Texas Wine Grape Growers Sue Bayer-Monsanto Over Dicamba Drift Damage

Texas Wine Grape Growers Sue Bayer-Monsanto Over Dicamba Drift Damage by Dan Nosowitz, Modern Farmer June 4, 2021   The volatile nature of the pesticide dicamba has meant that it…

Media Caught Lying About London Mega-Rally

Media Caught Lying About London Mega-Rally by Del Bigtree w/ Jeffery Jaxen, The HighWire June 4, 2021    Video available at The HighWire Brighteon & BitChute channels. Video footage…

Children’s Health Defense Demands Immediate Suspension of Plans to Give COVID Vaccines to Children

Children’s Health Defense Demands Immediate Suspension of Plans to Give COVID Vaccines to Children The FDA will meet on June 10 to discuss the possible licensure of the Pfizer COVID…

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories

Dr. Tom Cowan on the “Spiked Protein Toxin” & “Virus Created in a Lab” Stories   New Findings on the Spike Protein Toxin- Live Webinar 6/4/21  Original video available…

EU Trade Unions Call for Immediate Ban on Glyphosate Herbicides to Protect Workers

EU Trade Unions Call for Immediate Ban on Glyphosate Herbicides to Protect Workers The European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT)  has called for an immediate ban…

James Corbett’s Red Pill Series: James Corbett w/ Former Mainstream Journalist James Delingpole

James Corbett’s Red Pill Series: James Corbett w/ Former Mainstream Journalist James Delingpole   James Corbett on The Delingpod by James Corbett, The Corbett Report June 3, 2021   In…

Families & Communities Take a Stand Against Microwaves, 5G & RF/EMF That Are Destroying Our Health

Families & Communities Take a Stand Against Microwaves, 5G & RF/EMF That Are Destroying Our Health   Real Men Do Not Deny Real Harm From Microwaves, 5G, & RF/EMF: Father’s…

Mounting Public Pushback Forces Public Health Authoritarians’ Retreat

Mounting Public Pushback Forces Public Health Authoritarians’ Retreat by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire June 1, 2021   Chalk up a victory vs. public health tyranny! In the face of massive…

Glyphosate Associated With 503 Infant Deaths Per Year in Brazil – Study

Glyphosate Associated With 503 Infant Deaths Per Year in Brazil – Study Researchers find deterioration in health conditions at birth in areas downstream from intensive GM soy production  by GM…

WEF’s “Invest in Forests” Exposed: Global Surveillance Grid

WEF’s “Invest in Forests” Exposed: Global Surveillance Grid by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer June 2, 2021   The World Economic Forum’s “Investing in Forests” program sounds great – who…

Who Needs a Fake Virus When We’ve Got Opioids?

Who Needs a Fake Virus When We’ve Got Opioids? by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News June 2, 2021   KILLER STATS: 2 MILLION OPIOID ADDICTS IN THE US. 300,000…

40+ Doctors Tell UK Drug Regulators: Vaccinating Kids for COVID is ‘Irresponsible, Unethical and Unnecessary’

40+ Doctors Tell UK Drug Regulators: Vaccinating Kids for COVID is ‘Irresponsible, Unethical and Unnecessary’ In an open letter to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, more than 40…

Hospital Sued By 117 Employees Over Vaccine Mandate

Hospital Sued By 117 Employees Over Vaccine Mandate by Aaron Keller, MSN sourced from Technocracy News & Trends June 1, 2021   A group of 117 Houston-area hospital employees on…

“A Million in Motion” | London May 2021: The Month the Tide Turned

“A Million in Motion” | London May 2021: The Month the Tide Turned by Oracle Films June 1, 2021 Some highlights from our coverage of the freedom rallies in London…

UK Investigative Reporter Brian Gerrish w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer — Corona Investigative Committee

UK Investigative Reporter Brian Gerrish w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer — Corona Investigative Committee   Brian Gerrish: “What we are facing is calculated. And it’s a mistake to…

Wuhan, the Lab? No, the Other Wuhan Nobody Is Talking About: Opioid Trafficking Headquarters for Death and Destruction

Wuhan, the Lab? No, the Other Wuhan Nobody Is Talking About: Opioid Trafficking Headquarters for Death and Destruction by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News June 1, 2021   This…

The Hollywood Military-Intelligence Complex: Episode 4 of The Pyramid of Power Series by The Conscious Resistance

The Hollywood Military-Intelligence Complex: Episode 4 of The Pyramid of Power Series by The Conscious Resistance    Video available at The Conscious Resistance VoluntaryTube and Odysee channels. The Conscious…

James Corbett w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer — Corona Investigative Committee

James Corbett w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Viviane Fischer — Corona Investigative Committee   “Until we understand the real agenda here — which is to control humanity at the genetic…

Do You Consent to Color of Law?

Do You Consent to Color of Law? by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing May 30, 2021   Color of law refers to an appearance of legal power to act…

Wuhan Lab, Bioweapon, Gain of Function, but…the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Doesn’t Exist in the First Place

Wuhan Lab, Bioweapon, Gain of Function, but…the SARS-CoV-2 Virus Doesn’t Exist in the First Place Putting the Paradox Together by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 31, 2021  …

IG Farbensanto’s Scheme to Limit Liability Shot Down

IG Farbensanto’s Scheme to Limit Liability Shot Down by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star May 31, 2021   You may be wondering what’s been happening to I.G. Farbensanto lately….

“Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World Are Being Abused

“Take These Masks Off My Child”: Children All Over the World Are Being Abused by Michael J. Talmo, Global Research May 18, 2021   Under the banner of fighting COVID-19…

David Icke at London May 29 “Unite for Freedom” Rally

David Icke at London May 29 “Unite for Freedom” Rally David – They’re Laughing WITH You! video produced by Ickonic sourced from David Icke    Original video available at…

“Unite for Freedom” London, May 29th: Something Wonderful, Something Real . . .

“Unite for Freedom” London, May 29th: Something Wonderful, Something Real . . . by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded May 30, 2021   Yesterday saw the another warning shot across the…

“If COVID Is a Bioweapon, It’s a Rubbish One.”

“If COVID Is a Bioweapon, It’s a Rubbish One.”   Coronavirus Fact-Check #11: Is Sars-Cov-2 a bioweapon? Our latest fact-check examines the Covid bioweapon theory. The origins of it, the…

Video Highlights: “Unite for Freedom” Protestors Take Over London Streets — May 29th Rally

Video Highlights: “Unite for Freedom” Protestors Take Over London Streets — May 29th Rally videos courtesy of James Scott May 30, 2020   Crowd Forces Police to Retreat   …

Transhumanism: The War on Human Nature

Transhumanism: The War on Human Nature by Dave Cullen, Computing Forever May 29, 2021  Video available at Computing Forever BitChute and Odysee channels. Excerpts: “Over the past year, we’ve…

What Health Authorities Are Like in 2021

What Health Authorities Are Like in 2021 by JP Sears May 20, 2021  What health authorities are like in 2021. Receiving information from figureheads that are your trusted health…

James Corbett Speaks to an ex-MSM Journalist

James Corbett Speaks to an ex-MSM Journalist by Alison Morrow w/James Corbett sourced from The Corbett Report May 29, 2021   This week on “James Corbett Redpills the Normies,” James…

David Icke: Wuhan Lab ‘Virus’ Leak Is a Calculated Diversion From the Simple Truth — There Is No ‘Virus’

David Icke: Wuhan Lab ‘Virus’ Leak Is a Calculated Diversion From the Simple Truth — There Is No ‘Virus’ by David Icke May 28, 2021  Video available at David…

Millions of Face Masks Officially Declared Dangerous

Millions of Face Masks Officially Declared Dangerous by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 28, 2021   This is not an article about whether face masks work. As my…

Marylanders Rally Against Baseless COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for State College Students

Marylanders Rally Against Baseless COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for State College Students by Doug Mainwaring, LifeSiteNews May 27, 2021.    ANNAPOLIS, Maryland, May 27, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Citizens from all over Maryland…

India’s Black Fungus Scare Is Caused by Mask Wearing

India’s Black Fungus Scare Is Caused by Mask Wearing by Dr. Vernon Coleman May 23, 2021   Doctors and journalists all over the world are creating panic over the fungal…

More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults

More Deaths Reported After J&J, AstraZeneca Vaccines, Plus Researchers Link AstraZeneca to Strokes in Young Adults The AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines came under scrutiny again this week…

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Antiganda

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Antiganda by James Corbett, The Corbett Report May 25, 2021   Today James continues the discussion on “positive propaganda” by looking at some examples of #antiganda….

Facebook Insider Who Leaked ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Docs Morgan Kahmann GOES ON RECORD After Suspension

Facebook Insider Who Leaked ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’ Docs Morgan Kahmann GOES ON RECORD After Suspension by James O’Keefe, Project Veritas May 27, 2021    One of two Facebook Insiders featured…

Lockheed Martin’s White Guilt Brainwashing Camp

Lockheed Martin’s White Guilt Brainwashing Camp Defense contractor dishes out Maoist-style struggle sessions. by Paul Joseph Watson, Summit News May 27, 2021    Lockheed Martin executives attended a three…

Dear “Covid” Narrative Believers: Explain This…

Dear “Covid” Narrative Believers: Explain This… Comment posted on a website – excellent summary … sourced from DavidIcke.com May 27, 2021   From a very astute poster on the David…

American Governors Sign Laws to Ban Vaccine Passports & Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination

American Governors Sign Laws to Ban Vaccine Passports & Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination by GreatGameIndia May 27, 2021   Governors from many American states are now framing a legal structure and…

US State-by-State Comparison of “Anti-Covid” Measures — Lockdowns, Masks, Vaccine Passports

US State-by-State Comparison of “Anti-Covid” Measures — Lockdowns, Masks, Vaccine Passports   Best States to Move to if You Hate Mask Mandates, Lockdowns and Vaccine Passports  by Brenda of  The…

Life Insurance and Covid-19; Something Doesn’t Make Sense

Life Insurance and Covid-19; Something Doesn’t Make Sense by Jeff Harris,  Ron Paul Institute May 27, 2021   You would think that during the worst Pandemic since the 1918 Spanish…

Big Tech: Episode 3 of The Pyramid of Power Series by The Conscious Resistance

Big Tech: Episode 3 of The Pyramid of Power Series by The Conscious Resistance    Video available at The Conscious Resistance Odysee and BitChute channels. The Conscious Resistance Network presents: The Pyramid of…

18 Connecticut Teens Hospitalized for Heart Problems After COVID Vaccines, White House Says Young People Should Still Get the Shots

18 Connecticut Teens Hospitalized for Heart Problems After COVID Vaccines, White House Says Young People Should Still Get the Shots The mother of 17-year-old Gregory Hatton, diagnosed with pericarditis within…

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With an Update & Overview of International Legal Efforts: “This Is a Fight of Good Against Evil.”

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With an Update & Overview of International Legal Efforts: “This Is a Fight of Good Against Evil.” Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in Conversation with James Delingpole   Dr…

The PATH to Hell

The PATH to Hell by Bernard Marx, Notes From The New Normal May 13, 2021   When controversial Bill Gates-funded vaccine trials culminated in the deaths of seven children, the…

Greetings From “New Normal” Germany!

Greetings From “New Normal” Germany! by CJ Hopkins, The Consent Factory May 25, 2021   On April 1, 1933, shortly after Hitler was appointed chancellor, the Nazis staged a boycott…

If There Is No Virus, How Did It Escape From a Lab?

If There Is No Virus, How Did It Escape From a Lab?   Meme sourced from David Icke (Memes and Headline Comments category) May 25, 2021   You are being…

The FDA Cover-Up That Led to the Approval of the Pfizer Vaccine

The FDA Cover-Up That Led to the Approval of the Pfizer Vaccine by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 25, 2021   As I’ve been documenting for the past…

Three Tips for Checking Whether a Medical Study Is Legit or Bulls-It

Three Tips for Checking Whether a Medical Study Is Legit or Bulls-It by Rosemary Frei, MSc May 24, 2021    You’ve just watched a video of a high-profile, Covid-sceptic…

Texas Bans School Mask Mandates

Texas Bans School Mask Mandates by Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire May 24, 2021   Last week, Texas Governor Abbot, signed an executive order prohibiting government entities from mandating masks, which…

The Israeli People’s Committee — Report of Adverse Effects Related to Corona Vaccine — May 2021

The Israeli People’s Committee — Report of Adverse Effects Related to Corona Vaccine — May 2021 by עמותת חיסונים – בחירה מושכלת May 23, 2021    Original video available…

Unite for Freedom — London — May 29th

Unite for Freedom — London — May 29th by Oracle Films May 24, 2021  Video available at Oracle Films BrandNewTube and David Icke BitChute #UniteForFreedom #OneMillionPlus #DareToThink Truth Comes…

As I Warned: RNA Gold Rush; New Genetic Products in the Pipeline

As I Warned: RNA Gold Rush; New Genetic Products in the Pipeline by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News May 24, 2021   Before I get to the financial bonanza,…

200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River to Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination

200 Indian Villagers Jump Into Saryu River to Avoid Forceful COVID-19 Vaccination by GreatGameIndia May 24, 2021   Sisauda is a village with a population of 1500 people located in…
