The Weaponization of the WHO: James Corbett With Meryl Nass

The Weaponization of the WHO: James Corbett With Meryl Nass

by Meryl Nass, MDChildren’s Health Defense TV
December 15, 2022


Solve the intentionally confusing puzzle about what the WHO’s 2023 plans are regarding the “zero draft” for a new and potentially legally binding pandemic treaty, International Health Regulation amendments, recent Intergovernmental Negotiating Body Meetings and more.

Learn all about the corrupt public health organization “with teeth” with guest James Corbett and Meryl Nass, M.D on ‘Good Morning CHD.’

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki Being Right About HIV

Anthony Brink on Thabo Mbeki Being Right About HIV

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 15, 2022


former South African president Thabo Mbeki

Anthony Brink is an advocate of the High Court of South Africa and argues that former South African president Thabo Mbeki was right about HIV not causing AIDS. In fact, to be accurate, he did not say that HIV does not cause AIDS (as is often stated in the mainstream press); he said that HIV does not exist.

It’s an important distinction.

Attacking the foundation

For example, if I said that fire-breathing fairies don’t cause tornados, then I would be correct, but it leaves open the possibility that fire-breathing fairies cause snowfall. Obviously, both scenarios are absurd because fire-breathing fairies do not exist.

What does HIV-positive mean anyway?

As Anthony noted in our conversation below, the former president rejected the foundational premise and was scientifically correct. David Rasnick is a biochemist and explained why on my podcast.

The alleged virus associated with the syndrome called AIDS was never isolated.


I strongly recommend watching the award-winning documentary House Of Numbers which includes interviews with top scientists including Luc Montagnier (who won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” HIV).

And if you’re so inclined, then read through Thabo Mbeki’s 2001 AIDS Report. (Go to page 18 and stop yourself from feeling déjà vu after reading the critique of PCR tests.)

Our conversation

Anthony is also the national chairman of the Treatment Information Group, a voluntary association he founded in 2002 to promote research-based public debate of antiretroviral (ARV) drug policy, non-toxic treatment approaches to AIDS and HIV testing issues in South Africa.

Foreword From Dr. Vandana Shiva to the Global Witness Report “A Decade of Defiance: Ten Years of Reporting Land and Environmental Activism Worldwide”

Foreword From Dr. Vandana Shiva to the Global Witness Report “A Decade of Defiance: Ten Years of Reporting Land and Environmental Activism Worldwide”

by Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
sourced from Navdanya International; cover image credit: Global Witness
December 15, 2022


I could tell you that, around the world, three people are killed every week while trying to protect their land, their environment, from extractive forces. I could tell you that this has been going on for decades, with the numbers killed in recent years hitting over 200 each year. And I could tell you, as this report does, that a further 200 defenders were murdered in the last year alone. But these numbers are not made real until you hear some of the names of those who died.

Marcelo Chaves Ferreira. Sidinei Floriano Da Silva. José Santos López. Each of them a person loved by their family, their community. Jair Adán Roldán Morales. Efrén España. Eric Kibanja Bashekere. Each of them considered expendable for the sake of profit. Regilson Choc Cac. Ursa Bhima. Angel Rivas. Each killed defending not only their own treasured places, but the health of the planet which we all share.

It’s important to picture these victims as the real people they are. It’s easier for me. I have been surrounded by land and environmental defenders all my life, and indeed I am one of them. It started for me in the Garhwal Himalaya in India, where my father was a forest conservator and my mother a farmer. Industrial logging was destroying the ecosystem in which we as humans were intertwined. We knew, intimately, that the value of the Himalayan forest was not to be found in the price of its timber, but in the way its extraordinary, abundant diversity sustains all forms of life – not least our own. And so we put ourselves in the way of the commercial deforesters.

By doing so, we weren’t just putting ourselves in danger. We were confronting a whole viewpoint – a way of seeing nature as something not to be cherished and protected, but to be conquered and subdued. This is a viewpoint with its roots in the Western industrial revolutions of the 19th century, or even further back in the scientific theory of the Western so-called ‘Enlightenment’. It matters that this viewpoint originated in the West. As this report shows, nearly all of the murdered environmental and land defenders are from the Global South, and yet it is not the Global South that reaps the supposed economic ‘rewards’ of all this violence.

Climate activists hold up signs next to portraits of slain Philippine environmental defenders as they take part in climate justice protests on November 06, 2021 in Quezon city, Philippines. Ezra Acayan/Getty Images

The final, saddest truth is that this viewpoint has brought us to the brink of collapse. We are not just in a climate emergency. We are in the foothills of the sixth mass extinction, and these defenders are some of the few people standing in the way. They don’t just deserve protection for basic moral reasons. The future of our species, and our planet, depends on it.

That’s why it’s so important to support the call, made in this report by Global Witness, for real protections to be afforded those on the frontline of this ecological and humanitarian catastrophe. These are the people who understand, at the most fundamental level, how the fate of humanity is entwined in the fate of the natural places they are defending. It’s why they are prepared to risk everything to defend these places. And it’s why they, more than anyone, deserve protection.

That means national and supranational governments committing to report and investigate these murders, and ultimately to serve justice on the culprits. It means governments ensuring protections for defenders, including reporting and investigating their murders as a means to access justice. It means companies ensuring their operations do not cause harm. And of course it means all of us continuing to shine a light on these stories, not just to remember those who have fallen but to continue their urgent work by telling the world exactly why they are dead.

In 2021, 200 people were killed protecting their homes and their rights. I urge you to read all their names. To honour the dead with your attention. To get angry on their behalf, and then to act.

Featuring first-person testimony from defenders on four different continents, the report shows that:

  • Between 2012 and 2021, 1733 defenders have been killed trying to protect their land and resources: that’s an average of one defender killed approximately every two days over ten years.
  • Over half of the attacks over the 10-year period have taken place in just three countries – Brazil, Colombia, and the Philippines.
  • In 2021, 200 land and environmental defenders lost their lives – nearly four people a week. These lethal attacks continue to take place in the context of a wider range of threats against defenders who are being targeted by government, business and other non-state actors with violence, intimidation, smear campaigns and criminalisation. This is happening across every region of the world and in almost every sector.
  • Mexico was the country with the highest recorded number of killings in 2021 (54), followed by Colombia (33) and Brazil (26).
  • Over three-quarters of the attacks recorded in 2021 took place in Latin America. In Brazil, Peru and Venezuela, 78% of attacks took place in the Amazon.
  • The research has also highlighted that Indigenous communities in particular face a disproportionate level of attacks – nearly 40% – even though they make up only 5% of the world’s population.


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Cover image credit: Global Witness

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Breaking Free From Deception and Control

Dr. Andrew Kaufman: Breaking Free From Deception and Control

by Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media
December 8, 2022


Josh Sigurdson invites Andrew Kaufman, M.D. for a discussion about mRNA injections, mass control, Andy’s thoughts on the film “Died Suddenly,” and the world economy.

Josh and Andy discuss practical solutions to surpass the influence of authoritarian control, and how to avoid the deception that comes with it.

Josh Sigurdson’s Rumble Channel:


Connect with Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Connect with Josh Sigurdson at World Alternative Media

Arthur Firstenberg: Ecocide From Space

Ecocide From Space

by Arthur FirstenbergCellular Phone Task Force
sourced from Cellular Phone Task Force December 14, 2022 newsletter
December 14, 2022



Number of Operating Satellites Passes 7,000

On the evening of Thursday, December 8, 2022, OneWeb launched 40 satellites from Cape Canaveral, Florida, bringing the total number of active satellites in orbit around the Earth to more than 7,000. These cell towers in space are altering the electromagnetic environment of the entire planet and are debilitating and exterminating all life on it.

Even the first fleet of 28 military satellites launched by the United States caused a worldwide pandemic of influenza when they became operational on June 13, 1968.

The Hong Kong flu began in June 1968, lasted through April 1970, and killed up to four million people worldwide. To understand why requires a proper understanding of our connection to the universe and what it is that really gives us life and health, and makes our bodies move.

In a sense, we are all puppets on invisible strings that connect us to heaven and earth, strings that resonate at the age-old frequencies of the biosphere in which we live, the space between Earth and Sky, whose dimensions never change. And when we modulate and pulsate those strings at random from thousands of locations in space, we change the beautiful music of the earthly orchestra into a discordant chaos that scatters bodies all over the world, helpless before it.

On March 24-25, 2021, the chaos was brought to a new level, that the world now accepts as normal. In that 24-hour period, a record 96 satellites were launched into space on a single day—60 by SpaceX and 36 by OneWeb—and on the same day SpaceX dramatically increased the speed of its satellite internet connections.

On that day, people all over the world suddenly could not sleep, were weak and exhausted, had muscle spasms, and hurt and itched all over, especially in their feet and legs. They had skin rashes, were dizzy and nauseous, and had stomach aches and diarrhea. The ringing in their ears was suddenly amplified. Their eyes were inflamed, and their vision suddenly worsened. They had heart arrhythmias, and their blood pressure went out of control. Some had nosebleeds, or coughed up blood. They were anxious, depressed or suicidal, and irritable. Their cats, dogs, chickens, goats and cows were sick at the same time.

My newsletter of April 15, 2021, Survey Results, quoted from some of the thousand letters I received from people young and old, from people who called themselves electrosensitive and from people who did not, from people who had no wireless technology and from people who had smart meters and 5G antennas outside their homes and who emailed me from their cell phones, all reporting the same experiences, commonly reporting that not only they, but their spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, coworkers, clients, and everyone else they knew were sick, exhausted and irritable on March 24 or 25 and had trouble sleeping. The reports came from 42 states and 50 countries.

Deaths of blue titmice spiked in Germany beginning on March 25, 2021. March 25 registered the second highest number of COVID-19 deaths in 2021, and the fifth highest since the pandemic began. The number of mass shootings in the US rose suddenly on March 25 and remained high for three weeks. An average of 6 shootings involving 4 or more victims occurred every day between March 25 and April 13. Photographs of hundreds of worms, and of hundreds of sheep, moving silently in perfect spirals, were taken on March 25 and March 26.

Long-term pain, sickness, and debility has become so common that it is now accepted as a normal part of life that the world thinks it can address with endless vaccinations, mask-wearing, and the wiping of all hands and surfaces with toxic disinfectants.

Last week, on December 8, 2022, on the day OneWeb launched satellites that will expand its coverage across the US, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, I experienced within my body, and heard from some other people both locally and far away that the pains and debilities from which we have been suffering at some level for the past 20 months suddenly intensified. I was almost crippled for three days. As on March 24-25, 2021, I would like to find out how widespread this is. Please reply to this email if you have experienced something similar.

Although SpaceX and OneWeb are (so far) building the largest fleets of Earth-destroying satellites, they are far from the only entities launching them.

The 7,000 satellites presently operating were launched by governments or private companies of the following countries:

Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, European Space Agency, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Laos, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Multinational, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam

And they were launched from the following spaceports:

Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan)
Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA)
Dombarovsky Air Base (Russia)
Guiana Space Center (French Guiana)
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (Inner Mongolia, China)
Kodiak Launch Complex (Alaska, USA)
Kwajalein Island (Marshall Islands)
Naro Space Center (South Korea)
Palmachim Launch Complex (Israel)
Plesetsk Cosmodrome (Russia)
Rocket Lab Launch Complex 1 (New Zealand)
Satish Dhawan Space Centre (India)
Pacific Ocean (from Odyssey Sea Launch vessel)
Shahroud Missile Range (Iran)
Svobodny Cosmodrome (Russia)
Taiyuan Launch Center (China)
Tanegashima Space Center (Japan)
Uchinoura Space Center (Japan)
Vandenberg Air Force Base (California, USA)
Vostochny Cosmodrome (Russia)
Wallops Island Flight Facility (Virginia, USA)
Wenchang Satellite Launch Center (China)
Xichang Satellite Launch Center (China)
Yellow Sea (from a mobile sea platform)

Other Satellite News

European IRIS Satellites

The European Union just got into the act with its own program to provide high-speed broadband from space to all of Europe and Africa. On December 5, 2022, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement to launch 170 new satellites called Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnection and Security (IRIS). “This new component of the EU Space Programme will put an end to dead zones in Europe as well as the whole of Africa using the constellation’s North-South orbits through a resilient and ultra-secure space and ground-based system,” says the EU’s Space Program (EUSPA) website.

AST SpaceMobile

On September 10, 2022, AST SpaceMobile launched the largest, and probably the most powerful, commercial communications array ever put into space. It is the first of a planned fleet of 243 Bluebird satellites designed to connect directly with people’s existing mobile phones, no matter where on Earth they may be located. The size of its solar array — 64 square meters — is causing alarm among astronomers because it is as bright as the brightest stars during the hours after sunset and before sunrise.

So far AST SpaceMobile is working with Rakuten Mobile, AT&T, Bell Canada, Telecom Argentina, Africell, Liberty Latin America and Orange, for a potential customer base of 1.8 billion mobile phone subscribers.

The immensely powerful signals from the Bluebird satellites are also worrying radio astronomers, as well as human beings who are concerned for their well-being. The effective radiated power of each satellite, according to AST’s filings with the FCC, will be up to 83 million watts, and the exposure level at the surface of the earth from such beams, according to my calculations, will be up to 3 nanowatts per square centimeter, which is 100 times more radiation than what I am exposed to in my house in Santa Fe from the nearest cell towers.

“Every person should have the right to access cellular broadband, regardless of where they live or work. Our goal is to close the connectivity gaps that negatively impact billions of lives around the world,” said Abel Avellan, CEO of AST SpaceMobile.

We beg to differ, Mr. Avellan. Every person, every animal, and every plant should have the right to drink from the Earth’s natural frequencies, and not to be bombarded with artificial radiation from space.


Arthur Firstenberg

President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Caretaker, (End Cellphones Here On Earth)
P.O. Box 6216, Santa Fe, NM 87502 USA

The last 51 newsletters, including this one, are available for viewing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. To subscribe, go to


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Cover image credit: pixabay

Here We Go Again: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and WHO Simulate Another Deadly Pandemic

Here We Go Again: Bill Gates, Johns Hopkins, and WHO Simulate Another Deadly Pandemic

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
December 13, 2022


Marxist-tied WHO boss announced this week that WHO member states have agreed on the development of a legally binding pandemic treaty that will allow them to take over governmental power in the event of a pandemic.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation simulated another deadly pandemic, this time in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022. Catastrophic Contagion is the ominous title of the project, reports Nine For News.

The guest list included ten current and former health ministers and officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, and Germany. Billionaire and self-proclaimed ‘pandemic expert’  Bill Gates participated in the simulation of a ‘fictitious’ pandemic that would break out in the near future. One which, in the simulation, would be much more deadly than Covid, especially for children.

Participants discussed how to deal with an epidemic that emerges in a certain part of the world and then quickly spreads to become a pandemic, with a higher mortality rate than Covid. In this case, children and young people were particularly affected.

The Globalists completed a desktop simulation for a new enterovirus originating near Brazil. Every choice the participants made had far-reaching consequences.

Pandemic treaty

The WHO boss, Marxist revolutionary Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu, announced this week that WHO member states have agreed to develop a legally binding pandemic treaty. This treaty is supposed to ‘protect’ the world against future pandemics.

There is a lot of resistance to this pandemic treaty. MEP Christine Anderson (AfD) warned the treaty aims to give WHO de facto governing power over its member states in the event of a pandemic without involvement or consultation with national governments or national parliaments. The WHO can then restrict fundamental rights as it sees fit “almost like a world government,” explained the MEP.

According to WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, it is extremely dangerous. It will be a kind of global constitution, she said in the podcast Jerm Warfare. Individual countries can no longer determine how they fight the next ‘pandemic.’ She spoke of a centralization of power. “This is terrible.”

World Governance

The whistleblower pointed out that billionaire Bill Gates has been working on a global vaccination plan since 2012. The WHO has handed over leadership to GAVI (an international vaccine alliance), says Stuckelberger, who himself worked for the World Health Organization for many years. She pointed out that GAVI, is the second largest donor to WHO.

And now there is talk of global governance. “It’s organized tyranny in a golden cage,” she said. “We didn’t know how they were going to do it. They use health policies to create this global governance.”

[TCTL editor’s note: Watch full video “Astrid Stuckelberger on the WHO’s ‘Pandemic Treaty'” at Jerm Warfare]

Pandemic Simulation Games

These are not the first pandemic simulation games.  They have already been carried out regularly over the past few years by various groups ranging from politicians, scientists, financiers, and oligarchs. However, until recently, they have gone relatively unnoticed by the public.

Below are some of the previous “games” that have taken place (listed from oldest to most recent):

  • DarkWinter (2001) – The Dark Winter exercise, held at Andrews AFB, Washington, DC, June 22-23, 2001, portrayed a fictional scenario depicting a covert smallpox attack on U.S. citizens.
  • Global Mercury (2003) – The Department of State participated with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Health Ministries of seven other member nations of the Global Health Security Action Group in a tabletop Bioterrorism Exercise from September 8 – 10, 2003. The exercise, known as Global Mercury, simulated a smallpox bioterrorism attack on member countries.
  • Atlantic Storm (2005) – was a ministerial exercise simulating the top-level response to a bioterror incident. The simulation operated on January 14, 2005, in Washington, D.C. It was created to reveal the current international state of preparedness and possible political and public health issues that might evolve from such a crisis.
  • Clade X (2018) – The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security hosted the Clade X pandemic tabletop exercise on May 15, 2018, in Washington, DC. The exercise aimed to illustrate high-level strategic decisions and policies that the United States and the world will need to pursue to prevent a pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.
  • The decisive event 201 (October 2019), based on the events of the past two years
  • The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028 (May 2020)
  • Monkeypox: March 2021: The World Health Organization and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation simulated the outbreak of a monkeypox pandemic. Also taking part in the exercise was the American, and Chinese RIVM, along with pharmaceutical giants Janssen and Merck
  • Leopard Pox – (May 2022) The World Health Organization and the health ministers of the G7 countries held pandemic simulation games based on a smallpox outbreak in 2023. The meeting featured a pandemic simulation, with the concept being that a new smallpox-like epidemic had suddenly emerged after someone was infected with the disease via a leopard bite.


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Cover image credit: Myriams-Fotos

Gov. DeSantis Drops the Hammer: Investigations, First Amendment Protections, New Health Committee

Gov. DeSantis Drops the Hammer: Investigations, First Amendment Protections, New Health Committee
Major power play moves from America’s Governor.

by Vigilant Fox
December 13, 2022


Governor DeSantis’ mRNA accountability hearing was nothing short of epic — as he brought in renowned experts like doctors Bhattacharya, Kulldorff, and others to testify against Fauci-ism. But the main highlight is not what the experts said, but the moves DeSantis is making to take down the biopharmaceutical medical state.

First, Governor DeSantis Announces Petition to Investigate ‘Any and All Wrongdoing’ With Respect to the Jab

DeSantis cleverly took something relatable, Florida’s payout from the missteps of the opioid crisis, and applied that same line of thinking to the C19 injection.

“We’ll be able to get the data whether they want to give it or not because, in Florida, it is against the law to mislead and to misrepresent, particularly when you’re talking about the efficacy of a drug. Just recently, Florida got $3.2 billion through legal action against those responsible for the opioid crisis. And so, it’s not like this is something that’s unprecedented,” expressed DeSantis.

This first paragraph is a home run. He’s not coming off as extreme or “anti-vax.” When you mislead the public about a product, you should be investigated — something that’s nearly universally agreed upon.

DeSantis continues, “So today, I’m announcing a petition with the Supreme Court of Florida to impanel a statewide Grand Jury to investigate any and all wrongdoing in Florida with respect to COVID-19 vaccines — and we anticipate that we will get the approval for that,” announced DeSantis. “That will be something that will be impaneled, most likely, in the Tampa Bay area. And that will come with legal processes that we’ll be able to get more information and to bring legal accountability for those who committed misconduct.”

If that happens, as DeSantis anticipates, we get into discovery. Then things could go the way for pharma, as they did for big tobacco. It’s an incredible prospect for real accountability.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo Announces Inquiry Into Sudden Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccination

Dr. Ladapo and team are initiating a program in Florida, where they will be studying the incidence of myocarditis within a few weeks following the jab.

“This is going to be a surveillance study working with some of our medical examiners in Florida,” he announced. “We’re also going to be working with the University of Florida, so there will be a component that has more of a research forum to it, but we will answer this question. It is a question that I’m sure keeps the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna up late at night — hoping no one ever looks. But we’re going to look here in Florida.”

Gov. DeSantis Announces Upcoming Bill That Will Protect Doctors’ First Amendment Rights

“Good rule of thumb for us in Florida — whatever they [California] do [medical censorship bill], we do the opposite,” chuckled DeSantis.

“The people that were willing to speak out — they were a minority at the time on all these issues — and yet they’ve been proven right. So we look forward to being able to sign that in the law later this year.”

Doctors Bhattacharya, Kulldorff & Others Join Florida Health Committee to Serve as a Check to the CDC

“Anything they [the CDC] put out, you just assume, at this point, that it’s not worth the paper that it’s printed on,” attested Governor DeSantis.

“And so, in Florida, we’re creating what we’re calling the public health integrity committee. It’s a committee of expert researchers that will be able to assess recommendations and guidance related to public health and healthcare, but particularly being able to offer critical assessments of things that bureaucracies like the FDA, CDC, and NIH are doing.”

So, when the CDC recommends vaccinations and masks for young children, there will be another entity of authority that will offer a second opinion with some weight.

So overall, these are all incredible moves. And he’s doing it all in a calm, sensible, and composed fashion — which bolsters public support and makes him more resilient to corporate media attacks. America’s Governor and team are really at work — and they are providing a much-needed beacon of hope in this battle for justice. It’s going to be interesting to see how this all plays out. But I’m more optimistic, at this moment, than I have been at any point over the past three years.

If you’d like to watch the entire roundtable discussion, you can do so by following the link below.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Accountability Roundtable


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The Military-Industrial Complex

The Military-Industrial Complex

by Mises Media, Mises Institute
December 13, 2022


Shortly after becoming president, Dwight Eisenhower claimed that “every gun made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies theft from those who hunger and are not fed, are cold and not clothed.”

Eight years later, Eisenhower warned Americans to “guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex,” which he defined as the “conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry.”

In the 1930s, Smedley Butler explained how the military subsidized private companies, but it wasn’t until the Second World War, Eisenhower noted, that America developed “a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.”

So how did this come about?

After Germany invaded Poland, President Franklin Roosevelt convinced Congress to approve his cash-and-carry program to sell arms to France and Britain. The following year, he replaced cash and carry with Lend-Lease, which “loaned” weapons to cash-strapped allies. Lend-Lease established the precedent of American subsidization of foreign armies.

Upon joining the war in 1941, the US government urged patriots to enlist in the “battle for production.” Propaganda reminded Americans that “production wins wars,” and heroic images of factory workers likened weapons manufacturing to military service.

FDR’s wartime policies mirrored his earlier New Deal, based on the ideas of economist John Maynard Keynes. During recessions, Keynes believed, governments should stimulate demand by printing money to spend on public works. FDR applied this formula to his New Deal programs, but after nine years, the economy remained in shambles.

The war allowed FDR to shift to what’s known as military Keynesianism. Because inflationary military spending artificially boosts GDP (gross domestic product) and military enlistment reduces unemployment, military Keynesianism produced the wartime prosperity myth. Many people believe the war ended the Great Depression, despite the country’s facing shortages of basic goods, such as sugar and butter.

Eisenhower understood the problem. “The cost of one modern heavy bomber,” he said, could pay for thirty schools, two power plants, two hospitals, fifty miles of highway, or half a million bushels of wheat. But the arms industry had become a fixture of the American economy. In an early draft of his farewell address, Eisenhower described this as the “military-industrial-congressional complex.”

Political scientists call this the iron triangle of connected interests. Congress passes legislation to benefit an interest group—military contractors—in return for political support. The interest group lobbies Congress on behalf of a bureaucracy—the military establishment—in exchange for special treatment. And the bureaucracy received significant increases in its own funding to administer federal policy. This dynamic has resulted in annual military expenditures of $800 billion—that’s more than the next nine largest military budgets combined.

The military-industrial complex made America the de facto arms dealer for the world, and the US military presence grew to having seven hundred military bases across eighty countries. The military-industrial complex also allowed America to fight a new kind of war by funneling weapons to foreign soldiers to fight what are known as proxy wars.


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What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms?

What’s Really Driving Netherlands’ Plan to Shut Down 3,000 Farms?
The Dutch government said it plans to purchase and forcibly shut down up to 3,000 farms it deems “peak polluters” in order to cut ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions, but critics question the government’s motives.

by The Defender Staff
December 13, 2022


The Dutch government said it plans to purchase and forcibly shut down up to 3,000 farms it deems “peak polluters” in order to cut ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions in half by 2030, as required by EU environmental regulations.

Parliamentarian Johan Remkes, who has been negotiating with farmers for the government, said farmers have options — they can drastically innovate farming practices, shift to a different type of business, relocate or voluntarily stop farming.

Christianne van der Wal-Zeggelink, minister for nature and nitrogen policy, said the government will offer to purchase farms at more than 100% of their value, but if voluntary efforts fail, farmers will face forced buyouts.

The announcement follows months of farmer protests across the country against climate policies they say will force them to kill off livestock and will drive them out of business — policies that some argue also will drive up consumer food prices and contribute to the global hunger crisis.

During the protests, Dutch citizens expressed strong support for the farmers, adorning their homes and cars with upside-down Dutch flags and declaring their support in polling last summer.

The protests were accompanied by strong support for a new pro-farmers party.

Farmers are furious that the government is offering more lenient regulations to other top industrial polluters, which include the businesses Tata Steel, Schiphol airport, refineries owned by Shell, BP and Esso, Dow chemicals and industrial companies such as Olam Cacoa and Cargill Cacoa, according to The Guardian.

“For agricultural entrepreneurs, there will be a stopping scheme that will be as attractive as possible,” said van der Wal-Zeggelink in a series of parliamentary briefings, The Guardian reported. “For industrial peak polluters, we will get to work with a tailor-made approach and in tightening permits. After a year, we will see if this has achieved enough.”

Mark van den Oever, leader of a Dutch farmers’ political organization, Farmers Defence Force, said in response that if the government is serious that “600 fine farms” will be shut down, “then we will spring on the barricades.”

The Netherlands is one of the most intensely farmed countries in the EU. It has 1.1% of all of the farmland in the EU and produces 6% of the food. The agricultural sector emits an estimated 45% of greenhouse gases.

The new Dutch policy stems from a 2019 court ruling that the Netherlands had breached EU environmental standards, ordering it to cut nitrogen-compound pollution by 70-80%.

The Dutch government began implementing new rules on nitrogen activity on farmers that halted the expansion of dairy, pig and poultry operations.

In June, officials announced more plans to cut emissions. The Dutch Department for Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality released a map showing which areas had to reduce emissions and by how much. In some areas, this meant 95% of farming activity must halt within a year.

Protesting farmers have been in talks with the government, but with no agreement.

Protecting nature? Or elite control of the food system?

Despite obvious impacts on farmer livelihood, a strong resistance movement and the argument that different policies could help Dutch farmers substantially reduce emissions, the government insists that buyouts must move forward to protect nature.

“Nature is under pressure, and we need to act swiftly to restore it,” Lisanne de Roos, a press officer for the minister for nature and nitrogen policy, told NBC News, echoing Remkes’ remarks that nature must be central to farmer negotiations.

Mainstream media has portrayed farmers as anti-environmentalists and conspiracy theorists. But farmers say the new policies are not simply about protecting nature.

Dutch farmer and national farmer organizer Erik Luiten told Nigel Farage:

“There are farmers who are literally living there for centuries … always working with nature, and all of a sudden now they have to disappear because of this ammonia. And the farmers are not against nature, never against nature. They have to live in nature and they … have to work with nature. But it’s unbelievable that … now they have to get away … so close to nature and farmers are not convinced that it is going to help nature. …

“Europe says you have to preserve nature. … The Dutch government only made nitrogen, oxygen and ammonia as the only … elements which will tell you if nature is well preserved, and that’s absolutely crazy.”

Farmers argue that more is at stake in the buyout than the future of Dutch farming.

Global bodies and programs, such as the World Bank’s Climate-Smart Agriculture and Protected Areas initiative, the European Commission and NGOs, like the World Wide Fund For Nature, that support this “agri-transition” are implementing a comprehensive policy targeting Dutch farmers, and farmers across the world, using “biodiversity” and “climate” protection as a pretext for taking land as part of a larger project to re-make agriculture, according to a recent report by The Grayzone.

The Sri Lankan government conducted a similar experiment earlier this year, eliminating nitrogen-based fertilizer, which led to a famine that toppled the government. The Irish government also warned farmers that they must cut emissions or face consequences.

Agricultural researcher, permaculturalist and author Christian Westbrook — also known as the “Ice Age Farmer” —  explained in an episode of “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” how the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have long pushed the idea of a so-called Green Revolution.

Westbrook warned that narratives crafted to appeal to “green consumers” disguise a more nefarious intent on the part of the global elite who, in fact, are in the process of launching a “hostile takeover” of the global food system.

The global elites have used their influence over multilateral institutions to propose a series of top-down technocratic transformations of the global food system that will consolidate their control over global agriculture and limit farmer autonomy in the name of protecting the planet from environmental and climate destruction.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) — a neo-liberal public-private partnership that seeks to “define, discuss and advance key issues on the global agenda” — has proposed that farmers embrace “climate-smart” methods to completely transform agriculture to “net-zero, nature positive food systems” by 2030.

Sieta van Keimpema, spokesperson for the Farmers Defence Force, discussed the links between the WEF and Dutch politicians with The Grayzone:

“Left-wing parties like Democrats 66 [that promise] we’ll be working towards reducing the cattle population by half … are very close to Klaus Schwab [WEF founder] …

“They go to Davos and don’t deny it. It’s a fact that the WEF is pushing legislation that isn’t decided in a democratic way.

“The farmers have seen what is happening with the World Economic Forum, with Bill Gates, etc. … that’s why they are so active …

“They know that what they are fighting is a very strong lobby of multinationals who really want to control food.”

What will the seized land be used for? 

Commenting on the farm expropriation, regenerative farmer Will Harris told The Defender:

“I’ve had great concerns for a long time about Bill Gates and other technocrats taking over land not knowing what to do with it [for ecological management], governments taking over land not knowing what to do with it, the Chinese government buying up land in this country.

“There are very few people left who actually know how to manage land who know how to keep natural cycles.”

Dutch activist Will Engel argued that land currently occupied by farms is strategically important to industry and housing and that the “nitrogen crisis” is being used to implement policies that will make a total reorganization of the Dutch landscape possible, the OffGuardian reported.

A Dutch environmental report indicates that the land will be used for housing for migrants and for high-income people who want to live closer to nature, The Grayzone reported.

Another possible plan proposes to build a new metropolis that encompasses parts of Holland, Germany and Belgium called the “Tristate-City,” to create unified green urban areas across Europe, “an organically green network metropol where urban and rural space remain in balance.”

Transitioning to regenerative farming ‘not quick and easy’ but it can be done 

People’s movements and civil society groups across the world have argued that industrial farming generates severe environmental impacts, but the U.N.-WEF vision of “precision agriculture,” genetic engineering, fewer farmers and farms and lab-made synthetic food — all of which consolidate corporate control over food and agriculture — should not be the alternative.

Although industrial agriculture uses substantial resources, small farmers feed most of the world.

“The scientific and just response to the nitrogen problem is to shift from fossil fuel chemical agriculture to biodiverse ecological agriculture and regenerative farming and to create transition strategies for farmers to shift to ecological agriculture, which regenerates soil nitrogen while making farmers free of harmful and costly chemicals,” according to Vandana Shiva.

“The unscientific, unjust and undemocratic response to the chemical industry-created nitrogen problem is to reduce farmers instead of reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers as is happening in the Netherlands,” she wrote.

She and others argue that policies should be created to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and make the chemical industry pay for nitrogen pollution, instead of criminalizing farmers trapped in a chemical treadmill by the industrial agriculture model.

Oxfam, in a July 6 press release, also criticized attempts to combat pollution by targeting farmers. According to the press release:

“Governments must stop making empty promises or creating more bureaucratic processes.

“Instead, they need to invest in small-scale food producers and food workers. They need to repurpose our global agriculture and food system to better serve the health of people, our planet, and our economies.”

Harris, who transitioned his fourth-generation family farm in Georgia from industrial to regenerative farming practices, commented on the Dutch proposal to shut down the farms, telling The Defender:

“This whole thing seems like such a knee-jerk reaction to me. It is really throwing the baby out with the bathwater kind of deal. It seems like it makes more sense to isolate the problem.”

Harris explained how he and others have made the transition from industrial to regenerative farming.

“What are the problems? What are the technologies that cause this problem? And then quit using technologies. That’s exactly what I did there.

“Is it quick and easy? No, it’s not. Can it be done? Yes. There are those of us that have figured it out — how to do it without the damaging technologies. And we are producing really good food in a really healthy way in a manner that is perpetual and resilient and kind to the earth and kind to the rural communities.

“I think if those Dutch farmers were given the chance to convert to a holistic land management system … restart the science of nature to produce abundance, getting it processed and marketed, it could work.  People, consumers, still got to eat, and a lot of people might choose not to eat vegetable protein or crickets or whatever.”

Dutch farmers have signaled their willingness to transform their agricultural practices. Between 1990 and 2015, they reduced consumption of nitrogen fertilizer by 50% and animal excretion decreased by 40%.

“We have a million less cows than in 1991, when [the global environmental treaty] Natura 2000 came … We already reduced 70 percent of emissions,” according to Sieta.


This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.

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James Corbett on Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

Canada’s Freedom Convoy Commission

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 13, 2022


In January of 2022, in the darkest days of the scamdemic, a miracle occurred: a trucker convoy traversed the length of Canada and descended on Ottawa to protest Canada’s vaccine mandates.

The convoy galvanized freedom lovers across Canada and around the world. But on February 14, the Canadian government invoked the Emergencies Act, brutally clearing protesters from the nation’s capital and freezing bank accounts of targeted individuals.

This is the story of the Public Order Emergency Commission that was just convened to investigate those events.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4

Freedom Convoy Prepares to Roll Over Mandates – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 02:41


Trucking For Freedom Chapter Two: Winter Wildfire
Time Reference: 03:27


Protest convoy arrives in Ottawa for major demonstration
Time Reference: 03:58


Trudeau discusses anti-vaccine mandate convoy rally planned for Parliament Hill
Time Reference: 07:16


Gravitas: Trudeau flees as protesting truckers besiege Ottawa
Time Reference: 07:49


CBC suggests Russia is behind the convoy
Time Reference: 10:14


Banks have started to freeze accounts linked to the protests, Freeland says
Time Reference: 11:18


Give Send Gone
Time Reference: 11:42


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act
Time Reference: 12:49


Investigation begins after woman gets trampled by police horse | APTN News
Time Reference: 14:47


Ottawa police use anti-riot weapons on convoy protesters, arrest 170 total
Time Reference: 15:47


Dan Dicks in Ottawa Down But Not Out!!!
Time Reference: 16:20


Freeland says some protesters’ bank accounts frozen
Time Reference: 18:51


Episode 411 – States of Emergency
Time Reference: 20:02


Emergencies Act
Time Reference: 21:54


Emergencies Act General Explainer
Time Reference: 23:31


Government of Canada declaration and revocation of a public order emergency under the Emergencies Act to end disruptions, blockades and the occupation of the city of Ottawa
Time Reference: 28:54


Trudeau on the Stand – #NewWorldNextWeek
Time Reference: 35:12
Time Reference: 38:15


Christopher Diana opening remarks Day 1
Time Reference: 39:33


Day 21 – November 10 (Degrand testimony)
Time Reference: 39:57


Day 21 – November 10 (Tommaso testimony)
Time Reference: 40:59


OPP Supt. Pat Morris testifies on Day 5
Time Reference: 42:56


Day 22 of Public Hearings (Robert Stewart testimony)
Time Reference: 44:01


CSIS head urged Trudeau to invoke Emergencies Act during convoy, inquiry hears
Time Reference: 45:10


Day 27 – November 21 (Vigneault testimony)
Time Reference: 45:45


The head of CSIS testified — and the Emergencies Act inquiry got even more complicated
Time Reference: 46:57


Watch Marco Mendicino’s full testimony at the Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 49:25


‘Freedom Convoy’ organizer Chris Barber full testimony | Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 52:38


Tom Marazzo testifies at Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 53:31


Tamara Lich: Full testimony at Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 55:50


Day 30 – Miller cross-examines Freeland
Time Reference: 59:28


‘False start’: Justin Trudeau arrives at Emergencies Act inquiry
Time Reference: 1:03:25


Day 31 – Chipiuk cross-examines Trudeau
Time Reference: 01:04:49


Lawyer collapses while questioning witness at latest Public Order Emergency Act Commission
Time Reference: 01:08:22


Interview 1771 – The Freedom Convoy Commission with the JCCF
Time Reference: 01:09:21


Trucker Commission Day 26 Breakdown
Time Reference: 01:19:42


Connect with James Corbett

Dr. Tom Cowan With Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey: In Response to Kevin McKernan’s Statements to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Group

Dr. Tom Cowan With Drs. Mark & Samantha Bailey: In Response to Kevin McKernan’s Statements to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International Group



Baileys & Cowan Respond to Kevin McKernan

by Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey with Dr. Tom Cowan
December 8, 2022


Recently, the CSO of Medicinal Genomics, Kevin McKernan spoke to the Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics International group. He was challenged by journalist, Eric Coppolino, about the lack of evidence for SARS-CoV-2 and pathogenic viruses. McKernan made various claims that we believed needed to be addressed.

Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Mark Bailey join me to demystify the virological and biotechnological nonsense.


  1. Kevin McKernan Bio
  2. Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International Full Video Interview: Kevin McKernan
  3. Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International Video Interview: Dr. Mark Bailey
  4. Medical Doctors For COVID Ethics International Video Interview: Dr. Kevin Corbett
  5. Airborne-transmission-of-SARS-CoV-2: The World Should Face The Reality
  6. Baric, R et al. SARS-CoV-2 Reverse Genetics Reveals a Variable Infection Gradient in the Respiratory Tract
  7. Consensus Statement: The species Severe acute respiratory syndromerelated coronavirus- classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it SARS-CoV-2
  8. Follow Dr. Tom Cowan here


Connect with Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey

Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Referenced in the video:

  • Mark Bailey’s essay “A Farewell to Virology“.
  • Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio

Excerpts from video transcript (prepared by Truth Comes to Light):

Introduction by Sam Bailey:

In this video. Mark and I are joined by Dr. Tom Cowan to analyze the claims about “viruses” made by Kevin McKernan. Kevin is the CSO and founder of Medicinal Genomics and is a specialist in the areas of genetic sequencing and PCR technology.

He made the claims in a recent talk he gave to the Doctors for COVID Ethics International Organization.

This is the group headed by Dr. Stephen Frost and Charles Kovess, and I’d like to give credit to them for allowing all sides to the arguments to be presented through this forum. In fact, Mark spoke on their platform about the virus existence issue in October, as did Kevin Corbett a few weeks earlier.

Kevin McKernan has been promoted by Steve Kirsch as one of his proof of virus knights. So let’s find out if he is riding a horse or an imaginary unicorn.

The no-virus group has previously dismantled the claims of Sabine Hazan and Dr. Sin Lee, Kirsch’s other virus champions.

Kirsch has admitted that he doesn’t know the intricacies of virology and relies on “expert opinions” about where the viruses have been shown to exist. That’s not a wise move in my experience, because if you don’t understand what the so-called expert claims to understand, you are still in the dark.

Those promoting the virus narrative may want to reconsider where their plotlines are coming from.

Tom Cowan:

So the problem with all of this is, in a sense, it’s a philosophical problem. A sequence is a part of a whole, right? There’s this whole particle, which is a replication competent DNA or RNA encased in a protein which replicates in a cell and that causes lysis of the cell or cytopathic effect and therefore causes disease.

So they never found that whole, right?

They never referenced they find the whole. In fact, this guy actually says you cannot find that whole particle. So we’re going to skip that and we’re just going to take a piece of it and we’re going to say that represents this entity called a virus.

But as I said, you can’t say a piece of something belongs to a whole unless you had the whole first. You can’t say a paw is part of a cat unless you’ve had a cat first. They don’t have the cat first. So they say this sequence matches up to the sequence that has been published before that says it’s a coronavirus.

Well, where did that one come from?

That one came from the sequence that was published before that was said to be a coronavirus.

So where did that one come from?

That came from the sequence before. And that guy made it up.

Mark Bailey:

And once again, we’ve followed the trails back. So for coronavirus, specifically “coronavirus”, we followed the trail back to the 1980s when they claimed to have sequenced the very first “coronavirus genome”.

And I looked at all of those experiments, which were done with chicken embryos, and at no point did they demonstrate that they had anything that fulfilled the description of a virus.

They just started sequencing what they found in these experiments and then said, ‘well, we think there’s a virus in there’.

One of the experiments was fraudulent and said that they had purified the sample of variants and there was absolutely no evidence.

But unfortunately, since the 1980s, these genomes have just been put onto databases, And now we have people like Kevin McKernan saying it’s valid because we can check the sequences against what we find on a database.

And if we find them again, that means that we’re finding “viruses”, when absolutely no evidence that that’s what they’ve got.

Tom Cowan:

In some ways, after this two and a half, three year odyssey we’ve all been on, I almost wish we had never got into the thing about exosomes because the reality is, what they claim to be the proof of the existence of a virus is they take unpurified samples and inoculate those onto mostly vero cells, which are monkey kidney cells. And if it breaks down, they claim that is the proof of the virus.

Now, I was going to show you, and I think Sam will put up there’s the study of Enders, there’s three more studies from the 50s showing that vero cells break down without having any virus in the sample, any sample that could possibly have a virus.

So that’s a total of four from the 50s. Then Stefan [Lanka] did a study showing the same thing. You don’t need any sample with the virus to have the cells break down.

…Now, what, what happens when the cells break down, whether in a culture or in us, is it makes basically breakdown products, which is like garbage. And unfortunately, we started calling those exosomes as if they had some special importance, like messengers around the body or something. But the fact of the matter is, as far as I can see, while there may be something called an exosome, it’s just garbage. The cells break down, they make little things that you could see on an electron microscope, which are just typical normal cellular breakdown products.

So there are no exosomes circulating around the world. That’s nonsense. There are no viruses.

Now, the other thing that he doesn’t seem to understand, which is mind boggling, is the reason you get the same sequence all over the world is because you put this library of RNA into a computer and you give it a template which says ‘make SARS-CoV-2’. So, by God, it does!

It’s like ‘make a Volkswagen all over the world’. So they have Volkswagen plants all over the world. And oh, my God, the Volkswagens are traveling all over the world. No, they’re not. You’re telling each factory to make a Volkswagen. That’s the template. Each virology sequencing lab, it puts in the template to take these letters and make it into SARS-CoV-2 sequence. So it does. That’s not traveling all over the world. That’s just making Volkswagens at different factories all over the world. Nobody’s traveling anywhere.

Mark Bailey:

Well, exactly, Tom with his claim that something is traveling around the world. I mean, we were trying to point this out in 2020, and Sam’s co-author Claus Köhnlein was one of the first in the world to point this out. He said there’s nothing passing around apart from a PCR protocol. And he pointed out, he said, wherever you take the PCR protocol, you’ll find this “COVID-19” or the “virus”. It’s not something that’s necessarily passing around. It’s just — it’s literally a PCR pandemic. And if you set the protocols to find a certain sequence, you end up finding them.

Now, the other thing is that we’re not always saying that these sequences don’t change over time. So they might say, well, we got some samples from ten years ago and we couldn’t find these sequences. But that’s not how nature works. We know that genetic sequences have variations over time. I mean, our own genomes are not fixed, as we know if we take it from different parts of our bodies at different points in time, we’ll find different sequences. But the problem is, with this form of indirect evidence, they’re trying to say that if we find these sequences and at some stage someone declared that they’re viral, and if we find them again, that’s our evidence that we’re finding a virus that’s spreading around.

The other aspect that Kevin introduced there was the cycle threshold. Now, what he’s saying there is, he’s saying that if the cycle threshold is set too high, then it’s invalid. But if the cycle thresholds set at an appropriate low level, then it is valid. This is problematic because it comes back to our first point that these particular sequences that the PCR is amplifying have not been shown to be viral. So the cycle threshold is not an issue. I mean, that’s a technical issue and it relates to good laboratory practice. And we know that once you get to thresholds at about 35, it’s basically an artifact result. And we know they’re doing that a lot. But I think he misses our point. We’re not saying it’s a cycle threshold issue, we’re saying it’s a provenance issue and it’s a proof of these sequences actually belonging to a virus.

And it is difficult because for a lot of lay people, when they get presented with epidemiology or a news story and they get a headline that this thing is spreading around the world, they don’t understand that simply all that spreading is a PCR protocol.

And I think the other issue is that someone like Kevin would say, well, everyone in the household, we detected the same sequence. And again, that’s evidence of nothing in particular.

I mean, it would be like saying that you isolated strep pneumonia from someone in the family and then a week later you’ve found that you could isolate it from every member of the family. But it doesn’t mean anything. That’s just particles. In this case, that would be bacteria, something that we can actually see passing around between people, but it’s not a pathogenic process.

So again, to claim that we can use the protection of sequences to claim that there’s a virus spreading, it’s simply that’s a logical fallacy, pure and simple.

See related:

Getting to the Truth About “Viruses”: Drs. Sam & Mark Bailey, Andrew Kaufman & Tom Cowan Respond to  Del Bigtree’s Statements in a Recent Interview With The Conscious Resistance

‘The End of Germ Theory’ Documentary: An Easy-to-Understand, Step-by-Step Analysis of the History of Germ & Virus Theory, the Erroneous “Science” Behind Vaccination & a Close Look at What Really Makes Us Sick — The Big Pharma Cartel & the Deep Deception of Viral Pandemics

Jon Rappoport With Dr. Sam Bailey: The Virus Cover Story

Jim West: The Toxicology Taboo

Bioweapon BS — The Lab Leak Narrative & Virology’s Ongoing, Cruel, Pointless Torture & Massacre of Animals

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

The Path Paved by Dr. Lanka: Exposing the Lies of Virology

Dr. Tom Cowan: Lab Created Viruses? Gain of Function Research? Bio Labs? — Smoking Gun or Bad Science?

The Viral Delusion (2022) Docu-Series: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & the Madness of Modern Virology

Why Nobody Can Find a Virus

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Andrew Kaufman: A Challenging Response to Dr. Mercola’s Article “Yes, SARS-CoV-2 Is a Real Virus”

The Emperor Has No Corona

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich With Kip Warner on a Pending Class Action Lawsuit in British Columbia, Canada

Legal Options in Canada – Class Action Lawsuit in British Columbia

by International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC)
December 11, 2022


In this first episode of “Impromptu” , Dr. Fuellmich talks with Kip Warner of Vancouver, British Columbia, about a pending class action lawsuit filed against the provincial health commissioner and the B.C. Crown challenging the “declaration of a state of emergency.”

They also discuss the separation of powers, or lack thereof, their hopes for the Anglo-American legal system, and agree that the Covid crisis has taught the public important lessons in civics.

With the addition of the “Impromptu” broadcast format, ICIC expands its ability to speak on an ad hoc basis about a current and particularly important event or issue and to highlight it in a condensed manner.


To keep up to date on the lawsuit, follow the work of The Canadian Society for the Advancement of Science in Public Policy (CSASPP).


Connect with ICIC

The Weaponisation of Psychiatry Against Critics of Governments’ Covid Narrative

The Weaponisation of Psychiatry Against Critics of Governments’ Covid Narrative

by Rhoda Wilson, The Exposé
December 12, 2022


Psychiatry has been the enforcer of choice used by strong-arm governments for as long as it has existed. After all, psychiatry is the perfect cover to make targeted individuals do what government wants. If psychiatry is targeting a person, it can be considered a private medical matter and not a matter of the State or a police action.

As a bonus for the authoritarians, psychiatry diagnoses the targeted person and the diagnosis says it is this person who is sick, wrong, or out of step. Nothing to see here, just a sick person, move right along.

As a double bonus for the oppressors, psychiatry is able to administer powerful drugs and even electroshock that prevent clear thinking and, in fact, can cause a chemical lobotomy and other brain damage in the case of antipsychotic drugs, and brain damage in the case of electroshock. This tactic of drugging or shocking the targeted critic neutralises that individual.

The above was the subject of Children’s Health Defense Canada’s Sherry Strong’s interview with Dr. Peter Breggin, see the video below.  They discussed how psychiatry has been used in the past and how it is now being used to target Covid critics and resisters.

Children’s Health Defense Canada: Dr. Peter Breggin on The Weaponization of Mental Health Edicts,
29 November 2022 (51 mins)

As a way of showing how important and relevant this topic is in the Covid era, Strong began by briefly describing some examples in Canada where psychiatry has been weaponised to silence those who speak out against the official false Covid narrative:

  • A Canadian firefighter was committed to a mental hospital by his wife, who had a senior position at Alberta Health Services.  The wife told her husband she would leave him if he didn’t get vaccinated.  When he refused to get vaccinated and was under threat of losing his job, she decided to have him committed saying he was mentally unstable.
  • Dr. Mel Bruchet was imprisoned in a mental facility and drugged against his will for revealing that there was an excessive number of stillbirths occurring in Vancouver hospitals. (Further reading: Doctors Claim Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada, The European Union Times, 6 December 2021)
  • Chris Vaughan, a freedom fighter, has been imprisoned in the Langley Mental Facility and drugged against his will with the doctor having total control over his life.
  • Dr. Francis Christian from Saskatchewan was threatened by the Health Minister, whilst in the act of firing him, with accusations of a mental health issue because Dr. Christian was questioning the safety of Covid injections for children.  (Further reading: Surgeon fired by College of Medicine for voicing safety concerns about Covid shots for children, Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, 23 June 2021)

Dr. Breggin began with a history of the weaponisation of psychiatry.  Probably the greatest example of psychiatry being used as a tool of oppression is the use of organised psychiatry during the holocaust in Germany, Dr. Breggin explained, “and it was defended by the European and American psychiatric establishment.”

In 1920 they started debating and discussing how to do mass murder of lives not worth living.  By the time Hitler came to power, psychiatry was prepared to step in and, on its own, create a so-called euthanasia program for its entire state mental hospital population and, working with paediatricians, many children in paediatric units.

“They probably murdered somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 Germans,” Dr. Breggin said. Then Hitler cancelled the program because it was unpopular with the German public.  “It was probably the only time he got booed in public, was around this issue.”  So, Hitler cancelled the euthanasia program. However, he then incorporated it into the start of the Holocaust – the first head of the Nazi extermination camp was the former head of a psychiatric extermination camp.

Many people who were witnesses to the Nuremberg trials wrote that the holocaust may not have happened if psychiatry’s euthanasia program had not been allowed to go ahead so flawlessly, Dr. Breggin said.

A number of historians have pointed out that the scientific bureaucratisation of murder was a unique quality of the holocaust; but none seem to have given credit to the source. Bureaucratic, scientific killing ·was invented and first implemented by organised psychiatry. This is one reason why physicians Mitscherlich, Alexander and Ivy each separately declared that psychiatry was key to the holocaust and that the tragedy might not have happened without the initial euthanasia program.

Psychiatry’s role in the holocaust, Peter R. Breggin, 12 March 1993

In the US today, Dr Breggin said, “I’m not hearing as many reports as you’re hearing [in Canada], but we’re deeply concerned about it.  We’re deeply concerned about concepts that are being pushed around like mass psychosis [or] mass formation psychosis.  The problem is empowering psychiatry to address masses with psychosis.  This is terrifying … It will be used, eventually, by someone, as a great tool to do these mass diagnoses.  Even Russia and China do these individual diagnoses – people end up in mental hospitals when they go against the going narrative.”

At the end of the interview (timestamp 40:08), Dr. Breggin explained the difference between “mass formation” and “mass formation psychosis.”  Prof. Matthias Desmet talks about mass formation, while Dr. Robert Malone and Dr. Mark McDonald talk about mass formation psychosis. What Dr. McDonald means by mass formation psychosis is different, according to Dr. Breggin, from what Dr. Malone means when he uses the term.

Recently in Ontario, Canada, guidance was issued that urged doctors to view resistance to vaccination as a mental problem.  The guidance specifically mentions Covid injections and sending people for therapy or using psychiatric drugs.

“In [the guidance] was built the idea that any resistance, not just the jabs but any resistance, was a mental problem,” said Dr. Breggin.  According to the latest that Dr., Breggin has heard, due to the backlash the guidance has received, it has been withdrawn. “But remember, they’ll just withdraw it temporarily and then they’ll nudge us along, again.”

Dr. Breggin mentioned a school teacher in New York who refused to cooperate with wearing a face mask and didn’t believe in having the “vaccine.”  So, she was sent for psychiatric evaluation. Her diagnosis was that she was psychotic based on her belief that there are evil forces behind the Covid agenda.

But “the big picture that people need to get,” Dr. Breggin said, is “the highest priority of people who run things – the bankers, the big technology companies, all the US large corporations – they all work with the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party.”

“And they’re all using Klaus Schwab’s concepts of equality and justice … and the Great Reset to justify what is, ultimately, for the greatest empire in the world that has ever been created … They all have a vision of a global governance where they don’t have to bother about who runs Canada, or the democracy in Canada, or the freedom loving patriotic Americans.”

Currently in Canada, the sixth cause of death, by numbers, is medically assisted death and there are plans to increase that.  Horrifically, there is a proposal to allow children to choose a medically assisted death and parents would only be notified after the child has been killed.

Further reading:

“Whenever they do these things they include suicide,” Dr, Breggin said.

“It becomes [called] an ‘assisted suicide’ because they go to the young people who are very depressed and suicidal.  So, what do they do?  They give ‘assisted suicide’ to them.  It’s really egregious. It’s the kind of thinking that allowed for, [as described above], the mass murder of mental patients and then for the holocaust.”

They’re creating the ideal breeding ground for “assisted suicide” through food, for example.   Strong, who is a nutritionist, said that Canadian parents give their children food that is highly processed and chemically augmented and that will lead to depression and other mental issues.  Then the children are given anti-depressants and anti-psychotics.

One of the most effective ways of controlling the world is the mass use of medication, including for children.  At first, Dr. Breggin dismissed it as a “conspiracy theory” that there were forces that were using this method.  It was his wife Ginger who first suspected that mass medication of populations was being used in this way.  With some medication, with one shot you can subdue someone to the same extent that would have taken a week in a brainwashing prison camp or the first few days in a Nazi extermination camp, Dr. Breggin said.

“I do believe, now, looking at the sum total of it all, that a lot of the money and a lot of the force and influence behind the widespread medicating, shocking and lobotomising of people has been government money, government influence.  And much deeper, I believe [rather] than anything I know, the Defence Department gets into these types of psychiatric issues a lot.”

“… Anti-psychotic drugs and they’re used widely now, … suppress the frontal lobes and so instantly reduce you into a state of less self-awareness … just like a lobotomy except you start recovering from it – but [after] repetition, repetition, repetition people don’t necessarily recover from it.”

Further resources: Brain Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry: Drugs, Electroshock & the Psychopharmaceutical Complex (Book), Peter R. Breggin

Although it is not mentioned by Dr. Breggin, a recent article in The Epoch Times confirms Dr. Breggin’s assessment.  It describes a study in Alaska which found that patients’ rights and safety were systematically violated by their psychiatrists and the judges who sided with their doctors.

Psychotropic drugs are not necessarily effective, according to psychiatrist Dr. Kelly Brogan, and in many instances, they can do more harm than good.  And the Alaskan study authors, Gail Tasch and Peter Gøtzsche. were categorical in their criticism of these medications. “Antipsychotics,” as these psychosis drugs are usually called, “do not have any specific effects against psychosis,” the authors insisted. It is highly “misleading to call them antipsychotics.” Instead, they wrote, drugs against psychosis work as “major tranquilisers,” which is how they were originally known. This is one important reason why many mentally ill patients resist taking them. As one patient explained in court, the medication “takes my feelings away.”

Dr. Breggin gave a strong warning to people who are on these drugs to not simply stop taking them because there can be withdrawal symptoms with severe consequences. “You can’t just stop them,” he said.

Dr. Breggin also gave some advice for people who are having a natural negative reaction to the current toxic environment but are being gaslighted by mental health professionals (timestamp 29:00).

Further resources:


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Bloodless Medicine and Surgery: The Case Against Blood Transfusions

Bloodless Medicine and Surgery: The Case Against Blood Transfusions

by Brian Shilhavy, Vaccine Impact
December 10, 2022


I used to think that religious groups, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, were the only ones against blood transfusions.

But did you know that blood transfusions are a fairly recent medical practice, mainly becoming popular with the start of allopathic medicine and the pharmaceutical industry in the 1800s here in the U.S.? How did the human race survive for thousands of years before that without blood transfusions?

I was actually surprised to learn that there are mainstream medical facilities in the U.S. that practice “Patient Blood Management” and discourage the use of blood transfusions, due to the risk of contaminated blood, long before the current COVID vaccine blood contamination controversy.

There are actually hospitals and doctors in the U.S. who perform surgeries today, even open heart surgeries, without using blood transfusions.

One of those hospitals is Englewood Hospital and Medical Center in Englewood, New Jersey, which claims to be the first hospital in the U.S. to offer bloodless surgeries and medicine.

They claim that the scientific data supports the practice of bloodless medicine and surgery with much better patient outcomes than patients who receive blood transfusions.

Watch this short 5-minute video to learn more:

Here is a longer, 53-minute documentary, about how Englewood progressed from offering bloodless medicine and surgery only for specific groups of people requesting it, in this case the Jehovah’s Witnesses, to making it the standard care of practice for ALL patients, because science and ethics demanded it. They have now trained many doctors from around the world, and other hospitals and medical centers in the U.S. now also offer bloodless medicine and surgery.


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CoroNo Virus: A No Show

CoroNo Virus: A No Show

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath
December 11, 2022


Where’s Waldo?

Yet, after continents have been shut down, economies and lives destroyed, illegal mandates invoked and revoked, and millions of people made to be inoculated with experimental “authorized” products, over 211 health science institutions, and 32 countries, cannot provide or even cite one proof of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever. 

Why has the majority of the world been duped? Have people trusted politicians who practice medicine without a license? Have governments that, until now, never agreed about anything, suddenly agree on a virus that does not exist? The question that still exists in the minds of many is this:  The Virus: To Be or Not to Be?

In actuality, scientists have known that a virus does not exist as a life form outside a cell. Viruses function without sensory organs and without a means of locomotion. A virus is incapable of entering the cell membrane because a virus cannot detect it. In the 19th century, when Pasteur was promoting his theory, German biologist Dr. Rudolph Virchow stated:

If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat—diseased tissue—rather than being the cause of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do not cause the pool to become stagnant.

Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) explained that “The characteristic microbe of a disease might be a symptom instead of a cause.” In his book, Mycrozymas, Béchamp laid the foundation for the concept of pleomorphism. Why bring up Béchamp now? Because this foremost pioneer of science, medicine, nutrition and genetics, along with his discoveries, could have saved humanity a whole lot of misery and suffering. It was “by design” that Louis Pasteur’s “Germ Theory of Disease was promoted; to build and profit a colossal pharmaceutical/medical empire.

Several people have attempted to prove that the Waldo of viruses, SARS-Co-2, is the causal agent for COVID-19. However, according to Canadian citizen, Christine Massey, a former statistician who has compiled a paper trail of official responses, the virus is an imposter. It simply does not exist. See an interview with Christine here. Her main conclusions can be found at this website and are excerpted here:

  • There is no way to claim scientifically that the alleged “novel coronavirus” (blamed for widespread death/disease/lockdown measures) actually exists.”
  • “In their responses, numerous institutions have made it explicitly clear that isolation/purification is simply never done in virology, and that “isolation” in virology means the exact opposite of what it means in everyday English. This is also evidenced in every “virus isolation” paper we have ever seen, for any alleged “virus”.

Ruh-roh! Isolation of viruses is not done by virologists?

See Christine Massey’s collection of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) responses grouped by country:

As of September 11, 2022: 211 institutions and offices in over 35 countries have responded thus far, as well as some “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study authors, and none have provided or cited any record describing actual “SARS-COV-2” isolation/purification.

Response from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

 A search of our records fail to reveal any documents pertaining to your request.

Response from Health Canada:

Response from Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Taiwan:

The realtime RT-PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, does not “isolate” the virus but rather detects short target sequences of the virus in clinical samples. If these target sequences are detected in clinical samples, these can be amplified and detected through the test. 

Response from Public Health Wales:

…. has not produced any of the above mentioned material. 

Response from the UK:

I confirm that we do not hold this information.

On and on, no one has validation of the cause of a global pandemic? In cases where officials claim to I.D. SARS-Cov-2, they point to modeling studies and gene sequencing (See the NIH GenBank Website), all of which are tied to patents.

Fake “Isolates” Used in Vaccine Development

Several research teams claimed isolation of the virus, which they call versions of a virus.  Can versions be an original? Researchers at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan tried to claim, early in 2020, to have isolated a version of the virus. See the March 202o Press Release:

On Friday, Paul Hodgson, associate director of business development at the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization-International Vaccine Centre in Saskatoon, confirmed to The Globe and Mail that the joint federal-provincial facility had quietly reached the same milestone a few weeks earlier and is now using its version of the virus for a vaccine development effort.

Samples of the Saskatoon-derived version of the coronavirus are now available for approved research groups through the National Microbiological Laboratory in Winnipeg. The Ontario group also plans to generate its version for distribution.

In reality, viruses are exosomes.  In the paper titled, Is Complete Purification/Isolation of a “Virus” Even Possible? The medical literature summarizes the challenges of purification and isolation:

  • In order to claim a particular particle is a “virus” and can cause the symptoms of disease associated with it, logic dictates that it must be completely separated from all other potential variables/factors in order to prove that particular particle is indeed the cause of disease. This is the only logical way to show that no other particles in the sample could have been the cause of disease and in the case of genomics, that the DNA/RNA sequences belongs to only that particular particle which is believed to be a “virus.”
  • Viruses” are considered exosomes in every sense of the word as they are identical in size, shape, and appearance.
  • Exosome isolation remains a challenge for biomedical research. There is still no consensus over which purification technique produces the best results.
  • There is no methodology providing enough robustness regarding purification yield, selectivity, and reproducibility.
  • Contamination from other vesicles, molecules or particles that overlap is expected.
  • The main difference is that exosome research regularly attempts purification using one or multiple methods whereas Virology does not…. the methods discussed all suffer from contamination from other particles.

An Abstract written by Drs Mark Bailey and John Bevan Smith demonstrates what a growing number of people have discovered for themselves: If SARS-CoV-2 is a fraud, then COVID-19 is a fraud.

In The case of the Missing Virus, the curtain has been pulled back to reveal the great deception of the foundation of medical science. Is Virology a science or a hoax? Are Virologists making claims without the ability to draw conclusions or provide proof?

Again, the CDC states the virus is not available. The July 13, 2020 CDC document titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel” [For Emergency Use Only] section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” p. 39 reads:

Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA.

The germs are laughing.

It’s time to call out medical science for its false narratives and shaky foundations. Why not make world governments prove the basis for injections? Because it is impossible to prove the virus. After all these years, The Germ Theory appears to be a dud and virologists everywhere are having the last laugh as long as people believe in them.


Related Past Articles:




Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at



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Cover image based in Creative Commons work of GDJ

Jerm Warfare: Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate

Judith Curry on the Complexities of Earth’s Climate
Why is a warmer climate something to fear? A colder Earth is way worse. 

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 12, 2022


Judith Curry is the president of Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN) and previously the professor and chair of the School Of Earth And Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute Of Technology. Judith also has a really informative website, Climate Etc.

There’s no climate emergency

When it comes to mega-trends (a great term coined by Thierry Baudet), pretty much everything I see in the establishment media is nonsense.

Global warming climate change the “climate emergency” is the big bogeyman perpetuated by everybody who has been propagandised by governments, big corporations and Hollywood. Whether or not they actually believe the garbage with which they pollute society, their alarmism is nevertheless complete nonsense, as Tony Heller explained.

And as Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore explained.

Earth’s climate is complex

The demonisation of CO2 as the single vector towards a global catastrophe is absurd, as Judith notes in our conversation below. There are lots of things going on and there is no “control knob” that anybody can turn to adjust Earth’s changing climate.

Valentina Zharkova is one of the world’s leading solar physicists and gave a great presentation on why humans are simply not powerful enough to compete with the sun.

Another interesting variable is geoengineering which, Judith warns, is a bad idea because playing God can and will lead to serious problems down the line.

Our conversation

Basically, stop worrying about climate change and get on with living a good life. Fossil fuels are a great way to build economies and push poor people out of poverty.


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15-Minute City Insanity Is Only ‘Climate Change’ Lockdown Madness

15-Minute City Insanity Is Only ‘Climate Change’ Lockdown Madness

by Gary D. Barnett
December 10, 2022


“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”

~ Ayn Rand

While the masses continue to happily accept any and every tiny bit of ‘permission’ to have a miniscule amount of ‘freedom,’ all at the whim of the rulers, the drive toward more ‘climate change’ lockdown policy and societal regulation and total control are going forward quickly and without restriction. The candy offered to the herd in the form of temporary lifting of draconian mandates is meant only to satisfy the short-term longing of the proletariat so as to gain future compliance and obedience from the sheep in order for the state to create a true slave society. One of the  linchpins of this plot is to concentrate the population into so-called ‘smart’ cities, with 15 minute zones, where no travel outside this time frame is allowed without very restrictive monitoring. This is true insanity sold in the form of convenience, safety, and the bogus claim of protecting the earth.

Preparation, trials, and implementation of these atrocious prison-system cities are fully underway, and are being planned and sold as a public ‘good,’ an atrocious and deceptive lie. As I write this, 15-minute cities are being actively planned in Saudi, Arabia called “The Line,” Dubai, UAE, Oxford, U.K., Australia in Melbourne and Brisbane, in Spain in Barcelona, Buenos Aries, and even in Portland, Oregon in the Fascist U.S. While most have been asleep and basking in ignorance believing that totalitarianism has lessened, the master technocratic plot has never slowed. For those who are feeling left out, worry not, as a 15 minute prison system will soon be in a city or town near you.

Oxfordshire County in the U.K. is moving very fast to set up the first complete 15-minute city scam, and has announced a full “TRIAL” for January 2024. This is simply a climate lockdown trial meant to prepare the citizenry for continuous lockdowns, or more accurately, a minor existence in incarceration centers. Keep in mind that the plot to control the world depends on concentrating populations into smaller centers, with exhaustive technological measures of government regulation and authority that will require complete and total surveillance of all. This will be based on the ‘climate change’ lie, and world domination depends on a controlled, digital monetary system, that is also being structured by the central banking systems worldwide, and privately run by the ruling class. This is the same deep state that controls all government. Once the centralized bank digital currencies become reality, all freedom will end. The idea and implementation of controlled digital currencies is anathema to all liberty, and is mandatory for state control.

Once again I must mention the “big picture,”  as everything going on from ‘virus lies,’ ‘variants,’ staged wars, ‘climate change,’ CBDCs, 15-minute cities, transgender nonsense, fake racism, bioweapon injections, and a myriad of current and future control scenarios, are all meant to accomplish but one thing, and therefore, they are all linked, and all part of the singular agenda of total technocratic control of all people on earth. This is exactly what the ‘great reset,’ the new one world government, and the monetary takeover are all about. Regardless of which particular plot is the news item of the day, it is simply all meant to achieve but one end. Do not disregard all of the minor plots, but recognize that the single plot desired is to control you and all on earth, and nothing less.

The case addressed here can be summed up with one statement coming from the World Economic Forum (WEF) on March 15, 2022.

“As climate change and global conflict cause shocks and stresses at faster intervals and increased severity, the 15-minute city will become even more critical.”

This single statement connects the entire fake ‘climate change’, and Ukraine (all war) scenarios and agendas as reasoning to lockdown the world. Make no mistake, this is the plan that is and has been in high gear for decades, but especially so since the bogus ‘covid’ lockdown terror levied at the hands of the state in 2020.

Without mass resistance to this totalitarian push, be prepared for more and more restrictions on every aspect of life; including movement, travel, thought, communication, health decisions,’ medical care,’ money and spending, carbon tracking, total and complete surveillance, social credit systems, and renewed climate lockdowns.

Considering the U.S. government and American citizens, remember that this government and all its controlling rule system is nothing more than an organized crime syndicate; an operation based on the mass cooperation and acceptance of a nearly universal, compliant, and submissive population, intent only on getting by and being able to survive with their smart phones, TVs, games, bread and circuses, and dependence on rule. This general attitude will be the death knell of this society, but it does not have to remain as such given the huge numbers of us, and the few who claim ownership of the bulk of the pathetic inhabitants that make up the vast majority in this country.

Remember that the term ‘climate change’ is the basis of all future plans to take total control over everything, and that is and will be the weapon of fear used to round up the masses. Every time you hear the word “sustainable” and accept it as legitimate, every time the state claims to be protecting the earth to ‘save it,’ every time ‘sustainable development’ is the term used to create and enforce government policy, you have lost all, while the state has gained more power and control over you. The final agenda of fear called ‘climate change,’ is the hammer, while each of you are only a nail, but acting as one, you can hold everything together.

As I stated in an article earlier this year:

“The intentional manmade ‘climate change’ fraud is continually gaining steam, as it will always be the linchpin to future abuses and control by the rulers and their pawns in politics and mainstream media. While the controllers are destroying economies, decimating all quality food sources and production, eliminating vast amounts of life-sustaining energy, greatly harming the environment and its vital resources necessary for life, pursuing eugenics agendas, and advancing depopulation efforts, the majority of people continue to acquiesce to all orders and propaganda, while completely attached and addicted to their cell phones and their apathetic and pitiful pretend lives. All this is indicative of the downfall of humanity, and the rise of the technocratic oligarchs.”


Reference links:

Oxford County to introduce climate lockdown trial

United Nation Climate Change – The 15 minute city

Climate lockdowns coming

Construction begins on The Line: Controlled City



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Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism

Digital Currency: The Fed Moves Toward Monetary Totalitarianism

by , Mises Institute
December 9, 2022


The Federal Reserve is sowing the seeds for its central bank digital currency (CBDC). It may seem that the purpose of a CBDC is to facilitate transactions and enhance economic activity, but CBDCs are mainly about more government control over individuals. If a CBDC were implemented, the central bank would have access to all transactions in addition to being capable of freezing accounts.

It may seem dystopian—something that only totalitarian governments would do—but there have been recent cases of asset freezing in Canada and Brazil. Moreover, a CBDC would give the government the power to determine how much a person can spend, establish expiration dates for deposits, and even penalize people who saved money.

The war on cash is also a reason why governments want to implement CBDCs. The end of cash would mean less privacy for individuals and would allow central banks to maintain a monetary policy of negative interest rates with greater ease (since individuals would be unable to withdraw money commercial banks to avoid losses).

Once the CBDC arrives, instead of a deposit being a commercial bank’s liability, a deposit would be the central bank’s liability.

In 2020, China launched a digital yuan pilot program. As mentioned by Seeking Alpha, China wants to implement a CBDC because “this would give [the government] a remarkable amount of information about what consumers are spending their money on.”

The government could easily track digital payments with a CBDC. Bloomberg noted in an article published when the digital yuan pilot program was launched that the digital currency “offers China’s authorities a degree of control never possible with cash.” A CBDC could allow the Chinese government to monitor mobile app purchases (which accounted for about 16 percent of the country’s gross domestic product in 2020) more closely. Bloomberg describes how much control a CBDC could give Chinese authorities:

The PBOC [People’s Bank of China] has also indicated that it could put limits on the sizes of some transactions, or even require an appointment to make large ones. Some observers wonder whether payments could be linked to the emerging social-credit system, wherein citizens with exemplary behavior are “whitelisted” for privileges, while those with criminal and other infractions find themselves left out.

(Details on China’s social credit system can be found here.)

The Chinese government is waging war on cash. And they are not alone. In 2017, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published a document offering suggestions to governments—even in the face of strong public opposition—on how to move toward a cashless society. Governments and central bankers claim that the shift to a cashless society will help prevent crime and increase convenience for ordinary people. But the real motivation behind the war on cash is more government control over the individual.

And the US is getting ready to establish its own CBDC (or something similar). The first step was taken in August, when the Fed announced FedNow. FedNow will be an instant payment system and is scheduled to be launched between May and July 2023.

FedNow is practically identical to Brazil’s PIX. PIX was implemented by the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) in November 2020. It is a convenient instant payment system (using mobile devices) without user fees, and a reputation as being safe to use.

A year after its launch, PIX already had 112 million people registered, or just over half of the Brazilian population. Of course, frauds and scams do occur over PIX, but most are social engineering scams (see herehere, and here) and are not system flaws; that is, they are scams that exploit the public’s lack of knowledge of PIX technology.

Bear in mind that PIX is not the Brazilian CBDC. It is just a payment system. However, the BCB has access to transactions made through PIX; therefore, PIX can be considered the seed of the Brazilian CBDC. It is already an invasion of the privacy of Brazilians. And FedNow is set to follow suit.

Additionally, the New York Fed has recently launched a twelve-week pilot program with several commercial banks to test the feasibility of a CBDC in the US. The program will use digital tokens to represent bank deposits. Institutions involved in the program will make simulated transactions to test the system. According to Reuters, “the pilot [program] will test how banks using digital dollar tokens in a common database can help speed up payments.”

Banks involved in the pilot program include BNY Mellon, Citi, HSBC, Mastercard, PNC Bank, TD Bank, Truist, US Bank, and Wells Fargo. The global financial messaging service provider SWIFT is also participating to support interoperability across the international financial ecosystem.” (This video details the pilot program and how the US CBDC would work.)

The IMF is also thinking of a way to connect different CBDCs under a single system. In other words, the IMF plans to create a PIX/FedNow for CBDCs around the globe:

Things could change as money becomes tokenized; that is, accessible to anyone with the right private key and transferable to anyone with access to the same network. Examples of tokenized money include so-called stablecoins, such as USD Coin, and central bank digital currency.

The reception of Brazil’s PIX shows that FedNow will likely be widely adopted due to its convenience; however, this positive economic and technological element should not overshadow the increased control instant payment systems will give to central banks. The BCB has access to all transactions made by Brazilians through PIX, and this would only get worse should a CBDC be implemented. With a CBDC, it would be easier for the government to carry out expansionary monetary policies (which cause misallocations of resources and business cycles) and exert greater control over citizens’ finances.


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Pediatrician Sounds Alarm: Information Leaflets in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Left Deliberately Blank

Pediatrician Sounds Alarm: Information Leaflets in Covid ‘Vaccines’ Left Deliberately Blank

by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation
December 8, 2022


“This is what passes as “informed consent” under the leadership of the COVID cartel.” – Senator Ron Johnson

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hosted a forum on the Covid “vaccines” on Wednesday. He spoke with leading medical experts and doctors about the mRNA vaccine products, how they work, and the possible causes of Injuries. In addition, one of the experts, pediatrician Renata Moon revealed how proper informed consent is missing for covid vaccines.

The pediatrician explained that a few months ago, she pulled the package insert out of the box of mRNA product she was going to administer to a child. To her shock, it was sealed, explained Dr. Moon. She then showed the group the blank insert pharmaceutical companies are putting in the Covid “vaccine” boxes.

Senator Johnson was appalled to learn that a blank leaflet is “the data that pharmacists and physicians are facing on giving the injections outside of mainstream media recommendations.” The Senator questioned, “why the pharmaceutical companies are not just printing that on a piece of paper the size of a postage stamp? Why all the theater of folding it up into a great big piece of paper like that?”

‘Something is extremely wrong’

“How can I ask parents for informed consent based on this?” she asked. “My government requires me to say the vaccines are safe and effective; if I don’t, my license is at threat.”

“We’re seeing an uptick in myocarditis. We see an uptick in adverse reactions. I’ve trusted these regulatory agencies for my entire career up until now. Something is extremely wrong,” said the pediatrician.”

[Video available at RAIR Foundation Rumble channel.]

Regulatory Agencies

Renowned Cardiologist and former vaccine promoter Dr. Aseem Malhotra recently highlighted the corruption of medicine by the regulatory bodies, Big Pharma, politicians, academic institutions, and medical journals.

“But the real scandals,” Dr. Malhotra explains, are the regulators, like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), failed to prevent misconduct by industry and that “doctors, academic institutions, and medical journals collude with industry for financial gain.” For example, he points out that the “FDA gets 65% of their funding from pharma, a huge conflict of interest. In the U.K., our regulator, the MHRA [Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency], gets 86% of their funding from pharma.” Furthermore, “in the FDA, between 2006 and 2019, nine of the 10 FDA commissioners went on when they left the FDA to get very lucrative jobs with the pharmaceutical industry. It’s a revolving door, says Dr. Malhotra.


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Arthur Firstenberg: Is Our Tech Making Us Sick?

Arthur Firstenberg: Is Our Tech Making Us Sick?

by World Council for Health
December 5, 2022


Speaking at General Assembly Meeting #68 on Monday, December 5, Arthur Firstenberg (??) gave an eye-opening presentation on the harmful effects of wireless technology.

Who is Arthur Firstenberg?
  • Arthur Firstenberg is a scientist, journalist and author who is part of a growing worldwide movement to bring attention to the most ignored threat to life on Earth. His book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, is the first book to tell the history of electricity from an environmental point of view.
  • The Cellular Phone Task Force, an organization he co-founded in 1996, provides a global clearinghouse for information about wireless technology’s harmful effects, and a support network for the millions of people injured by this tech.
  • Firstenberg is the Administrator and Co-author of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space. To date, the Appeal has more than 300,000 signatures from 214 countries and territories, including 3,000 environmental organizations, 7,000 scientists, 4,300 medical doctors, 13,900 engineers and 1,500 beekeepers.
  • After graduating Phi Beta Kappa from Cornell University with a B.A. in mathematics, he attended the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine from 1978 to 1982. Injury by x-ray overdose cut short his medical career.
  • For the past 41 years, Arthur Firstenberg has been a researcher, consultant and lecturer on the health and environmental effects of electromagnetic radiation.

Find this video to share on RumbleOdysee, and Bitchute.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on December 5, 2022. Ramiro Romani and Prof Ian Brighthope also spoke at the meeting.


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Cover image credit: Goumbik

James Corbett & Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Discuss the Public Order Emergency Commission in Canada (Trucker “Freedom Convoy” Commission)

James Corbett & Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms Discuss the Public Order Emergency Commission in Canada (Trucker “Freedom Convoy” Commission)


The Freedom Convoy Commission with the JCCF

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
December 7, 2022


Today James is joined by Rob Kittredge and Hatim Kheir of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms to discuss their participation in the Public Order Emergency Commission in Canada (aka the Trucker Commission).

We discuss the commission itself and how it was run, the evidence that was (and was not presented), why Mr. Kittredge is now known as a “tow truck aficionado,” what Trudeau and others testified to during the hearings, and what Kittredge and Kheir expect to come from this process.


Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4

Show Notes

Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine – #SolutionsWatch

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms homepage

The Justice Centre at the POEC

Public Order Emergency Commission homepage

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act

Trudeau announces mandatory vaccination for federal workforce, federally regulated transportation sectors

CSIS told government Freedom Convoy was no security threat

Trudeau backs right to protest in China as anti-government demonstrations sweep across country

Justin Trudeau calls anti-vaxxers racists and misogynists


Connect with James Corbett

Operation Soul Disconnection

Operation Soul Disconnection

by Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
December 6, 2022


The spirits of darkness are now among us. We have to be on guard so that we may realize what is happening when we encounter them and gain a real idea of where they are to be found. The most dangerous thing you can do in the immediate future will be to give yourself up unconsciously to the influences which are definitely present.” ~ Rudolf Steiner, October 1917 lectures 

The truth about The Transhumanist Agenda has been bubbling to the surface in rashes, heart ailments, mental disorders, miscarriages, and infertility, along with increased deaths in certain groups. There are no signs of healing on the horizon because the symptoms mirror a deeper truth that touches the sanctum of human divinity, itself.

Spiritual PSYOP 

The Psychological Operation, or PSYOP, appears to be spiritual, fought on two fronts, directed by two groups of authorities: 1) earthly human/androids/humanoids (top politicians, scientists, Hollywood), and 2) non-earthly, non-human, Inter-dimensionals (spirits) who direct their earthly underlings from behind the scenes.

As the Transhumanist Reset plays out against the backdrop of a pandemic PSYOP, the tools wielded are both material and energetic (mind control): from media and entertainment, to controlled opposition and the rituals of social distancing, lockdowns, and masking.

The people will believe what the media tells them they believe. ~ George Orwell

The PSYOP uses inverted ideology and language. Thus, pandemic injections, promoted as cure-alls, do the opposite. Ultimately, they end human procreation through infertility and ‘fetal demise.’ They take out the human defense system, known as the innate immune system, through the Trojan Horse of inoculations. And they leave a shell. An October 2021 COVID vaccine efficacy study confirms the results on the immune system:

Questions remain regarding a booster dose and waning immunity, the duration of immunity, and heterologous vaccination. 

Before most humans can wake up to see through the multidimensional layers, the damage is done. The known dangers of mRNA inoculations and the PCR test, a delivery system, are disclosed after ‘deployment’ (a military word). Only now do reports show actual casualty reports, published in medical journals and in obituaries. Thanks to medical databases, and search engines, anyone can search physical adverse events and symptoms associated with the PSYOP products:

  1. adverse heart effects (myocarditisvestibular neuritis, thrombosis)
  2. adverse mental effects: psychotic disorders 
  3. changes in hearing: Tinnitus and mind control
  4. waning immunity and immune dysfunction
  5. endocrine dysfunction: hypopituitarism, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and adrenal insufficiency
  6. increased miscarriages in pregnant women from VAERS data reports  and here, and fetal demise
  7. increased sensitivity to 5G through ionization
  8. 388K excess American deaths, see report
Authorized Not Approved

The technology of these authorities remains without FDA-approval, and with more boosters coming down the pipeline. The inoculations continue to be rated Emergency Use Only (EUA), or experimental, because authorities are still testing the population. The companies contracted to manufacture this technology by these authorities have not provided a complete list of ingredients but they have disclosed that the ingredients incorporate into the recipient DNA.

A new Swedish study published in MDPI found that the Pfizer vaccine goes into liver cells and converts to DNA, challenging claims so far that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way.

At least two questions should arise in everyone’s mind:

  1. Does DNA tampering affect human consciousness? The soul? The spirit?
  2. Are warnings from prophets meant as disclosures?

“I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination toward spirituality out of people’s souls when they are still very young, and this will happen in a roundabout way through the living body. Today, bodies are vaccinated against one thing and another; in future, children will be vaccinated with a substance which it will certainly be possible to produce, and this will make them immune, so that they do not develop foolish inclinations connected with spiritual life – ‘foolish’ here, or course, in the eyes of materialists. . . .

“. . . a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination toward spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses.  ~ Rudolf Steiner, October 1917 lectures

Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left. ~ Aldous Huxley

Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. ~ George Orwell

Elites Playing God

The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. ~ Aldous Huxley

The Elite authorities, from politicians to scientists to authors, and billionaire engineers, like to ignore and deny that human beings have a soul essence because they, themselves, lack a soul. While the Elite did not always push their agenda, they have waited patiently, and their time has come.

In the Roman Empire, Galen of Pergamon, was a Greek polymath: physician, surgeon and philosopher who believed that the body was the physical vehicle for the indwelling soul. Considered to be one of the most accomplished of all medical researchers of his time, Galen influenced the development of various scientific disciplines, including anatomyphysiology, pathologypharmacology, and neurology, as well as philosophy, logic, and herbalism. Galen developed the Four Humors System that Hippocrates had created by adding the ideas of Physis and Pneuma. Galen’s most famous medicinal formula was Theriacan herbal tonic with 64 different ingredients that was a cure-all for many diseases, and an antidote to many poisons and viper venoms. His ideas encompassed the life force, spirit, and breath that is infused in all living beings that was slowly written out of western medicine.

Yet, as times change, so does acceptance of long suppressed concepts. Slowly, the concept of the soul is bleeding through the mire of medical science. The medical journal Psychology Today features a 2011 article: Biocentrism: Does the Soul Exist? Evidence Says ‘Yes’. Author Robert Lanza writes:

The results not only defy our classical intuition but suggest that a part of the mind — the soul — is immortal and exists outside of space and time. ~ Robert Lanza M.D

What is known, despite a lack of acknowledgment by authorities, is that human beings are a body, a mind, a soul, and a spirit rolled into one. Human beings are the seen and the unseen. They are electric and magnetic, made up of matter and energy. How does magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) technology work without a human energy biofield?  When looking into a mirror, humans are more than meets the eye: Spiritual beings having a human experience.

While adding synthetic foreign matter to the human body produces known negative physical consequences, less is disclosed about changes of the human bioenergetic field. Will an altered human vibrate at a frequency different from the vibration of the soul essence? Does the synthetic inoculation create incoherence? Do humans remain divine, sovereign, and free?

Only the authorities know for sure. And they are not telling because they have reached their goal of attacking human energy using advanced technology through a needle.  In October  2019, Microsoft promoted an initiative called ID2020, a platform for an” implantable digital ID vaccine system, whose goal was “giving every human on the planet a digital ID.”  This ID is in the form of a DNA vaccine tattoo. Today, the technology is called The Good Health Pass to restrict travel among the masses.

Does this sound like the dystopian, futuristic Netflix series, 3%, labelled as a post apocalyptic thriller where only 3% are allowed to transition to a “better” life after being tested in a game of wits? However, once they get to the “better life”…. spoiler alert….. they are vaccinated and told they can never have children.

Human divinity is a birthright because humans give birth. Is there anything more valuable than human divinity to those who lack it? What happens when the divinity supply line is cut off? Do humans become mere vessels for Inter-dimensionals?

Ironically, these answers have been prophesied as warnings by Rudolf Steiner, and Aldous Huxley, and George Orwell, well known elites themselves.

By now it is widely known that the mRNA patented injections do not live up to their marketed promises because they were never meant to benefit humans at all, but rather benefit another group of beings that stays hidden.

The Borg Culture

In 1961, Aldous Huxley warned of a sinister agenda, stating that “there will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude.”  He did not say there could be. He said there will be.

Were Rudolf Steiner and Aldous Huxley prophets who offered a warning to individuals of a coming soul-less world? Or were they programmers who carried out a ritual by planting a seed in the minds of men? Predictive programming.

In Klaus Schwab’s Global reset to Transhumanism, the message is clear. Klaus is a programmer who seeks to cut off the soul connection present in each individual (something he lacks), and replace it with a materialist hive-mind.  Through rituals that work like an alchemical transformation of consciousness, the “I” of individual disappears. Why create a a society of automatons?

Freedom is irrelevant. Self-determination is irrelevant. You must comply. ~ The Borg

Hollywood, a branch of the political system, is complicit in the PSYOP, providing disclosure through fiction. Star Trek’s The Borg shed light, early on, on planned human transformation. The Borg are cybernetic organisms (cyborgs) linked in a hive mind called “the Collective.” The Borg’s purpose is to co-opt the technology and knowledge of other species through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components.

The Borg, The Stepford Wives, The Sentenels-X-Men, Terminator, Ultron, The Avengers, are all forms of disclosure by those who seek to sever the human soul from the body. What better way to offer humanity implied consent than through entertainment on the big screen where people pay to participate in the story of their soul’s demise? What more efficient way to wage a war on the mind of humanity than from the inside out?

The movie, Ex Machina disclosed that humanoid robots and Syntheticas already walk among us. Are there more non-humans than we are told? Anything is possible, especially since human bodies now contain more foreign’ microbes than human cells. The headlines alert us to this truth: “Engineers create ‘lifelike’ material with artificial metabolism.” According to this April 2019 article:

Cornell engineers constructed a DNA material with capabilities of metabolism, in addition to self-assembly and organization – three key traits of life.

Natural human DNA acts like a biological antenna, a receiver, transmitter, and retainer of information past, present, and future. Through natural evolution, DNA expands abilities in individuals, including psychic ability and telepathy. DNA is of Nature and functions under Natural law. DNA is also highly sensitive to harmful frequencies (3G, 4G, 5Gnanobots). Add patented mRNA injectables to the bloodstream and DNA is now targeted by ionizing frequencies that cause humans to veer off course, from a natural organic evolution to a divergent devolution. 5G frequencies play a pivotal role as a directed energy weapon.

If people are unaware of how their energy feels in their own bodies, if they do not know of their divine right to be sovereign and free, then how do they notice any changes once the soul is severed? What will divinity look like then?

If your head comes away from your neck, it’s over. – Sean Connery as Ramirez in Highlander, 1986

The disconnection of human consciousness, alluded to by Rudolf Steiner, Hollywood, and others, suggest a bifurcation or split into two different consciousness streams for humans, one organic of Nature and regeneration, and one inorganic of Synthetics and degeneration.

The compression of human consciousness is happening now, like the splitting of a cell under pressure. However, in this universe, there is also The Light to balance The Darkness. That Light is inside each of us. We come to Earth equipped with everything we need. We only have to remember and choose it. The only way to know which direction to go is to be aware of all directions and choose one.


Related Past Articles:



Rosanne Lindsay is a Naturopath, writer, earth keeper, health freedom advocate and author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and  Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally.

Rosanne Lindsay is available for consultation through Turtle Island Network.  Subscribe to her blog at



Connect with Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

Cover image credit: KELLEPICS

They Created “75% of All Chronic Disease” | Vandana Shiva on Big Food

They Created “75% of All Chronic Disease” | Vandana Shiva on Big Food

by Russell Brand with Vandana Shiva
December 6, 2022


Vandana Shiva joined me to discuss & express her feeling on modern day farming techniques. Additionally how damaging it is for the environment and our health. #farming #billgates #health
Follow Russell Brand  on Rumble


Connect with Russell Brand

Connect with Vandana Shiva

See related:

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth

RFK, Jr. w/ Vandana Shiva: Farmers Standing in Fearlessness & Truth “Fighting for the Soil & Soul of India”

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates & Other So-Called Philanthropists Are Eco-Criminals, Creating a Digital Dictatorship & Destroying the Very Fabric of Life

Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates Empires ‘Must Be Dismantled’

Vandana Shiva: Divide & Rule — The Plan of the 1% Is to Make You Disposable

Terrain Therapy

Terrain Therapy

by Dr. Sam Bailey
December 3, 2022


We are very pleased to announce the release of a new book, ‘Terrain Therapy’. This has been months in the making and brings back to life the important writings of Dr Ulric Williams.

In this video I read my foreword for Terrain Therapy and outline how it has been one of the most important factors in shaping our understanding of health and the fundamental errors of the medical system.

This book contains information on:

  • what disease is and how it is brought about
  • why orthodox medical treatments are unable to cure
  • “healing crises” and how to manage them
  • dietary principles for adults and children
  • special diets (including hundreds of recipes)
  • how to start and end a fast to promote healing
  • mental and spiritual healing

and much more health and well-being wisdom!

If there is one book that I always come back to, it’s this one – my guide book to health, life, and spirituality.


Connect with Dr. Sam Bailey

What is Anarchy?: Anarchy Needs To Be Understood as a Vector Towards Freedom and Not Towards Chaos.

What is Anarchy?
Anarchy needs to be understood as a vector towards freedom and not towards chaos. 

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
December 5, 2022


Etienne de la Boetie2 (yes, with a squared sign and, no, it isn’t his real name) previously chatted to me about why all governments are illegitimate authorities and, basically, why anarchy is not a bad word. Establishment propaganda has done a great job in duping a lot of people into believing that being governed by a self-imposed authority with a monopoly on violence, is equal to freedom.

What is anarchism?

For clarity, anarchism is a collection of ideas that lead to anarchy, although it’s probably acceptable to use both words to describe the same idea.

Rejection of the state equates to anarchism. But the problem that I have found is that anarchism is misunderstood, whether by design or not. Anarchism (or anarchy) does not mean chaos. Anarchism, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, could be described as

the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished.

He goes on to say that

the state is the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.

Governments are a scam

Etienne‘s book – which is available via his website The Art Of Liberty – is certainly worth buying because it highlights all of the aforementioned talking points in an easily digestible format.


Basically, Government – The Biggest Scam In History is about

[p]roving the case that “Government”, of every flavor, has been a scam of inter-generational organized crime since the beginning… and they have been getting away with it… until now… because they have been controlling the media and academia.

Think of it even more simply.

If an armed gang knocked on your door and demanded that you pay them a percentage of your income, no matter what their reasons might be, then any rational individual will agree that such behaviour is criminal.

Replace “armed gang” with “government”.

Our conversation

I really enjoyed this conversation. In fact, it’s one of my favourites.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco

Catherine Austin Fitts With Dark Journalist on the CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Biometric Control Grid

Catherine Austin Fitts & Dark Journalist: The CDBC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Biometric Control Grid

by Daniel Liszt, Dark Journalist
November 30, 2022


Former Assistant HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts returns for a deep discussion with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and reveals how the Central Bankers have implemented a Worldwide surveillance and financial transaction infrastructure to harvest humanity physically, economically and spiritually.

Catherine has been warning on the development of the Central Bank Digital Currency and its implications for loss of freedom.

Today she’ll go deep on how the crash of FTX is an op designed at the top of the money pyramid to bring in the new system.

Dark Journalist Breakthrough Interview With Former Asst. HUD Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts: CDBC Biometric Control Grid!

Connect with Dark Journalist

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts


cover image credit: fotoblend

The Revolt in China: What It Means

The Revolt in China: What It Means
How the chief propagandists are trying to derail the story and kill it

by Jon Rappoport
November 30, 2022


We’re on the cusp of potentially enormous changes.

China, the great superpower, is experiencing a human earthquake at its roots.

The revolt in China has huge implications for the West and the world — unless we’re convinced to pass it off like a car crash on a highway thousands of miles away. China’s version of fake COVID science has resulted in enormous blowback; they’re building the tightest Surveillance State on Earth and now huge cracks are showing.

Actions have consequences. For decades, the Chinese regime has been trying to avoid what’s coming to them. We in the West have been treated to outrageous propaganda designed to show us that China “is doing quite well with its model.”

The truth is, their COVID restrictions have imposed a new and even more frightening version of their police state.

And those restrictions have gained widespread support from Western elites!

The last thing these elite globalists want now is EXPOSURE. Exposure for praising and trying to copy the Chinese “model” of slavery in the West.

That EXPOSURE is EXACTLY what can happen now.

Because the Chinese people are sending a message to the world. They’re saying, “What our leaders are doing has nothing to do with health or protecting us from harm. They’re building a Brave New World, and to them we’re the guinea pigs who fit into assigned slots. Don’t fall for the con.”

And globalist leaders in the West, who have been supporting China’s Brave New World, are trembling.

Buckle up and listen to this podcast.


Connect with Jon Rappoport


cover image credit: CDD20

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 3
Aladdin’s Genie and the Future of the World

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 27, 2022


As those who have been following the How BlackRock Conquered the World series know by now, BlackRock, Inc. started out as an asset management subsidiary of investment giant The Blackstone Group, but quickly spun off into its own entity. It made its mark by emphasizing risk management for its clients, and by the time the Global Financial Crisis hit in 2008, BlackRock was perfectly positioned to take over Wall Street, helping to sort through the mess of toxic subprime mortgages that BlackRock CEO had helped pioneer decades before.

And, as we saw last week, BlackRock leveraged this power to begin shaping the course of events. They proposed a radical new form of market intervention that central banks could use to pump money directly into the retail economy, and just weeks later the Federal Reserve was employing that “Going Direct” plan in their repo market intervention. The scamdemic, it turns out, was largely an excuse for the Fed to cover their multi-trillion dollar market intervention and for BlackRock to consolidate their mammoth economic and political power, engineering yet another bailout for the benefit of their own investments.

At this point in our exploration, we find ourselves confronting the most important question of all: now that BlackRock has scaled the summit of Mount Olympus and are in control of a mind-boggling amount of wealth, what is Larry Fink and his gang planning to do with their newfound powers? As we shall see, this is not a trivial question. As it turns out, BlackRock’s ambition is nothing less than to shape the course of civilization for the benefit of themselves and their Wall Street cronies.

In Part 1 of this series, A Brief History of Blackrock, I described how BlackRock came to be the economic and political juggernaut it is today.

In Part 2 of this series, I examined how BlackRock’s Going Direct reset paved the way for the massive economic and monetary transition that we have just lived through under the cover of the scamdemic.

This week, we will examine the Aladdin system and the other creepy ways BlackRock is planning to use its power to mould society in its own interest.

Part 3: Aladdin’s Genie and the Future of the World


As we saw in Part 1 of this series, BlackRock started out life as “Blackstone Financial Management” in the offices of The Blackstone Group in 1988. By 1992, it was already so successful that founder Larry Fink and Blackstone CEO Stephen Schwarzman spun the company off as its own entity, christening it BlackRock in a deliberate attempt to sow confusion.

But it was in 1993 (or so the story goes) that arguably the most important of BlackRock’s market-controlling tools was forged. It was that year that Jody Kochansky, a fixed-income portfolio manager hired the year before who began to tire of his daily 6:30 AM task of comparing his entire portfolio to yesterday’s numbers.

The task, hitherto done by hand from paper printouts, was long and arduous. Kochansky had a better idea: “We said, let’s take this data, and rather than print it out, let’s sort it into a database, and have the computer compare the report today versus the report yesterday, across every position.”

It may seem obvious to us today, but in 1993 the idea of automating a task like this was a radical one. But, as radical as it may have seemed at the time, the idea paid off. After seeing the utility of having an automated, daily, computer-generated report calculating the risk on every asset in a portfolio, Kochansky and his team hunkered down for a 72-hour code-writing exercise that resulted in Aladdin (short for “asset, liability, debt and derivative investment network”), a proprietary investment analysis technology touted as “the operating system for BlackRock.”

Sold as a “central processing system for investment management,” the software is now the core of BlackRock Solutions, a BlackRock subsidiary that licenses Aladdin to corporate clients and institutional investors. Aladdin combines portfolio management and trading, compliance, operations, and risk oversight in a single platform, and is now used by over 200 institutions, including fund manager rivals Vanguard and State Street; half of the top ten insurers in the world; Big Tech giants like Microsoft, Apple and Alphabet; and numerous pension funds, including the world’s largest, the $1.5 trillion Japanese Government Pension Insurance Fund.

The numbers themselves tell the story of Aladdin.

It is used by 13,000 BlackRock employees and thousands of BlackRock customers.

It occupies three datacentres in the US with plans to open two more in Europe.

It runs thousands of Monte Carlo simulations—computational algorithms that model the probability of various outcomes in chaotic systems—every day on each one of the tens of millions of securities under its purview.

And by February 2017, it was managing risk for $20 trillion worth of assets. That’s when BlackRock stopped reporting the number because—as the company told The Financial Times—”total assets do not reflect how clients use the system.” An anonymous source in the company had a different take: “the figure is no longer disclosed because of the negative attention the enormous sums attracted.”

In this case, the phrase “enormous sums” almost fails to do justice to the truly mind-boggling wealth under the watchful eye of this computer system. As The Financial Times went on to report, the combination of the scores of new clients using Aladdin in recent years and the growth in the stock and bond markets in that time has meant that the total value of assets under the system’s management is much larger than the $20 trillion reported in 2017: “Today, $21.6tn sits on the platform from just a third of its 240 clients, according to public documents verified with the companies and first-hand accounts.”

For context, that figure—representing the assets of just one-third of BlackRock’s clientele—itself accounts for 10% of the value of all the stocks and bonds in the world.

But if the idea of this amount of the world’s assets being under the management of a single company’s proprietary computer software concerns you, BlackRock has a message for you: Relax! The official line is that Aladdin only calculates risk, it doesn’t tell asset managers what to buy or sell. Thus, even if there was a stray line of code or a wonky algorithm somewhere deep inside Aladdin’s programming getting its investment analysis catastrophically wrong, the final decision on any given investment would still come down to human judgment.

. . . Needless to say, that’s a lie. In 2017, BlackRock unveiled a project to replace underperforming humans in their stockpicking business with computer algorithms. Dubbed “Monarch,” the scheme saw billions of dollars of assets snatched from human control and given to an obscure arm of the BlackRock empire called Systematic Active Equities (SAE). SAE was acquired in the same 2009 deal that saw BlackRock acquire iShares from Barclays Global Investor (BGI).

As we saw last week, the BGI deal was unbelievably lucrative for BlackRock, with iShares being acquired for $13.5 billion in 2009 and rising to a $1.9 trillion valuation in 2020. It’s a testament to BlackRock’s commitment to the machine-over-man Monarch project, then, that Mark Wiseman, global head of active equities at BlackRock, could tell The Financial Times in 2018, “I firmly believe that, if we look back in five to 10 years from now, the thing that we most benefited from in the BGI acquisition is actually SAE.”

Even The New York Times was reporting at the time of the launch of the Monarch operation that Larry Fink had “cast his lot with the machines” and that BlackRock had “laid out an ambitious plan to consolidate a large number of actively managed mutual funds with peers that rely more on algorithms and models to pick stocks.”

“The democratization of information has made it much harder for active management,” Fink told The NY Times. “We have to change the ecosystem — that means relying more on big data, artificial intelligence, factors and models within quant and traditional investment strategies.”

Lest there be any doubt about BlackRock’s commitment to this anti-human agenda, the company doubled down in 2018 with the creation of AI Labs, which is “composed of researchers, data scientists, and engineers” and works to “develop methods to solve their hardest technical problems and advance the fields of finance and AI.”

The actual models that SAE uses to pick stocks is hidden behind walls of corporate secrecy, but we do know some details. We know, for instance, that SAE collects over 1,000 market signals on each stock under evaluation, including everything from the obvious statistics you would expect in any quantitative analysis of the equities markets—trading price, volume, price-earnings ratio, etc.—to the more exotic forms of data harvesting that is possible when complex learning algorithms are connected to the mind-boggling amounts of data that are now available on seemingly everyone and everything.

A Harvard MBA student catalogued some of these novel approaches to stock valuation undertaken by the SAE algorithms in a 2018 post on the subject.

One of the ways BlackRock is including machine learning in its investment process is by ‘signal combination’, in which a model mines data attempting to learn the relationships between stock returns and various quantitative data. For example, it would analyze web traffic through corporate’s websites as an indicator of future growth of the company or would look at geolocation data from smartphones to predict which retailers are more popular. In doing so, researchers must recalibrate and refine the model, to make sure it was adding value and not just rediscovering well known market behaviors already know by ‘fundamental’ fund managers.

Another important machine learning application came when it was combined with natural language processing. In this model, the technology learns in an adaptive way what are the words that can predict future performance of stocks. This model was used on analysis of broker reports and corporate filings, and the technology discovered that CEO’s remarks tend to be generally more positive, so then it started giving more importance to the comments of the CFO, or the Q&A portion of conference calls.

So, let’s recap. We know that BlackRock now manages well in excess of $21 trillion of assets with its Aladdin software, making a significant portion of the world’s wealth dependent on the calculations of an opaque, proprietary BlackRock “operating system.” And we know that Fink has “cast his lot in with the machines” and is increasingly devoted to finding ways to leverage so-called artificial intelligence, learning algorithms, and other state-of-the-art technologies to further remove humans from the investment loop.

But here’s the real question: what is BlackRock actually doing with its all-seeing eye of Aladdin and its SEA robo-stockpickers and its AI Labs? Where are Fink and the gang actually trying to take us with the latest and greatest in cutting edge fintech wizardry?

Luckily, we don’t exactly need to scry the tea leaves to find our answer to that question. Larry Fink has been kind enough to write it down for us in black and white.

You see, every year since 2012, Fink has taken it upon himself as de facto world’s wealth to pen an annual “letter to CEOs” laying out the next steps in his scheme for world domination.

. . . Errr, I mean, he writes the letter “as a fiduciary for our clients who entrust us to manage their assets – to highlight the themes that I believe are vital to driving durable long-term returns and to helping them reach their goals.”

Sometimes referred to as a “call to action” to corporate leaders, these letters from the man stewarding over a significant chunk of the world’s investmentable assets actually do change corporate behaviour. That this is so should be self-evident to anyone with two brain cells to rub together, which is precisely why it took a team of researchers months of painstaking study to publish a peer-reviewed paper concluding this blindingly obvious fact: “portfolio firms are responsive to BlackRock’s public engagement efforts.”

So, what is Larry Fink’s latest hobby horse, you ask? Why, the ESG scam, of course!

That’s right, Fink used his 2022 letter to harangue his captive audience of corporate chieftains about “The Power of Capitalism,” by which he means the power of capitalism to more perfectly control human behaviour in the name of “sustainability.”


It’s been two years since I wrote that climate risk is investment risk. And in that short period, we have seen a tectonic shift of capital. Sustainable investments have now reached $4 trillion. Actions and ambitions towards decarbonization have also increased. This is just the beginning – the tectonic shift towards sustainable investing is still accelerating. Whether it is capital being deployed into new ventures focused on energy innovation, or capital transferring from traditional indexes into more customized portfolios and products, we will see more money in motion.

Every company and every industry will be transformed by the transition to a net zero world. The question is, will you lead, or will you be led?

Oooh, oooh, I want to lead, Larry! Pick me, pick me! . . . but please, tell me how I can lead my company into this Brave New Net Zero World Order.

Stakeholder capitalism is all about delivering long-term, durable returns for shareholders. And transparency around your company’s planning for a net zero world is an important element of that. But it’s just one of many disclosures we and other investors ask companies to make. As stewards of our clients’ capital, we ask businesses to demonstrate how they’re going to deliver on their responsibility to shareholders, including through sound environmental, social, and governance practices and policies.

Yes, to the surprise of absolutely no one, Larry Fink has signed BlackRock on to the multi-trillion dollar scam that is “environmental, social, and governance practices and policies,” better known as ESG. For those who don’t know about ESG yet, they might want to get up to speed on the topic with my presentation earlier this year on “ESG and the Big Oil Conspiracy,” but—as the always well-researched Iain Davis summarizes in his article on the globalization of the commons (aka the financialization of nature through so-called “natural asset corporations”):

This will be achieved using Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics. Assets will be rated using environmental, social and governance (ESG) benchmarks for sustainable business performance. Any business requiring market finance, perhaps through issuing climate bonds, or maybe green bonds for European ventures, will need those bonds to have a healthy ESG rating.

A low ESG rating will deter investors, preventing a project or business venture from getting off the ground. A high ESG rating will see investors rush to put their money in projects that are backed by international agreements. In combination, financial initiatives like NACs and ESGs are converting SDGs into market regulations.

In other words, ESG is a set of phoney-baloney metrics that are being cooked up by globalist think tanks and would-be ruling councils (like the World Economic Forum) to serve as a type of social credit system for corporations. If corporations fail to toe the line when it comes to globalist policies of the moment—whether that’s committing to industry-destroying net zero (or even Absolute Zero) commitments or de-banking thought criminals or anything else that may be on the globalist checklist—their ESG rating will take a hit.

“So what?” you may ask. “What does an ESG rating have to do with the price of tea in China and why would any CEO care?”

The “so what” here is that—as Fink signals in his latest letter—BlackRock will be putting ESG reporting and compliance in its basket of considerations when choosing which stocks and bonds to invest in and which ones to pass over.

And Fink is not alone. There are now 291 signatories to the Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative, an “international group of asset managers committed to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner” that includes BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and a slew of other companies collectively managing $66 trillion of assets.

In plain English, BlackRock and its fellow globalist investment firms are leveraging their power as asset managers to begin shaping the corporate world in their image and bending corporations to their will.

And, in case you were wondering, yes, this is tied into the AI agenda as well.

In 2020, BlackRock announced the launch of a new module to its automated Aladdin system: Aladdin Climate.

Aladdin Climate is the first software application to offer investors measures of both the physical risk of climate change and the transition risk to a low-carbon economy on portfolios with climate-adjusted security valuations and risk metrics. Using Aladdin Climate, investors can now analyze climate risk and opportunities at the security level and measure the impact of policy changes, technology, and energy supply on specific investments.

To get a sense of what a world directed by digital overlords at the behest of this ESG agenda might look like, we need turn no further than to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. As Fink wrote in his letter to shareholders earlier this year:

Finally, a less discussed aspect of the war is its potential impact on accelerating digital currencies. The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies. Even before the war, several governments were looking to play a more active role in digital currencies and define the regulatory frameworks under which they operate. The US central bank, for example, recently launched a study to examine the potential implications of a US digital dollar. A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption. Digital currencies can also help bring down costs of cross-border payments, for example when expatriate workers send earnings back to their families. As we see increasing interest from our clients, BlackRock is studying digital currencies, stablecoins and the underlying technologies to understand how they can help us serve our clients.

The future of the world according to BlackRock is now coming fully into view. It is a world in which unaccountable computer learning algorithms automatically direct investments of the world’s largest institutions into the coffers of those who play ball with the demands of Fink and his fellow travellers. It is a world in which transactions will be increasingly digital, with every transaction being data mined for the financial benefit of the algorithmic overlords at BlackRock. And it is a world in which corporations that refuse to go along with the agenda will be ESG de-ranked into oblivion and individuals who present resistance will have their CBDC wallets shut off.

The transition of BlackRock from a mere investment firm into a financial, political and technological colossus that has the power to direct the course of human civilization is almost complete.



As bleak as this exploration of this world-conquering juggernaut is, there is a ray of hope on the horizon: the public is at least finally becoming aware of the existence of BlackRock and its relative importance on the global financial stage. This is reflected in an increasing number of protests targeting BlackRock and its activities. For example:

NOW – BlackRock HQ in NYC stormed with pitchforks

Keen-eyed observers may note, however, that these protests are not against the BlackRock agenda I have laid out in this series. On the contrary. They are for that agenda. These protesters’ main gripe seems to be that Fink and BlackRock are engaged in greenwashing and that the mega-corporation is actually more interested in its bottom line than in saving Mother Earth.

Well, duh. Even BlackRock’s former Chief Investment Officer for Sustainable Investing wrote an extensive, four-part whistleblowing exposé after leaving the firm documenting how the “sustainable investing” push being touted by Fink is a scam from top-to-bottom.

My only gripe with this limited hangout critique of BlackRock is that it implies that Fink and his cohorts are merely interested in accumulating dollars. They’re not. They’re interested in turning their financial wealth into real-world power. Power that they will wield in service of their own agenda and that they will cloak with a phony green mantle because they believe—and not without reason—that that’s what the public wants.

Slightly closer to the point, you get nonprofit groups like Consumers’ Research “slamming” BlackRock for impoverishing the real economy for the benefit of themselves and their colleagues. “You’d think a company that has made it their mission to enforce ESG (environmental, social and governance) standards on American businesses would apply those same standards to foreign investments, but BlackRock isn’t pushing its woke agenda on China or Russia,” Consumers’ Research Executive Director Will Hild explained earlier this year after the launch of an ad campaign targeting the investment giant.

But that critique, too, seems to miss the underlying point. Is Hild trying to say that if only Fink applied his economy-destroying standards equally across the board then he would be beyond reproach?

More hopefully, there are signs that the political class—always willing to jump out in front of a parade and pretend they’re leading it—are picking up on the growing public discontent with BlackRock and are beginning to cut ties with the firm.

In recent months, multiple US state governments have announced their intention to divest state funds from BlackRock, with 19 state’s attorneys general even signing a letter to Larry Fink in August calling him out on his agenda of social control:

BlackRock’s actions on a variety of governance objectives may violate multiple state laws. Mr. McCombe’s letter asserts compliance with our fiduciary laws because BlackRock has a private motivation that differs from its public commitments and statements. This is likely insufficient to satisfy state laws requiring a sole focus on financial return. Our states will not idly stand for our pensioners’ retirements to be sacrificed for BlackRock’s climate agenda. The time has come for BlackRock to come clean on whether it actually values our states’ most valuable stakeholders, our current and future retirees.

As part of this divestment push, the Louisiana state treasurer announced in October that the state was withdrawing $794 million in state funds from BlackRock, South Carolina’s state treasurer announced plans to divest $200 million from the company’s control by the end of the year and Arkansas has already taken $125 million out of money market accounts under BlackRock’s management.

As I noted in my recent appearance on The Hrvoje Morić Show, regardless of the real motivations of these state governments, the fact that they feel compelled to take action against BlackRock is itself a hopeful sign. It means that the political class understands that an increasing portion of the public is aware of the BlackRock/ESG/corporate governance agenda and is opposed to it.

Once again, we arrive at the bottom line: the only thing that truly matters is public awareness of the issues involved in the rise of a financial (and political and technological) giant like BlackRock, and it is only general public opinion that can move the needle when it comes to removing the wealth (and thus the power) from a behemoth like the one that Fink has created.

But before we wrap up here, there’s one last point to be made.

You might remember that we opened this exploration by highlighting BlackRock’s position as one of the the top institutional shareholders in Walmart:

And Coca-Cola:

And Moderna:

And Exxon:

And Amazon:

…and seemingly every other company of significance on the global stage. Now, the fact checkers will tell you that this doesn’t actually matter because it’s the shareholders who actually own the stock, not BlackRock itself. But that raises a further question: who owns BlackRock?

Oh, of course.

Now, I realize this is a lot of information to take in at once. Go ahead and re-read this series once or twice. Follow some of the many links contained herein to better familiarize yourself with the material. Share these reports (or the info itself) with others.

But if, after reading all of this you find yourself looking back over these “Top Institutional Holders” lists and saying: “Hey wait! Who’s The Vanguard Group?” . . .

. . . Well then, I’d say you’re starting to get it! Good job! And don’t worry, friends, that is a question that we will be exploring in these pages in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned . . .


Connect with James Corbett

This Is Huge: Rebellion in China Now

This Is Huge: Rebellion in China Now
Support the Protesters in China

by Jon Rappoport
November 28, 2022


Suppose the idea of REVOLUTION instead of SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE now spreads from China to Western countries?

When people who protest against the government in China can be tortured and killed, and yet they keep protesting, that tells you something big is happening now.

AP, 11/27:

Crowd angered by lockdowns calls for China’s Xi to step down

Protesters angered by strict anti-virus measures called for China’s powerful leader to resign, an unprecedented rebuke as authorities in at least eight cities struggled to suppress demonstrations Sunday that represent a rare direct challenge to the ruling Communist Party.

Police using pepper spray drove away demonstrators in Shanghai who called for Xi Jinping to step down and an end to one-party rule, but hours later people rallied again in the same spot. Police again broke up the demonstration, and a reporter saw protesters under arrest being driven away in a bus.

The protests—which began Friday and have spread to cities including the capital, Beijing, and dozens of university campuses—are the most widespread show of opposition to the ruling party in decades.

The predators at the WEF, Gates Foundation, the WHO, who keep bloviating praise for the Chinese regime and its COVID lockdowns and surveillance and social credit score policies—

Those Globalist predators suddenly have something else to think about: the possibility of revolution in China against the government and against those policies.

We need to show overwhelming solidarity with the Chinese protestors.

Of course, the Chinese regime has the firepower to put down these protests. But, against a background of brutal long lockdowns, and with many of their citizens beyond all patience and on the edge of rebellion, is firepower a good idea?

This sets up a rock and hard place for the Chinese government.

Media reports indicate that in some local areas, officials are starting to lift COVID restrictions—hoping to avoid wider protests.

Certainly, Xi Jinping is starting to feel the heat. If high officials in the regime perceive he can’t handle the situation, they’re going to consider looking around for another leader. That could spell destabilization.

Regardless, it’s clear the vaunted and highly praised Chinese model of “dealing with COVID” is failing.

The past two years of elite Western bullshit about China’s unqualified success is being exposed as sheer propaganda and fraud.

Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, two of China’s strongest supporters, are suddenly looking like morons.

The Western press Lefties are nervously waiting for their marching orders. How should they handle this story? How should they slant it?

“Does the CIA want us to attack Xi Jinping? Or support him?”

“How the hell should I know? I’m waiting for something from the State Department.”

“What is Biden saying?”

“Are you kidding? He’s saying, ‘Where is my bathrobe? How do I get from the shower to my bed’?”

The string pullers who manage Biden are earnestly hoping the protests in China are viewed in the US as “something happening far away over THERE, and have nothing to do with us HERE.”

Which is a lie. The entire effort of the Western Left to praise China is part and parcel of holding up the Chinese regime as a shining model of The Great Reset and all it implies—as that model is brought on board in the West.

Realizing the model is collapsing before our eyes in China spells disaster for the Globalists, if enough people connect the obvious dots.

The Chinese regime is a stone cold tyranny, period. Nothing about it should be welcomed on our shores. Its Great Reset, a gigantic punitive wall to wall Surveillance State, is a living nightmare.

THAT’S what the Chinese people are now protesting, at the risk of losing their lives.

THEY’RE the people we should be supporting, not their leaders.


— Jon Rappoport


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: CDD20

“They’re Doing It Again!”: Dr. Sam Bailey on the Cruise Ship “Covid Outbreak” Narrative

“They’re Doing It Again!”: Dr. Sam Bailey on the Cruise Ship “Covid Outbreak” Narrative


They’re Doing It Again!

by Dr. Samantha Bailey
November 19, 2022



  1. Cruise ship Majestic Princess docks in Sydney with 800 Covid cases on board“, The Guardian, 12 Nov 2022.
  2. COVID-19 pandemic on Diamond Princess”, Wikipedia.
  3. COVID-19: Behind The PCR Curtain”, Dr Sam Bailey.
  4. A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)”, Dr Mark Bailey.
  5. The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity”, Dr Mark Bailey & Dr John Bevan-Smith.
  6. Two coronavirus-infected passengers die”, NHK (archived).
  7. The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic
  8. Virologie Nights”, Dr Sam Bailey.
  9. Gain of Fiction – Webinar from 11/11/22”, Dr Tom Cowan.


Connect with Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey

James Corbett on CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies): Beyond the Basics

CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies): Beyond the Basics

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 22, 2022


We all know that central bank digital currencies are bad news.

But do you know the difference between retail and wholesale CBDCs?

And do you know why the American Bankers Association is against the implementation of retail or intermediated CBDCs?

Today James takes you beyond the basics and begins introducing you to the split circuit monetary system as we dive deeper down the programmable money rabbit hole.

 Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4


CBDCs: A Country-by-Country Guide
Time Reference: 01:52


What Is Programmable Money?
Time Reference: 02:11


Conversation with John Titus on CBDCs
Time Reference: 02:22


Bretton Woods 2.0
Time Reference: 02:26


Central Bank Digital Currencies Explained
Time Reference: 03:17


Joe Rogan Talks to Maajid Nawaz
Time Reference: 03:59


World Government Summit 2022 Livestream: Day 1
Time Reference: 05:00


Cross-Border Payment—A Vision for the Future
Time Reference: 05:43


What Is The Bitcoin Psyop? – Questions For Corbett #086
Time Reference: 05:41


Episode 328 – The Bitcoin Psyop
Time Reference: 07:50


What Is The Bitcoin Psyop? – Questions For Corbett #086
Time Reference: 08:35


What Is Programmable Money?
Time Reference: 11:33


Indian central bank on track to launch retail CBDC pilot next month
Time Reference: 14:21


NY Fed launches 12-week CBDC pilot program with major banks
Time Reference: 15:11


How BlackRock Conquered the World – Part 2: Going Direct
Time Reference: 17:07


Larry and Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic
Time Reference: 18:41


John Titus Substack
Time Reference: 32:31


New York Fed releases pilot exercise results for wholesale CBDC
Time Reference: 35:52


Could digital currencies put banks out of business?
Time Reference: 37:33


Digital euro conference – jointly organised by the European Central Bank and the European Commission
Time Reference: 48:08


Project Cedar Phase One Report
Time Reference: 55:07


Project Hamilton Phase One Executive Summary
Time Reference: 55:12


Episode 394 – Solutions: Survival Currency
Time Reference: 56:18


Connect with James Corbett

cover image based on creative commons work of mono2mono and geralt

‘Wave of Litigation’ Over COVID Vaccine Mandates — Nike, Washington State University Latest to Face Lawsuits

‘Wave of Litigation’ Over COVID Vaccine Mandates — Nike, Washington State University Latest to Face Lawsuits
Nike and Washington State University are two of the latest employers to face lawsuits from employees who lost their jobs over COVID-19 vaccine mandates. 

by The Defender Staff, Children’s Health Defense
November 21, 2022


Nike and Washington State University (WSU) are two of the latest employers to face lawsuits from employees who lost their jobs over COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Three former senior employees last week sued Nike, demanding punitive damages for religious discrimination, medical discrimination and battery after they were fired or lost their jobs due to Nike’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

On Nov. 11, Nick Rolovich, former WSU football coach, sued the university, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and WSU athletic director Pat Chun seeking damages after he was fired last year for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

The two lawsuits came on the heels of another suit filed last week by three former National Basketball Association (NBA) referees who sued the NBA after they were fired for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine on religious grounds.

It’s all part of a “wave of vaccine mandate litigation” that has grown to more than 1,000 lawsuits challenging vaccine mandates and filed primarily against employers in the last several months, according to the National Law Review.

Individual employers have had success on some of the claims made against them, but the increase in litigation is having an effect, according to the National Law Review, which reported:

“With worker shortages, changing attitudes toward COVID-19, updated CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidance and the litigation risks, many employers who are not required to have vaccine mandates have decided to move forward without them.”

Nike: a diverse, equitable and inclusive employer, except when it comes to COVID

Nike presents itself as a “diverse, equitable, and inclusive employer,” but when it came to its COVID-19 mandatory vaccination policies, it “displayed blatant disregard for its own privacy policies and violated state and federal law,” according to the Health Freedom Defense Fund, which is helping the former Nike employees sue the company.

In February 2022, Nike began terminating employees for failing to demonstrate vaccination against COVID-19, implementing one of the strictest vaccine policies in Oregon where its headquarters are located.

In their complaint, filed Nov. 15 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in Portland, three former senior employees allege Nike “enforced its mandatory vaccine policy aggressively,” refusing to consider reasonable accommodations for some employees who declined vaccination.

Nike continued its mandatory vaccination policy, begun in October 2021, after it was apparent that the vaccines did not stop transmission of COVID-19 and after the U.S. Supreme Court had struck down the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s mandate that large employers require their employees to get the vaccine, according to the claim.

The lawsuit alleges Nike fired two of the claimants, Doug Kerkering and Hannah Thibodo, because they had a “perceived disability” — their immune systems did not sufficiently protect them from COVID-19.

The plaintiffs’ attorney Scott Street told The Defender:

“Since the COVID shots do not prevent infection or spread, we contend that Nike viewed the unvaccinated as having inferior immune systems with respect to COVID which prevents them from being able to work. That is a perceived disability protected from discrimination under federal law.”

The plaintiffs proposed accommodations such as testing, masking or working from home, but Nike fired them instead.

The lawsuit also alleges Nike disregarded “sincerely held religious beliefs or practices” of the third claimant, Wanda Rozwadowska.

According to Street, Rozwadowska applied for religious accommodation and was denied. She appealed, and eventually, the company granted the accommodation — but only after business hours on the date of the vaccine deadline, so she was coerced into getting the shot before her accommodation was approved.

Rozwadowska suffered a severe autoimmune response to vaccination that rendered her unable to work and compelled her to leave the company.

“We are helping the plaintiffs to sue Nike because we want to send a loud and clear message to corporate America that their employees’ rights are not negotiable and that their employees are not disposable,” said Leslie Manookian, president of Health Freedom Defense Fund.

This is not the first time employees sued Nike over its vaccine policy. In August, an Oregon judge ruled that an employee who refused to document his COVID-19 status should have been eligible for unemployment benefits after the company fired him.

It is unclear how many employees Nike fired in total for its vaccine mandate, which the company rescinded last week. 

‘Ugly conversations’ with WSU administration preceded Rolovich’s termination

Rolovich filed his lawsuit against WSU in Whitman County Court, alleging “breach of contract, discrimination against religion, wrongful withholding of wages and violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act as well as the First and 14th Amendments.”

WSU fired Rolovich and four assistant coaches in October 2021 for failing to comply with the state’s vaccine mandate, even after Rolovich, who is Catholic, applied for a religious exemption.

The university fired Rolovich for cause, which prevented him from collecting the remaining $9 million on his contract.

Rolovich’s attorney, Brian Fahling, said at the time his client would take legal action for religious discrimination. He filed a 34-page letter with the university appealing the university’s decision to fire Rolovich, but the appeal was denied.

In April 2022, Rolovich filed a $25 million wrongful termination tort claim against the school — a prerequisite to filing a lawsuit against a state agency.

Rolovich seeks unspecified damages from the university, the governor and the athletic director for lost past and future income, liquidated damages from his employment, punitive damages and legal costs.

WSU Vice President for Marketing and Communications Phil Weiler told The Seattle Times in an email that Rolovich’s lawsuit “is wholly without merit” and that in denying Rolovich’s exemption request, the university enforced the vaccine mandate “in a fair and lawful manner.”

In an interview with The Daily Wire’s BreakAways series in September, Rolovich spoke publicly for the first time about the lawsuit, detailing the “ugly conversations” he said went on with school administrators prior to his firing, ESPN reported.

He told host Allison Williams that he refused to take the vaccine because of the “lack of answers, lack of dialogue” about the effects of the vaccines and because of his beliefs as a Catholic.

Rolovich said when he informed WSU Athletic Director Pat Chun that he planned to request a religious exemption, Chun responded, “We’re not going to believe you, you know, the governor’s not happy with you.”

Rolovich also alleged that the human resources department approved his exemption, but that Chun wrote a memo challenging Rolovich’s right to an exemption.

Responding to William’s question about how losing his job would affect him financially, Rolovich said:

“What about all the people who lost and that were going check-to-check? Those people deserve credit for having conviction in their beliefs too, more than me … firefighters that I know, or police officers, or frontline doctors and nurses, it’s like, those people, in my opinion of what they gave up, was more than mine. I just happened to have a higher-profile job.

“The hypocrisy of the last two years, just all over, it’s just not a real good look on our society.”


Connect with Children’s Health Defense

FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2010)

FLASHBACK: Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin on Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (2010)

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 21, 2022


Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack

From 2010: Michael Murphy of Truth Media Productions and G. Edward Griffin of Freedom Force International join us to talk about their forthcoming documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying?” about the Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering campaign taking place in our skies.


Interview 203 – Michael Murphy and G. Edward Griffin

What In The World Are They Spraying? (2010) | Full Documentary

Why In The World Are They Spraying? (2012) | Full Documentary

Droughts, Cloud Seeding and The Coming Water Wars

Barry Dutton – Chemtrail Video 1 in Oshawa 3 mins — 2022-10-23

Factual Errors in “Why In The World Are They Spraying”

Debunked: What In The World Are They Spraying?

2010 Data Archive USB

G. Edward Griffin’s

Truth Media Productions

Chemtrails and Monsanto’s New Aluminum Resistance Gene – Coincidence?


Connect with James Corbett

cover image credit: MabelAmber

Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole

Engineering Winter: The Untold Story of Hurricane Nicole

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
November 20, 2022


Was hurricane Nicole a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? What agendas and objectives might Hurricane Nicole have served for those in power? Can winter weather be engineered from what started out as a tropical storm? For how long after the initial event might the implications and consequences of engineered weather linger? This 4 minute video report provides insight and answers to the questions posed.

 [Video available at GeoEngineering Watch BitChute channel.]

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species

Geoengineering & Climate Change: Gambling With the Human Species

by Ryan Cristian, The Last American Vagabond
with Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
November 20, 2022


Joining me today is Dane Wigington, founder & editor of Geoengineering Watch, here to discuss one of the most obvious lies of the past century, and that is the coverup of the use of geoengineering to alter the weather and our environment. Despite being a publicly admitted effort today, this is still regarded as science fiction or “conspiracy theory” in mainstream circles. Dane and I will also discuss this program’s now obvious overlap with the climate change manipulation, and how both are being used to achieve ends that could put the entire human species at risk, not to mention the potentially catastrophic effects of the actions themselves.

[Video available at The Last American Vagabond Odysee, Bitchute or Rumble channels.]


Connect with The Last American Vagabond

Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

cover image credit: Skitterphoto

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 3): “The Propaganda”

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 3): “The Propaganda”

by CJ Hopkins
November 20, 2022


Here it is … Part Three of We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the four-part series of dialogues I had with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call “GloboCap” and she calls “Mr. Global,” and the rollout of the New Normal, and the Going Direct Reset, and official propaganda, and totalitarianism, and God, and other things like that.

Part One was released in late August, and was kind of an introduction to the series, exploring the question of how we got here (i.e., all of us, collectively, to this point in history, and Catherine and I, personally, to the little Dutch fishing village where our dialogues were filmed in 2021, just as the New Normal was getting extremely ugly).

Part Two was about the financial coup that GloboCap (a/k/a Mr. Global) has been carrying out for the last thirty years (and arguably since the end of World War II), central banks, the Secrecy Machine, and other nefarious Mr. Global activities.

Part Three is about official propaganda, and the official New Normal propaganda campaign that we’ve all been subjected to for nearly three years, and how and why such propaganda works. I don’t want to say too much about it. So, without further ado, here it is. Click the image to watch it on OVALmedia’s website.


Connect with CJ Hopkins

Connect with Catherine Austin Fitts

Is Mental Illness Real?: Kevin Corbett on Mental Illness, HIV and Paradigms

Is Mental Illness Real?: Kevin Corbett on Mental Illness, HIV and Paradigms
The pharmaceutical industry is creating drugs for imaginary illnesses.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
November 17, 2022



When I think of a mental hospital or mental asylum, the first image that pops into my head is the one in Gotham City. I picture crazy people in dark and dingy hospitals, with wide eyes, straitjackets, creepy laughter and imaginary friends.

Of course, reality is different.

Is mental illness real?

So much so, in fact, that I have begun to wonder whether or not mental illness is even real in any meaningful sense. I mean, sure, it’s a thing here and there, but its prevalence and diagnosis are what I’m finding myself questioning.

For example, how is it diagnosed and how what are the clinical criteria?

Allen Francis is a psychiatrist and lead editor of the fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (universally known as the DSM-IV). He is the guy who wrote the book on mental illness.

There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it. These concepts are virtually impossible to define precisely with bright lines at the boundaries.

We’re taking every day experiences that are part of the human condition and we’re over-diagnosing them as mental disorders, and way too often providing a pill when there’s not really a pill solution for every problem in life

Allen Francis

Peter Breggin is also a psychiatrist and has suggested that over-diagnosis is a moneymaking machine for the pharmaceutical industry.

All these antidepressants, the SSRI antidepressants, and the serotonin-norepinephrine uptake inhibitors, SNRI antidepressants, are all knock-offs of a drug that’s very common on the street, and it’s called cocaine.

Peter Breggin

I’m quickly getting the impression that, not unlike fake diseases (like Covid) that are invented for the purpose of profit via “new” medicines, fake mental issues are invented for the purpose of profit via “new” treatments”.

In other words, yes, it’s probably real but needs to be correctly defined and it’s not nearly as common (or comical) as what the establishment media and Hollywood would have us believe.

Our conversation

Kevin Corbett is a nurse who grew up in a mental hospital. His biography and website are fascinating.

He chatted to me about mental health as well as the HIV swindle (which David Rasnick has also spoken about). Kevin also touched on why it matters that we challenge our paradigms about what we think we know.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: GDJ

One Nation Under Blackmail: James Corbett With Whitney Webb

One Nation Under Blackmail: James Corbett With Whitney Webb

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 15, 2022


Whitney Webb of joins James once again, this time to discuss her new, epic, 900-page, two-volume tour de force, One Nation Under Blackmail. In this conversation, Webb and Corbett dive into the sordid tale of Epstein and his compatriots and begin to unravel the incredibly complex web of the intelligence/organized crime/blackmail syndicate.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4

Show Notes:

EXCLUSIVE: Ms. Popularity! Ghislaine Maxwell’s life behind bars is hardly bleak as the sought-after ex-socialite strolls with a prison pal, is chosen to lead ‘Battle of the Units’ checkers competition and guides inmates to the best romance books in library

One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb – / TrineDay

Who Is Bill Gates?

‘The Bachelor Billionaire’ – New York Magazine 1985

Wexner Israel Fellowship

Harvard Center for Public Leadership

Klaus Schwab 2017 Young Global Leaders clip

Ghislaine Maxwell attended Cuomo, Kennedy wedding in 1990

The Maxwell Family Business: Espionage


Connect with James Corbett

The CIA and the News Media 2.0

The CIA and the News Media 2.0

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 14, 2022


By now, Corbett Reporteers know all about the CIA’s infiltration of the news media, from Wisner’s Wurlitzer and the CIA’s global propaganda network to the Church Committee revelations and the CIA whistleblowers of the 1980s. We were told that the CIA stopped all that (which is a lie, of course). But do you know how the CIA is manipulating the media today? Join James on today’s important edition of The Corbett Report podcast as he exposes the incredibly brazen trick behind The CIA and the News Media 2.0.

 Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4

The CIA and the Media (Bernstein, 1977)
Time Reference: 01:16


The CIA and the News Media (Corbett, 2011)
Time Reference: 01:41


Edward Snowjob tweets Frank Snepp clip 
Time Reference: 11:59


CIA Officer Frank Snepp Discusses Planting Stories in Vietnam
Time Reference: 12:06


The CIA’s Global Propaganda Network – #PropagandaWatch
Time Reference: 14:21


Gekaufte Journalisten by Udo Ulfkotte
Time Reference: 19:59


Journalist Who Blew the Whistle on CIA Media Control Drops Dead at 56
Time Reference: 20:22


Mass Media: A History (purchase the course at
Time Reference: 21:18


Mass Media: A History (course notes and sneak preview)
Time Reference: 21:49


Ex-CIA Director Admits Agency Meddles in Foreign Elections (“only in the interest of democracy”)
Time Reference: 25:42


CNN analyst compares Trump’s CPAC speech to Hitler
Time Reference: 26:14


Ex CIA/FBI Official Calls Julian Assange ‘Pedophile’ on CNN Live TV, Wikileaks Threatens Lawsuit HD, 12
Time Reference: 26:41


Ex-CIA Official Jeremy Bash Calls Protesters Domestic Extremists, Calls for Surveillance and Penetration
Time Reference: 26:57


John Brennan Warns MSNBC About “Deeply Disturbed” Conspiracy Theorists
Time Reference: 27:39


CIA Officer Ralph McGehee Reveals How the Agency Deceived the Country During the Vietnam War
Time Reference: 31:15


“There has never been a conspiracy in this country!” (I’ll leave this as an Easter Egg for now. Can you remember/find this clip? The answer will be included in next weekend’s subscriber exclusive video!)
Time Reference: 39:05



Connect with James Corbett

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1

How BlackRock Conquered the World — Part 1
A Brief History of BlackRock

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
November 12, 2022


Let’s play a little game.

Let’s imagine you’re Joe Q. Normie and you need to run out for some groceries. You hop in the car and head to the store. What store do you go to? Why, Walmart, of course!

And, being an unwitting victim of the sugar conspiracy, what do you buy when you’re there? Coke, naturally!

And you can get jabbed at Walmart these days, right? Well then, you might as well make sure you get your sixth Moderna booster while you’re there!

And don’t forget to fill up with gas on your way home!

Is this creeping you out? Then why don’t you shut yourself in your house and never go out shopping again? That’ll show ’em! After all, you can always order whatever you need from Amazon, can’t you?

Are you noticing a pattern here? Yes, in case you haven’t heard, BlackRock, Inc. is now officially everywhere. It owns everything.

Sadly for us, however, the creepy corporate claws of the BlackRock beast aren’t content simply to clutch onto a near plurality of the shares of every major corporation in the world. No, BlackRock is now digging its talons in even further and flexing its muscles, putting that inconceivable wealth and influence to use by completely reordering the economy, creating scamdemics and shaping the course of civilization in the process.

Let’s face it: if you’re not concerned about the power BlackRock wields over the world by this point then you’re not paying attention.

But don’t worry if all of this is news to you. Most people have no idea where this investment giant came from, how it clawed its way to the top of the Wall Street dogpile, or what it has planned for your future.

Let’s fill that gap in public understanding. Over the course of this investigative series, you’re going to get a crash course in the creepiest company you’ve never heard of.

This week I will give A Brief History of Blackrock and describe how it came to be the economic and political juggernaut it is today.

In Part 2 of this series, we will examine how BlackRock’s Going Direct reset paved the way for the massive economic and monetary transition that we have just lived through under the cover of the scamdemic.

And in Part 3, we will examine the Aladdin system and the other creepy ways BlackRock is planning to use its power to mould society in its own interest.

Part 1: A Brief History of BlackRock

“Hold on a second,” I hear you interject. “I’ve got this! BlackRock was founded as a mergers and acquisitions firm in 1985 by a couple of ex-Lehmanites and has since gone on to become the world’s largest alternative investment firm, right?”

Wrong. That’s Blackstone Inc., currently headed by Stephen Schwarzman. But don’t feel bad if you confuse the two. The Blackstone/BlackRock confusion was done on purpose.

In fact, BlackRock began in 1988 as a business proposal by investment banker Larry Fink and a gaggle of business partners. The appropriately named Fink had managed to lose $100 million in a single quarter in 1986 as a manager at First Boston investment bank by betting the wrong way on interest rates. Humbled by this humiliating setback (or so the story goes), Fink turned lemons into lemonade by crafting a vision for an investment firm with an emphasis on risk management. Never again would Larry Fink be caught off guard by a market downturn!

Fink assembled some partners and brought his proposal to Blackstone co-founders Pete Peterson and Stephen Schwarzman, who liked the idea so much that they agreed to extend Fink a $5 million line of credit in exchange for a 50% share in the business. Originally named Blackstone Financial Management, Fink’s operation was turning a nice profit within months, had quadrupled the value of its assets in one year, and had grown the value of its portfolio under management to $17 billion by 1992.

Now firmly established as a viable business in its own right, Schwarzman and Fink began musing about spinning the firm off from Blackstone and taking it public. Schwarzman suggested giving the newly independent company a name with “black” in it as a nod to its Blackstone origins and Fink—taking roguish delight in the inevitable confusion and annoyance such a move would cause—proposed the name BlackRock, saying, “You know if we do something like this, all of our people will kill us.”

The two evidently share the same sense of humour. “There is a little confusion [between the companies],” Schwarzman now concedes. “And every time that happens I get a real chuckle.”

But a shared taste for causing unnecessary confusion was not enough to keep the partners together. By 1994, the two had fallen out over compensation for new hires (or perhaps due to distress over Schwarzman’s ongoing divorce, depending who’s telling the story) and Schwarzman sold Blackstone’s holdings in BlackRock for a mere $240 million. (“That was certainly a heroic mistake,” as Schwarzman admits.)

Having made the split with Blackstone and established BlackRock as its own entity, Fink was firmly on the path that would lead to his company becoming the globe-bestriding financial colossus that it is today.

In 1999, with its assets under management standing at $165 billion, BlackRock went public on the New York Stock Exchange at $14 per share. Expanding its services into analytics and risk management with its proprietary Aladdin enterprise investment system (more on which in Part 3 of this series), the firm acquired mutual-fund business State Street Research & Management in 2004, merged with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers (MLIM) in 2006, and bought Seattle-based Quellos Group’s fund-of-hedge-funds business in 2007, bringing the total value of assets under BlackRock management to over $1 trillion.

But it was the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 that catapulted BlackRock to its current position of financial dominance. Just ask Heike Buchter, the German correspondent who literally wrote the book on BlackRock. “Prior to the financial crisis I was not even familiar with the name. But in the years after the Lehman [Brothers] collapse [in 2008], BlackRock appeared everywhere. Everywhere!” Buchter told German news outlet DW in 2015.

Even before the Bear Sterns fiasco materialized into the Lehman Brothers collapse and the full-on financial bloodbath of September 2008, Wall Street was collectively turning to BlackRock for help. AIG, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac had all hired the firm to sort through their spiraling mess of credit obligations in the months before the meltdown. BlackRock was perceived to be the only firm that could sort through the dizzying math behind the complicated debt swaps and exotic financial instruments underlying the tottering financial system and many Wall Street kingpins had Fink on speed dial as panic began to grip the markets.

“I think of it like Ghostbusters: When you have a problem, who you gonna call? BlackRock!” UBS managing director Terrence Keely told CNN at the time.

And why wouldn’t they trust Fink to sort through the mess of the subprime mortgage meltdown? After all, he was the one who helped launch the whole toxic subprime mortgage industry in the first place.

Oh, did I forget to mention that? Remember the whole “losing his job because he lost $100 million for First Boston in 1986” thing? That came just three years after Fink had made billions for the bank’s customers by constructing his first Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO) and almost single-handedly creating the subprime mortgage market that would fail so spectacularly in 2008.

So, depending how you look at it, Fink was either the perfect guy to have in charge of sorting through the mess that his CMO monstrosity had created, or the first fink who should have gone to jail for it. Guess which way the US government chose to see it?

Yes, you guessed right. They saw Fink as their saviour, of course.

Specifically, the US government turned to BlackRock for help, with beleaguered US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner personally consulting Larry Fink no less than 49 times over the course of the 18 months of the crisis. Lest there be any doubt who was calling the shots in that relationship, when Geithner was on the ropes and his position as Secretary of the Treasury was in jeopardy at the end of Obama’s first term, Fink’s name was on the short list of those who were being considered to replace him.

The Federal Reserve, too, put their faith in BlackRock, turning to the company for assistance in administering the 2008 bailouts. Ultimately, BlackRock ended up playing a role in the $30 billion financing of the sale of Bear Stearns to J. P. Morgan, the $180 billion bailout of A.I.G., and the $45 billion rescue of Citigroup.

When the dust finally settled on Wall Street after the Lehman Brothers collapse, there was little doubt who was sitting on top of the dust pile: BlackRock. The only question was how they would parley their growing wealth and financial clout into real-world political power.

For Fink, the answer was obvious: to move from the petty crime of high finance into the criminal big leagues of government. Accordingly, throughout the last decade, he has spent his time building up BlackRock’s political influence until it has become (as even Bloomberg admits) the de facto “fourth branch of government.”

When BlackRock executives managed to get their hands on a confidential Federal Reserve PowerPoint presentation threatening to subject BlackRock to the same regulatory regime as the big banks, the Wall Street behemoth spent millions successfully lobbying the government to drop the proposal.

But lobbying the government is a roundabout way to get what you want. As any good financial guru will tell you, it’s far more cost efficient to make sure that no troublesome regulations are imposed in the first place. Perhaps that’s why Fink has been collecting powerful politicians for years now, scooping them up as consultants, advisors and board members so that he can ensure BlackRock has a key agent at the heart of any important political event.

As William Engdahl details in his own exposé of BlackRock:

BlackRock founder and CEO Larry Fink is clearly interested in buying influence globally. He made former German CDU MP Friederich Merz head of BlackRock Germany when it looked as if he might succeed Chancellor Merkel, and former British Chancellor of Exchequer George Osborne as “political consultant.” Fink named former Hillary Clinton Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills to the BlackRock board when it seemed certain Hillary would soon be in the White House.

He has named former central bankers to his board and gone on to secure lucrative contracts with their former institutions. Stanley Fisher, former head of the Bank of Israel and also later Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve is now Senior Adviser at BlackRock. Philipp Hildebrand, former Swiss National Bank president, is vice chairman at BlackRock, where he oversees the BlackRock Investment Institute. Jean Boivin, the former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, is the global head of research at BlackRock’s investment institute.

And it doesn’t end there. When it came time for Biden’s handlers to appoint the director of the National Economic Council— responsible for the coordination of policymaking on both domestic and international economic issues—naturally they turned to Brian Deese, the former global head of sustainable investing at BlackRock Inc.

Indeed, by 2019, BlackRock’s ascension to the height of political power was complete. At the same time that the World Economic Forum was appointing Fink as a member of its Board of Trustees, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden was making the pilgrimage to Wall Street to beg for BlackRock’s support in the fight against Trump. “I’m here to help,” Fink reportedly assured Biden.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

. . . or, more accurately, the present. Because when we peel back the layers of propaganda from the past three years, we find that the remarkable events of the scamdemic have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with a virus. We are instead witnessing a changeover in the monetary and economic system that was conceived, proposed and then implemented by (you guessed it!) BlackRock.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, will be the focus of part 2 of this exploration. Stay tuned! . . .


Connect with James Corbett

The Deadliest Disease Known to Man Is Ignorance!

The Deadliest Disease Known to Man Is Ignorance!

by Gary D. Barnett
November 11, 2022


“A wise man makes his own decisions, but an ignorant man mindlessly follows the crowd.”

~ Chinese Proverb

We live in a world of lies, deceit, propaganda, staged narratives, and because this deceit has been widely accepted by the crowd, mass ignorance has been the result. This universal ignorance cannot be blamed solely on government, indoctrination centers called ‘public’ schools, politicians, or the media, except that these entities do advance every form of lie possible in order to fool the people into accepting storied fables leading them toward slavery. And as should be obvious at this stage of the game, the people have been thoroughly fooled, and have swallowed hook, line, and sinker, every bald-faced lie imaginable. The result sought and gained by the state, can be evidenced by the total submission and gross obedience to this heinous and politicized ruling class of psychopathic monsters.

This disease called ignorance, now consumes the minds of most all of this population, and is eating away entirely the ability to consider fact, to realize truth, to practice logic, to reason, and to muster any ability whatsoever to think critically as an individual. This state of being has been the common thread of this and other populations for a long time, but the complete lie of a fake disease called ‘covid,’ has exposed that mass ignorance is not only alive and well, but has infected almost to a man, this entire society and the world. There is no proven disease called ‘covid,’ there is no real scientific proof of ‘covid’ or any ‘virus’ whatsoever, but regardless of this truth, the whole world has fallen to its knees in a display of mass and pathetic gullibility so outrageous as to be insulting to any thinking individual.

This all comes down to the very unscientific false belief in germ theory, and the complete negation of terrain theory; a mistake of epoch proportion. There is no reason for one versus the other, but only the honest assessment of reality that is the human body. Even Louis Pasteur, the so-called father of germ theory idiocy, is said to have admitted on his death bed that the “pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything.” But to this day, real medicine is ignored in favor of very harmful prescription drugs sold by huge pharmaceutical companies, and surgery, as the only ‘legitimate’ treatment for any illness. Not prevention or cure mind you, but constant and forever treatment and death; treatment that brings hundreds of billions of dollars each year to what is now mistakenly called modern medicine and ‘health care’ administered by state whores.

Considering just the past three years, the fundamental issue should focus on whether or not this so-called ‘covid’ virus even exists, and once it is established that no valid scientific procedures have been accomplished to prove without a doubt that this virus actually exists, then it is imperative to discuss the claim that any virus exists, as none have ever been properly isolated or identified. It is also important to scrutinize all those who profit at extreme levels due to the lie of ‘covid.’ Some of those would include the entirety of the medical field, the pharmaceutical companies, the politicians and all the ruling class who desire control, the large corporations who gain more monopoly due to the purposeful destruction of the lower and middle class economic capabilities, and the owners of everything by the big banks and investment houses that gain trillions due to the massive money printing based on this ‘covid’ lie.

There are still many who claim both sides of this argument, and that has helped greatly the expansion of the lies, because what might be people who would normally question the state narrative, have become supporters of that same narrative. This is very confusing to those people who have placed their trust in these hypocrites who are either acting as controlled opposition purposely, or actually are ignorant of the obvious truth. These people are certainly contradicting themselves, whether they are doing so intentionally or not. Many of those taking what is considered a ‘libertarian’ approach, are simply agreeing to both sides of the argument by claiming that ‘SARS-CoV-2 (‘covid-19’) is real and is a virus, and a massive threat to humanity. They are agreeing with the state’s false narrative, and at the same time, claiming to be against the bio-weapon ‘vaccine’ injection. You know who these people are, but do you doubt their pretended sincerity? I think, at least in most cases, you do not. This is just a recipe for more confusion, and confusion leads right back to ignorance.

The so-called ‘science’ that advocates perpetual treatment, perpetual ‘vaccines,’ and perpetual wealth building for its drug pushers, is the quackery labeled virology. Of course, as one might expect, this is the ‘science’ of viruses, but since no virus in history has ever once been separated, fully isolated, or identified, how can such a ‘science’ exist? If there are no viruses, how can there be virology?  One might also ask; if there is no direct threat, how can there be legitimate medical war against the people? In both cases, there is no legitimacy in virology or a ‘health war,’ but there is a valid and justifiable argument that virology is also a war against us; a war on humanity, because it is used to simply enrich the perpetrators of this fraud, to poison the masses, and to gain power and control over all.

The ‘covid’ and ‘vaccine’ frauds have been largely exposed, although the mainstream, and those in the alternative media as well, who continue to push the lie that ‘covid’ is real, was produced in a lab, and accidentally or purposely released on the world, are losing ground. Their next obvious move was to create the lie of variants; variants that came from a non-existent virus, and would be the next killer. This required even more poisonous injections, and ‘vaccine’ boosters. But these threats never panned out of course, so other threats were invented, such as the staged war in Ukraine, the lie of manmade ‘climate change,’ and then the threat of nuclear annihilation. Now, the tide has turned back to yet another falsely claimed dangerous ‘viral disease’ called respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV; a so-called sickness that is similar to a mild cold, but according to the drug-dealing medical establishment, it requires yet another killer ‘vaccine.’ The first toxic ‘vaccine’ used to ‘combat’ this same claimed affliction, was actually used and sickened and killed children in the 1960s who were said to have the very same RSV ‘sickness.’ You just can’t make up this degree of lunacy.

There is a massive amount of evidence available to discount virology and to completely expose the ridiculous notion of germ theory, but changing the minds of the entire population after many generations of lies and brainwashing, is a difficult task to accomplish. It requires individual thinking and scrutiny of the atrocious state ‘medical’ policy that has consumed the public. One only has to understand who gains from the fraud,  and which corporations and individuals control the medical field, in order to awaken to the fact that powerful criminal elements are involved.

As the never-ending idiocy of virology continues to rule the day, the Pfizer chief crows and brags to investors that the ‘covid’ fraud will continue to be a multi-billion dollar franchise for many years to come; and expects massive profits to continue. This is the thought process of those who profit from the false flag ‘virus’ fearmongering who desire to destroy humanity for money, power, and control; this as they increase the price of this poisonous bio-weapon injection  by astronomical amounts, all the while knowing of the deadly harm caused by this toxic killer.

Open your minds, do your own research, understand the horror of the U.S. medical establishment and its pharmaceutical masters, and take proper care of your health instead of allowing the criminal system to harm you. Turn away from Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and all the other drug-dealing pharmaceutical companies, take responsibility for yourselves and your own health instead of relying on the evil state narratives that are only lies. Do not accept ignorance as the fall-back position; and instead inform yourselves about the terror of the state. The worthless election is over, nothing will change, except things will likely worsen, so abandon and negate this wicked state instead of hiding from the truth.

“The ignorance of the oppressed is strength for the oppressor.”

~ A.R. Bernard


Reference links:

Terrain versus Germ Theory

No virus has ever been proven to exist

Virology and pretenders

The virus that doesn’t exist

The lost history of medicine

Missing the unproven viruses

An idiot’s guide to germ theory–Pasteur and Bechamp

Bechamp had his finger on the magic of life

Pfizer chief brags that ‘covid’ is his multi-billion dollar franchise


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image based on creative commons work of CDD20 & MiroslavaChrienova

All Governments Are Illegitimate Authorities

All Governments Are Illegitimate Authorities
Etienne de la Boetie argues that the government – any government – is the biggest scam in history.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
November 12, 2022


I recently read an excellent book called The Most Dangerous Superstition, by Larken Rose, in which he argues that the government – any government – is completely illegitimate, immoral and no different to a cult. In other words, the government’s existence should be rejected for the fake superstitious authority that it is.

“The root cause of most of society’s ills – the main source of man’s inhumanity to man – is neither malice nor negligence, but a mere superstition – an unquestioned assumption which has been accepted on faith by nearly everyone, of all ages, races, religions, education and income levels. If people were to recognize that one belief for what it is – an utterly irrational, self-contradictory, and horribly destructive myth – most of the violence, oppression and injustice in the world would cease.”

~ Larken Rose

Etienne de la Boetie (which is not his real name) is the author of a similar book called Government – The Biggest Scam in History, in which he makes an overlapping argument with some excellent additions.

[The book] “exposes the hidden control system and pseudo-religion of Statism used by an inter-generational organized crime system centered around banking and central banking to rob and control the population.”

Although one can technically debate subtle differences between “the state” and “the government”, I am keeping things simple by using the terms interchangeably (since that is how most people understand the terms anyway).

What is anarchism?

For clarity, anarchism is a collection of ideas that lead to anarchy, although it’s probably acceptable to use both words to describe the same idea.

Rejection of the state equates to anarchism. But the problem that I have found is that anarchism is misunderstood, whether by design or not. Anarchism (or anarchy) does not mean chaos. Anarchism, in the words of Benjamin Tucker, could be described as

“the doctrine that all the affairs of men should be managed by individuals or voluntary associations, and that the state should be abolished.”

He goes on to say that

“the state is the embodiment of the principle of invasion in an individual, or a band of individuals, assuming to act as representatives or masters of the entire people within a given area.”

Basically, the government is the subjection of the noninvasive individual to an external will. Anarchy is a synonym for liberty, freedom, independence, self-government, non-interference and you-don’t-speak-for-me.

Our conversation

Etienne joined me for a conversation about all of the above and explained how society would benefit from abolishing the state and why the free market can do anything and everything the government does, but better.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: TheHilaryClark


PDF links:

The Most Dangerous Superstition   (or use this alternate link)

 Government – The Biggest Scam in History





Dr. Tom Cowan Interviews Marvin Haberland, the German Engineer Who Deliberately Got Himself Fined for Not Wearing a Mask as a Strategy for Challenging Virology’s Flawed “Science” in Court

Dr. Tom Cowan Interviews Marvin Haberland, the German Engineer Who Deliberately Got Himself Fined for Not Wearing a Mask as a Strategy for Challenging Virology’s Flawed “Science” in Court

by Dr. Tom Cowan
November 10, 2022


Hi, everyone. I consider today’s podcasts one of the most important ones I’ve done. My guest is a young German man, Marvin Haberland, and our conversation revolves around his upcoming court case in Germany, as well as the foundations of virology.

Marvin is an engineer who, as a result of a health tragedy in his family, decided to take a deep look at medicine. That exploration led him eventually to virology. Like many of us, he discovered that the foundations of virology are based on anti-scientific misconceptions. Unlike most of us, he decided to do something about this realization. He proceeded to deliberately get himself fined for not wearing a mask, which gained him entry into the German court system. He intends to base his entire case on the anti-scientific methods of virology, specifically, the lack of controls.

He is confident enough in his understanding of these issues that he readily agreed to have me “cross-examine” him, essentially, having me take the side of the virologist. Marvin had no trouble answering any question I put to him. Tune in, and you will gain a further understanding of the massive anti-scientific nature of the entire field of virology.

All the best,

 [Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan’s BitChute and Rumble channels.]


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan


See related:

German Engineer Marvin Haberland Challenges the Existence of Covid Virus in German Court


Dr. Vernon Coleman: Climate Change Is a Malicious, Dangerous Myth

Dr. Vernon Coleman: Climate Change Is a Malicious, Dangerous Myth

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
November 8, 2022


The Chief Climate Loonies (all 20,000 of them if COP26 is anything to go by) are meeting in a lovely holiday resort town in Egypt for COP27. My guess is that around 19,900 of them will have got there by aeroplane. I wonder how much electricity they will use for their laptops, iPads and magic telephones. (They never meet in Wolverhampton or Milton Keynes, do they? Maybe next time.)

It is the global warming hoax which is going to destroy us. It’s the mad green, fake environmentalists, sanctimonious and self-important, who are going to kill us by forcing us to cold turkey off fossil fuels and live in a cold, cruel world where the poorest will starve or freeze to death and where the chosen few, the self-appointed elite, will ignore reality, worship electricity (made from the diminishing fossil fuels) and create a pseudoscientific crisis out of thin air in order to oppress, suppress and banish humanity, decency, dignity and respect from our lives.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that a global warming of 2.5 degrees centigrade to 4.0 degrees centigrade would reduce global GDP by 2% to 5% by the year 2100 but that the global economy will, by 2100, be between 300% and 500% larger than it is at the moment. This destroys the argument that climate change will have a noticeable impact on the global economy.

The International Energy Agency has stated that by the year 2040 our planet will still obtain only around 5% of its energy needs from renewable sources (including burning trees or `biomass’). If the mad greens have their way and stop us using fossil fuels there is just one certainty: billions will die of cold and starvation.

Of course, the majority of the preening, self-satisfied, ignorant global warming cultists actually believe that the world is coming to an end. These middle class cultists are too stupid to realise that they are working for conspirators determined to take away our freedom and our humanity and to control us with social credit and digital money. The latest dire nonsense is that everything in central London will be under water before we’ve had time to pick up our wellington boots, head for the nearest mountain and pitch camp where we can choose between freezing to death and starving to death. The mad cultists have been told that the planet won’t survive and that billions will die as the waters rise inexorably towards the heavens. There is, of course, no evidence for any of this. They started off by calling the plot `global warming’ but had to change the name of the scam when it became clear that the planet seemed to be getting cooler more often than it got warmer and they realised that calling it climate change would give them more scope to include more varieties of natural disaster in their propaganda. And the whole scam was created decades ago to prepare for the Great Reset.

A group of British psychologists have reported that children are suffering from anxiety caused by the frightening predictions made by those predicting that climate change will affect our future. All this stress has to be added to the massive anxiety caused by the covid-19 fraud.

Global warming nutters have forecast that ‘life on earth is dying, billions will die and the collapse of civilisation has already begun’. They have also compared global warming to the Holocaust but ‘on a far greater scale’. There is not one shred of evidence for any of this. Look at the facts: In the 1920s, half a million people were killed by weather disasters. In the last decade the total was 18,000. In 1900, nearly 5% of the world’s land area caught fire. Now the figure is close to 3%. The Great Barrier Reef and polar bears are booming.

The IPPC’s estimate is that sea levels could rise by two feet by the year 2100. How much of a crisis do you think this is, given that one third of the Netherlands has always been below sea level –some of it over 60 feet below sea level?

The nutters believe this nonsense because they’ve been repeatedly told that it’s true. The BBC says it’s true and doesn’t allow debate. The police allow the cultists to close down London because they’ve been told to let them do what they want to help destroy what’s left of the economy. Incidentally, I see that they erected a huge pink table in London. I wonder what it’s made of – and how much energy was consumed in its manufacture. Were any power tools used? Just curious.

The global warming loonies don’t seem to be aware that we’ve always had weather and there have always been loonies warning that the end of the world is nigh. In 1817, the President of the Royal Society in London warned that there had been a considerable change of climate that would lead to massive changes. In 1947, a Swedish geophysicist warned that the climate was warming up. In the 1970s, the BBC, that perennial source of misinformation, warned of an oncoming ice age – as big a threat to life as a nuclear war. In 2007 we were warned that we had five years to save the planet. In 2011, the International Energy Agency said we had five years left. In 2017, the United Nations said we had three years left. In2013, a Cambridge professor said all the Arctic ice would be gone by 2015. In 2009, Gordon Brown, then UK PM, took time off from buggering up the economy to tell us we had 50 days left. Back in 2004, the Observer newspaper told us that we’d be living in a Siberian climate by 2020. Eleven years ago, Prince Charles said we had eight years left to save the planet.

If there have been any strange weather phenomena in recent years they have been man-made – but deliberately not accidentally. I don’t believe that any rational scientist who has looked at the evidence believes in the myth of global warming.

Every time it rains the cultists blame global warming But the wettest day in Britain this summer was less than a third as wet as the wettest day in 1929 and just a quarter as wet as Dorset in 1955.

We’re told that hurricanes are more common now. But that’s a lie. They try to push up the figures by counting breezes as storms but the evidence is clear: there are no more hurricanes today than there used to be. The media just make more of a fuss because it helps the agenda. There are no more forest fires either. Climate change campaigners claim that forest fires are a result of global warming. But experts in both Australia and America have concluded that climate change has had little or no impact on the development of forest fires – which are, in any case, less frequent than they used to be. The average annual acreage of American forest burned is now around 6.6 million. Back in 1928, the average annual acreage of American forest lost to fires was 41.7 million. I am pretty confident that 41.7 is a bigger figure than 6.6.

Between 1931 (the peak) and 2020 there has been a 99.7% decline in the death toll from natural disasters around the globe.

The cultists who worship at the feet of the doomsters don’t realise that without coal you can’t make steel and that without steel you cannot make windmills or solar panels.

They believe we need more trees to keep us healthy but when they’re not chopping them down and turning them into pellets to create electricity they’re chopping them down because they interfere with the new 5G equipment that will help control our new digital future. Much of the so-called clean electricity being sold in the UK these days is created by burning wood. And the wood comes from America where trees are chopped down before being turned into wood pellets known as biomass and then carried across the Atlantic in large diesel powered vessels.

They are turning food into biofuel and condemning millions to death by starvation so that we can reduce our consumption of fossil fuels. The new petrol and biofuel mix won’t work in older cars so the poor will have to walk everywhere. The cultists have claimed that climate change will result in koala bears (among other animals) becoming extinct. There are currently 300,000 koala bears living in the wild and the main threat to their existence is the destruction of their habitat – as a result of farmers requiring more land upon which to grow biofuels.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation say that crop yields will rise by 30% by the year 2050. The planet’s poorest countries will see their yields rise by 80-90%. But the increase in yields will depend on the use of tractors and heavy machinery which will, of course, require oil. (Rural areas of poor countries will not be able to afford electricity and charging points until they are richer.) Global warming cultists will force poor countries to stay poor – and will be responsible for millions of early deaths.

And the nutters are now claiming to be able to produce `green steel’.

As I have previously pointed out, it is traditionally impossible to make steel without coal.

But according to the Bill Gates linked newspaper The Guardian, the newspaper for the empty headed and the addle-brained, there are plans afoot to manufacture steel without using coal.

So how can this be done?

Apparently the new green steel will be made using hydrogen as a fuel instead of coal.

And where does the hydrogen come from?

Well, since pure hydrogen is hard to come by 95% of is made with fossil fuels.

So, that’s how they’re going to make green coal without burning fossil fuels.

They’re going to make hydrogen by burning fossil fuels and then use the hydrogen to make the steel. Expert engineer Gordon Murray points out other problems with using hydrogen. It takes huge amounts of energy to produce and it is dangerous to store. Murray says that making a litre of hydrogen uses more oil than it takes to make a litre of petrol.

You have to laugh, don’t you?

And the UK Government wants us all to replace gas boilers with hydrogen boilers – knowing darned well, incidentally, that hydrogen boilers are less efficient.

The obsessive loonies who sort out all the rubbish in semi-religious earnestness don’t understand that all the evidence shows that recycling costs money and energy and time and has been proved to do far more harm than good. That’s why so much of the carefully sorted recycling is taken abroad to be dumped. The problem now is that few countries will accept Britain’s unwanted recycling because it just isn’t cost effective. The recycling scam was just to create obedience, compliance – and to prepare the dim-witted for mask wearing and experimental jabs.

The cultists don’t seem to care that a move away from fossil fuels will make no difference to the planet but will result in billions of deaths and a massive rise in taxes that will further impoverish the already impoverished.

The crazy, deluded greens and fake environmentalists want to stop us using fossil fuels and kill off the industries involved within a couple of years. Politicians, using the earnestness of the loonies as an excuse for their insane policies, and ignoring both the facts and public feeling, are introducing absurd new laws which will destroy everything any of us values. In Scotland the Greens and the SNP have joined together to create an unholy alliance of mad cultists.

The enthusiastic supporters of electric cars and wind turbines don’t realise that we’ll need massive new mines to dig out huge quantities of cobalt, lithium, nickel and other essentials. Try digging mines without fossil fuels. Electric vehicles have a higher carbon footprint than cars with combustion engines and to add to that the electricity they use is often created by burning fossil fuels. And those foolish souls who buy electric cars will soon find themselves struggling to find somewhere to drive them as roads everywhere are divided up to provide thousands of miles of ill-designed cycle lanes.

The carefully, deliberately and cruelly created myth of global warming has now become an integral part of the global economy.

A professional investment manager publicly announced the other day that ‘the world is undergoing rapid change amid the degradation of the natural environment and the looming breakdown of the global climate system’.

There is not one shred of evidence for any of this. And in the absence of evidence, the cultists at the top are deliberately creating changes to our climate using geoengineering – they have been manipulating the weather for a long time but it has accelerated in recent years. Also, they intend to send tons of calcium carbonate into the stratosphere to block the sun in the guise of combatting global warming. When in reality, this will only shorten the growing seasons causing mass starvation – there’s a surprise!

Company directors are so terrified of being criticised by the cultists and lunatics who promote the global warming myth that they have pretty well all rolled over and agreed to do whatever the noisy minority tells them to do. (The same virtue signalling cowards still pay themselves obscene bonuses, expenses and pensions.)

Some company bosses are taking their companies off the stock markets, taking them into private hands so that they can avoid the nutty shareholders and the regulators.

The UK Pensions Regulator has warned the managers of pension schemes that they will be in trouble if they do not make mandatory climate risk disclosures. They will have to report their investments in companies which don’t make satisfactory changes to fit in with the imaginary global warming fears. I suspect that pensions will fall dramatically as a result.

In America, the Federal Reserve the financial regulator and the Treasury are all looking into incorporating global warming policies into financial regulation. The same thing is happening in the European Union and in the United Kingdom. Indeed, the UK appears to be leading the world in introducing oppressive and dangerous new regulations.

The truth, of course, is that there is no scientific evidence to support the theory that global warming (or any variation) will pose a threat to our way of life in any way. There is certainly no evidence to suggest, let alone prove, that global warming will have any influence on financial institutions or the corporate world.

What is happening, of course, is that financial regulations are being used to force through aggressive global warming policies that are neither necessary nor popular but which are part of the Agenda 21 global reset and which are designed to lead us painfully into the world of the New Normal.

Moreover, activists everywhere are taking control of previously independent companies. In May 2021, a Dutch court ruled that Shell, the oil company, must cut its carbon emissions of 45% by 2030 compared with its 2019 levels.

An activist group with just 0.02% of the shares in Exxon, another oil company, somehow managed to win two seats on the company’s 12 person board.

Not to be outdone, the British Government has pledged that the UK will cut its emissions of greenhouse gases by 78% by 2035, compared to the levels in 1990. No one appears to have told the Government that the population has risen by many millions during that period and will doubtless continue to rise. The UK in the year 2035 is going to be a dark, cold, miserable place. The UK’s target is the most ambitious in the world and will cost taxpayers a collective £3 trillion. There will be higher taxes and higher costs for everything. Replacing existing heating and cooking systems with electricity (which both politicians and campaigners appear to think grows on trees) will cost households huge sums.

From the year 2025 it will be illegal to fit a home with a gas boiler. And existing boilers and systems will be illegal from the mid 2030s. (These dates could well be brought forward.) Homeowners will each have to spend tens of thousands of pounds on compulsory heat pumps, insulation and so on. If homes aren’t altered sufficiently then home owners will not be allowed to sell them after the year 2028. They won’t be able to rent them out either. The result, of course, will be that house prices will fall (because of the cost of the legally required improvements) and rental prices will soar. The poor will suffer again.

The United Nations was ecstatic with delight when it reported that its climate change goals for 2020 were almost achieved with the global covid-19 lockdowns.

There will have to be almost constant lockdowns to keep the global warming nutters happy.

Rich people in charge of rich governments are promising to end fossil fuel use by 2050. I wonder if they know how much pain will be involved. The poor will have to pay for this through carbon tariffs. The developing countries will be punished before they’ve even started to enjoy the delights of fossil fuels. It is an under-estimate to say that hundreds of millions will die of starvation and cold.

The sanctimonious, virtue signalling global warming nutters are so ill-informed that they’re unintentionally supporting plans for global genocide. If they knew anything and really cared about the environment they would campaign against pointless face masks – instead of wearing them. Billions of discarded face masks are now a major threat to all forms of wildlife.

Now that they have cornered the majority with the covid-19 hoax we have to redefine our beliefs, our perceptions and revaluate our enemies. For example, you should know that anyone who talks about sustainable development is a bad person. The philosophy known as sustainable development is a direct route to the end of democracy and humanity. It is never benign. The incompetent mathematical modellers and the social media snipers are spreading dread and suppressing truths with the same, practised skill that they employed when firing up the covid fear and demonising the truth-tellers.

And so the mad fools who terrified the world with a fake covid pandemic are now going to segue neatly, as I predicted, into scaring the world with the fake global warming pandemic which they devised back in the last century and which was designed to control and to kill and not to save or preserve. The Chinese style social credit system I have warned about is already here. Global warming will be used to tighten up the rules and oppress us still further. The loony pseudo-environmentalists are not benign or well-meaning. They are either ill-informed or stupid or malignant or all three. And they are our enemies.

I’m afraid that the covid-19 fraud was just the beginning.

The truth is that the idea of global warming has about as much solid fact behind it as the existence of the dear old tooth fairy. Actually, rather less, because when I was little I would leave a tooth under my pillow and wake to find it replaced with a sixpenny piece. We had sixpences in those days.

So there is more practical evidence to support the existence of the tooth fairy than there is to support the existence of global warming, global cooling or climate change or whatever the lunatics have decided to call it this week.

Vernon Coleman is the author of A Bigger Problem than Climate Change: The End of Oil.
Copyright Vernon Coleman November 2022


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

cover image credit: blende12

Enormous 5G Towers Being Installed in NYC Neighborhoods Despite Reports of Illness, People Moving After 2018 5G Activation

Enormous 5G Towers Being Installed in NYC Neighborhoods Despite Reports of Illness, People Moving After 2018 5G Activation

by BN Frank, Activist Post
November 9, 2022



Widely reported issues associated with 5G include aviation equipment interference (see 12345), cybersecurity risks (see 12), biological and environmental health risks, and poor service (see 123456789).  In regard to health, since 2018 there have been reports of people and animals experiencing symptoms and illnesses after 5G was activated (see 123) including in some New York City neighborhoods.  This was documented in a video posted by Dr. Naomi Wolf as well as on Twitter:

Naomi Wolf

A comment about 5G: Amelia Immel:” It is being erected in our area….we are being fried nightly and unable to sleep in our bedroom with the windows covered. Electrical sensations, tingling numbness, extreme nausea, headaches , ears burning and ringing. Have been hospitalized twice for severe dehydration from sweating( signs of electro hypersensitive) and temps of 103 without infections found. Literally cooking my organs inside out. Please read in depth the physical symptoms of being in too close contact. Our home is up for sale and surprisingly 4 other homes as well on my street alone. Very unusual. This is a nightmare which cost us last month 1100$ of hotel expenses. This is devastating our lives. My pets can barely walk as well.

@naomirwolf Jun 22

READ EVERY WORD. Int’l Firefighters Org uses TOP QUALITY peer-reviewed scientific journals to OPPOSE fighters being near 5G and other cellphone towers as this poses a DIRECT THREAT to health. WHY should U be OK w it? Postingon …

12:50 PM – 20 Jun 2018

Wow — 5G really is very bad for our health. I had no idea. Small cell EMF frequencies every few hundred yards to enable “the internet of things”, driverless cars…but a mass of health problems. 

6:46 PM – 19 Jun 2018 from Manhattan, NY


Yep, T-Mobile “fired up” 5G in NYC and 30 cities are due to get 5G by end of year. Soon there will be no escape from these health hazards, sense of pressure and irritability and maybe even weirdly affected clouds. …

Since 2018 5G opposition has increased worldwide and deployment has been banned, delayed, or limited in some locations but obviously not in The Big Apple.

From ZeroHedge:

“Monstrosities”: New York Has Started Erecting Thousands Of Giant Gray 5G Towers

by Tyler Durden

Look around, you can’t miss them.

Giant ugly new 5G towers are starting to take over New York City and, despite attempting to look futuristic, many can’t help but notice just how much of an eyesore the additions to city streets have become.

The columns are gray and color and about 32 feet high, according to a new report by the New York Times, with some dwarfing three story buildings. And they’re popping up with little to no warning.

“We were shocked because we had no idea what it was,” one store owner in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn said. Marion Little, who owns Stripper Stain & Supplies, says that his customers and neighbors have asked about it.

He told the New York Times:“They’ve been emailing me, calling me weekends, Facebooking me, like, ‘Yo, what’s that?’ and I’m sitting there like, ‘I have no clue.’”

“I wasn’t even quite sure what it was,” another resident told The Times about a tower popping up in his neighborhood. “The buses turn here. It’s going to be easy to miscalculate and hit the thing,” he said of the tower’s placement at a B26 bus stop.

“Never have I heard one mention of residents asking for a tower to be placed where we live,” said Democratic liaison for the 57th Assembly District in Fort Greene Renee Collymore. Before this tower came, I had fine service. What, a call dropped every now and then? So what. You keep going.”

Another resident in Chinatown called the tower a “monstrosity,” asking “who wants to look at something like that?”

Chelsea Formica, who lives on the Upper East Side, got a call from her husband about it while she was out: “He was like, ‘Hey, you know, they put something up outside of our window. I’m just laying here on the couch and it’s pretty big.’”

When she returned home, she was in disbelief: “I was like, ‘Oh, my God,’ freaking out. It’s huge. It’s so big.”

The towers are part of a deal that New York City has with CityBridge and LinkNYC, who is going to be installing 2,000 of the towers in the city over the next several years. Many of the towers are taking the place of where old payphones used to be. The towers have not been activated yet.

Other towers are going to be placed on top of traffic lights and street lamps, according to the report.

The Times notes that 90% of the new towers will be in “neighborhoods in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and above 96th Street in Manhattan”. They will provide residents with free access to digital calling and Wi-Fi. Carriers like AT&T and Verizon will also be able to use the towers to compliment existing infrastructure.

In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they had NO independent scientific evidence that 5G is safe and the majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment (see 1234).  In 2021, a federal court ruled in favor of petitioners who sued The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for not updating wireless radiation guidelines (including 5G) despite scientific evidence of harm submitted to the agency.  Some researchers have also warned that activation may be contributing to COVID-19 infections as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of bird deaths!

Regardless, the regulatory agency (see 12345678) as well as other American government and state agencies and committees (see 123456, 7) have continued to promote and fund 5G deployment and densification (see 12) as well as that of 4G and public Wi-Fi (which also poses known health and environmental risks).

In 2019, telecom executives gave U.S. congressional testimony that they had NO independent scientific evidence that 5G is safe and the majority of scientists worldwide oppose deployment (see 1234).  In 2021, a federal court ruled in favor of petitioners who sued The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for not updating wireless radiation guidelines (including 5G) despite scientific evidence of harm submitted to the agency.  Some researchers have also warned that activation may be contributing to COVID-19 infections as well as hundreds of thousands if not millions of bird deaths!

Regardless, the regulatory agency (see 12345678) as well as other American government and state agencies and committees (see 123456, 7) have continued to promote and fund 5G deployment and densification (see 12) as well as that of 4G and public Wi-Fi (which also poses known health and environmental risks).

Good luck, New Yorkers.







Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other unsafe technologies.  For more information, visit our archives and the following websites:


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GMO Mustard: An Unnecessary, Toxic, and Failed Technology

GMO Mustard: An Unnecessary, Toxic, and Failed Technology

by Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
November 10, 2022


Mustard is the colour of our spring — basant. It is the flavour, and aroma, of our foods. It is a warm massage for a baby, and the glow of our oil-lamps on Diwali. Mustard has been central to the cultural and food identity of the diverse cultures that make up India. Mustard was the colour of freedom during our freedom movement. India’s mustard cultures and seed freedom are being threatened by the Poison Cartel, and Bayer-Monsanto.

There is a desperate push for introducing GMO Mustard, which will be the first GM food crop introduced into India. The attempt was made in 2016 to 2017, but it failed. And now another attempt is being made. On the 3rd of October 2022, the Supreme Court told the government to maintain the status quo till a hearing on the introduction of GM mustard was completed.

The push for this GMO is anti-science and anti-democracy. GMO mustard approval is a handing over of our democratic institutions to the Poison Cartel.

Thanks to the case of Bt Cotton, we have already seen what GMO crops can do in terms of destruction. Farmers have been committing suicide because of debt due to the high cost of seeds. Since Bayer-Monsanto has been focused on extracting patent royalties, the price of seed has jumped 80,000%. They have extracted Rs 7000 crores as illegal royalties. Under Indian Patent law article 3j, Bayer-Monsanto does not have a patent on BT cotton seed, since the law does not allow patents on seeds, plants and animals. But they have been manipulating and attacking India’s courts to weaken article 3j, thus attacking our democratic and farmers rights. This article is the legal expression of the concept of Vasudhaiva Kutumkam, or the Earth as one family.

For the poison cartel, there are no plants and animals with their own integrity. Life is a corporate “invention”. For Bayer-Monsanto GMO means God Move Over, we will now pretend to be creators of life to collect royalties and Lagaan. Patents and royalty collection is the endgame; GMOs are the excuse.

When the Competition Commission of India started an inquiry because 95% of the seed is controlled by Monsanto, Monsanto dragged the Competition Commission to court. The Monsanto and Bayer merger intensified the threat of monopoly over seed, the first link in the food chain. And when corporations get as big as Bayer-Monsanto, manipulating the courts and the government becomes very easy. If the Seed Price Control order is dismantledand if the 3j article is removed, the GM mustard will fully become a Bayer-Monsanto mustard.

Sarson Satyagraha in Rajasthan, 2015 – Photo credits: Navdanya

Risky Genetic Transformations

In other words, the basic patents on the GM Mustard technology, as well as agrichemical package, are all owned by Bayer, as the Glufosinate (commercially called “Basta”) to be used with the GM mustard is also a Bayer herbicide.

The gm crop is based on multiple genetic transformations, and introduction of genes from unrelated organisms. These include the barnase gene for male sterility, bar-star genebar gene for herbicide resistance to Glufosinate (Basta, Bayer’s herbicide analogous to Monsanto’s Glyphosate), TA29 for regulator, CaMV 35SCauliflower Mosaic Virus (as a viral promoter), AMVAlfa-alfa Mosaic Virus (as a viral promoter), and Agrobacterium tumefaciens as Terminators.

The original Food and Environmental safety assessment of the plant reveals that the barstar gene is to be found in the leaves, stem and roots of the GMO Mustard, and the Barnase gene is found in various vegetative tissues. The Bar gene is also found in the leaves, oil and oilseeds of the new plant. These are proteins that are not present in traditional mustard varieties.

However, the plant (as food) has not been assessed for safety, in its expression of the “layered” Bar “Trans Gene”, that has been implanted into the GMO mustard. What is tested, is surrogate proteins expressed in E Coli Bacteria. Isolated proteins expressed in bacteria are not equivalent to transgenes expressed in plants, which are much more complex organisms. Instead of testing for difference, a false assertion is dictated — that the two are equivalent.

The assessment also casually states, on page 63, “The data showed that the Barnase expression levels are below the detection level and yet the expression level is sufficient to create the male sterility trait”. As it is the expression of the trait that makes the difference in living systems, it is this trait that needs to be assessed in transgenic mustard as food.

Barnase is an enzyme that breaks down RNA indiscriminately and is known to be an extremely potent cell poison. Traces of barnase have been found to be toxic to rat’s kidneys and to human cell linings (Ilinskaya and Vamvaka, 1997; Prior et. Al., 1996).

The Barnase enzyme is also inhibited by the barstar protein. Both are produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. In the soil bacteria, these enzymes are bound, so barnase can do no harm. But when present in the plant, and when it is secreted from the cell, it is no longer bound and is thus harmful to other cells. It is exactly this harm that has not been scientifically assessed.

Additionally, there have been no official tests done on the safety of viral promoters.This is especially concerning as the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus, for example, is notoriously unstable (Ho, Ryan and Cummins, 1999). The CaMV 35S promoter taken from the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus is a DNA sequence used in commercial GMO crops for almost twenty years. It is also a classic example of how DNA can still reveal unexpected functions, even decades after discovery or use in a GM crop. The CaMV 35S DNA is described in every application for commercial use as a simple DNA “promoter” (as in, an “on” switch for gene expression). In 1999, however, the CaMV 35S “promoter” was found to encode a recombinational hotspot, meaning implanted genes were more likely to be unstable, resulting in likely horizontal gene transfer (Kohli et al., 1999). In 2011, it was found to produce massive quantities of small RNAs. These RNAs probably function as decoys to neutralize the plant immune system (Blevins et al., 2011). One year later still, regulators found these plants to contain an overlapping viral gene whose functions are still being elucidated (Podevin and du Jardin, 2012).

It is important to note that when first released in 2002, Pro-Agro’s (Bayer) application for the approval of commercial planting of GM mustard, based on the same transformations, was rejected by the Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC).

Basant Panchami celebration at Navdanya Farm, 2017 – Photo credits: Navdanya

The risk of GM Mustard is not necessary

Besides the instability and clear risks of the genetic transformations, there are many other risks associated with GMO-Mustard. With its Herbicide Resistant Trait, the new GMO will displace native mustard varieties, just like GMO-Cotton displaced Desi-Cotton in India. Genetic contamination from GM mustard will also be irrevocable and irreversible. Furthermore, mustard is grown as a mixture, with chana and wheat. Agrichemical spraying will also destroy the biodiversity of associated crops.

The sterility trait is introduced to produce non-renewable seeds. Just as has previously been the case, farmers will have to re-buy seeds every year, leading them to be trapped in debt, and be driven to suicide like the farmers growing GMO Bt cotton. An unnecessary violence, as in India, there already exists a diversity of local varieties of mustard coupled with traditional farming practices which give more yield without chemicals. The push for this GMO is therefore anti-science, especially as the main justification given for the necessity to genetic engineer with herbicide resistant traits, to resist Bayer’s herbicide, is to increase yields and curve the dependency on edible oil imports. The GMO mustard has lower yields than non-GMO alternatives available in the country. The government itself has admitted in the Supreme Court that increased yields are not being claimed, yet in the media this is the false claim being spun.

HT hybrid mustard DMH 11 has failed the first criteria of a test risk protocol of a GM crop, of whether the GM Crop is required in the first place. The answer in “No” based on the admission of the Union of India itself in their ‘Reply’ Affidavit in the Supreme Court. They said: “No such claim has been made in any of the submitted documents that DMH 11 out-performs Non-GMO hybrids. The comparison has only been made between hybrid DMH 11, NC (national Check) Varuna and the appropriate ZC (zonal checks) — MSY of 2670 Kg/ha has been recorded over three years of BRL trials which is 28% and 37% more than the NC & ZC respectively” (At 88, pg.56).

India can produce enough oilseeds that are diverse, healthy, safe, and culturally appropriate. In the 1990’s India had become self-sufficient in edible oils as a consequence of the conscious commitment to grow more oilseeds. The policy was called the “Yellow Revolution”, and it worked. In 1993-94 India was producing 97% of her requirements.

Native Mustard Seeds – Photo credits: Navdanya

Import Manipulation

In 1998, the same year that Monsanto sneaked in its BT cotton, the multinational companies (MNC) in India manufactured a crisis to get indigenous oilseeds banned and dumped GMO soya oil on India by manipulating a drop on import duties. India had bound its import duties at 300% in the WTO. The United States lobby had soya oil import duties reduced to 45%. In the manipulated crisis of 1998, the duties were dropped to 0%. In addition, the soya bean was subsidized by $190/tonne by the US government, and Rs 15/kg by India. It is no wonder then that India was flooded with imports. It was not because of domestic scarcity, but because of manipulated prices, manipulated trade and manipulated policy .

At that time, the women of the slums of Delhi called me to say their children could not eat the food cooked in soya oil. They wanted the mustard oil back. So we organized the “Sarson Satyagraha” in 1998 and saved our mustard. But the imports kept increasing through dumping and manipulation of policy. Compared to 1.02 million tonnes edible oil imports in 1996-97, India’s imports doubled to 2.98 million tonnes in 1998-99, and then jumped to 5 million tonnes in 1999-2000.

Today we are importing more than 60% of our domestic requirements. And destroying our coconut, sesame, groundnut, safflower, niger, mustard, and linseed diversity. All for GMO soya which is destroying the Amazon, and palm oil which is destroying the Indonesian rainforests. This has directly caused Indian farmers to lose livelihoods, and health.

We can grow enough oilseeds to meet India’s needs. As the farmers organizations wrote in a letter to the Environment Minister, Anil Dave: “Oil seed production has taken a hit due to bad pricing/procurement support from the government, and inappropriate anti-farmer import policies adopted by the government. It is not because we are unable to produce enough or do not have the seeds or know how. If the pricing, procurement and import policies are made farmer friendly we assure you that we can produce all the mustard and other oil seeds the country needs.”

Today, the government of India is again being manipulated by the same interests that forced the edible oil imports on India, to now force GMO Mustard in the name of reducing import dependence.

The unscientific and corrupt approval for GMO Mustard is simultaneously an approval to 100 other crops that are undergoing trial. We stopped Bt Brinjal in 2010. There was a democratic consensus in India that we would not become victims of GMO foods. The 2020 decree by Mexico President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador aims to phase out GM corn and the herbicide glyphosate by 2024.

The decision about GMO Mustard is not merely a technological choice. It is about our  Seed Freedom and Food Freedom. Since GMO technology has been pushed primary to own the seed through patents to collect royalties, since such patents cannot be granted without dismantling the public interest and national interest built into our structures, laws and policies, GMO mustard is a recipe for the colonization of India by the Poison Cartel Bayer- Monsanto. If GMO mustard is approved, India as a free, democratic, sovereign country dies. If GMO crops are approved, and article 3j of our patent laws is diluted, misinterpreted, and distorted, India as a civilization dies and becomes a colony in the toxic empire of the Poison Cartel.

This is why we are continuing the Sarson Satyagraha we started in 1998 – to keep India free, healthy and prosperous.

(Dr. Vandana Shiva was appointed by the UN to an expert group to create the Biosafety Framework to implement art 19.3 of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). This framework evolved into the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. Dr Shiva has also served on the National Expert Group which drafted India’s National Biodiversity Act, and the Plant Variety Protection and Farmers Rights Act.)


Blevins T, Rajeswaran R, Aregger M, Borah BK, Schepetilnikov M, Baerlocher L, Farinelli L, Meins F Jr, Hohn T, Pooggin MM. Massive production of small RNAs from a non-coding region of Cauliflower mosaic virus in plant defense and viral counter-defense. Nucleic Acids Res. 2011 Jul;39(12):5003-14. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkr119. Epub 2011 Mar 4. PMID: 21378120; PMCID: PMC3130284.

Ilinskaya ON, Vamvakas S. Nephrotoxic effects of bacterial ribonucleases in the isolated perfused rat kidney. Toxicology. 1997 Jun 6;120(1):55-63. doi: 10.1016/s0300-483x(97)03639-1. PMID: 9160109.

Kohli, A., Griffiths, S., Palacios, N., Twyman, R., Vain, P., Laurie, D.A. and Christou, P. (1999), Molecular characterization of transforming plasmid rearrangements in transgenic rice reveals a recombination hotspot in the CaMV 35S promoter and confirms the predominance of microhomology mediated recombination. The Plant Journal, 17: 591-601.

Mae-Wan Ho,, Angela Ryan, & Joe Cummins (1999) Cauliflower Mosaic Viral Promoter – A Recipe for Disaster?, Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease, 11:4, 194-197, DOI: 10.1080/08910609943562.

Podevin N, du Jardin P. Possible consequences of the overlap between the CaMV 35S promoter regions in plant transformation vectors used and the viral gene VI in transgenic plants. GM Crops Food. 2012 Oct-Dec;3(4):296-300. doi: 10.4161/gmcr.21406. Epub 2012 Aug 15. PMID: 22892689.

Prior TI, Kunwar S, Pastan I. Studies on the activity of barnase toxins in vitro and in vivo. Bioconjug Chem. 1996 Jan-Feb;7(1):23-9. doi: 10.1021/bc9500655. PMID: 8741987.


Connect with Vandana Shiva

cover image credit: Finmiki

Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, and Why Are You Still So Blind?

Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, and Why Are You Still So Blind?

by Gary D. Barnett
November 9, 2022


“I have never voted in my life… I have always known and understood that the idiots are in a majority so it’s certain they will win.”

~ Louis-Ferdinand Céline


Voting for masters to rule over you is the epitome of consensual enslavement. It is nothing more than a state coup pretending to allow you to choose which possessed and predetermined contestants will become the next enforcers of the totalitarian agenda of power and control over the people who voluntarily accept each and every surrogate master as legitimate. This is especially true of presidential elections, and those of the higher positions in government, but all elections of politicians fits this description. Nothing could be more asinine, more ignorant, or more pathetic, than such a display as this, and yet this deceitful trickery is not only fully sanctioned by the masses, but is held sacred, and considered a glorified right. How could such a state of unintelligent and unconscious lunacy capture the minds of so many for so long? Has voting improved this country, made it more free, stopped tyranny and war, or saved it from brutal rule? Of course not! Just the opposite has occurred.

The very idea of any ‘choosing’ of a ruler, one to control not only your life, but the life of others, runs completely contrary to any aspect of freedom or right. The entire process is antagonistic to liberty and free choice, and is the embodiment of voluntary servitude. I do realize that such a pronouncement as this is blasphemy to most of society; that in and of itself, this truth is disturbing beyond imagination to the herd, because to be blind to the reality of voluntary, universal, and collective slavery, is to be blind to the essence of life itself.

In the U.S., the midterm elections are upon us, and the mainstream, and even much, if not most, of the alternative and ‘libertarian’ coverage, will be all-consuming, and therefore an acknowledgment, acceptance, and justification of this horrendous process. Win or lose matters not, (we all lose) as the game must be played in order to forever fool the fools. Whether intended or not, this reporting on the importance of who won and who lost, who gained power and who did not, who will become the ruling majority and minority, simply will be used to legitimize the rule of government over all, regardless of the inherent tyranny that continues to embrace entirely this society. It grows and grows, and is everlasting; a tragedy to be sure.

If the Republicans win, the Democrats will claim that the Republicans will destroy the country, and if the Democrats win, the Republicans will claim that the Democrats will do the same, and both will be correct, because neither can function in any ruling capacity without destroying the country and its people. In fact, they work completely together as one, and the outcome is always that the people give up all, while the ruling class only takes. That is the nature of government, and it is also the nature of  rulers and politicians involved in that government. There will be absolutely no difference in outcome regardless of the results of this ‘election,’ and regardless of who claims or gains power. If our long history of war and tyranny, loss of freedom, consuming surveillance of the citizenry, destruction of the economy, censorship, mandates, and total regulation and restriction of everything we do, cannot expose this clearly enough, the only conclusion to reach is that mass ignorance is at such a high level, that no hope of understanding our problems will ever be known or accepted by this dumbed-down society.

The first election held in the Americas was probably in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia. That election happened almost immediately after what is referred to as “landing in the New World.” Interesting language to be sure, as we are still in the throes of the dastardly plot to build a ‘New World Order’ by those in the ruling class. The election to choose a president of Great Britain’s first permanent settlement in the Americas was held, and “although the nominees were ‘predetermined’ and only a select, privileged few—just 6% of the colonists—were allowed to vote, the stage had been set for the birth of democracy in what would become America. For the first time, leaders were chosen by those they would govern—or at least by some of them.”

Not much has changed since the birth of tyranny in this country, as even the first vote was a political scam, and should have been recognized as such at the time. I am aware that more are allowed to vote today than in that first selection of predetermined ‘nominees,’ but in reality, the structure today is as corrupt, criminal, and predetermined, if not more so, than it was in the beginning. It is just more hidden. Voting is and has always been, a way of deceit; claiming that one vote for each of the multitude of citizens, determines a say in the running of the country for each individual. How ridiculous, but it is even more absurd than is realized. Voting is not only meant to fool the people into believing they have a say when they do not, it is a way of guaranteeing the loyalty of the majority of commoners to the state, as they are tricked into believing that they can petition those who they elect to do their bidding. This usually results in extortion; state stealing by force the assets of some to benefit others, restrictive legislation, protectionist practices, monopoly, and mandates, and this was planned all along. This causes extreme division, and simply gives ammunition to the governing tyrants, so that they can more easily control the herd. It is just a heinous ruse and nothing more.

At this juncture, it is necessary to point out to those staunch constitutionalists, and believers in government, that there is little if any difference in a democracy, a republic, or a socialist, fascist, or communist state; as all are bent on achieving the exact same outcome. All of these claimed political structures, are based on a governing system ruling over the people. Any differences are only at the margin, as every political system of rule is meant only to lead to more and more power and control, which can then only conclude with a system of totalitarian domination. Voting propaganda has been used to fool the people into believing that they control the outcome, when they have never been in any position of complete control over their own lives when any governing system was present. When government exists, real freedom does not, and the concept of government is that of governing, not serving. This is not hidden from any who have the intellect to search for honest answers. The very meaning of the word govern, as the Latin root of our language undoubtedly reveals, is rule or control, and that is all that government, any government, desires.

It is thought by the majority, this due to brainwashing and indoctrination since birth, that voting is a sacred right. This is nonsense, and a very incorrect and imbecilic way of thinking. Because of this hypnotic state of confusion that consumes most in this country, and the completely irrational behavior and voting propaganda commonly accepted, most think those who choose not to vote do not have a say in their own lives. This is of course asinine and completely backward, as those who vote to choose masters to rule over them, condone and legitimize slavery at the hands of the state, and are therefore the problem. Those who choose not to vote on the other hand, are negating the government and its system of brutal rule, and are not complicit in placing the evil criminal rulers into power. Therefore, they are the only ones who do have a right to complain, and the only ones who attempt to minimize the system of rule.

Voting has occurred in this country for 415 years, and we now live in the least free era of this country’s entire history. Why do so many continue to participate, and therefore authorize, this abhorrent rule by continuing to support this election madness by voting? Once again, I must refer to a popular quote that is obviously true, but mostly ignored, and it is this: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.”

Supporting the state in any of its efforts to claim power is an act of cowardice in the face of tyranny, and voting for your political masters is the epitome of that state support. Shun the state at every opportunity, never comply with its mandates, never show or sing praise to it or its corrupt institutions, and never allow it to own and control you. If no one voted, no one would be elected, and that is a better way forward.

“Tear down that flaunting lie,

Half-mast the starry flag,

Insult no sunny sky

With hate’s polluted rag.”

As noted about the American Flag by Admiral Raphael Semmes–CSN, Captain of the ALABAMA: “Memoirs of Service Afloat” (p.90)


Reprinted with permission from

Copyright © 2022


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: CDD20

Virologie Nights: “The Virus Fraud Is One of the Greatest Gaslighting Activities Ever Perpetuated on the Planet.”

Virologie Nights: “The Virus Fraud Is One of the Greatest Gaslighting Activities Ever Perpetuated on the Planet.”
Virologie Nights

by Dr. Sam Bailey
November 5, 2022


The “Gain of Function” narrative is reaching all new heights. Boston University claimed they engineered a “virus” with an 80% lethality rate. But what actually killed these poor mice?

Let’s have a look at some of the “fear-porn” promoters of these stories and why they are leading people astray with pseudoscience.

[Video available at Dr. Sam Bailey Odysee channel.]

  1. SpaceBusters Bitchute channel.
  2. ’Viruses’ – Baileys, Cowan & Kaufman Respond To Del Bigtree” – 4 Sep 2022.
  3. The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement.
  4. Paul Thomas & James Lyons-Weiler, “Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination” – Nov 2020.
  5. Roman Bystrianyk & Suzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusionscharts.
  6. Dr Sam Bailey, “Gain of Function Gaslighting”, 30 Jun 2021.
  7. Dr Sam Bailey, “Gain of Function Garbage”, 18 Jan 2022.
  8. Dr Sam Bailey, “Bioweapons BS”, 1 Oct 2022.
  9. Mark Bailey, “A Farewell to Virology”, 15 Sep 2022.
  10. Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behaviour of SARS-CoV-2 B.A.-One Omicron
  11. Mike Stone, “It’s Gain of Fiction Story Time with RFK Jr. and Friends!” – 24 Oct 2022.
  12. K18-hACE2 Mice:

See more articles and videos from the Baileys on Germ Theory


Connect with Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey


See related:

A Farewell to Virology (Expert Edition)


cover image credit: pixabay

‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’: New Documentary Released

‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’: New Documentary Released



New Documentary Released: ‘The Origins of America’s Secret Police’ 

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
November 7, 2022


Do leading members of secret societies managing many of the levers of influence throughout history wield genuine “knowledge known only to the inner elites”… or is something else at play?

In this Canadian Patriot Review documentary produced by Jason Dahl, narrated by myself and based on the work of Cynthia Chung, you will be introduced to the ancient origins of the occult societies that penetrated the heart of America’s intelligence agencies after the murder of William McKinley in 1901.

This journey will take you into the heart of ancient occult societies that managed wars, financial and cultural policies over two millenia ago. You will learn of the underlying methodology of manipulation used to induce foolish kings and generals into self destruction during the days of the Persian Empire which continue to be used to this very day.

With this overview, you will be introduced to 1) the British roots of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry founded in 1801 by British grand strategists in South Carolina, 2) a figure named Albert Pike who led in the largest expansion of this foreign agency within the USA after Lincoln’s victory in 1865 and 3) the “seat of government” which 33rd degree FBI director J. Edgar Hoover managed in the USA during the course of eight presidencies.

This dark history is contrasted to the courageous efforts of men who devoted their lives resisting the growth of this occult agency including President Franklin Roosevelt, Senator Thomas J Walsh, Congressman Hale Boggs, Attorney General of New Orleans Jim Garrison, Martin Luther King Jr, Bobby Kennedy and his brother John F Kennedy.

This documentary was based on the essay “The Origins of America’s Secret Police” by Cynthia Chung, whose new book on the growth of 20th century fascism can be purchased here.

Watch the full movie on Rumble, Youtube, Bitchute and don’t forget to share it far and wide.


Connect with Matthew Ehret

David Icke’s Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally That Had Him Banned From 26 Countries

David Icke’s Speech for Amsterdam Peace Rally That Had Him Banned From 26 Countries

by David Icke
November 6, 2022


 [Video available at David Icke BitChute channel.]


Connect with David Icke


Excerpts from transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light


We must not just talk about freedom, we must live it and live it by ceasing to cooperate with that which is by the hour now destroying freedom.
So where do we go from here? Well, the moronic people who long ago handed their minds to the state and authority — well, where are they going? They’re going down the road to exactly what I’m talking about. And they’ll do nothing about it. Too busy stopping those that are trying to warn them. So that leaves the rest of us.
And there are three types of people. Two of the groups are responsible for every tyranny in history. And the third group is responsible for ending every tyranny in history.
Group number one — those who mindlessly accept anything authority tells them without question… And they will just do whatever they’re told and think whatever they’re told to think.
Then there is group number two — those that don’t want to do what authority tells them, but they’re terrified of not doing so cause they fear the consequences.
Those two groups together have been responsible for every tyranny in history. Fascism is not imposed by fascists. There’s never enough of them. Fascism is imposed by the population acquiescing to fascism. See Nazi Germany.
So if anyone says, well, what can we do? Well, you can get off your bloody ass, stiffen your backbone and stop being a bloody wimp. There’s a start. Look your children and grandchildren in the eye and tell them what you were doing when fascism was introduced…
And then there’s group number three that has ended every tyranny in history — the true renegades of this human family. Those that see they’re being lied to, who see where this is going and refuse to cooperate. The people who understand the most powerful word in the English language: No! No! No!
Stop giving your power to authority and then you’ll see, authority never had power in the first place because it was always yours.
People now have to realize when they talk about spirituality that true spirituality comes with a spine. True spirituality is never spineless. An open heart is the place where we go beyond fear, where you do what you know to be right simply because you know it’s right.
And we’re at that point now — we’re at that point now where if there is not a mass refusal to cooperate with this unfolding fascism, then we are moving very quickly into a state of global fascism that people would almost be unable to comprehend in terms of its depth and its evil.
And that, ladies and gentlemen of the Netherlands and the world, is the nightmare that we are leaving our children and grandchildren to suffer and endure.
Freedom is not just a word. It’s not just a platitude. It’s something that has to be lived. Because unless we live freedom, how can we possibly be free?
And we are at the point now where we are allowing eight billion people to be controlled and dictated to and have their lives taken over by, at the core of the core of this cult, people you would get into a single room.
That is how far the self respect of humanity has fallen. And that’s the point. Self respect. You do not have self respect when you mindlessly believe whatever you’re told by authority. You do not have self respect. When you do it, though, you don’t want to do it because you fear not doing it.
You have self respect when you stand up for your rights and your fellow humans’ rights and don’t let consequences cower you into submission.
The Netherlands is a fascist country now. My country is a fascist country. America, Canada, New Zealand, all of them. Australia. Fascist countries. France, Belgium, all of them.
And it’s only possible because we allow it.
It’s time to be a lion and not a sheep. It’s time for humanity to roar! No! No! No! No more fascist dictatorship. No more submission to Rutte and those who control him. It’s now or it’s never.


Pfizer Covid Vax Under the Microscope: Dark Field Microscopy by Dr. David Nixon

Pfizer Covid Vax Under the Microscope: Dark Field Microscopy by Dr. David Nixon


Dark Field Microscopy by Dr David Nixon

by Dr. David Nixon
source: Team Enigma

November 3, 2022

What we know is explained in the video.


Pfizer Vials Under Microscope – Structures Grow in Electromagnetic Field.

by Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence podcast

October 17, 2022


[Video source: Team Enigma]

I recently spoke with Dr. David Nixon who was able to conduct several experiments with Pfizer injectable substance under standard optical microscope. David found that when the sample is shielded from electromagnetic field by the Faraday bag no assembly happens in it. When the slide is left overnight near a wifi router, square shaped structures appear, and then continue to grow for a long period of time.


Connect with Dr. David Nixon

Connect with Sasha Latypova — substackBitChute channel


See related:

What’s Inside the Jabs? The Truth Continues to Emerge

The Holistic Vision

The Holistic Vision

by Elva Thompson
November 7, 2022


The dimming of the light of the spiritual worlds

According to Rudolph Steiner, the dimming of humanity’s spiritual nature happened in the mid Atlantean epoch.  I have no idea how long ago that was because time is relative, and also irrelevant in the investigation of spiritual worlds.

What we do know, is that at some time in our past, we lost our connection to the living spiritual realms that surround us, and lost the ability to see the elemental being within the form of living things.

We became asleep to spiritual reality…blind to the other half of our being. With the fading of our spiritual light, we turned our attention exclusively to the physical world of sensation until it became our only world.

As a result, the energetic world that creates physical form, the magical faerie worlds, the wonder-ful impressions of early childhood, the archetypes of flowers and trees and all creatures great and small became dead to us….

……because we became dead to them.

As the vision splendid faded, our higher fields of vibration withdrew. We became denser in form, imprisoned in the ivory tower of our arrogance and chained ever deeper into matter.

Barely conscious

Since the industrial revolution, we have been systematically de-sensitised and dumbed down. Organised religions have replaced meaningful spiritual experience calling it savage superstition, demonism and witchcraft.

The densification of our energy has accelerated in our modern digital age. We pride ourselves on our intellectual and technological prowess, and are so clever that we have disappeared up our own arseholes. We are stuck fast in the reductionist mindset, a perspective that believes that the whole is no more than the sum of its parts. This inverted view of reality has reduced ourselves and nature to nothing more than a mechanism. A market where human bodies have become repositories of spare parts, and many see man as nothing more than an accident of evolution.

Out of step

In the harmonious pattern of the cosmos there is one area that is out of balance and is deviating from Divine Law. This is the emotional state of mankind.

Cold intellect and rabid ego are so prevalent in today’s society, that most people are dead to any other world but their own physical bubble of existence. There is no room in their crammed life to have a spiritual experience.

They have no clue about the all pervading spiritual power that penetrates matter, and electromagnetically holds it together. All they can do is study the physical outer form and reduce it to its parts, but the inner energetic being that powers the form eludes them and remains forever inaccessible to their barren reductionist minds.


Whatever event caused the Separation of our spiritual and physical worlds, whether it be a catastrophe of immense proportions, or genetic interference by some alien species, it de-spiritualised our species by blocking out the other half of our being. Our spiritual eye has been blinded.

Sacred sympathy

When we overcome the natural identification with our lower, instinctual animal needs, and turn our attention to the unseen world of spirit, we will awaken to the fact that we are eternal beings. With the understanding comes a rush, an in-flooding of awareness, a sacred sympathy for all life that lifts us out of, and beyond, the materialistic, reductionist view of life… and we intuitively see that the whole is much more than the sum of its parts.

Holistic Vision

“There was a time when meadow, grove and stream. The earth and every common sight, to me did seem apparelled in celestial light. The glory and freshness of a dream.

It is not now as it hath been of yore; turn wheresoe’er I may. By night or day. The things that I have seen I now can see no more.”  Wordsworth

The few lines from Wordsworth show the longing of our spirits for the magic realms, spiritual worlds of beauty that have been lost by our ever increasing materialism.

If we are to experience the spiritual realm, we must employ our inner eyes, inner ears, and a subtler sense of thought without distraction. These practices will widen and intensify our imaginative thinking, and this will lead us to the understanding that there is divinity in all manifested life, and our affinity with nature is an echo of our connection to the whole.

Amazing things happen when we turn our attention inward. We discover that we do have a Higher Self; A quiet mind and its vibration is the gateway to wholeness.

The quiet mind is the magic portal through which we can pass into eternal spiritual realities. The gateway that shows us that we are far more than a physical body. We are divine in essence and that droplet of divinity cannot be extinguished when the worn out body, the house of our spirit crumbles and dies. We are eternal beings.

“You will never enjoy the world aright till the sea itself floweth in your veins, till you are clothed with heavens and crowned with stars.”  Traherne.

The coming storm

We live in momentous times of change. We only have to look around at our world, a realm clouded with fear where violence seems to have the loudest voice. These are the times in which we live and the spiritual signposts point to chaos ahead.

So, dear friends, let us not think of our lower, limited self defined by our ego and personality. Instead let us fix our attention on our higher self which transcends the sense world and unites us with the timeless, eternal power of the Divine.

“Come to the edge of the precipice,” He said.

“No, we afraid.”

“Come to the edge of the precipice,” He said again.

They came. He pushed them and they flew.

Much love to you all.


Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @


Connect with Elva Thompson

cover image credit: knollzw

What’s Inside the Jabs? The Truth Continues to Emerge

What’s Inside the Jabs? The Truth Continues to Emerge

by Dave Cullen, Computing Forever
November 6, 2022


[Video available at Computer Forever Odysee & BitChute channels.]


Connect with Dave Cullen

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light


Dave Cullen:
There’s been many scientists on our side of the fence for the past two years who have been warning us about things like graphene oxide and some kind of self-assembling nanotechnology in the jab.
Sounds like something from the Borg from Star Trek. Also sounds in line with Klaus Schwab’s transhumanist vision for humanity in his Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Anyway, let’s take a look at this article from The Spectator, Australia.

Wot’s in the shots? Graphene oxide? nanobots?
What’s in the Pfizer vaccines? Recently, Dr. David Nixon, a Brisbane GP, decided to find out, putting droplets of vaccine and the blood of vaccinated patients under a dark -ield microscope.
That’s a more radical decision than it might sound. According to Sasha Latypova, a scientist with 25 years of experience in clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies, the contract between Pfizer and the US government prohibits independent researchers from studying the vaccines.
Boy, I wonder why.
They claim it would ‘divert’ these precious resources away from their intended use, fulfilling an ‘urgent’ need.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration performs tests on all Covid vaccines for composition and strength, purity and integrity, identity and endotoxins, but it provides scant details other than the batch numbers tested and whether they passed. (Spoiler alert they did.}
In the US, the Centers for Disease Control specifically states that all Covid-19 vaccines are free from ‘metals such as iron, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth alloys’, and ‘manufactured products such as micro-electronics electrodes, carbon nanotubes, and nanowire semiconductors’.
Notably, this list does not include graphene oxide which has been widely investigated for biomedical applications. Some researchers sing its praises, its ‘ultra-high-drug-loading efficiency due to the wide surface area’, its exceptional ‘chemical and mechanical constancy, sublime conductivity, and excellent biocompatibility’. But there’s a catch. ‘The toxic effect of graphene oxide on living cells and organs’ is ‘a limiting factor’ on its use in the medicine.
So is there graphene oxide in the Pfizer shots? What Nixon found, and filmed, is bizarre, to say the least. Inside a droplet of vaccine are strange mechanical structures. They seem motionless at first but when Nixon used time-lapse photography to condense 48 hours of footage into two minutes, it showed what appeared to be mechanical arms assembling and disassembling glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and micro chips. These are not ‘manufactured products’ in the CDC’s words because they construct and deconstruct themselves but the formation of the crystals seems to be stimulated by electromagnetic radiation and stops when the slide with the vaccine is shielded by a Faraday bag. Nixon’s findings are similar to those of teams in New Zealand, Germany, Spain, and South Korea.
So I think this sounds very similar to the kinds of findings that Dr. Carrie Madej had made some time ago. This is just unbelievable. And that bit about the crystals being stimulated by electromagnetic radiation. I wonder what effect, if any, the likes of, say, 5G radiation might have?
I don’t think we can be too quick to dismiss the 5G theories out there. No matter how many times someone calls you a tinfoil hatter or sends you that Alex Jones meme with the tinfoil hat on his head. I mean, maybe there is something to the theory that 5G can interact with the graphene in the bodies of vaccinated people. Maybe the theory is nonsense. I don’t know. All I’m saying is I will keep an open mind on this one. I’m going to remain open to the possibility.
At the end of the day, we were told that we were living in the world’s most deadly pandemic in history. So much so that we needed to shut down the entire planet and keep our distance from each other, or we’d all be doomed. And yet, what happened during the lockdowns? Well, a massive amount of 5G towers were installed all over our towns and cities.
Why would that be? Wasn’t the pandemic supposed to be the biggest disruption to our lives ever? Wouldn’t it disrupt almost all industry? Why would installation of 5G technology continue without any disruption? Why wouldn’t the rollout of that technology be halted during the pandemic? Right? To what extent, if at all, is 5G and the fake pandemic connected? That’s all I’m asking. And to be clear, this article makes no mention of 5G at all.
I’m just throwing in my two cent here. So let’s get back to the article.
An Italian group led by Ricardo Benzie Capelli analyzed the blood of over 1,000 people, one month after they were vaccinated, who had been referred for tests because they had experienced side effects. They ranged in age from 15 to 85 and had had between one and three doses. More than 94 per cent had abnormal readings, deformed red blood cells, reduced in counts and clumped around luminescent foreign objects which also attracted clusters of fibrin. Some of the foreign objects dotted the blood like a starry night, some self-assembled into crystalline structures and others into spindly branches and tubes.
The Italians think the objects are metallic particles and say they resemble ‘graphene oxide and possibly other metallic compounds’. They believe the damaged blood is contributing to post-vaccine coagulation disorders, which in turn contribute to increased malignancies, while graphene-family materials are associated with oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation and damage to those parts of the immune system that suppressed tumours.
The artificial mRNA concoction which is ‘cloaked’ from the recipients’ immune system is also likely to reduce the recipients’ immune function, increasing the likelihood of new or recurring tumours.
Nixon has shared his findings with Wendy Hoy, professor of medicine at the University of Queensland who has called on the Australian government and its health authorities to explain the apparent spontaneous formation of chips and circuitry in mRNA vaccines when left at room temperature, and the abnormal objects that can be seen in the blood of vaccinated people.
I cannot believe what I’m reading.
Hoy thinks that these are ‘undoubtedly contributing to poor oxygen delivery to tissues and clotting events, including heart attacks and strokes’ and asks why there is no systematic autopsy investigation of deaths to investigate the role of the vaccine in Australia’s dramatic rise in mortality.
Well, sounds to me like the tinfoil hatter conspiracy theorists might have been onto something. Once again, the media, governments, and so-called health experts who pushed the mRNA jabs on the public and coerced them into taking them, never mentioned anything about this self-assembling tech, metallic particles, crystalline structures, and glowing rectangular structures that look like circuitry and microchips.
We conspiracy theorists were ridiculed and laughed at when we mentioned that the globalists want to one day microchip the population, much like animals. And now look, there seems to be some kind of nanotech buried within these so-called vaccines.
Now, everything I’ve said in this video has been discussed in alternative media circles for over two years now, which you’re probably aware of. But the reason I wanted to make this video is because it’s finally reaching the mainstream, and this story is blowing up on social media.
We already know that people are dying from these jabs in huge numbers, with countless more people injured, and the real ingredients were kept hush hush.
This kind of tech sounds very Fourth Industrial Revolution to me — the transhumanist dystopia that the globalists wax on about. People like Klaus Schwab.
I don’t think most people would have consented to taking the jabs if it had first been explained to them on the television that scifi-like self-assembling technology, that sounds like something from the Borg from Star Trek, was going to be inserted inside their body.
The public should be asking questions like, why weren’t they given this level of detail? I mean, to you and I, the answer, of course, to that question is fairly obvious. The globalist controlled governments of the world hate their people, and the cabal behind the Covid scam see all of us as useless eaters, and little more than cattle.
But normies still haven’t twigged this reality.

See also:

Dark Field Microscopy by Dr David Nixon
source: Team Enigma

 Pfizer Vials Under Microscope – Structures Grow in Electromagnetic Field.
source: Team Enigma

Joseph P. Farrell on the Suggestion of Amnesty for the “Planscamdemic” and the Injections: We Don’t Have Amnesia – So You Won’t Have Your Amnesty!

Joseph P. Farrell on the Suggestion of Amnesty for the “Planscamdemic” and the Injections: We Don’t Have Amnesia – So You Won’t Have Your Amnesty!

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 3, 2022


Now the Nefarium wants amnesty for the planscamdemic and the injections:

We Don’t Have Amnesia – So You Won’t Have Your Amnesty!

Listen to Joseph Farrell’s podcast: The News & View of the Nefarium, November 3, 2022
and read the essay “We Don’t Have Amnesia — So You Won’t Have Your Amnesty!” below.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 14:48 — 20.3MB)


We Don’t Have Amnesia – So You Won’t Have Your Amnesty!

by Ray Jason, The Sea Gypsy Philosopher
November 2, 2022


This is my response to the recent article in THE ATLANTIC magazine entitled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” I have a superior idea. Let’s arrest, try and prosecute those who committed Crimes against Decency, Common Sense and Humanity.

The essay is written by Emily Oster, who most definitely was not an innocent bystander during the WuFlu Paranoia Op. In fact, she might easily qualify for the Obnoxious Karen Hall of Fame. In her Twitter comments she sounds like a kindergarten teacher scolding us for breaking our crayons. Here are some examples:

I think governors should consider a short term lock-down over Thanksgiving week”

“If you’re pregnant and un-vaccinated, get vaccinated.”

“Maybe vaccine requirements for things you want to do – domestic air/train travel, work, sports events. Yes.”

But she would prefer that these tweets disappear down the Memory Hole. That’s because her motivation in writing this essay is not to make a heart-felt confession that could lead to societal healing. Her actual desire is to … cover her ass!

And since THE ATLANTIC magazine is a mouthpiece for our ruling elites, who I prefer to call our Malignant Overlords, my guess is that Ms. Oster’s article was also a trial balloon to see how easy it might be for them to escape the Jaws of Justice.

Their hope is that we, the regular folk, have somehow forgotten the evil lies and commandments that they rained down upon us for over two years. But we do not have amnesia – and there will be no amnesty. Because forgiveness without justice is appeasement! And that just leads to further crimes by the predatory class.

We Vividly Remember

We have not forgotten what you did to us because of a virus with about a 99% survival rate. We clearly remember the bogus PCR tests and the stupid masks that might stop an olive – but would never stop a microscopic virus particle.

We know that you violated hundreds of years of contagious disease protocols, when you locked down the healthy instead of quarantining the sick. And when you would not allow us to go outdoors and receive the healing power of vitamin D in the sunlight.

We recall vividly the crimes you committed against our children. How could we forget that you isolated them from their playmates, and made them fear each other as contagious disease carriers. We look at the clear decline in cognitive ability that they have suffered, and we know that you caused this.

Nor have we forgotten how you treated our elderly, even as you maliciously called us the Granny Killers. Our images of them having to die alone and terrified, because of a disease no worse than the flu, have not been erased.

Surely, we will never forget the scorn you heaped upon us for questioning whether the disease was as virulent as you insisted. And we know – yes we know 

that there were thousands of courageous doctors and virologists and common sense skeptics that took to the internet watch-towers and tried to shout out warnings. But you shamed and silenced their messages. In many cases you ruined their lives to make an example of them.

And we will never forget how you tore apart our communities. How so many mom-and-pop stores were ordered closed and could never re-open. And this while the big box chain stores reaped record profits because they were allowed to stay open.

Plus we recall what you did to the family unit. Suicide rates sky-rocketed as did domestic violence, alcoholism, drug abuse and overdoses. You shredded the cornerstone of any society.

It did not escape our realization that the areas that locked down their people the most, also had the highest fatality rates. And we certainly noticed that even as you screamed that the hospitals were over-flowing, the internet was overflowing with nurses dancing in Tik Tok videos.

This Too We Remember

There were many of us who recognized early on that all of the horrors of this “Pandemic” were not due to bad planning, they were due to precise planning.

The entire emergency was a scam designed to steer us into a Worldwide Bio-Medical Tyranny. Look at who the dominant players in the fraud were:

At the top is the U.N. through the World Health Organization. Tedros, its leader, is noteworthy for at least two ironic reasons. He is not a doctor. And his home country of Ethiopia is hardly a gleaming beacon of hygiene and health.

Just below them is the World Economic Forum, that envisions a future where you will “Own nothing and be happy.” Their leader is Klaus Schwab, who could easily be cast as the megalomaniac villain in any B movie. His true desire is to turn you into an Android Serf.

Then there is the American medical bureaucracy, which includes the CDC, the NIH and the FDA. Anthony Fauci is the high potentate of this Octopus of Ill Health. As the Mesmerizer-in-chief, this grand deceiver should fear the Jaws of Justice more than anyone.

Surely, we cannot exclude Bill Gates and his foundation that spreads lies and disease to almost every continent. His “philanthropy” is banned from several countries because of the grim results of his “helpfulness.”

The Most Enduring Memory

I have saved our memories of the Covid “vaccines” for the end of this essay. That’s because we won’t just remember the Clot Shot, but will actually be suffering the consequences of it through either disease or death for many years.

We will not forget your lies claiming that you “could not get Covid” if you were vaccinated. And your false statements that you cannot “transmit it” if vaxxed up, have not faded away as you wish they would.

And don’t expect us to ever forget how many people suffered under vaccine mandates. We could not travel. We could not go to restaurants or gyms. And we lost our jobs and the means to support our families.

Nor will we ever forget the side effects. The online videos of people’s bodies shaking uncontrollably and constantly. The needle sites on the shoulder that became magnetized. The ugly facial distortions caused by Bell’s Palsey.

And above all, we will not forget the death. The young athletes in peak health falling down dead on playing fields. The many victims who died while still in the vaccine administration centers. The cancers tearing through bodies far faster than ever before. The huge rise in all-cause mortality.

We will not forget what you did to us. And we will not forgive what you did to us

In conclusion, Emily, here is my suggestion to you.

Stand in front of your college classes and sincerely apologize to them for the part you played in supporting this atrocity. Then do your best to see to it that the real masterminds of this evil have their day in court and after that … their dose of justice.


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cover image credit: soumen82hazra