Yemen – The Tyranny of ‘Experts’ and the Preservation of Hidden History

Yemen – The Tyranny of ‘Experts’ and the Preservation of Hidden History

by Vanessa Beeley, The Wall Will Fall
February 2, 2022


Today I am speaking with Isa Blumi, historian, academic and Yemen expert.

We will be covering a lot of hidden ground in the Yemen conflict – effectively a genocidal war waged by the US and UK and Israel by their Saudi, Qatari and UAE proxies. Isa delves into the realities that are obfuscated by the Legacy Media and Academic embeds, think tanks and narrative managers.

Please follow this link to Isa’s most recent academic paper entitled:

Speaking above Yemenis: a reading beyond the tyranny of experts, Global Intellectual History


Excerpt from the introduction

“How will historians a generation or two from now write about this war on Yemen? Will there be any interest in inspecting more deeply what happened, why, and under whose watch such a crime was committed? Or will future historians resort to repeating the dominant frames used to characterize (or ignore) this war on Yemen used today?”

No doubt those considering a deeper look will first consult the media’s archives. What they will be surprised to see, perhaps, is how much this disaster in Yemen has been kept out of the daily news. By all accounts, those committing hundreds of billions of dollars to a war on Yemenis would prefer that little to no attention be spent on its atrocities. Corporate media have been happy to oblige.3


Trying to answer why the images of emaciated children and the upwards of 18 million civilians threatened by starvation are not making headlines across the world could itself become the heart of any future study on Yemen’s war. Such a task will require, however, moving beyond the security-centered, international relations’ frames of analysis prevalent in the available scholarly literature today. Present-day scholars and experts whose salaries are paid by the very regimes imposing this war may prove unhelpful in explaining the journalistic Omerta future historians will wish to study.4


The conventional narrative about the war unleashed by ‘coalition’ forces positions the US-led ‘global community’ as a benevolent agent simply aiming to reinstate the ‘legitimate’ presidency of one Abd-Rabbu Mansur Hadi for the sake of regional stability. Rarely highlighted any longer, this politically meek former vice president was the anointed partner to interests that, in reaction to uprisings in 2010–2011 against globalization, sought to suppress what is known as ‘the Arab Spring’ by imposing a reliable ‘interim government.’5Appointed in 2012 as an alternative to the no longer useful Ali Abdullah Saleh (president since 1978) and a barrier to ‘radical’ populist groups pushing for the reversal of austerity policies, the Obama and May administrations gave Hadi the task of continuing Yemen’s highly unpopular integration into the global economy that had been interrupted by those 2010–2011 ‘change’ uprisings.


Mischaracterized as ‘support’ for America’s imposed counter-revolutionary solution, most of those protesting in 2011 were willing to give the US-directed process a chance considering they faced treats of perpetual violence from various factions vulnerable to populist demands for radical change.


The trouble proved to be that Hadi’s actual mandate was to push even more aggressively the very ‘structural adjustments’ against which Yemen’s people protested in the first place. The violence and economic destitution this interim 2012–2014 period produced is all but forgotten in 2019. Such amnesia is critical as it makes it possible today for think tank employees to insinuate that there was no justification for Hadi’s removal from the seat of the Yemeni government after his interim two-year
period ended in mid-2014″



Connect with Vanessa Beeley

The Canadian Truckers Can’t Be Stopped!

The Canadian Truckers Can’t Be Stopped!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
February 2, 2022


The Canadian truckers can’t be stopped! A freedom convoy of over 50,000 truckers are protesting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau‘s mandates. The truckers are crusading for their Nation’s freedom. Will they succeed? Here is everything you need to know.


Connect with JP Sears

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Update

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Update

by Stand Up Canada
sourced from Stand Up Canada newsletter
February 2, 2022


What an emotional and proud time it is to be Canadian!

This is the third time in our history that Canadians have been united for a single cause.

The first was in 1980 when the young 18-year-old Terry Fox lost his life running across Canada to raise awareness for cancer.

The second was in 2010 with the running of the Olympic torch from the east coast of Canada all the way to Vancouver BC for the Winter Olympic games.

And now in 2022, smack dab in the middle of our bitter and freezing-cold Canadian winter, we are uniting and fighting for our freedoms.

Approximately 70,000 registered Truckers have descended upon Ottawa, Ontario, our nation’s capital, in protest of all the covid mandates. With around 19,000 Trucks from the US, and many more convoys still underway, they are here to stay until all of the mandates have been removed.

We welcome them with open arms!

First Press Conference – Freedom Convoy 2022

Listen to this 50 minute press conference held in Ottawa on January 30, 2022. Organizers say they have enough funds to stay 2 to 4 years!

The Farmers Are Coming!

The Farmers are forming their own convoy and are coming to Ottawa to support the Freedom Convoy 2022 movement!

The Truckers and the Farmers have been our unsung and unknown hero’s until now. Without them, Canadians would starve!

God bless you all and thank you for standing up for our freedoms in Canada!

Find out more at their public FB group

Adopt-a-Trucker Program

A volunteer campaign to support the Truckers run by Warroom Canada, have started up the campaign in partnership with 2022 Freedom Convoy that arrived in Ottawa, the weekend of January 28th.

All Truckers must register to receive the many benefits and much needed support that are available to them. There are amazing volunteers who are dedicated to take care of their needs for as long as they are here!

If you would like to volunteer your time in any capacity – to partake in this historic movement, please reach out to the good folks at the Adopt-a-Trucker Program.

Freedom Convoy Making International News

From the USA – Fox News: Tucker Carlson: There’s no more fearful despot than Canada’s Prime Minister | Fox News

From India – WIONews: Stephen Taylor on Twitter: “International observers are noticing Justin Trudeau’s hypocrisy”

Stand Up Canada Speech at Freedom Convoy 2022 Rally in Ottawa

What an honour and privilege it was to speak at this historic event!

Listen as Paula Tucci gives a brief overview of the proud work that Stand Up Canada has done over the past 20+ months, including a heart-centered tribute to our beautiful and courageous Truckers.

Heart-Warming Canadian Tribute to Freedom Convoy 2022

There are so many amazing tributes being done in the name of the Freedom Convoy 2022. They all capture our hearts and make us feel proud to be Canadian again.

Here is one of our top-picks that addresses our PM’s massively understated label of “fringe minority”. Enjoy!

Ways to Connect with the Freedom Convoy:

Freedom Convoy 2022 Official Website – Truckers For Freedom
• Facebook page:
• Telegram page:

Closing Thoughts…

We need to keep both feet on the accelerator and NOT STOP until ALL government mandates have been removed.

We must continue to be peaceful yet unrelenting in our demands to regain our freedoms.

It’s over folks. The people of Canada have spoken.

Take off your masks. Open up your businesses without any mandates. Get back to living.

Take back your God-given rights and stop waiting for the government to give you back something they never had any right to take away.

God bless our Truckers, God bless you all and God bless Canada.

We stand with the truckers and all of you!

Your Stand Up Canada Team

Connect with Stand Up Canada

cover image credit:  newspunch

Breaking: Justin Trudeau, Marauder

Breaking: Justin Trudeau, Marauder

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 2, 2022


I must interrupt my lineup of articles in order to cover this breaking development—

From Ultra Submarine Torpedo News: “Justin Trudeau has been contacted by the group, The Maggot Army, which is offering him a position of high rank in its Force.”

“’Mr. Trudeau,’ the invitation reads, ‘Ordinarily, we feed on corpses. However, as we stand back and admire you munching on the Canadian body politic and the population of the country, with your COVID policies, we’re reassessing our role. We see it’s possible to infest and attack the living. You’re a maggot of great stature. Will you consider partnering with us in our universal mission’…?”

AP Super Fact Checkers of North America was quick to respond: “Obviously, this is a sick joke perpetrated by the notoriously unreliable Submarine News organization. Maggots do, in fact, infect the living…”

Mr. Trudeau, who is presently in hiding to avoid the massive trucker convoy threatening to overturn his regime, issued the following statement yesterday, through his agent, Stasi Chief Helmet Born:

“As a child, I was fascinated by maggots. I studied them intensely with my tutor. When I was 16, I believe I made a brief psychic connection with a small group of those fellows in our barn. And now, all these years later, this. We Globalists are maggots of a kind. We clean out the old to make way for the new. The Canada we once knew is going away. It will be trimmed of excess fat and integrated into a worldwide system of governance. Love of country must be devoured. Why should I love Canada? You see, I was born at the top of the heap. I was already separate from the nation. In that situation, one automatically has perspective. Disinterested and detached perspective. My assigned mission is to tear away connections between people, by isolating them from each other. In a weakened state, they’ll be quite ripe for takeover. But this is a humanitarian operation, because in the long run, the Brave New World we’re creating will cherish every person and genetically equip every brain with what we call the satisfaction quotient. The automatic sensation that ‘everything is all right.’ Maggots contribute to that outcome.”

SS-Obersturmführer Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, praised Trudeau’s statement during his weekly podcast, “Achtung”: “For too long, we Globalists have had to endure attacks on our character, honor, and intentions. We, the closeted ones, must come out and declare who and what we are. Mr. Trudeau has just taken an important step in that direction, for our oppressed minority. The old world is not worth saving. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated this fact for the past 50 years. The COVID restrictions are based on fictitious lies. Of course they are. Why pretend otherwise? When you want to eat prey, you must capture him first. Shut him down. Limit his movement. Isolate him. Turn him into a fearful blob of protoplasm…”

From his new home in China’s Technocracy City, Former President Barack Obama told reporters, “The Canadian truckers and their dying ilk are the people I once referred to as bitter clingers with their guns and religion. Mindless robots. In 2009, I had to say I was a Christian, in order to get elected. This is the sort of fabrication we Globalists have been forced to assert, in order to survive. My good friend Justin is now coming out swinging, with both fists. He’s a maggot. Say it, Justin. You’re a maggot. Say it and be proud.”


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on creative commons work of Prawny & Clker-Free-Vector-Images

The Agriculture Cartel: Cotton, Concentration Camps and Conspiracies

The Agriculture Cartel: Cotton, Concentration Camps and Conspiracies

by Ryan Matters, OffGuardian
February 1, 2022


In part 1 of this 3-part series (“The True Cost of Rockefeller Agriculture and the New Food Agenda“), we examined a recent Rockefeller report calling for “transformative change” in food production.

In part 2, we will examine the history of modern agribusiness, Bill Gates’ plan to centralize control of the world’s seed supply and the depopulation threat posed by gene drive technology.


Every day we consume food grown in the toxic chemicals produced by the global agriculture conglomerates, who, like their pharmaceutical compatriots, may be described as profit-hungry monstrosities, well versed in the art of killing.

As explained by Dr Vandana Shiva in her book Oneness vs the 1%, the agrichemical industry we know today is nothing more than a continuation of the toxic tools and poisons from the post World World 2 labs of IG Farben.

A century ago, the money and oil of the Robber Barons came together with the finances and toxic technologies from the labs of IG Farben to form the Toxic Cartel that evolved the tools of killing. This is how a century of ecocide and genocide through poisons and toxic chemicals began. Chemicals developed to kill people in Hitler’s concentration camps during WWII became the agrichemicals for industrial agriculture when the war ended. This industrial agriculture was then forced on people everywhere.”[1]

Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, more commonly knows as IG Farben was a German chemical and pharmaceutical giant formed in 1925. IG Farben was formed from a merger of 6 separate chemical companies – BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm.

Two years later in 1927, IG Farben partnered with Standard Oil (one of the largest oil refiners in the world, founded by John D. Rockefeller) to exchange patents and dominate economies on both sides of the Atlantic.

Standard Oil sent IG Farben their patents regarding the coal hydrogenation process and IG Farben reciprocated by offering up their own patents on the process of manufacturing synthetic rubber.

Some years after partnering with Standard Oil, IG Farben helped found the Auschwitz concentration camp, where they used Jewish prisoners as slave labour to produce synthetic rubber and liquid fuels.

At the end of the war, the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben executives for crimes against humanity including mass murder and slavery. However, most of them were released within 2-6 years and immediately began consulting for American agritech companies.

IG Farben and its partner corporations, which included Bayer, were Hitler’s suppliers of Zyklon-B, a cyanide-based pesticide that was used to murder Jews in the extermination camps.

In 1948, IG Farben bigwig and Nazi party member, Fritz ter Meer, was convicted of “mass murder and enslavement” and sentenced to 7 years in prison. After his early release in 1950, he became chairman of the board of directors for Bayer, a position he held until 1964. What is today called the “Bayer Science & Education Foundation”, an initiative that awards scholarships to chemistry students, was originally set up to honour ter Meer.

After merging with Monsanto in a $62 billion dollar deal, Bayer became the largest agrichemical company in the world (The takeover was financed by European taxpayers without them even knowing about it).

Monsanto, an American agrichemical giant and mass-producer of genetically modified crops, was founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny.

The company’s first product was the artificial sweetener, saccharin, which it sold to Coco-Cola. In 1977, the FDA proposed restricting the use of Saccharin on account of research suggesting its consumption was associated with an increased risk of cancer, primarily of the urinary bladder.

Not only is saccharin associated with an increased risk of cancer, but artificial sweeteners of all kinds have been linked with increased rates of diabetes, obesity, intestinal dysbiosis as well as an acceleration of atherosclerosis and ageing.

During World War 2, Monsanto contributed to research for the Manhattan project, which would eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bombs that were used to murder thousands of innocent people in Japan.

Around the same time, Monsanto became one of the leading manufacturers of polystyrene – a synthetic, non-biodegradable plastic whose production generates massive amounts of hazardous waste.

Moreover, styrene has been linked to adverse health effects in humans, including cancer. The styrene molecule is metabolized to styrene oxide, a highly reactive (and toxic) epoxide that can interact with DNA, causing harmful mutations.

Monsanto was also known for producing DDT, a highly toxic insecticide that played a serious role in the 20th-century polio epidemics.

Despite years of Monsanto propaganda, insisting that DDT was perfectly safe, by 1972 the research indicating its toxicity had mounted to the point that it was banned throughout the US. But this did not dissuade Monsanto from its goal of poisoning the world, for, in the 1960s, they became one of the principal producers of Agent Orange, a herbicide used for chemical warfare during the Vietnam war.

During the 10-year aerial bombardment that saw gallons of Age Orange rain from the Vietnamese skies, millions of innocent people were seriously poisoned, resulting in deaths, disabilities, birth defects, and widespread, irreversible environmental destruction.

Spina bifida, cerebral palsy, missing or deformed limbs and intellectual disabilities were some of the serious birth defects caused by Agent Orange that are still affecting Vietnamese children today. Agent Orange is also responsible for killing an estimated 300,000 US veterans.

These days, most people know Monsanto as the producer of glyphosate (the active ingredient in “Roundup”, a highly toxic herbicide promoted heavily around the world). Glyphosate has been implicated in the rise of food allergies, including “celiac disease”, a severe intolerance to gluten causing skin rashes, gut dysbiosis, nausea, diarrhoea, and depression.

Unsurprisingly, there have been virtually no studies conducted in the US, the largest consumer of GMO frankenfoods (Americans eat their bodyweight in GMOs each year), to assess glyphosate levels in human blood or urine.

However, a large study in Europe found quantifiable levels of glyphosate in the urine of nearly half of the participants, all of which were city dwellers who could only have been exposed to glyphosate through food consumption.

The merger of Bayer and Monsanto came alongside the merger of Dow Chemical and Dupont, as well as Syngenta and ChemChina. These mergers placed the vast majority of the global agriculture industry in the hands of just three corporations.

Through these various mergers and acquisitions, the biotech industry has become a modern-day IG Farben – functioning as a singular global chemical-military-industrial complex, the real owners of which are the investment firms like Vanguard and Blackrock.

The mergers are more like musical chairs, organised by the real owners, investment funds like Vanguard, Blackrock, Capital Group, Fidelity, State Street Global Advisors, Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), and others. This game of musical chairs has two objectives—to expand markets and shrink liability.”[1]

Three-fourths of the world’s GMO seeds come from Monsanto labs. Monsanto extracts royalties for its seeds and the high cost of the seed and chemicals push farmers into a debt trap.

As farmers fall deeper into debt, the wealth of Monsanto grows. There have been cases of GMO seeds blowing over onto the land of unsuspecting farmers who are then sued and forced to surrender their produce. Monsanto illegally introduced its Bt cotton in India in 1995, leading to an epidemic of suicide in regions along India’s cotton belt.


The role of the Rockefellers in the rise of chemical farming and GMOs is not to be understated, for they were instrumental in the promotion of new agricultural technologies that resulted in modern “agribusiness”.

This began during the early days of World War 2 when the Rockefeller Foundation funded a secret policy group called the War and Peace Study Group of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. The purpose of this group was to shape the US post-war economy in order for it to replace the British Empire as the new global superpower[2].

It was within this context that John D. Rockefeller III was pursuing his eugenics agenda through the American Eugenics Society as well as his Population Council. At the same time, his brother Nelson was seeking new methods to increase worldwide food production.

One of the post-war goals of the War and Peace Study Group was for the US to dominate global agriculture and food production. This led to the infamous “green revolution” promoted in India and other developing countries in South America and parts of Asia.

One of the results of this increased agricultural efficiency was the mass exodus of peasants from the farmlands to the city slums where they were exploited for cheap labour by various US multinational companies[3].

This elite propensity for experimenting on more “primitive” communities represents the occult contempt for the “lower” orders of society.

Nowhere is this contempt more obvious than in the “philanthropy” of Bill Gates who, in 2019, unleashed genetically modified mosquitos in Burkina Faso under the fallacious pretext of “fighting malaria”. But more on Gates and his gene drive technology later.

Before moving on, it’s important to consider the parallels between eugenics and genetics, which, some researchers have branded the “new eugenics”. In the 1980s, researchers at the Rockefeller Foundation were determined to map the structure of the gene and, according to Philip Regal, the ultimate motivation behind this quest was “to correct social and moral problems including crime, poverty, hunger and political instability”.

As William Engdahl notes, research into genetics was carried forward by generous grants given to up and coming scientists, eager to make a name for themselves in a new and exciting field:

Many of the younger generation of biologists and scientists receiving Rockefeller research grants were blissfully unaware that eugenics and genetics were in any way related. They simply scrambled for scarce research dollars, and the dollars all too often had the name and strings of the Rockefeller Foundation attached.”[3]

Perhaps a fuller understanding of the Rockefeller pursuits in eugenics and genetics is gained by seeing the two as separate but related parts of a materialist agenda mirroring the alchemical pursuit for the transformation of man. Regal describes this alchemical pursuit as follows:

From the perspective of a theory reductionist, it was logical that social problems would reduce to simple biological problems that could be corrected through chemical manipulations of soils, brains, and genes. Thus the Rockefeller Foundation made a major commitment to using its connections and resources to promote a philosophy of eugenics.”[3]

In relation to this Rockefeller initiative, Regal goes on to mention Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, a highly esoteric work that speaks of a hidden scientific elite with the goal of “enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible”.

In Bacon’s work, “Atlantis” refers to America. Therefore, as noted by Dr Farrell and Dr. De Hart in their book “Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas”, according to Bacon, America “was to become the great laboratory for a grand esoteric experiment being run by a hidden and ancient elite.”[2]

Now let us return to the history of Rockefeller involvement in global agriculture…

It was in 1941 when Nelson Rockefeller and then US vice president, Henry Wallace sent a group to Mexico to meet with the Mexican government regarding the possibility of increasing food production. Noteworthy is that Henry Wallace was a high-ranking Freemason who convinced fellow Freemason, President Franklin D. Roosevelt to place the occult symbol of the uncapped pyramid and the eye of Horus on the US one-dollar bill[2].

The Rockefeller take over of global agriculture involved the promotion and spreading of genetically modified crops around the world. But in order for their GMOs to catch on, the Rockefellers needed to manipulate the perceptions of scientists engaged in genetic and environmental research.

They did this by deploying US university professors to select Asian universities to train a new generation of scientists. The best of these graduates were then sent to the US to pursue a doctorate in agricultural sciences, ensuring they were wholly indoctrinated into the Rockefeller outlook on agriculture and food production[2].

In the 1970s, the Rockefeller Foundation, with aid from the World Bank, FAO and UNDP, established a worldwide network of agricultural research centres, called CGIAR (“Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research”). The alleged goal behind the creation of CGIAR was to coordinate global agricultural research in an effort to reduce poverty and improve food security in developing countries.

Thus, the Rockefellers constructed a global network of scientists and institutions ready to play their part as ambassadors of this new agricultural paradigm. This had the result of “socially engineering” a scientific culture that promoted the use of genetically modified crops and new agriculture technologies.

The Rockefellers went on to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into genetic research that would further the development of GMO crops and increase their uptake around the world. Thanks to patent law, this transformed many a humble farmer into a captured slave, indebted to big agribusiness conglomerates.

A similar tactic has been used in Africa where the Gates-funded Cornell Alliance for Science (CAS) trained 112 African scientists to fight for GMOs and corporate involvement in farming.

The CAS is linked to the Open Forum on Agriculture Biotechnology (OFAB) which in turn is an offshoot of the African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF), an organization founded by the Rockefellers.

Perhaps the biggest boon for the agribusiness industry came n 1986, when US Vice President Herbert Bush hosted a “special White House strategy meeting”, inviting executives from Monsanto to discuss plans relating to the deregulation of agritechnologies.

This meeting resulted in the adoption of “substantial equivalence” – the erroneous notion that agronomy (traditional methods of animal/plant breeding) was “substantially equivalent” to genetic modification – thereby evading the increasing pressure from scientists calling for more rigorous testing of GMO crops[3].

Thanks to the Rockefellers, the US people are now the largest consumers of GMO foods. In fact, the research literature clearly indicates that large populations around the world have been forced to consume GMO toxins despite a complete lack of any reliable safety data, and overwhelming evidence to suggest that such toxins cause biological harm.

Animal studies have demonstrated that exposure to GMO toxins causes an increase in inflammatory cytokines associated with nearly all human diseases. If these changes also occur in humans then this would go some way towards explaining the massive increase in autoimmunity, autism, and other chronic and allergic diseases[4].

Both the WHO and the American Medical Association (AMA), which, ironically, claims to “promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health” have been utterly complicit in allowing this global experiment to take place[4].

Though this shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the profound early influence that the Rockefeller Foundation had on the AMA and their role in the capture of American medical education.

This began with the publishing of the “Flexner Report” in 1908 which lay the groundwork for a reformation of medical education, encouraging the acceptance of a drug-based curriculum. Universities that failed to conform to the tenets of drug-based medicine and research were deprived of their funding and eventually forced to close down[5].


Since 2003, the Gates Foundation has poured nearly $6 billion into global agriculture. In 2017, Gates became the largest funder of CGIAR, which now holds the largest and most widely used collections of seed crops in the world. Gates’ interest in world agriculture serves two purposes:

  1. To centralize control of the world’s seeds supply and,
  2. To shift global farming towards a reliance on technology and external inputs, sold to farmers by the agritech conglomerates in which he holds stock.

According to Navdanya:

By far the largest funder of the CGIAR, Gates has successfully accelerated the transfer of research and seeds from scientific research institutions to commodity-based corporations, centralizing and facilitating the pirating of intellectual property and seed monopolies through intellectual property laws and seed regulations.”

In 2019, CGIAR began a process of reformation with the aim of consolidating its 15 cooperating centres into a single, legal entity, presided over by an international board.

The impetus for this restructuring came from the organization’s largest funders, notably the Gates Foundation. CGIAR claims the change is necessary because,

“A unified and integrated CGIAR will be much better equipped to tackle threats to food, nutrition and water security posed by climate change.”

The recommendation for this dramatic restructuring came from CGIAR’s System Reference Group (SRG), at the time co-chaired by Tony Cavalieri, Senior Program Officer at the Gates Foundation, and Marco Ferroni, ex-head of the Syngenta Foundation.

In other words, the CGIAR reformation will result in greater centralization of the global agriculture industry, with a greater blurring of lines between the private and public sectors.

In direct contradiction to Gates’ claims of helping smallholder farmers, a detailed analysis of the grants given by the Gates Foundation revealed that the majority went to research institutes and not farmers.

These grants were also directed towards lobbying groups that pressure government to institute policies that favour big agribusiness such as introducing laws allowing the privatization of seeds.

One of Gates’ primary objectives is to open up the African market and institute a corporate takeover of the region. In aid of this goal, he founded AGRA (The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) in 2006. Through the promotion of commercial seeds and inorganic fertilizers, AGRA set out to double crop productivity, increase incomes and halve food insecurity by 2020.

In July 2020, Timothy Wise of Tufts University published an analysis of AGRA’s impact in Africa. His research found that not only did AGRA fail in reaching a significant number of smallholder farmers (a finding that is consistent with the analysis on Gates Foundation grants, the majority of which are directed towards scientists, not farmers), but that undernourishment increased by a startling 30% in AGRA countries.

Overall staple crop yields have grown only 18% over 12 years. Meanwhile, undernourishment (as measured by the FAO) has increased 30% in AGRA countries. These poor indicators of performance suggest that AGRA and its funders should change course.”

Many Africans are now beginning to question Gates’ involvement in the region, calling for the end of his industrial agriculture model. In September 2020, SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) sent an open letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation warning that the Foundation’s current approach to food security will do more harm than good. The letter states that

The Gates Foundation promotes a model of industrial monoculture farming and food processing that is not sustaining our people”.

In June 2021, AFSA (The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa) wrote to AGRA’s major institutional donors calling for them to shift their support away from big agribusiness and towards sustainable, agroecological approaches to farming.

Together, AFSA’s member network represents millions of African citizens across 50 countries. AFSA stated that they received very few responses to their letter and that none could provide any evidence that AGRA had achieved any of its stated aims.

In the shadow of AGRA’s failure, in 2020, the Gates Foundation launched “Gates Ag One”, a subsidiary of the Gates Foundation. The alleged aim of Gates Ag One is to “Advance innovations that improve agricultural outcomes for smallholder farmers”.

By “innovations”, they evidently mean the promotion of GMOs as Gates Ag One backs multiple research labs pursuing genetic engineering technologies aimed at increasing yields.

Gates Ag One is headed up by Joe Cornelius, a former executive at Bayer, and Al Gallegos, who has previously held positions at both DuPont and Monsanto.

Thus “Gates Ag One”, though claiming to empower small farmers will actually lead to the further enrichment of corporations. As Navdanya writes:

They are hoping to artificially accelerate the process of introducing “new technologies” to farmers through increased investment and public and private partnerships while having total freedom in their business model as a separate entity to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

The rhetoric expounded by Gates and his posse of corporate backers is that smallholder farmers are unproductive and unable to provide for a rapidly evolving world. Gates claims that what they really need is “new digital tools and technologies”.

However, considering the failure of the Green Revolution, the soil crisis and the widespread health effects of chemical inputs, is that really true? Or is Gates Ag One simply the latest attempt to bring world agriculture firmly under the control of Big Agribusiness?


The Gates Foundation, along with US military group DARPA, has been the driving force behind the development of gene drive technology. Gates’ funding of gene drive technology began in 2005 with an $8.5 million grant given to Austin Burt and Andrea Chrisanti, biologists working at Imperial College, London.

This line of development eventually led to the invention of CRISPR in 2015, a genetic engineering tool that allows scientists to cut, insert and replace genes in a DNA sequence. According to a report by ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration),

Gene drive organisms are created by genetically engineering a living organism with a particular trait, and then modifying the organism’s reproductive system in order to always force the modified gene onto future generations, spreading the trait throughout the entire population.”

As mentioned earlier in this article, one of Gates’ initiatives led to the release of genetically modified mosquitos in Burkina Faso. However, this was but the first phase in a long-term project, the third phase of which is the release of GDO mosquitos (modified via gene drive technology). ETC Group explains the significance of this [emphasis added]:

…A a gene drive is designed to interfere with the fertility of the mosquito: essential genes for fertility would be removed, preventing the mosquitoes from having female offspring or from having offspring altogether. These modified mosquitoes would then pass on their genes to a high percentage of their offspring, spreading auto-extinction genes throughout the population. In time, the entire species would in effect be completely eliminated.”

Following calls in 2016 for a global moratorium on the use of gene drive technology, the Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to Emerging Ag (a private PR firm) to coordinate the push-back against proponents of the moratorium.

Emerging Ag recruited and coordinated over 65 experts, including a Gates Foundation senior official, a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) official, and government and university scientists, in an attempt to flood the official UN process with their coordinated inputs.”

Another group developing gene drive technology is the Sculpting Evolution group, run out of the Gates-funded MIT Media Lab, the same institution that received donations from Jeffery Epstein, and the same institution that houses Robert Langer, co-founder of the controversial biotech company, and Covid-19 “vaccine” manufacturer, Moderna.

The leader of Sculpting Evolution is Kevin Esvelt, one of the pioneers of CRISPR and (allegedly) the first person to identify the potential for gene drive systems to alter wild populations of organisms.

Esvelt’s lab seeks to apply “robotics and machine learning to evolve new molecular tools and techniques”. Another of their aims is to “Work with the guidance of interested communities to safely and humanely edit wild populations and ecosystems”.

The Sculpting Evolution Group also advises governments on “pressing issues of biodefense”.

Our challenge is to prevent the immense power of biotechnology from being misused. Historical pandemics killed tens of millions of people, and engineered agents could be even more destructive.”

One of the ways Sculpting Evolution proposes thwarting future pandemics or bioweapon attacks is by the construction of a “Global Nucleic Acid Observatory” (NAO) to “monitor humanity and the environment for any and all biological threats”. The group claims that by continual genomic testing at sites around the world, the “NAO could detect any virus or invasive organism undergoing exponential growth”.

In support of this radical proposal, the group references a case study from Israel [emphasis added]:

In 2013, Israel’s poliovirus-specific environmental monitoring program detected a nascent outbreak in wastewater samples from the town of Rahat using plaque assays and swiftly initiated mass oral vaccination, eliminating the virus before even a single child came down with paralytic symptoms”.

The disturbing nature of such a system thus becomes immediately apparent: governments would be able to initiate vaccination programs and institute other pandemic measures without the need for, or proof of, an actual threat, only the claimed “detection” of one. This begs the all-important question: who would decide when a “threat” is detected, and on what basis?

While virologists expound on the dangers of zoonotic coronaviruses and climate scientists rage on about the evils of carbon dioxide, the real environmental crises go largely unnoticed. And perhaps that is the point. We will explore these other crises – crises that threaten our very existence as a species – in part 3.

To be continued…

You can read part one here.



[1] Shiva, V., Shiva, K. Oneness vs the 1%. 2018.[back][back]

[2] Farrell, P., J., de Hart, D., S. Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas. 2011.[back][back][back][back]

[3] Engdahl, W. Seeds of Destruction. 2007.[back][back][back][back]

[4] Vasquez, A. Inflammation Mastery (4th ed). 2016.[back][back]

[5] Griffin, G., E. World Without Cancer, the Story of Vitamin B17. 2001.back


Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


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Joe Rogan Up Against ‘Powerful Interests,’ as More Musicians Threaten to Remove Music From Spotify

Joe Rogan Up Against ‘Powerful Interests,’ as More Musicians Threaten to Remove Music From Spotify
“Do you really think it’s a coincidence that days after Neil Young’s music was pulled off of Spotify he debuts a 4-month free trial to any person who wants to sign up for Amazon music — who has struggled to gain market share and has long-standing connections with all of the big money people in the game?”

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
February 1, 2022


Joe Rogan in an Instagram video Monday addressed the growing controversy surrounding his podcast — “The Joe Rogan Experience” — telling fans he’s not interested in talking to people who have only one perspective. He also said he has a problem with the term “misinformation.”

Rogan’s statement came as the streaming platform Spotify on Sunday announced new rules designed to “combat” the spread of COVID “misinformation” on its platform.

The new rules came after a handful of musicians, including Neil Young, Bruce Springsteen’s guitarist Nils Lofgren and Joni Mitchell, pulled their music catalogs from Spotify, in an effort to force Spotify to choose between their music or Rogan’s podcast. Author Brené Brown also joined the protest, stating she won’t release new episodes of her Spotify-exclusive podcasts “until further notice.”

Spotify last week agreed to remove Young’s music.

“We have detailed content policies in place and we’ve removed over 20,000 podcast episodes related to covid-19 since the start of the pandemic,” a Spotify spokesperson told The Washington Post in a statement. “We regret Neil’s decision to remove his music from Spotify, but hope to welcome him back soon.”

Saagar Enjeti, Washington correspondent at The Hill, said there could be more going on behind the scenes. Investment firms who own the music catalogs — and who also have ties to pharmaceutical companies — may be calling the shots.

“The people speaking out may be doing so organically, but it also happens to coincide with the financial or oligarchic interests of some very, very rich people,” Enjeti said in a “Breaking Points” episode that took a “deep dive into the hedge funds behind the campaign by Neil Young and others to cancel Rogan and boost other music services such as Amazon music.”

Rogan, Spotify’s star podcaster, signed a $100 million deal in 2020, giving the streaming service exclusive rights to his show. The podcast, available only on Spotify, reached No. 1 globally last year, the company said last month.

What used to be misinformation, now accepted as fact

According to Rogan’s 10-minute video, his podcast was accused of “spreading dangerous misinformation,” citing specifically his interviews with Dr. Peter McCullough and one with Dr. Robert Malone.”

Rogan said:

“Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist and he’s the most published physician in his field in history. Dr. Robert Malone owns nine patents on the creation of mRNA vaccine technology and is at least partly responsible for the creation of the technology that led to mRNA vaccines.

“Both these people are very highly credentialed, very intelligent, very accomplished people and they have an opinion that’s different than the mainstream narrative. I wanted to hear what their opinion is.

“I had them on and because of that those episodes, in particular, those episodes were labeled as being dangerous, they had dangerous misinformation in them.”

Rogan said the issue he has with the term “misinformation” is that “many of the things we thought of as misinformation just a short while ago are now accepted as fact.”

Rogan explained:

“For instance, eight months ago if you said if you get vaccinated you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID, you would be removed from social media. They would ban you from certain platforms. Now that’s accepted as fact.

“If you said, I don’t think cloth masks work, you would be banned on social media. Now that’s openly, repeatedly stated on CNN.

“If you said, I think it’s possible that COVID-19 came from a lab, you would be banned from many social media platforms. Now, that’s on the cover as Newsweek.”

Rogan said all of those theories that “at one point in time” were banned, were openly discussed by McCullough and Malone who were accused of spreading dangerous misinformation.

Rogan said he wanted to make the video because he feels “people have a distorted perception” of what he does.

“I’m not trying to promote misinformation,” Rogan said. “I’m not trying to be controversial. I’ve never tried to do anything with this podcast other than just talk to people and have interesting conversations.”

Are Amazon and Hedge Funds trying to cancel Rogan?

In a video posted Jan. 31 on YouTube, Enjeti said there is more than meets the eye when it comes to musicians like Young pulling their catalogs from Spotify.

“The original impetus for Neil Young’s demand was a letter he posted on social media saying Spotify could either have Neil Young or Joe Rogan, but that letter was almost immediately deleted after it was posted,” Enjeti said.

“Who is demanding this? Enjeti asked. “Is it Neil Young or is it the people who own his music?”

Enjeti explained:

“You see a recent trend in the music business it that iconic artists such a Neil Young sell their catalogs to big-money groups who then reap the profits in perpetuity. Young actually sold his catalog in Jan. 2021 to a company called Hipgnosis. Now Hipgnosis is a $1 billion company that recently announced an ownership agreement with Blackstone.”

Enjeti said Blackstone is focused on taking over single-family housing and turning America into a nation of renters, but it also has interests everywhere.

“Blackstone, BlackRock and these big private equity giants are ruthless in their pursuit of profits and they’re savvy political players who know how to play the game,” Enjeti said. “They have all sorts of ties to the pharmaceutical industry, including announcing the former CEO and chairman of Pfizer would be joining Blackstone as a senior advisor.”

“Do you really think it’s a coincidence that days after Neil Young’s music was pulled off of Spotify he debuts a 4-month free trial to any person who wants to sign up for Amazon music — who has struggled to gain market share and has long-standing connections with all of the big money people in the game?” Enjeti asked.

“Open your eyes to see possibilities you may not have imagined,” Enjeti said. “At first it was simple, just Neil Young taking a stand.”

Now a lot of people with big money and a big agenda who would just so happen to profit if Rogan went down are speaking out, Enjeti added. “Joni Mitchell has come out and said she is going to stand in solidarity with Neil Young.”

Mitchell on Sept. 13, 2021, struck a publishing deal with Reservoir Media, Inc. (RMI). The top 10 owners of RMI are large private equity and investment firms.

Lofgren, who on Jan. 30 announced he was joining fellow musicians Mitchell and Young in their Spotify boycott, also does not own his music catalog.

Lofgren’s catalog was purchased on Dec. 16, 2021, by Sony Entertainment. The top 10 owners of Sony Group Corp. are large investment firms.

Enjeti said:

“You give into the mob, you give them an inch, they will keep coming. Will Spotify really be able to withstand up to the pressure? Who knows? Principles are not going to save you in this instance. Only money will.”

Enjeti said people better hold on to their seats and “hope that Joe prevails on this one,” as he is up against more powerful interests than many realize.

New Spotify rules don’t define ‘misinformation’

As part of its new rules, Spotify said it would add a content advisory to any podcast episode discussing COVID amid accusations it was allowing misinformation to spread on its platform.

The advisory will direct listeners to a “dedicated COVID-19 Hub,” which is described as a “resource that provides easy access to data-driven facts, up-to-date information as shared by scientists, physicians, academics and public health authorities around the world, as well as links to trusted sources.”

Spotify said this is the first content advisory of its kind and will roll out in the next few days.

The streaming giant also announced it will begin testing ways to highlight its platform rules to raise awareness around “what’s acceptable” and to help creators understand their accountability for the content they post on the platform.

The statement did not say who determines what is and is not misinformation and what is considered a “trusted source.”

Rogan said he supports Spotify putting a disclaimer on controversial podcasts about COVID and encouraging listeners to speak to their physicians.


©January 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life

The Government’s Kill Switch for Your Car, Your Freedoms and Your Life

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
February 1, 2022



“A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power.”
— Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle


If we haven’t learned by now, we should beware of anything the government insists is for our own good.

Take the Biden Administration’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Given the deteriorating state of the nation’s infrastructure (aging highways and bridges, outdated railways and airports, etc.), which have been neglected for years in order to fund America’s endless wars abroad, it would seem like an obvious and long overdue fix.

Yet there’s a catch.

There’s always a catch.

Tucked into the whopping $1 trillion bipartisan spending bill is a provision requiring automakers to prescribe a “federal motor vehicle safety standard for advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology, and for other purposes.”

As Jason Torchinksky writes for Jalopnik:

It’s pretty clear that the goals of this section of the law are to reduce drunk driving fatalities and crashes via still-undetermined technological tools that somehow are able to “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired,” and/or “passively and accurately detect whether the blood alcohol concentration of a driver of a motor vehicle is equal to or greater than the blood alcohol concentration described in section 163(a) of title 23, United States Code,” and if either or both of these conditions are proven to be positive — if the car thinks you’re drunk, then it may “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation.

As expected, the details are disconcertingly vague, which leaves the government with a wide berth to sow the seeds of mischief and mayhem. For instance, nowhere does the legislation indicate how such a so-called “kill switch” would work, what constitutes a driver who is “impaired,” and what “other purposes” might warrant the government using such a backdoor kill switch.

As former Rep. Bob Barr explains:

Everything about this mandatory measure should set off red flares. First, use of the word “passively” suggests the system will always be on and constantly monitoring the vehicle. Secondly, the system must connect to the vehicle’s operational controls, so as to disable the vehicle either before driving or during, when impairment is detected. Thirdly, it will be an “open” system, or at least one with a backdoor, meaning authorized (or unauthorized) third-parties can remotely access the system’s data at any time.

This is a privacy disaster in the making, and the fact that the provision made it through the Congress reveals — yet again — how little its members care about the privacy of their constituents… The lack of ultimate control over one’s vehicle presents numerous and extremely serious safety issues… If that is not reason enough for concern, there are serious legal issues with this mandate. Other vehicle-related enforcement methods used by the Nanny State, such as traffic cameras and license plate readers, have long presented constitutional problems; notably with the 5th Amendment’s right to not self-incriminate, and the 6th Amendment’s right to face one’s accuser.

Once again, the burden of proof is reversed, and “we the people” find ourselves no longer presumed innocent until proven guilty but suspects in a suspect society.

These “vehicle kill switches” may be sold to the public as a safety measure aimed at keeping drunk drivers off the roads, but they will quickly become a convenient tool in the hands of government agents to put the government in the driver’s seat while rendering null and void the Constitution’s requirements of privacy and its prohibitions against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Indeed, when you think about it, these vehicle kill switches are a perfect metaphor for the government’s efforts to not only take control of our cars but also our freedoms and our lives.

For too long, we have been captive passengers in a driverless car controlled by the government, losing more and more of our privacy and autonomy the further down the road we go.

Just think of all the ways in which the government has been empowered to dictate what we say, do and think; where we go; with whom we associate; how we raise our families; how we live our lives; what we consume; how we spend our money; how we protect ourselves and our loved ones; and to what extent our rights as individuals can be displaced for the sake of the so-called greater good.

In this way, we have arrived, way ahead of schedule, into the dystopian future dreamed up by such science fiction writers as George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, Margaret Atwood and Philip K. Dick.

In keeping with Dick’s darkly prophetic vision of a dystopian police state—which became the basis for Steven Spielberg’s futuristic thriller Minority Report, which was released 20 years ago—we have been imprisoned in a world in which the government is all-seeing, all-knowing and all-powerful, and if you dare to step out of line, dark-clad police SWAT teams and pre-crime units will crack a few skulls to bring the populace under control.

Minority Report is set in the year 2054, but it could just as well have taken place in 2022.

Incredibly, as the various nascent technologies employed and shared by the government and corporations alike—facial recognition, iris scanners, massive databases, behavior prediction software, and so on—are incorporated into a complex, interwoven cyber network aimed at tracking our movements, predicting our thoughts and controlling our behavior, Spielberg’s unnerving vision of the future is fast becoming our reality.

Both worlds—our present-day reality and Minority Report’s celluloid vision of the future—are characterized by widespread surveillance, behavior prediction technologies, data mining, fusion centers, driverless cars, voice-controlled homes, facial recognition systems, cybugs and drones, and predictive policing (pre-crime) aimed at capturing would-be criminals before they can do any damage.

Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Government agents listen in on our telephone calls and read our emails. Political correctness—a philosophy that discourages diversity—has become a guiding principle of modern society.

The courts have shredded the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. In fact, SWAT teams battering down doors without search warrants and FBI agents acting as a secret police that investigate dissenting citizens are common occurrences in contemporary America.

We are increasingly ruled by multi-corporations wedded to the police state. Much of the population is either hooked on illegal drugs or ones prescribed by doctors. And bodily privacy and integrity has been utterly eviscerated by a prevailing view that Americans have no rights over what happens to their bodies during an encounter with government officials, who are allowed to search, seize, strip, scan, spy on, probe, pat down, taser, and arrest any individual at any time and for the slightest provocation.

We’re on the losing end of a technological revolution that has already taken hostage our computers, our phones, our finances, our entertainment, our shopping, our appliances, and now, our cars. As if the government wasn’t already able to track our movements on the nation’s highways and byways by way of satellites, GPS devices, and real-time traffic cameras, performance data recorders, black box recorders and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications will monitor our vehicle’s speed, direction, location, gear selection, brake force, the number of miles traveled and seatbelts use, and transmit this data to other drivers, including the police.

In this Brave New World, there is no communication not spied upon, no movement untracked, no thought unheard. In other words, there is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

Herded along by drones, smart phones, GPS devices, smart TVs, social media, smart meters, surveillance cameras, facial recognition software, online banking, license plate readers and driverless cars, we are quickly approaching a point of singularity with the interconnected technological metaverse that is life in the American police state.

Every new piece of technologically-enabled gadget we acquire and technologically-boobytrapped legislation that Congress enacts pulls us that much deeper into the sticky snare.

These vehicle kill switches are yet another Trojan Horse: sold to us as safety measures for the sake of the greater good, all the while poised to wreak havoc on what little shreds of autonomy we have left.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, we’re hurtling down a one-way road at mind-boggling speeds to a destination not of our choosing, the terrain is getting more treacherous by the minute, and we’ve passed all the exit ramps.

From this point forward, there is no turning back, and the signpost ahead reads “Danger.”

Time to buckle up your seatbelts, folks. We’re in for a bumpy ride.


Connect with The Rutherford Institute

cover image credit: Maklay62 / pixabay

Quantum Computing and Space Traffic Jams

Quantum Computing and Space Traffic Jams

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
January 31, 2022


If you’re a regular reader here we’ve been talking for some time about space, financial clearing, and how Mr. Globaloney would like nothing better than to move the whole financial system to outer space. There he can continue his fraud and other fun and games behind a truly one-way mirror, untouchable and untraceable to us deplorables stuck down here in the gravity well of planet Earth.

With that in mind I have some high octane speculation to advance in respect to this story shared by T.S.:

NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab uses Microsoft’s Azure Quantum to ease Deep Space Network’s traffic jam

The story here is very basic: how NASA has teamed up with Microsoft’s version of a proto-quantum-computing system to be able to  control the increasing traffic jam of all those satellites in Earth orbit:

Microsoft has demonstrated how quantum-inspired algorithms can help smooth out Seattle’s snarled traffic, but can they solve NASA’s interplanetary data traffic jam?

Initial results from a project at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory suggests they can.

Microsoft’s Azure Quantum team says it’s been working with JPL to optimize the management of communications windows for the Deep Space Network. The network relies on giant radio antennas in California, Spain and Australia to handle communications with more than 30 space probes, including the James Webb Space Telescope and NASA’s Mars rovers.

Optimizing the schedule for communicating with all those probes requires intensive computer resources, especially because the DSN is having to deal with increasing demands for high-bandwidth data transmissions.

Fortunately, schedule optimization is one of the sweet spots for Azure Quantum’s algorithms. Such algorithms are inspired by the principles of quantum computing — in which information doesn’t necessarily take the form of rigid ones and zeroes, but can instead reflect a range of values simultaneously during processing. The algorithms are run on classical computers rather than on quantum computers, which are still in their infancy.

In a blog posting, Azure Quantum reported progress in its effort to streamline JPL’s scheduling process. At the beginning of the project, the team recorded run times of two hours or more to produce a schedule. When quantum-inspired optimization algorithms were added to the mix, that time was reduced to 16 minutes. A custom solution handled the scheduling job in even less time — as little as two minutes.

Well, it’s not quite quantum computing, but it’s close, and you get the idea: a quantum-computing designed algorithm can greatly reduce computing time, even on “old fashioned” computers, and that can increase processing time needed to sort out space traffic jams.

So far so good.

But why? At one level, the answer is obvious: they’re going to need something to keep track of all of that stuff up there, and make sure it doesn’t look like it wants to bump into something else, and to move it if it does. And that’s the deeper level too, and herewith my high octane speculation of the day. Remember all those stories just a few months back, of Elon Musk, and India, launching gobs of small satellites?  Why so many? I strongly suspect that at least in part the sheer numbers represent, at some level, the attempt of Mr. Globaloney to build massive redundancy into his planned space financial and clearing systems.

But those numbers are going to need a very different type of control system: enter quantum computing algorithms, and ultimately, quantum computers.

So what I suspect we’re looking at here is a kind of proto-typing test to the basic architecture of that system.

And so far, it appears to have met with some success…

…See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: Gam-Ol / pixabay

Global Uprising Continues: Freedom  Convoys, Marches & Rallies Against Medical Tyranny, Lockdowns & Mandates

Global Uprising Continues: Freedom  Convoys, Marches & Rallies Against Medical Tyranny, Lockdowns & Mandates
A small sample of events happenings all over the world…



Get to Canberra: Day One.1st Convoys Come From All Over! 


 Big Protest Outside Parliament House in Canberra, Australia


 The Aussie convoy for freedom is rolling into the capital Canberra



Ottowa, the Police Are Bringing Food for the Truckers


Tow Truck Companies in Ottawa Refuse Government’s Request to Tow Trucks in Freedom Convoy


Trucker Becomes Very Emotional After Checking One of the Bags He Received


Freedom Convoy Truckers in Ottawa Inside of Convoy Downtown 2022 Canada Truckers and People


 Farmers Are Joining the Massive Protest in Ottawa, Canada!


Anti-Vaccine Mandate Convoy Blocks Alberta Border Crossing


Thousands of Truckers Convoy in Protest


Czech Republic

More footage from the large protest in Prague, Czech Republic!




 Thousands Protesting the Mandates This Evening in Magdeburg, Germany


The Netherlands

Farmers join the protest for freedom in Goor, The Netherlands


 Dutch truckers drive in a convoy through Friesland, Netherlands



 Ayr Freedom Rally – the Storm Rises!

Three More Mental Midgets: Fauci, Trump, and Biden

Three More Mental Midgets: Fauci, Trump, and Biden

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
February 1, 2022


Yesterday, I disclosed the secret identities of Neil Young and Joni Mitchell: mental midgets.

Today, I continue.

Each of these three new candidates approaches the generalized huge pile of horseshit in the town square from a different angle, and scoops up and flings different segments at the public.

Biden has been wrapped up and sold for some time. He’s captive. He’s a mouthpiece for Build Back Worse, economic destruction, censorship, COVID dictatorship, the dissolution of separate nations, and Cultural “Justice” (which means everybody loses in the end).

The cherry on the cake is, he can’t find his way from the shower to his bedroom in the White House residence. He’s demented. He suffered a very serious brain aneurysm in 1988, and hasn’t been the same since.

Before ’88, he was a snappy fast-talking senator who specialized in foreign policy. He was a guy everybody in government listened to, but studiously ignored. Now he’s in and out of several different worlds, none of them of his own choosing.


Fauci has a trick which appears to make him look smart. He can select (or invent) inaccurate and ambiguous findings from medical studies and issue them as slam-dunk sound bites.

Fauci plays a scientist on television.

This is not hard to do. Any slightly above-average news anchor could fill his shoes. All he’d need is an overriding theme to guide him. “At any given moment, fabricate and announce the worst possible pandemic update.”

Fauci is a useful front man for Pharma, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and the coagulated lung-obstructing mass of Rockefeller Globalists.


Donald Trump, in 2020, turned over the Presidency of the United States to Anthony Fauci. That’s all you really need to know about Trump.

Thereafter, by proxy, he presided over the saturation bombing of the American economy—the economy he’d pledged to rescue and make great again.

He promoted the manifestly insane Warp Speed Plan to develop (the disastrously destructive) COVID vaccines. He knows nothing about vaccines, science, COVID, or any other related subject.

His view is: If a big corporation can make something and sell it in quantity, the product is great, the people who made it are great, and it’s great that they’re great.

He’s still out there on the campaign trail promoting the vaccine. He knows, by the booing from his followers, that many of them hate the vaccine, but this never prompts him to look below the surface and find out why.

He doesn’t look below the surface because he doesn’t want to, and he can’t. He doesn’t have the necessary attention span. He’s unable to coordinate information on his own. He relies on others to talk to him and tell him what’s what. These others tell him the vaccine is effective.

In the late winter of 2020, Fauci and Deborah Birx approached Trump with a computer projection from one of the biggest failures in his field, Neil Ferguson.

Ferguson had his own department at the Imperial College of London. The department was funded by Bill Gates. Ferguson predicted 2 million COVID deaths in the US by the summer of 2020.

Trump never questioned this projection. He never called a serious meeting of economic advisors to flesh out the long-term effects of lockdowns.

He quickly supported a national State of Emergency, signaling that the US was ready to shut down its economic engine and huddle in fear.


Obviously, many others belong on this list. For example, Justin Trudeau, who is presently living in a velvet bunker to avoid the onslaught of the Canadian trucker convoy. If he’d been born into a different family, Justin would be lucky to be pumping gas at a lonely station in the Northern wilderness. His only recognizable talent is as a salesman—but in his case, he sells his country at the drop of a hat.

The basic takeaway here is, we are the Gullivers surrounded by the Lilliputians.

Treat them like the little scuzzballs they are.

And that concludes today’s episode of When Incompetent and/or Hostile Morons Rule Society.

Tune in tomorrow, when I ask the question: Why do “alt. people” reject every piece of the official COVID narrative, except the piece that starts with “the virus exists,” an announcement which emanates from elite labs no truly independent observer is permitted to enter?

Or to put it another way: If you were a moral coward whose professional and personal survival depended on applying your “scientific expertise” to an issue that had only one acceptable response, would you stand up and offer an opposite response, against all odds, or might you become a “trusted expert” who dispenses virological horseshit to “alt. people” who yearn to confirm the existence of the virus?

Guess the correct answer, and your name will be entered in our raffle. The final winner will fly to the North Pole to visit a fascinating cult whose only allowed inter-communication is the chant, VIRU, VIRU, VIRU. Now THESE are some outstanding midgets.

Also, be sure to tune into our other show, modeled after the popular series, Alaskan Bush People. Our offering is The Texas Bush People: War, Baseball, No Discernible Qualifications, George W Tells Everybody to Get Vaccinated. More midget-ness from The Great Family of American Politics.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: CDD20 / pixabay

Warning Signs You’ve Been Tricked by Virologists

Warning Signs You’ve Been Tricked by Virologists

by Dr. Mark Bailey
Febuary 1, 2022



“Viruses are small obligate intracellular parasites, which by definition contain either a RNA or DNA genome surrounded by a protective, virus-coded protein coat.”

Medical Microbiology, 4th edition, 1996

The question regarding the existence of pathogenic viruses remains an important one as the belief in such viruses dictates billions of dollars of resources and research funds.  In the past two years we have also seen how an alleged virus can be used as a political tool to bring populations to heel.  It is not the first time this has happened: for example, the “discovery” of HIV in the 1980s set up a multi-billion dollar industry and has also been used politically in most corners of the world.  (The fallacies regarding the existence of the HIV particle and it causing AIDS are outlined in Virus Mania.  For those wanting to dive more deeply into the arguments, I would recommend The Perth Group’s magnus opus on this topic.)

Independent journalist Jeremy Hammond who promotes himself as exposing “dangerous state propaganda” surrounding COVID-19 and the dangers of the vaccines, thus made the following curious statement in 2021:

“the false claim that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated (i.e., never proven to exist) greatly harms the credibility of the health freedom movement and is grounded in total ignorance of the science (the virus is constantly being isolated and whole genome sequenced by scientists all over the world)”

Jeremy Hammond, 9 March 2021

I would argue that the ignorance falls in Hammond’s lap as he appears to reach his conclusion by essentially repeating the claims made by virologists and reassuring the audience that their methodologies are valid.  In recent weeks we have also seen Dr Joseph Mercola presenting Hammond’s interview and Steve Kirsch’s blog (that also makes appeals to virology authority) as “evidence” that SARS-CoV-2 exists.  Kirsch states that he relies on “expert opinions of people I trust” which means that he has put the argument into the hands of others rather than investigating the issue himself.  But is it wise for these health freedom fighters who are battling establishment COVID “experts” to not also question the establishment virologists?

Dr Andy Kaufman produced a point by point refutation of Hammond’s support of modern virology’s “isolation” methodology here, while Dr Tom Cowan warned that we are just getting started with dismantling virology’s nonsense hereDr Sam Bailey has published many videos covering the virus isolation issue – most of which have been banned from YouTube but can still be found on Odysee.  Additionally, in an essay I co-authored with Dr John Bevan-Smith, we describe the first pillar of the COVID-19 fraud as virology’s misuse of the term “isolation”.  In summary, because virologists were unable to physically isolate any viruses last century, they simply changed the definition of the word so that even virologists admit the term is now used loosely.  A strange state of affairs when the scientific method calls for precise terminology.

My observation over the past two years has been that many scientists, doctors, and journalists are happy to jump over this “isolation” chasm and cite the “coronavirus genomes” deposited in databases as proof that the virus must exist.  For example, Steve Kirsch writes in his blog that:

“I know that Sabine Hazan verified that the sequence of the virus obtained from ATCC matched exactly what she found in people who have the virus.”

Steve Kirsch, 10 January 2022

He cites Hazan’s paper “Detection of SARS-CoV-2 from patient fecal samples by whole genome sequencing” as the evidence for this statement.  Kirsch admits that he doesn’t know how the genomes were created, but his…

“scientist friends seem happy with them. At $2,000 a shot, I don’t think they’d market the product if it was contaminated and useless. Am I wrong?”

Steve Kirsch, 10 January 2022

Unfortunately, he appears to have been duped by the high-tech façade of virology’s genomics genie where “viruses” are created from various detected genetic sequences.  In fact, sometimes the sequences are not really detected at all, as Dr Stefan Lanka is exposing in what may be virology’s death blow.

We can use Hazan’s paper as an example of the flawed methodology used in creating these “virus genomes”.  The research team obtained faecal samples from 14 participants and proceeded to see what genetic sequences they could detect in the samples.  We strike the first issue in the ‘methods’ section when they state that “included throughout sample processing was the SARS-CoV-2 positive control from ATCC (Heat-inactivated SARS-CoV-2, VR-1986HK; strain 2019-nCoV/USA-WA1/2020)”  How did they know that the sample contained the inactivated virus?  Because the ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) claims that it does on their website where they state “this strain was originally isolated from a human case in Washington state and was deposited by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”  And how did the CDC know that they had the virus?  Because they claimed they found it in this paper here.

But where was the virus?
In the CDC’s paper, they say that they collected “clinical specimens from a case-patient who had acquired COVID-19 during travel to China and who was identified in Washington, USA”.  It was concluded that the patient had COVID-19 based on a PCR result that detected some sequences said to come from SARS-CoV-2.  But at this point they had no proof of any virus – all they had was some detected genetic sequences from a patient with an alleged viral infection.  After performing a test tube tissue culture experiment on their clinical sample and claiming that there was evidence of a virus due to non-specific cytopathic effects, they began to construct their “genome”.  They state that “we used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing.”  This is another sleight of hand because the “viral lysate” was not demonstrated to come from a virus, it is simply a soup of broken up culture cells and other additives.

Similarly misleading was the claim they “extracted nucleic acid from isolates”.  They have implied that they have isolated a virus and that they know which RNA sequences came from inside it.  However, this would require the alleged viral particles to be truly physically isolated by purification, which they failed to do.  And I say alleged because even if they purified the particles, it would still have to be shown that they meet the definition of a virus – including being parasitic and the causal agent of disease – something that was not demonstrated by these authors or any others.

In any case, how did they know which genetic sequences belonged to the “virus” in the first place?  They “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”  And where did this “reference sequence” come from?  This relates to Fan Wu, et al’s paper describing the 41-year-old man who was admitted to the Central Hospital of Wuhan on 26 December 2019 with bilateral pneumonia and despite no new clinical features, was said to have a condition that was later called “COVID-19”.

The specimen was of crude lung washings, so it contained a mixture of human cells and potentially all sorts of other micro-organisms and genetic fragments.  They simply asserted that there was a virus in the brew.  From this mixed sample they blindly generated tens of millions of different sequences and then put their software to work to see how they could fit them all together.  To do this “fitting” the software searched for “contigs” or areas where different fragments appear to have overlapping sequences.  Of the hundreds of thousands of hypothetical sequences generated in this fashion they identified that the longest “continuous” sequence the computer could create was about 30,000 bases long and concluded that this software creation must be the genome of the presumed new virus.

They thought this was the genome because their hypothetically generated 30,000 base sequence was 89.1% similar to, “a bat SARS-like coronavirus (CoV) isolate—bat SL-CoVZC45”.  The “genome” for the bat CoV “isolate” was generated in 2018 after “19 degenerated PCR primer pairs were designed by multiple alignment of available SARS-CoV and bat SL-CoV sequences deposited in GenBank, targeting almost the full length of the genome.”  So in other words, they already knew the sequence to look for based on sequences that had previously been deposited in GenBank.  But how did the producers of these already deposited sequences know that they had found viral genomes?  Welcome to the circular reasoning of modern virology.

To explain the loop that virologists appear to be trapped inside, this 2019 paper published in Virology is illustrative of the problem:

“Three main methods based on HTS [High-throughput sequencing] are currently used for viral whole-genome sequencing: metagenomic sequencing, target enrichment sequencing and PCR amplicon sequencing, each showing benefits and drawbacks (Houldcroft et al., 2017). In metagenomic sequencing, total DNA (and/or RNA) from a sample including host but also bacteria, viruses and fungi is extracted and sequenced. It is a simple and cost-effective approach, and it is the only approach not requiring reference sequences. Instead, the other two HTS approaches, target enrichment and amplicon sequencing, both depend on reference information to design baits or primers.”

Maurier F, et al, “A complete protocol for whole-genome sequencing of virus from clinical samples,” Virology, May 2019.

Essentially this gets to the root of the problem.  The “viral” reference genomes are being created through metagenomic sequencing but this is done on crude specimens (such as lung washings or unpurified tissue cultures) and then declarations that the selected sequences are viral in origin.  So already there are two problems: firstly, there was no step (i.e. purification) to show that the sequences come from inside “viruses” and secondly, as described above, the computer generated “genomes” are simply assembled hypothetical models from small genetic fragments, not something that has been proven to exist in nature as a whole 30,000 base sequence.  However, these in silico models then effectively become the “virus” and an entity such as SARS-CoV-2 is created.  Once the first of such a sequence is deposited on a database, the “virus” can be “found” by others through the same flawed metagenomic techniques.  Or as stated in the Virology paper, it can be “found” through target enrichment and amplicon sequencing (usually PCR), but this requires you to have a reference sequence…that is, a template that was invented in silico by metagenomic sequencing where the provenance of the genetic fragments was unknown.

There is no part in the above process that establishes either:

1) the genetic composition of any imaged or imagined particles; or

2) the biological nature of such particles, i.e. what they actually do.

It’s a good-looking nano-particle alright, but what is it made of and what does it do?

So, now can we return to Hazan’s paper to see that it is a pointless exercise in virological nonsense.  They state that along with their “SARS-CoV-2 positive control from ATCC”, the “patient genomes were compared to the Wuhan-Hu-1 (MN90847.3) SARS-CoV-2 reference genome”.  Accession number MN90847.3 refers to the updated “genome” said to have been found in the 41-year-old man from Wuhan as discussed above in Fan Wu, et al’s paper.  The circle is complete – at no stage was it demonstrated that there was any virus by following this evidence trail of “genomes”.  Fan Wu’s team never found a virus, they simply asserted that their genetic sequence computer simulation was a “new RNA virus strain from the family Coronaviridae” without proving that the sequence existed in nature or came from inside a virus.  Hence, there was no “detection of SARS-CoV-2 from patient fecal samples” as the title of the Hazan paper claimed, unless “SARS-CoV-2” means genetic sequences of who-knows-what from who-knows-where.  It doesn’t matter where or how often these sequences are detected – they have never been proven to be viral in nature.  So, when Steve Kirsch stated that Hazan “verified that the sequence of the virus obtained from ATCC matched exactly what she found in people who have the virus,” he is mistaken.

What “virus” is he talking about?


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We Are All Canadian Truckers Now!

We Are All Canadian Truckers Now!

by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute
January 31, 2022


We all remember where we were when the Berlin Wall came down. While it may have seemed that communist rule would go on forever, when the people decided that they had enough suddenly the wall fell. Just like that.

Thus it is after two years of Covid authoritarianism that in Canada the largest truck convoy in history has smashed through the Berlin Wall of tyranny. I have watched as the Canada I once respected as a haven for antiwar Americans in the 1960s turned into one of the most repressive countries on earth. I wondered how a freedom-loving people could allow themselves to be abused by these mini-Stalins without a peep.

But then Canada stood up and showed the rest of the world that freedom can triumph over tyranny if the people demand it. As I say, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau had been basking in his ability to terrorize the population in the name of fighting a virus. He was so confident in his seemingly unlimited power that he felt he could ridicule any Canadian with different views. The prime minister said in a recent interview that unvaccinated Canadians were “extremists,” “misogynists,” and “racists.”

When the Canadian truckers stood up to his tyranny and began their historic convoy to Ottawa, he thought he could continue ridiculing people. The truckers and their supporters were just a “small fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views,” he confidently claimed. For Trudeau, love of liberty is just an “unacceptable view.”

Less than a week later, as tens of thousands of trucks began entering the capital with millions of supporters behind them, the “brave” Canadian prime minister had fled the city and shuffled off to an undisclosed location.

As Elon Musk Tweeted, “It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government.”

The Canadian mainstream media is obviously just as obedient to the regime as ours. They ignored the Freedom Convoy for as long as possible. There was almost no reporting. Then, when it became impossible to ignore, they began to attack and ridicule instead of trying to report it accurately. It was disgusting and almost comical to see a “reporter” from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation suggest that the Canadian Freedom Convoy was cooked up by Putin and the Russians!

Thousands of trucks have arrived in Ottawa. They demand an end to covid tyranny. They are backed by millions of citizens, who braved the Canadian winter at night to cheer the truckers on.

This protest is so important because it’s not limited to Canada. The truckers are being supported worldwide, and a similar convoy is being planned from California to Washington, DC. In a US where grocery store shelves are increasingly bare, the truckers have more leverage than the powers-that-be would like to admit.

If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now. Just as the Covid tyranny descended across the globe in a seemingly coordinated fashion, now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide.

We owe a debt of gratitude to the Canadian truck drivers. Let’s all do whatever we can to help the freedom movement continue to gather steam!


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Convoy to Canberra, Australia: Truckies on the Road to Freedom

Convoy to Canberra, Australia: Truckies on the Road to Freedom
All roads lead to Canberra as truckies take their message to the top



by Avi Yemini, Rebel News
January 30, 2022


A growing convoy of trucks and cars is on its way to Parliament House today.

Trucks from around the country are en route to Canberra as part of a convoy to protest against vaccine mandates.

I was on the ground at one of the meeting points near Wodonga, on the Victorian/New South Wales border where dozens of trucks and a massive convoy of cars departed early this morning.

The convoy is destined for the nation’s capital in Canberra where they will gather from all parts of the country to make their voices heard.

Overnight Telegram channels exploded with messages of support as thousands of new members joined to show their messages of support for the truckies while others posted photos and videos of the convoy.

The convoy in Australia follows on from the trucker convoy happening in Canada where an enormous stream of vehicles is made its way to Ottawa to protest Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cross-border vaccine mandate.

The mainstream media has done its best to ignore the massive number of protesters making their way to the capital in Canada and the Australian media will likely follow their lead.


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Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

Do NOT Go Back to Sleep! This is NOT the End!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
January 29, 2021


Remember the end of The Return of the Jedi? It’s something I’ve referenced a few times because it’s a handy cultural signifier for a certain idea.

For those who don’t know, here’s the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to party! Cut to a montage of the Ewoks dancing around Darth Vader’s funeral pyre and joyous festivities being held across the galaxy.

. . . But we viewers know that this isn’t really the end of the story. The battle has been won, but the war between good and evil has not been decided forever. It would be far too naïve of us to believe that.

Indeed, it’s hard not to be reminded of that Darth Vader funeral party when looking at the recent signs that the scamdemic narrative is falling apart:

If you’re looking for it, the good news is everywhere right now. So, time for the Ewok dance party, right?

Well, hold on to your light saber, young paduwan. This battle is not over yet. You see, the would-be societal controllers have not given up the fight yet, and some of the rollback of the scamdemic restrictions that is happening right now could be part of a deception that is in fact furthering their agenda of control.

Different people have different names for this deception. Dave Cullen of Computing Forever calls it “Two Steps Forward and One Step Back.” Over at Revelations Radio News, Tim and Andrew have attempted to warn their listeners about “The Strategic Rug Pull.” Whatever you call it, the concept isn’t difficult to grasp if you know how the Powers That Shouldn’t Be operate.

In a nutshell, the danger is that if the “authorities” begin to relax the draconian controls that have been put in place in the name of the COVID-1984 scamdemic, the population might believe that they have won. That it’s over. That they can stop worrying about the descent into tyranny. Meanwhile, the real work of hardwiring the infrastructure of the biosecurity state can continue on behind the scenes, unhindered by opposition from erstwhile freedom activists.

I went over a case study of this very phenomenon in the most recent edition of New World Next Week. As Americans will know by now, there is reason to celebrate: the Supreme Court has shot down the illegal and unconstitutional mandate requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to force their employees to get vaxxed (or to submit to weekly testing). And, in another seemingly positive follow-up, The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has withdrawn the “emergency temporary standard” (ETS) codifying that mandate.

Yay! Time for the Ewok dance party!

. . . Until you read the fine print, that is. You’d have to persist past the headline and the opening blather of the MSM coverage of the story to discover that this is not the end of the war. As I pointed out on New World Next Week, the OSHA press release on the ETS withdrawal explicitly concedes that although they are withdrawing the temporary standard, they are only doing so in order to prepare a permanent rule:

“Although OSHA is withdrawing the vaccination and testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard, the agency is not withdrawing the ETS as a proposed rule. The agency is prioritizing its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.”

What? They are finalizing a permanent “Healthcare Standard” for COVID-19? What does that mean? What does that entail?

Too bad for you if you want more info on that. You certainly won’t find an answer to those questions in the press release itself.

If you do persist in digging through the OSHA website, you will find a statement from U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh on the Supreme Court ruling earlier this month. In the statement, Walsh confirms that he is “disappointed in the court’s decision” and reaffirms that “OSHA stands by the Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard as the best way to protect the nation’s workforce from a deadly MacGuffin that is infecting more than 750,000 Americans each day and has taken the lives of nearly a million Americans.” (OK, I changed one word in that quotation. I’ll let you follow the link to find out which one.) The statement ends with the threat that “OSHA will do everything in its existing authority to hold businesses accountable for protecting workers.”

If you want the really ominous news, though, you’ll have to leave the OSHA website entirely and head on over to The National Law Review, which informs its readers about the ETS withdrawal before adding some highly relevant information:

In the same announcement, OSHA clarified that the text of the ETS will remain in place to solicit additional comments from the general public so that, according to OSHA, the agency can ‘prioritiz[e] its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.’ If OSHA follows this path, the final rule will be published no later than May 5, 2022.” [Emphasis mine.]

Yes, folks, the “withdrawal” of this ETS turns out to be a charade after all. The text will “remain in place” while they “solicit additional comments from the general public” so that they can finalize the rule and enact it in May.

Yay? Nay. Cancel the dance party.

This is the quintessential demonstration of the One Step Forward Two Steps Back Rug Pull.

Sadly, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to see how this exact type of distraction operation can be used in any number of situations to lull the public into letting their guard down on a key agenda item.

For the hard of thinking, let me be clear what I am saying here: successes, however minor and fleeting, are still good things. They should be celebrated and encouraged . . . but not at the expense of our eternal vigilance against the forces of control.

The freedom convoy in Canada is a good thing. Can it be corrupted and co-opted? Of course. Can agents provocateurs go in and provoke acts of violence or destruction in the name of freedom lovers? Of course. Will the entire spectacle cement in the minds of some that our fundamental freedoms are the government’s to give or to take away and that our only option is to ask them for our rights back? Of course.

But absolutely any movement or protest or idea in the world can be spun to portray freedom-lovers as violent, dangerous or silly people by those who control the mass media. The point is that we know people who are supporting the convoy for the right reasons. We know that there is a tidal shift in public opinion happening in Canada right now and the political puppets are working so hard to demonize it (or run away from it) precisely because it can represent a “storming of the Bastille” moment for a genuine freedom movement. And we can bypass the mass media control and directly influence the public’s understanding of these events for ourselves.

Even the fact that OSHA is having to use a strategic withdrawal tactic demonstrates that they know they don’t have the support of the public on this issue. They have to resort to subterfuge and underhanded tactics because if what they were doing were widely known the public would not stand for it.

So yes, these are steps in the right direction and we should encourage freedom fighters and activists in their efforts. . . .

. . . But let’s hold off on that dance party for now. There’s still a lot of work to be done.


This weekly editorial is part of The Corbett Report Subscriber newsletter.

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Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: The Canada Convoy — Trucking for Freedom

Canada’s Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: The Canada Convoy — Trucking for Freedom

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
January 30, 2022


“We are now 23 months into ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’.

We lost our freedom of association, we lost our religious freedom, we lost our peaceful assembly, we lost our right to bodily autonomy when governments made vaccines effectively mandatory.

We lost our mobility rights.

Medical doctors have lost their freedom of expression, it is effectively illegal for doctors to question the government narrative.

We want to thank all the truckers and Canadians who have stood up for freedom.”


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Deep Sea Fishing

Deep Sea Fishing

by Todd Hayden, OffGuardian
January 30, 2022


Every good fisherman knows that reeling in a big fish takes skill and conscious intention. One of the first things they learn is that you can’t just crank in the big guy with one effortless winding up of the line.

It takes finesse, a dance of sorts. While always keeping a steady line, you bring them in slowly, with the primary focus on wearing them out, almost hypnotizing them into compliance.

A popular fishing website HUK says this about the process:

Remember that too much tension can snap the line and when large fish decide to make a run for it, the worst thing you can do is try to keep them in place. By fighting their runs, all you are doing is increasing the chances that your line will break and your prize will get away. Instead, set the drag so the fish can take out line while still tiring itself. This will wear down the fish; eventually their runs will get shorter, less violent, and less frequent.”

Hmmm. Sounds a bit too close for comfort, eh?

I am afraid I am not all that excited about the current hoopla regarding our apparent victory over the mainstream narrative. I simply don’t believe it entirely.

We’ve made a run, so to speak, maybe have gotten too rowdy, too powerful, and we are being given a bit of slack so we don’t break the line.

This run is not being executed only by the folks on our side of the fence, but by the sheep as well. We are ALL tired, we are all ready to get out of this mess and call it a day.

It seems like a sensible tactic on their part—to let out a little line, but still keeping us hooked and apparently still in their control.

All this euphoria about us finally winning the battle and that the narrative is finally crumbling indicates to me that we may be getting lost in the weeds of apparent success and the hook and line is still, in reality, firmly embedded in our flesh, only to suddenly reel us in again, after a dizzying and disorienting taste of freedom. I don’t like it.

Most everyone is familiar with the 1950’s Harvard experiment conducted by a rather soulless Curt Richter. Rats were placed in a tank where they had to frantically tread water to survive. Typically they lasted only 15 minutes or so before giving up, sinking, and subsequently drowning.

A second set of experiments showed that if the rats were saved right before their demise, dried off and given a little respite, and then again returned to the tank of water, they could tread, and stay alive, for up to 60 hours.

They called this the “hope experiment,” which is relevant to the current happenings.

To maintain the narrative, people must maintain some sort of hope. When we are about to throw in the towel we are given a little slack in the line, and when the pressure hits again—with a new variant, a new virus, or, in a radical right turn, a nuclear war threat — we can sustain our loyalty, and ultimate compliance, believing we will not drown but will be saved at the last minute by our surrogate parents and archetypal “protectors.”

These tactics work in different ways with the masses on opposing sides of the fence. The sheep need the slack when they are about to throw in the towel of compliance. The rest of us are not about to throw in the towel, but are about to gain greater potential of harm to the narrative—they respond to both situations with the same tactic, but with different results depending on where you sit in this whole mess.

This “hope experiment” reminds me of BF Skinner’s work (also a psychology research scientist of Harvard fame — many also believed Skinner has very little soul). His work with pigeons pressing levers to get food led him to conclude that a type of “uncertainty principle” affected animals, and thus people. If the food was dispensed at variable intervals, the pigeons went nuts, pecking the lever incessantly.

There was no rhyme or reason when the reward would come, therefore the pecking never stopped.

You can see how this psychology is relevant here (and yes, as much as I hate to admit this, behavioral science is indeed real, it doesn’t give answers to all questions, but humans, at times, do indeed behave like rats and pigeons).

If something is given, taken away, given again, taken away again, at what seems to be for irrational and unpredictable reasons, you create craziness: variable intervals of tension and release. Good way to mess around with people’s heads.

It seems what we are seeing now with the seeming turning of the mainstream narrative is too calculated, too fast, too easy, and simply not as deep as it needs to be to declare victory.

Where are the arrests and prosecutions of government officials or Big Pharma officials? Where is the accountability of the thousands who have been injured by the vaccines? Where is the admission that this all was a horrible attempt to create a New World Order? — A Great Reset?

The allies in World War II had to literally LEVEL Germany before those bastards gave up. I don’t think this “victory” is going to be this easy.

James Corbett, of “The Corbett Report” put it succinctly recently on his program “New World Next Week”. Corbett said:

This isn’t the kill shot, literally or metaphorically, this is the first salvo in a years long, decades long, process of re-engineering the governing principle of society into the biosecurity state, and this is just about re-laying the infrastructure.”

Corbett goes on to say there is likely much more to come, another virus even more deadly and scary, for example, and that everything is now all geared up and ready for the next horrifying event.

So maybe Covid IS finished. It has possibly been tapped out. Maybe it didn’t make the full mark that was expected, maybe it wasn’t deadly enough, or maybe the variants didn’t propel the boosters forward as expected. Maybe the vaccine wasn’t intended to be such a dud.

Or, maybe it all worked out exactly as planned.

Regardless, they did make a rather substantial move. At the very least they have been successful in normalizing nearly every major goal they had set.

The goals such as digital passports, social credit scoring, digital currency, and blind, stupefying, sheep-like compliance, to name just a few, maybe are not as deeply ensconced in the day to day operation of society as they had expected, but these concepts certainly are normalized now as active probabilities in the minds of the masses (and some of them, such as “blind stupefying sheep-like compliance”, are well established).

It will take much less future effort to drop them into place, fully functioning.

Hannah Arendt, one of the past century’s most incredible heroes of truth, said in her seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism:

A mixture of gullibility and cynicism had been an outstanding characteristic of mob mentality before it became an everyday phenomenon of masses. In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.

The mixture in itself was remarkable enough, because it spelled the end of the illusion that gullibility was a weakness of unsuspecting primitive souls and cynicism the vice of superior and refined minds. Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.

The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.

Although I do not believe that the masses see everything as a lie, I do believe if it were proven to be a lie, it would have nearly no impact. I have not heard yet from the sheep side any sort of eating of humble pie.

All this that is happening is seen as “business as usual” from the sheep…maybe some things have come to light that were just not known before (according to them), but they see this as a victory of their own — they have beat Covid by wearing masks, locking down, vilifying the nasty unvaccinated.

The “I told you sos” from our side of the fence are falling on deaf years. “The crazies on the Right have beaten up the hero-god Fauci, but he is still the hero-god to most.”

As Arendt so deftly points out, the sheep continue to “admire their leaders for their superior tactical cleverness” as a result of any “backing down and changing the narrative” as we believe Fauci has exhibited in our own interpretation.

Yes, some have “flipped” so to speak. Maybe many have. But this is where the fishing analogy comes to light.

The powers that be see the sheep taking a run, albeit maybe a small one, but a run nonetheless, they are hearing the masses grumbling about the efficacy of the vaccines, the pointlessness of taking the booster — the weariness of lockdowns, masks, and social restrictions.

They say, “maybe it is time to give them a little slack…to let them have a bit of a rest…before we reel them in for the final scoop into the net, the flop into the bucket… and the trip to the taxidermist”. So some of them started to flip (run) and the narrative shifts to give them slack.

All that being said, I don’t think much has changed in sheep-ville.

Certainly, most normies have never bought into what is to be found in the depths of the rabbit hole that imply a greater horror above the levels of government, viruses, and vaccines (as James Corbett points out). Few see a problem with digital currency, loss of constitutional freedoms, social credit, vaccine passports or the like.

The agenda in this overarching echelon of control can, as it stands now, continue unfettered, Covid or no Covid.

From this perspective, we’ve really won nothing at all. Can we call anything a victory as long as Fauci and his NIAID, NIH, HHS, FDA and CDC compatriots and minions remain standing?

As long as the smear campaign to eliminate effective and inexpensive treatments continues? As long as vaccines are mandated or even just recommended without informed consent?

Can we declare any sort of victory as long as people continue to suffer from vaccine injury and are not even accounted for?

Can we really believe the narrative is crumbling when the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against constitution and humanity are not brought to justice?

Can we sleep easy under the false euphoria of victory as long as tens of thousands of medical doctors and researchers and scientists go on being persecuted through the loss of careers and reputation and free speech?

I could go on and on.

No, we are not even beginning to see this narrative “crumble” until quite a bit more evidence is brought to light that this just isn’t another tactic in this ongoing agenda.

But…maybe I am wrong. Maybe it just takes a little time to kill all of the hydra’s heads. Just killing one won’t do it, they will just grow back, but maybe we have just killed one or two heads and it will take time to go all the way through them, killing them all.

Maybe the Trucker’s Convoy, the Boris Johnson announcements in the UK, the US Supreme Court ruling are indeed signs of the agenda crumbling, a few of the many hydra heads being lopped off by the swords of justice and sane thinking.

I don’t want to give up hope, but I do think at the very least we must continue to be wary, with swords continually drawn and always at the ready.


Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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Freedom Convoy 2022 – What to Expect Saturday to Monday

Freedom Convoy 2022 – What to Expect Saturday to Monday

by Bright Light News
January 29, 2022


Event organizers for Freedom Convoy 2022 join us to share details of the planned events for the truckers’ arrival in Ottawa and speeches in Parliament Hill from Saturday to Monday.

With the world watching Canadian truckers lead the charge in removing all Covid and vaccine mandates, volunteers Chris, Bethan Nodwell, RN, and Daniel Bulford, ex-RCMP, each discuss their pivotal roles in organizing the next phase at the end of the road for the convoy and how people can support truckers through volunteering and donations for food, accommodations, housing…

Canadians’ emotions and hopes for a restoration of freedoms have never been higher in the last 2 years and the upcoming events will be sure to continue capturing the hearts and attention of freedom-loving citizens around the world.

Saturday, January 29 (Parliament Hill 10 am to 4 pm ET) – truckers arrive in Ottawa in the morning with speeches to follow starting around noon

Sunday, January 30 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from medical and scientific experts and influencers

Monday, January 31 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from politician


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cover image credit: Bright Light News

With Trudeau in Hiding, CBC Suggests Putin Behind Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

With Trudeau in Hiding, CBC Suggests Putin Behind Truckers’ Freedom Convoy

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
January 29, 2022


Update (1500ET): While in a normal world this would be beyond satire and ridicule, it is perhaps of no surprise whatsoever that the blame for instigation of the “Freedom Convoy” is already being placed on so-called ‘Russian actors’…

“…given Canada’s support of Ukraine… I don’t know it it’s far-fetched to ask but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows… perhaps even instigating it…”

As Brian Lilley writes at The Toronto Sun, “the media in this country is not acting as a neutral observer and conduit for news on this matter, most have decided the trucker convoy is the enemy and are treating it as such. Watch any of the news networks or, more importantly, read the Twitter accounts of supposedly objective journalists, or listen to the contempt in their voices as they ask questions to see that they have clearly taken sides.”

“Apparently, the journalists on Parliament Hill these days think their job is to hold the opposition and not the government to account. It also appears their job to support some protest movements and attack others based on the personal preferences of the journalists.”

The propaganda seems to have reached some, but not others…

In other news, while Trudeau hides in isolation, the Premier of Saskatchewan, a Canadian province that borders the US, calls for an end of the cross-border ban on unvaccinated truckers.

Ottawa city center is blocked…


*  *  *

The world’s largest truck convoy rolled into Canada’s capital, Ottawa, late Friday night and continues today to stage a protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cross-border vaccine mandates (or as some call it: medical tyranny).

The so-called “Freedom Convoy” – coming from all corners of Canada and even the US, has been traveling all week and is leading the charge in a massive demonstration against government overreach. Truckers from around the world are uniting and staging protests of their own. 


As Enrico Trigoso reports at The Epoch Times, Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that “America is next.”

“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.

He added that dates and planned routes would be released soon on a website and various social media platforms, and a GoFundMe page would only be released on their CONVOY TO DC 2022 Facebook page.

We’re done with the mandates, were done with the government telling us what to do, we will continue and we will follow just like the rest of the world on these trucker protests, and they will be 100 percent legal, they will abide by the law.”

The Parliamentary Protective Service expects as many as 10,000 protesters this weekend in Ottawa, but that figure could be significantly higher. A day ago, we noted 50,000 trucks in a 70km (43.5 miles) long convoy are headed to the capital.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the Freedom Convoy is “the largest parade of trucks” ever in the world. 

“It’s 70 km (43.5 miles) long,” says Freedom Convoy 2022 spokesperson Benjamin Dichter to the Toronto Sun.

“I have seen footage from an airplane. It’s impressive.”

The trucker convoy has been arriving in the capital for the past 12 hours. Additional waves of the convoy will arrive later this afternoon.

Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau called the convoy a “small fringe minority” of those who “do not represent the views of Canadians.” Judging by the pictures and videos so far, Trudeau is a liar, and a revolt is underway in the country. Corporate media and government have spent the better part of the week downplaying the convoy ( because they are scared).

On Friday, Trudeau told the Canadian Press that he was worried about the protest turning violent. Organizers of the event have told truckers and anyone else participating in the demonstration to remain peaceful.

CBC said Trudeau and his family left downtown Ottawa on Saturday morning (due to close contact with someone infected with COVID – although he tested negative and triple-jabbed) as the trucker convoy descended on the area. The local news said he left town due to security concerns.

The convoy is expected to bring parts of the metro area to a standstill and block roads in front of parliament until lawmakers repeal a vaccine mandate for truckers hauling freight across the border.

Despite Trudeau calling the protest “small,” Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly said they planned a “massive” demonstration on Friday. 

Watch Live here…


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Canadian Freedom Trucker Convoy Continues to Pour Into Ottawa in Preparation for Today’s Protest: Compilation of Videos

Canadian Freedom Trucker Convoy Continues to Pour Into Ottawa in Preparation for Today’s Protest: Compilation of Videos



Canadian Freedom Convoy Organizer Posts a Must See Message: The World Is Watching, Hold the Line


Canada – Good Morning, Justin. Can You Hear Us Now?


Trucks arrive in Ottawa!! It begins!



Aerial view of the Freedom Convoy 2022 in Ottawa


‘A fringe minority’ he said, with ‘unacceptable views’ he said…


Here Come the Canadian Farmers


Cool drone footage from Ottawa, Canada


Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Criminal Proceeding Resembling a Grand Jury Investigation — as a Procedural Foundation for Future Indictments — to Begin Early February 2022

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Criminal Proceeding Resembling a Grand Jury Investigation — as a Procedural Foundation for Future Indictments — to Begin Early February 2022


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: February 5, 2022 update — The interview below took place at the end of January 2022. See Day 1 of the Grand Jury proceedings that took place today. You can follow the work of the Corona Investigative Committee, including Grand Jury proceedings at Odysee.]


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

The following transcript is a brief excerpt from the video (found below the transcript) wherein Reiner Fuellmich explains the nature and purpose of upcoming international criminal proceedings which are being organized  by the  Corona Investigative Committee.

Please see the Jesper Johansson‘s article below the video for further details. The press conference in Brussels, mentioned by Reiner Fuellmich in the video, can be found here: “A Call to Europe: The Future of Our Children is at Stake” – CHD Europe – Press Conference, Brussels January 23 , filmed by Oracle Films, View at Children’s Health Defense Europe.

Transcript excerpts:

“We’re gonna start an international criminal proceeding — which is a model proceeding — very soon, probably at the end of next week.


There’s going to be three days of discussions with the experts.


And this proceeding, of course, is not going to be filed in one of the existing courts of law, of the old system.

But we’re using an institution, a procedural institution, which is the American grand jury investigation, as a procedural foundation for what we’re doing.

We have real lawyers, a real judge, real experts and real witnesses with whom we will tell the story. And that is the main objective.


We want to get indictments against those figureheads who we think we should go after.

That’s Drosten. He invented the PCR test, claiming that his version of the PCR test can tell us something about infections. Full well, knowing that he’s lying.

Two, Mr. Fauci in the United States. He’s the one who pushed the corona issue there.

And three, Tedros, whose WHO recommended these lies to the entire world. Two lies basically —  asymptomatic infections, which don’t exist, and the PCR test can tell us about infections.

Then Bill Gates, as one of the figureheads who are making money out of this.

And probably Pfizer and Black Rock.

Pfizer as a representative of the pharmaceutical industry. They’re making a lot of money right now. And Blackrock as the financial institution for which much of the money is being funnelled into our systems to gain control, through the global corporations, over all of us.

But this particular proceeding is only designed to get indictments.

Its second biggest purpose is to give people… through a real legal proceeding, a full picture of what’s really going on — on all three levels.

There’s one level which deals with the question ‘Is are really a pandemic?’. Well, there is a pandemic, but it’s not a corona pandemic, it’s a PCR test pandemic.

And as soon as you reach this conclusion, the question is ‘Well, if it’s not about health, what is it about?”.

Two things that they want to divert our attention from. One is the criminal activities that they, the other side, has been conducting through the financial industry — which is really a misnomer because this is not an industry. They don’t produce anything. They they destroy everything. So a better word is probably financial mafia because they’ve been looting and plundering our public coffers for the last three, four decades, maybe longer.

And it was about to implode, this whole system was about to implode, during the swine flu. And, no, that is not a coincidence. It was then that it was very, very obvious to all of us that the so-called financial industry had been stealing money from us.

The major platform on which they discuss this is, of course, the Davos clique’s World Economic Forum in Davos [Switzerland]. It was very, very obvious at the time that they have really been stealing our money.


We now understand, of course, that our politicians are not our politicians anymore, but they’re their puppets. Many of them have gone through their own politician production facility which is the Young Global Leaders program.


The real goal of this pandemic is to be able to shut down, destroy, our economies for the benefit of American platforms — like Uber, as far as the taxi business is concerned, Amazon, for all retail business. And we don’t quite know what to make of the role of the Chinese and this. What we do know is that they are part of a group of people who are dividing the spoils amongst themselves — because they’re trying to take over our car industry, probably the US car industry as well.

So this is quite a complicated picture but not too complicated. And we believe that through this proceeding, we can make this visible to everyone.

And once people understand this — and this is the ultimate goal of this — they will understand that it’s they who have to get up and fight.

They not only have a right to resist but they have a duty to resist. Because this is about life and death.

~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich




”No mercy for these b*stards” – Reiner Füllmich announces Grand Jury Proceeding in February

by Jesper Johansson, Perspektiv
January 26, 2022


The head of the Corona Committee, Dr. Reiner Füllmich, announced that the Grand Jury Trial will take place in early February, during which evidence against the four architects of the pandemic will be presented to a panel, structured like a court of law, based on natural law. The end result of a grand jury proceeding is a decision whether or not to indict. In this case the general public will be the jury. The result of this process will be a better informed public that knows about the big picture and thereby understands why indictments must occur. Dr Füllmich believes the narrative have now shifted, and that he, with the help of the people with good intentions all over the world, now is ready to send the perpetrators of the pandemic ”straight to hell”.

At 2:01:20 in to the following link, you can watch the press conference in Brussels 2022-01-23 featured in the interview with lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer Vivianne Fischer and WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger:

More information about WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger:

International lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich and lawyer Vivianne Fischer are both part of the Corona Investigative Committee team:

Prosecution notification of the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld. Eighteenth of January 2022 (In Swedish):

Prosecution notification of the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld ADJUSTMENT. Twentieth of January 2022 (In Swedish):

Prosecutor’s complaint against the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld DIARIEUTSKRIFT AM-9377-22 (In Swedish):

According to professor Hammarskjöld the Swedish government has spent 2.6 Billon € on testing for rtRT-PCR tests up until week 2 of 2022. Hammarskjöld citizises the decision since there has not been a single life saved by the money spent doing all these tests.
Just during weeks 1 and 2 of 2022, there has been almost one million tests done costing 110 Millon € (In Swedish):

Transcript from the interview:

0:50 Summary of the last interview ”Reiner Füllmich and 50 lawyers: The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet”.

02:15 Press conference in Brussels with Astrid Struckelberger, Reiner Füllmich and Vivianne Fischer who were participating in the large rallies taking place. When Füllmich was about to hold his speech at the rallies, the police dispersed the crowd.

04:30 Indictments will happen against the people accused of causing the world wide problem with the pandemic; Drosten, for promoting his version of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test kit claiming these tests can say something about infectious diseases. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID for pushing the false narrative in the USA, Tedros Adhanom for spreading inaccurate and unscientific recommendations through the WHO such as asymptomatic infections and the PCR-tests for diagnosis. Bill Gates as a figurehead for profit in this agenda. Pfizer as a representative for the pharmaceutical industry and Blackrock as a global financial company.

06:15 Why is the pandemic happening? Füllmich views this as a distraction from criminal activity the same way the mafia works. He takes as an example how the financial crisis in 2008 stole assets from the people without the politicians doing anything about it.

08:35 The real goal number 2, according to Füllmich, is to shut down our economy, in favor of companies such as Über and Amazon, by destroying the retail system. The struggle is about life and death. The public institutions are waking up to the corruption and starting prosecutions against the perpetrators in the USA.

10:35 ”No mercy to those b*stards”. ”The people who are pulling the strings are truly evil”.

12:23 The grand jury investigation will go on for four weeks. How to get people to understand the new system of justice that will be used to handle the case against the suspects? Natural law, which Füllmich means leads directly to human rights, will be used. He believes the world is in a state of war and thus, the natural law which can be used in war are applicable in handling the pandemic crimes. Why following bad orders is not an excuse and may lead to jail.

15:10 A tour in the United States will start in March and will go on until May in order to inform the American people about the truth regarding the pandemic. Famous persons within this field will participate.

16:27 What date will the grand jury begin? Füllmich would say that his assumption made in the interview published on the tenth of January saying ”the narrative will shift within two to three weeks” was accurate. Boris Johnson in the UK was getting massive criticism for ‘partying’ and not following his own restrictions.

19:45 Professor Björn Hammarskjöld has filed a complaint to the Medical Board of Sweden (Läkemedelsverket) due to components in the vials not listed in the medical description. Professor Hammarskjöld has himself witnessed two persons becoming magnetic in the area of injection of the so called corona vaccines.

21:40 Norwegian doctors i Oslo discovered material in the vaccines which is not supposed to be given to humans and is not legal according to citizen journalist Ulf Bittner.

23:04 Pfizer did not include the information on these so called vaccine chemicals in the documents submitted to the EMA – Why not? Almost all the studies on the vaccines are totally false, according to Füllmich. This, he believes was done in order to mislead the people.

25:35 LOT-numbers and lethality

26:39 WHO whistleblower Astrid Struckelberger comments on the African tactics of experimentation. WHO created the cases needed to declare a pandemic. Bill Gates who is funding the WHO, involved Drosten to construct the foundation to declare a global pandemic on false premises by PCR- results.

28:48 How close are you to getting the full picture of what is going on? The experts giving their testimonies to the Corona Committee include; former vice- president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon, Nobel prize winner Professor Luc Montagnier, former investment banker and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Cathrine Austin Fitts, and developer of mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone. Füllmich believes the full picture of what is happening is almost complete. Legal proceedings are being done so that people will understand and then find the will to to take their freedom back.

31:50 The people participating in the trials are also filing cases in their own courts of law. Füllmich hopes people who believe the narrative of the pandemic is false will follow their example.

33:25 How likely is it that anyone will enforce the punishment to the people prosecuted if they are convicted – when taking in to consideration that the trial is happening outside the normal judicial system? Füllmich explains there will be no sentences and the process is being done as an investigation which will lead to indictments. The judiciaries in Europe are too corrupt to be used for this purpose.

37:15 Professor Hammarskjöld sums up the costs of the performed PCR-tests in Sweden. According to Hammarskjöld, nearly one million PCR-tests have been done during the first two weeks of 2022 in Sweden at a cost of 110 euro per test. The total amount of money spent on the Swedish PCR-tests he reports are now 2,6 billion Euros. This can be compared to the annual costs of the ICU care units, which is only 3 billion Euros. Ten people are dying per day with covid in Sweden.

39:31 There are two camps in the Corona Committee regarding the existence of the virus. One claims there has been a scientific, correctly performed isolation of the virus, while the other claims the opposite. This is however not something that Dr Füllmich views as a question which has importance to the case or has relevance to the trials. He believes the entire system needs to be rebuilt from scratch, and this includes the field of science and research.


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The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

The 5th Annual Fake News Awards!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
January 28, 2022


You’ve been waiting for it all year. So stop waiting. It’s here! The 5th Annual Fake News Awards! Bringing you the worst in dinosaur media lies, smears and outright fiction from the past year.

Join your host Bent Krockman for a whirlwind tour of fake photos, fake fact checks, fake politicians and of course the fake story of the year.

Also, stay tuned for a musical performance by the new pop hit supergroup, KABAAL . . . and a word from our corporate sponsor!

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4


Fakest Photo or Video of the Year


The photoshopped photo from Norwegian newspaper Sunnmørsposten of a “masked” Olav Mestad, the chief medical officer of Ålesund, who was in fact maskless

Biden “driving” an electric F-150

Fake videos of the Kabul evacuation, including a video of a man allegedly hanging out on the engine of a departing plane (although massive props to the Vietnamese graphic designer who originally posted the video, including a whole series of such fakes)


Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says” a September 2021 article from Rolling Stone that manages a rare triple play: not only is all of the information presented in the story factually incorrect, and not only did they fail to retract the story when it was debunked (instead opting for the lying “update”), but even the picture they used to illustrate the article was fake news!

See “The Media Fell for a Viral Hoax About Ivermectin Overdoses Straining Rural Hospitals” for more on this truly galling display of faux jounalism.

Fakest Politician or Health Official


AOC showing up maskless among a sea of masked servants in a “tax the rich” dress to the $35,000 a ticket Met Gala, a dress designed by a tax evader

Justin Trudeau for “anti-vaxxers are racist misogynists

Trump for calling the Warp Speed MAGA jabs his “greatest achievement” and bragging that “I’m boosted


Fauci for “attacks on me are attacks on science.”

Is this real life? Did he actually just say that? That is straight up, comic book, Palpatine-level “I am the Senate!” energy right there.

See my episode on Science Says! for a point-by-point deconstruction of this fundamentally anti-scientific idea and read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. for a point-by-point takedown of Fauci’s entire career.

Fakest Fact Check of the Year


PolitiFact for their “Pants on Fire” “debunking” of the laboratory origins of SARS-COV-2 . . . which they later had to update with a note to say that since the “experts” they relied on for their “fact check” had changed their mind, they were “removing this fact-check from our database pending a more thorough review” (…we’re still waiting, Poynter!)

CTV News for No, COVID-19 vaccines do not violate the Nuremberg Code, which incorrectly states that the COVID vaccines are “long past the experimental stage”

IFLScience (a website with a checkered history of stealing other people’s work, for “Fact Check: Will We Be Microchipped With Vaccine Passports?”  which uses the very real story of how a Swedish company has devloped a mircrochip that can showcase your vaccine passport status to argue that it’s a “public relations nightmare for scientists and a gift to anti-vaxxers,” who are obviously still crazy even when they are demonstrably right.


ALL OF THEM! That’s right, in a bombshell story late last year Facebook admitted that ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion

Fakest Climate Change Story


The Lancet for “The 2021 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: code red for a healthy future” which was immediately picked up and regurgitated by the lying corporate media despite the fact that its central assertion that rising temperatures are leading to rising death tolls is directly contradicted by the published research demonstrating that deaths caused by non-optimum temperatures are declining by tens of thousands of people each year.

The Victoria Times-Colonist for “B.C. doctor clinically diagnoses patient as suffering from ‘climate change’
,” in which they fall for the transparent publicity stunt of Dr. Kyle Merritt of Kootenay Lake Hospital in Nelson, B.C. who clinically diagnosed a patient with diabetes and heart failure with “climate change.” Not only did the Times-Colonist “reporter” not seek any alternative viewpoint to Dr. Merritt’s nonsensical non-diagnosis, it neglected to inform its readers of University of Washington meteorologist Cliff Mass’ exhaustively documented work showing that the “Great Northwest Heatwave” last summer was not climate change but merely weather (because, as we all know, Weather is not Climate!…except when it suits the narrative).

The usual gaggle of climate hypocrites who flew their private jets to the COP26 conference in Scotland to lecture the little people about how they need to reduce their carbon footprint


The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero for their scheme to get the world’s population on board with the creation of a $130 trillion investment trough to be stewarded over by the organized crime syndicate of crooks, criminals, con artists and eugenicists in international finance in the name of “saving the earth!”

For more on this supergroup of evildoers, see:

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Absolute Zero: The Global Agenda Revealed

Welcome to the New Economy


“100% safe and effective!”

Because we HAVE to go with a single story, we’ll give this dino to … ohhh, I dunno …

Rachel Maddow for “the vaccines will get us to the end of this.”

. . . but to be fair, she wasn’t the only one spreading that fake news.

Of course, none of this was surprising to anyone who was paying attention. Viewers of The Future of Vaccines already knew the truth about these non-vaccines way back in December of 2020.

To be sure, there are any number of ancillary fake news stories that deserve to share in this award:

Like the NBC opinion piece, “The Covid vaccine is safe, whatever anti-vaxxers say. Here’s why we can trust it,” which dovetails with the Milken Institute talk on a “universal flu vaccine” that took place in October of 2019 and featured Tony Fauci and Rick Bright discussing the need for a crisis to speed up development of mRNA vaccines (2019). (More on that aspect of the scam from the Unlimited Hangout series on Moderna: Part I and Part II.)

Also, there was the fake news narrative about the  “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” That propaganda fairy tale has been utterly smashed over the past year by Ryan Cristian of The Last American Vagabond, who has amply demonstrated that the truth is the polar opposite. In fact, there is a pandemic of the injected.

Then there are the “mystery heart attack” stories, like “Mystery rise in heart attacks from blocked arteries,” which miraculously fails to even mention the word “vaccine” despite the fact that the experimental mRNA injection are scientifically proven to “dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle” and “Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians,” which cites “two London physicians” claiming (without evidence) that “as many as three million people in Britain are already suffering from Post-Pandemic Stress Disorder” before bizarrely pivoting into the one and only health condition they attribute to the disorder: heart related problems . . . without ever once mentioning (you guessed it!) the scientifically-proven link between the experimental COVID injections and the increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis among otherwise healthy young men. (And that’s not even mentioning the 278% increase in heart attack deaths among soccer players this past year.)

There’s also Brianne Dressen and all the other people with life-altering injuries from the injections who have been censored, suppressed and marginalized over and over this past year.

And then there’s the Noam Chomskies of the world saying that the unvaxxed will have to be segregated from society and starve to death if necessary and the Neil Youngs of the world clamouring for the suppression of information on this subject.

Truly, many many people have contributed to this, the fakest story of the year (if not the century) and the largest ongoing uncontrolled medical experiment in the history of the human species.


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An American Homecoming: Del Bigtree Shares Film Clips & Reflections on “Defeat the Mandates” March & Rally in Washington DC, Jan 23, 2022

An American Homecoming: Del Bigtree Shares Film Clips & Reflections on “Defeat the Mandates” March & Rally in Washington DC, Jan 23, 2022

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
January 28, 2022


Arguably one of the most powerful days in medical freedom history took place at the “Defeat the Mandates” Rally in Washington, D.C., as 40,000 Americans peacefully stood together in front of the Lincoln Memorial in protest of vaccine mandates.

Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

To watch the entire live broadcast go to:


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Video Updates — Canadian Freedom Trucker Convoy 2022

Video Updates — Canadian Freedom Trucker Convoy 2022


Truckers arrive in Ottawa, Canada! 



Ottawa now! Awesome scene, the Canadian revolution is a fact!



World Revolution Freedom Is Starting!

Big Bear reports convoys are purportedly starting up in Finland and Australia



Hamilton Pit Stop Pours Their Support for the Freedom Convoy






‘Thousands of people on almost every overpass’: Freedom Convoy rolls across Canada 



 Freedom Rally: Canadian Truckers Are Receiving Massive Support Along Their Route To Ottawa



Canadian Business owner tears down his mandate signs!

Canadian business owner tears down mandate sign and replaces it with sign in support of the Trucker’s Freedom Convoy.



USA and Canada truckers unite



 FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 TRUCKERS Today in Toronto GTA Highway 400 and Highway 401


 1999 Simpson’s did it again! CANADIAN TRUCKERS CONVOY 2 episodes spliced

[The Simpsons 1999 S10E17 : Homer as a truck driver. – Maximum Homerdrive. and The Simpsons 2019 S13E21- D’Oh Canada]


Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope From Lockdowns to Concentration Camps

Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope From Lockdowns to Concentration Camps

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
January 27, 2022


“All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwald, the Auschwitzes—all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers.” — Rod Serling, Deaths-Head Revisited

In the politically charged, polarizing tug-of-war that is the debate over COVID-19, we find ourselves buffeted by fear over a viral pandemic that continues to wreak havoc with lives and the economy, threats of vaccine mandates and financial penalties for noncompliance, and discord over how to legislate the public good without sacrificing individual liberty.

The discord is getting more discordant by the day.

Just recently, for instance, the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board suggested that government officials should mandate mass vaccinations and deploy the National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”

In other words, lock up the unvaccinated and use the military to determine who gets to be “free.”

These tactics have been used before.

This is why significant numbers of people are worried: because this is the slippery slope that starts with well-meaning intentions for the greater good and ends with tyrannical abuses no one should tolerate.

For a glimpse at what the future might look like if such a policy were to be enforced, look beyond America’s borders.

In Italy, the unvaccinated are banned from restaurants, bars and public transportation, and could face suspensions from work and monthly fines. Similarly, France will ban the unvaccinated from most public venues.

In Austria, anyone who has not complied with the vaccine mandate could face fines up to $4100. Police will be authorized to carry out routine checks and demand proof of vaccination, with penalties of as much as $685 for failure to do so.

In China, which has adopted a zero tolerance, “zero COVID” strategy, whole cities—some with populations in the tens of millions—are being forced into home lockdowns for weeks on end, resulting in mass shortages of food and household supplies. Reports have surfaced of residents “trading cigarettes for cabbage, dishwashing liquid for apples and sanitary pads for a small pile of vegetables. One resident traded a Nintendo Switch console for a packet of instant noodles and two steamed buns.”

For those unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19, China has constructed “quarantine camps” throughout the country: massive complexes boasting thousands of small, metal boxes containing little more than a bed and a toilet. Detainees—including children, pregnant women and the elderly— were reportedly ordered to leave their homes in the middle of the night, transported to the quarantine camps in buses and held in isolation.

If this last scenario sounds chillingly familiar, it should.

Eighty years ago, another authoritarian regime established more than 44,000 quarantine camps for those perceived as “enemies of the state”: racially inferior, politically unacceptable or simply noncompliant.

While the majority of those imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camps, forced labor camps, incarceration sites and ghettos were Jews, there were also Polish nationals, gypsies, Russians, political dissidents, resistance fighters, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals.

Culturally, we have become so fixated on the mass murders of Jewish prisoners by the Nazis that we overlook the fact that the purpose of these concentration camps were initially intended to “incarcerate and intimidate the leaders of political, social, and cultural movements that the Nazis perceived to be a threat to the survival of the regime.”

As the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum explains:

“Most prisoners in the early concentration camps were political prisoners—German Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats—as well as Roma (Gypsies), Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, and persons accused of ‘asocial’ or socially deviant behavior. Many of these sites were called concentration camps. The term concentration camp refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy.”

How do you get from there to here, from Auschwitz concentration camps to COVID quarantine centers?

Connect the dots.

You don’t have to be unvaccinated or a conspiracy theorist or even anti-government to be worried about what lies ahead. You just have to recognize the truth in the warning: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

This is not about COVID-19. Nor is it about politics, populist movements, or any particular country.

This is about what happens when good, generally decent people—distracted by manufactured crises, polarizing politics, and fighting that divides the populace into warring “us vs. them” camps—fail to take note of the looming danger that threatens to wipe freedom from the map and place us all in chains.

It’s about what happens when any government is empowered to adopt a comply-or-suffer-the-consequences mindset that is enforced through mandates, lockdowns, penalties, detention centers, martial law, and a disregard for the rights of the individual.

The slippery slope begins in just this way, with propaganda campaigns about the public good being more important than individual liberty, and it ends with lockdowns and concentration camps.

The danger signs are everywhere.

Claudio Ronco, a 66-year-old Orthodox Jew and a specialist in 18th-century music, recognizes the signs. Because of his decision to remain unvaccinated, Ronco is trapped inside his house, unable to move about in public without a digital vaccination card. He can no longer board a plane, check into a hotel, eat at a restaurant or get a coffee at a bar. He has been ostracized by friends, shut out of public life, and will soon face monthly fines for insisting on his right to bodily integrity and individual freedom.

For all intents and purposes, Ronco has become an undesirable in the eyes of the government, forced into isolation so he doesn’t risk contaminating the rest of the populace.

This is the slippery slope: a government empowered to restrict movements, limit individual liberty, and isolate “undesirables” to prevent the spread of a disease is a government that has the power to lockdown a country, label whole segments of the population a danger to national security, and force those undesirables—a.k.a. extremists, dissidents, troublemakers, etc.—into isolation so they don’t contaminate the rest of the populace.

The world has been down this road before, too.

Others have ignored the warning signs. We cannot afford to do so.

As historian Milton Mayer recounts in his seminal book on Hitler’s rise to power, They Thought They Were Free:

“Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about—we were decent people‑—and kept us so busy with continuous changes and ‘crises’ and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the ‘national enemies’, without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us.”

The German people chose to ignore the truth and believe the lie.

They were not oblivious to the horrors taking place around them. As historian Robert Gellately points out, “[A]nyone in Nazi Germany who wanted to find out about the Gestapo, the concentration camps, and the campaigns of discrimination and persecutions need only read the newspapers.”

The warning signs were there, blinking incessantly like large neon signs.

“Still,” Gellately writes, “the vast majority voted in favor of Nazism, and in spite of what they could read in the press and hear by word of mouth about the secret police, the concentration camps, official anti-Semitism, and so on. . . . [T]here is no getting away from the fact that at that moment, ‘the vast majority of the German people backed him.’”

Half a century later, the wife of a prominent German historian, neither of whom were members of the Nazi party, opined: “[O]n the whole, everyone felt well. . . . And there were certainly eighty percent who lived productively and positively throughout the time. . . . We also had good years. We had wonderful years.”

In other words, as long as their creature comforts remained undiminished, as long as their bank accounts remained flush, as long as they weren’t being locked up, locked down, discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed or killed, life was good.

Life is good in America, too, as long as you’re able to keep cocooning yourself in political fantasies that depict a world in which your party is always right and everyone else is wrong, while distracting yourself with bread-and-circus entertainment that bears no resemblance to reality.

Indeed, life in America may be good for the privileged few who aren’t being locked up, locked down, discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed or killed, but it’s getting worse by the day for the rest of us.

Which brings me back to the present crisis: COVID-19 is not the Holocaust, and those who advocate vaccine mandates, lockdowns and quarantine camps are not Hitler, but this still has the makings of a slippery slope.

The means do not justify the ends: we must find other ways of fighting a pandemic without resorting to mandates and lockdowns and concentration camps. To do otherwise is to lay the groundwork for another authoritarian monster to rise up and wreak havoc.

If we do not want to repeat the past, then we must learn from past mistakes.

January 27 marks Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a day for remembering those who died at the hands of Hitler’s henchmen and those who survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps.

Yet remembering is not enough. We can do better. We must do better.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the world is teetering on the edge of authoritarian madness.

All it will take is one solid push for tyranny to prevail.


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Medical Sleezballs

Medical Sleezballs

by Dr. Mark Sircus
January 28, 2022


Sleezballs is too mild a term for the scum of the Earth who have taken over the field of medicine and public health. Just for starters, Fauci and Gates are running neck and neck for the most disgusting examples of what humans can become, and the CEO of Pfizer seems to take the cake for the number one medical monster of history. This list goes on and down into the rank and file of medical doctors who have thrown their brains away so they can ignore all the suffering and dying that COVID vaccines are bringing to the public.

A complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) accused 16 individuals of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and crimes of aggression. The 16 defendants include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum.

Hitler’s medical monsters were hung after the Nuremberg Trials, and it’s anyone’s guess how far this and other legal processes will go against our present crop of medical monsters. However, in terms of the gain of function research that medical devils who invested billions in creating COVID, we could line up the nasty deeds of all the evil men in history and still not balance the scales. So it is now or never for medicine, humanity, truth, justice, and the prevalence of good over evil.

The whole game of detracting the reality of this pandemic resulting from lab-created gain of function research is so the principal people involved would not be shot on sight. Die from taking one of these experimental COVID shots, and the chances are excellent your life insurance company will rule death by suicide and not pay your family the benefits.

Its insane actions now are killing people while seeking to punish those who refuse to walk sheepishly into America’s version of the gas chamber, the Anthony Fauci “vaccines.” ~ James Howard Kunstler

No writer can vomit enough bad words to address the glee of Fauci as he predicts vaccinating babies with COVID shots. No one can cry enough tears for the mothers who trusted their doctors only to lose their babies in the womb. There must be three thousand of them. Is anyone in the world of medicine crying for them? Have we gotten so stone cold?

U.S. health officials claim no one has died due to the COVID jabs proving to the world how deliberately blind influential medical and health leaders can be. They are standing at the edge of a precipice because official vaccine adverse event reporting systems in Europe, England, and America easily together report 50,000 deaths and millions of severe vaccine reactions.

But yes, anyone can remain a complete idiot and pretend COVID vaccines are safe and effective. Did anyone ever guess how many complete idiots there were in modern medicine and public health two years ago?

If anyone thinks I am exaggerating things a bit, read: On January 1, 2022, video announcement Dr. Reiner Fuellmich— a U.S.-German consumer protection trial lawyer and co-founder of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee announced they now have in their possession damaging data, “enough to dismantle the entire vaccine industry.”

How Bad Can the Bad Be?

Fuellmich even has evidence that the vaccine makers were using different lot numbers to carry out an experiment within an experiment, unbeknownst to the public. According to Fuellmich, it looks like an experiment to determine the dosage needed to kill and maim people. In other words, people have not been getting identical products. Different lots or batches contain different dosages and even different ingredients. It looks like five percent of the batches caused 100 % of the deaths.

Intracranial infection cases up 60-fold since vaccines rolled out.

A 10-year-old girl from São Paolo, Brazil, has suffered a cardiac arrest and was in critical condition 12 hours after taking a dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Following the incident, the municipality of Lençóis Paulista suspended the vaccination of children aged between 5 and 11 years old for seven days. However, the Government of São Paulo and the Ministry of Health claimed that the cardiac arrest was not caused by the COVID vaccine but by a mysterious Martian ray gun. After all, Pfizer vaccines are safe, so it is impossible they could be the cause of such problems.


James Howard Kunstler writes, “The American people have been played backward and forwards, inside and out, through and through, and up and down; driven to the very edge of national suicide by a combine of enemies within and without. If China’s CCP wanted to take maximum advantage of a weakened, confused USA, they couldn’t have found more zealous help-mates than the seditious Democratic Party, along with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s treasonous public health empire, the murderous pharmaceutical companies, the recklessly dishonest news media, and a demonic host of federal agencies, especially the three-stooge “Intel Community” — the CIA (Moe), DOJ (Larry), FBI (Curley) — plus the many secret horror chambers in the Pentagon. Throw in the Big Tech tyrants, the Marxist mandarins on campus, and the satanic narcissists of Hollywood. Oh, and let’s not forget the evil principality of grift and swindling that is Wall Street.”

Time to pray to your Fauci candle, the saint of modern medicine, or is he the ultimate sleaze bag?


Connect with Dr. Mark Sircus

cover image credit: 爪丨丂ㄒ乇尺_卩丨ㄒㄒ丨几Ꮆ乇尺 / pixabay

Canada’s Freedom Truckers: Largest Convoy in Human History | A Warning to Stay Alert for Potential Agent Provocateurs

Canada’s Freedom Truckers: Largest Convoy in Human History | A Warning to Stay Alert for Potential Agent Provocateurs


We Got A Great Big Convoy. Aint She A Beautiful Sight?!! CONVOY!!

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
January 27, 2022


The largest convoy in human history is currently underway as thousands of truckers head to parliament hill in Ottawa to demand an end to the vaccine mandates!

Prime minister Justin Trudeau recently said this group represents a “small fringe” who hold “unacceptable views” meanwhile he just announced that he’ll now conveniently be isolating himself for the next 5 days after coming into contact with Covid-19(84) even though he is triple vaxxed and “feels fine”.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest Canadian Convoy news while warning to watch out for potential agent provocateurs who may try to delegitimize thousands and thousands of peaceful protesters in Ottawa this weekend.


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Trudeau Runs From Canada’s Freedom Trucker Convoy

Trudeau Runs From Canada’s Freedom Trucker Convoy

by Hugo Talks
January 27, 2022



Connect with Hugo Talks at BitChute or Odysee

The Only Living Signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Sues Canada Over Travel Mandates

The Only Living Signatory of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Sues Canada Over Travel Mandates

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
January 26, 2022


OTTAWA:  The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms today filed a lawsuit in Federal Court seeking to strike down the federal government’s mandatory Covid-19 vaccine requirements for air travellers. The court action is on behalf of several Canadians from across Canada whose Charter rights and freedoms have been infringed.

On October 30, 2021, the federal government announced that anyone travelling by air, train, or ship, must be fully vaccinated. The travel vaccination mandate has prevented approximately 6 million unvaccinated Canadians (15% of Canada’s population) from travel within Canada and prevents them from flying out of Canada. Some of the Canadians involved in the lawsuit cannot travel to help sick loved ones, get to work, visit family and friends, take international vacations, and live ordinary lives.

The main applicant in the case is former Newfoundland Premier, The Honourable A. Brian Peckford. Mr. Peckford, pictured, is the only surviving drafter and signatory 40 years after the 1982 Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was enacted.

“It is becoming more obvious that being vaccinated does not stop people from getting Covid and does not stop them from spreading it”, says the former Premier. “The government has not shown that the policy makes flying safer—it simply discriminates”, he notes. “When I heard Prime Minister Trudeau call the unvaccinated ‘racists,’ ‘misogynists, ‘anti-science’ and ‘extremist’ and his musing ‘do we tolerate these people?’ it became clear he is sowing divisions and advancing his vendetta against a specific group of Canadians—this is completely against the democratic and Canadian values I love about this country”, adds Mr. Peckford.

“The federal travel ban has segregated me from other Canadians.  It’s discriminatory, violates my Charter rights and that’s why I am fighting the travel ban,” explains Mr. Peckford.

The Justice Centre’s legal challenge cites violations of Charter rights including mobility, life, liberty and security of the person, privacy, and discrimination. The lawsuit also challenges whether the Minister of Transportation has the jurisdiction to use aviation safety powers to enforce public health measures.

In discussing effective border control measures at the start of the Covid-19 outbreak, Canada’s chief medical officer, Dr. Tam, said: “As you move further away from that epicentre, any other border measures are much less effective. Data on public health has shown that many of these are actually not effective at all… WHO advises against any kind of travel and trade restrictions, saying that they are inappropriate and could actually cause more harm than good in terms of our global effort to contain.” (Canada House of Commons, Standing Committee on Health Meeting, February 5, 2020)

The World Health Organization (“WHO”) continues to maintain that position and on January 19, 2022, urged all countries to: “Lift or ease international traffic bans as they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced by States Parties. The failure of travel restrictions introduced after the detection and reporting of Omicron variant to limit international spread of Omicron demonstrates the ineffectiveness of such measures over time.” The WHO repeated that countries should: “not require proof of vaccination against COVID-19 for international travel.” (World Health Organization, Statement on the tenth meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, January 19, 2022.) 

“Despite the confirmed science that the vaccine does not stop people from getting or spreading the virus and the repeated warnings from the WHO, it’s clear the federal government is out of step and arbitrarily restricting Canadians fundamental rights and freedoms,” says Keith Wilson, Q.C., lead counsel for the legal challenge. “It is profoundly disturbing that a marginalized group in Canada—the unvaccinated—are essentially prohibited from leaving the country,” he adds.

“Canadians have been losing hope in the Charter and our courts.  We are going to put the best arguments and evidence forward so that the court can clarify where governments overstep,” concludes Mr. Wilson.

The court will be asked to hear the case on an expedited basis given the serious infringement on Canadians’ mobility and other rights.  Canada is the only country in the developed world that has banned Covid vaccine-free travellers from air travel.


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The Freedom Convoy in Solidarity With the Truck Drivers: What Canada Needs Is the “Political Quarantine” of Justin Trudeau

The Freedom Convoy in Solidarity With the Truck Drivers: What Canada Needs Is the “Political Quarantine” of Justin Trudeau

by Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
January 26, 2022


A mass movement against the Covid mandate is unfolding coast to coast across Canada in solidarity with cross-border truck drivers. Tens of thousands of people will be joining the truck drivers in Ottawa. 

According to Justin Trudeau, unvaccinated truck drivers “may pose a risk of transmitting COVID-19 to the general public”.  What nonsense. Truck drivers for the most part stay in their truck, perform administrative duties and supervise loading and unloading. They deliver the commodities and have limited contact with people.

All cross-border truckers will “need to be vaccinated in order to avoid a 14-day quarantine”, says Justin Trudeau. 

Has Trudeau been Vaccinated?

Is it relevant to the solidarity movement with the truck drivers? The Prime Minster demands that the truck drivers be vaccinated. Has he been vaccinated?

Check it out and decide for yourself: There are indications, yet to be fully confirmed, that Prime Minister Trudeau has not been vaccinated.

(See video, testimony and analysis of Registered Nurse).

Video: Has Justin Trudeau Been Duly Vaccinated? Registered Nurse Expresses Doubt on Authenticity of Trudeau’s Vaccine Jab

US-Canada Trade Is the Lifeline of Our National Economy

Canadian governments are fully aware of the importance of the North-American trade bloc. And now Justin Trudeau has sucked us up into the biggest economic mess in our country’s history, while violating the fundamental rights of Canadians.

What we need here in Canada is an indefinite “political quarantine” of our not so illustrious Prime Minister. 

I can say as an economist that this irresponsible decision by the Trudeau government (if enforced) will have devastating consequences on producers, transport companies as well as on the entire fabric of wholesale and retail trade. It will affect all of us.

If applied, it will create shortages of essential goods including food, fuel and pharmaceuticals.  It will also affect the delivery of essential commodities shipped via the US from China, the European Union and Latin America.

We must prevent this from occurring. We must initiate dialogue involving the truck drivers, the owners of transport companies, law enforcement officials, customs officials on both sides of the border, producers, wholesalers, retailers.

The government will say we are committed to saving lives, to protect people against V the virus. What utter nonsense.

The Trudeau government is corrupt. This far-reaching decision was taken on behalf of powerful financial interests. Its unspoken intent is to trigger a renewed wave of bankruptcies.

It is important that government Covid-19 mandates and restrictions be lifted and that cross-border trade is protected and sustained.

#Yes, It’s A Killer Vaccine

The various Covid mandates have been used to spearhead the fear campaign and encourage Canadians to take their booster vaccine dose.

While the media repeats ad nauseam that the virus is more dangerous than the vaccine, the devastating impacts of the mRNA vaccine are now confirmed beyond doubt.

Official figures of reported vaccine-related deaths are routinely published by the US, UK and EU. They are not published by Health Canada. See the statement by Doctors for Covid Ethics.

According to the latest report by VAERS: 

“There have been more deaths, more permanent disabilities, and more hospitalizations following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines [in the US], than there have been following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years combined.”

Moreover the devastating impacts of the vaccine are now confirmed by a Confidential Report by Pfizer released in November as part of a Freedom of Information (FOI) procedure. The data on deaths and adverse events recorded by Pfizer in this confidential document are now in the public domain. They did not want us to read it:

What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.

This is a de facto Mea Culpa on the part of Pfizer. #Yes it is a Killer Vaccine.

The Freedom Convoy Initiative focusses on the broader policy context, with a view to confronting the Trudeau government and repealing the Covid-19 narrative and its various policy mandates including the mRNA vaccine.

This movement must not be sidetracked. It must focus on the immediate repeal of the mRNA vaccine, which has resulted in an upward trend in mortality and morbidity. It is essential to dispel the lies.

The Covid-19 Test is Invalid. The Data Used to Justify the Policy Mandates are Meaningless

The RT-PCR test which is used by the governments to justify their policy mandates has now been declared invalid by both the WHO and the CDC (which called for its withdrawal in the US effective December 31, 2021).

All the data pertaining to so-called “Covid Confirmed Cases” resulting from the PCR test are totally meaningless.

The Rapid Covid-19 Home Test Kits

In November 2021, 94 million rapid home test kits (self testing and antigen testing kits) were delivered and distributed to the provinces, and another 140 million were ordered by the federal government in early January at a cost of 1.7 billion dollars.

Test Test Test: 

Canada has a population of 38.5 million and we now have 234 million rapid test kits which have indelibly contributed in the course of the last two months to pushing up so-called Covid-19 positive cases.

This has created havoc in families across Canada. The fear campaign has gone into high gear.

Ironically, the antigen and self testing kits recommended by Health Canada are categorized as less reliable than the PCR test which is now upheld as “the gold standard”.  The PCR test is totally dysfunctional. It does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2.

All those figures of Covid-19 are meaningless.

The official figures (UK, US, EU) on reported vaccine related deaths and adverse events are REAL.

Canada’s Freedom Convoy: First Step towards the Development of a Broad Based Grassroots Movement

This movement is now supported by people from more 65 countries. Truck drivers in Australia will be sending a convoy to Canberra on the 31st of January.

More than 60,000 truck drivers from the United States including 15,000 from California will be crossing the border and meeting up in Ottawa for this important event.

in a CTV online poll, 77% of Canadians have voted in support of the Freedom Convoy in support of the truck drivers. (out of 17,698 votes cast).


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See related for details on timetable, locations, maps and more:

Support Canadian Trucker Convoy to Ottawa – Here They Come!

Canada’s Freedom Convoy: #TruckersConvoy2022

COVID Vaccines Causing Miscarriages, Cancer and Neurological Disorders Among Military, DOD Data Show

COVID Vaccines Causing Miscarriages, Cancer and Neurological Disorders Among Military, DOD Data Show
Attorney Thomas Renz on Monday told a panel of experts that data provided to him by three whistleblowers show COVID-19 vaccines are causing catastrophic harm to members of the U.S. military.

by Pam Long, The Defender
January 26, 2022


Attorney Thomas Renz on Monday told a panel of experts that data provided to him by three whistleblowers show COVID-19 vaccines are causing catastrophic harm to members of the U.S. military while not preventing them from getting the virus.

Following Monday’s panel discussion on COVID vaccines and treatment protocols, led by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), Renz summarized data obtained from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the military’s longstanding epidemiological database of service members.

The data show:

  • Miscarriages increased 300% in 2021 over the previous five-year average.
  • Cancer increased 300% in 2021 over the previous five-year average.
  • Neurological disorders increased 1000% in 2021 over the past five-year average, increasing from 82,000 to 863,000 in one year.

The whistleblowers provided the data knowing they would face perjury charges if they submitted false statements to the court in legal cases pending against the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD).

Renz told the panel a “trifecta of data” from the DMED, the DOD’s military-civilian integrated health database, Project SALUS, along with human intelligence in the form of doctor-whistleblowers suggest the DOD and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention have withheld COVID vaccine surveillance data since September 2021.

“Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured and sometimes possibly killed,” Renz said.

Following Renz’s presentation, attorney Leigh Dundas reported evidence of the DOD doctoring data in DMED to conceal cases of myocarditis in service members vaccinated for COVID.

The military whistleblowers reported a DMED search of “acute myocarditis” resulted in 1,239 cases in August 2021, but the same search in January 2022 resulted in only 307 cases.

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCollough, commenting on Renz’s presentation, told the panel myocarditis is being falsely described as mild and transient when in reality it causes permanent heart damage and is life-limiting in most cases.

The military did not take any safeguards for the most at-risk age group for vaccine-induced myocarditis — 18- to 24-year-olds.

Renz also highlighted a broader data set from Project SALUS, run by the DOD in cooperation with the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (JAIC), which sends weekly reports to the CDC.

Project SALUS analyzed data on 5.6 million Medicare beneficiaries aged 65 or older. Data were aggregated from Humetrix, a real-time data and analytics platform that tracks healthcare outcomes.

According to Renz, the Project SALUS data as of late last year show:

“71% of new cases are in the fully vaccinated, and 60% of hospitalizations are in the fully vaccinated. This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations. The Secretary of Defense needs investigated. The CDC needs investigated.”

The Humetrix presentation summarizing the data in Project SALUS, “Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against the Delta variant among 5.6M Medicare beneficiaries 65 years and older” (Sep. 28, 2021) has not been made public.

The Project SALUS report also included data on natural immunity, stating the vaccines have waning protection. The data also showed an upward trend of breakthrough cases suggesting booster shots could contribute to prolonging the pandemic.

“Breakthrough infection rates 5 to 6 months post-vaccination are twice as high as 3-4 months post-vaccination,” the report said.

According to the Humetrix overview of the Project SALUS data, Congress must investigate vaccine failure, along with increased risk reported for breakthrough cases (or vaccine failure) in North American Natives, Hispanics, Blacks, and males.

People with kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease and cancer treatment, along with people over age 75 are the most likely to experience breakthrough cases, while medical authorities advocate vaccines to these same populations to allegedly “protect the vulnerable.”

Project Salus reported the vaccines were only 41% effective. This low level of infection prevention needs to be analyzed against the counterweight of a threefold to tenfold increase in chronic disease signaled in DMED.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires only two adequate and controlled studies to approve a biologic, even if those studies are industry-sponsored.

The FDA now has data from the entirety of 3 million people employed by the DOD and 5 million people in Medicare. This data serves as independent substantiation that scientific fraud has occurred.

Based on this data, the FDA must revoke the Emergency Use Authorization for the ModernaPfizer and Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccines, and the Biologics License Application for Pfizer’s Comirnaty vaccine.

It would be wrong for the FDA to extrapolate the industry’s clinical trial data to pediatrics without halting the use of the vaccines and conducting an investigation based on this real-world data.

Watch Renz’s testimony here:


Pam Long is graduate of USMA at West Point and is an Army Veteran of the Medical Service Corps.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.


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Croatian MEP: ‘Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty — Murder is Murder’

Croatian MEP: ‘Mandatory Vaccinations Represent the Death Penalty — Murder is Murder’

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
January 25, 2022


“In the last 80 years since Nazism, fundamental human rights have never been so severely violated…”
– MEP Mislav Kolakušić

Massive controversy erupted worldwide after French President Emmanuel Macron told Le Parisien newspaper that he wanted to make life miserable for unvaccinated Frenchmen. He also claimed that an unvaccinated person is “an irresponsible person” who “is no longer a citizen.” This is the kind of life-threatening rhetoric of dictators.

The embattled leader stated he wanted to “piss off” the “unvaccinated” as much as possible. Macron also promised to restrict the daily life of the unvaccinated by denying them access to restaurants, theaters, and cinemas.

Macron, a graduate of the Great Reset globalist Klaus Schwab’s school for “Young Global Leaders, “has been against the unvaccinated from the very beginning of the Globalists’ “vaccine campaigns.”

Many French politicians expressed their displeasure with Macron’s comments and the country’s new vaccination certificate law,

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Slams Macron

Not only in France but many leaders in the European Parliament launched an unambiguous attack on Macron. The Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić, among others, sharply attacked the French President.

France will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU from January 1 to June 30, 2022.  MEP Kolakušić urged Macron to do the exact opposite of what he has been doing during his presidency, citing the drastic curtailment of rights and freedoms.

“You said today that you are proud that there is no death penalty in Europe,” said Kolakusic. “Tens of thousands of citizens have died from the side effects of vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and will result in the execution of many citizens.”

The MP stressed that vaccination should remain a voluntary choice for every citizen. “Murder is murder,” emphasized Kolakusic and recommended that all listeners take a look at the official data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Takes On EU President

The former Croatian judge MEP Kolakušić infamously called out the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s human rights abuses during an address to her at a Parliamentary session in September 2021. The MEP blamed the leader’s Covid policies for dividing citizens, violating their rights, and scientific advice.

MEP Kolakušić took the floor after Von der Leyen detailed her left-wing policies and the state of fundamental freedoms and “social rights” of EU citizens.

The statements you make about fundamental freedoms and citizens’ rights in the European Union are in stark contrast to reality, expresses Kolakusic. Fundamental human rights have never been more seriously violated in the past 80 years since Nazism: freedom to travel, the right to work, health care, and the right to ban medical experiments performed on more than 500 million people. Furthermore, every citizen has the right to self-determination, emphasized the MEP.

‘End The Division Immediately’

Kolakušić went on to say that we have trampled down science and the medical profession for several centuries and that we are now announcing measures that seem to have no end. “Corona certificates that only allow the vaccinated to travel freely – while spreading the virus just as easily as the unvaccinated – are insane.”

He called on von der Leyen to “immediately end the division of citizens.” Kolakušić warned the leader that “nobody knows what will happen if we don’t put an end to it.”


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Support Canadian Trucker Convoy to Ottawa – Here They Come!

Suppprt Canadian Trucker Convoy to Ottawa – Here They Come!

by Stand Up Canada
sourced from Stand Up Canada newsletter
January 26, 2022


January 22, 2022 marks this date in our Canadian history with the start of the biggest trucker convoy to descend upon Ottawa to protest vaccine mandates. Their ETA is Saturday January 29, 2022. What a glorious time to be Canadian!

Truckers Hit With Illegal Vaccine Mandates

We need to be clear. Vaccination in Canada in voluntary. To have a mandatory vaccination policy is illegal and unconstitutional.

The first sector hit with these unlawful measures was the airline industry followed by all of the first responders: Police, Firefighters, Health care workers, Paramedics etc. Simultaneous mandates rolled out to provincial and federal employees including Educators and Teachers and federally regulated telecommunication industries such as Bell Canada.

And now our Truckers. The buck stops here.

If you would like to learn more about your rights on this important subject, please visit our website Rights to Refuse Vaxx.

Trucker Convoy: Their Mission

Simply put. Unite and say NO to these illegal and unconstitutional mandates in the biggest demonstration our country has ever seen in this regard!

If you’ve eaten fresh fruits and vegetables today or put on warm socks, thank a truck driver who made that happen. Sometimes we honestly give no consideration to how these items of necessity wind up on our shelves in the grocery and retail stores.

If thousands of truck drivers are fired because they stood up and said NO to the illegal vaccine mandates, this will have a major impact on the food and supply chain coming into Canada. Not to mention a devastating personal impact to their personal lives for the loss of their jobs, but also the inability to feed and clothe their own families.

• their goal is to have 5,000 vehicles in Ottawa – this would gridlock the city
• truckers will be at interprovincial boarders; it will be a coordinated shut down in Canada and the US
• American Truckers are starting around the same time; truckers in Buffalo, Detroit, New York will be participating
• trucks are also coming from the North West Territories
• clan mothers are coming to support the event

People across the world are watching Canada! Here is a fantastic January 19, 2022 interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson and Patrick King as they talk about this subject.

Follow Convoy Schedule & Route Information by Province & ETA Countdown

To follow the convoy’s current departure and arrival addresses, dates and times are depending upon Mother Nature:

• please visit Canada Speak for their updates.

• you can support them locally by finding out where they’ll be making their next pit stop close to your town; you can bring food and well wishes to their stops along the way to Ottawa

To follow the countdown of when they are expected to arrive in Ottawa:

• please visit for this outstanding and historic Canadian initiative called Operation Bear Hug.

Follow Convoy on Social Media

• Facebook page:

• Telegram:

Adopt a Trucker Program

These courageous and brave souls will need food, housing and natural immune-boosting human connection when they arrive and while they are in Ottawa.

Volunteers are needed in any capacity to help with this historic event.

If you would like to “adopt a trucker” in any capacity and make your mark in history, please add your name to an “Adopt a Trucker Program” database that will help organize all of the volunteers and categorize efforts easier.

Please fill out this form and share to others who you think may also be interested in helping.

Support Our Truckers Along Their Routes!

Show your support to this courageous and historical movement. Find their route as they pass by your town. Gather your freedom loving friends and families on overpasses, or the side of the roads.

Encourage these courageous souls with your waves, honks and beautiful home-made signs of support as they drive by you, on their way to Ottawa to defend all of our rights to medical privacy and choice! This feeds their souls and keeps their spirits high.

Please pray and/or send good thoughts for their safe journeys and arrivals.

Financial Support for Convoy

In an overwhelming response to the Convoy’s Mission, freedom loving human beings have generously donated over 5$ million dollars to date! These donations help with trucker costs of fuel and vehicle repairs, food and shelter, and to remain in Ottawa as long as it takes for illegal, unconstitutional mandates to be lifted. What a tremendous expression of love and UNITY!

Inspiring Videos of Their Convoy Journey So Far…

Here is a small collection of videos of their history-making convoy. These should inspire you and lift up your spirits.

Start your engines, the convoy has begun!!

We Drive

Inspirational Tribute to Canadian Truckers | Truck Convoy 2022

Closing Thoughts…

“Let’s ride this wave of of high vibration love and unity momentum into a new era!” ~ Doreen A. Agostino

We stand with the truckers and all of you!

To our freedoms!

Connect with Stand Up Canada

Canada’s Freedom Convoy: #TruckersConvoy2022

Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy: #TruckersConvoy2022

by Free to Fly Canada
sourced from Global Research
January 26, 2022


As most of you certainly know, a growing convoy of truckers and freedom-loving Canadians are heading to Ottawa, planning to converge on January 29th.

Free to Fly supports this peaceful and much-needed demonstration of collective resolve. Mandates and lockdowns are violating the most fundamental of our constitutional rights, not to mention destroying lives, the economy and jeopardizing the same for future generations. This convoy has been greatly encouraging and helped galvanized much of the nation saying “Enough!”.

“This path will be easier and shorter for all of us if we take it by mutual efforts and in close rank. If there are thousands of us, they will not be able to do anything with us. If there are tens of thousands of us, then we would not even recognize our country.” (Aleksander Solzenitysn)

I’m sure many of you will be lining highways or even joining in the convoy. For those who would like more information, please read further below. Let’s add tens of thousands of us from Free to Fly!


The East and West routes will be arriving in Ottawa on Jan 29th.

Kingston has multiple days where people will be coming thru.  The earliest people will get to Kingston is Jan 27th.  Starting Jan 28th people will begin to head up to Ottawa and the last day people will be departing out of Kingston is Jan 29th.

[Link to route maps, timetables and a full list of participating groups.]



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cover image credit: Twitter/Cameron Hildebrand, sourced from Rebel News

‘We Got the World Behind Us’: Massive Support for Truckers Travelling Through Alberta

‘We Got the World Behind Us’: Massive Support for Truckers Travelling Through Alberta
Thousands came out in towns and cities across Alberta to show their support for the convoy.

by Mocha Bezirgan, Rebel News
January 25, 2022


With the Truckers Freedom Convoy having arrived in Calgary, Alberta the night before, the second day embedded with the group started around 9 a.m. at a Flying J gas station surrounded by 2000–3000 freedom-loving Canadians showing their support for this movement.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski, who Rebel News viewers should be very familiar with, delivered a powerful speech (as per usual), fanning the flames of freedom before the convoy departed, which left the crowd in a frenzy of energy.

After that, we joined the convoy, and hit the road.

Continuing onwards, it suddenly became very clear that potentially everyone had underestimated the amount of traction and momentum the truckers rebellion carried with them.

The driving force behind this convoy, no pun intended, is not only a sight to be hold, but a pleasure to bare witness too.

The commitment and determination of those aligned with the Truckers Freedom Convoy was truly something to behold.

See more of our coverage at, as we travel across the country bringing you the other side of this truly inspiring story.


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Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist

Holocaust Survivor: Never Again Is Now. Unless We All Resist
In a speech delivered Sunday in Brussels, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav described the striking parallels between what she witnessed as a child in Nazi Germany, and COVID policies being enacted today by governments around the globe. 

by Vera Sharav, The Defender
January 25, 2022


The Defender editor’s note: Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav was scheduled to deliver her remarks below on Sunday in Brussels at a rally protesting COVID mandates. After the rally was abruptly canceled because police threatened protesters, Sharav and other rally speakers gave their speeches at a restaurant.


Watch Sharav’s speech:


Read the transcript of Sharav’s speech:

A vital lesson from the Holocaust is that genocide was facilitated by global silence, indifference and the failure to intervene. The Holocaust was set in motion when personal freedom, legal rights and civil rights were swept aside.

The author Primo Levi, an Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz, warned: “It happened. Therefore it can happen again. It can happen everywhere.”

As a Holocaust survivor, I am appalled by poseurs who control the Holocaust narrative. They deny the relevance of the Holocaust to current discrimination and increasingly aggressive and repressive edicts.

These vigilantes censor and silence those who speak out. By denying the relevance of the Holocaust to current repression, the vigilantes are Holocaust deniers.

Elie Wiesel, an Auschwitz survivor and Nobel laureate, was regarded as the victims’ voice. He stated: “Indifference and the silence of people led to the Holocaust. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all.”

Today, survivors are shaken by the fear-mongering, and divisive, discriminatory measures against a minority. Horrifying scenes include police in black uniforms brutally attacking demonstrators in European cities, in Australia, and, yes, in Israel. These are painful reminders of the prelude to the Holocaust in which the Nazis:

  • Used the psychological weapons of fear and propaganda to impose a genocidal regime.
  • Demonized Jews as the spreaders of disease and the cause of their misery.
  • Systematically obliterated moral norms and values.
  • Destroyed their social conscience in the name of public health.

Today’s predators are also using fear and propaganda to maintain a state of anxiety and helplessness. The objective — then and now — is identical — to condition people to become obedient and to follow directives without question.

The global assault on our freedoms and our right to self-determination is facilitated by the weaponization of medicine. Then and now, the medical establishment has provided a veneer of legitimacy to mass medical murder.

The Nazis declared disabled people — “unfit for life.” The 1,000 German infants and young children who were the world’s first medical murder victims were actually murdered in hospitals.

In 2020, global governments declared an emergency and issued deadly medical dictates:

  • Hospitals were ordered not to treat the elderly in nursing homes. The result was mass medical murder — which Sweden called “active euthanasia.”
  • UK hospitals used lethal doses of the drug Midazolam to medically murder the elderly — a drug they continue to stockpile.
  • U.S. hospital guidelines still call for the elderly to receive minimal treatment.
  • Doctors in Western Europe and the U.S. are forbidden to prescribe existing, licensed, safe and effective, life-saving treatments for COVID patients.

Today, humanity is threatened by the global heirs of the Nazis. The real virus that continues to infect these predators is Eugenics.

A report by the U.S. Commission on the Holocaust, chaired by Elie Wiesel, noted: “… the inclination to duplicate the Nazi option and once again exterminate millions of people remains a hideous threat.”

The modern-day Nazis’ objective is global population reduction. The global oligarchs are determined to gain absolute control of the world’s resources — natural, financial and human.

Bill Gates, a lifelong eugenicist and major stakeholder in the vaccine industry, declared the COVID vaccine the “final solution.”

COVID injections use an experimental, gene transfer technology. Its testing on the global population is in gross violation of the foremost human right to “voluntary, informed consent.”

Those who refuse to be injected are vilified as spreaders of a deadly virus. They are subjected to increasingly harsh penalties and discrimination. Germany, Austria and Italy are once again swept up by an orgy of fascist hate-mongering. This time the unvaccinated are being targeted.

The claimed rationale for vaccine mandates was to protect people from getting and transmitting infection. However, the incontrovertible evidence shows that COVID injections do not prevent infection or its transmission and they do not provide immunity.

Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s director, Rochelle Wallensky, has acknowledged that COVID jabs cannot prevent transmission.

Albert Bourla, Pfizer CEO, conceded that “two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection — if any.”

If vaccinated people can get infected and spread COVID — why are they privileged? Why are the unvaccinated — who refuse to be injected with a clinically worthless product — maligned, discriminated against, threatened with job loss, and the withdrawal of their children’s schooling? I’m

If COVID injections do not protect anyone’s health, what is the real objective of vaccine mandates and digital passports?

Many independent scientists are warning that these injections are biological weapons of mass destruction. Tens of thousands of doctors, scientists and nurses refuse the injections — even if it means losing their jobs and their licenses.

Government data from the UK, Israel, the U.S. and the EMA [European Medicines Agency] confirm that massive deaths and injuries have been reported. Close to 38,000 Europeans have died following the shots. And more than 3,390,000 have suffered injuries. Healthy, athletic, young adults have died. Children are suffering from myocarditis and blood clots. Neurodegenerative diseases are also emerging in the vaccinated.

We are at a catastrophic junction in human history. Today’s predators have unleashed an injectable biological weapon designed to deliver a poisonous spike protein, and stealth surveillance technology, into the body.

This weapon enables the predators to control the global population remotely 24 hrs a day. We must choose — whether to disobey, and assert our freedom and our rights as human beings — or to be enslaved.

Auschwitz survivor, Mariann Turski, a Polish journalist, was asked if a Holocaust could happen again. He replied: “It could happen. If civil rights are violated — if minority rights are not respected and are abolished.”

He urged everyone to “defend the constitution, defend your rights, defend your democracy. Minority rights must be protected… Thou shalt not be indifferent when any minority faces discrimination.”

Dietrich Bonnhoeffer — an exceptional German Protestant minister during the Nazi regime stated: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

Rabbi Michoel Green just posted an urgent plea that it’s “time to atone for the Holocaust by not allowing it to be repeated.” Green admonishes everyone not to obey tyrants’ orders and not to marginalize and persecute minorities. And he tells the Jews: “Don’t repeat the fatal error of blindly heeding your capo betrayers and walking obsequiously like to the slaughter. Wake up NOW.”

Do not be deluded; the unvaccinated are not the enemy. The first step on the slippery slope to genocide is the stigmatization of a minority. Silence invites ever-increasing repressive restrictions. If we are to survive as free human beings, we must speak out against discrimination. We must not ever be silent again — not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

Read the transcript in Hebrew.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children’s Health Defense.

©January 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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The Jab-5G Knock Out Punch

The Jab-5G Knock Out Punch

by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath
January 24, 2022


When the media reports that illegal mandates are ending, it is necessary to read between the lines. Because there is always more to the story.

On January 19, 2022, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson was reported to say that so-called Plan B measures would lapse on Jan. 26, as face masks would not be legally enforced anywhere and COVID passes would not be mandatory.

Our scientists believe it is likely that the Omicron wave has now peaked nationally… because of the extraordinary booster campaign, together with the way the public have responded to the Plan B measures, we can return to Plan A.

While this may sound positive on its surface, the idea of legally enforcing illegal mandates is an oxymoron. By reading between the lines, we see that OMICRON is an anagram for moronic and oncomir (i.e., tumor forming). And the wave represents 5G mm wave frequencies.

If mandates are on the outs, then they have served a purpose, by design. What’s next? In the world of sports metaphors, it is the jab followed by the right-hook punch, which translates to a strategy of injections plus added wave frequencies.

5G Upgrade

U.S. Telecom services have expanded to C-Band or Midband 5G.

The new, faster level of 5G connectivity will significantly augment Verizon’s “5G Ultra Wideband” network, which, until now, has relied solely on extremely-fast-but-very-hard-to-find millimeter wave spectrum.

On Jan 18th, the American media reported that AT&T (T.N) and Verizon Communications (VZ.N) temporarily deferred turning on some wireless towers near key airports (or 10% of network) “to avert a significant disruption to U.S. flights as they roll out 5G service that will bring faster wireless service to tens of millions of people.” British Airways cancelled US flights over similar concerns.

Did the Federal Aviation Administration fail to plan for this oversight?

The Jab-5G Right Hook Punch

The new mRNA injections are known to contain graphene oxide (nanometals) which is part of a self assembly process of nanobots (i.e., nanotechnology). Graphene oxide acquires magnetic properties and is extremely toxic. It’s toxicity is dependent on the electromagnetic radiation it absorbs. Once injected, it has an affinity for the central nervous system and electrical organs, such as the heart. Consequences include fainting, arrhythmias, or syncope, and sudden death. To understand why boosters will be recommended every 3 months to keep the graphene oxide in the body, watch this explanation. This is the jab.

The Jab-5G Strategy could be a very effective knock-out punch for a global government to exert more control over large populations, including the depletion of the human species. This is a crime against humanity, a strategy first tested in China and South Korea in 2019.

On June 29, 2019, China’s new law, The Vaccines Administration Law was promulgated. Soon after, 2 billion doses of COVID vaccine were deployed in China, enough for 1 billion people, or 76 percent of China’s 1.4 billion population.

Later, in November 2019, China launched the largest 5G network, under the concept of “connectivity and faster downloads.” Reports followed of people suddenly “dropping dead in the street,” whether true or not. By March 31, 2020, China’s national vaccine tracking system was launched.

Nine months later, by mid-December 2020, 2 billion doses of COVID vaccine were deployed in the U.S. The CDC claims 210 million of 310 million people are “fully vaccinated.” Two years later, on January 19, 2022, the 5G network was switched on.

By now, it is widely known that 5G towers utilize frequencies that affect all life at the level of DNA. These are microwave, radio wave frequencies that range from 3 kilohertz (kHz) up to 300 gigahertz (GHz). Within this range is the range is the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules, at 60 GHz.

Since 2008, 5G research scientists have shown that the coiled portion of the sweat duct in the upper skin layer is regarded as a helical antenna in the sub-THz band. In their December 2019 article in Bio Heat Transfer, they warn:

One must consider the implications of human immersion in the electromagnetic noise, caused by devices working at the very same frequencies as those, to which the sweat duct (as a helical antenna) is most attuned. We are raising a warning flag against the unrestricted use of sub-THz technologies for communication, before the possible consequences for public health are explored.

DNA, Water & Your Health

Helical is also a word used to describe DNA, in skin cells or any cell. DNA is more than a series of four base pairs (CGAT). DNA is a transmitter, a receiver, and a translator of information. There is a deep relationship between DNA, water, and your health. Water molecules surround the structure of your DNA, through hydrogen bonds, making it highly responsive to stimuli, such as light frequencies. [Read more in The Nature of Healing].

Now, add cell towers that emit 5G frequencies strategically placed atop water towers all over the U.S. What happens when the structure of water is altered by incoherent frequencies before entering your body? What happens to your DNA? Do you need to consider a safer water source? Do you wonder why your government has not vetted 5G technology for safety and health as it relates to water or air travel?

The use of the 60 GHz RF (Radio Frequency) band along with EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power) include the following world locations: US, Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia, China, South Korea. Note, Switzerland halted the rollout of 5G over health concerns to further test the potential impact of radiation exposure.

The symptoms of sub-THz band frequencies appears similar to “COVID” symptoms and includes: lack of oxygen, seizures, and a phlegm-less cough. While the 5G frequency network has been launched in every continent without verifying safety, millions of people have consented to experimental mRNA vaccines that utilize “gene therapy” technology.

Knock-Out Punch

An Editorial published in the July 2020 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, suggests that 5G waves are a critical factor to sudden deaths attributed to an influenza-like condition dubbed COVID. Read that article in full (that has been retracted), here: 5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin Cells:

In this research, we show that 5G millimeter waves could be absorbed by dermatologic cells acting like antennas, transferred to other cells and play the main role in producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. DNA is built from charged electrons and atoms and has an inductor-like structure. This structure could be divided into linear, toroid and round inductors. Inductors interact with external electromagnetic waves, move and produce some extra waves within the cells.

The shapes of these waves are similar to shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. These waves produce some holes in liquids within the nucleus. To fill these holes, some extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced. These bases could join to each other and form virus-like structures such as Coronavirus. To produce these viruses within a cell, it is necessary that the wavelength of external waves be shorter than the size of the cell. Thus 5G millimeter waves could be good candidates for applying in constructing virus-like structures such as Coronaviruses (COVID-19) within cells.

The authors write:

When an electromagnetic wave passes the cell membrane and the nuclear membrane, it induces an extra magnetic field within the DNA inductor and interacts with its fields.

A DNA is built from charged particles and according to laws of physics, by any motion of these particles, some electromagnetic waves emerge. Also, the structure of a DNA is similar to the structure of an inductor in a receiver and can produce some waves. Thus, a DNA could emit some waves and interact with external waves. However, most waves have a length more than the size of cells and pass them without any effect. Only limited waves with lengths smaller than millimeter could penetrate into cell membrane and interact with DNA inductors. These wavelengths could be observed in 5 G technology.

After the jab was rolled out in the U.S. in December 2021, doctors presented strong evidence of the destructive effects of the immune system, at the Doctors for COVID Ethics Symposium.  Introducing a synthetic spike protein into the body, via injection, directs the DNA to express proteins it was never meant to express. The Doctors for COVID Ethics (DCE) write:

A natural infection with coronavirus will, in most individuals, remain localized to the respiratory tract. In contrast, the vaccines cause cells deep inside our body to express the viral spike protein, which they were never meant to do by nature. Any cell which expresses this foreign antigen will come under attack by the immune system, which will involve both IgG antibodies and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.

These results support a November 2021 study in Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning.

Note: Millimeter waves are currently used by the U.S. Army as a crowd control dispersal weaponry called Active Denial Systems.


With contradictory media messages that serve to confuse, know who you are. Under your skin suit, you are first and foremost a part of Nature, a being of light frequency. Every thought, emotion, and action, is a frequency you emit through your DNA, your biological internet. Understand that artificial frequencies introduced into the environment are scrambling and altering your natural frequency. How do you negotiate life in a boxing ring

Return to Nature. Eliminate all WI-fi devices, or hard wire them. If you have a Smart meter on your house or apartment, you can block those waves using a Smart Meter Guard or Block. Eat clean, organic foods to keep your immune system at peak performance. Drink clean, filtered water. Use herbs that promote a strong immune system. Research the use of the mineraloid, Shungite, as protection carried on your body. Make sure you cleanse Shungite regularly. All of these tools work to help to maintain a strong natural frequency.

Stop watching and listening to media talking heads. Shut off the Tel-A-Vision, which emits a low frequency for TV programming. Scrutinize leaders who offer no real solutions, but only fear based sound bites. Raise your own frequency by spending time in Nature, and by meditating to keep you from beLIEving the propaganda.

Understand that you are your own healer and this life is the self-healing journey.  Part of the journey is to see through fear-based illusions. Once you find your center, you can ground yourself, like a martial artist or kick boxer. Then you can duck the jabs and right hooks. You can avoid the knock-out punches altogether.


Related articles:


Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at


Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

cover image based on creative commons work of kalhh & BedexpStock



by Spacebusters
January 25, 2022


A deep dive expose’ into radioactive lithium hydrogel nasal test swabs, injectible quantum dots, nanorouters, UPC bluetooth and the UN Agenda 21 Great Reset Nano-man.

Plus a look at why the Government might hate Ivermectin.


Connect with Spacebusters

cover image credit: julientromeur / pixabay

See related by Spacebusters:

The story of the 4th Industrial Modified Reset Man.

What’s been put up your nose in nano dust “test swabs” and in your mRNA, 4th Industrial Revolution, Great Reset, how the nano dust tech works, it’s all in there.


 See related work by La Quinta Columna

See related work by Mik Andersen

Thailand Government Will Pay Compensation for Vaccine “Side Effects” and Deaths: One Billion Baht

Thailand Government Will Pay Compensation for Vaccine “Side Effects” and Deaths: One Billion Baht

by Bangkok Post [December 28, 2021]
commentary by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
January 25, 2022


What is important in this report by the Bangkok Post is that the Royal Thai Government (member state of the UN and the WHO) firmly acknowledges the deaths and adverse events affecting Thais who have taken the vaccine jab. 

“Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated”. 

1,962 individuals, namely 23% of the claimants “were left permanently paralysed or died after receiving their Covid-19 shot”. 

The implications are far-reaching. 

People in Thailand and around the World will be informed of the decision of the Thai government and will refuse to take the jab.

And this decision establishes a legal precedent. Class action law suits as well criminal charges against Big Pharma and corrupt governments are forthcoming.  

National governments will no longer be able to deny the devastating impacts of what is widely recognized as a killer vaccine. 

Nor will they be able to impose a vaccine passport. 

Also, if you have any doubts read  the report on the“Confidential Report” by Pfizer released under Freedom of Information which confirms unequivocally the criminal nature of the mRNA vaccine which has resulted in a Worldwide wave of deaths and injuries:

“What is contained in  Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.”

~ Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, January 25, 2022

Our thanks to the Bangkok Post for bringing this article to our attention.


Almost one billion baht in compensation has been paid out to Thais who suffered adverse side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine over the past eight months, says the National Health Security Office (NHSO).

About 927 million baht [28 million dollars] in compensation was approved between April 5 and Dec 26, it said.

Out of the 11,707 people who filed a claim with authorities, 8,470 people, or 72.3% of all claimants, have been compensated, said Atthaporn Limpanyalert, spokesman and deputy secretary-general of the NHSO.

The claims were grouped into three categories, the first being claims filed by vaccine recipients who reported mild to moderate side effects after receiving their Covid-19 jab.

In total, there are 6,298 people in this category, Dr Atthaporn said, noting they are eligible to receive no more than 100,000 baht in compensation from the government.

The second category, Dr Atthaporn said, comprises claims filed by those who experienced temporary paralysis and/or loss of other bodily functions after they were vaccinated, noting the 210 people in this category will receive up to 240,000 baht in compensation.

The final category is made up of individuals who were left permanently paralysed or died after receiving their Covid-19 shot. The 1,962 people in this category are eligible to claim up to 400,000 baht in compensation.

Out of the 11,707 claims filed, 1,752 were rejected because the claimants failed to meet the criteria set out — 615 of whom have lodged an appeal.

Claimants are entitled to seek the compensation for themselves and/or relatives without having to prove without doubt that their health condition was indeed caused by receiving the Covid vaccine.

Dr Atthaporn said the NHSO has set up 13 committees throughout the country to process the compensation claims, adding compensation will be paid within five days of the petition being approved.

Meanwhile, the NHSO transferred an additional 31.3 billion baht to 1,942 medical facilities and hospitals nationwide in October and November to help the fight against Covid-19, said NHSO secretary-general Jadet Thammathat-aree.


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cover image credit: AdenArdenrich / pixabay

Is the Virus Real? Steve Kirsch Suggests a Debate

Is the Virus Real? Steve Kirsch Suggests a Debate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
January 25, 2022


My readers know that, for the past two years, I’ve been making the case that the virus is a scientific fiction, a con, and a cover story for tyranny that would make Hitler, Stalin, and Mao blush with envy.

Recently, the question has been attracting wider coverage: Does SARS-CoV-2 exist?

Entrepreneur, inventor, and philanthropist, Steve Kirsch, says yes. He offers to set up a 5-hour live video debate. He’ll send his experts and other side will send theirs. They’ll go at it.

What about the usual form of scientific debate, called the written word?

Buckle up.

Kirsch: “I don’t think the folks I’d ask to do this would want to spend time writing papers…They don’t even have the time to prepare their own papers. Doing written documents is much more time consuming than talking because people spend the time to make it bulletproof.”

Heaven forbid.

Kirsch: “None of the people on our team require that all discussions be in writing only.”

Of course not. Why would his team of scientists insist on the method by which science is accomplished?

Kirsch: “One of the commenters [to an article by Kirsch] wrote this: ‘But when someone really knows their shit they would much rather handle it in a live conversation; it’s much more efficient (you don’t spend hours writing) and it reaches a wider audience, and that audience has the benefit of tone and body language to affirm (or negate) the veracity and substance of what is being said.’”

Kirsch: “I agree with that.”

Truly awesome.

Tone and body language. Yes, of course. You know, that was Galileo’s problem when he was tried by the Inquisition for insisting the Earth rotated, and journeyed around the sun. If only he’d stood up straighter and spoken with unwavering clarity (in the manner of, say, a Walter Cronkite). He might have won his case. Because tone and inflection equal science. We all realize that. Obviously, Galileo didn’t know his shit.

Spending hours writing arguments about the existence of the virus—who would have the audacity to insist on that? As Kirsch points out, his experts are busy. It’s rude to interrupt them and ask them to make their case bulletproof. Science on Video tends to be based on “we KNOW we’re sure” and “the truth is OBVIOUS” and “WE’RE the pros.” That’s good enough, and you can sell it. If you, again, display convincing tone and body language.

In medical school, they teach this. “One day you students will be called on to defend your actions and opinions with pure bullshit. I tell you that now, to prepare you for the moment. How do you shape and transmit the bullshit? Do you do it through tiresome written reports, which run the risk of exposing the truth, engraved on the page, or do you stand up before a panel and look those people in the eye and tell a story that wows them? Do you fumble to clarify a point, or do you gloss it over with a quick-hitting generality that covers a crack in your armor? Careers are won and lost on that basis.”

Kirsch believes an exchange of papers between debaters is futile. Who can, or is willing to, pore through them and analyze them? And do those written exchanges actually cover all essential points? But with video, we NEVER EVER see opponents talking past each other or quickly changing the subject to avoid unpleasant revelations. Certainly not. We never see opponents smirking like entitled monkeys and making ad hominem accusations. We never witness slippery logic sliding by before it can be isolated and corrected. We never witness grandstanding for the audience’s benefit. It’s never show biz on parade. No mainstream expert would dare intone, “Ahem, in my many years as professor of so-and-so at such-and-such, having engaged in intense research on this question, and having authored over 60 papers on this very subject…”

And then there is the suggestion, as the commenter states, that the audience can decide…on the winner in the debate. Yes. What else is a debate FOR? Science is a democracy, and the audience is the proof of the pudding. Once they vote up or down, the deed is done. This is why, in medical journals, at the bottom of every paper and study, you see the poll question: “DO YOU THINK THIS ANALYSIS IS ACCURATE? CAST YOUR BALLOT. Depending on the outcome, we will maintain the study in our archive or retract it with an apology. Everyone can vote. You do not need to be a subscriber. We work for our audience every day. If the majority of you believes one of our authors has convinced you that the moon is a slice of soft brie on a plate or an elephant’s ass, we concur. This is called consensus, and what else could science be?”

Not long ago, I crashed my Gulfstream in the Himalayas, and after a harrowing journey to the GeFunkte Hospital in Berlin, as I was lying on the operating table, two surgeons debated whether I needed one or two transplanted hearts. Later, I was told a live stream of this discussion had been piped into the hospital waiting room, and the patients expressed an overwhelming preference for two hearts, based on the charismatic presentation of Surgeon Number One, who had studied Voice and Drama at the Julliard School in New York. So…two hearts it was. You can read about the groundbreaking operation in the Medical Journal of Audience Participation.

Published blow-by-blow descriptions of “isolating viruses” are quite dense to begin with. Perhaps one person in two hundred thousand can plow through them and understand them. Therefore, the debate about the existence of a virus starts with something in writing that, for most people, is impenetrable.

It’s no surprise that these descriptions are viewed with suspicion.

“We’re the expert virologists. Only we understand what we’re doing.”

“I see. So understanding virus isolation is like understanding RNA development and insertion into lipid nanoparticles which are injected into a few billion people.”

“Yes, exactly. Only we understand that whole process.”

“Got it. I have grave doubts about everything you’re claiming about the vaccine, but I completely accept everything you’re saying about the existence of the virus.”

In this particular debate about the existence of the virus, the devil really is in the details.

The details concerning exactly how virologists believe they are isolating viruses and sequencing them. As I say, reading the studies, one sees immediately that the accounts of these procedures are laden with technical terms and technical steps.

Those elements have to be analyzed and taken apart, to see whether they make scientific sense. In fact, a debate in writing is the sane way to proceed.

Settling the question of virus-isolation via video would be quite a challenge. An exceptional amount of good will and patience, from the mainstream virologists, would be required. I’ve never seen medical “experts” show those qualities, when the basic assumptions of their professions are on the line. I’ve seen them get up on their high horse, growl, bloviate, dismiss, generalize, tap dance, boil over, accuse, pretend to be oh so reasonable, with their pants on fire.

Someone will say, “But…but, let’s wrap all this up in one sitting. Video will accomplish that. I have things to do, places to go. We live in a fast-food world, face it.”

Yes, you have to go to the store with your mask on and maintain distancing; you have to look for a restaurant that won’t make you flash your vaccine passport; you have to show up at the school board meeting to tell the members what they can do with their mandate forcing your kid to take the shot; when they refuse to listen to you, you have to sell your house, pack up your belongings, and move with the kids from New York to Florida; and all the while, you have to keep deleting voice messages from your brother who’s telling you only the injection will save you and the family wants you institutionalized.

All these and so many more to-do’s begin with the assumption that a virus exists.

So a debate on this point ought to be complete and rigorous.

If the only possibility is a video, have a go. But the written word is far superior.

“Counsel, you have a video where the defendant discusses how he can steal a billion dollars from the pension fund?”

“Yes, Your Honor. But we also have a letter of agreement between the defendant and the head of the Montebello crime family. The letter reveals the defendant has already stolen the money, and will give it to the mob in exchange for certain favors.”

“A letter, you say? Words? Sentences? In writing, on a page? Signed? And it can be read?”

“Yes, sir. Writing is an older form of expression. It’s now being phased out. But it stands up quite well. It’s bulletproof.”


The non-existent virus; an explosive interview with Christine Massey

Dr. Andrew Kaufman refutes “isolation” of SARS-Cov-2; he does step-by-step analysis of a typical claim of isolation; there is no proof that the virus exists


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: geralt / pixabay

Truckers for Freedom: Thousands of Supporters Line Canada’s Highways as Massive Convoy Rolls Across the Continent

Truckers for Freedom: Thousands of Supporters Line Canada’s Highways as Massive Convoy Rolls Across the Continent


Freedom Convoy 2022: Hundreds of trucks roll through BC to protest vaccine mandates in Ottawa!

by D Rutter
January 23, 2022

Big rigs and other trucks are heading to Canada’s capital, gathering momentum as they go!

These are the people who deliver the food and other essentials to our shops. Many of them aren’t okay with being forced to take ineffective and dangerous injections for a mild, endemic, common cold virus!

I captured great footage of this historic moment, as the Freedom Convoy rolled through BC’s Interior, headed toward Alberta and then across the continent!

The support from the public was MASSIVE!



Massive support for the truckers in Canada!

by Revolution In The Streets
January 24, 2022

In Salmon Arm, BC, Canada people show their support for the truckers heading to Ottowa to protest the vax mandates!


 50,000 Truckers

30,000+ Demand End to Vaccine Mandates, Government Overreach at DC Rally

30,000+ Demand End to Vaccine Mandates, Government Overreach at DC Rally

More than 30,000 people attended the “Defeat the Mandates” rally Sunday in DC, calling for an end to vaccine mandates and government overreach.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
January 24, 2022


More than 30,000 people attended the “Defeat the Mandates” rally Sunday in Washington, DC, calling for an end to vaccine mandates and government overreach.

Children’s Health Defense organized and sponsored the event along with the Vaccine Safety Research FoundationFront Line Covid-19 Critical Care AllianceGlobal Covid SummitWorld Council for Health and JP Sears.

Americans of every race, creed, political affiliation, sexual orientation and vaccination status attended the event, including groups of police officers, firefighters and teachers.

Watch the latest video at

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman and chief legal counsel, gave a powerful speech encouraging everyone to stand up for democracy and freedom.

Other speakers included: Del Bigtree, Lara Logan, Dr. Paul MarikDr. Pierre Kory, Chris Martenson, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert MaloneDr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Paul Alexander, Attorney Tricia Lindsay, Kevin Jenkins, Rev. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Epstein, Tramell Johnson, Jo Rose (Jo Speaks Truth), Angela Stanton King, Kwame Brown, Trahern Crews and others.

Watch the entire event here:

Rally starts @ 23:00

JP Sears @ 52:40

Kevin Jenkins @1:05

Peter McCullough @1:15

Richard Urso @ 1:22

Pierre Kory @1:29

Talley Bowden @ 1:33

Paul Merik @ 1:36

Paul Alexander @ 1:41

Kat Lindley @ 1:43

Ryan Cole @ 1:44

Aaron Kheriaty @ 1:48

Robert Malone @ 1:53

Joel Wallskog @ 2:16

Steve Kirsch @ 2:36

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. @ 2:46

Tess Lawrie @ 3:15

Rizza Islam @ 3:18

Zev Epstein @ 3:29

Aaron Lewis @ 3:35

Christina Parks @ 3:41

Will Witt @ 3:46

Trahern Crews @ 3:50

Tyler Fischer @ 3:52

Del Bigtree @ 4:00


©January 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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‘Pandemic’ Narrative Over…False Flag in Ukraine Next?

‘Pandemic’ Narrative Over…False Flag in Ukraine Next?

by Gavin O’Reilly, OffGuardian
January 24, 2022


During the past week, the world has looked on as the now two-year long COVID-19 mainstream media narrative collapsed almost instantaneously.

In timing that cannot be described as anything less than suspect, in the same week that the World Economic Forum held its virtual Davos Agenda event, Ireland and Britain announced the sudden and immediate ending of virtually all Covid measures and the World Health Organisation called for the end of Covid-related travel restrictions, with the organisation also stating that the end of the ‘Pandemic’ may be in sight, in stark contrast to a recent announcement that such a prediction was premature.

With the theme of the World Economic Forum’s 2022 annual summit meeting, due to be held in May and the first in-person meeting of the forum since 2019, being ‘Working Together, Restoring Trust’ the optimistic among us may say that there has been an acceptance amongst the global elite that the growing awareness worldwide of the corporate power-grab over public life that the past two years has entailed, as well as the steady march towards a digital ID system as envisaged in Klaus Schwab’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution via the use of vaccine passports, has become so widespread that it is no longer feasible to continue the current COVID-19 media narrative.

However, the sudden dropping of COVID-19 by the corporate media also presents the opportune moment to immediately switch its focus to something else – a possibly imminent false flag attack in Ukraine, used as a pretext for the Western-backed Kiev government to launch an attack on the breakaway pro-Russian republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the east of the country, thus triggering an armed conflict between Ukraine and Moscow, one that has the strong possibility for worldwide ramifications.

Since the end of November, the Western media, in lockstep, has promoted the narrative that Russia is planning an ‘imminent’ military invasion of its smaller Western neighbour – with Kiev having come under control of the US and EU backed governments of Petro Poroshenko and Volodymyr Zelensky since the 2014 CIA and MI6-orchestrated Euromaidan colour revolution was launched in response to then-President Viktor Yanukovych’s November 2013 to suspend an EU trade deal in favour of pursuing closer ties with Moscow.

Despite the only ‘evidence’ offered so far over the past two months of such an incursion being the legitimate movement of Russian troops within Russia’s own borders, the Neocon-influenced Western media still determinedly vows that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is only a matter of days away from taking place – in a manner not dissimilar to their previous assertions that Saddam Hussein had the capability to launch weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes in the run-up to the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq.

The claims of a Russian invasion of Ukraine also come at a time of wider tensions in Eastern Europe with Russian President Vladimir Putin, alongside his Belarusian counterpart and sole European ally Alexander Lukashenko, being accused of attempting to destabilise the European Union via a build-up of African and Middle Eastern migrants on the Belarus-Poland border. The fact that many of said migrants are fleeing the wars and colour revolutions imposed on both regions by the US-NATO hegemony being conveniently ignored by the Western media.

Should a false flag attack be launched soon in order to trigger a conflict between Moscow and Kiev however, it would be a tactic with recent previous usage by the regime change lobby which, like a theoretical war between Russia and Ukraine, also almost resulted in a wider armed confrontation between Moscow and NATO.

In 2017 and 2018, two chemical attacks where launched against the Syrian town and Khan Shaykhun and the city of Douma respectively, both attacks being blamed by the West on the Moscow-allied government of Bashar al-Assad and both resulting in the US launching cruise missile and air strikes against Syrian government targets – just stopping short of a full-scale military intervention.

Indeed the use of a chemical weapons provocation was outlined as such by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu only last month – a false flag attack that the Western mainstream media, with its sudden dropping of the COVID-19 narrative, may soon be focusing its attention on instead.


Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook.


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cover image credit: Roman_Polyanyk / pixabay

Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy to Ottawa Is Underway

Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy to Ottawa Is Underway
The first leg of the convoy began its journey from Canada’s west coast Saturday morning, joined continually by more trucks and supporters as the convoy makes its way east toward the capital.

by Dakota Christensen, Rebel News
January 24, 2022


A coalition of Canadian truckers is now en route to Ottawa as their convoy travels cross-country to protest a federal vaccine mandate in the nation’s capital.

Three separate convoys of truckers will be travelling along routes starting from British Columbia in the west, Newfoundland in the east, and Windsor, Ontario in the south, all departing at separate times so as to arrive jointly in Ottawa on January 29.

The nationwide movement is being launched in protest of a federal vaccine mandate that came into effect January 15, requiring all commercial truck drivers crossing into Canada to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. The federal vaccine mandate for truckers has already caused significant supply chain chaos, with delays and shortages affecting many regions across the country. The mandate could result in a loss of 12,000 to 16,000 cross-border commercial drivers, according to the Canadian Trucking Alliance.

The first leg of the truckers’ convoy began its journey from Canada’s west coast Saturday morning, joined continually by more trucks and supporters as the convoy makes its way east toward the capital.

Those from the Vancouver area departed on their journey to Ottawa early Saturday morning.

By late Saturday afternoon, the convoy had reached Edmonton where hundreds of supporters gathered in solidarity with the movement.

The convoy arrived in Calgary late Saturday night, where thousands showed up to offer their welcome and support.

Rebel News‘ Mocha Bezirgan is now travelling alongside the convoy as it moves onward from Calgary to Ottawa, and will be providing on-the-ground coverage as the truckers continue their journey.



Alexa Lavoie will also be heading to Ottawa this weekend for the anticipated arrival of the convoy, to help report on the protest and provide coverage of events in the capital as they unfold.


Connect with Rebel News

Healthy Athletes Are Still Inexplicably Collapsing

Healthy Athletes Are Still Inexplicably Collapsing

by Jefferey Jaxen & Del Bigtree, The HighWire
January 21, 2021


Video available at The HighWire Rumble & Brighteon channels.

Healthy athletes and youth are still facing mounting health issues, many cardiac related.

The public is starting to notice this phenomenon, as more top athletes suffer sudden, catastrophic health issues.


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Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: A Challenging Response to Dr. Mercola’s Article “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus”

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: A Challenging Response to Dr. Mercola’s Article “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus”


A Response to Dr. Mercola’s Recent Statement on if SARS-Cov-2 Is a Real Virus With Dr. Andrew Kaufma

by Dr. Tom Cowan with Dr. Andrew Kaufman
January 21, 2022


“…I think there has been, you know, a total wave right of criticism of the the truth that viruses don’t exist and cause disease. And we see that, seemingly at the same time, that the pandemic seems to be drawing near an end. Right?

We see suddenly lifting restrictions all over the world.

And even Bill Gates predicted in 2022 that would be the end of the pandemic.

The Wall Street journal printed an editorial saying that…essentially last three weeks a major drop in cases, and it signifies, you know, what do they call it — the herd immunity. Right? Which is another thing we can debunk.

So, as they’re kind of ending out of this — and, you know, I’m sure that there’s more planned in the future. And I don’t know if it’s going to be a health crisis or not. But if this does peter out, they want to make sure that as we, you know, get this relief and come out of it — and probably they want us to look at them in a favorable light.

But they want to make sure that we still believe in deadly and dangerous viruses.

And they want to make sure that we still believe that there are safe vaccines, even if we question the safety of these particular genetic injections.

That we retain those important beliefs, so that they can still continue to profit and manipulate and, you know, run operations in the future.”

~ Dr. Andrew Kaufman


Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel.


See Dr. Mercola’s article “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus” here.

Here are the additional links referenced during the discussion:
– Virus Isolation – Is It Real? –
– An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola –
– What is a Virus? –


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

See related:

Virus Isolation…Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman, MD Responds to Jeremy Hammond

Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated

Questioning ‘The Science’: What Is a ‘Virus’? How Is a ‘Virus’ Seen & Isolated?

Swiss Olympic Sprinter Gets Pericarditis After Pfizer Booster, 22,193 Deaths After COVID Shots Reported to CDC

Swiss Olympic Sprinter Gets Pericarditis After Pfizer Booster, 22,193 Deaths After COVID Shots Reported to CDC
VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of 1,053,830 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 22,193 deaths and 174,864 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 14, 2022. 

by Megan Redshaw, The Defender
January 21, 2022


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) today released new data showing a total of 1,053,830 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 14, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S.

The data included a total of 22,193 reports of deaths — an increase of 448 over the previous week — and 174,864 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period — up 4,418 compared with the previous week.

Excluding “foreign reports” to VAERS, 732,883 adverse events, including 10,162 deaths and 66,059 serious injuries, were reported in the U.S. between Dec. 14, 2020, and Jan. 14, 2022.

Foreign reports are reports foreign subsidiaries send to U.S. vaccine manufacturers. Under U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, if a manufacturer is notified of a foreign case report that describes an event that is both serious and does not appear on the product’s labeling, the manufacturer is required to submit the report to VAERS.

Of the 10,162 U.S. deaths reported as of Jan. 14, 19% occurred within 24 hours of vaccination, 24% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination and 61% occurred in people who experienced an onset of symptoms within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

In the U.S., 525.2 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of Jan. 14, including 307 million doses of Pfizer, 200 million doses of Moderna and 18 million doses of Johnson & Johnson (J&J).

Every Friday, VAERS publishes vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. Historically, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.

U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Jan. 14, 2022, for 5- to 11-year-olds show:

The most recent death involves a 7-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1975356) from Minnesota who died 11 days after receiving her first dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine when she was found unresponsive by her mother. An autopsy is pending.

  • 14 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation).
  • 22 reports of blood clotting disorders.
U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Jan. 14, 2022, for 12- to 17-year-olds show:
  • 27,205 adverse events, including 1,559 rated as serious and 35 reported deaths.The most recent death involves a 15-year-old girl from Minnesota (VAERS I.D. 1974744), who died 177 days after receiving her second dose of Pfizer from a pulmonary embolus. An autopsy is pending.
  • 65 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to 17-year-olds where the reaction was life-threatening, required treatment or resulted in death — with 96% of casesattributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 594 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis with 583 cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine.
  • 152 reports of blood clotting disorders, with all cases attributed to Pfizer.
U.S. VAERS data from Dec. 14, 2020, to Jan. 14, 2022, for all age groups combined, show:
40% rise nationwide in excess deaths among 18- to 49-year-olds, CDC Data Show

Death certificate data from the CDC show excess deaths increased by more than 40% among Americans 18 to 49 years old during a 12-month period ending in October 2021, compared to the same time period in 2018-2019 before the pandemic. COVID caused only about 42% of those deaths.

Excess deaths are defined as the difference between the observed number of deaths during a specific time frame and the expected number of deaths during that same period.

State-level data for the same 12-month period also show increases. For example, in Nevada, excess deaths were as high as 65%, with COVID accounting for only 36%. The District of Columbia saw an increase of 72% — with COVID not being a factor in any of the deaths.

Increases in excess deaths were most noticeable in the Midwest and western and southern states, while states seeing the lowest increases were primarily from the Northeast.

Swiss Olympic sprinter gets pericarditis after Pfizer’s COVID booster

In a Jan. 17 social media post, swiss Olympic sprinter Sarah Atcho said she is experiencing pericarditis after receiving a Pfizer booster shot.

On Dec. 22, Atcho received a booster because she “didn’t want to struggle with this when the season started” and was told it was safer to get Pfizer — even though she had Moderna the first time — to avoid cardiac side effects.

On Dec. 27, Atcho said she started experiencing tightness in her chest and felt dizzy while walking. A cardiologist diagnosed Atcho with pericarditis — inflammation of the thin membrane that surrounds the heart.

Atcho is not allowed to get her heart rate up for several weeks to allow her heart to rest and heal from the inflammation. Said she is upset nobody talks about the “heavy side-effects” young and healthy people are experiencing after receiving COVID vaccines.

Experts call on UK regulators to reassess COVID vaccines for 12- to 15-year-olds

In a letter to the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunisation, more than 30 politicians, doctors and medical experts in immunology asked UK regulators to overhaul the country’s COVID vaccine rollout for 12- to 15-year-olds based on new data showing a high risk of myocarditis in that age group.

The experts said data proved “for males under 40, risk of myocarditis was up to 14 times higher after vaccination than after infection” and the risk of myocarditis in young men and boys increased “significantly after a second dose of the vaccine.

They also argued vaccines are less effective “at stemming the transmission of Omicron compared to Delta” and therefore there may be few advantages to exposing young people to the potential increased risks and long-term harm.

Prior COVID infection more protective than vaccination during Delta wave

People with a history of previous COVID infection were better protected against infection and related hospitalization during periods of predominantly Alpha and Delta variant transmission, suggesting natural immunity was more protective against the variants than vaccines, according to the CDC.

New data released Wednesday by the CDC showed people who survived a previous infection had lower rates of COVID than people who were vaccinated alone.

Hospitalization rates were also lower among people who had recovered from COVID than among those who had been vaccinated.

For the study, health officials in California and New York gathered data from May through November 2021, which included the period when the Delta variant was dominant. The agency said there were limitations to the study and results were not applicable to the new Omicron variant.

However, the agency concluded vaccination “remains the safest and primary strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections, associated complications and onward transmission,” due to the risks associated with COVID infection.

The agency did not compare the risks of infection in those with and without underlying medical conditions and did not analyze the risks associated with vaccinating those with a history of previous COVID infection.

Major businesses, attorneys general, respond to Supreme Court ruling

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling last week striking down the Biden administration’s vaccine-or-test mandate for private businesses has left many companies scrambling to decide whether they should abandon the mandate or force their employees to be vaccinated anyway while the case plays out in the lower courts.

As The Defender reported today, Starbucks was the first major business to announce it would not enforce its COVID vaccine mandate against employees in light of the Supreme Court’s ruling, while Carhartt CEO Mark Valade announced in an email to staff the company’s vaccine mandate for its 3,000 U.S. employees would remain in place.

Both decisions sparked backlash on social media with calls to boycott both companies.

Meanwhile, a coalition of attorneys general from 27 states is calling on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to rescind its Emergency Temporary Standard for private businesses with more than 100 employees because it lacks the authority to issue a broad vaccine mandate.

Children’s Health Defense asks anyone who has experienced an adverse reaction, to any vaccine, to file a report following these three steps.


©January 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Texas Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Federal Employees Nationwide

Texas Judge Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Federal Employees Nationwide

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
September 21, 2022


While President Biden was occupied Friday trying to take credit for a new factory for the production of semiconductors (and all the jobs – construction-related and otherwise – that he said it would create), a federal judge in Texas was issuing an injunction to put the second major piece of Biden’s vaccine mandate on ice.

After SCOTUS last week rejected the administration’s attempt to force corporations to abide by the mandate via OSHAa federal court in Texas has issued an injunction against Biden’s jab mandate for federal workers, the other part of his administration’s attempts to force vaccines on reluctant Americans –  a strategy that Biden has already abandoned in favor of providing at-home COVID tests to all Americans.

Biden issued both mandates by executive order back in September.

Trump-appointed Judge Jeffrey Brown of the US Court for the Southern District of Texas said the case was not about whether individuals should be vaccinated or even about federal power more broadly. Instead, he said it’s about “whether the president can, with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress, require millions of federal employees to undergo a medical procedure as a condition of their employment,” Brown wrote.

“That, under the current state of the law as just recently expressed by the Supreme Court, is a bridge too far.”

The order that SCOTUS struck down last week would have mandated all private sector employers with more than 100 workers, as well as the US Postal Service, to test or vaccinated their employees.

The case against the mandate for federal workers was brought by Feds for Medical Freedom, which has filed three different lawsuits against the mandate, according to a report from Government Executive.

Most federal agencies have already started implementing the mandate requiring vaccination or testing, and some had already started ordering suspensions for workers who failed to meet the requirements.

This latest ruling will forestall (at least temporarily) those suspensions from moving forward. Although there’s still a possibility that the injunction granted could be overturned, given SCOTUS’s conservative majority and its previous ruling on the other federal vaccine mandate, any workers who were facing suspension can probably breath a sigh of relief.


Connect with ZeroHedge

cover image credit:  pixabay

La Quinta Columna: Graphene Oxide in Covid Vaccines, Self-Assemblies and MAC Addresses

La Quinta Columna: Graphene Oxide in Covid Vaccines, Self-Assemblies and MAC Addresses


Graphene oxide, self-assemblies, and MAC addresses

by Orwellito, Orwell City
January 21, 2022


In an interview that La Quinta Columna gave for the Paraguayan channel La Bitácora, biostatistician Ricardo Delgado gave a brief but accurate explanation of the relationship between the self-assembling structures that he and his team have found in vaccination vials with graphene oxide and the generation of MAC addresses.

This explanation is especially good for those who have not yet caught up with the most recent discoveries the Spanish team has made to date.

Below, Orwell City brings the key excerpt.

Ricardo Delgado:

Self-assembly as a key player for materials nano-architectonics.” A 2019 article.

“The development of science and technology of advanced materials…” Such as graphene. “…using nano- and micro-scale units can be conducted by a novel concept involving the combination of nanotechnology methodology with various research disciplines, especially supramolecular chemistry.

The novel concept is called ‘nano-architectonics’ where self-assembly processes are crucial in many cases involving a wide range of component materials.”

That is… Let’s say, that the materials that go into the vaccine have some kind of “orders” of some chemical prevalence so that they have to self-assemble in a certain way. And then form these other more complex structures. But also, throughout the evolution of the days.

Do you understand now why they kept the samples in an apparently extremely cold environment and so on? It was precisely so that the hydrogel wouldn’t evaporate prematurely, and these certain formations would appear. It wasn’t to preserve the vaccine at -5 to -10 ºC. Everybody said “What a strange thing, isn’t it?” Now we understand everything.

Let’s take a look at the next publication. This is, well, yet another one that tells us about “MAC protocols for wireless nano-sensor networks: Performance analysis and design guidelines.” This goes in the same line. “Graphene nano-antennas supporting the terahertz frequency band make bit rates on the order of terabytes.”

Okay. Everything we’ve been advancing before. And the most worrisome thing. We have said that graphene is there precisely so that all that can work.

But of course, is that the side effect of introducing graphene inside the body is to multiply signals, as we already know. And when we study the toxicity that graphene has from the chemical point of view, we realize that it’s a blood clotting factor. It generates thrombi, thrombocytopenia…

Graphene is a superconductor, so it’ll go to places with the highest electrical conductivity in the body. The spinal cord is, practically, the central nervous system. It consists of the spinal cord and neurons in the brain. But also the heart, when its electrical activity increases. That’s to say, athletes make a special effort because they work with their tool, which is the heart. When there’s a greater amount of electricity or conductivity, graphene reaches the heart due to greater cardiac activity. Graphene will go there as a conductor to impregnate it. As it’s toxic it generates inflammations all over the parts where it occurs. Systemic or multi-organ inflammations, as those seen in COVID-19.

Then, precisely once it impregnates the heart, it generates, in the case of the myocardium, myocarditis. If it’s the pericardium, pericarditis. But in addition, graphene absorbs radiation and multiplies it, so it generates discharges. And a discharge in the heart generates an arrhythmia. And arrhythmias will have consequences such as fainting, syncope, collapses… Usually with cardiac arrest or sudden death, especially in athletes.

That’s what we’re seeing more and more. They’re arrhythmias camouflaged as infarction. Because infarction has a prodrome. There’s a forewarning. It doesn’t happen to an athlete. It hardly ever happens to an athlete. And yet we’re seeing, well, what we’re seeing absolutely all over the world. Weekends when a soccer player, a cyclist, etc., doesn’t die or collapse are rare.

But, as we have said, as far as the toxicity of graphene is concerned, it generates neurodegeneration. It’s a carcinogen. It triggers mutagenesis, chromosomal alteration… In other words, causes the cancer to skyrocket. This is something that we’re also seeing especially in vaccinated people. Keep in mind that we are talking about a toxic. And not declared in vaccines.

This is an aberration. It’s the side effect of introducing that technology, for which graphene had to be introduced as well. Graphene inside the body is attacked by the immune system as if it were a pathogen. Graphene oxide is the simile of the famous SARS-CoV-2 of the official version. Or non-existent SARS-CoV-2.

This means that when eliminated by the lung, graphene will irradiate them and trigger bilateral inflammations. These are the famous bilateral types of pneumonia.

And now, one very important thing, which is the last article I want to share before opening the Q&A. This one we have here. Precisely what it tells us is that graphene oxide —which is what we have found in the samples— is radiomodulable. Okay? Radiomodulable. Let’s take it out.

What does it mean that it’s radiomodulable? It means that the toxicity of the material depends on the amount of radiation dose it absorbs. Therefore, there may be a person who has been vaccinated and has no bad symptoms, or nothing has apparently happened to them. Except for the damage the chemical does. Even if the body can degrade it. However, another person in the same conditions, but who absorbs the radiation dose because he lives, for example, near a telephone antenna, absorbs that radiation, and begins to shoot the number of free radicals inside the body.


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Bill Gates, Indian Government Targeted in Lawsuit Alleging AstraZeneca Vaccine Killed 23-Year-Old

Bill Gates, Indian Government Targeted in Lawsuit Alleging AstraZeneca Vaccine Killed 23-Year-Old
A lawsuit against Bill Gates, the Indian government and others, citing extensive case law, is attracting renewed scrutiny of Gates and his long-term, controversial involvement in India’s vaccine program.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defender
January 20, 2022


In what may be the first legal case of its kind globally, a petitioner in India is seeking to prosecute Bill Gates, Indian vaccine czar Adar Poonawalla, and Indian government and public health officials over the death of a 23-year-old man who died after receiving AstraZeneca’s Covishield vaccine.

Kiran Yadav late last year filed a criminal writ petition for murder, Smt. Kiran Yadav v. The State of Maharashtra & Ors. (herein referred to as Yadav v. Maharashtra), with the Bombay High Court of Judicature, on behalf of her deceased son, Shri Hitesh Kadve.

Her son was vaccinated on Sept. 29, 2021. According to the complaint, he died that same day due to side effects brought on by the vaccine.

The complaint alleges Kadve died “due to [an] act of willful commission and omission attributable to some public servants who are misusing their position to bring policies to help the pharma mafia and thereby [are] responsible [for] mass murders.”

The complaint further states Yadav’s son was “unwillingly” compelled to get vaccinated based on the “false narrative” that the vaccine was entirely safe, and because the State of Maharashtra prohibited the non-vaccinated from riding on railroads or entering retail spaces such as shopping malls.

The complaint alleges Maharashtra’s restrictions “are against the Central Government’s policy that, there cannot be any discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.”

Other defendants in the case include the commissioner and director-general of the Maharashtra State Police, the Indian Central Bureau of Investigation and the principal secretary of the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

The complaint also brings charges against Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold.

The Serum Institute produces the Covishield vaccine, as well as over half of the world’s vaccines that are administered to babies.

In all, Yadav is requesting 1,000 crores (10 billion rupees, or $134 million USD) in compensation, including 100 crores ($13.4 million USD) in interim compensation.

She is seeking lie detector and narcoanalysis tests from Gates, Poonawalla and others.

According to the complaint, the Indian government admitted the Covishield vaccine may have harmful, and potentially fatal, side effects, but the vaccine was administered despite this knowledge.

The complaint in Yadav v. Maharashtra was filed by attorneys Shivam Mehra and Siddhi Dhamnaskar of Mumbai, and appears to have first been publicized in English by the Indian Bar Association, an informal group of Indian lawyers (the Bar Council of India is the country’s official bar association).

Judges of the Supreme Court of India have generally adopted a pro-vaccine stance. Nevertheless, Yadav’s 265-page complaint stands out for the extensive legal precedent it draws upon, from Indian and common law, calling into question the legality of mandatory vaccination and other compelled medical acts.

The complaint also stands out for the specific allegations made against figures such as Poonawala and Gates, a figure of extensive controversy in India.

Extensive legal precedent casts doubt on legality of India’s mandatory vaccination policy

One of the main court rulings referenced in the Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint is that of Registrar General, High Court of Meghalaya v. State of Meghalaya (herein referred to as Meghalaya). The central finding of the ruling, issued June 23, 2021, held that vaccination by force or deception, or through the introduction of restrictions on the non-vaccinated, is a violation of fundamental human rights and a civil and criminal wrong.

This judgment overturned an order in the state of Meghalaya that required vendors, taxi drivers, shopkeepers and other individuals to get vaccinated before resuming or reopening their businesses.

In reference to this, the court held that while vaccination was “the need of the hour,” the vaccination policy of a welfare state “can never affect a major fundamental right, i.e. the right to life, personal liberty and livelihood.”

Referring to Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, the court in Meghalaya addressed the right to health, arguing that when such healthcare is provided through coercive means, it encroaches upon the fundamental right to privacy.

The court also drew from another Indian court ruling, Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) v. Union of India (2018), which held the fundamental right to health is violated when individuals are deprived of their right to personal choice, bodily autonomy and integrity, and the overarching right to privacy.

The court in Meghalaya added:

“[V]accination by force or being made mandatory by adopting coercive methods, vitiates the very fundamental purpose of the welfare attached to it. It impinges on the fundamental right(s) as such, especially when it affects the right to means of livelihood which makes it possible for a person to live.

“Compulsory administration of a vaccine without hampering one’s right to life and liberty based on informed choice and informed consent is one thing. However, if any compulsory vaccination drive is coercive by its very nature and spirit, it assumes a different proportion and character.”

The court in Meghalaya also referenced English common law, specifically, the case of Airedale NHS Trust v. Bland (1993), a decision which held that if an unwilling adult is compelled to receive a flu vaccination through force, this action would amount to a crime and to a civil wrong.

Remarking on this, the Indian court found:

“[T]hus, coercive element of vaccination has, since the early phases of the initiation of vaccination as a preventive measure against several diseases, have been time and again not only discouraged but also consistently ruled against by the Courts for over more than a century.”

The court in Meghalaya also referred to Article 19 of the Indian Constitution regarding the “freedom to practice any profession or carry on any occupation, trade or business,” and that vaccine-related restrictions were “palpably excessive.”

The court added:

“In this case, there is a clear lack of legitimacy in prohibiting freedom of carrying on any occupation, trade or business amongst a certain category or class of citizens who are otherwise entitled to do so, making the notification/order ill-conceived, arbitrary and/or a colourable exercise of power.”

From an administrative point of view, the court in Meghalaya also found not only had the central Indian government not mandated vaccinations, instead holding that vaccination must remain voluntary, but there was no regulation or directive that allowed state governments to impose vaccination requirements within their own territory.

Yadav case draws upon extensive Indian legal precedent, scientific studies

The criminal complaint in Yadav v. Maharashtra also drew upon several other Indian court rulings, including recent COVID vaccines-related decisions such as Dinthar Incident v. State of Mizoram and Others (2021) and Madan Mili v. Union of India (2021).

These rulings found vaccinated individuals can also get infected with COVID and can spread infection, just as those who are unvaccinated, and accordingly, there cannot be any discrimination between those who are vaccinated or unvaccinated. Such discrimination would contravene Articles 14, 19, and 21 of the Indian Constitution.

Yadav v. Maharashtra also references the following cases and English common law:

“[A]ll adults with capacity to consent have the right of self-determination and autonomy. The said rights pave the way for the right to refuse medical treatment … [a] competent person who has come of age has the right to refuse specific treatment or all treatment or opt for an alternative treatment …

“The best interest of the patient shall override the State interest.”

“Restraining people who are yet to get vaccinated from opening institutions, organizations, factories, shops, etc., or denying them their livelihood by linking their employment … to their getting vaccinated would be illegal on the part of the State, if not unconstitutional.

“Such a measure would also trample upon the freedom of the individual to get vaccinated or choose not to do so.”

“An adult person of sound mind is entitled to decide which, if any, of the available forms of treatment to undergo, and her consent must be obtained before treatment interfering with her bodily integrity is undertaken.”

Yadav v. Maharashtra also references an Oct. 8, 2021, directive from Satyendra Singh, the undersecretary of the Indian Health Ministry, reaffirming that vaccination remains voluntary, that the Indian government “has not formulated or suggested any policies for discrimination between citizens of India on the basis of their vaccination status,” and that no citizen can be forced to be vaccinated.

The complaint also draws upon Indian legislation, specifically the Disaster Management Act of 2005, which holds that state governments cannot formulate any rules that contravene the guidelines of the national government. Nor can such prohibitions be circumvented indirectly, according to the Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint, referring to another Indian court case, Noida Entrepreneurs Association v. Noida (2011).

The complaint also refers to several clauses from UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics & Human Rights (2005), including:

  • Article 3 on human dignity and human rights, which holds that “[t]he interests and welfare of the individual should have priority over the sole interest of science or society.”
  • Article 6, which holds that “any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with… prior, free and informed consent.”
  • Article 8 on respect for human vulnerability and personal integrity.
  • Article 11, which states that “[n]o individual or group should be discriminated against or stigmatized on any grounds, in violation of human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms.”

The complaint then goes on to name specific individuals, such as Venugopal G. Somani, the Drug Controller General of India, and Randeep Guleria of the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), as individuals who participated in a “dishonesty and cheating campaign” and the “furtherance of [a] conspiracy,” by making the “false and misleading statement” that the COVID vaccines were completely safe.

The complaint accuses Somani and Guleria of following a “one-line agenda to give wrongful profit to the vaccine companies” and goes on to cite Indian case law holding that because “conspiracies are hatched on secrecy … no direct evidence is required to prove it. The offense can be proved from circumstantial evidences.”

A total of 81 research papers were also referenced in the complaint, addressing, among other issues, the higher protection those with natural immunity have against COVID, as opposed to those who are vaccinated, as well as the lower efficacy of the vaccines against variants such as Delta.

The vaccine-related death of Dr. Snehal Lunawat

The Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint references the case of Dr. Snehal Lunawat, an Indian doctor from Maharashtra who died March 1, 2021, from complications stemming from the Covishield vaccine he received on Jan. 28, 2021.

This incident gained visibility in India due to the efforts of Lunawat’s family to get an investigation launched regarding her death.

Lunawat, who was 33 years old, experienced a “rare blood-clotting event” after taking the Covishield vaccine.

Subsequently, her family wrote to the Indian government and the Serum Institute, requesting that Lunawat’s death be investigated, as it had not been registered as an adverse event in the country’s “Adverse Event Following Immunisation” (AEFI) database.

However, a satisfactory response was not provided, prompting the family to reach out to the World Health Organization (WHO), which then investigated the incident.

Ultimately, due to the family’s pressure and the intervention of the WHO and the All India Drugs Network, the AEFI committee accepted on Sept. 25, 2021, after nearly seven months, that Lunawat’s death was vaccine-related.

Specifically, the rare blood clotting complication resulted in her blood platelet count decreasing because of increased bleeding in her brain.

This was only the third vaccine-induced death recognized by AEFI. The process of reporting vaccine-related deaths to the AEFI database is reportedly “not easy.”

The Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint refers to Lunawat’s death, and its subsequent classification as vaccine-related, as “ex facie” evidence of the “falsity of claims by the … accused officials and doctors” regarding the safety of the COVID vaccines

#ArrestBillGates: Controversy, legal battles in India surrounding Gates and his foundation

The Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint makes extensive references to Bill Gates, who is described as a “habitual offender of mass murder by vaccination in conspiracy with Government officials.”

Gates is also referred to as a “mastermind … who is manufacturing ‘Covishield’ in partnership with [the] Serum Institute.”

The complaint seeks lie detector, brain mapping and narcoanalysis tests of Gates, Poonawalla and others to “unearth the complete conspiracy,” and demands the registration of a “first information report” (FIR) against individuals who marketed the vaccines as completely safe.

The request for Gates and others to undergo narcoanalysis tests is considered perplexing by some analysts, as such tests are not legally admissible in Indian courts, as the person being interrogated is in a state of semi-consciousness.

The complaint argues Gates and Poonawalla should be considered “co-conspirators to mass murder” who were “working for the welfare of the vaccine companies only,” charges which would result in them facing the death penalty and confiscation of their assets in India.

The complaint notes that under Indian law, one can be found guilty for false marketing of a product via “commission and omission.”

The complaint also references the activity of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) in India, including its alleged encouragement of a partnership between AstraZeneca and Oxford University to develop the Covishield vaccine, which was then delivered to countries such as India.

The BMGF is also noted to have previously committed, in June 2020, $750 million towards the development of the AstraZeneca vaccine at Oxford University, and conditional funding of $150 million to the Serum Institute.

In a posting on his official blog in December 2020, Gates wrote that his foundation “took on some of the financial risk” for the vaccine, so that if the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine was not approved, the Serum Institute “won’t have to take a full loss.”

The Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint references prior court rulings against Gates and the BMGF in India. One such example is an Indian Supreme Court ruling in Kalpana Mehta v. Union of India (2018) regarding the death of eight female children who took part in an unauthorized trial of two Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines: Gardasil, manufactured by Merck, and Cervarix, produced by GlaxoSmithKine (GSK).

The trial, which began in 2009, took place in two Indian states, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat. It was carried out by an American NGO, the Seattle-based Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), which is connected to the BMGF’s Children’s Vaccine Program.

In reference to these deaths, the Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint refers to a report by an Indian parliamentary committee that found government officials were “involved in the conspiracy,” along with a recommendation that the BMGF and other NGOs associated with Gates be investigated.

According to the complaint, “the evidentiary value” of the report was upheld in the Kalpana Mehta v. Union of India case.

The controversy over the deaths that resulted from the HPV vaccine trial led to a grassroots campaign in India in May 2021, calling for Gates and his foundation to be charged for these deaths, as they had funded the vaccination program.

The #ArrestBillGates hashtag trended on Indian Twitter that month as a result of this campaign, accusing Gates and his organization of using the girls as “guinea pigs.”

Parental consent was in many cases not obtained for the participation of the girls in the trial, which involved 14,000 tribal girls between the ages of 10 and 14, many of whom lived not with their parents but in government-run hostels.

In some instances, parental ‘consent’ consisted of a thumbprint impression from the girls’ poor and illiterate parents, while for many girls, no consent forms whatsoever could be located.

Symptoms the girls experienced included epileptic seizures, early onset of menstruation, heavy bleeding, severe menstrual cramps, severe stomach aches, headaches and mood swings.

An Indian government investigation concluded the girls’ deaths were unconnected to the vaccination, but ethical and regulatory failings in the vaccine trial were discovered, which resulted in the BMGF being restricted from the country’s vaccination program in 2013.

Despite this, the foundation continued to work with the Indian Health Ministry via the latter’s Immunization Technical Support Unit (ITSU).

Nevertheless, the investigative committee’s conclusion that the deaths were not vaccine-related, but instead due to such causes as suicide, accidental drowning, malaria, viral infections and subarachnoid hemorrhage, did not go unquestioned.

Representatives of the Sama Women’s Health NGO visited one of the affected regions, Khammam, in March 2010, on a fact-finding mission. As reported by India’s Economic Times, the Sama report found “HPV vaccine as a possible, if not probable, cause of suicidal ideation cannot be ruled out” for the girls’ deaths.

The Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint also calls out the activities of Gates and the BMGF with regard to the administration of polio vaccines in India, funded by the BMGF to the tune of $450 million.

The program foresaw the administration of 50 doses of the vaccine to children below the age of five, via overlapping vaccination programs.

This campaign was blamed for “a devastating non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP) epidemic that paralyzed 490,000 children [in India] beyond expected rates between 2000 and 2017.”

In 2017, Gates’ involvement in the polio vaccine campaign was “dialed back.” Following this, “NPAFP rates dropped precipitously.”

As detailed in a scientific study published in 2012:

“Nationally, the non-polio AFP rate is now 12 times higher than expected. In the states of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Bihar, which have pulse polio rounds nearly every month, the non-polio AFP rate is 25- and 35-fold higher than the international norms … children who were identified with non-polio AFP were at more than twice the risk of dying than those with wild polio infection.

“The international incidence of non-polio AFP is said to be 1 to 2/100,000 in the populations under 15 … In 2011, an additional 47,500 children were newly paralyzed in the year, over and above the standard 2/100,000 non-polio AFP that is generally accepted as the norm … [t]his large excess in the incidence of paralysis was not investigated as a possible signal, nor was any effort made to try and study the mechanism for this spurt in non-polio AFP.

“From India’s perspective the exercise has been extremely costly both in terms of human suffering and in monetary terms. It is tempting to speculate what could have been achieved if the $2.5 billion spent on attempting to eradicate polio were spent on water and sanitation and routine immunization.”

The specific vaccine administered to Indian children was the oral polio vaccine. As of Jan. 1, 2000, the CDC withdrew this vaccine from immunization schedules except in “special circumstances,” as the oral vaccine was itself found to be causing polio.

Nevertheless, Gates had reportedly hired a well-known Indian actor, Amitabh Bachchan, to promote the oral polio vaccine via a series of television advertisements.

Gates, Poonawalla at the center of vaccine controversy in India

India has stood out among most of the world’s countries by not offering blanket immunity to manufacturers of COVID-19 vaccines.

In 2021, the Indian government’s negotiations with Pfizer fell through when Indian regulators refused to provide it legal protection via indemnity.

Such protection was not provided to the three COVID-19 vaccines that received an emergency use authorization in India: Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V.

This did not occur without dissent, however. Poonawalla, as head of the India-based Serum Institute, had called for protection from lawsuits for COVID vaccine injuries.

The Yadav v. Maharashtra complaint describes Poonawalla and other personnel of the Serum Institute, which manufactures the Covishield vaccine, as “complicit” in Kadve’s death, and as “habitual offenders of earning profits by selling vaccines with death-causing side effects,” placing them “in the category of mass murderers.”

However, the controversy over Gates’ and Poonawalla’s vaccine-related work in India spans beyond the Yadav v. Maharashtra case.

In April 2021, for instance, Gates and the BMGF received criticism for their refusal to share COVID-19 vaccine technologies with India and other developing countries.

This criticism prompted the CEO of the BMGF, Mark Suzman, to reverse course and support a temporary waiver on vaccine-related intellectual property.

In 2006, the BMGF co-founded, with the Indian government, the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) as a public-private partnership. The PHFI is funded, in part, by pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer and Merck.

The PHFI has also been active in producing research related to COVID-19, with at least one such study, titled “Impact of Crop Diversity on Dietary Diversity among Farmers in India during the COVID-19,” also crossing over into the agricultural realm.

In Gates’ aforementioned Nov. 2019 visit to India, he heaped praise on three Indian vaccine manufacturers, including the Serum Institute.

But Gates’ connection to the Serum Institute goes beyond verbal praise. Since November 2012, the Serum Institute has been the recipient of BMGF grants — in that initial instance for the development of an HPV vaccine. Gates toured the Serum Institute earlier that year.

The Serum Institute received a $4 million grant from the BMGF in October 2020 to support research and development as part of the COVID-19 response, while in August 2020, the Serum Institute, in partnership with the BMGF and GAVI-The Vaccine Alliance, agreed to produce up to 100 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines for low- and middle-income countries.

Also known as the “Vaccine Alliance,” GAVI proclaims a mission to “save lives and protect people’s health,” and states it “helps vaccinate almost half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases.”

GAVI was established in 1999, with the BMGF as one of its co-founders and one of its four permanent board members.

GAVI then goes on to describe its core partnership with various international organizations, including the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank and the BMGF.

As previously reported by The Defender, GAVI, through its INFUSE initiative, has called for “innovations that leverage new technologies to modernize the process of identifying and registering the children who are most in need of life-saving vaccines.”

GAVI also closely collaborates with the ID2020 Alliance, founded in 2016, which claims to advocate in favor of “ethical, privacy-protecting approaches to digital ID,” adding that “doing digital ID right means protecting civil liberties.

Microsoft is a founding member of the ID2020 alliance (in 2018) and appears to partner with it, while Kim Gagné, ID2020’s board chairman, is a former Microsoft executive.

Controversy has surrounded GAVI’s activity in India. GAVI, along with the PHFI and the BMGF, have promoted the Pentavalent vaccine, which combines five vaccines – diphtheria, hepatitis B, tetanus, whooping cough, and haemophilus influenza type B (which causes pneumonia and meningitis) – into one.

The Indian Health Ministry found the deaths of three infants in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to have had “a consistent causal association to immunization” — that is, to the Pentavalent vaccine, while in total, 54 infant deaths were classified with the AEFI as adverse reaction deaths.

GAVI provided a $165 million grant in August 2009 for the phased introduction of Pentavalent in India, in addition to subsidizing each injection for five years thereafter.

Regulatory capture and a “revolving door” between the Indian government and GAVI also appears to exist, as in the example of Anuradha Gupta, formerly an official with the Indian Health Ministry and director of the National Health Mission. Gupta in 2014 was named deputy CEO of GAVI, and remains in the position to this day.

Gates involved in controversial digital ID schemes in India

In 2009, the Indian government launched a national digital identification card system known as Aadhaar, now the world’s largest biometric identification system.

The Aadhaar Card contains biometric and demographic data and provides individuals with a unique 12-digit identity number, though it is in and of itself not considered proof of Indian citizenship, just of Indian residence.

The Aadhaar identification number was linked with numerous public and private services, including the opening of bank accounts, verification of electoral identity, filing income tax returns, making digital payments, receiving government pensions, subsidies and welfare payments and registration of mobile SIM cards.

Aadhaar has generated controversy in India, such as over the government’s plans to link it to the national voter database.

And in 2017, it was reported that HIV patients in India were being coerced into submitting their Aadhaar number, leading them to drop out of treatment programs due to privacy concerns.

Chinese hackers also reportedly targeted the Aadhaar database.

Aadhaar also was at the center of legal controversy. A 2013 ruling by the Indian Supreme Court found no person should be denied government services, benefits or subsidies for not possessing the Aadhaar card.

A subsequent Supreme Court ruling in 2018 upheld the constitutionality of the Aadhaar system, but found it cannot be made mandatory for use by private organizations, such as banks or mobile providers.

Civil society groups in India, such as the Citizens Forum for Civil Liberties, expressed opposition to Aadhaar on the basis of privacy concerns. The National Advisory Council and the Central Employment Guarantee Council of India opposed Aadhaar “on the grounds of civil liberties.”

Nevertheless, Gates, on his personal blog, praised Aadhaar — describing it as “a valuable platform for delivering social welfare programs and other government services” — and Nandan Nilekani, who developed the Aadhaar system and who now works with the World Bank Group to help other countries develop similar schemes.

Gates also dismissed privacy concerns surrounding Aadhaar, stating that “Aadhaar in itself doesn’t pose any privacy issue because it’s just a bio ID verification scheme,” adding that “We [the BMGF] have funded the World Bank to take this Aadhaar approach to other countries.”

In 2020, the Indian government announced the launch of the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission, a system that would complement Aadhaar by providing a unique digital health ID to all citizens and that would be linked to their personal health records.

The program was initially trialed in six Indian regions and was launched nationally on Sept. 27, 2021. As of Nov. 2021, 96% of Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission users were linked with Aadhaar.

The launch earned Gates’ praise. He tweeted congratulations to Indian President Modi, stating the program “will help ensure equitable, accessible healthcare delivery and accelerate progress on India’s health goals.”

Notably, in October 2021, the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission received a $350,690 grant from the BMGF to support its “rollout and strengthening,” raising concerns have been raised regarding privacy, informed consent and data leakage.

Freedom of information requests revealed that Indian authorities generated health IDs for individuals who provided their Aadhaar number when receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, enrolling them in the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission without informed consent.


Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., is an independent journalist and researcher based in Athens, Greece.


©January 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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British Medical Journal: ‘Pharma Must Release of All Vaccine and Treatment Data Immediately’

British Medical Journal: ‘Pharma Must Release of All Vaccine and Treatment Data Immediately’

by 21st Century News
January 20, 2022


The British Medical Journal (BMJ), one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious medical journals, has now called for the full and immediate release of all data relating to the COVID-19 experimental vaccines and treatments. According to the BMJ, ‘Data should be fully and immediately available for public scrutiny.’

Will the pharmaceutical cartel members Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and others, along with their allies in government regulatory bodies like the FDA comply with this crucial request? 

BMJ reports…

In the pages of The BMJ a decade ago, in the middle of a different pandemic, it came to light that governments around the world had spent billions stockpiling antivirals for influenza that had not been shown to reduce the risk of complications, hospital admissions, or death. The majority of trials that underpinned regulatory approval and government stockpiling of oseltamivir (Tamiflu) were sponsored by the manufacturer; most were unpublished, those that were published were ghostwritten by writers paid by the manufacturer, the people listed as principal authors lacked access to the raw data, and academics who requested access to the data for independent analysis were denied.1234

The Tamiflu saga heralded a decade of unprecedented attention to the importance of sharing clinical trial data.56 Public battles for drug company data,78 transparency campaigns with thousands of signatures,910 strengthened journal data sharing requirements,1112 explicit commitments from companies to share data,13 new data access website portals,8 and landmark transparency policies from medicines regulators1415 all promised a new era in data transparency.

Progress was made, but clearly not enough. The errors of the last pandemic are being repeated. Memories are short. Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come.16 This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.

Unacceptable delay

Pfizer’s pivotal covid vaccine trial was funded by the company and designed, run, analysed, and authored by Pfizer employees. The company and the contract research organisations that carried out the trial hold all the data.17 And Pfizer has indicated that it will not begin entertaining requests for trial data until May 2025, 24 months after the primary study completion date, which is listed on as 15 May 2023 (NCT04368728).

The lack of access to data is consistent across vaccine manufacturers.16 Moderna says data “may be available … with publication of the final study results in 2022.”18 Datasets will be available “upon request and subject to review once the trial is complete,” which has an estimated primary completion date of 27 October 2022 (NCT04470427).

As of 31 December 2021, AstraZeneca may be ready to entertain requests for data from several of its large phase III trials.19 But actually obtaining data could be slow going. As its website explains, “timelines vary per request and can take up to a year upon full submission of the request.”20

Underlying data for covid-19 therapeutics are similarly hard to find. Published reports of Regeneron’s phase III trial of its monoclonal antibody therapy REGEN-COV flatly state that participant level data will not be made available to others.21 Should the drug be approved (and not just emergency authorised), sharing “will be considered.” For remdesivir, the US National Institutes of Health, which funded the trial, created a new portal to share data (, but the dataset on offer is limited. An accompanying document explains: “The longitudinal data set only contains a small subset of the protocol and statistical analysis plan objectives.”

We are left with publications but no access to the underlying data on reasonable request. This is worrying for trial participants, researchers, clinicians, journal editors, policy makers, and the public. The journals that have published these primary studies may argue that they faced an awkward dilemma, caught between making the summary findings available quickly and upholding the best ethical values that support timely access to underlying data. In our view, there is no dilemma; the anonymised individual participant data from clinical trials must be made available for independent scrutiny.

Journal editors, systematic reviewers, and the writers of clinical practice guideline generally obtain little beyond a journal publication, but regulatory agencies receive far more granular data as part of the regulatory review process. In the words of the European Medicine Agency’s former executive director and senior medical officer, “relying solely on the publications of clinical trials in scientific journals as the basis of healthcare decisions is not a good idea … Drug regulators have been aware of this limitation for a long time and routinely obtain and assess the full documentation (rather than just publications).”22

Among regulators, the US Food and Drug Administration is believed to receive the most raw data but does not proactively release them. After a freedom of information request to the agency for Pfizer’s vaccine data, the FDA offered to release 500 pages a month, a process that would take decades to complete, arguing in court that publicly releasing data was slow owing to the need to first redact sensitive information.23 This month, however, a judge rejected the FDA’s offer and ordered the data be released at a rate of 55 000 pages a month. The data are to be made available on the requesting organisation’s website (

In releasing thousands of pages of clinical trial documents, Health Canada and the EMA have also provided a degree of transparency that deserves acknowledgment.2425 Until recently, however, the data remained of limited utility, with copious redactions aimed at protecting trial blinding. But study reports with fewer redactions have been available since September 2021,2425 and missing appendices may be accessible through freedom of information requests.

Even so, anyone looking for participant level datasets may be disappointed because Health Canada and the EMA do not receive or analyse these data, and it remains to be seen how the FDA responds to the court order. Moreover, the FDA is producing data only for Pfizer’s vaccine; other manufacturers’ data cannot be requested until the vaccines are approved, which the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines are not. Industry, which holds the raw data, is not legally required to honour requests for access from independent researchers.

Like the FDA, and unlike its Canadian and European counterparts, the UK’s regulator—the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency—does not proactively release clinical trial documents, and it has also stopped posting information released in response to freedom of information requests on its website.26

Transparency and trust

As well as access to the underlying data, transparent decision making is essential. Regulators and public health bodies could release details 27 such as why vaccine trials were not designed to test efficacy against infection and spread of SARS-CoV-2.28  Had regulators insisted on this outcome, countries would have learnt sooner about the effect of vaccines on transmission and been able to plan accordingly.29

Big pharma is the least trusted industry.30 At least three of the many companies making covid-19 vaccines have past criminal and civil settlements costing them billions of dollars.31 One pleaded guilty to fraud.31 Other companies have no pre-covid track record. Now the covid pandemic has minted many new pharma billionaires 32, and vaccine manufacturers have reported tens of billions in revenue…

Continue this article at the BMJ


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Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated

Christine Massey: An Open Letter to Dr. Mercola in Response to His Claim That SARS-CoV-2 Has Been Isolated


[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: On January 17 when this article was first published, a live link to Dr. Mercola’s article could still be found at his site. Due to attacks from mainstream media, his articles only remain open for public view for 48 hours. It is now available behind a paywall at his archived site. However, you can find a copy here or at many other websites and blogs that reposted the original. ]


This image is a screenshot from Dr. Mercola’s article which is now found in his archives and at many other websites and blogs.


Open Letter to Dr. Mercola January 17, 2022

by Christine Massey, M.Sc., Flouride Free Peel
January 17, 2022


Hi Dr. Mercola,

You’ve published an blog titled “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus“.

One of the sources you relied most heavily on for this claim is a recent blog by Steve Kirsch, which is really interesting because in that blog Steve admitted right off the top that he actually has no idea whether or not the alleged virus has even been isolated and that he relies on other people’s opinions.

I wrote an educational Open Letter to Steve Kirsch in response to that blog and strongly suggest you and your readers review it.

Now in your blog you state that: “SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, photographed, genetically sequenced, and exists as a pathogenic entity.

I hope we can agree that a specific thing must be known to exist in order to know that “it” is pathogenic. Not believed, imagined, assumed, or wanted to exist, but known. Because otherwise it’s impossible to establish even a correlation, let alone prove causation of anything.

Yet nowhere in your blog did you present or cite any proof that that the alleged RNA genome of 30,000 base pairs surrounded by a spikey protein shell actually exists.

I’ll briefly review some of the sources you’ve cited to explain why I say this.

You start out with a video that features Jeremy Hammond insisting that “the virus” is real, has been isolated, and is a necessary factor in “COVID-19”.

(For the record, I had an extensive email exchange with Jeremy on this topic, between October 25 and November 14, 2020. I encourage you and your readers to review it.)

In this video, Jeremy made bold claims indeed. But despite stating that the “virus” existence issue is “probably” his “biggest pet peeve“, he came to this interview armed with zero sources showing that the alleged virus does exist. In fact Jeremy cited no studies of any kind. Just unsubstantiated claims, and reliance on the beliefs of others. They could do this, they could do that. They can’t do this, they can’t do that. So-and-so says this, so-and-so says that.

Instead, Jeremy insisted that the following is the “gold standard” for “isolation” of a disease spreading “virus”: irrational and unscientific interpretation of cytopathic effects in a cell culture – typically malnourished monkey kidney cells to which toxic drugs have been added, and further contamination in the form of fetal bovine serum is added as food for the cells, along with a patient sample (not a purified sample of anything).

This, in Jeremy’s mind, establishes the existence and presence of a virus. Which is why he’d make a great virologist. Jeremy doesn’t think like a scientist, and as I always point out, “virology is not a science“.

And Jeremy lied through his teeth when he went along with the naïve (I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt) comment from his interviewer that virologists then pull “the virus” from the cell culture. “It really is that simple.” (I challenge Jeremy or you, Dr. Mercola, to cite any study where a specific thing was “pulled”, even from a monkey/cow/human mixture aka cell culture, and shown scientifically to be a disease-spreading “virus”.)

And according to Jeremy, we just “know” what “coronaviruses” look like, despite the fact that no specific thing alleged to be a “coronavirus” has ever been purified from any patient sample (or even from a cell culture) so that it could be studied logically and scientifically. Who needs science? We just know these things.

Jeremy insists that the CDC has isolated “SARS-COV-2”. Well, yes they have according to the meaningless, antiscientific approach to “isolation” used by Jeremy and virologists.

But did the CDC researchers apply even a modicum of logic or scientific method and actually establish the existence of the alleged virus? That’s an entirely different matter and the answer is a resounding “No”.

The CDC’s “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study is just another example of the typical fraudulent monkey business (literally) that plagues our world. I have addressed the CDC’s study previously, and will address this same issue of virology’s blatantly bogus “isolation” methods below.

Jeremy carried on with more bizarre claims: that scientists never isolate/purify anything, and don’t have the technology to purify things like alleged viruses.

Jeremy also strangely implied that people (such as myself) who say that proof of a disease-spreading “virus” requires purification actually demand that the alleged virus be floating in a vacuum.

Dr. Mercola, I’ve been involved in this issue for almost 2 years now and don’t know a single man or woman who defines isolation/purification as “floating in a vacuum“.

And I make explicitly clear in my Freedom of Information requests that this is not how I define isolation/purification. Below is a screenshot from a recent FOIA request to the CDC. They have no records, like all 164 other institutions in roughly 30 countries, that have been asked by people around the world. No one on the planet has purified a sample of the alleged “virus” from a disease human, or knows of anyone who has, even though supposedly millions and millions of people are infected and spewing this “virus” every time they breath.

And no, contrary to Jeremy’s claim, it is not people such as Dr. Andrew Kaufman, or Jon Rappoport, or Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, who bizarrely redefined the word “isolation”. It’s virologists who redefined it, to mean mixing various complicated substances together and drawing wild conclusions – quite the opposite of its historical meaning.

It’s funny how everyone knows that “isolate” means “separate” when it comes to isolating humans and the “confusion” only arises when it comes to theoretical “viruses”. And how a virologist’s use of the word “isolate” gives the impression of legitimate science when nothing could be further from the truth.

Dr. Mercola, I couldn’t help but notice the unicorn in the background over the shoulder of Jeremy’s interviewer. Was this video inserted into your blog as someone’s idea of a joke? I mean, these people proved a virus no more than a unicorn, and unicorns are a popular analogy for imaginary viruses these days, thanks to Dr. Tom Cowan, and I can’t for the life of me imagine why you would have purposely included this video when it’s completely useless to anyone looking for proof of a virus.


And no Dr. Mercola, we are not confused. We’re quite familiar with what virologists have been getting away with.

As distressing as it is to do so, since you have chosen to rehash Steve Kirsch’s summary of the curious “science” of Sabine Hazan, I will briefly address it once again, here, as I did in my educational Open Letter to Steve.

To put it bluntly, Sabine Hazan’s study is 100% useless and fraudulent. The RNA used in her “sequencing” was a genetic soup from various sources, including patients, and not shown to involve any alleged “virus”.

She fabricated meaningless codes on a computer that have never been shown to correspond to anything in the physical realm and falsely passed these off a “viral genomes”.

Sabine compared her meaningless “sequencing” results to the results of her utterly meaningless and fraudulent PCR tests (that she is quite secretive about, at least with me) that also have never been shown to have anything to do with a “virus”.

Sabine comes unhinged when directly challenged on the validity of her so-called “science”. I encourage your readers to try this themselves and see what happens (and send me the results at

Dr. Mercola, I also already addressed ATCC’s very expensive and fraudulent “virus” product that you are now promoting as well, in my educational Open Letter to Steve Kirsch. Please be sure to review that section. It includes a  Buyer Beware! from Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, PhD, who spent 30+ years as a scientist (as opposed to a virologist) with Health Canada.

Dr. Mercola, I challenge you to track down the origin and contents of any ATCC “SARS-COV-2” product, as I did last year for the so-called “SARS-COV-2 isolate” that is referred to as “MUC-IMB1” aka “BavPat1” and sold by companies like EVA for 2 000,00 € per vial, and report back to your readers what you learn. Report the detailed methods that were used to allegedly verify that the product contains any disease-causing “virus” whatsoever.

Regarding your claim that “Germ Theory and Terrain Theory Both Have Merit”, can you prove with science that virology has any merit whatsoever?

Please prove the existence of a specific physical thing alleged to be a disease-spreading “COVID-19 virus/variant” aka “SARS-COV-2” and prove that that specific thing spreads disease from host to host via natural modes of exposure in animals or humans.

I challenge you to publish a study proving that such a thing exists. Show with science that only subjects that are exposed to that specific thing get “COVID-19” respiratory disease, as claimed by Jeremy, whose wild unsubstantiated claims you are now disseminating.

Dr. Mercola, as evidence that “the virus” has been isolated and sequenced, you are citing studies that rely in part on PCR “tests”. Without bothering to go into all the well documented fatal flaws with these so-called tests, a little logic is in order.

  1. It is impossible to validate any “test” without a gold standard.
  2. It is impossible to validate any “test” claimed to “confirm” the presence of a “virus” (or a “viral infection”) before the alleged “virus” has been proven to exist.
  3. It is impossible to validate any “test” claimed to “confirm” a “viral disease” before the alleged “virus” has been a) proven to exist and b) proven to cause the disease.

Obviously an indirect test for a “virus” cannot logically be used to prove the existence of the alleged “virus”. The test is what it is. In the case of PCR, in the very best case scenario, it is evidence of the presence of the very tiny target genetic sequence. Nothing more. Not a virus, not a genome, just a tiny little sequence.

And cytopathic effects on a cell culture, any cell culture, are just that – effectsAn effect is not the cause of the effect. And wild assumptions about the cause of the effect are just that – wild assumptions, not science. This is especially true when the cells in question have been malnourished by lowering the level of food for the cells (typically fetal bovine serum) and poisoning the cells with toxic drugs.

Dr. Mercola, I am shocked that you actually published this quote from the sketchy, brief Letter from Italy that you cited, as evidence that a “virus” has been sequenced:

“[Vero E6 aka monkey kidney] Cell culture supernatants from passage 1 (P1) of four isolates were collected, and RNA was extracted…”

First of all, as you seem to understand and as should be clear by now, “isolates” do not mean purified, isolated specimens in virology. Quite the opposite. In the case of “SARS-COV-2” studies, they are monkey/cow/human mixtures. And the authors are telling you in plain language that they extracted the RNA from the cell culture supernatants. Not from a purified specimen of an alleged virus.

These authors are telling the world that they have a soup of genetic material, and are going to concoct on their computer a so-called “viral genome” out of the zillions of sequences that they (kinda, maybe, sorta) detect therein. Because this is virology, not science.

Do we really need to discuss this any further?

Dr. Mercola, fabricated “genomes”, meaningless, impossible-to-validate PCR “tests”, wild assumptions about the cause of effects on a malnourished/poisoned cell line, and arrows added to EM images and pointing at particles that were never purified, never sequenced, never characterized, never studied with controlled experiments does not add up to science.

Virology is not a science.

Dr. Mercola, it is very distressing to see you promoting blatant pseudoscience that has been used for decades to fool and coerce people around the world in myriad ways, not limited to the utterly useless and harmful injections that have fraudulently been passed off as “immunizations”.

Every time you (or someone like Peter McCullough) do this, people such as myself have to spend hours clearing up all the confusion you have caused with the public.

You need to do your due diligence, find and share the “missing” scientific proof of viruses, or retract your blog, apologize to your readers, and get on the right side of history. You’ve had 2 years already to figure this out.

Hopefully the public will soon tire of relying on “experts” and simply read the ridiculous “virus isolation” studies for themselves. When that happens, this pseudoscience (which is really too generous a word) is finished forever.


Best wishes,
Christine Massey, M.Sc.
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada

Pdf of my Jan. 18, 2022 email to Dr. Mercola:


Connect with Christine Massey, M.Sc.

See related:

156 Responses From 25 Countries: FOI Requests Affirm That No Record of SARS-Cov-2 Isolation Exists Anywhere

Virus Isolation…Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman, MD Responds to Jeremy Hammond

The Non-Existent Virus; an Explosive Interview With Christine Massey

Christine Massey Interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: On FOIA Requests & Responses to the Question — Has SARS-CoV-2 Ever Been Isolated? Does the “Virus” Exist?

How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally

How Anthony Fauci Controls Science Globally

by Dr. Joseph Mercola
January 20, 2022



  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. succinctly summarizes how Dr. Anthony Fauci wields his power to control and manipulate science across the globe
  • It’s Fauci’s job to conduct research on chronic diseases to figure out their etiology and environmental causes to protect public health, but instead he turned the NIAID into an incubator for pharmaceuticals
  • Fauci has a $7.6 billion annual budget that he uses to develop new drugs, which he then farms out to universities
  • Fauci’s control — in collusion with that of Bill Gates — has rendered the majority of global scientific research nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda
  • Fauci shares drug patents with universities, sells them to drug companies, splits the patents with them, and walks those drugs through the FDA approval process, which he also controls; once approved, Fauci himself often profits

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. succinctly summarizes how Dr. Anthony Fauci wields his power to control and manipulate science in this riveting episode of The Jimmy Dore Show.1 Fauci has been painted as a hero throughout the pandemic, an image that is not only misleading but wildly inaccurate, as detailed in Kennedy’s best-selling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

“I wrote the book because so many Americans were looking at Tony Fauci as this kind of savior,” Kennedy said. “… [T]he man on the white horse, or in the white lab coat, that would ride us out of this coronavirus crises but I knew from the beginning … that he does not do public health and has not done public health since the 1980s.” 2 , 3

Rather than looking out for public health, Fauci and his agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), prioritize pharmaceutical promotion. Kennedy refers to Fauci as the “leader of the pack” when it comes to those promoting pharmaceutical products, profiteering from Big Pharma and promoting their own personal power.

Public Health Plummeted During Fauci’s Reign

In 1984, when Fauci was appointed director of NIAID, 11.8% of Americans had chronic disease, but this has risen sharply since.4 Fauci doesn’t talk about this public health failure — at least not publicly — but as Kennedy noted, it was Fauci’s job to figure out why cases of autism, food allergies, ADHD, sleep disorders, juvenile diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and many other chronic and infectious diseases have skyrocketed.

It was Fauci’s job to conduct research on these diseases to figure out their etiology and environmental causes to protect public health, but instead he turned the NIAID into an incubator for pharmaceuticals. According to Kennedy:5

“When Tony Fauci came in, 6% of American children had chronic disease. By 2006, 54% had it. We went from being the healthiest country in the world with the healthiest children to the sickest. Literally, we do not even qualify as a developed nation. We are 79th in the world, behind Nicaragua and Costa Rica in terms of our health outcomes.

And why did that happen? Well, the one figure who is more responsible for that than anybody else in the world is Tony Fauci. He is the reason we take more pharmaceutical drugs than any other nation in the world. Three times the average among western countries. We pay the highest prices and have the worst outcomes.”

Fauci’s Multibillion-Dollar Budget Gives Him Immense Power

Fauci has a $7.6 billion annual budget, which in total during his entire tenure is more than half a trillion dollars that he’s been in control of. Instead of using that to reveal the environmental issues leading to outbreaks of chronic disease, he uses the money to develop new drugs, Kennedy explains, which he then farms out to universities:6

“He shares the patents with them, and then he sells them to the drug companies, splits the patents with them, and he walks those drugs through the FDA approval process, which he completely controls from the bottom up. And then he gets them approved and in many cases he himself profits. People within his agency can collect $150,000 a year from royalties off each of these products.”

The NIH owns half the patent for Moderna’s COVID-19 injection, which means that it stands to make billions of dollars as a result. Four of Fauci’s top deputies will also collect $150,000 a year for life as a result — from a product they’re responsible for regulating, an obvious massive conflict of interests.

“The mercantile and commercial interests have overwhelmed the regulatory function at that agency and it no longer does public health — it does pharmaceutical promotion,” Kennedy said.7 As an example, between 2009 and 2016 there were 240 new drugs approved by the FDA, all of which came out of Fauci’s “shop,” he added. “He is the incubator for the whole pharmaceutical industry.”8

How Fauci Controls Science Globally

Fauci has spread the notion that he is untouchable, going so far as to tell MSNBC that an attack on him is an attack on science:9

“It’s very dangerous … because a lot of what you’re seeing as attacks on me quite frankly are attacks on science, because all of the things that I have spoken about consistently from the very beginning, have been fundamentally based on science.”

Throughout the pandemic, “trusting the science” has become a cultural statement and propaganda tool, but one that’s far from what true science is all about. Far from being a source of independent science, in essence Fauci’s control — in collusion with that of Bill Gates — has rendered the majority of global scientific research nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda. Kennedy explains:10

“Every virologist in the world knew that the coronavirus was engineered. All you have to do is look at the genome. Everybody knew that and they kept silent for a year, and here’s how. He gives away $7.6 billion a year. That’s two to three times what [Bill] Gates gives away. Him and Gates work tandemly. They partner up on everything. They talk together a couple times a week.

They are business partners … in 2000, in Gates’ library, the two of them got together and they formally formed a partnership. You take those two and one other guy — Jeremey Farrar — who is their other de facto partner who is the head of the Wellcome Trust, which is the U.K. version of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Between those three men, they control 61% of the biomedical research funding on Earth.

So if you want to get your study funded, you’ve got to go to those guys. Not only can they give you the money, but they also can kill a study because they control all of the other funding sources. They can kill a study, they can ruin a career, they can bankrupt colleges who do science that they don’t want done. So they are able to really dictate virtually all the science on the globe.”

Drug Companies and Universities All Benefit

Kennedy gives a theoretical example of how Fauci yields his immense power to influence science: In his lab, Fauci develops a molecule that kills a virus. This is done by scientists dropping molecules onto one of countless viruses — influenza, Ebola, coronaviruses, zika and others — in petri dishes and test tubes to see if it kills them. If the molecule works to kill the virus in a petri dish, they move on to testing it on rats infected with the virus.

“If the rats don’t die, now he’s got a drug,” he says. “It’s an antiviral and it’s usable in mammals because it will kill the virus but it won’t kill the mammal. Then he farms it out to the university.”11 There, a PI, or principal investigator, who is usually a person of power, such as the dean of a department, does a phase I trial, experimenting on animals and around 100 humans. Kennedy explains:12

“For each of the humans that he recruits — he’s a medical doctor, he brings in patients, persuades them to take part in the study — Tony Fauci’s agency gives him $15,000 for every one of those patients. The university keeps 50% of that so now they’re also part of this process. And then if the drug gets through that phase I, then they move on to phase 2 and phase 3. So now they have to bring in 20,000 or 30,000 people.

They bring in a drug company as a partner, and they go through the phase 2 and phase 3 [trials], and then at the end of it, they all split up the patents. So the drug company owns half, Tony Fauci’s agency may get part of it and he and his cronies take little slivers of it so they get paid for life. The university gets a part of it, so now you have all the medical schools in the country … dependent on this income stream.”

‘Independent Panels’ Aren’t Independent

At this point, the new drug still has to get regulatory approval, which brings it before a supposedly independent panel of experts. But this panel isn’t made up of independent scientists looking for the truth about whether or not the drug is safe and effective; it’s made up of Fauci’s and Gates’ PIs, who often have drugs of their own in development. Kennedy continues:13

“When this drug goes to FDA to get approved, it goes to a panel. Tony Fauci’s always saying it’s an independent panel who decides, based upon real science, whether or not this drug is worthy of approval. It’s not an independent science. They’re virtually all his PIs or Gates’ PIs.

Those guys go sit on that panel for a year, and they know that they’ve got their own drugs back at Baylor University they’re working on, or Berkeley or Columbia, that they know are going to be in front of that same panel next year. And they’re all scratching each other’s backs. And they approve that drug and then they go off the panel, finish their drug, and then that drug goes in front of a panel that’s similarly constituted and populated.”

These principal scientists act as gatekeepers to the public, spreading the official narrative under the guise of independent science, often pushing questionable COVID-19 policies. “These PIs control the journals, they control the public debate, they’re on TV all over the world, and these are the people that form the narrative, that protect the orthodoxy,” Kennedy says.14

“If you look at Tony Fauci as the pope, the PIs are the cardinals, the bishops and the archbishops. And they’re the ones that protect the orthodoxy, that make sure that the heretics burn, that doctors who disagree are … delicensed, that they get discredited, that they get gaslighted and vilified and marginalized. They’re the army that controls the narrative.”15

Waking up to Fauci’s façade is necessary to understand the orchestrated planned use of pandemics to clamp down totalitarian control. You can find even more details about the coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that are intent on obliterating constitutional rights globally in “The Real Anthony Fauci.”

Kennedy’s book has been a best seller for two months now and if you haven’t already picked up a copy I would encourage you to do so now.

Entertaining Content

Dore not only does interviews with important guests as the one above, but he also is a comedian. It can be very depressing when we keep sharing all the devastation that has resulted from COVID. Dore’s mission is to take the news and share the obvious in an entreating way as can be evidenced below how he interprets CNN giving the CEO of Pfizer the CEO of the year award.


1 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021

2 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 3:00

3 Children’s Health Defense December 22, 2021

4 The Corbett Report, The Real Anthony Fauci November 19, 2021, 10:00

5 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 4:32

6 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 5:58

7 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 7:28

8 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 7:48

9 The Hill June 9, 2021

10 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 8:24

11 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 10:30

12 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 11:00

13, 14, 15 Rumble, The Jimmy Dore Show, RFK: How Fauci Wields Power to Serve Big Pharma’s Interests December 19, 2021, 12:53


Connect with Dr. Joseph Mercola

cover image based on work of  RandomUserGuy1738 / Wikimedia Commons

Truckers for Freedom Organize Huge Protest Against Vaccine Mandates & Supply Chain Shortages to Come

Truckers for Freedom Organize Huge Protest Against Vaccine Mandates & Supply Chain Shortages to Come

by Dan Dicks, Press for Truth
January 19, 2022


The Canadian government is planning to ban any unvaccinated U.S. truckers from crossing the border this weekend, a decision that will further tighten an already bottle necked supply chain which will lead to massive food shortages in Canada in the very near future! Canadian truckers will also be expected to be vaxxed to re enter their homeland otherwise they’ll have to isolate for 14 days upon arrival.

This has infuriated the trucking community enough that a group of Canadian truck drivers recently responded by blocking the highway near the US/Manitoba border and they’re also planning a convoy trip all the way to Ottawa to protest mandatory vaccines!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest supply chain issues that will come as a direct result of this mandate while also most importantly explaining what you should be actively working on right now as a way to protect yourself and your family from the massive government orchestrated food shortages that are to come. 

Video available at Press for Truth Odysee, BitChute, & Rumble channels.


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Pfizer Trials: All Injected Mothers Lost Their Unborn Babies

Pfizer Trials: All Injected Mothers Lost Their Unborn Babies
Pfizer trial documents reveal attempts to cover up the death of 100% of unborn babies in outcomes actually reported

by Dr. Mark Trozzi
sourced from Global Research
January 19, 2022


Please recall our November 23, 2021 post titled “The FDA and Pfizer are a Match Made in Hell”.

There we described how the FDA took only 108 days to approve Pfizer’s injection, but wanted 55 years to produce the documents!

Thankfully Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency filed a lawsuit after the FDA denied their request to expedite the release of the records, and the records are being released, albeit still too slowly.

Among the first reports handed over by Pfizer was a ‘Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports’ describing events reported to Pfizer up until February 2021. You can download this entire report here.

Look at table 6 from this Pfizer report. It is titled “Missing Information”. Its first heading under the topic “Missing Information” is “Use in pregnancy and lactation”. It includes this paragraph:

“Pregnancy outcomes for the 270 pregnancies were reported as spontaneous abortion (23),outcome pending (5), premature birth with neonatal death, spontaneous abortion with intrauterine death (2 each), spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and normal outcome (1 each). No outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies (note that 2 different outcomes were reported for each twin, and both were counted).”

On the surface this states that of 270 pregnancies, there were 23 spontaneous abortions, 5 “outcomes pending”, 2 premature birth with neonatal death, 2 spontaneous abortions with intrauterine death, 1 spontaneous abortion with neonatal death, and 1 normal outcome. But note also “no outcome was provided for 238 pregnancies”.

So really we have no idea what happened with 243 (5 + 238) of the pregnancies of these injected women; they have just not been included in the report. What we do know is that of 27 reported pregnancies (270 subtract 243), there are 28 dead babies! This appears to mean that someone was pregnant with twins and that 100% of the unborn babies died.

Here is an excellent article by LifeSite News which goes into greater depth about these shocking revelations. LifeSite News cuts Pfizer some slack on the 5 “outcomes pending” which creates  the possible impression that 87.5% of the babies of the injected women died. With all respect to LifeSite, I feel correct in not counting the 5 “outcomes pending” and hence arrive at the conclusion that 100% of the unborn babies died in the injected women for whom results are presented.

The LifeSite News article also reveals deceptive number games in another article titled “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine”, which was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on December 31, 2020. These deceptive practices attempted to cover up the fact that in first trimester pregnancies, the Pfizer injection produced 82% miscarriages.

On January 12th we shared the excellent analysis by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance of this same “Safety and Efficacy” article from the New England Journal of Medicine. This Pfizer-friendly study is a complete sham; it is replete with misrepresentation and deceptive methods. The deception and truth is revealed in detail in this video and article by the CCCA.

Dr Trozzi’s brief and Dr Nagase’s excellent interview discussing this sham article is here.

They’re killing babies; what can we do?

These injections are criminal; period. Help us serve the Cease and Desist Declaration of the World Council for Health, to any and all governments, clinics, hospitals, medical regulatory bodies, doctors, nurses, politicians, or anyone participating in any way in the manufacture, shipping, distribution, promotion, or administration of these injections. The message to anyone involved in these injection campaigns is “Stop now. This is a crime. You will be criminally and civilly responsible. The cat is out of the bag. Justice is coming.”

The Declaration can also be found here along with information and instructions for serving it.

Please keep photos and notes of to whom, when and where the declaration and notice is served. We are finalizing more resources on the World Council for Health web site to upload these photos and details. These resources will be fine tuned and found here very soon.

There are at least five million Canadians, and billions of global citizens who have resisted the injections. We, as well as many coerced injection victims who are waking up with buyer’s remorse, must be the army that stops this, and return human rights and real health care to our society.

Do not submit; unite!


Connect with Dr. Mark Trozzi

cover image credit: marjorie_schochow / pixabay