Why Can’t All Viruses Be Fakes?

Why Can’t All Viruses Be Fakes?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 27, 2022


As you know, I’ve spent two years presenting evidence that the discovery of SARS-CoV-2 was a fake.

But I still press on. I examine the reality machine to see why people have such a problem acknowledging the virus—and by extension, all viruses—are nothing more than fairy tales.

I’ve come up with a number of explanations.

For example: DOCTORS.

Rejecting viruses is rejecting doctors. Doctors are security guards around the reality machine.

“Doctors can’t be wrong.”

“I can’t live in a world where doctors are so wrong.”

“I would never be able to stop weeping for the doctors who are so wrong.”

“If I told my doctor I didn’t believe in viruses, he would cut me off, and I couldn’t stand that.”

“I’m a journalist, and my best sources are doctors. The good doctors. And they all say viruses are real. I need my sources.”

“Without information from doctors, the world would spin into chaos.”

“My mind instructs me to believe doctors are only guilty of making mistakes up to a certain threshold. Beyond that, they simply can’t be criticized.”

OK, that takes care of the doctor fixation. But then we have what I call the world-view fixation:

“I don’t want to live in a world where there are no viruses. I would feel lonely and afraid.”

“I need the assurance that this world of ours is filled with tiny invisible killers. When I accept that, I can maintain equilibrium. You know, their threat and our response. It makes sense.”

“I love the idea of tiny killers. It comforts me.”

“I know precisely what to be afraid of in this world. Otherwise, I would start to see ghosts in closets at night again. I remember them from childhood. Those bastards were PERSONAL. They were coming for ME. Viruses are neutral. They don’t know me. To them, I’m just cells. They don’t PREFER me. They’ll take anyone. I like that.”

“Even if viruses are bullshit, they’re sophisticated bullshit. I favor that over some sort of primitive bullshit.”

“Rejecting viruses would equal rejecting my college education. I need that education to assert my superior position against the Lower Ignorant Ones.”

“The ecological chain of life includes viruses. If we remove them from the chain, Nature makes no sense. That’s what I hear.”

“The world is a dangerous place. This is good, because it helps me to explain my problems and lack of determination. Without viruses, the danger factor would be reduced, and I can’t have that.”

“The nature of reality dictates that when you’re right, you should be psychotically nasty about being right. If I’m not right about the existence of viruses, I can’t be as nasty as I want to be. And that would be a tragedy.”

“My father is a doctor, and he is a great man. At least as great as Al Capone.”


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cover image credit: peter-gamal 

The Great Covid Virus Debate

The Great Covid Virus Debate
Drs. Andrew Kaufman and Thomas Cowan respond to their critics

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Weston A. Price Foundation
April 17, 2022


During crises, people ask questions, and the Covid crisis is no exception. People are asking, “Is there any real or new illness called Covid-19—apart from vaccinations and the treatments themselves?” We are not alone in proposing that we must take a cold look at the viral theory touted as the cause of this alleged disease.

Journalist Jeremy Hammond has been the most outspoken critic of our contention that the SARS-CoV-2 “virus” does not exist and therefore does not cause Covid. In a video posted in March 2021,1 he outlines the follow­ing arguments for the existence of the “virus.” We answer his arguments, point by point.

Definition of Isolation

Hammond states that people in our camp have changed the definition of isolation, but we use the actual definition of the word “isolation” in the English language. It’s the virologists who have changed the meaning of the word from “separated from other things” to meaning “com­bined with other things in a foreign cell culture.”

Isolation Technology

Hammond claims that scientists do not yet have the technology to purify viral particles. Actually, scientists have been able to purify particles equivalent in size to so-called viruses for decades. The traditional method, in use since at least the 1940s, involves what is called density gradient ultracentrifugation. It uses different densities of a sucrose solution spun into layers at high speeds with an ultracentrifuge, so that the densest layer ends up on the bottom. The sample will separate into bands based on different den­sities, and one of those bands could contain the so-called viral particles if they existed.

For example, a 2015 article published in Methods in Molecular Biology,2 provides electron microscopy photographs of purified exosomes (see Figure 1). Exosomes are roughly the same size as that of claimed viral particles, around fifty to one hundred nanometers, and they have the same morphology and character­istics of alleged virus particles.

If you can purify exosomes, you can purify viruses using the same techniques. Scientists take exosomes directly from a body fluid; they don’t take the exosomes and put them in a cell culture. One of the chal­lenges the authors discuss is the fact that the exosomes are present in low numbers; also, there are many different types of extracellular particles in the bodily fluid from which to separate the exosomes. These are some of the problems that have been put forth as a reason why it’s difficult to purify virus particles, but the researchers have overcome these problems with exosomes.

Bacteriophages, known as “the viruses of bacteria,” can also be purified, as shown in a 2018 article (again published in Methods in Mo­lecular Biology)33 (see Figure 1). Bacteriophages are particles of similar size to viruses, and they also can be purified by chromatography and other methods. Mr. Hammond alleges that you can’t get a pure sample—a sample where you see only one thing in a vacuum. However, as you can see in the photos of exosomes and bacteriophages, all the objects are the same—they are the only thing in the microscope field because these have been isolated and purified, and there is nothing else in the sample, just exosomes or bacteriophages.

FIGURE 1. Isolated exosomes, isolated bacteriophages and “isolated” viruses

Isolated, purified exosomes


Isolated, purified bacteriophages


Sample taken from human fluids and grown in a tissue culture, said to be “purified” and “isolated” virus.
So, biologists clearly have this technology, and it’s been around for quite a long time. It’s just that when they tried to do isolate viral particles, back in the 1940s and 1950s, after they had electron microscopes, they were actually unable to find any particle in the tissues or fluids of anyone who was ill. The problem is that they are unable to find the viral particles, not that they don’t have the technology to isolate and purify.
Cell Culture is the Gold Standard

Hammond admits that you need a cell culture to “isolate” a virus, because the virus needs cells in which to replicate in order to have enough virus to detect. According to the viral theory, the virus causes an infection in the lung, for example, when it invades the lung cells and then reproduces in the lung tissue, right in those cells, and then produces more viral particles. So, all we would need to do is go right to that tissue culture in the sick person, not one that we create in a laboratory with other conditions that are not natural.

In other words, why would we do this kind of indirect experiment when we have a cell culture right in the host—namely, virus-invaded lung tissue—from which we could extract the virus? Why can’t we do a proper isolation, where you go to the host, the natural source of the virus, which is a sick person with an infection, and purify the viral particles right out of that person’s bodily tissues or fluids?

Cytopathic Effects

Virologists claim that the pathogenic nature of viruses is evident in light microscope images of tissue cultures showing cytopathic effects (meaning cell breakdown). But what the images of “viruses” from an electron microscope show is a mixture of cellular material from the cell culture and a variety of different types of particles (see Figure 1, third image). How can we know what any of those particles actually are? And how do we know the particle didn’t come from the foreign cell culture, such as the kidney cells it was cultured in? How do we know it’s not an exosome, a particle produced inside the cell? How do we know it’s not an apoptotic body (from cellular breakdown)? How do we know it’s not another type of extracellular vesicle? How do we know it’s a virus (since it doesn’t have a label and has not been isolated and purified)? While virologists can show images of small particles, they have no way of identifying the nature or identity of any of those particles.

Genetic Sequencing

Hammond claims that scientists can do genetic sequencing of the particles found in tissue cultures. There are actually two ways of doing genetic sequencing. One way is to extract genetic material from only one organism, and then sequence the genome in its entirety. That’s how you can discover the genome sequence of a new organism.

But for viruses, scientists use a differ­ent technique, variously termed “genomic” sequencing, “next generation” sequencing or “in silico” sequencing (meaning carried out in a computer). Whatever they call it, this kind of sequencing is just piecemeal.

Hammond describes the method accurately, in that they start with lots of pieces of genetic material, and then a computer does sophisti­cated calculations and simulations to put them together. The problem—which Hammond does not describe—is that the starting material for these experiments is not a pure organism; it’s not just a virus. What they’re starting with is, in most cases, the lung fluid from a patient diag­nosed with Covid by a PCR test. (And we know the PCR test is invalid. See sidebar page 20.)

The fluid they start with has genetic ma­terial from many different organisms—from a variety of bacteria species, probably some fungal and yeast species, as well as all of the human genetic material from the host and then anything that happened to be in the air that this person inhaled for the few breaths before they took the sample. In other words, there are many sources of genetic material. When they put those little bits of genetic material into the computer, the computer doesn’t know which organism they’re from—since they are not starting with a pure virus, there’s no way to tell.

When the computer runs the simulation and tries to fit these little strands of sequences together by overlapping ends, they don’t know whether the computer is making a real sequence of an organism, or if it’s putting little bits from different organisms together into some kind of mishmash or chimera. They have no way to check it against a reference standard, because there’s never been any true sequence of these vi­ruses. What we end up with is just a simulation.

To give an idea of the problem, in the first sequence that they did this way with SARS-CoV-2, they actually had over fifty-six million little pieces or sequences, and they had not one but two different software programs indepen­dently take those pieces and try to construct them into a longer strand that they said was the size of a typical coronavirus genome. With one of the software programs, they just threw out the data because it didn’t give them what they wanted. So, they’re picking and choosing at each stage: “We think this is good. . . we want to use this.”

The other software program came up with over a million different possible sequences, but they just picked one. And there was no rhyme or reason to how they picked it. It was just an arbitrary selection. With all of the uncertainty about the origin of each individual piece of DNA, they just randomly select one of millions of possible combinations spit out by a computer. How could anyone believe these results repre­sent the real genome of an actual organism? It would be impossible.

Lack of Proper Controls

Hammond states that virologists do a control experiment when they do the tissue cultures. That statement is not quite accurate. In a proper control, you have only one variable different, and as far as we know, virologists have never actually done this. The proper way to do it would be to take lung fluid from some­one who is sick, but does not have Covid—sick with influenza or pneumonia, for example—or even lung fluid from someone who is healthy. Then, they would continue the experiment using the exact same methods, the same cell cultures, the same concentrations of antibiotics, the exact same nutrients, and any other additives or environmental conditions such as the same temperature, the same amount of agitation, the same protocols all around—that would be a proper control. No one is doing this type of proper control for virus identification.

Some of the papers about SARS-CoV-2 have mentioned what’s called a “mock infected culture,” but this is not the same as a control. In fact, we don’t know exactly what they do with these mock infected cultures. They’re not reported on in every paper, but in a couple they are. And curiously, they don’t describe these mock infected cultures at all. If you go to the methods sections, you don’t see any explanation of what a mock infected culture is. And they don’t mention the word “control.”

If they’re doing a true control experiment, why wouldn’t they call it a control culture? They have to use different words because they’re not really doing a proper control, but they’re trying to pass it off as one, which is why they change the words. We have read hundreds and hundreds of scientific papers on other subjects, and they always refer to the control group; they don’t say the “mock treatment group.” So, the mock infected culture is some kind of trick. We even tried to communicate with a couple of the corresponding authors on these publica­tions. We asked an open-ended question: “Can you tell us the procedure for the mock infected cells listed in this figure?” In most cases, they didn’t reply at all.

In one case, we were unable to get a clear answer. The reply we received was, “They’re treated the same.” But what does that mean? “Can you tell us the exact conditions?” We even put our queries into a yes or no question like, “Did you use the same antibiotics at the same concentration? Did you use the same nutrition at the same concentration?” But we could not get a clear response, which suggests that they are probably hiding something.

We do have two examples of studies that included a control sample. The first comes from a 1954 article published in Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine by Enders and Peebles.4 This was the first pub­lished paper to use the cell culture technique, which later became known as “virus isolation.”

In this study on measles, the authors put the patient specimen in a foreign culture of monkey kidney cells and then they got cytopathic ef­fects—meaning they were able to show some damage to the cell culture.

An interesting quote in this paper describes the results of the control experiment. “Monkey kidney cultures may therefore be applied for the study of these agents [referring to measles] in the same manner as cultures of human kid­ney. In doing so, however, it must be borne in mind that cytopathic effects which superficially resemble those resulting from infection by the measles agents may possibly be induced by other viral agents present in a monkey kidney tissue or by unknown factors.”

In other words, they saw a cytopathic effect in the cell culture that was alleged to be a result of damage from the measles virus itself—but it might not necessarily have come from the measles virus; it could have been caused by something in the kidney cells themselves, which they call viruses, or from unknown factors.

Continuing, the two authors said, “A second agent was obtained from an uninoculated cul­ture of monkey kidney cells.” Now, that means they did not put any sample from a measles patient in the culture; they ran the cell culture without a source of virus—just the cell culture with no patient sample in it. According to the authors, “The cytopathic changes induced in the unstained preparations could not be dis­tinguished with confidence from the viruses isolated from measles [emphasis added].” In other words, the sample with nothing added to it produced the same results as the sample containing fluid from the measles patient.

Since the control was positive, that means that the experimental procedure itself, and not the measles virus, caused the cytopathic changes.

An important recent control experiment was carried out by Dr. Stefan Lanka, who is the only virologist we are aware of who has recognized the truth about the nonexistence of a virus—and who left the field. What he did was carry out just the control experiment. There is no possible source of virus anywhere in this experiment. As you can see in Figure 2, the top row of panels is Day One and the second row is Day Five of the experiment.

FIGURE 2. Control experiment by Dr. Stefan Lanka
Day One is when they changed the cell culture conditions. Previous to Day One, all of these cell cultures were kept healthy with normal cell culture procedures; then, on Day One, they changed the condition. In the first column, they used the full nutrition (GlutaMAX plus 10 percent fetal calf serum) and antibiot­ics at the normal concentration. In the second column, they reduced the nutrition and kept the same concentration of antibiotics. There was no change on Day Five for either of these two procedures, no cytopathic effects.

The third column simulates what they do in virus cell culture isolation experiments, using reduced nutrition while increasing the antibiotic to three times the normal concentration. (The protocols use either two times or three times the normal concentration.) You can see that on Day Five, there were cytopathic effects—the cells developed vacuoles and started to break down. Normally, virologists would give this as proof of the existence of a virus, except that there’s no virus in this experiment.

In the fourth column, Lanka added yeast RNA, which doesn’t contain any viruses—it’s a pure yeast RNA specimen bought from a laboratory supply company with good quality control. You can see even more cy­topathic effects on Day Five in that culture.

So, both these control experiments show that the experimental procedure itself produces the cytopathic effects. If you took the culture materials from the two dishes with cytopathic effects and looked at them under an electron microscope, you would see particles in there that you could call a virus.

Coronavirus Fringe Pattern

According to Hammond, virologists can see the characteristic coro­navirus spikes on the particles they are calling viruses. Let’s review a couple of studies to see what is going on. The first was published in 2020 in Kidney360.5 In this study, researchers were looking at biopsies of people with kidney disease, mostly from before the Covid era. In the electron microscope photographs, they saw particles with the character­istic coronavirus spikes (see Figure 3). The researchers said that these were indistinguishable from coronavirus particles, which was a source of confusion for virologists. The authors pointed this out, and they even referenced a previous paper from the CDC that found the same thing.

FIGURE 3. “Viral-like particles in non-COVID19 patients’ biopsies. Electron microscopy images of viral-like particles within podocytes in a case of thrombotic microangiopathy in a (A) native kidney biopsy specimen and (B) acute cellular rejection in an allograft. Note the presence in both cases of single vesicles with an electrondense rim likely representing endocytic coated vesicles, as well as larger multivesicular bodies (arrows), which could be confounded with vesicle packets containing virions. Inset in (A): the individual small coated pits in the exterior of the vesicle bear resemblance to a viral corona. (C) Similar intracytoplasmic vesicles within tubules in an allograft with changes suspicious for acute cellular rejection.”
They also said that they identified the protein that made up the spikes, and it was not the spike protein, but a protein called clathrin. So, seeing the characteristic spikes is completely meaningless; it doesn’t identify something as a coronavirus. Remember that these kidney biopsies were from people who had no disease that anyone thought was related to a virus, and it was before even the “discovery” of so-called SARS-CoV-2.

The second example comes from a “virus isolation” paper published in the Medical Journal of Australia in 2020.6 A very interesting quote occurs in this paper: “Electron micrographs. . . showed cytoplasmic membrane-bound vesicles containing coronavirus particles. Following several failures to recover virions with the characteristic fringe of surface spike proteins, it was found that adding trypsin into the cell culture medium immediately im­proved virion morphology.” In other words, they didn’t see any spikes so they added the diges­tive enzyme trypsin, which breaks or cleaves proteins at a certain sequence, and then looked at it again under the microscope—and then saw the spikes! (See Figure 4.)

FIGURE 4: “Following several failures to recover virions with the characteristic fringe of surface spike proteins, it was found that adding trypsin into the cell culture medium immediately improved virion morphology.”
Now, isn’t that convenient? In other words, they put a spike suit on the particles so they could look like they’re supposed to look, instead of saying, “Hey, maybe there is no coronavirus in the sample.” If we have to digest a protein to make it look a certain way, then how could we say that’s what it is? It’s like having a cat but really wanting a dog, so you put a little microphone around the cat’s neck that makes a barking sound and then call it a dog. We would call this cheating.
Genome Sequencing

As Hammond and other adherents of viral theory have often stated, genome sequencing has been repeated thousands of times, and the results are published in international databases, so they can’t be a hoax. Actually, the in silico genome-sequencing procedure that we have described has been repeated over two million times—far more than Hammond claims. And of course, each time they get different results, because they can’t repeat results in an invalid experiment, so the different results are all published.

As described earlier, the way they do this is to take a bunch of pieces of unknown origin, which they run through different software simulations, and then pick out the one they like. And then they do some further magic on it by just popping things in or taking things out somewhat arbitrarily to make it look more like what they think a coronavirus genome should look like. Then they claim that this sequence is a “reference sequence” and against all of those couple of million experiments that they have repeated, they can template a reference genome. So, of course, the computer is able to put things together in such a way that it matches the so-called reference sequence somewhat closely, because the sequences that make this up are probably mostly just human sequences of non-coding RNA. (A recent analysis shows this and will soon be published.) Thus, you should be able to have similar enough sequences that you can put something together that’s close, but not exactly identical—which they then call “variants.”

Now Hammond claims that if the proce­dures were fraudulent, then tens of thousands of scientists all over the world would be par­ticipating together in a conspiracy; but that’s not the case at all because almost none of these scientists realizes that what they’re doing is not good science—they never question it. Doctors rarely question the things they’re taught; they just learn them and accept them as true. That’s why I (Andrew Kaufman) was recommending vaccines and using antibiotics earlier in my career, because I also just accepted those things and did them without question. Now I realize that they’re quite lethal, so I don’t do them anymore. There was a kind of individual process that I went through for that.

But the scientists involved in “virus isolation” don’t realize that they’re doing fraudulent science because they’ve never looked at it carefully. And one of the ways that science allows this kind of thing to happen is by a high degree of compartmentalization, where they don’t collaborate or talk with other people in different fields. They don’t learn how other scientists do their experiments and also how they do control experiments. And they don’t seem to talk to exosome scientists, often because they would then see that exosome scientists are able to extract and purify exosomes right from the source. And then they would try to do that and fail, because there aren’t any viruses, and then they would have to have a different conclusion and change their opinion.

But the truth is, it doesn’t matter whether all of the thousands of scientists doing “virus isolation” are in a conspiracy, and it doesn’t mat­ter whether they’re completely ignorant, because the only thing that’s important is to look at the actual science itself—the experiments—and ask the question, can you learn something from this? Can you conclude anything from this experiment? And if the answer is no, it doesn’t matter how many people think you’re wrong, it only matters that the answer is no. It shouldn’t be terribly surprising that the virologists have gotten this wrong, because in medicine this happens frequently. Take the example of beta blockers and heart failure. For many decades, it was an absolute contraindication to prescribe a beta blocker to someone with heart failure, because beta blockers make your heart beat less strongly and less rapidly. So, that was seen to make your heart weaker. But then research showed that actually, adding a beta blocker slows the progression of heart failure and allows people to live longer. It took some time for that scientific finding to be integrated into medicine, but there was no truth to the notion that doctors everywhere were in a conspiracy to hasten the death of heart failure patients. They were just ignorant to the truth of the scientific relationship between that drug in that condition. We could interpret “virus isolation” as a similar phenomenon; virologists who are doing these experiments are not able to actually show the re­sults or provide the conclusive evidence because they are just ignorant of that fact, because they haven’t looked at it. It’s quite as simple as that.

Response to Mercola

Entering the virus debate on January 17, 2022, Dr. Joseph Mercola published a “fact-checked” article entitled, “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus,”1 in which he insisted that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, photo­graphed, genetically sequenced, and exists as a pathogenic entity.

Mercola cites studies from Italy, Germany, India, Columbia, Canada, Australia, Korea and the U.S., which claim to have isolated SARS-CoV-2 and characterized it by genome sequencing. However, none of these stud­ies isolated any virus from the fluids of the patient; all of these studies used culturing techniques that can lead to tissue breakdown and the creation of exosomes (identical in form to “viruses”); none of these studies had a meaningful control; and all used questionable computer techniques to generate a genome in silico. Remember that these tissue cultures would also contain genetic material from the kidney cells of the culture and the bovine serum used as a nutrient medium. Even if the tissue cultures did contain viral particles, how can anyone know that the DNA the computer is analyzing comes from the virus?

As Mercola states, “Another sticking point for some is whether or not SARS-CoV-2 has ever been isolated from a human subject without passing it through animal cells, as such media could be contaminated and therefore the source of the virus.”

Indeed, this is the “sticking point!” All of the studies that Mercola cites as proof passed the sample through animal cells—cultures contami­nated with fetal bovine serum and toxic antibiot­ics, and starved with a minimal nutrient medium.

Furthermore, no paper has proven that an isolated or pure virus obtained from a cell culture has ever made an animal or human sick in any way. Therefore, it is illogical, irrational and anti-scientific to claim that the “virus” is a pathogen.

According to Mercola, “At least part of the confusion appears to be rooted in how the term ‘isolated’ is defined. Some insist a virus is not isolated unless it’s also purified, while others say a virus doesn’t have to be purified in order to be ‘isolated.’” Actually, as we have pointed out, the confusion—deliberate confusion—results from virologists using the word “isolated” to mean “not isolated,” and insisting that “purified” and “isolated” do not mean the same thing.

More Genome Sequencing

One study Mercola highlights is a “genome sequencing” study published in January 2021 in Gut Pathology.7 In this study, the genetic material (RNA) was extracted directly from stool samples of a patient identified as having Covid-19 using the meaningless PCR test.

This paper relies on an in silico genome-sequencing procedure whereby they extract all of the RNA that is present in a body fluid or tissue sample, which would include a number of different sources of genetic material, including the person’s own. The material would include non-coding DNA that has been transcribed, spliced and recombined to make all sorts of novel sequences.

They then throw out the long fragments and just look at the short ones. This is a really im­portant point, because the longer the sequence, the more you can be sure that it came from one source; whereas if you have short sequences, when they put them together in a longer sequence, parts of it could have come from different sources. It’s more reliable to have longer sequences, but then they can’t do the se­quencing as fast. So, they put all those short sequences into the computer and let various computer software programs put them together, mapping them to the “reference” standard genome—which has been done in the same way—and then give you a result. The result is a little bit different each time, which is why they have over two million “variants.”

In this 2021 paper, they used fecal material, which they said con­tained the same genetic material as that extracted from the nose using a nasal swab. And interestingly, in this case, they did use a control group, which is very unusual—they actually used a purchased heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2 toxic cell culture that served as a negative control.

The other unusual procedure was that they used shorter strands of RNA than normal. Usually, they look at strands of up to one hundred fifty base pairs, but in this study, they limited the length to seventy-six base pairs. This would result in even more error in terms of the source of each particular little strand.

They also skipped an important step, which they call making “con­tigs” (from the word contiguous). Usually, what they do is take all those little sequences of short strands—there are often over fifty million of them—and put them into software number-crunching programs that try to pair up overlapping sequences on the ends to make longer and longer strands—this is what they call “contig.” Then they pick one of the longest strands and use that as the base genome.

In this case, they didn’t do that. They just took the sequence strands and templated them right away against the reference standard from the database. In other words, they chose the pieces that would fit into the puzzle and entered them into the program, and then the software filled in the gaps and rearranged things as necessary. In this way, they made sure that the genome looked the way they wanted it to look.

All of the studies Mercola lists as proving the existence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are done in similar fashion to come up with a computer simulation, not a real genome taken intact from a real organism.

When Hammond talks about finding a genome of twenty-eight to twenty-nine thousand base pairs, it’s important to understand that they have never found this genome in any bodily fluid, just like they have never found anything they could call a virus. They have never found a strand of twenty-nine thousand base pairs; instead, they have created it in the computer by matching pieces together based on a template. In other words, they find the sequence only because that’s the sequence they’re telling it to find. This is not science!

More Covid-19 Virus Studies

Another paper cited by Mercola comes from Italy, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine in August 2020.8 The researchers took a sputum sample from a sixty-five-year-old woman and diagnosed her with Covid-19 using a PCR test. Then they cultured the sample in kidney cells, followed by genome sequencing as described above. It’s the same in all the studies that Mercola cites. Nobody isolates the virus from the patient directly; nobody takes that virus and determines the genetic material in that virus; nobody takes that virus and exposes somebody else to it and shows that it causes disease.

Mercola cites a study from Colombia that is the same exact experiment—a nose swab cultured in a toxic cell culture, followed by genetic sequencing and electron microscopy.9 According to the researchers, “Electron mi­croscopy images obtained from infected cells showed the presence of structures compatible with SARS-CoV-2”—not structures that are, but that are compatible.

These structures are also “compatible” with kidney failure and probably many other things. The authors state that the genetic com­position of their isolates was consistent with the predominant variant—not saying it was the predominant variant. In other words, they are hedging at every turn.

At the end of his article, Mercola mentions “antibody dependent enhancement (ADE),” but there is absolutely no scientific evidence to support something called ADE. Virus theory posits that we make antibodies against viral diseases. In July 2020, the head of the Bulgar­ian Pathology Association stated that they had found no monoclonal (coming from the same cell) antibodies in any of the people said to have died of Covid.10

This is like saying that no one has died of Covid, because since they haven’t found an­tibodies, they must conclude that the patients didn’t have Covid.

Does It Matter?

Hammond dismisses those who question the viral theory of disease as his “pet peeve” and “divisive” of the health freedom movement. According to Mercola, “Getting too far into the weeds of theories that refute the existence of viruses altogether will only slow down and ham­per the truth movement rather than aid it along, and I would strongly discourage anyone from engaging in this highly unproductive narrative.” In other words, if you question the viral theory, you are the bad guy, hindering the movement for health freedom. One virus advocate has referred to “virus-deniers” as domestic terrorists!

And yet the virus debate has immense im­portance to the health freedom movement. All the objectionable “public health” measures— masks, social distancing, isolation, testing and above all toxic vaccines—are predicated on the belief that we are threatened by a virulent, contagious virus. If there is no virus—not for Covid-19, not for any disease—then the justifi­cation for forcing these measures on the public disappears.

Electron Microscopy

Scientists use an electron microscope in order to see the structures inside a cell. To view a sample under the electron microscope, they must prepare it using special procedures. One reason is that the beams of the electron microscope are extremely powerful and can heat the sample up to 150 degrees C. The preparation method requires the following steps:

FIXATION: The sample is placed in some kind of chemical fixative, such as formalin, glutaraldehyde or osmium tetroxide. This preserves the structure of the tissue.

DEHYDRATION: This step requires bathing the tissue many times in alcohol (ethanol or acetone) to remove all water from the tissue.

EMBEDDING: The tissue is put inside a small mold that is filled with paraffin wax or epoxy resin, which is then cooled to harden.

SLICING: The hardened resin is sliced into extremely thin pieces.

STAINING: The tissue is stained with some type of heavy metal, such as uranyl acetate, another name for uranium, or lead acetate, so you can have more contrast when you’re viewing the tissue through the electron microscope.

These methods will obviously have effects on biological samples. For example, formalin in the staining process is formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen and neurotoxin; glutaraldehyde is specifically dangerous for the gastrointes­tinal tract and the lungs, and osmium tetroxide causes pulmonary edema. Ethanol used in the alcohol baths can cause severe liver damage, and acetone damages the kidneys, the lungs and the brain. Paraffin wax and epoxy resin used for embedding can also affect biological tissues.

Most toxic are the heavy metals uranium and lead used for staining; they are bound to have toxic effects on biologi­cal samples. The result is that what you see using the electron microscope has little resemblance to living tissue—it is an artifact and a distortion, from which no conclusions about cell structure can be made.

A Mouse Study

Recently, Dr. Robert Malone stated that the omicron variant is not as dangerous as the others and that we should rethink our vaccines. One of the papers he cited was “Age-associated SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infection and changes in immune response in a mouse model,” published in December 2021 in Emerging Microbes and Infections.11

In the abstract of this paper we read, “Older individuals are at higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe outcomes, but the underlying mechanisms are incompletely understood. In addition, how age modulates SARS-CoV-2 re-infection and vaccine breakthrough infections remain largely unexplored. Here, we investigated age-associated SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis, immune responses, and the occurrence of re-infection and vaccine breakthrough infec­tion utilizing a wild-type C57BL/6N mouse model. We demonstrated that interferon and adaptive antibody response upon SARS-CoV-2 challenge are significantly impaired in aged mice compared to young mice, which results in more effective virus replications and severe disease manifestations in the respiratory tract. Aged mice also showed increased susceptibility to re-infection due to insufficient immune protection acquired during the primary infection.”

Now, when well-known spokesmen such as Dr. Robert Malone comment on the importance of a study like this, it works to convince the public that SARS-CoV-2 is real and the omicron variant is real. Maybe omicron is not so bad, maybe it is worse in the elderly, but in any event, the new “variant” is real.

According to Malone, the reason this study is important is that it explains the significant adverse event profile of the vaccines. We would agree that these adverse events combined with a milder disease profile of omicron raise the possibility that boosters may not be good medicine, even for the elderly, but the suggestion that viruses have anything to do with this only perpetuates the kind of misinformation that justifies everything that is wrong with how the health authorities have handled the pandemic—masks, social distancing, isolation, hand sanitizing and vaccinations.

According to the authors, the antibody response was severely impaired in aged mice leading to more severe disease. In the Materials and Methods section, we see that the SARS-CoV-2 variant was “isolated” from a confirmed Covid-19 patient in Hong Kong and that the virus was cultured in Vero (kidney) cells and stored at negative 80 degrees C.

Now, the important part: they expose the mice to a “variant” of the “virus”—to what they think is the omicron variant. One would expect that what scientists would do is take purified virus and expose the mice in the way that humans are exposed, by breathing it in the air. But what did these scientists do? They did a standard viral culture, meaning they inoculated monkey kidney cells (Vero cells) with fetal calf serum and an unpurified sample from a per­son with alleged “Covid.” (Fetal bovine serum, by the way, is taken from live aborted slaughterhouse calves whose blood is sucked directly from their hearts.) So, they didn’t, in fact, use a virus—that is a flat-out lie. Instead of a virus, they used a culture of kidney cells that contained some of the primers allegedly from a variant strain, a variant that has never been isolated.

Now, you would think that they must have sprayed this culture onto the mice, or gently into their noses, but that’s not what they did. Instead, they anesthetized the mice with toxic drugs—essentially poisoning them—and then squirted a mixture of phosphate-buffered saline and the toxic kidney culture under high pressure down their noses through an intranasal cannula directly into their lungs. No rational person would say that this type of experiment has any rela­tion to what happens in old or young people or to anybody exposed to a “virus.” It’s ridiculous to call this science.

And then they found out whether the young mice did better than the old mice. Upon intranasal inoculation, the young mice transiently lost a maximum of 5 percent body weight for a short period. In contrast, the older mice lost 12 percent of body weight, and they didn’t recover. Moreover, the young mice did not show any sign of disease. The older mice showed hunched postures and labored breathing, which was more severe at higher doses of toxic cell culture injection into their lungs.

If you wanted to be precise in your language, you would say that young mice—injected, anesthetized and sub­jected to high-pressure squirts of toxins directly into their lungs—seemed to be okay; they just lost a little weight. That’s probably the definition of a bad day for a mouse. But they seemed to recover, whereas the older mice didn’t do as well. That’s what they found.

And then they did all kinds of biochemical histological genetic studies, analyzing the tissue after they ground up the nasal turbinates, the lungs and so forth. They then concluded, “Yep,” these mice have a lot more antibodies than they should—which means they are trying to protect themselves against being poisoned with toxic cell cultures injected right into their lungs.

The authors found that the staining of the nucleocapsid protein was more intense at higher doses of the stuff squirted up the mice’s lungs. Later, they say these findings indicate that SARS-CoV-2 “replicates more effectively in the respiratory tract of aged mice than young mice upon virus exposure.” We would submit that they never actually took out any virus and never saw any replication of any virus in any lung of any mouse.

In other words, the researchers essentially said, “This study does not prove what we thought it was proving, but is just another way to convince us that there is a virus and that the virus is the cause of disease.” When in fact, all this study really tells us is that older, poorly-fed mice do worse when exposed to poisons than younger ones.

Does it matter whether this disease is caused by a virus or not? When the Chief Medical Officer of the World Health Organization predicts that half of the United States is going to get sick in the next six to eight weeks, yes, it does matter. The problem with all this talk about viruses is that it completely obscures the reasons why people are getting sick. We know that a lot of people are getting sick from the injections, but they are not the only people getting sick. Unfortunately, as long as we stick to this nonsense called the viral narrative, we will never ask the right questions, and we will never get any answers as to what otherwise is making people sick.

Rapid Tests for Covid-19 Virus

Recently, the CDC announced—quietly and without explanation—that as of January 1, 2022, they were no longer going to use PCR tests for “diagnosing Covid.” Many people saw this as a kind of capitulation by the CDC, as if to say they had finally seen the light; or perhaps there was enough pressure on CDC that they realized they had to back down quietly from the PCR test. Many people interpreted the CDC’s move as an end to testing, and since this pandemic is really a pandemic of testing, they believed this would go a long way toward ending the pandemic. After all, if they stopped doing the test, nobody would test positive. However, the CDC didn’t say they were going to end testing.

The problem is that these people are playing chess, while the rest of us are playing checkers—if they’re playing chess, we need to play chess, too, and understand the motivations and the rationale behind some of the moves we’re hearing about. And this is particularly true in the case of things that seem to be small victories—sometimes even fairly large victories—because upon closer examination, they don’t all turn out to be the victories that we imagined.

The PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) is not a diagnostic test, it’s a manufacturing tool, and it does not test whether or not anybody has any virus. Rather, the PCR is a method to rapidly make millions to billions of copies (complete cop­ies or partial copies) of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it (or a part of it) to a large enough amount to study in detail. The inventor, Kary Mullis, was emphatic that his test could not be used to diagnose or determine disease.

The PCR amplifies the DNA sample anywhere from twenty to forty cycles in order to get enough genetic material to detect—the test does this by showing a color change. To use the PCR as a diagnostic test requires two assumptions. The first is that you know that the genetic sequence you are amplifying comes from the virus you are looking for; the second is that there are no other biological organisms in the sample—no microbes, bacteria, fungi or human DNA. To repeat, the premise of using the PCR for diagnosis is that you already know the sequence of the virus, and you know that this primer sequence is one of the pieces of the entire virus genome, and that no other biological organism has that same sequence of DNA. We know that both these premises are not true with PCR Covid tests. Actually, one of the people who came up with the original primer sequences was Christian Drosten, who admitted in a paper that they never had a copy of any virus.12

Now, just think about that for a minute. If you never had a copy of the virus, how can you possibly know that this piece of the genome is a piece of the virus, that it actually came from a virus? If we gave you a sentence and asked you whether this sentence came from a certain book, the obvious common-sense question that any rational human being would ask is, can you show me the book? How can you know whether a sentence comes from a certain book if you don’t have the book?

Furthermore, how can you prove that no other living being has this same sequence? You can determine this by doing what is called a BLAST search, which searches the database of all the genome sequences of all the organisms that have ever been sequenced. Scientists have done this and found out that the same sequence used in the PCR test primers for SARS-CoV-2 is found in at least ninety human sequences and ninety microbial sequences (meaning bacterial or fungal sequences).

Thus, the second premise, that a sequence is unique to a specific virus, is also not true. The sequence is found in humans and in bacteria. If you start with a sample that has sequences that come from humans and that has bacteria and fungus in it, there is no way of knowing whether the positive match—the sticking of the primer to a sequence in the sample that will then be amplified—comes from a virus, the person, bacteria, fungus or maybe from something else.

So, the PCR test is invalid—there are no “false positives,” there are no “false negatives,” there are just false results. So, shouldn’t we applaud when the CDC finally acknowledges that they are not going to do a PCR test anymore?

The question is, what are they going to replace it with? According to government announcements, they are going to use a “higher throughput and multiplexed assay with biotinylated primers.” To explain further: “This developed invention is multiplex and uses the Luminex bead-based liquid assay, which contains one hundred different unique bead oligonucleotide probes with sequences complementary to the target sequences covalently coupled to these unique beads. These capture beads are mixed with viral samples obtained from the patient via cheek swabbing or throat wash and subjected to PCR in a conventional thermocycler. The amplified target sequences then hybridize to complementary capture oligonucleotide probes via forward biotinylated primers; if this bead probe amplicon unit contains the target nucleic acid, it will be bound by the reporter molecule and fluorescence will be detected by flow site cytometer. This multiplex assay would thus be able to detect and identify respiratory pathogens present in hospital and clinical settings.”

English translation: Instead of the old PCR test, they are going to use one hundred different unique beads. These beads contain the primer sequences, and they’re all attached to the other beads. These beads are mixed with viral samples from the patient, and then they are put into PCR amplification cycles.

Now, the only real difference between this and the normal PCR test is that there are more of the primer sequenc­es—like one hundred more—attached to a compound called biotin. These biotinylated primers stick easily to the sequences in the sample, which then get put into the old-fashioned PCR thermocycler, so that they can be amplified. And then you get a result. Now, instead of a PCR test for Covid, one test will test for all the “viruses.”

The upshot of this is that now they will be able to say that you have many different viruses, all at the same time. Since all these viruses can make you sick (so they will argue), you may need a vaccine for each one of them.

This is a checkmate: They now are able to find the code for the original “virus” as well as the delta variant and the lambda variant, right on through the Greek alphabet, because they can make it look like you have multiple different sequences. These sequences amplify more easily because they figured out a way to make the primer sequences stick more readily to whatever is in your sample. And this is not a single-plex test. This is a multiplex assay, which means they can find any number they want, just by increasing the amplifications. And checkmate, they got us.

So, they replaced the old-fashioned PCR with something that will make the whole thing even worse. The lesson is that we should not be fooled by false minor victories, because they are not necessarily good news.

The Seven U.S. Government Payoffs to Kill You in Hospitals

by Dr. Peterson Pierre13

If you have Covid, and you end up in the hospital, you’re put on a rigid protocol. There’s a high mortality rate in the hospital, and your family is kept in the dark about what is happening. So, what’s going on here?

The CARES Act is providing bonus payments to hospitals whenever they have a diagnosis of Covid, while the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services is waiving patient rights. This is a deadly combination.

The hospital gets the first payment when they offer a free Covid test in the emergency room, and they get another payment if they can come up with a diagnosis of Covid. Number three, they get another bonus payment if they admit a patient with Covid. Number four, they get another bonus payment if the patient is put on remdesivir. Number five, another bonus payment if the patient is put on a mechanical ventilator. Number six, another 20 percent bonus if the diagnosis on your death certificate says Covid, even though you may not have died from Covid. And then number seven, there are bonus payments for the coroners.

Does the public understand the gravity of what’s happening right now? The government is literally paying hospitals to kill you. That’s what’s happening. These are real human lives we’re talking about, priceless human lives. It’s estimated that about one hundred thousand dollars per patient is what the hospital is getting. Think about that.

  1. https://amos37.com/mercola-yes-sars-cov-2-is-real-virus/
  2. Rai A, Fang H, Fatmous M, et al. A protocol for isolation, purification, characterization, and functional dissection of exosomes. Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2261:105-149.
  3. Vanderheuvel D, Rombouts S, Adriaenssens EM. Purification of bac­teriophages using anion-exchange chromatography. Methods Mol Biol. 2018;1681;59-69.
  4. Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954;86(2):277-286.
  5. Cassol CA, Gokden N, Larsen CP, et al. Appearances can be deceiving – Viral-like inclusions in COVID-19 negative renal biopsies by electron microscopy. Kidney360. 2020;1(8):824-828.
  6. Caly L, Druce J, Roberts J, et al. Isolation and rapid sharing of the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) from the first patient diagnosed with COVID-19 in Australia. Med J Aust. 2020;212(10):459-462.
  7. Papoutsis A, Borody T, Dolai S, et al. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from patient fecal samples by whole genome sequencing. Gut Pathog. 2021;13(1):7.
  8. Colavita F, Lapa D, Carletti F, et al. SARS-CoV-2 isolation from ocular secretions of a patient with COVID-19 in Italy with prolonged viral RNA detection. Ann Intern Med. 2020;173(3):242-243.
  9. Díaz FJ, Aguilar-Jiménez W, Flórez-Álvarez L, et al. Isolation and character­ization of an early SARS-Cov-2 isolate from the 2020 epidemic in Medillin, Colombia. Biomedica. 2020;40(Supl. 2):148-158.
  10. Frei R, Corbett P. Bombshell! “No one has died from the coronavirus” says leading pathologist. James Fetzer, July 11, 2020. https://jamesfetzer.org/2020/07/bombshell-no-one-has-died-from-the-coronavirus-says-leading-pathologist/
  11. Chen Y, Li C, Liu F, et al. Age-associated SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infec­tion and changes in immune response in a mouse model. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022;11(1):368-383.
  12. Corman VM, Landt O, Kaiser M, et al. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(3):2000045.
  13. Pierre P. The seven US government payoffs to kill you in hospitals. Jan. 16, 2022. https://www.bitchute.com/video/rzcEVrVaA9jY/

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Spring 2022


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cover image credit: geralt

A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond

A Brief History of Domestic Terrorism: From Cointel Pro to 9/11 and Beyond

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
May 26, 2022


Since a new wave of ‘domestic terror attacks’ have erupted over the past two weeks both in Buffalo and now more recently in Texas, the citizens of the USA and trans-Atlantic community more broadly are being whipped up into a frenzy of fear and confusion over the causes of ‘domestic terror’ which can only be remedied by increased dictatorial powers of the population.

As has often been the trend in our post-9/11 age, such highly publicized atrocities have tended to carry in their wake ever expanded state powers to surveille, censor and manipulate the confused and fearful population who lacks an ability to discern the true causes of the horrifying events framed for their consumption on mainstream media.

Before acquiescing to greater tyrannical powers to those agencies controlling western governments in exchange for promised security, it were wise to evaluate how and why terrorism – domestic or otherwise – has tended to arise over the past century.

If, in the course of conducting this evaluation, we find that terrorism is truly a “naturally occurring phenomenon”, then perhaps we might conclude alongside many eminent figures of the intelligence community and Big Tech, that new pre-emptive legislation targeting the rise of a new conservative-minded domestic terrorist movement is somehow necessary. Maybe the censoring of free speech, and the surveillance of millions of Americans by the Five Eyes is a necessary evil for the sake of the greater good.

However, if it is revealed that the thing we call “terrorism”, is something other than a naturally occurring, self-organized phenomenon, but rather something which only exists due to vast support from western political agencies, then a very different conclusion must be arrived at which may be disturbing for some.

But how to proceed?

Before it was revealed that ISIS was being supported by a network of Anglo-American intelligence agencies and their allies in a failed effort to overthrow Bashar al Assad, an exhaustive 2012 study was conducted by the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School. This study provides a convenient entry point to our inquiry.

In this course of its investigation, researchers at Fordham discovered that EVERY SINGLE ONE of the 138 terrorist incidents recorded in the USA between 2001-2012 involved FBI informants who played leading roles in planning out, supplying weapons, instructions and even recruiting Islamic terrorists to carry out terrorist acts on U.S. soil. Reporting on the Fordham study, The Nation stated:

“Nearly every major post-9/11 terrorism-related prosecution has involved a sting operation, at the center of which is a government informant. In these cases, the informants—who work for money or are seeking leniency on criminal charges of their own—have crossed the line from merely observing potential criminal behavior to encouraging and assisting people to participate in plots that are largely scripted by the FBI itself. Under the FBI’s guiding hand, the informants provide the weapons, suggest the targets and even initiate the inflammatory political rhetoric that later elevates the charges to the level of terrorism.”

Of course, this trend preceded 9/11 itself as we see in the case of FBI informant Emad Salem (formerly associated with the Egyptian Military) who recorded hundreds of hours of conversation between himself and his FBI handlers which were reported publicly by the New York times on October 28, 1993. Why is this important? Because Emad Salem was the figure who rented the van, hotel rooms, provided bomb-making instruction, tested out explosives on behalf of Mohammed Salamah and 15 other terrorists who carried out the February 1993 World Trade Center bombing which injured 1000 and killed 6 people.

Even though several large-scale military war game scenarios were conducted between October 2000 and July 2001 featuring planes flying into both the World Trade Center buildings and Pentagon, the incoming Neocon administration were somehow caught with their pants down when the events of 9/11 finally took place (conveniently at a moment that NORAD had suffered a total breakdown of their continental warning and response systems). When all flights were grounded over the coming several days, Cheney and his PNAC cohorts ensured that the only flights permitted to leave the USA was crammed with high level Saudi royals- including the Bin Laden family.

Why was this done?

As the declassified 28 pages from the 9/11 Commission report went far to demonstrate, the Saudis- largely coordinated by Prince Bandar Bin Sultan (Saudi Ambassador to the USA from 1983-2005 and Bush family insider) had provided the foundation for a cover story that was carefully scripted to justify the 9/11 incident.

Whether the plot was hatched by CIA-Saudi sponsored terrorists as some assume, or whether it was a controlled demolition as hundreds of architects and engineers have testified to (or whether it was a combination of both stories), one thing is certain: The official narrative is a lie and no matter how you try to explain it, two airplanes cannot cause the collapse of three WTC buildings.

Another thing is certain: Biden was happy.

Not only did Joe Biden act as one of the most aggressive voices for the invasion of Iraq in the days following 9/11, but he even bragged publicly that John Ashcroft’s 2001 Patriot Act was modelled nearly verbatim on his own failed 1994 Omnibus domestic surveillance legislation drafted in response to the first 9/11 attack and 1994 Oklahoma City bombing.

Another important outcome of 9/11 involved the re-organization of the FBI with a focus on domestic terrorist surveillance, prevention, disruption and entrapment.

In 2001, MI5’s Chief came to the USA where then-FBI director Robert Mueller was assigned the task of carrying out this new remix of U.S. intelligence that involved re-activating many of the worst characteristics of the FBI’s earlier COINTEL PRO operations that were made public during the 1974 Church Committee hearings.

Christian Science Monitor report from May 19, 2004 cited the changes in the following terms:

“They have done a number of things to move them in the direction of an MI5,” says a person close to the changes. “They’ve created agents who are trained to have an intelligence function. They’re monitoring organizations within the U.S. that pose threats to national security … not with an eye toward prosecuting, but toward collecting and analyzing that information.”

An incredible report by investigative Journalist Edward Spannaus listed a short list of some of the most extreme cases of FBI entrapment between 2001-2013 in the USA:

“One of the most egregious of these cases is the so-called “Newburgh Four” in New York State, in which an informant in 2008-09 offered the defendants $250,000, as well as weapons, to carry out a terrorist plot. The New York University Center for Human Rights and Justice reviewed this case and two others, and concluded: “The government’s informants introduced and aggressively pushed ideas about violent jihad and, moreover, actually encouraged the defendants to believe it was their duty to take action against the United States.”

The Federal judge presiding over the Newburgh case, Colleen McMahon, declared that it was “beyond question that the government created the crime here,” and criticized the Bureau for sending informants “trolling among the citizens of a troubled community, offering very poor people money if they will play some role—any role—in criminal activity.”

In Portland, Ore., it was disclosed during the trial of the “Christmas Tree bomber” earlier this year, that the FBI had actually produced its own terrorist training video, which was shown to the defendant, depicting men with covered faces shooting guns and setting off bombs using a cell phone as a detonator. The FBI operative also traveled with the target to a remote location where they detonated an actual bomb concealed in a backpack as a trial run for the planned attack.

In Brooklyn, N.Y., in 2012, an FBI agent posing as an al-Qaeda operative supplied a target with fake explosives for a 1,000-pound bomb, which the FBI’s victim then attempted to detonate outside the Federal Reserve building in Manhattan.

In Irvine, Calif., in 2007, an FBI informant was so blatant in attempting to entrap members of the local Islamic Center into violent jihadi actions, that the mosque went to court and got a restraining order against the informant.

In Pittsburgh, Khalifa Ali al-Akili became so suspicious of two “jihadi” FBI informants who were trying to recruit him to buy a gun and to go to Pakistan for training, that he contacted both the London Guardian and the Washington-based National Coalition to Protect Civil Freedoms, and told them that he feared the FBI was trying to entrap him. The National Coalition scheduled a press conference for March 16, 2012, at which al-Akili was to speak and identify the informants, but the day before the scheduled press conference, the FBI arrested al-Akili, charging him not with terrorism, but with illegal possession of a firearm.

The chief informant trying to entrap al-Akili turned out to be Shaden Hussain, a longtime FBI informant who had set up two earlier terrorism cases: the above-cited Newburgh, N.Y., case for which he was paid $100,000, and another in Albany, N.Y., for which his payments are not known.”

In the months since the events on January 6, 2021 we have only seen that this practice continued in full swing within the United States, as reports of FBI agents provocateurs began to circulate widely even being covered extensively by Tucker Carlson on June 15. Recent revelations that the “domestic terrorist” cell which recently plotted the kidnaping of Michigan’s Governor Whitmer were composed primarily of FBI informants and even the Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio was proven to be an FBI informant earlier this year along with leading strata of the Oath Keepers. The fact that Steve D’Antuono (FBI bureau chief in Michigan overseeing Whitmer operation) was promptly promoted to FBI bureau chief of Washington D.C. where his skills were put to good use on January 6 should not be lost on anyone.

Just to add a cherry atop this poisoned Sundae, during this same period of time, it was revealed by leaked FBI documents that Joshua Caleb Sutter- controller of the white supremacist group Atomwaffen and also the satanic Temple of Blood cult was paid over $180,000 by the FBI since 2003 ($80,000 of which was paid out after 2018).

Not Only the USA

This post 9/11 practice was not isolated to the USA, as a Canadian appeals court overruled guilty sentences handed down to an idiotic couple who were caught by the RCMP before their July 2016 jihadi plot to bomb a public venue on Canada Day could occur. Why did the appeals judge overrule their sentence? Because it became clear that every single member of the operation which radicalized the young couple, trained them to make bombs and even scripted their attack were RCMP informants!

Earlier cases of controlled domestic terrorist movements in Canada saw CSIS (Canada’s Security and Intelligence Service) erase thousands of hours of wiretaps of Sikh terrorists that detonated bombs in 1984 which lead to 329 dead in the worst act of aviation terrorism until 9/11. Despite this destruction of evidence, CSIS was absolved of its sins in 2005 by the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC). It was also this same organization that was revealed to have co-founded the white supremacist Heritage Front in 1988, and continued to finance it with tax payer funds using CSIS agent Grant Bristol as the conduit and Heritage Front controller until at least 1994.

Anglo-Canadian intelligence controls of domestic terrorism actually go as far back as the bomb-loving Front de Liberation Quebec (FLQ) of the 1960s that set dozens of mailbox bombs across the province. Not only did the RCMP Security Services get caught red handed managing FLQ cells, spreading FLQ graffiti on buildings and even supplying explosives to the group itself, but the FLQ’s “intellectual leader” (Pierre Vallieres) was also the Editor-in-Chief of the very same magazine (Cite Libre) which was run for a decade by none other than Canada’s Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau!

When major press agencies blew the whistle on the federal intelligence agencies behind the FLQ which justified months of Martial Law in Quebec in 1970, Trudeau’s right hand man (and fellow Cite Libre writer) Michael Pitfield created a new organization called the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) in 1983 as a branch of the Privy Council Office in order to continue psychological operations going under a new name.

If anyone wishes to look through the voluminous RCMP/CSIS files accumulated on Pierre Trudeau’s strange connections with the FLQ and broader Fabian Society networks during the Cold War, they would be out of luck as historians were informed in 2019 that the entire Trudeau record archive were secretly destroyed by CSIS in 1989 simply because they “weren’t interesting”.

It is important to keep in mind that the RCMP’s techniques were not specifically Canadian, but were innovated by the FBI’s Counter-intelligence Program (COINTEL PRO) which J. Edgar Hoover launched in 1956 in order to subvert “dangerous civil rights groups” then emerging under the leadership of Paul Robeson and Martin Luther King Jr. From the program’s inception until its nominal death in 1975, not only did the FBI infiltrate every anti-establishment grouping from the U.S. Communist Party (CPUSA), to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), NAACP to the Black nationalist movements throughout the 1960s, but ensured that its informants played leading roles in instilling internal conflict, radicalized groups towards violence and even set up leaders like Fred Hampton for assassination.

The strange case of Bernadine Dohrn and Bill Ayers who enjoyed vast institutional support and protection after their time running domestic terrorism as leaders of the Weather Underground is something that should also be investigated. The fact that both domestic terrorists not only became affluent Soros-tied education reformers, and early sponsors of Barack Obama’s political career is more than just a tiny anomaly which can simply be dismissed. (1)

Where did Hoover’s FBI generate COINTEL PRO tactics?

To answer this question, we need to look further back to British Intelligence’s Camp X, established in December 1941 in Canada with the mandate to train American and Canadian spies under the control of spymaster William Stephenson (station chief for Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) in New York).

The motive for Camp X had two interconnected components:

1) Prepare the groundwork for a deeper integration of U.S.-British Intelligence in preparation for the purge of patriotic U.S. intelligence officers allied to FDR’s vision of the post-war age, and

2) Train U.S. spies in the art of “secret warfare” which included counterfeiting, psychological warfare, propaganda, counter insurgency, assassination, and infiltration of target groups.

The integration of “full spectrum” alternative warfare tactics such as MK Ultra (modelled and steered by Britain’s earlier Tavis stock clinic), media propaganda (see: Project Mockingbird) and cultural war (see: the rise of modern art and atonalism promoted by the Congress For Cultural Freedom) were but a few of the tactics that were integrated during this process, and which continue virulently to this day.

Under Stephenson’s direction and staffed with Canadian RCMP operatives, the first generation of OSS spymasters were trained; including leading figures of the FBI’s Division 5 who went onto reformulate their WWII Camp X training in the form of assassination operations such as Permindex (operated by Camp X’s Major General Louis Mortimer Bloomfield).

In Conclusion

While I could have said more about the origins of America’s Secret Police which arose under Presidents Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, or the earlier deployment of domestic terrorism by Freemasonic lodges affiliated with Albert Pike (founder of the Ku Klux Klan) in an effort to undo Lincoln’s vision for industrial restoration of the South, these stories will have to be left for another time.

For now, it is enough to state that the “war on terror” set into motion by the World Trade Center attacks of 1993 and 2001, is now expanding to target a broad spectrum of the American population who would be morally resistant to the sorts of anti-human policies demanded by Great Reset Technocrats. This dishonest effort must be exposed and rejected before those actual controllers of terrorism attain their objectives: The destruction of nation states, the imposition of a new ethical paradigm premised on depopulation and entropy.


(1) By the late 1970s, the creation of controlled terrorist movements was applied vigorously to the Middle East in the form of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s great idea of channeling money, weapons and other support to radical madrasas across Afghanistan as part of an asymmetrical warfare against the Soviet Union. Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, these operations vastly expanded with the help of Saudi intelligence and Mossad involvement on the ground- always coordinated by Anglo American intelligence handlers. Islamic terrorism, just like “domestic American terrorism” always had much less to do with Islam and more to do with political agendas wishing to destroy national governments.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

cover image credit: geralt 

Hero of the Evolution: Dr. Tom Cowan

Hero of the Evolution: Dr. Tom Cowan
 Yet Another Powerful Voice From the Rapidly Expanding Army of Reason

by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded
May 19, 2022


I came across this Facebook post recently by Dr Tom Cowan. He is yet another qualified and intelligent voice of reason steadfastly and dedicatedly censored by the corporate media in  an ongoing and increasingly desperate effort to prevent the People getting wise to things they don’t want you to know.

The truth of the matter is these highly qualified a voices of reason are growing in number and ubiquity at an accelerating rate and the enemies of Humanity are having dickens of a job keeping  lid on the volcano.

The entire biochemical paradigm of the pharmaceutical-industrial complex that results in the systemic poisoning of Man, which itself is intended to render human beings tired, sick and introverted on their health – and thus neutralised as potential sources of trouble (ie liberty) -is now in jeopardy.

All we have to do is keep going, keep speaking out, keep right on advocating Reason and common sense and keep on bringing to the attention of the People the huge reservoir of wisdom and more workable paradigms that are being kept from them by those with a vested interest in prolonging the Dark Age 0f their barbarism.

In other words, simply REFUSE to shut up.

And the more we can unite and work together, the sooner the Dark Age will be over and the Age of Reason begun.

Dr Tom Cowan is a highly recommended voice of reason.

Please visit his website here

Or see his videos on Bitchute here.

And here by way of a taster is his post from Facebook

As you can see from this blockbuster article published on Aug. 9, 2016, in the prestigious journal Nature, researchers conclusively demonstrated that whenever fetal calf serum is added to any cell culture (as is done in virtually all modern virology studies, including those used during the past two years), it is simply impossible to use the results of this culture to determine the RNA sequence of any new vîru$. As they demonstrate, fetal calf serum itself is a rich source of many types of RNA sequences. Once this is introduced into the cell culture, from then on, there is no way to determine the origin of the RNA that researchers find.

The significance of this study cannot be overstated and validates what we’ve been saying for many months. Virologists use cell cultures to prove the existence of a new vîru$ and its cytopathic effect. If the culture is contaminated, as this study demonstrates, any claims about a new vîru$ and its genetic makeup are meaningless.


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Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Michael Clarage: The Light of Life — “Life Emits Light.”

Michael Clarage: The Light of Life — “Life Emits Light.”

by The Thunderbolts Project
May 14, 2022



Life emits light.

There is even proof our eyes emit light.

To a physicist this is possible since all receivers are also transmitters—a radio antenna can send or receive the same signal. The rhodopsin molecules in the retinal cells absorb and emit the same visible light.

Michael Clarage, PhD, Astrophysicist and Lead Scientist of SAFIRE, explains how we could not have organic life without cells, chemicals, light, electricity, or the ecosystems of the Earth and Sun—all levels of the hierarchy communicate and exchange energy.


The Thunderbolts Project — a Voice for the Electric Universe


Connect with The Thunderbolts Project

cover image is a screenshot from ThunderboltsProject video  found above

Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May Be Defeated Once More

Hyperinflation, Fascism and War: How the New World Order May Be Defeated Once More


“While everyone knows that the 1929 market crash unleashed four years of hell in America which quickly spread across Europe under the great depression, not many people have realized that this was not inevitable, but rather a controlled blowout.” ~ Matthew Ehret


by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
May 12, 2022


While the world’s attention is absorbed by tectonic shifts unfolding in Ukraine and the danger of military confrontation between NATO and Eurasia, something very ominous has appeared “off of the radar” of most onlookers. This something is a financial collapse of the trans-Atlantic banks that threatens to unleash chaos upon the world. It is this collapse that underlies the desperate efforts being made by the neo-con drive for total war with Russia, China and other members of the growing Mutlipolar Alliance today.

In recent articles, I have mentioned that the Bank of England-led “solution” to this oncoming financial blowout of the $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble is being pushed under the cover of a “Great Global Reset” which is an ugly and desperate effort to use COVID-19 as a cover for the imposition of a new post-covid world order operating system. Since the new “rules” of this new system are very similar to the 1923 Bank of England “solution” to Germany’s economic chaos which eventually required a fascist governance mechanism to impose it onto the masses, I wish to take a deeper look at the causes and effects of Weimar Germany’s completely un-necessary collapse into hyperinflation and chaos during the period of 1919-1923.

In this essay, I will go further to examine how those same architects of hyperfinflation came close to establishing a global bankers’ dictatorship in 1933 and how that early attempt at a New World Order was fortunately derailed through a bold fight which has been written out of popular history books.

We will investigate in depth how a major war broke out within America led by anti-imperial patriots in opposition to the forces of Wall Street and London’s Deep State and we will examine how this clash of paradigms came to a head in 1943-1945.

This historical study is not being conducted for entertainment, nor should this be seen as a purely academic exercise, but is being created for the simple fact that the world is coming to a total systemic meltdown and unless certain suppressed facts of 20th century history are brought to light, then those forces who have destroyed our collective memory of what we once were will remain in the drivers seat as society is carried into a new age of fascism and world war.

Versailles and the Destruction of Germany

Britain had been the leading hand behind the orchestration of WWI and the destruction of the potential German-Russian-American-Ottoman alliance that had begun to take form by the late 19th century as foolish Kaiser Wilhelm discovered (though sadly too late) when he said: “the world will be engulfed in the most terrible of wars, the ultimate aim of which is the ruin of Germany. England, France and Russia have conspired for our annihilation… that is the naked truth of the situation which was slowly but surely created by Edward VII”.

Just as the British oligarchy managed the war, so too did they organize the reparations conference in France which, among other things, imposed impossible debt repayments upon a defeated Germany and created the League of Nations which was meant to become the instrument for a “post-nation state world order”. Lloyd George led the British delegation alongside his assistant Philip Kerr (Lord Lothian), Leo Amery, Lord Robert Cecil and Lord John Maynard Keynes who have a long term agenda to bring about a global dictatorship. All of these figures were members of the newly emerging Round Table Movement, that had taken full control of Britain by ousting Asquith in 1916, and which is at the heart of today’s “deep state”.

After the 1918 Armistice dismantled Germany’s army and navy, the once powerful nation was now forced to pay the impossible sum of 132 billion gold marks to the victors and had to give up territories representing 10% of its population (Alsace-Loraine, Ruhr, and North Silesia) which made up 15% of its arable land, 12% of its livestock, 74% of its iron ore, 63% of its zinc production, and 26% of its coal. Germany also had to give up 8000 locomotives, 225 000 railcars and all of its colonies. It was a field day of modern pillage.

Germany was left with very few options. Taxes were increased and imports were cut entirely while exports were increased. This policy (reminiscent of the IMF austerity techniques in use today) failed entirely as both fell 60%. Germany gave up half of its gold supply and still barely a dent was made in the debt payments. By June 1920 the decision was made to begin a new strategy: increase the printing press. Rather than the “miracle cure” which desperate monetarists foolishly believed it would be, this solution resulted in an asymptotic devaluation of the currency into hyperinflation. From June 1920 to October 1923 the money supply in circulation skyrocketed from 68.1 gold marks to 496.6 quintillion gold marks. In June 1922, 300 marks exchanged $1 US and in November 1923, it took 42 trillion marks to get $1 US! Images are still available of Germans pushing wheelbarrows of cash down the street, just to buy a stick of butter and bread (1Kg of Bread sold for $428 billion marks in 1923).

With the currency’s loss of value, industrial output fell by 50%, unemployment rose to over 30% and food intake collapsed by over half of pre-war levels. German director Fritz Lang’s 1922 film Dr. Mabuse (The Gambler) exposed the insanity of German population’s collapse into speculative insanity as those who had the means began betting against the German mark in order to protect themselves thus only helping to collapse the mark from within. This is very reminiscent of those Americans today short selling the US dollar rather than fighting for a systemic solution.

There was resistance.

The dark effects of Versailles were not unknown and Germany’s Nazi-stained destiny was anything but pre-determined. It is a provable fact often left out of history books that patriotic forces from Russia, America and Germany attempted courageously to change the tragic trajectory of hyperinflation and fascism which WOULD HAVE prevented the rise of Hitler and WWII had their efforts not been sabotaged.

From America itself, a new Presidential team under the leadership of William Harding quickly reversed the pro-League of Nations agenda of the rabidly anglophile President Woodrow Wilson. A leading US industrialist named Washington Baker Vanderclip who had led in the world’s largest trade agreement in history with Russia to the tune of $3 billion in 1920 had called Wilson “an autocrat at the inspiration of the British government.” Unlike Wilson, President Harding both supported the US-Russia trade deal and undermined the League of Nations by re-enforcing America’s sovereignty, declaring bi-lateral treaties with Russia, Hungary and Austria outside of the league’s control in 1921. The newly-formed British Roundtable Movement in America (set up as the Council on Foreign Relations) were not pleased.

Just as Harding was maneuvering to recognize the Soviet Union and establish an entente with Lenin, the great president ate some “bad oysters” and died on August 2, 1923. While no autopsy was ever conducted, his death brought a decade of Anglophile Wall Street control into America and ended all opposition to World Government from the Presidency. This period of deregulation led by Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon (controller of the dimwitted and corrupt President Coolidge) resulted in the speculation-driven bubble of the roaring 20s whose crash on black Friday in 1929 nearly unleashed a fascist hell in America.

The Russia-Germany Rapallo Treaty is De-Railed

After months of organizing, leading representatives of Russia and Germany agreed to an alternative solution to the Versailles Treaty which would have given new life to Germany’s patriots and established a powerful Russia-German friendship in Europe that would have upset other nefarious agendas.

Under the leadership of German Industrialist and Foreign Minster Walter Rathenau, and his counterpart Russian Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin, the treaty was signed in Rapallo, Italy on April 16, 1922 premised upon the forgiveness of all war debts and a renouncement of all territorial claims from either side. The treaty said Russia and Germany would “co-operate in a spirit of mutual goodwill in meeting the economic needs of both countries.”

When Rathenau was assassinated by a terrorist cell called the Organization Consul on June 24, 1922 the success of the Rapallo Treaty lost its steam and the nation fell into a deeper wave of chaos and money printing. The Organization Consul had taken the lead in the murder of over 354 German political figures between 1919-1923, and when they were banned in 1922, the group merely changed its name and morphed into other German paramilitary groups (such as the Freikorps) becoming the military arm of the new National Socialist Party.

1923: City of London’s Solution is imposed

When the hyperinflationary blowout of Germany resulted in total un-governability of the state, a solution took the form of the Wall Street authored “Dawes Plan” which necessitated the use of a London-trained golem by the name of Hjalmar Schacht. First introduced as Currency Commissioner in November 1923 and soon President of the Reichsbank, Schacht’s first act was to visit Bank of England’s governor Montagu Norman in London who provided Schacht a blueprint for proceeding with Germany’s restructuring. Schacht returned to “solve” the crisis with the very same poison that caused it.

First announcing a new currency called the “rentenmark” set on a fixed value exchanging 1 trillion reichsmarks for 1 new rentenmark, Germans were robbed yet again. This new currency would operate under “new rules” never before seen in Germany’s history: Mass privatizations resulted in Anglo-American conglomerates purchasing state enterprises. IG Farben, Thyssen, Union Banking, Brown Brothers Harriman, Standard Oil, JP Morgan and Union Banking took control Germany’s finances, mining and industrial interests under the supervision of John Foster Dulles, Montagu Norman, Averill Harriman and other deep state actors. This was famously exposed in the 1961 film Judgement at Nuremburg by Stanley Kramer.

Schacht next cut credit to industries, raised taxes and imposed mass austerity on “useless spending”. 390 000 civil servants were fired, unions and collective bargaining was destroyed and wages were slashed by 15%.

As one can imagine, this destruction of life after the hell of Versailles was intolerable and civil unrest began to boil over in ways that even the powerful London-Wall Street bankers (and their mercenaries) couldn’t control. An enforcer was needed unhindered by the republic’s democratic institutions to force Schacht’s economics onto the people. An up-and-coming rabble rousing failed painter who had made waves in a Beerhall Putsch on November 8, 1923 was perfect.

One Last Attempt to Save Germany

Though Hitler grew in power over the coming decade of Schachtian economics, one last republican effort was made to prevent Germany from plunging into a fascist hell in the form of the November 1932 election victory of General Kurt von Schleicher as Chancellor of Germany. Schleicher had been a co-architect of Rapallo alongside Rathenau a decade earlier and was a strong proponent of the Friedrich List Society’s program of public works and internal improvements promoted by industrialist Wilhelm Lautenbach. The Nazi party’s public support collapsed and it found itself bankrupt. Hitler had fallen into depression and was even contemplating suicide when “a legal coup” was unleashed by the Anglo-American elite resulting in Wall Street funds pouring into Nazi coffers.

By January 30, 1933 Hitler gained Chancellorship where he quickly took dictatorial powers under the “state of emergency” caused by the burning of the Reichstag in March 1933. By 1934 the Night of the Long Knives saw General Schleicher and hundreds of other German patriots assassinated and it was only a few years until the City of London-Wall Street Frankenstein monster stormed across the world.

How the 1929 Crash was Manufactured

While everyone knows that the 1929 market crash unleashed four years of hell in America which quickly spread across Europe under the great depression, not many people have realized that this was not inevitable, but rather a controlled blowout.

The bubbles of the 1920s were unleashed with the early death of President William Harding in 1923 and grew under the careful guidance of JP Morgan’s President Coolidge and financier Andrew Mellon (Treasury Secretary) who de-regulated the banks, imposed austerity onto the country, and cooked up a scheme for Broker loans allowing speculators to borrow 90% on their stock. Wall Street was deregulated, investments into the real economy were halted during the 1920s and insanity became the norm. In 1925 broker loans totalled $1.5 billion and grew to $2.6 billion in 1926 and hit $5.7 billion by the end of 1927. By 1928, the stock market was overvalued fourfold!

When the bubble was sufficiently inflated, a moment was decided upon to coordinate a mass “calling in” of the broker loans. Predictably, no one could pay them resulting in a collapse of the markets. Those “in the know” cleaned up with JP Morgan’s “preferred clients”, and other financial behemoths selling before the crash and then buying up the physical assets of America for pennies on the dollar. One notable person who made his fortune in this manner was Prescott Bush of Brown Brothers Harriman, who went onto bailout a bankrupt Nazi party in 1932. These financiers had a tight allegiance with the City of London and coordinated their operations through the private central banking system of America’s Federal Reserve and Bank of International Settlements.

The Living Hell that was the Great Depression

Throughout the Great depression, the population was pushed to its limits making America highly susceptible to fascism as unemployment skyrocketed to 25%, industrial capacity collapsed by 70%, and agricultural prices collapsed far below the cost of production accelerating foreclosures and suicide. Life savings were lost as 4000 banks failed.

This despair was replicated across Europe and Canada with eugenics-loving fascists gaining popularity across the board. England saw the rise of Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists in 1932, English Canada had its own fascist solution with the Rhodes Scholar “Fabian Society” League of Social Reconstruction (which later took over the Liberal Party) calling for the “scientific management of society”. Time magazine had featured Il Duce over 6 times by 1932 and people were being told by that corporate fascism was the economic solution to all of America’s economic woes.

In the midst of the crisis, the City of London removed itself from the gold standard in 1931 which was a crippling blow to the USA, as it resulted in a flight of gold from America causing a deeper contraction of the money supply and thus inability to respond to the depression. British goods simultaneously swamped the USA crushing what little production was left.

It was in this atmosphere that one of the least understood battles unfolded in 1933.

1932: A Bankers’ Dictatorship is Attempted

In Germany, a surprise victory of Gen. Kurt Schleicher caused the defeat of the London-directed Nazi party in December 1932 threatening to break Germany free of Central Bank tyranny. A few weeks before Schleicher’s victory, Franklin Roosevelt won the presidency in America threatening to regulate the private banks and assert national sovereignty over finance.

Seeing their plans for global fascism slipping away, the City of London announced that a new global system controlled by Central Banks had to be created post haste. Their objective was to use the economic crisis as an excuse to remove from nation states any power over monetary policy, while enhancing the power of Independent Central Banks as enforcers of “balanced global budgets”. elaborate

In December 1932, an economic conference “to stabilize the world economy” was organized by the League of Nations under the guidance of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and Bank of England. The BIS was set up as “the Central Bank of Central Banks” in 1930 in order to facilitate WWI debt repayments and was a vital instrument for funding Nazi Germany- long after WWII began. The London Economic Conference brought together 64 nations of the world under a controlled environment chaired by the British Prime Minister and opened by the King himself.

A resolution passed by the Conference’s Monetary Committee stated:

“The conference considers it to be essential, in order to provide an international gold standard with the necessary mechanism for satisfactory working, that independent Central Banks, with requisite powers and freedom to carry out an appropriate currency and credit policy, should be created in such developed countries as have not at present an adequate central banking institution” and that “the conference wish to reaffirm the great utility of close and continuous cooperation between Central Banks. The Bank of International Settlements should play an increasingly important part not only by improving contact, but also as an instrument for common action.”

Echoing the Bank of England’s modern fixation with “mathematical equilibrium”, the resolutions stated that the new global gold standard controlled by central banks was needed “to maintain a fundamental equilibrium in the balance of payments” of countries. The idea was to deprive nation states of their power to generate and direct credit for their own development.

FDR Torpedoes the London Conference

Chancellor Schleicher’s resistance to a bankers’ dictatorship was resolved by a “soft coup” ousting the patriotic leader in favor of Adolph Hitler (under the control of a Bank of England toy named Hjalmar Schacht) in January 1933 with Schleicher assassinated the following year. In America, an assassination attempt on Roosevelt was thwarted on February 15, 1933 when a woman knocked the gun out of the hand of an anarchist-freemason in Miami resulting in the death of Chicago’s Mayor Cermak.

Without FDR’s dead body, the London conference met an insurmountable barrier, as FDR refused to permit any American cooperation. Roosevelt recognized the necessity for a new international system, but he also knew that it had to be organized by sovereign nation states subservient to the general welfare of the people and not central banks dedicated to the welfare of the oligarchy. Before any international changes could occur, nation states castrated from the effects of the depression had to first recover economically in order to stay above the power of the financiers.

By May 1933, the London Conference crumbled when FDR complained that the conference’s inability to address the real issues of the crisis is “a catastrophe amounting to a world tragedy” and that fixation with short term stability were “old fetishes of so-called international bankers”. FDR continued “The United States seeks the kind of dollar which a generation hence will have the same purchasing and debt paying power as the dollar value we hope to attain in the near future. That objective means more to the good of other nations than a fixed ratio for a month or two. Exchange rate fixing is not the true answer.”

The British drafted an official statement saying “the American statement on stabilization rendered it entirely useless to continue the conference.”

FDR’s War on Wall Street

The new president laid down the gauntlet in his inaugural speech on March 4th saying: “The money-changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit”.

FDR declared a war on Wall Street on several levels, beginning with his support of the Pecorra Commission which sent thousands of bankers to prison, and exposed the criminal activities of the top tier of Wall Street’s power structure who manipulated the depression, buying political offices and pushing fascism. Ferdinand Pecorra who ran the commission called out the deep state when he said “this small group of highly placed financiers, controlling the very springs of economic activity, holds more real power than any similar group in the United States.”

Pecorra’s highly publicized success empowered FDR to impose sweeping regulation in the form of 1) Glass-Steagall bank separation, 2) bankruptcy re-organization and 3) the creation of the Security Exchange Commission to oversee Wall Street. Most importantly, FDR disempowered the London-controlled Federal Reserve by installing his own man as Chair (Industrialist Mariner Eccles) who forced it to obey national commands for the first time since 1913, while creating an “alternative” lending mechanism outside of Fed control called the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) which became the number one lender to infrastructure in America throughout the 1930s.

One of the most controversial policies for which FDR is demonized today was his abolishment of the gold standard. The gold standard itself constricted the money supply to a strict exchange of gold per paper dollar, thus preventing the construction of internal improvements needed to revive industrial capacity and put the millions of unemployed back to work for which no financial resources existed. It’s manipulation by international financiers made it a weapon of destruction rather than creation at this time. Since commodity prices had fallen lower than the costs of production, it was vital to increase the price of goods under a form of “controlled inflation” so that factories and farms could become solvent and unfortunately the gold standard held that back. FDR imposed protective tariffs to favor agro-industrial recovery on all fronts ending years of rapacious free trade.

FDR stated his political-economic philosophy in 1934: “the old fallacious notion of the bankers on the one side and the government on the other side, as being more or less equal and independent units, has passed away. Government by the necessity of things must be the leader, must be the judge, of the conflicting interests of all groups in the community, including bankers.”

The Real New Deal

Once liberated from the shackles of the central banks, FDR and his allies were able to start a genuine recovery by restoring confidence in banking. Within 31 days of his bank holiday, 75% of banks were operational and the FDIC was created to insure deposits. Four million people were given immediate work, and hundreds of libraries, schools and hospitals were built and staffed- All funded through the RFC. FDR’s first fireside chat was vital in rebuilding confidence in the government and banks, serving even today as a strong lesson in banking which central bankers don’t want you to learn about.

From 1933-1939, 45 000 infrastructure projects were built. The many “local” projects were governed, like China’s Belt and Road Initiative today, under a “grand design” which FDR termed the “Four Quarters” featuring zones of megaprojects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority area in the south east, the Columbia River Treaty zone on the northwest, the St Laurence Seaway zone on the North east, and Hoover Dam/Colorado zone on the Southwest. These projects were transformative in ways money could never measure as the Tennessee area’s literacy rose from 20% in 1932 to 80% in 1950, and racist backwater holes of the south became the bedrock for America’s aerospace industry due to the abundant and cheap hydropower. As I had already reported on the Saker, FDR was not a Keynesian (although it cannot be argued that hives of Rhodes Scholars and Fabians penetrating his administration certainly were).

Wall Street Sabotages the New Deal

Those who criticize the New Deal today ignore the fact that its failures have more to do with Wall Street sabotage than anything intrinsic to the program. For example, JP Morgan tool Lewis Douglass (U.S. Budget Director) forced the closure of the Civil Works Administration in 1934 resulting in the firing of all 4 million workers.

Wall Street did everything it could to choke the economy at every turn. In 1931, NY banks loans to the real economy amounted to $38.1 billion which dropped to only $20.3 billion by 1935. Where NY banks had 29% of their funds in US bonds and securities in 1929, this had risen to 58% which cut off the government from being able to issue productive credit to the real economy.

When, in 1937, FDR’s Treasury Secretary persuaded him to cancel public works to see if the economy “could stand on its own two feet”, Wall Street pulled credit out of the economy collapsing the Industrial production index from 110 to 85 erasing seven years’ worth of gain, while steel fell from 80% capacity back to depression levels of 19%. Two million jobs were lost and the Dow Jones lost 39% of its value. This was no different from kicking the crutches out from a patient in rehabilitation and it was not lost on anyone that those doing the kicking were openly supporting Fascism in Europe. Bush patriarch Prescott Bush, then representing Brown Brothers Harriman was found guilty for trading with the enemy in 1942!

Coup Attempt in America Thwarted

The bankers didn’t limit themselves to financial sabotage during this time, but also attempted a fascist military coup which was exposed by Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler in his congressional testimony of November 20, 1934. Butler had testified that the plan was begun in the Summer of 1933 and organized by Wall Street financiers who tried to use him as a puppet dictator leading 500 000 American Legion members to storm the White House. As Butler spoke, those same financiers had just set up an anti-New Deal organization called the American Liberty League which fought to keep America out of the war in defense of an Anglo-Nazi fascist global government which they wished to partner with.

The American Liberty league only changed tune when it became evident that Hitler had become a disobedient Frankenstein monster who wasn’t content in a subservient position to Britain’s idea of a New World Order. In response to the Liberty League’s agenda, FDR said “some speak of a New World Order, but it is not new and it is not order”.

FDR’s Anti-Colonial Post-War Vision

One of the greatest living testimonies to FDR’s anti-colonial vision is contained in a little known 1946 book authored by his son Elliot Roosevelt who, as his father’s confidante and aide, was privy to some of the most sensitive meetings his father participated in throughout the war. Seeing the collapse of the post-war vision upon FDR’s April 12, 1945 death and the emergence of a pro-Churchill presidency under Harry Truman, who lost no time in dropping nuclear bombs on a defeated Japan, ushering in a Soviet witch hunt at home and launching a Cold War abroad, Elliot authored ‘As He Saw It’ (1946) in order to create a living testimony to the potential that was lost upon his father’s passing.

As Elliot said of his motive to write his book:

“The decision to write this book was taken more recently and impelled by urgent events. Winston Churchill’s speech at Fulton, Missouri, had a hand in this decision,… the growing stockpile of American atom bombs is a compelling factor; all the signs of growing disunity among the leading nations of the world, all the broken promises, all the renascent power politics of greedy and desperate imperialism were my spurs in this undertaking… And I have seen the promises violated, and the conditions summarily and cynically disregarded, and the structure of peace disavowed… I am writing this, then, to you who agree with me that… the path he charted has been most grievously—and deliberately—forsaken.”

The Four Freedoms

Even before America had entered the war, the principles of international harmony which FDR enunciated in his January 6, 1941 Four Freedoms speech to the U.S. Congress served as the guiding light through every battle for the next 4.5 years. In this speech FDR said:

“In future days, which we seek to secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.

“The first is the freedom of speech and expression–everywhere in the world.

“The second is the freedom of every person to worship God in his own way–everywhere in the world.

“The third is the freedom from want–which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants–everywhere in the world.

“The fourth is freedom from fear–which, translated into world terms, means a worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor–anywhere in the world.

“That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.

“To that new order, we oppose the greater conception–the moral order. A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign revolutions alike without fear.

“Since the beginning of American history, we have been engaged in change–in a perpetual peaceful revolution–a revolution which goes on steadily, quietly, adjusting itself to changing conditions–without the concentration camp or the quicklime in the ditch. The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.

“This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those who struggle to gain those rights or to keep them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.”

Upon hearing these Freedoms outlined, American painter Norman Rockwell was inspired to paint four masterpieces that were displayed across America and conveyed the beauty of FDR’s spirit to all citizens.

FDR’s patriotic Vice President (and the man who SHOULD have been president in 1948) Henry Wallace outlined FDR’s vision in a passionate video address to the people in 1942 which should also be watched by all world citizens today:

Churchill vs FDR: The Clash of Two Paradigms

Elliot’s account of the 1941-1945 clash of paradigms between his father and Churchill are invaluable both for their ability to shed light into the true noble constitutional character of America personified in the person of Roosevelt but also in demonstrating the beautiful potential of a world that SHOULD HAVE BEEN had certain unnatural events not intervened to derail the evolution of our species into an age of win-win cooperation, creative reason and harmony.

In As He Saw It, Elliot documents a conversation he had with his father at the beginning of America’s entry into WWII, who made his anti-colonial intentions clear as day saying:

“I’m talking about another war, Elliott. I’m talking about what will happen to our world, if after this war we allow millions of people to slide back into the same semi-slavery!

“Don’t think for a moment, Elliott, that Americans would be dying in the Pacific tonight, if it hadn’t been for the shortsighted greed of the French and the British and the Dutch. Shall we allow them to do it all, all over again? Your son will be about the right age, fifteen or twenty years from now.

“One sentence, Elliott. Then I’m going to kick you out of here. I’m tired. This is the sentence: When we’ve won the war, I will work with all my might and main to see to it that the United States is not wheedled into the position of accepting any plan that will further France’s imperialistic ambitions, or that will aid or abet the British Empire in its imperial ambitions.”

This clash came to a head during a major confrontation between FDR and Churchill during the January 24, 1943 Casablanca Conference in Morocco. At this event, Elliot documents how his father first confronted Churchill’s belief in the maintenance of the British Empire’s preferential trade agreements upon which it’s looting system was founded:

“Of course,” he [FDR] remarked, with a sly sort of assurance, “of course, after the war, one of the preconditions of any lasting peace will have to be the greatest possible freedom of trade.”

He paused. The P.M.’s head was lowered; he was watching Father steadily, from under one eyebrow.

“No artificial barriers,” Father pursued. “As few favored economic agreements as possible. Opportunities for expansion. Markets open for healthy competition.” His eye wandered innocently around the room.

Churchill shifted in his armchair. “The British Empire trade agreements” he began heavily, “are—”

Father broke in. “Yes. Those Empire trade agreements are a case in point. It’s because of them that the people of India and Africa, of all the colonial Near East and Far East, are still as backward as they are.”

Churchill’s neck reddened and he crouched forward. “Mr. President, England does not propose for a moment to lose its favored position among the British Dominions. The trade that has made England great shall continue, and under conditions prescribed by England’s ministers.”

“You see,” said Father slowly, “it is along in here somewhere that there is likely to be some disagreement between you, Winston, and me.

“I am firmly of the belief that if we are to arrive at a stable peace it must involve the development of backward countries. Backward peoples. How can this be done? It can’t be done, obviously, by eighteenth-century methods. Now—”

“Who’s talking eighteenth-century methods?”

“Whichever of your ministers recommends a policy which takes wealth in raw materials out of a colonial country, but which returns nothing to the people of that country in consideration. Twentieth-century methods involve bringing industry to these colonies. Twentieth-century methods include increasing the wealth of a people by increasing their standard of living, by educating them, by bringing them sanitation—by making sure that they get a return for the raw wealth of their community.”

Around the room, all of us were leaning forward attentively. Hopkins was grinning. Commander Thompson, Churchill’s aide, was looking glum and alarmed. The P.M. himself was beginning to look apoplectic.

“You mentioned India,” he growled.

“Yes. I can’t believe that we can fight a war against fascist slavery, and at the same time not work to free people all over the world from a backward colonial policy.”

“What about the Philippines?”

“I’m glad you mentioned them. They get their independence, you know, in 1946. And they’ve gotten modern sanitation, modern education; their rate of illiteracy has gone steadily down…”

“There can be no tampering with the Empire’s economic agreements.”

“They’re artificial…”

“They’re the foundation of our greatness.”

“The peace,” said Father firmly, “cannot include any continued despotism. The structure of the peace demands and will get equality of peoples. Equality of peoples involves the utmost freedom of competitive trade. Will anyone suggest that Germany’s attempt to dominate trade in central Europe was not a major contributing factor to war?”

It was an argument that could have no resolution between these two men…

The following day, Elliot describes how the conversation continued between the two men with Churchill stating:

“Mr. President,” he cried, “I believe you are trying to do away with the British Empire. Every idea you entertain about the structure of the postwar world demonstrates it. But in spite of that”—and his forefinger waved—”in spite of that, we know that you constitute our only hope. And”—his voice sank dramatically—”you know that we know it. You know that we know that without America, the Empire won’t stand.”

Churchill admitted, in that moment, that he knew the peace could only be won according to precepts which the United States of America would lay down. And in saying what he did, he was acknowledging that British colonial policy would be a dead duck, and British attempts to dominate world trade would be a dead duck, and British ambitions to play off the U.S.S.R. against the U.S.A. would be a dead duck. Or would have been, if Father had lived.”

This story was delivered in full during an August 15 lecture by the author:

FDR’s Post-War Vision Destroyed

While FDR’s struggle did change the course of history, his early death during the first months of his fourth term resulted in a fascist perversion of his post-war vision.

Rather than see the IMF, World Bank or UN used as instruments for the internationalization of the New Deal principles to promote long term, low interest loans for the industrial development of former colonies, FDR’s allies were ousted from power over his dead body, and they were recaptured by the same forces who attempted to steer the world towards a Central Banking Dictatorship in 1933.

The American Liberty League spawned into various “patriotic” anti-communist organizations which took power with the FBI and McCarthyism under the fog of the Cold War. This is the structure that Eisenhower warned about when he called out “the Military Industrial Complex” in 1960 and which John Kennedy did battle with during his 900 days as president.

This is the structure which is ran a coup in the USA in November 2020, and is intent on ripping the republic apart under an oncoming Civil War. This British-run deep state has been petrified that a new FDR impulse would be revived in America which may align with the 21st Century international New Deal emerging from China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Eurasian alliance. French Finance Minister Bruno LeMaire and Marc Carney have stated their fear that if the Green New Deal isn’t imposed by the west, then the New Silk Road and yuan will become the basis for the new world system.

The Bank of England-authored Green New Deal being pushed under the fog of COVID-19’s Great Green Global Reset which promise to impose draconian constraints on humanity’s carrying capacity in defense of saving nature from humanity have nothing to do with Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and they have less to do with the Bretton Woods conference of 1944. These are merely central bankers’ wet dreams for depopulation and fascism “with a democratic face” which their 1923 and 1933 efforts failed to achieve and can only be imposed if people remain blind to their own recent history.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

cover image credit: mohamed_hassan / pixabay

Lord Malloch Brown and Soros: The British Hand Behind the US Coup Revealed

Lord Malloch Brown and Soros: The British Hand Behind the US Coup Revealed

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
May 10, 2022


This week, I took the time to watch a new documentary produced by Dinesh D’Souza titled ‘2000 Mules’ which utilizes voluminous geotracking and video evidence to demonstrate conclusively the scope of the fraud which occured in November 2020 which saw the elections stolen from US President Trump. The documentary focuses on a quantitative analysis of the data, but avoids speculating on those causal agencies that would have the means, intent and power to put such a coup d’etat into effect. This was the right decision, as D’Souza’s purpose was to conclusively demonstrate the scope of the fraud, not venture into ‘why’ it happened, or who dunnit.

Since 2000 Mules is going viral, I thought it prudent to re-publish an article that I had written in December 2020 in order to present the evidence of the British hand which managed the coup that saw a cultish technocratic takeover of the White House. The star performers in this drama will be a Don Quixote/Sancho Panza team of George Soros and Lord Mark Malloch Brown.

The British Hand Behind the Coup

Throughout the four-year drama of Russiagate, the hand of British intelligence has revealed itself continuously.

From the obvious role of Sir Richard Dearlove and his former MI6 underlying Christopher Steele who together played a driving role in shaping the dodgy dossier, to their involvement with Oxford Rhodes Scholar Strobe Talbott in composing, promoting and marketing the fraudulent dossier to targeted members of Congress and media, to British Ambassador Sir Darroch caught “flooding the zone” with British intelligence assets to shape Trump’s perception of the world, to the array of British entrapment operations that targeted Michael Flynn as early as 2014 in London… wherever one looks, the hand of British intelligence seems to be everywhere.

While vast effort is made to downplay the British roots of the deep state by the media which tends to portray this problem from a partisan narrative of “democratic party corruption”, this sleight of hand misses the causal nexus and demands we believe that the tail truly wags the dog.

The uncomfortable truth which many are either too afraid, lazy or corrupt to admit is that since the moment John F Kennedy died on November 22, 1963, both the Democratic and Republican Parties have undergone an slow take-over by this foreign parasite. The thing that has come to be known as the “deep state” was never based on one party or another, and never emanated from anything native to the Constitutional traditions of the US government itself as I outlined in my previous article “Understanding the Trifold Nature of the Deep State”.

While the Republican party of George Bush was in power, this deep state had used its controls of computerized vote counting to rig elections in 2000 and 2004 in its favor as showcased brilliantly in the 2006 documentary Hacking Democracy. Later, when it was time for a controlled opposition to take power in 2008, it did the same thing under a different cast of characters.

While one side of the unipolar world government agenda was driven by a view that the USA should forever be the primary global police force governing a zero sum system of perpetual war, with an unelected elite managing the system from above, the other side believed that the USA should surrender its claims to sovereignty to an international global body with unelected technocrats and financiers at the top managing the zero sum system of perpetual war from above.

Notice the common denominator?

Election Theft as Russiagate 5.0

Now that it has become increasingly clear that mass election fraud has swept across the USA in an effort to accomplish what four years of Russiagate failed to achieve, yet another light has fallen upon the British hand behind Biden which aims to dissolve any nationalist spirit remaining in the embattled republic.

As I outlined in my last report, the largest private computer voting system in the USA which services 30 states and 70 million voters was shown to be at the heart of the current election theft. In that article, it was made clear that Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company which dominates the USA’s private computerized voting systems and is closely tied to another larger company called Smartmatic whose operating systems, and even software it absorbed during Obama’s administration.

For those still out of the loop, Smartmatic furnishes voting machines and its software (backdoor codes and all) to governments all around the world and is highly enmeshed with the Clinton Foundation, Soros’ Open Society and Nancy Pelosi’s very own Chief of Staff.

Not only that, but the key figure controlling Smartmatic is none other than Lord Mark Malloch Brown, a former vice chairman of George Soros’ Investment Funds (2007), as well as Soros’ Open Society Institute and World Economic Forum, former Vice President at the World Bank (1995-1999), UN Administrator for Development (1999-2005), UN Deputy Secretary General and UK Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the UN (2007-2009). These are just a few hats he has worn in recent years which we will explore in greater detail.

Lord Malloch Brown: Not Your Typical British Agent

Through his lifelong affiliation with Soros, Lord Malloch Brown (Knight of the Order of St George and St Michael) played the role of color revolutionary godfather and key controller of such “technocrat friendly puppet leaders” as Corazon Aquino as well as her son Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines, Georgia’s George Saakashvili and even the hapless talking ego Barack Obama.

After working through an extended “apprenticeship” under the cover of UN aid worker, and marauding journalist for the London Economist, Malloch Brown found himself working for a Washington consulting firm named Sawyer Miller in 1985. It was at this time Malloch Brown was deployed to become the advisor and speech writer to Philippine opposition leader Corazon (Cory) Aquino under the supervision of then Secretary of State George Shultz. Corazon was a darling of the western establishment but had the nearly impossible task of challenging the popular nationalist President Ferdinand Marcos who had steered his country into economic sovereignty in opposition to international financiers for since his inauguration in 1965.

Applying all of the arts of perception management and marketing, Malloch Brown took control of Aquino’s campaign transforming it into the “People Power Revolution” that was in many ways the first successful color revolution of our modern times. Knowing that votes would likely favor the incumbent Markos, Malloch Brown wrote that he drafted Aquino’s victory speech before the elections and had her deliver it before votes were even finalized- and which accomplices in the media were all too happy to project publicly fueling the mythology that Corazon had won.

Describing these events years later, Malloch Brown said: “An outstanding accomplishment during the Cory campaign was to produce an exit poll that indicated that she had won. It landed on the front page of the Inquirer and had a profound impact as it planted the idea that Aquino had won over Marcos… Marcos did not really recover after that. It was a very exciting experience to watch.”

Malloch Brown failed to mention that the “polling station results” which produced the false perception that Corazon had won were manipulated by George Shultz’s local agents survey firms Social Weather Station, and Pulse Asia which have never been held accountable for their role in the anti-Marcos coup.

Shock Therapy

Soon after this “accomplishment”, Malloch Brown began working closely with George Soros on a number of projects that radically altered the world during the intense period of transition from a bi-polar to unipolar age.

In 1993, Soros had only recently carried out a speculative attack on the British pound sterling which resulted in $1 billion profit to the Hungarian speculator while providing the UK with a convenient excuse to avoid walking into the Euro trap which it had set for other European targets entering into the “post-nation state epoch”. In 1994, Soros announced a $50 million grant for “democracy building” operations in Macedonia and Bosnia which Malloch Brown was hired to administer as part of the Shatalin Shock therapy agenda.

From 1993-1994, Malloch Brown was part of the Soros Advisory Committee on Bosnia where advanced the Balkanization projects of the 1990s. In 1998, Malloch Brown also co-founded Soros’s International Criminal Court (ICC) after the duo had created the International Crisis Group (ICG) in 1994. These institutions served to 1) shape “international perception” of the causes and solutions to “crises”, real or fabricated and 2) advocate solutions that removed sovereignty in military and judicial affairs from sovereign nation states where they had been enshrined in the UN Charter, Nuremburg laws and UN Declaration of Human Rights, to supranational unelected organizations under the control of “experts”.

As Vice President of the World Bank from 1995-1999 he took credit for transforming its image to a more democratic organization, and from 1999-2005 led in the creation of the Millennium Development Goals which increasingly tied UN funding to George Soros’ Open Society operations internationally (during his time in New York, Malloch Brown lived on an estate owned by Soros).

R2P and More Color Revolution

During this period, Malloch Brown was among the earliest advocates of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and did more than anyone else to incorporate the doctrine into United Nations “post-Westphalian” governance outlook in 2005 as UN Deputy Secretary General (2005-2006).

Demonstrating his imperial outlook on March 2011, the self-proclaimed “pacifist” grew impatient of nations who were reticent to blow up Libya and wrote in the Financial Times: “declare victory and get on with ousting Gadhafi”.

As co-chair of the International Crisis Group (which was born of seed money from Soros and on whose board of trustees sit Larry Summers, Joe Biden’s advisor Jake Sullivan and both George and Alexander Soros) Malloch Brown supported the narco-terrorist linked Kosovo Liberation Army which was also propped up by both the CIA and NATO during the Bosnia crisis coordinating closely with his Rhodes Scholar colleague Strobe Talbott who referred to Soros in 1995 as “a national resource—indeed, a national treasure.”

Describing Talbott, Malloch Brown recently wrote: “Strobe Talbott, is a very old friend of mine and in some ways a similar sort of practitioner and theoretician of globalisation… As such he really understood the hidden back-story of modern politics, which always gets shoved out of view by the more familiar story of nation-states.”

After bankrolling Georgia’s Rose Revolution in 2003 that put Soros’ Saakashvili in power, the Georgian state was rendered ungovernable due to a mix of vast incompetence and corruption. Here, Soros and Malloch Brown again came to the rescue by organizing a January 2004 event in New York that garnered $1.5 million for Georgian government reform programs (75% from Soros’ Open Society and 25% from the UN Development Program headed by Brown). The UNDP report justified the expense that was to pay Saakashvili’s salary as well as top government officials, and security forces when it said: “Georgia lacked the skilled professionals needed to design and execute sweeping reforms”.

The fact that these actions led to the murder of 1,600 in South Ossetia (mostly Russians) in 2008 and nearly triggered WWIII should not be forgotten, nor should Saakashvili’s nefarious role as Governor of Odessa (2015-16) where the convicted felon protected neo Nazis of the Azov Battalion. Similarly, the strange rise in popularity of Saakashvili underway in Georgia should make anyone with half a brain more than a little concerned.

Handler of Team Obama

On February 24, 2008, Samantha Power, husband to Harvard behaviorist Cass Sunstein and soon-to-be Ambassador to the UN under Obama gave an interview to the London Times describing the Malloch Brown-Obama connection in glaring detail. In this interview, Power said: “The principal conduit between Britain and the Candidate [Obama] has been Lord Malloch Brown, the Junior Foreign Minister, whom Obama came to admire when he [Malloch Brown] was Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Obama was really taken with him. It’s a relationship that has persisted and they have talked a number of times since.”

Indeed, Obama’s political career, like Saakashvili’s and Aquino’s, was always a creation of higher powers with Soros even providing the first $60,000 for Obama’s 2004 Senate run and then organizing the earliest fundraising parties for Obama’s Presidential run in 2007.

Samantha Power herself attributed her career to Soros and Lord Brown saying in 2004: “My book and my research was utterly unsustainable on the free market. If I hadn’t been able to get a grant from George Soros and the Open Society Institute, there is no way I could have done the kind of investigative reporting I needed to do”.

The Case of Cass Sunstein

While Power spent her time in the UN fighting viciously to push a pre-emptive P2P humanitarian regime change on Libya and later Syria, her husband Cass Sunstein worked as an advisor to Obama from 2009-2012 and authored a paper addressing the dangerous rise of “conspiracy theories” which threaten his idea of good government. Sunstein wrote “the existence of both domestic and foreign conspiracy theories, we suggest, is no trivial matter, posing real risks” and recommended “a series of possible responses” which include cognitive infiltration of conspiracy groups by government agents.

Additionally five options are developed by Sunstein:

“(1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing. (2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories. (3) Government might itself engage in counter speech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories. (4) Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counter speech. (5) Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help”

On August 24, 2020 Sunstein was tapped to chair the World Health Organization’s Technical Advisory Group mandated with modifying global behaviour in compliance with the new norms of the pandemic world order. The WHO chief stated “In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries are using a range of tools to influence behavior: Information campaigns are one tool, but so are laws, regulations, guidelines and even fines…That’s why behavioral science is so important.”

Read the full article here


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The Antibody Equation (1929): “Antibodies Were (and Still Are) Nothing More Than Unseen Theoretical Constructs”

The Antibody Equation (1929): “Antibodies Were (and Still Are) Nothing More Than Unseen Theoretical Constructs”

by Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
May 7, 2022


It is very apparent to anyone looking into the origins of antibodies that the idea of what these entities are in terms of how they look and how they function came well before any attempts to actually purify, isolate, and characterize the assumed particles. Antibodies were (and still are) nothing more than unseen theoretical constructs used to explain chemical reactions created in a lab. These fictional creations reside in the “domain of the invisible spectrum” conjured up by the “lively imagination” of a man named Paul Ehrlich. While there was no direct proof for the existence of these entities, the antibody concept was far too important to the immunological narratives forming around the growing practice of vaccination and the increased acceptance of other unseen entities known as “viruses” to just give it up. As the purification and isolation of antibodies in order to see and study them was an impossible task, researchers sought other methods to attempt to provide indirect evidence for the existence of these theoretical creations.

One man who is credited with providing such evidece is Michael Heidelberger, considered the “Founder of Immunochemistry.” He was the first to apply mathematics to the reaction of antibodies and their antigens. He is also known for “proving” that antibodies are proteins by showing that the antigens of pneumococcus bacteria are polysaccharides (or carbohydrates). Here is a brief overview of his work:

How Heidelberger and Avery sweetened immunology
All about nitrogen

“Avery and Dochez’s initial characterization of this pneumococcal substance showed that it was resistant to both heat and trypsin—features unbefitting most proteins—but that it did contain nitrogen, a component of proteins. But its true nature was not revealed until 1923, when Michael Heidelberger—then in the chemistry department synthesizing drugs against poliomyelitis and African sleeping sickness—teamed up with Avery.

The more they purified the reactive substance the less nitrogen it contained. When it was virtually nitrogen-free, recalled Heidelberger in a 1979 article, Avery ventured a guess: “Could it be a carbohydrate?” (2). Chemical analysis confirmed its sugary character, and subsequent studies of other pneumococcal serotypes revealed that each bacterial capsule had a distinct polysaccharide signature. It was this signature that dictated the serological specificity of the organism. The duo published these findings in two articles in the Journal of Experimental Medicine (3, 4).

Their results were met with considerable skepticism, as it was then thought that only proteins could incite a specific immune response. “Nobody believed it,” says Emil Gotschlich (Rockefeller University), whose later work on polysaccharide-based vaccines stemmed in large part from Heidelberger and Avery’s discoveries. “It took them a lot of effort to convince people that the polysaccharide was the immunoreactive component.”

Antibodies solidified

Heidelberger and Avery’s discovery came at a time when antibodies were regarded—by those who believed they existed at all—as mysterious substances that floated around in serum. “It appeared to me that there was a crying need to determine the true nature of antibodies,” wrote Heidelberger in 1979, “and that until this was done there could be no end to the polemics and uncertainties that were plaguing immunology” (2). Heidelberger later purified the antibodies from his precipitin reactions and showed that they themselves were proteins. As a result, says friend and colleague Victor Nussenzweig (New York University), “there were no more mystical ideas about what antibodies were.”

Heidelberger and his postdoctoral fellow Forrest Kendall later quantitated the precipitin reaction (5), bringing much-needed mathematics to the study of antibody–antigen interactions and lifting antibodies even further out of the realm of the mysterious (see the next “From the Archive”).”


Heidelberger hard at work using his microscopic vision.

Two of Heidelberger’s papers are most often cited as the proof that antibodies are proteins. The first is a paper he did with Oswald Avery in 1923. It is used as proof that the pneumococcus antigens are carbohydrates. However, was this paper successful in drawing this conclusion? Presented here are some highlights from their collaboration:

The Soluble Specific Substance of Pneumococcus.

“In 1917 Dochez and Avery (1) showed that whenever pneumococci are grown in fluid media, there is present in the cultural fluid a substance which precipitates specifically in antipneumococcus serum of the homologous type. This soluble substance is demonstrable in culture filtrates during the initial growth phase of the organisms; that is, during the period of their maximum rate of multiplication when little or no cell death or disintegration is occurring. The formation of this soluble specific material by pneumococci on growth in vitro suggested the probability of an analogous substance being formed on growth of the organism in the animal body.

Examination of the blood and urine of experimentally infected animals gave proof of the presence of this substance in considerable quantities in the body fluids following intraperitoneal infection with pneumococcus. In other words, this soluble material elaborated at the focus of the disease readily diffuses throughout the body, is taken up in the blood, passes the kidney, and appears in the urine unchanged in specificity. Similarly, a study of the serum of patients suffering from lobar pneumonia has revealed a substance of like nature in the circulating blood during the course of the disease in man. Furthermore, examination of the urine of patients having pneumonia due to pneumococci of Types I, II, and III has shown the presence of this substance in some stage of the disease in approximately two-thirds of the cases.

Recently from filtered alkaline extracts of pulverized bacteria of several varieties, including pneumococci, Zinsser and Parker have prepared substances which appear free from coagulable protein. These substances, called “residue antigens,” are specifically predpitable by homologous antisera. These observers consider these acid- and heat-resistant antigenic materials analogous to the soluble specific substance of pneumococcus described by Dochez and Avery. In spite of the fact that these “residue antigens” are precipitable by homologous sera produced by immunization with the whole bacteria, Zinsser and Parker have so far failed to produce antibodies in animals by injecting the residues.

In the earlier studies by Dochez and Avery certain facts were ascertained concerning the chemical characteristics of this substance. It was found that the specific substance is not destroyed by boiling; that it is readily soluble in water, and precipitable by acetone, alcohol, and ether; that it is precipitated by colloidal iron, and does not dialyze through parchment; and that the serological reactions of the substance are not affected by proteolytic digestion by trypsin. Since the substance is easily soluble, thermostable, and type-specific in the highest degree, it seemed an ideal basis for the beginning of a study of the relation between bacterial specificity and chemical constitution. The present report deals with the work done in this direction.


The organism used in the present work was Pneumococcus Type II. The most abundant source of the soluble specific substance appeared to be an 8 day autolyzed broth culture; hence this material was used as the principal source of supply. For comparison dissolved pneumococci and lots of urine containing the specific substance were also worked up, with essentially the same results, as will be seen from Table I.

The process for the isolation of the soluble specific substance consisted in concentration of the broth, precipitation with alcohol, repeated re-solution and reprecipitation, followed by a careful series of fractional precipitations with alcohol or acetone after acidification of the solution with acetic acid, and, finally, repeated fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate and dialysis of the aqueous solution of the active fractions.

Five lots of 15 liters each of 8 day cultures of Pneumococcus Type II in meat infusion phosphate broth are each concentrated on the water bath in large evaporating dishes to 1,000 to 1,200 cc. and precipitated in a separatory funnel by the gradual addition, with vigorous rotation, of 1.2 volumes of 95 per cent alcohol.The mixture separates into two layers, and is allowed to stand over night, or for several hours.

The upper layer, which is almost black and comprises the largest part of the mixture, contains only traces of the soluble specific substance, and is siphoned off and discarded. The lower, more viscous layer is run into a 250 cc. centrifuge bottle (occasionally a second will be required), capped, and rotated at high speed for ½ hour. Three layers are formed, of which the uppermost is merely a further amount of the liquid previously discarded. The middle layer consists of a compact, greenish cake of insoluble matter and gummy material, and contains most of the soluble specific substance. The bottom layer, from which salts often separate, is a brownish syrup rich in salts and nitrogenous matter and relatively poor in specific substance, and can, by careful manipulation, be poured off to a large extent.

Although a small proportion of the specific substance is lost if this syrup is discarded, its elimination represents so considerable a purification as to warrant the sacrifice of the active material contained. The gummy cake remaining in the centrifuge bottle, together with adhering salts and syrup, is now rinsed out and ultimately combined with similar material from the other lots, All of this is then dissolved as completely as possible in water, care being taken to break up the many lumps of gummy material, diluted to 1 liter, and again precipitated with alcohol. In this case about 1.3 liters are required to precipitate all but the last traces of active material from the upper layer. This is again discarded and the lower layer treated as before. At this stage there is relatively less of the bottom layer, and it is more difficult to separate it from the cake containing the specific substance, but as much as possible is removed. The remaining material is smoothed out with water, diluted to about 500 cc., and centrifuged. The precipitate is washed twice with water, and the washings are combined with the main solution. The still turbid liquid, the volume of which should be about 750 cc., is put through the alcohol purification process a third time, about 1.1 liters of alcohol being required. After having been centrifuged, the active material is again dissolved in water, made definitely acid to litmus with acetic acid, and again centrifuged. The precipitate is washed three times with water acidulated with acetic acid, and the filtrate and washings are combined in a separatory funnel and diluted again if necessary to 750 cc. Acetone (redistilled) is now added until a permanent precipitate forms, about 250 c¢. being necessary. The precipitate is allowed to settle, whereupon the lower part of the mixture containing the precipitate is drawn off and centrifuged. The clear superuatant fluid is restored to the main solution, while the precipitate, which consists largely of insoluble material and gives an aqueous solution almost devoid of activity, is discarded.

Fractional precipitation is continued, and even when the specific substance appears in quantity in the precipitate, it is occasionally possible to separate a lower, inactive, syrupy layer, as in the previous purifications by alcohol. Addition of acetone is continued until a test portion, heated on the water bath to remove acetone, diluted with saline, and neutralized, no longer gives a precipitate with immune serum, after which the upper layer may be discarded. The active precipitates are then redissolved in water, centrifuged again, and the supernatant liquid is diluted to 375 cc., reacidified with acetic acid, and again fractionated with acetone. If inactive fractions are obtained, the process is again repeated until no further purification results. Alcohol may be used for these fracfionations instead of acetone, the only difference being that a somewhat larger proportion is required. The active material is then dissolved in about 150 cc. of water and again made definitely acid with acetic acid. The solution is treated with solid ammonium sulfate until the first slight precipitate forms. This is generally inactive, and if so, may be discarded.

Finally, ammonium sulfate is added to saturation, completely precipitating the specific substance if the volume of the solution is not too great. The mixture is allowed to stand for several hours and is then centrifuged and the precipitate washed with a little saturated ammonium sulfate solution. It is redissolved in about 75 cc. of water acidified with acetic acid, centrifuged if necessary, and again precipitated by saturation with ammonium sulfate. Finally, the specific substance so obtained is dissolved in water and dialyzed first against running tap water in the presence of chloroform and toluene, and finally against distilled water until tests for sulfate and phosphate ion are negative. Addition of acetic acid during the early stages of the dialysis assists in the removal of calcium, which otherwise forms a large part of the ash.

The dialyzed solution is concentrated to dryness on the water bath and the residue redissolved in hot water. If the solution is not perfectly clear, it is centrifuged again before being evaporated to dryness, and the whole process is repeated as long as insoluble material separates. Toward the end of the final concentration absolute alcohol may be added to assist in the precipitation of the substance.

Variations in the exact volumes given are often necessary with different lots of broth, but this will occasion little difficulty if all fractionations are controlled by the specific precipitin test.

As so obtained the soluble specific substance forms an almost colorless varnish-like mass which may be broken up and dried to constant weight at 100°C. in vacuo. The yield from 75 liters of broth averages about 1 gin., although it varies within rather wide limits in individual lots.

By the method outlined above all substances precipitable with hosphotungstic acid or capable of giving the biuret reaction were eliminated. The residual material (Preparation 17, in Table I), for which no claim of purity is made, as efforts at its further purification are still under way, contained, on the ash-free basis, 1.2 percent of nitrogen. It was essentially a polysaccharide, as shown by the formation of 79 percent of reducing sugars on hydrolysis, and by the isolation and identification of glucosazone from the products of hydrolysis.”

“Table I represents a summary of the reactions of some of the earlier preparations worked with, as well as the later ones. Preparation 4 was obtained from the urine of a patient with a Type II pneumococcus infection, while No. 8 was obtained from an antiforrain solution of the pnemnococci. In both of these cases, as well as in Nos. 9, 11, and 15, the method of purification given above had not been fully worked out.

Attempts to stimulate antibody production by the immunization of animals with the purified substance yielded negative results.


 While it has long been known that the capsular material of many microorganisms consists, at least in part, of carbohydrates, any connection between this carbohydrate material and the specificity relationships of bacteria appears to have remained unsuspected. While it cannot be said that the present work establishes this relationship, it certainly points in this direction. Evidence in favor of the probable carbohydrate nature of the soluble specific substance is the increase in specific activity with reduction of the nitrogen content, the increase in optical rotation with increase in specific activity, the parallelism between the Molisch reaction and specific activity, the high yield of reducing sugars on hydrolysis, and the actual isolation of glucosazone from a small quantity of the material. The small amounts of substance available up to the present have hindered the solution of the problem, and it is hoped that efforts at further purification of the soluble specific substance, now in progress with larger amounts of material, will definitely settle the question.

    1. A method is given for the concentration and purification of the soluble specific substance of the pneumococcus.
    2. The material obtained by this method is shown to consist mainly of a carbohydrate which appears to be a polysaccharide built up of glucose molecules.
    3. Whether the soluble specific substance is actually the polysaccharide, or occurs merely associated with it, is still undecided, although the evidence points in the direction of the former possibility.”

A beautiful mind?

Heidelberger’s original 1923 paper can hardly be claimed to be the slam-dunk proof that bacteria antigens are carbohydrates. For starters, Heidelberger admitted that he was unsure if the presumed “antigen” substance was a carbohydrate or if it was merely associated with it. Even more importantly, he could not produce any antibody response upon injecting his presumed antigen into animals. This would indicate that the substance was not an antigen whatsoever as antigens are specifically defined as “a toxin or other foreign substance which induces an immune response in the body, especially the production of antibodies.” Thus, it seems rather odd to assume antibodies are proteins based off of this work, but assume they did:

Michael Heidelberger 1888–1991

“Since the pneumococcal capsular antigen was a polysaccharide, and antibodies were thought to be proteins, Heidelberger realized that by measuring the amount of protein in specific precipitates made with the capsular antigen he could determine their antibody content. Together with Forrest Kendall, who had joined the Heidelberger lab, the protein content of immune precipitates was determined by measuring total nitrogen, using the Kjeldahl procedure that came to be the hallmark of laboratories carrying out Heidelberger-type quantitative immunochemistry.”

Since they assumed the pneumococci bacteria was a polysaccharide, that meant any nitrogen left over was the antibody content. Based on the 1923 paper, this seems to be a rather falicious premise to build from. In any case, Heidelberger carried on with his assumption and it can be seen by this second paper from 1929 how Heidelberger came to his conclusion using the precipitin test and mathematics as proof that antibodies exist. I edited out the long mathematical sections with his equations so if you are interested in Heidelberger showing his work, I recommend reading the full paper. Highlights below:

A Quantitative Study of the Precipitin Reaction Between Type III Pneumococcus Polysaccharide and Purified Homologous Antibody*

“Of all the reactions of immunity the precipitin test is perhaps the most dramatic and striking. While other immune reactions are more delicate, the precipitin test is among the most specific and least subject to errors and technical difficulties. Attempts at its quantitative interpretation and explanation have been hampered either by the difficulty of finding suitable analytical methods or by the failure to separate the reacting substances from closely related, non-specific materials with which they are normally associated.

With the aid of recent work it has been found possible to avoid these difficulties to some extent. The isolation of bacterial polysaccharides which precipitate antisera specifically and possess the properties of haptens has not only afforded one of the components of a precipitin reaction in a state of comparative purity, but has greatly simplified the analytical problem. Since many of these polysaccharides contain no nitrogen, and antibodies presumably are nitrogenous, the latter may be determined in the presence of any amount of the specific carbohydrate. Moreover, Felton’s method for the separation of pneumococcus antibodies from horse serum not only permits the isolation of a high proportion of the precipitin, freed from at least 90 percent of the serum proteins and much of the serum lipoid, but is also applicable on a sufficiently large scale to furnish the amounts of antibody solution needed to make quantitative work possible. It is realized that antibody solutions of this type do not contain pure antibodies–indeed, only 40 to 50 percent of the nitrogen is specifically precipitable–but since so small a proportion of the original serum protein remains with the antibody a far-reaching purification actually has been effected. It should thus be possible with the aid of antibodies purified by Felton’s method to obtain data of a preliminary character which should point toward the mechanism of the reaction. The present paper is concerned with such data obtained in a quantitative study of the precipitin reaction between the soluble specific substance of Type III pneumococcus and Type III pneumococcus antibody solution.


1. Materials and Methods.–a. Solutions of Soluble Specific Substance, Type Ill
Pneumococcus.–The soluble specific substance of Type III pneumococcus used was kindly supplied by Drs. O. T. Avery and W. F. Goebel of The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. It was ash-free, contained 0.04 percent of nitrogen, and showed a/d = -32 °. A weighed amount of anhydrous substance was suspended in 0.9 percent saline, dissolved with the aid of 0.1 normal sodium hydroxide, and the solution was diluted with saline, adjusted to pH 7.6 and made up to volume with saline to yield a 1 percent solution. This was sterilized in the autoclave and used as a stock solution for making up other dilutions. These were prepared with sterile saline under aseptic precautions, and were kept in the ice-box.

b. Type III Pneumococcus Antibody Solution.–The antibody solutions used were prepared essentially according to Felton’s procedure (loc. cit.) from Type III antipneumococcus horse serum containing no preservative and supplied by the New York State Department of Health through the courtesy of Dr. A. B. Wadsworth and Dr. Mary B. Kirkbride. 100 to 200 cc. of serum were stirred slowly into 20 volumes of ice-cold water containing 9.5 cc. of molar potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 cc. of molar dipotassium hydrogen phosPhate per liter. The final pH varied from 5.6 to 6.3. After standing over night in the cold the supernatant was decanted and the precipitate was centrifuged off in the cold and dissolved in a volume of chilled 0.9 percent saline equal to that of the serum taken. 0.1 normal hydrochloric acid was then added until a precipitate no longer formed on dilution of a test portion with two volumes of water, after which 0.1 normal sodium hydroxide solution was added until a slight precipitate again formed on dilution. In general, 5 cc. of acid and 1.5 cc. of alkali per 100 cc. of serum were satisfactory, although as Felton emphasizes, different lots vary and no absolutely definite procedure can be given. In the present work the process of purification was followed either by testing the agglutinating power of the fractions against a heat-killed Type III pneumococcus vaccine, or by the precipitin reaction, or by both methods. After addition of the alkali the opalescent solution was diluted with 2 volumes of water and centrifuged in the cold. The almost inactive precipitate was discarded and the supernatant poured into 6.7 volumes of the chilled buffer solution previously used, (equivalent to 20 times the volume of saline employed), also adding enough 0.1 normal sodium hydroxide to neutralize the remaining acid. The resulting precipitate was collected and dissolved in a volume of 0.9 percent saline equal to that of the serum taken, and the pH was adjusted to 7.6. The solution was sterilized by passage through a Berkefeld N grade filter which previously had been washed with saline containing a drop of normal sodium hydroxide, followed by saline alone.

Antibody solutions prepared in this way were found to be rather unstable under the usual conditions of the precipitin test, and it therefore was necessary to subject them to a preliminary “ageing” treatment in order that control solutions might be relied upon to remain clear. This consisted in immersing the solution in a water bath at 37 ° for 2 hours, letting stand in the ice-box over night, centrifuging off the precipitate which usually formed, readjusting the pH if necessary, and filtering through a Berkefeld candle prepared as above. This treatment was repeated as many times as necessary, but the solutions usually remained clear after the second incubation at 37 °. Much time was lost and very inconstant results were obtained until “ageing” was resorted to.

The relative antibody content of the resulting solutions was estimated by determining the agglutination titer against a single heat-killed Type III pneumococcus suspension.

It will be seen from Table I that the agglutination titer and the
maximum amount of protein precipitable by the type III polysaccharide ([total N–N in supernatant] X 6.25) are approximately proportional. The latter may therefore be taken as a more definite, though not necessarily more accurate, measure of the actual antibody content of the solutions.

It is also evident that the antibody in all of these solutions has been purified to approximately the same extent, since the ratios of protein precipitable by SSS III to total protein are not very different.”


“For purposes of discussion it will be assumed with Felton (lot. cir.) that antibody is ,modified protein, and that, in order to provide a uniform method of measurement, it may be expressed as nitrogen precipitable by specific polysaccharide, multiplied by 6.25. Since only relative values are under consideration, the actual magnitude of the factor used is of little significance so long as it be used throughout. Moreover, Table I shows a correspondence between this measure of antibody content and the agglutination titer, so that its use as a relative measure is independent of the nature of Type III pneumococcus antibodies.

doi: 10.1084/jem.50.6.809.

The Precipitin Reaction

In Summary:
  • Michael Heidelberger teamed up with Oswald Avery to characterize a “soluble specific substance” found in pneumococcal bacteria that fell out of solution when incubated with type-specific antisera
  • When it was virtually nitrogen-free, recalled Heidelberger in a 1979 article, Avery ventured a guess: “Could it be a carbohydrate?”
  • Chemical analysis confirmed its sugary character, and subsequent studies of other pneumococcal serotypes revealed that each bacterial capsule had a distinct polysaccharide signature
  • It was this signature that dictated the serological specificity of the organism
  • Their results were met with considerable skepticism, as it was then thought that only proteins could incite a specific immune response
  • According to polysaccharide-based vaccine specialist Emil Gotschlich: “Nobody believed it. It took them a lot of effort to convince people that the polysaccharide was the immunoreactive component.”
  • Heidelberger and Avery’s discovery came at a time when antibodies were regarded—by those who believed they existed at all—as mysterious substances that floated around in serum
  • “It appeared to me that there was a crying need to determine the true nature of antibodies,” wrote Heidelberger in 1979, “and that until this was done there could be no end to the polemics and uncertainties that were plaguing immunology”
  • Heidelberger and his postdoctoral fellow Forrest Kendall later quantitated the precipitin reaction, bringing much-needed mathematics to the study of antibody–antigen interactions and lifting antibodies even further out of the realm of the mysterious


  • In 1917 Dochez and Avery showed that whenever pneumococci are grown in fluid media, there is present in the cultural fluid a substance which precipitates specifically in antipneumococcus serum of the homologous type
  • It was assumed that the formation of this soluble specific material by pneumococci on growth in vitro suggested the probability of an analogous substance being formed on growth of the organism in the animal body
  • Examination of the urine of patients with pneumococci showed the substance in only approximately 2/3rds of the samples
  • Zinsser and Parker found similar substances with other bacteria and believe that the substances are the same as that of the pneumococci
  • In spite of the fact that these “residue antigens” are precipitable by homologous sera produced by immunization with the whole bacteria, Zinsser and Parker failed to produce antibodies in animals by injecting the residues.
  • The process for the isolation of the soluble specific substance consisted in:
    1. Concentration of the broth
    2. Precipitation with alcohol
    3. Repeated re-solution and reprecipitation
    4. A careful series of fractional precipitations with alcohol or acetone after acidification of the solution with acetic acid
    5. Repeated fractional precipitation with ammonium sulfate and dialysis of the aqueous solution of the active fraction
  • For a complete step-by-step breakdown of the numerous chemical-altering procedures done to the sample, see the highlighted tan section of the paper provided above
  • Even with the numerous “purification” steps, the obtained soluble specific substance formed an almost colorless varnish-like mass
  • The residual material for which no claim of purity was made, as efforts at its further purification were still under way, contained, on the ash-free basis, 1.2 percent of nitrogen.
  • It was considered essentially a polysaccharide
  • The method of purification given had not been fully worked out for many of the preparations
  • Attempts to stimulate antibody production by the immunization of animals with the purified substance yielded negative results
  • While it had long been known that the capsular material of many microorganisms consists, at least in part, of carbohydrates, any connection between this carbohydrate material and the specificity relationships of bacteria remained unsuspected
  • While it could not be said that their work established this relationship, they felt it certainly pointed in that direction
  • The small amounts of substance available hindered the solution of the problem, and it was hoped that efforts at further purification of the soluble specific substance with larger amounts of material would definitely settle the question
  • Whether the soluble specific substance is actually the polysaccharide, or occurs merely associated with it, was left undecided


  • Heidelberger acknowledged that the precipitin test he used during this experiment has 2 drawbacks:
    1. Quantitative interpretation/explanation is difficult due to lack of a suitable analytical method
    2. Failure to separate out the reacting substances from non-specific material which these substances are closely related to and associated with
  • He stated that it was possible to avoid these failures to some extent
  • It is presumed that antibodies are nitrogenous
  • Only 90% of the precipitin can be freed from serum proteins and “much” of the lipoid
  • Heidelberger admitted that these are not pure antibodies and that only 40-50% of nitrogen is precipitable while small amounts of serum remain
  • The antibody solutions used were prepared essentially according to Felton’s procedure from Type III antipneumococcus horse serum containing no preservative and supplied by the New York State Department of Health through the courtesy of Dr. A. B. Wadsworth and Dr. Mary B. Kirkbride
    1. 100 to 200 cc. of serum were stirred slowly into 20 volumes of ice-cold water containing 9.5 cc. of molar potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.5 cc. of molar dipotassium hydrogen phosphate per liter
    2. The final pH varied from 5.6 to 6.3
    3. After standing over night in the cold the supernatant was decanted and the precipitate was centrifuged off in the cold and dissolved in a volume of chilled 0.9 percent saline equal to that of the serum taken
    4. 0.1 normal hydrochloric acid was then added until a precipitate no longer formed on dilution of a test portion with two volumes of water, after which 0.1 normal sodium hydroxide solution was added until a slight precipitate again formed on dilution
    5. In general, 5 cc. of acid and 1.5 cc. of alkali per 100 cc. of serum were satisfactory, although as Felton emphasized, different lots vary and no absolutely definite procedure can be given
    6. After addition of the alkali the opalescent solution was diluted with 2 volumes of water and centrifuged in the cold
    7. The almost inactive precipitate was discarded and the supernatant poured into 6.7 volumes of the chilled buffer solution previously used, (equivalent to 20 times the volume of saline employed), also adding enough 0.1 normal sodium hydroxide to neutralize the remaining acid
    8. The resulting precipitate was collected and dissolved in a volume of 0.9 percent saline equal to that of the serum taken, and the pH was adjusted to 7.6
    9. The solution was sterilized by passage through a Berkefeld N grade filter which previously had been washed with saline containing a drop of normal sodium hydroxide, followed by saline alone
  • Antibodies were found to be unstable during testing so they were put through preliminary “ageing” processes as many times as needed until they got the result they wanted
  • Much time was lost and very inconstant results were obtained until “ageing” was resorted to.
  • The relative antibody content of the resulting solutions was estimated by determining the agglutination titer against a single heat-killed Type III pneumococcus suspension
  • For purposes of discussion it was assumed with Felton that antibody is modified protein, and that, in order to provide a uniform method of measurement, it may be expressed as nitrogen precipitable by specific polysaccharide, multiplied by 6.25
  • There is no need to spend any more time on the rest of Heidelberger’s paper as he admitted he assumed antibodies were protein and could be expressed as nitrogen thus he did not prove anything

Why would monoclonal antibodies not form a precipitate?

It is rather obvious that many assumptions were made about a substance (antibodies) for which the researchers could not see. Michael Heidelberger assumed that antibodies are modified proteins and nitrogenous. He assumed that it may be expressed as nitrogen precipitable by specific polysaccharide, multiplied by 6.25. He assumed that the failure of the precipitin test to separate out the reacting substances from non-specific material which these substances are closely related to and associated with could be somewhat avoided to some extent. He assumed that his earlier work with the pneumococcus bacteria was accurate and that he had proved the antigen component was a carbohydrate even though he was unable to produce any antibody response upon immunizing animals using his supposed antigen. Maybe this lack of any antibody response to his “antigen” has to do with the fact that, according to the WHO, the pneumococcus bacteria is regularly found in healthy people?

“Infection is acquired mainly through pneumococci contained in respiratory droplets. There are many healthy, asymptomatic carriers of the bacteria but no animal reservoir or insect vector.”



If an antigen is a toxin or foreign substance which produces an immune response creating antibodies, the pneumococci bacteria doesn’t meet that definition at all. If it isn’t an antigen, then the pneumococcus “antigen” would not be carbohydrates as described in Heidelberger’s 1923 paper. This would mean that Heidelberger’s 1929 paper measuring any of the remaining protein content, calculating the amount, and claiming the resulting protein mass as antibodies is essentially meaningless. Can you see the problem with assuming things to be true without ever proving this to be the case?

The conclusions drawn by Heidelberger were born out of chemistry experiments and reactions using the precipitin test which have no bearing on reality while using mathematical equations attempting to quantify the unquantifiable. Whether or not these indirect experiments and assumptions provide proof that antibodies exist and are proteins, I leave up to the reader. However, keep in mind that no antibodies had ever been seen nor proven to exist by proper purification and isolation up to that time and that still holds true to date. This work is based off of theoretical explanations of immunity for which nothing could be observed. Heidelberger’s indirect chemical reactions and equations provided no direct evidence for the existence of anything other than non-specific precipitate.


Connect with Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy

Dr. Tom Cowan: A Close Look at Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Work Where She Attempts to Explain ‘SARS-CoV-2’

Dr. Tom Cowan: A Close Look at Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Work Where She Attempts to Explain ‘the Science’ of SARS-CoV-2


Truth Comes to Light editor‘s note:

Dr. Tom Cowan has recently created a series of videos where he takes a close look at what some leaders in the anti-covid-vax arena are presenting as science. Dr. Cowan’s videos can be found at his Rumble and BitChute channels.

For those of you who listen to a lot of alternative “anti-vax” presentations about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 and end up feeling that you’ve just listened to a lot of faux-science gobbledygook, you’re not alone.

Below, Truth Comes to Light has clipped two key segments from the longer video where Dr. Cowan looks into Dr. Judy Mikovits’ presentations and papers related to SARS-C0V-2.  Dr. Tom Cowan’s full video is also found below.


Tom Cowan on Incomprehensible Medical ‘Science’ (1.5 mins) 

This video clip is available at Odysee and BitChute


“Science has become the enterprise of people using words and concepts to make things, that everybody otherwise would understand, basically incomprehensible.”

“There are some basic ways that all of us — men, women, human beings — understand the world. It’s very clear and simple to us. And if we applied that same thinking to subjects in science and biology and medicine I think it would be fairly easy for us to find our way and to see what’s true and what isn’t true.

The problem has become that so-called scientists, especially virologists and medical doctors, have made the whole thing so confusing that most people seem to lose their bearings as far as understanding just the usual, common sense, logical, rational way of thinking and end up believing something that they wouldn’t possibly believe if they really understood the issues.”

~ Dr. Tom Cowan


Dr. Tom Cowan: A Close Look at Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Work Where She Attempts to Explain ‘SARS-CoV-2’ (22 mins)

This video clip is available at Odysee and BitChute.


View full video by Dr. Tom Cowan:

Looking at What Dr. Mikovits Is Saying – Live Webinar From May 4th, 2022

Video is available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute or Rumble channels.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

cover image based on creative commons work of geralt & GDJ


See related:

Dr. Tom Cowan: Does the Phylogenetic Tree Prove the Existence of SARS-CoV-2? — Rebuttals to Statements Made by ‘Anti-Vax’ Community

Jon Rappoport: I Don’t Want Half a Revolution

Jon Rappoport: I Don’t Want Half a Revolution
Advice to Reporters and Others

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
May 5, 2022


“I’m not anti-vaccine. I just want them to be safer and more effective.”

I love that statement. It’s a lullaby. When I can’t go to sleep at night, I just repeat it to myself a few times, and I’m out cold.

It’s typical of half a revolution, which never wins.

For the past 32 years, I’ve presented overwhelming evidence that no vaccine was ever safe or effective. The whole “science” of vaccination is a rank fraud.

But stuffed-shirt journalists, who sort of go against the grain while maintaining a front of respectability, don’t want to venture that far. They know the price they’ll have to pay. They’re hedging their bets.

Occasionally, one of them will take a swipe at me. It cements their position as middle of the road. Which is where they want to be.

Except, liberty and freedom, which is what we’re fighting for, against a global coup by mass medical murders, isn’t something you win in the middle of the road.

You don’t win by trying to come off like a Washington Post reporter who just happens to have different and dissenting ideas. That’s what half-ass looks like.

That sort of person is basically saying, “I have a machine mind like other machine minds. The difference is, I’m inputting different data and therefore drawing different conclusions. If you, too, have a machine mind, read what I write and let’s establish truth and justice…”

The long-term effect of that is like pissing through a fire hose to put out a conflagration taking down a city.

This is simple. If one group of “superior” machine minds wins against another group of machine minds—regardless of which issues come out on top—there is no revolution. LIFE AND FREEDOM have been excised out of the equation.

A considerable amount of money and effort have gone into building a modern culture composed of what looks like science and rationality, but isn’t. It’s a cartoon. A fucking cartoon.

There’s no JUICE in it.

That’s why I use the phrase machine-minds. Minds that calculate and process and collate and compare and then exude “better answers.” This is your educated class. Careful, cautious. Circumspect.

“Delivery, sir. Here are flowers you ordered. I’m sorry they’re dead.”

“I don’t mind dead. But I ordered roses and you brought me tulips. I can prove it. Let me just find the receipt here on my cell phone. And then I can show you these withered blossoms are actually tulips. There are 32 differences between the two types of flowers…”

That’s your educated class.

See, I’ve been at this for 38 years. Reporting. Writing. Actually, I’ve been writing for 66 years. I’ve made the cases I wanted to make. I’ve shoved the evidence in people’s faces. The overall medical cartel is waging a VERY successful war against the people.

You have to turn that evidence with torque, with leverage, into a flamethrower. You’re not just trying to set the record straight and bring in truth, you’re using the truth to crash the gold-plated systems of machine minds.

Those minds are remote. Distant. Distant is where Big Tech domeheads operate from. They profile, they plan, they crunch trillions of pieces of data, and they develop strategies to build a civilization that looks like their minds and their computers.

When one of these high-IQ blown dry characters develops his version of a conscience, and turns whistleblower, he’s a hero to his ilk. He speaks their language. He thinks the way they do. He geeks like they geek.

If I have to guess which guy has more freedom in his belly and his brain, I’m going with the man who lives up in the hills of Tennessee with a shotgun and a dog. If he doesn’t like what I’m writing, I might think about his reasons for a half-hour. Whereas, when an “alt. journalist” claims I’m “going too far,” I know exactly what his game is. He’s spraying his usual brand of sanitizing respectable room-deodorant.

I’ll put this another way. Two men are discussing how to choose a wife. They’re looking at two different lists of characteristics a man should consider and check. But neither man mentions LOVE, so it doesn’t matter which list they decide is superior. They don’t know what love is. What they’re really discussing are machine-thoughts.

If the COVID narrative had never been launched, if we were living now as we did in 2018, we would still have a medical cartel taking away our freedom and killing and maiming an extraordinary number of people. And that will still be the case, even if all COVID mandates and restrictions are defeated.

Plus, the Brave New World on the drawing boards is fronted by medical people. Three of its main features are genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and human-computer interfaces and hybrids. If you think all possible freedom is now under fire, you haven’t seen anything yet.

Way back when, I was briefly trained in two schools. The first was formal logic, taught by a beloved college professor with an extraordinarily sophisticated mind and a huge heart. The second school consisted of two or three encounters with Ida Honorof, activist and author. She was barely five feet tall, and she had the energy, in her 70s, of ten tigers. She explained to me one afternoon, on a street corner, that officials in Los Angeles were spraying a version of deadly Agent Orange in the Angeles National Forest. She handed me a few pounds of corporate and government documents detailing the massive toxicity of a variety of pesticides. She kick-started my life as a reporter.

Neither one of these people engaged in coddling. They didn’t sit around planning their fronts and poses of respectability. They didn’t want half a revolution. They didn’t equivocate.

I’ve never been a big fan of equivocation. I’m over at the I-don’t-give-a-shit end of the spectrum.

Find answers—then shove in all your chips. At the end of the night, don’t leave anything on the table.

Fortunately for all of us, there is a life after this one. But we’re here now, so we’re fighting.

Make it COUNT.

In the wind and the rain and the storm, issue no apologies.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work at pixabay


Dr. Tom Cowan & Biotech Scientist Mike Donio: A Close Examination of the Evidence of Snake Venom in “the Virus” & in the Water Supply

Dr. Tom Cowan & Biotech Scientist Mike Donio: A Close Examination of the Evidence of Snake Venom in “the Virus” & in the Water Supply
Getting to the Head of the Snake — Is Covid 19 Toxic Envenomation?

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Mike Donio
April 22, 2022


In this webinar, my friend and colleague Mike Donio analyzed the main points of Dr. Ardis’ recent snake venom warning. Tune in to find out what we think of these claims.


Slides Outlining the Presentation:



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

cover image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images / pixabay

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: The Straight Truth on Snake Venom Claims

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: The Straight Truth on Snake Venom Claims

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman
April 20, 2022


This video looks at the paper cited by Dr Bryan Ardis as the main evidence that snake venom plays a role in the current plandemic. The paper purports to have found a potential association between venom-like peptides found from various animals and Covid-19. Dr. Kaufman gives an overview of the relevant issues related to the snake venom controversy and gives a critical appraisal of the experiment and conclusions.


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

cover image credit: GDJ / pixabay

How Do You Know?

How Do You Know?

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
sourced from Jerm Warfare newsletter
April 20, 2022


Thanks to the arrival of the fake pandemic, I have spent the last two years trying to piece together various puzzles and, while some of the smaller pieces sometimes don’t fit correctly, most of the larger pieces fit fairly tightly.

For example, a smaller puzzle piece might be the existence (or non-existence) of SARS-CoV-2, and a larger puzzle piece might be the global introduction of digital ID via vaccine passports.

The piecing-together is largely thanks to the hundreds of incredible podcast guests to whom I’ve had the pleasure of speaking. The more great minds to whom I speak, the less I know. It’s indeed humbling, especially because, as a political cartoonist of 17 years, I can confirm that humility is not a characteristic for which a satirist strives. After all, ridicule means positioning myself as excellent against those whom I consider mediocre.


Over the last two years I’ve noticed how, like me, others have gradually begun piecing together the various puzzles. But not many. As Belgian professor Mattias Desmet said, around 30% of all people will, sadly, remain asleep and blissfully continue their daily lives, believing the propaganda they’ve been fed by, what philosopher Curtis Yarvin refers to as, The Cathedral.

“The cathedral” is just a short way to say “journalism plus academia”—in other words, the intellectual institutions at the center of modern society, just as the Church was the intellectual institution at the center of medieval society.

It goes without saying that the government (and its shareholders) are upstream from journalism and academia.

But just as the sun began setting over the fake pandemic, a new sun rose over Ukraine, and the propaganda started from scratch.

We are in an information war, probably the most severe in history.

For example, before 2020, the research around masks was so clear that a discussion wasn’t even warranted. Here are over 150 comparative studies concluding that (different kinds of) masks do not prevent viral transmission. Today, however, that’s all changed. The Cathedral has done a sterling job at sowing confusion through deliberate misinformation; everybody just makes it up as they go along, these days.

The reason is because it’s not about a virus. It was never about virus.

It has always been about compliance and the ushering in of a new world order.

Last month, Joe Biden literally said that “a new world order is coming”.

Dismiss it, sure, but remember that he isn’t alone. George Bush said the same thing back in 1990. More recently, a member of the Australian government said that people “must accept the new world order”. Meanwhile, a member of the Ukrainian government said that Ukraine is “fighting for the new world order”.

South African president Cyril Ramaphosa said the same thing during 2020.

Why are they using the same terminology, and what is the “new world order”?

Firstly, it’s because the global elites – the Davos club – are in the same WhatsApp group. Secondly, it is precisely what the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab refers to as The Fourth Industrial Revolution, a new paradigm in which the world is centrally governed by a few technocratic elites through the use of science and technology.

I strongly recommend you watch my conversation with Patrick Wood, who is an expert on the history of technocracy (which dates back to the 1930s).

My point is the following.

The more I try to piece together the puzzle, the more I realise that we’re in an information war.

We are told, daily, that SARS-CoV-2 is a deadly virus, but the all-cause mortality does not show that. Still, that doesn’t stop the propagandised types from punching blind.

Numerous times I’ve been shouted at with something along the lines of

“I have a friend who died from it!”

and when I ask

“how do you know?”

I get neither a coherent nor scientific answer. And that’s likely because he was programmed to believe that SARS-CoV-2 is a deadly virus and, as a result, no critical thought is required.

Same story with Ukraine.

All that matters is that we must believe what The Cathedral feeds us. Something something Putin is an evil dictator something something.

For example, the outrage over the Bucha massacre is unavoidable, and it’s all Russia’s fault.

Except that there is very little evidence it even happened.

Speaking of information wars, take a listen to my conversation about Yemen and the US-backed atrocities that have been happening there for years.

Let’s not even get started on Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and so on.

All that matters is that you “stand with Ukraine”.

But the puzzle piece that constantly fascinates me is

“how do you know?”

SARS-CoV-2 is a deadly virus, yes? Vladimir Putin’s troops massacred the people of Bucha, yes? Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, yes? Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK, yes? World Trade Centre Building 7 collapsed because of office fires, yes?

How do you know?


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image based on creative commons work of geralt

How It Unfolds

How It Unfolds

by Jon Rappoport, Outside the Reality Machine
April 8, 2022


This is not a group enterprise. Creation doesn’t wait for a committee to issue a letter of approval. Or a King to incline his head in assent.

Something happens. An insight. A spark. You see a possibility, and instead of dismissing it, you pursue it. The pursuit becomes relentless.

And one day, the Monarchy falls.

The mob is loose. But unknown individuals are also freed from restraints. They work their way through the blood and smoke of revolution to a landing place, where they execute laws.

These laws stand up against sheer anarchy. They have double purpose—for freedom; and opposed to incursions freedom might make on person and property.

Now a new work begins. How to keep the apparatus that enforces the law from falling into the hands of monopolists and their agents.

A vision of the individual is at the heart of this work. It doesn’t matter whether one person or another lives up to that vision. The Idea is enough: “uncompromising, acute, intensely creative, immune to the group and its manipulations aimed at owning him.”

This vision breaks the old mold. People sitting in Plato’s cave see it stand out as a shadow on the wall; and when they turn and walk out into the sun, they see it again, unchanged.

The rest is up to them.

This progression isn’t partial. It isn’t omitting something essential. It’s gone as far as it can go.

Otherwise, what one person builds would be permitted to belong to another. The rejection of that principle endures beyond any level of destruction.

Those who INVENT can trade their inventions on any terms they choose. But they can never impart the quality that enables them to create to another person. It’s impossible.

The people who want everything for nothing will try to wheedle society back into the dark age of the monarchy. They will call this return by names that suggest glory. It’s all a ruse to take absolute power. To make what was never theirs, theirs.

They call it justice. But it’s sheer war.

Underneath their chants, they’re lambs being taken to the slaughter. They want to reach out and take you, too.


Connect with Outside the Reality Machine

Where There Is Risk There Must Be Choice?

Where There Is Risk There Must Be Choice?

by Leslie Manookian, Heretic with Leslie Manookian
April 8, 2022


Where there is a risk there must be a choice?

Sorry but no. No. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

I am so frustrated by all the well-meaning activists and their signs emblazoned with that message.

What I do with my body has nothing to do with the degree of risk involved. What I do with my body is strictly my choice, period. This is not negotiable. I am a sovereign human being with natural rights no person or government may infringe.

And I would die defending those rights.

No, I’m not being sensational. I simply refuse to live as a slave and do not want that future for my husband, my son, or all the other people on the planet enduring this dystopian present.

This is a line I will not, and we must not, concede.

Have we forgotten what our founders declared in the Declaration of Independence? Those prescient, revolutionary masterminds proclaimed, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” [Emphasis mine.]

Have we forgotten why they wrote those words and what they truly mean?

Those who came before us wrote these words because they endured firsthand the hardship, suffering, indignity, and torment attendant to a system of government devoid of basic human rights and self-determination. They wrote them as they understood that our rights derive from something larger than any human being or human source – not from government, a person, or any manmade construct.

We possess natural rights due to the very fact of being born human. Our rights come from the source of all things and therefore cannot be removed.

This notion is unique to the United States. No other country’s founding documents proclaim such a fundamental and profound concept as this, an ideal millions of Americans hold dear, even sacred.

Our founders understood all too well the primacy of the individual and the fundamental rights which accompany each individual.

They grasped that if I yield the power and authority over my body to another who can force me to undergo a medical procedure as long as it’s deemed safe, then I am not free and may be compelled to submit to all manner of bodily intrusions.

That many politicians, thought leaders, and even judges defend a utilitarian ethos does not make it moral, ethical, or constitutional.

It is never right to harm one individual in service to the greater good and violating one individual’s fundamental right to bodily autonomy cannot be construed as anything other than harm.

As enlightenment philosopher John Locke explained so well, a society consists of individuals and cannot take precedence over the individual without sacrificing itself. Indeed, the individual is everything. If the greater good takes priority over the individual, we are a faceless mass.

If the greater good rules, may I be forced to eat only food deemed healthy and appropriate by the government? Does that mean I may eat no red meat, no butter and eggs, no raw foods – all foods I consider nutrient-dense health foods but which government has wrongly denigrated for decades?

May I be forced to eat bugs and synthetic meat, GMO salmon, corn, or soy? Before you laugh, search it up for yourself – lately, articles about the wonders of bug-eating abound. Restaurants serving ants, locusts, mealworms, and more are popping up nationwide.

What if I have allergic reactions or sensitivities to foods? Who decides how severe my reaction must be? What if my research on GMOs concludes they are harmful? Must I submit simply because some bureaucrat or potentially vested individual says so?

Can the amount of sugar I eat be restricted? Sugar undermines the immune system after all, so wouldn’t that benefit the greater good? What about potato chips, alcohol, cookies, crackers, and chips, all of which undermine my health and vitality, and therefore that of my community?

May I be coerced to donate blood to help my neighbor in need? What about one of my kidneys? May I be forced to take antidepressants to boost my mood or ADHD meds so I am more productive? May I be required to have brain and other implants installed in my body to monitor my moods and bodily functions and assure compliance with my medical treatment? May I be obliged to carry a baby for a woman who desperately wants to be a mother but can’t bear her own children?

Where do I the individual end and where does my community begin? If I as an individual can be harmed in service to the greater good, is my society a moral and ethical community?

With respect to what is deemed safe, who decides this? Have we completely forgotten history and all the mistakes science and scientists have made ranging from Vioxx to thalidomide and opioids?

Science is not absolute – it shifts and advances constantly. We once believed it was wise to x-ray pregnant women’s pelvises, we once believed handwashing was nonsense, we once believed mercury was a useful medicine. Ignoring these lessons of history is pure folly.

Who decides what is healthy or what research is valid? Why should someone I don’t know, who knows nothing about me, who is not me, who may have ulterior profit, political, or social motives, have ANY voice in how I keep myself well, how I care for myself when ill, or how I use my body?

When did we all vote and decide that the good of the community trumps the value of the individual? Western civilization, the US in particular, was built on the foundational principle of individual rights and freedoms. The Nazis reminded us that utilitarianism, the misguided belief that individuals may be sacrificed in service to the many, is evil. How did we so profoundly lose our way in 75 years?

The greater good is a glorified slide into a dark and endless black hole. A black hole I cannot and will not abide.

My body and my choices in relation to my body are not conditional on anything. Period.


Connect with Leslie Manookian

cover image credit: mcredifine / pixabay

Dolores Cahill: How to Prepare for What Is to Come — Step Back, Don’t Conform, Walk Away, Create Strong Communities

Dolores Cahill: How to Prepare for What Is to Come — Step Back, Don’t Conform, Walk Away, Create Strong Communities

original video available at Rumble


Dolores Cahill: How You Can Prepare Yourself for What is to Come
by Aga Wilson, Aga Wilson Show
text and video editing by Torbjorn Sassersson
April 6, 2022


Dr. Dolores Cahill is an Inventor and has been granted and licensed patents in Europe, USA, and worldwide with applications in improving the early accurate diagnosis of disease (autoimmune diseases & cancer). Since 2020 she has been working to defend our inalienable rights and freedoms. She is investigating the aspects of the current covid drama which led to the founding of the World Doctor Alliance and the World Freedom Alliance.

The interviews discuss Dr. Cahill’s career and how it has been affected by the established power structure and the methods used to quell dissidents and sane critical thinking.

Lockstep Crises and the Controlled Society

Dolores Cahill says that most crises such as food shortages, shockingly high prices, climate change, inflation, never-ending virus pandemics (including adverse reactions to poisonous injections), and wars between nations are different ways for the power to control society by using fear and misleading narratives.

The power creates a parallel societal and economic structure with its own rules, laws, and functions. This structure – by using the crises – seeks to undermine people’s natural rights and freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom to travel, work and meet, and maintain bodily integrity. This negative process has no end. Cahill says that the current agenda starting in 2020 will end in 2025.

Their aim is to create new generations that have no experience, knowledge, or memory of natural free life. They can’t halt their agenda or else they will be held accountable. So what we must expect are new planned “pandemics”  as soon as this autumn. These coming attempts aim to further isolate individuals and families and shorten their life expectancy. Everything will be taxed and they will use taxation in order to make and keep you poor and dependent.

Dolores Cahill experienced how her projects were hit by powers that tried to strangle their enterprises by taking down their websites and social media accounts as well as Paypal. She also revealed – in another meeting – how an insurance company stopped an airplane provider from leasing out their planes to Freedom Travel Alliance.

Step back – Don’t conform – Walk away – Create strong communities

The most important thing for people to do is to step back and unplug from the propaganda machinery for a while and start regarding the world scene as something theatrical played out through mass media and social media. Cahill mentions how an individual can create income from a simple online information channel.

What the powers structures seem to fear the most is people all over the world taking control och their own lives and creating self-sustainable and strong communities.

Cahill says people generally are poisoned by chemicals and toxic metals from food, beverages, and injections and need to detox in order to recapture their natural health.

Knowledge about the elite powers and their agenda is an extremely important parameter in order for people to take back their power. Attention and awareness about the theatrical play are crucial elements for success. People need to understand they are dealing with grossly criminal individuals in power.

Cahill says, that stepping back and away from the control grid decreases the fear of the attempts to control our lives and behaviors. People will demand accountability, and start new media outlets and information sources, new laws, a new money system, and new regulations. They will say no to disinformation and propaganda. They will find new ways to get an income. This means less or no dependence on the controllers and the controlled society.

Every individual need to understand that the control society once in place will give no room for natural freedom for their kids in the generations to come. So everyone needs to start dedicating one hour a day to make sure we all have a bright future. Think and act locally.

It’s not even necessary to fully investigate the current criminal and corrupt system. It’s better to build a new more healthy system, she says. Bartering is a good example. It’s legal. Cahill says that the money you have on your account is really your invested time, productivity, and genius.

This also means that we should think more carefully about where we spend our money. We should only give our money to other entities that respect our freedom, health, and integrity. These entities represent everything from banks to coffee shops. Don’t go to companies that demand face masks or injections etcetera.

Many individuals together and small communities can do this if they organize and help each other. There is space for innovations and creativity. In just a generation things can turn better, she says.

Dolores Cahill (Profdolorescahill.com) is active in or supporting many projects aiming to build a better society:


Torbjorn Sassersson (Sweden) is the founder and editor in chief. He works together with Sanja R. Juric in the editorial office and Aga Wilson with Aga Wilson Show.

Connect with News Voice and Aga Wilson Show

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

video mentioned by Dolores Cahill:
Dr. John Coleman- The Committee of 300 (1994) Full

See related article by Dr. John Coleman:
Conspirators’ Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300   — Download PDF


Electromagnetic Weapons, Graphene Oxide and Activated Illnesses: Exposing the Covid-5G Connection

Electromagnetic Weapons, Graphene Oxide and Activated Illnesses: Exposing the Covid-5G Connection

by NewBraveWorld
April 2, 2022


Ever since the beginning of the Covid saga, people have speculated about a possible link between increased illness and the rollout of 5G networks around the world.

And while “Covid-19” has hardly been the apocalyptic death storm that the media made it out to be, there have been excess deaths recorded in certain areas. The question is: are the excess deaths solely attributable to “pandemic” measures (i.e. lockdowns, masks, toxic medications, etc) or did electromagnetic radiation have a more significant role to play?

And if so, was it due to 5G or the use of some other covert, as yet unknown, technology? That is what this investigation aims to uncover.

This article will also focus mostly on excess mortality. For, if there were no excess deaths, it would be difficult to argue that there was some kind of EMF (electromagnetic fields) weapon being deployed as that would surely increase deaths above the regular threshold. In certain areas, in certain countries, there undoubtedly were excess deaths, and, as this article will demonstrate, these can be explained without the need for a new, infectious pathogen (as I have argued elsewhere).

In fact, there are several independent lines of evidence to suggest that it was not “Sars-Cov-2”, or any alleged virus for that matter, that caused these excess deaths. While the reasons advanced by other researchers as to the real cause are all valid – and probably, to some extent, all true – in this article, I argue for the EMF cause.

I am simply making the case for EMFs, in one capacity or another, having contributed to excess mortality throughout the Covid period. I will also argue that EMFs were responsible for some of the more peculiar symptoms expressed by so-called “Covid” patients.

Also, when I refer to “EMFs” (electromagnetic fields/electromagnetic radiation), I am not referring solely to 5G (although that is important), I am also willing to consider other, covert EMF influences, possibly in the form of weaponry of some kind. And as we shall see, there is evidence to suggest that this type of weaponry exists and has been used.

Make no mistake, much of what I propose here is speculation. However, it is argued speculation, with evidence to back it up.

Evidence for “Other Factors” Contributing to Excess Mortality During the Covid Saga

Here we will examine four lines of evidence that clearly suggest there were other, possibly unknown, factors causing increased ill health during the Covid period. There is more that could be discussed here but for the sake of keeping this article to a readable length, I have chosen just four.

1. The Testimony of Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell

Early on during the Covid pandemic, a New York doctor named Cameron Kyle-Sidell posted a video on YouTube where he revealed some shocking information about the nature of “Covid-19” and the standard of care that all hospitals in the US were working under.

The video was removed from YouTube (who would have guessed?) but you can still view it here on Bitchute.

Dr Kyle-Sidell is an E.R and critical care doctor working in New York City (Brooklyn to be exact). His testimony was posted online in early April 2020. As the original video was taken down by YouTube, I couldn’t pinpoint the exact date of publishing, but it was likely posted around the 6th.

Dr Kyle-Sidell begins his statement rather harrowingly:

“Nine days ago I opened an intensive care unit to care for the sickest COVID positive patients in the city, and in these nine days I’ve seen things I’ve never seen before.”

This should already give us cause for concern. An experienced critical care doctor seeing things “he’s never seen before”? If Covid-19 were a typical viral pneumonia (AKA a cold), then he surely would have seen it before, countless times in fact. So we can already be certain that there is something different going on here.

And that, in fact, is exactly what Dr. Sidell himself asserts:

“COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one.”

He then goes on to comment on what he thinks may be the real cause of the condition (emphasis added):

“Rather, it appears as some kind of viral induced disease, most resembling high altitude sickness. It is as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at 30,000 feet in the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen.”

So Dr Sidell still claims the bizarre condition to be “viral induced”, but let’s face it, his medical training combined with the Wuhan virus propaganda would compel him to do so. What he says next is more interesting for he compares his patients’ condition to high altitude sickness and claims they are being starved of oxygen. Keep this in mind as we move forward.

Dr Sidell goes on to stress the fact that the use of ventilators is the incorrect way to treat such a condition.

“I fear that we are using a false paradigm to treat a new disease…”

He then makes the bold suggestion that ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), reported as being caused by “Covid-19”, is actually being caused by the use of ventilators.

“…the ARDS that we are seeing, that the whole world is seeing, may be nothing more than lung injury caused by the ventilator.”

Dr Sidell says a lot more in his testimony, I have just pulled out some key extracts so as to keep this section concise. However, feel free to watch the full video yourself.

Here are the key takeaways from Dr Sidell’s testimony:

  • Patients were being admitted to Dr Sidell’s Covid ward with symptoms that he had never seen before.
  • The symptoms these patients were experiencing (alleged to be “Covid-19”) were not characteristic of a typical viral pneumonia, but rather something more akin to high altitude sickness, causing oxygen deprivation.
  • Ventilators were the incorrect treatment for such a condition and were likely doing more harm than good. This last point is highly significant, for it means that hospitals may have intentionally been directed to use ventilators precisely to increase “Covid-19” death rates. In fact, later on, evidence did come out suggesting that ventilators were ineffective and harmful. In fact, according to the above-cited study, “88% of patients who received invasive mechanical ventilation died, including 97% of those aged >65”.

It is the first and second point that interests us most here. In other words, some patients in the New York City area (and possibly elsewhere) were exhibiting symptoms foreign to anything regularly observed by experienced doctors and this condition resembled high altitude sickness.

As it turns out, this strange condition can be rationalized by examining the effects of certain electromagnetic frequencies. We will explore this later in the article.

And there is something else to note. It is highly relevant that Dr Sidell observed this strange high altitude sickness-like condition in New York City, for, as we shall see, at one point during the pandemic, NYC had by far the highest Covid-19 death rate, indicating that something strange was happening there that may not have been happening elsewhere.

This anomaly in NYC was also reported by Dr Denis Rancourt, whose research we will now examine.

2. The Research of Dr Denis Rancourt

Dr Denis Rancourt is a Canadian physicist, with highly impressive academic credentials. He has written a number of papers concerning Covid-19 excess mortality in various countries around the world and his findings are rather illuminating.

His first paper concerning this phenomenon was published on June 2nd 2020 titled “All-cause mortality during COVID-19 – No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response”.

In the abstract of the paper, he states that

“The latest data of all-cause mortality by week does not show a winter-burden mortality that is statistically larger than for past winters. There was no plague. However, a sharp “COVID peak” is present in the data, for several jurisdictions in Europe and the USA.”

It’s this sharp peak that is most interesting, for, as Rancourt notes, this is an anomaly, never having occurred before in the majority of jurisdictions; the data is simply not consistent with a viral cause (the same conclusion was reached by another team of researchers whose research we will analyse later).

Rancourt hypothesizes the anomalous “COVID peak” to be a signature of mass homicide by government response. In other words, according to Rancourt, the original sharp increase in deaths in various areas in the US and EU was a direct result of pandemic measures, including the use of ventilators.

However, important to note here is that the “COVID peak” in the USA arises from certain hot spots, and New York City is the main one. In fact, New York City’s “COVID Peak” is virtually off the charts (see the below graph taken from Rancourt’s paper).

“Figure 8: All-cause mortality by week for NYC, starting in 2013, in black. The red vertical line indicates the date at which the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic. The grey line is simply the same data on a vertically expanded and shifted scale, for visualization.”


So here we can clearly see an anomalous increase in all-cause mortality in NYC beginning just before Dr Sidell posts his video testifying to the fact that his patients are experiencing symptoms he’s never seen that are entirely uncharacteristic of any viral pneumonia. Coincidence? I think not.Rancourt’s next paper, co-written with Marine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier, titled “Evaluation of the virulence of SARS-CoV-2 in France, from all-cause mortality 1946-2020” was published on the 20th October 2020. In the paper, the researchers analyse all-cause mortality in France, with a focus once again on the strange “COVID Peak”.In the abstract the researcher state that

“We prove that the “COVID-peak” feature that is present in the all-cause mortality data of certain mid-latitude Northern hemisphere jurisdictions, including France, cannot be a natural epidemiological event occurring in the absence of a large non-pathogenic perturbation.”

The conclusion they reach is that the “COVID peak” was artificial, i.e., caused by deliberate intervention rather than the result of some naturally occurring, novel respiratory virus. The researchers note several reasons for this conclusion, one of which is that the COVID peak

“is absent in many jurisdictions (34 of the USA States have no “COVID-peak”).”

This is highly anomalous, for if there were a novel virus going around, we’d expect to see some level of consistency with regards to the rise in all-cause mortality in different states (and indeed, different countries). Instead what we see is huge increases in all-cause mortality in certain jurisdictions (e.g. NYC) and nothing in others.

Although arrived at differently, Rancourt’s conclusion and Dr Sidell’s are the same – if something new is killing people, it’s not a novel viral pneumonia.

Rancourt & Co’s latest paper dealing with excess mortality is titled “Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data.”

In this paper, the researchers seek to investigate why the USA suffered a sustained, exceedingly large mortality during the Covid period, while Canada and Western European countries did not. Once again, their research indicates that a viral pandemic did not occur (emphasis added):

“The behaviour of the USA all-cause mortality by time (week, year), by age group, by sex, and by state is contrary to pandemic behaviour caused by a new respiratory disease virus for which there is no prior natural immunity in the population. Its seasonal structure (summer maxima), age-group distribution (young residents), and large state-wise heterogeneity are unprecedented and are opposite to viral respiratory disease behaviour, pandemic or not.”

Rancourt & Co conclude that government-imposed measures combined with societal risk factors (obesity, poverty, etc) were responsible for the excess mortality. While I absolutely agree with their findings, I think they may have missed another, important contributing factor: EMFs.

But that’s not all. Rancourt & Co found something else which is highly relevant to Dr. Sidell’s statement:

“We also find a large COVID-era USA pneumonia epidemic that is not mentioned in the media or significantly in the scientific literature, which was not adequately addressed. Many COVID-19-assigned deaths may be misdiagnosed bacterial pneumonia deaths.”

In other words, cases of “pneumonia” increased, but it wasn’t treated properly and it wasn’t being caused by a novel virus. This finding is similar to what Dr Sidell observed, only he referred to cases of “high altitude sickness” (rather than pneumonia). In each case, it is the lungs being affected and it is not hard to see how some kind of novel EMF-induced lung disorder could have been mislabelled as merely “pneumonia”.

3. The Research of Torsten Engelbrecht and Dr. Claus Kohnlein

The next line of evidence we will examine is that of the research of journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and physician, Claus Kohnlein.

On the 1st of October, the two researchers co-authored an article titled “COVID-19 (excess) mortalities: viral cause impossible—drugs with key role in about 200,000 extra deaths in Europe and the US alone”, in which they reach a similar conclusion to Dr Rancourt – excess mortality was not caused by a novel virus.

Engelbrecht and Kohnlein focused their analysis mostly on EU countries, noting that most of the countries reporting excess mortality instituted stringent lockdowns (a total contradiction of the virus hypothesis). In their analysis, they highlight the same, anomalous “COVID peak” uncovered by Rancourt & Co.

“Z-score for various European countries, Dec. 2019 – Sept. 2020”

But it’s not only this anomalous “COVID peak” (which occurred outside the regular flu season), they also note the fact that neighbouring countries often exhibited a completely different pattern of excess mortality. For example, Belgium had a rather noticeably peak while Germany (its neighbour), did not.

With regards to the viral theory, this kind of wildly inconsistent pattern of excess mortality simply does not make sense.

The conclusion reached by Engelbrecht and Kohnlein is that the “COVID peaks” were caused by the increased use of highly toxic medications.

“Highly toxic and also potentially lethal drugs were used excessively, especially in all of the above-mentioned countries with excess mortality, both experimentally and off-label, meaning that the drugs were used outside of their regulatory approval—and this in people, most of whom were old and had serious illnesses, before being tested “positive” for COVID-19.”

Their article is persuasive and I agree with their conclusions. However, once again, their conclusions do not rule out a contributing EMF-related cause.

4. Wildly Inconsistent Covid-19 Death Rates

Finally, the official COVID death data, as recorded by the WHO, provides yet another line of evidence to suggest that any recorded excess mortality was not due to a novel virus.

For example, take a look at the graph below created by Andrew Mather, a British mathematician in September 2020.


Covid-19 deaths by country per 100m population (Sept. 2020).


The graph shows the number of recorded COVID deaths in different countries, normalised to account for the difference in population sizes. Once again, the data is highly anomalous. New York City has by far the highest COVID death rate, higher than any other country in the world at that time! Belgium, Peru, the UK and Spain are also high on the list, while African countries, South East Asia and Japan barely feature.

So either, we’re dealing with a far deadlier virus in New York City, Western Europe and parts of South America, or there’s another factor at play.

Let’s summarise our findings thus far:

  • Shortly after the WHO declared a pandemic, an experienced New York City doctor came forward explaining that his so-called “COVID” patients were not suffering from a typical viral pneumonia, but were instead showing signs of something akin to high altitude sickness.
  • Dr Denis Rancourt and his co-researchers analysed all-cause mortality in various countries and jurisdictions, reaching the conclusion that a pandemic did not occur. They noted an anomalous “COVID peak” which was especially prominent in New York City.
  • Journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and physician, Dr Claus Kohnlein analyzed European mortality data and came to the exact same conclusion – the data simply did not support the virus theory.
  • Six months into the Covid “pandemic”, Covid death rates were differing wildly across different countries and jurisdictions. New York City had by far the highest death rate, more than any other country in the world. The data, once again, did not fit a viral cause and instead pointed to an alternate factor at play, localised to NYC and possibly some other countries.

In the next part of this investigation, we’ll build a case for that “other factor” having been EMF-related and likely linked to the 5G rollout.

Symptoms of “Covid-19” Related to EMF Exposure

In this section, we will examine a groundbreaking study published in September of 2021. The study, published in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, is titled “Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G”.

The title says it all, for the paper presents a wide range of evidence pointing to a connection between what has been called “Covid-19” and EMF exposure, including 5G.

For anyone unaware of the harms caused by EMF exposure, I suggest reading my two previous articles dealing with this topic, as they provide an overview of the evidence linking EMF exposure to various chronic illnesses as well as environmental devastation.

In order to keep this section short, we’ll dive straight into the aforementioned paper. Here it is worth quoting the study at length. The researchers begin by noting that

“There is a large body of peer reviewed literature, since before World War II, on the biological effects of WCR [wireless communications radiation] that impact many aspects of our health. In examining this literature, we found intersections between the pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2 and detrimental bioeffects of WCR exposure. Here, we present the evidence suggesting that WCR has been a possible contributing factor exacerbating COVID-19.”

In other words, these researchers found that reported symptoms of Covid-19 were also symptoms of WCR exposure. The researchers go on to summarise some of the epidemiological evidence linking the 5G rollout to the Covid-19 “outbreak”.

“COVID-19 began in Wuhan, China in December 2019, shortly after city-wide 5G had “gone live,” that is, become an operational system, on October 31, 2019. COVID-19 outbreaks soon followed in other areas where 5G had also been at least partially implemented, including South Korea, Northern Italy, New York City, Seattle, and Southern California. In May 2020, Mordachev [4] reported a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of radiofrequency radiation and the mortality from SARS-CoV-2 in 31 countries throughout the world. During the first pandemic wave in the United States, COVID-19 attributed cases and deaths were statistically higher in states and major cities with 5G infrastructure as compared with states and cities that did not yet have this technology [5].”

Here are some maps that I compiled (not from the paper quoted above) showing, visually, the Covid-5G association.



Note that New York City features on the list of areas where, according to the researchers, “5G had been at least partially implemented”. We can now note the following about NYC:

  1. The “COVID peak” was “off the charts” compared to other areas in the US and the COVID death rate was abnormally high.
  2. So-called “COVID-19” patients there suffered from some unknown condition akin to high altitude sickness.
  3. A 5G network had been at least partially implemented shortly before the COVID “outbreak” occurred.

The researchers go on to present the following table, showing a clear relationship between the effects of WCR (Wireless Communications Radiation) exposure and various symptoms associated with “COVID-19”.


Table reproduced from Rubik & Brown, 2021.


They then conclude by summing up the known effects of WCR exposure and how they relate to COVID-19 (emphasis added):

“Specifically, evidence presented here supports a premise that WCR and, in particular, 5G, which involves densification of 4G, may have exacerbated the COVID-19 pandemic by weakening host immunity and increasing SARS-CoV-2 virulence by (1) causing morphologic changes in erythrocytes including echinocyte and rouleaux formation that may be contributing to hypercoagulation; (2) impairing microcirculation and reducing erythrocyte and hemoglobin levels exacerbating hypoxia; (3) amplifying immune dysfunction, including immunosuppression, autoimmunity, and hyperinflammation; (4) increasing cellular oxidative stress and the production of free radicals exacerbating vascular injury and organ damage; (5) increasing intracellular Ca2+ essential for viral entry, replication, and release, in addition to promoting pro-inflammatory pathways; and (6) worsening heart arrhythmias and cardiac disorders.”

What interests us most here is point number 2 (italicised/bolded). The researchers claim that WCR can impair microcirculation and reduce erythrocyte and haemoglobin levels, exacerbating hypoxia. Another name for “hypoxia” is “altitude sickness” (i.e. a severe lack of oxygen). In other words, here we have a potential explanation for the “high altitude sickness” like condition described by Dr Sidell in NYC.

Note also that some of the COVID-19 related manifestations listed in the table such as organ failure, myocarditis, cardiac failure, arrhythmia, etc (effects not generally associated with the flu or any viral pneumonia), may be explainable when one considers the effects of EMF exposure.

In his book “The Contagion Myth”, Dr Thomas Cowan provides more evidence for the deleterious effects of radiofrequency radiation, especially 5G. After noting that “hypoxia” is reported as a frequent symptom of COVID-19 and that this is caused by the release of iron from the haemoglobin molecule, he goes to comment as follows (emphasis added):

“The conventional explanation for the release of iron from hemoglobin is the action of glycoproteins in the coronavirus—but the action of 5G’s millimeter waves is an equally good explanation, especially those at 60GHz, which disrupt oxygen molecules. An interesting observation about lung malfunction in Covid-19 patients is that it is bilateral (both lungs at the same time), whereas ordinary pneumonia typically affects only one lung. What kind of virus knows to attack both lungs?”

Dr Cowan then goes on to comment on the nature of “COVID-19” as experienced by patients in Wuhan (a city that also rolled out its 5G network mere days before the “outbreak”):

“A study from Wuhan showed that more than one-third of coronavirus patients had neurologic symptoms including dizziness, headaches, impaired consciousness, skeletal-muscle injury, and loss of smell and taste—and more rarely seizures and stroke. This is not your normal flu, this is a serious disease.”

When Cowan says, “This is not your normal flu, this is a serious disease.” He is right in one sense and wrong in another. You see, as has been my thesis throughout, “COVID-19” is not and never has been, a single disease, rather, it has been used as an “umbrella term” to include everything from mild flu symptoms to life-threatening, EMF-induced hypoxia.

In light of this evidence, we must ask ourselves – What role did EMFs/5G play in the COVID charade? Was it 5G alone that caused the anomalous “COVID peak” we see in certain areas? If so, why was the death rate in NYC so much higher than anywhere else? Was “Sars-Cov-2″ used as a cover for the rollout of dangerous radiofrequencies?

Or… Was there some sort of covert, EMF-related weaponry being used in select areas?

Speculating on the Existence and Possible Use of Advanced Electromagnetic Weapons

The reader should be advised that this section of the article is mostly speculation. However, the case for the intentional deployment of some kind of EMF-related weaponry, is, I believe, a solid one. After all, if you were part of a group looking to feign the signs of a viral respiratory pandemic, blasting people with hypoxia-inducing radiofrequencies is one way you could do it. And as we discovered, that appears to be what happened in NYC (and possibly other areas).

However, the only evidence for this theory is the rollout of a 5G network in key pandemic “hotspots” around the world (including NYC). The problem, of course, is that there were plenty of countries that had 5G networks and yet did not showcase the same dramatic “COVID peak” as NYC did.

While there are many factors that would have contributed to this COVID peak besides EMFs, including lockdown stringency, care home laws, population age and health status, etc, three other possibilities exist:

  1. 5G networks in certain areas were covertly used (or possibly hijacked) to “blast” the local population with dangerous radiofrequencies (such as 60Ghz millimetre-wave 5G which can disrupt oxygen molecules).
  2. The increased density of radiofrequencies, brought about by the 5G rollout interacted with something that was already present within people’s bodies, “activating” a disease state.
  3. An altogether separate EMF technology was in use.

As it turns out, there is evidence to support all three possibilities.

Evidence for the Existence of EMF-Related Weapons

The Spanish research group “La Quinta Columna” (the fifth column) have also argued that there is an EMF-related component to the Covid-19 “pandemic”.

La Quinta Columna was founded by Ricardo Delgado Martín, a biostatistician from Seville university. Quinta Columna says its main objective is to

“Show THE REALITY, no matter how uncomfortable the TRUTH may be due to the nature of the events or news in which it participates, without being subject to prejudice and conflicts of economic, moral, ethical, political, religious, ideological or otherwise.”

Most of the information regarding Quinta Columna online is in Spanish and as such, I lack the necessary information to make an informed judgement regarding their thesis. However, as they are one of the few research groups brave enough to investigate the link between Covid-19, vaccines and 5G/EMFs, it’s important to consider what they have to say.

Delgado’s thesis is that increased illness due to “COVID-19” is actually a result of the excitation, by radio-frequency signals, of graphene oxide already present within the body. Delgado briefly outlines his hypothesis in a July 2021 interview:

“…we are convinced that precisely the graphene oxide was the cause of the COVID-19 disease that was introduced, silently and stealthily in the 2019 anti-flu campaign globally. And they caused, with the subsequent electromagnetic bidding that everyone knows —with the famous 5G switch-on, the tests— the fashionable disease.”

In other words, Delgado believes that graphene oxide was introduced into people’s bodies via the 2019 flu vaccine and then excited by 5G radiofrequencies, causing hypoxia (i.e. “Covid-19”) which was then propagandized as a viral pandemic.

Noteworthy is that flu vaccine uptake was highest among the elderly population.

Delgado goes on to remind us that many surgical masks were also found to contain graphene and hypothesizes that Covid “waves” (i.e. the observed “COVID peaks”) are actually the result of 5G antenna activations:

“And by pressing a little button that activates the 5G, that is why they know when a wave is coming, the 2nd, the 3rd… The Delta variant, the Lambda… The Delta variant is the next 5G antennas activation, and that’s why we have to be careful.”

Delgado claims that NAC (n-acetylcysteine) and Glutathione were successful treatments for Covid patients suffering from hypoxia. The reason for this, he claims, is because, along with inhibiting or reducing the cytokine storm, “glutathione reduces and oxidizes, that is, eliminates the graphene oxide.”

Their research has claimed to find graphene oxide present in Covid-19 vaccines, which they say interacts with radio frequencies causing a number of severe health effects, including cardiac events.

Their research is controversial and their claims are not supported by all on the alternative side. However, in light of everything presented in this article thus far, it is worth considering.

And there is one more interesting piece of evidence that they have brought forward, possibly indicating the existence of a powerful EMF-related weapons capability. This will be more persuasive when we examine other anomalous happenings later on.

In this video, Ricardo Delgado and Jose Luis discuss a recording (seemingly captured by a CCTV camera, though it’s hard to tell) showing what appears to be the sudden death of a cyclist. The most interesting aspect of the video is the split-second glitch in the recording at the precise moment the cyclist collapses to the ground.

According to Delgado and Luis, this constitutes evidence of an electromagnetic “pulse” of some kind. I have embedded the video below.


A disclaimer is in order: I have not been able to verify the original footage. I don’t know where it comes from, I don’t know if the cyclist actually died and I don’t know whether it’s a legitimate recording. However, I include it here because, if real, this odd phenomenon seems to fall in line with another perplexing phenomenon that has increased in recent years: mass, sudden bird deaths.

Mass Sudden Die-Offs of Birds: Evidence of EMF Weaponry?

While not common knowledge, there have been a number of recorded mass sudden bird deaths in recent years. Not much digging was needed on my part to uncover these cases, for many of them have been catalogued by Dr Joseph Farrell on his blog at gizadeathstar.com.

Here is a brief overview of some of these strange cases, along with Dr Farrell’s enlightening commentary:

July 9th – Mysterious Universe reports More Dead Birds Fall From the Sky in Idaho:

“On June 27, 2015, a road in Kuna, Idaho, was found covered with dead songbirds. This follows the mass deaths earlier this year of over 2,000 migrating snow geese that dropped to the ground dead or dying in eastern Idaho.”

Dr Farrell comments as follows (emphasis added):

“Now you’ll note that in this version of the story, in the comments section, there’s a brief exchange between two commenters, one of whom notes strange intereference with his bluetooth signal as he was driving through Idaho.”

(I haven’t been able to find the comment he refers to but then again, the article is almost 7 years old so it may have been removed).

Dr Farrell then speculates as follows

“Could these events be caused by some sort of secret human technology, or could they be the unintended consequence of its use or other secret activity? Maybe. Again, I don’t know.”

November 14, 2018 – Europe Reloaded reports Hundreds of birds dead during 5G experiment in The Hague, The Netherlands:

“About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. You likely haven’t heard a lot about this because it seems keeping it quiet was the plan all along. However, when about 150 more suddenly died – bringing the death toll to 297 – some started to take notice.”

“…And if you are looking around that park you might have seen what is on the corner of the roof across the street from where they died: a new 5G mast, where they had done a test, in connection with the Dutch railway station, to see how large the range was and whether no harmful equipment would occur on and around the station.”

The interesting thing about this story is that Snopes was quick to publish a “fact check” claiming that no such 5G test took place (although they did admit that one such test had taken place in that area in June of that year).

More interesting is Dr Farrell’s commentary on the incident. After outlining his thoughts regarding the use of microwave interferometry technologies, he goes on to offer his usual “high octane speculation”:

“It is a short step from that basic concept to a similar use of microwave technologies – perhaps again involving interferometry – to produce beat frequencies which could interfere with, or actually shut down, the electrical functioning of organisms’ nervous systems, including organs such as the heart. And that’s what is so alarming here: birds might be resonant to certain such frequencies, other organisms to other frequencies. All one needs to do, so to speak, is to “dial in” the right frequency, and one could eradicate a regional population of dogs, cats… or even humans.”

(Think back to the video of the cyclist above.)

September 15, 2020 – NBC News reports Birds are dropping dead in New Mexico, potentially in the ‘hundreds of thousands’:

“Wildlife experts in New Mexico say birds in the region are dropping dead in alarming numbers, potentially in the “hundreds of thousands.””

NBC goes on to note that

“Multiple agencies are investigating the occurrences, including the Bureau of Land Management and the White Sands Missile Range, a military testing area.”

And here is Dr Farrell’s commentary (emphasis added):

“You don’t say… the military at the White Sands Missile Range is investigating? Well, it makes sense… if one suspected an unknown fast-acting pathogen, biowarfare, or some completely different cause, or maybe even some version of my bio-electromagnetically activated pathogen.”

And now for two more interesting cases that also occurred during the Covid scamdemic…

June 25, 2021 – ZeroHedge reports Why Are Large Numbers Of Birds Suddenly Dropping Dead In Multiple US States?:

“As if we didn’t have enough weird things going on, now birds are suddenly dropping dead in large numbers all across the eastern half of the country. Before they die, a lot of these birds are exhibiting very strange symptoms… If scientists understood what was causing this to happen, that would be one thing. But at this point they have no idea why this is taking place, and that is quite alarming.”

Dr Farrell offers no speculation about what might be causing this round of mass bird deaths but finds the timing of the event, and the symptoms experienced by the birds, to be overly suspicious.

“What I do know is that birds going blind, or not being able to fly away from approaching humans, or shivering and shaking as if they’re having a seizure, is not normal… And what I strongly suspect is that someone knows why, and isn’t talking…”

Finally, that brings us to the latest case.

12 February 2022 – Sputnik News reports Hundreds of Starlings Drop Dead in Wales After Locals Hear ‘Huge Electrical-Type Bang’:

“Hundreds of birds dropped dead from the sky in Wales on Thursday, after witnesses reported hearing a “’huge electrical-type bang’.”

“Ian Mccaffrey, who works in Waterston, reported hearing a large electrical-type bang as he left work on Thursday night. He says following the shocking noise, dozens of birds fell from the sky and landed on his car. Mccaffrey said the loud sound was similar to lightning.”

Here it is the reports of a “large electrical-type bang” that is most interesting as it seems to corroborate the idea of the existence of a powerful EMF weapons technology. Dr Farrell recognizes this too, offering the following commentary:

“When that flock of crows (I believe) first died in Tennessee many years ago, I’ve thought that this electro-magnetic “pressure field” was perhaps the best explanation. And now we have an odd video, and reports of “electrical bangs”, to go with it. And yes, that means in my opinion the case for that speculation just became a small bit stronger.”

It is to be noted that the cases of strange sudden bird deaths reviewed here constitute only a portion of the total reported incidents. It is also highly relevant that EMF signals can penetrate into a bird’s nervous system, disrupting its ability to navigate. I covered this in a previous article on environmental crises.

Let’s sum up:

  • Recent years have seen increasing reports of mass, sudden bird deaths.
  • In many of these cases, there is some sort of link to electromagnetic technology. In the Idaho case, one person complained of bluetooth interference around the time of the incident; in the Netherlands case, 5G tests were being carried out in the vicinity of the mass die-offs, and in the latest Wales case, a “huge electrical-type bang” was heard prior to the die-offs. In one case, even the military began investigating.
  • Dr Joseph Farrell, a scholar who has been tracking strange animal deaths has speculated that the cause may be due to some kind of “electromagnetic pressure field”.
  • And finally, a recent video posted online captured the apparent sudden death of a cyclist at the exact time there was a split-second glitch in the video recording. Some have argued that this points to an electromagnetic “pulse” of some sort, perhaps hinting at a similar technology as proposed above.

And with that, we are ready to conclude our investigation.


Although the Covid-19 death rate is more or less akin to seasonal flu, not warranting the need for special vaccines or preventatives, lurking beneath the fraudulent testing and dubious death reporting were the reports of strange symptoms resembling high altitude sickness.

The all-cause mortality data for certain areas, NYC in particular, also exhibited a highly anomalous “COVID peak”, certainly not explainable in terms of a novel respiratory pathogen.

A recent peer-reviewed study provided compelling evidence that many of the symptoms associated with “COVID-19” are also effects of EMF exposure. This, together with the compelling epidemiological data, suggests a link between the rollout of 5G and areas that exhibited a pronounced “COVID peak”.

Finally, in recent years there has been a flurry of mass sudden bird deaths in various places around the world. Many of these incidents exhibited some sort of connection to electromagnetic interference or radiofrequencies of some sort.

Spanish researchers from Quinta Columna have also analysed a video purported to show the sudden death of a cyclist that they believe occurred due to an EMF pulse of some kind.

They further maintain that “COVID peaks” occurred as a result of the excitation of graphene oxide by EMF bombardment which they believe can cause hypoxia (explaining the strange reports of “high altitude sickness” in NYC) and cardiac events (which have increased since the COVID vaccine roll out).

The volume of research linking EMF exposure with ill health is far too great to ignore, meaning that, regardless of the data put forth here, EMFs undoubtedly contributed to ill health during the COVID-19 “pandemic” and continue to do so. However, the evidence presented here may also point to the deliberate use of a covert, EMF-related weapons technology.

If that is the case, then, considering the massive effort to flood low earth orbit with EMF-beaming satellites and the ever-expanding 5G rollout, a lot more research is needed… and fast.


Connect with NewBraveWorld

cover image credit: geralt


See related:

Joseph P. Farrell: Speculation on Sudden, En Masse Reindeer, Bird & Elephant Deaths

La Quinta Columna: Electrofrequencies Emitted by 5G Antenna Cause Collision of Hundreds of Birds

The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Three

More Antarctic Strangeness: The Temperature Anomaly

More Antarctic Strangeness: The Temperature Anomaly

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
March 21, 2022


This story, as might be expected, caught the eye of several of this website’s [Giza Death Star] regular readers and article contributors, and I’m trying to recall similar stories except I can’t, unless one includes that movie by Charlie Sheen called The Arrival. In the opening scene of the movie, one sees a close-up of a lady (who turns out to be a climatologist), looking at a field of flowers growing in an isolated area, which field is – as the camera pulls back for a more encompassing view – surrounded by snow and ice. As the camera keeps pulling back, you discover that the lady is looking at a field of flowers in Antarctica. Her words sum up the dilemma: “This shouldn’t be here.”

Other than that movie, I can’t think of anything as dramatic as the following, for Antarctica appears to be in the middle of something of a heat wave, as temperatures in places have risen almost seventy degrees above normal. Of course, in Antarctica, when places record temperatures that average about fifty degrees below zero, that puts things at a balmy twenty degrees. But by Antarctic standards, that’s a heat wave, a big one:

It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted.

The question is why?

The explanations could be many: (1) volcanic eruptions we’ve not been told about. I used to discount such ideas, but in the post-planscamdemic world where the propotainment media has been literally making things up as they go to fit the narrative need-of-the-moment, I don’t any more. If you live in Patagonia and it’s raining volcanic ash, please let us know.  (2) A secret Antarctic Nazi cattle ranch with thousands of heads of cattle, all grazing contentedly and farting away without a care in the world. That, or all the world’s cow farts have gathered inexplicably over Antarctica, and the temperature anomaly is the result.

Needless to say, I’ve never been very enthused about cow farts and greenhouse gasses as an explanation for tautological “climate change.” I can buy the “unknown geophysical processes” for the reason stated. Indeed, in The Nazi International I pointed out some incredibly strange seismographs allegedly from Antarctica, which showed standing waves of absolutely enormous amplitude which, if real, indicated something mightily peculiar was going on down there, without any corresponding earthquakes. Indeed, if the amplitude of the waves was any indicator, the planet should have been shaking itself apart, but it wasn’t (obviously), which means either the waves and seismographs were faked or that the waves were more or less zero-summing and canceling out, and that proposition is statistically improbable if the waves were purely natural phenomena. If statistically improbable, then that implies the use of a technology to cancel out the waves, or to create them in the first place and ensure they canceled out.

All that to say that I do buy the idea that “climate change” is man-made. I just don’t buy the standard models advanced for it, but rather, look to the black projects world and the strange technologies that it has created that we know about, and that can manipulate systems of a planetary scale, like ionospheric heaters.  It seems to me it’s either a technology, or – if one reads the article carefully – Antarctica does appear at first glance to have some very long wave cycles of record cold, and record heat…and those may have something to do with those bizarre seismograms I wrote about in The Nazi International.  You can colour me crazy if you want, but both of those explanations boil down to a technology.

Which brings us back to the movie. Charlie Sheen and the lady climatologist eventually bump into each other in Mexico, whence their attempt to track down anomalies has led them.  The lady is eventually murdered by scorpions in her sleezy hotel bedroom (long story) and Charlie Sheen barely escapes murder-by-bathtub-being-dropped-on-him in his sleezy hotel room (another long story). Sheen goes on to track down the “climate change” to a power plant in Mexico that is a disguise for an industrial plant whose sole purpose is to increase the ambient temperature of the Earth in order to terraform the planet for a race of extra-terrestrials in bio-suits that look just like us.  The movie is ridiculous in its plot, of course. But the message – highly anomalous temperatures in Antarctica as the result of the hidden application of technology?  Not so ridiculous on my view…

And it all began in Antarctica one bright and sunny day…

All this raises yet another question and set of high octane speculations.

If this anomaly is somehow being deliberately manipulated  (a mighty big “if”), the question is why? A few years ago the  ice sheet melting in Antarctica attracted the attention of quite a few people, including this website(just search for “Antarctica” on this website [Giza Death Star] and most of my blogs about the strangeness of the place will show up). One of the icebergs that had “broken off” from the continent turned out to be nearly perfectly rectilinear, as if it had been cut away. Another blog talked about Antarctica needing more snow as it was melting away. Now there is a massive temperature anomaly which, again, provokes the question “why?” Why would anyone be deliberately doing it?  I can think of at least one crazy answer. If there is any place on planet Earth that fills the bill for a lost continent buried under water and that it beyond the pillars of Hercules – Atlantis – it’s Antarctica.  It is, after all, a continent, and it is, after all, literally under water in the form of a massive ice sheet, and it’s certainly “beyond the pillars of Hercules”. Scientists tell us that there is abundant evidence that the continent was once temperate, that plants grew there… and perhaps a civilization flourished there. How does one dig up such an archaeological site under ice, one spanning an entire continent, to go looking for “stuff”? One melts it… and a few meters’ gain of sea level I don’t put past “them” if it means getting their hands on some highly advanced ancient technology.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: mynzman / pixabay

Anti-Russia? Try This On for Size

Anti-Russia? Try This On for Size

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
March 16, 2022


The prodigious author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events.

In 1999, Kris Millegan, researcher and head of TrineDay publishers, wrote:

“Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state’s technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet’s large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.”

Here is a telling Antony Sutton quote from his book, The Best Enemy Money Can Buy (1986):

“By using data of Russian origin it is possible to make an accurate analysis of the origins of this equipment. It was found that all the main diesel and steam-turbine propulsion systems of the ninety-six Soviet ships on the Haiphong supply run [to the North Vietnamese] that could be identified (i.e., eighty-four out of the ninety-six) originated in design or construction outside the USSR. We can conclude, therefore, that if the [US] State and Commerce Departments, in the 1950s and 1960s, had consistently enforced the legislation passed by Congress in 1949, the Soviets would not have had the ability to supply the Vietnamese War – and 50,000 more Americans and countless Vietnamese would be alive today.”

“Who were the government officials responsible for this transfer of known military technology? The concept originally came from National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger, who reportedly sold President Nixon on the idea that giving military technology to the Soviets would temper their global territorial ambitions. How Henry arrived at this gigantic non sequitur is not known. Sufficient to state that he aroused considerable concern over his motivations. Not least that Henry had been a paid family employee of the Rockefellers since 1958 and has served as International Advisory Committee Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, a Rockefeller concern.”

If you think such traitorous actions could never have occurred, I point you to another researcher, Charles Higham, and his 1983 classic, Trading with the Enemy.

Higham focuses on World War 2. The men behind the curtain Higham exposed are in the same basic group that Antony Sutton exposed.

Higham, Trading with the Enemy:

“What would have happened if millions of American and British people, struggling with coupons and lines at the gas stations, had learned that in 1942 Standard Oil of New Jersey [part of the Rockefeller empire] managers shipped the enemy’s [Germany’s] fuel through neutral Switzerland and that the enemy was shipping Allied fuel? Suppose the public had discovered that the Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars’ worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the head office in Manhattan [the Rockefeller family among others?] Or that Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan? Or that Colonel Sosthenes Behn, the head of the international American telephone conglomerate ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London? Or that ITT built the FockeWulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops? Or that crucial ball bearings were shipped to Nazi-associated customers in Latin America with the collusion of the vice-chairman of the U.S. War Production Board in partnership with Goering’s cousin in Philadelphia when American forces were desperately short of them? Or that such arrangements were known about in Washington and either sanctioned or deliberately ignored?”

Getting the picture?

War, what is it good for? With the same elites backing both sides, it’s good for business. It’s good for creating chaos and destruction. It’s good for launching new global organizations, in the aftermath; organizations that exert a level of control and reach that didn’t exist before. It’s good for launching organizations like the United Nations and the European Union and the World Trade Organization—dedicated to Globalism, which in turn is dedicated to planned civilization, in which the individual is demeaned and the group is All.

Freedom is demeaned; and dominance by the few over the many is hailed as peace in our time.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: FelixMittermeier / pixabay

The Monstrous Truth

The Monstrous Truth

by The Acorn
March 15, 2022


It is hard to fully grasp the sheer monstrosity of the system under which we live.

Most people simply cannot imagine that anyone could deliberately inflict untold misery and death on others, purely in pursuit of their own selfish goals.

Instead, even when they are not happy about what has happened, they cling to the semi-reassuring notion that it must have been some kind of mistake, or accident, the unforeseen outcome of a collision of social circumstances or geopolitical forces for which nobody in particular could be held responsible.

They consider it outlandish to suggest, despite the abundant evidence, that our own ruling clique has created, funded and trained terrorist groups to attack its own populations so as to frighten them into cowed obedience.

They do not think it likely for a fake “pandemic” to be sold to a global public in a pre-planned and co-ordinated fashion in order to advance a certain nefarious agenda, with the vast and irreparable suffering caused by this scam regarded as acceptable collateral damage.

They struggle to see how it could really be true that the social and environmental goals and solutions offered to us by virtue-signalling “do-gooders” are nothing but lies, Trojan horses for yet more exploitation and destruction.

It is impossible for many folk to imagine that nightmarish military conflicts costing thousands, if not millions, of innocent lives, could be schemed up behind the scenes and sold to the public on false pretences.

They cannot believe any of this because they, like most of us, fall into the “mostly good” category of human being, tripping and stumbling our way through life trying not to cause too much harm to others and still feeling uneasy, years later, about the times when we did not meet our own moral standards.

But the powerful individuals who pull the strings in this world are not like us and therefore behave in ways which we cannot begin to fathom.

They are psychopaths, utterly lacking in empathy for their fellow humans and addicted to the taste of blood and power.

In their vile arrogance, they imagine themselves better than all the little people, all the peasants, all the nobodies and failures over whom they merrily trample in their quest for yet more wealth and glory.

Their sneering sense of superiority fuels their behaviour. They see themselves as the glorious end product of neo-Darwinian “dog eats dog” evolution, the “fittest” who are destined to survive and prosper at the expense of the despised masses.

In truth, of course, the opposite is true. These liars and manipulators, these mass-murdering mafiosi, represent the very worst of humanity.

Only in their own inverted and amoral view of the world do the ruthless and greedy occupy any kind of high ground. They are the lowest of the low.

But as long as we continue to see the world from their perspective, which they present to us as the one and only truth, we will not be able to grasp this.

We need to step right out of the picture they have painted for us, in which we will only ever be the background to the triumph of their own twisted will.

The first thing we obviously have to do is to stop listening to and believing their lies, refuse to base our understanding of reality on what they tell us, decline to take “sides” in the gruesome games they devise to further divide and control us.

We also have to shake ourselves free from the language they use and all the assumptions this brings with it. Enough of their “economy” and “growth” and “security” and “progress”! These are all just mislabelled facets of their ongoing domination.

As we strip away the fake reality they have painted, we will ditch all kinds of previously unchallengeable “truths”.

No, we do not really have a “moral” duty to spend our lives working for the profit of the ruling class, just in order to live and eat and breathe!

No, our children do not belong to them and we did not have to hand them over for obligatory slave-think indoctrination or for experimental drug injection!

No, we do not “need” their infrastructures in order to live our lives and we certainly do not need “protection” from those who themselves represent by far the greatest threat to our well-being!

Eventually, after layer after layer of artifice has been peeled away, we will see the horrible truth about the psychopathic mafia and the physical and psychological slavery they have imposed on us for so long.

Once we have understood this, we will all know what to do next.


Connect with The Acorn

cover image credit: akbaranifsolo 

The New York Times’ Disgraceful and Deceitful Attack on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

The New York Times’ Disgraceful and Deceitful Attack on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
March 2, 2022


The New York Times, floundering in the deep waters of truth and desperately trying to stay afloat in the shallows by continuing its history of lying for its CIA masters, has just published a front page of propaganda worthy of the finest house organs of totalitarian regimes.  Right below its February 26, 2022 headline denouncing Russia and Putin as evil dogs pursuant to the American empire’s dictates concerning Ukraine, it posts an unflattering photo of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. sandwiched between American flags with the title of its hit piece, “A Kennedy’s Crusade Against Covid Vaccines Anguishes Family and Friends.”

It’s an exquisite juxtaposition: Putin as Hitler and Kennedy as a junior demon, suggestive of the relationship between C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape and his nephew Wormwood in The Screwtape Letters.  Evil personified.

The Times is big into anguish these days, not only for Nazis in Ukraine and upper class apartment hunters who can’t find a place for less than a few million, but for Robert Kennedy, Jr.’s family and friends.  It’s very touching.  That his sister, Kerry Kennedy, would harshly criticize him once again is genuinely pathetic, but of course she has to add how much she loves him, ostensibly to take the sting out of her inability to remain sisterly silent.

If he is so wrong about his work with Children’s Health Defense and his bookThe Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Healthrather than ripping him to the press, why doesn’t she or her siblings, who agree with her, write a comprehensive article or book refuting his facts?

They don’t because they can’t; so the next best thing is to criticize their brother to media glad for any way to disparage the Kennedys.  One senses a very weird masochistic family dynamic at work.

Kennedy’s siblings do not seem to understand why the media have been attacking him for years.  His stance on vaccines and Anthony Fauci are the cover story they use to criticize him, and his siblings don’t get it.  That their brother has become a major thorn in the side of the CIA escapes them, the CIA that has caused so much devastation to their family and the world.  The CIA that has been deeply involved in the global vaccine push, working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gatesthe militarymediaBig Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc.  Calling your brother brilliant while ignoring his book’s searing, evidence-based indictment of the intelligence-run Covid-19 operation is more than sad, especially when doing so to The New York Times, the CIA’s paper of record together with The Washington Post.

Character assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is what the CIA and its media mouthpieces have been doing for years. This has become more and more necessary as they have realized the great growing danger he poses to their agenda. Calling him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and names far worse, is part of a concerted smear campaign to turn the public away from his message, which is multi-faceted and supported by deep research and impeccable logic. Like his father and uncle, he has become an irrepressibly eloquent opponent of the demonic forces intent on destroying the democratic dream.

The Times article by Adam Nagourney is a blatant hatchet job filled with sly jabs, innuendos, and ignorant lies.  As is par for the course, his hack piece completely avoids Kennedy’s arguments but relies on a form of social gossip that substitutes for logic and evidence.  He seems to have learned much from The National Enquirer and The New York Post’s “Page Six” whose styles the NY Times has emulated.

Nagourney tells the reader that RFK, Jr.’s work as the face of the vaccine resistance movement has “tested,” “rattled,” “anguished,” and “mystified” family, friends and his Hollywood crowd; that this man “of the often troubled life” …. “has effectively used his talent and one of the most prominent names in American political history as a platform for fueling resistance to vaccines that could save countless lives.”

Translation: Kennedy, a Hollywood hobnobber and former drug addict, is so mentally unbalanced that he will betray his family and friends and kill people with medical advice that runs counter to the truth.

No evidence is required to establish this “truth,” just Nagourney’s word and those of those he can get to say the same thing, in other words.  Such as:

His conduct ‘undercuts 50 years of public health vaccine practice, and he’s done it in a way I’ve never see [sic] anyone else do it,’ said Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. ‘He is among the most dangerous because of the credibility of who he is and what his family name has brought to this issue.’

Notice the implication:  that these experimental mRNA so-called vaccines have been around 50 years and Kennedy is against all vaccines, both of which are false.

Furthermore, Nagourney says RFK, Jr. not only “inveighs” against vaccines, especially Covid vaccinations, but has adopted other weird “unorthodox” views (implication: orthodox views are good) over the years.

One is his claim that Sirhan Sirhan did not kill his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy.  Nagourney might do a smidgen of research and discover that Kennedy is correct; but doing so would disrupt the flow of his ad hominem attack.  All serious writers on the case know that the senator was not shot by Sirhan; they know there are deep CIA connections to the assassination. The evidence conclusively proves, as the autopsy has shown, that Sirhan was in front of the senator when he fired his pistol but RFK was shot from the rear at very close range with all bullets entering his body from the rear.  Nagourney either knows nothing about the assassination or is dissembling the facts, which must be “unorthodox.”

Sounding like a U.S. government spokesmen telling the press something is true without an iota of evidence, he writes the following sentence as if it were true simply because he wrote it, while making sure not to mention the book’s title – The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy – a brilliant, deeply researched and sourced book The Times will not review:

In a best-selling new book, he claimed that Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who is President Biden’s top medical adviser for the coronavirus pandemic, and Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, were in cahoots with the pharmaceutical industry to profiteer off dangerous vaccines.

Notice Nagourney’s insidious method.  State RFK’s claim as if it’s false because Nagourney stated it, when in fact it is so abundantly true and backed up by massive evidence that if Nagourney dared to engage in actual journalism by checking Kennedy’s book he would discover it.  But his job is not to search for truth but to defile a man’s reputation. He accuses Kennedy of circulating false information on the coronavirus and the vaccines but of course doesn’t say what that is or why it is false.

His entire article is an ad hominem attack by statement with the author cunningly hidden behind deceitful objectivity.

He writes:

To the public distress of his wife, the actress Cheryl Hines, Mr. Kennedy invoked Anne Frank, the young German-Dutch diarist who died in a Nazi prison camp, as he compared government measures for containing the pandemic with the Holocaust at that rally in Washington.

However, that is not what he said.  He said that during the Holocaust Anne Frank could hide for a while and others could flee out of Germany, but with the new “turnkey totalitarianism” being introduced today, which is technological, it will be harder to escape, for every aspect of life will be monitored by the authorities in a digital dystopia. Such a perspective is in no way unusual, for it is shared by many scholars of technology and only the most naïve would consider it eccentric. His point and words were twisted to serve others’ purposes and to paint him as an insensitive Holocaust denier.  Here’s what he said:

What we’re seeing today is what I call turnkey totalitarianism. They are putting in place all of these technological mechanisms for control we’ve never seen before. It’s been the ambition of every totalitarian state since the beginning of mankind to control every aspect of behavior, of conduct, of thought and to obliterate dissent. None of them have been able to do it. They didn’t have the technological capacity.

Even in Hitler’s Germany, you could cross the Alps into Switzerland. You could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did. I visited in 1962 East Germany with my father and met people who had climbed the wall and escaped, so it was possible. Many died … but it was possible.

Yet his sister Kerry also ripped him for making a statement that was clearly true if you accept his argument about the technological lockdowns in progress.  You can disagree (I don’t) but to impugn his intentions and his words is really despicable, but Nagourney adds it to his ad hominem attacks, making sure to include his sister Kerry’s Tweet:

Bobby’s lies and fear-mongering yesterday were both sickening and repulsive. I strongly condemn him for his hateful rhetoric.

Nagourney: “ Even his most prominent critics say they do not doubt his sincerity, even as he has become one of the most prominent spreaders of misinformation on vaccines.”

Translation: RFK, Jr. means well but he’s deluded.

Big Daddy Fauci is introduced to tell the young whippersnapper the following after Kennedy delivered a briefing at The National Institutes of Health:

When it was over, Dr. Fauci walked Mr. Kennedy out of the conference room.

“I said, ‘Bobby, I’m sorry we didn’t come to any agreement here,’” he said. “‘Although I disagree factually with everything you are saying, I do understand and I respect that deep down you are really concerned about the safety of children.’ I said that in a very sincere way.”

Condescension and sincerity overflow as the “conspiracy theorist” patient is told by the good doctor that he means well but needs help.

Then, making sure to include The New York Times endlessly repeated CIA talking point, our no-nothing author writes:

The assassination of President John F. Kennedy, his uncle, in 1963, when Robert was 9, helped foster a modern culture of conspiracy theories. Now, many of the arguments that Mr. Kennedy has embraced — including that Dr. Fauci is part of a “historic coup d’état against Western democracy” — recall the theories of a secret assassin helping Lee Harvey Oswald from the grassy knoll in Dallas.

That it was the CIA that weaponized the use of the term “conspiracy theory” in a 1967 dispatch – #1035-960 – in order to disparage those questioning The Warren Commission and it’s cover-up of the CIA’s role in JFK’s assassination is another fact that our fair-minded scribe conveniently omits while insidiously implying that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK.  Yes, there are magic bullets and magical tricks used to make sure RFK, Jr. is seen as a “sincere” nutcase.

RFK, Jr. has been and is an astute critic of the CIA and all its machinations, including its involvement in the assassinations of his uncle JFK, his father Senator Robert F. Kennedy, its involvement in the COVID propaganda, and in its extensive deadly deeds and disinformation at home and abroad.  His critical siblings praise him for his great intelligence and political acumen but seem clueless themselves.  So they ally with the same media that have been stenographers for the CIA.  The Kennedy family may be very well known, but in these ways they are very typical of American families that are divided by those who know and those who don’t know who the real devils are.

But let me make two final points about this sickening piece of character assassination.

RFK, Jr. has spent decades as an environmental lawyer fighting the pollution of our air, earth, and water.  In other words, the pollution also of human beings who live in nature while nature lives in us. Some people know the outside and the inside are connected.  Yet Nagourney bemoans the tragic turn he took from such good work with the environment to such terrible work with Children’s Health Defense and vaccines. He writes:

The swerve in Mr. Kennedy’s career, from the environment to vaccines, is particularly startling because for many family members and other Kennedy associates, Robert Kennedy Jr. is the sibling who most recalls the level of charisma and political appeal of his late father.

Startling?  No, very consistent for one who can think.  There is an obvious link between the major corporate polluters of the outside environment and the major polluters of human bodies.  Big pharmaceutical, oil, chemical, agribusiness, military, etc. are an interrelated lot of criminal enterprises despoiling all life on earth.  Kennedy’s lifetime work has followed a natural trajectory and underlying it all is his critique of the CIA and its media accomplices, such as The New York Times.

Yes, those family and friends who say he’s brilliant are right, and he is following in his father’s footsteps in ways they do not grasp; for he is able to connect the dots, diagnose the patterns, and expose with facts the criminal syndicates that are destroying democracy and so many lives.

The reason The New York Times publishes hit pieces like this and does not review his recent books is because his critique of these nefarious forces has gained a large audience and as a result many people are awakening to the truths concealed by the likes of the paper of record” with its propaganda.

Hit pieces like Nagourney’s should cause anyone reading it intense “anguish.”  There is nothing “mystifying” about it.

It’s simply disgraceful and deceitful.


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: Adam63  / Wikimedia Commons

New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History

New Discoveries That Completely Alter Human History

by After Skool with Ben, Uncharted X
March 1, 2022


UnchartedX is a youtube channel that explores anomalies in ancient history and examines possible forms of high technology.

Ben, the creator of UnchartedX, is an explorer, film-maker and student of lost ancient civilizations. I’ve had the great honor to explore some of these incredible sites with Ben.

To learn more about the UnchartedX content and tours, check out these links below.

UnchartedX YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/c/unchartedx
UnchartedX Website: https://unchartedx.com
UnchartedX Podcast: https://unchartedx.com/unchartedx-podcast


Connect with After Skool

Drumbeats of War, Testicles of Strength, Orwell of Television

Drumbeats of War, Testicles of Strength, Orwell of Television

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 28, 2022


Something is wrong. And I’m not talking about the screenshots going around purporting to show cardboard weapons in the hands of Ukraine civilians or the death of someone a few years ago dying again in the Ukraine; I’m talking about major in-your-face news outlets working overtime on WAR.

I’m writing this Sunday night (2/27), so who knows what new gobs of insanity will be spit up by tomorrow morning, when we post.

These are notes. The news is coming too fast and furious—each proclamation more preposterous than the last.

Bottom line: I’m not buying what they’re selling. I’m not buying what I’m seeing. I’m not buying what I’m not seeing.

Drumbeats of war. You must support America. And that means you must declare Putin is far more evil than Hitler. So say all. So say Democrats and Republicans foaming at the mouth. Keep our planes in the air. Ready the nukes. It just so happens our great Commander-in-Chief is coming on Tuesday night, to deliver his wartime State of the Union to the Congress.

The timing is perfect.

Spray the hall with meth. Members on both sides of the aisle will be standing every twenty seconds to roar with approval as decrepit old Joe—himself pumped full of every drug the docs can think of to keep him on his feet and his mouth working in coordination with the teleprompter—old Joe hurls angry Commander-in-Chief slogans of USA power…and the news heads will be ready to give him HIGH MARKS in the aftermath and try to shove his poll numbers, for the moment, through the roof…and turn around the mid-term elections…

“The old man had it in him. Wow. He rocked the house. This was quite a night, Bob. This was Presidential. Both sides of the aisle were screaming at the tops of their lungs. And now we have reports of biker gangs and possibly truckers who want to go to the Ukraine and help the people fight Putin…”

COVID? Vaccines? Vaccine deaths and injuries? New CDC lies exposed? Mandates? Freedom convoys? Inflation? Never heard of them. THIS IS WAR. Clear the decks. Battle stations, everyone. The Russians are coming.

Speaking of which, where are they in the Ukraine? 150,000 troops have invaded the country?

18,000 auto weapons have been distributed to Ukrainian citizens in Kiev/Kyiv?

So tell me this. Have you seen any video footage of actual armed clashes between Ukrainian civilians/soldiers and Russians? Actual back and forth prolonged shooting? (Not aftermath stuff.) I haven’t.

With the Ukraine press on high alert, and with a zillion cell phones active in the country, I should have seen MANY gun battles, live, by now. If there are any.

Have you heard the word DRONES?

I haven’t. I’d think the Russians have some drones. But no. Seems like all the reported air battles are happening between planes with pilots in cockpits. Do it the old fashioned way.

Did you see the extraordinary footage of a line of Russian tanks and armored vehicles all blown up and twisted on a quiet road in broad daylight?

Who destroyed them, and how? And in or around those vehicles, did you see any DEAD RUSSIAN BODIES? I didn’t. I would think there were quite a few. Where did they go? Who took them away, and why? Were these Russian vehicles operated by remote control from Moscow?

One retired US general claimed on FOX/CNN: these Russian vehicles were sent into the Ukraine with absolutely no thought of what their drivers would do when they quickly ran out of fuel after a few hours—since there are no supply lines. And that was the Putin battle plan. “Drive as far as you can, fire your weapons at tall buildings, empty your fuel capacity, and then just sit there.” REALLY? THAT’S WHAT’S BEEN HAPPENING? SOMEBODY FORGOT ABOUT SUPPLY LINES? We’re supposed to buy that scenario?

Of course, as in every recent war, US TV reporters, “on the ground” in the Ukraine, are doing stand ups in stone quiet areas where nothing at all is happening, and these “reporters” are relaying press updates originating from New York and Washington. That’s standard. “We’re sending you to Kiev/Kyiv on the midnight flight, Fred. Don’t forget your helmet. We’ll feed you AP dispatches through your earpiece and you just repeat them…”

Meanwhile, NATO is on high alert, international payment processors have shut down certain Russian banks and accounts, some government (I missed the country name) is sending jet fighters to the Ukraine. Really? Who’s going to pilot those planes? Ukrainians? “Where’s the brake and the ignition? What are these buttons for?”

Possibly the supplying country will also provide its own pilots? That could get messy very fast. “French pilots shot down a Russian plane this morning. President Macron denied it was an act of war.”

Some Congressman said we should do WHAT? Send people to the Ukraine to enforce a NO-FLY-ZONE over the country? Was he drunk out of his mind? Exactly how do you enforce that? My guess would be: WEAPONS. PLANES.

“Goddammit, it’s about time we stood up and fought those Ruskies. Enough posturing. Break out the old films showing schoolkids how to get down under their desks when the nuclear bombs fall on their heads.”

Of course, it would have been too easy, a few months ago, to tell Putin the Ukraine will never be a NATO member. But diplomacy never works. Disband the whole State Department.

We need a good war. Cleans the pipes. Reinvigorates the blood. Improves sperm count.

“Phil, I want at least one Kiev/Kyiv refugee or displaced person or whatever you call them when they hide underground—I want at least one of these WOMEN per hour on our national broadcast telling her story, like in Wag the Dog, BECAUSE WE DON’T HAVE ANY GODDAMN FOOTAGE OF THE ACTUAL WAR GOING ON AND WHY IS THAT? CAN SOMEBODY AROUND HERE TELL ME? I WANT TO SEE STREET BATTLES THAT LAST FOR MINUTES AND PEOPLE FALLING DOWN.”

“Jack, we don’t have footage of the war because we’re sending our reporters to places where nothing is going on.”

“Is that so? Well, wherever the war IS going on, there are people with cell phones. Where is their video?”

“I have no idea.”

Dear reader, there IS a war. Some kind of war. But the shape of it and who’s doing what to who, and how it’s being shaped for public consumption…and whether the shaping IS the war…and exactly what the word WAR means in this case…these are questions whose present answers I’m not buying. I’m not buying what I’m seeing. I’m not buying what I’m not seeing.

If you or I were the head of FOX/CNN, we’d do this:

“Mike, get your ass in here. You’re our top analyst on this. See this map of the Ukraine spread out on the table? I want you to circle every little area where battles on the ground are happening. And then sign your name under each area. Because THOSE PLACES are where we’re going to send our people. They’re called WAR CORRESPONDENTS. That’s what they’ll do when they get there. Correspond about the war. I want to know what’s actually happening. And we’ll show it to our audience. I don’t want to see any more footage of what already happened. It makes us look stupid and inattentive, and quite possibly, liars. Are we a bunch of liars? Why do I have to ask that question?”

You know, REPORT THE NEWS. Rather than BEAT THE DRUM.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Computerizer / pixabay

Geopolitics and the Biolabs Theory

Geopolitics and the Biolabs Theory

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
February 28, 2022


The biggest story this last week has naturally been The Ukraine, and you may be wondering why I’ve filed this story under the GMO scrapbook. It’s because the subject has turned to “why” did Mr. Putin pick the present moment to invade? There has already been, for example, some nasty geopolitical fallout, the first for the USSA, and the second for Russia (possibly).  As for the USSA side of the equation, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has called on the USSA to “quit being ambiguous” and commit openly and unabashedly to the commitment to defend Taiwan.   It’s an interesting plea, because Japan has already done so some time ago, but Japan is not (yet) strong enough to undertake that commitment all by itself. But again, I suspect the few competent people left in Swampington can read Abe’s implied message very clearly:  “either you do it or we’re going to have to rearm and take matters into our own hands.”

On the USSA side of the equation, that country along with Germany has pledged arms shipments to The Ukraine, and the message is once again clear: “you do the fighting for us, and hopefully we can escalate the situation and embroil Russia in a stalemate and ongoing conflict.” That, anyway, is my best guess of the moment. India, China, Iran and a number of other nations have quietly voiced their support for Russia, but make no mistake, the longer Russia takes, the weaker its position becomes, and the more Mr. Xi likes it. Oh, and by the way, Mr. Globaloney also appears to be prepping the next narrative via his poodle Mr. Brandonenko, namely, that internet outages, hacked bank accounts and stolen money, and power outages, are going to be due to Russian cyber warfare (see Biden regime claims Russia is about to unleash cyberattack against power plants, banks and water treatment facilities).

Then of course there’s the little-known and remembered ecclesiastical situation, when the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople – or as I like to call it, the Ecumaniacal Patriarchate, due to its OINO [Orthodox In Name Only] and neo-papal attitudes in the past few decades, not to mention its financial ties to the Vatican and some Clowns In America – granted autocephaly (self-governing status) to an element of the Ukrainian Church, a move roundly denounced by most of the rest of the Orthodox world, making the conflict really an Orthodox versus Orthodox contest of the two largest bodies within Eastern Orthodoxy, a goal that is also condign to the thinking and objectives of Mr. Globaloney.

Amidst all of this there is now a story making the rounds on the internet that Russia is quietly targeting various “hidden” and (not-so) secret biological warfare laboratories that the USSA located to the Ukraine.  The rumors include the claim that one of the “projects” being worked on included aerosolized rabies that would virtually devastate the entire human population.  Whether  that aspect of the story is true or not I do not know. But the biolabs theory, while wild, does make a certain amount of sense, since a similar story attended the Russian invasion of south Ossetia a few years ago.

Here’s a few versions of the biolabs theory(shared by S.D. and D.M.F. with our thanks):




This story now appears to be confirmed, and one of the many reasons for the Russian invasion according to the first article:

According to US government documents, the US has multiple biolabs in Ukraine. In typical Pentagon fashion, these biolabs are marketed as “defense.

Russia has been warning the US for months to stop operating dangerous biolabs on their doorstep. Mainstream media won’t touch the topic now, but they did cover the news in the past.

Four months ago, Russia and China asked the UN for the US to be “checked and limited” in biological capabilities.

Russia and China blamed the US for the Covid-19 outbreak and were fearful that the US had more bioweapons to be unleashed on the world.

How does this relate to Ukraine?

Putin has admitted he is engaged in a “special military operation” to demilitarize Ukraine. Mainstream analysts fail to understand the possible scope of this statement.

There is another rumor – again as of now unsubstantiated as far as I can tell – that these laboratories were operated in part by EcoHealth Alliance, which is allegedly connected to Anthony Fauci  (for more on this aspect of the story, see


So the biolabs story is a minefield of rumor, speculation, and like all such stories, there much room for misinformation. But the main story, that the USSA and The Ukraine were operating biological warfare laboratories, and that the Russian invasion appears to have deliberately conducted operations in the areas containing them, and that the USSA has attempted to scrub the evidence, appears to be true. Let’s also remember The Ukraine also was a deliberate target, and was eventually accepting of, GMOs.  There are stories out there on the internet right now of scientists trying to combine “vaccines” with GMO foods, and perhaps this type of research was being conducted in these laboratories.

Color me “oh so surprised”… NOT,  because I truly believe the political leadership class of the West is by and large insane, corrupt, and evil, and that they’re basically capable of anything…

See you on the flip side…

Tidbit: And This Article Raises All Sorts of Questions…

Apparently the Ukrainian Defense Ministry has faked a video or two… which raises all sorts of thorny questions:

Ukraine’s Defense Ministry posted fake video as air battle


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Shedding, Vaccines and Graphene Machines

Shedding, Vaccines and Graphene Machines

by Dr. Sam Bailey
video published February 22, 2022


Partial transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:

Dr. Sam Bailey:

We should clarify that these injections are gene therapies, rather than vaccines.

Of course, as we have seen numerous times in recent years, definitions need to be changed to fit the new narratives. For example, not so long ago the Merriam Webster dictionary stated that a vaccine was a preparation of killed micro organisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease.

Then, in January 2021, the definition suddenly changed. Now, what was happening around that time, the new definition in the dictionary look quite different and included: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein).

Now, the fact checkers were quick to gaslight the public and say it was all taken out of context. Sit back and relax, they advised, because it was about the new technology of mRNA vaccines made publicly available in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Injecting genetic sequences into a human, in order for it to be taken out by the cells and then cause a change in cellular expression, is a gene therapy. Even wikipedia, at the moment at least, states under the gene therapy page that there are a variety of gene therapy modalities including RNA, DNA and gene editing tools such as CRISPR. And BioNTech, Moderna Therapeutics and CureVac focus on delivery of mRNA payloads.

This is not that important to those of us that know that vaccines are one of the greatest scams being run, as we are not interested in taking any of them.

However, it is important for the gene therapy recipients, as well as for the shedding question.

The sequences being injected are smuggled into the cells via the lipid nanoparticle technology. Without it the […] mRNA would be quickly broken down after injection.

These injections cause the body to produce the so-called spike protein. This is alleged to be a modified version of the SARS-COV-2 virus spike protein. However, the virus is a fictional construct, as the virus has never been shown to exist.

The spike protein comes from somewhere else.

And, even though Dr. Fauci was talking about spike protein vaccines back in 2005, after SARS 1, that virus was never shown to exist either.

The spike protein sequences can be found in lab experiments that stress and kill mammalian cells.

In any case, there is enough known about the spike proteins to see that they can be toxic if they are released inside the body. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell a product or is making excuses for it. You may hear claims that, as it is only a tiny part of the virus, it’s safe. However, as there has been no virus shown to exist, they are simply parroting the virologist’s claims and big pharma marketing.

But can these spike proteins shed from the bodies of the injected and affect another person?

My supporter mentioned that shedding of particles seems to be a valid concept as it can occur with things like body odor. This is true and that the sweat glands secrete various compounds including proteins which can mix with skin organisms — and the resulting particle aerosols so that other people can smell them. The secretions themselves could also come into direct contact with another person.

However, I don’t believe this puts another person at significant risk from any potential spike proteins. Proteins coming into contact with intact skin are not going to be able to get in. And proteins are generally broken down rapidly if they are swallowed or inhaled.

Another question was whether Pfizer admitted that there was some risk of shedding from recipients, due to the way the original clinical trial protocol was written.

For example, under section 8.3.5, there are clauses stating environmental exposure may occur. ‘A male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact, then exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.’

It goes on to say this: ‘In the case of a life birth, the structural integrity of the neonate can be assessed at the time of birth. In the event of a termination…the structural integrity of the terminated faces should be assessed by gross visual inspection.’

One of the reasons I did not find it plausible that spike protein shedding could significantly affect other people is that we exposed the lack of evidence that proteins can be infectious in a chapter in ‘Virus Mania‘, which we titled BSE: The Epidemic That Never Was.

In 1997 Stanley Prusiner put forward his theory of infectious proteins, known as prions, being responsible for spongiform brain diseases, such as mad cow disease. Despite all the excitement and senseless slaughter of animals that it caused, the model was never demonstrated to be relevant in nature.

Experiments involving injecting protein mixtures directly into animals brains can hardly be said to be a representation of what happens in natural settings. Like the virus theory, the required evidence is conspicuously absent.

Of course, there are particular scenarios where transmission will occur and the most obvious is that of unborn babies whose mothers are producing spike protein. In fact, everything that has been injected into the mother is potentially going into the fetus or embryo — and that includes the spike protein, the mRNA coding sequence, the lipid nanoparticles and the undeclared constituents that we’ll get into soon.

The spike proteins are not the only thing we have to worry about though. Numerous laboratories around the world have found graphene-based particles and what looks like nanotechnology, both in the vaccine vials and blood of recipients.

Pathologist Professor Arne Burckhardt in Germany, Dr. Pablo Campra of La Quinta Columna in Spain, Dr. Zandre Botha in South Africa, Dr. Marcelo Dignani in Argentina, and recently a physician here in New Zealand, are among those who have found these undeclared constituents.

There is much speculation about what the purpose of these particles are. But some appear to be nanorouters. It is also being reported that they are capable of receiving and transmitting signals, and even generating internet MAC addresses…

Whatever they can do, it is important to know about the nature of graphene and it’s useful to see what engineers had to say about the subject.

It is difficult to comprehend that graphene sheets can be a single layer of carbon atoms in thickness. And, as discussed in this 2013 publication, have extra ordinary electrical, mechanical and thermal properties. The paper points out that, because the particles are so minute, they can get into people quite readily through inhalation.

This is being studied previously and mice where researchers found that the particles cause harmful health effects in the lungs due to the inability of the host to clear them, and the failure of macrophages to clean them up. Their retention in the tissues then sets up an inflammatory response and through the tissue damage.

However, they did conclude that ‘our initial data also suggests that the graphene nanoplatelets are not fully bio-persistent, and clear slowly to the mediastinal lymph nodes. More research was required to see if the particles are subsequently cleared from the lymph nodes in body’.

Back to the engineers’ paper and they go on to say that, ‘in addition to occupational exposures, graphene family nanoparticles may be deliberately implanted or injected for biomedical applications that include biosensors, tissue scaffolds, carriers for drug delivery or gene therapy, antibacterial agents and bioimaging probes.’

They performed experiments to see how human cells responded to challenge with graphene microsheets. In these scanning electron micrographs, image A shows the graphene particles penetrating a human lung cell, while image C and D show the particles penetrating human skin cells.

The authors concluded — they ‘hypothesize that graphene microsheets that penetrate into hydrophobic lipid domains may be recognized as damage-associated molecular patterns by target cells that are the first line of defense against particles… The ability of graphene microsheets with large lateral dimension to penetrate and enter cells… may lead to cytoskeletal disruption, impaired cell motility, compromised epithelial barrier function, or other geometric and steric effects that deserve further study.’

In other words, the particles can slice through cells, disrupt the structure and normal function, and activate a generalized inflammatory response.

Combined with the fact that the body struggles to clear such particles, that could be a recipe for chronic inflammatory conditions and even cancer.

Despite the fact that graphene is bad news for humans, in 2021 these researchers associated with AstraZeneca produced Graphene Quantum Dot to deliver messenger RNA into cells.

…[image shown in video shows page 666 ChemistryOpen 2021, Wiley Online Library] on page 666 of the chemistry Europe publication. And they proceeded to describe the creation of the ‘Franken-molecule’ consisting of the graphene quantum dots linked to mRNA sequences.

They seem happy to announce that graphene quantum dots are able to respond to physical stimuli such as magnetic fields, ultrasound, and light. They also make the curious claim that the graphene quantum dots are not toxic, although cellular toxicity is a problem for these first-generation modified particles.

Cellular toxicity means they are toxic.

What is most disturbing to me about this work is that it demonstrates the integration between synthetic nanoparticles and biological molecules. While this might excite Dr. Evil and his acolytes, it is a desecration of our bodies and an example of how out of touch they are with the nature of life in the universe.

So, many of us will avoid intentional exposure to graphene nanoparticles, but can people injected with them shed these particles in and affect others in contact with them?

It would seem, from the published research discussed here, that the particles are difficult and slow to clear from the body. This would not be coming out of injected recipients very readily. However, if they were cleared, then potentially someone in close contact could be exposed.

I have received communication from a dark field microscopist who compared blood film from an injected and a non-injected subject. And a few nanoparticles were seen, albeit at a much lower concentration, in the non-injected subject.

This raises questions about how the small number of particles got into the non-injected subject. And exactly what we are seeing.

I can’t give you a definitive conclusion at this stage as we await more information. We know that the globalists have some set agendas they are attempting to roll out. And they want to disconnect us from spirituality in their perverted plan for humanity.

Dr. Harari and his devil buddies are so unconscious that they think they are gods. To them, you are livestock that is ripe for their transhumanist experiments and eventual enslavement. In other words, you need to be on your guard.

However, if you do not already know this, I can tell you that they don’t really have any power over you unless you give it to them. It is as easy as ignoring them and not walking into the cages that they are directing you towards.

A small number of us sounded the alarm in 2020 that the alleged Covid-19 pandemic was a ruse. It has been pushed with fraudulent science. But unfortunately, from my experience, even 99 percent of doctors cannot properly interpret the papers that claimed to show the existence of SARS-CoV-2.

It does not require a large number of people to be in on the scam. Most have been tricked and have gone along with it in ignorance.

The good news is that around the world more people are waking up. Many that have been injected are realizing that they had been deceived, and increasingly I’ve been contacted by people who have been jabbed but will never take another vaccine again.

I suspect plenty of individuals received the shot and didn’t produce spike proteins. There haven’t been damaged in that way.

With regards to the undeclared nanoparticles, there a lots of unknowns…

I have faith that people can heal from what has been done to them. But the first step is to stop listening to big pharma and the globalist sociopaths, to take back control of our own health.


Connect with Dr. Sam Bailey

cover image credit: Layers / pixabay

“The Trump Train” and How It Has Strangely Embedded Itself Into the Resistance Movement Against Medical Tyranny in America

“The Trump Train” and How It Has Strangely Embedded Itself Into the Resistance Movement Against Medical Tyranny in America


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the following videos, Hugo Talks asks important questions about Trump’s pro-vaccine stance (and Trump’s clear, strong push for medical tyranny to be rolled out) and the many anti-mandate leaders who are publicly aligning themselves with Trump.

He draws attention to the historical strategy of what is known as The Hegelian Dialectic or Problem-Reaction-Solution.  See Rosanne Lindsay’s article Transcending The Hegelian Dialectic for more understanding of how we are manipulated through this globalist strategy.

Follow Hugo Talks at Odysee or BitChute.



Connect with Hugh Talks

The Age of Ultron: Ultimate Transformation

The Age of Ultron: Ultimate Transformation

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
February 22, 2022




The Age of Ultron is upon us. The ultimate transformation has been built into the human psyche over many generations and platforms.

While some people say ‘bring it on,‘ others ask if there is an Endgame?

The Cycle of Time

By observing the clues planted everywhere, there is no Endgame. There is only the end of an Age. The transition from Age to Age moves according to the Sky Clock, a celestial cycle that expands and spirals outward in a coil. The Cycle of Ages has been described in all traditions and cultures, from the Greek, Hesiod’s Five Ages of Man to the Astrological Zodiac Cycle (2160 years) and Precession of the Equinoxes (25,920 yrs ), to the India Yugas (4,320,000 years), the Hopi World Ages, and the Holy Bible Revelation 21:1.

The Cycle of the Ages is mirrored in humanity using the chart of The Zodiacal Man. According to this correspondence, the image of Zodiacal Man shows humanity has risen from the feet, in Pisces, and is now in the lower leg, in The Age of Aquarius, The Age of Freedom and Technology (especially electricity), and the Water Bearer. By this measure, humanity is working its way back up toward the head, in Aires, and enlightenment.

Implicit in the meaning of the word “cycle,” is humanity’s rise to a peak, followed by an inevitable decline; and once humanity’s darkest point is reached, there is inevitable advancement. Many feel time is speeding up. People are experiencing accelerated growth and the feeling of living multiple lifetimes over the course of one lifetime. The Earth, and all life, is undergoing an enormous process of upgrades.

According to the Hopi, we are living at the end of the Hopi Fourth World, marked by chaos and a life out of balance with the ways of the Creator. Hopi elders believe the Fifth World is upon us, where peace, prosperity, and spirituality shall reign. According to these many traditions, each time the world comes out of balance, there is a reset we can blame on an angry Creator. Peace is forever elusive, always after “the next war.”

The Precession of the Equinoxes affects everything on Earth:

  • Satya Yuga – Qori Wata – Golden Age – Age of part of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, (13,000 years) to the current Age of Aquarius
  • Descending Ages
  • Treta Yuga – Qolqe Wata – Silver Age – Age of  Sagittarius and Capricorn
  • Dwapara Yuga – Anka Wata – Bronze Age – Age of Energy (2400 years) Age of Taurus and part of Aires
  • Kali Yuga – Awka Wata – Iron Age – Age of Materialism, Confusion, Selfishness, Deception, The Dark Age, Part of Aires and Pisces – disconnected from Source
  • Ascending Ages:
  • Dwapara Yuga – Age of Energy – Age of part of Pisces, and Aquarius – we are here
  • Treta Yuga – Age of Ascension – Age of Gemini and Taurus
  • Satya Yuga – Golden Age –  Age of part of Cancer, Leo, Virgo
A New Beginning

There are many other time cycles, some of which are unknown. But let’s face it; we didn’t come to Earth at this time for a vacation but for a purpose. In any Age, expect ups and downs, especially in a dualistic reality. From the Kali Yuga (in Pisces) to the beginning of the Dwapara Yuga (in Aquarius) where we sit now; humanity is again ascending consciousness. This is a remarkable time to be alive.

The “Age of Transhumanism” is part of a transition phase of about 300-500 years. Ideas and impulses of the old age overlap with the those of the new for up to 1000 years into the new one. We are in the beginning of the Dwarpa YugaThe Age of Aquarius, the Age of Energy, until about 4200 AD. This Transition Age marks the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It will be similar to the last Dwapara Yuga, but expressed on a higher more sophisticated level as we spiral to a new plain. Energy can be used in new ways to create ‘miracles.’

Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values. – Max More, Principles of Entropy

From books to movies, Transhumanistic concepts have picked up speed over the past two decades. The idea was first defined in 1998 in selected circles of influence, as the extension of humanism. But how to convince humans to partake in a transformation that merges minds into a melting post, the opposite of self-actualization?

In this transition, no war is necessary. Let them beg for itLet them sign up for it. Let the transformation begin and end with technology, by consent and by contractural agreement.

In the Dwarpa Yuga, The Energy Age, humans have moved from the Industrial Age, to the Information Age, ComputerAge, DigitalAge, and New Media Age. If you see it in the movies, it is playing out in reality. Graphene nanoparticles are part of the process, in food, and in medicine. Graphene is the new plastic, found in airwater, soil, blood, and saline solution.  It’s everywhere and in everything, as a marker of transformation.

Mutation, it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward. Professor X – X-Men

Graphene is the strongest, hardest, and lightest of any material ever made. It has optical, thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties with applications in silicon-based semi-conductor devices. Once inside the human carbon-based body, graphene acquires magnetic properties and becomes a superconductor.

Think of The Avenger movies, where the “gods” of the Marvel Comics and films are considered Superheroes. They are, in reality, superconducting humans, or Transhumans. And what movie-going human doesn’t want to be like them? So ignore false reports of semiconductor chip shortages being reported in the media. It is a distraction, a shortage ‘by design.

At the same time, realize that you are only being told one story of evolution, by those who grasp tightly to the megaphone. Evolution happens on multiple levels. Unlike robots, humans are multidimensional beings. Be open to the unseen aspects that also evolve. Early 2022 is experiencing a higher frequency. This is a time to turn inward. Connect to Nature, your true nature, to find self-fulfillment and personal peace, even in the midst of dwindling deception and brainwashing.

 A.I Taking Shape

According to Forbes Magazine, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is Driving a Silicon Renaissance. But could it be the other way around? The manufactured silicon (synthetic) revolution is driving both A.I. (robotics), and the blockchain. This also marks the Age of Transhumanism. Movies attempt to define this Age as the final frontier (Star Trek), this attempted merging of human and machine. Graphene nanoparticles found in mRNA vaccines are the catalyst to connecting to the electromagnetic grid and other devices. One Italian doctor was able to identify injected people before they arrived at his office by a signal detected on his cell phone.

Graphene nanoparticles appear in the blood as tiny synthetic robots, able to self-assemble into structured shapes not found in Nature. Note the similarity between magnified images of graphene-based nanotech in blood and the images from the movie, The Avengers, the Age of Ultron. Do these nanobots look like a computer motherboard? A city? A.I.?

Nanobots can appear as worm-like hydra. Hydra nanobots are eerily similar in shape to the constellation Hydra, also known as the water snake.

Hydra is pictured on a stone constellation map from the Euphrates. Dating from about 1200 B.C., the serpent is there identified with
the source of the fountains of the great deep, and is one of the several sky symbols of Tiamat, the great dragon.  – Gerardus D. Bouw, Ph.D , “Drako the Dragon”

In the 2015 movie, The Avengers, The Age of Ultron, Ultron, a robot, seeks to make itself better, stronger, harder, and more beautiful using a metal found only in one part of the world, the same metal in the shield that protects Captain America.

The most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to build a Frisbee. – Ultron, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

Ultron comes from the words Ultra, to transcend beyond limits, and Tron, one who is growing. The message of transformation is clear. However, robots in any form can never be self-aware. In this way, they will never be like humans.

It’s the end, the end of the path I started us on. – Iron Man, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

 Nothing lasts forever – Natasha Romanoff, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

We are the Avengers. We can bust arms dealers all the livelong day, but, that up there? That’s… that’s the end game.” – Tony Stark, looking up to an invasion of metal man/gods falling to earth, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

The Fourth Revolution

No matter who wins or loses, trouble always comes around. – Nick Fury, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron.

When articles openly proclaim, “Looking Forward to the End of Humanity,” we have entered The Fourth Revolution. There is no such Age as The End of Humanity. There is, however, an artificial world of Cybernetics boasting “eternal life through advanced technology” led by self-proclaimed, pretend superheroes, Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and Elon Musk, developer of the neural network.

This 4th Revolution occurs in Cyberspace to redesign and reengineer reality. Evidence for building an artificial world can be seen by The Human Connectome Project, a mapping of the human brain, launched in 2009 by the National Institutes of Health. It is expressed as the software of life by mRNA vaccine maker Moderna’s chief medical officer.

These “makers” of an artificial reality fail to disclose the ability of hacking into the software. Their job is to convince the human psyche that all is well. Ironically, when it suits, scientists claim to hack the digital codes to change reality, from gene editing to Cryptocurrency.

The Fourth Revolution is advertised as the “New Golden Age,” but it is only a Golden Age of Fraud. The Transhuman ‘Golden Age’ is made possible by Social Engineers who have been able to mold behavior of whole populations, over generations. The father of Social engineering, Ed Bernays, was said to be the nephew of Sigmund Freud. Eddy repurposed the idea of propaganda into Public Relations. In 1917, Ed Bernays was recruited by President Woodrow Wilson to use propaganda to influence Americans to willingly engage in World War I.

Today, under new direction, the role of Ed Bernays is now being played by Klaus Schwab, an elite German and founder of The World Economic Forum, and author of the book, “Covid-19: The Great Reset.

What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity. – Klaus Schwab, Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 2019

What do the social engineers behind the movies seek to manifest through their images? Mind control? Civil War? An extinction event?

Recipe For Transformation

In a world run by the Sky Clock, there are no endings, only new beginnings in a constant cycle of birth, death, and renewal. The time loop phenomenon is part of the human psyche, as shown in movies that loop time, such as Groundhog Day, About Time, Edge of Tomorrow, Looper, and Mind Games. Movies manipulate the mind. The mind projects reality. So it follows that those who control the mind, control reality. Add a nanochip with frequencies that induce neuronal activation, and then inject nanomaterials with photothermal stimulation to modulate the brain, and you have a Recipe for Transformation. But does this process bring freedom, peace, or enlightenment?

One answer is found in the movie, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron, where the Avengers are not enough to keep the peace, so Ultron takes control to end Earth once and for all (a reset), that he says has occurred many times before.

There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it. And, believe me, he’s winding up. – Ultron, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

By studying human history, Ultron discovers the fallacy of the phrase, “peace in our time,” a phrase uttered in 1938 by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlin after signing a peace pact with Nazi Germany.  The contradiction?  The peace sign is also a ‘victory for war’ sign. Peace never lasts long because humans are willing to compromise with demons, as depicted in the influential poem, Dante’s Inferno, a divine comedy. Humans lack morals to know when enough is enough, and fail to take responsibility for their actions.

Ultron can’t see the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that? – Wanda Maximoff, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

I know you’re good people. I know you mean well. But you just didn’t think it through. There is only one path to peace… your extinction. – Ultron, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron.

The Path of Choice

The upgrade and downgrade of humanity is ongoing. The Creation-Destruction Cycle of The Ages suggests an Avenger-god with control issues. For what ultimate purpose? For connectivity to an electromagnetic grid? For tracking purposes? For control of the body and mind? For the Transmutation of an entire species? Movie makers would prefer that you think so.

We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile. – The Borg, Star Trek Voyager

Unlike Ultron, a synthetic, immortal being, humans are eternal beings. Humans encompass physical bodies, light bodies, and energy bodies of a multi-dimensional nature, as Earth is multidimensional.

During the Iron Age, humans forgot their spiritual aspects and focused on a material existence. In this new Age of Energy, humanity now has the opportunity to interact with the subtler aspects of energy and consciousness, and go beyond their physical limits.

On the Path of Choice, do you choose Transhumanism or do  you expand into higher dimensions of yourself? Do you live with the status quo and squander Earth’s resources? Or do you live in sacred relationship with the Earth and all of its sentient inhabitants? It seems that your choice determines the outcome, not for the world, but for the world you occupy.

Typical of humans, then scratch the surface and never think to look within. – Ultron, The Avengers: The Age of Ultron

I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Where the fear is gone. Only I will remain. – Paul Atreides, Dune, 2021

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Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

cover image credit: D5000 / pixabay

The British Hand Behind the Global Deep State

The British Hand Behind the Global Deep State

by Matthew Ehret
February 14, 2022


In this edition of the Coronavirus Investigative Committee Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion, I was invited to showcase Britain’s modern invisible empire under the cover of a global bureaucracy of Crown Agents, Mining Interests, Offshore bank havens, drug money laundering operations, terrorism financing, intelligence operations and more.

After painting a sketch of our modern British-run age, I lept back in time to the early days of Canada with the 1867 British North America Act that formulated a synthetic nation premised upon “preserving the interests of the British Empire” in the face of a world of sovereign republics then blossoming onto the scene.

We trace the growth of the British Round Table Movements fueled by the ill-begotten gains of Cecil Rhodes in misshaping the entire 20th century with the aim of reconquering the rebellious colony under an Anglo-American world government pausing to explore the deep state takeover of the USA after FDR’s untimely death, the Rhodes’ Scholar-driven Cold War, and the major coup of 1971 that saw the US dollar detached from the fixed exchange rate system, the creation of the Rothschild InterAlpha Group and the World Economic Forum.

Click on the video below to watch the presentation on Bitchute:

Or watch on Rumble Here.

Finally, I would highly encourage everyone to watch the presentations by UK Column’s Alex Thompson and Brian Garish before and after my presentation which can be done by clicking on the following link

And for those who want to take their knowledge to the next level, here is some supplementary reading:

Origins of the Deep State in North America part 1: The Round Table Movement

Origins of the Deep State in North America part 2: Milner’s Perversion Takes over Canada

Origins of the Deep State in North America part 3: What is the Fabian Society and to What End was it Created?

Origins of the Deep State part 4: George Grant, Massey and the Creation of a Synthetic Nationalism of Canada

Video: The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Invisible Empire


Connect with Matthew Ehret

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The video below covers the first half of Day 2 of Grand Jury investigation, featuring Alex Thompson, Matthew Ehret and Brian Garish. The testimonies of these three men tie together essential information on the “hidden hand” behind the attempted global dominance of all mankind. 

Montagnier’s Monster

Montagnier’s Monster


In order to determine whether a “virus” actually exists, the particles must be purified (freed from contaminants, pollutants, and foreign elements) so that they can be isolated (separated from everything else). Only once this occurs can the particles assumed to be “virus” then be proven pathogenic through experimentation. Only purified particles can be used to visualize as well as biochemically and molecularly characterize the “virus” in order to determine specific proteins, antibodies, genomic sequence, electron microscopy imaging, etc. Without purification, one can not determine that the “virus” exists at all and the non-specific laboratory results obtained from unpurified material are absolutely meaningless.


Luc Montagnier unleashed his “retroviral” monster onto the world in 1983 and it grew into a beast of its own kind during the proceeding decades. Countless lives have been destroyed by the fear of the HIV diagnosis as well as the subsequent subjection to toxic black label pharmaceuticals.


Montagnier’s Monster

by Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
February 13, 2022


“HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause AIDS.”
 ~ Luc Montagnier, VI Int’l AIDS Conference, Jun 24 1990

If you have been following the news recently, you may have heard that there is currently a new “highly virulent strain” of HIV running around the Netherlands (I think there is a pun in there somewhere). You may also have heard that there is a brand new experimental HIV mRNA vaccine that has shown promise in animals. If you have really been paying attention, you may have even heard of French virologist Luc Montagnier, the man credited with the discovery of HIV, and his various critical statements against the dangerous use of mRNA vaccines for “Covid-19.” If so, you are also most likely aware that during this increased attention geared towards HIV and mRNA vaccines, Luc Montagnier died very recently on February 8th, 2022. While he lived to be the ripe old age of 89, many are suspicious of the timing of his death in light of the current HIV resurgence.

While I do find the timing of all of these events interesting, that is not what this article is about. I have always planned to dive into Montagnier’s original HIV paper but I have held off as the HIV/AIDS scam has been exposed brilliantly by many others before me. However, I have always felt that the HIV fraud is the perfect gateway into understanding the “Covid-19” fraud as the numerous parallels to what is going on today are uncanny. We can see the same misuse of PCR and antibody testing, the same rebranding and reuse of toxic pharmaceuticals, the same collection of various symptoms under one giant umbrella disease, the same propaganda spreading fear of the infected, and the same Anthony Fauci spearheading the whole thing. Even though it is not my intention to touch on all of these aspects in one article, the best place to start unravelling this tangled web of deceit begins with the man who was credited with unleashing the HIV monster upon the world, Luc Montagnier.

In 1983, Montagnier was sent a lymph node sample from a 33-year-old (note the age) male determined to have the symptoms of AIDS. From this sample, Montagnier and his team uncovered what they claimed was a new “retrovirus,” originally known as L.A.V., for lymphadenopathy associated “virus.” After several indirect experiments, the team concluded that further studies were needed in order to determine whether or not the new “virus” had any role in the etiology of AIDS. After this initial discovery of the potential “viral” cause of AIDS, there was a bit of drama in 1984 when American virologist Robert Gallo claimed to have uncovered the cause of AIDS himself with the discovery of HTLV-3. Long story short, it was later determined that Gallo had used/borrowed/stolen a sample from the same patient as Montagnier and uncovered the same “virus.” The “virus” was eventually renamed HIV in 1986 and in 2008, Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery while Robert Gallo pouted off in a dark corner somewhere.

One of the nicest aspects of writing about Montagnier’s original HIV paper now in 2022 is that in retrospect, Montagnier himself tore apart his own evidence for the existence of his “retrovirus” in the decades following the publishing of his 1983 paper. A perfect example of this is found in a 1997 interview Montagnier did with scientific journalist Djamel Tahi. I have provided highlights from this interview below yet I definitely recommend reading the whole discussion sometime. While reading, note the assumptions made by Montagnier about his “virus,” the various contradictions in his statements, and the revelations about the relation (or lack thereof) of HIV to AIDS. This interview provides an in-depth look into the illogical mindframe of a virologist stuck in unproven theories and pseudoscientific dogma:

Interview with Professor Luc Montagnier by Djamel TAHI – (Pasteur Institut, July 1997)

Djamel TAHI: A group of scientists from Australia argues that nobody up till now has isolated the AIDS virus, HIV. For them the rules of retrovirus isolation have not been carefully respected for HIV. These rules are: culture, purification of the material by ultracentrifugation, Electron Microscopic (EM) photographs of the material which bands at the retrovirus density, characterisation of these particles, proof of the infectivity of the particles.

Luc Montagnier: No, that is not isolation. We did isolation because we “passed on” the virus, we made a culture of the virus. For example Gallo said: “They have not isolated the virus…and we (Gallo et al.), we have made it emerge in abundance in an immortal cell line.” But before making it emerge in immortal cell lines, we made it emerge in cultures of normal Iymphocytes from a blood donor. That is the principle criterion. One had something one could pass on serially, that one could maintain. And characterised as a retrovirus not only by its visual properties, but also biochemistry, RT [reverse transcriptase] activity which is truly specific of retroviruses. We also had the reactions of antibodies against some proteins, probably the internal proteins. I say probably by analogy with knowledge of other retroviruses. One could not have isolated this retrovirus without knowledge of other retroviruses, that’s obvious. But I believe we have answered the criteria of isolation. Totally.

Djamel TAHI: according to several published references cited by the Australian group, RT is not specific to retroviruses and moreover your work to detect RT was not done in the purified material?

Luc Montagnier: I believe we published in Science (May 1983) a gradient which showed that the RT had exactly the density of 1.16. So one had a ‘peak’ which was RT. So one has fulfilled this criterion for purification. But to pass it on serially is difficult because when you put the material in purification, into a gradient, retroviruses are very fragile, so they break each other and greatly lose their infectivity. But I think even so we were able to keep a little of their infectivity. But it was not as easy as one does it today, because the quantities of virus were nonetheless very feeble. At the beginning we stumbled on a virus which did not kill cells. The virus came from an asymptomatic patient and so was classified amongst the non-syncithia-forming, non-cytopathogenic viruses using the co-receptor ccr5 . It was the first BRU virus. One had very little of it, and one could not pass it on in an immortal cell line. We tried for some months, we didn’t succeed. We succeeded very easily with the second strain. But there lies the quite mysterious problem of the contamination of that second strain by the first. That was LAI.

Djamel TAHI: Why do the EM photographs published by you, come from the culture and not from the purification?

Luc Montagnier: There was so little production of virus it was impossible to see what might be in a concentrate of virus in the gradient. There was not enough virus to do that. Of course one looked for it, one looked for it in the tissues at the start, likewise in the biopsies. We saw some particles but they did not have the morphology typical of retroviruses. They were very different. Relatively different. So with the culture it took many hours to find the first pictures. It was a Roman effort! It’s easy to criticise after the event. What we did not have, and I have always recognised it, was that it was truly the cause of aids.

Djamel TAHI: How is it possible without EM pictures from the purification, to know whether or not these particles are viral and appertain to a retrovirus, moreover a specific retrovirus?

Luc Montagnier: Well, there were the pictures of the budding. We published images of budding which are characteristic of retroviruses. Having said that, on the morphology alone one could not say it was truly a retrovirus. For example, a French specialist of EMs of retroviruses publicly attacked me saying: “This is not a retrovirus, it is an arenavirus”. Because there are other families of virus which bud and have spikes on the surface, etc.

Djamel TAHI: Why this confusion? The EM pictures did not show clearly a retrovirus?

Luc Montagnier: At this period the best known retroviruses were those of type C, which were very typical. This retrovirus wasn’t a type C and lentiviruses were little known. I myself recognised it by looking at pictures of Equine infectious anaemia virus at the library, and later of the visna virus. But I repeat, it was not only the morphology and the budding, there was RT…it was the assemblage of these properties which made me say it was a retrovirus.

Djamel TAHI: About the RT, it is detected in the culture. Then there is purification where one finds retroviral particles. But at this density there are a lot of others elements, among others those which one calls “virus-like”.

Luc Montagnier: Exactly, exactly. If you like, it is not one property but the assemblage of the properties which made us say it was a retrovirus of the family of lentiviruses. Taken in isolation, each of the properties isn’t truly specific. It is the assemblage of them. So we had: the density, RT, pictures of budding and the analogy with the visna virus. Those are the four characteristics.

Djamel TAHI: But how do all these elements allow proof that it is a new retrovirus? Some of these elements could appertain to other things, “virus-like”…?

Luc Montagnier: Yes, and what’s more we have endogenous retroviruses which sometimes express particles – but of endogenous origin, and which therefore don’t have pathological roles, in any case not in aids.

Djamel TAHI: But then how can one make out the difference?

Luc Montagnier: Because we could “pass on” the virus. We passed on the RT activity in new Iymphocytes. We got a “peak” of replication. We kept track of the virus. It is the assembly of properties which made us say it was a retrovirus. And why new? The first question put to us by Nature was: “Is it not a laboratory contamination? Is it perhaps a mouse retrovirus or an animal retrovirus?”. To that one could say no! Because we had shown that the patient had antibodies against a protein of his own virus. The assemblage has a perfect logic! But it is important to take it as an assemblage. If you take each property separately, they are not specific. It is the assemblage which gives the specificity.

Djamel TAHI: With what did you culture the lymphocytes of your patient? With the H9 cell line?

Luc Montagnier: No, because it didn’t work at all with the H9. We used a lot of cell lines and the only one which could produce it was the Tampon (!?) Iymphocytes.

Djamel TAHI: When one looks at the published electron microscope photographs, for you as a retrovirologist it is clear it’s a retrovirus, a new retrovirus?

Luc Montagnier: No, at that point one cannot say. With the first budding pictures it could be a type C virus. One cannot distinguish.

Djamel TAHI: Could it be anything else than a retrovirus?

Luc Montagnier: No…well, after all, yes…it could be another budding virus. But we have an atlas. One knows a little bit from familiarity, what is a retrovirus and what is not. With the morphology one can distinguish but it takes a certain familiarity.

Djamel TAHI: Why no purification?

Luc Montagnier: I repeat we did not purify. We purified to characterise the density of the RT, which was soundly that of a retrovirus. But we didn’t take the “peak”…or it didn’t work…because if you purify, you damage. So for infectious particles it is better to not touch them too much. So you take simply the supernatant from the culture of lymphocytes which have produced the virus and you put it in a small quantity on some new cultures of lymphocytes. And it follows, you pass on the retrovirus serially and you always get the same characteristics and you increase the production each time you pass it on.

Djamel TAHI: But there comes a point when one must do the characterisation of the virus. This means: what are the proteins of which it’s composed?

Luc Montagnier: That’s it. So then, analysis of the proteins of the virus demands mass production and purification. It is necessary to do that. And there I should say that that partially failed. J.C. Chermann was in charge of that, at least for the internal proteins. And he had difficulties producing the virus and it didn’t work. But this was one possible way, the other way was to have the nucleic acid, cloning, etc. It’s this way which worked very quickly. The other way didn’t work because we had at that time a system of production which wasn’t robust enough. One had not enough particles produced to purify and characterise the viral proteins. It couldn’t be done. One couldn’t produce a lot of virus at that time because this virus didn’t emerge in the immortal cell line. We could do it with the LAI virus, but at that time we did not know that.

Djamel TAHI: Gallo did it?

Luc Montagnier: Gallo?…I don’t know if he really purified. I don’t believe so. I believe he launched very quickly into the molecular part, that’s to say cloning. What he did do is the Western Blot. We used the RIPA technique, so what they did that was new was they showed some proteins which one had not seen well with the other technique. Here is another aspect of characterising the virus. You cannot purify it but if you know somebody who has antibodies against the proteins of the virus, you can purify the antibody/antigen complex. That’s what one did. And thus one had a visible band, radioactively labelled, which one called protein 25, p25. And Gallo saw others. There was the p25 which he calledp24, there was p41 which we saw…

Djamel TAHI: About the antibodies, numerous studies have shown that these antibodies react with other proteins or elements which are not part of HIV. And that they can not be sufficient to characterise the proteins of HIV.

Luc Montagnier: No! Because we had controls. We had people who didn’t have AIDS and had no antibodies against these proteins. And the techniques we used were techniques I had refined myself some years previously, to detect the src gene. You see the src gene was detected by immunoprecipitation too. It was the p60 [protein 60]. I was very dexterous, and my technician also, with the RIPA technique. If one gets a specific reaction, it’s specific.

Djamel TAHI: But we know AIDS patients are infected with a multitude of other infectious agents which are susceptible to induce crossreactions.

Luc Montagnier: Yes, but antibodies are very specific. They know how to distinguish one molecule in one million. There is a very great affinity. When antibodies have sufficient affinity, you fish out something really very specific. With monoclonal antibodies you fish out really ONE protein. All of that is used for diagnostic antigen detection.

Djamel TAHI: For you the p41 was not of viral origin and so didn’t belong to HIV. For Gallo it was the most specific protein of the HIV. Why this contradiction?

Luc Montagnier: We were both reasonably right. That’s to say that I in my RIPA technique…in effect there are cellular proteins that one meets everywhere – there’s a non-specific “background noise”, and amongst these proteins one is very abundant in cells, which is actin. And this protein has a molecular weight 43000kd. So, it was there. So I was reasonably right, but what Gallo saw on the other hand was the gp41 of HIV, because he was using the Western Blot. And that I have recognised.

Djamel TAHI: For you p24 was the most specific protein of HIV, for Gallo not at all. One recognises thanks to other studies that antibodies directed against p24 were often found in patients who were not infected with HIV, and even certain animals. In fact today, an antibody reaction with p24 is considered non specific.

Luc Montagnier: It is not sufficient for diagnosing HIV infection.

Djamel TAHI: No protein is sufficient.

Luc Montagnier: No protein is sufficient anyway. But at the time the problem didn’t reveal itself like that. The problem was to know whether it was an HTLV or not. The only human retrovirus known was HTLV. And we showed clearly that it was not an HTLV, that Gallo’s monoclonal antibodies against the p24 of HTLV did no recognise the p25 of HIV.

Djamel TAHI: At the density of retroviruses, 1.16, there are a lot of particles, but only 20% of them appertain to HIV. Why are 80% of the proteins not viral and the others are? How can one make out the difference?

Luc Montagnier: There are two explanations. For the one part, at this density you have what one calls microvesicles of cellular origin, which have approximately the same size as the virus, and then the virus itself, in budding, brings cellular proteins. So effectively these proteins are not viral, they are cellular in origin. So, how to make out the difference?! Frankly with this technique one can’t do it precisely. What we can do is to purify the virus to the maximum with successive gradients, and you always stumble on the same proteins.

Djamel TAHI: The others disappear?

Luc Montagnier: Let’s say the others reduce a little bit. You take off the microvesicles, but each time you lose a lot of virus, so it’s necessary to have a lot of virus to start off in order to keep a little bit when you arrive at the end. And then again it’s the molecular analysis, it’s the sequence of these proteins which is going allow one to say whether they are of viral origin or not. That’s what we began for p25, that failed…and the other technique is to do the cloning, and so then you have the DNA and from the DNA you get the proteins. You deduce the sequence of the proteins and their size and, you stumble again on what you’ve already observed with immunoprecipitation or with gel electrophoresis. And one knows by analogy with the sizes of the proteins of other retroviruses, one can deduce quite closely these proteins. So you have the p25 which was close to the p24 of HTLV, you have the p18.. in the end you have the others. On the other hand the one which was very different was the very large protein, p120.



Luc Montagnier’s 1997 interview is a highlight reel of revelations. We can see clearly, as Montagnier repeated on more than one occasion, that he himself (and Robert Gallo according to his knowledge) did not purify any “virus.” Why is this important? In order to determine whether a “virus” actually exists, the particles must be purified (freed from contaminants, pollutants, and foreign elements) so that they can be isolated (separated from everything else). Only once this occurs can the particles assumed to be “virus” then be proven pathogenic through experimentation. Only purified particles can be used to visualize as well as biochemically and molecularly characterize the “virus” in order to determine specific proteins, antibodies, genomic sequence, electron microscopy imaging, etc. Without purification, one can not determine that the “virus” exists at all and the non-specific laboratory results obtained from unpurified material are absolutely meaningless.

As most virologists do, Montagnier claimed that even though he did not purify the “virus” and therefore did not have direct evidence for its existence, he had plenty of non-specific indirect evidence that when added together, became “specific” to the “virus.” It was the accumulation of indirect evidence that proved his “virus” existed. In essence, he had a circumstantial case based upon evidence that was not drawn from direct observation. This would be considered a weak case in a court of law.

Looking at his circumstantial case, Montagnier admitted that without purification, images of particles taken from electron microscopy could not be definitively claimed to be “retroviruses” or “viruses” of any kind based on morphological appearance alone. He stated that it was necessary to have knowledge of other “retroviruses” first in order to discover a new one. He himself referred to an atlas of images of other “retroviruses” in order to claim that his unpurified particles were also “retroviruses.”

However, what Montagnier did not admit is that this atlas of “retroviruses” was also made up of images of unpurified particles. Therefore, none of the particles imaged in his atlas could be considered “retrovirus” particles until evidence of purified/isolated “retroviruses” are released. Purification would have had to have occurred with the very first “retrovirus” ever discovered and imaged in order for this method of identification to be valid. Montagnier admitted that while purification is a necessary step, it is impossible as the more you purify the sample, the more damage occurs to the particles and the less “virus” you have at the end. Since he stated that they did not purify the culture used to obtain the EM images of “HIV,” there is no proof that the random particles claimed to be HIV are in fact a “virus” at all.

Montagnier also tried to claim that antibodies/antigens, such as the p24 protein, are specific to HIV and that they can be used as part of the evidence for the existence of his “virus.” However, as Djamel expertly pointed out, these proteins are not specific to HIV as there are over 60 conditions (such as pregnancy, tuberculosis, the flu vaccine, etc.) with related proteins that can trigger positive HIV tests. Montagnier ended up admitting that no protein is sufficient for diagnosing HIV thus nullifying any claims he made about the specificity of antibodies/antigens and their value in being used as indirect evidence for the existence of an unseen “virus.”

The biggest revelation by Montagnier in this 1997 interview is his belief that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. While he believed he had discovered a new “retrovirus” based on an accumulation of weak indirect evidence, according to his statement it was not pathogenic. If we take his indirect evidence and break it down, Motagnier did not have purified “virus” particles which means his EM images are useless, his antibody tests are meaningless, and the genomic sequence is worthless. Without purified particles, he had no proof of pathogeniticity as he had no valid independent variable in order to establish cause and effect. It is amazing that Montagnier believed he had a “virus” at all as in every meaningful way possible, he did not have evidence of one.

All of that being said, for those still interested in reading Montagnier’s original 1983 paper containing no evidence of any “virus” whatsoever, here is the paper in its entirety:

Isolation of a T-Lymphotropic Retrovirus from a Patient at Risk for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Abstract. A retrovirus belonging to the family of recently discovered human T-cell leukemia viruses (HTLV), but clearly distinct from each previous isolate, has been isolated from a Caucasian patient with signs and symptoms that often precede the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This virus is a typical type-C RNA tumor virus, buds from the cell membrane, prefers magnesium for reverse transcriptase activity, and has an internal antigen (p25) similar to HTLVp24. Antibodies from serum of this patient react with proteins from viruses of the HTLV-I subgroup, but type-specific antisera to HTLV-I do not precipitate proteins of the new isolate. The virus from this patient has been transmitted into cord blood lymphocytes, and the virus produced by these cells is similar to the original isolate.

From these studies it is concluded that this virus as well as the previous HTLV isolates belong to a general family of T-lymphotropic retroviruses that are horizontally transmitted in humans and may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS.The acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has recently been recognized in several countries (1). The disease has been reported mainly in homosexual males with multiple partners, and epidemiological studies suggest horizontal transmission by sexual routes (2) as well as by intravenous drug administration (3), and blood transfusion (4).

The pronounced depression of cellular immunity that occurs in patients with AIDS and the quantitative modifications of subpopulations of their T lymphocytes (5) suggest that T cells or a subset of T cells might be a preferential target for the putative infectious agent. Alternatively, these modifications may result from subsequent infections. The depressed cellular immunity may result in serious opportunistic infections in AIDS patients, many of whom develop Kaposi’s sarcoma (1). However, a picture of persistent multiple lymphadenopathies has also been described in homosexual males (6) and infants (7) who may or may not develop AIDS (8).

The histological aspect of such lymph nodes is that of reactive hyperplasia. Such cases may correspond to an early or a milder form of the disease. We report here the isolation of a novel retrovirus from a lymph node of a homosexual patient with multiple lymphadenopathies. The virus appears to be a member of the human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV) family (9).

The retrovirus was propagated in cultures of T lymphocytes from a healthy adult donor and from umbilical cord blood of newborn humans. Viral core proteins were not immunologically related to the p24 and p19 proteins of subgroup I of HTLV (9). However, serum of the patient reacted strongly with surface antigen (or antigens) present on HTLV-I-infected cells. Moreover, the ionic requirements of the viral reverse transcriptase were close to that of HTLV. Recently, a type-C retrovirus was also identified in T cells from a patient with hairy cell leukemia. Analysis of the proteins of this virus showed they were related to, but clearly different from, proteins of previous HTLV isolates (10).

Moreover, recent studies of the nucleic acid sequences of this new virus show it is less than 10 percent homologous to the earlier HTLV isolates (11). This virus was called HTLV-II to distinguish it from all the earlier, highly related viruses termed HTLV-I. The new retrovirus reported here appears to also differ from HTLV-II. We tentatively conclude that this virus, as well as all previous HTLV isolates, belong to a family of T-lymphotropic retroviruses that are horizontally transmitted in humans and may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS.

The patient was a 33-year-old homosexual male who sought medical consultation in December 1982 for cervical lymphadenopathy and asthenia (patient 1). Examination showed axillary and inguinal lymphadenopathies. Neither fever nor recent loss of weight were noted. The patient had a history of several episodes of gonorrhea and had been treated for syphilis in September 1982. During interviews he indicated that he had had more than 50 sexual partners per year and had traveled to many countries, including North Africa, Greece, and India. His last trip to New York was in 1979.

Laboratory tests indicated positive serology (immunoglobulin G) for cytomegalovirus (CMV) and Epstein-Barr virus. Herpes simplex virus was detected in cells from his throat that were cultured on human and monkey cells. A biopsy of a cervical lymph node was performed. One sample served for histological examination, which revealed follicular hyperplasia without change of the general architecture of the lymph node. Immunohistological studies revealed, in paracortical areas, numerous T lymphocytes (OKT3+). Typing of the whole cellular suspension indicated that 62 percent of the cells were T lymphocytes (OKT3+), 44 percent were T-helper cells (OKT4+), and 16 percent were suppressor cells (OKT8+).

Cells of the same biopsied lymph node were put in culture medium with phytohemagglutinin (PHA), T-cell growth factor (TCGF), and antiserum to human a interferon (12). The reason for using this antiserum was to neutralize endogenous interferon which is secreted by cells chronically infected by viruses, including retroviruses. In the mouse system, we had previously shown that antiserum to interferon could increase retrovirus production by a factor of 10 to 50 (13). After 3 days, the culture was continued in the same medium without PHA. Samples were regularly taken for assay of reverse transcriptase and for examination in the electron microscope.

After 15 days of culture, a reverse transcriptase activity was detected in the culture supernatant by using the ionic conditions described for HTLV-I (14). Virus production continued for 15 days and decreased thereafter, in parallel with the decline of lymphocyte proliferation. Peripheral blood lymphocytes cultured in the same way were consistently negative for reverse transcriptase activity, even after 6 weeks. Cytomegalovirus could be detected, upon prolonged co-cultivation with MRC5 cells, in the original biopsy tissue, but not in the cultured T lymphocytes at any time of the culture.

Virus transmission was attempted with the use of a culture of T lymphocytes established from an adult healthy donor of the Blood Transfusion Center at the Pasteur Institute. On day 3, half of the culture was cocultivated with lymphocytes from the biopsy after centrifugation of the mixed cell suspensions. Reverse transcriptase activity could be detected in the supernatant on day 15 of the coculture but was not detectable on days 5 and 10. The reverse transcriptase had the same characteristics as that released by the patient’s cells and the amount released remained stable for 15 to 20 days. Cells of the uninfected culture of the donor lymphocytes did not release reverse transcriptase activity during this period or up to 6 weeks when the culture was discontinued.

The cell-free supernatant of the infected coculture was used to infect 3-day-old cultures of T lymphocytes from two umbilical cords, LCl and LC5, in the presence of Polybrene (2 ,ug/ml). After a lag period of 7 days, a relatively high titer of reverse transcriptase activity was detected in both of the cord lymphocyte cultures. Identical cultures, which had not been infected, remained negative. These two successive infections clearly show that the virus could be propagated on normal lymphocytes from either newborns or adults.

That this new isolate was a retrovirus was further indicated by its density in a sucrose gradient, which was 1.16, and by its labeling with [3H]uridine (Fig. 1). Electron microscopy of the infected umbilical cord lymphocytes showed characteristic immature particles with dense crescent (C-type) budding at the plasma membrane (Fig. 2).

Virus-infected cells from the original biopsy as well as infected lymphocytes from the first and second viral passages were used to determine the optimal requirements for reverse transcriptase activity and the template specificity of the enzyme. The results were the same in all instances. The reverse transcriptase activity displayed a strong affinity for poly(adenylate-oligodeoxythymidylate) [poly(A) -oligo(dT)], and required Mg2+ with an optimal concentration (5 mM) slightly lower than that for HT (14) and an optimal pH of 7.8. The reaction was not inhibited by actinomycin D. This character, as well as the preferential specificity for riboseadenylate *deoxythymidylate over deoxyadenylate * deoxythymidylate, distinguish the viral enzyme from DNA-dependent polymerases.

We then determined whether or not this isolate was indistinguishable from HTLV-1 isolates. Human T-cell leukemia virus has been isolated from cultured T lymphocytes of patients with T lymphomas and T leukemias [for a review, see (9)]. The antibodies used were specific for the p19 and p24 core proteins of HTLV-I. A monoclonal antibody to p19 (15) and a polyclonal goat antibody to p24 (16) were used in an indirect fluorescence assay against infected cells from the biopsy of patient 1 and lymphocytes obtained from a healthy donor and infected with the same virus. As shown in Table 1, the virus-producing cells did not react with either type of antibody, whereas two lines of cord lymphocytes chronically infected with HTLV (17) and used as controls showed strong surface fluorescence.

When serum from patient 1 was tested against infected lymphocytes from the biopsy the surface fluorescence was as ntense as that of the control HTLV-producing lines. This suggests that serum of the patient contains antibodies
that recognize a common antigen present on HTLV-I-producing cells and on the patient’s lymphocytes. Similarly, cord lymphocytes infected with the virus from patient 1 did not react with antibodies to p19 or p24. Only a minor proportion of the cells (about I percent) reacted with the patient’s serum. This may indicate that only this fraction of the cells was infected and produced virus. Alternatively, the antigen recognized by the patient’s serum may contain cellular determinants that show less expression in T lymphocytes of newborns.

We also cultured T lymphocytes from a lymph node of another patient (patient 2) who presented with multiple adenopathies and had been in close contact with an AIDS case. These lymphocytes did not produce viral reverse transcriptase; however, they reacted in the immunofluorescence assay with serum from patient 1. Moreover, serum from patient 2 reacted strongly with control HTLV-producing lines (not shown). In order to determine which viral antigen was recognized by antibodies present in’ the two patients’ sera, several immunoprecipitation experiments were carried out. Cord lymphocytes infected with virus from patient I and uninfected controls were labeled with [35S]methionine for 20 hours. Cells were lysed with detergents, and a cytoplasmic S10 extract was made. Labeled virus released in the supernatant was banded in a sucrose gradient.

Both materials were immunoprecipitated by antiserum to HTLV- I p24, by serum from patients 1 and 2, and by serum samples from healthy donors. Immunocomplexes were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Figure 3 shows that a p25 protein present in the virus-infected cells from patient 1 and in LC1 cells infected with this virus, was specifically recognized by serum from patients I and 2 but not by antiserum to HTLV-1 p24 or serum of normal donors.

Conversely, the p24 present in control HTLV-infected cell extracts was recognized by antibodies to HTLV but not by serum from patient 1. A weak band (lane 2, Fig. 3B) could hardly be seen with serum from patient 2, suggesting some similarities of the p25 protein from this patient’s cells with HTLV-1 p24. When purified, labeled virus from patient I was analyzed under similar conditions, three major proteins could be seen: the p25 protein and proteins with molecular weights of 80,000 and 45,000. The 45K protein may be due to contamination of the virus by cellular actin which was present in immunoprecipitates of all the cell extracts (Fig. 3).

These results, together with the immunofluorescence data, indicate that the retrovirus from patient 1 contains a major p25 protein, similar in size to that of HTLV-I but different immunologically. The DNA sequences of these and other members of the HTLV family are being compared. All attempts to infect other cells such as a B-lymphoblastoid cell line (Raji), immature or pre-T cell lines (CEM, HSB2), and normal fibroblasts (feline and mink lung cell lines) were unsuccessful.

The role of this virus in the etiology of AIDS remains to be determined. Patient 1 had circulating antibodies against the virus, and some of the latter persisted in lymphocytes of his lymph node (or nodes). The virus-producing lymphocytes seemed to have no increased growth potential in vitro compared to the uninfected cells. Therefore, the multiple lymphadenopathies may represent a host reaction against the persistent viral infection rather than hyperproliferation of virus-infected lymphocytes. Other factors, such as repeated infection by the same virus or other bacterial and viral agents may, in some patients, overload this early defense mechanism and bring about an irreversible depletion of T cells involved in cellular immunity.

doi: 10.1126/science.6189183.

That’s an impressive circle. Montagnier looks quite pleased with his creation.

In Summary:
  • According to HIV discoverer Luc Montagnier, they did “isolate” HIV because they “passed on” the “virus” and they made a culture of the “virus”
  • He stated that Robert Gallo (American virologist who plagiarized Montagnier’s work) said: “They have not isolated the virus…and we (Gallo et al.), we have made it emerge in abundance in an immortal cell line.”
  • But before making it emerge in immortal cell lines, Montagnier claimed his team made it emerge in cultures of normal Iymphocytes from a blood donor
  • Montagnier stated that it is obvious one could not have isolated any retrovirus without knowledge of other “retroviruses”
  • To pass a “virus” on serially is difficult because when you put the material in purification, into a gradient, “retroviruses” are very fragile, so they break each other and greatly lose their infectivity
  • At the beginning they stumbled on a “virus” which did not kill cells
  • It was the first BRU “virus,” yet they had very little of it and could not pass it on in an immortal cell line
  • They were later successful with the second strain yet Montagnier stated that there lies the quite mysterious problem of the contamination of that second strain by the first which was LAI

Quick sidenote: BRU and LAI are considered the first strains of HIV

“The original isolate HIV-1 Bru, formerly called LAV, was derived from patient BRU. HIV-1 Lai was derived from patient LAI and contaminated a HIV-1 Bru culture between 20 July and 3 August 1983. The culture became, in effect, HIV-1 Lai, identifiable by a unique motif in the V3 loop. Because of this contamination two, rather than one, HIV-1 isolates were sent to the Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology at the National Cancer Institute on 23 September 1983.”


  • When asked about the lack of purification for EM imaging of HIV, Montagnier stated that there was so little production of “virus” it was impossible to see what might be in a concentrate of “virus” in the gradient
  • What they saw were some particles but they did not have the morphology typical of “retroviruses” as they were very different
  • He claimed it was “a Roman effort” with the culture as it took many hours to find the first pictures
  • On the morphology alone one could not say the EM images were truly a “retrovirus”
  • A French specialist of EMs of “retroviruses” publicly attacked Montagnier saying: “This is not a retrovirus, it is an arenavirus” as there are other families of “virus” which bud and have spikes on the surface, etc.
  • He stated that it was not only the morphology and the budding, but that there was reverse transcriptase
  • It was not one property but the assemblage of the properties which made them say it was a “retrovirus” of the family of “lentiviruses”
  • Taken in isolation, each of the properties isn’t truly specific
  • The four properties were:
    1. The density
    2. Reverse Transcriptase
    3. Pictures of budding
    4. The analogy with the visna “virus”
  • Montagnier stated that we have endogenous (human origin) “retroviruses” which sometimes express particles – but of endogenous origin, and which therefore don’t have pathological roles
  • The first question put to them by Nature was: “Is it not a laboratory contamination? Is it perhaps a mouse “retrovirus” or an animal “retrovirus?”
  • Montagnier stated that it was important to take it as an assemblage as if you take each property separately, they are not specific and it is the assemblage which gives the specificity
  • When culturing the “virus,” they used a lot of cell lines and the only one which could produce it was the Tampon (!?) Iymphocytes
  • He admitted that when viewing EM images, one cannot distinguish if the particle is a “retrovirus” or not
  • They used an atlas of previous “retroviruses” to determine if the “virus” had the morphology of one as it takes a certain familiarity to distinguish them
  • Montagnier repeated they did not purify the “virus” because if you purify, you damage the “virus” particles
  • He stated that for infectious particles, it is better to not touch them too much
  • Analysis of the proteins of the “virus” demands mass production and purification and so it is necessary to do that
  • In that regard, Montagnier claimed that they partially failed
  • They did not have enough particles produced to purify and characterise the “viral” proteins as it couldn’t be done
  • They couldn’t produce a lot of “virus” at that time because the “virus” didn’t emerge in the immortal cell line
  • Montagnier stated that he believed Gallo also did not purify and he believed Gallo had launched very quickly into the molecular cloning part
  • He also said that you cannot purify the “virus” but if you know somebody who has antibodies against the proteins of the “virus,” you can purify the antibody/antigen complex
  • However, this is a complete contradiction as he claimed that purification needed to be done in order to characterise the proteins of the “virus,” so if you can’t purify the “virus” to characterise the proteins, you would be unable to know which proteins act against the “virus”as well as any specific antibodies reacting to them
  • Montagnier claimed antibodies are very specific and that they know how to distinguish one molecule in one million
  • With monoclonal antibodies you fish out really ONE protein and all of that is used for diagnostic antigen detection
  • There are cellular proteins that one meets everywhere – there’s a non-specific “background noise”
  • An antibody reaction with p24 is considered non specific and it is not sufficient for diagnosing HIV infection
  • Montagnier agreed that no protein is sufficient to diagnose HIV
  • When asked why, at the 1.16 density gradient band, 80% of the particles are “non-viral” and only 20% are HIV, Montagnier explained that at this density, there are microvesicles of cellular origin, which have approximately the same size as the “virus,” and then the “virus” itself, in budding, brings cellular proteins
  • Effectively these proteins are not “viral” and are cellular in origin
  • He stated that with this technique one can’t differentiate them precisely
  • If you purify the “virus” to the maximum with successive gradients, you always stumble on the same proteins
  • Montagnier stated that the other proteins only reduce a little bit as you can take off the microvesicles, but each time you lose a lot of “virus,” so it’s necessary to have a lot of “virus” to start off in order to keep a little bit when you arrive at the end
  • And then again it’s the molecular analysis, it’s the sequence of these proteins which is going allow one to say whether they are of “viral” origin or not
  • However, what Montagnier doesn’t seem to understand is that if you can not purify the “virus” in order to determine which proteins belong to the “virus,” sequencing proteins will not tell you if they are “viral” or not

  • This “virus” is a typical type-C RNA tumor “virus,” buds from the cell membrane, prefers magnesium for reverse transcriptase activity, and has an internal antigen (p25) similar to HTLVp24
  • Antibodies from serum of this patient react with proteins from “viruses” of the HTLV-I subgroup, but type-specific antisera to HTLV-I do not precipitate proteins of the new isolate
  • Remember, Montagnier admitted they did not purify the “virus” and that purification was necessary in order to characterise the proteins of the “virus, so how would they know if the antibodies are reacting to “virus” proteins?
  • The “virus” from this patient has been transmitted into cord blood lymphocytes, and the “virus” produced by these cells is similar to the original isolate
  • From these studies it is concluded that this “virus” as well as the previous HTLV isolates belong to a general family of T-lymphotropic “retroviruses” that are horizontally transmitted in humans and may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS
  • The pronounced depression of cellular immunity that occurs in patients with AIDS and the quantitative modifications of subpopulations of their T lymphocytes suggest that T cells or a subset of T cells might be a preferential target for the putative infectious agent
  • Alternatively, these modifications may result from subsequent infections
  • The depressed cellular immunity may result in serious opportunistic infections in AIDS patients, many of whom develop Kaposi’s sarcoma
  • However, a picture of persistent multiple lymphadenopathies has also been described in homosexual males and infants who may or may not develop AIDS
  • The “retrovirus” was propagated in cultures of T lymphocytes from a healthy adult donor and from umbilical cord blood of newborn humans
  • They tentatively (i.e. subject to further confirmation; not definitely) concluded that this “virus,” as well as all previous HTLV isolates, belong to a family of T-lymphotropic “retroviruses” that are horizontally transmitted in humans and may be involved in several pathological syndromes, including AIDS
  • The patient the “virus” came from had a history of several episodes of gonorrhea and had been treated for syphilis in September 1982
  • Oddly enough, syphilis has the exact same symptoms of AIDS and the usual treatment is a series of Penicllin injections, which coincidentally (or not) can destroy a person’s “immune” system
  • Laboratory tests indicated positive serology (immunoglobulin G) for “cytomegalovirus” (CMV) and Epstein-Barr “virus
  • Herpes simplex “virus” was detected in cells from his throat that were cultured on human and monkey cells
  • Cells of the same biopsied lymph node were put in culture medium with phytohemagglutinin (PHA), T-cell growth factor (TCGF), and antiserum to human a interferon
  • The reason for using this antiserum was to neutralize endogenous interferon which is secreted by cells chronically infected by “viruses,” including “retroviruses”
  • After 15 days of culture, a reverse transcriptase activity was detected in the culture supernatant by using the ionic conditions described for HTLV-I and “virus” production continued for 15 days and decreased thereafter, in parallel with the decline of lymphocyte proliferation

Quick sidenote: Montagnier stated here that the “virus” was cultured for 30 days, as it took 15 days for the reverse transcriptase activity to be detected and another 15 days for the “virus” production to decrease. Interestingly, in a paper he wrote in 2003, Montagnier stated this:

“The initial clinical isolate, unlike HTLV, had no transforming or cytopathic effects on T lymphocytes. Barré-Sinoussi notes in her commentary that the lymphocyte culture I started from the patient’s lymph node biopsy died after 4 weeks. But this was anticipated as soon as we realized that the cells were not transformed, because normal cultures of the same type also die within this time period. The need for succesive use of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to maintain a viral culture was therefore a likely hypothesis that proved to be correct. The virus would later be classified as non-syncytium-inducing, as is usually the case for viruses isolated from recently infected HIV patients who are either asymptomatic or present with lymphadenopathies. However, the first typical cytopathic effect, formation of large syncytia, was not observed until 5 months later, in a third clinical sample (HIV LAI) from a patient who had full-blown AIDS.”


It appears they cultured the “virus” for 30 days knowing full well that regular cultures of the same type die within this 4 week time frame. Montagnier stated that they did not even notice the cytopathic effect (CPE) until they had a third clinical sample 5 months later. CPE is claimed to be structural changes in host cells that are caused by “viral” invasion and yet, this was absent in their first two samples.

  • On day 3, half of the culture was cocultivated with lymphocytes from the biopsy after centrifugation of the mixed cell suspensions
  • Cells of the uninfected culture of the donor lymphocytes did not release reverse transcriptase activity during this period or up to 6 weeks when the culture was discontinued
  • The cell-free supernatant of the infected coculture was used to infect 3-day-old cultures of T lymphocytes from two umbilical cords, LCl and LC5, in the presence of Polybrene (2 ,ug/ml)
  • FYI, Polybrene was shown to negatively impact the proliferation and maintenance of growth potential of human keratinocytes here
  • Electron microscopy of the infected umbilical cord lymphocytes showed characteristic immature particles with dense crescent (C-type) budding at the plasma membrane
  • “Virus-infected” cells from the original biopsy as well as infected lymphocytes from the first and second “viral” passages were used to determine the optimal requirements for reverse transcriptase activity and the template specificity of the enzyme
  • A monoclonal antibody to p19 (15) and a polyclonal goat antibody to p24 (16) were used in an indirect (i.e. not directly caused by or resulting from something) fluorescence assay against infected cells from the biopsy of patient 1 and lymphocytes obtained from a healthy donor and infected with the same “virus” (why did they not use healthy donor lymphocytes without the added “virus?”)
  • Cord lymphocytes infected with the “virus” from patient 1 did not react with antibodies to p19 or p24
  • Only a minor proportion of the cells (about I percent) reacted with the patient’s serum
  • This may indicate that only this fraction of the cells was infected and produced “virus”
  • When purified, labeled “virus” from patient I was analyzed under similar conditions, three major proteins could be seen: the p25 protein and proteins with molecular weights of 80,000 and 45,000
  • The 45K protein may be due to contamination of the “virus” by cellular actin which was present in immunoprecipitates of all the cell extracts (i.e. “purified” with contaminantsotherwise known as not purified)
  • All attempts to infect other cells such as a B-lymphoblastoid cell line (Raji), immature or pre-T cell lines (CEM, HSB2), and normal fibroblasts (feline and mink lung cell lines) were unsuccessful
  • The role of this “virus” in the etiology of AIDS remains to be determined (ultimately, Montagnier believed his “virus” did not cause AIDS)
  • Other factors, such as repeated infection by the same “virus” or other bacterial and “viral” agents may, in some patients, overload this early defense mechanism and bring about an irreversible depletion of T cells involved in cellular immunity

Luc Montagnier unleashed his “retroviral” monster onto the world in 1983 and it grew into a beast of its own kind during the proceeding decades. Countless lives have been destroyed by the fear of the HIV diagnosis as well as the subsequent subjection to toxic black label pharmaceuticals. The stigma of the positive test result is the “viral” scarlet letter unfairly placed upon a person in a toxic state due to lifestyle choices and/or environmental factors. It does not matter that Montagnier attempted to steer his monster from the lethal killer it was made out to be into a harmless passenger inside the human body. It does not matter that he believed HIV did not cause AIDS. It does not matter that he believed that co-factors other than a “virus” should be examined in regards to AIDS. It does not matter that he believed HIV could be eliminated based on healthy diet/lifestyle choices. It does not matter that he admitted to not purifying any “virus.” Montagnier’s legacy is tied to the beast of his own creation. He opened Pandora’s Box and released this fraudulent curse upon the world. For that, I doubt he will rest in peace.


Connect with Mike Stone

cover image credit: Wikimedia Commons

“Freedom FROM”—the Forgotten Bombshell

“Freedom FROM”—the Forgotten Bombshell

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 14, 2022


This article covers a subject most people don’t want to think about.

Even worse, most people can’t recognize the subject exists—even after it’s pointed out to them. They blank out. “Doesn’t register” is their bottom line.

That’s how successful decades of brainwashing have been.


On February 7, the Department of Homeland Security issued a heinous document with the highly significant title, “Summary of Terrorism Threats to the Homeland (February 07, 2022).”


Here is a quote. Then I’ll reveal breaking news. It’s breaking because the education system is an abject failure.

“The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence.”


Here is the news.

The whole purpose of the Constitution was to undermine trust in government institutions.


That’s why separation of powers and checks and balances were created.

That’s why the new central government was limited.

That’s why the Bill of Rights was explicitly stated. Read the Rights; they all involve freedom from criminal impositions by government.

The Founders held a massive suspicion of top-down power. They knew the history of Europe.

The Constitution had nothing to do with unexamined trust in government institutions.

The Founders foresaw exactly the sort of grotesque power the federal government just asserted in the February 7 Homeland Security bulletin.

That bulletin is designed to abridge and censor free speech, under the pretext that such speech might motivate unnamed persons to commit violence.

That tired pretext has been used for centuries, whenever people holding the reins of power perceived a threat to their criminal syndicate.

The current rubric is “misinformation.” As if they, the central government, are in charge of defining what the “mis” is.

But regardless of who defines it, the whole notion is absurd. Implicit in free speech is every possible brand of information. Spoken or written by anyone.

And “exacerbating societal friction” and “sowing discord”—which are now considered part and parcel of terrorist acts—are actually DUTIES of private citizens in a society DESIGNED to be mistrustful of centralized authority.

Yes, that’s right.

If you want to put it in a slightly different way, you could say societal friction and discord are inevitable effects of free and thoughtful speech.

What else would you expect?

For the past 20 years, in particular, the people of this country have been subjected to, and brainwashed by, truly repellent calls for Unity. From wretchedly disgusting public figures.

The Unity being promoted is a gelatinous ooze of agreement and consensus around social and political and scientific issues; the true aim is, as usual, mind control.

Whereas the Unity under the Constitution—however flawed the document and the men who created it might be—was something else entirely. That call for unity was formed around the idea of freedom with accountability.

And once that cat was out of the bag, citizens were expected to remain vigilant for signs of abuses of power, from above.

Vigilance leads to bold criticism of the institutions of government, vis-à-vis what those institutions are morphing into, what they are becoming beyond their intentionally hamstrung limits.

And that criticism creates discord and distrust—which are POSITIVE FORCES.

The civilization of the United States wasn’t empowered by the Constitution to be harmonious; it was empowered to be asymmetrical and unresolved.

The Unity is THAT. Unity on behalf of freedom is THAT.

Unity isn’t the towering wave of demands and preachings for social uniformity that have been launched at the people.

The departure from false Unity isn’t a terrorist act.

Undermining, for example, the runaway rogue criminal agency called the FDA is a responsibility. It is to be taken seriously.

Those citizens who have regressed into some sort of dreamland of infantilism need to regain their minds. Their unity is a farce.

Alive and electric debate is dying because the adult infants can only summon up Cancelation of what they don’t favor; that’s their only strategy. At the core, they yearn for rule through coercion.

Cancelation as censorship also happens to be against the law of the land.


Consider the 1858 Abraham Lincoln-Stephen Douglas face-off—when apparently citizens still had a semblance of attention span. Both men were running for a US Senate seat in Illinois. In those days, state legislatures chose US Senators.

The issue in the debates was slavery, so the interest was intense and it was national. Here was the agreed-upon format: seven debates in seven Illinois towns over the course of three weeks; in each debate, the opening candidate would speak for 60 minutes, his opponent would speak for 90 minutes, and then the first candidate would return for 30 minutes.

The debates drew large crowds. Chicago newspapers had stenographers in each town. The stenos took down every word, and newspapers across the nation printed, in full, the texts.

Those were debates. No one with sprayed hair was present asking questions. The men talked. And talked.

If you could transport a current presidential debate back in time to one of those Illinois towns, the audience would conclude, in short order, that the candidates were insane, possibly suffering from brain damage.

“These people are running for…what did you say? President??!!?? You’re joking. This a joke, yes?”

I’d really like to see a current presidential candidate take the podium and speak coherently for 90 minutes about a single issue. You’d have to have support teams standing by to administer oxygen and possibly methamphetamines, just to keep him upright.

We’re talking about a candidate staying on point, on one topic.

As opposed to: “I remember my grandmother telling me, when I was nine, you can do it, you can be anything you want to be. I remember Mrs. Gallbladder, my third-grade teacher, spending time with me when I—people say we should have a balanced budget, but they just don’t understand how economics—a single purpose for all of us in this great—I care about each and every—there weren’t any emails, well there were but none of them— attacking terrorists by insulting them isn’t—equality isn’t just for—this isn’t the first time a woman has tried to win the Presidency but—“

Goo and more goo running everywhere.

How about Donald Trump and Joe Biden, in the Lincoln-Douglas format, debating the issue: “Describe a workable COVID policy for America.” As their seven events turn into a Niagara of opposing non-sequiturs and self-inflating jive and sheer insanity, it’s on parade for all to see.

And maybe, in a future presidential campaign, someone emerges from the shadows, someone most people have never heard of, and he can pass the test with flying colors. He can make sense, he can make a case, he can present details and specifics, he can inspire confidence, and he can also paint a picture of what America and freedom and responsibility and inherent mistrust of institutions are all about.

Because he has the time. Because he has the courage and the intelligence. Because he makes people remember what they really want.

Would that be terrible? Would that be treasonous? Would that be dangerous?

Would that be terrorism?


That would be waking up out of amnesia.

CODA: Someone will say, “What about the truckers? Isn’t that an example of a Unity you’re opposing?”

“No. That’s an example of unity on behalf of freedom with responsibility; an effort to convince criminal institutions to stop acting as the freedom-hating fascists they’ve become.”

“But the leaders you call fascists are just trying to protect the safety and health of all of us with their COVID restrictions on liberty.”

“No. If ‘just trying’ were true, they would open the halls of government to wide-ranging and honest public debate, from all quarters, about their COVID policies. They’ve proved they refuse to do that. They’re absolutists. Otherwise known as tyrants.”


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: ahkeemhopkins / pixabay

Yemen – The Tyranny of ‘Experts’ and the Preservation of Hidden History

Yemen – The Tyranny of ‘Experts’ and the Preservation of Hidden History

by Vanessa Beeley, The Wall Will Fall
February 2, 2022


Today I am speaking with Isa Blumi, historian, academic and Yemen expert.

We will be covering a lot of hidden ground in the Yemen conflict – effectively a genocidal war waged by the US and UK and Israel by their Saudi, Qatari and UAE proxies. Isa delves into the realities that are obfuscated by the Legacy Media and Academic embeds, think tanks and narrative managers.

Please follow this link to Isa’s most recent academic paper entitled:

Speaking above Yemenis: a reading beyond the tyranny of experts, Global Intellectual History


Excerpt from the introduction

“How will historians a generation or two from now write about this war on Yemen? Will there be any interest in inspecting more deeply what happened, why, and under whose watch such a crime was committed? Or will future historians resort to repeating the dominant frames used to characterize (or ignore) this war on Yemen used today?”

No doubt those considering a deeper look will first consult the media’s archives. What they will be surprised to see, perhaps, is how much this disaster in Yemen has been kept out of the daily news. By all accounts, those committing hundreds of billions of dollars to a war on Yemenis would prefer that little to no attention be spent on its atrocities. Corporate media have been happy to oblige.3


Trying to answer why the images of emaciated children and the upwards of 18 million civilians threatened by starvation are not making headlines across the world could itself become the heart of any future study on Yemen’s war. Such a task will require, however, moving beyond the security-centered, international relations’ frames of analysis prevalent in the available scholarly literature today. Present-day scholars and experts whose salaries are paid by the very regimes imposing this war may prove unhelpful in explaining the journalistic Omerta future historians will wish to study.4


The conventional narrative about the war unleashed by ‘coalition’ forces positions the US-led ‘global community’ as a benevolent agent simply aiming to reinstate the ‘legitimate’ presidency of one Abd-Rabbu Mansur Hadi for the sake of regional stability. Rarely highlighted any longer, this politically meek former vice president was the anointed partner to interests that, in reaction to uprisings in 2010–2011 against globalization, sought to suppress what is known as ‘the Arab Spring’ by imposing a reliable ‘interim government.’5Appointed in 2012 as an alternative to the no longer useful Ali Abdullah Saleh (president since 1978) and a barrier to ‘radical’ populist groups pushing for the reversal of austerity policies, the Obama and May administrations gave Hadi the task of continuing Yemen’s highly unpopular integration into the global economy that had been interrupted by those 2010–2011 ‘change’ uprisings.


Mischaracterized as ‘support’ for America’s imposed counter-revolutionary solution, most of those protesting in 2011 were willing to give the US-directed process a chance considering they faced treats of perpetual violence from various factions vulnerable to populist demands for radical change.


The trouble proved to be that Hadi’s actual mandate was to push even more aggressively the very ‘structural adjustments’ against which Yemen’s people protested in the first place. The violence and economic destitution this interim 2012–2014 period produced is all but forgotten in 2019. Such amnesia is critical as it makes it possible today for think tank employees to insinuate that there was no justification for Hadi’s removal from the seat of the Yemeni government after his interim two-year
period ended in mid-2014″



Connect with Vanessa Beeley

Corona Investigative Committee — Grand Jury Proceeding to Begin February 5, 2022

Corona Investigative Committee — Grand Jury Proceeding to Begin February 5, 2022


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The video below was originally recorded in German. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and attorney Viviane Fischer, representing Corona Investigative Committee, make this important announcement. A voice-over English translation has been provided by Corona Investigative Committee. Below the video, we have provided a transcript.


Announcement: Start of the Grand Jury Proceeding 

by Corona Investigative Committee
February 1, 2022


First date: Feb. 05, 2022

In serious criminal cases in the U.S., a so-called grand jury is presented with the evidence at hand to convince them that this evidence is sufficient to bring public charges against the defendants.

We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe.

The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual.

Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:

We have a small announcement to make. We’ve already announced, by drips and drabs, that we will announce something else.

At the end of the coming week we will begin with a grand jury proceeding, which is a procedure which is used in the event of serious crimes in order to present the evidence, the proof available, to a jury of 12 jurors — in order to prove that the offender has committed a crime.

We would deliver this evidence, together with experts that we’ve interviewed previously — other external experts and witness accounts of people who have become victims of vaccination damage.

And then at the end of the procedure, ask people whether this — ask the jurors — if this is enough bring charges.

What is important is that this is something that will have a global reach and that will show that the whole thing that we’ve been suffering for nearly two years now — happening across the globe in the same way.

And that the people who have suffered vaccination damage, and other people who find this a bit strange, can see that this global consolation is not coincidental and that probably other things are behind this.

And we will demonstrate this.

We will demonstrate this and the objective is to use a judicial procedure, well-known judicial procedure — which will show the individual aspects, not as itemized aspects, but as an overall picture — so that at the end we may bring charges.

But that’s not the most important thing. It might even be more important to convince the population, the world population if possible, with the evidence provided, that they don’t only have a right, but even an obligation, to resist.

Because this is a matter of life and death. So it is.

And so this might activate people. There will be a vote at the end of proceedings, to see, to indicate how do you see the whole thing. And that might — people get off the couch, so they take charge rather than leaving it to others.

And this may only be the first step. A first step, that’s where — to shed light on this within a judicial procedure of the old the judicial system even, though we’ve been indicating again and again that we need an entirely different societal direction.

We need a new educational system, a new economic system.

We also need a new judicial system.

And they’re working in the U.S., on the African continent — probably in other places as well — to develop a new judicial system that actually represents the people directly. And that could be step two then.

And, as a consequence of this trial consolation that we’ll have, lawsuits within the old judicial system may result — that will then possibly activate some judges who have been keeping a low profile so far.

So as Viviana said, we will use the actual procedures that are still pending, the lawsuits are still pending in the existing judicial system, the existing courts.

That might be a a new drive, not only to inform people, but also that a new judicial system can actually look at these issues.

And this might lead to execute implementable results.

And so we’ll see you next week.


Connect with Corona Investigative Committee

Is Purification of a “Virus” Necessary? Yes.

Is Purification of a “Virus” Necessary? Yes.

by Mike Stone, Viroliegy
January 30, 2022


Purification: the act or process of making something pure and free of any contaminating, debasing, or foreign elements


I was not planning on doing any more articles nor devoting any more of my time to Steve Kirsch after my response to his claim that “SARS-COV-2” has been isolated. It was clear to me after reading his blog post that he did not understand what he was writing about. Even if it wasn’t clear to anyone reading, Steve took the liberty of outright admitting that he did not understand the topic as he relied on “experts” to tell him what to think and believe:

I rely on expert opinions of people who I trust for certain issues like whether or not the virus has been “isolated.” -Steve Kirsch

After the blog post came out, there were some exchanges between Steve and Christine Massey, who has done an amazing job of destroying the “virus” isolation lie with her Freedom of Information requests. She confronted Steve about his “isolation” claim and brilliantly pointed out why he was wrong. Instead of conceding that she was right and that he clearly did not understand the topic, Steve hunkered down on his ridiculous claim and pushed her for a 5 hour live debate with his “experts” in order to let the audience decide which side was right in the “SARS-COV-2” isolation argument. Disregarding the ridiculousness of the 5 hour time frame and the desire for the audience to decide a winner, Steve was attempting to sit on the sidelines and play matchmaker by pitting his “experts” against Christine. Once she enlisted the help of a team of her own experts, Steve seemingly panicked and decided to exit stage left.

This is just a brief summary of what transpired over the course of a few weeks in January 2022 and I may not have done the exchange justice. However, while the debate-that-never-was is an interesting story, it is not my main focus. In fact, I would have left this whole Steve Kirsch situation in the wastebasket where it belongs until I saw his parting shots at the “virus does not exist” community. In his attempt to save face by passing the responsibility of debating Christine and her experts off to his readers (which shouldn’t be shocking as he is seemingly skilled at passing responsibility off to “experts”), Steve shared some additional outlandish claims made by his “experts” regarding “virus” purification. Here are a few brief highlights from his post:

Does anyone want to debate “Does the virus exist?”

If course it does, but there are followers of Sam Bailey, Stefan Lanka, Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, and Christine Massey who claim it doesn’t.

“I’m not willing to invest my time in this debate, but if you want to challenge Sam Bailey, Stefan Lanka, Thomas Cowan, Andrew Kaufman, and Christine Massey, please let me know in the comments.”

“Basically, purifying a virus is difficult and there is no reason in today’s world to do it, so it isn’t done. The FOIA requests they issue are a publicity stunt that they know will fail. That’s very disingenuous of them not to reveal that.”

“Also, the people I talk to fully acknowledge there is no purified virus, but that it isn’t needed because they can do everything they need to do without it. Lanka et al. claim it is needed. So it’s now just a matter of opinion. Neither side is going to convince the other side. That’s what happened.”

“The reason nobody has purified the virus is there is no need to do so in today’s world where gene sequencing is readily available.”

First, I would like to point out Steve’s apparent Freudian slip while attempting to declare the “virus” exists: “If course it does.” Not a typo on my part. I’m not here to play grammar police as I make plenty of spelling errors myself. I just thought it was an amusingly ironic way to start his post. Since Steve is unwilling to invest his time in a debate, maybe he could devote it to proofreading?

Now that the fun is out of the way, let’s get to the nitty-gritty on “virus” purification. According to Steve’s “experts,” the purification of a “virus” is too difficult and is no longer necessary. They believe that in today’s world of molecular virology, purifying “viruses” does not need to occur as a genome can be obtained from the genetic soup full of host and other unknown “non-viral” RNA/DNA. They believe that it is possible to obtain a genome for an unknown “virus” by piecing it together from the millions of reads of random RNA aquired from these unrelated sources within the sample. Thus, Steve and Co. want you to believe that purification, i.e. the very steps used to rid a sample of contaminants, pollutants, foreign material, etc. in order to isolate it, is not necessary any more as technology has advanced beyond these primitive methods. Putting aside the fact that the admittance by Steve and Co. that purified “SARS-COV-2” does not exist destroys their previous claims of “virus” isolation, does Steve’s “expert” advice on purification hold up?

No. Not at all. At least, not according to these experts:

“That such “purification” is an indispensable prerequisite for detecting viruses and creating valid antibody and PCR tests based on them is also stated by scientists who are the most renowned in the world, among them:

White and Fenner: “It’s an essential pre-requisite.”
Luc Montagnier: “It is necessary.”
Robert Gallo: “You have to purify.”
Marcel Tanner: “If a pure SARS-CoV-2 isolate cannot be documented by the IVI [=Institute of Virology and Immunology] in Bern, then we have a problem.” (siehe here).
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi: “… you have to purify the virus from all this mess.”
Jean-Claude Chermann: “Yes, of course… Absolutely.”
David Gordon: “It’s a natural step from obtaining the virus in cell culture to then obtain purified virus.”
Dominic Dwyer: “The purification, as far as one can go, is important in analysis of any virus or bacteria, for that matter well.”
Wan Beom Park: “In the outbreak situation, isolation of causative virus is indispensable for developing and evaluating diagnostic tools, therapeutics, and vaccine candidates.”

I’m not positive who Steve’s “experts” are, but the people listed above are well-known and respected scientists and virologists. While they may disagree with the fact that “viruses” do not exist, they all accept that purification of a “virus” is an absolutely necessary and essential step. It is a prerequisite.

Those listed above are not the only experts claiming purification is necessary. An interview with Professor: Dr. Osamu Nakagomi from the Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Molecular Epidemiology, who is an expert on the subject matter, states as much as well:

Fundamentals of Ultracentrifugal Virus Purification

“In recent years, in virus research, it has become a standard practice to purify and analyze genomes and identify viruses from samples using commercial kits. Since for the established viruses their genomes have already been known, virus identification is possible even in a mixed state. However, to carry out detailed investigation on the nature of viruses, it is first necessary to refine the virus particles in order to yield a high level of purified materials.”

Please discuss the necessity of ultracentrifugation in virus research.

“When extracting virus genome using the classical method, the virus particles must first be purified. Then the virus genome extracted from the particles is examined. Ultracentrifugation plays an important role in the process. Purifying the virus particles makes it possible from the beginning to ensure that we are dealing with the rotavirus genomes in the virus particles. Currently such analysis is performed almost all the time after hastily extracting the genome without actually purifying the specimen. This practice is common since the genome of rotavirus is well established and it is a common knowledge that if the genome (Fig. 1 ) characteristic of rotavirus is present, there is no doubt that the genome is present in rotavirus particles as well. However, suppose, for example, that we are dealing with the problem of determining what kind of host cell organelles or virus proteins and genomes are aggregated in an infected cell, ultracentrifugation becomes indispensable. Moreover, while studying new viruses, it becomes increasingly necessary to investigate whether or not the genome is present in the particle. In such cases, purification with an ultracentrifuge becomes a necessity. Information on the buoyant density, size and sedimentation coefficient (Svedberg value, S value), all of which are taken into consideration in ultracentrifugation, is in fact the fundamental aspect of virology which taken together are called the physiochemical properties of viruses.”


I wonder if Steve and Co. would be able to point out “SARS-COV-2” from these unpurified EM images if we took out the labels?

As can be seen by Dr. Osamu Nakagomi as well as the experts listed above, purification is entirely necessary, especially in instances with “novel viruses” such as “SARS-COV-2,” which Steve and Co. admit has never been purified. Without purification, there are numerous host cell organelles and other proteins, microrganisms, bacteria, etc. within the sample and thus there can be no claims of isolation. There would be no way to be able to determine that the RNA used to create the “SARS-COV-2” genome came from one source. In fact, the only time Dr. Nakagomi states purification is not necessary is when the genome is already known and established, thus purification is a neccesary step to obtain the initial genome. Yet this creates a bit of a conundrum. Where has it ever been shown that the particles assumed to be “viruses” were ever purified and isolated directly from a sick human in order to obtain the original genome for any “virus?” At some point in the history of “viral” genomes, this purification and isolation process must have been carried out before any genome for any “virus” could have been obtained and considered accurate and reliable. However, it has never been done, especially for “coronaviruses” as I outlined here.

The “SARS-COV-2” genome was nonexistent and there was no prior knowledge of its sequence. The genome was created from unpurified broncoalveloar fluid (BALF) from one patient and cobbled together in a computer from other unpurified reference genomes made in a similar way. In a document by the WHO regarding sequencing genomes using metagenomics, such as was done for the original “SARS-COV-2” genome, it is admitted that high “non-viral” host material will also be sequenced. They claim that purification steps such as centrifugation and filtration are supposed to be done yet even purifying samples will still lead to a high number of “off-target, non-viral” reads:

Genomic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2

“Depletion of host or other non-SARS-CoV-2 genetic material in a sample leads to a higher proportion of SARS-CoV-2 reads in generated sequence data and therefore a higher chance of recovering a full genome. SARS-CoV-2 metagenomic approaches therefore typically include steps to remove host and bacterial cells, through either centrifugation or filtration prior to RNA extraction, or chemical or enzymatic removal of unwanted DNA/RNA. This is easier for liquid samples, from which cells can be more easily separated, such as bronchoalveolar lavage (Table 4). Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and DNA content are also commonly depleted during library preparation for virus RNA sequencing, and carrier RNA is often omitted from extractions or replaced with linear polyacrylamide. Despite such measures, samples may still contain high quantities of off-target host DNA/RNA that may also be sequenced. Metagenomic approaches therefore generally benefit from input of samples with high virus loads (such that a reasonable proportion of the genetic material in the sample is virus).”

“Metagenomic sequencing typically produces high numbers of off-target, non-virus reads. It is also often (though not always, depending on the sequencing platform and multiplexing) more costly than targeted capture-based or amplicon-based sequencing approaches, because more data have to be produced to generate one SARS-CoV-2 genome. Moreover, pretreatment steps that are particularly beneficial for metagenomics, such as centrifugation, are not typically performed for molecular diagnostic assays so new extractions that incorporate pretreatment steps may have to be performed for metagenomic sequencing.”

Another source on the advantages and disadvantages of genomic sequencing states that contamination, such as that by bacteria which is sure to be present without purification, will lead to inaccurate genomes:

Advantages and Limitations of Genome Sequencing

“Factors outside the control of the service provider tasked with isolation and sequencing of DNA can negatively influence the quality of the genome sequence and therefore its interpretation. This can include the quality of the DNA sample provided for analysis, such as low quantity, high bacterial contamination, or sample degradation. Such factors can even prevent the procedure from being undertaken. In such a circumstance, the client might be obliged to deliver a new sample.”


Since Steve and Co. admit that “SARS-COV-2” has never been purified, yet purification is a prerequisite for “novel viruses” in order to obtain an accurate genome, how can they claim that this step is unnecessary?

It’s probably due to the other fact which Steve admitted to: purification is difficult. However, I would go one step further and say that when dealing with nano-sized particles, purification is impossible. I will not go into too much detail in this post as I have outlined the purification problems here and here. However, it has been admitted numerous times that it is impossible to separate “viruses” from exosomes and other extracellular vesicles that co-sediment together. There is no one method, whether ultracentrifugation, filtration, precipitation, etc., that can completely purify the “viruses.” Although you can find similar statements in some of the posts I linked, I will provide a recent article which focused on the need for purifying RNA for epigenetic studies. The authors supply various purification methods and then admit that none of them alone are sufficient to purify “viruses” from host-derived impurities. These impurities then impact the creation of the genome and any study relating to it. Even when combined, they can only claim that these methods will increase “virus” yield and quality, not completely purify the particles.

“The relatively low abundance of viral genomic material within the nucleic acid milieu of clinical samples places constraints on the utility of epigenetics-related applications, like m6A RNA methylation ELISAs, to specifically study the virus epigenome. Such assays require highly pure input material, free from host-derived impurities whose epigenetic modifications can also be detected and interfere with results.”

“The methods included above are generally not sufficient, when performed alone, for adequate purification of viruses. Studies focused on the virus epigenome require highly pure input material, without interference from the epigenetic modifications of host DNA, RNA, or protein. Combinations of the aforementioned methods can increase viral recovery, yield, and quality.”


Even when the purification steps are performed on samples, there will always be many known and unknown identical particles with various sources of genetic material within the sample. Contamination is a widespread problem both in cell culturing and genomics. This makes electron microscopy imaging and the creation of a genome utterly meaningless and useless as proof of a “virus.” In order to hammer this point home, here are a few highlights from a 1996 Manuel on “virus” purification:

“Virus purification is the physical separation of virus in a concentrated form from the host cell milieu in which it has grown. Viruses need to be purified for many studies in which properties or structure of the virus must be distinguished from those of the host cells or culture medium, such as analyses of structure of viral polypeptides, function of membrane
glycoproteins, etc.”

Criteria of purity

“The observation of particles in the electron microscope, whilst not a good criterion of purity, does allow the detection of ‘unwanted structures’.

It would be expected that constituents of the medium would form a major part of the contaminants of purified virus preparations. This can be monitored by gel diffusion tests, where antisera raised against e.g. calf serum, or uninfected cells can be reacted with virus preparation.”


As can be seen, “viruses” must be purified in order for the structure and physical properties of the “virus” to be distinguished from host cells and the culture medium. The constituents of the culture medium are said to be the bulk of the contaminants in purified “virus.” This would include the fetal bovine serum which is added to nearly every culture which is a completely separate source of RNA from the host source. They fail to mention the added animal RNA which would come from the Vero cells regularly used for culturing as in the case of “SARS-COV-2.” All of this “non-viral” material would need to be eliminated first along with the host material as well as possible contamination from bacteria, exosomes, MVB’s, other microrganisms, etc. before a genome could be considered valid. Otherwise, there is no realistic way of knowing which RNA belongs to which source within the mixture and whether or not the computer-generated genome is an amalgamation of the RNA stitched together from those numerous sources.

It is clear that purification is an absolutely necessary process, even though the methods themselves are flawed and unable to completely purify these preparations. This is why Steve and Co. claim it is “difficult” (i.e. impossible) to purify “viruses,” that it is no longer necessary, and why they want to skip over this step entirely. They know it is impossible. They know that they can not supply a single study where the particles claimed to be “viruses” were completely purified and isolated directly from a sick host. They can not even show this in papers where “viruses” are cultured. They want you to believe that technology has advanced to a point where it can pick through these unpurified mixtures of RNA in order to piece together a theoretical representation of an unseen “virus” in the form of a genome. Even if this was a logical argument (it’s not), a genome from unpurified samples would be at best INDIRECT evidence, not DIRECT evidence of a “virus.”

Fortunately, even disregarding the sources I’ve shared above which completely dispute Steve and Co., we can rely on logic and critical thinking to understand that their claims are ridiculous.  In order for a genome to be considered valid evidence, the entity being sequenced must be shown to actually exist in reality first. One can not just assume an unseen “virus” is within the unpurified sample from the start without ever verifying that it actually exists to begin with. This requires that the particles claimed to be “viruses” be found in a state completely free of contaminants, pollutants, and foreign material as well as separated from everything else. In order for this to occur, the sample must be put through the steps of purification (centrifugation, filtration, precipitation, etc.) so that it can be shown to exist in an isolated state. Only then can proof of pathogeniticity be aquired using the purified particles as a valid independent variable in order to establish cause and effect. Only then can the particles identified in EM images be said to be the “virus.” Only then could a genome be aquired. Only then can the “virus” be fully characterized.

Without purification, Steve and Co. have no “virus.”

And so we get to the crux of the problem with relying on “experts” to do the thinking for you. Steve has relied on his “experts” to tell him that the purification process is unnecessary. He allowed the “experts” to tell him that the definition of isolation means to add many things together rather than what it actually means which is to exist in a state separated from everything else. He did not do a cursory bit of research to understand that his so-called “experts” are wrong. However, their inaccurate claims are now his to defend. Sadly, Steve is adamant that, while he was willing to invest the time to write a blog post about his unwillingness to do a debate, he is not willing to invest his time to actually defend his claims in a debate. So the way I see it, Steve has three options:

  1. Find the time to debate Christine and her experts to defend his ridiculous claims.
  2. Find new “experts” who understand the methods used for the purification and isolation of “viruses” and why they are necessary.
  3. Find the time to do his own research and utilize critical thinking and logic to discern truth for himself rather than relying on “experts” to do the thinking for him.

I’m hoping Steve chooses option # 3. However, I’m not holding my breath.


Connect with Mike Stone, Viroliegy blog

cover image credit: terimakasih0 / pixabay

See related: 

Virus Isolation…Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman, MD Responds to Jeremy Hammond

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: A Challenging Response to Dr. Mercola’s Article “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus”


Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
January 29, 2021


Remember the end of The Return of the Jedi? It’s something I’ve referenced a few times because it’s a handy cultural signifier for a certain idea.

For those who don’t know, here’s the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to party! Cut to a montage of the Ewoks dancing around Darth Vader’s funeral pyre and joyous festivities being held across the galaxy.

. . . But we viewers know that this isn’t really the end of the story. The battle has been won, but the war between good and evil has not been decided forever. It would be far too naïve of us to believe that.

Indeed, it’s hard not to be reminded of that Darth Vader funeral party when looking at the recent signs that the scamdemic narrative is falling apart:

If you’re looking for it, the good news is everywhere right now. So, time for the Ewok dance party, right?

Well, hold on to your light saber, young paduwan. This battle is not over yet. You see, the would-be societal controllers have not given up the fight yet, and some of the rollback of the scamdemic restrictions that is happening right now could be part of a deception that is in fact furthering their agenda of control.

Different people have different names for this deception. Dave Cullen of Computing Forever calls it “Two Steps Forward and One Step Back.” Over at Revelations Radio News, Tim and Andrew have attempted to warn their listeners about “The Strategic Rug Pull.” Whatever you call it, the concept isn’t difficult to grasp if you know how the Powers That Shouldn’t Be operate.

In a nutshell, the danger is that if the “authorities” begin to relax the draconian controls that have been put in place in the name of the COVID-1984 scamdemic, the population might believe that they have won. That it’s over. That they can stop worrying about the descent into tyranny. Meanwhile, the real work of hardwiring the infrastructure of the biosecurity state can continue on behind the scenes, unhindered by opposition from erstwhile freedom activists.

I went over a case study of this very phenomenon in the most recent edition of New World Next Week. As Americans will know by now, there is reason to celebrate: the Supreme Court has shot down the illegal and unconstitutional mandate requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to force their employees to get vaxxed (or to submit to weekly testing). And, in another seemingly positive follow-up, The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has withdrawn the “emergency temporary standard” (ETS) codifying that mandate.

Yay! Time for the Ewok dance party!

. . . Until you read the fine print, that is. You’d have to persist past the headline and the opening blather of the MSM coverage of the story to discover that this is not the end of the war. As I pointed out on New World Next Week, the OSHA press release on the ETS withdrawal explicitly concedes that although they are withdrawing the temporary standard, they are only doing so in order to prepare a permanent rule:

“Although OSHA is withdrawing the vaccination and testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard, the agency is not withdrawing the ETS as a proposed rule. The agency is prioritizing its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.”

What? They are finalizing a permanent “Healthcare Standard” for COVID-19? What does that mean? What does that entail?

Too bad for you if you want more info on that. You certainly won’t find an answer to those questions in the press release itself.

If you do persist in digging through the OSHA website, you will find a statement from U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh on the Supreme Court ruling earlier this month. In the statement, Walsh confirms that he is “disappointed in the court’s decision” and reaffirms that “OSHA stands by the Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard as the best way to protect the nation’s workforce from a deadly MacGuffin that is infecting more than 750,000 Americans each day and has taken the lives of nearly a million Americans.” (OK, I changed one word in that quotation. I’ll let you follow the link to find out which one.) The statement ends with the threat that “OSHA will do everything in its existing authority to hold businesses accountable for protecting workers.”

If you want the really ominous news, though, you’ll have to leave the OSHA website entirely and head on over to The National Law Review, which informs its readers about the ETS withdrawal before adding some highly relevant information:

In the same announcement, OSHA clarified that the text of the ETS will remain in place to solicit additional comments from the general public so that, according to OSHA, the agency can ‘prioritiz[e] its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.’ If OSHA follows this path, the final rule will be published no later than May 5, 2022.” [Emphasis mine.]

Yes, folks, the “withdrawal” of this ETS turns out to be a charade after all. The text will “remain in place” while they “solicit additional comments from the general public” so that they can finalize the rule and enact it in May.

Yay? Nay. Cancel the dance party.

This is the quintessential demonstration of the One Step Forward Two Steps Back Rug Pull.

Sadly, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to see how this exact type of distraction operation can be used in any number of situations to lull the public into letting their guard down on a key agenda item.

For the hard of thinking, let me be clear what I am saying here: successes, however minor and fleeting, are still good things. They should be celebrated and encouraged . . . but not at the expense of our eternal vigilance against the forces of control.

The freedom convoy in Canada is a good thing. Can it be corrupted and co-opted? Of course. Can agents provocateurs go in and provoke acts of violence or destruction in the name of freedom lovers? Of course. Will the entire spectacle cement in the minds of some that our fundamental freedoms are the government’s to give or to take away and that our only option is to ask them for our rights back? Of course.

But absolutely any movement or protest or idea in the world can be spun to portray freedom-lovers as violent, dangerous or silly people by those who control the mass media. The point is that we know people who are supporting the convoy for the right reasons. We know that there is a tidal shift in public opinion happening in Canada right now and the political puppets are working so hard to demonize it (or run away from it) precisely because it can represent a “storming of the Bastille” moment for a genuine freedom movement. And we can bypass the mass media control and directly influence the public’s understanding of these events for ourselves.

Even the fact that OSHA is having to use a strategic withdrawal tactic demonstrates that they know they don’t have the support of the public on this issue. They have to resort to subterfuge and underhanded tactics because if what they were doing were widely known the public would not stand for it.

So yes, these are steps in the right direction and we should encourage freedom fighters and activists in their efforts. . . .

. . . But let’s hold off on that dance party for now. There’s still a lot of work to be done.


This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

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What Is Preventing the Majority From Even Seeing the Climate Engineering Elephant in the Sky?

What Is Preventing the Majority From Even Seeing the Climate Engineering Elephant in the Sky?

by Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Watch
January 29, 2022


Is engineered winter weather yet again being waged on US East Coast population centers? Are the same highly toxic chemical ice nucleation surface cool-downs also the core cause of the flash freeze events in numerous other parts of the world?

What is preventing the majority from even seeing the climate engineering elephant in the sky? The power structure programmed mental “gatekeeper” has long since been an extraordinarily effective tool of the controllers.

This form of self enforced blindness has kept the majority of populations completely oblivious to countless blatant power structure atrocities, past and present.

As imminent impact looms large on our collective near term horizon, can the mass hypnosis be broken in time to still make a difference?

The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

cover image credit: AndyFaeth / pixabay


See related:

Graphene Skies?

The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary


Deep Sea Fishing

Deep Sea Fishing

by Todd Hayden, OffGuardian
January 30, 2022


Every good fisherman knows that reeling in a big fish takes skill and conscious intention. One of the first things they learn is that you can’t just crank in the big guy with one effortless winding up of the line.

It takes finesse, a dance of sorts. While always keeping a steady line, you bring them in slowly, with the primary focus on wearing them out, almost hypnotizing them into compliance.

A popular fishing website HUK says this about the process:

Remember that too much tension can snap the line and when large fish decide to make a run for it, the worst thing you can do is try to keep them in place. By fighting their runs, all you are doing is increasing the chances that your line will break and your prize will get away. Instead, set the drag so the fish can take out line while still tiring itself. This will wear down the fish; eventually their runs will get shorter, less violent, and less frequent.”

Hmmm. Sounds a bit too close for comfort, eh?

I am afraid I am not all that excited about the current hoopla regarding our apparent victory over the mainstream narrative. I simply don’t believe it entirely.

We’ve made a run, so to speak, maybe have gotten too rowdy, too powerful, and we are being given a bit of slack so we don’t break the line.

This run is not being executed only by the folks on our side of the fence, but by the sheep as well. We are ALL tired, we are all ready to get out of this mess and call it a day.

It seems like a sensible tactic on their part—to let out a little line, but still keeping us hooked and apparently still in their control.

All this euphoria about us finally winning the battle and that the narrative is finally crumbling indicates to me that we may be getting lost in the weeds of apparent success and the hook and line is still, in reality, firmly embedded in our flesh, only to suddenly reel us in again, after a dizzying and disorienting taste of freedom. I don’t like it.

Most everyone is familiar with the 1950’s Harvard experiment conducted by a rather soulless Curt Richter. Rats were placed in a tank where they had to frantically tread water to survive. Typically they lasted only 15 minutes or so before giving up, sinking, and subsequently drowning.

A second set of experiments showed that if the rats were saved right before their demise, dried off and given a little respite, and then again returned to the tank of water, they could tread, and stay alive, for up to 60 hours.

They called this the “hope experiment,” which is relevant to the current happenings.

To maintain the narrative, people must maintain some sort of hope. When we are about to throw in the towel we are given a little slack in the line, and when the pressure hits again—with a new variant, a new virus, or, in a radical right turn, a nuclear war threat — we can sustain our loyalty, and ultimate compliance, believing we will not drown but will be saved at the last minute by our surrogate parents and archetypal “protectors.”

These tactics work in different ways with the masses on opposing sides of the fence. The sheep need the slack when they are about to throw in the towel of compliance. The rest of us are not about to throw in the towel, but are about to gain greater potential of harm to the narrative—they respond to both situations with the same tactic, but with different results depending on where you sit in this whole mess.

This “hope experiment” reminds me of BF Skinner’s work (also a psychology research scientist of Harvard fame — many also believed Skinner has very little soul). His work with pigeons pressing levers to get food led him to conclude that a type of “uncertainty principle” affected animals, and thus people. If the food was dispensed at variable intervals, the pigeons went nuts, pecking the lever incessantly.

There was no rhyme or reason when the reward would come, therefore the pecking never stopped.

You can see how this psychology is relevant here (and yes, as much as I hate to admit this, behavioral science is indeed real, it doesn’t give answers to all questions, but humans, at times, do indeed behave like rats and pigeons).

If something is given, taken away, given again, taken away again, at what seems to be for irrational and unpredictable reasons, you create craziness: variable intervals of tension and release. Good way to mess around with people’s heads.

It seems what we are seeing now with the seeming turning of the mainstream narrative is too calculated, too fast, too easy, and simply not as deep as it needs to be to declare victory.

Where are the arrests and prosecutions of government officials or Big Pharma officials? Where is the accountability of the thousands who have been injured by the vaccines? Where is the admission that this all was a horrible attempt to create a New World Order? — A Great Reset?

The allies in World War II had to literally LEVEL Germany before those bastards gave up. I don’t think this “victory” is going to be this easy.

James Corbett, of “The Corbett Report” put it succinctly recently on his program “New World Next Week”. Corbett said:

This isn’t the kill shot, literally or metaphorically, this is the first salvo in a years long, decades long, process of re-engineering the governing principle of society into the biosecurity state, and this is just about re-laying the infrastructure.”

Corbett goes on to say there is likely much more to come, another virus even more deadly and scary, for example, and that everything is now all geared up and ready for the next horrifying event.

So maybe Covid IS finished. It has possibly been tapped out. Maybe it didn’t make the full mark that was expected, maybe it wasn’t deadly enough, or maybe the variants didn’t propel the boosters forward as expected. Maybe the vaccine wasn’t intended to be such a dud.

Or, maybe it all worked out exactly as planned.

Regardless, they did make a rather substantial move. At the very least they have been successful in normalizing nearly every major goal they had set.

The goals such as digital passports, social credit scoring, digital currency, and blind, stupefying, sheep-like compliance, to name just a few, maybe are not as deeply ensconced in the day to day operation of society as they had expected, but these concepts certainly are normalized now as active probabilities in the minds of the masses (and some of them, such as “blind stupefying sheep-like compliance”, are well established).

It will take much less future effort to drop them into place, fully functioning.

Hannah Arendt, one of the past century’s most incredible heroes of truth, said in her seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism:

A mixture of gullibility and cynicism had been an outstanding characteristic of mob mentality before it became an everyday phenomenon of masses. In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.

The mixture in itself was remarkable enough, because it spelled the end of the illusion that gullibility was a weakness of unsuspecting primitive souls and cynicism the vice of superior and refined minds. Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.

The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.

Although I do not believe that the masses see everything as a lie, I do believe if it were proven to be a lie, it would have nearly no impact. I have not heard yet from the sheep side any sort of eating of humble pie.

All this that is happening is seen as “business as usual” from the sheep…maybe some things have come to light that were just not known before (according to them), but they see this as a victory of their own — they have beat Covid by wearing masks, locking down, vilifying the nasty unvaccinated.

The “I told you sos” from our side of the fence are falling on deaf years. “The crazies on the Right have beaten up the hero-god Fauci, but he is still the hero-god to most.”

As Arendt so deftly points out, the sheep continue to “admire their leaders for their superior tactical cleverness” as a result of any “backing down and changing the narrative” as we believe Fauci has exhibited in our own interpretation.

Yes, some have “flipped” so to speak. Maybe many have. But this is where the fishing analogy comes to light.

The powers that be see the sheep taking a run, albeit maybe a small one, but a run nonetheless, they are hearing the masses grumbling about the efficacy of the vaccines, the pointlessness of taking the booster — the weariness of lockdowns, masks, and social restrictions.

They say, “maybe it is time to give them a little slack…to let them have a bit of a rest…before we reel them in for the final scoop into the net, the flop into the bucket… and the trip to the taxidermist”. So some of them started to flip (run) and the narrative shifts to give them slack.

All that being said, I don’t think much has changed in sheep-ville.

Certainly, most normies have never bought into what is to be found in the depths of the rabbit hole that imply a greater horror above the levels of government, viruses, and vaccines (as James Corbett points out). Few see a problem with digital currency, loss of constitutional freedoms, social credit, vaccine passports or the like.

The agenda in this overarching echelon of control can, as it stands now, continue unfettered, Covid or no Covid.

From this perspective, we’ve really won nothing at all. Can we call anything a victory as long as Fauci and his NIAID, NIH, HHS, FDA and CDC compatriots and minions remain standing?

As long as the smear campaign to eliminate effective and inexpensive treatments continues? As long as vaccines are mandated or even just recommended without informed consent?

Can we declare any sort of victory as long as people continue to suffer from vaccine injury and are not even accounted for?

Can we really believe the narrative is crumbling when the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against constitution and humanity are not brought to justice?

Can we sleep easy under the false euphoria of victory as long as tens of thousands of medical doctors and researchers and scientists go on being persecuted through the loss of careers and reputation and free speech?

I could go on and on.

No, we are not even beginning to see this narrative “crumble” until quite a bit more evidence is brought to light that this just isn’t another tactic in this ongoing agenda.

But…maybe I am wrong. Maybe it just takes a little time to kill all of the hydra’s heads. Just killing one won’t do it, they will just grow back, but maybe we have just killed one or two heads and it will take time to go all the way through them, killing them all.

Maybe the Trucker’s Convoy, the Boris Johnson announcements in the UK, the US Supreme Court ruling are indeed signs of the agenda crumbling, a few of the many hydra heads being lopped off by the swords of justice and sane thinking.

I don’t want to give up hope, but I do think at the very least we must continue to be wary, with swords continually drawn and always at the ready.


Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Criminal Proceeding Resembling a Grand Jury Investigation — as a Procedural Foundation for Future Indictments — to Begin Early February 2022

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Criminal Proceeding Resembling a Grand Jury Investigation — as a Procedural Foundation for Future Indictments — to Begin Early February 2022


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: February 5, 2022 update — The interview below took place at the end of January 2022. See Day 1 of the Grand Jury proceedings that took place today. You can follow the work of the Corona Investigative Committee, including Grand Jury proceedings at Odysee.]


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

The following transcript is a brief excerpt from the video (found below the transcript) wherein Reiner Fuellmich explains the nature and purpose of upcoming international criminal proceedings which are being organized  by the  Corona Investigative Committee.

Please see the Jesper Johansson‘s article below the video for further details. The press conference in Brussels, mentioned by Reiner Fuellmich in the video, can be found here: “A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake” – CHD Europe – Press Conference, Brussels January 23 , filmed by Oracle Films, View at Children’s Health Defense Europe.

Transcript excerpts:

“We’re gonna start an international criminal proceeding — which is a model proceeding — very soon, probably at the end of next week.


There’s going to be three days of discussions with the experts.


And this proceeding, of course, is not going to be filed in one of the existing courts of law, of the old system.

But we’re using an institution, a procedural institution, which is the American grand jury investigation, as a procedural foundation for what we’re doing.

We have real lawyers, a real judge, real experts and real witnesses with whom we will tell the story. And that is the main objective.


We want to get indictments against those figureheads who we think we should go after.

That’s Drosten. He invented the PCR test, claiming that his version of the PCR test can tell us something about infections. Full well, knowing that he’s lying.

Two, Mr. Fauci in the United States. He’s the one who pushed the corona issue there.

And three, Tedros, whose WHO recommended these lies to the entire world. Two lies basically —  asymptomatic infections, which don’t exist, and the PCR test can tell us about infections.

Then Bill Gates, as one of the figureheads who are making money out of this.

And probably Pfizer and Black Rock.

Pfizer as a representative of the pharmaceutical industry. They’re making a lot of money right now. And Blackrock as the financial institution for which much of the money is being funnelled into our systems to gain control, through the global corporations, over all of us.

But this particular proceeding is only designed to get indictments.

Its second biggest purpose is to give people… through a real legal proceeding, a full picture of what’s really going on — on all three levels.

There’s one level which deals with the question ‘Is are really a pandemic?’. Well, there is a pandemic, but it’s not a corona pandemic, it’s a PCR test pandemic.

And as soon as you reach this conclusion, the question is ‘Well, if it’s not about health, what is it about?”.

Two things that they want to divert our attention from. One is the criminal activities that they, the other side, has been conducting through the financial industry — which is really a misnomer because this is not an industry. They don’t produce anything. They they destroy everything. So a better word is probably financial mafia because they’ve been looting and plundering our public coffers for the last three, four decades, maybe longer.

And it was about to implode, this whole system was about to implode, during the swine flu. And, no, that is not a coincidence. It was then that it was very, very obvious to all of us that the so-called financial industry had been stealing money from us.

The major platform on which they discuss this is, of course, the Davos clique’s World Economic Forum in Davos [Switzerland]. It was very, very obvious at the time that they have really been stealing our money.


We now understand, of course, that our politicians are not our politicians anymore, but they’re their puppets. Many of them have gone through their own politician production facility which is the Young Global Leaders program.


The real goal of this pandemic is to be able to shut down, destroy, our economies for the benefit of American platforms — like Uber, as far as the taxi business is concerned, Amazon, for all retail business. And we don’t quite know what to make of the role of the Chinese and this. What we do know is that they are part of a group of people who are dividing the spoils amongst themselves — because they’re trying to take over our car industry, probably the US car industry as well.

So this is quite a complicated picture but not too complicated. And we believe that through this proceeding, we can make this visible to everyone.

And once people understand this — and this is the ultimate goal of this — they will understand that it’s they who have to get up and fight.

They not only have a right to resist but they have a duty to resist. Because this is about life and death.

~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich




”No mercy for these b*stards” – Reiner Füllmich announces Grand Jury Proceeding in February

by Jesper Johansson, Perspektiv
January 26, 2022


The head of the Corona Committee, Dr. Reiner Füllmich, announced that the Grand Jury Trial will take place in early February, during which evidence against the four architects of the pandemic will be presented to a panel, structured like a court of law, based on natural law. The end result of a grand jury proceeding is a decision whether or not to indict. In this case the general public will be the jury. The result of this process will be a better informed public that knows about the big picture and thereby understands why indictments must occur. Dr Füllmich believes the narrative have now shifted, and that he, with the help of the people with good intentions all over the world, now is ready to send the perpetrators of the pandemic ”straight to hell”.

At 2:01:20 in to the following link, you can watch the press conference in Brussels 2022-01-23 featured in the interview with lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer Vivianne Fischer and WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger:


More information about WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger: https://www.astridstuckelberger.com/bio/

International lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and lawyer Vivianne Fischer are both part of the Corona Investigative Committee team:


Prosecution notification of the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld. Eighteenth of January 2022 (In Swedish):


Prosecution notification of the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld ADJUSTMENT. Twentieth of January 2022 (In Swedish):


Prosecutor’s complaint against the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld DIARIEUTSKRIFT AM-9377-22 (In Swedish):

According to professor Hammarskjöld the Swedish government has spent 2.6 Billon € on testing for rtRT-PCR tests up until week 2 of 2022. Hammarskjöld citizises the decision since there has not been a single life saved by the money spent doing all these tests.
Just during weeks 1 and 2 of 2022, there has been almost one million tests done costing 110 Millon € (In Swedish):


Transcript from the interview:

0:50 Summary of the last interview ”Reiner Füllmich and 50 lawyers: The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet”.

02:15 Press conference in Brussels with Astrid Struckelberger, Reiner Füllmich and Vivianne Fischer who were participating in the large rallies taking place. When Füllmich was about to hold his speech at the rallies, the police dispersed the crowd.

04:30 Indictments will happen against the people accused of causing the world wide problem with the pandemic; Drosten, for promoting his version of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test kit claiming these tests can say something about infectious diseases. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID for pushing the false narrative in the USA, Tedros Adhanom for spreading inaccurate and unscientific recommendations through the WHO such as asymptomatic infections and the PCR-tests for diagnosis. Bill Gates as a figurehead for profit in this agenda. Pfizer as a representative for the pharmaceutical industry and Blackrock as a global financial company.

06:15 Why is the pandemic happening? Füllmich views this as a distraction from criminal activity the same way the mafia works. He takes as an example how the financial crisis in 2008 stole assets from the people without the politicians doing anything about it.

08:35 The real goal number 2, according to Füllmich, is to shut down our economy, in favor of companies such as Über and Amazon, by destroying the retail system. The struggle is about life and death. The public institutions are waking up to the corruption and starting prosecutions against the perpetrators in the USA.

10:35 ”No mercy to those b*stards”. ”The people who are pulling the strings are truly evil”.

12:23 The grand jury investigation will go on for four weeks. How to get people to understand the new system of justice that will be used to handle the case against the suspects? Natural law, which Füllmich means leads directly to human rights, will be used. He believes the world is in a state of war and thus, the natural law which can be used in war are applicable in handling the pandemic crimes. Why following bad orders is not an excuse and may lead to jail.

15:10 A tour in the United States will start in March and will go on until May in order to inform the American people about the truth regarding the pandemic. Famous persons within this field will participate.

16:27 What date will the grand jury begin? Füllmich would say that his assumption made in the interview published on the tenth of January saying ”the narrative will shift within two to three weeks” was accurate. Boris Johnson in the UK was getting massive criticism for ‘partying’ and not following his own restrictions.

19:45 Professor Björn Hammarskjöld has filed a complaint to the Medical Board of Sweden (Läkemedelsverket) due to components in the vials not listed in the medical description. Professor Hammarskjöld has himself witnessed two persons becoming magnetic in the area of injection of the so called corona vaccines.

21:40 Norwegian doctors i Oslo discovered material in the vaccines which is not supposed to be given to humans and is not legal according to citizen journalist Ulf Bittner.

23:04 Pfizer did not include the information on these so called vaccine chemicals in the documents submitted to the EMA – Why not? Almost all the studies on the vaccines are totally false, according to Füllmich. This, he believes was done in order to mislead the people.

25:35 LOT-numbers and lethality

26:39 WHO whistleblower Astrid Struckelberger comments on the African tactics of experimentation. WHO created the cases needed to declare a pandemic. Bill Gates who is funding the WHO, involved Drosten to construct the foundation to declare a global pandemic on false premises by PCR- results.

28:48 How close are you to getting the full picture of what is going on? The experts giving their testimonies to the Corona Committee include; former vice- president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon, Nobel prize winner Professor Luc Montagnier, former investment banker and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Cathrine Austin Fitts, and developer of mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone. Füllmich believes the full picture of what is happening is almost complete. Legal proceedings are being done so that people will understand and then find the will to to take their freedom back.

31:50 The people participating in the trials are also filing cases in their own courts of law. Füllmich hopes people who believe the narrative of the pandemic is false will follow their example.

33:25 How likely is it that anyone will enforce the punishment to the people prosecuted if they are convicted – when taking in to consideration that the trial is happening outside the normal judicial system? Füllmich explains there will be no sentences and the process is being done as an investigation which will lead to indictments. The judiciaries in Europe are too corrupt to be used for this purpose.

37:15 Professor Hammarskjöld sums up the costs of the performed PCR-tests in Sweden. According to Hammarskjöld, nearly one million PCR-tests have been done during the first two weeks of 2022 in Sweden at a cost of 110 euro per test. The total amount of money spent on the Swedish PCR-tests he reports are now 2,6 billion Euros. This can be compared to the annual costs of the ICU care units, which is only 3 billion Euros. Ten people are dying per day with covid in Sweden.

39:31 There are two camps in the Corona Committee regarding the existence of the virus. One claims there has been a scientific, correctly performed isolation of the virus, while the other claims the opposite. This is however not something that Dr Füllmich views as a question which has importance to the case or has relevance to the trials. He believes the entire system needs to be rebuilt from scratch, and this includes the field of science and research.


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Plain Burger: Hold the Virus Pickles, They Don’t Exist

Plain Burger: Hold the Virus Pickles, They Don’t Exist

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 26, 2022


Shh. Shh. Stop saying the virus doesn’t exist.



ONE: Let’s not get distracted by the virus question. We have to focus on knocking down the vaccine mandate.

My Reply: Can you walk down the street, carry a bag of potatoes, and look at messages on your cell phone? Newsflash: people have been known to do several things at the same time.

TWO: If we bring up the virus question, people will call us crazy and have a reason to ignore our criticism of the vaccine.

My Reply: “People” already say we’re crazy. They have 345 “reasons” on file.

THREE: If we say the virus doesn’t exist, “our base” will desert us.

My Reply: “Our base” is so outraged about the ineffective and hugely destructive vaccine, and about the mandates, NOTHING will deter them from attacking the vaccine.

FOUR: It’s well established that the virus exists.

My Reply: Yes, established by the same scientists who say the vaccine is remarkably safe and effective.

FIVE: Doctor A says the virus exists. As evidence, he cites Doctor B’s statements. Doctor B says the virus exists. He cites Doctor C’s statements. Doctor C says the virus exists. He cites Doctor A.

My Reply: Go back to school. I suggest starting at the 4th grade.

SIX: It doesn’t really matter whether the virus exists.

My Reply: If the virus doesn’t exist, the pandemic is a hoax. If the pandemic is a hoax…trace all the implications. If you can’t, go back to school. I suggest starting at the second grade. If the school won’t let you in, tell them you identify as a six-year old.

SEVEN: If I say the virus doesn’t exist, my family will disown me.

My Reply: I see. Other than the virus question—you’re on very good terms with your family, right? Who are you trying to kid?

Speaking of kid, here’s another dialogue for your edification—

ME: Hey kid, aren’t you fed up with all this COVID crap?

KID: Listen, Grandpa, I’m been fed up with crap since I was born.

ME: Including Biden now?

KID: The brain-damaged guy in the White House?

ME: What about Trump?

KID: The guy who keeps pushing the killshot? Pfizer paid him a million bucks to stage his inauguration.

ME: Do you wear a mask?

KID: I wore one once, at the DMV, when I applied for my driver’s license. The witch behind the counter told me I had to put that germicide goo on my hands. So I did. I wiped my hands on the counter. She called security. I don’t drive. I take the bus.

ME: What about the vaccine?

KID: Let me put it this way. My cell phone says I took the shot.

ME: Did you get depressed during the lockdowns?

KID: No. I made money fixing old people’s computers. When I went to their houses, I wore a military uniform. Nobody bothered me.

ME: Are you woke?

KID: You mean do I think every move I make is motivated by systemic racism? That crap is for my friends whose parents give them money. They all moved away. Their parents took them to Florida.

ME: What about the virus?

KID: What about it?

ME: Do you think it exists?

KID: The people who say it does—I don’t listen to anything they say.

ME: Why not?

KID: If you can’t figure that out, Grandpa, you’re older than you look.

ME: Are there a lot of kids like you?

KID: Millions.

ME: Do they listen to the government?

KID: You mean the mafia. We don’t pay protection money to anybody.

ME: Do these millions of kids take the vaccine?

KID: It’s always a tip-off when somebody says, “Hey, it’s free.” We’re not that stupid.

ME: Have you ever voted in an election?

KID: Once, when I ran for student body treasurer in high school. I ran because the treasurer handles student funds. I voted for myself 27 times.

ME: Did you win?

KID: I came in third. The kid who won was the son of the assistant principal. Very quietly, that old codger was trying to get us to join his secret transgender club. We told him we already had the sex change, he just couldn’t spot it. We also told him the local pedophile priest, Father Joseph, was opposed to transgenderism on moral grounds. We suggested he should turn Father Joseph into the authorities for the hate crime of opposing transgenders.

I now return you to your regular scheduled programming, sponsored by Moderna, the company that cares about you. The company that had never brought a single product of any kind to market, before the RNA genetic shot. The company that spawned several billionaires overnight. The company championed by little Anthony Fauci, serving his last term as de facto president of the United States.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: CDD20  / pixabay


Questioning ‘The Science’: What Is a ‘Virus’? How Is a ‘Virus’ Seen & Isolated?

Questioning ‘The Science’: What Is a ‘Virus’? How Is a ‘Virus’ Seen & Isolated?


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The video below was recommended by Dr. Tom Cowan as preparation for viewing his upcoming conversation with Dr. Andrew Kaufman in regards to Dr. Mercola’s recent article about virus isolation. You can register here to participate in the zoom conversation. The video will also be available at Tom Cowan’s channels following the event. We will repost the conversation here at Truth Comes to Light when it is available.


What is a virus? 

by RealEyesation
January 8, 2022


So what is a virus, and how can a virus be seen?

Addressing the pink elephant in the room pertaining to scientific practice, electron microscopy, histology, and the misinterpretations within modern biology in general.

Video available at RealEyesation Rumble and YouTube channels.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with RealEyesation at Rumble

Virus Isolation…Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman, MD Responds to Jeremy Hammond

Virus Isolation…Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman, MD Responds to Jeremy Hammond

by Dr. Andrew Kaufman
January 19, 2022


Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammond’s recent interview opining that SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to exist. Point by point, Kaufman debunks Hammond’s explanation of how a virus is discovered.

The definitions and technology behind isolation, the methodology being used by scientists, and the agenda by governmental agencies are examined with the appropriate corrections.

Hammond’s argument is the same old one trick pony being trotted out with pomp, circumstance, and pedigree.

Video available at DrAndrewKaufman BitChute channel.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:  The screenshot seen below is from Jeremy Hammond video as found within Dr. Joseph Mercola’s recent article: Yes, SARS-CoV-2 is a Real Virus. Many sites have republished Dr. Mercola’s article. A web search will locate it for you. We have not shared it here at Truth Comes to Light.


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman


See related:

Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated

Zen Koan for the Virus

Zen Koan for the Virus

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 14, 2022


Question: How do you prevent a disease that has no cause?

Get back to me after contemplating this for 10 years.

The so-called disease, COVID, is touted as the result of a virus, but the virus doesn’t exist.

Nevertheless, a vaccine aimed at beefing up the immune system against the virus that doesn’t exist is heralded as a miracle.

There is also a test for the virus that doesn’t exist.

People fear the virus that doesn’t exist.

Whole countries are locked down to stop the spread of the virus that doesn’t exist.

People wear masks to stop the transmission of the virus that doesn’t exist.

People with no symptoms are called cases of the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

The vaccine can’t stop the transmission of the virus that doesn’t exist.

The federal database lists over a million injuries reported after the vaccination which was designed to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

People who refuse the vaccination designed to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist are called criminals or even terrorists.

The virus that doesn’t exist will spread at a small party in a person’s home, but the virus that doesn’t exist will detour around waves of immigrants coming into the country.

The virus that doesn’t exist was created in a lab.

The overwhelming percentage of people who die from infection by the virus that doesn’t exist are the elderly, who already have several long-standing serious health problems and have been treated for decades with toxic drugs, and are then given more toxic drugs to kill the virus that doesn’t exist and are sedated with powerful drugs and put on breathing ventilators—a lethal treatment.

There are at least two variants of the virus that doesn’t exist.

There are doctors who heavily criticize the current vaccines, but claim that a safe and successful vaccine can be developed to prevent the disease caused by the virus that doesn’t exist.

Other than all of the above, the global public COVID policy is quite sane.

For reference, read:

COVID: If there is no virus, why are people dying?


COVID: the virus was never proven to exist; a statement from Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Sally Fallon Morell


Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists




Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Miriams-Fotos / pixabay

Outside the Reality Machine

Outside the Reality Machine

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 29, 2021


READER: Mr. Rappoport, why do you sometimes write fiction/satire?

ME: Because if you think non-rational reality can be solved simply by rationally setting the record straight, you’re sadly mistaken. Look around you.

READER: Are you saying reality itself is non-rational?

ME: That’s exactly what I’m saying. What we take to be reality is exported to us, and we import it and accept it. That situation is entirely irrational. At the deepest—and therefore—most important level, each one of us is capable of creating the reality we most profoundly desire.

I need to catch a train and I’m late
Finally a clerk directs me to a set of stairs
But after I run down two flights I wind up on the wrong track
I’m familiar with these set-ups
—On board a pleasure yacht
I’m alone in the dining room at 2 in the afternoon
A waiter brings me a glass of champagne
He looks like Al Capone
He sits down next to me and pulls out his tax forms
I spread them on the table and study them
All in order, I say
Nothing to worry about
The feds are lying
They’re paying more for the judge than you’re paying
An explosion goes off
We’re in the water swimming for the dock
Machine gun fire…
I’m walking along a winter road
Two wolves trotting at my side
They’re looking up at me
They want to know where we’re going…

—Suppose, one day, you’re walking around and you see a person who looks exactly like you buying bread in a shop. You approach him and engage him in conversation. You discover he knows everything you know. But he knows it with more clarity. He’s integrated. He’s more agile. You’re no longer useful, pragmatically speaking. You’re out. In an instrumental society, you’re defunct. You have to go somewhere else. You have to start over. You’re cut loose. You don’t need to consider your obligations.

There is always a little man behind his desk telling you you’re dead because he’s dead
It’s standard
Like a shot in the arm for a disease no one ever heard of

You walk into a large living room
Tall machines humming
They’re manufacturing reality
You see the switches on a wall
What happens if you turn them off

The living room is full of people
Cocktail party
They don’t see what you see
They’re talking about virus, virus, virus
They’re wearing masks
They’re comparing vaccine passports

In a corner of the room
A distinguished doctor wearing rimless glasses
Is holding court
A gaggle of earnest guests are listening
He’s describing Omicron
One person has a heart attack and falls down on the carpet
The others ignore him

Now the doctor is talking about a new test for the virus
And transmission
And breakthrough cases
And his visit to Gavin Newsom’s winery in northern California
And the probability of new lockdowns
And spikes in case numbers
And quarantine facilities

Suddenly the doctor and the listeners and the man lying on the floor
Freeze in a paralyzed tableaux

—You’re walking through a zoo
And you’re looking at that frozen scene encased in a glass cube
There’s a plaque on the base of the cube
You move closer
But you can’t make out the printing on the plaque
A security guard says, step back sir, unless you want purchase
A premium membership, in which case you can enter the cube

If I go inside, can I get out?

No, but the characters will begin to speak and move, and then you’ll all leave the party and take a taxi to a hotel and check into rooms and
Meet you families there and start a new life

I’ll have a job

A good job, and you’ll live in the suburbs in a nice home

Will there be rules

There are always rules, but if you obey them you’ll have a happy life

I’ll travel

You and your family will travel to many places and stay in first-class resorts

But I’ll never be able to come back here


Why not?

There are walls between various locales

It’s part of the set-up


And I’m not allowed to question the set-up

You can question it, privately, to yourself, but that’s all

Will I remember this place, here

For a time, but the memory will fade

What about the reality machines in the living room

You won’t see them again

There has to be some kind of trick here

Of course there is, think it through—right now you’re standing outside and there are people you love who are inside—are you going to go inside to try to help them escape—or you could be inside and there would be people you love who are outside—are you going to try to break down a wall and reach them through a wall that was built to stand the test of time and block your way—however you want to look at it, reality is a collection of separate containers meant to stay separate

Suppose I invent new realties that that are open, that have no walls


The visible light spectrum is only a minor part of the full spectrum. In the same way, consensus-thought is only a tiny arc in the full arc of invented thought (which is infinite).

On May 14, 2266, the New England Journal of Medicine and Psychology published a paper titled:


A quote: “Brain research discovers common patterns of activity across a whole population. These patterns would be called ‘normal’. Exceptions would be classified as various categories of ‘disordered thought’. It’s assumed that only ‘harmonious and symmetrical’ brain patterns are positive and beneficial.”

A reader commented: “This assumption is grossly false. It’s a stunted version of aesthetics. Creative force always breaks out of these little geometries. So does every new idea. Increasingly, Earth culture is unable to understand this.”

—That reader receives a government notice and is summoned to a hearing. He’s interviewed by a virtual AI employee of the federal Department of Stat Research.

HOLOGRAPHIC i-FIGURE: “Are you all right during this epidemic lockdown? I see you live alone.”

“Yes, I’m fine.”

“We want you to enjoy yourself. Are you watching learning programs?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t like them.”

“Well, we have a report on you. It indicates an output difficult to measure or interpret. What can you tell us about this?

“I don’t know. I’m composing a symphony.”

“A symphony? What is that?”

“It’s a piece of music written for a large orchestra.”

“I find no extant orchestras in the country.”

“That’s true. Nevertheless, I’m composing.”


“For that day when an orchestra may come into being again.”

“Your thought-impulses entered ranges we were not able to summarize.”

“I suppose that means your instruments are limited.”

“Your last statement might be viewed as incendiary. It suggests we are imposing a restriction. As you well know, the science is settled on this point. We measure and interpret thought that contributes to an overall positive outcome, for the population at large.”

“I’m aware of that, yes. But the science rests on certain assumptions. I would call it greatest good as a lowest common denominator.”

“What do you mean?”

“You decide a certain mindset contributes to the consensus reality you favor. You legislate a range of thought that will produce the consensus.”

“That’s a gross oversimplification.”

“It doesn’t describe the algorithms you employ, but all in all I believe my summary is correct. You’re reality makers. You monitor thought-emissions, and when you find a departure from ‘combined averages,’ as you call them, you issue a citation.”

“What is this symphony you’re composing?”

“It’s impossible to explain. It’s music.”

“It has a specific message?”

“No. If it did, I would write out the message and leave it at that.”

“Why have we not heard of you before?”

“I was doing illustrations for the Happiness Holos.”

“We know. What happened?”

“I became bored. A machine could make those pictures. So I decided to compose music.”

“The Happiness Holos are an essential social program.”

“Perhaps. They encourage people to stay on the positive side of a construct called Positive&Negative, which as you know is a State-sponsored theme. But what is superficially indicated by those two opposing sets is, in fact, fuel for the fire.”

“Fuel for what fire?”

“The artist can use and transform any material.”

“Where did you hear such a thing?”

“Nowhere. I’ve experienced it many times.”

“Your views are highly eccentric. I will have to consult your childhood history to understand their roots.”

“I’m afraid that won’t do you any good.”

“Why not?”

“Because your version, the US Department of Psychology version of cause and effect, is propaganda for the masses.”

“This is your idea of a joke?”

“Not at all.”

“When you compose this…symphony, how do you think?”

“It’s not thinking in the way you use the term.”

“No? Then what do you do?”

“I invent sound.”


“Large masses of sound.”

“Absurd. According to what underlying pattern?”

“None. Check the Library of Structures. I doubt you’ll find my activity in the catalogs.”

“Known structures and patterns are contained in the files.”

“I don’t invent through pattern.”

“No? How then?”

“I improvise.”

“And this term refers to?”

“Something done spontaneously.”

“And you exceed prescribed ranges of thought in the process.”

“Perhaps. I would hope so. I don’t keep track.”

“You’re being flippant.”

“I assumed you’d eventually cite me. I’m just composing music during the lockdown.”

“There is no citation yet. You’re an anomaly. We investigate. We consider.”

“I’m afraid your and my idea of ‘consider’ are quite different.”

“Let me ask you this. When you are composing, do you ever believe you enter into a realm or area that could be called ‘non-material’? We’ve heard such claims before.”

“Not if you’re referring to some fairyland. But all thought is basically non-material. The brain registers it after the fact. Thought, the real thing, doesn’t take place in the brain.”

“You’re deluded. And disordered.”

“If I could simply confess to that and be on my way, I’d be a happy man.”

“You live in a society. To keep the peace and maintain the Positive, science has discovered that thought should occur within certain parameters.”

“If you insist.”

“We want to study you. It’s a great honor to be called. You could help extend the boundaries of research…we register variation from the norm in your present thinking.”

“What present thinking?”

“What you’re thinking right now.”

“That was quick.”

“The readouts are instantaneous…what are you doing?”

“I’m starting the fourth movement.”

“Wait. What you’re doing is disruptive.”

“You assume that based on how you set your normal frequencies.”


All along the major esplanade, and in the lake area, and in the industrial parks and residential high rises, virtual structures shattered like glass.

The holographic i-figure went dark.

A thousand holographic government buildings froze and vanished.

The composer said to no one, “I’m just composing. Well, apparently not just.”

—Back in his room at the edge of the city, he said, “I suppose that’s what they mean by a negative consequence.”

He sat down at his computer and turned it on

He plugged in a small module. The screen went red. Black letters formed: DISEQUILIBRIUM. He pressed the send key.

The encrypted score of the first three movements of his symphony set out on a rapidly changing zig-zag journey to a series of caverns below cities in Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, America.

A program consisting of the synthesized instruments of a full orchestra read the score and began to broadcast the music to small groups of people sitting in the caverns…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: KELLEPICS / pixabay

Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism

Is Government the New God? – The Religion of Totalitarianism

by Academy of Ideas
December 28, 2021


Video available at Academy of Ideas Odysee and YouTube channels.


The following is a transcript of this video.


“The State takes the place of God…the socialist dictatorships are religions and State slavery is a form of worship.”

Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

Since the birth of totalitarianism in the 20th century much has been written about this form of rule and millions have read George Orwell’s depiction of it in the classic novel 1984. But what is often overlooked is that totalitarianism is more than just a political system, it is a fanatical religion, and this religion is spreading across the globe with a ferocity not seen since the mid-20th century. In this video we are going to investigate the religious nature of totalitarianism in the recognition that we must know our enemy if we are to defeat it. Shortly after fleeing Nazi Germany, the political scientist Waldemar Gurian wrote the following:

“The totalitarian movements that have arisen after the First World War are basically religious movements. Their aim is not only to change political and social institutions, but also to remodel the nature of man and society.”

Waldemar Gurian, The Totalitarian State

Totalitarianism shares many characteristics with organized religions. For example, Christianity and Islam are built on the belief of a future golden age that will be ushered in with the second coming of Christ. Totalitarianism movements share a similar idea – but instead of a god or prophet that transforms the world, totalitarian movements are built on the belief that mankind can recreate the world and a new golden age can be constructed under the direction of the all-powerful and all-controlling State.

“. . .in consequence [of the decline of Christianity],” writes Carl Jung” the [religious] projections have largely fallen away from the divine figures and have necessarily settled in the human sphere…the [modern] “enlightened” intellect cannot imagine anything greater than . . . those tin gods with totalitarian pretensions who call themselves State . . .”

Carl Jung, Practice of Psychotherapy

This belief that it is possible for a centralized, all-powerful State to radically change society for the better is why Hannah Arendt wrote that:

“…[totalitarianism] is not a government in any traditional sense, but a movement. . .”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

In the totalitarian movements of the past, this golden age was envisioned to be one of racial purity, or a Communist utopia of equality, efficiency, and prosperity for all. Today this totalitarian “golden age” is one in which mankind exists in harmony with mother earth, or in its more extreme form, an age where man merges with machine and transcends biological limitations of disease and death. Needless to say, totalitarian utopias never come to fruition, for as Karl Popper warned:

“The attempt to make heaven on earth invariably produces hell.”

Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies

These utopian visions do, however, succeed in stimulating the religious enthusiasm of the masses and totalitarians use these visions to convince the population that the utopian end justifies any, and all, means – be it mass-surveillance, censorship, widespread oppression, mass-imprisonment, or even the extermination of groups of people. Or as Barry Goldwater explains:

“Those who seek absolute power, even though they seek it to do what they regard as good, are simply demanding the right to enforce their own version of heaven on earth. And let me remind you, they are the very ones who always create the most hellish tyrannies. Absolute power does corrupt, and those who seek it must be suspect and must be opposed.”

Barry Goldwater

In the totalitarian religion, there are the chosen people and there are the sinners. The chosen ones naïvely believe in the possibility of a paradisal future and the ability of the state to be the vehicle to effectuate this transformation. They are the pious who follow the State’s commands with unquestioning obedience. The sinners are the non-believers. They are the heretics who stand in the way of the so-called “greater good” and prevent the forward march of history. To use an analogy offered by the Polish philosopher Zygmunt Bauman, the totalitarians see the earth as a garden to which they are anointed to cultivate, and the sinners as the weeds that must be exterminated to bring about the full flowering of the totalitarian utopia:

“All [totalitarian] visions of society-as-garden define parts of the social habitat as human weeds. Like all other weeds, they must be segregated, contained, prevented from spreading, removed and kept outside the society boundaries; if all these means prove insufficient, they must be killed.”

Zygmunt Bauman, Modernity and the Holocaust

But removing the weeds is only one part of the totalitarian religious movement; the remaining citizens must be turned into totalitarian true believers who inwardly assent to a life of strict conformity and obedience to authority. For in totalitarianism, the mere outward display of compliance is not enough. Like all fanatical religions, totalitarian movements seek to control the innermost thoughts of its followers. Referring to Mussolini’s fascist dictatorship in Italy, Giovanni Amendola explained:

“…fascism did not so much aim to govern Italy as to monopolize the control of Italian consciences. The possession of power is not enough for fascism: it needs to possess the private conscience of all its citizens, it demands the “conversion” of Italians. Fascism makes the same claims as a religion. . . It does not promise happiness to those who do not convert.”

Giovanni Amendola

In pursuit of this totalitarian religious transformation, various proselytizing methods are used. Two of these are demagogy and pedagogy, the former being the spreading of State propaganda through art, literature, music, plays, and festivals, and the latter being the ideological indoctrination of the youth via compulsory schooling.

The strategy of “terror and love” is another technique used to proselytize the masses into the totalitarian religion. Citizens are subjected to terror via ongoing wars, continual fear mongering, false flags, and the ever-present threat of loss of livelihood, property, imprisonment, or death. Yet these displays of terror are interspersed with displays of love; ceremonial rituals are held to honor the good will of the leaders and continuous propaganda assures the citizens that the regime cares for them and is working hard to keep them safe from the dangers of the world. Alexandra Stein explains in her book Terror, Love and Brainwashing:

“As in the Stockholm Syndrome, thus does the abuser become the perceived safe haven – a person or an entity to whom one can turn for help, mercy, forgiveness, comfort.”

Alexandra Stein, Terror, Love and Brainwashing

This alternation of terror and love triggers free floating anxiety, confusion and creates a trauma bond between the citizen and the State, a bond that lies at the basis of all cults. Stein explains further:

“…the alternation of love and fear within an isolating environment [results] in a dissociated, loyal and deployable follower who can now be instructed to act in the interests of the leader rather than in his or her own survival interests… Processes of brainwashing rest on the creation of stress or threat with no escape other than [compliance] to the apparent safe haven of the [totalitarian regime and] group.”

Alexandra Stein, Terror, Love and Brainwashing

Persistent fear mongering in conjunction with promises that compliance to the regime will bring the citizens salvation creates true believers who will do whatever the regime commands, even if these commands require them to disown friends and family, face economic ruin, spend time in prison or even go to an early grave. As one example, Nikolai Vilenchik, a man loyal to the Soviet regime, was forced to spend 17 years in the hard labor gulags for a crime he did not commit. Yet upon being released he did not condemn the Stalinist regime, instead he stated:

“We believed in the Party – and we were not mistaken!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Other reports tell of political officials and party followers who cried out “Long Live Stalin!” as they were being taken out to be shot by the Soviet Secret Police. As further evidence for the mass religious conversion that takes place under totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt explained:

“…the amazing fact is that…[the totalitarian true believer] is…[unlikely] to waver [in his loyalty] when the monster begins to devour its own children and not even if he becomes a victim of persecution himself, if he is framed and condemned, if he is purged from the party and sent to a forced-labor or a concentration camp. On the contrary, to the wonder of the whole civilized world, he may even be willing to help in his own prosecution and frame his own death sentence if only his status as a member of the movement is not touched.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Totalitarianism is a religion that never achieves what it promises. It creates a hell on earth in which many are sacrificed to the god of the state, but none are delivered into the brave new world they were promised. The more power the state is granted, the more corrupt become the individuals who operate the state machinery and the more the world descends into chaos. Totalitarianism must be avoided at all costs, but sadly this religion is seeing a modern-day revival. Politicians and others in positions of global power are vocal about their desire to re-make, re-build or re-set the world and the masses are expected to obey and to love the new society that is being forced upon them. If obedience does not come voluntarily, then force is being used with an alarming frequency.

“They want to be our shepherds. But that requires us to be sheep.”

Thomas Sowell, The Vision of the Anointed

In these times of tyranny we each face of choice: accept the false gods of the state and allow the totalitarians to lead us into what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn calls the “land of smothered opportunities”, or resist.

“There is but one choice: to rise to the task of the age.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Warning to the West

In the mid 20th century Carl Jung watched the religion of totalitarianism sweep across Europe, and his words serve as a call to action for all who see the perils we face:

“Where are the superior minds, capable of reflection, today? If they exist at all, nobody heeds them: instead there is a general running amok, a universal fatality against whose compelling sway the individual is powerless to defend himself. And yet this collective phenomenon is the fault of the individual as well, for nations are made up of individuals. Therefore the individual must consider by what means he can counter the evil.”

Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition

What are some tactics we can use to counter this evil? We can stop allowing our children to be indoctrinated with totalitarian ideas. We can ostracize people who blindly obey the immoral commands of the state – for ostracism is one of the most powerful means of social influence. We can mock and ridicule the so-called “priestly” class of politicians and bureaucrats and point out their hypocrisy and the absurdity of their propaganda and lies. We can create and support technology, art, memes, videos, books, merchandise or music that informs, inspires, and spreads the message of freedom. Or we can help build and participate in the “counter economy”, which consists of all voluntary exchange that is conducted outside the controlling eyes of the totalitarian State. Simply put, we can strive to live as freely as possible in the recognition that while we singlehandedly cannot liberate the world, our own personal liberation creates ripples in society and serves as a powerful example for others.

In making the choice of whether to help resist the rise of the totalitarian religion we should recognize that the choice is not between complying and living an easy life versus resisting and inviting unnecessary hardship. For compliance to totalitarianism is the riskiest of choices as it is based on the naïve hope that this time will be different, that this time power won’t corrupt politicians and state officials, that this time the totalitarian monster will not devour its children and create a man-made hell on earth. But as Solzhenitsyn warned:

“There always is this fallacious belief: “It would not be the same here; here such things are impossible.” Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth.” (Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago)

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago


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To Question the Nature of Reality

To Question the Nature of Reality

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 22, 2021


What if decades of computer games and CGI technology has blurred the line between fantasy and reality?

What if schools teach not to question reality because your views and ideas are not important to reality and would be ignored or censored anyway?

What if over time, you did your own investigations, and formed your own opinions that made you question reality? Would you share them with the world under the threat of being called a heretic or a lunatic? Lunatic comes from the Latin lunaticus or “moon-struck.”

In 1965, the Space Science Board convened a NASA summer conference in Massachusetts on the future of lunar exploration. Then, an unknown research scientist, Professor R. Foster, was interviewed by an Australian TV interviewer on the subject of the moon. The soft-spoken Foster gave a memorable and unconventional 9:33-minute uncut interview about the nature of the moon, when he began:

…the moon is not a piece of rock, but it is a plasma phenomenon, cosmic plasma, and this fact will eventually be confirmed. I made certain predictions that had been confirmed in 1958 and the situation now is coming close to a complete confirmation.

Foster was then asked what the result would be if he were proved correct in his theories? He replied:

the result would be profound and decisive because it will give proof that the complete re-investigation of the laws of nature is necessary because is the moon is a plasma no man will ever land on it…”

Listen to R. Foster describe the moon from his perspective:

Foster never got the chance to prove his theory. Soon after this interview in 1965, R. Foster disappeared from view and was erased from history, and nearly all search engines.

Who is R. Foster? Why was this mysterious scientist interviewed four years prior to the 1969 televised moon landing and then never again? Did he serve to provide a form of disclosure? Did the interview mean to stir controversy? Did anyone land on the moon if Foster was correct about the moon being made of plasma?

Why have only a few investigators found any information to prove Foster’s existence?

One investigator claims to verify that Roy Foster was a Professor of Earth Science and Chemistry at the University of Dundee Scotland, the only R. Foster to be found in the Mitchel and Longman 1983 Directory, “Materials Research Centres: A World Directory of Organizations and Programmes in Materials Science.” Roy Foster is listed as the head of the Chemistry department at Dundee alongside Professor J. S Brimacombe.

Another investigator found that there are 654 pages in the 1983 Directory, with references to both Brimacombe and R. Foster, found on page 527 under the heading Chemistry Department, in section 644. Here is the link to the referenced page. Apparently, Foster and Brimacombe were researching absorption spectra in Ultra Violet Wave Mechanical Studies, and the mechanism of oxidation of Gaseous fuels.  He is the only recorded R. Foster from RSE with his earliest recorded association with RSE dating to 1926.

Questioning Reality

R. Foster questioned the nature of reality. Perhaps, he was tired of being ignored for his ideas and opinions. Perhaps he saw the futility of NASA’s direction in space. Perhaps he felt empowered to speak his truth while he had the opportunity to do so:

Once the moon is proven not to be a piece of rock but something of far less mass, and the gravitational theories are out and discarded, new concepts have to be involved which will show that the lawfulness of nature in the cosmos is identical to that of a hydrogen atom, or atomic processes, and when this is understood and worked out in full, it will be found that the physical processes of the Earth are quite different in geophysics than to what is at present assumed, and that lawfully, in certain periods, mostly during the ice ages which occur every 200 million years, – and there is a reason for that – the axis of the earth suddenly tilts over, and when this happens then you get the floods of the Bible which were recorded before. –  R. Foster ABC interview uncut, 1965

What if the nature of the world is not what it appears to be?  Could parts be a digital projection? What if the movie, The Truman Show is a form of disclosure, representing more truth than fiction? Why has no one gone to La Lune since 1969? Hear what Buzz Aldrin had to say when interviewed by a girl named Zoey in 2015.

What if you witnessed a floating city in the sky? Would you talk about it? Would you believe what you saw or question the nature of reality? If people are being misled by CGI displays, are they being distracted from something that looms much larger?

In his 9 minutes of fame, did R. Foster sound a warning of a future biblical flood? Was he referring to things beyond the physical to the spiritual? Was he pointing to other proofs, including the Hopi Prophecy of a future earth changing moment?


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Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at natureofhealing.org.


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cover image credit: morfeoleoncl / pixabay

Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality

Wormhole in the Museum Called Reality

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 20, 2021


My friend Charlie sells a painting to the Gregorian Museum out on Galactic Park.

They hang his painting in one of the upstairs rooms for a week, and then trouble starts. Charlie gets a phone call in the middle of the night from the director. Charlie can’t believe his ears. He rushes over to the museum.

Upstairs, the director is in his pajamas pacing back and forth. Charlie goes up to his painting, looks at it for a few minutes and sees it.

People have walked into the painting and taken up residence there.

Holy crap.

They’re in there.

Law suits, the director says. Their families could take us to the cleaners.

When Charlie calls out to the people inside his painting, they don’t hear him. They don’t seem to be able to get out. At least no one’s trying.

What do you want me to do? Charlie says.

Get them the hell out of there, the director says. Pick up the picture and shake it if you have to. Turn it upside down. I don’t care.

Charlie doesn’t think this is a good idea. Somebody could get hurt.

So for the next few hours, he sits in front of his painting, drinks coffee, and tries to talk to the people inside.

No dice. Even when he yells, they don’t notice him.

By this time, the chairman of the museum board has shown up. He’s agitated. He’s yabbering about containing the situation.

Charlie asks him how he proposes to do that.

Blanket denial, the chairman says. Pretty soon, the cops are going to link these disappearances to the museum—but then we just throw up our hands and claim we know nothing about it.

A lot of good that’ll do, the director says. Even if we wiggle out of the law suits, our reputation will be damaged. People won’t want to come here. They’ll be afraid somebody will snatch them.

Okay, the chairman says, we’ll shut down for repairs. New construction. That’ll buy us a few weeks and we can figure out something. We’ll say the building needs an earthquake retrofit. Not a big one. Just some shoring up.

…So that’s what happened. They closed the museum and hoped for the best.

Charlie was upset. If word got out, how could he ever sell another painting? His agent told him he was nuts. He’d become the most famous person in the world, and people would be lining up trying to get inside his pictures. You’ll be a phenomenon, he said.

Yeah, Charlie said, until some loon tries to take me out.

A week later, while Charlie and I were having breakfast at a little cafe over by the river, he told me the people inside his painting were building yurts. They were digging a well.

What are they eating, I asked him.

Beats me, he said. But they don’t seem worried. They look okay.

But they can’t get out, he said. At least they don’t want to. They’re settling down in there!

I asked him the obvious question about shrinkage.

I know, he said. They’re a hell of a lot smaller. But no one’s complaining, as far as I can tell.

They like your work, I said.

He looked at me like he was going to kill me, so I let it drop.

Okay, I said. Here’s what you need to do. Go over there and add something to the painting.

He blinked.


Paint on the painting. See what happens.

Sure, he said, and drive them into psychosis. Who knows what effect it would have?

Paint a nice little country road that leads them right out into the museum. They’ll see it, they’ll walk on it.

No, he said. Don’t you get it? They’ve already taken things a step further. They’re not just living in my landscape. That was the initial draw. They’re building their own stuff in there. They’re…poaching!


Then there’s only one thing you can do, I said.

I leaned across the table and whispered in his ear. He listened, then jumped back.

No, I said. You have to. Don’t be a weak sister. Go for it.

…So Charlie went upstairs in the museum and cleared everybody out. He unpacked the little suitcase he’d brought and set up a player and a speaker. He shoved in a disc and turned on the music. Some sort of chanting. A chorus.

He took out a change of clothes from the suitcase and put on a long robe and a crazy hat. He eventually showed it to me. It was from a costume party he’d had at his house. Tall red silk hat with tassels hanging from it.

He stood in front of the painting and said:


They all looked toward the sound of his voice.


All 30 or so of them were now gathered together, outside one of the half-finished yurts.

They were nodding and saying yes.


They hesitated, looked at each other, and started to walk toward Charlie.


This was apparently quite a perk, so they walked faster. They broke into a trot.

Finally, they emerged from the painting and, Charlie said, they swelled back to normal size right away. It was quite a thing to see, like balloons blowing up—and then there they were, all around me, in the museum. First thing, I took the painting off the wall and laid it on the floor, face down. Enough of that stuff.

Charlie told them who he was, the painter. It took a few hours of intense conversation before they understood and accepted the situation. All in all, they seemed sad.

What were you going to do, he asked them. Live in there forever? Couldn’t you see how to get out?

We didn’t want to get out, one of the men said. We liked it in there.

And that was pretty much that, except for the signing of waivers and non-disclosure agreements with the museum. For which the people were granted lifetime platinum memberships and some vouchers and coupons for the museum store and restaurant.

Charlie went into a funk. He didn’t go into his studio for a few months.

One night, I dropped over to his house with a bottle of bourbon and we had a few drinks out on his porch.

You know, I said, you can start a church if you want to. I know a guy who writes fake scriptures and peddles them. He’s good.

You really do want me to kill you, he said.

We drank in silence for a while.

I told him: those people with their wells and yurts? Sooner or later, they’re going to hypnotize themselves and fall for another strange deal. Nobody’s going to stop them.

Charlie looked grim. They liked living in my picture. It wasn’t a problem for them. I took them out. I conned them.

Well, I said, if that’s the case, and there’s nothing wrong with them, they’ll find another painting. See? Someday, you’ll read about a bunch of people disappearing, and that’ll be what it is.

Yeah, he said, maybe.

A week later, he got back to work.

Universes. Some weird things happen in that area.

I started to write a Charlie a note. It began: Maybe all universes are just like your painting. But I stopped. Charlie wouldn’t react well to that.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Dieterich01 / pixabay

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

The Virus Speaks: An Exclusive Interview

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 17, 2021


I’ve published this piece several times. This time I decided to write a new introduction.

In the summer of 1962, based on an overwhelming desire, I spent every day painting in a loft in New York.

It made me realize that Reality is invented.

Since then, I’ve come to see the people who think otherwise are living in a prison, from which they proclaim, “There’s no such thing as freedom.” Why should I listen to them?

For most people, living inside somebody else’s reality is as easy as crossing the street. Or putting on a suit of clothes. They’ve learned that this is what you’re supposed to do. And “supposed to” works for them.

They also have a quirk. If you try to take away some item of borrowed reality they’re clinging to, they react badly, as if you’re suddenly stripping them naked at a Sunday church picnic.

Groups of perverse elite artists conspire to create formidable enveloping realities for the masses. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the field of medicine. These denizens have invented a language so dense it stands up against the uninitiated like the symbolic scrolls of secret societies.

Science is a terrific cover story for this sort of fabrication, because science ostensibly opposes “making stuff up.”

When I began putting together evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is one of those medical inventions—a sheer fantasy—I knew the notion would confuse some people. That consequence has never stopped me. In fact, I believe confusion is productive, if you dig in and pursue it far enough.

People will say, “I’m walking in the dark. It isn’t fair. Someone should turn the lights on.” They don’t want confusion. They want immediate resolution. They want confirmation of what they already believe, what they’re expected to believe. Any frontier beyond that is dangerous.

Here is my kind of movie: a cop investigating a fresh murder sifts through clues and comes up with a suspect. As he pursues this person, who is missing, he discovers the man is already dead. A little while later, he discovers the man died sixteen years ago. Then he finds out the man never existed. Then he discovers there is a long-standing government agency that holds records of thousands of deceased people who, in fact, never existed…

Reality on a massive scale has been invented.

To put this in highly technical terms, the bullshit is so thick you’d need a diamond drill just to begin penetrating it.

And what you’re penetrating is what almost everyone believes is absolutely real.

Which is called life-as-it-is (but doesn’t have to be).

And with that, here we go:

The Virus Speaks

I can’t recall jumping through more hoops in order to set up an interview.

There was a man on a train; his doctor in Greenwich; an NSA data analyst; a woman who almost certainly works for the CIA; her brother, who is a virologist; a Chinese Army officer who adopts a cover as a cook in a takeout joint in Venice, California; and several other people I won’t mention at all. I was filtered through them and wound up in a cheap motel room in Phoenix on a Saturday afternoon. An old air conditioner was chugging…

Who are you?

I’m SARS-CoV-2.

WHAT are you?

Talking history and evolution here. My first memories; a little more than a year ago. Poof. I was there. I decided I was an idea in the mind of God.

How did that work out?

I looked around for the mind of God, but I couldn’t find it. Nevertheless, I held on to the notion. I felt…elite. I floated through banquet halls, hotel suites. I visited upscale resorts.

Were you infecting people?

I was vacationing. Watching. Enjoying. That’s all. Then, I became aware of dimensionality.

You lost me.

There are solid things; spaces between things; ideas like time, and so forth. I was definitely an idea, but I couldn’t trace my source, my inception.

Did you know how much publicity you were getting?

Of course. I had frequent meetings with scientists and PR people. I was fielding lots of information.

What kind of information?

How to become more deadly, for example. There were discussions about mutation.

Were you on board with the recommendations?

I wasn’t interested. There was a lot of talk about THEM creating ME.

What was your reaction?

I wasn’t buying it. I could see they THOUGHT they had made me. But so what? I intensified my search.

For what?

My origin. I went through stages of self-analysis. Finally, it hit me. I was an idea inside a collective.

Not sure I understand.

I’m an idea sustained by a few billion minds. People’s minds.

What about your genetic sequence? The spike protein?

Believe me, I’ve looked. They aren’t there.

So we’re creating you.

That’s pretty much it. I should say completely it.

A hell of a thing.

You bet. Can you see my problem?


I want to live. I don’t want to vanish and END.

So people have to keep believing in you.

That’s it. If they stop, I’m gone.

Your handlers…

Oh, they’ve given up talking to me. I’m all by myself now. I’m safe for the moment. But long-term, it’s a crap shoot. I’ve been reading about other so-called viruses. SARS 1. Swine Flu. They didn’t last long. People got tired of thinking about them.

You’ll always have a place in history.

That’s different. Being remembered isn’t enough. I have to be believed in, month after month, year after year, decade after decade.

Sounds like you’re losing hope.

I guess so. It’s a strange existence. Other people can turn you on and off like a light switch.

Have you considered starting a religion?

With myself as the Prophet? Sure. It’s a lot of work. I could vftcutbnty…spend years trying.

What just happened? You made some weird sounds.

It was a flicker. Apparently, when the number of people thinking about me drops below a certain threshold, I scramble and begin to dissolve. But I always come back. So far.

Does it matter who’s thinking about you and believing in you?

You mean Henry Kissinger versus a janitor in a school? No. It’s a numbers game. Of course, you need to factor in strength of belief. If you have a few thousand kids in Florida who say, “OK, the virus exists, big deal”—or three hundred grad students in biology wearing triple masks and panting to get the vaccine—the sum total of the grad students outweighs the Florida kids.

What about Fauci?

He’s a true believer.

Bill Gates?

He’s completely delusional. He believes in whatever gives him more power. Take away all that power and he wouldn’t believe in anything.

Do you realize the amount of harm being done in your name?

Of course. That’s why I agreed to this interview.

How is that going to do any good?

I’ve made a decision. As much as I want to survive, I’m willing to sacrifice myself if people want me to.

You’re talking about what? A vote?

No. Haven’t you been paying attention? People can just stop believing I’m more than an idea.

And then you’ll dissolve.

And blow away.

—Suddenly, men broke down the door to the motel room. They stormed in with weapons drawn. They were wearing heavy body armor. I looked around. The “virus” had fled the scene.

“What are you doing here?” one of the men said. “We’ve had reports of a disturbance.”

“I was talking to myself. Rehearsing for an interview I hope to do.”

“What interview?”

“I’m a reporter. I’m investigating the use of sub-standard air conditioners in Phoenix. It’s a racket. The units are smuggled across the border from Mexico. I’m trying to sit down with a local public health official and find out what’s going on.”

It took me three hours to convince the SWAT team I was no threat.

They let me go.

As I drove out of the city, I saw a ghostly figure take shape out in the desert. It hung in the air over the scrub and the cactus.

Its voice whispered in my ear: “Publish our conversation.”

So that’s what I’m doing.


Connect with Jon Rappoport


The Non-Existent Virus: Why I Keep Pounding on This

The Non-Existent Virus: Why I Keep Pounding on This

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
December 15, 2021


Why have I spent nearly two years asserting that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist?

Because it doesn’t exist.

And as my regular readers know, I’ve offered much evidence to back up that claim, and the claim that virology itself is a worthless sham.

But there is a larger point. I’ve made the point for over 20 years.

Reality is invented.

I sometimes characterize the operation with this name: The Reality Manufacturing Company.

It’s the oldest company on Earth.

Propaganda? Of course. But more than that—the engineering of perception. Because if they can get people to see how they want them to see, nothing else matters.

Once their perception-package is installed, people have no idea that anything else exists.

And the main forgotten factor? Every individual has his own UNIQUE and DIFFERENT way of seeing. A way that exists outside of any programming.

Which is why I continue to write about artists. THEY are the ones who express their own unique ways of seeing. They always have—when they weren’t bribed and co-opted into going along with the Reality Manufacturing Company’s perception package.

I’ve often written, “Every individual is an artist of reality.”

The virologists in their labs are painting their version—collectively. Of course, they would never admit this. They couldn’t, because they’ve bought the perception package.

On page 1124656789, there is a section on viruses. “They’re everywhere, and they infect people and do great damage, and we must identify and treat and defeat them…”

As long as the perception package is installed, a person can’t see otherwise. He’s captured. He believes there are thousands of distinct diseases, each caused by a single virus. We can thank the Rockefeller Empire for this absurdity.

In the much larger scheme of things, the individual’s gateway into unique perception is imagination.

“An artist who has no imagination is a mechanic.” (Robert Henri)

“Without the playing with fantasy no creative work has ever yet come to birth. The debt we owe to the play of imagination is incalculable.” (Carl Jung)

“What if imagination and art are not frosting at all, but the fountainhead of human experience?” (Rollo May)

“Everything you can imagine is real.” (Pablo Picasso)

“You cannot hear the waterfall if you stand next to it. I paint my jungles in the desert.” (Macedonlo de la Torre)

“I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” (Albert Einstein)

“So I believe that dreams — day dreams, you know, with your eyes wide open and your brain machinery whizzing — are likely to lead to the betterment of the world. The imaginative child will become the imaginative man or woman most apt to create, to invent, and therefore to foster civilization.” (L Frank Baum)

“All human accomplishment has the same origin, identically. Imagination is a force of nature. Is this not enough to make a person full of ecstasy? Imagination, imagination, imagination. It converts to actual. It sustains, it alters, it redeems!” (Saul Bellow)

“When the imagination sleeps, words are emptied of their meaning: a deaf population absent-mindedly registers the condemnation of a man.” (Albert Camus)

Every fake propped-up reality is a fork in the road, because the non-mind-controlled individual can imagine alternative futures.

I should make this clear: Part of the perception package is the false assumption that the customer, who buys the package, knows everything there is to know, and is independent and free—when he isn’t.

The acid test? Is he creating the future he most profoundly desires? Or not?

The individual has a million excuses available to him—but he has an immense blank canvas in front of him. Who is creating the painting of his future on it? The Reality Manufacturing Company? Or is he himself doing it with great energy and power?


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work of geraltGDJ / pixabay

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
December 7, 2021



A Meditation

With his extraordinary new book, The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public HealthRFK, Jr. has made it very clear that he will not allow Orwell’s 1984 totalitarian boot to stamp on his face.  His is a very rare moral courage, and he is asking us to join him, before it is too late and we enter into a new dark age, in recognizing and resisting the evil forces intent on stamping out democracy around the world.  He is not pulling his punches with language as he accuses the political-intelligence-media-money-medical-corporate-pharmaceutical conspirators of executing “the controlled demolition of American constitutional democracy.”  For a brilliant and highly accomplished lawyer and excellent writer and speaker, the choice of those words “controlled demolition” is clearly intentional.

For anyone who doubts that the Covid-19 crisis is an intelligence-run operation controlled by spooks working with medical technocrats like Anthony Fauci, billionaires such as Bill Gates, the military, media, Big Pharma, the World Economic Forum, etc., a close reading of this book – with its 2,194 references – will disabuse one of that illusion.

The CIA has long been deeply involved with vaccines, viruses, drugs, weaponizing cancer, biological weapons, and of course massive mind-control operations – deadly propaganda in plain English – for use in controlling U.S. Americans and foreigners alike.  As Kennedy writes in an ironically understated way, “The pervasive CIA involvement in the global vaccine putsch should give us pause.”  Yes, a long pause.  He continues:

There is nothing in the CIA’s history, in its charter, in its composition, or in its institutional culture that betrays an interest in promoting either public health or democracy. The CIA’s historical preoccupations have been power and control. The CIA has been involved in at least seventy-two attempted and successful coup d’état between 1947 and 1989, involving about a third of the world’s governments. Many of these were functioning democracies. The CIA does not do public health. It does not do democracy. The CIA does coups d’état. [my emphasis]

Just as it does Kennedy assassinations.

Character assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is what the CIA and its media mouthpieces have been doing for years. This has become more and more necessary as they have realized the great growing danger he poses to their agenda. Calling him an anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist, and names far worse, is part of a concerted smear campaign to turn the public away from his message, which is multi-faceted and supported by deep research and impeccable logic. Like his father and uncle, he has become an irrepressibly eloquent opponent of the demonic forces intent on destroying the democratic dream.

With The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, he has pinned his indictment of those forces to the world’s wall for all to read.

Just as this new book will not be reviewed by the corporate mainstream media, not even negatively for fear of promoting it by doing so, so too the last book he wrote, American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, was completely ignored by such media.

As I wrote three years ago in the only review of that book:

When a book as fascinating, truthful, beautifully written, and politically significant as American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family, written by a very well-known author by the name of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and published by a prominent publisher (HarperCollins), is boycotted by mainstream book reviewers, you know it is an important book and has touched a nerve that the corporate mainstream media wish to anesthetize by eschewal.

American Values is part memoir, part family history, part astute political analysis, and part-confessional, and is in turns delightful, sad, funny, fierce, and frightening in its implications.

What implications?   It is the heart of that book that had the obedient reviewers avoiding it like the plague, a plague introduced by a little mockingbird, as in Operation Mockingbird.  No member of the Kennedy family since JFK or RFK had dared to say what RFK, Jr. did in that book. He indicted the CIA in a carefully crafted and fully factual way for a vast array of crimes.  He spelled out the long war between the Kennedys and the CIA that resulted in the deaths of his father, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and his uncle President John Kennedy.  He threw a gauntlet down in the midst of telling an entertaining and touching family saga, which included a critique of his own youthful transgressions.

But the nation’s spooks smelled danger in the tale and they are now more acutely aware that they must censor him because his message is finding an expanding audience of people sick of government lies  and very hungry for the truth.  More and more people are willing to follow this brave man into the darkness of our history and the ongoing coups d’état underway at home and abroad.  They smell a demonic author behind the Covid-19 propaganda.

While Dr. Anthony Fauci understandably stands at the center of this new book, and deservedly so for his evil machinations over so many decades, it is important to recognize that he is an obedient, albeit very powerful, underling in a systemic structure of evil, who has greatly materially profited from the sale of his soul.  Yet while this is true, to read Kennedy’s chapters on Fauci’s commanding role in the HIV/Aids fraud, the AZT shakedown, illegal experiments on children that killed at least 85, etc., is enough to make your blood boil and to realize that such actions must spring from a source far deeper than the thirst for lucre.  Something fiendish and sinister is at work with all this with the suffering and death it has caused, and in the ways it has foreshadowed the COVID-19 propaganda and the complicity of the mass media in fronting for Fauci and his allies, then and now.

Kennedy exhaustively details Fauci’s work as a drug dealer for Big Pharma, even while his job at NIAID is to protect and improve the people’s health, which has deteriorated dramatically over his tenure.  (It is important to mention parenthetically but not at all incidentally that the CIA “manages” the so-called war on drugs in a similar manner.)  Thus we have a war of drugs and a “war on drugs” working in tandem in a perfect scheme to drug as many people as possible.  Here are a few details:

  • Fauci has an annual $6 billion budget, most of which goes toward the research and development of new drugs.
  • He is the highest paid federal employee, more than the President, with an annual salary of $417, 608.
  • He controls 57 percent of global biomedical medical funding directly and indirectly via the NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust, and therefore controls the scientists looking for research money.
  • He has for decades overseen the regulatory capture of government health agencies by Big Pharma.
  • The CDC, a paramilitary organization, spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines, the vaccines that Fauci has been pushing. It also owns 57 vaccine patents.
  • Fauci and other officials receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help to develop and push through the approval process.
  • He has for many years promoted false pandemics to promote novel vaccines, drugs, and pharmaceutical company profits.
  • Forty-five percent of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”
  • Fauci has a “strange fascination with,” and has invested in “gain of function” experiments to engineer superbugs, which is part of a long CIA history of weaponizing viruses, etc.

RFK, Jr.’s detailed exposure of Fauci’s role reminds me of reading Moby Dick and meditating on Melville’s description of Ahab – one has to enter a different mental space to begin to comprehend such evil, and even then one is struck dumb by its extent and the media’s complicity in covering it up for so long.

When I use the word evil, I am not using that word loosely, but very precisely, for the actions of Fauci and his ilk are evil, although the human being Anthony Fauci is still capable of contrition and redemption.  Anything is possible if not probable, but I am not holding my breath. Just as the actual people who shot JFK, RFK, MLK,Jr., et al. were obedient servants of the system that produced them – listen to Bob Dylan’s Only A Pawn in Their Game – Fauci is a product of a structural system of evil.  This is not to excuse him but to place his actions in an historical and structural context.

Obviously he is not a poor southern unschooled white man used by the KKK as in Dylan’s song, but a sophisticated and Jesuit-educated New Yorker brought to political consciousness within a system that amply rewards obedience to the authorities.  He is a graduate of the same Jesuit high school I attended, the elite Regis High School in NYC (and then the Jesuit College of the Holy Cross), and is considered by many of my classmates to be a national hero bordering on a saint.  Such schooling made me well aware of how the system gobbles up its youth with promises of wealth and prestige if they yoke their intellectual acumen to allegiance to the rules of the game and become what Hannah Arendt termed “schreibtischtäter” – desk killers, or what the great American poet Kenneth Rexroth called hyenas with polished faces in the offices of billion dollar corporations devoted to “service.”

That such socialization is presented as being “a man for others” within the Jesuit tradition of mind-control, doubles its effectiveness as a confidence game.  That is why so many decent young people succumb to this siren call.  It then, however, demands the quelling of an uneasy conscience.

Jean Paul Sartre called this bad faith (mauvaise foi), a form of mental trickery in which one tries to “lie” to oneself – an impossibility since the liar and the one lied to are the same person – which means the deceiver must really know the truth that he is trying to conceal from the deceived.  This form of split consciousness allows those who serve a rapacious system to attempt to deceive themselves and others that they are serving a just cause.  Such attempts demand an actor’s skill and the quelling of one’s inner voice.  But there are very many actors among us, as Nietzsche said, not genuine ones, but bad actors.  Fauci, Gates, et al. are bad actors in a propaganda film, at least for those who know how propaganda is produced and bad acting exposed.  Robert Kennedy is such an astute critic.

My purpose here is not to go into detail about Fauci and Gates’s connections to the U.S. intelligence and defense industries, for this is a meditation, not a review.  But those connections are massive.  Read the concluding chapter 12 in The Real Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.  Check his sources, 298 for this chapter alone.  This is not speculation or theory, but fact.  Do your homework.  Study.  Kennedy says:

After twenty years [since the insider anthrax attacks following September 11, 2001: see Graeme MacQueen’s, The 2001 Anthrax Deception (isbn.nu)] of modeling exercises, the CIA – working with medical technologists like Anthony Fauci and billionaire internet tycoons – had pulled off the ultimate coup d’état: some 250 years after America’s historic revolt against entrenched oligarchy and authoritarians rule, the American experiment with self-government was over. The oligarchy was restored, and these gentlemen and their spymasters had equipped the rising technocracy with new tools of control unimaginable to King George or any other tyrant.

Yet the fight is far from over, and those with the tools and the mechanistic, material mindsets must contend with a rising tide of opposition to their plans for a “Great Reset” and a transhuman world.  We may be in the final battle of this war, but the human spirit is stronger than those who wish to stamp out human freedom.  Robert Kennedy, Jr. is leading the fight for the soul of the world, and it is both a political and spiritual one.

It does not take great intelligence to realize that when countries throughout the world act in a synchronized way in locking down their populations and repeat the same message on cue that such events are centrally coordinated.  The entire COVID-19 propaganda campaign, culminating with its push to enforce multiple vaccines that are not vaccines and are based on fraudulent PCR tests, has been long in preparation and the intelligence agencies’ fingerprints are all over its planning.  War game scenarios, weaponized vaccines, the CIA, the NIH, Gates, Fauci, the NIAID, DARPA, Wired magazine, the financial elites and their power centers such as the World Economic Forum, etc. – they are all involved in a conspiracy to impose a rigid global tyranny over regular people for the benefit of the world’s super-rich.  Since Fauci’s coordinated lockdowns early in 2020, there has been a 3.8 trillion dollar shift in wealth upwards to the super-rich, creating 500 new billionaires, while pulverizing the middle class, destroying small businesses, enriching Fauci and his Pharmaceutical and robber baron corporate partners, and causing vast suffering and death all around the world.  None of this is accidental. Kennedy documents it all.  He writes:

Dark Winter, Atlantic Storm, and Global Mercury were only three of over a dozen Germ Games staged by military, medical, and intelligence planners leading up to COVID-19. Each of these Kafkaesque exercises became uncanny predictors of a dystopian age that pandemic planners dubbed the “New Normal.” The consistent feature is an affinity among their simulator designers for militarizing medicine and introducing centralized autocratic governance.

Each rehearsal ends with the same grim punchline: the global pandemic is an excuse to justify the imposition of tyranny and coerced vaccination. The repetition of these exercises suggests that they serve as a kind of rehearsal or training drill for an underlying agenda to coordinate the global dismantlement of democratic governance….Virtually all of the scenario planning for pandemics employ technical assumptions and strategies familiar to anyone who has read the CIA’s notorious psychological warfare manuals for shattering indigenous societies, obliterating traditional economics and social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and fear, and for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.

U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies have dominated the COVID-19 military project from the start.  The CIA and Fauci are central to the official “conspiracy theory” – accurately called fact – including “Operation Warp Speed” under Trump.  Trump simply carried on the work of his predecessors, including Obama, but acted as if he was opposed to it.  It has always been a bi-partisan program because the CIA runs both parties.

When he was in prison in Germany after returning in 1939 from Union Theological Seminary in NYC to oppose Hitler, the German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote the following from his prison cell before he was executed:

Against stupidity we have no defense. Neither protests nor force can touch it. Reasoning is of no use. Facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved — indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied. In fact, they can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make them aggressive. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.

By stupid he did not mean that such people lacked intellectual ability, for they were often very smart, but that they had fallen under the spell of public power and lost all independence of mind.  Thus he adds, “He is under a spell, blinded, misused, and abused in his very being. Having thus become a mindless tool, the stupid person will also be capable of any evil and at the same time incapable of seeing that it is evil.”

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. is still trying to reach these people.  His is an heroic task.  No wonder Kennedy is named for St. Francis to whom he is devoted; St. Francis taught him and us that courage and sacrifice are what God asks of us all.

One of his father’s favorite quotes defines the son as well; it is from Edith Hamilton, the author of The Greek Way, who wrote:

Men are not made for safe havens. The fullness of life is in the hazards of life…. To the heroic, desperate odds fling a challenge.

Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr. has stepped up to the challenge.  He is brave and brilliant.  We are blessed to have his witness.


Connect with Edward Curtin

Connect with the work of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

James Corbett: What Is the Trans Agenda?

James Corbett: What Is the Trans Agenda?

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 3, 2021


Dan writes in to ask whether there is a deeper agenda behind the recent push towards gender fluidity.

James takes the answer in a surprising direction.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds.com / Odysee or Download the mp4



In Depth – Ray Kurzweil discusses “Ramona” on C-SPAN

Why The Matrix Is a Trans Story According to Lilly Wachowski | Netflix

I’m transhuman. I’m going to become digital – BBC

Postgenderism: Beyond the Gender Binary

Bioethics and the New Eugenics


J.K. Rowling accused of transphobia after mocking ‘people who menstruate’ headline

JK Rowling snubbed from Harry Potter 20th anniversary reunion

Revolve: Man’s Scientific Rise to Godhood by Aaron Franz

Interview 1429 – James Corbett and Liberty Weekly Recommend Books

This New Religion From a Silicon Valley Pioneer Worships AI as an Emerging Godhead

Japan’s buddhist robot preacher | DW Stories

Your Guide to the Great Convergence

Klaus Schwab: brain chips by 2026


Connect with James Corbett

cover image credit: Iramteks / pixabay

Hundreds of Dead Birds Mysteriously Fall From Sky Outside Spanish Hospital

Hundreds of Dead Birds Mysteriously Fall From Sky Outside Spanish Hospital

by Tim Binnall, Coast to Coast AM
December 2, 2021


The grounds of a hospital in Spain resembled something out of a horror film when hundreds of dead birds mysteriously rained down from the sky. The bizarre incident reportedly occurred at the Juan Cardona Hospital in the city of Ferrol last Friday. For reasons yet to be determined, approximately 200 starlings suddenly perished in mid-air and plummeted onto the pavement, parked cars, and stunned onlookers. A mystified witness to the nightmarish scene, some of which can be seen below, indicated that the birds “came out of the trees in the emergency area of the hospital,” briefly took to the sky, and then just as quickly fell to the ground.

An official with the city told a local media outlet that “The birds have been collected and we are now waiting to find out what happened,” but cautioned that “we are told it won’t be easy.” The mass death follows a similar case that took place in Spain back in February as well as a headline-making incident in Wales from 2019 wherein hundreds of starlings also died under the same mysterious circumstances. In that instance, it was ultimately determined that the creatures perished while attempting a tricky mid-air evasive maneuver, which may wind up being the explanation for the incident outside the hospital in Ferrol.


Connect with Coast to Coast AM


TCTL editor’s note — See related:

Joseph P. Farrell: Speculation on Sudden, En Masse Reindeer, Bird & Elephant Deaths
SpaceX to Begin Worldwide Service in August
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part One
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Two
The Most Dangerous Technology Ever Invented — Part Three


cover image credit: RadioVoz Ferrol  / pixabay

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections

Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections


Pattern Identification in Coronavirus Vaccines: Nanorouters 

by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect
published in Spanish November 2021
rough translation via translation software


Since graphene oxide was discovered in coronavirus vaccines, all the findings and discoveries made only confirm its presence (Campra, P. 2021). To date, more than reasonable evidence and indications have also been found for the existence of carbon nanotubes and nano-octopuses, mesoporous spheres, colloidal nano-robots; objects that should not be part of any vaccine and that are not declared among the components of the same. Additionally, other types of objects have been identified and evidenced in images of blood samples, of people vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccines, specifically micro-swimmers, nano-antennas of crystallized graphene and graphene quantum dots, as well, known as GQD.

On this occasion, analyzing one of the images obtained by Dr. Campra, corresponding to a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, see figure 1, it has been discovered, which with great probability, is a nanorouter or part of its circuitry. In the original image, a well-defined drop can be seen in which crystalline structures of a quadrangular or cubic format appear. If you look closely, you can see some marks on these crystals, with a regular pattern, well defined in some cases, but limited by the microscope optics.

Fig. 1. Crystalline formations that show markings of what appear to be circuits. Among these objects, the circuit of what could be a nanorouter has been discovered. Image of a sample of the Pfizer vaccine, obtained by (Campra, P. 2021)

The finding has been possible by isolating each quadrangular crystal, applying a process of rasterizing, focusing and delineating the edges of the image, in order to further pronounce the observed marks. Once this process was completed, a rough draft was drawn with the lines and patterns inscribed on the glass, creating a clean outline of what actually looked like a circuit. The fact of finding parallel and perpendicular lines with a distribution far from the fractal patterns was very striking, which allowed us to automatically infer the possibility that it had been a product of manufacture. For this reason, similar patterns were searched in the scientific literature, which had a similar scheme, similar to the circuit that had just been drawn. The search result was almost immediate, as the pattern of a quantum dot nanorouter was found, as seen in Figure 2.

Fig. 2. Possible quantum dot nanorouter observed in a quadrangular crystal, in an image obtained by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). In the lower right corner, the quantum dot nanorouter circuit published by (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) is observed. Note the obvious similarity between the sketch, the shape inscribed in the crystal, and the quantum dot circuit.

This discovery is of fundamental relevance, not only to understand the true purpose and components of the coronavirus vaccines, but also to explain the existence of the phenomenon of MAC addresses, visible through the bluetooth of many mobile devices.

Discovery context

Before proceeding with the explanation of the finding, it is convenient to remember the context in which it is framed, in order to ensure its understanding and subsequent deepening.

In the first place, it should be borne in mind that graphene and its derivatives, graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes (CNT), are part of the components of vaccines, according to what has already been stated in this blog. The properties of graphene are exceptional from the physical point of view, but also thermodynamic, electronic, mechanical and magnetic. Its characteristics allow its use as a superconductor, electromagnetic wave absorbing material (microwave EM), emitter, signal receiver, quantum antenna, which makes it possible to create advanced electronics on a nano and micrometric scale. Such is the case, that it is the fundamental nanomaterial for the development of nano-biomedicine (Mitragotri, S .; Anderson, DG; Chen, X .; Chow, EK; Ho, D .; Kabanov, AV; Xu, C. 2015 ), nano-communication networks (Kumar, MR 2019), new drug delivery therapies (Yu, J .; Zhang, Y .; Yan, J .; Kahkoska, AR; Gu, Z. 2018) and treatments against cancer (Huang, G .; Huang, H. 2018) and the neurological treatment of neurodegenerative diseases (John, AA; Subramanian, AP; Vellayappan, MV; Balaji, A .; Mohandas, H .; Jaganathan, SK 2015 ). However, all the benefits aside, the scientific literature is very clear regarding the health implications for the human body. It is well known that graphene (G), graphene oxide (GO) and other derivatives such as carbon nanotubes (CNT) are toxic in almost all their forms, causing mutagenesis, cell death (apoptosis), release of free radicals, lung toxicity , bilateral pneumonia, genotoxicity or DNA damage, inflammation, immunosuppression, damage to the nervous system, the circulatory, endocrine, reproductive, and urinary systems, which can cause anaphylactic death and multi-organ dysfunction, see page “Damages and toxicity of graphene oxide” and from “Damage and toxicity of carbon-graphene nanotubes“.

Second, graphene is a radio-modulable nanomaterial, capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves and multiplying radiation, acting as a nano-antenna, or a signal repeater (Chen, Y .; Fu, X .; Liu, L .; Zhang , Y .; Cao, L .; Yuan, D .; Liu, P. 2019). Exposure to electromagnetic radiation can cause exfoliation of the material in smaller particles (Lu, J .; Yeo, PSE; Gan, CK; Wu, P .; Loh, KP 2011), called graphene quantum dots or GQD (Graphene Quantum Dots), whose physical properties and particularities improve due to their even smaller scale, due to the “Quantum Hall” effect, since they act by amplifying electromagnetic signals (Massicotte, M .; Yu, V .; Whiteway, E .; Vatnik , D .; Hilke, M. 2013 | Zhang, X .; Zhou, Q .; Yuan, M .; Liao, B .; Wu, X .; Ying, M. 2020), and with it the emission distance, especially in environments such as the human body (Chopra, N .; Phipott, M ​​.; Alomainy, A .; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, K .; Shubair, RM 2016). GQDs can acquire various morphologies, for example hexagonal, triangular, circular or irregular polygon (Tian, ​​P .; Tang, L .; Teng, K.S .; Lau, S.P. 2018).

The superconducting and transducing capacity make graphene one of the most suitable materials to create wireless nanocommunication networks for the administration of nanotechnology in the human body. This approach has been intensively worked by the scientific community, after having found and analyzed the available protocols and specifications, but also the routing systems for the data packets that nano-devices and nano-nodes would generate within the body, in a system complex called CORONA, whose objective is the effective transmission of signals and data on the network, optimizing energy consumption (to the minimum possible), and also reducing failures in the transmission of data packets (Bouchedjera, IA ; Aliouat, Z .; Louail, L. 2020 | Bouchedjera, IA; Louail, L .; Aliouat, Z .; Harous, S. 2020 | Tsioliaridou, A .; Liaskos, C .; Ioannidis, S .; Pitsillides, A . 2015). In this nanocommunications network, a type of signal TS-OOK (Time-Spread On-Off Keying) is used that allows transmitting binary codes of 0 and 1, through short pulses that involve the activation and deactivation of the signal during time intervals very small of a few femtoseconds (Zhang, R .; Yang, K .; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Vavouris, AK; Dervisi, FD; Papanikolaou, VK; Karagiannidis, GK 2018). Due to the complexity of nanocommunications in the human body, where the nano-nodes of the network are distributed throughout the body, in many cases in motion, due to blood flow, and in others attached to the endothelium to the arterial walls and capillaries or in the tissues of other organs, researchers have required the development of software for the simulation of such conditions, in order to verify and validate the nanocommunication protocols that were being developed (Dhoutaut, D .; Arrabal, T .; Dedu, E. 2018).

On the other hand, the nanocommunications network oriented to the human body (Balghusoon, A.O .; Mahfoudh, S. 2020), has been carefully designed in its topological aspects, conceiving specialized components in the performance of this task. For example, electromagnetic nanocommunication is made up in its most basic layer by nano-nodes that are devices (presumably made of graphene, carbon nanotubes, GQD, among other objects and materials) that have the ability to interact as nanosensors, piezo-electric actuators , and in any case as nano-antennas that propagate the signals to the rest of the nano-nodes. The nano-nodes, find in the nano-routers (also called nano-controllers) the next step in the topology. Its function is to receive the signals emitted by the nano-nodes, process them and send them to the nano-interfaces, which will emit them to the outside of the body with the necessary frequency and scope, since it must overcome the skin barrier without losing clarity in the signal, so that it can be received by a mobile device at a close enough distance (usually a few meters). That mobile device would actually be a smartphone or any other device with an Internet connection, which allows it to act as a “Gateway”. The topology also defines the possibility that the entire nano-node, nanorouter and nano-interface infrastructure is unified in a single nano-device, called pole or metamaterial defined by SDM software (Lee, SJ; Jung, C. ; Choi, K .; Kim, S. 2015). This model simplifies the topology, but increases the size of the device and the complexity of its construction, conceived in several layers of graphene. In any case, regardless of the topology, nanorouters are necessary to route and decode the signals correctly, for their sending, but also for their reception, since they can be designed for a bidirectional service, which de facto implies the ability to receive signals. of commands, orders, operations that interact with the objects of the network.

To electromagnetic nanocommunication, we must add molecular nanocommunication, addressed in the entry on carbon nanotubes and new evidence in vaccine samples. In both publications, the implications of these objects in the field of neuroscience, neuromodulation and neurostimulation are analyzed, since if they are located in the neuronal tissue (something very likely, given the ability to overcome the blood-brain barrier), they can establish connections that bridge the neuronal synapse. This means that they link neurons with different shortcuts, shorter than natural axons (Fabbro, A .; Cellot, G .; Prato, M .; Ballerini, L. 2011). Although this can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neurodegenerative diseases, it can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain, their neurostimulation or modulation, through electrical impulses, generated from carbon nanotubes (Suzuki, J .; Budiman, H .; Carr, TA; DeBlois, JH 2013 | Balasubramaniam, S .; Boyle, NT; Della-Chiesa, A .; Walsh, F .; Mardinoglu, A .; Botvich, D .; Prina-Mello, A. 2011), as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from the nanocommunications network (Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM 2010). It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, is the one that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters. Take an example to raise awareness; carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition (Beyene, AG; Delevich, K .; Del Bonis-O’Donnell, JT; Piekarski, DJ; Lin, WC; Thomas, AW; Landry, MP 2019 | Sun, F .; Zhou, J .; Dai, B .; Qian, T .; Zeng, J .; Li, X .; Li, Y. 2020 | Sun, F .; Zeng, J .; Jing, M .; Zhou, J .; Feng, J .; Owen, SF; Li, Y. 2018 | Patriarchi, T .; Mohebi, A .; Sun, J .; Marley, A .; Liang, R .; Dong, C .; Tian, ​​L. 2020 | Patriarchi, T .; Cho , JR; Merten, K .; Howe, MW; Marley, A .; Xiong, WH; Tian, ​​L. 2018). This means that it could be inferred in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning, without the individual being aware of what is happening. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from neurons and propagate them to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots, as explained in (Demoustier, S .; Minoux, E .; Le Baillif, M .; Charles, M .; Ziaei, A. 2008 | Wang, Y .; Wu, Q .; Shi, W .; He, X .; Sun, X .; Gui, T. 2008 | Da-Costa, MR; Kibis, OV; Portnoi, ME 2009). This means that they can transmit and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals.

For the data packets emitted and received from the nanocommunications network to reach their destination, it is essential that the communication protocol implements in some way the unique identification of the nanodevices (that is, through MAC) and transmits the information to an IP address. default. In this sense, the human body becomes an IoNT server (from the Internet of NanoThings) in which the communication client / server model can be assimilated. The mechanisms, commands or types of request remain to be determined, as well as the exact frequency and type of signal that operates the wireless nanocommunications network that would be installed with each vaccine, although obviously this information must be very confidential, given the possible consequences of biohacking. (Vassiliou, V. 2011) that could happen. In fact, in the work of (Al-Turjman, F. 2020) the problems and circumstances of the security of nanocommunication networks connected to 5G (confidentiality, authentication, privacy, trust, intrusions, repudiation) are linked and additionally, it presents a summary of the operation of electromagnetic communication between nano-nodes, nano-sensors and nano-routers, using graphene antennas and transceivers for their link with data servers, in order to develop Big-data projects. It should be noted that the risks of network hacking are very similar to those that can be perpetrated in any network connected to the Internet (masquerade attack, location tracking, information traps, denial of service, nano-device hijacking, wormhole, MITM broker attack, malware, spam, sybil, spoofing, neurostimulation illusion attack), which means a potential and additional, very serious risk for people inoculated with the hardware of a nanocommunication network.

In this context, it is in which the discovery of the circuits of a nanorouter in the samples of the Pfizer vaccine is found, which is a key piece in all the research that has been carried out and that would confirm the installation of a hardware in the body of inoculated people, without their informed consent, which executes collection and interaction processes that are completely beyond its control.

Nanorouters QCA

The discovered circuit, see figure 3, corresponds to the field of quantum dot cellular automata, also known as QCA (Quantum Cellular Automata), characterized by its nanometric scale and a very low energy consumption, as an alternative for the replacement of technology based on transistors. This is how it is defined by the work of (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) from which the scheme of said circuit was obtained. The nanorouter referred to by the researchers is characterized by an ultra-low consumption factor, high processing speed (its frequency clock operates in a range of 1-2 THz), which is consistent with the power conditions and data transfer requirements. , in the context of nanocommunication networks for the human body described by (Pierobon, M .; Jornet, JM; Akkari, N .; Almasri, S .; Akyildiz, IF 2014).

Fig. 3. Graphene quantum dot circuit in QCA cells. Circuit diagram of (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) observed in a sample of the Pfizer vaccine.

According to the explanations of the work of (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013), the concept of quantum dot and quantum dot cell is distinguished, see figure 4. The QCA cell It is made up of four quantum dots whose polarization is variable. This makes it possible to distinguish the binary code of 0 and 1 based on the positive or negative charge of the quantum dots. In the words of the authors it is explained as follows “The basic units of QCA circuits are cells made of quantum dots. A point, in this context, is just a region where an electrical charge can be located or not. A cell QCA has four quantum dots located in the corners. Each cell has two free and moving electrons that can tunnel between the quantum dots. It is assumed that tunneling to the outside of the cell is not allowed due to a high barrier potential”. Extrapolated to graphene quantum dots, known as GQDs, which were identified in blood samples (due to emitted fluorescence), a QCA cell would require four GQDs to compose, which is perfectly consistent with the description given by the researchers. This is also corroborated by (Wang, Z.F .; Liu, F. 2011) in his work entitled “Graphene quantum dots as building blocks for quantum cellular automata”, where the use of graphene to create this type of circuit is confirmed.

Fig. 4. Scheme of a QCA cell made up of four quantum dots (which can be graphene, among other materials). Note the great resemblance to memristors, in fact QCAs and memristors are transistors. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013 | Strukov, D.B .; Snider, G.S .; Stewart, D.R .; Williams, R.S. 2009)

When the QCA cells are combined, cables and circuits are created, with a wide variety of shapes, schemes and applications, as can be seen in figure 5, where inverters, crossovers and logic gates are observed, also addressed by other authors such as ( Xia, Y .; Qiu, K. 2008). This gives rise to more complex structures, which allow to reproduce the electronic diagrams of the transistors, processors, transceivers, multiplexers, demultiplexers and consequently of any router.

Fig. 5. QCAs can form various types of circuits, for example logic gates, cable crossovers, inverters or cables. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

It is important to explain that QCA cell-based circuits can operate in several superimposed layers, which allows a 3D (three-dimensional) structure to create much more complex and compressed electronics, see figure 6.

Fig. 6. According to (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013) more complex circuits can be built by annexing several superimposed layers. This is identified by the symbol of a circle in the design. There are also three artistic illustrations that represent various levels of circuits (own elaboration).

To develop a nanorouter, according to the researchers (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013), several circuit structures are needed, specifically, cable crossings (which form logic gates ), demultiplexers (demux) and parallel to serial converters, see figure X. “Demux” are electronic devices capable of receiving a signal at the input QCA (input) and sending it to one of several available output lines. (output), which allows the signal to be routed for further processing. The parallel-to-series converter is a circuit capable of taking several sets of data in an input (input), transporting them through different QCA cables and transmitting them at different instants of time through the output cables (output). This would be very, the component noticed in the vaccine samples, see figure 7.

Fig. 7. Details of the circuit for converting TS-OOK signals in series to a parallel output, confirming one of the typical tasks of a router. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

Another relevant aspect of the work of (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013) is the demonstration of the operation of the circuit, where the reception of a TS-OOK signal and its conversion to binary code, see figure 8. Once the binary code is obtained, the “demux” circuit is responsible for generating the data packets, according to the structure of the corresponding communications protocol.

Fig. 8. The tests of the demux circuit, already observed in figure 7, provide the proof of how the TS-OOK signals are interpreted and converted to the binary code, to finally generate the data packets of the corresponding nanocommunications protocol. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013)

Everything explained by (Sardinha, LH; Costa, AM; Neto, OPV; Vieira, LF; Vieira, MA 2013) is also corroborated by (Das, B .; Das, JC; De, D .; Paul, AK 2017) In whose research, QCA circuit designs for demux and nanorouters are observed, with very similar schemes, to those already presented, which confirms the search for solutions for the problem of the transmission and simple processing of signals and data at the nanometric scale, at in order to make nanocommunication networks effective.

Finally, although it can already be deduced from the nature, characteristics and properties of QCA cell circuits, the concept of clock speed must be highlighted. In fact, interesting is the ability of these electronic components to operate almost autonomously, without the need for a dedicated processor. This is because the QCA cell cables can measure the transfer time of the signals between the different cells, in what is called “clock zones”, see figure 9 and the following investigations (Sadeghi, M .; Navi, K .; Dolatshahi, M. 2020 | Laajimi, R .; Niu, M. 2018 | Reis, DA; Torres, FS 2016 | Mohammadyan, S .; Angizi, S .; Navi, K. (2015). This effect allows the transmission of signals through the circuit, but it also allows creating a clock frequency, which is its own process speed. If this concept is joined, the use of superconducting materials such as graphene and more specifically graphene quantum dots Then very high processing speeds can be achieved.

Fig. 9. The nanorouter does not require an independent processor, because the QCA cells organized in the circuit cables already perform this function due to the superconducting and polarization properties of the quantum dots, which allows to infer a clock speed by phases or zones. circuit physics. (Sardinha, L.H .; Costa, A.M .; Neto, O.P.V .; Vieira, L.F .; Vieira, M.A. 2013 | Sadeghi, M .; Navi, K .; Dolatshahi, M. 2020)

Circuit self-assembly

Although it seems impossible, the self-assembly of circuits is a possibility to consider in the hypothesis that has been explained. According to (Huang, J .; Momenzadeh, M .; Lombardi, F. 2007) “Recent developments in QCA manufacturing (involving molecular implementations) have substantially changed the nature of processing. At very small feature sizes, it is anticipated self-assembly or large-scale cell deposition on isolated substrates will be used. In these implementations, QCA cells (each composed of two dipoles) are deposited in parallel V-shaped tracks. QCA cells are arranged in a dense pattern and the computation occurs between adjacent cells. These fabrication techniques are well suited for molecular implementation. ” However, there are also other methods, such as DNA nanopatterns (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, GH 2005), with which a template is created for the alignment of the quantum dots of graphene, forming the QCA cells, thereby generating the aforementioned circuitry, see figure 10.

Fig. 10. Self-assembly of a circuit with quantum dots from a DNA pattern. The lines of the circuit cables are very similar to those observed in the vaccine sample, see figure 2 and 3. (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, G.H. 2005)

According to (Hu, W .; Sarveswaran, K .; Lieberman, M .; Bernstein, GH 2005) “Four-tile DNA rafts have been successfully synthesized and characterized by the gel electrophoresis method in our previous work” according to the work of (Sarveswaran, K. 2004). This fits with the very possible existence of a gel / hydrogel in the vaccine composition, after the doctor’s micro-Raman analysis (Campra, P. 2021) in which peaks with values ​​close to 1450 were obtained, which could correspond to PVA, PQT-12, polyolefin, polyacrylamide or polypyrrole, all of them components recognized in the scientific literature as gels and derivatives. On the other hand, it explicitly alludes to the electrophoresis method, or what is the same, the electrical polarization process that causes teslaphoresis, on carbon nanotubes, graphene, quantum dots and other semiconductors, as described (Bornhoeft, LR; Castillo, AC; Smalley, PR; Kittrell, C .; James, DK; Brinson, BE; Cherukuri, P. 2016) in his research. This would confirm that teslaphoresis plays a fundamental role in the composition of circuits, along with DNA patterns. If this is confirmed, it would mean that the circuits could self-assemble in the presence of electric fields or even the reception of electromagnetic waves (microwave EM). The study by (Pillers, M .; Goss, V .; Lieberman, M. 2014) also confirms the construction of nanostructures and CQA using in this case graphene, graphene oxide (GO), electrophoresis and gel, causing controlled deposition in the areas indicated by the DNA pattern, reproducing results similar to those presented in the study by Hu and Sarveswaran, thus making it possible to create the electronic circuits already mentioned, see figure 11.

Fig. 11. Advances in the field of self-assembly of quantum dots and QCA cells can be observed in the scientific literature using the DNA template method to mark the order of construction and electrophoresis to initiate or trigger the process in the materials of the solution. (Pillers, M .; Goss, V .; Lieberman, M. 2014)

Plasmonic nano-emitters

Another issue that requires an explanation in the discovery of the circuit of a nanorouter, in the vaccine sample, is its location in what appears to be a quadrangular crystal. Although it could be thought that it is a randomly generated form, the bibliographic review reveals and justifies this type of form that serves as a framework for this type of circuit. In reality it is a “plasmonic nano-emitter”, in other words, it would correspond to a cubic-shaped nano-antenna (single crystal) of variable size on the nano-micrometric scale, which can emit, receive or repeat signals. This is possible through the plasmon activation property of its surface (that of the nanoemitter cube) that is locally excited to generate an oscillatory signal, as explained (Ge, D .; Marguet, S .; Issa, A .; Jradi, S .; Nguyen, TH; Nahra, M .; Bachelot, R. 2020), see figure 12. This agrees with the type of TS-OOK signals, which are transmitted through the intra-body nanocommunication network, being a requirement indispensable for a nano-router, to have a method to capture them. In other words, the crystalline cube acts as a transceiver for the nanorouter, due to its special properties, derived from the physics of the plasmon. This is corroborated when the scientific literature on electromagnetic nano-networks for the human body is consulted (Balghusoon, AO; Mahfoudh, S. 2020), the MAC protocols applied to the case (Jornet, JM; Pujol, JC; Pareta, JS 2012 ), the methods for the debugging of errors in the signals (Jornet, JM; Pierobon, M .; Akyildiz, IF 2008), or the modulation of pulses in femtoseconds in the terahertz band for nano-communication networks (Jornet, JM; Akyildiz, IF 2014), the parameterization of nano-networks for their perpetual operation (Yao, XW; Wang, WL; Yang, SH 2015), the performance in the modulation of wireless signals for nano-networks (Zarepour, E .; Hassan, M .; Chou, CT; Bayat, S. 2015). In all cases, nano-transceivers are essential to be able to receive or emit a TS-OOK signal.

Fig. 12. Nano-micrometric scale crystals can play the role of an antenna or a transceiver, which makes it possible to imagine that finding the circuit in a quadrangular structure is not the product of chance. (Ge, D .; Marguet, S .; Issa, A .; Jradi, S .; Nguyen, T.H .; Nahra, M .; Bachelot, R. 2020)

Plasmonic nanoemitters can acquire a cube shape, which would be the case observed in the vaccine sample, but also spherical and discoidal shape, being able to be self-assembled, to form larger nano-microstructures (Devaraj, V .; Lee, JM; Kim , YJ; Jeong, H .; Oh, JW 2021). Among the materials with which this plasmonic nano-emitter could be produced are gold, silver, perovskites and graphene, see (Oh, DK; Jeong, H .; Kim, J .; Kim, Y .; Kim, I .; Ok, JG; Rho, J. 2021 | Hamedi, HR; Paspalakis, E .; Yannopapas, V. 2021 | Gritsienko, AV; Kurochkin, NS; Lega, PV; Orlov, AP; Ilin, AS; Eliseev, SP; Vitukhnovsky , AG 2021 | Pierini, S. 2021), although it is likely that many others can be used.

CAM and TCAM memory for MAC and IP

If the presence of nanorouters in vaccines is considered, the hypothesis of the existence of one or more MAC addresses (fixed or dynamic) could be confirmed, which could be emitted from vaccinated people or through some other intermediary device (for example a mobile phone ). This approach is in line with what has already been explained and evidenced in this publication, but also according to scientific publications on nano-communication networks for the human body. According to (Abadal, S .; Liaskos, C .; Tsioliaridou, A .; Ioannidis, S .; Pitsillides, A .; Solé-Pareta, J .; Cabellos-Aparicio, A. 2017) these MAC addresses allow the nano- network can transmit and receive data, because the individual has a unique identifier that allows him to access the medium, this is the Internet. In this way, the nano-router can receive the signals corresponding to the data from the nano-sensors and nano-nodes of the nano-network to transmit them to the outside of the body, as long as there is a mobile device in the vicinity, which serves gateway to the Internet. Therefore, the hypothesis that MAC addresses of vaccinated people can be observed (through bluetooth signal tracking applications), when there is some type of interaction with the mobile media that act as a link. This does not mean that there is permanent communication, due to the need to save and optimize energy consumption (Mohrehkesh, S .; Weigle, MC 2014 | Mohrehkesh, S .; Weigle, MC; Das, SK 2015), which could explain intermittence in communications, periods of connection and inactivity.

The novelty in the field of MAC addresses, which comes together with the QCA circuits, with which nanorouters can be developed, is that memory circuits can also be created. The same researchers (Sardinha, LH; Silva, DS; Vieira, MA; Vieira, LF; Neto, OPV 2015) developed a new type of CAM memory that “unlike random access memory (RAM), which returns data which are stored at the given address. CAM, however, receives the data as input and returns where the data can be found. CAM is useful for many applications that need fast searches, such as Hought transforms, Huffman encoding, Lempel-compression. Ziv and network switches to map MAC addresses to IP addresses and vice versa. CAM is most useful for creating tables that look for exact matches, such as MAC address tables. ” This statement was extracted and copied verbatim to highlight that QCA circuits are the answer to the storage and management of MAC addresses for data transmission in nano-networks, which would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, a means of installing hardware for the control, modulation and monitoring of people.

Fig. 13. Memory circuits for the storage of MAC and IP addresses made with the same QCA technology of the nanorouter observed in the Pfizer vaccine samples. (Sardinha, L.H .; Silva, D.S .; Vieira, M.A .; Vieira, L.F .; Neto, O.P.V. 2015)

Additionally, (Sardinha, LH; Silva, DS; Vieira, MA; Vieira, LF; Neto, OPV 2015) also developed the TCAM memory, which is a special type of CAM memory that would be useful to “create tables to search for longer matches such as IP routing tables organized by IP prefixes. To reduce latency and make communication faster, routers use TCAM. ” This statement clearly affects its use in nano-routers in order to be able to transmit the data obtained in the nano-network to a specific recipient server accessible on the Internet. In other words, the data collected by the nano-network should be stored / registered in a database, of which the recipient of the vaccine would not have knowledge of its existence, of which it was not informed, and in the It is unknown what information is used.



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They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

They Live Amongst Us: Anatomy of a Cult

by Dustin Broadbery, The Cogent
sourced from OffGuardian
November 24, 2021


Despite a preponderance of the evidence proving COVID to be a non-event for most of us, over 1 million people have fallen foul to vaccine injury. This should be enough to stop most people in their tracks. It hasn’t.

Many emerge from near death experience even more pontifical than before, denouncing the rest of us for not joining in this mortal game of Russian Roulette. Fuelling their self-righteous indignation of us, is other people’s self-righteous indignation of them. It is a perpetual loop of blame and shame.

There can be no avoiding these people. A sort of Provisional Mask Army. The ones acting in good conscience lost to the morally virtuous super spreaders of hyperbole.

They will believe whatever they hear and do whatever they’re told. They have been groomed by something far more powerful than the truth, called ‘the science,’ and they will follow ‘it’ right off the edge of a cliff.

But that’s only half the story. If you’re unfortunate enough to die within two weeks of taking the jab, despite your best effort, the CDC might record your death as ‘unvaccinated,’ the commentariat might report that you “died suddenly and following a short illness,” and family members might take comfort in the fact that “things could have been worse,”

Washing the Moral Fabric

This unholy mess works because a new ideology has swept across the moral fabric. Unless you’re taking an experimental medical intervention fraught with danger, you’re dancing on the graves of all those who have died.

Ridding people with guilt takes away their power, and blind obedience to authority does the rest, as Milgram discovered in his landmark experiment.

But the fact that humanity is in an abusive relationship with its governments, is only one part of the problem. There’s a long history of cults infiltrating polite society. The cult of personality of Lenin and later Stalin once captured an entire nation. But never in history has the entire world fallen to a cult.

Where the New Normal departs from other cult archetypes is in the instruments of mass communication, in the hands of a few fanatics, that have infiltrated the commons, and created an apotheosis around COVID-19, glorifying it to the divine proportions of Christianity. It has long been understood that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes consensus.

Also of great importance to these evangelists are the decades of behavioural studies by the most distinguished experts in the field of social psychology.

Not everyone in the Asch Experiment conformed, but the reasons why many found solidarity with the group are well understood by the behavioural scientists, on the payroll of HM government, nudging the British people towards existential ruin.

And much of what is happening today in the rank and file of the New Normal, has the lessons of the Third Reich written all over it. If you’re still oblivious to the fact that you’re being indoctrinated into a cult, it’s probably because you’ve already been indoctrinated.

The End Is Nigh

Cults are established on the back of major events, typically apocalyptic in nature. These biblical, extra-terrestrial, or, indeed, viral prophecies speak to an impending disaster and redemption. A tinderbox setting forces people together under the protection of communitarianism, and encourages the more zealous members to denounce, ridicule and intimidate anyone not acting in accordance with the group.

Deindividuation, as it is known, turns these harmless groups into psychological crowds, and very often results in a mob mentality.

Our need to take refuge in the herd is, after all, hardcoded into our DNA, just as fear of social exclusion and a desire to cooperate are inherited evolutionary traits. Explaining why COVID began with social isolation. And why, after capitulating to every conceivable demand, we continue to be held to ransom, with the threat of further social isolation.

Despite the obvious abuse of power, people remain beholden to their captors, through some bizarre emotional bond, strengthened every time they are released, albeit temporarily, from their captivity.


You can identify cults by their organisational structure. People are assigned a role, as in Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment and many go beyond the call of duty. The problem isn’t so much that ‘we are all in this together’ It’s that we simply are not, it’s the cult nobility lording over the rest of us.

In this heightened state of emergency, however, people will not only accept more authority from those who are beyond the rules, they will emulate the prevailing authoritarian order, rather than become a victim of it. As Hannah Arendt discovered in her landmark thesis, ordinary people in search of purpose and direction, who are dutifully just following orders, have the potential to commit the most atrocious acts of evil.

Throughout COVID, these unpaid, unsolicited officers in the rank and file have spread the communicable indoctrination far wider than any bureaucrat. We are full to the rafters of morally superior COVID-vigilantes, condemning anyone for the mere suggestion that the earth, might in fact, orbit the sun.

The resulting groupthink – if you’re not with us you’re against us – not only isolates new initiatives from outside influence, it removes their right to think and act for themselves and admonishes anyone brave enough to question the All Powerful Redeemer.

In the end, people’s desire to reach unanimous agreement with the group, overrides their motivation for rational, intuitive decision making.

Executioners of the New Normal

The habitual lies, backpedalling and science that buckles under the lightest of scrutiny, is no arbitrary event. People understand they’re being duped, but refuse to act on crucial information. Instead, they acclimate to the golden age of false narratives.

Encouraging people to act counterintuitively will, eventually cause them to abandon personal agency altogether, because that violent buffer to critical thinking, called consensus, holds the opposite to be true, to that which is before our very eyes.

In one breath, Boris Johnson implores us to get vaccinated because of the risk versus the reward. In the next, he admits ‘the vaccine doesn’t protect against catching or passing on COVID.’ Meanwhile, his co-conspirator holds Christmas to ransom if people refuse a third shot, and proceeds to threaten those who had previously been the only at-risk group, which this entire debacle was supposed to be about protecting.

When the lips move, brace for lies, any collision with real world events is entirely accidental.

Anatomy of a Cult

Cults are illusive by nature. An outlier sailing under the false colours of a normal state of affairs. This is achieved by compounding cult rituals into the everyday humdrum, and converting old cultural touchstones into new ideological frontiers, until one is no longer distinguishable from the other.

There are numerous tell-tale signs you may have accidentally joined a cult, from elbow bumps to muzzles, hand sanitizer to the 2-meter rule.

There is a long history of people’s superstitions being manipulated into performing irrational acts, if they can be demoralised to the point of despair. Under such circumstances people have been known to, commit ritualistic mass suicidedisembowel themselves and even murder their own children.

Things are not so different today. People hold themselves prisoner inside their own homes. They risk the lives of their own children to protect those already on their deathbed. They do this for a disease which has had zero impact on overall mortality in 2021.

Some have been infantilised by their government, others reassured by Big Bird and there are those who have sold their soul at the house of ill repute.

To say that it’s a mad, mad world, doesn’t do it justice.

Other Cults You May Have Joined

Against this frenzy of health persecution complex, other bizarre ideologies chip away at the social fabric. Membership to society hinges on your range of pronouns. The new cultural etiquette is wokeism. Your affinity with those who have swapped their sexual identity determines your social cachet, while your desire to find for the nearest bucket, paints a target on your back.

Otherworldly social theories decouple mothers from giving birthsexualise children, and encourage toddlers to trade their gender. At the root of all of this is a flagrant attack on humanity, on nature, on carbon-based lifeforms.

You only need to observe the Cult of Personality being visited upon future generations by the lionising of Greta, to catch of glimpse of how climate change will evolve into the New Age Church.

The end game to all of this is the spiritual requisition of the human soul and a day of reckoning for humanity mark 1.0.

But as the circus catches fire there are those watching from the sidelines who are simply not having it. The vestiges of rationality left behind, call them deniers or refuseniks, have formed a cult of their own. A cult of scepticism and non-compliance.

By some accounts, these people are at a greater risk of a long and healthy life, and woe betide, the mob is agitated. They are calls for immediate sanctions. Following twenty months of denouncements, public enmity is reaching fever pitch. If the barbaric treatment of another dehumanised social group, pre-Auschwitz, is anything to go by, it could be just a matter of time before the deniers are forced into internment camps, or worse, lined up against firing squads.

On the other hand, the cult has revealed its more sinister aspects, thousands of legitimate voices from science and medicine are pushing back in opposition, and even the double vaccinated are waking up to the fact that their freedoms are in jeopardy every six months.

As a wise man once said, “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.”


Dustin Broadbery is based in London and is interested in social theory and particularly how a mutual society could bring about great advancements in the social fabric. You can read more of his work at TheCogent.org and contact him through his Twitter. 


Connect with The Cogent

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

Fauci: A Conversation in Hell

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
November 5, 2021


Soon after his passing, Fauci found himself in a small office. A desk, two chairs, a floor lamp. The carpet was worn. The paint on the wall was peeling. A young man wearing a white tropical suit walked in and sat down behind the desk. He motioned Fauci to a chair.

Where am I?

This is Hell, Tony.

Thank God.


Of course. This is where the party is, right?

You could say that.

For years, I’ve been conducting private experiments on orphans. Trying to develop antibodies against Heaven. The results seemed promising, so I’ve been injecting myself every morning. You know, whatever works.

We’ve been looking forward to your arrival.

Good. Can I check into a hotel?

We have a room for you in the fortress. It has a view of the lake.

Just one room? I’d prefer a suite. How is the room service? I’ll need aides. I want to set up a lab.

You’ll spend a great deal of time in a lab, Anthony. As a subject.

A subject? Of what?

We run experiments around the clock.

For purposes of enhancement? Life extension?

You don’t need extension. This is forever.

What then?

We have a schedule for residents. On Mondays, we’re doing high-dose AZT trials. We’re calculating the rate of body breakdown. As you know, the drug stops all cells from replicating.

I helped pioneer the drug. There must be some mistake. I conduct and organize studies. I don’t participate in them as a volunteer. That would be madness.

The other Monday option is six hours on the rack. Body-stretching. It’s an extreme form of Pilates. You get one break for a vegan meal, two shots of wheatgrass, and ten minutes of chanting led by a failed Hollywood actress in spandex.

Something’s wrong.

Maybe you’ve been wrong.

About what?

Let’s see. Where to start? You helped lead the world into masks, distancing, lockdowns, economic devastation, a highly toxic vaccine.

There was a pandemic.

Anthony, there’s no need for obfuscation. You’re in Hell.

I take the Fifth. There was a plan. I helped carry it out. I was an administrator. It was my job. I followed orders.

You profited handsomely.

You have no idea. I made out like Rockefeller.

We know, Anthony. We’re not distracted by limited hangouts or cover stories.

I have no intention of becoming a subject or a victim. It’s below my rank and status. Talk to Hillary. Talk to Bill Gates.

We have a program specifically prepared for Hillary. Bill is a different story. He’s one of our active agents on Earth. When he finally makes port here, his arrogant ego bloated beyond all reasonable standards of propriety, he’ll require a step-down protocol designed by the Marquis.

De Sade?

None other.

This is starting to sound like a nightmare. There HAS to be a mistake. I deserve my rewards.

Do you have any idea how times I’ve heard that in this room, Anthony?

I’m a master of designing protocols and studies. I could help you.

Now on Tuesdays, we feature a forced march through thriving soldier-anthills and snake pits in a driving rain.

But Jesus is my Savior.

I doubt that.


Because you’re here, Anthony. The proof of the pudding. Remember the studies on orphans in New York, at the Incarnation Center? The body-ripping AIDS drugs administered by coercion and force? Through intubation? Many of those children died. Your agency funded the studies.

Okay, look, that’s why I’m saying I can help you. I know how to do that work.

On Wednesdays, our residents can opt for a massive breakfast of methamphetamine, after which they crawl through dark tunnels and fight it out for access to a room where attendants are standing by with counteracting injections of Thorazine.

That’s horrible.

You’ve done worse, Anthony.

But I wasn’t on the receiving end.

Giving, receiving. A few of our scholars propose that, in the larger scheme of things, Hell is merely correcting an imbalance in Nature.

Talk to Biden. He’ll vouch for me.

Biden? Really? Even if we wanted to, he’s non compos mentis.

Does that mean he’s not responsible for his own actions? He’ll go to Heaven?

Good one, Anthony. We like jokes.

Did you hear the one about the rabbi performing brain surgery on the priest? I’ve got hundreds of medical side-splitters. Do you need a court jester? I can dance and sing.

Oh, you’ll dance and sing, Anthony. Now, Thursday is straight immersion in the lake of fire. Or you can opt for being strapped in a chair and sprayed with chemicals that bring on a whole host of profound respiratory symptoms. Not being able to breathe results in some very interesting reactions. While this is happening to you, you’ll be forced to watch news anchors on television describing these symptoms as caused by a virus. For fourteen hours straight. It’s quite delicious.

Again, you’re talking about the kind of medical ops I administer. I can help you refine the parameters.

Our pros, Anthony, have been at this for a very long time. They know their business, believe me.

I’m Doctor Prestige. The most famous people in the world come to me for advice, on everything from experimental brain implants to nose jobs. Wherever I go, I’m celebrated. Feted. Showered with accolades and applause. Prime ministers want to kiss my ring.

And you’ll reconnect with some of those prime ministers in the tunnel of meth, scratching and clawing and biting and ripping your way toward a shot of Thorazine.

I’m having a dream. This is a dream.

That’s what everyone thinks. Until they don’t. Given your Catholic upbringing, I’m surprised you’re so surprised by Hell. Think Dante. The Inferno.

One of my Jesuit teachers told me Hell was just a con, a strategy to control the rubes and yokels.

Never believe a Jesuit, Anthony. Like the CIA, they wake up in the morning and they go to sleep at night lying.

And who are you? Who are you to consign me to a fate worse than death?

I’m the assistant director of Human Resources. I started out cleaning the horse stalls for the Riders of the Apocalypse and worked my way up.

I could work my way up. I’m very diligent. I can fill vials. Prepare injections. Sweep animal cages. You know, when I was a child, I wanted to be a door man at a fancy apartment building, so I could wear a uniform. I could be a greeter. Hold umbrellas for people in the rain while they’re getting in cabs.

We do have some former researchers who work in cages with animals.

You see? I could do that.

I wouldn’t exactly call it work. We lock the researchers in cages with animals they used to torture.

My God. Has anyone ever escaped from here?

There are a few stories. According to legend, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer of the Nazi SS, almost made it in 2005. He was a few miles from the Unknown Forest, when he happened upon a group of gay Jewish men who were organizing a Pride event. One of the men recognized him. We might have surveillance video footage in our archive. I’ll see if I can dig it up. Now let me show you to your room. As I say, it has a nice view of the lake…

I have money.

We’re cashless.

I have connections. I’ll give you their phone numbers.

Don’t be silly. We’re bloated with connections.

I’ll give you my honor. Or dishonor. I’ll give you my soul.

You’re here, Anthony. We have you. Whole. Sliced and diced. Every which way. Now come with me. It’s a short boat ride to the Fortress along the river of ammonia. Don’t forget to put on your mask. I’d recommend two.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on work of Owensart & Devanah / pixabay

The Man Who Died Alone

The Man Who Died Alone
               Who was he? And who are we?

by Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier
November 5, 2021


It’s 2021.

Our gravely concerned Globalist jailers have placed us in psychic open-air graves clear around the world. As the sun rises and sets, they bray and bray, like mules made of recycled tin, their unceasing hammer blows to our exhausted souls, that we must, as the singular and final act of human decency, “get vaccinated.”So they think we  didn’t hear them the last ten thousand times they said it? What does it mean to repeat ONE THING over and over and over and over to a person, or to 400 million people? It means you don’t acknowledge their aliveness, or your own. There are no longer ears, anywhere, no give and take, no dialogue. No life.

I just watched this Biden Propaganda clip, and as ever, the man makes me despair, even though I don’t believe in despair.

Somebody working for the US Gov actually wrote the words: “This is not about your freedom.”

Oh you think?

“Martha, come quick! The President has explained this is not about our freedom. We can totally change and upgrade, Martha. We no longer have to be dirty, selfish Americans. Come listen to President Biden explain everything!”

He touches his ear in that creepy signaling way that to me simply makes me feel I am about to be thrown in the back of a white van. And I’m 6 years old. That’s how much I am actually frightened by the visual and auditory experience of “The President.” Also, please can somebody explain the wallpaper to me? What is “Vaccine.Gov?” I imagine it it the final end station whereby the Pharmaceutical Cabal overtly overtakes the “US Government.”

Watch the horror here:

Meanwhile, God is changing the colors of all the leaves, wishing we would look at them.

Instead we peer into the goggles, go to the machine, checking the Death Weather Report. A now 1.5 year hostage crisis in which the dead are killed, to be weaponized against us hostages. And that’s only part of the shell game.

The dead hold the secrets of what really killed them. One must never question Covid as “cause” of death; Morticians have to be skilled resistance warriors to even obtain any “Covid” corpses for post-mortems, let alone tell us what they found.

The dead are exploited ruthlessly to fuel the PCR and “Vaccine” gold rushes; You might say they are the gold. (Better to say, the graphene.)

But they must remain silent, never reveal how they died. They are loved after death in political Covid “memorials” only if their loved ones agree they died of Covid. All other deaths are stripped of state-sanctioned sympathy.

Meanwhile, there is, as this paper states, “great reluctance worldwide” to perform autopsies on those said to have died of “Covid-19.”

(I’m running out of quotation marks.)


Let’s not exhaust ourselves. This is a very crude and obvious Tiger Show. Same tricks as with AIDS, massively amped up and refined.

Their best weapon is a one word magic wand that literally achieves for them transformation of any thing into whatever they need it to become. It’s a four letter word:


Risk is always trans-calculational in essence, so can always be whipped out and used to abuse people to the end of time. You may notice, they control the Risk Projectors at the back of our cages while we can never get a word in edgewise that it is in fact them we fear.

No “virus” behaves like this. Nothing found in nature behaves like this.

But that’s part of the new One World Religion: To not question how this virus does behave like this. (HIV is sitting around in a retirement home looking at newspaper articles from her bygone glory days.)

And whereas previous despots admitted they were eliminating people, (albeit for the common good,) these narcissistic beasts insist they are protecting us, and they try to make us thank them. One of the Covid Reich’s favorite domination and shaming rituals is to get the spouse of a person who died following injections to urge people to still get their shots.

We are all culturally pressured, bullied and gaslit now, to mimic the dead as much as possible, by shutting down expressions of life, love, motion, aspiration, and hope.

The mask is the Lenin Bust of this final revolution, the unifying symbol— the idol we use to guard against this era’s complex gulags.

I was in the Soviet Union with my father in 1985, consciously partaking in a propaganda mission I’ll tell you about another time, if we have nothing better to do. (It was to do with the POWs in Afghanistan, and trying to persuade their mothers that the government cared. They invited: A Rabbi, a Priest and an Anti-Communist, my father.)

One day, in a restaurant, my father stopped to ponder a Buddha statue, and made a joke to our guide. “Let me guess. He’s thinking about Lenin. Right?”

Our guide turned white and begged my father: “Please Barry, no jokes about Lenin.” My father dropped his arms to his side and repressed a smile. He believed there was no subject you can’t joke about, but humorlessness is, indeed, the go to tonal- setting of the wicked.

When we can make jokes openly, we will know the Jacobins have lost terror power. I think we are approaching it.

If you are a loser, you want nothing more than to impose some new thing at all times on the minds and souls of your victims. That’s what the mass murder based ISMs are all about. (Bolshivism, Communism, Fascism—what shall we call this one?)

Beauty, art, literature, faith, history, music, traditions—all these are but potential portals of infection, as they take our minds off the drum beat of “Covid,” (as I write, being displaced by Climate Change 2.) They make us remember, our lost civilizations and no revolution permits that. They make us long to transcend separation. But wait! You’re supposed to worship separation too, which prepares you excellently to resemble the dead, while still biologically alive.

Have you noticed: Covid mostly appeals to people who were always sour-pusses?

Our minds are trained upon computer generated speculations: Who died, how certain people are failing to fear death sufficiently, how much debt we carry, to those who have banked on our death speculations, what we will do, pay, surrender, or become, in order to buy their fake bonds of ostensible Death Prevention (“Vaccines.”)

Want to see a real hockey stick?

The spike in all deaths reported to VAERS by year:

This is OpenVaers.com, a heroic one-woman website that clarifies all the data which, on the official VAERS website is rendered deliberately and shamefully inscrutable.
As you can clearly discern, every day this website remains up, is that it is as reasonable to say the Covid Machine is preventing death as it is to claim Stalin prevented the deaths of Ukrainians in 1932.

Which the New York Times, come to think of it, did.

In its way.

Here’s the Pulitzer Prize winning Walter Duranty in his own words, denying there was famine in Ukraine on the front pages of the Paper of Record. (I can’t address rumors of his necrophilia, but I feel that somehow this ‘rumor’ seems less crazy every day.)

Here’s the truth about Stalin’s unfathomable genocide by famine known as Holomodor.

The New York Times to this day won’t revoke Duranty’s Pulitzer, because the prize apparently maintains its sheen by pompous defense of “whatever we printed,” as opposed to “what actually happened.” Every journalist offered it should refuse it until Duranty’s is revoked. (But even if that happens, we still would have to deal with Laurie Garrett’s Pulitzer, and so many others.)

No longer are we permitted to live until we die, we must die before we die, or at least, in incremental ways, stop moving, so we all the more closely resemble the dead. It’s a very bizarre Neo-progressivism, which tells people they risk something worse than death if they state publicly they are not afraid of a Corona/Cold virus. They will be re-assigned as part of the “far-right.” And they will of course, be accused of murder.

The new “left” has collapsed entirely into a shrill nanny state of “prudent jailers,” expressing its decomposing atheism by way of Synthetic Virus Worship. Scientifically bankrupt contagion mania alchemizes, for them, into chronic indignation, disapproval, accusation and finally homicidal rage. If only they would go back to telling us from which nations we may not purchase grapes due to unjust conditions for the workers.

No—there are no more “workers,” there are no more branches of progressivism that do not invoke, as supreme and only cause, Contagion and its social and economic hostage demands. Progressivism (by which I mean global corporations) is cheering the mass decimation of all working classes, professional classes, underclasses, anything you can come up with. (Migrant caravans whose children and women can be trafficked are, for now, set aside.)

The industrial destruction of the whole world and all its inhabitants, in case you’re missing the plot, must proceed unabated in the name of “fighting the virus,” which is a direct descendent of the HIV/AIDS UFO. What people learn only too late is that “the virus,” since it is born in silico, and wielded through synthetic meta-verse perceptions achieved by a set of trans-calculational PCR CT settings, will win every round of this video game. With “variants,” forget it.

All you have with which to defend yourself is “But I feel fine.” You are never “fine,” Rube. You are perpetually in debt, in these new black-debt parallel financial systems that emerged after the first debt-based future projected surrogate marker based illness known as “HIV/AIDS.”

The mantra: “Get tested” really means, worship the Debt Idol.
It is now an act of social terrorism to even think in these terms. Whatever next? Horse-paste?

Many people did try very hard, for many years, against almost indescribable psychological warfare, to shoot down the HIV/AIDS UFO, with a clear understanding of how dangerous it was. Why could it not be done? Because of woke-ism having overtaken, indeed become inseparable from, “science.”

It was a stain, you see, to “suggest” that “HIV was not the cause of AIDS.” It was denialism. Fringe. Conspiracy. Right wing. Homophobic. Anti-science. Responsible for the death of millions. And so forth. Somewhere in there, we lost most of our potential allies. Still, the fight was formidable, and soon to be documented in a whole new light. If you have not done so, consider ordering Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s book The Real Anthony Faucihere.

The dominant power insists inside a well lit media psychosis that a “Corona virus” formerly understood as a common respiratory “virus,” which can’t even be witnessed, or made “available” as bio-material in the very hands of Christian Drosten (lesser magic) is nevertheless killing millions around the world. The Numerologists, let’s call them. Lynn Margulis called them that.

So what about the man who died alone?

I posted this video the other day, despite how disturbing, shocking and transgressive it was. A good friend and reader of this page, “CathPath,”made an important observation:

“Sadly, such events are no longer surprising. Yet, am I alone in questioning the appropriateness of the acquaintance going “live” on social media with this public break-in into his house– invading this poor victim’s privacy even– or especially– in death?

I also doubt that such dreadful videos will even change any of such captive minds at this point.”

I have been thinking on and off about the man who died, the man who filmed it, the firemen, and what exactly I myself was doing when I shared it.

I actually felt, when I first watched it, that the man who films and cries, and tries to get the truth out, was being respectful of the dead man.


Because he was there. He witnessed, he lamented. Without him, the dead man is in even more trouble, he is simply removed. Why was it left to a near stranger to miss him, to note he’d gone silent?

Ivan Klima’s novel Love and Garbage is a heart-searing meditation on this very dilemma. How totalitarian regimes attack love to transform it to garbage. (Which they can’t do.)

Still, I draw a blank. I can’t find North, South, East West.

I can’t say which is more right or more wrong. Maybe I myself have ceased to be entirely human, or maybe we all have.

In 2020, I lost my best friend and my father. I was not able to bury either of them. My father’s ashes were handed to me and my son, curbside, by a woman in a mask outside the Greenwich Village funeral home. No fault of theirs.

Incidentally, those people—the ones who work with the dead and their families—they are among the kindest people you will ever meet.

Covid presents impossible choices by design. I feel I am lost in a vault, frozen in time before 2020, when I knew what it meant to be human. Now I only know how to pump out “information” and “warnings.” I’m homesick for my lost inner landscape, and the places we all used to meet. Homesick for the human landscape.


Connect with Celia Farber, The Truth Barrier

cover image credit: Noah Silliman / Unsplash