The Non-Existent Virus; an Explosive Interview With Christine Massey

The Non-Existent Virus; an Explosive Interview With Christine Massey

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 7, 2021


With a background in biostatistics, Christine Massey has been using Freedom of Information (FOIA) requests as a research tool, as a diamond drill, to unearth the truth about SARS-CoV-2. As in: Does the virus exist?

Her approach has yielded shocking results.

In a half-sane world, Christine’s work would win many awards, and rate far-reaching coverage. In the present world, more and more people, on their own, are waking up to her findings and completely revising their perception of the “pandemic.”

Here is my recent interview with the brilliant relentless Christine Massey:

Q: You and your colleagues have made many FOIA requests to public health agencies around the world. You’ve been asking for records that show the SARS-CoV-2 virus exists. How did you develop this approach?

A: In 2014, a lady in Edmonton submitted a freedom of information request to Health Canada asking for studies relating to the addition of hydrofluorosilisic acid (industrial waste fluoride acid) to public drinking water (water fluoridation). HealthCanada’s response indicated that they had no studies whatsoever to back up their claims that the practice is safe or effective.

A few years later, some high quality government-funded studies showed that common fluoride exposure levels during pregnancy are associated with lower IQs and increased ADHD symptoms in offspring. Nevertheless, dentists and the public health community continued to promote and defend the so-called “great public health achievement” of forcing this controversial preventative dental treatment onto entire communities, and were dismissive of those studies. So I used freedom of information requests to show that various institutions promoting and defending water fluoridation in Ontario, Alberta and Washington State could not provide or cite even one primary study indicating safety with respect to those outcomes.

So once I learned from people like David Crowe, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Stefan Lanka and Dr. Thomas Cowan that the alleged [COVID] virus had never been isolated (purified) from a patient sample and then characterized, sequenced and studied with controlled experiments, and thus had never been shown to exist, I realized that freedom of information (FOI) requests could be used to verify their claims.

Most people are not going to take the time to check all of the so-called “virus isolation” studies for themselves, so FOIs were a way to 1) ensure that nothing had been overlooked, and 2) cut to the chase and back-up what these gentlemen [Kaufman, Cowan, Crowe, Lanka] were saying, if they were indeed correct.

So in May 2020 I began submitting FOI requests for any record held by the respective institution that describes the isolation/purification of the alleged “COVID-19 virus” from an unadulterated sample taken from a diseased patient, by anyone, anywhere on the planet.

Q: How many public health and government agencies have you queried with FOIA requests?

A: I have personally queried and received responses from 22 Canadian institutions. These are public health institutions, universities that claim to have “isolated the virus”, and 3 police services – due to their enforcement of “COVID-19” restrictions. I have also personally received responses from several institutions outside of Canada including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). I await responses from a number of additional institutions.

Many people around the world have obtained responses to the same/similar, or related, [FOIA] requests, from institutions in their own countries. One person who has done a lot of work on this in New Zealand and other countries is my colleague Michael S. Also a fellow named Marc Horn obtained many in the UK. A handful of other people obtained several responses, and lots of people have obtained 1 or 2.

I have been compiling all of the responses that are sent to me on my FOI page, and as I type this (October 4, 2021) we have FOI responses from 104 institutions in well over 20 countries all relating to the purification/existence of the alleged virus. Additionally, there are court documents from South Africa and Portugal. In total, 110 instructions are represented at this moment on my website. There are FOI responses from more institutions that I haven’t had a chance to upload yet.

Q: How would you characterize the replies you’ve gotten from these agencies?

A: Every institution without exception has failed to provide or cite even 1 record describing purification of the alleged virus from even 1 patient sample.

Twenty-one of the 22 Canadian institutions admitted flat out that they have no such records (as required by the Canadian legislation). Many institutions outside Canada have admitted the same, including the CDC (November 2, 2020), Australia’s Department of Health, New Zealand’s Ministry of Health, the UK Department of Health and Social Care…

And in some cases, silly excuses were provided. For example, the Norwegian Directorate of Health’s response was that they do not own, store or control documents with information about patients. Public Health Wales told Dr. Janet Menage that they have not produced any such records, and that while they would normally be willing to point her towards records that are in the public domain it would be too difficult in this case.

Brazil’s FDA-like injection-approver, the Health Regulatory Agency (Anvisa), told Marcella Picone that they have no record of virus purification and are not required to by law, thus it is (in their minds) not their obligation to make sure that the virus actually exists.

Q: What is the exact text of your FOIA requests?

The text has varied somewhat over time. For example, in the beginning I used the word “isolation”. But since that term gets abused so badly by virologists, I now stick to “purification”.

In all requests I specified exactly what I meant by isolation/purification (separation of the alleged virus from everything else), and that the purified particles should come directly from a sample taken from a diseased human where the patient sample was not first adulterated with any other source of genetic material (i.e. the monkey kidney cells aka Vero cells and the fetal bovine serum that are typically used in the bogus “virus isolation” studies).

I always clarified that I was not requesting records where researchers failed to purify the alleged virus and instead cultured something and/or performed a PCR test and/or sequenced something. I also clarified that I was requesting records authored by anyone, anywhere – not simply records that were created by the institution in question. And I requested citations for any record of purification that is held by the institution but already available to the public elsewhere.

The latest iteration [of the FOIA request] is posted on a page of my website where I encourage others to submit requests to institutions in their own country: Template for “SARS-COV-2 isolation” FOI requests.

Q: These agencies are all saying they have no records proving SARS-CoV-2 exists, but at the same time some of these agencies sponsor and fund studies that claim the virus does exist. How do you account for this contradiction?

I will address this by way of an example.

The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is the only Canadian institution that failed to provide a straightforward “no records” response thus far. Instead, they provided me with what they pretended were responsive records.

The records consisted of some emails, and a study by Bullard et al. that was supported by PHAC and their National Microbiology Laboratory, and by Manitoba Health and Manitoba’s Cadham Provincial Laboratory.

Neither the study nor the emails describe purification of the alleged virus from a patient sample or from anything else. The word “isolate” (or “isolation” / “purify” / “purification”) does not even appear, except in the study manuscript in the context of isolating people, not a virus.

…in the Materials And Methods section we find that these researchers performed PCR “tests” for a portion of the E gene sequence (not a virus), and they incubated patient samples (not a virus) on Vero cells (monkey kidney cells) supplemented with fetal bovine serum, penicillin/streptomycin, and amphotericin B, and they monitored for harm to the monkey cells.

No virus was looked for in, or purified from, the patient samples. No control groups of any kind were implemented in the monkey cell procedures. No virus was required or shown to be involved anywhere in the study, but “it” was blamed for any harm to the monkey cells and “it” was referred to repeatedly throughout the study (I counted 26 instances).

Nevertheless, this was the sole paper provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada.

And although the researchers did not claim to have “isolated” the alleged virus in this paper, they performed the same sort of monkey business / cell culture procedure that is passed off as “virus isolation” by virologists in country after country. (Because virology is not a science.)

…Note the admission in the [study] Abstract: “RT-PCR detects RNA, not infectious virus”.

…So I wrote back to the Public Health Agency of Canada and advised the that none of the records they provided me actually describe separation of the alleged virus from everything else in a patient sample, and that I require an accurate response indicating that they have no responsive records.

In their revised response, the Agency insisted that the gold standard assay used to determine the presence of intact virus in patient samples is visible cytopathic [cell-killing] effects on cells in a cell culture, and that “PCR further confirms that intact virus is present”.

…As you have pointed out to your readers again and again: No one has isolated/purified “the virus”. They simply assume that patient samples contain “it” (based on meaningless PCR tests). They adulterate patient samples with genetic material and toxic drugs, starve the cells, then irrationally blame “the virus” for harm to the cells. They point to something that has never been purified, characterized, sequenced or studied scientifically, in a cell culture and insist “that’s the virus”. They fabricate the “genomes” from zillions of sequences detected in a soup. It’s all wild speculation and assumptions, zero science.

So the people responsible for the blatantly fraudulent claims made by these institutions are either wildly incompetent or intentionally lying.

—end of interview—

To bolster Christine’s final comments, these agencies will respond to FOIA requests with: “we have no records of virus purification”—and then sponsor studies that claim the virus HAS BEEN purified and discovered, because…

The standards for purifying the virus in the studies are no standards at all. They’re entirely irrational.

However, because Christine is very precise and accurate in her FOIA requests, when it comes to what purification means, the agencies are compelled to reply…

“Well, in THAT case, we have no records of virus purification…”

Meaning: There are no records showing the virus has been isolated; there are no records showing the virus exists.


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Department of Justice Slams First Amendment, Claims Parents Are Engaged in “Domestic Terrorism and Hate Crimes”


Parents across the nation are outraged that their own Department of Justice has been weaponized against them, claiming that school board critics and protestors are charged with being instruments of “domestic terrorism and hate crimes.” How did this happen and how was it suddenly fanned into a raging fire? The timeline below shows the key events and players.

For all parents who have been engaging their local school boards over a number of concerning issues such as mask mandates, critical race theory and pornographic lesson plans, they are suddenly threatened with criminal legal action if they persist with their protests.

That the Department of Justice would dare to interfere in local matters to suppress legitimate civil discourse is an egregious offence against the First Amendment. In fact, it is so egregious that it should be summarily repudiated by the Attorneys General of all 50 states and territories.

Step 1: September 29, 2021

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) delivers a spurious letter to the Department of Justice charging school board critics and protestors with anti-government behavior:

“As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

To clarify, local school boards are largely elected by parents of students who attend there. To assure parent input, school board meetings are open to the public and agendas for meetings are typically required to be posted a week or two in advance. Most importantly, no school policies may be decided in secret or behind closed doors without due process of public scrutiny.

The NSBA is a non-profit organization with no ties to government whatsoever. Over the years, they created a whole network of ancillary non-profit organizations that often act in concert to meddle in and promote some government action, usually oriented to radical, left-wing ideas on education.

The NSBA is a membership organization that charges as much as $17,000 per school district to join, which means taxpayer funds largely support it. However, it also has many corporate sponsorship opportunities that are available at a much higher cost.

Step 2: October 1, 2021

Parents Defending Education, a coalition of organizations representing 427,000 parents of school-aged children, wrote a blistering letter of rebuttal to the NSBA stating in part, “We will not be bullied. We will not have our speech chilled. We have a constitutional right to petition our elected officials, and we will continue to do so.”

Step 3: October 4, 2021

According to the Washington Times, the Department of Justice responded almost immediately to the NSBA’s request:

“Attorney General Merrick B. Garland on Monday directed the FBI and state attorneys general to meet with leaders at all levels to develop strategies by Nov. 3 to deal with the threats. He also said the DOJ plans to announce a series of actions to address the uptick in criminal conduct against school officials.”

A number of Senators and Congressmen immediately fired back with outrage over what is a direct attack on free speech, the right to assemble, freedom of the press and the right to ask for redress of grievances to a civic entity. Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) promised to protect parents in school board meetings against the DOJ:

“Attorney General Garland is weaponizing the DOJ by using the FBI to silence the concerned parents by stalking and intimidating them,” DeSantis wrote. “Florida will protect the free speech rights of its citizens and will not allow federal agents to suppress dissent.”

The next action that parents should take against their local school board is to demand immediate termination of membership in the National School Boards Association and an accounting of taxpayer funds used for membership fees.

In sum, Citizens for Free Speech strongly condemns the actions of the National School Boards Association and the action of Attorney General Garland on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice. Parents everywhere who are concerned about their local education system are cautioned against being bullied or succumbing to these threats, and are encouraged to embrace civil discourse to exercise the full extent of their unalienable rights contained in the First Amendment.


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Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Emails Sent by Executives That Expose Suppression of Covid Vax Info

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Emails Sent by Executives That Expose Suppression of Covid Vax Info

by James O’KeefeProject Veritas
October 6, 2021


Videos available at Project Veritas Odysee & YouTube channels.


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The Vaccines Are 1,000% More Deadly Than Covid-19

The Vaccines Are 1,000% More Deadly Than Covid-19

by Greg Reese, The Reese Report
September 30, 2021


Video available at Reese Report Rumble & channels


Transcript, prepared by Truth Comes to Light:


Many are now awakened to the harsh reality of depopulation and democide which we find ourselves today. And the end game is out in the open — to destroy humanity under the guise of transhumanism.
What we’ve unfortunately learned is that there is an overwhelming herd of us who will do whatever they are told by the system. Which explains how we’ve gotten this far.
There are seemingly millions who will believe whatever pop culture tells them– including the mass-denial of natural health and immunity.
While attempting to criminalize a knowledge base spanning millennia, corporate pop culture prostitutes spew talking points for Big Pharma’s mRNA mystery cocktail as the only solution.
And if the solution is less people, which is what the elitists have been saying for decades, then they are succeeding.
Multiple studies conducted in the UK show that after the vaccine was introduced, COVID deaths increased by over 1,000%. And more than half of all COVID deaths and hospitalizations are from the fully-vaccinated.
The numbers in New York City are showing the same. Experts in the field, including the inventor of the mRNA tech being used, had been warning about this since the beginning — but silenced by the corporate media.
Project Veritas has recently exposed how doctors and nurses are well-aware of the dangerous mRNA jabs but care more about their own jobs. And how even low-level Big Pharma employees care only about the numbers.
It is an all-out attack against the human race.
We knew this a year ago, because we knew their white papers. Which is why we know what comes next.
Brought to you by the same characters behind the mRNA vaccines.
What comes next is the end of natural, organic humanity and the beginning of man’s own version.
Man, fused with machine in a lab. The end.
There is no more hiding the end game. It’s out in the open, where only the un-brainwashed can see it.
Ultimately, it will be up to the people.
The police in Australia are loyally serving their Globalist masters.
What makes you think anything will be any different in America?
A flight surgeon for the US Army has warned that all vaccinated pilots are unfit to fly. The US military is being destroyed from within.
The only way through to freedom is for the people to say “no” — which is now starting to happen all across the world.
Humanity uniting together as the human race — standing up against the most sophisticated tyranny that mankind has ever faced.
All while the pop culture media machine ignores it.
A worldwide peaceful revolution of the people is a numbers game, so continuing to wake people up is our road to liberation.
Do not remain silent during this dire time at the crossroads of human history.
It is the truth that shall set us free.


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Western Governments Have Proven Their Complicity in the Destruction of Their Own Peoples

Western Governments Have Proven Their Complicity in the Destruction of Their Own Peoples

by Paul Craig Roberts
October 5, 2021


Dear Readers, I cannot protect you if you don’t read the information.  If you decide you prefer to live and do read the information below, ask yourselves this question:

Why do people with no legislative power—employers such as the Nazis at Ochsner Health System in Louisiana, school boards, university administrators, restaurant managers and owners, airlines, any employer, governors, mayors, hospitals—think they have the power to violate the Nuremberg laws and coerce patients, students, employees and their spouses,  and everyone else to accept injections with a substance that has by far the worst record in vaccine history of association with death and serious lifelong health injury? Indeed, the record of the Covid “vaccine” is worse than all previous vaccines added together. 

Every person issuing a mandate is an incipient Nazi or many times worse. They have no such authority; yet the murderous fools expect not to suffer the fate of Nazi officials, doctors, and judges who did far less. 

Where did they get such an unrealistic expectation?  

They got it from the presstitute scum media, everyone of which is an accomplice to mass murder and crimes against humanity.

They got it from the moron installed by the corrupt and criminal American establishment who stole an election and installed the moron in the Oval Office.

They got it from Fauci, Walensky, and other “public health” officials who are in league with Big Pharma and benefit from its profits.

They got it from the total failure of the Trump and Biden regimes to investigate NIH and Fauci for violating the Bioweapons Convention signed by the US government and financing “gain of function” bioweapon research which is where the Covid virus came from.  Covid-19 came from NIH research grants, not from a bat.  

In other words, clearly, the US government is an active accomplice in the mass murder and injury inflicted on people worldwide by the Covid “vaccine.”  Everyone of these criminals must be held accountable.

In India’s large Uttar Pradesh province, administering Ivermectin to the population reduced Covid cases by 97.1 percent. 

 This information has been suppressed by the Western whore media and “public health” authorities.  

Ochsner Health System in Louisiana requires spouses and partners of employees to get vaccinated or your pay check is reduced

I told you the control would be total.  It will get worse. 

CDC Hides Vaccine Deaths by Requiring Them to be Classified as Unvaccinated Covid Deaths

This deception is where the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” comes from. 

UK Vaccine Fatality Rate Higher than Virus Fatality Rate 

A Citizen Pleads for the Legislature to Protect US Citizens from Vaccine Mandates 

The CDC released more data today into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which shows that there are now 1,969 fetal deaths among pregnant women who received a COVID-19 shot

Yet doctors and CDC recommend pregnant women be vaccinated!  Under the Nuremberg laws, these doctors and “health officials” are committing felonies punishable by execution. 

Millions of People Are Having their Health and Lives Devastated by the “Covid Vaccine.”  The facts are everywhere. Yet the Pharmaceutical Industry and Medical Establishment Deny the Facts and Support Coerced Mandated Injection with a Deadly Substance.

Clearly this is not in the interest of “public health.” 

Remdesivir and the “Covid Vaccines” Are Instruments of Death Being Intentionally Administered to the World’s Peoples for the Purpose of Reducing the Population 

The horrendous evidence supports no other conclusion.  At this point with so many facts on the table we cannot pretend that the inflicted disaster is merely a mistake due to NIH, CDC, and FDA incompetence.

During Attorney Thomas Renz’s speech at Clay Clark’s ReAwaken America Tour in Colorado Springs, Renz talked about two Whistleblower nurses that revealed to him that they have seen a two-tier system of health care depending on the patients “vaccination status.”  “The nurses revealed that patients that are vaccinated are getting Ivermectin, which is proven to heal people. But if you are unvaccinated, they put you on Remdesivir in the hopes that you will die” said Attorney Thomas Renz.

Deaths attributed to Covid are good for profits and the other agendas as it stampedes the fearful to injections. 

England’s Public Health Authority announces that the “vaccine” does not protect you from hospitalization and death. Fully vaccinated people account for 63.5% of Covid deaths:


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Medical Weapons and Fake Data Sets; How Destruction Multiplies

Medical Weapons and Fake Data Sets; How Destruction Multiplies

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 6, 2021


The mainstream reports I’m including in this article—I’ve written about them before. They form a grotesque track record of medical-cartel harm inflicted on the population.

I give you these reports again to point out how fake data sets multiply and spread, causing even more destruction.

For example—let’s consider a drug called X. In fact, it is killing patients. However, studies of X published in leading medical journals report glowing results.

Those studies are then cited by researchers who publish more positive material on the drug.

Doctors, reading all these studies, continue to prescribe the killer X to their patients.

Pharmaceutical companies, seeing the profit picture of X, formulate their own versions of the drug, and market them—multiplying the killer effects throughout the population.

In the burgeoning field of AI medicine, which is increasingly used to automatically diagnose symptoms and prescribe drugs, X takes its place in MANY data sets as a powerful and safe remedy.

Medical schools, internship and residence programs blindly follow suit, using X and its knockoffs in standard treatment protocols.

Insurance companies, in their data sets, favor X and its cousins and cover claims based on the prescription of these drugs.

In every venue, data sets that mention killer X laud it as a useful tool in treating patients.

The fraud is deeply embedded, and the murders expand.

It’s an example of the old adage, “Garbage in, garbage out,” except in the field of medicine it’s, “Killing in, killing out.”


ONE: “The Epidemic of Sickness and Death from Prescription Drugs.” The author is Donald Light, who teaches at Rowan University, and was the 2013 recipient of ASA’s [American Sociological Association’s] Distinguished Career Award for the Practice of Sociology. Light is a founding fellow of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania. In 2013, he was a fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. He is a Lokey Visiting Professor at Stanford University.

Donald Light: “Epidemiologically, appropriately prescribed, prescription drugs are the fourth leading cause of death, tied with stroke at about 2,460 deaths each week in the United States. About 330,000 patients die each year from prescription drugs in the United States and Europe. They [the drugs] cause an epidemic of about 20 times more hospitalizations [6.6 million annually], as well as falls, road accidents, and [annually] about 80 million medically minor problems such as pains, discomforts, and dysfunctions that hobble productivity or the ability to care for others. Deaths and adverse effects from overmedication, errors, and self-medication would increase these figures.” (ASA publication, “Footnotes,” November 2014)

TWO: Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998: “Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients.”

The authors, led by Jason Lazarou, culled 39 previous studies on patients in hospitals. These patients, who received drugs in hospitals, or were admitted to hospitals because they were suffering from the drugs doctors had given them, met the following fate:

Every year, in the US, between 76,000 and 137,000 hospitalized patients die as a direct result of the drugs.

Beyond that, every year 2.2 million hospitalized patients experience serious adverse reactions to the drugs.

The authors write: “…Our study on ADRs [Adverse Drug Reactions], which excludes medication errors, had a different objective: to show that there are a large number of ADRs even when the drugs are properly prescribed and administered.”

So this study had nothing to do with doctor errors, nurse errors, or improper combining of drugs. And it only counted people killed or maimed who were admitted to hospitals. It didn’t begin to tally all the people taking pharmaceuticals who died as consequence of the drugs, at home.

THREE: July 26, 2000, Journal of the American Medical Association; author, Dr. Barbara Starfield, revered public health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health; “Is US health really the best in the world?”

Starfield reported that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans per year. 106,000 as a result of FDA-approved medical drugs, and 119,000 as a result of mistreatment and errors in hospitals. Extrapolate the numbers to a decade: that’s 2.25 million deaths. You might want to read that last number again.

I interviewed Starfield in 2009. I asked her whether she was aware of any overall effort by the US government to eliminate this holocaust. She answered a resounding NO. She also said her estimate of medically caused deaths in America was on the conservative side.

FOUR: BMJ June 7, 2012 (BMJ 2012:344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer. Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It [the Institute] calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”

The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”

The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”

Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because the FDA certifies, as safe and effective, all the medical drugs that are routinely maiming and killing Americans. Every public health agency knows the truth.

FIVE: None of the above reports factor in death or injury by vaccine.

Medical crimes.

Medically caused deaths of friends, family members, loved ones, who are buried along with the truth.

No criminal investigations, no prosecutions, no guilty verdicts, no prison sentences.

But of course, you can believe everything leading lights of the US medical system tell you about COVID.

You can believe everything the press—who buries the truth about this medical holocaust—tells you about COVID.

Given the reports on medically caused death and maiming I’ve just cited and described in this article, it’s obvious that…

Leading medical journals around the world, which routinely publish glowing accounts of clinical trials of medical drugs…

Are spilling over with rank fraud, on page after page.

Indeed, here is a stunning quote from an editor who has quite probably read and analyzed more medical-drug studies than any doctor in the world:

“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.” (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, “Drug Companies & Doctors: A Story of Corruption”)

Compare that quote with one from “the father of COVID science,” Tony Fauci. In an interview with the National Geographic, Fauci stated: “Anybody can claim to be an expert even when they have no idea what they’re talking about…If something is published in places like New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Nature, Cell, or JAMA—you know, generally that is quite well peer-reviewed because the editors and the editorial staff of those journals really take things very seriously.”

They take things so seriously, they routinely publish glowing studies of medical drugs that are killing people in great numbers.


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More on the Missing Biden EO and the Missing Vaccine Mandate

More on the Missing Biden EO and the Missing Vaccine Mandate

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 6, 2021


Yesterday, I wrote that there is no Biden Executive Order mandating the vaccine for all companies with more than 100 employees.

Several readers have mistakenly pointed to the EO that mandates the COVID vaccine for federal employees, federal contractors, and (now) sub-contractors. That’s NOT the EO I’m talking about.

Now I’ve learned that, apparently, Biden (his handlers) are pursuing a different strategy to mandate the vaccine for all employees of companies whose work force is more than 100.

Biden has issued a directive to the federal agency, OSHA, ordering it to frame a set of regulations that would, indeed, compel private sector companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the vaccine to those employees.

This Biden directive is operating under what’s called an ETS—Emergency Temporary Standard.

Three things to understand here, in my opinion.

ONE: Since OSHA has not yet issued any regulations, there is no binding legal reason, at the moment, for private-sector employers with more than 100 employees to mandate the vaccine to those employees. Unless those employers are federal contractors.

TWO: As I suggested yesterday, this whole operation smells like a stall on the part of the feds. The stall is already occurring, since OSHA hasn’t issued any regulations, and it will continue after OSHA acts, as various state governments and other parties file legal actions against the government.

Meanwhile, on the ground, companies are folding up and following Biden’s “decree.” They’re falling in line. This fait accompli is exactly what the White House wants.

Legal challenges to the OSHA ETS could take months, even years. If enough companies voluntarily go along with the decree, the feds will win.

The feds aren’t looking for 100% compliance. The mechanics of enforcement alone could be a logistical nightmare. The feds just want MORE. More compliance. More employers ordering their people to take the shot. More needles in arms. More fascism. More tyranny. More power. More control.

THREE: It seems to me that not issuing an EO, and instead going the OSHA ETS route, is less direct, more muddy, and easier to wrangle about in court for a longer period of time. Which is what the feds want.

Meanwhile, back in the every-day world…back under the rule of the medical cartel…the beat goes on. And what is that beat?

For the past 30-plus years, I’ve been revealing, chapter and verse, the devastating effects of pharmaceutical medicine. The huge numbers of deaths, the huge numbers of maimings.

The overall result of this program is the massive debilitation of the population.

In other words, the gross weakening of health and vitality, which translates into the lowered ability to resist the power of the State.

This is fact. This is outcome. This is what, under the surface of society, has been happening for decades and decades.

And now, in the US alone, reported COVID vaccine injuries have surpassed 700,000. This figure is patently false, meaning it represents underreporting. For example, the well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study concluded that reported vaccine injuries should be multiplied by 100 to arrive at a true number.

It’s long past the time when any doctor, nurse, or public health official can claim they’re unaware of the destruction pharmaceutical medicine is causing. They WANT TO be “unaware.” They WANT TO turn a blind eye. They WANT TO keep their jobs, paychecks, reputations, and status.

Later today, I’ll republish my piece citing mainstream revelations that detail the amount of human devastation the medical cartel has been creating, for a long time.

Stay tuned.

Consider the possibility that, for the moment, I’m the New York Times which has inexplicably received a heavy shot of Truth Serum.


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Energy Crisis becomes a Food Crisis – Grow Food and Build Local Food Systems Now!

Energy Crisis becomes a Food Crisis – Grow Food and Build Local Food Systems Now!

by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer
October 5, 2021


The energy crisis is quickly becoming a food crisis: China’s harvest is faltering without electricity.
Dutch are unable to heat their greenhouses, which are empty and cold. The UK’s meat production
is curtailed by a lack of CO2. The world’s food supply chains are deteriorating rapidly — but the
tide is turning! People are more receptive to creative ideas than ever — build and invest in YOUR
food production and local food systems NOW!

Video available at Ice Age Farmer Odysee, BitChute and YouTube channels.


Connect with Ice Age Farmer

cover image credit: Mattyh / pixabay


Rome, Italy: International Physicians & Medical Scientists Sign Declaration Against Medical Tyranny

Rome, Italy: International Physicians & Medical Scientists Sign Declaration Against Medical Tyranny

by International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists
September 2021


(view in Italian) (view in Slovak) (view in Dutch) (view in Spanish) (view in Croatian)

[UPDATE: as of 10am ET on 10/4 over 10,000 doctors & scientists have signed the Rome Declaration.
Please join us by reading and signing below.]


We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following;

WHEREAS, it is our utmost responsibility and duty to uphold and restore the dignity, integrity, art and science of medicine;

WHEREAS, there is an unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients;

WHEREAS, public policy makers have chosen to force a “one size fits all” treatment strategy, resulting in needless illness and death, rather than upholding fundamental concepts of the individualized, personalized approach to patient care which is proven to be safe and more effective;

WHEREAS, physicians and other health care providers working on the front lines, utilizing their knowledge of epidemiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, are often first to identify new, potentially life saving treatments;

WHEREAS, physicians are increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of ideas about new and emerging diseases, not only endangering the essence of the medical profession, but more importantly, more tragically, the lives of our patients;

WHEREAS, thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease.  Physicians are now advising their patients to simply go home (allowing the virus to replicate) and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths, due to failure-to-treat;

WHEREAS, this is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.


RESOLVED, that the physician-patient relationship must be restored. The very heart of medicine is this relationship, which allows physicians to best understand their patients and their illnesses, to formulate treatments that give the best chance for success, while the patient is an active participant in their care.

RESOLVED, that the political intrusion into the practice of medicine and the physician/patient relationship must end. Physicians, and all health care providers, must be free to practice the art and science of medicine without fear of retribution, censorship, slander, or disciplinary action, including possible loss of licensure and hospital privileges, loss of insurance contracts and interference from government entities and organizations – which further prevent us from caring for patients in need. More than ever, the right and ability to exchange objective scientific findings, which further our understanding of disease, must be protected.

RESOLVED, that physicians must defend their right to prescribe treatment, observing the tenet FIRST, DO NO HARM. Physicians shall not be restricted from prescribing safe and effective treatments. These restrictions continue to cause unnecessary sickness and death. The rights of patients, after being fully informed about the risks and benefits of each option, must be restored to receive those treatments.

RESOLVED, that we invite physicians of the world and all health care providers to join us in this noble cause as we endeavor to restore trust, integrity and professionalism to the practice of medicine.

RESOLVED, that we invite the scientists of the world, who are skilled in biomedical research and uphold the highest ethical and moral standards, to insist on their ability to conduct and publish objective, empirical research without fear of reprisal upon their careers, reputations and livelihoods.

RESOLVED, that we invite patients, who believe in the importance of the physician-patient relationship and the ability to be active participants in their care, to demand access to science-based medical care.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has signed this Declaration as of the date first written.


Physicians & Medical or Public Health Scientists Are Invited to Sign the Petition Here

cover image credit: Julius_Silver / pixabay

NY Teachers for Choice: Today We Lost the Battle but Not the War

Today We Lost the Battle but Not the War
Temporary Restraining Order for KANE vs DE BLASIO Denied in Court Today
We are appealing immediately

by Michael KaneNY Teachers for Choice
October 5, 2021


The only questions that remain are how are we appealing and when.

Today in federal court we were denied a temporary restraining order (TRO) to pause the vaccine mandate in NYC Schools, however a date was set for Tuesday, October 12th where we will be requesting an injunction. TRO’s are very hard to get. So are injunctions, but according to experts I have spoken to they are not as difficult to obtain as a TRO. An injunction would pause the mandate if one is granted next week.

We may be appealing BEFORE the October 12th date, and we are even discussing a plan to get KANE vs DE BLASIO before the Supreme Court in an emergency appeal. As many of you know Rachel Maniscaclo’s class action lawsuit made such an attempt but was denied by Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor. The difference with our case is that it is far more narrow focusing not on the entire vaccine mandate but rather on the illegal and unconstitutional religious and medical exemption process.

We also believe the judge made a number of statements and conclusions that will ultimately help our case. For example she stated that she “believes” the covid vaccines do in fact stop the transmission of SARS CoV-2. It is well and fine to believe all types of things, but there isn’t anyone in science that is arguing this belief is true today. CDC Director Walensky stated publicly on CNN, August 5th, that covid vaccines do not stop the transmission of SARS CoV-2. This is just one point of many from today’s decision that we believe will ultimately help us as KANE vs DE BLASIO moves forward in court.


I have another one of our attorneys currently investigating just how legal or illegal the parameters of the UFT’s denial of unemployment benefits may be. Since it was negotiated by “our union” it may be difficult for us to fight it. As of now it is under investigation and we will let everyone know what we uncover as soon as possible.

I know this is tough. It is equally tough on me and my family as well. I urge everyone to HOLD THE LINE. I can say, for certain, I am not getting vaccinated to keep my job. It goes too far against my core beliefs to do so. These are tough decisions for us all. I hold no ill feelings towards anyone for any decision you make. I pray for you all to be well and do well, and hope you will be able to hold the line along with me.


Connect with NY Teachers for Choice

cover image credit: Lukas_Rychvalsky / pixabay

The Pandora Papers: Same Old Nonsense in a New Box

The Pandora Papers: Same Old Nonsense in a New Box
The MSM is trying to trick people into thinking they’re still journalists, by telling us things we already know. 

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
October 5, 2021


The Pandora Papers are out! Following the riveting Panama Papers in 2016, and the astounding Paradise Papers of 2017, the latest entry in the trilogy of financial “leaks” is finally here, and I couldn’t be more excited.

The “Leaks”

So let’s get right down to it…what do the “leaks” say? Well, according to The Guardian…

The files reveal how wealthy individuals can shield their income and their assets from taxation and scrutiny by hiding them in offshore jurisdictions, more commonly known as “tax havens”.

Mind. Blown.

Rich people don’t pay tax! WHAT?!

It’s groundbreaking stuff. But that’s the kind of world-changing expos’s you get when you read the work of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ).

The Source

Just as with the Panama Papers in 2016 and the Paradise Papers of 2017, the ICIJ are here to tell you that off-shore accounts exist, and that rich people use them.

The big “revelations” include politicians from Ecuador, the Ivory Coast, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Kenya. The King of Jordan, the Prime Ministers of the UAE and the Czech Republic. Hardly a Who’s Who of hard hitters and political A-listers, instead – just as with the previous “leaks” – a collection of disposable lizard tails.

The biggest name mentioned is Tony Blair, who already has an unsalvageable public image, and is only accused of legally avoiding £300,000 in stamp duty. Or roughly 30p per Iraqi he murdered.

The papers don’t even allege any actual crimes took place, and they don’t name-and-shame any noteworthy politicians at all (largely because America has domestic tax havens), but still…they are apparently a huge deal.

Now a real investigative journalist might, at this point, ask “well who leaked these papers?” and “what did they stand to gain?”, but that’s not the ICIJ’s bag, they’re just here unquestioningly publish documents sent to them by intelligence agencies and billionaires, and call them “leaks”.

You see, despite the name, the “International Consortium of Investigative Journalists” are not really journalists. In fact, they’re a “special project” of the creepily-named Centre for Public Integrity, a non-profit funded by various foundations and billionaires (including George Soros).

Putin? Again? Really?

In a startlingly old-fashioned move, the press is pitching the angle that this “leak” reveals Vladimir Putin’s “secret wealth”, despite admitting that:

The Russian president Vladimir Putin does not appear in the files by name.

This exactly mirrors the Panama Papers, where Putin’s picture was everywhere despite the admitted fact “the president’s name does not appear in any of the records.” At the time I wrote that Guardian had collapsed into self-parody.

The whole thing was darkly funny at the time, it is decidedly stale now. Like an actor who’s played the same role for years and has started phoning it in.

Speaking of the Guardian…our old friend Luke Harding had 2000 words about Putin’s wealth in that paper over the weekend. He alleges an illicit affair, hidden billions and a secret Monaco flat…all based on literally nothing. He cites no evidence that the woman in question ever MET Putin except – quite seriously – that they might have been on the same aeroplane.

Still, though, the need to make stuff up in order to publish it has never stopped Luke before. And he’s writing “from Monaco” so he at least managed to wrangle a tax-deductible holiday out of it. Good job Luke.

And he’s probably already halfway through a new book called something like “Red Money: The secret lives and loves of Vladimir Putin”. If he hurries he might get it done before Christmas, (especially if he plagiarizes other people’s work again).


In short, the Pandora Papers are a non-story.

“Rich people avoid taxes and lie about it” is not breaking news, and when the newspapers like the Guardian and Washington Post report it as if it is…well, it’s because it must serve some other purpose.

Possibly just a distraction, sound and fury signifying nothing. Possibly some as-yet-unrevealed plans for “financial reform” or “stricter regulations”.

Maybe a simple pantomime, trying to pretend that the world is still the same as it was pre-Covid. That we’re still good, and Russia is still bad, and that there really are different sides and they’re not all joined together behind the scenes.

Maybe just an exercise in pretending mainstream news does any kind of journalism at all. A little bit of lipstick up on a very ugly pig.

The world is corrupt, no kidding. But it’s far more corrupt than the Paradise Papers show, or that the ICIJ would ever actually admit.

I wrote a long and detailed response to this nonsense back in 2016, which you can read here. It’s nearly five years old now, but if the ICIJ can recycle old material then so can I.


Connect with OffGuardian

cover image source: The Daily Sabah via OffGuardian  / pixabay


Picnic Protests Sweep the World!

Picnic Protests Sweep the World!

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 5, 2021


This week we look at yet another way of protesting the incoming vaxx passport agenda: picnicking.
Join James for this week’s edition of #SolutionsWatch where he looks at how we can render the
vaccine mandate debate moot when we stop begging for scraps from the would-be ruler’s table and
build a table of our own.


Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4



Fight Vaccine Passports

How can we use the law to challenge the global Covid response?


TMR 268 : Diny Fielder-van Kleeff : Vaccine Control Group

Red Balloon

Dutch protest against COVID-19 vaccine pass to enter bars, restaurants

OHRC policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates

Fair Work Commission – Appeal of decisions Jennifer Kimber v Sapphire Coast Community Aged Care Ltd


Police Bust Gang Members With Car Trunk “Full Of KFC” Takeout Breaching ‘Strict Lockdown’

Picnic protest

Swiss Citizens Revolt, Install Tables Outside in Front of Bars, Restaurants to Ignore Vax Passports


Connect with James Corbett

Don’t Be on Team Pfizer

Don’t Be on Team Pfizer

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
October 5, 2021


Over the weekend I chatted to a South African lawyer who is gathering local data surrounding adverse events related to this ridiculous injection.

Yes, lawsuits are coming.

I also chatted to a South African doctor who analysed the blood of “vaccinated” people. (I put quotation marks around “vaccinated” because it’s pretty well established that these shots do not vaccinate as per the definition.)

The lawyer is Riekie Erasmus and the doctor is Zandrè Botha.

The doctor’s findings are almost identical to the findings of doctors in other countries, such as those of Dr Robert Young and Dr Philippe Van Welbergen and Dr Carrie Madej.

Something very strange happens to “vaccinated” blood. Take a look.

If you’re on Team Pfizer, then you will undoubtedly dismiss her findings and make up excuses to defend the world’s most lucrative product right now.

I get it.

Indoctrination has that effect, as Professor Of Clinical Pyschology, Mattias Desmet, said a few weeks ago.

In a TV interview during the 1980s, former KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov said,

“A person who [is] demoralised is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him.”

If you’ve injected yourself with a drug that has zero long-term safety trials, for a mild illness that is a rebranding of a previous mild illness, then you must find information that supports your poor decision.

Here’s what every medical guest on my podcast has said in a nutshell:

“Do not get the jab. And if you have, then don’t get more.”

Because it’s not about health.

It’s about the vaccine passport (digital ID) which is a proxy to a centrally controlled tool of increased mass surveillance and denial of freedoms.The World Economic Forum (WEF) is very open about this, as seen in this video.

In fact, the vaccine passport (digital ID) will eventually be required to access the internet. The WEF has already launched this project which is called The Internet Computer.

Here’s the thing.

When powerful people tell you their plans, it’s probably a good idea to listen.

And to adjust your life accordingly.

For example, if the president says that he wants to stop citizens from legally obtaining a gun for the purpose of self-defence, then it means that you should probably legally obtain a gun for the purpose of self-defence.

A team of investigative journalists known as Project Veritas is currently releasing a series of undercover interviews regarding the “vaccines”. Here’s the latest one in which a number of scientists, who work at Pfizer, casually express no confidence in the efficacy of the jabs.

There is no hope for those who blindly defend Pfizer, media lies, and the “vaccines”.

But there is hope for those who are on the fence.


Connect with Jerm Warfare

cover image credit: Peggy_Marco / pixabay


Where Is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does It Exist?

Where Is the Biden Executive Order Mandating the Vaccine? Does It Exist?

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 5, 2021


I’m talking about the Executive Order (EO) commanding all US companies with more than 100 employees to mandate the COVID vaccine for those employees.

I can’t find the EO. I don’t see it in the Federal Register, where it’s supposed to be published.

If it hasn’t been published, then there is no mandate.

If there is no mandate yet, then obviously, none of the companies are under any obligation to enforce it.

OSHA is apparently the federal agency responsible for framing a set of regulations for the mandate, including fines. But federal agencies only construct regulations after a law has been passed or an EO is issued.

If I’m correct, and no EO has been published, we have an odd situation, to say the least.

Governors and lawyers have been threatening to sue, because the EO is unconstitutional and overrides state powers. But if there is no Presidential EO, then all these legal cases would be meaningless, because, again, there is no official mandate.

Is the White House stalling? Do they realize the EO and the mandate will be overturned in court? Are they hoping to achieve corporate compliance without an official mandate?

I’ve queried several lawyers. One suggested that so far, in this situation, the feds are mandating by bluffing.

That indeed would be extraordinary.

Maybe the EO is forthcoming as we speak. Possibly (though I can’t imagine it), it’s been published somewhere other than the Federal Register. But until it’s visible and official, there is no private-sector mandate.

Unless speeches and press releases and media coverage suddenly, all by themselves, have the force of law.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image modified from creative commons work by Prawny / pixabay10


“My Name Is Bill Gates, King of Kings”

“My Name Is Bill Gates, King of Kings”



by Richard Hugus, Contributing Writer at Truth Comes to Light
October 4, 2021


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings,

Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!

~ Percy Bysshe Shelley, Ozymandias

The evidence is in. Gene-manipulating injections advertised as a “vaccine for covid 19” have killed and injured millions of people. Instead of providing immunity to an alleged virus, the shots actually harm the immune system and turn it against us. The spike proteins created by the shots spread out to attack major organs in the body, leading to a thousand and one different health problems, including heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, blood clots, spontaneous abortions, neurological disorders, depression, and death. Yet the medical establishment is urging everyone, including pregnant women and children, to get the jab. The ghost standing in as US President recently decreed that if people refuse the shot they will lose their job. This is coercion to accept a medical intervention known to be a danger to human health — a crime against humanity. Half the population of the country is now facing this coercion.

This only makes sense if we reason that the authorities want to harm us, or that there is something so important in the injection that they don’t mind harming us, as long as we get the injection. Bill Gates said early in 2020 that everyone on the planet should be “vaccinated.” Perhaps his dream was that when that is accomplished there will be no one left who will not be genetically modified (to Gates’s secret specifications) and thus no one left to hold him to account.

One of the most insidious arguments put forward by the authorities is that we are facing a health crisis so serious that individual freedom must be sacrificed for the common good, and therefore no one has a moral right to refuse the Frankenshot. This argument quickly comes down to whether human beings have inalienable rights — rights given to us by God, which the state does not have the power to take away or overrule. To accept or reject any substance being given to us is obviously such a right. And after this we can discuss the details — that the purpose of the “vaccine” is unclear, that its contents are unknown, that it has proven harmful to millions of people, that we were not informed of adverse effects, that natural immunity should be recognized, that tests establishing the alleged disease were fraudulent, that there is no emergency, that there are safe alternative treatments, et cetera. But if we understand that the state is a lesser power, then we understand that it does not have the authority to order substances injected into our bodies.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

~ U.S. Declaration of Independence

The cabal behind the medical tyranny we are facing doesn’t believe we have God-given rights because they don’t believe there’s a God in the first place. They apparently think that since they are billionaires, and billionaires have a lot of weight to throw around, that they can be gods. They also seem to believe there is nothing they are forbidden to do to other people because other people do not have souls — they are just biological entities evolved through random nature which the rich, by virtue of their power, are free to manipulate and improve upon. To technocrats, nothing is sacred. So it makes sense to them to risk injuring pregnant women and children and even experiment on the whole human race (beside their chosen few). Those who resist are now being segregated and punished, like Palestinians in their own land. Perhaps occupied Palestine is the oligarchs’ model for our future.

The ultimate goal may be the power that previous master-slave relationships were not able to achieve — a “read/write” capability in which the master has full surveillance power over the slaves and gives the orders for them to follow. Subtracted from the slave population, of course, will be those few billion dissidents and “useless eaters” who don’t fit in with the plan. They will be terminated. From this point of view it also follows that the genetic makeup of any living thing is just software which today’s sophisticated scientists can splice, delete, modify, or re-create as the masters see fit. From this point of view humans are no different than GM corn, soy, or cotton. GM humans can be used to bring in a nice profit as well because the masters will own their patents. Perhaps Monsanto agribusiness is another model for our future.

Taken to its logical extreme, reality itself is in the hands of our would-be masters. With proper control of the media, people can be made to believe anything, like that an illness similar to the flu is a “pandemic,” or that someone who has no symptoms of illness is actually sick, or that the unvaccinated are selfishly threatening everyone else with death, or that anyone who strays from the narrative is spreading “misinformation,” or that if someone goes into convulsions directly after getting jabbed it is not due to the poison that was just injected into them, or that a serum that injures and kills is “safe and effective.” In this world, the truth is what the powerful say it is, regardless of the facts. The powerful are a locomotive big enough to just run past any anomalies and contradictions, leaving us bewildered.

However, the ambitiousness of this insane program foretells its failure. History is full of great tyrants with grand plans who came in with spectacular fame but suddenly fell in disgrace, erased by time. The oligarchs’ main weakness is their lack of any sense of limits. Gaining some power, they then want it all. They reach too far, too soon, and expose themselves in the process. And then common humanity — always patient to a fault — finally decides to stand up and become a locomotive itself, running back over the entire plan and returning us to sanity.

If the world is going to see a great reset, it will not be the one Klaus Schwab and his Davos gangsters had in mind.

We should take heart. So much has been revealed! It’s as if the world’s worst criminals burst into the courtroom and offered up a horrendous public confession.


Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.”  Connect with them here.

Read more of Richard’s writings:

Richard Hugus is a contributing writer at Truth Comes to Light.


Connect with Richard Hugus

cover image modified from creative commons work by GDJ / pixabay

James Corbett With Whitney Webb: On Technocracy & the Deep State | The Ties Between the Oligarchs in China & the U.S.

James Corbett With Whitney Webb: On Technocracy & the Deep State | The Ties Between the Oligarchs in China & the U.S.


James Corbett Talks China on Unlimited Hangout

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report in conversation with Whitney Webb, Unlimited Hangout
October 4, 2021


via Whitney is joined by James Corbett of the Corbett Report to discuss the overlap between the oligarchs of China and the United States and how the rise of China is intimately tied to Wall Street and Globalism. Published on 09/28/21.



The US, China and Wall Street’s new man in the middle

Episode 297 – China and the New World Order

American Financier Stephen A. Schwarzman Endows International Scholarship Program in China

The Secret (Insurance) Agent Men (AIG and the OSS)

Blackstone, Apollo, KKR take market hit on Evergrande tumult

Heirs of Mao’s Comrades Rise as New Capitalist Nobility

Mapping China’s Red Nobility

Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife

How to Play 3D Chess

‘Decoupling’ the U.S. from China would backfire

China’s Suspiciously American Arsenal: A Closer Look

Guess who Israel’s second largest trading partner is — China

2013: Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

2004: US ‘anger’ at Israel weapons sale

ATimes: US up in arms over Sino-Israel ties

1996: U.S. Military Technology Sold by Israel To China Upsets Asian Power Balance


Connect with James Corbett

Connect with Whitney Webb

California, You Had Your Chance to Recall Newsom; Now He’s Putting the Poisoned Needle Into All Your Children

California, You Had Your Chance to Recall Newsom; Now He’s Putting the Poisoned Needle Into All Your Children

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 4, 2021


Gavin Newsom is your vampire, California.

His new mandate for injecting devastating COVID vaccines into all schoolchildren in 7th grade and above—which will eventually be expanded to ALL schoolchildren—is a gold rush quite different from the 19th century voyage.

This one is pharmaceutical-profit gold.

Maybe the following self-congratulatory and forward-looking business statement from the state government, on its website, has something to do with Newsom bringing down his doomsday machine on millions of innocent children:

“California has a history of leading innovations in life-saving biomedical technologies. We are the long-time home to the nation’s number 2 biomedical sciences research institution and at nearly $4 billion annually, California’s universities lead the US in earned National Institutes of Health grants.”

“California’s life sciences industry generates nearly 1 million direct and indirect jobs and over $178 billion in annual revenue. More bioscience and biotechnology patents are issued to California companies and researchers than any other state. California leads the pack across the board for patent generation from microbiology and genetics to bioinformatics and health IT – creating more than 2.5 times as many patents as the next ranking state.

California life science companies saw over $18B in venture capital investment from 2016 – 2018, more than any other state, and our businesses have 1,300+ therapies in the development pipeline. These investments keep California at the forefront of biotech innovation.”

Newsom is one of those creatures who mistakenly believes he is physically attractive. And this, he reasons, is an asset he should deploy whenever possible.

In point of fact, he resembles a synthetic hothouse low-hanging fruit that is turning bad under the skin.

He also thinks his earnest front is believable. Please. Only the deaf, dumb, and blind assume his mission in life is “helping.” But apparently, many such disabled souls live in California.

And they are ready to sacrifice their children to him.

Newsom is a leftover Yuppie from the 1980s. Genial, relaxed, cold, mad for more power. I assure you, if the day comes when he senses a real threat to his position, he’ll turn out the lights in California. He’ll bring on an Australian-style lockdown.

The VAERS count of COVID vaccine injuries in American has risen past 700,000. As acknowledged by the well-known Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare study, reported vaxx injuries should be multiplied by a hundred to arrive at an accurate figure.

Newsom takes no notice of this. He’s living in his own bubble, and seeks glory from colleagues and friends who occupy the same bubble and shower him with praise. For the record, if there is a record anymore, this makes him quite dangerous.

But look who I’m talking to. Californians.

Don’t worry, be happy. It’s all good.

The state of California lives under a lucky star. Big tech, big movies, big defense industry, big pharma.

Maybe your children, commanded to take the shot, will somehow scrape by. No mind-boggling “unexplainable” heart problems. Perhaps only micro-clots, whose effects won’t show up until later…and then, who would be able to point to you, the parents, as collaborators?

All the nurses who are refusing the injection, even though that means they’re being fired from their jobs and losing their careers…what do they know? They’re obviously just a bunch of ingrates.

And with a man like Gavin Newsom at the helm
Why o why would you be lying in bed at night sweating
Waiting for the sun to come up
The sun that cures all problems in California
Why would you sense you’re sinking into deeper darkness
And you have to make a move to save your soul
And rescue your children
Why would you wonder how you arrived at the crossroads
When the people you know aren’t concerned at all
There must be some mistake
You need a small dose of reprogramming and then
The world will resume its former shape
As it always does
Especially in California
The guns in your mind will go silent
The governor is equipped to do the right thing
He must be
Otherwise the whole STRUCTURE was built
To capture you and your children
Look at the dawn
Look at the sun
The Pacific rolling in
The white houses sitting on the cliffs
The time is exactly right for another day
Like other days
And that is your strongest clue
Pointing to the need for censoring from your mind
Possibilities over which you have no control
As you well know
Everything beyond your control in California
Is good
That’s what living in California has always meant
And this is what the smile on Gavin Newsom’s face tells you
So send your child into the line
Of fire


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image based on work of geoffreylt & Clker-Free-Vector-Images / pixabay

International Stand for Freedom & Resistance Against Medical Tyranny Update: October 3, 2021

International Stand for Freedom & Resistance Against Medical Tyranny Update: October 3, 2021


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: So much is happening these days that it’s difficult to keep up and impossible to individually post all videos and articles that come our way. The collection of videos and articles below, all shared online within the past few days, give a brief overview of events around the world.  A new update will be provided at Truth Comes to Light every few days. Many thanks to all of the content creators who stand in solidarity with freedom and who are dedicated to sharing the truth.



Article link: More than 100 protesters arrested as police in Melbourne, Australia crack down on vaccine mandate demonstrators
by RT

Protest at the Royal Botanical Gardens & The Tan in Melbourne – Raw Footage Highlights -October 2, 2021
by Real Rukshan

Teachers Against Mandates -Sept 30 2021
by CreativeWorks


‘People shouldn’t be losing their jobs’: Torontonians protest Ontario vaccine passport
by Rebel News

Toronto to Calgary, Canadians weigh in on vaccine passports
by Sydney Fizzard, Rebel News

Vaccine passport protest comes to Oakville, Ont. — a town obsessed with compliance
by Rebel News

New Zealand

Article link: Hundreds rally against New Zealand lockdown amid calls for police crackdown on ‘gang members & cultists’ disobeying Covid rules
by RT

Article link:  “We’ve Been Locked Up For Almost 50 Days” – 1000s Rally Against Auckland Lockdown As Public Opposition Grows
by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge

by @Hemeroteca


Protestors Against Passports Pack Out Switzerland’s Main Station / Hugo Talks #lockdown
by Hugo Talks

United Kingdom

Super Stand In The Park, Essex – September 19, 2021
by Resistance GB

United States

Article link: US Service Members File Lawsuit Against Department of Defense Over Vaccine Requirement
by Katabella Roberts, Epoch Times

Article link: NYC Teachers File Emergency Request With Supreme Court To Block COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge


cover image credit: screenshot from footage by Real Rukshan

Demonstration Video of Microscopic Graphene/Platinum Robots [2020]

Demonstration Video of Microscopic Graphene/Platinum Robots [2020]


March of the Microscopic Robots

by nature video
August 26, 2020

Building robots at the micron scale is tricky, particularly when it comes to designing small-scale ‘actuators’ – the motors that allow robots to move.

Conventional actuators don’t work at such a small scale, and new actuators that do work use mechanisms like magnetism and are difficult to integrate with traditional silicon based micro-electronics.

Now a team of researchers have developed a new type of actuator that operates electronically and that can be layered directly onto the circuit that controls it.

This opens the doors for the last 50 years of micro-electronics research to be incorporated into robots so small they can’t be seen by the human eye.

Read the paper in full:


cover image credit: kkolosov / pixabay

Join New York Teacher’s March — Monday, Oct. 4th | Update on Restraining Order

Join New York Teacher’s March — Monday, Oct. 4th | Update on Restraining Order



What to expect on Monday 10-4-21 from NYC DOE
And what to expect from the courts

by Michael Kane, NY Teachers for Choice
October 2, 2021


Our attorney Sujata Gibson has been working night and day non-stop on KANE vs DE BLASIO’s restraining order as well as on a case to assist healthcare workers, both seeking relief from forced covid vaccine mandates with similar arguments. The restraining order in our case will be completed over the weekend which means it won’t be read by the court until Monday the earliest. That means, unfortunately, the NYC DOE will stop unvaccinated teachers from working on Monday 10-4-21

BUT we may have relief as early as Tuesday!


We cannot tell anyone what to do and not do. We all have different family, economic and social situations to handle. However if you can manage a few days of unpaid leave we strongly encourage you to be brave and principled at least for this upcoming week. Hold the line for at least 5 days to see if KANE vs DE BLASIO can win a temporary restraining order leading to an injunction, and come to the TEACHERS MARCH on Monday, October 4th.

There are no guarantees, but our attorneys and experts believe we stand a very good chance of getting a restraining order next week focused on the fraudulent vaccine exemption process. Rachel Maniscalco’s case has been turned down by Justice Sotomayor of SCOTUS and, unfortunately, our attorneys and experts anticipated that would happen. It was amazing to see the Maniscalco case get a restraining order last week, which has delayed the vaccine mandate from being implemented. That is NOT an easy trick to pull off! Courts do not give restraining orders easily.

We fully support Rachel, her attorneys and her class action lawsuit: it is a very bold and ambitious case, but it is also a very broad challenge claiming the entire vaccine mandate is illegal. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE attorneys and experts don’t believe the courts are ready to make such a bold and ambitious ruling for emergency relief at this point in time for multiple reasons. Perhaps that will change in a few months as the Maniscalco case is argued in court (remember, the case is NOT over, only its chances of getting immediate emergency relief are over).

We cannot thank Rachel, her attorneys, and the over 700 brave NYC DOE employees who have done an amazing job challenging this authoritarian vaccine mandate all the way up to the Supreme Court. What they have done has been critically important to what we continue to do.

KANE vs DE BLASIO takes a more narrow focus on the exemption process which has proven to be a winning strategy for multiple cases recently brought by New York healthcare workers in the month of September. Sujata Gibson feels those recent court decisions have made very clear that the federal judiciary wants religious exemptions to be respected and accepted in a fair and legal process.

NYC DOE has provided only a fraudulent process.

We cannot thank everyone enough for their generosity of donations, all of which are currently going to Sujata Gibson and her law firm as they are the sole attorneys working on KANE vs DE BLASIO. So far Sujata has done all of her work and received only $10,000 for the writing, legal research, interviews, affidavits, paralegal fees, filing fees and much more. This is a work of passion for her and she is doing all she can on the minimal funds we are providing. If you haven’t donated already please donate now. If you have already donated and can give again please do.


See also: Maniscalco vs NYC DOE Submitted to SCOTUS


Connect with NY Teachers for Choice

cover image credit: Free-Photos / pixabay

Serious Violations and Manipulations of the Trial Protocol: This Is How Pfizer Managed to Obtain the FDA’s Emergency Authorization for Children

Serious Violations and Manipulations of the Trial Protocol: This Is How Pfizer Managed to Obtain the FDA’s Emergency Authorization for Children

by Yaffa Shir-Raz, Children’s Health Defense Europe
October 1, 2021


Analysis and comparison of the review document submitted by Pfizer to the US Food and Drug Administration, on the basis of which the FDA gave the green light to expand the emergency permit for vaccination, as well, for children aged 12-15, as opposed to the study protocol in children, reveal concerning findings, including violations of the protocol established by Pfizer itself, and no less serious, designing the trial protocol in a way that will allow the company to present as positive findings as possible in terms of vaccine safety in children, and to include as little as possible serious side effects in the review submitted to the FDA.

I. Violation of protocol conditions – How did children with a psychiatric diagnosis get to be included in the study?

According to the review document submitted by Pfizer to the FDA, four of the 1131 children in the study arm who received Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine suffered from serious adverse events (“SAEs”) – that is, events in which at least one criterion was met: caused death, is life-threatening, requires hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, results in persistent disability/incapacity, a congenital anomaly/birth defect.

Of these four children, three had such severe depression, that they were hospitalized shortly after vaccination (in the first 7 days after the first dose, in the second only one day after the second dose, and in the third 15 days after the first dose, respectively).

The consequence of this finding is extremely worrying, as it means that one in every 350-400 children who are vaccinated might suffer from severe depression and need hospitalization.

To reassure us, Pfizer notes in its review document that in fact, all three children had a pre-existing diagnosis of anxiety and depression. Moreover, they explain – all three actually reported a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that began within 1-2 months prior to vaccination.

“Worsening suicidal ideas with initial SSRI treatment in adolescents”, they explain, “is a recognized risk and provides a reasonable alternative explanation for depression exacerbation in these BNT162b2 recipients”. So here you go – why blame the vaccine, when there is a perfectly reasonable and logical alternative explanation for the exacerbation of their depression?

What is the problem with this explanation? 

Two problems: 

1. The claim that the SSRIs the children received is an alternative explanation for the deterioration of the children’s mental state is doubtful. According to the scientific literature, exacerbation of suicide and mental state occurs right at the beginning of treatment with antidepressants, usually in the first two weeks, and certainly not more than a month after starting treatment – which is the time when you start to see improvement. In fact, the opposite is true: if there is no improvement within four weeks, a medication is usually replaced.

2. More importantly, according to the study protocol – participants with a previous psychiatric diagnosis should never have been included in the study in the first place (see page 41 in the protocol). It turns out that one of the exclusion criteria in the study is: “Other medical or psychiatric condition including recent (within the past year) or active suicidal ideation/behavior or laboratory abnormality that may increase the risk of study participation or, in the investigator’s judgment, make the participant inappropriate for the study“.

This is therefore a blatant violation of the study protocol established by the company itself and approved by the FDA. The implication of such a violation is severe: if Pfizer were so negligent that they included subjects with a psychiatric background in the experiment – contrary to the protocol they themselves established – it means that the subjects’ well-being is not their main concern. As Pfizer itself notes in the protocol: such a background may increase the risk of study participation. And if they do not adhere to ethics in recruiting subjects, who can assure us that they adhere to ethics in other sections of the study – for example, analysis of results?

II. Design the protocol in a way that will allow the company to present positive findings regarding the safety of the vaccine 

In at least two criteria, the company appears to have manipulatively designed the protocol in a way that would allow it to present as positive findings as possible in terms of vaccine safety in children:

A. Designing the protocol in a way that will reduce, as much as possible, the inclusion of severe adverse events in a report submitted to the FDA. 

In the Pediatric Study Protocol (see table on page 12), Pfizer undertook that the duration of follow-up for serious adverse events (SAEs) would be “from Dose 1 to 6 months after the second dose”.

A six-month follow-up period is considered to be very short compared to the usual follow-up time in Phase 3 studies for vaccines. According to the FDA, Phase 3 in vaccine studies should last between one and four years.

Yet it turns out from Pfizer’s review document that the company did not complete even this relatively short follow-up period, and in fact was content with only 30 days of follow-up of the severe adverse events. This fact emerges from the chapter dealing with the date of analysis (page 30, under the heading of the SAEs chapter): “12-15-year-olds: SAEs from Dose 1 through up to 30 days after Dose 2 in ongoing follow-up were reported by 0.4% of BNT162b2 recipients and 0.1% of placebo recipients“.

How has this been made possible? 

On page 114 of the study protocol – in the chapter dealing with the timing at which the statistical analyzes will be performed, Pfizer set a number of time points for the purpose of performing these analyzes. While the maximum time period for monitoring severe adverse events in the general study population is six months (the seventh section), the fifth section set an additional cut-off point, of only 30 days after the second dose for the purpose of comparing data between two age groups – one of ages 12-15 and one of ages 16-25.

In other words, the protocol appears to be designed in such a way that the review submitted to the FDA will only include the serious adverse events that appeared during the first month after vaccination.

Indeed the follow-up of the serious adverse events continues for another five months, but any adverse event that will be discovered during these months, or an adverse event that was observed during the first month but was defined as non-serious and has been worsening during the following months (or the diagnosis will change) – will simply not appear in the review report.

The concerning implication of this practice is that serious adverse events may not appear in the report on the basis of which the FDA issues the emergency authorization for children, so continued follow-up, even if published a few months or years after the temporary authorization was issued, will not help children who will be harmed or die following the FDA’s green light. 

B. Designing the protocol so that diagnoses of serious adverse events given in hospitals unrelated to the study site can be ignored. 

Within the terms of the Outcome Measures in the study protocol, as it is presented in Pfizer determined that the research team selected by Pfizer will be the ones defining the adverse events as such: “As elicited by investigative site staff”.

This way, the company has in effect given researchers selected by them the power to define for themselves what the diagnosis will be, regardless of the diagnosis given at the hospital/ward which is not defined as the research site.

Why is this problematic? 

Because such a determination means that if a particular participant suffers from serious adverse events and has been treated, for example, outside the hospital or ward that functions as the research site, then in fact, the diagnosis made by the attending physicians at the hospital/ward in which the participant is treated is irrelevant.

This way, Pfizer has actually allowed its team to define what the diagnosis will be, rather than letting the diagnosis given by the attending physicians confuse them.

Beyond the severe criticism towards Pfizer, the analysis and comparison raise serious questions for the FDA itself: 

* How is it possible that the FDA has even approved a protocol that allows such manipulations?

* Why did the FDA allow the company to perform the data analysis and submit the application for the emergency permit in children after such a short follow-up time of only 30 days?

* What made the FDA so eager to approve the emergency permit for children? Why is this approval given based on a safety report that is not even “cooked” half way? After all, there is no emergency situation for children.

* Why did the FDA not address these manipulations and violations of the protocol after the company submitted its review?

Yaffa Shir-Raz, PhD, is a risk-communication researcher and a teaching fellow in the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya in Israel, and the University of Haifa



1. Pfizer-BioNTech. (2021). Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Amendment for an Unapproved Product Review Memorandum.


3. Pfizer. (2021). Study to Describe the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals.

4. FDA. (2018). Step 3: Clinical Research


©October 2021, Children’s Health Defense Europe, A.S.B.L.. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, A.S.B.L.. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense Europe? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Senta Depuydt and the Children’s Health Defense Europe team. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Boosters: How to Kill More People With Impunity

Boosters: How to Kill More People With Impunity
And what is the secret ingredient in the Pfizer vaccine?


by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
October 1, 2021


Out of a jumble of announcements from the CDC and the FDA, a few decisions are emerging:

The US government will recommend COVID booster shots for people 65 and older; people between 50 and 64 who have underlying medical conditions; and, as the Daily Mail reports, “people who live in institutional settings that increase their risk of exposure, such as prisons or homeless shelters, as well as health care workers, teachers and grocery store employees.”

People 65 and older already tend to have health conditions. Worse, most of them have been receiving medical treatment for years in the form of toxic drugs. Jabbing them with a shot which has already caused enormous numbers of injuries and deaths is a recipe for disaster.

I would call it targeting.

“—Let’s take the weakest people and hit them with a booster(s) on top of the other two shots they’ve already had.”

And to expand the destruction, people between 50 and 64 WITH UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS should also take the booster.

Note: Hitting these two groups with boosters has a further payoff for the government. When the vaccine recipients die or sustain severe injuries, the blame can be put on “their underlying conditions,” (or “the virus”).

Medically speaking, the overall guiding principle here is: the vaccine isn’t working by any reasonable standard, and it’s causing devastating effects, so let’s force more of it on people.

The news media are collaborators. They provide the elementary one-two punch: “The pandemic continues to spread; the only answer is the vaccine.”

Anybody can grasp that message and nod his head in agreement. The fact that the message is wrong and false on every level is irrelevant to its success.

However, the MANDATES are a different story. Governments believe they can push whole populations against the wall and keep them there year after year after year.

But fascism reaches a breaking point.

Rebellion is now building across the world.


Update: Statement from ICAN on FDA’s reply letterclick here.

Recently, the ICAN organization (Informed Consent Action Network) announced a disturbing fact about the Pfizer COVID vaccine:

“The FDA assured the public that it will provide transparency for any COVID-19 vaccine it approves. That promise would surely include letting the public know what is in the vial being injected into the arms of millions of people. Nonetheless, the FDA has chosen to hide from the public an ingredient that constitutes more than 20% of the undiluted vial of each Pfizer vaccine!”

“Upon licensure of the Pfizer vaccine, the FDA authorized a fact sheet to be given to the public, which includes a list of ingredients in the vaccine. Amazingly, this list doesn’t mention a secret ingredient. What is the secret ingredient? Nobody knows other than Pfizer and the FDA. In the technical documentation that is not intended for general public distribution, the FDA disclosed that this secret ingredient constitutes about 22% of the undiluted vial (0.45 mL of 2 mL) but completely redacted the name of the secret ingredient.”

“ICAN’s attorneys immediately contacted the FDA and asked for the redaction to be lifted. However, the FDA refused to do so without a formal demand. Therefore, ICAN, through its attorneys, submitted a formal demand to the FDA to disclose the identity of the secret ingredient.”

Conclusion: Without the disclosure of every ingredient in the vaccine, INFORMED CONSENT IS IMPOSSIBLE. A person told to take the shot could refuse on the grounds that he can’t obtain sufficient information in order to provide his consent.

And on what grounds could the vaccine be legal in the first place? If informed consent is the law, then withholding the possibility of it by concealing a vaccine ingredient would automatically render the vaccine illegitimate.

We’re not talking about a cook in a deli who says he has a secret blend of spices he adds to the brisket. This is a genetic injection intended for the whole planet.


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cover image credit: b0red / pixabay

The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere

The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere


“…The modern project to achieve perfection and total control is a technological Faustian effort to transcend our humanity, now with artificial intelligence, digital dementia, and the marriage of the human to the machine.  This mad quest goes by many names (Lewis Mumford presciently called it The Myth of the Machine), but it  is always directed by ruling elites to gather more power to themselves. Today it is called the Great Reset, using medical technology and “vaccines” as the leading edge of its spear to disembowel our humanity. It may succeed because so many people have lost a rootedness in the lived spiritual experience of a sacred vision of an escape from our enigma. With this loss, they have lost the utopian vision that inspires hope when there is no hope.”


The End of the Speed Limit on the Highway to Nowhere

by Edward Curtin, Behind the Curtain
October 1, 2021


There was a time when time was time and space and speed had some human meaning, for people lived within the limits of the natural world of which they were a part.

As Albert Camus said, “In our madness, we push back the eternal limits, and at once dark Furies swoop down upon us to destroy.”

The destruction is now upon us.

In former days you could cross over to other people’s lives and come back with a different perspective, knowing what was obvious was true and that to exist meant to be composed of flesh and blood like all the others in different places and to be bound by the natural cycles of life and death, spring and fall, summer and winter.  There were limits then, on the land, water, and even in the sky, where space too had dimensions and the stars and planets weren’t imaginary landing strips for mad scientists and their partners in celluloid fantasies.

In that rapidly disappearing world where people felt situated in space and time, life was not yet a holographic spectacle of repetitive images and words, a pseudo-world of shadowy figures engaging in pseudo-debates on electronic screens with people traveling from one place to another only to find that they never left home. When the mind is homeless and the grey magic of digital propaganda is its element, life becomes a vast circinate wandering to nowhere. The experience of traveling thousands of miles only to see the same chain of stores lining the same roads in the same towns across a country where the same people live with their same machines and same thoughts in their same lives in their same clothes.  A mass society of mass minds in the hive created by cell phones and measured in nanoseconds where the choices are the freedom to choose what is always the same within a cage of categories meant to render all reality a “mediated reality.”

Without roots we are like Sisyphus pushing his rock not up the hill but in circles, only to reach what we think is the end is the beginning again.  Runners in the circle game.

People’s roots were what once gave them distinction, a place to stand against the liquid flow of modernity and its disillusionments.  These roots were cultural and geographic, material and spiritual.  They went deep.  Such rootedness was not a panacea, simply a place to take a stand.  It gave a bit of stability, the sense of real existing individuals with identities, histories, ground under their feet.  It was possible to meet others as different but equally human despite their different roots, and to grasp our common reality.  It was the antithesis of globalization, of sameness.  It was diversity before there was fake diversity.

The idea of roots has become even more complicated since Simone Weil wrote her well-known book, The Need for Roots, in 1943.  Even then she admitted this:

To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul. It is one of the hardest to define.

So I will not try to do so.  Like so much in life, it’s reality involves both a yes and a no, like our relationship to time.

For we have always been time-bound creatures, caught in its mystery, and we always will be. This was true before the invention of clocks, although the clock ushered in a technological revolution from which we’ve never looked back.  Most people are now on speed going nowhere.

read the entire essay here


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cover image credit: Karen_Nadine / pixabay

James Bovard Versus the TSA

James Bovard Versus the TSA

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
September 29, 2021



After the attacks of September 11, 2001, there was a flurry of action establishing and expanding the United States government’s infringements of freedom in the name of making Americans safer. Along the way, political writer James Bovard documented the vile developments. Speaking Tuesday at the Future of Freedom Foundation’s Restoring Our Civil Liberties webinar, Bovard provided a biting, and at times funny, introduction to destructive and absurd actions the US government has pursued since the September 11 attacks.

Starting off, Bovard notes that while in the 1990s he had much criticized out-of-control government, including in his book Lost Rights, it has turned out that “the 1990s were practically a golden age for freedom compared to what’s happened after 9/11.” From there, Bovard, in his speech, addresses some of the new government powers and agencies that have come into being over the last 20 years.

A chunk of Bovard’s presentation is focused on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Bovard’s unfortunate interactions with this US government agency created soon after the September 11 attacks.  Since this is Bovard speaking, a fair amount of humor is included into the telling. Sprinkled through the stories are details about the TSA and its insufferable practices.

Bovard also addresses in the speech other abuses of Americans undertaken by entities including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that were asserted after the September 11 attacks to be necessary for keeping Americans safe and winning a war on terror. Concerning expanded US government activities overseas that came at the same time, Bovard discusses drone killings and torture as well.

Bringing things forward to the last couple years, Bovard, in the conclusion of his speech, discusses how pumping up fear has again allowed large expansions of government power at the expense of freedom, this time in pursuing a “war on covid.”

Watch Bovard’s speech, and stick around for the wide-ranging question-and-answer period with Future of Freedom Foundation President Jacob Hornberger that follows, here:


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cover image credit: TUFKAAP & Elisfkc / Wikimedia Commons

London’s Blueprint for Technocracy

London’s Blueprint for Technocracy

by Matt, What About the Roads
October 1, 2021


Last week we covered Telosa, a technocratic metropolis slated to be home to 5 million people by 2060. Previously we’ve investigated plans to turn Nevada into a hub of technocracy. These stories need telling but we by just looking into the future we can miss sight of the fact that the truth the technocratic city is already here.

For better or worse, London has long been considered one of the world’s great cities. It has produced many of the world’s great artists, writers, and thinkers. Many of the world’s most renowned museums are here, housing priceless historical artifacts and works of art. London’s palaces, parks, gardens, and squares make it an architect’s playground.

Conversely, London is also known as a place where freedom and privacy are nearly extinct. It is one of the world’s most surveilled cities, ranking second globally in CCTV cameras per square (1,138) and third in CCTV cameras per person (73 per 1,000). The city’s police have recently purchased facial recognition technology in order to process historic images from these CCTV cameras as well as social media platforms and other sources. This is in addition to the Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology already deployed in the city.

But this is just one small part of life in one of the world’s most technocratic and surveilled cities. In 2018 the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan launched Smarter London Together, his roadmap to make London “the smartest city in the world.” This initiative builds on an older so-called roadmap from 2013, the Smart London Plan which was rolled out by then mayor and current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. This perfectly illustrates how politicians may come, go, and move around while the technocratic agenda moves forward without resistance.

Jumping to 2020 we find the Smart London Board, the group which helps bring the objectives outlined in the Smarter London Together road map to fruition, developing the Emerging Technologies Charter,  “a set of criteria that digital innovations based on artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, virtual reality and more should meet if they are deployed in the capital.” Meeting the criteria established by this charter is not mandatory in order for new technology to actually be deployed however. This is important to note in order to properly interpret what is laid out in this document.

The most recent version of the charter was published last week. The Mayor, an avowed globalist committed to fulfilling to The Great Reset agenda, says that the charter will play a significant role in the economic and social recovery of London. Let’s examine what that recovery will look like.

The document opens with praise for London already being one of the leading technocratic cities on the planet, highlighting the city as a hub for the research, development, and innovation of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI). The charter claims this infrastructural is all in place to insure fast download speeds and rapid data processing capabilities. In reality, this is the infrastructure needed for the ruling class to manage all aspects of life, including the human body itself.

The charter then goes on to list the four principles for implementing technology in London.

Be Open

When trialling and deploying emerging technologies, the government will aspire to “work in the open” wherever possible and will describe what the technology is, what it can do, why it is being used and, “where appropriate”, the legal and ethical basis for doing so in what they call “Plain English.”

Translation: the government will work behind closed doors as much as possible, illegally and unethically as often as they feel like it.

When the government says Plain English they mean short words and short sentences meant for anyone with a 9 year old’s reading comprehension skills. In other words, the government will be deploying highly complicated technology, only telling you about it when they feel like it, and when they do, they’ll speak to you like you’re a child.

They also totally promise to speak with local communities, protect personal data, and give regular updates about their undertakings in the name of being open.

There is no mention about being open about the negative effects of 5G on the human body or ethical problems surrounding virtual reality.

Respect Diversity

The second principle of the Emerging Technology Charter contains the usual banal platitudes about diversity and inclusiveness found at the center of any globalist or technocratic statement. However, there is one very telling detail here which reveals how this agenda paves the way for a two-tiered society. Amidst all the concerns about considering people from all walks of life, there is room to exclude others:

For public bodies, setting out how the technology or service meets the Public Sector Equality Duty for example…if certain groups are excluded from the benefit of new technologies, the technology should have a clear reason why it does not serve these groups. 

Who are these certain groups? The charter doesn’t clarify but at a time when the UK government is currently trying to bypass Parliament in an effort to implement vaccine passports via the backdoor it doesn’t take a huge stretch of the imagination to know who this is reserved for. In this technocratic surveillance system a resident of or visitor to London will need a digital vaccine certificate to take part in public life. If this comes to fruition it is only a matter of time until the vaccine certificate is rolled into a digital wallet for a blockchain-based Central Bank Digital Currency.

Today it is just different colored wristbands to differentiate between “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated” students. Tomorrow, with just the flip of a switch or push of a button these bureaucrats behind the Emerging Technology Charter and Smart London Board will be able to disconnect anyone they deem unworthy of having access to these so-called beneficial new technologies.

Be Trustworthy With People’s Data

“London requires safe, secure, and useful ways of using and sharing data which build trust among our partners and citizens,” claim the authors of the charter. The principle goes on to list all of the ways in which they promise to ethically collect, review, and store data, including biometric data.

This is perhaps the most blatantly disingenuous section of the charter. Not only because following this charter is entirely voluntary to begin with but because it leaves out two crucial facets of how data is already collected and used in the United Kingdom.

The first is the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the English equivalent of the National Security Agency (NSA).  The GCHQ collects, reviews, and stores an incomprehensible amount of data on the British public with little to no accountability or oversight and yet the Emerging Technology Charter makes no mention of this fact. So, even if those who follow the charter absolutely respected the privacy of Londoners it would be a moot point unless the mass surveillance of the CQHQ was ended.

Second, is the Investigatory Powers Act 2016, also known as the Snoopers Charter. This law enables the government to lie in court with impunity by enshrining parallel construction in law.  It works like this:

Parallel construction occurs when the Government learns of criminal activity through one source, but then gives the information to a law enforcement agency to “reconstruct” the investigation so that the origin of that second investigation is different from the original source.

Again, even if the Emerging Technology Charter was made mandatory and truly protected the privacy of everyone in London it wouldn’t prevent the government from using that data to it’s advantage with the members of the public none the wiser as to how it was really collected.

Be Sustainable

What technocratic guideline would be complete without a pledge to sustainability? “London wants new technologies to be as sustainable as possible [and] contribute to the Mayor’s goal to be a net zero carbon city,” according to the charter. And when does the Mayor want London to be a net zero carbon city by? 2030 of course.

The lives of all Londoners will be recorded, listed to, analyzed, catalogued, tracked, traced, and controlled in Khan’s smart city but at least it will be done sustainably. And by sustainably we are to presume this means whatever it takes to further centralize and control the resources of the planet into fewer and fewer hands as part of what James Corbett calls the The 100 Trillion Dollar Bankster Climate Swindle.

The situation in London illustrates just how easily new technologies of control can be slotted into our existing infrastructure. That way, neither the residents riding the Underground or the tourist snapping pictures of Big Ben and Buckingham Palace can just go about their business without feeling the noticing the enslavement grid being built around them.  Until one day when they can’t board their flight for lack of a health certificate, buy tickets to a play because the CCTV caught them running a red light, or buy meat because they’ve exceeded their monthly sustainable food allotment. But by then it’s already too late.


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Cheering, Dancing Protesters Say Good Riddance Gladys. Next Please.

Cheering, Dancing Protesters Say Good Riddance Gladys. Next Please.

by Tony Mobilifonitis, Cairns News
October 1, 2021


The protesters at Tweed-Coolangatta come down Boundary Street to hear the good news about the premier of the state on the other side of the street.

Teachers and nurses made their messages clear on their white shirts.

When NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian’s resignation was announced on the NSW-Queensland border at Coolangatta during Friday’s national strike action, the crowd of some 2000 people not only cheered but launched into dance.

The rejoicing was no doubt repeated at rallies in cities, regional centres and towns across the nation during a national day of protest involving nurses, teachers, emergency service personnel and others. At Tweed-Coolangatta, the gathering had just marched up the hill along Boundary Street to the border monument overlooking the Twin Towns that have never in the nation’s history since Federation been divided.

When the crowd came back down the hill on the Queensland side of the street that runs along the border and gathered for a brief talk from Meryl Dorey of the Australian Vaccination (Skeptics) Network, the resignation was announced. “They went into an almighty dance,” one of the marchers texted Cairns News.

The story repeated thousands of times across Australia of people being held to ransom by crooked public servants and politicians pushing dangerous, experimental gene therapy masquerading as “vaccination”.

The question on the minds of protesters across the nation will now be “who’s next?” Berejiklian has been tagged for “breaching the public trust” by the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption. Berejiklian knew she had done wrong, but chose to ride it out and apparently try to gain glory by pushing the global genocide-by-vaccine agenda.

As expected the media and political class put on a “we’re so sorry to see you go Gladys”, for instance this from Malcolm Turnbull on Twitter: “We have lost one of our best Premiers today. Gladys has been a dedicated reformer and dynamic builder. She led the State bravely and tirelessly through the bushfires and the pandemic. Thank you Gladys.”

What else could one expect from a banker and Liberal Party figure totally divorced from reality, rolling in the loot from his portfolio of big pharma shares.

At Tweed-Coolangatta, the people could not care less about this current crop of politicians and their misfortunes. Instead, they had inspiring speakers to listen to, including the local indigenous representatives who reminded those gathered about what it means to be people of the land as opposed to corporate citizens who do the bidding of corporate masters.

Senior Qantas pilot Graeme Hood delivered an inspirational speech right on the border.

Senior Qantas pilot Graeme Hood, who has previously featured in Cairns News, also brought inspirational thoughts on the real meaning of the “Anzac Spirit” and told of the emerging national network of police, teachers and other emergency service workers opposing the jab madness.

He also made special notice of turncoat senator Jacquie Lambie who recently said anti-vaxxers should be put behind a ring of steel. Her name prompted a chorus of loud boos. It appears someone got to the senator we thought had some measure of independence.

Robertson said he’d been contacted by 200 police from Victoria who were planning to start a new national police union which could also include some 9000 doctors and nurses. “We are not alone,” he said. “The truth is starting to filter through.”

Robertson also noted the formation of an Australian chapter of Police for Freedom, a movement of law enforcement officers alarmed by the abuse of power by governments like Australia’s state governments that are using officers to enforce the fascist global agenda. Berejiklian and Andrews of Victoria are prime examples. Your time to step down Danny Boy, or will it be the woman enforcing the fascist border shutdown from the north – Anastacia Palasczcuk.

Spotted amongst the crowd was One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts, a staunch defender of our right at common law to informed consent to medical treatment and the need to mobilize common anti-viral medicines being suppressed by the corporate political class and their media.


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The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World

The Big Lie – How to Enslave the World

by Academy of Ideas
September 30, 2021


The following is a transcript of this video.

“And the lie has, in fact, led us so far away from a normal society that you cannot even orient yourself any longer; in its dense, gray fog not even one pillar can be seen.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Lying has always been used for political purposes. Lies cover up corruption, past mistakes and hidden motives, and they are an essential ingredient in political campaigning. Sometimes, however, political lies take on a much more sinister form. The lies become all-encompassing, embrace all aspects of life and infect every corner of society. This occurrence is a sign that totalitarianism may be rising. For as the political philosopher Hannah Arendt noted, totalitarianism, at its essence, is an attempt at “transforming reality into fiction”. It is the attempt of corrupt and pathological state actors to impose a fictional account of the world onto the entire population. In Nazi Germany it was the idea of a superior race and an unclean people that formed the big lie, in the Soviet Union it was the belief that state communism could work and that all could be made equal. And from this big lie trickled down a stream of endless little lies. Referring to Communist Russia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote:

“In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Oak and the Calf

Describing Czechoslovakia under Soviet rule, Vaclav Havel similarly explained:

“…life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and lies…Because the regime is captive to its own lies, it must falsify everything. It falsifies the past. It falsifies the present, and it falsifies the future. It falsifies statistics.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

When a political system rests upon a bed of lies, what can be done to turn the tide back towards truth and freedom? In this video, drawing from the insights of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Vaclav Havel, we are going to explore this question.

The day before he was exiled from the Soviet Union, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn published a short essay titled Live Not By Lies, and in it he wrote:

“We are approaching the brink; already a universal spiritual demise is upon us; a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children, while we continue to smile sheepishly and babble: “But what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength.”…But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not “they” who are guilty of everything, but we ourselves, only we!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies

When a state turns totalitarian the individuals who live in these societies are not merely its victims. All the totalitarian regimes of the 20th century rose to power amidst thunderous applause as many citizens openly called for the brutal control that defines this form of rule. Without mass support and compliance the great minority in the ruling class would be but paper tigers. The responsibility for the oppression, suffering, and loss of life that comes in the wake of totalitarianism, therefore, cannot be placed exclusively on politicians and bureaucrats. A large portion of responsibility must be placed on the citizens who support this form of rule, or else do nothing to resist. Vaclav Havel explains in his book The Power of the Powerless:

“There is obviously something in human beings which responds to this [totalitarian] system…Human beings are compelled to live within a lie, but they can be compelled to do so only because they are in fact capable of living in this way. Therefore not only does the system alienate humanity, but at the same time alienated humanity supports this system as its own involuntary masterplan, as a degenerate image of its own degeneration, as a record of people’s own failure as individuals.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

If the fuel for the growth of totalitarianism is weak and fearful individuals, then a cure is a personal revolution that takes place in hearts and minds and leads to an awakening of self-responsibility, courage and strength.

“The best resistance to totalitarianism is simply to drive it out of our own souls, our own circumstances, our own land, to drive it out of contemporary humankind.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s writings played a major role in toppling the Communist Soviet Empire, and he advised we engage in such a personal revolution by transforming our life in a way which targets the most vulnerable part of the totalitarian system – the lies upon which it is built. In Live Not by Lies, Solzhenitsyn explains:

“And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a personal nonparticipation in lies! Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold not through me!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies

Vaclav Havel was a dissident in communist Czechoslovakia and he later became president, and he echoed Solzhenitsyn’s sentiment that the most effective key to liberation from totalitarian rule is to commit to a nonparticipation in lies. Havel called this commitment “living within the truth”.

“If the main pillar of the [totalitarian] system is living a lie, then it is not surprising that the fundamental threat to it is living the truth. This is why [the truth] must be suppressed more severely than anything else.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

To engage in a nonparticipation in lies, or in Havel’s terminology, to “live within the truth”, is to stop parroting the lies of the state and to refrain from acting in ways which conform to state propaganda. It is to resolve to live as freely and authentically as possible, to boldly express our individuality and spontaneity.

“…spontaneity with its incalculability, is the greatest of all obstacles to total domination over man.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

It is to follow our conscience and place morality above unjust laws, to fearlessly pursue personal and communal values, and to give voice to our thoughts undeterred by ridicule. To live within the truth is to act in ways which promote a cultural reawakening, thus serving as a counterforce to the totalitarian system’s coercive march towards cultural stagnation, suffering, and death.

“Our way must be: Never knowingly support lies!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies

In communist Czechoslovakia, the Velvet Revolution, or non-violent fall of totalitarianism, according to Havel, depended not so much upon political reform, but upon the existence of growing numbers of:

“…individuals who were willing to live within the truth, even when things were at their worst. . .They could equally have been poets, painters, musicians, or simply ordinary citizens who were able to maintain their human dignity…One thing, however, seems clear: the attempt at political reform was not the cause of society’s reawakening, but rather the final outcome of that reawakening.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

As an example of how living within the truth can revitalize a society, Havel recounts the story of a rock band, The Plastic People of the Universe. In communist Czechoslovakia musicians were required to register with authorities and were banned from creating music deemed too provocative or threatening to the political system. The Plastic People of the Universe refused to toe the line and following a concert in 1976 they were arrested, and the ensuing trial gained enormous public interest. The state media branded the band members as drug addicts, mentally ill, extremists and traitors to the country. However, many of the citizens had grown tired of living within a lie and they supported the young musicians, and as Havel notes, in many respects the trial marked the beginning of the end of the totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia. Havel writes:

“[The Plastic People of the Universe] were unknown young people who wanted no more than to be able to live within the truth, to play the music they enjoyed. . .and to live freely in dignity and partnership…They had been given every opportunity to adapt to the status quo, to accept the principles of living within a lie and thus to enjoy life undisturbed by the authorities. Yet they decided on a different course…In some ways the trial was the final straw…People…came to realize that not standing up for the freedom of others…meant surrendering one’s own freedom.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

Along with demonstrating the real-world impact that can result from the actions of ordinary individuals who live within the truth, that a young rock band sparked a movement that toppled the totalitarian system in Czechoslovakia unveils an important but underappreciated characteristic of this type of political system: despite appearances, it is by its nature weak, brittle, and in need of constant infusions of fear and lies in order to prevent it from collapsing. This weakness is why totalitarian regimes constantly slander and persecute anyone, even harmless musicians, who engage in even a modest attempt to live within the truth. For truth is the primary enemy of totalitarianism as it erodes the foundation of lies upon which it is built. Havel explains:

“…the crust presented by the life of lies is made of strange stuff. As long as it seals off hermetically the entire society, it appears to be made of stone. But the moment someone breaks through in one place, when one person cries out, ‘The emperor is naked!’ – when a single person breaks the rules of the [totalitarian] game, thus exposing it as a game – everything suddenly appears in another light and the whole crust seems then to be made of a tissue on the point of tearing and disintegrating uncontrollably.”

Václav Havel, The Power of the Powerless

The brittleness of the totalitarian system is also why it is so important for as many people as possible to stop being servants to state lies. For just as our failure as individuals fuels the totalitarian system, so too it is a renewed courage of individuals to live within the truth which weakens and eventually destroys it. Totalitarian systems condition their citizens to believe that the individual is powerless to effectuate social and political change; but history has repeatedly shown otherwise, and as Solzhenitsyn notes:

“One man who stopped lying could bring down a tyranny.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

What we choose to say and how we decide to act influences not just the state of our character, but the state of society. We make our own epoch. And when living in the midst of totalitarian rule, the fundamental choice to make is whether we are going to stand on the side of the truth and freedom, or on the side of lies and malevolent authority. For those who choose the latter, whether out of fear, apathy, or merely to take the path of least resistance, Solzhenitsyn had to the following to say:

“Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Live Not By Lies


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cover image credit: darksouls1 / pixabay

Vaccine Passports Destroying NYC Restaurants

Vaccine Passports Destroying NYC Restaurants

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
October 1, 2021

Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.


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Will It Be the Footballers, Not the Lawyers, Who Will Save Us?

Will It Be the Footballers, Not the Lawyers, Who Will Save Us?

by Dr. Vernon Coleman
October 1, 2021


I no longer have any faith that the lawyers will be able to save us. There have been promises galore in the last 18 months but I’m not aware that there have been many victories worth cheering about.

The problems are numerous (as I explained in a recent video entitled ‘Nobody is coming to save us’.

But look at what is happening with the footballers.

At the moment, professional players who play an international match are banned from training or playing matches for 10 days after returning from playing an international match in a red list country.

Just how they are supposed to keep fit and in touch is beyond me.

The clubs don’t like this rule very much. And it’s not difficult to see why. If you’ve just paid tens of millions for a player, it isn’t terribly jolly to know that if he is picked to play for his country he can’t play for his club for 10 days.

I would imagine that some clubs might be reluctant to release players with this rule in place.

So, the Government has suggested lifting the ban and forcing players to quarantine in a secured private residence or hotel with 24 hour security. The players would be permitted no guests or visitors other than representatives from Public Health England. What fun. Meals would be placed outside their room door. Players would have to use individual, private transport to go to training and games.

However, there is a catch.

This only applies to players who have been double jabbed against covid-19.

Those players who are un-jabbed will still have to carry on under the old system.

And this is where the problem appears.

First, this system will identify the players who have chosen not to take the jab.

And that, of course, is a breach of confidentiality.

Second, the big problem is that in the Premier League almost two thirds of football clubs have less than half of their players fully vaccinated.

In other words, the great majority of professional footballers have sensibly chosen not to be jabbed.

They’ve seen what has happened to other sports players.

So what happens now?

Will the Government roll over and get rid of the daft rules which affect footballers?

Or will they stick to their guns and create huge problems for players and clubs – and annoy millions of spectators?

Either way, attention will be drawn to the stupidity of the jabbing rules.

And, as I said in the title, I think this could result in a serious victory for the truth, the science and common sense.

And it will be a significant result obtained more speedily than anything the lawyers can offer us.


Connect with Dr. Vernon Coleman

International Resistance Against Medical Tyranny Update: October 1, 2021

International Resistance Against Medical Tyranny Update: October 1, 2021


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: So much is happening these days that it’s difficult to keep up and impossible to individually post all videos and articles that come our way. The collection of videos below, all shared online within the past few days, give a brief overview of events around the world.  A new update will be provided at Truth Comes to Light every few days. Many thanks to all of the content creators who stand in solidarity with freedom and who are dedicated to sharing the truth.



It’s Hard to Believe This Is Australia
by Del Bigtree, The HighWire

Perth Mandate Protest -Sept 23 2021
by CreativeWorks 


Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro exposed the plan of the globalists on the passport of vaccination
by Aussie Fighter


Croatia President Against More Vax -Sept 23 2021
by CreativeWorks


No vax, no job Italy protest – Sep 26 2021
by CreativeWorks


Jamaica Mandate Protest -Sept 2021
by CreativeWorks


Dutch Restaurant Rallies Against Passports #Netherlands #Utrecht / Hugo Talks #lockdown
by Hugo Talks


NORWAY: All restrictions are lifted. No nonsensical vaccine passport, no medical apartheid, no clotshot mandates.
by Aussie Fighter


Polish MPs Protest Under Australian Embassy Over Human Rights Issues – TRANSLATED
by Aussie Fighter [original video — Meet Karma YouTube]
In this video Polish leaders speak out about the severe violations of human rights happening right now in Australia.

Puerto Rico

How My People of Puerto Rico Protest Vax Mandates
by raulh7814


Slovenia Pass Protest -Sept 23 2021
by CreativeWorks


Switzerland Pass Protest -Sept 23 2021

United States

Florida Firefighters Refuse Vax Mandate -Sept 23 2021
by CreativeWorks


Disney Employees, Firefighters, Nurses Rally Against the Jab-for-Job Mandate at Disney Locations in Florida & California

Disney Employees, Firefighters, Nurses Rally Against the Jab-for-Job Mandate at Disney Locations in Florida & California



by  BookItCJ at Rumble

JOIN US: We are gathering at 12124 S Apopka Vineland Rd. Orlando Fl. Manny’s Restaurant


MEDIA CONTACT:  Nick Caturano, March Organizer & Disney Cast Member 407-414-3292

Disney Cast Members get support from Firefighters and Nurses Coast to Coast – Set to Gather & Stand United Against Vaccine Mandates & For Freedom of Choice

“After our first march through Disney World last week we heard from Firefighters Unions, Police officers, Healthcare workers, especially nurses who all expressed outrage that their employers are acting like they own the bodies of their employees. We are not their slaves. We have rights, and the most important right is the governance over our own bodies” says Disney Cast Member and Event Organizer Nick Caturano.

In Orlando:

EVERY Sunday
12124 S Apopka Vineland Rd  Orlando Fl. 32836  Manny’s Restaurant (closed) Next to Walgreens

In Anaheim:

Every Sunday
1500 Harbor Blvd Area Anaheim, California 92802


Follow BookItCJ at Rumble

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The Controlled Demolition of the Global Economy

The Controlled Demolition of the Global Economy

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report w/ James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy
October 1, 2021


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee or Download the mp4

Story #1: Could DNA Vaccines Be The Next Tool In The World’s Battle Against COVID-19?

Israelis Rise-Up Against Vaxx Passports After Being Told More Shots Needed To Be Considered “Fully Vaccinated”

Dutch protest against COVID-19 vaccine pass to enter bars, restaurants

Story #2: Military Leaders Saw Pandemic As Unique Opportunity to Test Propaganda Techniques on Canadians, Forces Report Says

Forged Letter Warning About Wolves on the Loose Part of Canadian Military Propaganda Campaign That Went Awry (Oct. 14, 2020)

Canadian Military Fake Wolves Fear Campaign Exposed (Oct. 30, 2020)

#PropagandaWatch: The Canadian Military Declares War on Canadians

Rosemary Frei on How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose

Canadian Kids Were At Low Risk of Severe COVID-19 Early In The Scamdemic

Story #3: The UK’s Petrol Crisis Is Just A Taste Of A More Jittery, Uncertain Future

Britain Urges Motorists To ‘Carry On As Normal’ As BP Shuts Dozens Of Petrol Stations Amid Haulage Crisis

Power Supply Shock Looms: “Global Markets Will Feel The Pinch Very Soon” Of China’s Next Crisis

Costco To Impose Buying Limits On Toilet Paper, Bottled Water Amid ‘Uptick In Delta-Related Demand’

US Meat Prices To Remain Elevated Amid Depleted Reserves

Everyday Foods Such As Coffee, Meat And Spices Could Become Luxury Items Due to Global Climate Impacts And Changing Tastes

Soylent Green – Film, Literature and the New World Order

‘New World Next Week’ Store Is Open for Business!

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Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine ‘Safe’ for Kids — But Pfizer Has Lied About Kids and Drugs Before

Pfizer Says COVID Vaccine ‘Safe’ for Kids — But Pfizer Has Lied About Kids and Drugs Before
In 1996, Pfizer’s drug, Trovan, was still in the clinical stage of development when the drugmaker tested it, without parents’ consent, on about 200 children. Pfizer claimed Trovan was “safe,” but 181 kids were gravely injured, and 11 died.

By Chelli Stanley, The Defender
September 30, 2021


Pfizer last week told the public and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) its new experimental COVID vaccine is safe for young children.

It’s a familiar story, similar to one the vaccine maker told in the past about another drug it tested on children — a story that had a terrible outcome.

Both stories began with this simple claim: “These drugs are safe for your children.”

In 1996, Pfizer, the transnational multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical company, was working to bring a new drug — Trovan — to market. The drug was still in the clinical stage of development, when Pfizer made a decision that reportedly cost the lives of many children, and triggered an international firestorm.

Pfizer took its unlicensed Trovan to Kano, Nigeria, during a meningitis outbreak — though Trovan had never been tested in children or against meningitis.

According to Pfizer whistleblower, Dr. Juan Walterspiel, Pfizer sent unskilled doctors to Kano, who were unlicensed to practice medicine in Nigeria, and who had limited experience treating meningitis in children.

Walterspiel also reported the staff were so unskilled they could not place IV lines, and quickly resorted to orally administering the drug to children.

In the short two weeks Pfizer was in Kano, staff worked with 200 children, and gave 99 of the children unlicensed Trovan, despite the children’s desperate state. Pfizer did this even though Doctors Without Borders was operating in the same Kano hospital, treating children for free, with medicine proven to work well against bacterial meningitis.

Doctors Without Borders realized what Pfizer was doing and in a statement said they “were shocked Pfizer continued the so-called scientific work in the middle of hell.” They “communicated their concerns to both Pfizer and the local authorities.”

Pfizer gave the other 101 children ceftriaxone, which is proven effective for meningitis.  However, many children were “low-dosed,” with only one-third of the recommended amount. Because Pfizer didn’t have enough skilled medical personnel to administer ceftriaxone by IV, staff injected it directly into the children’s butts or thighs.

But “the shots were severely painful, leading to ‘great fear and sometimes dangerous struggles with children.’”  So Pfizer lowered the dose significantly to ease the severe pain caused by the shots.

Pfizer said available data indicated the dose remained more than sufficient, but the drug’s manufacturer, Hoffmann-La Roche, said the reductions could have sapped the drug’s strength.

“A high dose is essential,” Mark Kunkel, Hoffmann-La Roche’s medical director, told the Washington Post. “Clinical failures … and perhaps deaths of children could have resulted from the low dosing.”

According to a lawsuit against Pfizer, “five of the children who received Trovan and six of the children who were ‘low-dosed’ with ceftriaxone died, and others treated by Pfizer suffered very serious injuries, including paralysis, deafness and blindness.”

Of the 200 children treated by Pfizer, 181 were gravely injured, and 11 died.

The Washington Post investigated Pfizer’s ethics, stating, “Some medical experts questioned why the company did not switch to the proven pills when it was clear the young patients were approaching death.”

“It could be considered murder,” said Evariste Lodi, the leading Doctors Without Borders physician in Kano, after reading a report that Pfizer kept a child solely on Trovan until the child died.

In a statement about the child’s death, a Pfizer spokeswoman said “researchers had no reason to suspect the experimental medicine was not working.” Pfizer also said Trovan was “at least as effective as the gold standard treatment,” despite it having never been used in children, or for meningitis.

Pfizer designed the clinical trial in Kano “in six weeks, though the risks and complications of such a trial would typically require a year to adequately assess,” The Atlantic reported.

The parents in Kano have maintained they were not notified of an experiment, and that Pfizer did not have their consent to use their children in a drug trial in the middle of a health crisis. They organized to sue the drugmaker, while caring for children injured during the experiment.

Pfizer maintains the Nigerian parents gave full consent for their critically ill children to be used in an experiment, though even Pfizer admits no parent ever signed a consent form.

The lawsuits dragged on for years, as Pfizer refused to admit to any wrongdoing. “We are fed up with this case,” said a father who lost his daughter.  “Our children are dead and some are maimed.”

Pfizer said “the trial was conducted appropriately, ethically and with the best interests of patients in mind; and it helped save lives.”

However, even the approval letter Pfizer submitted to the FDA about the Kano trial was exposed by a Nigerian doctor, who “said that his office backdated an approval letter and this may have been written a year after the study had taken place.”

The community of Kano has been profoundly affected — “the experiment shaped public perception of Western drugs in the region. Parents told their children about it. Teachers lectured about Pfizer in classrooms. Pundits spoke of Western physicians seeking human guinea pigs.”

Pfizer acknowledged the severe nature of the meningitis outbreak to a Nigerian investigative committee, then said, “Pfizer’s intervention was therefore strictly a humanitarian gesture aimed at saving lives. It was totally devoid of any commercial undertones.” The company called it “the humanitarian trial.”

“If I had the power, I would take away their medical licenses,” said Lodi.

Pfizer’s Trovan history gets worse

In the initial development of Trovan, Walterspiel reported that Pfizer tried another study and:

“ … the study failed and several patients developed severe post-operative infections and one woman had her uterus removed. Pfizer dispatched risk managers and asked affected patients and relatives to fill out checks for whatever amount they felt right against their signature to keep the payments confidential.”

Pfizer made no such offer in Kano. The families of Kano had to sue Pfizer repeatedly, and received no compensation until nearly 15 years after the incident occurred.

Pfizer did not let these mere setbacks of death, maiming and international scandals deter the company. Within a few short years, the drugmaker brought Trovan to market in both the United States and Europe.

Expecting to reap financial windfalls, Pfizer aggressively marketed Trovan — until it discovered the public in both the EU and U.S. was reeling from liver damage, liver failure and death as a result of taking Trovan.

Reports of adverse reactions grew until Europe took Trovan off the market completely, and the FDA severely restricted the public’s access in the U.S.

New York Times article detailed how Trovan’s serious side effects became known only after it was given to the public. “The case showed how a new drug, marketed by an expert like Pfizer, could be swiftly prescribed to thousands of patients before all the side effects were known. Pfizer said its tests of Trovan had not revealed any serious problems.”

In 2000, William C. Steere Jr., then chairman of Pfizer, acknowledged some side effects only become known after a drug is approved, saying, ”You put the drug in the general population, and then everyone is taking it. We just hold our breath and wait to see if there is something unique with the drug.”

‘If I had an enemy, I would not let him take their drugs’

Pfizer was repeatedly sued in Nigeria and the U.S. for its actions in Kano. In 2009, Pfizer agreed to pay $75 million, despite initially being sued for $8.5 billion.

The company got involved in several more scandals that exploded when Wikileaks published several U.S. Embassy cables detailing Pfizer’s communications.

A Pfizer lawyer described in the cables that “Pfizer has worked closely with former Nigerian Head of State Yakubu Gowon. Gowan spoke with Kano State Governor Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau, who directed the Kano AG to reduce the settlement demand from $150 million to $75 million.”

In another cable, a top Pfizer representative in Nigeria said:

“Pfizer had hired investigators to uncover corruption links to Federal Attorney General Michael Aondoakaa to expose him and put pressure on him to drop the federal cases. Pfizer’s investigators were passing this information to local media. A series of damaging articles detailing Aondoakaa’s ‘alleged’ corruption ties were published in February and March.”

A cable showed a Pfizer representative commenting that “Doctors Without Borders administered Trovan to other children during the 1996 meningitis epidemic, and the Nigerian government has taken no action.”

The accusation prompted Doctors Without Borders to publish a strongly worded press release stating that they did not give anyone Trovan, and were in fact the first to speak out about Pfizer’s unethical actions.

Finally, the cables showed that “Pfizer was not happy settling the case, but had come to the conclusion that the $75 million figure was reasonable because the suits had been ongoing for many years, costing Pfizer more than $15 million a year in legal and investigative fees.”

The original lawsuit also sought prison terms for Pfizer officials.

Scandals continued even after the case was settled, when Pfizer demanded that anyone collecting the money give a sample of their DNA. Several people refused, distrusting what Pfizer may do with their DNA. They were not allowed to get compensation as a result.

Pfizer said it “always acted in the best interest of the children involved, using the best medical knowledge available.”

Najib Ibrahim of Kano said of Pfizer, “If I had an enemy, I would not let him take their drugs.”  Abdul Murtala said, “Pfizer reminds me of recklessness with human lives.”

The pattern continues, with 12-year-old injured during Pfizer COVID trial

Maddie de Garay was 12 when she voluntarily participated in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trial for 12- to 15-year-olds in Ohio. After she took the second dose on January 20, 2021, her life changed.

Her mother, Stephanie de Garay, spoke at press conference in June, held by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), during which she described the maiming of her child and Pfizer’s disregard towards Maddie and the family — despite Maddie being part of the trial in order to determine whether Pfizer’s covid vaccine is safe for children.

Stephanie said:

“All we want is for Maddie to be seen, heard, and believed, because she hasn’t been.  And we want her to get the care that she desperately needs so that she can go back to normal. She was totally fine before this. They’re not helping her.”

Stephanie said within 24 hours of the second dose, Maddie “developed severe abdominal and chest pain. She had painful electrical shocks down her neck and spine that forced her to walk hunched over. She had extreme pain in her fingers and toes.”

Maddie went to the ER immediately, as instructed by Pfizer’s vaccine trial administrator. After doctors ran few tests, she was sent home with a diagnosis: “Adverse effect of vaccine initial encounter.”

In the first five months after getting her second dose, Maddie would return to the ER eight more times.

According to Stephanie:

“Over the next 2.5 months, her abdominal, muscle and nerve pain became unbearable.  She developed additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting, and then seizures.

“She developed verbal and motor tics, she had loss of feeling from the waist down and muscle weakness, drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention and loss of bladder control, severely irregular and heavy menstrual cycles, and eventually she had to have an NG tube put in to get nutrition. All of these symptoms are still here today. Some days are worse than others.”

Maddie’s doctors began to suggest she had “functional neurological disorder due to anxiety” and even tried to admit her to a mental hospital. Her family fought it.

It took five months for Maddie to get an MRI of her brain and appropriate blood tests, which she got when her family went elsewhere for medical advice after talking to others who were adversely affected by the COVID vaccines.

Stephanie said:

“What I want to ask is: Maddie volunteered for the Pfizer trial. Why aren’t they researching her to figure out why this happened so other people don’t have to go through this? Instead, they’re just saying it’s ‘mental.’”

The de Garay family has joined with emerging grassroots advocacy groups whose members’ lives suddenly changed after they got a COVID vaccine. They are asking the CDC and FDA to recognize their injuries, the medical community to believe and help them, the media to share their stories, for the public to know about these injuries as part of informed consent, and for their injuries to be studied so that solutions can be found.

Since being injured by new vaccines still in phase 3 trials, they have been subjected to stonewalling, cover-ups, bullying, refusal to collect the data and blanket denials.

Pfizer has not commented publicly on Maddie’s case.

At the September FDA advisory meeting on Pfizer COVID boosters in the U.S., Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, said Pfizer did not record Maddie’s extensive injuries in its clinical trial results. Kirsch also noted Pfizer marked the entirety of Maddie’s injuries as “abdominal pain.”

Kirsch reported Pfizer’s fraud to FDA acting Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock, but no investigation has been launched into Pfizer for allegedly erasing Maddie’s extensive injuries from its trial data for children.


©September 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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cover image credit: mike_ramirez_mx / pixabay

Dangerous Speech Versus Free Speech; Mobs of Ignoramuses

Dangerous Speech Versus Free Speech; Mobs of Ignoramuses

by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News
September 30, 2021


“For if Men are to be precluded from offering their Sentiments on a matter, which may involve the most serious and alarming consequences, that can invite the consideration of Mankind, reason is of no use to us; the freedom of Speech may be taken away, and, dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.” George Washington, 1783

Many, many people believe that spreading COVID falsehoods can be so dangerous that censorship is absolutely necessary.

This view happens to be the central refuge of liars.

It turns out that big-time liars always want to censor their opponents. It’s the only leg they have to stand on. In an atmosphere of free discourse, they would fall.

And of course, who decides what is false and what is true? Who hangs out that shingle and makes judgments that affect the lives of millions of people?

There is an astounding level of ignorance here: many people believe “the truth” should carry the day. Once it is established, there is no need to permit freedom of speech.

These people have a very low ceiling of understanding. They’ve never explored what freedom of speech is all about. They’re citizens in name only.

“If someone says the vaccine is harmful, people will be dissuaded from taking it. That would be dangerous.”

Putting aside the fact that the vaccine is a destroyer, free speech implies living with danger. The remedy is intelligence and knowledge. The only workable remedy is raising people’s ability to consider all sorts of judgments, opinions, and conclusions, without being irrationally swayed to one side or another.

Otherwise, we have Fascists on parade. Mobs of clueless ignoramuses.

Once upon a time, there was a never-never land called Dolt with millions of traffic lights. A writer penned, “Always cross the street when you’re facing a red light. Stay on the curb when the light is green.”

Outrage followed. The writer was censored for dangerous speech.

The rulers and their followers were so impressed with this victory, they established a national task force to root out falsehoods of all kinds and censor them. Pursuing this path, the society turned into a police state. And the majority of people approved.

We’re heading in that direction now.

“Strange it is that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free speech but object to their being ‘pushed to an extreme,’ not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case.” John Stuart Mill, 1859

It’s no surprise that modern civilization, intellectually based on a fool’s version of “science,” has built science as a new religion, with all the restrictions that organized religions have enforced.

After all, when the teachings of a man called Jesus were incorporated into a powerful Church, that Church set about censoring, imprisoning, torturing, and burning dissidents. As if Jesus would have approved.

Centuries later, people were shocked to learn this Church was rife with pedophile priests. I would be shocked to learn the Church isn’t filled with pedophiles.

Many are the OTHER secret crimes the men in power today are committing, given that they’re already relentlessly pushing a highly destructive vaccine into the arms of a billion people.

They HAVE TO demand censorship of dissidents.

So no, I’m not surprised that the press and social media and politicians are trying to censor COVID information which doesn’t serve their purposes.

Consider this. A week ago, at a standard FDA conference to discuss recommending COVID boosters, several scientists testified that convincing data to support the additional shots were entirely lacking. Two leading in-house FDA scientists had just resigned because they opposed the push for boosters. And finally, the FDA committee as a whole rejected the present need for boosters.

Yet the following day, the head of the NIH, and the White House itself, ignored the FDA and said that boosters were coming. Even the FDA was effectively censored.

There are thousands of scientists all over the world who strenuously oppose the official COVID narrative, and they can’t even get a glance from editors of medical journals, when they submit papers.

Talking news heads are feeding the population fast-food COVID science—a manufactured product consisting of synthetic bullshit about cases, deaths, the virus, the vaccine. It’s cardboard. And no dissenters allowed.

Since I stopped writing for mainstream and so-called alternative outlets in the early 1990s, I’ve gone my own way. As of this writing, I’m still here. My videos have been taken down. My site was hacked. We restored it. I’m still here.

I take freedom of speech seriously. No matter what.

Only low scum want to censor us. They make an absurd pretense of claiming WE’RE liars. But we don’t want to censor THEM. That’s called a clue.

Right now, as I write this, Australian men with balls, union construction workers, are staging an insurrection against their union bosses, who are colluding with corrupt politicians to enforce COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates. The workers are facing off against cops in the street. This is one of the biggest stories in the world.

The New York Times and the Washington Post and the news networks should be leading with it and covering breaking developments wall to wall. Instead, they’re downplaying and hiding it. These news whores and their pimps are holding the line for Fascism.

I’ll close, for now, with this story. Months ago, an “alternative journalist” approached me, urging me to stop saying the pandemic virus doesn’t exist.

I sized up the complaint. It seemed to have several roots. One, I was “confusing people,” who couldn’t decide what to believe. Two, there were far more important COVID issues that needed to be explored. And three, that journalist was receiving emails citing my work and asking for clarification—and this was bothersome, especially when the emailers agreed with me.

The journalist off-handedly and blithely assumed I would obey and stop writing about the existence of the virus.

Of course, I reacted oppositely. I always do. I dig deeper and farther along the track I’m pursuing. In this case, I found and wrote about more evidence for the non-existence of the virus.

That issue happens to be CENTRAL and BASIC to the whole COVID story. And if writing about it confuses some people, that’s what happens when free speech is still possible. There’s nothing wrong with confusion. It’s productive. It’s supposed to be a prelude to more profound understanding.

I’m not running some sort of operation that seeks uniformity.

That journalist was trying to censor me by having me censor myself.

No dice.

“He who stifles free discussion, secretly doubts whether what he professes to believe is really true.” Wendell Phillips, 1870

Those fools who can only “opt for the truth” will never grasp the meaning of the 1st Amendment. They’ll never see the freight train of Fascism coming.


Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: 愚木混株CDD20 / pixabay

Ricardo Maarman & Thousands of South Africans File Constitutional Lawsuit Against the President, Speaker of Parliament & Governor of SA Reserve Bank for ‘Pandemic’-Related Crimes Against South Africans

Ricardo Maarman & Thousands of South Africans File Constitutional Lawsuit Against the President, Speaker of Parliament & Governor of SA Reserve Bank for ‘Pandemic’-Related Crimes Against South Africans


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Dr. Faiez Kirsten, of Show Us the Virus, announced today that the constitutional application papers have now been filed.

The Case Number for this matter is CCT 299/21.

Download a PDF copy of the court case affidavit.

South Africans can sign the “Show Us the Virus” petition, demanding a referendum, here.

Listen to the announcement by Ricardo Maarman in the video provided below. We have also provided a transcript of his powerful statement.

Ricardo Maarman holds a BA Degree in Politics/Philosophy and Economics obtained at the University of South Africa and an MA International Politics obtained at the University of Leicester in the UK. He specialized in the Post-Cold War World Order, International Security, Intelligence and Security, and US Foreign Policy.

Join Show Us the Virus on Telegram

See all details about this court case at their website.


by Dr. Faiez KirstenHWP Institute and Ricardo
September 30, 2021


Original video available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Good Day, everyone. Today I have a very important message for the people of South Africa. We have filed our case with the Constitutional Court of South Africa, case number CCT 299/21.
Despite the many difficulties that we have faced along the way, we have successfully filed this case.
I would like to thank Dr. Faiez Kirsten for his unwavering commitment to the cause. I would like to thank those more than 8,700 South Africans who have signed our petition, and in so doing, have become co-applicants to the case.
I would like to thank those who have given us financial support. I would like to thank those who have prayed for our success.
I would like to thank my wife for her loyal partnership, for her wavering commitment to the cause of truth, of justice and her service to God.
Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank God in whom we put all our trust.
The case that we have brought to the Constitutional Court is against the president of South Africa, the South African Parliament, and the South African Reserve Bank.
Now, what has the president done wrong? Why have we brought a case against hi?
Well, the president heard claims made by the Chinese government that there was a virus that broke out in Wuhan. And subsequently, the World Health Organization has declared an international or global pandemic. He followed suit. He declared a national disaster in South Africa.
What he has done wrong here is he did not confirm the claim that was made by the Chinese government, or the claim that was made by the World Health Organization, as he should have done before he imposed a lockdown on the South African people.
What the president should have done was to send scientists to China and to ask the Chinese government to provide a pure sample of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, separated and isolated from all other contaminants and substances. Once a scientist was in possession of this pure sample of the SARS-CoV-2, he should have instructed them to infect a living, healthy organism with this pure virus only to see whether it produces the symptoms of Covid-19 — and to see if Covid-19 is indeed as deadly as the Chinese and the World Health Organization claim it to be.
He should have repeated this a few times. After doing so, he should have presented his facts and his information to the people of South Africa, to Parliament. And then he should have declared a national state of disaster.
The president did not do so, therefore he did wrong. The president should have shown the people of South Africa the virus before he declared a national disaster based on the virus. In doing so, the president has contravened the Constitution. He contravened Section 36.1 that says he can only limit the rights of the people of South Africa, the Bill of Rights, if he had reasonable justification and if he shows that reasonable justification to the people of South Africa as in an open and democratic society.
He also failed Section 52.1 of the Constitution that says if you take someone’s rights away then you should provide him information that could help him to understand why his rights have been taken away, or to fight for his rights to be restored. The president simply failed to do so.
What is the case that we have brought against the South African parliament? 
Well, when the president declared the national state of disaster, Parliament went along without any question. That was wrong.
Parliament should’ve called a debate. They should have questioned the president. They should have asked the president to show us the virus before they agreed to support these measures of the lockdown and the national disaster declaration. Parliament failed to do so. That is why they did wrong.
They contravened the Constitution Section 37.1. Parliament should have made sure that there is a real threat to the life and property of the people of South Africa before they went along. Parliament should have made sure, according to Section 22.3, that the president has a reasonable justification for taking away the rights of the people of South Africa — before they agreed to go along.
According to Section 55.2, Parliament should have put all measures in place to find out whether the virus exists and whether it’s dangerous. And whether it’s deadly. Parliament should have asked the president to show us the virus. They had the power to do so, and he would have had no other choice but to answer them.
Parliament has failed the people of South Africa.
The South African Reserve Bank, when they heard the president make a declaration of a national state of disaster, they then funded the president. They instituted financial measures to provide finance for the lockdown measures. That is what the South African Reserve Bank did.
Before they provided such finance, what they should have done was to confirm whether the virus was real, confirm whether the virus was indeed deadly before they agreed to finance the government. They had a responsibility to do this under Section 224.2 of the Constitution. They have a responsibility to act independently without fear or favor. They have failed to do so.
Now we have great evidence against these responses.
To start with, Christine Massey of Canada and many others went around the world and they asked more than 100 laboratories, health laboratories around the world, to show them the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And the answer they got from these laboratories was, no, they cannot show the virus because they don’t have it. More than 100 health laboratories around the world.
The president and the scientists rely on the PCR test in order for them to demonstrate death rates and infection rates. But the inventor of the PCR test method they said that it shouldn’t be used for that. Yet they continue to use it for that.
The inventor of the PCR test method, Dr. Mullis [Kary Mullis, PhD], died shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic. But, luckily for us, that those who know him well, and who have the same expertise as him, have given a sworn testimony to verify and to confirm that he indeed has sent them that these tests should not be used for this. We have sworn testimony to this and we have presented this to the court.
The PCR test has been found unreliable by a Portuguese court. And, in this matter, according to Section 39.1 of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court must consider that Portuguese case. But it makes it’s ruling here. And the Portuguese case ruled that the PCR test is unreliable.
The PCR test is not calibrated to find SARS-CoV-2 based on a pure genetic sample that was taken from a pure sample of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Rather it is based on a computer-generated, genetic sequence.
The NICD [The National Institute for Communicable Diseases] has claimed that it had a photograph of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Now how did they obtain this photograph?
According to their own version, found on their website, the NICD says that it took samples from patients that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 using a PCR test. And then it took those samples and mixed it with green monkey kidney cells amongst other things. And then it took a picture of this mixture and claimed that this picture is a photograph of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Well, it is wrong. One cannot rely on such a picture because all you have is a picture of a mixture.
According to the […] high court in Germany, ruled that when you take samples that are supposedly from infected people of a virus and you mix it with green monkey kidney cells or any other thing, then you cannot rely on such identification of the virus. Because how do you discount the green monkey kidney cells?
And this is exactly what the NICD has done in the supposed photograph. We placed this before the court and the court must consider this as per Section 39.1 of the Constitution.
This is overwhelming evidence that is supported by sworn testimony from scientific experts. Dr. Qureshi from Canada. Dr. […] from the United States, Dr. Corbett from the UK and, of course, the evidence that I have shown you from Christine Massey.
We thank them greatly for providing such sworn testimony to us. In addition to this sworn testimony, we also have incriminating evidence coming out of the mouths of the president, of the speaker of Parliament, and of the Reserve Bank governor themselves.
The president has admitted under oath at the Zondo commission, that his government has people or officials in high office that are captured. He admitted this.
He also said that members of Parliament from the African National Congress are in Parliament because of the party. And they are there to serve the party and represent the party, not the people of South Africa. This is out of his own mouth — sworn testimony.
The former speaker of Parliament Thandi Modise also delivered sworn testimony at the Zondo commission. And she said at the Zondo commission that sometimes members of parliament don’t ask unnecessary questions because they have ambitions of becoming ministers in future.
Thandi Modise did not ask the president to show us the virus. And now Thandi Modise is the Minister of Defense.
The South African Reserve Bank Governor, when he was helping, at the same time that South Africa incurred billions of dollars of debt with the IMF [International Monetary Fund], the South African Reserve Bank Governor was helping the government put together the budget in which this loan was decided upon. And at the same time, he was an advisor to the IMF, the entity to which the South African people would be eventually sold into debt slavery.
He was working for the IMF and he was working with the South African government the same time — benefitting the IMF with this loan and it was eventually taken up. This was a clear conflict of interest. Highly unacceptable. How can we expect that the Reserve Bank would have acted independently without fear or favor in such circumstances, as it should have done, when its governor was so highly conflicted.
As you can see, we have a very, very strong case here against these respondents. And we are asking the court to grant the South African people relief.
And the relief that we are asking from the court is: Number one, for the national state of disaster and all its measures including the lockdown etc. to be declared invalid and to be set aside immediately.
We are asking the court that the Covid-19 budget, or the budget that was decided upon on the 24th of June 2020, in which the South African people incurred, indirectly, a good deal of debt, to fund the lockdown and the national disaster — that that budget must be declared invalid and set aside. And that the South African people must not be responsible for any debt incurred as a result of this unproven pandemic.
We are asking the Constitutional Court that all the respondents be held financially liable personally for all the financial losses suffered by South African people — because of their actions or their failures to act in the correct manner.
Asking the court to hold the South African Reserve Bank liable as an institution, as an organization, because the South African Reserve Bank is the financial authority of the country. So as the financial authority, who acted wrongly in this instance, that the South African Reserve Bank should be held liable financially for all losses suffered by the South African people.
We are asking that all these respondents must resign voluntarily in an orderly manner. We are asking the court to grant the people of South Africa a referendum in which the people of South Africa can have a vote of no confidence in all of these respondents.
We are asking the court that the South African people be granted a referendum where they can decide whether to have a direct presidential election with individual candidates instead of party-based system that we have now, so that we can remedy this conflict of interest and this confusion that ANC party members have — whether they should represent the people or whether they should represent their party. We should have a referendum to solve this matter once and for all.
We are asking the court to grant the people of South Africa a referendum to decide whether we should liquidate the South African Reserve Bank in order to finance all of the financial losses suffered by the people of South Africa because of the failures of the South African Reserve Bank.
We are asking the court to grant the people a referendum so that the people can decide on a metal-based currency and the abolition of interest, to ensure that in future our financial system cannot be manipulated by anyone.
As you have seen here in my explanation for you, that our case is simple, clear and just.
We have faced many difficulties. Some of our witnesses that were supposed to give sworn testimony pulled out under threat, under coercion, under fear.
But we have labored on and we are here. This is a serious time in the history of South Africa and in the history of the world.
I ask all of you who are listening to this video that — should something happen to me — that all those co-applicants have the right to have this case continue to the end, until justice is done.
Please support our efforts. Please support our case. Please pray to God for our success.
As I have said, our case is simple, our case is clear, and our case is just. Thank you very much.


Connect with Show Us the Virus

 See related articles:

Christine Massey Interviewed by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: On FOIA Requests & Responses to the Question — Has SARS-CoV-2 Ever Been Isolated? Does the “Virus” Exist?
SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Proven to Exist: The Shocking Research of Christine Massey
Phantom Virus: In Search of Sars-CoV-2
In Response to Freedom of Information Act Requests: CDC Admits There Is No ‘Gold Standard’ for the Isolation of ANY Virus
The Emperor Has No Corona
Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History” — A Review
Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)
Turning Virology & Modern Medicine on Its Head: Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ Brian Young
The Fraudulent Use of PCR / RT-PCR Techniques for the Manipulation, Harm and, Ultimately, the Destruction of Humanity
The Truth About PCR Tests & the Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic
We Are Being Lied To! Here Is How…
Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on “This Infectious Disease Theater” & the People Behind It
David Icke: Wuhan Lab ‘Virus’ Leak Is a Calculated Diversion From the Simple Truth — There Is No ‘Virus’

Health Freedom Groups Sue Governor Brown and Oregon Health Authority Over Vaccine Mandate

Health Freedom Groups Sue Governor Brown and Oregon Health Authority Over Vaccine Mandate

by Health Freedom Defense Fund
September 29, 2021


Monday, September 27th, 2021, Doctors for Freedom and Health Freedom Defense Fund together with several other named parties sued Governor Kate Brown and the Oregon Health Authority seeking judicial review of the validity of orders mandating experimental, unproven and dangerous COVID-19 shots.

Doctors from across the medical industry have banded together with Health Freedom Defense Fund to fight and stand against extreme governmental overreach forced upon our communities through mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. Both groups steadfastly believe the power to freely choose a medical treatment rests solely with the individual.

In addition, both the US Code of Federal Regulations and international treaties such as the Nuremberg Code and the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights recognize that the ethical practice of medicine requires voluntary informed consent.

“The right to bodily autonomy is the most sacred of human rights,” said Health Freedom Defense Fund president Leslie Manookian, “and no government official has the power or authority to force an unwanted, unneeded, medical intervention on any person, period. That some government officials believe it is their right should concern every American.”

Because of Governor Brown’s abuse of emergency powers our patients, medical support staff, and even doctors ourselves are being coerced into taking a risky medication. Taking the COVID-19 vaccine amounts to undergoing a medical procedure with unknown long-term effects.

This overreach violates our constitutional rights as Americans and as Oregonians — rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness — and unjustly tramples the basic human right of bodily autonomy.

“In an attempt to coerce universal COVID-19 vaccination, the governor of Oregon is holding hostage our businesses, our professional licenses, in short, our livelihoods — forcing us to choose between complying with a medical treatment or losing our jobs and our ability to provide for our families,” said a spokesperson for Doctors for Freedom.

  • We will not allow the government to override the rights of our patients, our employees, and or ourselves to make individual medical choices.
  • We will not allow the government of Oregon to take advantage of the trust we have from individuals in our local communities by making us — as business owners and doctors — enforce this unconstitutional assault on individual freedom.

As doctors we have taken an oath to solemnly serve and protect our patients — above all, to do no harm. The individuals in Doctors for Freedom are taking a stand against Governor Brown’s negligent and immoral abuse of power:

Our ability to care for and humbly serve our communities is made possible by the trust of the people who seek care at our practices. We will not allow the government of Oregon, or any other entity, to abuse that trust. It is our duty to stand between those who attempt to coerce our patients and staff. It is our duty to protect the rights of those whom we serve.

We, as doctors and leaders of our communities, demand that Governor Brown revoke the mandatory vaccination order and cease and desist the State’s interference in the medical choices of our patients and staff.

See the Petition for Judicial Review here and the Emergency Motion to Stay here.

Doctors for Freedom is a group of Oregon medical providers that stand for and have taken an oath to protect the people’s individual medical autonomy in the communities we serve.

Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF) seeks to rectify health injustice through education, advocacy and legal challenges to unjust mandates, laws and policies.


Connect with Health Freedom Defense Fund

cover image credit: WilliamCho / pixabay

The Testimonies Project: Silenced by the Media & Government, Brave Israelis Share Stories of Severe Adverse Reactions & Deaths Following the Covid Vax Injection

The Testimonies Project: Silenced by the Media & Government, Brave Israelis Share Stories of Severe Adverse Reactions & Deaths Following the Covid Vax Injection


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Avital, a courageous mother of two, took on the project of giving a voice to Israelis who have been seriously harmed or killed as a result of receiving the Pfizer Covid vaccine. A link to her website is found at the bottom of this post. Israelis who have been injured or have had family members die due to these toxic experimental injections can share their testimonies here.


“Hello. My name is Avital and I’m a mother of two boys. 
In the past months I’ve been hearing about more and more people I know who experienced severe adverse effects shortly after receiving the Pfizer shot. I also noticed that no news company, journalist, reporter or anyone investigated these events thoroughly and published the data.
Then they started administering this experimental vaccine to our children. That’s when I decided to take on this task.
I read thousands of testimonies and spoke with hundreds of people. Most of them, due to the hostility around this subject, were afraid to be exposed.
Eventually, I was able to reach the brave ones who agreed to be exposed. Here are their testimonies.”
~ Avital, creator of The Testimonies Project


 The Testimonies Project: The Movie

by The Testimonies Project
September 28, 2021


The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media.

We hope this project will encourage more and more people to tell their story.

Original video available at Rumble.

[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]


Connect with The Testimonies Project

Israelis, share your testimonies here

cover image credit: Counselling / pixabay

In 2015 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad Warned Against Planned Global Genocide by Elites: “The Peace That We Will Get From This Is the Peace of the Graveyard.”

In 2015 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad Warned Against Planned Global Genocide by Elites: “The Peace That We Will Get From This Is the Peace of the Graveyard.”


Flashback: Former Malaysian Prime Minister Warned -‘Elites Want to Reduce World Population to 1 Billion’

by Haley Kennington, RAIR Foundation
September 29, 2021


The globalist left has seized upon a new weapon to impose their agenda: the coronavirus pandemic.

At a March 9th, 2015 International Conference titled “The New World Order – A Recipe of War or Peace!” Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned that the ‘Elites want to reduce the world population to 1 Billion’ and will go to any length necessary to achieve their goal.

Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

The conference was held at Putrajaya International Convention Center in Putrajaya, Malaysia, organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF). PM Mohamad stated that the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (or TPPA) is a strategy lead by the United States to dominate the world economy. Several guest speakers focused on borderless trade and globalization being used to usher in a one-world government.

“Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, nations, and bodies but instead have only a one-world government. And that world government is to be by certain people, elites. People who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or the choice of leaders, instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world. And for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishment,” Dr. Mahathir explained.

“And the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the New World Order has annunciated, the population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There would be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world.”

Mahathir served as Malaysia’s prime minister from July 1981 to October 2003 and from May 2018 to March 2020.

Dr. Mahathir also warned that the one-world government would not hesitate to invade and take over sovereign states to reach their goals.

Vehicles for Globalism

Wealthy, powerful elites have long fantasized about presiding over a global government, where they have complete power over citizens. It’s speculated that the United Nation’s own Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been used as the elite’s blueprint to depopulate the world.

The following propaganda video, produced by the left-wing organization Population Matters, claims most of the world’s challenges today are because of its dense population. We, humans, are the problem, and there are too many of us.

“Have smaller families.”

Mass, forced migration to the West promoted by multilateral organizations, left-wing governments, and organizations has been another vehicle for erasing borders. But as citizens push back against unvetted and potentially dangerous people flooding their countries, the globalist left has seized upon a new weapon to impose their agenda: the coronavirus pandemic.

Are Coronavirus Vaccines Part of the Depopulation Agenda?

Many believe what we see today with the coronavirus injections is the elite’s brazen attempt yet to decrease the world population. One of the most prominent advocates of the new coronavirus injections is tech billionaire Bill Gates.

Gates has had an unhealthy fascination, if not an outright obsession with depopulation, for decades.

Not only is Gates involved in the development of the new experimental injections, but he has stated that global warming is caused by too many humans living on the planet, advocated for a carbon tax, and recently purchased hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland.

In 2009, “The Good Club” comprised of well-known members such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Ted Turner, and David Rockefeller met to discuss how best to eliminate overpopulation and increase birth control, all in the guise of philanthropy. The group’s members are collectively worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

During a 2010 TEDTalk, Gates spoke about how introducing vaccines could help lower human’s CO2 output saying:

If we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Family Planning services (i.e., abortion, birth control, infertility) we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.

Gates’ interest in controlling the world’s population stemmed from his father, who was “pivotal in shaping his son’s world view” and sat on the board of Planned Parenthood for several years.

Planned Parenthood began as a eugenicist dream of Margaret Sanger to eliminate certain races from the population. It’s hard to ignore this connection. Know who else had a fascination with eugenics? Hitler.

“If you gave me only one wish for the next 50 years, I could pick who’s president;
I could pick the vaccine, which is something I love…”

Today’s “elite” are all but untouchable. When you have so much money that you own doctors, scientists, scientific papers and journals, the media, etc., it’s hard to imagine your average person being able to sift through the misinformation and propaganda being pushed on them. So instead, they’re willing to put themselves at risk by taking an experimental injection that hasn’t been thoroughly tested-all for the “greater good.”


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cover image credit: The Iran Project

How They TRIED AND FAILED to Stop a Freedom Rally in Melbourne

How They TRIED AND FAILED to Stop a Freedom Rally in Melbourne

by Avi Yemini, Rebel News
September 28, 2021


On the 18th of September, the government shut down Victoria’s entire public transport network into Melbourne’s CBD to stop lockdown protesters from rallying.

The unprecedented move failed miserably.

Thousands still managed to make their way to the protest, overwhelming police once again.


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Catherine Austin Fitts & Rocco Galati on the Global Financial Coup, Forced Changes in All Governments & the Assault on Human Freedom

Catherine Austin Fitts & Rocco Galati on the Global Financial Coup, Forced Changes in All Governments & the Assault on Human Freedom

by Vaccine Choice Canada
September 28, 2021


Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels.


Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.

Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.

Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.

Rocco Galati is Executive Director (Founder) and Director of Tax and other Civil Litigation for Constitutional Rights Centre in Canada.

The Constitutional Rights Centre is established as a private corporation whose sole mission and aim(s) are the protection, defence, enforcement, and enhancement of constitutional rights, and the supremacy of the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, without government funding, interference, or influence whatsoever.

The CRC’s mission is, on one hand, to challenge unconstitutional excess of the state, and on the other, to challenge the state’s abdication or abandonment of constitutional duty.

Catherine Austin Fitts’ The Solari Report:

Rocco Galati:


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Freedom Takes Center Stage in the Heartland

Freedom Takes Center Stage in the Heartland

by Del Bigtree, The HighWire
September 27, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Last week Del joined some of the country’s most prolific Medical Freedom Advocates on stage in Kansas City at the “Freedom Revival in the Heartland” event. Take a look at just some of the most powerful moments.

#FreedomRevivalInTheHeartland #Kansas #TheHighwire #DelBigtree #HW234


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COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?

COVID-19 Detention Camps: Are Government Round-Ups of Resistors in Our Future?

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute
September 28, 2021


“No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.”—Albert Speer, Nuremberg Trials

It’s no longer a question of whether the government will lock up Americans for defying its mandates but when.

This is what we know: the government has the means, the muscle and the motivation to detain individuals who resist its orders and do not comply with its mandates in a vast array of prisons, detention centers, and FEMA concentration camps paid for with taxpayer dollars.

It’s just a matter of time.

It no longer matters what the hot-button issue might be (vaccine mandates, immigration, gun rights, abortion, same-sex marriage, healthcare, criticizing the government, protesting election results, etc.) or which party is wielding its power like a hammer.

The groundwork has already been laid.

Under the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the President and the military can detain and imprison American citizens with no access to friends, family or the courts if the government believes them to be a terrorist.

So it should come as no surprise that merely criticizing the government or objecting to a COVID-19 vaccine could get you labeled as a terrorist.

After all, it doesn’t take much to be considered a terrorist anymore, especially given that the government likes to use the words “anti-government,” “extremist” and “terrorist” interchangeably.

For instance, the Department of Homeland Security broadly defines extremists as individuals, military veterans and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely.”

Military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan may also be characterized as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats by the government because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

Indeed, if you believe in and exercise your rights under the Constitution (namely, your right to speak freely, worship freely, associate with like-minded individuals who share your political views, criticize the government, own a weapon, demand a warrant before being questioned or searched, or any other activity viewed as potentially anti-government, racist, bigoted, anarchic or sovereign), you could be at the top of the government’s terrorism watch list.

Moreover, as a New York Times editorial warns, you may be an anti-government extremist (a.k.a. domestic terrorist) in the eyes of the police if you are afraid that the government is plotting to confiscate your firearms, if you believe the economy is about to collapse and the government will soon declare martial law, or if you display an unusual number of political and/or ideological bumper stickers on your car.

According to the FBI, you might also be classified as a domestic terrorism threat if you espouse conspiracy theories or dare to subscribe to any views that are contrary to the government’s.

The government also has a growing list—shared with fusion centers and law enforcement agencies—of ideologies, behaviors, affiliations and other characteristics that could flag someone as suspicious and result in their being labeled potential enemies of the state.

This is what happens when you not only put the power to determine who is a potential danger in the hands of government agencies, the courts and the police but also give those agencies liberal authority to lock individuals up for perceived wrongs.

It’s a system just begging to be abused by power-hungry bureaucrats desperate to retain their power at all costs.

It’s happened before.

As history shows, the U.S. government is not averse to locking up its own citizens for its own purposes.

One need only go back to the 1940s, when the federal government proclaimed that Japanese-Americans, labeled potential dissidents, could be put in concentration (a.k.a. internment) camps based only upon their ethnic origin, to see the lengths the federal government will go to in order to maintain “order” in the homeland.

The U.S. Supreme Court validated the detention program in Korematsu v. US (1944), concluding that the government’s need to ensure the safety of the country trumped personal liberties.

Although that Korematsu decision was never formally overturned, Chief Justice Roberts opined in Trump v. Hawaii (2018) that “the forcible relocation of U. S. citizens to concentration camps, solely and explicitly on the basis of race, is objectively unlawful and outside the scope of Presidential authority.”

Roberts’ statements provide little assurance of safety in light of the government’s tendency to sidestep the rule of law when it suits its purposes. Pointing out that such blatantly illegal detentions could happen again—with the blessing of the courts—Justice Scalia once warned, “In times of war, the laws fall silent.”

In fact, the creation of detention camps domestically has long been part of the government’s budget and operations, falling under the jurisdiction of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FEMA’s murky history dates back to the 1970s, when President Carter created it by way of an executive order merging many of the government’s disaster relief agencies into one large agency.

During the 1980s, however, reports began to surface of secret military-type training exercises carried out by FEMA and the Department of Defense. Code named Rex-84, 34 federal agencies, including the CIA and the Secret Service, were trained on how to deal with domestic civil unrest.

FEMA’s role in creating top-secret American internment camps is well-documented.

But be careful who you share this information with: it turns out that voicing concerns about the existence of FEMA detention camps is among the growing list of opinions and activities which may make a federal agent or government official think you’re an extremist (a.k.a. terrorist), or sympathetic to terrorist activities, and thus qualify you for indefinite detention under the NDAA. Also included in that list of “dangerous” viewpoints are advocating states’ rights, believing the state to be unnecessary or undesirable, “conspiracy theorizing,” concern about alleged FEMA camps, opposition to war, organizing for “economic justice,” frustration with “mainstream ideologies,” opposition to abortion, opposition to globalization, and ammunition stockpiling.

Now if you’re going to have internment camps on American soil, someone has to build them.

Thus, in 2006, it was announced that Kellogg Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton, had been awarded a $385 million contract to build American detention facilities. Although the government and Halliburton were not forthcoming about where or when these domestic detention centers would be built, they rationalized the need for them in case of “an emergency influx of immigrants, or to support the rapid development of new programs” in the event of other emergencies such as “natural disasters.”

Of course, these detention camps will have to be used for anyone viewed as a threat to the government, and that includes political dissidents.

So it’s no coincidence that the U.S. government has, since the 1980s, acquired and maintained, without warrant or court order, a database of names and information on Americans considered to be threats to the nation.

As Salon reports, this database, reportedly dubbed “Main Core,” is to be used by the Army and FEMA in times of national emergency or under martial law to locate and round up Americans seen as threats to national security. There are at least 8 million Americans in the Main Core database.

Fast forward to 2009, when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released two reports, one on “Rightwing Extremism,” which broadly defines rightwing extremists as individuals and groups “that are mainly antigovernment, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely,” and one on “Leftwing Extremism,” which labeled environmental and animal rights activist groups as extremists.

Incredibly, both reports use the words terrorist and extremist interchangeably.

That same year, the DHS launched Operation Vigilant Eagle, which calls for surveillance of military veterans returning from Iraq, Afghanistan and other far-flung places, characterizing them as extremists and potential domestic terrorist threats because they may be “disgruntled, disillusioned or suffering from the psychological effects of war.”

These reports indicate that for the government, so-called extremism is not a partisan matter. Anyone seen as opposing the government—whether they’re Left, Right or somewhere in between—is a target, which brings us back, full circle, to the question of whether the government will exercise the power it claims to possess to detain anyone perceived as a threat, i.e., anyone critical of the government.

The short answer is: yes.

The longer answer is more complicated.

Despite what some may think, the Constitution is no magical incantation against government wrongdoing. Indeed, it’s only as effective as those who abide by it.

However, without courts willing to uphold the Constitution’s provisions when government officials disregard it and a citizenry knowledgeable enough to be outraged when those provisions are undermined, it provides little to no protection against SWAT team raids, domestic surveillance, police shootings of unarmed citizens, indefinite detentions, and the like.

Frankly, the courts and the police have meshed in their thinking to such an extent that anything goes when it’s done in the name of national security, crime fighting and terrorism.

Consequently, America no longer operates under a system of justice characterized by due process, an assumption of innocence, probable cause and clear prohibitions on government overreach and police abuse. Instead, our courts of justice have been transformed into courts of order, advocating for the government’s interests, rather than championing the rights of the citizenry, as enshrined in the Constitution.

We seem to be coming full circle on many fronts.

Consider that two decades ago we were debating whether non-citizens—for example, so-called enemy combatants being held at Guantanamo Bay and Muslim-Americans rounded up in the wake of 9/11—were entitled to protections under the Constitution, specifically as they relate to indefinite detention. Americans weren’t overly concerned about the rights of non-citizens then, and now we’re the ones in the unenviable position of being targeted for indefinite detention by our own government.

Similarly, most Americans weren’t unduly concerned when the U.S. Supreme Court gave Arizona police officers the green light to stop, search and question anyone—ostensibly those fitting a particular racial profile—they suspect might be an illegal immigrant. A decade later, the cops largely have carte blanche authority to stop any individual, citizen and non-citizen alike, they suspect might be doing something illegal (mind you, in this age of overcriminalization, that could be anything from feeding the birds to growing exotic orchids).

Likewise, you still have a sizeable portion of the population today unconcerned about the government’s practice of spying on Americans, having been brainwashed into believing that if you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.

It will only be a matter of time before they learn the hard way that in a police state, it doesn’t matter who you are or how righteous you claim to be, because eventually, you will be lumped in with everyone else and everything you do will be “wrong” and suspect.

Indeed, it’s happening already, with police relying on surveillance software such as ShadowDragon to watch people’s social media and other website activity, whether or not they suspected of a crime, and potentially use it against them when the need arises.

It turns out that we are Soylent Green, being cannibalized by a government greedily looking to squeeze every last drop out of us.

The 1973 film Soylent Green, starring Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson, is set in 2022 in an overpopulated, polluted, starving New York City whose inhabitants depend on synthetic foods manufactured by the Soylent Corporation for survival.

Heston plays a policeman investigating a murder who discovers the grisly truth about the primary ingredient in the wafer, Soylent Green, which is the principal source of nourishment for a starved population. “It’s people. Soylent Green is made out of people,” declares Heston’s character. “They’re making our food out of people. Next thing they’ll be breeding us like cattle for food.”

Oh, how right he was.

Soylent Green is indeed people or, in our case, Soylent Green is our own personal data, repossessed, repackaged and used by corporations and the government to entrap us in prisons of our own making.

Without constitutional protections in place to guard against encroachments on our rights when power, technology and militaristic governance converge, it won’t be long before we find ourselves, much like Edward G. Robinson’s character in Soylent Green, looking back on the past with longing, back to an age where we could speak to whom we wanted, buy what we wanted, think what we wanted, and go where we wanted without those thoughts, words and movements being tracked, processed and stored by corporate giants such as Google, sold to government agencies such as the NSA and CIA, and used against us by militarized police with their army of futuristic technologies.

We’re not quite there yet, but as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, that moment of reckoning is getting closer by the minute.


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cover image credit: music4life / pixabay

‘Don’t Be Bullied’ About Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Say Billboards in Several States

‘Don’t Be Bullied’ About Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots Say Billboards in Several States

by Adam Dick, Ron Paul Institute
September 27, 2021


People driving around the Texas cities of Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas over the last few days have seen new billboards along major highways encouraging them to resist the incessant bullying from politicians, media, schools, businesses, and employers related to the experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots.

The huge billboards declare the messages “Make an Informed Choice!” and “DON’T BE BULLIED.” The billboards also display the image of a gloved hand holding a vial labeled “COVID 19 Coronavirus Vaccine.”

Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) put up the billboards recently in Texas. CCHF had put up similar billboards in Idaho, Minnesota, and Wisconsin before it announced, on August 25, its billboards public outreach effort. In its press release announcing the billboards public outreach effort, CCHF declared it had “the intent of raising awareness and building resistance to the vaccination mandates that are currently being used as an effort to coerce Americans into submitting to the ‘jab’.”

More power to CCHF in its effort to directly communicate a contrary view to people who are relentlessly bombarded with propaganda promoting not just the taking of experimental coronavirus vaccines, but the imposing of vaccine passports and vaccine mandates as well. The big money media and social media, acting like bullies, seek to prevent people from hearing the arguments that counter the propaganda. It is thus important for people trying to counter the propaganda to use alternative means, billboards among them, to circumvent the information gatekeepers.

In Texas, newspaper and TV station news stories about the new billboards have predictably used the “reporting” to condemn the billboards’ message while again trumpeting the party line on the experimental coronavirus vaccine shots. Bullying, indeed.


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Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports After Being Told MORE Shots Needed to Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’

Israelis Rise Up Against Vaccine Passports After Being Told MORE Shots Needed to Be Considered ‘Fully Vaccinated’
It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’

by Steve Watson, Summit News
September 27, 2021


Protests have finally erupted in Israel as it has slowly dawned on people there that the goalposts for vaccine passports keep being shifted by the government.

It is now expected to be announced that at least FOUR vaccinations will be needed to be considered ‘fully vaccinated’ and able to engage in society.

Over the weekend marches took place in the streets of Tel Aviv against the so called ‘Green Pass’:

Predictably, the media labeled the protesters ‘right wing extremists’ and anti-vaxxers:

As we recently noted, despite over 61 per cent of its population being fully vaccinated and having implemented a vaccine passport system, the Israeli Health Ministry has expressed concern about the fact that a recent downtrend in COVID-19 infections is reversing, potentially surpassing any levels previously seen.

Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz was caught on a hot mic admitting that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine and not for medical reasons.


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CJ Hopkins on “The World That We’re Actually Living In and the Forces at Play”

CJ Hopkins on “The World That We’re Actually Living In and the Forces at Play”


“We need to begin to understand the world that we’re actually living in and the forces at play.”


“You can watch the machine at work if you’re paying attention.”


“You have to be aware that it is a narrative that is being constructed.”


 COVID19/11 – CJ Hopkins
Episode Twelve of Narratives Interwined

by OffGuardian
September 27, 2021


COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.

The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.

Episode Twelve of Narratives Intertwined features award-winning author, playwright and political satirist CJ Hopkins.

CJ’s plays have been performed all over the world from Adelaide to Atlanta and have won numerous awards. His political and satirical columns have been published on Consent Factory, ZeroHedge, OffGuardian, Counterpunch and many more. He’s also the author of the essay compilations Trumpocalypse and The War on Populism as well as the dystopian novel Zone 23.

In his interview CJ discusses his early awakening to the existence of the Deep State, his experience of being in New York on 9/11, the red flags he saw from the very earliest days of the “pandemic” and more.

You can read CJ’s political satire at Consent Factory and his other work at his website

Video available at OffGuardian Odysee channel.

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China: Crypto-Currencies Are Illegal

China: Crypto-Currencies Are Illegal

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
September 27, 2021


This one was spotted by P.T., and it’s in that rare “whopper-doozie” category of articles, so we’ll get straight to it: China has just made all crypto-currencies illegal, according to this article from Zero Hedge:

China Declares All Virtual Currency Transactions “Illegal”, Sending Crypto Prices Tumbling

As the article notes, the action comes as part of a concerted campaign under way in Communist China to ban crypto-“currencies”:

The statement is the culmination of years of failed crackdowns on cryptos and is nothing new for the authoritarian state. In 2013, the country ordered third-party payment providers to stop using bitcoin. Chinese authorities put a stop to token sales in 2017 and banned crypto exchanges from operating within its borders in 2019 but individuals in the country continued to find ways to trade bitcoin and other digital currencies via over-the-counter or peer-to-peer transactions. More recently, the country banned all crypto mining, which however only prompted miners to shift offshore.

But this ban is more extensive and the reason for it is telling:

Naming bitcoin, ether and tether as examples, the central bank said cryptocurrencies are issued by nonmonetary authorities, use encryption technologies and exist in digital form and should not be circulated and used in the market as currencies. The PBOC specifically targeted overseas cryptocurrency exchanges declaring that it was illegal for them to provide online services to residents in China.

In other words, cryptos are threatening the money monopoly of the Chinese central bank. So far, so good, for the action of China’s central bank appear simply to repeat the arguments  made by crypto advocates that cryptos are the way to end central bank money monopolies.

However, I cannot help but think there are much deeper reasons behind the move, and a hint – and it’s a whopper doozie of  hint – occurs later in the article:

This latest harsh directive, which sent Bitcoin dropping over 8% on Friday, comes as global markets have grown increasingly concerned over a debt crisis involving property developer China Evergrande Group, and which many speculated would lead to a surge in capital outflows via cryptos that bypass China’s great firewall. The Chinese government may also be responding to signs that miners are disguising their activities to stay in business according to Bloomberg.

It was unclear what prompted the latest crackdown, however one theory is that it’s part of a broader law-and-order push ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party this year. Another more likely theory is that China is aggressively clearing the runway for its very own digital yuan, a central bank digital currency that’s been in development since 2014, and whose market reception has been catastrophic so far.

The most likely reason behind the crackdown is that Beijing is simply looking to stem capital outflows via stablecoins and cryptocurrencies. As a reminder, tether remains one of the preferred conduits for Chinese resident to launder over $1 trillion in domestic currency abroad. And with turmoil emerging from the Evergrande default and imminent deterioration in the property sector, it is inevitable that Beijing is fearing a new flood of outbound capital transfers will follow so it is taking preemptive steps. (Boldface emphasis added)

There you have it; in essence, the speculation – which I share – is that Communist China is trying to stem an exodus of capital – of liquidity – from the country via crypto currencies in the wake of the Evergrande difficulties, and as part of a crackdown that has been under way in the past few years with the ascendancy of Mr. Xi. In other words, the crackdown is, in part, a possible response to the Evergrande problems. In articles I’ve seen, Evergrande’s junk bonds exposure is anywhere from  $300 to $500 billion, and with such wide variances, I strongly suspect it’s much larger, and that its exposure is such to include other large Chinese real estate and investment firms. Then recall that story from about a year ago of Chinese investment firms collateralizing loans with gold, which gold turned out to be gold-plated tungsten bars. And now we have the suggestion that cryptos are somehow connected to the Evergrande problem.

This speculation — which once again I’m willing to entertain – suggests that some of Evergrande’s exposure is precisely in the form of crypto-currencies, and if that be the case, it also suggests that somewhere in the mix, one might be looking at state actors disguised as crypto-traders, waging a liquidity war against that country with cryptos being the vehicle of choice to launder money out of the country.

Interestingly enough, this comes at the time the American Fed is being considered for a vast expansion of its powers in bills before the Congress, bills essentially defining a digital dollar crypto as legal tender.

My bet? We’re just seeing the beginning of this story…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: iAmMrRob / pixabay

Unforeseen Circumstances, The Fawn Fire, Northern California

Unforeseen Circumstances, The Fawn Fire, Northern California

Dane Wigington,
September 26, 2021


Wildfire roulette continues to take a terrible toll in Northern California. The climate engineering cabal has relentlessly cut of the flow of moisture into much of the US West. Ionosphere heater induced high pressure heat domes and constant jet sprayed aerosol dispersions are core to the equation. The Fawn Fire is the latest of numerous forest incinerations to occur in the vicinity of my habitat preserve and off-grid home.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​


Connect with Dane Wigington

Dr. José Luis Sevillano on How Graphene Oxide Triggers Arrhythmias

Dr. José Luis Sevillano on How Graphene Oxide Triggers Arrhythmias

by Orwellito, Orwell City
September 26, 2021


Dr. José Luis Sevillano explained how graphene oxide intervenes in the electrical fields of cardiac tissues, eventually generating arrhythmias. Especially in athletes and people who practice sports intensely or for long periods.

He also mentions how the presence of electromagnetic fields worsens the situation and may cause sudden death.

All the details of the phenomenon brought to English by Orwell City, below.

Video available at Orwellito Rumble channel.


Ricardo Delgado: José Luis, very good evening.

Dr. Sevillano: Good evening.

Ricardo Delgado: We were saying in the introduction that we have seen… Well, the program of La Quinta Columna, unfortunately, is becoming a string of… A list of obituaries.

Today we have read news about at least nine cyclists aged 40, 21, and 24, some professional and others amateur. But they’re news of athletes who die suddenly. In a couple of cases, we have even corroborated the environmental theory in a very concrete way. They’re cases in which these people have died right in front of an antenna.

With this, it’s also understandable that now people are trying to justify that sport deteriorates the heart when we have always been told the opposite. It was bombproof for heart attacks. Practicing some sports, as long as it was not too much, worked the cardiovascular system. You lowered your resting heart rate. That was what we knew. But we have the feeling that they’re going to change the little science we knew as accurate. They’re going to change it according to their interests, which is what they have always been doing.

Dr. Sevillano: No doubt about it.

I have the feeling that graphene in cardiac conduction tissue is a trigger for arrhythmias. It’s as if you were carrying a kind of strange pacemaker that, as you excite it when you do sport, you increase the energy it’s capable of eject. And, in the end, it ends up generating deadly arrhythmias. That’s the role of graphene in athletes.

That’s, as you speed up your heart, the graphene gets excited and generates more impulses. So it’s creating, in any focus of the heart, a place where an arrhythmia is going to be generated. That’s what is killing young sportspeople. Those aren’t heart attacks. There may be some, though. We have already seen some images.

But in general, those sudden deaths where there is no chest pain or anything that announces them are arrythmias. And are surely caused by graphene impregnating the cardiac conduction tissue and the myocardial tissue. That’s to say, this must generate foci that, instead of respecting the, let’s say, the rhythm imposed by nature through the logical structures of the heart, are generating foci of arrhythmia.

The moment you excite the graphene, you start to generate activity. You start to increase and increase the body temperature. And, in addition, you’re increasing the intracardiac activity at the electrical level, and the polarization of myocytes, and the depolarization of the conduction tissue. As you increase the energy, the graphene becomes excited and, in turn, generates abnormal impulses that, at some point, take over from the normal impulse. That’s what is killing people.

That’s why they tell us, ‘Be careful. Don’t do sports.’ ‘Don’t do sports,’ because they have realized that whoever does sports is subject to sudden death. And if there are too many cases, people are going to start getting upset. That’s why they’re telling you, ‘Don’t play sports. Be still.’ Because they’re telling you that to mask it. Then, you’re going to die at any moment without doing sport. What they don’t want is for you to look for the cause. Because if you look for it, you find it. But the thing is…

Ricardo Delgado: José Luis, endurance sports, such as cycling and marathons, are the ones where there’s more cardiovascular activity.

Dr. Sevillano: The longer you’re saturating, that’s, activating your heart, the more likely it’s that graphene affects you. A marathon runner or athletes such as cyclists remain active for long periods. They ride a bike, or they spend a lot of time running. And the longer they stay active, the more likely they’re to generate an arrhythmia. But another person is also going to develop it. Another person who’s walking at an average pace down the street.

Ricardo Delgado: That’s what I was going to tell you. For a 70-year-old person, doing sport consists of a morning walk.

Dr. Sevillano: A morning walk. Exactly. Keep in mind that… To these people, add… To the caloric or electrical activity of their heart when their activity is increased, add the fact that they pass in front of an antenna, for example. What increases even more the… This is a question of energies. Graphene multiplies them. And when you are the one who increases your body temperature by exercise, and you also increase the electrical activity, there are more impulses per second. You’re generating more energy capacity in your anatomical structures. And graphene receives all that energy. If you also add an antenna, as it accumulates energy, it releases it. Graphene doesn’t keep anything. It picks it up and sends it out.

Then, as you increase your capacity to generate energy through exercise, and if you also stay close to one of these antennas, the energy will come out somewhere. The problem is that if the energy comes out through the heart, the heart makes arrhythmias. It’s prepared not to make them, but if you add a magneto-electric toxin, bye-bye.

Its entire structure depends on the proper functioning of the conduction tissue that will generate cadential electrical impulses at a specific rhythm with structures that, if one fails, another takes over, and then another. Until, in the end, if none of them works, it is the heart that takes over at 40 impulses per second. But of course, the heart… I mean the mass, the myocardium, the muscle mass.

But of course, if you add a toxicant… In whatever grouping there’s of toxicant in some particular point where it has accumulated more than in another, that’s where the impulses are being generated. And that will create the disorder, the disaster: the mortal arrhythmia.

If you have comments or information for La Quinta Columna, then you can refer to their official website. Follow them on their official channels on TelegramInstagramYoutube and Twitch. If you want to contact directly, send them a message to: Don’t worry about the language barrier, they understand English and French.


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cover image credit: Pexels / pixabay

One Year on Since the Farm Laws – India’s Farmers’ Struggle Set to Intensify

One Year on Since the Farm Laws – India’s Farmers’ Struggle Set to Intensify

by Colin Todhunter, Global Research
September 22, 2021



It is now one year since controversial farm bills were passed into law in India in September 2020. The  three bills and the subsequent legislation have triggered a massive 15-month farmers’ protest that has attracted worldwide attention and support.

Farmers, farmers’ unions and their representatives demand that the laws be repealed and state that they will not accept a compromise. Farmers’ leaders welcomed the Supreme Court of India stay order on the implementation of the farm laws in January 2021 which remains in effect. However, based on more than 10 rounds of talks between farmers representatives and the government, it seems that the ruling administration will not back down.

In November 2020, a nationwide general strike took place in support of the farmers and in that month around 300,000 farmers marched from the states of Punjab and Haryana to Delhi for what leaders called a “decisive battle” with the central government.

But as the farmers reached the capital, most were stopped by barricades, dug up roads, water cannons, baton charges and barbed wire erected by police. The farmers set up camps along five major roads, building makeshift tents with a view to staying for months if their demands were not met.

Today, thousands of farmers remain camped at various points on the border. They have been there for nine months throughout the cold, the rain and the searing heat. In late March 2021, it was estimated that there were around 40,000 protestors camped at Singhu and Tikri at the Delhi border.

On 26 January, India’s Republic Day, tens of thousands of farmers held a farmer’s parade with a large convoy of tractors and drove into Delhi.

In September 2021, tens of thousands of farmers attended a rally in the city of Muzaffarnagar in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh (UP). Hundreds of thousands more turned out for other rallies in the state.

These huge gatherings come ahead of important polls in 2022 in UP, India’s most populous state with 200 million people and governed by Prime Minister Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). In the 2017 assembly polls, the BJP won 325 out of a total of 403 seats.

Speaking at the rally in Muzaffarnagar, farmers’ leader Rakesh Tikait stated:

“We take a pledge that we’ll not leave the protest site there (around Delhi) even if our graveyard is made there. We will lay down our lives if needed but will not leave the protest site until we emerge victorious.”

Tikait also attacked the Modi-led government for:

“… selling the country to corporates… We have to stop the country from getting sold. Farmers should be saved; the country should be saved.”

Farmers’ leaders are now calling for a nationwide general strike on 27 September.

Police brutality, the smearing of protesters by certain prominent media commentators and politicians, the illegal detention of protesters and clampdowns on free speech (journalists arrested, social media accounts closed, shutting down internet services) have been symptomatic of officialdom’s approach to the farmers’ struggle which itself has been defined by resilience, resoluteness and restraint.

But it is not as though the farmers’ struggle arose overnight. Indian agriculture has been deliberately starved of government support for decades and has resulted in a well-documented agrarian – even civilisation – crisis. What we are currently seeing is the result of injustices and neglect coming to a head as foreign agricapital (facilitated by the government’s farm laws) tries to impose its neoliberal ‘final solution’ on Indian agriculture.

A year on from the farm bills being passed into law, readers can access my articles on the farmers’ struggle below, which discuss the significance of the farm legislation, who is behind these laws, who will benefit and who will lose out. They also describe the implications for cultivators and the more than 60% of the nation’s population who rely on agriculture for a living as well as the health, social and economic consequences of displacing an indigenous agrifood system with one dominated by global players.

The farmers’ struggle represents a battle for the heart and soul of the nation and its future.


The illustration that accompanies this article was created by artist Isa Esasi and is based on a photograph by Ravi Choudhary, a photojournalist with the Press Trust of India (PTI), which went viral in November 2020. The original image showed a paramilitary policeman raising his baton and about to bring it down on an elderly Sikh farmer.

Source: Isa Esasi

Despite claims that the photo was ‘fake’ and attempts to discredit it, not least by Amit Malviya, head of the BJP’s IT cell, India-based Boom, which describes itself as “an independent digital journalism initiative with a mission to fight misinformation”, tracked down Sukhdev Singh, the farmer in the photograph, and interviewed him. The farmer was targeted by two security personnel and he sustained injuries to his forearm, back and leg.

Articles on the farmers’ protest


Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture. He is a Researh Associate of the Centre for Globalization in Montreal.


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cover image credit:  Isa Esasi, sourced from Global Research

How the CDC Creates Mandates

How the CDC Creates Mandates

by JP Sears, AwakenWithJP
September 24, 2021



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Caring Corrupted — The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich

Caring Corrupted — The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich

by OffGuardian
September 24, 2021


Cizik School of Nursing has created a REMI Platinum Award-winning documentary film that tells the grim cautionary tale of nurses who participated in the Holocaust and abandoned their professional ethics during the Nazi era.

The 56-minute film, Caring Corrupted: the Killing Nurses of the Third Reich, casts a harsh light on nurses who used their professional skills to murder the handicapped, mentally ill and infirm at the behest of the Third Reich and directly participated in genocide.

It’s important to remember that the Holocaust did not start with trains and camps and barbed wire. It started with mentally disabled children who had “no real quality of life”, being put down in state hospitals.

It started with euthanasia and eugenics, from medical professionals who either genuinely believed (or had been brainwashed by propaganda) that what they were doing the right thing. Protecting the nation’s gene pool. Saving the disabled from lives of suffering. Preserving the state by removing people who would only ever be a burden.

Doctors and nurses took part in that, and worse.

Eugenics evolved into medical “research” of callousness and cruelty, where genetic Untermenschen were deemed disposable in the name of saving the lives of their betters.

The Covid “pandemic” has thrown into sharp relief just how quickly helping people can become hurting them, and how it is still possible to invoke the “greater good” and “public health” to excuse terrible actions. A timely and thought-provoking film.

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cover image credit: Wolfmann  / Wikimedia Commons
“You too can contribute to the 2nd War Aid for the German Red Cross.”
Published by the Propaganda Office of the Reich Commissioner for the WHW

Australians Assaulted by Police as They Unite Against Medical Tyranny — September 22, 2021 at Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne

Australians Assaulted by Police as They Unite Against Medical Tyranny — September 22, 2021 at Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne


Final Two Minutes at the Shrine of Remembrance – 22.09.21

by Real Rukshan
September 22, 2021

Raw footage of the final two minutes of the protest at the Shrine of Remembrance. 22.09.21


Stand-off at the Shrine of Remembrance

by The Age
September 23, 2021


Protesters gathered at the Shrine of Remembrance on September 22, 2021 in Melbourne, Australia. Protests started on Monday over new COVID-19 vaccine requirements for construction workers but turned into larger and at times violent demonstrations against lockdown restrictions in general. The Age photographers Jason South, Eddie Jim and Wayne Taylor were there covering the unfolding events.

Thousands of people angry about vaccinations and Lockdowns shut down parts of the city and descended on the Shrine of Remembrance before being forced out by riot police. 


























Continue to The Age to view more photos with commentary


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cover image credit: screenshot from footage by Real Rukshan
all other images credit: The Age, Jason South photographer

Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One: We Are About to Enter a ‘War for the World’

Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One: We Are About to Enter a ‘War for the World’
“We must win this war with such moral authority that we are able to win the peace that follows.”


A War for the World

video by Greg Reese, Info Wars
September 24, 2021

Original video available at InfoWars and at Banned.Video.


Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:

Riccardo Bosi is a former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. He is currently the national leader of Australia One.

Below we are providing a transcript of his powerful words. He is speaking to Australians, yet we are all in this together now globally. We all face this same level of betrayal and tyranny from our governments.


Ladies and gentlemen of Australia, my name is Ricardo Bosi and I am the national leader of Australia One.

In the coming days, weeks, and months, disturbing rumors concerning the governance of our country will begin to circulate. These rumors will appear to be so incredible, so unlikely and even so ludicrous that the only sensible response would appear to be to dismiss them out of hand.

Some of these rumors will, in time, indeed proved to be false. Unfortunately, some will be true and be prima facie evidence of the despicable crimes of treason and sedition, and some even morally worse, by those at the highest levels of power in Australia.

During this time, it is imperative you monitor closely the responses of those who comprise the polity, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the military, the constabulary, the corporations, the media, academia and religious organizations.

The case can already be made that many of these people are already attainder of treason.

But if any remain silent in the face of an obvious attack on Australian sovereignty, they will have signed their own death warrants.

Remember them. From the governor general and state governors, through parliament, through all the courts including the High Court, through the public service, the defense force, the police forces, the boardrooms, the unions, the charities, the mainstream media, schools and universities, and finally even the churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and lodges.

Remember their names and who they are.

Remember what they said and what they did not say. Remember what they did and what they did not do.

Why and how has it come to this?

Simply put, for decades now we have been deceived by those whom we trusted. Slowly the truth has been revealed by the tireless efforts of a few. And this has been a most difficult task.

Some of you will have heard it said, ‘sometimes you can’t tell people. you just have to show them’.

And to put that in the Australian vernacular, ‘some people just need to piss on the electric fence for themselves’.

Thankfully, enough of us are now awake to the lies and our numbers continue to grow — faster every day.

So what should we do?

Firstly, be calm. Know that we can and will win this war.

Secondly, be united. No matter how many they send against us, they cannot defeat 25 million Australians who stand together as one.

And simply say, in a clear, strong and unconquerable voice, ‘No consent. No consent. No consent.’

Thirdly, be brave. Some of us might be hurt. And some of us might die. But if we truly seek liberty, we must win it for our souls.

Nothing worth winning is won cheaply.

Fourthly, be good. We the people must win this war with non-violence, non-cooperation — because the matter of our victory is of foundational importance to the future of Australia as a nation state.

We must win this war with such moral authority that we are able to win the peace that follows.

Finally, when all is done, the guilty will be punished. We will deal with the traitors in a lawful manner — which, after the reprehensible, coordinated malfeasance and violence that they are visited upon us, is more than they deserve.

And we will do this because we, the common people of Australia are, and have always been, so much more than the elites. We are better than they are.

We have not and we will not sacrifice our decency and our humanity to win this war, as they have done.

Ladies and gentleman, we’re about to enter a period of history without precedent — a war for the world.

And we — you and I — are on the frontline.

Be calm. Be united. Be brave. And be good.

And finally, do remember that we fight, as G. K. Chesterton wrote, not because we hate what is in front of us, but because we love what is behind us.

Thank you.


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Florida’s Radical Covid Plan: No More Fear-Based Policies

Florida’s Radical Covid Plan: No More Fear-Based Policies

by Del Bigtree w/ Jefferey Jaxen, The HighWire
September 24, 2021


Video available at The HighWire BitChute and Brighteon channels.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has chosen a new Surgeon General, America’s Frontline Doctor, signatory of the Great Barrington Declaration, a UCLA doctor and expert in health policy, Dr. Joseph Ladapo. Listen to his radical plan for the Sunshine State.

#RonDesantis #DrJosephLadapo #AmericasFrontlineDoctors #TheHighwire #DelBigtree #HW234


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