February 2, 2024: Reiner Füellmich’s Hopeful Message for His Supporters Re the Ongoing Court Proceedings — “We’ll See Who Goes to Jail”

February 2, 2024: Reiner Füellmich’s Hopeful Message for His Supporters Re the Ongoing Court Proceedings — “We’ll See Who Goes to Jail”   Message of Reiner Füellmich – English –…

The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians

The Claimed ‘Holocaust’ State of Zionist Israel Commits a ‘Holocaust’ Against Palestinians by Gary D. Barnett February 2, 2024   “Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to…

Deep Resistance: Nature, Freedom, and Joy

Deep Resistance: Nature, Freedom, and Joy   The essay below is the final part of the Deep Resistance series by W.D. James. It was first published on Winter Oak.  The rest…

Next Level: An Analysis of “Spike Protect” Product

Next Level: An Analysis of “Spike Protect” Product   Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: In the post shared below, Next Level takes a look at “Spike Protect” products being…

The Stars, They Do Not Matter No Mo’

The Stars, They Do Not Matter No Mo’ by Michael Clarage, Michael’s Newsletter January 22, 2024   The Great Pyramid of Giza has encoded the size and shape of the…

Cutting, Pasting, Splicing DNA; Welcome to the New World—Oops, Full of Mistakes

Cutting, Pasting, Splicing DNA; Welcome to the New World—Oops, Full of Mistakes  “I thought the technology was supposed to be perfect. What the hell is going on here?” by Jon…

Dawn Lester on “Measles Threat”: Who Do They Think They’re Fooling?

Dawn Lester on “Measles Threat”: Who Do They Think They’re Fooling? by Dawn Lester, Dawn’s Writing January 21, 2024   And so here we are again with yet another ‘health…

Recap: Reiner Fuellmich Explains the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest

Recap: Reiner Fuellmich Explains the Circumstances Leading Up to His Arrest   Truth Comes to Light editor’s commentary: I received a request from a supporter of this site: “Would you…

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary

A Rant for Everyone Who Thinks Government and Masters Are Vital and Necessary by Gary D. Barnett January 17, 2024   “To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied…

Antarctica Strangeness: Hess, Apollo Astronauts, Ketchup Kerry, Patriarchs of Moscow, and …

Antarctica Strangeness: Hess, Apollo Astronauts, Ketchup Kerry, Patriarchs of Moscow, and … by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star January 17, 2024   Well, there’s yet another Antarctica strangeness story…

Gratitude in the Crunch

Gratitude in the Crunch by Robert Augustus Masters, PhD sourced from Robert Masters newsletter January 15, 2024   The practice of gratitude is powerful fast-acting medicine, plugging us back into…

The Sounds of Light: Thunderbolt Project

The Sounds of Light: Thunderbolt Project by Thunderbolts Project January 13, 2024   Light makes different sounds which are dynamic, gorgeous, and mimic living creatures and other sounds of nature….

More Reports From Around the World on RF Radiation Damage

More Reports From Around the World on RF Radiation Damage Even the Ticks Are Vanishing by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task Force January 9, 2024   The reports continue to…

Fake Science Vs Science – Be Cautious

Fake Science Vs Science – Be Cautious by Dr. Saeed Qureshi, PhD, Bioanalyticx January 5 2024   When people, including “experts,” describe science, they usually mean “medical science,” which is…

A Nation of Non-Compliers

A Nation of Non-Compliers by Jeffrey A. Tucker, Brownstone Institute January 6, 2024   The train wasn’t scheduled for another 20 minutes, so I had a chance to contemplate the…

Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed

Apocalypse of Yajnavalkya: A New Cosmology of the History of Man Revealed [TCTL editor’s note: This conversation between Jeff Berwick and Chris Horlacher reveals segments of humanity’s history as found…

January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich

January 3, 2024: Personal Message From Reiner Fuellmich sourced from Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel January 3, 2024   👇📝💌💥 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR…

Science Fraud in Medicines – Vast Majority Does Not Know

Science Fraud in Medicines – Vast Majority Does Not Know by Dr. Saeed Qureshi, PhD, Bioanalyticx January 2, 2024   If someone has not studied and practiced chemistry, physics and/or…

On the Fairytale of Deadly Viruses Emerging From Hot Zones in Far Away Lands…

On the Fairytale of Deadly Viruses Emerging From Hot Zones in Far Away Lands…   My Crushing “Hot Zone” Virus Story No One in the Press Wants to Understand I…

Dr. Saeed Qureshi to Dr. Meryl Nass: “Why Does This Fairytale Keep Growing New Legs?”

“Why Does This Fairytale Keep Growing New Legs?” by Dr. Saeed Qureshi, PhD, Bioanalyticx January 1, 2024   Last night, as an unpaid subscriber, I received an email from Dr….

Origins of Yahweh & Judaism Are Not What You Think

Origins of Yahweh & Judaism Are Not What You Think by Neal Sendlak, Gnostic Informant September 5, 2023    Video is available at Odysee & YouTube   The religious…

1984/2024 – the Hidden Hope in Orwell’s Warning

1984/2024 – the Hidden Hope in Orwell’s Warning by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak January 1, 2024   Forty years have now passed since the year in which George Orwell situated…

The Mysterious Human Heart

The Mysterious Human Heart New evidence suggests the heart is not a pump by Greg Reese, The Reese Report December 25, 2023    Rudolf Steiner, whose teachings led to…

The Carousel

The Carousel by Mike Driver, Winter Oak December 23, 2023   “Everything a lie… Everything you hear, everything you see… So much to spew out… They just keep coming, one…

The Miraculous Nature of Water

The Miraculous Nature of Water The structure of water is transformed by human thoughts by Greg Reese, The Reese Report December 22, 2023      The stated mission of…

Regenerative Agroecology: The Necessary Solution to Counter ‘Climate Change’

Regenerative Agroecology: The Necessary Solution to Counter ‘Climate Change’   “The colonizing mentality sees nature as dead matter to be exploited and used. Colonizers do not see self-organisation. They do…

Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake

Putin Told Moon Landing Photos Are Fake A brief look at why millions of people question the Apollo moon landings by Greg Reese December 9, 2023   See Greg Reese…

Jon Rappoport on the Need to Film Every Step of “Virus Isolation” & to Uncover What Is Really Going On Inside Virology Labs

Jon Rappoport on the Need to Film Every Step of “Virus Isolation” & to Uncover What Is Really Going On Inside Virology Labs   Three Years Ago, a Reader Caught…

Sovereign Maori Tribes of New Zealand Issue Cease & Desist Order to The WHO & NZ Crown Re the Ongoing Depopulation Agenda

Sovereign Maori Tribes of New Zealand Issue Cease & Desist Order to The WHO & NZ Crown Re the Ongoing Depopulation Agenda document prepared by Wakaminenga Maori Government of Aotearoa…

Unlocking the Power of Wonder

Unlocking the Power of Wonder by Dr. Tom Cowan November 29, 2023   Perhaps the most impactful revelation in perception that I have ever had was when I finally understood…

OK, What’s Really Going On With Bunny the Talking Dog?

OK, What’s Really Going On With Bunny the Talking Dog? by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star November 27, 2023   Last weekend in the “honourable mentions” I included a…

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Captured by Unknown Forces

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Captured by Unknown Forces by Greg Reese, The Reese Report November 22, 2023    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8th 2014. On May…

Poetry: Gratitude, a Heaven-Delivered Rose

Gratitude, a Heaven-Delivered Rose Poems About Gratitude by Sri Chinmoy   (1) A gratitude-heart Is to discover on earth A Heaven-delivered rose. (2) Gratitude can transform Our life Sooner than…

The Practical Practice of Gratitude

Gratitude: A Deeply Practical Practice by Robert Augustus Masters via  Robert Augustus Masters’ Newsletter originally published March 17, 2020   The practice of gratitude is powerful medicine. It quickly and effectively realigns us with…

I Love My Wall : A Story of Gratitude

I Love My Wall : A Story of Gratitude by Alan Cohen   One Saturday after our excursion to Pizza Hut, the mall, and a movie, I drove my ten-year-old…

The Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation: Medical Expertise or Smoke And Mirrors?

The Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation: Medical Expertise or Smoke And Mirrors? By Lawrence Kelmenson, MD, Mad in America November 21, 2023   Psychiatrists used to not put much effort into diagnosing….

Five Times August: ‘There Ain’t No Rock and Roll’

Five Times August: ‘There Ain’t No Rock and Roll’ by Five Times August October 20, 2023    Video available at Five Times August Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, YouTube Songwriter: Bradley…

Between the Lies of the Anthrax Narrative

  “What does CDC fail to mention on its website? “Anthrax is being used as a “vaccine adjuvant” in all Covid-19 injections and swabs.  There is a long list of adjuvants…

The Trump Thing

The Trump Thing by Larken Rose November 14, 2023    View video at Larken Rose Bitchute & Youtube channels. Mirrored at Odysee & Brighteon.   Transcript prepared by TCTL:…

The Isn’t and the Is

The Isn’t and the Is by Zen Gardner November 13, 2023   The virus never yet’s been found Yet theories based on naught abound Handy tool, device of ghouls Another…

The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire

The Vaccine Study That Should Have Brought Down The Empire by Jon Rappoport November 13, 2023   When I discovered this study several years ago and wrote the following extensive…

A Matter of Life and Death

A Matter of Life and Death by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak November 13, 2023   The way in which divide-and-rule tactics are continually used to create confusion and control has become…

Inventing the Nature of “Viruses”

  “Why is it so difficult for virologists to simply explain basic questions about a ‘virus’ such as whether the ‘virus’ is living or dead? Why must the concept of…

China Sends Flotilla to Antarctica

China Sends Flotilla to Antarctica by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star November 8, 2023   It’s been a while since we’ve heard of any strange happenings on planet Earth’s…

Why Do Most Relationships Fail? – The Myth of the Magical Other

Why Do Most Relationships Fail? – The Myth of the Magical Other by Academy of Ideas November 8, 2023    The following is a transcript of this video.  …

Viruses Never Proved to Exist: Still the Greatest Suppressed Story of Our Time

Viruses Never Proved to Exist: Still the Greatest Suppressed Story of Our Time by Jon Rappoport October 31, 2023   As soon as I began writing about COVID in the…

Reiner Fuëllmich’s Attorney Dagmar Schön Shares an Update on His Pending Court Case

Reiner Fuëllmich’s Attorney Dagmar Schön Shares an Update on His Pending Court Case   TCTL editor’s note: Yesterday, October 28, 2023, Reiner Fuëllmich’s attorney, Dagmar Schön, joined Elsa Schieder for…

Is DNA Targeting Really Happening? Or Are They Faking “High Level” Science & Bedazzling Us With Fancy Words?

Is DNA Targeting Really Happening? Or Are They Faking “High Level” Science & Bedazzling Us With Fancy Words?   “You mentioned “DNA targeting.” yes, indeed, this is possible, but is…

On Gaza And Human Consciousness

On Gaza And Human Consciousness by Caitlin Johnstone October 26, 2023   It gets harder and harder for the imperial propagandists to frame empire-targeted powers like Hamas as Evil Villains…

The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda

“Justified Vengeance” and the Invasion of Gaza: Palestine Is Portrayed as “The Aggressor” The Invasion of Gaza: Part of a Broader Israeli Military-Intelligence Agenda by Michel Chossudovsky updated October 24,…

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All

Free Palestine, Free Israel, Free Us All by Kathleen Stilwell, editor at Truth Comes to Light October 25, 2023   Yesterday I published an article titled “The Gaza Rebellion” by…

If the CIA and Mossad Created Hamas, Who Created the CIA and Mossad?

If the CIA and Mossad Created Hamas, Who Created the CIA and Mossad? by Jon Rappoport October 20, 2023 Mainstream media aren’t talking about it, but it’s an open secret:…

Wayne Dyer (Illustrated by After Skool): There Are No Justified Resentments

Wayne Dyer (Illustrated by After Skool): There Are No Justified Resentments   “He said, ‘If you become steadfast in your abstentions of thoughts of harm directed towards others, all living…

Free Reiner Fuellmich!

Free Reiner Fuellmich! by Peter Koenig, Global Research October 18, 2023   The famous lawyer, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, founder of the International Crime Investigative Committee (ICIC), formerly the German Corona Commission,…
