui fires began when Gov. Green issued an emergency housing proclamation three weeks prior. Along with Hawaii’s robust emergency siren warning system, everything should have been ready to flush out any wayward spark. So why did the warning sirens sit silent during the deadly fires?
Agenda Timeline to Fires
Thanks to Peggy Hall for her “Peggy-isms” and her historical reporting featured in her “Maui Fires” Playlist.
One month before the Maui fires …(July 12, 2023), Governor Green issued a press release highlighting a commitment to the United Nations (U.N.) 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the narrative of uniformity.
“We cannot put off changing things any longer. We refuse to stand idle when 2030 looms closer and closer… We only have one Island Earth, let us do our best to take care of it and each other. We are one species, with one planet, one chance.”
The laws suspended include provisions related to historic preservation, county zoning and the state Land Use Commission, which functions as a state-level zoning authority. The order also suspends Hawaii’s environmental review law, which requires in-depth environmental impact statements for projects determined to have a significant impact on natural and cultural resources.
The fast-tracked environmental review process will largely be conducted by the working group and housing officer. While Green promised the group and officer will work transparently, the working group will not be subject to Hawaii’s Sunshine Law, which among things requires decision-making agencies to hold their meetings in public.
One week before the fires… Governor Green spoke at the UN Sustainability Forum:
“We have done some things. One is The Aloha Plus Challenge, which is a data-driven approach… to track the SDGs to make sure that we embed them in all of our policies.”
– Governor Josh Green speaks at Sustainability Forum, United Nations, Source: Green Wants State to Own Lahaina, August 15, ,2023 [minute mark 19:00].
After the fires… Gov. Green took the spotlight several times. Did he make any contradictory statements?
“This is going to be a multi-year recovery. It’s going to take essentially years to rebuild Lahaina which was destroyed. But we will build it back better……We will find a way to make sure there is more housing…”
“If you put a fire truck in the way of the flames that were coming through at a thousand miles per hour, the fire truck would have been incinerated in addition to the people.”
*I’m already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into Workforce Housing and to put it back into the families or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial.”
“That level of destruction in a fire hurricane, something new to us in this age of global warming, was the ultimate reason that so many people perished.”
“How is it that my NAV System in my car can know exactly to the minute when I’m going to arrive, but it [technology] can’t predict these weather events?”
“Because Maui is now in a state of emergency, he [Josh Green] can suspend any law he wants… he can take people’s private property. He can take control of the public property. He can prevent people from moving in or out. And then, he wants to prevent people from having their own will to sell their property.”
“How did the fire get put out? Who put the fire out? There was no water. The fire fighters fled the scene in a police car… Why was the fire chief not even on the island?”
Maui Fire Chief Missing, August 22, 2023
“Am I the only one bothered by the phrase ‘human settlements?'”
“There is no legal authority for this governor to do what they are doing.”
Proof Of Lahaina Land Grab, August 29, 2023
“The suspension of laws will work? We are are a nation that is supposed to follow laws, not suspend them.”
Proof Of Lahaina Land Grab, August 29, 2023
These “holes in the narrative” strengthen the premise for a land grab. Some of the biggest holes include 1) the fires were instigated by a “hurricane-fire” that blew in from hurricane winds too far away from the island to spread any natural flames, and 2) The flames spread at a speed of” 60-85 mph, “or even “1000 mph,” both speeds suggested by Governor Green in the same interview.
The nature of the Maui fires cause some to compare Maui to Paradise, California that burned in a similar pattern in November of 2018 where homes and cars burned while trees were left standing.
The Build-Back-Better Agenda is part of the World Economic Forum script, tied to reinventing Capitalism that reads as follows:
Thanks to the ongoing pandemic, the world is off-balance – and it will remain so for years to come. Far from settling into a ‘new normal’, we should expect a COVID-19 domino effect, triggering further disruptions – positive as well as negative – over the decade ahead….
A true recovery from COVID-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were: we need to ‘build back better’, to ‘reset’, if we are to address the deep systemic vulnerabilities the pandemic has exposed.
Increasingly, comprehensive and integrated risk assessments will be essential for companies to fulfil their fiduciary obligations and maintain their social license to operate.
The questions left to ponder are: were the fires set intentionally? Were they accelerated? Augmented? If so, where will the next one be? What will the new restrictions on freedom look like? Did the 1976 Eagles song, The Last Resort, from the album Hotel California, foretell the events in Paradise and Lahaina? [see verses 4, 6, & 8].
Will you agree to the new U.N. terms?
Thank you to the amazing Peggy Hall for compiling the dots!
In the article above, Rosanne shared links to The Last Resort by The Eagles. “Did the 1976 Eagles song, The Last Resort, from the album Hotel California, foretell the events in Paradise and Lahaina?”
Here are the lyrics:
She came from Providence One in Rhode Island Where the old world shadows hang Heavy in the air She packed her hopes and dreams Like a refugee Just as her father came Across the sea
She heard about a place People were smilin’ They spoke about the red man’s way How they loved the land They came from everywhere To the Great Divide Seeking a place to stand Or a place to hide
Down in the crowded bars Out for a good time Can’t wait to tell you all What it’s like up there They called it paradise I don’t know why Somebody laid the mountains low While the town got high
Then the chilly winds blew down Across the desert Through the canyons of the coast To the Malibu Where the pretty people play Hungry for power To light their neon way Give them things to do
Some rich men came and raped the land Nobody caught ’em Put up a bunch of ugly boxes And Jesus people bought ’em They called it paradise The place to be They watched the hazy sun Sinking in the sea
We can leave it all behind and sail to Lahaina Just like the missionaries did so many years ago They even brought a neon sign said, “Jesus is coming.” Brought the white man’s burden down Brought the white man’s reign
Who will provide the grand design? What is yours and what is mine? ‘Cause there is no more new frontier We have got to make it here
We satisfy our endless needs And justify our bloody deeds In the name of destiny And in the name of God
And you can see them there On Sunday morning They stand up and sing about What it’s like up there They call it paradise I don’t know why You call someplace paradise Kiss it goodbye
Revisiting Paradise California – Where Are the Chimneys?
In the pictures below, we find that the houses in Paradise, California destroyed during the alleged wildfire on November 8, 2018. Notice that unburned trees surround the houses razed to the ground.
How could the houses be destroyed by a wildfire fed by burning trees when none of the trees in the forest surrounding the homes burned? The answer is disturbing, but it is the only logical answer: the buildings were immolated through directed energy weapons.
The unburned trees are a clue that directed energy weapons were used. One of the two principal directed energy weapons uses microwaves. Microwaves have little effect on wood and paper because they absorb little of the microwaves. It is similar to putting a paper plate in a microwave oven. It will not burn. But putting aluminum foil into that same microwave oven will spark and catch fire. Another directed energy weapon developed by the military uses lasers, which are able to burn wood and other combustible materials.
Another clue that directed energy weapons were used is the absence of fireplaces or chimneys in the remnants of the immolated houses. Ordinarily, a chimney and fireplace will remain standing after a house is burned down. That is because the fireplaces and chimneys are designed to withstand the heat of fires. But directed energy weapons work on a different principle. They are a form of electromagnetic energy that affects material at the molecular level. Heat results in the process of destruction, and often there will be fire. But the microwave directed energy weapons destroy material by affecting the molecular bonds. Thus, the directed energy weapons can destroy chimneys and fireplaces, where those same chimneys and fireplaces would withstand the heat of an ordinary fire. The absence of chimneys and fireplaces is evidence that directed energy weapons were used to raze the houses to the ground.
Above and below are some of the homes that were destroyed during the alleged November 8, 2018, wildfire in Paradise, California. The problem is that the trees that are supposed to have caused the immolation of the houses are still standing and show no sign of any fire damage.
One notable feature of the house that have been completely razed to the ground is that most houses have no remaining chimneys or fireplaces. In an ordinary house fire, the fireplace and chimney typically remain because they are designed to withstand the heat from a fire.
There is only one way to cause the kind of selective destruction where fireplaces and chimneys are destroyed but combustible trees remain: directed energy weapons. There are two principal kinds of directed energy weapons, microwave and laser. Microwave directed energy weapons affect dense materials causing destruction at the molecular level, but will not burn tree. Laser directed energy weapons will ignite wood and trees.
Above are the remains of the Brennan House in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, which was believed to have been destroyed by an arsonist in 2017. Notice that the chimney and concrete foundation remained. It is typical in a house fire to find the chimney and fireplace remaining because they are designed to withstand the heat of fires. Compare that to the houses in Paradise, California, that were allegedly razed to the ground by wildfires. But there are no remaining chimneys on any of the immolated homes.
Directed energy weapons decimate around 14,000 homes in Paradise CA
This information is from an anonymous contributor. It describes the evidence from the GIS (Geographic Information System) of extreme precision and selectivity of the Lahaina fire. It also points to the plans of potentially moving all low-income residents off their properties and into a concentration camp, ahem, a 15-minute city.
GIS system is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. GIS can show many different kinds of data on one map, such as streets, buildings, and vegetation. This enables people to more easily see, analyze, and understand patterns and relationships. US Government has all these data layers in extreme detail for all developed areas in the country.
As of today (Aug 25, 2023) if you navigate your web browser to Google Maps, select “satellite view”, then select “globe view”. It appears that the aerial imagery was recently updated to reflect the damage from the recent “event”, that took place in Lahaina Hawaii earlier this August. Out of curiosity I also looked at GIS information on Lahaina, (link below) and wanted to see if there is correlation between damaged structures and particular zoning. I found some interesting things here.
Starting at the North end of Lahaina, I see the Fire Station, Courthouse, Civic center, Police Station where all spared from fire damage despite very clear fire damage to surrounding undeveloped land around these buildings.
What I found interesting is the surrounding undeveloped land with extensive fire damage, are parcels owned by “Department of Hawaiian Homelands”, “Housing Finance and Dev Corp”, which both appear to be the same and fall under Hawaii’s HUD authority. HUD appears own property running south from the civic center down to the Lahaina Bypass.
Everything west of HUD owned parcels are hundreds of small residential lots which where all destroyed seemingly from fires on originating from that HUD land.
Only a small home community was spared and appears intact between Leiali Pkwy and Kaniau Road. Interesting thing about this community is it appears to fall Under HUD authority as well!
Large inland parcels south of the Lahaina Bypass are owned by large developers and trusts, and everything west of these parcels were hundreds of small residential lots which were all destroyed as well.
What’s most interesting about looking at the aerial imagery, is that amongst the destruction are various structures still standing with green grass & green trees, nearly right up to edge or property line. Looking at GIS data & street view some don’t make sense, as a few have all wood construction! In other cases, condo complexes that appear to be of concrete construction, completely destroyed.
The large commercial area in the center of Lahaina appears to be untouched, the schools on eastern end of Lahaina also appear untouched. This could also very well be due to the construction of these buildings.
A standout of precise destruction is a cluster of what appear to be recently constructed townhomes and condominiums, called “Kahoma Village”. The entire community appears intact, intact homes, green grass. Yet four of the buildings in the center completely destroyed, with cars in the adjacent parking areas looking untouched.
Overall if you’re in a residential zone, commercial mixed use, industrial, hotel zone, damage or destruction is heavy. It appears the government is assigning a “Destroyed 823” code to a lot of these parcels as well.
I can’t help but notice the destruction of buildings is almost following the property lines, even extents of building exteriors. It would be akin to clicking a parcel or structure in GIS and selecting the “terminate” option.
I was looking at this more last night and discovered some drone footage uploaded earlier this week. 18 min of drone footage taken the day after:
Footage is mainly the southern end of Lahaina:
-At 2:05 you can see the Komoha Village I referenced. 4 buildings burned to the ground, yet no evidence of surrounding damage to remaining buildings fully intact. Buildings to the right don’t even have soot on the roof or burned shingles! I’m guessing this complex was being built sometime after March 2020 based on parcel data.
-At 2:18 he flies drone south over front street apartments, according to GIS these are low-income homes completely destroyed.
-At 2:32 he’s flying east, structure on the left in foreground was formally a 4-story condo complex. On the top left of the screen on background you see new homes being constructed, this is on HUD owned land according to parcel map.
-At 4:42 he’s now flying south; you see the fully intact Lahaina Shores beach resort. Directly north to this resort was formally a bunch of small businesses in two story structures you can see on street view. Appears the only thing remaining is the elevator shaft. What’s interesting about this is according to GIS, Lahaina Shores also owned this but had their parcel subdivided into hotel & historic. The structure sat on historic, yet the hotel is fine. Still, I see no smoke damage, heat damage, nor soot on the hotel.
I was looking more at GIS map as well. Looks like there is a right of way cutout for the Lahaina bypass to continue north at some point. In addition, the road adjacent to the gov building is called Lelali Pkwy and looks designed to handle high traffic. If I continue on GIS map north into Kaanapali, parcels owned by private developers appear the have a right of way for a roadway that could connected to Lahaina bypass.
What’s unique about this is the infrastructure of this town is intact. The gov buildings are fine, all roadways are fine and usable. Bridges are intact. The water treatment plant on top of the hill adjacent to school (east end of Lahaina) is fine. School is intact. The substation and solar farm next to school are intact. The commercial area and new low-income homes being built off Lahaina bypass are fine. Wastewater treatment plant appears to be north of Lahaina in Kaanapali is intact. Essentially, it’s a turnkey community ready to be “redeveloped”. I call it weaponized GIS, because to me it looks like parcels and buildings were clicked and destroyed in a GUI program (much like they would be in my CAD programs).
My 2 cents: government signs emergency order to rezone the agri land owned by HUD on northeast end of Lahaina, all the displaced indigenous and low-income residents are put there. The is all expediated due to urgent need for homes. All the land west of them adjacent to the water is redeveloped into condos to pay for the project. Residents are hit with some kind of “hazardous environment fee” to financially prevent them from rebuilding their property. The other partially destroyed condo complexes file massive insurance claims for damaged buildings. New structures will also have to conform to some kind of environmental sustainability regulations which will also be cost prohibitive to low-income native residents. Aside from the water, the community has two main points to enter and exit, residents have their very own new 15-minute city.
Hawaiian Electric Industries Inc. surged as much as 43% in premarket trading in New York after the utility released a statement: their power lines were de-energized for more than six hours in Lahaina when the “Afternoon Fire” broke out on Aug. 8 that ultimately leveled the resort town in West Maui.
Just last week, Maui County slapped Hawaiian Electric with a lawsuit, accusing the utility of negligence that sparked the devastating wildfire that leveled Lahaina and killed more than 100 people, with hundreds still missing.
“We were surprised and disappointed that the County of Maui rushed to court even before completing its own investigation,” said Shelee Kimura, president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric.
Kimura said, “We believe the complaint is factually and legally irresponsible. It is inconsistent with the path that we believe we should pursue as a resilient community committed and accountable to each other as well as to Hawaiʻi’s future. We continue to stand ready to work to that end with our communities and others. Unfortunately, the county’s lawsuit may leave us no choice in the legal system but to show its responsibility for what happened that day.”
Shares of Hawaiian Electric surged as much as 43% in premarket trading.
But still well down from the start of the fire…
Hawaiian Electric outlines important facts about what happened on Aug. 8:
A fire at 6:30 a.m. (the “Morning Fire”) appears to have been caused by power lines that fell in high winds.
The Maui County Fire Department responded to this fire, reported it was “100% contained,” left the scene and later declared it had been “extinguished.”
At about 3 p.m., a time when all of Hawaiian Electric’s power lines in West Maui had been de-energized for more than six hours, a second fire (the “Afternoon Fire”) began in the same area.
The cause of the devastating Afternoon Fire has not been determined.
The utility provided more details about the fire:
The records conclusively establish that Hawaiian Electric power lines to Lahaina were not energized when the Afternoon Fire broke out shortly before 3 p.m. on Aug. 8, in a field near Lahaina Intermediate School. Power had been out for more than six hours by that time. There was no electricity flowing through the wires in the area or anywhere else on the West Maui coast. Hawaiian Electric has informed ATF investigators of the availability of records that demonstrate these facts.
The small Morning Fire, seen in videos taken by local residents, began more than eight hours earlier. Those videos show that power lines had fallen to the ground in high winds near the intersection of Lahainaluna Road and Hoʻokahua Street at approximately 6:30 a.m. A small fire that can be seen by the downed lines spread into the field across the street from the Intermediate School.
The Maui County Fire Department responded promptly to the Morning Fire. According to the Department’s public statement that morning, by 9 a.m. the Morning Fire was “100% contained.” The Maui County fire chief subsequently reported that the Fire Department had determined that the Morning Fire was “extinguished,” and the Fire Department left the scene by 2 p.m.
Once the fire was out, Hawaiian Electric emergency crews arrived at Lahainaluna Road in the afternoon of Aug. 8 to make repairs; they saw no fire or smoke or embers. All lines to Lahaina remained de-energized and all power in the area remained off.
Shortly before 3 p.m., while the power remained off, our crew members saw a small fire about 75 yards away from Lahainaluna Road in the field near the Intermediate School. They immediately called 911 and reported that fire.
By the time the Maui County Fire Department arrived back on the scene, it was not able to contain the Afternoon Fire and it spread out of control toward Lahaina.
“The county’s lawsuit distracts from the important work that needs to be done for the people of Lahaina and Maui,” said Scott Seu, president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric.
What distraction could that be?
More Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Victims Speak Out. They Are Telling The World What Happened Was NOT Natural, NOTHING That Happened Was A “Coincidence” 🚨 “Jeff Bezos, you got what you wanted. Oprah, you got what you wanted. — F*** us all over” “We busted our ass and this is what… pic.twitter.com/c9APLLsBoy
Here are the following eight questions that we should all be asking about the fires in Hawaii right now…
#1 How did the fires start? Governor Green is convinced that they were caused by a confluence of factors. Do you buy his explanation?…
Echoing wildfire experts, Gov. Green said Friday that he believes a confluence of weather conditions contributed to the ignition and spread of the blazes.
“It is a product, in my estimation, of certainly global warming combined with drought, combined with a super storm, where we had a hurricane offshore several hundred miles, still generating large winds,” Green told CNN.
#2 How did the fires spread so rapidly? According to multiple news reports, people were literally jumping into the ocean to escape because the fires were moving so rapidly…
With fires raging on Maui, two men felt there was nowhere to escape the flames – except for the ocean.
The two men live in Lahaina, a historic part of Maui loved by tourists, which appears to be heavily damaged by this week’s raging fire. They described a terrifying scene as they evacuated from Prison Street, right in the heart of Lahaina.
“I saw a couple people just running, I heard screams out of hell … explosions. It felt like we were in hell, it really was. It was just indescribable,” one of the men told Nexstar’s KHON.
#3 How did a fire that was supposedly “out” end up causing the most damage of all? According to Governor Green, the Lahaina fire was supposedly given new energy “by far-off Hurricane Dora”…
After first erupting early Tuesday, the fire was initially deemed to be out, but winds whipped up by far-off Hurricane Dora that reached up to 81 mph fanned the flames and spurred the blaze to travel about 1 mile every minute, Green said.
#4 According to U.S. Representative Jill Tokuda, the alarm system that is supposed to warn residents that a disaster is happening appears to have failed. How is that possible?…
We know everybody who’s ever lived in Hawaii knows the warning sirens. It goes off once a month at the beginning of the month at 12 noon, and it blares and if it doesn’t, it gets fixed, because that is our first line of defense. Unfortunately, in this situation, sadly, tragically in this situation, those sirens likely did not go off. The warning signals that were on cell phones, we had no cell coverage or electricity in some of these areas. And the reality is with those warning signs, it tells all of us to turn on the television or look at our phones or turn on the radio. The reality is was how fast this burn was. And you could see it in the videos that survivors were showing me. You could see it in the wreckage. If you turned on your phone, you turned on a radio, if you even could. Remember things were out at that particular point, you would not know what the crisis was.
#5 Why are emergency supplies not getting to the people that desperately need them? It is being reported that a “telecommunications blackout” has been one of the factors that has been hampering relief efforts…
But an enduring telecommunications blackout hampered government and grassroots efforts to distribute those supplies in the worst-affected neighborhoods, especially for an unknown number of survivors waiting out the aftermath in the few buildings still standing in the historic town of Lahaina and neighborhoods on the outskirts.
With their vehicles burned to a crisp, some sheltering at home have no way to drive to distribution centers miles away, or their cars have run out of gas. Others simply don’t know where to go for help. Toxic fumes and downed power lines with live wires make venturing outdoors dangerous.
#6 Why are people that have just had their homes burned down in the fires already being bombarded with calls with offers to purchase their properties?
The vultures are circling, and it appears that there are some people out there that are extremely interested in scooping up land inexpensively.
A mobile refrigerated morgue has been brought to the devastated town of Lahaina as Maui officials continue their search for victims of the worst U.S. wildfire in 100 years.
The death toll on Sunday rose to 96, but Hawaii officials said it was likely to rise significantly.
John Pelletier, the Maui police chief, said only three percent of Lahaina – home to more than 9,000 people – had been searched so far.
#8 Why is Joe Biden lounging on the beach while all of this is happening?…
Outraged Americans blasting President @JoeBiden after he said ‘no comment’ when asked about the catastrophic Maui wildfire, now the deadliest US blaze in over a century. Despite the death toll climbing to about 100, Americans were outraged that Biden remained sunbathing on a beach near his Delaware home.
Before the fire, locals feared billionaires would transform their town into a “Satellite City” for elites. How the elites would acquire the land remained a mystery, but now not so much.
TCTL editor’s note: Below you will find two videos where locals examine cars that were burned at temperatures so high that some metals were liquified and glass was melted.
Police Blocked Roads to Prevent Residents From Fleeing the Immolation of Lahaina
Remnants of destroyed cars on Front Street that were caught in the traffic jam caused by a police blockade. The reporter states that the passengers fled their cars. But did they? How does he know? A directed energy weapon could have caught the passengers by surprise. If they were struck with a directed energy weapon, they would have been immolated as they sat in their cars.
In my August 11, 2023, article, I explained the evidence that a directed energy weapon was used to destroy Lahaina, a city on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. The only culprit who could possibly have used such a weapon is the U.S. Military. The cover story for the destruction of Lahaina was that out-of-control wildfires caused it.
On August 20, 23, I revealed in an article that within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”
The disaster warning alarms did not sound to warn that alleged fires were about to engulf the Maui city of Lahaina. The silent sirens on Maui now speak loudly about who was behind the destruction of Lahaina. In one of Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, “Silver Blaze,” the famous fictional detective deduced the murderer’s identity because a guard dog failed to bark at the time of the murder. Sherlock Holmes deduced that the murderer must have been the dog’s master. It is the same with the sirens not sounding in Lahaina. The sirens did not sound because the perpetrators had complete control of the sirens.
The emergency sirens may have been destroyed, but not in the way the governor claimed. The destruction would not be from fires, as alleged by the governor, but from directed energy weapons. The sirens were along the coast, far from the alleged path of the fire coming from the inland area. Thus, the fire could not have destroyed them. But a sudden burst from a directed energy weapon certainly could have done the trick.
It was eventually claimed that the alarms did not sound because nobody from either the state or county government activated the alarms. Could it be that it was because they knew that the directed energy weapons had disabled the sirens? Now they had a problem on their hands. They now claim that the sirens were purposely not sounded. And so they had to devise a good reason for not doing so. They had to conceal the use of directed energy. They trotted out The Administrator of the Maui Emergency Management Agency, Herman Andaya, who claimed that the sirens were purposely not sounded because they are primarily used for tsunamis. His concern was that people would hear the sirens and run toward the mountains to flee an imagined tsunami. In doing that, he claimed that the people would have run toward the alleged source of the fires.
When asked, Anday stated that he does not regret not sounding the alarms. He said:
Before Andaya’s resignation was announced, state Sen. Angus McKelvey – who represents Lahaina and lost his own home in the fires – blasted Andaya’s response as “insulting.”
“I’ve heard the line that ‘people would have panicked and ran up to the mountains because it’s a tsunami siren.’ … It’s insulting to think that people would be that clueless, that they wouldn’t know that sirens blasting was because of the fire,” McKelvey told CNN on Thursday.
“These are not tsunami sirens. They’re disaster sirens.”
There’s more! The Deputy Chief, Telecommunications Branch, State of Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, Ryan Hirae, during an interview on or about September 2020, stated the following:
In the state of Hawaii we have a statewide alert and warning system, which we also call SAWS. That involves not only the siren warning system, but as well as IPAWS. IPAWS is the integrated public alerts and warning system provided by FEMA. And that has the Emergency Alert System, also known as EAS. It also has Wireless Emergency Alerts, which are known as WEA. We also use sirens for hurricanes, brush fires, flooding, lava, hazmat conditions, or even a terrorist event. We have over 400 Sirens spread out through four counties. Our Sirens have a rating of 121 decibels. We have to visit each siren minimally once a year for preventive maintenance. Our role in the state of Hawaii in Emergency Management, especially telecommunications, is to prevent loss of life and to minimize property damage.
Flooding Wildland Fire
So we now know that the sirens are, in fact, used to warn of fires. Andaya lied about why the sirens were not used. Indeed, every reason given by government officials for the sirens not sounding has been proven false. Why would government officials lie about such a thing? Because the real reason the alarms were not sounded was that government officials were behind the disaster. They owned the dog that didn’t bark.
The destruction of the city was planned to kill people in a single fell swoop using directed energy weapons. The sirens were not even considered by the perpetrators in planning their attack because there was no slow lumbering fire dancing from house to house for the sirens to warn people about. They activated the directed energy weapon, and the immolation of the city and the sirens immediately ensued. Most of the people were hit by surprise and killed instantly in their houses by the directed energy weapon. Notably, while 114 people have been confirmed dead, 1,000 people are still unaccounted for as of August 19, 2023, eleven days after the disaster. The dog didn’t bark because the master was the murderer.
“It is entirely reasonable to conclude that ISIS was created as ‘the bastard army’ of the Anglo-American ‘military industrial intelligence complex’ and its vassal, allied states, notably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Our elected leaders have not led a battle against them because ISIS, knowingly or not, works for same corporate power elite who control the politicians.
“All the evidence points to the West’s consistent use of ISIS as a destabilising force in an energy rich part of the world whose impact on the global economy shaped the 20th century and remains a key strategic region at the start of the 21st . ISIS’ murderous barbarity suits the known geopolitical agenda of the Western powers. Cui bono?”
He explored the apparent return of the ISIS bogeymen and the media narrative that preempted their re-emergent threat. He observes that ISIS, having taken a break during the alleged COVID-19 pandemic, is seemingly the “creation of marketers and PR firms rather than any geopolitical reality.”
This article—Who Are ISIS— was written in June 2018 and offers some of the historical background which strongly suggests Kit Knightly is absolutely right.
Who Are ISIS?
Despite ISIS’ apparent defeat in Syria and Iraq it seems likely that the ISIS hydra will raise another head elsewhere in the world. Indeed they seem to be able to cling on in U.S held territory, though not Syrian/Russian held territory.
The new ISIS is something the US administration are already warning the world to prepare for. With evidence of war crimes committed by the US led coalition in the Syrian City of Raqqa, Nathan Sales, the State Department’s Counter Terrorism Coordinator said on March 2nd 2018:
As we defeat ISIS on the battlefield, the group is adapting to our success. The fight is by no means over – it’s simply moving into a new phase: from military solutions to law enforcement solutions. Increasingly, we’re going to need to supplement our military efforts to defeat ISIS with civilian measures that can ensure the group’s enduring defeat……..We’re not just worried about ISIS core, which as we all know has been degraded quite severely in its territorial holdings in Syria and Iraq, but as that territorial core has eroded, we’ve seen an increase in activity by ISIS elements elsewhere in the world.
It is heartening to know that it was actually the US who defeated ISIS on the battlefield. Perhaps some may be surprised by the US government’s apparent reticence to make greater political capital out of their victory. The warnings from Washington were far from triumphant.
You have to wonder if even they believed in their ‘stunning victory.’ You also have to question what they meant by ‘civilian measures.’ Are we to be drafted? Do they want our young, or are they simply talking about censorship and a crack down on freedom of speech?
According to the US State Department, ISIS will re-emerge in Iraq and Syria, in a different form, and is looking to spread its operations to other countries. The US have decided that three new versions already exist in the form of ISIS-West Africa, ISIS-Philippines, and ISIS-Bangladesh.
If the State Department are right ISIS’ organisational, logistical and central planning capabilities are impressive. Following significant military defeats in the middle east, they can immediately reappear in different locations, thousands of miles apart, simultaneously. Amazing don’t you think? How did they do that?
It’s almost as if there’s an underlying support structure which is able to finance and tactically support ISIS (or whatever they may be called in the future) on an international scale. Given the West’s long standing support for Islamist extremist organisations perhaps we don’t need to look far to identify who is providing that support. Certainly if we look at the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria a distinct prime suspect emerges.
During the U.S led coalition’s occupation of Iraq tens of thousands of Islamist extremists were thrown into mass detention centres, along with tens of thousands of other, less extreme, Iraqi’s who had been swept up during coalition raids and protest policing operations. Among the detainees was the future Caliph of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. It was in Camp Bucca, under US and UK guard, where the Islamic State (and ISIS) initially took shape.
Details about Abu Bakr al Baghdadi’s time in Camp Bucca are sketchy. Some reports stated he was interned for a relatively brief period in 2004 – 2005 while others said he was imprisoned for five years between 2004 -2009. What is undeniable is that Camp Bucca was effectively a radicalisation centre for the Islamists. According to Iraqi strategic analyst Hisham al-Hashim, 17 of ISIS’ top 25 commanders came through the Camp Bucca system.
The US led coalition’s explanation for this “oversight” was that their intelligence, regarding “who was who,” was often lacking and compounded by a lack of interpreters. This meant that relatively innocuous prisoners, snared in by US and Iraqi National Guard ‘policing’ operations, found themselves thrown in with the more hardcore Islamists and radical preachers. Angered by what many saw as their unjust incarceration by the US and its allies, the incarcerated moderates were open to the radical proselytising of the extremists.
When full, Camp Bucca could hold more than 24,000 inmates, split into groups of 1000 in large wire fenced compounds. Following widespread allegations of the abuse of prisoners, some leeway was granted allowing prisoners to attend prayer meetings with other prisoner groups. For the most extreme, this served as the ideal recruitment ground. Former enemies, such as al Qaeda members and Ba’athist Party, were able to meet and plot, in relative safety, against their common foe.
In 2007 U.S military strategy in Iraq was built around the so called ‘surge.’ From a starting point of 132,000 US troops in January 2007, peaking at 168,000 in September, the ‘surge’ saw an increase in US troop deployment and a shift towards mass imprisonment in the hope or reducing combatant numbers. The crack down that accompanied ‘the Surge’ meant it was difficult for the Islamist extremists to congregate in the cities and towns, but they faced no such problems inside the Camp Bucca, Cropper and Taji detentions centres.
In a 2014 briefing paper, the Intelligence Analysis company the Soufan Group stated:
The reshaping of what is now the Islamic State (IS) began among the detainee populations in military prisons such as Camp Bucca in Iraq, where violent extremists and former regime personalities forged mutual interests over years of confinement. IS is now a chimera of Ba’athist and takfiri ideologies, with the organizational skills of the former helping channel the motivational fervor of the latter. The former regime officers who are now senior leaders in IS appear fully committed to the ideals and goals of the group, a result of a thorough radicalization that has extended from imprisonment [. . . ].
Of course, this was all deemed to be a terrible mistake. The result of a combination of short sighted policy decisions and human error by coalition officials struggling to deal with difficult conditions within the camps.
By the time of their closure in 2009, at least 100,000 Islamists had been through the US controlled camp system. As soon as they were released they re-established the networks they had built in the camps, rejoined the jihad, and set about building their caliphate. To start constructing their army they required, experienced fighters, money and armaments. Luckily for them help was on its way.
There is no doubt at all that collaboration with Islamist groups, linked to al Qaeda, was a key strategy in Iraq and Syria. Speaking in 2015 Lieutenant. General Michael T. Flynn, formerly assigned as the Pentagon’s Director of the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA,) stated the plan to arm the Islamists was a “wilful decision”. He claimed the DIA warned the Obama administration that the policy of working with al Qaeda affiliated groups risked the creation of an ISIS like entity across the entire region. Flynn’s career was ignominiously destroyed when he committed the heinous crime of talking to Russians, instead of calling them names.
However Flynn’s comments were entirely consistent with the available evidence. Following a law suit by Judicial Watch, the DIA released a previously ‘classified’ 2012 report that confirmed the accuracy of Flynn’s statement.
It revealed the Pentagon were fully aware their support (with the notable assistance of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar) for AQI (al Qaeda in Iraq) and ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) would be likely to lead to the rise of ISIS. The 2012 DIA Intelligence Information Report stated:
If the situation unravels there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).
It is important to fully understand what this meant. We can paraphrase this statement as follows:
The continued destabilisation of the region is likely to create the Islamic State. This is precisely what the West, NATO (including Turkey) and its allies in the Persian Gulf want. It will hopefully isolate Syria from its Shi’ah allies and break its strategic alliance with Iran and Iraq and ultimately Russia.
The predicted emergence of a “Salafist principality” was seen as a strategic opportunity to isolate the Syrian government. The document acknowledged, “the Salafist [sic], the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [al Qaeda in Iraq] are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria,” and that, “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey support the opposition [the insurgency in Syria].”
The creation of ISIS was no accident. It wasn’t the result of policy mistakes but, given the evidence, appeared to be the intended consequence of a deliberate strategy. Either that or the Obama administration were intent upon ignoring their own Defense Intelligence Agency report.
The subsequent level of support the U.S led coalition provided for ISIS renders any claim that this was all an ‘error’ untenable. Flynn was absolutely correct when he said the arming of the Islamists was a “wilful decision.” The Obama administration and other western governments were under no illusions. Their strategy would inevitably lead to the creation of ISIS.
Under the leadership of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, in 2013 the former camp Bucca, Cropper and Taji detainees allied to AQI and ISI groups, announced a unifying name change to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS.) Fighters and arms started to pour in from the U.S led coalition allies Saudi Arabia, Qatar and notably Libya.
Along with the arms coming from defeated militaries in Libya and Iraq, ISIS received shipments of weaponry manufactured in Eastern Europe. A study from the Conflict Armament Research group (CAR), commissioned by the EU, traced the route of these weapons [which is available to download].
The CAR stated that ‘large numbers’ of these weapons were bought in Europe by US, Saudi and Qatari dealers. The sellers were allegedly “deceived” about the destination, thereby violating the sale and export licenses. The arms were then shipped via the “rat line” through Turkey into Syria. Once in Syria they were distributed by ‘moderate’ terrorists, such as al Nusra (al Qaeda in Syria), to their ISIS counterparts.
This was later confirmed when significant quantities of the traced weapons were found in ISIS controlled territory, such as Tikrit, Ramadi, Falluja and Mosul. However, these shipments were dwarfed by some very lucky coincidences which turned the ISIS terrorist group into a fully equipped army.
Following the withdrawal of the large scale US troop deployment from Iraq in 2011, the Iraqi army were supported by the US led coalition in their fight against the Islamist insurgency. Having destroyed Iraq’s army in 2003, the coalition then spent billions of US taxpayers’ money rebuilding it, with the profits naturally going to the global arms manufacturing corporations. The US left behind Military Transitions Teams (MiTT’s) to oversee the training and deployment of their proxy Iraqi army.
In 2014, a relatively small ISIS force, of no more than a 1000 fighters, took the Iraqi city of Mosul. At the time, the city was defended by two Iraqi Armoured divisions amounting to 30,000 soldiers. Following sporadic skirmishes on the outskirts, as ISIS approached Mosul, the entire Iraqi force simply abandoned their posts and left.
US supplied, state of the art, military hardware, stored at the al-Qayara base in Mosul, was seemingly just handed over to ISIS. Similar mysterious vanishing acts then followed in Ramadi, again with very little military pressure from ISIS, once more giving them access to heavy weapons and equipment.
In the space of a few months, ISIS not only seized hundreds of millions of dollars from various regional banks but had ‘captured’ six divisions of lethal, US supplied, military hardware. This included more than 2000 US Humvee armoured troop carriers, at least 30 M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, 50 or so 155mm M198 howitzers (artillery guns,) helicopters, thousands of PKC machine guns, rocket launchers and tons of small arms and ammunition.
Recently ‘evidence’ offered by the British and French governments to ‘prove’ that Bashar al Assad gassed his own people in Douma stated that only his Arab Syrian Arab Army possessed the helicopters capable of dropping Chlorine barrel bombs. This was a lie. ISIS also had the required helicopters, ‘seized’ from Mosul and Ramadi.
The reason given for handing ISIS enough military hardware to form an army capable of fighting nation states was simply incompetence and crap training. However, even the worst army in the world knows enough not to simply abandon all its weapons to the enemy. If the Iraqi army were in such a terrified rush to run away, why didn’t they leave in the protection of their armoured vehicles?
Further questions arise in light of the statements made by the Mosul based head of Iraqi intelligence Ahmed al Zarkani. He said that he had repeatedly warned the US puppet government in Baghdad about the approach of ISIS.
According to Zarkani, he informed the government of Nouri al-Maliki on numerous occasions about ISIS training camps being prepared in the Nineveh region; he called for air strikes against their positions; he alerted the local military command and, following prisoner interrogations, he even discovered the time, date and code-name of the impending ISIS attack.
When he reported that the ‘Al-Eres’ (The Wedding Party) operation was imminent, he was shocked to discover, despite all the intelligence he had provided, the commander of the Mosul divisions had ‘gone on holiday.’ Nothing was done at any stage to stop ISIS from seizing their own armoured divisions.
With all its newly acquired American hardware, ISIS needed fighters trained to use it. In 2015, a report from the International Center for Counter Terrorism estimated that 30,000 foreign fighters had joined ISIS. This flow had increased with ISIS’ expansion into Syria in May 2013. Thousands of seasoned, battle hardened terrorists from the Balkans, including fighters from Kosovo, and the Caucasus, such as the Chechen Islamists, came into Syria via the NATO nation of Turkey. Many of these fighters were familiar with heavy weaponry and were capable of flying aircraft. By then, ISIS numbers were conservatively estimated at around 70,000.
The CIA operation to arm, train and equip Islamist terrorists in Syria was called Timber Sycamore. It supposedly began in 2012, it was allegedly phased out in 2017 by the Trump administration as a result of ISIS, and other terrorist groups, military losses to Syrian and Russian forces.
Western coalition special forces also started terrorists training camps in Jordan in 2011. This was basically a continuation of the training programs they had run for the KLA, NLA and al Qaeda in the Balkans.
With a budget of $1billion, thousands of fighters came through the program. Many of these fighters ended up fighting for Al Nusra, whose numbers grew to 20,000 by the alleged end of Timber Sycamore in 2017. In addition the Pentagon was funding the shipment of arms through European countries such as Denmark and Bulgaria on diplomatic flights to avoid inspection. This wasn’t just a US effort, a number of European states were also involved.
However, despite significant ground forces and plenty of armour and weapons, ISIS lacked air support and were vulnerable to air strikes. In 2014 Barrack Obama announced the US intended to launch air strikes against both Iraq and Syria to ‘degrade and destroy‘ ISIS. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
After more than 800 sorties, ISIS territory had more than doubled in Syria. Far from ‘degrading and destroying’ ISIS, US air strikes were apparently assisting ISIS in Syria. In fact, they had the effect of pushing ISIS towards Syria, where they seemed to benefit greatly from US bombing. Was this all another monumental mistake?
It is difficult to see how supplying weapons via airdrops to ISIS was degrading them. This happened on numerous occasions. For example, according to Iraqi intelligence, the US had dropped supplies to besieged ISIS fighters in the Yathrib and Balad districts of Iraq. Strangely this ‘accident’ provided ISIS fighters exactly what they most needed at the time, food and armour piercing rounds.
Then there are the numerous occasions when US air strikes appeared to have directly provided a strategic advantage to ISIS.
The isolated Syrian city of Deir Ezzor had been under siege by ISIS for more than a year. However, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were holding it, mainly because they had control of the local airport. This enabled the city to be resupplied by Syrian and Russian airdrops. The airport was well protected by SAA artillery positions in the overlooking Tharda hills, giving the SAA a decisive tactical advantage.
ISIS had consistently failed to take these key strategic positions. However, on September 16th/17th 2016 the US launched air strikes against the SAA who were fighting ISIS. As soon as the SAA defences had been destroyed ISIS then launched a large scale attack and seized the positions. It appeared to be a coordinated offensive, timed precisely with the US air strikes. It was no spur of the moment assault by ISIS. Its scale and precision clearly indicated it had been planned well in advance.
Of course the US commanders said this was all an honest mistake. US Brig. Gen. Richard Coe said it was the result of human error. However, forces commanded by Lt. Gen. Jeffrey L Harrigan dispatched a reconnaissance drone to gather intelligence the day before the air strike. They claimed they ‘misinterpreted’ the intelligence, believing the positions were ISIS rather than SAA controlled, despite the fact the fixed SAA positions were no secret.
They US then ‘accidentally’ gave the Russian military the wrong targeting information, rendering them unable to warn the US that they were planning to attack the SAA not ISIS. This contravened a recent ceasefire agreement, which broke down as a result of the air strikes.
As ISIS moved in to take Deir Ezzor the MSM tried to cover up the US support for their assault. The British Daily Telegraph wrote:
The US-led coalition, as well as the Russians, have been bombing the jihadists in Deir Ezzor for the last 18 months but have been unable to dislodge them.
This was a false claim, you could call it disinformation or fake news. The US hadn’t launched any major air strikes against ISIS forces surrounding Deir Ezzor. The US attacks had been against the SAA and vital city infrastructure. For example, in January 2016 the US bombed Deir Ezzor’s electricity plant while the SAA were holding the city.
Again in May 2017 the US hit a convoy of Shi’ah Iraqi militiamen, loyal to Damascus, and a unit of armed Iranians. At the time the Syrian Arab Army, and their Iraqi and Iranian allies, were pushing ISIS back towards Iraq. The northern Syrian city of Raqqa, held by ISIS, was close to being cut off from ISIS supply lines. The convoy was taking heavy weaponry to forward positions in the battle against ISIS. Yet another example of US air strikes benefiting ISIS terrorists.
There is no doubt at all the US coalition were aware of the funding of ISIS by their Gulf allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A State Department memo in 2014 stated:
We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to Isis and other radical groups in the region.
Are we to believe this was all just another string of ‘mistakes’ which caused unforeseen ‘blowback‘, accidentally creating, arming, equipping, supplying and tactically supporting ISIS? You can if you like, but if you do you need to account for the evidence which suggests otherwise.
Documentation revealed the US led coalition were anticipating the rise of a “Salafist principality in eastern Syria” and it was central to their strategic thinking; ISIS very easily obtained billions of dollars of US military equipment; ISIS benefited from US bombing campaigns in Syria, and the US appeared to have provided them with tactical air support on a number of occasions; the US led coalition were actively training and arming Islamist extremists who went on to fight for ISIS and the West’s Gulf allies were known and accepted to be funding ISIS.
Similarly, the US’ European allies had their own justifications for military action with attacks in London, Paris and Munich to mention but a few. This led them to take offensive actions in Libya, based once more upon ‘flawed intelligence,’ producing the same destabilisation and a perfect environment for the Islamists to gather and spread their form of violent jihad. This, once again, particularly benefited ISIS, who were able to use Libya as staging point for their operations in Iraq and Syria.
Obama’s departure changed nothing. Following the alleged chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun Donald Trump, who had come into office promising to end foreign wars of intervention, authorised a missile strike on Al Shayrat airfield in a supposed attempt to damage the Syrian’s ability to launch further alleged chemical weapons attacks.
In yet another remarkable ISIS benefiting “coincidence,” it just so happened that the al Shayrat airbase was the centre of Syrian operations against ISIS forces around Homs and Palmyra. Syrian forces had used it to gain a growing military advantage over ISIS. The missile strike greatly reduced the number of air strikes against the terrorists. The missile strike on al Shayrat was another example of the US effectively providing tactical air cover for ISIS.
It is entirely reasonable to conclude that ISIS was created as ‘the bastard army’ of the Anglo-American ‘military industrial intelligence complex’ and its vassal, allied states, notably Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Our elected leaders have not led a battle against them because ISIS, knowingly or not, works for same corporate power elite who control the politicians.
All the evidence points to the West’s consistent use of ISIS as a destabilising force in an energy rich part of the world whose impact on the global economy shaped the 20th century and remains a key strategic region at the start of the 21st . ISIS’ murderous barbarity suits the known geopolitical agenda of the Western powers. Cui bono?
Just like the tale you were spun about weapons of mass destruction, prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, practically everything you have been told about ISIS and the conflict in Syria is part of a monstrous deception.
Despite their contrition, following the lies they told about Iraqi WMDs, and promises to the public that they would never let them down again, the entire Western mainstream media has cheered the war machine along every step of the way. The simplistic narratives we have been given about ISIS have never mentioned the clear evidence that links the rise of the Caliphate to U.S led coalition objectives.
Every single time people noticed the coalitions military actions seemed to benefit ISIS, the MSM either covered this up with another ‘unfortunate coincidence’ story, accused those who raised these issues of being ‘conspiracy theorists‘ or created entirely false story lines to obfuscate the reality.
Once again, it appears most of us fell for it.
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog IainDavis.com (Formerly InThisTogether) or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter or subscribe to his SubStack. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
In my August 11, 2023, article, I explained the evidence that a directed energy weapon was used to destroy Lahaina, a city on the Island of Maui in Hawaii. The only culprit who could possibly have used such a weapon is the U.S. Military. The cover story for the destruction of Lahaina was that out-of-control wildfires caused it. Indeed, Major General Kenneth Hara, the commanding general of the Hawaii Army National Guard, gave the world the wildfire cover story during an August 9, 2023, briefing. One would think that the head of the Maui Emergency Management Agency, Herman Andaya, would be the proper source of information about the alleged wildfires.
But, strangely, Herman Andaya was not even present in Maui at the time of the destruction of Lahaina. Administrator Andaya was absent in the days following the conflagration in Lahaina. Where was he? According to local news, Hawaii News Now, “Andaya was in Waikiki at the Alohilani Resort attending what was scheduled to be a three-day FEMA disaster preparedness seminar called the Pacific Partnership Meeting.” Oddly, the conference did not start until the morning of August 8, 2023, after the destruction of Lahaina was well underway and well known. Yet, Andaya remained at the conference during the first day of the disaster, and records show that he did not check out from his hotel until August 9, 2023.
Back to General Hara: while he is not an expert in emergency management, he is an expert in military armaments. It just so happens that Maui is the location for one of two major sites for the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFLR) Directed Energy Directorate. The other major location is Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico. You read that correctly; within 40 miles of Lahaina on the Island of Maui is located the Air Force Maui Optical and Supercomputing (AMOS) site, which is part of the AFLR Directed Energy Directorate. The AFLR states “the Directorate develops and transitions technologies in four core technical competencies: laser systems, high power electromagnetics, weapons modeling and simulation, and directed energy and electro-optics for space superiority.”</span
One of the products under study on Maui by the AFLRE uses “laser propagation through the Earth’s atmosphere.” So powerful is the directed energy technology that AMOS states it “has the ability to propagate light into the sodium layer of the atmosphere and create an artificial star.” AMOS further states that the “state-of-the-art electro-optical facility, the MSSS combines research and development with an operational mission; the only one of its kind in the world.”
Also located at the 10,023 foot-summit of Haleakala on the island of Maui, Hawaii, is the 15th Space Surveillance Squadron (15 SPSS). “The mission of 15 SPSS is to develop, assess, deliver, and operate cutting-edge SDA [Space Domain Awareness] capabilities to support warfighter needs.” The 15 SPSS also operates the experimental systems under the AFRL “15 SPSS is a component of Space Delta 2 and also operates experimental systems under the Air Force Research Laboratory [AFRL].” The Directed Energy Directorate is a component department of the AFRL with expertise in directed energy. That means that the 15 SPSS operates the AFRL experimental directed energy weapons. And it does so from the summit of Haleakala overlooking Maui. Haleakala is the perfect location to control directed energy weapons targeting Lahaina.
Apparently, Lahaina became a target of one of the AFLR’s directed energy “operational missions” on August 8, 2023. Administrator Andaya took the fall for the death and destruction caused by a U.S. military operation against its citizens. The people are being led to believe that the death and destruction were exacerbated by incompetence. That way, they are kept from the reality that the destruction of Lahaina was premeditated mass genocide orchestrated by its own government.
It is notable that U.S. President Biden, the Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, was utterly silent about the conflagration. The media did not even have an opportunity to ask him about it until Sunday, August 13, 2023, at which time he responded with “no comment.” Think about that for a moment. An entire city is destroyed, and the media does not even have access to the President of the United States to ask him about it until five days later.
And President Biden’s response is an incriminating “no comment!” Instagram influencer Rogan O’Handley wrote on Twitter that the more we learn about Hawaii, ‘the more we learn why Joe Biden has consistently responded with ‘no comment.’ He stated the obvious: ‘There is something REAL fishy going on here.”
How did the words “no comment” come out of his mouth? Who, President or not, responds to a tragedy with “no comment?” I will tell you who. A person who is part of the conspiracy that committed the tragedy. That is the kind of statement made by someone guilty of a crime! President Biden repeatedly refused to answer any questions about the Lahaina tragedy. On August 19, 2023, the White House officially announced that the President would visit Maui on Monday, August 21, 2023.
Mr. Hilton has documentary proof and eyewitnesses that President George Bush personally ordered the 9/11 attacks. Furthermore, he has eyewitnesses and documentary evidence that the U.S. Air Force and NORAD conducted 35 drills over the two months prior to 9-11-01 rehearsing attacks by airliners against various targets, including specific drills where the World Trade Center was to be the target of attacks by airplanes.
In fact, on 9-11-01 there were five drills being conducted by NORAD and the Air Force involving attacks by commercial airliners. The 35 rehearsals by the U.S. Government for attacks by airliners impeaches the credibility of National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who said during a May 16, 2002 press briefing: “I don’t think anybody could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon; that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile.” Why would she say such a thing when it is so clearly false? Because she did not think that anyone would ever find out about the prior rehearsals. Now that the rehearsals have leaked out the conspirators had a problem. But that was all taken care of by the district court judge who ruled that the administrative officials had sovereign immunity.
If Wednesday’s House Oversight subcommittee hearing on UFOs had happened ten years ago instead of today, it would have shaken the world. Imagine someone from 2013 hearing congressional testimonies about “routine” military pilot encounters with giant flying tic tacs, floating orbs, 300-foot red squares, and cubes in clear spheres zipping around in ways that surpass all known earthly technology by leaps and bounds, or about secret government possession of otherworldly aircraft they’re trying to reverse engineer and the dead bodies of their non-human pilots, or about the possibility that these creatures are not merely extraterrestrial but extra-dimensional. Their jaws would have hit the floor.
Now in 2023 we’ve been getting incrementally drip-fed bits and pieces of these stories for six years, so the scene on Capitol Hill on Wednesday didn’t have the impact it would’ve had in 2013. It’s making headlines and getting attention, but not as much as Sinead O’Connor’s death or people’s thoughts on Barbie and Oppenheimer. The response from the general public could be described as a collective nervous laugh and a shrug.
People scroll past the footage from the hearing on social media, go “Whoa, that’s weird,” and move on with their lives. The information’s going in, but just kind of on the periphery of mainstream consciousness. Maybe next year they’ll show us something that would’ve been even more shocking to someone in 2013 than Wednesday’s hearing would’ve been, and it will be met with the same nervous laugh and shrug by the people of 2024.
Of course in the circles I tend to interact with, the response is a bit different. People who are highly skeptical of the US war machine tend to also be highly skeptical of this UFO narrative we’ve been seeing since 2017.
“Distraction” is a word you hear a lot. “It’s just a distraction from ______”, where “______” is whatever hot story they personally happen to be fascinated by at the moment. I personally don’t buy that explanation; the new UFO narrative wasn’t just cooked up at the last minute to distract from current headlines, it’s been unfolding for six years, and people aren’t even paying that much attention to it. The empire doesn’t tend to orchestrate spectacular events as a “distraction” anyway; the adjustment of public attention tends to take the much more mundane form of agenda setting in the media, where some stories receive more attention than others based on what’s convenient for the oligarchs who own the press.
I also see people theorizing that this is all a ploy to ramp up the US military budget. There could totally be something to that, but again this narrative has been unfolding for six years and so far the military budget has just been swelling in the usual yearly increments as always.
Don’t get me wrong, though — I’m as skeptical about this thing as anyone. For one thing the origins of the mainstream UFO narrative which began in 2017 were steeped in extensive distortion, dishonesty and journalistic malpractice, and were carried forward by shady intelligence operatives like Lue Elizondo. David Grusch, who made by far the most sensational claims at Wednesday’s congressional hearing with his tales of dead aliens and reverse-engineered UFOs, is himself an insider of the US intelligence cartel.
But for me what really stinks about all this UFO stuff is the timing. Here we are in the early stages of a new cold war which features a race to militarize space, and we’re hearing congressional testimony about mysterious vehicles posing a threat to US airspace which have the ability to go up and down between earth and space very quickly. That smells off.
I mean, does it really sound like a coincidence that we’re seeing all these news stories about UFOs and aliens at the same time we’re seeing news stories about a race between the US and China and Russia to dominate space militarily? A Foreign Policy article from last year blares the headline “China and Russia Are Catching Up to U.S. in Space Capabilities, Pentagon Warns” with the subheading “The militarization of space is picking up pace.” These warnings are echoed in articles by Defense One and Time. An article on the United Nations website from last year carries the title “‘We Have Not Passed the Point of No Return’, Disarmament Committee Told, Weighing Chance Outer Space Could Become Next Battlefield.” A 2021 report from the war machine-funded Center for Strategic and International Studies titled “Defense Against the Dark Arts in Space: Protecting Space Systems from Counterspace Weapons” warns of the urgent need to build more space weapons to counter US enemies. A Global Times article from last year carries the title “Chinese experts urge avoidance of space weaponization amid commercial space capability deployment in Ukraine.”
These stories about the space militarization race aren’t getting the attention the much more entertaining UFO stories are getting, but it seems likely that those who are responsible for moving the war machinery around are paying a lot more attention to the former than the latter. The US Space Force took its first steps toward becoming a reality in 2017, the same year these mainstream UFO stories started coming out, with the explicit purpose of countering Russia and China.
And it just seems mighty suspicious to me how we’re being slowly paced into this UFO narrative (or UAP narrative for those hip to the current jargon) right when there’s a mad rush to get weapons into space. I can’t actually think of any other point in history when the timing of something like this would have looked more suspicious.
So for me the most disturbing parts of the UFO hearing were the parts that could wind up facilitating the agenda to militarize space, like when this phenomenon was framed as a “national security” threat or when it was mentioned that they can transition from earth to space very rapidly.
When asked by congressman Glenn Grothman “do you believe UAPs pose a threat to our national security?”, former Navy commander David Fravor answered with an unequivocal yes. A few minutes later Fravor described these vehicles as being able to “come down from space, hang out for three hours and go back up.”
When asked by congressman Andy Ogles whether UFOs could be “collecting reconnaissance information” on the US military, all three witnesses — Grusch, Fravor, and former Navy pilot Ryan Graves — answered in the affirmative. Asked by Ogles if UFOs could be “probing our capabilities,” all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs could be “testing for vulnerabilities” in US military capabilities, all three again said yes. Asked if UFOs pose an existential threat to the national security of the United States, all three said they potentially do. Asked if there was any indication that UFOs are interested in US nuclear technology, all three said yes.
Ogles concluded his questioning by saying, “There clearly is a threat to the national security of the United States of America. As members of Congress, we have a responsibility to maintain oversight and be aware of these activities so that, if appropriate, we take action.”
When asked by congressman Eric Burlison if “there has been activity by alien or non-human technology, and/or beings, that has caused harm to humans,” Grusch said he couldn’t get into specifics in a public setting (a common theme throughout the hearing), but said that “what I personally witnessed, myself and my wife, was very disturbing.”
Grusch would complicate this cryptic statement a few minutes later by saying that he’s never seen a UFO. How this statement doesn’t contradict his previous statement about having witnessed harmful behavior from non-human technology and/or beings was not made clear.
So you’ve got US policymakers being told that there are vehicles using technology not of this world routinely violating US airspace and posing an existential threat to US national security, and that these craft can go from earth to space and back at will, and that they need to help make sure their nation can address this threat.
What conclusions do you come to when presented with that kind of information? If you’re a lawmaker in charge of facilitating the operation of a highly militaristic empire, you’re probably not going to conclude that it’s time to hold hands and sing Kumbaya. You’re probably eventually going to start thinking in terms of military technology.
One of the most important unanswered questions in all this UFO hullabaloo is, why now? Why are we seeing all this movement on “disclosure” after generations of zero movement? If these things are in fact real and the government has in fact been keeping them secret, why would the adamant policy of dismissal and locked doors suddenly be reversed, allowing “whistleblowers” to come forward and give testimony before congress? If they had motive to keep it a secret this entire time, why would that motive no longer be there?
If you ask the online UFO community, many will essentially take credit for the whole thing, saying the most powerful war machine ever assembled has reversed its policy of total opacity because of “pressure” applied by disclosure activists. This doesn’t pass the smell test; the most powerful empire in history isn’t reversing course on a longstanding policy of blanket secrecy because of internet forums and FOIA requests.
So why now? Why the drastic and sudden shift from UFOs and aliens being laughable tinfoil hat nonsense to the subject of serious congressional inquiries and widespread mainstream media coverage?
Well, the timing of the race to militarize space might provide an answer to the “why now?” question. Is it a coincidence that this new UFO narrative began its rollout in 2017, around the same time as the rollout of the Space Force? Are we being manipulated at mass scale about aliens and UFOs to help grease the wheels for the movement of war machinery into space? How likely is it that by pure coincidence this extraplanetary narrative timed out the way it did just as the US empire makes a last-ditch grab at unipolar planetary domination?
I don’t know. I do know that if I’m assigning degrees of probability, “Extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings are here and take a special interest in us and sometimes crash their vehicles and our government recovered them but kept them a secret but suddenly decided not to be so secretive about them anymore” ranks significantly lower than “Our rulers are lying and manipulating to advance their own interests again.”
I am 100 percent wide open to the possibility of extraterrestrials and otherworldly vehicles zipping around our atmosphere. What I am not open to is the claim that the most depraved institutions on earth have suddenly opened their mind to telling us the truth about these things, either out of the goodness of their hearts or because they were “pressured” by UFO disclosure activists.
I don’t know what the hell is going on with this UFO thing, but I do know the drivers of the US empire have an extensive history of manipulating and deceiving at mass scale to advance imperial agendas. And I do know that at this crucial juncture in history where the empire is clinging to planetary domination with the tips of its fingernails, there are a lot of imperial agendas afoot.
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Andrew Johnson on Undisclosed “Black Technology”, the Truth About 9/11, Planned UFO False Flag Events, Steven Greer’s “Disclosure Project”, Directed Energy Weapons, the Cover-Up of Free Energy Already Available, “Psychological Terrorism” & the Attack on Human Consciousness
[TCTL editor’s note: For those who prefer to read the transcript, ICIC has provided subtitles embedded in the videos. This is a 3-part series of videos covering, and cohesively tying together, a wide array of topics related to the hidden history of humanity and the great cover up of the diabolical actions of those who seek to control us. Andrew Johnson has done decades of painstaking research and offers his books free in PDF version. This empowering video series shines light into many dark areas, exposing the game plan of psychopaths who have created the illusion that they rule the world. ~ Kathleen]
In this first of a three part episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks with British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson, who in the course of his detailed research on the 9/11 attack and other topics also came across various concepts of state-sponsored terrorism.
It is now an open secret that secret groups within governments, for example, fund terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda or fundamentalist groups like the Taliban and others.
Johnson tells how he was drawn into the so-called “truth movement” and began publishing his researched physical facts first in physics forums for discussion.
After all, before he came across these government secret projects and saw the documentary film titled “9/11, The Great Illusion” by Texan George Humphrey, he himself also believed in the narrative of steel and concrete buildings collapsing and pulverizing due to airplane impacts.
Against the background of his physics studies and the presentation of his extensive research, the images presented to the public take on a completely new meaning.
He explains with the help of vivid images and video footage why it is an impossibility to make 1,360-foot towers simply collapse in free fall in less than 10 seconds, as well as many other strange inconsistencies.
In the end, what technology really destroyed the WTC towers and caused them to be literally pulverized?
Can airplanes develop this tremendous destructive power?
Was the attack on the WTC a false flag, and does the so-called “9/11 truth movement” itself also serve to cover up facts and findings and withhold scientific contradictions from the public by not discussing them in the first place?
How far has research progressed and are there already groundbreaking technologies that are being withheld from us?
Once you start thinking and doing your own research, you will never have to believe again. You will become a knower because you will see global events in context and be able to connect the individual dots.
“Have the courage to use your own mind!” is what the philosopher Immanuel Kant demanded in his definition of “enlightenment”.
In this second of three episodes of ICIC, the conversation with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and the British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson continues.
Andrew Johnson uses numerous images and video material to establish the connections between the events surrounding 9/11 and many phenomena and events that at first glance appear to be independent of each other.
He connects many dots in his vivid lecture that, when viewed over a longer period of time, create “aha effects” and a desire for further knowledge.
Johnson dives into the depths of narratives in detail, debunking red herrings and deception, pointing out physical analogies, recounting the “coincidental” occurrence of Hurricane Erin a few days before the WTC attack, what unusual effects and impacts storms and tornadoes can have on materials, what field effects are, and what the phenomenon of so-called “cold fusion” is all about.
Why was all funding for this important project completely denied?
What is the significance of the University of Alaska’s recordings of fluctuations in the Earth’s magnetic field with six magnetometers that began shortly before on the day of the WTC attack and changed shortly thereafter, coinciding with the plane crash in New York City, a city 3,000 miles away?
Is this a coincidence or does it prove that magnetic fields have something to do with the events of 9/11?
Why have very few people heard of the so-called Disclosure Project 2001 and why do people suddenly disappear who, for example, made themselves available as witnesses in this project?
Researchers who have worked in depth on the subject of 9/11, the UFO issue and the existence of secret space programs, the use of Free Energy or the exposure of the man-made climate change narrative, and still do, are attacked in the same way as the scientists who dared to question the so-called “Corona Pandemic”.
It is always the same pattern followed by the masterminds and all their paid stooges — even in the “truth forums” — which is why one can assume that these forums, supposedly interested in enlightenment, have also been infiltrated or even founded specifically to prevent a scientific and fact-based discussion.
If one looks at the total picture of all strange events of the last years and centuries, everything is reminiscent of the so called “Corona pandemic”, in which it was ordered not to question anything and all scientists who claimed something else were muzzled by all means.
The purpose was to exert control over our minds, souls and bodies.
Only in a state of fear and ignorance can the masterminds of the “New World Order” agenda control and manipulate us, lie to us and deceive us.
Believe nothing anymore, question everything and check everything yourself.
In this third and final episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson talk about more shocking and strange details surrounding the complexities and hidden connections of the topics discussed at length.
Both believe that these hitherto hidden circumstances, events, symbolisms and synchronicities must be made available to the public as widely as possible, without interruption, so that people can begin to see more clearly, use their own minds and finally stop just believing what they are told.
Questions must be asked so that we can and, above all, want to examine for ourselves the things we are taught through the media, “experts,” and in school.
Johnson reports on his experiences and his view of what possibilities we can use to find out about these hidden truths. We, too, have their systems at our disposal, which we can access in order to expand our knowledge, e.g. the Internet. He advocates listening to one another, having discussions with one another, gathering as much different information as possible and then sharing it as well.
He sees intuition as another helpful tool and guide through the thicket of infiltration, lies and deception, as well as constant information gathering and disclosure, to recognize those who have been baited and obviously used as stooges to protect the interpretation of truth or right that their patrons want.
All of this supports the upright people who stand against this tide of manipulation and reprisals against dissenters, such as the courageous judge from Weimar, whose case has caused a worldwide sensation and outrage.
Many questions remain to be answered.
For example, the question of who the masterminds of this inconceivable scenario are.
Does it go even further than the relevant known and notorious organizations such as the “WEF”, the “Committee of 300”, the “Bilderbergers” and “Masonic lodges”?
What perfidious intelligence is behind all this and is capable of planning and coordinating such complex structures over such a long period of time?
What role do so-called “psychological operations” like “Q” and the “Anons” play?
How are Trump, Putin, Assange and Snowden to be classified, and can we explain heaps of phenomena of “synchro-mysticism” (predictive coincidences)?
Is there salvation from “outside” or are we better off relying on ourselves and our common sense?
Questions like these are the beginning to return to self-responsibility and sovereignty, because every person has the power to free him or herself from these shackles of confusion.
Light must be brought into all dark areas, then the big picture will become visible and the darkness will disappear.
What really happened on 9/11? What can the evidence tell us? Who is covering up the evidence, and why are they covering it up? This book attempts to give some answers to these questions and has been written by someone who has become deeply involved in research into what happened on 9/11. A study of the available evidence will challenge you and much of what you assumed to be true.
On UK Column News 5th July I unpack the recent increase in violence in France and the surge of right-wing propaganda criminalising France’s Muslim population.
For context I include an excerpt of something I wrote in 2021 about the 1961 massacre of Algerian refugees in Paris and I recommend watching this short animated movie called Tears of the Seine.
The refusal to recognize victims boils down to a message that one person’s life doesn’t have the same value as another’s. And 17 October 1961 shows that the life of an Algerian was worth very little.
This sign of contempt and injustice is still felt in diffuse ways by new generations of young people—and it contributes to their sense of revolt. ~ Moshen Abdelmoumen
Paris October 17th 1961 – Unarmed Algerian Muslims demonstrating in central Paris against a discriminatory curfew were beaten, shot, garotted and even drowned by police and special troops. Thousands were rounded up and taken to detention centers around the city and the prefecture of police, where there were more beatings and killings. How many died? No one seems to know for sure, even now. Probably around 200.
Maurice Papon, the Prefect of the Paris police, was the only Vichy France official to be convicted for his role in the deportation of Jews during WW II. But Papon was never prosecuted for the deaths of Algerians caused by police under his orders in 1961. These were not the last deaths caused by police under Papon’s responsibility. Four months later, in February 1962, Papon went too far even for the French President Charles De Gaulle, when French police killed nine white people at a Communist-led demonstration against the war in Algeria. 700,000 people marched at the funeral of the five protesters while a general strike shut down Paris.
Thousands of Algerians were rounded up and brought to detention centers, where the violence against them continued. “Drowning by Bullets,” a British TV documentary aired about four years ago, alleges that scores of Algerians were murdered in full view of police brass in the courtyard of the central police headquarters. The prefect of police was Maurice Papon, who recently was still denying charges that he was responsible for deporting French Jews to Auschwitz during World War II while he was part of the Vichy government.
Twitter copy/paste.
In my report for UKC News I focus on who is behind the new level of violence on French streets, the emergence of assault rifles and guns thought to be coming in from Ukraine. Car bombs, looting and attacks on police and fire-brigade members. While the media has been largely silent about the Gilets Jaunes protests and state sanctioned brutality since 2019 – suddenly the media is aflame with “France is on fire”, “France has fallen” and other such sensationalist hyperbole. The right-wing is whipping up anti-imigrant frenzy and it is hard to tell who is really carrying out the core violence from which the flames have been fanned.
During a discussion with Joe Rogan, Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy junior admitted that he is putting his life in danger by speaking out about the assassinations of his uncle and his father, and that he “takes precautions” to ensure the CIA doesn’t kill him.
Rogan asked RFK Jr. what he thought would happen if he managed to get into office, to which Kennedy replied “I gotta be careful.”
“I’m aware of that, you know, I’m aware of that danger. I don’t live in fear of it — at all. But I’m not stupid about it, and I take precautions,” he added.
Kennedy spoke about his Uncle JFK being “at war” with the military industrial complex, and asserted that the intelligence agencies were “trying to trick him” into launching military excursions into Cuba and Vietnam.
RFK Jr. again spoke about JFK eventually concluding that he must “shatter” the CIA “into a thousands pieces” and “scatter it to the winds.”
“[JFK] learned very early on that the purpose of the CIA and the intelligence apparatus was to create a constant pipeline of new wars for them, for the military industrial complex,” Kennedy noted, adding that JFK was adamant that “it’s not the United States’ jobs to dictate what kind of governments other countries have.”
RFK Jr. continued,
“in October of 1963 he heard that some of his Green Berets had been killed… and he said I want a total casualty list from Vietnam. His aide came to him and said 75 Americans have died, he said that’s too many and he signed that day a national security directive ordering all troops out of Vietnam… the first thousand over the next month and then the rest by the beginning of 1965, and um and then a month later he was killed.”
Late last week it was widely reported that the United States government had recovered an intact alien spacecraft from a crash site.
The supposed revelation comes from one David Grusch, a “former” military intelligence agent, who turned “whistleblower” and told the press that this supposed craft “distorted time and space”, was “bigger on the inside than the outside” and made some rescue workers ill.
Now, assuming none of this is true, it’s not an especially noteworthy incident in and of itself. After all fringe figures coming forward claiming to be “whistleblowers” does happen, and they often tell ludicrous stories with no supporting evidence.
These can occur organically or be staged by agencies of the state, and either way the press is always happy to give them air because a) they are distracting and b) they discredit real “conspiracy theories” by association.
But that’s not what appears to be going on here.
For starters, Grusch wasn’t just given space in the media, he was given at least a small amount of credence by them. They allowed him to talk without mockery or even much questioning.
I mean let’s compare and contrast the coverage of a man claiming a literal TARDIS exists to the coverage of doctors claiming covid vaccines are dangerous or masks don’t work.
Corporate “fact-checkers” seemed to have missed a gimme here, don’t they?
More than that, the UFO psy-op didn’t even start with Grusch. The Biden administration was actively feeding the UFO story for months before he came forward.
In June 2021 the US intelligence community released a report claiming it knew about unknown flying objects in US airspace.
In January of this year the Pentagon released files claiming they knew about 247 “unidentified aerial phenomena” in US airspace in 2021 alone.
Then in February Biden announced a new taskforce to study these UFOs.
What’s noteworthy here is the way the press have picked up the UFO ball and really run with it. It’s everywhere and, again, not in the “ha, idiots believe in aliens” way. They are actually taking it seriously, or at least pretending to. And, again, this attitude pre-dates the “whistleblower”.
In February, the Guardian ran an opinion piece from the head of the British UFO Research Association, headlined “Most UFOs – like the Chinese spy balloon – can be explained away. But what about the other 2%?
Later that month it was revealed that six different “UFO whistlblowers” had already spoken to members of congress (presumably Grosch was one of these six, the other 5 remain unnamed).
In May, the journal Popular Mechanics – inveterate, if not shameless, 9/11 truth “debunkers” – published a piece headlined“6 Solid Reasons to Actually Believe in Aliens”. Later that month, NASA’s UFO taskforce released its findings publicly.
Then – would you believe it – the day after Grusch first published his claims, there was a “UFO crash” in Las Vegas Nevada which made international headlines.
And the day after thatThe Hill reported that inside sources claimed “that UFO information was inappropriately withheld from Congress”
Today the Independent endeavors to answer the question that should be on everyone’s lips, “Why everyone is talking about UFO sightings, even though there is still no hard evidence”, while Fox News is hosting interviews with Navy pilots discussing “credible claims” of UFO sightings and calling them a “daily occurence.”
Even voices from the alternative right/conservative sphere, people who you would expect to be somewhat skeptical, have climbed on this bandwagon.
The refrain is that these headlines reflect the US “admitting” something they previously denied, or that this is leaking out against the wishes of the government (or the globalists who control said government).
This is nonsense. Governments don’t “admit” anything – even undeniable physical realities like buildings falling at terminal velocity. What governments do is use the language of “admission” to seed narratives.
Never has this been more obvious than right now.
Consider that Grusch has already been allowed to testify in front of the house of representatives. A privilege never afforded to any serious Covid skeptic or 9/11 truther.
He’s being given the biggest platform in the country, while represented by “former” intelligence officials.
Is that how you treat a whistleblower who is embarrassing you or endangering secret plans?
No, it’s how you treat an asset who is part of a story you want the public to hear.
Clearly, this is a narrative roll-out.
The real question is: Why?
And, honestly, I have absolutely no idea. A distraction maybe, but it’s a weird card to play when we already have “climate change” and a “special military operation” on-going, not to mention residual old pandemics and incipient new ones.
No, the distraction argument doesn’t really hold water, but neither do the standard explanations of money or power. What legislation can UFOs force through? Who could seriously try and levy an alien defense tax?
It’s possible Grusch is a “suicide bomber” of the type we are all familiar with, who will ultimately self-destruct and be shown to be a charlatan, along with “revelations” that he’s a covid skeptic, climate denier, 9/11 truther or other “conspiracy theorist” – thus making truth movements look foolish, and humiliating anyone who endorsed or believed him.
But even that’s a stretch right now, given the sheer amount of mainstream endorsement he’s got already.
There’s only one other angle I could possibly think of, but it’s pretty out there.
In the Alan Moore graphic novel Watchmen – spoiler warning, I guess – the villain’s master plan is to end the Cold War and save humanity by staging an attack on earth by a pan-dimensional alien life form. His theory is that proving aliens exist and mean us harm will unite the world against a common threat and prevent the US and USSR nuking us all into oblivion.
… given the current level of globalist insanity can we totally rule out that some WEF focus group has wargamed that idea and decided it might work?
…would it actually work?
Who knows, the world stopped making sense a long time ago.
Do alien life forms exist? Have they been coming here and crashing their spaceships for the past 70 years or more?
I don’t know, but I’m fairly doubtful.
But I do know that – true or not – it would never be in the news if it wasn’t serving a purpose. And I know that basing any of your opinions or beliefs around what the US government – or any government – tells you is both irrational and historically illiterate.
Governments all over the world might suddenly claim that aliens are real…but they all claimed the pandemic was real, too.
How far will they take this story? I don’t know, but I will leave you with this:
Early this month SETI staged an exercise where they mimicked an alien transmission to Earth from Mars. Highly noteworthy, given the historical power of exercises to predict the future.
The supreme irony in all of this is that from now on we so-called “conspiracy theorists” are going to be trying to convince our normie friends that aliens don’t exist.
The evidence is overwhelming. The Kiev regime was behind the plot to blow-up the dam. It’s “a war crime” against the Ukrainian people, instigated by the Zelensky government.
The mainstream media in chorus blames Russia. (See our analysis of the MSM media coverage below).
Ask yourself, why on earth would Russia flood its own positions within the territories under its control?
Our message to MSM journalists: It’s “elementary logic”. Use your common sense. Why would they do it? A “Russian Roulette style ritual Hara-kiri” ordered by the Kremlin?
The impacts on people’s lives are devastating in both Ukraine and Russia.
The blow-up of the dam has had repercussions on the supply of water to Crimea, which visibly is the detriment of Russia. See map below.
Unfortunately Russophobia in combination with maniacal rejection of elementary logic is not curable. These people for years have only one pattern of behavior: #KeepCalmAndBlameRussia no matter what the facts are https://t.co/Eeboe4biNe
🇷🇺envoy to @UN#Nebenzia: In October 2022 Russia drew attention to #Kievregime’s plans to destroy #Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant. 🇷🇺calls were left unheeded. Feeling its total impunity & being encouraged by Western sponsors, 🇺🇦 decided to fulfil the terrorist plot this time. pic.twitter.com/x0jutK450O
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) June 7, 2023
Was US-NATO complicit in the conduct of this criminal agenda?
See Moscow’s standpoint in the following text issued by the Russian Embassy in the UK:
“We took note of the fact that the unannounced visit to Kiev by #UK Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly on 5-6 June occurred at the same time as the sharp increase in military activities by the AFU along with #Kievregime’s attempts to destabilise the situation in bordering Russian regions.
These circumstances can hardly be considered a coincidence. A personal visit by a high-ranking British emissary and his encouraging public statements cannot be viewed by the Western-controlled Kiev regime as anything other than an endorsement to engage in further military adventures and acts of sabotage against the peaceful citizens of Russia – for instance, the intentional destruction of facilities of the #Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station which can lead to dramatic humanitarian consequences for the civilian population of the flooded territory.
London’s longstanding deliberate efforts to escalate the anti-Russian proxy conflict in #Ukraine, including by supplying Kiev with more lethal and long-range offensive weapons, leave no doubt that words of peace and value of Ukrainian lives mean nothing to London. In this context Mr Cleverly’s enthusiastic musings about the blooming of flowers and leaves in Kiev sound particularly cynical.”
▪️ We took note of the fact that the unannounced visit to Kiev by #UK Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly on 5-6 June occurred at the same time as the sharp increase in military activities by the AFU along with #Kievregime’s attempts to destabilise the situation in bordering Russian… pic.twitter.com/5orb404uKj
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) June 6, 2023
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, Update, June 7, 2023
Below is the detailed article published by Global Research on June 6, 2023
The Western media in chorus is blaming the Russians without acknowledging the fact that the issue of the Hydroelectric Kakhovskaya Dam had been brought to the attention of the United Nations Security Council back on October 21, 2022.
The document was made available to all members of the UN Security Council.
The UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres was fully aware of the letter addressed to him by Russia’s UN Permanent Representative regarding Kiev’s plan to blow up the dam.
What did he do? Nothing.The UNSC had the responsibility to open an investigation.
Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova: On October 21, 2022, Russia’s Ambassador to the UN sent a letter to the UN Secretary General regarding the Kiev regime’s plans to destroy the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam in Kherson province.
💬 Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova: On October 21, 2022, Russia's Ambassador to the UN sent a letter to the UN Secretary General regarding Kiev regime's plans to destroy the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam.
Russia had warned of potential catastrophic flooding and loss of life (see October 21, 2022 advisory to UNSC). In recent months, Russia conducted the evacuation of people on the East side of the Dnieper.
And here is the coverage of the mainstream media, casually blaming Russia, without a shred of evidence:
“Everything is going to die here,’ a man named Serhiy living in Kherson said. ‘All the living creatures, and people will be flooded out.
‘People will suffer. There’s already no water coming out of taps – why not, no one knows.’
Other Kherson residents said the water level in some parts of the city had already reached 9ft high and they could see more water headed their way.
Ukrainian authorities have previously warned that the dam’s failure could unleash 18million cubic meters (4.8billion gallons) of water and flood Kherson and dozens of other towns and settlements, home to hundreds of thousands of people.
The cause of the blasts is not yet clear, although Ukraine warned late last year that Russian forces had mined the dam as they retreated from Kherson and Ukraine’s state hydroelectric company said the Kakhova plant was destroyed by an explosion in the engine room – suggesting it was attacked from within rather than by external strikes.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Tuesday told a Vatican peace envoy that the destruction of the Kakhovka dam would have ‘dire consequences’ for people and nature.
‘This crime carries enormous threats and will have dire consequences for people’s lives and the environment,’ he told Italian cardinal Matteo Zuppi as the two met in Kyiv, according to a presidency statement.
As tens of thousands of Ukrainians flee their homes…
Ukraine’s state hydroelectric company said the Kakhovka plant was totally destroyed by an engine room blast
Ukrainian prime minister Denys Shmyhal said that up to 80 settlements are at risk of flooding
Kyiv officials alleged that Moscow destroyed the dam in order to slow down its long-awaited counteroffensive
Zelensky said that Russian forces must be ‘expelled from every corner’ of his nation for their ‘terrorist actions’
Moscow has blamed Kyiv’s forces for the strikes on the dam which is in Russian-held territory (Daily Mail, June 6, 2023)
According the NBC (June 6,2023) quoting “authoritative” sources as well as US “intelligence” which need to be “declassified”:
“The United States government has intelligence that is leaning toward Russia as the culprit of the attack on the dam in Ukraine, according to two U.S. officials and one Western official.
President Joe Biden’s administration was working to declassify some of the intelligence and share it as early as Tuesday afternoon.
The motive behind the explosion was still being assessed, but the collapse appears likely to make it more difficult for Ukrainian forces to conduct a river crossing and also presents a difficult humanitarian challenge, the Western official said. (NBC, June 6, 2023, emphasis added)
Why on earth would they blow up the Kakhovka dam, which was in territory under Russian control.
“The Russian Ministry of defense has been warning for over a year now that the Kiev regime is likely to collapse the dam up river from Kherson and cause a catastrophe.
Well, sure enough, today [June 6, 2023] they did just that and the West is stupidly buying into the propaganda that the Russians are to blame.
Of course the Russians wouldn’t destroy their own dam, [In territory they control] but if the combined West admits that the Russians were right all along and that their “Nazi pals” burst the dam, that would be bad publicity for Washington.
In the case of the Nord Stream sabotage, they pretended to start an “investigation” that went nowhere, but this time, the unbiased UN chief just skipped that step and laid it right on Putin, exonerating the Nazis from the outset.”
Informed and officially advised on October 21, 2022 (with distribution to all members of the UNSC) here is UNSG’s Antonio Guterres’ response regarding the destruction of the dam.
BREAKING: UN chief @antonioguterres said the tragic destruction of #Ukraine dam was another devastating consequence of the #Russian invasion, calling for all attacks on civilians & civilian infrastructure to stophttps://t.co/o2L5tU0Cvl
UN Secretary-General António Guterres pleaded ignorance: “he told reporters in New York outside the Security Council that the UN had no access to independent information to verify how the catastrophe had occurred.” That’s an outright lie.
Regular leaders here probably all saw that explosion of the munitions storage dump in the western Ukraine last week, and the firey roiling mushroom clouds that accompanied them. There has been the usual chatter on the internet and various sites that the explosions may have been of a storage facility where some of the munitions were depleted uranium, and that hence, the explosions may have been “nuclear” in some form or fashion. I have to be honest: I have seen two starkly different recordings of the same explosions, and to my eyes, they show two very different events. In the version that most people have seen, the explosions occur in a massive fireball, and very tellingly, as the fireball rises to form a mushroom cloud, there is continued fire and burning of material in the cloud, a typical signature of a nuclear detonation. Continued combustion in the cloud as it rises is a typical signature of a nuclear explosion, and the burn continues until the material is burned out. The other video – much rarer – shows the initial explosion, but little to no burn immediately thereafter in the mushroom cloud. We were then treated to a variety of experts on various YouTube channels talking about the question that the depleted uranium allegedly in storage at the facility had some sort of burn, and we were assured by these experts that there was no such possibility.
I’m not so sure. Under normal conditions of use, the kinetic impact of a depleted uranium round is so fast and therefore energetic, that the uranium literally burns inside the target, killing the people within. After all, the mechanism of the Little Boy uranium bomb was precisely a 5″ naval rifle – a cannon once again – that fired a projectile of uranium-235 into a target, which itself consisting of more uranium-235. It was the sheer speed and kinetic energy of the impact that initiated the reaction. So for those who know their ordnance, a depleted uranium round is like a hollow charge HEAT round, on steroids. Think of your standard HEAT round as the old actor Wally Cox, and a depleted uranium round as Arnold Schwarzenneggar, and you get the idea. Why depleted uranium? because it is an extremely dense material in its metallic form(much more so than gold or lead) an therefore much heavier per unit of volume than gold or lead. As for a burn under explosive conditions, it is to be remembered that smashing two bits of highly enriched uranium-235 together in one’s hands can literally cause a kind of sub-critical nuclear “fizzle”, and indeed, such an incident actually happened by accident during the wartime American Manhattan Project. So I am not entirely convinced by the experts on YouTube calmly assuring us that we are not watching any sort of nuclear combustion in the vast majority of the videos of the incident. Indeed, perhaps a fuel air explosive would have enough brisance to create the kinetic conditions for rounds of depleted uranium to respond with a burn.
But my chief explosive concern here today is this story shared by E.G. and many other regular readers out there, about 30 tons of ammonia nitrate that appears to have gone missing from a freight train on its way from Wyoming to Looneyfornia:
Now this story just has “TROUBLE” written all over it, and if you’re like me – and you probably are otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this website – you’re going to find the “narrative” here a bit disturbing:
A 30-ton shipment of ammonium nitrate, a chemical used as both fertilizer and as a component in explosives, has gone missing during a rail shipment between Wyoming and California last month, resulting in four separate investigations.
A railcar loaded with some 60,000 pounds of the chemical left Cheyenne, Wyoming on April 12, only to be found empty two weeks later at a rail stop in the Mojave Desert, according to a short incident report from the firm which shipped the ammonium, KQED reports.
And of course, there’s the usual-and-to-be-expected reference to ammonia nitrate and the Oklahoma City Bombing:
Ammonium nitrate is commonly used as fertilizer. It’s also an ingredient in high explosives and was used in the homemade bomb detonated in the 1995 attack on the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. (All emphases in the original)
However, the dirty little secret of the dirty and not-so-little ammonia nitrate bomb used in the Oklahoma City Bombing is that the brisance of ammonia nitrate is very low as explosives go, and thus, the mere 4,500 pounds of fertilizer was insufficient in brisance to bring down the B-3 column in the Murrah building by stress loading on that column. It was a retired U.S. Air Force brigadier general, Benton K. Partin, whose specialty was explosive ordnance and damage assessment, who crunched the numbers and came to that conclusion. And that discomforting physics fact means that there had to have been demolition charges on that column (and probably on the others that failed), in order to account for the failure of the columns. The ammonia nitrate bomb simply didn’t have the “oomph” to do it. But it does have enough “oomph” to do some damage, particularly to non-reinforced structures (which the Murrah building was not).
Now comes what to me appears to be the narrative part, because I’m just not buying the explanation given in the article for the disappearance of the ammonia nitrate:
According to Dyno Nobel, the Ammonium – transferred in pellet form in a covered hopper car similar to those used to ship coal – must have fallen from the car on the way to a rail siding (where a short track connects with the main track) around 30 miles from the town of Mojave in eastern Kern County, in a city called Saltdale.
“The railcar was sealed when it left the Cheyenne facility, and the seals were still intact when it arrived in Saltdale. The initial assessment is that a leak through the bottom gate on the railcar may have developed in transit,” said the company, adding that the two-week trip included multiple stops. They report having had “limited control” over the railcar operated by Union Pacific.
The railcar is being transported back to Wyoming for inspection.
Meanwhile, a representative for the Federal Railroad Administration says the investigation points to an improperly closed hopper car gate.
Now, wait just a minute… if the car was sealed in Cheyenne, if it had a leak, wouldn’t the leak have been visible even in the yard in Cheyenne? And if the leak was sprung later while the train was en route, which, incidentally, “included multiple stops” on its two week journey, were no inspections done along the way? Wouldn’t the Union Pacific officials have noticed a leak from the hopper car while it was sided in their yards? Union Pacific is a rather efficient railroad and they are, after all, the railroad that has been restoring steam locomotives to functionality and even using them on freight hauls. This expertise and expense does not, to me, signal the kind of lackadaisical attitude necessary for a hopper car full of ammonia nitrate to spring a leak, and then go unnoticed for two weeks. Sorry, as of this moment and without further information, I’m not buying the narrative. Colour me Highly Skeptical.
And the same goes for the “improperly closed hopper gate.” Presumably the hopper gate was improperly closed in Cheyenne, for the stops along the way would have no reason to open it. And again, we face the same problem here as well, because we’re being asked to believe that the yardmasters and crews along the Union Pacific route taken by the hopper car over two weeks would never have noticed a leak and an improperly closed hopper gate. Even in modern dumbed-down thoroughly quackcinated Amairikuh, I find it difficult to believe that NO one noticed nor raised an alarm or alert.
So we end with an empty hopper car in a hamlet in Looneyfornia and a missing 30 tons of ammonia nitrate.
I do not know about you, but my high octane antennae are pulsing with suspicion. I just cannot get it out of my mind that somewhere out there there’s another “op” being planned with another McVeigh and another rented truck. Oklahoma City’s ammonia nitrate bomb was only about two tons. Thirty tons of the stuff would be very bad, and if the two tons of the Oklahoma City bomb was a cover for some serious demolition charges, one has to wonder if, indeed the thirty tons was stolen by nefarious actors, and a if cover-narrative is being concocted ahead of whatever planned event they have in their evil diabolical heads, then what sort of real explosion might thirty tons of the stuff be a cover for?
… Unfortunately, none of my answers to that question are very good…
Paradigm shifts have become a big thing thanks to the Covid™ narrative. The events of 2020 were so obviously abnormal that questioning everything immediately became a staple of my new normal.
We all know about Nashville school shooting incident that happened recently.
The following is what CNN reported.
Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school Monday, carefully planned the attack, according to officials.
While the shooter’s gender identity is unclear, police told CNN that Hale was assigned female at birth and used “male pronouns” on social media.
I laughed at the bit about “assigned female at birth”. (Mark McDonald has more on that.)
Does that shooter look like a female?
The following conversation with James is mostly a slideshow in which he breaks apart the entire story, concluding that this was yet another staged mass shooting.
According to the media, female Audrey Hale, who identified as a male, murdered six at a Christian School in Nashville, TN, including three children.
An anti-gun lobbyist who witnessed the Highland Park parade shooting was at the crime scene with her friend, who lost a daughter at the Waffle House shooting.
They spent the day telling all the cameras how they were, coincidentally, there on vacation and that America needs more gun laws.
[Anti-Gun Lobbyist is seen here in various clips from local media & CNN.]
The US military routinely orchestrates simulated crises all over the country and hires civilians to be crisis actors.
And we’ve seen the use of crisis actors in several major events, such as 9/11 and the Boston Marathon bombing.
The anti-gun lobby has been accused of using crisis actors for years, but this is a whole new level. And when we look at the details of the Nashville shooting, the presence of the gun lobbyist does not appear to be a coincidence.
The Nashville shooting has signs of a typical false flag.
The woman being touted by the media as the shooter’s good friend who received the Instagram confession is actually just a childhood acquaintance who says she was contacted because she’s a local media personality.
The alleged shooter was under doctor’s care for an emotional disorder. And the shooter is seen wearing two different pairs of shoes within the hour.
Pumas going in and Vans going out. But there is more to this false flag than the typical gun grab.
This Saturday, a group called Trans Radical Activist Network is organizing a protest in Washington, DC, called Day of Vengeance. This is reportedly a new movement called Militant Trans, an armed branch of the LGBTQ cult that is threatening to kill those who oppose sex change ops for children.
Just hours after the Nashville shooting, the governor of Arizona’s press secretary tweeted a picture of a woman wielding two handguns with the caption “Us when we see transphobes”. This is followed by what appears to be online support. Madonna raises money in Nashville, not for the three murdered children, but for the trans community.
A trans named Adam Denker, who now goes by Kayla, recently made headlines for posting a short video with a rifle, threatening to fight back against transphobes.
Journalist Andy Ngo is reporting that Denker is a member of Antifa and is former military, which shouldn’t be a surprise. The military has changed their code to allow for transsexuals. Military psychologists have been pushing confused personnel into getting radical sexual reassignment surgeries, that the military is now paying for.
So far in 2023 alone, the US government has spent $10 million to research LGBTQ Americans. And that’s nothing. In the year 2017 well over 100 organizations gave $185 million to support the LGBTQ community.
And the top spender has been Big Pharma.
The mentally ill are being weaponized by the New World Order and we the people are being goaded into seeing them as the enemy.
Destruction, social devastation and the loss of life. Our thoughts are with the people of Turkey and Syria.
The latest reports point to a death toll in Turkey and Syria well in excess of 50,000, more than half a million injured, tens of thousands of people missing. The social devastation and destruction is beyond description. The first and second earthquakes on February 6, 2023 in Kahramanmaras province in Southern Turkey were respectively of the magnitude of 7.6 and 7.8 (Richter scale).
A third earthquake of a magnitude of 6.3 was recorded on February 20th.
In Turkey, some 530,000 people have been evacuated from the disaster area. Ankara confirms that “173,000 buildings have so far been recorded as collapsed or severely damaged, with more than 1.9 million people taking refuge in temporary shelters or hotels and public facilities.”
In the words of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan: ““We are living through the most painful days in our history”.
In Syria, the earthquakes have largely affected the cities of Aleppo, Lattakia and Hama which are within proximity of Syria’s Northwestern border with Turkey. The latest announced death toll in Syria was 5,914, with 8.8 million people affected.
President Bachar Al Assad underscored that US-NATO has been at war with Syria for almost 12 years, while emphasizing that “Syria has not been an earthquake area for about two and a half centuries”.
In this article, Part I will focus on the History of Earthquake Activity in Turkey, while underscoring the fact that prior to the February 6, 2023 earthquake, there was no recent evidence or historical record of “major earthquake” activity in Southern Anatolia.
Part II will provide a Review ofEnvironmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD).
What is significant in regards to the Turkey-Syria earthquake disaster is that the 1977 UN Convention (cited above) contains provisions for the conduct of an investigation in regards to “destruction, damage or injury” incurred by the “State Parties”, under the auspices of a UN “Consultative Committee of Experts”.
There are also provisions in the Convention for referral to the United Nations Security Council on behalf of the “State Parties”. These issues are outlined in Part IV.
I — History of Earthquake Activity in Turkey
In regards to Turkey, geological analysis suggests the following:
“earthquake activities mainly occur “on the Anatolian plate, a small wedge-shaped tectonic plate that is being squeezed westwards as the Arabian plate to the east slams into the Eurasian plate“. (emphasis added).
What characterizes Turkey’s earthquake activity is:
The February 6, 2023 earthquakes with epicentres in Pazarcik (7.8) and Ekinozu (7.5) respectively in proximity of Gaziantep and Kahramanmaraş are the largest “major earthquakes” in recent history. (See Table in Annex, Graph below).
Historically, the largest earthquakes in Turkey have epicentres in North Western Anatolia, in proximity of Istanbul, Western Anatolia as well as in the Northeastern region.
The North Anatolian Fault
Seven large (MS) 7.0 earthquakes in the period from 1939 through 1999 along the North Anatolian Fault. See map above
These earthquakes have ruptured the fault progressively from east to west. Following are data for the seven large earthquakes that have progressively ruptured the North Anatolian fault:
1939 December 26. Magnitude (MS) 7.9 – 8.0. 30,000 deaths. Fault length about 360 km. Initiated the eastward migration of significant earthquakes on the North Anatolian fault. (Termed the 1939 Erzincan earthquake, North Anatolia)
1942 December 20. Magnitude (MS) 7.1. Fault length about 50 km. (Termed the 1942 Erbaa earthquake, North Anatolia)
1943 November 26. Magnitude (MS) 7.6. Fault length about 280 km. (Termed the 1943 Tosya earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
1944 February 01. Magnitude (MS) 7.3. Fault length about 165 km. (Termed the 1944 Bolu-Gerede earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
1957 May 26. Magnitude (MS) about 7. Fault length about 30 km. (Termed the 1957 Abant earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
1967 July 22. Magnitude (MS) 7.1. Fault length about 80 km. (Termed the 1967 Mudurnu Valley earthquake, Northern Anatolia)
1999 August 17. Ismit. Magnitude (MS) 7.8; MW 7.4-7.5) North Western Anatolia
Bingol: a magnitude 6.9 and occurred in the eastern city of Turkey on May 22, 1971.
City of Izmit: August 17, 1999, 90 km southeast of Istanbul, 7.6 magnitude. The earthquake occurred in the industrialized and most densely populated urban areas of Istanbul, Sakarya, Golcuk, Darica, and Derince.
Düzce Quake, 12 November 1999, A major earthquake occurred 70 kilometers (45 miles) east of Adapazari or 170 km (105 mi) northwest of Ankara, A magnitude of 7.2.
The city of Van. 23 October 2011. A magnitude 7.1 earthquake, northeastern city close to border with Iran.
Izmir: of 30 October 2020, a magnitude 7.0 with an epicentre about 14 km northeast of the Greek island of Samos.
Nota Bene: None of these major earthquakes (1939-1999) are in Southern Anatolia.
Long-Term History of Earthquakes in Turkey (342 AD -1999)
In the 13th Century, a “major earthquake” (60,000 deaths) was recorded in Adana in 1268 (Southern Anatolia). Moreover, since the 15th Century, all “major earthquakes” have occurred in Northwestern, Western and Northeastern Anatolia. (See Annex)
Southern Turkey Earthquakes
Reuters has categorized the initial major earthquake (February 6, 2023) “as the most powerful in the region in at least a century”. That is an understatement. In regards to Southern Anatolia, it is the largest earthquake in more than seven centuries. (Adana in 1268, see Table in Annex)
On record in Southern Turkey, is the Ceyhan-Adana earthquakeon 27 June 1998, with magnitude of 6.3, affecting the cities of Ceyhan and Adana, 146 deaths. The Ceyan earthquake, however, is not categorized as “a major earthquake”.
As outlined above, the major earthquakes in Turkey are along the North Anatolia Fault.
Prior to February 6, 2023
Not a single “major earthquake” in Southern Anatolia in the course of more than 700 years: Does that not “tell us something” regarding the “probability” or “likelihood” of a “major earthquake” occurring in Southern Turkey?
Earthquake “Forecasting”
Earthquake forecasting is routine. An earthquake can be forecasted up to months ahead. “Forecasting” however must not be confused with “seismological prediction”:
Dutch seismologist Frank Hoogerbeets, who works for the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGS) in the Netherlands, predicted the earthquake in Turkey on February 3, 2023, three days before its occurrence.
No Firm Evidence of a Terrorist Attack
While there may be doubts at a political level, there is at this stage no firm evidence that this was a terrorist attack. Based on information in the public domaine (as opposed to classified information), there is no tangible evidence that “environmental modifications techniques” were used against Turkey and Syria.
You know those power poles on the streets. They are similar to these pillars, about 8-10 meters high. Metal rods.
There is nothing inside the rod, no explosives, nothing, but it’s a metal rod made of a hard titanium alloy material.
They put them in a satellite. And then they aim and launch them to Earth. It’s like a stick with a sharp point. For example, God forbid, it falls somewhere, we will not name the disaster scenario now, but as soon as it falls to the ground, it penetrates up to 5 km deep into the earth.
This happens very quickly and creates an earthquake of magnitude 7-8.
As a result of the impact, everything that is there will be destroyed. Look, there are no weapons here, no explosives, no bombs, nothing like that. Simple sticks [rods]. But there is such a force that comes from outer space, and you have no chance to see it, stop it, or defend yourself.” (emphasis added)
There is a vast literature on weather modification techniques for military use much of which is classified. The US and Russia are on record. They possess advanced ENMOD technologies.
The late World renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertell confirmed that “US military scientists … are working on weather systems as a potential weapon. Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book “Between Two Ages” that:
“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…”
Scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich who was actively involved in the public campaign against HAARP– described HAARP as:
“A super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere [upper layer of the atmosphere] by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything — living and dead.”
Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of “unconventional weapons” using radio frequencies. He refers to “weather war,” indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already
“mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s.”
My article entitled Weather Warfare first published by The Ecologist on May 22 2008 provides a summary of several in-depth and detailed articles I wrote at an earlier period on environmental modification (ENMOD) techniques for military use:
“Rarely acknowledged in the debate on global climate change, the world’s weather can now be modified as part of a new generation of sophisticated electromagnetic weapons. Both the US and Russia have developed capabilities to manipulate the climate for military use.
Environmental modification techniques have been applied by the US military for more than half a century. US mathematician John von Neumann, in liaison with the US Department of Defense, started his research on weather modification in the late 1940s at the height of the Cold War and foresaw ‘forms of climatic warfare as yet unimagined’.
During the Vietnam war, cloud-seeding techniques were used, starting in 1967 under Project Popeye, the objective of which was to prolong the monsoon season and block enemy supply routes along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
The US military has developed advanced capabilities that enable it selectively to alter weather patterns. The technology, which is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) [closed down in 2014, officially transferred to the University of Alaska] is an appendage of the Strategic Defense Initiative – ‘Star Wars’. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction, operating from the outer atmosphere and capable of destabilising agricultural and ecological systems around the world.
Established in 1992, HAARP, based in Gokona, Alaska, is an array of high-powered antennas that transmit, through high-frequency radio waves, massive amounts of energy into the ionosphere (the upper layer of the atmosphere). Their construction was funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Operated jointly by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating ‘controlled local modifications of the ionosphere’.
“Rosalie Bertell, president of the International Institute of Concern for Public Health, says HAARP operates as ‘a gigantic heater that can cause major disruptions in the ionosphere, creating not just holes, but long incisions in the protective layer that keeps deadly radiation from bombarding the planet’.
Physicist Dr Bernard Eastlund called it ‘the largest ionospheric heater ever built’.
HAARP is presented by the US Air Force as a research programme, but military documents confirm its main objective is to ‘induce ionospheric modifications’ with a view to altering weather patterns and disrupting communications and radar.
Of significance, a CBC TV report (1996) acknowledged that the HAARP facility in Alaska under the auspices of the US Air Force had the ability of triggering typhoons, earthquakes, floods and droughts:
“Directed energy is such a powerful technology it could be used to heat the ionosphere to turn weather into a weapon of war. Imagine using a flood to destroy a city or tornadoes to decimate an approaching army in the desert. The military has spent a huge amount of time on weather modification as a concept for battle environments. If an electromagnetic pulse went off over a city, basically all the electronic things in your home would wink and go out, and they would be permanently destroyed.”
CBC TV Report (1996)
It should be noted that while the HAARP program based in Gakona, Alaska was closed down in 2014 (transferred to the University of Alaska), the US Air Force which managed the HAARP project, nonetheless confirmed that ENMOD techniques for military use were slated to continue:
“We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said.
“To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”
“Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather”
The underlying objective from a military standpoint is “Owning the Weather”. At the time this US Air Force study was commissioned in 1996, the HAARP program was already fully operational as documented by the CBC.
The stated purpose of the Report is described below:
In this paper we show that appropriate application of weather-modification can provide battlespace dominance to a degree never before imagined. In the future, such operations will enhance air and space superiority and provide new options for battlespace shaping and battlespace awareness there, waiting for us to pull it all together;” in 2025 we can “Own the Weather.”(Commissioned by US Air Force document AF 2025 Final Report,public document)
Weather-modification, according to the US Air Force Report “offers the war fighter a wide range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary”, capabilities, it says, extend to the triggering of floods, hurricanes, droughts and earthquakes:
‘Weather modification will become a part of domestic and international security and could be done unilaterally… It could have offensive and defensive applications and even be used for deterrence purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog and storms on earth or to modify space weather… and the production of artificial weather all are a part of an integrated set of [military] technologies.”
….From enhancing friendly operations or disrupting those of the enemy via small-scale tailoring of natural weather patterns to complete dominance of global communications and counterspace control, weather-modification offers the war fighter a wide-range of possible options to defeat or coerce an adversary. Some of the potential capabilities a weather-modification system could provide to a war-fighting commander in chief (CINC) are listed in table 1. (emphasis added)
While the triggering of earthquakes is an integral part of the HAARP technology, the term earthquakes does not appear explicitly in the above version of US Air Force document. Appendices A and B of the report point to role of the Ionosphere pertaining to maximum usable frequency (MUF).
The Involvement of the CIA in ENMOD Technologies
Back in July 2013, MSN news reported that the CIA was involved in helping to fund a project by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) focusing on geo-engineering and climate manipulation. The report not only acknowledged these technologies, it confirmed that US intelligence has been routinely involved in addressing the issue of climatic manipulation:
“The goal of the CIA-backed NAS study is to conduct a “technical evaluation of a limited number of proposed geoengineering techniques,” according to the NAS website. Scientists will attempt to determine which geoengineering techniques are feasible and try to evaluate the impacts and risks of each (including “national security concerns”).” (See Slate, July 2013)
“The CIA is helping fund the research because the NAS also plans to evaluate “the national security concerns (that could be) related to geoengineering technologies being deployed somewhere in the world,” Kearney said.
III — The 1977 U.N. Convention on the Use of Environmental Modification Techniques
In 1977, an international Convention was ratified by the UN General Assembly which banned “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects”.
ENMOD techniques also apply to earthquakes:
“It defined ‘environmental modification techniques’ as ‘any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.” (emphasis added)
The historic 1977 Convention ratified by the UN General Assembly banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects.”
…Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military … use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva, May 18, 1977. Entered into force: 5 October 1978, see full text of Convention in Annex)
As of 2022, 78 countries have ratified or acceded to the treaty including Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, the U.S. and the Russian Federation. Israel has not ratified the Treaty.
European Parliament Committee’s Motion for Resolution
It is also worth noting that in February 1998, the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defense Policy held public hearings in Brussels on the HAARP program. The Committee’s “Motion for Resolution” submitted to the European Parliament:
“Considers HAARP… by virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical implications to be examined by an international independent body…; [the Committee] regrets the repeated refusal of the United States Administration… to give evidence to the public hearing …into the environmental and public risks [of] the HAARP program.” (emphasis added)
IV — “An Expert Investigation” into “Hostile Use of ENMOD”
In view of the gravity of the Turkey-Syria earthquake, the loss of life, the devastating social and economic impacts, an “expert investigation” should be conducted predicated on the 1977 International Convention banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques”.
I should mention that since the ratification of the 1977 UN Convention cited above, ENMOD techniques for military use have become increasingly sophisticated.
Can we trust the United Nations? The two “State Parties”, namely Turkey and Syria should collaborate and conduct their own internal investigation prior to the conduct of an expert investigation under UN auspices.
The Terms of Reference of this Investigation are contained in the Articles of Agreement of the UN Treaty.
Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.
Article II refers to ENMOD techniques including earthquakes:
Article II
As used in article 1, the term “environmental modification techniques” refers to any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.
Article V
1. The States Parties to this Convention undertake to consult one another and to co-operate in solving any problems which may arise in relation to the objectives of, or in the application of the provisions of, the Convention. Consultation and co-operation pursuant to this article may also be undertaken through appropriate international procedures within the framework of the United Nations and in accordance with its Charter. These international procedures may include the services of appropriate international organizations, as well as of a Consultative Committee of Experts as provided for in paragraph 2 of this article.
2. For the purposes set forth in paragraph 1 of this article, the Depositary shall within one month of the receipt of a request from any State Party to this Convention, convene a Consultative Committee of Experts. …
3. Any State Party to this Convention which has reason to believe that any other State Party is acting in breach of obligations deriving from the provisions of the Convention may lodge a complaint with the Security Council of the United Nations. Such a complaint should include all relevant information as well as all possible evidence supporting ItS validity.
4. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes to cooperate in carrying out any investigation which the Security Council may initiate, in accordance with the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations, on the basis of the complaint received by the Council. The Security Council shall inform the States Parties of the results of the investigation.
In Annex to the Text of the Convention is the Following:
1. The Consultative Committee of Experts shall undertake to make appropriate findings of fact and provide expert views relevant to any problem raised pursuant to paragraph 1 of article V of this Convention by the State Party requesting the convening of the Committee.
emphasis added
Concluding Remarks
We are in solidarity with the people of Turkey and Syria.
At this stage, it would be unwise and premature to draw simplistic conclusions.
There is a forbidden truth. I have attempted to provide a framework of analysis and understanding.
The damage and loss of life is beyond description: The issue should be the object of analysis, dialogue and debate, with reference to the 1977 International Convention banning “military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques”.
Turkey and Syria as “State Parties” must, as a first step, conduct their own internal investigation before referring it to the UN Consultative Committee of Experts and/or to the United Nations Security Council.
Source: This Information was provided by USGS – National Earthquake Information Center
ISK: Earthquake catalog of Kandilli Observatory, Bogazici University, Istanbul, supplied by NOAA/NGDC (Meyers and Von Hake), Boulder CO, 1985.
ITU: K. Ergin, U. Guclu and Z. Uz, A Catalog of Earthquakes for Turkey and Surrounding Area (11 AD to 1964 AD), Technical University of Istanbul, Faculty of Mining Engineering, 1967.
AFAD: Earthquake Risk Map by AFAD, Department of Disasters and Emergency Management, 2018.
NG(n): R. Ganse and J. Nelson, Catalog of Significant Earthquakes 2000 BC – 1979 Including Quantitative Casualties and Damage, NOAA/NGDC Report SE-27, Boulder CO, 1981. The number in parentheses is from their references table, as listed below:
2: Lomnitz, Global Tectonics and Earthquake Risk, 1974.
3: Bath, Introduction to Seismology, 1978.
5b: (there is no source 5b — probably should be 55?).
7: Meyers and von Hake, Earthquake data file summary, 1976.
51: Munchener Ruckversicherungs-Gesellschaft, World Map of Natural Hazards, 1978.
55: Milne, Catalogue of Destructive Earthquakes, 1911.
73: U.S. Congress, Great Earthquakes, 1888.
99: Karnik, Seismicity of the European Area, 1971.
120: Alsinawi and Galih, Historical Seismicity of Iraq, 1978.
138: Ambraseys, Middle East A Reappraisal of Seismicity, 1978.
The original source of this article is Global Research
Find out the dirty truth about the global food crisis and how the powers-that-shouldn’t-be are trying to use this crisis as an opportunity to usher in the Great Food Reset on today’s fast-paced edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
As Klaus Schwab recently opined, the future of global hegemony will be dependent on the mastery of avant garde technologies which were once relegated to the realm of science fiction. With that power in mind, technologies advancing artificial intelligence, synthetic biology, and other pillars of the World Economic Forum’s so-called fourth industrial revolution have begun to permeate into our everyday lives. Perhaps no greater example of the imperative of the technocratic elite to harness these technologies is the digital ID. The premise of an over arching digital identity as a mechanism for vast government surveillance was one of the cornerstones of the authoritarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apparently, that crisis wasn’t the only instance of an opportunity to beta test the tools of dystopian oppression.
The town of East Palestine, Ohio shows how deeply embedded this agenda is in the plans of the elite. Before the town entered into the public discourse by becoming the scene of one of the worst environmental disasters in US history, the biggest piece of news to come out of it appears to be another iteration of the ongoing initiative to implement digital surveillance tools into public infrastructure. In late January, East Palestine officially launched its MyID program in order to equip residents of the town and neighboring Unity Township with digital IDs. The premise was purportedly to equip emergency responders with digital health profiles of those who they would be treating. East Palestine’s digital ID initiative was first announced in October 2022.
The rollout of the MyID program was vested in the East Palestine Fire Department.
“It’s kind of like the old Medical Alert bracelet or old Vials of Life Program, however this is with new technology. It’s a QR code that we’re able to scan and it will bring up your pertinent information medically related. There is no information that anybody can take and steal your ID with. It’s just for us to be able to take care of patients who aren’t able to communicate with us,” East Palestine Fire Chief Keith Drabick said.
The East Palestine Fire Department held a sign-up event at the town’s community center this January in an effort to drive enrollment into the cloud based information system. They were was able to collect $5,000 in donation to aid in the roll out of the program to make the first 250 wearable devices available to enrollees for free. The QR codes can be affixed to a wristband or a key faub but depend on digital ID software storing a person’s health information in a cloud-hosted database in either instance.
During the event, Drabick emphasized that the MyID pilot program was intended to have a limited scope narrowly pertaining to sensitive medical information of those enrolled, tacitly alluding to underlying concerns about privacy that has skeptics of digital IDs reticent about the technology. Drabick would go on to compel skeptics to explore the program despite their reservations. “Anybody that skeptical? Please come on down. Sit down, talk to us. We’ll be happy to show you everything that goes on with it. We’ll be happy to show you how secure it is.”
Despite the initiative to implement the MyID program, even the fire department officials tasked will its roll out likely could not have foreseen the devastation East Palestine would incur following a botched controlled burn of a chemical spill that has turned the small town into North America’s own version of Chernobyl. However, the impetus to start a digital ID initiative preceding what would have been an unforeseen crisis is a pattern that supposed “conspiracy theorists” know all too well.
Before the hysteria surrounding COVD-19 gripped the world, an event held in collaboration between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University foreshadowing the eventual pandemic. Event 201 created a simulation to gauge the global response to a coronavirus epidemic as a means of pushing forward the very technologies at the center of the World Economic Forum’s vision of the future which were also implemented in East Palestine before the watershed crisis that would alter the landscape of the town forever. One of the partners for Event 201 was ID2020, a digital ID initiative that Bill Gates was heavily invested in that served as an archetype for the vaccine passports that global NGOs and sovereign governments alike have been steadfast in attempting to implement.
The devastation in East Palestine rightfully puts an emphasis on an effective emergency response to save the 5,000 or so residents of the town from the peril they face as they are engulfed in a carcinogenic miasma which threatens their short term and long term health. While that is the understandable priority, the underlying currents of patterns which have preceded previous manufactured emergencies are putting the chemical catastrophe into a new light. First, there was the re-emergence of the 2022 film White Noise which seemingly served as a piece of predictive programming as its plot centered around the aftermath of a chemical explosion affecting a small town in Ohio. Now, the roll out of a digital ID program like that which was showcased during Event 201 raises even more questions than answers about what is really going on in East Palestine.
“Liberty is not for these slaves; I do not advocate inflicting it against their conscience. On the contrary, I am strongly in favor of letting them crawl and grovel all they please before whatever fraud or combination of frauds they choose to venerate…Our whole practical government is grounded in mob psychology and the Boobus Americanus will follow any command that promises to make him safer.”
~ H. L. Mencken
We are in the midst of one perceived fake threat after another claimed by the state, and each day seems to bring more and more events best described as fantasy; or to a greater extent, purposely produced and directed theatre. Hollywood could not manage these false flags any better, or maybe the movie design of all these staged events and government are fully coordinated and choreographed.
Regardless of where we begin, all of this could easily be placed under the heading, “You just can’t make this s**t up!” It appears that each and every ‘event’ is meant for one or another purpose, but lies and cover-ups by this corrupt government and its bought and paid for media, are certainly beyond obvious.
It is interesting to look at time lines to find out the sequence of events, so as to find if one is being used to cover another. The East Palestine train ‘derailment’ actually happened on February 3rd, which was two weeks ago. This is one of the most devastating toxic releases of deadly poison ever to occur, and was intentionally detonated under the guise of protecting the residents from a possible explosion. In other words, this train full of incredibly deadly chemicals, was intentionally blown up (exploded) to ‘protect’ the citizens from a possible explosion. Very little if anything was reported about this life-changing event by any major news outlet, and did not become well known until many days later when the uproar reached high levels. The White House and government did not comment for a week. In the meantime, the first so-called Chinese balloon that was recognized on February 3rd, (the same day of the toxic release in Ohio) was shot down over the Atlantic the next day, and the balloon fiasco became the most major story in the mainstream media, while thousands of people’s lives were threatened, fish and animals were dying, and lethal poisons were traveling across the country. Coincidence? Not hardly.
Since that time, and still, any number of planted objects have continually been shot down; these stories inundating the mainstream news. As an aside, in 2022, a movie called “White Noise,” (I am not linking this) was released, which portrayed a train derailment in a small town in Ohio, that allowed a toxic release of deadly chemical poisons. In addition, the train that derailed recently, was filmed by security cameras 20 miles before it reached East Palestine, and showed the rail car that supposedly caused the derailment was on fire, but the train was not stopped. Why?
But do not worry, as this evil government has vowed to investigate this tragedy, well after it happened, and only due to exposure, which in effect is like investigating itself; this after the White House and FEMA turned down disaster relief for East Palestine while spending tens of millions to shoot down balloons. This tragedy and environmental disaster has been described by many as the same as a chemical nuclear bomb being dropped on the area.
It just so happens that the two largest shareholders of Norfolk Southern, the rail company in question, and said to not be carrying toxic and deadly chemicals before derailing in East Palestine, are Vanguard and Blackrock. Worry not however, as Norfolk Southern has said it is ‘making plans’ to create a $1 million dollar charitable fund to support all the residents of East Palestine. For those with weak math skills, this equates to about $200 per person. Of course, the millions who will likely be very adversely affected by this across a large swath of this country are just out of luck, as they will not receive their $200. This is akin to shutting down businesses across the country, many closed for an undetermined amount of time, and many going bankrupt, all for a fake ‘pandemic,’ and receiving a check from the same government that shut them down, for $1,200 for their misery.
To add insult to injury, the very evil EPA has announced that all the air and water after this intentional release of deadly toxins in East Palestine, is safe. Of course their track record does not bring confidence, as the toxic waste and poisons in the air in New York after the state-sponsored terror attack of 9/11, was given the same “safe” to breathe label. These past few years have brought much in the area of safe, or “safe and effective.” How has that worked out so far?
How many negative events, especially any that could be harmful to government, are covered up? How many cover stories or plotted secondary ’emergencies’ are used as cover for government terror, government policy, or mandates that caused great harm? Think of the Ukraine plot, continuous false flag events, the recent U.S. terror campaign and blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines, fake pandemics, the made-up China and Russia threat, the bioweapon injection meant to harm hundreds of millions here and billions worldwide, the new and ridiculous current UFO scare, and killer balloons. What about fake cyber threats and cyber false flag scares, what about the slaughter of chickens and farm animals, what about manufactured food shortages, what about energy plant destruction, what about money expansion and debt, and brutal price increases meant to harm all? What about all the state complicity and questions concerning so-called school shootings, and then the inevitable new gun laws enacted immediately after each event?
Consider also that any event that paints an undesirable picture of the state or government, or that indicates state involvement or lies, or that is a coverup meant to cloud the minds of the sheep so that they remain blind to the obvious truth, are hidden due to false media coverage of staged events, just as is now happening with this balloon nonsense. Consider the killer ‘earthquakes’ in Turkey that are possibly manmade, all at the same time once again happening during the massive balloon threat. It is rarely mentioned in the mainstream, but the Pentagon has been releasing advanced surveillance balloons domestically and internationally for very many years, but this goes unnoticed and unreported in the midst of the current balloon invasion.
Once again, everything in politics and government is planned in advance, is not accidental, any coincidence, natural, or organic, as all is staged in one way or another to either affect a certain outcome, or cover up another. Believe nothing in the mainstream or government, trust nothing, question everything, and never accept any reports unless you can verify the real facts in order to find the truth.
“All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be believed.”
In the movie Knowing the news reported a major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
A year later, the Deepwater Horizon exploded.
Six months before 9/11, a Lone Gunman episode showed us the World Trade Center being targeted by a hijacked passenger plane.
And last year’s film White Noise was about a train wreck that poisons a small town in Ohio.
This is the very same story now playing out in real life.
Within a year of White Noise’s release the actual event occurs in real life in Ohio, in Texas and in Michigan.
This is known as predictive programming. And its purpose is to psychologically trick the minds of the masses into accepting major traumatic events that would otherwise be resisted.
In the book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, Michael Hoffman describes a mind control technique known as the Revelation of the Method. And he writes that when the Revelation of the Method is performed in a veiled manner, accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolic words, and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target, it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind rape.
Sarah Elkhaldi of The Alchemist YouTube channel does an excellent job of explaining all this.
According to Elkhaldi, there is a law of nature in this universe that compels the dark occult to first gain our consent before trespassing against us, because they believe this protects them from the natural laws of cause and effect. They offered and we accepted, so it’s all fair.
A lack of response to an action is often taken as an approval of that action. And there is an old Latin proverb that says ‘he who is silent when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree’.
Silence is considered by many to be a form of consent. And so it is through a veiled performance of the Revelation of the Method technique that these dark occultists believe they are gaining our consent — what we know as predictive programming.
With predictive programming, the minds of the masses are impregnated with visuals of a major event before it happens. This is done through all forms of media and can be very subtle so that nobody notices. But the subconscious mind notices everything and can easily be programmed through repetition.
And so these controllers repeat whatever it is that they want us to accept as reality.
Because these images are delivered to us through entertainment, they elicit no meaningful response of opposition or resistance. And so we accept them, subconsciously. And when the event happens in real life, it is already familiar and acceptable to us, as if that’s just the way it is.
It’s a mind trick, and it works by keeping everyone locked in a spectator state. This causes what is known as paradigm blindness, which is when a person is incapable of seeing any reality other than what they’ve already been exposed to by the media.
This paradigm blindness will cause a person to get emotionally triggered whenever confronted with an alternative point of view that they have not been programmed to accept.
It’s a very powerful mind trick, and the solution is quite simple. We need to stop living as spectators of someone else’s reality. We need to start creating our own reality. And we need to remember how to say no, because they offer it to us and we accept it.
Cover image based on creative commons work of GDJ & geralt
John Podesta: The Trilateral Commission Link to UFO/Alien Mania?
All of a sudden, UFO mania is sweeping America after the shootdown of some unknown object in Alaska. NORAD says it doesn’t rule out aliens. Washington creates a UFO Task Force to investigate if it was aliens. A top 4-star general in charge of US airspace says he isn’t ruling out aliens. Well, this was unexpected, wasn’t it? Not really.
This writer was watching closely when Trilateral Commission member John Podesta left the Obama Administration in 2015 where he served as Counselor to the President. He is currently Senior Advisor to President Joe Biden for clean energy innovation and implementation; that is, he is in charge of doling out all Green New Deal spending in the United States. Actually, Podesta is credited as being the chief architect of the entire US climate policy starting way back when he served as President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff.
What? The architect of all climate policy and the creator of the Green New Deal policies is worried about UFOs and aliens and having not released the UFO files from places like Area 51 in New Mexico?
This struck me as being completely out of context, out of nowhere. I have scratched my head ever since… until now: The UFO/Alien card is finally being played.
This UFO/alien nonsense has been brewing for a long time and Podesta’s name keeps coming up. In a 2022 article by TMZ, Yep, I Sent Officials To Area 51 In Search Of Aliens, Bill Clinton flatly admitted his search for evidence of aliens:
Former President Bill Clinton made a pretty stunning and important revelation … he said during his time in office he sent federal agents to Area 51 in Nevada to find if aliens were among us.
Clinton told James Corden on ‘Late Late Show’ … he and Chief of Staff John Podesta “sent people to Area 51 to make sure there were no aliens.” He also said he wanted a full briefing on Roswell.
In 2016, Podesta’s email account was hacked. NBC News reported this on October 31, 2o16,
When hackers broke into Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s private email account, little did they know they were entering the Twilight Zone.
There, amid the grist and gossip about the inner workings of the campaign — and some pedestrian tidbits about Podesta’s personal life — was irrefutable proof that UFOs were on the radar of one of Washington’s best known power brokers.
Today, this Trilateral Commission operative is in the center of the Biden Administration, rubbing shoulders with fellow Commission member Susan “Benghazi Sue” Rice, who is Biden’s Director of the Domestic Policy Council.
It isn’t too much of a leap to figure that the current outbreak of UFO mania has something to do with John Podesta and Trilateral Commission strategy to conquer the world for Technocracy. Podesta pushed both Clinton and Obama to open up the UFO files, and now he is likely working on the Biden Administration.
The question remains, Why now?
First, it’s a huge slight-of-hand that masks other events taking place; think staging of WWIII, global financial collapse, another WHO-orchestrated pandemic, Great Reset, etc. Second, it conditions the world for a unified, global response to a new, unseen enemy that can only be spearheaded by the United Nations.
The key here is the “unseen” enemy: global warming is unseen; Covid virus is unseen; aliens are unseen.
However, Trilateral Commissioner John Podesta is not unseen, and I would suggest that Technocracy’s war on the world is about to get a lot more intense in 2023.
Last week, my friend Zain Khan asked me to share my thoughts about UFOs.
Within my 10 minute response, I shared my belief that the entire UFO disclosure movement only exists because of a long-term psyop which arose amidst the earliest days of the CIA’s MK Ultra Project and Britain’s 1950 Flying Saucer Working Group.
Since US intelligence agencies and MI6 are desperately doubling down on UFO psyops, I decided it that it were wise to showcase this discussion with Zain Khan and also the repost of my recent essay “What do UFO’s Laurence Rockefeller and MK Ultra have in Common?”
What do UFOs, Laurence Rockefeller and MK Ultra Have in Common? More Than You Think
What would you do if the American and British governments both revealed that their secret UFO programs would declassify material from each nations’ respective National Archives?
What if you found out that leading politicians like former House Majority speaker Harry Reid had allocated $22 millions of tax payer dollars to UFO research and that Obama’s former chief counsellor (and accused pedophile) John Podesta has openly called for UFO disclosure on several public occasions since 2002 or that Hillary Clinton herself called for UFO disclosure during her presidential campaign pledges of 2015?
Would you believe these claims or would you remain skeptical? How would you decide what to do?
With the July 23 public statement from the Pentagon that “off world vehicles not made on this earth” have been kept secret for decades, this question has become extremely important.
Major opinion-shapers like Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and even Russia Today have promoted the cause of alien disclosure for the past few years and with the most recent Pentagon announcement, fascination in little grey men has spread like wildfire.
Who’s Playing this Game?
For the past several decades, government-sponsored UFO research has largely been driven by the work of private subcontractors like Bigelow Aerospace which was founded by billionaire real estate speculator Robert Bigelow. Having recently joined the “new space movement” (ie: an anti-nation state trojan horse designed to promote privatized money driven model of space funding) alongside other billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Sir Richard Branson, Bigelow allocated large swaths of his fortunes to the creation of organizations like the National Institute for Discovery Science which have always worked in a private capacity with governments and academia.
One of Bigelow’s biggest tools was Sen. Harry Reid who not only received generous campaign funds from the billionaire between 1998-2009 but also allocated tens of millions in national defense funds to his company starting in 2007.
As the New York Times revealed in 2017, it was with Bigelow’s backing, that Harry Reid spearheaded the creation of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program which was devoted to identifying ETs.
In 2014, the creative force driving the “UFO-disclosure cause” has taken the form of a weird organization called To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science run by high level intelligence operatives and using a cardboard cut-out Tom Delonge (former lead singer of the punk band Blink 182). To the Stars has poured millions of dollars into cultural/educational and lobbying projects driven by books, movies, film and documentaries in the cause of “elevating global consciousness” in preparation for a new age of UFO disclosure.
As Delonge says in his promotional video: “through a series of meetings I was soon connected to a large group of US government officials. From the CIA, to the Department of Defense to Lockheed Martin Skunkworks. These were the guys involved in the secretive government programs that dealt with these subjects.”
Some of the shadowy figures affiliated with To the Stars and featured on the group’s website include a former CIA director of operations, former Deputy Assistant secretary for Defense Intelligence, former Director of Information for White House Technology, and former chief of the CIA’s counter-biological weapons program. Both Podesta and Bigelow’s Aerospace have also worked closely with Delonge’s strange group over the past six years.
Bigelow is not the only billionaire who has allocated their vast fortunes to the cause of “UFO truth”.
The Rockefeller Project
In 1993, the Disclosure Initiative was created by none other than financier Laurence Rockefeller (4th son of Standard Oil Founder John D. Rockefeller). The initiative had a two-fold purpose:
Unite all of the largest UFO research organizations in America under one umbrella organization which was promptly accomplished within one year and
Massively lobby the Clinton Administration to declassify millions of documents which was done in 1994, revealing little more than mountains of anecdotal testimonies and correspondences.
During the heyday of the Rockefeller UFO Disclosure Initiative, the Clintons stayed at the Laurence Rockefeller ranch in Wyoming, during which time an early recruit to the “disclosure mission” was Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta. Podesta started going public with calls for UFO disclosure in 2002 and has continued to work with figures like Bigelow and To the Stars Academy over the next 18 years.
Researchers Brad and Sherry Steiger noted Laurence’s strange enthusiasm in funding both UFO disclosure and psychedelic research. This fact was laid out in their 2012 Conspiracies and Secret Societies where the authors wrote:
“Laurence also funded the Green Earth Foundation, headed by Terence McKenna, who traveled the globe collecting psychoactive plants, which he was permitted to cultivate in Hawaii. McKenna theorized that aboriginal cultures have used these substances to induce a psychic link with extraterrestrials.
The Human Potential Foundation was primarily funded by Laurence Rockefeller, who encouraged its study of alternative religious and psychiatric/psychological paradigms. Similarly, Laurence cooperated closely with the BSW Foundation, headed by wealthy New Yorkers Sandra Wright Houghton and Bootsy Galbraith, who shared his belief that the ETs are benevolent and have come to help the human species ascend the evolutionary ladder more rapidly.”
During the Clinton White House years, Laurence Rockefeller recruited a bodybuilding biologist named Stephen Greer to become the controller of the Disclosure Project which has provided his meal ticket to this very day. Greer has given thousands of interviews promoting the narrative that NASA’s Apollo Lunar projects were stopped in 1972 merely because the aliens who have been stationed on the Moon for eons didn’t want the truth to leak out (but were at least kind enough to let us keep the technology they gave us earlier in Roswell in the 1950s).
If you believe in Greer’s narrative (which gets much crazier I promise), then human creative thought is actually not as special as “the shadowy forces controlling the government” wanted you to believe since space technology only exists because we stole stuff from ETs. Pretty much any inspired awe in universal creation and the power of the human mind to discover this creation with the effect of making life better through scientific and technological progress would easily be killed from this outlook.
From this mindset, the idea of advanced knowledge or technological progress just become another kind of “secret knowledge” for some gnostic-styled cult with a select few endowed with the powers of secret knowledge (in this case, those who are privy to communicate with aliens and use their tech.)
The questions an intelligent person should now ask are:
Why would a leading figure of the Rockefeller dynasty devote the last decades of his life to the cause of “UFO truth”? Did Laurence Rockefeller or those on his payroll or those in the CIA actually care about the right of the people to know hidden truths, or is the plan just designed to mis-direct the minds of credulous and jaded citizens into an invisible cage? Might such a mis-direction prevent people from dealing with issues of America’s lurch to fascism and accelerating disintegration?
Is it possible that these pedophiles, globalists, and Malthusian billionaires care less about the truth and more about inducing Americans to fixate on aliens while the republic is destroyed under economic collapse and war?
Squaring the Crop Circle
A large portion of the Disclosure Project’s work has gone into the investigation of crop circles which were first recorded in the early 1970s in Britain, and which have the peculiar characteristic of becoming increasingly well executed and complex over the course of five decades. Live Science reported that “the first real crop circles didn’t appear until the 1970s, when simple circles began appearing in the English countryside. The number and complexity of the circles increased dramatically, reaching a peak in the 1980s and 1990s when increasingly elaborate circles were produced”.
My question is: If transcendental alien races travelling at faster-than light speed, have been leaving encoded messages to us, then why would their artistic skills have improved so dramatically over a few years? Just a question.
MK Ultra & UFOs
Most people know of the CIA/MI6-funded mass brainwashing operation known as MK Ultra which was launched in 1953. Very few people have recognized the connection between MK Ultra and the rise of the UFO movement that grew in spades throughout the Cold War.
While US and UK government UFO investigations did occur in piece meal starting in 1947 under Project Sign (1947), and Project Grudge (1949), it wasn’t until 1950 that official tax payer-funded departments were created in both nations to pursue “UFO research”. These took the form of the USA’s Project Blue Book (1952) which itself was modelled on the work conducted by Britain’s 1950 “Flying Saucer Working Party” spear-headed by Sir Henry Tizard (Chief Science Advisor to the Ministry of Defense and Chairman of Britain’s Defense Research Policy Committee).
Journalist Naomi Klein stated in her book The Shock Doctrine that Tizard played a leading role in the creation and funding of MK Ultra during a high level meeting in Montreal and Tizard’s Wikipedia entry notes that:
“One of the most controversial meetings he had to attend in his capacity as chair of the National Research Commission would only emerge many years later with the de-classification of CIA documents, namely a meeting on June 1st, 1951 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Montreal Canada, between Tizard, Omond Solandt (chairman of Defence Research and Development Canada) and representatives of the CIA to discuss “brainwashing”.
This Ritz-Carleton meeting would lay the seeds for MK Ultra that was not only designed to deal with brainwashing, but created LSD, and explored the matter of breaking down a human mind into a blank slate with the explicit intention of reconstructing minds from scratch.
Another interesting figure in the UFO/MK Ultra nest of social engineers is a figure named Joseph Bryan III. Bryan worked closely with the CIA’s Frank Wisner and ran the Political Psychological Warfare Unit of the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC). Founded in 1950, the OPC was known as the ‘covert operations wing’ of the CIA.
After declassified FBI files released in 2019 demonstrated, Bryan participated in a 1953 meeting at the US Attorney Generals Office attended by none other than the FBI’s J. Edgar Hoover and CIA’s Allen Dulles where the topic of “Brain Washing” was discussed/ Among the declassified files released by FOIA request, the topic of ‘truth serums’ came up extensively. Today, we now know that the development of a ‘truth serum’ was the reason behind the development of LSD-25 (among an array of other psychedelics which went on to play a major role in the social engineering of the baby boomer paradigm shift of the 1960s.
How does Bryan play into the UFO story?
From 1956-1971, Bryan sat on the Board of Governors of the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomenon (NICAP)- a nominally “civilian” UFO research group which published a magazine titled ‘The UFO Investigator’.
“The UFO Investigator,” the stated position of one of the most highly qualified members of its Board of Governors. Joseph Bryan III (Colonel, USAF, Retired), former Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force (1952-53) and former member of the staff of Gen. Lauris Norstad, then Supreme Allied Commander at NATO: “It is my opinion that the UFOs reported by competent observers are devices under intelligent control; that their speeds, maneuvers, and other technical evidence prove them superior to any aircraft or space devices now produced on earth; and that these UFOs are interplanetary devices systematically observing the earth, either manned or under remote control, or both.”
As Klein’s book eloquently showcases, the intention behind the MK Ultra experiments was to use these discoveries on a national scale in order to conduct “shock therapy” on nations in order to break cultures and nations from their historic memories and traditions with the purpose of reconstructing them under a post-nation state (and post-truth) neo-liberal world order.
While MK Ultra was funded and executed by the Americans, the guidance for this operation were always driven by London’s Tavistock Clinic. A bone chilling expose of this clinic was produced by EIR’s Jeffrey Steinberg in 1993 which may keep you up at night.[1]
With these revelations of MK Ultra psychedelic experiments onto thousands of human guinea pigs given heavy doses of psychedelics without their knowledge which coincides with the growth of alien disclosure projects, it is worth questioning: are Lawrence Rockefeller’s role as UFO disclosure priest and his role as primary sponsor of Terrence McKenna and the Tavistock-connected Human Potential Movement two sides of the same operation?[2]
Unless your name was Joe Rogan, this information should cause even a devoted supporter of psychedelics and ETs to pause for a moment in contemplation that something darker might have been fed to you.
You might also begins to wonder how many alien abductees over the past 70 years were simply MK Ultra guinea pigs and also what social engineering ambitions the patrons of these cults have for humanity going forward into the “post-Great Reset age”?
As one can imagine, the very act of providing government funds to investigate flying saucers was itself sufficient to legitimize the existence of aliens in the minds of millions of Europeans and Americans during the Cold War years. During these dark years, faith in the possibility of honest government collapsed under the imperial wars of Korea, Vietnam abroad and the growth of the Military Industrial Complex and McCarthyism at home. The world of secret patents, secret weapons, secret R&D that developed during this period in facilities like Area 51 made the frequent sightings by civilians and even un-vetted military pilots of “unidentified flying aircraft” an expected occurrence.
Flying Saucers and Area 51
In her 2012 book Area 51: An Uncensored History of America’s Top Secret Military Base, journalist Annie Jacobson provided lengthy detail of the Cold War experiments, classified aerospace technology and nuclear bomb testing that took place at Area 51 during this period.
What could account for observed UFO phenomena?
In an interview with NPR Radio[3], Jacobson stated: “The UFO craze began in the summer of 1947. Several months later, the G2 intelligence, which was the Army intelligence corps at the time, spent an enormous amount of time and treasure seeking out two former Third Reich aerospace designers named Walter and Reimar Horten who had allegedly created [a] flying disc. … American intelligence agents fanned out across Europe seeking the Horton brothers to find out if, in fact, they had made this flying disc.”
During WWII, the Horten brothers were associated with the Austrian scientist Viktor Shauberger whose innovative designs[4] for implosion (vs explosion) flying technology utilized water currents, and electromagnetism to generate flying machines that by all surviving accounts flew faster than the speed of sound.
While much of his research was confiscated and classified by victor nations after WWII, Schauberger was promised government sponsorship in America which induced the inventor to move across the ocean where Canada’s Avro Arrow program sought his designs for supersonic nuclear missile delivery aircraft.
When he discovered that his work would only be used for military purposes, Schauberger pushed back and over the course of several months, his patents were essentially stolen, and he returned to Austria to die broke and depressed in 1958.
The Strategic Importance of Space
It was never a secret that the post-1971 globalized world order championed by the likes of Sir Henry Kissinger, David and Laurence Rockefeller and other Malthusians throughout the 20th century was always designed to collapse.
With the mass shock therapy that such a collapse would impose upon the world, it was believed that a deconstruction of the Abrahamic traditions that governed western society for 2000 years could be accomplished and a new society could be socially engineered in the image of the Brave New (depopulated) World that would live like happy sheep forever under the grip of a hereditary alpha class and their technocratic managers. The story of the Tavistock-led attack on scientific progress is told brilliantly in the 2010 Lpac film The Destruction of NASA.[5]
The only problem these social engineers have encountered in recent years is the re-emergence of actual statesmen who are unwilling to sacrifice their people and traditions on the altar of a new global Gaia cult. Such defenders of humanity’s better traditions have launched the multipolar alliance and have driven a policy of long-term growth and advance scientific and technological progress which is embodied brilliantly by the New Silk Road, and its extensions to the Arctic. The most exciting aspect of this New Silk Road/Multipolar Paradigm is the leap into space exploration as the new frontier of human self-development which has not been seen since the days of President Kennedy.
With China and Russia signing a pact to jointly develop lunar bases with a focus on international cooperation on Lunar and Mars resource development/industrialization, the age of unlimited growth that was lost with the LSD-driven mass psychosis of 1968’s “live in the now” paradigm shift may finally be recaptured. Programs designed to put humanity’s focus on real objective threats like Asteroid collisions, and solar-induced new ice ages are seriously being discussed by leaders of Eurasia today.
There are billions of suns and potentially billions of galaxies, and chances are there is indeed life on many of the planets orbiting some of the stars within our growing, creative universe… and there is also a fair chance that cognitive life has also emerged on some of those planets. The best way to find out is not to sit at home while the world economic system collapses under a controlled disintegration thinking about Rockefeller-funded conspiracy theories, but rather to fight to revive humanity’s open system destiny starting with a cooperative space program to extend human culture and economy to the Moon and Mars, and then onto other planetary bodies followed by missions to deep space.
If other civilizations exist, maybe it is our duty to take up the torch left to us by JFK and go find them.
The author recently delivered a presentation on this topic during a weekly broadcast of Rogue News which can be viewed here:
[4] A remarkable overview of Nazi aerospace technology which was captured by Anglo-American military leaders after WWII was published Burlington UFO and Paranormal Research Center Secrets of the Third Reich available here
Alright, I may as well weigh in on this story and join the chorus with my spicy hot enchilada take.
BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
"Don't tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."#DirectedEvolutionpic.twitter.com/xaRvlD5qTo
They can afford to be intellectual lightweights since they appear to be backed by the full might of the US DOD and nobody wants to tangle with the Monster.
They will say, “Look we were told to do it this way”, and I bet this Jordan dude doesn’t even know about the Operation as Sasha said the FDA worker bees didn’t know that they were doing fake trials.
This angle: effectively, Pfizer Bad, Grifters gonna grift, makes a lot of people happy for a variety of reasons.
The dominant reason is that nobody wants to pull on the string that opens up the door to the vault of the DOD House of Horrors.
Once you start pulling on that string, there is no stopping point.
And you will have to keep going and in the process of keeping going you will have to plow through Donald Trump’s actions, Barack Obama’s actions, and keep right on going to the neo-Cons who did 9/11 and anthrax and then all the various actions all over the world since WW2 and JFK and Operation Northwoods and Lyme Disease and did all those emerging viruses in Africa really occur naturally and there is nobody involved in public life in America for 70-80 years who is going to come out great.
The entire fake two party paradigm will have scores of villains with guilty looks on their faces.
The entire Mockingbird Media that decides that Donald Trump is “Presidential” when he drops some bombs somewhere will be absolutely decimated.
Start pulling on this string and it will decimate Jabs Bad Island, aka Half Measures Island’s world views.
Far better to just “let sleeping dogs lie” and go with, “Look at this corporate corruption” and anyway Russia and China are evildoers and are plotting against us and we still need to keep the Biomedical War Stuff operational and expand it and go watch some more football and Shut the Fuck Up adults are talking.
Nobody really wants to do this because the stakes are very high and the cognitive dissonance is and will be off the charts. Code Red.
Nobody wants to accept that almost everything they were led to believe is a lie.
That yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus, and he’s a fucking sociopathic genocidal maniac.
Yes he is. And Socio-Santa is doing it right in front of your face and trolling you in the process.
They still need THIS:
This is their whole game. Programmed forever and a day.
BREAKING: @Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines
"Don't tell anyone this…There is a risk…have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something…the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest."#DirectedEvolutionpic.twitter.com/xaRvlD5qTo
So The Monster that runs our nation and shot a sitting President in the head and then murdered a bunch of witnesses will thank you to just focus on these Bad Pharm people and pay no attention to those Monster Contracts and those biolabs all over the world and anyway even if we did tell them to do it it’s only because we love you and we are an Abusive Parent and America is now a completely shellshocked Stockholm Syndrome Battered Citizen Syndrome Identify with the Aggressor dysfunctional family.
So protect that Monster at all costs, because the Monster only hits us because he loves us.
Since a new wave of ‘domestic terror attacks’ have erupted over the past two weeks both in Buffalo and now more recently in Texas, the citizens of the USA and trans-Atlantic community more broadly are being whipped up into a frenzy of fear and confusion over the causes of ‘domestic terror’ which can only be remedied by increased dictatorial powers of the population.
As has often been the trend in our post-9/11 age, such highly publicized atrocities have tended to carry in their wake ever expanded state powers to surveille, censor and manipulate the confused and fearful population who lacks an ability to discern the true causes of the horrifying events framed for their consumption on mainstream media.
Before acquiescing to greater tyrannical powers to those agencies controlling western governments in exchange for promised security, it were wise to evaluate how and why terrorism – domestic or otherwise – has tended to arise over the past century.
If, in the course of conducting this evaluation, we find that terrorism is truly a “naturally occurring phenomenon”, then perhaps we might conclude alongside many eminent figures of the intelligence community and Big Tech, that new pre-emptive legislation targeting the rise of a new conservative-minded domestic terrorist movement is somehow necessary. Maybe the censoring of free speech, and the surveillance of millions of Americans by the Five Eyes is a necessary evil for the sake of the greater good.
However, if it is revealed that the thing we call “terrorism”, is something other than a naturally occurring, self-organized phenomenon, but rather something which only exists due to vast support from western political agencies, then a very different conclusion must be arrived at which may be disturbing for some.
But how to proceed?
Before it was revealed that ISIS was being supported by a network of Anglo-American intelligence agencies and their allies in a failed effort to overthrow Bashar al Assad, an exhaustive 2012 study was conducted by the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School. This study provides a convenient entry point to our inquiry.
In this course of its investigation, researchers at Fordham discovered that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 138 terrorist incidents recorded in the USA between 2001-2012 involved FBI informants who played leading roles in planning out, supplying weapons, instructions and even recruiting Islamic terrorists to carry out terrorist acts on U.S. soil. Reporting on the Fordham study, The Nation stated:
“Nearly every major post-9/11 terrorism-related prosecution has involved a sting operation, at the center of which is a government informant. In these cases, the informants—who work for money or are seeking leniency on criminal charges of their own—have crossed the line from merely observing potential criminal behavior to encouraging and assisting people to participate in plots that are largely scripted by the FBI itself. Under the FBI’s guiding hand, the informants provide the weapons, suggest the targets and even initiate the inflammatory political rhetoric that later elevates the charges to the level of terrorism.”
Of course, this trend preceded 9/11 itself as we see in the case of FBI informant Emad Salem (formerly associated with the Egyptian Military) who recorded hundreds of hours of conversation between himself and his FBI handlers which were reported publicly by the New York times on October 28, 1993. Why is this important? Because Emad Salem was the figure who rented the van, hotel rooms, provided bomb-making instruction, tested out explosives on behalf of Mohammed Salamah and 15 other terrorists who carried out the February 1993 World Trade Center bombing which injured 1000 and killed 6 people.
Even though several large-scale military war game scenarios were conducted between October 2000 and July 2001 featuring planes flying into both the World Trade Center buildings and Pentagon, the incoming Neocon administration were somehow caught with their pants down when the events of 9/11 finally took place (conveniently at a moment that NORAD had suffered a total breakdown of their continental warning and response systems). When all flights were grounded over the coming several days, Cheney and his PNAC cohorts ensured that the only flights permitted to leave the USA was crammed with high level Saudi royals- including the Bin Laden family.
Why was this done?
As the declassified 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission report went far to demonstrate, the Saudis- largely coordinated by Prince Bandar Bin Sultan (Saudi Ambassador to the USA from 1983-2005 and Bush family insider) had provided the foundation for a cover story that was carefully scripted to justify the 9/11 incident.
Whether the plot was hatched by CIA-Saudi sponsored terrorists as some assume, or whether it was a controlled demolition as hundreds of architects and engineers have testified to (or whether it was a combination of both stories), one thing is certain: The official narrative is a lie and no matter how you try to explain it, two airplanes cannot cause the collapse of three WTC buildings.
Another thing is certain: Biden was happy.
Not only did Joe Biden act as one of the most aggressive voices for the invasion of Iraq in the days following 9/11, but he even bragged publicly that John Ashcroft’s 2001 Patriot Act was modelled nearly verbatim on his own failed 1994 Omnibus domestic surveillance legislation drafted in response to the first 9/11 attack and 1994 Oklahoma City bombing.
Another important outcome of 9/11 involved the re-organization of the FBI with a focus on domestic terrorist surveillance, prevention, disruption and entrapment.
In 2001, MI5’s Chief came to the USA where then-FBI director Robert Mueller was assigned the task of carrying out this new remix of U.S. intelligence that involved re-activating many of the worst characteristics of the FBI’s earlier COINTEL PRO operations that were made public during the 1974 Church Committee hearings.
“They have done a number of things to move them in the direction of an MI5,” says a person close to the changes. “They’ve created agents who are trained to have an intelligence function. They’re monitoring organizations within the U.S. that pose threats to national security … not with an eye toward prosecuting, but toward collecting and analyzing that information.”
An incredible report by investigative Journalist Edward Spannaus listed a short list of some of the most extreme cases of FBI entrapment between 2001-2013 in the USA:
“One of the most egregious of these cases is the so-called “Newburgh Four” in New York State, in which an informant in 2008-09 offered the defendants $250,000, as well as weapons, to carry out a terrorist plot. The New York University Center for Human Rights and Justice reviewed this case and two others, and concluded: “The government’s informants introduced and aggressively pushed ideas about violent jihad and, moreover, actually encouraged the defendants to believe it was their duty to take action against the United States.”
The Federal judge presiding over the Newburgh case, Colleen McMahon, declared that it was “beyond question that the government created the crime here,” and criticized the Bureau for sending informants “trolling among the citizens of a troubled community, offering very poor people money if they will play some role—any role—in criminal activity.”
In Portland, Ore., it was disclosed during the trial of the “Christmas Tree bomber” earlier this year, that the FBI had actually produced its own terrorist training video, which was shown to the defendant, depicting men with covered faces shooting guns and setting off bombs using a cell phone as a detonator. The FBI operative also traveled with the target to a remote location where they detonated an actual bomb concealed in a backpack as a trial run for the planned attack.
In Brooklyn, N.Y., in 2012, an FBI agent posing as an al-Qaeda operative supplied a target with fake explosives for a 1,000-pound bomb, which the FBI’s victim then attempted to detonate outside the Federal Reserve building in Manhattan.
In Irvine, Calif., in 2007, an FBI informant was so blatant in attempting to entrap members of the local Islamic Center into violent jihadi actions, that the mosque went to court and got a restraining order against the informant.
In Pittsburgh, Khalifa Ali al-Akili became so suspicious of two “jihadi” FBI informants who were trying to recruit him to buy a gun and to go to Pakistan for training, that he contacted both the London Guardian and the Washington-based National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms, and told them that he feared the FBI was trying to entrap him. The National Coalition scheduled a press conference for March 16, 2012, at which al-Akili was to speak and identify the informants, but the day before the scheduled press conference, the FBI arrested al-Akili, charging him not with terrorism, but with illegal possession of a firearm.
The chief informant trying to entrap al-Akili turned out to be Shaden Hussain, a longtime FBI informant who had set up two earlier terrorism cases: the above-cited Newburgh, N.Y., case for which he was paid $100,000, and another in Albany, N.Y., for which his payments are not known.”
In the months since the events on January 6, 2021 we have only seen that this practice continued in full swing within the United States, as reports of FBI agents provocateurs began to circulate widely even being covered extensively by Tucker Carlson on June 15. Recent revelations that the “domestic terrorist” cell which recently plotted the kidnaping of Michigan’s Governor Whitmer were composed primarily of FBI informants and even the Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio was proven to be an FBI informant earlier this year along with leading strata of the Oath Keepers. The fact that Steve D’Antuono (FBI bureau chief in Michigan overseeing Whitmer operation) was promptly promoted to FBI bureau chief of Washington D.C. where his skills were put to good use on January 6 should not be lost on anyone.
Just to add a cherry atop this poisoned Sundae, during this same period of time, it was revealed by leaked FBI documents that Joshua Caleb Sutter- controller of the white supremacist group Atomwaffen and also the satanic Temple of Blood cult was paid over $180,000 by the FBI since 2003 ($80,000 of which was paid out after 2018).
Not Only the USA
This post 9/11 practice was not isolated to the USA, as a Canadian appeals court overruled guilty sentences handed down to an idiotic couple who were caught by the RCMP before their July 2016 jihadi plot to bomb a public venue on Canada Day could occur. Why did the appeals judge overrule their sentence? Because it became clear that every single member of the operation which radicalized the young couple, trained them to make bombs and even scripted their attack were RCMP informants!
Earlier cases of controlled domestic terrorist movements in Canada saw CSIS (Canada’s Security and Intelligence Service) erase thousands of hours of wiretaps of Sikh terrorists that detonated bombs in 1984 which lead to 329 dead in the worst act of aviation terrorism until 9/11. Despite this destruction of evidence, CSIS was absolved of its sins in 2005 by the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC). It was also this same organization that was revealed to have co-founded the white supremacist Heritage Front in 1988, and continued to finance it with tax payer funds using CSIS agent Grant Bristol as the conduit and Heritage Front controller until at least 1994.
Anglo-Canadian intelligence controls of domestic terrorism actually go as far back as the bomb-loving Front de Liberation Quebec (FLQ) of the 1960s that set dozens of mailbox bombs across the province. Not only did the RCMP Security Services get caught red handed managing FLQ cells, spreading FLQ graffiti on buildings and even supplying explosives to the group itself, but the FLQ’s “intellectual leader” (Pierre Vallieres) was also the Editor-in-Chief of the very same magazine (Cite Libre) which was run for a decade by none other than Canada’s Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau!
When major press agencies blew the whistle on the federal intelligence agencies behind the FLQ which justified months of Martial Law in Quebec in 1970, Trudeau’s right hand man (and fellow Cite Libre writer) Michael Pitfield created a new organization called the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in 1983 as a branch of the Privy Council Office in order to continue psychological operations going under a new name.
If anyone wishes to look through the voluminous RCMP/CSIS files accumulated on Pierre Trudeau’s strange connections with the FLQ and broader Fabian Society networks during the Cold War, they would be out of luck as historians were informed in 2019 that the entire Trudeau record archive were secretly destroyed by CSIS in 1989 simply because they “weren’t interesting”.
It is important to keep in mind that the RCMP’s techniques were not specifically Canadian, but were innovated by the FBI’s Counter-intelligence Program (COINTEL PRO) which J. Edgar Hoover launched in 1956 in order to subvert “dangerous civil rights groups” then emerging under the leadership of Paul Robeson and Martin Luther King Jr. From the program’s inception until its nominal death in 1975, not only did the FBI infiltrate every anti-establishment grouping from the U.S. Communist Party (CPUSA), to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), NAACP to the Black nationalist movements throughout the 1960s, but ensured that its informants played leading roles in instilling internal conflict, radicalized groups towards violence and even set up leaders like Fred Hampton for assassination.
The strange case of Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers who enjoyed vast institutional support and protection after their time running domestic terrorism as leaders of the Weather Underground is something that should also be investigated. The fact that both domestic terrorists not only became affluent Soros-tied education reformers, and early sponsors of Barack Obama’s political career is more than just a tiny anomaly which can simply be dismissed. (1)
Where did Hoover’s FBI generate COINTEL PRO tactics?
To answer this question, we need to look further back to British Intelligence’s Camp X, established in December 1941 in Canada with the mandate to train American and Canadian spies under the control of spymaster William Stephenson (station chief for Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in New York).
The motive for Camp X had two interconnected components:
1) Prepare the groundwork for a deeper integration of U.S.-British Intelligence in preparation for the purge of patriotic U.S. intelligence officers allied to FDR’s vision of the post-war age, and
2) Train U.S. spies in the art of “secret warfare” which included counterfeiting, psychological warfare, propaganda, counter insurgency, assassination, and infiltration of target groups.
Under Stephenson’s direction and staffed with Canadian RCMP operatives, the first generation of OSS spymasters were trained; including leading figures of the FBI’s Division 5 who went onto reformulate their WWII Camp X training in the form of assassination operations such as Permindex (operated by Camp X’s Major General Louis Mortimer Bloomfield).
In Conclusion
While I could have said more about the origins of America’s Secret Police which arose under Presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, or the earlier deployment of domestic terrorism by Freemasonic lodges affiliated with Albert Pike (founder of the Ku Klux Klan) in an effort to undo Lincoln’s vision for industrial restoration of the South, these stories will have to be left for another time.
For now, it is enough to state that the “war on terror” set into motion by the World Trade Center attacks of 1993 and 2001, is now expanding to target a broad spectrum of the American population who would be morally resistant to the sorts of anti-human policies demanded by Great Reset Technocrats. This dishonest effort must be exposed and rejected before those actual controllers of terrorism attain their objectives: The destruction of nation states, the imposition of a new ethical paradigm premised on depopulation and entropy.
(1) By the late 1970s, the creation of controlled terrorist movements was applied vigorously to the Middle East in the form of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s great idea of channeling money, weapons and other support to radical madrasas across Afghanistan as part of an asymmetrical warfare against the Soviet Union. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, these operations vastly expanded with the help of Saudi intelligence and Mossad involvement on the ground- always coordinated by Anglo American intelligence handlers. Islamic terrorism, just like “domestic American terrorism” always had much less to do with Islam and more to do with political agendas wishing to destroy national governments.
1. Normal people have no interest in killing children, especially ones they do not know, especially in large numbers.
2. In my view, only people subject to mind control (please investigate Sirhan Sirhan or read about US intelligence agency attempts to create mind controlled assassins beginning in the 1950s) or people taking certain drugs, or special trained assassins are even capable of carrying out such an act. [In the case of Sirhan Sirhan, who did fire wildly on a crowd, but did not kill Kennedy, the actual assassin was an intelligence asset. From the WaPo in 2018:
Though Sirhan admitted at his trial in 1969 that he shot Kennedy, he claimed from the start that he had no memory of doing so. And midway through Sirhan’s trial, prosecutors provided his lawyers with an autopsy report that launched five decades of controversy: Kennedy was shot at point-blank range from behind, including a fatal shot behind his ear. But Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian immigrant, was standing in front of him.
3. School shootings are the most provocative and effective way to initiate a change in gun laws, which means taking away the guns from some or all of the people who privately own them.
4. The large number of American gun owners pose a daunting challenge to the globalists who wish to control them. Police and military will not be willing to enter the homes of gun owners to remove their guns or for other purposes.
5. Few Europeans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders own guns, and it is believed by many that the imposition of much harsher lockdowns on the citizens of these nations, compared to the US, was enabled by this fact.
6. There have been shortages of guns and ammunition in the US since the onset of the pandemic. Whether this is due to supply-demand, including increased purchases by the federal government, or to other market forces, is not clear.
7. There has been very little exploration into the past history of those who committed mass murders in the US in recent years, especially in schools. I want to know if any or all of these mass murderers may have been enrolled in black mind control projects.
8. I want a full accounting of the mind control programs paid for with taxpayer dollars in the US and elsewhere.
9. I want an investigation into the many thousands of self-reported “targeted individuals” (TIs) who complain of voices beamed into their heads and other forms of what can only be termed torture.
10. I want an investigation into the implants some of these people claim were introduced into their bodies.
11. A reader sent me this piece by David Swanson, revealing that at least a third of mass US shooters have been trained in the US military. Were they put through mind control programs while serving their country?
12. Why have so many assassins and mass shooters appeared to be in an altered state of consciousness immediately after the event, and/or at other times? Think Sirhan Sirhan, Mark David Chapman, Reagan’s attempted assassin whose father was having dinner with GHW Bush the week of the attempt? Has anyone analyzed their behaviors systematically? Their histories and connections to the powerful?
13. We are being attacked in many perverse ways, and we must open our eyes, take our power back, or the attacks will continue and will destroy us.
“Of course, Ukrainian army is shelling. It was a Ukrainian army.”
“And how was it like during that time?”
“How was it? Two tanks were driving. I saw that with my own eyes because I was on the street. Two Ukrainian tanks were driving. The third tank stopped a little; it lagged behind them. Two of them jumped up the mountain with crazy speed and the third began to shell the village.
“It fired its grenades three times, or whatever the tanks shoots. It hit that way twice, and the third time it destroyed a corner of the kindergarten. I saw this with my own eyes because I ran to the basement.”
“So you claim that Ukrainian tank was firing to a Ukrainian village themselves, right?”
“Yes, they have been firing at our village.”
“But they have been in control of it. How is it possible?”
“How is it possible? How do they do it all the time? They make destruction on purpose. If you have come here to fight, why do you destroy houses?
“And here are simple houses. Why do they do it? And also we had a crazy fight here in the center. And I’m telling you, it was 100% provocation. Here, near the village council, there was an armored personnel carrier. It contained a Russian uniform and rations.
“Why the hell would this Russian armored personnel carrier hide here and shoot at its own Russians, if they took a position there. Russian lads, seven tanks near the well took up a position there. And these idiots jumped out from Balka, from Bakhchevik and did a provocation here. And they left their Javilins here.”
“It was a provocation. Who…”
“Of course! It was a provocation by Ukrops. A real one. I’ll tell you now, my husband served in the tank troops. Tankers are never given a spare uniform for a tank. So they got into their tank, and took a spare uniform with them. What kind of idiocy is this?
“Do they think we are all morons?”
“So you are saying that it was a Ukrainian tank.”
“Yes, the left from Balka. I guess you don’t know the area. They came out of the Balka and made a provocation. And the Russian tanks stood there on a hillock where the well was, and they fired over there. And these here did a provocation. They wanted others to believe that it was the Russians who did this here. I saw with my own eyes.”
“As a false flag, right?”
“Of course, yes. As a false flag. I was in the center and saw it all. I’ve been sitting in the basement for two hours. I sit and then I go out to look.”
“What do you think, why did they do it?”
“Because they don’t need us. We are not needed. They want everything to look as if Putin has done all of it.”
“And what did they do? Tell me again.”
“They have been doing a provocation. I’m 100% sure.”
“What kind?”
“Oh god. While I’m telling you this, they distribute humanitarian aid. Our seven tanks reached the well, took up defensive positions in that directions, because there was Volnovakha and the Ukrainian army was further there.
“So those seven tanks took up defensive positions. Three tanks went a little further away, and the other two tanks in a slightly different direction, because their angle of fire is different. The tank has a straight muzzle, it does not rise like that. Yes, I know it all.
“And the Ukrainian army…they had two armored personnel carriers, one of them was here and the other one near a hospital. So they came from Balka, from over there. And they started…If that were Russians, why the hell would they fire the other Russians? Isn’t that right? It’s all clear.”
“So here they had a fight. They fired from different machine guns. Then, when everything was already quiet, we went out to look and here was this armored personnel carrier, which propped up the village council. Our lads climbed in and said that ‘it is a Russian, here is a Russian uniform, Russian rations’. It’s all nonsense. It was Ukraine who was trying to do the provocation.
“Then, when everything calmed down here a little, our tanks, which were shooting back there, went to the quarry and gave hit to Bakhchevik, because all those whores who came to us were sitting there. They calmed them there and everything became peaceful.”
“The Ukrainian army was quickly driven away from you here, right?”
“Quickly! Well done lads, very fast. It was very scary, but they quickly did it.”
“And how did the Ukrainian military behave?”
“Well, you know…What can I tell you? I didn’t communicate with them.”
“What is your name?”
“Oh god! My name is Lyuda.”
“And your surname?”
“Thank you. Where are we now?”
“We are at the village of Anadol, it is in the Donetsk region at Volnovakha district. Everyone is alive and safe. Of course, we have losses, we have suffered houses.
“Well, I think that everything will recover with time. In general, everyone lives, only frightened. But thank God.”
“What do you want it to be here, Donestsk People’s Republic or what?”
“Yes, we are for Donetsk, for DPR, for Russia. Because this country will never leave us. This is a big country and it will not let us fall.”
“Thank you.”
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute, Rumble and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Note to readers: I reached the payoff to this article, at the end, by working my way through the weeds, at the beginning. I considered editing out the beginning and middle and cutting right to the chase, but I decided exposing the whole trip was worth it. Sometimes you hack enough stuff away in the woods and you come to a clearing…
As I’ve recently explained, we’re supposed to make a key (and ridiculous) distinction between war and foreign policy.
War is big, brassy, out front. Foreign policy is dark, slippery, unknowable—and never probed by the news.
Here are a few examples of US foreign policy from something called history. See if this looks like war:
1949: Colonel Adib Shishakli backed by CIA in a coup in Syria. Shishakli took over the presidency four years later.
1953: the CIA staged a coup and overthrew Mohammad Mosaddegh, the prime minister of Iran.
1954: the CIA staged a coup and overthrew of the president of Guatemala, Jacobo Arbenz.
1960: The CIA backed the overthrow of Patrice Lumumba, the Prime Minister of the Congo Republic.
There is much, much more, but you get the idea.
Foreign policy. Don’t worry your pretty little heads about it. It’s not war. Of course not. The US only engages in war when it has to. When it’s provoked by some evil enemy. The US does NOT continuously wage war. The CIA media make sure we understand this.
For years, reports have been surfacing about the CIA training “insurgents” in the Ukraine. These groups are also called neo-Nazis. Let’s see, hmm. What would this foreign policy move be all about?
An attempt to goad Putin into a war? An attempt to create an international force labeled “white supremacists”—as a prelude to a new level of US “anti-terror” operations?
In the latter case, the CIA could take the lead in attacking the force it helped to nurture.
If you don’t have enough enemies, you need to invent them.
What’s the main point here? The massive current propaganda push to demonize Russia conveniently overlooks the fact that the US has been waging overt and covert war (foreign policy) for a very long time. Non-stop.
But the US government and the CIA media are now trying to install some kind of patriotism based on a very old concept: WE are always innocent; THEY are always guilty.
A concept of innocence is sorely needed these days. Forget the pandemic and the vast criminality associated with it. Forget the George Floyd riots and lootings and killings in several hundred US cities. Let’s wipe the slate clean. Let’s all rally behind the notion that we’re RIGHT and GOOD and JUST and Russia is the Devil.
Hey, the Roman Church wrote the book on that. It used it to justify Inquisitions, torture, and murder. INNOCENTLY undertaken, on behalf of God.
If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve been seeing the same pattern that emerged after the initial announcement of the pandemic in 2020: WALL TO WALL MESSAGING.
An overnight unified response: “Virus deadly, we lock down.”
An overnight unified response. “We good and innocent, Russia Devil.”
You don’t achieve that kind of coverage spontaneously. You have a structure. You have many, many people in key positions on board.
What’s the end game?
There are lots of possibilities, lots of speculations. But one stands out boldly. When you poke conflicting parties so they go up against each other (Russia-US), you’re looking for an overarching “solution” in the aftermath. Something that creates a larger organization than the one you started with. An organization you control.
In this case, the solution would be “a new level and system of cooperation” in the area of currency, money, banking.
“No one wants to see this sort of interference in another nation’s banking again. It’s corrosive and disruptive, and The People suffer as a result. Therefore, the new agreements are extremely positive. They prove once more that the world is interdependent; what hurts one hurts all…”
A currency reset.
Brought to you by the World Economic Forum, acting on behalf of the biggest banks on Earth.
Notice the clever transition that would be engineered in the US. Starting with a crazed cartoon of intense nationalistic patriotism and a fitting enemy—Russia—we wind up with “greater global closeness than ever previously achieved.”
The “peace treaty” is always a source of astonishing grift and con and hustle at high levels.
Let’s go back in time. A year or two. Because there was a PRELUDE to all this:
People and platforms who were labeled racist or extremist had their bank accounts frozen or seized. They couldn’t find banks who would do business with them.
What a concept! It was a bit alarming. It also conditioned us to the possibility of warfare conducted in that manner.
Then, of course, we had Canada and Trudeau. Wow. The government froze/seized accounts of truckers and supporters. They’re still doing it. A federal government adopted that policy. It further conditioned us to this way of conducting warfare.
And NOW, Russia is the target. Cut them off from SWIFT. Interfere with their banking.
Well, sure, people now say. Great strategy. They’ve been conditioned to accept it as a way of waging war.
So NATURALLY, the solution to all this will be a rearrangement of the international banking system, which will involve greater digitization and something closer to a complete currency reset.
ONE: When it comes to war, the US is always innocent. History doesn’t exist. Foreign policy is never war. It’s too complex for the public to understand.
TWO: We’re innocent as lambs on the first day of creation, and Russia is Satan.
THREE: Punish Russia. Go after their money, their banks.
FOUR: Make peace. Ensure this regrettable form of money-war can’t happen again. A new and improved currency system. A RESET.
Is that a nice logical progression? Of course not. But governments and CIA press operations can make it look like one.
Wall Street investors are dumping their Moderna and Pfizer stock faster than the world can drop the mandates. Moderna is down 70 percent from its high, while Pfizer is off 19 percent. Former Blackrock Executive and investment adviser Edward Dowd calls for Moderna to go to zero and Pfizer to end under ten dollars per share.
How is this possible given that Pfizer now enjoys record earnings per share and a market capitalization of some $270 billion, making it the 29th largest corporation globally? With nothing but profits in sight for the Pharmaceutical giant, what could be the problem?
After all, in December, a Forbes’ headline read, “The Vaccine Maker Can Dominate The Covid Market For Years to Come, Wells Fargo Predicts.” In addition to the enormously profitable mRNA vaccines, Pfizer is rolling out potent antivirals like Paxlovid, which could earn $22 billion in 2022.
Compared to the $81 billion in 2021 revenue, the earnings from the vaccines and the antivirals could top $102 billion for 2022, which is music to shareholders’ ears. However some are hearing shrieks, and these happen to be Wall Street’s finest, the smart money that beats the rest of the herd to the exits like clockwork.
These sophisticated investors make it their business to not go with the conventional wisdom but to do their own research, which often pays spectacular dividends.
Edward Dowd is one such investor. He saw the dot com bubble ready to burst and acted accordingly. But, unfortunately, other not-so-savvy investors later saw their dot com heavy portfolios collapse as the NASDAQ Composite Index lost 40% of its value in 2000.
Dowd, a graduate of Notre Dame University and former Portfolio Manager at Blackrock, grew his fund from $2 billion to $14 billion and commanded the respect of his investment community peers.
Today, after semi-retiring to the shores of South Maui, he remains a voice of stock market wisdom that many hedge funds continue to rely upon. LinkedIn lists him as a Consultant to Founder & Partner of Symphonic Capital, LLC.
But the dot com collapse is not the only one Dowd successfully navigated. While many other portfolio managers placed their client’s money in highly rated and lucrative mortgage-backed securities, Dowd hesitated and questioned. He considered that those might be grossly over-rated, and he was correct.
It turns out that the mortgage rating system was corrupted by the high profitability of predatory financial products tied to home mortgages. According to Edward Dowd, a large portion of the blame was shouldered by the rating agencies, those trusted organizations whose job it was to judge the risk of these subprime mortgage-backed securities – agencies like Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch.
Dowd says they turned a blind eye to the true risk because it was profitable. So, in essence, these rating agencies were captured by the institutions backing these risky subprime securities.
Joseph Stiglitz, a Nobel Prize-winning economist, put it this way, “The incentive structure of the ratings agencies also proved perverse. Agencies such as Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s are paid by the very people they are supposed to grade. As a result, they’ve had every reason to give companies high ratings, in a financial version of what college professors know as grade inflation.”
Dowd has sounded the alarm on Moderna and Pfizer as sinking ships that investors need to abandon. So what does the man who foresaw the dot com and the subprime mortgage crisis have to say about Moderna and Pfizer, and what trouble could exist in the paradise of COVID vaccine profits?
Here are Dowd’s words:
I want to liken here to what’s gone on in the Great Financial Crisis. We had rating agencies, third-party verification sources that were able to perpetuate the fraud because the money got too big, their institutions became corrupted with the institutional imperative, and they got triple-A ratings which we all know in hindsight were not triple-A ratings – let’s move forward to today.
The FDA is the trusted third-party verification of pharmaceutical products. 50% of their budget comes from Pharma…due to the institutional imperative that was in place at the time and the speed with which they tried to approve these unproven products with this unproven technology, fraud did occur, and what’s my proof of that? The FDA, together with Pfizer, were trying to hide the clinical data.
And it’s come out recently…that the all-cause mortality for the Pfizer product failed – that means there were more deaths in the vaccine group than the placebo group. Normally in such a case, you have NO drug approval for such drugs. It’s the gold standard. I’ve been told by all my people in the Biotech Industry they were horrified… See mark 25:10.
And unfortunately, that is not all. Dowd feels that although he has successfully predicted three large frauds in his career, he now expects a global financial market collapse with the debt bubble getting ready to burst.
“So I’ve seen three frauds; the corporate fraud of the dot com boom, the bank fraud of the Great Financial Recession, and I believe the fraud has moved on to central banks and governments – because that’s the nature of our monetary system – you have to constantly create credit to keep this thing going.” See mark 2:22.
“The global debt bubble is at its peak…we are at the end…we are going to see lots of crazy things in the financial markets…we are going to see the credit markets become unhinged, the equity markets become unhinged. The Fed got a reprieve…under the cover of COVID, they were able to print 65% more money to keep this thing afloat, but we are at the end days here.” See mark 3:41.
He clarifies that the emergence of global totalitarianism is not purely about power and profit. Instead Dowd feels it is to control the masses when they realize the economy is collapsing – the ramifications of which may be the loss of pensions and social security income.
“A lot of what you are seeing in the response of global governments is setting up a system – under the guise of medical tyranny – to prevent the riots that are going to ensue once this thing all unwinds – that’s my personal belief…” See mark 4:04.
For the skeptics, consider that Pfizer stock lost $20 billion in market capitalization on February 8, 2022, when their record earnings fell short of more optimistic expectations.
Dowd predicts Moderna will drop to zero with bankruptcy as fraud related to concealing the COVID vaccine dangers surfaces, and he predicts Pfizer will become a sub-ten-dollar stock. Dowd explains that the smart money has already left Moderna and will soon be exiting Pfizer.
Dowd foresees an avalanche of lawsuits coming as the insurance industry continues to uncover the legions of mounting deaths coming from the complications of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.
Dowd teamed up with an insurance industry analyst and researched the life insurance claims. They found that since OneAmerica shocked the world by announcing a 40% rise in non-COVID deaths in younger working-class employees, multiple other insurance companies worldwide have seen the same thing – massive rises in non-COVID deaths. And the evidence inescapably points to the vaccines as the cause. See mark 13:16.
Meanwhile, the funeral company stocks have outperformed the S&P. “Funeral Home companies are growth stocks. They had a great year in 2021 compared to 2020, and they outperformed the S&P 500. The peer group of Funeral Home stocks was up 40 plus percent while the S&P was up 26 percent – and they started accelerating price-wise in 2021 during the roll-out of the vaccines – You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to connect the dots here.” See mark 5:55.
Other insurance companies have reported the same or worse death numbers as OneAmerica. For example, “Unum Insurance is up 36%, Lincoln National plus 57%, Prudential plus 41%, Reinsurance Group of America plus 21%, Hartford plus 32%, Met Life plus 24%, and Aegon – which is a Dutch insurer – saw in their US arm plus 57% in the 4th quarter – in the 3rd quarter they saw a 258% increase in death claims.” See mark 07:55.
“They raised (mortality) expectations 300,000 for 2022 over 2021 due to COVID plus ‘indirect COVID,’ which I think we know what that’s code for… They (Aegon) did a
$1.4 billion reinsurance deal with Wilton Reinsurance…what they were reinsuring were high face amount individual policies from 1 million to 10 million… (So) I think there is an asymmetric information situation going on in the insurance industry where some people have figured out something’s going on. They are off-loading their risk – they are not going to say what it is as they don’t want that information to get out as they unload the risk.” See mark 08:49.
“Someone is going to be the bag holder here.” And Dowd is confident it won’t be the insurance industry. A court in France has already held that a life insurance company cannot be held liable for a death because of the mRNA vaccine.
But that does not explain how mRNA manufacturers can be held responsible for an emergency product they were told was liability-free. Aren’t the vaccine manufacturers immunized from lawsuits?
After all, they were granted EUA, the specialized Emergency Use Authorization, which means they cannot be held legally accountable for deaths or adverse effects stemming from the experimental vaccines.
The idea is that no company – upon government request – should have to pay for unforeseen complications resulting from an emergency product that they released to the world out of their goodness of the hearts, with the best of intentions. Right?
Wrong – not when your company accomplishes this through deceit, also known as fraud.
Fraud undoes all these protections. If a company or person intentionally deceives another to profit, we have fraud. If Pfizer’s data showed increased all-cause mortality and hid this to motivate people to take the vaccine while claiming it was safe, then fraud exists.
Under common law, the required elements to prove fraud amount to:
#1. A materially false statement or purposeful failure to state or release material facts which non-disclosure makes other statements misleading.
#2. The false statement is made to induce Plaintiff to act.
#3. The Plaintiff relied upon the false statement, and the injury resulted from this reliance.
#4. Damages include a punitive award as a punishment that serves as a public example to discourage any future similar fraud. Punitive damages are generally proportional to the Defendant’s assets.
Dowd has been researching the COVID-19 vaccines and what he considers obvious evidence of knowing concealment of the actual risks of death – and he points to the Herculean efforts of Pfizer with FDA in withholding their data despite legal challenges to release it. He likens the FDA today to the rating agencies during the Mortgage Crisis.
“FDA is the trusted third party, just like the rating agencies were. And a lot of doctors in this country, a lot of local governments are placing their trust in the FDA which gets 50 percent of its budget from large cap pharma. It wasn’t any one person…I think they overlooked things…An all-cause mortality end-point should have stopped this thing in its tracks – and it didn’t.” See mark 1:51.
There were more deaths in the vaxxed group than in the unvaxxed. Dowd assumes fraud based upon the FDA backing Pfizer in not releasing their data. He believes this is a knowing attempt to conceal the deaths.
“When one party enters into a contract…and fraud was occurring when they entered into that contract, and the other party did not know that – the contract is void and null. There’s no indemnity if this can be proven, and I think it will be.” See mark 4:45.
“Pfizer got blanket immunity with EUA. If fraud occurred, to my mind and what I’m seeing from their refusal to release the data – if there is fraud and it comes out – and we need whistleblowers – and it’s looking more apparent that this product is deadly –
fraud eviscerates all contracts – that’s case law. So you go down the daisy chain, and that’s liability – that’s bankruptcy for Moderna, definitely Pfizer.” See mark 00:51.
He notes that the deaths skyrocketed after the vaccine rollout when they should have dropped. And the deaths are what distinguished the 2021-2022 vaccine scandal as far worse than what happened with Enron.
“People are dying and being maimed. This is a fraud that goes beyond the pale…We have the VAERS data…We have the DoD leak…And now we have the insurance company results and the funeral home results…We don’t need to think too hard about this…Deaths should have gone down after the vaccines rolled out. This is the most egregious fraud in history of the nation – and it’s global…Pfizer’s involved, and they committed fraud,” Dowd explained. See mark 10:25.
“My job is to be ahead of the news and be a lead steer…when I use my stock picking skills outside the realm of stock picking, I am called a conspiracy theorist.” See mark 6:45.
Dowd emphasized that he is not short on Pfizer or Moderna stock. He explained that he does not profit from their share prices dropping. He also points out that his predictions are not the cause of the steep declines as these occurred before he came out with this analysis. See mark 13:45.
“So we don’t need the mainstream media…And I want you to know – Wall Street is rallying to this – I’m getting lots of inquiries from former colleagues. Nothing will convince a sleeping public more than red stocks or collapsing stocks. My goal is to awaken the country by seeing something is going on. And Wall Street is AWAKE!” See mark 2:33.
If money is any indicator, Edward Dowd is correct that insurance will win a fight between the insurance and the vaccine industries. The life insurance market in the US is worth some $900 billion, while the vaccine market pales in comparison.
If someone is left holding the bag, it will not be the insurance industry, but it just might be you and me, the average citizen. However, there is one major caveat – if Edward Dowd succeeds in awakening the citizens, then they – the oligarchs – cannot get away with this – the Vaccine Fraud, the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Global Totalitarianism.
“There’s lots of people who got the jabs that didn’t understand what was going on. A lot of them are in the investment world. A lot of them are smart people – they were duped too. Some of these people that got the jab are doing the work on shorting these stocks because – you know, you can guess – because they are mad as hell – and you’ve awakened the sleeping giant known as Wall Street. And Wall Street is on the move. The smart money is moving first – as always there’s lead steers. Nothing gets going faster than a red momentum down-trending stock.” See mark 3:26.
Those of you who still think nothing’s going on, you don’t want to be – what I call – the bag holder. You don’t want to be the guy taking the fourth jab booster and holding these stocks (on their way) down – Moderna’s going to zero – I think Pfizer goes sub ten dollars once the lawsuits come out. ” See mark 4:06.
Dowd’s forecast can awaken not only Wall Street but the ordinary citizen. We are those sleeping giants of the world, those who can move mountains with the force of our stock sales and non-violent protests, the great silent majority who can remove dictators from power and elect new and fair leaders.
There is power in numbers, as the Canadian Truckers recently found. Courage is contagious as freedom convoys have sprung up everywhere. We hold the power if we choose to exercise it while we lose that power if we passively comply.
As this Freedom Trucker fireman said, “I don’t know what happened to our country. It’s disgusting. There’s nothing that’s going to be taken from us here today that they’re not going to take anyways – And people need to stand. With enough of us, they can’t do this.” See mark 1:58:10.
If enough of us speak out NOW, collectively, we have the power to not only end the mandates, but to restore ALL freedoms in Canada, Australia, the UK, Europe and the United States, and we will win the day. We will never consent to authoritarian rule.
We will not leave a world of slavery to our children and grandchildren. We will protest every single day until the government realizes who truly is in charge. We believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people. The cure for 1984 remains 1776.
Edward Dowd cautions those who continue to slumber, “If you are long these two stocks, you are long mandates, you are long government control, and you are long the selling of your freedoms.” Let us get everyone on board the freedom train. See mark 15:16.