Trucker Convoy Heads to Lethbridge, Alberta in Solidarity With Three Peaceful Protesting Truckers Who Are Now Facing 10 Years in Jail

Trucker Convoy Heads to Lethbridge, Alberta in Solidarity With Three Peaceful Protesting Truckers Who Are Now Facing 10 Years in Jail



Three peaceful protesting truckers face 10 years in jail and need our help
Rebel News has a team of journalists on the ground in Lethbridge today to cover the court proceedings, including Rebel Commander Ezra Levant, who flew in from Toronto.

by Ezra Levant, Rebel News
November 4, 2022


While the trucker commission of inquiry is underway in Ottawa, three peaceful trucker convoy protesters are on trial in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Like Tamara Lich, they are 100% non-violent. They’re upstanding local citizens — one of them, Marco Van Huigenbos, is a popular elected member of his town council. However, because they dared to embarrass the government over the lockdowns and vaccine mandates, they’ve been targeted with a vengeful fury.

The out-of-control prosecutor, Steven Johnston, is seeking a ten year prison term for these men. For a peaceful political protest.

I googled this prosecutor. In a recent rape case, he recommended that the convicted rapist be sentenced to 4.5 years in prison. So in this prosecutor’s mind, a peaceful political protest deserves more than double the punishment of committing a violent rape.

Today the truckers chose a trial by judge and jury. I’m 100% convinced that no jury in Lethbridge would possibly convict these men — I mean, there were hundreds of local citizens outside the courthouse today showing their support, and the trial hasn’t even started yet.

We’re all hopeful that the new Alberta premier, Danielle Smith, will call off this obviously political prosecution. It was cooked up by Jason Kenney as a vengeance against the truckers who embarrassed him. It has no place in a society with the rule of law.

We’ll keep you posted about this egregious miscarriage of justice if it continues. We’ll keep pressing the new premier to drop these leftover vendettas from Jason Kenney’s era. But if that doesn’t work, we’ll do what we promised to do — crowdfund Chad and Yoav, so they can fight full-tilt.

You might think the government’s war on truckers is over. I can assure you, having spent a day in Lethbridge, that it is very much still ongoing. And as long as it is, we’ve got to help these brave men.

They helped set us free back in February — now is the time for us to return the favour.

Rebel News is telling the other side of the story. But we’re also helping the men, because no-one else will. If you believe in giving these truckers a fighting chance by giving them an excellent team of lawyers, please click here, or go to


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That Hideous Strength? Or Are More and More People Short-Circuiting?

That Hideous Strength? Or Are More and More People Short-Circuiting?

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
November 2, 2022


This odd and intriguing article was spotted and shared by K.R., and I’m passing it along, because I’ve noticed the same thing:

Why Are People Suddenly Short Circuiting?

Now, I share this, because “short-circuited” people seems to be on the rise, and some sort of hypothesis would seem to be in order. One has to be blind not to see that the alleged president is just not “all there.” We saw a similar thing in the final months and years of the second Reagan Administration, when clearly that president was clearly showing signs of senility. With Bai-den I think the explanation goes much deeper then mere senility, but we’ll get back to that.

If you are in the USSA, you recently also saw the spectacle of a “governors’ race debate” between the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, Fetterman, a Democrat, and Dr. Mehmet Oz, a Republican.  The debate, which I have seen a little of, was honestly painful to watch, even for me who has no use for Mr. Fetterman, his party, or his policies.  Let me repeat that: I have no use for him, his party, or his policies.

Yet the debate was painful to watch. Here was a man trying to recover from a stoke, who had and has obvious difficulty forming words into clear thoughts. He began the debate – his very first words –  with a cheery “Hi!” immediately followed by “Goodnight everyone!” And it was downhill – no, a power dive – from there.

Frankly, I felt, and still feel, sorry for the man. to his credit, his opponent did not – as far as I am aware – once make reference to Mr. Fetterman’s difficulty and decrepit condition.  But my problem was, why would any campaign allow a man in his difficulties to take a debate stage to begin with? Why, after such a stroke, allow the candidacy itself to go forward to begin with? For that matter, why allow Mr. Bai-den anywhere near power, when he too is in obvious decline?

As I said, we’ll get back to that.

The article itself raises other interesting questions, and yes, I’ve noticed it too: more and more people seem to be having some sort of difficulty:

Lately, celebrities and politicians have been exhibiting some strange behavior, and it isn’t just their usual weirdness on display. There’s clearly something else going on.

While on stage in Las Vegas, singer Katy Perry appears to have some sort of “malfunction” with her right eye where the eye appears to close on its own forcing her to prop open her eyelid more than once with her hand, only to have it close again.

Of course, there’s nothing unusual with winking one eye, but this was different. Perry appeared to have lost physical control of her eye as if it was suddenly operating on its own outside of her control while her other eye remained open appearing normal.

Then, with a flick of a switch, the wonky eye snapped out of its trance and the performer regained her composure while leaving fans (and 17 million TikTok viewers) questioning, is this chick even human?

It wasn’t just Katy Perry in a Las Vegas performance; as the article notes, we’ve been observing it in Bai-Den too:

We’ve been watching our multiple vax boosted Commander and Chief short circuit for the past year and a half, so in many ways, seeing celebrities, politicians, and even regular people rebooting in public is simply part of our New Normal. We’re told by the transhumanists that this is simply our new and improved future, and that it’s best for everyone to boldly welcome our forthcoming dystopian Brave New World where it’s acceptable for politicians to be only part human.

At this point, the article links the now-famous video clip of Mr. Bai-den Jo apparently falling asleep, or “zoning out”, only to be brought back to “reality” by the interviewer.

There are other examples; consider these:

Recently, pro vaccine and fully vaccinated incumbent Virginia democrat Jennifer Wexton (VA-10) appears to have some sort of episode during her congressional debate. As she struggles to speak and form complete and coherent sentences she stares vacantly into some far away place. Her mannerisms appearing almost robotic. WATCH THE FULL CLIP.

Then there is news anchor Julie Chin who had what she thought was a mini stroke on live television. She, too, suddenly had difficulty speaking and forming coherent sentences, and like other instances, the entire episode occurred as if a light switch was briefly switched off and then flipped back on.

As far as the article is concerned, there is a clear hypothetical cause for the behavior:

All of these anomalies have one thing in common— they started happening after a certain rollout of a certain Emergency Use Authorized vaccine treatment designed to end the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s the same treatment that ironically, never prevented “an individual from contracting or transmission Covid-19”, and whose contents to this day still remain a mystery. However, one thing we do know about the mRNA vaccines is that they are a form of “technology” that, according to the Chief Medical Officer of Moderna from his 2017 TED talk, has the potential to hack “the software of life”.

To its credit, the article notes the “change of language” now being pushed:

So, what’s going on? To be honest, I don’t know. What I do know is:

—They want you to get these shots at minimum every year and they may even require it.

—The language has changed. You are no longer vaccinated or boosted, you are considered “up-to-date” or updated. In order to comply with the latest vaccine mandate to work or attend school, you will now need to install the latest Microsoft Windows-like mRNA in order to be in compliance and fully “up-to-date”.

—The transhumanist movement exists. It is no longer conspiracy and we have no idea how “updated” vaccines will figure into this cybernetic future although the World Economic Forum has a few ideas.

Are these mRNA technology-driven “updates” that are currently being touted as the future of medicine and being sold as a cancer cure just the elites doing their thing to help save the world? Or might there be something more sinister going on?

Well, in answer to that last question, you can mark me down in the “something more sinister is going on” column, and my reasons why bring us to today’s two-for-one high octane speculations of the day. two-for-one, because you get two completely different but only somewhat separate high octane speculations for the price of one. “Buy one, get one free,” so to speak.

The first speculation is: do you remember Dr. Charles Lieber? he was the Harvard chemistry professor and nano-technology expert that was arrested by federal authorities shortly after the whole planscamdemic broke out. He was arrested, so we were told, for allegedly not disclosing his financial links to the Wuhan Laboratory of Virology in China, whence the whole planscamdemic allegedly originated. Dr. Lieber, you’ll notice, has fallen completely off the radar since then, while the Orange Man’s Operation Warp Speed zipped along to become the fraud-riddled adverse-reaction sudden death injection-induced statistical anomaly we see today. The last I heard, Dr. Lieber had managed to contract a fast-acting, virulent and terminal cancer, somewhat like  Jack Ruby.

In any case, Lieber’s specialty, according to some speculations in the alternative media at the time, was to embed nanotechnologies in – get this – “vaccines” or injections, nano-technology that was designed to break the blood-brain barrier, enter the brain, and…well, at that point, no one knew exactly what it was supposed to do, but some speculated that Baal Gates’ patents on “downloadable” vaccine “updates” had something to do with it, and still others thought that this was a way of tying the 5G roll-out to injections that would significantly increase one’s emotional and mental suggestibility.

In short, the whole thing – 5g, nano-technology in the injections, and the injections themselves – were all part of a global mind-and-health manipulation event, and one reason Big Pharma was so anxious not to have to disclose the ingredients in its so-called “vaccines” was that the ingredients, or the ingredient amounts, or both, varied deliberately from batch to batch, and the responses to the different batches could be tracked through national and regional adverse reporting sites.

The scenario was like some Mengele-esque nightmare, on steroids.

I and others entertained its possibility at the time, and I still do. Now we’re in “phase two” as “they” are attempting to roll out a kind of “Soviet Psychiatry”, painting the “non-vaxed” as emotionally unstable, anti-science, and “unhealthy.”

In short, I discount none of this.

But at a deeper level, I think we are looking at something spiritual. I’ve mentioned this possibility in some of our recent members’ vidchats, and do so here publicly. Imagine being a self-proclaimed “good catholic” all your life, of average intelligence, but consuming ambition, willing to make the little compromises on the road to power. Once acquired, you then use that power to your and your family’s financial gain, and using your family members themselves to increase your power and wealth, and turning a bling eye to their “shortcomings.” You openly support abortion on demand and a woman’s right to choose, and continue to call yourself a good Catholic, a believing Christian. You achieve the highest and loftiest position of power… just as you’ve lost your mind, and are shaking hands with people who are no longer there.  “C’mon, man, it’s ok for a little boy to have surgery to change into a girl, or vice versa.”

The world of hypocrisy and illusion and word games which you have spun for yourself has become your reality, and you are no longer capable of discerning reality. You are lost in an insane, drugged-up world, a world you’ve done everything within your rotting, debauched power, to force on others.

And you are lost.

Banquet at Belbury? Indeed, yes.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: pixundfertig

No Vaccine Has Ever Worked: Mike Donio on the Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry

No Vaccine Has Ever Worked: Mike Donio on the Corrupt Pharmaceutical Industry

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
sourced from Jerm Warfare newsletter, November 3, 2022
interview recorded July 4, 2022


Before the “Covid” era I didn’t question the legitimacy of most vaccines.

Now I do.

It’s All Broken

Mike Donio is a pharmaceutical scientist who left the industry after pulling back the curtain on corruption, lies, and medical fraud.

Mike Donio holds a bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry from the University of Massachusetts and a master’s degree in Biotechnology with a concentration in Biotechnology Enterprise from Johns Hopkins.

He is an accomplished scientist with 20 years of experience, including 15 years in the biotech and pharmaceutical industry.

He was fired after refusing the “Covid vaccine“, which is further evidence of what David Rasnick refers to as the “Tyranny Of Dogma“.

Fraud and lies

California State University’s Leemon McHenry published a superb book titled The Illusion Of Evidence-Based Medicine, in which he exposes the corruption of medicine by the pharmaceutical industry, from exploiting unsuspecting people for drug testing, to manipulation of research data, to disease mongering, and marketing drugs for imaginary health issues.

Del Bigtree has revealed how the American government (including the CDC and FDA) collude with Big Pharma for monetary gain, particularly where safety trials are concerned. Or rather, the lack of safety trials.

Roman Bystrianyk co-authored a book called Dissolving Illusions, in which they use official data to show how, over the last century, no vaccine has worked in the way promised by the pharmaceutical industry and governments.

The point is that Big Pharma is untrustworthy, and few scientists are as close to the action as Mike Donio.

Our conversation


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Connect with Mike Donio

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Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal

Dr. Tom Cowan: Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Are in Our Body to Clean Things Up and Heal

by Patrick Timpone, One Radio Network with Dr. Tom Cowan
October 31, 2022


Show Notes:


  • What responses has Dr. Cowan received regarding his stance on viruses?


  • What is needed to prove something exists?


  • They say there’s not enough virus in a person to measure, even in someone who is said to have died from it.


  • Supposed isolation of a virus by giving antibiotics and starving the cell sample.


  • Separating the snot from the person and putting it in a culture. Culture cells die, supposedly proving the virus exists.


  • List of structures or functions said to exist in human biology that haven’t been proven to exist or proven to not exist. They are actually artifacts of the way we find thing in cells.


  • Ribosome supposedly makes protein and means the rib of the body. They are mocking you.


  • DNA in nucleus makes RNA, which supposedly goes to ribosome and makes protein. How can RNA escape from the nucleus yet nothing can get into the nucleus?


  • Mitochondria supposedly located in endoplasmic reticulum. But the cristae lines look like cracks formed from freezing.


  • Can’t be receptors in membranes.


  • How does water make structure out of impulse?


  • Wedding ring image created in water in petri dish laid on top of a wedding invitation.


  • What is falling down? Water creates a London Bridge image.


  • Antenna on top of Taj Mahal dome structure, and other historical buildings, conveying information to water.


  • Thoughts or conceptions become actions which have consequences.


  • What was the cause of death of a HIV scientist dying after 4 COVID jabs? His belief that the jabs would help him.


  • Can’t treat anyone for an illness as long as their brain work is delusional.


  • Dr. Cowan doesn’t want to change the system. Instead, commit to finding reality. The world will give you clues and help you.


  • Trust senses, verify reality with others, then do science and validate every step. Keep looking to see if evidence is congruent with belief.


  • Guides or angels will help you in your quest for discovering reality.


  • How come all these smart people think something else? How smart are they really? Are they committed to not looking at the evidence?


  • No such thing as right or wrong. No objective reality – it’s only what I say that determines right or wrong. That is the path of nothing is real, of nihilism.


  • There is an ultimate reality. We don’t create reality, it is given in the world. We do create beliefs though.


  • Creating reality is where we went wrong.


  • Real food comes from nature. Eating fake or human engineered food is what makes people sick.


  • Is more meat and less carbs a species appropriate diet? There are no successful human cultures that only ate animal foods. They ate what was growing In abundance in their area.


  • You can’t live without killing things. Overly sentimental to think otherwise.


  • Parasites come in and eat the impurities in us. Stop poisoning yourself and the parasites go away. They recycle your dead and dying tissue. Parasites eat poisons.


  • What to do for someone that’s had the jab? Use it as a lesson in you’ve got to see the world differently. It’s a spiritual awakening.


Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Patrick Timpone

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: On a number of occasions, Dr. Tom Cowan references the work of Dr. Harold Hillman. See A Serious Indictment of Modern Cell Biology and Neurobiology by Harold Hillman. (PDF also available here.) Below, you will also find links to related articles.]

See related articles: 

Modern Medicine: A Castle Built on Sand?

Drs. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman & Stefan Lanka: On the Myth That Virology Is Real Science & What We Don’t Yet Know About These Highly Toxic Covid “Vaccines” 

Dr. Tom Cowan & Dr. Lee Merritt: Debunking Virus & mRNA Theory

Bioweapons: The Myth of Man-Made Pathogens

Challenging the Foundations of Virology: Corona Investigative Committee With Dr. Stefan Lanka & Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Jim West: The Toxicology Taboo

Jim West: The Toxicology Taboo

by Dr. Sam Bailey
October 29, 2022


Jim West is a legendary researcher and author, although he tends to keep a low profile. You may have seen his work, but not known where it was from. He has uncovered a massive amount of evidence to support his hypothesis that persistent pesticides caused The Great Polio Epidemic, post-WWII.

Much of his research has led to the same conclusion that viruses are being used as a cover story for the real causes of disease. Jim ties together science, psychology and spirituality and I could listen to him all day.

With no political or career conflicts of interest, he is able to critique the professional medical establishment in areas of scientific truth that most people are too afraid to go near.

Here is what he said about:

  • His journey of discovery and greatest influences
  • The virology scam
  • The Polio/DDT charts
  • The corruption of the medical establishment
  • The health freedom movement – virus promoters vs no virus group
  • History of germ theory and the need to protect industry (going back to the Bible)
  • Political vs Scientific Truth
  • What individuals can do to combat medical tyranny

and much more!


  1. DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology – Jim West’s Book
  2. Jim’s Website
  3. 6% Global Income Big Tech: How the EU is Forcing Twitter to Censor (and Musk Can’t Stop It)
  4. Jim’s Blog


Connect with Dr. Sam Bailey

cover image credit: CDD20

Vanguard and Blackrock Own the Entire World: We Are Already a New Global World Order in the Making

Vanguard and Blackrock Own the Entire World: We Are Already a New Global World Order in the Making

by Gary D. Barnett
November 1, 2022


“Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations that’ve long since bought and paid for, the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the judges in their back pocket, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and the information you get to hear. They got you by the balls. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying to get what they want. Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them.”

~ George Carlin


The misconceptions and ‘beliefs’ by the masses in this country, and the world, are staggeringly naïve; so much so as to be the lynchpin of universal ignorance. The asinine and preposterous idea of voting as sacred, and the reliance on masters instead of self, has brought about such dependence on the state and the master class, as to have almost single-handedly destroyed the independence of man. This is what I refer to as a master/slave relationship, where all confidence is misplaced, logic is abandoned, reason is lost, and common sense disappears. This happens every time trust for one’s own life and freedom is consigned to those claiming to be ‘leaders’ of man. There are no such leaders, as no man has any right to control or hold power over another without the total destruction of liberty becoming the resulting outcome. To think otherwise is simply an exercise in idiocy.

The quest for power and control over all began long ago; in fact, it began at the beginning. Those who seek to rule have always been among us, but they never had the power to do so until the people themselves acquiesced and allowed it. As time passed, and so-called ‘progress’ developed into what we call the modern world, technology expanded into everyday life, communication became instant; thereby causing the mass delivery of propaganda and lies to consume most all. With the advent of this new modern world, a hotbed of intense micro-management of people became the norm. Population growth coincided with the ‘advancement’ of humanity, and control over the many had to rely on voluntary submission instead of brute force, as was purposely designed, until finally, we reached a point where no free nation existed on earth. The incremental destruction of the individual, the incremental dumbing down of society, the incremental dependence on the state, and the incremental abandonment of freedom, all allowed for the fully regulated world we live in today to exist. The result of this atrocious metamorphosis brought about global rule by the few, and this will continue to be the prevailing system until and unless the bulk of the general populations decide to become responsible for themselves, and discontinue any belief or adherence to the state.

Who are those who run and control the world? Is it a conspiracy? Why is this important? Why do most all know little if anything about this controlling cabal? The information presented here, and in the reference provided, is not new, and can be researched by anyone. It has been available for a long time, so why is this never spoken about or reported by any mainstream and most alternative sources? This may seem puzzling, but it is certainly not, as those who control the world obviously control what is reported as news as well.

There are a few thousand institutional investment firms that own every large bank, every large corporation, every large investment firm, every ‘news’ outlet, every large communication company, every large pharmaceutical company, every large transportation company; in other words, most every large company on earth is owned by these institutional investors. In turn, the small institutional investment firms are owned by larger institutional investment firms, and the larger investment firms, are owned by even larger investment firms. The two institutional investment companies that are the major owners and controllers of all the others in the world are Vanguard Holdings and Blackrock, and Vanguard is the largest shareholder (owner) of Blackrock. What this means is that Vanguard and Blackrock own and control this planet.

They own virtually all big companies, and all the institutional investors of those companies, and in turn, have a monopoly over almost everything on earth. In addition, Blackrock, whose largest shareholder is Vanguard, is the only private company that works with, and has access to the Federal Reserve Central Bank and the Treasury. Blackrock lends money to, and is the main advisor to the central bank, and develops the software structure of the Federal Reserve, but the controlling shareholder of Blackrock is still Vanguard. These two companies own and control, and have a monopoly over life itself.

Reports show that the top 1% in the world owns more than the other 99% combined, but it is actually even more sinister. In 2017, well over 80% of all earned money was collected by this 1%, and is now certainly higher, especially after this ‘covid’ scam allowed the billionaires to greatly increase their income and net worth. Consider this fact, and then consider that Vanguard and Blackrock sit atop, own, and control most of that 1%; are closing in on $20 trillion of worth, which means that a very tiny fraction of that 1% controls almost 100% of everything.

Over 90% of the international mainstream media is owned and controlled by nine conglomerates, which in turn are owned and controlled by Vanguard and Blackrock, which also owns and controls most all the other institutions that hold the stock of these media companies. The same holds true for big tech, the food industry, the travel industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and every other large industry worldwide. While ownership is spread, the owners (Vanguard and Blackrock) of the owners, including the assets of the NGOs, tax-free foundations, banks, insurance companies, and others, sit at the top of the pyramid of power. In fact, these foundations and investment funds are the richest families, and many stay forever hidden, with the exception of the few. Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, the Clinton’s, the Bush’s, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and others are known, but most are not. Vanguard is a private corporation, and does not disclose its shareholders, so they can hide in plain sight; never divulging their ownership of the world. All of these players are directly and indirectly connected with each other, and the top few pull the strings of the planet’s economic systems.

Yes, Gates, Soros, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Royal Families, the Vatican, the top-level Zionists, the Morgan’s, the Bush’s, the Clinton’s, Klaus Schwab and the WEF, the UN, and many others are known, but many of the most evil and powerful controllers remain hidden in the shadows, while they manage all global networks. These are the owners of the rest of us, while their pawns in governments around the world due the bidding of their masters.

Most today think in terms of politics, and believe that politicians and the state players are in charge. This is idiotic nonsense, as the ‘covid’ hoax revealed. Virtually every country on earth acted in concert, and in the exact same manner at the same time. This would be not only absurd, but a complete impossibility unless a top-down conspiracy were in place, and being guided by the very few. Nearly every country in the world destroyed its own economies, its own citizens, and mandated similar if not identical policies meant to take total control over entire populations. If a large portion of the masses cannot understand the scope of this madness, there is no hope for humanity, for this world is now under the thumb of the few most powerful, who own and control most all the monetary systems, assets, land, medical care, pharmaceuticals, ‘education’ facilities, travel, banking, lawmaking, enforcement agencies, militaries, media, and have the ability to alter the psychological makeup of those they do not purposely murder by injection, torture, or starvation.

For those of you who succumb to the criminal and fraudulent voting process, those who look to fake prophets instead of self, those expecting redemption from the state; remember that you are playing directly into the hands of those monsters who rule over you. You will suffer the severe consequences of your actions to such a degree that all that has happened in the past will seem mild by comparison, as your lives will be relegated to that of a slave.


“It is incredible how as soon as a people become subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and willingly that one is led to say that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement.”

~ Etienne de La Boetie


Source link:

The ‘Covid’ Lie and Monopoly—Who Runs the World


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: GDJ

Biodiverse, Circular and Local Food Systems Are the Foundation of Food Sovereignty

Biodiverse, Circular and Local Food Systems Are the Foundation of Food Sovereignty

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
October 27, 2022


The web of life is a food web, and we are interconnected with natural systems and all living things. Thus, food sovereignty is primarily an ecological process of co-creation with other life forms. Food sovereignty begins with the right of all living things, of biodiversity and “living” seeds to thrive and evolve, with the right of soil and food not to be considered inert matter. Earth rights are the foundation of the right to food freedom and food sovereignty. There can be no food sovereignty without seed sovereignty, that is, the right to save and use traditional, resilient, native seeds. This activity necessarily involves caring for the land and soil. We cannot aspire to food sovereignty if we do not nurture soil organisms because ecosystem biodiversity supports biodiversity within our gut microbiome. The health of the planet and our health are one and the same.

Seed sovereignty means seeds in the hands of farmers. Seeds that can be stored, bred and exchanged freely. Open-pollinated seeds that are not patented, genetically modified, owned or controlled by agribusiness giants. Seed sovereignty is based on reclaiming seeds and biodiversity as commons and public goods. When the food web is broken by chemicals and poisons and the rules of “free trade” and globalization, biodiversity is wiped out, farmers go into debt, and people die from starvation or chronic non-communicable diseases related to environmental pollution and poor quality food. Food sovereignty includes the right to grow food free of chemicals and GMOs. Food sovereignty means poison-free food and agriculture.

In 1987 I was invited to a meeting on biotechnology from which it became clear how the opportunity to patent life forms for profit was the real purpose of pushing GMOs onto the market. It was then that I decided to start saving seeds through the movement that, since 1991, has been called Navdanya. Since then, more than 150 community seed banks have been established in India. Local seeds, adapted to local cultures, provide more nutrition and are more resilient to climate change. At the Navdanya Farm and Earth University, we have trained more than one million farmers who now practice organic agriculture based on biodiversity and without the use of synthetic chemicals.

The shift from globalization driven by multinational corporations to a progressive localization of our economies has become an ecological and social imperative, essential for food sovereignty. Supporting local economies implies that anything produced locally, by making use of local resources, should be protected, so as to protect both people’s lives and the environment. Food sovereignty therefore means biodiverse, circular and local food systems.

The globalized industrial food system has recently produced a new monster, the modern synthetic, fake, lab-made food industry, even claiming that fake food is the best solution for the health of the planet and people. It is important to consider that artificial food depends on industrial agriculture. For example, on soy monocultures with high chemical input of fertilizers and pesticides and, in some cases, on GMO soy. Food sovereignty means feeding ourselves real, genuine, biodiverse food and freeing ourselves from the false promises of artificial food.

Therefore, free trade rules written by corporations that promote hunger, disease and climate change must be corrected. Earth rights and human rights are the foundation of food freedom and food sovereignty. Around the world, small farmers are already implementing organic farming based on biodiversity, and real food free of chemicals. They are practicing agroecology, preserving and nurturing their soils and seeds. They are feeding their communities with healthy, nutritious food while regenerating the soil and the planet. True agriculture is practiced in harmony with the laws of nature and leads to the regeneration of the planet through the renewal of biodiversity, soils, and water. We need to support small farms that care for the earth, for all life, and produce biodiverse, healthy, fresh, environmentally friendly food for all.


Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva

Alberta’s New Premier Under Attack for Refusing to Associate With WEF

Alberta’s New Premier Under Attack for Refusing to Associate With WEF

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
October 31, 2022


Recently noted as an opponent of vaccine and mask mandates, new Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is breaking previously established ties with the World Economic Forum, which has been deeply involved in a “health consulting agreement” revolving around the province’s covid response.

“I find it distasteful when billionaires brag about how much control they have over political leaders,” Smith said at a news conference Monday after her new cabinet was sworn in. “That is offensive … the people who should be directing government are the people who vote for them.”

The United Conservative Party premier said she is in lockstep with federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre, who has stated he and his caucus will having nothing to do with the World Economic Forum.  Earlier this month, on her first day as premier, Smith stated that people not vaccinated against covid are the most discriminated group she has seen in her lifetime.

In response, the Canadian mainstream media is pursuing a thorough hatchet campaign against Smith, consistently referring to all opposition to the WEF as being based in “conspiracy theory.”  As they say, if you want to know who is really in power, all you have to do is find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

After two years of authoritarian lockdowns and attempts to enforce vaccine passports in Canada, Alberta was one of the only regions in the country that asserted political opposition to executive dictates.  This helped to support the anti-passport protests by truckers and other Canadians, and led to Justin Trudeau using provisions for terrorism to confiscate donations to the movement.  Alberta’s covid averages in terms of infections and deaths are no worse than provinces with strict mandates, proving once again that the mandates achieved nothing in terms of safety, but everything in terms of control.

The Canadian Press and other media outlets claim that criticism of the WEF is built on “online conspiracy accusations, unproven and debunked, that the forum is fronting a global cabal of string-pullers exploiting the pandemic to dismantle capitalism and introduce damaging socialist systems and social control measures, such as forcing people to take vaccines with tracking chips.”

Every “conspiracy” noted in that statement is true – none of them have been “debunked” except perhaps the “tracking chip” claim, which is unnecessary because the WEF was already encouraging governments to use cell phone tracking apps to monitor the vaccine status and movements of their respective populations.  Many of these apps were approved by the CDC in the US, and in countries like China they are mandatory.

The World Economic Forum, acting as a kind of globalist think-tank for future policy initiatives, was instrumental in promoting many of the failed restrictions used by various national governments during the pandemic.

WEF head Klaus Schwab specifically mentions in his writings that the institution saw covid as a perfect “opportunity” to implement what he calls the “Great Reset” which includes the concept of the “Shared Economy,” a global socialist technocracy meant to replace free markets and end capitalism as we know it.  As the WEF states, you will “own nothing, have no privacy” and you will like it.

This is not conspiracy theory.  This is openly admitted conspiracy fact.  It is undeniable.

The use of the “conspiracy theory” label is generally a tactic designed to circumvent fair debate based on facts and evidence.  If the Canadian Press was forced to defend their position based on the information at hand, they would lose.  So, they instead try to inoculate their readers to opposing arguments by calling them “conspiracy theory” in the hope that those readers will never research the information further.

The Canadian media then cites quotations that specifically argue that not working with the WEF would put the Alberta public at a disadvantage because it would cut them off from information that the WEF provides.

It’s important to mention that there is no evidence that the WEF has provided any life saving health information to date concerning the covid pandemic.  In fact, there is no evidence that the WEF is useful to the Canadian public in any way.  The mainstream media’s bizarre and antagonistic reaction to Smith’s shunning of a foreign organization of elitists that has no loyalty to the Canadian citizenry suggests that they may be operating from a foundation of bias.

Danielle Smith’s bravery in cutting off WEF influence from Alberta is being met with a dishonest media response, but in the long run, she is making the best decision possible.  Taking advice from a potential parasite is not good leadership.


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Randall Carlson: The Mysterious Origin of Halloween

Randall Carlson: The Mysterious Origin of Halloween

by After Skool with Randall Carlson
October 24, 2022


[Video available at After Skool Odysee and YouTube channels.]

Halloween is seen in our modern age as a day lacking in any historical meaning. It has become known for scary movies, candy, costumes and mischief.

But there is a deep, universal tradition behind Halloween, also known as the Festival of the Dead, All Souls Day or Feast of the Ancestors. This festival is observed around the world, in the northern and southern hemispheres at the SAME time of year.

In this video, we take a dive down the rabbit hole with Randall Carlson to uncover the mysterious origin of Halloween.

Randall Carlson is a master builder and designer, a geologist, anthropologist and historian. He specializes in sacred geometry, ancient civilizations, climate and environmental change, myths, legends, cosmic cycles and catastrophes. He is a proponent of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis, and has theorized about the extinction of historical advanced human civilizations.

Get the complete, in depth halloween lecture from Randal Carlson at

To learn more about Randall please visit

Check out Randall’s Podcast, Kosmographia…

To learn about geology tours with Randall

Special thanks to the Lowell Observatory for providing some of the astronomy footage. 


Connect with After Skool

Vaccination Is the Opposite of Sustainability and Care for the Planet’s Limited Resources

Vaccination Is the Opposite of Sustainability and Care for the Planet’s Limited Resources

by Robin Monotti Graziadei, No Place Without Spirit
October 30, 2022


Vaccines are false virtue signalling symbols of mass consumerism. They are the epitomization of fraudulent overconsumption. In order to not reduce  transmission and to fail at reducing minor symptoms of a disease in one person, hundreds of people need to be injected with hundreds of vials and plastic syringes which required thousands of hours of energy production and close to millions of hours of refrigeration. All of that overuse of energy and resources is wasted, as a normally functioning healthy human immune system evolved precisely to overcome disease without any superfluous injection.

Add to that trillions of single use plastic masks which fail at preventing transmission of any disease carried by particles much smaller than the gaps where they meet the face, all along their edges, or the ones in the weave of the plastic fibres themselves.

Then add the amount of resources required to address the inevitable percentage of adverse events to vaccinations, in some cases lifetimes of extra treatment and extra production of again largely superfluous further factory energy consuming industrially produced medications.

Do we want to reduce overconsumption? Reduce the consumption of energy? Let’s start with ending the production of superfluous vaccines, and most of all let’s stop injecting healthy people with any energy consuming factory produced deep refrigerated single plastic syringe using vials of substances which will make a number of them ill some severely ill, even ill for the rest of their life in some cases, requiring further resources where none were necessary.

Vaccination belongs to another era, to an age of ignorance, it is not sustainable and not compatible with environmentalism and care for the planet.

Vaccination is in fact the most blatant symbol of superfluous overconsumption of the modern era.

Let’s “degrow” our economy by starting with ending all mass vaccinations, and heal ourselves and our planet outside of the fraudulent logic of industrial production.


Connect with Robin Monotti Graziadei

cover image credit: geralt

The Media Are the Terrorists

The Media Are the Terrorists

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 24, 2022


Yes, it’s true: the terrorists do hate you for your freedoms, and yes, the terrorists are out to get you. But here’s the real question: Who are the terrorists? Join James for today’s important edition of The Corbett Report podcast where he explores the nexus between mass media and modern-day terrorism.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4


Brian Williams is guided by the beauty of our weapons in Syria strikes 
Time Reference: 01:03


Wolf Blitzer questions whether a move to stop bombing civilians will hurt defence contractors’ bottom lines
Time Reference: 01:29


Jim Cramer advocates cyberterrorism against US enemies
Time Reference: 02:20


The Media Matrix
Time Reference: 03:17


The Copycat Effect by Loren Coleman
Time Reference: 04:36


Mailman massacre: 14 die after Patrick Sherrill ‘goes postal’ in 1986 shootings
Time Reference: 07:11


A former postal worker commits mass murder
Time Reference: 07:18


Ex-Postal Employee Is Arrested in Deaths of Two in California
Time Reference: 07:22


Three weeks of terror: How the 2002 D.C. sniper attacks unfolded
Time Reference: 08:09


One Sniper Is Suspected in Three Killings in West Virginia
Time Reference: 08:45


British MP shot in attack by copycat sniper
Time Reference: 08:53


Turkish police search for copycat sniper
Time Reference: 09:02


Corbett Report Radio 182 – The Copycat Effect with Loren Coleman
Time Reference: 11:28


Loren Coleman’s Twilight Language blog
Time Reference: 17:12


Creepy Clowns and the Copycat Effect – Media Monarchy w/Loren Coleman
Time Reference: 17:41


Netflix’s ’13 Reasons Why’ Carries Danger of Glorifying Suicide, Experts Say
Time Reference: 19:29


Psychologists warn ’13 Reasons Why’ could inspire copycat suicides
Time Reference: 20:14


13 Things Pediatricians Should Know (and Do) About 13 Reasons Why
Time Reference: 20:52


Association Between the Release of Netflix’s 13 Reasons Why and Suicide Rates in the United States: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis
Time Reference: 21:47


Netflix removes 13 Reasons Why’s controversial suicide scene
Time Reference: 22:46


Judge rules in Netflix’s favor over ‘13 Reasons Why’ suicide lawsuit
Time Reference: 23:03


OBL: “You’ll see them and hear about them in the media . . . God willing.”
Time Reference: 26:26


Mike Francesca on WFAN 9/11 (“like Independence Day“)
Time Reference: 26:38


Mass Media: A History (online course)
Time Reference: 28:21


September 11: The Pentagon’s B-Movie
Time Reference: 32:19


The Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright (Schwarzenegger movie night for Qaeda terrorists)
Time Reference: 34:19


9/11 War Games
Time Reference: 39:14


Graeme Macqueen Discusses “9/11: The Pentagon’s B-movie” on the Freedom Loves Company podcast (2017)
Time Reference: 39:29


The Psychological Implications of Media-Covered Terrorism
Time Reference: 47:37


New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern says “disinformation” should be controlled like “weapons of old,” guns, nukes
Time Reference: 50:04


The Bombings of America That We Forgot
Time Reference: 54:36


Connect with James Corbett

Victory! Judge Strikes Down Vax Mandate for ALL City Employees in NYC

Victory! Judge Strikes Down Vax Mandate for ALL City Employees in NYC
“The city’s vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, violates the separation of powers … arbitrary and capricious.”

by The Vigilant Fox
October 24, 2022


Attorney Chad LaVeglia walked out of the courtroom today and shared some great news for the unvaccinated city workers of New York City.

So my name is Chad LaVeglia. I’m an attorney who gets to represent these fine men and women over here. What just happened was the judge [Porzio] found that the city’s vaccine mandate is unconstitutional, violates the separation of powers — found it to be arbitrary and capricious. He found the commissioner’s order, mandating private and public employees to get vaccinated, was arbitrary and capricious.

And now, it’s null and void, essentially. So we just defeated the vaccine mandate for every single city employee — not just sanitation, FDNY, NYPD, Department of Corrections. For all the brave men and women who have been our first responders and have been brave through all this are now free, and you should be able to go back to work.

The case was Garvey et al v City of NY et al, brought by DSNY workers terminated for failing to comply with the mandate. In a 2:30pm hearing in Richmond County Supreme Court, Judge Porzio ruled against the city, praising workers and declaring the mandate arbitrary and capricious.

Here’s the decision and order in its official form:



Chad took to Twitter to celebrate, and the great news is spreading like wildfire.

BREAKING NEWS: CJ Law defeats NYC Vaccine Mandate. Judge strikes mandate down as unconstitutional, arbitrary and capricious. Historic victory for NY’s Strongest and the rest of NYC’s public servants.

So, hip, hip, hooray. Another vaccine mandate bites the dust. I know it’s easy to take the black pill and say, “the damage has already been done.” That is fair. We can’t go back in time and get people unjabbed.

But rulings like this validate our stance on medical freedom and that this overreaching behavior should never happen again. And with essentially no fear of COVID anymore whatsoever, expect more judges with clear minds to rule against COVID vax mandates to the point of extinction.


Connect with The Vigilant Fox

cover image credit: qgadrian

Pressured: Are High Pressure Processing (HPP) “Cold Pasteurized” Foods Safe?

Pressured: Are High Pressure Processing (HPP) “Cold Pasteurized” Foods Safe?



by Sally Fallon Morell, Nourishing Traditions, Weston A. Price Foundation
October 24, 2022


Modern technocrats have found lots of ways to ruin our food—like rapid heating of milk to 160 or even 230 degrees, zapping with microwaves, irradiating with radioactive materials, spray drying at high temperatures, extruding at high temperatures and pressures and embalming with sugar. Now a new technology has come on the scene: ultra-high pressure applied to a variety of foods for humans, pets and babies.



High Pressure Processing (HPP) is defined as “a non-thermal food and beverage processing technique based on the application of high levels of hydrostatic pressure transmitted by water, with multiple advantages for food and beverage companies.” That pressure is one thousand times the pressure of air at sea level—the equivalent of water pressure in a marine trench.

You can read all about it at and see how it works for juicefor shelf stable meals ready to eat, and for “raw” pet food.

HPP will open oysters without difficult shucking—after the processing, just open with your hand and the oysters—somewhat discolored– slither out! The process makes crab and lobster easier to remove from their shells.

Examples of high-pressure processed products commercially available in the U.S. today include fruit smoothies, guacamole, ready-to-eat meals with meat & vegetables, oysters, salad dressing, hummus, ham, chicken strips, fruit juice, salsa and fruit purees for babies.  You won’t find any particular symbol displayed (as for irradiation) to indicate whether a product has undergone HP processing, but you might see the words “cold pasteurized.”

The food industry claims that “HPP has the potential to produce high-quality foods that display characteristics of fresh products, are microbiologically safe and have an extended shelf life.”

The claim that HPP foods are “microbiologically safe” is not exactly correct.  A 2008 review entitled “High-pressure processing – effects on microbial food safety and food quality,” looked at the effects of high pressure processing on various pathogenic organisms and found that it did not eliminate all of them; the researchers found that spores were especially resistant to high pressure—just as they are resistant to heat.

But what we really want to know about are the health effects—long-term health effects–of eating HPP foods. As the industry plunges headlong into high pressure processing, no one really knows. No studies on long-term the feeding of HPP foods to mice or rats—or even dogs getting HPP “raw” pet food—appear in the literature.

I did find one study, published in the Journal of Dairy Science, 2016 which explored the feeding of HPP colostrum to calves. Said the researchers: “The results of this study suggest that high-pressure processing of bovine colostrum maintains an acceptable IgG level while decreasing bacterial and viral counts,” but also observed, “Calves fed pressure-processed colostrum had similar serum IgG but lower efficiency of absorption than calves fed heat-treated colostrum [emphasis added]. Changes in viscosity sometimes made calf feeding more difficult, but still feasible. Additional research to optimize this technology for on-farm use is necessary.”

The food industry is salivating over the idea of applying HPP to milk.  The first to do this was the Mexican company Villa de Patos , which claimed that it was “fresh” (that is “raw”)  and had an increased shelf life when refrigerated.

A few years later, the New South Wales Food Authority approved the commercialization of HPP milk in the Australian state. The company Made By Cow developed a process for the “safe production of never heated and non-homogenized milk,” which they could sell as “safe raw milk.”  Indeed, the processing made the milk slightly thicker and yellowish, which could mimic the viscosity and color of Jersey milk even if it came from Holstein cows!

With raw milk sales booming, and pasteurized milk sales declining, we can expect to see the dairy industry launch “cold-processed” pressure-treated milk in the U.S. Will this milk have the same benefits as real raw milk?  A letter published in the Summer 2021 issue of Wise Traditions indicates that the answer is no!

For many years I have been con­suming raw milk from a pastured dairy in France called Gaborit,” wrote our correspondent. However, because of Covid and closed borders, I was unable to obtain this milk for eleven months and was forced to drink a substitute milk from Switzerland. When I began to have trouble with my teeth, I began to suspect the possibility that the local “raw” milk (Rohmilch in German) might be thermized (heated) although not to the temperature of pas­teurization (or perhaps microfiltered or whatever).

“What most aroused my suspi­cions was the experience of a friend, supposedly milk intolerant (and who hasn’t drunk animal milk for a good twenty years), who sneezed (red eyes as a bonus) a few minutes after having taken a sip of this “local” Rohmilch. She made it clear to me how irritated she was by this ex­perience and she fervently blamed herself for giving in to my sugges­tion. However, I must admit that I was the first to be surprised by the reaction she de­veloped so quickly after drinking just one sip. I had con­cluded that she was perhaps one of the very few people who were truly intoler­ant to animal milk, even if it were raw.

“Nevertheless, a few weeks later, she agreed to test the Gaborit milk (from Jersey cows), which I again had access to. She not only had no reaction to it, but she even felt so good that she drank a whole glass half an hour later.

“During the eleven months without the Gaborit milk, I developed five small cavities, as verified by my dentist. I had an appointment to have them filled, and while waiting, was able to get the French milk again. I went to the dentist today and she couldn’t believe her eyes.

“In the space of less than a month during which I was once again able to obtain the real certified raw milk from France, all the previously damaged teeth had calcified and hardened as a kind of self-healing, to the point that she told me that there was nothing more that needed to be done.

“The milk produced by the Swiss dairy is biodynamic and has the Demeter label. The cows are brown Swiss. I therefore assume that the cows are fed according to anthroposophi­cal guidelines. However, this dairy also produces pasteurized milk, so I wondered whether their Rohmilch is really 100 percent raw and, above all, non-thermized. When I contacted them, they assured me that the milk was not heat-treated in any way, only that they passed it through a cellulose membrane aimed to remove any impu­rities or dirt from the milk—but I think this is done with all milk and is not a damaging process unless done under high pressure.”

We do not know whether this milk was passed under pressure through a membrane or subjected to the same high-pressure processing techniques now used for juice, smoothies and so many other “cold processed” foods, but it is clear that pressure reduces the healing properties of Nature’s perfect food.

Since we have no idea what HPP does to the nutritional qualities of the food we eat, it’s best to exercise caution:  make your own salad dressing, salsa and guacamole, cook from scratch, only buy oysters that have been shucked before you, and above all, stick to real, raw milk purchased directly from a farmer you know.


Connect with Sally Fallon Morrell

cover image credit: Hiperberic and ScienceImage

‘It’s Elementary My Dear Watson’ – Unmasking the Viral Paradigm

‘It’s Elementary My Dear Watson’ – Unmasking the Viral Paradigm

by Dr. Kevin Corbett, Christine Massey and Dr. Mark Bailey
sourced from
October 21, 2022


The British nursing academic, Dr Roger Watson, recently cited a Canadian study by Banerjee et al as an example of adequate controls being used in “viral isolation”. Watson’s article appeared in Toby Young’s The Daily Sceptic which purports to exist for airing views others refuse to publish.

The cited study actually failed to prove any viral phenomenon because it did not use purified particles as independent variables. Only impure (crude) clinical samples from a patient were added to monkey kidney (Vero E6) cells without any suitable control. Subsequent phenomena were observed which were then claimed to be the actions of a ‘virus’ hence presumptively termed ‘cytopathic effect’. Similarly, the RNA used for sequencing the so-called ‘viral genome’ was extracted – not from any purified particles proven to be of viral origin – but from the contaminated supernatant of the Vero E6 cells used in Banerjee et al. The resulting ‘sequenced genome’ was no such thing. It was an in silico modelled confection created from the same contaminated supernatant. These unscientific claims inform the current ‘consensus’ on how to do ‘viral isolation and sequencing’, despite having been rebutted by The Perth Group of scientists decades ago.

All of these deviations from scientific method were pointed out to Dr Watson in e-mail messages by one of us (CM). Dr Watson was also asked to explain his stance in relation to this evidence which is anomalous viz a viz the scientific method and the paradigm of virology. Watson’s initial response sidestepped the question. On further probing, Watson politely indicated that he had not considered these particular anomalies and thus would need to give further thought to the lack of valid controls used by Banerjee et al. Watson further stated that this whole debate “was cue to an article on why those who believe in viruses will not be convinced by the evidence”. We fully agree.

These particular e-mail messages are one example of a messenger exposing the multiple anomalies of modern virology to those who are conceptually invested in that paradigm. Instead of being able to look at what has been presented with a fully detached eye, the usual recourse is to bolster that failing anomaly-stricken paradigm by trying to dismiss the message, either by side stepping the questions posed, or by attacking the messenger ad hominem.

Dr Watson attempted the former but (on this occasion) resisted doing the latter.

We respectfully argue that this response is still a strategy of deflection to cover up ignorance of the caveats in modern day ‘viral isolation’ which are axiomatic within virology. This sort of defensive manoeuvre was previously identified by both Thomas Kuhn (1962) and Stephen Cole (1983). Kuhn argued that scientists reject anomalous data which potentially break down the existing consensus as a means of trying to maintain certainty. These rejections, which (after Kuhn) were proved by Stephen Cole to occur within modern science, are essentially defensive actions similar to knee-jerk responses. 

In this case, highly convincing observational data was presented (by CM) casting grave doubt over the veracity of this accepted ‘consensus’ on viral isolation. Some scientists have even argued that these sorts of observations fatally damage the whole concept of ‘viral disease’. This so-called ‘consensus’ on ‘viral’ isolation is a necessary condition for both maintaining and advancing the current paradigm of virology and its claims of ‘viral isolation’. Following Kuhn and Cole, those like Watson who seem very heavily invested in this paradigm will inevitably provide a knee-jerk response to reject any anomalous observations. We argue that this e-mail exchange is a modest example of premature closure of debate on the observed anomalies about modern virology’s claims of ‘viral isolation’.


Dr. Kevin Corbett website
Dr Kevin Corbett, BA (Hons) MSc PhD is a health scientist and qualified nurse with over thirty years of experience in higher education, health care research and clinical practice.

Christine Massey website
Christine Massey, MSc is a former biostatistician collating virology-related freedom of information responses from around the world.

Dr. Mark Bailey website
Mark Bailey, MB ChB PGDipMSM MHealSc is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.


cover image credit:
Illustration by Sidney Paget from ‘The Adventure of the Crooked Man’, The Strand Magazine, Volume 6, 1893
(in public domain)

We Will Be Challenging Any State’s Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement to Attend School

We Will Be Challenging Any State’s Covid-19 Vaccine Requirement to Attend School
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has advised us it will fund legal challenges to any Covid-19 mandate for attending school imposed by any state

by Aaron Siri, Injecting Freedom
October 20, 2022


The CDC’s vaccine advisory committee unanimously voted a few hours ago to add the Covid-19 vaccine to the CDC’s routine childhood vaccination schedule.  Immediately following the vote, I received a call from Del Bigtree, ICAN’s founder and host of The HighWire, to tell me that ICAN will support a legal challenge to any state that imposes a Covid-19 vaccine mandate to attend school.

We look forward to bringing those challenges to protect the individual right of every American, especially the youngest among us, as we successfully did when challenging the San Diego School District’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate.  Everyone should be free to get numerous shots because that is freedom.  And everyone should be free to reject any unwanted shot because that, too, is freedom.

While most post-March 2020 mandates have been successfully challenged or rescinded, we must never forget that the repressive arm of government is just behind a curtain, waiting to strangle our rights.  That is why we must fight, always fight, to push back against that oppression.  It is not a war that is won.  It is an endless battle with one side pushing the needle toward eliminating individual rights and the other side that must never stop pushing back – because once it swings too far, we will not easily regain our rights.  Power seized is rarely returned.

The next battle front is the body of every child in this country whose parents do not want them to receive a Covid-19 vaccine.  A product for which you cannot sue the manufacturers for harm.  A product whose clinical trial for children was underpowered, not properly controlled, and that did not review safety for a sufficient duration.  But even in the absence of these issues, corrosive rights-crushing mandates should never exist.

We look forward to, with ICAN’s support, challenging any state’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for school.

P.S. Note that the CDC’s action of adding the Covid-19 vaccine to its routine childhood vaccine schedule does not automatically make it mandatory in all states for attending school.  In most states, the state itself needs to take action to make it mandatory.  The expectation is that some states will seek to do just that.


Connect with Aaron Siri

Do as We Say or Lose Your Money and/or Your Account

Do as We Say or Lose Your Money and/or Your Account

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
October 19, 2022


You may recall the “Occupy Wall Street” movement from a few years ago that occurred in the wake of the 2008 “bailouts” and the subsequent exposure of corporate shenanigans in Congress and by a few intrepid reporters. Our very own friend and colleague Catherin Austin Fitts was warning about missing money in the federal budget, to the tune of trillions of dollars. Another friend of mine was close to the scene of the action in New York City, and joined the protests, and informed me that they were not really a group of radical people, but simply people of all political stripes and varieties, and pretty much all demographics, that were saying “enough!” to government-issued corporate privilege and power.

Thus, what was unique about the protests at the time – though few noticed it and even fewer commented about it – was that the protests were genuinely populist.  Populism is usually taught as a “bad thing” in modern American quackademia, and the Occupy Wall Street protests were a living lesson in why, for the protests brought together people both of left-wing and of right-wing political and cultural leanings, and all under the banner of protest against growing corporate power, and its indifference to the country and culture as a whole. It was the first outward and visible sign of an inward and cultural transformation that was beginning to take place: everyone was fine with ‘capitalism,’ but there were limits, and corporations and the government itself had crossed the line of those limits.

Occupy Wall Street, like all such movements, was quickly targeted by radical elements and agents provocateurs in an effort to radicalize what was otherwise a spontaneous movement and derail it. From a certain standpoint, those efforts were successful, but the movement and, more importantly, the perceptions and sentiments behind it, did not disappear, the merely reemerged in another guise, and when they did reemerge, lo and behold, the numbers had grown: the perception and sentiments had spread, and gained new recruits.

This past Monday I blogged about a French intelligence analysis that places the USSA as the principal enemy of France, and in the article about that report, I also noted that globaloneyism itself is implicated in that analysis, i.e., that globaloneyism is a principal enemy of the national and cultural interest of France. Whether or not this is an accurate assessment of the French intelligence analysis, I believe it to be an accurate representation of the basic paradigm shift represented by the Occupy Wall Street movement, and whatever it may have transformed into at present, namely, the perception that the roots of globaloneyism are in the international business class; their own publications have emphasized that they want a borderless (and hence, culture-less) world in which to conduct business and transact freely. It sounds nice, but the reality of it is that it means everything is oriented only for profit, and anything standing in the way of that – religion, culture, family, ethnicity, sex, you name it – must be weakened and destroyed. And such cultural expressions as freedom are also a threat. The cultural and political commentator Dr Steve Turley sums up this whole approach – of both sides – with the very apt aphorism: Globalism is not a civilization, it’s a system, and that is ultimately why it is rapidly losing its appeal. It’s merely the “businessman’s” version of Communism, with all its international pretentions and aspirations.

The cancel culture has emerged from this whole approach, and we’re seeing examples recently with Paypal’s sudden announcement that if you used their service and espoused “views” they didn’t like, they’d fine you $2500.00.  Paypal’s stock quickly suffered, with the company backtracking a bit, but nonetheless, a corporation had arrogated to itself the right to decide what you think, and to fine you if you didn’t think appropriately: welcome to the world of the World Economic Forum, the world of BIS chief Augustin Carstens, the world of der Hochklaus von Blohschwab, of Baal Gates, George Soros… of SPECTRE.

Now apparently JP Morgan Chase has cancelled the checking account of a religious charity for being… well, a religious charity that they apparently don’t like:

JP Morgan Cancels Religious Nonprofit’s Checking Account, Demands Donor List as Condition for Reconsideration

The charity is headed by former Republican US Senator Sam Brownback from Kansas, who noted:

In a post at Restoring America, Brownback, a former Republican U.S. senator and governor from Kansas, said that CCRF is “diverse” and “bipartisan,” and represents “people from every faith and walk of life. Its Advisory Board, he noted, “includes members who are Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Latter-Day Saints, and Muslim.”

Worse, Chase gave Brownback and the charity no real explanation as to why the account was closed:

To this day, the NCRF does not have a clear reason as to why our account was closed after only three weeks. We certainly hadn’t made any transactions in that short amount of time that would have triggered any regulatory red flags.

Brownback said that he was “shocked and surprised” to learn that “someone from Chase eventually reached out to our executive director and informed him that it would be willing to reconsider doing business with the NCRF if we would provide our donor list, a list of political candidates we intended to support, and a full explanation of the criteria by which we would endorse and support those candidates.”

He argued that the demands for “this type of information” was “entirely inappropriate,” and unfortunately, not the first time a religious organization “has found itself facing sudden and unexplained account closures.”

Oh… we’ll reconsider doing business with you, just supply us your donor list!

Or to put that point differently: tell us everyone you associate with, and we might allow you to have an account.

That, folks, is tyranny… and let’s remember, it’s a Rockefailure bank.

You might want to think about this for a moment:

JP Morgan Fines and Penalties paid since 2000

And just in case you didn’t look closely:

Current Parent Company Name: JPMorgan Chase
Ownership Structure: publicly traded (ticker symbol NYSE: JPM)
Headquartered in: New York
Major Industry: financial services
Specific Industry: banking & securities
Penalty total since 2000$36,129,269,434
Number of records: 222
financial offenses $26,619,328,020 112
consumer-protection-related offenses $6,363,346,750 37
competition-related offenses $1,855,919,125 13
government-contracting-related offenses $614,000,000 1
employment-related offenses $521,399,028 45
toxic securities abuses $13,459,785,714 7
investor protection violation $6,212,471,206 75
mortgage abuses $5,362,675,000 5
banking violation $4,262,350,341 14
anti-money-laundering deficiencies $2,161,000,000 2

That small local credit union is looking better and better… maybe it’s time to start cancelling the cancellers. No one wants Communism, and by the same token, no one wants corporatism and its version of soulless tyranny either.  The old bailout adage has it that some banks are just “too big to fail.” I think the lesson is that some are just too big to function efficiently and within the law.

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: Clkr-Free-Vector-Images

Funeral Director Reports ‘Massive Increase’ in Death Rate Exclusively in Young Jab Recipients

Funeral Director Reports ‘Massive Increase’ in Death Rate Exclusively in Young Jab Recipients

by Children’s Health Defense
October 18, 2022


Funeral Director John O’Looney has seen it all — he is no stranger to dead bodies. But something has changed, to the scale of mass-vaccination. Joining “Good Morning CHD” as today’s guest, John exposes the deep, dark occurrences that seem to be happening in mortuaries across the country. What does this unprecedented development mean for the world and our personal lives?

[View clip from full video below. View full video at source — CHD.TV):]

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As a funeral director, I’m seeing a massive increase in death rate, exclusively in young jab recipients.
Do you know how many children I’ve had in that died from COVID? Have a guess. None. Not a single one.
Neither have any of my colleagues. None of them.
You’re putting your child at massive, massive risk of damage. People need to wake up. They’re euthanizing people in hospitals, in British hospitals, with Midazolam now, without even giving them a COVID test*.
They’re killing people with Remdesivir. They know what it does! And they still do it because they’ve got bills to pay.
Their body is so full of fluid where their kidneys are packed up, as you move them across from a stretcher to a stainless steel tray in the mortuary, you leave an imprint in them because they’re so full of fluid where the kidneys have failed due to Remdesivir — due to medicine.
This is an agenda. And I would have never believed. I was never into conspiracy. Never.
I left there knowing that they know. They know and they’re going to push on.
You’re committing murder. You’re being complicit in mass murder and hiding it.
I would like to see all of the nurses and doctors who know what’s going on to down toes and walk out.
I’m an undertaker! Why do they think I’m telling them?
You know, it’s not because I’m not putting people in coffins. It’s because I am!


*Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: It is well-known at this point in time that Covid tests are useless in detecting infectious disease and cannot possibly diagnose “covid”.   See here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and here for starters.


View full video (also available at source — CHD.TV):



10 PayPal Alternatives – For Privacy or Free Speech

10 PayPal Alternatives – For Privacy or Free Speech

by Tom Parker, Reclaim the Net
sourced from Activist Post
October 18, 2022


As digital payments have become increasingly popular, many of the largest companies in this sector have used their dominant position to censor usersharvest their private financial data, and threaten them with huge fines if they violate vague and subjective rules.

Here are some alternative payment services that promote freedom, reject censorship, and/or have privacy-preserving features:


A person-to-person payments network from the free speech software company .

Gab uses the First Amendment of the United States (US) Constitution to guide its content moderation and describes GabPay as a solution that “allows you to spend your processing dollars with companies who share your values rather than major monopolies who’ve hijacked our payment processing sectors.”

With GabPay, users can instantly transfer money from supported bank accounts to anyone with a cell phone or email address. Funds can be quickly transferred from a bank into a GabPay account and this GabPay balance can be used to make payments. Users can also withdraw their GabPay balance to supported bank accounts.

GabPay supports both consumer and merchant accounts. GabPay says its merchant accounts allow businesses to “accept payments without the fear of charge backs, indefinite holds, or reprisals for political beliefs.” Merchant accounts can also integrate with many e-commerce, membership, and website-building platforms.

GabPay also offers vanity addresses which let users create an easy-to-remember link to their GabPay account.

GabPay’s fees are competitive and flexible. The service charges 1.9% + $0.15 per transaction which is lower than both Stripe (which charges 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction) and  (which charges between 1.9% and 3.49% + $0.49 for most transaction). When making a payment, users can choose whether they pay the fee, the other party pays the fee, or the fee is split equally between both parties.

You can sign up for Gab Pay here.


An “unapologetically pro-America, pro-freedom, pro-capitalism” financial lifestyle app that offers credit cards, banking, and loyalty rewards.

GloriFi supports the US Bill of Rights and says it’s “non-negotiable.” GloriFi opposes “the corporate elite telling you how to think,” “woke companies,” and “big government” and describes its app as “a financial lifestyle app designed for We the People.”

Users can access GloriFi’s services via its mobile app which can be used to open accounts, apply for cards, monitor spending, and track loyalty rewards.

The company offers credit cards in several designs including a design that’s made from brass. These credit cards offer up to 2% in loyalty points with every purchase along with other merchant-specific rewards. Users can redeem loyalty points for cash and other rewards or award them to a law enforcement charity.

In the future, GloriFi plans to offer additional financial services including certificate of deposits (CDs), mortgages, and insurance.

GloriFi charges an annual fee on some of its credit cards. It also charges a balance transfer fee of the greater of either $5 or 3% per transaction and a cash advance fee of the greater of either $10 or 5% per transaction. Additionally, some of GloriFi’s cards charge a 3% fee on foreign transactions.

You can sign up for GloriFi here.

Second Amendment Processing

A veteran-owned and operated payment processing company that supports “American standards and values” and stands for “capitalism, free speech, and our children’s education.” It donates 20% of its fee profits to organizations that help protect Second Amendment rights.

Second Amendment Processing has vowed to fight for the rights of businesses that are blocked by other financial institutions and merchant processors for selling firearms legally or expressing opposing political ideologies. It believes that every American business owner has the right to run their business “how they see fit regardless of ideologies or agendas.”

Second Amendment Processing can process credit and debit card payments. It offers PayFac as a service, point of sale processing, mobile payment processing, online e-commerce processing, and desktop terminal processing. It also has partnerships with dozens of like-minded banks and financial institutions.

Its processing fees range from 1.5% to 2.9% for swiped cards and 3.5% for keyed-in transactions. The rate is influenced by the card network, card provider, processing volume, and type of business. However, Second Amendment Processing says it will guarantee users “the absolute best rates possible.”

You can sign up for Second Amendment Processing here.

Parallel Economy

A “censor resistant” payment processor that has received investment from the free speech video sharing platform  and was co-founded by conservative commentator Dan Bongino.

Parallel Economy was founded in response to “tech tyrants [who] have hijacked our economy through the digitization of our world.” The company is “committed to fighting for a free, fair, and open internet.” It also vows to “respect your sovereignty” and never sell user data.

Parallel Economy has partnerships with major retail, hospitality, restaurant, sporting goods, and manufacturing point of sale companies. It also integrates with over 250 gateways and supports shopping carts such as Shopify, BigCommerce, Woocommerce,, Magento, 3D Cart, and Volusion.

Some of Parallel Economy’s other features include free next day funding, a free virtual terminal account, chargeback assistance, invoicing tools, expense tracking tools, and 24/7 merchant support. There are also no contracts and no surcharges.

Parallel Economy endeavors to “match or beat any competitor” on fees. Its advertised rates are 2.98% + $0.15 for card not present transactions and 1.49% + $0.15 transaction for card present transactions.

You can sign up for Parallel Economy here.

Revere Payments

A company that promises to process payments “without bias” and protect business owners’ “right to do business.”

The company’s founder, Wendy Yurgo-Kinnney, said she created Revere Payments in response to the growing number of US-based businesses that are losing payment processing services because of their conservative or religious beliefs.

Revere Payments provides an entire tech stack that’s customized to fit a wide range of businesses. This tech stack is compatible with many major payment solutions including, Shopify, and WooCommerce. It also supports multiple payment types including online payments, retail payments, point of sale payments, and donations.

In addition to the payment processing tech, Revere Payments’ virtual terminal can analyze data from sales channels, handles invoices, and more. The company also provides security tools that can detect and decline suspicious transactions, fight fraud, mitigate risk, and protect customers.

Revere Payments vows to “meet or beat anyone’s pricing.” It offers a competitive retail processing fee of 1.79% + $0.10 on qualified transactions and 2.79% + $0.10 on unqualified transactions. Its online transaction fees are comparable to Stripe at 2.9% + $0.30. It also offers special rates for non-profits and faith-based organizations.

You can sign up for Revere Payments here.


AlignPay states that its free speech principles “preserve and strengthen the rights of all users to interact freely within the law.” It also vows that there is “no viewpoint censorship.”

AlignPay offers credit, debit, and Automated Clearing House (ACH) processing. It can support various types of payments including recurring donations and mobile payments. It also provides other technologies for improved functionality and integration such as application programming interfaces (APIs) and multi-layer encryption.

AlignPay is compatible with many existing payment processing systems and can be integrated with existing point of sale systems, donor management systems, and nearly 150 online shopping carts and ecommerce plugins.

On top of its payment processing features, AlignPay provides real-time transaction management, reporting tools, and invoicing tools which can integrate with business-to-business and business-to-government gateways.

AlignPay’s processing fees are comparable to Stripe’s at 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction. However, there is a $25 minimum monthly fee that applies to users who don’t incur at least $25 in card fees during an applicable month.

You can sign up for AlignPay here.

A privacy-focused card masking service with advanced features for protecting personal data and managing spending. hides users’ real card details by letting them create virtual payment cards that have a unique card number. These cards work with pseudonyms and any billing address which means users can hide their real name, address, and card number when using virtual cards to buy digital products or services. also has a “Discreet Merchants” feature that lets users mask merchant information on their bank statements with a pre-determined name such as “” or “ Smileys Corner Store.”

Users can create and manage virtual payment cards in’s web dashboard, via its browser extension, via its mobile apps, or via its integration with the password manager 1Password.’s virtual payment cards automatically lock to the first merchant they’re used with to prevent them from being used elsewhere if the merchant is compromised. Users can also set spending limits, set expiry dates, organize their cards with tags, and pause, unpause, or close virtual cards.’s free plan gives users access to most of its features and lets users create up to 12 virtual cards per month. Its paid plans give users more cards and all the features. The $10 per month Pro plan lets users create up to 36 cards per month and its $25 per month Teams plan lets users create up to 60 cards per month. also has a card issuing service for businesses called Lithic which has flexible pricing.

You can sign up for here.

You can sign up for Lithic here.

BTCPay Server

An open-source, self-hosted cryptocurrency payment processor that supports 14 cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin and Monero. It also supports the Lightning Network, a second-layer payment network that’s built on top of the Bitcoin protocol.

BTCPay Server provides censorship resistance by allowing users to self-host the software and receive payments directly in wallets that they control. However, it can also be hosted on third-party servers.

Since cryptocurrency wallets are pseudonymous and BTCPay Server supports the private cryptocurrency Monero, the software can also boost user privacy when processing payments.

BTCPay Server integrates with several popular shopping carts including WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, OpenCart, and Drupal. Alternatively, users can use BTCPay Server’s APIs for custom integration.

BTCPay Server also has custom apps including a point of sale app (which can be used to accept in-store payments), a crowdfunding app (which can create self-hosted crowdfunding campaigns), and a payment button app (which creates custom payment buttons).

Other BTCPay Server features include a dashboard (which displays recent transactions, wallet balances, apps, and more), hardware wallet integration, an invoicing tool, and several bookkeeping tools.

BTCPay Server is free to use and doesn’t charge any transaction fees. However, customers will pay a transaction fee to miners or node operators when sending cryptocurrency payments.

You can get BTCPay Server here.


A cryptocurrency wallet that supports over 245 cryptocurrencies and has a built-in exchange.

Exodus supports popular cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether USD Coin, and BNB) and privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies (such as Monero and Zcash).

Users can send cryptocurrency in Exodus with just a few clicks or taps. It also contains quick links for sharing wallet addresses and the associated quick response (QR) codes.

Since cryptocurrency payments are peer-to-peer and many cryptocurrencies are decentralized, cryptocurrency transactions are usually more censorship-resistant than traditional payment services.

Exodus also provides extra censorship resistance because it’s a non-custodial wallet. This means users have full control of the private keys that control their funds and Exodus can’t touch or move users’ cryptocurrencies.

In addition to this, cryptocurrency wallets are pseudonymous. This pseudonymity and the availability of privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies can boost user privacy when transacting.

Exodus has desktop and mobile apps and a browser extension. Its other features include wallet support for multiple portfolios (collections of wallets that are grouped together), wallet import, wallet export, wallet backup, integrations with several decentralized finance (DeFi) apps, and password protection.

Exodus doesn’t charge any fees for sending or receiving cryptocurrency but it does charge an exchange fee when swapping one cryptocurrency for another. Users also pay a transaction fee to miners or node operators when sending cryptocurrency.

You can download Exodus here.

Cake Pay

A service from the creators of the open-source cryptocurrency wallet Cake Wallet that lets users quickly buy digital gift cards with Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Monero.

Like Exodus, Cake Wallet is non-custodial and provides censorship resistance by letting users hold their private keys. The peer-to-peer and decentralized nature of the supported cryptocurrencies also provides extra protection against censorship.

Cake Pay lets users create pseudonymous cryptocurrency wallets and further boost their privacy by using Monero. The ability to purchase digital gift cards and use them for spending adds an extra layer of privacy because their gift card purchases are separated from their pseudonymous wallet address.

Not only does Cake Pay offer privacy-preserving features but it also makes it easy to buy products and services from merchants that don’t accept cryptocurrency. The gift cards can be used at 150,000 merchant locations in the US including adidas, AMC Theatres, Applebee’s, Banana Republic, Barnes & Noble, Domino’s Pizza,, Lowe’s, Sephora, and Subway. Many of the gift cards in Cake Pay are also discounted and Cake Pay says that users can save an average of 2% at most merchants.

Users can sign up for Cake Pay in the Cake Wallet mobile app which is available on the App Store, Google Play Store, or as an Android Application Package (APK). The only personal information that’s required to sign up is an email address.

After signing up, users just need to add some Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Monero to their Cake Pay wallet, search for the gift card they want to buy, and make the purchase. Cake Pay will store their digital gift card in the app and provide instructions on how to use it.

You can get Cake Wallet and sign up for Cake Pay here.


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cover image credit: Obsahovka

Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation

Scientists Call for Moratorium on 5G After Study Shows Regulators Ignoring Health Risks of Radiation

The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife.

by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., The Defender
October 19, 2022


The authors of a peer-reviewed study published Tuesday warned about the risks of exposure to radiation from 5G technology and said their research shows existing exposure limits for wireless radiation are inadequate, outdated and harmful to human health and wildlife.

The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) conducted the study, which was published in Environmental Health.

The ICBE-EMF called for an independent assessment of the dangers and impacts of wireless radiation, a campaign to inform the public of the health risks associated with radiation and “an immediate moratorium on further rollout of 5G wireless technologies until safety is demonstrated and not simply assumed.”

In an ICBE-EMF press release, Dr. Lennart Hardell, an oncologist, author of more than 100 papers on non-ionizing radiation and lead author of the study, said:

“Multiple robust human studies of cell phone radiation have found increased risks for brain tumors, and these are supported by clear evidence of carcinogenicity of the same cell types found in animal studies.”

In interviews with The Defender, Hardell and Joel M. Moskowitz, director of the Center for Family and Community Health at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health, discussed the study’s findings, the ICBE-EMF’s new initiative to raise awareness of the risks of 5G and explained who is most susceptible to the potentially harmful effects of wireless radiation.

According to Moskowitz, exposure to cellphones and other wireless devices should be limited, especially for pregnant women and children.

Hardell and Moskowitz — both of whom are associated with ICBE-EMF and its study — also blamed regulatory agencies such as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) for ignoring the risks — despite hundreds of studies indicating the dangers of exposure to wireless radiation — and called for legal action and increased public pressure.

Study: wireless radiation exposure limits ‘harmful,’ ‘based on false suppositions’

The ICBE-EMF describes itself as “a multi-disciplinary consortium of scientists, doctors and related professionals who are, or have been, involved with research related to the biological and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies up to and including 300 GHz.”

Founded in 2021, the ICBE-EMF — which says it “is dedicated to ensuring the protection of humans and other species from the harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation” — arose from the International EMF Scientist Appeal, a petition signed by more than 240 scientists representing more than 2,000 published papers.

According to the new ICBE-EMF study, the radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure limits established in the 1990s by the FCC and the ICNIRP “were based on results from behavioral studies conducted in the 1980s involving 40-60 minute exposures in 5 monkeys and 8 rats” — after which “arbitrary safety factors” were applied “to an apparent threshold specific absorption rate (SAR)” of 4 watts per kilogram.

According to a fact sheet accompanying the study’s release, this means that “no adverse health effects from RFR exposure” were claimed to exist “below the … SAR of 4 watts per kilogram for frequencies ranging from 100 kHz to 6 GHz.”

The paper argues these radiation exposure limits were based “on two major assumptions” — that any biological effects of exposure to wireless radiation “were due to excessive tissue heating and no effects would occur below the putative threshold SAR,” and “twelve assumptions that were not specified by either the FCC or ICNIRP.”

The limits set by the FCC and ICNIRP also ignore “the past 25 years of extensive research on RFR” which, according to the study, “demonstrates that the assumptions underlying the FCC’s and ICNIRP’s exposure limits are invalid and continue to present a public health harm,” and “are based on false suppositions.”

These harms, which have been observed even “below the assumed threshold SAR,” include “non-thermal induction of reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, and neurological effects, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity,” plus “increased brain and thyroid cancer risk.”

Despite these documented risks, the study explains that in 2020, the FCC and ICNIRP “reaffirmed the same limits that were established in the 1990s” — limits that “do not adequately protect workers, children, hypersensitive individuals, and the general population from short-term or long-term RFR exposures.”

According to the ICBE-EMF press release, the FCC and ICNIRP “have ignored or inappropriately dismissed hundreds of scientific studies documenting adverse health effects at exposures below the threshold dose claimed by these agencies,” which is “based on science from the 1980s — before cell phones were ubiquitous.”

Scientists speak out on wireless exposure risks

Hardell and Moskowitz both told The Defender that wireless radiation poses a higher risk to pregnant women and children. Moskowitz said people who are electromagnetically hypersensitive also are especially at risk.

Both recommended, however, that all individuals minimize their exposure to wireless radiation as much as possible.

Moskowitz developed an online resource compiling advice and suggestions for individuals to reduce exposure to wireless radiation.

The recommendations include keeping devices such as smartphones and cordless phones at a distance from the body and particularly the head, using these devices in areas where there is a strong signal, reducing secondhand exposure to other individuals’ devices and switching off household wireless devices at bedtime.

Moskowitz cited specific concerns about 5G technology, telling The Defender:

“5G has many new features never tested for safety, including different carrier frequencies, new modulation and pulsing schemes, beam-forming, phased arrays, and massive MIMO [multiple input, multiple output].

“Studies have been conducted that test some carrier frequencies used in 5G but not the other features which could result in brief but very high-intensity exposures.

“The proximity of small cell antennas near where people live and work could pose health problems in addition to wireless radiation exposure from 5G cellphones.”

Hardell said that with 5G technology, “the pulses can be extremely high and also be additive from different [wireless] sources,” adding that “risks are not studied, especially not long-term.”

In a July 2022 article on, a website on the dangers of wireless radiation exposure operated by Moskowitz, he focused on the millimeter wave (MMW) used in the “high-band” (30-300 GHz) frequencies utilized by 5G networks.

Moskowitz wrote that the characteristics of such MMWs are different than the “low-band” frequencies primarily used up until now for cellular and wireless transmission.

According to Moskowitz:

“The transmissions can be directed into narrow beams that travel by line-of-sight and can move data at high rates (e.g., up to 10 billion bits per second) with short lags (or latencies) between transmissions.

“Millimeter waves (MMWs) are mostly absorbed within 1 to 2 millimeters of human skin and in the surface layers of the cornea. Thus, the skin or near-surface zones of tissues are the primary targets of the radiation.

“Since skin contains capillaries and nerve endings, MMW bio-effects may be transmitted through molecular mechanisms by the skin or through the nervous system.”

Such exposure, writes Moskowitz, can lead to thermal (heating) effects, initially causing a “heat sensation followed by pain and physical damage at higher exposures,” and ultimately impacting “the growth, morphology and metabolism of cells,” inducing “production of free radicals,” and causing DNA damage.

Moskowitz said there’s been no real research on the biologic or health effects of 5G, noting that out of 35,000 publications on electromagnetic fields found on the EMF Portal as of Aug. 1, 2022, only 408 pertained to 5G, and only seven were medical or biological studies.

However, even these seven studies are inadequate, Moskowitz wrote:

“A closer look, however, reveals that although these studies employed carrier frequencies used in 5G, none of these studies modulated or pulsed the signal as required by 5G or used other features of 5G technology (e.g., beamforming, massive MIMO, and phased arrays) that are likely to affect the nature and extent of biological or health effects from exposure to this radiation.”

According to Children’s Health Defense (CHD), more than 1,500 peer-reviewed scientific papers demonstrate biological and health impacts from exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

In August 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled in favor of CHD in its lawsuit against the FCC’s decision not to review its health and safety guidelines regarding 5G and wireless technology, finding that the FCC did not provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its current guidelines provide adequate protection to RF radiation.

The wireless radiation exposure limits reaffirmed by the FCC and ICNIRP make no provision for the advent and growth of 5G technologies, Moskowitz said. But instead of addressing the issue, the telecommunications industry and its experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cellphone radiation of “fear-mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G,” he added.

Regulators bear ‘full responsibility’ for harmful health effects caused by exposure to wireless radiation

Hardell told The Defender that the failure of regulatory agencies to set proper exposure limits means they “have the full responsibility” for deaths and injuries stemming from exposure to wireless radiation.

According to Moskowitz, a report on 5G released in 2020 by the U.S. Government Accountability Office “recognizes that public concern regarding the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) is likely to intensify with the deployment of 5G technology” and that “long-term effects are unknown.”

However, according to the report, “Officials from federal regulatory and research agencies did not indicate any cause for alarm due to these unknowns because of the research from observational studies on pre-5G technology and from experimental studies of high-band 5G technology.”

Moskowitz blamed the failure not just on the FCC, but also on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

“For more than two decades, FDA officials have ignored the lack of consensus in the scientific community regarding the safety of RFR,” Moskowitz wrote in 2020. “The majority of scientists who study RFR effects now believe that current RFR national and international safety standards are inadequate to protect our health.”

Moskowitz pointed out that the FCC relies on the FDA for health-related recommendations — and “upon advice from lobbyists and engineers and scientists affiliated with the telecommunications or wireless industry,” adding that a “revolving door” exists between the FCC, these two industries and their lobbying groups.

According to the ICBE-EMF fact sheet:

“Since 2002, multiple robust epidemiologic studies of cell phone radiation have found increased risks for brain tumors, which are supported by evidence of carcinogenicity of the same cell types (glial cells and Schwann cells) from animal studies.”

And in the ICBE-EMF press release, Dr. Ronald Melnick, ICBE-EMF chair and former senior toxicologist with the U.S. National Toxicology Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, said:

“Many studies have demonstrated oxidative effects associated with exposure to low-intensity RFR, and significant adverse effects including cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, DNA damage, neurological disorders, increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and sperm damage.”

Scientists call for moratorium on 5G deployment

Scientists associated with the newly released paper and the ICBE-EMF called for the deployment of 5G networks to be paused until its potential harms to humans and nature are more thoroughly studied.

Hardell told The Defender that “there should be a moratorium on 5G until studied,” describing this situation as “a sad story by industry, politicians and their affiliated scientists.” “Ignorance and doubt is their product,” he said.

The authors of the paper said health-protective exposure limits are “urgently needed” for humans and the environment. They added:

“These limits must be based on scientific evidence rather than on erroneous assumptions, especially given the increasing worldwide exposures of people and the environment to RFR, including novel forms of radiation from 5G telecommunications for which there are no adequate health effects studies.”

They also said an independent evaluation “based on the scientific evidence with attention to the knowledge gained over the past 25 years” is needed to establish lower exposure limits.

ICBE-EMF also called for health studies to be completed prior to any future deployment of 5G networks.

According to Hardell, more is needed than a moratorium on 5G deployment, however. He told The Defender:

“After more than 20 years of research on health risks from this technology without success to implement precaution, we need legal work.

“The polluter must pay. Radiofrequency radiation is an environmental pollutant that needs to be investigated and regulated. It needs to be classified as a Group 1 human carcinogen by IARC [the International Agency for Research on Cancer].”

Under the IARC’s classification, “Group 1” encompasses compounds or physical factors that are “carcinogenic to humans.”


©October 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

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Why Nobody “Had, Caught or Got” COVID-19

Why Nobody “Had, Caught or Got” COVID-19


by Dr. Mark Bailey
October 16, 2022


Recently I spoke to an international consortium of doctors and researchers about the COVID-19 situation and the issue of virus existence. I was asked whether I thought COVID-19 cases were fictional in nature, which is an interesting question. It goes beyond the matter of whether pathogenic viruses exist and are the cause of disease. It also allows us to address the frequent claim people make that whatever COVID-19 is supposed to be, they “got it,” based on their experience or one of the so-called tests they took. Let’s examine why there is no “it” even though there are lots of “cases”…

When most people hear the word “case” in a medical context there is a natural tendency to think that the individual being counted has an actual disease. It may come as a surprise that this is not a requirement at all because in the field of epidemiology it can be defined as simply, “the standard criteria for categorizing an individual as a case.” ‘Standard criteria’ can be anything and this opens the door to all sorts of misuse and misinterpretation. In fact, it has been used to propagate outright fraud, as Dr John Bevan-Smith and I documented last year in “The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity.”

In 2020, Sam published a video “What is a COVID-19 case?,” which succinctly outlined the problems of the World Health Organisation’s COVID-19 ‘case’ definition. It is evident that the cases are “confirmed” by in vitro (outside the body) molecular detection assays – in 2020 that was mostly PCR kits and today we also have the widely-deployed Rapid Antigen Tests, which I have discussed in another article. Whatever tests are being used, they have been completely disconnected from the concept of disease. By mid-2020, it was more than apparent that COVID-19 was not a clinically defined condition. A Cochrane review published in July that year concluded that, “based on currently available data, neither absence nor presence of signs or symptoms are accurate enough to rule in or rule out disease.” In other words, COVID-19 cases can be solely determined by molecular “tests” such as the above-mentioned ones.

It is astounding that the vast majority of the medical community went along with this nonsense, including many of those who have been opposed to the “pandemic” responses. What does it mean to diagnose or treat a “case” of COVID-19? Even some PCR critics have been gaslit by debates about the “accuracy” of the PCR and appropriate cycle threshold limits in determining ‘cases’. However, this falls back into the same trap, being the belief that these particular tests are capable of telling them something useful about the condition of a person. They think the PCR just needs to be tweaked in a certain way so it can be used as a diagnostic tool. For clarity, I am not talking about clinically-validated molecular assays with known diagnostic specificity and sensitivity such as urine pregnancy tests. Sam has covered the pertinent differences in her video “COVID-19: Behind The PCR Curtain.”

Beyond the medical community, the public have been deceived by linguistic legerdemain where the PCR or Rapid Antigen Test results are then called, “cases of the virus,” or, “cases of infection,” by public institutions and the corporate media. This is a game of deception because the WHO’s own definition of a case has been completely misrepresented. If they were honest they would say, “cases of a detected chemical reaction in an assay.” However, this would have failed in the marketing department and nobody would have bought into the pandemic narrative in 2020.

In summary, there are indeed cases of COVID-19 but the case definition has been disconnected from the concept of disease. The Johns Hopkins “COVID-19 Dashboard” displays hundreds of millions of meaningless cases, which look impressive to the uninitiated viewer. However, knowledge of how these numbers have been produced brings an understanding that we have just witnessed a pseudo-pandemic, or what Virus Mania’s Dr Claus Köhnlein christened a “PCR Pandemic” in 2020.

The COVID-19 fraud and the concept of “cases” is illustrative of a wider problem concerning medical training and practice within the allopathic paradigm. It is one that I am acutely aware of, having been in the conventional medical system for two decades until my exit in 2016. The paradigm is based on claimed disease entities, many of which are allegedly caused by one “pathogen” and are supposedly treated with one “magic bullet.” Medicine was subverted in this way last century after the stifling implementation of the Rockefeller-backed Flexner Report (1910) and has never recovered. Dr Montague Leverson pointed out an example of this misguided thinking about disease around the same time:

“You here assume smallpox to be a thing, an entity. This blunder is committed by nearly all the followers of the self-styled “regular school”, and it will probably be a new idea to you to be told that neither smallpox nor any other disease is an entity, but is a condition.”

Dr. Montague Leverson, Bridgeport Evening Farmer, Connecticut USA, August 21, 1909

One of the worst things that can happen when visiting an allopathic doctor is being labelled with a disease entity. Medical practice has deteriorated into protocol-driven paradigms in which the practitioners blindly follow pathways and tick boxes. Hapless patients are given a tag and then subjected to prescribed “treatments” rather than being advised on how to help cure their body’s real problems. One silver lining to the COVID fiasco is that it blatantly exposed the nature of the medical system to many people and they could see that it cannot help them with achieving true health.

New Zealand’s Dr Ulric Williams (1890-1971) was another who understood the follies of attempting to classify disease “cases” through not only investigations but also through criteria involving symptoms and signs. Rather, he identified these patterns as healing crises and the body’s attempts to restore itself to health. On that note, we are pleased to announce that we will soon be publishing a book that will once again make Dr Williams’ wisdom and curative methods available to the world.

We are frequently asked about what really makes people ill if it is not “viruses” or other disease entities. It is a matter of changing our way of thinking from the misleading model of getting or suffering from “it” to a new understanding of what our body is trying to do to get well again. As well as addressing this in our free content, we explore these concepts further in our monthly Q&A sessions. Access to this bonus content is available through Dr Sam’s Community Membership. Please sign up for this membership if you would like to support our work and have even more of your questions answered. You can also sign up for Dr Sam’s free newsletter so you don’t miss out on any of the latest developments.


Connect with Drs. Mark and Sam Bailey

cover image credit: Dieterich01

Meet Elon Musk, Technocractic Huckster

Meet Elon Musk, Technocractic Huckster 

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 17, 2022


Elon Musk is back in the headlines again (not that he ever really went away). He’s going to save free speech on Twitter (honest)! He’s going to end the war on Ukraine (that he supported with Starlink)! He’s going to give Taiwan to the Chinese (and not just because of Tesla’s Shanghai factory)! Yes, Elon Musk is a WEF Young Global Leader and a self-promoting charlatan who would have amounted to absolutely nothing without unrelenting support from government and his globalist pals, and he is the next white hat saviour that is being set up to mislead the masses with their next hopium fix. But as James peels back the layers of this technocratic huckster, you’ll find that it’s even worse than that . . .

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4


Behold! The Tesla Robot in all its glory!!!!
Time Reference: 0:00


Musk consulted with Putin on Ukraine plan
Time Reference: 05:01


Musk didn’t consult Putin?
Time Reference: 05:03


But maybe Musk did consult Putin?
Time Reference: 05:05


Behold! Musk’s plan to end the war on Ukraine!
Time Reference: 5:10


Musk supported Ukraine with Starlink
Time Reference: 5:14


Government money funds Musk’s Ukraine Starlink operation
Time Reference: 5:16


Musk is going to give Taiwan back to China, apparently
Time Reference: 5:21


Tesla’s Shanghai factory accounts for between 30% and 50% of the company’s total production
Time Reference: 5:31


BostonDynamics robots doing parkour
Time Reference: 5:59


Elon Musk : Tesla, SpaceX, and the quest for a fantastic future by Ashlee Vance
Time Reference: 7:21


Financial PR exec “just happened” to show up on the first day of Greta Thunberg’s climate strike by Ashlee Vance
Time Reference: 11:04


CNN “just happens” to do a PR puff piece on Elon Musk in 1999
Time Reference: 12:53


Barack Obama on Universal Basic Income
Time Reference: 16:13


Elon Musk on Universal Basic Income
Time Reference: 16:36


Klaus Schwab on the brain chip
Time Reference: 16:54


Elon Musk on the brain chip
Time Reference: 17:24


Bill Gates on carbon taxes
Time Reference: 17:59


Elon Musk on carbon taxes
Time Reference: 18:31


Elon Musk Developing COVID 19 Vaccine
Time Reference: 19:05


Elon Musk: “Give people their freedom back!”
Time Reference: 20:05


Elon agrees PayPal’s misinfo policy is insane
Time Reference: 20:28


The PayPal Mafia
Time Reference: 21:27


Elon Musk: Humans Need to Upgrade or We Risk Becoming Pets for Robots
Time Reference: 22:54


Wikispooks and LittleSis – #Solutionswatch
Time Reference: 24:31


Elon Musk Wikipedia article
Time Reference: 24:39


Elon Musk Wikispooks article
Time Reference: 25:36


All Hail Elon’s Martian Technocracy!
Time Reference: 28:32


Why Big Oil Conquered the World
Time Reference: 37:34


Elon Musk says civilization ‘will crumble’ if people don’t have more kids
Time Reference: 40:20


Elon Musk Reveals His Awkward Dislike of Mass Transit
Time Reference: 41:21


Elon Musk Is Convinced He’s the Future. We Need to Look Beyond Him
Time Reference: 42:30


Did Musk Propose Hyperloop to Stop California High-Speed Rail?
Time Reference: 44:34


Elon Musk, Tech’s Cash-Poor Billionaire
Time Reference: 46:46


If Elon Musk Walks Away From Twitter, It Could Save Him $400 Million in Taxes
Time Reference: 48:59


Battle Erupts Over Alleged Grisly Photos of Brain-Hacked Neuralink Monkeys
Time Reference: 52:10


Episode 405 – Designing Humans for Fun and Profit (Neuralink monkey pong)
Time Reference: 52:24


Elon Musk’s Cruel Neuralink Experiments Kills 15th MONKEY, Are Humans Next?
Time Reference: 54:28


Connect with James Corbett

Predictive Programming, HG Wells and the Clash of Two Creativities

Predictive Programming, HG Wells and the Clash of Two Creativities

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
October 17, 2022


In this interview conducted in January 2021 with Patrick Timpone on One News Network, I details the historical precedents of the Orwellian paradigm threatening to undermine the nation state system and broader multipolar alliance. Special focus is given to the often overlooked matter of cultural warfare and the new techniques in predictive programming in the field of science fiction innovated by HG Wells which shaped the zeitgeist for over 120 years and continues to shape popular culture and cinema to this day.

[Video available at Canadian Patriot 1776 & Patrick Timpone BitChute channels.]

Topics Covered:
What are the roots of the Great Reset?
What was H.G. Wells’ connection to British eugenicists Julian Huxley and Leonard Huxley?
Why was The British Empire’s Round Table Movement such an important tool of Anglo-Saxon globalism?
How was World War 2 just act 2 of World War 1? aka: global division for the profiting of corporations and banking institutions.
Why did the British Empire require a cultural matrix rooted in pessimism?
How are pessimistic movies like Soylent Green and Planet of the Apes products of a deliberate global divide-and-conquer strategy?
How is dystopian science fiction different from the optimistic world of Jules Verne, who was happy with technology as long as it included morality?


Connect with Matthew Ehret

See related:

H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda

Matthew Ehret – H.G. Wells’ Dystopic Vision Comes Alive With the Great Reset Agenda; How Darwinism Took Over the World – January 5, 2021

C.S. Lewis vs H.G. Wells: A Journey out of the Deep Black Void (and Invitation to lecture #2)


In Defense of Real Food – World Food Day 2022

In Defense of Real Food – World Food Day 2022

by Navdanya International
October 16, 2022


Real food is how our bodies are interconnected to the web of life on Earth. We are so deeply interconnected that our microbiome forms a continuous, reciprocal macro-organism with the microbiome of the soils. The real food we eat provides information to our bodies about the season, environment, and the health of the surrounding ecosystems so that our body can respond accordingly. We are so connected that the debilitation of health of one aspect of our food web, goes on to have a direct effect on our health. But since the advent of industrialization, we have been systematically displaced from the deep, inherent relationships we hold with our food.

The deep seeded extent of corporate power’s infiltration into our daily bread extends all the way from the overuse of toxic substances, shadowy backroom lobbying, and a shapeshifting appropriation of resistance through greenwashing tactics. All to keep us in the dark over the  destructive consequences of agribusiness-as-usual. So much so that now less and less people remember where food comes from, and what a healthy, integrated agro-ecosystem looks and feels like.

Such is the disconnect that nutritionally empty, artificial, chemically laced junk, masquerading as food, has become the norm. We have been fooled into thinking food is an object, a necessary but fundamentally non-distinct input into the machine of the body. Corporations would have us believe that food is just ‘functional’, i.e. all nutrients, whether synthetic, from plants, or from animal foods are all created equal in terms of nutrition. But this is simply not so. There are fundamental differences and complexities in bioavailability, nutritional synergies, nutrient density and diversity that are present in real foods.  It is impossible for lab-made imposters to mimic the bioavailability and nutrition synergies present in natural foods. Especially as the extent of such complexity is not yet fully understood. As the most advanced branches of science evolve, such as epigenetics, microbiome research, ecology and others, it’s clear there is an infinite amount of information we still don’t know and therefore cannot manipulate artificially.

There is also overwhelming evidence of how such synthetic simulacrums cause detrimental health effects on their own. Just as the Earth, her ecosystems, and her soils have been treated as dead, empty matter that can be manipulated with chemicals, so has the body, under this vision, suffered the same fate.

Small farmers and local food communities have deliberately been destroyed in favor of corporate power, and the health of people, the planet and food systems has been purposefully disregarded. Today this has become evident in the explosion of noncommunicable, metabolic diseases, along with mental illnesses, on one side, and the growing number of people affected by malnutrition and hunger on the other.  All caused by the depletion of the human microbiome, lack of basic macro and micronutrients, and food being contaminated with carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals from toxic pesticide residues, heavy metals, artificial growth hormones, and antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria. These same diseases that are affecting humans are also affecting the Earth, in the forms of pollution, mass extinction, and ecological collapse causing climate change.

The call has been made that this system can no longer go on, and now we are finding agribusiness chanting along with what food movements have been saying for years. The corporate chimera has shifted its mask again, appearing to be an ally to the growing eco-conscious movements.  Now the very ones who have perpetuated the Earth’s destruction and our amnesia, have shapeshifted once more to try and convince us they hold the solutions.  But how can the same groups that have so heavily profited off the destruction of our health, small farmers, and the Earth, all of a sudden be so interested in changing the system they created? If in condemning the industrial atrocities of animal factory farming, for example,  we are inadvertently making way for the same corporate actors to step in, are we really making any progress?

The imagination of corporate power can only conjure further iterations of itself- cold, anti-life, lab-made, synthetic and most importantly, profitable. Those that have caused mass-suffering (of peoples, ecosystems, animals and so on) are now saying no more animal suffering, no more nutrient deficiency, no more climate problems thanks to carbon trade offs, nature-based solutions, digital agriculture and lab-made foods. Technological innovation can solve all this by simply eliminating the problem. No more cattle to feed, no more chickens to house, no more dairy cows to pump because now a highly complex combination of never before seen ingredients can be put together with pesticide laden, industrially grown seeds to produce a sterilized, denatured facsimile of the real thing. Complex ecological breakdown is now simplified into catchy marketing slogans, reduced to simple solutions where corporate accountability is conveniently forgotten in favor of shameful individual responsibility.

The push for food without farmers, and farming without the Earth, represents the agenda of the next corporate takeover of food systems in the final elimination of real farming through digital agriculture, and elimination Real Food through lab-made synthetic foods.  An agenda being pushed through corporate aligned, false climate-change policies to eliminate animal agriculture, vertically integrate supply chains and digitalization. The industrial, monocultural farm will now find its use in providing previously inedible, unpopular commodity crops as raw materials for lab-made foods. The parasite now sucks the last drops of its heavily infected host before it moves on to its new cell-cultured lab protein.

The already underway destruction of real food has already destroyed health, as profits cannot be made from a healthy planet, healthy people, or a well-functioning local food community. The fight now extends beyond just small farmer versus factory farming, its now real food versus man-made synthetic, fake foods; its nutrient-dense, regenerative foods grown with care, versus corporate digital dystopia.

So, are we going to look to those who regard land, food, and life as extractible, commodifiable, profitable objects to solve the problem which stems from the fundamental disconnection to the Earth and Life? Or do we look to the generational stewards, the indigenous people who speak for their lands, the independent scientist evolving the science of agroecology, and the careful small farmer? Who are the ones that can teach us how to care for the Earth?

The defense of real food is now more important than ever, as it also represents the defense of the small farmer, the defense of our relationship to the Earth, and to life itself.

Real food is nutrient dense, comes from living soil, living water, sunlight and the contribution of hundreds, if not thousands of interconnections with other living beings (including animals).

Real food comes from the care of a small farmer’s hands.

Real food works in tandem to the inherent interconnections of both plants and animals as essential elements of a healthy and balanced agroecosystem. It is made by caring for multidimensional health necessary to produce nutrient rich foods for generations to come.

Real food accepts, honors and humbly respects the cycles of life and death inherent in the Earth’s cycles.

Real food connects us all to the flow of life.

Real food gives us a chance to rejuvenate the earth, our food economies, food sovereignty and food cultures.

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cover image credit: sarangib

Dr. Tom Cowan: Five Simple Questions for Virologists

Five Simple Questions for Virologists

by Dr. Tom Cowan
October 13, 2022


Hello, everyone. Almost three years into the “great virus debate,” we’re still awaiting answers to questions we have for virologists. I thought this would be a good time to put forward in one place the five most basic unanswered questions, with the hope that any virologist will reply with answers. I’m happy to share their answers with my audience.

Question One: When attempting to prove the existence of any “thing,” we follow certain procedures. First, we define the thing we are looking for, then we go to the natural habitat of that thing and attempt to find it. If we find it and we isolate it (meaning, separate it from its environment so we have it in pure form), this step allows us to find out what the thing is composed of and what it does. It works very well with trees, frogs, bacteria and even nanoparticles.

Can you give us a reference in which this step has been done for any pathogenic virus, and, if this reference doesn’t exist, explain why not?

Question Two: Virologists claim that the “viral culture” experiment proves the existence of the virus. In that experiment, an unpurified sample is taken from a sick person and mixed with fetal bovine serum, toxic antibiotics, and a starvation medium. It is then inoculated on a highly inbred cell culture, which results in the breakdown of the cells (called “cytopathic effect”). This process is called “isolation” of the virus.

Can you define what the term “isolation” means to you, and whether you agree that the above process is a scientifically based isolation procedure?

Question Three: The scientific method at its core means the choosing of an independent variable (that which you wish to study) and a dependent variable (the effect this independent variable causes). By this widely accepted definition of the scientific method, one would need to isolate and test the virus and only the virus as the independent variable. So, a proper experiment would be to isolate a pure virus from a sick person that you allege is made sick with this virus and inoculate this and only this virus onto the cell culture and see whether it causes the CPE. Then, of course, one would run a control experiment: The identical steps would be taken, except no virus would be added to the culture.

Can you point us to a study in which this clear experiment has been done? If it doesn’t exist, please explain why. If the reason is that you can’t find the purified virus in any fluid of any sick plant, animal, or human, then are you willing to acknowledge that the only experiment one could do to prove the existence of these viruses simply can’t be done? If you agree that this experiment can’t be done, could you please refer us to a paper that shows how a “viral culture” is experimentally validated with proper controls at every step of the experiment?

Question Four: It is often claimed by doctors and scientists that every nook and cranny of our bodies is teeming with viruses. These viruses, it is claimed, make up what is called a “virome.” Some claim there are 10 to the 48th number of viruses in our bodies.

If this is true, when you inoculate unpurified lung samples onto cell cultures, presumably containing gazillions of these viruses, why is the only virus that “grows” the one you’re looking for, i.e., SARS-CoV-2? Why aren’t these other viruses seen, photographed, and found in the broken-down cell culture?

Question Five: Finally, can you offer other examples of “things” that are claimed to exist solely through the finding of pieces of that thing? To be clear, if no records of a purified virus such as SARS-CoV-2 exists, by what logic or scientific principles can one claim to prove that any piece, such as an antigen or genome, has come from that “thing?”

All the best,



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

cover image credit: Rednic

People Strike Back Against Paypal & Important Info on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): “This Is the Key Issue for the Human Species at This Time.”

People Strike Back Against Paypal & Important Info on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC):  “This Is the Key Issue for the Human Species at This Time.”
“The Changeover of the World Monetary Paradigm Is Happening Right Under Our Nose.”

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report, with James Evan Pilato, Media Monarchy
October 13, 2022


Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4


Story #1: Ground-Breaking SWIFT Innovation Paves Way For Global Use Of CBDCs

Connecting Digital Islands: Paving The Way For Global Use Of CBDCs, Tokenised Assets

US House Committee Turn To DoJ For CBDC Development As SWIFT Resolves Cross-Border Transfer Hurdle

China, Russia Creating “Alternate” Banking System

Story #2: PayPal Backtracks On Fining Users For “Misinformation,” Calls It An “Error”

PayPal Stock “Fined” 6% After Flood Of Users Cancel Over $2,500 ‘Misinformation’ Debacle

Corbet Report: Membership

Story #3: Vermont Town Employee Quietly Lowered The Fluoride In Water For Years

French Gen. Praises Unjabbed Citizens: “You Embody The Best Of Humanity, You Are Superheroes”

Corbett Report Search: “Fluoride”

Media Monarchy Search: “Fluoride”

“Does Corbett have an alternative to Paypal that works internationally?”

The New World Next Week Store

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Pfizer Exec Admits Under Oath: ‘We Never Tested COVID Vaccine Against Transmission’

Pfizer Exec Admits Under Oath: ‘We Never Tested COVID Vaccine Against Transmission’

by Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge
October 13, 2022


A senior Pfizer executive has admitted under oath that the company never tested their Covid “vaccine” to see if it prevented transmission…

As Jack Phillips reports via The Epoch Times, member of the European Parliament, Rob Roos, asked during a session:

“Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market? Did we know about stopping immunization before it entered the market?”

Pfizer’s Janine Small, president of international developed markets, said in response:

“No … You know, we had to … really move at the speed of science to know what is taking place in the market.”

Roos, of the Netherlands, argued in a Twitter video Monday that following Small’s comments to him, millions of people around the world were duped by pharmaceutical companies and governments.

“Millions of people worldwide felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth that ‘you do it for others,’” Roos said.

“Now, this turned out to be a cheap lie” and “should be exposed,” he added.

“If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re anti-social. This is what the Dutch Prime Minister and Health Minister told us,” Roos said.

“You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself, but also for others—you do it for all of society. That’s what they said.”

But that argument no longer holds, Roos explained.

“Today, this turns out to be complete nonsense. In a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, one of the Pfizer directors just admitted to me—at the time of introduction, the vaccine had never been tested on stopping the transmission of the virus.”

The Epoch Times has contacted Pfizer for comment.

What Was Said

The Food and Drug Administration wrote in late 2020 that there was no data available to determine whether the vaccine would prevent transmission and for how long it would protect against transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes COVID-19.

“At this time, data are not available to make a determination about how long the vaccine will provide protection, nor is there evidence that the vaccine prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from person to person,” the agency specifically noted.

Meanwhile, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, around the same time, said his firm was “not certain” if those who receive its mRNA vaccine will be able to transmit COVID-19 to other people.

”I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now,” Bourla told NBC News in December 2020 in response to a question about transmissibility.

Former White House medical adviser Dr. Deborah Birx in June revealed that there was evidence in December 2020 that individuals who received COVID-19 vaccines, including Pfizer’s, could still transmit the virus.

“We knew early on in January of 2021, in late December of 2020, that reinfection was occurring after natural infection,” Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator during the Trump administration, told members of Congress this year.

‘Not Going to Get COVID’

A number of officials in the United States and around the world had claimed COVID-19 vaccines could prevent transmission. Among them, President Joe Biden in July 2021 remarked that “you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

Chief Biden administration medical adviser Anthony Fauci in May 2021 said in a CBS interview that vaccinated people are “dead ends” for COVID-19, suggesting they cannot transmit the virus.

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said.

Two months later, in late July of that year, Fauci said that vaccinated people are capable of transmitting the virus.

In the coming months, Fauci, Biden, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, and others pivoted to say the vaccine prevents severe disease, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19.

At least one Twitter-er accepts responsibility… and hopefully learned from his un-erring ‘trust’…


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cover image credit: WiR_Pixs

James Corbett’s Solutions Watch: Wikispooks and LittleSis

Wikispooks and LittleSis

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 12, 2022


If only there were some handy-dandy websites for finding out more information about the people and organizations we see mentioned in the news. Oh wait, there are! Join James for today’s edition of #SolutionsWatch as he guides you through an exploration of Peter Thiel and shows you some interesting websites along the way.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4

SwissCows search engine



Connect with James Corbett

Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian

Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian

by Greg Reese
October 12, 2022



Connect with Greg Reese

The Genius Behind PayPal’s Bad Idea

The Genius Behind PayPal’s Bad Idea

by JP Sears, Awaken with JP
October 11, 2022


Here’s how PayPal’s decision to fine users $2,500 for misinformation went down.

Connect with JP Sears

German Engineer Marvin Haberland Challenges the Existence of Covid Virus in German Court

German Engineer Marvin Haberland Challenges the Existence of Covid Virus in German Court


Marvin vs Virology: COVID Taken to Court

by Dr. Sam Bailey
October 11, 2022


Many of us know that the virologists have not been following the scientific method and have no evidence that viruses exist. One of their biggest problems is that they don’t perform valid controls in their experiments.

German engineer Marvin Haberland has worked out a way to get a public admission that SARS-CoV-2 has not been shown to exist. When Marvin broke “corona” legislation, the German authorities unwittingly took the bait.

If they want to convict him, they will have to justify the fraudulent nature of virology in a public court.

The virologists better come up with some decent excuses fast…

[Video available at Dr. Sam Bailey Odysee channel.]


  1. Dr. Mark Bailey – A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)
  2.  Dr. Sam Bailey – Secrets of Virology “Control” Experiments
  3. Dr. Sam Bailey – The Truth About Virus Isolation
  4. Spanish Flu Video – Secrets of Influenza
  5. Corona Fakten Telegram Channel
  6. German Legislation: Law for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases in Humans (Infection Protection Act – IfSG) Paragraph 1
  7. DFG Funding, Good Research Practice
  8. Wikipedia – German Research Foundation
  9. Measles Court Case Protocol Findings
  10. Virus Mania – 3rd Edition
  11. The Peter Doherty Institute
  12. Christine Massey FOIA
  13. COVID 19 Fraud & War On Humanity – Part 1 video
  14. The “Settling The Virus Debate” Statement


Connect with Drs. Samantha and Mark Bailey

La Quinta Columna: Urgent Warning About the “Transhumanist Invasion and the Control of Human Beings Through Artificial Intelligence”

La Quinta Columna: Urgent Warning About the “Transhumanist Invasion and the Control of Human Beings Through Artificial Intelligence”


Urgent Announcement From La Quinta Columna

by La Quinta Columna
October 7, 2022


[Video available at Rumble. Video translation by La Quinta Columna]


 Written transcript prepared by Truth Comes to Light:

Urgent communication from La Quinta Columna.

Good afternoon, everyone. As director and founder of the already planetary movement, La Quinta Colomna, and on behalf of hundreds of thousands of conscious human beings in different parts of the world, we want to express our strongest condemnation of the forced and coercive trans-humanization of the entire human race, using deception and betrayal by introducing graphene-based nanotech devices into human biology.

All this — despite the incalculable casualties and serious injuries generated in the human population as a result of this nanotechnology — leading to purposes of neuro-control, neuro-stimulation or neuronal monitoring of our entire species without permission or consent.

Graphene, a radio modulable material, acts as a microwave catalyst from the 5G technological implementation. It is a key and essential part of this nanotechnology —nanotechnology introduced through deception and coercion among our fellow human beings.

While they called it vaccines, its consequences are sudden death syndrome [SAD] generated by arrhythmia, all types of cardiovascular accidents, blood coagulation phenomena and fibrinogenicity, infertility, cancer, mutagenesis and chromosomal alteration, neurodegeneration, discharge of free radicals with an immune response consisting of cytokine storm and systemic inflammation — generating an acute irradiation syndrome that they have called COVID-19, or a chronic irradiation syndrome that they have called persistent COVID-19.

For this reason, from La Quinta Columna, we announce every action that is in our power to protect the human race from the transhumanist invasion and the control of human beings through artificial intelligence.

At the same time, we ask for the immediate stoppage of this nonhuman roadmap by its human executors towards our species.

We also address the message to all human groups aware of this aberrant situation and that, like our research group, have reached the same conclusions after analyzing injectables.

Your species is in danger. Your intrinsic ability to decide for yourself is about to be taken away.


Recent related videos by La Quinta Columna (English subtitles):

La Quinta Columna links:




Connect with La Quinta Columna


See related:
Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections
Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger: On the Bio-Hacking of Humanity via Graphene Oxide in Vaccines & 5G/WiFi
Identification of Patterns in Coronavirus Vaccines: Evidence of DNA-Origami Self-Assembly
Vaccines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Inoculated Into the Human Body
La Quinta Columna: Research Paper From 2015 — “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing System for Nanonetworks”
On Hidden Nano Structures in Covid Vaccines: La Quinta Columna Takes a Closer Look at Nanocircuitry &  Media Access Control Addresses (MACs)
Is Graphene Oxide Causing What Is Falsely Being Referred to as ‘Covid-19’?
On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body
Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance in the Vial of the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine
La Quinta Columna Scientists: How Zinc Helps the Body Get Rid of Graphene Oxide
Dr. José Luis Sevillano on How Graphene Oxide Triggers Arrhythmias
Prosecutor Carlos Insaurralde: “I Assure You That These Vaccines Are Destined to Kill Us”
A Close Look at the Claims Made by La Quinta Columna Scientists | Whitney Webb w/ Last American Vagabond: Is There Graphene Oxide in the COVID-19 Injections?


©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

cover image credit: julientromeur

Are the Kids Okay?: A Short Video Exposing Big Pharma’s Deliberate Manipulation of Children — Leading to Injury & Death

Are the Kids Okay?: A Short Video Exposing Big Pharma’s Deliberate Manipulation of Children — Leading to Injury & Death


Are the Kids Okay?

by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation
October 10, 2022


[Video available at Odysee and Rumble.]

How did Pfizer recruit kids for its Covid-19 vaccine trial?
Why was a New York hospital running an ad to bring in children?

Watch this video and find out.

For links to all the sources in the video, see below. For more information, go to

VSRF Weekly Update with Steve Kirsch
Every Thursday 7 PM Eastern / 4 PM Pacific
Register at

Video Links in order of appearance:

Pfizer vaccine clinical trial ad for kids

NY Presbyterian Hospital ad for kids with myocarditis

Marty Makary, MD, on Tucker: myocarditis is not from Covid-19

Myocarditis Study of 790,000 patients

McCullough testimony, March 4, 2022, Livestream of Pennsylvania Senate testimony:

 –  – clip in VSRF video Are the Kids OK?

Tawny Buettner, Pediatric charge nurse, VIDEO, Sept 2022, San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting

The American Heart Association study

Maddie DeGaray

The Federalist article, Sept. 9, 2022

Ernesto Ramirez

All data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System has been pulled from the VAERS database by Albert Benavides

Jessica Rose, PhD, published paper on VAERS under-reporting factor

Drug Watch article


Connect with Vaccine Safety Research Foundation

cover image credit: Simedblack

James Corbett: Torturing the Truth

Torturing the Truth

by James Corbett, The Corbett Report
October 10, 2022


We all know that torture is bad, but are we really aware of how much of the narrative of the past two decades was constructed on torture testimony? Do we know the CIA contractors who developed the torture program or the steps that the intelligence agencies took to cover up their illegal activities? And, when we connect the dots, are we prepared to face the parallels between the torture regime and the biosecurity regime? If you haven’t followed the twists and turns in the torture story since my 2008 podcast on the subject, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild ride.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Substack or Download the mp4


Connect with James Corbett

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 2)

We Need to Talk About Mr. Global (Part 2)


by CJ Hopkins
October 9, 2022


So here it is, Part Two of We Need to Talk About Mr. Global, the four-part series of dialogues I had with Catherine Austin Fitts about what I call “GloboCap” and she calls “Mr. Global,” and the rollout of the New Normal, and the Going Direct Reset, and official propaganda, and totalitarianism, and God, and other things like that.

Part One was released in late August, and was kind of an introduction to the series, exploring the question of how we got here (i.e., all of us, collectively, to this point in history, and Catherine and I, personally, to the little Dutch fishing village where our dialogues were filmed in 2021, just as the New Normal was getting extremely ugly).

Part Two is about The Financial Coup that GloboCap (a/k/a Mr. Global) has been carrying out for the last thirty years (and arguably since the end of World War II), central banks, the Secrecy Machine, the Going Direct Reset, the National Security Slush Fund, and assorted other nefarious Mr. Global-type activities … which means Part Two is mostly me trying to get Catherine to explain it all in terms that a non-financial-expert like me can halfway understand, which, unsurprisingly, Catherine does extremely well. Anyway, here it is … click on the image.

The series is produced by OVALmedia, which (also unsurprisingly) was deplatformed by YouTube just as Part One was being released. So it goes in the New Normal Reich.

Parts Three and Four are now scheduled to be released in November and December, respectively. Here’s what the series should look like when finished …

Part One: How Did We Get Here?
Part Two: The Financial Coup
Part Three: Propaganda
Part Four: The Future

I’ll let you know when the final release dates are announced. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy Part Two (and Part One, if you haven’t already). I certainly had a good time filming them, despite the dystopian subject matter.


Connect with CJ Hopkins

Watch Stella Assange Slap the Mustache Off John Bolton’s War Criminal Face

Watch Stella Assange Slap the Mustache Off John Bolton’s War Criminal Face

by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin’s Newsletter
October 5, 2022


Stella Assange just delivered a beatdown on one of her husband’s persecutors that was so scorched-earth demolishing I feel like I need a cigarette after watching it.

In an appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored, the wife of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange explained the threat her husband’s persecution poses to press freedoms around the world and the profound suffering his imprisonment has inflicted upon him. As some kind of bizarre counter-balance to the family of a persecuted journalist pleading for basic human rights, Morgan invited on John Bolton, the man who was the National Security Advisor to President Trump when Assange was imprisoned under a US arrest warrant. Which if you think about i is kind of like having a sex trafficking victim on your show and then bringing in Ghislaine Maxwell for a balanced perspective.

After Morgan introduced the segment and Assange laid out some facts of her husband’s plight, Bolton was given the floor to explain why persecuting a journalist for telling the truth is actually good and right. He went over the usual smearmeister talking points that Assange is not a journalist and endangered people around the world with his publications exposing US war crimes, adding that the possible 175-year sentence Assange stands to face if convicted under Espionage Act was inadequate, and that he hoped Assange “gets at least 176 years in jail for what he did.”

Stella responded by calling Bolton a war criminal, right to his bloodthirsty face.

“Well of course Ambassador Bolton is kind of the ideological nemesis of Julian,” Assange coolly replied. “He has during his time for the Bush administration, and later the Trump administration, sought to undermine the international legal system, ensure that the US is not under the International Criminal Court’s jurisdiction. And if it was Mr Bolton might in fact be prosecuted under the ICC: he was one of the chief cheerleaders of the Iraq War, which Julian then exposed through these leaks. So he has a conflict of interest here.”

“Well that’s ridiculous!” Bolton said with a nervous laugh at the accusation. “I have an opinion, so does Assange’s wife; I guess we both get to speak them. You know I think that what she fears is being brought to the United States and having Assange put under trial. If he’s innocent, if she can at least show reasonable doubt that he’s not guilty, he’ll go free. What’s she worried about?”

Morgan interjected that the concern is likely the chance of a fair trial, to which Bolton responded with a demand that Stella herself say that she didn’t believe her husband could receive a fair trial in the United States.

“Let her say that Julian Assange could not get a fair trial in America; let her say it,” Bolton replied.

“Well he cannot get a fair trial in America, because he is being prosecuted under the Espionage Act and he cannot bring a public interest defense,” Assange replied. “He cannot say ‘I published this information because it was in the public interest,’ precisely because it is under the Espionage Act. And it is the first time that a publisher has ever been prosecuted under this act, something that constitutional lawyers in the United States have been warning could happen for the past 50 years. And The New York Times and The Washington Post say this prosecution strikes at the heart of the First Amendment.”

Bolton replied, on no apparent basis, that The New York Times and The Washington Post were wrong and that their position on the Assange case is “dangerous”, and babbled some nonsense about Assange being a “hacker who breaks and enters into secure information.”

“Not even the US alleges that,” Assange replied, entirely correctly.



Ahh man, that’s the stuff. It’s so annoying to see this actual war criminal invited on mainstream news networks time and time again to drum up support for increased military aggression in every conflict the US empire is involved in from day to day, without ever being challenged or called out for what he is. For someone to say on mainstream television that he’s a war criminal who just doesn’t want people holding him accountable or shining a light on his crimes is a rare treat for anyone who’s been watching this monster operate all these years.

This is the man who just 24 hours prior to this writing put out an article titled “Putin Must Go: Now Is The Time For Regime Change In Russia,” just the latest in this psychopath’s relentless campaign to start World War III at every possible opportunity. It’s just so freakish and bizarre that there are people whose actual job is to continually work toward creating as much death and destruction in the world as they can, and that they are elevated to the forefront of public attention by the most prominent platforms in the world.




This happens as Assange supporters prepare to demonstrate for his freedom on October 8th. In the UK a massive human chain to surround Parliament is scheduled for 1PM London time in a show of solidarity with the world’s most important journalist, and from 12PM to 3PM DC time there will be a demonstration at the US Department of Justice with appearances by some of the best humans in the world.

If you can’t attend live you can watch the London event online here and watch the DC event here (set an alarm on your phone right now so you remember). There will also be other Assange events scheduled at or around the same time; check out this link to find one in a city near you.


Connect with Caitlin Johnstone

Thousands of People to Form Human Chain Around U.K. Parliament to Demand Freedom for Assange

Thousands of People to Form Human Chain Around U.K. Parliament to Demand Freedom for Assange

Over a dozen #HandsOffAssange protests have been planned in solidarity around the world.

by Elijah Cohen, The Mind Unleashed
October 1, 2022


Over 3,500 people have signed up to form a human chain around British Parliament on Saturday in support of Julian Assange.

More than 3500 people have already pledged to form a human chain to surround parliament in support of Julian Assange on October 8th #SurroundParliament #FreeAssangeNOW #HumanChain

Pledge to join now: #SurroundParliamentAssange

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 1, 2022

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, has now spent more than three years in London’s HM Prison Belmarsh maximum security prison while fighting extradition to the United States.

He is awaiting word on whether he can proceed with his legal fight.

WATCH: Stella Assange Calls on Courage Everywhere in Support of Assange

On Saturday, October 8, 2022 at 1 pm, thousands of supporters will join hands in London to create a Free Assange Human Chain around British Parliament.

As part of a global campaign for Julian’s release, over a dozen international actions have been planned in solidarity, with U.S.-based supporters holding a rally at the Department of Justice in Washington, DC featuring several high-profile speakers.

Actions are also planned for Melbourne, Denver, San Francisco, Rio de Janeiro, Ottawa, and Tulsa with more expected to be announced.

The D.C. protesters will be calling on Attorney General Merrick Garland to drop the charges against Julian Assange while also denouncing the U.S. government’s campaign against Assange as supporters around the world demand Hands Off Assange!

The legal matter is in a crucial phase according to John Rees, who is helping to organize the event.

According to Bloomberg, Rees told the PA news agency: “We need to redouble our efforts to persuade the UK Parliament to intervene and halt Julian’s extradition.”

International Federation of Journalists leaders call to free Julian Assange whose prosecution is “a threat to all journalists” @IFJGlobal   #FreeAssangeNOW

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 1, 2022

The demand for U.S. President Joe Biden to abandon Assange’s extradition case is being voiced by an increasing number of human rights groups, journalist organizations, legislators, politicians, and other campaigners.

+2000 journalists have a signed a statement in support of #WikiLeaks Julian Assange: “If the US government can extradite Assange for this, it will clear the way for governments to criminalize any of us, anywhere in the world” Sign:

— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 1, 2022

On Saturday, October 1, Assange supporters held a tweet storm across Twitter and other social media platforms drawing attention to Assange’s situation and the upcoming protests.


Join in and help us spread the word about our upcoming #HandsOffAssange rally in DC on Oct 8th where we will #SurroundDOJ and demand they

— Daniel Deceder⏳ (@danieldeceder) October 1, 2022

WATCH: The Chris Hedges Report: Julian Assange’s Father Speaks Out

To learn more, visit or search the #HandsOffAssange hashtag on Twitter.


Connect with The Mind Unleashed

Bioweapon BS — The Lab Leak Narrative & Virology’s Ongoing, Cruel, Pointless Torture & Massacre of Animals

Bioweapon BS — The Lab Leak Narrative & Virology’s Ongoing, Cruel, Pointless Torture & Massacre of Animals


“This cannot be called a contagious entity. It had to be pumped directly into their lungs and was never demonstrated to pass between animals. Furthermore, there was no control experiment where comparable monkeys were knocked out and assaulted by a similar nebulized biological brew, forced into their lungs for 10 minutes, as well as being bled multiple times, being surgically implanted with recording devices, and being confined in isolation chambers.
In other words, it wasn’t a scientific experiment. It was another of virology’s pointless animal massacres.
Those who promote the bioweapon and lab leak narrative are falling for the headlines and parroting the claims of the virologists on face value. They might also want to pause and think why these stories are promoted by the mainstream media.”


“Additionally, as I mentioned earlier, this bioweapon and biosecurity scam is a multi-billion dollar business. So, knowingly or not, those involved will act in a way to keep the gravy train going.”


“The bioweapon narrative relies on one thing. And that is getting the public to keep believing in both germ theory and the existence of viruses. 
Sure, there have been many attempts to make bioweapons. But there is no evidence of any contagious product that can pass from human to human.
All they have are toxic products that can be injected into people or otherwise used to poison them through mechanisms that are not ‘infections’.”

~ Dr. Sam Bailey


Bioweapon BS

by Drs. Samantha & Mark Bailey
October 1, 2022


Many people can see that there are problems with the “virus” model and the concept of contagion in general. However, the notion of “bioweapons” instills a sense of fear in the population. Along with the mainstream media, various members of the health freedom community are promoting “engineered pathogens” and “lab leaks.”

In this video, we take a look at the scientific evidence at the heart of these so-called “bioweapons” claims. Watch as we dismantle the most scary “virus” of them all – Ebola. 

    1. Gain of Function Gaslighting”, Dr Sam Bailey, 30 Jun 2021.
    2. Gain of Function Garbage”, Dr Sam Bailey, 18 Jan 2022.
    3. Biohazard” in New York Times, 20 Jun 1999.
    4. Selling the threat of bioterrorism”, LA Times, 1 Jul 2007.
    5. Dr. Ken Alibek & Dr. Peter McCullough (C19: Origins & Intentions)”, 14 Sep 2022.
    6. The Best Decision Bill Gates Ever Made”, WSJ, 18 Feb 2021.
    7. Ebola: Last British man to survive deadly virus says public must be warned of danger”, 25 Aug 2014.
    8. A case of Ebola virus infection”, BMJ, 27 Aug 1977.
    9. Side effects of interferon-alpha therapy”, Pharm Work Sci, Dec 2005.
    10. Viral haemorrhagic fever in southern Sudan and northern Zaire. Preliminary studies on the aetiological agent”, Lancet, 1977.
    11. The Ebola “Virus” Part 1”, ViroLIEgy, 26 Sep 2022.
    12. Experimental Respiratory Infection of Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) With Ebola Virus Kikwit”, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1 Sept 2015.
    13. The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier”, by Dr David Martin, 2021.
    14. A Farewell To Virology (Expert Edition)”, Dr Mark Bailey, 15 Sep 2022.
    15. 21st Century Wire – Patrick Henningsen with Dr. Mark Bailey”, 25 Sep 2022.
    16. Conversations With Dr. Cowan & Friends | EP 53: Dr. Mark Bailey”, 22 Sep 2022.
    17. Anthrax, Arsenic and Old Lace”, Sally Fallon Morell, 19 Oct 2020.



Connect with Drs. Mark & Sam Bailey

cover image credit: Syaibatulhamdi

Totalitarianism Versus Individualism

Totalitarianism Versus Individualism

Reject the New World Order when it comes for you.

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare



Connect with Jerm Warfare

Anarchy Means Only No Rule, No Rulers; In Other Words — Freedom

Anarchy Means Only No Rule, No Rulers; In Other Words — Freedom


Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual.

~ Gary D. Barnett


by Gary D. Barnett
October 4, 2022


“Anarchists did not try to carry out genocide against the Armenians in Turkey; they did not deliberately starve millions of Ukrainians; they did not create a system of death camps to kill Jews, gypsies, and Slavs in Europe; they did not fire-bomb scores of large German and Japanese cities and drop nuclear bombs on two of them; they did not carry out a ‘Great Leap Forward’ that killed scores of millions of Chinese; they did not attempt to kill everybody with any appreciable education in Cambodia; they did not launch one aggressive war after another; they did not implement trade sanctions that killed perhaps 500,000 Iraqi children.

In debates between anarchists and statists, the burden of proof clearly should rest on those who place their trust in the state. Anarchy’s mayhem is wholly conjectural; the state’s mayhem is undeniably, factually horrendous.”

~ Robert Higgs


Language is of such great importance as to be critical to the survival of mankind. While this may sound exaggerated, it is certainly not. The idea of our language, and the root systems from which our language originated, are not able to be altered at will to suit the state or any other individual or entity attempting to create a position based on the fraudulent restructuring of the meaning of words and phrases for their benefit. This is always and only done, to create confusion or to advance an agenda, and usually both. Anytime the state actors decide to control language in their favor, they are intending to steer mass opinion, and contradiction, hypocrisy, and control are the prevailing result. This has never been more apparent than with the term Anarchy, which is the absolute antithesis of state tyranny.

Anarchy simply means without rule or without rulers; in other words, people working, living, trading, communicating, traveling, and surviving peacefully without government masters and government rule. This is the only state of being that can bring about absolute freedom of the individual. The completely bastardized and fraudulent meaning that has been effectively changed, promoted, and propagandized by the state, its institutions, its dictionaries, and its media today concerning the word “anarchy,’ has had the effect thorough indoctrination and brainwashing, of appearing to the lowly ‘public’ as the exact opposite of its true meaning. This purposely induced mindset was planned and done for specific reasons, as honest and legitimate anarchists, are the enemy of state power, and therefore considered dangerous; not to the people, but to those wishing to manipulate and control the people.  These are the ruling class, their politicians, their enforcers, and all government in general. These are the true and evil enemies of humanity and freedom.

The state’s new forged and illegitimate ‘definition’ of the word “anarchy,” is meant to hide the truth, confuse, and control the now ignorant collective masses. This fake definition that is used by all mainstream media and government to marginalize all promoters of freedom, is completely contrary to the actual meaning of the word. Anarchy, according to government tyrants, is said to be a state or society without laws in the midst of political and social disorder due to no government ‘control.’ It is said to mean that there is no ‘obedience to authority,’ which is incorrectly stated as insubordination. Words now used to describe or used interchangeably with anarchy are: lawlessness, disruption, turmoil, chaos, turbulence, disorganization, confusion, rioting, rebellion, insurrection, terror, and unrest, to name only some of the incorrect meanings falsely attributed to this grand word. One could accurately use these terms to describe the state itself, and this is the irony of the state’s lies, for whatever the nation-state claims is usually a gross distortion of the truth. In this case, the manipulated and deceitful meaning attributed to anarchy is a perfectly accurate definition of government and the state itself.

People have been taught (indoctrinated) to beg for their freedom from government agents. This is said to be possible by using a corrupt and worthless voting process to petition those claiming power over you to please allow you to have ‘some’ freedom. Nothing is so pathetic and ludicrous as this state of mind. The very idea that a government must exist and rule over all in order to grant ‘some’ partial freedom to its subjects, is an afront to any intellectual thought or logic concerning liberty. By agreeing to and voluntarily participating in this process, one has already defined himself as a slave.

Freedom is the natural inclination and right of all men, at least until they lose that natural desire by being brainwashed to believe that their freedom can only come due to the permission of their masters. Constitutions, legislation, and laws handed down from ‘above,’ negate all aspects of freedom, because if any state is said to be necessary in order to be free, then it never existed in the first place. Freedom cannot be given, bestowed, allowed, controlled, restricted, or ordered by any men or government. It can only exist in the mind of the individual, and can only survive if the individual is responsible for himself, and not dependent on being ‘governed.’ This is the exact and true meaning of anarchy; no rule.

Voluntary cooperation and non-aggression are the only things necessary to attain freedom and peaceful co-existence. Nothing less and nothing more. The state can offer neither, as all government is based on, and is pure force. Restrictive laws, licensing, taxation, welfare through redistribution, mandates, aggression, extortion, war, control, power of one over another, enforcement, and all rule and oppression of any kind are completely antithetical to being free. No one can legitimately authorize any other to grant any right they do not possess, which means that no one has a right to vote to have another rule over anyone. Given this truth, the basis of all government is dependent on this immoral delegation of non-existent and fraudulently claimed ‘rights,’ and therefore, government has no right to exist at all.

There is no solution to any problem of life or humanity present in any government or governing structure. In fact, the existence of government in and of itself, destroys any ability to live free. The political process then, is anathema to liberty or anything of value. Government and rule are inherently evil, and only spontaneous societal cooperation and non-violence, leaving others to their own desires, will bring about peace and harmony. So long as no force or aggression is used against any other or their property, and willing participation among peoples is evident, a better world is possible. This is the essence of freedom, and the definition of anarchy. No rule and no rulers; a better way forward.


“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”

~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century


Connect with Gary D. Barnett

cover image credit: successdhamala

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth

Rewilding Food, Rewilding Our Mind & Rewilding the Earth
Regenerating Biodiversity in our farms, forests, and our Gut Microbiome for Zero Hunger and Good – Health for All

by Dr. Vandana Shiva, Navdanya International
sourced from Navdanya International
originally published October 22, 2021 at Transcend Media Service



Mother Earth is self-organised. Mother Earth has created and sustained Diversity.

Colonialism transformed Mother Earth, Vasundhara, Pachmama, Terra Madre, into Terra Nullius, the empty earth. Our living, bountiful earth, rich in Biodiversity and Cultural Diversity was reduced to an empty earth. People of the colonised lands were denied their humanity to justify the appropriation of the their lands, their homes, their resources. The Biodiversity of the earth disappeared in the minds of men who reduced the earth to private property to be owned, and raw material to be extracted.

The colonial Monoculture of the Mind separated people from the land, forests from farms, seed from food, food from biodiversity, health and nutrition in order to maximise profits through extractivism. People of colonised cultures and the biodiversity of plants and animals were objectified, enslaved and transformed into the property to be owned.

The colonial industrial paradigm could not tolerate diversity and self organisation and redefined “wild” as place or region uninhabited and uncultivated by humans.

This is clearly a flawed definition. The places and ecosystems recognised as “wild” today are where indigenous people protect nature, the land and biodiversity.

On 22% of land left with the original custodians and guardians, indigenous people protect 80% of biodiversity.

Wild is not the absence of humans, but the loving, compassionate presence of caring communities.

Wild is the opposite of the colonised, enclosed, controlled and exploited, manipulated monocultures and the uniformity.

Wild is where humans are partners of nature, enhancing biodiversity and cultural diversity through co-creativity, respecting the integrity and ecological space of all beings

Wild is self-organised and self-regulated. Wild is living as part of nature, not living in the illusion that we are separate from nature and are her masters and owners. Wild is living in nature’s ways,

Wild societies and cultures respect the integrity of all beings, the sovereignty of all cultures and peoples, and enhance the well-being of all through cooperation, sovereignty, mutuality, and symbiosis. Since the web of life is a food web Rewilding food is the first and most significant step in rewilding the earth, respecting her rights, rejuvenating her biodiversity, her self-organised freedom, her rights.

To regenerate biodiversity and provide more food for more species and more people so no one is hungry, no one is malnourished, no one is sick with chronic diseases, we need to Rewild our minds, our food and food systems.

As Albert Howard observes about Indian and Chinese agriculture in the Agriculture testament,

“In the agriculture of Asia we find ourselves confronted with a system of peasant farming which in essentials soon became stabilised. What is happening today in the small fields of India and China took place many centuries ago. There is here no need to study historical records or pay a visit to the remains of the megalithic farming of the Andes.The agriculture practices of the Orient have passed the supreme test – they are almost as permanent as those of the rival forest, of the prairie or of the ocean.”

Farming like the Forest Is Rewilding

Colonial forestry separated forests from farms and reduced forests to monoculture timber mines, without people, without food. Sacred forests disappeared. Community forests disappeared. Biodiversity and its ecological functions disappeared.

If revenues and profits could not be extracted from land it was declared wasteland by the British even though the forests were rich on biodiversity, local communities were sustained by food from the forests and the waters, and the forests performed vital ecological functions life protection from cyclones. The Sundarbans mangrove forests of India were listed as wastelands in British records.

Farms that had more trees than forests were transformed into Green Revolution monocultures of commodities to maximise profits.

Plants were manipulated to first adapt to external inputs of chemical fertilizers and then genetically engineered to become pesticide factories (Bt toxin GMOs), or resistant to herbicide (Roundup Resistant GMOS). Both applications have failed. Instead of controlling pests, Bt crops have created superpests. Instead of controlling weeds, Roundup-resistant crops have created superweeds.

All sustainable food systems, whether they be the forests, grasslands or farms, have animals integrated in them.

Rewilding food includes undoing the historic injustice to indigenous people and tribals. It includes bringing people and food back into the forests, and trees and animals back on farms.

Rewilding includes rediscovering and regenerating forest foods and wild edibles and creating Food Forests.

This also means not destroying the forest.

It includes taking animals out of factories and putting them back on the land, letting them be free-range, and integrating them back in farming systems, nourishing the plants that feed them.

Rewilding also means regenerating biodiversity on our farms and forests, and rewilding our gut microbiome, our bodies, and our minds.

Nine Principles to follow to Rewild Food, Rewild the Earth and Feed the World

  1. We are part of the web of life, not outside the web. We are members of the Earth Family, other species are our relatives We are not masters and of the Earth, we are not owners of biodiversity. EcoApartheid, the illusion humans being separate from the earth, is at the root of violence against the earth, her biodiversity, her diverse cultures. Returning to our membership in the earth family in our minds and life is the first step of Rewilding. It is a step towards making peace with the earth and creating non violent ecological civilisations.
  2. The web of life is a food web. Food is the currency that flows through the nutrition cycle, nourishing all life. The nutrition cycle is an ecological cycle that weaves the web of life. As an ancient Upanishad states Everything is food, everything is something else’s food”.
  3. Humans are part of the food web, as custodians of biodiversity, as cocreators with other species, as eaters, as growers. Food makes us members of the earth family, nourished by soil micro-organisms, by insects, by plants and animals
  4. Every ecosystem is a home of diverse species. Every ecosystems provides diverse foods to diverse species. Forests, farms and grasslands are interconnected ecologically through the nutrition and water cycle, and cannot be divided and separated.
  5. Self organisation and self regulation is the principle of life and of Rewilding ,from the smallest molecule and cell, to microbes, plants, animals, ecosystems, and Mother Earth herself.
  6. Biodiversity is the organising principle of all living systems and of Rewilding. Biodiversity weaves the web life through interconnections of mutuality and symbiosis. biodiversity produces more food and increases resilience.
  7. The Planet’s Health and our Health is one Health. The Biodiversity in the soil microbiome, the biodiversity of the plants we eat, and the biodiversity in our gut microbiome is one interconnected health.
  8. Rewilding food is rewilding the Earth. The more biodiversity we grow, the more we create conditions for the earth to grow more biodiversity, thus arresting biodiversity loss and species extinction.
  9. The Earth’s Climate system has been created by the living earth through photosynthesis. Climate change is a result of the Earth’s Climate Balance and her self regulation being disrupted through the junk energy from fossil fuels. Rewilding our food and the Earth is a Climate Solution.


Connect with Dr. Vandana Shiva at Navdanya International

cover image credit: Jürgen_Bierlein


The views and opinions expressed in articles posted on this site are those of the authors and video creators, and may differ in some way from views of Truth Comes to Light. Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. You’ll get a sense of the positions this site holds in regards to key issues by becoming familiar with the articles we feature and the philosophies we share. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.

Tracked and Traced: The Rise of the Digital Beast

Tracked and Traced: The Rise of the Digital Beast

by Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
Octover 2, 2022


 [Original video available at Justice Centre Rumble channel.]

Do you want to live in a country where Digital ID is a prerequisite for access to essential private and public services? Do you want your physical and financial behaviors to be tracked by governments and corporations? Do you want the government to be able to freeze your bank accounts at the flick of a switch?

Canadians must participate in the conversation about how Canadian governments and businesses ought to use Digital ID. The first step is to become informed about Digital ID and the Charter.


Connect with Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

Truth Comes to Light editor’s notes:


Excerpt from speech by Christine Anderson, German Member of European Parliament

The majority of MEPs, for whatever reasons unbeknown to me, obviously support oppression of the people, while claiming shamelessly to do it for the people’s own good.

But it is not the goal that renders the system oppressive. It is always the methods by which the goal is pursued.

Whenever government claims to have the people’s interest at heart, you need to think again. In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the well-being of regular people.

Always question everything any government does.

Let’s be clear about one thing. No one grants me freedom; for I am a free person.

It violates constitutionally-guaranteed fundamental rights and it constitutes the first step towards the insufferable Chinese social credit system.


Excerpt from speech by Frederik “Freek” Jansen, Member of the House of Representatives, Netherlands

Imagine, with one button press, that your access to social media can be denied because you spread ‘fake news’. Your driver’s license invalidated because you drive an environmentally unfriendly car. Your plane ticket canceled because you’ve emitted too much CO2. Denied access to public transport because you are unvaccinated.

It may sound unrealistic, but it will all be possible shortly. After all, in June 2021 the European Commission announced plans for a European Digital Identity.

This European Digital ID is an app that saves your personal data centrally. It’s more than a supposed online passport — the EU will have access to your banking information, driving license, diplomas, tax data, social media accounts, eye color, fingerprint and facial features. This is mentioned by the letter from the Secretary of State.

Based on this data, governments and companies can provide or deny access to their products and services. For now, this is supposedly voluntary. But we all know how the Covid QR code turned out. If you don’t have one, your freedom is removed.


Excerpt from video clip by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer

Iran is said to be the first country to roll out a biometric digital ID needed in order to buy food. Needed in order to eat. Right? Needed. In order to survive, you must go get your digital ID from the government. The same digital ID that central banks are telling us are needed in order to roll out the central bank digital currencies.

In two months citizens will be given digital coupons that will give access to a small number of subsidized bread purchases.

Now you can call it digital coupons all you want. What this describes is limiting people to a small number of bread purchases at affordable prices. The bottom line is people aren’t going to eat unless they go to the government and get these digital biometric cards.

It’s planning to expand to cover other foods too. It is the wet dream of technocrats. They don’t want you to eat meat. That’s the bottom line here.

A lot of the agenda that’s described by the Great Reset, the fourth industrial revolution, is being wrapped up in assistance to hungry people — because that’s how they’re ramming this agenda through.

We’re gonna cause a tremendous run up in food prices. When people can’t afford to eat, we will offer them food tied to the exact system of slavery that we’ve been wanting to roll out.

This is a classic problem-reaction-solution, a galleon dialectic played out using the most potent form of controlling people.

As Henry Kissinger said ‘if you control food, you control people’.

The most important part is that that is their goal. It’s to get everyone tracked and traced and tied in. That’s why we have satellites in the sky watching us called climate tracing. That’s why we have biobots in our sewers sampling the waste water to know what we’re eating. They’ve announced these things. They said it wasn’t just for pandemic detection it was for monitoring diets.

The clip above about Iran’s Digital Food Rationing was taken from the excellent work by Christian Westbrook, Ice Age Farmer. See that video here:

Connect with Ice Age Farmer


[“Tracked and Traced” video mirrored at TCTL Odysee, BitChute and Brighteon channels.]

©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

cover image credit: PixxlTeufel

A Big “We Told You So” Moment: Spain Admits to Chemtrail …

A Big “We Told You So” Moment: Spain Admits to Chemtrail …

by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star
September 28, 2022


This story is a big “we told you so moment,” because a major world government, in this case, Spain has apparently admitted to spraying the atmosphere in its airspace with aerosolized heavy metals.  What’s also interesting here is that this article, which was shared by T.M. includes a document or bulletin of Spain’s Ministry of the Interior from 2020, which in turn cites Royal Decrees from the same year:

The Spanish Meteorological Agency has confessed that Spain is being sprayed with lead dioxide, silver iodide and diatomite.

Now in a world where scientismists along with Baal Gates have gone so far as to want to blot out the Sun – what could possibly go wrong? – mere chemtrails seem a bit like yesterday’s apocalypse.  We’ve like so like totally like moved on, like ya know?

Seriously though, there’s something that caught my eye in this article, and I rather suspect it caught T.M.’s eye as well which is possibly why he sent it to me. It’s this:

Spain was the first Western government to officially include ‘chemtrail’ in its Official Gazette. The Spanish Ministry of Health authorized the NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and also the UME to use biocides from the air. A month after the state of alarm was imposed, the Executive justified in the BOE that this technique is one of the “most effective” against the coronavirus since with “nebulization, thermonebulization and micronebulization techniques, all surfaces are reached with speed”.

The Executive also justified that the aforementioned units “have the personal means, materials, procedures and sufficient training to carry out aerial disinfection, since they are operations that they carry out regularly, with the exception that instead of using biocidal products they do so with other decontaminating chemicals.

On May 19, 2015, MEP Ramon Tremosa i Balcells (ALDE) announced in the European Parliament that four workers from the State Meteorological Agency had confessed that Spain is being sprayed entirely from planes that spread lead dioxide into the atmosphere. , silver iodide and diatomite. The objective, according to the same MEP, would be to keep the rains away and allow temperatures to rise, which creates a summer climate for tourism and, at the same time, helps corporations in the agricultural sector. This, in turn, is producing cold droplets of great intensity. (Emphasis added)

And just to make sure the point is not missed, the article actually cites the Bulletin of the Interior Ministry which in turn cites a Royal Decree:

Order SND/351/2020, of April 16, authorizing the NBC Units of the Armed Forces and the Military Emergency Unit to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection tasks to carry out in the face of the health crisis caused by COVID-19.
Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, declaring a state of alarm for the management of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, contemplates a series of measures aimed at protecting well-being, health and safety of citizens and the containment of the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.
Article 4.2.d) of the aforementioned Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, determines that, for the exercise of the functions provided for therein and under the superior direction of the President of the Government, the Minister of Health will have the status of delegated competent authority, both in its own area of ​​responsibility and in other areas that do not fall within the specific sphere of competence of the other heads of the departments designated as delegated competent authorities for the purposes of the aforementioned Royal Decree.
Specifically, in accordance with the provisions of article 4.3 of Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, the Minister of Health is empowered to issue the orders, resolutions, provisions and interpretive instructions that, within its scope of action as delegated authority, are necessary to guarantee the provision of all services, ordinary or extraordinary, in order to protect people, goods and places, through the adoption of any of the measures provided for in article eleven of Organic Law 4/1981 , of June 1, of the states of alarm, exception and siege.
For the effective fulfillment of these measures, the delegated competent authorities may require the action of the Armed Forces, in accordance with the provisions of article 15.3 of Organic Law 5/2005, of November 17, on National Defense.
In the field of containing the expansion of the coronavirus, special attention is required for disinfection actions in facilities such as residential social centers, hospitals and other health centers, prisons, traffic management centers and transport hubs, tasks that Armed Forces are performing as one of their priority tasks.
The Ministry of Health has been publishing and updating the list of biocides
to be used against the new coronavirus, authorized and registered in Spain in accordance with the UNE-EN 14476 standard, which evaluates the virucidal capacity of chemical antiseptics and disinfectants. In particular, due to their special effectiveness, some biocides established in main group 1 of article 1.1 of Royal Decree 830/2010, of June 25, which establishes the regulations governing training to carry out treatments with biocides, are specified.

And so on.

One has to admire the cleverness of Mr. Globaloney in “stacking functions,” in this case, his manufactured climate hysteria and his manufactured planscamdemic: chemtrails are now an accepted means of disinfecting a population with “biocides”, and there’s nothing a population can do about it. Next step: aerosolize the quackcines, and dump them en masse on people.

And what a relief, too! Spraying lead dioxide and silver iodide would seem to be the perfect antidote to be spraying to inoculate the population of Spain against Russia=Bad Mr. Putin’s nuclear war threats. Just start spraying some iodine in the atmosphere along with some aerosolize thyroid pills and we’re all set, guys.

There’s another very obvious thing to note as well, though it’s one of those obvious things that one doesn’t notice until it’s pointed out. In the quotation above, the phrase “Royal Decree” is mentioned five times by my count, and that should give everyone pause, because decisions about many people are being made by few people, in this case, bureaucrats and a monarch.

Why… if this sort of thing continues, you’d think Spain was a monarchy or something, and that King Felipe VI was a member of the House of Windsor and Charles’ brother or something…

See you on the flip side…


Connect with Joseph P. Farrell

cover image credit: Schueler-Design

Controlling Hurricane Ian? — The GeoEngineering Connection

Controlling Hurricane Ian? — The GeoEngineering Connection


Controlling Hurricane Ian?

by Dane Wigington, GeoEngineering Watch
September 29, 2022


Was the course and strength of Hurricane Ian just a random act of nature? Or is there much more to the story? The 3+ minute report below reveals critically important puzzle pieces. Please view and share.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.

Must view, THE DIMMING, GeoEngineering Watch’s most comprehensive climate engineering documentary.


Connect with GeoEngineering Watch

This video can be found mirrored at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.

Transcript provided by Truth Comes to Light:


Is our weather and our climate being manipulated? Examine the data in this short report. Decide for yourself,

Frequency transmission manipulation of hurricanes are patented processes. The technology is not new. The list of weather modification patents numbers into the hundreds and continues to grow.

This is Hurricane Ian passing near the NEXRAD transmission facility in Key West Florida. When the transmission facilities are fully energized, they have a repelling effect on any air mass that has been saturated with electrically-conductive climate-engineering elements.

Patents call for such seeding into storms to be carried out from above by jet aircraft. The NEXRAD transmission network then interacts with the storm air mass determining where a storm will migrate and where it won’t.

As Hurricane Ian is allowed to make landfall, the frequency transmission facility in Melbourne, Florida is fully engaged. This effectively slows Ian’s migration inland.

The transmissions can diminish precipitation in some regions while augmenting it in others.

“It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather. And he who controls the weather will control the world” – [excerpt from speech by Vice President Johnson at Southwest Texas State University (1962)]

Weather modification (climate engineering) patent holders like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin do all the weather modeling for the nation’s weather forecasting personnel — the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Both agencies have an illegal federal gag order on their personnel.

The scheduled weather forecasting scripts are then passed all the way down to the local meteorologist level. The official narrative must be controlled. All must follow the same script.

Is it any wonder that the script readers miraculously know up to a week in advance that a storm like Ian, which was completely unorganized, a massive convection migrating across the Atlantic, would end up where it did? The same with Hurricane Harvey, Sandy and so many others.

The U. S. military first officially deployed hurricane manipulation operations 75 years ago. Project Cirrus — disastrous results were reported. In 1962 Project Stormfury surfaced as a continuation of the U. S. military’s hurricane manipulation efforts.

During the 1960s, the U. S. military continued to expand its weather warfare efforts and knowledge in Vietnam with Project Popeye. Historical fact of record.

So the bottom line question is this: Is hurricane manipulation real and ongoing, while illegal gag orders and paid-off politicians are utilized to keep climate intervention operations out of public consciousness?

Connect the dots and decide for yourself.

Sure credible data from a credible source.

Make every day count. Time is not on our side.

This is Dane Wigington from


©2022 Truth Comes to Light. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.

cover image credit: National Weather Service of Tampa Bay via Wikimedia Commons

Dr. Tom Cowan With Dr. Mark Bailey: “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Could Never Have Been Leaked From a Lab Because No Such Particle Has Been Proven to Exist. Ever.”

Dr. Tom Cowan With Dr. Mark Bailey: “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Could Never Have Been Leaked From a Lab Because No Such Particle Has Been Proven to Exist. Ever.”

by Dr. Tom Cowan
September 22, 2022


Dear friends,

As many of you know, economist Jeffrey Sachs, the head of the Lancet Covid-19 Commission, dropped a bombshell recently when he announced his support for the theory that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 was most likely a leak from a virology lab in Wuhan, China. His assertion follows years of speculation — within the health-freedom community, the halls of Congress and in the popular and scientific press — that such an event took place.

After making this announcement, Sachs was interviewed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., about the circumstances and evidence for this lab-leaked virus. Kennedy is also releasing a new book that purports to lay out the evidence for this theory, and how it proves the duplicity of government officials such as Fauci, who they allege are accomplices in unleashing this plague upon the world.

Other prominent lawyers, doctors and researchers have also publicly endorsed the lab-leak hypothesis. Del Bigtree of the Highwire podcast has even claimed that it’s settled fact that SARS-CoV-2 was created through so-called gain-of-function research, largely funded by Fauci-led government labs. This act, they say, is allegedly the smoking gun, the proof that Covid was and is a “plandemic” organized and funded by the elites to create the conditions to enact the World Economic Forum’s The Great Reset.

While it is not my intention to denigrate the good work done by Kennedy and others in exposing the horrors of the Great Reset agenda and speaking out against restrictions on our freedoms, I strongly encourage them and anyone else to listen to today’s podcast with Dr. Mark Bailey. In doing so, they will hear that a SARS-CoV-2 virus could never have been leaked from a lab because no such particle has been proven to exist. Ever. Not only that, the alleged claim that SARS-CoV-2 is a chimeric virus made from portions of HIV mixed with previously discovered coronaviruses can’t possibly be true because, as you probably already know, neither HIV nor previous “coronaviruses” have themselves been shown to exist.

The most interesting question of all is not the science, as that is easy to demonstrate: No natural, chimeric, lab-created or any other type of SARS-CoV-2 has been proven to exist. The question is, why this story? The answer might have come from Sachs himself, who in a long follow-up article essentially came to the conclusion that, as a result of discovering this lab leak, whether purposeful or accidental, it is no longer possible to trust national governments or virology labs to police themselves. They have been proven to be corrupt, sloppy and untrustworthy. His solution? We must put the oversight of all virology labs and, perhaps someday, of all “science” labs under the gentle and careful guidance of the World Health Organization and related supranational bodies.

I was absolutely shocked to read this purported solution. To centralize control of scientific experimentation in the WHO, an unelected and unaccountable body that pushed the effort to vaccinate most of humanity and drove the disastrous lockdown policies worldwide, would create an even bigger monster to battle. It now feels urgent for the health-freedom community to rigorously investigate the whole story of SARS-CoV-2 in particular and virology in general. As Mark and I point out in this podcast, the health-freedom promulgators of the lab-leak theory now have two options. First, they can demonstrate how they know that HIV, the original coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 exist, and then show how this chimeric lab-created virus was spread throughout the world. Or, they can investigate further the scientific evidence of virology’s catastrophic and obvious lies.

Their response to this request will help demonstrate whether a “unity conference” as proposed by Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense is a real possibility. My sincere hope is that those in the medical-freedom community have simply misunderstood the science of virology.

All the best,

 Video available at Dr. Tom Cowan BitChute channel. [Mirrored copies available at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.]


Read and download at the Bailey’s website (Mark & Samantha Bailey):



Connect with Dr. Tom Cowan

Connect with Dr. Mark Bailey

Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About the Great Reset & Nothing Else.

Forget the Blame Game, Nordstream Sabotage Is About the Great Reset & Nothing Else.

by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian
September 28, 2022


Last night it was reported that “blasts” had damaged both Nordstream pipelines that carry gas exported from Russia to Germany and other nations across northern Europe.

As a result, large amounts of natural gas were leaking into the Baltic sea, and supplies through the pipeline were completely shut off.

The alleged incident has caused a furious round of blame tennis, with accusations flying back and forth across what – for the sake of simplicity – we’ll call Iron Curtain 2.0.

The European Union has claimed the pipes were “sabotaged”, but doesn’t directly blame anyone in their statement.

The Telegraph is already blaming actively the Russians, specifically Western Bogeyman President Vladimir Putin. Headlining “Why Putin would want to blow up Nord Stream 2, and the advantages it gives him”

On the flip side, the Russians have said the idea they would sabotage their own pipeline is “stupid”

Some Western alternate media have pointed to Joe Biden’s vow to totally shut down Nordstream 2 back in February as a sign the US was behind the alleged attack.

The former Polish defence minister has come right out and said that NATO forces blew up the pipeline, according to Forbes.

The question – one it seems I keep asking the last two years – is “does it really matter?”

Maybe the Americans blew it up.
Maybe the Russians blew it up.
Maybe someone else blew it up.
Or maybe nobody blew it up, and the entire story is a fabrication.

Whatever the truth may be, the end result remains the same. Gas and electricity will be more expensive. There will be a huge push to turn to “renewables”, talk about “climate catastrophe”, and maybe even be energy rationing and/or blackouts.

People will freeze, starve and probably die this winter. That has always been part of the plan, what reason is there to think this “attack” is anything but more of the same?


Everyone is abuzz with talk of who did what, and asking “Was it sabotage?”

But the simple answer to that is “yes, of course it was.”

No matter the exact specific details of the situation, the Nordstream explosion was definitely an act of sabotage.

The same sabotage we’ve been seeing for two years.

The sabotage of our entire way of life, by people who would profit both monetarily and politically from a sea-change in the way our society is structured.

The sabotage that leads to faking a pandemic, gutting our healthcare, locking us in our homes and ruining our businesses.

The sabotage of our economy, our society and our very bodies.

The sabotage of us, by them.


Connect with OffGuardian

cover image credit: Samuel Bailey, Wikimedia Commons

Oracle Films Documentary: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)

Oracle Films Documentary: Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022)

by Oracle Films
September 28, 2022


Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

Video available at Oracle Films Odysee and YouTube channels.


Connect with Oracle Films

cover image is a screenshot from Safe and Effective documentary

The views and opinions expressed in articles posted on this site are those of the authors and video creators, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Truth Comes to Light. Everything posted on this site is done in the spirit of conversation. Please do your own research, question everything and trust yourself when reading and when giving consideration to anything that appears here or anywhere else.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: (September 28, 2022) A Statement Regarding the Events of the Past Few Weeks

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: (September 28, 2022) A Statement Regarding the Events of the Past Few Weeks

by Reiner Fuellmich
September 28, 2022


Original video available at Reiner Fuellmich telegram channel.

Video mirrored at TCTL BitChute, Odysee & Brighteon channels.

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Leads Discussion of the Documentary “The Viral Delusion: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & The Madness of Modern Virology”

by Children’s Health Defense
Mary Holland, CHD president with David Rasnick, PhD biochemist and Mike Wallach, creator “The Viral Delusion”
September  26, 2022


Mary Holland takes on the controversial subject of whether the existence of the COVID virus + other viruses, like the HIV virus – have been thoroughly proven. She brings on two guests, David Rasnick, Ph.D. and filmmaker of the series ‘The Viral Delusion’ Mike Wallach, to discuss this topic and educate viewers on the truth behind ‘public health’ and those in power who control it. Don’t miss this episode!

©September 2022 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Connect with Children’s Health Defense


[Mirrored copies of the video are available at TCTL Odysee, BitChute & Brighteon channels.]’

Excerpt from the documentary trailer:

“For two years, the world has wondered whether the virus that changed our lives emerged from nature or if it leaked from a lab. But a third perspective has been growing among doctors and scientists, that there never was a virus at all. That a host of various sicknesses were repackaged and sold to the public as virally caused without any such proof in scientific papers. Their perspective just might change everything we thought we knew. This is their shockingly compelling story.”

Watch the documentary “The Viral Delusion”:



Books mentioned:

Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children by Louise Kuo Habakus, Mary Holland

Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries, Roman Bystrianyk

DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology by Jim West

Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey

Also mentioned is the work of David Crowe in regards to the covid pandemic narrative and his prior work in exposing the erroneous AIDS narrative. See video: Rethink All Viruses, by David Crowe and Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory by David Crowe (available via or view and download here.]

See related:

The Viral Delusion (2022) Docu-Series: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV2 & the Madness of Modern Virology

And for Women Turning Into Men, Here’s Your Surgery in a Nutshell

And for Women Turning Into Men, Here’s Your Surgery in a Nutshell
Here are excerpts, to give you the flavor of doctors at work, doing their duty for humanity in the New Normal

by Jon Rappoport
September 26, 2022


There’s a story about a man who wakes up one day and suddenly remembers he used to be a woman. He looks down at his dick and realizes it was INSTALLED at some point.

I don’t know how the story ends, but I can imagine a number of cards in that deck.

Anyway, when a woman wants to have a dick and balls, she needs surgery. Phalloplasty.

Johns Hopkins has an excellent article on the subject: “Phalloplasty for Gender Affirmation”

Here are excerpts, to give you the flavor of doctors at work, doing their duty for humanity in the New Normal:

Phalloplasty involves using skin flaps, which are areas of skin moved from one area of the body to another. The skin flap is then reshaped, contoured and reattached to the groin to create the penis. There are three approaches the surgeon may use to construct the penis, using skin from the arm (radial forearm free flap [RFFF]), leg (anterolateral thigh flap) or side (latissimus dorsi flap).

[I hope they’re good sculptors. You wouldn’t want a dick that looks like Pinocchio’s nose or a table lamp.]

The first stage of an RFFF approach is creating the penis using tissue from the forearm. The area where the forearm tissue is taken will require a skin graft. This may occur at the time of the initial phalloplasty surgery, or it may occur three to five weeks afterward. If it occurs later, patients will have a temporary skin covering over the forearm to help it heal.

[No doubt more tissue is better than less. Why not go for heroic?]

The second stage, scheduled about five to six months later, may include lengthening the urethra to allow for urination out of the tip of the penis, creating the scrotum and removing the vagina, and other procedures…

[From where else are you going to urinate? Your eyes? ‘Removing’ the vagina sounds like stage magic.]

The third stage of surgery involves putting in place testicle implants and an erectile device to help the patient achieve an erection. The third stage typically takes place 12 months after the second.

[An erectile device. It turns on and off? By pressing a button? It’s a small water wheel and a pulley?]

Penis size depends on patient preferences and the skin flap harvested from your body. Thinner patients with less fat on the skin flap will have a penis with less girth. Alternatively, patients with a greater amount of fat will have a thicker penis.

[Hold on. Fat women have an advantage. I’m not sure that’s socially acceptable. Thin women are an underserved disadvantaged community. Is the Girth Debate being censored on Twitter?]

The length of the penis depends on the patient’s donor site, but typically it is about 5–6 inches. After the first stage, the penis may decrease in size as postoperative swelling decreases and the tissue settles into its new location.

[Decrease from what to what? Don’t gloss this over.]

There are different ways to create the scrotum, including a procedure called V-Y scrotoplasty, a technique that creates a pouch to hold testicular implants. AART silicone round carving blocks have been approved by the FDA to be used as implants.

[Feel my pouch, baby. Feel my carving block.]

If it is important for you to urinate out of the tip of your penis, then urethral lengthening may be a good choice for you. If sensation is most important, your team will focus on a donor site with good nerve innervation. If penetrative sex is most important, and you would like to maintain an erection, then implanting an erectile prosthetic can be part of your surgery plan.

[My God, man, aren’t all these outcomes absolutely necessary, considering the extensive surgical rooting around and slicing and dicing that’s going on down there?]

…a urologist can place a prosthetic erectile device which will allow you to maintain an erection. As of September 2022, no implantable prosthetic devices have been FDA-approved for phalloplasty. Instead, the surgeon can use a device intended for patients with erectile dysfunction to allow transmasculine patients to achieve an erection. There is a risk of infection and implant rejection with an erectile implant. If this happens, it may take six months before another device can be placed into the penis.

[Rejection is an unpleasant term. Isn’t there a softer way to say this? And what woman turning into a man wouldn’t want an erection? Isn’t that the whole point of the lacerating and the construction crew? Are you saying there’s a good chance she’ll get infection and rejection instead of erection? (That sounds like Jesse Jackson.)]

Clitoral burying involves moving the clitoris into the base of the penis to increase sensation. This is typically done at stage 2.

[Moving? We need more detail. And burying? Is there a graveside service conducted by a pastor?]

Orgasm is possible after phalloplasty, especially if your surgery plan emphasizes preserving sensation. It is important to note that your penis will not ejaculate with semen at the time of orgasm.

[What WILL it ejaculate with? Windex?]

As mob boss Hyman Roth says to mob boss Michael Corleone in Godfather II, “This is the business we’ve chosen.”

Of course, a woman could just SAY she’s a man and save herself a great deal of complication. That would also earn her status as a lesbian who wants to have sex with other women. Just a thought.

Reading between the lines of the Hopkins article, I have the impression problems might arise. Wilting erection, unsatisfactory sex, etc. I don’t know whether reversing the reversal and going back to where it all started is possible, but since the surgeons are already doing the full phalloplasty, who knows what else they might try?

“He wants to be Sally again, Doctor.”

“I’ll give it a whack. She might wind up urinating out of her ear, though. We could run a tube down to a bag and have a UPS carrier pick it up every day.”

There are philosophic questions. If the sexual sensations of the surgically altered Sally who is now Harry are physically hooked up to the clitoris, then is the new Harry experiencing something male or female?

Tune in next week, when phalloplastic surgeon and NeoPlastic scholar, Sid Marcus, CEO of We Build It and You Might Come, Inc., offers his insights from the ADX Florence Supermax, where he is serving consecutive life sentences on an unrelated charge.

— Jon Rappoport



Connect with Jon Rappoport

cover image credit: geralt

Seven Days in May and the Military Coup Plot Against JFK

Seven Days in May and the Military Coup Plot Against JFK

by Matthew Ehret, Matt Ehret’s Insights
Septemer 26, 2022


I recently published an essay (and short documentary) titled ‘Why Assume There Will be a 2024 Election?’ featuring the courageous intervention by a patriotic American General Smedley Butler who risked everything to stop a fascist coup d’etat sponsored by Wall Street financiers in 1934.

However this was not the last time that a military coup was nearly launched to overthrow a nationalist president during the 20th century.

The danger of World War and a military coup arose again during the short lived administration of FDR-admirer John F. Kennedy who found himself locked in a life or death struggle not with Russia, but with the Military Industrial Complex that had become dominated by the many Dr. Strangeloves of the Joint Chief of Staff and CIA who fanatically believed that America could win a nuclear war. JFK’s disdain for the military industrial complex and deep state parasite that took over control of much of the USA after FDR’s untimely death, and did everything he could between his time as congressman after WWII to his 900 days as President to restore his party and nation to FDR’s principles both at home and abroad.

These figures had even pushed fanatically to start a hot war with Russia during the Cuban Missile crisis and despised Kennedy’s threats to “splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds”.

Kennedy’s valiant efforts to achieve dialogue with his Soviet counterparts, move towards peace in Vietnam, support of colonial liberation, promotion of space exploration and advocacy of a Nuclear Test Ban treaty made him a target of the Deep State of his time.

During this period, this effort was led from the top by JFK’s two most powerful American opponents: Allan Dulles (director of the CIA) and General Lyman Lemnitzer (head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), both of whom were proponents of pre-emptive nuclear war, architects of the Bay of Pigs regime change trap and advocates of Operation Northwoods (an ultimate “inside job” precursor to 9/11 which JFK and his brother subverted).

As historian Anton Chaitkin recently reported“Lemnitzer had displayed what his faction viewed as his qualifications for this role back in August 1960, when, as Army chief of staff, he announced that the Army was all ready to “restore order” in the United States after a nuclear war with the Soviet Union—to bring back normalcy just as the military does after a flood or a riot”

This plot was detailed in a quasi-fictional book written by investigative journalists Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey published in 1962 entitled Seven Days in May and swiftly made into a famous film with unprecedented support by JFK himself who gave the film crew and director John Frankenheimer full access to the White House, advisors and materials.

In the story, a patriotic lieutenant played by Kirk Douglas discovers the plans for the coup which is scheduled to take place during a vast military drill led by General James Mahoon Scott played by Burt Lancaster.

The plan involves “initiates” beholden to General Mahoon Scott stationed throughout the entire leadership of the US military which intends to use the drill as a cover for installing General Scott as a fascist leader and ousting a peace-making President Lyman (possibly a not-so-subtle ironical reference to the figure of General Lyman Lemnizer) who is close to finalizing a de-armament treaty with Russia.

Under this planned scenario, President Lyman will be incapacitated in a bunker while the new military regime who disapproves of the President’s naive soft approach to Russia, takes over America.

Tragically, where the lieutenant is able to expose the plot and save the constitution, by the time of the film’s 1964 release, JFK had been deposed by other means.

Now 58 years later, history has begun to repeat itself with distinctly 21st century characteristics… and a viral twist.

Today, a new systemic meltdown of a $1.5 quadrillion derivatives bubble has similarities to the 1929 crash and other similarities to the 1923 hyperinflation of Weimar. What particular spark might be used to unleash a blowout of the systemic bubble economy now teetering on the brink of meltdown, one thing is certain: a turn towards a bankers’ run military dictatorship made possible by Biden’s NDAA 2022 should be taken more seriously than ever.

So rather than stressing about who might be on the 2024 ballot, it is wiser to ask the question: Where are the patriots today who have the ability and wits to subvert a new attempt at a global bankers’ dictatorship?

Appendix: I just discovered that John Frankenheimer’s Seven Days is currently available to watch for free on YouTube. I’m not sure how long this will be accessible, so if the link below fails at any point, you can find a more reliable (albeit not free) link here.

[Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Mirrored copies of Seven Days in May can also be found on BitChute. See here and here and here and here. If those disappear, try searching for it at BitChute, Odysee, Rumble or other alternative video channels.]


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cover image credit: The Daily Californian via Wikimedia Commons

“They Do”: This Is What Has Become of Identity Politics and Marriage.

They Do
This Is What Has Become of Identity Politics and Marriage

by Jeremy Nell, Jerm Warfare
September 25, 2022


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“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

“Green” Energy Is a Scam. It Isn’t MEANT to Work.

by James Corbett
September 24, 2022


Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures us that switching to renewables will actually save us trillions of dollars!

You heard that right. It won’t cost us trillions of dollars to build out a completely new global energy grid infrastructure based on technology that is still under development and then switch the entire global economy onto it. No, don’t be silly! It’s going to save us trillions of dollars. TRILLIONS, I tell you!

Now, I know what some of you skeptical Corbett Reporteers out there are thinking: how can that be? After all, as The Manhattan Contrarian blog points out in a recent post on the “Cost of the Green Energy Transition,” the disruption to the European gas supply caused by the Ukraine kerfuffle is already wreaking havoc on Europe’s economy, with Germans bracing for a 13% rise in their regulated consumer gas bills this year and UK residents facing a near tripling of their own energy bills. And that’s before the Great Resetters start shutting off the pipes for real and forcing the hoi polloi on to the wind/solar/unicorn fart “green” energy grid.

But why believe the actual economic pain you’re experiencing (heating your own home this winter) when your Oxfordian overlords have big, fat reports (that no one will read) telling you how much money will be saved by switching over to a green energy grid? After all, the BBC and MSN and Nature World News are tripping all over themselves to repeat these findings unquestioningly, so who are you to bring up any of the pesky “facts” that contradict this comforting fairy tale?

Oh, OK, I’ll drop the act. The latest Oxford study—along with the many similar pronouncements made in recent years that the transition onto the green energy grid will be painless (or even profitable)—is easily debunkable propaganda. But it is pernicious propaganda. It’s designed to get the plebes to actively embrace their own enslavement in the name of saving Mother Earth, and—up to this point—it has been remarkably effective in that goal.

In truth, the green energy sustainable enslavement grid is a scam from top to bottom. But it is not simply a pie-in-the-sky pipe dream being sold to a gullible and ignorant public. It’s worse than that. It is a carefully crafted lie that is designed to lead us into our new role as serfs on the neofeudal plantation in the coming green dystopia.

Want to know the details? Let’s dig in.

The Green Energy Myth

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention these last few decades, but the usual cadre of crimatologists, “activists,” sustainable enslavement-pushing banksters and corrupt politicians are desperately trying to sell the public on the idea that windmills, solar panels and unicorn farts are a magical pixie dust capable of transforming the human population from greedy, fat-cat crapitalists raping the planet for fun and profit into peace-loving, Kumbaya communists living in perfect harmony with nature.

Believe it or not, they’re lying!

Take the latest Oxford study I referred to above, for instance. Bearing the title “Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition,” it starts by simply assuming the truth of the fundamental lie that the entire green myth is constructed upon: “Rapidly decarbonizing the global energy system is critical for addressing climate change.”

This is, of course, not true, as I have demonstrated time and time and time and time and time and time and time again. (And again and again and again and again.)

But, after simply stating this bald-faced lie as fact, the Oxfordian boffins then have the gall to urinate on your face and tell you it’s raining: “Compared to continuing with a fossil fuel-based system, a rapid green energy transition will likely result in overall net savings of many trillions of dollars—even without accounting for climate damages or co-benefits of climate policy.”

As always, I encourage you to read the report for yourself to see how they fabricate the so-called “evidence” for this surprising “conclusion”—though I’m sure you can imagine most of their tricks before you even open the link. First, they abuse blatantly bias-prone models to “estimate” (read: make up) future energy system costs, which, they freely admit, “will change with time due to innovation, competition, public policy, concerns about climate change, and other factors.”

Then, after gazing into their magical crystal ball and seeing whatever they want to see with regard to future costs, they use “probabilistic methods” to “view energy pathways through the lens of placing bets on technologies.” I kid you not, this “empirically grounded” and totally “scientific” study tells us, in effect, that if we’re betting men we should put all our chips on green . . . “green” energy, that is. Go on, read it for yourself.

But here’s the rub: these types of “scientific” studies only come off as believable to the most credulous Joe Sixpacks and Jane Soccermoms out there, the type who get their news from CNN and believe everything Al Gore tells them. These pithy platitudes promising perfectly painless energy transitions—even when they are dressed up in the language of empiricism and bear the imprimatur of Oxford University—are not credible in the least to anyone with a technical background in these areas.

Indeed, the Oxford study and similar utopian predictions of green energy transitions rely on a stream of untenable assumptions and faulty logic. For example, as Manhattan Contrarian points out in his blog post on “Cost of the Green Energy Transition,” the Oxford researchers take the downward price trend of lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries over the past two decades and extrapolate those figures out based on the assumption that they will continue falling indefinitely without limit. As the study even explicitly says, “We know of no empirical evidence supporting floor costs [on green technology deployment] and do not impose them.”

This is so certifiably insane it’s difficult to know where to begin. First, let’s interrogate the actual economic argument here, shall we?

The researchers tip their hand when they show the current (2020) price of li-ion batteries as being about $100/kWh and “forecast” that it will drop to about $20/kWh by 2050. In actuality, the 2020 price for such batteries is (according to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) about $350/kWh (see Figure ES-2), and those prices are predicted to drop to about $150/kWh by 2050. If that forecast is accurate, the actual 2050 price for li-ion batteries would still be 50% higher than the “current” price used in the Oxford study model.

The discrepancy between these figures, Manhattan Contrarian points out, “appears to lie mainly in elements of a real-world battery installation other than the core battery itself, like a building to house it, devices to convert AC to DC and back, grid connections, ‘balance of plant,’ and so forth.” In other words, the study’s authors didn’t look in any way at the real-world cost of actually installingconnectingusing and maintaining these batteries; they simply looked at the raw cost of the battery itself and ignored the rest.

This methodology becomes even more problematic when you learn that Energy & Environmental Science actually published a study in 2018 estimating the real-world cost of installing and running a lithium-ion battery storage system capable of handling a US energy grid that ran on 80% wind and solar. Their conclusion? It would cost a staggering $2.5 trillion to get such a system up and running! Oddly, the Oxford study doesn’t take these costs into account at all. They just tell you that the battery price will fall to $20/kWh and leave it at that.

And what of the materials required to construct these lithium-ion batteries and solar panels and windmills and other green energy components? In case you were under the impression that the components for these technologies just magically materialized out of fairy dust in an environmentally-friendly way and then disappeared back into the ether after these installations break down, here’s a 72-minute reality check from Simon Michaux, an associate professor of geometallurgy at the Geological Survey of Finland, in which he argues that:

The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought. Current mining production of these metals is not even close to meeting demand. Current reported mineral reserves are also not enough in size. Most concerning is copper as one of the flagged shortfalls. Exploration for more at required volumes will be difficult, with this seminar addressing these issues.

Perhaps this is why, in point of fact, lithium prices are surging right now, with prices tripling in the last year in places like China, not plummeting as the Oxford study predicts.

But the green energy myth goes well beyond the argument from economic impracticality.

It isn’t just that, in direct contradiction to the hogwash put out by the Oxford researchers and their ilk, such a transition will not save us trillions of dollars but actually cost us trillions of dollars.

And it isn’t just that—as country after country after country is now finding out—the transition to green energy production is pushing people further into poverty as they struggle to pay their increasing energy bills.

It’s not even that the green energy transition is provably already putting a strain on power grids that are struggling to keep up with electricity demand.

It’s that these “green” energy systems are not really green at all. In fact, wide-scale implementation of these renewable power technologies is actively harmful to the environment.

Take those lithium-ion batteries we examined earlier. The lithium for these batteries comes from a mining process that is wreaking untold havoc on habitats around the world. In Chile, for example, a full 65% of the water in the region surrounding the Salar de Atacama salt flat is being consumed by lithium miners, who require 500,000 gallons of water for every tonne of lithium produced. And in Tibet, a toxic chemical leak from a lithium mine caused a mass die-off of fish and livestock in a nearby villlage, sparking mass protests.

And that’s to say nothing about the bevy of toxic materials found in solar panels that leach into the environment and will eventually need to be disposed of. Or the long-known fact that wind turbines “take a toll on birds,” contributing to hundreds of thousands of avian deaths every year in the US alone. Or the oft-neglected environmental destruction that will come from clearing the millions of acres of land that will be required to run the solar and wind farms of the Oxfordians increasingly dystopian vision.

Are you starting to get the picture?

Yes, there is much more that could (and should!) be written about the green energy myth, but let’s boil it down to a soundbite for those poor souls suffering from today’s short attention span: So-called “green” energy is not about saving the planet. It’s about controlling the planet.

The Green Energy Reality

I realize a certain portion of the population—having been programmed by half a century of over-the-top, anti-human propaganda—will have a single, predictable, knee-jerk reaction to anyone deconstructing the green energy myth: “You must be a Big Oil shill!”

It’s particularly funny when the accusation is leveled at me, since I literally wrote the documentary on How Big Oil Conquered the World.

But even more to the point, I wrote the documentary on Why Big Oil Conquered the World, and those who have seen that documentary will know that the greatest trick the oligarchy ever pulled was convincing the public that all they were concerned with was oil. As those who delve deeply into the subject inevitably discover, the takeover of the world by these well-connected oiligarchs wasn’t about oil at all. It was about power.

This is precisely why the Rockefellers have divested from oil and why Saudi Arabia is trying to pivot to their robot citizens and Neom nonsense and why BP and Exxon and all the other members of the oiligarchy are setting “net zero” pledges. It’s because the green energy system of the future (and thus the global economy that relies on it) will be even more strictly controlled in the future, and those who are bringing this controlled, technocratic slave state of the future into reality are seeking to monopolize and control the resources of the earth.

To understand what is really happening here, we have to look past the low-level green energy propaganda that is meant for the fluoride-addled normies to lap up and look to the higher-level propaganda that is intended to bring the New World Order middle management up to speed on the new power paradigm. As usual, there’s no better place to turn for precisely that type of propaganda than the pages of Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations. In a recent article on “The Green Upheaval,” they plainly admit what the green energy push is really about: “Talk of a smooth transition to clean energy is fanciful: there is no way that the world can avoid major upheavals as it remakes the entire energy system, which is the lifeblood of the global economy and underpins the geopolitical order.”

No, the green energy transition is not going to be a happy clappy cakewalk into a fantasy future, as the activists promise. And that particular rainbow will not lead to a multi-trillion dollar pot of gold, as the Oxfordians promise. What it will do is radically upend the lives and livelihoods of every person on the planet by taking away the one thing that has done more than anything else in all of human history to empower the population to proclaim their independence from the oligarchs: access to cheap energy.

Yes, the renewable energy grid will utterly fail to provide the energy needed to power our modern postindustrial society. That’s precisely the point. By making energy even more scarce, those with their hands on the energy spigot will have the ultimate control over society, deciding when, where and how to allocate scarce energy supplies to the public. Europeans who are wondering how they will be able to afford to heat their homes and businesses this winter are just starting to understand what this new “green” economy will really look like for those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

It is not difficult to discern the contours of the world that these energy transition advocates are driving us towards. It is a world in which all of the things we take for granted—the ability to travel freely, to buy and sell independently, to heat our own homes and even to turn on a lightbulb—will be privileges carefully rationed by our neofeudal overlords.

Think you’ll be able to control the thermostat in your own home once the new economic overlords have their “smart” “green” energy grid in place? Think again.

Think you’ll be able to eat as you normally do once the green mafia is in power? Think again.

Think you’ll be able to use your hard-earned digital energy credits to buy whatever you like or travel wherever you want in the technocratic tyranny of the future? Think again.

Welcome to the Green Leap Forward, where you will own nothing, live in a hovel, face the possibility of freezing to death every winter and struggle to make ends meet . . . but you’ll be happy! After all, you’ll be allowed to eat ze bugs and use the energy ration that the global government doles out for you each day. And if that’s not enough, then you can keep warm by vigorously patting yourself on the back for helping protect humanity from the wrath of the weather gods. You’re saving the earth!

Where We Go From Here

If you’re here reading these words, then perhaps you already know where the green energy myth is taking us. You know about the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 and the push for a global technocracy.

You probably even know precisely how they’re going to convince the public to go along with this insanity. You know about the “green” propaganda and the “sustainable development” scam, and you know that the climate scam will be the cornerstone for the global carbon tax that will be the backbone of the de facto global government.

Perhaps you take hope from the resistance to this green enslavement agenda that is taking shape around the world. Perhaps you take comfort seeing the Dutch farmers and the Sri Lankan farmers and the Argentinian farmers and the Irish farmers and their farmer friends around the globe rising up. Perhaps you take heart knowing that, with so many livelihoods being threatened by this sick, anti-human agenda, the agenda will be derailed. Or perhaps you take pity on the slumbering masses who are finally starting to rise in protest on the streets of Prague and Leipzig and London.

The slumbering masses are awakening!

I, too, think that these movements are, overall, a positive development . . .

. . . but by themselves they are not enough. What are the farmers protesting for, after all? The right to dump glyphosate and other toxic chemicals on their GMO crops? And what are energy price protesters hoping to accomplish, exactly? Are they merely demanding that the government step in with more subsidies and price controls to ease the economic burden of the oh-so-necessary green energy transition?

No, unless and until we start confronting this myth at its roots, we will continue to plunge headlong into the dystopic nightmare of the Great Resetters and their ilk.

Yes, we do need an alternative energy system to power the economy of free humanity. We do need to abandon the system that chains our economic livelihood to the whims of the oil cartel and puts us at the mercy of the government-sanctioned energy cartel. We do need a decentralized system that takes advantage of every technological development for creating and storing our own power, so we can truly get off the grid.

But that is not what is being sold to us in the name of the green energy hoax. The pushers of the Agenda 2030 nightmare do not want us to be independent and free; they want us to be even more tightly controlled and surveilled than before.

Green energy is a scam. It has nothing to do with saving the planet. It has everything to do with artificially limiting our access to power and thus making the population more dependent than ever on the oligarchs and their systems of control. We must reject this racket, and all of the pseudoscientific nonsense that is being used to push it on the public.

Spread the word. That’s how you can really save the planet.

The Corbett Report is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support the work of James Corbett, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Subscribe here:


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cover image credit: sonnydelrosario

Criticism of the Pharma Cartel and Its ‘Business With Disease’ Is Becoming Mainstream

Criticism of the Pharma Cartel and Its ‘Business With Disease’ Is Becoming Mainstream

by Paul Anthony Taylor, Dr. Rath Health Foundation
September 23, 2022


In his classic nineteenth century novel ‘War and Peace’ Russian writer Leo Tolstoy observed that “the strongest of all warriors are…time and patience.” I was reminded of these words recently when coming across an article in the Dutch newspaper NRC which called for the drug industry to be abolished. The article echoed words from a quarter of a century ago, contained in a speech given in the city hall of Chemnitz in Germany, in which physician and scientist Dr. Matthias Rath called for the pharma business to be outlawed. Explaining how its profits depend upon the maintaining and expanding of health problems on a global scale, Dr. Rath accused the ‘business with disease’ of being incompatible with the fundamental principles of human rights. Back in 1997, this type of open criticism of the drug industry and its unscrupulous business model was almost unheard of. Today, however, with the passage of time, the publication of the NRC article illustrates that it is becoming mainstream.

Authored by Dutch political scientist Joost Smiers, the NRC article describes how society is now at the mercy of the pharma business and its shareholders. “As far as I am concerned,” Smiers writes, “it is high time to break the societal feeling of powerless towards Big Pharma.”

Asking whether we still need drug companies, Smiers says that in his opinion the answer is “no.” Clearly, when such thoughts are published in a mainstream European daily newspaper, there can be no doubt that we are living in changing times.

Making pharma obsolete

Pointing out that research into medicines can be done separate from the pharma industry, at universities and other independent research institutes, Smiers argues that substantial research funds should be established, fed from public funds, with independent committees deciding which diseases and researchers funding should be directed towards. Smiers stresses the importance of these committees functioning at arm’s length from governments. Crucially, he also proposes that alternative health therapies such as vitamins could benefit from this approach.

Just as importantly, Smiers stresses that all knowledge resulting from medicines research should be publicly and freely available. Mirroring the long-time position held by Dr. Rath and our Foundation, he adds that there should be no more patents involved – thus avoiding the present situation whereby patent owners have a monopoly on the use, or non-use, of scientific knowledge.

Smiers further addresses another key barrier to the ethical functioning of healthcare systems, namely, the sale price of medicines. Here, he proposes that companies paid to manufacture medicines resulting from independently funded research should provide them at cost. A levy could then be added on top of this low price to help fund future research projects. In this way, Smiers explains, the commercial weight of pharma industry shareholders and marketing can be eliminated. Ultimately, he sees the pharma industry being bought out or expropriated, and essentially being made obsolete.

Smiers readily acknowledges that drug firms based in the major pharmaceutical manufacturing countries will not let any of these things happen silently. He points out however that today’s pharmaceutical companies are “horrifyingly powerful monopolists,” adding that “they are not loved, to put it mildly,” and that this creates opportunities.

“If we make Big Pharma obsolete,” writes Smiers, “we kill several birds with one stone. Healthcare becomes more affordable. All the knowledge needed to develop medicines will no longer be surrounded by patents but will return from private to public ownership. Moreover, access to medicine will once again become a human right, and no longer the plaything of Big Pharma shareholders. They have no business in our health care system. They should stay far away from it.”

A new era in medicine

Smiers’ article clearly echoes some of the key ideas and concepts contained in Dr. Rath’s 1997 Chemnitz speech. Prior to Dr. Rath giving this speech, it was practically unheard of for anyone to publicly accuse the drug industry of being the main obstacle to medical breakthroughs in the control of diseases. As a result, the fact that pharmaceutical companies have a direct financial interest in the continued existence of diseases was simply not widely appreciated at that time.

Not only did Dr. Rath’s Chemnitz speech open the floodgates to more widespread criticism of the drug industry and its business model, however, it also introduced people to the possibility that, by taking advantage of new discoveries in the field of cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes were now preventable through natural health approaches based on the use of vitamins and other micronutrients. In doing so, this laid the foundations for a new system of healthcare in which, as a first step, the preservation and improvement of health should be declared an inalienable human right. Towards achieving this goal, Dr. Rath stressed the importance of subjecting medical research and the licensing of drugs to a comprehensive system of public control.

Following the publication of Joost Smiers’ article in the Dutch newspaper NRC it is now clear that, a quarter of a century after Dr. Rath gave his historic Chemnitz speech, we stand on the verge of a new era in medicine. Abolishing the pharmaceutical industry is a prerequisite for transforming healthcare and making access to it a human right. The sooner we can reach this worthy goal, the better it will be for all of humankind.


Paul Anthony Taylor is Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings.


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Government Pushs a “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets at Will & Enslave Humanity

Government Pushs a “Digital Dollar” So It Can Seize Assets at Will & Enslave Humanity

by Mac Slavo, SHTFplan
September 24, 2022


The digital dollar is the endgame. No matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, this will be the permanent and inescapable enslavement the ruling classes of the globe desperately need in order to remain in power.

You will own nothing, while a handful of people will own everything. You will exist if they allow it, be stolen from if they don’t like what you said, and be ruled over in a dystopia that makes our current situation pale in comparison.

Collapse Incoming? Pope Francis Orders Holy See to Transfer ALL Assets to Vatican Bank

A “white paper” published on the White House website calls for the creation of a “digital dollar” that, of course, will be controlled by the ruling class.  Much like the Federal Reserve currently has the sole role and responsibility to develop and print fiat currency with which they already control the population to some extent. But the difference here is that if all money was digital, the government and central banks will be one and the same. They could (and would) monitor our bank accounts; monitor all of our transactions; impose barriers to purchases of certain “unfavored” items, and even block access to our money or limit how much of it we could spend.

They will take what they want, and cut off your ability to spend for as long as they want.

“A United States central bank digital currency (CBDC) would be a digital form of the U.S. dollar. While the U.S. has not yet decided whether it will pursue a CBDC, the U.S. has been closely examining the implications of, and options for, issuing a CBDC,” the White House policy paper notes before touting the digital dollar’s “benefits.”

Of course, they’ve decided to pursue this. We all should know by now that they will need to fully control humanity if they expect to remain in power. Hopefully, enough people will see through this and the agenda will fail. “At last year’s Summit for Democracy, President Biden spoke about the importance of using technology ‘to advance democracies to lift people up, not to hold them down.’ If the U.S. launches its own CBDC, it should advance this democratic vision,” the authors wrote.

In a democracy, you’re supposed to get to choose your master and who to serve. That doesn’t make anyone any less a slave.

We had better figure out how to untie against these sociopaths or we face a very bleak future.


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