Covid Vaccine, Lab Mistake, Gene Researcher

Covid Vaccine, Lab Mistake, Gene Researcher by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News September 3, 2021   Last week at the world famous XXXX lab, a widely published gene researcher,…

5G Is Not Safe

5G Is Not Safe by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare September 3, 2021   Dafna Tachover is an attorney and former telecoms specialist for the Israeli Defence Force. Dafna Tachover is director of…

Coercion Doesn’t End With Compliance

Coercion Doesn’t End With Compliance by Carl Vernon September 3, 2021      Connect with Carl Vernon cover image credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images & Pexels / pixabay Truth Comes to LightTruth Comes to…

Andrew Kaufman: Are the Vaccinated “Contagious”? — Now Is the Time That We Have to Say NO to Stop the Culmination of This Plan

Andrew Kaufman: Are the Vaccinated “Contagious”? — Now Is the Time That We Have to Say NO to Stop the Culmination of This Plan   TCTL editor’s note: In this…

Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in America

Vaccine Passports Have Arrived in America by Leslie Manookian, Health Freedom Defense Fund September 2, 2021   A headline in the National File reads, “Illinois To Partner With Experian For Vaccine…

Kelowna BC, Canada: Thousands Lined the Streets in Support of Nurses & Hospital Staff as They Walked Out in Protest of Mandatory Injections

Kelowna BC, Canada: Thousands Lined the Streets in Support of Nurses & Hospital Staff as They Walked Out in Protest of Mandatory Injections     by DRutter, Civilly-disobedient content creator from…

Red Alert: False Flag Incoming!

Red Alert: False Flag Incoming! by James Corbett, The Corbett Report September 2, 2021    Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee What does it mean when intelligence services start describing the next terror…

Monica Smit Arrested for Advocating Freedom; She Refuses Bail; Spread Her Story Far and Wide; Australia Is Ruled by Crime Bosses

Monica Smit Arrested for Advocating Freedom; She Refuses Bail; Spread Her Story Far and Wide; Australia Is Ruled by Crime Bosses Do you want a hero, or do you want…

Dr. Joe Dispenza: I Healed Myself Doing One Thing Over and Over Again

Dr. Joe Dispenza: I Healed Myself Doing One Thing Over and Over Again by Inspired August 30, 2021    In 1986 Dr. Joe Dispenza got hit by a vehicle…

Flash! The Texas Bullion Depository Goes…Global…

Flash! The Texas Bullion Depository Goes…Global… by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star September 1, 2021   Rarely do I get a submission – in this case from S.D., to…

Irish Musician Jim Corr and RFK, Jr. on Pandemrix Scandal, Vaccine Injuries

Irish Musician Jim Corr and RFK, Jr. on Pandemrix Scandal, Vaccine Injuries Jim Corr of the Irish pop band The Corrs told RFK, Jr. that “once you start to question…

CDC to Use Polio Virus to Cover Up Kids Jab Adverse Reactions?

CDC to Use Polio Virus to Cover Up Kids Jab Adverse Reactions? by Hugo Talks September 1, 2021    Available at Hugo Talks Odysee, BitChute, Rumble and BrandNewTube channels….

Asking the Blood Bank About Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Donors

Asking the Blood Bank About Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Blood Donors by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare September 1, 2021 Video available at Jerm Warfare Odysee channel. A Jerm Warfare trooper called the South…

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Research Resources You Should Know About

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Research Resources You Should Know About by James Corbett, The Corbett Report August 31, 2021   Did you know there’s a searchable archive of the last…

Japan Halts 2.6m Moderna Doses After Additional Vials Found to Contain ‘Foreign Substances,’ 2 Men Die

Japan Halts 2.6m Moderna Doses After Additional Vials Found to Contain ‘Foreign Substances,’ 2 Men Die by Chris Menahan, Information Liberation August 31, 2021   Two men in their 30s…

They Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus; They “Contrived” a Model by Pretending to Find What They Wanted to Find; It’s Called a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

They Confess: They Had No Virus When They Concocted the Test for the Virus; They “Contrived” a Model by Pretending to Find What They Wanted to Find; It’s Called a…

Bill Gates and the Vaccine Heist

Bill Gates and the Vaccine Heist by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 1, 2021    STORY AT-A-GLANCE Judy K. Brown’s book, “Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story,” details the…

Chicago Public Schools Turn to Uber, Lyft as Bus Drivers Resign Over Vaccine Mandate

Chicago Public Schools Turn to Uber, Lyft as Bus Drivers Resign Over Vaccine Mandate by News Wire, 21st Century Wire September 1, 2021   The virus known as ‘go woke,…

Killing Bugs, Killing Balance: Weedkillers and Antibiotics

Killing Bugs, Killing Balance: Weedkillers and Antibiotics by Alliance for Natural Health USA August 26, 2021   How the widespread use of weedkillers and an over-reliance on antibiotics compromise our…

Controversial Autopsy Reveals Link to Covid Vaccine

Controversial Autopsy Reveals Link to Covid Vaccine by Del Bigtree, The HighWire August 30, 2021    Video available at The HighWire Rumble, BitChute and Brighteon channels. Within 24 hours…

Romania Stops Vaccine Imports, Shutters Vaccination Centers, Transfers Vaccine Stocks to Denmark, Vietnam, Ireland, S. Korea, etc

Romania Stops Vaccine Imports, Shutters Vaccination Centers, Transfers Vaccine Stocks to Denmark, Vietnam, Ireland, S. Korea, etc. The people don’t want them. Rather than try and force them, the government…

Bring All the Troops Home: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Endless Wars

Bring All the Troops Home: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Endless Wars by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute August 31, 2021  …

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End by Ron Paul, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity August 31, 2021   Sunday’s news reports that the Biden…

Joseph P. Farrell on “Sirhan Sirhan Granted Parole”

Sirhan Sirhan Granted Parole by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star August 31, 2021   By now, most of you have probably heard that Senator Robert F. Kennedy’s convicted assassin,…

California Drought, How to Party on the Titanic

California Drought, How to Party on the Titanic by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch August 24, 2021    Climate engineering operations are cutting off the flow of moisture to the…

Refusing the COVID Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight

Refusing the COVID Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News August 30, 2021   In this article, I’m cutting through a few miles of new…

Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic

Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic by John Titus, BestEvidence August 14, 2021    Video is available at BestEvidence Odysee, BitChute and YouTube channels. The pandemic presented forensically for what…

mRNA “Vaccines”, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism

mRNA “Vaccines”, Eugenics & the Push for Transhumanism The worldwide rollout of mRNA “vaccines” is part of a much larger agenda that encompasses eugenics and transhumanism. This agenda is being…

New Boom Business? Space Debris and Satellite Collisions

New Boom Business? Space Debris and Satellite Collisions by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star August 29, 2021   Recently, former assistant secretary of Housing and Urban Development Catherine Austin…

Green Gets the Gold

Green Gets the Gold One large conglomerate is poised to reach the top of the podium in consolidating the waste and recycling industries in North America. There’s a lot at…

Humanity Rises Against Global Tyranny: August 28, 2021 Worldwide Protests

Humanity Rises Against Global Tyranny: August 28, 2021 Worldwide Protests   TCTL editor’s note: Below you will find a sample of footage from pro-freedom, anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine-passport protests that took place…

Canadian MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Statements on Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials & Canada’s Role in Producing the Highly Toxic “Covid Vaccines” That Are Being Forced Upon Humanity

Canadian MPP Randy Hillier Examines Dr. David Martin’s Statements on Bought-And-Paid-For Public Officials & Canada’s Role in Producing the Highly Toxic “Covid Vaccines” That Are Being Forced Upon Humanity  …

Constitutional Rights Centre: Action4Canada & Other Plaintiffs Launch Comprehensive Challenge to Covid Measures in British Columbia

Constitutional Rights Centre: Action4Canada & Other Plaintiffs Launch Comprehensive Challenge to Covid Measures in British Columbia by Constitutional Rights Centre August 28, 2021   Action4Canada and other Plaintiffs launch comprehensive…

A Message From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — One Year After the Historic Rally in Berlin: “It’s Time for (Peaceful) Civil Disobedience!”

A Message From Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — One Year After the Historic Rally in Berlin: “It’s Time for (Peaceful) Civil Disobedience!”   by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Children’s Health…

Del Bigtree: Truckies Intend to Shut Down Australia; the French Picnic in Streets While Boycotting Restaurants

Del Bigtree: Truckies Intend to Shut Down Australia; the French Picnic in Streets While Boycotting Restaurants “The Truckies Are Going to Shut Down the Country” by Del Bigtree, The HighWire…

Clarification of the Absolute Nonsense That the Pfizer ‘Covid Vaccine’ was not Approved: It Was!

Clarification of the Absolute Nonsense That the Pfizer ‘Covid Vaccine’ was not Approved: It Was! by Gary D. Barnett August 27, 2021   There has been much reporting, mostly by…

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week, FDA Pulls ‘Bait and Switch’ With Pfizer Vaccine Approval

COVID Vaccine Injury Reports Jump by 27,000 in One Week, FDA Pulls ‘Bait and Switch’ With Pfizer Vaccine Approval VAERS data released Friday by the CDC showed a total of…

Dr. Robert Young & Science Team Reveal Graphene, Aluminum, Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) Capsids, Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG) & Parasites in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca & Janssen Vaccines

Dr. Robert Young & Science Team Reveal Graphene, Aluminum, Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) Capsids, Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG) & Parasites in Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca & Janssen Vaccines   See Dr. Young’s full…

UK Businesses, Groups & Individuals Create ‘Together Declaration’: Join With Them & Sign the Declaration — “No Vaccine Passports Anywhere”

UK Businesses, Groups & Individuals Create ‘Together Declaration’: Join With Them & Sign the Declaration — “No Vaccine Passports Anywhere”      Sign the Declaration   We the undersigned reject…

David Icke: How They Are Killing You and Calling It ‘Covid’

How They Are Killing You and Calling It ‘Covid’ by David Icke August 27, 2021    Original video available at David Icke BitChute channel. [As a service to protect…

Covid Madness and Mass Conformity vs. the Life Force

Covid Madness and Mass Conformity vs. the Life Force by Jon Rappoport, No More Fake News August 26, 2021   The basic human immune system is HEALTH. VITAL LIFE FORCE….

Hold the Presses: Pfizer mRNA Shot Not Approved!

Hold the Presses: Pfizer mRNA Shot Not Approved! by Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath, The Nature of Healing August 27, 2021   With a silent nod by government, the mainstream media is now…

Will You Love Your Servitude?

Will You Love Your Servitude? by Dr. Joseph Mercola August 27, 2021      STORY AT-A-GLANCE Aldous Huxley, an English writer and philosopher, wrote “Brave New World,” a science-fiction…

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in K-12 Schools

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in K-12 Schools by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender August 26, 2021   STAND UP For Children! The CDC is recommending K-12 schools become vaccination sites and recommends children…

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment! My Body, My Choice!

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations as a Condition of Employment! My Body, My Choice! by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender August 26, 2021   Tell Your Elected Officials NO MANDATES! Tell Them:…

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in 400+ Colleges Today by Sending a Letter to University Presidents! Tell them: My Body, My Choice!

Stop Mandatory Vaccinations in 400+ Colleges Today by Sending a Letter to University Presidents! Tell them: My Body, My Choice! by Children’s Health Defense, The Defender August 26, 2021  …

New York Union Members Protest Medical Mandates Violating ‘Fundamental Rights’

New York Union Members Protest Medical Mandates Violating ‘Fundamental Rights’ “This isn’t even about vaccination, it’s about fundamental rights,” said New York teacher, founder of Teachers for Choice and protest…

South African Farmer Angus: “I Won’t Force the Vaccine on My Staff”

South African Farmer Angus: “I Won’t Force the Vaccine on My Staff”   “I Won’t Force the Vaccine on My Staff” – Farmer Angus by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare August 26, 2021…

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”

Dr. Andrew Kaufman w/ SGT Report: Something Wicked This Way Comes — On the Hidden Agenda Behind, and Hidden Ingredients Within,  the Toxic Covid “Vaccines”   FDA & Pfizer: Something…

Toronto Police Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

Toronto Police Oppose Mandatory Vaccination by Hugo Talks August 25, 2021  Video available at Hugo Talks Odysee and BitChute channels.   Connect with Hugo Talks Truth Comes to LightTruth…

Freedom Protests Target ITN, Google, Facebook and LBC in London

Freedom Protests Target ITN, Google, Facebook and LBC in London by Resistance GB August 25, 2021  Video available at Resistance GB Odysee and YouTube channels. Video report: protesters deliver…

Millions Protest Across France, Rejecting Mandatory ‘Health Pass’

Millions Protest Across France, Rejecting Mandatory ‘Health Pass’ by Ben Swann, Truth in Media August 24, 2021    Video available at Ben Swann Odysee and YouTube channels.   Connect…

NPR’s Mind-Rot Logic: ‘Even the Truth Can Be Misinformation’

NPR’s Mind-Rot Logic: ‘Even the Truth Can Be Misinformation’ by Ben Bartee, The Daily Bell sourced from Activist Post August 24, 2021   NPR is ostensibly concerned that American citizens still have…

“Medical” Manipulation of Humanity: Journalist Rosemary Frei on Chris Elston’s Mission of Alerting Canadians to the Dangerous Gender Ideology Now Being Forced Upon Children Everywhere

“Medical” Manipulation of Humanity: Journalist Rosemary Frei on Chris Elston’s Mission of Alerting Canadians to the Dangerous Gender Ideology Now Being Forced Upon Children Everywhere       Voting With…
