The Abortion Culture

The Abortion Culture

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 27, 2021


From “According to WHO [World Health Organization], every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day.”

“In the USA, where nearly half of pregnancies are unintended and four in 10 of these are terminated by abortion, there are over 3,000 abortions per day. Twenty-two percent of all pregnancies in the USA (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion.”

In researching my current series of articles on abortionin which infants are removed, alive, from the womb, and their organs cut out, killing them—for medical research—I’ve come across information about what I would call the culture of abortion.

In this article, I’m just going to quote others and make no comments.

Investigate Magazine, Ian Wishart, 3/7/12: “[Abortion clinic technician Dean] Alberty told of seeing babies wounded but alive after abortion procedures, and in one case a set of twins ‘still moving on the table’ when clinicians from AGF began dissecting the children to harvest their organs. The children, he said, were ‘cuddling each other’ and ‘gasping for breath’ when medics moved in for the kill.”

The following quotes are collected at, an astonishing resource (for starters, see this link):

A Year in the Life of an Abortion Clinic, Peter Korn, 1996: “Although the operation is over, the fetus is still a matter of concern…Rhonda, a medical assistant who also works for a biological supply company, takes the surgical tray in another room where she uses a plastic colander to strain out the blood, leaving only the separated parts of the fetus. These she places in a glass dish, taking a moment to measure one of the feet against a transparent plastic ruler to establish exact gestational age. Earlier in the day she received her regular fax detailing what body parts are needed by which researchers around the country. The researchers specify preferences for age and, in some cases, sex. Liver, spleen, pancreas, and brain are the organs most often requested.”

Is Abortion Good for Women, Rachel MacNair, Angela Kennedy; Swimming Against the Tide: Feminist Dissent on the Issue of Abortion, 1997; from abortion worker Judith Fetrow, who worked for Planned Parenthood:

“When I started at Planned Parenthood, I saw two types of women working at the clinic. One group were women who had found some way to deal with the emotional and spiritual toll of working with abortion. The second group were women who had closed themselves off emotionally. They were the walking wounded. You could look in their eyes, and see that they were emotionally dead. Unavailable for themselves, or for anyone else.”

Abortion at Work: Ideology and Practice in a Feminist Clinic, Wendy Simonds, 1996; quoting an abortion clinic employee: “It’s just—I mean it looks like a baby. It looks like a baby. And especially if you get one that comes out, that’s not piecemeal. And you know, I saw this one, and it had its fingers in its mouth…it makes me really sad that that had to happen, you know, but it doesn’t change my mind. It’s just hard. And it makes me just sort of stop and feel sad about it, the whole necessity of it. And also….it’s very warm when it comes into the sterile room because it’s been in the mother’s stomach. It feels like flesh, you know…”

Interview of Joy Davis done by Life Dynamics in 1993; Joy Davis, a former abortion worker, wrote about her fellow clinic workers: “We don’t have conversations. Sometimes the employees faint. Sometimes they throw up. Sometimes they have to leave the room. It’s just problems that we deal with, but it’s not talked about…If you really dwell on it, and talk about it all the time, then it gets more personal. It gets more real to you. You just don’t talk about it, try not to think about it…If [the abortionist] ever caught you discussing something like that, he’d fire you.”

Sadja Goldsmith “Second Trimester Abortion by Dilation and Extraction (Evacuation) [D&E]: Surgical Techniques and Psychological Reactions”; Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians in Atlanta, Georgia Oct 13-14 1977; In a paper on the D&E abortion method, which at the time was new, an abortionist wrote: “The fetus was extracted in small pieces to minimize cervical trauma. The fetal head was often the most difficult object to crush and remove, because of its size and contour. The operator kept track of each portion of the fetal skeleton….”

“Selective Abortion, AKA Pregnancy Reduction.” New England Journal of Medicine, April 21, 1988; Two abortionists describing selective abortions done on multiple pregnancies: “Using ultra-sound to locate each fetus, the doctors would insert a needle into the chest cavity of the most accessible fetus and place the needle tip directly into the heart of the baby. Potassium chloride was then injected into the heart and the heart was viewed on the ultrasound screen until it stopped beating. Even at 9 weeks, 3 of the 12 fetuses selected for elimination presented problems. The heart continued to beat and the procedure had to be repeated.”

Kenneth Paul Fye, PhD, Obvious Murder: The March From Abortion to Infanticide (May 30, 2016) 253; Jewish former abortionist Dr. Bernard Nathanson [who had performed thousands of abortions] said to an audience in Canada, where he was speaking: “I’m going to set it against my Jewish heritage and the Holocaust in Europe. The abortion holocaust is beyond the ordinary discourse of morality and rational condemnation. It is not enough to pronounce it absolutely evil… The abortion industry is a new event, severed from connections with traditional presuppositions of history, psychology, politics, and morality…This is an evil torn free of its moorings in reason and causality, and ordinary secular corruption raised to unimaginable powers of magnification and limitless extremity.”

Written Testimony of Kathi A. Aultman, MD Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing March 15th 2016:

Chairman Grassley, I would like to thank you for inviting me to participate in this hearing today. I have spent my entire career as a women’s advocate and have a keen interest in issues that impact women’s health. I come to you as someone who has done 1st and 2nd trimester abortions and who has treated women with the medical and psychological complications of abortions. I have cared for women and their babies throughout normal pregnancies, medically complicated ones, and those with fetal anomalies. I have taken care of women who decided to keep their unplanned pregnancies and those who aborted them. I have given birth vaginally twice and I have had an abortion. I also have a cousin who survived an abortion. I have testified on issues related to abortion in state courts and legislatures, and before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution.

At the time I entered medical school I believed that the availability of abortion on demand was an issue of women’s rights. I felt that a woman should have control over her body and not be forced to bear a child she didn’t want. My commitment to women’s issues was strengthened as I was exposed to the discrimination inherent in medical school and residency at that time, and to the plight of the indigent women we served in our program. I also believed it was wrong to bring unwanted children into an overpopulated world where they were likely to be neglected or abused.

During my residency I was trained in 1st trimester abortions using the D&C with suction technique. I then sought and received special training in 2nd trimester D&E procedures during which the fetus is crushed and removed in pieces. After each procedure I had to examine the tissue carefully to account for all the body parts to make sure nothing was left to cause infection or bleeding. I was fascinated by the tiny but perfectly formed intestines, kidneys, and other organs and I enjoyed looking at their amazing cellular detail under the microscope. I realize it is hard to imagine someone being able to do that and be so detached but because of my training and conditioning a human fetus seemed no different than the chick embryos I dissected in college. I could view them with strictly scientific interest devoid of any of the emotions with which I would normally view a baby. I wasn’t heartless I just had been trained to compartmentalize these things.

If I had a woman come in with a miscarriage or a still birth and she had wanted the baby I was distraught with her and felt her pain. The difference in my mind was whether the baby was wanted or unwanted.

After my first year of training I got my medical license and was able to get a job moonlighting at a women’s clinic in Gainesville, Florida doing abortions. I reasoned that although the need for abortion was unfortunate, it was the lesser of two evils, and I was doing something for the wellbeing of women. I also could make a lot more money doing abortions than I could make working in an emergency room. I enjoyed the technical challenges of the procedure and prided myself on being really good at what I did. The only time I experienced any qualms about what I was doing was when I had my neonatal care rotation and I realized that I was trying to save babies in the NICU that were the same age as babies I was aborting, but I rationalized it, and was able to push the feelings to the back of my mind. My last year in residency I became pregnant but continued to do abortions without any reservations.

The first time I returned to the clinic after my delivery, however, I was confronted with 3 cases that broke my heart and changed my opinion about abortion. In the first case I discovered that I had personally done 3 abortions on a girl scheduled that morning. When I protested about doing the abortion, I was told by the clinic staff that it was her right to choose to use abortion as her method of birth control and that I had no right to pass judgment on her or to refuse to do the procedure. I told them it was fine for them to say but that I was the one who had to do the killing. Of course she got her abortion and despite my urging she told me she had no desire to use birth control. The next situation involved a woman who when asked by her friend if she wanted to see the tissue she replied “No! I just want to kill it!” I was taken aback by her hostility and lack of compassion towards the fetus.

The last case brought me to tears. This was a mother of four who didn’t feel she and her husband could support another child. How I hurt for that mother. What a terrible decision to have to make. She cried throughout her time at the clinic and that was the end of my abortion career. I had finally had made the obvious connection between fetus and baby.

I found out later that few doctors are able to do abortions for very long. Physicians are taught to heal, not harm. OB/GYNs especially, often experience a conflict of conscience because they are normally are concerned about the welfare of both their patients but in an abortion they are killing one of them.

Although many people view an abortion as just removing a blob of tissue, the abortionist knows exactly what he or she is doing because they must count the body parts after each procedure. Eventually the truth sinks in and if they have a conscience they can no longer do them.

My views also changed as I saw young women in my practice who did amazingly well after deciding to keep their unplanned pregnancies and those who were struggling with the emotional aftermath of abortion. It was not what I expected to see.

I will never forget one woman who had gone to the Orlando area for a late term abortion. She had not recovered from the horror of delivering her live 20+ week baby boy into the toilet. Her agony was compounded by the fact that her baby brother had died by drowning.

Another woman told me that she was seeing a psychiatrist because although she strongly believed in a woman’s right to choose abortion she couldn’t cope with the realization that she had killed her child. Some of my patients didn’t express any remorse until they realized they would never get pregnant either because of medical problems, advancing age, or personal issues. I personally didn’t have any concern or remorse about having had an abortion until after I had my first child. It was then that I mourned the child that would have been.

As a society we have shifted our priorities from basic human rights to women’s rights and have taught our young women that nothing should interfere with their right to do whatever they want with their bodies, especially when it comes to pregnancy. We have also done a good job of sanitizing our language to make abortion more palatable. We don’t speak about the “baby”, rather we talk about the “fetus”. The abortionist “terminates the pregnancy” rather than “killing the baby”. As medical doctors and as a society we have moved away from the idea that life is precious and closer to the utilitarian attitudes which wreaked so much havoc during the last century. In most ethical dilemmas we must weigh the rights of one person against the rights of another.

Even for the most staunch abortion supporter there is a line somewhere that they feel shouldn’t be crossed. I would agree that we need to give a women as much choice as possible in determining her future and what she does with her body but we must also recognize the truth that there are at least 2 people involved in a pregnancy and that at some point the rights of the weaker one deserve some consideration. Some people believe life begins at conception when the egg and sperm meet and should be safe guarded at that point. Others feel it isn’t until it is safely implanted it its mother’s uterus that it deserves protection. Many feel it should have some rights once it is viable or old enough to live outside the womb. Yet there are some who feel that the baby has no rights even in process of being born. Should a baby that can live outside the womb be given no consideration, no protection, and no rights, just because it is unwanted? Should we not at least have compassion on babies at 20 weeks gestation when their nervous systems are developed enough for them to experience pain and protect them from the excruciating pain of being dismembered or killed in other ways?

Hopefully we all agree that a mother should not be able to kill her 3 year old child; but what about an infant? There are some who advocate that a mother should have the right to euthanize her infant up until 3 months of age because there may be a defect that didn’t express itself at birth. I think most Americans would say that once a baby is born there is no question it should be protected and yet there are those who say that if it is unwanted but managed to survive an abortion it does not qualify for the same care that any other baby would get at the same gestation and it is OK to kill it. Is it the child’s fault that it is unwanted? Should it lose its rights simply for that reason? Doesn’t the government have a responsibility to protect that child even if its parents won’t? What if a baby is defective when it is born? We have laws to protect people with disabilities. Are we going to exclude babies, our most vulnerable citizens, from that protection? The problem is where does it stop? Where does a civilized society draw the line?

As legislators you have the burdensome task of writing the laws that govern our society and that the majority of people will accept. At the same time you must protect the most vulnerable among us. You are ultimately the ones who will determine where that line is drawn. It’s a difficult job. We are a people of many religions and traditions with different needs and wants.

In making your decision you should not forget that abortion generates a lot of money. Much of the power and influence behind the drive to prevent any restriction on abortion comes from those who make a profit on it and I am sad to say they have used a distorted view of women’s rights as a cover.

I have always thought of myself as a good person but at one point I was horrified by the realization that I had killed more people than most mass murderers. Today when I meet young men and women that I delivered, the joy of meeting them and knowing that I played a part in bringing them into the world safely, is clouded by the thought of all the ones I will never meet because I terminated their lives. I would not want to be in your shoes and have the burden of knowing that I could have prevented the deaths of thousands even millions and did nothing. I would encourage you to vote for both of these bills.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: hhach / pixabay

Anti-Medical-Tyranny Anthem “Let’s Go Brandon” Shoots to No. 1 in the Hip-Hop Charts

Anti-Medical-Tyranny Anthem “Let’s Go Brandon” Shoots to No. 1 in the Hip-Hop Charts
“Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray (MUSIC VIDEO) [Ft. Tyson James & Chandler Crump] 

by 21st Century Wire
October 26, 2021


This week, a controversial new song has shot to No. 1 in the hip-hop charts, entitled, “Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray – a track which is riding on the wave of a popular crypto-political meme. The track was so popular on YouTube that the company’s censorship department in San Francisco was forced to take it down for fear it would garner tens of millions of views. The company removed Gray’s music video, claiming he was guilty of spreading “medical misinformation.” But the Orwellian move quickly backfired, as the track has now gone global viral on every conceivable platform, and is quickly becoming an anti-Biden and anti-Big Tech anthem. Worse yet, for the Democratic Party this incident threatens to further hemorrhage support among two key demographics: African-American voters and young males under 30.

For those who aren’t aware, the chant “Let’s Go Brandon” became popular after a NASCAR crowd was chanting “***k Joe Biden,” but the partisan reporter instead said to TV camera they were chanting for race winner, Brandon Bilt.

Watch Bryson Gray’s smash hit “Let’s Go Brandon,” a song which has now reached the number one slot on iTunes and in numerous other music charts: 

Video available at chandler_crump Rumble channel.


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California Father & Daughter Stand Against Medical Tyranny: “All of You Have the Power…to Stand Up and to Be the Voice When You Think You Don’t.”

California Father & Daughter Stand Against Medical Tyranny: “All of You Have the Power…to Stand Up and to Be the Voice When You Think You Don’t.”
Redding, CA father, inspired by daughter, speaks strongly from the heart at local meeting with the board of supervisors.


[For background on this story, see article at Global Research.]

His 11-Yr-Old Daughter Inspired Him to Speak Out Against Vaccine Mandates…and When He Did,
His Comments Went Viral

by 100PercentFedUp
October 21, 2021

Video available at 100PercentFedUp Rumble channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Transcript  prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Emma Watson

I don’t know a lot about what’s going on but I know enough that, you know, we need to fight for our rights.


Josh Watson

Her name is Emma. My name is Josh Watkins. And I am up here because she had the courage to say that she wanted to say something.
And — I’ve alternated in the last year between anger and sadness.
I hated politics growing up. I hated my parents talking about and I wouldn’t even watch the news. That’s changed a lot in the last couple years.
I’m up here today because I am a health care worker. I’ve been in my profession for almost 20 years.
None of you probably know what I do. I run the heart-lung bypass machine open heart surgery.
There’s two of us in this town. We are both in this room today.
When we can’t show up for work, the hospital goes on diversion — which means that the ER can’t take critical patients and helicopters fly right over us.
Neither one of us are getting this vaccine. Neither one of us are willing to take that — because we know what’s… at stake for freedoms past that.
I’ve alternated between: ‘Should I just keep providing for my family? should I take the job and just keep getting my paycheck? I’ll take it for the team. If I die at least they’ll get provision for as long as it takes — until I may or may not have symptoms.’
But then I’m like: ‘No, that can’t happen because if I fold here I don’t know what’s going to happen.’
I’m here because the board of supervisors is failing…Patrick.
I’m closely related to the recall. I supported 100 percent.
If I don’t show up for my job, as I just explained to you, people die.
On Saturday night at 10:00 PM I got a page. I did not want to go to work. Somebody was having a very critical problem. They were dying. I worked until 6:00 AM the next day. If I had not have showed up there would be nobody to do my job.
These guys can’t… and I’m sorry your jobs are not as important as mine.
I’m not here for recognition. You’ll never remember what a perfusionist is after this — maybe you will. I don’t like being in front. I do like supporting. I’m really good at supporting.
My encouragement is that all of you have the power that I’m talking about to stand up and to be the voice when you think you don’t.
You’re more valuable than you think you are. And the team that I work with at both hospitals in this town feel very strongly and very similar.
And if this mandate goes through and these people don’t show up for work, people are going to start dying for other reasons. And it’s because there’s gonna be nobody take care of them.



Connect with 100PercentFedUp

cover image credit:  screenshots from 100PercentFedUp video

Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One – Declaration of Sovereignty: “This Will Not End Until We Decide It Ends. We Must Make Governing This Country Impossible. We Must Bring It to a Standstill.”

Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One – Declaration of Sovereignty: “This Will Not End Until We Decide It Ends. We Must Make Governing This Country Impossible. We Must Bring It to a Standstill.”

by Riccardo Bosi, Australia One
October 25, 2021


Video available at AustraliaOne Rumble channel.

Transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Riccardo Bose, national leader of Australia One. Today is Monday the 25th of October, 2021.

And today I was required to appear before the magistrates court of South Australia on a charge for refusing to comply with the directions for you to wear a mask — which happened on the 10th of April when I visited Adelaide. I arrived at Adelaide airport without a mask and I was charged $1000 for the pleasure.

Today was the magistrate’s hearing. It was done by telephone since I am in Sydney. The magistrate asked me what I wanted to do. I told him that I would be reading a prepared statement. It would be recorded and then I would hang up.

I started reading the statement — which you will hear shortly and has been distributed.

At a couple of points during the statement the magistrate attempted to speak but I continued making my statemen, and eventually he hung up. I continued reading this statement until its conclusion.

So, thank you very much for your time. Please enjoy. Note that the first couple of seconds weren’t recorded, so you’ll come in shortly after I actually began. We’ll see you at the end.

I seek no determination of guilt nor innocence from you.
I seek nothing from you because you have nothing to bestow upon me.
I acknowledge no claim to any authority you might make.
You have no standing.
You are at worst a traitor and at best an imbecile — the truth of which will be determined in due course when you’ll experience the law from the other side of the bar table at the hands of the people.
But you will not be alone. Your learned friends, even from the highest places, will also be obliged to answer for their words and their deeds.
None shall escape judgment and the guilty shall not escape punishment. We know not yet whether you have sworn secret oaths. We know not yet whether you have committed other crimes. But soon we will know all these things and more.
Because there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. Nothing.
But it matters little whether or not you are guilty in law because, at the very least, you have, by your craven obsequiousness, facilitated the brutal destruction of countless innocent people.
There’s no defense against this moral charge that will stand. Your blind and soulless obedience to your masters — who have visited upon the Australian people the most egregious perversions of decency and depravity — disqualifies you from any further role in the governance of this nation.
You and the entire profession of the law have forfeited any rights to my esteem, my deference and my obedience. I will not submit myself to any man or woman, nor any class of man or woman, who by their action and inaction have eschewed plain decency and good sense, and instead, contributed to the most barbaric and purely evil betrayal of the people of the world.
By what authority do I speak these words? By the authority that I’m a sovereign being.
My life is my life.
My liberty is my liberty.
My property is my property.
And so long as I do not do injury to another’s life, liberty and property, none may interfere with mine.
I am my own authority.
And you will submit to me just as you will submit to other millions of sovereign Australians. We are the only source of local authority in this land.
Now before I dismiss you, there is one final issue to be addressed. Only six days remain for you to join with the people against the tyranny of which you are a part.
If you do not, may God have mercy on your soul in the next life, because we, the people, will have no mercy on the guilty in this one.
Consider this carefully.
Now, for the time being at least, I’m done with you, should be gone.
But I noticed that the magistrate departed. He hung up halfway through. Makes no difference.
Ladies and gentleman, this is what must be done to bring our country to a halt.
This will not end until we decide it ends.
We must make governing this country impossible. We must bring it to a standstill.
We will not risk life and limb, but we will stop the powers that be from exercising any control over this nation.
The reckoning is coming, but you must make it happen.
You must stand together.
You must bring the country to a halt.

This is Riccardo Bosi, national leader of Australia One. Thank you for your time.


Connect with Australia One

Dr. Zach Bush Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘By Deleting the Alphabet of Human Biology, We Ended Up With a Chronic Disease Epidemic on a Grand Scale’

Dr. Zach Bush Tells RFK, Jr.: ‘By Deleting the Alphabet of Human Biology, We Ended Up With a Chronic Disease Epidemic on a Grand Scale’
On “The Defender Show,” Dr. Zach Bush, triple-board-certified physician, and host Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., discussed immunity, herbicides, gut health and the need to end chemical food systems “extremely quickly.” 

by Children’s Health Defense Team
October 21, 2021


To explain why the shikimate pathway is so vital to our microbiome, Bush described the process of a ripple effect. By adding glyphosate, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and other environmental toxins to soils, air and water, the shikimate pathway, which contains the 22 amino acids that exist for all proteins, can no longer utilize most of those amino acids.

“The way glyphosate injures people is really by the microbiome,” Kennedy clarified. “And by rewarding the bacteria that caused inflammation and making a much more hostile environment in your gut and in your body.”

You are “removing the police force for the invaders,” Kennedy said, allowing inflammation to take over the body.

Bush likened the 22 amino acids in the body to the alphabet. “You’ve only got these few letters that produce hundreds of thousands of words.”

In the same way vowels are critical to the English language, the 22 essential amino acids are critical for the shikimate pathway. Without vowels most words will be misspelled. By eliminating four or more of the critical amino acids, the body is “misspelled” at the protein level.

“And when we miss the proteins, we lose detoxification capacity,” Bush said. He described the ripple effect, adding that without repair capacity, people age at an accelerated rate, which leads to the emergence of diseases such as sarcomas.

“And so in just a single generation, by deleting the alphabet of human biology, we ended up with a chronic disease epidemic on a grand scale,” he said.

Glyphosate “breaks the tight junctions of the Velcro between our body and the outside world,” Bush said. “And, when you lose the tight junctions, you turn into a leaky sieve. And what you’ve just destroyed is the very front line of a whole category of human immunity that we call the innate immune system.”

Bush shared an uplifting story about working with pre-diabetic children in a classroom in Hawaii, and how eating food grown from a regenerative school garden rebalanced their bodies so they no longer were predisposed for diabetes. His nonprofit focuses on planting regenerative gardens in food desert environments.

Kennedy told Bush he’s glad his work addresses both policy and practical solutions. “I wish you were secretary of HHS [Health and Human Services] and you were redirecting this thing to actually saving humanity,” Kennedy said.

“We can do it faster than HHS can,” said Bush. We need to end chemical food systems and we have to do it “extremely quickly,” he added.

“Now it’s time for mobilization and a coherent plan for the public,” said Bush, who has great faith in the power of our innate immune system. “It’s so easy to get stressed out over the powers that be when you hear things about the ‘deep state’ or a ‘cabal,’ but we’re in the driver’s seat — literally, we can go into their fear and guilt paradigm and play into the whole thing, or we can just create an alternative pathway.”

Watch the interview here:

“The Defender Show” is hosted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder, chairman and chief legal counsel of Children’s Health Defense, and author of multiple books, including the New York Times bestseller, “Crimes Against Nature.” Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. He is founder of Waterkeeper Alliance, and of counsel to Morgan and Morgan, a nationwide law firm.

©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Connect with Dr. Zach Bush

cover image credit: GDJ / pixabay

Why I Am Getting Vaccinated

Why I Am Getting Vaccinated

by Steve Cook, UK Reloaded
October 19, 2021


I have thought it over very carefully and have decided to take the government’s advice and be really scared. “In fear” is, after all, the only way to live.

There is a one in a thousand chance that I might die with Covid whilst suffering from coincidental illness such as terminal cancer, diabetes or decapitation in a road accident. I am particularly at risk if I lick the face of anyone carrying Covid.

This is obviously too big a risk to take as it makes dying of Covid as likely as drowning in my bath or being decapitated by a low-flying gannet. And these are pretty scary odds.

So I have decided that I have no other choice this winter than to follow the instructions of those nice people in the government, vax industry, and MSN and other benign crime syndicates who are completely trustworthy and NEVER lie or bend the truth to suit any agenda whatsoever. I am therefore going to do the following:

1. Get injected with a Covid vaccine. I don’t mind which one as they all seem equally unsafe, so that is enough to put my mind at rest.

2. Get injected with a second shot so I am fully locked and loaded with whatever secret therapeutic agents such as graphene oxide are in the shots.

3. Get injected with the third booster when the first two shots fall a bit short of actually working, which of course is reassuringly normal and to be expected of a vaccine. The ridiculously over-optimistic notion that vaccines stop you catching or spreading a disease is a falsehood put about by the Enemies of Vaccines to create false hopes that they will work and thus causes people to be miffed with the vaccine industry and their salesmen in government when they don’t.

4. Then get injected with the fourth booster that will protect me when the first three shots unexpectedly yet reassuringly don’t work.

5. Get injected with any other boosters the aforementioned trustworthy, benign and almost saintly people make up as they go along, such is their devotion to my well being.

6. I am confident that all these chemical agents injected into my body will have no cumulative ill-effects whatsoever even though this has never been tested (or experienced) before. After all, the government and manufacturers do not seem at all worried and that’s good enough for me. Therefore, I will add the flu shot and any booster flu shots deemed mandatory (voluntary) to not protect me from flu.

If I do all these things, nothing could possibly go wrong with my immune system because it is a well known fact that the human body has evolved over millions of years into needing lots of pharmaceutical products to stay alive.

I can be absolutely sure that if I do the above, the last thing I am likely to die of is Covid19.


Connect with Steve Cook at UK Reloaded

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

Thousands Protest Vaccine Mandates, Call for Health Freedom at New York City Rally Featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Thousands Protest Vaccine Mandates, Call for Health Freedom at New York City Rally Featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Thousands of people gathered in a peaceful protest of vaccine mandates in New York City’s Duffy Square for the Broadway Rally for Freedom Oct. 16.

by Children’s Health Defense Team, The Defender
October 18, 2021


Thousands of people participated Saturday in the Broadway Rally for Freedom in New York City. The peaceful protest focused on health freedom, informed consent and the right of all Americans to make their own healthcare decisions.

Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and President Mary Holland were among the speakers. Other speakers included Dr. Lawrence PalevskyDr. Christiane NorthrupJason ShurkaJo RoseKevin JenkinsPatricia Finn and John Matland.

“The powers that be, especially here in New York State, are fighting us,” Holland told the audience. “We may have imagined that with Governor Cuomo’s demise, we would have a breather — but no. We have a governor now who truly believes that vaccination is the state’s religion, preaching to her ‘apostles’ at a Brooklyn Church, while wearing a ‘Vaxed’ necklace. You can’t make this up.”

Holland told the crowd about the many legal battles in New York, including CHDs involvement in challenging the repeal of the religious exemption for school children, in place since 2019, which is likely headed to the Supreme Court.

“We are winning,” Holland said, as the crowd echoed a “We are winning” chant.

Holland said “we are winning” in reference to the claim that Southwest AirlinesChicago and Los Angeles police unions and others are standing up to mandates, in many cases filing lawsuits.

“We are not finished until we have incapacitated the dragon, and until we have prosecuted those who have knowingly lied to us and who have caused irreparable harm to millions with no justification,” Holland said.

The rally took place as federal, state and local governments, along with privately owned businesses, are continuing to mandate COVID vaccines as a condition of employment and access to schools, hospitals, gyms, restaurants and sporting events.

“The vaccine is not safe and effective …” Kennedy told the crowd. “How can you compel Americans to take them?”

Kennedy noted with irony that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the person behind the push for vaccinating children as young as 5 for COVID, received the annual Bill of Rights Award by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.

“In what universe is it okay to say, ‘we are going to make these children die in order that older people can live?’” Kennedy asked. He raised concerns about the rise of myocarditis and other COVID vaccine adverse effects on younger age groups.

“We have no business doing this to little children,” Kennedy said, after explaining the average age of death from COVID is 76, the same as the average life expectancy. Subjecting children to the adverse events of COVID vaccination, he said, “is unethical. It is medical malpractice.”

“There’s a guy in a white lab coat who calls himself a doctor even though he’s never treated a single COVID patient,” Kennedy said. “And he’s telling Americans to do things that violate their conscience, that violate all their values, and they’re doing it because an authority figure is telling them to do it, and 67% of them are doing it, but 33% refuse to do it, and you are that 33%.”

“You are the ones who are standing up for your values,” Kennedy continued. “You are the ones who are going to save the country for yourselves, for your children and for the 67% when they finally come to their senses.”

Watch Mary Holland and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at the Broadway Rally for Freedom here:

Watch the entire Broadway Rally for Freedom here:

©October 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Another version of RFK, Jr.’s speech is available at East Coast Ghosts BitChute channel.


The Banners of the King of Hell Advance

The Banners of the King of Hell Advance

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
October 17, 2021


“Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni”

– Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno

Try to look ahead and see if you can see what’s been coming for decades.  Try to climb higher and see the beautiful things that Heaven bears, where we came forth, and once more see the stars and raise a banner of resistance to the King of Hell and all his henchmen. For they are here, and working hard as usual, and indifference will only strengthen their resolve.  Don’t be deceived by these digital demons.  They want to make you think they don’t exist.  They wish to get you to suspend your disbelief and get lost in the endless looping movie they have created to conceal their real machinations.

For we are living in a world of endless propaganda and simulacra where vast numbers of people are hypnotized and can’t determine the difference between the real world of nature, the body, etc. and digital imagery.  Reality has disappeared into screens. Simulation has swallowed the distinction between the real world and its representations.  Meaning has migrated to the margins of consciousness. This process is not yet complete but getting there.

This may at first seem hyperbolic, but it is not.  I wish to explain this as simply as I can, which is not easy, but I will try.  I will attempt to be rational, while knowing rationality and the logic of facts can barely penetrate the logic of digital simulacra within which we presently exist to such a large extent.  Welcome to the New World Order and artificial intelligence which, if we do not soon wake up to their encroaching calamitous consequences, will result in a world where “we will never know” because our brains will have been reduced to mashed potatoes and nothing will make sense. The British documentary filmmaker, Adam Philips, has said in his recent film, Can’t Get You Out of My Head: An Emotional History of the Modern World, that it’s already “pointless to try to understand the meaning of why things happen” and we will never know, but this is a nihilistic claim that leads to resigned hopelessness.  We must get such sentiments “out of our heads.”

We do not, of course, live in the middle ages like Dante.  Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to be beyond our ken.  Our imaginations have withered together with our grasp on reality.  Up/down, good/evil, war/peace – opposites have melded into symbiotic marriages.  Most people are ashamed, as the poet Czeslaw Milosz has said, to ask themselves certain questions that the seething infinity of modern relativity has bequeathed us.  Space and time have lost all dimensions; the experience of the collapse of hierarchical space and time is widespread.  For those who still call themselves religious believers like Dante, “when they fold their hands and lift up their eyes, ‘up’ no longer exists,” Milosz rightly says.  The map and the territory are one as all metaphysics are almost lost.  And with its loss go our ability to see the advancing banner of the king of hell, to grasp the nature of the battle for the soul of the world that is now underway.  Or if you prefer, the struggle for political control.

One thing is certain: This war for control must be fought on both the spiritual and political levels. The centuries’ long rise of technology and capitalism has resulted in the degradation of the human spirit and its lived sense of the sacred.  This must be reversed, as it has fundamentally led to the mechanistic embrace of determinism and the disbelief in freedom. Logical thought is necessary, but not mechanistic thought with the deification of reason.  Scientific insight is essential, but within its limitation.  The spiritual and artistic imagination that transcends materialist, machine thinking is needed now more than ever.  We emphatically need to realize that the subject precedes the object and consciousness the scientific method.  Only by realizing this will we be able to break free from the trap that is propaganda and digital simulacra, whose modi operandi are to dissolve the differences between truth and falsity, the imaginary and the real, facts and fiction, good and evil.   To play satanic circle games, create double-binds, whose intent and result is to imprison and confuse.

It is akin to asking what is the antonym to the word contronym, which is a word having two meanings that contradict each other, such as “cleave,” which means to cut in half or to stick together.  There are many such words.

“What is the opposite of a contronym?”  I asked my thirteen-year-old granddaughter, a great reader and writer raised far away from the madding crowd of flickering and looping electronic images.  To which, after thinking a few minutes, she correctly replied, “The antonym to a contronym is itself, because it has two opposite meanings. It contradicts itself.”

Or as Tweedledee told Alice: “Contrariwise, if it were so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn’t, it ain’t.  That’s logic.”

And that’s the logic used to trap a sleeping public in a collective  hallucination of media and machines.  A grand movie in which all “opposites” are integrated to tranquilize all anxieties and amuse all boredom so that the audience doesn’t realize there is a world outside the Wonderland theater.

A Place to Start

Let me begin with a little history, some fortieth anniversaries that are occurring this year.  In themselves, and even in their temporal juxtapositions, they mean little, but they give us a place to anchor our reflections.  A sense of time and the progression of developments that have led to widespread digital cognitive warfare and twisted simulations.  Widespread unreality rooted in materialist brain research financed by intelligence agencies.  Spectacles of spectacles.  As Guy Debord puts it in The Society of the Spectacle:

Where the real world changes into simple images, the simple images become real beings and effective motivations of hypnotic behavior.

In 1981, Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the U.S. President.  He was a bad actor, of course, which meant he was a good actor (or the reverse of the reverse of the reverse…) in a society that was becoming increasingly theatrical, image based, and dominated by what Daniel Boorstin in his classic book, The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-Events in America, had earlier termed “pseudo-events.”  Reagan was the personification of a pseudo-event, a walking illusion, a “benign” Orwellian persona presented to the public to conceal an evil agenda.  He was a masked man, one created by Deep-State forces to convince the public it was “morning in America again,” even as the banner of an avuncular good guy concealed, right from the start with the treacherous “October Surprise” involving the Iranian hostage crisis, an evil opening act to start the charade.  Reagan received overwhelming popular support and served two terms as the acting president.  The audience was enthralled. In crucial ways, his election marked the beginning of our descent into hell.

Halfway through his two terms, Gary Wills, In Reagan’s America: Innocents at Home, introduced Reagan as follows:

The geriatric ‘juvenile lead’ even as President, Ronald Reagan is old and young – an actor, but with only one role. Because he acts himself, we know he is authentic. A professional, he is always the amateur. He is the great American synecdoche, not only a part of our past but a large part of our multiple pasts. This is what makes many of the questions asked about him so pointless. Is he bright, shallow, complex, simple, instinctively shrewd, plain dumb? He is all these things and more. Synecdoche, just the Greek word for ‘sampling,’ and we all take a rich store of associations that have accumulated around the Reagan career and persona. He is just as simple, and just as mysterious, as our collective dreams and memories.

A few weeks after Reagan was sworn in, his newly named CIA Director William Casey (see Robert Parry’s book, Trick or Treason: The 1980 October Surprise Mystery), made a revealing comment at a meeting of the new cabinet appointees. Casey said, as overheard and recorded by Barbara Honegger who was present, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Thirdly, in August of 1981, the French sociologist Jean Baudrillard published his seminal book, Simulacra and Simulation, in which he set out his theory of simulation where he claimed that a “hyperreal” simulated world was replacing the real world that once could be represented but not replaced.  He argued that this simulated world was generated by models of a real world that never existed and so people were living in “hyperreality,” or a totally fabricated reality.  This was a radical notion, and his claim at the time that this was already total was no doubt an exaggeration.  But that was then, not now.  Forty years have allowed his nightmarish theory to take on reality.  I will return to this subject later.

Technology and the Trap of the Machine Mass Mind

In his classic work, Propaganda, Jacques Ellul writes that “An analysis of propaganda therefore shows that it succeeds primarily because it corresponds exactly to a need of the masses…just two aspects of this: the need for explanation and the need for values, which both spring largely, but not entirely, from the promulgation of news.”  He wrote that in 1962 when news and world events were rapidly speeding up but were nowhere near as technologically frenzied as they are today.  Then there were radio, many newspapers, and a handful of television stations.  And yet, even in those days, as the sociologist C. Wright Mills said, the general public was confused and disoriented, liable to panic, and that information overwhelmed their capacity to assimilate it.  In The Sociological Imagination he wrote:

The very shaping of history now outpaces the ability of people to orient themselves in accordance with cherished values. And which values? Even when they do not panic, people often sense that older ways of feeling and thinking have collapsed and that newer beginnings are ambiguous to the point of moral stasis. Is it any wonder that   ordinary people feel they cannot cope with the larger worlds with which they are so suddenly confronted? That they cannot understand the meaning of their epoch for their own lives? That – in defense of selfhood – they become morally insensible, trying to remain altogether private individuals? Is it any wonder that they come to be possessed by a sense of the trap?

This trap has been progressively closing ever since.  To say this is false nostalgia for the good old days is intellectual claptrap. The evidence is overwhelming, and honest minds can see it clearly and a bit of self-reflection would reveal the inner wounds this development has caused.  There are various reasons for this: many intentional, others not: political machinations by the power elites, technological, cultural, religious developments, etc., all rooted in a similar way of thinking.  Whereas the wealthy elites have always controlled society, over the recent decades the growth in technological propaganda has increased exponentially. But the machines have been built upon a technical way of thinking that Ellul describes as ‘the totality of methods rationally arrived at and having absolute efficiency in every field of human activity.” This way of thinking is the opposite of the organic, the human.  It is all about means without ends, self-generating means whose sole goal is efficiency.  Everything is now subordinated to technique, especially people.  He says:

From another point of view, however, the machine is deeply symptomatic: it represents the ideal toward which techniques strives.The machine is solely, exclusively technique; it is pure technique, one might say. For, wherever a technical factor exists, it results, almost inevitably, in mechanization: technique transforms everything it touches into a machine.

If only cell phones shocked the hands that touched them!

I think it is beyond dispute that this sense of entrapment and confusion with its concomitant widespread depression has increased dramatically over the decades and we have come to a dark, dark place.  Lost in a dark wood would be an understatement.  In the inferno would perhaps be more appropriate.

Who will be our Virgil to guide us through this hell we are creating and to show us where it is leading?

The massive use of psychotropic drugs for living problems is well known.  The sense of meaninglessness is widespread.  The shredding of social bonds with the journey into a vast digital dementia has resulted in panic and anxiety on a vast scale.  The fear of death and disease permeates the air as religious faith wanes.  People have been turned against each other as an hallucinatory cloak of propaganda has replaced reality with the black magic of digital incantations.

I remember how, in 1975, when I was teaching at a Massachusetts university and, sensing a vast unmet need in my students, I proposed a course called “The Sociology of Life, Death, and Meaning.”  My colleagues balked at the idea and I had to convince them it was worthwhile.  I sensed that the fear of death and a growing loss of meaning was increasing among young people (and the population at large) and it was my responsibility to try to address it.  My colleagues considered the subject not scientific enough, having been seduced by the positivist movement in sociology. When the enrollment for the course reached 220 plus, my point was made. The need was great.  But it was a small window of opportunity for such deep reflections, for by 1980 the Cowboy in the white hat had ridden into Washington and a rock star was enthroned in the Vatican and all was once again well with the world.  Delusory orthodoxy reigned again.  Until….

For the last forty-one years there has been a progressive dissolution of reality into a theatrical electronic spectacle, beginning with the push for computer generated globalization and continuing up to the latest cell phones.  Science, neuroscience, and technology have been deified.  Cognitive warfare has been waged against the public mind.  The intelligence agencies, war departments, and their accomplices throughout the corporations, media, Hollywood, medicine, and the universities have united to effect this end.  Neuroscience and medicine have been weaponized.  The objective being to convince the public that they are machines, their brains are computers, and that their only hope is embrace that “reality.”

After the actor Reagan rode off into the sunset, his Vice-President and former Director of the CIA (therefore a supreme actor), George H. W. Bush, took the reins and declared the decade of the 1990s the decade of brain research, to be heavily financed by the federal government. In 1992, boy wonder William Clinton, straight out of the fetid fields of Arkansas politics, was elected to carry on this work, not just the brain research but the continuous bombing of Iraq and the slaughters around the world, but also the work of dismantling welfare and repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, reuniting commercial and investment banking and opening the door for the rich to get super rich and normal people to get screwed.  So Clinton fulfilled the duties of the good Republican President that he was, and the right-wing played the game of ripping him for being a leftist.  It’s funny except that so many believed this game in which all the players operated within the same frame (and of course still do), the play within the play whose real authors are always invisible to the fixated audience.

What is the antonym to a contronym?

When George W. Bush took over, he  continued the brain research project with massive federal monies by declaring 2000-10 as the Decade of the Behavior Project.

Then under Obama, whose role model was the actor Reagan, and under Trump, whose role model was the guy he played on reality television and whose official role was playing the bad guy to Obama’s good guy, the money for the mapping of the brain and artificial intelligence continued flowing from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Science and Technology Project (OSTP).

Three decades of joint military, intelligence, and neuroscience work on how to understand brains so as to control them through mind control and computer technology might suggest something untoward was afoot, wouldn’t you say?

Create the Problem and Then the “Solution”

If you are still on this twisted path with me, you may feel an increased level of anxiety.  Not that it is new, for you have probably felt it for a long time. We both know that free-floating anxiety, like depression and fear, has been a stable of life in the good old USA for decades. We didn’t create it, and, as C. Wright Mills has said, “Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both.”  For our biographies, including anxiety and meaninglessness, take place within social history and social structures, and so we must ask what are the connections.  And are there solutions?

There are drugs, of course, and the caring folks at the pharmaceutical companies who want to see us with Smiley Faces, perky in mind and body, are always glad to provide them for an exorbitant price, one often well hidden in the ledgers of their insurance company partners-in-crime.  But still, there is so much to fear: terrorists, viruses, bad weather, bad breath, my bad, your bad, bad death, etc.

Is there a place upon which to pin this anxiety that floats ?

Professor Mattias Desmet, a clinical psychology professor at the University of Ghent in Belgium, has some interesting thoughts about it, but they don’t necessarily lead to happy conclusions.  I think he is correct in saying that for decades there has been a situation brewing that is the perfect soil for mass formation with a hypnotized public embracing a new totalitarianism, one that has now been made real through COVID 19 with the lockdowns and loss of liberties as we descend with Dante to the lowest depths of the Inferno.

These background developments are the breakdown of social bonds, the loss of meaning making, its accompanying free-floating anxiety, and the absence of ways to relieve that anxiety short of aggression.  You can listen to him here.

These conditions didn’t just “happen” but were created by multiple power elite actors with long range plans.  If that sounds conspiratorial, that’s because it is.  That’s what the powerful do.  They conspire to achieve their goals.  The average person, without the awareness, will, inclination, or ability to do investigative sociological research, often falls prey to their designs, and through today’s electronic digital media is mesmerized into feeling that the media offer solutions to their anxieties.  They provide answers, even when they are propaganda.

As Ellul says, “Propaganda is the true remedy for loneliness.”  It draws all lost souls to its benevolent siren song.  CNN’s smiling Sanjay Gupta sedates many a mind and The New York Times and CBS soothe untold numbers of Mr. and Mrs. Lonelyhearts with sweet nothings straight from the messaging centers of the World Economic Forum and Langley, Virginia. They draw on the need to obey and believe, and provide fables that give people a sense of value and belonging to the group, even though the group is unreal.  These media can quite easily, but usually subtly, turn their audiences’ frenetic, agitated passivity into active aggression towards dissidents, especially when those dissidents have been blamed for endangering the lives of the “good” people.

As has occurred, censorship of dissent is necessary, and this must be done for the common good, even when it is carried out in allegedly democratic societies.  In the name of freedom, freedom must be denied.  Thus Biden’s declaration of war against domestic dissent.

Mattias Desmet it right; we are far down the road to totalitarianism.

Simulation and Simulacra

When I was a boy, I did certain boy things that were popular in my generation.  For a short period I constructed model ships and planes from kits.  It was something to do when I was constrained to the house because of bad weather.  These kits were replicas of famous battle ships or planes and came with decals you could paste on them when you were done. The decals identified these historical vehicles, which were very real or had been.  I knew I was making a miniature double of real objects, just as I knew a map of New York City streets corresponded to the real Bronx streets I roamed.  The map and my models were simulacra, but not the real thing.  The real things were outside somewhere.  And I knew not to walk on the map for my wanderings.

When Baudrillard wrote Simulacra and Simulation, he  was telling us that something fundamental had changed and would change far more in the future. He wrote:

Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of the territory, a referential being, or a substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: a hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory – precession of simulacra – that engenders the territory….

Translated into plain English (French intellectuals can be difficult to understand), he is saying that in much of modern life, reality has disappeared into its signs or models.  And within these signs, these self-enclosed systems, distinctions can’t be made because these simulacra contain, like contronyms, both their positive and negative poles, so they cancel each other out while holding the believer imprisoned in amber.  Once you are in them, you are trapped because there are no outside references, the simulated system of thought or machine is your universe, the only reality.  There is no dialectical tension because the system has swallowed it.  There is no critical negativity, no place to stand outside to rebel because the simulacrum encompasses the positive and negative in a circulatory process that makes everything equivalent but the “positivity” of the simulacrum itself.  You are inside the whale: “The virtual space of the global is the space of the screen and the network, of immanence and the digital, of a dimensionless space-time.”

So if that plain English (Ha!) doesn’t do it for you, here’s Baudrillard again:

It is a question of substituting the signs of the real for the real, that is to say of an operation of deterring every real process via its operational double, a programmatic, metastable, perfectly descriptive machine that offers all the signs of the real and short-circuits all its vicissitudes. Never again will the real have a chance to produce itself – such is the vital function of the model in a system of death, or rather of anticipated resurrection, that no longer gives the event of death a chance. [my emphases]

In the case of my model airplanes, there were real planes that my replicas were based on.  I knew that.  Baudrillard was announcing that the world was changing and children in the future would have a difficult time distinguishing between the real and its simulacra.  Not just children but all of us have arrived at that point, thanks to digital technology, where to distinguish between the real and the imaginary is very hard. Thus the purpose of video games: To scramble brains.  Thus the purpose of all the brain research funded by the Pentagon: To control brains via the interface of people with machines. This is a fundamental reason why the ruling elites, under the cover of Covid-19, have been pushing for an online digitized world through which they can amass even greater control over people’s sense of reality.  Are we watching a video of the real world or a video of a model of the real world?  How to tell the difference?

The weather report says that there is a 31% chance of rain tomorrow at 2 P.M., and people take that seriously, even though only a genuine blockhead would not realize that this is not based on reality but on a computer model of reality and a reality that is unreal a second degree over since it has yet to occur.  Yet that everyday example is normal today.  It’s a form of hypnosis.  The map precedes the territory.

But it gets even weirder as a regular perusal of the news confirms.  A very strange warped sense of reality unconnected to digital technology is widespread.  There recently was a news report about the sale of a Mohammed Ali drawing that sold for $425,000.  The drawing could have been done by a child with a marker.  It depicts a stick figure Ali in a boxing ring standing with arms raised in victory over a fallen opponent.  From the fallen boxer’s head a speech bubble rises with these words: “Ref, he did float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”  It is factually true that Ali knocked many opponents on their asses and raised his arms in victory.  So when he drew his stick drawing he was probably remembering that.  Therefore his drawing, a representation of his memory of reality and imagination, is two degrees removed from the real.  For no opponent uttered those words from his back on a canvas.  They are Ali’s signature words, how he liked to present himself on the world’s stage, part of his act, for he was a quintessential performer, albeit an unusual one with courage and a social conscience.  Obviously his drawing is not art but a crude little sketch.  Whoever spent nearly half a million dollars for it, did so either for an investment (which raises one question concerning reality and illusion) or as a form of magical appropriation, similar to getting a famous person’s signature to “capture” a bit of their immortality (the second question).  Either way it’s more than weird, even though not uncommon.  It is its commonness that makes it emblematic of this present era of copies and simulacra, the mumbo jumbo magic that disappears the real into simulated images.

Take the recent case of the TV actor William Shatner, who played a space ship captain named Captain Kirk on a very popular television series, Star Trek, a show filled with kitsch wisdom loved by hordes of desperadoes. All unreal but taken close to the fanatics’ hearts.  He’s been in the news recently for taking a ride into earth’s sub orbit on a spacecraft owned and operated by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos.  Bezos gave the ninety-year-old actor a comp ride up and away supposedly because he was a big Star Trek fan.  In keeping with the pseudo-spiritual theme of this business venture and PR stunt, the spacecraft was called the New Shepard, presumably to distinguish it from the Old Shepard, whom we must assume is dead as Nietzsche said a few years ago. Sometimes these billionaires are so busy making money that they forget to tune in to the latest news. Bezos was announcing his new religion, a blending of P. T. Barnum and  technology. Anyway, pearls of “spiritual” wisdom, like those uttered on the old TV series, greeted the public following Shatner’s trip.  Ten minutes up and down isn’t three days and nights, but he was up to the task.  A guy playing an actor playing a space ship pilot playing a TV personage on a public relations business stunt flight.  “Unbelievable,” as he said.  Who is copying whom?  Tune in.

Baudrillard offers the example of The Iconoclasts from centuries past :

…whose millennial quarrel is still with us today. This is precisely because they predicted the omnipotence of simulacra, the faculty the simulacra have of effacing God from the conscience of man, and the destructive annihilating truth that they allow to appear – that deep down God never existed, even that God himself was never anything but his own simulacrum – from this came their urge to destroy the images.

We are now awash in epiphanies of representation, as Daniel Boorstin noted in The Image in the 1960s and which everyone can notice as those little rectangular boxes are constantly raised everywhere to capture what their operators might unconsciously think of as a world they no longer think is real, so they better capture it before it fully evaporates.  Such acquisitive image taking bespeaks an unspoken nihilism, secret simulations that signify the death sentence of their referents.

So let’s just say simulacra are traps wherein the real is no longer real but a hyperreal that seems realer than real, while concealing its unreality.

This goes much further than the use of digital technology.  It involves the entire spectrum of techniques of mind control and propaganda.  It includes politics, medicine, economics, Covid-19, the lockdowns and vaccines, etc. Everything.

Let me end with one small example.  A trifle, you’ll agree.  I began by noting the election of the actor Ronald Reagan in 1980.  Then the quote from the CIA Director Casey: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Then came the CIA actor George H. W. Bush, the two-faced Bill Clinton, George W. Bush the son of the CIA man, Obama, Trump, and Biden.  Rather shady characters all, depending usually on your political affiliations.  Suppose, however, that these seven men are an acting troupe in the same play, which is a highly sophisticated simulacrum that plays in loops, and that the object of its architects is to keep the audience engaged in the show and rooting for their favorite character.  Suppose this self-generating spectacle has a name: The Contronym.  And suppose that at the very heart of its ongoing run, one of the lead characters, who had been reared from birth to play a revolutionary role, one that demanded many masks and contradictory faces that could be used to reconcile the personae of the other six actors and perhaps reconcile the Rashomon-like story, suppose that character was Barack Obama, and suppose he was reared in a CIA family and later just “happened” to become President where he became known as “the intelligence president” because of his intimate relationship with the CIA.  And suppose he gave the CIA everything it wanted.

Would you think you were living in a simulacrum?

Or would you say Jeremy Kuzmarov’s report, “A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA” was a simulation of the most scurrilous kind?

Or would you feel lost in the wood in the middle of your life with Dante?  Heading down to hell?

“’I was thinking,’ said Alice very politely, ‘which is the best way out of this wood.  It’s getting so dark.  Would you tell me, please?’

But the fat little men [Tweedledee and Tweedledum] only looked at each other and grinned.”

Yet it is no laughing matter.  If we want to get through this hell we are traversing, we had better clearly recognize those who are carrying the Banner of the King of Hell.  Identify them and stop their advance.  It is a real spiritual war we are engaged in, and we either fight for God or the devil.


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: pixel2013 / pixabay

Picnic Protests Sweep the World!

Picnic Protests Sweep the World!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 5, 2021


This week we look at yet another way of protesting the incoming vaxx passport agenda: picnicking.
Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he looks at how we can render the
vaccine mandate debate moot when we stop begging for scraps from the would-be ruler’s table and
build a table of our own.


Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4



Fight Vaccine Passports

How can we use the law to challenge the global Covid response?


TMR 268 : Diny Fielder-van Kleeff : Vaccine Control Group

Red Balloon

Dutch protest against COVID-19 vaccine pass to enter bars, restaurants

OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates

Fair Work Commission – Appeal of decisions Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd


Police Bust Gang Members With Car Trunk “Full Of KFC” Takeout Breaching ‘Strict Lockdown’

Picnic protest

Swiss Citizens Revolt, Install Tables Outside in Front of Bars, Restaurants to Ignore Vax Passports


Connect with James Corbett

The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World

The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World

by Academy of Ideas
September 30, 2021


The following is a transcript of this video.

“And the lie has, in fact, led us so far away from a normal society that you cannot even orient yourself any longer; in its dense, gray fog not even one pillar can be seen.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Lying has always been used for political purposes. Lies cover up corruption, past mistakes and hidden motives, and they are an essential ingredient in political campaigning. Sometimes, however, political lies take on a much more sinister form. The lies become all-encompassing, embrace all aspects of life and infect every corner of society. This occurrence is a sign that totalitarianism may be rising. For as the political philosopher Hannah Arendt noted, totalitarianism, at its essence, is an attempt at “transforming reality into fiction”. It is the attempt of corrupt and pathological state actors to impose a fictional account of the world onto the entire population. In Nazi Germany it was the idea of a superior race and an unclean people that formed the big lie, in the Soviet Union it was the belief that state communism could work and that all could be made equal. And from this big lie trickled down a stream of endless little lies. Referring to Communist Russia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote:

“In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Oak and the Calf

Describing Czechoslovakia under Soviet rule, Vaclav Havel similarly explained:

“…life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies…Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

When a political system rests upon a bed of lies, what can be done to turn the tide back towards truth and freedom? In this video, drawing from the insights of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Vaclav Havel, we are going to explore this question.

The day before he was exiled from the Soviet Union, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn published a short essay titled Live Not By Lies, and in it he wrote:

“We are approaching the brink; already a universal spiritual demise is upon us; a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children, while we continue to smile sheepishly and babble: “But what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength.”…But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not “they” who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies

When a state turns totalitarian the individuals who live in these societies are not merely its victims. All the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century rose to power amidst thunderous applause as many citizens openly called for the brutal control that defines this form of rule. Without mass support and compliance the great minority in the ruling class would be but paper tigers. The responsibility for the oppression, suffering, and loss of life that comes in the wake of totalitarianism, therefore, cannot be placed exclusively on politicians and bureaucrats. A large portion of responsibility must be placed on the citizens who support this form of rule, or else do nothing to resist. Vaclav Havel explains in his book The Power of the Powerless:

“There is obviously something in human beings which responds to this [totalitarian] system…Human beings are compelled to live within a lie, but they can be compelled to do so only because they are in fact capable of living in this way. Therefore not only does the system alienate humanity, but at the same time alienated humanity supports this system as its own involuntary masterplan, as a degenerate image of its own degeneration, as a record of people’s own failure as individuals.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

If the fuel for the growth of totalitarianism is weak and fearful individuals, then a cure is a personal revolution that takes place in hearts and minds and leads to an awakening of self-responsibility, courage and strength.

“The best resistance to totalitarianism is simply to drive it out of our own souls, our own circumstances, our own land, to drive it out of contemporary humankind.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writings played a major role in toppling the Communist Soviet Empire, and he advised we engage in such a personal revolution by transforming our life in a way which targets the most vulnerable part of the totalitarian system – the lies upon which it is built. In Live Not by Lies, Solzhenitsyn explains:

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies

Vaclav Havel was a dissident in communist Czechoslovakia and he later became president, and he echoed Solzhenitsyn’s sentiment that the most effective key to liberation from totalitarian rule is to commit to a nonparticipation in lies. Havel called this commitment “living within the truth”.

“If the main pillar of the [totalitarian] system is living a lie, then it is not surprising that the fundamental threat to it is living the truth. This is why [the truth] must be suppressed more severely than anything else.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

To engage in a nonparticipation in lies, or in Havel’s terminology, to “live within the truth”, is to stop parroting the lies of the state and to refrain from acting in ways which conform to state propaganda. It is to resolve to live as freely and authentically as possible, to boldly express our individuality and spontaneity.

“…spontaneity with its incalculability, is the greatest of all obstacles to total domination over man.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

It is to follow our conscience and place morality above unjust laws, to fearlessly pursue personal and communal values, and to give voice to our thoughts undeterred by ridicule. To live within the truth is to act in ways which promote a cultural reawakening, thus serving as a counterforce to the totalitarian system’s coercive march towards cultural stagnation, suffering, and death.

“Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies

In communist Czechoslovakia, the Velvet Revolution, or non-violent fall of totalitarianism, according to Havel, depended not so much upon political reform, but upon the existence of growing numbers of:

“…individuals who were willing to live within the truth, even when things were at their worst. . .They could equally have been poets, painters, musicians, or simply ordinary citizens who were able to maintain their human dignity…One thing, however, seems clear: the attempt at political reform was not the cause of society’s reawakening, but rather the final outcome of that reawakening.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

As an example of how living within the truth can revitalize a society, Havel recounts the story of a rock band, The Plastic People of the Universe. In communist Czechoslovakia musicians were required to register with authorities and were banned from creating music deemed too provocative or threatening to the political system. The Plastic People of the Universe refused to toe the line and following a concert in 1976 they were arrested, and the ensuing trial gained enormous public interest. The state media branded the band members as drug addicts, mentally ill, extremists and traitors to the country. However, many of the citizens had grown tired of living within a lie and they supported the young musicians, and as Havel notes, in many respects the trial marked the beginning of the end of the totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia. Havel writes:

“[The Plastic People of the Universe] were unknown young people who wanted no more than to be able to live within the truth, to play the music they enjoyed. . .and to live freely in dignity and partnership…They had been given every opportunity to adapt to the status quo, to accept the principles of living within a lie and thus to enjoy life undisturbed by the authorities. Yet they decided on a different course…In some ways the trial was the final straw…People…came to realize that not standing up for the freedom of others…meant surrendering one’s own freedom.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

Along with demonstrating the real-world impact that can result from the actions of ordinary individuals who live within the truth, that a young rock band sparked a movement that toppled the totalitarian system in Czechoslovakia unveils an important but underappreciated characteristic of this type of political system: despite appearances, it is by its nature weak, brittle, and in need of constant infusions of fear and lies in order to prevent it from collapsing. This weakness is why totalitarian regimes constantly slander and persecute anyone, even harmless musicians, who engage in even a modest attempt to live within the truth. For truth is the primary enemy of totalitarianism as it erodes the foundation of lies upon which it is built. Havel explains:

“…the crust presented by the life of lies is made of strange stuff. As long as it seals off hermetically the entire society, it appears to be made of stone. But the moment someone breaks through in one place, when one person cries out, ‘The emperor is naked!’ – when a single person breaks the rules of the [totalitarian] game, thus exposing it as a game – everything suddenly appears in another light and the whole crust seems then to be made of a tissue on the point of tearing and disintegrating uncontrollably.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

The brittleness of the totalitarian system is also why it is so important for as many people as possible to stop being servants to state lies. For just as our failure as individuals fuels the totalitarian system, so too it is a renewed courage of individuals to live within the truth which weakens and eventually destroys it. Totalitarian systems condition their citizens to believe that the individual is powerless to effectuate social and political change; but history has repeatedly shown otherwise, and as Solzhenitsyn notes:

“One man who stopped lying could bring down a tyranny.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

What we choose to say and how we decide to act influences not just the state of our character, but the state of society. We make our own epoch. And when living in the midst of totalitarian rule, the fundamental choice to make is whether we are going to stand on the side of the truth and freedom, or on the side of lies and malevolent authority. For those who choose the latter, whether out of fear, apathy, or merely to take the path of least resistance, Solzhenitsyn had to the following to say:

“Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies


Connect with Academy of Ideas

cover image credit: darksouls1 / pixabay

The Testimonies Project: Silenced by the Media & Government, Brave Israelis Share Stories of Severe Adverse Reactions & Deaths Following the Covid Vax Injection

The Testimonies Project: Silenced by the Media & Government, Brave Israelis Share Stories of Severe Adverse Reactions & Deaths Following the Covid Vax Injection


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Avital, a courageous mother of two, took on the project of giving a voice to Israelis who have been seriously harmed or killed as a result of receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine. A link to her website is found at the bottom of this post. Israelis who have been injured or have had family members die due to these toxic experimental injections can share their testimonies here.


“Hello. My name is Avital and I’m a mother of two boys. 
In the past months I’ve been hearing about more and more people I know who experienced severe adverse effects shortly after receiving the Pfizer shot. I also noticed that no news company, journalist, reporter or anyone investigated these events thoroughly and published the data.
Then they started administering this experimental vaccine to our children. That’s when I decided to take on this task.
I read thousands of testimonies and spoke with hundreds of people. Most of them, due to the hostility around this subject, were afraid to be exposed.
Eventually, I was able to reach the brave ones who agreed to be exposed. Here are their testimonies.”
~ Avital, creator of The Testimonies Project


 The Testimonies Project: The Movie

by The Testimonies Project
September 28, 2021


The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.

Original video available at Rumble.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with The Testimonies Project

Israelis, share your testimonies here

cover image credit: Counselling / pixabay

When You Take a Person’s Mind

When You Take a Person’s Mind

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 29, 2021


From a great distance
You see little puppets down there
Injecting RNA into arms
Faces behind masks
People locked up in their houses
It looks all very normal
As if people have always done this
But when you swoop down
And take a person’s mind in your hands
And turn it over
And really look at it
You see eternity
Reshaped into a toy
That buzzes
This mind couldn’t be what it is unless it was once ENDLESS
This is obvious to anyone who looks
In fact there is a museum of misshapen minds
Relics of bygone ages
Examples of how you could take infinity and drop it down into compartments and weasel holes and mazes and dead end alleys at midnight
Each “new” mind is a system
Bells and lights and buzzers
Always looking for add-ons
Because you see
A planetary vaccine campaign is really just an extension of misshapen minds
More bells and lights
From a great distance the whole thing looks like
A giant tinker toy
It’s only when you come much closer
Do you see the swollen hearts and the blood clots
And the dying
And the weeping

I have a collection of my own minds I used to have
here and there, now and then
MY minds
I take them out once in a while
When I had THIS mind I thought THAT
And when I had THAT one I thought THIS
And believed THAT
So many times and places
Too many to count
These minds will get a person embroiled
In all sorts of trouble
He’s inside a mechanical buzzard feeding on dead ideas
He’s crawling up the steps of a cathedral like a toy soldier with a hernia to listen to the sound of velvet Pope money rustling under robes
He’s clanking like an old rusty robot into a doctor’s office
And a nurse injects genes on to his iron arm where they sizzle like end-stage breakfast in a pan in a lost diner…
This is called CIVILIZATION
This is what people are doing to each other
700,000 vaccine injuries in America alone and you can multiply those reports by a factor of 100 to get the real number
And now in Massachusetts they’re testing babies
Churches are saying the Lord is all right with vaccination
The Sunday bells are ringing
Take the shot before you receive the blessing
Some toy minds are shaped into killers
They’re issuing the edicts
And lining up with shields and truncheons on the streets
And some minds are believing television news
And submitting with pride
On the lawns of Concord, where the first shots were fired in the American Revolution
They’re now injecting children with RNA
It’s a Saturday picnic
Balloons, pony rides, ice cream, a laser show in a tent
A bald man with a drooping moustache calls in the President through a bullhorn
And the old doddering leader shuffles into view, a ghost, gazing around him in wonder, looking for his childhood or his doctor or a penny piece of gum…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

Lockdown Dream and the Tibetans

Lockdown Dream and the Tibetans

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 27, 2021


A person I knew a long time ago
Or so it seemed
Came back to visit me
We were sitting in his car
On a busy street
A block away
A hundred thousand
Were facing off with cops in military gear
My visitor said
“I’m selling vaccines now and I think you’d be
A great member of my team
We go door to door
And peddle a shot in the arm
To prevent the plague”—
Someone threw a grenade
It bounced twice outside the car and exploded
He and I were floating in space
He was a salesman on the road in the sky
Hawking his product
He had interplanetary ambitions
He wanted to spread segments of RNA
Across the Milky Way
He said, “Remember that night at school
I got drunk
And tried to burn down the dorm?”
It all came back to me
He was the guy who was always
Sitting in class writing notes to himself
Making drawings
Talking about poetry
And now
A man on a narrow mission
To save the stars
We were in a spaceship
Speeding past
Forests filled with animals
And floating cities
People were shooting at us
“Suppose there’s no place to land?” I said
“We’ll find one,” he said
He voice was big and confident
He was smiling
And I was The Witness
It was my job to document
A stretch of time
In which things had changed
He took out a syringe
And slapped in a vial
And shot himself in the arm
His face turned blue
And he went into spasms
Then he straightened up
And took a deep breath and let it out
“Nothing like it!” he said
“Puts a jolt into you to start the day!”
His blue face faded to a dull green
“I have to feed this to the natives,” he said
I said to him, “You’ve gone interdimensional”
“That’s what my whole life was leading to,” he said. “A different
Form of death. This is the big lesson.”
“A lesson for who?”
“For everyone who’s tired of the every-day grind, who wants
Adventure. You realize how many people want to throw in
The towel?”
We were sitting in an old dusty theater. The lights were on.
A tall naked to the waist chieftain wearing a large headdress came down the aisle and stopped at our row. He ignored me
And said, “Did you bring the shit, Bob?”
Bob looked down and pointed at
Three suitcases.
“It’s all in there,” he said.
The chief broke out into a wide grin
It reminded me of Bill Gates’ Howdy Doody smile
—AND THEN I SAW what the old Tibetans
called the Great Void
everybody looks around and tries to figure out what to do
because the long hustle of discovery is over
and all the explorers have been paid off
There is nothing left
except a few magicians
living in cold mountains
punching holes in space-time at will
In Lhasa they were faced with that Nothing
and they turned to it
and finally saw universe
is a product
of mind
they sat in the holy rivers of energy
and took apart the river and the energy
down to Nothing
sat in it for
indeterminate length of no-time
stopping all creating
because they could
and then emerged
those few
magicians in the cold wasted hills and
and said WELL
if all you folks want to elect a billion reincarnated hopalong cassidys
as your presidents go ahead it doesn’t matter
we’re out here on the edge
inventing and destroying dimensions
—–I chained my old college friend Bob to his seat in the theater
I lit the suitcases on fire
And said to the chieftain
“Your connection just went null, pal
This is the new regime
If you to try to grab it
And mold it
It burns”
I walked out of the theater
Busy street
And hailed a taxi
I rode over to a deli on 53rd St.
went inside, sat down, and ordered the brisket
Nobody was wearing a mask
A waitress who looked 80 years old
Brought over a plate and set it down
There was nothing on it
And I mean NOTHING
It was The Void
And she said
“You can have it if you want to”
And I said, “Not just now”
“It’ll wait” she said
And winked at me
And it was all right
I floated through the deli
And back out into the street
The night is long
The worm is turning
The cops are starting to realize they want to stand with the anti-vax protestors
A cop cracked a man’s skull
The man is in the ICU fighting for his life
The sadists know no bounds
But neither do we
I know the mountain where I once was
And the valley where I am now
And the sky in between
I’m looking at the line of cops in their military gear behind their shields
And I can see they’re terrified of the NOTHING
And now they’re falling into that NOTHING
And screaming
Because they have no one to smash to prove they exist
And they keep falling
And falling
And hundreds of thousands of us walk through them
On our way to Grid Central to turn the lights back on


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: sebadelval / pixabay

How the CDC Creates Mandates

How the CDC Creates Mandates

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 24, 2021



Connect with JP Sears

Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: On the Unvaccinated as a Global Tribe That Values Freedom

Canadian Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati: On the Unvaccinated as a Global Tribe That Values Freedom


Rocco Galati’s Speech Toronto Worldwide Freedom Rally

by Vaccine Choice Canada
September 22, 2021

Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels. Also available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee channel.

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Excerpts from Transcript

Believe it or not, we are winning the battle. Before Covid-19, vaccine hesitancy in this country was at 10 percent. Now it’s up to 30%. Their agenda is backfiring on them. In the United States, it’s 52%. In places like Pakistan, Ghana it’s 98-99%. And so their total vaccination rate globally now is at a mere 10%.

If you want vaccines, God bless you. I would go to court to support your rights. But what you can not do is force people to engage in something they don’t want.

The other thing you need to know — they are approaching 12 trillion dollars that they have spent on this agenda. And it’s backfiring on them. Twelve trillion dollars is essentially the entire US budget for a year.

Understand what they put into this just in terms of money, never mind control and surveillance.

So what have they managed to do?

In pitting the vaccinated against the unvaccinated, what have they done? And I see it in the faces in the crowd here. It’s a marvelous thing they’ve done actually. They’ve created the first human tribe that cuts all racial, ethnic, political…They have created the tribe that all idealists throughout the ages hoped would be created.

The only thing that ties this multi-racial, multi-political, multi-socioeconomic, multi- gender, multi everything — is the sole wish and desire to have their freedom of choice in their physical and psychological autonomy to be up to them. And that’s what defines humanity — the freedom to choose how you’re physically and psychologically living.

So through their depraved, nasty, tyrannical, fascistic methods they’ve created the human society that we’ve all dreamt of.

So stick together. Let’s get more people in our ranks. If you value freedom, you value your body and your mind, you will resist this ugly, corrupt agenda by these fascist losers.


Reference links for Canadians from Vaccine Choice Canada:

Federal Employees: Are you being coerced with vaccine mandates?

Check out VCC’s NEW ‘No Student Mandates’ resource page:

Please share our NEW Vaccine Regret link with your loved ones/colleagues/health care providers – everyone!


Connect with Rocco Galati

Connect with Vaccine Choice Canada

Just a Conspiracy Theory

Just a Conspiracy Theory

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 20, 2021


I miss the good old days when I was labelled something simple like ‘racist’ by the pitchfork-wielding mobs.

Even cartoonists – the supposed bastions of political incorrectness – have lost their irreverence by becoming postmodern perpetuators and protectors of the establishment.

I am reminded of the time when a cartoonist told me, over the phone, that I’m a misogynist because I said that feminism is irrelevant in the West. My wife, who was sitting next to me, laughed at him because she agrees with me. Obviously, my wife is also a misogynist.

Or the time when the mainstream media hilariously tried to frame me as a homophobe because I jokingly called the South African justice system ‘gay’.

These days, the labels are a lot more boring.

Currently, “anti-vaxxer” and “conspiracy theorist” are in fashion.

I’ll ignore “anti-vaxxer” because being opposed to Covid clotshots isn’t even remotely controversial. I am healthy but must get injected with a mRNA cocktail that has no long-term safety trials, for a pathogen whose existence is imaginary, manufactured by a company whose profits are being boosted by millions of masked sheep living in fear?

That’s a no from me, Bob.

Being labelled a “conspiracy theorist” is also boring, but it’s a bit more fun than “anti-vaxxer”.

Because it says something about the person saying it.

And that something is blissful ignorance. Bad people don’t do bad things. Everything must be taken at face value. Rainbows and unicorns and bunnies frolicking in the meadows.

Pigeonholing somebody as a “conspiracy theorist” is a compliment because it’s an admission that the recipient is engaging in critical thinking.

And thinking critically is prohibited, these days.

Even the New York Times doesn’t want you to think critically and to, instead, blindly trust the authorities.

Stop thinking critically?

Think critically about that.

After all, what could possibly go wrong?

The following is a list of conspiracy theories. Bad people didn’t do anything bad. Nobody conspired. Happiness and cupcakes.

I can go on, but I’ll be here all month. The point is that the above examples are not conspiracy theories.

They are conspiracies.

And the critical thinkers who originally smelt a rat and began theorising about what was going on, were – wait for it – conspiracy theorists.

Thank goodness for conspiracy theorists.

By all means, label me one.


Connect with Jeremy Nell

images credit:  Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare

In Solidarity With Our Brothers & Sisters Standing for Freedom: Videos of Global Protests Around the World

In Solidarity With Our Brothers & Sisters Standing for Freedom: Videos of Global Protests Around the World


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Many readers from around the world — the majority from Australia  (special thanks to Margaret in Australia who shared many links) — sent videos highlighting the courage and dedication of those who took to the streets yesterday for the Worldwide Freedom Rally.   Because Australians are facing some of the most heavy-handed, draconian attacks right now, the video selection below begins with Australia. 

This post is done in honor of the many courageous people all over the world who continue to stand up on behalf of freedom and truth, regardless of threats and harsh treatment from governments, politicians, ‘medical’ workers and ignorant bureaucrats.

We are including a small sample of videos from around the world. There are far too many countries involved to represent them all here.

If you are participating in the resistance right now, thank you. Please join me in sending loving support and  respect for all who are standing up and leading the way. Thanks to all the filmmakers who do the work to give us a view of events around the world.

To follow the Worldwide Freedom Demonstrations, see their telegram channel or go to their website



by Real Rukshan

Victoria Police ignored multiple pleas by Victorians to allow their peaceful protest against the Andrews government and lockdowns to continue without violence. People marching through Richmond were corralled and kettled by police throughout the day, setting the stage for tense confrontations and violent arrests.

Police had originally planned for a major protest within the CBD, and as per the request of CCP Shane Patton, the Andrews government agreed to shutdown all public transport and create a ring of police-checks around the city. Protesters however thwarted these plans by moving the location of the protest to Richmond instead, therefore catching the police off guard.

This video edit highlights some of the contrasting moments of the day.

A full live feed of unedited footage of my report is available at the following link:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

by Aussie Cossack

Melbourne, Australia. Australian Police attacking an unarmed 70 year old woman by slamming her onto the ground and finishing her off with pepper spray? Well done to Journalist Marty Focker for capturing this footage.

Read related article from Image that SHOCKED a Nation

by Aussie Fighter


With the biggest police presence in 20 years, the government had announced that it was going to completely lock down the city of Melbourne. So when I cycled to the city this morning I was not sure how the planned protest would unfold. Twenty minutes before 12pm I got a message saying the crowds were meeting at Bridge Road in Richmond.

A smaller than usual crowd had found its way there, and as the police advanced from both sides, the crowd took the side streets. The police seemingly backed off at first, but then attempted to block the crowd in from both sides. A stalemate developed as the protesters were slowly crushed into a smaller and smaller area. Forget social distancing.

People then began jumping a fence and this set the march off across the Yarra River towards Kew. The crowd, blocked again, detoured down Barkers street — a cutting through the hillside. For a good camera view, I took to the cycle path above to see a heavy police presence waiting at the bottom of the cutting. More police quickly blocked escape by coming up behind trapping the protestors.

I’m not quite sure what the police expected — but the whole pincer and trapping strategy could only lead to one conclusion: a charge to evade being trapped. The action was inciting ‘action’ — deliberately. You can see in the video how it unfolded.

by Avi Yemini

It’s unclear if The Age & Herald Sun plan to defend their staff injured by police brutality. So far, they’ve only painted police as the victims.

Full @Rebel News report:

by @ETKE21

To the people in Melbourne on the front line today, YOU FREAKIN’ ROCK. There were splinter groups every where, but those who got there first copped the police kettling tactics again, not allowing them to disperse.


by Fearless Nation


Additionally, +2 million in São Paulo and +1 million similarly gathered in other state capitals.


by Free Speech Warrior


New Zealand

by @ETKE21

This video is from an event on September 13th but worth watching for their creative approach to getting the message out.

Zombie March in Whangarei, #NewZealand on Sept 13th – reminds us that Jacinda is leading a Covidian Cult. ( TELEGRAM CHANNEL ” 21st Century Wire (Official)


by Svašta nešto

BEOGRAD, 18.09.2021. [Belgrade, Serbia]

United Kingdom

by Free Speech Warrior

London: Freedom Rally 09/18/2021

by Free Speech Warrior


United States

by Lincoln Karim

Times Square September 18, 2021

by Free Speech Warrior



Worldwide Freedom Protests: A Glimpse at the Massive, Spirited Crowds Overflowing the Streets in Australia, UK, France & the Netherlands

Worldwide Freedom Protests: A Glimpse at the Massive, Spirited Crowds Overflowing the Streets in Australia, UK, France & the Netherlands


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Both of the compilations below, totaling many hours of live footage from many sources, are provided by Tim Truth. You can find follow him on Odysee and BitChute. If you find the videos buffering or freezing, use the alternative link provided.

Melbourne Freedom Rally Against Oppressive Victorian Government’s Clampdown & Police Brutality

by Tim Truth
September 18, 2021

Video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Protests In France, Amsterdam, London & More Against Mandated Injections & Tyranny #Manifs18Septembre

by Tim Truth
September 18, 2021

Video available at Odysee and BitChute.


Connect with Tim Truth

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

New Yorkers Unite Against Vaccine Mandates

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 17, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute, Brighteon, and Rumble channels.

Just days after the 20th anniversary of 9/11, teachers and union workers throughout the state came together in NYC in a “walk out” to demand freedom of choice against mandatory #Covid19 vaccines.


Connect with The HighWire

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Joins Worldwide Demonstration #4

Cape Cod, Massachusetts Joins Worldwide Demonstration #4


WHEN: Saturday, September 18, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine

WHERE: Capetown Plaza, 790 Iyanough Rd., Hyannis, Massachusetts (across the street from the Cape Cod Mall, in front of the old K Mart). Note different location. Bring large-letter signs with your message.


September 18 will be our fourth participation in worldwide demonstrations, a non-partisan movement dedicated to freedom of speech, freedom of movement, freedom of choice, freedom of assembly, and freedom of health. 180 cities across the world will take part.

Looking at the last year and a half, it seems people have forgotten that evil is a significant and real force in our world. The term has religious connotations which secular societies would like to avoid, but we might do well to remember the old story of good versus evil. Evil people are not stupid. They know very well how to lie while appearing to be the soul of virtue. How could we doubt that the homely philanthropist Bill Gates, or the smiling Justin Trudeau, or Anthony Fauci with his Brooklyn accent, or the fatherly Joe Biden, could have anything but the best of intentions for us? Well, that’s how the game works. These people were chosen for their job because they are effective liars — one of the perks of selling one’s soul.

The “pandemic” is an attack on human freedom being conducted in increments. We started out with a three week quarantine to relieve supposedly overwhelmed hospitals and health care workers. Now, 18 months later, “there will be consequences” for people who refuse to get “vaccinated” says Trudeau in Canada. In Australia, people who have been under strict lockdown for months are now being told not to talk to each other or bring their children to playgrounds. Internment camps have been mentioned, and some say they are being built for those who refuse the jab. Children are being taken away from “unvaccinated” parents. If current jab rates are any indication, half the world’s population may end up in the camps, but that’s not an insanity too far for our would-be masters.

Read more here


Connect with End Massachusetts Medical Mandates


See related: 

Madness: It Is Up to Us to Put a Stop to the Mass Injection Program

Join the 4th Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Human Rights, Saturday September 18, 2021

Join the 4th Worldwide Rally for Freedom & Human Rights, Saturday September 18, 2021

via Press Release


The World Wide Rally for Freedom is returning once again.

On Saturday the 18th of September 2021, the People of the International Freedom Movement in more than 40 countries around the world will be taking to the streets in defense of their fundamental Human Rights.

On the 24th of July, our third World Wide Rally For Freedom was our most successful to date, and we are moving from strength to strength to build our movement into a beacon of Freedom for the World.

In its fourth installment, our movement is resolved upon shared objectives, shared principles, and shared solution actions that we invite all people in every nation to stand behind for the future of our society.

We will not allow our inalienable Human Rights to be re-packaged as Human Privileges, to be conditioned upon compliance with Authoritarianism.

Throughout history, Humanity has been tried and tested in difficult times, but in the end, Freedom Always Wins.

We stand for the rights of all people to push back against infringements against their Freedom by joining us.

One Day. Everyone Together. We Will All Be There. We are taking a stand for 5 important Freedoms:
  • Freedom of Speech.
  • Freedom of Movement.

  • Freedom of Choice.
  • Freedom of Assembly.

  • Freedom of Health.
We are advocating for 5 important Objectives:
  • End Lockdowns
  • End Mask Mandates
  • Prevent Vaccine Mandates and Coercion
  • Return to Standard International and Domestic Travel
  • End all State of Emergency Declarations
We are building our Movement upon 5 important Principles:
  • Decentralization
  • Collaboration
  • Community
  • Stability
  • Peace
We are advocating for 5 Solutions:
  • Non-Compliance
  • Empowerment
  • Freedom Preserving Institutions
  • Freedom Culture
  • Shift The Narrative

We call on all opponents of the Coronavirus Restriction policies of their own government to participate in this World-Wide Protest.

We maintain that it is better to be right, than to be in the majority.

We can overcome widespread fear of social disapproval by building new social relationships with people that we align with and by helping people to find new communities to be a part of.

We will welcome those that are ready to change their mind, and to admit that they were wrong about their fear-induced support of tyrannical policies.

We will push back against widespread propaganda, by producing our own media, and advancing our own narrative, instead of succumbing to the one being pushed on us.

We will not accept the rampant politicization of Science and Medicine, and we will return these institutions to being neutral sources of information for the benefit of society, over government and corporate interests.

We see the processes being used to strip the Freedoms of people gradually and incrementally, by leaving restrictions in place after each round of lockdowns, and we will continue to push back against them.

We see that the Coronavirus is rapidly becoming a new Religion of Fear and is being invoked to justify tyranny using the same repressive mechanisms of state control over dress, language, and social interactions that have been used historically in past theocratic regimes.

We will push back against this Religion of Fear with our message of Freedom.

On Saturday September 18th, 2021, we will all once again demonstrate for our Fundamental Human Rights, for our Constitutionally Protected Freedoms, and for the end of the excessive Coronavirus restriction measures.

Now we will stand up. One Day. Everyone Together.

World-Wide Rallies for Freedom will take place in the following Countries: (In Alphabetical Order)




























New Zealand






Puerto Rico

Dominican Republic


South Africa


Trinidad and Tobago



United Kingdom

United States

About us:

In the spring of 2020, we formed an action group in Germany.

We believe that fundamental rights are not privileges, and we stand for peace, freedom, democracy and solidarity.

We are mothers and fathers, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters, young and old. We are the People. We are the Society.

We would like to thank those in power for awakening our desire for political self-determination.



Telegram Information Channels:

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage

UK Funeral Director Courageously Exposes Ongoing “Covid” Crimes Against All of Humanity: “Delta Variant” IS Vaccine Damage


Images credit: Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services

Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Below you will find recorded conversation between Max Igan and UK funeral director, John O’Looney.  In this interview, O’Looney details his experience regarding the manipulation and culling of humanity via the ruse of a “covid pandemic”.

Following Max Igan’s introductory questions, John starts out by describing an event that happened at the end of November and beginning of December 2019. He had visited a hospital morgue on behalf of a family who had lost a loved one. The family had complained that the hospital would not allow them to see the deceased. When John inquired at the hospital about the reason for denying the family the ability to view their loved one, he was told that something terrible was coming. He was then taken behind the viewing room doors and was shown a temporary pandemic morgue.

O’Looney explains that sometime in early 2020 he was contacted by the local BBC for an interview. At that point in time, he believed the covid narrative and cooperated with their request, including directives on how to dress. John explains,

“They got the interview they wanted and promoted the hysteria. And I kind of kick myself now because it’s simply not true — any of it. It’s not true.”

Over time, he began to question as he evaluated so many things that didn’t make sense.

“Very soon into 2020, funeral directors began panicking. The death rate wasn’t there. There was no increased death rate. We were seeing deceased that were deliberately labeled with covid, but there wasn’t any increase in numbers at all.”

He describes how he, his wife and the embalmer who worked for him, all ignored the new pandemic procedures for handling bodies. They did not wear masks and continued their usual care in preparing bodies for cremation or burial. They have all remained perfectly healthy, and not one of them has missed a day of work.

O’Looney shares his observations of what happened when all elderly were transferred from hospitals into care homes. He heard about the huge increase in use of midazolam (a strong sedative commonly used in end-of-life/palliative care} at these homes and began to look for evidence that this was true.

“There was a thousand percent increase in midazolam sedative purchased at that time. And there’s an extensive paper trail that documents it very clearly…”

“I suspect thousands of people were killed, euthanized, in these care homes using midazolam…”

“Then as abruptly as that started, it finished.”

O’Looney shares his unfolding awakening to the manipulation of facts and the global crime that was being committed.

“Every death possible was listed as a covid death… I had people come in — really, really upset families because they knew their loved ones had had terminal cancer. And they were terrified that I wouldn’t wash and dress them because they’d been labeled with covid. I had to reassure them, you know, ‘please don’t worry, I will’.”

“So the year 2020 progressed and, apart from that 12-week “cull” that took place — I’m very careful with my words because I know that’s what it was. Statistically, it’s impossible to happen. Viruses don’t target care homes… Despite the great effort they made in care homes to bump the numbers up, overall 2020 was quieter than 2019 for death rate.”

“I began to smell a rat. I said to people I bet the death rate soars in January when they become vaccinated…And we came back to work on the 2nd and on the 6th they began vaccinating. The death rate was extraordinary. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

View the video to hear John O’Looney’s full testimony and his warnings that humanity must stand up now against this attempt to dominate, harm and “cull” us.


by Max Igan, The CrowHouse
September 15, 2021


Video available at Max Igan’s The CrowHouse Odysee and BitChute channels.

Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services:
John O’Looney’s direct email:


Connect with Max Igan

‘She Smiled, but Not at Me’

‘She Smiled, but Not at Me’
My mother died 9 years ago today. This is a previously unpublished meditation on that event, and its meaning for both of us, in a country that had by default decided there is no God and no hereafter.

by John Waters, John Waters Unchained
September 14, 2021


After a long and generally healthy life, my mother, Mary Ita Waters, started to go downhill from the summer of 2011. She had walked with a limp for many years, after a fall in the 1970s, but had been reasonably mobile, her mind as sharp as a scalpel. Now it became necessary to move her bed to the front room downstairs, a further staging post that she resented but accepted because there was no choice.

March 2012 was an exceptional month, weather-wise, and, with my nephew Barry, I took his grandmother on what was to prove her final trip outdoors. We went back to Sligo, to the land her husband Tom had come from as a young man in the early days of the Irish Free State. My mother loved going to Sligo and now, on an unprecedentedly beautiful March day, we drove around it once more, saying very little. We stopped off at the Drumcliff Teahouse, beside the graveyard where Yeats was buried a decade after his death in 1939. My mother was unable to get out of the car, so we brought her tea and scones on a tray. We drove home, as we had many times before, but our hearts were full and heavy.

The decline continued and her movement from the armchair to the front room became slower and more painful. Still, she remained alert and interested in the world around her, maintaining her ready wit and perspective. Whenever I would begin ranting on about some outrage or other in the public domain she had a way of snapping me out of it under the guise of offering sympathy. ‘Ah, don’t be annoying yourself’, she would say, having listened patiently for a while.

Though housebound now, she remained in reasonably good fettle until the first week of July, when she experienced another turn of some kind, after which her mind finally began to unravel. On her 92nd birthday in early August, I arrived home with a birthday cake I’d picked up in Sligo, to encounter a stand-off. My mother was sitting in the front room, out of bed, with two of my sisters trying to comfort and attend to her. Seeing me arrive, she appealed to me to help her escape.‘They won’t let me do anything!’ she implored. In a short time it became obvious that she thought that the man who had returned home was her father, Patrick McGrath, fiddle-player and farm manager of the French estate in Cloonyquin, whom we her children had met only in legend, and who had been dead for the greater part of a century.

Thus, she took us, stage by stage, through the milestones of her 92 years — childhood, adolescence, young womanhood, marriage to Tom, motherhood, middle age — and in doing so through a tour also of the lives we had ourselves entered from her body.

After that, she went into a kind of freefall. My sisters and I maintained a continuous presence with her in the last weeks of her life, caring for her at home until she left us to continue her eternal journeying. We took turns to sit with her overnight, to ensure there was someone by her bedside always, because she would sometimes wake and become distressed or get out of bed without waking at all. It was difficult to watch, but also a kind of grace, because it became possible to see what a life lived in faith can be in the end. Even in her delirium, she still prayed the same prayers she had always prayed, especially the Night Offering which she had taught us to say as children: ‘Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may I breathe out my soul in peace with You.’

I had a strange awareness come over me during those weeks of my mother’s last illness, this sense of being involved in an intense experience, which I might at some time write something powerful about but could not then find words to describe. The hours and days seemed to teem with happenings, experiences and understandings. I kept thinking that I should be writing things down before I forgot them, but whenever I tried to focus on something it would disappear from my field of mental vision. This was a moment I had awaited in myself for a long time, and now here it was, and yet it seemed unreal. The emotions I expected were for the most part not present. Instead of sadness, there was a sense of life continuing around me. I walked and talked, read books and spoke to people on the phone, as though none of this was happening.

After her death, a friend would write, in a text message, a word that seemed to capture my condition of dislocation and discontinuity: rupture. I recognised it as though it were a blow. It’s strange to think of how — at best — sporadically we think about what really grounds us in the world, until it is gone. And this applies even when, like me, you’ve made much of the ideas of it. No matter how much you analyse it, it remains abstract, until the experience of an absence finally brings it to life.

It would eventually dawn on me that much of what I’d been feeling in those final weeks was of an entirely interior character, having virtually no material existence, or even any basis in my thoughts or memories. It was a mixture of pure pain and pure joy and, even yet, almost a decade later, I have not found a way of completely excavating these feelings and turning them into words. The experience of being with my mother while she died created a disorder within me, which I had, or have, no description for. At the time, I had been conflating this tumult of emotion with the quotidian routine of shopping, comings and goings, visits by doctors and nurses, and all the other activities that created a diversion for all of us from the reality unfolding in the front room. Somehow, at some part of my psyche or body, I convinced myself this was the story I wanted to tell the world: about going to Lidl for apples and custard, to make my mother the only dish she could any longer eat. But when I finally tried to write it down, it amounted to nothing. I realised that, notwithstanding my profound sense of being involved in a great drama, nothing much had happened in the world at all, except that my mother had left it, and that, inside of me, everything had started changing. I had also stepped up to face the horizon in a new way, with neither of my parents standing in front to guide or tutor me.

In those dark nights I was brought to another thought: that something related to these feelings — something in the culture into which my mother’s long life had extended — might be intensely threatening to her in these her final days and hours. Many times over the last decade or so of her life, I had reflected on the ways in which the Ireland she had brought us up in was changing radically in ways that were no longer even being adverted to. Profound changes in thinking or unthinking were simply occurring as though organically, but unrecorded in the public conversation, at least in anything of the way that, given the enormity of what was happening, one might have expected. If these changes were referred to at all, it was simply by way of insinuating that they were inevitabilities arising from what was called progress, necessary and beneficial aspects of the chronological march of time.

Something especially odd had been happening to discussion of matters like faith, God, transcendence of the visible world and the idea of a hereafter. Whereas, not long before, the public conversation had appeared to assume that these matters were incontrovertibly settled on the basis of belief in the Christian God, it now seemed that, as if by the wave of a wand, such beliefs were no longer generally regarded as incontrovertible or even plausible, and so could be brushed aside without elaboration or even dismissed completely — and without this sentence of banishment provoking a defence or even a reaction. It wasn’t so much that people were saying that such beliefs were now to be regarded as foolish or superstitious — although sometimes they were — but that in the absence of a commentary on their disappearance, the impression to be gleaned was that they had fallen off some cliff of logic and were floating away out to sea.

It was as if, sometime in the past decade or so, I had fallen asleep for a few years, and then awoken to an entirely new dispensation. Not alone did God no longer exist, but it seemed that almost everyone else knew and understood this and remembered it being agreed. Nobody actually said so openly, but virtually everything that was said, and especially the things people seemed to be avoiding saying, suggested it. Radio and television interviews with those who belonged to the dwindling numbers of believers were conducted in the most perfunctory manner, with questions of faith disposed of politely but without interest. Interviews with non-believers lingered only a little longer on fundamental matters, and seemed to accept at face value the descriptions and observations being delivered, as through a cultural context that had existed for 1,500 years had been carried away on the breeze.

There is something about listening to a discussion or interview on the radio that renders you passive, causes you to remain on the surface rather than listening for the underlying meanings as you might if you were listening to a play or following a prepared speech. Very often, you are led by what is being said, following its shifts and turns and logics with your critical faculties switched off, listening as you might to a song rather than reflecting deeply on the implications of what is being said. Sometimes, afterwards, you become aware of something wrong, something missing, but more often you simply absorb the conversation you’ve listened to without asking yourself what else might have been said. I call this phenomenon an ‘anti-impact’, because it collides with my consciousness in a negative way without necessarily declaring itself. Very often, I will not have noticed anything happening, because nothing, in fact, will have happened. Rather, something has ‘not happened’ that should or might have happened, but because I have not been alert to the matter, I will not actually have ‘missed’ it. A subtext has existed, but it will have insinuated itself only subconsciously. An impression has undoubtedly been left, but something like the opposite of an impact. It is as if nothing at all has been said, but this absence has a hidden meaning that nags at me without leaving a clear sense of itself. Like the dog that didn’t bark in the Sherlock Holmes story, it becomes significant only much later, when something clicks into place in my mind or somebody says something that brings the whole thing back. It is like the experience of sitting on a stationary train at a platform, with another stationary train pulled up alongside. Passengers are joining or disembarking from both trains. You watch through the window the activity in the adjoining train, while you wait for your train to move forward again — the passengers going and coming and settling themselves down. Then, almost imperceptibly, you have a visual sensation of movement. You continue watching the people in the other train as they speed up and, carriage by carriage and with increasing speed, move through your field of vision. You’re off! Then, suddenly the sensation of movement is terminated. There is a momentary stillness, and a palpable jolt as your vision tries to adjust to the stillness of the platform and your surroundings. The final carriage of the other train has passed your field of vision and it become clear that it was the other train, not yours, that was moving. The other train has gone but yours has not moved at all. You had been caught up in an optical illusion, by virtue of having no fixed reference point within your field of vision that was not part of either train. But the most interesting thing is the sense of a disorientating impact, as though you have been stopped up short — more abruptly than seems possible in even a violent impact in reality, but there has been no kind of impact that might plausibly go by the name.

An anti-impact. To be moving at the speed you thought you were moving at and to be stopped like this could in actuality result only in serious injury or death. But, instead, you feel nothing except this strange disorientation, like there should have been a noise or disturbance of some kind registering the impact, but there has been no corresponding sound or commotion. All there has been is a brief, strange dislocating jolt, which consumed your body and being, but with no tangible event or symptom to identify it as a real occurrence. It is the jolt of nothing happening, of your sense of what you’ve been experiencing being abruptly undermined by reality.

This ‘jolt of nothing happening’ occurs too, in a different way, when you listen to a conversation about a topic which you expect to be conducted according to a particular agenda of assumptions, but find that few or none of these assumptions seem to be present. Here, too, you have a sense of receiving a shock to the system, but, since there is no external evidence of this shock, your inclination is to brush it off, to think it must have been a trick of the imagination or sensory apparatus. More and more, I had been experiencing such an anti-impact in the course of media discussions about faith and God.

Going about my business in Dublin through the Noughties and beyond, I used to fret a little about my mother listening to the radio back home in the West. Often I would find myself wondering: what did she make of it all? When she heard the daily discussions that implied, usually without saying as much, that her most cherished and fervent beliefs were for the birds, did she simply feel that jolt of nothing happening and think no more about it? Or, if she did register some kind of incoherence, was she able to remove herself from its vibrations and return to the heart in which she held those certainties she had carried from childhood?

Around the time she became ill, a friend told me of an experience of his that had rattled him. A practicing Christian, he had been attending a family gathering at the home of some friends in the West of Ireland. On the surface, the family had been staunchly Catholic, though, as far as he knew, were no longer involved with the Church to any serious degree. Like many such gatherings, the party occupied the entire ground floor of the house, with guests constantly moving between rooms and joining various conversations and huddles as they pleased. My friend suddenly found himself alone in a room with the woman of the house, a lady of approximately the same age as my mother. She knew who he was, and of his intense involvement with the Church, and they exchanged a few polite remarks on this subject. Then, suddenly, she said: ‘They’re sayin’ it’s all cod, that none of it is true?’ It was a question, not a statement. She looked at him with fear and pleading in her eyes. He sat down and began to talk to her, to undo in her heart the damage of a thousand overheard inanities.

The word ‘cod’ is a kind of Hiberno-English word for nonsense. It is about the most reductive word you might ever expect to hear applied to the greatest questions of existence, almost a nothing word, a word that brushes aside everything it touches. The woman was not saying that she had listened to many profound and challenging discussions about the meaning of life and the validity of the Christian proposal and been discommoded in her beliefs. She was, rather, simply giving back precisely what she had received, putting into a single word the entire cacophony she had been listening to for years. She was conveying precisely the sense this discussion had provoked in her, conveying a feeling she had been left with rather than summarizing an argument she had been swayed by. When my friend told me that story, I found myself wondering: Had my mother ever spent a day or an afternoon, having listened to some vacuous interview or discussion on the radio, wondering if the faith she had cleaved to all her life was ‘all cod’?

Sometimes, in those final weeks of her life, as I sat there reading in the night by her bedside, feeling intensely the changes that had lately occurred in the mentality of our country, I felt this overpowering need to find some means of keeping that culture at bay, lest it invade her heart or soul. I wished I could lay my hands on some kind of metaphysical draught-excluder to keep outside the prevailing unhealthiness and unreason. If someone came into the room and left the door open behind them, I would find myself jumping up to close it, and then realising that it was not the night time chills that worried me, but something more ominous: the smug, ignorant neo-certainties that would have made little of my mother’s faith and sought to steal her hope for the pointless satisfaction of seeming clever.

Before the great questions of existence, it is possible to err in two directions: that of excessive scepticism or an affected certainty that is not open. Pure scepticism causes all certainty to unravel as it develops, but the wrong kind of ‘certainty’ becomes indistinguishable from superstition. In Irish culture, religious belief has long been associated with unquestioning, unquestionable, literal convictions, an absolute ‘faith’ in certain factual propositions. Such a faith appears to stand unassailably until it wavers in the least, and then it buckles at the knees.  And this occurs more and more, in many people unable to contend with an entirely different logic of reality that assails them every waking moment through the media and the common conversation of the streets and marketplaces of my homeland. Then, it tends to go in one of two directions: towards a reactive, white-knuckle insistence on the integrity of what is held to, or an outright capitulation to the ‘logic’ of disbelief. For many people, unable to deal with the dilemmas thrown up by such challenges to their beliefs, the clerical abuse scandals which have assailed the Irish Catholic Church for two decades now have functioned as a convenient alibi which enables them to explain their defection from Catholicism, when really the problem is that they are unable to square their previous religious beliefs with what they are nowadays assured is ‘rationalism’ and ‘reason’.

These things I thought as I sat and watched my mother die. It was a slow death and unrelieved by any moment of catharsis. There was no moment of mutual embrace, no final deathbed scene. She simply became ill, deteriorated and finally died. There were difficult moments, sad moments and ‘funny’ incidents along the way, but overall there was simply a death.

I cannot imagine us dealing with the experience of our mother’s death were it not for her faith and the support she and we got from the local curate, Father Micheál, who came to see her every day; or without the rich culture of devotion and ritual which remains like the throb of an amputated limb in the culture of the West of Ireland — a culture which might believe itself relatively impervious to recent drifts but actually is anything but invulnerable, as it wordlessly watches its life ebbing away.

The aftermath of the deaths of both my parents were visited by unexpected occurrences in the wider world. On the day we buried my father, on June 5th 1989, I walked into Mulvihill’s bar in Castlerea and saw, on the television set in the corner, images of a funeral that seemed to bring my own inner feelings to life. The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran had died just a few hours after my father, and was being buried in Teheran at almost exactly the same time. Except that it was unclear from the picture I was watching how this man was ever going to be buried, because the hordes, seemingly millions of people on whom his coffin was swept along like a canoe on a raging torrent seemed determined to prevent the interment. Mourners at the graveside climbed into the hole dug to receive the Ayatollah’s body, to prevent their imam being buried.  Several times, the body was separated from the coffin and had to be replaced inside. I related to the sorrow of those teeming hordes. They did not want their father to leave them, for how could they confront the terrors of the world without him?

The weekend my mother died was the occasion of an equally extraordinary event. In Hillsborough, County Down, on the day after she passed away, a father and two sons were killed in a horrific farm accident. Graham Spence had lowered a ladder into the slurry tank to rescue a dog who had fallen in. His father Noel and brother Nevin had gone to his rescue but had themselves got into difficulties. Emma Spence, sister of Graham and Nevin had made heroic but ultimately fruitless attempts to rescue the three men. On the day after my mother’s funeral, she buried her father and two brothers, and at their funeral delivered an oration that transfixed the nation.

At Ballynahinch Baptist Church, she spoke with a remarkable composure, her voice barely wavering. ‘Godly men,’ she said, ‘they didn’t talk about God, they just did God. They were ordinary, but God made them extraordinary.’ Her words had no trace about them of the tone of wishing or hoping that tends to characterise funeral orations. Emma spoke as though delivering pure facts. Her expression of the idea that God had made her father and brothers ‘extraordinary’ had about it a matter-of-factness that presented God not as a ‘consolation’ but as a self-evident truth. My mother, like Emma Spence, had a great faith. I don’t say a ‘simple’ faith, as in the conventional condescending construction. Her faith was — like Emma’s — matter-of-fact, its apparent ‘simplicity’ arising from the ease with which it fitted into a deep sense of the meaning of reality.

In early September, as she entered what were to be her final couple of weeks, she came back to herself a little, and though weak was able to communicate with us much better than she had for some time. Her confusion diminished too and she recovered something of her old drollness, though she was clearly becoming weaker and continuing to disintegrate in various ways. Her heart was as strong as a diesel locomotive, and sometimes we doubted that she could die at all.

In the depths of the morning of September 14th, I noticed her breathing change. I had heard a great deal about the ‘death rattle’ and, though I had never encountered it before, knew instantly what was happening. As soon as dawn broke, I called the doctor and he came and said that it might only be a matter of hours. After he left, her breathing became easier and she seemed to sleep. That afternoon, I found myself alone with her in the room and felt moved to say something to her, though I was unsure by now if she could hear. In a whisper I thanked her for everything she had done for us. I told her she was the greatest woman I had ever met. I told her it was okay to go, that many people were waiting to welcome her, that He Who Makes Her was waiting too. She gave no sign. Later, she briefly opened her eyes and smiled. It was s strange smile, which meant nothing to me until some weeks afterwards when someone gave me a copy of A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis, a short book about the death of his wife. In the final paragraph of that book, I read this sentence: ‘She smiled, but not at me’. I knew then what I had seen. My mother died less than four hours after smiling that smile.

She and I had never really moved beyond our primary parent-child relationship. I know many people who in adulthood have achieved relationships with their parents that enable them to become ‘equals’ and ‘friends’. But my mother remained my mother right to the end, just as my father had remained my father until the day of his death. I have some regrets about the fact that, due to the nature of this relationship, I never came to talk to my mother about her faith. Sometimes, sitting quietly with her, I had the urge to open up the box of questions I had about how she had absorbed all the recent changes in our country and how she was dealing with them. But I always decided that the time was not right.

We had never once, I don’t think, discussed anything I’d written in a newspaper. We might glance off something from time to time, but it was as if she always understood that the person who wrote these articles in the newspapers was a kind of construction rather than the son she had reared. I suppose, too, I was self-conscious about many of the things I wrote, especially in front of someone who knew me better than anyone. We both knew that many of the things I wrote about, though important in their own way, were generally speaking not to do with the most vital aspects of existence. My father, who liked the game of politics, had been a more political animal than his wife, who tended to look to the heart of things, in search of the essence of them.

So, I never knew what she thought of what I did for a living. From time to time I would come across at home a cutting from a newspaper — a recent column or article of mine — which she appeared to have a particular interest in, but I never alluded to this and she never sought to open a discussion about what I’d written.

After she died, one of my sisters mentioned that there was a folder of some kind with some of my articles in it. I thought very little of it, presuming that it contained a selection of the pieces I’d occasionally written about Roscommon, the West or home. But no: As I leafed through the folder I realised that my mother had cut out and kept every single article I’d ever written. This awareness brought me to a new kind of sorrow, and also a new kind of pride, quickly followed by a strange realisation. I comprehended that, although I had not thought of myself as being in any kind of dialogue with my mother about the things I wrote about, she had been, all the while, engaging with this aspect of her son. I had thought of my articles as intended for other people, being unsure whether she would want to know about views of mine about things that, in many instances, would be controversial or potentially challenging to some aspects of her way of seeing the world. I should have known better.

Sifting through the newspaper cuttings she had kept, I became aware of my work in a new and completely different way. I recognised my mother as someone other than my mother. Suddenly she became one of those women who sometimes came up to me and said how much they appreciated the things I wrote, but then maybe went on to argue, in the nicest possible way, about some detail of what I had written. Suddenly she was someone with whom I had had two entirely separate and parallel relationships: mother and son, yes, but also writer and reader.

Looking at the headlines and recalling what I had written on this or that occasion, I saw for the first time that my mother and I had been engaged in a conversation for many years. It also struck me that the things I had written, under certain headings, could only have helped her in whatever doubts she might have been having. Although I had been completely oblivious to this, we had been having the conversation that I wanted to have with her.

In January of 2012, the year she was to die, for example, my mother would have read an article of mine in the Irish Mail on Sunday about a six-year-old severely brain-damaged boy who the High Court said should not be resuscitated in the event that his condition deteriorated. The hospital allegedly caring for the boy went to court seeking an order to the effect that, in the event of the child requiring invasive treatment as the result of an acute deterioration, his carers would be entitled to deny him such treatment provided that the medical advice was that not resuscitating him would be in his ‘best interests’. The judge granted the hospital the direction it sought, stating his opinion that continued ventilation of the child in the circumstances would involve undue pain and suffering and would ‘merely’ constitute a prolongation of life with no prospect of improvement. The boy’s parents had disagreed but were disregarded.

I also referred in that article to an episode that had occurred in Italy some years before, in which a young woman called Eluana Englaro was allowed to die after a long-running legal battle. She died on February 9th 2009, four days after doctors began a ‘gradual’ reduction in her food and water intake with the intention of causing her death in accordance with a court order obtained by her father.

I recalled that, three days before Eluana’s death, the father of another young woman had published an open letter to Mr Englaro, telling him of his own experience in a similar situation and begging him to reconsider. Mario Dupuis too had had a brain-damaged daughter. Her name was Anna and she was 15 when she died in 1995. In her short life, she never talked, never ate nor drank. She too was fed by feeding tube. She had to be given oxygen to allow her to breathe, and every day her family members had to aspirate the mucus and drain her lungs.

I recalled that, in his remarkable letter, Mario Dupuis spoke of his own struggle to decide what was in his daughter’s ‘best interests’. He had tried to follow the logic that his daughter was a ‘gift from God’ that the value of life was untouchable, but this was not sufficient for him. He knew that, as a human being, he had to face this situation as it really was, not with rhetoric or ideology. ‘The most incessant and implacable question’ he wrote, was: ‘How can I face all this without being crushed, without giving into cynicism and denying that life has a meaning, albeit mysterious?’

He watched Anna’s friends come and go. He watched them look at his daughter  ‘with a strange depth and a different humanity that I, her father, did not have’.

‘At the beginning this made me very uncomfortable, but then it raised my curiosity, and I realized that this daughter of mine, there in front of me, was asking something deep and great of me first of all. Anna was not content to be treated as a daughter; she did not want to be reduced to her condition, but she wanted to be treated as something greater. Anna was there to challenge my usual attitude, as understandable and inevitable as it was, of thinking and reacting, which however, was suppressing a clear fact: In reality there is something mysterious that goes beyond the visible. Unless something happens in our life, we cannot define this “something”, but it does not eliminate the fact that it exists. It was evident that in Anna there was something greater that I could not ignore just because I did not see it, while what I could see was the source of sorrow. So I learned to know Anna in a new, different way, and if not for this new way I would have said like everybody else that Anna would have been better off not surviving.’

It was not, he believed, a matter of faith or values. ‘For me it was a matter of being honest in front of what was happening to me. It was as if Anna were saying to me: “Dad, if your heart is made for a destiny of happiness, my heart is made for the same destiny, look at me like this”. This is a challenge one has to accept, one cannot hide from it.’

His daughter died, just ‘when it had started to be more natural to treat her not as a person needing everything, but as a person who, by her very existence, was the clear sign that there is Another who wants her and brings her to her destiny of happiness. This is definitely not being resigned to waiting for eternal life! This destiny of happiness was so obvious that whoever looked at her became aware of it and was changed.’

I read my own article and wept at the knowledge that my mother had read these words of Mario Dupuis. I had never been so glad about writing something in my whole life. I had never been so glad to know anything as I was that there was the strongest possibility that, as she entered the final calendar year of her long life, my mother had read this article written by her son and known that in this, the greatest sense of all, she was not alone.


Connect with John Waters

cover image credit: spirit111 / pixabay

The Galactic Tribunal Grills Bill Gates

The Galactic Tribunal Grills Bill Gates

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 14, 2021


We don’t know how Bill Gates was transported to a Galactic proceeding, and we only have fragments of the interrogation. But because no court on Earth would deliver justice, those distant powers intervened.

A judge read an unusual opening statement, which apparently is presented before every trial:

“In our high civilization, we’ve fulfilled the ancient prophecy, THE LOST SHALL BE FOUND. There is no barrier between those of us who live here in the flesh and those most close to us who’ve departed this life. We experience joy with them in dimensions far greater than this. Why then do we bother to conduct these trials? Because we also fight for justice. We will not turn our backs on that ideal.”

FRAGMENT 1: …Mr. Gates, it’s time for the truth. How long did you plan the pandemic before launching it?

Why am I forced to tell the truth?

Because this is a place for conscience.

Will you torture me if I decline?

We’ll keep asking until you answer honestly, no matter how long it takes.

Who can I pay? I’m rich.

Denied. We don’t want money.

How about land? I can deliver you a large colony on Earth. A whole country. Maybe even Europe.


I could create a medical system for you that would dazzle your minds. On Earth, the Nobel Committee should give me the Prize for my efforts, but they don’t have the balls. Did Melinda put you up to kidnapping me? I demand my rights…

FRAGMENT 2: …The pandemic narrative was simply the occasion for establishing a worldwide dictatorship?

We needed a pretext. There were many meetings over the course of 25 years. We decided early on that a medical story was our best option. It appears to be politically neutral.

On Earth, the modern religion is science.

Exactly. So if we could get out in front of that trend and create a medical scenario of threat and impending destruction, we could apply just enough coercion to control the population.

But you weren’t conducting real science.

We were inventing the appearance of it. We had so-called experts in our camp. They would take the lead. The masses have no way of distinguishing science from fantasy…

FRAGMENT 3: In the planning stage prior to the declaration of a pandemic, what were the vital elements?

I’m most proud of our messaging organization. We had the news media. We had government leaders. We had recognized medical experts. But you see, in that type of operation, you can’t afford defections. The seal has to be tight. Ours was. Over the years, through money, through influence, in some cases through threats, we had built a network of unity and compliance.

You’re proud, you say?

Why, yes. It took work. Much work. You don’t lock up all the key sources of information on a planet overnight.

So it was the message you were aiming for, rather than the truth.

Of course. There was no pandemic. We had to make it seem there was. Convincingly.

You were heading a sales force.

Exactly. The whole idea was to make the buying compulsory…

FRAGMENT 4: …You had planned the lockdowns?

Years in advance. Then, at the right moment, China pulled the trigger, setting the example. When my World Health Organization praised China, other nations followed suit and imprisoned their populations.

So the Chinese regime’s lockdowns were definitely part of the advance planning.

Yes. That was crucial. The government there wasn’t fully on board with the globalist future we set our sights on. China is, first and foremost, for China. But we had enough cooperation from them to make it work.

And social media? You had them on your side from the beginning?

That was easy. Their leaders are willing and compliant. They’re afraid to go against our medical consensus. And they’re globalists. In the long run, they want world government, too.

As do the controlled media?

Yes. Putting the right people in place in the news industry has been a decades-long proposition.

You wanted a planet that was a prison.


And the pretext again?

The scenario? There is a deadly virus sweeping across Earth, and in order to stop it, we have to lock down countries…and then inject everyone with a vaccine.

But there was no virus?

Among us, there were arguments on both sides of that question. But if it existed, it certainly wasn’t any more dangerous than the flu. We had to make it seem very, very dangerous.

Through pronouncements to that effect.


FRAGMENT 5: …You want depopulation?

We have to have it. You can’t run a planet when 8 billion people are living on it. It’s impossible. The vaccine is the weapon. But not just the COVID vaccine. Vaccines before it and those coming in the future.

And all those deaths will be laid at the door of pandemics?

Yes. “The virus did it.”

And you’re willing to murder all those people.

Hard choices dictate the outcomes of events. A better life for some, rather than a terrible life for all. That’s my choice.

Are you listening to yourself, Mr. Gates?

I always listen to myself.

FRAGMENT 6: …I want to return to the messaging effect you created. It’s difficult for us to understand how you managed it…why so many leaders in their fields went along with your false science.

It was a combination of things. Many people are true believers. Scientists talk, and they believe. Other people wanted money. We paid them money. Certain resistant politicians were threatened. We set an example with several assassinations. As you build a consensus, you reach a threshold where the tide is in your favor. Then people ride it with you, out of fear of excommunication if they don’t. Media leaders were given to understand that the pandemic was the gateway into a global governance system. And the system was inevitable.

What about Anthony Fauci?

He’s a little man, a striver, who wants to be accepted in elite circles. I recruited him a long time ago…

FRAGMENT 7: …You yourself have given much money to media companies.

I praised their work, gave them money, and they showed loyalty to me. You see, life runs on stimulus-response. I make use of that principle on a worldwide basis. My colleagues and I provide calculated stimuli, and the population, in all areas of life, responds as we predict.

You view humans as machines.

Well, they are.

But you and your colleagues aren’t.

We’re of a higher order. We can stand outside stimulus-response and operate the levers.

As you sit here, Mr. Gates, you don’t believe you’re confessing to crimes. You’re proud of what you’ve done.

Of course.

Listen to me carefully now. We know enough of what you are, in order to pass sentence on you. But we know a great more than that. Like every individual, you have a greater dimension. We could show it to you. We could compel you to experience it. If we did, you would come apart at the seams. You would understand your own evil actions in a way that is undeniable.

…I don’t like the sound of that. What are you talking about?

I think you have an inkling of what I mean. The experience we could compel you to have is one you yourself, on your own, will come face to face with, some day. Not in your present life. Afterwards, at some point. There is no telling when, but it will happen.

You mean some supposed higher power will force it on me?

No, Mr. Gates. It’s much worse than that. You’ll force it on yourself.

Why would I do that?

Because although you’ve embraced crime and destruction, somewhere inside yourself you also understand The Good. And in that understanding, you can potentially live in joy and peace. As anyone can.

You’re not making sense.

You’re beginning to see I am making sense.

I don’t like this.

Why would you like it, given what you’ve made of your life and lives of others?

You’re trying to pass off some kind of religious nonsense on me.

Far from it. We don’t have churches in this place, Mr. Gates. We don’t need faith in things unseen. We’ve already seen.

I want to go home.

You will.

You’re not going to kill me?

So you can blame us for what you’re doing to yourself?

You’re insane.

We’ve opened up just a bit of light here for you.


Because although we’re a just people and don’t need justice for ourselves, we will exercise it on behalf of others, who’ve been harmed.

This is ridiculous.

Even the worst murderers have it in themselves to become good. They can cross that bridge.

No they can’t.

We can hear voices, Mr. Gates. Many voices are telling us to put you to death.

Then why don’t you? Go ahead.

We’re doing something much worse. We’re imposing this sentence…YOUR FATE IS IN YOUR OWN HANDS. That sentence is real. It carries weight. As you’ll discover.

It’s meaningless.

Take Mr. Gates away. He’s about to become ill. Take him home…

You don’t have the courage to kill me. You’re cowards.

I’ve heard that refrain from hundreds of murderers in this court…they all want a quick death. We don’t give it to them…

Kill me.

Take him home.

You did something to my mind.

We heard your confession of crimes. Mass imprisonment and murder.

Then destroy me. I throw myself on the mercy of this court.

Goodbye, Mr. Gates.

This is just a dream.

If it is, it’s your dream. You have to ask why you’re presenting it to yourself…


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on the work of A1Cafel  / Wikimedia Commons

If Even 1% Could See It — Maya Angelou on Finding Courage

If Even 1% Could See It — Maya Angelou on Finding Courage

by T&H – Inspiration & Motivation
September 13, 2021



Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can’t practice any other virtue consistently.” ― Maya Angelou 1928 – 2014


cover image credit: iqbalnuril / pixabay

Toronto Canada: Emergency Service Personnel Silent Protest at Queen’s Park Against Mandatory Jabs

Toronto Canada: Emergency Service Personnel Silent Protest at Queen’s Park Against Mandatory Jabs

by Free Speech Warrior
September 13, 2021



Follow Free Speech Warrior on BitChute

NYC Teachers & City Union Members Say No to Forced Vaccinations: Join Huge Protest on Sept. 13, 2021; Legal Action to Be Announced

NYC Teachers & City Union Members Say No to Forced Vaccinations: Join Huge Protest on Sept. 13, 2021; Legal Action to Be Announced

by Del Bigtree, The Highwire
September 10, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

NY Teachers Unite

Thousands of NY teachers are organizing and taking to the streets against their union’s #Covid19 vaccine mandates. Del talks to the founder of “Teachers For Choice,” Michael Kane, about the success of their last rally, and the plans for their upcoming “walk out” on Sept 13th.

Connect with The HighWire


 For details on time and location, see related: 

Stand With Teachers, Workers, Unionists & Students on Monday, September 13th in Protest Against Medical Mandates


Jason Liosatos w/ Ole Dammegard & Cody Snodgras: The 9/11 False Flag Event — What Really Happened, Why It Was Done & Who Was Behind It All

Jason Liosatos w/ Ole Dammegard & Cody Snodgras: The 9/11 False Flag Event — What Really Happened, Why It Was Done & Who Was Behind It All

by Jason Liosatos
September 11, 2021


Video available at Jason Liosatos website.


Connect with Jason Liosatos

Connect with Ole Dammegard

Dr. Scott Jensen Proposes a ‘Health Freedom Sanctuary’ Bill for Minnesota: “It’s Time to Meet the Moment.”

Dr. Scott Jensen Proposes a ‘Health Freedom Sanctuary’ Bill for Minnesota: “It’s Time to Meet the Moment.”

by Dr. Scott Jensen
September 11, 2021



Federal government intrusion has gone TOO FAR.

It is time for Minnesota to become a Health Freedom Sanctuary State!


The federal government will not usurp our powers. Minnesota must protect itself against such tyranny. It’s time to meet the moment. I’m calling on all Republicans right now, stand up and be counted. This has gone too far. It hasn’t worked, and we must defend health freedom. We’re welcoming Democrats to stand up against this and take back their state’s rights. Walz’s silence is deafening on these overreaches.


Connect with Dr. Scott Jensen

cover image credit: havenshell / pixabay

Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY?

Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY?

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 10, 2021


Biden’s New MANDATE! Will You COMPLY? The Biden administration issued a new order for everybody to get the shot who works in a business with more than 100 employees. This is for everyone’s safety and is based on the latest science. Obviously. Will you comply?


Original video is available at AwakenWithJP YouTube channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with JP Sears

Dr. Julie Ponesse, Fired From Her Job as Professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario for Refusing the Covid Vax, Provides a Lesson in Courage and Integrity

Dr. Julie Ponesse, Fired From Her Job as Professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario for Refusing the Covid Vax, Provides a Lesson in Courage and Integrity


On September 7, 2021, Julie Ponesse, Ethics Professor Huron College University of Western, London, ON Canada was dismissed for not submitting to medical experimentation.

TCTL editor: We have been unable to source the original video. Some have said the original video was deleted by YouTube. It has since been mirrored on many alternative video channels as well as all over social media.

How to Escape From a Sick Society

How to Escape From a Sick Society

by Academy of Ideas
September 7, 2021


[Video available at Academy of Ideas Odysee and YouTube channels.]


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, reflecting on the Soviet Union’s descent into totalitarian rule in the mid-20th century, and all the things that could have been done to prevent it, wrote the following:

“If…if… We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. . .we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! … We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

The 20th century clearly shows that totalitarianism is not a solution to any problem, but a social ill of the most horrific kind. More innocent men, women, and children were killed by the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century than by natural disasters, pandemics or even the two world wars. If, therefore, we are unfortunate enough to be living in a world flirting with the sickness of totalitarianism, what can we do to escape? In this video, relying on the insights of those who studied, and lived under totalitarian rule, we are going to explore what is called a forward escape from the control of the cruel and twisted minds of would-be totalitarians.

To understand what this form of escape entails we will contrast it with two other ways to escape from the hardships of living through an attempted totalitarian takeover – the backward escape and the physical escape. The backward escape, entails dulling one’s awareness of the reality and precariousness of one’s situation through the use of drugs and alcohol or by zoning out in front of screens for hours on end. The backward escape can provide short-term relief to feelings of anxiety, depression and boredom, but the more one relies on such activities the more one’s mental health deteriorates. Furthermore, the backward escape does nothing to prevent the rise of totalitarianism as it promotes docility, passivity, and apathy, all traits that make people more manipulable and controllable, or Dr. Joost Meerloo wrote in his book on totalitarianism:

“The cult of passivity and so-called relaxation is one of most dangerous developments of our times. Essentially, it represents a camouflage pattern, the double wish not to see the dangers and challenges of life and not to be seen. . .Silent, lonely relaxation with alcohol, sweets, [or] the television screen. . .may soothe the mind into a passivity that may gradually make it vulnerable to the seductive ideology of some feared enemy. Denying the danger of totalitarianism through passivity, may gradually surrender to its blandishments those who were initially afraid of it.

Joost Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind

An alternative to backward escape, is the physical escape which is to relocate to a place that offers more freedom. This form of escape has many benefits, for given that we have one chance at life, why not live somewhere absent the stifling control of corrupt and power-hungry politicians and bureaucrats? But there are problems with this form of escape. Firstly, for many people it is not practical to pack up and move to a new land. Furthermore, if we live at a time when the rise of tyranny is a global phenomenon the practicality of the physical escape diminishes further, as the sought after pockets of freedom are few and far between. What is more, if totalitarianism is permitted to proliferate the places that are free now, may not remain so for long. Running away, like escaping backward, is not the ideal solution to the rise of totalitarianism, instead the solution is to escape forward into a new and better reality.

What does the forward escape entail? To answer this question we need to dispel with the notion that totalitarianism can be defeated through compliance. Many people cede to the commands of would-be totalitarians because they believe that so doing is the quickest means to return to some semblance of normality. But this is a cowardly and ignorant way to act. For compliance only emboldens totalitarian regimes, a point emphasized by the political philosopher Hannah Arendt in her book The Origins of Totalitarianism:

“. . .the most characteristic aspect of totalitarian terror [is that] it is let loose when all organized opposition has died down and the totalitarian ruler knows that he no longer need be afraid. . . Stalin started his gigantic purges not in 1928 when he conceded, “We have internal enemies,” . . .but in 1934 when all former opponents had “confessed their errors,” and Stalin himself, at the Seventeenth Party Congress . . .declared “. . .there is nothing more to prove and, it seems, no one to fight.””

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

Compliance is the food that feeds totalitarians. Compliance is not, and never will be, the path back to some form of normality. Rather non-compliance and civil disobedience are essential to counter the rise of totalitarian rule. But in addition to resistance, a forward escape into a reality absent the sickness of totalitarian rule requires the construction of a parallel society. A parallel society serves two main purposes: it offers pockets of freedom to those rejected by the totalitarian system, or who refuse to participate in it, and it forms the foundation for a new society that can grow out of the ashes of the destruction wrought by the totalitarians. Or as Václav Havel, a dissident under the communist rule of Czechoslovakia, explains in his book The Power of the Powerless:

“When those who have decided to live within the truth have been denied any direct influence on the existing social structures, not to mention the opportunity to participate in them, and when these people begin to create what I have called the independent life of society, this independent life begins, of itself, to become structured in a certain way.

. . .[these] parallel structures do not grow . . .out of a theoretical vision of systemic change (there are no political sects involved), but from the aims of life and the authentic needs of real people.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

There are innumerable ways to contribute to the construction of a parallel society. One can build technologies that promote freedom or agoristic economic institutions that further voluntary exchange. One can run a business that resists implementing unjust laws or mandates, or one can create media or educational institutions that counter the lies and propaganda of the state. Or one can create music, literature or artwork that counters the staleness of totalitarian culture. The parallel society is a decentralized and voluntary alternative to the centralized and coercive control of the totalitarian society and as Havel explains:

“One of the most important tasks the ‘dissident movements’ have set themselves is to support and develop [parallel social structures]. . . What else are those initial attempts at social self organization than the efforts of a certain part of society to . . . rid itself of the self-sustaining aspects of totalitarianism and, thus, to extricate itself radically from its involvement in the [totalitarian] system?”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

And as he explains further:

“…it would be quite wrong to understand the parallel structures and the parallel [society] as a retreat into a ghetto and as an act of isolation, addressing itself only to the welfare of those who had decided on such a course…The ultimate phase of this process is the situation in which the official structures…simply begin withering away and dying off, to be replaced by new structures that have evolved from ‘below’ and are put together in a fundamentally different way.”

Václav Havel, Living in Truth

The construction of a parallel society, however, is not merely a long-term solution to totalitarian destruction, but also serves to counter the rise of totalitarian rule. For the act of building parallel social structures reveals that not everyone will just roll over and submit to total state control and as was noted by Hannah Arendt, this helps keep the would-be totalitarians in check. This process also counters the social atomization that comes with totalitarian rule by promoting voluntary communal bonds between those who cherish freedom. And as an added benefit, for those who partake in this process, it can serve as a healthy vehicle to escape the day-to-day feelings of anxiety, boredom and depression that accompany living in a world teetering with a descent into totalitarianism. For if we pick a goal to help in the construction of the parallel society, and work towards it in a disciplined and focused manner, we give our life more meaning and we open up the possibility of attaining the peak experiential states of flow and Rausch.

Flow is an optimal state of consciousness “in which attention is so narrowly focused on an activity that a sense of time fades, along with the troubles and concerns of day-to-day life.” (Natasha Dow Schüll, Addiction by Design )Rausch, on the other hand, is the word Nietzsche used for a peak cognitive state similar to flow.

“What is essential in Rausch is the feeling of increased strength and fullness.”  

Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

Rausch is an emergent by-product of focused attempts to effectuate real-world change and when in Rausch, as in flow, we perform at our best, or as John Richardson explains in Nietzsche’s New Darwinism:

“In Rausch the organism feels its capacities at a peak, and takes pleasure in this heightened potency. These capacities are drives to work on the world, and in Rausch one feels oneself “overfull” with them, bursting to change things to fit oneself.”

John Richardson, Nietzsche’s New Darwinism

Both flow and Rausch are healthy ways to escape from the day-to-day miseries of living in a sick and corrupted society. Unlike the numbing experiential zones of the backward escape which weaken us in body and mind, flow and Rausch strengthen us and increase our feelings of power. The more people who experience flow and Rausch the harder it is for those in power to herd a populace into the chains of totalitarian servitude and as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn warned:

“No weapons, no matter how powerful, can help the West until it overcomes its loss of willpower.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, A World Split Apart

To attempt the forward escape by contributing to the creation of a parallel society and in the process attaining the states of flow and Rausch comes with risks, and success is not guaranteed, but it is a far better option than merely sitting passively by just hoping things will get better.

“Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man”

Nietzsche, Human all too Human

In place of mere hope, courageous action from as many people as possible is needed to prevent the rise of totalitarian rule. And the sooner people act in defiance of would-be totalitarians, the greater the chance of success. For the mistake that was made over and over again in the totalitarian countries of the 20th century was that people didn’t act soon enough. Milton Mayer, in his book They Thought They Were Free, interviews an individual who lived through Hitler’s rule and his words should serve as a warning for those who live in a world at risk of being engulfed by the life-destroying machinery of totalitarian rule:

“You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join with you in resisting somehow… But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes. . . If the last and worst act of the whole regime had come immediately after the first and smallest, thousands, yes, millions would have been sufficiently shocked … But of course this isn’t the way it happens. In between comes all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next… And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. .  . and you see that everything – everything – has changed…Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed…”

Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free


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The Little Charade — Far From This World

The Little Charade — Far From This World

by WhatsHerFace
September 6, 2021


[Video available at WhatsHerFace Odysee, Rumble and YouTube channels.]

Maybe they’re right
Maybe there is something wrong with me
I just don’t see how a government that wants to keep me safe could be bad

Look at my pass
Isn’t it neat
Hope it’ll make my vaccinations complete
Wouldn’t you think I’m the girl
The girl that fears, everything

Do as I’m told
Dignity’s sold
How many boosters can one body hold
Looking at my face you’d think
Sure, she’s got Bell’s Palsy

I’ve got Pfizer, Moderna and AZ
I’ve got Johnson and Johnson galore
You need proof for a job? I’ve got 120
But who cares
No big deal
They’ll want more

I don’t wanna be, where the sheeple are
I wanna see my friends without masking
Walking around with those, what do you call them?
Oh yeah, teeth

Trusting the experts you won’t get you far
Shots are required for hugging, laughing
Limit of 5 when we, what’s the word again?

Can’t board a ship or take a trip
Soon you’ll need proof of vax to take a shit
Out of the C
Wish I could flee
Far from this world

What would I give, if they let me live Without these measures
What would I pay to spend a day without clean hands
They’ll take your land
Hope you understand
That they will, come for your own daughters
Fuck your feelings, tired of kneeling
Ready to stand

I’m ready to know, about the NWO
Usine my iPhone to seek out answers
What’s in the vaccine and why does it

When will they learn
Wouldn’t I love, love for the world to rise up above
Out of the C
Wish I could flee
Far from this world


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FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!

FDA Approves the Shot! Take It or be BANNED From Society!!

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 4, 2021



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Creative Masks: Expressing Defiance With Humor

Creative Masks: Expressing Defiance With Humor


sourced from PiratePete at BitChute


Coercion Doesn’t End With Compliance

Coercion Doesn’t End With Compliance

by Carl Vernon
September 3, 2021



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cover image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images & Pexels / pixabay

Dr. Joe Dispenza: I Healed Myself Doing One Thing Over and Over Again

Dr. Joe Dispenza: I Healed Myself Doing One Thing Over and Over Again

by Inspired
August 30, 2021


In 1986 Dr. Joe Dispenza got hit by a vehicle while riding his bike and broke six vertebrae and had other sever spinal injuries. Instead of settling for a life in a wheelchair he began healing himself and after 12 weeks the was back to training on his bike again.

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cover image credit: DIOBRLN / pixabay



Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon
by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom. Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities; that we have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more efficient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the realms of spiritual truth.

Covid Madness and Mass Conformity vs. the Life Force

Covid Madness and Mass Conformity vs. the Life Force

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 26, 2021


The basic human immune system is HEALTH. VITAL LIFE FORCE.

It ISN’T a germ-killing antibody-marching military machine inside the body.

However, since modern society is based on a massive attempt to install Pavlovian stimulus-response as the basic principle for “better living,” professionals are going to view Health as a machine-produced outcome.

The antibodies march and scout, the T-cell troops come in behind them and attack the invader, and so on. This preposterous bullshit becomes a model of life.

And therefore doctors and public health experts are the messiahs who protect us every day from harm caused by the invaders (viruses). This load of gibberish forms the basis for the fake pandemic and the robot responses of the population.

LIFE-FORCE, on the other hand, is a unique drive within the individual to express vitality and energy and imagination in the world. When it flows, health flows.

Conformity is the “we’re all in this together” lullaby for the mesmerized masses sitting in a decaying common pool of mind control. For five minutes it looks like a superhighway and then you’re in a blind alley at midnight up against a brick wall.

Who is this WE? What is the THIS in which we’re all together? Answer: The WE is rubber-stamped copies of humans that individuals pretend to be, and the THIS is a vapor of spiritual and energetic sedation.

What is the source of all the systems, protocols, models, and methods that dominate modern life to the point of lockstep surrender? A good place to start is the education system. It’s managed to promote the false belief that, unless everyone goes to school for at least 12 years, whole nations will be composed of rank drooling idiots.

In fact, the education system has a propensity for turning out those drooling idiots.

William Blake, one of the greatest poets of any era in any language, attended school until he was 10. After that, his mother taught him at home.

I’m not sure about this, but I’ve been told God never went to school at all.

It’s impossible to study a child who has been inoculated with 12 or 16 years of education and ask, “What would he be like if he’d never gone to school?” But common sense tells us that, if he had an innate curiosity about life, he would have pursued learning in his own way. He would have learned to read. He would have found books. He would have launched his own imagination in many directions. AND HE WOULD HAVE BECOME STRONG AND INDEPENDENT. He wouldn’t have become a trained weasel.

Highly organized civilization makes us think there are only so many paths in life, and we must choose one of them and stay on it. This automatically shrinks our view of Reality. The concept of RADICALLY DIFFERENT LIFE seems impossible.

Nations and people are choking on SAMENESS.

So when a shit-cloud of experts blows in the door and announces there is a pandemic caused by a virus, most of us stand up and salute. Most of those who don’t merely disagree on the fine points. “Do I really need the booster shot, or am I good with two doses of the Pfizer?”

It never occurs to most people that the whole story is pulp fiction flying under the banner of warped and confined “scientific” minds that have been conditioned by years of schooling and training. These expert medical and public health minds have been deadened and walled off from LIFE ITSELF.

I see dead people. I see dead people telling us what to do. I see dead people promoting fear as their only goal. Trapped themselves, they want to trap us.

The elite strategy is in for a penny in for a pound. “Well, OF COURSE the virus exists. So it’s a question of how serious and deadly it is. Now, the official figures suggest it was weakening by June 15th, but then the Variant emerged. That was a game changer. The latest measurements of antibody production against the Delta Variant indicate…” Zzzzz.

The flying edge of a SYSTEM flew by and caught people unaware and dragged them down into the depths of mental surrender to the STORY about the original STORY…

Life is not a protocol.

An imitation of life is a protocol.


There is always a certain amount of whining and remorse as one enters the theater to see the movie called Reality.

“Is this a good idea?” “Why did I buy the ticket?”

But you can already feel a merging sensation. The electromagnetic fields humming in the theater, even before the movie starts, are drawing you in.

Your perception of x dimensions is narrowing down to three.

You take your seat. You look at the note you’ve written to yourself, and you read it again:

“Don’t forget where you came from. Don’t forget this is just a movie. Don’t fall asleep. The serial time in the movie is an artifact. The binding feeling of sentimental sympathy is a trance-induction. It’s the glue that holds the movie fixed in your mind.”

“The movie will induce nostalgia for a past that doesn’t exist. Don’t surrender to it.”

“You’re here to find out why the movie has power.”

“You want to undergo the experience without being trapped in it.”

“The content of the movie will distract you from the fact that it is a construct.”

The lights dim.

On the big screen, against a gray background, the large blue word REALITY slowly forms.

Suddenly, you’re looking at a huge pasture filled with flowers. The sky is a shocking blue. You can feel a breeze on your arms and face.

You think, “This is a hypnotic weapon.”

Now, the pasture fades away and you’re standing on an empty city street at night. It’s drizzling. You hear sirens in the distance. A disheveled beggar approaches you and holds out his trembling hand.

He waits, then moves on.

You look at the wet shining pavement and snap your fingers, to change it into a lawn. Nothing happens.

You’re shocked.

You wave your hand at a building. It doesn’t disappear.


You reach into your pocket and feel a wallet. You walk over to a streetlight and open it. There’s your picture on a plastic ID card. Your name is under the picture, followed by a number code. On the reverse side of the card, below a plastic strip, is a thumbprint.

There are other cards in the wallet, and a small amount of paper money. You look at the ID card again. There’s an address.

Though it seems impossible, you remember the address. In your mind’s eye, you see a small cottage at the edge of an industrial town. There’s a pickup parked in the driveway.

It’s your truck. You know it. But how can that be?

You walk toward larger buildings in the distance.

Three men in uniforms turn a corner and come up to you. Behind them emerges a short man in a business suit. He nods at you and holds out his hand.

You know what he wants. You pull out your wallet and give it to him. He looks at the ID card, at you, at the card again.

“You were reported missing,” he says.

“Missing from what?” you say.

“Your home. Your job. What are you doing here? Are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” you say. “I was…taking a short trip. I’m just out for some air.”

“In this part of the city?” he says. “That’s not smart. We’ll take you home. Our car is right over there.”

One car sits on a side street. In large red letters printed on the trunk, the word Concern.

You walk with the men to the car.

Waves you’ve never felt before are emanating from it.

Mentally, you try to back up from them. You feel a haze settle over you.

In the haze dance little creatures.

You look at the short man in the suit. He’s smiling at you.

Suddenly, his smile is transcendent. It’s so reassuring, tears fill your eyes.

You’re thinking, “They built this so I would be lost, and then they found me. I’m supposed to be rescued. I’ve never experienced being rescued before. I never knew what it meant.”

You hear faint music.

It grows louder. As you near the car, you realize you’re listening to a chorus and an orchestra. The rising theme is Victory.

One of the uniformed men opens the car door.

You nod at him.

“My pleasure, sir,” he says.

The music fades away.

The scene shifts.

You’re standing next to the pickup in your driveway alongside your cottage.

You’re home.

Think, you tell yourself. What’s going on?

Now, as you walk into your cottage and instantly remember the rooms and the objects in these rooms, the sensation of Familiarity, slightly out of phase, grows stronger.

You realize you’re supposed to feel tremendous relief. This is what’s expected of you.

It’s expected of everyone. They live with one another through the touchstone of the Familiar. They share it like bread.

They keep coming back to it. The Familiar is a sacrament.

It’s built in. It’s invented through…it’s stamped on every object in this space…

…In order to suggest you’ve been here before. To suggest you belong here.

You see pure space that…

Has been placed here. For you.

And at that moment, there is a small explosion behind your head.

And you’re sitting in the theater again.

The movie is playing on the screen. All around you, in the seats, people are sitting with their eyes closed.

You feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn. It’s an usher.

“Sir,” he says. “Please follow me.”

He leads you up the aisle into the lobby, which is empty.

An office door opens and a young woman steps out. She strides briskly over to you.

“You woke up and came back,” she says. She gives you a tight smile. “So we’re refunding your money. It’s our policy.”

She drops a check in your hand.

“What happened in there?” you say. “What happened?”

She shrugs.

“Only you would know that. You must have done something to interrupt the transmission.”

“And the rest of those people?”

She looks at her watch. “They’re probably into their second year by now. The second year is typically a time of conflict. They rebel. Well, some of them do. They rearrange systems. They replace leaders. They promote new ideals.”

“I had such a strong feeling I’d been there before.”

She smiles. “Apparently it wasn’t strong enough. You’re back here.”

“How do you do it?” you say.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “That’s proprietary information. Did you meet your family?”

“No,” you say. “But I was in a cottage. It was…home.”

She nods.

“If you hadn’t escaped, you would have been subjected to much stronger bioelectric bonding pulses. Do you have a family here?”

You start to answer and realize you don’t know.

She looks into your eyes.

“Go out to the street,” she says. “Walk around. Take a nice long walk for an hour. You’ll reorient. It’ll come back to you.”

“Why do you do it?” you say.

“Do what?”

“Sell this trip.”

“Oh,” she says. “Why does a travel agent book a vacation for a client? We’re in that business.”

You turn toward the exit. The sun is shining outside. People are walking past the doors.

You take a deep breath and leave the theater.

The street is surging with crowds. The noise is thunderous.

You notice you’re carrying a rolled up sheet of paper in your hand.

You open it.

It’s a non-disclosure agreement.

“If you return from your movie experience, you will not reveal or discuss, under penalty of law, anything about its nature, substance, or duration…”

You look at the sheet of paper, make up your mind, and it bursts into flames.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: akbaranifsolo / pixabay

Mark Crispin Miller Speaking at ‘Teachers for Choice’/’Unions for Choice’ August 25th NYC Protest at City Hall

Mark Crispin Miller Speaking at ‘Teachers for Choice’ August 25th NYC Protest at City Hall

by Michael Kane, NY Teachers for Choice
August 24, 2021


Just confirmed!

TEAHCERS FOR CHOICE is honored and proud to announce Professor Mark Crispin Miller will be speaking at our August 25th Protest in NYC at City Hall.

Miller is a prominent NYU Professor who was visciously attacked for asking his students to investigate the competing bodies of literature on the efficacy of masks. Because he dared to ask his students to research and think for themselves, a title-wave of pushback came his way starting with one student but then being picked up by ad hominem attacks from Miller’s colleagues at NYU.

Miller is currently suing his colleagues at NYU for slander and libel, and he is represented by legendary Harvard-trained civil rights attorney Michael Sussman. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE followers may notice that Sussman is also one of our attorneys.


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Truckies Set Tuesday August 31st for Big Showdown With Australia’s COVID Dictatorship

Truckies Set Tuesday August 31st for Big Showdown With Australia’s COVID Dictatorship

by Tony Mobilifonitis, Cairns News
August 24, 2021


The advert that has been appearing online across Australia.

Adverts announcing border, highway and port blockades by truckies starting this Tuesday (August 31) from 9am have started appearing online. Truckies will be joined by Vietnam veteran bikers, Pauline Hanson and anyone else who has had enough of the destruction of Australia by COVID dictators.

The action is controversial to say the least, and the truckies have warned Australians to stock up on supplies. Some are prepared to go to jail if that’s what it takes to get the entire crooked cabal of premiers, health ministers, chief health officers and others right up to the PM to listen to common sense and stop the lunacy.

The adverts follow a series of video clips made by drivers across Australia. The language is not pretty, but their motivation is clear: They’ve had enough of the rampant government bullying and threats of forced vaccination merely to cross a border in addition to endless restrictions on movement and trade imposed by state governments operating under the delusion of being able to “stop the virus”.

The drivers also referenced the bigger picture, with one expressing his disgust at the herding of children into vaccination centers. Another referred the China-Fauci links and that the Pfizer vaccine was now widely “admitted to be poison”.

“It’s on. The truckies are doing it,” he said. “Let everyone in Australia know that the truckies are going to shut down the country. What that means is you need to go shopping now. Get what you can for the next week or two. Load your fridge, your freezers. The truckies are coming and we’re going to pull this country down.”

The truck protest convoy over a recent Sydney lockdown.

It has become clear to the truckies, and many other Australians, that the state and federal governments are driving a diabolical social engineering program backed by the World Economic Forum and other associated global interests making hundreds of billions of dollars from the patented vaccines and medical equipment – as exposed by patent investigator Dr David Martin. It is truly a scamdemic.

Those suffering the viral infection – what ever it is – could have been treated just a few months into the “pandemic” with hydroxychloroquine, zinc, vitamins D & C and antibiotics. The list of viable treatments grew but the governments simply doubled down with their big lie that “only a vaccine can save us”.

Truckies in Northern NSW, commenting on a Facebook page called Lismore Information Exchange, noted with interest that the Queensland Premier Palaszczuk announced that a NSW lab had detected two truck-driver “cases”, which she pretended to play down. “But they have, essentially, not been to many places at all, they’ve mainly been with their family,” she said.

Three other alleged cases were reportedly detected on a ship offshore, while the sixth was an overseas traveller in hotel quarantine. The ABC reported “exposure sites” (the new hip COVID term) linked to the truck drivers would be released later.

“I think they stopped for one moment for fuel in St George, so, we’ll go through and put those exposure sites up for people to have a look at, but we are not overly concerned about these two,” Palaszczuk said. She will change this in a flash if it suits her.

Listmore council candidate who calls himself “Big Rob” noted there were still zero locally aquired positive COVID tests on the Northern Rivers. “Meanwhile, our Coalition government continues to protect us by locking us down, trying to force vaccination numbers up and issuing massive fines, while constantly deflecting when asked about easing restrictions.”

On Paul Murray Live, Pauline Hanson said Australian truckies had been hit hard by COVID-19. “They have been smashed by lockdown laws, border restrictions, vaccine passports, cuts to pay, conditions and attempts by big corporations to replace them with a cut-price, underemployed workforce. They have had a gutful of this, they are going to do something about it and they have my full support.

“So when I see Labor politicians like Joel Fitzgibbon scoffing at Aussies because he thinks that their reasons for being fed up with the government for destroying their lives and livelihoods fall short of his lofty, elitist standard, it really gets my blood boiling.”


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cover image credit: chrissharkman / pixabay


The Human Heart, Not Vaccines

The Human Heart, Not Vaccines

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 24, 2021


“Once this meta program of culture becomes dominant, it shapes our experience into an arbitrary and parallel counterfeit of that which is real. Once this meta program takes over our perceptual apparatus, it is the only mode we have for interacting with reality. Once that happens we can’t question our culturally conditioned state, since that is our only reality experience.” — Joseph Chilton Pearce

Imagine a child brought into this world who has two loving parents close to him. The mother breastfeeds him. The child is free to play. He has friends. He eats fresh simple food. The immediate world around him contains no every-day ominous human threats.

In this setting, his health and vitality expand.

The idea of vaccines—even if they did safely prevent disease (they don’t)—would be absurd.

Vaccination would be an interruption of life.

It would force the child’s body to deal with an unnatural and unnecessary intrusion.

Any sane person looking at the ALIVENESS of the child, day after day, would immediately understand the insanity of a vaccine.

Likewise, the notion that a child who is born into a threatening, cold, and unhealthy world could benefit from a vaccine is also insane. What needs to be changed is the immediate world the child is born into.

The quick fix of a vaccine is no fix at all.

In the same way, if a person who is exposed to toxic chemicals in the environment therefore develops cancer, no amount of prior fiddling with his genes would have prevented the cancer. The environment needs to be changed.

Ivan Illich: “The combined death rate from scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough and measles among children up to fifteen shows that nearly 90 percent of the total decline in mortality between 1860 and 1965 had occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and widespread immunization. In part, this recession may be attributed to improved housing and to a decrease in the virulence of micro-organisms, but by far the most important factor was a higher host-resistance due to better nutrition.”

To say that modern medicine has made an overreach would be a vast understatement. Every negative blip the environment imposes on a child is viewed as a symptom of a disease which must be treated.

Another interruption in the flow of life.

And when scientists decided they had to find the tiny organisms causing these negative blips, they eventually focused on a concept called VIRUS. They invented a closed system for discovering these viruses—a self-fulfilling prophecy. A claim of virus-isolation that was no isolation at all; a claim of sequencing the genome of the virus which was nothing more than a simulation of possible cobbled-together genetic information. In other words, nonsense.

The basic human immune system is HEALTH. VITAL LIFE FORCE.

It isn’t a germ-killing military machine inside the body.

HEALTH overrides illness.

And the first test of that health, for a baby, is the warm love of two parents. Is it there or isn’t it? If it isn’t, the baby immediately has to make unhealthy adjustments.

As I’ve detailed in other articles, the vaccine-induced “absence” of a typical childhood disease, like measles, is no sign that a child is healthy. Odds are, the absence is a bad sign. It means the toxic vaccine has derailed the child’s ability to produce an energetic outpouring of health/vitality…and then the so-called “clinical signs of measles” never appear…but the child is less powerful. Less free.

Now we come to another form of vaccination, so to speak. The modern education system. Its basic purpose seems to be the prevention of unique individual vitality. Vitality, of course, is viewed as a disease.

John Taylor Gatto: “Our form of compulsory schooling is an invention of the State of Massachusetts around 1850. It was resisted — sometimes with guns — by an estimated eighty percent of the Massachusetts population, the last outpost in Barnstable on Cape Cod not surrendering its children until the 1880s, when the area was seized by militia and children marched to school under guard… [M]andatory public education in this country … was useful in creating not only a harmless electorate and a servile labor force but also a virtual herd of mindless consumers. In time a great number of industrial titans came to recognize the enormous profits to be had by cultivating and tending such a herd via public education…Years of [school] bells will condition all but the strongest to a world that can no longer offer important work to do. Bells are the secret logic of school time; their logic is inexorable. Bells destroy the past and future, rendering every interval the same as any other, as the abstraction of a map renders every living mountain and river the same, even though they are not. Bells inoculate each undertaking with indifference…It takes maybe 50 hours to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic. After that, students can teach themselves…Whatever an education is, it should make you a unique individual, not a conformist; it should furnish you with an original spirit with which to tackle the big challenges…”


I offer a revolutionary book for your consideration. It was written 60 years ago by AS Neill. It is called Summerhill, which was the name of the boarding school Neill founded, in the 1920s, and ran in England. It shows a way out of this education lunacy.

When the children did learn at Summerhill, they did so in rooms where no coaxing was necessary, where no teacher needed to make lessons fun or interesting. Because when children at Summerhill went into the class room they wanted to be there.

Summerhill was a school that was based on PLAY and THEN LEARNING. The teaching was straightforward, competent, minus social frills and aids.

A little child might play with his friends (no adult supervision) on school grounds every day until he was 10 or 12; and then decide he wanted to come to class for the first time in his life. He then learned to read, write, and do arithmetic…

Schoolwork was not compulsive. It wasn’t a framework forced on to the spirit of the child.

School-learning was waiting for the child to choose it. In freedom.

AS Neill was no New Ager. He was a no-nonsense tough character. In the book, he tells the story of a boy who, at 16, having never attended a class, walked into his office and said he wanted to become an engineer. In no uncertain terms, Neill told him he’d have to apply himself in the classroom every day—the boy said he was ready.

In two years, starting from scratch, the boy graduated from high school.

Later, the boy, now a young man with a degree, was working for a company in London. The boss called him into his office and asked him: “Why are you different from all my other employees?”

And the young man immediately answered: “Because I’m not afraid of you.”



Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: giselaatje / pixabay

Care Worker, Fired for Principles: “The Care Industry Is on Its Knees”

Care Worker, Fired for Principles: “The Care Industry Is on Its Knees”

by Resistance GB
August 24, 2021


Video available at Resistance GB Odysee and YouTube channels.

A care industry worker, after her employer forced her to submit to the recent mandate by government or lose her job, leaves her job. She and her twin sister(?) talk about their disappointment with the care industry for not standing up; warn that firing skilled staff members – who have genuine care for the people they look after – will only destroy an already crumbling industry; and remind us that the same people who were considered ‘essential’ and continued to work while people stayed at home are now being told they’re no longer allowed to work.


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Australia Is Going Full Fascist …but Resistance Is Growing

Australia Is Going Full Fascist …but Resistance Is Growing
The Australian government been leading the pack on Covid-based tyranny from the beginning, but are they pushing their citizens to breaking point?

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
August 23, 2021


Covid19 has been used as an excuse to increase government control of pretty much everything, pretty much everywhere.

It is, without question, the greatest campaign to seize power, and greatest assault on personal freedom, of my lifetime. With countries seemingly in a contest to outdo each other’s clampdowns, lockdowns, quarantines and surveillance programs.

From the beginning of the “pandemic” three countries, in particular, have set the pace on this – Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Since last spring these three have been one-upping each other in a race to the fascist finish line. And right now, Australia is putting a sprint in to pull away from the pack.

Cities are going into full lockdown for just one positive test. Some Australian cities and states aren’t just under total lockdowns, but also ever-extending curfews. The details of which read like a dystopian novel.

People are not permitted to leave the state, let alone the country. They’re not even permitted more than 5km (~3 miles) from their home. They’re not allowed out at all after 9pm or before 5am. Masks are mandatory everywhere for everyone. Outdoors and in. No religious services. No weddings. Shoot stray dogs, just in case.

Police barge into “unapproved” shops and fine business owners, or go house-to-house making sure no one has gone out. People who test positive are taken from homes for “indefinite stays” at “quarantine hotels”.

They are herding thousands upon thousands of children in stadiums, without their parents, to perform (allegedly) voluntary mass vaccinations, despite the possible dangers. The army has been deployed to check papers and vaccine status at road checkpoints.

The homes of those “self-isolating” are having government notices nailed to the doors. “Unauthorised protests” are banned, and if organize one you get 8 months in prison.

The unvaccinated are told they mustn’t leave their homes:

And the nation’s billionaire-owned propaganda channels pump out this hysterical fear-mongering:

Increasingly their rules and limitations are becoming not just tyrannical but literally insane. It seems, just about every day, one or another Australian politician or health “expert” is on the news saying something crazy.

Don’t take your masks off to drink. Don’t be friendly. Don’t watch the sunset. Tape your balcony shut. Don’t go out to shop, and don’t order online either:

This is Australia’s “New Normal. This is just it, now. They’ve said they’re not going back. Even if they have “zero cases”, and over 80% are fully “vaccinated”, you’ll “still have to respect some rules regarding masking, social distancing”:

We will always need to live with a measure of restrictions.”

It gets worse.

Having decided that the “quarantine hotels” were inefficient, Australian states are now building coronavirus camps. Sorry, not camps, “national resilience centres”.

There’s already one in the Northern Territories, another being built in Melbourne and a third was just approved for construction in Brisbane. To underline that these rules aren’t temporary, these camps won’t even be operational until 2022.

For now these “resilience centres” are reserved for “returning travellers” to undertake “mandatory supervised quarantine”. But it’s not hard to see them becoming near-permanent installations to house the unvaccinated. Based on the current speed of deterioration, I can see it happening by the end of the week.

It also gets better.

The good news is that the people of Australia seem to be reaching a hard limit with just how much they can take. We already saw huge numbers at protests on Global Freedom Day (July 24th), and this past weekend saw even bigger protests in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney:

These kinds of protests are the key to winning this battle.

Noncompliance works. Simple refusal to do what you’re told, en masse, cannot be beaten. It also shows other people, who may be complying out of fear and isolation, that they’re not alone.

If you doubt the power of mass movements like these, simply look at the effort put into discrediting them.

The mainstream media has come out in force, decrying the “disgraceful violence”. The crowds of people are accused of being just “angry men” out there “looking for a fight”. Or branded lunatics and antisemites.

The press lies about the numbers, turning what was easily 10,000 people into “4000” or just “hundreds” (that’s an old trick).

They list the number of police officers injured, and make no reference to any protesters being hurt at all. But then go into the number of arrests in detail, but keeping them anonymous so no dissenter gets accidentally humanised.

Footage like this never makes it on the news:

While the commissioners go on TV crying crocodile tears over the violence, the truth is that police wanted the protests to turn violent.

Violence gives them further excuse to crackdown, whilst discrediting the message of the protest. The police response was designed to instigate that violence.

Generally speaking, the Australian police have taken to their role as fascist enforcers with remarkable ease in the past year. They’ve been sending threatening letters to independent journalistshitting protesters with their cars, stamping on their heads, pepper-spraying teenaged girls and performing dangerous chokeholds with genuine enthusiasm.

In the run-up to the planned protest, the police made it clear they would be taking a confrontational stance:

In Melbourne, 1500 officers took to the streets, in full riot gear, manning street-wide barricades in their faceless storm-trooper helmets. They fired rubber bullets into the crowd. They pepper-sprayed teenaged girls (again).

It was clear they were instigating a confrontation. It was no surprise when people eventually rushed the barricades and broke through.

It’s another tactic, as old as the hills, to put some undercover officers among the crowds whose job is to start getting violent, heat up the crowds, throw the first punch. It happensAllTheTime.

Regardless of the rhetoric from the state and their tools in the press, more protests are planned for the future. Australian truck drivers, hard-hit by the lockdowns, are planning an industrial action to shut the country down, and there are several legal challenges in the works.

Australia’s government may be setting the standard for Orwellian control, but Australia’s people are showcasing the simple solution: Resist. They only win if we let them.

To paraphrase A Bug’s Life, we’re a lot stronger than they say we are, and they know it. Or, to quote one iconic protester on a white horse, “cross over, they cannot arrest all of us.”

This morning Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews took to the television screen to send a message. He condemned the “Terrible scenes. Ugly scenes.” and the “disgusting violence”, and tried to spin the line that this was a protest over Covid, rather than spectacularly cruel government overreach:

Today’s Monday and the virus is still here…because protests, however agitated, however appalling, however willing, don’t work on this.”

But what we all know, and every day more and more people are realising, is that this isn’t about a virus. It was never about a virus. It is about tyranny.

And protests work on that all the time.


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Aussie Truckers to Strike and Bring Australia to a Standstill

Aussie Truckers to Strike and Bring Australia to a Standstill



by Hugo Talks
August 23, 2021

Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee and BitChute channels.


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How We Beat the Green Passport and the Covidian National Socialist Hypochondriac Party

How We Beat the Green Passport and the Covidian National Socialist Hypochondriac Party

by Rafi Farber, The Jewish Libertarian
August 20, 2021



Thursday, August 19, 2021. The winds of Covidian Nazism are blowing strong. Pfizer lab rats, to the right. Those who insist on maintaining their humanity, to the left.

We have a family membership at the country club for the pool and the gym. I work out there several times a week and we take our kids swimming often as well. Management knows us.

We do not carry the green Swastika. We have no “green pass”. We will not even be part of it by getting a fake one. We have never taken a single serological or PCR test. We never, ever, wear masks, we do not quarantine (unless we are actually symptomatically sick and it makes sense of course). We are not part of the Covidian National Socialist Hypochondriac Party. We do not consent, and we will not comply.

We drive to the pool. Me, my wife, and my 5 kids, ages 11 to 2. Our plan is to walk straight in, ignore any requests to present a green pass, and just go right to the pool. Before we enter, we pray to the Holy One Blessed Be He to protect us from Covidian Nazis and to give us strength to maintain our calm. I tell my kids, “As long as we are doing the right thing, Hashem (God) will protect us.” I look each of them in the eye. We walk on.

We get nearer to the door, and there it is. That revolting green Swastika. That nauseating green pass sign that says we are now less than human because we refuse to submit to a mass medical experiment. We ignore it. We enter the building, and walk past the turnstile.

“Do you have a Tav Yarok (green pass)?” asks the clerk.

“No, we do not.”

“Then you have to come here to take a corona test.”

“No, we will not.” And we keep walking.

“Wait! Stop!”

I turn back to her as I’m walking in the direction of the pool.

“Call the police if you want. We are going swimming.”

She picks up the phone to call the head manager. We head to the pool and put our stuff down on the turf. There is almost nobody there at all. Very rare for a hot August day, day one of Green Pass enforcement. We see the manager, who knows us, walking towards us. Before he even gets near us, I say loudly, “I’m not interested in talking about it at all. Call the police if you want to. We are going swimming.”

He says he is calling the police. He picks up his phone and walks away.

Thirty minutes pass by as we enjoy the pool, almost alone. We explain to our older kids what is going on and why the police might come and arrest us soon. They understand. We are shaking in the pool as the 4 year old is swimming between us. We are trying to maintain calm, wondering if the police are going to come fish us out of the pool any second. All the sudden the manager comes back out and asks politely to me, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

This sounded reasonable, so I said yes, sure.

“Look, you’re my customers, and I don’t want to call the police on you. Nobody’s coming anymore and I don’t want to lose you as customers. I know a lot of people like you and I understand. But there are laws in this country and I have to follow them.”

“I will not follow them. The Nazis had laws, too.”

“I can’t say anything to that, but I won’t bother you. Just, there are ways to go about this. You don’t just barge in like that,” he says. Fair enough.

“Look, I’m sorry about that. You know me. I’m glad that you understand, and I respect you and I thank you. I’ve been under pressure for 18 months now and I am sick of the injustice of all this. I’m sorry I barged in, but I’m just very short on patience. I don’t want to cause you any trouble at all. Just know that I am going to keep coming here, I will walk straight in, do my work out, I do not have a green pass, and I will never take a single test, ever.”

“Then that’s at your own risk,” he says.

“Of course, 100%. It’s my responsibility, not yours. Thank you very much, and I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

My wife and I hug, he turns back and sees us, he smiles. We have a very nice swim with our children. I ask my 7-year-old son how he’s feeling. He says to me, “I knew the police weren’t going to come.” He seemed very confident, without a worry in the world.

“I wasn’t so sure, but I guess you were right. I should be more brave like you,” I tell him. Pride swells and I have a lump in my throat. He is a good man.

Anyone can do this. Anywhere. You must do this. Just walk in, and call their bluff. Tell them to call the police. The worst that will happen, if you are calm and stand your ground, is that you will get a ticket, that you can then appeal in court, and the ticket will be cancelled, because they do not want anything going to court, lest they lose, there’s precedent, and the whole totalitarian system crumbles.

Call. Their. Bluff. This is all just fear. There is nothing to be afraid of. Pool conquered. Gym conquered. Supermarket conquered. The counterattack progresses.

Thank you God for giving us the strength to do Your will and to fight back.


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cover image credit: Sztrapacska74  / pixabay

Afghanistan Taliban: A US Colonel on Trial

Afghanistan Taliban: A US Colonel on Trial

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 19, 2021


The New York courtroom had no spectators on a Tuesday afternoon.

The proceeding was a hybrid military-civilian hearing.

The presiding Judge was a retired general and an Obama appointee. The defendant: US Colonel Nathan Matthews, Special Forces, who had served six tours of duty running a secret training installation outside Kabul.

JUDGE: Colonel Matthews, I want to make a few things clear. First, we are engaged in a finding of fact. Once that is established, I’ll decide whether to bring charges against you. If I do bring a charge, you’ll be held without bail until a proper trial takes place.

MATTHEWS: Understood, sir.

JUDGE: First question. In the shockingly SAFE exit of US personnel and their Afghan allies from the country last week, is it true that nearly 20,000 Taliban were killed or taken prisoner?

MATTHEWS: It’s true.

JUDGE: I would like you to explain how you managed this feat.

MATTHEWS: Your Honor, there is a significant back-story. I have to tell it, for the first time. Very few people are aware of my secret mission in Afghanistan. I’ve been conducting that mission since 2003.

JUDGE: Yes, Colonel. Proceed. I’ve been made aware of the details, and I must say it’s changed my political stance on several vital issues.

MATTHEWS: By 2003, it was clear we were going to lose the war. Against our military threat, the Taliban would go into hiding. They would evade us as long as we stayed. When we left, they would emerge, take over the villages and the cities, destroy the central government we built, and the Afghan forces we trained would desert and surrender. All this was a foregone conclusion. Likewise, our efforts to help villagers build a Westernized “sustaining lifestyle” would also collapse. We were up shit’s creek without a paddle.

JUDGE: And that’s when your secret mission took off?

MATTHEWS: Yes. A unit inside the Pentagon gave me the green light. I’ll reveal what we then did in one Afghan village. You can assume we did this in MANY, MANY villages over the next 18 years. We brought roughly 500 heavily armed US soldiers into the center of a village and put all the Afghan men under temporary arrest. Some were Taliban, some were not. We didn’t bother to sort them out. Then we separately gathered all the women and children in one place…

And we told the women, in no uncertain terms, that we would not be able to protect them forever. We told them that when we left, their lives would get worse. The Taliban would capture them and their daughters and force them into marriages. They would be raped, beaten, held as slaves for the rest of their lives. If they survived.

This was not news to these women—but we wanted to drive the point home. The men of the Taliban would visit one horror after another on them…

Unless they were willing to fight. Unless they were willing to go to war against the Taliban.

And we would train and equip them to do just that.

We would take all of them out of their village and transport them to a high-security secret base outside Kabul. They would be safe there. We would clothe and feed them. We would train them in the use of weapons. Many weapons. They would become a formidable fighting force.

Our goal—which we achieved—was 200,000 highly trained and equipped Afghan women and girls. Not a coward among them. After all, they were motivated. They were going to fight for their futures, their safety, their lives, against the men who wanted to make them slaves forever.

The name of this female fighting force was Unit Zero. That’s the name that was used in reports and communications. Unofficially, they came to be known as the DICK CUTTERS.

JUDGE: The what?


JUDGE: You actually taught all these women techniques of castration?

MATTHEWS: There’s not a lot to learn, but yes. Of course. It was the first basic skill. Part of the method of the Taliban is inducing terror. So we needed to counter that. We needed to let the men know the women were ready to take away their most prized possession.

JUDGE: And did they? Did the women…do this?

MATTHEWS: On MANY occasions. The Afghan Women’s Army is a formidable and ferocious group, believe me.

JUDGE: Did it occur to you that the US should never have been in Afghanistan in the first place? We should have just left them alone?

MATTHEWS: I had conversations on that subject with higher-ups at the Pentagon. But in the unit that green-lit my secret mission, the consensus was: since we were ordered to wage war, let’s find a way to overcome a very difficult enemy.

JUDGE: This women’s army—they’re full-fledged soldiers?

MATTHEWS: From the use of small arms, all the way up to the deployment of drones. I wouldn’t want to face them in a war.

JUDGE: And how would you characterize the reaction of the Taliban to this female army?

MATTHEWS: Fear. Caution and fear.

JUDGE: Now that the US is exiting the country, who is going to take over?

MATTHEWS: The women. They have the upper hand. Their determination is greater than the men’s.

JUDGE: A nation explicitly run by women?

MATTHEWS: Women who’ve been enslaved for centuries. When they look at a Taliban man, they know there is an imminent threat of being captured, beaten, raped, tortured, sold to another Taliban. We simply gave them the means to deal with the threat and the reality.

JUDGE: Are the women now going to stage mass trials of the Taliban?

MATTHEWS: I doubt it. They’re going straight to executions.

JUDGE: So we won the war in Afghanistan?

MATTHEWS: I don’t put it that way. I’m a soldier. I was ordered to go there and carry out a mission. That’s what I did.

JUDGE: Just out of curiosity, has any Western women’s group caught wind of your mission?

MATTHEWS: Not to my knowledge. But some of our staffers did mention a theoretical scenario about Afghan women rising up, to a prominent women’s group in California. We described possible mass castrations. The reaction was quite negative. Basically, the California women were defending “Islam.” Or that’s what they told us. They said “different cultures have different traditions.”

JUDGE: And what is your response to that, Colonel?

MATTHEWS: Well, I was told this informal survey took place at an upscale gathering in Beverly Hills. A few soccer moms, but mostly wealthy women involved in the entertainment industry. If you put them in a hut, in an Afghan village, forcibly married to a Taliban warrior who beat and raped them several times a week, they might reflect and introspect in a different manner.

JUDGE: I have no more questions at this time, Colonel. You’re free to go.

MATTHEWS: You’re not bringing charges, sir?

JUDGE: Right now, I’m hoping I never see you again. I’m going to try to forget everything you’ve said here today.

MATTHEWS: Why? Because it makes sense?

JUDGE: No comment.

MATTHEWS: You can’t get past the image of mass castrations.

JUDGE: You’re right. I can’t.

MATTHEWS: But you can skate past untold numbers of women being beaten, tortured, raped, and sold for the rest of their lives.

JUDGE: No comment.

MATTHEWS: Well, sir, let me give you a few other things to think about, before I go. For the full duration of the war in Afghanistan, we’ve known that Taliban personnel and equipment and supplies have been coming into the country from Pakistan. Pakistan is our ally in the region. We fund their intelligence service, the ISI.

JUDGE: Wait. Are you implying the war, on the Taliban side, has been staged out of Pakistan?

MATTHEWS: It’s an open secret, yes. Therefore, given US influence and money in Pakistan, our politicians could have stopped the war at any point. Cut off the source. Issued orders to block all the supply lines. But that never happened.

JUDGE: Why not?

MATTHEWS: You’d have to talk with people way above my pay-grade to get answers. People who may be controlling US government policy from outside the government. People who might be operating what amounts to a global chessboard. I’m just a soldier. I make do with the resources at my disposal…

JUDGE: Goodbye, Colonel. I don’t want to hear anything more. We’re done. Go.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: Xpics / pixabay

The Artist Against the Syndicate

The Artist Against the Syndicate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
August 18, 2021


You’re an unemployed artist.

The year is 2061. A series of bombings has rocked the Capitol in the Western White House District, which is located in the heart of Hollywood. The Eastern seaboard is uninhabitable, owing to a mysterious GMO accident, which rendered all plant life in that region poisonous…

Reality is a nasty syndicate operation. The technical side is put together by high-IQ idiots. They like to fiddle. They like the con. They like to torpedo the mind.

The syndicate is the Reality Manufacturing Company.

You buy a ticket to Disneyland, which encompasses the area from San Francisco to Tijuana, go through the big gate, and book a small hotel room in Graphene Village.

A note is taped to the back of the toilet, where you’ve been told to look. It’s unsigned. You read it while you’re preparing supper: powdered eggs, water, and a squirt of SweetHeaven:

“Greetings, GuestL28. This to warn you the pillars of the community, the people who are supposed to be ‘doing good,’ are up to their necks in the operation. They’re hustling reality like porn.”

“At the upper levels, we’ve even got the STE Command, peddling the space-time-energy continuum everyone is so fond of. Only one tin can and we’re all in it, biological machines ‘doing our best to get along.’”

“Until recently, there was a sense that artists knew something about all this and were exposing the Syndicate. But now, propaganda is eating into their psyches, or their work isn’t finding the light of day. Some have been conned into high-flying rhetoric about saving humanity and working together to build a better world inside the prevailing political framework. There is no better world inside the prevailing political framework.”

“The artist should be ripping away masks, exposing the Syndicate employees. Adorning some fake religion promoted by the State, like the current MaR, isn’t his job.”

“Overthrowing the reality-con is the work of the artist. He’s got to take to it like a duck to water. He has to like it. He has to use his weapons, all of them.”

“The Matrix is built on the need to reduce thought. Props called spiritual leaders emerge out of the woodwork.”

“Our glorious New Age, so-called, is THOUGHT REDUCTION. It fails, and the aftermath is ugly. People become contortionists and end up eating their own.”

“I’m from the Movable Underground Museum. The Syndicate calls us dangerous because we’ve found a way to dismantle their product.”

“I can’t give you details in an open message. So far, we’ve laid out two new universes. They’re empty. Lots of room for adventurous souls.”

“Here’s something to keep your eye on. The Syndicate’s reality is breaking down. You may see seams in the sky. Don’t point them out to other people. A seam is usually a long thin blue line. If it pops far enough, you’ll see a different kind of space behind it. Stay calm.”

“For the past two weeks, a big seam has been exposed at the corner of Sunset Boulevard and Vermont Avenue in LA. Don’t try to go there. Crowds were gathering. The DHS came in and hosed them down with a version of glypho. Upwards of six thousand people were arrested, and DHS has the area cordoned off with tanks.”

“If you can still pick up SubNet8 on your mobile device, you can see pictures. The white light streaming through the gap in the seam? It’s been shopped in. It isn’t really there. Neither are the UFOs or the voices. That’s the Syndicate. They’re staging a ‘virtual drill’ in the area. Lots of phony religious content. It’s a cover. They’ve built a temp church in Silver Lake to handle the overflow of new believers.”

“If somebody approaches you with an offer to travel to Mexico, then sneak back into the US and apply for benefits, don’t bite. Tomorrow morning, before nine, walk to the Mickey Pavilion, turn left and keep going for about a mile. On your right, you’ll see a small shed painted green. Behind the shed is a cheap water ride. Take out a boat and row to the Secret Tunnel.”

“Take it. When the little train has been in the tunnel for a minute, you’ll see a dim corridor on your left. Hop off the train and walk along the corridor. You’ll come to the back of the Obama Mountain. At the base is a service door. It’s unlocked.”

“Go through and you’ll be standing on the corner of Ashbury Street and First Avenue. A day’s walk east will take you out into the desert. The fences are broken. Get out into the desert and head toward the Nevada Hills. You’ll see it. It’s a huge white hotel about five miles in.”

“A mile before the hotel, you’ll come to a wide crack in the desert floor. It’s not a crack. The Simul is breaking down there. It’s an exit. Use it if you have the courage.”

You burn the note, sit and eat your powdered eggs and watch the news. You think about what you’re going to do. Or not do.

A few sentences float in from somewhere. They were written by Philip K Dick, an ancient writer whose works have been outlawed:

“Because today we live in a society in which spurious realities are manufactured by the media, by governments, by big corporations, by religious groups, political groups…So I ask, in my writing, What is real? Because unceasingly we are bombarded with pseudo-realities manufactured by very sophisticated people using very sophisticated electronic mechanisms…And it is an astonishing power: that of creating whole universes, universes of the mind. I ought to know. I do the same thing.”

The artist on trial against the State

June 9, 2071, Ohio 27-b: the region designated as the seat of all hearings and trials of artists accused of crimes against the State.

No jury, no attorneys.

On this day, His Honorable and Sacred Hayakawa L. Schwartzbaum, Magistrate of Federal Dispensations, on loan from The CIA-Harvard University, sat behind his table. He was an expert in the history of history.

In shackles, an artist was led into the room by three federal policemen wearing the gray high-buttoned uniforms of the Motherland-Fatherland Department of Internal Security and Distribution of Goods and Services for the Benefit of All.

One of the policemen rolled in a large object covered by a shroud.

Judge Schwarzbaum looked down at a file and rapped his gavel on a plaque displaying the universal symbol of a hermaphrodite eagle.

“Order,” he declared.

The prisoner, in a tattered red jumpsuit, stood before him.

“Well,” the Judge said, “uncontrolled display…no license to practice art. No prior approval for a work. No plan submitted to the State. No established source of funding. No preliminary scan by the Council of Art. No declaration of philosophic position. Status: potential precursor to terrorist activity. Surveillance data reveals the artist is a smoker and brews medications which have never undergone approval by the FDA. How do you plead?”

The artist nodded.

“Your Honor, I would like to submit one item of evidence. The work itself.”

The Judge said, “Were it not for the Artist Act of 2040, I would deny the request. But since I am bound by law, submission approved.”

The guard who had rolled in the shrouded object uncovered it.

It was a brass sculpture standing six feet tall. It was a series of twisted interlocking shapes.

“Yes,” the Judge said. “Incomprehensible. Who in his right mind could fathom the sense of this?”

“Look a little closer, Your Honor,” the artist said. “If you would.”

The Judge put on a pair of glasses and stared at the object.

“Meaningless,” he said. “That’s the last time I’ll deign to acknowledge it.”

“Meaningless? Then what is the problem? What harm could it cause?” the artist asked.

The Judge smiled.

“We must have meaning,” he said. “Because then we can judge its quality. Otherwise, we lose control of the situation. We must know, and be able to assess, the significance of the work. This piece of nonsense does not rise to that level. All you offer are…curving masses.”

“The piece has meaning for me,” the artist said.

“Perhaps, given your state of mind, that is true. But art is public. It is a social undertaking. It gives something to the Community.”

“Your Honor,” the artist replied, “I believe you’re missing an opportunity here. If, as you say, my work is meaningless, consider its effect on the public, were it to be installed in a heavily-trafficked venue. People would be confused and bewildered. Isn’t the induction of such a state of mind a forerunner to mind control?”

The Judge rubbed his chin and stared at the ceiling.

“Are you suggesting,” he said, “that you could go to work for us?”

The artist nodded.

“Yes, sir. I could execute many sculptures of this kind. I want exposure. You want MKULTRA. We’re on the same side, in a strange way.”

“Amusing, possibly interesting,” the Judge said.

“You see,” the artist said, “there are two ways to look at mind control. On the one hand, you attack aggressively, with propaganda, to plant specific messages. But on the other hand, you prepare consciousness by placing it in a state of extreme puzzlement. If you would, sir, look at the work again.”

The Judge frowned and shook his head. But he gazed at the brass sculpture. This time, something else happened.

He saw a twisted tree. It had been burned by a fire during the riots of 2036, but it still stood. It put out a sprinkling of new leaves every spring. One day, when he was a small boy, he was taken to it and he climbed out along the dark branches to the buds, which smelled sweet to him…it was the last time in his life something was that sweet…now, in the courtroom, he shuddered as he felt tears run down his cheeks…

The rebel artist vs. the android

On January 12, 2082, President Winston Smith made a quick campaign stop in the Northeast corridor to address the Coexistence Group in Gates Town.

The Coexistence Group was a remnant of the coalition formed between Bayer IG and organic farmers in the state formerly known as New Hampshire.

The President, dressed in a silk rainbow robe, donated to him by the Cosmic Guilders of Carpentry at the Rockefeller Estate, lit a candle at the Memorial of the Drifting Gene, to commemorate the inevitable triumph of genetically modified agriculture in America.

He then gave a short speech, during which he pointed out that all food products in America were now labeled GMO because of the Gene Drift, and although such labeling was redundant, it was “ritualistically correct,” because it signified the right of the consumer to know what he/she was eating.

A supper followed at the Inn of the Bill Melinda. The meal consisted of ceremonial gluten-free organic genetically modified soy-peanut burgers and GM whey cola.

During the supper, a local artist stood up from his seat, toasted the President, and suddenly asked, “What phase of brain programming do you now enjoy, Mr. President?”

A dozen Secret Service agents deployed in the room and at other locations in the Inn immediately drew their weapons. But the President waved them off with a smile.

“It’s all right,” President Smith said. “This citizen has every right to address his Commander-in-Chief.”

The President then offered these off-the cuff remarks:

“Actually, sir, there is no ‘I’ anymore or ‘you.’ There is only ‘we’ because the programming is common to us all, if we volunteer for it. And 67 percent of us do. We are all connected to the same Google/Kurzweil/NSA Plasma Cloud Formation. That, as you probably know, is the artificial superbrain.”

“We receive input from it every second of every day. In other words, we are all obtaining correct answers, the same answers, to problems we face.”

“Phase Four, which improves connectivity and reception, and takes in expanded subjects of interest and vital concern, is the current application. I, which is to say, we, participate in Phase Four.”

“In Four, stress levels are reduced considerably.”

“We no longer need to take vacations, except for pilgrimages to sites where monuments celebrate our Nature Is All and Technology Is All and All Is One Everything religious faith.

“And you, sir,” the President continued. “Are you with a Program Phase?”

The artist burst out laughing.

“No, Mr. President. I’m a holdout.”

“Ah,” the President said, “an outlier. Let’s see. Downloading now. Profile. We perceive you’re an artist, your name is Diego Jose Siqueiros. Yes, the information is coming through. You formerly lived in the small city of Ashland in the Northwest corridor, and you received a number of commissions to build structures there.”

“After twelve years, you designed and erected so many unique buildings, the city fathers feared that, if left to your own devices, you would ‘take over’ Ashland. In the interest of fairness and sharing, they ceased funding your work. You drifted down to the Los Angeles Complex, where you created a website called Versus the Moron. Eventually, you settled here in the Northeast.”

“That’s right, sir,” the artist said. “A question. Do you remember a time when you weren’t connected to the superbrain in any way?”

The President nodded. “We used to remember such a time, but no longer. Those memories became unproductive. Now we are here With the Program. We operate inside it.”

“So you don’t miss being free?” the artist asked.

“Oh, we are free, Mr. Siqueiros. We are free to obtain the right answers through the Program. Having correct data and valid conclusions is quite liberating. The sense of struggle is gone. Struggle is an ancient appendage which technocratic evolution makes extinct.”

“Sir,” the artist said, “I would enjoy debating that point. But I’d rather talk about the individual invention of unprecedented and unpredictable realities.”

“Oh,” the President said. “Another fanciful notion from the past. We’ve discovered that all art and in fact all so-called unique creations of the ‘I’ are delusions. The superbrain can ‘create’ anything. It merely arranges and rearranges data in various configurations. It produces closed systems. For example, it can design a thousand buildings in less than a second.”

The artist frowned.

“No,” he said. “The superbrain spits out random shapes on command. That’s machine-life.”

“Machine-life?” the President said. “I’m receiving mild warnings now.”

“Meaning what?” the artist said.

“We are in the presence of a stubborn defective ‘I’ who is scorning the Group. That would be ‘you’.”

“Mr. President,” the artist said. “Were you born of a human mother and father, or are you a virtual artifact of the superbrain?”

The Secret Service agents in the room took a step forward.

The President’s face turned red. He rose from his chair.

“How dare you say that to me!” he shouted.

“Why? Because I’m flipping your cover?”

The artist then enunciated a long series of sounds. The declaration came out, as one attendee later put it, like a “gray river.”


Apparently, it was a code-trigger that had been hacked from the Program. And the code ran.

A loud hum filled the room.

The President collapsed back into his seat. He flopped around like a doll and then went still. His eyes stared at nothing.

“As I expected,” the artist said. “He’s a four-D printout from the superbrain. An agent.”

A voice came from somewhere inside the President.

“Allen Dulles A MKULTRA…”


Then a gentle man who manufactured a product called We Love You Organic Bayer Cherry Vanilla Roundup Cookies said:

“It’s all right, everybody. There’ll be another President along in a few minutes. I’m sure of it. We’re in coexistence mode. Don’t worry. All One. Unity. The Tao. Yin and Yang. Night and Day. Harmony.”

And the room burst into wild applause.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: How to Meet Like-Minded People

How to Meet Like-Minded People

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
August 17, 2021


Forming community with like-minded people has never been more important . . . and it has never been more difficult. As the gatekeepers of our increasingly disconnected world try to close the door on our various options for finding community, today James explores some ways to meet sane people in your area, from the technological to the old-fashioned.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4



Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch


Anti-Vax App Squares Off With Google, Apple Over Misinformation

Apple removes anti-vaxx dating app Unjected from the App Store for ‘inappropriately’ referring to the pandemic. The app’s owners say it’s censorship.

Salting Your Data – #SolutionsWatch

Disney put more than $400 million into Vice Media. Now it says that investment is worthless.

Anti-Vaxxers Are Building Their Own Craigslist to Get Away From the Vaccinated

“Graveyard of Empires” Claims Another Victim

Man is stabbed in massive brawl between Antifa rioters and anti-vaccine protesters outside Los Angeles city hall


Connect with James Corbett

cover image credit: Bob_Dmyt / pixabay

The Dumbed Down Lack of Understanding About Anarchy

The Dumbed Down Lack of Understanding About Anarchy

by Gary D. Barnett
August 13, 2021


It is very frustrating that so many have accepted the modern and bastardized ‘definition’ of anarchy. Most have been wrongly convinced that anarchy means chaos, lawlessness, looting, rioting, property destruction, and assault. Nothing could be more absurd.

Language is of great importance to any society that seeks or desires to be free. The misuse of language and its meaning is not only rampant in this day and age, it is totally ludicrous, and since the intellect of Americans has for decades and even centuries declined, the corruption of language and meanings has become a way for the state to manipulate the thought of the masses so that certain agendas can be perpetuated. It is a dumbing down of society by deception and stealth through broad-based propaganda.

One simply has to go to the root of words; the original meanings that do not change, but are purposely and arbitrarily altered by government and media in order to advance a particular way of thinking, or in this case, not thinking. The word “anarchy” is rooted in the base of the English language that is Latin and Greek. It means “without rule,” or “without rulers.” In other words, it means self-rule of individuals, whether individuals act collectively or not. It does not mean lawlessness, murder, and chaos in the streets, as is promoted by the state today so that those against the evil government can be falsely accused of being criminal.

I almost hesitate calling myself an anarchist at times because of the gross misunderstanding of that term by so many, but that is exactly what I am. I am not a Republican or Democrat; I am not right wing, left wing, or a member of any political party in any shape, form, or fashion, including Libertarian. I simply do not respect any governing system based on force; therefore I respect no rule over the individual other than natural law.

I am bringing this up because in nearly every conversation, nearly every interview, and nearly every correspondence, my position as an anarchist is completely misunderstood by most, and I am attacked for it, even though most have no idea whatsoever what anarchy is, and why it is so important. It is not a political ‘system,’ it is not meant to be a national or state organized governing plan, nor could it be, and I or any other honest believer of individual freedom wants to force anarchy on any other, or expect all to adhere to that view. The beauty of anarchy is individual self-rule, which negates any top-down, tyrannical, or totalitarian structure whatsoever. Therefore, it is a protection for liberty, never a cause for the loss of liberty.

I felt obligated today to once again answer a reader’s misinformed position about anarchy, so I thought I would explain the true meaning of real anarchy, so as to clarify the term. Part of the initial response to me I have posted below, along with my reply. It is obvious that this responder has no idea of the real meaning of anarchy, and that it is not meant to be a national or state governmental structure.

“One can certainly choose to live outside of civilization, but since civilization cannot exist without a rule of law, it is impossible for stateless law (governance without government) to spring to life ex nihilo, devolution from subordinated states being the most logical and globally impactful means (especially if they were American states) of devolving in the actionable manner that I described.  

Or do you honestly believe that in complete defiance of (post hunter-gatherer / New World) history, a free, antifragile society can in fact spring to life ex nihilo?“

My answer:

Once again, you misunderstand my position completely, and fail to grasp the fact that I am very intelligent and fully understand the concepts of government. You also fail to grasp that I am a realist, and know how this system works, how it survives, and that no utopia or lawless society is magically forthcoming. I have never taken or promoted such idiocy.

I am an anarchist in my philosophical approach and belief, and expect no other to accept or act the way I might, as anarchy has absolutely nothing to do with reverting to lawlessness, divine intervention, or chaos; it has only to do with self-rule of the individual. I have never once claimed that anarchy is some form of government that requires a national or state participation, as anarchy is simply living without rule, and could never be a mass political system. Real secession, mass secession, would require that small units or communities would spring up, and people would necessarily be attracted to different ways of doing things as individuals voluntarily, and without coercion or force. The only way to gain a decent free society, is to break away from rule, not natural laws, and it would have to be a peaceful transition to be legitimate. 

I do not expect any such thing to happen due to the absolute ignorance and dependent nature of the human species, (especially Americans) and the broad-based natural inclination of the herd to be led, but it could happen in small units and areas given no evident tyranny by a corrupt governing system like the one that is present here, and around the world today.

People are anarchists every single day of their lives, or they could never survive at all. All have to make individual decisions, and act and react on their own without guidance from above in order to function. I would just like to see more of it.

As to having no concern as to how things can or should happen or improve, that is asinine, as total non-aggression, natural respect for that premise, and peaceful co-existence are necessary in order for any proper anarchical structure, regardless of size. As I said, devolution can be useful if its aim is to not stop at simply replacing a national government with state government. Since my position is that all government is evil, partial devolution would simply result in a new system that would still be bent on a continuous gain of power, as is the goal of all political systems, all politicians, and all government at every level.

Groups, herds, mobs, collectives have no ability to think critically, or at all, or survive without top-down rule, and therefore are worthless in any effort to actually gain real freedom.”


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

It’s Unstoppable — People Are Waking Up

It’s Unstoppable — People Are Waking Up

by Jean Nolan, Inspired
August 7, 2021


Original video available at Inspired YouTube channel.

Jean Nolan, co-founder of the INSPIRED Channel speaks about who is really in control & why understanding this will change everything.


[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with Inspired

cover image credit: wondermar / pixabay

The Houses of Dead and Crooked Souls

The Houses of Dead and Crooked Souls

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
August 13, 2021


“A house constitutes a body of images that give mankind proofs or illusions of stability.”      – Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space

There is a vast and growing gulf between the world’s rich and poor.  An obscene gulf. If we can read houses, they will confirm this.  They offer a visible lesson in social class.

Houses stand before us like books on a shelf waiting to be read, and when the books are missing, as they are for a vast and growing multitude of the homeless exiled wandering ones and those imprisoned, their absence serves to indict the mansion-dwelling wealthy and to a lesser extent those whose homes serve to shield them from the truth of the ill-begotten gains of the wealthy elites who create the world’s suffering through their avarice, lies, and war making.

Many regular people want to say with Edmund in Eugene O’Neill’s play, Long Day’s Journey into Night:

The fog is where I wanted to be. Halfway down the path you can’t see this house. You’d never know it was here. Or any of the other places down the avenue. I couldn’t see but a few feet ahead. I didn’t meet a soul. Everything looked and sounded unreal. Nothing was what it is.That’s what I wanted – to be alone with myself in another world where truth is untrue and life can hide from itself….Who wants to see life as it is, if they can help it?

Yet the rich don’t hide or give a damn. They flaunt their houses.  They know they are crooks and creators of illusions.  Their nihilism is revealed in their conspicuous consumption and their predatory behavior; they want everyone else to see it too.  So they rub it in their faces.  Their wealth is built on the blood and suffering of millions around the world, but this is often hidden knowledge.

For many regular people prefer the fog to the harsh truth.  It shields them from intense anger and the realization that the wealthy elites who run the world and control the media lie to them about everything and consider them beneath contempt.  That would demand a response commensurate with the propaganda – rebellion.  It would impose the moral demand to look squarely at the houses of death with their tiny cells in which the wealthy elites and their henchmen imprison and torture truth tellers like Julian Assange, an innocent man in a living hell; to make connections between wealth and power and the obscene flaunting of the rich elite’s sybaritic lifestyles in houses where every spacious room testifies to their moral depravity.

The recent news of Barack Obama’s vile selfie birthday celebration for his celebrity “friends” at his 29-acre estate and mansion (he has another eight-million-dollar mansion in Washington, D. C.) on Martha’s Vineyard is an egregious recent case in point.  If he thinks this nauseating display is proof of his stability and strength – which obviously he does – then he is a deluded fool.  But those who carry water for the military-intelligence-media complex are amply rewarded and want to tell the world that this is so.  It’s essential for the Show.  It must be conspicuous so the plebians learn their lesson.

Obama’s Vineyard mansion stands as an outward sign of his inner disgrace, his soullessness.

Trump’s golden towers and his never-ending self-promotion or the multiple million-dollar mansions of high-tech, sports, and Hollywood’s superstars send the same message.

Take Bill Gates’ sixty-three-million-dollar mansion, Xanadu, named after William Randolph Hearst’s estate in Citizen Kane, that took seven years to build.

Take the house up the hill from where I live in an erstwhile working-class town that sold for one million plus and now is being expanded to double its size with a massive swimming pool that leaves no grass uncovered. Every week, three black window-tinted SUVs arrive with New Jersey plates to join two white expensive sedans to oversee the progress in this small western Massachusetts town where McMansions rise throughout the hills faster than summer’s weeds.

Take the blue dolomite stone Searles Castle with its 60 acres, 40 rooms, and “dungeon” basement down the hill on Main St. that was recently bought by a NYC artist who also owns seven grand estates around the country that he showcases as examples of his fine artistic taste.  “All these houses have endless things to do — it’s just mind-boggling,” he has said. The artist, Hunt Slonem, calls himself a “glamorizer,” and his “exotica” paintings, inspired by Andy Warhol’s repetition of soup cans and Marilyn Monroe, hang in galleries, museums, cruise ships, and the houses of film celebrities.  Like his showcase houses, his exotica must have endless things to do.

What would Vincent van Gogh say?  Perhaps what he wrote to his brother Theo: that the greatest people in painting and literature “have always worked against the grain” and in sympathy with the poor and oppressed.  That might seem “mind-boggling” to Slonem.

Such ostentatious displays of wealth and power clearly reveal the delusions of the elites, as if there are no spiritual consequences for living so.  Even if they read Tolstoy’s cautionary tale about greed, How Much Land Does A Man Need?, it is doubtful that its truth would register.  Like Tolstoy’s protagonist Pahόm, they never have enough.  But like Pahόm, the Devil has them in his grip, and like him, they will get their just rewards, a small room, a bit of land to imprison them forever.

His servant picked up the spade and dug a grave long enough for Pahóm to lie in, and buried him in it. Six feet from his head to his heels was all he needed.

Where does the money for all these estates, not just Slonem’s, come from? Who wants to ask?

Getting to the roots of wealth involves a little digging.  Slonem’s castle was originally commissioned in the late 1800s by Mark Hopkins for his wife.  Hopkins was one of the founders of the Central Pacific Railroad, which was built by Irish and Chinese immigrants.  Labor history is quite illuminating on the ways immigrants have always been treated, in this case “the dregs of Asia” and the Irish dogs.  Interestingly enough, the great black scholar and radical, W. E. B. Du Bois, a town native, worked at the castle’s construction site as a young man.  No doubt it informed his future work against racism, capitalism, and economic exploitation.

Wealthy urbanites flooded this area after September 11, 2001, and now, in their terror of disease and death, they have bought every house they could find.  Their cash-filled pockets overflow with blood-money and few ask why. To suggest that massive wealth is almost always ill-begotten is anathema.  But innocence wears many masks, and the Show demands washed hands and no questions asked.

It is rare that one becomes super-wealthy in an honest and ethical way.  The ways the rich get money almost without exception lead downward, to paraphrase Thoreau from his essay, “Life Without Principle.”

Since the corona crisis began, investment firms such as the Blackstone Group have been gobbling up vast numbers of houses across the United States as their prices have gone through the roof.  The lockdowns – an appropriate prison term – have set millions of regular people back on their heels as the wealthiest have gotten exponentially wealthier. Poverty and starvation have increased around the world.  This is not an accident.  Despair and depression are widespread.

There is a taboo in life in general and in journalism: Do not ask where people’s money comes from.  Thoreau was so advised long ago:

Do not ask how your bread is buttered; it will make you sick…

But the super-wealthy do not get sick.  They are sick.  For they revel in their depravity and push it in the faces of regular people, many who envy them and wish to become super-rich and powerful themselves.  Of course there are the blue bloods whose method is understatement, but it takes many decades to enter their theater of deception.  In many ways, these people are worse, for their personae have been crafted over decades of play-acting and public relations so their images are laundered to smell fresh and benevolent.  They often wear the mask of philanthropy, while the history of their wealth lies shrouded in an amnestic fog.

Yet soul murder includes suicide, and while the old and new moneyed ones smoothly justify their oppression of the vast majority, many regular people kill the best in themselves by envying the rich.

Years ago, I discovered some documents that showed that one of this country’s most famous philosophers, known for his lofty moral pronouncements, owned a lot of stock in companies that were doing evil things – war making, poisoning and killings huge numbers with chemicals, etc.  But his image was one of Mr. Clean, Mr. Good Guy. I suspect this is typical and that there are many such secrets in the basements and attics of the rich.

But let us also ask where the writers and presenters of the mainstream and alternative media get their money.  Although “to follow the money” is a truism, few do.  If we do, we will learn that money talks and those who take it toe the line, nor do they live in shacks by the side of the road or rent like so many others.  They invest with Black Rock and their ilk and have money managers who can increase their wealth while shielding them from the ways that money is made on the backs of the poor and working people.  And they lie about people like Assange, Daniel Hale, Reality Winner, Craig Murray, et al., all imprisoned for daring to reveal the depredations of the power elites, the violence at the heart of predatory capitalism.

Yes, houses speak.  But few ever speak of where their money comes from.  Those that are on the take – which has multiple meanings – always plead innocent.  Yes, I can hear you say that I am being too harsh; that there are exceptions.  That is obvious.  So let’s skip the exceptions and focus on the general principle. There is a Buddhist principle that right livelihood is a core ethic in earning money.  Jesus had another way of putting it but was of course in agreement, as were so many others whom people hold in highest esteem.

Thoreau wrote: “If you are acquainted with the principle, what do you care for a myriad instances and applications.”

The truth is that for most people, work, if they can find it, is drudgery and hard, a matter of survival. The late great Studs Terkel called it hell and rightly said that most jobs are not big enough for people because they crush the soul, they lack meaning.  And behind all ledgers of great wealth lie crushed souls.  This reality is so obvious and goes by many names, including class warfare, that further commentary would be redundant.

A few years ago, I visited Mark Twain’s house in Hartford, Connecticut.  It is advertised as “a house with a heart and a soul.”  It is not a house but a mansion, and it was an ostentatious display in Twain’s time. Similar or worse than Obama’s mansion on Martha’s Vineyard today.  It has no soul or heart.  It was built with Twain’s wife’s family money.  Her father was an oil and coal tycoon from upstate New York.  Twain reveled in opulent respectability.  He lived the life of a Gilded Age tycoon, an American magnate. It is not a pretty story, but the Twain myth says otherwise.  Not that he catered to popular tastes to please the crowd and his domineering wife and that he lived in luxury, but that he was a radical critic of the establishment.  This is false.  For he withheld for the most part the publication of his withering take on American imperialism until after his death.  He committed soul murder.  But his mansion impressed his neighbors and his humor distracted from his luxurious lifestyle.  His house still stands as a cautionary tale for those who will read it.

Baudelaire once said that in palaces “there is no place for intimacy.”  This is no doubt why in people’s dreams small, simple houses with a light in the window loom large.  Bachelard says, “When we are lost in darkness and see a distant glimmer of light, who does not dream of a thatched cottage or, to go more deeply still into legend, of a hermit’s hut.”  For here man and God meet in solitude; here human intimacy is possible.  “The hut can receive none of the riches ‘of this world.’  It possesses the felicity of intense poverty; indeed, it is one of the glories of poverty; as destitution increases, it gives access to absolute refuge.”

He is not espousing actual poverty, but the oneiric depths of true desire, the dreams of hope, reconciliation, and simple living that run counter to the amassing of wealth to prove one’s power and majesty. A humble house of truth, not a mansion of lies. This, to borrow the title of William Goyen’s novel, is “the house of breath” where the spirit can live and pseudo-stability gives way to faith, for insecurity is the essence of life.

There is such a hermit’s hut where the light shines.  It is the tiny cell in Belmarsh Prison where Julian Assange hangs onto his life by a thread.  His witness for truth sends an inspiring message to all those lost in the world’s woods to look to his fate and not turn away.  To follow to their sources the money that greases the palms of all the so-called journalists and politicians who want him dead or imprisoned for life, who tell their endless lies, not just about him, but about everything.

The house of propaganda is built on unanimity.  When one person says no, the foundation starts to crumble.  The houses of the rich dead and crooked souls, erected to project the stability of their bloody illusions, start to crumble into sand when people dissent one by one.

Soon the fog lifts and there is no hiding any more.  At the end of the path, you can see the vultures circling overhead as their prey go running out of their mansions in terror.

Sing Hallelujah!


Connect with Edward Curtin

cover image credit: Prettysleepy / pixabay

Stop the Shots — Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

Stop the Shots — Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates

by Richard Hugus, End Massachusetts Medical Mandates
August 11, 2021


WHEN: Saturday August 28, 2021, 12 noon to 2 PM, rain or shine

WHERE: Hyannis, MA, 300 block of Main Street near village green and statue of Iyanough (parking on North St. behind Main St. stores).


July 24, Hyannis

It is time to recognize that mandates for quarantine, “social distancing”, face covering, and the engineered gene injections being called “vaccines” are not about protecting public health. Public health is actually being harmed by these measures. So what is really going on? One view is that our government has been so corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry that government itself is pushing people to take pharmaceutical products even when these products have proven to be unsafe. There are precedents for this with the MMR, DPT, HPV, flu and other vaccines. Overall, vaccines have harmed, not helped, the human immune system. They have degraded the health of our society to such an extent that almost half of the children in the US today have some form of chronic illness — all for the sake of pharmaceutical company profits.

But a wider agenda is also apparent. That agenda is totalitarian social control implemented through the invention of a worldwide pandemic “emergency” which would inspire enough fear in people to make them give up their rights, separate them from others, separate them from their own instincts, and even from their spirituality. This war of the globalists against all of humanity has been cynically named “the great reset.”

Klaus Schwab,, founder of the World Economic Forum and author of The Great Reset. (Does it look like Mr. Schwab has a happy future in mind for us?)

Wars are fought for economic, not moral, reasons. This war is no different. Huge amounts of money have been transferred to the wealthy as a result of attacks on small business and the middle class and the further impoverishment of the poor. The wealthy want money and control of resources, as always. They don’t care if people are dying. In fact, for eugenicists like Bill Gates and other globalists who think they know best what is good for the world, depopulation is a desired goal. This may be why the authorities don’t seem to care about long-term effects of the covid injections, or about harm to reproductive organs and miscarriages that are already happening. Against all reason, pregnant women are being encouraged to get the shot. So are children. In the face of such criminality, there is nothing left for us to do but protect ourselves from our government. Whether it is working for big pharma or the globalists, we know for sure government isn’t working for us.

According to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), “between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 30, 2021, a total of 545,338 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 12,366 deaths. There were 70,105 reports of serious injuries, including deaths, during the same time period.” VAERS is known to capture only a small percentage of adverse events, as they are greatly under-reported. And the CDC, representing the pharmaceutical industry (not us), has no interest in finding out or publicizing accurate numbers, or in following up on reports. So we can assume there have been many more deaths and injuries than cited above. There is already enough evidence that the CDC is committing a crime just allowing covid injections to continue, much less promoting them.

The purpose of standing out August 28 will be to do what we can to save more people from being harmed. The mass injection program needs to be stopped now. We must also stand up for children who may be forced to wear masks in the upcoming school year. Masks don’t protect anyone; their purpose is to condition us to accept medical tyranny and perhaps an eventual social credit score system, starting with “vaccine passports.” Using children as pawns to achieve this goal is frankly evil. We need to expose the perpetrators of this crime against humanity and see to it that they are prosecuted. If we don’t, the oppression will only continue.

This call is for a peaceful, non-partisan protest following up on our many previous demonstrations. Bring large-letter signs or banners with your message.

We stand for:

— the right to remain human — i.e., not to be genetically modified or made “transhuman.” The openly declared transhumanist agenda of the Great Reset and its plan for “a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” is absolutely insane.

— the right to live. These injections are killing people. We obviously have the right to reject them for ourselves and our children

— the right to the pursuit of happiness. Happiness will not be achievable if we have lost our health to medically induced chronic disease.

— our right to refuse medical interventions. No to the de facto vaccine mandate by which the state of Massachusetts and the federal government encourages employers, colleges, and businesses to require vaccination. certificates (or torture us with testing). No to explicit vaccine mandates likely to follow the corrupt FDA’s approval of the spike protein clot shots.

— ending mask requirements on public transportation, in healthcare facilities, and especially in schools. Forcing children to wear masks is child abuse.

— the right to bodily autonomy. No one should be forced to take a vaccine, wear a mask, be swabbed, tested, or scanned

— the Nuremberg code and the right to informed consent. No substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects (which are as yet unknown with experimental mRNA injections). There should be no negative consequences should we refuse a medical intervention.

— parental rights. The state has no right to bypass parents’ authority on whether their minor child should wear a mask, be tested, or be given any pharmaceutical product.

— the right to education. Education at K-12 schools, universities, and colleges should not be withheld as leverage to enforce government medical decrees.

— the right to freedom of movement. This right is violated when any kind of travel requires masking, testing, or proof of vaccination.

— “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (4th Amendment). This is our right to privacy . Our vaccine status and medical history is no one’s business.

— the right to due process: Open meeting laws continue to be illegally suspended in Massachusetts “due to coronavirus” and our elected officials seem to like it that way. Virtual meetings undermine democracy. Government-sponsored medical procedures without informed consent, and government edicts bypassing the legislative process are also a violation of the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments.

— the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and press. End the blatant Soviet-style government-media censorship of people with dissenting views about the covid narrative

— the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights. Refusal of service by any transport company, public venue, ticket vendor, grocery store, or other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens do not have equal rights.


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image credit:  Meghan M./End Massachusetts Medical Mandates

How My Wife Bravely Defied the Maskers

How My Wife Bravely Defied the Maskers

by Rafi Farber, The Jewish Libertarian
sourced from Anti-Empire
August 11, 2021


Today, August 11, 2021. I went to the gym this morning. I live in Israel. I do not have a green pass. Technically, I am not allowed in to the gym. As I walk there, I’m thinking what to do if police prevent me from going. Do I go in anyway or back out, jump the fence and work out?

It turned out not to be an issue. Nobody was at the front desk so I just walked in, did my work out, and left.

I walk home, and when I turn the corner to my street, I’m reading The Tower of Basel so I’m not looking up. I hear my wife scream my name and immediately my blood pressure shoots up. She’s unloading groceries with my two oldest daughters, 11 and 9.

Apparently, as I was working out at the gym, my wife was having a workout of the mind and soul at the supermarket.

“Rafi, they called the police on me!”

“What, is everything OK? Does this have a happy ending?”

I immediately want to know if this is a good or bad story. I have been constantly on edge for about 18 months now, and I am in no condition to handle any sort of suspense at all.

“Everything’s fine,” says my wife. I breathe a sigh of relief.

“So what happened?!”

A bit of background. My wife and I made a pact a while back. We would not put on masks anymore for any reason. Not to keep a job, not to placate the police, nothing. (The last time I put one on was for an interview to get a weapons license 3 months ago, and I had to annul vows for that.) Why are we so adamant? Because it is time to set an example, and so we are. Neither I nor my wife have ever gotten a ticket for not wearing a mask. I’ve been threatened, even booked and detained by police, but never ticketed.

She begins the story. She’s heading into the grocery store with our two oldest daughters. The guard stops her at the entrance and tells her she can’t come in without a mask. She says yes, she can, and that she does not have to wear a mask. She simply walks past the guard. The guard follows her inside and continues to harass her. She just continues shopping, with an asinine back-and-forth about what the “law is”.

“Show me your exemption,” says the guard.

“I don’t have to show you anything,” she insists. And keeps shopping. My daughters are witnessing all of this, also unmasked.

As this is going on, the manager of the store comes out and takes my wife’s side, which was nice. “If she says she doesn’t have to wear a mask, then she doesn’t have to wear a mask! Enough already!”

The guard slinks off. Meanwhile, random masked grocery shoppers continue to harass my wife in front of my kids. She ignores them all and keeps shopping.

Then, she gets to the self-checkout counter and starts scanning her stuff. She swipes her credit card, the machine says there’s a problem (what a coincidence) and to call a clerk to help. A clerk comes, and she says, “Sorry, this checkout isn’t working. You’ll have to start over. And the police are coming. You have to put on a mask.”

“No, I don’t,” says my wife.

Then the store intercom starts blaring. “The police are on their way. Everyone must make sure their mask covers both nose and mouth.”

My wife just stands there, with my daughters. She can’t leave, because payment hasn’t gone through. She suspects someone shut down the machine to pin her there as the police were coming. Plus, my oldest just happened to have a bee sting on her foot from the day before that was swelling up again and needed to be iced, but my wife did not want to use that excuse to leave, because it would look cowardly. It is time to stand up. So she just stood there calmly, unmasked.

Police arrive outside the supermarket, taking pictures. They do not come in.

Still waiting, she’s the only person unmasked in the entire store. The checkout machine comes back to life. A new screen pops up on for a manager to swipe a card again. My wife calls the manager over, she swipes the card. The machine now says to swipe the credit card again. She does. Receipt comes out this time, finished.

She’s now walking out of the store, my oldest’s foot in a lot of pain. She gets past the guard again, and she simply walks past three policemen standing there. As she passes them, the guard says, “That’s her that’s her!” to the cops. But my wife just keeps walking to the car, two daughters in tow. They help her load the car, and she drives off home.

That’s it. That’s the whole story. This is all one big bluff. Our enemies are empty shells. Evil is emptiness.

Show no fear. Stare the bastards down. Keep your calm. They’re nothing.

I would bet that nobody in my entire city has the sheer courage of my wife. I am blessed with the most amazing woman in the world.


Connect with Rafi Farber

cover image credit – based on work of: mohamed_hassan, Bany_MM & MiroslavaChrienova / pixabay

Shouting at the Wall: MC Abdul, Palestinian Kid Rapper From Gaza

Shouting at the Wall: MC Abdul, Palestinian Kid Rapper From Gaza


Palestinian kid rapper from Gaza.

shared by The Worldwide Truth Channel
August 11, 2021

Original video available at The Worldwide Truth Channel YouTube.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light BitChute, Brighteon, and Odysee channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


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