No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government

No, President Biden, We Are Not the Government by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute March 15, 2021   People who desire the protection of freedom from overreaching government have much…

Danser Encore: “Let Us Put Up a Fight Against the Tools of Madness”

Danser Encore: “Let Us Put Up a Fight Against the Tools of Madness”   Flash Mob in Paris, March 4, 2021:  Flashmob organisé le 4 mars 2021 à Paris,…

Children’s Health Defense Supports Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom on March 20, 2021

Children’s Health Defense Supports Worldwide Demonstration for Freedom on March 20, 2021 by Children’s Health Defense March 12, 2021   Senta Depuydt (President of Children’s Health Defense Europe) and Robert…

My Umpteenth Reading of the Anti-Federalist Papers

My Umpteenth Reading of the Anti-Federalist Papers by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star March 12, 2021   I’m departing from my normal practice today and am not blogging about…

Citizens for Free Speech Defends High School Principal Who Was Suspended for Promoting Free Speech to Students

CFFS Supports High School Principal Suspended for Promoting Free Speech to Students by Patrick Wood, Citizens for Free Speech March 8, 2021 PRESS RELEASE March 8, 2021   Barton Thorne…

David Icke w/ John Smith: Overcoming Fascist Government Mandates & Reopening for Business Under Common Law

Common Law Court’s John Smith Talks With David Icke About How Businesses Can Reopen Under Common Law and Overcome the Fascist Impositions of the State by David Icke February 28,…

Del Bigtree w/ Alfie Oakes, Owner of Mask-Free Store in Florida: On Business Owners Standing Together in Support of Freedom

Del Bigtree w/ Alfie Oakes, Owner of Mask-Free Store in Florida: On Business Owners Standing Together in Support of Freedom Mask-Free Store Goes Viral by Del Bigtree, The HighWire February…

Justice Centre Takes Legal Action on Behalf of Canadians Affected by Mandatory Hotel Quarantines and Travel Restrictions

Justice Centre Takes Legal Action on Behalf of Canadians Affected by Mandatory Hotel Quarantines and Travel Restrictions   Mandatory hotel quarantines and travel restrictions by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms…

New Survey of Vaccine-Free Group Exposes Long-term Impact of Vaccination Policies on Public Health

New Survey of Vaccine-Free Group Exposes Long-term Impact of Vaccination Policies on Public Health by Greg Glaser and Pat O’Connell, Vaxxter February 22, 2021   They tell us vaccines are…

Petitioning Government or Courts Will Never Result in Gaining Freedom: Only Mass Disobedience Can Prevail

Petitioning Government or Courts Will Never Result in Gaining Freedom: Only Mass Disobedience Can Prevail by Gary D. Barnett, February 22, 2021   “Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty…

They Know What You Are (Now They’re Haggling Over the Price)

They Know What You Are (Now They’re Haggling Over the Price) by James Corbett, The Corbett Report February 22, 2021   There’s an old joke about a wealthy man talking to a…

James Corbett w/ John Carpa of The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: On Violations of Human Rights in Canada

James Corbett w/ John Carpa of The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: On Violations of Human Rights in Canada   Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine by James Corbett, The…

The Danger of Giving the Group Priority Over the Individual

The Danger of Giving the Group Priority Over the Individual by Brian David Crane, Spread Great Ideas January 27, 2021   While mankind is a social animal, history is filled…

Individual Rights and Freedoms Under Siege in Era of COVID

Individual Rights and Freedoms Under Siege in Era of COVID “The COVID-19 pandemic has proven an opportunity of convenience for totalitarian elements who have put individual rights and freedoms globally…

James Corbett w/ Professor Dolores Cahill: On Natural Law, Bodily Integrity, Right to Travel, World Freedom Alliance | The Freedom Airway as One Solution

James Corbett w/ Professor Dolores Cahill: On Natural Law, Bodily Integrity, Right to Travel, World Freedom Alliance | The Freedom Airway as One Solution   Freedom Airway – #SolutionsWatch  by…

How a License Is Like a Vaccine

How a License Is Like a Vaccine by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing January 18, 2021   Every year, more and more people require a government-issued license to do…

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Has Withdrawn the Mandate for All Students to Receive an Influenza Vaccine

Massachusetts Department of Public Health Has Withdrawn the Mandate for All Students to Receive an Influenza Vaccine by ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network) sourced from ICAN newsletter January 15, 2021…

James Corbett w/ John Bush: Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset

Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch by James Corbett, The Corbett Report January 12, 2021   In this inaugural edition of #SolutionsWatch, James talks to John Bush, the…

Dr. David Martin at January 6 Rally: “Nature Has Never Conspired Against Us. Criminals Do.”

Dr. David Martin at January 6 Rally: “Nature Has Never Conspired Against Us. Criminals Do.” by New Earth Project w/ Dr. David Martin January 10, 2021    Original video…

Joseph P. Farrell: On the July 6 Events, the History of the US Constitution & Where We Go From Here

Joseph P. Farrell: On the July 6 Events, the History of the US Constitution & Where We Go From Here News and Views From the Nefarium Jan 7 2021 by…

Crowd Shames Police as 92-Year-Old Man Is Arrested at Assange Bail Hearing

Crowd Shames Police as 92-Year-Old Man Is Arrested at Assange Bail Hearing by Subject Access January 6, 2021   “Look at yourselves This is shameful. Disgraceful.” “He’s 92 years old!…

The Quarantine Act on the World Stage

The Quarantine Act on the World Stage by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing January 3, 2021   Event 201 programmed world governments to fall in line and respond with one…

Another Solution to Lockdowns: The Constitutional Lawyers

Another Solution to Lockdowns: The Constitutional Lawyers by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News December 30, 2020   There are a few principles involved in any effort to change the…

To Know the Enemy That Has Caused This Tyrannical Carnage, Just Look at the Reflection in the Mirror

To Know the Enemy That Has Caused This Tyrannical Carnage, Just Look at the Reflection in the Mirror by Gary D. Barnett December 29, 2020   “There are two ways…

What If the Christ Child Had Been Born in the American Police State?

What If the Christ Child Had Been Born in the American Police State? by John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute December 21, 2020   “When the song of the angels…

The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity

The Transhumanist Agenda: Loss of Identity by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, Nature of Healing December 19, 2020   The Face You Wear Matters By wearing a mask over your face, you…

How Civil Disobedience Safeguards Freedom and Prevents Tyranny

How Civil Disobedience Safeguards Freedom and Prevents Tyranny by Academy of Ideas December 14, 2020      The following is a transcript of this video.   “Monsters exist, but…

Sherry Peel Jackson: Our Rulers Want Us to Hate Each Other

Sherry Peel Jackson: Our Rulers Want Us to Hate Each Other by Drew Media December 6, 2020    Original video is available at Drew Media YouTube channel. [As a…

Jon Rappoport: Open Letter to Patriots Everywhere | LIVE FREE

Open Letter to Patriots Everywhere | LIVE FREE by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News November 25, 2020   In the modern secular church of fakers, they tell us anger…

Whoever Controls the Ideological Landscape Controls the World

Whoever Controls the Ideological Landscape Controls the World by Dustin Broadbery, The Cogent sourced from Activist Post November 22, 2020   The following quotes are from the Assistant Commissioner of…

Hacking at the Root

Hacking at the Root Eric Peters, Libertarian Car Guy November 20, 2020   The chief enforcement mechanism being deployed to force Americans to join the Sickness Cult – to give…

World Freedom Alliance: Stockholm | Global Voices of Courage | Full Documentary, November 2020

World Freedom Alliance: Stockholm | Global Voices of Courage | Full Documentary, November 2020 by Oracle Films November 17, 2020   Full Documentary — Parts 1 & 2: [Truth Comes…

Thick Red Line: Supporting the Police to Say No to Immoral, Unlawful Orders of Politicians

Thick Red Line: Supporting the Police to Say No to Immoral, Unlawful Orders of Politicians “Tyranny only comes to your door in a uniform and a badge. And if the…

James Corbett w/ Derrick Broze: Update on the Underground Railroad & Freedom Cells

Derrick Broze Updates Us on the Underground Railroad by James Corbett, The Corbett Report, with Derrick Broze, The Conscious Resistance November 11, 2020   Derrick Broze of joins us today to…

James Corbett: Goodbye YouTube Party w/ Derrick Broze, Ryan Cristian, Dan Dicks & Josh Sigurdson

Goodbye YouTube Party!!! by James Corbett, The Corbett Report November 10, 2020   Q: What’s the biggest event of the year? A: The Goodbye YouTube Party, of course! Join James,…

End the Government’s War on America’s Military Veterans

End the Government’s War on America’s Military Veterans by John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute November 09, 2020   “For soldiers … coming home is more lethal than being in…

David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land” | Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law

David Icke: “Common Law Is the Real Law of the Land” | Understand & Disconnect Yourself From the Deceit of Statute Law Excerpts: “It is a deceit imposed upon the…

Freedom Exists Under Natural Law

Freedom Exists Under Natural Law by Rosanne Lindsay, Nature of Healing October 23, 2020   Losing Freedom What happens when the legislative and justice systems become corrupt and you no…

Totalitarianism Is Taking Over America

Totalitarianism Is Taking Over America by Gary D. Barnett, November 1, 2020   We are in the midst of the most dangerous time to liberty since this country was…

Tony Roman, Courageous Owner of Mask-Free Italian Restaurant in CA, in Conversation with Del Bigtree

Tony Roman,  Courageous Owner of Mask-Free Italian Restaurant in CA, in Conversation with Del Bigtree by Del Bigtree, The HighWire October 30, 2020    Restaurant owner Tony Roman, of…

Mandatory COVID Camps Begin

Mandatory COVID Camps Begin by Del Bigtree & Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire October 30, 2020    Available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels. Governments around the world are…

Jon Rappoport: Trump/Biden — Two Bombshell Breaking Stories | And, Why Trump Must Win

Excerpts: “Trump passively gave in. He opened the door to a coup and then stood aside. Biden is a complete puppet of the coup. He wants to take the tyranny…

James Corbett: Where Can We Run To?

James Corbett: Where Can We Run To? by James Corbett, The Corbett Report October 26, 2020   Today on Questions For Corbett, James answers a frequently asked question about where…

James Corbett: How Do You Police A Free Society?

James Corbett: How Do You Police A Free Society? by James Corbett, The Corbett Report October 19, 2020   Today we delve into the Questions For Corbett archives for an…

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down by Academy of Ideas, May 19, 2019    Original video available at Academy of Ideas YouTube channel. [As…

Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Stop the Machine and Defend Our Humanity

Bill Gates’ Global Agenda and How We Can Stop the Machine and Defend Our Humanity by Vandana Shiva, sourced from Children’s Health Defense September 29, 2020   In March 2015,…

“CLIMATE LOCKDOWN” – The End Game Becomes Clear: Post-Human Future

“CLIMATE LOCKDOWN” – The End Game Becomes Clear: Post-Human Future by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer September 26, 2020   A “Climate Lockdown,” to extend into perpetuity, reveals the true…

Attorney Tom Renz w/ Jon Rappoport: Ohio Stands Up Against the Crushing of Human Rights via This Fake COVID Narrative

Attorney Tom Renz w/ Jon Rappoport: Ohio Stands Up Against the Crushing of Human Rights Via This Fake COVID Narrative by Solari Report w/ Jon Rappoport & Attorney Tom Renz…

How the “Greater Good” Is Used as a Tool of Social Control

How the “Greater Good” Is Used as a Tool of Social Control by Academy of Ideas September 22, 2020    [Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Lbry &…

People Worldwide Say No to Medical Mandates, Unsafe Vaccines, & Totalitarian Government

Community and Countries United! We Say NO! by Children’s Health Defense September 14, 2020    Original video available at Children’s Health Defense YouTube channel. [As a service to protect…

From 9/11 to Covid-19: Nineteen Years of Permanent “Emergency”

From 9/11 to Covid-19: Nineteen Years of Permanent “Emergency” by Ryan McMaken, Mises Institute September 11, 2020   During March and April of this year—during the early days of the…

Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road from 9/11 to COVID-19

Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms on the Road from 9/11 to COVID-19 by John W. Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute September 8, 2020   “No one ever seizes power…

Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion

Statism: The Most Dangerous Religion featuring Larken Rose by Liberty or Death Media September 25, 2014      Transcript provided by TCTL: Quite simply, a statist is somebody who…

Larken Rose, Not Just Another Angry White Guy: “I Want a Society With No Masters and No Slaves”

Another Angry White Guy? by Larken Rose June 3, 2020 “So you may be wondering which side am I on regarding these protests or riots or police actions or whatever….
