Controversial Autopsy Reveals Link to Covid Vaccine

Controversial Autopsy Reveals Link to Covid Vaccine

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
August 30, 2021


Video available at The HighWire Rumble, BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Within 24 hours of her first #Covid19 vaccine, Marty’s healthy, 86-year-old mother was found dead. After pushback from doctors and the coroner, he paid for an independent autopsy and the results were eye opening.

#VaccineDeaths #VaccineSafety #SpeakUp #DrRyanCole #Investigate #Autopsy #VAERS#TheHighwire #DelBigtree #HW230

Romania Stops Vaccine Imports, Shutters Vaccination Centers, Transfers Vaccine Stocks to Denmark, Vietnam, Ireland, S. Korea, etc

Romania Stops Vaccine Imports, Shutters Vaccination Centers, Transfers Vaccine Stocks to Denmark, Vietnam, Ireland, S. Korea, etc.
The people don’t want them. Rather than try and force them, the government respects their will.

by Anti-Empire
August 30, 2021


Romania closes 117 Covid vaccination centres — July 7, Associated Press:

Declining demand for coronavirus vaccinations in Romania has prompted authorities to close 117 vaccination centers and to reduce the schedule at 371 others, health officials said Tuesday.

“In the previous week we re-evaluated the efficiency of fixed vaccination centers. About 80% of fixed vaccination centers vaccinate less than 25% of the vaccination capacity allocated to each stream,” national vaccination committee chief Valeriu Gheorghita said at a press conference Tuesday.

Romania halts most Covid-19 vaccine imports as people shun jabs — The Irish Times, July 1:

Romania has halted the import of most Covid-19 vaccines after a slowdown in its inoculation drive prompted the government to sell more than a million doses to Denmark and seek an extension to the validity of tens of thousands of expired shots.

Romania to start destroying expired COVID-19 vaccines as vaccination numbers drop — Romania Insider, June 25:

Romania could start destroying some of the COVID-19 vaccines received earlier this year as they are set to expire while the population’s interest in vaccination has dropped significantly. [Or more likely those who wanted it, already got it.]

As a result, Romania now holds a surplus of vaccines and will start to destroy some of the unused doses received earlier this year as they will expire soon. About a week ago, the authorities asked the suppliers to send fewer COVID-19 vaccines than planned for the same reason.

Denmark buys 1.1m Pfizer doses from Romania — The Local, June 30

Denmark has bought 1.1m doses of the Pfizer vaccine from the Romanian government, potentially bringing forward vaccinations by two to three weeks.
In a press release on Tuesday evening, Denmark’s health minister Magnus Heunicke said that the slow pace of vaccination in Romania had left the country with doses that it could not use.

Romanian PM doesn’t want different rules for vaccinated, unvaccinated —, August 28

Prime Minister Florin Citu on Saturday said he wasn’t in favor of introducing different rules for people in public places depending on whether they had had a Covid vaccine or not.

“I am not a fan of the vaccinated, he unvaccinated going separately to the mall,” he said.

“The malls were open last year when we didn’t have a vaccine. It would be hilarious and absurd to close them now, when we have this solution: the vaccine,” he said during a visit to a vaccine center in the northern city of Botosani.

Bulgaria and Romania have low vaccination rates – and low COVID rates — LifeSite News, August 27:

Contrary to the expectations heavily promoted by politicians, media, and public health establishment, Bulgarians and Romanians saw a low number of COVID-19 infections this summer as they continued to refuse to take the COVID vaccines.

In fact, Bulgaria and Romania have some of the lowest rates of COVID infections per 100,000 people in Europe, according to an August 22 statistical analysis of European countries.

“The current vaccination rate in Romania is half compared to that of Bulgaria (0.13 vaccines per 100 inhabitants on average in the last seven days) and 7.5 times lower than the EU average (0.45 vaccines per 100 inhabitants),” according to Romania Insider. “On the opposite end, Denmark has administered 0.94 vaccine doses per 100 inhabitants on average over the last seven days.” Bulgaria and Romania’s vaccination rates since the 2020 release of the jab are not significantly different.

The two countries sandwich Denmark for lowest infection rates on the continent.

While the publication said that “the number of new COVID-19 cases has risen to the highest level since the end of May,” the article fails to provide the necessary context.

Romania’s reported COVID cases peaked at nearly 60,000 in November 2020, before a vaccine was made available.

Through the summer, Romania’s 25 percent vaccination rate did not lead it to experience a surge in infections. “Officials say Romania has received more [than] 16 million doses of several western-made vaccines but less than 55 per cent have been used, as the number of vaccines administered daily has dropped to around 20,000 from 100,000 last month,” the Irish Times reported.

The publication admitted “a slowing infection rate has weakened the impetus for some in Romania to get vaccinated: only 31 new cases of Covid-19 and five deaths were reported on Thursday, adding to a national total of 1.08 million infections and 33,786 fatalities.”

For example, the week of July 5 saw a low of 285 confirmed cases. While the past several weeks of August have seen an increase to almost 4,000 cases in one week, it’s still much lower than pre-vaccination rates and the early months of 2021.


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cover image credit: nistorarmin / pixabay

Bring All the Troops Home: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Endless Wars

Bring All the Troops Home: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Endless Wars

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
August 31, 2021


“Let us resolve that never again will we send the precious young blood of this country to die trying to prop up a corrupt military dictatorship abroad. This is also the time to turn away from excessive preoccupation overseas to the rebuilding of our own nation. America must be restored to a proper role in the world. But we can do that only through the recovery of confidence in ourselves…. together we will call America home to the ideals that nourished us from the beginning.”—George S. McGovern, former Senator and presidential candidate

It’s time to bring all our troops home.

Bring them home from Somalia, Iraq and Syria. Bring them home from Germany, South Korea and Japan. Bring them home from Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Oman. Bring them home from Niger, Chad and Mali. Bring them home from Turkey, the Philippines, and northern Australia.

It’s not enough to pull American troops out of Afghanistan, America’s longest, bloodiest and most expensive war to date.

It’s time that we stop policing the globe, stop occupying other countries, and stop waging endless wars.

That’s not what’s going to happen, of course.

The U.S. military reportedly has more than 1.3 million men and women on active duty, with more than 200,000 of them stationed overseas in nearly every country in the world.

Those numbers are likely significantly higher in keeping with the Pentagon’s policy of not fully disclosing where and how many troops are deployed for the sake of “operational security and denying the enemy any advantage.” As investigative journalist David Vine explains, “Although few Americans realize it, the United States likely has more bases in foreign lands than any other people, nation, or empire in history.”

Don’t fall for the propaganda, though.

America’s military forces aren’t being deployed abroad to protect our freedoms here at home. Rather, they’re being used to guard oil fields, build foreign infrastructure and protect the financial interests of the corporate elite. In fact, the United States military spends about $81 billion a year just to protect oil supplies around the world.

The reach of America’s military empire includes close to 800 bases in as many as 160 countries, operated at a cost of more than $156 billion annually. As Vine reports, “Even US military resorts and recreation areas in places like the Bavarian Alps and Seoul, South Korea, are bases of a kind. Worldwide, the military runs more than 170 golf courses.”

This is how a military empire occupies the globe.

After 20 years of propping up Afghanistan to the tune of trillions of dollars and thousands of lives lost, the U.S. military may have finally been forced out, but those troops represent just a fraction of our military presence worldwide.

In an ongoing effort to police the globe, American military servicepeople continue to be deployed to far-flung places in the Middle East and elsewhere.

This is how the military industrial complex, aided and abetted by the likes of Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and others, continues to get rich at taxpayer expense.

Yet while the rationale may keep changing for why American military forces are policing the globe, these wars abroad aren’t making America—or the rest of the world—any safer, are certainly not making America great again, and are undeniably digging the U.S. deeper into debt.

War spending is bankrupting America.

Although the U.S. constitutes only 5% of the world’s population, America boasts almost 50% of the world’s total military expenditure, spending more on the military than the next 19 biggest spending nations combined.

In fact, the Pentagon spends more on war than all 50 states combined spend on health, education, welfare, and safety.

The American military-industrial complex has erected an empire unsurpassed in history in its breadth and scope, one dedicated to conducting perpetual warfare throughout the earth.

Since 2001, the U.S. government has spent more than $4.7 trillion waging its endless wars.

Having been co-opted by greedy defense contractors, corrupt politicians and incompetent government officials, America’s expanding military empire is bleeding the country dry at a rate of more than $32 million per hour.

In fact, the U.S. government has spent more money every five seconds in Iraq than the average American earns in a year.

Future wars and military exercises waged around the globe are expected to push the total bill upwards of $12 trillion by 2053.

Talk about fiscally irresponsible: the U.S. government is spending money it doesn’t have on a military empire it can’t afford.

As investigative journalist Uri Friedman puts it, for more than 15 years now, the United States has been fighting terrorism with a credit card, “essentially bankrolling the wars with debt, in the form of purchases of U.S. Treasury bonds by U.S.-based entities like pension funds and state and local governments, and by countries like China and Japan.”

War is not cheap, but it becomes outrageously costly when you factor in government incompetence, fraud, and greedy contractors. Indeed, a leading accounting firm concluded that one of the Pentagon’s largest agencies “can’t account for hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of spending.”

Unfortunately, the outlook isn’t much better for the spending that can be tracked.

A government audit found that defense contractor Boeing has been massively overcharging taxpayers for mundane parts, resulting in tens of millions of dollars in overspending. As the report noted, the American taxpayer paid:

$71 for a metal pin that should cost just 4 cents; $644.75 for a small gear smaller than a dime that sells for $12.51: more than a 5,100 percent increase in price. $1,678.61 for another tiny part, also smaller than a dime, that could have been bought within DoD for $7.71: a 21,000 percent increase. $71.01 for a straight, thin metal pin that DoD had on hand, unused by the tens of thousands, for 4 cents: an increase of over 177,000 percent.

That price gouging has become an accepted form of corruption within the American military empire is a sad statement on how little control “we the people” have over our runaway government.

Mind you, this isn’t just corrupt behavior. It’s deadly, downright immoral behavior.

Americans have thus far allowed themselves to be spoon-fed a steady diet of pro-war propaganda that keeps them content to wave flags with patriotic fervor and less inclined to look too closely at the mounting body counts, the ruined lives, the ravaged countries, the blowback arising from ill-advised targeted-drone killings and bombing campaigns in foreign lands, or the transformation of our own homeland into a warzone.

That needs to change.

The U.S. government is not making the world any safer. It’s making the world more dangerous. It is estimated that the U.S. military drops a bomb somewhere in the world every 12 minutes. Since 9/11, the United States government has directly contributed to the deaths of around 500,000 human beings. Every one of those deaths was paid for with taxpayer funds.

The U.S. government is not making America any safer. It’s exposing American citizens to alarming levels of blowback, a CIA term referring to the unintended consequences of the U.S. government’s international activities. Chalmers Johnson, a former CIA consultant, repeatedly warned that America’s use of its military to gain power over the global economy would result in devastating blowback.

The 9/11 attacks were blowback. The Boston Marathon Bombing was blowback. The attempted Times Square bomber was blowback. The Fort Hood shooter, a major in the U.S. Army, was blowback.

The U.S. military’s ongoing drone strikes will, I fear, spur yet more blowback against the American people. The latest drone strike reportedly killed seven children, ages 2 to 10, in Afghanistan.

The war hawks’ militarization of America—bringing home the spoils of war (the military tanks, grenade launchers, Kevlar helmets, assault rifles, gas masks, ammunition, battering rams, night vision binoculars, etc.) and handing them over to local police, thereby turning America into a battlefield—is also blowback.

James Madison was right: “No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” As Madison explained, “Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes… known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.”

We are seeing this play out before our eyes.

The government is destabilizing the economy, destroying the national infrastructure through neglect and a lack of resources, and turning taxpayer dollars into blood money with its endless wars, drone strikes and mounting death tolls.

Clearly, our national priorities are in desperate need of an overhauling.

At the height of its power, even the mighty Roman Empire could not stare down a collapsing economy and a burgeoning military. Prolonged periods of war and false economic prosperity largely led to its demise. As historian Chalmers Johnson predicts:

The fate of previous democratic empires suggests that such a conflict is unsustainable and will be resolved in one of two ways. Rome attempted to keep its empire and lost its democracy. Britain chose to remain democratic and in the process let go its empire. Intentionally or not, the people of the United States already are well embarked upon the course of non-democratic empire.

This is the “unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex” that President Dwight Eisenhower warned us more than 50 years ago not to let endanger our liberties or democratic processes.

Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II, was alarmed by the rise of the profit-driven war machine that emerged following the war—one that, in order to perpetuate itself, would have to keep waging war.

We failed to heed his warning.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, there’s not much time left before we reach the zero hour.

It’s time to stop policing the globe, end these wars-without-end, and bring the troops home.


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cover image credit: SutoriMedia / pixabay

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
August 31, 2021


Sunday’s news reports that the Biden Administration mistakenly killed nine members of one Afghan family, including six children, in “retaliation” for last week’s suicide attack which killed 13 US servicemembers, is a sad and sick epitaph on the 20 year Afghanistan war.

Promising to “get tough” on ISIS, which suddenly re-emerged to take responsibility for the suicide attack, the most expensive military and intelligence apparatus on earth appears to have gotten it wrong. Again.

Interventionists love to pretend they care about girls and women in Afghanistan, but it is in reality a desperate attempt to continue the 20-year US occupation. If we leave, they say, girls and women will be discriminated against by the Taliban.

It’s hard to imagine a discrimination worse than being incinerated by a drone strike, but these “collateral damage” attacks over the past 20 years have killed scores of civilians. Just like on Sunday.

That’s the worst part of this whole terrible war: day-after-day for twenty years civilians were killed because of the “noble” effort to re-make Afghanistan in the image of the United States. But the media and the warmongers who call the shots in government – and the “private” military-industrial sector – could not have cared less. Who recalls a single report on how many civilians were just “collateral damage” in the futile US war?

Sadly these children killed on Sunday, two of them reportedly just two years old, have been the ones forced to pay the price for a failed and bloody US foreign policy.

Yes, the whole exit from Afghanistan has been a debacle. Biden, but especially his military planners and incompetent advisors, deserves much of what has been piled onto him this past week or so about this incompetence.

Maybe if Biden’s Secretary of Defense and Joint Chiefs’ Chairman had spent a bit more time planning the Afghan exit and a lot less time obsessing on how to turn the US military into a laboratory for cultural Marxism, we might have actually had a workable plan.

We know that actual experts like Col. Douglas Macgregor did have a plan to get out that would have spared innocent lives. But because this decorated US Army veteran was “tainted” by his service in the previous administration – service that was solely focused on how to get out of Afghanistan safely – he would not be consulted by the Pentagon’s “woke” top military brass.

Trump also should share some of the blame currently being showered on Biden. He wanted to get out years ago, but never had the courage to stand up to the also incompetent generals and “experts” he foolishly hired to advise him.

Similarly, many conservatives (especially neoconservatives) are desperate to attack Biden not for how he got out of Afghanistan, but for the fact that he is getting us out of Afghanistan.

That tells you all you need to know about how profitable war is to the warmongers.

I’ve always said, “we just marched in, we can just march out,” and I stand by that view. Yes, you can “just march out” of these idiotic interventions…but you do need a map!


Connect with Ron Paul

cover image credit: mohamed_hassan / pixabay

Joseph P. Farrell on “Sirhan Sirhan Granted Parole”

Sirhan Sirhan Granted Parole

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
August 31, 2021


By now, most of you have probably heard that Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, has finally been granted parole, and, as the following article indicates, it’s caused a bit of a split within the Kennedy family, understandably:

Chris Kennedy joins 5 siblings in ‘disbelief’ at parole for Sirhan Sirhan; 2 of RFK’s sons back decision

Granted, a recommendation of parole does not necessarily mean that Sirhan will be paroled. And in Sirhan’s case, there were witnesses that saw him in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles after Senator Kennedy had just won the Democratic state primary in California. And Sirhan was holding a gun, and according to some of the witnesses who wrestled him to the pantry table, he was still trying to squeeze the trigger.

In other words, Sirhan was attempting to assassinate the senator.

He was clearly implicated.

But there’s a few teensy weensy problems…

… the fatal wound in Senator Kennedy apparently came from behind his right ear… by most witness accounts Sirhan was standing in front of the Senator.

There’s another problem: Senator Kennedy’s autopsy showed the shot came from a gun very close to his head.  Sirhan’s pistol was, according to many witnesses, at least three feet away.

As I detailed in my book Microcosm and Medium, there’s a great deal of persuasive evidence to argue that Sirhan was a creature – and victim – of mind control, a literal Manchurian Candidate.

That brings me to my point: Sirhan’s eventual potential release, or lack thereof, will hardly resolve the RFK assassination, any more than the Warren Report put the country at ease after the assassination of his brother, or than the apprehension of James Earl Ray put to rest the many frayed and questionable threads surrounding the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King. If anything, his potential release will focus a spotlight on the RFK assassination and the real murderers who used sophisticated mind manipulation techniques to create a Manchurian Candidate. And yes, for the record, I do think that Sirhan was a victim and creature of mind manipulation technology, and that the real assassins of Senator Kennedy roamed free, while a patsy took the fall. Sirhan is a living reminder that the people who pulled off the three great assassinations of the 1960s were never brought to justice, and is a living reminder that behind the veneer of a republic, America is really in the hands of an unelected deep state, its very own Venetian Council of Ten, that will stoop to anything – including mind manipulation and murder – to retain its power and agenda. That power has grown exponentially since the 1960s, since they no longer need Manchurian Candidates to assassinate people. They now have drones for that, and they have successfully installed – through dubious means – an easily manipulable mental basket case in the White-Out House.

It remains to be seen if Sirhan will actually be paroled, and if so, how he will spend his time. Will he seek to resolve his role in the RFK assassination? Will he write a book? Will he do interviews? Will he seek psychiatric help to try to find – through regressive hypnosis or some other means – whomever it was that programed him?

Or will he simply try to put it all behind him?

I don’t know the answers to those questions.

I do strongly suspect that the national nightmare, that is to say the people behind those assassinations, is probably still there for the simple reason that the JFK assassination represented a coup d’etat, and that the subsequent events and scandals up to our day represented the consequence: a government by false flags, contrived crises, fraudulent elections, fuzzy and secretive finance, deals with drug-dealing and human trafficking devils, Communists in Beijing… you name it.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: Tarna66 / pixabay

California Drought, How to Party on the Titanic

California Drought, How to Party on the Titanic

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
August 24, 2021


Climate engineering operations are cutting off the flow of moisture to the US West, how much longer can Californians last without rain? Primary reservoirs are about to run dry,  Lake Shasta in Northern California is a case in point. Though there is very little water left in the lake and record wildfires are burning in regions surrounding Lake Shasta, the boat launching and recreating continues unabated. No matter how devastating and dire environmental degradation has become, there are many who are willing to ignore biosphere collapse in order to keep their personal pursuit of pleasure going till the last possible moment. Can the masses be awakened in time?


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cover image credit: Wolfgang_Hasselmann / pixabay

Refusing the COVID Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight

Refusing the COVID Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 30, 2021


In this article, I’m cutting through a few miles of new verbiage circulating on the issue of refusing the COVID vaccine.

People have recently announced “an extraordinary discovery”: there is a legal way to reject the vaccine. “It’s still experimental,” they say, even after the FDA just fully approved it, and under federal law, a person has the right to refuse an experimental medicine.

So…take a breath, let it out, take a step back, and consider the following:

Since the moment COVID vaccines were launched, a person has been able to refuse them. Since they were first mandated, a person has been able to refuse them.

“Mandate” means: if you refuse, you pay the price.

Consequences. You’re fired from your job. You can’t enter certain restaurants. And so on.

After the August 23 FDA approval of the Pfizer shot, nothing in that regard has changed. You can refuse the shot, but you take the consequences.

Even in the Army (so far), they can’t hold you down and force the needle into your arm. They put you in a cell, they discharge you dishonorably, they court martial you; whatever.

Perhaps a lawyer can argue that the consequences of refusing the shot are egregious, too severe, are tantamount to “forcing the shot,” but that is a different issue. I would like to see that issue raised.

But let’s not confuse huge numbers of people by telling them they now have a clear path to refusing the shot. That clear path has always existed (with perhaps the exception of prisons and nursing homes and hospitals where some people were forced to take the shot illegally).

What people are dealing with is, how can I avoid the consequences of refusing the shot?

I’ve suggested strategies that entail getting employers wrapped up in answering probing detailed questions about financial and legal responsibility for vaccine injuries—

But the ultimate bottom line is the individual refusing the shot, No Matter What.

In my MANY articles about vaccines, detailing how they are dangerous, destructive, ineffective, and unnecessary, my aim has been to bring people closer to making their own stand.

That is what this is all about: No Matter What.

It’s a test of faith, conviction, courage.

Will you refuse the vaccine no matter what?

Believe me, I support all sorts of legal case filings and challenges to vaccine mandates. I don’t care how slim the chances of success are.

But in the end, every individual has to decide what he will accept and what he will reject.

No matter what the consequences are.

We are the cure. This is the war.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco / pixabay

Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic

Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic

by John Titus, BestEvidence
August 14, 2021


Video is available at BestEvidence Odysee, BitChute and YouTube channels.

The pandemic presented forensically for what it is, namely, a massive theatrical edifice intended to distract popular attention away from the fact that criminal bankers running the monetary system are making a massive push toward full-on totalitarianism through monetary and financial control.


(1) BIS General Manager Agustin Carstens explains with gusto that central banks will have full control over retail CBDC transactions, including ability to block individual transactions:

(2) Sovereign Money (2017), by Joseph Huber,SD,aaaVxBtyTDWxd4O2DY_1497963026_1:4:1&bq=author%3Djoseph%2520huber%26title%3Dsovereign%2520money%2520beyond%2520reserve%2520banking

(3) “Can banks individually create money out of nothing?,” by Prof. Richard Werner

(4) “Mommy, Where Does Money Come From?”

(5) Steven Van Metre, “Fed’s Latest Scam to Force More U.S. Debt on Depositors,”

(6) “Wherefore Art Thou, Reserves?”

(7) “Quantitative Easing Is the Biggest Sham Ever”


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mRNA “Vaccines”, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism

mRNA “Vaccines”, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism
The worldwide rollout of mRNA “vaccines” is part of a much larger agenda that encompasses eugenics and transhumanism. This agenda is being funded and promoted by a network of global institutions, politicians, and billionaire technocrats.

by Ryan Matters, OffGuardian
August 28, 2021


In 1989, researchers from the Salk Institute in California published a paper detailing how they developed an RNA transfection system that could “directly introduce RNA into whole tissues and embryos”.

The concept of using RNA as a drug is first described in this paper, making it the seminal work that formed the foundation for decades of further research in this area. The “Discussion” section of the paper states that:

The RNA/lipofectin method can be used to directly introduce RNA into whole tissues and embryos (R.W.M., C. Holt, and I.M.V., unpublished results), raising the possibility that liposome-mediated mRNA transfection might offer yet another option in the growing technology of eukaryotic gene delivery, one based on the concept of using RNA as a drug.”

One of the Salk Institute researchers listed on the paper is Dr Robert W. Malone, a scientist who has recently been censored on social media for warning about the possible dangers of the covid-19 vaccines. It could be argued that there’s no expert more qualified to warn us about the dangers of mRNA injections than the man who helped pioneer the technology, nevertheless, Big Tech decided he was expounding “misinformation”, because, well, they know better apparently.

Malone’s research, which resulted in a procedure that could be used to “efficiently transfect RNA into human cells” using a “synthetic cationic lipid” was supported by grants from the American Cancer Society and the National Institute of Health (who currently have a stake in the Moderna mRNA vaccine, showing their allegiance to the technology. More on this later).

While Malone’s contributions to the development of mRNA technology are well-known and well-documented, Wikipedia decided to remove all mention of him from their “RNA Vaccine” entry shortly after the scientist began speaking out about the dangers of the rushed-through covid vaccines. The June 14th version of the article mentioned Malone by name 3 times and cited his work 6 times. The current version of the article mentions him 0 times and cites his work only 3 times.

However, this is unsurprising considering Wikipedia’s documented bias towards the pharmaceutical industry. Far more interesting is the institution that produced the research in the first place – the Salk Institute.

The Salk Institute, named after Jonas Salk, the creator of the Salk polio vaccine, was constructed in 1962 thanks to funding from the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, today known as the March of the Dimes.

The March of the Dimes (MOD) was established in 1937 with the mission of eradicating polio and during a time when the Eugenics Establishment was already a prominent, but not yet popular, feature of the American health scene. The theory of Eugenics is based on the idea that selective procreation can lead to the gradual “improvement” of the human race and that certain families are fit to lead society by virtue of their “superior” genes.

At the time, the nation’s key eugenics organizations included the American Eugenics Society (AES) and the American Society of human Eugenics (ASHE), funded by the Rockefeller, Carnegie and Harriman families, as well as the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. It should be noted that the Rockefellers were instrumental in funding and promoting eugenics around the world. The Eugenics movement promoted selective mating, artificial insemination and compulsory sterilization and euthanasia as important means of weeding out so-called “inferior” human beings.

The first sterilization law in the US was passed in 1907, in the state of Indiana, and by 1931, many more states had followed suit by enacting similar laws. According to the Indiana Historical Bureau:

In 1907, Governor J. Frank Hanly approved first state eugenics law making sterilization mandatory for certain individuals in state custody.”

Those sterilized under eugenics law were deemed “undesirable” on account of mental or physical impairments such as epilepsy, blindness and physical disabilities, as well as “social inadequacies” such as drug addiction or criminality. According to estimates, around 60,000 individuals were sterilized under such laws, deprived of their right to have children and forever branded as “feebleminded”.

In fact, the prominence of the American eugenics movement resulted in its adoption by the National Socialist Party of Germany, which sterilized more than 350,000 persons by the end of the second world war. After WW2, eugenics notions were dropped from public conversation, but the movement never dissipated, no, instead it was “re-branded” using more acceptable terminology such as “population control” and “reproductive health”, as we shall see later on.

The emergence of the MOD  as a major player in the American Eugenics movement can be traced back to the organization’s early association with the Rockefeller Institute from where it procured many of its key members and advisers, including professor Anton Julius Carlson, a member of the American Eugenics Society, recruited to serve on the MOD’s  Medical and Research Committees and Professor Clair E. Turner, another AES member who served as assistant to then President, Basil O’Connor.

Just before the establishment of the Salk Institute, the MOD announced it would be phasing out its polio programs and focusing its resources on “birth defects”.

In 1959, the MOD funded courses in “medical genetics” at the Jackson Laboratory in Maine, a genetics institute founded in 1929 by Clarence Cook Little, who, “at one time or another” served as the president of the American Eugenics Society, the American Birth Control League and the American Euthanasia Society.

Jackson Laboratory’s claimed mission is “to discover precise genomic solutions for disease and empower the global biomedical community in its shared quest to improve human health.” Noteworthy is that the lab received increased funding in 2020, largely from the National Institute of Health (NIH), including a grant of $10.6 million to find treatments for rare genetic diseases by using gene-editing technologies. And at the start of the coronavirus “pandemic”, the lab worked to develop genetically modified mice for use in vaccine studies and other research related to Sars-Cov-2.

Beginning in the 1960s, the MOD financed several “Birth Defects Prevention Centers” located at medical institutions across the US. These new centers offered prenatal testing via amniocentesis to determine whether a baby would be born with “defects” and then gave the couple the opportunity to abort the affected child.

The MOD has also made direct donations to Planned Parenthood, a clear contradiction of their claimed mission, which is to “fight for the health of all moms and babies”. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides “reproductive health care” in the US and abroad.

From 2019-2020 the organization committed over 350,000 abortions and has been criticized as “steering resources away from women’s health and toward abortion.” Unsurprisingly, a look into the organization’s history reveals that Planned Parenthood has its roots in Eugenics ideals.

Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger, who, far from a “birth control activist”, as the mainstream would have you believe, was a racist eugenicist who sought to rid the world of “unfit” human stock. In her essay, “A Plan for Peace”, she describes the main objects of her proposed “Population Congress” which includes

a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.”

She also mentions the need to “control the intake and output of morons, mental defectives, epileptics.”

As mentioned earlier, these Eugenics ideals inspired the Nazis who took many of Sanger’s ideas and ran with them, so to speak. In his book, The War Against the Weak, Edwin Black details how the Nazi sterilization law of 1933 as well as subsequent euthanasia laws were based on blueprints drawn up by Sanger and other American “activists”. In fact, associates of Sanger knew about these Nazi euthanasia programs and praised them.

Coming back to the Salk Institute, it should be noted that the mainstream account of the 20th-century polio outbreak, namely the notion that the disease is caused by a virus and that Dr Salk’s miracle vaccine was single-handedly responsible for ending the epidemic, is dubious and likely altogether false.

Paralytic polio appeared suddenly in the US in the early 1900s with continual, dramatic fluctuations in cases – a pattern that continued until the end of the 1950s. The introduction of the Salk vaccine in 1954 seemed to coincide with the almost instantaneous decline in cases, which continued for more than two decades.

But prior to being called “polio”, conditions involving infirmity of the limbs were known by various other names including apoplexy, palsy and paralysis. Many historical writings refer to paralysis resulting from exposure to toxic substances and many of these accounts were documented by Dr Ralph Scobey in his 1952 statement to the Select Committee to Investigate the Use of Chemicals in Food Products titled The Poison Cause of Poliomyelitis and Obstructions to its Investigation.

Scobey’s paper includes references to several investigations that seemed to indicate a link between polio outbreaks in the 20th century and the consumption of fresh fruit, providing a link between Polio and toxic pesticide exposure.

One crop pesticide in widespread use at the time was DDT, a highly toxic organochlorine that was widely publicized as being “good for you”, but eventually banned in 1972. In 1953, Dr Morton Biskind published a paper in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases pointing out that:

McCormick (78), Scobey (100-101), and Goddard (57), in detailed studies, have all pointed out that factors other than infective agents are certainly involved in the etiology of polio, varying from nutritional defects to a variety of poisons which affect the nervous system.”

The danger of toxic pesticides, including DDT, and their disastrous effects on the environment were illustrated by Rachel Carson in her 1962 book, Silent Spring.

In more recent times, researchers, Dan Olmstead, co-founder of the Age of Autism, and Mark Blaxil conducted two brilliant investigations into the polio epidemics of the 20th century, reaching a similar conclusion to Scobey and Biskind, namely that the disease was caused by the widespread use of neurotoxic pesticides such as arsenite of soda and DDT.

Although Salk’s vaccine was hailed as a success, the vaccine itself caused many cases of injury and paralysis. And though there does appear to be a convincing correlation between the timing of the vaccine and the reduction in polio cases, as all good scientists know, causation doesn’t equal correlation, especially considering the fact that DDT was phased out, at least in the US, over the same period.

Interestingly, Dr Salk’s polio research was funded by the mother of Cordelia Scaife May, an heiress to the Mellon family banking fortune who idealized Margaret Sanger and later joined the board of the International Planned Parenthood Foundation.

May’s views on immigration were radical, to say the least, and according to some, she favoured compulsory sterilization as a means to limit birth rates in developing countries. May later joined the board of the Population Council, an organization founded by John D. Rockefeller III focused on population reduction.

In 1995, the Population Council collaborated with the WHO to create fertility regulating vaccines.

It would be a mistake to think that the polio epidemic was not related to the current ‘age of vaccination’ we find ourselves in. On the contrary, claiming that polio was “eradicated in the United States” due to vaccination alone is a lie that garnered public favour for childhood vaccinations and helped to set the groundwork for the widespread belief in the safety and efficacy of all vaccines.

Diseases such as polio and smallpox (another lie that is beyond the scope of this article), and the subsequent pro-vaccine propaganda, “primed” much of the population to accept, without question, an experimental jab based on poorly understood technology.

Twisting the Science

In 1997, 8 years after the Salk Institute paper, the FDA approved the first-ever trial of transfected RNA to develop immunity in cancer patients. The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Health then voted to continue approval some months later, leading to the first-ever mRNA-based vaccine administered to humans.

Though mRNA is propagandized in the media as the next revolution in health, those with keen perception may be alarmed when reading excerpts such as this one, taken from an article on the history of mRNA, written by Damian Garde, a Biotech reporter for STATS:

“The concept: By making precise tweaks to synthetic mRNA and injecting people with it, any cell in the body could be transformed into an on-demand drug factory.”

Talk of cells being turned into “on-demand drug factories” is exactly the sort of meaningless techno-rhetoric meant to impress and entice an uninformed public. mRNA vaccines are based on the following concept: a piece of synthetic mRNA is shuttled into your cells, where it is used as a template to create the viral “spike protein”. Once this protein leaves the cell, the body produces antibodies and “learns” how to fight future Sars-Cov-2 infections.

mRNA-based vaccines are often touted as a safer alternative to DNA-based vaccines, which, according to experts “may trigger permanent and dangerous changes in the genetic information of treated people”. However, do we know for sure that mRNA vaccines don’t permanently change the genetic makeup of our cells? A 2001 paper titled RNA as a tumor vaccine: a review of the literature states that (emphasis added):

unlike DNA-based vaccines, there is little danger of incorporation of RNA sequences into the host genome.”

The use of the word “little” would seem to indicate that there may be at least some danger of genome integration, or more likely, researchers simply don’t know.

In the 2004 “expert opinion” paper by Pascolo cited above, he outlines the link between mRNA vaccines and gene therapies, something which is continually denied and dismissed by the mainstream:

Although located in the cytosol and not in the nucleus, mature mRNAs belong to the biochemical family of nucleic acids. mRNA, similarly to DNA, may be considered a gene and, consequently, it’s use as a vaccine may be viewed as ‘gene therapy’.”

Interestingly, it is purely due to a technicality of regulatory law that covid-19 gene therapies are allowed to be called “vaccines”. This is explained in a paper titled The European Regulatory Environment of RNA-Based Vaccines, which states that:

The definition of a gene therapy medicinal product as outlined in Annex 1 to Directive 2001/83/EC is as follows:

Gene therapy medicinal product means a biological medicinal product which has the following characteristics:

  • (a) it contains an active substance which contains or consists of a recombinant nucleic acid used in or administered to human beings with a view to regulating, repairing, replacing, adding or deleting a genetic sequence;
  • (b) its therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic effect relates directly to the recombinant nucleic acid sequence it contains, or to the product of genetic expression of this sequence.

Gene therapy medicinal products shall not include vaccines against infectious diseases.

As is evident, the mere act of calling a gene therapy a “vaccine against infectious disease” negates its classification as a gene therapy, the approval process for which, at least in Europe, involves going through the CAT which is the EMA’s (European Medicines Agency) “Committee for Advanced Therapies”.

Evidently, this play on language would seem to constitute a “loophole” of sorts, allowing easier approval for mRNA-based gene therapies planned for human use.

Approval is certainly a contentious topic when talked about in the context of the current covid-19 vaccines, none of which have been fully FDA approved, only authorized under emergency use (EUA), and labeled as “investigational” products, a fact that many people are unaware of. However, early in the year vaccine manufacturers already set their sights on full regulatory approval, after only 6 months of trial data.

On the 7th of May, Pfizer formally initiated their application to the FDA, with the aim of having the first-ever fully approved covid-19 vaccine. But with millions of vaccines already administered under EUA, what’s the rush?

Furthermore, for the six “first in disease” vaccines approved by the FDA over the last 15 years, the median trial duration was just shy of two years. A vaccine approved after 6 months of data would constitute one of the fastest ever.

The phase three clinical trials for Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen are two years in duration, but the FDA has not clearly stated their position with regards to minimum follow-up prior to consideration for approval.

Longer, placebo-controlled trials are paramount to assessing vaccine safety. It is extremely alarming then that vaccine manufacturers, within weeks of receiving EUA, began to unblind trials by offering those in the placebo group the chance to get vaccinated.

Moderna announced that “as of April 13, all placebo participants have been offered the Moderna covid-19 vaccine and 98% of those have received the vaccine”, meaning that their placebo group no longer exists and as such, they have no way to accurately measure long-term safety.

In an article for the British Medical Journal, Peter Doshi quotes the FDA, on several occasions, saying that the maintenance of a placebo group would be critical to assessing both the safety and efficacy of covid-19 vaccines, which is obvious to anyone who understands the consequences of failing to adhere to scientific rigor when testing a new medical therapy.

In reality, there could be many reasons for manufacturers wanting FDA approval for their vaccines, but likely top of the list is the “stamp of approval” that comes with full licensure and the ability to use this as a way to convince those who remain skeptical regarding the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. Moreover, full FDA approval would pave the way for easier vaccine mandates, putting immense pressure on those of the “awakened class” who represent a thorn in the side of the Great Reset/Great Convergence agenda pushers.

More disturbing inconsistencies can be found in the FDA’s process for assessing and approving these experimental vaccines. For example, the FDA recently cautioned against the use of antibody tests for evaluating immunity or protection from covid-19, “especially” after a person has received a vaccination, despite their EUA being originally granted, in part, due to antibody responses.

The implication for this reversal is that the EUA given for covid-19 vaccines should also be reversed, but what’s the likelihood of that happening after millions have already been jabbed?

Moreover, the idea that “antibodies” provide protection from so-called viral infections represents a poor understanding of the body and the immune system. The fact that antibodies play little role in viral infections has been known by medical scientists since the 1950s based on research that shows persons with the genetic inability to produce antibodies, called “agammaglobulinemia”, have normal reactions to typical viral infections and even appear to resist recurrences.

Bill Gates, Moderna and Eugenics 2.0

One of the covid-19 vaccine manufactures most talked about in the media is Moderna, a biotech company co-founded by Robert Langer, a researcher and inventor at MIT.

In 2013, the biotech startup received $25m in funding from DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), a research arm of the United States Department of Defense, and an organization well-known for ruthlessly pursuing dystopian, transhumanist technologies, such as implantable nanoparticles and bio-brain interfaces (more on this later).

Noteworthy is that the US government, through the National Institute of Health, appears to have a financial stake in the Moderna vaccine thanks to a contract signed by both parties, giving the NIH joint ownership over Moderna’s mRNA vaccine candidates. According to Axios:

The NIH mostly funds outside research, but it also often invents basic scientific technologies that are later licensed out and incorporated into drugs that are sold at massive profits.”

This is more than alarming considering the NIH is responsible for prioritizing promising treatments for covid-19 as well as improving clinical trial effectiveness, which, for Moderna, is impossible considering their trial no longer contains a control group.

NIH’s vested interest in Moderna’s success may also provide a plausible explanation for why the biotech startup received EUA for their vaccine despite failing, for over 10 years, to bring a single product to market.

In an interview for Economic Club, NIH director Francis Collins denied that covid-19 vaccines would be money-makers, saying that “Nobody sees this as a way to make billions of dollars”.

However, evidence points to the contrary as Moderna’s covid-19 vaccine sales reached $1.7 billion in the first quarter of 2021, making their CEO, Stephane Bancel, one of the many new pharma billionaires.

“Operation Warp Speed”, the name given to a partnership between several US Federal agencies aimed at accelerating the development of a covid-19 vaccine, was also wrought with conflicts of interest.

The Operation Warp Speed administration hired several “consultants” with ties to Big Pharma, including two former Pfizer executives. And in May 2020, it was reported that their chief adviser, Dr Monsef Slaoui, a former pharmaceutical executive himself, held $10m in GlaxoSmithKline stock, the same company that was later awarded a $2 billion contract to supply the US government with 100 million vials of covid-19 vaccine.

Dr Slaoui also held significant stock in Moderna, to whom the federal government has awarded over $2.5b in funding.

Moderna co-founder, Robert Langer, whose net worth has also skyrocketed into the billions, is one of the world’s most cited researchers. A scientist at MIT, Langer holds over 1,400 patents and specializes in biotechnology, nanotechnology, tissue engineering and drug delivery.

Furthermore, Langer holds an administrative role at the MIT Media Lab, the same institute that was the focus of a scandal after it was revealed that the lab accepted funding from convicted sex-offender, Jefferey Epstein. Epstein also happened to have a disturbing fascination with “transhumanism”, a modern-day version of eugenics  (transhumanism is discussed later in this article).

Then director of the MIT Media Lab, Joi Ito, approved two donations from Epstein of $1.75m and allowed the prolific paedophile to “direct” funds to the lab from other wealthy benefactors, including a $2m donation from Bill Gates, who also has unsettling ties to Epstein, having flown on his private jet and met with him on several occasions.

When the news broke out and Joi Ito resigned from his post at the lab, Langer was one of the first people to sign a letter calling for him to stay, and as an administrator for the lab’s Director’s Office, it’s hard to believe he didn’t know about the Epstein donations in advance.

Described as the “common denominator” in several coronavirus efforts, Robert Langer is certainly an interesting player in the transhumanist movement. In 2015, his company,  Microchips Biotech, partnered with Israeli pharmaceutical giant, Teva Pharmaceutical, to commercialize its “implantable drug delivery device”.

Noteworthy is that Teva Pharmaceutical has received significant investment from Warren Buffett, who, in 2006, pledged to gradually donate his fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, an organization whom he served as a trustee up until very recently.

Langer also has ties to Charles Lieber, a Harvard nanotech scientist who was arrested in January on account of making false statements to federal authorities regarding his collaboration with Chinese researchers at the Wuhan University of Technology.

In 2012, Langer and Lieber worked together to create a “material that merges nanoscale electronics with biological tissues”. The material was described as “a first step toward prosthetics that communicate directly with the nervous system”.

Much of Langer’s research is backed by Bill Gates, who began funding mRNA technology in 2010 and has also invested millions into Moderna.

In 2017, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation sponsored a project at Langer’s lab to create a microparticle vaccine delivery system that could generate a “novel type of drug carrying particle”, allowing multiple doses of a vaccine to be administered over an extended period of time with just one injection.

Then in 2019, Gates and Langer teamed up again to create an invisible ink tattoo that “embeds immunization records into a child’s skin”. Disturbingly, the eventual goal of the project is to inject sensors that can be used to track “other aspects” of health.

Gates claims he needs the data for “disease prevention”, referring to his efforts to wipe out polio, measles and other “infectious” diseases from around the world. However, Gates’ various “health-related” initiatives in developing countries are not the work of a loving philanthropist, like the media would have us all believe. Instead, evidence would suggest that Gates’ involvement in public health represents the continuation of a long-standing eugenics agenda, hiding in plain sight.

Gates’ links to the eugenics movement start with his father, who praised the Rockefellers for their work in “public health” and even met with them in 2000 to discuss matters relating to infectious disease, vaccines and the environment. During the meeting, Gates senior was quoted as saying:

Taking our lead and our inspiration from work already done by The Rockefeller Foundation, our foundation actually started GAVI by pledging $750 million to something called the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines, an instrument of GAVI.”

Interestingly, almost ten years after that meeting, Gates junior co-hosted a meeting with David Rockefeller to discuss population reduction.

Perhaps even more telling is the fact that in 2012 Bill and Melinda Gates hosted their London Summit on Family Planning, where they announced their commitment to population control in the third world, on the 100th anniversary of the First International Eugenics Congress, also held in London.

Gates is well-known for his obsession with vaccines, a curious pursuit considering that the 9,000,000 people who die every year from hunger would be better served by having clean water, food supplies and sanitary living environments.

In 2009, Gates’ Foundation funded observational studies in India for a controversial cervical cancer vaccine that was given to thousands of young girls called “Gardasil”.

Within months, many girls began to get sick and within a year, five of them had died. During a similar study for a different brand of the HPV vaccine, many girls were hospitalized and a further two died. The Economic Times of India reported on this in 2014, with the shocking revelation that:

Consent for conducting these studies, in many cases, was taken from the hostel wardens, which was a flagrant violation of norms. In many other cases, thumbprint impressions of their poor and illiterate parents were duly affixed onto the consent form. The children also had no idea about the nature of the disease or the vaccine. The authorities concerned could not furnish requisite consent forms for the vaccinated children in a huge number of cases.”

Gates has also heavily promoted the oral polio vaccine in India, after endeavouring to eradicate the disease. However, as discussed earlier in this article, toxic chemicals are involved in the etiology of polio and thus the disease cannot be eradicated by the use of vaccines. In fact, global health numbers indicate that more cases of polio are now being caused by the vaccines themselves than anything else.

In 2018, a group of brave Indian researchers published a paper in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showing a correlation between the oral polio vaccine drives and increased cases of “acute flaccid paralysis”, a condition described as “clinically indistinguishable” from polio.

Ironically, Gates has a $23m investment in Monsanto, the company that markets “roundup” a glyphosate-containing pesticide that is known to cause adverse health effects, including neurological disorders and paralysis.

While many believe Gates to be selflessly giving away his money in order to fund these vaccination campaigns, it should be noted that Gates’ investment in vaccines has netted him a massive return. By 2019, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had donated just over $10b to various vaccine-related initiatives including GAVI (the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). Gates called it the “best investment he’s ever made”, estimating a 20-1 return, or around $200b over 20 years. Indeed, Gates’ net worth has more than doubled over the last 10 years.

And lest we forget that more than half of all deaths in low to middle income countries are caused by noncommunicable diseases, which the Bill and Melinda Foundation seems to have little interest in, directing less than 3% of their budget towards such conditions.

Furthermore, Gates’ activities in public health are wrought with conflicts of interest that that would seem to undermine the notion that Gates cares about the health of the population.  Many of these conflicts of interest are outlined in a study published by Harvard researcher, David Stuckler, titled Global Health Philanthropy and Institutional Relationships: How Should Conflicts of Interest Be Addressed?, in which he states that:

As one example, we found that Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has substantial holdings in the Coca-Cola Corporation, and also participates in grants that encourage communities in developing countries to become business affiliates of Coca-Cola. It has been noted by some commentators that sugary drinks such as those produced by Coca-Cola are correlated with the rapid increase in obesity and diabetes in developing countries.”

Stuckler also notes that:

Many of the Foundation’s pharmaceutical development grants may benefit leading pharmaceutical companies such as Merck and GlaxoSmithKline.” And that “Several grants are linked to companies that are represented on the Foundation’s board among its investments.”

The media rarely reports on these disturbing conflicts of interest, which isn’t surprising considering Gates funds all the major news outlets.

To call the negligent, wide-spread administration of covid-19 experimental vaccines an initiative steeped in eugenicist thinking would not be amiss considering how many figures and institutions involved in the vaccine race have ties to the eugenics movement. In fact, the developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine are also linked to the now renamed British Eugenics Society, founded by the father of Eugenics, Francis Galton. These connections are detailed by investigative journalist, Whitney Webb, in her article titled Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement.

When it comes to protecting public health, the recklessness displayed by politicians, scientists and pharmaceutical companies is unforgivable considering the widespread impact that these experimental vaccines will have. We have already begun to see the results of unleashing a dangerous gene therapy technology on a naive and trusting public, with VAERS, (the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) showing more deaths linked with covid-19 vaccines than all other vaccines combined over the last 30 years.

None of this is surprising though, considering the haste with which clinical trials were conducted and the question marks surrounding the reliability of the data reported. For example, vaccine manufactures reported their vaccines were “95% effective”, a number they arrived at by using a relative risk reduction as opposed to an absolute risk reduction, which was around 1% in most cases, a fact never highlighted by the mainstream media.

Furthermore, vaccine trials were not designed to assess the vaccines’ effect on infection, transmission, hospitalizations or deaths, which is puzzling considering that, if there really was a viral pandemic, these would be the most important endpoints to test for. Though perhaps this was a calculated move by vaccine manufacturers, who knew they’d have a better chance at rigging the results using the endpoint of ‘covid-19 of any severity’. After all, the dramatic increase in the use of influenza vaccines has not been associated with a decrease in mortality.

Peter Doshi, an editor for the British Medical Journal, has called into question numerous aspects of the controversial vaccine trials, including the potential for pain medication to mask covid-19 symptoms in trial groups and the objectivity of “primary event adjudication committees” in charge of counting covid-19 cases. In the case of Pfizer, this committee consisted of Pfizer employees.

Recently, Doctors for Covid Ethics, a group consisting of Dr Michael Palmer MD, Dr Sucharit Bhakdi MD and Dr Stefan Hockertz PhD, published an expert statement relating to the danger and efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine that was submitted as part of a lawsuit challenging the EU’s authorization of the use of the vaccine for children 12 years and older. The paper states that the reported efficacy of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine was “most likely altogether fraudulent” and that “Pfizer, the EMA, and the FDA have systematically neglected evidence from preclinical animal trials that clearly pointed to grave dangers of adverse events.”

But of course, none of this is ever surfaced in the mainstream. Instead we are fed the same party lines over and over; “vaccines are safe and effective”, “follow the science”, “listen to the experts”. And by “experts” they of course mean the soulless, pharmaceutical sock puppets like Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases whose been spewing lies about so-called viral infections ever since AIDS broke out in 1984.

The fact that a character like Fauci has held his post for more than 30 years is rather telling of how the system works. The late Nobel prize winner and inventor of Polymerase  Chain Reaction (PCR), Kary Mullis, castigated Fauci in an interview, saying that:

He doesn’t know anything really about anything, and I’d say that to his face. Nothing. The man thinks you can take a blood sample and stick it in an electron microscope and if it’s got a virus in there, you will know it. He doesn’t understand electron microscopy and he doesn’t understand medicine. He should not be in a position like he’s in […] Tony Fauci does not mind going on television in front of the people who pay his salary and lie directly into the camera.”

A Transhumanist Future

Besides being gene therapies, a technology associated with eugenics and transhumanism, according to scientists, mRNA technology “allows rapid development of novel vaccines within a very short time span of weeks rather than months”. Hence, we may be faced with the possibility of a future filled with on-demand vaccines created to “protect” the public against new, invisible threats.

Indeed, with vaccinologists already talking about “variants”, booster shots and periodic covid-19 top-up vaccines, it certainly looks like things are headed that way. And of course, thanks to intelligence-linked Big Tech conglomerates, this data will all be recorded on a “vaccine passport” linked to your smart phone, which will no-doubt form the basis for a new type of digital identity pass tied to your bank account and, eventually, your social credit.

Indeed, in 2019, Bill Gates’ Microsoft filed a patent, aptly named Patent WO2020060606, for a “Cryptocurrency system using body-activation data”, another clue as to the true intentions of the technocratic elite who are funding and promoting the transhumanist agenda. The patent’s title alone conjures up images of a slave society in which humans are fitted with biosensors and awarded digital coins for completing tasks issued to them by the ruling elite.

But perhaps even more alarming is the rush to get gene therapies licensed for use in young children. Pfizer are currently in the midst of a global clinical trial, where they are testing their mRNA jabs in babies as young as 6 months, despite the fact that “Covid-19”, if we suppose there is such a disease, barely affects children.

In fact, according to CDC numbers, the IFR in children is 20 per 1,000,000, or 0.002%, which is likely lower than the risk of permanent injury or death from the MMR vaccine. It’s also lower than the covid-19 vaccine death rate as calculated using VAERS data at the time of writing (5,612 deaths over 165,000,000 fully vaccinated in the US = 0.003%).

Furthermore, research has linked Pfizer’s vaccine to symptomatic myocarditis, with an estimated incidence rate of 1 in 3000 or 1 in 6000 in young men.

The rush to bring mRNA vaccines into the mainstream as part of the regular childhood vaccination schedule is not about health or protection, but rather a step towards a much more sinister goal, which is to attain control over the human body itself.

As mentioned previously in this article, DARPA, the research arm of the US Department of Defense, has been working to create nanotechnology that can interface with biological cells. In 2014, DARPA launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms (IVN)” program, with the aim of developing implantable nanoplatforms to collect biological data and provide “continuous physiologic monitoring”. The program has since helped to create injectable hydrogels that monitor physiologic responses and can sync to a smartphone.

Furthermore, DARPA, together with the NIH, heavily funds Profusa, a Google-backed biotech company developing and marketing this very same injectable hydrogel technology, only now it is being punted as a way to detect future “pandemics”.

Allegedly, Profusa’s sensors can “detect flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show”. While incredibly disturbing, this is only a step towards DARPA’s ultimate goal, which is to establish dominion over the mind. This goal is reflected in DARPA’s research  to create “mutant-powered soldiers” using “genetic weaponry” that can “undermine people’s minds and bodies using a range of chemical, neurological, genetic and behavioral techniques”.

DARPA is also looking at ways to genetically engineer the brain in order to read peoples thoughts and induce images and sounds in people’s minds. The research involves the use of “magnetic nanoparticles”, the same technology that some have speculated may be included in current or future covid-19 vaccines.

Equally distressing is the “Wellcome Leap”, a new initiative created by the eugenics-linked Wellcome Trust, the world’s richest medical research Foundation, in partnership with two former DARPA frontmen. The program’s official aim is to “Deliver breakthroughs in human health over 5 – 10 years and demonstrate seemingly impossible results on seemingly impossible timelines.”

Currently, the initiative has 5 main projects, the first of which is “RNA Readiness + Response”, which seeks to (emphasis added) “create a self-sustaining network of manufacturing facilities providing globally distributed, state-of-the-art surge capacity to meet future pandemic needs”, referring to the manufacturing of RNA-based products (mRNA gene therapies). Note the seeming surety of a future pandemic.

However, the top contender for most disturbing Wellcome Leap project is, without a doubt, “The First 1000 days” (1kD), a program which seeks to use infants as test subjects in order to monitor their brain development and create AI models that can be used to “accurately predict and improve EF [executive function] outcomes”. The project also notes the use of “mobile-sensors, wearables and home-based systems”. In a detailed article on the matter, researcher Whitney Webb writes that:

True to the eugenicist ties of the Wellcome Trust (to be explored more in-depth in Part 2), Wellcome Leap’s 1DK notes that “of interest are improvements from underdeveloped EF to normative or from normative to well-developed EF across the population to deliver the broadest impact.” One of the goals of 1DK is thus not treating disease or addressing a “global health public challenge” but instead experimenting on the cognitive augmentation of children using means developed by AI algorithms and invasive surveillance-based technology.”

The Wellcome Leap’s timeline of 5-10 years happens to line up with elite frontman, Elon Musk’s Neuralink project, which seeks to establish “the future of brain interfaces” in order to “expand our abilities”. In an interview Musk said “I think we are about 8 to 10 years away from this being usable by people with no disability”.

Musk, whose wealth increased by more than 500% during the covid-19 “pandemic”, founded Neuralink in 2016. The company recently raised $205m in funding from 7 venture capital firms (including Google’s GV) and 5 Silicon Valley executives.

However, Neuralink isn’t the only biotech company pursuing this technology. Recently, Synchron, a small biotech firm and Neuralink competitor, received the go-ahead from the FDA to begin testing its brain chip implants in humans.

10 years from now would take us to 2030, a year that comes up again and again as a year in which transhumanist technologies will be commonplace in mainstream society. According to predictions made by the US National Intelligence Council, “human augmentation” (the merging of man and machine) will be a major theme in 2030. Their Global Trends 2030 report, published in 2012, states that:

Successful prosthetics probably will be directly integrated with the user’s body. Brain-machine interfaces could provide “superhuman” abilities, enhancing strength and speed, as well as providing functions not previously available.”

Interestingly, the report also predicts “an easily transmissible novel respiratory pathogen” that could cause a great disruptive impact. The report goes on to state that “Unlike other disruptive global events, such an outbreak would result in a global pandemic that directly causes suffering and death in every corner of the world, probably in less than six months.”

Enslavement: A Free Will Choice

The roll out of mRNA gene therapies and the push towards a transhumanist society represents the continuation of the eugenics movement, which was based on the pseudoscientific concept that some humans, by virtue of their genetic composition, were more “fit” to lead society than others.

The “hero” of the Polio epidemic, Jonas Salk, had his own ties to eugenics and so does the institute named in his favour, the Salk Institute. Their mRNA research, funded by the NIH, set the foundation for the development and mass roll out of gene therapies, controversially being called “vaccines”. The danger of this experimental technology is evident, having already caused thousands of injuries and deaths worldwide.

The role of intelligence organizations, billionaire technocrats and pharmaceutical initiatives in funding, researching and promoting mRNA vaccines, “bio-brain” interfaces, gene editing and other technologies steeped in eugenicist ideals paints the picture of a global agenda set to hit its stride fully by 2030.

The current covid-19 “pandemic” has served as a means to accelerate this agenda by centralizing wealth and power, bringing transhumanist technology into the mainstream and normalizing authoritarian rule.

Pfizer’s infant trials and the Wellcome Leap’s alarming “1kD” project indicate that key to this agenda is the conditioning and control of children from a young age, something that Aldous Huxley detailed extensively in his disturbingly prophetic, eugenicist novel, Brave New World.

This agenda, though backed by some of the world’s most powerful individuals and institutions, has an obvious weakness – its success is reliant on our compliance. It will only advance if we allow it to advance. Therefore, it is up to each one of us, through compassionate, non-violent resistance, to sow the seeds of awakening in the collective consciousness of mankind.


Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


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cover image credit: BrownMantis / pixabay

New Boom Business? Space Debris and Satellite Collisions

New Boom Business? Space Debris and Satellite Collisions

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
August 29, 2021


Recently, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts and I recorded her latest Solari Report quarterly wrap-up, and during those sessions, she briefly mentioned a very significant thing, so significant it may have been lost amid all the other things we were talking about. That thing was space debris, and the possibility – in my opinion a strong one – that one of this century’s boom industries might very well be space debris clean-up operations.

With that in mind, consider this story that was spotted and shared by N. (Thank you!) The story in a nutshell? A bit of Russian space debris recently collided with a Chinese satellite:

Space Satellite, Junk Tracker: Old Part of Russian Rocket Crashes on Chinese Satellite!

The collision itself is not all that unusual, nor noteworthy:

Several researchers have warned against space debris. Last March, their cautions proved to be true after the Chinese satellite Yunhai 1-02 came in contact with the remains of the Russian Rocket Zenit-2. Yunhai 1-02 gained severe damages during the collision.

In September 2019, China launched a military satellite for disaster prevention and mitigation, observing atmospheric, marine and space environments and scientific experiments. It was later reported to have suffered a “break-up event” on March 18.

At that time, the details of the collision were unclear. Many theorized it might have experienced problems with its propulsion system.

However, astrophysicist and satellite tracker Jonathan McDowell served a different explanation for the damage.

On August 15, McDowell spotted an update on the This is a website that monitors space activity, with records available to registered users. McDowell said that the update wrote “Object 48078, 1996-051Q: ‘Collided with satellite.'”

McDowell further explained that Object 48078 is a small piece of space junk, about 4 inches and 20 inches pieces from the Zenit-2 rocket that launched Russia’s Tselina-2 spy satellite back in September 1996.

Now, before we continue, let me be clear. Some collisions I view as highly suspicious. Back in 2009, for example, a Russian and American satellite collided. (See At the time, I entertained a high octane speculation that perhaps “someone” had nudged both satellites together: after all, neither Russia nor the United States is in the habit of placing satellites in orbits where they will deliberately collide. I still adhere to this view, at least with respect to that particular incident.

Here, however, I incline to the view that this was an accident. And the reason I do so is highlighted by the article itself:

This recent incident reiterates the earlier warnings of researchers. If space debris is not cleared up from Earth’s orbit, the number of space collisions will increase to insane rates.

McDowell told that “Collisions are proportional to the square of the number of things in orbit. That is to say, if you have 10 times as many satellites, you’re going to get 100 times as many collisions.”

With each collision producing more debris, the chances of collisions increase proportionally, and with plans to increase manned orbital and deep space missions, this can be life-threatening. And with plans for the further commercialization of space, this is also asset-threatening. And it’s here that a new industry looms: “If space debris is not cleared up from Earth’s orbit, the number of space collisions will increase to insane rates.” Enter Ms. Fitt’s “space-junk cleaning” industry. And note, that this is a pressing need.

The question is, what form will such an industry take?

I submit that there will be two basic  forms: (1) the need to recover, and perhaps recycle, valuable components from various types of satellites and debris, which would require a cost-effective technology to go out there, a “grab-and-snag” technology, and return it to Earth or a space-based platform for recycling. Much more interesting, however, is the second possibility: (2) a technology capable of completely vaporizing debris, of getting rid of it altogether. That sort of clean-up implies a technology capable of “zapping” space debris into such small bits that the bits are no threat. But the “zappers” themselves could be. In effect, that component of the industry would effectively mean that weapons of some sort, along with their detection and targeting systems, would be in private industry hands. And of course, it also implies that those nations with space programs, and that are opposed to privatization of space, will be building their own national versions of space-clean up industry.

Either way one slices it, in other words, the space-junk phenomenon will require the weaponization of space. Space-junk makes it all but inevitable.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: Baggeb / pixabay

Green Gets the Gold

Green Gets the Gold
One large conglomerate is poised to reach the top of the podium in consolidating the waste and recycling industries in North America. There’s a lot at stake. Yet few people can even name this enterprise.

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
August 28, 2021


Can you name the conglomerate that has equipment and trucks on many streets and construction sites in Ontario and elsewhere in North America — but that few people give a second thought to?

Not sure?

Here are three clues.

  1. For more than a decade the enterprise has quietly acquired scores of other companies, and scooped up hundreds of lucrative contracts from cities and towns across the continent.
  2. Along the way it’s significantly increased the privatization and vertical integration of sectors including the hauling and processing of garbage and recycling, and infrastructure development. It now has the bronze position among the top players in the North American waste-management industry.
  3. Canada and the U.S. are dotted with (as an educated guesstimate) about 10,000 of this group of firms’ vehicles and machinery. They’re all painted lime green.


Here’s the reveal …

The company is Green for Life (GFL). Its main headquarters is tucked away in Vaughan, Ontario, just north of Toronto.

The enterprise includes GFL Environmental, as well as other sister companies and subsidiaries such as GFL Environmental USA, GFL Environmental Holdings, GFL Real Property and a litany of numbered companies.

The company is poised to capitalize on the imminent adoption in many provinces and states across North America of a new approach to recycling called extended producer responsibility (EPR). This could be its ticket to absolute domination of waste and recycling.

In this article I give the broad brushstrokes of GFL’s trajectory towards the very top of the podium in the waste and recycling sectors.

(I called GFL headquarters in mid-July asking for an interview with a company executive. ColleeRyan emailed me. She’s a vice president at government- and corporate-relations firm Sussex Strategy Group, and head of its Communications Practice Group. Ryan asked what the intended focus and outlet for my article are, and who I’d already interviewed. Ryan wrote, ‘That info will help me confirm exactly who at GFL may be the right person to speak with.’ I emailed her back with my website’s URL and the names of the people I’d interviewed. Ryan hasn’t responded.)

Why Does it Matter What’s Happening in the Garbage and Recycling Business?

GFL is the third- or fourth-largest company in the North American waste and recycling sectors.

For example it had already scooped up Canada Fibers, which handled 60% of Ontario’s blue-box recycling, in 2019. And now it’s maneuvering to become an even more powerful player in the time of significant flux as new recycling system, EPR, gets phased in in Ontario.

Hundreds of millions of dollars a year are involved.

EPR has been used for several years in Europe, but it’s only just starting to proliferate in North America. For example, in July and August 2021 Maine and Oregon, respectively, adopted EPR. Many other jurisdictions from Manitoba to Washington state are following suit.

And in fact as I was finishing this article I discovered it’s part of the United Nations’ push to centralize, control, track and monitor as much as possible. It was one of the main focuses of the UN Science Policy Business Forum in February 2021.

Under EPR, companies that manufacture, import and/or sell packaged products (collectively known as ‘producers’ [or ‘brand owners’]) are wholly responsible for paying haulers like GFL to collect, recover and/or recycle the packaging. This is a big change from municipalities and producers sharing the cost, as has long been the case in places like Ontario.

The theory is that producers will react by reducing the amount of packaging on their products, and/or using more recyclable or recycled content in their packaging. And it also is associated with higher levels of recycling. But it’s all extremely complex and full of loopholes. (More on aspects of this in the ‘EPR’ section below.)

The information I’ve found indicates the Ontario minister in charge of this portfolio has the unilateral power to accept, reject, create, change, replace or nullify any of the specific rules for EPR implementation while they’re being finalized in early 2022 (see Part III of the Ontario legislation). It’s a good bet that producers, haulers and others are lining up to speak to the minister – David Piccini, a first-term MPP who was shuffled into this position in June 2021.

The one certainty is that GFL’s market share will continue to rise. It then very likely will charge producers more. Those higher costs could well trickle down to consumers/taxpayers. And this cycle will continue.

How did GFL get so big and Brawny?

Patrick Dovigi [pronounced doh-vee-gee; emphasis on the ‘vee’] is GFL’s founder and CEO. He is a quintessential, hard-working entrepreneur. In media interviews he amicably describes GFL’s ambitious business plans. For example in this May 2021 CNBC clip he says there’s a “huge opportunity … to continue to consolidate the [waste-management] market both in Canada and the US.” And he’s been a billionaire since at least 2018.

Dovigi created GFL in 2007 by merging three Ontario waste haulers.

Also in 2007, Canaccord Genuity Corp. invested in GFL. Then in 2010, Atlanta, Georgia-based Roark Capital Group put $105 million  into the company. (More about Roark below).

In 2011 GFL made headlines by underbidding larger companies to win a 10-year contract, for most of the western half of Toronto, to collect garbage, recycling, organic material, yard waste and bulky items from places such as houses, low-rise apartments and some businesses. (Miller Waste got the contract for another part of the west end.)

And note that in October 2020, City of Toronto’s council voted to extend GFL’s contract to 2023 — reportedly at a higher cost and without inviting other bids.

That supports my hypothesis that if/when GFL gains even more dominance over recycling in Ontario it very likely will increase what it charges for collecting and recovering/recycling, possibly significantly.

According to my tally, using publicly accessible databases, GFL has acquired approximately 150 companies in the U.S. and Canada since 2011. They’re in fields such as hauling of solid waste, liquid waste, recycling and organics, landfills, recycling facilities and soil decontamination, and infrastructure-development services including demolition, excavation and foundations.

As just one example, in 2018 GFL bought the large American, family-owned, solid-waste and recycling company Waste Industries for $2.83 billion US ($3.67 billion Canadian). And as another, on August 17, 2021, GFL completed an approximately $928-million acquisition of Terrapure Environmental. Terrapure’s services range from soil decontamination to recycling of batteries and oil.

Also, in the second quarter of 2021 alone (April through June), GFL completed nine other acquisitions including Upstate Waste Management in South Carolina. And in July 2021 the company reportedly acquired (at least) another five firms.

GFL also has an unusually high rate of amalgamating its own subsidiaries and sister firms, according to a provincial-government Corporate Profile Report I purchased and uploaded to my website here (see page 2 of that uploaded report).

It helps that one of its board members is the powerful and well-connected Dino Chiesa (see page 3 of the report). As I described in a previous article, Chiesa has held the positions of: assistant deputy minister of housing under Ontario premier Mike Harris; head of the Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation; member of the board of the huge Canadian real estate investment trust (REIT) company  Morguard; chair of the board of seniors-home chain Sienna Living; and (until June 2020) chair of the board of CreateTO, the agency that oversees the City of Toronto’s $27-billion real estate portfolio.

Jeffrey Keenan is another very notable GFL ally. He’s been a long-serving board member of GFL Environmental, as well as of Green for Life Waste and Recycling Solutions Corp. and Waste Pro Inc.

Keenan joined an investment company called Roark Capital in 2006. He was president until 2015, when he became a Senior Advisor at Roark. As noted above, Roark invested $105 million in GFL in 2007, the year GFL was founded and just one year after Keenan joined Roark. Roark also invested $100 million in Waste Pro in 2009.

And between 1996 and 2002 Keenan massively grew the waste company IESI — via among other things IESI making more than 160 acquisitions. For example, IESI merged with another company called BFC. Then IESI-BFC merged with Waste Services. In 2011 the company changed its name to Progressive Waste Solutions. And in Jan. 2016 Progressive Waste Solutions merged with Waste Connections. The two were formerly the fourth- and third-largest waste haulers North America, respectively.

“I love the garbage business,” Keenan was quoted as saying in a 2014 profile of him on the University of Chicago law school’s website. “It has steady growth, it’s highly predictable, and it’s not exposed to technological obsolescence.”

Clearly most of the biggest waste-industry companies in North America have strong interconnections via Keenan and doubtlessly other key individuals.

GFL also has among the most deep-pocketed backers in Canada and beyond. They include Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (OTPP) — the pension fund for primary- and second-school teachers across the province of Ontario — and UK-based private-equity firm BC Partners Securities LLC. In 2018 the two organizations invested in GFL in a deal worth $5.16 billion CAD. This gave OTPP and BC Partners the largest blocks of the companys shares.

And GFL regularly accesses other huge pools of capital. For example it raised another approximately $15.5 billion US in private equity between June 2013 and June 2021. (I calculated this figure from information on the Financial Post Advisor database, and from GFL Environmental’s June 9, 2021, and August 11, 2021 news releases.) The company also is looking at additional ways to reduce its debt further, such as by entering the surging green bond market.

On March 2, 2020, GFL went public. It did so via several-times-delayed initial public offerings (IPOs) on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges. News reports of the size of the haul ranged from $1.4 billion US to close to $2.2 billion US.

There was a hiccup in the trajectory, though. On August 18, 2020, investment firm Spruce Point Capital Management issued a report accusing GFL of, among other things, misrepresenting to shareholders the size of GFL’s debt load. Spruce Point called on shareholders to divest from GFL. The price dropped significantly overnight.

In an August 25, 2020, news release Dovigi and Chiesa defended GFL. Dovigi stated in the release that Spruce Point is a “ridiculous headline-seeking short seller” and that its report was  “egregious, discriminatory and unfounded.” For his part, Chiesa stated that “GFL’s financial disclosures are accurate in all material respects, appropriate, and comply with all regulatory requirements.”

GFL Environmental’s stock price has gone up about 70% since then.

EPR: Recycling’s ‘New Normal’?

This brings us to  today. As mentioned above, Ontario producers, city governments and the province are jockeying for optimal positions in advance of rules for EPR going into effect across the province between July 2023 and December 2025. In 2026 requirements will come into effect (albeit without any current teeth/penalties for non-compliance) for the minimum percentage of various materials required to be recovered (which is recycling ‘lite’). These range from 80% of paper to 25% of flexible plastic.

There’s a great deal of money, complexity, flux and uncertainty at play.

And approximately 90% of the province’s waste – in the form of such things as food and yard waste, and industrial, commercial and institutional waste — remains to be shifted to EPR in future years.

Furthermore, what happens in Ontario — GFL’s home base — could well spread via a domino effect into other jurisdictions.

Note also that producers may pass their portion of the cost of EPR on to consumers by raising the prices of their products — including food. But objective information is scarce. Producers and their proxies in academia are asserting that prices will go up — but after taking a close look at this I believe that’s perhaps a ploy to get people pissed off at EPR and pressure governments to delay it or reduce its scope. And for their part, EPR proponents don’t usually address whether there will be negative knock-on effects on consumers.

The same goes for figuring out whether in fact municipalities will save money.

In any case, the media’s attention is focused on Covid, plus sexy items like ‘Building back better.’ Also, most people have been on vacation, and are further distracted by figuring out when and where they’ll get their second or third Covid shots, and what arrangements to make for returning to offices and schools. (Very few are glued to the GFL news-release webpage like I’ve been lately.)

That’s the perfect setting for some major, sudden and unanticipated shocks to take place.

And, indeed, GFL has pounced.

On July 6, 2021, the firm announced it had formed the Resource Recovery Alliance (RRA).

The RRA is a ‘producer responsibility organization’ or PRO. PROs are entities that, among other functions, will negotiate on behalf of producers with haulers like GFL over the size, scope and cost of contracts to collect and recover/recycle the producers’ packaging. (See the paragraph in square brackets at the end of this section on the overall EPR framework.) GFL’s news release about this said the RRA “will be vertically integrated within GFL’s service offerings.”

This was an earthquake. It’s shaken people up.

“’If the same entity negotiating with those haulers is owned by the hauler, there is a conflict of interest, I think, from our perspective,’” Michael Graydon, CEO of Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada is quoted by reporter Jeff Gray as saying in a July 27, 2021Globe and Mail article. (It’s the only article I’ve found on the massive changes happening as Ontario moves toward EPR.)

Graydon’s organization is a member of Circular Materials Ontario (CMO), another PRO. It was formed on July 6, 2021.

The Globe article said Emterra, a smaller family-owned, waste-industry company, also has formed a PRO. There will also likely be several others.

On July 28 I called and spoke on background for a few minutes to the person doing media relations for the CMO, Shane Buckingham. (He formed his own communications company in July 2021. Before that he was a Principal at the Conservative-aligned Earnscliffe Strategy Group.) Buckingham said he’d ask one of the spokespeople to call to give me a quote. I haven’t heard further from either Buckingham or anyone at the CMO. (More on CMO and the Globe article in the section below.)

And in the same July 6 news release, GFL delivered an even bigger bombshell. The RRA is purchasing the Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA). The CSSA is an industry- and country-wide recycling-services-support and data-collecting group.

It’s virtually unheard of that organizations like the CSSA can be purchased. And of course data is invaluable. The price that GFL paid for CSSA has not been publicly disclosed.

So that was like an asteroid strike.

Yet the government hasn’t raised an eyebrow, as far as I know.

And the CSSA is telling the companies and organizations under its umbrella that the data they share with the CSSA “will not be accessible to GFL.”


In a subsequent slide presentation to members of the recycling industry in Ontario, GFL promoted its approach.

“Today, GFL [in Canada] is national in scope with significant assets placed to meet the demands of Canada’s major population centres and the challenges of servicing smaller communities,” one of the slides proclaims. “As Canadian provinces and American states shift to EPR for residential blue-box recycling, a GFL-led PRO in Ontario is laying the groundwork for a future footprint which could expand across the country and the U.S. providing harmonized services for producers.” [bolding added by me]

[Here are a few of the main points in the EPR framework in Ontario: producers and PROs have to register their intent to participate in the new recycling system by Nov. 1, 2021. Producers must sign up with a PRO to participate in the system and can choose any PRO. Registered PROs can submit proposed rules for the system between Jan. 1 and July 1, 2022 [I’m not sure whether the July 1 date is correct – the Regulation doesn’t seem clear on that point]. The rules must then be agreed to by PROs that collectively represent at least two-thirds [by aggregate weight] of the packaging material. The resulting rules will be used to create an ‘allocation table.’ That table will indicate what entities will collect which particular materials and from what places. The Resource Production & Recovery Authority [RPRA] — a non-profit organization that is at arms length from, but under the direction of, the Ontario government — is the central clearing-house body for how the details of that shift will shape up and for recycling data under the new system.]


Can PROs like the CMO keep GFL in check?

Maybe. (Although I don’t think small producers and haulers stand much of a chance of faring well through this process.)

Circular Materials Ontario (CMO) could have the heft to counterbalance GFL. CMO’s founding members are: Food, Health & Consumer Products of Canada; the Canadian Beverage Association; the Retail Council of Canada; Costco Wholesale Canada; Empire Company; Kraft-Heinz Canada; Keurig Dr Pepper Canada; Lassonde Industries; Loblaw Companies; Maple Leaf Foods; McDonald’s Restaurants of Canada; Metro; Minute Maid Company Canada; Nestlé Canada; PepsiCo Canada; Procter & Gamble; Restaurant Brands International (comprising Burger King, Tim Hortons and Popeyes) and Clorox Company of Canada.

Gray wrote in the Globe article that Dovigi told him GFL ‘doesn’t intend to dominate the new recycling system. He  [Dovigi] said his PRO [RRA] would be advised by a board of producer representatives and that any tendering would be competitive.’


It remains to be seen who the victors will be in this battle. It’s happening while hidden in plain sight.

What’s certain is that GFL will continue to make the most of this period of unprecedented flux.

Follow the money, the green, the gold.


Connect with Rosemary Frei

cover image credit: AbsolutVision  / pixabay


TCTL editor’s note: see related:

Spying on Your Trash: AI + Dumpster Cams for the Circular Economy

Humanity Rises Against Global Tyranny: August 28, 2021 Worldwide Protests

Humanity Rises Against Global Tyranny: August 28, 2021 Worldwide Protests


TCTL editor’s note: Below you will find a sample of footage from pro-freedom, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine-passport protests that took place around the world on August 28, 2021.


Australia — Melbourne, Brisbane, Sidney

by CreativeWorks

The people of locked down Australian cities have had enough of tyrannical government.

France — Paris & Toulon

by CreativeWorks

New demonstration in Paris against the #PassSanitaire and the vaccine obligation, for a seventh consecutive weekend.

More than 200 mobilizations are planned this Saturday 28August in France #Demonstrations28aout

by CreativeWorks

by CreativeWorks

Germany — Berlin

by CreativeWorks

by CreativeWorks

Protesters march in Berlin at the workplace of the man (Drosten) who invented the now debunked and extremely faulty PCR test shouting “Out with Drosten!”

Italy — Milan

by  Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media

UK — London

by Resistance GB

David Kurten, former chemistry teacher and leader of the Heritage party, attending a freedom rally in London; he talks about the march, the seriousness of the situation we’re facing, being against lockdown from the “very beginning”, the spiritual dimension to our struggle, and the urgency with which Britain has to stop further rollouts.

28th August 2021, London
Anti-Apartheid and Freedom Rally

by Resistance GB

A man marches in the anti-medical apartheid protest wearing his grandfather’s military beret, to honour his spirit and continue the fight for freedom. 28th August 2021, London.

by Open1 Media


by CreativeWorks


Canadian MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Statements on Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials & Canada’s Role in Producing the Highly Toxic “Covid Vaccines” That Are Being Forced Upon Humanity

Canadian MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Statements on Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials & Canada’s Role in Producing the Highly Toxic “Covid Vaccines” That Are Being Forced Upon Humanity


MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Shocking Statements

by Ted KuntzVaccine Choice Canada
August 27, 2021

Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble, BitChute and Brighteon channels. Also available at Randy Hillier Odysee channel.

MPP Randy Hillier examines the shocking statements made by Dr. David E. Martin’s VCC interview regarding Canada and Trudeau’s involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic.


Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

See related:

Dr. David Martin w/ Vaccine Choice Canada: On Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “Covid” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many


Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research


Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”

Constitutional Rights Centre: Action4Canada & Other Plaintiffs Launch Comprehensive Challenge to Covid Measures in British Columbia

Constitutional Rights Centre: Action4Canada & Other Plaintiffs Launch Comprehensive Challenge to Covid Measures in British Columbia

by Constitutional Rights Centre
August 28, 2021


Action4Canada and other Plaintiffs launch comprehensive challenge to COVID Measures in British Columbia.

On the basis of this filed claim, an injunction is being prepared to stay the “Vaccine Passport” provisions announced in British Columbia.

Click here to access the statement of claim. (PDF)



Connect with Constitutional Rights Centre

Connect with Action4Canada

A Message From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — One Year After the Historic Rally in Berlin: “It’s Time for (Peaceful) Civil Disobedience!”

A Message From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — One Year After the Historic Rally in Berlin: “It’s Time for (Peaceful) Civil Disobedience!”


by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense Europe
August 26, 2021

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains in this recent video why we all need to stand up now and resist with civil disobedience.

Now that the FDA has given a very “curmudgeonly” justification for “approving” Pfizer’s Covid vaccine that leaves many questions unanswered. Also because the science shows that the vaccine has no positive impact on overall mortality but puts young age groups at risk, it has become clear: It’s not about health. It is about control!

“A healthy Child has a zero risk from this disease. And yet the risk from the vaccine is very high.”

That’s why we all need to make our voices heard and express our opposition. Call on friends and neighbours to join us. “Why are you not with me?”, Robert F Kennedy, Jr. quotes American freedom fighter and thought leader Henry David Thoreau.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr thanks the people who are heading to Berlin to engage in civil disobedience there and elsewhere.



0:00:01.2: I am Robert F Kennedy, jr., and I’m very happy to be back with all of you and have the opportunity to address all of my friends in Berlin and activists and freedom lovers all across Europe. Today is August 23rd, and I wanna start by talking about a couple of studies that have come out recently that we all should be aware of. One of them, probably the most important is MERCK’s clinical, Pfizer’s clinical trial, for its covid-19-vaccine. And we now have six months of data that Pfizer was required to file with FDA, and to show to the public. And what anybody who can read can see from that data is the very, very striking confession that there is no all cause mortality benefit from this vaccine. And what that means is that the people who took the vaccine more of them died than the people who took the placebo. And if you go into the granular or analysis of the vaccine, what it shows is that the vaccine does prevent a small number of deaths from covid 19. But for everybody who’s life was saved from covid 19, for every life that was saved by the vaccine from covid 19, three people died from heart attacks. In the vaccine group there were 20 deaths, and in the placebo group there were 14 deaths.

0:01:46.7: What that indicates is that there may be certain people who would wanna take this vaccine in certain comorbidities and age groups, but it would be utterly immoral for any government or any business to mandate this vaccine for any human being who was reluctant to take it.

0:02:12.1: And that’s one of the studies. Another study that was released, was a pre-published version of the study in the Lancet on December 10th. And it’s called the author is Chau et. Al. C-H-A-U, and it was done by the Oxford Research Group, which Oxford University and Ho-Chi-Minh-City. And that study looked at frontline healthcare workers who were on lock-down for a number of months in Ho-Chi-Minh-City during the resurgence of the Delta variant. And what the study shows is that the people who were vaccinated and very, very high numbers of Delta variant in their nasal pharyngs, in their nostrils. In fact, they had 250 times the level, the concentrations of Delta variants in their nostrils as anybody was supporting of Coronavirus prior to the vaccines.

0:03:22.1: Well, something about the vaccine clears the nasal pharyngs to make you a carrier… A pre-symptomatic carrier of covid, so instead of stopping viral replication, and instead of stopping transmission, the vaccine almost certainly is facilitating transmission! And those people who had the covid in their nose can pass the covid, and we’re passing it, according to this study, unto other workers. And they almost certainly were also passing it to un-vaccinated patients and to other people in their lives.

That’s a very, very important thing to know, is that: This doesn’t save lives. We know that from the first study, from the Pfizer study, and from the Oxford study that it does not prevent transmission, in fact, it may enhance transmission. That’s the best science that we have today.

The third study that I would like you to know about, are two studies by Johns Hopkins and another study published in The Lancet that show, the Johns Hopkins study shows that it’s virtually impossible to find any healthy child in the world who has died from covid 19. Children have a zero risk, a healthy child has a zero risk from this disease, and yet the risk from the vaccine, it’s very high!

0:04:56.8: In fact, we’re seeing that from the vaccine, the people who are most likely to get ill, or to die, are young people. Covid-19 tends to kill very old people with comorbidities, but the vaccine tends to hurt, to harm and to kill people who young, who are at the beginning of their lives. And the people who get myocardial infarction from this, myocardial diseases from this, are never healing. Their Hearts simply turn into this scar tissue and will not heal.

0:05:33.2: The reason I’m talking about the studies is because today, FDA promulgated a really an unprecedented approval, which it is casting in a very squirrely way.

0:05:52.7: As an official approval of the Pfizer vaccine. The significance of that approval is that it will allow people to legally mandate the vaccine in our country. But the odd thing was that it didn’t go through any of the regulatory process… TZhe FDA ignored all of the regulatory process, they didn’t convene the committee of outside experts that normally approves new vaccines. And they didn’t show… They didn’t create a manufacturer’s insert, they didn’t explain the science they’re relying on, they didn’t explain the data that they’re relying on, they don’t even technically say that it is an approval, they kind of frame it in their letter as an extension of the emergency use process, but they frame it in their press releases as an approval. And as soon as they took that action, the United to States military told soldiers, sent messages out to our soldiers that they had to be vaccinated by Friday or face dishonorable discharge. And all over our country, they’re saying private businesses and government businesses are now imposing mandates.

I’m telling you all this because I want to be clear with you that the government has now… , the people who are pushing these vaccines, who have been pushing this odd enterprise from the beginning have come out of the closet, and they have revealed that today that they absolutely… That all pretense that this is about public health, and this is about democracy, and this is about protecting the public, has been dropped. They have come out and made very clear to the public that this is about power, it’s about grabbing power, about imposing it on the rest of us, and imposing a totalitarianism of a kind that humanity has never experienced. Every totalitarian regime in history has sought to control every aspect of human behavior.

0:08:08.3: They’ve never been able to do that because, of course, government can’t read your mind. It can’t follow you around all day, I can’t tell you not to talk to certain people, I can’t follow you in your home and know what you’re doing… Who you’re talking to and what you’re saying, but guess what? Governments today have that power! And we know that they are using it, and they are using this emergency as an excuse to impose totalitarian controls on all of us. A level of authoritarian control that no government in history has had. And at this point, we now have a duty in my opinion to resist. And to resist every opportunity that you get. Each one of us must engage in multiple simple disobediences every day.

0:09:06.5: Many years I’ve been doing this, and I’ve never told anybody, that you should sacrifice your job, or that you should sacrifice reputation or your income by coming out and talking about these issues, it’s always been dangerous. We’ve always, for the 17 years that I’ve been doing this, I face censorship, I face various kinds of intimidation and punishment. But I was uniquely able, resilient, because of other things that I have in my life, my name, my reputation, my livelyhood… The fact that I’m a trial lawyer, and trial lawyers tend to be tolerant of dissent. And so I had an ability to deal with these kind of attacks in ways of many people don’t. And I’ve always avoided telling other people, “You need to come out and talk about what you believe.”

0:10:02.0: People would come to me and say, “I agree with you, but I too scared to had to talk about it”, and I said, I’ve consistently said, “That’s okay.” You support us quietly. You don’t need to expose yourself.

And today I’m telling you something different: “we all need to start exposing ourselves” We need to tell people on the street, “if you’re blocked from going into a business, you need to talk to the business owner.” That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be polite, a and gentle, and peaceful. But God, he was polite and gentle, and peaceful, and she still resisted. And we need to do that kind of resistance. There is a famous story where Henry David Thoreau was in jail for protesting, ofr refusing to pay his taxes because his tax money was going to support the Spanish-American War, which he believed was an unjust war. And the famous philosopher who was his friend, Ralph Waldo Emerson, came to his jail cell outside of Concord, Massachusetts, and he talked to the barred window to Thoreau… And he said, “David, what are you doing in there?” And the Henry David Thoreau said to him: “Ralph, What are you doing out there?” And that is the question that we now need to ask to everybody, “What are you doing out there?” We all need to come on the street, we all need to resist.

0:11:34.0: If your job tells you you have to get vaccinated and you do not believe it’s good for your health, do not do it! Get fired and then sue them! But we need to resist. This is the same kind of desperate crisis that the founders of our country faced during the American Revolution, and many of them gave up their lives, they gave up their livelihood, they gave up their property, their money, their health in order to provide us our Bill of Rights in this country, the Constitution. They knew that there were things that were much worse than death: The loss of our liberties. And they sacrificed their lives and their livelihood, so that we could have this constitution. But over the past 12 months, we’ve lost those Bill of Rights, we’ve lost the ability to have Jury trials in our country for corporations who are making recklessley and negligently products that are injuring us. We’ve lost the property rights that we once had in this country where a million businesses were closed overnight with no just compensation and no due process… We’ve lost the ability to speak freely. We’ve lost the ability to worship for a whole year, religious institutions and churches have been closed in our country just by a government dictate, although liquor stores were declared essential businesses and left open.

0:13:03.2: But the Constitution does not protect liquor stores, it does protect churches. But the Constitution was irrelevant. We’ve lost the ability to participate in regulation. Regulation is now done by government dictate in our country, by unelected… , a doctor who is now running the American government. Who doesn’t have regulatory process, there’s no notice and comment rule-making. There’s no public participation. There’s no public hearings. All of the steps usually go into promulgating our regulation, that demand public participation, have all been abandoned. And so we’ve lost our democracy now in America. And we’ve lost it all across Europe, and we lost in Canada, and we lost it in Australia. And the only way that we’re gonna fight back against these very sinister forces, the Big Tech Robber Barons from Silicon Valley, the Big Banking Institutions, the military and intelligence agencies that are collaborating in this process, in this totalitarian take-over, in this coup d’etat against democracy and western liberal freedom that we’re seeing today. All of these forces are collaborating with each other to enslave us. And we need to bind with each other, and we need to fight back.

And each one of you need to do at least three civil disobedience every day! And we need to start doing that all over the place, and that’s how we’re gonna recruit new people to our cause, and how we’re gonna begin resisting!

0:14:55.5: I wanna thank all of you for your efforts to come to Berlin, and I know that I’ll see many of you on the barricades.

Thank you!


©August 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense Europe

See related: 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Speech at Massive Protest in Berlin, August 29, 2020


Del Bigtree: Truckies Intend to Shut Down Australia; the French Picnic in Streets While Boycotting Restaurants

Del Bigtree: Truckies Intend to Shut Down Australia; the French Picnic in Streets While Boycotting Restaurants
“The Truckies Are Going to Shut Down the Country”

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
August 27, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

The French are refusing to eat in restaurants demanding vaccine passports, and now the truck drivers of Australia are organizing a strike in protest of mandatory vaccines and extreme lockdown measures.


Connect with The HighWire

cover image credit: rgaudet17 / pixabay

Clarification of the Absolute Nonsense That the Pfizer ‘Covid Vaccine’ was not Approved: It Was!

Clarification of the Absolute Nonsense That the Pfizer ‘Covid Vaccine’ was not Approved: It Was!

by Gary D. Barnett
August 27, 2021


There has been much reporting, mostly by independent sources that are often reliable, that the full approval of the first ‘Covid vaccine’ was not an approval at all. This is complete nonsense, and this reporting it seems was meant to refute something that is absolutely and obviously correct. Yes, reading through the entirety of the FDA information could be considered complicated by some, but the fact is that this poisonous Pfizer/BioNtech injection was fully approved, and openly stated as so on the FDA’s own web site. It seems that many are attempting to negate an openly obvious fact in order to attack the mainstream for reporting the approval. This is a straw man argument, and has proven to be more harmful than not due to independent sources jumping to conclusions without doing any real research or even reading the FDA report. In a manner of speaking, this confuses those who are looking for real accurate information from those they trust as sources for alternative news.

The FDA’s site is very clear, in that this full approval by the FDA of the Pfizer/BioNTech ‘Covid’ injection was stated as clearly as is possible. The rub I imagine, and this makes no logical sense, is that they approved the exact ‘Covid vaccine’ that was under emergency use authorization under a new name, (Comirnaty) without any new information on the so-called trial since March of 2021. These independent sources that incorrectly stated that no real approval had taken place, did not bother to figure this out, something I and others saw on the first reading of the FDA report.

The FDA also stated that there was a short supply of the newly named (same) ‘vaccine,’ but that they had also extended the emergency use authorization of the original (same) Pfizer/BioNTech(Comirnaty) jab that has been harming people for many months. This was not accidental, and is grounds for criminal charges against the FDA. No new trial information at all was considered, so this approval was a total scam, and meant only to appease government, government agencies, ‘health’ agencies such as the CDC, the pharmaceutical companies involved, and to trick the general population into getting a sense of security, when none exists, that an approval meant this was safe when in fact nothing had changed at all. This is a fraudulent and criminal undertaking by the FDA and its partners in government and corporate America to fool more people into getting this very toxic, dangerous, and deadly injection. This is a noxious and heinous crime committed against Americans by the state players.

Instead of going through the entirety of the FDA report here, please watch this Corbett Report video that explains this very well, and also the very extensive review of this matter by Ryan Christian at The Last American Vagabond. I will also link to the actual FDA site where anyone able to think clearly should be able to discern that the FDA approval was not only real, but indisputably apparent, as well as a great explanation of this subject by Jon Rappoport. Also, see the extensive reference material at the Corbett Report and Last American Vagabond links above.

Additional source links:

FDA Approves First ‘Covid-19’ Vaccination

Jon Rappoport: Did the FDA Approve the Pfizer Covid Vaccine?


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: JFCFilms / pixabay

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week, FDA Pulls ‘Bait and Switch’ With Pfizer Vaccine Approval

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week, FDA Pulls ‘Bait and Switch’ With Pfizer Vaccine Approval
VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of 623,343 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 13,627 deaths and 84,466 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
August 27, 2021


Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021, a total of 623,343 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 13,627 deaths — an increase of 559 over the data released last week.

There were 84,466 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 3,416 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” filed in VAERS, 488,318 adverse events, including 6,128 deaths and 38,765 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021.between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 20, 2021.

Of the 6,128 U.S. deaths reported as of Aug. 20, 13% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 18% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 32% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 360.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Aug. 20. This includes: 203 million doses of Pfizer, 143 million doses of Moderna and 14 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

The data come directly from reports submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

This week’s U.S. data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

The most recent reported deaths include a 15-year-old boy (VAERS I.D. 1498080) who previously had COVID, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy in May 2021 and died four days after receiving his second dose of Pfizer’s vaccine on June 18, when he collapsed on the soccer field and went into ventricular tachycardia; and a 13-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1505250) who died after suffering a heart condition after receiving her first dose of Pfizer.

This week’s total U.S. VAERS data, from Dec. 14, 2020 to Aug. 20, 2021, for all age groups combined, show:
BBC radio host died of COVID vaccine complications, coroner confirms

An award-winning BBC radio host died as a result of complications from her first dose of AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine, coroner Karen Dilks concluded.

Lisa Shaw, 44, received her first dose of AstraZeneca on April 29. On May 13, she was taken by ambulance to University Hospital of North Durham after having a headache for several days. She was transferred to the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, where she received a number of treatments, which included cutting away part of her skull to relieve the pressure on her brain. She died May 21.

According to the BBC, Tuomo Polvikoski, a pathologist, told the coroner Shaw was fit and healthy before receiving the vaccine. When asked about the underlying cause of the fatal clotting on her brain, Polvikoski said the clinical evidence “strongly supports the idea that it was, indeed, vaccine-induced.”

FDA grants full approval of Pfizer vaccine, critics blast agency for lack of data, scientific debate

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Aug. 23 granted full approval to Pfizer’s “Comirnaty” COVID vaccine for people 16 years and older — without allowing public discussion or holding a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss data.

This is the first COVID vaccine approved by the FDA, and is expected to open the door to more vaccine mandates by employers and universities.

According to The Washington Post, Pfizer’s vaccine approval was the fastest in the agency’s history, coming less than four months after Pfizer/BioNTech filed for licensing on May 7.

According to an article published Aug. 20 in the BMJ, transparency advocates criticized the FDA decision not to hold a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss Pfizer’s application for full approval — an important mechanism used to scrutinize data.

Last year the FDA said it was “committed to use an advisory committee composed of independent experts to ensure deliberations about authorisation or licensure are transparent for the public.”

But in a statement to The BMJ, the FDA said it did not believe a meeting was necessary ahead of the expected full FDA approval.

Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate who serves as a consumer representative on the FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, said it’s concerning that full approval is based on only six months’ worth of data — despite clinical trials designed for two years — and there’s no control group after Pfizer offered the product to placebo participants before the trials were completed.

FDA approval letter causes confusion, raises questions

Buried in the fine print of Monday’s approval of the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine are two critical facts that affect whether the vaccine can be mandated, and whether Pfizer can be held liable for injuries, according to Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dr. Meryl Nass.

Kennedy and Nass, who accused the FDA of pulling a “bait and switch” on the public, said the FDA acknowledged that while Pfizer has “insufficient stocks” of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine available, there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — produced under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — still available for use.

The FDA decreed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the EUA should remain unlicensed — but that it can be used “interchangeably” (page 2, footnote 8) with the newly licensed Comirnaty product.

Second, the FDA said the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and the existing EUA Pfizer vaccine are “legally distinct,” but said their differences do not “impact safety or effectiveness.”

Kennedy and Nass said EUA products are experimental under U.S. law. Both the Nuremberg Code and federal regulations provide that no one can force a human being to participate in this experiment.

Under 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III), “authorization for medical products for use in emergencies,” it is unlawful to deny someone a job or an education because they refuse to be an experimental subject, they wrote.

At least for the moment, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability shield. Vials of the branded product, which say “Comirnaty” on the label, are subject to the same product liability laws as other U.S. products, Kennedy and Nass said, adding that “Pfizer is therefore unlikely to allow any American to take a Comirnaty vaccine until it can somehow arrange immunity for this product.”

On Thursday, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) wrote the FDA raising similar concerns and questions about the agency’s approval of the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.

In his letter, Johnson asked FDA Acting Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodruff why the FDA didn’t grant full licensure for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine that is already in use and available in the U.S., and how the agency will ensure that those being vaccinated under mandates will receive the FDA-approved version.

As COVID surges among fully vaccinated, CDC fails to properly track breakthrough cases

As The Defender reported Aug. 24, the most recent data from the CDC shows 9,716 breakthrough cases resulting in hospitalization or death as of Aug. 16. However, the agency states those numbers are underreported.

On May 1, the CDC made a decision to stop tracking all breakthrough cases and instead only track cases in the fully vaccinated that resulted in hospitalization or death. That leaves public health officials without the full data that can answer questions as the new Delta variant spreads.

In an interview with PBS News Hour, Jessica Malaty Rivera, an infectious disease epidemiologist and research fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital and former science communications lead at the COVID Tracking Project, said not tracking breakthrough data with as much granularity as we would hope is “basically creating blind spots in our understanding of the true impact of the virus, especially the variants that are circulating so widely in the United States.”

The New York Times recently published data from seven states — California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, Utah, Vermont  and Virginia — that keeps particularly detailed records on breakthrough cases.

Analysis showed that in six of the states, breakthrough infections made up 18% to 28% of all newly diagnosed cases of COVID in the past several weeks, and 12% to 24% of all COVID-related hospitalizations, with reported deaths higher than the CDC’s original estimate of .5%.

Pfizer scheme to churn out ‘variant-specific’ vaccines will lead to more variants, experts warn

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday told Fox News the company has a system in place to turn around a variant-specific jab within 95 days in the likelihood a vaccine-resistant COVID strain emerges, but experts warn that strategy will backfire.

Bourla said Pfizer hasn’t identified any variants that could escape the vaccine yet. However, that statement contradicts the findings of numerous studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) which show waning immunity against the Delta variant.

Dr. Peter McCullough, board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular diseases and clinical lipidology, said in a recent podcast: “There are clearly sources of information to suggest that once we start vaccination and we get more than 25% of the population vaccinated, we will allow one of the variants that’s in the background to emerge because it’s resistant to the vaccine.”

“That [theory] makes sense,” McCullough said. “Just like an antibiotic, once we get to a certain percentage of coverage with an antibiotic, we’ll allow a resistant bacteria to move forward.”

According to Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA and DNA vaccines, worldwide expert in RNA technologies and Harvard-trained physician, continued mass vaccination campaigns will enable new, more infectious viral variants.

Even if we had complete uptake in vaccines and complete masking, Malone said, CDC data makes it clear that at best we can slow the spread of Delta but we can’t stop it.

New CDC studies show waning vaccine immunity to Delta variant

Two studies released Aug. 24 by the CDC showed fully vaccinated Americans’ immunity to COVID is waning as the Delta variant now makes up 98.8% of U.S. COVID cases.

One study found vaccine effectiveness among frontline healthcare workers declined by nearly 30 percentage points since the Delta variant became the dominant strain in the U.S.

The analysis also concluded COVID vaccines were only 80% effective in preventing infection among the frontline healthcare workers.

The second study examined 43,000 Los Angeles residents 16 and older. Between May 1 and July 25, 25.3% of COVID infections occurred in fully vaccinated persons and 3.3% were in partially vaccinated persons.

The CDC cautioned in its report that vaccine effectiveness “might also be declining as time since vaccination increases and because of poor precision in estimates due to limited number of weeks of observation.”

The publication of the new studies followed a week after the CDC released its first three reports on vaccine efficacy — which also showed waning vaccine protection against the Delta variant.

172 days and counting, CDC ignores The Defender’s inquiries

According to the CDC website, “the CDC follows up on any report of death to request additional information and learn more about what occurred and to determine whether the death was a result of the vaccine or unrelated.”

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with a written list of questions about reported deaths and injuries related to COVID vaccines. We have made repeated attempts, by phone and email, to obtain a response to our questions.

Despite multiple phone and email communications with many people at the CDC, and despite being told that our request was in the system and that someone would respond, we have not yet received answers to any of the questions we submitted. It has been 172 days since we sent our first email to the CDC requesting information.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

Dr. Robert Young & Science Team Reveal Graphene, Aluminum, Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) Capsids, Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG) & Parasites in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca & Janssen Vaccines

Dr. Robert Young & Science Team Reveal Graphene, Aluminum, Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) Capsids, Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG) & Parasites in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca & Janssen Vaccines


See Dr. Young’s full report below the video.


Breaking: Dr. Young Reveals Graphene, Aluminium, LNP Capsids, Parasite in 4 Vaccines 

by Ramona D Reports
August 27, 2021

Original video available at Ramona D Reports BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines 
Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Reveal the Ingredients in the CoV-19 Vaccines!

by Dr. Robert O. Young
Updated August 27, 2021


Germs Are Born In Us and From Us as an Outfection and NOT an Infection of the Body Cells. In other words germs are symptoms of cellular and genetic disorganization and NOT the specific cause of the cellular and genetic disorganization! The GERM is NOTHING and the TERRAIN is EVERYTHING . Germs can only contribute to a state of toxic imbalance but NEVER cause ANY specific sickness or disease![55] – Dr. Robert O. Young


Currently there are four major pharmaceutical companies who manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 now called SARS-CoV-19 vaccine. These manufactures and their vaccine are Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA Vaccine, the Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, the Serum Institute Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen COVID -19 Vaccine, manufactured by Janssen Biotech Inc., a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson, a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. The intended purpose of these vaccines are to provide immunity from the so-called infectious novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV – 2 virus now called the SARS-CoV – 19. These four pharmaceutical companies have not provided complete FDA disclosure on their vaccine box, insert fact sheet or label for many of the major and/or minor ingredients contained within these so-called vaccines. The purpose of this research article is to identify those specific major and minor ingredients contained in the Pfizer Vaccine, the Moderna Vaccine, the Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen Vaccine using various scientific anatomical, physiological and functional testing for each SARS-COV-2-19 vaccine. As a human right, governed under World Law by the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the vaccine specific ingredient information is critical, required and necessary to know so that any human from any country in the World can make an informed decision whether or not to consent to the SAR-CoV-2-19 inoculation. We have conducted the scientific testing on each vaccine and have identified several ingredients or adjuvants that have not been disclosed which are contained in these four SARS-CoV – 2 -19 vaccines. Currently, these vaccines are being administered to millions of humans around the World under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by each country without full disclosure of all ingredients and in some cases mandated by governments or employers in violation of individual human rights under the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

Methodology and Techniques

Four “vaccines” were analyzed which are the Pfizer-BioNtech, Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, Vaxzevria by Astrazeneca, Janssen by Johnson & Johnson, using different instrumentation and protocols of preparation according to new nano particulate technological approaches. The different instrumentation includes Optical Microscopy, Bright-Field Microscopy, pHase Contrast Microscopy, Dark-Field Microscopy, UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance instruments were used to verify the “vaccines” morphologies and contents. For the high-technology measurements and the care of the investigation, all the controls were activated and reference measurements adopted in order to obtain validated results.

Live Blood Phase Contrast and Dark-Field Microscopy

Images of the aqueous fractions of the vaccines were subsequently obtained to visually assess the possible presence of carbon particulates or graphene.

The observations under optical microscopy revealed and abundance of transparent 2D laminar objects that show great similarity with images from literature (Xu et al, 2019), and with images obtained from rGO standard (SIGMA)(Figures 1, 2 and 3).

Images of big transparent sheets of variable size and shapes were obtained, showing corrugated and flat, irregular. Smaller sheets of polygonal shapes, also similar to flakes described in literature (Xu et al, 2019) can be revealed with pHase Contrast and Dark-Field microscopy (Figure 3).

All these laminar objects were widespread in the aqueous fraction of the blood (Figure 1) or vaccine sample (Figures 2 and 3) and no component described by the registered patent can be associated with these sheets.

In Figure 1 You Can See What A Cluster Bomb of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Looks Like in the Live Unstained Human Blood after a CoV-19 Inoculation Causing Pathological Blood Coagulation![1][2][55][56][57]

Figure 1 is a Micrograph of a Carbon Cluster of Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) Viewed in the Live Unstained Human Blood with pHase Contrast Microscopy at 1500x. Note that the Red Blood Cells are Clotting in and Around the rGO Crystal in a Condition Known as Rouleau! A French Word Which Means to Chain.

What Are the Non-Disclosed Ingredients Contained in CoV – 19 So-Called Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen Vaccines?

To answer this question an aqueous fraction of the Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines were taken from each vile and then viewed separately under pHase Contrast Microscopy at 100x, 600x up to1500x magnification showing anatomical evidence of reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) particulates which were compared to micrographs of rGO from Choucair et al, 2009 for identification and verification.[3]

Steps of Analysis of Vaccine Aqueous Fractions

Refrigerated samples were processed under sterile conditions, using laminar flow chamber and sterilized lab ware.

Steps for analyses were:

1. Dilution in 0.9% sterile physiological saline (0.45 ml + 1.2 ml)

2. Polarity fractionation: 1.2 ml hexane + 120 ul of RD1 sample

3. Extraction of hydrophilic aqueous pHase

4. UV absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy scanning

5. Extraction and quantification of RNA in the sample

6. Electron and optical microscopy of aqueous pHase

The Pfizer “Vaccine” Non-disclosed Ingredients

The micrographs in Figures 2 and 3 were obtained using 100X, 600X and 1500X pHase Contrast, Dark Field and Bright Field Optical Microscopy.[3]

On the left of each micrograph you will view micrographs obtained from the Pfizer vaccine aqueous fraction containing rGO.

On the right of each micrograph ou will view a match from known sources containing rGO for anatomical validation.

The observations under a pHase Contrast, Dark-Field, Bright-Field microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron microscopy of the vaccine product by Pfizer, including vaccine products of Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen revealed some entities that can be graphene strips as seen below in Figure 3.

Figure 2 shows an aqueous fraction image from Pfizer vaccine sample (left) and from reduced graphene oxide (rGO) standard (right) (Sigma-777684). Optical microscopy, 100X


Figure 3 – Aqueous fraction images containing reduced graphene oxide from Pfizer vaccine sample (left) and sonicated reduced graphene oxide (rGO) standard (right) (Sigma-777684). Optical pHase contrast microscopy, 600X


Figure 4 shows the liposome Capsid containing rGO that Pfizer uses for its product to vehiculate the graphene oxide by attaching the Liposome capsid to specific mRNA molecules for driving the Liposome contents of fGO to specific organs, glands and tissues, namely the ovaries and testes, bone marrow, heart and brain. The image was obtained by a SEM-Cryo preparation.

For a definitive identification of graphene by TEM, it is necessary to complement the observation with the structural characterization by obtaining a characteristic electron diffraction standard sample (as the figure ‘b’ shown below).

The standard sample corresponding to graphite or graphene has a hexagonal symmetry, and generally has several concentric hexagons.

Figure 4b Reveals X ray Diffraction Pattern of the Graphene Particles. Definitive Identification of Graphene Oxide by TEM Microscopy Found in All 4 CoV – 2 – 19 Vaccines

Using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) we observed an intricate matrix or mesh of folded translucent flexible rGO sheets with a mixture of darker multilayer agglomerations and lighter colored of unfolded monolayers as seen in Figure 5. [3]

Figure 5 shows a cluster of graphene nanoparticles in a Pfizer vaccine. They appear to be aggregated.

The darker linear areas in Figure 5 appear to be local overlap of sheets and local arrangement of individual sheets in parallel to the electron beam.[4]

After the mesh, a high density of unidentified rounded and elliptical clear shapes appears, possibly corresponding to holes generated by mechanical forcing of the rGO mesh during treatment as seen in Figure 6.[4]

Figure 6 shows a TEM microscopy observation where particles of reduced graphene oxide in a Pfizer” vaccine” are present. The X-ray diffractometry reveals their nature of crystalline Carbon-based nanoparticles of rGO

Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy Reveals rGO in Pfizer Vaccine[5][6][7]

The Pfizer vaccine liquid fraction was then analyzed for chemical and elemental content using Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) as seen in Figure 6. The EDS spectrum showed the presence of Carbon, Oxygen verifying the rGO elements and Sodium and Chloride since the sample shown in Figures 2, 3, 5, and 6 were diluted in a saline solution.

Figure 7 shows an EDS spectrum of a Pfizer “vaccine” under an ESEM microscopy coupled with an EDS x-ray microprobe (X axis =KeV, Y axis = Counts) identifying Carbon, Oxygen, Sodium and Chloride

The Quantification of mRNA in the Pfizer Vaccine

The quantification of RNA in the Pfizer sample was carried out with conventional protocols (Fisher).

According to NanoDropTM 2000 spectrophotometer calibration check specific software (Thermofisher), the UV absorption spectrum of total aqueous fraction was correlated to 747 ng/ul of unknown absorbing substances.

However, after RNA extraction with commercial kit (Thermofisher), quantification with RNA specific Qbit fluorescence probe (Thermofisher) showed that only 6t ug/ul could be related to the presence of RNA. The spectrum was compatible with the peak of rGO at 270nm.

According to microscopic images presented here, most of this absorbance might be due to graphene-like sheets, abundant in the fluids suspension in the sample.

The conclusions are further supported by high fluorescence from the sample with maximum at 340 nm, in accordance with peak values for rGO. It must be reminded that RNA does not show spontaneous fluorescence under UV exposure.

Figure 8 – UV spectrum of aqueous fraction of Pfizer vaccine sample.[1][2][3][5][6]

Ultra Violet Fluorescence Testing of the Pfizer Aqueous Fraction for Reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO)[5]

Ultra Violet absorption and fluorescence spectra were obtained with Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader Spectrophotometer (BioteK). UV absorbance spectrum confirmed a maximum peak at 270nm, compatible with presence of rGO particulate.

UV fluorescence maximum at 340 nm also suggests presence of significant amounts of rGO in the sample (Bano et al, 2019).

Figure 9 – UV absorption and fluorescence spectra were obtained with Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader Spectrophotometer (BioteK). UV absorbance spectrum confirmed a maximum peak at 270 nm, compatible with presence of rGO. UV fluorescence maximum at 340 nm also suggests presence of significant amounts of rGO in the sample (Bano et al, 2019).

Figure 10 – The spectroscopy UV analysis showed an adsorption due to the presence of reduced graphene oxide, which is confirmed by observation under ultraviolet visible microscopy.


Figure 10 – The spectroscopy UV analysis showed an adsorption due to the presence of reduced graphene oxide, which is confirmed by observation under ultraviolet visible microscopy.

Figures 11 and 12 below shows a micrograph of different micro and nano particulates which have been identified in the Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen, so-called “vaccines” and analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System (EDS) that reveals the particle size, composition distribution and chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates under observation.[5][6][7]

Figure 11 shows sharp micron debris of 20 um in length identified in the Pfizer so-called “vaccine” containing Carbon, Oxygen Chromium, Sulphur, Aluminum, Chloride, Nitrogen.

Figure 12 shows a 20 micron in length particulate identified in the so-called Pfizer “vaccine”. It is composed of carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen.

Figures 13 and 14 below shows a micrograph of different micro and nano particulates which have been identified in the Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen, so-called “vaccines” and analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System (EDS) that reveals the particle size, composition distribution and chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates under observation.

Are There Parasites in the Pfizer “Vaccines”

A 50 micron elongated body, as seen in Figure 13 is a sharp mysterious presence in the Pfizer vaccine. It appears and is identified anatomically as a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite of which several variants are lethal and is one of many causes of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS. [Atlas of Human Parasitology, 4th Edition, Lawrence Ash and Thomas Orithel, pages 174 to 178][8]

Figure 13 shows a Trypanosoma Parasite approximately 20 microns in length found in the so-called Pfizer “vaccine”. It is composed of carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen.


A Live Blood pHase Contrast Microscopy Micrograph of Trypanosoma cruzi Parasite[8]
Figure 14 identifies a composition of nano particulates including carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen also found in the CoV-19 “vaccines.”

Figure 13 Identifies a Composite of Nano particulates

Figures 15 and 16 below show a micrograph of different micro and nano particulates which have been identified and analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) coupled with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System (EDS) that reveals the chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates and their morphology.

The white 2-micron-long particulate is composed of bismuth, carbon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, copper and nitrogen.

Figure 15 shows nano and micron particulates identified in the Pfizer “vaccine”. The white 2 micron long particulate is composed of bismuth, carbon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, copper and nitrogen.

Figure 16 shows that the white 2 micron particulate found in the so-called Pfizer ‘vaccine’ is composed of bismuth, carbon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, copper and nitrogen.

Figures 17 and 18 show the identification of organic carbon, oxygen and nitrogen particulates with an aggregate of embedded nanoparticles including bismuth, titanium, vanadium, iron, copper, silicon and aluminum which were all found in the so-called Pfizer “vaccine.”

Figure 17 – shows an organic (Carbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen) aggregate with embedded nanoparticles of bismuth, titanium. vanadium. iron, copper, silicon, aluminum embedded in Pfizer “vaccine!”


Figure 18 – shows an organic (Carbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen) aggregate with embedded nanoparticles of bismuth, titanium. vanadium. iron, copper, silicon, aluminum embedded in Pfizer “vaccine!”

The Astrazeneca “Vaccine” Non-disclosed Ingredients

Figures 19 and 20 show an engineered aggregate of iron, chromium and nickel also known as stainless steel of micro and nano particles embedded and identified in the Astrazeneca “vaccine” viewed under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and quantified with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System that reveals the chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates and their morphology.

Figure 19 – Engineered aggregate of iron, chromium and nickel also know as stainless steel.


Figure 20 shows the quantified namo particulates in the Astrazeneca “vaccine” with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System that reveals the chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates.

Using the XRF (X-ray fluorescence) instrument was used to evaluate the adjuvants in the Astrazeneca “vaccine”, which identified the following molecules of histidine, sucrose, Poly-ethylene glycol (PEG) and ethylene alcohol, also contained in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”. The results of this test can be seen in Figure 20.[9]

The injection of PEG and Ethylene alcohol are both known as carcinogenic and genotoxic.[9] PEG was the only adjuvant declared on the data sheet listing the ingredients of the Astrazeneca “vaccine” but contained in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”.

Figure 21 Identifies the Spectrum of AstraZeneca Vaccine Adjuvants. Different colors are used for the four molecules identified by means of reference spectra. Relative concentration is calculated on integrals of reference signals for molecules in a quantitative spectrum acquired with a duty cycle of 5 seconds with the longest calculated T1 was 5sec.

The Janssen “Vaccine” Non-Disclosed Ingredients

Figures 22 and 23 shows an organic-inorganic aggregate identified in the Janssen “vaccine”. The particles are composed of stainless steel and are glued together with a “Carbon-based glue” of reduced graphene oxide.[10] This aggregate is highly magnetic and can trigger pathological blood coagulation and “The Corona Effect” or “The Spike Protein Effect” creation from the degeneration of the cell membrane due to interactions with other dipoles.[10] You can view these biological reactions or cellular transformations in the live blood under pHase Contrast and Dark Field Microscopy in Figures 24, 25 and 26.[1][11]

Figure 22 A Stainless Steel Aggregation of Carbon , Oxygen, Iron and Nickel Held Together With Graphene Oxide

Figure 23 Shows Elements of of Carbon , Oxygen, Iron and Nickel Held Together With Graphene Oxide.

The Corona Effect and Spike Protein Effect

The Endogenously Created “Corona Effect” and “Spike Protein” ARE Caused by Chemical and Radiation Poisoning from Reduced Graphene Oxide and Microwave Radiation![11]

Figure 24 “The Corona Effect” and the Endogenous Creation of Exosomes Due to Chemical and Radiation Poisoning of the Vascular and the Interstitial fluids of the Interstitium

Figure 25 Shows “The Corona Effect” and the the Endogenous Birth of S1 Protein Spikes Caused by Radiation and Chemical Poisoning or What I Call The “Protein Spiking Effect”


Figure 26 This Micrograph Shows the Endogenous Creation of the “Spike Protein” as an Outfection and NOT and Infection!

Figures 24 and 25 above show ‘The CORONA EFFECT’ on the red blood cells with Figure 26 showing ‘The SPIKED PROTEIN EFFECT’ both caused by decompensated acidosis of the interstitial and then vascular fluids from an acidic lifestyle and specifically, exposure to toxic pulsating electro-magnetic fields at 2.4gHz or higher, chemical poisoning from the food and water ingested, toxic acidic air pollution, chem-trails and to top-it-all-off a nana particulate chemical laden CoV – 19 inoculation! Please check your feelings and false beliefs at the door before YOU prematurely cause YOURSELF harm![11]

The Moderna “Vaccine” Non-Disclosed Ingredients

Figure 26 and 27 identified a mixed entity of organic and inorganic matter contained in the Moderna “vaccine.”

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TMS) and quantified with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System (EDS) revealed the chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates.

The so-called Moderna “vaccine’ is a carbon-based Reduced Graphene Oxide substrate where some nanoparticles are embedded. The nanoparticles are composed of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, copper, iron and chlorine.[12]

Figure 26 Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals a Graphene Oxide Composite of Embedded Organic and Non-Organic Matter


Figure 27 Reveals Embedded Cytotoxic Nano Particulates

Figures 27 and 28 shows an analysis which was also performed under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and quantified with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System (EDS) and revealed the chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates. Many foreign bodies were identified with a spherical morphology with some bubble-shaped cavities.

Figure 29 shows they are composed of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, lead, cadmium, and selenium. This highly toxic nano particulate composition are quantum dots of cadmium selenide which are cytotoxic and genotoxic.[13][14]

Figure 27 Reveals the Nano Dots in the Graphene Oxide Found in the Moderna “Vaccine”


Figure 28 Reveals the Nano Dots in the Graphene Oxide Found in the Moderna “Vaccine”


Figure 29 Reveals the Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Composite of Nano Particulates in Graphene Oxide Found in the Moderna “Vaccine”


Figures 30 and 31 further analysis of the so-called Moderna “vaccine” showed a 100-micron symplast of reduced graphene oxide nano particulate composite. The rGO is composed of carbon and oxygen with contamination of nano particulates of nitrogen, silicon, phosphorus and chlorine Chlorine.[15]

Figure 30 Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals a Large 100 micron Symplast Composite of Reduces Graphene Oxide


Figure 31 Reveals the Nano Particulate Complex Contained in the Moderna “Vaccine”

Figures 32 and 33 show carbon-based reduced graphene oxdie entities in the Moderna “vaccine” mixed with aggregates filled with Aluminium silicate nanoparticulates.[16]

Figure 32 Reveals a Complex of Graphene Oxide and Aluminium Silicate Using Transmission Electron Microscopy

Figure 33 Reveals the Nano Elements of Graphene Oxide and Aluminum Silicate Contained in the Moderna “Vaccine”


The SARS-CoVid-2-19 pandemic induced the pharmaceutical industries to develop new drugs that they called vaccines.

The mechanism of action of these new drugs as declared by the pharmaceutical industry coupled with what is reported in the vaccine products’ data sheet is NOT clear for current medical savants to understand that those new drugs produced by Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA Vaccine, the Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, the Serum Institute Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen COVID -19 Vaccine, manufactured by Janssen Biotech Inc., a Janssen Pharmaceutical Company of Johnson & Johnson are NOT vaccines but nanotechnological drugs working as a genetic therapy.

The name “vaccine” is likely to be an escamotage (trickery) used for bureaucratic and technocratic reasons in order to receive an urgent approval, ignoring all the normal rules necessary for new drugs, especially for those involving novel nanotechnological mechanisms which have never been developed nor experienced by humans any where, at any time in the history of World.

All these so-called “vaccines” are patented and therefore their actual content is kept secret even to the buyers, who, of course, are using taxpayers’ money. So, consumers (taxpayers) have no information about what they are receiving in their bodies by inoculation. Humanity is kept in the dark as far as the nano particulate technological processes involved are concerning, on the negative effects on the cells of the body, but mostly on the possible magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic nano-bio-interaction effect on the blood and body cells.

This current research study via direct analysis on the aforementioned so-called “vaccines” by means of nano particulate technological instrumentation reveals disturbing and life-altering information concerning the truth about the actual toxic acidic contents of the so-called vaccines.

The Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen drugs are NOT “vaccines” but complexed Graphene Oxide nano particulate aggregates of varying nano elements attached to genetically modified nucleic acids of mRNA from animal or vero cells and aborted human fetal cells as viewed and described above. Once again the ingredients in these so-called vaccines are highly magneticotoxic, cytotoxic and genotoxic to plant, insect, bird, animal and human cell membranes and their genetics which already has lead to serious injuries (estimated at over 500 million) and/or eventual death (estimated at over 35 million).[17][18] through [54]

The so-called “experts” or “medical savants” are telling YOU that CoV -2 – 19 vaccines are the ONLY way to stop the spread of CoV-19… even when there is NO EVIDENCE of its existence and NO EVIDENCE of it spreading as determined by the scientific method of Koch or Rivers postulates![53]

That they’re safe — despite the documented evidence is to the contrary…[53]

That they’re effective — even though millions of “double-jabbed” people are getting sick, theoretically exposing themselves to a NON-EXISTENT VIRUS called CoV – 19, and dying…[54] NOT from some phantom viral infection but from the FEAR or false evidence appearing real and the toxic acid contents of reduced graphene oxide delivered via the genetically modified mRNA to specific targets of the human body leading to pathological blood coagulation, oxygen deprivation, hypercapnia, hypoxia and then death by suffocation.[55][56][57]

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) or Pathological Blood Coagulation.[56][57]

That YOU MUST get at LEAST two shots PLUS “boosters” to live “normal lives”…

And soon, they’ll be telling YOU that YOU have no choice but to comply with ALL their MANdates even when the CDC and other Governments, Universities and Medical Institutes have admitted in writing that they have NO “GOLD STANDARD” isolation of the CoV – 2 now called CoV – 19 virus![54]


Remember …


It is YOUR Body, YOUR Life and YOUR Choice!

Knowledge is power. And it’s the key to understanding why the experimental CoV -19 vaccines are so dangerous — despite the corporate media’s official narrative that suppresses and censors anyone who dares to speak out.

You are in control of your own health. Don’t fall victim to global governments and bureaucrats that are pushing everyone to get vaccinated. Billionaire “philanthropist” Bill Gates and billionaire Big Tech activists think they know what’s best for you and your family.

You must be free to decide what’s right for you. Do NOT let governments and employers force you into getting “vaxxed” “for your own good”.

And never let the cancel culture make you too afraid to stand up for your rights!

In the words of the great French doctor and scientist, Antione BeChamp, “there is nothing so false that does NOT contain a element of truth and so it is with the germ theory.” In this case the viral, vaccine and immunity theory![58]


Connect with Dr. Robert O. Young

Connect with Ramola D Reports

 See related:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

UK Businesses, Groups & Individuals Create ‘Together Declaration’: Join With Them & Sign the Declaration — “No Vaccine Passports Anywhere”

UK Businesses, Groups & Individuals Create ‘Together Declaration’: Join With Them & Sign the Declaration — “No Vaccine Passports Anywhere”



Sign the Declaration


We the undersigned reject vaccine passports or any similar form of medical certification in the United Kingdom and invite you to add your voice to ours by signing this open letter.

Together, we represent more than 100 organisations, business groups, campaigners and professionals who have come together because we are gravely concerned about where the introduction of vaccine passports could lead.

In the UK, we enjoy many hard-won liberties and rights, all fought for and defended by our ancestors. These rights are not only fundamental to our understanding of democracy, they are rights we believe all humans should have.

Some of us are lucky enough to have been born with these rights, but others have experienced the perils of segregation, suppression, and surveillance first hand.

However with vaccine passports in the picture and digital IDs under consideration, some of our hard-won rights are now under serious threat.

We have already come together and made incredible sacrifices throughout the Covid-19 crisis. What began with ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ turned into months of isolation with millions missing out on medical treatment, children deprived of education, businesses and livelihoods lost, families unable to visit elderly loved ones, and weddings, funerals, and social gatherings restricted or cancelled.

The glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel — ‘15 million jabs to freedom’ to protect the most vulnerable — soon faded as the goalposts kept on moving. When ‘freedom day’ finally arrived, the accompanying announcement of vaccine passports meant the prospect of returning to ‘normal’ had once again slipped away.

We are human. We know this makes us seek safety above everything else. We seek it for ourselves, we seek to protect those we love, and we strive for a safe world for our children — and sometimes rules and restrictions can help us to feel safer.

But we also know life is about balance and catching ourselves when we go too far in response to our own fear.

Being ordered to produce medical certification at pubs, clubs, theatres, on public transport, at schools, universities, or anywhere else, is unwarranted and risks deepening the inequalities already present within our society.

Today it could be a vaccine passport to enter a pub, but what could it be tomorrow?

We can already see from where these measures have been introduced elsewhere in the world that they lead to many a free society would wish to avoid. Among the consequences are segregation, suppression and surveillance, being unable to dine together, long queues to enter venues, children barred from taking exams or socialising, and the nightmare scenario of being denied access to healthcare

We want a free, fair and open society for ourselves, our friends and our families. We want to eat, work, dance, and pray together. We want our children to be able to play, learn and grow together.

This is therefore the moment when we must catch ourselves, when we recognise we are going too far by requiring medical certification just to participate in normal life.

Now it is our turn to protect the freedoms our forebears sacrificed so much to protect — for ourselves, for our children and for our communities. Now is the time to say ‘no’ to any mandate requiring permission to participate in everyday life.

If you agree that now is the time to work together to help keep each other safe whilst also safeguarding our democracy and normality, then this is your opportunity to make your voice heard.

Please join us by signing below and let’s send the message loud and clear: No Vaccine Passports Anywhere.

We can change this, together.

TOGETHER is a coalition of over 200 organisations and individuals who are working together to speak out against measures taken by the UK government in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. TOGETHER will be addressing a number of issues, the first of which is this Together Declaration against vaccine passports and digital ID’s.

Why should I sign?

If you believe that now is the time to work together to help keep each other safe whilst also protecting the most important parts of democracy and normal life, then this is your opportunity to make your voice heard.


Sign the Declaration


Connect with Together Declaration

cover image credit: qimono / pixabay

David Icke: How They Are Killing You and Calling It ‘Covid’

How They Are Killing You and Calling It ‘Covid’

by David Icke
August 27, 2021


Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]

Covid Madness and Mass Conformity vs. the Life Force

Covid Madness and Mass Conformity vs. the Life Force

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 26, 2021


The basic human immune system is HEALTH. VITAL LIFE FORCE.

It ISN’T a germ-killing antibody-marching military machine inside the body.

However, since modern society is based on a massive attempt to install Pavlovian stimulus-response as the basic principle for “better living,” professionals are going to view Health as a machine-produced outcome.

The antibodies march and scout, the T-cell troops come in behind them and attack the invader, and so on. This preposterous bullshit becomes a model of life.

And therefore doctors and public health experts are the messiahs who protect us every day from harm caused by the invaders (viruses). This load of gibberish forms the basis for the fake pandemic and the robot responses of the population.

LIFE-FORCE, on the other hand, is a unique drive within the individual to express vitality and energy and imagination in the world. When it flows, health flows.

Conformity is the “we’re all in this together” lullaby for the mesmerized masses sitting in a decaying common pool of mind control. For five minutes it looks like a superhighway and then you’re in a blind alley at midnight up against a brick wall.

Who is this WE? What is the THIS in which we’re all together? Answer: The WE is rubber-stamped copies of humans that individuals pretend to be, and the THIS is a vapor of spiritual and energetic sedation.

What is the source of all the systems, protocols, models, and methods that dominate modern life to the point of lockstep surrender? A good place to start is the education system. It’s managed to promote the false belief that, unless everyone goes to school for at least 12 years, whole nations will be composed of rank drooling idiots.

In fact, the education system has a propensity for turning out those drooling idiots.

William Blake, one of the greatest poets of any era in any language, attended school until he was 10. After that, his mother taught him at home.

I’m not sure about this, but I’ve been told God never went to school at all.

It’s impossible to study a child who has been inoculated with 12 or 16 years of education and ask, “What would he be like if he’d never gone to school?” But common sense tells us that, if he had an innate curiosity about life, he would have pursued learning in his own way. He would have learned to read. He would have found books. He would have launched his own imagination in many directions. AND HE WOULD HAVE BECOME STRONG AND INDEPENDENT. He wouldn’t have become a trained weasel.

Highly organized civilization makes us think there are only so many paths in life, and we must choose one of them and stay on it. This automatically shrinks our view of Reality. The concept of RADICALLY DIFFERENT LIFE seems impossible.

Nations and people are choking on SAMENESS.

So when a shit-cloud of experts blows in the door and announces there is a pandemic caused by a virus, most of us stand up and salute. Most of those who don’t merely disagree on the fine points. “Do I really need the booster shot, or am I good with two doses of the Pfizer?”

It never occurs to most people that the whole story is pulp fiction flying under the banner of warped and confined “scientific” minds that have been conditioned by years of schooling and training. These expert medical and public health minds have been deadened and walled off from LIFE ITSELF.

I see dead people. I see dead people telling us what to do. I see dead people promoting fear as their only goal. Trapped themselves, they want to trap us.

The elite strategy is in for a penny in for a pound. “Well, OF COURSE the virus exists. So it’s a question of how serious and deadly it is. Now, the official figures suggest it was weakening by June 15th, but then the Variant emerged. That was a game changer. The latest measurements of antibody production against the Delta Variant indicate…” Zzzzz.

The flying edge of a SYSTEM flew by and caught people unaware and dragged them down into the depths of mental surrender to the STORY about the original STORY…

Life is not a protocol.

An imitation of life is a protocol.


There is always a certain amount of whining and remorse as one enters the theater to see the movie called Reality.

“Is this a good idea?” “Why did I buy the ticket?”

But you can already feel a merging sensation. The electromagnetic fields humming in the theater, even before the movie starts, are drawing you in.

Your perception of x dimensions is narrowing down to three.

You take your seat. You look at the note you’ve written to yourself, and you read it again:

“Don’t forget where you came from. Don’t forget this is just a movie. Don’t fall asleep. The serial time in the movie is an artifact. The binding feeling of sentimental sympathy is a trance-induction. It’s the glue that holds the movie fixed in your mind.”

“The movie will induce nostalgia for a past that doesn’t exist. Don’t surrender to it.”

“You’re here to find out why the movie has power.”

“You want to undergo the experience without being trapped in it.”

“The content of the movie will distract you from the fact that it is a construct.”

The lights dim.

On the big screen, against a gray background, the large blue word REALITY slowly forms.

Suddenly, you’re looking at a huge pasture filled with flowers. The sky is a shocking blue. You can feel a breeze on your arms and face.

You think, “This is a hypnotic weapon.”

Now, the pasture fades away and you’re standing on an empty city street at night. It’s drizzling. You hear sirens in the distance. A disheveled beggar approaches you and holds out his trembling hand.

He waits, then moves on.

You look at the wet shining pavement and snap your fingers, to change it into a lawn. Nothing happens.

You’re shocked.

You wave your hand at a building. It doesn’t disappear.


You reach into your pocket and feel a wallet. You walk over to a streetlight and open it. There’s your picture on a plastic ID card. Your name is under the picture, followed by a number code. On the reverse side of the card, below a plastic strip, is a thumbprint.

There are other cards in the wallet, and a small amount of paper money. You look at the ID card again. There’s an address.

Though it seems impossible, you remember the address. In your mind’s eye, you see a small cottage at the edge of an industrial town. There’s a pickup parked in the driveway.

It’s your truck. You know it. But how can that be?

You walk toward larger buildings in the distance.

Three men in uniforms turn a corner and come up to you. Behind them emerges a short man in a business suit. He nods at you and holds out his hand.

You know what he wants. You pull out your wallet and give it to him. He looks at the ID card, at you, at the card again.

“You were reported missing,” he says.

“Missing from what?” you say.

“Your home. Your job. What are you doing here? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” you say. “I was…taking a short trip. I’m just out for some air.”

“In this part of the city?” he says. “That’s not smart. We’ll take you home. Our car is right over there.”

One car sits on a side street. In large red letters printed on the trunk, the word Concern.

You walk with the men to the car.

Waves you’ve never felt before are emanating from it.

Mentally, you try to back up from them. You feel a haze settle over you.

In the haze dance little creatures.

You look at the short man in the suit. He’s smiling at you.

Suddenly, his smile is transcendent. It’s so reassuring, tears fill your eyes.

You’re thinking, “They built this so I would be lost, and then they found me. I’m supposed to be rescued. I’ve never experienced being rescued before. I never knew what it meant.”

You hear faint music.

It grows louder. As you near the car, you realize you’re listening to a chorus and an orchestra. The rising theme is Victory.

One of the uniformed men opens the car door.

You nod at him.

“My pleasure, sir,” he says.

The music fades away.

The scene shifts.

You’re standing next to the pickup in your driveway alongside your cottage.

You’re home.

Think, you tell yourself. What’s going on?

Now, as you walk into your cottage and instantly remember the rooms and the objects in these rooms, the sensation of Familiarity, slightly out of phase, grows stronger.

You realize you’re supposed to feel tremendous relief. This is what’s expected of you.

It’s expected of everyone. They live with one another through the touchstone of the Familiar. They share it like bread.

They keep coming back to it. The Familiar is a sacrament.

It’s built in. It’s invented through…it’s stamped on every object in this space…

…In order to suggest you’ve been here before. To suggest you belong here.

You see pure space that…

Has been placed here. For you.

And at that moment, there is a small explosion behind your head.

And you’re sitting in the theater again.

The movie is playing on the screen. All around you, in the seats, people are sitting with their eyes closed.

You feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn. It’s an usher.

“Sir,” he says. “Please follow me.”

He leads you up the aisle into the lobby, which is empty.

An office door opens and a young woman steps out. She strides briskly over to you.

“You woke up and came back,” she says. She gives you a tight smile. “So we’re refunding your money. It’s our policy.”

She drops a check in your hand.

“What happened in there?” you say. “What happened?”

She shrugs.

“Only you would know that. You must have done something to interrupt the transmission.”

“And the rest of those people?”

She looks at her watch. “They’re probably into their second year by now. The second year is typically a time of conflict. They rebel. Well, some of them do. They rearrange systems. They replace leaders. They promote new ideals.”

“I had such a strong feeling I’d been there before.”

She smiles. “Apparently it wasn’t strong enough. You’re back here.”

“How do you do it?” you say.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “That’s proprietary information. Did you meet your family?”

“No,” you say. “But I was in a cottage. It was…home.”

She nods.

“If you hadn’t escaped, you would have been subjected to much stronger bioelectric bonding pulses. Do you have a family here?”

You start to answer and realize you don’t know.

She looks into your eyes.

“Go out to the street,” she says. “Walk around. Take a nice long walk for an hour. You’ll reorient. It’ll come back to you.”

“Why do you do it?” you say.

“Do what?”

“Sell this trip.”

“Oh,” she says. “Why does a travel agent book a vacation for a client? We’re in that business.”

You turn toward the exit. The sun is shining outside. People are walking past the doors.

You take a deep breath and leave the theater.

The street is surging with crowds. The noise is thunderous.

You notice you’re carrying a rolled up sheet of paper in your hand.

You open it.

It’s a non-disclosure agreement.

“If you return from your movie experience, you will not reveal or discuss, under penalty of law, anything about its nature, substance, or duration…”

You look at the sheet of paper, make up your mind, and it bursts into flames.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: akbaranifsolo / pixabay

Hold the Presses: Pfizer mRNA Shot Not Approved!

Hold the Presses: Pfizer mRNA Shot Not Approved!

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, The Nature of Healing
August 27, 2021


With a silent nod by government, the mainstream media is now reporting that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) has approved the Pfizer COVID19 injection. This message is part of a new phase to spark more mandates in order to participate in society.

However, there is no official approval by the FDA, or any other agency, for use of any COVID19 vaccine.

No rubber stamp. No assurance. No joke.

The COVID19 vaccine has NOT been approved, only BioNTech’s COMIRNATY shot, which requires years of additional safety studies through 2025.

Smoke And Mirrors

If you read the fine print, the FDA is extending its Emergency Use Authorization:

FDA is reissuing the August 12, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to clarify that the EUA will remain in place for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the previously-authorized indication and uses, and to authorize use of COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) under this EUA for certain uses that are not included in the approved BLA.


Vague By Design

Under the law, government legitimizes the media to spread propaganda.

Propagandize – promote or publicize a particular cause, organization, or view, especially in a biased or misleading way.

HR-5736, The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 allows government to prepare and disseminate misleading information through film, video, and other materials to influence a domestic audience. This law previously applied abroad, to foreign audiences, as part of a media war machine.

If you read carefully, there is truth within all lies.. For there you will find that in this “FDA approval,” no authority is presenting any assurance that this change impacts safety or effectiveness of this experimental injection.

The licensed vaccine has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness. 

While much of the world believes in the lie that the Pfizer mRNA injections are now FDA-approved, when they are not, governments are coercing companies to mandate the injections to their employees, or face heavy fines. Whether something is approved, or not, does not equate to a mandate. Mandates continue to be illegal under the law. If you accept a mandate, you are volunteering for that order through your consent.

But what does “illegal” mean in a lawless society? – Larry H. DDS

Six Feet Under

Why does masking and social distancing at 6 feet remain in effect? Where does the number ‘6 ft’ come from?

Six feet under refers to the depth of a grave, but pay no attention to details.

With the false stamp of approval for an experimental injection, the propaganda has shifted to “get the jab or lose your job.” This mantra first began in the medical healthcare setting with employees who have been coerced to take the annual flu vaccine or lose their job. Even with evidence that repeated flu shots are less effective.

Normalizing medical tyranny in the healthcare system was published in a 2009 study titled, Mandatory Vaccination of Healthcare Workers, Whose Rights Should Come First? Using fear of the H1N1 flu virus, hospitals began coercing its frontline staff to get the annual jab to increase vaccination rates. At the same time, the World Health Organization issued dire predictions of a pandemic that could cause fatalities throughout the world.

Federal government officials will not force people to get the COVID  injection. That is not the role of government. They do, however, strongly encourage your employer, the restaurant where you want to eat, the concert venue you want to visit, or the country where you want to travel, to do it for them, with mobile vaccination units coming to restaurants.

News headlines send the message that there are now two classes of people: Approved and Unvaccinated.

The military will mandate the injection for all service members. The Veterans Affairs became the first federal agency to mandate COVID injections before the falsely reported FDA approval.

Delta Air Lines will impose a monthly $200 surcharge on unvaccinated employees

Google, Netflix, Morgan Stanley and The Washington Post announced vaccine requirements for their employees. Other businesses are using incentives like time off, lotteries and reduction in health care insurance.

Past government mandates did nothing but empower officials. So why are people still listening to government officials? Want to stay home to work? Not allowed. Rather wear a mask, social distance, and get tested instead of getting the shot? Not allowed. Want to use a religious or medical exemption letter to decline a shot? It may not be accepted. Read between the lines.

The Plandemic has the goal of mass vaccination during a live experiment to accumulate study data. See portions of the August 23, 2021 FDA approval letter to BioTech Manufacturing GmbH:

Study C4591009, entitled “A Non-Interventional Post-Approval Safety Study of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine in the United States,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY.

We acknowledge the timetable you submitted on August 21, 2021, which states that you will conduct this study according to the following schedule:

Final Protocol Submission: August 31, 2021

Monitoring Report Submission: October 31, 2022

Interim Report Submission: October 31, 2023

Study Completion: June 30, 2025
Final Report Submission: October 31, 2025

5. Study C4591021, entitled “Post Conditional Approval Active Surveillance Study Among Individuals in Europe Receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccine,” to evaluate the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis following administration of COMIRNATY.


Erwin Chemerinsky, dean and professor of law at the UC Berkeley School of Law is a social engineer and top propagandist. He is often quoted in the media to promote the official agenda. In 2015, Chemerinsky called for all children to be vaccinated for measles unless there is a medical reason for not doing so. Today, he suggests that “freedom does not include the right to endanger others, and COVID vaccines should be mandatory.”

Not widely reported, nine states have enacted 11 laws with bans on vaccine mandates (Arizona and Arkansas have each enacted two), and vaccine passports. However, some of these laws are tied only to vaccinations that have emergency use authorization (EUA), so the prohibition will no longer apply once all vaccines get “full approval” from the FDA. Also these laws apply to state and local governments only, so employers and private schools can still pass mandates.

Be prepared for passports to be part of the next phase, with stamps needed for annual boosters. Then get ready for the microchip and the chip scanners.

Each of these devices that are injection have the capacity to also have a small chip. What that chip does is it has the unique serial number for each dose.”..the RFID chip gives “officials information on who has and has not been vaccinated” and “tracks the location of the patient so that officials can know where the vaccinated officials are. – Jay Walker, then-CEO of ApiJect Systems America Inc., December 19, 2020.

Know Your Limits

With the mass contradictions and outright lies being spread faster than you can say “virus,” there is a simple solution.

Know who you are.

Are you a slave to the system or do you have freedom of choice?

Know where you live.

Do you live at an address or do you live in your body?

Know your limits.

You can always reserve your rights, and freedom to choose, with or without mandates. You Are Law offers a template letter of Conditional Acceptance. There is also this Letter of Declination, written by an RN called Agent J. to make your own. Read it. Know it. Use it if you like. Also know that under lawless governments, it may not work. So you will need to know when and where to stand your ground and draw your line in the sand.

Statement of Declination for Offer of Influenza Vaccine Product

I, YOUR NAME, a living woman/man retain and reserve all of my God-given rights including sole possession and sole use of all my biological materials which are granted to me by my Creator.

My employer and location of employment have offered an influenza vaccination product to me pursuant to and satisfying the requirements of YOUR STATE Health & Safety Code COPY AND PASTE INFLUENZA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE HERE.

I retain the right to decline all attempts to access, influence and or otherwise alter any and all of my God- given biological material and or biological systems which are unique, flawless and original design and craftsmanship of my Creator and of which my Creator has granted me sole possession, proprietorship and use of.

I require that any and all product offered to me by my employer or workplace be both entirely retrievable from and also removable in its entirety from my body, person, and womanhood at the conclusion of each and every work period and or work shift and also and again at the completion of my contractual obligations with my location or employment, and or employer.

Pursuant to my above statement, I decline the offer for influenza vaccination product.

By: YOUR SIGNATURE                                                                     DATE

All Rights Reserved



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at



Connect with Rosanne Lindsay

cover image credit: Sammy-Williams / pixabay

Will You Love Your Servitude?

Will You Love Your Servitude?

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
August 27, 2021



  • Aldous Huxley, an English writer and philosopher, wrote “Brave New World,” a science-fiction novel in which emotions and the sense of individuality are eliminated, starting in childhood, via the use of conditioning
  • It’s a work of fiction, but concepts on which it is based, including the power to condition humans to accept an abnormal state of life, are not
  • In the video, you can hear a 1962 interview with Huxley, in which he speaks about the use of persuasion and conditioning to gain ultimate power and control over society
  • Non-terroristic methods, such as suggestion and persuasion, are also essential in gaining ultimate control, as some measure of voluntary acceptance is necessary
  • Via conditioning, humans can get to the point of loving servitude, and consenting to live in, and even enjoy, a state of affairs that they, under natural circumstances, should not

Aldous Huxley, an English writer and philosopher, wrote nearly 50 books, the most famous being “Brave New World,” a dystopian science-fiction novel published in 1932. The world in the novel is a futuristic one based on science and technology. Emotions and the sense of individuality are eliminated, starting in childhood, via the use of conditioning.1

It’s a work of fiction, but concepts on which it is based, including the power to condition humans to accept an abnormal state of life, are not. In the video above, you can hear a 1962 interview with Huxley, in which he speaks about the use of persuasion and conditioning to gain ultimate power and control over society.

“If you are going to control a population for any length of time you must have some measure of consent,” he said.2 His words ring eerily true in 2021.

Conditioning Humans to Love Servitude

Frederick Douglas once said, “When a slave becomes a happy slave, he has effectively relinquished all that makes him human.”3 How does a human get to the point of loving their servitude, or consenting to live in, and even enjoy, a state of affairs that they should not?

Often, it’s through techniques of terrorism. While the word implies violence, some of the most profound and dangerous techniques combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance, Huxley said. By bringing in elements of persuasion, it’s possible for a controlling oligarchy to get people to love their servitude.

In 1957, William Sargant published “Battle for the Mind,” which delves into the techniques used by evangelists, psychiatrists and politicians to change beliefs and behavior. Religious leaders produce conversions, Huxley said, by heightening psychological stress, talking about hell, then releasing this stress by offering a promise of heaven. Prisoners of war can be similarly brainwashed and pressured into making admissions of guilt.

Pavlov’s dogs study is one of the most well-known displays of the power of conditioning. The dogs salivated not only in response to food but in response to any object or event that they learned to associated with food.4

The findings also apply to humans, who can be conditioned to associate abstract images with food, as shown by researchers with the Wellcome department of neuroimaging science at University College London.5

When shown pictures of the food-associated images, their reaction times increased and areas of their brain involved in motivation and emotional processes were activated.

After Pavlov’s demonstration of classical conditioning, the profound observations “sunk into the creature,” Huxley said, and Pavlovian methods were recognized as tools that could be applied with extraordinary efficiency, creating large armies of totally devoted people.

Ultimate Power Involves Voluntary Acceptance

Non-terroristic methods are also essential in gaining ultimate control, as some measure of voluntary acceptance is necessary. Suggestion and hypnosis are two examples. According to Huxley, about 20% of people are easily hypnotized, while 20% are very difficult, if not impossible, to hypnotize. The remaining 60%, the majority, can be gradually hypnotized if you work hard enough at it.6

Similar figures apply to the power of placebo, or suggestion, Huxley said, referring to a study on the administration of morphine or a placebo following surgery. The subjects were experiencing similar levels of pain and were able to receive injections for pain relief whenever requested. Half the injections were morphine and half were distilled water, the placebo.

While 20% of the subjects got just as much pain relief from the placebo as from the morphine, 20% got no relief from the placebo and 60% got some or occasional relief from the placebo.7 Such studies are important, because it isn’t hard to figure out which segment of the population is extremely vulnerable to suggestion and which is in the intermediate space.

As Huxley pointed out, such differences allow for organized society to exist, because if everyone were unsuggestable, there would be no order to society. At the other end of the spectrum, if everyone were highly suggestable, dictatorship would be inevitable. Having the majority of people in the “moderately suggestable” category is a happy medium, allowing for the formation and preservation of organized society.

At the same time, the fact that there are 20% of people who are extremely vulnerable to suggestion is of enormous political importance. Whoever gets ahold of the 20% can easily overthrow any government or country, Huxley said, using the example of Hitler to show what can be done using the power of suggestion.

Hitler understood human weaknesses and exploited them. For instance, knowing that conditioning is easier when people are tired, Hitler held all of his big speeches at night solely so that people would be tired and therefore less capable of resisting persuasion.

What Are the Limits of Human Obedience?

In 1962, in a now infamous experiment, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram tested the limits of human obedience to authority. The study administrator instructed the study subjects — the “teachers” — to give electric shocks to a student.

The “student” was actually an actor, but the study subjects were unaware of this, and complied with the demands to shock him whenever he gave an incorrect response to a question. Even as the student moaned, begged for the shocks to stop and ultimately stopped responding, the subjects obeyed the authority figure in the room and issued painful electric shocks.

The subjects were clearly uncomfortable with the task at times, but still continued, showing that people may carry out heinous acts when ordered to do so by authorities because they feel less responsible for the behavior in this capacity.8

The Milgram experiment was later criticized for being unethical and, in the U.S., studies that cause subjects serious distress were later banned. However, similar studies in Europe confirmed the results, suggesting that people will willingly and blindly obey authoritarian orders, especially if they feel disconnected from their actions.9

With societal norms rapidly changing, and an increasingly authoritative environment emerging, will humans stop thinking for themselves and proceed fully into a world where privacy no longer exists and citizens turn in their neighbors if they buck the status quo?

You’ll Own Nothing and Love It

Huxley’s science-fiction world in which people learn to love their servitude sounds terrifying to most free thinking humans. But it’s something that’s being openly discussed. Top political figures and Big Tech leaders are using the common refrain that the COVID-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to “reset” and “build back better.”

“Build back better” is a tagline of sorts for The Great Reset,10 and though this is being played off as a new initiative, it’s simply a rebranding of terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order.”

An elite oligarchy is behind this technocratic plan to govern society through technology, programmed by scientists and technicians and automated through the use of artificial intelligence, rather than through democratically elected politicians and government leaders.

The current pandemic is being used as a justification for the movement, but the agenda has nothing to do with health and everything to do with a long-term plan to monitor and control the world through technical surveillance. Part of the “new normal” dictum is that you will own nothing and be happy. This excerpt was written by Ida Auken, agenda contributor to the World Economic Forum (WEF):11

“Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city — or should I say, “our city.” I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.

It might seem odd to you, but it makes perfect sense for us in this city. Everything you considered a product, has now become a service … Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life.”

The unstated implication is that the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocratic elite, and you’ll have to pay for the temporary use of absolutely everything.

Nothing will actually belong to you. All items and resources are to be used by the collective, while actual ownership is restricted to an upper stratum of social class. Through the power of conditioning, humans could come to not only accept this new form of society, but love it.

The Conditioning Has Already Begun

The very purpose of “building back better” is to do away with what was once “normal” and replace it with something different. According to WEF, this entails “reinventing capitalism”:12

“A true recovery from COVID-19 will not be about putting things back together the way they were: we need to ‘build back better’, to ‘reset’, if we are to address the deep systemic vulnerabilities the pandemic has exposed.

… If we don’t seize this opportunity to build back better — to reset and reinvent rather than ‘return to normal’ — systemic risks and vulnerabilities will continue to accumulate, making future shocks both more likely and more dangerous.

Despite the tragedy, we must leverage the COVID-19 pandemic, and make sure that it becomes the catalyst for a profoundly positive transformation of the global economy, taking us closer to a world in which everyone can live well, within planetary boundaries.”

If you don’t think this is possible, consider that the conditioning has already begun. Using fear as a driving force, society not only adapted to but embraced lockdowns, universal masking and mass vaccination with an experimental injection, all without solid data to back up the effectiveness and necessity of these draconian measures.

The vaccines were supposed to stop the spread of COVID-19, but fully vaccinated people can still transmit the virus,13 and censorship of anyone who speaks out about the numerous inconsistencies has become rampant. With the roll out of vaccine passports, unvaccinated people are being increasingly excluded from society, facing a loss of privileges14 and being morally shamed and labeled selfish.

In New York City, as of August 16, 2021, proof of vaccination will be required to enter restaurants, gyms and theaters.15 As civil liberties, privacy and freedom are being slowly chipped away, all for a virus with a documented high survival rate,16 many are supportive of even more questionable restrictions. There are also those, however, who are increasingly rebelling against lockdowns and vaccine passports.

In July 2021, after France’s parliament approved a law that requires a vaccine passport to enter restaurants, trains, planes and certain other public venues, more than 160,000 people, including 11,000 in Paris, protested against the “health pass,” even as police released tear gas and water cannons against some of the protestors.17

Therein may lie one key to stopping the conditioning being foisted upon the public, namely speaking out against what you don’t believe is right. The alternative is much darker, and you can get a glimpse into such an authoritarian future from George Orwell, who said:18

“In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph and self-abasement. The sex instinct will be eradicated. We shall abolish the orgasm. There will be no loyalty except loyalty to the party, but always there will be the intoxication of power. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who’s helpless.

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face, forever. The moral to be draw from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one. Don’t let it happen. It depends on you.”


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

cover image credit: After Skool

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in K-12 Schools

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in K-12 Schools

by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender
August 26, 2021


STAND UP For Children!

The CDC is recommending K-12 schools become vaccination sites and recommends children age 12 and over to get vaccinated, in some states without parental knowledge or consent. It is only a matter of time before they come after every child because they are already testing COVID vaccination in children as young as 6 months of age.

Tell Your Elected Officials NO MANDATES!  Tell Them: My Body, My Choice!

With one click, send a letter to your Federal officials, Governor, State legislators, Mayor and City Council Members.

Tell Your Superintendent NO MANDATES!

Write a letter to your Superintendent of schools. CHD has two letters sample letters already written:

Short letter to Universities and Detailed Long letter to school districts 
Religious Exemption letters – Select “Exemption” in the top navigation bar. Fill out form, and a PDF will be emailed. If an original signature is required, it will take 5 business days to be sent by USPS.
Exemption forms available for download on new PROMIC website

Facts You Can Use

What we know now about COVID-19 and children:

  • Almost 100% of kids don’t suffer from severe COVID. In fact, many have no symptoms at all. Thus, they may have already had COVID which is another excellent reason not to get the vaccine.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has announced that young people should not take the vaccine.
  • concerning number of young people, especially those under 30, are suffering from myocarditis (heart inflammation), blood clots, low platelets and more following COVID-19 vaccination.
  • The risks of COVID-19 vaccination adverse outcomes certainly outweigh the benefits to children and young adults who are considered low risk populations.
  • Parental rights to make independent, informed decisions regarding their children’s medical interventions, including vaccines, are being threatened.
  • Some scientists have raised concerns that the safety risk of COVID-19 vaccinations have been underestimated. As of August 13th UPDATE, there have been 595,622 vaccine injuries including 13,068 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination.
  • Clinical trials in children and young adults are ongoing and will not be completed for at least one year.
  • Hundreds of colleges and universities embrace COVID vaccine mandates, but there is no reason why students and families can’t shun coercive educational institutions and forge their own educational path.
  • Not a single published study has demonstrated that patients who have had a prior COVID-19 infection benefit from the vaccination. So why recommend all kids get the shot.
COVID-19 vaccine is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Product

Mandating it violates Federal Law and the Nuremberg Code.  The Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources to make individuals aware about their legally protected rights. Use these resources to educate and preserve fundamental human rights on critical issues related to health freedom.

Other Useful Information
Examples of “Vaccine Failure”


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

cover image credit: trilemedia / pixabay


Stop Mandatory Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment! My Body, My Choice!

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment! My Body, My Choice!

by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender
August 26, 2021


Tell Your Elected Officials NO MANDATES! Tell Them: My Body, My Choice!

No one should ever be coerced into a medical procedure for any reason including a condition of employment. Tell them “My Body, My Choice!”

With one click, send a letter to your Federal officials, Governor, State legislators, Mayor and City Council Members

Employer Mandates Resources to Help You:
  1. Know what’s happening in your state 50 State Update on Pending Legislation pertaining to Employer mandated vaccinations
  2. Toolkit for Preventing Vaccine Mandates. This kit will help you fight back against all vaccine mandates.
  3. Religious Exemption letters – Select “Exemption” in the top navigation bar. Fill out form, and a PDF will be emailed. If an original signature is required, it will take 5 business days to be sent by USPS.
  4. Exemption forms available for download on new PROMIC website
Examples of Fighting Back
  • If you are an employee and are being told that you will be mandated to take the COVID vaccination(s) or will be fired, and are not being provided an alternative accommodation, you are not alone. Here are examples of groups fighting back.
  • United Healthcare Workers. Michigan Healthcare System. “It’s time healthcare workers across the state band together and say, enough is enough.”
  • Houston healthcare workers push back and are appealing their case.
  • Arizona – June 15 Governor Doug Ducey issues Executive Order, against Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccinations among ASU (Arizona State Universities) (Download PDF, 1.26 MB)
  • FDA petition: On May 16, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Meryl Nass, MD, on behalf of Children’s Health Defense (CHD), took a landmark step in the COVID crisis that has irrevocably changed billions of lives around the globe by filing a Citizen Petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw COVID-19 vaccines from the market.
Other Useful Information
Examples of “Vaccine Failure”


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense

cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay


Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in 400+ Colleges Today by Sending a Letter to University Presidents! Tell them: My Body, My Choice!

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in 400+ Colleges Today by Sending a Letter to University Presidents! Tell them: My Body, My Choice!

by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender
August 26, 2021


College-aged students are facing challenging decisions and the loss of constitutional freedoms as the price of admission. In a few weeks, many Universities begin in person classes. BUT students need to take and confirm their full vaccinations two weeks before – so time is critical. You can send emails today to presidents of over 400 universities to tell them the facts regarding COVID vaccination in young people and why all mandates are a bad idea. Email your local media too. Everyone needs to get involved!

Children’s Health Defense Sues Rutgers University Over COVID Vaccine Mandate: The lawsuit seeks declaration that the students’ rights are being violated, injunctive relief, and damages.

NOTE: We want to see your emails. So please blind copy CHD at:

Find Universities, President Email Addresses and Sample Letters

Give your school this useful information about why mandates are not legal.

COVID-19 vaccines are Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Products. Mandating them violates Federal Law and the Nuremberg Code. The Children’s Health Defense Legal Section has extensive legal resources to make individuals aware about their legally protected rights. Use these resources to educate and preserve fundamental human rights on critical issues related to health freedom.

Tell Your Elected Officials NO MANDATES! Tell Them: My Body, My Choice!

With one click, send a letter to your Federal officials, Governor, State legislators, Mayor and City Council Members. Send a letter now.


Due to outcry, many colleges have changed their mandates policy including: University of MichiganPenn State, and Nova Southeastern. We hope this is a sign for other colleges to change as well. CHD will keep track of colleges changing their minds as we move forward.

Successful Actions by Students
Successful Actions by Parents

Info coming soon for this section.

Successful Actions by Governors/Attorney Generals
Coercion College or Individual Freedom College?
UCLA is Missing University Disclosure Information

Here’s where they went wrong. Is your school like UCLA? If so, substitute UCLA for your school’s name.

UCLA offers partial information about its mandatory COVID-19 vaccine mandate for Fall 2021 students. But, its web page is incomplete, allowing for disinformation. Full disclosure is absent. Therefore, UCLA should rectify the following deficiencies that accrue as a result of its vaccine mandate:

  1. UCLA is silent on Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Vaccinations: UCLA should inform students that the mandatory COVID vaccinations are experimental and are only authorized under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization or EUA.
  2. Absence of Informed Consent: When vaccines are administered under an EUA, those administering the vaccinations are required to give informed consent information such as:
    • CDC has announced (via the VAERS data base) that, as of June 23, it has received reports of over 1,000 cases of heart inflammation, known as myocarditis or pericarditis, in males between the ages of 16 and 24, following mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations.
    • FDA recently included a warning about the risk of heart inflammation in the Moderna and Pfizer Vaccination fact sheets.
    • The number of COVID 19-related vaccination injuries, including deaths, reported by CDC (VAERS) as of August 13, 2021 is 595,622.
  3. Cancellation of the Medical Code of Ethics: UCLA violates one of the four pillars of the medical code of ethics, one of which is autonomy—meaning that an individual’s freedom of choice with regard to medical procedures is essential. UCLA should state that through its mandate, they are suspending the medical code of ethics with regard to autonomy.
  4. Legal Authority not cited: UCLA should state the legal and statutory authority on which it bases its vaccine mandate.
  5. Remedies at law are not cited: UCLA should inform its students that in the event of vaccine injury, they have no legal recourse against the pharmaceutical company that manufactured the vaccine that caused injury. Additionally, UCLA is also silent about whether students or parents have recourse against UCLA in the event of its students’ injuries or death or if UCLA is claiming a legal shield against liability.
  6. Undefined Responsibility: UCLA does not identify the official that signed off on the mandate.  This means that in a trial based on violations of the Nuremberg code, UCLA has not identified if the Chancellor, president, or board of trustees might be called as witnesses, or even be named as defendants.
Other Universities
Other Useful Information
Examples of “Vaccine Failure”


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: Pexels / pixabay

New York Union Members Protest Medical Mandates Violating ‘Fundamental Rights’

New York Union Members Protest Medical Mandates Violating ‘Fundamental Rights’
“This isn’t even about vaccination, it’s about fundamental rights,” said New York teacher, founder of Teachers for Choice and protest organizer, Michael Kane. Kane announced Wednesday he is leaving the United Federation of Teachers because the union won’t back teachers who are opposed to the mandates.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
August 26, 2021


Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Wednesday joined New York union members representing firefighters, teachers, law enforcement officials and healthcare workers at a peaceful protest against local, state and federal vaccine mandates and passports at New York City Hall.

Some, including New York City teacher Michael Kane, announced they are quitting unions that won’t stand up for their members who support freedom of choice.

“The United Federation of Teachers is no longer a union,” said Kane, founder of Teachers for Choice. “What union in history has ever actively worked to have their members placed on unpaid leave or fired?”

Kane added:

“This is one of the saddest days of my life. I’ve been a progressive unionist since before I was ever in a union. My father was a bricklayer, my mother a letter carrier, I have a dozen teachers in my family. But I refuse to continue to give one more dime to a corrupt union that represents the interests of a political party over the interests of its membership.”

Kane made the announcement in response to Mayor Bill de Blasio requiring all New York teachers and Department of Education employees to get the COVID vaccine, and de Blasio’s announcement earlier this month that New York City residents will now be required to show proof of vaccination in order to enter indoor dining facilities, gyms, bars, Broadway shows and more.

This isn’t even about vaccination, it’s about fundamental rights,” said Kane, who urged other union members to also resign their membership in protest.

CHD President Mary Holland, who spoke at the protest, said the group wasn’t protesting the vaccines, it was protesting the city’s failure to recognize freedom of choice.

Holland said:

“Mandating any medical procedure to the citizens of this country for any reason is unconstitutional and violates the Nuremberg Code. Even if the procedure or product has a good safety profile — which these vaccines definitely do not — it would be a mockery of the democratic principles upon which our country was founded to declare vaccination a requirement for employment or patronage of businesses.”

Holland and others told the crowd that growing numbers of people throughout the U.S. are expressing concern over mandates in general and of the safety of COVID vaccines in particular.

They pointed to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the database of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. VAERS data show that between between Dec. 14, 2020 and Aug. 13, 2021, a total of 595,622 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 13,068 deaths.

In comparison, after approximately 50 deaths following swine flu vaccination in 1976, that vaccine campaign was immediately aborted.

Other speakers at the New York Unions for Choice protest included Jamel Holley, New Jersey Assemblyman; Alix Mayer, president, CHD California; Dr. Aaron Lewis, Minister and Health Freedom Advocate; Sujata Gibson, New York attorney; Kevin Jenkins, CEO, Urban Global Health Alliance; Tramell Thompson, Local 100 transit worker; William Castro, Council of School Supervisors & Administrators member; and Jason Freed, New York firefighter.

“In this case, what happens in New York won’t stay in New York,” Kane said. “America cannot afford to allow such dangerous precedents to be set. These authoritarian restrictions will be picked up and duplicated at all levels of government throughout the country, severely impacting our freedom to move about freely, congregate and to determine our own healthcare preferences.”

Kane added: “The time for people who care about freedom and liberty to fight back against tyranny is now.”


©August 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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South African Farmer Angus: “I Won’t Force the Vaccine on My Staff”

South African Farmer Angus: “I Won’t Force the Vaccine on My Staff”


“I Won’t Force the Vaccine on My Staff” – Farmer Angus

by Jeremy NellJerm Warfare
August 26, 2021


His name is Angus McIntosh and his farm is called Farmer Angus.

Farmer Angus is one of two grass fed, pasture-reared beef producers in the Western Cape. Biodynamic and regenerative agricultural principles and practices are applied in the raising of the farm’s animals which includes cattle, pigs and laying hens, as well as vegetables and wine. Situated on 126 hectares of irrigated pasture at Spier Wine Estate near Stellenbosch.

Our charcuterie, made by Gastro Foods, is the only charcuterie in South Africa cured without added nitrates or nitrites.

All Farmer Angus products are also 100% growth-hormone free, routine antibiotic free and the pig and chicken food is glyphosate free. The vineyards on the farm are in their 8th year of being certified organic.

Since his farm is nearby, I had the pleasure of having lunch with Angus.

He is a great man doing great things for the environment and for his staff (by refusing to force them to get the jab), and I believe we should support farmers like Angus.

As the world rushes towards a cold, unhealthy, technocratic future, I strongly recommend going back to basics by finding a local farmer to support.

Farmers are the foundation of civilisation.


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Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”


FDA & Pfizer: Something Wicked This Way Comes — Dr. Andrew Kaufman

by Sean Turnbull, SGT Report
August 25, 2021

Video available at SGT Report Odysee and BitChute channels.

TCTL editor’s notes: 

As mention in the video —

Provided by The Solari Report: Form for Employees Whose Employers are Requiring Covid-19 Injections

The Scientists Club Analysis – Read or download PDF:  Nanotechnological investigations on Covid-19 vaccines. White paper on vaccines’ compositions.


Transcript Excerpts:

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Well obviously there is no concern over health and safety — that there’s another agenda going on here. You know, if we look back to the swine flu so-called pandemic in the 1970s there was an experimental vaccine then. And they had just 53 questionable deaths. And they pulled the entire product from the market.

So, obviously, what’s happening now is that the authorities are ignoring these numbers and pushing it through. And that’s because there’s another agenda to use these products in order to affect the population.

And I want to say that also there have been recently contracts between Pfizer and other companies and governments around the world stipulating the agreements or the arrangements around selling these so-called vaccines. And one of the stipulations is that they will not release the adverse events for a period of 10 years.

And so, if there is such a contract signed with the United States government, that could be a reason that they are essentially suppressing the data and not using that in making determinations for FDA decisions.

Well, these injections are really nothing more than poison. And there are several strategies that Pfizer took to prevent some of this information from coming to light.

For example, in their clinical trial that they used to get the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] status, and I’m sure they submitted this data for the approval that was just granted, they actually stopped the control group after a very, very short time period — and vaccinated them all very quickly. So, in other words, you couldn’t see any long term differences between the vaccine group and the control group in these clinical trials.

And, of course, this covered up all these adverse events from being seen in that official data set. So that’s part of the story, of course, that’s going on. And, you know, it seems like this is just going to be pushed out more and more over time.

And then we have some, of course, lots of reports from different scientists who have looked at what’s actually in these files and they found various undisclosed ingredients that are essentially acting as toxins. And we’re seeing this kind of response going on around the world in people who have received these jabs.

I want to say there’s there’s another really important aspect to why the FDA was able to do this approval. And it has to do with actually that vaccine label that you talked about at the beginning. Because, if this were applied for to the FDA as a gene therapy product, there are additional regulatory experiments that need to be satisfied — and that’s with respect to shedding. So there’s even a guidance from the FDA on this that I’ve reported on before — that any product that is a gene therapy that causes the recipient to make a foreign protein, because that’s what the technology is designed to make codes for the spike protein. So whoever receives this injection would make the spike protein — or that’s what they say how it works.

So you would have to test all the body fluids — for example, like sweat, urine, feces, tears saliva etc. — for the presence of the spike protein in order to satisfy the regulatory guidelines to get FDA approval. Because if it were present in the body fluids then you could exchange it with another person. And since the spike protein is toxic or foreign protein it could cause problems in people that exchange of body fluids with someone who’s been jabbed.

And this is something that has been very expensive in the past and has been a barrier to getting gene therapy products approved. So by designating this a vaccine, and having to redefine what a vaccine is, they’ve bypassed the need for those testing to be done. And that lays this past for potential approval which has now been granted.

…it’s called the Scientists Club Analysis and it’s available on the internet. But I happen to know who one of the main scientists is and I trust their work, so that’s why I’m willing to report on this in the preliminary stage.

I know there’s going to be a better report prepared for public consumption soon, but I think it’s important to know this preliminary analysis — because in several of the injections, including the Pfizer injection, they found the presence of nano materials

In the Pfizer “vaccine” they actually found elements like chromium, sulfur, aluminum, chloride and nitrogen.. And these these metals, especially the… chromium and aluminum, and in other samples bismuth and copper, are not disclosed ingredients. So they’re not supposed to be in there.

And these metallic substances have different magnetic properties that would make them possibly to be used in nano-metallic particle devices. So there’s a possibility there is some nano technology in here.

Now there also is elemental analysis showing carbon and oxygen. Now this could represent the graphene oxide that we’ve heard about but it’s not a definitive test for that. So we would need additional testing to know for sure to confirm and validate the results put out by La Quinta Columna from Spain. But I think that this is certainly compatible with that analysis and we know there’s much circumstantial evidence that graphene oxide could be in these injections as well.

So we’re talking about now some confirmatory science of nano-metallic particles found in these jabs and these certainly could be responsible for at least some of the toxicity and adverse events that we’re seeing.

…I want to you know just make sure that everyone understands that whether this is emergency use authorization or whether it’s full FDA approval. And, by the way, what I’m saying now is not just relevant to the vaccines but this also goes for any medical procedure that you are coerced or “mandated” to do — like including health questions, answering those, submitting to temperature checks, wearing a mask, getting tested or taking any of these jabs — whether they’re approved or experimental, it’s simply against many different laws… You are guaranteed the sanctity of choosing what happens to your own body.

Now is a critical time, I fully agree with you Sean, because once people enroll in any kind of digital surveillance program — and I’m talking about vaccine passports of any kind — that is truly the end of all semblance of freedom that we may still have.

And, of course, if you submit to the injection then you’re essentially changing your body in a way that may not be reversible. And you’re gonna most likely end up part of this surveillance state, should be able to you know come to fruition as the planners have intended.

There actually is no virus whatsoever. And no real new disease except for possibly some poisoning by various means that may occur in certain areas

This vaccine is being rolled out for a different agenda. And if we just look at the other vaccines — now I realize that these are different technology but I think it’s a model that we can look to — and since I have actually taken the time to research what’s going on with the vaccines, I’ve come to the conclusion that much of the chronic illness that we see in our population worldwide is actually a direct result of these combinations of vaccines.

And I’m talking about specifically neuro-developmental diseases like autism. I’m talking about autoimmune diseases. I’m talking about dementias. And so a lot of the burden of illness that we experience right now is due to this old vaccine technology.

Now this new technology, of course, has the potential to do a lot of different things because it can result in gene modification. And even if the current round of this technology doesn’t have all of that machinery, we know that it exists and it’s used in all kinds of experiments.

And I’m talking about, for example, like the CRISPR technology which allows gene editing — where it can take a gene out of you and pop in a replacement gene, and can even be tuned so that you pass that on to your children… You can see that already researchers have designed and tested devices that are nano-particulates that are injectable. And many of them are involved with gene therapy that can actually control behaviors of animals… So this is a a field that’s already in existence and if we can imagine how this may be applied to these injections — because we see a regimen going on…

…on some of the vaccine passports they’ve shown online they actually have spots for up to eight boosters to be recorded. So we can see that they can keep coming up with new formulations, change the ingredients, maybe even under the FDA approval or they could get further emergency use authorizations for things that they say would address variants.

And so we see that this campaign is going to intensify. And I believe that the ultimate goal is related to the transhuman agenda, which is documented by many organizations and in many places…

We’ve essentially seen a lot of rituals play out during the the course of this pandemic. And I think the masks are one fantastic and primary example.

Because if we look at initiation rituals we see that the masks are almost universally applied… And this plays an important psychological role — that you shed your prior identity and you do that through the use of a mask, which makes you anonymous. Right? It de-identifies you. And then you go through the initiation ritual and on the other side of it you come out with a new identity as part of the group.

And I think that one of the big purposes of the mask is to initiate people into this surveillance state of a technocratic totalitarian type of structure.

This summer I’ve heard a lot of anecdotal reports…of summer cold or respiratory illness…

But what I think is going on is that we have seen first of all tremendous wildfires across the western part of the United States, creating a tremendous amount of air pollution. And who knows what types of accelerants or chemicals were used, you know, in those fires that may be in the air that we’ve been breathing.

And then, in addition, there’s been just an incredible geoengineering spraying campaign this summer.

In the area where I live and many other areas, the leaves are falling off the trees. And if you look at them you see that they are — what appear to look like chemical burns on these leaves, that they’ve turned black and falling off. And I believe there’s a good chance that this is what people are breathing in and is causing… the wave of respiratory illnesses.

Now we have this whole story about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine being able to relieve symptoms and be very clinically successful — and there’s quite a bit of data.

And there’s also quite a bit of propaganda…

There are several reasons for this. One main reason is that in order to have the emergency use authorization for the vaccines there has to be no other alternative that’s safer.

And, of course, we know ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been on the market for a long time. They’re past their patent protection and we know that they’re generally safe.

Hydroxychloroquine if given in high doses but we know what those doses are, so we can use it effectively.

But I don’t actually agree with using that strategy and I’ll explain why. What those drugs actually are as they are anti parasite drugs. So they actually kill parasites. And when I say parasites, I am talking about things like worms.

And we have been led to believe that parasites are not something that live in our bodies or contribute to illness in the western developed world.

But, I’ll tell you, based on my experience that’s absolutely not true because I’ve had so many clients who have used different types of natural healing protocols send me pictures of worms coming out of their body left and right.

So the reason why I believe these drugs are effective is because what the illness is — is that there is toxicity in the body and the body is trying to get rid of it through the in the acute infection by all the secretions, coughing things up, dissolving things with fevers etc.

But the people who are more vulnerable to getting a more severe illness they’ve had a more of a toxic burden to the point that it has attracted parasites to try and clean it up. And sometimes if they can’t clean it up it can express as one of these infections.

The same way that a strep throat, if there’s damage to the throat, the streptococcus bacteria come in to try to clean it up but they cause the symptoms of an infection….

I do want to close with some optimistic thoughts… I believe this is an amazing opportunity for us to step up and start to take responsibility as individual men and women for the situation that we’re in… In health care this is really could be a golden age where we get rid of this toxic pharmaceutical system and empower ourselves to take charge of our health and vitality…


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Toronto Police Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

Toronto Police Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

by Hugo Talks
August 25, 2021

Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee and BitChute channels.


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Freedom Protests Target ITN, Google, Facebook and LBC in London

Freedom Protests Target ITN, Google, Facebook and LBC in London

by Resistance GB
August 25, 2021

Video available at Resistance GB Odysee and YouTube channels.

Video report: protesters deliver a list of demands for fair debate and transparency to ITN, Google, Facebook and LBC offices in London. The protest was peaceful an successful, and considered a step towards victory in the information war currently being fought, as Big Media and Big Tech continue to lie to the public and censor free speech.

Monday 23rd August 2021


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Millions Protest Across France, Rejecting Mandatory ‘Health Pass’

Millions Protest Across France, Rejecting Mandatory ‘Health Pass’

by Ben Swann, Truth in Media
August 24, 2021


Video available at Ben Swann Odysee and YouTube channels.


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NPR’s Mind-Rot Logic: ‘Even the Truth Can Be Misinformation’

NPR’s Mind-Rot Logic: ‘Even the Truth Can Be Misinformation’

by Ben Bartee, The Daily Bell
sourced from Activist Post
August 24, 2021


NPR is ostensibly concerned that American citizens still have access to independent media platforms which – despite rigged algorithms that favor “authoritative” corporate-state media outlets like NPR, MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN – still outperform competitors:

“An NPR analysis of social media data found that over the past year, stories published by the site Shapiro founded, The Daily Wire, received more likes, shares and comments on Facebook than any other news publisher by a wide margin… Even legacy news organizations that have broken major stories or produced groundbreaking investigative work don’t come anywhere close… In May, The Daily Wire generated more Facebook engagement on its articles than The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News and CNN combined.”

NPR — which receives a third of its funding from corporate sponsors (and more indirectly through proxies likes its Foundation) as well as federal grant money from the US Department of Education, rendering it the epitome of “corporate-state media” – qualifies as a “legacy news organization” by any metric.

Of course, as propaganda outlets are wont to do, NPR cloaks itself in a veneer of objectivity with its excruciatingly monotone, vanilla-flavored commentary. In this way, rather than being perceived as the pushers of corporate-state narrative that they are, NPR crafts an image of public servants providing a public service out of altruistic concern for the public’s well-being.

The organization sets itself up, accordingly, in self-righteous opposition to ne’er-do-well upstarts that threaten their self-appointed position as the arbiters of truth.

In this role, the organization (in partnership with other corporate-state enterprises) previously enjoyed a near-monopoly in the dissemination of information to the American public; they had achieved the holy grail of narrative control, a mantle that went mostly unchallenged until the advent of the internet opened up lanes for new voices.

In an attempt to regain the narrative control slipping through its clenched fist like grains of sand, NPR turns, accordingly, to its old friend: cowardly, implied calls for censorship under the guise of combatting “misinformation”:

“The articles The Daily Wire publishes don’t normally include falsehoods (with some exceptions), and the site said it is committed to ‘truthful, accurate and ethical reporting’… But… by only covering specific stories that bolster the conservative agenda (such as negative reports about socialist countries and polarizing ones about race and sexuality issues) and only including certain facts, readers still come away from The Daily Wire’s content with the impression that Republican politicians can do little wrong and cancel culture is among the nation’s greatest threats…

“‘They [The Daily Wire] tend to not provide very much context for the information that they are providing,’ Settle said. ‘If you’ve stripped enough context away, any piece of truth can become a piece of misinformation.’”

Read it again; bask in the absurdity.

Everyone who has written or produced any piece of journalism in human history has left out certain facts. Against the backdrop of the universe – within which literally everything may very well be metaphysically interrelated according to the best estimates of esteemed philosophers and physicists — the mere existence of infinity pieces of interconnected information means that providing a comprehensive “context” by this standard for any bit of information is literally impossible.

In fact, this abomination of an article published by NPR is itself misinformation if judged by its own propositions. Did this story’s author, Miles Park, interview literally every single Daily Wire reader in the world to learn about their individual reception of the information provided? Did Miles check every article ever published by The Daily Wire to frame his story in proper “context”? Did he question every Daily Wire author who has ever written for the site to ask about their writing processes?

Of course he didn’t – so, by his own preposterous standard, he omitted context and, therefore, his finger-wagging article on “misinformation” is itself “misinformation.”

Don’t hold your breath for a retraction from Miles, though.

Here we arrive at the true reason an organ of corporate-state propaganda such as NPR finds its innovative “misinformation” standard attractive: it is unattainable and, therefore, applicable to any media item they disapprove of; it’s a universal, blunt censorship tool. No longer is there a journalistic necessity to sift through individual items for truthfulness anymore; under the new measure, everything is misinformation if it doesn’t clear the impossibly high bar of “total context.”

Overlay this broad definition of misinformation (truth without “enough context”) onto the White House’s recent declaration of war on COVID “misinformation” on social media, and we have the recipe for corporate-state censorship on a 100%-arbitrary basis with no distinct limits – a blank check.

Anything and everything, regardless of its veracity, can now (and will) be labeled “misinformation” as determined by the whim of a technocrat tasked with tossing inconvenient media items down the Memory Hole.

Ben Bartee is a Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs. Follow his stuff via his blog, Armageddon ProseSubstack, or Patreon.


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cover image credit: ParallelVision  / pixabay

“Medical” Manipulation of Humanity: Journalist Rosemary Frei on Chris Elston’s Mission of Alerting Canadians to the Dangerous Gender Ideology Now Being Forced Upon Children Everywhere

“Medical” Manipulation of Humanity: Journalist Rosemary Frei on Chris Elston’s Mission of Alerting Canadians to the Dangerous Gender Ideology Now Being Forced Upon Children Everywhere




Voting With His Feet
BillboardChris is spreading the word about the danger of gender ideology from coast to coast and also endorsing the People’s Party of Canada in the upcoming election.

by Rosemary Frei, MSc
August 24, 2021


Chris Elston – AKA Billboard Chris – is on a mission.

The southern-B.C. resident recently toured Eastern Canada. Wherever he landed, he brandished his billboard that has messages about the dangers of medical transition. That led to dozens of conversations a day between Elston and passers-by about the gender-ideology indoctrination that’s manipulating millions of kids in Canada alone into believing medicalizing puberty is praiseworthy.

Elston is driven by the conviction that it’s his duty as a man and as the father of two daughters to be on the front line defending girls from harm.

And indeed it’s a gladitorial arena: his left arm was broken in Montreal in March when social-justice warriors swarmed him and one pummeled him with a large traffic cone. (Elston needed surgery to mend the break; the scar is still prominent on his arm.)

“The truth is, a broken bone is nothing compared to what our kids are going through,” he told one of the many reporters who interviewed him after that assault.

What Elston is referring to is the unprecedented jump in number of young people, disproportionately females, who are being diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is defined as a mismatch between one’s psychological sense of one’s gender on the one hand and one’s biological sex on the other.

Therefore most of these girls are put on puberty blockers; usually leuprolide, which is marketed using the brand name Lupron by its manufacturer, the pharma giant Abbvie. Puberty blockersare now used routinely — despite not being approved by regulatory authorities for halting puberty (which means the use of Lupron to do this is ‘off-label’). And its safety and efficacy have not been studied very much.

Almost all these girls then go on to take high daily doses of testosterone, which in medical-speak is a ‘cross-sex hormone’ (boys who are medically transitioning take estrogen). Testosterone has not been approved for treating gender dysphoria – nor have most other drugs used by people who are medically transitioning. And its short-term and long-term effects have not been fully evaluated.

Many of these girls then voluntarily get their breasts amputated via double mastectomies. In trans parlance this is ‘masculinizing gender-affirming surgery’ or ‘top surgery.’

These legions of young women have been convinced by friends, popular culture, mainstream media, social media, advocacy groups, and teachers – starting as early as pre-kindergarten – that being trans its where it’s at. It’s cool to undergo voluntary procedures like having their healthy breasts removed.

After all, being an adolescent girl can feel unbearable; being a boy is easier. Therefore it’s considered to be of critical importance these days to ‘affirm’ many young females as actually being males who were ‘born in the wrong body.’ The same goes for boys who believe they are girls.

Here’s just one example among hundreds. An ultra-woke Ontario online organization called Gegi – an acronym for Gender education and gender identity – provides “the info + tools you need to advocate for gender expression + gender identity human rights in #OntEd K-12 schools.”

However, those organizations and other purveyors of gender ideology minimize the many huge harms that medical transitioning often confers. To name just a few, there’s stymied physical and cognitive development, increased anxiety and depression, significantly elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases (particularly in females), painful intercourse due to vaginal atrophy, sterility and, in the case of women, also being unable to breastfeed. Both males and females who medically transition have to undergo procedures to provide them with any hope of having a child.

Thousands of boys also are falling prey to this craze.

Radical gender activism is permanently damaging youths’ bodies and minds. It’s also tearing apart inter-generational bonds. And as if that isn’t enough, it’s hijacking women athletes’ opportunities to compete on an even playing field; this is well-documented in Linda Blade’s book Unsporting: How Trans Activism and Science Denial are Destroying Sport.

It’s also a gold rush for the rapidly growing number of pharma and medical companies, gender clinics, hospitals and physicians that are providing the plethora of ‘gender-affirming’ drugs, surgeries and other treatments. (You can read my 2020 article about this; and there are many other articles that follow the money such as this one and this one by Jennifer Bilek.)

That leads, in turn, to more funding of medical-transition studies by pharmaceutical companies and other organizations that are gender ideologues. And this means an increasingly large majority of research results and treatment guidelines will align with their agenda. After all, as most people know Big Pharma, for example, has had an extremely cozy relationship with academia and with regulatory bodies like Health Canada for decades.

So it’s no surprise that many politicians also are jumping aboard the glittery transgender bandwagon. In Canada that includes the federal LiberalsNew Democrats and Greens. They’re gunning to pass Bill C-6, which if voted into law will make it a criminal offense to even just suggest to a youth that she or he pause before medically transitioning. The bill deems this to be ‘conversion therapy,’ painting it with the same brush as programs designed to try to make gays or lesbians go straight.

This would take away the very few remaining opportunities for professionals and parents to help kids deal with the psychological and psychiatric problems (and/or internalized homophobia) that often accompany the feeling of being betrayed by one’s body. It also removes the opportunity for kids to wait, without medical intervention, and see if they return to being comfortable with their bodies in the ensuing months and years, as the vast majority of youth do.

Conservative Party of Canada leader Erin O’Toole joined the majority of members of the House of Commons in voting for Bill C-6 at both opportunities, in October 2020 and June 2021.

That’s why Elston is endorsing People’s Party of Canada candidates for the September 20 federal general election. Elston is a one-issue voter, and Maxime Bernier is the only federal-party leader who is publicly gender critical.

Elston, along with the many other individuals and groups that are pushing back against the gender-ideology tidal wave, is hoping that Canadian politicians and clinicians will come to their senses and follow the lead of countries like Sweden and Finland.

Just over a year ago, Finland prioritized psychosocial support and psychiatric care for people presenting with gender dysphoria. The country also now has strict controls on the use of puberty blockers followed by hormones for treating these individuals.

And in May 2021 the high-profile Karolinska Hospital in Sweden — and some other medical centres in that country — prohibited the prescribing of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones until gender-dysphoric boys and girls reach age 16. At the same time they also switched to requiring measures such as careful patient assessment before prescribing for those between the ages of 16 and 18.

These policy shifts were precipitated to a significant degree by a judicial review in England. In their December 2020 decision two judges determined that children younger than 16 are not capable of giving informed consent for taking puberty blockers. The case centred on the country’s largest and oldest gender identity clinic, the Tavistock. Staff there had been pushing kids as young as 10 into medical transitioning despite their being too young to assess the consequences. The landmark decision is clearly written and worth reading.

Through all of these ups and downs in what’s likely one of the most high-stakes and divisive social, medical and political debate in decades – I’d say it’s right up there in importance with Covid — Elston usually seems patient and reasonable. He also posts many good tweets.

But sometimes he crosses lines, in my opinion. A recent example is when he tweeted on Aug. 22 that a young man who agrees with his message is “a bona fide man. Not some woke bro.” And also on Aug. 22, in a retweet of a post about a 19-year-old who signed up to fight in WWI, Elston commented, “When men were men.”

A man/male is a man/male, whether or not he’s woke and doesn’t want to fight in wars. [Don’t get me started about the geopolitical and financial machinations that are the hidden underpinnings of the vast majority of conflicts.]

So it’s perhaps not surprising that Elston’s tangled with some of the women and women’s groups that are on the front lines of fighting trans rights run amok. Because some, such as Meghan Murphy, believe only females should be in the front lines of this battle. That sharply contrasts with Elston’s viewpoint. [This sentence edited Aug. 25]

(I too have seen first-hand the ‘you’re not one of us’ attitude, and the anti-male stance, of some of the gender-critical women and women’s groups.)

I interviewed Chris earlier this month in Toronto on Woodbine Beach – where, with billboards on board, he spent a few hours talking to people on his last stop of his trek across Eastern Canada. He’s easy to talk to – he’s got lots of facts at his fingertips.

Elston also sometimes gives away some copies of the book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

(I’ve read it. It’s full of important information, well-written turns of phrase and astounding quotes. This is one of those quotes [on page 75]: a fifth-grade teacher saying, regarding parents objecting to teachers not informing them when their child has switched gender identity at school, that “their parental rights ended when those children were enrolled in public school.” The book is marred, however, by the author, politically Conservative journalist Abigail Shrier, taking gratuitous swipes at ‘anti-vaxxers’ [on page 64] and at the many individuals who have first- or second-hand experience with the fact that people who were sexually abused as children sometimes can recover their repressed memories of that abuse [for example in page XXV of the Foreword and again on page 45].)

“The materials that are taught to kids [in school] literally state that the toys a child plays with is one of the determining factors when figuring out [the child’s] gender identity. So when a girl plays with toy trucks does that mean she’s a boy? You say this to anyone on the street and they’ll all say, ‘No, of course not.’ But this is what’s in the materials,” Elston told me that sunny Sunday afternoon. “What they don’t even realize [is] that they’re enforcing stereotypes to such a strong degree that it’s pushing kids to medically transition and sterilize themselves.”


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cover image credit: EME / pixabay

Did FDA Really Approve the Pfizer COVID Vaccine? Wait. What?

Did FDA Really Approve the Pfizer COVID Vaccine? Wait. What?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 25, 2021


The pressure is building. “Take the vaccine.”

Many people are looking for a successful way to refuse the COVID vaccine in situations where the shots are mandated. I fully support such efforts.

Some people believe they can make the argument that the FDA didn’t actually give full approval to the Pfizer vaccine on August 23rd. Therefore, these people can refuse the vaccine on the grounds that it is still experimental, meaning it has only been granted Emergency Use Authorization.

I’ll discuss that practical strategy later in this article.

But first, I need to analyze the claim that the FDA didn’t truly approve (license) the Pfizer vaccine.

OK. Here we go.

The first FDA document I’ll reference is “Comirnaty and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,” dated August 23, 2021. The document opens with this statement:

“On August 23, 2021, the FDA approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.”

“The FDA approved” means full approval. The FDA has fully approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine.

And this vaccine “will now be marketed” as the Comirnaty vaccine.

They are the same vaccine, medically speaking. The ingredients are the same.

The FDA document ALSO says the vaccine will continue to be available under the prior Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), for uses that are not yet fully approved. For example, injecting children 12-15, and as a third dose for certain immunocompromised people.

The full approval and the EUA status are riding together, side by side. The EUA status covers uses of the vaccine not covered under full approval.

The rest of this FDA document offers links. One of the links leads to an FDA news release, dated August 23, titled, “FDA Approves First COVID-19 Vaccine.” The release states:

“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty…”

“To support the FDA’s approval decision today, the FDA reviewed updated data from the clinical trial which supported the EUA and included a longer duration of follow-up in a larger clinical trial population.”

The FDA, in this news release, is again asserting that the Pfizer vaccine is now approved, and makes a clear distinction between the prior EUA and this new approval.

Next, we move to a letter, also dated August 23, sent from the FDA to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH, and Pfizer Inc. The letter is marked, “BLA Approval.” BLA stands for “Biologics License Application.” Here are key quotes:

“Please refer to your Biologics License Application (BLA) submitted and received on May 18, 2021, under section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) for COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA.”

“We are issuing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License No. 2229 to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH, Mainz, Germany…Under this license, you are authorized to manufacture the product, COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA…You may label your product with the proprietary name, COMIRNATY…”

The FDA officially licensed this vaccine. This is approval. It is not merely a continuation of Emergency Use Authorization (EAU).

And now we come to another key FDA document, a letter sent to Pfizer Inc. on August 23, 2021 (addressed to Ms. Elisa Harkins). It also mentions the full licensure (approval) of the vaccine:

“On August 23, 2021, FDA approved the biologics license application (BLA) submitted by BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH for COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) for active immunization to prevent COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 in individuals 16 years of age and older.”

This letter is further acknowledgement that the vaccine has been fully approved.

Now we enter the thick weeds of the letter, during a discussion of how Emergency Use Authorization will continue to be used. The language is very dense. It’s taken me a while to separate out the strands.

To help you with what I’m going to untangle, understand that the FDA is making a distinction between what we could call the “old Pfizer vaccine” and the “new Pfizer vaccine.” They are identical in their ingredients. They are the same vaccine. But the “old vaccine” vials were granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) before the August 23rd FDA full licensure of the vaccine; and the “new vaccine” vials will certainly be used under full licensure (approval).

Splitting hairs? Yes. But in order to understand what the FDA is saying in this letter, you have to grasp the distinction between “the old” and “the new.”

The “old” vaccine is labeled “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine,” and the “new” vaccine is labeled “COMIRNATY.” Again, they are exactly the same vaccine.

The FDA letter to Pfizer (the one addressed to Ms. Elisa Harkins) states:

“On August 23, 2021, having concluded that revising this EUA [Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccine] is appropriate to protect the public health or safety…FDA is reissuing the August 12, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to clarify that the EUA will remain in place for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the previously-authorized indication and uses, and to authorize use of COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) under this EUA for certain uses that are not included in the approved BLA.”

The “old vaccine” will continue to have EUA status: it can be injected in people 12 and older, and it can be used as a third dose for certain immunocompromised individuals.

The “new vaccine”—which has full FDA approval—CONTINUES TO ALSO HAVE EUA STATUS—and therefore it too can be injected in people 12 and older, and used as a third dose for certain immunocompromised individuals.

Strange? Yes. The “new” and fully approved vaccine retains its former EUA status. It’s BOTH fully approved and certified as an emergency experimental product.

I believe the FDA reasoning goes this way: the agency wants to make sure vials carrying the label of the “new” fully approved vaccine can be injected into people to whom the full approval doesn’t apply—people between 12 and 15, and certain immunocompromised people, as a third shot. In other words, people covered under EUA status.

If you continue to read this FDA letter, you’ll see this reasoning spelled out.

Bottom line, and my conclusion: The FDA has fully approved the “new vaccine” AND it has also retained the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the “new vaccine.” Both.

—So what does all this mean for people who want to find a workable reason for refusing the vaccine?

For example, suppose you work for a major corporation or a government agency, and you’re told you must get the shot. You say, “No, I won’t take the shot, because the FDA never approved it. It’s still an experimental medicine, because it only has EUA status.”

I believe you’ll lose. You’ll be told, “The FDA HAS approved it.”

Suppose you take a somewhat different approach. You say, “I’ll need to see the actual vial containing the vaccine you want to inject me with. Is it labeled ‘Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine’ (the ‘old’ vaccine) or ‘COMIRNATY’ (the ‘new’ vaccine)?”

Your boss says, “What difference does it make? Either way, it’s the same vaccine.”

And you say, “Not legally speaking. I understand it may take some time for the new shipments of the COMIRNATY to arrive. I won’t take the Pfizer-BioNTech shot because it only has Emergency Use Status, and therefore it’s an experimental medicine. Under federal law, I have the right to refuse an experimental medicine. I’m invoking that right.”

Will that fly?

I’m giving you non-lawyer opinions here. Understand this.

It’s possible this approach could buy you time. Maybe your boss will suddenly become a bit nervous—he tells you he’s going to talk to his company/agency attorneys, and he’ll get back to you.

Or maybe he threatens to fire you on the spot, and he tells you to hire (and pay through the nose for) a lawyer. You do. Do you think your argument will stand up in court? I don’t. Maybe I’m wrong. I’d like to be wrong about that.

Maybe your lawyer will suggest other approaches. A religious exemption, for example. Or, depending on the circumstances, a medical exemption.

But after reading the FDA documents I’ve cited above, I say that if you think the FDA hasn’t actually approved the vaccine, you’re mistaken.

This country, and other countries, are being split into the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Communities are dividing. Families are dividing and fracturing. It isn’t a pretty picture.

Here in America, we’re used to living life as usual and believing that coercion isn’t going to come to our front doors. Despite the lockdowns and the mask mandates and the vast financial destruction of the past year, many people still think things are “all right.”

That’s not true.

I support all legal efforts to keep freedom of choice alive. I support the unions that are demanding NO VACCINE MANDATES. I also support those governors who are defending their states against COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. People who criticize these governors because they aren’t perfect or are partially compromised are barking up the wrong tree. We need all the help we can get.

However, as far I’m concerned, putting all our eggs in the basket of court cases, legal filings, unions, and governors is shortsighted, to say the least.

Freedom always needs more. Freedom needs brave business owners to stay open and maskless, despite government edicts. Freedom needs parents to keep showing up at school board meetings, to demand an end to COVID restrictions and mandates.

Most of all, freedom needs patriots, in the best sense of the word, to do what people in Europe and Australia are doing: come out in the street in great numbers. Over and over.

Not by the thousands. By the millions.

For as long as it takes.

The enemies of freedom have to feel the heat. They have to see that the people can’t be forced beyond a certain point.

Whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not, the day is coming when, not the minority, but the majority of us will know we are living under tyranny.

Not just insanity; tyranny.

We will know it in ways that are undeniable.

Some of us already know it.

We’re all living through a test of faith. Each individual; and whatever he/she has faith IN. How deep is that faith? How strong?


(rushed sources list; to be indexed)


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on work by Martino Gian/Wikimedia Commons & johaehn / pixabay

2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine

2 Things Mainstream Media Didn’t Tell You About FDA’s Approval of Pfizer Vaccine
Buried in the fine print of Monday’s approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of the Pfizer Comirnaty COVID vaccine are two critical facts that affect whether the vaccine can be mandated, and whether Pfizer can be held liable for injuries.

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. & Meryl Nass, M.D., The Defender
August 24, 2021


Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a biologics license application for the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine.

The press reported that vaccine mandates are now legal for military, healthcare workers, college students and employees in many industries. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has now required the vaccine for all teachers and school staff. The Pentagon is proceeding with its mandate for all military service members.

But there are several bizarre aspects to the FDA approval that will prove confusing to those not familiar with the pervasiveness of the FDA’s regulatory capture, or the depths of the agency’s cynicism.

First, the FDA acknowledges that while Pfizer has insufficient stocks of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine available, there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — produced under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — available for use.

The FDA decrees that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the EUA should remain unlicensed but can be used “interchangeably” (page 2, footnote 8) with the newly licensed Comirnaty product.

Second, the FDA pointed out that both the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine, and the existing vaccine are “legally distinct,” but proclaims that their differences do not “impact safety or effectiveness.”

There is a huge real-world difference between products under an EUA compared with those that FDA has fully licensed. EUA products are experimental under U.S. law.

Both the Nuremberg Code and federal regulations provide that no one can force a human being to participate in this experiment. Under 21 U.S. Code Sec.360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(ii)(III), “authorization for medical products for use in emergencies,” it is unlawful to deny someone a job or an education because they refuse to be an experimental subject. Instead, potential recipients have an absolute right to refuse EUA vaccines.

U.S. laws, however, permit employers and schools to require students and workers to take licensed vaccines.

EUA-licensed vaccines have an extraordinary liability shield under the 2005 Public Readiness and Preparedness Act. Vaccine manufacturers, distributors, providers and government planners are immune from liability. The only way an injured party can sue is if he or she can prove willful misconduct, and if the U.S. government has also brought an enforcement action against the party for willful misconduct. No such lawsuit has ever succeeded.

The government has created an extremely stingy compensation program, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, to redress injuries from all EUA products.

The program’s parsimonious administrators have compensated under 4% of petitioners to date — and not a single COVID vaccine injury — despite the fact that physicians, families and injured vaccine recipients have reported more than 600,000 COVID vaccine injuries.

At least for the moment, the Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine has no liability shield. Vials of the branded product, which say “Comirnaty” on the label, are subject to the same product liability laws as other U.S. products.

When the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices places a vaccine on the mandatory schedule, a childhood vaccine benefits from an generous retinue of liability protections.

But licensed adult vaccines, including the new Comirnaty, do not enjoy any liability shield. Just as with Ford’s exploding Pinto, or Monsanto’s herbicide Roundup, people injured by the Comirnaty vaccine could potentially sue for damages.

And because adults injured by the vaccine will be able to show that the manufacturer knew of the problems with the product, jury awards could be astronomical.

Pfizer is therefore unlikely to allow any American to take a Comirnaty vaccine until it can somehow arrange immunity for this product.

Given this background, the FDA’s acknowledgement in its approval letter that there are insufficient stocks of the licensed Comirnaty, but an abundant supply of the EUA Pfizer BioNTech jab, exposes the “approval” as a cynical scheme to encourage businesses and schools to impose illegal jab mandates.

The FDA’s clear motivation is to enable Pfizer to quickly unload inventories of a vaccine that science and the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System have exposed as unreasonably dangerous, and that the Delta variant has rendered obsolete.

Americans, told that the Pfizer COVID vaccine is now licensed, will understandably assume COVID vaccine mandates are lawful. But only EUA-authorized vaccines, for which no one has any real liability, will be available during the next few weeks when many school mandate deadlines occur.

The FDA appears to be purposefully tricking American citizens into giving up their right to refuse an experimental product.

While the media has trumpeted that the FDA has approved COVID vaccines, the FDA has not approved the Pfizer BioNTech vaccines, nor any COVID vaccines for the 12- to 15-year age group, nor any booster doses for anyone.

And FDA has not licensed any Moderna vaccine, nor any vaccine from Johnson & Johnson — so the vast majority of vaccines available in the U.S., if not all, remain unlicensed EUA products.

Here’s what you need to know when somebody orders to get the vaccine: Ask to see the vial. If it says “Comirnaty,” it’s a licensed product. If it says “Pfizer-BioNTech,” it’s an experimental product, and under 21 U.S. Code 360bbb, you have the right to refuse.

If it comes from Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (marketed as Janssen), you have the right to refuse.

The FDA is playing bait and switch with the American public — but we don’t have to play along. If it doesn’t say Comirnaty, you have not been offered an approved vaccine.

Mark Crispin Miller Speaking at ‘Teachers for Choice’/’Unions for Choice’ August 25th NYC Protest at City Hall

Mark Crispin Miller Speaking at ‘Teachers for Choice’ August 25th NYC Protest at City Hall

by Michael Kane, NY Teachers for Choice
August 24, 2021


Just confirmed!

TEAHCERS FOR CHOICE is honored and proud to announce Professor Mark Crispin Miller will be speaking at our August 25th Protest in NYC at City Hall.

Miller is a prominent NYU Professor who was visciously attacked for asking his students to investigate the competing bodies of literature on the efficacy of masks. Because he dared to ask his students to research and think for themselves, a title-wave of pushback came his way starting with one student but then being picked up by ad hominem attacks from Miller’s colleagues at NYU.

Miller is currently suing his colleagues at NYU for slander and libel, and he is represented by legendary Harvard-trained civil rights attorney Michael Sussman. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE followers may notice that Sussman is also one of our attorneys.


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Truckies Set Tuesday August 31st for Big Showdown With Australia’s COVID Dictatorship

Truckies Set Tuesday August 31st for Big Showdown With Australia’s COVID Dictatorship

by Tony Mobilifonitis, Cairns News
August 24, 2021


The advert that has been appearing online across Australia.

Adverts announcing border, highway and port blockades by truckies starting this Tuesday (August 31) from 9am have started appearing online. Truckies will be joined by Vietnam veteran bikers, Pauline Hanson and anyone else who has had enough of the destruction of Australia by COVID dictators.

The action is controversial to say the least, and the truckies have warned Australians to stock up on supplies. Some are prepared to go to jail if that’s what it takes to get the entire crooked cabal of premiers, health ministers, chief health officers and others right up to the PM to listen to common sense and stop the lunacy.

The adverts follow a series of video clips made by drivers across Australia. The language is not pretty, but their motivation is clear: They’ve had enough of the rampant government bullying and threats of forced vaccination merely to cross a border in addition to endless restrictions on movement and trade imposed by state governments operating under the delusion of being able to “stop the virus”.

The drivers also referenced the bigger picture, with one expressing his disgust at the herding of children into vaccination centers. Another referred the China-Fauci links and that the Pfizer vaccine was now widely “admitted to be poison”.

“It’s on. The truckies are doing it,” he said. “Let everyone in Australia know that the truckies are going to shut down the country. What that means is you need to go shopping now. Get what you can for the next week or two. Load your fridge, your freezers. The truckies are coming and we’re going to pull this country down.”

The truck protest convoy over a recent Sydney lockdown.

It has become clear to the truckies, and many other Australians, that the state and federal governments are driving a diabolical social engineering program backed by the World Economic Forum and other associated global interests making hundreds of billions of dollars from the patented vaccines and medical equipment – as exposed by patent investigator Dr David Martin. It is truly a scamdemic.

Those suffering the viral infection – what ever it is – could have been treated just a few months into the “pandemic” with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamins D & C and antibiotics. The list of viable treatments grew but the governments simply doubled down with their big lie that “only a vaccine can save us”.

Truckies in Northern NSW, commenting on a Facebook page called Lismore Information Exchange, noted with interest that the Queensland Premier Palaszczuk announced that a NSW lab had detected two truck-driver “cases”, which she pretended to play down. “But they have, essentially, not been to many places at all, they’ve mainly been with their family,” she said.

Three other alleged cases were reportedly detected on a ship offshore, while the sixth was an overseas traveller in hotel quarantine. The ABC reported “exposure sites” (the new hip COVID term) linked to the truck drivers would be released later.

“I think they stopped for one moment for fuel in St George, so, we’ll go through and put those exposure sites up for people to have a look at, but we are not overly concerned about these two,” Palaszczuk said. She will change this in a flash if it suits her.

Listmore council candidate who calls himself “Big Rob” noted there were still zero locally aquired positive COVID tests on the Northern Rivers. “Meanwhile, our Coalition government continues to protect us by locking us down, trying to force vaccination numbers up and issuing massive fines, while constantly deflecting when asked about easing restrictions.”

On Paul Murray Live, Pauline Hanson said Australian truckies had been hit hard by COVID-19. “They have been smashed by lockdown laws, border restrictions, vaccine passports, cuts to pay, conditions and attempts by big corporations to replace them with a cut-price, underemployed workforce. They have had a gutful of this, they are going to do something about it and they have my full support.

“So when I see Labor politicians like Joel Fitzgibbon scoffing at Aussies because he thinks that their reasons for being fed up with the government for destroying their lives and livelihoods fall short of his lofty, elitist standard, it really gets my blood boiling.”


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FDA approved does NOT EQUAL SAFE 

FDA approved does NOT EQUAL SAFE 

by WhatsHerFace
August 24, 2021


It finally happened, the FDA approved the covid-19 Pfizer vaccine. But before you start jumping for joy, let’s take a look at the story of another FDA approved drug, Rezulin. The tale of Rezulin’s rise and fall and its uncanny similarities to Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine.


Video available at WhatsHerFace Odysee and Rumble channels.

Link to LA Times Article: The Rise and Fall of the Killer Drug Rezulin


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NY Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study Reveals Staggering Statistics Which the NY DOH Refuses to Acknowledge

NY Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Study Reveals Staggering Statistics Which the NY DOH Refuses to Acknowledge

by Informed Consent Action Network
August 24, 2021


On May 21, 2021, the attorneys that regularly represent ICAN sent a demand letter on behalf of a group comprising all the families of unvaccinated children in four contiguous school districts in Ulster County, New York (the “Ulster Families”), to Dr. Zucker, the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health (“NYSDOH”), and Dr. Rosa, the Commissioner of Education for the New York State Education Department (“NYSED”).  The demand explains that there is an abundance of evidence to support that unvaccinated children have better health outcomes than vaccinated children, but that the most compelling evidence is the health outcomes of the unvaccinated Ulster Families’ children as compared with the health outcomes of the vaccinated children in their school districts.

After collecting and analyzing the health information for all the unvaccinated children in these four school districts, the results were as follows:

Although not shocking to ICAN, these results should elicit a reaction from and a response by public health authorities and an education department which mandates vaccines.  Instead,  NYSED chose to completely ignore the letter and its findings.  NYSDOH sent a half-page response almost a full month later.  That response stated that “[d]etailed information concerning the efficacy and safety of childhood vaccinations is widely available to the public” and directed the Ulster Families to NYSDOH’s “Vaccines and Immunizations” webpage and to the CDC’s “Vaccine Safety” webpage which relates, for the most part, to COVID-19.  It also claimed that the detailed information concerning the safety of childhood vaccines is available “in decades of scientific literature.”  No scientific literature was cited or produced.  And because they can never miss the opportunity to do so, the NYSDOH also cited to the infamous case from 116 years ago – Jacobson v. Massachusetts – for the idea that “the State’s authority to mandate vaccinations in schools and other settings, as an essential tool to protect the public health, has been clearly established.”

Completely ignoring the data within the letter, the NYSDOH concluded that:

Vaccinations are one of the most important methods available to protect children from serious and sometimes deadly diseases, and the Department of Health will continue to support childhood vaccinations and the enforcement of Public Health Law mandates for vaccinating school-age children.

On August 11, 2021, a response was sent to NYSDOH pointing out the glaring omission from the NYSDOH’s response of even a shred of evidence to support that the growing rate and list of chronic diseases and disabilities affecting children are not caused by vaccination.  NYSDOH was therefore warned that, absent receipt of this proof, the attorneys have been directed to commence an action challenging the constitutionality of the school immunization requirements for kindergarten through the twelfth grade.

One must wonder whether there is any data that could be submitted to these public health agencies that will change their unwavering belief in and allegiance to vaccines.  And aren’t they troubled by the fact that they cannot produce any evidence to support their claims?  The answer is apparently hidden in plain sight when the NYSDOH writes that “the Department of Health will continue to support childhood vaccinations and … mandates for vaccinating school-age children.”  It is this blind faith and belief, without proof, that should trouble every person living in this country living under rules dictated by these medical autocrats.


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FDA Takes Only Months to Approve Pfizer Jab Yet Cannabis Remains Schedule 1 Despite Centuries of Data

FDA Takes Only Months to Approve Pfizer Jab Yet Cannabis Remains Schedule 1 Despite Centuries of Data

by Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project
August 24, 2021


Since Dec. 11, 2020, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has been available under the Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization in individuals 16 years of age and older, and the authorization was expanded to include those 12 through 15 years of age on May 10, 2021. On August 23, 2021, it was granted full approval by the FDA.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine now becomes the fastest created, deployed and subsequently approved vaccination in history. Previously, the fastest vaccine to go from development to deployment was the mumps vaccine in the 1960s, which took about four years.

The swift approval of the vaccine illustrates just how fast the government can react if it wants to do so. On the contrary, however, there have been hundreds if not thousands of studies on the benefits of cannabis to safely treat multiple ailments and diseases, spanning the course of centuries, yet the FDA has failed to approve its use for anything.

To be clear, the FDA has approved patentable pharmaceutical synthetic compounds such as dronabinol. The pharmaceutical patented drugs Marinol and Syndros both use dronabinol which is nothing more than a chemical synthetic equivalent to delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) — but the plant-based version you can grow in your own home remains off the list.

Harvard and other Ivy league research has shown the ability of cannabis to treat chronic pain faced by millions of Americans from conditions like multiple sclerosis, and nerve pain in general. Yet the FDA remains mum. They did however, approve opioids for the treatment of pain and judging from the nearly 100,000 people who’ve died in the last year alone from overdoses, we’ve seen how that turned out.

While the government offers lottery tickets, beer, and money for people to take the jab, in many states across the country, those same governments will kidnap, cage, or even kill you if you possess cannabis.

Nothing highlights the hypocrisy, immorality, and sheer idiocy of the drug war quite like marijuana prohibition. Here we have a medicine that kills cancer cells, saves the lives of countless epileptic children, heals broken bones, relieves pain, treats PTSD, is not dangerous, and exhibits a variety of other incredible benefits – yet the state will kill you over it.

The hypocrisy of cannabis remaining a Schedule one drug while the FDA grants approval to drugs like Solvay Pharmaceuticals’ Marinol cannot be understated. Both Marinol and Syndros contain an exact chemical copy of the THC molecule and produce the same effect as cannabis, however, you cannot grow Marinol or Syndros in your backyard, therefor it is illegal.

You cannot make obscene profits from the patent of a plant, because luckily, the state has not granted their mega–corporations the ability to patent nature, yet. The contradiction here is that you can make nature illegal, and then recreate nature in a lab using chemicals, put that illegal part of nature, available for the profit of a single monopoly, into a pill and make millions. All the while, the folks who uphold this system of monopolistic domination over what we can and can’t put into our bodies, are the same ones mandating everyone take their jab.

If we are to believe that the FDA, with a dark history of corruption, which has acted as a revolving door for lobbyists and industry insiders, truly has our best interests in mind, why then, have they not approved a plant that has never killed anyone in thousands of years of history?

Why has the FDA approved and regulated cigarettes, alcohol, opioids, and a slew of other drugs which have killed millions of people — yet cannabis is only approved for production by those who hold a monopoly on the synthetic version?

According to the FDA, their reasoning behind the refusal to approve cannabis products is to protect us. Seriously.

Selling unapproved (cannabis) products with unsubstantiated therapeutic claims is not only a violation of the law, but also can put patients at risk, as these products have not been proven to be safe or effective.

When reviewing the FDA’s track record on drug approvals, it becomes outright laughable that they expect us to believe that cannabis is not approved — to keep us safe. We aren’t talking about a few drugs slipping through every now and again either.

According to researchers at the Yale School of Medicine, one third of all drugs approved by the FDA had “major safety issues.” According to the data, 71 of the 222 drugs approved from 2001 to 2010 were withdrawn, required a “black box” warning on side effects or warranted a safety announcement about new risks.

It took roughly 4 years after each of these drugs’ approvals for the safety concerns to come to light, according to the study — with the majority of issues among psychiatric drugs, biologic drugs, and drugs that were granted “accelerated approval.”

So long as we rely on a corrupt group of unelected bureaucrats to make decisions about our health, this is the paradigm in which we will live. Essentially, the FDA acts as a gatekeeper of monopolies. If you have the resources to navigate their web or regulatory madness, your drug will be approved and your competition stifled — actual safety be damned. Remember that every single dangerous drug recalled by the FDA, was once approved by the FDA.

This is all done under the guise of platitudes like “safety” and “consumer protection” but in reality shields unethical companies from liability while granting them a competition-less environment in which to thrive at the expense of beneficial competition. It is time we rely on someone other than lobbyists and special interests to decide what’s best for us.

As Ron Paul says, “The fact that more people die from FDA-approved drugs than illegal drugs should be enough of a reason to send the FDA into the dustbin of history.”

We agree.


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cover image credit: CBD-Infos-com / pixabay

Care Worker, Fired for Principles: “The Care Industry Is on Its Knees”

Care Worker, Fired for Principles: “The Care Industry Is on Its Knees”

by Resistance GB
August 24, 2021


Video available at Resistance GB Odysee and YouTube channels.

A care industry worker, after her employer forced her to submit to the recent mandate by government or lose her job, leaves her job. She and her twin sister(?) talk about their disappointment with the care industry for not standing up; warn that firing skilled staff members – who have genuine care for the people they look after – will only destroy an already crumbling industry; and remind us that the same people who were considered ‘essential’ and continued to work while people stayed at home are now being told they’re no longer allowed to work.


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Memo to Governor Ron DeSantis: This Is How You Win Against the Wolves

Memo to Governor Ron DeSantis: This Is How You Win Against the Wolves

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 24, 2021



As you well know, the wolves are out to get you.

They smell blood.

Your state, Florida, is their key enemy. They have to make it seem your COVID policies are a failure. Otherwise, their whole COVID narrative collapses.

Bottom line: The current attacks against you from Biden and the press all rest on rising COVID case numbers in Florida.

That’s the federal hole card. They’re playing it. They’ve got nothing else.

Months ago, you and your public health department realized the case numbers were an artifact based on positive PCR tests. You saw through the scam:

When test labs run the tests at 35 cycles or higher (increased sensitivity), the results are meaningless, AND positive results pour forth like water out of a fire hose, creating the impression of many new COVID cases.

Fauci himself readily asserted that the test run at 35 or higher is meaningless. BUT FDA documents recommended running the test at up to 40 cycles. So labs followed suit.

THEREFORE, you and your state public health department mandated labs to report HOW MANY CYCLES THEY WERE RUNNING THE TEST AT, FOR EVERY SINGLE TEST.

You issued the order because labs had not been including that vital piece of information in their reports.

I’m betting several things have happened since you issued the order:

Some labs have failed to report how many cycles they’re using to run the test.

Public health officials have failed to enforce your order. They’ve failed to keep close tabs on the labs.

Therefore, labs have continued to run the tests at 35 cycles and higher—and the number of so-called COVID cases in Florida has escalated.

Beyond that, I think you’ll find that doctors in Florida are still writing “COVID-19”on patient files with no justification whatsoever. The patients have symptoms that would ordinarily be called flu or pneumonia or COPD—but suddenly they’re “COVID.”

I’m sure you’re aware that Medicare pays out higher money for “COVID cases” in hospitals than for ordinary flu or pneumonia.

The feds and the press are taking you to the cleaners because COVID case numbers in Florida are rising. But if you and your trusted people ride herd on the testing labs and the hospitals, those numbers will fall.

Nothing much depends on this, except the future of Florida and the rest of the country.

Governor, the political powers-that-be will do ANYTHING to maintain the appearance of rising case numbers. This includes lying, cheating, changing reports, fabricating numbers, and infiltrating your staffs.

You quite possibly believe the scandal I’m laying out here can be kept in-house; you can deal with it behind the scenes; you can solve the problem quietly. Perhaps you also believe the public won’t understand the details of this PCR testing scandal if you blow it wide open and let them know what’s going on.

However, your political strength depends on the grit, tenacity, and staying power of your supporters. You need to talk directly to them. You need to tell them what’s going on; how they’re being fooled.

And yes, this means you’ll be exposed to new massive attacks from the medical establishment. But THE TRUTH has a funny way of taking hold. Especially if you hammer on it day in and day out.

Millions of Americans will rally to your side. They WILL understand the shape of the COVID case number scandal.

The press is painting you as an ambitious politician who wants to become President. They’re painting you as Trump Two. Forget all that. Protecting Florida from the wolves is your job.

The whole country is dividing into competitive states: those that enforce draconian COVID restrictions, and those that insist on staying open.

That’s the reality on the ground.

The federal wolves know the draconian states are collapsing under the weight of their own policies. They can’t afford to allow the open states to succeed and flourish.

You can’t allow them to sink Florida.

Your power is your supporters—particularly the parents of school children. But also, of course, business owners and workers—all those who would be decimated if Florida succumbs to the false narrative of “rising case numbers.”

Tell the truth, Governor, and keep telling it.

Blow the scandal wide open.



(rushed sources list; to be indexed)

* (pg. 35) (4m20s)


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cover image credit: OpenClipart-Vectors / pixabay

NY Teachers for Choice Issues Emergency Alert–Mandated Vaccination for All 150,000 NYC Teachers & School Staff Has Begun

NY Teachers for Choice Issues Emergency Alert–Mandated Vaccination for All 150,000 NYC Teachers & School Staff Has Begun


TCTL editor’s note: See NYC Orders 150,000 Teachers & School Staff To Either Get Vaccinated Or Find A New Job; NJ Orders Jabs For State Workers at ZeroHedge for background on related unfolding events in NYC.


EMERGENCY ALERT – NYC Teachers to Be 100% Force Vaccinated

by NY Teachers for Choice
August 23, 2021


Mark my word – Children will be next

See related:

NYC Unions for Medical Freedom: Firefighters, Police Officers, Teachers, Sanitation Workers, Postal Workers & More — Join the August 25th Protest at City Hall

Confirmed Speakers for August 25, 2021 NYC Protest Against Medical Mandates– Expected to Be the Largest Protest of Union Members in NYC History


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cover image credit: based on work of spencerbdavis1 / pixabay

The Dangers of Going Back to School After a Year of COVID-19 Lockdowns

The Dangers of Going Back to School After a Year of COVID-19 Lockdowns

by John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
August 23, 2021


“Every day in communities across the United States, children and adolescents spend the majority of their waking hours in schools that have increasingly come to resemble places of detention more than places of learning.”—Investigative journalist Annette Fuentes

Once upon a time in America, parents breathed a sigh of relief when their kids went back to school after a summer’s hiatus, content in the knowledge that for a good portion of the day their kids would be gainfully occupied, out of harm’s way and out of trouble.

Those were the good old days, before the COVID-19 pandemic introduced a whole new level of Nanny State authoritarianism to our daily lives, locking down communities, forcing kids out of the schoolroom and into virtual classrooms, leaving vast swaths of the work force dependent on government welfare, while pushing other segments into a work-from-home model, and generally subjecting us to an increasingly obnoxious level of intrusion by the government into our private lives.

Now, after almost 18 months away from a physical classroom, students are heading back to school.

Here’s what they can expect.

From the moment a child enters one of the nation’s 98,000 public schools to the moment he or she graduates, they will be exposed to a steady diet of:

  • draconian zero tolerance policies that criminalize childish behavior,
  • overreaching anti-bullying statutes that criminalize speech,
  • school resource officers (police) tasked with disciplining and/or arresting so-called “disorderly” students,
  • standardized testing that emphasizes rote answers over critical thinking,
  • politically correct mindsets that teach young people to censor themselves and those around them,
  • and extensive biometric and surveillance systems that, coupled with the rest, acclimate young people to a world in which they have no freedom of thought, speech or movement.

Young people in America are now first in line to be searched, surveilled, spied on, threatened, tied up, locked down, treated like criminals for non-criminal behavior, tasered and in some cases shot.

Nowadays, students are not only punished for minor transgressions such as playing cops and robbers on the playground, bringing LEGOs to school, or having a food fight, but the punishments have become far more severe, shifting from detention and visits to the principal’s office into misdemeanor tickets, juvenile court, handcuffs, tasers and even prison terms.

Students have been suspended under school zero tolerance policies for bringing to school “look alike substances” such as oreganobreath mints, birth control pills and powdered sugar.

Look-alike weapons (toy guns—even Lego-sized ones, hand-drawn pictures of guns, pencils twirled in a “threatening” manner, imaginary bows and arrows, fingers positioned like guns) can also land a student in hot water, in some cases getting them expelled from school or charged with a crime.

Not even good deeds go unpunished.

One 13-year-old was given detention for exposing the school to “liability” by sharing his lunch with a hungry friend. A third grader was suspended for shaving her head in sympathy for a friend who had lost her hair to chemotherapy. And then there was the high school senior who was suspended for saying “bless you” after a fellow classmate sneezed.

In South Carolina, where it’s against the law to “disturb” a school, more than a thousand students a year—some as young as 7 years old—“face criminal charges for not following directions, loitering, cursing, or the vague allegation of acting ‘obnoxiously.’ If charged as adults, they can be held in jail for up to 90 days.”

These outrageous incidents are exactly what you’ll see more of now that in-person school is back in session, especially once you add COVID-19 mandates to the mix.

Having police in the schools only adds to the danger.

Thanks to a combination of media hype, political pandering and financial incentives, the use of armed police officers (a.k.a. school resource officers) to patrol school hallways has risen dramatically in the years since the Columbine school shooting.

Indeed, the growing presence of police in the nation’s schools is resulting in greater police “involvement in routine discipline matters that principals and parents used to address without involvement from law enforcement officers.”

Funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, these school resource officers (SRO) have become de facto wardens in elementary, middle and high schools, doling out their own brand of justice to the so-called “criminals” in their midst with the help of tasers, pepper spray, batons and brute force.

In the absence of school-appropriate guidelines, police are more and more “stepping in to deal with minor rulebreaking: sagging pants, disrespectful comments, brief physical skirmishes. What previously might have resulted in a detention or a visit to the principal’s office was replaced with excruciating pain and temporary blindness, often followed by a trip to the courthouse.”

The horror stories are legion.

One SRO was accused of punching a 13-year-old student in the face for cutting the cafeteria line.

That same cop put another student in a chokehold a week later, allegedly knocking the student unconscious and causing a brain injury.

In Pennsylvania, a student was tasered after ignoring an order to put his cell phone away.

When 13-year-old Kevens Jean Baptiste failed to follow a school bus driver’s direction to keep the bus windows closed (Kevens, who suffers from asthma, opened the window after a fellow student sprayed perfume, causing him to cough and wheeze), he was handcuffed by police, removed from the bus, and while still handcuffed, had his legs swept out from under him by an officer, causing him to crash to the ground.

Young Alex Stone didn’t even make it past the first week of school before he became a victim of the police state. Directed by his teacher to do a creative writing assignment involving a series of fictional Facebook statuses, Stone wrote, “I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur. I bought the gun to take care of the business.” Despite the fact that dinosaurs are extinct, the status fabricated, and the South Carolina student was merely following orders, his teacher reported him to school administrators, who in turn called the police.

What followed is par for the course in schools today: students were locked down in their classrooms while armed police searched the 16-year-old’s locker and bookbag, handcuffed him, charged him with disorderly conduct disturbing the school, arrested him, detained him, and then he was suspended from school.

Not even the younger, elementary school-aged kids are being spared these “hardening” tactics.

On any given day when school is in session, kids who “act up” in class are pinned facedown on the floor, locked in dark closets, tied up with straps, bungee cords and duct tape, handcuffed, leg shackled, tasered or otherwise restrained, immobilized or placed in solitary confinement in order to bring them under “control.”

In almost every case, these undeniably harsh methods are used to punish kids—some as young as 4 and 5 years old—for simply failing to follow directions or throwing tantrums.

Very rarely do the kids pose any credible danger to themselves or others.

Unbelievably, these tactics are all legal, at least when employed by school officials or school resource officers in the nation’s public schools.

This is what happens when you introduce police and police tactics into the schools.

Paradoxically, by the time you add in the lockdowns and active shooter drills, instead of making the schools safer, school officials have succeeded in creating an environment in which children are so traumatized that they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, nightmares, anxiety, mistrust of adults in authority, as well as feelings of anger, depression, humiliation, despair and delusion.

For example, a middle school in Washington State went on lockdown after a student brought a toy gun to class. A Boston high school went into lockdown for four hours after a bullet was discovered in a classroom. A North Carolina elementary school locked down and called in police after a fifth grader reported seeing an unfamiliar man in the school (it turned out to be a parent).

Police officers at a Florida middle school carried out an active shooter drill in an effort to educate students about how to respond in the event of an actual shooting crisis. Two armed officers, guns loaded and drawn, burst into classrooms, terrorizing the students and placing the school into lockdown mode.

These police state tactics have not made the schools any safer.

The fallout has been what you’d expect, with the nation’s young people treated like hardened criminals: handcuffed, arrested, tasered, tackled and taught the painful lesson that the Constitution (especially the Fourth Amendment) doesn’t mean much in the American police state.

Unfortunately, advocates for such harsh police tactics and weaponry like to trot out the line that school safety should be our first priority lest we find ourselves with another school shooting. What they will not tell you is that such shootings are rare.

As one congressional report found, the schools are, generally speaking, safe places for children.

There can be no avoiding the hands-on lessons being taught in the schools about the role of police in our lives, ranging from active shooter drills and school-wide lockdowns to incidents in which children engaging in typically childlike behavior are suspended (for shooting an imaginary “arrow” at a fellow classmate), handcuffed (for being disruptive at school), arrested (for throwing water balloons as part of a school prank), and even tasered (for not obeying instructions).

Instead of raising up a generation of freedom fighters—which one would hope would be the objective of the schools—government officials seem determined to churn out newly minted citizens of the American police state who are being taught the hard way what it means to comply, fear and march in lockstep with the government’s dictates.

So what’s the answer, not only for the here-and-now—the children growing up in these quasi-prisons—but for the future of this country?

How do you convince a child who has been routinely handcuffed, shackled, tied down, locked up, and immobilized by government officials—all before he reaches the age of adulthood—that he has any rights at all, let alone the right to challenge wrongdoing, resist oppression and defend himself against injustice?

Most of all, how do you persuade a fellow American that the government works for him when, for most of his young life, he has been incarcerated in an institution that teaches young people to be obedient and compliant citizens who don’t talk back, don’t question and don’t challenge authority?

As we’ve seen with other issues, any significant reforms will have to start locally and trickle upwards.

For starters, parents need to be vocal, visible and organized and demand that school officials 1) adopt a policy of positive reinforcement in dealing with behavior issues; 2) minimize the presence in the schools of police officers and cease involving them in student discipline; and 3) insist that all behavioral issues be addressed first and foremost with a child’s parents, before any other disciplinary tactics are attempted.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, if you want a nation of criminals, treat the citizenry like criminals.

If you want young people who grow up seeing themselves as prisoners, run the schools like prisons.

If, on the other hand, you want to raise up a generation of freedom fighters, who will actually operate with justice, fairness, accountability and equality towards each other and their government, then run the schools like freedom forums.

Remove the metal detectors and surveillance cameras, re-assign the cops elsewhere, and start treating our nation’s young people like citizens of a republic and not inmates in a police state penitentiary.


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cover image credit: Comfreak / pixabay

Australia Is Going Full Fascist …but Resistance Is Growing

Australia Is Going Full Fascist …but Resistance Is Growing
The Australian government been leading the pack on Covid-based tyranny from the beginning, but are they pushing their citizens to breaking point?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
August 23, 2021


Covid19 has been used as an excuse to increase government control of pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere.

It is, without question, the greatest campaign to seize power, and greatest assault on personal freedom, of my lifetime. With countries seemingly in a contest to outdo each other’s clampdowns, lockdowns, quarantines and surveillance programs.

From the beginning of the “pandemic” three countries, in particular, have set the pace on this – Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Since last spring these three have been one-upping each other in a race to the fascist finish line. And right now, Australia is putting a sprint in to pull away from the pack.

Cities are going into full lockdown for just one positive test. Some Australian cities and states aren’t just under total lockdowns, but also ever-extending curfews. The details of which read like a dystopian novel.

People are not permitted to leave the state, let alone the country. They’re not even permitted more than 5km (~3 miles) from their home. They’re not allowed out at all after 9pm or before 5am. Masks are mandatory everywhere for everyone. Outdoors and in. No religious services. No weddings. Shoot stray dogs, just in case.

Police barge into “unapproved” shops and fine business owners, or go house-to-house making sure no one has gone out. People who test positive are taken from homes for “indefinite stays” at “quarantine hotels”.

They are herding thousands upon thousands of children in stadiums, without their parents, to perform (allegedly) voluntary mass vaccinations, despite the possible dangers. The army has been deployed to check papers and vaccine status at road checkpoints.

The homes of those “self-isolating” are having government notices nailed to the doors. “Unauthorised protests” are banned, and if organize one you get 8 months in prison.

The unvaccinated are told they mustn’t leave their homes:

And the nation’s billionaire-owned propaganda channels pump out this hysterical fear-mongering:

Increasingly their rules and limitations are becoming not just tyrannical but literally insane. It seems, just about every day, one or another Australian politician or health “expert” is on the news saying something crazy.

Don’t take your masks off to drink. Don’t be friendly. Don’t watch the sunset. Tape your balcony shut. Don’t go out to shop, and don’t order online either:

This is Australia’s “New Normal. This is just it, now. They’ve said they’re not going back. Even if they have “zero cases”, and over 80% are fully “vaccinated”, you’ll “still have to respect some rules regarding masking, social distancing”:

We will always need to live with a measure of restrictions.”

It gets worse.

Having decided that the “quarantine hotels” were inefficient, Australian states are now building coronavirus camps. Sorry, not camps, “national resilience centres”.

There’s already one in the Northern Territories, another being built in Melbourne and a third was just approved for construction in Brisbane. To underline that these rules aren’t temporary, these camps won’t even be operational until 2022.

For now these “resilience centres” are reserved for “returning travellers” to undertake “mandatory supervised quarantine”. But it’s not hard to see them becoming near-permanent installations to house the unvaccinated. Based on the current speed of deterioration, I can see it happening by the end of the week.

It also gets better.

The good news is that the people of Australia seem to be reaching a hard limit with just how much they can take. We already saw huge numbers at protests on Global Freedom Day (July 24th), and this past weekend saw even bigger protests in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney:

These kinds of protests are the key to winning this battle.

Noncompliance works. Simple refusal to do what you’re told, en masse, cannot be beaten. It also shows other people, who may be complying out of fear and isolation, that they’re not alone.

If you doubt the power of mass movements like these, simply look at the effort put into discrediting them.

The mainstream media has come out in force, decrying the “disgraceful violence”. The crowds of people are accused of being just “angry men” out there “looking for a fight”. Or branded lunatics and antisemites.

The press lies about the numbers, turning what was easily 10,000 people into “4000” or just “hundreds” (that’s an old trick).

They list the number of police officers injured, and make no reference to any protesters being hurt at all. But then go into the number of arrests in detail, but keeping them anonymous so no dissenter gets accidentally humanised.

Footage like this never makes it on the news:

While the commissioners go on TV crying crocodile tears over the violence, the truth is that police wanted the protests to turn violent.

Violence gives them further excuse to crackdown, whilst discrediting the message of the protest. The police response was designed to instigate that violence.

Generally speaking, the Australian police have taken to their role as fascist enforcers with remarkable ease in the past year. They’ve been sending threatening letters to independent journalistshitting protesters with their cars, stamping on their heads, pepper-spraying teenaged girls and performing dangerous chokeholds with genuine enthusiasm.

In the run-up to the planned protest, the police made it clear they would be taking a confrontational stance:

In Melbourne, 1500 officers took to the streets, in full riot gear, manning street-wide barricades in their faceless storm-trooper helmets. They fired rubber bullets into the crowd. They pepper-sprayed teenaged girls (again).

It was clear they were instigating a confrontation. It was no surprise when people eventually rushed the barricades and broke through.

It’s another tactic, as old as the hills, to put some undercover officers among the crowds whose job is to start getting violent, heat up the crowds, throw the first punch. It happensAllTheTime.

Regardless of the rhetoric from the state and their tools in the press, more protests are planned for the future. Australian truck drivers, hard-hit by the lockdowns, are planning an industrial action to shut the country down, and there are several legal challenges in the works.

Australia’s government may be setting the standard for Orwellian control, but Australia’s people are showcasing the simple solution: Resist. They only win if we let them.

To paraphrase A Bug’s Life, we’re a lot stronger than they say we are, and they know it. Or, to quote one iconic protester on a white horse, “cross over, they cannot arrest all of us.”

This morning Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews took to the television screen to send a message. He condemned the “Terrible scenes. Ugly scenes.” and the “disgusting violence”, and tried to spin the line that this was a protest over Covid, rather than spectacularly cruel government overreach:

Today’s Monday and the virus is still here…because protests, however agitated, however appalling, however willing, don’t work on this.”

But what we all know, and every day more and more people are realising, is that this isn’t about a virus. It was never about a virus. It is about tyranny.

And protests work on that all the time.


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cover image credit: OffGuardian

Canada’s Constitutional Rights Centre: Your Rights to Decline a Vaccine in the Context of Employment

Your Rights to Decline a Vaccine in the Context of Employment

by Constitutional Rights Centre
August 23, 2021


Constitutional Rights Centre, In view of current events on mandatory vaccination policies throughout our employment sector(s), both public and private, the CRC is re-publishing our video on your rights to decline a vaccine in the context of employment, which was posted March 8, 2021.

The discussion in this video equally applies to Universities and Colleges and their vaccination policies.


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Aussie Truckers to Strike and Bring Australia to a Standstill

Aussie Truckers to Strike and Bring Australia to a Standstill



by Hugo Talks
August 23, 2021

Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee and BitChute channels.


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James Corbett — Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 23, 2021


As anyone who’s been paying attention will know, Imperial College London played a key role in providing the justification for the scamdemic hysteria and Oxford University played a key role in providing the “solution” to that problem.

Specifically, as you’ll recall from Who Is Bill Gates?, it was the Imperial College COVID-19 Research Team that issued a report on March 16th, 2020, predicting the deaths of up to 500,000 Britons and 2.2 million Americans unless strict government measures were put in place, and it was this (completely erroneous) report—along with a similarly alarmist model from the Gates-funded Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation—that was used to justify the first round of lockdowns in the US and the UK.

And, as you’ll recall from my report with Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links, it was the Oxford Vaccine Group’s partnership with AstraZeneca that gave rise to one of the injections currently making its way into the veins of hundreds of millions around the globe in the name of “fighting COVID.”

So it should be no surprise that Imperial College and Oxford University researchers also played a key role in a pre-scamdemic report that was recently dug up by The Daily Expose and that lays out the game plan for the implementation of an even bigger globalist agenda: the shutdown of the global economy.

The report, entitled “Absolute Zero: Delivering the UK’s climate change commitment with incremental changes to today’s technologies,” was produced in 2019 by UK FIRES, “a collaboration between the universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London” that is “aiming to reveal and stimulate industrial growth in the UK compatible with a rapid transition to zero emissions.” It slipped largely under the radar during the scamdemic emergency, but it’s back with a vengeance now that the long-term strategy of “climate lockdowns” to save Mother Earth in time for Agenda 2030 is becoming apparent.

“Absolute Zero” is supposedly a reference to the UK’s commitment to reach “zero emissions”—or a state in which there is no net emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere—by the year 2050. But “absolute zero” also serves as a reference to the bone-chilling vision for the future of humanity that the globalists and their academic minions are busily constructing for humanity under cover of the scamdemic.

Strap in, folks. This is going to be a wild ride.

In this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber, James delves deep into the latest propaganda touting the globalists’ neo-feudalist vision for the earth . . . and what we can do to counteract it. Become a Corbett Report member for as little as $1/month to access the full newsletter or read the editorial for free via the link below.

To access the full newsletter and to support this website, please become a member today.

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Yes, Trump Did Tell RFK Jr. to Investigate Vaccine Dangers—and Why It Matters

Yes, Trump Did Tell RFK Jr. to Investigate Vaccine Dangers—and Why It Matters

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 23, 2021


In this explosive 12 minute Theo Von video interview with Robert Kennedy Jr., we get details of the 2016 Trump-Kennedy meeting, at which Trump gave Kennedy the go-ahead to investigate vaccine dangers.

This isn’t simply “setting the record straight” on what went down. The latest official figures on autism? 1 in 54 American children are autistic. So we are talking about the MASSIVE destruction of life, and the ongoing internal destruction of the country.

Investigating and detailing the role vaccines play in this horrific reality should be the highest priority.

Robert Kennedy, in the video interview, explains that shortly after Trump was elected in November of 2016, the new president contacted him (Kennedy) and invited him for a meeting at Trump Tower in New York.

During the two-hour sit-down with Trump, Kennedy explained that a comprehensive investigation of vaccines could be done without any heavy lifting by government. There was a well-known Vaccine Safety Datalink which, when opened, would give independent researchers access to a vast trove of US medical records. From those records, a convincing case could be made about vaccine safety/dangers.

Trump gave Kennedy the green light to move ahead.

However, roadblocks then appeared.

Access to the Vaccine Safety Datalink and the medical records was severely limited. Two independent investigators were confined to one room—with only pencil and paper—to study medical records. The room was intentionally overheated to a temperature of 105. No copying-machine use was permitted.

Then Pfizer made a million-dollar contribution to Trump’s inauguration.

Then Trump made two grotesque appointments to his new administration—Scott Gottlieb as FDA commissioner, and Alex Azar as head of Health and Human Services. Both men had heavy pharmaceutical industry connections. Azar had served as chief of US Eli Lilly, and had sat on the board of the pharma trade group, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. Scott Gottlieb was a director at Tolero Pharmaceuticals and the giant drug company, Daiichi Sankyo. He also worked for Glaxo; and now, in 2021, after his stint as FDA commissioner, Gottlieb sits on the board of Pfizer.

Robert Kennedy’s vaccine investigation was shut down.

Did Kennedy then reach out directly to President Trump, to try to reignite the vaccine probe? The video interview doesn’t address this.

Did Trump ever explain why he allowed Kennedy’s investigation to crash and burn? Or why, at the 2016 New York meeting, he told Kennedy to announce the formation of the vaccine investigation, instead of announcing it himself, as the new President? Not to my knowledge.

One other thing. In this video interview, Kennedy says the man who keeps the vital Vaccine Safety Datalink, and all the medical information it leads to, shut down and away from independent investigators, is…

Anthony Fauci.

Once upon a time in the Empire, all roads led to Rome. Now they lead to the Good Doctor, and onward to Bill Gates.


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TCTL editor’s note: To protect this video from possible censorship, it has been mirrored at uncensored video channels.

Original video available at Theo Von Clips YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Breaking: FDA to Give Full Approval to COVID Vaccines; No Public Hearing; No Transparency; No Open Review of Vaccine Data

Breaking: FDA to Give Full Approval to COVID Vaccines; No Public Hearing; No Transparency; No Open Review of Vaccine Data
It’s all happening behind closed doors

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 23, 2021


The fix is in.

We’re racing from “emergency use authorization” of experimental vaccines to “full approval.” Boom.

Despite the promise of “transparency” prior to giving full approval to the COVID vaccines, the FDA is set to give its final green light today, or later this week. It’s a slam-dunk.

And there is NO public hearing.

This means the vaccine marketing/intimidation/mandate campaigns will ramp up much higher. “Well, now there is NO reason for anyone to refuse the shot. The FDA states it is completely safe and effective.”

Obviously, the FDA didn’t want to allow even mainstream “experts” to speak in a public hearing before approval; the agency is running a very tight ship. No slip-ups. No defections.

An 8/20 article in the BMJ (“Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data”) quotes a few of these dissenting mainstream pros. For example:

“Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate who serves as a consumer representative on the FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee, said the decision removed an important mechanism for scrutinising the data.”

“’These [FDA] public meetings are imperative in building trust and confidence especially when the vaccines came to market at lightning speed under emergency use authorisation,’ she said. ‘The public deserves a transparent process, especially as the call for boosters and mandates are rapidly increasing. These meetings offer a platform where questions can be raised, problems tackled, and data scrutinised in advance of an approval’.”

“Witczak is one of the more than 30 signatories of a citizen petition calling on the FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine this year to gather more data. She warned that without a [public FDA] meeting ‘we have no idea what the data looks like’.”

“’It is already concerning that full approval is being based on 6 months’ worth of data despite the clinical trials designed for two years,’ she said. ‘There is no control group after Pfizer offered the product to placebo participants before the trials were completed’.”

“’Full approval of covid-19 vaccines must be done in an open public forum for all to see. It could set a precedent of lowered standards for future vaccine approvals’.”

Understand—this devastating criticism of the FDA is coming from a person who operates WITHIN the public-health establishment.

Amidst a tsunami of reports of vaccine injuries and deaths from around the world, the FDA is proving it is an agency that will certify maiming and killing without hesitation.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Activedia / pixabay

Dr. David Martin w/ Vaccine Choice Canada: On Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “Covid” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many

Dr. David Martin w/ Vaccine Choice Canada: On Canada’s Role in Producing the Weaponized “Covid” Injections Which Have Seriously Harmed and Killed Many — While Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials Continue to Lie and Terrorize the Public


In the video below, Ted Kuntz, president of Vaccine Choice Canada, has a powerful conversation with Dr. David Martin regarding Canadian involvement in the development of the highly-toxic “covid vaccines”.  Dr. Martin adds to information he has previously shared in other interviews, revealing additional details about this global criminal conspiracy, treason and “willful act of crimes against humanity” by public officials.  Transcript highlights are provided below the video.


Dr. David E. Martin Drops Shocking Covid Info on Canadians! 

by Ted Kuntz, Vaccine Choice Canada
August 21, 2021

Video is available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels.


Transcript Highlights prepared by Truth Comes to Light

David Martin

In 1998 we did the first ever audit of the patent systems of the United States. of Canada. of Australia, of the European Union and elsewhere. And what we found, quite tragically, is that an enormous number of crimes were being committed using the patent system to, in fact, stand in the way of progress — not to advance the innovation useful arts for which they were established.

And, specifically, in 1999 we uncovered what became the roots of our awareness of the current pandemic that we’ve been exposed to. In 1999 we uncovered the biological and chemical weapons patents that were proliferating around the country and around the world.

And in 1999, going into 2000, we first reported on the weaponization of biologic materials in violation of biological and chemical weapons treaties. And among those weaponizations was in our first published report, for a number of intelligence and law enforcement community, our identification of the chimeric alteration and recombinant technologies around coronavirus — which in 1999 were first developed to serve as a means by which we could build a vaccine vector, at the time thought to be useful for the treatment or prevention of HIV.

The problem with that work was it very specifically, beginning in 1999 with NIAID’s funding, directed by Anthony Fauci. It was very clear that what they had done, in their gain-of-function research in 1999, was take what was a normally occurring pathogen and turn it into what was then referred to as an ‘infectious non-transmissible pathogen”. In other words, they actually made it more dangerous to the human. And they made it more dangerous so that it could be used as a potential for vaccine vectors going forward. And that was in 1999…

This particular injection that we’re dealing with right now — this particular injection is an mRNA model, computer generated, not derived from a living or an organic material — this is a computer simulation of an mRNA strand which was thought to be a means by which we could turn the human body into a pathogen creator.

By that I mean the formation of the coronavirus-associated spike protein. And for the first time in vaccine history — and once again, I’m using that term because it’s what we’re calling it — and it is not, in fact, a vaccine. It’s a gene therapy to create a bioweapon. But for the first time in vaccine history, we are relying on the immune system to respond to a pathogen creation that we first inject into people.

So, the fact of the matter is, we have an unprecedented outcome. And if we go back and look at the patent record, if we go back and look at the laboratory record, and if we go back and look at the funding record, we see that the current pathogen called SARS-CoV-2 was clearly chimerically altered and was clearly chimerically developed in the laboratory so that it can be used both as a weapon and as a medical countermeasure in 2015.

University North Carolina at Chapel Hill — and we reported on this quite significantly — funded by NIAID, developed and violated the International Convention on Biological and Chemical Weapons — by taking a foreign uploaded model of SARS-CoV-2, and turning it into a recombinant, chimeric pathogen — which they said, and I quote, “was poised for human emergence”. And poised for human emergence not in 2019 as we’ve been told by the propaganda — but that publication was published in February of 2016. Published from work that was done from 2013 to 2015.

There is no novel coronavirus. There is a weaponized version of a computer simulation of a fragment that is, in fact, modelled to be the spike protein analogous to what we’ve been told is the spike protein associated with SARS-CoV-2.

The problem is we do not have anything that is actually derived from an actual pathogen. And we do not have anything that’s actually responsive to the immune system that was, in fact, responsive to a pathogen.

This is a computer simulation meant to harm and destroy what we call humanity.


Ted Kuntz

You know, David, just listening to you — I mean nothing that you said is new — and yet to hear it again still shocks me. That we are at this place, at this time, globally killing humanity.


David Martin

Yes. And, according to Pfizer, we have what they refer to in their own documents as an “acceptable death rate”.

I don’t know how many of you can sit with that statement. But the notion that there is something called an “acceptable death rate” is something I find morally repugnant.

But I find, more interesting than that, Canada’s role in this — which has achieved almost no fundamental coverage in any media or even in the counter culture media. And most Canadians don’t realize that Canada itself — and not just Canada but specifically the University of British Columbia — beginning in 2005 realized that, if it was going to be relevant in the biotech space, it had to be the country and it had to be the research hot-bed for establishing the delivery mechanism whereby mRNA vaccines could be developed.

The University of British Columbia, working in partnership with the Inex Pharmaceuticals in 2005, developed the lipid nanoparticle technology that ultimately became the basis of the formation of a company in British Columbia called Tekmira Pharmaceuticals.

In 2009 Tekmira had a very interesting set of challenges. And this was commensurate with the 2008 declaration by the World Health Organization that the coronavirus was, in fact, irradicated as a condition associated with SARS.

And because of the lack of funding, in 2008 both Canada and the United States struggled with the fact that they had developed the technology that was supposed to be for a vaccination of coronavirus and for a number of other viral models. But the problem was they ran out of funding.

And so there was a series of reorganizations. And in those reorganizations, two companies were formed: Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and Acuitas Pharmaceuticals. Acuitas is the one that, unfortunately, the government of Canada has not told the citizens of Canada is the reason why both Moderna and Pfizer have the ability to deliver the current bioweapons program.

And I think most people would be shocked to find out that when you have the prime minister of Canada getting up in front of a camera in the spring of 2020 telling the world that the only way forward is to allegedly return to a new normal when there is a vaccine.

What Trudeau did not tell the public was that he had a financial stake in the outcome of that being the selected pathway forward.

What he didn’t tell the Canadian public was that Canada’s blight on the moral record of what has been historically an amazingly wonderful set of innovations coming out of the Canadian research institutions and research laboratories, in fact created the mechanism whereby you could take mRNA and inject it into a population and try to stabilize that injection.

The lipid nanoparticle technology that was developed, and ultimately passed to Arbutus, was the subject of a licensing agreement that was made with Acuitas Pharmaceuticals in British Columbia (private company) who conveniently had very little reporting requirements. And Acuitas misappropriated the lipid nanoparticle technology and ultimately made it available to both by BioNTech and Moderna.

It is absolutely critical for us to understand that without the Canadian contribution of the lipid nanoparticle technology from British Columbia we would have no meaningful response in the form of what’s being called a vaccination and we would not have a bioweapons program.

That’s a pretty important statement to make to an audience largely of Canadians. And it would be very interesting to find out why it is that Trudeau has not admitted to the public, and has been unwilling to actually put into the public record, the, what we know to be. at least billions of dollars of concessions. And it could be — I mean if we look at just Pfizer-BioNTech’s own situation — we know that in the case of Pfizer-BioNTech, that last quarter alone somewhere between eight and nine billion dollars came in the form of the revenue off of all of the interventions that are being sold off as as coronavirus vaccines.

In the last quarter alone, this would place this tiny little British Columbia company — which in 2009, people, was functionally owned by one person. I mean we need to kind of bear that in mind — one person actually owns this company. Thomas Madden who is the CEO of Acuitas –in 2009 he was largely the sole owner of it. He actually appropriated the technology in a labor dispute, which functionally was a trade secret argument around this.

And when we actually look at what happened in 2016 — and this is a very important point, people — in 2016 somebody in Canada knew that there was something going to happen with this particular vaccine platform. Because in 2016 Arbutus Pharmaceuticals and Acuitas Pharmaceuticals got into litigation on whether or not the license for the lipid nanoparticle technology that Acuitas had from Arbutus was, in fact, capable of being extended to other pathogens.

And in 2016 there was a significant amount of litigation and the license that Acuitas had to use lipid nanoparticle technology, developed by Tekmira, developed by Arbutus, the license was actually terminated in 2016. That coincides with the weaponization of SARS-CoV-2…

…There’s no public information to tell us what precisely transpired in 2016 — which allowed this particular dispute to erupt between these two Canadian firms, all based in the history of Tekmira. But somewhere in 2016 somebody knew that there was a lottery win to be had.

And my guess is that somewhere inside of the Canadian health system, and somewhere inside NIAID and the Vaccine Research Center, and somewhere inside the UNC Chapel Hill records, we will find that Trudeau government was fully aware by at least 2018 that we were going to have a significant pandemic requiring this core technology to be unleashed on the world — courtesy of the Canadian collaboration on lipid nanoparticles.

And there’s no question that by the time we get to 2019, March 19 specifically of 2019, we know that Arbutus, Moderna, Pfizer-BioNtech and others were, in fact, working on a vaccine for respiratory pathogen. And we know that information because they amended their patent filings to say exactly that.


Ted Kuntz

So let me just unpacked this a little bit, David.

Your revealing evidence here — that this technology has been in the works in Canadian University of British Columbia, supported by government of Canada, for a number of years now.

It was clear that there was a goldmine to be had here because there was a fight over it.

And when Trudeau announced in 2020 that we needed a vaccine to get back to normal, he didn’t say ‘Listen we’re part of the solution here. We’ve developed technology is gonna save the world.’ He didn’t talk about how great Canadian technology is.

I know you don’t like to speculate, but why would he not celebrate and announce that to the world?


David Martin

Well, I think it’s very clear that he has, for a significant period of time, become extremely compromised in the fact that he pretends, on the one hand, to be a victim of a public health crisis and, on the other hand, not unlike the governor of New York, the spokesperson for the alleged level-headed response of draconian lockdown and countermeasure approaches — which create the market demand that says that we’re going to remove civil liberties, we’re gonna remove the right for people to actually engage in any civil discourse. But, in fact, what we’re gonna do is pretend like we are somehow the victims of a natural set of events that have unfolded.

The fact of the matter is, he knows very good and well because he was party to — and the government certainly was party to agreements with Pfizer, with Moderna and with others — where there was no question that Canadian firms knew good and well that the lipid nanoparticle technology was actually a frontline contender for a respiratory pathogen simulation.

And, by no later than September of 2019, the Canadian government was fully aware and participating in what was supposed to be a global exercise to test the readiness of the world to deal with a respiratory pathogen pandemic that was planned and published in September of 2019.

And the Canadian government was very much a party of that. So there’s no chance that this was not fully known, fully anticipated, fully premeditated.

And there is no question that the script that Trudeau read from was a script that was in fact marketing what would become a federal restraint of trade violation in Canada — which was a very important restraint of trade.

By making the allegation, before we even knew what the actual pathogen was technically, what we know is: that Trudeau’s statements biased the market place against the consumer, so that there was, in fact, declared by the government a single pathway, a single market opportunity, out of this particular pandemic.

And by telling the world that the only way forward was a vaccine, what that did was, it actually precluded the use of life-saving countermeasures that were medicines that could have helped and could have supported the health of people.

And instead of that, we watched people die while we were waiting for an economic windfall. And that economic windfall is going to a private corporation whose accountability is not to a shareholder, is not anything that has public visibility. It has the private benefit of being a private British Columbia company they can be used as a front for all manner of things.

And it is, in fact, without question, participating in one of the greatest crimes in terms of racketeering and collusion that this world has ever seen.


Ted Kuntz

Well, David, that was the question in my head. What kind of crimes are these? I mean this is treason, amongst other things. This is criminal. This is homicide.


David Martin

Yeah, and it’s important for us to really focus in on this because most people have have heard me talk about the racketeering and antitrust laws that are violated. And both the U.S. and Canada have very robust antitrust laws.

The fact of the matter is there’s three fundamental elements of antitrust and all three are violated.

The first is that you cannot do what’s called market allocation. In other words, you cannot use either a public or a private institution where colluding parties get together and say we are going to tell the consumer what their only option is. That’s a market allocation violation of a racketeering thing.

You also cannot suppress information and coerce people into accepting a single scenario when the market forces are not at play. In other words, you cannot suspend from market consideration other alternatives — so that you pick the only winner in which, by the way, you’ve already placed bets on the table in the form of funding and you also have an economic gain.

And you can guarantee yourself that the Canadian government knows very good and well that it has huge economic gains to gain from the use of the lipid nanoparticle technology. And it had everything to lose if the lipid nanoparticle technology didn’t win.

So we know that the collusion was there. We know that the racketeering was there. We also know that there was insider information, non-transparent transactions from what’s called interlocking directorates — where individuals who have the ability to set prices, to allocate research dollars and to ultimately set acquisition policy to take that technology on board — is in fact by very definition the racketeering that is anti-competitive, antitrust.

Now why is this important? It’s important because these are all felony violations. And what makes a felony violation far more important than a civil crime, is that a felony violation actually pierces the veil of corporate liability.

And this is a very important point, people need to understand. The reason why I’m so obsessed with going after felonies, and not going after civil cases, is because the felony violation of antitrust laws which is prima facie established in this pandemic, would, in fact, mean that the manufacturers would not have the protections provided here in the United States under the 1986 Act, under the PREP Act and, in Canada, under those acts equivalents.

In other words, no corporation gets civil liability immunity if they are complicit in a felony crime.

And once we establish that that is, in fact, the case –which by the way does not require legal expertise — this is a prima facie case, meaning the facts present themselves — there is no question that this was an act of racketeering and collusion.

There is no question that this is an act of willful manipulation of market forces in violation of statutes both sides of the border. And the fact of the matter is, the minute this becomes felony violation, all of the liability flows back. Civil and criminal liability flows back to the manufacturer.

And I can guarantee that the day Pfizer and Moderna have to be on the hook for the lives they’re harming and the lives that they’re taking — there is no question that the entire terror campaign would shut down the next day

The civil society of the world has been duped to believe that we should be arguing about face masks and social distancing, whether businesses stay open or not. We have been duped into having a conversation that is the wrong conversation.

There is a crime that is being committed. Our public officials are complicit in that crime. And there is no question, as a civilization, we owe it to ourselves and future generations to make sure that we are not silent while those who are in positions of elected authority are committing willful acts of crimes against humanity.


Ted Kuntz

With this information should there not be a criminal investigation starting this minute?


David Martin

There absolutely should be. Here in the United States we have the unfortunate reality of not having the benefits of some of what you guys have in Crown law. But the fact of the matter is, in Canada as well as the rest of the Commonwealth, you actually have a mechanism where you can allege and actually initiate criminal proceedings without relying on the Justice Department we have in the U.S.

We know that our DOJ here in the United States is entirely corrupt. We know that they have been willfully incapable of prosecuting any of the known crimes — which by the way, include here in the United States. One of the one of the best known crimes, that apparently we can now get away with, which is lying to Congress.

As most of you now Anthony Fauci has now on two documented occasions actually lied to Congress — which is a violation of…Section 1001 of the Criminal Statute. But lying to Congress is something that Fauci started doing in the fall of 2020 when he willfully failed to disclose the financial interests that NIAID had in a number of the technologies that were being promoted in this particular pandemic, failed to disclose NIAID and NIH’s financial interest in a request that was made by Congress.

In a report submitted to Congress, Anthony Fauci lied about his financial position which is, in fact, a felony…

We know that there are countless crimes which are felony violations on both sides of the border.

And we know that it will not be until the public forces this into action that any action will be taken

There is no question that your prime minister has violated, not only the laws of Canada, but has participated in a bioweapons treaty violation.

And let me be very precise on why I say that, because when I make an allegation it has to stick. And the allegation comes from the definition of a bioweapons program.

Inside the definition of biological and chemical weapons, the manufacture or the ability to provide the means by which you manufacture a biological weapon, defined under the statute as a fragment or a modeled fragment of a pathogen known to cause human harm.

The fact that it is Canadian-company technology that is required to deliver this particular weapon means that the government of Canada is complicit in violating biological and chemical weapons laws. And that falls to the prime minister. So when I make the allegation I’m dead serious about it…


Ted Kuntz

…The impact of this, the consequence of this, is so significant. It needs to be heard. It needs to be broadcast from coast to coast.

We need to recognize what we’re facing. And we’re facing the active crimes against humanity as we speak…


David Martin

…I am unwilling to be silent because I know that I actually have information, and I have compiled information.

And the bad news for people like Trudeau is, if you think that this is the only piece of information I have on things that he’s been involved in, that’s the tip of the iceberg.

The fact of the matter is, I’m very comfortable making public allegations against public seated people in authority because I happen to know that this is not one situation, this is not isolated. This is the beginning of a contest and I would be more than delighted to find out how deep they want to go head-to-head with me on what I know about their actions…

In 2014 the veterinarian Peter Daszak, who ran EcoHealth Alliance, the company that has been criticized for its role in laundering NIAID funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. But it’s important for you to all realize that in 2014 Peter Daszak specifically said at a public meeting, ‘We need the public to accept a medical countermeasure for pan coronavirus vaccine.’ And I’m quoting from him. ‘We need the media to create the hype and we need to use the hype to our advantage. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of a process.’

Those are the published words of the guy who was the Wuhan Institute of Virology SARS-CoV-2 architect…

And if we, in fact, have the perpetrators of this crime telling us that they are going to do the crime, why are we left sitting at a gate in 2020 or 2021 going ‘Oh, man that just sounds like a conspiracy’.

Well, it sounds like a conspiracy because it is a criminal conspiracy. It is a racketeering conspiracy meant to harm and destroy human life


Ted Kuntz

David, could you connect some dots for us? Why is this injection so important to their agenda? What piece does it play in the larger agenda?


David Martin

Well, once again, let’s go back and visit that statements made by Peter Daszak.

As you all know we had a period of time where the idea of a vaccine became quite popular among a certain ilk within the established public health community.

We know that, beginning with the 1986 Act, there was a means by which pharmaceutical companies were very interested in sheltering themselves from liability because they knew they were entering a phase where the increased danger of their actions was going to ultimately mean that business was not viable.

If you know you’re going to harm a population, you need to make sure that you do the groundwork to make sure, from a litigation standpoint, you move yourself as far away from prosecution as possible.

We know that, beginning in 1986, there was a commitment on the part of the people who bought Congress, bought elected officials in the U.S., in Canada and around Europe — and in 1986 there was a willful act to take what was supposedly a loss-leading public health product, like vaccines, and turn it into a money-maker.

And it turns out, it’s a great idea to do that. Because if what you’re going to do is ultimately trying to sell people on a whole host of other pharmaceuticals, it is exceptionally good to build the autoimmune disease pattern which builds habituation to classic pharmaceutical intervention. That began in 1986.

And as we moved into the 1990s, it became very clear that the HIV campaign, which was supposed to be the giant payday — where we had the ability to somehow finally get everybody to be afraid of the pathogen — didn’t pay off very well because it was classified as a lifestyle-oriented disease. And then what we had in the mid 1990s was the birth of the obsession about what was called a universal influenza vaccine.

The desire on the part of industry was to make sure that every person would get addicted to taking the influenza shot every year. It’s a great money maker. It’s a wonderful way for the industry to keep jabbing people on an annual basis.

And the problem with that is, as we all know, the influenza vaccine was far less effective than people hoped it would be. And the public, not surprisingly, wasn’t willing to fall for it — which led to a series of meetings which took place at the NIAID advisory council, together with international partners, to come up with a way to build a mechanism whereby we could convince the world that we needed to have a universal vaccine program for the world.

The World Health Organization, NIAID, the Vaccine Research Center, and their international collaborators got together and said, basically what we need is — we need to have an event which allows a mass campaign of terror to be unleashed, so that the public accepts something.

And so they went down the pathway of a universal influenza and a universal coronavirus vaccine.

Tragically, there is, in fact, no evidence that either of the pathogens was isolated. There was no evidence that we had a basis to create this mass campaign of terror. And, even in what was reportedly a pandemic, we actually didn’t have people getting sick from the pathogen.

One of the reasons why the World Health Organization made it abundantly clear that “covid” could be declared with no laboratory evidence is because, if in fact there was a requirement for laboratory evidence, we would actually have to test for a virus.

But you didn’t have to to have Covid-19. You had to have a series of clinical symptoms.

Ironically, what we have now is a situation where we are, in fact, injecting people — and this is where we need to get very clear on this and remember, people, if you don’t hear anything else, remember the word vaccine is misleading.

What is happening is the mRNA computer simulation of an S1 spike protein, thought to be modeled off of the possible SAR-Cov-2 — and so you got all of those preconditions.

This is not a virus. This is not to disrupt a virus. This is actually an injection to make your body produce a foreign pathogen. That’s what this injection is…

Every single public statement that says that this is a covid vaccine is a lie…

We do not have an injection that is, in fact, associated with the actual pathogen model that is called SARS-CoV-2. And, as a result, we must call it what it is — a foreign-supplied computer model, delivered to the world from China at some point in the early hours of 2020, sometime between January 7 and January 20.

It is a computer model of a simulated pathogen which was simulated from sample populations of as many as 40 people prior to the 30th of December. That model that was uploaded to servers around the world was then used to identify a computer model of what might be the mRNA strand that would code the spike protein…

Our elected officials have willfully coerced the population, using acts of domestic terror…


Ted Kuntz

What can we do now? What’s the most important thing we ought to be focusing our energy and our attention on now?


David Martin

Well, as a Commonwealth country, what I would say is that you need to reexamine your statutory basis of action and make sure that your members of parliament are inundated with the information that we’re sharing right now.

Complicity with allowing government-committed crime in Canada is something that must, must be done immediately. And if you are living north of the U.S./Canada border, you know, your member of parliament must be informed that there is an active racketeering and criminal conspiracy that is actively harming the public and it is using the resources, the wealth, and the innovation of Canada to violate international and domestic bioweapons and bioterrorism statutes.

So, the first thing is to make sure that people hear this message.

The second thing is to hold them accountable…

The crimes that are being committed are racketeering, bioweapons and, in fact, at least reckless homicide, if not willful murder of massive members of our population. And we cannot sit idly by and allow that to persist…

It actually is human to stand with the truth. And I am delighted to stand, not only with the certainty of what I know, but I’m delighted that we have the thousands of people who are participating in this conversation — who are ultimately going to now have a firm foundation upon which they can stand to make sure that they have the ability to have the candle of truth against the torrent of the darkness of those who wish to destroy us.

We will, as we the people, we will prevail


See related:

Dr. David Martin w/ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: “This, My Friends, Is the Definition of Criminal Conspiracy…This Is Not a Theory. This Is Evidence.”
Dr. David Martin w/ Stew Peters: There Is No Virus. This Is Organized Crime. 
Dr. David Martin Releases ‘The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier” | 205 Pages, 22 Years of Research

Connect with David Martin

Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

Confirmed Speakers for August 25, 2021 NYC Protest Against Medical Mandates– Expected to Be the Largest Protest of Union Members in NYC History

Confirmed Speakers for August 25, 2021 NYC Protest Against Medical Mandates– Expected to Be the Largest Protest of Union Members in NYC History

by NY Teachers for Choice
August 22, 2021


Protest at City Hall, NYC, August 25, 4pm
Stage setup at Broadway & Murray


We will be protesting federal, state and city mandates that are moving in the direction of forced vaccination to keep our jobs. Once a COVID vaccine is fully FDA approved, will they still allow us to test instead of getting vaccinated, or will they 100% force the vaccine on all organized labor?



Jamel Holley, New Jersey Assemblyman

Sujata Gibson Esq., TEACHERS FOR CHOICE Attorney

Dr. Aaron Lewis, minister

Bill Pepitone, Conservative Party Mayoral Candidate

Kevin Jenkins

John Gilmore, President Children’s Health Defense, New York

Alix Mayer, President Children’s Health Defense, California

Mary Holland Esq., Children’s Health Defense attorney



Tramell Thompson, Local 100 Transit Worker

William Castro, CSA Member

Michael Kane, NYC Teacher, Founder of TEACHERS FOR CHOICE

Garret Ramirez, United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Member

Lisa Eden, Opera Singer, American Guild of Musical Artists (AGMA)


Come to City Hall

Wednesday, August 25, 4pm

to support the largest protest of rank & file union members in NYC History!

Firefighters, Teachers, Nurses, Healthcare Workers, EMTs, EMS, Police, Detectives, Sanitation, Postal Workers, Federal Workers, and more – we need you all! Bring signs promoting your Local Unions!


Connect with NY Teacher for Choice

cover image credit: Momos  / Wikimedia Commons