There is more Aussie spirit in the crowd than in the Upper and Lower House of Parliament combined! The whole world is watching today’s events in Melbourne in deep awe and respect to the people of Melbourne! Dictator Dan Andrews will face the same political fate as Romanian Communist Leader Nicolae Ceaușescu. Congratulations to citizen journalist and freedom fighter True Arrow for capturing this excellent footage.
Congestion at Southern California’s top ports is so severe that governors on the other side of the US advertise their ports are ready for businesses and can handle the overflow.
Bloomberg News observes multiple ports across the Gulf Coast and US East Coast are less congested than Los Angeles and Long Beach ports. The twin ports are the largest in the Northern Hemisphere and are responsible for 40% of US containerized volume. Currently, 79 vessels are waiting to offload at these ports, causing major supply chain disruptions.
In response to the congestion, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott launched a new campaign to reroute container ships at backlogged ports in California to the Lone Star state. He tweeted, “Texas ports are open & ready to help fix America’s supply chain backlog. We can get goods out faster & at a lower cost than California due to our centralized location.”
Texas ports are open & ready to help fix America's supply chain backlog.
We can get goods out faster & at a lower cost than California due to our centralized location.
Last month, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis called on shippers to reroute their vessels from backlogged West Coast ports to Florida, where the capacity to berth vessels and offload cargo is plentiful.
“We have to make sure people can go Christmas shopping as normal. We have to make sure that all the necessities are there,” DeSantis said. “And if it’s because ships are sitting off the coast somewhere else, and they can be rerouted here, and we can get all those shelves stocked, then we want to be a part of that solution.”
However, there’s a significant obstacle with container ships rerouting from the West Coast. That issue, well, it’s time and will add an extra ten days to the sail due to an extra leg through the Panama Canal. But with wait times increasing across West Coast ports, it could be advantageous to head to other ports.
Florida’s Port of Jacksonville could be the next best option for carriers as their facilities are one truck drive away from 100 million consumers.
“If you’re trying to move it to this side of the United States and you’re parked off the coast of California, those 10 days are now being eaten up,” East Coast, Florida Ports Council President Michael Rubin said. “They’re probably less than what you’re paying now.”
Severe West Coast port congestion could be temporary reworking containerized flows into the US as overflow may be headed to less clogged terminals. This could be one way to alleviate supply chain disruptions that have resulted in surging inflation and product shortages nationwide.
Social psychologist Roy Baumeister begins his bookEvil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty, with a proposition that will be counterintuitive to many: “Evil usually enters the world unrecognized by the people who open the door and let it in. Most people who perpetrate evil do not see what they are doing as evil.”
Dismissing evildoers as “insane” is an attempt to absolve both them and you of responsibility. Baumeister observes, “People do become extremely upset and abandon self-control, with violent results, but this is not insanity.” If only “insane” people commit “evil” acts, you might reason there is no need to strengthen spiritual and moral muscles. You might skip the reflection, study, and practice that builds spiritual and moral strength.
Would you, Baumeister asks, “obey orders to kill innocent civilians? Would you help torture someone? Would you stand by passively while the secret police hauled your neighbors off to concentration camps?” Baumeister writes, “Most people say no. But when such events actually happen, the reality is quite different.” Today, to the point, will you obey orders to fire upon people who refuse to comply with mandates?
The men of Police Battalion 101 were not specially selected psychopathic killers. Initially, the Battalion was set up to enforce Nazi rule in occupied Poland. Eventually, their mission changed, bringing them to be the genocidal murderers of Jews they were charged with rounding up. Browning explains, “The bulk of the killers were not specially selected but drawn at random from a cross-section of German society, and they did not kill because they were coerced by the threat of dire punishment for refusing.” Mostly they were “middle-aged reserve policemen.” Battle had not driven these men to depravity, “they had not been fired on nor had they lost comrades.”
Browning explores one of their initial murderous actions, “shooting some 1,500 Jews in the Polish village of Józefów in the summer of 1942.” Major Wilhelm Trapp addressed his men before the shooting began: “Pale and nervous, with choking voice and tears in his eyes, Trapp visibly fought to control himself as he spoke. The Battalion, he said plaintively, had to perform a frightfully unpleasant task. This assignment was not to his liking; indeed, it was highly regrettable, but the orders came from the highest authorities.”
Trapp provided a “justification” for the coming slaughter—Jews were damaging Germany and threatening German troops—but then Trapp “made an extraordinary offer: if any of the older men among them did not feel up to the task that lay before him, he could step out.” The task, Trapp outlined, was the immediate killing of all women, children, and the elderly.
Only twelve of the approximately 500 in the Battalion initially took Trapp’s offer to “step out.” Browning estimated “10 to 20 percent of those actually assigned to the firing squads” extricated themselves “by less conspicuous methods or asked to be released from the firing squads once the shooting had begun.” Yet for most of the police, killing became second nature: “Many reserve policemen who were horrified in the woods outside Józefów… subsequently became casual volunteers for numerous firing squads and ‘Jew hunts.’”
Browning’s research provides insights into the mindsets that fueled obedience: “Who would have ‘dared,’ one policeman declared emphatically, to ‘lose face’ before the assembled troops.” Another said, “No one wants to be thought a coward.”
Not all who followed orders lacked moral consciousness: “Another policeman—more aware of what truly required courage—said quite simply, ‘I was cowardly.’”
Some rationalized their atrocities: “It was possible for me to shoot only children. My neighbor then shot the mother and I shot the child that belonged to her, because I reasoned with myself that after all without its mother the child could not live any longer.”
To escape moral culpability, others offered the excuse of what difference could they make: “Without me [shooting] the Jews were not going to escape their fate anyway.” How many managers are saying today, what difference can I make? If I don’t fire the unvaccinated, someone else will.
Browning explains, “The men’s concern for their standing in the eyes of their comrades was not matched by any sense of human ties with their victims. The Jews stood outside their circle of human obligation and responsibility.” Today, hospital administrators are firing workers with robust natural immunity who faithfully served during the pandemic and refuse the vaccine. Like the men in the Battalion, these administrators are just following orders.
What would have happened that terrible day in 1942 if more policemen recognized the humanity of the “other” and had the courage to not conform? Today, what would happen if more businesses, like In-N-Out Burger,refuse to obey government edicts? In October, Stephen Davis, a Florida fire battalion chief, “was fired for refusing to discipline department employees listed as unvaccinated.” What would happen if more managers had the courage of Chief Davis? Without obedience, tyranny fails.
During this time of Covid, we can learn lessons from Browning’s book about how we treat people who make choices different from our own. We can notice when we fail to see the humanity in others. We can become aware when we justify an us vs. them mindset. We can question our perceptions. To wait for Biden or Fauci to change first is to ignore our power of choice.
Lessons Learned
Browning reflects on the actions of the Battalion and asks, “If obedience to orders out of fear of dire punishment is not a valid explanation, what about ‘obedience to authority’ in the more general sense used by Stanley Milgram?”
Browning wonders if there is “a ’deeply ingrained behavior tendency’ to comply with the directives of those positioned hierarchically above, even to the point of performing repugnant actions in violation of ‘universally accepted’ moral norms.” Browning explains,
The notions of ‘loyalty, duty, discipline,’ requiring competent performance in the eyes of authority, become moral imperatives overriding any identification with the victim. Normal individuals enter an ‘agentic state’ in which they are the instrument of another’s will. In such a state, they no longer feel personally responsible for the content of their actions but only for how well they perform.
Browning recounts, “Milgram made direct reference to the similarities between human behavior in his experiments and under the Nazi regime. He concluded, ‘Men are led to kill with little difficulty.’”
Importantly, “Milgram himself notes that people far more frequently invoke authority than conformity to explain their behavior, for only the former seems to absolve them of personal responsibility.” Yet, in the Battalion case, “Many policemen admitted responding to the pressures of conformity—how would they be seen in the eyes of their comrades?—not authority.” Based on his research, Browning concludes, “Conformity assumes a more central role than authority at Józefów.”
The Covidocracy demands we all conform and shames those who make different choices. Browning explains the dangers of a culture of shame: “The shame culture, making conformity a prime virtue, impelled ordinary Germans in uniform to commit terrible crimes rather than suffer the stigma of cowardice and weakness and the ‘social death’ of isolation and alienation vis-à-vis their comrades.”
The segregation of Jews was an enabler of evil actions. Browning points to pervasive banishment of Jews from German society “and the resulting exclusion of the Jewish victims from any common ground with the perpetrators made it all the easier for the majority of the policemen to conform to the norms of their immediate community (the battalion) and their society at large (Nazi Germany).”
For some policemen who did not shoot, their commercial ties shaped their view of human beings. One said, “Through my business experience, especially because it extended abroad, I had gained a better overview of things. Moreover, through my earlier business activities I already knew many Jews.”
Harvard social psychologist Gordon Allport developed his famed contact hypothesis in the 1940s: “Increasing exposure to out-group members will improve attitudes toward that group and decrease prejudice and stereotyping.” Commercial ties bring people together.
Recently Tim, a reader and business owner from New Zealand, sent me his powerful testimony in an email:
Fifty odd years ago, as a young child I went to Ranui Primary School in suburban Auckland. There were two Māori boys in my class of 9-year-olds. Sometimes through the day they would make short comments to each other in Māori.
If the teacher heard them do it, he would keep our entire class in detention after school for 15 to 30 minutes. I always hated it because one of the boys was my friend, and a regular playmate of mine after school. The other one, used to walk home from school with me too, they were my friends.
But most of the class blamed these two Māori boys for us all being locked in after school. The majority of the kids disliked and bullied them in my class.
I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t dislike them because they were my friends. Perhaps even then as a boy I could see what our teacher was doing.
Our teacher was using the rest of the class as a weapon against those two young boys by encouraging the spiteful and discriminating attitudes towards them.
Tim’s choice to not conform to social pressure made all the difference to his Māori friends. Did Tim’s ability to see the humanity in others help him become a successful entrepreneur? After all, entrepreneurs succeed when they help serve the needs of others.
Tim continued his testimony:
Today, 50 years later, I am again feeling the same way as I did back in my Ranui Primary School class. The teacher is telling us all that we will continue to be locked in until 90% (or whatever) of the country is vaccinated. And further, we are told that it is the fault of the 20% (or so) that have so far chosen not to accept the two shots in the arm.
As a country, we are all encouraged to heap blame and hate towards anyone who has decided to not vaccinate.
Regardless of my own vaccination status, I have friends and family who I refuse to hate or blame.
I lay the blame exactly where it belongs. At the feet of my Primary School teacher for our detentions, not my two boyhood friends.
And at the feet of our Prime Minister for her lockdown rules, not my friends and family who have chosen to decline an injection that they don’t trust, rightly or wrongly.
Be like Tim. Be like the 10-20% of Battalion 101 who didn’t conform. Our scorn should be towards those who demand our obedience and split America into an in-group and an out-group. Become more aware when you allow your thinking to be hijacked by propaganda.
Many in the Battalion didn’t understand their crimes until decades after the war ended. Don’t wait to reflect until a future historian writes a book about how you supported tyranny by placing conformity above human rights.
Today Charles Eisenstein points out, “Many people trust the authorities and willingly comply with their rules. They face no dilemma, no initiatory moment, no self-defining world-creating choice point, not yet.”
Conforming, lacking courage, will not spare you from choices that life will demand of you. Eisenstein challenges us: “As the authorities’ narratives devolve into absurdity and their rules devolve into oppression, more and more of us face this choice: … To do what you know is right, or to cave in to the pressure, consoling yourself with words you don’t believe. ‘I had no choice.’”
We all have a personal responsibility for preserving freedom. The price of abdicating our responsibility is high. As Browning puts it, Germans paid a high price for “placing uncritical trust in the ‘firm leadership’ of seemingly well-intentioned political authority between 1933 and 1945.”
Melbourne demonstrators let the mainstream media know what they think about distorted coverage this afternoon, as reporters move back behind police and flee the area.
Citizens shout ‘we want the truth’ as reporters are chased out of town.
See more protest coverage of the huge crowd that overflowed the streets of Melbourne’s Central Business District:
On October 27 the US Food and Drug Administration Advisory Panel on Vaccines recommended the agency allow Pfizer to amend its Emergency Use Authorization for its COVID vaccine to include children 5 through 11 years old. Two days later the FDA officially approved the rollout. Major media are treating this as a positive development to protect young children. On closer inspection it is anything but that. The FDA is today shockingly corrupt under the Acting Director and is little more than a rubber stamp for Big Pharma, and especially Pfizer, where the former FDA head sits on the board.
The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted 17 to 0, with one abstention, to give a green light allowing Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer-BioNTech experimental mRNA to children between 5 and 12 years. The expert who abstained later explained he did so because of limited safety and efficacy data provided. Previously the FDA had approved the vaccine for 12 and older. Adding to the stench of corruption around the latest vote, the Biden Administration a week earlier announced it had already purchased enough Pfizer vaccine to inoculate all 28 million 5- to 11-year-olds in the US. Did they know the fix was in?
‘…Just the Way it Goes’
The record of the FDA, the major drug oversight agency in the US Government, regarding safety and risks of the experimental gene-altered mRNA vaccines of Pfizer, is one of criminal malfeasance, defined as willful violation of a public trust or obligation that causes harm or death. Their latest ruling is even more egregious for blatant conflicts of interest and scientific fraud. Both Pfizer, who conducted the tests on the efficacy of their own vaccine on the 5-11 year age group, and the FDA experts, admitted that they had no idea if the vaccine was safe for such a young population.
Dr. Eric Rubin, professor of immunology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health voted to approve the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, noting, “The data show that the vaccine works and is pretty safe … and yet we’re worried about a side effect that we can’t measure yet, but it’s probably real.” That is hardly confidence-building. He then stated, “we’re never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.”
This cold-blooded nonchalance is even more astonishing in light of the fact that the incidence of serious side effects in the 5-11 age group who allegedly have tested positive for the corona virus is essentially zero. According to data of the US Government Centers for Disease Control, the Infection Fatality Rate for children from 0-17 years is 0.0002 per 100,000 and far lower for the 5-11 years. A research study by Johns Hopkins University found that risk of severe illness or death from covid19 in a study of 48,000 children is essentially zero if no other morbidity risk such as leukemia, diabetes or asthma is present. Moreover, risk of infecting other children is also very low.
In their submission to FDA for approval, Pfizer stated the vaccination was needed for the 5-11 age group to prevent covid disease transmission. Yet in their FDA hearing on questioning, Dr. William Gruber, senior vice president of Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Research and Development, said they did not even assess whether the vaccine prevents transmission. We might ask why is this at all needed then if the risk to children is zero and there is no evidence of children transmission?
Even more shocking is the statement by Pfizer about its tests. First there were no animal tests on rats or such first. They admitted that the tested human group was so small that they could not test for myocarditis or pericarditis. Yet those are among the most reported negative effects for all others that have had the Pfizer jab. In its FDA application Pfizer noted that the number of participants in the current clinical development program was “too small to detect any potential risks of myocarditis associated with vaccination,” and that “to evaluate long-term sequelae of post-vaccination myocarditis/pericarditis” in participants 5 to <12 years of age will not be studied until after the vaccine is authorized for children.”
Flawed Pfizer Tests
The tests Pfizer made were also fatally flawed. According to Dr. Josh Guetzkow, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Pfizer study was not double-blind. Further, Pfizer cherry-picked subjects to evidently better their results. Three thousand children age 5-11 received Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, but only 750 of those children were selectively included in the company’s safety analysis. And Pfizer dismissed cases with adverse vaccine effects in their FDA filing: “Few serious Adverse Events, none of which were related to vaccine, and no AEs leading to withdrawal were reported.” They give no explanation how that was determined. Just trust Pfizer.
And post-vaccination follow up was less than 2 months for one test cohort and only 2.4 weeks for a second. The Pfizer report to FDA read, “Supplemental safety expansion group data were analyzed from approximately 1500 vaccine recipients with a median follow-up time of 2.4 weeks after Dose 2. These supplemental data demonstrate an acceptable safety profile…” It can take months or longer for side effects to manifest. Vaccine experts recommend at least 18-24 month post-vaccine follow up, not 3 months or 2.4 weeks. This is not serious science.
As well, it seems the FDA and or Pfizer wrongly name the vaccine in the title as “BNT162B2 [COMIRNATY (COVID-19 VACCINE, MRNA)] .“Yet the actual FDA text calls it “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (BNT162b2).”
The separate company, BioNTech of Mainz, Germany, has a similar but “legally different” vaccine, trade-named Comirnaty, that is not available in the USA. The distinction is essential as it was the basis in August for the corrupt FDA to give Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine an extension of Emergency Use Authorization but to misleadingly declare its full approval for Comirnaty vaccine of BioNTech. This is deliberate fraud and allowed the Biden Administration to mandate vaccination of US government workers (curiously except for White House and Congress), military, and any company with more than 100 employees.
Conflicts of Interest?
The corruption of the FDA extends to the members of the Vaccine Advisory Committee. Many of the members of the current 18 person committee have direct ties to Pfizer or to the pro-Pfizer Gates Foundation.
Prof. Holly Janes of the Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center in Seattle designed the flawed Pfizer tests. Her institute is funded by Gates Foundation money. FDA committee member Dr. Steven Pergam is also with the Gates-funded Fred Hutch center. Acting committee chair, Arnold S. Monto was a paid consultant to Pfizer. Committee member Archana Chatterjee worked on a Pfizer research project related to vaccines for infants between 2018-2020. Geeta K. Swamy is chair of the “Independent Data Monitoring Committee for the Pfizer Group B Streptococcus Vaccine Program,” a committee sponsored by Pfizer. Duke University states that “Dr. Swamy serves as a co-investigator for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial.” FDA Committee member Gregg Sylvester was a vice president for Pfizer Vaccines. Ofer Levy, professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School is on record vigorously supporting Pfizer covid vaccines for children 12 and older. And FDA committee member Paul Offit professor of pediatrics at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia called openly last June for covid vaccine permission for children.
When we compare the actions of corrupt FDA Acting Director Janet Woodcock during the August FDA extension of emergency use authorization for Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, she refused then to even allow the vaccine committee to meet to debate the issue. Several months before in June 2021 three members of the FDA Vaccine Committee resigned in protest over Woodcock’s refusal to heed the near unanimous vote of the advisory committee to approve an Alzheimer’s drug called Aduhelm against the wishes of nearly every member on the panel.
Clearly Woodcock has been busy in the meantime stacking the advisory committee with pro-Pfizer members. Not to be forgotten is the fact that after he left as head of the FDA under Trump, Scott Gottlieb immediately joined the board of directors of…Pfizer Inc. Woodcock served under him at FDA.Woodcock has been at FDA since 1986, almost as long as Fauci at NIAID. Woodcock was Biden’s choice to head FDA, but a massive opposition from 28 groups including state attorneys general and citizen groups forced him to name her “acting,” which does not need Congressional scrutiny. Woodcock was directly responsible for the original FDA approval of deadly opioids over the objections of her own scientists and other advisors.
Already California has moved to make public school admission contingent on covid vaccination, anticipating Pfizer approval. This spread of the deadly Pfizer vaccine to children who have near zero risk of serious disease makes no public health sense. It is simply prima facie evidence of medical malfeasance at the highest levels of the US Government including FDA, with plausible criminal intent. The FDA decision will now be used to argue for similar inclusion of essentially no risk children for the vaccine jab.
Only 20% of Bulgaria, which has a population of 7 million, has been jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection.
RAIR Foundation USA correspondent Tania Groth was on the scene in Varna, Bulgaria, on Thursday, at a demonstration held by restaurant associations and various freedom fighters to protest the government’s authoritarian green pass program. Thousands marched in different cities across the country under their motto, “All together! For health, work, future, security!”.
The protest came after the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association came out with alarming data showing the effects of the green pass on their businesses and workers. A green pass is a paper document or app that proves the holder has been thoroughly “vaccinated” or recovered from the coroanvirus. It grants them access to indoor restaurants, bars, cafes, and other indoor venues. There was more than an 80% drop in turnovers and visits to restaurants in the first two days after the “green certificate” became mandatory to visit places for food and entertainment.
The decline of patrons is proportional to the low number of people vaccinated in Bulgaria. Only 20% of Bulgaria, which has a population of 7 million, has been jabbed with the experimental mRNA injection. This puts the county last in the European Union, with an average of 69% fully vaccinated.
“Although most of the industry has made serious efforts and provided staff to meet the requirements, there are no customers. Some of the most profitable restaurants in Bulgaria even experienced a day with 0 reservations.
Restaurants across Bulgaria are closing with each passing day,” explains organizers. With the rapidly rising prices of electricity, fuel, and food. Their incomes are not able to cover household expenses. Businesses like restaurants and their workers are doomed, explained protesters.
According to the protesters, the green passes implemented by Stoycho Katsarov, the Minister of Health, are highly discriminatory and have led to the total depopulation of their establishments. “There are no economic measures to support the affected businesses and keep the work of employees – zero,” explained the organizers.
The protest was organized by the Alliance of Tourist Industry in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Association of Restaurants, Association of Restaurants in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, Bulgarian Health and Fitness Association, Bulgarian Association of Retail Centers, representatives of children’s centers, and others.
On October 26, 2021, Victorians were appalled to learn about the new legislation being pushed by the maniacal, power-drunk psychopath (Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia) in which gives himself and his cronies unlimited, dictatorial power over all Victorians. This has ignited the fire within many Australians who are now strongly speaking out against this horrific medical tyranny.
Near the end of this article you can watch empowered protestors standing strong and speaking from the heart, and hear MP Ryan Smith as he addresses Parliament:
“I’ve never seen a worse piece of legislation that gives…
unprecedented and draconian and dictatorial power.”
Deranged Psychopath, Premier of Victoria
Many of us continue to ask the questions: How does anyone trust this person? How can people believe anything that he says?
Words and paradoxical statements that come out of his mouth seem to be made up at whim. He often smirks, as if holding back a laugh, while announcing dictates that severely harm the lives of all Victorians.
Yes, the duper’s delight, it’s a giveaway smile When you see it up close, you know something’s not right ~ Van Morrison
In Victoria and throughout Australia, we are dealing with mass murderers who are intoxicated by their own power. They look with glee upon the pain, hopelessness, and uncertainty that they inflict upon the Australian people. The ongoing psychological and physical assaults, which the population has been forced to endure for nearly two years, are relentless, bringing even the most resilient almost to their knees on occasion.
It is becoming more evident, as each day unfolds, that the intent of these barbaric rulers is to isolate and discriminate against all who choose freedom and bodily autonomy. For most, there will be no work if not vaccinated. Unvaccinated will have strict limitations on goods and services. They will also be excluded from many establishments and venues.
We’ve seen blatant murder of the elderly and immunocompromised, and they are now being targeted to be the first recipients of the toxic booster shots. The bureaucrats forced this action, knowing full well this would likely be the demise of people who have unwittingly put their trust in these monsters.
It’s clearly getting “late in the day” here in Australia.
If this new legislation goes through, it will carry catastrophic consequences for us all. If the obedient masses turn a blind eye and allow this law to be passed, they will condemn their own children to a life of servitude and slavery, that is if their children survive.
Those found “intentionally and recklessly” breaching health orders would face two years in jail or a $90,000 fine, while the Premier would get draconian powers to declare pandemics.
Excerpts from article by TOTT News:
In June 2021, TOTT News reported that the Andrews government was in secret negotiations to introduce legislation granting cabinet the sole power to declare pandemic emergencies at any time — effectively leading to a state of permanent virus warfare.
Today, the Andrews government has moved on these plans, introducing a piece of legislation that gives the Premier sweeping powers to declare pandemics.
The legislation gives provision for the government to enforce public health orders to certain types of people, and take into account “their characteristics, attributes or circumstances”. Opposition Leader Matthew Guy argued the legislation would enable the government to discriminate against certain groups of people and shadow attorney-general Tim Smith described it as “terrifying”.
Excerpts from article by Miriah Davis and Charlie Moore, Daily Mail Australia
The Victorian Opposition has described the laws as an ‘attack on democracy’ and vowed to oppose them at every turn.
‘Under these laws Victorians face a $21,909 fine for failing to wear a face mask and business a $109,044 fine if a customer fails to check-in properly,’ Opposition leader Matthew Guy said.
The bill has been drafted after consultation with three crossbench MPs to guarantee it will pass this week or next month despite the opposition from the Liberals and Nationals.
The new laws will replace the state of emergency powers which expire on December 15 when they will have been in place for 21 months.
The Opposition fears they could be used to re-impose lockdowns in the near future.
‘These new laws aren’t about streamlining State of Emergency powers but about making it easier for the State Government to control people’s lives,’ Mr Guy said.
‘Daniel Andrews wouldn’t be passing these laws unless he planned on using them.
‘The thought of handing even more power to the person who got us into this mess is simply unacceptable.
‘This extreme legislation is a threat to every Victorian family, small business and local community. It must be stopped.’
Victorian opposition leader Matthew Guy accused the Andrews government of drafting “the most extreme” pandemic legislation of any state or territory in Australia.
“Placing so much power in the hands of one person … would be unprecedented,” he said.
“We see these laws as an incredible attack on democracy, usurping the parliament, usurping the cabinet process, which is what exists in New South Wales, and then allowing the Premier to effectively rule by decree, for months on end.
“In short, this bill is the most extreme of its kind[s] that we’ve seen in Australia. While a pandemic requires different approaches, it doesn’t require a law as extreme as this.”
The government will be able to limit movement of the population, ban gatherings, shut down businesses and enforce quarantine if needed…
It also outlines the ability to apply pandemic orders to “classes of person” who can be identified by “their characteristics, attributes or circumstances”.
Victorians Rise Up
Although some have wondered if enough Australian people would ever wake up and stand up, the uprising is now clearly seen and it is growing every day.
A group of Victorians peacefully marched to the gates of Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne to raise awareness of the Andrews governments discriminatory vaccinated economy on Melbourne Cup Day.
Ryan J. Smith, a Liberal Party member of the Victorian Legislative Assembly, offers powerful words in opposition to this legislation.
Partial transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:
Acting speaker, I have been in this place for 15 years and, without fear of exaggeration, I can honestly say that I’ve never seen a worse piece of legislation that gives — not the government of the day, but the premier of the day –unprecedented and draconian and dictatorial power.
Now putting aside for the moment, that when an ordinary, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill bill comes in this place, the minimum that the opposition, and indeed, the people of Victoria have — the minimum time that they have to review the legislation is two weeks. That’s the standard in this place. Two weeks.
This legislation came to us this morning — a scant seven or eight hours ago — 120 pages of legislation that will have the most far-reaching impacts on every one of the six and a half million people that live in the state. [It] will have huge impacts on all those people in a way — in a greater way — then the government has had impact on them in the past two years.
Now I shouldn’t have to stand up in this place, I think, Speaker, and explain to those opposite the difference between intent and what is actually in a bill. I shouldn’t have to explain that.
Because this bill allows the government to do an extraordinary number of things that ordinary Victorians would be horrified with.
And to hear the government in their press conferences get up and say ‘Ah yeah, but we wouldn’t use it that way’ is just a ridiculous comment from a government that just is trying to pull the wool over ordinary Victorian’s lives.
This bill will allow detention without cause.
This bill will allow arbitrary arrest.
This bill will allow discrimination of people based on race, sexuality, sex, gender, disability, religion, political beliefs.
That’s what this bill allows.
And if the health minister and the premier don’t want to use the bill for those things, then put clauses in that narrow it. Because, at the moment, that’s what the bill allows.
And it is just an unbelievable situation that the government, the Labor Party — you come in day after day and talk about the commitment to getting rid of discrimination, insuring that we don’t discriminate against any class of person ever — come in with a bill that actively allows one man, the premier of the state, to discriminate against all sorts of classes.
And if we think for a moment, if Victorians actually think for a moment, that this premiere, who has let them down so badly in the last 18 months, who has stripped two years out of our children’s lives, who damaged their education. their well-being , their mental health — has been the cause of thousands of businesses to go bankrupt and closed the doors. You only have to walk down the street, out the front doors of this parliament, to see For Lease signs on empty shops — over and over and over again.
Do you think people who were trapped on the other side of the New South Wales border — for weeks and weeks and weeks — believe that this premiere will not use these draconian powers to continue to hurt them?
Do you think that Victorians who were sent scrambling for the border at New Year’s Eve last year, sitting in a queue until three or four in the morning with babies and children — do you think they believe this premiere won’t use these dictatorial powers?
Do those parents who have home-schooled their kids, week after week after week — do you think they believe this premiere when he says he won’t use these dictatorial powers?
Do you think they believe a premier who says ‘Hey Victorians, we don’t want to be like New South Wales. We’re just going to have a short, short lockdown. Seven days…
It is a joke but I have to say it anyway. You know, it’s too serious to joke but, you know, they say the worst part of a seven-day lockdown is the first three weeks.
It is ridiculous that this government expects that people will believe that they won’t use the powers that are in this legislation.
If you’re not going to arbitrarily arrest people, then take it out of the bills.
If you’re not going to discriminate based on religion or political persuasion they take it out of the bill.
If you’re not going to arbitrarily detain people — Premier, take it out of the bill.
If you’re not going to declare a pandemic and give yourselves the opportunity to impose these orders and directions on Victorians when there isn’t a pandemic in the state, let alone the country, then take it out of the bill.
It’s in the bill because you’re going to use it.
No Victorian believes you are not going to use the powers because they have heard, day after day, the premier get up in front of a press conference… lecture them, tell them off, never take any blame…
[…] We’ll oppose this every step of the way — in this place, in the upper house, and out on the streets. […]
FREEDOM fighters across the nation have sounded the alarm over the psychopath Andrews’ full dictatorship takeover plans for Victoria, which will inevitably spread to other states with the endorsement of his pathetic, serial lying mate Scott Morrison.
All major party MPs – Liberal, Labor, Nationals and Greens – are complicit in Andrews’ horrendous Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 that would give the Premier authority to declare a pandemic.It also gives the health minister, rather than chief health officer, the role of making health orders.
In a Zoom call on Friday night protest leaders all sounded a unified message – stop this legislation or lose Australia. The protest leaders (see names below) who live in Victoria are all targets of Andrews’ legislation under his “more complete” fascist/communist dictatorship. The others will be also.
Already facing bogus “incitement” charges laid by Andrews’ Gestapo are Victorians Fanos Panayides, Monica Smit and Topher Field, while Nick Patterson was intercepted and viciously assaulted on the street by cops without provocation while walking with his activist friends. He was jailed and released as was his fellow Christian pastor friend Paul Furlong.
Topher Field, the most recent target of Andrews and his thugs, said voters in coming elections needed to understand that the preferential voting system would only work for the smaller parties if they were all numbered in preference above the main parties who need to be numbered last on ballots or left off altogether.
Retired Qantas pilot Graham Hood said every MP across Australia needed to be told they are in danger of losing their seat because of the legislation. “There are white crosses on battlefields all around the world because of the freedoms attacked in this bill,” he said. “People need to realise that this draconian legislation will be used in every other aspect of our lives … the spirit of Australia will die if this goes through.”
Cairns News endorses the efforts of these patriots and has been calling out Andrews as a dictator since early 2020 when he first plunged Victoria into its series of lockdowns, designed to implement the dystopian, totalitarian “Great Reset” society advocated by the World Economic Forum in which the masses “own nothing but will be happy”.
But the major political parties and the mainstream media are too “intellectually sophisticated” and invested in the Davos crowd and their “benefits” to entertain such “conspiracy theories” as are the 13 Victorian QCs who have issued a limp-wristed “public letter of concern” over the powers given the premier in the bill. Andrews must be terrified … excuse the sarcasm.
Victoria’s Liberal-National Party coalition certainly have spoken out against the bill, but all Andrews needs to do to invoke their obedience is to get his dirty little CHO Sutton to arrange a rash of “Delta variant” outbreaks and “cases” and those weaklings will fold – especially when the mainstream media pushes the panic button. Note how Andrews and Sutton are keeping the “case” and “death” numbers up, while at the same time spouting “freedom”.
Andrews can also rely on the moronic, brainwashed responses of corporate industry representatives like Tim Piper of the Australian Industry Group who told 3AW: “It is what it is, it’s an IH&S law and nothing will change that … It’s (the vaccine) is going to look after their colleagues, their businesses, themselves.”
Now with 20 months of rule by decree and the uncritical support of lame-brained corporate and media types behind him the dictator’s psychotic lust for power is clearly not satiated yet. He wants those powers made his own exclusively. All he needs to do is buy the votes of a few Victorian Upper House Members who hold the balance of power, namely Fiona Patten of The Reason Party, Samantha Ratnam of The Greens and Andy Meddick of the Animal Justice Party.
Patten, Meddick and Ratnam are all pushers of trendy leftist issues and Andrews can easily accommodate their demands. The corrupt former Labor minister Adem Somyurek who was sacked by Andrews could be a wild card in the process and, according to Monica Smit, there are at least three Labor MPs who do not like Daniel Andrews – but they would need to be in the Upper House (Legislative Council).
The bill for permanent pandemic laws means total abolition of freedom for all Victorians with indefinite lock downs (even with no pandemic), the ultimate power to make decisions in the hands of the premier who must only “consider” health advice from experts, targeting people based on “characteristics, attributes, circumstances”, fines of up to $90k for individuals and $450k for businesses, up to two years in prison for not following the rules.
“The only way stop this is to make some noise by any means necessary. Share this zoom, share our poster, talk about what this bill means to your friends, family, anyone who will listen. We need to make plenty of noise! The people of Victoria and Australia need to know about this,” the Zoom host Fanos posted.
Vatican News: “Press conference on the flight back from his Apostolic Journey in Southern Africa.”
Read these astounding words from Pope Francis:
“I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organisations and we recognise their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations. If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey. It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity will also be so for our [Vatican] pockets, but we must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created. That’s why international courts were created.”
Choose one of the following: The person making that statement is a) utterly naïve; b) a blind secular ideologue; c) surrendering his power and his Church to Earthly authority; d) combining his power and the power of his Church with elite Globalists; e) what?!?!
And don’t sidestep these choices with, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s.”
If those words of Jesus described His ultimate position, His surrender to the authorities and His Crucifixion would have no more meaning than a man paying his taxes, albeit with a great deal more pain.
I guess the days of a Pope concealing a broad secret agenda are over. Francis comes right out in the open, as if he were a city council member supporting the local shut down of a factory smokestack, in accordance with a UN climate-change policy.
Except that’s not who the Pope is.
He’s an Argentine Jesuit with “the keys to the Kingdom.”
And to you, his followers, he’s infallible.
Unless you decide otherwise.
This would be a good time to reassess his status in your eyes.
I keep hammering on this point: Jesus served God, not the State.
The institutions the Pope insists all Catholics must obey are the State, in its widest and most powerful form.
Therefore, it makes perfect sense that he would say Catholics should line up and take the COVID vaccine, even while acknowledging fetal tissue from abortions has been used in testing those vaccines.
What’s next? A Vatican treaty with Planned Parenthood?
The Pope has cast a long shadow on attempts to gain religious exemptions from vaccination. Obviously, he and his secular partners wanted to shrink that loophole.
The diabolical plan to stick a needle into 8 billion arms, delivering an experimental genetic treatment, whose documented effects have been catastrophic…that plan can’t achieve wide success if a billion of those people—Catholics—believe the shot is founded on a sin.
The planning for the (false) pandemic had to include Pope Francis. And he was agreeable. Remarkably so.
Let’s take one more step down the rabbit hole. The reference here is a May 2021 article at The Tablet: “Pope joins global [financial] elite to plan for world after COVID.”
An unpublicized conference, “Dreaming of a Better Restart,” had already been held at the time of publication. It was sponsored by the Vatican. It took up climate change, economic inequality, and hunger.
Then we have this from the Tablet article. Buckle up: “Prominent population control advocate and supporter of Chinese Communist Party president Xi Jinping, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, led the group discussion that followed. Sachs has extolled Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road initiative, that aims to extend CCP influence across Asia to Europe, as ‘one of the most important economic development initiatives in the history of contemporary economics’. He is a frequent collaborator with Bishop Sorondo, who in a February 2018 interview said, ‘right now, those who are best implementing the social doctrine of the Church are the Chinese’.”
“Rockefeller Foundation president Raj Shah was one of the leaders of the general discussion that followed. Along with its humanitarian projects, the Foundation has for years funded worldwide contraception programmes and abortion providers. Shah worked for USAID during the presidency of Barack Obama, and before that served in a range of leadership roles in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”
If all that doesn’t make your head spin, I can’t help you.
This is your Church. This is your Pope.
They represent Jesus on Earth.
Well, actually, the Pope is a stage magician performing a simple trick of hypnosis—otherwise known as the bait and switch.
You’re sitting at home eating dinner with the family and the phone rings. You look at the screen. There is no number printed on it. You pick up.
A voice says, “Hello, friend. I want to tell you about a special offer. Jesus in a bottle. $49.95. If you order now, we’ll send you two. And you can move to China. Or wait a year and the Chinese system will come to you. But that’s not all. As a bonus, one absolutely free abortion for a member of your family. You’re Catholic, we’re the improved Catholic Church, so give me your card numbers and your future in all of Eternity.”
Coercing Children, Scaring the Elderly: How New Zealand, Sweden and Canada Are Responding to the Pandemic
Coercing Children, Scaring the Elderly: How New Zealand, Sweden and Canada Are Responding to the Pandemic
On the first three episodes of CHD.TV’s “Around The World,” host Amanda Forbes interviewed a medical doctor in New Zealand, a humanitarian in Sweden and a journalist in Canada who described their governments’ pandemic response policies.
The first three episodes of CHD.TV’s “Around the World” with Amanda Forbes, Forbes interviewed a medical doctor in New Zealand, a humanitarian in Sweden and a journalist in Canada who described their governments’ pandemic response policies.
New Zealand
The latest episode featured an interview with Dr. Samantha Bailey, a New Zealand mother and co-author of “Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense.”
Forbes and Bailey discussed the latest news on lockdowns, mandates, passports, police enforcement and vaccines. Bailey said New Zealand is a test subject for many experiments due to its isolation, and children as young as 12 in are able to consent to COVID vaccination.
Describing New Zealand’s push to get as many people vaccinated as possible, Bailey said, “They were doing all these carnival kind of things. Free ice cream for poor people, bouncy castles and making it a fun kind of thing.”
She said her “awakening” as a doctor occurred when she realized the government, Big Pharma and the medical establishment were all “in” on a complex, planned response to COVID.
Bailey said her medical license was suspended after she spoke out against the media and medical narrative.
Watch the New Zealand episode of “Around the Word” here:
On Episode 2 of CHD.TV’s “Around the World,” Forbes interviewed Aga Wilson, a humanitarian, news reporter and New Yorker who moved to Sweden to escape New York’s COVID restrictions.
Forbes and Wilson discussed the similarities and differences between Sweden’s response to COVID and the policies implemented by other countries. They covered what’s going on with schools, vaccines, protests and talking with medical professionals.
“The government has written a proposal saying that they definitely want to implement COVID passports and take away the testing altogether,” Wilson said.
Wilson described why the Swedish people get out and protest. Because the police cannot legally lock anyone up for protesting, officers drive protesters far away, and drop them off so they’re out-of-sight.
Watch the Sweden episode of “Around the Word” here:
On the premier episode 1 of CHD.TV’s “Around the World,” Forbes interviewed Ontario-based Rajie Kabli, co-founder of WholeHearted Media and journalist who has covered the Canadian government’s response to COVID since the onset of the pandemic.
Forbes and Kabli discussed how the Canadian response is beginning to look a lot like Australia.
They took a close look at all the contradictory restrictions, from province to province, and discussed protests, police and propaganda as well as the vaccine passport.
Kabli shared the shocking story of an 80-year-old woman who ran from authorities after being apprehended at a provincial border.
“In that third lockdown, the most severe for us were checkpoints.” Kabli said. “You can’t even travel out of your jurisdiction — where you live.”
Watch the Canada episode of “Around the Word” here:
Watch a new episode of “Around the World” with Amanda Forbes every Friday on CHD TV at 8:30 a.m. PT / 11:30 a.m. ET.
The wealthy elite travel to the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings via a steady stream of private aircraft to discuss issues like global sustainability, but their real plan is to usher in stakeholder capitalism, in which private corporations — not elected leaders — become “trustees of society,” putting your privacy and data, your food and your freedom at risk.
The wealthy elite travel to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual meetings via a “steady stream” of private planes and helicopters to discuss issues like global sustainability.
By 2050, it’s estimated that aviation will contribute 22% of global carbon emissions — still, in 2019, more than 600 private planes arrived at the Davos Forum, and that doesn’t include the military planes that transported an additional 60 presidents and prime ministers.
Jet-setters are carbon super-emitters — the idea that the elite can continue to pollute but simply purchase carbon credits to “offset” their pollution is a matter of smoke and mirrors.
WEF and its partners are using the COVID-19 pandemic as “a unique window of opportunity” to rapidly usher in The Great Reset, which involves changing everything from future global relations and the direction of national economies to “the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”
Part of the plan involves ushering in stakeholder capitalism, in which private corporations — not elected leaders — become “trustees of society,” putting your privacy and data, your food and your freedom at risk.
At the start of each year, the world’s elite hop into their private jets and descend upon Davos, Switzerland, a city prized not only for its luxury ski resorts but also for hosting the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting.
Also known as the Davos Forum, the event takes on a different theme each year, providing a global platform for business leaders, government officials, academia and other members of society to discuss “critical issues.” WEF is one of the key players behind The Great Reset, with their “new normal” dictum that, by 2030, you will own nothing and be happy.
In such a scheme, the world’s resources will be owned and controlled by the technocraticelite. All items and resources are to be used by the collective, while actual ownership is restricted to an upper stratum of social class. Just how “upper class”?
To even attend the WEF annual meeting, you must be privately invited or a member of WEF, which costs $60,000 to $600,000. The attendance badge for the meeting is extra and costs another $27,000 in 2020, just to get entrance to the conference.
Arriving on private jets to discuss sustainability
The irony was palpable at Davos 2020, which brought in a “steady stream” of private planes and helicopters so their passengers could discuss the climate crisis and sustainability. In 2018, more than 1,000 private jets and helicopters similarly made their way to Davos and, in 2017, an estimated 200 private flights landed in the city each day during the event.
By 2050, it’s estimated that aviation will contribute 22% of global carbon emissions. Still, in 2019, more than 600 private planes arrived at the Davos Forum, and that doesn’t include the military planes that transported an additional 60 presidents and prime ministers.
But we needn’t worry about this indulgence of the upper classes at the expense of the environment, according to WEF. “Offering little self-awareness, leaders of the WEF claim that the jet-set class promises to purchase carbon credits to offset the emissions from their planes,” Forbes noted.
This is yet another strategy of the technocratic elite to set up a new wave of colonization in the name of sustainability and “net zero” carbon emissions.
Rich carbon super-emitters plan to buy their way out
The deadline Bill Gates has given to reach net zero emissions is 2050. It’s another ironic statement coming from the jet-set elite. Gates lives in a 66,000-square-foot mansion and travels in a private jet that uses up 486 gallons of fuel every hour. As a result of buying up staggering amounts of farmland, he’s a major contributor to carbon emissions, and his jet-setting lifestyle also makes him a carbon “super-emitter.”
But when it comes to the elite, it’s “do as I say, not as I do.” As explained by Vandana Shiva, in order to force the world to accept The Great Reset’s new food and agricultural system, new conditionalities are being created through net zero “nature-based” solutions, which are anything but good for the environment and favor the rich.
Navdanya’s report, “Earth Democracy: Connecting Rights of Mother Earth to Human Rights and Well-Being of All,” explains:
“If ‘feeding the world’ through chemicals and dwarf varieties bred for chemicals was the false narrative created to impose the Green Revolution, the new false narrative is ‘sustainability’ and ‘saving the planet.’ In the new ‘net zero’ world, farmers will not be respected and rewarded as custodians of the land and caregivers, as Annadatas, the providers of our food and health.
“… ‘Net Zero’ is a new strategy to get rid of small farmers first through ‘digital farming’ and ‘farming without farmers’ and then through the burden of fake carbon accounting.
“Carbon offsets and the new accounting trick of ‘net zero’ does not mean zero emissions. It means the rich polluters will continue to pollute and also grab the land and resources of those who have not polluted — indigenous people and small farmers — for carbon offsets.”
The idea that the elite can continue to pollute but simply purchase carbon credits to “offset” their pollution is simply a matter of smoke and mirrors. Speaking with Business Insider, Lucy Gilliam, with the European clean transport nonprofit Transport & Environment, stated, “You’re not actually removing the emissions that have been created by that plane. The plane will have burned that fuel, and the carbon has been released into the atmosphere.”
Davos 2021: Execute the Great Reset
In 2021, due to the pandemic the Davos Forum was held virtually in January and again in person in Singapore in August. During the five-day January event, which was attended by 1,507 people from “the highest levels of leadership,” five domains of The Great Reset Initiative were discussed, including:
Designing cohesive, sustainable and resilient economic systems.
Driving responsible industry transformation and growth.
The end goal is to “build a new social contract,” which sounds like a lofty goal while telling you exactly nothing. “Build back better” is a tagline that’s used often with The Great Reset, and though this is being played off as a new initiative, it’s actually a rebranding of terms for technocracy and the old “New World Order.”
Part of the plan involves the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which Schwab has been discussing since at least 2016, and which “is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital and biological spheres.”
In terms of government, the Revolution will bring new technological powers that allow for increased population control via “pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure.” As for as its effects on people, Klaus Schwab, WEF’s founder and executive chairman, wrote in 2016:
“The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships.
“It is already changing our health and leading to a ‘quantified’ self, and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation. The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination.”
Davos 2022: Ushering in stakeholder capitalism
Davos 2022 will take place in January 2022, with plans to continue The Great Reset narrative. The theme, “Working Together, Restoring Trust,” will focus on “accelerating stakeholder capitalism, harnessing the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and ensuring a more inclusive future of work.”
Also known as stakeholder economy, Forbes described stakeholder capitalism as “the notion that a firm focuses on meeting the needs of all its stakeholders: customers, employees, partners, the community and society as a whole.”
The idea of stakeholder capitalism has been around since at least 1932, and was also endorsed by nearly 200 CEOs of large corporations in August 2019. However, it is now being accelerated as part of The Great Reset.
“Business has now to fully embrace stakeholder capitalism, which means not only maximizing profits, but use their capabilities and resources in cooperation with governments and civil society to address the key issues of this decade. They have to actively contribute to a more cohesive and sustainable world,” said Schwab.
However, forms of stakeholder capitalism have already been tried and failed, because balancing conflicting stakeholder claims was near-impossible and only led to mass confusion and poor returns. The failure of this strategy is what led big businesses to focus on maximizing shareholder value instead.
The future of food, privacy and freedom are at stake
In stakeholder capitalism, private corporations become “trustees of society,” as Schwab said, which he added is “clearly the best response to today’s social and environmental challenges.” But while it sounds like a good thing to have corporations looking out for their customers, suppliers, employees and society as a whole, the underlying theme is that private corporations take power over society — not elected leaders.
WEF is partnered with multinational corporations that lead the food, oil, technology and pharmaceutical industries. What does a future look like in which these corporations call all the shots?
We’ve already seen snippets, such as the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, which prompted boycotts from farmers and human rights groups over claims that it favored agribusiness interests, elite foundations and the exploitation of African food systems.
In terms of Big Tech, it’s possible it would end up as its own global governing body, wielding increasing power over society. Your privacy and data, your food and your access to medications would all be under the control of these corporate “custodians.” As political scientist Ivan Wecke wrote in Open Democracy:
“The plan from which The Great Reset originated was called the Global Redesign Initiative. Drafted by the WEF after the 2008 economic crisis, the initiative contains a 600-page report on transforming global governance. In the WEF’s vision, ‘the government voice would be one among many, without always being the final arbiter.’
“… Instead of corporations serving many stakeholders, in the multi-stakeholder model of global governance, corporations are promoted to being official stakeholders in global decision-making, while governments are relegated to being one of many stakeholders. In practice, corporations become the main stakeholders, while governments take a backseat role, and civil society is mainly window dressing.
“… If you value your right to public health, to privacy, to access healthy food or to democratic representation, be wary of the words ‘stakeholder capitalism’ when they pop up at the next Davos summit.”
It’s hard to keep up with all that’s happening throughout Australia. Governments continue their push for total control of every aspect of our lives. At the same time, large numbers of Australians are waking up, standing up and speaking out against this assault on their freedom.
I haven’t been able to find information related to Australian Federal Police and vaccine mandates. The fact that it’s so hard to find makes me suspicious.
Australia’s bureaucrats have created a “special” list of people who don’t have to obey the “no jab, no job” rule.
We can confirm that among the exempt from mandatory vaccination are security guards and lawyers — all of whom have more physical contact with the public, by far, than the average citizen. Criminal lawyers not only interact with the public and courts regularly but also visit clients in jail. Yet they are exempt and the average person is not.
Then there is the exemption for court staff who have contact with all the people entering the courts each day.
This is “the elephant in the room” that no politician, nor any person enforcing these mandates on others, is prepared to address. Why aren’t they asking? Is it not bleeding obvious? We would all love to hear Daniel Andrews’ rationale and reasoning behind this.
As if to prove there is no limit to this tyrannical insanity, Victoria’s Premier Daniel Andrews announced that people who are “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19 will only remain as such if they agree to receive all existing and future booster shots. See the article Daniel Andrews gives Vaccine Mandate EXEMPTIONS, but only for his mates by The Expose:
Many of us have wondered why the state of Victoria seems to be leading the way along the path to total tyranny. However, after learning that Victoria has been sold out to the globalist Strong Cities Network and China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the dots are starting to connect. Melbourne is the only city in Australia that has this “strong cities” classification. (Somehow the whole state of Victoria is included on the strong cities list.) [6/10/2023 update: Strong Cities website link for Victoria has been deleted. It had been found at:]
Is this a clue as to why Victoria is experiencing a “special treatment” — a faster transformation than the rest of Australia into a full police state?
Meanwhile, Victorian Police are no longer reserving their bash and assault operations just for protestors. They are now attacking ordinary citizens who are just going about their everyday business (who the police suspect may be committing a crime because they are, “God forbid”, sitting on a park bench). The crime here, which resulted in a woman being pinned to the ground by police, was that she did not want to give her name and address. See Avi Yemini steps in for woman violently arrested in Melbourne,
Division by Tyrannical Design — The Vaxxed vs the Unvaxxed — (Hunger Games Revisited?)
A particularly important aspect and intention of this government psyop is to divide the population into two camps, the unvaccinated versus vaccinated, where the vaccinated attack the unvaccinated.
We get a glimpse of that dynamic at the recent peaceful protest in St. Kilda, Victoria — an inner seaside suburb of Melbourne. As some protestors walk together through the streets, others picnicked on blankets outside of restaurants where they are not allowed inside unless they are vaccinated.
In the video of this event by Real Rukshan — at 00:45 timestamp — the camera pans to an outdoor café area beneath the Woolworths Supermarket sign. A presumably “vaxxed” man leans over his segregated eating area to yell at the passing protestors. When approached by police, he makes a hasty and cowardly retreat back to his chair behind the safety of the awning.
When caught up in the division psyop, people appear to share a common trait — a belief that they are entitled to verbally denigrate, insult and attack anyone who dares to hold a different opinion to theirs. Another common trait I’m observing in these “righteous souls” is COWARDICE.
In the video below, reporter Avi Yemini of Rebel News is covering a protest on Oct. 22nd, attended primarily by nurses and teachers. He is filming on Spring St., opposite Parliament House in Melbourne’s Central Business District. As he passes a segregated outdoor dining area, a man yells insults at him. As Avi approaches the man to give him a chance to express his views to a wider audience, the man becomes very aggressive and hostile. Of course, those in support of medical tyranny have reported that the irate man is the victim in this situation.
Taking a Stand Against These Crimes Against Humanity
Australians are rising and pushing back in greater numbers every day. There are many examples, including lawsuits, protests and individuals standing up to employers and bureaucrats. Here are just a few examples:
“Senior Constable Belinda Hocroft, who is attached to the Dog and Mounted Police unit, has filed civil proceedings in the Supreme Court of NSW against the health minister seeking a declaration that the government does not have the power to pass orders which essentially coerce people into being vaccinated.”
“So if it’s public consultation they want, let’s give it to them. We have under a week to do it, but it is critical we do, because this legislation is a further attempt to remove our sovereignty as they are doing with our bodily autonomy through forced vaccination. Again, it is up to us to say NO!”
“On the 16th of October, thousands marched through the streets of Brisbane in a “stand against tyranny”.
Chants echoed through the streets, bringing the city to a standstill for an hour and a half. This crowd had a lot to say and had one dominant message of ‘freedom’.”
Nelleus is an independent reporter, dedicated to freedom, and committed to revealing the truth about unfolding events in Australia, .
“There is no compromise, we will always stand with you for the truth.”
cover image credit: screenshot from Rebel News video report
Riccardo Bosi, Leader of Australia One – Declaration of Sovereignty: “This Will Not End Until We Decide It Ends. We Must Make Governing This Country Impossible. We Must Bring It to a Standstill.”
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. My name is Riccardo Bose, national leader of Australia One. Today is Monday the 25th of October, 2021.
And today I was required to appear before the magistrates court of South Australia on a charge for refusing to comply with the directions for you to wear a mask — which happened on the 10th of April when I visited Adelaide. I arrived at Adelaide airport without a mask and I was charged $1000 for the pleasure.
Today was the magistrate’s hearing. It was done by telephone since I am in Sydney. The magistrate asked me what I wanted to do. I told him that I would be reading a prepared statement. It would be recorded and then I would hang up.
I started reading the statement — which you will hear shortly and has been distributed.
At a couple of points during the statement the magistrate attempted to speak but I continued making my statemen, and eventually he hung up. I continued reading this statement until its conclusion.
So, thank you very much for your time. Please enjoy. Note that the first couple of seconds weren’t recorded, so you’ll come in shortly after I actually began. We’ll see you at the end.
I seek no determination of guilt nor innocence from you.
I seek nothing from you because you have nothing to bestow upon me.
I acknowledge no claim to any authority you might make.
You have no standing.
You are at worst a traitor and at best an imbecile — the truth of which will be determined in due course when you’ll experience the law from the other side of the bar table at the hands of the people.
But you will not be alone. Your learned friends, even from the highest places, will also be obliged to answer for their words and their deeds.
None shall escape judgment and the guilty shall not escape punishment. We know not yet whether you have sworn secret oaths. We know not yet whether you have committed other crimes. But soon we will know all these things and more.
Because there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. Nothing.
But it matters little whether or not you are guilty in law because, at the very least, you have, by your craven obsequiousness, facilitated the brutal destruction of countless innocent people.
There’s no defense against this moral charge that will stand. Your blind and soulless obedience to your masters — who have visited upon the Australian people the most egregious perversions of decency and depravity — disqualifies you from any further role in the governance of this nation.
You and the entire profession of the law have forfeited any rights to my esteem, my deference and my obedience. I will not submit myself to any man or woman, nor any class of man or woman, who by their action and inaction have eschewed plain decency and good sense, and instead, contributed to the most barbaric and purely evil betrayal of the people of the world.
By what authority do I speak these words? By the authority that I’m a sovereign being.
My life is my life.
My liberty is my liberty.
My property is my property.
And so long as I do not do injury to another’s life, liberty and property, none may interfere with mine.
I am my own authority.
And you will submit to me just as you will submit to other millions of sovereign Australians. We are the only source of local authority in this land.
Now before I dismiss you, there is one final issue to be addressed. Only six days remain for you to join with the people against the tyranny of which you are a part.
If you do not, may God have mercy on your soul in the next life, because we, the people, will have no mercy on the guilty in this one.
Consider this carefully.
Now, for the time being at least, I’m done with you, should be gone.
But I noticed that the magistrate departed. He hung up halfway through. Makes no difference.
Ladies and gentleman, this is what must be done to bring our country to a halt.
This will not end until we decide it ends.
We must make governing this country impossible. We must bring it to a standstill.
We will not risk life and limb, but we will stop the powers that be from exercising any control over this nation.
The reckoning is coming, but you must make it happen.
You must stand together.
You must bring the country to a halt.
This is Riccardo Bosi, national leader of Australia One. Thank you for your time.
Canada now has medical apartheid. The vaccinated and unvaccinated are now legally segregated. Unvaccinated Canadians are second class citizens denied their civil liberties, human rights and Charter freedoms. Did we learn nothing from history?
Recently, tens of thousands took to the streets in Bern, Switzerland to protest the government’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates, and Orwellian vaccine passport or “Green Pass” medical apartheid system.
Citizens are opposing the draconian moves en mass, and are now accusing the government of using bureaucratic deception by attempting to implement mandatory vaccinations “through the back door.”
In September, the Swiss government announced it would extend the use of the “Covid certificate” which shows a person’s vaccination status, or whether they tested negative or supposedly recovered from COVID-19, giving then access to indoor venues like restaurants, events, and sports and leisure activities. The measure which applies to individuals aged 16 and over, will remain valid until the end of January 2022, or longer if public health officials decide to extend the ‘health emergency’.
The government also invoked a radical decree which states that any visitors who were vaccinated in third countries will have to test every 3 days in order to gain entry into indoor dining areas throughout Switzerland, placing the Switzerland Tourism (ST) department under incredible stress as it watched the bottom drop out its tourism business.
Many of the new vaccine apartheid rules are proving to be extremely unpopular in different sections of society. In September, students at several universities across the country staged protests against the mandatory use of controversial “Covid certificates” required to attend college courses.
Switzerland 🇨🇭Bern Place Féderale, huge protest against the mandatory health pass
Protesters took to the streets in the historic city of Bern to make a clear statement to the government about what the new fascist policies represent.
Micheal P Senger comments on social media:
“Massive, powerful display of protest against vaccine passports in Bern, Switzerland. The protesters wear yokes to symbolize the desire of the ruling class to treat workers like livestock that they can drug at will.”
Massive, powerful display of protest against vaccine passports in Bern, Switzerland. The protesters wear yokes to symbolize the desire of the ruling class to treat workers like livestock that they can drug at
In this one-hour video, Catherine Austin Fitts and Corey Lynn discuss Corey’s 4-part report on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports, and get into the specifics on where this is headed, who the key players are, how far along they are with each agenda, and solutions for combatting this tyranny.
This is about much more than just a “vaccine ID passport,” it is about getting you a QR code for a digital identity that will eventually go onto the blockchain where they will trace, track, and monitor your every move in order to control your health records, all personal records, housing, jobs, food, access to establishments, transportation, and the financial system.
There’s a phenomenon that is occurring as the planscamdemic narrative is beginning to break down, and that phenomenon is not only the bifurcation of the culture, but of the workplace as well, a phenomenon hastened by the ridiculous “one size fits all” mandate-and-medicine policy of the regime of President* Bidenenko. Consider: one result of the “narrative” has been that more and more parents were able to see exactly what their children were being subjected to in Amairikuhn edgykayshun; some have responded by pulling their children out of the schools completely, other by protesting local school boards and in some cases, getting those boards fired and overturned. One local mayor consulted a judge on the law, showed up to the school board meeting and demanded the board all resign – immediately – or face charges of child pornography and abuse. On the professional front of medicine, law enforcement, or fire control, medical professionals, policemen, and firemen are resigning their jobs, rather than take the questionable injections. And then, of course, there’s Southwest Airlines cancelling many of its flights, thousands of flights by some estimates. The narrative they coughed up is laughable: weather and “staffing difficulties.” Apparently the storm clouds were gathering only over Southwest and no other airlines serving the same cities Southwest serves. The real explanation, of course, is that Southwest pilots and flight crews called a mass “sick out” in protest of the company’s quackcine mandates. It’s an ironic development for an airline that started as an employee-owned and run airline.
Notice what the end result of all of this is: a professional employee pool is being created of people who do not subscribe to government mandated narratives, from education, to medicine, to law enforcement, and so on. In other words, we’re watching the bifurcation of the workplace along general cultural-philosophical lines.
During our recent Solari third quarter wrap up talk, this development led Catherine Austin Fitts to note that this is the best emergent investment opportunity to emerge in a long time, to invest in these professional people and create parallel structures, a medical profession that’s “cash on the barrelhead” and so on.
With that in mind as a backdrop or context, consider the following article shared by J.N.:
For those of us on the right who knew the culture wars were not going to stay on college campuses. The woke ideology has been seeping into corporate America for well over a decade. Perhaps tech entrepreneur and CEO Andrew Crapuchettes’s RedBalloon can offer a solution that allows those who wish to leave Woketopia an off-ramp.
We connect employers who value freedom with employees who value it too. We envision a world beyond cancel culture, where employees are free to work… without fear that they will find themselves on the wrong side of their employer’s politics.
That’s it. No agendas, politics, or drama. Just work. Interested? Let’s create that world together.
This message mirrors the sentiments of Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, who extracted his company from politics. In a blog post, he laid down the guardrails and gave severance packages to employees who were not satisfied with working in a company that refused to engage in political activism. He listed four specific things the company would not do:
Debate causes or political candidates internally that are unrelated to work
Expect the company to represent our personal beliefs externally
Assume negative intent, or not have each other’s back
Take on activism outside of our core mission at work
These four items were called professional behavior when I entered the corporate world 20 years ago. Unfortunately, even then, the legacy of affirmative action had morphed into “corporate diversity,” which turned the intent of Title VII entirely on its head. Rather than focus on merit and capability, employers started to focus on immutable characteristics and trying to balance them. It never quite worked.
Three cheers for Mr. Andrew Crapuchette. Now imagine this philosophy spreading – is it inevitably will and already is – and you get the picture: the radical left-authoritarian narrative of Mr. Globaloney is collapsing, and high time too. Imagine this philosophy spreading to that place from which all the current cultural ills have spread: the quackademy.
But until then, watch this development, because I strongly suspect those out-of-work professionals will band together, and create their own hospitals, schools, clinics, and even pharmaceutical companies and newspapers and publishing houses.
Yesterday, I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing.
I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis.
For all people of faith. Every faith.
“According to my religious belief, the murder of an undeniably live infant for any reason is unconscionable and evil, and I refuse the vaccine.”
Here is a Force against which no government, no establishment, no secret society, no wealth can stand.
I fully understand all sorts of professionals will spout language that purports to show “the infant was not alive, the lab followed all the legal guidelines, this is an old argument that has been debunked…”
But this is not just an old argument. This is the equivalent of an opening statement in a murder trial. Nothing less.
If religious leaders will read AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s article, they will see how important her charge is.
The question isn’t “will people of faith wake up and do what they should”; the question is “how can any person of faith NOT do what they should”.
If they will make a stand; if all people of faith will; the entire dire situation we are facing changes in the blink of an eye.
Solomon to God: “You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in…Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil.”
Gautama Buddha: “To cease from evil, to do good, and to purify the mind yourself, this is the teaching of all the Buddhas.”
John 10:10: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Would any church, any religion in the world say that God wants the killing of live infants for the purpose of medical research?
In the midst of this COVID tyranny, haven’t we all been looking for an issue that will galvanize huge numbers of people?
And not as some kind of stunt. But rather as an inevitable outcome of deep faith.
Faith and justice come from the same everlasting tree.
I hear the voices that say we can never rouse a billion people from their slumber. But they are wrong. Nothing is impossible. The so-called evidence of history is never more than What Was. And even down through history, “what could never happen” was the status quo until a breakthrough shattered it.
For people who missed it, here is my article from yesterday:
Was COVID vaccine fetal tissue obtained by the murder of an infant?
With the release of COVID vaccines, and then the mandates, we’ve seen a new resurgence of people attempting to gain religious exemptions.
Many of these attempts focus on fetal tissue obtained through abortion.
Cardinalli details the collection of fetal tissue for the cell line named HEK 293. This cell line was used for “testing” the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.
Cardinalli writes: “We know that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines do not use any cells derived from abortion in the production process. That is, we know that we are not being directly injected with fetal cells or their engineered descendants (though this fact differs with other manufacturers). We hear that the abortion-derived cell lines were only used in testing, which should somehow comfort us, though it still means that the vaccines from which we seek to benefit depend on the involvement of abortion. We are told that the cell line used in testing came from one abortion, which took place decades ago. These things are all true, but they do not serve to inform us fully.”
“What we may not know follows. The most prominent cell line, called HEK 293, comes from an abortion performed in the 1970’s. It’s labeled 293 because that’s how many experimental attempts the researchers needed to get a working cell line. Therefore, though the abortion-to-experiment ratio is not precisely one-to-one, hundreds of abortions went into the project, even if they didn’t result in the working line.”
“HEK stands for human embryonic kidney. To harvest a viable embryonic kidney for this purpose, sufficiently healthy children old enough to have adequately-developed kidneys must be removed from the womb, alive, typically by cesarean section, and have their kidneys cut out. This must take place without anesthesia for the child, which [anesthesia] would lessen the viability of the organs. Instead of being held, rocked, and comforted in the time intervening between their birth and their death, they have organs cut out of them alive.”
“There is no way that a spontaneous abortion could result in the cell line (as the kidneys cannot remain viable past the brief window in which they must be harvested) or that some brilliant researcher found a way for great good to come out of a rare tragedy by making use of a child’s body donated to science after it was aborted. The deliberate killing of an unwanted child (a little girl, in the case of HEK 293) took place in the tortuous manner it did precisely to obtain her organs for research. The harvest of her organs was the direct cause of her death, prior to which, she was a living child, outside the womb.”
“I fear that Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict may not have had this information when they received the vaccines. If we re-examine the Vatican statement that ‘it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and productions process,’ we see that it does not apply here. It does not imagine this scenario. To approve of the currently-available vaccines, it would have to read ‘it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines that have used cell lines from living persons, killed by the harvest of their organs for use in medical research and productions processes,’ but the Church’s moral teachings could never truly bend so far.”
“Similar to the human rights abuses exposed by international tribunal in today’s China, where unwanted individuals such as religious and political dissidents are executed by the harvest of their organs for profit, the little girl whose cells gave rise to the COVID-19 vaccines was brutally sacrificed for the purpose, as were all the children whose cell lines failed before her.”
If Cardinalli is correct in her analysis, not only is the granting of religious exemptions a foregone conclusion; the whole field of fetal tissue research, going back many years and involving many pharmaceutical products should be put on trial.
The people who have been carrying out the murders, the people who have been using the harvested tissue, the companies—all of them—on trial.
I hope many medical professionals will take Cardinalli’s article as a springboard, and weigh in on what she is very clearly stating.
And not just doctors. All people who are shocked by her conclusions.
So far, I see two counter-claims to Cardinalli’s assertions.
One: In the fetal cell line HEK 293, the number does not stand for the number of live-birth abortions performed, in order to obtain a functioning cell line. The number 293 refers to the number of “passages” of the one cell line obtained from one abortion. This difference doesn’t concern me. It’s not central to the fact of murdering babies. And of course, many such live abortions are performed all over the world with the goal of obtaining cells lines for research.
Two: Cardinalli’s claim that the kidneys of the aborted baby must be harvested very quickly is false. The kidneys can survive for a longer period.
On that score, I refer you to a devastating video interview conducted by Robert Kennedy Jr. His guest was SOUND CHOICE PHARMACEUTICAL INSTITUTE “President and Founder, Dr. Theresa Deisher Ph.D., [with] over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience. She discovered adult cardiac derived stem cells, has worked on their therapeutic uses as an alternative to human fetal DNA, and leads a team of scientists at AVM Biotechnology dedicated to changing what a diagnosis of cancer, autoimmunity, or chronic infectious disease means to patients and their loved ones. As a result of this work, Dr. Deisher is named as an inventor on over 47 patents.”
In the first 15 minutes of the interview, Deisher makes it quite clear that infants in the womb are taken out alive, with their blood supply functioning (essential) and then killed by cutting out their hearts or their brains. This is what is done in order to obtain tissue that will be turned into fetal cell lines.
Since this act of murder is standard practice, it would appear it was committed against the live baby whose kidney cells became cell line HEK 293, used in testing the COVID vaccines. (More evidence coming in future articles.)
At the top of the interview, Kennedy said he didn’t want to get into the moral aspect of fetal cell lines. But after listening to Deisher, he was shaken. He said so. He said they would have to cover the moral aspect.
Update: October 21, 2021 –– We have been advised that the ladies in this video have retracted their statement. If this can be verified, additional information will be posted here and a general retraction will be posted at this site. Here is one link that refutes the claims made by the ladies. All references to facebook require a login. Many of us have had our accounts deleted by fb long ago, so we can’t view anything being shared there. If you find information related to this story at sites other than fb, please send our way.
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
Reports are coming from Black Lake Denesuline First Nation Territory that women and children are being forcibly taken for vaccination and that military is present there. The unverified reports are saying that many women, desperate to get away from what they know are highly toxic — even deadly — injections, have taken their children and are hiding outdoors in the freezing cold weather. See video below.
Thousands of people participated Saturday in the Broadway Rally for Freedom in New York City. The peaceful protest focused on health freedom, informed consent and the right of all Americans to make their own healthcare decisions.
“The powers that be, especially here in New York State, are fighting us,” Holland told the audience. “We may have imagined that with Governor Cuomo’s demise, we would have a breather — but no. We have a governor now who truly believes that vaccination is the state’s religion, preaching to her ‘apostles’ at a Brooklyn Church, while wearing a ‘Vaxed’ necklace. You can’t make this up.”
Holland told the crowd about the many legal battles in New York, including CHDs involvement in challenging the repeal of the religious exemption for school children, in place since 2019, which is likely headed to the Supreme Court.
“We are winning,” Holland said, as the crowd echoed a “We are winning” chant.
“We are not finished until we have incapacitated the dragon, and until we have prosecuted those who have knowingly lied to us and who have caused irreparable harm to millions with no justification,” Holland said.
The rally took place as federal, state and local governments, along with privately owned businesses, are continuing to mandate COVID vaccines as a condition of employment and access to schools, hospitals, gyms, restaurants and sporting events.
Kennedy noted with irony that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the person behind the push for vaccinating children as young as 5 for COVID, received the annual Bill of Rights Award by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California.
“In what universe is it okay to say, ‘we are going to make these children die in order that older people can live?’” Kennedy asked. He raised concerns about the rise of myocarditis and other COVID vaccine adverse effects on younger age groups.
“We have no business doing this to little children,” Kennedy said, after explaining the average age of death from COVID is 76, the same as the average life expectancy. Subjecting children to the adverse events of COVID vaccination, he said, “is unethical. It is medical malpractice.”
“There’s a guy in a white lab coat who calls himself a doctor even though he’s never treated a single COVID patient,” Kennedy said. “And he’s telling Americans to do things that violate their conscience, that violate all their values, and they’re doing it because an authority figure is telling them to do it, and 67% of them are doing it, but 33% refuse to do it, and you are that 33%.”
“You are the ones who are standing up for your values,” Kennedy continued. “You are the ones who are going to save the country for yourselves, for your children and for the 67% when they finally come to their senses.”
Watch Mary Holland and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at the Broadway Rally for Freedom here:
Iain Davis of joins us to discuss his new book, Pseudopandemic: New Normal Technocracy. In this conversation Davis lays out the copious documentation demonstrating how the pseudopandemic was generated, identifies the larger agenda behind the push toward implementing the technocratic biosecurity state and talks about what we can do to stop this nightmare from becoming a reality.
Video footage of Melbourne police checking whether a man’s coffee cup was empty to verify his excuse for not wearing a mask is stirring the latest round of online outrage over Australia’s dystopian Covid-19 policies.
While it is unclear when exactly the video was recorded, the clip went viral on social media on Friday and Saturday, showing several police officers confronting a man on what appears to be a park trail. One of the officers grabs the man’s coffee cup while asking, “Do you mind if I check if there’s actually anything in that?” He shakes the cup, and after apparently establishing that there was liquid inside, he backs away and tells the man, “Enjoy your coffee.”
The 10-second clip ends with the coffee drinker telling the police, “Jesus loves you all. God bless. I’ll be praying for you all.”
While the parkgoer dealt with the confrontation calmly and cordially, and it remains unclear when exactly the footage was recorded, online observers expressed shock over yet another example of Australia’s apparent Covid-19 “authoritarianism.”
Australian podcast host Diogo Correa Coelho said the man would have been fined if police had found his cup to be empty. Pointing out the absurdity of the beverage crackdown, he quipped, “Coffee is known to kill Covid.”
Other Twitter users pointed to the incident as an indication of how severely personal freedoms have been crushed in the Covid-19 era. One commenter tweeted: “Two years ago, if anybody had said, in the future, groups of police officers will be checking to see whether you are carrying an empty coffee cup to avoid wearing a mask… we would have laughed in their face.”
Many observers pointed out the ridiculousness of supposedly protecting people against the spread of a virus by touching a man’s coffee cup while wearing a presumably dirty glove and giving it back to him. As one critic noted, the police officer “touched the coffee cup, thereby increasing the likelihood of transmission, all because someone is enjoying a walk – outside, where the likelihood of transmission is extremely low. But science.”
Others made Nazi comparisons, such as calling the Melbourne police the “coffee cup Gestapo.” One commenter argued that only in a “police state” would officers check someone’s coffee cup so they can fine the citizen for not wearing a mask if it’s empty.
Social media users appeared to give the police no slack for just following orders from higher-ups. Still other observers tried to illustrate the alleged police overreach through humor.
“I am about to go long coffee beans,” one Twitter user said. “This gentleman just found another utility for java. It’s a face-diaper exemption card.” Another commenter sarcastically praised the officers for their bravery, saying, “If just one person is saved, it is worth losing your freedom.”
But many critics suggested that the obliteration of individual liberties in the name of fighting the pandemic won’t be easily reversed. “These people aren’t getting their freedom back unless there’s a complete turnaround of their entire government,” one commenter tweeted.
Australia has imposed some of the world’s most stringent pandemic restrictions under its so-called “Covid zero” strategy of trying to completely shut down the virus. New South Wales chief health officer Dr. Kerry Chant, who advised residents in July to refrain from having conversations with people, later said Australians may have to continue wearing masks for years.
Residents of Melbourne have been subjected to the world’s longest Covid-19 lockdown, which has dragged on for more than eight months. The restrictions were eased marginally on September 29, when the state of Victoria hit its 80% first dose vaccination goal. The state’s premier, Daniel Andrews, promised to finally lift the lockdown on October 22, when 70% of residents aged over 16 are projected to be doubled-dosed.
Food insecurity in the Land of the Free is at a historical high. Thanks to the fed printing trillions to pay for their irresponsible and economically devastating lockdown policies, food costs have gone through the roof, supply chains are disrupted, there are fewer workers, and the impact is empty shelves. According to a report in Bloomberg, some of the countries largest food distributors are reporting difficulties in fulfilling orders.
Naturally, if the retail food supply is in a rut, the food banks and charities reflect this. The U.S. Census Bureau reported in March that as many as 9 million children live in a household where they don’t eat enough because the parents can’t afford it. And now, those who are able to donate, can’t due to shortages in the supply chain.
One company, however, isn’t reporting any shortages and, according to a shocking account, has an excess so large, they are throwing thousands of pounds of food away every single day.
A anonymous whistleblower from inside Amazon has exposed a practice by the delivery giant that removes any claims of Amazon running an efficient and sustainable ship. This person claims to be an employee inside an Amazon warehouse and has provided photographs of thousands of food items being destroyed on a daily basis — with the expiration dates days or weeks away.
The images were uploaded to a Reddit board by a person who claims to work inside an Amazon warehouse. The OP originally claimed that this was happening in all Amazon warehouses, claiming he had talked to other employees, but changed the post so he wouldn’t be sued by Amazon if, in fact, it wasn’t all warehouses.
According to the OP, “these food items are being scanned out as “exp-removal-donate” and being trashed at my facility. These items are on the same list as our daily donations lists we have. Canned, boxed, toiletry and other are donated accordingly but refrigerated and frozen are not at my facility at least.”
Unfortunately, these items are not making it to the donations area and instead are being destroyed on site. When asked why the food is being destroyed, the OP responded:
This food is days or weeks away from the labeled best-by or sell by date on the packaging. New product is constantly coming in and room has to be made daily for such.
These items are being scanned out with our daily donations lists we have. Canned, boxed, toiletry and other are donated accordingly but refrigerated and frozen are not at my facility at least.
I have seen multiple pallets come in to the warehouse to be immediately thrown away as we did not have the storage capacity to store said product.
Amazon could easily contact the multiple food banks in the area who are ready and willing to come by and pick it up for free, up to and including the frozen and chilled items.
“There are plenty of food banks and resources out there that are willing to pick up items in a refrigerated/frozen truck to disperse to ensure the items do not perish or go bad in transit,” the OP said.
But this is not happening. Instead, Amazon — who may be writing this food off as “donated” and receiving a tax break for it — is crushing the items in a trash compactor and sending them to a landfill.
Insanely enough, this practice of destruction by Amazon is not uncommon. A similar whistleblower came out earlier this year and provided hidden camera footage which showed Amazon destroying products like smart TVs, laptops, drones, hairdryers, top of the range headphones, computer drives, books galore, thousands of sealed face masks – all sorted into boxes marked “destroy.”
Apparently, there isn’t any place to store the food and other items and rather than donate them to charity, Amazon destroys them.
While many will be quick to blame this practice on the free market it is important to point out that Amazon owes its ability to operate in this manner directly to its relationship with the state. Mom and pop shops could never achieve such rampant waste practices — because they don’t have the same support from government.
It is no secret that Amazon has reached its monopoly-esque status because of its cozy relationship with the United States government. Because Amazon receives special privileges that are not available to all business owners, they have an unfair advantage in the market which allows them to easily snub out their competition who is forced to abide by the rules.
Amazon receives massive subsidies from the United States Postal Services, around $1.46 per package delivered. Given the millions of Amazon packages delivered in the US on a weekly basis, one does not need to do the exact math to realize the unfair advantage this relationship gives Amazon. What’s more, the true sinister nature of this deal may never be realized as the exact details remain a secret.
But that’s not all. Amazon uses government welfare to subsidize the pay of more than ten percent of their employees. A study by Policy Matters Ohio found that more than 700 Amazon employees were receiving food stamps. This is more than 10 percent of the tech giant’s 6,000-strong workforce in Ohio alone.
Amazon has insidious relationships with state governments too. According to Good Jobs First, a non-profit that tracks state tax breaks, since 2000 Amazon has received $1.115 billion in 129 communities in the U.S., leaving the previous leader in this category, Walmart, in the dust.
Amazon has an entire department devoted to seeking out these government subsidies and under the guise of “creating jobs” — subsidized by your tax dollars via welfare — the retail behemoth has managed to make itself immune from property taxes as well: to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.
One would think that a requirement for receiving so much corporate welfare that the government would keep practices like massive food destruction in check as a condition of said welfare. However, as this case illustrates, one would be wrong.
Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news.
I rarely devote an entire blog to someone else’s op-ed, but today’s submission by M.L.A. falls into that category, because rarely have I seen the agenda of Mr. Globaloney set forth with more clarity, other than perhaps in the analyses of Catherine Austin Fitts. For some time, she has been warning about the Great Reset, and the role of the quackcines in commoditizing and collateralizing that reset. How? By making the final step in the “human resources” shift that began several decades ago: humans as the collateralization of debt obligations. It’s a fancy form of slavery, but slavery nonetheless.
There are some minor differences between this analysis and that of Ms. Fitts, or even of my own, but nevertheless, the article is worth pondering carefully, and filing away. Consider just this paragraph, and I hope that will suffice to pique your interest to read the whole article:
The next synthetic product of debt that they can use – the only thing that’s bigger than housing – are human bodies. So human bodies are being repackaged as future debt obligations. I believe that this is what is inherently behind the global economic demolition – to make us dependents on the state, to offer Universal Basic Income (UBI) as part of this money to stay in the game, and that we will be controlled by our digital identity systems. We will become debt commodities burdens on the state through a new system that is being put into place called “Pay for Success Finance” which is literally privatizing the entire social welfare system and remaking it as an investment opportunity in human capital, that they can securitize us and gamble — put us on pathways to self-improvement whether that is improving your health, improving your mental health, getting off drugs, taking drugs – now they’re legalizing all these psychedelics – managing you as a series of continuum care program according to measured behavior change, and then betting on whether or not you’ll comply. That is their new game. That is the ultimate game they are planning; both you as a real person and you as a virtual character, will you comply with the pathway that you’ve been put on.
When reading this article, think again of that scenario that I’ve enterained elsewhere: a patent can only be taken out on something that would not occur in nature. In that respect, the technique and anything employing it is owned by the patent holder. This was the camel’s nose in the tent that gave big agribusiness – I.S. Farbensanto as we like to call it here – a cartel-choke-hold on the world’s food supply: GMO seeds are patentable, natural seeds are not. Now consider the quackcines, which are genetic in nature, and designed to modify an individual’s body in ways that would not occur in nature. Is it possible that, by submitting to the quackcine, one is literally putting oneself under a corporate lien, and establishing a precedent whereby the individual must obey corporate mandates?
It sounds so totally “out there” as to be laughable… but read the article, and then you tell me…
Statements from a courageous funeral director went viral in September after he shared observations about those who died in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
John O’Looney, director of Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services, continues to crush the narrative in an exclusive RAIR Foundation USA interview. After O’Looney spoke out last month, “about 65 professionals from within the industry in various positions” have approached him with similar stories about the nature of the dead arriving at funeral homes.
Deaths Before and After Vaccine
In America, assisted living home deaths marked a huge amount, if not the majority, of coronavirus deaths, as reported at RAIR. But it is not just about elderly patients being more susceptible to the coronavirus, there is deep speculation that deaths of the elderly could have been prevented, and may have been deliberate.
John O’Looney and his colleagues noticed that for the first year, there were no surplus deaths at all and if anything, fewer deaths. Those who died supposedly from the coronavirus, O’Looney asserts, appear to have succumbed to a drug called Midazolam given to nursing home residents.
The funeral home director is not alone in his suspicion.
But after the vaccine was introduced to his area in January, O’Looney said that the calls made to his funeral home soared, going up “300 percent”. “I’ve never seen a death rate like it in 15 years,” he said. “Initially, [the deaths were] all exclusively care homes,” O’Looney said. But after the roll out of the mRNA injection, the deaths were no longer exclusively from nursing homes, and the ages of the dead varied significantly.
“I’ve got a 32-year-old, a 33-year-old and a 28-year-old in my care at the moment,” O’Looney explained as an example. “They’re all jab recipients and they all died unexpectedly and suddenly,” he continued.
The majority of deaths appear to be blood clots (heart attack and stroke) and organ failure, O’Looney said. He described one woman who passed away who was “in her fifties” without health issues, and “super fit” who “goes to the gym every day, runs six kilometers”. The funeral director said that the woman was given a booster and “died of liver failure the following week.”
People Are Waking Up
People are “waking up in large numbers,” asserts O’Looney, who is a fierce critic of vaccine mandates. But he is concerned that as people wake up, the government will “up their game” to silence dissent.
John O’Looney does not mince words about what he believes to be a depopulation agenda.
The funeral home director compared the deaths of innocents in nursing homes to those who were murdered by British serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman. People are being coerced to get the injection without informed consent. “They are no better than murderers, some of these people,” O’Looney said. “Some of the things they’ve done are unforgivable,” he continued.
Watch the powerful RAIR exclusive interview:
Video available at RAIR Foundation Rumble channel.
Let’s be frank. Who in his right mind would appeal to corporate CEOs on fundamental issues of ethics and freedom?
But this is 1776.
We’re at the crossroads.
Are you going to order your employees to take the COVID vaccine? Are you going to fire those who won’t? Are you going to take away their freedom, for a vaccine that has already caused 700,000 injuries?
And by the way, that number represents vast underreporting. The well-known Harvard Pilgrim study concludes vaccine injuries should be multiplied by 100 to arrive at a true number.
Let’s get real. There will be many lawsuits filed from many quarters, to stop a vaccine mandate; but the outcome of these legal actions is vastly uncertain. Therefore, you CEOs must…
Stand up and refuse. Stand up and say you will not impose a mandate on your employees, NO MATTER WHAT.
No mandates, no more lockdowns, no further destruction of the economy, no destruction of millions more lives.
Except in a few states, governors can’t be relied on. You CEOs are a prime line of defense, if you have the courage. If you don’t, if your hard-charging reputations are built on a foundation of sand, if your prime loyalty is to a federal government that offers you cash bailouts in return for treachery against the system of free enterprise—what is left of it—then you are lost in a darkness of your own making.
Do you remember these words? “And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
This was the final thought expressed in the Declaration of Independence by the signers.
Do those words ring hollow for you now? Is that where we are?
Are you going to let a boot stamp on your face forever?
Are you going to grind your boot on the very freedom that allowed your company to grow and prosper?
Are the echoes of 1776 so faint in your minds, you can’t imagine how this dire 2021 has anything to do with you?
You need to step forward and make bold uncompromising statements and pledges: No mandates. No lockdowns. No destruction of the right to earn a living. No federal dictatorship. No backing down.
You and your fellow CEOs must leave your offices and travel across the country and tell the people you’re on their side, and you must mean it. This is not your usual public relations campaign. This is honesty and honor and duty. If you have it in you.
First, there was the story of a virus. Then a story of a test for the virus. Then the story of case numbers. Then, the masks and lockdowns and distancing and blasting of the economy. Then the vaccine. Then the announced vaccine mandate. Hasn’t it occurred to you that this serial story, with each succeeding phase, is really the pretext for tyranny and dictatorship and takeover?
You have to start forging new alliances that go far beyond your workaday world; alliances with nurses, pilots, sheriffs, soldiers and others who are refusing the vaccine. Alliances with unions who are pushing back against the mandate.
It’s not, strictly speaking, your “business,” but business in America is heading toward the edge of a cliff, in case you hadn’t noticed.
Here’s the story of one your own. Alfie Oakes. He has 3,200 employees. His store is based in Florida. He owns 3,000 acres of farmland and a food processing plant. Watch him speak in this video. He understands what’s at stake. He knows this is 1776. He’s a good man who’s doing the right thing. He’s a hero.
We are talking about values. We are not talking about political correctness or endlessly sucking on the teat of socialism.
I realize many of you CEOs have embraced a form of socialism already—a close collaboration with government—because you believe it is the best guarantee for your survival. But you’re wrong. You’re wrong in strategic terms, and wrong when it comes to values and principles.
You now have to revolutionize your thinking. You have to help overcome the forces you’ve been aligning yourself with.
You have to find, embrace, and work with the people, wherever they are, whoever they are, who stand for freedom. And the work you do must be conceived along new lines.
“I’m the CEO of XYZ. I stand here today talking to you, alongside sheriffs, policemen, union workers, nurses, soldiers, business owners, parents, state representatives; people who want freedom in America again. We’re pledged to stand against vaccine mandates, lockdowns, closures, and all the failed measures that have kept us in isolation. We’re taking back what is ours. You’re going to hear from these people standing up here. You’re going to understand how their stories of freedom denied are your stories…”
This is an issue of character.
For decades, you’ve thought of your relationship with the public as Public Relations, with all the manipulations that profession entails.
This is 1776. You can’t travel that way anymore.
“THESE are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”
Do you want to keep selling what you’ve always sold, until the people’s money to buy your goods runs out? Because surely you realize this is the Plan. One government restriction and interference after another, until the only alternative is a structured and managed economy, from the top down.
Are you willing to live with that?
Those of us who are awake and have eyes to see can fight this war without you. We’re not waiting to reclaim our freedom. I write this letter because you can, if you will, become our allies.
Or you can sink into a pool of obscurity and never be heard from again.
Not even footnoted in the books of history.
What are you going to do now, in this crisis?
You have a chance to be great. You have a chance to help save this country. Somewhere inside you, haven’t you always wanted a battle worthy of your deepest efforts?
You can form a line, beyond which the wolves in power cannot cross.
In this hour, the authentic spirit of America reaches out to you.
The spirit of freedom, which never dies, taps you on the shoulder.
Will you turn away, or will you come to the aid of your country?
Will you try to maintain your customary position, with blinders on, only to realize, soon, that your position is untenable; or will you forge a new connection with The People and pledge your fortunes, your honor, and your lives to a new Declaration of Independence from this latest version of the Crown, which seeks to colonize us in a landscape of despair?
Whether you choose to retreat or advance, you’re risking everything you’ve earned. In the one case, you willingly surrender it, because as sure as the sun comes up, the government is going to keep devising ways to take it from you. In the other case, you risk it all for the right reason:
New York City Rally for Freedom — Tomorrow, Saturday October 16: Join Robert F. Kennedy , Jr., Mary Holland, Kevin Jenkins, Christiane Northrup & Many More
Broadway Rally for Freedom With DJ, Dancing, Music, Speeches & March Against the Media
Tomorrow, Sat. 10/16, Broadway Rally for Freedom in NYC
What: Broadway Rally for Freedom
Where: Broadway between 41 St, and 42 St., New York, NY
Who: Join with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Mary Holland, Kevin Jenkins, Jo Speakstruth, Larry Palevsky MD, Christiane Northrup MD, Patricia Finn, John Maitland, Jason Shurka, Rev. Tom Mahairas, Rev. Kevin McCall, many more.
Video available at The Strong and Free Broadcast Rumble channel.
Dr. Patrick Phillips reports on what he’s seeing in the ER as a result of lockdowns and the bioweapons being falsely marketed as ‘vaccines’, and provides a warning for parents, especially of teenagers, to watch for signs of suicidal depression.
For following the law and proper medical practice in reporting ‘vaccine’ harms to the public health officer, Dr. Phillips is now being disciplined by the CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) and has been prohibited from providing exemption letters for masks, ‘vaccines’ and testing as well as from prescribing effective medications for Covid such as Ivermectin.
Dr. Phillips also makes some sage observations on what is happening in our society.
“They’ve made the Canadian people just so miserable by the lockdowns, social isolation, taking away our economy and our hope for the future…and they start pitting this against those who don’t comply, and that funnels all the rage, all the despair against the innocent, rather than those who are causing the problem.
It’s almost like a genocidal rage that’s being scapegoated against the unvaccinated.”
Many people assume the history of the current pandemic is a mere two years long. But did you know that mask mandates are a repeat from a century ago? Did you know that the script of the Coronavirus flu pandemic is recycled from the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918? For what purpose? Read on…
In April, 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) urged the use of cloth face masks in public settings to slow the spread of “Coronavirus,” a virus which has never been isolated. In fact the CDC admits no virus has EVER been isolated based upon Koch’s postulates, the gold standard.
With no proof of any viral threat, many state Governors “acted” in unison to implement executive orders or official guidelines to wear masks or face coverings. As illegal lockdowns (i.e., house arrests) were lifted at the end of May 2020, and people returned to work, governments again advised Americans to wear “the skam.”
On October 8 2020, Randell Kelton filed a complaint against Texas Governor Greg Abbot because he exceeded his authority under the rule of law. A dozen states followed suit by ending their own mandates. However, Kelton’s complaint was followed by federal lawsuits by various groups urging the governors to continue mandating “skams” in schools and other places.
Back and forth went the mandates, a masked distraction for two years. Yet, history has shown that masks failed in 1918 [see 1919 study by Wilfred H. Kellogg] just as they are failing now.
Who to trust? What does W.H.O. say?
Mask Failure
The World Health Organization (W.H.O) recommended that people do NOT wear masks unless they are sick or caring for someone who is sick. Mike Ryan, Exec. Dir. of WHO Health Emergencies program said, “There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there is some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly.”
We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection…. It is also clear that masks serve symbolic roles. Masks are not only tools, they are also talismans that may help increase health care workers’ perceived sense of safety, well-being, and trust in their hospitals.
According to the UK Stay at Home Guidance, “We do not recommend the use of facemasks as an effective means of preventing infection. Face masks play an important role in clinical settings, such as hospitals, but there is very little evidence of benefit from their use outside these clinical settings.
The current recommendations regarding masks is that if you yourself are sick with fever, you can wear a surgical mask to prevent transmission to other people. If you are healthy, there is not thought to be any additional benefit to wearing a mask yourself because the mask is not airtight and does not necessarily prevent breathing in of these viral particles. – Dr. Nipunie Rajapakse, a Mayo Clinic infectious diseases specialist.
We do not know whether masks shorten the travel distance of droplets during coughing. Further study is needed to recommend whether face masks decrease transmission of virus from asymptomatic individuals or those with suspected COVID-19 who are not coughing.In conclusion, both surgical and cotton masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19 to the environment and external mask surface.
Face masks should be used only by individuals who have symptoms of respiratory infection such as coughing, sneezing, or, in some cases, fever. Face masks should also be worn by health care workers, by individuals who are taking care of or are in close contact with people who have respiratory infections, or otherwise as directed by a doctor. Face masks should not be worn by healthy individuals to protect themselves from acquiring respiratory infection because there is no evidence to suggest that face masks worn by healthy individuals are effective in preventing people from becoming ill. Face masks should be reserved for those who need them because masks can be in short supply during periods of widespread respiratory infection. Because N95 respirators require special fit testing, they are not recommended for use by the general public.
By filtering particles, face masks makes it harder to breathe. “N95 masks are estimated to reduce oxygen intake by anywhere from 5 to 20 percent. That’s significant, even for a healthy person. It can cause dizziness and lightheadedness. If you wear a mask long enough, it can damage the lungs. For a patient in respiratory distress, it can even be life threatening.”
Experts make it sound that eye goggles would offer more protection than a cloth mask.
Truth Disclosed
Why is the medical narrative purposely contrary to the government narrative? Why does the mask skam continue, even after the “safe and effective” experimental vaccine was deployed?
Because the truth must be disclosed somewhere.
The Coronavirus is not a true virus, nor is it infectious. There is no proof. Therefore, the mask is a test of the people’s ability to discern the truth with their eyes wide open, even if their mouths are concealed.
Know that truth can be disclosed in any form, including fiction, science fiction, and as published medical studies. But truth is not disclosed in the media.
With media dishing up propaganda, it is time to be discerning. Inconsistencies and contradictions in media are there to create a diversion and an emotional response known as a Psychological Operation. A Psy Op. As with any PsyOp, people must be able to parse truth from fiction. You can do this by considering that everything is reversed.
If there is no infectious virus, there is no need to wear a mask. Masks are a test to see who follows orders for the new Global Reset, a new system of rules. To see what is coming next, you only need to look beyond the diversion.
Techno Reset
The hidden connection between the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic and the previous 1918-20 Spanish Flu pandemic is not found in an invisible virus that does not exist.
No, the hidden connection is found in the roll out of “next generation wireless communications technology.” In 1900, wireless radio transmission had just been invented and hailed as a miracle. Then, broadcast radiation spread across the continents. Soon after, reports of 50 million people died as a result of the “1920 pandemic.” Everything was reset, from medicine to the economy to expectations to the population itself.
Fast-forward to 2020 and 5G, the 5th generation radiation technology that has also spread across continents and is being dialed up now. Along with the 5G rollout spreads a strange condition among the public with similar symptoms to the 1920 pandemic: headaches, nausea, fever, dizziness, weakness, dry cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, and death. The flu? Covid19?…
Or the effects of radiation poisoning, transmitted unseen through the airwaves by the same organizations, the same propaganda, the same coverup?
Is the novel Coronavirus just a new version of the Spanish flu, aka an invisible enemy that is not a virus? While everyone has been sleeping under house arrest, donning and debating masks, 5G towers and power lines have been installed, deployed, and activated in schools, church parking lots, and farm fields.
There is no overt war. But there is a covert war under the guise of an unseeable virus that never existed. The true threats are not only to health, under the guise of an “FDA-approved vaccine,” but also to freedom.
Be ready for Google and Apple apps that track your every move. Prepare for Artificial Intelligence, or A.I, running the show such as the Covi Pass digital health passport with RFID chip technology, approved by the United Nations. Be ready for a crypto-currency system tied to your body. Investment advisor, Catherine Austin Fitts, says:
When they decide to shut down our bank accounts and say you all get on crypto, universal basic income and take that injection or you can’t transact on the financial system, this is instituting a totalitarian system through the financial system. . . . When they shut that trap door, what you need to think about is where are you going to buy food?
In this century, you will have a choice to accept or reject the new tools becoming available. These tools will convince you to sacrifice freedom for security as a new Technocratic society is revealed.
Technocracy: A global system designed to implement central resource and control through rule-based micromanagement. The growth of Technocracy is made possible by digital systems and software, artificial intelligence, and the “one-way mirror” managed through 24/7 surveillance by intelligence and enforcement agencies-funded by our tax dollars. –Patrick M. Wood, with Catherine Austin Fitts, May 26, 2019
Have you lost your job or your enrollment in college because of vaccine mandates?
Are you a parent who doesn’t want your child to be forced to wear a mask in school?
Are you worried about having to wear a mask and show your papers in order to shop, travel, or enter a restaurant?
Have you been affected by a vaccine injury?
Do you believe no one has the right to force you to accept any medical procedure?
Then this protest is for you. The tyranny has to stop.
The evidence is in. Gene-manipulating injections advertised as a “vaccine for covid 19” have killed and injured millions of people. Instead of providing immunity to an alleged virus, the shots actually harm the immune system and turn it against us.
The spike proteins created by the shots spread out to attack major organs in the body, leading to a thousand and one different health problems, including heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, blood clots, spontaneous abortions, neurological disorders, depression, and death. Yet the medical establishment is urging everyone, including pregnant women and children, to get the jab.
The ghost standing in as US President recently decreed that if people refuse the shot they will lose their job. This is coercion to accept a medical intervention known to be a danger to human health — a crime against humanity. Half the population of the country is now facing this coercion.
This only makes sense if we reason that the authorities want to harm us, or that there is something so important in the injection that they don’t mind harming us, as long as we get the injection.
Bill Gates said early in 2020 that everyone on the planet should be “vaccinated.” Perhaps his dream was that when that is accomplished there will be no one left who will not be genetically modified (to Gates’s secret specifications) and thus no one left to hold him to account.
One of the most insidious arguments put forward by the authorities is that we are facing a health crisis so serious that individual freedom must be sacrificed for the common good, and therefore no one has a moral right to refuse the Frankenshot.
This argument quickly comes down to whether human beings have inalienable rights — rights given to us by God, which the state does not have the power to take away or overrule. To accept or reject any substance being given to us is obviously such a right.
And after this we can discuss the details — that the purpose of the “vaccine” is unclear, that its contents are unknown, that it has proven harmful to millions of people, that we were not informed of adverse effects, that natural immunity should be recognized, that tests establishing the alleged disease were fraudulent, that there is no emergency, that there are safe alternative treatments, et cetera.
But if we understand that the state is a lesser power, then we understand that it does not have the authority to order substances injected into our bodies.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
~ U.S. Declaration of Independence
The cabal behind the medical tyranny we are facing doesn’t believe we have God-given rights because they don’t believe there’s a God in the first place. They apparently think that since they are billionaires, and billionaires have a lot of weight to throw around, that they can be gods. They also seem to believe there is nothing they are forbidden to do to other people because other people do not have souls — they are just biological entities evolved through random nature which the rich, by virtue of their power, are free to manipulate and improve upon.
To technocrats, nothing is sacred. So it makes sense to them to risk injuring pregnant women and children and even experiment on the whole human race (beside their chosen few). Those who resist are now being segregated and punished, like Palestinians in their own land. Perhaps occupied Palestine is the oligarchs’ model for our future.
The ultimate goal may be the power that previous master-slave relationships were not able to achieve — a “read/write” capability in which the master has full surveillance power over the slaves and gives the orders for them else to follow.
Subtracted from the slave population, of course, will be those few billion dissidents and “useless eaters” who don’t fit in with the plan. They will be terminated.
From this point of view it also follows that the genetic makeup of any living thing is just software which today’s sophisticated scientists can splice, delete, modify, or re-create as the masters see fit. From this point of view humans are no different than GM corn, soy, or cotton. GM humans can be used to bring in a nice profit as well because the masters will own their patents. Perhaps Monsanto agribusiness is another model for our future.
Taken to its logical extreme, reality itself is in the hands of our would-be masters.
With proper control of the media, people can be made to believe anything, like that an illness similar to the flu is a “pandemic,” or that someone who has no symptoms of illness is actually sick, or that the unvaccinated are selfishly threatening everyone else with death, or that anyone who strays from the narrative is spreading “misinformation,” or that if someone goes into convulsions directly after getting jabbed it is not due to the poison that was just injected into them, or that a serum that injures and kills is “safe and effective.”
In this world, the truth is what the powerful say it is, regardless of the facts. The powerful are a locomotive big enough to just run past any anomalies and contradictions, leaving us bewildered.
However, the ambitiousness of this insane program foretells its failure. History is full of great tyrants with grand plans who came in with spectacular fame but suddenly fell in disgrace, erased by time.
The oligarchs’ main weakness is their lack of any sense of limits. Gaining some power, they then want it all. They reach too far, too soon, and expose themselves in the process. And then common humanity — always patient to a fault — finally decides to stand up and become a locomotive itself, running back over the entire plan and returning us to sanity.
If the world is going to see a great reset, it will not be the one Klaus Schwab and his Davos gangsters had in mind.
We should take heart. So much has been revealed! It’s as if the world’s worst criminals burst into the courtroom and made a horrendous public confession.
Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates has been holding monthly demonstrations since December 2020. We are not funded and not affiliated with any political party or organization.
Westand for:
— the right to remain human — i.e., not to be genetically modified or made “transhuman.” The openly declared transhumanist agenda of the Great Reset and its plan for “a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity” is absolutely insane.
— the right to live. These injections are killing people. We obviously have the right to reject them for ourselves and our children
— the right to the pursuit of happiness. Happiness will not be achievable if we have lost our health to medically induced chronic disease.
— the right to work. Government mandating employers to require vaccination means anyone asserting the natural right to bodily autonomy will lose their job. Governments do not have this power, nor, obviously, do employers.
— our right to refuse medical interventions. No to vaccine mandates by which state and federal government orders employers, colleges, and businesses to require vaccination certificates (or torture us with testing).
— ending mask requirements on public transportation, in healthcare facilities, and especially in schools. Forcing children to wear masks is child abuse.
— the right to bodily autonomy. No one should be forced to take a vaccine, wear a mask, be swabbed, tested, or scanned.
— the Nuremberg code and the right to informed consent. No substance should be injected into anyone’s body without their full understanding of all possible harmful effects (which are as yet unknown with experimental mRNA injections). There should be no negative consequences should we refuse a medical intervention. Violations of this code should be prosecuted.
— parental rights. The state has no right to bypass parents’ authority on whether their minor child should wear a mask, be tested, or be given any pharmaceutical product.
— the right to education. Education at K-12 schools, universities, and colleges should not be withheld as leverage to enforce government medical decrees.
— the right to freedom of movement. This right is violated when any kind of travel requires masking, testing, or proof of vaccination.
— the right to privacy: “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures” (4th Amendment). Our vaccine status and medical history is no one else’s business.
— the right to due process. Open meeting laws continue to be illegally suspended in towns, counties, and states across the country “due to coronavirus” and elected officials seem to like it that way. Virtual meetings undermine democracy. Government-sponsored medical procedures without informed consent, and government edicts bypassing the legislative process are also a violation of the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th Amendments.
— the 1st Amendment freedom of speech and press. End the blatant Soviet-style government-media censorship of people with dissenting views about the covid narrative
— the right to equal protection of our civil and Constitutional rights. Refusal of service by any transport company, public venue, ticket vendor, grocery store, or other business on the basis of arbitrary “vaccine passports” is a form of discrimination which we should be protected from under the law. Loss of this right amounts to coercion through medical tyranny and will lay the groundwork for a “social credit score” system in which all citizens do not have equal rights.
Have you asked yourself why? Why are our governments not listening to us?
Every time I hear men and women, doctors, lawyers, teachers or shopkeepers lamenting the fact that they have not been listened to and that we have not acted intelligently and humanely, I feel desperate.
For months, people have called on clumsiness, ignorance or panic reactions to justify all the catastrophic decisions that have been taken by our leaders. Today everyone can see that ‘pandemic response’ of the governments of this planet looks more like a controlled demolition exercise than an effort to serve people intelligently and humanely.
I regularly hear intellectuals and scientists say ‘I refuse to believe that…’. Why put such limits on ourselves? It is not a question of believing, but of allowing ourselves to see and reflect, because this is the necessary condition to be free and to become masters of our destiny.
The current situation forces us to rethink the world by moving from the details of personal experience, which confirm or contradict our prior beliefs, to an overall view that results from a collective intelligence effort. It is like a puzzle where you have to look at the details and then step back to see the bigger picture.
Have you ever done a puzzle with friends? When I was a student, I remember inviting friends to put together this painting by Breughel the Elder, known as the ‘Flemish Proverbs’. The special thing about this picture was that you not only had to assemble the thousands of pieces, but also guess the proverbs that the painter had illustrated. It was so fascinating that my living room soon became a campground for puzzle addicts and the whole affair then turned into a kind of ongoing fiesta that everyone probably still remembers.
Looking at this masterpiece again, 30 years later, it seems to me to be quite appropriate to describe the current situation. It has all the elements of madness and of an emerging chaos, hence I suddenly got the idea to invite you to a game where we can put together a ‘pandemic puzzle’.
What we are experiencing reveals multiple agendas prepared a long time ago by ‘the powers that be’. You only have to look at the World Economic Forum (Davos) website to get a first glimpse of this ‘planned reset’. Personally, I have been following the evolution of the ‘global health security agenda’ for several years and I was frankly expecting a major pandemic declaration for winter 2020. I even published a major dossier on ‘the global plan for vaccination’ in March 2019 (Nexus Magazine, issue 121), in which I discussed the use of ‘health emergencies’ to impose vaccine obligations and a health pass, the only strategy to override the individual freedoms guaranteed by our fundamental rights.
Certainly I had an element of understanding, but I was missing many others. Since then, I have delved into many subjects to discover the hidden side: all the agendas linked to the state of emergency… terrorism, climate, humanitarian aid, finance, resources, technology, propaganda techniques, artificial intelligence, intelligence services, criminal files, secret organisations etc. I have also been lucky enough to meet an incredible number of exceptional people who have enriched my world view. And it is thanks to this work of collective intelligence that my view of history and humanity has changed on many levels and that I can try to make sense of it.
The first piece of the puzzle I want to bring is the ‘Going Direct Reset’. It describes the monetary and financial coup labelled ‘economic response to the pandemic’ that was initiated as early as August 2019, 6 months before the the WHO made the official declaration of a pandemic. It provides some answers to these incredible questions: why would our governments push whole sections of our economy into ruin? Who benefits from all this? Is there any other picture than the simple enrichment of some at the expense of others?
I found the proverb that corresponds to this first theme in Breughel’s painting:
In economic terms, three groups already own everything.
In practice, Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street impose their choices on governments for maximum profit. Watch the 2 minute gem on Blackrock which sums up their modus operandi perfectly.
The ultimate goal of the changes made ‘because of’ the pandemic is to be able to decide and control everything ‘live’.
The pandemic serves as a pretext for a complete transformation of the monetary system for the benefit of private interests that have a stranglehold on national and international public institutions.
The journalist Ernst Wolff, a specialist in finance, denounces in a brilliant synthesis the use of the coronavirus and the attempt to force a transition to the fourth industrial revolution preached by the World Economic Forum in Davos. The direct and automated control of the population in every place at every moment could only be achieved with a digital central currency, allowing the sanctioning of individuals.
John Titus and Catherine Austin Fitts have detailed the entire financial manoeuvre to make this shift to direct control, starting with the decisions made at the central bank meeting in Jackson Hole on 22 August 2019, six months before the pandemic.
In one and a half minutes, Agustin Carstens, President of the International Bank of Settlements (in Basel), confirms that the difference between digital central bank money and cash is that you know who is doing what with your money at each transaction and that you can set the rules for the use of the money…
To give a simple example: you could very well be forbidden to buy steak and chips if you have just bought cholesterol medication. We could also close your account for a fortnight if you have not respected the quarantine, or prohibit you from putting petrol in your car to reduce your carbon footprint. Such measures have already been discussed, just look at what the Bank of England is saying.
What can be done to change the course of events?
Fortunately, there are ways to avoid this. Paying cash, investing in real life, decentralising… For inspiration, we can enjoy the discussions between the funny, brilliant, incisive personalities of Catherine Austin Fitts, Richard Werner, John Titus and James Corbett.
We are nearing the mid-point in October 2021 and I think we are now in deep trouble here.
What can I say? It’s insanity. The lunatics have taken over the asylum!
Never, ever have I seen anything like this in Australia, let alone Melbourne, including the behaviour and disjointed dialogue from the criminals masquerading as police.
Hardened criminals can be more articulate in their verbal communication than Australian police. These people are so out of control that they are unable to speak properly when barking orders.
It makes me wonder: Have they been fully vaccinated and now have totally lost their minds? Or is this the way these types of people behave when they know that they are inflicting pure evil on innocent and vulnerable people?
These are clearly criminals, committing criminal acts on the people, and it’s now “Helter Skelter”.
We understand that this is a fight for our souls and our humanity, both in a personal sense and for humanity’s survival as a race.
A lot has happened in the past few weeks with far-reaching implications for us that we will need to attend to.
The facist regime in Victoria announced at 11:59pm October 7, 2021 that the majority of the workforce in Victoria must have their first vaccination and second vaccination on dates ranging from October 10, 2021 to October 26, 2021, depending on their occupation.
A letter was sent to employers telling them that by October 15, 2021 they were to go around to every employee, with a “Starsi”- style ledger, and record which staff members were vaccinated and those who were not. If the employee’s vaccination status was not determined, then they were to be recorded as unvaccinated. If unvaccinated employees have not had their first vaccination by October 22, 2021, or have not made an appointment to do so, then they are fined $5000.00AUD. The employer is fined $50,000.00AUD if they fail to sack the employee.
It was then announced a day or two later that police, security guards, court workers and lawyers would be exempt from the vaccination order so that they can remain employed. These “health authorities” have no jurisdiction over judges and magistrates, therefore they are also exempt.
So, for many, we pretty much have full Martial Law in Melbourne, Victoria. Will the next phase be food shortages and possible cyber attack?
Below, I’ll share some links to recent events, speakers, protests, etc. that are being shared among freedom fighters here.
September 19 — Elderly Australian woman knocked down and PEPPER-SPRAYED by police during Melbourne protest against lockdowns. Link to article. Also see related: Message to the Morons in Uniform – Your Fascism Will Return to Haunt You.Link to video.
September 24 — Military troops (navy and army) were flown into Sydney and put up at the Marriott Hotel in Darling Harbour (590 rooms at $600 a night), as reported by Aussie Cossack. Link to article and video.
September 29 — Police target Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini’s security guard.Link to video.
September 29 — Victoria Police try to BAN media from filming their violent conduct. Link to article and video.
October 4 — Australian Aboriginal Dies Six Days After Second Dose of Pfizer Covid Vaccine, Sending Shock Waves Through the Indigenous Community. Link to article and video.
October 6 — Professor Edward J. Steele, a molecular and cellular immunologist, is one of very few academics that have come out to say anything against the false rhetoric here. Most of the truth has come from outside this country. Link to article and video.
October 6 — PAPERS PLEASE: Police try new tactic to STOP free press in Melbourne.Link to article and video.
October 8 — Senior Police Sergeant in Victoria, Australia Speaks Out Against Unethical Policing: “I Won’t Be a Police Officer After the End of This Interview”. Link to article and video.
“Whether the mask is labeled fascism, democracy, or dictatorship of the proletariat, our great adversary remains the apparatus—the bureaucracy, the police, the military. Not the one facing us across the frontier of the battle lines, which is not so much our enemy as our brothers’ enemy, but the one that calls itself our protector and makes us its slaves. No matter what the circumstances, the worst betrayal will always be to subordinate ourselves to this apparatus and to trample underfoot, in its service, all human values in ourselves and in others.”—Simone Weil, French philosopher and political activist
We labor today under the weight of countless tyrannies, large and small, carried out in the so-called name of the national good by an elite class of governmental and corporate officials who are largely insulated from the ill effects of their actions.
We, the middling classes, are not so fortunate.
We find ourselves badgered, bullied and browbeaten into bearing the brunt of their arrogance, paying the price for their greed, suffering the backlash for their militarism, agonizing as a result of their inaction, feigning ignorance about their backroom dealings, overlooking their incompetence, turning a blind eye to their misdeeds, cowering from their heavy-handed tactics, and blindly hoping for change that never comes.
The overt signs of the despotism exercised by the increasingly authoritarian regime that passes itself off as the United States government (and its corporate partners in crime) are all around us: COVID-19 lockdowns and vaccine mandates that strip Americans of their freedom of movement and bodily integrity; censorship, criminalizing, shadow banning and de-platforming of individuals who express ideas that are politically incorrect or unpopular; warrantless surveillance of Americans’ movements and communications; SWAT team raids of Americans’ homes; shootings of unarmed citizens by police; harsh punishments meted out to schoolchildren in the name of zero tolerance; armed drones taking to the skies domestically; endless wars; out-of-control spending; militarized police; roadside strip searches; roving TSA sweeps; privatized prisons with a profit incentive for jailing Americans; fusion centers that spy on, collect and disseminate data on Americans’ private transactions; and militarized agencies with stockpiles of ammunition, to name some of the most appalling.
Yet as egregious as these incursions on our rights may be, it’s the endless, petty tyrannies—the heavy-handed, punitive-laden dictates inflicted by a self-righteous, Big-Brother-Knows-Best bureaucracy on an overtaxed, overregulated, and underrepresented populace—that illustrate so clearly the degree to which “we the people” are viewed as incapable of common sense, moral judgment, fairness, and intelligence, not to mention lacking a basic understanding of how to stay alive, raise a family, or be part of a functioning community.
It’s hard to say whether we’re dealing with a kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves), a kakistocracy (a government run by unprincipled career politicians, corporations and thieves that panders to the worst vices in our nature and has little regard for the rights of American citizens), or if we’ve gone straight to an idiocracy.
This certainly isn’t a constitutional democracy, however.
This overbearing Nanny State despotism is what happens when government representatives (those elected and appointed to work for us) adopt the authoritarian notion that the government knows best and therefore must control, regulate and dictate almost everything about the citizenry’s public, private and professional lives.
The government’s bureaucratic attempts at muscle-flexing by way of overregulation and overcriminalization have reached such outrageous limits that federal and state governments now require on penalty of a fine that individuals apply for permission before they can grow exotic orchids, host elaborate dinner parties, gather friends in one’s home for Bible studies, give coffee to the homeless, let their kids manage a lemonade stand, keep chickens as pets, or braid someone’s hair, as ludicrous as that may seem.
This is what happens when bureaucrats run the show, and the rule of law becomes little more than a cattle prod for forcing the citizenry to march in lockstep with the government.
Overregulation is just the other side of the coin to overcriminalization, that phenomenon in which everything is rendered illegal and everyone becomes a lawbreaker.
That same overcriminalization mindset reared its ugly head again when police arrested a 90-year-old man for violating an ordinance that prohibits feeding the homeless in public unless portable toilets are also made available.
It’s no coincidence that both of these incidents—the fishing debacle and the homeless feeding arrest—happened in Florida.
Despite its pristine beaches and balmy temperatures, Florida is no less immune to the problems plaguing the rest of the nation in terms of overcriminalization, incarceration rates, bureaucracy, corruption, and police misconduct.
A few years back, in fact, Florida officials authorized police raids on barber shops in minority communities, resulting in barbers being handcuffed in front of customers, and their shops searched without warrants. All of this was purportedly done in an effort to make sure that the barbers’ licensing paperwork was up to snuff.
As if criminalizing fishing, charity, and haircuts wasn’t bad enough, you could also find yourself passing time in a Florida slammer for such inane activities as singing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit, breaking more than three dishes per day, farting in a public place after 6 pm on a Thursday, and skateboarding without a license.
In this way, the Sunshine State is representative of the transformation happening across the nation, where a steady diet of bread and circuses has given rise to an oblivious, inactive citizenry content to be ruled over by an inflexible and highly bureaucratic regime.
America has gone from being a beacon of freedom to a locked down nation. And “we the people,” sold on the idea that safety, security and material comforts are preferable to freedom, have allowed the government to pave over the Constitution in order to erect a concentration camp.
The problem with these devil’s bargains, however, is that there is always a catch, always a price to pay for whatever it is we valued so highly as to barter away our most precious possessions.
We’ve bartered away our right to self-governance, self-defense, privacy, autonomy and that most important right of all—the right to tell the government to “leave me the hell alone.”
In exchange for the promise of an end to global pandemics, lower taxes, lower crime rates, safe streets, safe schools, blight-free neighborhoods, and readily accessible technology, health care, water, food and power, we’ve opened the door to lockdowns, militarized police, government surveillance, asset forfeiture, school zero tolerance policies, license plate readers, red light cameras, SWAT team raids, health care mandates, overcriminalization, overregulation and government corruption.
In the end, such bargains always turn sour.
We relied on the government to help us safely navigate national emergencies (terrorism, natural disasters, global pandemics, etc.) only to find ourselves forced to relinquish our freedoms on the altar of national security, yet we’re no safer (or healthier) than before.
We wanted criminals taken off the streets, and we didn’t want to have to pay for their incarceration. What we’ve gotten is a nation that boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million people locked up, many of them doing time for relatively minor, nonviolent crimes, and a private prison industry fueling the drive for more inmates, who are forced to provide corporations with cheap labor.
A special report by CNBC breaks down the national numbers:
One out of 100 American adults is behind bars — while a stunning one out of 32 is on probation, parole or in prison. This reliance on mass incarceration has created a thriving prison economy. The states and the federal government spend about $74 billion a year on corrections, and nearly 800,000 people work in the industry.
According to the Washington Post, these funds have been used to buy guns, armored cars, electronic surveillance gear, “luxury vehicles, travel and a clown named Sparkles.” Police seminars advise officers to use their “department wish list when deciding which assets to seize” and, in particular, go after flat screen TVs, cash and nice cars.
In Florida, where police are no strangers to asset forfeiture, Florida police have been carrying out “reverse” sting operations, where they pose as drug dealers to lure buyers with promises of cheap cocaine, then bust them, and seize their cash and cars. Over the course of a year, police in one small Florida town seized close to $6 million using these entrapment schemes.
We fell for the government’s promise of safer roads, only to find ourselves caught in a tangle of profit-driven red light cameras, which ticket unsuspecting drivers in the so-called name of road safety while ostensibly fattening the coffers of local and state governments. Despite widespread public opposition, corruption and systemic malfunctions, these cameras—used in 24 states and Washington, DC—are particularly popular with municipalities, which look to them as an easy means of extra cash.
One small Florida town, population 8,000, generates a million dollars a year in fines from these cameras. Building on the profit-incentive schemes, the cameras’ manufacturers are also pushing speed cameras and school bus cameras, both of which result in heft fines for violators who speed or try to go around school buses.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is what happens when the American people get duped, deceived, double-crossed, cheated, lied to, swindled and conned into believing that the government and its army of bureaucrats—the people we appointed to safeguard our freedoms—actually have our best interests at heart.
Yet when all is said and done, who is really to blame when the wool gets pulled over your eyes: you, for believing the con man, or the con man for being true to his nature?
It’s time for a bracing dose of reality, America.
Wake up and take a good, hard look around you, and ask yourself if the gussied-up version of America being sold to you—crime free, worry free, disease free and devoid of responsibility—is really worth the ticket price: nothing less than your freedoms.
Relentless official propaganda demonizing “the Unvaccinated” is being pumped out by the corporate and state media, government leaders, health officials, and shrieking fanatics on social media. “The Unvaccinated” are the new official “Untermenschen,” an underclass of subhuman “others” the New Normal masses are being conditioned to hate.
And it’s not just governments and corporations carrying out the New Normal Purge. Friends are purging friends. Wives are purging husbands. Fathers are purging children. Children are purging parents. New Normals are purging old normal thoughts. Global “health authorities” are revising definitions to make them conform to New Normal “science.”
And so on … a new official “reality” is being manufactured, right before our eyes. Anything and anyone that doesn’t conform to it is being purged, unpersoned, memory-holed, erased.
None of which should come as a surprise.
Every nascent totalitarian system, at some stage of its takeover of society, launches a purge of political opponents, ideological dissidents, and other “anti-social deviants.” Such purges can be brief or open-ended, and they can take any number of outward forms, depending on the type of totalitarian system, but you cannot have totalitarianism without them.
The essence of totalitarianism — regardless of which costumes and ideology it wears — is a desire to completely control society, every aspect of society, every individual behavior and thought. Every totalitarian system, whether an entire nation, a tiny cult, or any other form of social body, evolves toward this unachievable goal … the total ideological transformation and control of every single element of society (or whatever type of social body it comprises). This fanatical pursuit of total control, absolute ideological uniformity, and the elimination of all dissent, is what makes totalitarianism totalitarianism.
Thus, each new totalitarian system, at some point in its evolution, needs to launch a purge of those who refuse to conform to its official ideology. It needs to do this for two basic reasons: (1) to segregate or otherwise eliminate actual political opponents and dissidents who pose a threat to the new regime; and (2) and more importantly, to establish the ideological territory within which the masses must now confine themselves in order to avoid being segregated, or eliminated.
The purge must be conducted openly, brutally, so that the masses understand that the rules of society have changed, forever, that their former rights and freedoms are gone, and that from now on any type of resistance or deviation from official ideology will not be tolerated, and will be ruthlessly punished.
The purge is usually launched during a “state of emergency,” under imminent threat from some official “enemy” (e.g., “communist infiltrators,” “counter-revolutionaries,” or … you know, a “devastating pandemic”), such that the normal rules of society can be indefinitely suspended “for the sake of survival.” The more terrified the masses can be made, the more willing they will be to surrender their freedom and follow orders, no matter how insane.
The lifeblood of totalitarianism is fear … fear of both the system’s official enemy (which is constantly stoked with propaganda) and of the totalitarian system itself. That the brutality of the system is rationalized by the threat posed by the official enemy doesn’t make it any less brutal or terrifying. Under totalitarian systems (of any type or scale) fear is a constant and there is no escape from it.
The masses’ fear is then channeled into hatred … hatred of the official “Untermenschen,” whom the system encourages the masses to scapegoat. Thus, the purge is also a means of allowing the masses to purge themselves of their fear, to transform it into self-righteous hatred and unleash it on the “Untermenschen” instead of the totalitarian system, which, obviously, would be suicidal.
Every totalitarian system — both the individuals running it and the system, structurally — instinctively understands how all this works. New Normal totalitarianism is no exception.
Just reflect on what has happened over the last 18 months.
Day after day, month after month, the masses have been subjected to the most destructive psychological-terror campaign in the history of psychological terror. Sadly, many of them have been reduced to paranoid, anus-puckering invalids, afraid of the outdoors, of human contact, afraid of their own children, afraid of the air, morbidly obsessed with disease and death … and consumed with hatred of “the Unvaccinated.”
Their hatred, of course, is utterly irrational, the product of fear and propaganda, as hatred of “the Untermenschen” always is. It has absolutely nothing to do with a virus, which even the New Normal authorities admit. “The Unvaccinated” are no more of a threat to anyone than any other human being … except insofar as they threaten the New Normals’ belief in their delusional ideology.
No, we are way past rationality at this point. We are witnessing the birth of a new form of totalitarianism. Not “communism.” Not “fascism.” Global-capitalist totalitarianism. Pseudo-medical totalitarianism. Pathologized totalitarianism. A form of totalitarianism without a dictator, without a definable ideology. A totalitarianism based on “science,” on “fact,” on “reality,” which it creates itself.
I don’t know about you, but, so far, it has certainly made quite an impression on me. So much so that I have mostly set aside my satirical schtick to try to understand it … what it actually is, why it is happening, why it is happening now, where it is going, and how to oppose it, or at least disrupt it.
The way I see it, the next six months will determine how successful the initial stages of the roll-out of this new totalitarianism will be. By April of 2022, either we’ll all be showing our “papers” to the New Normal Gestapo to be able to earn a living, attend a school, dine at a restaurant, travel, and otherwise live our lives, or we will have thrown a monkey wrench into the machinery. I do not expect GloboCap to abandon the roll-out of the New Normal over the longer term — they are clearly committed to implementing it — but we have the power to ruin their opening act (which they’ve been planning and rehearsing for quite some time).
So, let’s go ahead and do that, shall we? Before we get purged, or unpersoned, or whatever. I’m not sure, as I haven’t seen a “fact-check” yet, but I believe there are some commercial airline pilots in the USA who are showing us the way.
First, those who claim they’re isolating viruses. I’ve written many articles debunking their absurd stance. They define isolation as “swimming in a soup of many substances and never separated from the soup.” In other words, these virologists define isolated as un-isolated. You could call this Orwellian Scientific Newspeak. Sheer nonsense.
Then there are “the more sophisticated” virologists who say, “Viruses can only live in liquid inside a cell. Therefore, they can never be separated from the cell or the liquid. To demand isolation is to ask for the impossible. We can discover the genetic sequences of these viruses without isolating them. Forget isolation. Discovering the genetic sequences proves the viruses exist.”
Let’s examine this second brand of virology.
Let’s go back to the moment when scientists decided viruses existed for the first time. After all, THEY made the original claim. The burden of proof was on THEM. And they made that decision long before there was a procedure called genetic sequencing.
If isolation is impossible, if these viruses swim forever in liquid inside cells, un-isolated, then HOW DID SCIENTISTS FIRST DISCOVER VIRUSES EXIST?
On what basis did they make the claim?
Through direct observation? Certainly not, if the viruses can never be separated from the liquid in which they swim.
“We first discovered the existence of viruses that can’t be isolated by…”
By what? Singing songs? Talking to an ancestor of Antony Fauci? Finding out how much money was in the bank accounts of the Rockefeller family?
“No, look. Here’s the way it works. NOW we say isolation of viruses is impossible, because people are accusing us of not isolating them. But THEN, way back in time when scientists discovered the existence of viruses for the first time, they knew viruses HAD TO EXIST.”
“How did they know that?”
“Because all other explanations for why people were getting sick with certain diseases didn’t work, fell short.”
“I see. So there was only ONE other possibility. Viruses.”
“That’s right.”
“Do you realize what a ridiculous position that is?”
“No comment.”
And that’s really the end of the story. There was no “original discovery” of viruses. There was only an assumption backed up by nothing.
And NOW, when virologists claim they don’t need to isolate viruses because they can lay out their genetic sequences, another ridiculous situation arises. HOW DO YOU ANALYZE THE STRUCTURE OF SOMETHING YOU CAN’T ISOLATE?
How do you describe the structure of a thing when you don’t have the thing?
You DON’T describe the structure. You PRETEND you do.
You refer to other structures which themselves are only pretenses, and you pick out pieces of those pretended structures and you cobble them together, and you say, “Here it is. Here is the genetic sequence.”
This would be like a shop owner holding out his empty hand to the mafia thugs who showed up to collect their protection money for the week. The owner says, “Here’s your four hundred dollars. Can’t you see it?”
After a thug pulls out his gun, the store owner opens his wall safe and takes out strange bills and hands them over. The bills are pieces of money from the game called Monopoly. They’re pieces from American, French, German, Italian, Spanish Monopoly money, taped together.
And THAT’S called genetic sequencing of viruses. Funny money.
I’ll cover two more points. As Dr. Tom Cowan has stated, according to the conventional hypothesis of virus infection, viruses must be breaking out of cells and traveling to other cells. Otherwise, how can infection spread throughout the body? But this description assumes that viruses CAN live and thrive outside the liquid in cells.
Therefore, the claim that viruses can’t be isolated because they always live in liquid inside cells is false.
Which would bring us back to the first type of virologist, the one who says he IS isolating viruses—but can’t prove it, because his definition of isolation is, “swimming inside soup and never separated from the soup.”
And finally, what about electron microscope photos which purport to show isolated viruses? This is a subject fraught with conflict and misunderstanding. It is far from settled science. Many so-called viruses in these photos are cells that are “budding,” as if something has not yet, but is about to break out of the cell. Virologists will arbitrarily call these somethings viruses, without visual proof.
Then there are exosomes, “microvesicles released by cells in both physiological and pathological situations.” They are mistaken for viruses. There is other genetic material which can be misidentified as viruses.
People who wish to explore this thorny problem should read the works of Harold Hillman, a foremost critic of electron microscopy methods, who was exiled from the scientific community for his findings. Hillman once wrote: “Electron microscopists have ignored the dictates of solid geometry and most of the apparent structures they have detected are artefacts of their preparation procedures…” In other words, the techniques of electron microscopy create artificial entities which are then mistaken for natural entities.
Brian Martin, emeritus professor of social sciences at the University of Wollongong, Australia, writes, “In one case, Hillman gave a talk to a large audience at what he calls ‘a well known Welsh university’. The many undergraduates in the audience seemed sympathetic to his case. A lecturer stood up and claimed to have pictures from an electron microscope which showed that Hillman was wrong. After the talk, Hillman asked the lecturer to see the pictures. ‘I have not got any’, he said, laughing. ‘Why did you say you had in front of that large audience?’ ‘Because I did not want the students to be misled by you’.”
And that concludes today’s episode of Two Schools of Virology, Both Wrong, brought to you by NIH Paper Towels, the brand that mops up every spill but somehow never traps a virus.
Acting Senior Sergeant Krystle Mitchell is a sworn member of the Victoria Police in Australia. She has served Victorians for 16 years as a police officer including 6 years at Professional Standards Command – the division responsible for investigating police misconduct, corruption, discrimination and freedom of information, referring investigations to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC) where appropriate.
Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell cites ethical conflicts as the reason for speaking publicly about conduct of Victoria Police officers, their Chief Commissioner – Shane Patton, their Minister – the Hon. Lisa Neville MP, and ultimately their Premier – the Hon. Daniel Andrews MP. She feels she can no longer remain silent with the division between police and community is growing, and totally ignored by the leadership of both the police and government.
Despite a promise to focus on ‘Community Policing’ and ‘Back to Basics’ policing by Shane Patton, Acting Senior Sergeant Mitchell has witnessed the opposite trajectory during the Covid-19 pandemic and is reminding her colleagues that ultimately they will individually be held accountable for their actions, and are still subject to s 462A of the Crimes Act 1958 (Vic) which forbids the disproportionate use of force.
She is also calling for Victoria Police to remain consistent to the values, ethics and decision making frameworks (such as SELF) that it used to demand of its members a mere 2 years ago.
The evidence is in. Gene-manipulating injections advertised as a “vaccine for covid 19” have killed and injured millions of people. Instead of providing immunity to an alleged virus, the shots actually harm the immune system and turn it against us. The spike proteins created by the shots spread out to attack major organs in the body, leading to a thousand and one different health problems, including heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, strokes, blood clots, spontaneous abortions, neurological disorders, depression, and death. Yet the medical establishment is urging everyone, including pregnant women and children, to get the jab. The ghost standing in as US President recently decreed that if people refuse the shot they will lose their job. This is coercion to accept a medical intervention known to be a danger to human health — a crime against humanity. Half the population of the country is now facing this coercion.
This only makes sense if we reason that the authorities want to harm us, or that there is something so important in the injection that they don’t mind harming us, as long as we get the injection. Bill Gates said early in 2020 that everyone on the planet should be “vaccinated.” Perhaps his dream was that when that is accomplished there will be no one left who will not be genetically modified (to Gates’s secret specifications) and thus no one left to hold him to account.
One of the most insidious arguments put forward by the authorities is that we are facing a health crisis so serious that individual freedom must be sacrificed for the common good, and therefore no one has a moral right to refuse the Frankenshot. This argument quickly comes down to whether human beings have inalienable rights — rights given to us by God, which the state does not have the power to take away or overrule. To accept or reject any substance being given to us is obviously such a right. And after this we can discuss the details — that the purpose of the “vaccine” is unclear, that its contents are unknown, that it has proven harmful to millions of people, that we were not informed of adverse effects, that natural immunity should be recognized, that tests establishing the alleged disease were fraudulent, that there is no emergency, that there are safe alternative treatments, et cetera. But if we understand that the state is a lesser power, then we understand that it does not have the authority to order substances injected into our bodies.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
~ U.S. Declaration of Independence
The cabal behind the medical tyranny we are facing doesn’t believe we have God-given rights because they don’t believe there’s a God in the first place. They apparently think that since they are billionaires, and billionaires have a lot of weight to throw around, that they can be gods. They also seem to believe there is nothing they are forbidden to do to other people because other people do not have souls — they are just biological entities evolved through random nature which the rich, by virtue of their power, are free to manipulate and improve upon. To technocrats, nothing is sacred. So it makes sense to them to risk injuring pregnant women and children and even experiment on the whole human race (beside their chosen few). Those who resist are now being segregated and punished, like Palestinians in their own land. Perhaps occupied Palestine is the oligarchs’ model for our future.
The ultimate goal may be the power that previous master-slave relationships were not able to achieve — a “read/write” capability in which the master has full surveillance power over the slaves and gives the orders for them to follow. Subtracted from the slave population, of course, will be those few billion dissidents and “useless eaters” who don’t fit in with the plan. They will be terminated. From this point of view it also follows that the genetic makeup of any living thing is just software which today’s sophisticated scientists can splice, delete, modify, or re-create as the masters see fit. From this point of view humans are no different than GM corn, soy, or cotton. GM humans can be used to bring in a nice profit as well because the masters will own their patents. Perhaps Monsanto agribusiness is another model for our future.
Taken to its logical extreme, reality itself is in the hands of our would-be masters. With proper control of the media, people can be made to believe anything, like that an illness similar to the flu is a “pandemic,” or that someone who has no symptoms of illness is actually sick, or that the unvaccinated are selfishly threatening everyone else with death, or that anyone who strays from the narrative is spreading “misinformation,” or that if someone goes into convulsions directly after getting jabbed it is not due to the poison that was just injected into them, or that a serum that injures and kills is “safe and effective.” In this world, the truth is what the powerful say it is, regardless of the facts. The powerful are a locomotive big enough to just run past any anomalies and contradictions, leaving us bewildered.
However, the ambitiousness of this insane program foretells its failure. History is full of great tyrants with grand plans who came in with spectacular fame but suddenly fell in disgrace, erased by time. The oligarchs’ main weakness is their lack of any sense of limits. Gaining some power, they then want it all. They reach too far, too soon, and expose themselves in the process. And then common humanity — always patient to a fault — finally decides to stand up and become a locomotive itself, running back over the entire plan and returning us to sanity.
If the world is going to see a great reset, it will not be the one Klaus Schwab and his Davos gangsters had in mind.
We should take heart. So much has been revealed! It’s as if the world’s worst criminals burst into the courtroom and offered up a horrendous public confession.
Richard Hugus is the founder of Cape Cod Against Medical Mandates. “We are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts who support freedom of choice in all matters having to do with our own and our childrens’ health.” Connect with them here.
via Whitney is joined by James Corbett of the Corbett Report to discuss the overlap between the oligarchs of China and the United States and how the rise of China is intimately tied to Wall Street and Globalism. Published on 09/28/21.
Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Ricardo Maarman & Thousands of South Africans File Constitutional Lawsuit Against the President, Speaker of Parliament & Governor of SA Reserve Bank for ‘Pandemic’-Related Crimes Against South Africans
Listen to the announcement by Ricardo Maarman in the video provided below. We have also provided a transcript of his powerful statement.
Ricardo Maarman holds a BA Degree in Politics/Philosophy and Economics obtained at the University of South Africa and an MA International Politics obtained at the University of Leicester in the UK. He specialized in the Post-Cold War World Order, International Security, Intelligence and Security, and US Foreign Policy.
Original video available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
Good Day, everyone. Today I have a very important message for the people of South Africa. We have filed our case with the Constitutional Court of South Africa, case number CCT 299/21.
Despite the many difficulties that we have faced along the way, we have successfully filed this case.
I would like to thank Dr. Faiez Kirsten for his unwavering commitment to the cause. I would like to thank those more than 8,700 South Africans who have signed our petition, and in so doing, have become co-applicants to the case.
I would like to thank those who have given us financial support. I would like to thank those who have prayed for our success.
I would like to thank my wife for her loyal partnership, for her wavering commitment to the cause of truth, of justice and her service to God.
Finally, and most importantly, I would like to thank God in whom we put all our trust.
The case that we have brought to the Constitutional Court is against the president of South Africa, the South African Parliament, and the South African Reserve Bank.
Now, what has the president done wrong? Why have we brought a case against hi?
Well, the president heard claims made by the Chinese government that there was a virus that broke out in Wuhan. And subsequently, the World Health Organization has declared an international or global pandemic. He followed suit. He declared a national disaster in South Africa.
What he has done wrong here is he did not confirm the claim that was made by the Chinese government, or the claim that was made by the World Health Organization, as he should have done before he imposed a lockdown on the South African people.
What the president should have done was to send scientists to China and to ask the Chinese government to provide a pure sample of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, separated and isolated from all other contaminants and substances. Once a scientist was in possession of this pure sample of the SARS-CoV-2, he should have instructed them to infect a living, healthy organism with this pure virus only to see whether it produces the symptoms of Covid-19 — and to see if Covid-19 is indeed as deadly as the Chinese and the World Health Organization claim it to be.
He should have repeated this a few times. After doing so, he should have presented his facts and his information to the people of South Africa, to Parliament. And then he should have declared a national state of disaster.
The president did not do so, therefore he did wrong. The president should have shown the people of South Africa the virus before he declared a national disaster based on the virus. In doing so, the president has contravened the Constitution. He contravened Section 36.1 that says he can only limit the rights of the people of South Africa, the Bill of Rights, if he had reasonable justification and if he shows that reasonable justification to the people of South Africa as in an open and democratic society.
He also failed Section 52.1 of the Constitution that says if you take someone’s rights away then you should provide him information that could help him to understand why his rights have been taken away, or to fight for his rights to be restored. The president simply failed to do so.
What is the case that we have brought against the South African parliament?
Well, when the president declared the national state of disaster, Parliament went along without any question. That was wrong.
Parliament should’ve called a debate. They should have questioned the president. They should have asked the president to show us the virus before they agreed to support these measures of the lockdown and the national disaster declaration. Parliament failed to do so. That is why they did wrong.
They contravened the Constitution Section 37.1. Parliament should have made sure that there is a real threat to the life and property of the people of South Africa before they went along. Parliament should have made sure, according to Section 22.3, that the president has a reasonable justification for taking away the rights of the people of South Africa — before they agreed to go along.
According to Section 55.2, Parliament should have put all measures in place to find out whether the virus exists and whether it’s dangerous. And whether it’s deadly. Parliament should have asked the president to show us the virus. They had the power to do so, and he would have had no other choice but to answer them.
Parliament has failed the people of South Africa.
The South African Reserve Bank, when they heard the president make a declaration of a national state of disaster, they then funded the president. They instituted financial measures to provide finance for the lockdown measures. That is what the South African Reserve Bank did.
Before they provided such finance, what they should have done was to confirm whether the virus was real, confirm whether the virus was indeed deadly before they agreed to finance the government. They had a responsibility to do this under Section 224.2 of the Constitution. They have a responsibility to act independently without fear or favor. They have failed to do so.
Now we have great evidence against these responses.
To start with, Christine Massey of Canada and many others went around the world and they asked more than 100 laboratories, health laboratories around the world, to show them the SARS-CoV-2 virus. And the answer they got from these laboratories was, no, they cannot show the virus because they don’t have it. More than 100 health laboratories around the world.
The president and the scientists rely on the PCR test in order for them to demonstrate death rates and infection rates. But the inventor of the PCR test method they said that it shouldn’t be used for that. Yet they continue to use it for that.
The inventor of the PCR test method, Dr. Mullis [Kary Mullis, PhD], died shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic. But, luckily for us, that those who know him well, and who have the same expertise as him, have given a sworn testimony to verify and to confirm that he indeed has sent them that these tests should not be used for this. We have sworn testimony to this and we have presented this to the court.
The PCR test has been found unreliable by a Portuguese court. And, in this matter, according to Section 39.1 of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court must consider that Portuguese case. But it makes it’s ruling here. And the Portuguese case ruled that the PCR test is unreliable.
The PCR test is not calibrated to find SARS-CoV-2 based on a pure genetic sample that was taken from a pure sample of the SARS-Cov-2 virus. Rather it is based on a computer-generated, genetic sequence.
The NICD [The National Institute for Communicable Diseases] has claimed that it had a photograph of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Now how did they obtain this photograph?
According to their own version, found on their website, the NICD says that it took samples from patients that tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 using a PCR test. And then it took those samples and mixed it with green monkey kidney cells amongst other things. And then it took a picture of this mixture and claimed that this picture is a photograph of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Well, it is wrong. One cannot rely on such a picture because all you have is a picture of a mixture.
According to the […] high court in Germany, ruled that when you take samples that are supposedly from infected people of a virus and you mix it with green monkey kidney cells or any other thing, then you cannot rely on such identification of the virus. Because how do you discount the green monkey kidney cells?
And this is exactly what the NICD has done in the supposed photograph. We placed this before the court and the court must consider this as per Section 39.1 of the Constitution.
This is overwhelming evidence that is supported by sworn testimony from scientific experts. Dr. Qureshi from Canada. Dr. […] from the United States, Dr. Corbett from the UK and, of course, the evidence that I have shown you from Christine Massey.
We thank them greatly for providing such sworn testimony to us. In addition to this sworn testimony, we also have incriminating evidence coming out of the mouths of the president, of the speaker of Parliament, and of the Reserve Bank governor themselves.
The president has admitted under oath at the Zondo commission, that his government has people or officials in high office that are captured. He admitted this.
He also said that members of Parliament from the African National Congress are in Parliament because of the party. And they are there to serve the party and represent the party, not the people of South Africa. This is out of his own mouth — sworn testimony.
The former speaker of Parliament Thandi Modise also delivered sworn testimony at the Zondo commission. And she said at the Zondo commission that sometimes members of parliament don’t ask unnecessary questions because they have ambitions of becoming ministers in future.
Thandi Modise did not ask the president to show us the virus. And now Thandi Modise is the Minister of Defense.
The South African Reserve Bank Governor, when he was helping, at the same time that South Africa incurred billions of dollars of debt with the IMF [International Monetary Fund], the South African Reserve Bank Governor was helping the government put together the budget in which this loan was decided upon. And at the same time, he was an advisor to the IMF, the entity to which the South African people would be eventually sold into debt slavery.
He was working for the IMF and he was working with the South African government the same time — benefitting the IMF with this loan and it was eventually taken up. This was a clear conflict of interest. Highly unacceptable. How can we expect that the Reserve Bank would have acted independently without fear or favor in such circumstances, as it should have done, when its governor was so highly conflicted.
As you can see, we have a very, very strong case here against these respondents. And we are asking the court to grant the South African people relief.
And the relief that we are asking from the court is: Number one, for the national state of disaster and all its measures including the lockdown etc. to be declared invalid and to be set aside immediately.
We are asking the court that the Covid-19 budget, or the budget that was decided upon on the 24th of June 2020, in which the South African people incurred, indirectly, a good deal of debt, to fund the lockdown and the national disaster — that that budget must be declared invalid and set aside. And that the South African people must not be responsible for any debt incurred as a result of this unproven pandemic.
We are asking the Constitutional Court that all the respondents be held financially liable personally for all the financial losses suffered by South African people — because of their actions or their failures to act in the correct manner.
Asking the court to hold the South African Reserve Bank liable as an institution, as an organization, because the South African Reserve Bank is the financial authority of the country. So as the financial authority, who acted wrongly in this instance, that the South African Reserve Bank should be held liable financially for all losses suffered by the South African people.
We are asking that all these respondents must resign voluntarily in an orderly manner. We are asking the court to grant the people of South Africa a referendum in which the people of South Africa can have a vote of no confidence in all of these respondents.
We are asking the court that the South African people be granted a referendum where they can decide whether to have a direct presidential election with individual candidates instead of party-based system that we have now, so that we can remedy this conflict of interest and this confusion that ANC party members have — whether they should represent the people or whether they should represent their party. We should have a referendum to solve this matter once and for all.
We are asking the court to grant the people of South Africa a referendum to decide whether we should liquidate the South African Reserve Bank in order to finance all of the financial losses suffered by the people of South Africa because of the failures of the South African Reserve Bank.
We are asking the court to grant the people a referendum so that the people can decide on a metal-based currency and the abolition of interest, to ensure that in future our financial system cannot be manipulated by anyone.
As you have seen here in my explanation for you, that our case is simple, clear and just.
We have faced many difficulties. Some of our witnesses that were supposed to give sworn testimony pulled out under threat, under coercion, under fear.
But we have labored on and we are here. This is a serious time in the history of South Africa and in the history of the world.
I ask all of you who are listening to this video that — should something happen to me — that all those co-applicants have the right to have this case continue to the end, until justice is done.
Please support our efforts. Please support our case. Please pray to God for our success.
As I have said, our case is simple, our case is clear, and our case is just. Thank you very much.
In 2015 Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad Warned Against Planned Global Genocide by Elites: “The Peace That We Will Get From This Is the Peace of the Graveyard.”
The globalist left has seized upon a new weapon to impose their agenda: the coronavirus pandemic.
At a March 9th, 2015 International Conference titled “The New World Order – A Recipe of War or Peace!” Former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad warned that the ‘Elites want to reduce the world population to 1 Billion’ and will go to any length necessary to achieve their goal.
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
The conference was held at Putrajaya International Convention Center in Putrajaya, Malaysia, organized by the Perdana Global Peace Foundation (PGPF). PM Mohamad stated that the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (or TPPA) is a strategy lead by the United States to dominate the world economy. Several guest speakers focused on borderless trade and globalization being used to usher in a one-world government.
“Basically, it is about having a world government. We should abolish all states, nations, and bodies but instead have only a one-world government. And that world government is to be by certain people, elites. People who are very rich, very intelligent, very powerful in many ways. They are the ones who will govern the world. There was not much talk about democracy or the choice of leaders, instead, there was to be a government by these elites who will impose their rules on everyone in this world. And for those who are unwilling to submit to them, there will be punishment,” Dr. Mahathir explained.
“And the peace that we will get from this is the peace of the graveyard because the intention also is to reduce the number of people in this world. At the time when the New World Order has annunciated, the population of this world was only 3 billion. The intention was to reduce it to 1 billion. Now the population of the world is 7 billion. There would be a need to kill many billions of people or to starve them to death or to prevent them from giving birth in order to reduce the population of this world.”
Mahathir served as Malaysia’s prime minister from July 1981 to October 2003 and from May 2018 to March 2020.
Dr. Mahathir also warned that the one-world government would not hesitate to invade and take over sovereign states to reach their goals.
Vehicles for Globalism
Wealthy, powerful elites have long fantasized about presiding over a global government, where they have complete power over citizens. It’s speculated that the United Nation’s own Agenda 21 and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has been used as the elite’s blueprint to depopulate the world.
The following propaganda video, produced by the left-wing organization Population Matters, claims most of the world’s challenges today are because of its dense population. We, humans, are the problem, and there are too many of us.
“Have smaller families.”
Mass, forced migration to the West promoted by multilateral organizations, left-wing governments, and organizations has been another vehicle for erasing borders. But as citizens push back against unvetted and potentially dangerous people flooding their countries, the globalist left has seized upon a new weapon to impose their agenda: the coronavirus pandemic.
Are Coronavirus Vaccines Part of the Depopulation Agenda?
Many believe what we see today with the coronavirus injections is the elite’s brazen attempt yet to decrease the world population. One of the most prominent advocates of the new coronavirus injections is tech billionaire Bill Gates.
In 2009, “The Good Club” comprised of well-known members such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Ted Turner, and David Rockefeller met to discuss how best to eliminate overpopulation and increase birth control, all in the guise of philanthropy. The group’s members are collectively worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
During a 2010 TEDTalk, Gates spoke about how introducing vaccines could help lower human’s CO2 output saying:
If we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s Family Planning services (i.e., abortion, birth control, infertility) we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.
Gates’ interest in controlling the world’s population stemmed from his father, who was “pivotal in shaping his son’s world view” and sat on the board of Planned Parenthood for several years.
Planned Parenthood began as a eugenicist dream of Margaret Sanger to eliminate certain races from the population. It’s hard to ignore this connection. Know who else had a fascination with eugenics? Hitler.
“If you gave me only one wish for the next 50 years, I could pick who’s president;
I could pick the vaccine, which is something I love…”
Today’s “elite” are all but untouchable. When you have so much money that you own doctors, scientists, scientific papers and journals, the media, etc., it’s hard to imagine your average person being able to sift through the misinformation and propaganda being pushed on them. So instead, they’re willing to put themselves at risk by taking an experimental injection that hasn’t been thoroughly tested-all for the “greater good.”
Video available at Vaccine Choice Canada Rumble and BitChute channels.
Catherine Austin Fitts is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC.
Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc.
Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.
Rocco Galati is Executive Director (Founder) and Director of Tax and other Civil Litigation for Constitutional Rights Centre in Canada.
The Constitutional Rights Centre is established as a private corporation whose sole mission and aim(s) are the protection, defence, enforcement, and enhancement of constitutional rights, and the supremacy of the Constitution, and the Rule of Law, without government funding, interference, or influence whatsoever.
The CRC’s mission is, on one hand, to challenge unconstitutional excess of the state, and on the other, to challenge the state’s abdication or abandonment of constitutional duty.
People driving around the Texas cities of Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and Dallas over the last few days have seen new billboards along major highways encouraging them to resist the incessant bullying from politicians, media, schools, businesses, and employers related to the experimental coronavirus “vaccine” shots.
The huge billboards declare the messages “Make an Informed Choice!” and “DON’T BE BULLIED.” The billboards also display the image of a gloved hand holding a vial labeled “COVID 19 Coronavirus Vaccine.”
Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF) put up the billboards recently in Texas. CCHF had put up similar billboards in Idaho, Minnesota, and Wisconsin before it announced, on August 25, its billboards public outreach effort. In its press release announcing the billboards public outreach effort, CCHF declared it had “the intent of raising awareness and building resistance to the vaccination mandates that are currently being used as an effort to coerce Americans into submitting to the ‘jab’.”
More power to CCHF in its effort to directly communicate a contrary view to people who are relentlessly bombarded with propaganda promoting not just the taking of experimental coronavirus vaccines, but the imposing of vaccine passports and vaccine mandates as well. The big money media and social media, acting like bullies, seek to prevent people from hearing the arguments that counter the propaganda. It is thus important for people trying to counter the propaganda to use alternative means, billboards among them, to circumvent the information gatekeepers.
In Texas, newspaper and TV station news stories about the new billboards have predictably used the “reporting” to condemn the billboards’ message while again trumpeting the party line on the experimental coronavirus vaccine shots. Bullying, indeed.
COVID19/11: Narratives Intertwined is OffG’s new series of short interviews with prominent voices in the alternate media, vocal Covid sceptics and leading figures in the 9/11 truth movement.
The series is intended to both mark the 20th anniversary of the World Trade Center collapse, and discuss how that event helped shape the modern world and, in turn, set the stage for the Covid “pandemic”.
Episode Twelve of Narratives Intertwined features award-winning author, playwright and political satirist CJ Hopkins.
CJ’s plays have been performed all over the world from Adelaide to Atlanta and have won numerous awards. His political and satirical columns have been published on Consent Factory, ZeroHedge, OffGuardian, Counterpunch and many more. He’s also the author of the essay compilations Trumpocalypse and The War on Populism as well as the dystopian novel Zone 23.
In his interview CJ discusses his early awakening to the existence of the Deep State, his experience of being in New York on 9/11, the red flags he saw from the very earliest days of the “pandemic” and more.
Riccardo Bosi is a former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. He is currently the national leader of Australia One.
Below we are providing a transcript of his powerful words. He is speaking to Australians, yet we are all in this together now globally. We all face this same level of betrayal and tyranny from our governments.
Ladies and gentlemen of Australia, my name is Ricardo Bosi and I am the national leader of Australia One.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, disturbing rumors concerning the governance of our country will begin to circulate. These rumors will appear to be so incredible, so unlikely and even so ludicrous that the only sensible response would appear to be to dismiss them out of hand.
Some of these rumors will, in time, indeed proved to be false. Unfortunately, some will be true and be prima facie evidence of the despicable crimes of treason and sedition, and some even morally worse, by those at the highest levels of power in Australia.
During this time, it is imperative you monitor closely the responses of those who comprise the polity, the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the military, the constabulary, the corporations, the media, academia and religious organizations.
The case can already be made that many of these people are already attainder of treason.
But if any remain silent in the face of an obvious attack on Australian sovereignty, they will have signed their own death warrants.
Remember them. From the governor general and state governors, through parliament, through all the courts including the High Court, through the public service, the defense force, the police forces, the boardrooms, the unions, the charities, the mainstream media, schools and universities, and finally even the churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and lodges.
Remember their names and who they are.
Remember what they said and what they did not say. Remember what they did and what they did not do.
Why and how has it come to this?
Simply put, for decades now we have been deceived by those whom we trusted. Slowly the truth has been revealed by the tireless efforts of a few. And this has been a most difficult task.
Some of you will have heard it said, ‘sometimes you can’t tell people. you just have to show them’.
And to put that in the Australian vernacular, ‘some people just need to piss on the electric fence for themselves’.
Thankfully, enough of us are now awake to the lies and our numbers continue to grow — faster every day.
So what should we do?
Firstly, be calm. Know that we can and will win this war.
Secondly, be united. No matter how many they send against us, they cannot defeat 25 million Australians who stand together as one.
And simply say, in a clear, strong and unconquerable voice, ‘No consent. No consent. No consent.’
Thirdly, be brave. Some of us might be hurt. And some of us might die. But if we truly seek liberty, we must win it for our souls.
Nothing worth winning is won cheaply.
Fourthly, be good. We the people must win this war with non-violence, non-cooperation — because the matter of our victory is of foundational importance to the future of Australia as a nation state.
We must win this war with such moral authority that we are able to win the peace that follows.
Finally, when all is done, the guilty will be punished. We will deal with the traitors in a lawful manner — which, after the reprehensible, coordinated malfeasance and violence that they are visited upon us, is more than they deserve.
And we will do this because we, the common people of Australia are, and have always been, so much more than the elites. We are better than they are.
We have not and we will not sacrifice our decency and our humanity to win this war, as they have done.
Ladies and gentleman, we’re about to enter a period of history without precedent — a war for the world.
And we — you and I — are on the frontline.
Be calm. Be united. Be brave. And be good.
And finally, do remember that we fight, as G. K. Chesterton wrote, not because we hate what is in front of us, but because we love what is behind us.
“The idea that humans have free will, or a soul — these are over!”
Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war. From your vote in the election, to your diet, to your medical choices, these are no longer your decisions to make as the elites openly celebrate that they now know better and exercise near perfect control over our lives.
We still have the opportunity to NOT comply en masse with this rewrite of humanity — but we must be ALL IN, RIGHT NOW.
We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I saw a graph for mortality, but I can’t find it anymore”. And we understand, it’s been a long 18 months, and there are so many statistics and numbers to try and keep straight in your head.
So, to deal with all these requests, we decided to make a bullet-pointed and sourced list for all the key points. A one-stop-shop.
Here are key facts and sources about the alleged “pandemic”, that will help you get a grasp on what has happened to the world since January 2020, and help you enlighten any of your friends who might be still trapped in the New Normal fog:
1. The survival rate of “Covid” is over 99%. Government medical experts went out of their way to underline, from the beginning of the pandemic, that the vast majority of the population are not in any danger from Covid.
Almost all studies on the infection-fatality ratio (IFR) of Covid have returned results between 0.04% and 0.5%. Meaning Covid’s survival rate is at least 99.5%.
2. There has been NO unusual excess mortality. The press has called 2020 the UK’s “deadliest year since world war two”, but this is misleading because it ignores the massive increase in the population since that time. A more reasonable statistical measure of mortality is Age-Standardised Mortality Rate (ASMR):
By this measure, 2020 isn’t even the worst year for mortality since 2000, In fact since 1943 only 9 years have been better than 2020.
Similarly, in the US the ASMR for 2020 is only at 2004 levels:
For a detailed breakdown of how Covid affected mortality across Western Europe and the US click here. What increases in mortality we have seen could be attributable to non-Covid causes [facts 7, 9 & 19].
3. “Covid death” counts are artificially inflated. Countries around the globe have been defining a “Covid death” as a “death by any cause within 28/30/60 days of a positive test”.
Removing any distinction between dying of Covid, and dying of something else after testing positive for Covid will naturally lead to over-counting of “Covid deaths”. British pathologist Dr John Lee was warning of this “substantial over-estimate” as early as last spring. Other mainstream sources have reported it, too.
Considering the huge percentage of “asymptomatic” Covid infections [14], the well-known prevalence of serious comorbidities [fact 4] and the potential for false-positive tests [fact 18], this renders the Covid death numbers an extremely unreliable statistic.
4. The vast majority of covid deaths have serious comorbidities. In March 2020, the Italian government published statistics showing 99.2% of their “Covid deaths” had at least one serious comorbidity.
These included cancer, heart disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure and diabetes (among others). Over 50% of them had three or more serious pre-existing conditions.
5. Average age of “Covid death” is greater than the average life expectancy. The average age of a “Covid death” in the UK is 82.5 years. In Italy it’s 86. Germany, 83. Switzerland, 86. Canada, 86. The US, 78, Australia, 82.
As such, for most of the world, the “pandemic” has had little-to-no impact on life expectancy. Contrast this with the Spanish flu, which saw a 28% drop in life expectancy in the US in just over a year. [source]
6. Covid mortality exactly mirrors the natural mortality curve.Statistical studies from the UK and India have shown that the curve for “Covid death” follows the curve for expected mortality almost exactly:
The small increase for some of the older age groups can be accounted for by other factors.[facts 7, 9 & 19]
7. There has been a massive increase in the use of “unlawful” DNRs. Watchdogs and government agencies have reported huge increases in the use of Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNRs) over the last twenty months.
In the UK there was an “unprecdented” rise in “illegal” DNRs for disabled people, GP surgeries sent out letters to non-terminal patients recommending they sign DNR orders, whilst other doctors signed “blanket DNRs” for entire nursing homes.
A study done by Sheffield Univerisity found over one-third of all “suspected” Covid patients had a DNR attached to their file within 24 hours of hospital admission.
Blanket use of coerced or illegal DNR orders could account for any increases in mortality in 2020/21.[Facts 2 & 6]
8. Lockdowns do not prevent the spread of disease. There is little to no evidence lockdowns have any impact on limiting “Covid deaths”. If you compare regions that locked down to regions that did not, you can see no pattern at all.
9. Lockdowns kill people. There is strong evidence that lockdowns – through social, economic and other public health damage – are deadlier than the “virus”.
Dr David Nabarro, World Health Organization special envoy for Covid-19 described lockdowns as a “global catastrophe” in October 2020:
We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of the virus[…] it seems we may have a doubling of world poverty by next year. We may well have at least a doubling of child malnutrition […] This is a terrible, ghastly global catastrophe.”
Unemployment, poverty, suicide, alcoholism, drug use and other social/mental health crises are spiking all over the world. While missed and delayed surgeries and screenings are going to see increased mortality from heart disease, cancer et al. in the near future.
The impact of lockdown would account for the small increases in excess mortality [Facts 2 & 6]
10. Hospitals were never unusually over-burdened. the main argument used to defend lockdowns is that “flattening the curve” would prevent a rapid influx of cases and protect healthcare systems from collapse. But most healthcare systems were never close to collapse at all.
As part of their Covid policy, the NHS announced in Spring of 2020 that they would be “re-organizing hospital capacity in new ways to treat Covid and non-Covid patients separately” and that “as result hospitals will experience capacity pressures at lower overall occupancy rates than would previously have been the case.”
This means they removed thousands of beds. During an alleged deadly pandemic, they reduced the maximum occupancy of hospitals. Despite this, the NHS never felt pressure beyond your typical flu season, and at times actually had 4x more empty beds than normal.
11. PCR tests were not designed to diagnose illness. The Reverse-Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test is described in the media as the “gold standard” for Covid diagnosis. But the Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the process never intended it to be used as a diagnostic tool, and said so publicly:
PCR is just a process that allows you to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.
12. PCR Tests have a history of being inaccurate and unreliable. The “gold standard” PCR tests for Covid are known to produce a lot of false-positive results, by reacting to DNA material that is not specific to Sars-Cov-2.
As early as February of 2020 experts were admitting the test was unreliable. Dr Wang Cheng, president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences told Chinese state television “The accuracy of the tests is only 30-50%”. The Australian government’s own website claimed“There is limited evidence available to assess the accuracy and clinical utility of available COVID-19 tests.” And a Portuguese court ruled that PCR tests were “unreliable” and should not be used for diagnosis.
You can read detailed breakdowns of the failings of PCR tests here, here and here.
13. The CT values of the PCR tests are too high. PCR tests are run in cycles, the number of cycles you use to get your result is known as your “cycle threshold” or CT value. Kary Mullis said: “If you have to go more than 40 cycles[…]there is something seriously wrong with your PCR.”
Dr Juliet Morrison, virologist at the University of California, Riverside, told the New York Times: Any test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive…I’m shocked that people would think that 40 [cycles] could represent a positive…A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35″.
In the same article Dr Michael Mina, of the Harvard School of Public Health, said the limit should be 30, and the author goes on to point out that reducing the CT from 40 to 30 would have reduced “covid cases” in some states by as much as 90%.
Based on what we know about the CT values, the majority of PCR test results are at best questionable.
14. The World Health Organization (Twice) Admitted PCR tests produced false positives. In December 2020 WHO put out a briefing memo on the PCR process instructing labs to be wary of high CT values causing false positive results:
when specimens return a high Ct value, it means that many cycles were required to detect virus. In some circumstances, the distinction between background noise and actual presence of the target virus is difficult to ascertain.
Then, in January 2021, the WHO released another memo, this time warning that “asymptomatic” positive PCR tests should be re-tested because they might be false positives:
Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different NAT technology.
15. The scientific basis for Covid tests is questionable. The genome of the Sars-Cov-2 virus was supposedly sequenced by Chinese scientists in December 2019, then published on January 10th 2020. Less than two weeks later, German virologists (Christian Drosten et al.) had allegedly used the genome to create assays for PCR tests.
They wrote a paper, Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR, which was submitted for publication on January 21st 2020, and then accepted on January 22nd. Meaning the paper was allegedly “peer-reviewed” in less than 24 hours. A process that typically takes weeks.
Since then, a consortium of over forty life scientists has petitioned for the withdrawal of the paper, writing a lengthy report detailing 10 major errors in the paper’s methodology.
They have also requested the release of the journal’s peer-review report, to prove the paper really did pass through the peer-review process. The journal has yet to comply.
The Corman-Drosten assays are the root of every Covid PCR test in the world. If the paper is questionable, every PCR test is also questionable.
It is literally impossible to tell the difference between an “asymptomatic case” and a false-positive test result.
17. There is very little evidence supporting the alleged danger of “asymptomatic transmission”. In June 2020, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the WHO’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, said:
From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,”
…limited evidence to suggest the importance of [asymptomatic] transmission. The role of asymptomatic or presymptomatic influenza-infected individuals in disease transmission may have been overestimated…”
Given the known flaws of the PCR tests, many “asymptomatic cases” may be false positives.[fact 14]
18. Ventilation is NOT a treatment for respiratory viruses. Mechanical ventilation is not, and never has been, recommended treatment for respiratory infection of any kind. In the early days of the pandemic, many doctors came forward questioning the use of ventilators to treat “Covid”.
Writing in The Spectator, Dr Matt Strauss stated:
Ventilators do not cure any disease. They can fill your lungs with air when you find yourself unable to do so yourself. They are associated with lung diseases in the public’s consciousness, but this is not in fact their most common or most appropriate application.
German Pulmonologist Dr Thomas Voshaar, chairman of Association of Pneumatological Clinics said:
When we read the first studies and reports from China and Italy, we immediately asked ourselves why intubation was so common there. This contradicted our clinical experience with viral pneumonia.
Despite this, the WHO, CDC, ECDC and NHS all “recommended” Covid patients be ventilated instead of using non-invasive methods.
This was not a medical policy designed to best treat the patients, but rather to reduce the hypothetical spread of Covid by preventing patients from exhaling aerosol droplets.
19. Ventilators killed people. Putting someone on a ventilator who is suffering from influenza, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or any other condition which restricts breathing or affects the lungs, will not alleviate any of those symptoms. In fact, it will almost certainly make it worse, and will kill many of them.
Mechanical ventilation is also damaging to the physical structure of the lungs, resulting in “ventilator-induced lung injury”, which can dramatically impact quality of life, and even result in death.
According to the “undercover nurse”, ventilators were being used so improperly in New York, they were destroying patients’ lungs:
This policy was negligence at best, and potentially deliberate murder at worst. This misuse of ventilators could account for any increase in mortality in 2020/21 [Facts 2 & 6]
20. Masks don’t work. At least a dozen scientific studies have shown that masks do nothing to stop the spread of respiratory viruses.
One meta-analysis published by the CDC in May 2020 found “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks”.
Another study with over 8000 subjects found masks “did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection.”
There are literally too many to quote them all, but you can read them: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] Or read a summary by SPR here.
The WHO commissioned their own meta-analysis in the Lancet, but that study looked only at N95 masks and only in hospitals. [For full run down on the bad data in this study click here.]
Aside from scientific evidence, there’s plenty of real-world evidence that masks do nothing to halt the spread of disease.
For example, North Dakota and South Dakota had near-identical case figures, despite one having a mask-mandate and the other not:
21. Masks are bad for your health. Wearing a mask for long periods, wearing the same mask more than once, and other aspects of cloth masks can be bad for your health. A long study on the detrimental effects of mask-wearing was recently published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Dr. James Meehan reported in August 2020 he was seeing increases in bacterial pneumonia, fungal infections, facial rashes.
Masks are also known to contain plastic microfibers, which damage the lungs when inhaled and may be potentially carcinogenic.
The report goes on to warn these masks (and other medical waste) will clog sewage and irrigation systems, which will have knock on effects on public health, irrigation and agriculture.
A study from the University of Swansea found “heavy metals and plastic fibres were released when throw-away masks were submerged in water.” These materials are toxic to both people and wildlife.
23. Covid “vaccines” are totally unprecedented. Before 2020 no successful vaccine against a human coronavirus had ever been developed. Since then we have allegedly made 20 of them in 18 months.
While traditional vaccines work by exposing the body to a weakened strain of the microorganism responsible for causing the disease, these new Covid vaccines are mRNA vaccines.
mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) vaccines theoretically work by injecting viral mRNA into the body, where it replicates inside your cells and encourages your body to recognise, and make antigens for, the “spike proteins” of the virus. They have been the subject of research since the 1990s, but before 2020 no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use.
24. Vaccines do not confer immunity or prevent transmission. It is readily admitted that Covid “vaccines” do not confer immunity from infection and do not prevent you from passing the disease onto others. Indeed, an article in the British Medical Journal highlighted that the vaccine studies were not designed to even try and assess if the “vaccines” limited transmission.
The vaccine manufacturers themselves, upon releasing the untested mRNA gene therapies, were quite clear their product’s “efficacy” was based on “reducing the severity of symptoms”.
25. The vaccines were rushed and have unknown longterm effects. Vaccine development is a slow, laborious process. Usually, from development through testing and finally being approved for public use takes many years. The various vaccines for Covid were all developed and approved in less than a year. Obviously there can be no long-term safety data on chemicals which are less than a year old.
Pfizer even admit this is true in the leaked supply contract between the pharmaceutical giant, and the government of Albania:
the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known
26. Vaccine manufacturers have been granted legal indemnity should they cause harm. The USA’s Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) grants immunity until at least 2024.
The UK went even further, granting permanent legal indemnity to the government, and any employees thereof, for any harm done when a patient is being treated for Covid19 or “suspected Covid19”.
Again, the leaked Albanian contract suggests that Pfizer, at least, made this indemnity a standard demand of supplying Covid vaccines:
Purchaser hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer […] from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses
27. The EU was preparing “vaccine passports” at least a YEAR before the pandemic began. Proposed COVID countermeasures, presented to the public as improvised emergency measures, have existed since before the emergence of the disease.
These documents were combined into the 2019 “Vaccination Roadmap”, which (among other things) established a “feasibility study” on vaccine passports to begin in 2019 and finish in 2021:
This report’s final conclusions were released to the public in September 2019, just a month before Event 201 (below).
28. A “training exercise” predicted the pandemic just weeks before it started. In October 2019 the World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University held Event 201. This was a training exercise based on a zoonotic coronavirus starting a worldwide pandemic. The exercise was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI the vaccine alliance.
The exercise published its findings and recommendations in November 2019 as a “call to action”. One month later, China recorded their first case of “Covid”.
29. Since the beginning of 2020, the Flu has “disappeared”. In the United States, since February 2020, influenza cases have allegedly dropped by over 98%.
Meanwhile, a new disease called “Covid”, which has identical symptoms and a similar mortality rate to influenza, is supposedly sweeping the globe.
30. The elite have made fortunes during the pandemic. Since the beginning of lockdown the wealthiest people have become significantly wealthier. Forbes reported that 40 new billionaires have been created “fighting the coronavirus”, with 9 of them being vaccine manufacturers.
These are the vital facts of the pandemic, presented here as a resource to help formulate and support your arguments with friends or strangers. Thanks to all the researchers who have collated and collected this information over the last twenty months, especially Swiss Policy Research.
America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions.
The contagion being spread like wildfire is turning communities into battlegrounds and setting Americans one against the other.
Normally mild-mannered individuals caught up in the throes of this disease have been transformed into belligerent zealots, while others inclined to pacifism have taken to stockpiling weapons and practicing defensive drills.
This plague on our nation—one that has been spreading like wildfire—is a potent mix of fear coupled with unhealthy doses of paranoia and intolerance, tragic hallmarks of the post-9/11 America in which we live and the constantly shifting crises that keep the populace in a state of high alert.
Everywhere you turn, those on both the left- and right-wing are fomenting distrust and division. You can’t escape it.
We’re being fed a constant diet of fear: fear of a virus, fear of the unmasked, fear of terrorists, fear of illegal immigrants, fear of people who are too religious, fear of people who are not religious enough, fear of extremists, fear of the government, fear of those who fear the government. The list goes on and on.
The strategy is simple yet effective: the best way to control a populace is through fear and discord.
Confound them, distract them with mindless news chatter and entertainment, pit them against one another by turning minor disagreements into major skirmishes, and tie them up in knots over matters lacking in national significance.
Most importantly, divide the people into factions, persuade them to see each other as the enemy and keep them screaming at each other so that they drown out all other sounds. In this way, they will never reach consensus about anything and will be too distracted to notice the police state closing in on them until the final crushing curtain falls.
This is how free people enslave themselves and allow tyrants to prevail.
This Machiavellian scheme has so ensnared the nation that few Americans even realize they are being manipulated into adopting an “us” against “them” mindset. Instead, fueled with fear and loathing for phantom opponents, they agree to pour millions of dollars and resources into political elections, militarized police, spy technology, endless wars, COVID-19 mandates, etc., hoping for a guarantee of safety that never comes.
All the while, those in power—bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporations—move their costly agendas forward, and “we the suckers” get saddled with the tax bills and subjected to pat downs, police raids and round-the-clock surveillance.
Turn on the TV or flip open the newspaper on any given day, and you will find yourself accosted by reports of government corruption, corporate malfeasance, militarized police, marauding SWAT teams, and egregious assaults on the rights of the citizenry.
America has already entered a new phase, one in which communities are locked down, employees are forced to choose between keeping their jobs or exercising their freedoms, children are arrested in schools, military veterans are forcibly detained by government agents, and law-abiding Americans are finding their movements tracked, their financial transactions documented and their communications monitored.
These threats are not to be underestimated.
Yet even more dangerous than these violations of our basic rights is the language in which they are couched: the language of fear. It is a language spoken effectively by politicians on both sides of the aisle, shouted by media pundits from their cable TV pulpits, marketed by corporations, and codified into bureaucratic laws that do little to make our lives safer or more secure.
Fear, as history shows, is the method most often used by politicians to increase the power of government.
So far, these tactics are working.
An atmosphere of fear permeates modern America.
Each successive crisis in recent years (a COVID-19 pandemic, terrorism, etc.)—manufactured or legitimate—has succeeded in reducing the American people to what commentator Dan Sanchez refers to as “herd-minded hundreds of millions [who] will stampede to the State for security, bleating to please, please be shorn of their remaining liberties.”
“I am not terrified of the terrorists; i.e., I am not, myself, terrorized. Rather, I am terrified of the terrorized; terrified of the bovine masses who are so easily manipulated by terrorists, governments, and the terror-amplifying media into allowing our country to slip toward totalitarianism and total war…
“I do not irrationally and disproportionately fear Muslim bomb-wielding jihadists or white, gun-toting nutcases. But I rationally and proportionately fear those who do, and the regimes such terror empowers. History demonstrates that governments are capable of mass murder and enslavement far beyond what rogue militants can muster. Industrial-scale terrorists are the ones who wear ties, chevrons, and badges. But such terrorists are a powerless few without the supine acquiescence of the terrorized many. There is nothing to fear but the fearful themselves…
“Stop swallowing the overblown scaremongering of the government and its corporate media cronies. Stop letting them use hysteria over small menaces to drive you into the arms of tyranny, which is the greatest menace of all.”
As history makes clear, fear leads to fascistic, totalitarian regimes.
It’s a simple enough formula. National crises, global pandemics, reported terrorist attacks, and sporadic shootings leave us in a constant state of fear. Fear prevents us from thinking. The emotional panic that accompanies fear actually shuts down the prefrontal cortex or the rational thinking part of our brains. In other words, when we are consumed by fear, we stop thinking.
A populace that stops thinking for themselves is a populace that is easily led, easily manipulated and easily controlled.
· The government is managed by a powerful leader (even if he or she assumes office by way of the electoral process). This is the fascistic leadership principle (or father figure).
· The government assumes it is not restrained in its power. This is authoritarianism, which eventually evolves into totalitarianism.
· The government ostensibly operates under a capitalist system while being undergirded by an immense bureaucracy.
· The government through its politicians emits powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism.
· The government has an obsession with national security while constantly invoking terrifying internal and external enemies.
· The government establishes a domestic and invasive surveillance system and develops a paramilitary force that is not answerable to the citizenry.
· The government and its various agencies (federal, state, and local) develop an obsession with crime and punishment. This is overcriminalization.
· The government becomes increasingly centralized while aligning closely with corporate powers to control all aspects of the country’s social, economic, military, and governmental structures.
· The government uses militarism as a center point of its economic and taxing structure.
· The government is increasingly imperialistic in order to maintain the military-industrial corporate forces.
The parallels to modern America are impossible to ignore.
“Every industry is regulated. Every profession is classified and organized,” writes Jeffrey Tucker. “Every good or service is taxed. Endless debt accumulation is preserved. Immense doesn’t begin to describe the bureaucracy. Military preparedness never stops, and war with some evil foreign foe, remains a daily prospect.”
For the final hammer of fascism to fall, it will require the most crucial ingredient: the majority of the people will have to agree that it’s not only expedient but necessary. In times of “crisis,” expediency is upheld as the central principle—that is, in order to keep us safe and secure, the government must militarize the police, strip us of basic constitutional rights and criminalize virtually every form of behavior.
Not only does fear grease the wheels of the transition to fascism by cultivating fearful, controlled, pacified, cowed citizens, but it also embeds itself in our very DNA so that we pass on our fear and compliance to our offspring.
It’s called epigenetic inheritance, the transmission through DNA of traumatic experiences.
For example, neuroscientists have observed how quickly fear can travel through generations of mice DNA. As The Washington Postreports:
In the experiment, researchers taught male mice to fear the smell of cherry blossoms by associating the scent with mild foot shocks. Two weeks later, they bred with females. The resulting pups were raised to adulthood having never been exposed to the smell. Yet when the critters caught a whiff of it for the first time, they suddenly became anxious and fearful. They were even born with more cherry-blossom-detecting neurons in their noses and more brain space devoted to cherry-blossom-smelling.
Now consider the ramifications of inherited generations of fears and experiences on human beings. As the Postreports, “Studies on humans suggest that children and grandchildren may have felt the epigenetic impact of such traumatic events such as famine, the Holocaust and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.”
Fear has been a critical tool in past fascistic regimes, and it now operates in our contemporary world—all of which raises fundamental questions about us as human beings and what we will give up in order to perpetuate the illusions of safety and security.
In the words of psychologist Erich Fromm:
[C]an human nature be changed in such a way that man will forget his longing for freedom, for dignity, for integrity, for love—that is to say, can man forget he is human? Or does human nature have a dynamism which will react to the violation of these basic human needs by attempting to change an inhuman society into a human one?
You may or may not remember the murders of Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire Barry Sherman and his wife, Honey, in 2017.
(See and this article from the tidbits honorable mentions of April 25, 2020
These murders remain unsolved, but there is now an update, a development, in the story that raises some serious questions about the dark side of the Canadian “deep state”, and contained some fertile ground for some high octane speculation. This story comes courtesy of G.C.:
At the time of the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman on December 15th, 2017, Mr. Sherman was in the process of being investigated by the Federal Government Lobbying Commission.
At the centre of these investigations were events such as a Liberal party fundraiser Sherman hosted at his home in August, 2015. The guest of honour at the eventwas Justin Trudeau, who at this time was the Liberal candidate for prime minister.
The legal issue at hand was whether or not Mr. Sherman had breached the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct. At the time of the deaths, Barry Sherman was the chairman of Apotex Corp, Canada’s largest pharmaceutical manufacturer. Apotex was an early player in Covid Vaccine development.
According to Maclean’s magazine, Sherman responded to the investigation with a Federal Court challenge in an attempt to dispel the investigationbefore it had concluded. The situation was unprecedented–- never before in Canada had a person gone to court to derail an active probe by the lobbying commissioner.
In the 3 years and 6 months since the time of the murders, there has not been any indication of potential suspects, or even motivation for this grisly double-murder.
One may well assume there never will be. The association of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with this case is too close for comfort for a police investigation–let alone Canadian media— to deliver any form of detailed information on the killings.
All that remains in conjecture. Within Canadian media, the Trudeau-Sherman connection has been underplayed to a point of non-existence. Yet, there is no denying there had to be some serious stakes at play for a targeted hit of this nature to occur at the Sherman home.
There you have it: Sherman was under investigation by Canadian federal authorities and had a clear relationship with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. His and his wife’s murders put a stop to all that, and the murders remain unsolved.
It’s in that gap that I want to speculate. It seems clear to me and to many in the alternative research community that the planscamdemic was in preparation for some time. By some accounts, the mRNA injections were already in preparation at the time of the Shermans’ murders. Sherman also ran a company that made generic drugs, and controversy followed his company as there were allegations of price gouging and so on. Then there’s the relationship with Justin Trudeau, whose “government” not only has jumped on board the plamscamdemic narrative, but which has also instituted draconian measures that almost rival Australia’s. Sherman’s firm, Apotex, was also involved in the making of generic AZT, the anti-AIDS drug promoted by – you guessed it, Dr. Anthony Fausti. (See ) Further, Sherman was involved in lawsuits against – here it comes – Pfizer. (See ) Additionally, the Sherman’s had close connections to the Clinton Foundation and were involved in supplying cheap drugs to Haiti. (See ) And finally, there is an allegation that Sherman was connected to Johnson and Johnson in working on vaccines, (See ) and that Mr Sherman was considering leaving his money to Baal Gates (See ).
So what do we have?
(1) A Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire with connections to Justin Trudeau, the Clintons, and Baal Gates;
(2) A Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire who had sued several large pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer;
(3) A Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire who is alleged to have some sort of tie or interest to Johnson and Johnson.
(4) His firm made the anti-AIDS drug AZT, which was pushed by Dr. Fausti as a drug that could treat AIDS.
Baal Gates, AZT, Clintons, Trudeau, Pfizer, Johnson and Johnson… Now, I don’t know about you, but at this juncture, my high octane suspicion is that Mr. Sherman and his wife knew something, and that that something may very well be to related to the planscamdemic, and that their murders may have been to silence them permanently, and tie up a loose end.
The official COVID narrative—more absurd with each passing day—is being transmitted on television. That is a cardinal fact.
The absurdity called TELEVISION NEWS was depicted in a giant of a film, NETWORK (1976)…
When a new epidemic is launched and promoted, despite the absence of good science and good evidence, it is jacked up on television screens. Images begin to flow:
An emergency medical vehicle on a street. EMT personnel, in hazmat suits, load a man strapped down to a stretcher, into the van. On another street, a man collapses on the sidewalk. We see a quarantined man sitting inside a huge plastic bubble on a third street. Cut to an airport lobby. Soldiers are patrolling the space among the crowds. Cut to a lab. Close-up of vials of liquid. Camera pulls back. Techs in light green scrubs are placing the vials into slots of a table-top machine. Auditorium—a man on a platform, wearing a doctor’s white coat, is pointing a wand at a large screen, on which a chart is displayed, for the audience. Back to the street. People are wearing face masks.
These images wash over the television viewer. Meanwhile, the anchor is imparting his prepared meaning: “The government today issued a ban on all travel into and out of the city…hundreds of plane flights have been cancelled. Scientists are rushing to develop a vaccine…”
The television audience has an IMPRESSION of knowing something. They’re in the flow, the flow of the news…they’re in the images…
—Network, the 1976 film written by Paddy Chayefsky, reveals what media kings would do if they unchained their basic instincts and galloped all the way into the madness of slash-and-burn Roman Circus.
The audience is jaded beyond recall. It needs new shocks to the system every day. The adrenaline must flow. The line between reporting the news and inventing it? Erase it. Celebrate the erasure. Watch ratings soar.
Why pretend anymore? Why spend countless hours preparing and broadcasting synthetic artificial news, as if it were real? Does the audience care about such niceties? The audience just wants action.
The film proceeds from these premises.
Arthur Jensen, head of the corporation that owns the Network, speaks to unhinged Network newsman, Howard Beale, who has revealed, on-air, a piece of the real planetary power structure in a few moments of sanity: “You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won’t have it!! Is that clear?!… You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples. There are no nations. There are no peoples. There are no Russians. There are no Arabs. There are no third worlds. There is no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the natural order of things today. That is the atomic and subatomic and galactic structure of things today! And YOU have meddled with the primal forces of nature, and YOU WILL ATONE!”
Head of programming for the Network, Diana Christensen, shifts the whole news department over to the entertainment division.
Thus emerge new shows with soaring ratings: Howard Beale, [Religious] Prophet of the Air Waves; The Mao Tse-Tung Hour, in which a guerrilla group films itself carrying out armed bank robberies; and Sybil the Soothsayer, a Tarot reader.
Diana becomes the network’s new executive star.
There is no longer even a pretense of a need for news anchors to appear authoritative, objective, or rational.
Diana Christensen is unstoppable. She sees, with burning clarity, that audiences are bored to the point of exhaustion; they now require, as at the end of the Roman Empire, extreme entertainment. They want more violence, more insanity, out in the open. On television.
In promoting her kind of news division, she tells network executives:
“Look, we’ve got a bunch of
hobgoblin radicals called the
Ecumenical Liberation Army who
go around taking home movies
of themselves robbing banks.
Maybe they’ll take movies of
themselves kidnapping heiresses,
hijacking 747’s, bombing bridges,
assassinating ambassadors.
We’d open each week’s segment
with that authentic footage,
hire a couple of writers to
write some story behind that
footage, and we’ve got
ourselves a series…
“Did you see the overnights on the
Network News? It has an 8 in New
York and a 9 in L.A. and a 27 share
in both cities. Last night, Howard
Beale went on the air [as a newscaster] and yelled
‘BULLSHIT’ for two minutes, and I
can tell you right now that tonight’s
show will get a 30 share at least.
I think we’ve lucked into something…
“I see Howard Beale as a latter-day
prophet, a magnificent messianic
figure, inveighing against the
hypocrisies of our times, a strip
Savonarola, Monday through Friday.
I tell you, Frank, that could just
go through the roof…Do you want to figure out
the revenues of a strip show that
sells for a hundred thousand bucks
a minute? One show like that could
pull this whole network right out
of the hole! Now, Frank, it’s being
handed to us on a plate; let’s not
blow it!”
Television in the “real world” isn’t all the way there yet, but it’s close.
In Network, Diana Christensen personifies the news. She is the electric, thrill-seeking, non-stop force that is terrified of silence.
She lives and feeds on adrenaline. So does the viewing public. Nothing else ultimately matters. Ratings are the top line and the bottom line. The individual and his thoughts are completely irrelevant.
Howard Beale, over the cliff, a news man screaming on-air about the insanity of the news, is perfectly acceptable, because the audience is simply responding to Beale’s inchoate outrage and their own. Nothing deeper is explored. What could have resulted in a true popular rebellion is short-circuited. Beale becomes a crazy loon, a novelty item. Yet one more distraction.
When, in a brief interlude of clarity, he begins telling his audience about the takeover of society by mega-corporations and mega-money, his show droops. Ratings collapse. Diana is no longer interested in him; she wants to sack him.
However, Arthur Jensen, the head of the corporation that owns the television network, wants to keep Beale on the air, as a messenger of the “galactic truth” about the beneficial integration of all human activity under the rubric of global money and global power. He converts Beale to his cause.
Diana sees only one way out of this ratings disaster: kill Beale; on-air; during his show. And so it is done.
Network also shows us the audience becoming actor, player, participant. The audience is jumping out of its skin to be recognized, courted, and adored as a mighty rolling force embodying no particular meaning.
Audience wants to be a star. Audience wants to BE news; audience wants its actions to be shown on television. That establishes its legitimacy. Nothing else is necessary.
Diana knows it, and she is more than willing to accommodate this frantic desire, if only her bosses will let her go all the way.
The best film ever made about television’s war on the population, Network stages only a few minutes of on-air television.
The rest of the film is dialogue and monologue about television. Thus you could say that, in this case, word defeats image. Which was scriptwriter Paddy Chayefsky’s intent.
Even when showing what happens on the TV screen, Network bursts forth with lines like these, from newsman Howard Beale, at the end of his rope, on-camera, speaking to his in-studio audience and millions of people in their homes:
“So, you listen to me. Listen to me! Television is not the truth. Television’s a god-damned amusement park. Television is a circus, a carnival, a traveling troupe of acrobats, storytellers, dancers, singers, jugglers, sideshow freaks, lion tamers, and football players. We’re in the boredom-killing business… We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you. You dress like the tube, you eat like the tube, you raise your children like the tube. You even think like the tube. This is mass madness. You maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion.”
It is Beale’s language and the passion with which he delivers it that constitutes his dangerous weapon. Therefore, the Network transforms him into a cheap religious figure, whose audience slathers him with absurd adoration.
Television’s enemy is the word. Its currency is image.
Beale occasionally breaks through the image and defiles it. He cracks the egg. He stops the picture-flow. He brings back the sound and rhythm of spoken poetry. That is his true transgression against the medium that employs him.
The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.
Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.
The impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen and listened to a narrator. THIS is what the viewer prefers. He wants no part of knowledge.
A basic premise of modern age is: “everything is (connected to) everything.” This fits quite well with the experience of watching video flow.
Example: we see angry crowds on the street of a foreign city. Then young people on their cell phones sitting in an outdoor café. Then the marble lobby of a government building where men in suits are walking, standing in groups talking to each other. Then at night, rockets exploding in the sky. Then armored vehicles moving through a gate into the city. Then clouds of smoke on another street and people running, chased by police.
A flow of consecutive images. The sequence, obviously, has been assembled by a news editor, but the viewing audience isn’t aware of that. They’re watching the “interconnected” images and listening to a news anchor tell a story that colors (infects) every image: “This is revolution for democracy, created by the technology of cell phones…”
Viewers thus believe something. Television has imparted a sensation to them.
Therefore: a short circuit occurs in the mind.
When you export this pattern out to a whole society, you are talking about a dominant method through which “knowledge” is groped and held close.
“Did you see that fantastic video about the Iraq War? It showed that Saddam actually had bioweapons.”
“Really? How did they show that?”
“Well, I don’t remember. But watch it. You’ll see.”
And that’s another feature of the modern acquisition of “knowledge”: amnesia about details.
The viewer can’t recall key features of what he saw. Or if he can, he can’t describe them, because he was inside them, busy building up his impression of knowing something.
Narrative-visual-television story strips out and discards conceptual analysis. To the extent it exists, it’s wrapped around and inside the image and the narration.
Paddy Chayefsky made his pen a sword, because he was writing a movie about television, against television. He was pitting Word against Image.
When a technology (television) turns into a method of perception, reality is turned inside out. People watch TV through TV eyes.
Mind control is no longer something merely imposed from the outside. It is a matrix of a self-feeding, self-demanding loop.
Willing Devotees of the Image WANT images, food stamps of the programmed society.
The triumph of Network is that it makes its words win over pictures, IN a picture, IN a film.
A pandemic, the false pandemic I’ve been rejecting in many articles, is delivered through video flow and narration. Stacked and cut images.
There is no challenge to the flow in any basic way, through the intrusion of actual knowledge, because that would shut down the parade of images and nullify the reasons for broadcasting them in the first place.
The old theater adage, “the show must go on,” when adapted for television, becomes, “the flow must go on.” Once its course is set, there can be no turning back.
The television audience, imprisoned in homes, rides the river…
Anti-lockdown protests have become more common in Australia since the latest round of “snap” lockdowns began two months ago.
Initially, those lockdowns were supposed to last a week. But months later, with tensions running high, millions of Australians are fed up with the government’s lockdowns and vaccine requirements.
And although Aussie health authorities have at the very least acknowledged that their “COVIDZero” approach isn’t actually feasible, frustrations among the Australian people are running high (perhaps intensified by the country’s latest diplomatic faux pas, which angered France and made PM Scott Morrison look like he stabbed President Macron in the back).
On Tuesday in Melbourne, authorities were forced to confront this blazing public anger as protesters executed an “extremely dangerous maneuver” by marching onto a busy freeway and blocking traffic in a tactic that some Americans might remember from last summer’s BLM protests inspired by the killing of George Floyd.
Right now in Melbourne, Australia the most severe clash to date between workers and the state over mandated jabs as thousands of unionized construction tradesmen take the streets.
Victoria Premier Dan Andrews has shut down all construction for two weeks
Thousands converged on the city for a second consecutive day on Tuesday, with shocking footage capturing dozens moving onto the West Gate Freeway into the path of cars. Traffic on the freeway, which is the busiest stretch of highway in Australia, was forced to a standstill in both directions as police tried to disperse the crowd.
Footage circulating on social media showed protesters tossing glass bottles and flares toward police, while some approached officers with their hands up, chanting “you serve us”. One was heard shouting “this is our bridge”.
The police responded by deploying tear gas and firing off rubber bullets. They were filmed telling protesters to move on via loudspeakers around the area. In response, a huge chorus of men could be heard shouting, “everyday” in response, implying they would show up every day until their demands were met.
Organizers of the event, who mostly relied on the messaging app Telegram, said the “Victorian Workers Rally For Freedom” said the rallies would continue until victory had been won.
“Bring your friends and family in support. Wear work gear. Bring food and drinks,” they instructed attendees on Telegram.
Elsewhere, mounted police were filmed in the city as an announcement telling protesters to move on played over a speaker.
The government in Victoria estimated more than 20K people joined the protest on Tuesday following the announcement of a two-week industry shutdown on Monday night. Many of those who participated were union members and tradesmen responding to the government’s latest business shutdown.
“No government wants their citizens to be well informed, for when the citizens are well informed and start thinking for themselves, governments will have nothing to do, hence the very concept of government will disappear from the face of earth. The very existence of government or state is predicated upon the stupidity of the citizens – the more stupid the masses, the more powerful the government.” ~ Abhijit Naskar, Boldly Comes Justice: Sentient Not Silent
Human nature, as it is called, is fickle at best, and when combined with indifference, a lack of understanding, or ignorance of the truth, it can be a deadly combination. That has never been more obvious than it is today in this totalitarian-based governing system that now runs rampant over society. In the midst of this dire situation, the people should have realized that by their own hand, and due to their voluntary obedience to the state bureaucratic cabal, they caused their own misery and loss of freedom.
This is not an easy pill for people to swallow, but swallow they must, in order to escape the chains that they have allowed to bind them. The saying that “The truth shall set you free,” is prescient, and rings true, especially when such an evil conspiracy such as we are embroiled in today is present. The difference this time, is that this plot is meant to result in the end game, where most all people will be able to be ruled as a slave class under the thumb of the real terrorists among us; the government, its controllers and partners, and all those among us that will do nothing to stop it.
Of course, the government and its police and military enforcers, its corporate sponsors in central banking, big tech, the mainstream media, and the medical and pharmaceutical industries, are today most all certainly terrorists, and deserve to be vilified at every turn, but are they the only problem? Governments for all of time have been corrupt, tyrannical, murderous, and aggressive seekers of power and control. This should be common knowledge, and even if blind ignorance gets in the way of understanding this reality, one has to come to that conclusion at some point in time.
Therefore, it is imperative to look at the real problems that face us, and lay blame where it belongs; on all those who refuse to stand up for their own lives and liberty, and in the process become co-conspirators with the state against the rest of us, whether intentionally or not. This includes much, if not most, of the compliant masses in this country. It is easy to excuse one’s behavior by pretending that going along is a ‘sacrifice’ for the so-called common good, but that is just pure communistic poppycock.
A huge part of this plot to gain total control is based on extreme manipulation, both mental and physical. This manipulation is achieved in great part by creating division amongst those being conditioned to be controlled, and never has it been more obvious or more successful than it has during this ‘virus pandemic’ scam. At this point in time, everyone is against everyone else, and that is exactly what the ‘master’ class seeks. What is very disheartening is that even liberty-minded people are going after each other, fighting and arguing at the margins about subtle differences of opinion, getting caught up in minutia, and in the process helping to advance the ‘Covid’ agenda. The result of this behavior is that those who actually believe in liberty are wasting time fighting each other instead of standing together against the state, all while the terror continues. The more division that is present, the easier it is for the state to not only win, but to control all.
Regardless of the fear tactics being used, this is not about any ‘virus,’ it is about a communistic takeover of society in order to achieve global control of all monetary systems, all property, and all people. The end game if the people en masse do not soon dissent, will be the creation of a complex technocratic system run by the claimed ‘elite’ few at the top of the power pyramid. A two-tiered system is sought, the master class and their entourage of partners and enforcers, and a slave class of all those left after the genocidal attack that is coming to fruition due to the deadly bioweapon that is the ‘Covid vaccine.’ Every new shot, every new booster, will be another nail in the coffin of humanity.
This is a massive conspiracy, not a theory, and one that has been planned for decades. It is now on the verge of success, after many years of failed attempts to gain global control, the most recent being the terrorism threat called 9/11; a coup and inside job that set the stage for this current bioweapon attack against mankind. Depopulation through death and sterilization is already underway, and the only way to stop it is to eliminate the division and infighting amongst those willing to fight back. Avoid the herd mentality of collectivism, stand together as individuals against these tyrannical enemies of freedom, and dissent, disobey, and just say no to any and every order.
Those who choose to side with the state should be abandoned, and those who are willing to fight for freedom should avoid the pitfalls of divisiveness and work together to dismantle the government, and separate from this state. Terror comes in many forms, but the people are their own worst enemy, so those who fully comply, those who work against their neighbors and do not work against the state to stop its attempt to accomplish its “Great Reset,” are the problem, and are therefore helping the state terrorists achieve their goal.
So, what are the real terrorist threats? It is this government, all its partners, all those actively helping the state accomplish its agendas, and those who do nothing to stop it. There is no excuse for indifference and cowardice when it comes down to one’s own life and freedom. There is no excuse at all!
“When the common good of a society is regarded as something apart from and superior to the individual good of its members, it means that the good of some men takes precedence over the good of others, with those others consigned to the status of sacrificial animals.” ~ Ayn Rand