Anarchy Means Only No Rule, No Rulers; In Other Words — Freedom

Anarchy Means Only No Rule, No Rulers; In Other Words — Freedom


Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual.

~ Gary D. Barnett


by Gary D. Barnett
October 4, 2022


“Anarchists did not try to carry out genocide against the Armenians in Turkey; they did not deliberately starve millions of Ukrainians; they did not create a system of death camps to kill Jews, gypsies, and Slavs in Europe; they did not fire-bomb scores of large German and Japanese cities and drop nuclear bombs on two of them; they did not carry out a ‘Great Leap Forward’ that killed scores of millions of Chinese; they did not attempt to kill everybody with any appreciable education in Cambodia; they did not launch one aggressive war after another; they did not implement trade sanctions that killed perhaps 500,000 Iraqi children.

In debates between anarchists and statists, the burden of proof clearly should rest on those who place their trust in the state. Anarchy’s mayhem is wholly conjectural; the state’s mayhem is undeniably, factually horrendous.”

~ Robert Higgs


Language is of such great importance as to be critical to the survival of mankind. While this may sound exaggerated, it is certainly not. The idea of our language, and the root systems from which our language originated, are not able to be altered at will to suit the state or any other individual or entity attempting to create a position based on the fraudulent restructuring of the meaning of words and phrases for their benefit. This is always and only done, to create confusion or to advance an agenda, and usually both. Anytime the state actors decide to control language in their favor, they are intending to steer mass opinion, and contradiction, hypocrisy, and control are the prevailing result. This has never been more apparent than with the term Anarchy, which is the absolute antithesis of state tyranny.

Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual. The completely bastardized and fraudulent meaning that has been effectively changed, promoted, and propagandized by the state, its institutions, its dictionaries, and its media today concerning the word “anarchy,’ has had the effect thorough indoctrination and brainwashing, of appearing to the lowly ‘public’ as the exact opposite of its true meaning. This purposely induced mindset was planned and done for specific reasons, as honest and legitimate anarchists, are the enemy of state power, and therefore considered dangerous; not to the people, but to those wishing to manipulate and control the people.  These are the ruling class, their politicians, their enforcers, and all government in general. These are the true and evil enemies of humanity and freedom.

The state’s new forged and illegitimate ‘definition’ of the word “anarchy,” is meant to hide the truth, confuse, and control the now ignorant collective masses. This fake definition that is used by all mainstream media and government to marginalize all promoters of freedom, is completely contrary to the actual meaning of the word. Anarchy, according to government tyrants, is said to be a state or society without laws in the midst of political and social disorder due to no government ‘control.’ It is said to mean that there is no ‘obedience to authority,’ which is incorrectly stated as insubordination. Words now used to describe or used interchangeably with anarchy are: lawlessness, disruption, turmoil, chaos, turbulence, disorganization, confusion, rioting, rebellion, insurrection, terror, and unrest, to name only some of the incorrect meanings falsely attributed to this grand word. One could accurately use these terms to describe the state itself, and this is the irony of the state’s lies, for whatever the nation-state claims is usually a gross distortion of the truth. In this case, the manipulated and deceitful meaning attributed to anarchy is a perfectly accurate definition of government and the state itself.

People have been taught (indoctrinated) to beg for their freedom from government agents. This is said to be possible by using a corrupt and worthless voting process to petition those claiming power over you to please allow you to have ‘some’ freedom. Nothing is so pathetic and ludicrous as this state of mind. The very idea that a government must exist and rule over all in order to grant ‘some’ partial freedom to its subjects, is an afront to any intellectual thought or logic concerning liberty. By agreeing to and voluntarily participating in this process, one has already defined himself as a slave.

Freedom is the natural inclination and right of all men, at least until they lose that natural desire by being brainwashed to believe that their freedom can only come due to the permission of their masters. Constitutions, legislation, and laws handed down from ‘above,’ negate all aspects of freedom, because if any state is said to be necessary in order to be free, then it never existed in the first place. Freedom cannot be given, bestowed, allowed, controlled, restricted, or ordered by any men or government. It can only exist in the mind of the individual, and can only survive if the individual is responsible for himself, and not dependent on being ‘governed.’ This is the exact and true meaning of anarchy; no rule.

Voluntary cooperation and non-aggression are the only things necessary to attain freedom and peaceful co-existence. Nothing less and nothing more. The state can offer neither, as all government is based on, and is pure force. Restrictive laws, licensing, taxation, welfare through redistribution, mandates, aggression, extortion, war, control, power of one over another, enforcement, and all rule and oppression of any kind are completely antithetical to being free. No one can legitimately authorize any other to grant any right they do not possess, which means that no one has a right to vote to have another rule over anyone. Given this truth, the basis of all government is dependent on this immoral delegation of non-existent and fraudulently claimed ‘rights,’ and therefore, government has no right to exist at all.

There is no solution to any problem of life or humanity present in any government or governing structure. In fact, the existence of government in and of itself, destroys any ability to live free. The political process then, is anathema to liberty or anything of value. Government and rule are inherently evil, and only spontaneous societal cooperation and non-violence, leaving others to their own desires, will bring about peace and harmony. So long as no force or aggression is used against any other or their property, and willing participation among peoples is evident, a better world is possible. This is the essence of freedom, and the definition of anarchy. No rule and no rulers; a better way forward.


“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: successdhamala

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth
Regenerating Biodiversity in our farms, forests, and our Gut Microbiome for Zero Hunger and Good – Health for All

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
sourced from Navdanya International
originally published October 22, 2021 at Transcend Media Service



Mother Earth is self-organised. Mother Earth has created and sustained Diversity.

Colonialism transformed Mother Earth, Vasundhara, Pachmama, Terra Madre, into Terra Nullius, the empty earth. Our living, bountiful earth, rich in Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity was reduced to an empty earth. People of the colonised lands were denied their humanity to justify the appropriation of the their lands, their homes, their resources. The Biodiversity of the earth disappeared in the minds of men who reduced the earth to private property to be owned, and raw material to be extracted.

The colonial Monoculture of the Mind separated people from the land, forests from farms, seed from food, food from biodiversity, health and nutrition in order to maximise profits through extractivism. People of colonised cultures and the biodiversity of plants and animals were objectified, enslaved and transformed into the property to be owned.

The colonial industrial paradigm could not tolerate diversity and self organisation and redefined “wild” as place or region uninhabited and uncultivated by humans.

This is clearly a flawed definition. The places and ecosystems recognised as “wild” today are where indigenous people protect nature, the land and biodiversity.

On 22% of land left with the original custodians and guardians, indigenous people protect 80% of biodiversity.

Wild is not the absence of humans, but the loving, compassionate presence of caring communities.

Wild is the opposite of the colonised, enclosed, controlled and exploited, manipulated monocultures and the uniformity.

Wild is where humans are partners of nature, enhancing biodiversity and cultural diversity through co-creativity, respecting the integrity and ecological space of all beings

Wild is self-organised and self-regulated. Wild is living as part of nature, not living in the illusion that we are separate from nature and are her masters and owners. Wild is living in nature’s ways,

Wild societies and cultures respect the integrity of all beings, the sovereignty of all cultures and peoples, and enhance the well-being of all through cooperation, sovereignty, mutuality, and symbiosis. Since the web of life is a food web Rewilding food is the first and most significant step in rewilding the earth, respecting her rights, rejuvenating her biodiversity, her self-organised freedom, her rights.

To regenerate biodiversity and provide more food for more species and more people so no one is hungry, no one is malnourished, no one is sick with chronic diseases, we need to Rewild our minds, our food and food systems.

As Albert Howard observes about Indian and Chinese agriculture in the Agriculture testament,

“In the agriculture of Asia we find ourselves confronted with a system of peasant farming which in essentials soon became stabilised. What is happening today in the small fields of India and China took place many centuries ago. There is here no need to study historical records or pay a visit to the remains of the megalithic farming of the Andes.The agriculture practices of the Orient have passed the supreme test – they are almost as permanent as those of the rival forest, of the prairie or of the ocean.”

Farming like the Forest Is Rewilding

Colonial forestry separated forests from farms and reduced forests to monoculture timber mines, without people, without food. Sacred forests disappeared. Community forests disappeared. Biodiversity and its ecological functions disappeared.

If revenues and profits could not be extracted from land it was declared wasteland by the British even though the forests were rich on biodiversity, local communities were sustained by food from the forests and the waters, and the forests performed vital ecological functions life protection from cyclones. The Sundarbans mangrove forests of India were listed as wastelands in British records.

Farms that had more trees than forests were transformed into Green Revolution monocultures of commodities to maximise profits.

Plants were manipulated to first adapt to external inputs of chemical fertilizers and then genetically engineered to become pesticide factories (Bt toxin GMOs), or resistant to herbicide (Roundup Resistant GMOS). Both applications have failed. Instead of controlling pests, Bt crops have created superpests. Instead of controlling weeds, Roundup-resistant crops have created superweeds.

All sustainable food systems, whether they be the forests, grasslands or farms, have animals integrated in them.

Rewilding food includes undoing the historic injustice to indigenous people and tribals. It includes bringing people and food back into the forests, and trees and animals back on farms.

Rewilding includes rediscovering and regenerating forest foods and wild edibles and creating Food Forests.

This also means not destroying the forest.

It includes taking animals out of factories and putting them back on the land, letting them be free-range, and integrating them back in farming systems, nourishing the plants that feed them.

Rewilding also means regenerating biodiversity on our farms and forests, and rewilding our gut microbiome, our bodies, and our minds.

Nine Principles to follow to Rewild Food, Rewild the Earth and Feed the World

  1. We are part of the web of life, not outside the web. We are members of the Earth Family, other species are our relatives We are not masters and of the Earth, we are not owners of biodiversity. EcoApartheid, the illusion humans being separate from the earth, is at the root of violence against the earth, her biodiversity, her diverse cultures. Returning to our membership in the earth family in our minds and life is the first step of Rewilding. It is a step towards making peace with the earth and creating non violent ecological civilisations.
  2. The web of life is a food web. Food is the currency that flows through the nutrition cycle, nourishing all life. The nutrition cycle is an ecological cycle that weaves the web of life. As an ancient Upanishad states Everything is food, everything is something else’s food”.
  3. Humans are part of the food web, as custodians of biodiversity, as cocreators with other species, as eaters, as growers. Food makes us members of the earth family, nourished by soil micro-organisms, by insects, by plants and animals
  4. Every ecosystem is a home of diverse species. Every ecosystems provides diverse foods to diverse species. Forests, farms and grasslands are interconnected ecologically through the nutrition and water cycle, and cannot be divided and separated.
  5. Self organisation and self regulation is the principle of life and of Rewilding ,from the smallest molecule and cell, to microbes, plants, animals, ecosystems, and Mother Earth herself.
  6. Biodiversity is the organising principle of all living systems and of Rewilding. Biodiversity weaves the web life through interconnections of mutuality and symbiosis. biodiversity produces more food and increases resilience.
  7. The Planet’s Health and our Health is one Health. The Biodiversity in the soil microbiome, the biodiversity of the plants we eat, and the biodiversity in our gut microbiome is one interconnected health.
  8. Rewilding food is rewilding the Earth. The more biodiversity we grow, the more we create conditions for the earth to grow more biodiversity, thus arresting biodiversity loss and species extinction.
  9. The Earth’s Climate system has been created by the living earth through photosynthesis. Climate change is a result of the Earth’s Climate Balance and her self regulation being disrupted through the junk energy from fossil fuels. Rewilding our food and the Earth is a Climate Solution.


Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva at Navdanya International

cover image credit: Jürgen_Bierlein


The views and opinions expressed in articles posted on this site are those of the authors and video creators, and may differ in some way from views of Truth Comes to Light. Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. You’ll get a sense of the positions this site holds in regards to key issues by becoming familiar with the articles we feature and the philosophies we share. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.

Tracked and Traced: The Rise of the Digital Beast

Tracked and Traced: The Rise of the Digital Beast

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Octover 2, 2022


 [Original video available at Justice Centre Rumble channel.]

Do you want to live in a country where Digital ID is a prerequisite for access to essential private and public services? Do you want your physical and financial behaviors to be tracked by governments and corporations? Do you want the government to be able to freeze your bank accounts at the flick of a switch?

Canadians must participate in the conversation about how Canadian governments and businesses ought to use Digital ID. The first step is to become informed about Digital ID and the Charter.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Truth Comes to Light editor’s notes:


Excerpt from speech by Christine Anderson, German Member of European Parliament

The majority of MEPs, for whatever reasons unbeknown to me, obviously support oppression of the people, while claiming shamelessly to do it for the people’s own good.

But it is not the goal that renders the system oppressive. It is always the methods by which the goal is pursued.

Whenever government claims to have the people’s interest at heart, you need to think again. In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people.

Always question everything any government does.

Let’s be clear about one thing. No one grants me freedom; for I am a free person.

It violates constitutionally-guaranteed fundamental rights and it constitutes the first step towards the insufferable Chinese social credit system.


Excerpt from speech by Frederik “Freek” Jansen, Member of the House of Representatives, Netherlands

Imagine, with one button press, that your access to social media can be denied because you spread ‘fake news’. Your driver’s license invalidated because you drive an environmentally unfriendly car. Your plane ticket canceled because you’ve emitted too much CO2. Denied access to public transport because you are unvaccinated.

It may sound unrealistic, but it will all be possible shortly. After all, in June 2021 the European Commission announced plans for a European Digital Identity.

This European Digital ID is an app that saves your personal data centrally. It’s more than a supposed online passport — the EU will have access to your banking information, driving license, diplomas, tax data, social media accounts, eye color, fingerprint and facial features. This is mentioned by the letter from the Secretary of State.

Based on this data, governments and companies can provide or deny access to their products and services. For now, this is supposedly voluntary. But we all know how the Covid QR code turned out. If you don’t have one, your freedom is removed.


Excerpt from video clip by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer

Iran is said to be the first country to roll out a biometric digital ID needed in order to buy food. Needed in order to eat. Right? Needed. In order to survive, you must go get your digital ID from the government. The same digital ID that central banks are telling us are needed in order to roll out the central bank digital currencies.

In two months citizens will be given digital coupons that will give access to a small number of subsidized bread purchases.

Now you can call it digital coupons all you want. What this describes is limiting people to a small number of bread purchases at affordable prices. The bottom line is people aren’t going to eat unless they go to the government and get these digital biometric cards.

It’s planning to expand to cover other foods too. It is the wet dream of technocrats. They don’t want you to eat meat. That’s the bottom line here.

A lot of the agenda that’s described by the Great Reset, the fourth industrial revolution, is being wrapped up in assistance to hungry people — because that’s how they’re ramming this agenda through.

We’re gonna cause a tremendous run up in food prices. When people can’t afford to eat, we will offer them food tied to the exact system of slavery that we’ve been wanting to roll out.

This is a classic problem-reaction-solution, a galleon dialectic played out using the most potent form of controlling people.

As Henry Kissinger said ‘if you control food, you control people’.

The most important part is that that is their goal. It’s to get everyone tracked and traced and tied in. That’s why we have satellites in the sky watching us called climate tracing. That’s why we have biobots in our sewers sampling the waste water to know what we’re eating. They’ve announced these things. They said it wasn’t just for pandemic detection it was for monitoring diets.

The clip above about Iran’s Digital Food Rationing was taken from the excellent work by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer. See that video here:

Connect with Ice Age Farmer


[“Tracked and Traced” video mirrored at TCTL Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels.]

©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

cover image credit: PixxlTeufel

A Big “We Told You So” Moment: Spain Admits to Chemtrail …

A Big “We Told You So” Moment: Spain Admits to Chemtrail …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
September 28, 2022


This story is a big “we told you so moment,” because a major world government, in this case, Spain has apparently admitted to spraying the atmosphere in its airspace with aerosolized heavy metals.  What’s also interesting here is that this article, which was shared by T.M. includes a document or bulletin of Spain’s Ministry of the Interior from 2020, which in turn cites Royal Decrees from the same year:

The Spanish Meteorological Agency has confessed that Spain is being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.

Now in a world where scientismists along with Baal Gates have gone so far as to want to blot out the Sun – what could possibly go wrong? – mere chemtrails seem a bit like yesterday’s apocalypse.  We’ve like so like totally like moved on, like ya know?

Seriously though, there’s something that caught my eye in this article, and I rather suspect it caught T.M.’s eye as well which is possibly why he sent it to me. It’s this:

Spain was the first Western government to officially include ‘chemtrail’ in its Official Gazette. The Spanish Ministry of Health authorized the NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and also the UME to use biocides from the air. A month after the state of alarm was imposed, the Executive justified in the BOE that this technique is one of the “most effective” against the coronavirus since with “nebulization, thermonebulization and micronebulization techniques, all surfaces are reached with speed”.

The Executive also justified that the aforementioned units “have the personal means, materials, procedures and sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfection, since they are operations that they carry out regularly, with the exception that instead of using biocidal products they do so with other decontaminating chemicals.

On May 19, 2015, MEP Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) announced in the European Parliament that four workers from the State Meteorological Agency had confessed that Spain is being sprayed entirely from planes that spread lead dioxide into the atmosphere. , silver iodide and diatomite. The objective, according to the same MEP, would be to keep the rains away and allow temperatures to rise, which creates a summer climate for tourism and, at the same time, helps corporations in the agricultural sector. This, in turn, is producing cold droplets of great intensity. (Emphasis added)

And just to make sure the point is not missed, the article actually cites the Bulletin of the Interior Ministry which in turn cites a Royal Decree:

Order SND/351/2020, of April 16, authorizing the NBC Units of the Armed Forces and the Military Emergency Unit to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection tasks to carry out in the face of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring a state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, contemplates a series of measures aimed at protecting well-being, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.
Article 4.2.d) of the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, determines that, for the exercise of the functions provided for therein and under the superior direction of the President of the Government, the Minister of Health will have the status of delegated competent authority, both in its own area of ​​responsibility and in other areas that do not fall within the specific sphere of competence of the other heads of the departments designated as delegated competent authorities for the purposes of the aforementioned Royal Decree.
Specifically, in accordance with the provisions of article 4.3 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the Minister of Health is empowered to issue the orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within its scope of action as delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect people, goods and places, through the adoption of any of the measures provided for in article eleven of Organic Law 4/1981 , of June 1, of the states of alarm, exception and siege.
For the effective fulfillment of these measures, the delegated competent authorities may require the action of the Armed Forces, in accordance with the provisions of article 15.3 of Organic Law 5/2005, of November 17, on National Defense.
In the field of containing the expansion of the coronavirus, special attention is required for disinfection actions in facilities such as residential social centers, hospitals and other health centers, prisons, traffic management centers and transport hubs, tasks that Armed Forces are performing as one of their priority tasks.
The Ministry of Health has been publishing and updating the list of biocides
to be used against the new coronavirus, authorized and registered in Spain in accordance with the UNE-EN 14476 standard, which evaluates the virucidal capacity of chemical antiseptics and disinfectants. In particular, due to their special effectiveness, some biocides established in main group 1 of article 1.1 of Royal Decree 830/2010, of June 25, which establishes the regulations governing training to carry out treatments with biocides, are specified.

And so on.

One has to admire the cleverness of Mr. Globaloney in “stacking functions,” in this case, his manufactured climate hysteria and his manufactured planscamdemic: chemtrails are now an accepted means of disinfecting a population with “biocides”, and there’s nothing a population can do about it. Next step: aerosolize the quackcines, and dump them en masse on people.

And what a relief, too! Spraying lead dioxide and silver iodide would seem to be the perfect antidote to be spraying to inoculate the population of Spain against Russia=Bad Mr. Putin’s nuclear war threats. Just start spraying some iodine in the atmosphere along with some aerosolize thyroid pills and we’re all set, guys.

There’s another very obvious thing to note as well, though it’s one of those obvious things that one doesn’t notice until it’s pointed out. In the quotation above, the phrase “Royal Decree” is mentioned five times by my count, and that should give everyone pause, because decisions about many people are being made by few people, in this case, bureaucrats and a monarch.

Why… if this sort of thing continues, you’d think Spain was a monarchy or something, and that King Felipe VI was a member of the House of Windsor and Charles’ brother or something…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: Schueler-Design

Controlling Hurricane Ian? — The GeoEngineering Connection

Controlling Hurricane Ian? — The GeoEngineering Connection


Controlling Hurricane Ian?

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
September 29, 2022


Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? The 3+ minute report below reveals critically important puzzle pieces. Please view and share.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, GeoEngineering Watch’s most comprehensive climate engineering documentary.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

This video can be found mirrored at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.

Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:


Is our weather and our climate being manipulated? Examine the data in this short report. Decide for yourself,

Frequency transmission manipulation of hurricanes are patented processes. The technology is not new. The list of weather modification patents numbers into the hundreds and continues to grow.

This is Hurricane Ian passing near the NEXRAD transmission facility in Key West Florida. When the transmission facilities are fully energized, they have a repelling effect on any air mass that has been saturated with electrically-conductive climate-engineering elements.

Patents call for such seeding into storms to be carried out from above by jet aircraft. The NEXRAD transmission network then interacts with the storm air mass determining where a storm will migrate and where it won’t.

As Hurricane Ian is allowed to make landfall, the frequency transmission facility in Melbourne, Florida is fully engaged. This effectively slows Ian’s migration inland.

The transmissions can diminish precipitation in some regions while augmenting it in others.

“It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather. And he who controls the weather will control the world” – [excerpt from speech by Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962)]

Weather modification (climate engineering) patent holders like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin do all the weather modeling for the nation’s weather forecasting personnel — the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both agencies have an illegal federal gag order on their personnel.

The scheduled weather forecasting scripts are then passed all the way down to the local meteorologist level. The official narrative must be controlled. All must follow the same script.

Is it any wonder that the script readers miraculously know up to a week in advance that a storm like Ian, which was completely unorganized, a massive convection migrating across the Atlantic, would end up where it did? The same with Hurricane Harvey, Sandy and so many others.

The U. S. military first officially deployed hurricane manipulation operations 75 years ago. Project Cirrus — disastrous results were reported. In 1962 Project Stormfury surfaced as a continuation of the U. S. military’s hurricane manipulation efforts.

During the 1960s, the U. S. military continued to expand its weather warfare efforts and knowledge in Vietnam with Project Popeye. Historical fact of record.

So the bottom line question is this: Is hurricane manipulation real and ongoing, while illegal gag orders and paid-off politicians are utilized to keep climate intervention operations out of public consciousness?

Connect the dots and decide for yourself.

Sure credible data from a credible source.

Make every day count. Time is not on our side.

This is Dane Wigington from


©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

cover image credit: National Weather Service of Tampa Bay via Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Tom Cowan With Dr. Mark Bailey: “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Could Never Have Been Leaked From a Lab Because No Such Particle Has Been Proven to Exist. Ever.”

Dr. Tom Cowan With Dr. Mark Bailey: “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Could Never Have Been Leaked From a Lab Because No Such Particle Has Been Proven to Exist. Ever.”

by Dr. Tom Cowan
September 22, 2022


Dear friends,

As many of you know, economist Jeffrey Sachs, the head of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission, dropped a bombshell recently when he announced his support for the theory that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 was most likely a leak from a virology lab in Wuhan, China. His assertion follows years of speculation — within the health-freedom community, the halls of Congress and in the popular and scientific press — that such an event took place.

After making this announcement, Sachs was interviewed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., about the circumstances and evidence for this lab-leaked virus. Kennedy is also releasing a new book that purports to lay out the evidence for this theory, and how it proves the duplicity of government officials such as Fauci, who they allege are accomplices in unleashing this plague upon the world.

Other prominent lawyers, doctors and researchers have also publicly endorsed the lab-leak hypothesis. Del Bigtree of the Highwire podcast has even claimed that it’s settled fact that SARS-CoV-2 was created through so-called gain-of-function research, largely funded by Fauci-led government labs. This act, they say, is allegedly the smoking gun, the proof that Covid was and is a “plandemic” organized and funded by the elites to create the conditions to enact the World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset.

While it is not my intention to denigrate the good work done by Kennedy and others in exposing the horrors of the Great Reset agenda and speaking out against restrictions on our freedoms, I strongly encourage them and anyone else to listen to today’s podcast with Dr. Mark Bailey. In doing so, they will hear that a SARS-CoV-2 virus could never have been leaked from a lab because no such particle has been proven to exist. Ever. Not only that, the alleged claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a chimeric virus made from portions of HIV mixed with previously discovered coronaviruses can’t possibly be true because, as you probably already know, neither HIV nor previous “coronaviruses” have themselves been shown to exist.

The most interesting question of all is not the science, as that is easy to demonstrate: No natural, chimeric, lab-created or any other type of SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist. The question is, why this story? The answer might have come from Sachs himself, who in a long follow-up article essentially came to the conclusion that, as a result of discovering this lab leak, whether purposeful or accidental, it is no longer possible to trust national governments or virology labs to police themselves. They have been proven to be corrupt, sloppy and untrustworthy. His solution? We must put the oversight of all virology labs and, perhaps someday, of all “science” labs under the gentle and careful guidance of the World Health Organization and related supranational bodies.

I was absolutely shocked to read this purported solution. To centralize control of scientific experimentation in the WHO, an unelected and unaccountable body that pushed the effort to vaccinate most of humanity and drove the disastrous lockdown policies worldwide, would create an even bigger monster to battle. It now feels urgent for the health-freedom community to rigorously investigate the whole story of SARS-CoV-2 in particular and virology in general. As Mark and I point out in this podcast, the health-freedom promulgators of the lab-leak theory now have two options. First, they can demonstrate how they know that HIV, the original coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 exist, and then show how this chimeric lab-created virus was spread throughout the world. Or, they can investigate further the scientific evidence of virology’s catastrophic and obvious lies.

Their response to this request will help demonstrate whether a “unity conference” as proposed by Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense is a real possibility. My sincere hope is that those in the medical-freedom community have simply misunderstood the science of virology.

All the best,

 Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel. [Mirrored copies available at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.]


Read and download at the Bailey’s website (Mark & Samantha Bailey):



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Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About the Great Reset & Nothing Else.

Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About the Great Reset & Nothing Else.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
September 28, 2022


Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe.

As a result, large amounts of natural gas were leaking into the Baltic sea, and supplies through the pipeline were completely shut off.

The alleged incident has caused a furious round of blame tennis, with accusations flying back and forth across what – for the sake of simplicity – we’ll call Iron Curtain 2.0.

The European Union has claimed the pipes were “sabotaged”, but doesn’t directly blame anyone in their statement.

The Telegraph is already blaming actively the Russians, specifically Western Bogeyman President Vladimir Putin. Headlining “Why Putin would want to blow up Nord Stream 2, and the advantages it gives him”

On the flip side, the Russians have said the idea they would sabotage their own pipeline is “stupid”

Some Western alternate media have pointed to Joe Biden’s vow to totally shut down Nordstream 2 back in February as a sign the US was behind the alleged attack.

The former Polish defence minister has come right out and said that NATO forces blew up the pipeline, according to Forbes.

The question – one it seems I keep asking the last two years – is “does it really matter?”

Maybe the Americans blew it up.
Maybe the Russians blew it up.
Maybe someone else blew it up.
Or maybe nobody blew it up, and the entire story is a fabrication.

Whatever the truth may be, the end result remains the same. Gas and electricity will be more expensive. There will be a huge push to turn to “renewables”, talk about “climate catastrophe”, and maybe even be energy rationing and/or blackouts.

People will freeze, starve and probably die this winter. That has always been part of the plan, what reason is there to think this “attack” is anything but more of the same?


Everyone is abuzz with talk of who did what, and asking “Was it sabotage?”

But the simple answer to that is “yes, of course it was.”

No matter the exact specific details of the situation, the Nordstream explosion was definitely an act of sabotage.

The same sabotage we’ve been seeing for two years.

The sabotage of our entire way of life, by people who would profit both monetarily and politically from a sea-change in the way our society is structured.

The sabotage that leads to faking a pandemic, gutting our healthcare, locking us in our homes and ruining our businesses.

The sabotage of our economy, our society and our very bodies.

The sabotage of us, by them.


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cover image credit: Samuel Bailey, Wikimedia Commons

Oracle Films Documentary: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)

Oracle Films Documentary: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)

by Oracle Films
September 28, 2022


Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Video available at Oracle Films Odysee and YouTube channels.


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cover image is a screenshot from Safe and Effective documentary

The views and opinions expressed in articles posted on this site are those of the authors and video creators, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Truth Comes to Light. Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: (September 28, 2022) A Statement Regarding the Events of the Past Few Weeks

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: (September 28, 2022) A Statement Regarding the Events of the Past Few Weeks

by Reiner Fuellmich
September 28, 2022


Original video available at Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel.

Video mirrored at TCTL BitChute, Odysee & Brighteon channels.

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

by Children’s Health Defense
Mary Holland, CHD president with David Rasnick, PhD biochemist and Mike Wallach, creator “The Viral Delusion”
September  26, 2022


Mary Holland takes on the controversial subject of whether the existence of the COVID virus + other viruses, like the HIV virus – have been thoroughly proven. She brings on two guests, David Rasnick, Ph.D. and filmmaker of the series ‘The Viral Delusion’ Mike Wallach, to discuss this topic and educate viewers on the truth behind ‘public health’ and those in power who control it. Don’t miss this episode!

©September 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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[Mirrored copies of the video are available at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.]’

Excerpt from the documentary trailer:

“For two years, the world has wondered whether the virus that changed our lives emerged from nature or if it leaked from a lab. But a third perspective has been growing among doctors and scientists, that there never was a virus at all. That a host of various sicknesses were repackaged and sold to the public as virally caused without any such proof in scientific papers. Their perspective just might change everything we thought we knew. This is their shockingly compelling story.”

Watch the documentary “The Viral Delusion”:



Books mentioned:

Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children by Louise Kuo Habakus, Mary Holland

Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk

DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology by Jim West

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey

Also mentioned is the work of David Crowe in regards to the covid pandemic narrative and his prior work in exposing the erroneous AIDS narrative. See video: Rethink All Viruses, by David Crowe and Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe (available via or view and download here.]

See related:

The Viral Delusion (2022) Docu-Series: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & the Madness of Modern Virology

And for Women Turning Into Men, Here’s Your Surgery in a Nutshell

And for Women Turning Into Men, Here’s Your Surgery in a Nutshell
Here are excerpts, to give you the flavor of doctors at work, doing their duty for humanity in the New Normal

by Jon Rappoport
September 26, 2022


There’s a story about a man who wakes up one day and suddenly remembers he used to be a woman. He looks down at his dick and realizes it was INSTALLED at some point.

I don’t know how the story ends, but I can imagine a number of cards in that deck.

Anyway, when a woman wants to have a dick and balls, she needs surgery. Phalloplasty.

Johns Hopkins has an excellent article on the subject: “Phalloplasty for Gender Affirmation”

Here are excerpts, to give you the flavor of doctors at work, doing their duty for humanity in the New Normal:

Phalloplasty involves using skin flaps, which are areas of skin moved from one area of the body to another. The skin flap is then reshaped, contoured and reattached to the groin to create the penis. There are three approaches the surgeon may use to construct the penis, using skin from the arm (radial forearm free flap [RFFF]), leg (anterolateral thigh flap) or side (latissimus dorsi flap).

[I hope they’re good sculptors. You wouldn’t want a dick that looks like Pinocchio’s nose or a table lamp.]

The first stage of an RFFF approach is creating the penis using tissue from the forearm. The area where the forearm tissue is taken will require a skin graft. This may occur at the time of the initial phalloplasty surgery, or it may occur three to five weeks afterward. If it occurs later, patients will have a temporary skin covering over the forearm to help it heal.

[No doubt more tissue is better than less. Why not go for heroic?]

The second stage, scheduled about five to six months later, may include lengthening the urethra to allow for urination out of the tip of the penis, creating the scrotum and removing the vagina, and other procedures…

[From where else are you going to urinate? Your eyes? ‘Removing’ the vagina sounds like stage magic.]

The third stage of surgery involves putting in place testicle implants and an erectile device to help the patient achieve an erection. The third stage typically takes place 12 months after the second.

[An erectile device. It turns on and off? By pressing a button? It’s a small water wheel and a pulley?]

Penis size depends on patient preferences and the skin flap harvested from your body. Thinner patients with less fat on the skin flap will have a penis with less girth. Alternatively, patients with a greater amount of fat will have a thicker penis.

[Hold on. Fat women have an advantage. I’m not sure that’s socially acceptable. Thin women are an underserved disadvantaged community. Is the Girth Debate being censored on Twitter?]

The length of the penis depends on the patient’s donor site, but typically it is about 5–6 inches. After the first stage, the penis may decrease in size as postoperative swelling decreases and the tissue settles into its new location.

[Decrease from what to what? Don’t gloss this over.]

There are different ways to create the scrotum, including a procedure called V-Y scrotoplasty, a technique that creates a pouch to hold testicular implants. AART silicone round carving blocks have been approved by the FDA to be used as implants.

[Feel my pouch, baby. Feel my carving block.]

If it is important for you to urinate out of the tip of your penis, then urethral lengthening may be a good choice for you. If sensation is most important, your team will focus on a donor site with good nerve innervation. If penetrative sex is most important, and you would like to maintain an erection, then implanting an erectile prosthetic can be part of your surgery plan.

[My God, man, aren’t all these outcomes absolutely necessary, considering the extensive surgical rooting around and slicing and dicing that’s going on down there?]

…a urologist can place a prosthetic erectile device which will allow you to maintain an erection. As of September 2022, no implantable prosthetic devices have been FDA-approved for phalloplasty. Instead, the surgeon can use a device intended for patients with erectile dysfunction to allow transmasculine patients to achieve an erection. There is a risk of infection and implant rejection with an erectile implant. If this happens, it may take six months before another device can be placed into the penis.

[Rejection is an unpleasant term. Isn’t there a softer way to say this? And what woman turning into a man wouldn’t want an erection? Isn’t that the whole point of the lacerating and the construction crew? Are you saying there’s a good chance she’ll get infection and rejection instead of erection? (That sounds like Jesse Jackson.)]

Clitoral burying involves moving the clitoris into the base of the penis to increase sensation. This is typically done at stage 2.

[Moving? We need more detail. And burying? Is there a graveside service conducted by a pastor?]

Orgasm is possible after phalloplasty, especially if your surgery plan emphasizes preserving sensation. It is important to note that your penis will not ejaculate with semen at the time of orgasm.

[What WILL it ejaculate with? Windex?]

As mob boss Hyman Roth says to mob boss Michael Corleone in Godfather II, “This is the business we’ve chosen.”

Of course, a woman could just SAY she’s a man and save herself a great deal of complication. That would also earn her status as a lesbian who wants to have sex with other women. Just a thought.

Reading between the lines of the Hopkins article, I have the impression problems might arise. Wilting erection, unsatisfactory sex, etc. I don’t know whether reversing the reversal and going back to where it all started is possible, but since the surgeons are already doing the full phalloplasty, who knows what else they might try?

“He wants to be Sally again, Doctor.”

“I’ll give it a whack. She might wind up urinating out of her ear, though. We could run a tube down to a bag and have a UPS carrier pick it up every day.”

There are philosophic questions. If the sexual sensations of the surgically altered Sally who is now Harry are physically hooked up to the clitoris, then is the new Harry experiencing something male or female?

Tune in next week, when phalloplastic surgeon and NeoPlastic scholar, Sid Marcus, CEO of We Build It and You Might Come, Inc., offers his insights from the ADX Florence Supermax, where he is serving consecutive life sentences on an unrelated charge.

— Jon Rappoport



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cover image credit: geralt

Seven Days in May and the Military Coup Plot Against JFK

Seven Days in May and the Military Coup Plot Against JFK

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
Septemer 26, 2022


I recently published an essay (and short documentary) titled ‘Why Assume There Will be a 2024 Election?’ featuring the courageous intervention by a patriotic American General Smedley Butler who risked everything to stop a fascist coup d’etat sponsored by Wall Street financiers in 1934.

However this was not the last time that a military coup was nearly launched to overthrow a nationalist president during the 20th century.

The danger of World War and a military coup arose again during the short lived administration of FDR-admirer John F. Kennedy who found himself locked in a life or death struggle not with Russia, but with the Military Industrial Complex that had become dominated by the many Dr. Strangeloves of the Joint Chief of Staff and CIA who fanatically believed that America could win a nuclear war. JFK’s disdain for the military industrial complex and deep state parasite that took over control of much of the USA after FDR’s untimely death, and did everything he could between his time as congressman after WWII to his 900 days as President to restore his party and nation to FDR’s principles both at home and abroad.

These figures had even pushed fanatically to start a hot war with Russia during the Cuban Missile crisis and despised Kennedy’s threats to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”.

Kennedy’s valiant efforts to achieve dialogue with his Soviet counterparts, move towards peace in Vietnam, support of colonial liberation, promotion of space exploration and advocacy of a Nuclear Test Ban treaty made him a target of the Deep State of his time.

During this period, this effort was led from the top by JFK’s two most powerful American opponents: Allan Dulles (director of the CIA) and General Lyman Lemnitzer (head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), both of whom were proponents of pre-emptive nuclear war, architects of the Bay of Pigs regime change trap and advocates of Operation Northwoods (an ultimate “inside job” precursor to 9/11 which JFK and his brother subverted).

As historian Anton Chaitkin recently reported“Lemnitzer had displayed what his faction viewed as his qualifications for this role back in August 1960, when, as Army chief of staff, he announced that the Army was all ready to “restore order” in the United States after a nuclear war with the Soviet Union—to bring back normalcy just as the military does after a flood or a riot”

This plot was detailed in a quasi-fictional book written by investigative journalists Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey published in 1962 entitled Seven Days in May and swiftly made into a famous film with unprecedented support by JFK himself who gave the film crew and director John Frankenheimer full access to the White House, advisors and materials.

In the story, a patriotic lieutenant played by Kirk Douglas discovers the plans for the coup which is scheduled to take place during a vast military drill led by General James Mahoon Scott played by Burt Lancaster.

The plan involves “initiates” beholden to General Mahoon Scott stationed throughout the entire leadership of the US military which intends to use the drill as a cover for installing General Scott as a fascist leader and ousting a peace-making President Lyman (possibly a not-so-subtle ironical reference to the figure of General Lyman Lemnizer) who is close to finalizing a de-armament treaty with Russia.

Under this planned scenario, President Lyman will be incapacitated in a bunker while the new military regime who disapproves of the President’s naive soft approach to Russia, takes over America.

Tragically, where the lieutenant is able to expose the plot and save the constitution, by the time of the film’s 1964 release, JFK had been deposed by other means.

Now 58 years later, history has begun to repeat itself with distinctly 21st century characteristics… and a viral twist.

Today, a new systemic meltdown of a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble has similarities to the 1929 crash and other similarities to the 1923 hyperinflation of Weimar. What particular spark might be used to unleash a blowout of the systemic bubble economy now teetering on the brink of meltdown, one thing is certain: a turn towards a bankers’ run military dictatorship made possible by Biden’s NDAA 2022 should be taken more seriously than ever.

So rather than stressing about who might be on the 2024 ballot, it is wiser to ask the question: Where are the patriots today who have the ability and wits to subvert a new attempt at a global bankers’ dictatorship?

Appendix: I just discovered that John Frankenheimer’s Seven Days is currently available to watch for free on YouTube. I’m not sure how long this will be accessible, so if the link below fails at any point, you can find a more reliable (albeit not free) link here.

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Mirrored copies of Seven Days in May can also be found on BitChute. See here and here and here and here. If those disappear, try searching for it at BitChute, Odysee, Rumble or other alternative video channels.]


Connect with Matthew Ehret

cover image credit: The Daily Californian via Wikimedia Commons

“They Do”: This Is What Has Become of Identity Politics and Marriage.

They Do
This Is What Has Become of Identity Politics and Marriage

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 25, 2022


Connect with Jerm Warfare

“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

by James Corbett
September 24, 2022


Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures us that switching to renewables will actually save us trillions of dollars!

You heard that right. It won’t cost us trillions of dollars to build out a completely new global energy grid infrastructure based on technology that is still under development and then switch the entire global economy onto it. No, don’t be silly! It’s going to save us trillions of dollars. TRILLIONS, I tell you!

Now, I know what some of you skeptical Corbett Reporteers out there are thinking: how can that be? After all, as The Manhattan Contrarian blog points out in a recent post on the “Cost of the Green Energy Transition,” the disruption to the European gas supply caused by the Ukraine kerfuffle is already wreaking havoc on Europe’s economy, with Germans bracing for a 13% rise in their regulated consumer gas bills this year and UK residents facing a near tripling of their own energy bills. And that’s before the Great Resetters start shutting off the pipes for real and forcing the hoi polloi on to the wind/solar/unicorn fart “green” energy grid.

But why believe the actual economic pain you’re experiencing (heating your own home this winter) when your Oxfordian overlords have big, fat reports (that no one will read) telling you how much money will be saved by switching over to a green energy grid? After all, the BBC and MSN and Nature World News are tripping all over themselves to repeat these findings unquestioningly, so who are you to bring up any of the pesky “facts” that contradict this comforting fairy tale?

Oh, OK, I’ll drop the act. The latest Oxford study—along with the many similar pronouncements made in recent years that the transition onto the green energy grid will be painless (or even profitable)—is easily debunkable propaganda. But it is pernicious propaganda. It’s designed to get the plebes to actively embrace their own enslavement in the name of saving Mother Earth, and—up to this point—it has been remarkably effective in that goal.

In truth, the green energy sustainable enslavement grid is a scam from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pie-in-the-sky pipe dream being sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It’s worse than that. It is a carefully crafted lie that is designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neofeudal plantation in the coming green dystopia.

Want to know the details? Let’s dig in.

The Green Energy Myth

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention these last few decades, but the usual cadre of crimatologists, “activists,” sustainable enslavement-pushing banksters and corrupt politicians are desperately trying to sell the public on the idea that windmills, solar panels and unicorn farts are a magical pixie dust capable of transforming the human population from greedy, fat-cat crapitalists raping the planet for fun and profit into peace-loving, Kumbaya communists living in perfect harmony with nature.

Believe it or not, they’re lying!

Take the latest Oxford study I referred to above, for instance. Bearing the title “Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition,” it starts by simply assuming the truth of the fundamental lie that the entire green myth is constructed upon: “Rapidly decarbonizing the global energy system is critical for addressing climate change.”

This is, of course, not true, as I have demonstrated time and time and time and time and time and time and time again. (And again and again and again and again.)

But, after simply stating this bald-faced lie as fact, the Oxfordian boffins then have the gall to urinate on your face and tell you it’s raining: “Compared to continuing with a fossil fuel-based system, a rapid green energy transition will likely result in overall net savings of many trillions of dollars—even without accounting for climate damages or co-benefits of climate policy.”

As always, I encourage you to read the report for yourself to see how they fabricate the so-called “evidence” for this surprising “conclusion”—though I’m sure you can imagine most of their tricks before you even open the link. First, they abuse blatantly bias-prone models to “estimate” (read: make up) future energy system costs, which, they freely admit, “will change with time due to innovation, competition, public policy, concerns about climate change, and other factors.”

Then, after gazing into their magical crystal ball and seeing whatever they want to see with regard to future costs, they use “probabilistic methods” to “view energy pathways through the lens of placing bets on technologies.” I kid you not, this “empirically grounded” and totally “scientific” study tells us, in effect, that if we’re betting men we should put all our chips on green . . . “green” energy, that is. Go on, read it for yourself.

But here’s the rub: these types of “scientific” studies only come off as believable to the most credulous Joe Sixpacks and Jane Soccermoms out there, the type who get their news from CNN and believe everything Al Gore tells them. These pithy platitudes promising perfectly painless energy transitions—even when they are dressed up in the language of empiricism and bear the imprimatur of Oxford University—are not credible in the least to anyone with a technical background in these areas.

Indeed, the Oxford study and similar utopian predictions of green energy transitions rely on a stream of untenable assumptions and faulty logic. For example, as Manhattan Contrarian points out in his blog post on “Cost of the Green Energy Transition,” the Oxford researchers take the downward price trend of lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries over the past two decades and extrapolate those figures out based on the assumption that they will continue falling indefinitely without limit. As the study even explicitly says, “We know of no empirical evidence supporting floor costs [on green technology deployment] and do not impose them.”

This is so certifiably insane it’s difficult to know where to begin. First, let’s interrogate the actual economic argument here, shall we?

The researchers tip their hand when they show the current (2020) price of li-ion batteries as being about $100/kWh and “forecast” that it will drop to about $20/kWh by 2050. In actuality, the 2020 price for such batteries is (according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) about $350/kWh (see Figure ES-2), and those prices are predicted to drop to about $150/kWh by 2050. If that forecast is accurate, the actual 2050 price for li-ion batteries would still be 50% higher than the “current” price used in the Oxford study model.

The discrepancy between these figures, Manhattan Contrarian points out, “appears to lie mainly in elements of a real-world battery installation other than the core battery itself, like a building to house it, devices to convert AC to DC and back, grid connections, ‘balance of plant,’ and so forth.” In other words, the study’s authors didn’t look in any way at the real-world cost of actually installingconnectingusing and maintaining these batteries; they simply looked at the raw cost of the battery itself and ignored the rest.

This methodology becomes even more problematic when you learn that Energy & Environmental Science actually published a study in 2018 estimating the real-world cost of installing and running a lithium-ion battery storage system capable of handling a US energy grid that ran on 80% wind and solar. Their conclusion? It would cost a staggering $2.5 trillion to get such a system up and running! Oddly, the Oxford study doesn’t take these costs into account at all. They just tell you that the battery price will fall to $20/kWh and leave it at that.

And what of the materials required to construct these lithium-ion batteries and solar panels and windmills and other green energy components? In case you were under the impression that the components for these technologies just magically materialized out of fairy dust in an environmentally-friendly way and then disappeared back into the ether after these installations break down, here’s a 72-minute reality check from Simon Michaux, an associate professor of geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland, in which he argues that:

The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought. Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls. Exploration for more at required volumes will be difficult, with this seminar addressing these issues.

Perhaps this is why, in point of fact, lithium prices are surging right now, with prices tripling in the last year in places like China, not plummeting as the Oxford study predicts.

But the green energy myth goes well beyond the argument from economic impracticality.

It isn’t just that, in direct contradiction to the hogwash put out by the Oxford researchers and their ilk, such a transition will not save us trillions of dollars but actually cost us trillions of dollars.

And it isn’t just that—as country after country after country is now finding out—the transition to green energy production is pushing people further into poverty as they struggle to pay their increasing energy bills.

It’s not even that the green energy transition is provably already putting a strain on power grids that are struggling to keep up with electricity demand.

It’s that these “green” energy systems are not really green at all. In fact, wide-scale implementation of these renewable power technologies is actively harmful to the environment.

Take those lithium-ion batteries we examined earlier. The lithium for these batteries comes from a mining process that is wreaking untold havoc on habitats around the world. In Chile, for example, a full 65% of the water in the region surrounding the Salar de Atacama salt flat is being consumed by lithium miners, who require 500,000 gallons of water for every tonne of lithium produced. And in Tibet, a toxic chemical leak from a lithium mine caused a mass die-off of fish and livestock in a nearby villlage, sparking mass protests.

And that’s to say nothing about the bevy of toxic materials found in solar panels that leach into the environment and will eventually need to be disposed of. Or the long-known fact that wind turbines “take a toll on birds,” contributing to hundreds of thousands of avian deaths every year in the US alone. Or the oft-neglected environmental destruction that will come from clearing the millions of acres of land that will be required to run the solar and wind farms of the Oxfordians increasingly dystopian vision.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Yes, there is much more that could (and should!) be written about the green energy myth, but let’s boil it down to a soundbite for those poor souls suffering from today’s short attention span: So-called “green” energy is not about saving the planet. It’s about controlling the planet.

The Green Energy Reality

I realize a certain portion of the population—having been programmed by half a century of over-the-top, anti-human propaganda—will have a single, predictable, knee-jerk reaction to anyone deconstructing the green energy myth: “You must be a Big Oil shill!”

It’s particularly funny when the accusation is leveled at me, since I literally wrote the documentary on How Big Oil Conquered the World.

But even more to the point, I wrote the documentary on Why Big Oil Conquered the World, and those who have seen that documentary will know that the greatest trick the oligarchy ever pulled was convincing the public that all they were concerned with was oil. As those who delve deeply into the subject inevitably discover, the takeover of the world by these well-connected oiligarchs wasn’t about oil at all. It was about power.

This is precisely why the Rockefellers have divested from oil and why Saudi Arabia is trying to pivot to their robot citizens and Neom nonsense and why BP and Exxon and all the other members of the oiligarchy are setting “net zero” pledges. It’s because the green energy system of the future (and thus the global economy that relies on it) will be even more strictly controlled in the future, and those who are bringing this controlled, technocratic slave state of the future into reality are seeking to monopolize and control the resources of the earth.

To understand what is really happening here, we have to look past the low-level green energy propaganda that is meant for the fluoride-addled normies to lap up and look to the higher-level propaganda that is intended to bring the New World Order middle management up to speed on the new power paradigm. As usual, there’s no better place to turn for precisely that type of propaganda than the pages of Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations. In a recent article on “The Green Upheaval,” they plainly admit what the green energy push is really about: “Talk of a smooth transition to clean energy is fanciful: there is no way that the world can avoid major upheavals as it remakes the entire energy system, which is the lifeblood of the global economy and underpins the geopolitical order.”

No, the green energy transition is not going to be a happy clappy cakewalk into a fantasy future, as the activists promise. And that particular rainbow will not lead to a multi-trillion dollar pot of gold, as the Oxfordians promise. What it will do is radically upend the lives and livelihoods of every person on the planet by taking away the one thing that has done more than anything else in all of human history to empower the population to proclaim their independence from the oligarchs: access to cheap energy.

Yes, the renewable energy grid will utterly fail to provide the energy needed to power our modern postindustrial society. That’s precisely the point. By making energy even more scarce, those with their hands on the energy spigot will have the ultimate control over society, deciding when, where and how to allocate scarce energy supplies to the public. Europeans who are wondering how they will be able to afford to heat their homes and businesses this winter are just starting to understand what this new “green” economy will really look like for those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

It is not difficult to discern the contours of the world that these energy transition advocates are driving us towards. It is a world in which all of the things we take for granted—the ability to travel freely, to buy and sell independently, to heat our own homes and even to turn on a lightbulb—will be privileges carefully rationed by our neofeudal overlords.

Think you’ll be able to control the thermostat in your own home once the new economic overlords have their “smart” “green” energy grid in place? Think again.

Think you’ll be able to eat as you normally do once the green mafia is in power? Think again.

Think you’ll be able to use your hard-earned digital energy credits to buy whatever you like or travel wherever you want in the technocratic tyranny of the future? Think again.

Welcome to the Green Leap Forward, where you will own nothing, live in a hovel, face the possibility of freezing to death every winter and struggle to make ends meet . . . but you’ll be happy! After all, you’ll be allowed to eat ze bugs and use the energy ration that the global government doles out for you each day. And if that’s not enough, then you can keep warm by vigorously patting yourself on the back for helping protect humanity from the wrath of the weather gods. You’re saving the earth!

Where We Go From Here

If you’re here reading these words, then perhaps you already know where the green energy myth is taking us. You know about the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 and the push for a global technocracy.

You probably even know precisely how they’re going to convince the public to go along with this insanity. You know about the “green” propaganda and the “sustainable development” scam, and you know that the climate scam will be the cornerstone for the global carbon tax that will be the backbone of the de facto global government.

Perhaps you take hope from the resistance to this green enslavement agenda that is taking shape around the world. Perhaps you take comfort seeing the Dutch farmers and the Sri Lankan farmers and the Argentinian farmers and the Irish farmers and their farmer friends around the globe rising up. Perhaps you take heart knowing that, with so many livelihoods being threatened by this sick, anti-human agenda, the agenda will be derailed. Or perhaps you take pity on the slumbering masses who are finally starting to rise in protest on the streets of Prague and Leipzig and London.

The slumbering masses are awakening!

I, too, think that these movements are, overall, a positive development . . .

. . . but by themselves they are not enough. What are the farmers protesting for, after all? The right to dump glyphosate and other toxic chemicals on their GMO crops? And what are energy price protesters hoping to accomplish, exactly? Are they merely demanding that the government step in with more subsidies and price controls to ease the economic burden of the oh-so-necessary green energy transition?

No, unless and until we start confronting this myth at its roots, we will continue to plunge headlong into the dystopic nightmare of the Great Resetters and their ilk.

Yes, we do need an alternative energy system to power the economy of free humanity. We do need to abandon the system that chains our economic livelihood to the whims of the oil cartel and puts us at the mercy of the government-sanctioned energy cartel. We do need a decentralized system that takes advantage of every technological development for creating and storing our own power, so we can truly get off the grid.

But that is not what is being sold to us in the name of the green energy hoax. The pushers of the Agenda 2030 nightmare do not want us to be independent and free; they want us to be even more tightly controlled and surveilled than before.

Green energy is a scam. It has nothing to do with saving the planet. It has everything to do with artificially limiting our access to power and thus making the population more dependent than ever on the oligarchs and their systems of control. We must reject this racket, and all of the pseudoscientific nonsense that is being used to push it on the public.

Spread the word. That’s how you can really save the planet.

The Corbett Report is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support the work of James Corbett, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Subscribe here:


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Criticism of the Pharma Cartel and Its ‘Business With Disease’ Is Becoming Mainstream

Criticism of the Pharma Cartel and Its ‘Business With Disease’ Is Becoming Mainstream

by Paul Anthony Taylor, Dr. Rath Health Foundation
September 23, 2022


In his classic nineteenth century novel ‘War and Peace’ Russian writer Leo Tolstoy observed that “the strongest of all warriors are…time and patience.” I was reminded of these words recently when coming across an article in the Dutch newspaper NRC which called for the drug industry to be abolished. The article echoed words from a quarter of a century ago, contained in a speech given in the city hall of Chemnitz in Germany, in which physician and scientist Dr. Matthias Rath called for the pharma business to be outlawed. Explaining how its profits depend upon the maintaining and expanding of health problems on a global scale, Dr. Rath accused the ‘business with disease’ of being incompatible with the fundamental principles of human rights. Back in 1997, this type of open criticism of the drug industry and its unscrupulous business model was almost unheard of. Today, however, with the passage of time, the publication of the NRC article illustrates that it is becoming mainstream.

Authored by Dutch political scientist Joost Smiers, the NRC article describes how society is now at the mercy of the pharma business and its shareholders. “As far as I am concerned,” Smiers writes, “it is high time to break the societal feeling of powerless towards Big Pharma.”

Asking whether we still need drug companies, Smiers says that in his opinion the answer is “no.” Clearly, when such thoughts are published in a mainstream European daily newspaper, there can be no doubt that we are living in changing times.

Making pharma obsolete

Pointing out that research into medicines can be done separate from the pharma industry, at universities and other independent research institutes, Smiers argues that substantial research funds should be established, fed from public funds, with independent committees deciding which diseases and researchers funding should be directed towards. Smiers stresses the importance of these committees functioning at arm’s length from governments. Crucially, he also proposes that alternative health therapies such as vitamins could benefit from this approach.

Just as importantly, Smiers stresses that all knowledge resulting from medicines research should be publicly and freely available. Mirroring the long-time position held by Dr. Rath and our Foundation, he adds that there should be no more patents involved – thus avoiding the present situation whereby patent owners have a monopoly on the use, or non-use, of scientific knowledge.

Smiers further addresses another key barrier to the ethical functioning of healthcare systems, namely, the sale price of medicines. Here, he proposes that companies paid to manufacture medicines resulting from independently funded research should provide them at cost. A levy could then be added on top of this low price to help fund future research projects. In this way, Smiers explains, the commercial weight of pharma industry shareholders and marketing can be eliminated. Ultimately, he sees the pharma industry being bought out or expropriated, and essentially being made obsolete.

Smiers readily acknowledges that drug firms based in the major pharmaceutical manufacturing countries will not let any of these things happen silently. He points out however that today’s pharmaceutical companies are “horrifyingly powerful monopolists,” adding that “they are not loved, to put it mildly,” and that this creates opportunities.

“If we make Big Pharma obsolete,” writes Smiers, “we kill several birds with one stone. Healthcare becomes more affordable. All the knowledge needed to develop medicines will no longer be surrounded by patents but will return from private to public ownership. Moreover, access to medicine will once again become a human right, and no longer the plaything of Big Pharma shareholders. They have no business in our health care system. They should stay far away from it.”

A new era in medicine

Smiers’ article clearly echoes some of the key ideas and concepts contained in Dr. Rath’s 1997 Chemnitz speech. Prior to Dr. Rath giving this speech, it was practically unheard of for anyone to publicly accuse the drug industry of being the main obstacle to medical breakthroughs in the control of diseases. As a result, the fact that pharmaceutical companies have a direct financial interest in the continued existence of diseases was simply not widely appreciated at that time.

Not only did Dr. Rath’s Chemnitz speech open the floodgates to more widespread criticism of the drug industry and its business model, however, it also introduced people to the possibility that, by taking advantage of new discoveries in the field of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes were now preventable through natural health approaches based on the use of vitamins and other micronutrients. In doing so, this laid the foundations for a new system of healthcare in which, as a first step, the preservation and improvement of health should be declared an inalienable human right. Towards achieving this goal, Dr. Rath stressed the importance of subjecting medical research and the licensing of drugs to a comprehensive system of public control.

Following the publication of Joost Smiers’ article in the Dutch newspaper NRC it is now clear that, a quarter of a century after Dr. Rath gave his historic Chemnitz speech, we stand on the verge of a new era in medicine. Abolishing the pharmaceutical industry is a prerequisite for transforming healthcare and making access to it a human right. The sooner we can reach this worthy goal, the better it will be for all of humankind.


Paul Anthony Taylor is Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings.


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Government Pushs a “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets at Will & Enslave Humanity

Government Pushs a “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets at Will & Enslave Humanity

by Mac Slavo, SHTFplan
September 24, 2022


The digital dollar is the endgame. No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, this will be the permanent and inescapable enslavement the ruling classes of the globe desperately need in order to remain in power.

You will own nothing, while a handful of people will own everything. You will exist if they allow it, be stolen from if they don’t like what you said, and be ruled over in a dystopia that makes our current situation pale in comparison.

Collapse Incoming? Pope Francis Orders Holy See to Transfer ALL Assets to Vatican Bank

A “white paper” published on the White House website calls for the creation of a “digital dollar” that, of course, will be controlled by the ruling class.  Much like the Federal Reserve currently has the sole role and responsibility to develop and print fiat currency with which they already control the population to some extent. But the difference here is that if all money was digital, the government and central banks will be one and the same. They could (and would) monitor our bank accounts; monitor all of our transactions; impose barriers to purchases of certain “unfavored” items, and even block access to our money or limit how much of it we could spend.

They will take what they want, and cut off your ability to spend for as long as they want.

“A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar. While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC,” the White House policy paper notes before touting the digital dollar’s “benefits.”

Of course, they’ve decided to pursue this. We all should know by now that they will need to fully control humanity if they expect to remain in power. Hopefully, enough people will see through this and the agenda will fail. “At last year’s Summit for Democracy, President Biden spoke about the importance of using technology ‘to advance democracies to lift people up, not to hold them down.’ If the U.S. launches its own CBDC, it should advance this democratic vision,” the authors wrote.

In a democracy, you’re supposed to get to choose your master and who to serve. That doesn’t make anyone any less a slave.

We had better figure out how to untie against these sociopaths or we face a very bleak future.


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Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: “Manipulating the Weather Is Part of the Military Arsenal, It Should Be Part of the Climate Discussion”

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: “Manipulating the Weather Is Part of the Military Arsenal, It Should Be Part of the Climate Discussion”

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Elze van Hamelen, Global Research
September 24, 2022


Despite the existence of an extensive literature on weather modification techniques for military purposes, the subject is considered taboo. “The U.S. military states in its documents that it can influence the weather, and both the UN and the EU were concerned about this issue,” explains Canadian emeritus professor Michel Chossudovsky in an interview with De Andere Krant.

“Weather modification techniques should at least be part of the discussion on climate change.” The 1977 UN ‘ENMOD’ convention, on the prohibition of applying weather modification techniques for military purposes, provides a starting point for this.

Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics (emeritus) at the University of Ottawa, is the author of thirteen books, including “The Globalization of Poverty and The New World Order,” “Towards a World War III Scenario: The Dangers of Nuclear War,” and “The Globalization of War, America’s Long War against Humanity. He is the founder of the Center for Research on Globalization, and editor-in-chief of the highly informative site Over the years, he has published several articles that demonstrate, using documents from the US government, EU and UN, that the application of weather modification techniques is not an urban legend.


Elze van Hamelen (Der Andere Krant). In several articles you point out the literature on ‘ENMOD’ – Environmal Modification Techniques for military purposes. Can you give an example?

M.C. One of the most important documents is titled ‘Weather as a Force Multiplier. Owning the Weather in 2025’. The document is significant because the U.S. Air Force here recognizes that owning the weather as a weapon is a military strategy.

Owning the weather was written in 1996, and they state very clearly, I’ll give a literal quote:

“Modification of the weather will most likely become part of national security policy, with national as well as international applications. Our government will pursue this policy at various levels, including unilateral action, participation in the framework of NATO, within the membership of the UN or through participation in another coalition. It can have offensive and defensive applications, as well as being used as a deterrent”.

Weather modification gives the possibility of generating precipitation, or fog or influencing ‘space weather’ (electromagnetic disturbances, ed.).

The paper distinguishes between suppression or intensification of existing weather patterns, and in extreme cases, the creation of totally new patterns, control of storms and even climate change.

Climate scientists make a distinction between weather patterns and the climate, and that changes in the latter are long-term processes. But the moment you start intervening directly in weather processes, of course that also has an effect on climate. They talk about a set of technologies that can create artificial weather. What’s important is that they indicate that the advantage of influencing the weather is that they can intervene in a hostile country without the enemy realizing it.

So, it’s a deliberate method of covert warfare.

Yes, they discuss very openly the characteristics of what weather warfare would look like. By the way, this history goes way back. For example, back during the Vietnam War, “Operation Popeye” was conducted, with the goal of prolonging the monsoon rains, which would have blocked the enemy’s supply routes.

That was over 50 years ago. Back then, chemicals were sprayed for cloud seeding, since then the technology has evolved, and again is probably mainly influenced by HAARP technology.

HAARP, the “High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,” was developed in Alaska in the 1990s. It is a set of antennas that can influence the ionosphere. HAARP is well documented through patents and military documents. So, there is technology that is capable of influencing the ionosphere, and very specifically adapting weather conditions. It is capable of destabilizing agricultural and ecological systems and can cause droughts. This is detailed in the description of the HAARP program. And the climate scientists only focus on carbon and nitrogen emissions in their research!

What kind of weather effects can HAARP cause?

If we go by the literature, almost any kind of weather change – storms, droughts, hurricanes, floods, and even earthquakes are mentioned. In addition, HAARP can also cripple electrical systems and networks, and communications networks. The Airforce report roughly coincided with the publications on the HAARP project. From the documents I have seen, it is clear that HAARP was fully operational in Alaska in the mid-1990s. That particular project was discontinued several years ago, perhaps that technology had become obsolete by now? In the meantime, the installation has most probably been moved other locations.

The researcher Rosalie Bertell wrote that several such installations exist worldwide.

I am not aware of any of these. At the moment, all information about these kinds of technologies is kept secret. This is why I think the 1977 UN Convention is so important. In the “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques,” or for short, the ENMOD Convention, many countries, including the U.S. and the then Soviet Union, agreed at the time not to use such technologies for military purposes. The existence of this convention implies recognition of the existence of these technologies in the public domain, and this should be the basis for demanding research into artificial influence on weather and climate. Then we can also better assess to what extent ENMOD is applied in practice.

I read that it is even claimed that the jet-stream can be influenced.

Yes, that was already known in the 1970s. The ENMOD convention also has a very broad definition of weather modification: “any technique for altering – by deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere or space.”

Do Russia or China possess such weapons?

Yes, Russia has these weapons as well. I think that is what the UN documents say. Whether China has disposal of these weapons I do not know. But suppose they were to use such weapons against each other, it would be devastating. In many ways, these weather weapons are more damaging than military operations because it can literally flatten agriculture or the electricity grid.

What is ironic, in 1996 the Canadian Broadcasting Organization, CBC, aired a special TV program on HAARP, but in this day and age neither the CBC nor any other mainstream channel would seriously discuss this issue.  (See CBC video below).

Questions about HAARP were also raised in the European Parliament at the time, a committee related to security and defense held a public hearing on the subject in 1998. As a result, a resolution was passed. What I mean to say is, the subject of weather and climate influence for military purposes is a subject that people were concerned about, and that was taken seriously at the UN and in the EU. But in the present context, there is no initiative to discuss or investigate this issue, not even by the IPCC. I suspect that one of the reasons for the IPCC’s silence is the so-called climate consensus, because anyone who dares to go against it is immediately blacklisted.


CBC News documentary: HAARP – US military weather weapon


This article was previously published in the reader-funded Dutch newspaper De Andere Krant.



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Corbett Report Flashback: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (2020)

Corbett Report Flashback: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health (2020)

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
September 24, 2022


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FROM 2020: In light of the recent Politico/Welt whitewash on “How Bill Gates and partners used their clout to control the global Covid response — with little oversight,” it’s a good time to re-visit “How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health,” the first part of The Corbett Report’ four part 2020 documentary, Who Is Bill Gates? In this edition of the flashback series, James breaks down how the latest Gates “exposé” from the MSM only further bolsters the mainstream “vaccine” narrative and we refresh our memory about how this serial software scammer became a central figure in the global public “health” space.

To watch the complete Who Is Bill Gates? documentary please go to:



Watch a GERMAN DUB or a RUSSIAN DUB of this documentary.

BILL GATES: Hello. I’m Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft. In this video you’re going to see the future.

SOURCE: Hello, I’m Bill Gates, Chairman of Microsoft

Who is Bill Gates? A software developer? A businessman? A philanthropist? A global health expert?

This question, once merely academic, is becoming a very real question for those who are beginning to realize that Gates’ unimaginable wealth has been used to gain control over every corner of the fields of public health, medical research and vaccine development. And now that we are presented with the very problem that Gates has been talking about for years, we will soon find that this software developer with no medical training is going to leverage that wealth into control over the fates of billions of people.

GATES: [. . .] because until we get almost everybody vaccinated globally, we still won’t be fully back to normal.

SOURCE: Bill Gates on Finding a Vaccine for COVID-19, the Economy, and Returning to ‘Normal Life’

Bill Gates is no public health expert. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go “back to normal.” The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before.

This is the story of How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health.

You’re tuned in to The Corbett Report.

Until his reinvention as a philanthropist in the past decade, this is what many people thought of when they thought of Bill Gates:

NARRATOR: In the case of the United States vs Microsoft, the US Justice Department contended that the software giant had breached antitrust laws by competing unfairly against Netscape Communications in the internet browser market, effectively creating a monopoly. Bill’s first concern was that the prosecution could potentially block the release of his company’s latest operating system, Windows 98.

SOURCE: Bill Gates Defends Microsoft in Monopoly Lawsuit

GATES: Are you asking me about when I wrote this e-mail or what are you asking me about?

DAVID BOIES: I’m asking you about January of ’96.

GATES: That month?

BOIES: Yes, sir.

GATES: And what about it?

BOIES: What non-Microsoft browsers were you concerned about in January of 96?

GATES: I don’t know what you mean: “concerned.”

BOIES: What is it about the word “concerned” that you don’t understand?

GATES: I’m not sure what you mean by it.

SOURCE: Bill Gates Deposition

STEVE JOBS: We’re going to be working together on Microsoft Office, on Internet Explorer, on Java, and I think that it’s going to lead to a very healthy relationship. So it’s a package announcement today. We’re very, very happy about it, we’re very, very excited about it. And I happen to have a special guest with me today via satellite downlink, and if we could get him up on the stage right now.


SOURCE: Macworld Boston 1997-The Microsoft Deal

DAN RATHER: Police and security guards in Belgium were caught flat-footed today by a cowardly sneak attack on one of the world’s wealthiest men. The target was Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, arriving for a meeting with community leaders. Watch what happens when a team of hit men meet him first with a pie in the face.


RATHER: Gates was momentarily and understandably shaken, but he was not injured. The hit squad piled on with two more pies before one of them was wrestled to the ground and arrested; the others—at least for the moment—got away. Gates went inside, wiped his face clean, and made no comment. He then went ahead with his scheduled meeting. No word on the motive for this attack.

SOURCE: Bill Gates Pie in Face

But, once reviled for the massive wealth and the monopolistic power that his virus-laden software afforded him, Gates is now hailed as a visionary who is leveraging that wealth and power for the greater good of humanity.

KLAUS SCHWAB: If in the 22nd century a book will be written about the entrepreneur of the 21st century [. . .] I’m sure that the person who will foremost come to the mind of those historians is certainly Bill Gates. [applause]

SOURCE: Davos Annual Meeting 2008 – Bill Gates

ANDREW ROSS SORKIN: I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say that Bill Gates is singularly—I would argue—the most consequential individual of our generation. I mean that.

SOURCE: Bill Gates Talks Philanthropy, Microsoft, and Taxes | DealBook

ELLEN DEGENERES: Our next guest is one of the richest and most generous men in the world. Please welcome Bill Gates.

SOURCE: Bill Gates on Finding a Vaccine for COVID-19, the Economy, and Returning to ‘Normal Life’

JUDY WOODRUFF: At a time when everyone is looking to understand the scope of the pandemic and how to minimize the threat, one of the best informed voices is that of businessman and philanthropist Bill Gates.

SOURCE: Bill Gates on where the COVID-19 pandemic will hurt the most

The process by which this reinvention of Gates’ public image took place is not mysterious. It’s the same process by which every billionaire has revived their public image since John D. Rockefeller hired Ivy Ledbetter Lee to transform him from the head of the Standard Oil hydra into the kind old man handing out dimes to strangers.

MAN OFF CAMERA: Don’t you give dimes, Mr. Rockefeller? Please, go ahead.

WOMAN: Thank you, sir.

MAN: Thank you very much.

ROCKEFELLER: Thank you for the ride!

MAN: I consider myself more than amply paid.

ROCKEFELLER: Bless you! Bless you! Bless you!

SOURCE: John D. Rockefeller – Standard Oil

More to the point, John D. Rockefeller knew that to gain the adoration of the public, he had to appear to give them what they want: money. He devoted hundreds of millions of dollars of his vast oil monopoly fortune to establishing institutions that, he claimed, were for the public good. The General Education Board. The Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. The Rockefeller Foundation.

Similarly, Bill Gates has spent much of the past two decades transforming himself from software magnate into a benefactor of humanity through his own Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. In fact, Gates has surpassed Rockefeller’s legacy with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation long having eclipsed The Rockefeller Foundation as the largest private foundation in the world, with $46.8 billion of assets on its books that it wields in its stated program areas of global health and development, global growth, and global policy advocacy.

And, like Rockefeller, Gates’ transformation has been helped along by a well-funded public relations campaign. Gone are the theatrical tricks of the PR pioneers—the ubiquitous ice cream cones of Gates’ mentor Warren Buffett are the last remaining holdout of the old Rockefeller-handing-out-dimes gimmick. No, Gates has guided his public image into that of a modern-day saint through an even simpler tactic: buying good publicity.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation spends tens of millions of dollars per year on media partnerships, sponsoring coverage of its program areas across the board. Gates funds The Guardian‘s Global Development website. Gates funds NPR’s global health coverage. Gates funds the Our World in Data website that is tracking the latest statistics and research on the coronavirus pandemic. Gates funds BBC coverage of global health and development issues, both through its BBC Media Action organization and the BBC itself. Gates funds world health coverage on ABC News.

When the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer was given a $3.5 million Gates foundation grant to set up a special unit to report on global health issues, NewsHour communications chief Rob Flynn was asked about the potential conflict of interest that such a unit would have in reporting on issues that the Gates Foundation is itself involved in. “In some regards I guess you might say that there are not a heck of a lot of things you could touch in global health these days that would not have some kind of Gates tentacle,” Flynn responded.

Indeed, it would be almost impossible to find any area of global health that has been left untouched by the tentacles of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

It was Gates who sponsored the meeting that led to the creation of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, a global public-private partnership bringing together state sponsors and big pharmaceutical companies, whose specific goals include the creation of “healthy markets for vaccines and other immunisation products.” As a founding partner of the alliance, the Gates Foundation provided $750 million in seed funding and has gone on to make over $4.1 billion in commitments to the group.

Gates provided the seed money that created the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, a public-private partnership that acts as a finance vehicle for governmental AIDS, TB, and malaria programs.

When a public-private partnership of governments, world health bodies and 13 leading pharmaceutical companies came together in 2012 “to accelerate progress toward eliminating or controlling 10 neglected tropical diseases,” there was the Gates Foundation with $363 million of support.

When the Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents was launched in 2015 to leverage billions of dollars in public and private financing for global health and development programs, there was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a founding partner with a $275 million contribution.

When the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations was launched at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2017 to develop vaccines against emerging infectious diseases, there was the Gates Foundation with an initial injection of $100 million.

The examples go on and on. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s fingerprints can be seen on every major global health initiative of the past two decades. And beyond the flashy, billion-dollar global partnerships, the Foundation is behind hundreds of smaller country and region-specific grants—$10 million to combat a locust infestation in East Africa, or $300 million to support agricultural research in Africa and Asia—that add up to billions of dollars in commitments.

It comes as no surprise, then, that—far beyond the $250 million that the Gates Foundation has pledged to the “fight” against coronavirus—every aspect of the current coronavirus pandemic involves organizations, groups and individuals with direct ties to Gates funding.

From the start, the World Health Organization has directed the global response to the current pandemic. From its initial monitoring of the outbreak in Wuhan and its declaration in January that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission to its live media briefings and its technical guidance on country-level planning and other matters, the WHO has been the body setting the guidelines and recommendations shaping the global response to this outbreak.

But even the World Health Organization itself is largely reliant on funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The WHO’s most recent donor report shows that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the organization’s second-largest donor behind the United States government. The Gates Foundation single-handedly contributes more to the world health body than Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Russia and the UK combined.

What’s more, current World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is, in fact, like Bill Gates himself, not a medical doctor at all, but the controversial ex-Minister of Health of Ethiopia, who was accused of covering up three cholera outbreaks in the country during his tenure. Before joining the WHO, he served as chair of the Gates-founded Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and sat on the board of the Gates-founded Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the Gates-funded Stop TB Partnership.

The current round of lockdowns and restrictive stay-home orders in western countries was enacted on the back of alarming models predicting millions of deaths in the United States and hundreds of thousands in the UK.

HAYLEY MINOGUE: Imperial College in London released a COVID-19 report and that’s where most of our US leaders are getting the information they’re basing their decision making on. That 2.2 million deaths also doesn’t account for the potential negative effects of health systems being overwhelmed.

[. . .]

The report runs us through a few different ways this could turn out depending on what our responses are. If we don’t do anything to control this virus, over 80% of people in the US would be infected over the course of the epidemic, with 2.2 million deaths from COVID-19.

SOURCE: Extreme measures based on scientific paper

BORIS JOHNSON: From this evening I must give the British people a very simple instruction: you must stay at home.

SOURCE: Boris Johnson announces complete UK lockdown amid coronavirus crisis

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Enough is enough. Go home and stay home.

SOURCE: ‘Enough is enough’, Trudeau with a strong message to Canadians

GAVIN NEWSOM: . . . a statewide order for people to stay at home

SOURCE: California Gov Newsom issues statewide ‘SAFER AT HOME’ order

The work of two research groups was crucial in shaping the decision of the UK and US governments to implement wide-ranging lockdowns, and, in turn, governments around the world. The first group, the Imperial College COVID-19 Research Team, issued a report on March 16th that predicted up to 500,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million deaths in the US unless strict government measures were put in place.

The second group, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in Bill Gates’ home state of Washington, helped provide data that corroborated the White House’s initial estimates of the virus’ effects, estimates that have been repeatedly downgraded as the situation has progressed.

Unsurprisingly, the Gates Foundation has injected substantial sums of money into both groups. This year alone, the Gates Foundation has already given $79 million to Imperial College, and in 2017 the Foundation announced a $279 million investment into the IHME to expand its work collecting health data and creating models.

Anthony Fauci, meanwhile, has become the face of the US government’s coronavirus response, echoing Bill Gates’ assertion that the country will not “get back to normal” until “a good vaccine” can be found to insure the public’s safety.

ANTHONY FAUCI: If you want to get to pre-coronavirus . . . You know, that might not ever happen, in the sense of the fact that the threat is there. But I believe with the therapies that will be coming online and with the fact that I feel confident that over a period of time we will get a good vaccine, that we will never have to get back to where we are right back now.

SOURCE: Dr. Anthony Fauci on return to normalcy from pandemic

Beyond just their frequent collaborations and cooperation in the past, Fauci has direct ties to Gates’ projects and funding. In 2010, he was appointed to the Leadership Council of the Gates-founded “Decade of Vaccines” project to implement a Global Vaccine Action Plan—a project to which Gates committed $10 billion of funding. And in October of last year, just as the current pandemic was beginning, the Gates Foundation announced a $100 million contribution to the National Institute of Health to help, among other programs, Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ research into HIV.

Also in October of last year, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation partnered with the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to stage Event 201, a tabletop exercise gauging the economic and societal impact of a globally-spreading coronavirus pandemic.

NARRATOR: It began in healthy-looking pigs months, perhaps years, ago: a new coronavirus.

ANITA CICERO: The mission of the pandemic emergency board is to provide recommendations to deal with the major global challenges arising in response to an unfolding pandemic. The board is comprised of highly experienced leaders from business public health and civil society.

TOM INGLESBY: We’re at the start of what’s looking like it will be a severe pandemic and there are problems emerging that can only be solved by global business and governments working together.

STEPHEN REDD: Governments need to be willing to do things that are out of their historical perspective, or . . .  for the most part. It’s really a war footing that we need to be on.

SOURCE: Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel

Given the incredible reach that the tentacles of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have into every corner of the global health markets, it should not be surprising that the foundation has been intimately involved with every stage of the current pandemic crisis, either. In effect, Gates has merely used the wealth from his domination of the software market to leverage himself into a similar position in the world of global health.

The whole process has been cloaked in the mantle of selfless philanthropy, but the foundation is not structured as a charitable endeavour. Instead, it maintains a dual structure: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation distributes money to grantees, but a separate entity, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, manages the endowment assets. These two entities often have overlapping interests, and, as has been noted many times in the past, grants given by the foundation often directly benefit the value of the trust’s assets:

MELINDA GATES: One of my favorite parts of my job at the Gates Foundation is that I get to travel to the developing world, and I do that quite regularly.

[. . .]

My first trip in India, I was in a person’s home where they had dirt floors, no running water, no electricity, and that’s really what I see all over the world. So in short, I’m startled by all the things that they don’t have. But I am surprised by one thing that they do have: Coca-Cola. Coke is everywhere. In fact, when I travel to the developing world, Coke feels ubiquitous.

And so when I come back from these trips, and I’m thinking about development, and I’m flying home and I’m thinking, we’re trying to deliver condoms to people, or vaccinations, you know? Coke’s success kind of stops and makes you wonder: How is it that they can get Coke to these far-flung places? If they can do that, why can’t governments and NGOs do the same thing?

SOURCE: Melinda French Gates: What nonprofits can learn from Coca-Cola

AMY GOODMAN: And the charity of billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda is under criticism following the disclosure it’s substantially increased its holdings in the agribusiness giant Monsanto to over $23 million. Critics say the investment in Monsanto contradicts the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s stated commitment to helping farmers and sustainable development in Africa.

SOURCE: Gates Foundation Criticized for Increasing Monsanto Investment

LAURENCE LEE: The study from the pressure group Global Justice now paints a picture of the Gates Foundation partly as an expression of corporate America’s desire to profit from Africa and partly a damning critique of its effects.

POLLY JONES: You could have a case where the initial research is done by a Gates-funded institution. And the media reporting on how well that research is conducted is done, the media outlet is a Gates-funded outlet, or maybe a Gates-funded journalist from a media program. And then the program is implemented more widely by a Gates-funded NGO. I mean . . . There are some very insular circles here.

LEE: Among the many criticisms: the idea that private finance can solve the problems of the developing world. Should poor farmers be trapped into debt by having to use chemicals or fertilizers underwritten by offshoot of the foundation?

SOURCE: Gates Foundation accused of exploiting its leverage in Africa

This is no mere theoretical conflict of interest. Gates is held up as a hero for donating $35.8 billion worth of his Microsoft stock to the foundation, but during the course of his “Decade of Vaccines,” Gates’ net worth has actually doubled, from $54 billion to $103.1 billion.

The Rockefeller story provides an instructive template for this vision of tycoon-turned-philanthropist. When Rockefeller faced a public backlash, he helped spearhead the creation of a system of private foundations that connected in with his business interests. Leveraging his unprecedented oil monopoly fortune into unprecedented control over wide swaths of public life, Rockefeller was able to kill two birds with one stone: molding society in his family’s own interests, even as he became a beloved figure in the public imagination.

Similarly, Bill Gates has leveraged his software empire into a global health, development and education empire, steering the course of investment and research and ensuring healthy markets for vaccines and other immunization products. And, like Rockefeller, Gates has been transformed from the feared and reviled head of a formidable hydra into a kindly old man generously giving his wealth back to the public.

But not everyone has been taken in by this PR trick. Even The Lancet observed this worrying transformation from software monopolist to health monopolist back in 2009, when the extent of this Gates-led monopoly was becoming apparent to all:

The first guiding principle of the [Bill & Melinda Gates] Foundation is that it is “driven by the interests and passions of the Gates family.” An annual letter from Bill Gates summarises those passions, referring to newspaper articles, books, and chance events that have shaped the Foundation’s strategy. For such a large and influential investor in global health, is such a whimsical governance principle good enough?

SOURCE: What has the Gates Foundation done for global health?

This brings us back to the question: Who is Bill Gates? What are his driving interests? What motivates his decisions?

These are not academic questions. Gates’ decisions have controlled the flows of billions of dollars, formed international partnerships pursuing wide-ranging agendas, ensured the creation of “healthy markets” for Big Pharma vaccine manufacturers. And now, as we are seeing, his decisions are shaping the entire global response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Next week, we will further explore Gates’ vaccination initiatives, the business interests behind them, and the larger agenda that is beginning to take shape as we enter the “new normal” of the COVID-19 crisis.


Connect with James Corbett

cover image modified from creative commons image by Mathieu Sroussi

“A” Solution for the Masses Does Not Exist: Perceived Reality Is in Fact Only Theatre?

“A” Solution for the Masses Does Not Exist: Perceived Reality Is in Fact Only Theatre?

by Gary D. Barnett
September 24, 2022


This subject is vitally important to understand, and few understand it. The talk of, and the incessant questions received by readers, all demanding to know the “single solution” to all of life’s ills, especially concerning the monstrous tyranny that has consumed this nation state and the world, are not only tiresome, but indicative of a total ignorance of what is actually going on today. The concentration by not only the mainstream, the alternative media, and the public herd, on every single false realty presented as fact, is exhaustive in nature, but telling of symptoms that belie any rational thought. This is troubling to be sure, but it is also extremely dangerous.

As I wrote in my previous article:

“As the “Great Reset” continues to roll forward, most of the media, including the alternative media, is very busy breaking down each and every part of the sub-plots, analyzing everything and every aspect of this plotted terror, and attempting to tackle each element in order to at some point in the far future, hopefully convince their masters to grant them some minor relief. “

“All this and more are meant only to allow the advancement of the “Great Reset,” without debate, or the proper scrutiny necessary to expose the lies that we are told every day. It is all a smoke screen used to hide, confuse, and divide the masses, so that each and every subplot takes enough energy away, and covers up the main agenda of global control enough, so that any honest assessment of the horrible plan to rule the world remains in the shadows. So long as this is the case, world domination by the few will continue to go forward, while the bulk of society fights among themselves, never understanding the scope of what is actually happening.”

What is actually going on here is purposeful, planned, and staged, in order to create as much confusion as possible to the general public, so that all concentration is guided to whatever new bogeyman of the day is the ‘new reality’ desired by the ruling class in order to fool the people into the proper compartments of hate and fear. These techniques are very useful to those who desire to rule, and have been staggeringly successful for the tyrants. This technique was explained very clearly in a quote by Karl Rove in 2004; a Republican policy advisor and Chief of Staff for George W. Bush. He stated it this way:

As to “guys like you,” (people in the media) you are “in what we call the reality-based community” which are people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We are an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you are studying that reality—judiciously as you will—we will act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

This was quoted by James Corbett today, as it has been in the past, and it is oh so telling, important, and on mark. What this indicates is that everything that happens concerning government, is planned in advance and therefore conspiratorial. I have been screaming this for years, but it has mostly fallen on deaf ears. Nothing in politics and ruling structures are natural, organic, or coincidence. All is a plot meant to achieve a particular end. This is so obvious that almost none should ever believe what they are told by the state, but wishing for that kind of clarity it seems, is nothing more than a pipedream.

Nothing irks me more than the notion that any single, or even multiple solutions, exists, and can be magically produced in order to not only change the minds of hundreds of millions, or billions, but also expect the bulk of society to go along with what is considered the perfect plan to fix all these problems within the system that currently exists. Almost every day, I am scrutinized, chastised, and cursed, for not giving the single perfect solution to the world’s ills. So, what is meant by, and expected, as ‘the’ solution?

Those who ask for and promote these simplistic answers to complicated problems, involving these millions and billions of individuals, seem to have lost sight of all logic. Any ‘solution,’ would necessarily require the involvement of the masses. But how is that possible, or even considered by anyone with any ability to think? Those who offer ‘solutions,’ often are giving good advice for certain individuals temporarily, but no one has, or ever will have, the single ‘solution’ to change the world so that all is good and rosy, and all are free. No one has, or ever will, be able to end all tyranny by coming up with a particular ‘solution.’

What has been offered so far? Voting for a new master is very common. Just get the right person as king and master, it is said, and all will be okay. How has that worked out the past 244 years? Another is to march in the streets in protest, which is nothing more than begging your rulers to please grant you some relief. Another is to wake people up by telling them what to do and how to act, but how is that possible? Some recommend forming groups of like-minded people, to work together, farm together, or to build private communities that can act independently. This may help some, but it is only meant to avoid the current system, while it remains in place.

Many attempt to form ‘different’ political groups in hopes of ‘improving’ government. Many choose to fight against or pick one or the other specific option that relies on there being one problem and one enemy; e.g., the Jews, the Federal Reserve, immigration, voting ‘integrity,’ (really) Masonic demons, the Muslims, China, Russia, etc. Some even say all that is necessary is to “follow the Constitution,” that secret government created document that set loose an unlimited and all-powerful and evil federal national central government. And many say the only solution is to follow, worship, and bow down to ‘their god.’

There are good solutions to temporary problems, such as being armed, growing and storing your own food, moving off grid, avoiding the abhorrent government school (indoctrination) system, getting off social media, blowing up your television, and many, many more. But none of these things mentioned address at any level the real problem.

The real problem is the allowance of, which is completely voluntary, a ruling class given the power to lord over and control the masses at will. It is the belief that humanity cannot function or survive without a king and master class called government to guide them, restrict them, steal from them, and kill them when deemed necessary. It is the acceptance of ‘laws’ and mandates said to be only for the good of the people, and only meant to protect them. The ruling class of so-called ‘elites, and their henchmen in government and all government enforcement, are the real problem; at least if one desires to discount the willingness of the masses who freely allow their own slavery.

Once again, and for the thousandth time, the solution to this totalitarian hell lies in understanding and accepting the fact that only the individual has the power to wake up and change himself. No one can do this for another, and no government will ever police itself by implementing its own destruction. Each of us has to take, sustain, and protect his own freedom if it is ever to exist. This does not mean that one is alone, as the many acting as free individuals together, and not allowing any unjust rule, (all government rule is unjust) can move mountains.

I have been told over and over again that negating and ignoring government, non-compliance, no obedience to the state, and ignoring all mandates, is not a solution, but I beg to differ. There are 330 million of us and only a handful of them in this country. If you cannot understand the dynamics of this power, and the numbers involved, then you will never see your way to any liberty. My solution is not something I can give you; it is no solution that can happen due to the efforts of the few, and it is not a fix-all for everyone. It is based solely on each and every individual deciding that he no longer desires to be ruled over and a slave. The responsibility falls directly on each of us, and if enough come to this conclusion, this tyranny would end quickly. I do not because of human nature, believe that enough people at this time will stand on their own two feet and say no regardless of risk. But in my mind, that is our only chance.

In order to gain freedom, you have to want it badly enough to do whatever it takes to gain enough self-respect to understand the importance of your life. No one can ‘give’ you freedom, you have to demand it unconditionally. You have to rebel within yourself, and not rely on any other to give you something that they have no power to give. This is an individual struggle, based on the cooperation of many who desire the same thing. It is not and cannot be accomplished by hiding in the crowd, cowering in fear, expecting others to give you an impossible easy solution, and avoiding the pain of becoming free. You, each of you, has to decide for yourself.

“The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first.”

~ Jim Morrison


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: romanen

Synthetic Salvation — On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality

Synthetic Salvation — On Genomics, Mind Uploads, and the Quest for Immortality
Our elites want to live forever. The rest of us will make for rich compost 

by Joe Allen, Singularity Weekly
September 23, 2022


Fear of death is intrinsic to human life. As our years accumulate, we watch friends and family drop off, one by one, disappearing from our presence and lingering only in memories.

Barring some miracle, divine or otherwise, we’re all soon to follow, down to the sweetest baby ever born.

Unfazed by this horror, the faithful are emboldened by belief in resurrection or reincarnation—a direct participation in the eternal. For religious people, the body is just a vehicle for a transcendent soul. The mystery of death is a rite of passage.

For the materialist, there is only this world, beyond which the dying meet total annihilation. The brain dissolves into black nothingness. Consciousness ends with the Big Zero at the end of our lives. And for all sentient beings, and all memory of our existence, there awaits the Big Zero at the end of the universe.

The cosmos is nothing but atoms and the void. To make matters worse, the atoms are slowly freezing to death.

Wallowing in this trance of sorrow, our elites, and most anybody else, would pay anything to live forever—or just a little longer. Held in thrall by old age, disease, and death, they put faith in biomedical protection racketeers who swear they can keep the Reaper at bay.

Today, it’s the vaxx-addicts and maskholes.

Tomorrow, it’ll be needle-pocked mutants with blinking devices stuck all over them, who pray to AI for a place in the cloud.

Transhumanism offers synthetic salvation through three basic methods—bio longevity, bionic continuity, and digital immortality.

Genomics will stop aging on the cellular level. Bionics will keep the body running with replacement parts. Once artificial intelligence is sufficiently advanced, mind uploads will allow eternal communion with the digital deities whom techies are busy creating.

“I think that there’s a good probability,” the human-reptile hybrid, Jared Kushner, recently said, “that my generation is—hopefully with the advances in science—either the first generation to live forever, or the last generation that’s gonna die.”

A more likely scenario? This is the first generation to merge with the machine, and the last generation to regret it.

Kushner is not alone. Many of our credulous elites, from Wall Street to the World Economic Forum, have been ensnared by a techno-religion. Its unfrocked priests are the scientists and futurists who push radical gene therapies, brain-computer interfaces, and various life-logging gadgets. As the actual technology becomes more and more sophisticated, you can be sure every atheist and his lapsed uncle will fall prey to this cosmic scam.

And for those who can’t afford it? Well, you know, there’s only so much room on the lifeboat.

Bio Longevity

In order to cheat death, at least for awhile, the first method is to preserve the body at the cellular level. One proposed line of attack is to correct defective genes and defuse the cell’s innate self-destruct programs. With the discovery of the CRISPR-Cas9 complex in 2012, geneticists now have the power to more easily knock out faulty genes, and even insert new, superior genetic codes.

Joe Biden’s recent executive order, the National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative, has slated $2 billion for these “high-risk, high reward” projects to “write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.”

There are also less invasive procedures, to be used in conjunction with gene-editing, such as munching vitamins morning, noon, and night, or gaining self-knowledge through Internet of Bodies surveillance devices—wearable trackers which feed every biometric data point into an artificial intelligence system, putting flesh on the bones of your “digital twin.” In theory, the resulting simulation could be used as a reference for targeted gene-editing.

“By preventing 90 percent of medical problems,” Ray Kurzweil wrote in The Singularity is Near, “life expectancy grows to over five hundred years. At 99 percent, we’d be over one thousand years. We can expect that the full realization of the biotechnology and nanotechn

Inspired by this sort of statistical fantasy, Big Tech oligarchs are pouring billions into various life extension laboratories:

  • SENS Research Foundation – Co-founded by the transhumanist Aubrey de Grey in 2009, this organization seeks to halt and reverse aging. “No matter what caused a given unit of damage in the first place,” they assure us, “the same regenerative therapeutics can be used to repair it.”
  • Altos Labs – Founded by Jeff Bezos and the corporate transhumanist Yuri Milner in 2021, this is a “new biotechnology company focused on cellular rejuvenation programming to restore cell health and resilience, with the goal of reversing disease to transform medicine.”
  • Calico Labs  – Acquired by Google in 2015 at the behest of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, this company is focused on “the convergence of biology and technology, coupled with a long-term perspective and funding” with high hopes of “curing death.”
  • Methuselah Foundation – Bankrolled by Peter Thiel (along with many other immortality start-ups), this foundation is on a mission to “make 90 the new 50 by 2030.”

And the list goes on and on. By all appearances, billionaires fear death as if hell awaits, and they’ll pay any amount to avoid it. If you’re lucky, you too might add a few years to your life through trickle-down immortality.

Should these gene-therapies and 3D-printed organs fail to keep your carcass shambling along, there are always cryonic doctors who’ll freeze you right before you die, then thaw you out once these transhumanists finally get their shit together.

Alcor Life Extension Foundation, for example, charges $80,000 to freeze your head, and $200,000 for the full body treatment. It’s a small price to pay for a shot at immortality.

Bionic Continuity

The second method is to replace failing tissues and organs with mechanical parts. We do this already with pacemakers, prosthetic limbs, cochlear implants, dental implants, deep brain stimulation devices, and flag-raising penile implants. In a real sense, the entire plastic surgery industry—from hair transplants to rubber duck lips to silicone boobs—is a means to stave off our inevitable dissolution, if only on a superficial level.

Transhumanists foresee a day, just over the horizon, when more advanced prosthetics will offer superior functionality—including brain function. We’ll have Swiss Army knives for fingers and versatile artificial genitals, sort of like today’s transgenders, but presumably way better. Any prospective immortal had better hope so.

This cyborg dream was fleshed out in the early 20th century by the Marxist thinker J.D. Bernal. “Already we know the essential electrical nature of nerve impulses,” he wrote in 1929, “it is a matter of delicate surgery to attach nerves permanently to apparatus which will either send messages to the nerves or receive them. And the brain thus connected up continues an existence, purely mental and with very different delights from those of the body, but now perhaps preferable to complete extinction.”

Bernal compared this bionic transformation to the metamorphosis of a butterfly, albeit one with hideous wings. “Apart from such mental development as his increased faculties will demand from him,” he speculated, “he will be physically plastic in a way quite transcending the capacities of untransformed humanity.”

As we hurtle toward this nightmare in the 21st century, futurists claim it’ll soon be possible to model the entire human brain—down to the last electrochemical thought pattern—using artificial intelligence. The transhumanist guru Ray Kurzweil predicts this will be accomplished by 2029. (It’s unclear if that will be early in the year, or just in time for Christmas.)

Following an AI-created digital template, doctors will replace our dying neurons with artificial neurons. Bit by bit, our meat brains will be transformed into a latticework of lightning fast transistors. It’s an upgraded mind-brain that could last forever—so be sure to get a warranty.

Would this mechanical monster still be you, though? The idea is that a pattern is a pattern, and the human “soul” is just a pattern of information. It doesn’t matter what the medium may be. Think of it this way—if you replaced every thread in a sweater, strand by strand, with artificial wool, it would still feel like the same old sweater. Maybe even better.

In a similar manner, many believe your personal consciousness will survive the transition from gray matter to circuitry. This mind-machine merger would be like looking out at the world through your smartphone—forever. You’d hardly notice the difference.

“If you think about replacing the neurons one at a time by prosthetic neurons made of silicon,” explains the philosopher of consciousness and NYU-employed transhumanist, David Chalmers:

Just say I replace ten percent of my brain with silicon chips…do it one at a time, and keep going and keep going…and they interconnect with the other ones in a perfect way. … I think as long as you do it gradually, and replace the neurons one by one, then it’s gonna be like getting prosthetic limbs or [an] artificial heart.

You’re gonna be replacing parts of me, but I’m gonna be present throughout, and I think I could even stay conscious.

Of course, these artificial neurons haven’t been developed yet—not even close—but they will be one day. You’ll see. Have a little faith. Scientists are working hard. It’s a solid investment.

Digital Immortality

The third method to attain quasi-eternal life is basically the digital side of bionic continuity. Rather than, or in addition to, replacing neurons with artificial neurons, the mind will be gradually uploaded to a computer, where the patterns of one’s personality can be entombed in perpetuity.

Transhumanists delight in pointing out we’re already doing this. Everyone from toddlers to creaky old codgers is feeding their inner self into Google, Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, third-party data vultures, and any intelligence agencies with backdoor access to these companies. Perhaps one day they’ll sell our digital twins back to us so we can inhabit our virtual wraiths.

“Currently, when our human hardware crashes,” Ray Kurzweil wrote, “the software of our lives—our personal ‘mind file’—dies with it. However, this will not continue to be the case when we have the means to store and restore the thousands of trillions of bytes of information represented in the pattern that we call our brains.”

Kurzweil believes injectable nanobots are the key to this uploading process. These microscopic robots will travel through the brain, mapping every neuron and synapse, creating a perfect facsimile of the “soul” in a computer. But there’s more than one way to skin a cat.

As with most transhumanists, Kurzweil was deeply influenced by the Carnegie Mellon roboticist Hans Moravec, who in 1988 described a gruesome uploading procedure now known as the “Moravec Transfer.” Basically, the patient commits suicide by having his or her brain scraped off, like whittling an onion, with each skin copied in silico:

You are fully conscious. The robot surgeon opens your brain case and places a hand on the brain’s surface. This unusual hand bristles with microscopic machinery, and a cable connects it to the mobile computer at your side. …

The surgeon’s hand sinks a fraction of a millimeter deeper into your brain, instantly compensating its measurements and signals for the changed position. The process is repeated for the next layer, and soon a second simulation resides in the computer, communicating with the first and with the remaining original brain tissue.

Layer after layer the brain is simulated, then excavated. Eventually your skull is empty…your mind has been removed from the brain and transferred to a machine.

Some would call this biohorror, but transhumanists revere the “Moravec Transfer” as a pioneering vision of synthetic salvation.

One of Kurzweil’s distinguished disciples, the transgender tech innovator Martine Rothblatt, proposes a kinder, gentler man-machine merger by way of mind-cloning.

“This blessing of emotional and intellectual continuity or immortality,” she (he? whatever) wrote in Virtually Human, “is being made possible through the development of digital clones, or mindclones: software versions of our minds, software-based alter egos, doppelgängers, mental twins.”

In other words, with sufficiently detailed surveillance, our personal data can be processed through artificial intelligence to create a new, more durable “soul” in silico.

“When the body of a person with a mindclone dies,” Rothblatt goes on, “the mindclone will not feel that they have personally died, although the body will be missed in the same ways amputees miss their limbs but acclimate when given an artificial replacement. … The mindclone is to the consciousness and spirit as the prosthetic is to an arm that has lost its hand.”

Having been baptized in electromagnetic waves, you will become your digital ghost, floating forever among the AI angels.

The metaphysics of this process make no sense, but then, why should the transhuman techno-cult be any more realistic than traditional cults? Their delusions would be funny if they weren’t constantly intruding upon our lives through ubiquitous screens and surveillance devices, and blasted into our brains with wall-to-wall propaganda.

“If anything,” Rothblatt conceded in a TED interview, “I’m perhaps a bit of a communicator of activities that are being undertaken by the greatest companies in China, Japan, India, the U.S., Europe.”

You have to wonder if we’ll have social credit scores in heaven.

So You Want To Live Forever—Good Luck With That

Humanity is composed of three primary elements—the spiritual, the biological, and the technological. At best, we are eternal souls enshrined in bodies, with exceedingly powerful tools in our hands. At worst, we’re bumbling monkeys in the Machine.

As the materialist worldview erodes our spiritual consciousness, we’re left with nothing but mortal bodies. When God is dead, technology is exalted as the highest power, holding out the promise of free WiFi and synthetic salvation.

The delusion of physical immortality, whether bodily or digital—or both—is capturing our elites’ imaginations. It doesn’t take a mathematical genius to figure out that if they actually managed to live forever, and the planet has finite space and resources, some number of us will have to become compost for their biomechanical gardens.

Personally, I don’t mind the idea of being turned into mulch. That’s the fate of every man and woman ever born. What is eternal will endure.

My fear, writhing deep in my paranoid brain stem, is that our technocratic rulers, sweating over flawed calculations, are willing to huck us into the mulchers long before our time.

God will not be mocked. Nor will Mother Nature. I’m certain that, in the course of time, every billionaire cyborg and half-retarded upload will shuffle off this mortal coil. Unfortunately, I also suspect they’d happily push the rest of us offstage while they do their apocalyptic jig.


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Bill Gates’ ‘Magic Seeds’ Won’t Solve World Hunger But Will ‘Create Ecological Disaster’

Bill Gates’ ‘Magic Seeds’ Won’t Solve World Hunger But Will ‘Create Ecological Disaster’
Bill Gates is rebranding genetically engineered seeds as “magic seeds” and says they’re the answer to world hunger, but according to Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., a “failed, clumsy crude manipulation of living systems does not create ‘magical seeds.’ It creates an ecological disaster.” 

by Susanne Burdick, PhD, The Defender
September 22, 2022


Bill Gates said he believes the global community must invest in engineered crops using what he calls his “magic seeds” to solve world hunger.

Food aid alone cannot address the problem, Gates said in an essay accompanying the  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s (BMGF) Goalkeepers 2022 Report, released earlier this month.

What is needed, he said, are “magic” seeds that have been genetically engineered to be resistant to hot and dry climates or to grow three weeks faster than natural seeds.

“Temperature keeps going up,” Gates said. “There is no way, without innovation, to come even close to feeding Africa. I mean, it just doesn’t work.”

However, André Leu, organic farming expert, former president of IFOAM Organics International and author of “Growing Life: Regenerating Farming and Ranching,” criticized Gates for calling his genetically modified seeds “magical.”

“This is patently false and an example of spin doctoring by public relations companies to rebrand products that are widely regarded as Frankenfoods,” Leu told The Defender.

According to Vandana Shiva, Ph.D., environmental activist, author and founder of Navdanya International, “[Natural] seeds as the source of life are magical. They hold their implicate order within them, and unfold to relocate the unique patterns and structures of life in its diversity.”

In contrast, Shiva said, “Genetically engineered seeds have been made to own life through patents.”

Shiva told The Defender:

“[Genetically engineered seeds] are a failed technology.

“Herbicide-resistant crops were supposed to control weeds. They have created superweeds. Bt toxin crops were supposed to control pests. They have created super pests, increased the need for pesticides, increased farmers’ debt and driven farmers to suicide in India.

“A failed, clumsy, crude manipulation of living systems does not create ‘magical seeds.’

“It creates an ecological disaster of monocultures of GMOs [genetically modified organisms] displacing the rich diversity of crops that we need for the health of people and the health of the planet.”

According to Gates, he’s concerned about the planet — at least how it may be impacted by climate change.

The BMGF on Sept. 6 released an “Agriculture Adaptation Atlas” that uses predictive modeling to estimate how climate change may affect growing conditions for crops in African countries.

The BMGF is also promoting the use of artificial intelligence (AI) that processes the genome sequences of crops along with this environmental data to conjure up a data-based vision of what farms should look like in the future.

“From this computer model, researchers can identify the optimal plant variety for a particular place,” Cambria Finegold, director of digital development for CABI, an intergovernmental organization that is developing models for the BMGF, earlier this month told The Associated Press (AP). “Or they can do the reverse: pinpoint the optimal place to grow a specific crop.”

Finegold added:

“It’s not just, ‘how do we get through this crisis and get back to normal?’ It’s, ‘what does the future normal look like?’”

But critics pointed out this reliance on AI and genetically modified seeds would exacerbate environmental issues because the modified seeds require heavy use of fossil-fuel fertilizers, which must be transported across great distances, and pesticides that threaten biodiversity.

According to Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa and AGRA Watch, a group that “works with partner organizations in Africa and the US to support sustainable, agroecological, socially responsible, and indigenous alternatives,” the BMGF’s industrial agricultural programs in Africa, including its Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), cause biodiversity loss, hurt small-scale farmers and cause environmental harm — all while failing to solve hunger.

Rachel Bezner Kerr, a professor of global development at Cornell University, told the AP there are existing alternatives — such as locally managed seed banks, composting systems that promote healthy soil and non-chemical pesticide interventions — that can build more resilient farming systems and reduce the need for food aid.

Kerr, a lead author of the food chapter of the latest report from the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that although the panel doesn’t make recommendations, “overall, the kind of focus on a few technologies and reliance on fossil fuel-based inputs isn’t in line with ecosystem-based adaptation” or a biodiverse future.

However, BMGF CEO Mark Suzman contended fertilizer is necessary. “You simply cannot meet overall productivity gains without it,” he said on a call with reporters, according to the AP.

Gates also dismissed alternative ideas.

“If there’s some non-innovation solution, you know, like singing ‘Kumbaya,’ I’ll put money behind it,” Gates told the AP in an interview. “But if you don’t have those seeds, the numbers just don’t work.”

Gates said, “When researchers in Kenya compared plots of this new [genetically modified] maize, which they called ‘DroughtTEGO®,’ with the old one, they saw the DroughtTEGO farms were producing an average of 66% more grain per acre.”

Shiva said genetically engineered crops and seeds aren’t the answer.

“To end world hunger we must stop treating food as a commodity and seeds as corporate ‘intellectual property,’” she told The Defender.

“To solve world hunger every farm must become biodiverse and ecological. Biodiversity intensification produces more nutrition per acre, with no dependence on external inputs of seeds and toxic agrochemicals as our report ‘Health Per Acre’ shows.”

“We can feed the people while regenerating the biodiversity of the planet,” Shiva said.

Leu agreed. “The scaling up of regenerative organic agriculture based on the science of agroecology would easily solve the global food insecurity crisis. It is low-cost, proven, and effective, and scaling it up globally would be less than the cost of developing one GMO crop.”

Claiming GMOs have no place in solving world hunger, Leu said:

“Despite more than 40 years of hype that GMO seeds were going to dramatically increase yields, solve pest and disease problems, reduce pesticide use, drought-proof crops, allow them to be grown in saline soils, and numerous other extravagant claims, this has not been achieved.

“The research by independent scientists — not by the scientists employed by the biotech companies who have an obvious conflict of interest — clearly shows that there have been no yield increases over conventional breeding.

“The only two things GMO crops have succeeded in doing are dramatically increasing the use of toxic pesticides such as glyphosate (Roundup) in our food, bodies, and environment and the profits of the large agribusiness pesticide companies.”

Leu emphasized the effectiveness of teaching organic farming methods to small-scale farmers to address hunger.

“The majority of food-insecure people are smallholder family farmers and others who depend on them in rural communities,” he said.

“We have proven many times that teaching good organic farming practices can increase their yields by over 100% so they can feed their families and local communities. They also get an income to pay for healthcare, education and many other things that are important for a good quality of life.”

Who really suffers and who profits from ‘philanthrocapitalism based on biopiracy’?

The BMGF and the Gates-led AGRA say they aim to transform agriculture in Africa by increasing incomes and food security for millions of smallholder farmers.

On July 13, Gates pledged to donate $20 billion to the BMGF so it can increase its annual spending to “mitigate some of the suffering people are facing right now.” The donation brought the foundation’s endowment up to $70 billion, CNBC reported in July.

The BMGF has spent $1.5 billion on grants focused on agriculture in Africa, according to Candid, a nonprofit that researches philanthropic giving.

But an independent evaluation of AGRA’s efforts, released in late February by the consulting firm Mathematica, found “mixed” outcomes on inclusive financial, output markets and farmer outcomes, The Defender reported.

According to Joeva Rock, Ph.D., assistant professor of development studies at the University of Cambridge who wrote a not-yet-released book about food sovereignty in Ghana, activists in Africa questioned whether the funds could have been better spent elsewhere.

In Ghana, field trials for four varieties of genetically modified seeds began in 2013, Rock told the AP.

“What would happen if those went into increasing funds to the national research centers in Ghana, to building roads, to building storage, to building silos or helping to build markets?” Rock said.

Food insecurity is not caused by low yields, Leu told The Defender. “It is caused by unfair and inefficient food distribution systems.”

Leu said:

“Industrial farming systems are not designed to feed the poor. The COVID-19  pandemic lockdowns and war in Ukraine are examples of why it is the wrong model.

“Growing food thousands of miles away from where it is needed instead of growing it locally is the problem. People are dependent on supply chains that can easily be disrupted.

“Also, food-insecure people are the poorest on the planet. Even if the food gets to their country, they can’t afford to buy it.

“On the other hand, we now have an obesity epidemic in the more affluent countries and regions due to an oversupply of calories empty of nutrition from industrial agriculture.”

In 2006, the BMGF joined with the Rockefeller Foundation to spur a “green revolution” in Africa by creating AGRA.

“Over the long term, the partnership, called Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), intends to improve agricultural development in Africa by addressing both farming and relevant economic issues, including soil fertility and irrigation, farmer management practices, and farmer access to markets and financing,” the groups said.

At its inception, AGRA declared Africa deficient in what it referred to as “improved inputs,” such as fertilizer and “advanced” seeds, and has worked to implement policies that would make African farmers use manufactured fertilizers, pesticides and engineered seeds — which are all patented products that generate profits for their owners.

AGRA Watch — founded to respond to and challenge AGRA’s policies — calls BMGF’s efforts “philanthrocapitalism based on biopiracy.”

Although the BMGF and AGRA claim to be “pro-poor” and “pro-environment,” their alignment with transnational corporations such as Monsanto, and foreign policy groups such as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), makes their motives suspect, according to AGRA Watch:

“[BMGF] takes advantage of food and global climate crises to promote high-tech, market-based, industrial agriculture and generate profits for corporations even while degrading the environment and disempowering farmers.”

A three-part video series “Rich Appetites: How Big Philanthropy Is Shaping the Future of Food in Africa” explains why exporting the U.S. agribusiness model to Africa is a “grave mistake” and exposes how “Big Philanthropy” — namely the BMGF — is destroying farming and food in Africa by seizing control from local interests.

As of Sept. 20, Forbes estimated Gates’ net worth to be around $104.4 billion.


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Masters of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare

Masters of Deceit: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear, Mind Control & Brain Warfare

by John & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
September 21, 2022


“It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”― J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of Deceit

The U.S. government has become a master of deceit.

It’s all documented, too.

This is a government that lies, cheats, steals, spies, kills, maims, enslaves, breaks the laws, overreaches its authority, and abuses its power at almost every turn; treats its citizens like faceless statistics and economic units to be bought, sold, bartered, traded, and tracked; and wages wars for profit, jails its own people for profit, and has no qualms about spreading its reign of terror abroad.

Worse, this is a government that has become almost indistinguishable from the evil it claims to be fighting, whether that evil takes the form of terrorism, torture, drug traffickingsex trafficking, murder, violence, theft, pornography, scientific experimentations or some other diabolical means of inflicting pain, suffering and servitude on humanity.

With every passing day, it becomes painfully clear that this is not a government that can be trusted with your life, your loved ones, your livelihood or your freedoms.

Just recently, for example, the Pentagon was compelled to order a sweeping review of clandestine U.S. psychological warfare operations (psy ops) conducted through social media platforms. The investigation comes in response to reports suggesting that the U.S. military has been creating bogus personas with AI-generated profile pictures and fictitious media sites on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to manipulate social media users.

Psychological warfare, as the U.S. Army’s 4th Psychological Operations Group explained in a recruiting video released earlier this year, enables the government to pull the strings, turn everything they touch into a weapon, be everywhere, deceive, persuade, change, influence, and inspire.

Of the many weapons in the government’s vast arsenal, psychological warfare (or psy ops) can take many forms: mind control experiments, behavioral nudging, propaganda.

In the 1950s, MK-ULTRA, the mind control program developed under CIA director Allen Dulles as part of his brain warfare Cold War campaigns, subjected hundreds of unsuspecting American civilians and military personnel to doses of LSD, some having the hallucinogenic drug slipped into their drinks at the beach, in city bars, at restaurants. For Operation Midnight Climax, the CIA hired prostitutes to lure men into a bugged room, where they would be dosed with LSD and observed having sex

As Brianna Nofil explains, “MK-Ultra’s ‘mind control’ experiments generally centered around behavior modification via electro-shock therapy, hypnosis, polygraphs, radiation, and a variety of drugs, toxins, and chemicals.”

The CIA spent nearly $20 million on its MKULTRA program, reportedly as a means of programming people to carry out assassinations and, to a lesser degree, inducing anxieties and erasing memories, before it was supposedly shut down.

As one study reported, detainees held in CIA safe-houses abroad “were literally interrogated to death in experimental methods combining drugs, hypnosis and torture, to attempt to master brainwashing techniques and memory erasing.”

Similarly, the top-secret Montauk Project, the inspiration for the hit Netflix series Stranger Things, allegedly was working to develop mind-control techniques that would then be tested out on locals in a nearby village, triggering crime waves or causing teenagers to congregate.

As journalist Lorraine Boissoneault concludes, “Despite MK-ULTRA violating ethical norms for human experiments, the legacy of brainwashing experiments continued to live on in U.S. policy. The same methods that had once been used to train American soldiers ended up being used to extract information from terrorists in Abu Ghraib, Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.”

Fast forward to the present day, and it’s clear that the government—aided and abetted by technological advances and scientific experimentation—has updated its psy ops warfare for a new era. For instance, the government has been empowered to use its ever-expanding arsenal of weapons and technologies to influence behaviors en masse and control the populace.

It’s a short hop, skip and a jump from a behavioral program that tries to influence how people respond to paperwork to a government program that tries to shape the public’s views about other, more consequential matters. Thus, increasingly, governments around the world—including in the United States—are relying on “nudge units” to steer citizens in the direction the powers-that-be want them to go, while preserving the appearance of free will.

Back in 2014, for example, a Fusion Center in Washington State (a Dept. of Homeland Security-linked data collection clearinghouse that shares information between state, local and federal agencies) inadvertently released records on remote mind control tactics (the use of “psycho-electronic” weapons to control people from a distance or subject them to varying degrees of pain).

Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic could easily be considered psychological warfare disguised as a pandemic threat. As science writer David Robson explains: “Fears of contagion lead us to become more conformist and tribalistic… Daily reminders of disease may even sway our political affiliations… Various experiments have shown that we become more conformist and respectful of convention when we feel the threat of a disease… the evocative images of a pandemic led [participants in an experiment] to value conformity and obedience over eccentricity or rebellion.”

This is how you persuade a populace to voluntarily march in lockstep with a police state and police themselves (and each other): by ratcheting up the fear-factor, meted out one carefully calibrated crisis at a time, and teaching them to distrust any who diverge from the norm.

This is not a new experiment in mind control.

Add the government’s inclination to monitor online activity and police so-called “disinformation,” and you have the makings of a restructuring of reality straight out of Orwell’s 1984, where the Ministry of Truth polices speech and ensures that facts conform to whatever version of reality the government propagandists embrace.

This “policing of the mind” is exactly the danger author Jim Keith warned about when he predicted that “information and communication sources are gradually being linked together into a single computerized network, providing an opportunity for unheralded control of what will be broadcast, what will be said, and ultimately what will be thought.”

We’ve already seen this play out on the state and federal level with hate crime legislation that cracks down on so-called “hateful” thoughts and expression, encourages self-censoring and reduces free debate on various subject matter.

The end goal of these mind-control campaigns—packaged in the guise of the greater good—is to see how far the American people will allow the government to go in re-shaping the country in the image of a totalitarian police state.

The government’s fear-mongering is yet another key element in its mind-control programming.

It’s a simple enough formula. National crises, global pandemics, reported terrorist attacks, and sporadic shootings leave us in a constant state of fear. The emotional panic that accompanies fear actually shuts down the prefrontal cortex or the rational thinking part of our brains. In other words, when we are consumed by fear, we stop thinking.

A populace that stops thinking for themselves is a populace that is easily led, easily manipulated and easily controlled whether through propaganda, brainwashing, mind control, or just plain fear-mongering.

Fear not only increases the power of government, but it also divides the people into factions, persuades them to see each other as the enemy and keeps them screaming at each other so that they drown out all other sounds. In this way, they will never reach consensus about anything and will be too distracted to notice the police state closing in on them until the final crushing curtain falls.

This Machiavellian scheme has so ensnared the nation that few Americans even realize they are being brainwashed—manipulated—into adopting an “us” against “them” mindset. All the while, those in power—bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations—move their costly agendas forward.

This unseen mechanism of society that manipulates us through fear into compliance is what American theorist Edward L. Bernays referred to as “an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.”

It was almost 100 years ago when Bernays wrote his seminal work Propaganda:

“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

As I point out in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, to this invisible government of rulers who operate behind the scenes—the architects of the Deep State—we are mere puppets on a string, to be brainwashed, manipulated and controlled.

For years now, the powers-that-be—those politicians and bureaucrats who think like tyrants and act like petty dictators regardless of what party they belong to—have attempted to brainwash us into believing that we have no rights: to think for ourselves, make decisions about our health, protect our homes and families and businesses, act in our best interests, demand accountability and transparency from government, or generally operate as if we are in control of our own lives.

Well, the government is wrong.

We have every right, and you know why? Because, as the Declaration of Independence states, we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights—to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness—that no government can take away from us.

It’s time we started reminding the government that “we the people” are the ones in charge.


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“Controlled Opposition, Gate Keeper, Agent Provocateur, Plant” — And the Giant Crime

“Controlled Opposition, Gate Keeper, Agent Provocateur, Plant”
And the Giant Crime 

by Jon Rappoport
September 21, 2022


Part One:

For the past 30 years, I’ve heard these terms thrown around. “Controlled opposition, gate keeper, infiltrator…”

In many cases, there wasn’t a shred of evidence on board. Not even a reasonable circumstantial case.

But people would direct these charges at someone AS IF they had the evidence in the bag.

“Did you read that ridiculous piece Fred wrote? It’s absurd. He’s controlled opposition. Someone higher up put him in an influential position to distract us from the truth, to block us from getting to the bottom of the rabbit hole. He’s an agent. He’s a plant.”

However, Fred actually has:

A blind spot on an issue.

He does good work in other areas, but on issue X he got it wrong.

Fred’s accuser has tried to reach Fred and convince him another issue must be covered, but the accuser couldn’t reach Fred. Therefore, Fred is a deceiver.

Fred isn’t perfect, and his accuser takes that as a sign that Fred must be controlled opposition.

Fred gets it wrong on issue X and then paints himself into a corner and refuses to admit he made a mistake. Instead, he doubles down. He looks ridiculous — so he must be an agent provocateur, a gate keeper, controlled opposition.

Because Fred got it wrong on issue X, everything else he talks about must be some kind of deception and an intentional limited hangout.

Fred’s accuser has spent years researching one particular issue, and Fred doesn’t talk about that issue, so Fred must be intentionally covering up the truth about the issue.

Fred hasn’t been attacked from all sides over the years. Therefore, he’s being protected by higher-ups. He’s controlled opposition.

Fred’s accuser thinks, “Since I know all about issues X, Y, and Z, Fred must know all about them, too, and yet he doesn’t talk about those issues, or he covers them superficially by my elevated standards. Therefore, Fred is a gate keeper, he’s a secret agent, he’s an infiltrator.”

Fred’s accuser has actually been through a very difficult meat grinder — a situation where he was wrongly and heavily attacked for doing a good and righteous thing. And so the accuser tends to be, shall we say, a bit oversensitive. Understandably so.

But then some superficial accusers go down this alley: Since there ARE actual persons who ARE put in place to deceive, confuse, and stir up trouble…Fred must be one of them. (The logic of that argument is stunning.)

People who have a habit of throwing around “controlled opposition” and similar terms, like hot burgers off the grill at a picnic…those people tend to have a paranoid world view (which is justified), but the world view gets out of hand. The world view becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Right next door to “he’s a gate keeper and controlled opposition,” we have: “He’s distracting us by covering the wrong issues. We should be focused on Q, R, S, not X, Y, Z.”

And it may be true that we should be focused on Q, R, S, but Fred isn’t trying to distract anybody. He thinks X, Y, and Z are important, and they are. Perhaps they’re not as important as Q, R, S, but so what?

To go down a different path, if Fred happened to be a person whose job it was to notice certain types of crimes and prosecute them in court, and there was a whole list of those crimes Fred obviously knew about, and yet he was doing nothing; then you would have a major case against Fred. That’s a different situation. And doing nothing while egregious crimes pile up is standard operating procedure in government work. Unfortunately.

But Fred isn’t that person. He’s a writer or a video maker or a broadcaster or an editor, and he happens to be limited, and from time to time he makes mistakes. Along the limited waterfront he’s covering, he makes mistakes.

Or Fred is on the crime beat, and he does expose a number of crimes, but not all of them, and not the favorite crimes of his accuser.

Or Fred deals with conspiracies of a deep nature, but not every conspiracy.

Or Fred works to pump himself up and embroider his reputation, and in that process, he sometimes jumps the fence and makes obviously wrong statements.

But he’s not a spy. He’s not a gate keeper. He’s not controlled opposition. He’s not a plant.

The unsupported and excessive spraying of these terms, like “controlled opposition,” into land, sea, and air, has a deleterious effect. It casts a weird glow. It distorts people and situations.

When I look back and think of times I was tempted to engage in that spraying of “controlled opposition,” there was a common denominator. I had my hands on a giant story. A giant crime. I had it nailed down. I put the story out there. And then I decided (rightly or wrongly) that nobody was listening. Nobody was paying attention. Nobody was willing to give the story the coverage it deserved.

And then I could say, if I wanted to — “There’s a whole lot of controlled opposition and gate keeping going on out there. Here’s one guy. There’s another. Here’s a third. They’re all intentionally covering up and deflecting the truth.”

And I was surely right. There were such people. Not the people I was thinking about, while I was so pissed off. But yes, there were such people. Probably a few. Like there always are. So what?

However, for the most part, the people who could have covered my story but didn’t: were afraid to; or were busy with other stories they knew were important; or were worn out; or were considering their audiences (what those audiences would think of my giant story); or just couldn’t see what I was driving at; or felt they lacked the knowledge to agree or disagree with me.

And regardless of their reasons (good or bad, understandable or not), those people who didn’t pick up on my story were not gate keepers or controlled opposition or hostile actors or plants or agents.

And if I went ahead and accused them of being those sorts of persons, that would be ridiculous. Laughable. Worst case, it would be like accusing a short order cook at a diner of intentionally keeping me away from the fantastically tasty Omaha steak he was storing in a special locked fridge — while serving me a cardboard burger instead. Because he was screwing with me. He was working for the elite Junk Food Association of America. And they knew who I was. For some criminal reason, they were keeping me away from the steak.

Nah. They were in the cardboard burger business. That’s all.

Now and then, while I’m sleeping, I might dream I’m chasing a bunch of these cardboard burger people down a long road, or they’re chasing me through a city, and they’ve got helicopters overhead, and they’re agents tasked with keeping my stories away from public view (by rubbing me out), but when I wake up, I shake that off and go to work. This work.

Part Two:

Now let’s look at an actual giant crime. For example, locking the world up.

I’m not talking about the COVID lockdowns. I mean the technocratic lock-up.

This would rate as a mother of all crimes.

You could loosely call this BEHAVIOR CONTROL.

From the top; coming down. Like a clean sanitized shit storm.


It looks nice and neat — it doesn’t have detritus and garbage hanging off of it. It operates smoothly. Like a well-tuned machine.

And you can find a place inside the machine, if you do what you’re told to do. That’s the basic principle, and as you can see, it isn’t very sophisticated.

Now, the technology applied to make the machine work and to keep everybody inside it — that is definitely sophisticated, and it’s improving all the time.

Ultimately, people themselves would be engineered, as in Huxley’s Brave New World, from the womb. That’s some serious fucking behavior control.

And face it, why wouldn’t tech people bent on running the world opt for that sort of control, if they could achieve it? Why stop short at cell phones that report your location and buzz your brain and listen to you talk when you’re not on the phone?

I could go on and paint all sorts of pictures of the Brave New World. I have, and so have others. The ID packages, the wall to wall surveillance, the guaranteed income linked to social credit score, the destructive vaccines, the top-down control of your bank account no matter where you bank, which means the seizure of your assets for any reason under the sun…

Bleak. Bad, bad shit. Universal MKULTRA.


And this is why I keep pushing my favorite theme. The umbrella term is Decentralization of Power. The specific is BULLY PULPIT.

Which means people stepping forward and going all-out to talk to their audiences every day on live stream and deliver what they see and know and believe — NO HOLDS BARRED — about the insanity in our midst, and what sanity would look like. In vivid terms.

No matter what. Come hell or high water.

In my current articles and podcasts, I provide numerous illustrations of how this bully pulpit could look and sound.

I guess you could boil this idea down to: telling the whole truth as you see it, without stinting, without using damped-down neutral language, without holding back emotion, without hedging your bets.

The people who are watching and listening would be AFFECTED, trust me.

1000 bully pulpits, 5000, and more. Heavy action.

Millions and millions of people across the world want to listen and watch.

Here’s my view: These millions of people want to cut through all the bullshit about the COLLECTIVIST “WE” — what I call the cosmic cheese glob — they want to leave all that bullshit behind and get down to THE INDIVIDUAL, who is free to live in freedom as long as he doesn’t impinge on the freedom of others, and who makes his way in the world by EARNING IT. Freedom with responsibility.

The Brave New World is the Collectivist We to the nth degree.

We need to head in the opposite direction. Back to the I.

That’s my starting position.

My jumping off point.

And yes, there are HUGE audiences out there who believe that and want to hear it expressed with no-limit conviction.

The jail break from the fake WE to the real I.

They want to hear a president with conviction. A governor with conviction. A mayor with conviction. A sheriff with conviction. A CEO. A doctor. A movie star. A celebrity athlete. A race car driver. A whoever.

Bully pulpit. VOICES.

We’ve got them. Voices.

To turn around the fetid fake culture…and drown the Brave New World before it takes hold.

— Jon Rappoport


Connect with Jon Rappoport at substack

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The Narrative Matrix Hides the Truth About the World, and About Ourselves

The Narrative Matrix Hides the Truth About the World, and About Ourselves

by Caitlin Johnstone
September 21, 2022


I talk about narrative all the time partly because narrative control is the source and foundation of the power of the US-centralized empire. The ability to control the way people think, act and vote with mass-scale psychological manipulation allows our rulers to dominate us more pervasively than we could ever be dominated by brute totalitarian force, which is why so much energy goes into keeping the people from controlling their own narratives. That’s all the current mainstream panic about “disinformation” is, for example. If narrative control were fully decentralized, our rulers couldn’t rule.

But I also focus on narrative because its consequences are so much more far-reaching than that.

The fascinating thing about paying attention to the way narrative differs from reality is that it doesn’t just change your understanding of politics and power throughout the world: you start to notice that your whole life is dominated by narratives — not just about the world, but about you.

You start out getting curious if the narratives you’ve been fed about your country, your government, and global power dynamics are really true, and if you’re sincere you start taking that curiosity to questions about narratives you’ve come to believe about your own life. Narratives about what’s important, about what’s real, about what’s true, about what’s helpful. Narratives about how you are, narratives about who you are. Narratives that were put in your head by teachers, preachers, friends and family, and narratives you made up yourself long ago and kept believing.

You start getting curious about the way your own life has been shaped by believed narrative, and you start to discover a whole reality underneath the matrix of stories which buzzes around in your consciousness. A reality that could not possibly be more different from your stories about it.

You start to discover that your entire framework for perceiving the world is based on believed stories which are not ultimately true and are generally very unhelpful for moving through life in a harmonious way. Stories about others. Stories about life. And stories about yourself.

That last one is the real kicker. Because it turns out that underneath the narrative matrix, what you are is more different from your mental stories about what you are than you could possibly imagine. And these misperceptions of identity shape your entire experience of reality. You start to see that this finite, separate “me” character your entire mental world has revolved around your whole life has no more reality to it than a fictional character in a storybook. After that illusion becomes clarified, life is no longer dominated by narrative.

To be clear, narrative in and of itself is not the problem; narrative in and of itself is a useful tool. “I went to the store” is a narrative. “Those berries are poisonous” is a narrative. “One should look both ways before crossing the street” is a narrative. The problem isn’t narrative, the problem is that it dominates our experience instead of serving as a tool. The goal isn’t to eliminate narrative but to put it in its proper place as a useful tool rather than the writer, director and star of the entire show of life. The problem isn’t narrative but believed narrative, in the same way watching a horror movie causes no problems for you if you remain clear that it’s just a movie.

Look closer and you see through the stories about your nation, your government and your world. Look closer still and you see through your believed stories about life which lead you to think the way you think and act the way you act. Look even closer and you see through the stories about your actual fundamental nature.

The reason propaganda works is because human experience is so thoroughly dominated by mental stories that if you can control the dominant narratives, you can control humanity. The quest is not just to refute propaganda, but to cease having an experience that is dominated by narrative.

And of course all this is a narrative too. But it points to something real which can be clearly perceived in your own experience without narrative, in the same way you can see your hand in front of your face without having to tell any stories about it.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

cover image credit: geralt

USDA Air Dropping Vaccines From Helicopters Across 13 States, Using Vaccine “Bait” Deemed Hazardous if Ingested

USDA Air Dropping Vaccines From Helicopters Across 13 States, Using Vaccine “Bait” Deemed Hazardous if Ingested

by Mike Adams, Natural News
September 21, 2022


[Natural News] The USDA, like many federal agencies, is deeply invested in the business of extermination. For example, most people don’t realize that the USDA mass murders millions of birds every year through deliberate poisoning campaigns. Natural News has published the USDA’s list of bird extermination from 2009 (PDF), showing how the agency murdered over four million birds in 2009 alone.

That program is called “Bye Bye Blackbird,” and it’s just one of many mass extermination programs run by the USDA. Another program involves the USDA mass murdering foxes, coyotes, bears, mountain lions, bobcats and river otters. As Natural News reported in 2018:

According to the latest report, the federal program last year killed 357 gray wolves; 69,041 adult coyotes, plus an unknown number of coyote pups in 393 destroyed dens; 624,845 red-winged blackbirds; 552 black bears; 319 mountain lions; 1,001 bobcats; 675 river otters, including 587 killed “unintentionally”; 3,827 foxes, plus an unknown number of fox pups in 128 dens; and 23,646 beavers.

Also in 2018, the USDA was caught murdering hundreds of kittens in incineration ovens as part of a medical experimentation operation. As NaturalNews reported in 2018:

…[T]he USDA has been experimenting on kittens by feeding them parasite-riddled raw meat for two or three weeks so their feces can be collected. Then they are killed via incineration. And at the end of the “study,” Bishops says, the USDA admitted that the baby animals were healthy.

Congressman Mike Bishop sounded off on the USDA’s kitten murder practice, saying:

I’m shocked and disturbed that for decades the USDA — the very organization charged with enforcing animal welfare laws — has been unnecessarily killing hundreds of kittens in expensive and inefficient lab experiments. Any government research program like this one that’s been funded since the Nixon administration needs to be put under the microscope, especially when it involves using kittens as disposable test tubes in harmful tests that most taxpayers oppose.

The USDA, in other words, slaughters millions of animals a year and runs cruel medical experiments on kittens (among other animals). This is the same USDA that conspires with pesticide manufacturers to poison the human food supply with synthetic chemicals, including herbicides like atrazine that are known “chemical castrators” that alter human hormone expression.

Now, this same agency is air-dropping edible “vaccines” across 13 states, claiming to be controlling raccoons and rabies. But the bait is so dangerous, it’s never supposed to be ingested (keep reading).

USDA uses a fleet of helicopters to mass poison the landscape with “rabies vaccines” disguised as food

According to the Associated Press via, the USDA is now air-dropping “millions of packets of oral rabies vaccines” across 13 US states. Those states include:

  • Alabama
  • Maine
  • Pennsylvania
  • West Virginia
  • Virginia
  • Tennessee

The USDA claims these “rabies vaccines” are embedded in food bits that are currently flavored with fishmeal. This will, of course, encourage all sorts of wildlife to eat the vaccine traps, causing unknown consequences in wildlife animals that will obviously ingest the tainted treats. Domestic dogs and cats can also stumble upon the tainted food bits and ingest them, causing involuntary “vaccination” against rabies, which can kill pets. (Although rare, death is one of the side effects of rabies vaccination.)

Note carefully that the USDA is in the business of exterminating animals, so when they drop “bait” from helicopters, laced with potentially harmful or even deadly rabies vaccine ingredients, it’s not difficult to realize the real motivation of this program.

Read full article here


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cover image credit: h-egon

Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments

Secrets of Virology – “Control” Experiments

by Dr. Sam Bailey
September 17, 2022


Recently, there was a claim that virologists do carry out properly controlled experiments, which show that the “no virus” position is false. ?

Could it be that we missed this vital piece of evidence?

Let’s have a look at what was presented, break down the scientific method and see if there’s been any shenanigans…


  1. The “Settling the Virus Debate” statement.
  2. Mock-infection” definition.
  3. Tom Bethell on evolution, “Iconoclast: One Journalist’s Odyssey through the Darwin Debates
  4. Independent and Dependent Variables Examples
  5. Proteomics of SARS-CoV-2-infected host cells reveals therapy targets” Nature, 14 May 2020.
  6. A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019” NEJM, 24 Jan 2020.
  7. Dr Sam Bailey Video, “What is a COVID-19 Case?” 13 Dec 2020.
  8. EM image: “Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Returning Travelers from Wuhan, China (SM)” NEJM, 26 Mar 2020.
  9. Dr Sam Bailey Video, “Electron Microscopy and Unidentified ‘Viral’ Objects”, 16 Feb 2022.
  10. Dr Mark Bailey, “A Farewell to Virology – Expert Only Edition”
  11. A Comparison of Whole Genome Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 Using Amplicon-Based Sequencing, Random Hexamers, and Bait Capture”, Viruses, 15 Aug 2020.
  12. Christine Massey’s website.


Connect with Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey

cover image based on creative commons work of andremsantana & b0red

The Miseducation of Hamilton: America’s First Shadow Banker Redefines Reality

The Miseducation of Hamilton: America’s First Shadow Banker Redefines Reality

by Aaron & Melissa Dykes, Truthstream Media
September 10, 2022


[Video available at Truthstream Media YouTube and BitChute channels.]

Excerpt from essay by Aaron Dykes (see the full essay here):

This video on Alexander Hamilton is over an hour-long, and for several reasons (some better than others). But gave us lots of amusement about history and about bad wannabe hip-hop raps.

With a deluge of information, and mini-perseveration and obsessive focus on the facts of the founding period, against a setting of slow, clumsy medical recovery that is beginning to see the light of day – in that context, I slew the dragons in my mind with the ammunition I could scour from our library in something of an offshoot of our previous series ‘The Trust Game’.

Drawing a duel in my mind with fundamentally-flawed philosophy of Alexander Hamilton, and, mixed up with meta-layers of irony, at the same time dueling with the flawed and deceptive framing of today, the presentation of history by major foundations, by entertainment giants and by the education system.

These and other forces have seemingly teamed-up to inspire the next generation to believe that 2+2=5, that aristocracy was democracy, and that Hamilton reigns over an alternate-dimension of woke hip-hop fantasy legitimized by the power of using “words” to define “reality.” A bent pseudo-realness brought into existence either by scientists at CERN probing dark matter, or whisked into meta-being by influencers who often use the term “meta” in their speeches, or perhaps in combination with one or other creative writers in the entertainment business.

My quixotic quest to right the wrongs of modern remix-history thus morphed from a simple summary about the Rockefeller Foundation sponsoring a play and paying to get kids to watch it, into a meta-analysis disassembling the core significance of our historical founder Alexander Hamilton from our 21st Century dumpster-fire culture. Our chances for a bright future are, thus, impaired, as the powers-that-be have given the young-in-spirit-and-mind the wrong codes and keywords. Instead of treasuring our individual rights and traditions of freedom, to maintain and treasure, even as the future keeps changing our notions of how things ought to be, the powers-that-be have trained impressionable minds to celebrate their own mental enslavement; to cheer on incredible financial rapings, and call for a greater concentration of power in the name of besting dissidents and opponents.

The wisdom and knowledge that too much power in the hands of government is a recipe for disaster. In respect to this principle, takes away the focus on individual rights and limiting abusive powers in all its forms. Too much power has been given away, given to despots and political champions, and technology has made modern people appear and feel minuscule in the grand scheme of things with respect to decision making and agency in writing their own future.

It occurred to me, with a bit of a background in government studies, that the growing public misconception about such fundamental rights as the Freedom of Speech (and the freedom of conscience) is a significant and growing danger to our society. An alarming number of lost sheep are prone to believe that society is vulnerable to “haters” who must be disarmed of their expression by government policies, and by huge tech companies who own and control the prevalent mediums of expression. It is a generation prone to believe that words CAN hurt you, and hurt so much that online speech must be patrolled, terms terminated, certain language left unspoken, and expression narrowly confined with search terms so as to not offend. Verified information only. Vetted, sanitized, safe.

The catastrophic fallout from this kind of thinking — from just this example — has already besieged our generation. It has purged many dissidents, threatening their livelihoods and their rights to expression. It has emboldened those abusing powers, who seek excuses and rationales to grab and use further power, and has empowered the worst abuses we’ve seen in freedom of conscience and freedom of speech both under the cloak of medical emergency in recent years. You know, our generational trauma.

On top of that is Hamilton. Miseducation hidden in the casserole of a trendy musical: a clear example that the truth has become a catspaw to manipulative powers, kneading a dough of history into a tableau that expresses the values of power they way they wish them to be presented, to be perceived. Is there a controller behind the veil? Or are these just shadows, pixels, static?

What has transpired to make this or any other best-selling musical/book/movie speak for a generation IN FAVOR of a figure who specifically represents the quest for more government power?

What is behind the glorification of a reprobate who has been strongly criticized by his contemporaries and by historians for his Machiavellian works towards a Federal Government over-endowed with uncontrollable powers? Superlative powers over the several States, over the revolutionaries who believed in and fought for liberty?

We find a banker, a shadow banker, who instituted a government system vulnerable to the undue influence of the mega-wealth, the elite. Made in the image of his patrons. A founding father thinker who believed that Aristocracy was the most desired form of government, that the monarchy American colonists had just fought against represented not-the-worst-but-the-best system, and that democracy was a totally destructive, unstable, untrustworthy system of government. People in mass a monster.

Yet people today — the typified acolytes of the Hamilton! Musical and its political affiliates — clamor for “democracy” and swoon at the Histor-tainment surrounding Alexander Hamilton whom they see as a climber from the lower classes, as a self-made immigrant, as an abolitionist of slaves, and a beacon of – democracy.

But that’s the very opposite of what Broadway’s most celebrated man actually stood for.

How is that even possible? Are people really that misinformed?

As the Constitutional Convention concluded, Benjamin Franklin was reputedly asked: “Well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin famously replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

This is our system, but this cannot be in of itself the best of all governmental-forms, because it did not produce or secure a significant-enough quantity of liberty, or distribute freedom widely enough to sustain true progress against ill intent on the part of those in power. Hence our modern disharmonies and disbalances. Things gravitating towards total disaster.

But a republic may have been the best of all outcomes under the circumstances for the young United States. It could have easily buckled under the pressures of world domination, intrigue, foreign loans and finance, and disagreements between political factions, economic sectors, and between the cultures of the Northern and Southern States — struggling to maintain the appearance of total unity in the wake of a doomed geopolitical marriage.

But a Republic based theoretically on past systems like Rome and tweaked by enlightenment insights, and which institutes divided and theoretically balanced powers, and which declares the principle of sustaining individual liberties, while separating duties and jurisdiction among different levels of government, and retaining unexpressed powers to the sovereign states – this Republic was as close as we Americans would get to a pseudo-healthy balance between the rock-and-a-hard-place of the threats of the “tyranny of the few” and that of the “tyranny of the many.”

A Democratic Republic in that elections and public opinion could influence or determine leaders; yet also an Aristocratic Republic, as Senators were selected by States whose politics were dominated by aristocratic land and property owners. Aristocratic, also, in the barriers between public election and the selection of the President, court justices and cabinet appointees, who Hamilton wanted appointed for life. Aristocratic in the heavy influence of the British system of titles, and the relationship between merchants, banks and money with the government that continued or was deliberately imitated by the colonies-turned-republic.

A Plutocratic Republic, in that the United States system was nauseatingly friendly and defenseless against the machinations of its richest, thanks in no small part to Alexander Hamilton himself, who represented for an elite cadre of extremely powerful land owning families, land speculators and investors who were especially dense in New York, fast-developing into one of the world’s foremost financial centers.

Our Republic was, thus, Plutocratic in the relationships and bonds that cemented in with Hamilton’s vision for the country. His role as a banker with a vision. The strings of capitol funds are absolutely connected to the institutions of the Federal capital and the governments of the States. The word puppet comes to mind.

Finance was and is a central pillar in the secretive and unquestionable foundations of the nation. The public face of good government for-the-people assumes the private, unimpeded operations of the wealthy players of plutocracy. This mold of capitalism, and hence its toxic derivatives, were ushered in by Alexander Hamilton, baked into our American traditions. The maker, in one sense, of some of the biggest Titans of Industry and capitalist fortunes. Philanthropists and Misanthropes alike.

And when it comes to the many, to the unfortunate who are dominated by this system, Hamilton enabled life-support and preferential treatment for the parasitic systems that denigrated human life on a grand-scale. He married into them, and cozied up to the powerful families of early America — he didn’t dismantle their institutions or moralize to them until their behavior changed. Abolition, racial justice and economic humanism were never a serious focus for Hamilton. Play things, maybe – concentrating power was his only true aim throughout his influential career.

So for the public to celebrate his cult of personality around these values – democracy, equality, et al. — is truly sickening. Especially when the soundtrack is saccharine-sweet with modern flair and over-hyped production value.

The young United States was a remarkable experiment in self-government and self-determination that espoused noble principles, but its final mold was still quite flawed. The powers-that-be did not make this mold of liberty and freedom easily transferable to less fortunate locales.

The young U.S., as now, had to endure competing interests including participants throughout the continent and abroad who held suspicious aims or dispassionate stakes in the economic factors, but who, nonetheless, helped to keep the weird glue of the union together, for better or worse. Its dark blemishes and severe philosophical oversights are fairly glaring in hindsight.

A Republic was as good as we got; Hamilton originally wanted a full-blown aristocratic monarchy, with total powers for the Federal government and political leaders who would rule for life – even if without an actual crown. The public has been so severely miseducated, however, that they now believe Hamilton fought for democracy.

This false notion had to be corrected. It is my duty, and it is also my pleasure.

The Republic he and other founders secured with his catspaw-Constitutional Convention was one set up to balance disagreements between the enfranchised, the “elect” of 18th Century society. This primarily, and almost exclusively, included property holders in society who were the only people who could vote or hold any true vestiges of power. It did very little to protect those that were subject to the dominance of the former “elect,” little for those under the thumb of any master, and for those who could only eek out an existence under duress, enslavement, indenture or indebtedness – for what was, at best, an illusory promise of freedom.

This was, after all, a system designed by Alexander Hamilton. He wrote more words than any of his nearest competitors; he worked hard. But who did he work for? And what were his words working to bring about? Is it something we should celebrate to a lively, hip-hop score?

Perhaps it’s time you met Hamilton. Once again. This time with feeling. Because he is a best-selling edition of history reshaped, remolded, redefined. Reality reconstructed like a lump of Playdoh.

I want to personally acknowledge and thank my beautiful wife, and partner in thought and expression, for her support in all things during this challenging time. Thank you, Melissa.

In Liberty and Love,



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Jerome Corsi on Oil Not Being a Fossil Fuel

Jerome Corsi on Oil Not Being a Fossil Fuel
Oil is not running out. In fact, oil is one of the most abundant liquids on Earth.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 9, 2022


Jerome Corsi is an author with a special focus on energy and all things related to actual climate science (rather than the establishment garbage perpetuated daily).

Jerome has published 25 books on economics, history, and politics, including six New York Times bestsellers, and was a senior editor at World Net Daily.

As Tony Heller noted, there is no climate emergency. As Patrick Moore noted. As Denis Rancourt noted, Earth is fine. As Valentina Zharkova noted, the biggest driver of temperature is the sun.

Book Worth Reading

Jerome is writing a trilogy in which he debunks all of the mainstream propaganda surrounding Sustainable Development, which is the UN’s version of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, which is essentially centralised global control (and has nothing to do with Earth’s climate).

The first in the trilogy is The Truth About Energy, Global Warming, and Climate Change.

Jerome joined me for a conversation in which he addresses

  • oil not being a fossil fuel;
  • oil being abiotic and almost as abundant as water;
  • the NAZI Germans making oil during WW2;
  • the conspiracy to market oil as a scarce “fossil fuel”; and
  • electric cars and why even Elon Musk knows they’re rubbish.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: eyeonicimages

Reiner Fuellmich: On His Recent Separation from the Corona Investigative Committee & Where His Work Will Be Focused Going Forward

Reiner Fuellmich: On His Recent Separation from the Corona Investigative Committee & Where His Work Will Be Focused Going Forward


Reiner Fuellmich Explains his absence on the Corona Committee and tells us what’s next!

by Farmer_Jones
September 18, 2022

Original video available at Farmer_Jones BitChute channel. Mirrored at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.


Truth Comes to Light Editor’s Notes (September 19, 2022):

Discussed during this interview —

  • What is happening with the Corona Investigative Committee.
  • Why Reiner Fuellmich has been absent from recent committee sessions.
  • What caused the separation. Viviana Fischer is now in control of the Corona Investigative Committee.
  • Reiner is creating International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), broadening the scope to look at all parts of the Great Reset, including the Ukraine crisis, global warming, breakdown of supply chains, etc. There will be a focus on showing people what they can do to stop this and to go for damages.
  • Farmer Jones brings up the Dr. Wagh [Poornima Wagh] controversy.
  • Farmer Jones mentions “fact checkers” involved in investigating Poornima Wagh and their attacks on Reiner Fuellmich. He speculates on possible set up of Dr. Lee Merritt as well.
  • Reiner explains issues with his telegram account which is being controlled by an IT person who is aligned with Viviana Fischer. Wolfgang Wodarg is now aligned with Viviana Fisher and her new version of the Corona Investigative Committee.
  • Reiner will be setting up a new telegram account and will be back within 10 days to 2 weeks within information about the International Crimes Investigative Committee.


Reiner Fuellmich interview with Stew Peters:

On September 2, 2022, this announcement by Viviane Fischer was posted at the Corona Investigative Committee telegram channel:

For background on Poornima Wagh controversy:

Virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh With Dr. Lee Merritt: “It’s Not Just Virology That’s a Scam. Most of Pathology Is Actually Fraudulent.” “People Are Waking Up Very Quickly.” “I Think This Is the Beginning of a Tsunami.”

Dr. Lee Merritt on the “Occult” Controllers of Science | She Also Responds to the Recent Controversy About Her Interview With Poornima Wagh

Poornima Wagh With Regis Tremblay: On the Questioning of Her Credentials & Public Assaults on Her Character [Updated September 3, 2022] 


©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.


Connect with Farmer_Jones at BitChute

In This House . . . On the Fate of the 50 Venezuelan Illegal Immigrants Who Were Flown From Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts

In This House . . . On the Fate of the 50 Venezuelan Illegal Immigrants Who Were Flown From Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts


“Democrats are accusing Republicans of using the 50 immigrants as pawns. Higher powers still are using the Democrats and Republicans as pawns. This is a play inside a play and involves a level of manipulation that is not just cynical, but diabolical.”

~ Richard Hugus


In This House . . .

by Richard Hugus
September 18, 2022


Image credit: Joint Base Cape Cod Ground Water Plume Map;

As reported by national news in the US, on September 16, 2022, 50 illegal immigrants from Venezuela were flown from Florida to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. Officials on the island said they did not have the resources to take care of the immigrants, so they were transported by the Massachusetts National Guard to a military base on Cape Cod. The immigrants were tolerated on Martha’s Vineyard for exactly two days.

The military base they were taken to, with the purposely non-descriptive name, “Joint Base Cape Cod,” is about 30 miles north of the church in Edgartown where the immigrants stayed.  The base was formerly known as the Massachusetts Military Reservation, or Otis/Camp Edwards. The base is notorious for being a dump site for the federal government, so it probably seemed to the authorities a logical place to get rid of the immigrants. The 22,000 acre base was designated a Superfund site in 1989 due to massive amounts of fuels and solvents dumped at Otis Air Base into the sandy soil above Upper Cape Cod’s sole-source aquifer. As more and more contaminated groundwater was being discovered on the Air Force side, yet more was discovered from the past dumping of propellants and explosives by the Army at Camp Edwards. At one site on the base in the 1960s, the Air Force dumped up to 6 million gallons of aviation fuel on the ground just to test aircraft emergency release valves. Enough fuel from here and elsewhere got into water supplies in nearby Forestdale to the point that tap water at a kitchen sink could be lit on fire. Meanwhile, the Army was accustomed for years to firing Howitzer and mortar rounds into the base “impact area” whose explosions would shake windows in residential areas all over the Upper Cape. Nearby residents also lived with the frequent sound of machine gun fire from one of many gun ranges. Indeed, the Army National Guard has lately insisted it needs 200 acres of forest clearcut for a new machine gun range, with 5,000 acres reserved for strays and overshoots. For those feigning such concern, this was some place to send a group of helpless refugees. The public has no access to and very little knowledge of this huge area of sunny Cape Cod.

Martha’s Vineyard has had its own episode of Pentagon abuse. A small island called Nomans, just south of the Vineyard, was used as an aerial bombing range for many years, leaving the land littered with unexploded ordnance and contaminated soil. Rather than remediate, the US Navy conveniently handed the land over the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife who simply called it a conservation area, posted No Trespassing signs, and called it a day. The small island, a beautiful gem once inhabited by Wampanoag Indians and early settlers, it is now just a sacrifice zone, like a closed landfill. No one is allowed to set foot on it.

Both Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard have a service and tourist economy. Most people who live and work there are not wealthy, but have jobs serving the wealthy in one way or another. They build and repair the homes of the rich, they entertain them, run the restaurants, cook the food, clean the houses, and maintain their boats and cars. Low wage workers and immigrant labor are brought in every year for the summer season as there is evidently not enough money to pay local workers asking for a decent wage. Nor can working people afford houses on local wages. It’s a rentier economy. Poverty is real on both Martha’s Vineyard and the Cape because so many among the rich know very well how to spend as little of their money as possible for the services they receive. While working people there might not be happy about immigrant labor lowering wages and taking jobs, they would not have called the National Guard to come in and remove the strangers from Venezuela. And of course they would not have had the power to do so even if they wanted to. That call had to have come from new world order hopeful Governor Charlie Baker, on orders from Vineyard residents like Barack Obama who don’t want to see the results of the unrestricted immigration that they initiated actually becoming visible in their own neighborhoods. This is why the 50 Venezuelans were brought to eastern Massachusetts’ go-to military dump site, incidentally also home to the Barnstable County Jail — another thing no one wanted to see or hear anywhere else on the Cape.

We might ask why people in Venezuela got to the point of leaving family, home, culture, and country to emigrate in the first place. Obviously, two decades of coup attempts from the Chavez era on, relentless sanctions, and the theft of assets by the US has made life in Venezuela hard for many people. The US government created this problem. The further abuse of Venezuelans in a program of engineered destruction of sovereign countries and cultures, which is what the immigration crisis amounts to worldwide, is the same attack multiplied. Democrats are accusing Republicans of using the 50 immigrants as pawns. Higher powers still are using the Democrats and Republicans as pawns. This is a play inside a play and involves a level of manipulation that is not just cynical, but diabolical.

We’ve all seen the “In This House, We Believe” signs. The signs are displayed by some of the people on Martha’s Vineyard who this past week didn’t mind seeing 50 of the world’s poor carted off to a restricted military base. Between the lines on these cute little emblems of virtue we now read the ugly truth:

In this house, we believe . . .

In complete, shameless hypocrisy

In full totalitarianism, as long as it’s nicely wrapped in self-righteous liberal jargon

Virtue-signaling is better by far (and much easier) than actual virtue

Immigrants are welcome (to mow our lawns and wash our dishes)

Climate change is real (how else do we explain it being sunny one day and cloudy the next?)

All orientations are preferable to heterosexuality — the human race has gone on long enough

We hate humanity

A woman’s rights are human rights (but there is no such thing as a woman, so there is no such thing as “women’s rights”)

Black lives matter (especially when they can be used to create disruption and chaos while we do nothing to actually improve the lives of black people)

No human is illegal (unless he’s too close to my $12 million oceanfront property)

There is no place for hate (unless you’re a white hetero male, a Palestinian, a Muslim, a Christian, a Russian, a right wing extremist, an anti-vaxxer, a climate denier, or anyone else on our list)

Science is real (so long as it serves pharmaceutical company profits and “great reset” eugenics)

Love is love, and all other nice-sounding, mystifying, empty tautologies

Kindness is everything (after money, power, and control)


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings:

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Connect with Richard Hugus


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: For those who are unfamiliar with the “In This House, We Believe” signs that Richard refers to in his essay, these are signs posted on lawns or front porches throughout the United States, expressing support of Black Lives Matter movement & other sentiments that purportedly represent “progressive” or “leftist” or “woke” values, depending on who you ask.

Image credit: Lorie Shaull, Washington, United States — sourced from Wikimedia Commons


cover image credit: Master Sgt. Nicholas Giammarco – Combat readiness training at Tactical Training Base Kelley on Joint Base Cape Cod on August 24, 2018 – sourced from Wikimedia Commons

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom (London, September 17, 2022): “This Is the Time for Humanity to Take Responsibility for Its World”

David Icke at Worldwide Rally for Freedom (London, September 17, 2022): “This Is the Time for Humanity to Take Responsibility for Its World”


“You do not eliminate the low ground by fighting with it. You eliminate the low ground by ceasing to cooperate with it. By building something better and refusing to cooperate with anything else.

Because the most powerful word in the English language or any other language is, and has always been — it is the word that has ended every tyranny in history, and ultimately it will end this one — and that word, of course, is “No! No! No!”.”


“We need to understand where the real power is. And it’s not with satanic forces that operate out of places like The City of London.  Our perception that they have power is a misunderstanding of where the power is…

How can eight billion people be controlled by a handful unless those eight billion — or most of them — give their power to the handful? This has to end! And when it ends, this tyranny will end.”


“What it takes is just that stiffened backbone, that courage to stand up to what is a house of cards — if only we would stop holding it together.”


“This is the time for humanity to take responsibility for its world. To stop pointing the finger and saying ‘it’s them’.

No. It’s us. It’s always been us. It’s always been us throughout known human history who have handed our power to the few. Which is why, throughout human history, the few have always controlled the many.”

~ David Icke, September 17, 2022, London – Worldwide Rally for Freedom


Video courtesy of TheTaoOfAnarchy Rumble channel.


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Leaks Reveal Disgraceful Facebook and FBI Operation Supposedly Purposed to Counter Domestic Terrorism

Leaks Reveal Disgraceful Facebook and FBI Operation Supposedly Purposed to Counter Domestic Terrorism

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
September 16, 2022


On Thursday, I wrote about a Wednesday Washington Times article detailing allegations by current and former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents that FBI agents had been given quotas for investigations of “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” related crime. The results included a bunch of FBI agents spinning their wheels on trying to find crimes and criminals where none are, while surveilling and investigating plenty of people critical of government in the process.

Disturbingly, the investigations of these individuals would arise based on the individuals having exercised their right to criticize government. An FBI agent bluntly described the situation in the article: “If they have a Gadsden flag and they own guns and they are mean at school board meetings, that’s probably a domestic terrorist.”

Allegations by Department of Justice officials, reported in a Wednesday New York Post article by Miranda Devine, provide additional information about the FBI’s expansive efforts undertaken in the name of countering domestic terrorism. The allegations relate that Facebook repeatedly provided the FBI with customers’ private conversations in redacted form that the FBI then used to obtain subpoenas to seek more information from Facebook, and which Facebook then provided in spades. “But when the targeted Facebook users were investigated by agents in a local FBI field office, sometimes using covert surveillance techniques, nothing criminal or violent turned up,” the Post article reports.

What kind of people did Facebook turn over to the FBI? The article provides this answer:

The Facebook users whose private communications Facebook had red-flagged as domestic terrorism for the FBI were all ‘conservative right-wing individuals.’

‘They were gun-toting, red-blooded Americans [who were] angry after the election and shooting off their mouths and talking about staging protests. There was nothing criminal, nothing about violence or massacring or assassinating anyone.

‘As soon as a subpoena was requested, within an hour, Facebook sent back gigabytes of data and photos. It was ready to go. They were just waiting for that legal process so they could send it.’

It sure looks like investigation and surveillance targeting individuals due to those individuals’ political views — a disgraceful use of government power.


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cover image based on creative commons work of Simon

They’re Not Even Hiding It Anymore

They’re Not Even Hiding It Anymore
Back in the day, they would deny the existence of chemtrails and geoengineering. Now, they’re open about it.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 15, 2022



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GeoEngineering Watch: Nanoparticulate Rain, Interview With a Scientist

GeoEngineering Watch: Nanoparticulate Rain, Interview With a Scientist

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
September 15, 2022


Nanoparticulate rain, are climate engineering operations the source? What aren’t we being told? A highly credentialed scientist provides extensive analysis, this is a must watch report.

[Video available at BitChute and YouTube]

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


View THE DIMMING, GeoEngineering Watch’s most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

[Video available at BitChute and YouTube]


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A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Below you will find the abstract & the postscript for Dr. Mark Bailey’s essay entitled “A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)“. Use the links provided to view the entire 67-page report at Mark & Samantha Bailey’s website.]


Read & Download the Full 67-Page Essay in PDF Format


A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)

by Dr. Mark Bailey
September 15, 2022



Virology invented the virus model but has consistently failed to fulfil its own requirements. It is claimed that viruses cause disease after transmitting between hosts such as humans and yet the scientific evidence for these claims is missing. One of virology’s greatest failures has been the inability to obtain any viral particles directly from the tissues of organisms said to have “viral” diseases. In order to obfuscate this state of affairs, virologists have resorted to creating their own pseudoscientific methods to replace the longstanding scientific method, as well as changing the dictionary meaning of words in order to support their anti-scientific practices. For instance, an “isolated” isolate does not require the physical existence of the particles in order to be afforded “isolation” status.

A viral particle must fulfil defined physical and biological properties including being a replication-competent intracellular parasite capable of causing disease in a host such as a human. However, “viruses” such as SARS-CoV-2 are nothing more than phantom constructs, existing only in imaginations and computer simulations. In this paradigm, cases of invented diseases like COVID-19 are nothing more than the detection of selected genetic sequences and proteins purported to be “viral.” The existence of a virus is not required in this loop of circular reasoning and thus entire “pandemics” can be built upon digital creations and falsely sustained through in vitro (“test tube”) molecular reactions.

This essay contains three parts. Part One outlines some of the history of virology and the failures of the virologists to follow the scientific method. The many and far-reaching claims of the virologists can all be shown to be flawed due to: (a) the lack of direct evidence, and (b) the invalidation of indirect “evidence” due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. The examples provided cover all major aspects of the virological fraud including alleged isolation, cytopathic effects, genomics, antibodies, and animal pathogenicity studies.

Part Two examines the fraud used to propagate the COVID-19 “pandemic.” A breakdown of the methodology relied upon by the original inventors Fan Wu et al., shows how the fictional SARS-CoV-2 was “created” through anti-scientific methods and linguistic sleights of hands. It is part of an ongoing deception where viruses are claimed to exist by templating them against previous “virus” templates. Using SARS-CoV-2 as an example, the trail of “coronavirus” genomic templates going back to the 1980s reveals that none of these genetic sequences have ever been shown to come from inside any viral particle — the phylogenetic trees are fantasies. The misapplication of the polymerase chain reaction has propagated this aspect of virology’s fraud and created the ‘cases’ to maintain the illusion of a pandemic. Part Three provides an analysis of how some key participants, “health” institutions, and the mainstream media maintain the virus illusion through information control and narratives that parrot virology’s claims. By way of happenstance, the virological fraud now finds itself front and centre of the COVID-19 fraud. From here, however, it can be critically appraised by those outside virology and the pseudo­scientific paradigm virology has built around itself can finally be dismantled and laid to rest.

The aim of this essay is to provide refutations to various claims that pathogenic viruses exist and cause disease. SARS-CoV-2 has been used as the main example but the principles apply to all alleged viruses. What follows addresses virology’s often arcane literature on its own terms, which, it should be said, may make parts of this essay somewhat heavy reading. However, it is hoped that this contribution will fill a niche for the reader seeking a more technical understanding of the virus hypothesis as it seeks to expose the very foundation of purported pandemics and fraudulent medical practices. The threat of virology to humanity is increasing so it is time we bid farewell to these destructive pseudoscientific practices and free ourselves from unnecessary fears.


No matter how long an essay covering this topic may be, there will always be more questions in the form of, “but what about…?” The desire to fit observed phenomena to the virus model is strongly programmed on many levels. It was not the intention of this essay to explain peripheral observations or the cause of various illnesses in organisms such as humans. As has been detailed, it only needs to be demonstrated that the viral hypothesis has refuted itself on its own terms. The virologists have provided no direct evidence of pathogenic viruses and instead have resorted to indirect observations that are invalided due to the uncontrolled nature of the experiments. Additionally, adhering to the scientific method places us under no obligation to provide an alternative explanation for these phenomena — when a hypothesis has been falsified, even once, it is done for. Tragically, the explanations to many of the “but what about…?” questions have already been answered elsewhere but the seduction of the “virus” and the juggernaut of surrounding interests have formed an artificial knowledge barrier for many people. In this light, I have endeavoured to serve the highest purpose I know and hope that my contributions will help humanity throw off the imaginary viral shackles once and for all.

Progress consists, not in the increase of truth, but in freeing it from its wrappings. The truth is obtained like gold, not by letting it grow bigger, but by washing off from it everything that isn’t gold. — Leo Tolstoy


Read & Download the Full 67-Page Essay in PDF Format


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image credit: nicolasdebraypointcom

A Danger of Giving FBI Agents Quotas on Domestic Terrorism and White Supremacy Related Crime

A Danger of Giving FBI Agents Quotas on Domestic Terrorism and White Supremacy Related Crime

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
September 16, 2022


Sometimes police will be given quotas for ticketing drivers. Results of the pressure put on cops to meet their ticket targets tend to include that many drivers are pulled over and ticketed for minor infractions that would be better overlooked or based on dubious or fabricated grounds. Is a similar quota system, with expectable similar results, developing now in regard to “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” related crime at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)?

A Wednesday Washington Times article by Kerry Picket and Joseph Clark, referencing information provided by current and former FBI agents, suggests that is the case. Picket and Clark write:

Current and former FBI agents tell The Washington Times that the perceived threat has become overblown under the administration. They say bureau analysts and top officials are pressuring FBI agents to create domestic terrorist cases and tag people as White supremacists to meet internal metrics.

“The demand for White supremacy” coming from FBI headquarters “vastly outstrips the supply of White supremacy,” said one agent, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have more people assigned to investigate White supremacists than we can actually find.”

The agent said those driving bureau policies “have already determined that White supremacy is a problem” and set agencywide policy to elevate racially motivated domestic extremism cases as priorities.

“We are sort of the lapdogs as the actual agents doing these sorts of investigations, trying to find a crime to fit otherwise First Amendment-protected activities,” he said. “If they have a Gadsden flag and they own guns and they are mean at school board meetings, that’s probably a domestic terrorist.”

The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field showing a timber rattlesnake and the words: “Don’t Tread on Me.” It is often used as a symbol of liberty.

Read the complete article here.


Connect with Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity

image credit: Excolis/Wikimedia Commons

How India Is Fighting Against Bill Gates and Vaxx Injuries

How India Is Fighting Against Bill Gates and Vaxx Injuries

by Derrick Broze, The Conscious Resistance
with Yohan Tengra, Awaken India Movement
September 16, 2022


Joining me today is returning guest Yohan Tengra to discuss his involvement in a recent lawsuit relating to vaxx injuries. Yohan will also share what Bill Gates has to do with the lawsuit.

See our previous interviews:

Links mentioned in the video:

Here’s How the Awaken India Movement Defeated the Mask & Vaxx Mandates

Court Orders Bill Gates, Indian Government to Respond to Lawsuit Filed by Family of Woman Who Died After AstraZeneca Vaccine


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Covid Vaccines: A Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question

Covid Vaccines: A Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question

by Dr. Mark Bailey
September 2, 2022


The damaging effects of the COVID-19 injections are postulated to occur through several mechanisms. It is not my intention in the present commentary to provide an exhaustive list of the potential mechanisms but they can generally be split into three major themes. The first is that the expression of the mRNA-encoded spike protein causes a subsequent inflammatory response, including vasculitis and clotting. The second is that the lipid-nanoparticles (LNPs), used as the mRNA delivery vehicle, are themselves toxic and may coalesce into much larger particles inside the body. (The synthetic mRNA that resists degradation may itself also be pro inflammatory.) The third is that there are undeclared toxic constituents within the injections, with the prime suspect being graphene oxide (GO).

Pfizer Comirnaty under dark field microscopy – Source:


Pfizer Comirnaty under the light microscope – Source: Dr. Robin Wakeling

In early 2022, Dr Robin Wakeling demonstrated the behaviour of Pfizer Comirnaty LNPs coalescing under the light microscope. With regard to GO in the vaccines, he has kept an open mind and has pointed out the factor of batch variability. Many of the highly-complex patterns seen forming under microscopic examination of the vaccines have suggested the presence of this compound. However, Wakeling’s latest research has revealed that such two-dimensional (2D) complexes can also be formed under the right conditions with plain isotonic (0.9%) salt water. He has presented the findings in his paper, “COVID Vaccines: a Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question,” published today.

Wakeling stated that he has been unable to find images of these 2D saline-derived structures in the scientific literature, although there exist elaborate descriptions of how water molecules may behave under “nano-scale confinement.” As he reported, “it is curious that something as common as isotonic table salt/saline, something that a plethora of observers would presumably have examined microscopically for over a century has not given rise to published 2D images of the type that are now straightforward to produce.”

(A) & (B) 2D structures produced from isotonic (0.9%) salt solution.

Wakeling reported that the one proposed mechanism is that alterations in the ratio of sodium (Na) to chlorine (Cl), outside of the typical 1:1 NaCl arrangement may be associated with the observed 2D structures. Whatever the mechanism, the findings under the coverslip may provide some insights into how water behaves within our own cells and various interfaces in our bodies. Are we being given another window into how water is ‘structured’ in life processes? In this regard, Wakeling also mentioned the work of Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Dr Robert Lanza, and Veda Austin and the remarkable observations of water being able to store “information” and synchronise with various environmental influences.

These latest findings do not rule out the presence of GO in the injections and it does not negate the findings of other citizen scientists who have demonstrated mass spectrometry results consistent with the presence of the compound. As Wakeling stated, “the presence of 2D crystalline structures per se are probably not signatures of graphene oxide but are signatures of something else, something more profound perhaps.”

While there often seems to be a lack of positive news during the COVID-19 fraud, for many of us it has been a source of inspiration to keep exploring beyond institutionalised science. Wakeling’s investigations of the COVID-19 injections were motivated by the harm he was witnessing in his community. Unexpectedly, he has made new observations and found a new way of thinking about the nature of water and its interactions with salt. Please read this unique paper by Dr Wakeling for his latest insights into this fascinating topic…

Download PDF
COVID Vaccines: a Curious Discovery on the Graphene Oxide Question
by Dr. Robin Wakeling


Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

Pop Quiz Memory Test

Pop Quiz Memory Test

by Jon Rappoport, Jon Rappoport’s Blog
September 12, 2022


Today, students, we’re going to take a break from our usual lessons on Critical Race Theory, transgenderism, climate change, and open borders.

Instead, I’ve enrolled all of you in a study that tests your memory. We’re going to travel back into the mists of the distant past—2020—and see what you can recall about key events from that ancient period that shaped our nation.

Here are a set of questions. Write your answers and turn in your papers.

Who started out comparing COVID to the flu and commented that the flu, which kills between 20 and 60 thousand Americans a year, has never triggered restrictive public health measures?

Who permitted Anthony Fauci to step into the role of de facto President of the United States and lead the country into widely destructive mass lockdowns?

Who was the main figure fronting for the rapid development of COVID vaccines based on experimental RNA technology?

Who has never mentioned that his promotion of Operation Warp Speed resulted in 1.3 million reports of vaccine injuries and deaths in the US federal database, so far?

Bonus Question 1: Who signed a $460 billion arms deal with the Saudi regime in 2017?

Bonus Question 2: Who owns the golf club that will host the final event, this fall, on the new Saudi professional golf tour?

You have 45 minutes to enter your answers. Next to a question, it is acceptable to write “I don’t know” or “I don’t want to know.”



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cover image credit: TheDigitalArtist

James Corbett With Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

James Corbett With Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth


Richard Gage UNLEASHED!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
September 9, 2022


Richard Gage, founder and former CEO of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, joins me to discuss his current work at, including his podcast, Richard Gage UNLEASHED!, his upcoming 2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream, his weekly webinars, his work with the Lawyers’ Commitee for 9/11 Inquiry and their upcoming film, 9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom. We also reflect on the 21st anniversary of the “catalyzing and catastrophic” events of September 11th and discuss what motivates us to do this work.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4


Richard Gage UNLEASHED!

Kevin Ryan on Parallels Between 9/11 and COVID

The Amazing Parallels Between 9/11 & Covid – RichardGage911 at Red Pill Expo

2022 9/11 Truth Film Festival livestream

Richared Gage webinars

Lawyers’ Commitee for 9/11 Inquiry

9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom film

Richard Gage on C-SPAN


Connect with James Corbett

Connect with Richard Gage

James Fetzer on the 9/11 Coverup

James Fetzer on the 9/11 Coverup
There were no planes. Nuclear bombs were used. Holograms were beamed. And the Israeli government was involved.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 11, 2022


I have hosted a few 9/11 conversations, from Mike Berger arguing that controlled demolition was used, to Judy Wood’s fascinating hypothesis surrounding directed energy weapons.

Firstly, I’m not going to entertain the laughable, official story.

Sixteen years after a series of coordinated terrorist attacks by al-Qaeda (as the story goes) shook the United States and the world, the number of questions-raised-left-unanswered has perhaps never been any higher. Through their constant probing, investigating and challenging of the official story, world-class journalists, architects, engineers and families of the victims of 9/11 in particular have, however, to their credit, managed to unearth and pool together enough evidence over the years, to make a compelling case to suggest that the “official” narrative of 9/11 is only a “story” and not an accurate narration of what had actually happened.

Eresh Omar Jamal, The Daily Star, circa 2017

Secondly, understanding what actually happened is difficult due to mass censorship by The Cathedral (media plus government plus academia). A good indicator of where one might find (more of) the truth, however, is to search for what is being censored or outside of the Overton Window.

At least, that’s my rule of thumb.

Which is why I am intrigued by both Mike’s and Judy’s arguments. James Fetzer, who has been my podcast a few times, has been investigating 9/11 for many years and, in my opinion, has the most persuasive hypothesis.

Where is the aircraft?

Where is the aircraft?

Our Conversation

In the following two-hour conversation, James presents 135 slides and an enormous amount of critique, including

  • what happened (or didn’t happen) at the Pentagon;
  • what happened (or didn’t happen) at Shanksville;
  • why planes could not have crashed into the Twin Towers;
  • why two of the four planes didn’t even take off;
  • why Osama and Muslim “terrorists” were a false flag;
  • the use of “mini-nukes” (which gives weight to the spike in cancers);
  • the names and faces of those involved; and
  • the motivations behind the operation.

I recommend watching instead of listening, for obvious reasons.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

Connect with James H. Fetzer

Referenced in the video:

Article: Osama Bin Laden, 1957 – 2001 by Nicholas Kollerstrom

Article: 20th Observance of 9/11: Thierry Meyssan got it right!

Loose Change Final Cut (2007)

Pilots for  9/11 Truth: 9/11 Intercepted — 9/11 Flight Path Data

Ace Baker: The Great American Psy Opera

911 Flight 175 Radar Data 3D Analysis by Richard D Hall


Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. The views and opinions expressed in articles posted on this site are those of the authors and video creators. They do not necessarily reflect the views of Truth Comes to Light. Please do your own research and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.

cover image credit: wikimedia commons

The Right to Be Left Alone

The Right to Be Left Alone

by Judge Andrew Napolitano, Tenth Amendment Center
September 7, 2022


The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to privacy. Like other amendments in the Bill of Rights, it doesn’t create the right; it limits government interference with it. Last week, President Joe Biden misquoted the late Justice Antonin Scalia suggesting that Justice Scalia believed that the Bill of Rights creates rights. As Justice Scalia wrote, referring to the right to keep and bear arms but reflecting his view on the origins of all personal liberty, the Bill of Rights secures rights, it doesn’t create them; it secures them from the government.

Those who drafted the Bill of Rights recognized that human rights are pre-political. They precede the existence of the government. They come from our humanity, and, in the case of privacy, they are reinforced by our ownership or legal occupancy of property.

The idea that rights come from our humanity is called Natural Law theory, which was first articulated by Aristotle in 360 B.C. The natural law teaches that there are aspects of human existence and thus areas of human behavior that are not subject to the government. Aristotle’s views would later be refined by Cicero, codified by Aquinas, explained by John Locke, and woven into Anglo-American jurisprudence by British jurists and American revolutionaries and constitutional framers.

Thus, our rights to think as we wish, to say what we think, to publish what we say, to worship or not, to associate or not, to defend ourselves from crazies and tyrants, to own property, and to be left alone are all hard-wired into our human natures by God, the uncaused cause. Nature is the means through which God passes along His gifts to us. We come about by a biological act of nature, every step of which was ordained by God. His greatest gift to us is life, and He tied that gift to free will. Just as He is perfectly free, so are we.

In exercising our free wills, we employ rights. Rights are claims against the whole world. They don’t require approval of a government or neighbors or colleagues. The same rights exist in everyone no matter their place of birth, and each person exercises them as she or he sees fit. The government should only come into the picture when someone violates another’s natural rights. So, if someone builds a house in your backyard, you can knock it down and expel the builders or you can ask the government to do so.

Suppose the builders haven’t consented to the existence of the government? That does not absolve them. Though government is only moral and legal in a society in which all persons have consented to it — this is Thomas Jefferson’s “consent of the governed” argument in the Declaration of Independence — the only exception to actual consent is the use of government to remedy a violation of natural rights.

Professor Murray Rothbard examined all this under his non-aggression principle (NAP): Initiating or threatening force or deception against a person or his rights is always morally illicit. This applies to all aggression, even — and especially — from the government. The folks building a house in your backyard have either used force or deception to get there. Both violate your natural rights and the NAP.

Now, back to the Fourth Amendment and privacy. In a famous dissent in 1928, which two generations later became the law of the land, the late Justice Louis Brandeis argued that government surveillance constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment and thus, per the express language of the amendment, cannot be conducted by the government without a warrant issued by a judge. He famously called privacy the right most valued by civilized persons and described it as “the right to be let alone.”

Today, this is the most violated of personal rights; not by judges signing search warrants for surveillance, but by government officials — local, state and federal — ignoring and evading the natural right to privacy and pretending that the Fourth Amendment does not apply to them. The linchpin of the amendment is the judicial determination of the existence of probable cause — meaning that it is more likely than not that a crime has been committed, and that there is evidence of that crime in the place to be searched and in the things to be seized.

Today, the feds, and this has been picked up and mimicked by local and state police, have told themselves that so long as they are not looking for evidence of crimes, they needn’t follow the Fourth Amendment.

Today, the government rarely bothers to obtain a search warrant for surveillance because it is cumbersome to do so and because it is so easy to surveil folks on a massive scale without one.

Today, the National Security Administration — America’s 60,000-person strong domestic spying apparatus — captures every keystroke on every desktop and mobile device, and every conversation on every landline and mobile device, and all data transmitted into, out of or within the United States.

Moreover, you’d be hard-pressed to find a geographic area that is not covered by police using hardware that tracks the movement and use of mobile phones. When Edward Snowden passed on to journalists the facts of massive warrantless spying in the Bush and Obama administrations, he had the journalists put their mobile devices where his was — in his refrigerator, as anywhere else would have alerted his former colleagues of their collective whereabouts.

The government spends hundreds of billions of dollars annually just to watch and follow us. Who authorized this? Why do we tolerate a society where we have hired a government to secure our rights and instead it engages in aggression against them?


Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is the senior judicial analyst at Fox News Channel. Judge Napolitano has written seven books on the U.S. Constitution. The most recent is Theodore and Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom. To find out more about Judge Napolitano and to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit


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cover image credit: StockSnap 

Smart Meters: An Intensely Personal Form of Surveillance

Smart Meters: An Intensely Personal Form of Surveillance



The Theft of Your Wealth and Freedom Is Accelerating

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
September 7, 2022


Story At-a-Glance
  • Smart meters measure and record electricity usage at least every hour, if not more, and provide the data to the utility company and consumer at least once a day
  • The data from smart meters reveal far more than you might think — and could even be used against you to control your individual energy use or, one day, to help ensure “net zero” compliance
  • Smart meters do more than measure your energy usage; they’re also capable of distinguishing what type of energy you’re using, such as doing laundry or watching TV
  • It’s an intensely personal form of surveillance — one that could easily be used against you, including to scrutinize your energy usage and even ration your energy
  • Smart meters should also be avoided because they’re yet another source of electromagnetic fields, which include radio frequencies from smart meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi, and dirty electricity
  • If you can, opt out of receiving a smart meter; be aware that you will likely be charged an extortion fee, in the form of one-time and monthly charges, to do so


Many people have embraced the convenience of wireless devices in their homes, but these devices come at a price — your privacy and your health. With each smart device that you welcome to your home — such as connected alarm clocks, vehicles, refrigerators and doorbells — another layer of your personal life is revealed and your health is sabotaged by the EMFs.

This is certainly true of smart meters, which are officially known in the U.S. as advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) installations. In 2020, 102.9 million such smart meters were installed by U.S. electric utilities, about 88% of them in personal residences.1 AMI meters measure and record electricity usage at least every hour, if not more, and provide the data to the utility company and consumer at least once a day.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, “AMI installations range from basic hourly interval meters to real-time meters with built-in two-way communication that is capable of recording and transmitting instantaneous data.”2

What could be wrong with transmitting every last detail about your real-time energy usage to an energy company? Those data reveal far more than you might think — and could even be used against you to control your individual energy use or, one day, to help ensure “net zero” compliance.

Smart Meters Aren’t There for Your Benefit

Before smart meters were widely available, your electricity usage was recorded by a meter reader, who would visit your property once a month and manually record your energy usage. Now, this data is tracked at hourly or half-hour intervals, which energy companies are billing as a way to save you, the customer, money. The U.K.’s Shell Energy, which describes smart meters as “the future of energy,” notes:3

“Smart meters bring a whole host of benefits: they’ll tell you how much you’re spending in real time, which means there are no nasty surprises when your bill turns up … But, perhaps best of all, smart meters give you real-time information on your energy use.

They let you know exactly how much it’s costing you to boil that kettle or charge your phone. Armed with this knowledge, you can make a more informed decision about whether to turn up the heating, or put another load in the tumble dryer.

… Smart meters are set to revolutionize the way we use electricity. They make it easier for suppliers like us to offer cheaper, off-peak rates for, say, charging your electric car. They tell us more about how you use your energy, which means we can offer you more suitable tariffs. It may be that, one day, you’re offered cheaper electricity on sunny or windy days, when clean energy is easier to come by.”

Smart Energy International also describes Comarch’s smart metering systems as a solution for “remote and automatic measurement of media consumption.” Note that their smart meters once only measured electricity and now are available for other utilities, including water, gas and heat, “the consumption of which should be constantly monitored.”4

Using the tactic of manufacturing fear, they spin smart meters as a necessity so that energy companies can keep close tabs on consumption and step in when needed:5

“A whole new era of readings has come. Smart metering systems provide companies in the utilities sector with the ability to monitor media supply networks and efficiently respond to current events. Data can be obtained even from meters that are difficult to access and those located at long distances from each other. They are sent periodically, informing the end-user about the reading, transmission data, and possible failures and errors.

This makes it possible to send teams almost immediately where they are needed at any given time. All this is to respond as quickly as possible if a problem arises.”

If They Control the Energy, They Control You

The technocratic elite, including both BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and Bill Gates, are pushing for “net zero” carbon emissions.6 While BlackRock is busy buying up houses, Gates is hard at work amassing farmland and is now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S.7

Gates is pushing for drastic, fundamental changes by 2030, including widespread consumption of fake meat, adoption of next generation nuclear energy and growing a fungus as a new type of nutritional protein.8 The deadline Gates has given to reach net zero emissions is 2050,9 and smart meters are already being positioned as an essential part of this plan. According to Shell Energy:10

“Indeed, the government considers smart meters key to the UK cutting its emissions and reaching net-zero by 2050. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has worked out that, if we all switch to smart meters, the UK can knock 45 million tonnes off its carbon emissions — the equivalent of taking 26 million cars off the road for a year.”

But according to many experts, including Vandana Shiva, new conditionalities are being created through net zero “nature-based” solutions in order to force the world to accept a new food and agricultural system, along with a new wave of colonization in the name of sustainability. Navdanya’s report, “Earth Democracy: Connecting Rights of Mother Earth to Human Rights and Well-Being of All,” explains:11

“… ‘Net Zero’ is a new strategy to get rid of small farmers … through the burden of fake carbon accounting. Carbon offsets and the new accounting trick of ‘net zero’ does not mean zero emissions. It means the rich polluters will continue to pollute and also grab the land and resources of those who have not polluted — indigenous people and small farmers — for carbon offsets.”

In other words, the elite will continue to consume resources as always, including indulgences like polluting private jets, but will be able to purchase carbon credits to offset the emissions they create.12 Meanwhile, the average person will face increasing scrutiny of their energy usage, to the point that it may one day be rationed in the name of “climate compliance.”

Will Smart Meters Be Used to Ration Energy Use?

Smart meters do more than measure your energy usage. They’re also capable of distinguishing what type of energy you’re using. So they know if you’re doing a load of laundry, watching TV or have left your home for the day. While this might not sound nefarious on the surface, it’s an intensely personal form of surveillance — one that could easily be used against you, including to ration your energy. Journalist Abby Martin explains:13

“If the notion about what you are doing and when you are doing isn’t disturbing enough — it’s worse. These devices are capable of regulating, controlling and even rationing your energy use. Take this example, you are running your fans in the hot summer months and the power company decides you are using too much power, they will take it upon themselves to lower it regardless of the consumer willing to pay for the extra usage.

A point to consider is what these companies will do with this information. Once this is shared with law enforcement, it can and it will be used against you. Cops will be able to know what you are doing in the privacy of your own home.

Secondly these companies can sell this information of our daily lives for data mining and advertising. It is disturbing at so many levels but these little surveillance units are being implemented across the country without the public’s consent and in many cases without their knowledge of being installed.”

It’s Time to ‘Think the Unthinkable’

It’s unthinkable that the powers that be could be intent on increasing surveillance and control, to the point that even your energy usage is under their thumb, but as GBNews host Neil Oliver put it in the video above, it’s time to “think the unthinkable”:14

“People raised to trust the powers that be, who have assumed, like I once did, that the state, regardless of its political flavor at any given moment, is essentially benevolent and well meaning, will naturally try to keep that assumption of benevolence in mind to make sense of what’s going on around them.

People like us, you and me, raised in the understanding that we are free, that we have inalienable rights and that the institutions of this country have our best interests at heart will tend to tie ourselves in knots rather than contemplate the idea those authorities may actually be working against us now.

… We are no longer being treated as individuals entitled to make the most of our lives, but as a barn full of battery hens — just another product to be bought and sold, sold down the river … treat yourself to the gift of understanding that the powers that be fully intend we should have less heat and less fuel, and that in the planned future only the rich will have cars anyway. The plan is not to fix it. The plan is to break it and leave it broken.

… If net zero and the rest was about the good of the planet and not about clearing the beaches and skies of scum like us, don’t you think those sainted politicians and A-listers would be lighting the way for us by their own example?”

Another Problem With Smart Meters — EMFs

Even if you put aside the surveillance and privacy issues and their potential for abuse, smart meters should be avoided because they’re yet another source of electromagnetic fields, which include radio frequencies from smart meters, cellphones and Wi-Fi. Smart meters also have the additional challenge of emitting dirty electricity which consists of transient voltage spikes as a result of switching mode power supplies. Adverse health effects linked to these EMF exposures include:15

  • Excess oxidative stress
  • Opening your blood-brain barrier, allowing toxins to enter your brain
  • DNA damage and altered microbiome
  • Impaired proton flow and ATP production
  • Altered cellular function due to excessive charge

One way to reduce your exposure is to refuse smart meters as long as you can. Note that some states already prohibit opt-outs while others allow them but will charge you an extortion fee, in the form of one-time and monthly charges, to do so. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures:16

“In almost every case, customers who elect to opt-out of smart meter installation are charged to do so — often through a one-time “set-up fee,” followed by monthly fees associated with the cost of sending out meter-readers. The fees can vary considerably. A utility in Rhode Island charges a one-time fee of $27, while a Texas utility’s one-time fee is $171. The monthly fees range from around $9 to $32.”

If you can afford to do so, opting out will protect both your privacy and your health from this unnecessary intrusion. Alternatively, you can shield the meters with kits available online but those will not reduce the dirty electricity produced by the meters.


Sources and References


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

cover image:  Smart Meter photoCellnet UtiliNet – Smart Utility Meter in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Who Benefits From U.S. Government Claims That the UFO Threat Is Increasing ‘Exponentially’?

Who Benefits From U.S. Government Claims That the UFO Threat Is Increasing ‘Exponentially’?

by Caitlin Johnstone
September 6, 2022


A US senate report which is an addendum to the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 has people talking due to the surprising statements it includes about the US government’s current position on UFOs.

I mean Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.

I mean Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena.

This latest moniker for the thing we all still think of as UFOs is the US government’s way of addressing how these alleged appearances, which began entering mainstream attention in 2017, are said to be able to transition seamlessly from traveling through the air to moving underwater in what’s been labeled “cross-domain transmedium” movement. Because branches of the US war machine are roughly broken up into forces specializing in air, sea, land and space operations, the notion that these things move between those domains gets special attention.

UFO enthusiasts are largely focusing on a part of the addendum which oddly stipulates that the government’s newly named Unidentified Aerospace-Undersea Phenomena Joint Program Office shall not be looking into objects “that are positively identified as man-made,” because of the obvious implications of that phrase. This is understandable; if you’ve got a government office that’s responsible for investigating unidentified phenomena, you can just say it won’t be looking into phenomena that are “positively identified”. You wouldn’t have to add “identified as man-made” unless you had a specific reason for doing so.

But for me the claim that really jumps off the page, authored by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mark Warner, is the claim that these unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena are a “threat” that is increasing “exponentially”.

“At a time when cross-domain transmedium threats to United States national security are expanding exponentially, the Committee is disappointed with the slow pace of DoD-led efforts to establish the office to address those threats,” Warner writes in the report.

“Exponentially” is a mighty strong word. Taken in its least literal sense, it means that threats to US national security from UFOs are increasing at an alarmingly rapid rate. That they have swiftly become much greater than they used to be.

What is the basis for this incendiary claim? What information are US lawmakers being given to make them draw such conclusions and make such assertions? There’s a long chain of information handling between an alleged UFO encounter and a US senator’s pen, and corruption can occur at any point in that chain (including the first and last link).

I remain comfortably agnostic about most aspects of the UFO question, up to and including the possibility that there are actual extraterrestrial or extradimensional beings zipping around our planet in technology our science cannot comprehend. But one thing I absolutely will take a hard and fast position on is that the moment the US government starts labeling something a “threat”, all trust and credulity must be immediately be thrown out the window.

This is after all occurring as the US enters a steadily escalating new cold war against both Russia and China, and we know that during the last cold war the CIA sought to exploit public panic about UFOs as a psychological weapon against the Soviets, and that the CIA has claimed that its newly developed spy planes were responsible for many UFO sightings in the 1950s, and that the US military was working on developing “flying saucer” aircraft during that same time. It also occurs after the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics stated at a 2020 conference that the Air Force has a brand new aircraft prototype, designed using new digital engineering technology, that has “broken a lot of records.”

This new mainstream UFO narrative also has highly suspicious origins, with key players ranging from shady US intelligence cartel operatives like Lue Elizondo and Christopher Mellon, to corrupt senator Harry Reid and his plutocratic campaign donor Robert Bigelow, to Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge, who believes humanity is being tormented by malevolent extraterrestrials who feed off negative human emotions and that the US military is heroically protecting us from their evil agendas. Filmmaker Steven Greenstreet put out a short, well-sourced documentary with The New York Post this past May laying out copious amounts of evidence that the groundwork for the new UFO narrative was built on journalistic malpractice and negligence, obfuscation, omission, and outright lies. The footage we’re being shown of these supposed vehicles to justify this new narrative consist of blurs, flashes and smudges which can all be explained by mundane phenomena.

So in my opinion this isn’t a subject we can just ignore, as weird and uncomfortable as the subject of UFOs might be for serious analysts. Whatever the subject, when you’ve got the US government claiming on highly suspect grounds that there’s an exponentially growing threat that urgently needs to be addressed militarily, it’s time to sit up and start paying attention.

Not that I myself have any clear idea of what’s going on here beyond the distinct impression that we are being deceived about something potentially very important. And I don’t get the impression that other people have a very clear picture of what’s going on either.

Some say this is just a scam to get more funding for the Space Force or the military in general. That could very well be, but as far as publicly available information goes we’re not seeing anyone saying anything like “Hey we need $40 billion to address this UFO problem.”

Some say this is part of an agenda to justify getting weapons into space, but I suspect anyone likely to support that agenda would support it with or without the claim that we need to fight ET. And again, there’s the problem that nobody’s saying “Hey we need to get weapons into space because of UFOs.”

Some say this is just a deliberate “distraction” designed to keep people from focusing on more important issues, but the problem there is that (A) the empire doesn’t normally roll out distractions in that way, and (B) the UFO issue isn’t getting much mainstream attention. It’s a peripheral story, dwarfed in comparison to real propaganda initiatives like Ukraine.

Some say there’s a conspiracy to use high-tech weaponry to create a false flag alien invasion and unite humanity under a one world government, but that’s a fairly mainstream idea that’s being pushed on viral Netflix films by known fraud Steven Greer. I think the world is paranoid enough at this point that few would buy such a psyop even if it were somehow convincingly orchestrated.

Some say this narrative is all a cover for new technology the empire is keeping under wraps, presenting an official position that the US government has nothing to do with the strange vehicles people are seeing in the air as stated in the ODNI’s report on UFOs last year. That would certainly explain the empire’s cockiness in confronting Russia and China simultaneously when public knowledge of its economic and military capabilities would indicate that that’s a bad idea.

It could be as simple as the fact that once it becomes the established orthodoxy in Washington that UFOs are a threat and something needs to be done about them, it’s a safe bet that we’re going to see massive amounts of money moving around to deal with that threat and the emergence of war machinery that can be used in future confrontations with Russia and China. There are any number of creatures lurking in DC who would stand to benefit from that happening, and would stand to benefit from pushing that agenda. It’s possible that contracts have already been signed. It’s possible that finances have already been allocated for it from the war machine’s dark money slush fund, and that all this public talk is just narrative management to preemptively justify that spending when information about it comes out.

Or maybe it’s some mixture of these things, or none of them. I don’t know. I do know that someone’s benefitting from all this. And I know it’s unreasonable to expect the most murderous and tyrannical regime on earth to tell us the truth about UFOs when it would stand nothing to gain by doing so, and we ordinary people should therefore do our best to understand what’s happening for ourselves.

I think it would be good if people on the anti-empire fringes of the spectrum started looking at this thing more and describing what they’re seeing, even though it’s impossible to see everything behind the walls of government opacity. Otherwise the only people looking at it will be UFO enthusiasts who just want “disclosure” at any cost, and the operatives of the empire itself.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

cover image credit: mskathrynne 

Dr. Lee Merritt on the “Occult” Controllers of Science | She Also Responds to the Recent Controversy About Her Interview With Poornima Wagh

Dr. Lee Merritt on the “Occult” Controllers of Science | She Also Responds to the Recent Controversy About Her Interview With Poornima Wagh


“Keep in mind that…there are people who know a lot more about the way the world works…”
“This is a long-term program of controlling the way we are educated, to teach us the way to think, how not to question certain things…”
“They’ve not only got murderous technologies that we don’t completely understand, but they’ve also got psychological techniques that we’re not paying attention to…”
“They not only know things but they know how to manipulate us…”

~ Dr. Lee Merritt


The following interview is clipped from the full September 5, 2022 episode from Sons of Liberty podcast titled: Dr. Lee Merritt Unveils The Dark Occultic Hand In “Science” (Video)

Original full-length video available at Sons of Liberty

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Dr. Lee Merritt

Connect with Sons of Liberty

cover image credit: Matryx 

See related:

Poornima Wagh With Regis Tremblay: On the Questioning of Her Credentials & Public Assaults on Her Character [Updated September 3, 2022]

CDC – Just an Innocent Mistake?

CDC – Just an Innocent Mistake?

by Leslie Manookian, Heretic with Leslie Manookian
September 6, 2022


In an internal video message to staff at CDC, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced a major overhaul of its operation acknowledging a failed response to the COVID crisis. According to ABC News, Walensky said, “To be frank, we are responsible for some pretty dramatic, pretty public mistakes. From testing, to data, to communications.”

I’m going to cut right to the chase, there is simply nothing CDC can possibly do to reform itself. It is way past the point of rehabilitation. CDC has destroyed any semblance of trust it once had with the American people. CDC didn’t just make some mistakes, CDC duped the American people on the science of PCR tests, masks, distancing, lockdowns, and spread of COVID.

An honest observer might even argue CDC waged war against the people by paying the media a billion dollars to “strengthen vaccine confidence in the United States” and collaborating with big tech to censor opinions from scientific and medical experts that conflicted with CDC’s diktats.

This wasn’t about failure to publish data quickly enough or communicate with the public, it was an unmitigated attack on the people, on free speech, and on our way of life.

Now, making matters worse, CDC’s budget is to be quadrupled – and that tally excludes the tens of billions of extra funding CDC received from COVID crisis funds over the past two years.

According to Stand for Health Freedom, “The President’s FY2023 budget would increase the CDC’s budget from just under $9 billion dollars to $38.76 billion, a 356.9% increase relative to 2022.”

Yes, CDC failed to do its job but that was not because it lacked adequate funding and now CDC is to be granted billions more – to escalate their approach to public health – as somehow, money will make them honest? I’m confused.

ABC quoted Walensky as saying, “CDC needs to better “serve our partners, prioritizing the American people first.” Which leaves me wondering, what partners? CDC is a public health agency charged with protecting public health in service to the people. Who could the other partners be over whom CDC is now going to prioritize we the people? These partners “donated” $317 million to the CDC for the COVID crisis in 2021 alone, were there strings attached? Could these partners be all those private foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) that “gave” CDC money through the CDC Foundation or the pharmaceutical industry players who’ve made tens of billions off their falsely labeled “safe and effective” injections?

At the link above you’ll see that BMGF has generously donated to CDC for at least 5 years consecutively as have the GAVI Alliance and Imperial College London – which both happen to be major BMGF grant recipients themselves.

Also listed as 5-year consecutive donors are Bloomberg Philanthropies and Johns Hopkins University which just so happens to be a grant recipient of Bloomberg Philanthropies and whose school of public health is the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Readers may recall that Imperial College of London is the outfit responsible for terrifying the world with their wildly inaccurate but alarming models forecasting millions of potential COVID deaths and used to justify lockdowns after being reported worldwide. BMGF donated a cool $79 million to them in March of 2020.

I could pick apart CDC’s disastrous COVID response but that’s been done, and more than that, one might argue it would be a waste of time for one simple reason – conducting that analysis suggests CDC’s covid response was an isolated error, a mere oversight, a unique problem which has now been admitted and will be addressed. But is that accurate? Has CDC managed public health well and without controversy over the decades? Is American public health improving? Or have there been repeated ‘failings’ more suggestive of an agency corrupt to its core?

To anyone who’s been observing CDC for more than a couple of years, the answer is painfully, the latter.

CDC has been caught red-handed repeatedly over many decades, lying to the American public.

For decades, CDC claimed vaccines don’t cause autism but was forced to remove those claims after being sued by ICAN. ICAN demanded proof of their claim, CDC was unable to provide evidence and was then forced to remove the claim.

CDC covered up the connection between the MMR vaccine and autism which their own internal research revealed. This uncomfortable news was addressed in the documentary film VAXXEDCDC’s research found that when the MMR vaccine was administered before 3 years of age, children, especially African American boys, had an elevated risk of receiving an autism diagnosis. What did CDC do? Instead of holding an emergency press conference to alert parents to the danger, CDC scientists and officials met in a conference room to destroy the documents. Seriously.

Turning to mercury, that super cool metal your parents told you to never play with as you could literally lose your mind, CDC covered up the causal connection between the mercury-containing children’s vaccines and autism after their own research demonstrated the putatively safe preservative was being injected in dangerous amounts into innocent and vulnerable American babies. What did CDC do? They convened a meeting of health authorities and vaccine makers at Simpsonwood Retreat Center in Norcross, Georgia in June of 2000 to figure out how to make the connection between mercury and autism and neurodevelopmental problems “go away.” CDC was more concerned with covering its own backside than protecting innocent children. Just stew on that for a moment.

When scientists from around the world then discovered that the aluminum hydroxide adjuvant commonly used in vaccines is highly neuro and immune toxic, what was the CDC’s response? Ignore it. Aluminum is toxic to all life forms and has no biological function in the body – it does not belong in the human body – yet while highly esteemed scientists were documenting a spectrum of damage from aluminum-based adjuvants including cognitive impairment in healthy adults, to immune system problems, neuron death in mice, Alzheimer’s and even autism, CDC simply dismissed that research. To see dozens of studies on the damage wrought by injecting aluminum, see herehere, and here. Then click here to see CDC’s hollow assurances of safety.

Given this pattern of behavior over many decades, only a fool would conclude CDC’s conduct is the result of an innocent mistake. Rather, it’s business as usual for the thoroughly bought outfit erroneously labeled a public health agency.

CDC has admitted failures in managing the COVID crisis and is now engaging in damage limitation to enable its stakeholders and partners to remain in control of the reorganization of the agency. CDC’s COVID response, an innocent mistake? Poor communication and coordination? Phooey.

Let’s not fall for that tripe again.


Leslie Manookian is the president and founder of Health Freedom Defense Fund.


Connect with Leslie Manookian

cover image credit: mohamedmatar 

Who’s an Obedient Boy?

Who’s an Obedient Boy?
Big Tech wants to know everything about you, and use it against you.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 6, 2022



Connect with Jerm (Jeremy Nell)

Sinister-Looking, Facial-Recognition CCTV Cameras Quietly Installed Across Britain in Recent Months

Sinister-Looking, Facial-Recognition CCTV Cameras Quietly Installed Across Britain in Recent Months


It looks like a street lamp in a leafy London road… but this is actually a Chinese-made facial recognition camera – one of millions of sinister-looking CCTV cameras quietly installed across Britain in recent months
  • Cameras made by a chinese-state affiliated company have been installed
  • They are equipped with facial recognition and are used in totalitarian regimes
  • The company, Dahua, has a track record of severe cybersecurity vulnerabilities

by Sian Boyle, The Daily Mail Investigations Unit
September 5, 2022


With its imposing red brick houses, neat gardens and red postbox, Baskerville Road in the borough of Wandsworth is a classic example of family residences in the more affluent areas of London.

But something is amiss. Just outside a house on the corner, which happens to be the former home of World War I-era prime minister David Lloyd George, is a new piece of infrastructure that would seem more suited to the perimeter of a maximum security prison or a detention camp.

It is a disturbingly anthropomorphic CCTV camera, with two lenses that resemble eyes and two other indeterminate features that serve as the nose and mouth; and it hangs from a pole ringed with spikes to protect its hardware from would-be thieves or vandals.

Indeed, two of these rather sinister-looking structures — which appear to double as street lamps — have been installed on Baskerville Road, where homes fetch up to £10 million.

A CCTV camera which hangs from a pole ringed with spikes to protect its hardware from would-be thieves or vandals has been installed on Baskerville Road, where homes fetch up to £10 million

A sign beneath them says that they are there ‘to prevent crime and promote public safety’.

This will no doubt reassure those who live on the street, who have experienced a spate of burglaries in recent years.

But the extra security comes at a high cost, to which most Wandsworth residents — and the rest of the nation — are utterly oblivious.

For the strange white cameras are just two of millions which have quietly been installed throughout Britain in recent months.

Made by Dahua, a Chinese state-affiliated company, they are equipped with controversial facial recognition software — a means of monitoring and controlling populations much favoured by Beijing and other totalitarian regimes around the world.

There are other causes for concern: Dahua has a track record of severe cybersecurity vulnerabilities that have already led to mass hacks of its cameras, and the company itself admitted last year that there is ‘very high potential’ for other such incidents.

The company has also been implicated in human rights abuses conducted by the Chinese government, with the facial recognition capabilities of its cameras used to pick out in crowds anyone with the distinctive features of a Uyghur Muslim — a persecuted ethnic minority in China — to alert police so the individuals can be rounded up.

This is a feature that Dahua calls, rather chillingly, ‘Real Time Uyghur Warnings’. Only last week, the extent of China’s human rights atrocities against Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang Province were laid bare in a UN report, which found that there was ‘credible evidence’ of torture, possibly amounting to ‘crimes against humanity’.

Read the rest of the story here…


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cover image credit: Peter-Lomas 

The Next Step to Transhumanism – The Irrational Rationale of the WEF to Recommend Microchipping of Children

The Next Step to Transhumanism – The Irrational Rationale of the WEF to Recommend Microchipping of Children

by Christof Plothes DO, Children’s Health Defense Europe
September 5, 2022


On the 16th of August 2022, in an attempt to push for the acceptance and widespread use of transhumanism in our bodies, the WEF (WEF, 2022), pointed out the advantages of microchipping our children.  What in 2019 was the domain of conspiracy theorists has now, in 2022, become mainstream thinking.  In a blog entry, the World Economic Forum (WEF) recommends microchipping children, listing their “rational” reasons for such an intervention. Even children’s TV programs (KIKA in Germany) have started promoting implanted chips, but are the promoted advantages powerful enough to convince us and is the technology safe enough to be used on animals, humans and especially, on our children?

RFID Chips

In 1997, the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent for a “Personal tracking and recovery system”.  The RFID system involves a tag and a reader.  When scanned, the antenna within the tag picks up the radio wave from the scanner and sends a response back to the reader.  The patented device was said to be used as a safeguard against kidnapping and to facilitate prompt medical dispatch in the event of a heart attack or similar medical emergency.  So far, relatively few people are open to this technology.  The WEF’s task, therefore, is to standardize the technology.  Their aim is that this controversial technology should be accepted and recognized.  Their recent blog post states: “As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent.  Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma. They are accessories and are even considered fashion items.  Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity.

Summary of RFID Chip Use

Chips have been used on domestic animals (dogs and cats) for decades. The same chips, known as Radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, could be implanted in humans. For example, a company in Sweden (Weareepicenter, 2021) has already implemented this first chip on their employees.  Nowadays, everyone carries identification such as the basic ID card required in most European countries, a passport or a driver’s license. In India, citizens carry an Aadhaar card which now includes the PAN (Permanent Account Number) or tax ID number. In America, everyone has a social security number.  As such, many governments want all citizens’ details to be stored on one card to make the work process easy.   All a person’s details would be viewed on one card with just one click.  Many Swedes already use implanted radio frequency identification (RFID) chips to open doors, pay cashless transactions, present medical records, access concert venues, and ride on public transportation.  Many people worldwide have microchip implants, primarily in their hands but an increasing number have them in their teeth.  Belgian scientists had started to embed RFID chips into teeth to show how detailed personal information can be stored.  For them, the ID tag is intended to allow forensic teams to retrieve a person’s name, nationality, date of birth, and gender, allowing identification after, say, a natural disaster (theregister, 2008Nuzzolese, 2010).  Today, RFIDs are already embedded in credit and debit cards, in food packaging and in most of the clothes we wear.

Microchipping has already been used in vaccines as well.  One method is a new dye, consisting of nanocrystals called quantum dots, which can remain for at least five years under the skin, emitting near-infrared light that can be detected by a specially equipped smartphone (McHugh, 2019).  Interestingly, this research was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.  In 2020, ID2020 and its partners launched a program to provide digital IDs with vaccines in Bangladesh (Biometricupdate, 2020).  The United Nations’ WHO is part of this ID2020 initiative, and it is sponsored by the vaccine alliance GAVI (Bill Gates).  Bill Gates has frequently mentioned imposing mandatory ID chips on humans.  He argues that his idea is not a privacy infringement.  With respect to vaccines, the main advantage is to improve vaccine coverage in developing nations as 89 percent of children and adolescents do not have identification to monitor vaccine uptake.  Livestock all over the world is currently chipped for food traceability and this is considered very appropriate given governments’ “food safety” policies. Note: genetically modified bacteria with identification tags are presently also used on vegetables (even organic) as a chipping modality, for the same reason. There is also an initiative to spray your food with genetically modified spores containing custom DNA sequences to trace it through the global supply. None of these technologies has been adequately tested on its biocompatibility and effects on our health.

Arguments for the Use of RFID Technology in Humans

The supporters of human-implanted RFID chips believe that such chips will allow governments to locate fugitives, witnesses of crimes, and missing persons.  The authorities in Indonesia’s Irian Jaya province even discussed using implanted RFID chips to monitor persons infected with HIV; the advantages for them are not only in monitoring.  The WEF forum writes: “Drugs often show unwanted effects because they affect multiple biological processes simultaneously.  Someone on long-term medication might want to try an implant that sends very precise electrical or optical pulses instead”.  The further advantages they state are, e.g. for patients suffering with urine loss, in which a “small stimulation device tucked away in the pelvic area constitutes a more elegant and comfortable solution than wearing incontinence pads”.  Other implants can influence the nerves of the peripheral nervous system or the information highways that connect the spinal cord and brain to organs and limbs.  “Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve, the superhighway that originates in the brain, is rumored to be a miracle therapy for treatment-resistant depression, an ever-growing problem”.  In the eyes of the WEF: “Technology has always had the potential to transform society and improve our daily and professional lives; so does augmentation technology.  It goes hand in hand with an evolution from health care to ‘well care,’ where it’s not just about solving an impairment anymore; it’s about technology that supports you and improves your overall quality of life”.  How safe these devices are from being hacked or how they can be used for actual manipulation of the organs they are in contact with (i.e., brain, heart, etc.) needs to be discussed openly.

Intentions of the WEF

But are the intentions of the WEF truly centered around the new medical potentials which are supposed to transform our lives for the better?  Earlier this month, the Israeli WEF advisor Yuval Noah Harari proclaimed publicly that the global elite “don’t need the vast majority of the population” and derided humanity as unintelligent and worthless.  On another occasion, Harari pondered how to employ “useless people” after they have been replaced by AI and suggested keeping them in a state of permanent sedation on a diet of drugs and video games.  “In time, people will be walking around with biometric sensors on, or even in, their bodies, allowing Google or Facebook or the Chinese government or whoever to monitor what’s going on in their bodies constantly,” senior WEF adviser Yuval Harari said in a recent interview.  Harari dismissed concerns about privacy and other fundamental human rights that his plan for 24-hour biometric surveillance would nullify.  He wrote that people simply “need to trust science, the authorities, and the media” and claimed that “politicians” who encouraged their followers to think for themselves were “authoritarian“.  Do statements like these really increase our trust in authorities and their motives?

Concerns About RFID Technology

The main concern around this technology is however not only the fear of an Orwellian surveillance state.  Even the FDA discussed the potential risks to health associated with human chipping in a document published in 2004: “The potential risks to health associated with the device are adverse tissue reaction; migration of implanted transponder; compromised information security; failure of an implanted transponder; failure of inserter; failure of the electronic scanner; electromagnetic interference; electrical hazards; magnetic resonance imaging incompatibility; and needle stick”.  The document also states that introducing human RFID chips will confront us with challenging legal, security, medical, ethical, and religious questions.

RFID and Cancer

In six studies published in toxicology and pathology journals between 1996 and 2006, researchers found a causal link between implanted microchip transponders and cancer in laboratory mice and rats (Albrecht, 2010).  The paper reviewed literature published in oncology and toxicology journals between 1990 and 2006 addressing the effects of implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchips on laboratory rodents and dogs.  Eleven articles were reviewed, with eight investigating mice and rats and three investigating dogs.  In all but three of the articles, researchers observed that malignant sarcomas and other cancers formed around or adjacent to the implanted microchips.  In nearly all cases, researchers concluded that the microchips had induced the cancers.  The authors concluded that given the clear, causal link between microchip implants and malignant tumors in laboratory rodents and dogs, they strongly recommended that policymakers reverse all policies that mandate the microchipping of animals under their jurisdiction or control.  These findings raised a red flag about the continued use of microchips in animals and humans.  As the Associated Press reported, this concern is shared by some of the nation’s most respected cancer researchers.  “There’s no way in the world, having read this information, that I would have one of those chips implanted in my skin or in one of my family members“, said Dr. Robert Benezra, head of the Cancer Biology Genetics Program at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York.  He added, “Given the preliminary animal data, it looks to me that there’s definitely cause for concern“.  The involved researchers believe that further microchipping of pets or human beings should be immediately discontinued.  Several other studies have also confirmed the findings and conclusions (Lewan, 2007Le Calvez, 2006Elcock, 2001Blanchard, 1999Palmer, 1998Tillmann, 1997Johnson, 1996Vascellari, 2006Vascellari , 2004Murasugi , 2003).

RFID and Microbiome

What happens to our microbiome when constantly exposed to RFID technology needs urgent attention.  We know that bacteria, like Staphylococcus aureus, biofilms, communicate using frequencies in the range of Wi-Fi and 5G C-band.  Experiments found that notable radiation is observed in the 3-4 GHz band from the Staphylococcus aureus biofilms (Johansson, 2022), so external frequencies interfere with our inherent communication systems.  In which way this could happen via RFID technology is yet to be explored.

RFID and Transhumanism

In summary, Flores describes transhumanism as an international movement claiming that adding technological implants and inserting DNA will improve human beings.  After Flores however, the transhumanists conceal two rather disturbing subjects: the potential use of technological implants as a weapon against the citizen and the method used to develop their dangerous projects, suspected to be illicit human experiments conducted worldwide. Technological implants like brain nanobots might cause a loss of mind control, and thus, the carriers could be controlled by others and lose their autonomy; they could be spied on permanently with the cerebral internet and lose their privacy; their memory could be deleted, and they could lose their identity.  As such, the humans who carry technological implants could be permanently spied on and mentally controlled, losing their identity and becoming enslaved at the service of transnational companies and economic powers.  An objective analysis reveals that transhumanism is nothing more than an intellectual deception leading to digital fascism.    In such a society, a millionaire elite would govern citizens with technological implants, who would become digitally enslaved people at the service of an oligarchy (Flores, 2018).


Considering all multileveled risks in using RFID in living organisms, especially the clear connection to cancers, makes the arguments of the promotors of this technology more than questionable in their noble motives.  Over the last two years, countless surveillance cameras have been set up in almost all countries on this planet.  5G has been pushed without much public debate on its safety.  Covid apps have made tracking citizens as easy as possible, and face scans and electronic fingerprint detection devices have appeared in most airports worldwide.  It would be naive not to consider the prime motive of RFID chipping of humans to be a part of this surveillance operation.  Our citizens must demand an immediate public debate on the motives and safety of this technology.  Otherwise, we will witness a descent into a complete Orwellian global government with a gradual loss of our health and fundamental human rights.  Considering the safety data we currently have available, a moratorium should be called and further research conducted before allowing more humans to be chipped with this technology.

Christof Plothes DO, BSC. (OST), HONS, MRO, is an osteopath and author. He works in the field of integrative medicine, combining naturopathy, environmental medicine, and holistic dentistry with conventional medicine. 

He, together with Ingo Lienemann, is the founder of the free Vital-Life-Food Summit, with international experts who provide sustainable ideas to improve soil, nutrition, and the environment for humanity and all living beings on our planet. His main goal is to bring humans back into cooperation with their environment to create a sustainable recovery for us humans and our planet.


©September 2022, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: jatocreate 

The Irrational and the Diabolical — A New Form of Evil Has Arrived 

The Irrational and the Diabolical
A New Form of Evil Has Arrived 

by Mark McDonald, MD, Dissident MD
August 25, 2022


On December 29, 2021, I published my first Substack article, titled “Sadism.” I described what I saw as a disturbing trend in the pandemic of fear and irrationality—Americans taking pleasure in the suffering of others. I explained that it’s one thing to live in fear of your own safety but something altogether different to use that fear as a justification to torture and abuse others. The most egregious cases of this new sadism, as I called it, involved children as victims. If Americans are willing to intentionally sacrifice children on the altar of fear (with a smile on their face), what are they not willing to destroy? How are we now any different than the primitive Aztec and Mayan tribes who slaughtered their victims on physical altars on behalf of their own gods?

We have become them—primitives ruled by sadists. Irrational fear has now been harnessed by a new evil. And I cannot explain it psychologically. Unlike robbery, rape, and some forms of murder, this new crime wave confers no obvious benefit on the criminal. Its only function is to destroy what is good. And it being done by a very sick group of Americans who take pleasure in it.

This new evil is diabolical. Its primary target appears to be American children. The perpetrators are overwhelmingly women.

A majority of parents have turned their backs on the mRNA injections for their children. Millions of doses have now been destroyed, as it is inarguable that no children are dying from the Chinese Wuhan virus or any of its progeny. To the murderers’ great disappointment, the children may actually survive. So what’s next?

What’s next is scaring American parents into believing that unless they agree to chemically castrate and surgically mutilate their children, they can expect their children to commit suicide. This is what teachers, therapists, and doctors say when parents challenge the “gender fluidity” of their children. An entire industry, starting with teachers and ending with pediatricians and surgeons, has developed to brainwash impressionable children and adolescents into believing that the source of their normal developmental emotional challenges is the fact that they are actually the opposite sex, born in the wrong body.

Recently, the sick and truly evil nature of this movement has been exposed through actual advertisements (available online) of “gender affirming” clinics at renowned teaching hospitals in the US, such as Boston Children’s Hospital and the Yale School of Medicine. Boston Children’s Hospital, which offers double mastectomies and vaginoplasty to minors, encourages its “trans” patients to participate in the HOTT program, where adult men teach boys how to tuck their penis with medical tape to make it look like a vagina…until the boys are old enough to have it cut off and turned into a “real” vagina. The director of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program proudly treats children as young as three years old how to navigate their “gender journey.” Both program directors are women.

Where does this lead? In other countries it leads to lawsuits. Great Britain recently shut down the Tavistock gender identity clinic in London after hundreds of patients and their families complained about abuse, fraud, and medical injury from therapeutic brainwashing, cross-sex hormone developmental injury, and irreversible damage from surgical mutilation. Some patients are now sterile. All are emotionally unwell, if not psychiatrically ill. The British have rightly pushed back against this tide of child abuse.

Here in the US, we continue to encourage it. The American Medical Association voted last year to support the removal of sex designation on US passports. The American Academy of Pediatrics awarded “best research paper of the year” to a flawed study by a corrupt doctor who claimed that social contagion has nothing to do with the explosion in transgenderism among children, that “transitioning” children reduces suicide, and that any attempts by “conservative states” to regulate puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgeries in children should be resisted. The Democrat party actively pushes legislation aimed at removing all parental legal authority from making decisions on a child’s behalf, leaving decision-making up to the state, which is run by Democrats and those they appoint to do their bidding. Rendered compliant through fear and loyalty to the party, Democrat voters offer no resistance. Only in Republican-controlled states such as Florida do voting parents fight back with enough force to contain the cancer’s spread.

Nearly all the doctors, therapists, and teachers who promote this abuse are women. That this evil is being perpetrated and encouraged primarily by women is a disturbing sign that we have thoroughly lost our way in this country. That anyone, especially women, would delight in the abuse of children bodes poorly for our future. And I cannot explain this sickness as simply a mental illness. It is something more. It is sinister. What I can explain, though, is how it is sustained and what it feeds off of—fear. A courageous people would identify, fight, and cleanse this evil from their nation. We are doing none of that. We are still living in fear.

Perhaps we need an exorcism.


Psychiatrist and author of United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis and Freedom From Fear: A 12 Step Guide to Personal and National Recovery


Connect with Mark McDonald, MD

cover image credit: geralt 

Getting to the Truth About “Viruses”: Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowan Respond to  Del Bigtree’s Statements in a Recent Interview With The Conscious Resistance

Getting to the Truth About “Viruses”: Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowan Respond to  Del Bigtree’s Statements in a Recent Interview With The Conscious Resistance


“I think realistically, we’re talking about the state of the science in virology. And these are facts that we can check within their own publications. So, we’re not presenting a philosophical view about how biology works necessarily. What we’re saying is that when we go to the scientific literature,  we can see that they’ve not established that there are pathogenic particles called viruses.”

~ Dr. Mark Bailey


“…The way I see it right now is — the goal, I’d say, is to stop the tyranny… And the good thing, I would say, is that whoever is the perpetrators of this… in a sense they gave us a gift. And the gift is, they made this particular tyranny — focus of it — to be about a virus. And it turns out that if you actually go into how do you know whether these so-called pathogenic viruses exist, it’s very simple…

…With viruses, there’s no technical problem of finding them. We’ve been able to do this for over 70 years. And the fact of the matter is… you can’t find them in the habitat that they say they are. And so this becomes such a scientific truth — logical, rational way of understanding the world. And it becomes clear to just about everybody that they can’t prove that these viruses exist.

And since the goal is to stop the tyranny… if you show that there’s no evidence that they do exist, which is very easy to do, then all of the things in the tyranny — so-called vaccines, injections, social distancing, masking, closing businesses, restriction of travel — all that makes no sense. No sense. So you don’t have to fight about all those things…” 

~ Dr. Tom Cowan


“Viruses” – Baileys, Cowan & Kaufman Respond to Del Bigtree

by Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, with Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Dr. Tom Cowan
September 3, 2022


In a recent interview, Del Bigtree suggested that the world is not ready for the “no virus” conversation.

We take a different view, which is why the “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement was launched.

Dr Sam and Mark Bailey are joined by Dr Tom Cowan and Dr Andy Kaufman to analyse Bigtree’s strategy. We discuss why we believe the COVID-19 situation should be used to unravel not only the virus model, but the fraud of germ theory as well.


  1. Del Bigtree Interview
  2. The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement
  3. Dr Tom Cowan
  4. Dr Andrew Kaufman
  5. Dr Sam Bailey – Virus Debate Statement Video


Connect with Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

cover image credit: kalhh 

Attorneys Reiner Fuellmich & Michael Swinwood With Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: The Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice

Attorneys Reiner Fuellmich & Michael Swinwood With Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: The Corona Crisis and the Criminalization of Justice
“We’ve really reached a fork in the road. And that fork in the road is — to your left is the apocalypse and to the right is the awakening.” ~ Michael Swinwood

by Reiner Fuellmich, Michael Swinwood with Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
September 2, 2022


[Video available at Odysee and BitChute.]

Prof. Michel Chossudovsky interviews Reiner Fuellmich and Michael Swinwood on the legal issues underlying the corona crisis.

Show Notes [compiled by Truth Comes to Light editor]:

  • Fraudulent PCR test
  • Genocide of indigenous people for centuries — “all roads lead to Rome”
  • Jesuits involvement in Europe and South America — control with threat of death for those who do not comply. Michael Swinwood: “Notice, they actually described the way law is. They said, ‘If you accept the crown and the cross, we will grant you privileges and exemptions.’ That’s law everywhere… This is the beginning of the social credit system that’s coming our way.”
  • Vatican and United Nations both support the corona measures.
  • Michael Swinwood: “How do you put together a legal procedure when the game is fixed? The game is fixed… And this is what  people don’t seem to understand nor will they accept. That the institutions that you spoke of [Vatican, UN, WHO] were designed and made to bring about what we’re in right now.”
  • Within the founding document of United Nation’s UNESCO, Julian Huxley, who wrote the document in 1946, said, “Eugenics philosophically and psychologically is not well accepted but it’s about time that it is.”
  • Aaron Russo said Nick Rockefeller told him nine months before 9/11 that there would be a big event, then there would be a war on terror, and then we’re going into Iraq…
  • Michael Swinwood talks about the lawsuit that he filed challenging the PCR test and how it was deemed “frivolous and vexacious”.
  • Michael Swinwood: “What we have right now is that 80% of the world is dead asleep.”
  • Reiner Fuellmich gives an account of lawsuits around the world. He spoke of three criminal cases against Bill Gates in India.  He shared about lawsuits in Europe and the United States and the difference in the responses from governments when positive judgments were given.Reiner Fuellmich: “In my view, right now, the only place where it makes sense to file a — either criminal complaint or a civil case against the people who are behind this (those who we can see — the Bill Gateses, the Faucis, the Drostens and all the others, Black Rock, Pfizer) — the only place where it really makes sense is the United States. But you do have to do two things. You have to find the right venue where there’s a judge or a court who will give you a fair hearing because that’s what it takes. You have to get a fair hearing in order to be able to show the evidence to the court of law. And the other thing is you have to find the right attorney. It’s not just someone who has all the experience and knows all the law but someone needs to be on our side ’cause you can’t trust anyone else.”
  • Michel Chossudovsky asks about covid vaccine deaths and possibility of lawsuits.
  • Reiner Fuellmich shares the ruling of a judge in Italy and also a judge in Sicily challenging the legality of mandatory vaccination.
  • Michel Chossudovsky talks of the effects on mental health including children committing suicide.
  • Michael Swinwood mentions that four states in the US — Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts & Pennsylvania — are actually commonwealths and not states. They belong to “her majesty the Queen”. He talks about the implications of attempting to bring lawsuits in those states.
  • Reiner Fuellmich talks about why it is not “a slam dunk” to win lawsuits against all the criminals even though the evidence is clearly there. “The system has been infiltrated for at least the past 30 years through this Young Global Leaders program of the World Economic Forum, which has been in existence since 1992 — which is the result of a CIA-funded program. The World Economic Forum was founded by Klaus Schwab but he did it because he first went to the CIA-funded program at Harvard University where he met Henry Kissinger… The same thing happened with medicine, the judiciary, the media — everything has been infiltrated.”
  • Michael Swinwood talks about what lawyers are really up against when taking on these giants who have incomprehensible amounts of “blood money”.  “The second world war was brought on by the same people who are bringing this on. The first world war was brought on by the same people who are bringing this on. It’s all family related. It’s all the elitists. And it’s all these people who have been talking this way forever. “
  • Reiner Fuellmich: We’re not giving up, Michel. That’s not it. We just want the people to understand what we’re facing. Because once they understand, we’re going to have their support even if it takes this case outside of the system.”
  • Michel Chossudovsky: “It’s no use having a protest movement because we’re not protesting. We’re questioning the legitimacy of the decision makers.” 
  • Reiner Fuellmich: “We have to expose the fact that these people have always played and paid both sides.”

Reiner Fuellmich: “This doesn’t mean, however that this is totally hopeless. It’s not. Because more of us are waking up. Here in Germany, it’s maybe 10 to 20 percent of the population that is beginning to understand what is going on. The resistance is growing by the day. In the United States, the polarization is much more in our favor. It’s between 40 and 50 percent of the people who do not want to go along with this anymore. And they have guns. And that makes a big difference… That’s why I think that this war will be decided — in our favor, of course — in the United States…

“This is speculation of course, but if you look at the totality of the evidence, if you look at how the government does not dare defy or ignore a federal judge’s decision, how the people do not want to play along — most of them — and how they are even armed. That makes a big, big difference.”

  • Michel Chossudovsky: “I think you’re absolutely right. In a sense, it comes from the heart of the beast, so to speak. There’s an element of dialogue and analysis in the United States, which I think is very important. But, I think just to put it in perspective, what we are living is very similar to the Spanish Inquisition… It’s the globalist inquisition… The inquisitorial doctrine that they have is extremely fragile. The narrative is extremely fragile. And that narrative, that consensus, has to be broken.”
  • Reiner Fuellmich: “Michel, the most important thing that people have to understand is that if they don’t open their eyes to the true facts, it’s going to be — this is a question of life and death… They’re coming after us. They’re trying to kill us. These vaccines are non-vaccines. They’re designed to kill us.”
  • Michael Swinwood: “I think it’s really important to understand also that there’s a spiritual component to all of this. And that we can go on and talk about the facts, and the evidence, and all of the things. And you can conclude very rapidly that what you are dealing with are lies, manipulations and inducements to bigger fear. That’s essentially how you can summarize what we’re really in.

“But if you understand from a cosmic perspective, we do live in a cosmos. It’s not just the planet earth. We live in a solar system. We live in planets that are having their own transmutations and that’s what’s happening on the mother earth in this moment in time.

“We’ve really reached a fork in the road. And that fork in the road is — to your left is the apocalypse and to the right is the awakening. The apocalypse is what the elitists seek to promote. Their script — you’ll find their script in the Book of Revelation…

“But really humanity is faced with that fork in the road where they have to make a bigger choice. The bigger choice is about what they do inside… Because all of this is an inside job. We’re being treated to an inside job but we need to work on our own inside. Because as we change ourselves, we change the world… The challenge for each individual human being is to come to the realization of just what spirituality means to them. It doesn’t have to be identified as a religion. It just has to be identified as a relationship to Spirit…”


Connect with Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

Connect with Reiner Fuellmich & Corona Investigative Committee

cover image modified from creative commons image by Foundry  

Poornima Wagh With Regis Tremblay: On the Questioning of Her Credentials & Public Assaults on Her Character [Updated September 3, 2022]

Poornima Wagh With Regis Tremblay: On the Questioning of Her Credentials & Public Assaults on Her Character [Updated September 3, 2022]


[September 3, 2022 — Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

In the comment section below the original interview, found at Regis Tremblay’s BitChute channel, (You will also find the video below this note.) Christine Massey posted a link to email conversations that she and others sent and received from Poornima Wagh.

Poornima Wagh seems to have been addressed in a very sincere and polite manner. In those emails, there was no indication that Poornima Wagh was being harassed or treated unfairly. That does not deny the fact that Eric Coppolino apparently recorded a conversation without Poornima’s knowledge or permission and released it to the public.

Christine Massey also stated in a comment: “4 people were arrested in London in July while delivering her presentation to the police, which they did not want to accept. Poornima most definitely owes it to them to cough up evidence to back up all of her claims (via a lawyer if need be) or admit that it simply does not exist.”

This site has also received emails from people questioning Eric Coppolino’s reasons for making his exposé article such a personal attack on Poornima. Many of them sent things they found about Eric online. Most referred to this article which has no connection to the current drama around Poornima. Apparently Eric’s own website addresses these past accusations. One link sent to us is this one.

(We have since received a note cc’d to us from Eric Coppolino that includes this statement: “I filed a libel suit in New York State Supreme Court but chose not to serve the complaint against Chronogram and its editors when one of the organizers came forward admitting the sham, and Chronogram withdrew its defamatory editorial.”

This next statement contains a link to his full resource of articles and documents wherein he presented what happened in this situation: “Here is the full resource containing all of the articles, legal materials, and references from my clients and teachers, including my longtime teacher and mentor, feminist pioneer Dr. Betty Dodson, the author of Sex for One.” Contact Eric — or authors of articles who claim to know something directly — for any further information. This website does not have any direct information to share about this.)

We offer this information here to help you with your own research if you choose to follow this story. Regis will be interviewing Eric tomorrow (Sunday) and Bill Huston on Monday. Follow-up videos will be available at Regis Tremblay’s BitChute and Rumble channels.

We don’t know the truth about any of this. We don’t have any idea what the motivation of anyone involved is. We won’t be sharing more about this at this website unless Poornima steps forward to openly talk about her background.

We trust that truth will be brought to light about key issues that are important to humanity and will prevail in spite of any of our human flaws. The fraud that exists in science, medicine and so much of academia will be brought to light no matter how much drama is inserted into the conversation. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.]


Poornima Wagh Takes the Stand To Defend Herself

by Regis Tremblay
September 1, 2022


[Video available at Regis Tremblay BitChute and Rumble channels.]

Accused of being a fraud, charlatan and pathological liar, Poornima asked to defend her self. I am not going to judge because I do not have the wisdom of Solomon, nor a crystal ball. I have invited her accusers to come on the show Sunday or Monday to present their position.

Eric Coppolino’s and Bill Huston’s articles are here:


Connect with Regis Tremblay

See related:

All-Cause Mortality Data Strongly Suggests No Viral Outbreak in 2020 | Absolutely No Evidence of a Covid Pandemic

All-Cause Mortality Data Strongly Suggests No Viral Outbreak in 2020
All-cause mortality is the most accurate data, and it shows absolutely no evidence of a Covid pandemic.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
August 27, 2022


All-cause mortality is the most accurate and most reliable scientific data for analysing the “Covid pandemic” because it doesn’t discriminate and it has no bias. After all, a death is a death.

When time, age, and region, are used as additional variables, the correlations become (nearly) bulletproof.

Another Mic-Drop Study

Denis Rancourt previously co-authored a huge paper and spoke about it on my podcast, in which they concluded that all-cause mortality data shows no viral outbreak in 2020. He has co-authored yet another paper, COVID-Period Mass Vaccination Campaign and Public Health Disaster in the USA, which can be downloaded below.

Download PDF


For a detailed breakdown of the study, I recommend watching the presentation conducted by Denis and his co-authors (Marine Baudin and Jérémie Mercier). Their research includes “vaccination” data.

Our Conversation

For a simpler breakdown of the study, I recommend watching my conversation with Denis, in which he explains everything in layman’s language, and throws in some eye-opening geopolitics for good measure.

Basically, COVID-19 isn’t real.


Connect with Denis Rancourt

Connect with Jerm Warfare