TCTL editor’s note: Below you will find a collection of articles related to biolabs, bioweapons, geoengineering, “viruses” and more. Highlighted is Greg Reese’s recent video on the biolabs in the Ukraine. (A transcript is provided below his video.)
This is offered as a connect-the-dots sample of articles as we continue to look for the truth about the apparent long-term plan for global domination and the enslavement of humanity.
See these articles for more understanding about the fraud embedded in the field of virology, which spawned the fraud of vaccines, and the history of modern medicine.
For years now, Russia has made verifiable claims that the U.S. is running secret biological weapons labs around their borders.
And while western media now claims this to be misinformation, back in 2013 they reported on it.
While the United States and ‘murder incorporated’ have been waging illegal wars all across the world in the name of democracy, Russia has been quietly selling energy and minding their own business.
And according to National Geographic, this was the reason why the Pentagon was building these bioweapons labs in the first place — because Russia was entirely quiet on the subject and the U.S. wanted to get ahead of them.
The initial biolab in Kazakhstan was built by the U.S., for a hundred million dollars, to store high-risk diseases such as plague and anthrax, and was hoping to attract scientists who might otherwise create biological weapons of mass destruction for someone else.
In order to keep the world safe, the U.S. has since built several labs in Kazakhstan. Most recently a biosafety level 4 lab to be completed in early 2022.
As early as 2004, the Pentagon’s defense threat reduction agency DTRA began creating a network of biolabs for infectious diseases in Uzbekistan. And within a few years after operations began, outbreaks of unknown diseases were reported in the same areas as the labs.
In Georgia leaked documents show that the U.S. embassy has been transporting deadly pathogens in human blood as diplomatic cargo in a scheme where private U.S. contractors, working for three different U.S. biolabs, have been given diplomatic immunity to do so.
Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine, @WarClandestine released a video with maps of U.S. biolabs matching up with maps of the recent attack, suggesting that Russia was securing these top secret biolabs.
Western media claims this is false but fails to debunk it. And once the video goes viral the U.S. embassy in Ukraine is caught deleting evidence of these labs from their website — but not before an independent journalist was able to copy documents showing 11 Ukrainian biolabs funded by the Pentagon.
The Russian embassy to Bosnia has accused the U.S. of filling Ukraine with biolabs, which were very possibly used to study methods for destroying the Russian people at the genetic level.
And we now know that the so-called mRNA vaccines are destroying people at the genetic level. We now officially know that COVID-19 is a manmade bioweapon.
We know that it was funded by elements of the NIH and Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. We know that it was made in Wuhan China.
And so, what isn’t threatening about the U.S. encircling Russia with top-secret biolabs?
And who on earth thinks it’s a coincidence that everyone involved in the United Nation’s Great Reset are now the Ukraine’s greatest allies of all time?
The mercenaries and war profiteers in America are getting excited about making short term profits off the dead. But the only ones who will benefit from this war are the crooks at the top who have been caught committing the most heinous crime against humanity in all of recorded history.
And the only righteous way out of this is to hold these crooks accountable.
See related articles below for more conversation related to uncovering what is really going on in these biolabs and how this relates to exposing the deception at the core of “virology”, parasites and mycoplasma as bioweapons, possible causes of so-called Covid-19 symptoms, the hidden controllers’ attempts to weaponize life, and more:
And they’re back! It’s like one of those 1960s Hammer Film Productions horror-movie series with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee … Return of the Putin-Nazis!Revenge of the Putin-Nazis!Return of the Revenge of the Bride of the Putin-Nazis! And this time they are not horsing around with stealing elections from Hillary Clinton with anti-masturbation Facebook ads. They are going straight for “Democracy’s” jugular!
Yes, that’s right, folks, Vladimir Putin, leader of the Putin-Nazis and official “Evil Dictator of the Day,” has launched a Kamikazi attack on the United Forces of Goodness (and Freedom) to provoke us into losing our temper and waging a global thermonuclear war that will wipe out the entire human species and most other forms of life on earth!
I’m referring, of course, to Putin’s inexplicable and totally unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, a totally peaceful, Nazi-free country which was just sitting there minding its non-Nazi business, singing Kumbaya, and so on, and not in any way collaborating with or being cynically used by GloboCap to menace and eventually destabilize Russia so that the GloboCap boys can get back in there and resume the Caligulan orgy of “privatization” they enjoyed throughout the 1990’s.
No, clearly, Putin has just lost his mind, and has no strategic objective whatsoever (other than the total extermination of humanity), and is just running around the Kremlin shouting “DROP THE BOMBS! EXTERMINATE THE BRUTES!” all crazy-eyed and with his face painted green like Colonel Kurtz in Apocalypse Now … because what other explanation is there?
Or … OK, sure, there are other explanations, but they’re all just “Russian disinformation” and “Putin-Nazi propaganda” disseminated by “Putin-apologizing, Trump-loving, discord-sowing racists,” “transphobic, anti-vax conspiracy theorists,” “Covid-denying domestic extremists,” and other traitorous blasphemers and heretics, who are being paid by Putin to infect us with doubt, historical knowledge, and critical thinking, because they hate us for our freedom … or whatever.
Let’s take a quick look at some of that “Russian disinformation” and “propaganda,” purely to inoculate ourselves against it. We need to be familiar with it, so we can switch off our minds and shout thought-terminating clichés and official platitudes at it whenever we encounter it on the Internet. It might be a little uncomfortable to do this, but just think of it as a Russian-propaganda “vaccine,” like an ideological mRNA fact-check booster (guaranteed to be “safe and effective”)!
If a traitor mentions the Ukrainian Nazis, switch your mind off as quickly as you can and hit them with that thought-terminating cliché … “THE PRESIDENT OF THE UKRAINE IS JEWISH!” Or “EVERY COUNTRY HAS NAZIS!” That’s another good one!
The other thing we need to look at, and dismiss, and never think about again, is the role the United Forces of Goodness played in orchestrating this mess, starting with how members of the US government stage-managed that coup in 2014, and how they funded and worked with known neo-Nazis — not secret, dog-whistling, half-assed Nazis, but big fat, Jew-hating, Sieg-heiling Nazis — to foment and eventually execute it. All that, of course, is just “Russian propaganda,” despite the fact that it has been thoroughly documented, not just by the usual “conspiracy theory outlets,” but by official mouthpieces of the Forces of Goodness, like the BBC, The Nation, and even The Guardian.
If some Putin-Nazi traitor mentions these facts (or sends you links to the numerous articles documenting the 2014 coup), again, switch your mind off immediately and shout “ANCIENT HISTORY! ANCIENT HISTORY!” and then shoot yourself up with a massive “booster” of fact-checked Truth from the Forces-of-Goodness media. I recommend The Guardian and The New York Times, but if you want to go directly to the source, just follow Illia Ponomarenko of the Kyiv Independent on Twitter. I’m sure that Illia and his neo-Nazi Azov-Battalion “brothers in arms” will cleanse you of all that “disinformation” and “Putin-Nazi propaganda.”
OK, that’s enough “inoculation” for now. We don’t want to expose ourselves to too much of that stuff, or we’re liable to end up supporting the wrong Nazis.
Fortunately, the United Forces of Goodness (and Freedom) are censoring most of it anyway, and instead are feeding us sentimental stories, like the one about “the Ghost of Kyiv,” the completely fictional Ukrainian fighter pilot who shot down the entire Putin-Nazi Air Force while delivering pithy one-liners like Bruce Willis in the Die Hard films!
And that’s the important thing, after all. If we’re ever going to defeat these Putin-Nazis, and the imaginary apocalyptic plague, and Trump, and terrorism, and domestic extremism, and climate change, and racism, and whatever, we need to keep the Western masses whipped up into a perpetual state of utterly mindless, hate-drunk hysteria like an eternal episode of the Two Minutes Hate from Orwell’s 1984.
It doesn’t really matter who the masses are being told to hate this week … the Russians, the Unvaccinated, the Terrorists, the Populists, the Assad-Apologists, the Conspiracy Theorists, the Anti-Vaxxers, the Disinformationists … or whoever. In the end, there is only one enemy, the enemy of the United Forces of Goodness, the enemy of the unaccountable, supranational global-capitalist empire (or “GloboCap” as I like to call it).
This multiplicitous, Goldstein-like enemy of GloboCap is an internal enemy. GloboCap has no external enemies. It dominates the entire planet. It is one big global-capitalist world. It has been for the last 30 years or so. Most of us can’t quite get our heads around that bit of reality yet, so we still see the world as a competition between sovereign nation states, like the USA and Russia. It is not. Yes, there are still nation states, and they compete with each other (like corporations compete for advantage within the system they comprise), but the fundamental conflict of our age is a global counter-insurgency op.
What we’ve been experiencing for the last 30 years, over and over, in many different forms, is a globally hegemonic power system carrying out a “Clear and Hold” operation. GloboCap has been gradually destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing the post-Cold-War world, first, in Eastern Europe and the Greater Middle East, and, more recently, here at home in the Western nations. For those not familiar with the term “Clear and Hold” …
“Clear and hold is a counter-insurgency strategy in which military personnel clear an area of guerrillas or other insurgents, and then keep the area clear of insurgents while winning the support of the populace for the government and its policies.”
Take a minute and think about that. Think about the last two years. Think about the last 30 years. Seriously, just as an exercise, imagine GloboCap as an occupying army and the entire world as the territory it is occupying. Imagine GloboCap establishing control, targeting and neutralizing a variety of insurgencies … any insurgency, regardless of its nature, any and all resistance to its occupation, or lack of support for its “government and policies.” It does not matter who the insurgents are … diehard communists, Islamic fundamentalists, nationalists, populists … it makes no difference. The occupation couldn’t care less what they believe in or why they’re resisting. The objective of the op is to control the territory and get the populace on board with the new “reality.”
Welcome to the new reality … a “reality” in which “history has stopped [and] nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” Yes, I know you are sick of me quoting Orwell, but, given the circumstances, I cannot help it. Just reflect on how seamlessly GloboCap segued from the Apocalyptic Pandemic narrative back to the Putin-Nazi narrative, which had seamlessly replaced the War on Terror narrative in the Summer of 2016, and how instantly the New Normals switched from hating “the Unvaccinated” to hating the Russians, and then scold me again for quoting Orwell.
Look, I hate to disappoint Edward Norton and millions of other fanatical liberals, but the USA is not going to war with Russia, or not intentionally in any event. Russia has ballistic missiles with thermonuclear warheads on them. This isn’t a rerun of World War II. And it isn’t World War III, or the Cold War redux. That is not what is happening in the Ukraine.
What is happening is, Russia is rebelling against GloboCap, and, unlike the other rebellious parties that GloboCap has been dealing with recently, Russia has thermonuclear weapons.
I’m not trying to tell you who to root for. Root for GloboCap if you want. I’m just urging you, before you fly over to “Kyiv” and join the fight against the Putin-Nazis, or make a jackass of yourself on the Internet shrieking for nuclear Armageddon, or fire-bomb your local Russian restaurant, or beat the crap out of some Russian-looking person, to maybe take a moment or two and try to understand what is actually going on, and who the major players actually are, and where GloboCap’s efforts to “clear and hold” the entire planet are inexorably taking us.
I know, that’s a lot to ask these days, but I can’t help thinking about all those nukes, and the fallibility of human beings, and yes, all the non-Nazi Ukrainians who are going to needlessly suffer and die while we watch the action on TV, and root for our favorite characters to win, and so on … as if it were a fucking movie.
Klaus Schwab is bringing you the great reset. And not only will it be great, it’ll be a fantastic reset!
The folks at the World Economic Forum are busy helping protect you from climate change and disease. Yet some people still ask, is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man in the World?
Get the full picture along with everything they DON’T want you to know in this video!
In an interview with Joe Rogan, Maajid Nawaz, a former Islamist revolutionary who became an anti-extremism activist, discusses the manufacturing of consent around things that aren’t true
Nawaz believes we’re in a hybrid war where information is the primary weapon
Relativism, the idea that truth is relative and personally subjective, is dangerous because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whoever has the power gets to dictate reality. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism
The reason why government leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question government
Another control mechanism will be the implementation of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) — digital cash that can be programmed so that it can only be spent on goods or services that an employer or government agrees with or deems sensible
In the video above, podcaster Joe Rogan interviews Maajid Nawaz, author of “Radical,” a former Islamist revolutionary who eventually became an anti-extremism activist. This is another three-hour-long interview. If you want, you can skip the first hour as it gets more applicable to current day issues after the first hour.
Nawaz’s past experience with recruiting extremists to infiltrate and overthrow Western governments helped him to more clearly recognize the psychological mind games waged against the civilian public during the COVID pandemic. He’s basically spent much of his later life opposing “the manufacturing of consent around something that isn’t true.”
According to Nawaz, we’re in a “hybrid war.” It’s basically an information war, because the primary weapon is information, and whoever gets to define reality with their narrative wins.
He explains how, when recruiting extremists for your cause, you first have to dismantle and destroy their current view of the world. After that, you can then indoctrinate them with your view of the world.
Big Tech obviously plays a crucial role in this war, as they have the technology and the algorithms to influence, manipulate and mold people’s minds by deciding what narratives they’re allowed to see. Social media platforms can easily make it appear as though a minority, fringe position is actually backed by a majority.
Ironically, as Rogan points out, the people who are being brainwashed are in many cases fiercely defending the right of these companies to mold and manipulate them. They support the censorship, they support cancel culture, seemingly not understanding the impact it’s having on their view and understanding of reality and the world at large.
Power Grabs Through ‘Emergency Powers’
One answer to how we got to where we are today is that governments have invoked emergency powers, and those emergency powers often end up becoming permanent. That’s why they were invoked in the first place.
As explained by Nawaz, “emergencies are always used by the state for power grabs.” Once they’ve been able to expand a power under the banner of a national emergency, they keep it. They don’t roll it back. So, when, in 2020, the COVID pandemic was used to suspend human rights, Nawaz knew we were on a slippery slope.
And, as he feared, we’re now experiencing a very radical shift in our social contract with the state. Before the pandemic, the social contract, the generally accepted modus operandi, was that everyone has the right to bodily autonomy. While it’s good to donate blood, for example, you are not required to do so — even if someone’s life hangs in the balance.
No one can demand that you donate a kidney because you have two functioning kidneys and someone else needs one. You have the right to keep both of your kidneys, even if it means the other person dies for lack of organ donation.
Also, if someone is vulnerable to illness due to preexisting conditions, that person has always been expected to take their own precautions. If you have a peanut allergy, you make sure you don’t eat anything with peanuts, for example, and others are encouraged, but not mandated or required, to make accommodations for and be considerate of those who are vulnerable.
What we have never done, Nawaz notes, is make other people responsible for our comorbidities and preexisting conditions and force them to submit to a medical intervention that could harm or kill them in order to improve our chances of survival.
A Radical Shift in Our Social Contract
If the state is going to tell us that we must get vaccinated because it is our duty to protect other people, then that is a very deep and radical shift of our social contract.
So much so, Nawaz argues, that it should require serious public dialogue followed by a democratic mandate. But that’s not happening. We’re now told that we must surrender our bodily autonomy for the common good. If you disagree, you’re simply canceled and eliminated from the public forum.
While not specifically discussed in this interview, this new social contract, sprung on us during the COVID crisis, is actually part and parcel of The Great Reset.1 The surrendering of individual rights — some for now, but eventually all of them — is the “new social contract” that Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has envisioned and is pushing out to the world through his installed leaders.
As noted by Nawaz, at the end of the day, it comes down to what kind of society, what kind of world, we want to live in, and “We can’t go from democracy to a ‘papers please’ society … without having any consultation with the public on this,” he says. We need to have a “proper conversation about how this will permanently change the structure of our society.”
The fundamental problem here is that we’re told we must simply trust that the government knows what’s best and always acts in our best interest. Yet we know the state can get things very wrong indeed. In the interview, Nawaz recounts many examples where governments lied and acted against the best interest of their people.
The same goes for Big Pharma. We’re told to trust their products, their science and that they’re working to protect our health, always. Yet for those of us who know the criminal history of some of these drug companies, that’s a tall order.
As noted by Nawaz, the largest criminal fine in history was levied against Pfizer. They have a very long rap sheet, yet we’re to take their experimental gene transfer product on faith alone. Moreover, we’re told to ignore all the data that suggests Pfizer is not, in fact, being entirely honest about the benefits and risks of their product.
When There’s No Truth, Power Gets to Define Reality
One of the primary ways debate is shut down is by throwing labels at people. It doesn’t matter whether they’re factually correct or not. Nawaz has been called an “anti-vaxxer” for questioning vaccine mandates, yet he’s double jabbed. He’s been called an “anti-Muslim extremist,” despite spending four years in prison for his Muslim extremism.
“But there’s a deeper point here,” Nawaz says. For many years, we’ve been shifting into relativism, this idea that truth is relative, that it’s subjective and based on your personal experience. Your truth doesn’t have to be what my truth is. You decide what your truth is and there’s no such thing as “reality.”
This, Nawaz argues, has had devastating consequences because without objective truth, there’s no objective reality, and without objective reality, whomever has the power gets to dictate what reality is — because you have no way to determine whether that power is telling the truth or not. In the end, you end up with authoritarianism.
“When you promote the idea that there is no such thing as truth, and when you shut down debate that is seeking truth — not that it claims truth but it’s seeking it — in aid of this idea that truth is relative … what happens when you do that?
When there’s no such thing as truth, you can’t define reality. And when you can’t define reality, the only thing that matters is power … because power gets to define reality,” he says. “Power steps into that void when reason no longer exists, and defines reality for you, from up above.”
Psychological Warfare
You can see then, how and why information is the most powerful weapon in this fight for power. As noted by Nawaz, most people work full-time jobs and have families and simply don’t have the time to do the research required to discern the truth.
Instead, they turn to trusted voices in the media to give them their best interpretation of what the truth and reality is. The problem we now have is that the media are peddling the narratives of those trying to get more power. And without truthful information, it becomes difficult to define reality, which makes it difficult to challenge government.
This is also why leaders have repeatedly shifted the goal post and then played with our memories of what they promised. The goal is to disorient and confuse people to the point that they don’t have the strength to question their government. This is psychological warfare.
The harsh reality that everyone must face now is that once rights have been taken from you, government never voluntarily gives them back. The only option people have is to TAKE their rights back through peaceful activism.
Coming Next: Financial Warfare
Nawaz and Rogan also discuss how the global cabal is planning to control the world population through the use of programmable central bank digital currencies (CBDCs).
Programmable currency is digital cash that can be programmed such that it can only be spent on certain goods or services that an employer or government deem sensible.2 In other words, the issuer of the money can control how the recipient spends it. With that, the issuer would have near-total control over your behavior.
As noted by Nawaz, with a programmable CBDC, government would have complete control over anyone who disagrees with their policies or activities. If someone expresses dissent, the government could simply restrict how they can use their money, or shut down their bank account altogether.
For example, if the government didn’t want Nawaz to appear on Rogan’s show, they could simply reprogram his CBDCs with the click of a button, such that he would not be allowed to purchase a plane ticket.
What the globalists are now fighting to implement is a platform that will give them complete control over people — something that will tie everything in your life together in one central spot, such as your employment records, medical records, financial records and more.
This is why they’re fighting so hard for vaccine passports, even though it’s clear that they are completely irrational. What good is a vaccine passport when the “vaccine” doesn’t prevent infection or spread?
Some nations are now scrapping the vaccine passports and shifting to digital IDs instead. It’s important to realize that digital IDs serve the same exact purpose as the vaccine passport, so the fight for freedom is far from over, even if your government has publicly said no to vaccine passports. As explained by Nawaz, we’re also seeing evidence of a digital credit score being set into place.
Global Leadership Has Been Infiltrated
Nawaz also discusses how governments around the world have been infiltrated by World Economic Forum (WEF) members whose agenda it is to implement global authoritarianism, using the psychological, information war techniques summarized above.
As noted by Nawaz, Schwab has worked on “embedding people in government who are subscribed to The Great Reset agenda,” and in his 2020 book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab openly argues that the COVID-19 response should be used to “revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.”
The WEF has also clearly articulated3 its interest in developing a global digital ID system. So, what we can look forward to is a never-ending process where the goal post keeps moving toward more and more authoritarianism. And they’ve told us this, openly, Nawaz says. All we need to do is believe them.
Due to the vast scope of this interview, I really encourage you to listen to it in its entirety. If you don’t have much time then just skip the first hour.
Today, the dangers of military escalation are beyond description.
What is now happening in Ukraine has serious geopolitical implications. It could lead us into a World War III Scenario.
It is important that a peace process be initiated with a view to preventing escalation.
Global Research does not support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The history of this war must be understood. The bombing and shelling led by Ukraine’s Armed Forces directed against the people of Donbass started eight years ago, resulting in destruction of residential areas and mass civilian casualties.
A bilateral Peace Agreement is required.
Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, March 1, 2022
Economic Warfare
A complex agenda of economic and social warfare under the auspices of the COVID-19 “Lockdown” was launched on March 11, 2020 against 193 member states of the United Nations. The stated objective was to combat the spread of the virus “with a view to saving lives”.
Amply documented this initiative emanated from the upper echelons of the financial establishment. It’s intent was not to save lives, quite the opposite. It involved a complex decision-making procedure requiring the cooptation of more than 190 national governments.
Its unspoken objective was to trigger economic and social chaos, resulting in bankruptcies, unemployment and poverty.
Confinement of the labour force, the face mask, social distancing, the closure of schools and universities, the vaccine mandate, etc.
The Fundamental question: What is its relationship to the geopolitics and strategies of global warfare. How does it relate to US foreign policy and the US-NATO military agenda?
From a strategic standpoint, the Covid-19 Lockdowns and Mandates constitute an act of “Economic Warfare”.
Unprecedented in World history, this diabolical project affecting more than 7 billion people Worldwide was implemented simultaneously and concurrently in the course of the last two years with the planning and strategic deployment of US, NATO and military allied forces against Russia and China.
Two Seemingly Different Crises are Unfolding Simultaneously
The dangers of global warfare directed against Russia and China,
The Covid mandates directed against more than 7 billion people.
These two major crises which are occurring simultaneously are intimately related:
The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the militarization of Eastern Europe. And now the EU has taken the decision to side with US-NATO against Russia following a decision of the President of the European Commission.
The ongoing crisis pertaining to the so-called Covid mandates over the course of the last two years which have undermined the economic, social and political fabric of 194 sovereign nation states which are no longer sovereign.
The Same Powerful Financial Actors are Behind these Two Interrelated Crises
The financial elites call the shots. It’s a de facto World War III agenda which consists in imposing a system of global governance.
The Covid Lockdown including the imposition of the mRNA Vaccine are part of a Hegemonic Agenda which consists in the subordination of sovereign nation states. They are instruments of submission.
In the present context, the Covid Agenda is an integral part of the broader military, intelligence and strategic arsenal.
The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (proposed by the WEF) consist in imposing in the words of the late David Rockefeller
“The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers ….[which] is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” (quoted by Aspen Times, August 15, 2011, emphasis added)
The Covid Crisis Opens up a New Strategy of Economic Warfare
The Covid mandates (applied simultaneously Worldwide) constitute an instrument of economic and social warfare which is unprecedented in world history. Broadly speaking they are instruments of imperialism.
“to weaken an adversary’s economy by denying the adversary access to necessary physical, financial, and technological resources or by otherwise inhibiting its ability to benefit from trade, financial, and technological exchanges with other countries.
The “covid mandates” imposed by dominant financial interests go far beyond the existing strategies of economic warfare.
Entire countries have been weakened and destabilized without the need for “color revolutions” or military intervention.
Countries which are categorized as “enemies” of America have complied and endorsed the covid mandates, including Cuba, Venezuela and Iran. Cuba’s economy has been literally destroyed. (And its socialist government has accepted the Covid mandates without batting an eyelid).
In so doing these “Enemies of America” have accepted a process of economic destabilization and social engineering which by all accounts is far more destructive than the peace-meal US economic sanctions imposed on non-compliant governments.
Global Debt and the Destabilization of the Nation State
We are at the crossroads of the most serious global debt crisis in World history.
The Covid Crisis is part of a Big Money Agenda, the objective of which is to ultimately trigger bankruptcies and massive debts, with a view to destabilizing the economic structures of sovereign nation-states.
The global debt crisis resulting from the lockdown measures has resulted in pushing up the levels of public debt (national, provincial, municipal). Fiscal and monetary structures are increasingly controlled by external creditors.
Indebtedness is a de facto instrument of conquest and economic warfare. It’s the power of the US dollar. The external creditors call the shots, The Endgame is to erase the Nation State and impose a system of “Global Governance”.
From a strategic standpoint, the Covid-19 agenda plays a key role.
It weakens national governments, it installs corrupt politicians under the direct control of the financial establishment (eg. Trudeau, Macron, Johnson, et al). In “enemy countries” such as Venezuela and Iran, Big Money interests take control of vast petroleum and natural gas resources.
A World of Lies
We are at a very dangerous crossroads. At the time of writing, Russia has invaded Ukraine.
We live in a World of lies which prevails over facts.
The imminent dangers of WW III are muted by a wave of censorship, the intent of which is to silence the independent media.
Corrupt Politicians are Groomed to believe in their own Lies. These lies (including fake science) are embedded in a complex and chaotic decision-making process involving US intelligence, the security apparatus, Big Pharma, the ICT giants, the UN, the WHO, the World Bank, IMF, BIS, Pentagon, powerful lobby groups as well as powerful actors within the financial and banking establishment.
We are no longer dealing with the contradictions of the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente diplomacy which had been carefully crafted by Chancellor Otto Bismarck, and which eventually led to the outbreak of World War I.
Today’s overlapping and contradictory alliances have led to a muddled and dangerous geopolitics which is beyond description.
As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food supply is now a lasting one.
What effect will cutting out the breadbasket of the world have, and–more importantly–who benefits from doing so?
Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
Countries all over the world are totally scrubbing their Covid measures, mask mandates and social distancing rules.
The CDC has changed their guidance on vaccine doses, and said people don’t need to wear masks anymore. Boris has done the same, and (some) of the UK’s emergency powers are going to expire soon.
It seems like Covid is over, and the good guys won, right?
Well, not exactly.
The pandemic narrative may be fading away, but certainly not without a trace. Covid might be dying, but vaccine passports are still very much alive.
This week, while the eyes of the world are fixed on Ukraine and the next wave of propaganda, the World Health Organization is launching an initiative to create a “trust network” on vaccination and international travel.
According to a report in Politico published last week:
WHO making moves on international vaccine ‘passport’”
The article quotes Brian Anderson, co-founder of the Vaccination Credential Initiative, which describes itself as:
a voluntary coalition of public and private organizations committed to empowering individuals with access to verifiable clinical information including a trustworthy and verifiable copy of their vaccination records in digital or paper form using open, interoperable standards.
They are, to take the PR agency sheen off this phrase, a corporate/government joint project researching and promoting digital medical identification papers.
In short, vaccine passports.
The VCI has existed since January 2021, and its list of “members” is very revealing, including Google, Amazon, dozens of insurance companies, hospitals, “bio-security firms” and seemingly every major university in the US.
It’s run by a steering committee made up of representatives from Apple, Microsoft, the MAYO Clinic and the MITRE Corporation, a multi-billion-dollar government-funded research organization.
Anderson – who was an employee of MITRE before founding the VCI – tells Politico that the current system of international travel and vaccine records is:
piecemeal, not coordinated and done nation to nation…It can be a real challenge.”
Discussion of an international “Pandemic Treaty” gets underway today in Geneva, and any eventual agreement will doubtless include provisions on the matter of international vaccine certification.
If the VCI is involved – and with their backers, they doubtless will be – any international system will likely be based on their SMART Health Cards system.
Smart Cards in the US – a Covert Federal Vaccine Passport
VCI’s SMART Health Cards are the dominant tech in the emerging field of biosurveillance and “inoculation certification”. They are already implemented by 25 different US states, plus Puerto Rico and DC, and have become the US’s de-facto national passport
According to this article from Forbes (a puff piece which is little more than an advertisement):
While the United States government has not issued a federal digital vaccine pass, a national standard has nevertheless emerged.
They use the word “emerged” as if it’s a natural, organic process. But it’s not.
The US government, unlike many European countries, has not issued their own official vaccine passport, knowing such a move would rankle with the more Libertarian-leaning US public, not to mention get tangled in the question of state vs federal law.
The SMART cards allow them to sidestep this issue. They are technically only implemented by each state individually via agreements with VCI, which is technically a private entity.
However, since the SMART cards are indirectly funded by the US government, their implementation across every state makes them a national standard in all but name.
The Politico article repeats the claim the US has no national system, adding that the US doesn’t have a federal vaccine database either:
The Biden administration has said it wouldn’t issue digital credentials and hasn’t rolled out standards for vaccine credentials it said it would issue. Complicating the situation is that the U.S. doesn’t have a national inoculation database.
The propaganda message here is underlining what the government doesn’t have and doesn’t know. The suggestion being that the SMART system is totally separate from the government, that it’s a private company that would never share your medical records with the state.
But only the terminally naive would believe that.
SMART Health Cards are run by VCI, which was created by the MITRE Corporation, which is funded by the United States government.
If you give SMART access to your medical records, you’d better believe the US government and its agencies will get their hands on them. They might not have their own database, but they would have access to MITRE’s database when and if they needed or wanted it.
And so would Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft.
That’s how private-public partnerships work. Symbiosis.
Corporate giants serve as fronts for government programs and, in return, they get a big cut of the profits, bailouts if they’re needed, and regulatory “reforms” that cripple their smaller competitors.
We’ve seen this social media already.
Quasi-monopolies like Facebook and Twitter harvest data for the government and censor anyone they are told to, then they are rewarded with “regulation” that barely hurts them whilst targeting smaller companies such as Gab, Parler or Telegram.
The Smart Health Cards clearly fall into this model.
Microsoft, Google et al. take government money to help create the tech, they then run the program, harvest and store the data, and make it available to the government when they want it.
This allows the federal government “truthfully” claim to not be implementing a federal passport system, OR keeping a vaccination database, all the while they are sub-contracting tech giants to do it for them.
This system of backdoor government surveillance via corporate veneer is already spreading across the US, and it looks like it will play some part in any future “pandemic treaty” too.
They may have stopped talking about Covid for now, but they got a good chunk of what they wanted out of it.
And if they don’t get the rest of what they want out of the war in Ukraine, they’ll just bring Covid back.
In the bigger picture, the Canadian banking and financial system was hit hard by the deployment of the Emergency Act which highlighted the ability of the government to arbitrarily freeze and seize money, assets and financial investment capital without any due process.
There are also strong rumors in the financial sector, that in addition to Canadians removing money from the banking system, previous investment funds from Hong Kong had been moved – and, making matters even worse, digital currency exchanges were no longer offering secure services in Canada.
Simultaneous to the mounting domestic and international backlash against the financial system, the Canadian Senate was likely to rebuke the government of Justin Trudeau and not support the invocation of the Emergency War Measures Act against Canadian citizens.
As a result of multiple issues of backlash with severe consequence, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his cabinet are trying to save face, and yet walk away from the Emergency War Measures Act by revoking it before they faced the humiliation of a public defeat in the Canadian Senate. WATCH:
After his prepared remarks about his reversal in position, Trudeau was softly questioned about internal documents discovered by the Canadian Senate that point toward Trudeau’s cabinet discussing the political benefits they would gain by invoking the Emergency Act. The prime minister dodged the question twice, instead saying a parliamentary investigation will review why the Emergency Act was needed.
Keep an eye on the story of this Senate discovery. From all indications, even the liberal allies of Trudeau in the Senate were unable to support the Emergency Act after they reviewed the non-public documents. There’s something very damaging in those documents, likely internal emails between Trudeau and his various ministers.
I told you this part wasn’t going to be pretty. The collapse of fascist ideological movements and fanatical death cults never is. The New Normal is proving to be no exception.
After three weeks of non-violent civil disobedience outside the Canadian parliament in Ottawa by truckers and other Canadian citizens struggling to uphold their right to not be subjected to forced “vaccination,” Justin Trudeau unleashed the goon squads. Thousands of militarized riot police (and other unidentified heavily-armed operatives) swarmed the area, surrounded the protesters, started breaking into trucks and arresting people, and beating them with batons and the butts of their rifles.
Despite an abundance of video evidence clearly depicting exactly what happened, the Ottawa Police tried to spin it this way …
Here’s an overhead photo of the incident …
The big red arrow (courtesy of The Marie Oakes) points to the lady’s walker, or the alleged “horse-assaulting bicycle.” Presumably, the face of the gentlemen above her also caused the horse “to trip,” or was in the process of causing the horse “to trip,” at the moment that this photo was taken.
And that wasn’t all. Oh no, far from it. The “show of force” was just getting started. After all, this was not a “mostly peaceful” outbreak of rioting, looting, and arson. This was non-violent civil disobedience, with children’s bouncy castles, makeshift saunas, honking, dancing, illegal barbecuing, and other forms of “terrorist” activity, which had to be crushed with an iron fist.
Before he turned the goon squads loose on Friday, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, suspending the Canadian constitution, which he had already suspended back in 2020 due to the “apocalyptic pandemic,” which is why the protesters were protesting in the first place. Parliament was scheduled to debate his authority to declare another “state of emergency,” but, of course, the debate was abruptly suspended due to the massive “police operation” that his invocation of the Act had enabled.
Acting under the Emergencies Act, he immediately cancelled the right of assembly, outlawed the protests, and started threatening to kill people’s dogs and take away their kids. Then he and his fascist New Normal lieutenants started freezing the bank accounts of anyone and everyone even vaguely connected to the trucker protest. According to a Bloomberg report:
“The emergency orders require virtually every participant in the Canadian financial system — banks, investment firms, credit unions, loan companies, securities dealers, fundraising platforms and payment and clearing services — to determine whether they possess or control property of a person who’s attending an illegal protest or providing supplies to demonstrators.”
I have been describing the New Normal as a new form of totalitarianism (or fascism, if you prefer) for the past two years, and I have been documenting it from the very beginning (see, e.g., these Twitter threads from March 2020 and April 2020, which the OffGuardian editors have preserved for posterity). It has been there all along, right out in the open, but rendered invisible by the official Covid narrative.
The official narrative is rapidly dissolving, rendering the fascism of the New Normal visible. This is happening now because those of us who have seen it from the beginning — and have been resisting it all along — have held out long enough to run out the clock. GloboCap can’t keep the narrative going, so all they have left is brute fascist force.
We need to make GloboCap deploy that force, and to shine a big, bright spotlight on it, as the truckers and protesters in Ottawa have just done. In case anyone is confused about the tactic, it’s called classic non-violent civil disobedience. I described it in a recent column:
“In other words, we need to make GloboCap (and its minions) go openly totalitarian … because it can’t. If it could, it would have done so already. Global capitalism cannot function that way. Going openly totalitarian will cause it to implode … no, not global capitalism itself, but this totalitarian version of it. In fact, this is starting to happen already. It needs the simulation of ‘reality,’ and ‘democracy,’ and ‘normality,’ to keep the masses docile. So we need to attack that simulation. We need to hammer on it until it cracks, and the monster hiding within in appears. That is the weakness of the system … New Normal totalitarianism will not work if the masses perceive it as totalitarianism, as a political/ideological program, rather than as a response to a deadly pandemic.”
The official narrative is dead, or dying. The Covidian Cult is coming apart. No one but the most fanatical New Normals believes there is any real justification for imposing mandatory “vaccination,” “quarantine camps,” segregation of “the Unvaccinated,” or any of the other “Covid restrictions.” “The virus” is no longer an excuse for mindlessly following ridiculous orders and persecuting those of us who refuse.
Apocalyptic Pandemic Theater is over. It is a purely political fight from now on.
Ottawa is not the end. It is just the beginning. Protests and other forms of civil disobedience are growing all around the world … yes, even here in New Normal Germany. That does not mean it is time to relax. On the contrary, it is time to step up the pressure. It is time to make the monster show itself, in all its naked fascist ugliness, and to force everyone to pick a side.
Remember when the World Economic Forum held a conference on “The Great Narrative”? And remember when Klaus Schwab threatened to release a book on the topic? Well, guess what? It’s heeeere. That’s right, I read The Great Narrative and now I’m spilling the beans on the globalists plans for the technocratic future . . . and revealing the truth that we have the power to write our own narrative.
Tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights”.
No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power!
When the oppressed man finds no justice,
When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals
With fearless heart to Heaven,
And thence brings down his everlasting rights,
Which there abide, inalienably his,
And indestructible as stars themselves.
-Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell’s Rutli Oath
Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny?
The “monarchy of the north” certainly isn’t something that exudes revolutionary sentiment- having been founded on such non-revolutionary principles as “Peace, Order and Good Governance” which have stood in stark contrast to the significantly more inspiring “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” enshrined in the founding documents of our southern cousins. Even our founding 1867 document (drafted over a champagne fueled month of hedonism in 1864) explicitly calls out the purpose of confederation not as a means of “supporting the general welfare” as was the case of the USA’s constitution in 1787, but rather “to promote the interests of the British Empire”.
But here it is.
Countless thousands of patriots have driven across the country to bunker down in Ottawa in peace and high festive spirits which I had to see with my own eyes to believe demanding something so simple and un-tainted by ideology: freedom to work, provide for families and a respect for basic rights as laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (a 1982 upgrade to the embarrassingly oligarchical British North America Act of 1867).
Mainstream media and political hacks have been working overtime to paint the Freedom convoy that converged on Ottawa on January 29 as an “insurrectionist movement” full of “white supremacists”, “Russian stooges”, and “Nazis” out to “overthrow the government”. Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that “this is sedition” and that “those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law”. Carney, the perennial financial darling of Goldman Sachs and the City of London (and Prime Ministerial hopeful) called for a targeting of all those who donated money to this domestic terror operation.
Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate. This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal “rules-based” order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the “liberty” of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony. The moment genuine self-organized labor movements arise demanding basic rights be recognized, then the masks comes off and the rage of tyrants show their true faces.
So instead of negotiation and discussion around principled constitutional issues as the protestors have requested, we have instead seen only threats, slander and more threats ranging from cutting off $10 million of funding raised on GoFundMe on February 4, and then another $8 million raised on GiveSendGo on February 10. We have seen the government impose a state of emergency first in the city of Ottawa followed by a full province wide state of emergency on February 11 justifying cutting off vital supplies of fuel to those truckers and their families who have been camped out in -22 degree Celsius temperatures. Edicts making it illegal to provide supplies to the protestors under threat of fines ranging up to $100 thousand dollars and one year in prison have been drafted and the patriotic citizens who have organized for their right to not live under a dictatorship have been stigmatized by the media relentlessly as “insurgents”.
Emergency Measures Act invoked
Then on February 14, Justin Trudeau, followed by Deputy Prime Minister and WEF-Trustee Chrystia Freeland took turns announcing the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act which itself had formerly been known as “The War Measures Act” last invoked nearly 50 years earlier by Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau as a “solution” to the RCMP-directed terror cells deployed across Quebec and culminating in the month-long ‘October Crisis’ of 1970. The name was changed in 1988 although it is in function entirely identical.
Under the Emergency Measures Act, the Deep State of Canada managing Trudeau has adopted the Mark Carney program outlined on February 7 of targeting bank accounts of all Canadians either involved with the convoy directly or having supported the convoy via online donations or cryptocurrencies. What might those individuals suffer for the crime of having offered support or participation in the protests? Those ‘deplorable insurgents’ are facing the threat of seeing their bank accounts indefinitely frozen, and if they own businesses, having their insurance policies cancelled. The ‘big 5’ banks of Canada have thus been “deputized” and given full legal protections from being sued by those whose lives will be damaged by the shutdown of bank accounts.
One thing has become apparent thus far: the threats are not working with truckers and other protestors renewing their commitments to remain in place and even four Provincial Premiers (from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Manitoba) denouncing the emergency measures.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has also loudly denounced the Act saying“the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the emergencies act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: The act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes… Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada”.
Fissures Across the Establishment
Due to the inflexible Borg-like inability to negotiate with an organic civil rights movement suffered by all technocratic Davos-creatures, major fissures have begun to break throughout the political establishment of Canada.
Already two members of the Liberal Party have gone renegade breaking with Canada’s holy system of whips and loyalty to party above conscience demanding that Trudeau repeal the immensely unpopular and useless covid measures. On February 8, Liberal MP Joel Lightbound commented that Trudeau’s vile generalizations of the protestors have only served to “wedge divide and stigmatize” Canadians making the point that he has only seen a wide diversity of races attend the freedom convoy in Ottawa and across the provinces. One day later, a second Liberal MP Yves Robillard broke party ranks re-emphasizing his support for Lightbound’s statements and warned that many others within the party share these dissenting views and will soon speak out if changes are not effected soon.
In the Conservative Party, a coup of sorts took place on February 3 when opposition leader Erin O’Toole was ousted by his own caucus for sounding too much like a World Economic Forum ghoul and for the first time in over two years, an actual counter voice of opposition can be heard in the halls of parliament with demands by every single Conservative member of parliament to end the lockdown mandates and support the nation-wide protest movement.
On provincial levels, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and PEI have announced a repeal of their covid mandates including vaccination passports, while Quebec has stepped back from the anti-vaccination tax which was threatened by Premier Legault until only a week ago.
Even NDP head Jagmeet Singh who had labelled all protestors white supremacists just a few days ago reversed his tune- perhaps due to the overwhelming presence of Sikhs in the federal and provincial convoys.
Freedom Convoy Nightmares for Technocrats in USA and Europe
Meanwhile the Biden Administration has given its full support to Justin Trudeau to use the full force of federal power to shut down the protests (conflagrating the blockade of US-Canada trade in Windsor and Manitoba as being tied directly to the Ottawa protests… which it isn’t).
Perhaps Biden is concerned that the example of the convoy has spread not only across nations of the Trans Atlantic Community and Five Eyes cage, but also to the USA itself where a parallel American freedom convoy will leave Southern California for Washington D.C. on March 5 involving tens of thousands of American truckers.
Former Obama Asst. Sec. of Homeland Security and frequent CNN commentator Juliette Kayyem delivered her disturbing comments to this festering problem which must be stopped at all costs saying: “Trust me, I will not run out of ways to make this hurt: cancel their insurance; suspend their drivers licenses’ prohibit any future regulatory certification for truckers etc. Have we learned nothing? These things faster when there are no consequences”
How this process will unfold in the coming days and weeks is impossible to determine. The illusion of liberal democracy which fueled self-aggrandizing virtue signaling technocrats lecturing “bad” authoritarian states of Eurasia how freedom should work has collapsed.
One thing is certain.
Those tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers demanding the world to conform to their ideal post-nation state utopias are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights” which are inalienable to all citizens- even if they live under a monarchy.
“Above all we should not forget, that government is an evil, a usurpation upon the private judgment and individual conscience of mankind.”
~ William Godwin (1793) “An enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness”, p.143
Lest we forget, it is not a fake or mysterious disease or ‘virus’ that is responsible for the unnecessary death and destruction that has befallen mankind, it is the deliberate elimination of those thought to be undesirables by the controlling class of monsters and their pawns in government. This is not ‘conspiracy theory,’ as espoused by the powerful and their media, it is an actual conspiracy.
There is method to the madness of this ruling cabal, as the older among us were heavily targeted initially, followed by the breakdown and dividing of society, the assault against young men, and now the children are being threatened and targeted with the experimental bio-weapon injection in order to solidify the control of the future. To understand this progression only requires logic, and of course an open mind.
The old and established, those who are also thought by the state to be a drain on society, are considered to be a danger to the rulers because they have lived and understand history, and history and historical accounting are meant to be destroyed by those attempting to create a new paradigm based on what might be labeled as progressive postmodernism. The division of societies is necessary in order keep the people distracted and fighting amongst themselves enough so that they are not a threat to the state. The apparent attack against young men by adverse effects due to poisonous injection, is an effort to disable current or future insurrection by men of ‘fighting age,’ as evidenced by the government’s aggression against the current trucker’s freedom rebellion in Canada and other parts of the world, most of whom are younger men. Destroying the bodies and minds of all the children, at least from the state’s perspective, is the ultimate goal sought, because to capture and control the children today, as well as the youngest generation, is to control the future.
With this background in mind, it is important to understand that no pandemic has occurred, and claimed deaths due to ‘Covid’ are historically unique in that certain areas over others had substantially higher death counts due to so-called’ Covid;’ so much so as to be very suspicious in nature, because this has never happened before this wrongly claimed ‘pandemic.’ New York and the Southern states are prime examples of these contradictory claims. It actually makes no sense, and there is no validity concerning the ‘Covid’ explanation for these unheard-of anomalies, other than fraud and deceit. One thing is for certain, the state response to this fake pandemic has been responsible for much harm, and untold numbers of deaths; these deaths having been purposely used to bolster ‘Covid’ mortality numbers in order to advance a false narrative bent on creating and generating even more public fear.
The obvious contradictions are most always explained away by conjecture, false excuses, and lies, but why should that be any surprise to any thinking individual? The pattern of deaths reported today, considering any ‘viral’ respiratory illness, has never once occurred, which should immediately trigger hard questions, and very critical analysis of all the un-substantiated hogwash that passes for ‘news’ reporting in this environment of deception.
To provide even more fuel to the fire for the indifferent and obedient fools, and those in the manipulative media, it is distinctly apparent that the depopulation agenda is alive and well. While many will scoff at this claim, why else would the ruling class and government be willing to murder so many people by nefarious means, who either stand in the way of state totalitarianism, or are a threat to the desired status quo that would consist of a population made up of ignorant and voluntarily compliant citizens?
Consider the fact that this communistic takeover coup was initially based on a fake ‘virus,’ requiring the most anti-freedom, liberty-destroying, and deadly response ever undertaken here in this country and globally. We will never know exactly how many have and will die due to this evil draconian response to a world-changing, terroristic, and false flag event meant to achieve a totalitarian outcome.
Many have said that the response was worse than the threat, but this is a smoke and mirrors and hypocritical reaction, because there was never any legitimate threat in the first place, other than the democidal tendencies of the state against the people. This is literally a war against the common man, and an eager willingness by those in power to destroy or genocide certain individuals, groups, ethnicities, select members of certain demographic makeups, the poor and disadvantaged, the entire middle class, the psychologically weak, and the most vulnerable among us; simply to gain total power and control of all monetary, financial, economic, geopolitical, and societal systems worldwide. With this end in sight, the next obvious step is to gain complete control of all children by bio-weapon injections meant to subdue the minds and bodies of future generations. This plot is already underway.
By simply looking at the treatment protocols demanded and implemented, one can only come to the certain conclusion that the death of many in this population due to the response to a fake ‘virus,’ has not only been planned and sought by the powerful and their pawns, but has been intentionally put into place over the past two years. This is a long-planned scheme meant to achieve a particular outcome of death and control. To argue this is to ignore reality, and to assume a position based on fallacy.
Consider Remdesivir, a killer drug promoted knowingly by the evil Fauci. It became basically the only hospital treatment for the fraud called ‘Covid-19’ early on in this scam. It was well known to be extremely toxic and deadly. It was approved for emergency use by the FDA on May 1, 2020, and was subsequently fully approved by the FDA to treat ‘Covid-19’ on October 22, 2020. Just recently on January 22, 2022, the FDA granted expedited approval of a new supplemental drug application for Remdesivir, based on the recommendation of Fauci and the NIH. Nine of the people at NIH who recommended this poison, had financial ties to the maker of Veklury (Remdesivir), Gilead Sciences.
Consider the mass use of ventilators, especially in New York. Most so-called ‘Covid’ patients put on these machines for ‘Covid’ treatment died. According to a study done early on by the American Medical Association Network: “Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively. Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 19.8% and 26.6%, respectively.”
Consider that stress is a known major killer, and extreme stress brought on by the bogus response to a non-existent ‘virus,’ caused many deaths; not only in the U.S., but all around the world. This was due to lockdowns, quarantine, loss of family and friend contact, suicide, isolation, distancing, mask-wearing, job loss, bankruptcy, business closures, travel restrictions, and much more tyranny aimed at the general population.
Consider the restriction of treatments for all sickness due to the fact that most every ill and every symptom was co-opted and said to be ‘Covid.” Hospitals refused to treat patients, medical facilities closed their doors, certain drugs and natural treatments were outlawed, necessary surgeries were cancelled, and eventually, many, if not most, medical services were eliminated for those who refused to take an experimental bio-weapon injection. People died in their home prisons or nursing homes without any sympathy or loosening of restrictions by the evil state.
The government and its bosses were and are willing to commit murder, and their enforcement goons and political allies are willing to assist in this murder of innocents, all in the name of state control and tyranny, but there has been a change of heart recently by larger numbers of people, much due to those willing to fight back to regain some freedom. This is happening worldwide by not only truckers but by others as well.
The government and its bosses were and are willing to commit murder, and their enforcement goons and political allies are willing to assist in this murder of innocents, all in the name of state control and tyranny, but there has been a change of heart recently by larger numbers of people, much due to those willing to fight back to regain some freedom. This is happening worldwide by not only truckers but by others as well.
I have carefully read the Emergencies Act as well as the relevant sections ofThe Charter of Rights of Freedoms. I doubt Justin Trudeau has an understanding of the implications of his actions, not to mention his baseless accusations directed against Canada’s Freedom Convoy:
Were these allegations ratified by the House of Commons?
The nature of the Freedom Convoy is peaceful and non-violent.
See Global Research’s Video: The Protesters are Honest and Respectful
Who are The Criminals?
A procedure of law enforcement cannot be instigated by a Prime Minster who has blatantly violated the fundamental rights of Canadians.
Since March 2020, under the jurisdiction of the Trudeau government, entire sectors of our economy have been destabilized. Small and medium-sized enterprises have been driven into bankruptcy. Unemployment and poverty are rampant. The mental health of millions of Canadians including our children has been affected.
“V the Virus” is said to be responsible for the wave of bankruptcies and unemployment. That’s a lie. There is no causal relationship between the (microscopic) SARS-CoV-2 virus and economic variables.
We are dealing with a far-reaching and complex crisis which is sustained by a corrupt government, coupled with “fake science” and a relentless 24/7 fear campaign.
The government claims that the mandates are intended to “save lives”. Nonsense.
“a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that … seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians”.
Section 3 (a): Does that Not Describe The Very Nature of the Covid Crisis?
The wording of Section 3 (a) of the Emergencies Act (quoted above, see also Appendix below) describes the chaotic political, social and economic and situation which has affected the lives of Canadians in the course of the last two years.
The corona crisis under the helm of a corrupt government is undermining the structures of civil society as well the democratic foundations of Canada as a Nation State.
At this Juncture in our History, on behalf of All Canadians, the Formulation of Emergency Procedures directed against the Reckless Rule of the Trudeau government should be instigated.
“protects those basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians that are considered essential to preserving Canada as a free and democratic country.It applies to all governments – federal, provincial and territorial.”
Those rights are being encroached upon by the Trudeau government.
Moreover, Trudeau’s decision to invoke a National Emergency is an encroachment on the jurisdiction of the provinces and territories as outlined in Section 3 (b) of the Emergencies Act (emphasis added):
“For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that ….(b)
seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada. (emphasis added)
3 For the purposes of this Act, a national emergency is an urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature that
(a)seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or
(b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada.
4 Nothing in this Act shall be construed or applied so as to confer on the Governor in Council the power to make orders or regulations
(a) altering the provisions of this Act; or
(b) providing for the detention, imprisonment or internment of Canadian citizens or permanent residents within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
Ricardo Maarman: Update on South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ Court Case — “This Is Probably the Most Important Legal Battle…in the History of This Country.”
In the video below, Ricardo Maarman gives an update on the South African ‘Show Us the Virus’ constitutional court case. The case number for the court case is CCT 299/21. You can download a PDF copy of the court case affidavit here.
Maarman also gives an overview of a linked court case which is currently in front of the Western Cape High Court. In this case, the court is asked to grant the people of South Africa ‘urgency’ because of the national state of disaster declaration that has caused so much harm. The court is asked to grant the people of South Africa an interim interdict, giving them legal protection against all of the harms that emanate from the national state of disaster declaration and the lockdown measures.
Maarman concludes with this message:
People of the world, people of South Africa, we have started out this matter asking a very simple question: show us the virus.
And here, because of the failure of that question being answered, we have found ourselves in a situation where now the president is alleged of serious violations of the constitution.
That the Parliament is facing serious allegations that they have violated the constitution, their obligations.
The Reserve Bank has violated their obligations to the constitution.
That is what is being alleged in the Constitutional Court.
But, because of this, now what has happened is that now we have found even such wrong-doing related to this matter in the Constitutional Court itself.
This is probably the most important legal battle that is happening at the moment — probably in the history of this country.
And we’re asking all of you to spread the message since the mainstream media is not spreading this message at all.
Spread the message because it’s very important that as many people as possible come to hear of it.
Secondly we are asking for you to provide us with support and assistance as we are going up against the most powerful respondents and entities in this country, without any doubt.
We are asking you to pray for our success because this is a very serious matter that we are engaged in with huge consequences for everyone.
Thank you for your support so far.
And God bless you.
Original video available at HWP Report Brighteon channel.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
The video below was recorded by Australian aboriginal leader Lurnpa, also known as David Cole. He is joined by Northern Territory aboriginal leaders Keith Rory (elder) and Gadrian Hoosan.
Here we share a few key excerpts from Lumpa’s message:
“Everything all governments do on this continent is all about minerals and resources. All interaction and dealings with aboriginal, original, people is about control, oppression and land grabbing — since 1788 to today.
The state, territory and federal quasi-governments are really corporations, vying to steal the land for multinational and national corporations.
The Intervention was nothing but a land grab. It allowed for the removal of the Racial Discrimination Act which resulted in the removal of the land permit system.
Once The Intervention started, 273 exploration permits for uranium mining were approved within the first 6 months of The Intervention. And our communities witnessed a large number of planes and helicopters flying in grid formation across their lands, across the entire territory, mapping out the land, the resources and the minerals.
The current fraudulent pandemic is also being used as an opportunity to steal the land and take as much resources and minerals for the government and private corporations.
I’ve said it from the start, this is not about our health. It is an attempt to remove the tribal people of the land and steal everything. The only thing standing in the way is the tribal people.
This corporate genocide is a war crime. And all involved are complicit.
As the Nuremberg 2 trials [Grand Jury model proceeding] begin, led by Reiner Fuellmich, it is evident through evidence available to all, that this pandemic is a lie. And this experimental vaccine they are forcing upon humanity is nothing but a bioweapon, designed to kill people.”
“The planned and approved sell-off of the land contradicts the people’s wishes to not have any businesses on their lands that destroy the land any further.”
“It is my belief, through evidence and the mistreatment of our tribal people, that this absolute agenda of all quasi- governments, national and international corporations, is to steal the land and rid the land of the one thing stopping them from completely taking everything — and that’s the sovereign original tribal people of the lands.
The Deagel military website states that the Australian population will decrease to 9 million people by 2025. That’s 16 million people gone.
So these multinational corporations are happy to genocide 15 million non-tribal people in order to convince 1 million tribal people to take this bioweapon — so they can be left with 9 million obedient slaves to mine all these lands and resources they are stealing off the sovereign tribal people through this process.
This is genocide on a grand scale.
These corporate governments and the land councils are trying to eradicate the sovereign tribal people, for the greed of multinational corporate conglomerates and private shareholders, in order to steal the land and resources at the expense of killing off the oldest living culture on the planet.
All parties, domestic and foreign, should cease and desist in these actions immediately. This is an evil agenda.
The international community needs to intervene immediately and stop the genocide.”
“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us to stand together — black and white — to unite, to take back our country and to stop this genocide against all people. And to keep the land healthy, to keep the land safe for future generations.
We can do this. We can work together. We just have to unite and stand together as one.
Please, work with us. Let’s stand together. Let’s free us aa.
“If something is done out of necessity, it is done licitly, since what is not licit in law necessity makes licit. Likewise necessity has no law.” [“Si propter necessitatem aliquid fit, illud licite fit.: quia quad non est licitum in lege, necessitas facitlicitum. Item necessitas legem non habet.”] —Gratian, Decretum.Pars. 1 Dist. 48
“. . . if the observance of the law according to the letter does not involve any sudden risk needing instant remedy, it is not the business of anyone whatsoever to expound what is useful and what is not useful to the state. Those alone can do this who are in authority, and who, on account of such cases have the power to dispense from the laws. If, however, the peril be so sudden as not to allow of the delay involved by referring the matter to authority, the necessity itself carries with it a dispensation, since necessity knows no law.” —Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica.Part 1 of Second Part Q.96 ART.6
“The necessity with which we are concerned here must be conceived of as a state of affairs that, at least as a rule and in a complete and practically tically effective way, cannot be regulated by previously established norms. But if it has no law, it makes law, as another common expression sion has it; which means that it itself constitutes a true and proper source of law…. It can be said that necessity is the first and originary source of all law, such that by comparison the others are to be considered sidered somehow derivative…. And it is to necessity that the origin and legitimation of the legal institution par excellence, namely, the state, and its constitutional order in general, must be traced back, when it is established as a de facto process, for example, on the way to revolution. And what occurs in the initial moment of a particular regime can also repeat itself, though in an exceptional way and with more attenuated characteristics, even after the regime has formed and regulated its fundamental institutions.” — Santi Romano. Quoted in The State of Exception as a Paradigm of Government, pg. 27
A press conference was held February 10, 2022 by supporters of the Freedom Convoy 2022, including:
Dr. Paul Alexander
Dr. Roger Hodkinson
Maxime Bernier, PPC Leader
Randy Hillier, MP
Bruce Pardy, Law Professor
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Sandy Williams, rancher
Roy Bears,
by Global Research
first published by Global Research on January 28, 2022
UK Law Enforcement procedures have been initiated against the architects of the Covid-19 crisis.
This initiative sets a precedent Worldwide.
Should a Criminal Investigation be contemplated in regards to Canada’s Trudeau Government Covid-19 Mandates?
Metropolitan Police Crime Number: 6029679/21
International Criminal Court (The Hague) case number: OTP‐CR‐473/21
The world’s largest‐ever international criminal investigation is now under‐way, involving Hammersmith Police, The Metropolitan Police, and The International Criminal Court. The UK police accepted the supporting information and agreed there is enough evidence to proceed under the above crime number.
The case was lodged on 20th December 2021 by Sam White MD, Philip Hyland (PJH Law), Lois Bayliss (Broad Yorkshire Law) and retired policeman Mark Sexton.
Requests for further assistance have been made to international lawyer Robert F Kennedy Jnr (nephew of J F Kennedy), Dr Reiner Fuellmich (German corporate lawyer who won the emissions scandal case against Volkswagen Audi), Dr. Michael Yeadon (Former Pfizer Vice President), plus countless other doctors, professors, virologists, biologists, data experts and lawyers nationally and internationally; some of whom have already made direct contact with the police and have been acknowledged by Superintendent Simpson (Assistant to Cressida Dick, Head of The Metropolitan Police).
The complaints allege numerous serious crimes including misfeasance and misconduct in public office; gross negligence manslaughter; corporate manslaughter, murder, conspiracy to murder, genocide and crimes against humanity.
The evidence submitted by Philip Hyland and Dr Sam White against the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is damning and shows they did not carry out due diligence surrounding the vaccine data, trials and studies; and that they continued to ignore the death, harm and injury the vaccines cause.
Mark Sexton says:
“This is now a live criminal investigation. We were forced to act due to the complacency of the UK Government, despite them being fully aware of the catastrophic death and injury figures to adults and children alike. This is nothing short of genocide; once again it seems that profit over people is the overriding motive. There is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway. Many don’t even realise that the covid Vaccine is still an experimental product. This is the most far-reaching criminal inquiry ever undertaken. A national scandal that threatens the lives and the livelihoods of every person in the UK. If people want unassailable current evidence, I’d suggest in the interim they look at: ”
“In years to come this will be the equivalent of another Thalidomide scandal, but for now we have to act on a united front to get the truth out to the public and stop the unsafe covid vaccine rollout. We have several thousand pieces of evidence to discredit the safety and efficacy of this vaccine, but we are still encouraging members of the public to contact us to further support our claim. We therefore appeal to anyone who has suffered the death of a loved one following a Covid vaccine and anyone who has been injured by it, e.g. blindness, heart issues, blood clots, stroke, myocarditis etc”.
“We’d also like to hear from those illegally threatened with ‘No jab, no job’”.
We must act now. If you have information to assist the police inquiry, please contact Lois Bayliss of Broad Yorkshire Law:
The wireless future is here. The model ostensibly turns human beings, via nano-implants, into antennas that can transmit information. They’re turning human beings into quasi-machines. Under this transhumanist agenda, the idea is to place nanotech inside our bodies we can communicate in real-time with the Smart Grid powered by way of 5G.
The 4th Industrial Transhumanist IOB Graphene Nanobot Revolution.
It’s called the ‘internet of bodies’ (IoB) or the ‘nanotech of things,’ (NToT), and it connects with the Internet of Things (IOT). One way this is accomplished is to embed graphene-made sensors into fabrics. Another is to implant or ingest the nanotech matter into the body, creating an internal technology platform.
For instance, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla described the first-ever FDA-approved ‘electronic pill,’ which will invite ‘compliance,’ by sending a signal to your ‘doctor’ that you have indeed swallowed your ‘medication.’
“What we will see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world,” says Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum.
Oh Klausy!
In order for all this connectivity to occur, these particles must contain GRAPHENE, a superconductive material that integrates with neurons in the body and brain. Nanotech, pioneered by Nanotech King Charles Lieber, is completely unregulated. Arguably, it already exists in food, drugs, vaccines, water., and the air we breathe. While there is no shortage of studies devoted to graphene-based nanomaterials (GBNs), systematic research on human health or environmental effects is severely lacking.
And yet integrating humans with hardware is supposedly being sold to us for our safety and health. In fact, on a site called Nano Robot Inventor, a 2008 paper titled Nanorobots to improve health care states:
“Recent developments in the field of nanoelectronics, with transducers progressively shrinking down to smaller sizes through nanotechnology and carbon nanotubes, are expected to result in innovative biomedical instrumentation possibilities, with new therapies and efficient diagnosis methodologies.”
“A transistor also allows the application of a voltage pulse, such devices might one day provide hybrid biological-digital computation, or deep-brain stimulation for Parkinson’s patients, or serve as an interface for a prosthetic that requires information processing at the point where it attaches to its owner.”
By the way, Lieber worked for communist China. Lieber has also worked on highly sensitive research projects for the US government Department of Defense (DOD).
Back in the 1930s, the CCP invented what is now known as “brainwashing.” The term is a literal translation of the Chinese term, Xi Nau, or “wash brain.” Arguably, Lieber has helped China and others upgrade to a modern version of mind control.
“ I was one of the first people — in 1998 — to figure out how to grow these nanoscale wires,” Lieber has stated.
If you do not believe me, just do a search for his brain-controlled mouse. And yet, Lieber went from supposed spy to a convicted tax evader. Who has explored the ethics of his inventions? It has already been proven that Lieber’s “injectable electronics” can be integrated within the brain with ‘minimal invasions,’ and can continue to function for at least a year. Who knows what happens after that?
The Purpose of AI: Brain-Computer Interface
At Code Conference 2016, Elon Musk stated publicly that given the current rate of artificial intelligence (AI) advancement, humans could ultimately expect to be left behind cognitively, intellectually “by a lot.” His solution to this unappealing fate is a novel brain-computer interface.
The internet of bodies (IoB) will tell us a lot, too. The sensors placed inside each person’s body will collect data…and that data has been determined to be more precious than oil.
To put things in perspective, ‘Big Harma’, with the help of Big Tech, began usurping the medical data of millions of Americans as early as 2019. You can read my article titled Dr. Google Will See You Now. Alphabet, Google’s parent company, acquired FitBit for a cool $2.1 billion. Now, in Year Three of the Rona Regime, they are coming after us.
Imagine how much information they can technically collect by giving us a ‘viability score.’ In the Netherlands, their biometric mass surveillance practices are increasingly being used to control people’s access to healthcare, sports venues, travel, shopping, and other everyday activities. Activists actually have a campaign called ‘reclaim your face.’
While globalists aim to vaccinate the world and watch as our fellow man turns into ‘Magneto Man’, evidence indicates that Big Harma, aided and abetted by VERY sick Rockefeller hospitals, are injecting us with nanoparticles meant to respond to signals while –oops – changing our very nature and DNA.
I understand, this sounds conspiratorial. If you haven’t gotten the memo that some of these jabs contain saline, why others have been sullied with microscopic nanoparticles that are conductive, consider:
In 2017, in a now-scrubbed-off-the-internet was a study from taly looking at adjuvants. Researchers found that 15 traditional vaccines (and 44 variations of these), all manufactured by leading global companies, shared a previously unreported and troubling similarity: the vaccines were “heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles.”
This is an indisputable fact. You just can’t see them. A nanometer is 1/80000th the diameter of an eyelash, one-millionth the size of a pinhead.
“If your nanoparticles self-assemble correctly with Harvard’s Charles Lieber injectable nano meshes, you can actually get a nice little wireless nano network going in the target,” says Investigative Journalist George Webb, who has looked into Lieber and the Wuhan origin story since 2020. “Corona didn’t just launch DARPA’s mRNA technology, Corona also launched nanotechnology for immunology. Gold, silver, iron oxide, silicon dioxide, and graphene are all nanoparticles being researched for COVID applications.”
It’s all part of the Covid Industrial Complex.
Cinco Geo Your Existence
In January 2020, when people in Wuhan began dropping like flies, I surmised that maybe nanotech — brought to us by Charlie Lieber via a mandated experimental injection or sprayed via drones – was parlaying with the Internet of Things. Interestingly, Wuhan, the capital of China’s Hubei Province was the first 5G demonstration zone in the Central Business District (CBD), according to a 5G cooperation agreement signed between China Mobile and local authorities on September 3, 2019.
That’s how I uncovered the connection between Lieber to 5G. It was taboo to talk about 5G back in 2020, so I coined the code words, Cinco Geo, to ward off censorship. For the record, I lived across the street from a test cell tower in Beachwood, Los Angeles. I developed a fever for 65 days and couldn’t sleep. While I could not prove it was the radiation, a meter endorsed by Dr. Mercola proved the 5G technology was definitely turned ON. That was 2019.
Fast forward to 2020.
As we were locking down over the virus, cell towers across the country were going up. In fact, 5G cell tower installation was the only industry that was thriving during the early to mid-2020.
When it came to appealing net neutrality, Ajit Pai, the former Trump-appointed chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said that the government had no place in the private sector. However, when it came to 5G, the government wasn’t only a necessity, it was a requirement. For example, when I recently called Miami-Dade County to try to find out whether they had amplified the 5G signal, I was referred to the federal government.
In fact, in 2018, the FCC initiated the “5G Fast Plan” to establish the United States’ superiority in the tech race. They intended to blanket the ENTIRE country with 5G small cells placed between every 2 to 10 homes. The industry claims they need so many towers because 5G uses millimeter waves that travel small distances and can be easily blocked by walls and even foliage. To compensate for this, engineers found ways to convert the waves to beams and intentionally direct them.
For the record, the CEO of Verizon helped bust the myth of millimeter waves and said that indeed the signals could penetrate through foliage and that the waves can cross 2000 feet from transmitter to receiver. And yet small cells continued to be built.
The 5G Fast Plan
As part of the 5G Fast Plan, the FCC reformed rules that had been designed decades ago to accommodate small cells. The reforms were designed to ban ‘short-sighted’ municipalities who tried to block the deployment of the 5G technology. Local governments were given a reasonable deadline to approve or disapprove small-cell tower applications.
Small groups of people throughout the nation have attended local meetings to fight these eyesores but they don’t really stand a chance. At best, if the municipalities have money, the 5G poles are moved to another neighborhood. Of course, health studies on 5G have not been conducted.
On January 19, the day I got sick with what felt like radiation exposure, flights were suspended to the U.S., including to Miami, over 5G concerns. I threw up three times. I had watery stools. I felt anxious. I almost fainted in yoga class. And, I lost my sense of smell. I thought it was the Rona. But I wasn’t sick with the flu or cold symptoms. I had no cough or respiratory issues. My symptoms didn’t match the Moronic variant. One friend told me, ‘you must have gotten the Delta.’ I laughed to myself. Upon doing research, I also learned that the CDC acknowledges something called Acute Radiation Syndrome.
Can You See The (Smart) Light?
Did you know that every lighting installation can be a data infrastructure? Two-way communication can also be done via light signals.
Think cellphones and streetlights.
Analysts predict the smart lighting market will grow more than 21% a year between 2018 and 2023. Much of this growth will be driven by wireless installations – and the exciting new applications they support. That’s why one company is putting Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology in their connected components, enabling every fixture to communicate wirelessly with nearby Bluetooth-enabled smartphones.
Will wireless lighting controls soon be the new normal, making the benefits of smart lighting more accessible to organizations everywhere?
Ping, Collect, Ping, Ping
Let’s recap how all this connects (pun intended).
Seamless human-machine interaction is increasing rapidly.
What if these injections were never “vaccines” against a virus? What if instead, the jabs have been a secret nanotech project developed to control the brains of the human population? (Until now, we don’t know specifically how they can modify our DNA via 5G).
Seemingly, some jabs were manufactured using nanotechnology. In Spain, it was even described as “secret nanoparticles.” These nanoparticles become magnetic when they reach the same temperature as the human body. When they remain in an under-zero-degree environment, they remain non-magnetic. Maybe one of the reasons they use the injections?
The graphene hydroxide works as an antenna for the electronic circuits they are injecting. If they can create transistors, they can also make an identifier like an RFID chip that can ping a number back, once the person is near a radiofrequency (RF) field. Graphene oxide in the brain creates transistors, and ostensibly its own network.
Thanks in big part to Lieber, molecules of GRAPHENE can interact with neurons in the brain in a remote mode using different radiofrequencies (5G could be one of these). Can they also map the brain and transmit and receive INSTRUCTIONS remotely? Do these nano devices and smart biosensors become programmable? Yes!
“… In the proposed platform architecture, different programs and commands can be sent and information retrieved from inside [the] body through wireless communication, providing important aspects on the interface and medical instrumentation of nanorobots.”
“The proposed model uses electromagnetic radio waves to command and detect the current status of nanorobots inside the body. Therefore, the cell phone is applied for the medical nanorobotics platform. This occurs as the cell phone emits a magnetic signature to the passive CMOS sensors embedded in the nanorobot, which enables sending and receiving data through electromagnetic fields. From the last set of events recorded in pattern arrays, information can be reflected back by wave resonance.”
What happens when you integrate communication with nanorobots using RFID, mobile phones, and satellites and apply it to long-distance ubiquitous surveillance and health monitoring?
The jury is still not out.
“We are in a live exercise here …. to get this right!” Sec. Mike Pompeo stated during a presser back in January 2020.
“You should have let us know,” President Trump murmured back.
Maryam Henein is an investigative journalist, and founder, and editor-in-chief of the health magazine and marketplace HoneyColony. She is also a functional medicine consultant/coach, and the director of the award-winning documentary film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Elliot Page. Follow her on Gab: @ladybee. Email her: maryam @
As Justin Trudeau and his useful idiots in the mainstream media continue to vilify and demonize the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters in Ottawa, the line is being held. Indeed, other trucker demonstrations are now popping up all over our great dominion.
From Toronto and Quebec City to Alberta, truckers have assembled, demanding an end to the myriad useless COVID-19 lockdown mandates that are making all our lives miserable.
On Monday evening, truckers parked their big rigs on the Ambassador Bridge, eventually forcing an entire bridge closure. Several hours later, the trucks moved off the bridge, but some of the 18-wheelers and several cars, pickup trucks and campers blockaded the offramp to Windsor.
That means vehicle traffic coming from Michigan into Ontario is currently completely shut down (the bridge is still open to traffic going from Ontario to Michigan.)
When we arrived at the Windsor side of the Ambassador Bridge on Tuesday evening, we were greeted by a downright surreal site: a multi-lane stretch of asphalt that is normally extremely busy with truck and car traffic had become a place where demonstrators were protesting and dancing the night away. While it was a festive atmosphere on the Canadian side, an Ambassador Bridge employee told us that traffic on the Michigan side was backed up by some 20 miles.
Alas, the question arises: how long will this ramp blockade be tolerated by the authorities?
After all, the Ambassador Bridge is the most important conduit between Canada and the U.S. More than 40,000 vehicles and more than $300 million in goods cross this bridge on a daily basis.
Indeed, rumours abound that a major police operation is imminent, with the goal of dismantling the blockade.
The Windsor Police Service has already reached out to the RCMP for reinforcements.
Granted, the blockade is a major inconvenience when it comes to Canada-bound traffic from the U.S. (those hoping to make the crossing are being advised to go to the Blue Water Bridge near Sarnia) but despite the narrative being manufactured by the Trudeau Liberals and their bought-and paid-for henchmen toiling in the mainstream media, the Freedom Convoy protesters are not racists, bigots and haters.
Rather, they are peaceful protesters — patriotic Canadians who simply want their freedoms restored. Imagine that.
“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”— Frank Zappa
We are no longer free.
We are living in a world carefully crafted to resemble a representative democracy, but it’s an illusion.
We think we have the freedom to elect our leaders, but we’re only allowed to participate in the reassurance ritual of voting. There can be no true electoral choice or real representation when we’re limited in our options to one of two candidates culled from two parties that both march in lockstep with the Deep State and answer to an oligarchic elite.
We think we have freedom of speech, but we’re only as free to speak as the government and its corporate partners allow.
We think we have the right to freely exercise our religious beliefs, but those rights are quickly overruled if and when they conflict with the government’s priorities, whether it’s COVID-19 mandates or societal values about gender equality, sex and marriage.
We think we have the freedom to go where we want and move about freely, but at every turn, we’re hemmed in by laws, fines and penalties that regulate and restrict our autonomy, and surveillance cameras that monitor our movements. Punitive programs strip citizens of their passports and right to travel over unpaid taxes.
We think we have property interests in our homes and our bodies, but there can be no such freedom when the government can seize your property, raid your home, and dictate what you do with your bodies.
We think we have the freedom to defend ourselves against outside threats, but there is no right to self-defense against militarized police who are authorized to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance, and granted immunity from accountability with the general blessing of the courts. Certainly, there can be no right to gun ownership in the face of red flag gun laws which allow the police to remove guns from people merely suspected of being threats.
We think we have the right to due process, but that assurance of justice has been stripped of its power by a judicial system hardwired to act as judge, jury and jailer, leaving us with little recourse for appeal. A perfect example of this rush to judgment can be found in the proliferation of profit-driven speed and red light cameras that do little for safety while padding the pockets of government agencies.
We have been saddled with a government that pays lip service to the nation’s freedom principles while working overtime to shred the Constitution.
By gradually whittling away at our freedoms—free speech, assembly, due process, privacy, etc.—the government has, in effect, liberated itself from its contractual agreement to respect the constitutional rights of the citizenry while resetting the calendar back to a time when we had no Bill of Rights to protect us from the long arm of the government.
Aided and abetted by the legislatures, the courts and Corporate America, the government has been busily rewriting the contract (a.k.a. the Constitution) that establishes the citizenry as the masters and agents of the government as the servants.
We are now only as good as we are useful, and our usefulness is calculated on an economic scale by how much we are worth—in terms of profit and resale value—to our “owners.”
Under the new terms of this revised, one-sided agreement, the government and its many operatives have all the privileges and rights and “we the people” have none.
Only in our case, sold on the idea that safety, security and material comforts are preferable to freedom, we’ve allowed the government to pave over the Constitution in order to erect a concentration camp.
The problem with these devil’s bargains, however, is that there is always a catch, always a price to pay for whatever it is we valued so highly as to barter away our most precious possessions.
We’ve bartered away our right to self-governance, self-defense, privacy, autonomy and that most important right of all: the right to tell the government to “leave me the hell alone.” In exchange for the promise of safe streets, safe schools, blight-free neighborhoods, lower taxes, lower crime rates, and readily accessible technology, health care, water, food and power, we’ve opened the door to militarized police, government surveillance, asset forfeiture, school zero tolerance policies, license plate readers, red light cameras, SWAT team raids, health care mandates, overcriminalization and government corruption.
In the end, such bargains always turn sour.
We asked our lawmakers to be tough on crime, and we’ve been saddled with an abundance of laws that criminalize almost every aspect of our lives. So far, we’re up to 4500 criminal laws and 300,000 criminal regulations that result in average Americans unknowingly engaging in criminal acts at least three times a day. For instance, the family of an 11-year-old girl was issued a $535 fine for violating the Federal Migratory Bird Act after the young girl rescued a baby woodpecker from predatory cats.
We wanted criminals taken off the streets, and we didn’t want to have to pay for their incarceration. What we’ve gotten is a nation that boasts the highest incarceration rate in the world, with more than 2.3 million people locked up, many of them doing time for relatively minor, nonviolent crimes, and a private prison industry fueling the drive for more inmates, who are forced to provide corporations with cheap labor.
We wanted law enforcement agencies to have the necessary resources to fight the nation’s wars on terror, crime and drugs. What we got instead were militarized police decked out with M-16 rifles, grenade launchers, silencers, battle tanks and hollow point bullets—gear designed for the battlefield, more than 80,000 SWAT team raids carried out every year (many for routine police tasks, resulting in losses of life and property), and profit-driven schemes that add to the government’s largesse such as asset forfeiture, where police seize property from “suspected criminals.”
We fell for the government’s promise of safer roads, only to find ourselves caught in a tangle of profit-driven red-light cameras, which ticket unsuspecting drivers in the so-called name of road safety while ostensibly fattening the coffers of local and state governments. Despite widespread public opposition, corruption and systemic malfunctions, these cameras are particularly popular with municipalities, which look to them as an easy means of extra cash. Building on the profit-incentive schemes, the cameras’ manufacturers are also pushing speed cameras and school bus cameras, both of which result in hefty fines for violators who speed or try to go around school buses.
We’re being subjected to the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.
This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.
With every new law enacted by federal and state legislatures, every new ruling handed down by government courts, and every new military weapon, invasive tactic and egregious protocol employed by government agents, “we the people” are being reminded that we possess no rights except for that which the government grants on an as-needed basis.
Indeed, there are chilling parallels between the authoritarian prison that is life in the American police state and The Prisoner, a dystopian television series that first broadcast in Great Britain more than 50 years ago.
The series centers around a British secret agent (played by Patrick McGoohan) who finds himself imprisoned, monitored by militarized drones, and interrogated in a mysterious, self-contained, cosmopolitan, seemingly idyllic retirement community known only as The Village. While luxurious and resort-like, the Village is a virtual prison disguised as a seaside paradise: its inhabitants have no true freedom, they cannot leave the Village, they are under constant surveillance, their movements are tracked by surveillance drones, and they are stripped of their individuality and identified only by numbers.
Much like the American Police State, The Prisoner’s Village gives the illusion of freedom while functioning all the while like a prison: controlled, watchful, inflexible, punitive, deadly and inescapable.
Described as “an allegory of the individual, aiming to find peace and freedom in a dystopia masquerading as a utopia,” The Prisoner is a chilling lesson about how difficult it is to gain one’s freedom in a society in which prison walls are disguised within the trappings of technological and scientific progress, national security and so-called democracy.
Perhaps the best visual debate ever on individuality and freedom, The Prisoner confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of mankind to meekly accept his lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of his own making.
The Prisoner is an operations manual for how you condition a populace to life as prisoners in a police state: by brainwashing them into believing they are free so that they will march in lockstep with the state and be incapable of recognizing the prison walls that surround them.
We can no longer maintain the illusion of freedom.
Finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts and Aleks Svetski, editor of Bitcoin Times magazine, discuss the breakdown of our economy and potential solutions
Svetski believes Bitcoin not only is the answer to economic tyranny, but to individual sovereignty, while Fitts believes central bank control mechanisms are still at play within it
Fitts argues for building a new economy based on health, cooperation, peace and transparency, and recommends investing in things that will keep you alive
Svetski argues that in order to build any of the above, we must start with an incorruptible foundation. The “language of value” (money) cannot be owned or issued by any man-made political authority; it must emerge organically as a transparent, voluntary ‘constitution in code’
A major hurdle is overcoming the globalists’ mind control and propaganda influence. Everyone agreed that this is why people must be educated across multiple dimensions, not just money, but health, individuality, philosophy, ethics, economics and more
Fitts believes a successful transition requires preventing the control grid from coming into place, and clawing back the money that has been stolen. Since 1998, at least $21 trillion, and perhaps as much as $100 trillion, has been stolen from the U.S. government
Today, I’m pleased to bring you two guests — finance guru Catherine Austin Fitts, whom I’ve interviewed before, and Aleks Svetski, editor of The Bitcoin Times magazine and host of “The Wake Up Podcast.” During dinner at an event in Miami, Florida, Svetski helped me understand why Bitcoin not only stands out head and neck above all the other cryptocurrencies, but is in direct opposition to them all.
I’ve strongly believed Bitcoin will be an important tool to get out from under the financial tyranny we’re in, where central banks are essentially robbing everyone blind.
Fitts, president of the Solari Report, disagrees. She knows the financial system inside and out, having spent decades exposing corruption and fraud, both within the banking industry and government, and she believes there are far better ways than investing our hard-earned money in cryptocurrencies, as the globalists have already inserted a number of control mechanisms within the cryptocurrency system.
Regardless of which side of the fence you’re on, you’re bound to learn something from this conversation. If you’ve dismissed Bitcoin as a passing fad, Svetski’s expertise may assuage your concerns. On the other hand, if you’ve been banking on Bitcoin being the answer to the impending financial crash, Fitts may inspire you to rethink how you protect your wealth.
Our Only Choice: Being Controlled or Being Free
If you want to understand what’s happening to our financial system, I encourage you to listen to this three-hour interview. I cannot cover all the details covered in this article, so to get the whole story, please set aside the time to listen to the whole interview, or read through the 95-page transcript.
In summary, Austin Fitts explains how the globalists — “Mr. Global” is her nickname for this secret system of governance — and the central bankers of the world in particular, have since 1998 siphoned out and stolen $21 trillion or more from the U.S. government in a financial coup d’état.1,2
Thanks to this theft by the central bankers, the American retirement (including health care benefits) and social welfare system are not adequately funded, leaving millions of aging Americans with diminished or no Social Security or Medicaid/Medicare benefits.
The primary reason for the theft, however, is to reengineer the U.S. government and political system as a whole. In short, the globalists’ plan is to take over the government by centrally controlling our economy, and then declare everyone who was promised health care and retirement as expendable.
According to Fitts, if we allow this financial coup to continue and consolidate, Bitcoin and the Bitcoin community may help pull that coup off. As explained by Fitts, slavery is the most profitable business in investment history. Digital technology now allows Mr. Global to return to a legalized form of slavery on a global scale. The theft that is underway is ultimately intended to control people.
“Mr. Global wants a culled, reengineered population,” she says. “He is going for the people because that is what has the most value, along with the other living things on the planet — including the planet itself. All value begins and ends with living intelligence and life whether it is expressed in financial and transaction tools or not.
Mr. Global has created scores of mechanisms to persuade people to sell out [other] people using fiat currency — pump and dump, pump and dump. Dealing with it is sufficiently frustrating and has us all trying to create workarounds.”
A Different Kind of ‘Reset’ Is Required
Fitts is convinced that the best, and perhaps only way out, of this situation is to deal with the secret governance system that is impacting and frustrating all of us and take action to ensure that we do not allow an all-digital financial system to go into place. If we believe Bitcoin is the optimal form of digital system, the problem is not Bitcoin: The problem is if it is part of an only-digital system.
Fitts also underscores that currencies cannot work without the underlying economy being in balance. That means we need to invest in the real assets we need to stay alive and free, things like local food production, local businesses or a personal water well.
She stresses that keeping cash is important — that we mustn’t enter into a wholly digital financial system, especially one monopolized by central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and private crypto, which are in combination designed to strip us of both national and individual sovereignty.3
While Svetski agrees on some points, he still believes Bitcoin can be part of the answer,4 and that the focus should be on building a new financial system in such a way that it cannot be co-opted by anyone. The question, of course, is how.
As explained by Fitts, addressing taxation5 is perhaps the most important part of the puzzle. We also need to a) prevent vaccine passports and digital ID wallets and related blockchains from being implemented, as they are an integral part of the control system Mr. Global is trying to erect, and b) figure out how to get the money back that was stolen.
“There is $21 trillion missing from the U.S. government — we have no way of knowing what the real number is in terms of cash and credit. It could be smaller or bigger,” she says.
“I believe a successful transition requires both preventing the control grid from coming into place, and clawing back the money that has been illegally taken. A ‘reset’ in which the takers get to keep their winnings is a different world than one in which the equivalent value is returned.”
Can Bitcoin Safeguard Our Freedom?
Part of the globalists’ plan is to gain control of ALL resources, and they’ve made great strides toward that during the last two years. The question is, how do we get out of this situation and reclaim those resources?
As mentioned, while I’ve been convinced that Bitcoin, a decentralized digital currency, was a major part of that answer, Fitts has some very pertinent concerns that we need to digest and fully understand. We also need to understand what money actually is, and what an ideal currency would actually look like and how it would function. All of these issues are reviewed in this discussion.
“In 2017, I did a very long and serious due diligence into Bitcoin,” Fitts says, “and I had two baskets of concerns, one related to whether or not the Bitcoin exchanges in the industry were doing a responsible job of communicating with potential investors.
I’m an investment adviser and there’s a world of regulation about how you make sure that an investor has full and fair disclosure. It’s the equivalent of informed consent, in financial terms. You want to make sure the investor knows what it is, and what their risks are, and that they are prepared to manage both the risks and the investment, the custodian issues, before they buy.”
The cryptocurrency market is currently a nonregulated space, which can give rise to the absence of best practices in education and disclosure as well as fraud. Another concern is whether or not Bitcoin will increase our freedom or simply facilitate our enslavement by a secret system of governance by “Mr. Global.” Fitts continues:
“What I’ve said is that it is absolutely important that we have a financial system and a currency system that is not 100% digital. So, where I think the current leadership and central bankers are going with the ‘Going Direct Reset’ is they’re trying to get a 100% digital control grid and literally end currencies as we know it.
They want to move us to, on the smart grid, a transaction system where they have 100% control. I call it the covert social credit system. They’ve been building that control system for centuries. But since the advent of digital technology, they’ve been building it much more intensively, and much more invasively.
They have three primary lines of control. One is financial carrots and sticks. One is the telecommunications and media alignment, it’s surveillance, mind control, propaganda and education. And then the third line is covert operations, which can be regulatory enforcement, taxation or it can be, literally, covert physical intervention.
So, you have these three lines and they’re coordinated. But whether they say they’re controlling assets or they’re controlling currencies, they really control people. They control everything through people. And if you look at some of the regulatory proposals now for crypto, that’s how they’re going to do it. They’re going to do it by controlling the people in their businesses.
Anybody who wants freedom wants transparency in and around what’s really going on in our world, and they want to be not controlled. If we permit a 100% digital controlled transaction system of any kind, we will concede control. Literally, it’s the end of human liberty in the West.
For everyone who’s interested in building a better digital transaction system — and I would argue that the current digital transaction system could be made infinitely better than it is now — it’s inherent … to address how we are going to get this technology working for us, but not allow it to control us.
And again, I don’t think the control will be controlling the technology. I think the control will be of the people using the technology. It will come through the people, because that’s how the control grid has been built.
So, I don’t see how we permit an all-digital transaction system and continue to have freedom, as long as the primary hardware and energy in and around the system, as well as the people, are controlled by a secret central governance system.”
‘Holy Grails’ of Technological Invention to Ensure Freedom
Svetski replies:
“Yes, I agree with you, wholeheartedly. Did you ever read the ‘Cypherpunk‘s Manifesto’6written by Tim May in the ‘90s? The basic summation of that is, as the world becomes more technologically adept, technology trends toward concentration.
In that trend, we could end up with a world in which we have total panopticon surveillance and control of people’s money. So … we need to use encryption to maintain private communication. If you don’t have private communication, you can’t speak freely. Right? First Amendment.
That was sort of holy grail No. 1. Holy grail No. 2 was an independent monetary system. We need a money that is independent of a state, and unable to be censored, controlled, et cetera. Because if we end up with that, then who cares if we have free speech? You don’t have free action.
I mean, you see it in Australia. The government makes up a fake law so they can fine you for not wearing a fake mask. And then if you don’t pay your fake fine, they just take the fake money out of your fake bank account, without your consent. So, whoever issues and controls the money basically has the ultimate power. If I’m the issuer of the money, I can do whatever I want, basically.”
The Central Banking Warfare Model
A caveat to that, Fitts says, is the central banking warfare model. On the one hand, they can print money. On the other, they can also force people to use that money through military intervention. “That’s part of where the liquidity comes from, so you have to have both,” she says. In other words, they must be able to print with impunity and kill with impunity in order to maintain complete control of the system.
Svetski agrees, pointing out that these two control powers feed on and strengthen each other. He believes the monopoly on money is the easier of the two to defeat, though, “because what ends up happening is that when the monopoly on money can’t fund the monopoly on violence, things start to fall apart relatively quickly. So, if we had to pull a thread somewhere so that the shit-show unravels, that’s where we may have the strategic opportunity.”
Svetski also agrees that the Bitcoin exchanges are a disaster. “We all say that you should take your money off exchanges as soon as possible and hold your Bitcoin in your own custody, as soon as possible,” he says, “because then that moves supply out of these casinos, basically.”
“We’re totally aligned with this idea that the last thing we want is issued money from any authority who has the capacity to build up enough economic power such that they can deploy political power, or violent power, in order to maintain economic power and create this situation we have today, which is, ‘I can print all the money I want and you can’t do anything about it, because if you do, then I’m throwing you in jail.’”
Systematic Corruption Is a Core Problem
Fitts points out that the root problem isn’t necessarily the ability to create fiat currency. At its core, it’s the corruption of governance and the rule of law. And while we could create a well-functioning regulatory system for any currency, creating a government and judicial system free of corruption is far more difficult.
Because it’s believed to be too difficult, people focus on workarounds, such as using distributive ledger technology to prevent counterfeiting and fraud, or a money system based on commodities like gold and silver.
“Those are both workarounds to avoid the issue of how do we create a great governance system, and then a culture and a covenant that we’ll enforce?” she says.
“Traditionally, it’s never been a good idea to make a commodity the backbone of your currency, because then your currency can swing around and get hiccupped for a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with its role as a currency. So, there’s risk in that, but it’s a workaround.
One of the things I think is the most important unanswered question before us is that we live on a planet where the governance system is secret … How do we stay free in the face of a secret governance system, and can a digital currency make a difference?”
Svetski argued that Bitcoin is not merely another ‘technology’, but actually a model of voluntary consensus that anybody in the world can participate in, whose rules are entirely transparent.
He called it a form of “constitution in code” which, like math, cannot be changed or distorted like constitutions of the past that depend on the protection of man have been changed. Bitcoin’s integrity is rooted in the laws of math and thermodynamics, while all previous models of governance have their Achilles heel in the ‘word of man’.
Defining Money
Svetski defines money as the “language of value.” It’s a way to encode or assign and communicate value to the product of our labor. Fitts points out that one of the most critical ingredients that makes this communication of value work is having an integrity-based pricing mechanism.
“Civilization is basically a story of discovering better objects and better mechanisms for exchanging the product of our labor,” Svetski says. “Humanity is a story of finding better money, basically.
The thing that organically becomes money is the tool, the object that is fungible. As many of the units as possible should be the same. It is divisible. A cow, for example, is not a great form of money because if you only need a banana, what are you going to do, chop the cow’s head off? It’s not going to work.
It needs to be recognizable … it needs to be portable and it needs to have some element of scarcity. You can’t just create it out of thin air. It’s the property of scarcity and unforgeable costliness that gives us debasement protection.”
In many cultures, gold was a cherished currency for the simple fact that there’s a limited supply and it’s not easily forged. Gold is not very portable or divisible, however, so as societies became more complex, fiat currencies (that governments declare as legal tender) like printed coins and paper bills emerged. With good governance, the fiat currency was still scarce, and it was protected from debasement by being difficult to forge.
The problem arises when governance becomes corrupt and the issuers of the currency start printing more, thereby diluting the value of the currency (i.e. inflation). As noted by Svetski, “No matter how excellent whatever money we’re proposing to use, that is secondary to who controls it and who decides.”
You can have a perfect money system, but if the people who operate the system and those who use it are separate and independently controlled, it won’t solve anything because corruption by the controllers of the currency is a root problem. As noted by Fitts, a sound currency would serve an economy where the people and the real assets are in balance.
Two Sources of Currency Debasement
Debasement of the currency occurs when the real economy gets out of balance and you try and make up for it by debasing or diluting the currency. That’s what we’re seeing right now. Corruption isn’t the sole problem here. “Debasement can come from the governance system trying to cheat, but it can also come from a real problem in the real asset economy,” Fitts says. And those are two different problems.
One is based on trying to please constituents (or fraud), and the other is a structural issue that needs to be resolved. The manifestation and the deterioration of the integrity of the money ends up the same, though, so they’re frequently assumed to have the same root cause.
Fitts believes that our current problem is not so much a currency problem but a secret governance system that is harvesting the planet of extraordinary amounts of resources. By doing so, they’re creating a massive drain on the real economy.
Creating a crypto asset outside the system to protect ourselves from that drain can only work for so long, because it doesn’t solve the problem that there’s a drain on the whole economy. The question is, can we bring transparency to what is happening and prevent a secret governance system from draining the economy of resources?
Transparency Is Key
Svetski argues that currency issued by any form of entity, be it a monarch, a state or a hidden Mr. Global will simply bring any system back to where we are now. Fitts believes the solution lies in creating a decentralised market economy based on aligning living and financial capital and incentivising peace rather than war, and a requirement for that is transparency.
To get to transparency, we must first break down the system of mind control set in place by the secret controllers through the use of modern technology. She believes the entrainment technologies, subliminal programming and various mind control influences are an effort to protect themselves from transparency.
And just how do we break through the mind control that keeps us dumbed down and unaware of how the system works and how it’s being drained? Fitts believes it will require us to identify how the mind control works, and then set ourselves free, one by one. “Control happens one person at a time. Financial harvesting happens one person at a time. And freedom happens one person at a time,” she says. Svetski agrees, adding:
“I did a post the other day on Twitter. It said, ‘You’re very hard to control when you’re healthy. You’re very hard to manipulate when you’re clear. And you’re very hard to influence when you’re sovereign.’ So I think we definitely agree in that case.
I think it’s very difficult to control the minds of sovereign individuals because not only do they fundamentally have a disdain for what I call fiat authority, which is nonorganic authority, but they are interested in living as individuals, not as a component in some homogenous collective, which is basically how the world wants us to live at the moment, which is ridiculous.”
How to Foment Resilient Communities
But how do we inspire the others to follow suit and become sovereign individuals? First, we need a critical mass of sovereign individuals in a place. Fitts notes:
“The currency needs to be in balance with the real assets — food, energy and shelter. Let’s pretend for a second, to make this simple, we’re doing a community currency. How do we get the food, energy and shelter sufficiently independent and resilient in that place so that the currency can function?
You’d need a critical mass of people who are willing to do that so that they could outwit what satellites are going to do to stop them. So, I’ll just talk for myself because I can’t talk for everybody, but I think if you see where Mr. Global wants to take the system, you would do anything [to not go along].
We are better dead than going to where Mr. Global intends to go. So that means there’s nothing I will not do to stay out of Mr. Global’s trap. It’s clear you have to rebuild a healthy, responsible economy, and you can’t do it one person at a time.
Occasionally you’ll see a phenomenal person who can go do it themselves, but, generally, our civilization depends on cooperation and specialization — community.
Ten percent of people are what I call Net Energy Plus; 80% are going to follow whoever’s in charge, and then you’ve got 10% who are Net Energy Minus. The idea is that you keep the 10% Net Energy Minus in the corner, you get the 10% Net Energy Plus running things, and you get the 80% following them.
I think part of the key to a successful human society is that we have respect and love for all humans, but the Net Energy Minus has got to stay in the corner. When the 80% follow the 10% Net Energy Plus, the speed at which you can turn a company around [is tremendous]. It takes no time to turn it around, but you’ve got to get the 10% Minus in the corner. Put the 10% Plus in charge and it changes overnight.
The challenge that we have, and the problem I ran into when I was trying to do community development, is Mr. Global is great at finding the Net Energy Minus guys and having them do crazy things. So, the question is: How do we protect ourselves from that sabotage?
The Net Energy Minuses can be handled. The problem is handling them with Mr. Global’s minions, who are very capable and very professional at recruiting them, managing them, financing them.
I grew up in a very poor neighborhood, and it didn’t take long for Net Energy Plus people to find each other. Those leaders would just magically find each other, and they could control the neighborhood because if anybody misbehaved, they could cut off their money.
And then the government came in and made sure, whether by dealing the drugs or bringing in HUD subsidy, that they could subsidize the slugs. And then suddenly the Net Energy Plus people couldn’t do slug management because they couldn’t stop the drug dealing and HUD subsidies.
Predator evasion for not just ourselves but the whole community, whether it’s a network or a place, is where I’ve never seen us excel, and that’s where I’d like to see us excel … Good governance has to emerge from a covenant which is codified in formal law, but is embraced in a culture which does the primary enforcement.”
In Svetski’s model, the Net Energy Minus people are “the parasites, the jealous members of the masses or the failed remnants that instead of adding value to society try to extract whatever they can instead,” and the Net Energy Pluses are leaders and entrepreneurs. He weighs in:
“You mentioned, first of all, that transparency is important to counteract control. We need to build sovereign individuals in order to counteract mind control. We need to then take these sovereign individuals, enable them to build communities in order to become sovereign communities, such that they can better manage the delinquents and lead the 80% towards a better world.
You mentioned Mr. Global comes in like a wrecking ball and [destroys] it every single time, because that’s what he’s good at. He’s a parasite. He just wants something for nothing, basically. ‘You guys work and I’ll benefit.’
That’s the version of the world that Mr. Global lives in, which doesn’t align with the physical laws of the universe. That’s just not how reality works, although Mr. Global thinks we can somehow structure the world in that way so that we can suck from the productive people and get something for nothing. Unfortunately, that sends the world on a path to hell, which is where we are now.”
Why We Must Refuse Vaccine Passports
One solution that is very clear is that we must do everything in our power to resist vaccine passports and other forms of patent systems’ control, as they are a foundational piece of the digital control grid being erected around us. Fitts explains:
“I’m watching a control grid snap into place. The Russians and Americans have made announcements about regulating crypto. In the EU, they’re trying to morph the vaccine passport and now they’re calling it a ‘private digital identity wallet,’ and the tax authorities are adding biometrics.
So, you’re watching the financial system getting closer and closer to building a control grid, but that control grid is not so much control of the technology, money or cryptos as controlling the people. And it works right now. For the last 30 years, it works like a covert social credit system, but it’s invisible; it’s covert.
The covert operation lines are integrated and connected, but it hasn’t been made overt. And one of the reasons it hasn’t been made overt is they haven’t been able to bring the U.S. Constitutions down, although they’re trying. But at some point, they’re making enough progress with the vaccine passports and the QR codes, that they’re going to start snapping this thing into place, and that to me is what has to be stopped.”
Svetski, on the other hand, believes an incorruptible money like Bitcoin can play a central role in preventing or circumventing this control grid, because if the globalists can control your finances, they can dictate your actions:
“If your bank account is completely owned by me as an authority, and that same authority owns or controls what you say online … and if you say something I don’t like, and then I just turn off your money so then you can’t travel anywhere, you can’t eat, then I have the ultimate control over you …
The most important part in the control grid is: If I can just turn off your money based on what you said, or who you hung around with, or who you’re associated with, you have zero power as an individual. Zero. That’s the holy grail of what they want. They want to introduce the CBDC, tie it to your vaccine passport, to your movement passport, and then it’s game over.”
Reengineering Our Economy
Again, for all the details of this discussion, please listen to the interview in its entirety. In closing, Fitts argues that what we ultimately need is a complete reengineering of our economy into one that is built on health rather than disease, peace rather than war and transparency rather than secrecy, and the people must be in control of that economy. Economy built on disease, war and secrecy, controlled by a hidden cabal, is what leads us into a downward spiral in the first place.
“We have an economy that has a negative return on investment,” she says. “But if you reengineer the financial system, you align living capital and financial capital, and you run the economy to build health, the speed at which we could start to generate fantastic amounts of wealth that could begin to deal with some of our liabilities and obligations is fantastic.
They see that opportunity, too. And if you see what they’re moving to do, they’re just moving to do it with a very different framework that you and I might use to do it. But the wealth is there to be created …
My tactic has been to bring transparency and find out how to prototype decentralized economics that creates explosive new wealth. Where I keep falling down is I’m not able to get a critical mass of people to figure out how to protect themselves from the mind control and the sabotage …
The challenge I’ve had with many people who are enthusiastic about Bitcoin and crypto is they don’t see the control grid, and they don’t see the danger of the control grid. And that results in them trying to talk individual and retail investors into doing things, oblivious to the dangers of the control grid.”
Svetski agrees about the roots of the problem, but he is still convinced Bitcoin is a central part of the answer:
“The problem is waste. The problem is secrecy. The antidote is some sort of transparency, a covenant amongst people … I’m extraordinarily enthusiastic about Bitcoin and I’m extraordinarily pessimistic about crypto.
There is a universe of difference between the two for me. Crypto is exactly how we walk into the control group problem. Every single one of them is Mr. Global’s attempt to discredit Bitcoin. Bitcoin is the only way to walk out of it. And I’ll explain why.
Crypto is the most effective attack by Mr. Global on Bitcoin. All these monkeys running around screaming about crypto, all they’re doing is they’re walking right into the trap, which is the creation of a new currency that is controlled by a foundation, an institution, a group, a company, and creates a central point of leverage that Mr. Global can get access to.
And mark my words, I said this two years ago on a podcast and people thought I was crazy and it’s happening right now with the World Economic Forum partnering with Ethereum Foundation.
I said, ‘Ethereum is going to be the best way for globalists to enact the central bank digital currency because they’re going to do it under the guise of innovation.’ Every single coin other than Bitcoin is run or operated or issued or controlled by some single group. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a constitution enforced by the individual. I’ll explain it like this.
What makes Bitcoin special is that it’s not a program, and it’s not a technology. It is actually a set of rules, a constitution that we voluntarily opt into. When I’m a node operator of Bitcoin, for example, all I’m doing is I’m just running the software that is Bitcoin. And the software that is Bitcoin is just a series of rules: 21 million coins, divisible to eight decimal places, blocks every 10 minutes.
It’s this set of transparent rules … I can change the rules of Bitcoin if I want to. But what happens is that I’m immediately out of sync with everybody else, and I’m no longer on the Bitcoin network. I’m on something else. I’m on Bitcoin Aleks version, and then I have to convince everybody to move their economic mass, or their economic gravity off to me.
In doing that, I’m then going right back to the original problem that Bitcoin is solving, which is Bitcoin says, ‘Hey, money is the tool that we use to encode time and energy. Let’s place it outside of anybody’s potential control. Let’s put it with the laws of gravity, thermodynamics, the speed of light. None of us can control those. They apply equally to all of us. Let’s place money in that realm, then let’s go and do other stuff.’
Bitcoin is not digital. Bitcoin is information. This is another layer that I wanted to illuminate. I could take a Bitcoin transaction, and I could write it on a piece of paper. I could write it in emojis, and I could post it to the other side of the world. And you could then broadcast the transaction. The only thing that makes Bitcoin digital is that the internet is just a useful communication medium.
Bitcoin transcends that because Bitcoin is purely just math and information. That’s all it is. Bitcoin is the law of large numbers being used to associate private and public keys in a way that the public key cannot be reversed. And the holder of the private key is the private property owner of the Bitcoin associated with that key.”
Fitts counters, “Right, but you still come back to the same problem I said about if the control grid controls people, no matter how perfect you can make something like Bitcoin, it’s simply not enough.” Svetski replies:
“It’s not enough on its own, but it’s the one thing that makes 99% of the difference. Because what it does is it does a couple of things simultaneously. No. 1, it gives us some money. I call Bitcoin free banking in gold in information form that anyone can run on a $100 piece of hardware at home.
Picture a world in which every bank is just a $100 node operating at home, running the Bitcoin network. And every single one of those nodes around the world are in sync.”
Fitts notes, “Right, but you need those people who can maintain themselves outside of the control grid. And they need to have the real assets to be able to do that and do that together.” Svetski replies:
“Totally, and this is why we need something like Bitcoin, because what it does is in its appreciation, it gives us the economic means to acquire the real assets; energy and food. Primarily, they’re the two that we need in order to start to make ourselves sovereign across every other dimension.
Bitcoin’s kind of the linchpin. If you can’t do that, you’ll never catch up to the other ones. But in doing so, we have the economic capacity to do so, and simultaneously. And this is where Bitcoin is simultaneously a defense mechanism and an attack mechanism.
Every dollar you put into Bitcoin is a dollar that is not in the existing system. And what happens is it starts to create a drain on the existing globalist form of money, which is predicated on the capacity of an institution to control it.”
Fitts disagrees, saying that’s not what she’s seen happening. What she’s noticed is that someone, likely the central bankers themselves, “primed the pump on Bitcoin,” basically, someone invested heavily into it to drive up the price. Where did that money come from? According to Svetski, the money came from millions of regular people who decided to swap their fiat currency for Bitcoin.
Fitts, however, is convinced that someone is artificially pumping up Bitcoin. She believes the central bankers or their owners are pumping Bitcoin in order to prototype options for their control grid and to attract retail investors into digital assets out of precious metals and real assets, making it easier and cheaper to establish centralized monopolies of real assets.
At the end of the day, it’s up to you to decide how you feel about Bitcoin. It certainly has strengths, but Fitts makes a good argument for understanding the control mechanisms and the risks of an all-digital financial system. Again, for more, please listen to the whole interview, as I’ve only skimmed over some of the highlights in this article. You can follow more of Svetski’s work at:
The Ottawa city government has declared a state of emergency. It’s now a crime for anyone on the scene to give food, fuel, or aid of any kind to the truckers.
The truckers and people all over Canada want freedom and peace. The government wants peace without freedom.
The government wants vaccine mandates and passports, and the ability to declare lockdowns and other fascist measures at any time.
No debate on “the science,” no need to justify the COVID measures, no legal cases taking up Constitutional limits on government power. Just: OBEY.
So that’s what the government is. That’s who they are. That’s who Trudeau is.
We might feel shock at what the government is doing to the truckers, but we shouldn’t be surprised. No one should have expected the government of “obey us” to just sit back and let this convoy happen and proceed, with so many Canadians supporting it.
No one should be surprised that rebellion against “obey us” governments is breaking out across the world.
Let’s get out ahead of what could happen in the coming days and weeks—-
No one with a conscience should back away if governments and their media front men throw around words like “insurrection” and “incitement” and “terrorism.” THESE ARE CONTROL WORDS.
They’re meant to paralyze people. They’re crude smears. The implication would be, anyone who is “a trucker” or a “supporter” wants to overthrow the entire government—rather than replace the fascists.
“Overthrow” was the official characterization of the January 6 Capitol break-in, in the US. “Well, led by a guy wearing a helmet and horns, a mob was going to take over the Congress.”
I see. Sure. And Trump, wearing a military uniform, having gained control over the PENTAGON, was going to swagger into the Capitol, declare martial law, and run the US with his junta.
Thereafter, The Rebels, commanded by a cigar-smoking fatigues-wearing Tony Fauci, encamped in the Catskills, would valiantly try to win back The Republic and the Constitution.
The truckers want freedom and peace, and their own right to earn a living. The Canadian government wants peace without freedom for everyone, and they’re ready to use force to force the peace.
If serious violence breaks out in Ottawa, the government will be behind it.
Violence shouldn’t make people back away from supporting the truckers.
Perhaps you noticed that the George Floyd protests and riots and the looting and burning and violence in many US cities didn’t make anyone on the political Left back away from supporting the rioters.
Did the government call those supporters insurrectionists or terrorists?
You might hear this from people “who are really in the know”: “You see, the whole convoy was a PLAN to cause violence, and then anyone who’s against the mandates and supports the truckers would be labeled a terrorist…”
Without real evidence, that formulation could be used to reject ANY form of mass protest on ANY issue. You may as well say ALL OF LIFE IS A FALSE FLAG, and therefore, we should do nothing and support nothing.
If serious violence does break out in Ottawa, a typical shaming operation will launch: “You people who supported the truckers—you’re responsible for this. You thought the truckers were honorable. But they were always breaking the law. They were stirred up by a mob mentality, by you who won’t accept the reality of the pandemic and what we all have to do to return to normal life…”
Guilt by association, except it turns out the people we’re associated with—the truckers—did nothing wrong.
Again, if anyone has actual evidence to the contrary, evidence that shows there was a plan to launch a convoy that would dead-end in violence, and cause the world to shake its head and say, “THIS is what the protesters and the anti-vaxxers were about all along, they’re all crazy…”, then present that evidence.
I say this, because in the coming days, we could see and hear more of such talk.
What I see in this convoy is honor, justice, the struggle for freedom.
Remember: The convoy is a hell of a lot more than the truckers.
It’s all the Canadians who are supporting it. So if a trucker is there simply because he wants to make a living, but he can’t cross the border unless he shows a vaccine passport, and he doesn’t want to take the vaccine, and that’s the sum of his protest; fine.
And if some trucker turns out to be bad actor, so what?
Get all these things straight in your mind, because if the presence of many people and trucks in Ottawa endures, you’re going to be WORKED by some experienced PR pros; worked to change your thoughts and opinions and feelings.
That’s their job. That’s how they operate.
Stand firm. Stay strong.
Make your voice heard.
Violence is always a government’s hole card. They play it, and then they say the rebels caused it or made it necessary. They splash the violence on the news, because they know it scares many people, who then retreat.
Don’t retreat.
Violence serves another purpose. People want it to stop, so they look to the current political leadership to stop it. They join forces with the fascists who started or triggered the violence.
Don’t fall for that.
If among all the truckers, there are a few bad actors who are government agents, and they do initiate violence, the news will highlight them to the max. This is pure Orwell 1984 stuff. Put pictures of the faces of “the killers” on the screen, over and over, with anchor voiceover telling the public what to see and think and feel. With the goal of stimulating outrage.
Outrage against everyone who supports the truckers or won’t take the vaccine or is opposed to the mandates.
Don’t buy that op.
Stay strong. Stand firm.
Remember what this is. A fight for freedom.
Here’s something else that could happen. The government suddenly announces a new wave of COVID cases. And the blame is directed at the throngs of unmasked truckers and their supporters out in the streets. Super-spreaders. The news, of course, would play that up. By accusation and indirect suggestion, the public will be told THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS FEARED.
The unmonitored numbers of irresponsible persons rebelling against common sense are responsible for KILLING ordinary law-abiding citizens.
That’s a straight con. During the past two years, it’s been played many times.
Don’t be fooled. Case numbers can be rigged at the drop of a hat. That’s been going on since the beginning of the “pandemic.”
Stand firm.
The pandemic story was planned with the sole purpose of canceling freedom.
Yours, mine, everybody’s.
Don’t give in.
Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated.
No matter what.
One more suggestion. Play out, in your mind, a worst-case scenario: The convoy WAS planned by bad actors with the intent to discredit actual freedom fighters and people who refuse the vaccine and oppose the COVID mandates and restrictions. Go ahead. Make a mind-movie of that.
Where does that lead you? What’s the bottom line?
Because all the people on the streets and in the trucks ARE for freedom; and if the outcome is planned government-caused violence, that means NOTHING about what we’re fighting for. That discredits NOTHING.
If we stay strong.
If we stand up.
If we make our voices heard.
I could write 10,000 more words about a parallel event to the convoy, but I’ll keep it short. The parallel event was the January 6 rally in Washington after the Presidential election, the rally that had nothing to do with the Capitol break-in. Where hundreds of thousands of people gathered.
There were a number of ideas in the minds of all those people: a stolen election; freedom from lockdowns and other fascist COVID restrictions; opposition to the vaccine; opposition to the self-appointed thought-police of America…
In my opinion, Trump didn’t deserve that massive show of loyalty. Not at all. I’ve explained why in other articles. But the people who were there—they were the important ones. Regardless of who planned the break-in and for what reasons. THEY, the hundreds of thousands, wanted freedom. And still do.
The US government is trying to figure out every possible way to discredit and cancel them. Now.
This is the bigger picture.
Keep your eye on it.
I know. I’m not supposed to bring up the January 6 rally. People who want freedom are supposed to forget that. Hush hush. Because THAT event has been slammed mercilessly and discredited and made into a foul horror show.
But I don’t care. All over the world, the same pattern has been repeating. The people who want to live out in the open and throw off their chains are being painted as criminals. For whatever reasons can be cooked up.
And no, not all protests are the same or are launched for exactly the same reasons. But at the core, the impulse and the foundation are there: WE’RE TAKING IT BACK. FREEDOM.
This isn’t Qanon crap or Trumpism or racism or craziness or any hustle.
This is real.
The big smear, guilt by association, and all the other ops aren’t going to fool us.
The Courage of Canadian Truckers Galvanizes the Nation: “When Justin Trudeau Called Us Terrorists, I Would Have Crawled on My Hands and Knees to Be Here.”
by Free to Fly sourced from Free to Fly newsletter
February 6, 2022
The galvanizing effect of the freedom convoy continues to deeply impact our nation, coast to coast. This spirit of genuine care, kindness and unity shared across the spectrum of Canadian ages, nationalities, and political backgrounds is palpable at these events. Descriptions like dangerous, hateful or racist, coming from some politicians, media and police leaders are sad and laughable to anyone who has attended.
We’ve heard, time and again, people say they feel hope for the first time in years.
Over the past 24 hours, Greg was able to sit in a big rig and chat with a couple courageous truckers. Their sincerity and raw emotion are incredibly compelling. He was also asked to speak on behalf of Free to Fly on Parliament Hill.
Please watch and share these links on your social media, as we seek to take back freedom in Canada!
A Canadian trucker explains why he is putting everything on the line for freedom in Canada.
“I never thought I’d be called a hero.”
“When Justin Trudeau called us terrorists, I would have crawled on my hands and knees to be here.”
A Canadian truck driver explains how he’s willing to put his sole means of income on the line in order to reestablish freedom in Canada.
“If this truck totally gets wrecked, it’s all worth it.”
Greg Hill, an airline pilot on forced leave for refusing the vaccine, delivers an impassioned speech at the trucker rally in Ottawa.
Greg Hill, an airline pilot on forced leave for refusing the vaccine, delivers an impassioned speech at the trucker rally in Ottawa. Join him in his mission of freedom at
This clip is from the Corona Investigative Committee’s “The Virus of Power” series of interviews , Session 90, which took place on February 4, 2022. See the entire Session 90 here (6+ hours long).
In this interview, Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Lanka challenge “germ theory” and the “science” at the foundation of virology. Of course, this is highly controversial because it shakes the foundation of modern medicine, questions the endless stream of vaccines and toxic medicines produced by big pharma — not to mention the generations of doctors, scientists and medical professionals who have dedicated careers to this “science”.
Committee member Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who has been invaluable in exposing the pandemic fraud and is a key source of medical insight for the committee, challenges Dr. Kaufman and Dr. Lanka, and vehemently defends the prevailing view regarding viruses as cause of disease. See Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg’s presentation during Session 90 here. His presentation occurred earlier in the session, prior to this conversation with Drs. Kaufman and Lanka.
Below the Corona Investigative Committee video, we are providing documents, videos and articles for understanding the work of Dr. Lanka, Dr. Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan and others.
Please do your own research and come to your own conclusions.
Video by Oval Media can be found at Corona Investigate Committee Odysee channel.
Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion
Empowering Public Conscience through Natural Law
‘Injustice to One is an Injustice to All’
Concerned lawyers from nations across the globe, working with esteemed scientists and medical experts, have come together to present the legal, scientific, and medical reasons why the populace must stop the Covid-19 measures and refuse the mRNA based injections that forced upon them. This Grand Jury Investigation serves to present to a jury (consisting of the citizens of the world) all available evidence of Crimes Against Humanity committed to date.
We realize, of course, that the courts of law in the current systems, just like the health care systems, our systems of education, and the (global) economic order are compromised and dominated by those who are responsible for the measures that need to be stopped. We have chosen the Grand Jury Investigation as the procedural foundation on which this proceeding takes place. But the proceeding itself will take place outside the current system, which in our view, is irreparably corrupt. That is, indeed, why we are not filing this case in one of the systems’ courts of law, which includes the International Criminal Court or the European Court of Human Rights.
Rather, we believe that it is of the utmost importance that the people themselves realize that they, their families, communities, and regions, are the only legitimate source of a truly “bottom up” democratic governance. Therefore, we, the people, must take back our sovereignty from those who have taken it from us and delegated it to anonymously and “top down” operating global corporations and institutions like the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum and their minions, the so- called Davos clique, or: Mr. Global.
For this purpose, we have created our, that is: the peoples´ own court of law, the People´s Court of Public Opinion to conduct this Grand Jury investigation. This makes sure that this case of Crimes Against Humanity gets a fair hearing and will not be thrown out by the systems´ courts on dubious procedural grounds, or that a judge who is willing to apply the law as he should and thereby defies “Mr. Global’s” interests will be persecuted by the system´s puppets as happened in Weimar to two such judges.
This proceeding´s main purpose (apart from demonstrating actual evidence to the world and serving as a model proceeding for future legal cases to be filed) is to show a complete picture of what we consider massive Crimes Against Humanity rather than just discussing pieces of the puzzle. The supporting evidence will be presented by real lawyers and real expert witnesses to examine the evidence under the auspices of a real judge accurately and truthfully.
The court is completely independent and works only for the people for the protection and restoration of the rule of law, democracy, and our constitutions.
It is important to note, however, that each one of the participating lawyers has filed and will continue to file similar cases in their countries’ existing judicial system, and that these cases will be supported by our joint, worldwide effort.
The Grand Jury Court of Public Opinion´s initial purpose is to shine a bright light on all the details and actions that were committed under the guise of a pandemic and constitute Crimes Against Humanity. This proceeding will hopefully motivate people across the globe to institute criminal proceedings and civil proceedings (for damages, including punitive damages) against all those who are criminally and civilly responsible for atrocities committed in their communities and regions. Some judiciaries (India´s for example) may still be functioning and willing to serve the people in whose’ name they are supposed to render justice. But in many countries, especially in Europe, where the judiciary (just like the political system, including the health care system, the education system and economic system) has been infiltrated and compromised by those who committed the Crimes Against Humanity the legal system is irreparably broken. Where this is the case, we, the people must reinstall the rule of law and democracy, based on our constitutions by setting up our own system of courts and justice.
Thus, the ‘Peoples´Court of Public Opinion´s investigations are to provide guidance and to motivate national and international actions of transitional and transformative justice. It shall serve as a jump-start investigation that will be followed by many national criminal and civil proceedings as mentioned above.
Whichever path might be suitable under the conditions in your country, it must be peaceful and guided by democratic proceedings that constitute a citizen approved “judicial” system that strives towards transparency, equity and moral progression. In so doing, these proceedings aim to assist those segregated societies to escape the current tyrannical system and to address the inhumane shortcomings that have emerged under a socially constructed, but, in fact, fabricated state of health emergency. Essentially, this is a global call to action, and these proceedings shall become the foundation of social reforms that will help communities to heal, but also hold all the perpetrators of these Crimes against Humanity responsible.
The urgency of the present matter cannot be understated. We all are responsible for re-claiming the citizen’s mandate of governance in our countries, and as a global community of human beings with respect for each other and other cultures, are called to ensure that human rights are preserved NOW and in the future.
The lawyers listed below, with the assistance of many highly respected medical and scientific scholars from around the world and under the auspices of a judge from Portugal, will conduct this Grand Jury Investigation, by which they will provide the People’s Court of Public Opinion with a complete and comprehensive picture of these crimes committed against humanity.
The Peoples ‘Court of Public Opinion works independent of any government and any non-governmental organization. Logistic support is provided by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee (
by Topher Field [updated February 20, 2022 with remastered audio version]
Original video available at TopherField YouTube channel.
Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World’s Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it.
We’ve been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the ‘I stand with Dan’ crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can’t, to try and shame us and shut us down.
And Victoria Police went on an 18 month rampage of repression, unlawful arrests, and widespread intimidation in order to silence us.
So who are we? And given all we were up against, how did we grow from just 70 people in April 2020, to hundreds of thousands in the biggest political events in Australian history in November 2021?
This is our story, told through our eyes.
Battleground Melbourne is our reply to the lies, half truths, slurs, and lazy attacks that we have endured for the last 2 years. This is our story.
The story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and taking extreme risks to stand for what we believe in.
You may not agree with us, you may not even like us, but you can’t claim to know who we are until you’ve watched Battleground Melbourne.
Topher Field is an Australian documentary film maker and libertarian political commentator.
[As a service to protect truth from censorship and to share widely, mirrored copies of this video are available at Truth Comes to Light Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels. All credit, along with our sincere thanks, goes to the original source of this video. Please follow links provided to support their work.]
They rolled up on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill like one of the plagues in the Book of Revelations, honking their infernal air horns, the grills of their tractors grinning demonically, the sides of their dry vans painted with blasphemies like “FREEDOM TO CHOOSE,” “MANDATE FREEDOM,” “NO VACCINE MANDATES,” and “UNITED AGAINST TYRANNY.”
Yes, that’s right, New Normal Canada has been invaded and now is under siege by hordes of transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers, racist homophobes, anti-Semitic Islamaphobes, and other members of the working classes!
And, in light of the exposure of Putin’s plot to produce a “very graphic” false-flag video “involving the deployment of corpses” as a pretext to invade the Ukraine and set off nuclear Armageddon, or at least a raft of economic sanctions and DEFCON 1-level bellicose verbiage, it’s possible that the entire “Covid pandemic” was an elaborate Putin-Nazi ruse designed to bring down the Trudeau government, and sabotage the implementation of the New Normal global-segregation system, and the compulsory mRNA “vaccination” of every man, woman, and child on earth, and “democracy,” and transgender rights … or whatever.
But, seriously, this is where we are at the moment. We are in that dangerous, absurdist end-stage of the collapse of a totalitarian system or movement where chaos reigns and anything can happen. The official Covid narrative is rapidly evaporating. More and more people are taking to the streets to demand an end to whole fascist charade … no, not “transphobic white supremacists” or “anti-vax extremists,” or “Russian-backed Nazis,” but working-class people of all colors and creeds, families, with children, all over the world.
The Covidian Cult has lost control. Even hardcore mask-wearing, social-distancing, triple-vaxxed-double-boosted members are defecting. Formerly fanatical New Normal fascists are mass-deleting their 2020 tweets and switching uniforms as fast as they can. No, it isn’t over yet, but the jig is up, and GloboCap knows it. And their functionaries in government know it.
And therein lies the current danger.
There is a narrow window — a month or two, maybe — for governments to declare “victory over the virus” and roll back their segregation systems, mask-wearing mandates, “vaccine” mandates, and the rest of the so-called “Covid restrictions.” Many governments are already doing so, England, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Ireland, etc. They have seen which way the wind is blowing, and they are rushing to dismantle the New Normal in their countries before … well, you know, before a convoy of angry truckers arrives at their doors.
If they let that happen, they will find themselves in the unenviable position that Trudeau is now in. The Canadian truckers appear to be serious about staying there until their demands are met, which means Trudeau only has two options: (1) give in to the truckers’ demands, or (2) attempt to remove them by force. There’s already talk about bringing in the military. Imagine what an unholy mess that would be. Odds are, the military would disobey his orders, and, if not, the world would be treated to the spectacle of full-blown New Normal Fascism in action.
Either way, Trudeau is history, as long as the truckers stand their ground. I pray they do not give an inch, and I hope the leaders of other New Normal countries, like Australia, Germany, Austria, Italy, and France, are paying close attention.
Some of my readers will probably remember a previous column in which I wrote:
“This isn’t an abstract argument over ‘the science.’ It is a fight … a political, ideological fight. On one side is democracy, on the other is totalitarianism. Pick a fucking side, and live with it.”
This is it. This is that fight. It is not a protest. It is a game of chicken. A high-stakes game of political chicken. In the end, politics comes down to power. The power to force your will on your adversary. GloboCap has been forcing the New Normal on people around the world for the past two years. What we are witnessing in Canada is the power of the people, the power the people have always had, and which we will always have, when we decide to use it … the power to shut down the whole GloboCap show, city after city if necessary.
So get out there and support the Canadian transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers … or your local transphobic Putin-Nazi truckers. Don’t worry if you don’t have a swastika flag. The agents provocateurs and the official propagandists in the corporate media will take care of that!
I have been piecing together this Covid puzzle for over two years, and it’s clear to me that there have been, more or less, two kinds of truth-seekers throughout this pseudopandemic.
There are those who believe the official narrative.
There are those who do not believe the official narrative.
Anybody in the first group is no longer worth my time and resources. There is no possible way that every government coincidentally locked down hundreds of millions of citizens at the same time (give or take a few weeks), complete with masks, social distancing, curfews, and all the other demoralising tools of propaganda (as pointed out by KGB operative Yuri Bezmenov).
It was coordinated.
It was never about a virus.
It was always about ushering in a technocratic global order.
The World Economic Forum refers to as “The Great Reset”, and has been very vocal about it. The United Nations refers to it as “Sustainable Development”. Some governments refer to it as “Build Back Better”.
There are numerous descriptions, but it’s all essentially the same thing.
It’s all technocracy, which is socially engineering society through centralised control of science and technology. China is one such example, and China’s population is around one seventh of the entire world. (No, China is not a communist country. After all, China has more dollar-billionaires than America.)
Technocracy is decades old and was envisioned by powerful individuals like David Rockefeller and groups like the Trilateral Commission. (The United Nations, which has buy-in from most countries, is founded on technocratic ideals.)
To piece together more pieces of the puzzle, German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich joined me on my podcast this week.
He and his team (Corona Committee) have been gathering evidence against the global players behind the Covid pseudopandemic.
In this conversation, Reiner discusses
his background;
this not being a pandemic at all;
PCR fraud;
the importance of the Grand Jury;
why the legal system is captured; and
getting off the control grid and building parallel structures.
Reiner’s previous podcasts with me have been download over 500,000 times, suggesting that people are interested in what he has to say.
If you prefer to listen rather than watch, then search for Jerm Warfare in your podcast app (Apple, Spotify, and so on).
The Fifth Column [La Quinta Columna] recently published their findings and conclusions on the strange self-assembling nanotech they discovered in the Pfizer mRNA vaccines via optical microscopy analysis.
The objects they found in the vaccine correspond with known items in the scientific record.
And the conclusion they come to seems quite clear: That the well documented scientific goal to use nanotechnology in living human beings to form networks capable of controlling several nanomachines is currently being deployed in the CoV-19 vaccines — which amounts to the most intrusive assault against humanity in all of recorded history.
While the media and government lie and cover for Big Pharma, the official ingredients are still unknown.
But we have thousands of brilliant scientists worldwide studying these experimental vaccines. Some have died in highly suspicious ways. But most have been able to share their findings.
And the work shows us that graphene oxide is a key component in all of this.
There have been dozens of official documented studies on the use of graphene oxide related to how we see it being used here today. Among other things, as a power converter.
Graphene, a one-atom thick layer of hexagonally-arranged carbon atoms, is the thinnest and strongest material known to man and an outstanding conductor of heat and electricity.
It can boost gigahertz frequencies into terahertz, which is exactly what these new nanotech machines need for power.
In order to do this, the graphene first needs a frequency to power it. And the optimal frequency to externally power graphene is known to be 26 gigahertz, which is also the frequency put out by 5G.
In this model the graphene within the body is activated by microwave signals in the gigahertz range. Which it then boosts into the terahertz range. Which then powers the novel nanotech machinery to self assemble within the human body.
Once assembled, what do these nanotech machines do?
The images, compared to the scientific literature, suggest that they are the foundation of an internal electronic system with an endless potential for bio-manipulation of the human host.
Nano routers that emit MAC addresses, able to be registered via Bluetooth. Nano in plasma antennas to amplify signals. Nano rectennas acting as a rectifier bridges from AC to DC current. Codex and logic gates for encryption of communication.
The raw materials for all this self-assembly is also graphene oxide. And when we compare known side effects of graphene oxide to the side effects of the CoV-19 vaccines, we find them to be the same.
Once graphene oxide is injected into the body, it acquires magnetic properties — predictably around the injection site, the heart and the brain.
Graphene is seen as a pathogen by our immune system and will often result in paralysis and stroke. Graphene is known to cause blood clots and heart conditions. Graphene oxide can generate small discharges causing cardiac arrhythmia.
There is so much going on with these experimental vaccines and the evidence seems clear that there is a mass experiment going on — with certain batches marked more deadly than others, and with certain batches that contain a bold new technology akin to a manmade parasite intended to control the host human, if it doesn’t kill them first in the process.
Perhaps that is what the mad scientists and psychopaths are after — human genetics that can withstand this new invasive and deadly nanotech.
by Stand Up Canada sourced from Stand Up Canada newsletter
February 2, 2022
What an emotional and proud time it is to be Canadian!
This is the third time in our history that Canadians have been united for a single cause.
The first was in 1980 when the young 18-year-old Terry Fox lost his life running across Canada to raise awareness for cancer.
The second was in 2010 with the running of the Olympic torch from the east coast of Canada all the way to Vancouver BC for the Winter Olympic games.
And now in 2022, smack dab in the middle of our bitter and freezing-cold Canadian winter, we are uniting and fighting for our freedoms.
Approximately 70,000 registered Truckers have descended upon Ottawa, Ontario, our nation’s capital, in protest of all the covid mandates. With around 19,000 Trucks from the US, and many more convoys still underway, they are here to stay until all of the mandates have been removed.
We welcome them with open arms!
First Press Conference – Freedom Convoy 2022
Listen to this 50 minute press conference held in Ottawa on January 30, 2022. Organizers say they have enough funds to stay 2 to 4 years!
A volunteer campaign to support the Truckers run by Warroom Canada, have started up the campaign in partnership with 2022 Freedom Convoy that arrived in Ottawa, the weekend of January 28th.
All Truckers must register to receive the many benefits and much needed support that are available to them. There are amazing volunteers who are dedicated to take care of their needs for as long as they are here!
If you would like to volunteer your time in any capacity – to partake in this historic movement, please reach out to the good folks at the Adopt-a-Trucker Program.
Stand Up Canada Speech at Freedom Convoy 2022 Rally in Ottawa
What an honour and privilege it was to speak at this historic event!
Listen as Paula Tucci gives a brief overview of the proud work that Stand Up Canada has done over the past 20+ months, including a heart-centered tribute to our beautiful and courageous Truckers.
Heart-Warming Canadian Tribute to Freedom Convoy 2022
There are so many amazing tributes being done in the name of the Freedom Convoy 2022. They all capture our hearts and make us feel proud to be Canadian again.
Here is one of our top-picks that addresses our PM’s massively understated label of “fringe minority”. Enjoy!
I must interrupt my lineup of articles in order to cover this breaking development—
From Ultra Submarine Torpedo News: “Justin Trudeau has been contacted by the group, The Maggot Army, which is offering him a position of high rank in its Force.”
“’Mr. Trudeau,’ the invitation reads, ‘Ordinarily, we feed on corpses. However, as we stand back and admire you munching on the Canadian body politic and the population of the country, with your COVID policies, we’re reassessing our role. We see it’s possible to infest and attack the living. You’re a maggot of great stature. Will you consider partnering with us in our universal mission’…?”
AP Super Fact Checkers of North America was quick to respond: “Obviously, this is a sick joke perpetrated by the notoriously unreliable Submarine News organization. Maggots do, in fact, infect the living…”
Mr. Trudeau, who is presently in hiding to avoid the massive trucker convoy threatening to overturn his regime, issued the following statement yesterday, through his agent, Stasi Chief Helmet Born:
“As a child, I was fascinated by maggots. I studied them intensely with my tutor. When I was 16, I believe I made a brief psychic connection with a small group of those fellows in our barn. And now, all these years later, this. We Globalists are maggots of a kind. We clean out the old to make way for the new. The Canada we once knew is going away. It will be trimmed of excess fat and integrated into a worldwide system of governance. Love of country must be devoured. Why should I love Canada? You see, I was born at the top of the heap. I was already separate from the nation. In that situation, one automatically has perspective. Disinterested and detached perspective. My assigned mission is to tear away connections between people, by isolating them from each other. In a weakened state, they’ll be quite ripe for takeover. But this is a humanitarian operation, because in the long run, the Brave New World we’re creating will cherish every person and genetically equip every brain with what we call the satisfaction quotient. The automatic sensation that ‘everything is all right.’ Maggots contribute to that outcome.”
SS-Obersturmführer Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, praised Trudeau’s statement during his weekly podcast, “Achtung”: “For too long, we Globalists have had to endure attacks on our character, honor, and intentions. We, the closeted ones, must come out and declare who and what we are. Mr. Trudeau has just taken an important step in that direction, for our oppressed minority. The old world is not worth saving. Multiple peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated this fact for the past 50 years. The COVID restrictions are based on fictitious lies. Of course they are. Why pretend otherwise? When you want to eat prey, you must capture him first. Shut him down. Limit his movement. Isolate him. Turn him into a fearful blob of protoplasm…”
From his new home in China’s Technocracy City, Former President Barack Obama told reporters, “The Canadian truckers and their dying ilk are the people I once referred to as bitter clingers with their guns and religion. Mindless robots. In 2009, I had to say I was a Christian, in order to get elected. This is the sort of fabrication we Globalists have been forced to assert, in order to survive. My good friend Justin is now coming out swinging, with both fists. He’s a maggot. Say it, Justin. You’re a maggot. Say it and be proud.”
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: The video below was originally recorded in German. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and attorney Viviane Fischer, representing Corona Investigative Committee, make this important announcement. A voice-over English translation has been provided by Corona Investigative Committee. Below the video, we have provided a transcript.
In serious criminal cases in the U.S., a so-called grand jury is presented with the evidence at hand to convince them that this evidence is sufficient to bring public charges against the defendants.
We are adopting this model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe.
The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual.
We have a small announcement to make. We’ve already announced, by drips and drabs, that we will announce something else.
At the end of the coming week we will begin with a grand jury proceeding, which is a procedure which is used in the event of serious crimes in order to present the evidence, the proof available, to a jury of 12 jurors — in order to prove that the offender has committed a crime.
We would deliver this evidence, together with experts that we’ve interviewed previously — other external experts and witness accounts of people who have become victims of vaccination damage.
And then at the end of the procedure, ask people whether this — ask the jurors — if this is enough bring charges.
What is important is that this is something that will have a global reach and that will show that the whole thing that we’ve been suffering for nearly two years now — happening across the globe in the same way.
And that the people who have suffered vaccination damage, and other people who find this a bit strange, can see that this global consolation is not coincidental and that probably other things are behind this.
And we will demonstrate this.
We will demonstrate this and the objective is to use a judicial procedure, well-known judicial procedure — which will show the individual aspects, not as itemized aspects, but as an overall picture — so that at the end we may bring charges.
But that’s not the most important thing. It might even be more important to convince the population, the world population if possible, with the evidence provided, that they don’t only have a right, but even an obligation, to resist.
Because this is a matter of life and death. So it is.
And so this might activate people. There will be a vote at the end of proceedings, to see, to indicate how do you see the whole thing. And that might — people get off the couch, so they take charge rather than leaving it to others.
And this may only be the first step. A first step, that’s where — to shed light on this within a judicial procedure of the old the judicial system even, though we’ve been indicating again and again that we need an entirely different societal direction.
We need a new educational system, a new economic system.
We also need a new judicial system.
And they’re working in the U.S., on the African continent — probably in other places as well — to develop a new judicial system that actually represents the people directly. And that could be step two then.
And, as a consequence of this trial consolation that we’ll have, lawsuits within the old judicial system may result — that will then possibly activate some judges who have been keeping a low profile so far.
So as Viviana said, we will use the actual procedures that are still pending, the lawsuits are still pending in the existing judicial system, the existing courts.
That might be a a new drive, not only to inform people, but also that a new judicial system can actually look at these issues.
And this might lead to execute implementable results.
Yesterday, I disclosed the secret identities of Neil Young and Joni Mitchell: mental midgets.
Today, I continue.
Each of these three new candidates approaches the generalized huge pile of horseshit in the town square from a different angle, and scoops up and flings different segments at the public.
Biden has been wrapped up and sold for some time. He’s captive. He’s a mouthpiece for Build Back Worse, economic destruction, censorship, COVID dictatorship, the dissolution of separate nations, and Cultural “Justice” (which means everybody loses in the end).
The cherry on the cake is, he can’t find his way from the shower to his bedroom in the White House residence. He’s demented. He suffered a very serious brain aneurysm in 1988, and hasn’t been the same since.
Before ’88, he was a snappy fast-talking senator who specialized in foreign policy. He was a guy everybody in government listened to, but studiously ignored. Now he’s in and out of several different worlds, none of them of his own choosing.
Fauci has a trick which appears to make him look smart. He can select (or invent) inaccurate and ambiguous findings from medical studies and issue them as slam-dunk sound bites.
Fauci plays a scientist on television.
This is not hard to do. Any slightly above-average news anchor could fill his shoes. All he’d need is an overriding theme to guide him. “At any given moment, fabricate and announce the worst possible pandemic update.”
Fauci is a useful front man for Pharma, Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum, and the coagulated lung-obstructing mass of Rockefeller Globalists.
Donald Trump, in 2020, turned over the Presidency of the United States to Anthony Fauci. That’s all you really need to know about Trump.
Thereafter, by proxy, he presided over the saturation bombing of the American economy—the economy he’d pledged to rescue and make great again.
He promoted the manifestly insane Warp Speed Plan to develop (the disastrously destructive) COVID vaccines. He knows nothing about vaccines, science, COVID, or any other related subject.
His view is: If a big corporation can make something and sell it in quantity, the product is great, the people who made it are great, and it’s great that they’re great.
He’s still out there on the campaign trail promoting the vaccine. He knows, by the booing from his followers, that many of them hate the vaccine, but this never prompts him to look below the surface and find out why.
He doesn’t look below the surface because he doesn’t want to, and he can’t. He doesn’t have the necessary attention span. He’s unable to coordinate information on his own. He relies on others to talk to him and tell him what’s what. These others tell him the vaccine is effective.
In the late winter of 2020, Fauci and Deborah Birx approached Trump with a computer projection from one of the biggest failures in his field, Neil Ferguson.
Ferguson had his own department at the Imperial College of London. The department was funded by Bill Gates. Ferguson predicted 2 million COVID deaths in the US by the summer of 2020.
Trump never questioned this projection. He never called a serious meeting of economic advisors to flesh out the long-term effects of lockdowns.
He quickly supported a national State of Emergency, signaling that the US was ready to shut down its economic engine and huddle in fear.
Obviously, many others belong on this list. For example, Justin Trudeau, who is presently living in a velvet bunker to avoid the onslaught of the Canadian trucker convoy. If he’d been born into a different family, Justin would be lucky to be pumping gas at a lonely station in the Northern wilderness. His only recognizable talent is as a salesman—but in his case, he sells his country at the drop of a hat.
The basic takeaway here is, we are the Gullivers surrounded by the Lilliputians.
Treat them like the little scuzzballs they are.
And that concludes today’s episode of When Incompetent and/or Hostile Morons Rule Society.
Tune in tomorrow, when I ask the question: Why do “alt. people” reject every piece of the official COVID narrative, except the piece that starts with “the virus exists,” an announcement which emanates from elite labs no truly independent observer is permitted to enter?
Or to put it another way: If you were a moral coward whose professional and personal survival depended on applying your “scientific expertise” to an issue that had only one acceptable response, would you stand up and offer an opposite response, against all odds, or might you become a “trusted expert” who dispenses virological horseshit to “alt. people” who yearn to confirm the existence of the virus?
Guess the correct answer, and your name will be entered in our raffle. The final winner will fly to the North Pole to visit a fascinating cult whose only allowed inter-communication is the chant, VIRU, VIRU, VIRU. Now THESE are some outstanding midgets.
Also, be sure to tune into our other show, modeled after the popular series, Alaskan Bush People. Our offering is The Texas Bush People: War, Baseball, No Discernible Qualifications, George W Tells Everybody to Get Vaccinated. More midget-ness from The Great Family of American Politics.
The border crossing between Coutts, Alberta (CA) and Sweet Grass, Montana (USA) continues to be blocked as truckers allied against COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine passports are united. The Alberta protests are in support of the larger trucker protest taking place in Ottawa.
Canadian authorities in the province of Alberta have tried and failed to get the Canadian truckers to back down from their border blockade. The U.S. truckers are supportive of their Canadian allies, and both groups are united in the effort. The blockade is a protest against US and Canadian governments mandating that truckers must be “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19, which came into effect on January 15.
According to Coutts Mayor Jim Willett, about 100 trucks were blocking Highway 4 on the Canadian side, causing a miles-long backup on Interstate 15 in Montana. About 50-100 trucks have reportedly been stuck on the US side since Saturday.
In an effort to remove the blockade, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) have cut off the supporters who were bringing food and supplies to the truckers. The familiar and typical ‘cut off the supply line‘ maneuver.
BREAKING: After promises from RCMP of allowing food and supplies to the blockage of truckers, the checkpoints still aren't allowing them through. They are making them WALK in the freezing weather into Coutts from Milk River, Alberta.
We all remember where we were when the Berlin Wall came down. While it may have seemed that communist rule would go on forever, when the people decided that they had enough suddenly the wall fell. Just like that.
Thus it is after two years of Covid authoritarianism that in Canada the largest truck convoy in history has smashed through the Berlin Wall of tyranny. I have watched as the Canada I once respected as a haven for antiwar Americans in the 1960s turned into one of the most repressive countries on earth. I wondered how a freedom-loving people could allow themselves to be abused by these mini-Stalins without a peep.
But then Canada stood up and showed the rest of the world that freedom can triumph over tyranny if the people demand it. As I say, no army can stop an idea whose time has come.
Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau had been basking in his ability to terrorize the population in the name of fighting a virus. He was so confident in his seemingly unlimited power that he felt he could ridicule any Canadian with different views. The prime minister said in a recent interview that unvaccinated Canadians were “extremists,” “misogynists,” and “racists.”
When the Canadian truckers stood up to his tyranny and began their historic convoy to Ottawa, he thought he could continue ridiculing people. The truckers and their supporters were just a “small fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views,” he confidently claimed. For Trudeau, love of liberty is just an “unacceptable view.”
Less than a week later, as tens of thousands of trucks began entering the capital with millions of supporters behind them, the “brave” Canadian prime minister had fled the city and shuffled off to an undisclosed location.
As Elon Musk Tweeted, “It would appear that the so-called ‘fringe minority’ is actually the government.”
The Canadian mainstream media is obviously just as obedient to the regime as ours. They ignored the Freedom Convoy for as long as possible. There was almost no reporting. Then, when it became impossible to ignore, they began to attack and ridicule instead of trying to report it accurately. It was disgusting and almost comical to see a “reporter” from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation suggest that the Canadian Freedom Convoy was cooked up by Putin and the Russians!
Thousands of trucks have arrived in Ottawa. They demand an end to covid tyranny. They are backed by millions of citizens, who braved the Canadian winter at night to cheer the truckers on.
This protest is so important because it’s not limited to Canada. The truckers are being supported worldwide, and a similar convoy is being planned from California to Washington, DC. In a US where grocery store shelves are increasingly bare, the truckers have more leverage than the powers-that-be would like to admit.
If I were prime minister of totalitarian Australia or New Zealand – or most anywhere in Europe – I would be getting pretty nervous right now. Just as the Covid tyranny descended across the globe in a seemingly coordinated fashion, now that the Berlin Wall of the tyrants has been breached, it’s just a matter of time before the shockwaves are felt far and wide.
We owe a debt of gratitude to the Canadian truck drivers. Let’s all do whatever we can to help the freedom movement continue to gather steam!
Remember the end of The Return of the Jedi? It’s something I’ve referenced a few times because it’s a handy cultural signifier for a certain idea.
For those who don’t know, here’s the gist: Darth Vader is dead. The Empire has fallen. The Rebels have won! Time to party! Cut to a montage of the Ewoks dancing around Darth Vader’s funeral pyre and joyous festivities being held across the galaxy.
. . . But we viewers know that this isn’t really the end of the story. The battle has been won, but the war between good and evil has not been decided forever. It would be far too naïve of us to believe that.
Indeed, it’s hard not to be reminded of that Darth Vader funeral party when looking at the recent signs that the scamdemic narrative is falling apart:
England is dropping its mask requirements and “health pass” mandates;
If you’re looking for it, the good news is everywhere right now. So, time for the Ewok dance party, right?
Well, hold on to your light saber, young paduwan. This battle is not over yet. You see, the would-be societal controllers have not given up the fight yet, and some of the rollback of the scamdemic restrictions that is happening right now could be part of a deception that is in fact furthering their agenda of control.
Different people have different names for this deception. Dave Cullen of Computing Forever calls it “Two Steps Forward and One Step Back.” Over at Revelations Radio News, Tim and Andrew have attempted to warn their listeners about “The Strategic Rug Pull.” Whatever you call it, the concept isn’t difficult to grasp if you know how the Powers That Shouldn’t Be operate.
In a nutshell, the danger is that if the “authorities” begin to relax the draconian controls that have been put in place in the name of the COVID-1984 scamdemic, the population might believe that they have won. That it’s over. That they can stop worrying about the descent into tyranny. Meanwhile, the real work of hardwiring the infrastructure of the biosecurity state can continue on behind the scenes, unhindered by opposition from erstwhile freedom activists.
I went over a case study of this very phenomenon in the most recent edition of New World Next Week. As Americans will know by now, there is reason to celebrate: the Supreme Court has shot down the illegal and unconstitutional mandate requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to force their employees to get vaxxed (or to submit to weekly testing). And, in another seemingly positive follow-up, The US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has withdrawn the “emergency temporary standard” (ETS) codifying that mandate.
Yay! Time for the Ewok dance party!
. . . Until you read the fine print, that is. You’d have to persist past the headline and the opening blather of the MSM coverage of the story to discover that this is not the end of the war. As I pointed out on New World Next Week, the OSHA press release on the ETS withdrawal explicitly concedes that although they are withdrawing the temporary standard, they are only doing so in order to prepare a permanent rule:
“Although OSHA is withdrawing the vaccination and testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard, the agency is not withdrawing the ETS as a proposed rule. The agency is prioritizing its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.”
What? They are finalizing a permanent “Healthcare Standard” for COVID-19? What does that mean? What does that entail?
Too bad for you if you want more info on that. You certainly won’t find an answer to those questions in the press release itself.
If you do persist in digging through the OSHA website, you will find a statement from U.S. Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh on the Supreme Court ruling earlier this month. In the statement, Walsh confirms that he is “disappointed in the court’s decision” and reaffirms that “OSHA stands by the Vaccination and Testing Emergency Temporary Standard as the best way to protect the nation’s workforce from a deadly MacGuffin that is infecting more than 750,000 Americans each day and has taken the lives of nearly a million Americans.” (OK, I changed one word in that quotation. I’ll let you follow the link to find out which one.) The statement ends with the threat that “OSHA will do everything in its existing authority to hold businesses accountable for protecting workers.”
If you want the really ominous news, though, you’ll have to leave the OSHA website entirely and head on over to The National Law Review, which informs its readers about the ETS withdrawal before adding some highly relevant information:
“In the same announcement, OSHA clarified that the text of the ETS will remain in place to solicit additional comments from the general public so that, according to OSHA, the agency can ‘prioritiz[e] its resources to focus on finalizing a permanent COVID-19 Healthcare Standard.’ If OSHA follows this path, the final rule will be published no later than May 5, 2022.” [Emphasis mine.]
Yes, folks, the “withdrawal” of this ETS turns out to be a charade after all. The text will “remain in place” while they “solicit additional comments from the general public” so that they can finalize the rule and enact it in May.
Yay? Nay. Cancel the dance party.
This is the quintessential demonstration of the One Step Forward Two Steps Back Rug Pull.
Sadly, it doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to see how this exact type of distraction operation can be used in any number of situations to lull the public into letting their guard down on a key agenda item.
For the hard of thinking, let me be clear what I am saying here: successes, however minor and fleeting, are still good things. They should be celebrated and encouraged . . . but not at the expense of our eternal vigilance against the forces of control.
The freedom convoy in Canada is a good thing. Can it be corrupted and co-opted? Of course. Can agents provocateurs go in and provoke acts of violence or destruction in the name of freedom lovers? Of course. Will the entire spectacle cement in the minds of some that our fundamental freedoms are the government’s to give or to take away and that our only option is to ask them for our rights back? Of course.
But absolutely any movement or protest or idea in the world can be spun to portray freedom-lovers as violent, dangerous or silly people by those who control the mass media. The point is that we know people who are supporting the convoy for the right reasons. We know that there is a tidal shift in public opinion happening in Canada right now and the political puppets are working so hard to demonize it (or run away from it) precisely because it can represent a “storming of the Bastille” moment for a genuine freedom movement. And we can bypass the mass media control and directly influence the public’s understanding of these events for ourselves.
Even the fact that OSHA is having to use a strategic withdrawal tactic demonstrates that they know they don’t have the support of the public on this issue. They have to resort to subterfuge and underhanded tactics because if what they were doing were widely known the public would not stand for it.
So yes, these are steps in the right direction and we should encourage freedom fighters and activists in their efforts. . . .
. . . But let’s hold off on that dance party for now. There’s still a lot of work to be done.
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Every good fisherman knows that reeling in a big fish takes skill and conscious intention. One of the first things they learn is that you can’t just crank in the big guy with one effortless winding up of the line.
It takes finesse, a dance of sorts. While always keeping a steady line, you bring them in slowly, with the primary focus on wearing them out, almost hypnotizing them into compliance.
A popular fishing website HUK says this about the process:
Remember that too much tension can snap the line and when large fish decide to make a run for it, the worst thing you can do is try to keep them in place. By fighting their runs, all you are doing is increasing the chances that your line will break and your prize will get away. Instead, set the drag so the fish can take out line while still tiring itself. This will wear down the fish; eventually their runs will get shorter, less violent, and less frequent.”
Hmmm. Sounds a bit too close for comfort, eh?
I am afraid I am not all that excited about the current hoopla regarding our apparent victory over the mainstream narrative. I simply don’t believe it entirely.
We’ve made a run, so to speak, maybe have gotten too rowdy, too powerful, and we are being given a bit of slack so we don’t break the line.
This run is not being executed only by the folks on our side of the fence, but by the sheep as well. We are ALL tired, we are all ready to get out of this mess and call it a day.
It seems like a sensible tactic on their part—to let out a little line, but still keeping us hooked and apparently still in their control.
All this euphoria about us finally winning the battle and that the narrative is finally crumbling indicates to me that we may be getting lost in the weeds of apparent success and the hook and line is still, in reality, firmly embedded in our flesh, only to suddenly reel us in again, after a dizzying and disorienting taste of freedom. I don’t like it.
Most everyone is familiar with the 1950’s Harvard experiment conducted by a rather soulless Curt Richter. Rats were placed in a tank where they had to frantically tread water to survive. Typically they lasted only 15 minutes or so before giving up, sinking, and subsequently drowning.
A second set of experiments showed that if the rats were saved right before their demise, dried off and given a little respite, and then again returned to the tank of water, they could tread, and stay alive, for up to 60 hours.
They called this the “hope experiment,” which is relevant to the current happenings.
To maintain the narrative, people must maintain some sort of hope. When we are about to throw in the towel we are given a little slack in the line, and when the pressure hits again—with a new variant, a new virus, or, in a radical right turn, a nuclear war threat — we can sustain our loyalty, and ultimate compliance, believing we will not drown but will be saved at the last minute by our surrogate parents and archetypal “protectors.”
These tactics work in different ways with the masses on opposing sides of the fence. The sheep need the slack when they are about to throw in the towel of compliance. The rest of us are not about to throw in the towel, but are about to gain greater potential of harm to the narrative—they respond to both situations with the same tactic, but with different results depending on where you sit in this whole mess.
This “hope experiment” reminds me of BF Skinner’s work (also a psychology research scientist of Harvard fame — many also believed Skinner has very little soul). His work with pigeons pressing levers to get food led him to conclude that a type of “uncertainty principle” affected animals, and thus people. If the food was dispensed at variable intervals, the pigeons went nuts, pecking the lever incessantly.
There was no rhyme or reason when the reward would come, therefore the pecking never stopped.
You can see how this psychology is relevant here (and yes, as much as I hate to admit this, behavioral science is indeed real, it doesn’t give answers to all questions, but humans, at times, do indeed behave like rats and pigeons).
If something is given, taken away, given again, taken away again, at what seems to be for irrational and unpredictable reasons, you create craziness: variable intervals of tension and release. Good way to mess around with people’s heads.
It seems what we are seeing now with the seeming turning of the mainstream narrative is too calculated, too fast, too easy, and simply not as deep as it needs to be to declare victory.
Where are the arrests and prosecutions of government officials or Big Pharma officials? Where is the accountability of the thousands who have been injured by the vaccines? Where is the admission that this all was a horrible attempt to create a New World Order? — A Great Reset?
The allies in World War II had to literally LEVEL Germany before those bastards gave up. I don’t think this “victory” is going to be this easy.
James Corbett, of “The Corbett Report” put it succinctly recently on his program “New World Next Week”. Corbett said:
This isn’t the kill shot, literally or metaphorically, this is the first salvo in a years long, decades long, process of re-engineering the governing principle of society into the biosecurity state, and this is just about re-laying the infrastructure.”
Corbett goes on to say there is likely much more to come, another virus even more deadly and scary, for example, and that everything is now all geared up and ready for the next horrifying event.
So maybe Covid IS finished. It has possibly been tapped out. Maybe it didn’t make the full mark that was expected, maybe it wasn’t deadly enough, or maybe the variants didn’t propel the boosters forward as expected. Maybe the vaccine wasn’t intended to be such a dud.
Or, maybe it all worked out exactly as planned.
Regardless, they did make a rather substantial move. At the very least they have been successful in normalizing nearly every major goal they had set.
The goals such as digital passports, social credit scoring, digital currency, and blind, stupefying, sheep-like compliance, to name just a few, maybe are not as deeply ensconced in the day to day operation of society as they had expected, but these concepts certainly are normalized now as active probabilities in the minds of the masses (and some of them, such as “blind stupefying sheep-like compliance”, are well established).
It will take much less future effort to drop them into place, fully functioning.
Hannah Arendt, one of the past century’s most incredible heroes of truth, said in her seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism:
A mixture of gullibility and cynicism had been an outstanding characteristic of mob mentality before it became an everyday phenomenon of masses. In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.
The mixture in itself was remarkable enough, because it spelled the end of the illusion that gullibility was a weakness of unsuspecting primitive souls and cynicism the vice of superior and refined minds. Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.
The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.
Although I do not believe that the masses see everything as a lie, I do believe if it were proven to be a lie, it would have nearly no impact. I have not heard yet from the sheep side any sort of eating of humble pie.
All this that is happening is seen as “business as usual” from the sheep…maybe some things have come to light that were just not known before (according to them), but they see this as a victory of their own — they have beat Covid by wearing masks, locking down, vilifying the nasty unvaccinated.
The “I told you sos” from our side of the fence are falling on deaf years. “The crazies on the Right have beaten up the hero-god Fauci, but he is still the hero-god to most.”
As Arendt so deftly points out, the sheep continue to “admire their leaders for their superior tactical cleverness” as a result of any “backing down and changing the narrative” as we believe Fauci has exhibited in our own interpretation.
Yes, some have “flipped” so to speak. Maybe many have. But this is where the fishing analogy comes to light.
The powers that be see the sheep taking a run, albeit maybe a small one, but a run nonetheless, they are hearing the masses grumbling about the efficacy of the vaccines, the pointlessness of taking the booster — the weariness of lockdowns, masks, and social restrictions.
They say, “maybe it is time to give them a little slack…to let them have a bit of a rest…before we reel them in for the final scoop into the net, the flop into the bucket… and the trip to the taxidermist”. So some of them started to flip (run) and the narrative shifts to give them slack.
All that being said, I don’t think much has changed in sheep-ville.
Certainly, most normies have never bought into what is to be found in the depths of the rabbit hole that imply a greater horror above the levels of government, viruses, and vaccines (as James Corbett points out). Few see a problem with digital currency, loss of constitutional freedoms, social credit, vaccine passports or the like.
The agenda in this overarching echelon of control can, as it stands now, continue unfettered, Covid or no Covid.
From this perspective, we’ve really won nothing at all. Can we call anything a victory as long as Fauci and his NIAID, NIH, HHS, FDA and CDC compatriots and minions remain standing?
As long as the smear campaign to eliminate effective and inexpensive treatments continues? As long as vaccines are mandated or even just recommended without informed consent?
Can we declare any sort of victory as long as people continue to suffer from vaccine injury and are not even accounted for?
Can we really believe the narrative is crumbling when the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against constitution and humanity are not brought to justice?
Can we sleep easy under the false euphoria of victory as long as tens of thousands of medical doctors and researchers and scientists go on being persecuted through the loss of careers and reputation and free speech?
I could go on and on.
No, we are not even beginning to see this narrative “crumble” until quite a bit more evidence is brought to light that this just isn’t another tactic in this ongoing agenda.
But…maybe I am wrong. Maybe it just takes a little time to kill all of the hydra’s heads. Just killing one won’t do it, they will just grow back, but maybe we have just killed one or two heads and it will take time to go all the way through them, killing them all.
Maybe the Trucker’s Convoy, the Boris Johnson announcements in the UK, the US Supreme Court ruling are indeed signs of the agenda crumbling, a few of the many hydra heads being lopped off by the swords of justice and sane thinking.
I don’t want to give up hope, but I do think at the very least we must continue to be wary, with swords continually drawn and always at the ready.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.
Event organizers for Freedom Convoy 2022 join us to share details of the planned events for the truckers’ arrival in Ottawa and speeches in Parliament Hill from Saturday to Monday.
With the world watching Canadian truckers lead the charge in removing all Covid and vaccine mandates, volunteers Chris, Bethan Nodwell, RN, and Daniel Bulford, ex-RCMP, each discuss their pivotal roles in organizing the next phase at the end of the road for the convoy and how people can support truckers through volunteering and donations for food, accommodations, housing…
Canadians’ emotions and hopes for a restoration of freedoms have never been higher in the last 2 years and the upcoming events will be sure to continue capturing the hearts and attention of freedom-loving citizens around the world.
Saturday, January 29 (Parliament Hill 10 am to 4 pm ET) – truckers arrive in Ottawa in the morning with speeches to follow starting around noon
Sunday, January 30 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from medical and scientific experts and influencers
Monday, January 31 (Parliament Hill noon to 4 pm ET) – speeches from politician
Update (1500ET): While in a normal world this would be beyond satire and ridicule, it is perhaps of no surprise whatsoever that the blame for instigation of the “Freedom Convoy” is already being placed on so-called ‘Russian actors’…
“…given Canada’s support of Ukraine… I don’t know it it’s far-fetched to ask but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things as this protest grows… perhaps even instigating it…”
A lot of strange coverage by the media on this thing but this one wins the
As Brian Lilley writes at The Toronto Sun, “the media in this country is not acting as a neutral observer and conduit for news on this matter, most have decided the trucker convoy is the enemy and are treating it as such. Watch any of the news networks or, more importantly, read the Twitter accounts of supposedly objective journalists, or listen to the contempt in their voices as they ask questions to see that they have clearly taken sides.”
“Apparently, the journalists on Parliament Hill these days think their job is to hold the opposition and not the government to account. It also appears their job to support some protest movements and attack others based on the personal preferences of the journalists.”
The propaganda seems to have reached some, but not others…
In other news, while Trudeau hides in isolation, the Premier of Saskatchewan, a Canadian province that borders the US, calls for an end of the cross-border ban on unvaccinated truckers.
Today, trucker rallies are being held at many locations across the country, including on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and in various communities in Saskatchewan.
The world’s largest truck convoy rolled into Canada’s capital, Ottawa, late Friday night and continues today to stage a protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cross-border vaccine mandates (or as some call it: medical tyranny).
The so-called “Freedom Convoy” – coming from all corners of Canada and even the US, has been traveling all week and is leading the charge in a massive demonstration against government overreach. Truckers from around the world are uniting and staging protests of their own.
As Enrico Trigoso reports at The Epoch Times, Brian Von D, the administrator at “Convoy to DC 2022” announced that they will “join forces” to ride from California to Washington, adding that “America is next.”
“As [the Canadian convoy] moved from the west to the east, [the American truckers] have been filtering into this convoy, and it is absolutely massive. It is known worldwide, it is the largest thus far,” he said in a live video on Facebook.
He added that dates and planned routes would be released soon on a website and various social media platforms, and a GoFundMe page would only be released on their CONVOY TO DC 2022 Facebook page.
“We’re done with the mandates, were done with the government telling us what to do, we will continue and we will follow just like the rest of the world on these trucker protests, and they will be 100 percent legal, they will abide by the law.”
The Parliamentary Protective Service expects as many as 10,000 protesters this weekend in Ottawa, but that figure could be significantly higher. A day ago, we noted 50,000 trucks in a 70km (43.5 miles) long convoy are headed to the capital.
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau called the convoy a “small fringe minority” of those who “do not represent the views of Canadians.” Judging by the pictures and videos so far, Trudeau is a liar, and a revolt is underway in the country. Corporate media and government have spent the better part of the week downplaying the convoy ( because they are scared).
On Friday, Trudeau told the Canadian Press that he was worried about the protest turning violent. Organizers of the event have told truckers and anyone else participating in the demonstration to remain peaceful.
CBC said Trudeau and his family left downtown Ottawa on Saturday morning (due to close contact with someone infected with COVID – although he tested negative and triple-jabbed) as the trucker convoy descended on the area. The local news said he left town due to security concerns.
The convoy is expected to bring parts of the metro area to a standstill and block roads in front of parliament until lawmakers repeal a vaccine mandate for truckers hauling freight across the border.
Despite Trudeau calling the protest “small,” Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly said they planned a “massive” demonstration on Friday.
Citizens pack Parliament Hill to greet the 50,000-strong truck convoy as they begin to arrive for this weekend’s protests against vaccine mandates and COVID tyranny in Ottawa,
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: International Criminal Proceeding Resembling a Grand Jury Investigation — as a Procedural Foundation for Future Indictments — to Begin Early February 2022
[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: February 5, 2022 update — The interview below took place at the end of January 2022. See Day 1 of the Grand Jury proceedings that took place today. You can follow the work of the Corona Investigative Committee, including Grand Jury proceedings at Odysee.]
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note:
The following transcript is a brief excerpt from the video (found below the transcript) wherein Reiner Fuellmich explains the nature and purpose of upcoming international criminal proceedings which are being organized by the Corona Investigative Committee.
“We’re gonna start an international criminal proceeding — which is a model proceeding — very soon, probably at the end of next week.
There’s going to be three days of discussions with the experts.
And this proceeding, of course, is not going to be filed in one of the existing courts of law, of the old system.
But we’re using an institution, a procedural institution, which is the American grand jury investigation, as a procedural foundation for what we’re doing.
We have real lawyers, a real judge, real experts and real witnesses with whom we will tell the story. And that is the main objective.
We want to get indictments against those figureheads who we think we should go after.
That’s Drosten. He invented the PCR test, claiming that his version of the PCR test can tell us something about infections. Full well, knowing that he’s lying.
Two, Mr. Fauci in the United States. He’s the one who pushed the corona issue there.
And three, Tedros, whose WHO recommended these lies to the entire world. Two lies basically — asymptomatic infections, which don’t exist, and the PCR test can tell us about infections.
Then Bill Gates, as one of the figureheads who are making money out of this.
And probably Pfizer and Black Rock.
Pfizer as a representative of the pharmaceutical industry. They’re making a lot of money right now. And Blackrock as the financial institution for which much of the money is being funnelled into our systems to gain control, through the global corporations, over all of us.
But this particular proceeding is only designed to get indictments.
Its second biggest purpose is to give people… through a real legal proceeding, a full picture of what’s really going on — on all three levels.
There’s one level which deals with the question ‘Is are really a pandemic?’. Well, there is a pandemic, but it’s not a corona pandemic, it’s a PCR test pandemic.
And as soon as you reach this conclusion, the question is ‘Well, if it’s not about health, what is it about?”.
Two things that they want to divert our attention from. One is the criminal activities that they, the other side, has been conducting through the financial industry — which is really a misnomer because this is not an industry. They don’t produce anything. They they destroy everything. So a better word is probably financial mafia because they’ve been looting and plundering our public coffers for the last three, four decades, maybe longer.
And it was about to implode, this whole system was about to implode, during the swine flu. And, no, that is not a coincidence. It was then that it was very, very obvious to all of us that the so-called financial industry had been stealing money from us.
The major platform on which they discuss this is, of course, the Davos clique’s World Economic Forum in Davos [Switzerland]. It was very, very obvious at the time that they have really been stealing our money.
We now understand, of course, that our politicians are not our politicians anymore, but they’re their puppets. Many of them have gone through their own politician production facility which is the Young Global Leaders program.
The real goal of this pandemic is to be able to shut down, destroy, our economies for the benefit of American platforms — like Uber, as far as the taxi business is concerned, Amazon, for all retail business. And we don’t quite know what to make of the role of the Chinese and this. What we do know is that they are part of a group of people who are dividing the spoils amongst themselves — because they’re trying to take over our car industry, probably the US car industry as well.
So this is quite a complicated picture but not too complicated. And we believe that through this proceeding, we can make this visible to everyone.
And once people understand this — and this is the ultimate goal of this — they will understand that it’s they who have to get up and fight.
They not only have a right to resist but they have a duty to resist. Because this is about life and death.“
The head of the Corona Committee, Dr. Reiner Füllmich, announced that the Grand Jury Trial will take place in early February, during which evidence against the four architects of the pandemic will be presented to a panel, structured like a court of law, based on natural law. The end result of a grand jury proceeding is a decision whether or not to indict. In this case the general public will be the jury. The result of this process will be a better informed public that knows about the big picture and thereby understands why indictments must occur. Dr Füllmich believes the narrative have now shifted, and that he, with the help of the people with good intentions all over the world, now is ready to send the perpetrators of the pandemic ”straight to hell”.
At 2:01:20 in to the following link, you can watch the press conference in Brussels 2022-01-23 featured in the interview with lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer Vivianne Fischer and WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger:
Prosecution notification of the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld. Eighteenth of January 2022 (In Swedish):
Prosecution notification of the SWEDISH DRUG AUTHORITY to the Uppsala Prosecutor by assistant professor, physician and doctor Björn Hammarskjöld ADJUSTMENT. Twentieth of January 2022 (In Swedish):
According to professor Hammarskjöld the Swedish government has spent 2.6 Billon € on testing for rtRT-PCR tests up until week 2 of 2022. Hammarskjöld citizises the decision since there has not been a single life saved by the money spent doing all these tests.
Just during weeks 1 and 2 of 2022, there has been almost one million tests done costing 110 Millon € (In Swedish):
0:50 Summary of the last interview ”Reiner Füllmich and 50 lawyers: The vaccines are designed to kill and depopulate the planet”.
02:15 Press conference in Brussels with Astrid Struckelberger, Reiner Füllmich and Vivianne Fischer who were participating in the large rallies taking place. When Füllmich was about to hold his speech at the rallies, the police dispersed the crowd.
04:30 Indictments will happen against the people accused of causing the world wide problem with the pandemic; Drosten, for promoting his version of the SARS-CoV-2 PCR test kit claiming these tests can say something about infectious diseases. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID for pushing the false narrative in the USA, Tedros Adhanom for spreading inaccurate and unscientific recommendations through the WHO such as asymptomatic infections and the PCR-tests for diagnosis. Bill Gates as a figurehead for profit in this agenda. Pfizer as a representative for the pharmaceutical industry and Blackrock as a global financial company.
06:15 Why is the pandemic happening? Füllmich views this as a distraction from criminal activity the same way the mafia works. He takes as an example how the financial crisis in 2008 stole assets from the people without the politicians doing anything about it.
08:35 The real goal number 2, according to Füllmich, is to shut down our economy, in favor of companies such as Über and Amazon, by destroying the retail system. The struggle is about life and death. The public institutions are waking up to the corruption and starting prosecutions against the perpetrators in the USA.
10:35 ”No mercy to those b*stards”. ”The people who are pulling the strings are truly evil”.
12:23 The grand jury investigation will go on for four weeks. How to get people to understand the new system of justice that will be used to handle the case against the suspects? Natural law, which Füllmich means leads directly to human rights, will be used. He believes the world is in a state of war and thus, the natural law which can be used in war are applicable in handling the pandemic crimes. Why following bad orders is not an excuse and may lead to jail.
15:10 A tour in the United States will start in March and will go on until May in order to inform the American people about the truth regarding the pandemic. Famous persons within this field will participate.
16:27 What date will the grand jury begin? Füllmich would say that his assumption made in the interview published on the tenth of January saying ”the narrative will shift within two to three weeks” was accurate. Boris Johnson in the UK was getting massive criticism for ‘partying’ and not following his own restrictions.
19:45 Professor Björn Hammarskjöld has filed a complaint to the Medical Board of Sweden (Läkemedelsverket) due to components in the vials not listed in the medical description. Professor Hammarskjöld has himself witnessed two persons becoming magnetic in the area of injection of the so called corona vaccines.
21:40 Norwegian doctors i Oslo discovered material in the vaccines which is not supposed to be given to humans and is not legal according to citizen journalist Ulf Bittner.
23:04 Pfizer did not include the information on these so called vaccine chemicals in the documents submitted to the EMA – Why not? Almost all the studies on the vaccines are totally false, according to Füllmich. This, he believes was done in order to mislead the people.
25:35 LOT-numbers and lethality
26:39 WHO whistleblower Astrid Struckelberger comments on the African tactics of experimentation. WHO created the cases needed to declare a pandemic. Bill Gates who is funding the WHO, involved Drosten to construct the foundation to declare a global pandemic on false premises by PCR- results.
28:48 How close are you to getting the full picture of what is going on? The experts giving their testimonies to the Corona Committee include; former vice- president of Pfizer Dr Mike Yeadon, Nobel prize winner Professor Luc Montagnier, former investment banker and Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Cathrine Austin Fitts, and developer of mRNA technology Dr Robert Malone. Füllmich believes the full picture of what is happening is almost complete. Legal proceedings are being done so that people will understand and then find the will to to take their freedom back.
31:50 The people participating in the trials are also filing cases in their own courts of law. Füllmich hopes people who believe the narrative of the pandemic is false will follow their example.
33:25 How likely is it that anyone will enforce the punishment to the people prosecuted if they are convicted – when taking in to consideration that the trial is happening outside the normal judicial system? Füllmich explains there will be no sentences and the process is being done as an investigation which will lead to indictments. The judiciaries in Europe are too corrupt to be used for this purpose.
37:15 Professor Hammarskjöld sums up the costs of the performed PCR-tests in Sweden. According to Hammarskjöld, nearly one million PCR-tests have been done during the first two weeks of 2022 in Sweden at a cost of 110 euro per test. The total amount of money spent on the Swedish PCR-tests he reports are now 2,6 billion Euros. This can be compared to the annual costs of the ICU care units, which is only 3 billion Euros. Ten people are dying per day with covid in Sweden.
39:31 There are two camps in the Corona Committee regarding the existence of the virus. One claims there has been a scientific, correctly performed isolation of the virus, while the other claims the opposite. This is however not something that Dr Füllmich views as a question which has importance to the case or has relevance to the trials. He believes the entire system needs to be rebuilt from scratch, and this includes the field of science and research.
The 50,000 strong truck drivers heading to Ottawa, Canada’s capital, expected to arrive as early as Saturday, may break a world record for the longest convoy. Called the “Freedom Convoy,” the truck drivers oppose the federal government’s vaccine mandates for cross-border activity and have inspired others worldwide.
Truck drivers from Canada to the US to Australia to Europe are banding together in protests worldwide against their respective governments’ overreach of public health, especially forced vaccine mandates.
Freedom convoys from America are expected to join tens of thousands of truckers in Ottowa on Saturday to get the government to repeal cross-border COVID vaccine passports.
A Facebook group in Australia called “2022 Official Convoy to Canberra” has more than 66k members and is preparing a convoy to arrive in the capital by Jan. 31 to protest vaccine mandates.
Multiple convoys across Europe are being organized at this very moment that will converge on Brussels at an unspecified date. A Telegram group with more than 14,500 members assembles convoys across the continent to meet in the capital.
Europe Convoy is for no vaxx passports, health freedom, no medical apartheid, and for a whole host of European officials to resign.
It’s clear and straightforward, and as the famous podcaster Joe Rogan recently put it, “Canada is in Revolt.”
Even the richest man in the world, Elon Musk, chimed in yesterday and said he supports the Canadian truckers to his 71.8 million followers.
The tide could be turning as truckers are the beating heart of any economy, and a revolt among these groups of people can send economies of the world tumbling back into recession.
Maybe governments will wake up to the power truckers have as the movement spreads like wildfire across the globe could be what is needed to regain some medical freedom and at least put an end to forced vaccinations.
Arguably one of the most powerful days in medical freedom history took place at the “Defeat the Mandates” Rally in Washington, D.C., as 40,000 Americans peacefully stood together in front of the Lincoln Memorial in protest of vaccine mandates.
“All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwald, the Auschwitzes—all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers.” — Rod Serling, Deaths-Head Revisited
In the politically charged, polarizing tug-of-war that is the debate over COVID-19, we find ourselves buffeted by fear over a viral pandemic that continues to wreak havoc with lives and the economy, threats of vaccine mandates and financial penalties for noncompliance, and discord over how to legislate the public good without sacrificing individual liberty.
The discord is getting more discordant by the day.
In other words, lock up the unvaccinated and use the military to determine who gets to be “free.”
These tactics have been used before.
This is why significant numbers of people are worried: because this is the slippery slope that starts with well-meaning intentions for the greater good and ends with tyrannical abuses no one should tolerate.
For a glimpse at what the future might look like if such a policy were to be enforced, look beyond America’s borders.
For those unfortunate enough to contract COVID-19, China has constructed “quarantine camps” throughout the country: massive complexes boasting thousands of small, metal boxes containing little more than a bed and a toilet. Detainees—including children, pregnant women and the elderly— were reportedly ordered to leave their homes in the middle of the night, transported to the quarantine camps in buses and held in isolation.
If this last scenario sounds chillingly familiar, it should.
While the majority of those imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camps, forced labor camps, incarceration sites and ghettos were Jews, there were also Polish nationals, gypsies, Russians, political dissidents, resistance fighters, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and homosexuals.
Culturally, we have become so fixated on the mass murders of Jewish prisoners by the Nazis that we overlook the fact that the purpose of these concentration camps were initially intended to “incarcerate and intimidate the leaders of political, social, and cultural movements that the Nazis perceived to be a threat to the survival of the regime.”
How do you get from there to here, from Auschwitz concentration camps to COVID quarantine centers?
Connect the dots.
You don’t have to be unvaccinated or a conspiracy theorist or even anti-government to be worried about what lies ahead. You just have to recognize the truth in the warning: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This is not about COVID-19. Nor is it about politics, populist movements, or any particular country.
This is about what happens when good, generally decent people—distracted by manufactured crises, polarizing politics, and fighting that divides the populace into warring “us vs. them” camps—fail to take note of the looming danger that threatens to wipe freedom from the map and place us all in chains.
It’s about what happens when any government is empowered to adopt a comply-or-suffer-the-consequences mindset that is enforced through mandates, lockdowns, penalties, detention centers, martial law, and a disregard for the rights of the individual.
The slippery slope begins in just this way, with propaganda campaigns about the public good being more important than individual liberty, and it ends with lockdowns and concentration camps.
The danger signs are everywhere.
Claudio Ronco, a 66-year-old Orthodox Jew and a specialist in 18th-century music, recognizes the signs. Because of his decision to remain unvaccinated, Ronco is trapped inside his house, unable to move about in public without a digital vaccination card. He can no longer board a plane, check into a hotel, eat at a restaurant or get a coffee at a bar. He has been ostracized by friends, shut out of public life, and will soon face monthly fines for insisting on his right to bodily integrity and individual freedom.
For all intents and purposes, Ronco has become an undesirable in the eyes of the government, forced into isolation so he doesn’t risk contaminating the rest of the populace.
This is the slippery slope: a government empowered to restrict movements, limit individual liberty, and isolate “undesirables” to prevent the spread of a disease is a government that has the power to lockdown a country, label whole segments of the population a danger to national security, and force those undesirables—a.k.a. extremists, dissidents, troublemakers, etc.—into isolation so they don’t contaminate the rest of the populace.
The world has been down this road before, too.
Others have ignored the warning signs. We cannot afford to do so.
As historian Milton Mayer recounts in his seminal book on Hitler’s rise to power, They Thought They Were Free:
“Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about—we were decent people‑—and kept us so busy with continuous changes and ‘crises’ and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the ‘national enemies’, without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us.”
The German people chose to ignore the truth and believe the lie.
They were not oblivious to the horrors taking place around them. As historian Robert Gellately points out, “[A]nyone in Nazi Germany who wanted to find out about the Gestapo, the concentration camps, and the campaigns of discrimination and persecutions need only read the newspapers.”
The warning signs were there, blinking incessantly like large neon signs.
“Still,” Gellately writes, “the vast majority voted in favor of Nazism, and in spite of what they could read in the press and hear by word of mouth about the secret police, the concentration camps, official anti-Semitism, and so on. . . . [T]here is no getting away from the fact that at that moment, ‘the vast majority of the German people backed him.’”
Half a century later, the wife of a prominent German historian, neither of whom were members of the Nazi party, opined: “[O]n the whole, everyone felt well. . . . And there were certainly eighty percent who lived productively and positively throughout the time. . . . We also had good years. We had wonderful years.”
In other words, as long as their creature comforts remained undiminished, as long as their bank accounts remained flush, as long as they weren’t being locked up, locked down, discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed or killed, life was good.
Life is good in America, too, as long as you’re able to keep cocooning yourself in political fantasies that depict a world in which your party is always right and everyone else is wrong, while distracting yourself with bread-and-circus entertainment that bears no resemblance to reality.
Indeed, life in America may be good for the privileged few who aren’t being locked up, locked down, discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed or killed, but it’s getting worse by the day for the rest of us.
Which brings me back to the present crisis: COVID-19 is not the Holocaust, and those who advocate vaccine mandates, lockdowns and quarantine camps are not Hitler, but this still has the makings of a slippery slope.
The means do not justify the ends: we must find other ways of fighting a pandemic without resorting to mandates and lockdowns and concentration camps. To do otherwise is to lay the groundwork for another authoritarian monster to rise up and wreak havoc.
If we do not want to repeat the past, then we must learn from past mistakes.
January 27 marks Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, a day for remembering those who died at the hands of Hitler’s henchmen and those who survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps.
Yet remembering is not enough. We can do better. We must do better.
A mass movement against the Covid mandate is unfolding coast to coast across Canada in solidarity with cross-border truck drivers. Tens of thousands of people will be joining the truck drivers in Ottawa.
According to Justin Trudeau, unvaccinated truck drivers “may pose a risk of transmitting COVID-19 to the general public”. What nonsense. Truck drivers for the most part stay in their truck, perform administrative duties and supervise loading and unloading. They deliver the commodities and have limited contact with people.
All cross-border truckers will “need to be vaccinated in order to avoid a 14-day quarantine”, says Justin Trudeau.
Has Trudeau been Vaccinated?
Is it relevant to the solidarity movement with the truck drivers? The Prime Minster demands that the truck drivers be vaccinated. Has he been vaccinated?
Check it out and decide for yourself: There are indications, yet to be fully confirmed, that Prime Minister Trudeau has not been vaccinated.
US-Canada Trade Is the Lifeline of Our National Economy
Canadian governments are fully aware of the importance of the North-American trade bloc. And now Justin Trudeau has sucked us up into the biggest economic mess in our country’s history, while violating the fundamental rights of Canadians.
What we need here in Canada is an indefinite “political quarantine” of our not so illustrious Prime Minister.
I can say as an economist that this irresponsible decision by the Trudeau government (if enforced) will have devastating consequences on producers, transport companies as well as on the entire fabric of wholesale and retail trade. It will affect all of us.
If applied, it will create shortages of essential goods including food, fuel and pharmaceuticals. It will also affect the delivery of essential commodities shipped via the US from China, the European Union and Latin America.
We must prevent this from occurring. We must initiate dialogue involving the truck drivers, the owners of transport companies, law enforcement officials, customs officials on both sides of the border, producers, wholesalers, retailers.
The government will say we are committed to saving lives, to protect people against V the virus. What utter nonsense.
The Trudeau government is corrupt. This far-reaching decision was taken on behalf of powerful financial interests. Its unspoken intent is to trigger a renewed wave of bankruptcies.
It is important that government Covid-19 mandates and restrictions be lifted and that cross-border trade is protected and sustained.
#Yes, It’s A Killer Vaccine
The various Covid mandates have been used to spearhead the fear campaign and encourage Canadians to take their booster vaccine dose.
While the media repeats ad nauseam that the virus is more dangerous than the vaccine, the devastating impacts of the mRNA vaccine are now confirmed beyond doubt.
Official figures of reported vaccine-related deaths are routinely published by the US, UK and EU. They are not published by Health Canada. See the statement by Doctors for Covid Ethics.
“There have been more deaths, more permanent disabilities, and more hospitalizations following the experimental COVID-19 vaccines [in the US], than there have been following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 31 years combined.”
What is contained in Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.
This is a de facto Mea Culpa on the part of Pfizer. #Yes it is a Killer Vaccine.
The Freedom Convoy Initiative focusses on the broader policy context, with a view to confronting the Trudeau government and repealing the Covid-19 narrative and its various policy mandates including the mRNA vaccine.
This movement must not be sidetracked. It must focus on the immediate repeal of the mRNA vaccine, which has resulted in an upward trend in mortality and morbidity. It is essential to dispel the lies.
The Covid-19 Test is Invalid. The Data Used to Justify the Policy Mandates are Meaningless
All the data pertaining to so-called “Covid Confirmed Cases” resulting from the PCR test are totally meaningless.
The Rapid Covid-19 Home Test Kits
In November 2021, 94 million rapid home test kits (self testing and antigen testing kits) were delivered and distributed to the provinces, and another 140 million were ordered by the federal government in early January at a cost of 1.7 billion dollars.
Test Test Test:
Canada has a population of 38.5 million and we now have 234 million rapid test kits which have indelibly contributed in the course of the last two months to pushing up so-called Covid-19 positive cases.
This has created havoc in families across Canada. The fear campaign has gone into high gear.
Ironically, the antigen and self testing kits recommended by Health Canada are categorized as less reliable than the PCR test which is now upheld as “the gold standard”. The PCR test is totally dysfunctional. It does not detect or identify SARS-CoV-2.
All those figures of Covid-19 are meaningless.
The official figures (UK, US, EU) on reported vaccine related deaths and adverse events are REAL.
Canada’s Freedom Convoy: First Step towards the Development of a Broad Based Grassroots Movement
This movement is now supported by people from more 65 countries. Truck drivers in Australia will be sending a convoy to Canberra on the 31st of January.
More than 60,000 truck drivers from the United States including 15,000 from California will be crossing the border and meeting up in Ottawa for this important event.
in a CTV online poll, 77% of Canadians have voted in support of the Freedom Convoy in support of the truck drivers. (out of 17,698 votes cast).
“In the last 80 years since Nazism, fundamental human rights have never been so severely violated…”
– MEP Mislav Kolakušić
Massive controversy erupted worldwide after French President Emmanuel Macron told Le Parisien newspaper that he wanted to make life miserable for unvaccinated Frenchmen. He also claimed that an unvaccinated person is “an irresponsible person” who “is no longer a citizen.” This is the kind of life-threatening rhetoric of dictators.
The embattled leader stated he wanted to “piss off” the “unvaccinated” as much as possible. Macron also promised to restrict the daily life of the unvaccinated by denying them access to restaurants, theaters, and cinemas.
Macron, a graduate of the Great Reset globalist Klaus Schwab’s school for “Young Global Leaders, “has been against the unvaccinated from the very beginning of the Globalists’ “vaccine campaigns.”
Many French politicians expressed their displeasure with Macron’s comments and the country’s new vaccination certificate law,
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Slams Macron
Not only in France but many leaders in the European Parliament launched an unambiguous attack on Macron. The Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić, among others, sharply attacked the French President.
France will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU from January 1 to June 30, 2022. MEP Kolakušić urged Macron to do the exact opposite of what he has been doing during his presidency, citing the drastic curtailment of rights and freedoms.
“You said today that you are proud that there is no death penalty in Europe,” said Kolakusic. “Tens of thousands of citizens have died from the side effects of vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and will result in the execution of many citizens.”
The MP stressed that vaccination should remain a voluntary choice for every citizen. “Murder is murder,” emphasized Kolakusic and recommended that all listeners take a look at the official data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA).
Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Takes On EU President
The former Croatian judge MEP Kolakušić infamously called out the European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s human rights abuses during an address to her at a Parliamentary session in September 2021. The MEP blamed the leader’s Covid policies for dividing citizens, violating their rights, and scientific advice.
MEP Kolakušić took the floor after Von der Leyen detailed her left-wing policies and the state of fundamental freedoms and “social rights” of EU citizens.
The statements you make about fundamental freedoms and citizens’ rights in the European Union are in stark contrast to reality, expresses Kolakusic. Fundamental human rights have never been more seriously violated in the past 80 years since Nazism: freedom to travel, the right to work, health care, and the right to ban medical experiments performed on more than 500 million people. Furthermore, every citizen has the right to self-determination, emphasized the MEP.
‘End The Division Immediately’
Kolakušić went on to say that we have trampled down science and the medical profession for several centuries and that we are now announcing measures that seem to have no end. “Corona certificates that only allow the vaccinated to travel freely – while spreading the virus just as easily as the unvaccinated – are insane.”
He called on von der Leyen to “immediately end the division of citizens.” Kolakušić warned the leader that “nobody knows what will happen if we don’t put an end to it.”
It’s not too late to join us this Sunday in Washington, DC for the “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” march and rally to peacefully protest government mandates, vaccine passports and the loss of our fundamental rights.
Buses are available for same-day, roundtrip transportation to DC from multiple states – get on the bus and join us in DC!
Tens of thousands have already registered to be there for what is sure to be a historic event. Participants from all walks of life will be attending, regardless of political affiliation, race, ideology or vaccination status. We will gather to peacefully protest and march together in unity to restore democracy, reclaim our civil liberties and say NO to mandates.
Defeat the Mandates – Overview of Schedule
We will meet at the Washington Monument at 10:30 a.m. At 11:30 a.m., attendees will march peacefully from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial, approximately one mile, where the program will start around 12:30pm.
Speakers & Guests
Speaker highlights include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Christina Parks, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Richard Urso, Attorney Tricia Lindsay, Kevin Jenkins, Rev. Aaron Lewis, Rabbi Epstein, Tramell Johnson, Jo Rose (Jo Speaks Truth), Lara Logan, Angela Stanton King, Chris Martenson, Kwame Brown, Trahern Crews, Operation Freedom of Choice, American Frontline Nurses, Airline Employees for Health Freedom and Feds for Medical Freedom.
JP Sears will emcee the event!
Musical performances will also be a part of the event with performances by Jimmy Levy and Hi-Rez the rapper, Five Times August, and Matt Brevner.
Helpful Reminders to Prepare for the March and Rally
It’s not too late to jump on the bus! Buses are available from a number of stops in New York and New Jersey for same-day, roundtrip transportation to Washington, D.C.
Dress for cold weather! Temperatures are expected to be in the 30s and the entire event is outdoors. Wear layers, warm clothing/socks/shoes and be sure to bring hats, gloves and scarfs!
As of January 15, 2022, Mayor Bowser enacted order 2021-148 for the District of Columbia that requires citywide vaccination proof to enter most indoor facilities including restaurants, coffee shops and hotels. And, the event permit only allows for two food trucks on premise and the crowd size will far exceed their capacity. We recommend you bring a thermos of tea or coffee, water bottles, a bagged lunch and snacks for the day or be prepared to travel 15-20 minutes into Virginia for food and lodging.
Mayor Bowser also enacted orders that require masks if outdoors in large group settings throughout the metro DC area. Please understand we are not suggesting you wear a mask but be prepared to be asked by local authorities and plan accordingly. A scarf around your face to protect you from the blustery cold may be helpful for many reasons.
The number in attendance is expected to be massive! If you’re further from the stage, you’ll have the opportunity to tune in to hear the speakers on your phone if service permits, or you may want to consider bringing a battery-powered radio to also tune in over a local radio station to hear the speakers.
If you see something, say something. This is a peaceful event. There will be no tolerance for anything other than peaceful participation. If you see anything concerning, please remain calm. Report any issues or suspicious activity immediately to the local law enforcement on hand, private security or event volunteers. A private security firm has been hired and is working hand-in-hand with the local DC Metro police to ensure this is a peaceful and successful event.
Mobile restrooms will be provided but with large crowds there could be long waits.
If traveling out that same afternoon, please be mindful of the large crowds and congestion and give yourself plenty of time to catch your bus or flight.
Can’t Join us in person? Tune in at CHD.TV
If you can’t join in person, tune in for live coverage of two key events on CHD.TV on Sunday. First, catch live coverage of “A Call to Europe” press conference (from 4-6am EST) followed by a rally (8:00-11:30 a.m. EST) in Belgium, Brussels. Live coverage of “Defeat the Mandates” in Washington, DC will begin at 12:30 p.m. EST.
Get Ready, Get Set: Tweet!
For those of you watching from home, be ready to make your voice heard in the twittersphere! All day Sunday, January 23, Tweet your elected representatives, public health institutions, SCOTUS Justices and all related groups who are enforcing mandates. Let them know you #DoNotComply and you want to #DefeatTheMandates
We are on the front lines of the most important battle in history. This is a battle to save our democracy, freedom and civil liberties from the totalitarian cartel that is trying to rob us of our inalienable rights.
This will be a historic event uniting everyone who wants to reclaim individual liberties, reinstate democratic principles and refuse to comply with un-American mandates. Please join us for “Defeat the Mandates: An American Homecoming” this Sunday in Washington, D.C.
How does the global public health mafia direct the health policy of nations around the world? In today’s conversation, James talks to Yohan Tengra of the Awaken Indian Movement to discuss Tengra’s article breaking down the Indian Covid-19 Task Force and how its members’ conflicts of interest relate to the decades-long takeover of India’s public health system.
This isn’t going to be pretty, folks. The downfall of a death cult rarely is. There is going to be wailing and gnashing of teeth, incoherent fanatical jabbering, mass deleting of embarrassing tweets. There’s going to be a veritable tsunami of desperate rationalizing, strenuous denying, shameless blame-shifting, and other forms of ass-covering, as suddenly former Covidian Cult members make a last-minute break for the jungle before the fully-vaxxed-and-boosted “Safe and Effective Kool-Aid” servers get to them.
It was always mostly just a matter of time. As Klaus Schwab said, “the pandemic represent[ed] a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”
It isn’t over, but that window is closing, and our world has not been “reimagined” and “reset,” not irrevocably, not just yet. Clearly, GloboCap underestimated the potential resistance to the Great Reset, and the time it would take to crush that resistance. And now the clock is running down, and the resistance isn’t crushed … on the contrary, it is growing. And there is nothing GloboCap can do to stop it, other than go openly totalitarian, which it can’t, as that would be suicidal. As I noted in a recent column:
“New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate ‘global health crisis’ …”
The simulated “global health crisis” is, for all intents and purposes, over. Which means that GloboCap has screwed the pooch. The thing is, if you intend to keep the masses whipped up into a mindless frenzy of anus-puckering paranoia over an “apocalyptic global pandemic,” at some point, you have to produce an actual apocalyptic global pandemic. Faked statistics and propaganda will carry you for a while, but eventually people are going to need to experience something at least resembling an actual devastating worldwide plague, in reality, not just on their phones and TVs.
Also, GloboCap seriously overplayed their hand with the miracle “vaccines.” Covidian cultists really believed that the “vaccines” would protect them from infection. Epidemiology experts like Rachel Maddow assured them that they would:
“Now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person,” Maddow said on her show the evening of March 29, 2021. “A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus, the virus does not infect them, the virus cannot then use that person to go anywhere else,” she added with a shrug. “It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to go get more people.”
And now they are all sick with … well, a cold, basically, or are “asymptomatically infected,” or whatever. And they are looking at a future in which they will have to submit to “vaccinations” and “boosters” every three or four months to keep their “compliance certificates” current, in order to be allowed to hold a job, attend a school, or eat at a restaurant, which, OK, hardcore cultists are fine with, but there are millions of people who have been complying, not because they are delusional fanatics who would wrap their children’s heads in cellophane if Anthony Fauci ordered them to, but purely out of “solidarity,” or convenience, or herd instinct, or … you know, cowardice.
Many of these people (i.e., the non-fanatics) are starting to suspect that maybe what we “tin-foil-hat-wearing, Covid-denying, anti-vax, conspiracy-theorist extremists” have been telling them for the past 22 months might not be as crazy as they originally thought. They are back-pedaling, rationalizing, revising history, and just making up all kinds of self-serving bullshit, like how we are now in “a post-vaccine world,” or how “the Science has changed,” or how “Omicron is different,” in order to avoid being forced to admit that they’re the victims of a GloboCap PSYOP and the worldwide mass hysteria it has generated.
Which … fine, let them tell themselves whatever they need to for the sake of their vanity, or their reputations as investigative journalists, celebrity leftists, or Twitter revolutionaries. If you think these “recovering” Covidian Cult members are ever going to publicly acknowledge all the damage they have done to society, and to people and their families, since March 2020, much less apologize for all the abuse they heaped onto those of us who have been reporting the facts … well, they’re not. They are going to spin, equivocate, rationalize, and lie through their teeth, whatever it takes to convince themselves and their audience that, when the shit hit the fan, they didn’t click heels and go full “Good German.”
Give these people hell if you need to. I feel just as angry and betrayed as you do. But let’s not lose sight of the ultimate stakes here. Yes, the official narrative is finally crumbling, and the Covidian Cult is starting to implode, but that does not mean that this fight is over. GloboCap and their puppets in government are not going to cancel the whole “New Normal” program, pretend the last two years never happened, and gracefully retreat to their lavish bunkers in New Zealand and their mega-yachts.
Totalitarian movements and death cults do not typically go down gracefully. They usually go down in a gratuitous orgy of wanton, nihilistic violence as the cult or movement desperately attempts to maintain its hold over its wavering members and defend itself from encroaching reality. And that is where we are at the moment … or where we are going to be very shortly.
I don’t know what is going to happen. I’m not an oracle. I’m just a satirist. But we are getting dangerously close to the point where GloboCap will need to go full-blown fascist if they want to finish what they started. If that happens, things are going to get very ugly. I know, things are already ugly, but I’m talking a whole different kind of ugly. Think Jonestown, or Hitler’s final days in the bunker, or the last few months of the Manson Family.
That is what happens to totalitarian movements and death cults once the spell is broken and their official narratives fall apart. When they go down, they try to take the whole world with them. I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping we can avoid that. From what I have heard and read, it isn’t much fun.